' vjIwA!.'' UiV Class Book_l=, » I GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON: ORIGINALLY A SCRIPTURE LEXICON: AND NOW ADAPTED TO THE GREEK CLASSICS; A GREEK GRAMMAR PREFIXED. By GREVILLE EWING, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, GLASGOW. THIRD EDITION. / GLASGOW: lirinteli at tf)e ©nibetiiitg ψχζββ, FOR JAMES DUNCAN, LONDON; M. OGLE, GLASGOW ; BELL & BRADFUTE, AND WAUGH & INNES, EDINBURGH. 1827. A. DUNCAN, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY. PREFACE το THE SECOND EDITION. A KNOWLEDGE of the original languages of Scripture, is unquestionably a matter of considerable importance, for understanding what those sacred oracles were intended to convey. By faithful translations all those truths may be communicated, which make men wise to salvation ; yet much is stiU to be found in the original, which cannot be transfused into any translation. Excellent as our common version certainly is, and meriting, in a high degree, the praise of fidelity, perspicuity, and force ; those, who are sufl&ciently versed in the learned languages, know with what advantage they can often recur to the original, for a clearer discernment of the intention and scope, the dignity and energy, of the oracles of God. It is an object, therefore, well deserving the attention of all Christians, who have leism-e and opportunity for the task, to acquire some knowledge of the original languages of the Holy Scriptm-es : — such a knowledge, at least, as may enable them to appreciate the merits, and, if necessary, supply the deficiencies, or correct the errors, of the common translation. Those who devote themselves to the work of the ministry, should seek, not a competent only, but an accurate and critical knowledge of those interesting languages. He, surely, who wishes fully to comprehend, and much more he who under- takes to explain to others, the revelation of God, ought thoroughly to understand, without the medium of an interpreter, the terms in wliich that revelation is convieyed. It is much to be regretted that the attainment of an object so important as an acquaintance with the original languages of Scripture, has been gi-eatly obstructed by unnecessary difficulties. One obstacle, in particular, which long stood as an insuperable barrier to many, >vas, that the elementary books for the acquisition of Gicek and Hebrew, were almost all written in the IV PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Latin language. Many have little inclination for a preliminary study of Latin, who would willingly bestow some pains to enable themselves to read the Holy Scriptures in the original. No good reason can be assigned, why the means of gratifying such a disposition should not be aflForded. There is nothing in Latin which fits it exclusively, or peculiarly, to serve as a guide to the Hebrew or Greek. It was originally employed for this purpose, not on account of any intrinsic qualities which recommended it, but because it hap- pened to have been long employed as the universal language of literature. Hebrew and Greek may be taught and studied with equal, if not greater perspicuity and ease, in English. Even to the Latin scholar, it is a great facility, in entering on the study of a new language, to proceed directly from his native tongue. Accordingly it has become the general practice of teachers, to give most of their instructions in English, although the school-books which they still employ may be written in Latin ; and most modern Grammars, in all the dead languages, are either composed in English, or published with an English translation. The first edition of this work was undertaken for the use of the mere English student, whether he should have the advantage of a teacher, or attempt the acquisition of Greek by his own exertions. All that was proposed, was an elementary introduction to the language of the New Testament, by the formation of an easy Grammar, and compendious Lexicon, referring imme- diately from the Greek to the English, without the intervention of any other language. Although the Grammar was far too concise, at the beginning especially, and the Lexicon was little more than a vocabulary, the attempt was received with much indulgence, and was even attended with considerable success. The edition was quickly sold. Several teachers condescended to use it ; and some studious persons are known, by its assistance alone, to have made themselves acquainted with the Greek New Testament. In this second edition, the Author has extended the plan, and endeavoured to improve the execution of liis work. He has adapted it to the reading of the Greek Scriptm-es, in the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, and in the original of the New Testament. In the Grammar, former defects are supplied, and three new Sections are added. The whole of the Lexicon has been composed anew. An immense number of words, which occur only in the Old Testament and Apocrypha, have been added. The words of the Apocrypha have been admitted, because the Apocryphal writers were con- temporary with the Septuagint translators, and wrote in a similar style. Important words are illustrated at considerable length ; and the illustrations PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. V are frequently supported by quotations from Scripture, from the Greek Fathers, and from the Classics. Illustrations of this nature would, perhaps, have been introduced more frequently, had it not been found by experience, that when a Lexicon contains, under every word, a critical dissertation, the attention of the student who consults it is apt to be diverted from the connec- tion of the text of his author, by an endless succession of detached annotations in his subsidiary book of occasional reference. The Author has availed himself of the aid of the best Grammars and Lexicons for the Greek language. The Port-Royal and Eton Grammars, those of Moor, Parkhurst, Valpy, and Jones, have been frequently consulted and followed. Besides the general Lexicons of Scapula, Hedericus, and Schrevelius, those for the Scriptures, of Mintert, Stockius, Leigh, and Sympson, and especially of Parkhurst, Schleusner, and Biel, with the Con- cordances of Trommius and Schmidius, have been constantly examined. Various writers on biblical criticism have also been consulted. In the quota- tions from the Fathers, the Author would not be understood as having always adopted their sentiments, but thinks it was right to show how certain words were understood by those whose native language was Greek. Besides the aid of books, the Author has received very valuable assistance from some literary Christian friends, whose names, were he permitted to mention them, would do honour to his undertaking. As it is probable that some who have recourse to this Work, may not have the benefit of assistance from a teacher, both Grammar and Lexicon have been framed with a view to supersede, in some measure, the necessity of oral instruction, and enable the student to proceed by his own efibrts alone. To those who shall make this attempt, the following hints may, perhaps, be of use. 1. In studying Greek, as well as any other foreign language, the forms, powers, and distinctions of the letters must first be attended to. The form of several of the Greek letters differs little from the English, in others the difference is considerable. A moderate degree of attention, however, will soon render the whole so familiar, as to occasion no difficulty in reading and pronouncing the words. A little practice in this exercise, before going further, may not be improper. The distinctions of the letters, asph-ates, and accents, are necessary to be known, as they are frequently recurred to ; and for this purpose should be carefully and repeatedly gone over. To write the Greek characters frequently over, tiQ the learner can write them with facility and elegance, is the best way of fixing them effectually in his mind. 2. In regard to the declinable parts of speech^ viz. Nouns, Adjectives, Pro • VI PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. nouns, and Verbs, it must be observed, that the structure of the Greek language differs materially from that of the English. In English, almost all the relations and modifications to which these are subject, are denoted by separate words placed before or after the radical word, which remains unchanged : in Greek, these relations and modifications are, in very many cases, expressed without any additional words, by some change upon the radical word itself. In English we say, of, to, for, with, a man ; can, may, shall, will, strike : in Greek we express all these by certain alterations on the words signifying man and STRIKE. It is this structure of the language, which renders the flections of the declinable parts of speech, so essential a part of Greek Grammar. All of them must be accurately knovra, and it is absolutely necessary that the examples given in the Grammar should be fixed in the memory, so that all the different changes may be readily recognised when they occur, and their correspondent meanings in English at once suggested. To fix them in the memory, it will be found useful to run over every day, at least in thought, the whole of what has been previously learned, from the beginning of the Gram- mar, before proceeding to any new step. This practice imprints the lessons strongly on the mind, and little or no time need be wasted in the exercise : walking, sitting, or dressing, it may be performed vritli equal facility. 3. Λyhen the flections of all the declinable parts of speech are thoroughly known, the student may, if he chooses, begin to attempt to translate some of the easier passages in the Gospels. The simplicity of the Gospel according to John, has made it be generally preferred for this purpose ; and an analysis of part of the first chapter is added to the Grammar, as an example of the manner in which the learner should proceed. After going tlu'ough it, he will probably find no great difiiculty in passing on to the subsequent parts of the book. At first, one or two verses may be sufiicient at a time, as every word should be carefully marked, in regard both to its flection and sense; by degrees, larger passages may be gone over, as the words and idioms become more familiar. 4. While the student is thus beginning to translate, he should, in the mean time, never lose sight, for a single day, of the Grammar, The rales and examples respecting the formation of the tenses of the verb, and the deviations introduced by custom, must be carefully perused, and fixed in the memory. Without this, he would find his progress stopped in every verse, by the impossibility of discovering under what head to tm-n up the Lexicon, for the explanation of any word he had not previously met with. 5. The indeclinahle parts of speech λυΙΙΙ occasion little difficulty. Being PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. VII susceptible of no change, the student lias only to recur to the Lexicon for their meaning. It may, however, be useful to commit to memory, at least the Prepositions and Conjunctions. This will save a frequent and tiresome turning over of the Lexicon, for words which almost in every sentence may be expected to occur. < 6. Though the student may by these means go a little way in reading and translating, he will find himself unable to proceed far with satisfaction, unless he be also master of the second part of the Grammar, which particularly unfolds the Syntax^ or construction of words in sentences. It will not be difficult to commit to memory both the rules and examples here given ; but should this be found too hard, a frequent recm-rence to them, in the course of reading and translating, will soon fix in the mind whatever is most essential. 7. The meaning and use of the Prepositions has been more copiously treated than any other branch of Greek Syntax, because often much of the sense, as well as force of a sentence, depends on this part of speech. The right understanding of the prepositions is highly useful ; but until the student lias made some progress in the language, it will be unnecessary for him to attend. with much minuteness to this part of the Grammar. To the more advanced student the particular detail here given may probably be acceptable. 8. It is only necessary to add, in regard to reading and translating, that the student should at no time satisfy himself with guessing at, or supposing the meaning of any word, but in every case, where the word is not fully and certainly known, have immediate recourse to the Lexicon. This may seem troublesome at first, but it is the only method of attaining an accurate know- ledge of the language, and will ultimately prove a saving both of time and trouble, by fixing in the memory the sense of all the words which may be expected most commonly to occur. Proceeding in this manner, there is little reason to doubt, that by proper attention, a competent knowledge of the fundamental parts of the language of the New Testament, may be acquired in the course of a few months, without impeding either business which must be attended to, or studies which may be more important. When this is once attained, the chief difficulty is subdued, subsequent progress will be easy, and eveiy step smoothed by the satisfaction of examining with increased facility, the oracles of God, in the language in wliich they were delivered to men. PREFACE το THE THIRD EDITION. On the publication of the last Edition of this Grammar and Lexicon, the Author got a copy bound, with blank paper interleaved, that he might insert at proper places such remarks as should occur to liim, in the course of his reading, for the improvement of the Work, in the event of a future edition. Besides being thus led to make a number of detached observations, which appear -in the following pages, he became more than ever before convinced, that without a general knowledge of Greek and Greek writers, no one can duly appreciate the characteristic phraseology of the Scriptural style. Instead, therefore, of multiplying authorities for the meanings assigned to single words, he wished to excite an increased inclination for classical reading. With this view, he encountered the laborious task of enlarging the volume to its present extent ; and has now to acknowledge the kindness of Divine Providence in permitting him to accomplish it. The illustration of the holy Scriptures is still his principal object ; but students of every description will, he hopes, find the Book, in some degree, suited to their respective pursuits, in the perusal, not of the holy Scriptures alone, but also of several other of the most valuable Grecian authors of antiquity. He has long been desirous of aiding studious fellow Christians, in their researches into the original records of the Word of God : he has, of late years, been particularly awakened to the importance of guarding them against the errors likely to be PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. ix generated by a snperficial and partial acquaintance with miscellaneous specimens of Biblical criticism. To adapt the Grammar to general use, a Section has been added on «Quantity and Prosody;" the Section on the "Dialects" has been much enlarged ; and many Notes have been subjoined to the usual examples of inflection, exhibiting the dialectical varieties, for the benefit of the more advanced student. Many thousands of words have been added to the Lexicon ; the alphabetical arrangement, as most convenient to the learner, has been strictly preserved ; and the usual accent marks have been retained, except when superseded by the marks of quantity, which have been careftdly inserted. The reader will find an account of some other improvements on the Lexicon in page 161. The Author is not aware of having admitted any thing into his Work, which he was not led to approve, after examination for himself. It was his ambition, however, to produce a useful, rather than an original, publication. He has availed himself, therefore, of all the aid he could meet with, in the best editions of the Classics, and in the most distinguished Grammars and Lexicons, from the* completed and improved editions of Moore, to Blomfield's Matthise, and from Stephens's Thesaurus by Valpy, to the Lexicons of Jones and Donnegan. He would have been happy to have acknowledged, in every instance, his obligations to each author respectively ; but he soon found that in the compilation of a concise Lexicon, this is impossible. On one point, the very essential point of typographical accuracy, he can speak with the greater freedom, that the praise belongs to the Printer, rather than to himself. He trusts it will be found, that correctness has been attained, in no common degree, both as to the letters, and to the marks for long and short syllables. He did what justice he could to the compositors, by furnishing legible manuscript ; and the very able and learned Corrector has been all along so vigilant in his laborious fimction, as to leave him much less to do in revising these closely printed sheets, in which there is so much Greek character, than he has often had, with the English language alone, and when publishing on a large type ; nor has he discovered a single case, since tlie sheets were thrown off, in which any of his corrections had been neglected b χ PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. or misunderstood. He confesses for himself, that, after sitting too long, whether in writing or correcting so much unconnected and multifarious matter, he sometimes hecame so confused as to fall into mistakes, which afterwards seemed to himself unaccountable. He trusts, however, that few, or none, have finally escaped correction, except those marked below, which he begs the Reader will have the goodness to correct with his pen as follows : *A^>jg/i, -ΐτος, and ά^νίξίτος, -ov, 6, v}, (from a and δ^^/?) not to be contended with ; not to be disputed. Next to ^ Αταΐζίΰί, insert Ά'τε/^οκαλ/ύί, -fit?, Ϊ?, (from οίττείξος and κοίλος) the conduct of one unacquainted with the rules of decorous behaviour, rudeness. 'Έκτξχχϊΐλίζω, (same and τςχχιηΤίίζω) I throw over my nech, said of a horse throwing his rider ; ΙκτξχχνιΤ^ίξο/^οιι, I have my neck broken. CONTENTS OF THE GRAMMAR. PART FIRST. PARTS OF SPEECH. Page Section I. Of the Alphabet, 1 II. Of Words, 4 III. Of Nouns, 5 IV. Of the Article, 24 V. Of Pronouns, ib. VI. Of the Verb, 27 VII. Of the Participle, 74 VIII. Of the Adverb, 75 IX. Of the Conjunction, 77 X. Of the Prepositions, 78 PART SECOND. SYNTAX. Section I. Of the Noun, 81 II. Of the Article, , 84 III. Of the Pronoun, 87 IV. Of the Verb, 89 V. Of the Participle, 95 VI. Of the Adverb, 96 VII. Of the Conjunction, 98 VIII. Of the Prepositions, ib. IX. Of Quantity and Prosody, 115 X. Of the Accents, 125 XI. Of the Dialects, .... ... 128 XII. Of the style of the Septuagint and New Testament, . 139 A Grammatical Praxis, 151 GREEK GRAMMAR. PART FIRST. PARTS OF SPEECH. SECTION 1. OF THE ALPHABET. The Alphabet is substantially the same in all known languages. The first letters were pictures of visible objects; their forms may still be considered as contractions of the original rude representations. Their names were originally the names of the objects which they represented ; and their sounds were the initial sounds of those names. The letters are, in Greek, twenty-four, of which the following table shows the Figures^ A^flwe^, and Sounds. A, u. αλφδί. alpha. a. B, β, ξ. /Sjjra. beta. b. Γ, r, y. yaf^f^a. gamma..' g, hard. Δ, δ, Ψ- ^'\ psi. ps. Ω, ω. ω f/.iyu. omega. A o, long. Δ A GREEK GRAMMAR. The Greek alphabet is said to have consisted anciently of the following sixteen let- ters, which alone are sufficient to express all the sounds of the Greek language ; A, B, Γ, Δ, E, I, K, Λ, M, N, O, Π, P, 2, T, T. The other eight, which may be all considered as double letters, are said to have been introduced afterwards ; Z, H, Θ, H, Φ, X, Ύ, n. In the course of speaking, letters are gradually attenuated by aspirating the conso- nants, or by changing the hard consonants into corresponding soft ones. Anciently, when consonants were aspii'ated, the aspiration and the consonant were both pro- nounced separately ; the letter Η was then used in Greek as a mark of aspiration, as it still is in Latin, in English, and in many other languages. The Greeks wrote TH, ΠΗ, KH; but when the sounds expressed by these letters began to coalesce, they adopted the double letters Θ, Φ, X. In like manner Δ2 became Z; K2, or Γ2, or X2, became H; and B2, or Π2, became Ύ. The reduplication of e and ο was also expressed by Yi and uj, as BijAo? for '^isXog. These changes may have been gradually made, as asserted by some ancient authors, and perhaps as described above; yet the Phoenician alphabet, which was introduced into Greece, consisted of no less than twenty-two letters, even from the days of Moses, who used no other alphabet. The vowel letters, now used, are seven, viz. two short, ε, o; two long, ιη, ω; three doubtful, that is, sometimes short, sometimes long, a, i, υ. From these vowels are formed twelve diphthongs. If both vowels perfectly coa- lesce, and each be equally heard, the diphthong is called proper : if they do not per- fectly coalesce, or one of them be sunk in the sound of the other, the diphthong is called improper. There are άκ. proper diphthongs, formed from the two short vowels, or α when short, with / or υ subjoined j thus. from < ^^' from < °^' from short a, \ I £i^» Ιου, , I Oil, There are five improper diphthongs, formed from the long vowels, or λ when long, with ; or υ subjoined. In three of these the sound of / is sunk; it is, therefore, written not in the line, but under it, and is called ιώτα, subscribed ; thus, u, γι, ω. The other two are ηυ, ων. To these is commonly added vi, though by some it is held to be a proper diphthong. When a diphthong is dissolved, or two concurring vowels are intended to be read separately, the mode of reading is called a diceresis, and is expressed by two dots placed over the latter vowel ; thus, οίϋ'ττνος, τύχει. The consonants, now used, are seventeen. They are distributed into Liquid^ Mute, and Double, with solitary σϊγμ,α. The liquid consonants are four, 7^, μ, u, ξ. Though sometimes changed for one another, they are never superseded by any other letters, and are therefore called imvmtables. The mute consonants are nine, but contain only three primary sounds, each pronounced in three ways, called the smooth, the middle, and the rough. The primary sounds are distributed, according to the organs used in pronouncing them, into labials^ 9Γ, β, φ, because pronounced with the lips; jxdatines, κ, γ, ;^, because pronounced with, the palate ; and dentals, τ, δ, ύ, because pronounced with the teeth. The letters con- tained under each of these denominations are closely related to one another, and fre- quently substituted for one another : that is, one labial for another labial, as -r for β, * Aristophanes has handed down to us the pronunciation of the Greek diphthong «υ, «υ, by making it expressive of the barking of a dog. A GREEK GRAMMAR. ό or φ ; one palatine for another palatine, as κ for y, ov χ; or one dental for another dental as τ for δ, or ύ. The following arrangement of the mute consonants, will, when read perpendicularly, show the three primary sounds ; when read horizontally, the three ways in which they are pronounced : Labials, Palatines, Dentals. Smooth, TT K, r. Middle, β, y, δ. Rough, 1•^ ~ w τ? ωιτΐά avrui ncf. κα (ΖΤζ^ Ίΐξω TO, r, 5 του yt γα έ, ^, m %αί ^ ItT '^,? "■ξ ^ γαι ^ κατά e^ ξα τε/ ΤζΙ ^ 7Η n9 κο 6Α i' •^ ττ ■* >r 77 . yib. λλ €β ξΟ ruju τϋν * ryz\f tm μαί <η tfs TlS r^ yUa ynv f^Jp μαξ a- ΰύ ^',r rSi/ ^' ymrai ^ μζθ ^ ΰύαι ci υ :^ 71 [^ ^ μλν ^θώχ/ ΰύψ t/ υ/ h\ 09 μίνος 07C 6% •v^ υιζζζ^ Λ δι l^ μζτά αχΓ ϋ^ -v^ υν ^ δ/α ^ μψ CSS- ΰΰ •USTZ» υ-ττο ψ k 4*' 4 μων f .όγω, two words ; but this number is not much used in the profane writers, and never in the Septuagint, or New Testament. A Case is a termination, denoting certain relations which the word adopting that termination bears to other words, as of, to, &c. The Cases are five in each number. Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, and Vocative. Things are frequently spoken of, literally or figuratively, with relation to the distinc- tion of Sex or Gender, as being Male, or Female, or Neither the one nor the other. Hence, the above mentioned declinable parts of speech are reckoned to be of the Masculine, or Feminine, or Neuter, that is Neither, Gender. A GREEK GRAMMAR. SECTION III. OF NOUNS. Nouns, or Names, are of two kinds. Substantive and Adjective^ the first denoting a substance or thing, the second adjectitious or added to the first, denoting the quality of the thing. Thus in the phrase liuh^ov yAyot,, a great tree, Muh^ov, tree, is the substan- tive, and f^iyct, great, is the adjective noun. The variations of which substantive nouns are capable, in case and number, are called their declensions, and these variations are made in three ways. In each of these, the following Rules will be found to hold : 1. A singular Nominative always ends in a long vowel, in a doubtfiil taken for a long, or in v, ξ, ς. 2. The singular Vocative is generally, the plm*al Vocative always, like the Nomina- tive. 3. The Accusative and Vocative of neuter nouns are always like the Nominative ; and, in the plural, these cases end always in x. 4. The Dative singular always ends in ; ; either written in the line, or subscribed. 5. The Genitive plural is always in ων : the Accusative plural of masculine and fe- minine nouns in ς. 6. In the dual number, the Nominative, Accusative, and Vocative are always alike ; also the Genitive and Dative. FIRST DECLENSION. Nouns of the fii'st declension have four terminations; two feminine, x, n; two mas- cuUne, ug, ης. Example of Nouns ending in >j ; ημ'η, honour. Singular. Nom. ημ,-τι, honour. Gen.- rif^-Y^g, of honour. Dat. Tifc-yi, to honour. Accus. Tif^-viv, honour. Voc. Ti^-Vj, Ο honour. Dual. Nom. τιμ-ά.. two honours. Gen. Τί^-Οίϊν, . of two honours. Dat. τιμ, -ctiv, to two honours. Accus. τιμ,-ά, two honours. Voc. τιμ,.ά, Ο two honours. Plural. Nom. Τί[Λ-»\, honours. Gen. η μ.- ων, of honours. Dat. τ ι μ,- Oil ς, to honours. Accus. τιμ,-ά,ς. honours. Voc. τ ί [Λ- Oil, Ο honom-s. Nouns ending in cc are declined like those in yi, only they have otu in the accusative ; but cc after a vowel. [which is commonly calldd α jjure,) and after ξ, have likewise ug and α in the genitive and dative ;* thus. Singular . Dual. Plural Nom. Ιόξ -et, gl ory. δοΙ-α, Ιό^-α,ί, • Gen. ΙόΙ-ης, δο|-α/ν δο|-ώ<ν, Dat. δο'Ι-?,, δο'Ι-α/ί/ δθ|-<56/?, Accus. δόέ-α;/, ^όξ -oc, δο'Ι-α?, Voc. • lo'i-u, δο'Ι-^, δοξ-α;. * Likewise a few words endinji in i«, β«, and ί ; as, Λιί?», Λ,ίδαί, Ltda ; and a very few in Ku, and |iw»; as, Φιλομίιλ», 'hXcf,yi>^ot.(, Philomela. A GREEK GRAMMAR. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. A^oc. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. Singular. Dual. φι'Κ /- u, friendship, ψίλ ι- χ, φίΤ^ί-οίς, φιλί -uCiu, φιΤ^ί-Μ, φιΤ^Ί-α,ιν, φίλΙ-χ:/, φίλΐ-ΰί, φίλί-οί, φιΆι-χ, Singular. 9]μέξ-Χ, α ψ^ύς-χς, νιμ,ίξ-χ, ''^μίξ-χι^, Dual. ij/iCSQ-X, νίμ,ίξ-χίν, Vjf<,e^-xiu, τίμύξ-χ, ν}[Λξξ-Χ, Plural. φίΆι-Χί, φίλ{-ωι/, φιΚί-χις, φ{λί-χς, φιΆί-χι. Plural. Τίμ,ίξ-χι, ^ή^ίζ-χις, VlfAiq-Xg, νί(Λίξ-ΧΙ. The masculine terminations χς and Ύΐς, have ου in the genitive, and lose ς in the vo- cative;* as, Nom, Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. 'Έί^ύΐ^-ης, Herod. 'Ή.ζάϊ^-ου, ' Ayh^i-xg, Andreiu. ΤΙυύχγόξ-χς, Pythagort ' Auh^i-ov, Τίνύχγόξ-ον, Αν^ξί-χ, ΤΙνύχγόξ-χ, Au^ξί-xu, ΐΐυύχγόξ-χν, ΑυΙξί-χ. Τίυθχγόζ-χ. The termination ττις has χ in the vocative :f στης has Singular. Dual. μ^χύνιΥ-^ής, a disciple. [Λχθτιτά,, Nora. Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. μχύτιτ-ον, fixdyiT-vj, μχύϊΐτ-ν]ΐ>, μ,χθητ-χ, Singular. λ5?στ-'/55•, a robber. Τ^γίστ-γι, Τ^.γίστ-'ήν, AjjffT-jj, or AijffT-cs, μχύγιτ-χϊν, μχύνιτ-χΐν, μχθ-/ιτ-χ, {ΛχύηΤ'Χ, Dual. 7^νΐστ-χ, 7\.νιστ-χ1ν, T^VjOT-xlu, 7\.ν)στ-χ, "λΊ/^στ-χ, ^ Yj or χ; as, Plural. μχθγιτ-χί, μχύητ-ύίυ, (Λχύητ-χϊς, /ί<,χύϊ]τ-χς, Ι^,χύνιτ-χί. Plural. "Κνίστ-χί, 7\.νιστ-ων, 7^νιστ-χ1ς, Τ^γιστ-χς, λί^στ-Χί.^ * Some nouns in «? have the genitive in ov,or «; as, ^ΆΤξαλοίαί, cv, or «, a parricide ; and some have a, only ; as, Θωρι,χ,ί, @ωμα,, Thomas. t Also the names of coantries and nations, as, Ιίίξσν,ς, voc. ΤΙίξσιχ,, a Persian ; poetic words end- ing in Ttrii, as, x,vvoj7rvii, impudent^ voc. ^^υνώτα, ; compounds derived from the verbs μίτξίω, πωλίω, and •ΐξίβα), as, γίύομ,ίτξ'/ΐί, a geometrician, βιβΆΐΜίτώΚτις, a bookseller, ■ζΜίοτξΐβ'ήξ, a schoolmaster. :!j^ Examples of various dialects of the First Declension. — Without affirming that each vs^ill be ac- tually found in the Greek authors, or that the distinctions are strictly observed in everj^ instance, (the same peculiarities sometimes occurring in two, sometimes in three dialects,) we subjoin the fol- lowing examples, as useful to the advanced Student. A. denotes^ ^ii«c, I. Ionic, O.Doric, M. JEolic Nora. τιμίι, D. ώ. ΤΙνθαγόξ-Μί, I. '/ji. η, the moon. σοφιστής, a sophist. 'τΐίΚίίο,, a dove. Aluiioig, JEneas. γέφνξχ, a bridge. λνσσα, madness, κ,ιθα,ζίστ'/ις, a harper. Τίζίοίμ,ίΙης, Priamides. μίτ^ισσοί, a bee. ^εσττότγις, a Lord. Έϋα,γόξοίς, Euagoras. TL7i^.i'ihvig, Pelides. Κοίλλία,ς, Callias. οξγ'/ι, anger. άκ,οι/ηστ^ς, an archer. ^viTJ^ot, a tempest. &υίστ•/ις, Thyestes. νϋμ,φΎΐ, a nymph. Χαβξίας, Chab7ias. γίνωσσοί, a tongue, α,γοζά, the forum. Τ£χνίτ'/ις, an artificer. yi^ouTi, pleasure, γωνίοί, an angle. βία, violence, οίϋξΰί, a breeze. be declined by the learner : τζοίυμ,οι,τ'κχ,ς, a ivounded man. Ιλδί/ίί, the olive. 'ττξοφτιτγίς, a prophet. rx'Koiiuoi, a miserable woman. φρονγιΐ^ΰί'τίίχ,ς, a high minded person. •ποίτζοίΚοίοίς, a panncide. γίωμάτξγις, a geometrician. Kv^tx,, Leda. ακ,αυύοί, a thorn. Τίίξσης, a Persian. Θωμ&ς, Thomas. Ιστία,, a hearth. τοζότγις, an archer. svlicc, fair weather. σοφία,, luisdom. ^ίκΎΐ, justice. βονλνι, counsel. μάχ,αίξΰί, a sivord. SECOND DECLENSION. The second declension has two terminations, Qg masculine or feminine, and ov neuter, as λόγος, (masculine,) a word, όΙός, (feminine,) a way, ξύλον, (neuter,) wood. Example of Nouns in ος. Singul' IX. Dual. Plural. Nom. λόγ-ος, a word. λόγ-ύ), Tioy-oi, Gen. ΆΟγ-ον, "hoy-oiv, Άόγ-ωι/, Dat. λόγ-ω, Άόγ-οίΐ/, Άόγ-οίς, Accus. "hoy-ou, 7\.όγ-ω, λόγ-ονς, Voc. ■Κόγ-ί, Example 7\.6γ-ύ), of Nouns in ou. λογ-Οί. Singul ar. Dual. Plural. Nom. ζ,ύλ -ou, luood. ^νΤν^ω, ζνΆ-οί, Gen. ξύλ-ον, ζύλ -oiu. Ι^λ-ίϋν, Dat. ζ,ύλ-ω. ζνλ -OiU, ζύλ-οίς, Accus. ^ϋλ-ου. ^νΆ-ω, ξύλ-οί, Voc. yj'h-ov. ξνλ-ω, ξόλ-οο.^ * Various Dialects of the Second Declension. — The Athenians, forming the second declension in a manner peculiar to themselves, change o, «υ, «, in the cases in which they occur into ω, and sub- scribe the ; of the nominative and dative plural. Thus changed the terminations are as follows : MASCULINE. KEUTER. Sing. Dual. Plur. Sing. Dual. Plur. Nom. «i, ω. ω. Nom. wv, ω. ω. Gen. ω. mi ων. Gen. ω, ων, ων. Dat. ω. ων. ως, Dat. ί••»» ων. ως. Accus. ων. ω. οις. Accus. ων. ω, ω, Voc. ως. ». ω. \oc. ων. ω. ω. When β of the nominative is changed into ω, the preceding a, if long, is also changed into s ; but, if short, it remains unchanged ; thus, νοΜζ, a temple, } become in the f νίώζ, λχος, a people, > Attic form, \ λεώ?, ιώί, ■) . . f κκλοί, a cable, \ become Γ %άλύ)ί, εώ?, J '^ t ταοί, α peacock, } simply | τ«ώ?. Nom. λ-«θί, A. -ίω Gen. -Kou, A. -εώ, I. and D. •οιο7ο. SINGULAR. Dat. 'Κω, A. -ίίλ Acc. -ctov, A. -ίων, and ίω. Voc. -Mi, A. -KOi and -iui. A GREEK GRAMMAR. Examples of the second declension to be declined. ayqpg, afield, μ,ίτζον, a measure. βίος, life, φνλον, a tribe. φύτ^Κον, a leaf, ousi^og, a dream. φόνος, slaughter. δέζ/δ^ον, a tree. α,ΐΛ'τΐίΚος, a vine. ρό^ον, a rose, κίντξοι/, a sting. φόβος, fear. THIRD DECLENSION. ^ρύζωττος, a man. TToiQdsuog, a mrgin. ΌΆν^ΐΐΤζον, a sceptre. στίφοιι/ος, a crown. οίνεμος, the wind. τόζον, a bow. The third declension has all kinds of terminations except yj, and all genders, and it adds a syllable to the nominative, in forming the other cases. Example of masculine and feminine Nouns. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. 'Σωτ'^ξ, a Saviour. 2ωτνίξ-Λς, Voc. Ίωτνίξ, SiJr^g-g, Ί,ωττίξ-ζς. Example of neuter Nouns. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. βτίμ,οί, a tribunal. /3^^0ί-Τ£, βνΐΙΛΜ-ΤΟί, Gen. βνιμ,οί-τος. βγΐμά-τοίν, βγΐ/ίΛ,χ-των, Dat. βνί(Λ(Χ,-ΤΙ, βγΐμ.ά.-τοίν. βνιμ,Λ-σι, Accus. βνιμ,Λ, βτι/ϋοί-τε. βνιμ>οί-ΤΛ, Voc. βημΌο, /3ί?^ι56-Τ£, βνΐ(Λθί-τοί. RULES FOR FORMING THE GENITIVE. For forming the Genitive, in nouns of this declension, there are three general Rules. I. If the nominative end not in ς, the termination of the genitive is -ος, or -τος ; as, Ύιτάν, Ύιτΰ,ν-ος, Titan. aiVYiTTif σιυ'ή'τη-ος, mustard. f^iT^if μίλί-τος, honey. II. If the nominative ends in f, without being preceded by o, throwing away ?, the ter- mination of the genitive is -ος, or -το$•, -δο?, -^ος', as, ΎΙΟ^ως, ^ξω-ος, a hero. ί'χ^υς, ΐχύυ-ος, "λαΐτ^χ-ψ, ΆοιιΆΰΐ'ΤΤ-ος, λ£/3)75", Άίβγι-τος, οίναζ, α,υοίκ-τος, 'ΚΛμ'Τΐοϊ,ς, Τ^Λμ,Ίΐά,-^ος, οξνις, οξνί-ύος, α fish, α storm, α kettle, α sovereign, α lamp, α bird. Nom. λ-«β/, Α. -wJ. Gen. 'Κων, Α. -ίων. PLURAI,. Dat. -«β7ί, Αι -eSii. Ι. -ΛοΊοΊ' Acc. -ecoui, Α. -(ώί. D. -οΛίί, and -χσ;. Voc. -«βί, Α. (Μ$ βξόχθ, full. ω φίλΐ, Α. ω φίλοί, Ο friend: ίξγΰΐζ, 1. εξγοιιτι, to works : ο-χύμνου?, acc. Α. and D. trxCumi, cubs: όχ^ου, I. and D, βξόχθβιβ, of a throat : x»yh, acc. A. A«ya, a hare : ίίΑκλιος, ΐμτλίβν, Α. ψ-^λνας, ϊμηλίων, '/ι. A GREEK GRAMMAR. ^ In many nouns, under both these rules, the syllable preceding the termination to be added is shortened. This is done in three ways. 1. A diphthong throws away the latter vowel. 2. A long vowel is changed into its corresponding short one. 3. The doubtful vowels, t and v, are changed into i. βοίσίλίύς, βους, 7ξΛυς, νχνς, βΰί,σιΚί-ος, βο•ος, νξόί-ος, uct'Og, 2. α king, α bull or cow. an old woman, a ship. TTOtfA-ilV, . 7roi,uiu-og, a shepherd. Ατιτώ, και,νωυ, αιΖως, τίτνφως, 'ΤΓοίτίξ-ος, Αιητό-ος, Kccuou-og, Ζξύκ,ον-τος, ΛΪΐό-ος, ητυφό-τος, 3. 'Tras-og, οίστξ-ος. afather. Latona. a rule. a dragon. modesty. he that hath struck ^ΰνΛμις, ττό'Κίς, 'ττωυ, όίστν, power, a city, a flock, a city. III. Substantives in -o?, having already the termination of the genitive, merely insert before o?, as the additional syllable, and are all of the neuter gender ; as, ruxogy μεςος, retx-s-og, μίξ-ε-ος, a wall, a part. There are also for forming the genitive, two special rules. 1. Of adjectives ending in -{g and -ovg, the genitive of the masculine gender, formed according to the general rules, is also the genitive of the neuter ; as, M. ^AoV^r^/?, mo^ar^aog, > ^^^. ^^^,^ ^^ JN. φίΚΟΤΤΆΤζΙ, φίΤ^ΟΤΓΟ,Τξί-ΟΟς, 3 Μ. liTovg, δ/τΓο-δοί, } . j- . ι N>/ ^/ ^ } two-footed. . QITTOVU, OlTTO-GOg, ) '' 2. Of adjectives not ending in -tg and ~ovg, the genitive of the neuter gender, formed according to the general rules, is also the genitive of the masculine ; as, Masc. Neut. Genitive of both genders. riQYiu, τεξεν, τίρεν-ος, tender. ά,ΜΗζ, άΤ^τήθες, a'Kriuk-og, true. /^iXocg, μέλαν, ^i^ocu-og, black, χοίξίεις, χοίζί^ν, χχζίεν-τος, graceful. All participles follow this rule ; and their genitives are always in -τος ; as, arocc, στά,ί/. στάν-το^. standinn. oTocg. τυττων στχ!/, τύττον, τυττονι/ arccu-Tog, TVTTou-Tog, TVTirovu-Tog, Β standing. struck. about to strike. 10 A GREEK GRAMMAR. In the same way is formed the genitive of some proper names, some appellative nouns, and nouns which were originally participles or adjectives ; as, A/fli?, Ajax, was once a participle,* having the neuter α,ϊ'ΰίν ; the genitive is therefore Αϊΰίν-τος ; SO, ΤΙακύΙά,μ.ΰίς, Τίολυ^ά^χυ-τος, PolydamuSy one who has done and borne much, yiyoig, yiyoiv-rog, a giant, earth-born.-\ So also KTilg, a comb, was once an adjective, having the neuter Tcrh ; therefore the genitive is x.riv-og', and 'Ei/xoeig, Simois, Έιμόειζ-τος. Every noun, adjective, or participle, which adds a syllable to the nominative in the other cases, must be restored to its original form in the nominative before we can see the addition to be made, and the reason of its inflection ; for it will commonly be found to have become contracted or abbreviated. Restore oiiuiy/iioiT, οί,ζ,ιωμ,οίτ, 'TroiYifAocT, irnriyo^u.i^^ci'T, βγιμ,οίτ, instead of cciviy^ci, α,^,ιωμ,α,, 'τϊοιυι^λλ, gTT/y^oi^^iSi, βνιμΌί, change f^iki into f^ihtr, K^iocg into κ,ζίο,τ, f^ihctg into (Ai^uivg, xoi^isig into χοίξαντς, sig into evg, Acc^TTicg• into ^ccf^Trahg, Asijy into 'kscuurg, arxg into σταντς, aioig into xixuTg, o^uig into oquiug, Tcovg into 'Tro^g, ocucc^ into a,voix,Tg, Tcxg into iravrg. In this way the inflection of all such words will become obvious. Nouns ending in -m^ in the nominative, and -n^og in the genitive, are commonly contracted in the oblique cases ; as, TfliTij^, "TruiTi^og, "ττοίΤζος, a father. 'ΤΤΟίτίξί, 'ΤΠΛΤξΙ, ττοίτΐξίς, 'TToir^sg, &c. fi'ilTyiQj -f^viri^og, [Λπτξος, &c. a mother. But 'τΓοίτίξΰί, μγιτίξχ, &c. without contraction, to distinguish them from ττύ,τξα, Likewise, aw^^, avi^og, dι/'hξ6g, a man ; where, besides the contraction, a δ is inserted, because the Greeks never, in the same word, pronounced ^ immediately after v. FOR FORMING THE ACCUSATIVE. The Accusative sometimes does not end in as, ; as, 1. A genitive in og pure, (that is, after a short or doubtful vowel,) from tg, vg, avgy and ovg, has ν instead of the ς of the nominative ; as. oφιg, βότξvg, vuvg, βονς, o(pi-og, βότξυ -og, vcA-og, βο -og, a serpent. a cluster of grapes a ship. a bull or cow. Iso T^ciccg, χάξίς, have V. ^Sixg, 'hna.og. λάοίν, a stone. χοίξ'ς, xa^iTog, XCC^IU, favour. But, * Promised by the augury of an eagle, see Find. 1st. 6. 78. t Perhaps all Greek words ending• in ?, which take ν in the genitive, ended originally in v?, pro- nounced as US in the French dans ; as μ,ίλκνί, μ,ίλα,νοί. The τ inserted in the genitive is euphonic ; as ffracvi, a-TocvTos ; ditzvhvi, ^ίίχνύντος. In Latin the η is retained, stans. This nasal sound of v, from whence it came to be omitted in such cases, while retained when sounded distinctly, suggests the principle also of such terminations as those of ^ίλφ)ς, or δελφίν, (from ^αφινς) a dolphin ; φόξκυί, or φόξχνν, (from φόξ^^ννς) a port. — In vocatives, Αί'αν, and A'/x, (from Α'/ανζ) Ο Ajax. — In datives plural, ^οιμζσ-/, to shepherds, (for τοιμίναι) from dative singular ίτοιμ-ίνι •, α•τοία•ι, (for (τ-ύντσί) from (τ-τώντ/.— And in verbs, -^Λά,γζω from κλάζω, Doric, κ.λ»σΙω, (for χλά,νίτίω) I clank ; χυλίν'^ω, χυλίσω, (for κυλίκτω) I roll; τίτύφόίσ•!, for ίτίτύφ»ντα•ι, they have struck. — N'eilson''s Note (18) on Maoris Grammar. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 11 Χχξίζ, a Grace^ has χάζίτα. Αϊς, Αίος, Jupiter, is also excepted, having Alx. 2. Nouns in -υς, tog, and compounds of ττους, afoot, have either cc or u; thus, ώκνς, ώκίχ, or ώκύί/, swift, ^ίττονς, ΙίττοΙοί, or Vittovv, two-footed. FOR FORMING THE VOCATIVE. The vocative is, for the most part, Uke the nominative ; but, I. IN SUBSTANTIVES. 1. A short vowel of the genitive, from a long one of the nominative, remains in the vocative; as, Nora. Gen. Voc. XU,T'/\Q^, -ττατίξ-ι Οζ, 'ΤΓΟίΠξ. "Ektc>)q, 'Έκτοξ- ■ος, "ΈΛΚΤΟζ. 2. ος pure not from νις, throws away ς of the nominative ; as, Nom. Gen. Voc. βΰίσίλίύς, βχσίλί-ος, βχσιλίν, α king. βονς, βο-ός, βον, α hull or cow. Οφις, οφι-ος, οφι. a serpent. βότξνς, βότξν-οζ, βότξν, a cluster of grapes. Also, •ra7j, -τταΐ^ος, 'τταΐ, a boy. ' Α/^χςνλλϊς, Άμ,οίξνλ'λ ί•Ιος, Άμοίςυλλϊ, Amaryllis. And, sometimes, Οί'^ί'ττονς, Ο/δΖ-ττοδοί :, O'ihi'TFov, (Edipus. II. IN ADJECTIVES. 1. A vocative masculine is like a nominative neuter.* N. Masc. N. Neut. V. Masc. ά-^^Φ/ις-, a'hn&ig, ά'λ'ηβίς, true. ίΚίνΐΙΛων, £Άίγι/ίύον, Ι'Κίπμ,ον, merciful, όίτΓονς, ^i'TTovu, ^ittovu, two-footed. ί^ίΤ^οίς, fii'hocu, (ΛίΚΛυ, black: χοίξίίΐς, Xoc^Uu, xcx,^Uv, graceful. 2. The same thing happens in many proper nouns, and in others, which were origi- nally participles or adjectives; as,f N. Αιοίζ, V. Ai'oiu, Ajax. N. 'Σι^Λοας, V. Έί^ΛΟίν, Simois. ^ FOR FORMING THE DATIVE PLURAL. The dative plural is formed from the dative singular, by inserting σ before /; as, D. Sing. D. Plur. Ρ'ήτοζ, ρτιτοξ-ι, ρ7]τοξ-σ-ί, an orator. "Αξο,-ψ, "Αξχβ-ί, "Αξοί-ψι, an Arab. The subjoined vowel of a diphthong in the nominative, which has been thrown away in the dative singular, is resumed in the dative plural ; as, βΰΐσίλίύς, βχσιλί-ί, βοίσι'Κζυ-σι, a king ; Participles arc excepted from this rule ; as, iiom. aud voc. to^ttuv, TUTTcDέ^/, βίί/δ^ί, αι/'^ξάσ/, α man; but yciaTYig, the belly ^ is an exception, having yctark^^i, yccarviqpi. -ovri of the singular is changed into -ουαι; thus, τΰτΐτωυ, τύ-τΓτ-οντι, τνπτ-ουσι, striking. T^scui/, λ£-ο;/τ;, "Κί-ουσι, a lion. OF THE GENDERS OF SUBSTANTIVES OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. As far as gender is determined by termination, it may be observed of the substan- tives of this declension, that 1. Those ending in ευς, ug, -etvrog, av, and vu, are always masculine; as, ivg, οχ,^υς, ογβος, a tie, or holder, ας, -(χ,ντος, ά,ν\ιά,ς, dul^iaurog, a statue of a man. otu, , ττοίΐά,ν, στα,ια,νος, a pcBon. vv, φόζκνν, φόζκυνος, a harbour. 2. ας -αίος, της -τητος, αυς, ω, and ις when derived from a verb, are always femi- nine; as, ας-α,^ος, Τ^α^πας, Τ^αμ^ττά^ος, a lamp. τ-ης-τ-ητος, κακότγις, κ,ακ,ότγιτος, viciousness. αυς, ναυς, ναός, ο, ship, ω, φεί^ώ, φειίόος, parsimony, ις, verbal, φύσις, φύσιος, nature. 3. α, ί, ν, ας-ατος, and ος, are always neuter ; as, a, βν^μ^α, β'ημ,ατος, a tribunal. Vt ττωυ. ας-ατος, Λξεας, ος, • τείχος, μελί, μέλιτος, honey. •πωεος, α flock, κξίατος, τείχεος, flesh, α wall.f * See note (f ), page 10. r u• j t Various Diakcts of the third Declension.— Ρτοτα the variety of terminations in nouns of this de- clension, it is impossible to exhibit them in one concise table; but the general principles are, that the nom. and voc. Attic are alike, but ω and ως make ω. The Attic genitive is in ioig, instead of ίβς and ios. The Ionic has y, penultimate, through the oblique cases, instead of ε and «t; and makes te-i or A GREEK GRAMMAR. 13 EXAMPLES OF THE THIRD DECLENSION TO BE DECLINED. TiT'oiu, ocuog, Titan. χ,Λυ-ωϋ, ouog, a rule. (Λίξ-ος, εος, apart. «i/-ct|, α,κτος, a sovereign. λα/λ-αψ, α,ττος, a storm, φίΐΐ-ω, όος, parsimony, ^ξάκ-ωι/, ορτος, a dragon, yiyocg, aurog, a giant, ττω-υ, iog, a flock. '2tf^o-ug, iUTog, Simois. fioTQ-vg, voc, a cliister. χύζ -ig, irog, favour. οφ -ig, log, a serpent. "Έκτ-ωξ, o^og. Hector. δ^-ίί-, vog, an oak. K'i-ccg, ocuTog, Ajax. iTT-og, sog, a word, vi-ivg, iog, a son. irctig, icoCihog, a hoy or girl, riy^-ig, iog, and ihog, a tiger. ν\-ωζ^, ατός, water. βα,σιΚ-ζνς, sog, a king. φξοίσ -ig, sog, diction. TJTT-ccQf ctTog, the liver. γυν-'ή, xiKog, a woman. oig, biTog, an ear. s^-tg, i^og, strife. K^i-ug, ccTog, flesh. κ,έξ-χς, ccTog, a horn. κ,ύωυ, y.vouog, contr. Kvuog, a dog. ^vyoifi-ig, sog, power. TTSiO-o), όος, persuasion. γ^ξ-οίς, oiTog, old age. usK-vg, υος, a corpse. οίστ-υ, εος, a city. 'ττξίί^-ις, (ος, actio?!. ^όξ-υ, υος, and χτος, a spear. σκύ)ξ, ατός, dirt. βους, βοος, a bull or cow. •π-α,τ-'ήξ, s^og, a father. ANOMALOUS NOUNS. Some nouns have different genders, in the singular, and in the plural. δεσμός, a bond, has δεσ^αοί and δεσ^κά. "^ίφξος, a chariot, has ίίφξχ. δεσμός, a decree, has Βίσμά. χ,ί'λενθος, fem. a way, has fern. yjKsvuoi, and neut. yjT^svux. νγξοί κίλίυθα, the watery paths, a phrase for the sea in Homer. κ,ύκΤ^ος, a circle, has κ.ύκ7^οι, and κ,ύχ,Τ^οί. "κϋγ,νος, a lamp, has 'Κνγ,^οί. σίτος, corn, has σΐτα. σταθμός, a station, has σταβμ,ά. Ύάξταξος, Tartarus, has τάξταξα. μνίξός, a thigh, has μτηζοί, and μπζά. TvuYi, a woman ; ^ός, a way ; τΐοΚις, a ci- ty ; and χίΐζ^, a hand, feminines, have in the nom. and ace. dual, τω γυναΐκε, τώ οδώ), τω irohis, and τώ %si^s. itfti, instead of λ, in the dat. plur. with the poets, which, in the following table, is marked by the letter P. Nom. Gen. /3Λ<Γ/λ•εί»ί, 1 fl.^oi. Ί Μ. -ί,ς. Y-iciAO.and /3«fl-ii. } \μ.^^,,\ if-i?. -ιΟί, Α. tu;. νοινς. •αος, I. γ,ό;. etli-us. -όοί, Μ. ως. Nom. Voc. ΓΑ. ίί. Gen. βχσιλ'ίΗ, < or ^f. 'ίων, Ι. ν,ων. ν-αεί, I. ν,ις. 'Uuv, Ι . γ,ω* τίίχ -ta. -ίων. SINGULAR. Dat. >--ε;, Ι. i-'i. -uv. Ace. |ΐ.ί«. or ε«, J Voc. -ιυ, A. ivs. -υ, A. ύς. -/i'. .1. τ .1. -Ctt, 1. »!<. » -oi. -IV. -«uv -Oct, I. ν,υν or ?joe. I. ουν. , iE. ων. -1, A. IS. -eta, A. xv{. -ωί, A. oi. PLURAL. Dat. Acc. f I. i,ως, VOf. A. ΛΐΙόϊ. ο modesty. 14 A GREEK GRAMMAR. Some nouns have different declensions, — with diiferent terminations in the nomina- tive, as '^ά,Άξυ, fOf, and ^ά,κξυον, ου, a tear. ^ίμ^ις, justice, Bsf^do;, ^ίμ,ηος, and ^ίμ,ισ- στίψοίνος, ov, and oreCpocvYi, τις, a crown. τος. Μωσΐίς, and Μωνσΐ^ς, of the first declension, θάλ-της, Thales, ου, and ητος. and Μωϋσίύς, of the third, Moses: " Κζ-της, Mars, ου, iog, and -ήτος. υιός, υΐίύς, and υίΐς, a son. Χ-οίξ-ων, Charon, ωι/ος, and ourog. γόυ-υ, a knee, and δό^ν, a spear, have υος, — or with diiferent inflections from the and οίτος. same nominative, as ' σκότος, darkness ; οχος, a chariot ; ΐκίος, mercy ; τύζΐχ,ος, pickle ; οσσος, an eye ; τίγξίς, ίος, and ι^ος, a tiger. have ου and ^ος. Some nouns are declined from obsolete nominatives ; as, γυννι, γυναικός, a woman, from youoii^, voc. γύι/οα. γάΆχ, γχλΰίκ,τος, milk, from ya,7\.C!(,^. In like manner probably, ΐτΓΧξ, a liver ; ^/^αξ, a day ; H^cx,^,food ; φξίοι,ζ, a well ; στίοι,ξ, fat ; κχξτηΛξ, a head ; οίλΒίφχξ, ointment; ^ίλεαξ, a bait; οι/είχξ, a benefit; ου uoc ξ, fatness; ν^ωξ, water; σκ,ωξ, dirt ; have the genitive in otrog. Ους, an ear, ώτός ; χίΐξ, a hand, gen. dat. dual, xs^oh, dat. plur. χ&ξσϊ ; ^άμοίξ, ^χ/^χξτος, a wife. The blessed name ' Ι'ησους, Jesus, has ' Ivjaodu in the accusative, and ' Ιγισου in the other cases. Some are undeclined ,• as δώ), for "hZif^cc, a house ; kx^cc, a head, for κ,άςηνον. Some have one case only ; as δί•)?, a gift ; ουοίζ, a dream ; Ιί'Κ^ωξ, a desire ; ω tku, Ο friend. Some have only two cases ; as, τάς, a lion, ace. yCiv ; Zgyj, Jupiter, voc. Ζεϊ/. Some have only three ,• as, (Λάζτυς, a witness, ace. μ,ύ,ξτυν, dat. plur. μ,ά,^τυσι. The Poets sometimes cut off the final letter, or syllable of a word, and sometimes terminate the gen and dat. sing, and plural, and accus. plur. in φι, or φιν, changing or shortening the termination of the original word. The former is called Apocope, and the latter Paragoge. Thus, Apocope; χ,ά,ξνι, in every case, for κά,ζπυον, a head; and δώ), for δώί^οί, a house ; ω Ki'tz, for Ai'oiv, Ο Ajax ; κ,ίξοί, for κί^οίτοί, horns. Paragoge ; νίυξΐ^φί, for uίυξόίς, of a string ; ^χκ,ξυόφιν, for ^Λχ,ξύωϋ, of tears ; εύνϊίφί, for ίύνί^ς, of a bed ; -ΛΚισίνισφι, rather χΚισίγιφι, for κ'λισφ, in the tent ; φξνιτξνιφιν, for φξπτξγς, or φξγιτξ-^σί, to fraternities ; οχίσφί, for οχεσι, with chariots ; ναυφίν, for vcivac, beside the ships ; ^εόφιν, for ^ίοις, to the gods ; ^ζιόφιν, άξίστεξόφίν, for Ιί^ίοί, and άξίσ- τίξ», (with μεζγι, understood,) to the right, to the left. PATRONYMICS. Patronymics are substantives, which signify a son or a daughter, and are derived from the proper names of one or other of the parents. 1. From nouns in γις and χς, of the first declension, come the patronymics in ά^τις; as from Ίττ-τάτνις comes Ίττ'ττοτά.^γις, from Βούτγις, Βουτιχ^γις, and from 'ΑΆεύχς, Άλει;- άΐνις. From nouns in ΰίς the jEolians formed patronymics in άΐιος ; as ' Ύβρά^/ος from "Ύρβοίς. 2. From nouns in ος of the second declension come the forms of patronymics in ίίγις, and icou ; as from Κξόυος comes ΚξονίΙιης, and Κξονίωυ, the son of Kronos, Jupiter. So also ΚοΙξβνις, TocuToiTiihyig, ΑιοίκίΙγις, &c. The form ίων was peculiar to the lonians. From nouns in ίος comes the form ίάδ>7ί•; as, "Ηλιος, ΉλιχΙπς, " Ay νιος, ' Αγνιόί^ης, ΑσΆλνιττιος, ' Ασκ.'Κγΐ'τιηόώΎΐς. So also Αοαξτιά,^γις, from Αοίίζτιος for Αα,ίξτγις.'^ 3. In nouns of the third declension the genitive serves as the basis of the deri- * A deviation from this is Άλχε/δ») from Άλκοίΐϋς, instead of which the form [AKxCvs appears to have been also used. Pindar has •Αλ;ί«/δ'^?, 01. 6. 115. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 15 vation. Κ the penultima of the genitive be short, the patronymic from ος is formed in ί^Υΐς ; as, Άγα/ίίί,^ι/οϋβιηζ^ Αίσοι/ί^νις, Θίστοξβ-ζις, Α-ζιτο'βγ,ς^ from ^ KyctyA^yuv^-ovog^ Κί'σων,-ουος, Θέστωξ,-οςος, Αγιτω, Αιητόος. If the penultima be long, — in ιχ^νις ; as, Ά^- φ(Τξυύ)ΐ>ίόί^-/ις, TsTiccyojuioc^Yigy from ^ Ay.^nqyQ^j^-rQvoivoq, Te^oiyMu,-ojuog. Hence from - nouns in ίύς, which in Ionic have the genitive in '^oj•, the patronymics are formed in Ylia^rig ; as, ΤΙ/ιΆίνς, ΤΙγιΤ^^ος, TL/iT^riixQyjg. So TLs^asvg, TLsoaTiog, Τ1εξσγΐ'ί'ά.^Υις, Ν/ίλεύ^•, Ν)7λ'^οί•, Ννι'λγ,ϊά^/ις. But since these have also the termination ίως in the genitive, which continued the prevailing one in the Attic, and in the common dialect ; hence / arose Ue^aea;, Uspasurig, Τ1ίξσββ-/ις. So ' Ατξίβης, Ήξακλίβ-ζις, &c. This form occurs sometimes also in derivatives from noims of the first declension. The forms βτις, ιονί- δ>!5•, and iauia^Yjg, are often interchanged. Instead of the form ta^/ig, the form β-ης also is used, particularly in Attic. A Doric form of patronymics was ων^χς; as 'Έττα- Patronymics of the female sex have their terminations, 1st, in ixg and ig. AriTco'ixg and Α-/\τώί'ς ; B^;!7-/5/>, Nvi^yjiV, from the genitives B^^ffijo?, N/i^'^o^•, from Β^/σδ^?, N/j^sv^• ; Άτλαζ/τ/? from "Άτλίΐίί',-αντο? : 2d, in /»ί and io}u-/\', the latter, when the primitive , has ι or υ before the termination og or ω]/ ; as ' Aκξ'iσiog^ ' Ακξίσών/ι^ Όλεκτξύων, Ίϋλεκ- τξνωνγι ; the former, when the primitive has a consonant before the termination og ; as " A'^ξ'/ιστog, Άδ^νιστ/»?, 'Nri^sug, 'Νγιξίι/ϊΐ, ' D-Ksxi/og, ' D^KexvIu-^. One kind of patronymics is the names of the young of animals in ihvg ; as, dyi^oyi- hug, a young nightingale. Some names have the form only of patronymics, without the signification ; as, Μ/λ- TialYig, ' A^iardoYig, Έϋξί7rίl•γιg, liyoju'^Yig. Patronymics also are often interchanged with their primitives. Thus, ' AT^i^xuh^Ch-^ig for Άλ£|βί>δΰ05•, liyopjih-zig for Ί^ίμ,ωι/, ' Ay- ψίτξύω'^ for ^ Aμφίτξvιi)v^dί^Ylg. GENTILES Signify the countiy or place of residence. They end commonly in yig, og, or gyc, mas« culine; and x, xg, or tg, feminine; as Έττχξτγι, Sjmrta, ^.Trx^nxTYig, a Spartan ; Ί,χ^χ- ξίΐχ, Samaria, l.xyaiiiirig, a woman of Smiiaria. It is to be observed that Ίτίίλ/ώτ/7ί• and ^.ly.iKiuxYig signify the Greeks residing in Italy and Sicily; Ίτχ?,οι and Ί,ι-λ,ζΆοΊ, on the contrary, signify the native inhabitants. In like manner, 'Έ'ΚΤ.'/ινιστχΙ signifies per- sons using the Greek language, and imitafmg the manners of the Greeks; used particu- larly for those Jews who, after the Babylonish captivity, were dispersed among coun- tries foreign from their own, and chiefly Grecian, or belonging to the Grecian empire ; a foreign Jew in opposition to 'E/S^it/or, a native Jew; whereas "Y.'KhYivig, signify the natives of Greece. DIMINUTIVES Signify an actual diminishing of the primitive, or are used as terms of endearment. They end commonly in ix, lou, ta-^og, or λο? ; as ητχττιξ, a father, 'ττχτξβίον, a little fa- ther ; TTxlg, a boy, or girl, 'TTxihiov, a little boy, 'ττχϊοίσκ-^, a little girl ; 'i^o)g, love, sqojtv- λο?, a little lover. Diminutives frequently come to be used in the sense of their pri- mitives. ^ On the other hand, Amplipicatives end commonly in yx, or cju ; as, oix.oc, a house, οίκγιμ,χ, a large building ; ^^xavg, bold, ^ζά,σωι/, a bully. From the three persons singular of the perfect passivp of verbs, are formed three verbal nouns ; thus, TTiTCoiYifiXi, 'ττίττοίγισχι, 'Τΐί'ττοίητχι, 'Τΐοίγι^χ, 'TToi-fiatg, 'TroiYiT^/^g, poem. poetry. poet. τΐίτΓζχ^/^χι, 'π-ί'π-ξχ^χι, 'Τίτίστζχκτχι, -ΤΓ^χγ^χ, '7rςxξig, ττξχκ,τ'ήξ, or ττοάχτ-ης, thing done. action, or doing. doer. DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES. Adjective nouns are capable of variation in Gender, Case, and Nuviber. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. Of regular adjectives, the feminine gender is always of the first declension : the masculine in ος has the neuter in ow, both of the second. In this case, their termina- tions are, og-, vi, ou, as χ,ΛΚος, κ,οίΚνι, κοίΚου, fair ; the first declined like T^oyog, the second like T/^jj, and the third like |νλο:/ ; as. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. χ,ΛΚ-ος, Vi, OU, κοίΚ-ω, ά, ω. »ύίλ-Οί, Oil, d, Gen. κ,οίΚ-ον, 5' ου, KoCh-o'iu, oCiv, oiv. 'Λ,ίΑΚ-ων, ων. UJV, Dat. καιΚ-ω, Yly V' )CuCK-ol•/, ouu, oiv. •AocK-olg, oug. oig. Accus. KOth-OU, Vlif, ov. κοίλ-ώ), α, ω. KOi'h-ovg, ά,ς. «, Voc. καλ-ί, 'λ 6'j. κιχ,'Κ-ω, ά, ω. KOtK-ol, Oil, ec. og pure and ^og, have the feminine in ez; as, pxhog, pochloi, pcihou, easy ; φοι,υζοος, φόιι/ίξοί, ψοιυίξόν, manifest ; thus. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. Singular. poi^i-og, ροώί-ον, poihl-a, poi^i-ou, poihi-s, Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. lOi, ioi, tccu, Singular. •og, 00, φοονίξ-ον, cig, ψοίνεξ-φ, 06, φοονεξ-όΐ', du, φοονίζ-ί, οί, ou, ου, Vf ou, ov. Dual. ροο^ι-ω, ά, ": pooh-olu. oCiu, olu. pot^t-oHu, ouu. o7u, ρχΐί-ώ, «, ω. pcx^i -ω, d. ω. Dual. φαν£ξ-ώ. d. ω. φoiusξ-o7u, oilu, olu. φίXU£ξ-o7u, Dtiu, olu. φΰονΒξ-ω, d. ω. φοΐϋ&ζ-ω. d, ύ). ■ Plural. poihi-oi, cci. ot. poihi-au, (uu. ωυ. poihi-oig, oiig, o/g. poo^ί-oυg, , Oig, 01, pxhi-oi, ctl, Oi. Plural. φΰονεξ-οϊ, αϊ. d. φοίνίξ-ωυ, Z)U, &)U, φ6iU£ξ•olg, oilg, olg, φΰluεξ-oύg, ccg, d. φοι,νεξ-οΐ, Oil, d. oy^oog, and compounds of ir'koog, are excepted ; as, oy^oog, oy^on, 6y%oou, eighth ; MTir'Koog, a'7r7\.OYii d'K'koou, simple. The masculine and neuter of all adjectives not ending in og, are of the third declen- sion. Theii• regular terminations are, -oig, aivct, oow, -ng, maai, iw. -ug, no,, v; as. roi\uig, ημ,νίεις, βoiύύg, TCOT^OiiUOi, ημ^νίεσσχ, fioc&iloi, TOiKoiU, TifiVjiU, βΰίύύ, miserable, honoured. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Voc. Singular. rdTs.-cng, oitvoi, ToK-oiuog, ottuyig, rd'h-oiuiy oiiuij, rd'k-cx.ucc, oiiuau, rd7\.-oiu, aiuoi, Dual. oiuog, OiUl, OiU, ecu. ToiTi-oiue, roi'K-duoiu, roi'h-auoiu, rd'h-oiue, rdT^-oiui, OilUOi, Oi'tUOilU, eniuoiiu, Oi'tUOi, ociuoi, oiue, duoiu, duoiu, OiUi, CtUi. Plural. rah-cauig, uiuui, rd'h-uai, rd'h-oiuoig, ΤΛλ -UiUig, OiUOC, ociuau, duau, ouuoiig, uai, aiuoig, ouucci. oiua, UUOi. Singular. Nom. Tffivj-sig, εσσα. Gen. Ti^73-£u1og, kaang, Dat. rιμ>yι•εu'](, εσσγι, Accus. τιμ,νι-ενίΰο, εσσα,ν, Voc. τι^ν^-εν, εσσα,, Dual. ευ, τιμιη-εΰΐε, εσσοο, ε^Ιε, εuΊog, τίμ,'ή-εύίοιν, εσσα,ιν, kuloiu, ευτί, rίfΛ7]-εuΊoiu, iaffouUf euloiu, εν, τί/χ'/ι-ενίε, εσσοί, eul£, εν. τι^^,ν^-ενίε, εσσοί, εύΐε. Plural. τίμ.y]-εulεg, εσσοα, ε^ίοί, rtf^vi-iulau, εσσων, ενίων, ημτί-είσι, kaaoitg, εισι, TifCTj-iuloig, kaaoig, ενΊχ, rιfύ'ή-εv]εg, εσσαι, ενΊοί. Singular. Nom. βΰοθ-ύς. Gen. fioiU^og, Dat. βχύ-εϊ, Accus. βαό-ύν, Voc. βοιύ-ύ. εΐΰί, είΰig, είοιν, εΐα. iog, ει, ύ. Dual. βοίύ-εε, είοί, βci^-έoίu, £iaiiu, βoiύ-ίoιu, £tOliU, βοίθ-εε, εΐοί, βοίύ-εε, £toi, Plural. εοίν, kotu, εε. βΰiβ-εεg, εΐοα. U, βuύ-ίωu, ειωu, εωϋ, βοοθΛσι, είχις. iat, βΰίύ-εoιg, ^ίοίς, ε». βocβ-iεg, ε1χ(. εοί. With the Attic writers, many adjectives, especially derivatives and compounds, have A GREEK GRAMMAR. 17 the masculine and feminine of the same termination, and all the genders are then of the same declension ; thus. Singular. Dual. Plural. M.andF Ν. M. F. N. Μ. and F. Ν. Nom. adoiuccl-og, 0U, άβοίνύΊ-ω, auuvofl-ot. cc. Gen. άβΐζνύ1-ον, ου, άθΰίνόίΊ-οιν, α,ύοίνοίΐ-ων. ων, Dat. άύχνάΊ-ω, Ψ> ddoivoci-oiv, auos,voc]-oig. Οίζ, Accus. άβά,ι/οίΐ-ον. ον. άύοίνόίΐ-ύ). adoivul-ovg. α,. Voc. cioxuccl-s, ον. ά,θοίνόίΐ-ω. άβχνοίΐ-οί. ». Singular. Dual. Plural. Μ. and F. Ν. Μ. F. Ν. Μ. and F. Ν. Nom. upp.yiu, £"> . οίρρ-ενε. oίpp-εvεg, εν». Gen. oipp-suog, ίΰος, άρρ-ένοίν. άρρ-ενων. ϊνων. Dat. cipp-iui, SVI, app-euoiUy cipp -εσι. εσι. Accus. oLpp-iuoi, iU, οίρρ-ενε, cipp-ivotg, εν». Voc. oipp-iv. iU. oipp-sus. ^ρρ-ενες. εν». Singulai'. Dual. Plural. M. and F. Ν. Μ. F.^N. Μ. and F. Ν. Nom. άΆ-^θ-Τίς, k, ccT^yio-h, a7s.Yiu-kg, £05, Gen. άλνίθ-ίος. ίος, α,λγιβ-έοιν. άΤ^-ηθ-εων, ίων. Dat. xTiTid-ii, ίϊ, άλτηό-έοιν, ά,Τ^Ύΐύ-εσί^ έσ/. Accus. ά7\.Υΐύ-έοί, k, d-hrtu-k. dT^vid-iocgi U, Voc. άληβ-ίς. ες- άλγιύ-εε. άΤ^νιύ-εες, εχ. Singular. Dual. Plural. Μ. and F. Ν. Μ. F. Ν. Μ. and F. Ν. Nom. €V)cocQ-ig, /, εϋχά,ξ-ιτε. ευχ,άξ-ιτεg, ιτχ. Gen. ίνχάξ-ίίος, flog, εύχ,Λζ-ιτοιν, ενχ,ΰίξ-ίτων. ίτων, Dat. ευχχς.ιΊι, fit, ^ ξύχοίξ-ιτοίν. εύ^χξ'ΐσί. /σ/, Accus. &ύχάξ-ί1αί, or iu, ί. ίϋχ,όίξ-ίτε. €VxaQ'{TXg, iTXy Voc. ζΰχ,χξ-ι, ί. εύχ^άξ-ίτε. εύ)cxξ-ιτsg, IT». Singular. Dual. Plural. Μ. and F. Ν. Μ. F. Ν. M. and F. Ν. Nom. 'hiTT-ovg, ovu. δ/•τ-οδ£, δ/τΓ-οδέ?, οδοί, Gen. Ιίττ-ο^ος, oho ζ. h-Tk-ohotv, h'TT-ohav, ό^ων, Dat. δ/ίτ-οδ;, oh. ^I'TT-ohotU, δ/ίτ-οσ/. οσί, Accus. δ/τΓ-οδύί, or ovi/, OV!/, δ/τΓ-οδί, δΖ-τ-οδίίίί, οδοί. Voc. δ/τΓ-οϋ?, or ov, OVU. δ/τΓ-οδε. δ/τΓ-οδε?, οδα. Singular. Dual. Plural. M. and F. Ν. Μ. F. Ν. Μ. and F. Ν. Nom. 'όίίακ,ξ-υς, f, άΐά,κζ-υε. eihxκξ-vεg, νχ. Gen. κ^χκ,ς-νος. vog, ά^Λ-κξ-ΰοιν, ά^χχ.ξ-νύ)ν, ύων, Dat. ά^ά,κξ-υι, Vi, α^οίκξ-ύοιν, ά^άκξ-νσι. νσι, Accus. ά,^χκξ-νι/. f. άΐάκξ-νε, ahxxQ-vocg, νχ, Voc. OihoCKQ-V, V. ΰίΐχκ,ξ-υε. χ^άκξ-νες, υχ. Singular. Dual. Plural. Μ. and F. N. Μ. F. Ν. Μ. and F. Ν. Nom. σωφξ-ύ)ΐ/. ov, σο)φξ-ονε. σύ)φξ-ovεgf Οί/<5ί, Gen. σωφζ-οι/ος, ouog. σωφξ-όνοίν. σωφξ-όνων, OVUJV, Dat. σό)φξ-ονί. ου I, σωφζ-όνοιν. σωφξ-οσ /f oat. Accus. σωφξ -Quoi, ov. σωφζ-ονε. σωφξ -ovxg. OVXf Voc. σωφξ-ον, ov. σωφξ-ουε. σωφξ-ονες^ ονχ.* Like this last example are declined comparatives in -/αν. C 18 A GREEK GRAMMAR. Adjectives not ending in any of the above mentioned terminations are considered as irregular, and they have no neuter gender, yet they are dechned regulai'ly after the third declension of nouns ; as, α,ξτταξ, rapacious ; μ,άκΰίξ, happy ; χο-ψ, blind ; (Λο,κ,ζό' χϋξ, long-handed. The following are also irregular, 'τά?, τάσβί, ttocu, all,^ &»ωυ, SKomoCy skov, willingy and ά,ίχ,ωυ^ contracted, α,κων^ α,κουσιχ,, οίκορ, unwilling^ forming their genders like participles, which the two last originally were. EXAMPLE OF crSj. Singular. Dual. Nom. ττά?, -TTfico-fli, 'Tra.Uy οτάντε, 'Τΐύ,σα,, 'κά,νη. Gen. 'π'οί,ντος, "ττά,σγις, 'ττοίντός, 'ττά,ντοιν, 'ττά,σΛΐν, 'ττά.υτοιυ, Dat. 'TTccuTij ττάσι?, 'ττχΰτι, 'ττύυτοιν^ 'πά.σΛΐυ^ ΐΐά,υτύΐυ, Accus. 'ττά,ντΛ^ ivAactv, 'ττΑν, σιτύντί^ 'πάσοί^ -τάντε, Voc. τιτοίς^ ίτάσα, "κοίν. νά,ντΐ^ 'ττύσοί, ττά,ντί. Plural. τάντες, ττοίσΛΐ, 'zaura., 'ττύντων, -ττοίσων, -πά,ϋτωυ, τιτά,ΰτοίς, ττάσβί?, vmutu^ 'ττά.υτζς^ ττάσα/, ίτάί/τοί. Those participles which do not resemble the regular adjectives, are declined as follows : Singular. Nom. τύ'πτ-ύ)ν^ ουσα,^ ov. Gen. τντΓτ-οι/τος, ούσ-ης, οντος Dat. τύ'τττ-οϋτί, ουσν,^ outi, Accus. τότΓτ-οντχ, ουσχν, ou, Voc. τϋΤΓΤ-ώ»;', ovaoCf όν. Dual. Plural. τύτττ-οντε, ουσχ, outs, τύ'τττ-ουτίζ, ουσχι, outx, TVTsrr-ouroiu, οΰσΆΐν, όντοιυ, τντττ-όντων, ovaZu, όντων, TVTTT-ouroiu, οϋσαιν, ouroiu, τντντ-ουσι, οΰσα,ις, ουσι, τντττ-Όΐ/τε, ονσχ, ours, τύτττ-οντοις, ούσας, οντ», τϋ'τΐτΌνη, ουσχ, οντε. τύ'τττ-οντες, ουσαι, ouTot. In the same way, τύ-ψ-ων, ονσα, ou, and τύ'τιτ-ων, ονσ», ου ; but. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. rv^-Zu, ovacc, ovu, TUTTOvure, ούσοί, ovurs, τυττ-ουνης, ovaca, ovutcc, Gen. τνττ'ονι/τος, ούσγις, ονντος, τυττ-οΰντοιν, ovaociu, ouuroiu, τυ-π-ούντων, ουσωΐ/, ούντων, Dat. TVTT-ovuTi, οΰσγ, ουντί, τυττ-οΰυτοιν, οΰσα,ιυ, ovuroiv, τυττ-ουσι, ονσαας, ουσι, Accus. TV7:r-ovuToc, ουσοίυ, ovu, tvtt-ovvts, ovaec, ουνη, τνπΌυυτΛς,οΰσαι,ς, ovurx, Voc. τνττ-ων, οϊ/σοί, ovu. τυττ-ουντζ, ούσα, ovure. τνττ-ουι/τεζ, όυσαι, ουντα. Singular. Nom. τύ-ψ-ας, ασα, αν. Gen. τυ-ψ-άντος, άσης, άντος, Dat. τν-ψ-άντι, άσν), άντι, Accus. τυ•ψ-άντα, ασαν, αν, Voc. τό-ψ-ας, eiffsi, αν. Dual. Plural. τν•ψ-άντ£, άσα, άνη, τνψ'άντες, ασαι, άντα, τνψ-άντο(ν, άσαιν, άντοιν, τν-ψ-άντων, άσων, άντων, τν-ψ-άντοιν, άσαιν, άντοιν, τνψ-άσι, άσαις, άσι, τυ-^-άντε, άσα, άντε, τυ-ψ-άντας, άσας, άντα, τνψ-άντε, άσα, άντε. τυφ-άντες, άσαι, άντα. Singular. Nom. τετυφ-ωζ, via, ός. Gen. τετνψ-ότος, νιας, ότος, Dat. τετνφ-ότι, via, ότι, Accus. τετυφ-ότα, νίαν, 6ς, Voc. τετνφ-ως, via, ός. Dual. τετνφ-ότε, νια, ότε, τετυφ-ότοιν, νίαιν, ότοιν, τίτνφ-ότοιν, νίαιν, ότοιν, τετνφ-ότε, via, ότε, τετνφ-ότε, νια, ότε. Plural. τετυφ-ότες, νΐαι, ότα, τετνφ-ότων, νιων, ότων, τετνφ-όσι, νίαις, όσι, τετνφ-ότας, νίας, ότα, τετνφ-ότες, νΐαι, ότα. In the same way, τετνπ-ως, via, ός. Singular. Nom. τνφθ-είς, είσα, εν. τν(^ Gen. τνφύ-εντος, ειστης, εντός. τν(, Dat. τυφύ-εντι, είσνι, εντι. TVi Accus τνφύ-εντα, είσαν, εν. TV Voc. τνφβ-είς, είσα, εν. TVi In the same way, τν-ττ-εις, είσα, εν. Dual. Plural. 9-έντε, είσα, ίντε, τνφύ-έντες, είσαι, εντα, 9-εντοιν, είσαιν, εντοιν, τνφθ-εντων, εισων, εντων, ύ-εντοιν, είσαιν, εντοιν, τνφύ-είσι, είσαις, είσι, ό-εντε, είσα, εντε, τνφύ-εντας, είσας, εντα, ύ-εντε, είσα, εντε. τυφύ-εντες, είσαι, εντα. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 19 Singular. Nom. δ/δ-ύύί•, ονσοί, oy, Gen. δ/δ -o'i/roi•, ούσγις, όντος, Dat. δ;δ-ο;/τ/, ovatj, ouri, Accus. δ/δ-οι/ΤΑί, ουσα,ν^ 6v, Voc. 'hih -ούς. ουσοί, ou. Dual. δ/δ-ΟΖ/Τ£, ovaec. όντξ, %^-όνχοιυ. ouaoii'jy OVTOIU, δ/δ-οζ/το/ί/, ovaecfUy ouTOiU, δ/δ-οντ£. ovacCy Outs, δ/δ-οντ£. ουσοί. Ol/TS. Plural. Zih-ouTig, ovaciiy ouroe,, ^ΐ^-όντων, ovaoiVy όντων, δ/δ-ο5σ;, οΰσοίΐς, ονσί, δ^δ -ovTiJt?, οϋσα,ς, οί/τβί, δνδ-οντ£?, dvacci, out». Singular. Nom. lsiKu -νς, νσχ, ύν. Gen. Ιίίχ,ν-ύντος, νστ,ς, νντος^ Dat. "hitKu-vyTi, ύσν}, ύντι, Accus. ^siK'j-uvTOi, vax'jy ν ν, Voc. ^iiK'j -ύς, vacCy vu. Dual. Plural. ^i(Kv-v'jTiy iiacty vvTS, ^uku-vutsc, uaoii, vurai, ^SiKU'VuTOiu, iaeciv, ύντοιν, ^ακν-ύντων, υσων, vuto)v, ^iiKv-vvToi'jy ΰσΛΐν, νντοιν, ^ίΐκ,ν-ύσι^ 'νσΛΐς, νσι, ^iiKu-vuTiy νσόί, vuTiy ^s{x,v-vuToic, ύσοίς, vutoi, "^ίίκν-ύντε, νσχ, ύντί. Ιεικν-ύντες, νσαι, vutcc. Μίγοίς, great, and 'ττο'κύς, viuch, are irregular in the nominative and accusative singular: viz. Nom. μ,ίγοίς, [/ΛγόίΚτι, f^iycc, Accus. f/AyctUy {Aiyoihwjy fckyoi. nrohvj;, τολλ;}, vtohVy All the other cases are regularly derived from the ancient nominatives, ^sycthogy and TToT^Jhog; as, Gen. Sing, i^iycthov, f^iya'hng, ^,iya,\0Vy 'παΚ'κόυ, 'TiroXhTjc, Troy.^ov, Nom. Plur. [ΛίγάίΚοι, f^iyothat, ^.iya.'ha,. TCoWoi, 'κοΚ'Κΰά, πο'Κ'Κύ. Verbal adjectives are formed from the third person singular of the perfect passive of verbs, by omitting the first syllable (called the augment of the reduplication) and changing the termination -toci into τίος and rag, as from τίτυτττοίΐ, τντΓτίος ; from τηφί- \Ύ\τα,ι, φ/λ"/)Τ£θί•, and (piKnTog ; from κίχυτα,ί, χυτός. These verbals always have the accent on the termination, except the compounds, as ^iocTOg, άύίοίτος. Verbals from verbs pure have frequently σ before the final syllable, although it was not in the perfect, as from ΐΐετΐΛυτΛΐ, ττΛυστίος, from Ιχνιλχτοα, Ιλοιστίος, ίλαστος ; from κύχξπτχί, x^mriog, χξτιστός. On the other hand, σ is omitted in many verbals, espe- cially in compounds, as ^utvf^oiTOg, dyocTOg, uhufyCccTog, for ^α,υ^ιχ,στός, aycioTOg, ohoifAoioTog. Verbals have often ε before the final syllable, although the perfect had >j, especially if the aor. 1. p. also had έ, as, ίί/^ι^τα/, zv^iTeog Thuc. iii, 45. έττϊΐνητοίί, sTrarjSTiog. '/.■ξΤήΤΛΐ, eiiQSTSog, oiiQeTOg. ά.ΰίσγ,Υΐτα.ι, ά,υα,σγ,ίτός. Frequently a perf p. appears to be invented merely for the sake of the derivation, although the perf. never did or could occur, as, συνεστίον Plat. Prot. p. 92. from σύν- ξίμι {fut. 'ίσο(Λοίΐ [perf. Βσμ,ίχ,ί]), ΖίχμΛχ&τίος Plat. Rep. ii, p. 253. as from "hix/ae/iixxe- TDCi from μ,άχ,ομ,α.ί, μ,αχ,ίσομαί, but Soph. p. 250. 266. ^ί»μχχγ}τίος. With respect to the signification, the following verbals correspond 1. Those in -τίος with the Latin partic. fut. pass, and the neuter of these -τίον (in Attic more commonly in the plur. -tsx) to what is called the gerund, as, φίλ-ζιτίος, amanduSy "TroTsog, bibendus. ■jrorlot Ιστί, bibendum est. TroKsf^nTioi, bellandum est. 2. Those in -τος have commonly a passive signification, and in that case correspond with, either the Latin particip. perf p. as, tto/jjtoVj factus, χυτός, aggestus, στξί'τττός, fiexus, or convey the idea of ability, as the Latin adjectives in -ills, as, όξατός, ακουστός, ' which can be seen or heard, visible, audible.' κτγ}τός, ώνητός, ' which can be acquired, sold,' &c. Some have also a neuter signification, as ΐΐ'Κωτός, * navigable, which can swim.* They have also frequently an active signification, as κατ^υτΐτός. Soph. Antig. 1011. μ.ίμ.'τΐτός, ' blaming,' id. Trach. 446. μισητός, ' causing hatred,' Xai. M. S. ii, 6, 21 . dyoivuKTOg, ' causing indignation,' Plato Goi'g. 20 A GREEK GRAMMAR. ADJECTIVES TO BE DECLINED. κα.κ-6ς, ij, on, bad. M. and F. ώφυ-νις, Ν. -£f, ingenuous. α£Ά-χς, uiuot, ocu, black. M. and F. [Λίίζ-ων, Ν. -ov, greater. βχξ-ύς, sloCj i), heavy. φοβεξ-ός, d, ov, dreadful. M. and F. τίξ-ην, Ν. -iu, tender. άγα,6-6ς, vj, 6v, good. M. and F. ζύσ$β-^ς, Ν. -is, pious. M. and F. μχκξόχ,εΐξ, long handed. M. and F. βίλτί-ωη, Ν. -ou, better. M. and F. κχΆλΙ-ων, Ν. -ou, fairer. χοίξί-Βίζ, saaoi, su, graceful. τοίχ-νς, eloi, v, swift. M. and F. oihK-os, N. -ov, unjust. ν}χ'ή-ζις, εσσα, ε;/, sonorous. οίξ,ι-ος, ex,, ou, worthy. φί'Κ-ος, ri, ou, dear. μ,ικ,ζ-ος, ά, ou, little. άϋίμ,ό-ίΐς, saaoc, eu, windy. M. and F. φίλόττχτς-ις, Ν. -/, patriotic. Μ. and F. ^wyj^-au, N. -ou, mindful. M. and F. 'κο'κΰ'τΐ-ους, Ν. -ovu, having many M. and F. evyiu-vis, N. -sV, ?ioo/c. ye-ei. M. and F. άδ^»}?, unsubdued. M. and F. (Λά,κοίζ, blessed. M. and F. φύγοίς, exile. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. Adjectives in Greek, as in other languages, have three degrees of comparison, the Positive, the Comparative, and the Superlative. What the English commonly express, by the terminations er and est, the Greeks commonly express by η^ος and τχτος ; thus, (^ύκοίζ, happy, μ,οίκ,ιίζτζζος, happier, (Λοί,κύ,ζτα,τος, happiest. In adding these terminations, some little change is frequently made on the primary vords ; for example, adjectives in ίΐς throw out the / in their compai'ison ; as, χοίξίίίς, χοίξίίστεξος, χοίξΐέστατος, graceful. Those in ος throw away the ? ; as, όξβόζ, όξβότΒξος, όξβότιχ,τος, light. And ος, after a short syllable, changes the ο into ω ; as, σοφός, σοφό)Τίξος, σοφωτατος, wise. Those in χς, νις, and νς, add the signs of comparison to their neuter gender ; as, /^ίλοις, fieXoirjoc, μίλχη, μεΤ^άητεξος, μ,εΆύητοι,τος, black. Μ. and F. ενσφνις, Ν. ώσφες, εύσφίστίξος, ώσίβίστιχ,τος, pious. ενξύς, iv^iiex,, εύξύ, ενξντεξος, ίύξύτοίτος, broad. Those in au add them to their nominative plural ; as, χ,χκο^οίίμωη, κ,α,κ,ο^ούμουες, κοίκο^οΐ,ίμουεστεξος, κ,οίκ,ο^οίίμοηεστΛτος, wretched. In some adjectives derived from substantives, the comparison is made by -;ωτος, first, ττξωτίστος. 22 A GREEK GRAMMAR, Some words ending in γις, of the first declension, are compared ; thus, ύζςιστ'ης^ an insolent nmn, νζξίστότίζος^ τοίτος. τΓλίονάκττης, an avaricious man, •π-?^ίονίκ,τίστϋίτος. Dialects of Comparison. The Attics compare many adjectives by ίστίζος, and ίστχτος ; or ούπζος, and Λίτοί- τος; as, λί56λο?, loquacious, "ΚοίΚίση^ος, τΛτος. ίσος, equal, Ίσούτίξος, τχτος. φίΚος, friendly, ' φιΤ^χίτβξος, τχτος. by Syncope, φίλτεξος, τκτος, and φίλτιστος. CTFovhciiog, diligent, αττου^χάστίξος, rocrog. οίφθονος, not envying, άψβορίστεξος, τα,τος. 'ΤΓοίΚα,ιος, old, "ττοιΚοίίτίξος, τα,τος. γεξΰίίός, an old man, γεξο,ίτεξος, Τίζτος. τισυχ,ος, quiet, τισνχοίίτεξος, τοίτος. οίξ'ττοίζ, rapacious, άξττα,γίστεξος, τατος. Dialects of particular comparatives and superlatives are, for κ,ζείσσωυ, I. and D. κ^εσ- σωι/, better ; — χείξων, P. χεζείων, I. dat. χίξγι'ΐ, ace. χεζγια, nom. plur. χέξπες ; — {μείζων, I. (Λεζων, D. μ,άσσων, greater ; — with others which may be learned by practice in reading. Some Adjectives have peculiar significations, according to their terminations ; as. From ul•oς, similitude ; -ττνξ, fire, 'ττυξω^ης, luce fire. From οίος, or, τοίος, such ; ινοίς, all, •πιχ,ντόϊος, of every form ; φιΆίω, to love, φιλτητός, such as to be loved. Verbals in τεος, denoting necessity ; ττξάσσω, to do, 'ττξακτεος, that must be done. From οϊμος, a way ; /3/V, life, βιωσιμ^ος, worth living. ADJECTIVES TO BE COMPARED. εΰνοος, contr. εΰυους, benevolent. τάλαί, miserable. άΤ^τηύνις, true. ά,'Τΐ'κόος, contr. ά,'7ΐ7\.ους, simple. κ,ενός, empty. Άε'τττός, thin, ^ίκ,α,ιος, just. κουφός, light. '^δύ?, sweet, άσεζνις, impious. σάφξων, prudent. φο^εξος, formidable. NUMBERS. Among adjectives are usually reckoned the Names of Numbers. These either sim- ply express the amount, as, one, two, three, thirty, 8^c. and are called Cardinal, or prin- cipal numbers ; or they refer to a series, and mark the place of it to which they belong, as, first, second, third, thirtieth, ^c. and, from their use in noting ordo^, are called Or- dinal numbers. Of the cardinal numbers, the four first are thus declined : Mas. Fern. Neut. Nom. 'h fAiu^ 1^, Gen. ενός. μ.ιΑς, ενός, Dat. f'' f^lU, ¥> Accus. iUCC, (aUu, h. In the same way are declined two compounds of εις, οϋ^εΙς, and μ.•^^εϊς, no one ; which, however, have also the plural number ; as, ουίενες, ου^εμ^ίχι, ovhivoc, S^c. From εϊς, one, is formed the comparative ετεζος, λ, ov, 07ie of two ; and from ούΐεϊς, (ΛπΙεις, are formed ούίετεξος, μνϊ^ετεξος, neither of two. Ιύύ), two, has genitive dual, 'hvoh, and accusative dual, "^ύω ; it is used likewise in the genitive and dative plural, ^au, ^νσΐ ; when written Ιύο, which is done by the Attic writers only, it is not declined. Nom. and Ace. όίμ,φο), both, Gen. and Dat. ά,μ,φοϊ». A GREEK GRAMMAR. 23 Mas. Fem, Neut. Norn. τξ€7ζ, f^elgy t^/us, Gen. τξίωΐ/, r^toiu, τξ/ωι/^ Dat. τξίσϊ, ΤξίσΙ^ τξίσΐ, Accus. T^f??, '^ξ^^ζί τζίοί. The rest of the cardinals to a hundred, are, Mas. Fem. Neut. Nom. τίσσοίξίς, τίσσα,ζζς, τίσσχξχ. Gen. ησσάξω'^, τεσσόίξωι/, Πσσά,ζύίν^ Dat. τίσσ»ςσι, τίσσχξσί, τίσσοίξσι, Accus. τΙσσΛ^Λ?, τίσσοίξας, τίσσαξ». -Tii/Tf, five. Ukx, ten. ft, ^ six. siKoaij twenty. ίτττά, seven. τξίύκοντύΐ.. thirty. οκτώ^ eight. τεσσοίξάκουτ», forty. ivvioiy nine. 'TTsurvix.QU'r», fifty- s^yjKot/ToCf sixty. εζ^ο/χ7}χοντα, seventy. oyhoviKOUToCy eighty, huiyviicovroty ninety. a hundred. 'ΤΓςωτος, 'ττξωττη, 'ττςωτοι/, Ιίύτίξος, OSVTSQOij ^ντεξον. τξίτος. ΤξίτΥΙ, ΤξίτΟ!/, Above a hundred, the Greek cardinals are regularly declined; as, ^ί»κόσίθ(, ^ιοί-ΛοσίΛΐ, ^ιοίκόσίχ, two hundred, τζίχκόσιοι, τξΐχκόσίΛί, τςίχκόσιχ, three hundred, χίλιοι, xi^idiy χίλιχ, a thousand. Ι^ΰξίοι, (ΛυξίΛΐ, [Λνξία, ten thousand. The ordinal numbers are all regular adjectives ; as, first. second. third. The Greeks also express numbers by letters. To express small numbers, such as those of the books of the Iliad, or the large divisions of any work, they use the let- ters in their natural order ; so that A signifies the first, Β the second, and so on to Π the twenty-fourth. — In this kind of numeration, the memory is assisted by the techni- cal syllable HNT : for, when the twenty-four letters are divided into four sixes, Η is the first of the second of these, that is seven ; Ν the first of the third, or thirteen ; and Τ the first of the fourth, or nineteen. To mark numbers in a more general way, they divide the whole alphabet into three equal parts, to each of which they add another character to make up the number nine, which, in the first division is units, in the second tern, and in the third hundreds. The added mark is, in the sixth place of the first division, and is called βοίυ, ξ'ττίσημ.ου- βΛυ, or simply εττίστημον'^ ; in the ninth place of the second division, and is called κό'ττ'τηχ, f ; in the ninth place also of the third division, and is called σάν-ττ/ J ; as may be seen in the following Table. A, «', 1. I, 10. Ρ, ξ, 100. B, β. 2. K, ■/, 20. 2, σ, 200. Γ, 7\ 3. Λ, λ'. 30. Τ, r, 300. A, δ\ 4. M, ^,' 40. Τ, υ, 400. E, ί. 5. N, y. 50. φ. φ', 500. ?', 6. H, ξ'. 60. χ. χ, 600. z. c. 7. o. ο', 70. ^. ψ', 700. H, ??', 8. Π/' ίτ'. 80. Ω, ω', 800. Θ, &, 9. s^ ^> 90. ^"^^ ^^ ^"• SECTION IV. OF THE ARTICLE. The article, like nouns to which it is related, and like relative pronouns with which it may be classed, is capable of variation in gender, case, and number. It is thus declined : Singular Dual. Plural. Mas. Fem. Neut. Mas. Fem. Neut. Mas. Fem. Neut. Nora. 0, V}, '^^l τώ. rot. τω. o/^ ui. Tflf, Gen. roll. rijg, rov, Toiv, • Toiiy, τοϊν, τωΐ/, των, των. Dat. ra>. T^, τφ. Toh, Toiiu, rolu. rolg. ταΤίς, folg. Accus. rou. rv}u, TO, τω. TX, τω. τους. τά,ς. τά. From the above it will be seen, that, except the nominatives which are irregular, the article follows the first declension in the feminine, and the second in the masculine and neuter; and that it has no vocative. The article answers to the definite article the in English. There are many cases, (which shall be stated in Part II. Sect. 2.) in which the article, though not expressed, must be understood. When the article is neither expressed, nor understood, in Greek, the English indefinite article a is signified. Thus, in such cases, οίνύξω'ττος, means a man : whereas usually, ο οίνύζωττος, means the man. In grammars and lexicons, the article is frequently used merely as a sign to distin- guish the genders and cases of nouns ; as, ο τζόγος, vi Τ^ύ'ττγι, το μίτξον ; ό, ij, «."KridYig, το άλγι$ίς.* SECTION V. OF PRONOUNS. While the article defines the extent of the meaning of nouns, pronouns stand in their * VARIOUS DIALECTS OF THE ARTICLE. Plural. oi, D. fct, a'l, I. Toti. tm, fem. D. toil, τάαιν» f τβ7ί, D. and I. τ«7ίΓ<. \ T«7f ) D. τ«7σΊ, I. τγσΊ. Toi/i, D. Toci, Tflf, τώς. Nom. Gen. Singular. ■h, D. L•. ί τον, Α. and I. τόίο, D. τω. \ -ΐΥΐς, D. -ΐΜζ. Nora. Gen. Dat. τγ, D. τ«. Dat. Ace. τν,ν, D. τάν. Ace. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 25 place, as their substitutes or representatives. They also are, like nouns, capable of variation in gender, case, and number. In Greek, there are three personal pronouns, iycuy I ; συ, thou ; ος, he ; v/hich are thus declined : Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. iyu. νωϊ, or u&>. '^,44£;C, Gen. έμ,ου, or /lcov, ι>ωΐυ, or νωϋ. 'h,iiojv. Dat. kfiol, or fAoi, vat'iu, or νων. W-1'Ji Accus. ίμ,ί, or fAi. νωΐ, or υω. 'ή(/^Λς. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. σι). σφωϊ, or σφω. νμϊΐς, Gen. σον. σφύϊίν, or σφων, vy.Z)'j, Dat. σοι σφοην, or σφφν. vySi'j, Accus. σε. σφύοί, or σφω. ύμΰ,ς. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom. ος.* σφί. σφίΤς, Gen. ok σφϊν, σφω!/, Dat. οι. σφίν. σφίσι. Accus. t σφί. σφΰ,ς. The personal pronouns are substantives ; the rest are adjectives, following omit u in the neuter : Of these, the cLy^'Kog, οίλλη. όίΚΚο, civroc, ούτος. α,υττι. αυτό, 0, τούτο. SKiiuog, \y,iivfi, iKilvQ, another. himself ; from α,ν, again, and the ai'ticle. who. this. he, she, it, or that ; from tKii, there, and ος. Of the above, ος, is declined thus, Singular. Dual. Plm-al Nom. 0?, 4 0, 4 4 ω. oi, Ul, ί' Gen. o5, ης, ου. oh, »h, oh. ων, ωϋ. ων, Dat. ^, h Φ> oh, oih. oh. oh, ^ιϊς. ■f οίς, Accus. ov. ^U, 0. ω, d, ω. ους, «?, α. οίΧΚος, οίντος, and eκεhoς, are declined like ος, ^, ο. ούτος, this, is declined like the article, from which it is derived, being compounded of ο and αυτός ; thus. Sinsular. Dual. Plural. Nom. ούτος, «yT>7, τούτο, τούτω, τχύτα, τούτω, ούτοι, α,υται, τα,υτα,. Gen. τούτου, τιχ.ύτ-/ϊς, τούτου, τούτοιν, ταύτχιν, τούτοιν, τούτων, τούτων, τούτων, Dat. τούτω, τχύτί], τούτω, τούτοιν, τα,ύτΛίν, τούτοιν, τούτοις, τΛύτχις, τούτοις, Accus. τούτον, τχύτγιν, τούτο. τούτω, τχύτχ, τούτω. τούτους,ταύτοίς, ταυτΰ6. From οίλλος comes the compound pronoun, Dual. Ν. Α. V. άλ-Κ9]λ-ω, G. D. οίλλ^2λ-οιν. a, οίΐν. ω. οιν. Plural. G. άλλ'^λ-ω;/, ojv, ων. D. άΧΚγ[Κ-οις, α,ις, οις. Α. άλλ7]λ-ους, ας, ee. * Used bj' the Attic writers in the nominative, for eVroi: by some grammarians given as wanting tlie nominative. D 26 A GREEK GRAMMAR. From the three personal pronouns are derived the possessive pronouns, which are regular adjectives, viz. From s^£, comes sjuog, εμ% ϊ[Λον, mine. Nom. Gen. Singular. M. and F. N. Tiuog, Tiuog, Dat. Accus. riucc, Ti. as, σος, σν], σοι/, thine. s, ος, ", ou, his. uo)i, ί/ωΐτίξος, -cc, ou, our.* σφαϊ, σφώί'πξος, -οί, -οι/, your.* 7]μί7ς, 7]μέτίςος, -ot, -ον, our. νμίϊς^ ύμίτίξος, -α,, -ον, your. σψείς, σψίτίξος, -χ, -ou, their. From the personal pronouns and αυτός, come the reciprocal pronouns, which, how- ever, are not found in the nominative. Gen. ίμ,Λυτου, Ιμχντί]ς, s^uvrov, of myself. Dat. £/^οίυτφ, sfioiVTvi, sfioivra, to myself. Accus. s/^ecvTou, kfAoiVTviu, sf<,oivro, myself; and thus, Gen. asoivTov, or, by contraction, σαντον, of thyself. Gen, έοίυτον, or, by contraction. Λυτού, of himself, which has also in the plural Gen. ίΰίυτων, εχυτων, soiUTcJu, of themselves. Dat. εοίυτοϊς, [εα,υτΰας, εοίυτοΊς, to themselves. Accus. εα,υτούς, εοίυτάς, εαυτοί, themselves. τις is an inten^ogative pronoun, when printed with an acute accent ; an indefinite pronoun, when with a grave one : thus, τις ; who ? τ) ς, any one, some one. And, uni- versally, interrogative words are used as indefinites when the accent is changed. — τις is thus declined : Dual. M. F. N. τιuε, TIUOIU, TIUOIU, TlUi. The interrogative τ'ις, has its responsive όστις ; as, τίς sTrotwi •■ ουκ, oH'^oc, όστις, I don^t know which person. There was anciently among the Greeks another interrogative pronoun, 'ττος, 'ττνι, -ro, and its responsive όττος, ότττι, οτιτο, which indeed ceased to be used, except in two cases, and these only understood as adverbs ; viz. Gen. ττου, in what place ? Dat. ttyi, by what way? and so, ό'ττου, oVii, w^ere, responsively : from these, however, are formed, in the comparative degree, ττότεξος, ot, ou, which of the two ? and its responsive οττότε- ξος, Οί, ou, with many other adjectives, and adverbs, of frequent occurrence. Among pronouns also are classed three Gentile adjectives, formed with Ioctts'^ou, soil, or land, viz. ^^gSafrog•, ij, ou, of our country ; ύμε'^οι,ττός, ^ ou, of your country ; 'ττο^α.'πος, of what country. From the neuter gender of the article, and of the relative, interrogative, and re- sponsive pronoun, are derived other adjectives ; as. Antecedent. Responsive. TO, the. 0, which. τοΊος, of the kind. οΐος, of which kind. τόσος, of the number. όσος, of which number. τγιΚίκος, of the size. ^"Κίκ,ος, of which size. 7τό, what. OTTO, luhat. 'ΤΓοϊος, of what kind. ό-ττοΊος, of what kind. -πόσος, of ivhat number. ό-ττόσος, of what number. ^ΥιΚίκος, of what size. ό-ττγιλίκ,ος, of what size. Of these, and ούτος, are compounded τοιούτος, τοιοίότη, τοιούτο, of this kind; τοσού- τος, of this number ; τγ[Κικ,ουτος, of this size. τοιούτος, τοσούτος, and τη^ι^ουτος, frequently have the neuter in u ; as, toioi/tou, &c. In like manner we often read, τοίύτόν, for to α,υτό, the same. * When spoken of two persons. Plural. ^. and F. N. τιuες, TlUOt, Tiuau, Tiuau, τισι. τισι. Tiuocg, TIUOC. sTTotms ; what person did it? A GREEK GRAMMAR. 27 hlg, contracted for ο Is tig, this or that one, (as from ου U ίϊς, is made ούΐύς,) geni- tive, του U hog, contracted του Islvog, dative τω li hi, contracted τω litui, accusative Toy le hct, contracted tou luuoi. We read ο lilvoij for ο Is h» ; but the accusative 'ivoe, is then governed by the verb Agyw understood.* SECTION VI. OF THE VERB. The Verb, or Word, (so called from its importance among the parts of speech,) is a word which signifies to do, to suffer, ov to be. There are, accordingly, three kinds of verbs ; Active, Passive, and Neuter. An active verb expresses an action, and implies an agent acting, and an object acted upon ; as, to love, I love Thomas. A passive verb expresses a passion, or a suifenng, or the receiving of an action ; and implies an object acted upon, and an agent by which it is acted upon ; as, to be loved, I am loved by Thomas. N. B. Sing. Dual. Plur. Sing•. Dual. Plur. Sing. Dual. Plur. * DIALECTS OF THE PRONOUNS. Β denotes the Bceotic dialect, in which form words rarely occur. N. G. D. N. A. N. G. D. D. A. N. A. N. G. D. A. IONIC. Ιμεθίν. Ν. V. G. ffi7o, σίο (Τίβίν. D. A. N. A. V. N. V. ύμίίς. G. ίμ,ίων. D. 'ήμ'.α- IONIC. IONIC. ίΓβ, o7o, ioio, to, Wiv. ο-φΐί. σ-φίίί. σφίων. ff^iv, a DORIC. lysiiv, Ιγώντι. ίμίΰ. Ιμίν. οίμΐ, «,μμΐ' αμίς, ^μμίί' ίμων, ά,μίαιν. οί,μ)ν, ά,μ'ΐν» όί,μχξ, ά,μϊ, οι,μμί, DORIC. "ΐν, τυνν), τύγα» τίν, τίυς, τίονς. roi, 7IV, τε/'ν. Ιμϊ, ϋμμί. υμίζ, ϊμμίς. ΰμαϊιι. ύμίν, ΰμίν. ύμ»ς, νμΐ, ϋμμί. Οί. DORIC. σ<ρίς• ο-φϊ, -ψΙ. ^OLIC, &C. ίγω, 'ίγΙ)ν. Β. ΙΟΙ, ΐωγκ. Β. Ιμοΰί' εμοι, β. (Χ,μμων, ιχ,μμίων. ίχ,μμι, ίίμμιν, α.μηΛί(ην. ά,μμ,Λξ, α,μμίκς. ^OLIC, &C. ffiVf β-ίθίν» υμμων, νμμεων, νμμι, νμμι», υμμίοΊν. νμμχί, ΰμμίκς. ^OLIC, &C. 'ίθίν, γίθίν. κσφι, σ-φΐί, αιτφί, μ)ν POETIC. (χ,μμί, α,μμίί. τίμίίων. νιμιν, ν)μίΪΆί. POETIC. (fitodiV. νμμί, νμμίζ. ΰμύζαν• ΐίμιν. νμί7»;. POETIC. ύ'οθιν. it, α-φι. α-φΰίί. (τφύαιν» φίν. er^tTois• Observe that μ]ν, and ν}ν, are used for the accusative in all genders and numbers. The adjective pronouns are inflected, in the different dialects, according to the models of the first and second declensions. Other peculiarities will be learned by practice ; as, iμίτtξo(, a,, nv, our. D. ά,μοξ, Οί, ov — ΰμί-τίζοί, D. ύμοί — σφίτίξος, D. β•φο{ —— ουτινοί, Α. οτον, D. 'ότίυ, Ι. οτίο, Ρ. orrio) —■ onivt, Α. 'ότω, Ι. ότίω — ffo;, σ-η, roc, thinC, Ι• τΕβί, -riif, τίίί— ος, '/ι, ον, hts, Ι. Ίοί, ί<, ton* 28 A GREEK GRAMMAR. A neuter verb expresses existence, being, or a state or condition of being ; when the agent and the object acted upon coincide, and the event is properly neither actian, nor passion, but rather something between both ; as, I am, I sleep, I walk. The different ways of inflecting verbs are called Conjugations. In Greek, there are two conjugations. Verbs of the first conjugation, end in ω ; as, τύτττο), I strike, those of the second, in μ,ι ; as, τΐύημί, I place. Verbs, which, in some of their flections, have an active, in some a reflex, and in others a passive signification, are said to have different Voices. Of these, in Greek, there are three ; the Active, the Middle, and the Passive. The active voice properly signifies that which we do to another ; as, ίβλα-ψχ as, I did hurt you. The middle voice properly signifies that which we do to ourselves ; as, ίβίΚα,-^άξΛην, I did hurt my- self; £βλα,•ψχ/ί^γιν τον 'τΐο^ά,, I did hurt my foot. The passive voice properly signifies that which we suffer from another ; as, ζβλάφύιηΰ ύττό σον, I was hurt by you. Some verbs have generally an active signification, and yet are declined in some parts after the middle, and in others after the passive form. These are called deponent verbs, because they have deposed or laid aside the active form ; as, μύχο^Λχι, Besides its own radical signification, a verb may mark a person of whom that signi- fication is affirmed ; the number of persons so circumstanced ; the time of the event, and the manner or mode of it. The persons of the Greek verb are three, like the personal pronouns with which they correspond ; as, Ιγω τύτττω, I strike, συ τύτττας, thou strikest, ος τύ'τττε:, he striketh. The numbers are also three, as in nouns. Singular, Dual, and Plural. The tenses or times express the present, the future, or the past. There is one present tense ; as, τύ-τΐτω, I am striking. There are two future tenses which, while different in form, are the same in signi- fication ; as, τύ-ψω and τυττω, I shall, or will, or am to, strike. Among the past tenses are reckoned these four : 1. The Preter-Imperfect, which signifies that at a past time, the event did take place, but was not perfected ; as, irvTrrou, I was striking. 2. The Indefinite tenses, or Aorists, so called from ά,οξίστοι, because indefinite as to time, though generally denoting the past. Being formed from the futures, they are, like them, double in form, and single in signification; as, srv-i^x and ίτυττον, I struck, or did strike.* 3. The Preter-perfect tense, which signifies that the event has already completely taken place ; as, τάτυφα, I have struck. 4. The Preter-pluperfect tense, which signifies that the event had completely taken place at some former period; as, Ιπτύφαν, I had struck. The Modes, in Greek, are five : the Indicative, or declaring mode ; as, τύτττω, I strike : the Subjunctive, or mode subjoined to a conjunction, as the end or design, or mentioned under a condition ; as, 'iocu τύτττω, if I strike : the Optative,-f or wishing mode ; as, stus τύτττοι^Λΐ, I wish I strike : the Imperative,"^ or bidding mode ; as, τύτττε, strike thou : and the Infinitive, which is indefinite as to person and number, barely ex- pressing the primary signification of the verb ; as, τύπτταν, to strike. In the following examples, each tense of each mode, is to be read perpendicularly in the order of the persons, and horizontally in the order of the numbers ; thus, Present of the hidicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. τύτττω, I am striking, τύτττο{Λίν, we are striking, τύτττας, thou art striking, τύτττζτον, ye two are striking, -tUtttsts, ye are striking, τύτττΒί, he is striking, τύτττίταν, they two are striking, τύτττουσι, they are striking, * The aorist expresses an indefinite past time, as in the above example. But there is a secondary use of this tense, which is to express a thing as usual, or customary ; as, ras των φχύλαν συν^βύας βλ/- •yog χξόνοί diiXviTii a little time breaks the associations of the wicked. f The primary use of the optative mode seems to be to express what will naturally follow from certain precedinj^ circumstances ; as, ουκ Άν hoinv οββλον, I would not be induced to give an obolus» Hence arose the secondary use, from which it takes its name, to express what a person would, wish. X Tiie imperative mode is used, in past tenses, to express urgency of command, expedition, or completion of action ; as, ^olvitroy, do quickly, or have done. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 29 EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN ω. ACTIVE VOICE. Present, τύ'τττω, I am striking. Future I. τύ-^ω, I shall, or will, or am to strike. Indicative. ^ Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. τντττύ), τύττο[Λίν, Τί/ψίϋ, τν-ψο /icsi/f τύ'π-τίίς. TUTTTSTOVy τύττητί. rv-^^iiq. TV-/y rv-ipsTSy TUTTTSi, τντττίτοι/, Subjunctive τντιττουσι. τύφε/, τύ-ψίΤΟ!/, τύ-ψονσ:. τντττω. τΰτττωοίίϋ, τύτττ^ζ. τύτττητου. τντττγιτε, TVTTTVj, τΰτττγιτου, Optative• τύτττωσί. Optative. τύτττοιμι, τύτττοιμίν, τν•ψοί/ίί{, rv\po{/n£u, τυτττοίς, rvTirroiroy, τύτττοιτΒ, τν-ψοίς, τύχΐ/οίτοι/, rv\poiTSy τντττοί. τντττοιτϊΐυ, Imperative» τντττοίίν. Tvxj/o/y τνφοίτγιν. τν-ψοίίΐ/. τντττί, rvTTriTou, τντττζΤί, τντττέτω. τυτττίτων, Lijinitive. TVTTTSiy. Participle. τυτιττίτωσα-ν. I?rfinitive. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. τύ-τΓτων, τύ'τττουσοί. rvTrroUy τύ-ψύ)!^, τύ-ψονσχ, ruxf/oy, τύτττοντος, τυτττούσΥις, τΰτΓΎοντος. τύ-ψοι/τος. τυ-ψούσιης, TV\pouTo;. Imperfe( :τ, tTvTTTouy I was striking. Future Π. rvTTuj, I shall, to strike. or will, or am Lidicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. 'ίτυτττον. Ιτύ'χτομ.ζϋ, rvTrcJf τνπ-ονμε!/, ίτνπ-ης. Ιτύ'π-τίτοι/, ΙτύτΓτετί, τυττίΐς. TVTl-flTOVy TVTTslrs, ϊτντττί, ϊτυτιττίτ-ην, Subjunctive 'ίτντττοί). TVTriiy rvTCiirov, rvTTOvffi. τΰτττο)^ Tf7rriJ^£i/, τύττττίς, τύ^ττητον. τΰτττηη. τύττττ}, TV'TTT-firoUy Optative. Optative. τύτττοίμ,ί, , TVTTTOif^ev, rvTTciifAty TVTTolfiSUf TV-TTTOig, ryrro/TOi/, τυτϊτοιτξ. τνποϊς^ τϋΤΓοΓτον, tuttoIts, τύτΓΤΟί, τυτΓτοίτ-ίίν, Imperative. TVTTTQliU. τυττοΊ, τυττοίττην^ τυττοΐίν. TU'TTTif TVTTTSTOUf rU'TTTiTiy τυτΓτίτύ), Injinitive. Participle. τντΐτίτωσΛν. ' Infinitive. Participle. Masculine. Feniimne. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter, ΤνΤΓΤύ)!/, τύτΐτουσα, ry-^TOv, τϋττωζ/, τντΓονσχ, TVTTOvy, TVTTTouTo;, τντττούσιης. Tt/TTTOI/TOJ. τυτΓονντος, τυτΐούσγις. τυτΓοι/ντος. 30 A GREEK GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN Ω. ACTIVE VOICE. AoRiST I. 'irvxpoi, I struck, or did strike. Perfect, τίτνφοί, I have struck. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. srv\pc!t, ίτύ-ψίχ.μίν, τίτυφα,. Τ£τΟφΛ(Λ£ν, ξτυ-ψΰίς^ £Tv\p»rou, ΐτύ-ψοίτί^ τέτνφχς, ΤζτνφοίΤΟ!/, τετύφοίτε, l'rt /ψί. ετυ-ψοίτνιι/. Subjunctive 'ίτνψοίν. τίτυφί. ΤΒτυφοίτοι/, Subjunctive τετύφΰίσι. τύ-ψω. rv-ipaf^sv. ητύφω. τετύφωμ,ζΐ/, τίίφ?;?, TV\py]Tou, TV\j/YiTS, ητύφνις. τ&τύφητον. τετύφϊΐτί. τύ-ψνι. τύ-ψγιτον, Optative. τύφωσί. ητυφν], τ£τύφγΐτον. Optative. τετύφωσι. rv -ψοί/μί. τύ•ψΰί{μίΐ/. ητύφοίμι, τετύφοίμει/, TVi^oug, TVXpOitTOU, τύ-ψαϋΤί, τίτύφοίς. τίτΰφοιτον, τετύφοίτε, rutpociy τυ-ψΰίίτγιν. Imperative. TV\j/Mi£P. ητύφοι, τϊτυφύίττιν. Imperative. τετνφοίει/. τν-ψοι/, rv-^ccrou. ro\puiT£, τίτνφί, τίτύφίτον. τετνφετε,' τνψοίτω^ TvxJ/oiTaUf Infinitive. Participle. τνψά,τωσχ!^. πτυφίτω. τίτυφίτων. Infinitive. ΤίτυφίνΛί. Participle. τετυφετωσοίν Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. τν-ψχς. τύ-ψοισοί, TOXJ/CC!/, ητυφως. τίτυφυΐχ, τετυφος. τύ-ψαι/τος. τυ-ψάσης, τύ•ψοί!/τος. ητυφότος. τίτυφύϊοίς, τετνφότος. AoEisT II. sTVTouy I struck, or did strike. Pluperfect, ίπτΰφαυ, Ι had struck. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. DuaL Plural. STVTTOl/y Ιτιζ-τοικει/, Ιητύφίΐν, ετ£τύφ£ί/ίί£ν, 'irvTregy Iry-rsTo;/, STVTrers, ίΤίτύφίΐς^ ίτίτΰφατοι/. ετετύφειτε, STVTre, STV'Trer'^Uy Subjunctive iTVTTOU. ίτ£τύφ£ί, ίΤίτυφύτγιν, Subjunctive ετετύφείσοίν. τύ'ττω. τύτω^Λίυ, Τίτύφω, τετυφωμ,εν, Τν-7Τ9]ς, rvTrriToUy τύτΓΥίτί, τετύφνις, τζτύφητον^ τετύφιητε, tVICVi, TDTTYITOU, Optative. τύττωσι. τίτΰφν). τίτύφητον, Optative. τετύφωσι. τϋ'ττοίμ.ί. τύττοίμ,ζν. ητύφοΐ(Λΐ, τετύφοΐ[Λεν, τύ'ττύΐς. rvTToirou, τύττοίτζ. Τίτνφοίς, τίτύφοιτου, τετύφοίτε, τύ'ττοι. τυττοιτνιν^ τύττοΐίν. ητύφοι, τίτυφοίτΎΐν, τετύφοιεν. Imperative. Imperative. - Ty-rg, rvTiTiTou, TVTTsre, τίτνφί, τίτύφίτον, τετύφετε. ητνπ'ίτω. τυττίτων. Infinitive. TVTTilu. Participle. τντΐίτωσοίν. Τίτυφίτω, ητυφίτων. Infinitive. τ£τνφέι/α.ί. Participle. τετυφετωσοίϋ. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Femini^. Neuter. rv'xmvy τύττουσοί, η:ύ'7Τον, τίτυφως. τέτυφυΊοί, τετυφος. τυτΓοντος, τυτΓονσΥΐς, τΰτΐοντος. τίτυφότο;, Τ£τνφν7»ς, Τίτνφότος. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 31 EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN Ω. MIDDLE VOICE. Present, τΰττομ,αι, I aix self. Indicative. I Striking my- Future Ι. τί ■ψομχι, Ι shall, self. Indicative. &c. strike my Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. TVTrTOfAcci, τυτττόμ,ζθΰν^ TvrrojWs^ot, TU^pOfiOCly rv^o^idouy τυ-ψόμίβοί. TVTTTi}, τΰτΐΤίσύον, TO'Trreade, τύ-ψί], τύ-ψεσύον. τύ-ψεσ^ί. rwTTTeTon, Subjunctive ruTrrovToii. ryi^sTflS/, τύ-ψίσύον, τν-ψοντχί. τύτττω/α,οα, rvTrrufjoeuoVy τυτΐτωμ,ίθοί^ τύτΓΤ'η, τντττγισύον^ τύτιττησθί, τύ'τίΤΎΐτοίΐ, τυττττισύον. Optative. rvTrrauToti. Optative. rvTrroif^nv, τντττοιμΒθο!/, TVTrTolfisdcif τυ-ψοίμγΐ!^, τν-ψοίμίύοΐ', τυ-ψοίμεύΰί, τύ-πτοιο. τυτΓτοισύοι/, τύ'τττοισύε, τύ-ψοίο. τύ-ψοίσύοι/, τύ-ψοίσύί. τύτΐτοιτο. Imperative. τύ'π-τοίΰτο. τύ-ψοίτο, TvipoiaUTiu, τύ•ψθί!/το. TV^TOVf TV-TTSffuoU, rUTTTsaus, τυντίσθω, Iifinitive. τύτΓΤζσύΛΐ. Participle. TVTrTsau^jffOiu. Infinitive. τύ-ψίσύχί. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine, Neuter. rvTrrafcivog^ TVTrroyAuYi, TVTTTOfceuou, τν-ψόμενος, τυ-ψομίν^. τυ•ψόμβνοι>. TVTTTOfiivOV, TVTrro/^ivng, TVTrrof^iuov. τνψομίΐ/ου, τνψομίντις, τνψομίνον. Imperfect, iTv^romUi I was striking my- Future II. τυχουμα-ί, I shall, &c. strike self. myself. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. krvTrTOf^Tiu, IrvTrrof^iuou, srvTrTOf^eucX', τυττουμ,ΰίί, τνπ-ούμίύον, τυ-ττούμίύ». iTV'Tirrov, ίτντττΒσύον, ϊτυττησύί. rvTrriy TVTrfiauoUy τνττίϊσβε, ίτύ-π-τίτο, Subjunctive srvTrrouTo. τυττίΐτοα, rvTrslauou, rvTrovvroti. τνπτωμοίΐ. rvTTTOi/iceuou, τντΓΤύψίύΰί, TVTTTf}, τύτΓΤΥισύον, τύττηησβί, τντΓτ-ητοίΐ, τύττττισύον, Optative. τύτττωντοα. Optative. τυτττοίμ,Ύΐν, τντττοί/χίθον, τντττοιμίύοί, τντΓοίμγι», τυττοίμζθο!/. τνττοίμεύχ, τύττΎοιο, τύτττοίσύον, τντΓτοισύί, τνττοΊο, τντΓοϊσύοι/, τυττοίσθί^ τύτττοιτο^ τυ'ΤΓΤοισύτηι/, Imperative. rvTTTOiuro. τντΓοΊτο, τυτΓοίσθγιν, rvTrohro. TVTTTOVf τύτττίσύον. τντΓτεσύί, τυτττίσύύ), Infinitive. TVTTTsadoci. Participle. τντττίσβωσχι/. Infinitive. τνττίΐσύα,ι. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Tv-TTTOfisvog, τντττομί!/•/}^ τνπ-τόμίΐ/ον, τνπ-ονμίϋος. τυττουμίντι., τνττουμίϋου. rvTFTOfAivoV) TVTTTo/ichYigy τνχτομ,ίϋύν. τυττονμί^ον, τντΓονμίνγίς, τντΓονμέι/ον. 32 A GREEK GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN Ω. MIDDLE VOICE. AoRisT I. Ιτνφχμγιν, I struck, or did strike, Perfect, τίτυττχ, Ι have struck myself. myself. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. ετν-ψά/ίύγιι/, £Τνψχ/!Λξΰθν, ετυ-ψχμίθχ. τετνττχ. τετΰ'ττχμ,ε!/, STv -ψω, ξτύ-ψχσύοι/, £τν•ψχσβε, τετντΓχς, τετύτΓχτον, τετύτΐχτε. STVIpMTOf ετνψχσβγιν, ετύ-ψχντο. τετνττε, TSTVTrxTOUf τετϋ'ζχαι. Subjunctive Subjunctive τν-ψόψχί, τυ-^ωι^ζύον, τυ•^ύ}μ,εθχ, τετύττω, ητΰ'ΤΓωι/.εν, τύ-ψί^, τυ-ψγισθου. τύ-ψησύε. τετϋ'πγς. rirvTCYiTOUy τετύττγιτε^ τύ-ψτιτχί. τύ-ψγισύον, Optative. τύ-ψωϋτχί. nruirvi^ τετύ'ΤΓνιτοϋ, Optative. τετύττωσί. τνφ'χίμ-^ρ. rv^xi/u,euoUf τυ-ψχίμεύχ, τετύτΓοιμ,ι, τετύ'ττοιμεν, τύ•ψχ{ο, Tv\pxiauou, τύ-ψχίσύε. τετΰττοις. τετντΓΟίτοι/, τετύττοίτε. τύ-ψχίτο^ τνψχίσύγιν. Imperative. τύ-ψχιυτο. ΤίΤίί^Ο/, τετνττοίτγιν, Imperative. τετΰ-τΐοίευ. τύ•ψχι. τυ-ψχσύοι/, τύ'.ρχσύε, τετυττε. τετύττετο!/, Tgry-rirg, τνψχσύω, I?ifinitive. τύ-ψχσβχί. Participle. τνψχσύωσχν. τετνττετω, Infinitive. TiTVTriuxi. Participle. τεΎνπετύχίχν. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. TV\pxfi£iJog, τυ-ψχ/αίυϊΐ, τν-ψχμενο-^, τζτνττώς, τβτνπ-νΊχ^ τετνπος. τυ-ψχμίΐ/ον, τυ-ψχμίνγίς, τυ-^^χμ,ένου. τετνττότοζ, τετνττνίχζ. τετυ'ΤΓότος. AoRiST π. Ιτντΐόμ-ζιν, Ι struck, or did strike, Pluperfect, ετετύ'τηίν, Ι had struck my- myself. self. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. sTVTro/LCYiVy IryTTo^g^oj/, ετυτιτόμ,εύχ, ετετύ'7τε{ν, ετετύνειμει/, ΙτντΓου, ίτόττεσύον, ετύττεαύε, ετετύττεις. ετετύ-ττειτον. ετετύττειτε, ίτύτητο. ετυττίσόιην, Subjunctive kTV'yrouTO. ετετύττει. ετετνττειτγ]!/. Subjunctive ετετϋ'ττεισχν. τύττωμχί, τυττω/ίαύο!/, τυτιτωμ,εθχ. 'Τετΰ'ζω, τετΰ'ττωμ,εν. rv'TTYj, τύτΓΥΐσύοι^, τυττγισύε, TSTUTTlJf, τετύ-ττ-^τον. τετύ'ττητε, τνττγιτχί, Optative. τνττωντχι. χετΰττγ^ τετΰ'τηήτον, Optative. τετΰττωσί. rvTrotf^nu, τυττοιμ,εύου. τνττοίμεθχ. τετύτ^οιμ,ι, τετύ•7ΐτοΐ[Λεν, τύτοίο. τυττοίσύον, τυττοίσύε. τετύττοις. τετύττοίτον. τετύστοιτε. τύττοίτο. rvTiroiauviu^ Imperative. τυτΓοιντο. τετϋ'τΐοι^ τετνττοίτΎΐυ, Imperative. τετύττοιει/. τντΓου, τύττεσύον. τύττεσβε, τετνττε, τετΰητετ(^ν. τετύ-ττετε, τυττίσβω. τνττίσΰύ)!/, Infinitive. τύ'τησβχι. Participle. TVTriauojaxu. τετυτίτω, τετνκίτων. Infinitive. τετυττευχί. Participle. τετυττετωσχν. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. TVTTO/iiS'Jog, τυττομ,ίϋΥί, rvTTOfisuQv, τετνττως. nrvTCvix^ τετντΓο?, Tvrofisvov, τνκομ,ίννις. τυτΓομενου. τετντότος, τετντνίχς, τετυ'ττό'^ος. Λ GREEK GRAMMAR. 33 EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN Ω. PASSIVE VOICE. Present, tv TTTOficci ΰ'πο σον I am in strik- Future Ι. τνφύ'ήσομ,αι, Ι shall, &c. be ing by you. struck. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. TUTTTOfiCCiy τντΐτόμ,ίύον^ rvTrroy^edx, τυφύ'/ισομ,αι. τυφό^ό,ϋ'εύοίΐ^ τυφύνισόμ,εύοί^ τΰτττνι^ rUTCTiauoUy τύ'ΤΓΤβσύε, τνφύψί], τυφύνισεσύον. τυφύ'/ισεσύε. τΰτΐΠΎΛί^ τύ-ττησύον. Subjunctive. TUTrrouroii. τυφύ'ήσετοίΐ, τνφύ'ήσεσύον. τυφύv]σouτccί. τΰτΐτω^ΛΛί^ τντΓΤωμ,ξύον, rvTrrojfciuoi, τύ'τττνι. TUTTTwdoU, τύτττγισύε, τύ'ΤΓτνιτοίΐ, TUTrT-iiauou, Optative. τύτί-τωντοίί. Optative. TVTrroif^riu, TVTrroi^iUQu^ τντττοίμίβχ, τυφύησοί(ΛΥιν, τνφύτισοίμ,εύον. τυφύγισοΙμίύΛ, τΰτττοίο. τύτΐτοισβον^ τύπτοισύε^ τνφόν}σοιο^ τνφύτισοισθον^ τυφύ'/ισοίσύε, τύτΐτοιτο^ TV-^roiaUYii/y Imperative. rvTrroivro. τνφύ'ήσοιτο. τνφ&γισοίσύγι^^ τυφύνίσοίΰτο. τΰτττου. τΰττησθον. τύτττίσύε. rwTTTiaL•, rvTTTSaucJi/f Infinitive. TVTrTsaScci. Participle. τντττίσθωσΛν. Infinitive. τυφύν}σεσθοίί. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine, Feminine. Neuter. τνπ-τόμει/ος, TVTirro^suYi, TVTTTO^^iUOU, τνφύησόμενος, τυφθησο[Λεΰνι, τνφύησόμ>ενον^ τντττομίι/ον. TUTirroyJi/Yig, τυτττομενου. τυφθγισο(Λευον, τυφ6γισο[/ΛϋΎΐς^ τυφύνισομΐυ^ν. Imperfect, £ τνπτόμ,-ή» ύτιτο σον, 1 was in Future II. τνπνισομ,&,ι^ Ι shall, &c. be Striking by you. struck. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. ζτντΓτόμ,γ}!/, irvTrrofiidou, ΙτντΓτόμ,ξβ», τνττνισο^Λοίΐ, τυ7Γ•/ισό[Λεύον, ryT)9ffo^£^fl6, Ιτύτττον, iTUTrrsadoUy ϊτντττεσ&ζ. τντΐ'ήσ'^ι. τνινήσεσύον. τνττ'ί^σεσύε, Ιτύτττίτο, ίτυτΓτίσύγιι/, Subjunctive kTVTTTOuro. τντΓΤίσετοίΐ, τντΓτισεσύο!/, τυτιτν^σοντοα. τύτΓτω/ίύοί/, TVTTTUJ^suot/, τντΓΤύίμ,εύίΧ,, τύ'ΤΓΤί}, τύττΎΥΐσύον, τνττττ,σόί, τύτττνιτοίΐ^ rO'TTTYiauou, Optative. rv-TTTtaurcci. Optative. τντττοίμγιι/^ rv^TOi/iisuou, τντΓτοί/ϋίθοο, TVTrmoif^nv, τv'π■Yiσoίf^εύov, TVTrmoi/^s^oc, τύ'τττοίο, τύ-7Γτο(σύον, τντΓτοισόζ, τυνιησοιο^ τνττνισοισθον^ τυ'7r'ήσoισύεy TV-TTTOiTOy τνπτοίσθνιν, Imperative. TVTTTOiuro. τνττνισοιτο. τνττγισοίσύγιν, rvTCViooiuTO. τύ'τττου. τύντίσθον, τύτττεσβί. τυτττίσβύ), Infinitive. τύτττίσΰχί. Participle. τντττίσθοίσαν. Infinitive. τντΓΤίσεσύοα. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. τυτΓτόμενος, rVTCTOfAiuYly τντΓτόμενον^ τνττγισό/ίΛενος, τντΓΥΐσομευ-.η, τνκγισό^Λενον , TUTTTO/LCiUOV, TVTTOfcei/Yig, τυχτομ,ίνου. τυττγισο,^ίι^ον, zv%moi^sv/ii) τυτΐΐ^σομ.ίτυον 34 A GREEK GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF VERBS IN Ω. PASSIVE VOICE. AoRisT I. ίτύφύηυ, I was struck. Singular. ίτύφβης, ίτύφύνι. τυφβω, τνφύνίς, τνψύνί, τυφβίίγιν, τνψύίίίης, τυψΰγιη. Masculine. τυφθείς, τυφύίντος^ Indicative. Dual. ίτυφθγιτον, ' ξτυφύ'ήΤΎΐν, Subjunctive. τυφύ^τον^ τυφύτίΤον, Optative. τυφθίίνιτον, τνφύίΐτ}^^!^, Imperative, τΰφθνιτον, τνφθνιτων, iTifinitive. τυφύτιυχι. Participle. Feminine. τυφθίϊσα, τυφύ&ίσης, Plural. Ιτύφύνι^ζυ^ ΐτνφύϊΐτ£, ίτΰφύγισα,ν. τυφθωμεν, τυφύνιτε, τυφύωσι. τνφθείΥΐμεν, τνφβίίητε, τυφθείησχν. τυφθητε, τυφθνίτωσοίν. Neuter. τυφθ&υ, τυφύεντος. AoRisT II. ετύ-ττγιυ^ Ι was struck. Indicative. Dual. Singular. Ιτΰ'π'γις, τυτΓύ), τυττγις, τυττεινιν, τυττείτης, τυττνιτω, Masculine. τνπίντος, ετντττιτον, iTVTryjTYiu, Plural. ετύ'ττνιμεν, ετύ'ΤΥ]τε, Ιτύ'ττγίσΰίν. Subjunctive. TVTTiJTOl/, Optative. rυ'7rείy|τou, τυττεΐ'ητνίϋ, Imperative. τυ7Γύ)μ.εν, τυ'πνιτε, τντιτωσι. τυ'7ΓεΐΥΐ(/,εν, τντΓείνιτε, τυττείνισοίΐ/. τύ-π-γιτον, τύ'ττνιτε, τυτ^των, τνττνιτωσα,ϋ. I?ifinitive. τντττινοίί. Participle. FeiJiinine. Neuter. τυτΓΡΪσοί, τνττεν, ηττείσης, τνττει/τος. Perfect, τίτνμι^α,ι, Ι am, or I have been, struck. ' Indicative. Dual. Plural. τετΰμ,{Λε6ον, τετΰμ[Λεθοί, τετυφύον, τετυφθε, τετυφύον, τετν{Λ[/,ίνοίεΙσί• Subjunctive. τετνμμί^ω, τετυ/^^μενοι, ^τε, ωσι. τετνμμει/οι, εΐη[Λεν, ειγίτε, εΐ^ο^ν. Singular. τίτυμ/χαί, τετυ-ψχι, τετυτττοίΐ, τετυ[Λμ,ενος, ώ, τετνμμενος, εί'ηι/, TjTOV, Optative. εΐvlτou, εινιτην, Imperative. τετυ-ψο, τετυφύον, τετυφθε, τετϋφύω, τετύφβων, τετύφθωσοί!/. Injinitive. τετΰφθα,ι. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. τετνμ/ίίένος, τετυμμ,ευγι, τετν/ίίμίι^ον, τετυ/αμενον, τετυ^Λμ,εννις, τετυμ/ίίίνον. Pluperfect, ετετύμ^ΐΛπν, Ι had been struck. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. ετετνμ,μ,Ύΐν. ετετνμμεθοι^, \χετΰ(ΛμεθΛ^ ετετυ-ψο, ετετνφόον, ετετυφθε, ετετυτττο, ΙτετύφΗν, τετυι/,μευοι ^- τετυ/χμέι/ος, ω, ?!«■> 'fl' τετυμμ,ενος, εΐτηι^^ τετνφΌ, τετνφύα. Masculine. τετυμ>μ.ενος, τετνμμίι^ον, Subjunctive. τετυμμει/ω, τετνμμενοί. iJTO!/, Optative. τετνμμενω^ ει'ητον, Imperative. ωμεν^ ^τε^ ωσι. τετυμμευοι^ ειιομει/, εΐ-ήτε, τετνφθοί/, τετυφθε^ τετύφύων, τετύφύωσχν. ^ Infinitive. τετΰφθα,ι: Participle. Feminine. Neuter. τετυμμεργι^ τετνμμενον, τετυμμεντιςί τετνμμενον. A GREEK GRAM3iAR. 35 EXAMPLES OF VERBS IN mi. Ισττημί^ Ι set. ACTIVE VOICE. I PRESENT. AoRisT II. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. 'ίστ-ημ,ι. "larafAiu, 'ίστην. ίστγιμ,εν, 'ίσττης, 'iaTeATOUy 'ίστοίτί. ϊστης, 'iarriTou, εστνιτε. 'ίστησίί hroiTou, 'ίστόίσι. ίστη, kaTTiTYiu, έστησαν. Subjunctive Subjunctive ίστω. iarZfieUj στω. στοιμεν^ hr^j. iarj^Tou, iariJTSy στίϊί, σζΥ/ΤΟ!/, σττίτε, ίστνί. Optative. ίστωσι. στίϊ. Optative. στωσι. ίσταί/ΐ!/. ίστοίΊημ,ίυ, στοίίϊΐν. σταιγι^ίει/. ίστΰύγ,ς. larcinnrouy ιστχίγιτε, στ(χ.ίης. σταίτιτον. στοίίητε, ίστοίίτη, ίστοιιτιττην, Lnperative, ίστχΐιησ»!/. στοίί^η, aTCAt'/jTYiVy Imperative. στα,ίησΛν. "ιστοίθι. 'ίστΰίτον, hrotrs, στνίύ:. στ-ήτο!/. στΫιτε, ίστχτω. iarocrau, Irifinitive. ίστά,νοίΐ. Participle. ίστοίτωσαν. στ'ήτω. αχ'ήτων. Infinitive. Participle. στνιτωσΛν. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Ιστάς, ioraacCy ίστά,ι/, στά,ς. GTciO στοί7θ) στοίϊτο. σΤΛίμ,ζθον, στοίϊσόον^ σταίσθγιν. Imperative. στΛίμ,εθχ στοίϊσύε, στοίΐυτο. AORIST 11. Indicative. Dual. Plural. εστχμεόον, εστά,μ,ε&ιχ., εστα,σθον, εστοίσύε, εστάσύην, εστοί,ντο. Subjunctive. στωμ,εθον, στωμ,ε^α,, arviauouy σττίσύε, στ^σ^οί/, στωντοίί. στχσο,ΙΙ στχσύύ). στχσθο!/^ στά,σθύΐν. στύσύε, στά,σύωσα,ν. The Present and Imperfect tenses of the Middle Voice. Infinitive, στά,σύΰίΐ. Participle. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. στά/ζειιος, aTXjiiiuYi, στχμ,ενον, στχμίνου, στχμεννις^ στχ(Λίνου. Passive Voice are the same as those of the τί&ημ,ι, I place. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT. Imperfect. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. ο TlUYif^ty Tidefisv, ετίύγιν, ετίθε(Λεν, τίύης. τίύετον, τίύετε. Ιτίθης, ετίύετον, ετίθετε, Tiuwh TIOSTOU, τιύεισι. ετίύϊΐ, ετιύετγιν, ετίύεσχυ. Subjunctive Subjunctive ηύω, TluZ/iCSU, Τίύω, τίθωμεν, τιθγς, TiuVjTOV, τίβν}τε, Τίβνίζ, τ ι θνητού, τίθΐ^τε, τιύνί. TlUTJTQl/, τιβωσι. τιθγ. τίύνιτον, τίθωσι. τιθεΐην, Optative. τιύείνιμ'ίν, Tiuiinu, Optative. τιθείγι(Λεν, τιθείης, τιύείτητο!/, τιθείητε, τίύείγις. τίύείητον, τιθείτητε. τιύείη, τιύεί'ήΤΎΐν, Imperative. Tioeimotv. τίβείη, τιθειΫιτην, Imperative. τίθείτισοίν. τίύίτι, τιύίτω, τΐύετον, • τίύετων, Injinitive. τιύενχί. Participle. τίύετί, τιύέτωσαΐ'. τίθετί, τ ι θέτω, TihroPf τ ι θέτων. Infinitive. τιθίνχί. Participle. τ ί θέτε, τίθετωσχν Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. τίΰίΐς. τιύεΊσχ, τιύεν. τιύείς. τιθίΐσχ, ' τίθεν, τίβεντος, τίύείστις. TiuiuTog. τιύεντος, τίθείστης. τιθεντος. * The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as the Present, t Or vpithout the «r, "arxo, and thence contracted, 'ίστοι. X Or without the c-, ϊστκο, and tlierce contracted, ϊστω. \\ Or without the «r, σ-τώβ, and thence contracted, <ττω. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 3*7 EXAMPLES OF VERBS IN Ml. AoRiST II. Imperative. Indicative. τίύεσο* τίύίσύον. τίύίσύί. Singular. Dual. Plural. ηύίσύω, ηύίσβων. ηθίσθωσχν ihu, iuif^iV, Infinitive. 'ihgy UiTQU, έύετί, τίύίσύχί. Uyiy suirvju. sueaoiv. Participle, Subjunctive Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. ^ω, ^Z^usy, Tiuifcsuogy Tius^iun, TluifA.eVOU, θίίί, Bv}Tov, ^^rs, Tih/iihov, nds^iuvig. TiuifAkuOV. θ?ϊ, Optative. ΒΖσί. IMPERFECT.-}- ^i'lnu, ^stYi^ev, Indicative. θε/)??, StSlVlTOU, ^sirjTS, Singular. Dual. Plural. θέ/*?, ^ίΙ'ήΤΤίν, ^iiwciv. STiuifiYIU, STiuifieuou, iTiuifceucc, Imperative. ίτίύίσο,Χ ίτίύίσύοι/. ίτίύίσύε^ sr ίθίτο, STiuiaUYiU, iTidsi/ro. ^ky ^irov, Bhe, ^ίτύ), In/initive. Βίτωσχί/. AoRisT IL Indicative. Belucci. Singular. Dual. Plural. Masculine. Participle. Feminine. Neuter. susao,\\ susauovy lui/icsdci, ίύεσύε. ^^ϊς, ^ζϊσοί. SsV, SUSTO, kuiauriUf sdst/TO. ^ίι/τος, Βίίσης, ^ίντος. Subjunctive , Άωμχί, B^a^suou, ^ωμ,ίύοί. MIDDLE VOICE. Βίί, ^τίσθον, ^ijaus. ^^roi{. ^TJOUOU, ^aurcii. PRESENT. Optative. Indicative. ^iif^riu, ^Si/iiSUoU, ^ίίΐΛίύύΙ, Singular. Dual. Plural. Beloy ^ζϊσθον, ^ίϊσύί. TluSfiCCi, τίθίμ,ίθον, τιύίΐΛίύοί, ^ί7το, ^ίίσβϊΐι/, BsluTQ. τίύίσθον, τίύϊσθοΰ^ τίύίσύϊ, riusurxi. Imperative Subjunctive , Βίσο,§ Μσύο!/, ^SGUSi Tl6o)[ACti, Τί6ω(Λζθον^ τιύωμ,ίύοί. j ^ίσύύ}, ^ίσβωι/. ^εσθωσα,ν. ηύγ, τιθτίσύον. ηβνισύε. Infinitive. τιύητα,ι. TiuijauoUy Optative. τιβωι/τοίΐ. Participle. riudf^nv, ridii/^ceuou, τιύζίμίύα, Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. TiuftO, τιύίΐσύον, Tiuila&e, ^if^suog, Βεμέι/γι, M/Li,euov, rtuftroy τιύύσύτην. Tiuiiuro. ^ef<,£uov. dsf^iuYig, ^SficiuOV. The Present and Imperfect tenses of the Passive Voice are the same as those of the Middle Voice. * Or without the σ-, and thence contracted. τίβου. t The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as the Present, ί Or without the o-, ϊτίθίο, and thence contracted, ίτίθου. II Or without the $•, δ/δοτον, δ/δοτ£, εδώ^ί, έ'δοτοι/, sZors, ΙίΙωσί, liloTou, δ/δο^σ;. έ'δίϋ, Ιδο'τι,ν, ί^οσοίυ. Subjunctive. Subjunctive δ/δώί, δ/δώ5,ίύ£^, Ούϋ, Ιωμί!/, h^ag. δ/δώίτοί/, δ/δώ)τ£, Ιφς, ^Ztou, Ιωτε, δ^^, δ^δώίτοί/, δ;δώ)7Λ Optative. δ.:, ^ωτοΐ /y Optative. δωσ/. h^oivii/, δ/δο/>5,ίύ£ζ/, loiYiu, ^otri/icsu, h^otvig, δ/δο/ΐ7Τον, δ;δο/>7Τ£, ^οίης. ^oinrou. δο/)9τε. hooiYi, δ/δο;ίίτ>5ί/, ^iho'iYiaoiv. loiriy ^OlTlTYjUj ^οίΥΐσοίν. Imperative. Imperative δ/δο^/, "hihoTou, 'hihon, δοί, lOTOU, "^orSf h^OTu, Infinitive. δ;δο:/οίΛ Participle. ^ότω, Infinitive, ^OVVOif. Participle. ^ότωσΛΰ. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. δ/δού?, δ/δοίσβί, δ;δον, ^ούς. δοίσβί, δοι/, ^ί^όντος, δ/δοϋσΐί?, δ/δο>τοί. Ιόντος, Ιούσης, ιόντος. IMPERFECT. MIDDLE VOICE. | PRESENT. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. ί^βων, £δ/δθ;ίί.£ί/, h%^oiiy δ/δθ^£^0!/, δ;δο^£^«;, Ιδ/δ<«$•, Ιδ/δοτοι/, £δ/δοτ£, δ/δοσα/, δ/δοσ^ο;/. δ/δοσ^£, έδ/δα;, Ιδ/δότ)^;', εδ/δοσοίΐ/. δ/δοτο6/, hloadoUf Vl^OUTCtl. Subjunctive. Subjunctive . δ/δώί. hi^Zf<>si/, δ/δω^οβ;, '^ί^ωμίύον, δ/δώ»^£^ί«. δ/δ^?. δ;δώ5τον, δ;δώ5τ£, δ/δ£, ^thaauou, δίδωσ^ε. δ;δώ>, δ/δώ»τον, δ^δώίσ/. Optative. δ/δίτίβ;, ^ιίωσύον, Optative. ^ihcuUToci. δ;δο/)9Ζ/, li^OiYl^SU, δ;δο/^ϊ7;/, ^ihoiy.iuov. '^ihoifAiuoCy δ;δο/>3$•, δ/δο/ΐ7Τθί/, δ/δο/)ίΤ£, ΙίΙοΊο, ^ιΐοϊσθον. δ;δο/σ^£. δ/δο/}?, δ;δοΓ^τ/!ν, δ/δο/^ίί;/. Imperative. Ιί'^οίτο, h'hoiaunuy Imperative ^ihoiuTO. δ/δο^/, lilorou, Ιβοτε, ΙίΙοσο,* ^ihoadov, ΙίΙοσύί, δ/οοτώί, δ;δοτωζ/, δ/δο'τώίσίίί'. ' Infinitive. Participle. hloaL•, δ/δοσ^ώ)ΐ/, Lifinitive. ^ihoauoii. Participle ^ί^όσθωσαρ. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. Masculine. Feminine. Neuter. δ/δούί, '^ι'^ονσχ, lilou, Oioofciuog, lihof^hvi. hloyeuou. δ;δο:/το$-, * Or without th and thence contrac δ/δθ(ίί£ζ/ον, e t^ I show. ACTIVE VOICE. PRESENT. IMPERrECT. Indicative. Indicative. Singular. ^ίίκνυς, Dual. Plural. luKVVTOVy '^sUvvTS, Singular. ihi'iKyvg, Dual. ihe'iKuvTou, Plural. shUuVfASUy "hs'iKuvai, htKuvTou, hiKPvai. S^SIKUV, Ι^ίίκνύτνίν, iheiKuvaoiu. Imperative. hUuvuf, hiKuvra, ZsiKuvrov, ^είκνύτύ)!/, h{Kl/VT£, hiKVVTCJauiv. htKVvui, hiKwro!/, Infinitive. hlKUVUOti. Infinitive. ^ίΐκϋύροίΐ. Masculine. ^ίίκνύς, ^SiKi /ύντος, Participle. Feminine. ^ίίκννσα. Neuter. hact/vu, hiKuvuTog. Masculine. ^SiKuvuTog, Participk. Feminine. hiKVvax, ^eiKvoa/ig, Neuter. ^iiKvvurog. Imperative. The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as the Present t Or without the «•, and thence contracted, f Or without the ), 'ήτω, 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 41 The other modes of the Imperfect, are the same as those of the Present. MIDDLE VOICE. Imperfect of the hidicat'ive. Singular. Dual. Plural. v,aOy 'ησύον, sjffps, E<><, / am, comes from the obsolete "Εύ), whence it has the first future middle, through all the modes and persons, regu- larly declined, viz. iao^uctiy ίσοιμγιν. 'ΐσεσθ»ί, tao.usuoc. There is another E/,44;, which signifies, / go ; and is thus declined : ΕΓ^/, I go. Present of the Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. εις, or εϊ, εϊσι. iro'j, ι'τον, ιμ,εν, i'ai, or ΐοίσι. Imperfect of the Indicative. irov, i'tyiu, ιμει/, ισχι/. Present of the Imperative. i'dt, ΐτω, i'rov, Ι'των, ιτε, ΐτωσοα/. Έλ(λι, ι gOf has also, among Attic writ- ers, another Imperfect of the Indicative, viz. Attic Imperfect of the Indicative. γίειν, τΐεί/αεν, γίεις, γειτον, γειτε, γει, γείτγιΐ), γείσοα/, or iji- σοίν. AoRisT π. Indicative. ΐες. ί'ομει^, ΐετον, ίίτε, (STYIU, ίον. ι ω, ιοί,α,ί, Subjttnctive. Ρ/] ς, i'vj, &C. Optative. Imperative.] &c. Ίετο), &c. Infnitive. hoit. Participle. r,&c. Et/ici, I go, is also derived from another "Εω, from which it has a regular impera- tive, s£, or, by contraction, εϊ, whence are formed the compound words, άττει, go away ; g'|g/, go out. Hfcdi, I sit.f \ Present of the Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. ί^μοίί, τιμ,εύον, 'τίξΑεθα, ί]σχί, Tiauou, ν^σύε, yjTcii, ijauou, ijVTuif, Imperfect of the Indicative. 'if^nv, 'ή/Λεθον, 'ήμ,εύχ, vjao, 'ήσύον, ΐ]σβε, χτο, τισύήν, ^uro. ive. ijco, ίίσύω, &c, Iiifinitive, ήσβα,ι. Participle. νΐμ,ενος, r„ ov. Κεϊμ,οίΐ, I lie.J Present of the Indicative. Singular. Dual. Plural. κείμ,οίΐ, κε'ψΛ&ο'^, κείμεθχ, κείσχί, κείσθον, κεΊσθε, κεΙτΛΐ, κίΐσθον, κείι/τοίί. * ϊβομΜί, 'ίσ•/ι, '{(ΤίτΆΐ, commonly contracted ϊστα,ι. t Probably the perfect passive of an obsolete verb, ϊω, signifying to set ; of which the perfect pas- sive would consequently sii^nify, / have been set, or / am set, or what is equivalent, / sit. Accord, ing to this conjecture, the tenses in the example should be called the Perfect and the Pluperfect. See Disquisitions on the Greek Prepositions, by James Bonar, F.R.S. Edinburgh, page 30 ; publish- ed in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. i Probably the perfect passive of κίω, I lay, or lay down : hence signifying, / have been laid down, I lie. See the Disquisitions quoted in the precedini; note, under κχτοο, page 30. F 4S A GREEK GUAMMAK. Imperfect of the Indicative. ίκίί(/.ϊ\ν, SKsif^suou, s>csi/iisUx, ίκίίσο, ίχ,ζίσύοι/, ίκασύί, sxsiTO, ίκ,ίίσύ^ν, sx,sii>ro. Imperative. κίίσο, χ,ϊίσΰω, &C. ' Iiifinitive. Participle. ■/.ύμϊνος, Yi, ov. Future I. — Middle Voice. IMPERSONAL VERBS- It was observed above, (see page 28,) that besides its own radical signification, a verb may mark a person of whom that signification is affirmed. When this is not the case, the verb is said to be imper- sonal. In English, impersonal verbs have before them the neuter pronoun it ; as, it becomes, it happens. In Greek, they have the form of the thh'd person singidar. The following are among the most com- mon : ΐΐςίτ^α, it becomes ; sV^stt?, it did become ; 'πξίτΓίΐιι, to become ; το -ττςί'ττοί; that luhich becomes ; and in the plural, τά. ττ^ίτι-ουτίχ,. Μελί/, it is a care ; έ',αελί, it luas a care ; μϊΚ'ήσα, it shall be a care ; μ,ζμί'Κνικζ, it hath been a care. Αοκ,ίΊ, it seems ; s^qkh, it did seem ; εδοΙέ, it hath seemed ; το οοκουν, that ivhich seems ; and in the plural, τά. ^okovutx. Δε?, it behoveth ; έ'δέ/, it did behove ; h'/]as(, it shall behove ; δετϊ, it may behove, or let it behove ; ^iVio'/i, it shall have behov- ed ; hlv, to behove ; το Uou, that which behoveth ; and in the plural, τά ^sovtcc. Χξτί, it behoveth ; έχςνιι/, it did behove ; xqviasi, it shall behove ; χξΥΐνχί, and χςνίν, to behove ; το χφον, that which behoveth. A great many verbs, which in general express the designation of person, are sometimes used impersonally; as, άξίσκα, it pleaseth ; άξκίΐ, it sufficeth ; ττζοσ'ηκ,ί/, it is conveiiient ; avf/^xlusi, it happens ; av,u- φίξξΐ, it profits. OF THE CONTRACTIONS IN GREEK. Where there is a concourse of vowels in any word, two syllables are frequently changed into one ; which is called a con- traction. A contraction without change of the vowels, is called Synceresis, or junction of syllables; as, τίίχ,ίΐ, τίίγβΐ. A contraction with change of the vow- els, is called Crasis, or mixtur^ of syllables; as, τξίχζχ, τζίχ,ϊΐ In giving rules for contractions, learn- ers must be reminded, that there are two short vowels, s, o; which have their corresponding long ones, -η, ω; and their diphthongs, - . . n, ου. General Rules for Contraction. 1. A short vowel before itself, is con- tracted into its diphthong ; as, In Noiins. AYift.oauiuesc, Αγιμοσύύνίΐς, Demosthenes. Αγίτόος , Ay)TOfc, Latona. υόος, ί^οΐ'ζ, the mind. In Verbs. φίΤ,ίίτΒ, φιΤ^ϋτζ, ye love. 'hrihooy.iv, ^η'λουμίν, ive declare. 2. A short vowel before a different short one, is contracted into ov ; thus, 'ΤΓΟξφυξίον, vos, μίλίτόίΐ/, βόίζ, φίλΒΟμβν, In Nouns. ττοςφυξονί!, purple, νου, Ο mind. (ΛίΤ^ίτουν, honied. βους, oxen. In Verbs. φί^.ου(Λίν, lue love. 1•/ιΚουτί, ye declare. 3. A short vowel before x, is contracted into its long one ; as, yix, yjj, yvig, y>7, &c. the earth. χ,ξυσίχ, χξυστι, χζυσνις, X^^^V^ &^. golden. £<ϋς, %, '^^οί' ^ξ'' ^^' the spring. φίίϊόχ, φίΐΐω, φίΐΐόος, φαΐό'ί, &C. parsimony. But psx, in nouns of the first declen- A GREEK GRAMMAR. 43 sion, and iu. pure, in θλ ery case, are con- tracted into ά ; as, τΓο^φι/Ρέίί, '7ΐο^(ζ)υ^οι,,ριΐΥ'ρΐ€.Οί. τΓΟξφνξχς, &C. X,psicc, '/j1^^• debts. G.'^oscjv, &c. The neuter plural of adjectives in ττλόος, is also contracted into ά ; as. όίττλοα. ΟίΤΤλΰ. dovble. 4. A short vowel before /, is contracted by synaeresis into a diphthong, \vithout ' change of letters ; as, rtixii. ΤΒΐχζί, to a wall. ^t^i' '^!fl' to a part. cciool. xlool, to modesty 5. £ before a long vowel or diphthong, is thrown out; as, Jn Nouns. Ήξοίκλίης, ' Έίζα,κΤ^ν,ς, Hercules. τίΐχΐ,ωυ, τξίγ,ων, of walls, χ,ξνσίοις, χ,ουσοϊς, with golden. τΓΟξφνξέου. ττο^φυξον, of purple. In Verbs. Koi'Aifi, χ.αλ>7, thou art called. φιΤ,ίω, φίΤ^ω, I love. KoiTikic, Kcthilg, thou callest. 6. Q-yAK^(t7λώ5, / declare. ογ,Άόγιη, QrihuTi, ye declare. o-fciKQoif before a diphthong, throws away the first, and is united to the last of the vowels, by synaeresis ; as. In Nouns. 1/όου, νου, of the mind. In Verbs. Ofihoii, διπλοί, he declares. οΐήλότ], δ>7λο?, he may declare. Z/i'AOov, Iri'hov, declare thou. But in the termination onu, the t is thrown out, and the contraction is made by Crasis, according to Rule 2d. into ov; as, In adjectives in ττ/^όος, όμίκζο;/ before a long vowel or diphthong, is thrown out ; as. Ζί'ΤΓλόή, δ/ττλοί?, Οίττ'Κόων, όίΤΤλΐ^, double. 7. οί before ο or ω, is contracted into ώ-μ,ίγχ ; ci not before ο or oj, is contracted into cc, and where a precedes a diphthong, the second vowel of the diphthong is thrown out, before the contraction is made, and if that vowel be i, it is sub- scribed; as, ηαάομίν, τΐ(/.ω[/Λν, u>e honour. Ti/icaoj, τ ψ. ω. I honour. μνά,Λ, μ,νχ, a mina. yshas. γβΆΑ, laugh thou. τψΛνι, τιμχ. he may honour. Tifian, Τί/ϋοί, he honours. yehaoiy.i. 7£λωί4;, I might laugh. 8. If the first vowel be i, or υ, or a long vowel, the subsequent one is always thrown out; as. οφΐίς, σινήτιϊ, βότξυίς, κύονος, Οφις, σινή'ττι, βότξνς, κυυος, serpents, to mustard, bunches of grapes, of a dog. honoured. Special Rules of Contracted Words. 1. The contracted nominative and ac- cusative plural of nouns of the third de- clension are alike ; as, Arii^oaui'Jiig, Ari.ccoadiysoi;. Αϊΐ,ϋοσύίνίίς. 2. In nouns of the third declension, a nominative, after being contracted, is then declined regularly ; as. Astfiii, contracted T^scg, a stone. oriAoiii/, ύ-ήλοίν, O/iAOl/V, to declare. 3. In adjectives in οας, the contraction of the neuter gender prevails likewise in the mascuUne and feminine. f^thiTOug, contracted (ΛίΆιτους, (ΛΟ^ιτόίσσα, [/ΛΆιτουσσα, (Λί7.ιτόίν, (ΛίΆιτουν. 44 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 4. A consonant between two vowels, is frequently thrown out, that a concourse of vowels may take place, and a contrac- tion be made ; thus, In neuter nouns in οί^, τ is thrown out ; as, KiQoig, a horn. κέξΜΤ», κέξοιος, κ,ίξως. In adjectives of the comparative de- gree, ν is thrown out ; as, βέΚτίων, better. βεΆτίονοί, βίΚτίοχ, βελτίω, βίλτίονζς, βελτίοες, βίλτίους. βίλτίονοίς, βίλτίόας, . . . In verbs, σ is sometimes thrown out ; as, τίύεσο, ridso, τίύου, place thyself. τΰ'7ττ&σοίΐ, τύτρτία,ι, tUtctv], thou strikest thyself. EXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN αω. τιμ,άω, I honour. PRESENT TENSE OF THE ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative. τίΐλ-ύω, ~ω, rty^-uof/^iu, -Zf/.s'j, rifA -άεις, -»ς, τιμ,-κ,ίτου, -α,τον, τι^-ά,εη. -arf, τ ι [A- Kit, -χ, τιμ^-άετον, -a,rou, Subjunctive. ημ-ά,ουσι, -ωσι. rii/j -ά,ω, -ω, rif/.-cx,af/>sv, -ωμ,ίν rif^-KVig, -όίς, TifA'avirou, -xTou, T(f4>'ayirs, -άτ£, ημ-ύνι, --χε, τί/Λ -ueTOj, η/^-κων, -βί, -χτω, ■ων, ημ,-οίετον^ -ocrov, τιμ,-οίίτων, -ύτων, Infinitive. rifA-DCiiu, -oiv. Participle. rtfi-aovaoc, -ωσχ, TifA'»iraacAu, -uraaotu. Tif^-OiOl/, IMPERFECT TENSE OF THE ACTIVE VOICE.* Indicative. iTlfA-UOUt ~ωυ, ίτίμ-κίς, -οίς, ίτιμ-ά,ετον, -όίτορ, krif^-oce, -fit, Ιτί/ϋ'Οίίττην, 'ά,την, ενιμ,-Μ0[Λεν, -ωμεν, ίτίμ-οίον, -Ο)!/. The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as the Present. A GREEK GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN ΑΩ. 45 PRESENT TENSE OF THE MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICE. τι[Λ-α,ο(Λ»ι, -ω^ΛΟΐ,ι, τιμ^-ά,νι. -oi. rifA-aarcti, -a.rex.1. Ttf^-OC,0)f^Oii, 'ZfAUl, Ti,u.uy], -όρ. r//ic-oiYiTuii, -ΧΤΧί, Τ((Λ-ΛθίΐΛΥ]», -ώμ,την, τιμ,-ά,Οίο, -ωο, τιμ.ά,οιτο. -ωτο, Ijidicative, τιμ,-άίσύον, -οίσύον, τιμ,-ά,ίσθον, -ά,σ&ον. Subjunctive. -οίσύον. Optative. τί/ϋ-άοίσύον, -ωσθον, τιμ-οίοίσθγιν, -ωσθτιν, Imperative. τιμ.-•ο(,όμ.ίύΰί, -ωμ,ίύα, TifA-xouroii, -ωντοίΐ. τιμ.-άοισθ&, Ti/ii-otoiuro, -φμέύΰί, ri/x-ccov, -ύ), τιμ,-οασθον, -χσβον^ τΐ[Λ-Λίσθω, -ίαύω, τί/χ,-οίίσύωι/, -άσύων, ημ,-οασθί, -χσβί, Ti/ii-oisaeaaciu, -άίσύωσοα/. Infinitive. Participle. Tifi-etofcsyog, -af^ivog. IMPERFECT TENSE.* Indicative. τΐ[^-ΛΟμ.ίΰθ^, -ω(Λίνον kn/ic-uo^Yiu, ίτιμ-ύον, STifi-asTo, -ω[ΛΥΐν, -ω, -ΰτο, Ιτίμ,-ά,ίσθί, STi/iC-XOl/TO, -ωντο. EXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN ΕΩ. φίΤ^ίω, I love. PRESENT TENSE OF THE ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative, φ/λ-6ώ), -ω, φίΤ^-εο/ϋίΐ/, -ον/Λει/, φίλ-ίείς, -εΙς, φίλ-&&τον, -ίΐτον, φίΤί-ίετε, -είτε, φίλ-ίίί, -ίΐ. φίλ-ίετοί/, -ίϊτου, Subjunctive. φι^Λουσι. -ονσζ. φίΆ-ίω, -ω. φι'λΛωμ,εν, -ω(Λεν, φι'Κ'ίνις, -^ζ' φιλ-εγιτου, -ν}τον. φίλ-έητε, -ητε, φι'Κ'ίγι, -γι, φίλ-ίτητον, -iJTOv, φι'κΛωσι, -ωσι. The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as tlie Pieeent. 46 Λ GREEK GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN Efi. φικ-ίοι^ι, φιΚ-ίοις, φίλ-ίθ{, PRESENT TENSE OF THE ACTIVE VOICE. Optative. -o7^/, φιΤ^-ίοιμεν, -οϊς, φίΆ-ίοιτον, -olrov, ^ φίλ-ίοιη, -oi, φίλ-εοίτιην, -oirriu, φιλ -ioiiu, Imperative. -olre, -oiiu. φι'Κ-ίί, φιλ-ύτω. φικΛων, ■ίίτω. ■ων. έφΐ\-£θν, -ονι/ &φίλ-£ες, -εΐζ, Ιφίλ-£6, -£1, φί7^-££τον, -firov, φΡ\•££των, -είτωυ. φΐΚ•££Ύ£, φι7\.-££τω<ϊύΐι/, ■£ΐτί, •είτωσοίΐ/. Lifinitive. φιλ -kiu, -είν. . Varticiple. φιΆ-ίουσχ, 'ονσοί. φίλ-εον, -ουι/. IMPERFECT TENSE.* Indicative. εφίλ-εετον, -είτοι/, εφίλ-είτην, -είτγιν, εφίΤ^-ίομει/, 1φι\-εετε^ εφίλ-εον, -ου (Λεν _ -είτε, -OVU. PRESENT TENSE OF THE MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICE. Indicative. φίΤ^-εομοι,ί, φι-Κ-ενι, φιΚ'έετΛΐ, -ουμ,οίί, -εΙτΛΐ, φίλ-εό/Λεβον, -ονμεθον, φιΤ^-εεσύον, -είσ&ον, φίλ-εεσύον, -εϊσ&ον, Subjunctive. φιΚ-εόμε^οί, φιΚ-εεσ&ε, φιΆ-ίοντοίί, -ούμ,εθχ, -είσθε, -oll'JTOil. φίΚ-εω^ΛΛί, φίΚ-ε^, φΐΚ-£ΎΙΎΛΙ, -'ωμΛΐ, φίλ-εωμεύον, -ωμ,εύον, φιΚ-εΎ\α^ύν, . -Ϋ,σύον, φι'Κ-εησύον, -νισθον, Optative. φιΤ^-εωμ,εύΛ, φί'λ-έησβε, φίΆ-εωντοίΐ, -ωμεύοί, '^θε, -ωντοίί. φιΤ^-εοίμ,Υΐν, φίΆ-εοίο, φί'λ-εοίτο, -01(ΛΎ\ν, -ο7ο, -olro, φι7\.'εοιμεόον, -οί/ίίεύον, φιΚ-εοισύον, -οϊσύον, φιΤ^-εοίσύην, -οί(ϊύην,\ φίλ-εοί/Λεύΰΐ, φίλ-έοίσύε, φι7\.-εοιυτο, -οϊσύε, -οΐυτο. Imperative. φιΆ-εου, -ου, φιλ^εεσβον, -εϊσβον, φίλ-ίεσβω, -είσύω, φι'Κ-εεσύων, -είσύων, Infinitive. φιΚ-ίεσύαι,] -ειαύαι. φιΚ-εεσθε, φίΚ-εεσβωσΛν, ίΐσύε, ίίσόωσΛν. * The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as the Present. A GREEK GRAMMAR. ΈXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN εω. 47 PRESENT TENSE OF THE MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICE. t\-iOUVJ0g, •ovf/,i'jog, -ου, -ζϊτο. Participle. φιΧ-ίο/^^ίντι, -ovyA'jTi, IMPERFECT TENSE.* Indicative. ΐφίΚ-ζόμ.ζ6ον, -ούμ,ίβον^ ζψιλ-ίεσύον, -είσύον, Ιφιλ-ίίσύ'/ιν, -ίίσύ'/ιν, φί'Α-ίόμ,ζνον, ξφίΤν-ίόίΛίύοί., -ονμ,εύοί, ζφι•κ4ίσθζ, -ίίσύί, ίφίλ-ίοντο, -ονυτο. EXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN ΟΩ. IriKoo), I make manifest. PRESENT TENSE OF THE ACTIVE VOICE. Indicative. ■ύ). ό•/ιΆ-οομεν, -ονμευ ■ο7ς, ^■/ιΤ^-όίτον, -ουτον, δ)7λ-0£Τ£, -ου τ ζ, •o7, ^'/]K-oiTou, -ουτον, Subjunctive. ^γΐλ-όονσι, -ονσι. ■ω, ΐΎΪΚ-όω(/Λν, -ωμ,εν, ■οϊς, ο-ηΚ-όήτον, -Ζτον, δ)5λ-0>7Τ£, -ωτί. ■ol, orih -όγιτον, -οίτον. Optative. 'hrih-ooioi, -ωσί. ■ο7μί, ^ΎΐΚ-001[Λίν, -oty^v, ■oig, ^ΎΪΚ-όοιτον, ' -οΊίτον, ύΥΐΆ-όθίτ£, -οίτί. -ol, ^τηλ-οοίτ'/ιν, -οίττιν, ^yfh-oottVy -ο7ίν. Imperative. ου. ό•/}λ-ύίτον. -ουτον, ^γΐλ-όετε, -ούτε. ουτύ), δ>7λ-0£Τ(5ϋν, -oύτύJV, Ο'^λ-οίτωσχν, -οίτωσχν Injinitive. \rik-oitv, 'ύΐν, Participle. ογ,7\.-όουσα, -ουσοι. Q-fiK -όον, -ουν. IMPERFECT TENSE OF THE ACTIVE VOICE.* Indicative. -ουν, -ους, -ου, είτηλ-όετον, -ουτον, ίίγιλ-οίτιην, -ούτ-^ν, k'hYi>^-oofAiv, ί^νϊΚ-όετε, ih'/i'K-oov, -ουμεν -ούτε, -ουν. The Imperfect of the Snhjunctive, Optatue, &c. is the same as the Present. 16 48 A GREEK GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF CONTRACTED VERBS IN ΟΩ. PRESENT TENSE OF THE MIDDLE AND PASSIVE VOICE. Indicative. '^γΐ'Κ-όομ,οίΐ, -oi, -OVTXi, ^■/iX-oofisuou, -ovf^sdov, ^Ύ[Κ•6ίσ6ον, -ovauou, ^■ηΤί'όίσύον, -ovauou. Subjunctive. orfh-oof^iux, ^ΥΐΚ-όίσθί, 'hvfk-oouTOii, -ονμ,ζύα, -ovah, -OVUTXl. ^ιηλ-όω/:ΛΧ{, 'hYfh-OYiroii, -Oh -ωτοίΐ, ^Tfih-oii^i&ou, -ύ)μ,ίύου, ^yih-omdou, -uauou, IviX-oyiauou, -Zauou, Optative. Ιτη^-οωμ,ζθα,, OYfh-oviaus, -ωα&ί, -ωνΎΛΐ. ^YlTi-OOiO, 1?ΐλ-00ίΤΟ, -οίμνιι/, -οίο, -αϊτό, ^τηΚ-οοίμ,ίύον, -oifAsdou, ^Yi^-ooiauou, -ovauou, ■* ^Yfh-Qoiaunu, 'oiauwJ, M7\.-ooiiAiuoc, ^rfh-ooiaui, ^Yih-ooiuro, -θΊ(Λί&Οί, -olaui, -oluTO. . Imperative. ^YjT^-oov, 'hvih-oiauo), -ov, -ονσβύ), ^YlTi-osauou, -ovauou, ^YlTi-oiauau, -Qvauau, Infinitive. ^YiT^'osadoci, -οναθοίΐ. Participle. "^viTi-osaue, oriX-osaucoaotu, -ovaue, 'ονσύωαχϋ ^ΎΐΚ-οομ,ίϋος, •ovfisuog, ll^Ti-OO^iUYl, -ov^iuYi, IMPERFECT TENSE.* Indicative. Ινίλ-οόμενοϋ, 'OV^iUOU. Ι^φ^-οόμ,γι», ehriK-oov, ί^ηλ-όετο, -0Vf4>YlU, -ov, -OVTO, ihYlk-06[AiU0U, -ovf^iuou, ihvi7\-osa6ou, -ovauou, k^fih-okadTiU, -ova&fiu. ί^γίΚ-οόμ,ίθΰί, Ιογίλ-όίαθί, ehrfh-oouTo, •OVf^SUoi, 'ονσύί, -OVUTO. ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE GREEK VERB. Besides giving examples of inflected verbs, it is proper to explain the principles of their inflection. In the structure of the Greek verb, three things demand attention : the component parts of the words ; the formation of the tenses ; and the irregularities which have ijeen introduced by custom. The component parts of the words to which attention must be given, are the Termination, Characteinstic, and Augment. The termination is that part of the verb which is varied by inflection ; as, λε^-Ω, λ£7-ΕΙ2, λ£^-ΕΙ, λ£7-ΕΤ0Ν, Agy-OMEN. The characteristic is the letter which im- * The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, Optative, &c. is the same as the Present. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 49 mediately precedes the termination, and undergoes no cliange by inflection, but re- mains, throughout the tense, invariable ; as, γΐηλίΤ-ω, J.iV-sig, T^iY'Oius, λίΓ-ε/ν, λ£Γ-ώ>, The augment is the addition made to the beginning of the verb, in the indicative of all , the past tenses, and in all the modes of the perfect tense; as,"E-TV'zrTO!/,"E-Tvd/ci, ΎΈ'-τνφΛ, ΎΕ-τύφο), 'ΕΎΕ-τΰφαο. Respecting the Termixatiox, the follov/ing observations may be made : If the first person plural end in -^,sy, the first person dual is wanting. If the third person plural end in -/, the third person dual ends in -ov. The subjunctive mode of the present tense forms its terminations from the indica- tive, by changing the short vowels into their corresponding long ones, subscribing /, and leaving out v. In the other tenses, the subjunctive has the same terminations as in the present. The optative mode always ends in -oi, -oti, or -ti. The first future always follows the terminations of the present, as does also the second future passive. But in the second futm-e, active and middle, the short vowels that are next after the characteristic letter, are changed into their corresponding diph- thongs. The second aorist, active and middle, always follows the terminations of the imper- fect. But the passive aorists borrow their terminations from verbs in -fjt.i. In the middle and passive voices, the singular number formerly ended always in «κα/, -σα;, -roii; 0Γ -μ,ηυ, -σο, -ro. Afterwards the σ was omitted, and at last the vowels con- tracted, as in the example of verbs in -ω. In like manner, the third persons plural in -ou, and -ecu, ended formerly in -οσα.ν, and -α,σαν. Afterwards σχ was generally omitted. The Characteristic is generall}^ as was said above, the letter next to the termi- nation. Thus it is /, in τί-ω, I honour^ ri-stg, &c. κ, in ττ'λέκω^ I bind ; and ττ, in τέ^-τώ;, / delight But when two consonants precede the termination, if the latter be either r, or any of the liquids ; the former is reckoned the characteristic : thus, ττ is the charac- teristic in τύ-τττύ), I strike ; κ, in tiktoj, I bring forth ; μ,, in τίμνω, I cut. Σ is never the characteristic of the present. A verb is said to be Pure, Mute, or Liquid, according as the characteristic of the present is a vowel, a mute, or a liquid. In verbs that are not liquid, the characteristic of the first future is always σ; thus, τίύ), τίσω, Aeyiy, ΆΪ^ω. 1η liquid verbs, the characteristic of the present is also that of the future ; as, Present. Future. Present. Future. μίυω, I remain, y.ivZu arkWo), I send, στίΚω. στΐίίζω^ sow, σττίοω. τίμυω, cut, rscccj. If before -ω of the first future, there be a single consonant, the characteristic of the perfect is κ; if a double one, it is the rough of the same order ;* as in, τίύ), Tiaoj, TtTiKcc, it is κ. -ΐύτίτω, τύ-ψω, τίτυφοι, it is φ. στίλΆω, στί'Κύ}, ίσταλχΑί, κ. "λίγω, λ£|ω, 'hihiy^oi,, χ. These are the rules of the characteristic in the present, first future, and perfect which are the tlu-ee principal tenses, whence all the rest are formed. The Augment is made according to the following rules : First, If the verb begin with a consonant, the augment prefixed is s ; thus, τϋτΐΤύ), STUTZTOu, 'ίτνψα.. γξΰοφύ), ίγξοίφον, 'ίγξοι-ψΛ. Conceruinj];• tlie classification of'tlie nine mute consonants, see page 2. G 50 A GREEK GRAMMAR. ξ after s is doubled ; thus ριτΓτω, ρ'^σσω, ρΰω, I throiv, breaks draiv. SpptTTTOll, sppyjaaoy, sppvoy, sppixpx. fppmoc- ίρρυσοί. In the perfect the mitial consonant is also repeated ; thus. τντττω, 7\.ίγω, γξύφω, γξοί-ψω, τέτυφα. But if it be a rough, the smooth letter of the same order is repeated ; thus, φοίίυω. I wonder, show, anoint. φθίνω, τίύα,ύμ,οίκχ. 'ττίφα.γκχ. κ,ίχ,ξΐκχ.* ξ is not repeated ; thus, ρί^ττω, ρνίσσύ), ρύω. Neither is y before ν, nor κ,τίίυω, repeated ; thus, ρί•ψ(ο, ρΰσω, ίρριφα.. SppVKOC. before ύ, nor σ before or after a consonant, nor κ in yuou, 1 know. γνώσω, εγνωκοί. γυωξίζω, make hioivn, γαωξίσω, βγνωξίκχ φύίύ), destroy. φθίσω. ίφθικχ. ■ψίύ'bύJ, deceive. "ψίύσω, S-ipSVKX. •ψύλΤ^ω, sing. ■ψαίΆω, ί-ψχΆκχ. ξύω. live. ζνισω, ίξη^χ. σττεύΐω, hasten, σ'π'εύσω. εσ'ττενκχ. στέφω, crown. στέ-ψω. . ίστξφχ. κηίνω, kill. κ,τευω. ίκτχγκχ. In the Attic dialect, instead of a repetition of the initial consonant in the perfect and pluperfect, a new augment of the ε is used ; as, τ^χμ,βχυω, I receive ; Future, λ'ί}•ψορίχί ; Perfect, λίλνιφχ ; or by the Attic dialect, ίΐλγιφχ. When there is no repetition of the initial consonant in the perfect, the pluperfect does not receive a new augment ; thus, ρί-πτω, ρί'ψ^, ^ρίφ^> ερρίφίΐν. ■ψχ'Κ'λω, -ψχλω, ε-ψχ'λκχ, e\px7ix,eiu. γνόω, γνώσω, ίγνωκχ, εγνωκ,ειν. Secondly, If the verb begin with x, s, o; or with χυ, χι, οι ; the augment is made by changing the initial vowel into its corresponding long one, and subscribing the ; of the diphthong. a. χυίιω, I perfect, vivvov. ξ. εΚ'τΐίζω, hope, νίλτηζον. 0. ότΓχζω, XV. χι. οι. χυ^χυω, Ι increase, χϊξω, take ιφ, γίξον. οικ,ίξω, build, ωκιζον.\ 'ήυζ,χνον UJ), afford, ωστχζου. οι. οικ,ίξω, build. But ε, instead of being lengthened as above, is often changed into its diphthong ; as, 'ίχω, I have, εΐχον. ϊχω, I allow, si'xov. * This rule originates in a desire to avoid the concurrence of two syllables both beginning with aspirates ; and it influences all tlie inflections, and the composition, of words in Greek. fBut (ί,ω, I blow ; αίω, I hear ; α.νβί(τσω, I amunused; ά,νι^ίζομχι, I loathe; retain the original vowel unchanged : also some verbs derived from οΤκοί, οΐνοί, οΙωνος, and βί»ξ ; as, οΊνίζω, I smell of wine, ο'ίνιζον. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 51 l^ist of verbs which change ε into u. ίοίω, βύίξω, ίλίσσω, Βλκ,ύύ), Ι allow, sit. accustom, roll, draiv. take hold of. follow. \ξγά,ζο(Λθ(,ι, Η ίστιύω, Ι say. work, say. creep. draw. give a feast. have. And, if the verb begin w^ith so, i remains, and the augment is made upon ο ; thus, ΙοΚ/τΐΐχ., ioqya,, SOiKS, I feast. have hoped. have done. It hath seemed. ίωλττίίν) ίφκ,ί/, I did feast. had hoped. had done. It had seemed. If the verb begin with any other vowel or diphthong, it does not receive an aug- ment ; thus. Si. sv. ov. I come, insidt, sounds diive, assimilate, direct, ivound, IKOfCYJU. νβξίξον. oiuou. ύ'κ,οι,ζον. ii/dvuou. οΰτοίζον. IKOfAOil, ύβςίξω, ωθω, ίΐκά,ζω, εύβύνύ), οϋτάζού, ι and υ, instead of augment, are pronounced long ; as, 'ίκομ,αι, 'iKOunv; υβρίζω, "ύ(. Verbs compounded with prepositions, receive the augment "between the preposition and the simple verb ; as, ττξοσκ,ό'πτω, ττξοσίκοτττον. Verbs compounded with sv and Ινς, if susceptible of an augment, receive it in the same place ; as, ώοίγ'/ίΤ^ίζομ,οίΐ, ίυγιγ'/&Κιζ6μ,ην. ^υσοίξζστίο/ΐίχί, ^υσπζίστ'ή&γιν, Aquila and Symmachus, Psal. xciv. 11.* Some verbs are augmented both in the beginning, and in the middle ; as, duaiya, dvia^cc, T^uoiS,»; άι/οζύόω, 'ήνωξ&ουν, ίνοχ,λίω, νινωχ,λ$οι/. ίκ, in composition, is changed into «I before the vowel augment ; as, ίκφίζω, Ιί,ίφίξου. hu and avu, when they change the u before a consonant, resume it before the vowel ; as, if^fAkua, Ιυίμ,ίυου ; συ^βου'Κίΰω, συυίβοϋ\%υον. avu sometimes drops the υ ; as, συζ-^ιτίω, σνι/ξξ'ήτζον. The next thing to be attended to in the structure of the Greek verb, is the FORMATION OF THE TENSES. The PRESENT TENSE ACTIVE is the foundation of all the rest. OF THE FIRST FUTURE. The first future is formed from the present. The General Rules are two. 1st. In verbs that have not a liquid for their characteristic, the first future is formed bv inserting σ before -ω ; thus. Present. Future I. Present. Future I τίω. I honour. τισω. βλίτΤύ), Ι see. βλ£-ψω. 'hVO), loose. λύσω. βς^χ^', water, βξίζω. 'Κουω, tvash, λούσω. γξάφω, lurite, γξχ-ψω. "hiya. say. λίξω. τςίβω, bruise. τξΙ-φ'ω.•};• * There are no examples, however, of the latter, in the New Testament, and those in the Septua- gint are all augmented at the beginning of the word ; as, "^υστοχίω, \'5υιττόκ.γ,<ην. Gen. xxxv. 16, Ιυα-φ-ήμίω, ί^νίτφ^μ•/ια•οι.ν, 1 Macc. vu. 41. Ζυ!Τ<ρΰςίΜ, \1υσ<(όζ6υν, 2 Macc. iv. 35. and xiii. 25. f The Attics often reject σ from -atru, -tVw, -'ib-w, -όσω, contracting tlic remaining vowels, when that 52 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 2d. Liquid verbs do not insert σ ; they only shorten the last syllable but one, if it happen to be long ; and their first future, thus formed, is declined like a second fu- ture; thus, f^iva, I remain, Fut. I. f^tuoi, f/^iufig, f^ei/el, f^euelrou, /nsvovf^su, &c.* In the same manner are the first futures formed in δε^6>, / build ; κξί^ω, I judge ; 'ττ'Κύνω, I wash ; ά^ΰνω, I defend ; νίμ,ω, I distribute. In shortening the penult, when two vowels or two consonants are together, the lat- ter is taken away ; thus-, Present. Future I. Present. Future I. στΓίίξω, I sow, σττζξω. τίμ,^ω^ I cut, ημ,ω. τείι/ω, stretch, τει/ω.^ '_ κά,μ,υω, labour, χ,οίμ,ω. φαίνω, show, φχνω. στίλλω, send, σπΆω. fiictim, pollute, μ,ια,ιω. ■ψά'λ.'λω, sing, •ψα'λω. Besides these general rules, there are some particular ones to be observed, both a& to mute, and to pure verbs. FIRST, IN MUTE VERBS. Before -σω, we cast away τ, I, 6, ο -,• thu '> τύτΓτω, / strike. τύφύ). τ. άνύτω, όβω, νομίζω. perfect, sing, fill, think. ά,νύσω, ΰίσω, ττ'Κ'ησω, νομίσω. τ. δ. ύ. δ. σ. φξάζω, 'π'Κα,σσω, say, form. φζο,σω, ττΤ^ασω, δ, σ. σ. ίμά,σσω. scourge. ίμχσω, c> σ.f But -σσω, -ζω, in the present, commonly have -ξω in the first future thus. 'ΤΓξάσσω, Ι make, οξύσΰω, dig, νύσσω, pierce. οζύζω. νύξω. κξάξω, στάξω, στίζω, I cry, , drop, prick. κ,ξά,ξω. στάξω, στίξω. Eight verbs in -f- A GREEK GRAMMAR. 53 SECONDLY, IN PURE VERBS. Verbs ending in -χω, -sa, -οω, change the short into its long vowel before -σω ; thus, Future. Present. Future. βοχύ), I cry, βονισω. τΐ(Λχω, honour, τίμ,'/ισω. εξωτάω, interrogate, ϊξωττισο). ψίλΐω, love, κίΐ/έω, move, φι'Κ'ήσω. Present. οίκ,ίύ), Ι dwell, οίκνισω. ^γ]λόω, make manifest, ^τ{Κωσω. 'π'Κνίξόω, fulfil, "ΤΐΤ^ΥίΟωσω. ά,^ίόω, reckon worthy, άζίωσω. Sometimes, however, the short vowel is retained before -σω ; thus, ten in -ίω retain £, viz. I scold. • polish, destroy, perfect, tremble. αξοσω. α,ί^ίομ,Λΐ ά,κίω, ά,'κίω, άξκίω, Ιμ,ίω, Ι revere, heal, grind, suffice, vomit. USiKSCO, οΚίω, τελίω, τξίω. οω retains in primitive verbs , thus, ά,ξόω, . βόω, / plough, feed, . eat. ομ,όω, swear. ονόω. reproach, -α,ω after g or ι retains u. ; thus, Ιά,ω, κ,οττίάω, μ,ίί^ιάω, ixo/iicii. Likewise, -Ταζω, -ςαω, after a vowel ; thuS; γεΤ^ιχω, όξοίω, Also, ά,κζοά,ο^Λΐ, Also, ττίτόίω, stretch out, has 'τητά.σω. Also dissyllables in -οίω, if they never pass into -n^t ; as. eat. ίύοσύ). swear, reproach. ομ,όσω. όι/όσω.* I allow, see, labour, smile, heal. εχσω. Βίάσομοΐί. κ,οτΓίάσω. μειδιάσω. iaaofcxi. wel; thus, I laugh. γίλύσω. see, hear, has όξάσω. άκ,ξούσομχ σττχω. Ι break, draw. σττασύ). But φβοίω, Ι come before, has φύά,σω, although we likewise have φύ^/ιμι. Seven verbs in -£οι,ι. τα,6^σομ>οίΐ. νζμ,γιύ'ί^σομοίΐ. βοθνίσομ,οίΐ. τΰτττο), τύ-ψύ), ΤέΤνφΰΙ, γξάφω, Taya, γέγξΛφχ, 'ΤΓξχσσύ), φί'Κίω, φιΆ'ήσω, 'ττίτΓζοίχοί, τεφίΤίΥΐκχ, ΙγίΚόω, Τίτί/ϋτηκ,χ, στίΚΚω, στίΚω^ εστχλκχ, φοίίνω, φθίνω. ττέφχγκχ, κξίνω, ηινω. κ,ξίΐ/ω, τίνω, KSKQiKX, τϊτχκχ. Άμ,ω, νίμ,ω, ui'Af^riKX, άζόω, βόω, άζόσω, βόσω. ν}ζοκχ, βίβοκ,χ, τΐΐοκχ, SPECIAL RULES. Many verbs, not Uquid, which have -κ,χ in the perfect, insert σ before -ύνισομιχ,ί. 1. In pure verbs, s, or a doubtful vowel, or a diphthong, before -κχ, inserts σ before ■ύν]σομχι; thus, £ before -κχ inserts σ. χ'ώίομχί, άκίομχι, Χλίά), Ι reverence, heal, grind. Ύ^ίΧ,Χ, VIKSKX, ^"hSKX, χΐ6ζσύνίσομχι. άχ,εσύ^ισομαι. άΤ^ίσύ'ήσομ,χι. »ζκέω, Ιύίω, σβίω. suffice, eat, polish, extinguish. νίξκίκχ, vihsKX, 'i^eKX, 'έσβίκχ. χζκεσύνισομ,χι. ϊ^ζσύ'ήσομχί. ^sautjaofiXi. σβίσθιησομ,χί. στοξία, Τίλίύ), τφω. stretv, finish, tremble. ίστόξεκχ, TiTihiKX, τίτξεκχ, στοζζσύνισομχί τίΚίσ&νισομχι. τζζσύτισομ,χι. Five, however, are to be excepted, which have ε before -κ,χ, but do not insert σ before 'θνισομχΐ', viz. χΐνίω, I praise. χυγ,ΐω. glory. Ιμ,ίω, vomit. ίξίω, όλάω. I row. destroy. Odyss. 56. 56 A GREEK GRAMMAR. before -κ,οι. inserts σ. yihaciy I laugh. ^ξΜω, love. ^λάώ>, break. uauy ττετΰίω, σ'ττάω. I inhabit, spread, draw. ίλά,ω, render κκάω, break, κξίμ,ά,ω, hang. propitious. ύφά,ω. iveave. relax. Eight must be exceptjed, which have u, before -xct, but do not insert σ before -ύνισο^οίΐ, άκ,οοάομ,οίί, I hear. όξύω, I see. ^SCCO/iCUCi, behold. 'τηΐξά,ομ.οίί, try. iao/xoii. heal. ττεξύω, pass. ΚΟν/ΰίύ), sprinkle with dust. φύ)ζά,ω. catch a thief. i before -κοί inserts σ. κνλίω, I roll. -π-ξίω, Except τ/ώ>, I honour, τίσω, υ before -κα inserts σ. χ,ζΐο I anoint. άφύω, βλύω, βόα, ελκύω. αξτυω, βξύω, ^ύω, ί^ξύω, κ,ο)κ,ύω. Ι bring to an end. draiv forth, flow, stop ιφ. draw. I season, spring up. go under, rush. place in a seat, lament. TiTlKCX., ηθ'^σομοίί. (Λεύύω, ξύω, τττυω, υ ω, Ι drink wine, shut, polish, spit, rain. do not insert a before -UTiaof^oii κωλνω, λυω, μ,Ύΐυυω, ρύω, τξυω, I hinder, loosen, point out. draw, wear down. Oil before -χλ inserts σ. κ,νοί,ίω, I gnaw, 'ττα,'ιω, strike. κ,Τ^οιίω, weep. av before -κ,α, inserts σ. Βξχύω, I break, u before -κα inserts σ. κκύω, I shut, sv before -κ» inserts σ. ττοίΐω, βοιιω, ■ψαύω. I stumble, shatter. I touch lightly. I shake. I order. •ττλεω, I sail. ygy y curse. σττίύ'^ω, hasten. ϊξίύίζο), irritate. στοχά,ζομχί. besmear ίξίί^Ο), support. σχά,ζύ}, scarify. ψζο^. dispute. σχίζ(^, split. ΐτχζύ}. examine. σύ}ζω. save. όίδω. delight. τξίξω, or τζύζύ), grate. κ,λύζω, inundate. τω θ ά ζω, mock. ΚΟλά,ζύ), chastise. φίίοω. spare. κ,ομ,ίζω. carry. φξά,ζω. say. κτίζω, build. ■<Ρίύ^ω, deceive. α,ά,ζω. touch. And in Uke manner, all verbs in -ίζω derived from nouns, insert σ ; as. Τ^ογίξο,αχι, νο^Αζω, Ι reason, think. οΐκίζω, ηιγ,ίζω, β cast away. / build. build a wall, &c. &c. -πίίύω, 7Τλ7]θω, I persuade. ΤΓξ'ήύύ), ωθύ), σσ cast away. / burn, push. νάσσω, 'ΤΓχσσω, I compress. spri?dcle. τλάσσω, τΓτίσσω, Η I form, bruise. 58 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 11. The following fifteen verbs, sometimes insert c before -β^σομχί, and sometimes do not. α,ξνω. άξύσω. Ι draiu water. ^Ρ»ω, ^ξχσω. act. Ρ"; ζέσω. boil. ελχύ). ίλχσω, drive. κα,ίω. κ,ΰίνσω. burn. κίξά,ω^ ' χεξάσω, mix. χ,νχω^ κ,νήσω. gnaw. ΆΟξύω, κ,οξίσω, satisfy. μυάω^ {Λρτισω, put in mind. (/.νι^ϋω. (ΛΥίξΰσω, wind round. 6u6o)y ουόσω. reproach. "ττΛυω^ τταυσω. cause to cease ΤΓΰίω, ίτζ/ενσώ», breathe. χνοίύω. χναυσω. plucJc. ■ψχω, ■ψί}σω. scrape. ΙΙΓ. Seven verbs shorten a long voM^el or diphthong before -^τισομ-Λΐ ; as, αίξίω. Ι take. οίίξνισω, ίίξνίκΰί. οίίξε07}σο(ΛΧΐ. εύξίύ), find, εύξ'ήσω. ε'όξΐηκ,οί. εύξεθνισομ.011. εχ,ύ) or σχίω, have. σχησω. εσχιηκχ. σχεύνισομ,α,ι. '^εύύω, inquire. ητίύσω. 'ττέττευκ,οί. 'TtvaQviaoy.oi.i. σενω. agitate. σενσω, σεσευκ,οί. avuvjGOf^oii. 'τεϋγ,ω. make. τενξω, τέτευχοί. rvxuyjao^oii. χεω. pour. χεύσω, κεχευκΰί, χυ&νισομ,αι. But φεύγω, fly. has either φευχύνισομ,Λΐ or φυχθ'ήσομ,χι. OF THE PERFECT PASSIVE. GENERAL RULE. The perfect passive is formed from the future passive, by resuming the augment, and throwing away θι^σο before -^λι ; thus. φίΧεω, I love. φι'Κηύ'ήσοι^οΐί, 'π-εφιλιημιχί. στε7\Χω, send. στοίΚύνισομ,χι, εστΰίΤί/ίίΰίί. τεΤ,εω, perfect. τεΤ^εσύνισομ,ιχ,ι, τετεΤ^εσμ,οίί. σεύω. agitate. σνβ'^σομΛί, σεσνμύίί. σ before -uyiaofAon, does not always remain before -/icoii ; and some verbs take σ in the perfect, which have it not in the future ; as, μ,ννισ^'ήσομ,οίΐ, {Λεμ,νη^Λοιι ; σωθνισο(Λοίΐ, σεσωσ- μ,Λΐ. And Yi οχ ω before -λλ, returns before -y^ai ,• as, εΰξγικ,χ, εύξεβνισο/ίίοίΐ, iv^nf^cti. If there be a vowel before -μ,α,ι, the third person plural is expressed without the help of the auxiliary verb ,• as, ττεφίλημιζί. ττεφί'Κ-ήντοα. Neither, in this case, is the auxiliary used in the subjunctive or optative; as, τεφίλωμοίί, ττεφι'λοίμγ,ν, &c. Special rules, for the sake of the better sound, or the greater facility of pronuncia- tion. 1. X before μ., is changed to y ; and φ or u, to μ ; thus. 7\.εγω, τύτΓτω, φα,ίι/ω, 'Tt'kVUOi, 7^εχύν}σο(Λοιι, τνφύ'ήσομοίΐ, φα,νύνισομ,α,ι, 'ΤΐΚυν&τίσύμοι,ι, Τ^εΤ^εγμαίΐ. τετυμ,μχί. ττεφα,μμοίΐ. πΐί'π'ΚυμμΛί. Not λίλίχμαι, τίτυφμχ,ι, ^τίφκνμ,κι, ιτίίτλυν/Λκι• A GREEK GRAMMAR. But in the Attic dialect, ν before f^ passes into σ ; as, 2. Rough letters before τ or σ pass into smooth letters of their own order ; 59 yky^cci^oiiy The three following verbs change ε into a, : τξί'^ω, I turUf τξίφω, nourish, στξέφω, bend. OF THE SECOND FUTURE ACTIVE. GKNERAI, RULE. The second future active is formed from the present, by shortening the penult, and throwing the emphasis upon the last syllable, placing a circumflex above ω ; thus. στίφω. I crown, στέφω. "κύω. I loose. 7\υω. τίκω, bring forth, τίκω. ά^ύρω. defend, ά[Λυνω τίω, honour. rta. όίζω. fit. άζω. A long penult is shortened in three ways : 1. Long vowels are changed into » ; as, σ'^ττω, I rot, σοί-^ω. Τξάγω, 2. In diphthongs, cc is retained, ε rejected ; as. φαίνω, I show, φχνω. κχίω, burn, κα,ω. -π-ΰίύω, make to cease, τταω. λειττω, φεύγω. I eat. I leave, fly. But liquid dissyllables change ει into ot, ; polysyllables into ε ; as, τείνω, I stretch, τα,νω. άγείξω, I gather, σττείξω, soiv, σττΜξω. εγείρω, excite, φβείξω, corrupt, φβοίξω. οφείλω, owe. 'ξοίγω. λιτιτω. φύγω. αγεζω. εγεζω. όφελω. 3. When consonants concur, τ is thrown out, and the last of two liquids ; as, / strike, τνττω. ψάλλω, / sing, -ψοίλω. hbour, κχμ,ω. τντΓτω, /Βάλλω, throw. βάλω. κχ/ίΛνω, But if the last of the two be neither τ nor a liquid, or if there be three together, the penult cannot be shortened ; as. θάλττω, / warm. Βχλττω. μ,ύξ'τττω, I seize. μ,Χξ'τνω. SPECIAL RULES. I. In dissyllables not pure, ε after or before a liquid passes into u, ; as, ττλέχω, I plait, τΐλοίκύ). ^εξκω, I see, lu^xZ. σταλώ. τε^^νω, cut, Tetfca. Ιξα/αω. ττεζύω, destroy, 'τταρβω. στέλλω, ^ξεμω, send, run. * Not λίΚίχβ-χι, λίλίχ,τοίΐ, γίγξο-ψο-κι, γίγςκφτκι. 60 A GREEK GRAMMAR. But £ after λ remains in three ; as, φ'Κίγω, flame. (p'hiya. βΤ^ίττω, βλίττΖ. II. In some verbs, the mute characteristic passes into another of its own order ; thus, 1. σ(Λΰγ/ύ, and -ipv^a, take -yZ. 2. β'κά,τττω, κξύτττω, and κ,ΰίΚντττω, take -βω. 3. όίττω, βά'πτω, ^ά'τττω, σκάτττω, with Ιξύ'τττω, ρίτττω, and ρά-πτο, take -φω, viz. Ι. σμνχω, -ψύχω, Ι smelt, cool. -Kpvyo}. βλύ'τττω, κ,ξύ'ΤΓτω, κ,χλύ'τττω. CCTTTCJ, βάτΓτω, σκά,τττω, ρίτττω, βΰίΤΓτω, Ι hurt, hide, veil. 3. I touch, stain, bury, dig, tear, throw, sew. β-Κοίβω. κξυβω. κ,χλνβω. ά,φω. βχφω. ταψωΛ σκ,α,φω. ριφύ). ροίφω. III. -σσω or -ζω of the present, having -ξ^ω of the first future, makes -ya of the second ; as, 'ττξά,σσω, I make, T^ocycj. ^^άζ'ω, I cry, K^dyu. But -ζω of the present, having -σω of the first future, makes -Ιω of the second ; as, Φξύζω, I say, φξοιίω. 'ίζω, I sit, εΐω. Verbs in -αω and -^ω, after a vowel, verbs in -οω, and pure polysyllables which have υ in the penult, want the second future. But -χω, -sa, after a consonant, for this tense, assume the present contracted ; as. η^Λκω, I honour. τΐ[Λω. φίλίω, I love. φίλω.ή- OF THE PERFECT MIDDLE. GENERAL RULE. The perfect middle is formed from the second future active, by prefixing the aug- ment and changing -ω into -a ; as, τντΓτω, I strike, τυττω, τίτύττα. Άζά,ζω, cry, x,^a,y2o, TctTc^oiyct. τίω, honour, τιω, τίτιχ. λύω, loose, λνω, λίλνα. yξόίφω, write, yξO!.φω, ysyξoίφu. Ιονττέω, Ι resound, Ιονττω, Ιί^ΟνΤΓΟί. φeΰyω, fly, φυyω, '7Γίφvyoc. κ,ϊύύω. hide, κυθω, κίκύύχ. Οξω, excite, όξω. ωξχ. βξίβω. amheavy,βξιβω, βίβξϊύοί. * Not ^Μφω, with two aspirates. Θ^^λ, / wonder, has also rec^a, and 2 aor. ϊταφον. t These might as well be called examples of the present form in a future acceptation. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 61 κξύτττω, Ι hide, κξυβΖ, ΚίΚξνβΰί. ■Α,^ίζω, Ι squeak. κζίγω. κ,έκξϊγοί. βΆοίτττω, hurt. βλα,βω. βίβλχβχ. ριγίω. shudder. ριγώ. sppiyot. φζά,ξω, say. φξχΐΖ, ΤΓίψξΧ^Χ. τζίζω, grate. τριγω. rir^iycc. 'ΤΓζοίσσω, make. 'ΤΤξχγο), 'ττίτζάγχ. (Λυκα,ω, bellow. μ^υΆύ), μ,ίμ,ϋκοί. 'ψάλλω. sing, ■ψχλω. £•ψΰλΰί. In verbs of this kind, the penult of the perfect middle is generally long ; but it is short in verbs in a, pure ; as, βίβοία, δίδ/α, 'πίφύχ. SPECIAL RULES FOR THE PENULT. 1 . f of the future passes into ο ; as, λίγω, βλίττω, φλίγω, άγίίξω, ύξέγω. Ι say. λζγω. see. βλίΤΤΟ) flame. φλΒγΖ, assemble. άγίζω. stretch out. οζζγω. am accustomed, id ω, 2. ι of the futui'e, from ε; of the present, passes into oi ; as λίλογΰί. βίβλΟΤΐΟ,. ΤΤίφλΟ'/Λ. ^/ίγοξχ. ωξογοί. ωύοί, Attic, ζΐωύχ. λίίττω, 'ττίίβω, άλίίφω, άρίίίβω, άίί'^ω. Ι leave, persitade, anoint, exchange, sing. λιτΐω, 'Τΐΐ&ω, άλίφω, άμιβω, οέί'δώϊ. 3. α of the future, from s or a, passes into ο ; as, στλίκω, κλίτττω, σττΒΐ'ξω, στίλλω, πίνω, τί(Λνω, ηίζω, νί/ίΛω, μ,ΐίξω, τηίζω, μίι/ω. Ι plait, steal, sow, send, stretch out, cut, weary, distribute, divide, build, pierce, remain^ ττλοίχ,ω, κ-λοίττω, σ-ποίζ^ύ), στοί,λω, ΤΛνω, roc {Λ ω, ΤΛζω, uccpccu, pccc^Z, Ζαμω, ττχξω, pcccp&i. 4. But α of the future, from -/} or ui, passes into vj ; as, σ7]7Γω, φοίίνω, λ7}όω, χχίνω,• ττλ'ήσσω, δοί/ώ). Ι rot, show, am hid, gape, strike, burn. φΛνω, λα,ύω, %Λνω,^ ττλοίγω. λελοίΤΓοι. στίττοίύοί. ίίλοιφχ. 71[ΛΟΐβθΙ. 'ΤΓίΤΤλΟΚΟ!,. κΐχλοπιχ,. εσττοξοί. Βστολοί. T£TQVOC. T£TO/iiOi. τίτοξοί. νίϋομχ, fcipcoQX. 'ττίττοξχ. f^epcoux. σίσΐή'ττχ, 'ττίφπϋχ. λίλΥιύχ. κ,ίχγι^χ. 'ΤτίτΓλΎΙ'/Χ. Likewise, ^χλλω, κλχξω, have vj ; as, Βχλλω, I flourish, ^χλω, τίύηλχ. κλχζω, Ι sound α trumpet, κ,λχγω, κίκλτηγχ. From the above rules, it appears that the Greek verb may be conjugated through the primary tenses, in this manner : rvTTTO), τύ'τττω, τνφω, τυττω, τίτυψχ, τίτνπκ. τυφύτ^σορΛΧί, riTvpcpcxi. 62 A GREEK GRAMMAR. σταλώ. εστΛλκοί, εστολα. σταλύ'ησομΛί, εστΛλμ,οίΐ. 'τηίύω, 'ττεΐύω. 'ΤΓίΐσω, 'τη&ω. 'κεττειχ,Λ, 'ττεττοιύοί. ■ττεισύ'ησομ.α.ι, 'κί'πεισμ.αι. OF THE OTHER TENSES. The other tenses are formed from the primary ones, according to their proper termi- nations, as shown in the examples ; viz. I. Both the futm'es middle come from the corresponding futures active ; thus, ru-Trres, I strike, τνφω, τύ-ψομΰ^. τνττω, τντΓου/ΐΛοα. And liquid verbs inflect the first future in the same way as the second ; thus, στίίξω, I sow, στηξω, σττεξ-ονμ,α,ι, -γ, -είτοιι. In the second future middle, three retain their short vowels ; viz. τ/ο^λ/, / drink ; φά,γοι/>Λΐ, I eat ; s^of^at, I eat ; and are inflected -πίο^Αο,ι, x/ij, ττίετψ', not itiw^ai, ινιγ, ττίεΙτΜί.* ,,"-'^ 11. The second future passive comes from the second active ; thus, ' τνττω, τντττισομαϋ. III. Through all the voices, the aorist comes from its corresponding future ; thus, IN THE ACTIVE VOICE. 1. τύφω, ετν>Ρ», 2. τυττω, ετνττοι/. IN THE MIDDLE VOICE. 1. τύ-ψομοίί, ετυ-ψάμ^ην, 2. τυτΓονμοίί, ετυ-ττό/ΛΤήν. IN THE PASSIVE VOICE. 1. τυφθ'ησομ.α,ι, ετύφθην, 2. τνττ^ισομοα, ετύχ'ηι/.\ The first aorist of liquid verbs makes the penult long ; viz. ε passes into it, and the doubtfiil vowels are lengthened ; as, μένω, I remain, μευω, εμείνοι,, εμεινάμην. ■ψάλλω, sing, -ψοίλω, ε-ψχλχ, εψοίλάμνιν. φα,ίυω, show, φοίνω, εφοίνοί, εφανάμιην. μίΛίνω, pollute, μίΛυω, l^iocuoc, εμιοίνόίμνιν. κξίι/ω. Judge, κζίνω, 'ϊκ,ζίνοι,, εκξίράμγιν. « * So βλάβίται, not |3λ«/3ε7τ«/, Anacreon, Ode III. The first syllable of ^io/^ai is commonly long•, whereas the second future would require it to be short. Thus we read βίομαι, I mil go ; and νίομ-αι, I will return. What is here called the second future might as well be called the present form, which is frequently used in a future acceptation. f An ancient form of the first aorist ended in -c-zav, without any augment ; as, τύ-ψβ^τ^-β»', -κ, -£» for ΙτίΛ^-Λ, -«f, -£. This occurs frequently in the old poets ; thus, eivZy;ircce-xt, for vvSne-i, he spokC' ^ A GREEK GRAMMAR. 63 But in the Attic dialect, «c is changed into y} ; as, ί-ψαλχ, changed into ί-ψι^λχ, 'ϊφα,νοί, e(p-/i>joi. ^φιηλά,μνιι/. Ιμι-ήυά,μ,να/. Active. τύ'Τΐτω, Mid. and Pass. τϋτττο^Λΐ^ Perfect. A. rlrycpsi. M. Ύίτυΐΐΰί, P. riTVf^of^ai, Through all the voices, the imperfect comes from the present; the pluperfect from the perfect ; thus, Pres. J Iraperf. ίτυτΐτον. Pluperfect. Ιτίτυφζΐυ, STSTVTrsi!/, What grammarians have called the Paulo-post future, that is a tense implying that an action is soon to be accomplished, seems to be nothing but a first future middle, redoubled according to the Ionic dialect; as τύ-ψομαι, ητύ-ψομ,οίΐ. It bears on it the mark of a past, as well as of a future tense. The reduplication in this, similar to that in other past tenses, shows that it is intended to express the completion of a future action ; and as the first future middle is frequently used in a passive sense, so .this future perfect has generally a passive signification ; as, τίύύ-ψίτχι, he will be buned ; fASf/.i'iiroci ϊσθλά, κοχ,χ,οίσι, evil will be mixed with good. It is accordingly sometimes called the 3 future passive. When we say it expresses the completion of a fiiture action, we * mean it expresses an action, the beginning of which is past ; but the doing of which, the consequences of which, or the circumstances resulting from it, still continue ; consequently the completion is future. VERBS IN Ω TO BE CONJUGATED. λίγω. Ι say. σ'τηίξω. sow. ττλνιθω. fill. •κλά,σσω. form. -σω. τιτζά,σσύ), φοίίνω. do, show. -Ιω. rif^ua. cut. κιυέω. move. -'ήσω. Τίλίω, τξί'ττω. perfect, turn. -ίσω. 'ττλτιζόω. fulfil. -ωσω όζάω. see. -ά,σω ρίω, κ,ζίί/ω, βάλλω. say, judge, throw. -τ,σω. σώζω. save. -σω. Βξωτχω, %£^» άΐιύω, ρίτΓτω, νβξίζω, λύω, Τξίφω, νομίζω, κζάζω, ϊχω, στέλλω, λίί'ττω, 'π-λίχ,ω. ask, -7;σω. pour, complete. throw. '-ίύσω kill. anoint. insult. 'ίσω. loose. nourish. think. -Χσω. cry, have. -Ιω. make. send. leave. plait. SECOND CONJUGATION. OF VERBS IN MI. I. All verbs in -μ,ι are formed from pure verbs in -ω. * An ancient form of the imperfect ended in α-κ-ον, -is, -£, without an augment ; as, s-farw^t, tor irriu,vi, he wos sending. 16 comes σβνΐ{Λΐ, Ι extingi γνωμ,ι. ι know. φψι. say. ξίύγι/υ^Λί, join. μ,ίγνυμ,ι. mix. 64 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 1. A short vowel before -ω passes into a long one before -μ,ι, and a doubtful one is lengthened,• thus. From σβίω, γνόω, φάω, (Λίγνΰω, 2. Regular verbs in -οίω, -ιω, -ού), double the initial consonant with /; thus. From δίώ), comes '^t-^^f^i, I bind. δο'ώί, δ/-δώ)^/, give, ^ίω, τί-θγιμ,ι^^ place 3. An initial vowel prefixes ; only, which is called an improper reduplication; thus, From σά>ω, is formed ΐ-σνιμ,ι, - I know. Βω, ΐ-Ύΐ^έ, go. ίω, ι 'i-v}f^iy sold. Likewise, στά,ω, 'τττά,ω, prefix ι aspirated; viz. From στά,ω, is formed 'ί-στνιμ,ί, I set. - 'π-τχω, Ί-7ΓΤΥΐμ{, fly. 4. Verbs in -^; have only three tenses proper to them ; the present, imperfect, and second aorist ; in which, those in -vf^i want the subjunctive and optative. II. 1. The second aorist is formed from the imperfect, by throwing away the reduplica- tion : and by changing the short vowels in the termination of the imperfect, into long ones of the aorist ; thus, Imperfect. 'ίστγιν, 'ίστγις, 'ίστγι, 'iaroiTou, &c. Aorist II. 'iaryju, ίστ/ις, βστν], ίστνιτον, &C. Imperfect Imperative, 'ίστοι,ύί, 'ίστα,τω. Aorist II. Imperative, arr^^i, στ'ί^τω. Imperfect Infinitive, 'ίστα,υα,ι. s Aorist II. Infinitive, arvjuoii. ' So also φ'ή{Λ(, I say, yvay^i, I knoiv, βιω^ι, I live. But three retain the short vowels in the termination ; viz. τίθ-ήμι, liha^t, and ί'η,ϋ; ; thus, Aorist II. 7iv, νις, VI, erou, &c. shoii. And they have in the imperative, ^sg, Ιός, Ις. And in the infinitive, they change the short vowel into its diphthong, ^{iuxi, ^ouuxi, sJyxi.f A'erbs in -/in want the second future, and the tenses formed from it, viz. the perfect middle, and second aorist passive. III. 1. Verbs in -μί have the first future, and the tenses formed from it, from their primitive ; thus, τίύνιΐΛΐ, from ^U), has ^"ήσο), ^νισομ,χι, &c. ^tZafi/, ^όω, δώσω), ^ωσομ>οίί, &C. Ίστγι /iii, στόίω, στ'ήσω, ίστΥίσοί, σΤ'ήσομχί, ίστιησχ,ατην, Szc. * Not 3-ίθ-^μί, on account of the aspirate, t Originally ^ίμίναι, ^όμ,ΐνκι, 'ίμινοι,ι, whence, omitting• ^t, and contractin°^ the concurring- vowels, came ^{ϊνκι, ΖβΖνν,ι, «Γν*/. A GREEK .GRAMMAR. ΟΓ> •2. Three have -y.cc, instead of -σα, in the first aorist ; vk. "iYif/.i, Sjfffiy, vjAoii fiKoif^-fiu. 3. Those which are derived from verbs in -εω, have u before -«λ in the perfect ; as, τίόψ.ί, from ^ίω, has &νίσώ>, rkktx,». 4. Those derived from verbs in -au, have λ before -y.a, in the perfect ; as, 'iaxYif^iy from σrΰίωy has στ'ήσω^ ίστοίκα. 5. A long syllable before -χ,λ, passes into a short one before -ύ-ήσομ,ίχ,ι ; thus, ύίύακ,οί, ϋούτισομοίί, ϋί^ο^αα. 6. ii before -x.ciy returns before -f/.ui ; thus, εϊκ,οί, euviaofieci, sifcai. 7. The perfect passive inflects all its modes by the terminations of the imperfect; thus, TeuufActi, τίθω{/>αι, Tidiiuy^u, rshiaOy rshlauaiy τ£βίί/ϋ=!/ος. 8. The primitive redoubled, is often used in the imperfect active ; thus, τίύΐω, ίτίύίου, ίΤίβίζς, ίτίύίί, &c. contracted st'iUovu, ίτίύας, Irluei, &c. VERBS IN MI TO BE CONJUGATED. 'ίνιμί, from L•, I send. ou/if^i, from ouL•, I help. σβ7}^ίί, σβίννν^α, . . σβίω, extinguish. oy^uvf/^i, . . oy^ooi, swear. ζίϋ^υυι/Α, . . ζΒΰγύ), join. ττίμ,ττ'Κγ,μ,ι, . . τλί'ώ), ^//, (whence TrX^jc^iy.) όίότιμ,ι, . . ύίω, bind. οΤ^Κνμ,ι, . . ολΙώ;, destroy. "ίΤΐΎ-ψΑ^ . . τττάύ), fly. υίχ,ψΑ, . . νικά,ω, conquer. OF DEFECTI\'E AND IRREGULAR VERBS. In the structure of the• Greek verb, besides the component parts of the words, and the formation of the tenses, v.e must attend to the Irregularities luJuch have been introduced by custom. These irregularities most frequently occur in the present and imperfect tenses, but in some cases they extend through the other tenses also. Irregidariiies arisijigfrom Variations in the Present and Imperfect Tenses. It appears from the foregoing rules, that the present tense, in Greek, is properly the root of the verb, from which all the other tenses, either directly or indirectly, are formed. But in many verbs, especially the more ancient, chan^^es were from time to * Not 5^θν,α•ομΛί, to avoid the repetition of the aspirate. I ωθω. Ι push, seem. rejoice. τυιΙΙ or incline. 66 A GREEK GRAMMAR. time introduced by use, upon the original form of the present tense, by the alteration, omission, or repetition of letters, till from these changes, in the progress of the language, a new form of this tense gradually arose. The imperfect tense always fol- lowed the present, through each of these changes, and assumed a new form corresponding thereto. For the most part, all the other tenses remained unaifected by the variations of the present, and continued, as before, of their original form, regularly derived from the primitive. In some cases, both the old and the new form of the present and imperfect continued in use ; accordingly, we find in a few verbs, a double form of these two tenses j as, ώβίω, and Most frequently, however, the old or primitive forms fell in time into disuse, and the new forms were substituted in their room. As, therefore, in many verbs, the future, aorist, perfect, and pluperfect, tenses, are to be sought for according to a regular derivation, not from the present tense in com- mon use, but from a primitive and generally obsolete present, of a somewhat different form, it becomes necessary to know in what manner the changes thus introduced, affected the primitive, so as to form the new present. The new present tense, (with which, as mentioned before, the imperfect always corresponded,) was formed either from the Present, or from the Future of the primitive verb. I. FROM THE PRESENT OF THE PRIMITIVE, In five different ways : By Epenthesis, or insertion of letters ; Syncope, or con- traction of letters ; Reduplication, or repetition of letters ; Metathesis, or transpo- sition of letters ; and Aph^resis, or cutting off the initial letter or letters. I. Epenthesis, or Insertion of Letters. 1. By inserting e before the final -ω ; thus, from ^όκω, I seem or appear, was formed Ιοκίω, Imperfect, sIoksov ; the other tenses from Ιόκω ; as. Future I. Ιόξω, Perfect, Uhxa, &c. In like manner, from στνγω, I hate, is formed στυγίω. Imp. ίστΰγίον, Fut. I, στνξω. ii'L•, know, . . ΐΙΙίω, . . rihou, . . si'aa.f I * In a very few of those verbs, which had the double form of the present, the variation extended through the other tenses ; hence we find, ώβίοι, Fut. I. ώθγ,ο-ω, Per. ωϋγ,χ,Λ. ο>θω, . • uffji), . . SxK. χΜίξίο), Fut. I. χΰΐίξνια•Μ, Per. χίχα,ίξνίχα,. χκίξύ), . . χοίξ'^, ' ' κ.ίχκξκ.ο(,. γνιθίύ), Ι rejoice, Fut. I. yyjBr.era;, Per. γίγγ,β•/)ϋίΐί. t Many of the tenses formed from ^αχίω and στνγίω, are in use. From uhiu, the first future ii^viiru, and perfect ιίΐγ,χα; are very common. From ίΜω too, was formed ύ'^'/ιμ,ί, of the second conjuo-atior.. To the second person of the perfect middle «Γδα?. vi^as frequently subjoined the syllable Θλ, to make oihv.a-da', this, bv contraction, became «Γβ-^*, which frequently occurs. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 3. By inserting u before -ω ; as, from r/jy, / honour, comes tiuo). Imp. ίτινον, Fut. I. τίσο). φβίω, corrupt, . . φύίι/ω, . . 'ΐφύινον, . . φύΐσο. δί /iy, descend, . . ^ύυω, . . 'itvvov, . . ^ύσω.* ί^ξύω, plant, . . ί^ξύνω, . . 'iIqvuou, . . βξύσω. 67 3. By inserting w before -<«, in mute or liquid verbs, vw in pure verbs; thus, from θίγω, ζίύγω, (Λίγω, δί/κα», χ,ίξάω, L•, κοξίω, σβίω, τίω. Ι break, yokcj mix, fasten, strike, break, hedge up, show, leap, excite, mix, suspend, clothe, heat, satiate, extinguish, comes ά,γι/υύ), ζζυγνύω, [/,ιγνυω, 'ΤΓτηγί/νω, ρτίγνύω, φξΰίγιιύύ), όξ!/υω, κίξχνί/ύω, ϊνννω, ζα/νύω, κoξiuvύω, σβίννύω, Fut. Ι. «|w. ζίύΐω. ρ'ήξύ), φξύξω. Ζίίζω. όξω. ■Λϊξάσύ). κ,ξζΙΛά.σύ). ϊσύ). ζέσω. κοξίσω. σβίσω. τίσω.'\. Primitives in -οω, change ο into ω before -ν^υω; as, ζόω, Ι gird, makes ζωνυύω, Fut. I. ζώσω, ρόω, strengthen, . . ρωνυύω, . . ρωσω. στξόω, strow, . . στξωυνύω, . . στξωσω. χ,όω, heap up, . . γ/ύνυύω, . . χώσω. ο^όω, Ι swear, forms ομ,νΰω, or ομ,νυμ,ι; Fut. Ι. 6μ.όσω. Λτίίνω, kill, . . Knui/voj, . . ycTivuvf^i; . . χ,ηνω. 4. By inserting nu before -ω ; as, from ίξίω, or 'ϊζω, I ask, is formed ϊζίέίνω, Fut. 1. ίξ'/]σω. άλίω, . . άλίύω, flee, . . ά,'ΚίίΙνω, . . ά'Κΐύσω. δ. By inserting yv before -ω, in νΚΛυνω, I agitate, formed from ί,'κά,ω, whence Fut. I. ίκά,σω. II. Syncope, or Contraction of Letters. 1. In pure verbs, by throwing out the characteristic vowel; thus, from θίλίω, I will or incline, comes 5έλω, Fut. I. 5ΐέλ7]σω. οζίω, smell, . . οζο), . . όζ'/ισω. (ΛίΚΚίω, am about to be or do, . . ρΆλλω, . . ραΆ'Κ'/ισω. * Frorii huu, is formed Ιίυμι of the second conjugation in μ», whence the Imp. tSw. f Πγιγ&ι, 9e\r,ycti, ρ-^γο), and <ρξύγίϋ, have each, Hkewise, another present tense, terminating in •σ<τω ; ίτίισσ-ω, ίΐ\ν^σσΐύ, p'/itrtru, and φξά,σσω, frequently occur. X Verbs in vy» or ννυω, have generally, likewise, a present and imperfect of the second conjugation 111 μι ; thus, we find both Okyviiu and κγνυμι, inxvuu and ίΐίχνυμι, κΐξκννύαι and κΐξάννυμι. 68 A GREEK GRAMMAR. Λΰξίω, J increase. comes etu^a. Flit. I. οίύζ,νισω. ο^χξέω, bite. cihoc^u. οδαΙ^σω. s^scd, dress victuals, ί-^ω, ί-ψτισω. βαν'Κίομ,ΰΐι, choose, βουΤ^ομ,οίί, βον?.73σομοίί. .uoixiof^cii, fight. (Λά,χ,ομοίΐ, μ,α.χ,7ΐσομ>ΐΛΐ or μ,χχίσομ,οι,ι heo^xi, need or prat/, oiof^oii, 'hiviaofAOii. οίεομχί, think, oiofcoiiOToi/xui, . . οΐ^σομχί. 2. In verbs not pure, by throwing out the vowel or diphthong preceduTig the characteristic ; thus, from tysl^a, I rouse, is formed £γξω, and present middle, ty^of/.ai. '^εφόνω, kill, . . -ττίψι/ω. In 6φίΐκίω, I ought, these two modes of contraction are sometimes united ; first, by throwing out n before λ, we have όφτ^εω; then, by throwing out g before w, ο'φ'λω. The tenses are most commonly formed from όφειΤ^ίω, sometimes from όφλίω. 3. By throwing out ν before ζ, in the three following : λίι/ζω, I resound, making inthe present λ /^ώ>, ΈηίΛ.λιγζω, Ρβτ.τ^ίτ^ίγχχ. κΤ^άΐ/ζω,"^ make a ringing 7ioise, -ΛΚόίζω, . . κ,Τ^άγ^ω, . . κίχ,^.χγχ,οι. 'ττΤ^ύνζω, cav^e to wander, 'ττ^ά,ζω, . . ττΤ^άγζ,ω, . . 'ττί'ΤΓΤ^ΛγχΛ, III. Reduplication, or Repetition of Letters. 1. In verbs beginning with a vowel, by doubling the initial syllable; as, from θίγω, I break, comes άγάγω, Imp. γιγοίγον, Fut. I. οί^,ω. ά,%ίω, grieve, . . άκ,ιζχίω, . . ^Ka,-)ciQu, . . ά,γ/ήαω. Οξω, excite, . . όξωξω, . . seldom used, . . όξω -f. 2. In verbs beginning with a consonant, by doubling the initial letter with / ; thus, from Fut. I. Ιτ^σω or ^ίσω. . . 'ττζ'ήσω. In this reduplication, ^ was sometimes inserted before -zr, for the sake of a more agreeable sound ; as, from ττΑίω, I fill, πιμ^ιτΊάω or 'πΐ'πΤ^ίω. 3. In a few verbs / only was prefixed ; which was termed an improper reduplica- tion ; as, from στάω, I set, is formed ίστά,ω, Fut. I. στ'ησω. ίω, send, . . ίίω, . . ^σω. τττάύ), fiy, . . ίτττάω, . . τττ'ησω. Most of the verbs, in which the two last modes of reduplication take place, are more commonly inflected of the second conjugation in fn ; as. * The V is also thrown out in the second future of χλάνξω, and the tenses formed from it, as, κλίχγω, κίκλαγα ; from its derivatives, hov^ever, the ν appears anciently to have been retained in these tenses. f This mode of reduplication is occasionally used in the perfect likewise, as, α,γγ,χΜ for ?ιχ» ; and sometimes it is used in the perfect and aorist, though not in the present, as, ίγίίξω, perfect, ίΊγίξκα or «,γγ,γίζκα.; ολ'ίΜ, perfect, ωλίκΛ and ολώλίκ», aorist I. aiXoc and ολωλα; σίίιω, I agitate, perfect passive, <τί<τυα<χ.ι, by transposition, ίτσ-νμΜΐ ; ΐΛίΊξΐ», I divide, perfect middle, ^3'α.«««, by transposition. \ίω, I bind, is formed lilsa. 'ΤΓξχω, burn, . . 'ΤΓίττξάω Άέω, set or place, . . ηθίω. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 69 όξάω, I flee, forming by reduplication δ/δ^άω, generally used Vi\n^,i. 'TT'hiuy fill, '7Γ/9Γλ£ώί, .... 'ττί'πΤ^ημ,ι ΟΓ Tri/iCTrT^i^f^i. place, τιβίω, .... ridvif^i. send, Uu, .... 'iri^i. go, lia, .... i'vjjUi. burn, ττίτί-ξάω, .... -πίτΓξΥι^Λΐ. know, Ισά,ω, .... ΐσημ,ι. give, δ/δοώ), .... ^ίοω^ΐΛΐ. £ύ), £i), σύω, οόω. IV. Metathesis, or Transposition of Letters. This mode of variation in tlie present, occurs but rarely ; in a few verbs, however, it is to be met with ; as, from the primitive, ^ξ£χ.ύ.ι, I look, is formed ^ίξζω, Aor. II. ίίξοίκο!/. τΓζίύω, lay waste, . . ττίξύω, . . ίττζο,βον.^ V. AphcBresis, or Cutting off Initial Letters. This likewise, occurs very rarely; the following, however, are examples : from ίύίτ^ω, I will or incline, is formed θέλω, by cutting oiF the inital s. £ξ£ω, speak, . . ρέω, II. FROM THE FUTURE OF THE PRIMITIVE BY EPENTHESIS ONLY. I. Frotn the First Future. 1. In primitive verbs pure, by inserting κ before -ω, thus forming a new present thus, from Primitive ofwhichtheFut. I. was is formed the new present in common use. the tenses regularly- formed from «λδέώί, / increase. ΰίλθ7]σω. ΜΑ^τ^σκω, ccTiUoj. αξϊω. please. χξίσω. αξίσκω, οίξΒω. βιόω. live,\ βιώσω, βίωσκ,ω. βΐόύ). βξόω. feed,\ βξωσύ). βξάσκω, βξόω. νΥΙζχω, grow οΐά,ή- γπζο,σω, γ/ίξοίσκ,ω. γΐηξαύ}. Τίβά,ω, come to maturity, τίβά,σω originally τΐβάσκ,ω. ν^βά,ύ). iTiua, appease, ΐΆοίσω, ίλάσκω. ίλάω. /Λίύύύ), drink wine. μ,ίύνσο). ^/.ίύύσκω. (Λίθύω. In a few verbs, >5 or ω of the primitive, was changed into / before -σκ,ω ; as, from Primitive of which the Fut. I. was ά7<.όω. / take,f ά,Αωσω, (υξϋω. find. ευξτισω, μολίω, come. (Ad'hviaoi, ρυίω. flow. ρνήσύ). στ£ξ£ω. deprive. στεςνισω. τίλίω. finish. τίλ9]σω. is formed the new present the tenses regular- ly derived from ά,'Κισκ.ο), ώλοώί. ενξίσκω, μ,οΧισκ,ω, ίυ^ίω. (Λ(ΐΚίύ). ρυισκω. ρνίω. στίζίσκω, τίΚίσΛω, στ£ζ£ω. Τίλέω. * Many of the tenses from ίτίξθαι, are also in use. t βιόω, βξόω, γγ,ξκω, and ά,λόω, are also sometimes inflected as of the second conjugation iu μι ; as, from βία/Μ, aorist II. ΐβίων, from βξωμι, aorist II. 'έβξων, from γ^.ς^,μι, aorist II. Ιγίιςγιν, from «/*;«», aorist II. >ίλ*ν or ίάλων. 70 A GREEK GRAMMAIi. 2. In verbs not pure, by changing | into σχ,. Primitive of which the Fut. 1. κ.'Κνσσω, I shun, ^ι^ύσσω or ^ϊ^άχ,ω, teach, ^νησσω, die, From the obsolete, is formed άΤννσκ,ω, Οίοά,σκω, the tenses from the primitive, as Fut. 1. δ;δά|6>. II. From the Second Futui^e. By dropping the circumflex accent, and inserting uu or α,ιν before -ω ; thus, from Primitive of which the Fut. II. was was formed the new present Fut. Ι. άμοίξτίω, Ι err. ά(Λοίζτω, ά,^^αζτά,νω, ά,ι^α,ξτ'ήσω. ανζίω, increase. αύξω, Β(,υ^ά.υω, οίν^νίσω. βάω. go or tnake to go. βω. βοίΐαω. βν}σω.\ βΚΛατ'ίω, bud, β'Κα,στω, βΤ^οίστάνω, β'Κοίστνισω. "^ΰίξΜω, sleep, ^αξβύ). οοίξύύνω. '^οίξθ'ήσω. SQilsco, strive, έξίΐω. ίξΐΐα,ίνω. Ιξίί'ήσω.χ £ξυβίω. make red, Ιξυύω, ί(ΐυύοίίνω. iQv^vjau.'X ϊ•χ,ύίθ[ΛΟ(,1, am hateful. Ιχ,ύωμ,οίΐ, iX,ua.t, ίζΐ, βου, βξϊ, δα, ξοί., 'Κα, λ/. These increase the signification of the word to which they are prefixed ; as, δ'^λο^-, manifest, άξίΙηΚος, very manfest, &c. i/ij and vL These are always privative or negative ; as, νήττιος, an infant, from »'ή and gVως, yet. 'Tt'hviu, except. (ΛοίΚΚαυ 5?, rather than. 3. Consecutive and conditional. g/, Ifltv, a,y, if. ovv, therefore. ώστε, so that. uv, prefixed to verbs to de- on, since. sttsI. since. note a wish or desire. d^cn, οίξ, poc, consequently. siy^vi, unless, γά-ζ, for. "lua,, that, to the end that. toIdvv, τοίγοίξ, wherefore δ;ο, wherefore. ως, that. All the conjunctions, with theh* explanations, will be found in their proper places in the Lexicon ; the manner in which they are united with verbs or nouns, is explained in the syntax of this part of speech. SECTION X. OF PREPOSITIONS. Prepositions are words commonly put before nouns or pronouns, to express the relation of one object to another, in respect of place, time, possession, interchange, or mutual action. Prepositions originally denoted the relation of place only ; but, by degrees, their signification was extended to express the other relations also. Prepositions, in Greek, are eighteen in number, and always require to be joined with some particular case of the noun to which they refer. Four require the genitive case. duTi, set against, άττο, from. -rgo, before, in presence of , instead of, in return for. Ik, out of. in defence of. Two require the dative. iv, in. συν, with, together ivith. One requires the accusative. to, at. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 79 One requires sometimes the genitive, and sometimes the accusative. ■ hot, with the genitive, through, hy means of. with the accusative, because of, on account of. Ten require sometimes the genitive, sometimes the dative, sometimes the accusative. ά,/ΛφΙ, about. y.SToi, with the genitive, ivith. 'ττξος, terminating in, uuec, back along, up, up with the dative, among. to, according to, and down, up upon. with the accusative, after. with respect to. STTi, ujjon. τΓοίξά., at, beside, or near. ύττίξ, over, KocTcc, along, according to, ττεξί, round about, , in defence of, opposed to, down. concerniiig. instead of. ν TV 6, under, by means of The particular use of every preposition, its original signification, and the manner in which it came to be applied, to denote different circumstances and relations, will be found fully explained in the syntax. PART SECOND. SYNTAX. Syntax, or Construction, is that part of grammar, which teaches the right use of the several parts of speech in forming a sentence, according to the rules of a particular language. The right use of the declinable parts of speech, depends partly on their position in a sentence, but chiefly on the proper application of their several accidents;* that of the indeclinable parts of speech, on their position alone. The position of words being either nearly the same in all languages, or where different, very easily learned by use, it is unnecessary to lay down any rules of syntax on that head. The object of syntax, therefore, is to point out how the several parts of speech act upon and regulate the different accidents of declinable words, and chiefly of nouns. The branches of syntax are commonly reckoned two, concord and government. Concord or agreement, when of two declinable parts of speech, one so regulates the use of the other, that the accident of both must be the same, and any change in the one followed b}' a similar change in the other. Government, when a dechnable part of speech is so regulated by another word in the sentence, that one particular case, or one particular mode only, can be used, which remains unchanged, whether the regu- lating word undergoes any change or not. This distinction may be kept in view by the learner, but it is unnecessary to make any corresponding general division of the Greek syntax. What relates to both branches, will be best explained by going over the syntax of the several parts of speech in their order. SECTION I. OF THE NOUN. The accidents of a noun, are Numeer, Case, and Gender. Number. The singidar number is used, when one object only is spoken of; the dual num- ber, when two ; and the plural number, when three or more. Frequently,f however, though only two objects arc spoken of, the plural number is used instead of the dual. * By the accidents of declinahle parts of speech, are meant tlie circurnstance.? peculiar to them, which occasion the variations of their inflections. The accidents of each part of speech will beTnen- tioned under their proper heads. t Alway.s in the New Testament and Septiiagint. L 82 A GREEK GRAMMAR. CASE. r The subject of the discourse, i. e. the person or thing spoken of, is expressed in the nominative case. In every sentence, therefore, there must be a nominative expressed or understood, to which the other words in the sentence have a reference ; and as the name of an object alone, without some affirmation concerning it, conveys no idea, every nominative Hkewise (unless used as an attributive merely) must have a verb referring to it, expressed or understood. The genitive case is made use of, when a noun expresses the particular class or kind which another belongs to, ^or makes a part of. This case generally answers to the English preposition o/', sometimes to the preposition /rowz. The dative case is used, when the junction of one object with another, made by means of the subject of discourse, is to be signified; it answers to the English preposi- ions to or /or. The accusative case marks the object to which the action of the sentence is directed. In English, it is generally the same with the nominative. • The vocative case is used in immediate addresses to a person in the way of interro- gation, prayer, command, or exclamation. These are the radical and proper uses of the different cases ; figurative and elliptical forms of speech, however, frequently give rise to other modes of applying them, which the subsequent rules of syntax will point out. As all the cases, except the nominative, imply a noun to be subordinate in the sentence, they can only be used when governed in one way or other. The manner, therefore, in which these diiFerent cases are to be applied in a sentence, falls to be explained under the respective governing words. GENDER. Nouns signifpng objects of the male sex, are properly of the masculine gender ; objects of the female sex, of the feminine gender; and objects not admitting the dis- tinctions of sex, of the neuter gender. But, in Greek, this rule is very frequently departed from ; inanimate objects being made masculine or feminine, according to the terminations of their names ; and objects male or female, in many cases made neuter. > GENERAL RULES. I. Two substantive nouns agree in case, when the one is used as attributive, descrip- tive, or appellative of the other ; as, 2 Cor. i. 1. ΤΙοίυΤ^ος ά'ποστοΚης, Paul an apostle. Heb. xii. 23. x;^;tj? 0£uj, to God the judge. *' Mat. i. 6. Δίί/3<δ ο βασι'Κίύς, king David. This rule holds good, though one or more words intervene between the two sub- stantives; as, 0£oV Ιστ\ ■^uivf/^oL, God is a spirit. 6 αίνύζωτΓος Ιλ«λ>7σ£ ωστπζ TrciiViou, the man spoke as a child. Acts xvi. 14. yvyvi QuouccTi AvVioi, a woman called Lj/dia. I , II. One substantive governs another in the genitive, when the latter expresses the class or k:ind which the former belongs to, or makes part of; as, Mat. iii. 2. i; fiuai'hilcc tuju ονζοίνων, the kingdom of heaven. Mat. xiv. 35. oi oivh^zg rov τόχον, the men of the place. Rev. i. 15. φωνή ύΐάτων, a sound of ivaters. sii/7jo ,t4sy5iA/7c ««ίτ^?, a man of great virtue. ' 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 83 Sometimes, though rarely, an exception occurs to this rule, both substantives bein^ put in the same case; as, Έ?νλ»ί φωνν!, the Greek language. /ϋχγος τίγ,νΥί^ the art of a magician, i. e. magic. III. An adjective agrees with the substantive whose attribute it expresses, in number, case, and gender ; as, χ,ζΥΐστο; ?^oyoc, a good word, .ciyio'j TTVivy.a, the Holy Spirit. £> ττολλαίΐ; τίμίζΰίΐς, ϊ7ΐ many days. This agreement takes place, though one or more words intervene ; as, oivh^ou Ιστι μίγα, the tree is great. άνήζ ος εΐττε Zoksi ViKUiog ihai, the man who said it seems to be jnst. The substantive, when of the neuter gender, is sometimes omitted ; as, TO σοφον, (supply 'ήύος, disposition,) the zvise disjDosition, used to signify luisdovi. doer'/j ίστι κα?.6ν, (supply ττξόίγμίί, thing,) virtue is lovely. From this rule there are three exceptions. 1. Two or more substantives, though in the singular, have the adjective in the plural ,• as, 'TroLT'/jo κλΙ νιος del kockoI, father and son are bad. If the nouns so connected differ in gender, the adjective agrees with the masculine rather than the feminine, and with the feminine rather than the neuter ; as, James ii. 15. άθζ7.φος vj άΐ^κφγι yvf^uol, a brother or a sister naked. 7] quo; κλΙ το ^Τιοίον ίΐσΐ ττάΰτως Ζίχφο^οίί, the she ass and the beast of prey are entirely dissimilar. Frequently, however, when all or any of the substantives signify things without life, the adjective is put in the neuter, x^'^f^ccr», (things,) being understood. uci^^og Koil χξυσος οοκουσι dyctuoi, spikenard and gold appear good. 7) ovvetgnict kocI ο ττΆοντος ίίσι οίΐξίτοί, power and riches are captivating. 2. An adjective sometimes agrees in gender and number, not with the substantive immediately expressed, but with another implied in that one, and understood ; as, viyioy^m το ττΆνιύο; eiucci άνο-ήτους, I reckon the multitude to be foolish. Mat. xxviii. 19, 20. (Λο,θγίΤίύσΛτζ 'ττά,ντχ τα 'ΐύνη, βα-τττίζοντίς ui/Tov;, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them. In such instances, άνθζωττου;, or some similar word is understood. 3. An adjective in the nominative or accusative, sometimes has its proper substan- tive in the genitive, a preposition being understood ; as, φχνλοί roj'j άν&οω-τταν, ivicked men, Ik being understood. 84 A GREEK GRAMMAR. IV. Adjectives which in English, requii-e after them the prepositions of, from, ο thariy in Greek, govern the genitive ; as, Rom. i. 32. ά'ξ;ο; θανάτου, ivorthy of death. μ,ίΛ των νι/Λξζωυ, one of the days. 1 Cor. XV. 9. Ιλάχίστος Tcou οίττοστόΆωυ, least of the apostles. ίλβυβέξοι τνις ά/:^οίξτίο(.ς, free from sin. Rom. XV. 14. (Λζστοί son ο,γα,ύωσύνΎΐς^ ye are full of goodness. Heb. i. 4. κ,ξΗττων τω» άγγί7\.ωυ, better than the angels. ^ V. Adjectives which in English, require after them the prepositions to, for, in, or by, m Greek, govern the dative ; as, hog &&ω, ^ equal to God. ομοίος άνύξω-πω, like to a man. ^ Τ^υσιτζΚνίς τη ττόλίί, 'profitable for the city, ίσχνξοι ττολέμω, valiant in fight. TTQccKTiKov -τΓ&σι, practicable by all. EXCEPTION. The price at which a thing is bought or sold, though preceded in English by the preposition for, is put in the genitive in Greek; as, ojvicc ττλούτον, purchasable for money. Ύ\. Adjectives denoting measure or distance, whether of time or space, require an accusative after them ; as, μ,ίγοις ^oihiKoc 'τΐΥιχαχ,ς, twelve cubits large. [ΛΜκζος τξίΐς ωξοίς, three hours long. SECTION II. OF THE ARTICLE. The accidents of the article are the same with those of the noun, viz. Nusiber, Case, and Gender, and used in the same way. GENERAL RULES. I. The article agrees with the noun to which it relates, in gender, number, and case; as, βίβλος, the booh. τά. ονόμ,ιχ,τα,, the names. Ti γιμ,ίξο,, the day. τοΙς ούξο,νοίς, to the lieavens. TO Tcoiihiou, the child. II. The article is always placed before the noun to which it relates ; but the noun does not in every case follow it immediately ; several words often intervene ; thus, βοι,σιλξύς, the king, never βοίσιλ&ύς 6. 7} ττξόίξίς, the action, . . ττξχξις vj. TO σώμα, the body, . . σωμοί το. ο/ lu τοΙς οί/ξο,ϋοΊζ όίγγίλοι, the angels in heaven, η ίΐς TYiv ΊτοΚιν ο^ος, the way to the city. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 85 III. The noun to which the article relates, is frequently not expressed; in this case, some connected noun is always understood, and must be supplied in order to complete the construction ; as, ό λίγωι/. the speaker. supply άνηζ. oi 'πί'Κας, ' neighbours. . . όίνύζΟίΤΤΟΙ. τά 'iiu. external things. • . ττ'ζάγμ,οίτοί USES OF THE ARTICLE. I. Where the Noun to which it relates is expressed. 1. The article joined with a substantive noun expressed, gives it a determinate or definitive sense, such as in English is denoted by the article the ; ■ττξοφ'ητης, " a pro- phet ;" ττζοφίιτϊΐς, " the prophet." An object may require to be marked out in this definite or determinate manner — by being in itself of so peculiar a nature, that only one of its species is known, or sup- posed to be known ; as, John i. 1. ο λόγος, " the word;" Ίωάΐ/υγις 6 βοί7ΐ-τιστ'•/ις, " John the Baptist ;" — by being distinguished by additional characters or circumstances, which apply to one of the kind exclusively; as, tj ^ιιχ,ύ'ηχ,γι του Ίγισοϊ) Χξίστον, " the covenant of Jesus Christ ;" — by being mentioned more than once in the same discourse, which, at every subsequent recurrence, renders it necessary to indicate that the very thing formerly spoken of, is meant to be again pointed out; as, Matth, xxi. 19. τ] σνχ,ν^ εξη- ξάι^ύτι, " the fig-tree withered away," viz. the fig-tree mentioned in the beginning of the verse, where the article was omitted. In all these and similar ca^s, the article is used to denote the definite sense of the noun.* This is the primary and radical use of the article, to which all the rest are either more immediately or more remotely referable. 2. When two substantive nouns are connected by the substantive verb to form a proposition or affirmation, the article joined v/ith one of them., whether first or last in the sentence, denotes that the one to which it is joined is the subject of the 23ro2Josition, the other without the article being the predicate or attribute only ; thus, in John iv. 24. -πνίν'/,α, 6 ζν, I and thou, will do what is right. 5. A verb betv/een two nominatives of different numbers, may agree witli either ; as, Uvog 'ττοΚυοίνύξω'τΐω'ΐοίτον hri, or βίσι, ol " Κ^οίβίς, the Arabians are a very popidous nation. II. The infinitive mode, instead of a iiominative, requires the accusative of the agent before it ; as, χοίίξύ) oi μίμ,υίΐ'ΐ, I am glad that you remain, ^κ,ουσοί α,υτον άττίλ^ε/ν, I heard that he departed. And this accusative is sometimes omitted, when the infinitive refers to the same person with the verb preceding ; as, i(py\ ζ'ΛΤ^ιν, he said he was inquiring. A GREEK GllAMMAR. 91 Sometimes, however, but rarely, the infinitive takes a nominative before it; as, φησί!' Λυτός ccinog yiyiuyiodoii, he says that he luas the cause, "λίγύ) ilvoti φίλος, I say I am a friend. The infinitive preceded by ώ^, Itts^Sjj, 'π^ιυ, or Tt^iu ^, is fi-equentiy used for the indi- cative ; as, ως ilsiu τον οίνύξωττον, when the man saw. ϊτηι^'ή άκ,ούσα,ι τούτον, after he heard. Mat. xxvi. 34. ttqIu άλέκτοξοί φωντίσα,ι, before the cock crow. Mat. i. 18. 'ττζίν 7) συνίλύίϊν Λυτούς, before they came together.'^ GOVERNMENT OF VERBS. Government in Greek verbs, is so exceedingly various, depending sometimes on the force of the verb itself, sometimes on nouns or prepositions understood, that without multiplying rules and examples to a burdensome and useless degree, it would be impos- sible to specify every particular case of it. Nor, in fact, is this necessary ; it Λνϋΐ be fully sufficient to point out a few of the more general principles of this part of syn- tax ; the minuter variations and idioms will soon be acquired by practice in the lan- guage. I. Verbs having an active signification, most commonly require after them the accu- sative case of the noun that expresses the subject upon which their action is exerted ; as, Luke xxiii. 1. το ττΤ^νιύος viyocysu οι,ϋτου, the multitude led him away. Mat. xii. 18. ^'ήσω το ττνξυμ,ά, μ,ου, I ιυιΙΙ put my Spirit. John xxi. 17. βόσκ,ζ τ» ττξόβοίτά, [Λου, feed my sheep. Luke ix. 3. (Λτ^Ιν κΐζίτί, take nothing. Luke xvi. 9. Ιέζωνταί ύ^Λα,ς, they may receive you. Heb. i. 9. ψ/άττησιχ,ς Ιίκ,ΰίίοσύνγιν, thou lovedst righteousness. 1 Pet. ii. 17. τον Θίόν ψοβύσύί, fear God.-\ From this Rule are to be excepted, 1. The following classes of verbs, requiring after them the genitive of their subject. Verbs signifying the operation of any of the senses except the sight ; J as, John XX. 17. ^'/i μ.ου οίτΓτου, touch me not. Rev. xiv. 13. ν^-ΛουσΛ φωννις, . I heard a voice. Lev. xxvi. 31. οϋ μνι όσφξο,νύω τνις 6σ(ΛΥΐς, Ι ivill by no means smell the savour. 1 Sam. xiv. 24. ουκ ίγίύσοί,το ττα,ς 6 'hccog οίξτου, none of the p)eople had tasted food. Verbs of seeing, adhere to the general rule for active verbs, and require an accusa- tive ; as. Rev. xxi. 1. iH^ou ούζχυον kcaiuov, I saw a new heaven. * These and such like phrases are all elliptical ; the verb συνίβγ,, it happened, or some other of the same import being understood. j- When verbs, which govern the accusative, are followed by a genitive, with or without a prepo- sition, supply μίξο;, as the object of the verb. Acts v. 2. \νοσ<ρίσ-«.το (μ,ίξος) «s-e t»iV τιμ^{, he secreted (part) of the price. X In the Attic dialect, verbs signifying the operation of any of the senses, take an accusative after them, a construction very frequently followed in the New Testament, and the Septuagint translation of the Old. 92 A GREEK GRAMMAR. Most of the verbs which signify commencement or termination, desire, M^ant, and superiority; as, ^ξχ€σύε doih^g, begin the song. y.vjysi τω!/ ττονω!/, he ceajes from his labours. 1 Pet. iv. 1. 'ΤΓί'ττα,υ'Τίχ,ι άμ,οίζτία,ς, hath ceased from sin. 1 Tim. iii. 1. ei' ης Ιτησκ,οττΐ^ς o^iysroti, \f any man desire the office of a bishop. Mat. vi. 32. χξγζβτί τούτων ά,ττάντων, ye have need of all these things. Deut. ii. 34. SK^ocTi'iaoi/icsv 'ττχσων τωυ 'Ko'hii-yj otvrov^ we took all his cities. Isa. xi. 10. άνιστιχ,μ,ζνος όίξχ,ξΐν luuZu, he that shall rise to rule the Gentiles. Some, but not all, of the verbs which express admh'ation, contempt, aiming at, obtaining, and withholding ; as, Βΰΐυμ,άζω σου, I admire thee. Heb. xii. 5. (^γι ohiyoiqii ^rocihsiocg, despise not the chastisement. στοχάζΒσύοίί των α^υνοίτων, to aim at impossibilities. Heb. vi. 18. κ^ατνισοίί τΐ^ς ττ^οκαμίνης ί.'Κτιτί^ος, to lay hold on the hope set before us. croAAijj/ χ,ά'Κων ίτυχζ, he obtained many good things. Rom. viii. 32. τον /δ/ον υίοϋ ουκ ΐφ^ίσοίτο, he spared not his own Son. 2. The following classes of verbs, which require the dative of their subject. Many of the verbs which express believing, following, blaming, and using ; as, John n. 22. l-TriaTivaccv τω \oya, they believed the word. Mat. viii. 19. άκοΤ^ουύνισω σοι, I will follow thee. Ιμ,ίμ,φοντο τοΙς φι'Κο'ϊς, they blamed their friends. 2 Cor. iii. 12. ττολλίί τταβργισίοί xQcj/^ceaoc, we use great plainness of speech. Such active verbs as, in English, are only connected with their subject by the pre- positions to or with ; as. Acts xxvi. 29. ev'iotifAfiv άν τω Θεω, I would to God. μ,νι ίξίζί yoviuai, dont strive with your parents. ΐττο'λίΐΛπσζ τοΙς "lov^ocmg, he made war with the Jews. II. When after an active verb, there is expressed not only the subject of the action, but likewise some particular circumstance necessarily connected therewith, the verb, in such cases, besides the noun signifying the subject, is followed likewise by a second noun denoting the circumstance, and this last is governed by the verb, in one or other of the following modes : 1. When in English, the two nouns thus following the verb, are connected by the preposition of qx from, the second noun in Greek, is put in the genitive ; as, Βγυμϊ/ωσί μζ των άγοίύων, he spoiled me of my goods. εττοίνισί ίΐκόνα, χζυσου, he made an image of gold. ίλίυύεζω σ£ του ττόνου, I free you from this labour, οίΐτίωμοίί οίύτόν -ψευΐίος, 1 accuse him of falsehood. When the second noun expresses the materials on which the action of the verb is exerted, or the price at which any thing is disposed of, it is likewise put in the genitive, though in English, preceded by a different preposition ; . as, John ii. 7• yi^laocTs ύ^ξίοίς ϋΐοίτος, βΙΙ the water-pots with water. Acts vii. 16. ό)ννίσ(Άτο " Αβξοίοίμ τιμν^ς άξγυξίου, which Abrahayn bought for a sum of money. άμύβξΐν )(,(Χ,7\κ,6ν χξυσου, to exchange brass for gold. Verbs of admiring and envying, likewise take the second noun in the genitive ; as, ^ι^υμά-ζω as τν}ς άζίτγις, I admire you for your virtue, ζϊΐ'λω as Tijs τνχ;7ΐς, I envy you for your fortune. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 93 2. When the two nouns are connected, in English, by the prepositions to, for, with, in, on, or bi/, or when the instrument, cause, or manner, of the action is signified, the second noun is put in the dative ; as, Eph. iv. 27. /^TjTs '^βοτί tOttou ru ^ιοίβόΧω, neither give place to the devil. γυι/αίκ,Ι ^auocTou ξμ,Ύΐχ,ά,νοίτο, he contrived death for the woman. Acts xii. 2. avi'i'hi ' Ιά,χφου μχ,χ^ΛίξΆ, he slew James with the sword. 'ττούω Ιττοιγισ^ τούτο, he did this for love. έ'/3λ£ψ£ rviu 'TTo'hlu τγι Τζίτν} '^^ί^ίξφ, he saiu the city on the third day. 2 Cor. xii. 16. Βολω ύ/ίύχς ίλαβοι/, I caught you by guile. John iv. 24. aT^-^uda. lu Tr^oaKvuih θίοι/, God ought to be worshipped in truth. Sometimes, however, though the second noun in English, is preceded by the prepo- sition to or /or, it is put in the accusative ; as, c/Jre7i> rou Θίόα σοφίχι/, to ask God for wisdom. Tou φ/λον δ^άσα/ τούτο, to do this to a fiend. But such instances are rare. 3. When in English, the two nouns are connected without a preposition expressed, both of them in Greek, are put in the accusative; as, 'κοΤΟ^ά. ζύτ,ργίτγισίν υμ,οις, he has do7ie you many good deeds. TiToWag τίγ,νά,ς ΙίΙά,ξω as, I will teach thee many arts. In all these different cases, where an active verb is followed by tw^o nouns, the second of them is in fact governed by a preposition, adverb, or noun, understood ; but the form of the speech being elliptical, it is commonly stated as governed by the verb. Other examples of verbs followed by two nouns, governed in a similar manner to some of those already laid down, may occasionally be met with ; but as they do not often occur, and when they do, can be easily resolved by supplying the preposition understood, it is unnecessary to particularise them. III. Neuter verbs, as their action does not pass from the agent to another, cannot properly govern a noun ; but verbs of this description are sometimes, in Greek, by a particular idiom, construed as governing a case. This takes place in the following instances : 1. Such neuter verbs as in English, require after them the preposition /or, frequently in Greek, govern the dative of the noun ; as, aQKii '/iiMv, it sufficethfor us. 'ΚυσιτίΚϋ τγ 'τΐο'ΚίΊ, it is useful for the city. 2. Neuter verbs may take after them the accusative of the noun which expresses the action of the verb ; as, Mark iv. 41. ίφοβνιύνισοίν φόβου μίγοίν, they feared a great fear, they feared greatly. Mat. ii. 10. ϊγ,ά,ζΎΐσοίν %a>Qoi,y ^zycthnu σφό\Λ, they joyed a great joy, they greatly rejoiced. 3. Neuter verbs take after them the accusative of nouns expressing measm-e, either of time or space ; as, Jonah iii. 4. das'hoilu dg ttiu iro'hiv ωαί\ 'ττοζύΛν ίιμίξχς μιοίς, to enter into the city as it were a day* s journey. Rev. viii. 1. iyiueTo oiyh ό)ς νιμ,ιωξίον, there was silence half an hour. Mat. iv. 2. uviaTivaocg vjf^eQccg τίσσα,ζά,-Λουτοί. having fasted forty days. IV. The middle voice, as it partakes of the signification, follows the rules of con- struction, of the active voice, in regard to the government of nouns. 94 A GREEK GRAMMAR. V. Verbsj which in the active voice govern two nouns, in the passive voice, govern the last of them only ; as, TTSTColriToii ^ύλου, it is made of wood. ίσφοι,κτο τγι (Λοίχοίίξοι,, he was slain with the sword. Rev. vi. 11. stouwocu 'ακάστοις στοΤ^χϊ, robes luere given to each. VI. Verbs compounded with a preposition, frequently goveun the case of the pre- position with which they are compounded ; as, συι/ίλΰίβίν 'ήμ7ι/, he met us. d'7roφsύyεiu TVjg φύοξόίς, to escape the corruption. Acts xiv. 22. ϊμ,^Λυειν τη ττίστα, to continue in the faith. Mat. XV. 3. ττοίξα,βοιίι/ίτε τ'ηι/ Iuto^^j, ye transgress the commandment. , Luke xiii. 12. ά,'ττο'ΚίΧυσοιι ττις «.aususiag, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. But active verbs, though compounded with prepositions, more commonly govern the accusative by Rule I. and sometimes both the accusative and the case of the preposi- tion ; as, •Λοίτηνοζο} ai rv}g \pev^£og, I accuse thee of falsehood. VII. One verb governs another in the infinitive mode, when the second denotes the object to which the operation of the first is directed ; as. ο^ξξ,χτο Tisysiu, he began to ^έΤιω i^iveiu, I wish to stay. μίΧΚω γξάφαν, I am going to unite. The governing verb is sometimes omitted ; as, [ΛΤίπ ονγ auccuaroici μ,α,χίσύα,ι, (θίλε understood,) doiit thou {incline) to contend with the immortals, ίμοϊ }>6•/Λΐν, {ως av/^fiotiusi understood,) (as it happens) to appear to me.* VIII. The substantive verb &ι[λ\, governs a noun in the two following cases : 1. When it signifies property, it governs a genitive ; as, κΰίκ,ούζγου μει/ ΙστΙ φοβεΐσύοα, it is the part of an evil doer to be afraid. Ίΐά,ντΛ θεου ΙστΙν, all things are God^s. I 2. When used for 'ίχ,ύ), I have, it governs a dative ; as, βστί χζτιμ,οίτοί νμίν, ye have riches. IX. Impersonal verbs govern the dative j as, Acts XV. 22. I'^ols τοΊς άττοστοΚοις, it seemed good to the apostles. Heb. ii. 10. ζττζζτη γά,ζ αύτω, for it became him. And some Of them, besides the dative of a person, govern the genitive of a thing ; as, 1 Cor. ix. 9. /xvj rZ)i> βοών ^ihii τω Θεω ; is it an object of care to God concerning oxen ? i. e. doth God take care for oxen ? f^iTu^ihu οίϋτω των ά-(Λο(,ζΤ'/ΐ!Λά,των, it repents him (i. e. he repents) of his sins. * The infinitive may likewise be governed by such adjectives as govern the genitive of a noun ; as, ϋξιοί. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 95 The impersonal verbs hi and χξ'η, require after them an accusative case before an infinitive ; as, John iii. 7• os7 ύ/^,ΰς yivy/]uv}uoii οίνω^υ, it is necessary that you he horn again. James iii. 10. ου χ^νι ταντχ ούτω yiusadcci, it is not meet that these things should so be. The foregoing nine rules comprehend most of the cases that commonly occur, in regard to the government of Greek verbs ; when any are met with which do not fall under any of them, they will, in general, be found to be elliptical sentences, where the noun is governed by a noun, adverb, or preposition, understood. SECTION V. OF THE PARTICIPLE. The participle, like the noun, has the accidents of number, case, and gender ; and hke the verb, those of tense and voice. These are employed in the same manner, and serve the same purposes in the participle, as in the parts of speech already considered, GENERAL RULES. L A participle agrees νάύ\ the substantive to which it refers, in number, cr.se, and gender; as. Mat. iii. 1. "ΐωάνν/ις κ-ηρύσσωα, John 'preaching. John i. 29. βΤ^ί'ττίί τον ' Ιησουν ίζχρ^/Λ^ον, he seeth Jesus coyning. Luke ix. 10. ύττοστζίφ^ντζς οι άττόστολοι, the apostles having returned. XL A pai-ticiple governs the same case of a noun with the verb from which it is formed ; as, John i. 33. 'ττί/ζ-ψχς fze, having sejit me. Acts ix. 7• uKOVouTsg rvig φοινίις, heainng the voice. Luke xxiii. 15. 'Tniv^cty^kvov αυτω, done hy him or to him. III. A participle governs a verb in the infinitive, when the verb expresses the object to which the action of the participle is directed ; as, Luke xxiv. 21, (ΛίΧΚωυ Τ^υτξουσύαι, about to redeem. Luke xvi. 21. 'i-TTiuvy^cJu χ,οζτα,σύτίυα.ι, desiring to he fed. John i. 33. -ττέμ-ψ^ς /^s βχτττίξίν^, having sent me to baptize. IV. The participle is sometimes used after a verb or another participle, instead of the infinitive ; as, olocc aKwact; for άκούσν.ί, I hnoiv that I hear. ου '7τοίύσο[ΛΛΐ y{ia.(po)v, I shall not cease writing. ίΐοως ΰίττοοωσύ)!/, knowing that he woidd recompense. oii'joihot, ϊμ,αυτω μτ] 'ττροσ'^οιουμίι^ω, I am conscious to myself that I douH dissemble. Job xxvii. 6. "^ίκαίοσυυί] di ττξοσίχ,ωυ ου yy/iu Tr^ouy.cii, I will not relax in holding fast my righteousness. Acts V. 42. οΰ•Λ ίττοίΰοντο Οι'^χσκοί/τί; kccI ila,yyihi'^oyiyoi, they ceased not teaching and preaching. And after lari or v,\j, with a dative, it has the force of the indicative mode with a nominative ; as, ii ηη\ i]^oyst/a hri, if you please. ΰ yol βου'λομ,ίνω ^j, if I chose. 96 A GREEK GRAMMAR. V. A participle of any tense, used with either of the three verbs, "Κα,ν&ά,νύ), τν/χά,νω, or φύάνω, is rendered by the proper tense of its own verb, and an adverb correspond- ing to the signification of the verb subjoined ; as, 'iXccueu ύ'ττίκ,φνγω:/, he stole away secretin/, (literally, he stealing awai/, kept concealed.) Heb. xiii. 2. 'i^otuou ηνΐς ζ^ζνίσοι,ντζς dyyikovg, some have entertained angels unawares, (literally, having entertained angels, were ignoj^ant of it.) STvyxauof^su 'ττεξίττοίτονντβς, we were walking accidentally, {[itevuly, ιυβ chanced walking.) μ,νί τις φύοίίγι βοίΚωι; lest any one should have previoushj struck him. (literally, lest any one should get the start having struck him. VI. When a circumstance is expressed as co-existent with, but not necessarily de- pendent upon, or influencing, the others mentioned in the sentence, this is commonly done by a participle and a noun put in what is termed the genitive absolute, that is, a genitive not governed by any other word f thus, l[/,ov 'TTci^ourog d'TTsuocus, while I was i^resent he died. Lukeiii. 1, 2. TST^oc^xovuroc τϊ^ς ΤοίΚίΤ^οίία,ς 'ΈΙξω^ου, kysusro ρτιμα θίον, Herod being te- trarch of Galilee, the word of God came. Sometimes, but more rarely, the noun and participle are put in the dative ; as, TToc^loyr: hic&vTO), φοίί^οΰτοίί ■τάλ/ν, the year being elapsed, they appear again. And, in a few instances, in the accusative ; as, όίμφω δ' &ζοι/Λνω, 7ΐζ^α.το T^oyov, both being seated, he began the discourse. Ephes. i, 18. τηφωτισ^ιίνους τους όφύοι,Τ^μ,ούς τν^ς ^iccuoiug v^&iu, dg το eiUvui νμ,α,ς, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may km.w. See also 1 Pet. iv. 3. This construction frequently takes place, though no participle is expressed, the par- ticiple ϋντας, ττοίξόντος, or some similar one, being understood; as, s/icou -ττχί^ός (supply οντος) σννίβη, when I was a child, it happened. VII. When the necessity of an action is to be expressed, the Greeks, instead of a participle, use a verbal adjective ending in τζος; as, οντύ) \7i ίστι 'ττοιγιτίον, thus it must be done. ayocuo; μ,όνος τίμ,γιτίος, the good man alone shoidd be honoured. And such adjectives in the neuter gender, joined wdth the impersonal verb ϊστί, govern the case of their primitive, with the dative of the agent ; as, /χνϊ)/:ίθ!/£υτίον ίστϊ σοι θεον, you must think of God. γξα,Ίττίον ίστι μ,οϊ έττίστο'Κψ^, I must write a letter. Mark ii. 22. Luke v. 38. ί*λλύί oiuov viou dg άσκ,ονς Kcaii/ovg βλγιτίον, but new wine must be put into new bottles. Here the verbal governs the accusative case oho-j, and the impersonal verb and the agents are understood. SECTION VL OF THE ADVERB. The adverb, as well as the conjunction and preposition, being indeclinable, admits of no variation by flection ; the syntax of this part of speech, therefore, relates only to the power it may have in governing nouns, pronouns, and verbs. * Though the cases thus used are said commonly to be put absolutely, yet, in fact, they are always governed by a preposition understood. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 97 RULES. I. Adverbs do not govern a case, when used along with verbs or adjectives in such a manner that their sense is complete without a substantive noun following ; as, Luke XX. 39. kcckZ; ίίττοίς, thou hast well said. Eph. V. 15. άκ,ζίβως 'ττίζΐ'ττοίτίϊτζ, walk circumspectly. 2 Mac. xii. 43. 'ttUuv καλώς kcci ά,σηίως 'ττξά,ττων, acting very we2 and honestly. IL Adverbs of all kinds, when immediately referring to a substantive noun or pro- noun to complete their sense, most commonly govern a genitive ; as, /^-'λ;?^ 2oy^6j;/, . as far as Susa. χ^ξ^ζ αϋτον, without him. οίχρί TTJ; σ'ήμ,ίξον ί]/ί(>ίξΰίς, to this day. τίνος χάξίν, for whose sake. λάύξϋ ττοίτζός, concealed from his father. lUni/ ττοτοί/αω!/, like rivers. ττόρρω τγ,ς 'ττό'λίως, far from the city. Ινωτηου ταυ Θίου, before God. suiKoe, τούτου, on account of thisi. oi'Trex,^ τϊης 7]μ$ξοις, once a day. EXCEPTIONS. 1. Adverbs which denote accompanying, govern the connected substantive in the dative; as, όίμ,Λ τνί v},usQcic, at daybreak. όμ,ου τοΙς οίΆλοις. together with the others. 2. Adverbs of swearing generally govern the accusative ; as, Gen. xlii. 15. v^ tvju oyhiccu ΦοίζΛω, by the health of Pharaoh. 1 Cor. XV. 31. vvi ττιν vf^iTi^oiu κοίύχ,Υισιν, by the boasting on your account. 3. Derivative adverbs generally govern the same cases with their primitives ; as, Eph. iv. 1. α^Ιως τ^ς κλ.'ήσζως, in a manner worthy of the calling. Rev. iv. 3. KvyJhouiu του ^ζόνου, round about the throne. III. Two or more negatives in Greek, express the denial more strongly ; as, Isa. xliii. 2. ου μ,νι κ,α,τΛκοί,υΰγς, thou shall by no means be burned. Luke xxii. 18. ου yy/j 'ττίω, I will by no means drink. Heb. xiii. 5. ου μ,τ) σε άνω, ούδ' ου μ,'ή σε ζγκ,α.τοίλί'πω, Ι will by no means leave thee, nor will I by any means forsake thee. But if a verb intervene between the two negatives, they make an affirmation, as in English; as, Acts iv. 20. ου ^υνά,ΐΛίύοί μνι "KctKiiv, we cannot but speak. ου ^ΰνΛ^α,ι {/^'ή μ,ζ[Λν'/ισθΰίΐ οίύτου, Ι cannot avoid remembering him. IV. Interjections generally govern the genitive ;* as, οϊ[Λοι των κτγιμ,οίτων, alas / for my possessions. But ω and some others, govern sometimes a genitive, and sometimes a vocative ; as, * ω του ά,ύικτιμ,οι,τος, Ο ! the injustice. Rom. ii. 1. ά,να.ΐΐο'Κόγ'/ιτος u, ω χνύξωττέ, thou art inexcusable, Ο man! * Interjections properly govern the vocative, and wlien they govern a different case, it is by the force of a preposition understood. 98 A GREEK GRAMMAR. SECTION VII. OF THE CONJUNCTION. RULES. I. Copulative and adversative conjunctions generally join the same cases of nouns, and the same modes of verbs, but not necessarily the same tenses ; as, Τΐίτξος Kxi ' Ιωά,ννγις, Peter and John. εμοι κ,οί] σοι, to me and thee. γξάφω vj Άίγο), ' I write or speak. ετι-ξχσσον, ^δί τξάζ,ω -ταλ/ν, / did it, and will do it again. ^α,υμ,ά.ζω, κ,χϊ 'ποΚκά,^,ις ϊύοίΰΐΛοι,σοί, I wonder, and have often wondered. But, if there is a change in the construction, the copulative conjunctions may join different modes ,• as, £7το(τησΒ τούτο, κ,αϊ συ ivoiii όμ,οίως, he did so, and do thou in like manner. II. Conditional and consecutive conjunctions commonly govern a verb in the indi- cative mode ; as. Mat. iv. 3. si υιός εϊ του 0soy, if thou be the Son of God. ' Eph. iv. 8. δ/ο Asyg/, wherefore he says. Mat. xi. 20. or; ου (AiTivomoiv, because they repented not. But iciu, hx, οττως, and οφξχ, more commonly govern the subjunctive ; as, John xvi. 7. έδίί' jt*55 άττίλβω, if ^ go not away. Mat. i. 22. hx τΓλγίξωύϊί, that it might be fulfilled. And ως, ωστΒ, govern the infinitive. * SECTION VIII. OF THE PREPOSITIONS. Every preposition in Greek has but one radical and proper meaning, which it always retains ; this meaning has, for the most part, been taken from sensible objects ; and from it, all the secondary applications may, either immediately or ciixuitously, be traced. But, sometimes in consequence of figurative or elliptical modes of expression, sometimes in consequence of the extension of the radical meaning to other ideas im- mediately connected therewith, it becomes necessary, for the sake of avoiding circum- locution, to render it in English, by a different preposition, which may fully express the sense in particular phrases, though not universally. The construction, and the radical meaning of the several prepositions, "and the different modes in which they are applied in practice, can only be explained by investigating each preposition separately. 6 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 99 I. Four prepositions govern the genitive, άντΙ, οίττό, L•, 'τγ^ο. 'ANTf, AGAINST, INSTEAD OF. The primary and original signification of this preposition, is, facing, fronting, set opposite to. 1. As in barter, the two commodities to be exchanged are usually set opposite to each other, ά,^τι was used, by an easy transition, to denote exchange or substitution ; its most common signification, thereft^re, is, instead of; as, jNIat. ii. 22. ' ΚογβΚα,ος βιΛσίΚίΰα dvrl 'ΐΐξύί^ον, Archelaus reigns itutead of Herod. Exod. xxi. 23, 24. 6(pua,7^f^6u avrl 6φθοί\ΐΛον, he shall give an eye for an eye.* 2 By a peculiar turn of phrase, aurl came, in some fe\v cases, to signify, in addition to ; this seems to have arisen from the circumstance of a person, instead of demanding another commodity in exchange, giving his own freely, to be added to the possession of the person who had the other. To this meaning may be referred such phrases as the following : duletg ecuTt auiccoju, sorrows above sorrows, excessive sorrows. John i. 16. χάζΐν durl -^ά,ζίτος, grace in addition to grace, accumulated, abundant gmce.f 3. Sometimes it signifies against ; as, άντΙ duooog Ι'τω, go against the man. 4. ' Kur), in composition, generally retains its primary meaning oi opposition; as, auTi'hiyi}, I speak against, I contradict. ά))τιμ.ά,γΑμ.Λί, I fight against. ΆΠ0\ FROM. From is the proper and radical signification of ά'ττο; but the Greek preposition is applied in a sense rather more extensive than the English, implying separation, either in place, time, or any other way, actual distance or tendency from, proceeding from, whether as an effect from a cause, a part from a whole, a thing made from the ma- terials, or a subject from the circumstance that peculiarly characterises it. In all these expressions, «ττο may be properly rendered /?^07?z, though in a few of them, the English * It is by the force of άντ) understood in the sense of substitution or exchanging, tliat the price of things is put in the genitive after verbs or adjectives. •\• Or, perhaps, «vr/, in this exainplp, has its common signification, instead cf, or answerable to. «< Grace — set opposite to — grace," i. e. the favour, which God hath bestowed on us by Jesus Christ, instead of, or answering to, the favour, which he had formerly bestowed on us by iMoses. This interpretation, which is recommended by the connection, is given by Chrysostom: τ/ di b.a.,3o,u(v ; χΛξΐ* ccvt) χ_ά.ξΐτίί »(, I come into, I enter, ξΐσήγω, I introduce. IV. One preposition governs the genitive and the accusative. ΔΙΑ\ THROUGH, ON ACCOUNT OF. 1. With the genitive, ha, signifies, 1. Through, either as to place or time ,• this is the radical meaning; as, 1 Cor. iii. 15. δ;» 'πυξος, through fire. Acts xiii. 49. δ/ ohvig τνις ■)co)^ex,g, through the whole country. Luke V. 5. δ/ οΚγις rij; νυκτός, through the luhole night. 104 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 2. Through, as an instrument or efficient cause ; as, 3 John 13. ου ^£λ6> δ/α yA7\.civog kczi κ,α'Κά,μ.ου σοι γξχ-ψΰα, I τυΐΙΙ not write through, or with, pen and ink to thee. Rom. V. 12. δ/ί» τ^ς ά,μ,οίζτίοι,ς ο ^ά,νοίτος, death through sin. 1 Pet. i. 23. δ/α τζόγου ζώντος Θεον, through the word of God which liveth. Rom. i. 5. δ/ ού k^oifiof^su χύζΐι/, through whom lue received grace. Rom. V. 5. δ/α 'πυίϋμ,Λτος ayiov του ^ousurog vjfMu, through the holy Spirit which isgiventous. 2. With the accusative, hot, deiiotes, 1. Through, as the βηαΐ cause, end, or design, of an action, and may then be render- ed, through reason of, i. e. on account of, or for ; as, Mark ii. 27• ro σάββοίτον δ/α τοι> οίι/ύξωττοι/ syit/sro, the Sabbath was made for man. 1 Cor. ix. 23. τούτο δε ττοιω δ;« το εύοι,γγίΆιον, and this I do for the gospel's sake. Heb. V. 12. 6φsί'λouτeς£ιuoίi^ι^oίσκ,ΰίλoι'^t»τόl/χξόuo!/,^/e ought to be teachers, through reason of the time. 2. Sometimes, but rarely, the means of an action ; as, Rev. xii. 11. Ινίκ,γισοιν αύτόΐ/ δ/ά το ou^a, του a^uiov, they overcame him through the blood of the Lamb. 3. Δ;«, in composition, signifies either through, Uterally, or, in a metaphorical sense, thoroughly; as, 'hiocfioctusi!/, to pass through, ^οίκοίύχξίξω, I cleanse thoroughly. Ιίΰίσ'ττοί.ομχι, I am pulled asunder. V. Ten prepositions govern three cases : the genitive, dative, and accusative. , ΆΜΦΐ, ABOUT, ROUND ABOUT. 'A^cpi governs three diiFerent cases, but has the same signification before each of them. It signified originally, on both sides, and was afterwards extended to denote, on all sides ; whence its usual significations. These are, 1. Round about, or simply about ; as, άμ.φ\ 'ττοΆιος οίκ,ίουσι, they dwell round about the city. άμ,φΐ δ' oi^oiaiv /3άλ£το, he threw it about his shoulders. ' ϊο^ά,υου άμφΐ ρίίύξχ, about the streams of Jordan. 2. Near about, or beside ; either in place or time ; as, τίζίτη δ' άμφ' αϋτω, he fell near about, or beside him. άμφ' α,Τκοί, near about, beside the sea. 3. About, meaning concerning ; as, μοίγ,ίσύον "ττίΐχκ,ος άμψ" ολίγης, they fight about a small fountain. άμφΐ οίστρων γξο,φνι, a description of the stars, literally, a writing about the stars. Τζόγος άμφϊ τω ^οίνά,τω α,υτΥις, α report about {of) her death. ί'ίϊκ,ος άμ,φΐ βθΎ\Κα,σί(Χ.υ, a quarrel about driving away the cattle. 4. Άμφί, with the nominative plural of the article, has a particular meaning; o! άμφΐ ' Ιο)ύννϊΐι/, John and his disciples, and sometimes John himself only. * * See a similar phrase under Πίξί. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 105 5 ΆμφΙ, in composition, retains its usual meaning of round about ; as, ά^φίβάλλω ωμ,οισιν hdyjTx, I throw round my shoulders a garment, anaS back along, up, UP AND DOWN, UP UPON. The original meaning of dvoi, was the line of direction of any thing traced backwards ; hence its common significations are derived. 1. With the genitive and accusative. 1. Back along, or against ; as, eiuac 'Koxocy.oy 'hisKoyJaccu, they bore them bach along the river, i. e. against the stream Hence au» is sometimes, though rarely, used to signify according to ; as, iMikiiu a'ja, τον cx,vt6'j 'koyov, to speak according to the same ivord, i. e. tracing the same course of speech back again. 2. Up, or over, that being the contrary direction to what things take when left to themselves; as, eci/oi uviog 'ύβγιν, he went up (i. e. on board) the ship. άνά. Tsc 6o7], up, or over the mountains. 3. By an extension of this last signification, duo. signifies,• up and down ; to which the English preposition, through, is sometimes equivalent ; as, hK^Mousy a'ja στζοι,τον, were scattered up and down, or through, the army. ά,νά. τα, οζΎΐ τΐ'Κίχ,νοίσθίχ,ι, to wander up and down the mountains, avik νύκτα, . through the night. ' Hence ά,υά. στό[/,οί βχίίν, is used to signify, to mention frequently, i. e. to have up and down the mouth. 4. In distribution of objects, άνά, signifies, a-piece, or at the rate of; as if we should say, U2} that far, and no farther ; as, ciucc 7τέντ£, five a-piece. Mat. XX. 9. ά,νά. ^'/ινάξίον, a denarius each. John ii. 6. γ/ύζουσαι dua μβτξγιτοίς ^vo 4j τξίΐς, containing two or three firkins a^-piece. 2. With the dative. Up upon ; as, svo£ τοίτνίξ άνά, Τχξγχξω όίκξω, the father slept up upon the top of mount Gargaris. dux Yfi^(s\v sTiOvax, taking it tip upo?i or in her hands. 'Apd, with this case, is seldom used but by the poets. Aux, in composition, denotes, 1. Back; as, dvxβxh'Aω, I throw back, I reject. 2. Up ; as, dvxβxίvύ), I ascend. o. Repetition, as it were going back over the same ground ; as, ' Heb. v\. 6. άνχστχνρουντχς, crucifying afresh Ο 106 A GREEK GRAMMAR/ And hence aua, in composition, has sometimes likewise an intensive force, as if implying repetition of the same action, to augment the effect; as, »ρχζγ]τίω, I seek diligently, seek again and agaifi. Έηΐ, UPON. ΈττΙ, whatever case it governs, always signifies upon; but, with different cases, a different mode of being npon is denoted. 1. With the genitive. 1 . Action, hath commencing ajid terminating upon ; as, 3j σφοίίξοί x.v'hiuhiTcii stti rr^g τξ-οίττίζγις, the ball rolls upon the table. s'TTt θξοί'Λνις ίχωζίί, he marched through Thrace, \, e. beginning and terminating his march in Thrace. 2. Situation or position upon ; as, Άιύος κίΐτοΐί stti τΐ^ς y^g, a stone lies upon the ground. John xxi. 1. ίφαίνίξωσ&ν εαυτόν Ιττί rrjg Bx^aaarig rvjg ΎφίξΐάΙος, showed himself just upon (i. e. at) the sea of Tiberias. Hence, applied to time, it signifies, during the existence of; as, ΙττΙ Κζόί'ου, during the life of Saturn. So we say in English, upon such a day. 2. With the dative. 1 . Junction of one thing upon another, hence with or among ; as, i'TTi Tolg φlλo{g, joined with, or among, hisfriejids. Rev. X. 11. 'ττζοφγιτζυσοίί Ιττί 'Kuoig και βύνεσι, to prophesy among people ajid nations. 2. Following up)on ; whether in the way of dependence, mere addition to, or in pursuit of; as, Luke xvi. 26. Ιττι ττοίσι τούτοις, in addition to all these things. Acts iii. 16. ίττϊ τγ -ττίστει, in consequence of the faith. STTi τω κίξ^ίί, in pursuit of, for the sake of gain. 3. With the accusative. 1 . Action directed upon ; as, λίύος 'ΤΓί'τττεί stti ttju yvju, a stone falls upon, or toioards, the ground. Mat. ix. 9. κΛύτιμ^ζυου εττι το τεΤ^όινιον, sitting upon the business of the receipt of custom. 2 Pet. ii. 22. κύω;/ ετηστξέ-ψχς S'ttI το 'I'^iou εζίςοι^^χ, the dog returned to his vomit. 2. Hence sometimes, against ; as, Luke xi. 17. βασιλείχ εψ' εα,υτνιν ^ίαΐΛεξίσύεΙσοι, a kingdom divided against itself. These are the proper significations οΓεττΙ, with the different cases, but the Septna- gint and New Testament writers do not strictly adhere to them ; in a few instances, we find ίπ-ι used with one case in the same sense as it commonly is used in \\ith another ; but these instances are not frequent, and can occasion no difficulty. 16 A GREEK GRA^IMAR. 107 ΈτΓί, in composition, denotes, 1. Upon; as, ίτηβαίνω, I go upon^ I mount. έτηγξάφω, I inscribe. 2. Oi'c;' ; as, ίττισκοτίω, I oversee. Ι-ττίσκοττος, an overseer. KATA\ ALONG, AGAINST, ACCORDING TO, DOWN. 1. With the genitive, dative, and accusative. KoiToi properly signifies, the line of direction along which a thing tends, or is situated ; this is its primary signification ; as, Kctroi Tvi'j Qoou, along the road. xccrcc. ττις οδοί/, . . . Luke xxiii. 5. x,a,ff o'hYtg tjj? ' ΙουοΛίΛς, through all Jewry. Mat. i. 20. κατ ονοίξ, in a dream. 2. With the genitive only. 1. Against, or in ojjposition to ; as that which comes in our way comes generally against us ; as, κ,Άτ» σκοχοΐι ro^vjuu, to shoot against (or at) a mark. Acts iv. 26. KctTo, του Κνξίον, κ,οίΐ κατά. τον 'Κοιστου uvtov, against the Lord, and against his Christ. 2. Down; that being the direction to which things tend when left to them- selves; as, Mat. viii. 32. ωξμτισί^κχτά του κξτη/ίί^ου ίΐς tyju ^a?.ecaa»v, rushed down the precipice into the sea. 3. With the dative only. Among ; as it were along the line of; as, ^οίσό/χίύοί κΛτά σφίσι, we will divide it along the line of (i. e. among) them. xecToi συφζοίσιν εύογι/υ, she confined them along the line of (i. e. among) the sties. 4. With the accusative only. Most commonly, according to; that is, along the same direction with ; thus, KOLTu, MctTdxhv, according to Matthew. Josh. vii. 16. κατά. φυ\άς, according to (i. e. by) tribes. 2 Cor. viii. 3. κατά ^ΰναμ,ιν, according to their power, so far as they could. Col. iii. 10. κατ ίΐκόι/α του κτίσαντοζ, according to, or after the image of him who created. In composition, κατά denotes, 1. Down; as, καταβαίνω, I go down. καταγωνίζο/χαί, I fight down, i. e. overthrow, or subdtie. 2. Against ; as, καταμαζτνζίύ), I testify against. 3. Along with ; as, κατα^ιθμ,ίω, I number along with. 108 A GREEK GRAMMAR, META\ WITH, AMONG, AFTER. The original meaning of μ,ζτά appears to have been, a conductor or indicator of the way. With the genitive, it implies a conductor whom we accompany : hence it is usually rendered with. With the dative, it implies a plurality of conductors, between qv in the midst of whom we are moving or acting : hence it commonly signifies, hetiveen or among. And with the accusative, it implies a conductor whom we follow : hence it is usually rendered after. From these, the various meanings may easily be traced. 1. With the genitive. With;* in all the different modes in which one thing can be joined with or accom- pany another ; whether by existence in the same place, co-operation in the same design, adherence to the same side or party, and even meeting for purposes of hosti- lity; as, Mat. ii. 11. είξοι/ το 'roiihiou μ,ζτά, τ^ς μητξος Λυτού, they found the young child with his mother. Luke xxiv. 5. ^£τ« των υ&κρων, in the same place with (or among) the dead. Mat. ii. 3. Ιτΰίξά,χ,ύνι, ΆοίΙ 'πα,σΛ ' ΙίξοσόΆνμοί ^ίτ Λυτού, he was troubled, and all Je- rusalem with him. Acts xiv. 27. i'Ttoinaiv 6 Θίός μιτ Λυτών, God wrought ivitk them, (as his instniments.) Mat. xii. 30. μ,'ή ων μ,ετ ϊμ,ου, κΛτ ϊμ,ου εστ/, he that is not {on the sarae side) with me, is against 7ne. Rev. xvii. 14. μετά, του άξνίου 'Ζο'λξ[Λ''/)σουσί, they shall fight with the Lamb. Luke x. 37. 'ΤΓοί'ησΛς το ίλίος μιτ Λυτον, he that showed mercy on him, i. e. with him as the object of it. % With the dative. Between, when two objects only are spoken of; and among, when three or more ; as, ^£Tffl5 χζ^σΐν 'ίχων, having between his hands. μίτοί τΓζωτοΙσί ττονείτο, he was busy among the foremost. 3. With the accusative. After ; chiefly referring to time ; as. Mat. xxiv. 29. μετά, τνιν Άλί-ψίν των τιμεξων έκίίνων ο ο^λίος σκοτίσβνισετΛί, after the tri- bulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened. Sometimes, but rarely, μετχ is used with the accusative, though signifying between or among; as, βίβλον μετά χεΙξΛς είλιηφως, having taken the book between his Jiands. ιθ( νυν μετά, "ΚΛον, go now among the people. In Composition, μετά signifies, 1. Change; as, μετΛβΛίνα, I change my place, μετχνοεω, I change my mind, I repent. μετΛμΛΤ^ομΛί, I change the object of my concern, I repent. * The diflFerence between ^£τώ, signifying with, and συν, seems originally to have been, that συν was applied to objects concurring and uniting to effect one action or event ; μ,ίτα., to objects simply accompanying one another, though not so concurring. But this distinction was soon lost sight of, and the two words employed indiscriniinutel}-. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 109 2. Communion ivith ; as, μ,ίτίγ^ω, I have with others, Τ partake. ΠΑΡΑ\ AT, BESIDE, or NEAR. The original meaning of '7:rctPoi, is beside ; and as the situation of one thmg beside another, may be taken in different points of view, ττα^α comes to have different signi- fications. 1. With the genitive. From at, or from beside, and very often simply from ;* as, Psal. cxxi. 2. vi βο-ή6ίΐά y.ov ττα,ξά, KvQioVy viy help is {from the presence of, or) from the Lord. Luke ii. 1. ϊ^γ[κθί loy^ua 'ttxpoc ΚαΙσχξος, a decree pi^oceeded {from at, or)from Ccesar. ^Ιτίσους κοίΐ οί ττοίζ Λυτον, Jesus, and those who were from beside him, i. e. his friends or disciples. Mat. ii. 4. ίττυνθάυίτο 'τΐΐχ,ξ. Λυτών, ^ he inquired from them. 2. With the dative. Close beside, i. e. at, or luith ; as, « Mat. vi. 1. μ,ισθον ουκ 'ϊχίπ 'ττα,ηά. τω ττατξΐ, ye have not a reward {laid up) beside, or with, your father. Mat. xxi. 25. "^/ίλογίζοντο τταξ ίχυτοϊς, they reasoned among themselves, (i. e. each one beside the other.) Psal. cxxx. 7. ^α^ά τω Κυξίω το έλεος, {beside or) tvith the Lord is mercy. 3. With the accusative. Beside ; in its most extensive sense, in any mode wherein one thing may be said to be beside another. 1 . Placed beside, for the sake of comparison or contrast ; as, Psal. xlv. 2. ώξΰίΊος κάλλεί 'τηχ,ξά. τους υιούς των άνύξωττων, thou art fair when set beside or compared with the sotis of men ; i. e. fairer than the sons of men. Heb. ii. 7• 'ήΚάττωσα,ς αύτον βζοιγ,ϋ τι τ^οί^ ά^/ίλους, thou hast lowered him for a little, {so as to seem low,) when set beside or compared with the angels ; i. e. hast lowered him beneath the angels. 2. Viewed beside, as a reason or cause ; as, 1 Cor. xii. 15. ού ττΛζά, τούτο ουκ εστίν εκ του σωμ,ατος, it is not on this account, (for this reason,) not of the body. .3. Beside ; in consequence of deficiency ; in the next place to, but not precisely i the same rank with another ; as, 2 Cor. xi. 24. τεσσοίζά,κουτα, τ-οίζά, μ,Ια,ν, forty save one. 4. Beside; in consequence o£ going over, or beyo7id ; a passing to the farther side; as, 'ττχξά. τον TTOTct/xo!/ εφευγον, they ^ed to the farther side of (i. e. over) the river. τΓίΛζά τον νόμον, in transgression of the law ; either by falling short, or go- ing over its rules. * Tlie genitive in Greek lias frcijuenlly (he I'orce of tendency from. 110 A GREEK GRAr.lMAR. In composition, τηχξά denotes, 1. Beside, OY at ; as, Trd^uyivof^oii, I come to , I arrive at. 2. Over ; as, '7ηχ.ξ(χ,βΰύϋω, I go bet/and, I transgress. 3. Shortcoming; as, τϊΒίξοίκούω, I am deficient in regard to hearing, I neglect to hear. ττα,ζΐΆΚογίζω, I reckon falsely, aside from the truth. » ΠΕΡί, ABOUT, ROUND ABOUT, CONCERNING. ΐΐίξί, before all the three cases which it governs, has the same meaning and force ; it is used with any of the three indiscriminately. It denotes, 1 . About, or round about ; in a literal sense ; as, 7Γξξ\ βωΐΛοίς, round, or about the altar. Mat. iii. 4. ζύ}υγίυ τηρϊ tCvj οσφνα, a girdle about his loins. 2. Near about ; in point of time ; as. Acts xxii. 6. 'ττίξί μεσϊΐμβξίαν, about noon. 3. About ; in a figurative sense, i. e. concerning ; as, John vi. 41. ίγόγ'/υζον οι Ιουδαίοι ττίξΐ αύτον, the Jews murmured concerning him. ττεζί 'πάσνι ΐΐοΚα "hihikycti, to be in fear concerning the whole city. τα, -ττίξΐ -ψυχ'^ν, the things concerning the soul. Tit. ii. 7• "Tirs^l τιτά,υτοί σεα,υτον σιτοίΡίχόμ,ξνος, about all things (i. e. in all respects) showing thyself. 4. Over; denoting superiority; what goes round another, must, of course, be greater; as, 1 Cor. vii. 37. i^ovaiaiu βχίί ττεξί του Ι^ίον ^iAv](AotTog, has power over his own will. 5. ΛΎϊύϊ the plural of the article, 'τηςϊ, like χμφΐ, means friends or disciples, &c.; as oi 'τπξϊ 'lojocvi'yiv, John and his disciples, (literally, those about him,) and sometimes John himself John xi. 19. tt^oV τά,ς ττίξΐ Μάξύοα/ κ,αΐ Μοίξΐχν, not, to those about Martha and Mary, but, to Martha and Mary.* In composition, Tgoi denotes, 1. Bound OY about ; as, 'πβζφ'λί'ττω, I look round. '^τίζΐάγω, I lead about. 2. Relative greatness, or pre-eminence in any quality, good or bad ; as, ττεξί'Αυτίος, exceeding sorrowful. vs^U^yog, very busy, a busy body. * This idiom is used in speaking of persons of seme note, or distinction; who, it is to be supposed, usually have attendants about them. A GREEK GRAMMAR. Ill προ^Σ, BEFORE, TO, TOWARDS. The primary meaning of crgoV, appears to have been termination^ or terminating in ; and, from the different aspects which this idea may assume, according to the connection in which it stands, 'ττζος came to have several different significations ; all of them, how- ever, related to the original sense. Ιίζος signifies, 1. With the genitive, dative, or accusative, indiscriminately; 1. Before, at, in presence of; as the object of reference, close connection, or intended action; that is, terminating in, as the object immediately in view; as, ττξος 0£6y Ιταηΰω, as in the presence of (or before) God, I beseech ; my supplications referring to God to give force to them. di -τΓξος τγι βάσίί yojiioci, the angles at, or immediately/ connected with, or terminating in, the base. John xviii. 16. 6 oi ϋίτ^ος daz'ir^ii ττ^ος ττ) ^ύξχ, Peter stood before the door ; his pre- sent action being connected with it, or terminating there ; that is, having a view to enter. John i. 1. λόγος yju ττξός tou 0foV, the Word was with {immediately united, or connected, with) God. Mat. xxvi. 18. ττζός σε ττοιω το στάσγ,οί, Ι will keep the passover at thy house ; that is, at the place peculiarly connected with, exclusively appropriated to, thee. Luke ix. 41. ϊως 'τόη sao/xeti "ττξός vfioig ; how long shall I be with you? (connected with you, as the immediate and terminating object of my ministra- tions.) 2. Tendency towards a particular point of termination proposed to be reached ; hence it may be rendered, conducive to, or in reference to, or simply towards ; as, Acts xxvii. 34. τούτο yoi^ -ττ^ος τί}ς ύμετίξας σωττ,ξία,ς ύ'ττά,ξχ,ει, for this is tending to (or conducive it») your health. -ΤΓξος τω σφετε^ω dyccuq., tending (or co7iducive) to their good. Mat. xxvii. 4. τί πτζος 'Ay-of-^ ; what does that make towards us? {in reference to us.) 2 Tim. ii. 24. ojV/o;^ 'ττξος 'ττά,ντα,ς, gentle towards all. Luke xxiv. 29. ττζος εσ-ττεζαν, drawing toivards evening. 3. Against ; the object, or place, where a hostile action terminates ; as, ^τζος du^Qog εχύξον ετηφεζων τον -ψτίφον, giving his vote against an enemtj. ν'^Άς τΓξός στΓίΆά,^εσσίν εοίέ,αι/, dashed the ships against the rocks. Acts ix. 5. τ-ξος κεντξοι, Ά'Χκ,τίζειν, to kick against the pricks. 2. "With the dative only. Li addition to; boundary or terminating point to which the succeeding object is attached; as, ττξό; τοΙς εΐ^γιμενοις, in addition to the ihi7igs that have been said. 3. With the accusative only. 1 . To; the point to which the action is directed ; as, John xiv. 28. ττοξενο^Λο,ι ττζός τον ττο^τίζα, ^ ^^ ^^ ^^'^ Father. 112 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 2. Accordmg to, directed or regidated by ; (that is, the boundary as it were, by which one object is limited by another ;) as, Luke xii. 47. y^r^i Tor^aug ττξός το ^i^vjjiicc χύτον, neither did according to his will. Gal. ii. 14. όρύοττοΐοϋσι ττξός rviv άΆνιύίΐ&ι,ϋ, walked uprightly according to thetridh. 3. On account of, for the sake of; terminating in as the cause ; as, Mark x. 5. ττξος tjjv σκ,λγίξοκαξίίαι^ vpcZy sy^oixpeu, on account of your hardness of heart he ivrote. Acts iii. 10. 'ΤΓζος t^u ίλίγιμοσνι/τιν ycau'iiysuog, sitting for the sake of alms. 4. Before a noun of time, during or for ; limiting the existence of the action to a determinate time ,• as, 2 Cor. vii. 8. Β'τηστο'λ'^ ίκείι/Υΐ, d κ,οίΐ ττξός ωξοίν, ϊ'κΰτττιαίν ύμ,Ας, that epistle 7nade you sad, though but for a season. 1 Thes. ii. 17. α,ττοξφχ^ίσύίι/τες τί^ος κ,οίίξον ωξοίς, separated during the time of an hour, i. e. during a short season. In composition, ττξος denotes, 1. To OY unto ; as, -τΓ^οσ^οχΛω, I look for, I expect. ττζοσοίγοξζύω, I speak to, I address. 2. Against ; as, '7Γξοσξνίγνυ{Λΐ, I break against. 3. In addition to ; as, 'ττξοσζζγά,ζο^οι,ί, I gain still more in trade. 'ΤΠΕ^Ρ, OVER, IN DEFENCE OF. The primitive meaning of ζ/ττε^, seems to have been higher ; and thence may be traced its usual significations.* 1. With the genitive, dative, and accusative, indiscriminately. Over ; in respect of place or position ; as, στγ δ' ΰττί^ KiCpoiT^yjg, he stood over his head. ν ύ'τιτίξ ά,ξγυζω οχουι/τχί, they make their progress over the silver ocean. ντΓίξ ysyoi Τ^ούτμ,Λ ^ού^ά,σσνις, over a vast extent of sea. 2. With the genitive only. 1. Beyond ; as whatever is over or higher than another, must necessarily be beyond it ; as, II Αΐύίόττίΰΐς ττ^ς υτ^ίο Κιγΰτττου, out of Ethiopia, luhich is beyond Egypt. 2. In defence of ;-\ and hence by an obvious transition, on the part, or behalf, or for the sake of ; as, Rom. viii. 31. u 6 Qio; νττΒξ 7],uZi>, τις Kscif νιμων ; if God he for 7is, {on our part,) who can be against us. * For the primary meaning of ν-π\ξ, see the note under vjre, page 113. t A thing is placed over another to protect it from injury, or to add to its stability, by assiirtini it to sustain a burden placed on it. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 113 Acts χχνϊΛ. ί7Γΐτρί-7Τ£τί>ίί σοέ o'TTiQ aiy^vror) λίγίί!/, it is permitted to thee to speak in de- fence of thyself. Mat. V. 44. 'ττροσίΰχίσύί ύτΐίζ των Ιττ-^ζία,ζόντων ύμ,χς, pray for (or ο?ι behalf of) those ivho despitefully use you. John xi. 4. ύττϊζ τ~/}ς lo^rig τον Θίου, for the sake of the glory of God. 3. In the room^ place ^ or stead of ;* as, John xi. 50. 'iucx, £Ϊς οίι^ύξωττος ά^ττούάν»} ύττβο τον λαον, that one man should die instead of the people. Philem. 13. 'ha, v-tts^ σαν ^eccy.oyyj fcot, that in thy stead he might minister to me. Rom. V. 8. Χρίστό; ύττίο νιμ,ων ά'πί.^α,υζ^ Christ died in our room. 4. Of, or ccncerning ; i. e. going over in thought or speech, as we say in English, to think over, or talk over ; as, Rom. ix. 27. ' 'Άσα,ΐύίς ■Λζά,ζα ύττίξ τον ' ΙσζΧ'/ίλ, Isaiah cries concerning Israel. ' 2 Cor. i. 6. 57 Ιτ^ττίς vif/.au βεβοίίοί ύττέξ v^oiv, our hope is steadfast concerning you. 3. With the accusative only. Above ; i. e. either in dignity, in energy, or any other way ; as, τά ό'ττίξ 7ί[Λα,ς ovhiu ττξος τι^ύχς, what is above us, (i. e. beyond our sphere^) is nothing to us. 2 Cor. viii. 3. και ύττέξ '^vucc,uiu, and above their power. Mat. X. 37. ψί'λων 'τηχ.τίζοί vj μγιτέξα νττίξ ίμ,ί, he who loves father or mother above {more than) me. Mat. X. 24. ovx, ϊστι y^au-^T^g ύττές tou ^ι^ά,σ-ΛοίΚον^ a disciple is not ab'ove his master. Phil. ii. 9. ίχοίξίσχτο οίύτω οιιομ,α το ύττίξ ττΰ.:/ 6'voy^x, has given him a name which is above every iiame. In composition, vttsq denotes, 1. Over ^ ov beyond ; as, ύ-^ίξίβω, I overlook. νττεξχκ/ίίος, beyond the flower of age. 2. Excess ; as, νττίρττίξίσσίύύ), I abound exceedingly. 3. On behalf or on account ; as, ύ'τηηζυτνγχά,νύ), I intercede for, or in behalf of 'ruo\ BY, UNDER. The primary meaning of v'tto, appears to have been high,\ v/hence its significations a preposition. * As it were over the spot from which the other is removed. t "Ts-of, high, appears to have heen the positive decree, whence the preposition u-ro ; ύ^τότίξος, con- tracted into ί»'5Γ£ξί,-, the comparative, whence the preposition ΰ:τ\ζ ; the superlative degree, vrorx-of, contracted into 'ύδατος, is still in common use, sii^nifying, highest or supreme. The idea tliat the primary sense of ύνο was high, may, at first sight, seem contradictory to the most common signification of the preposition under ; but, in fact, there is no contradiction, only a diversity in the modes of expression in the two languages. High and low, above and under, are purely relative terms, so that when one object is lovo or under another, that other is high or above, in reference to it. Such a position of two objects may, therefore, be equally expressed by saying, that the first is above the second, or tiio second under the first. The Greeks use the one mode, we the other. Thus, if the relative position of a mountain and a valley is to be expressed, it is done in Greek, in the first mode, by saying, ϋγχα Irro οξία;, " a valley so situated that the mountain is high in reference to it," in English, it is done in the second mode, " a valley underja mountain ;" the idea is the same, only the turn of the phrast: different. Hence ί,-το comes usually to be rendered in Knglisli, under. Ρ 114 A GREEK GRAMMAR. . 1. With the genitive, dative, and accasative, indiscriminately. Under ; whether in place, time, power, or any other mode of being under ; as, ντο xdouog, under the earth. vir αύτω ZvjuZu KO-TSKhiuiTo, Zeno sat under him. Mat. V. 15. ύ'ττό του {Aohou^ under a bushel. υΐΐο νυκτϊ, under night. Acts V. 21. ύττό τον οξύςου, under (or about) day-break. unr άγγίκίοίς, under the command. 'kiya oig ΰττο Θεω, I speak as under {the direction of) God. Mat. viii. 9. £χων ύττ ίμ,οίυτον στζΛτιωτοίς, having under me soldiers. 2. With tiie genitive only. B^ ; either as a cause or an instrument ; the cause or means of any thing being justly reckoned the head or top in relation to the effect ; as. Mat. i. 22. TO pn^lv ΰΐΐο του Κνξίου, which was spoken by the Lord. Mat. ii. 16. susTrccixuv) ύττό τωυ μ.ά.γω]>^ was mocked by (or of) the wise men. Mat. iii. 3. ό βγιύεις ύττο Ή.σοίΐου του 'ττ^οφί^του, he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah. In composition, ύττο denotes, 1. Under ; as. Acts xxvii. 17- υ'τΐοζωννϋντίς το ττΆοΙου, undergirding the ship. 2. Privacy; i. e. underhand ; as, ύττά,γω, I go away privately. ύτΓοβά,ΤΟ^ύ), I suborn evidence. ' 3. Plainness ; placing immediately under the eyes ; as, ύτνο^ζίκνυμ,ι, I shoiu evidently. After thus particularly pointing out the uses and meanings of the several preposi- tions in their order, it is only necessary to add, in regard to the syntax of this part of speech in Greek, that phrases and modes of speech occasionally occur, in which a noun is governed by one or other of the prepositions not expressed but understood. Several of the cases mentioned under the head of the government of nouns, verbs, and other parts of speech, appear, in fact, to belong to this class, though for conven- ience, they are usually stated as governed by a different part of speech. Thus the genitive of nouns of price, is governed by άυτι understood, the dative of nouns of manner, by ku or aiiuy and the accusative of measure, by dg, -yr^og, κχτχ. It is unneces- sary to take particular notice of these or similar instances in an elementary work ; but the following cases of this sort ought to be attended to by the learner, to prevent any embarrassment, when phrases of the kind occur. 1. A noun of time is sometimes put in the genitive, in consequence of δ/ά under- stood ; as, l^roiVflt Ίτά,ντιχ, ^ia,g vii^iQutg, (supply δ/«,) / did all in one day. John iii. 2. vi'KUi uvKTog, (supply ha,) he came by (or during) night. ^ 2. Nouns either of time or place are sometimes put in the dative, in consequence of h understood; as, ri? τζίτ -fi i],u£Qx, (supply su,) on the third day. χΐύίξΐ να,ίωυ, (supply iu,) A GREEK GRAMMAR. 115 3. A noun qualifying or determining the concomitant attributive, is frequently put in the accusative, in consequence of si ς or χοίτά understood ; as, τΓΛΤζΊΙα, 'νωΐΛοίΙος, (supply κοιτά,) hy country a Roman. ύ'^ος Λχ'Κ'Κιστος, (supply κχτοί or siV,) in regard to form, most beautiful, or very beauti- ful inform. 4. The past participle passive of the neuter gender, is sometimes put in the accusa- tive, in consequence of μετά. understood ; as, Luke xxiv. 47- άξξάμίΐ^ου άττό Ίζξονσού^νιμ>, (supply μ,ίτά το,) beginning (i. e. after having begun) at Jerusalem. 5. The noun that constitutes the subject of the sentence, is sometimes put in the accusative, κοιτά being understood ; as, 1 Cor. X. 16. τον οίξτον ou κλωμει/, ούχϊ κ,οίνωνίοΐ του σό)μ,οΐ,τος του 'Κζίστου Ιστιν ; (supply κοιτά,) (as to) the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ ? Phrases which must be resolved in this w^ay, often occur, but if proper attention be paid to the force and import of the several prepositions, this will occasion no difficulty. SECTION IX. OF QUANTITY AND PROSODY. The pronunciation of Greek words is regulated by the quantity of the syllables, and the accent. The former is founded on the length or shortness of the syllables, or according to the time which is employed in the pronunciation of a syllable. In a long syllable two seconds are employed : in a short syllable one. Two short syllables are therefore equal to one long one; The accent marks the rising and sinking of the voice, that is, determines which syllable is to be uttered with a higher, and which with a lower tone. The quantity is, in the first instance, determined by the following GENERAL RULE. 1 . Two vowels are naturally short, ε, o. Two naturally long, n, ω. Three naturally doubtful, ex., t, υ. Diphthongs and contracted syllables are long, as ίκΰ; όφζυες contr. οψ^ϋς; το ayccdou, contr. τάγοιβον. Αϋτάζ ίγώ κάκΰ^ε φίλου (Λ&(Λν^σο(Λ 'ίτοίϊξοϋ ι ι ι , ι ι 'Ω,στί δίίί τοϋτον τόίγάθ' οινθξώ'ττοϋς ^χΰν. Ιαμβ. Τιιιμ. POSITION. 2. Α short, or doubtful vowel, before two consonants, or a double letter, (whether ill the same word, or at the beginning of another,) is made long ; as ϊζγοι/, κζάζω, ϋς τε με. Ι , Ι ι Πολλά? δ ϊφύιμονς "ψν^ζ^ς uiht 7Τξοϊά•ψεν. 116 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 3. A short, or doubtful vowel, is commonly short, before a mute and a liquid ; as ΙΙάτξοχλος or ΤΙόίτξοκ,λοζ : except β, γ, δ, followed by λ, /χ, or u ; as αγλοίος, kUuos, which have the preceding vowel commonly long. I '1 ^1 I Mir^st OS Tsvxe ^soiai το γχξ ^ΛέΤξου ΐστιν απίστου. We sometimes find a short syllable before two consonants, (not mute and liquid ;) but this is rare, and should not be imitated ; as, I I ! I I Αλλ £7γ; Άβκ,τξον ιων otK^ou ^χκτνλον zoiToc ^cuk'jco. The initial σ, which very often has no more power than a simple breathing, is some- times followed by a consonant, while the preceding syllable continues short; as, J I I . I I I , • I I I , ^ I HoiT^.-Aihcx. τ Έ,ΐζζτζίΰίυ re 'ττοΤ^υστχφυ'Κοΰ ff ''^lancciocv. Sometimes a short vowel is made long before a single liquid ; but this is rare ; as, 'ΐίξωωι/ Λυτούς δ' ΊλωξίΟ' τβυχ& κυνζσσιν. Α VOWEL BEFORE A VOWEL. 4. In the Epic Poets, long vowels and diphthongs may be read short at the end of a word, if the word following begin with a vowel ; as. This occurs, sometimes, in first and middle syllables; particularly oi and oct, in dramatic poetry ; as, ' .. • ' ' , ' Έ^ϋθοι. as Yi'is Φοφί Beoci T^ovou ubccTi κοίλω. And very rarely, α,ι and ot final are short, before words beginning with a consonant; as, 1,1 II I E/ δί Kiv oiKOih' ίκ-ωμαΐ φιλνιυ ίς ττατξί^οί yonets/. But perhaps this was written ίκωμι. OF THE DOUBTFUL VOWELS IN FIRST AND MIDDLE SYLLABLES. 5. A doubtful vowel before a vowel, or single consonant, is short ; as, αγΤ^χος, κοίκος, EXCEPTIONS. 6. οί is made long in the penult of nouns in -ex,uv, -uoi/og; as Mctxacou, Μαχχονος. This occurs sometimes when the genitive ends in -ω!/ος; as, ΤΙοσίί^άωι/, TLoasi^aaiiog. in feminine proper names in -cc'ig ; as, Θά'ϊς. in nouns in 'U/iiCdu, -οιρωξ, -cc^og; as, "τη^οβάμων, οίγόϊνωξ, uvaa^og. in numerals in -όσιος ; as, Ιιάκοσίος. in derivatives from verbs in -un) pure, and -ξοίύ) ; as, α,υιΰ,τος, from ccuiuco), ^ξΰ,τγις, Βίχμχ, from ^βαομοίΐ, ιάσιμος, . . ιοίομαι, "πίζόίσιμος, . . ίτε^αώί, κ^ατοίξόίτοζ, . . κατοίζαομαί, ττξΰσις, . . {ττΐ'^ξχσκω for) ττξαο}. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 117 7. / is Ion"• in the penult of nouns in -/«yv, -louog ; as, fl^iau, VL^iouog. We have also Γίξΐο)!/, Ω,ξϊωνος. But we must except χ,ίωι/. in the penult of nouns in -lun, -ιτύι, -ιτης, -ιτις; as, 'hlur,, Αφ^ο^ΐτ-/}, ττοΤκϊ- τγις, 'ΤΓολϊτ/ς. in diminutives in -;δ/ον, from piu*e genitives ; as from Ιμοίτίον, 'ψ^ατύιον. in the penult of verbs in -ιω, -ιβω, -ινω ; as, τϊω, τξϊβω, 'ttTum; as also '^ivsu^ κίνΐω. But the Attic tragic writers have -ίώ>, -Ί,υω ; as, II I I I Ν£ώ)ν φύ1νοντύ)ν μίίζον α,ξυυ(Λοίΐ κΚίος. Iamb. Trim. 8. / is common (i. e. either short or long) in the penult of nouns in-scc, -iyi ; as, κιατ^ίοι^ or KuXioi. 9. υ is long in verbal nouns in -v^jci, -vf^og, -υτπζ, -υτος, -ντωζ ; as, λϊ/^ίί, xD/u,og, ρύτπξ. in pronouns ; as, 'vfmg. in the penult of verbs in -vuco, -νξω, -^yfi^^ -υμΐ', as, •π'Κϋυο), κϋξο), β^νχω, in adverbs in -voou ; as, βοτξϋΐδν, 10. y is common in the penult of verbs in -voj; as, ισχνω, or ισχύω. OF THE DOUBTFUL VOWELS IN FINAL SYLLABLES. 11. -Λ, -iy -v, in the end of a word, are for the most part shortened ; as, μονσώ, ^sTCiy y'KvKu. EXCEPTIONS. If?, -ot, final is long in nouns in -£ct, -Set, -^ej ; as, S^sa, Α>?δίί, Μα^^α. Except άκανύόί. in the dual number ; as, 'ττ^οφγιτα,, μ,ουσόί. in polysyllables in -oiioc. ; as, 2£A-/jvit/«. in -net, from verbs in -evcd ; as, ^ov'kua,, from '^ου?.£υω,—βασ:λ6{όί, a kingdom, but βασι'Καόί, a queen. in -/fit; 2L?,y Kochia,. Except verbals in -τζία,; as, -ψαλτξίόί, and δ/ά, |t«/i5i, TTOTUloi. in the vocative of nouns of the first declension from -ug; as, Aiyu», from Aiunocg. in the feminines of adjectives in -og ; as όμ,οιόί, νι/^.$τ£ξά. in nouns in -qu, when a diphthong does not precede ; as, tj/^squ, χ,γίξά. Except αγκ,νξόί, γίφυξόί, Κεςκ-νζόί, ολυζόί, σκολοττεζ/δ^^, σφυξόί, τοίΐ/οίγξοί ; and compounds from μέτξον; as, yeoj/icsTPOc. in poetic vocatives; as, Πίίλλίβ for TioiKKctg. 13. -/ final is long in the names of letters ; as, ttJ. 14. -υ final is long in names of letters; as, f^D. in verbs in -υμ,ί ; as, ζφϋ. in jt«grflt|y and γξύ. 15. Final syllables, in which a single consonant follows a doubtful vowel, arc (with the exception of -νζ) shortened ; as, (/,ί'κά,υ, "hoc^T^oig, ττοΤ^ύν, — [Λχ^τϋζ. EXCEPTIONS. 1 0. -α:/ is long in masculines ; as, T/tccj/; and tcsi/, when not in composition with other words, in accusatives when their nominatives are'jong; as, AiuiiKi>, from Aiviiug. in adverbs ; as, ctyxv. 16 118 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 17. -οίζ in κάζ, -ψάξ is long; in γχξ is either long or short. -ας. 18. -ΰΐς is long in nouns of the first declension; as, AivsiSig, μ,ουσόίς. having -ccurog ; as, τυ-ψΰς, τυ-ψοίντος. in νίμ>ΰς, ύ^ι^άς, κ,ξχς. 19. -iu is long in nouns in -/v, -iuog; as, ργιγμϊι/, ργιγμ,ιι/ος. in nouns which have two terminations in the nominative ; as, oIktL•, or άκτις. in yif^Tu, v(M)i. -ΐζ• 20. -ις is long in monosyllables ; as, λΓ?. But the indefinite τις is common. in nouns which have two terminations in the nominative; as, a^rig-, or α,κ,ην. in feminine dissyllables in -/?, -ιίος, or -ιθος; as, κ^μΊς, κυιημ,ύος; οξνΤς, οξυΤύος. Except ασττΐ?, ψς, %otfig, with a few others, in polysyllables having two short syllables before the last; as, ττΤ^οκοίμ,Τς. 21 . -vu is long in nouns in -vu, -υι/ος ; as, [Λοσσύυ, μοσσυνος. in nouns which have two terminations in the nominative ; as, φοξκϋν, or φοξκ,νς. in accusatives in -vv, from -νς, ; aSj οφξϋι/, from οφξΰς, in the ultimate of verbs in -υμ{ ; as, ίφνί/. in ΰύν, now. But the enclitic vvu is short. -υς. 22. -υς is long in monosyllables ; as, /iivg. in nouns which have two terminations in the nominative ; as, φοξκύς, or φο^κυν. in nouns which have -vurog, or -og pure in the genitive ; as, hiKuvg, "^siKuvuTog; οφξϋς, οφζνος. in κωμ,ϋς^ κ,ωμυύος. in the ultimate of verbs in -vpci ; as, ζφύς. OF THE DOUBTFUL VOWELS IN THE OBLIQUE CASES OF NOUNS THAT INCREASE. 23. The quantity of the nominative remains in the oblique cases ; as, Ύηχν, Ύιτά.- uog ; ζίν/νϋς^ ζίυγνϋσΓ, ytyoig, yiyoiai'^ x.UY\(ATg, κνημ,ύος. Except 'υξ ; as, (Λοίζτϋξ, μ,Λξτΰξος. 24. Those nouns, which are long by position in the nominative, are shortened in the oblique cases ; as, otyXotf, oivTiXKog. Except nouns in -ot| pure ; as, >£oi|, vsocKog. also ^ωξοίζ, ίίξχζ, KycSha,^, κο^δαξ, Aot/3g£*|, o/ccl, pa,^, σνξφχξ, φβνχζ ; with most in -/ψ, -ιττος ; as, ρ{•ψ, ρϊ'ττος ; and -/|, -ιγος, or -/»og•, as μοίστι^, μχσ- τϊγος, φοίνιξ, φοινΊκος ; to which add γξνψ, γυ-ψ. 25. A pure genitive from a long nominative is varied ; as, Ιξϋς, Ιξΰος, or ^ξΟος. 26. The penult of the dative pluial, in nouns which are contracted, is short ; as. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 119 OF THE DOUBTFUL VOWELS IN THE FLEXIONS OF VERBS. 27• Λ and y, before -σΛ in participles, and before -σί every where, are long ; as, τνψόίσχ, )ίΐκυϋσΛ, τίτνφχσί^ Ιεικννσί.'^ FUTURES. 28. The first futui'e in -ασω, -ίσω, -νσω, from -χω pure, or •ξχω, -ioj, -iuo), and -υω, is long in the penult ; from -χζω, -ιζω, -νζω, is short; as, £ΰί6>, εχσω; ^ξχω, "^^xaoj ; rio), τΐσω ; βρ/βά), βξίσω; ίσχ,νω, ισχύσω', — ά,ζ'ττχζύ), άζττόίσω', όττΤ^ιζω, όττΧίσω', κλυζο), κΤκνσω. Liquid verbs shorten their penult in the first future ; as, x,(huo>, κξΐ^ω. 29. The second future shortens its penult ; as, τΐ^.•^ω, τοίμ,ω ; φχιι/ω, φά,νω. THE OTHER TENSES. .30. A doubtful vowel has the same quantity in the derived, as in the primitive tenses ; as, Pres. κξϊνω, ίκρϊνον; KQjuoy^oii, ξκξΊνομ.•/ιν. 1 Fut. κζίνω^ κζκξίκχ, ξκίκ,ξίκ,ίίΐ/ ; κ,ξΐι/ονμχί, κ,ξίάνισομχι, SK^idriv^ κ,ζκ,ζί^Λχι, εκ,εκξί/ί^γιν. 2 Fut. τύ'ττω, stvttou, τνττου/ίίΧί, ίτύττομιην, τβτνττχ, ετετύττείν, τύττ-ήσο^Λχι, ετΰ-ττγιν. But the first aorist of liquids makes its penult long in the active and middle voice ; as, εκξϊίΐχ, εκξϊϋχ/ίί/ΐ!/. The penult, when long by position in the first future, is shortened in the perfect ; as, βλχ-ψω, βεβλόίφχ. Except όϊ-ψω, ερρΐφχ. Some make the penult long in the perfect middle ; as, κ,εκ,ξόϊγχ, μεμνκχ. ι and υ, instead of an augment, are made long; as, '^ικομ,χι, 'iKOf-cnu. SPECIAL RULES CONCERNING VERBS IN Ml. 31. A proper reduplication, unless made long by position, is short; as, τίύγ,^Λΐι an improper reduphcation is common ; as, 'ίψ.ι. 32. α, not before -σ» or -σι, is every where shortened ; as, ΊστοίΐΛεν^ ίστόίτε. 33. υ is, in polysyllables, long only in the singular of the indicative active ; as, ^εικνϋμ.1, ^είκνντω, ^siKuv/axi. in dissyllables, long every where ; as, lOy.i, Ιΰτον, Ινμχι. DERIVATION AND COMPOSITION. 34. Derivatives and compounds retain the quantity of their primitives and simple words; as, from τΤμ,Υΐ come χτϊμος, όμοτΊμ,οι, Ύΐμχνωξ, &c. . . ϊφί . . Ίφίγει/ειχ, ΊφίκΆτις, Ίφιτος, &C. . . Τ^ά,ος . . Αχο/ία^ων, Με'^ελχος, &C. . . λύω, λύσύ), . . Αϋσχν'^ξος, 'λνσίκ,χκος, &C. . . οιχ^, οιχκος, . . οίχκ,οστξοφος, oiXKOuoyoCf &c. . . TTVQ . . %-νξχυστγις, ττϋξοφοςος, &c. . . ρϊζ or plu . . ρϊντηλχτεω, Tro^vppiuog. 35. On account of two short syllables following, χ negative is often made long ; as, χκχ/ίΛχτος. Also avu in composition is sometimes made long; as, σννίπ,/χί. * It is to be imdcrslood tliat «, », . ίκετχίοχος ^^νΧξϊης Β oualacrog ΤλΥ) κίλύφος ονσ-π-ζά,γεω ίλαος TCivhuKoc βχόυΰ-/ί; όωτϊντι. θ ίΤ^εος κ,εξάϊς β»ζίς ~ΙΚΐΛς κεξάτοφοξος 'ΒίΡοΆκγι ^oiKog TKtyyog Κεξκΰζοί βλάκίκως Ε ^χλνσί» Ίλίοι/ενς κΑοϋκευω β'Α'ί^,οίζω Θεάί/ω "Ιλ;οί KiKuyou βουΧΤ^Λος ioiuog Θεφάύει/ 'I^iou κϊχ,υς βου'Κϋσιος ίΰω Θγlβάyεv■/|g Ίλισσος Ktuhuuog βξϊβος sfiOoyciyiTYig Θγΐζΰ1^ει/γις "Ιλοί χ,ιχά,νω βζψη εγκϋ/αω» θουκΐ /OiZrig ί'Αϋος χιχοςια βξΐοοω iyxv -κος SiQecvog rhvg κΆϊβανος βζίσαζ^ατο; ίί7.ύφ»ζύ) ^ξΪΛί 'Τμ,ΛΤίον KAiya.^ βζϋτορ ίκά,τι BqIZcc^ 'lf4,eQX κλϊνος βξΟχη si>s\pT/}y,oi θξΤνίβίν Γ^£ζ^ο; κνά,κος βύνίω iuUQiovauoti SiQluec^ Τμεξτος κυοίφΰΤ^Οϋ βϋπΛυχΥί]/. KuiTTivg ^ζΐοβολος α 'lux^og κνϊΐ-^ 122 A GREEK GRAMMAR. ΛΤΓ ΝΙΦ ΠΤΕ 2ΜΪ ΎΎΦ κνΊ'ΤΓος Αν^» a πϋίΠΛ σμϊλτ, κοβιχ,λος Avho; Tlv&ciyo^a,g aptlvog κολλϋξο. >,ϋμ>γι ^euxyog 'Τΐϋ&^ων a-Trah^ κο^Λ'ΤΐοΤ^όίκ.ξω "λϋτιτγι 'ξ,ϋνοω. Tlvkog aTsyccuo^og κ,0!/ΐλ•η λϋξο, ττύύω σΤΎΐύϋνΐύϋ κοησοίΚος 7\.υσσόίνιος, TTvog στίφος κ,οξασιοϋ 'TrD^oi/iCig ατζοβΙΆος κ,Οξϋνιη Μ Τΐϋξοίμύς Ιτοϋμων κζόϊγ£τ•/ις Οβζϊμ,ω ΤΙΰξΰίσος στύλος ΚξίΖ1/ίΟ!/ MoiKiayovog oiua^tou TTv^og στύφω χξάσις Ήίοί7\.ζΛΤΐς oT^iK^ciuo'j TTUTiuociog. σνκγ) Kςoίτ^uoς κ,ξϊβχνος Μα,ξίοίνΐϋυοι ΙΛαξΊΆΎΙ Μάσνις οΚοΤ^ϋγη σύλοίω f όμιλος Ρ συνά,οξος 'Σνξΰκ,ονσοίί κξΐθγι κξΐος κ,ξϋμος μξΚικ,ξόίτον όμΤχ,βω ραίχιοί ptyea σύξίyfΛcc σύξ^yξ σύξίζω κ,ύοίνίος ΜίσατΓ/οί/ OQiycauou piyog σύφχξ κυ^ος f^nvvaig όξμΊυου 'FiTr•^ and ρίττη σφύζα. Kv/iiv] οζηύολογ,ος pT'TTig σχίυος Οσϊξΐς oCpTousog. plTTog pvocxsTog 'Σωξϊτίς. 7(,υνΰ.γιοι> αϊ'Κα.ί pv^og KDmg Κνξν} ΜΤΆτίτος 'VvTroiiO!/ Τ ΜΓλώΐν Π pvaiou κ,ύζίος χ,ϋξος κϋφων Μϊνως ΤΙοίΚΊκ,οι τΓχλΙωξίς ρϋσος. Tocyen) τΰγγι Tuyog Κωκϋτος. Tloc^iaog 2 ΤΛλΛυ^Ιυος ΤΙχ/ίίφνλος τα,λις e Λ fAvskog [Λϋύος μ,ύξίΐκ,ς and ΤίΰσιθίΎΐ Τΐαχΰνος 7Γ£^Ιλθν ^aTixpiiuisc Σχμούξΰκ,Υ} aoi'TTi^Yig Τΰίζΐχος TuvysTog Τίά,ζοί, Τ^χΰίς TiSTTPv^svog '^oc^cx.voi.'Tiizhog Ύϊθωαος Aisiluu Αάεξτης ττες^ϊκίοι; ττεφϋκω ττίοίίνω 2ocQOia.uog σίίζΰψόξος oiKTuov ΎTμάyYiToς τΊμαω τΊμη Άάβος ^V^iOl ττΐοίξ Gi^ihoihig Ύϊξυι/ύος λίίίνΐ f^V^OfiOil ττϊ^χξ Έίξΐφος Ύΐσίφοι/τη Αάϊος f^vpco Μϋσως τΓίλίω σίyoιω ΎΤταν Αΰίίστξϋγων π-ϊλος alyn Ύϊτυξος Αοίκ,ϊνιχς f^VCOU» τΓΪϋω σϊ^'/ι τϊφος Αοίκων 'π'ί'ττω 2ίδίϋί/ Ύϊφνς 7\.ΰ,ος Ν ΤΙίσά'ΤΥΐς ΊιϊΚΟίΙ/ίΟί τoξύu■η 'λάξϊνος ΤΓίΤνξΛ Ί^ΤκεΚια, τξάνης Αΰξίς ι/άμοί τΐ'Κά,&ω aiKvhiou τζάχουξος Αόϊξίσσοί uciog Tsr^oiTig alfAog τξΐάκχς Τ^άξος, adj. i/ocvui'yioi ττλΒνξϊης σϊνω τξΐΰκ,οντΛ Αατϊί^ος ι/ίάκ,οννιτος TTviyog Έψς T^lToysusiec λαφύςχ ν&άνιοίς '7ΐnyω σΤσυμ,βζον Ύξϊτω» Αζττ'τϋνις Νεα-τολ/? 'xohvx.a.yig Σίσυφος τζύ'πα,ω λετΓ^ζον bSoylT^og ττξΆύς aiTog τξύσΰ^ας ?^Ι/Λθς usouocKvig 'ττξξσβϋτγις and Ίϊφόίίνς τ^ύτΛυ-ίΐ 7\.ΐ7ΤΧξης vsvQjuog τΓξίσβϋτίς σΤφωϋΐζω τιη>χος Τ^ϊςος νΊκα,ω ΤίξΐΰίμιΖης σκιτόίΚοι Ύυ^ίυς Άϊτος υΤκγΐ TTQluog σκϋλίνω Τύξος and τύξος λοχάγίτ/ις Νϊξίυς TTTihioiriKog σκ,ϋ'Κον τύξοω 7\.οχοίγος Νίσοί TTUyn aKVTog τύφος λΰγΛίος 1/ΐφω. ' -THJiT^og σμϊ-Κΰίξ τύφω. 16 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 123 ΦΑΝ ΦΡΤ ΦΤΤ ΧΡΤ ΩΡΑ Τ φχξος, α cloak φξϋγω χ χύλος Φοίξσά.'ΚΐΛ φςννη χνμχ and χνμος. νοωζ φοίσιόίνο; Φξϋνίχοζ χάϊος ύίτος Φχσίς φςϋνοζ ?6^ος '-Ύης Φeξεκΰ^rJς φϋχ,ος γ,Λ'ΚΤνος Ύ ' νκγις Φίξϋ/ϊκος ΦϋΤκΛκιΙϊΐς γ,ίΚύων "ΎΤίπ and 'ϋλ/ι Φύϊωτης Φϋλοίς χ,ίξίφϋξπς ■ψχίννύος νττΕξΧϊΐς φιΚονόίμ,οι.'ΐος Φϋ'Κξυς χΊοίξω ■ψάξος ύσγϊνος. φΊμ,ος φϋ'Κον χΙΤ^ίυω •ψϊΆος φΊμ,οω φύ'Κο'Τΐίς χϊΤίΐχς and ■ψϋχη. Φϊι/£νς Φϋίκω χΤ'Κιοι Φ Φϊτνς φϋζΛύ) χϊ^ος φϊτνω φύσοί Χίλωυ Ω φΛίΛ φλναίξος φϋσοίω Χϊος and χϊος ΦΛίσχνΛ φζάτωξ φϋτοιλίχ χλίΰCiuω Πάΰος φοίλόίξίς α bird φξϊκη φντχω and χξψ,χ ΠκϊνΛζος Φΰι/ο; φξνγΰί!/ον φύτίνω. χςϋσος ω^α,κίΛω. 40. The α,ζσις makes a short syllable long ; as,* . ' ' ' _ , •_ ^ ' Αίοοιος T£ f^oi saai φιλί εκυξ& osiuog re. Itt'ttovc 1^ II ,1 Besides these deviations from the usual rules of quantity, the ancient poets, I. Lengthened a syllable ; 1. by doubling, or inserting a consonant; as, Ιδδί/σε, for fcSg/ffg; ά,'τΐτο'Κις, for ά,-ττοΚις; 2. by changing a vowel into a diphthong; as, ^svo^ccxt, for ^ίομ,Λΐ ; by metathesis ; as, Ιττξχύον, for i'Trx^uou. II. Shortened a syllable, by rejecting one vowel of a diphthong; as, Ιλον, for ε/λον. III. Increased the number of syllables ; 1. by resolving a diphthong; as, χϋτω, for αυτω\ 2. by inserting, or adding a letter, or syllable ; as, χχσχίτος, for χσχΒτος; 'ήίΤ^ιος, for vihiog ; βί'ϊΐφι, for fiivj. IV. Lessened the number of syllables ; 1. by aphseresis ; as, νζξθί, for ei^s^^g; 2. by syncope ; as, ίγξίτο, for sysioero ; 3. by apocope, and apostrophe ; as, οω, for lo)fcx ; μυζί , for μ.υ(ΐΐΛ.•\• OF FEET. From syllables arranged in proper order are formed feet. Of feet there are three kinds; some are of two, some of three, and some of four syllables. Pyrrhic, . Spondee, Iambic, Trochee, . The Dissyllables are four. ^νχγι. a ωμοί. • Arsis means the elevation of voice, which in Hexameter verse is always upon the first syllable of foot. We find, but very rarely, a short syllable sometimes lengthened at the end ol a foot; as, I I I I I T») J' £!»■< μίν Τοζγω βλοτνςωνίί tΛσιΚίυς. Bacchius, " " ' (χ,νοισσζι. Antibacchius, y,a,vriV(^a. Amphibrach, ^οίΚχσσοί. Amphimacer, ZeaTOTYig. The Tetrasyllables are sixteen. Proceleusmatic τοΆεμίος. Dispondee, avv^ovTievffoj. Diiambic, w - w — ί-τηστατης. Ditrochee, ~ "^ *■ " ^υστνχ,ΎΐΐΛοί. Choriambic, - w . - σωψξοσνί/γι. Antipastic, . ά/χοίξτημχ. Ionic a majore. χ,οσμ,γιτοζχ. Ionic a minore, 'ττ'Κίονίκ,τν.ς. Pseon first, . ccar^okoyog. Paeon second. " " " " α,υΛ^ίος. Paeon third, . " " " " α,ναι!^Ύ\μ.οί.. Paeon fourth. v/ v^ ο - ^eoysvYig. Epitrite first. ά/ζοίξτωλγι. Epitrite second, . οίΐ/^ξοφοντγις Epitrite third. ev^vauiUYig. Epitrite fourth, • Τ^ωβτηχτίξοί. OF MET ^RES Α metre consists properly of two feet, because in beating time the foot was raised once in two feet But by metres is generally understood a verse, a stanza, or a system of verses. Of metres there are nine species, ^ ^ Composed of simple feet, that is feet of two or three syllables. 1. Dactylic, / 2. Anapestic, 3. Iambic, 4. Trochaic. Composed of compound feet, that is feet of four syllables. 5. Ionic a majore, r 6. Ionic a minore, * 7• Choriambic, 8. Antipastic, 9 Paeonic. These metres take their names from the feet, of which they are principally com- posed. The final syllable of every verse is indifferent, or may be reckoned doubtful. The pure dactylic metre consists of six dactyls, or in the last foot, an amphimacer ; 9Γζο ί σέ yivilccoog, ω φΙΓλο^, ω οοκίμωτοίτος "Ελλββοί. Ι Ι .' _ U ' « '> ρίντομ,οίίγ ΰ^φ'ί'ίτίτνονσά, το σοι/ yovij kuI γ^ζά. ΟίΓΚοίΊχρ. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 125 The impure dactylic has in the last foot, instead of a dactyl, a spondee or a trochee : in the other feet, it may have a spondee, except the fifth, where a spondee very sel- dom appears. ΰΧΚα, ΒίΆοί γί'ΛΎοίΤ, yJKvcT ίΰ τδ οΊκαϊο^ Ίόϋντ^ς. Of this kind of verse, the most remarkable is that, which is used by the epic poets, and is therefore called heroic verse. μ.'7ι»'ϊυ d-jQty θ'έΰ, Τίτϊλτϊϊ^ όίοίω '^Αχ,Ίλτίος. For an explanation of the different kinds of Greek verses, recourse must be had to treatises written exclusively on the subject.* SECTION X. OF THE ACCENTS. Although the accents are of no authority, where the meaning of words is concerned, (since they are not found in the most ancient manuscripts,) and although with all their aid, we may be unable to imitate, or even to ascertain, the ancient mode of elocution ; yet, as they have long been very generally used, it is proper that the student of the Greek language should have some explanation of them. In the Greek accent marks, two things seem to be included : the emphasis or stress which, in speaking, is laid on a particular syllable of a word ; and the direction of the voice of the speaker when laying that stress. That, in speaking, the voice lays a stress on some one syllable of at least every important Λvord, is evident on the slightest ob- servation ; and it vaW naturally do this, even v/ben the speaker has the most monotonous manner. This is the first thing included in the accents. But, in speaking, the voice not only lays emphasis, but is continually varying the tone, that is, sliding upwards and downwards, from a lower to a higher, and from a higher to a low^r tone; as may be perceived by the constraint one feels, when trying to speak every syllable in the same tone. Now, by the direction of the voice of the speaker, when laying stress on a par- ticular syllable, is meant the course in which his voice is sliding at that moment. This is the second thing included in the accents. The course of the voice must be tcpivards, or downwards, ov turning from the one to the other; the last consisting of a little slide the one way and a little slide the other, and requiring longer time than either of the other two. On these principles, the Greeks have three accent marks, for the courses upwards and downwards, and one of the turnings. The acute accent mark denotes, that the stress is to be laid on the accented syllable, with the voice sliding upwards ; the grave mark, that the stress is to be laid, with the voice sliding down- wards; and the circumflex mark, (admissible on a long syllable only,) that the stress is to be laid, with the voice approaching the upper turning, and to be continued, till it has passed that turning on its way downwards. This wave-like ming and failing of the voice, which constitutes the variety and harmony of speech, has been represented to the eye, by both ancients and moderns, in a similar manner. The oblique lines of Mr. Walker, in his Elements of Elocution, are nearly the same %vith the acute accent of the Greeks ['] for the ascending slide, the grave accent ['] for the descending slide, and the circumflex accent ['"] for the upper turning.f The more modern character of the circumflex ["] crept in merely from hurry in writing. * See Sealti's Analysis of Greek Metres; Herman's Doctrina Metrica ; Maltby's edition of Morell's Prosody, prefcxed to his Tliesaurus ; and Dunbar's Greek Prosed^'. f See the plates in Walker's Elements of Elocution. The only difference is, that the oblique con- nected lines represent the whole course of the undulations of the speaker's voico ; and that the de- tached accent loarkn, represent only the emphatical perts of that course. 126 A GREEK GRAMMAR, In marking these diiFerent slides of the voice, regard is chiefly had to the conclu- sion of words, because there the slide is most apparent. The Greeks seem never to have thrown the accent further from the end of a word than the third syllable. Their accent marks are accordingly placed, on the last, or ultimate, on the second last, or penultimate, or on the third last, or antepenultimate syllable. The acute accent may be placed on any of these three ; the circumflex, on either of the two last ; the grave, only on the last. The grave tone, or descending slide of the voice, naturally follows, after the rising slide, and after the circumflex. But, in these cases, the grave accent mark is not affixed, because the tone is not accompanied with the emphasis, which has been pre- viously laid on the acuted or circumflexed syllable. The grave tone, however, when it thus falls on the last syllable, (that is, when the acute or circumflex marks have elevated the penultimate,) gives to the word the denomination of barytone, or a grave toned word, as, τΰπτω, οϊκ,ος, although the accent mark on the preceding syllable be an acute or a circumflex. The only case, indeed, in which the grave mark appears, is when it is used as a privative of the acute accent, on the last syllable of oxytones, or acute toned words ; and it is always used in this manner, (except in the case of an en- clitic following, to be afterwards mentioned,) when such words are not the last in a sentence. Thus, Θίός, God, with the acute accent mark when at the end of a sen- tence, receives the grave accent mark in every other situation ; as, θεός τιμών, our God ; yet it is still called an oxytone, because of its natural character, although so frequently found with the grave accent mark. Thus it happens, (though at first it seems contradictory,) that all words having the grave accent mark, are oxytones, and all words having either of the other accent marks on the penultimate, are barytones. Words which have the acute tone {οξύς τόι/ος) on the last syllable are usually called Oxytona ; as, 0£oV> πτυφόις. Those which have it on the penult are called Paroxytona; as, τΰ'τττω, τετυμμίνος. Those which have it on the antepenult are called Proparoxytona ; as, ϋν&^ω'ττύς, oiyyi7\.og. Those which have the circumflex on the last syllable are called Penspomena {τΐε^ι- σ-ττωμίνα,); as, (p/Ao), ημω, 'xwg. Those which have the circumflex on the penult are called Properispomena ; as, 'ΤΓξοίγμοί, φίΚουμοίΐ. All words, which have no accent on the last syllable, are called Barytona ; because, according to the custom of the grammarians, the syllable which is marked neither with the acute, nor the circumflex, has the grave, \^Λ^υν toi/ou); thus the Paroxytona, τύ^ττω, τβτνμμίι/ος, the Proparoxytona, οίνύξωττος, uyyihog, and the Properispomena, '7Γξά.yμoί, φιΚύΰμα,ι, are Bari/tones. The accent is quite distinct from the quantity, or relative length of syllables. The acute and grave accents fall on long and short syllables indiscriminately ; the circum- flex falls on long ones only, and never on the penultimate, unless the last be short.* There are never two long syllables in a word, after the accented one. Hence the acute is put on the antepenultimate, only when the two last are short ; as, aytog, or at least when one of them is short ; as, ά,νθξωττος. When the two last syllables are long, the accent is removed to the penultimate ; as, άνθζω'ττους. The rules respecting the placing of the accent marks may be arranged into two classes ; those which respect words taken singly, and those which respect words com- bined in a sentence. Rules respecting Words tahen Singly. Monosyllables, if short,' or if not contracted, are acuted ; as, ος, who, ά'λ?, tL• sea, Ίΐύΰς, the foot, χίίξ, the hand. Contracted monosyllables, and some others which are long by nature, are circum- flexed; as, φως, light, from φύος; νους, the mind, from νόος ; likewise ους, the ear, νχυς, a ship, yQOiiJg, an old woman, ττχΊς, a boy, 'ττόίς, all. Monosyllables of the third declension, accent the last syllable of the genitives and * That is, short by nature, for the rule holds although it should be long by position. See Claik's Note on the accentuation of Ί,μωΙι^^ Iliad. B', 267. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 12T datives, but the penultimate of other cases ; as, Sing, χίίξ, γ,ίΐξός^ χε/^/, χίϊξοί. Dual, χ£<^£, χϋζοϊν. Plur. χίίξζς, χαξωυ, χίξσί, χ^ξοι,ς. Dissyllables, if the syllables are both long, or both short, or if the first is short, and the last long, acute the former; as, {Λοΰστι, Τζόγος, Τζόγου ; if the first is long, and the last short, they circumflex the former; as, μ,ουσοί. Polysyllables, if the last syllable is short, acute the antepenultimate ; as, όίνύξωτος ; if long, the penultimate ; as, ά^^ύξωττου. Tp this rule, there are seven exceptions, with the last syllable short. 1. Participles perfect passive ; as, ητυμ,μ,ίυος. 2. Verbals in -εος and -soi/ ; as, γξΛτττίος, γςατττίον. 3. The increasing cases of oxytones; as, λχμτηχς, Τ^χμ,'ττά^ος, τνττύς, τυττίντος. 4. Many derivatives ; as, Trxillou, huuvrlog, ov^ocuousy. 5. Compounds of /Βάλλω;, 'Kohkoi, γβ,ο), if not with a preposition ; as, ξκ,αβότ^ος. 6. Compounds of ri^ru, γ,-τύνω, τςίφω, with a noun, if they have an active significa- tion ; as, 'ττξωτοτόχ,ος, she who produces her first child ; ^ιφοκτόνος, he who kills with a sword ; μγιτξοκ,τόι/ος, a matricide ; "Κοίοτζόφος, he who feeds the people. If they have a passive signification, they follow the general rule ; as, ττξωτότοκ,ος, the first-born child ; ^(φόκτοι/ος, he who is killed wiih a sword; (Λτΐ'ΐζ^οκτονος, he who is killed by his mother ; λχότξοφος, he who is fed by the people. 7. Compounds of perfect middles, with nouns and adjectives ; as, α,στξολόγος, oUo- νόμος, 'ΤΓα,^Λφύ,γος. There are also exceptions to this rule, with the last syllable long; for cti and oi final, are considered short in accentuation ; as, μόυσα,ι, όίνθζω'ττοι. The reason of this is, that those diphthongs were pronounced at the end of words like /, except in the following instances which observe the general rule, viz. optatives ; as, ττοιτίσα,ι, ητύφοι ; infinitives of the perfect in all voices, of the first aorist active, of the second aorist middle, and of the present of verbs in μι ; as, τ&τνφίΰΛΐ, TervTriyoct, τετύφύα,ι ; τοίξά- ζοίί ; τνττίσύΰίί ; ίστά,νοίΐ. The genitive plural of the first declension, circumflexes the last syllable ; as, μουσών ; except adjectives of the first declension, whose masculine is of the second, and which are accented like their masculine ; as, ciyiog, ά,γίων, ά,γίοί, ά-γίων. Oxytones of the first and second declension, circumflex the genitives and datives, and acute the other cases. The imperatives, Ιλ^£, iVQs, giVe, Ihk, and Aot/Ss, are accented on the last, to be distin- guished from the second aorist indicative. Prepositions placed after then• case, throw back their accent ; as, Ssoi, όίττο. Except άνά. and δ;«, to distinguish them from άν», vocative of oiyoc^, and from Vioc, accusative of Αίς or Ζίύς. The following words are distinguished by the difference of their accentuation ; but the student must judge of their meaning, not by the authority alone of those who have added the accents, but by the connection of the passages in which they occur : αλλ«. other things, άλλα. but. ξωον, an animal. ζωον, living. βίος. life, βίος. a bow. χ,υίος, glory. κύ^ος, disgrace. ίϊσί. he goes, είσΐ. they are. μόνγΐ, alone. μοννι, mansion. ϊχθζχ, enmity, ΐχ&ζοί. hostile things. 'πόνπξος, laborious, 'ττον^ξος, wicked. Rules respecting Words combined in a Sentence, Ten words are without accents, and are called atonies, viz. 6, vi, oi, οίί, si, είς, lu, l|, (or iK,) ου, {ουκ or ού-χ,,) ό)ς. They are pronounced quickly without any emphasis, as if they made part of the following word, like the article the in English. Some words throw back their accent on the preceding word, and arc called enclitics, from ίγκλίν(ο, to incline, because they incline towards the preceding word, being read so immediately after, as to seem a part of it. Thus, in English, when we say, give me that book, we pronounce me as a part of the word give ; for, the boy is tall, we say, the boys tall. So in Greek, τικονσά. τίνος, ^λβέ μοι. 128 A GREEK GRAMMAR. The following are enclitics: Article τον, pronouns rsv, (for τίυός,) τω, (for τ/ν/,) τΐς^ and τ2, indefinite through all cases and numbers ; μ,ον, μοί, f^s ; σον, σοί, σί ; ον, οι, e ; μίιι • σψί, σφίν, σφω, σφωί, σφίσι, σφίοίς. Verbs, ύμ,Ι and φΎΐμ.Ι, in the present indicative, except the second person singular. Adverbs, tttj, -ttov, ttZ, ττως, ττούίυ, τούε, tots. Conjunctions, yi, re, κ,έ, ksu, ^7]v, uv, uvu, ττίξ, ρύ,, τοί. Enclitics throw their accent on the last syllable of the preceding word, if that word is acuted on the antepenultimate, or circumflexed on the penultimate; as," όίΰβζωτιτός έστι, σωμ>ά. μου. Enclitic monosyllables lose their accent after a word acuted on the penultimate ; as, \oyog μου ; but dissyllables retain it ; as, Τιόγος εστί. Enclitics lose their accent after words circumflexed on the last syllable ; as, dyocTroig με ; and after oxytones, which then take the acute accent ; as, ά,ννίξ τις. 'ΈστΙ accents its first syllable, if it begins a sentence, or follows άλλ', ει, κλϊ, ουκ, ως, or τουτ ; as, ουκ, ίστι. It loses its accent, if it follows an oxytone, or a word circumflexed on the last syl- lable ; as, κ,οίΚός εστί, ' Έζμνις εστι. It preserves its accent, if it follows a barytone of two long syllables, of a short and long, of a long and short, or of two short; as, ^^2*$•, γεΤ^ως, μά,ντις, Xoyog εστί; or a word, whose penultimate is circumflexed, and whose last syllable is long by position; as, φοίΐίΐ^ εστί. The pronoun enclitics preserve their accents after prepositions, and after εϋεκα. or <; as, ^loi σε. Enclitics preserve their accent in the beginning of a clause, or when they are emphatical. No word has more than one accent mark on it, properly belonging to itself. When two are marked over a word, the latter belongs to an enclitic following. SECTION XI. OF THE DIALECTS. The inhabitants of diiFerent parts of Greece had various modes of pronouncing and writing theh* language, which are called dialects. Provincial dialects are found in all countries ; and peculiarities of this kind, naturally became remarkable among a people, who while they used a common language, were divided into several distinct states. The principal dialects of ancient Greece are, the jEoHc, Doric, Ionic, and Atiic. The writers of the New Testament generally write in common Greek, the language used alike by the different nations of Greece, (notwithstanding their respective peculiarities,) such as is described in the pl-eceding part of this Grammar. Occasion- ally, however, the dialects appear in their style ; and the dialect which they chiefly use is the Attic. The most ancient dialect of Greek was probably, I. THE .EOLIC. This dialect was spoken by the inland and western inhabitants of Greece, and ex- tended to Peloponnesus, Sicily, and Italy. A settlement of ^olians being formed in Asia Minor, the iEolic dialect was spoken there also; and it was used in Lesbos, and A GREEK GRAMMAR. 129 other islands in the Ai'chipelago. ments of Alcseus, and Sappho. The iEolians put, a. for No works remain in this dialect, except some frag- ot/; ai , οίξχχος, ΙΟ r οίξχαιος. iV\ ύ'τησύχ^ οτΓίσύεν. yi; . (Λο,χα,υά^ μαχα,υή. o; όίσσΛ, οσσοί. ω; yihoi'j. yihoju. cc; τύ-ψΰίίς. τύ-ψας. •a; f^if^'jaJdKO), /ni/icurjaKa. o; ντταΐ, νΐΐό. a. y . βοά'ϊς. βοχς. on; . τταΐς. ττΰίΐς, in monosyllables. ov ; Ahsixo, Ahdov. f » νοίυός. ναό ς. o; βίλεχξ^ ^ίλίΰίξ. fc; βίλλω. μέλλω. tt; . βικ,ζον, 'π-ικξόν. β; . . όδίλοί, όββλός. ζ; ' . ^νγόζ, ζυγός. σ; . όΐμ'ή. oV^'/j. i^uey, ia/xeu. ii ■ . Ασίύς, Ζίός.^ ct; . γελ7}νη, - γχλί]νγι. λζγόμίύύί. λχγό/ίίίβχ. >7; . "Aoesy ■ '^J,"'-' *; οίοέκίζστος. άΟΐΆχστος. o; S0VU71, ohvur,. Vli ΙΙειλΒύς, ΐΐγίλϊύς. £?; ■ 'A^ysio;, ^ Αξγ&Ίοι. ου; . άκίύ^ίίυος, dKovf^iuog. β; . ξίζίύζΟΙ/, βέΡίθξΟν. y; οΚίζον, ολίγον. δ; . ζΐΰΐβοίΆ7^.ίΐν^ ^ιχβά,λλίΐν. σσ; οούζω^ οξύσσω. oc; . νιχρ ^fe• ^ ^ s; τύτττ-^ς, τυ'τττίς. Dor. for τυιττίΐς. sx; . . κξ^ις. Κζίχζ. £{; ίνόγ], iuoii. sv; . 'A)ciλA7}ς, ' Αχ,ιλλζνς. i; οίκττιν, ά,κτ'ιν. ov; . φύβτι^ίνος. φοβού^Λίνος. u; y^cch'/iv. KxAih. o; oi/Oiu, ovhsv. a; . ^^-/ιυιθμος, ^ (ΛΎΐυισίΛος. ^ υ; τοΙς ά,νύξωτΓοις^ τους χν&φπΐους. 7γ; . ύκως, οττως. τ:; . (/.χύουσχ, •τταύουσα. t'l ττέμττί, TTSUTS. σ; Τ£Τνφύ)ν, τετυφως. χι ■ • οιζ,όί, Ιιχί]. cc; στο7\ύ;. στχλείς. e ; οϊόοισΰοι. ύ'^χσβχ. οι; ττό'/ιμ,οί^ •^Ot/jflX. ω; TUTTTOf^iUy τυ'π'τω/χξΐ/. u; OVOi(^OVy , ουίίξον. οι; κοίΤ^οι/, κοίλου. happens 1 the consonant following is g( merally doubled ; as, τ/^/λ* for -τΊΘ-ψ R 13α A GREEK GRAMMAR. for ξ σ σδ σχ, oy ; a S, τυ-τΐτοΐσοί^ ^; . 'Kir ίμου, τ; σ'ττοΚ'η, as, '<;λ/ο$•, for '^λ/ο?; resolve the improper diphthong in which / is subscribed of contracted verbs; as, yeT^aig, for γίλ^ς ; sometimes omit the subscribed /, as λόγω, for λόγω; love yi and s; resolve en, n, oi, civ, sv ; have aor. 1. opt. act. in -si», -sixg, -sie; transpose q and some- times double it; as μ&τίρρος, for μίτξίος. In the beginning of a word, they put before υ ; as, ονίωζ, for ν'δώ)^ : /3 . . ζ, when δ, κ, τ, and ζ follow ; as, βξόΐον, for ρόίοι/ ; βξάκος, for ράκος; βζντνίζ, for ρυτγιξ; βξίζχ, for ρίζοι : ε ; as, ihUTrshou, for SawsBoj/. In the middle of a word, they insert as, ^ίκων, for ^sZu. i; . . κ,αλχις, 1^ after s, when another vowel follows ; . . evot^i, β ; . . ώλιβ^ν&ιυ, γ before ;^ or | ; κ, before the same ; λ, μ, u, 7Γ, ζ, σ, τ, &c. twice ; To the end of a word they add . '7Γλάγ%ω, . στίξσω, . οίμμζς^ κ,χλΰ&ς. ά,λί^ύίΐϋ. 'ττλά^ω. οχος.^ σΤίζω. Τίμύς. ν ; as, Αγιτων, for Απτό). ^λ; . . 7}σύΰί, ' ' m'y οι'^οίσύοί, and by syncope οϊσύχ, for οΙΙας. From the beginning of a word they take away δ; as, oihog, for ^iiuog, μ ; . . i'ac, . . μία,. σ; . . μίλΰίζ, . . σμίλχζ. A GREEK GRA3IMAR. 131 From the middle they take away from words ending in -ν/ζ, as, ίταξος. for ίταίξος. • . x^pp^i^ . . xslQsg. . . σττίν^ω. . . a-^sfba. . . φχξνξ, . . φάζυγ^. . . Τΐχξίος, , . Τίάζΐόος. . . ίξον. . . iSQO'J. . . ωξσί!/. . . a^f^Tfiaiv. . . ccyu'/iKCi,uic, . . ψ/νο'ήκοί^Λς From the end, they take away V ; as, (Ιτΐΐσύί, for οττισθ&ν. ς; . . 6, . . ός. Finally, they draw back the accent towards the beginning of a word ; as, 'ΐγα, for :γω ; '7ΐότΛ[Λος, for 'ττοτχμός. The Boeotians use δδ for ζ; as, ^eoioosii/, Si , . r,; . . ξ'ίξωες, ι . . ε; . . βασι'λίύί, for ^ίζίζζίν. . . 'J)oasg. . . βύίσίλίοξ. They also form the 3d person plural of the imperfect and aorists of the indicative and optative in -σαν ; as, ζτντττοσαν for stv-tttou. The ^olic dialect agrees in a great many things with the Doric, and is followed by the Latin almost in every thing. II. THE DORIC. The Doric dialect, by degrees, prevailed very much in the south of Greece, and the adjacent countries. It was the favourite dialect of pastoral poets. In it are composed the IdyUiums of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. From the variety in theii• ortho- graphy, it would appear that every one spelled the words according to their sound on his own ear. Archimedes uses this dialect, but not so broad as the Poets ; and the Timaeus of Plato is written in Doric. It occurs frequently also in the Odes of Pindar, and the choral songs of the dramatic writers. The general description of this dialect is, that it is broad, and strong sounding ; deUghting particularly in the vowel a; as, ^.ύγαύος, for yAyeuog, greatness', τξά,χω, for τζίχ,ω^ I run ; φύμ,οί, for φν,μ,τ,, fame ; ττξόίτος, for ττοΖτος, first ; [/.ovaScu, for [Λουσων, of muses. But, sometimes, smaller sounds were used ; as, aMvfcxi, for a^ciuui, I ivill jp ; ro'?rrc{ae&, for τύτττονσα, stinking. More particularly, The Dorians put Λ for α,ι; as , ετχζος. for εταΐοος. ecu; . να,ν. VCi'JU. ε; οίΐκε, ΛΪσβε, ε'ί'κί. εΐσύε. sec; θάσ/, ^εΰσι. ει; κλύίΐΰίς. χ,ΆείοΛς. η; ο; εικοίσι, είκοσι. ου ; Alusix, Αινείου. ω ; f^ovaxuy or fAOlffU'J, μουσών. ωη; . . crgai/, ττξάην. c ti ει; φθχίζω, . . φύίίξω. } . β; . ohihog. οβε-Κος. y; όνόφος. γνόφος. 16 132 A GREEK GRAMMAR. for f^ σό σσ r ττ ν Φ Χ ω ζ; σ ; τ; ξ; α; ο; νι; η; ξΟΟΥον. ω; β; δ; θ; ■τττ; σσ', α; sr, δ; ε; ?5 τ; XI β; ι; λ; σ; τ; ον; ο; αν; 'τ; λ;; α; ο; COOi ον; οί: νζ, έ'^δώί, 'ττέφξΆΌμ,χι, ^ίμ,ιίος, iTi^OCy TVTTTS, φιΧύσω, Λγιμοσύάν: VjywTrsvi/, •* ζίξίβξον, άζγιχες, ν Ι ζω, υίζω, ίβόγι, /3oJ7, ■ψενύος, μίκ,κον, TQKUy κ,ύτζΰί, μΐϋίφόυος, ψμ,Ι, Vjudov, lu ayo^oiu, λά/3οζ/, τός ^Βος, THOiVJ, τοντας, Βσονοί, σττά,^ίον, σίός, τύτττο/ίίζς, συξίσ^ω, οσσον, ττινος, οττι, κ.όίφχ, οξνιχ,ζς, τως μίλίσσως, ωξος, οίίοως, ττωμένικοζ, The Dorians withdraw / from a diphthong ,• as, τ^αβίν, the subscribed ι/λώ x, vi, φ ; as, τω Aivsix, for τφ Alusicc. for singular cases feminine ; as, κ,οίΚα,], for καλ^. They^ τος, for βζάΐιστος. They insert =, like the lonians. for 'ϊζζω. ττίφζΛσμοίί. Βίμίτος. ^ίζίζαν. όίτίξος. rvTrrei. "Aq-/is. ο^όντοίς. φιλτ^σω. Τίύγικ.01. Αγιμοσύίι/ξος or Ατημοσύίνονς. βίξζθζον. νίτττύ). έφίΆίί. βοόί. •ψξυ^ος. ^ίος, as also the Boeotians. μίκζον. τοπ. βίοίίφόνος. £ΐμί. ^fhuov, when ^ or τ follows. \ς άγοξά,ν. Τ£τξθί€Τ£ς. 'Κυ'/ίσω.\ Τ^άβζ, ν being added. τους 'bioi/q. TiUOTj. τα,ύτοίς. ίσίνα.. στόί^ιον. ^£0ς. τΰ'τττομίΐ/, σνξίζω. όσον, κϋυος. σν, in the beginnings of words. oTi, also iEolic and Poetic. XXI il'TCX, οζνιύζς. T5ji μί'Κίσστις. 6'ξος. βωχξ. χιΐονς, which is also ^olic. ττοίμίνίΆος. for -κχβίΐ^. They also neglect They use sometimes plural transpose letters; as, βχξΐισ- * This change also takes place in those contractions into «, Avhich are made equally from «6 and a>!. -j• It occurs in some futures. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 133 In the beginning of a word, they add /3 ; as, β-/{κία,^ for^λ£ά: also r• as, τοις, for ως, and they redouble it ; as, ητάχύ), for τά,ττω. In the middle, they insert / after o; as, στυοίη, for 'ttuOyi'. v after g; as, ζητεύω, for ζγιτίω: they also insert θ; as, δ/;>^^ί)ί, for δ/ρ(;'^ : υ; as, οξύνω, for οξύύΜ σ; as, τντττόμίσθα, for ΎνκτόμΛ^Λ : they double -r, σ, r ; as, ότΐττόβεν, for όστόύεν, οσσοι/, for οσο;/, οττ/, for or/ : they insert at ; as, TLoasihaov, for IIoVs/Sov : also ε ^ as, iciusog, for «ej/oV : also ,««£ ; as, fiyjf^z'jcci, for βΐ^νχ:. To the end they add u ; as, gyij;/, for ίγω : σ; as, οικ,οί^ες, for oiKocoi: ι ; as, κ,οίΤ^οΐσι, for κοίΚοίςΐ ya, ; as, syayoc, for ly&) : x/>7 ; as, kycji/rj, for ly&i. From the beginning of a word, they take away r; as, ^μος, for τνιμ,ος: .^; as, λ(«, for i?£Ai/j. From the middle, they take away ι ; as, σφες, for σφ57ς : y ; as, βοίσιΧίσι, for βχσι- 'Κζυσι : δ ; as, ΤΙύξίος, for Πά^/δοί" : -^ > as, Ισλον, for βσύΆό!/ 1 ^ j as, ξ/αττοσύίΐ/, for εμ'ΤΓξοσ- hu : ε; as, iyivro, for εyεl/ετo: ευ; as, κΙλο^οί/, for x-gAgyo^et; : ^κο; as, όττά,τξίος, for ό/ίίθ7τάτξ(ος : ; as, '^huiT^ecg, for Mgz/gAcios•. From the end, they take away final letters, and final syllables : ?; as, o, for ος: ec; as, 'ΤΓοίξ, for ττα^ά ; and άν, for «νά : /Βδδί ; as, λάμ,, for λά^/3δίί : jwsi ; as, δώί, for όωμοι. : ,w:/o:/ ; as, ;co?, for κ,ξίμνον : rst ; as, ^.g^ct, for κ,εξο,τίχ, : rgg ; as, μόί, for μ,οίτίξ : and even two sjdlables ; as, ω /3«, for βοισι^.ευ. They make long the doubtful vowels : they shorten accusative plurals in ας ; and they change the accent ; as, νυμφχς, for νύμφας. III. THE IONIC. The Ionic dialect began to prevail in the eastern parts of Greece proper. This district was originally called Ionia; and colonies from it settling on the opposite coast of Asia Minor carried with them their dialect, and the name of their country. It was here in particular that the Ionic was softened, from the broad, strong, primitive tongue, into that smooth, flowing language in which Herodotus composed his history. Besides Herodotus, Hippocrates wrote in the Ionic dialect ; and it was evidently very prevalent in the time of Homer, Hesiod, and the other ancient poets. The lan- guage of their time appears to have been something between the ancient JEolic, and the latter Ionic ; but by no means a mixture of contemporary dialects. The distinguishing characteristics of this dialect are, the concourse of vowels ; the prevailing use of -η ; and a preference of smooth to aspirated sounds ; as, εωντέω, for εαυτόν, of himself ; σελτηνΰίίγι, for σελτιννι, the moo7i ; priihiog, for ρά^ίος, easy; φι'κίτ,, for φιλία, friendship ; τ^λίος, for '^λιος, the sun ; ά,ττχίζουμαι, for άφαίξουμαί, I deprive. But the latter occurs frequently in Doric also ,• and, sometimes, a is used instead of g, as τύμνω, for τέμνω. The lonians put cc for ui ; ■ ε; rr. . v; eci before vif uo for ω ; ε a,; . ri ; . ε/; εα cc; εί ; εε £i ; so ov ; iV Si; καω, ^iyauog, 7^ε7\(Χ.σ μένος, κ,ειατοίΐ, tor κ,αΐύ). μεyεύoς. λελγισμενος. . . κ,εΐνταί. avocyKccin or -κ,αια, σαόφζων, τέσσεξες, νέας. uvayKTi. . . σωφζων. τεσσαξες. ννιας. χξεσσων, οφεος, σφεας, ττονεασβαι, . . κξείσσων. ό'φίος. σφΰς. ττονείσβχί. εσεαι, σφεες. . . εσγι. σφεΐς. εμίο, ττλευν, . . εμού. 77λε7ν. Which is sometimes changed into «. 134. A GREEK GRAMMAR. sv i< 31" £0 ; as, 'K'hiwjug, for 'ττ'Κίονΰίς. £ω ου ; τίω, . . του. . ω ; . &ω, ν . . 6), ξ ■ • β; . ζίξεύξον, βίξβύξον. • . • y; • Φύξη, ψυγ^. Yl οι; . κουξπ, κούξχβ . s; βχσίλψ, βχσιλίϊ. . i ; κγικ,ίω. κ,ικίω. . soc; . ■ h. sag. a; • οφη. οφζζ. it; . κί?^£?, κίϊξζς. • o; . ίΧαφγιβόλος, ί7\.οίφοβ07^ος. ?; (&t; μουσο^ις. . . μονσοας. ΥΙΪ . ec; . ©^ijii. Θ^ά|. . e{ ; ΐΙγιΚ-ηιΙγίς, . . TlyjTiS^vig. V'y . χξηιζΐΐν, Χξγζίίν. 71V . οιυ; . . ^ψς, . . ναυς. • iv; . τίύκομος, . . ίϋίί,ομος. t y; ενίίζω, . . Ιι/ίγκ,ω. ε; Ι'ΤΓίστιος, εφίστιος. ' u; . ίξευς, ίίζζύς. Κ TT ; x,o1qu, 'Τΐόιον. 1 σσ; . • ^ζΐ^ς. τ/οισσός. • x; . Τξίξΰί, τζίχΛ. otx, ου; • XQOocu, χζ,ουν. 010 ου; Τίόγοίο, λόγου. 00 ου ; ' ^°°£' ρους. ου ο; /ίύουνος, μόνος. ω oc; . χζίΐύ). Χξί7χ. αυ ; ^ΙψΛ, Βΰίυμοί. £V ; . 2Κ'7Γ'Κύ}σοίς, Ικ,ττλίύσας. vi; άξωγος^ άξηγός. ο; Ιίύςω, . . ^ίΐ/ρο. ooi ; . βΗ. βόccξ. on; βωσω. . . βονισω. ου; . βΖν, , . βου!/. ωι φ; . "hoycii. . . λόγω. a τ υ χυ ; . ώυτος, ΰίύτός. 3t' iU« 5r' 11 ] The lonians put smooth for rough mutes ; as, Ιεκ,ομχι, for ^χομα,ι ; κατ ου, for κα^' ου ; άτοίίξίομαί, for άφα,ΐζίομοίΐ. They also put rough for smooth ; as, κ,ιύων, for χιτωυ. The lonians do not love contractions ; they extend and resolve words ; as, το/ε'ώ», for 'KOifii ; τυττίω, for τυττω ; τϋ-πτίο, for τΰτττου : they take into the line the subscribed / ; as, χξψζίίν, for χξΎίζξΐυ: th^y transpose letters, whether in one syllable, as K^oiViXy for ytoL^icx,, or in two syllables, as γουνος, for γόνυος. To the beginning of a word, they add τ ; as, τον, for ov ; ^, as '^ίΐλότε^ον, for ύλότΐί- "hov; 0, as οου, for ου; s, as Is, for s: cc, as «-rcc?, for 'ττοίςι they use reduplication; as, λίλάχωσι, for λάχωσι. In the middle of a word, they add ι to g and o; as, ^είνος, for Ιέΐ/ο^; χζοίχ, for ρί^οα: κ to ο ; as (Λουνος, for ^ovo? : they insert γ ; as, Ι^ίγ^ουττος, for Ι^/δοντοί : σ ; as, Asyo- μ,ία^Λ, for λεγόμί&Λ'. τ; as, orr/, for or/ : ε; as, «δίλφέοξ-, for άδίλ^ο? : /; as, XoyoiVi/, for λόγοιν: τγι; as, «TSiry^og-, for ίτυμ,ος. To the end they add /; as, λόγοισι, for λόγοις: τε; as, (^rg, for ω. From the beginning of a word, they take δ; as, αινός, for ^ινός •. y ; as, αΓα, for you»; λ; as, g/'/Sg/:/, for λύβαν. σ; as, μικ,^ός, for σμικξός: s; as, ogrij, for ξοξτ'?}; especially if it be an augment ; as, τύ'τττί, for ίτυτττε : also in the reduplication of the perfect ; as, βλ'ημ,ίΐ'ος, for βφλτ,μίνος. * This was done by the older lonians^ when the α was long : by the more modern ones, when also it was short ; as, Άλ-ήθύτ,, for οίλν,θα». A GREEK GRAMMAR. 135 From the middle, they take r, as, δέ|ώ), for hi%&): δ; as, βξίος, for epilog: κ; as, βί- βΰίοί, ΐοΥ βίβϊ]κχ : λ; as, κάλ/ον, for χάλλ/ον : σ; as, έτίβίο, ίοτ ίτίύεσο: τ; as, ^^ictoi•,, for κζίατος : s ; as, i'^otf , for h^cc^, : kq ; as, κ,ύμ,μ,οζος, for κα,κ,όμ,οζος : ^J5 ; as, oi^isi, for οίμ,νιμα : ξξ ; as, ε^οίίΤΌς, for Ι|α/^£τοί• : £ύ;ν ; as, Αβυκ,οί'λβ'ίης, for Δ£ϋΛίίΐ6λ£ί4)2//^ΐ5$•. From the end, they take >; as, 'ίσύ' οττως, for Ι'στ/ν οττως: ucc; as, -Λνκ,ζω, for Kv^eojuot,: σι ; as, ffipi, for σ(ρ/ο-^ : ret ; as, /δ^ώί, for ΐίξωτοί. Besides, they shorten long vowels; when a, long closes the final syllable, they make the word oxytone; when α short closes it, they put the accent on the antepenult ; they change the accent of increased or of diminished words; they make the feminine in -eioi, take the accent on the penult, taking away £, as άληβΐοί, for d'hviustcx, ; and they are fond of the smooth rather than the rough spirit. IV. THE ATTIC. After the departure of the colonies to Ionia, in Asia Minor, the name of their original country was changed into Attica, and their language gradually altered into the Attic dialect. At first, this dialect differed very little from the Ionic ; and even when it assumed a very different form, in after ages, it still retained many peculiarities of the primitive tongue ; as, hxpyiu, for ^i-^oiu, to ..thirst j ί'ττ'π-γίς, for Ιττττΐϊς, hiiglits. Athens was the theatre of popular orators, and its dialect was well calculated to make a strong im- pression on the ear. Its characteristics are a love for contractions, and an abundance of hard, and aspirated sounds ; as, φ/λ 6;, for φι-χίω, I love ; ijhcj, for si'hii/, or ei'lviKSiu^ I knew ; fyy, ioi' avu, with; ^αΤ^άττοί, for ^οίλάσσχ, a sea ; oippnvy for ci^ay\v, male; τ'ήμ,ίξον, for σ'ήμ,ΐξου, to-day. The gradual changes from the Ionic have been distinguished by the names of old, middle, and new Attic ,• and writers classed accordingly ; thus, OLD. MIDDLE. NEW. iEschylus, Aristophanes, Xenophon, Sophocles, Plato. ' Aristotle, Euripides, Demosthenes, Thucydides, &c. and the other orators. Many other local dialects prevailed, but as they furnished no v/orks of importances they are not worth being noticed. After the time of Alexander, the literature of Greece declined. A mixed language came into use, comprising not only the peculiarities of several Grecian dialects, but a number of words, from Latin, and other languages. This is the dialect of the Sep- tuagint and New Testament, of which we shall treat at large in next Section. Still, however, some later authors wrote in the Attic dialect, with considerable purity, as Lucian, Longinus, and others.* The following are the general properties of the Attic dialect : 1. It abounds with contractions. To this dialect principally belong the contracted nouns and verbs. (See pages 7, 42—48.) It not only contracts syllables in the same λν ord, but blends different words ; as. Mat. li. 8. x,a>yui for χ,οι,ϊ iyoi. Mat. xv. 18. χ,ν.χΐΐυίχ. for κ,οά h/iihex.. Luke 1. 3. Kx^uoi . . κχϊ suol. 2 Cor. ii. 7. rovudUTiou . . το hoiUTiou. Ktiydj m χ,οίϊ iyoi. ■ΛΛμ,οϊ . . icca Ιμ,οί. χ4μ . . Kctl hfcL χ,χκεΐ . . Kcx,\ e>csl. John vn. 28. xef.^i . . χ,χΐ hfcL Acts i. 19. τοντέστι . . τούτο εστί. Mat. V. 23. χ,χκίΐ . . Koii Ικ,ύ, Mat. xxvii. 57. τοΰνομιχ, . . το ονομ,οί, Mark χ. 1. KXKfidiy . . κοίϊ Uelusu. 2. It often changes σ into |, ξ, or τ; as, ξύν for avu. Rom. i. 27. oippnu for οίζσνιν. ^υμ,φοζά. . σνμφοξύ. Acts xvii. 7- τΓξάττω . . 'ττξοίσσύ). ξυνίτός . . avjiTOg. τοίράττύ) . . Τζχ,ζύσσω. 2 Cor. vii. 16. ^οίρρω . . ?ία,ξσίω. ■ Observations on the origin and dialects of the Greek languare, prefixed to Neilsoa's edition oi Moor's Greek Grammar. t. ^ r 136 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 3. It changes ci, when long, mto s, and ο mto ω ; as, AsioV, 'hecog, νχός, νίως ;* as, Mat. xxvi. 3. Άξγ,ΐίζίως for Άξχιζζίος, genitive of Άξχ,ίζςεύς. Mat. ii. 1. βχσίλβως . . βοίσ/Τ^ίος, .... βχσίλίύζ, and many others. 4. In verbs, it changes ε into -/i, where there is an augment, or where there would otherwise be none ; as, τιύυνά,,κ,τΐυ for ε'^νΐ/άμψ^. Luke iii. 22. νιύΐόκ,γισοί for ενίόκ-^σχ. Luke vii. 2. ^'^?λλον . . 'ίμίλλον. Mat. iv. 11. o^Wyoi/:/ . . δ/ίκοΐ'οΐ'ν. 5. It changes s; into η ; as. Mat. XXV. 26. νίδε/ν for ί/'δί/;/. ^^ίί for eiuoi. 6. It prefixes g to ij, and sometimes to ο ; to si, which it changes into o; ; and to ■/} ; as, John vi. 2. έώ^ώί:/ for ώί^βίον. Jam. i. 6. so/^iof for sJk». John i. 34. ΙώΤ^άκίύ . . Ij^oisccn. ίγικχ . . tikcx,. ίοΚ'ΤΐΛ . . "/ΪΚ'πΛ. 7. It changes As and ^s, of the perfect, into u ; as, ζΐΆπφα, for λ£λ??(Ρίί. ύ'(Λοί.ζμ,(χ,ι for fxitcoc^f^ui. 8. It drops the reduplication in verbs beginning with twO consonants ; as, ξβλΆστΥΐκΰΐ for β&βΤ^ά.στγι-ΛΟί. 9. It prefixes th-a two first letters of the present to the perfects active and middle of verbs beginning with «κ, ε, ο; as, άγνιγζξχ,οί for ^^γίξκ,χ, perfect active of αγείξω. άκνικ,οοί . . v}>cooi,, perfect middle of ά,κ,ούύ). εΚτϊΚα,-Λΰΐ, . . ί^Άοίκ,χ, perfect active of ελανι/ω. όλωλεκΰί . . ωλεκα^ perfect active of 6\Xi\u,i. ολωλοί . . <2λοί, perfect middle of ολλν^^ί. 10. In the 2d aorist, the augment is prefixed with a like reduplication ; thus, from θίγω, 2d aorist, τίγον, Attic, vjyoiyov, whence imperative, όίγοίγε, and infinitive, dyotyelu. This Attic form of the 2d aorist and its compounds, is very common in the New Tes- tament. 11. In pluperfects, it throws away the prefixed ε-, as, Mark xv. 7• 'ΤΐετιτοίΥΐκ,ε'ϊσοίν for εττεττοιτικ,ε'ϊσΰΐ.ν. John xi. 57• ^ε^ωκεΐσοίν for ϊ^ε'^ωκείσοίν. Mark xiv. 44. 'hί^ωκ,εi . . Ιδέδί^κε;. Mark xv. 1 0. ττχξχ,ΙεΙωκείσχν for ττΛξε^εΙωκ,είσοίν. 12. In verbs of two syllables, it changes ε in the penultimate of the perfect active into o; as, τΓίττο^^φΰί for ττε'ττειχφοί, perfect of ττέ/χ-ττω. εστζοφοί for εστξεφχ, perfect of στρέφω. 13. In futures of more than two syllables in -ισω, it often rejects σ; as. Mat. xiii. 49. άφοξίω for άφοξίσω. Luke xix. 44. εΐαφιω for ε^χφίσύ). Mat. iii. 12. οιακαύοίξΐω . . ^ίοίκ,α,ύοίξίσω. * See Note under second declension, page 7. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 13T 14. In the first aorist of verbs, having xi in the penultimate, it changes c& into n; 3 ari,u»tuay σημΌί,ί/ω, ia-h^ccya,, Attic, h'JifMoua. 15. In the perfect passive of liquid verbs, it changes ^, before -^ot/, into σ ; as, '^ίψασ^ίχί for -τέφοε^^α/. 16. It adds doi to the 2ά person; as, Mat. xxvi. 69. i^aux for '^ς. 17. In the 3d person plural of imperatives, it changes -ζτωαΰΐ,ν and -ο,ιωαΛυ •οντωυ and -οίκτων, and in the middle and passive, it uses -ων for -o}accy ; as, into τντττοντων for τντττίτωσχι/. τυ^ράντων . . τυ-ψάτωσαν. τυτττίσύων for ruTrriadaaciy. τν-ψάσβω!/ . . τυ-ψάσβωσοίν. 18. In optatives it often uses the 2d and 3d persons singular, and the 3d person plural of the JEolic 1st aorist, which is τύ-ψίίχ, -χς, -s, -xi/; as, Luke vi. 11. nroiTiasixu for 'ΤΓΟί'ήσχίίν : and in the present, after a contracted syllable, it changes -μ,ι into -γ^ν ; as, τΐ[Λω^ι, -ως, -ω, Attic, τι/^ωγιν, -γις, -γι; Φι'Κοΐμ,ι, -οίς, -ο7, Attic, φιΧοίγιν, -/ις, -Υ]', and, changing οϊ into ω, φι'Κωτ,ν, --/ις, -ri• So also in verbs in -μ,ί, which redouble the initial consonant with t, it uses -ω-^ν for -οιηυ ; as, δωΐίν, --ής, --ή, for ^oinu, -ης, -η, optative 2d aorist. See 2 Thess. iii. 16. 2 Tim. i. 16. and iv. 14. 19. In the pluperfect indicative, it changes n into g; as, Ιπτύφίσχν for ετετνψίίσχυ, so Rev. vii. 11. ίστνικίσχν for ίστ'/ικ,ζίσχν. 20. In the contracted verbs, ξάω, Ιι-^χω, τηινχω, χζχομ,χι, it contracts by i? instead of x; as, ζγς, ζγ, ζγν, for ζχς, ξχ, ζχν. See Gal. ii. 14. Mark xvi. 11. Luke xxiv. 23. &c. χξ^τχί for χξχτχί, 1 Tim. i. 8. Besides what has been mentioned above, the Attics use X for xi ; as, κλχω, for κΆχιω. 2ί . βχ-Κ-Κω, βΙίΆΆω. >7; . χυχβχθι. . . χνχβγιύι. sx; . ΤΤΒΙξΧίΧ, . . TreiQxdx. y; . βΤ^νιχων, y-hVjXOJu. κ,; . γνχφίύς. . . κνχφζύς. Aj . . ^4407/?, μοΚις. ζ; ' Kv'ihx, . . κνίζχ. a ; '^ίφζχίμ,χί. . . -ττέφξχσμχ i-, . 'ϊξίΐζς, ίξίΐες. u; ' !^' εις. >5; εχλωκχ, . . 7,λύ)ΚΧ. ii; ΐΐγίλζβγις, ΤίϊΐΆεΐΙϊΐς. so; 7Γλ£?Ζ/, τΓλεον. yi'y βούλα, βθνλ9}. 01 ; hvelv. δϋθ?ί/. ηϊ; ν^ζ^οχ. υηζτηί'^χ. it; Khriihx, κλεΐΐχ. sv; . ■ηϋχόίΛΎΐϋ, εύχόμγ. r; κοΆοκύνθτι, . . κολοκ,ύντ/ι. e;* . τοίοσόΐ, . . τοιόσόί. ■yi; ί/ΧίξΧ, VJ^SQX. o; liV^t, . . Ζεϊ/ξο. V ; 'Κίτζου, . . UlTQOU. Xi 'jckurx^x. . . π-έΐ/τχχχ. X ; όστχψΐς. χστχφίς. ω; . 'ίξος, . . 'ί(ζθύς. * In articles and nouns S compounded with U, 138 A GREEK GRAMMAR. to r 0/ ; a S, TTOsh, Oi . . ' οϊ; ο'ϊς, ov ue; τξία,χοντούτγις, ΐο; . ίτίθον, , 00; ^ihov, e • λ; . κ,ςίβΛϋος, σ δ; . . oafAVjy . . ^; . κ.7\.ΰΐυσ[Λος, % ί 'ττούσω^ TT σσ ; . γΤ^ωττοο, ^ί . avQiTTSiv, υ s; 'TTQoV'Trs/^'ipa.u, . V{; μ,νιτξυοί^ φ . . θ; . φκαν. . 7Γ; ασφά,ζίζγος. ω α; κζίύζω^ . £^ο; . 'ίστω, . £ο; . 'ΤΓζξοαως, . ο; ^ύύ), . ου; 7\.α,ώς^ ω • οι; 'πο'Κίω)}^ , ωΐ; . λώον. for οι ς, .Τξίοίκοΰτοίίτγις. ετίύεο. ΙΙΙοο, which for δ/δοσο. κ,λίβΰίνοζ. ohfAVi. •ΛΚα,υ&^Λός. συ^ίζίΐυ. τΓξΟί'ττεμ-ψχ!/. μ'Πτρυιχ. άσ'ΤΓΚρα,γος, κζάζω. 'ίοτκ,ο. στίξοιάος. διίο. 7\.οίοΰς. πΐο'Κίοιν. "haiov. Το the beginning of a word, the Attics add a; as, α,στοί.χυς, for στά,χυς: y ; as, γΑτιμη^ for Τιτιμ,γι. In the middle of a word, they insert ι ; as, χζοία, for χζοά : ^ ; as, κα!.τίρρί^2, for Άοιτίξζ^ζ'. o; as, α,γνίοχοί,^ for ciyyixcx,: r; as, 'πτό'Κις, for 'πό\ις•. ω; as, iiu&cx,^ for iUot,: δο ; as, '^Ί/^οΆΟ,, for th7\->ta, : ciu ; as, άμ,υνά,ύω, for af^vva. To the end they add ν to words ending in g ,• as, davfhuiv, for eiavj^ds : / ; as, i/yz^i for i^i'v: δ;ί as, Ιζ/^(?ίδ<, for Ιζ^^ώ : θο5; as, οΐ^οισύα^ for οίδοί?: and the particles, δ>7, ys, Ssv, oyii, -τότε, ?/ ,• as, οίονύ, for οΓοζ/ : τι ; as, ττάνυπ, for ττάζ/ί; : ρί^; ; as, νοίΐγ}, for yi>i;. From the beginning of a word they take i; as, .^«si, for l^tw: a; as, y Holmes. f IJissertation upon Phalaris xiii. 207- t See Owen on tlie Sej.tuLi^iot, Sect. 5. 11 Sec Owen, Sections ♦!, 7, H. 140 Λ GREEK GRAMMAR. doubt, have by this time crept into the ordinary copies ; and the Jews would naturally avail themselves of such corruptions, to undermine the authority of a version which their adversaries generally quoted. Still further to discredit the Septuagint, the Jews procured new Greek versions from the Hebrew ; that of Aquila, about the year of Christ 130, extremely literal j that of Theodotion, about 175, much less literal; and that of Symmachus, about 200, likewise not literal ; but all (although some fragments of them only remain) understood to be as favourable as possible to the Jewish mode of interpreting the Old Testament. In estimating the comparative merits of the Greek translations, it is obvious, that the Hebrew copy used by the Septuagint interpreters, must, from its age, have been more free from errors, than any other used four or five centuries later. The primitive Christians, however, did not advert to this circumstance, so favourable to the authority of the version which they possessed ; they admitted the exclusive integrity of the comparatively modern copies, as maintained by the Rabbles, and allowed every version to be erroneous, in as far as it did not accord with that standard. Under the influence of this unhappy concession, Origen executed a copy of the Septuagint, in a very celebrated work, called the Hexapla, because it consisted of six columns, one of which contained the Hebrew text, agreeably to the copies then in use among the Jews ; another, the same in Greek characters ; and the other four, the versions of Aquila, Theodotion, and Symmachus, along with that of the Septuagint. In this work, his object appears to have been, not to give a correct copy of the Sep- tuagint as he found it, but, under the notion of improving it, to make it tally with the existing copies of the Hebrew text. With this view, when he found any words in the Septuagint, which had none corresponding to them in the Hebrew, he prefixed an obelus, or dagger, signifying that they were to be rejected ; and when he did not find any words in the Septuagint to correspond with what he found in the Hebrew, he supplied such words from the other versions, (recent and hostile as they were,) and prefixed an asterisk, or star, signifying that they ought to be received. This strange plan was reckoned so great an improvement, that the copies previously in use, soon sunk into oblivion. The altered copy became the standard for subsequent transcribers ; and the asterisks being, in process of time, omitted, the interpolations cannot now with certainty be distinguished from the genuine readings ; and the transcripts have become, in some degree, a mixture of different versions. Before the beginning of the fourth century, there were three new editions of the old Greek version, all agreeing in this, that they were taken from the Hexapla, yet each differing so much from the other two, as to claim the name of a different author, and to have a large part of the world for its peculiar province. Lucian, a presbyter of Antioch, formed the copy which prevailed in that city, and in Constantinople; Hesychius, that which prevailed in Egypt ; and Eusebius, that which prevailed in the intermediate country of Palestine. Of these three editions, that of Lucian, as being freest from the interpolations of Origen, is deemed the most perfect. But the Hexaplar edition of Origen, with those of Lucian, Hesychius, and Eusebius, are the only sources whence all the existing MS. copies, or editions of the Septuagint are derived.* From this detail, the reader will be able to form a pretty just notion of what may be expected from the Septuagint translation. Besides original obscurities and mis- takes, it has sustained much injury from transcribers, and, in some parts, contains renderings so unlike the general phraseology of the book in which they occur, as to discover the effects of the transplanting system of Origei^.f Proper names are * See the Eclectic Review of Holmes' Septuagint, vol. IL part I. pag-es 87 — 90. f For instance, in the following passages, the Hebrew words are rendered with such undistinguish- ing servility, that the particle nx» though nierel3^, in these passag^es, the sign of the accusative case, is translated by σνν, as if it were there, as it is in some other places, a preposition. To translate them intelligibly, συν must be omitted: Eccles. ii. 17• K»/ \^'tcrvi without mercy. A liberty indeed of changing numbers is often taken in all languages. Paul meant only one poet, viz. Aratus, by the expression. Acts xvii. 28. ως κοίί riusg rZu x,a§ ύμ,άς ττοιτ,τωυ είζνικ,κσί' as certain also of your own poets have said. Bishop Pearce thinks the following to be instances of the same kind. Matth. xxvii. 44. Biark xiv. 4. and Mark xv. 32. compared with Luke xxiii. 39., &c. The Hebrew having no neuter gender, and the feminine being generally used in- stead of it, a similar use of the feminine is to be found in the Greek Scriptures ; as, Psal. cxviii. 23. Mat. xxi. 42. Mark xii, 11. 'τταξοί Κυξίου sysusro avm, this is the doing of the Lord. John xvii. 3. αϊ/τη Bs kartu 'ε^τ,τα(, ουκ Ιμε οέχεται, αλλά τον άττοστείΤκαντά μζ, and ivhosoevcr rccciveth me, receivelh not me only, but also him who sent me. Luke x. 20. tAij// ευ τούτω μ,νι χαίξετί, οτι τα τιτυενματα ύμΐυ υποτάσσεται' χαίοετε οε fAoKhou, οτι τα ονόματα ύμων εγξάφιη εν τοΙς οϋ^ανοις, notwithstanding in this ix- joice not, that the spirits are sidrjcct to you, but rather rejoice, that your names are ivritten in heaven. \ * " A oneness of design vvili not reach the evident requisites of the connection ; which are to call eflicaciously, to preserve infallibly, and to save eternally, all the church of God. It is manifestly a unity oi' power, and hovi^ that could exist without a Unity of Essence let th'j truly calm and impar- tial reflect." Dr. Pye Smith on the Mess. vol. I. p. 297- f μάλλον in this sentence, no doubt, fixes the relative meaning of both clauses, but it is wanting in so many MSS. that it is rejected by Griesbach, and still tlie sentence must be understood in the same way. IM A GREEK GRAMMAR. John vi. 26. ζγιτίΐτε fAi οϋχ οτι sfBsTs amfAsiu, oiTO^ ort Ιφύγ&τί ϊχ, των οίξτων, kui Ιχ,οζ- τάσΰγιΤ£, ye seek me not only because ye saw miracleSy (compare verse 2.) but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. John vi. 27. ίζγόίζξσβί μ,Υΐ ry^u βξωσιν ryjv ά'7Γθ7\.7\.υμ.ίυγΐν, aXKoi rvju βξωσιν r^u μίνουσαν εις ζωνιν alaviouy work* not so much for the meat which perisheth, but rather for the meat which endureth to eternal life. Compare 2 Thess. iii. 10. John vii. 16. vj Ιμ^ ^thoix'^ ουκ, εστιι/ εμ,νι, άλλα. τον '7rk(A-ε1ζου των 7^.α,γ^ά,υων εστϊ, which, indeed, is the least of all seeds ; but, when it is grown, is the greatest of herbs. On the other hand, the comparative has sometimes the sense of the positive. Eph. iv. 9. τό Ss, άνεβνι, τ! εστίν ει μ'^ οτι kcci κ,οίτίβτι ττξωτον εις τά. κχτωτεξοι, μίξη ττις γτίς ; now, that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth f χ,α,τωτε^Λ here is opposed to υ-^ος, v. 8. not to compare lower with higher parts of the earth, but to distinguish earth from heaven. See Isa. xliv. 23. The superlative degree is often expressed, as in Hebrew, either by a repetition of the word, or by ascribing to the thing magnified, some eminent relation to God. Mat. vii. 21. not every one who saith to me, Ky^;i, Ky^^g, hord. Lord, (most exalted Lord.) Mark xiv. 45. he goeth straightway to him, and saith, ' ΐαββι, ' Ροίββϊ, Rabbi, Rabbi, (my most excellent master.) • Gen. xxiii. 6. βασιλεύς 'ττοίξά. Θεον συ ει εν 'ήμ7ν, α king of God, (a very great king) thou art among us. 1 Kings xiv. 15. κχι εγενίιύγι εκ,στοίσις ττοίζά, Κύζίου, and there was a commotion from the Lord, (a very great commotion.) 1 Kings xxvi. 12. θάμβος Κυξίου εττεττεσεν εττ οίντούς, they had fallen into α trance of the Lord, (a very great trance.) Psal- xxxvi. 6. οξη Θεού, mountains of God, (very great mountains.) Psal. Ixxx. 10. the shade of it covered mountains : and the boughs of it covered τά,ς κείξους του Θεού, the cedars of God, (very great cedars.) Jonah iii. 3. ττόλις μεγάλτ] τφ Θεω, a city great to God, (a very great city.) Mark xi. 22. εχ,ετε -πίστιν Θεού, have a faith of God, (a very great faith. See the sub- sequent connection.) Acts vii. 20. κ,οίΐ '^v αστείος τω Θεω, and he ιυ as fair to God, (exceedingly fair.;f ) The latter form of speech is also found in Homer, α,λοί Vixv, Iliad. A, 141. " the divine sea;" — " the sacred deep," Cowper. " Mare magnum," "the great sea," Virg. iEn. V. 628. So Homer himself, for ci^cx, llotv, in Od. y , 153. uses μεγοίκτίτεα. ■πόντον, in verse 158. " the monstrous deep." See Clarke's Note. * Work is a preferable word to labour, in this passage, because the question and answer in the two following verses refer to it; and the reference is more distinctly seen, when the translation is uniform. -j- Although, in the above examples, the ordinary literal translation is altered for the sake of illus- trating the remark, yet it is better to retain it in general, because it has more point, and is sufficiently perspicuous. X It is not generally agreed on by translators, whether the following passages should be considered as belonging to the idiom mentioned above, or whether they should be understood in a sense more strictly literal, Acts xxii. 3. 2 Cor. viii. 1. and x. 4. and xi. 2. Col. ii. 19. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 145 In the oriental style, the perfection of any quality is expressed by the application of the number seven: a figure probably derived from the history of the creation, the division of time into weeks, and the primeval honour of the sabbatic day.* ' Job V. 19. εζ,Λκις If a.vccyx,aiv as ΐξίλεΙτΛΐ, hu Si τφ 'φ^όμω, ου μ'η όί-ψ-ζιτεα σου κχκόι*, six funes shall he deliver thee from troubles; and in the seventh there shall no evil touch thee. Ps. xii. 6. κ,ίχ,α&αζίσ'^ίνον ζτττιχ,'ττ'Κοίσίως, seven times purified. Prov. xxvi. 25. yAi τηισύγίς, ετττχ γχξ dai -yrovri^icci sv rfi -ψυχ,?] xvtou, believe not, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Zech. iii. 9. For behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua : stti τον λίύοι/ rou su» STTTx 6φθχ>μ,οί eiaiv, upon the One stone there shall be seven eyes. Compare chap. iv. 2, 10. Rev. i. 4. y.x\ άττό των STrTsc ΤΙνίυ[Λά,των, oi kanu ii/oj^nou του ^ξονου cci/T/iu, and from the seven Spirits which are before his tiirone. That one divine Person who is called in Scripture the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of God. A negative, which, to an English reader, might seem merely to restrict the clause from being a universal affirmation, converts it, in fact, into a universal negation. Gen. iii. 1. ού μ,'ή φά,γγ,τί ά,ττο 'τ^χυτος ^ύλου του ττχζχ'^ίίσον ; ye shall not eat of any of the trees of the gar den. f Exod. xii. 16. ττά:/ I'^yov λχτ^βυτόί- ου ττοιτισετε, ye shall not do every servile work. Ap- parently literal, but erroneous. Ye shall not do any servile work, or, ye shall do no servile work. Lev. iii. 17. "^oiu στίχο χ,χΐ ττχν xiux ουκ, ϊ^εσύε, ye shall eat no fat, and no blood. Psal. ciii. 2. κχ\ μ,νι st^iT^xvUxuov ττχσχς τχς χίνάσας χυτού, and forget not any of his pt^aises. Prov. viii. 11. 'ttxu us τί(/,ιον ουκ x^iou χϋττ^ς εστίν, and no precious thing is of equal value with it. Ezek. xliv. 9. -ττχς υίος dJCkoyiuvig ά-τη^ίτ^ΛΥιΤος κχ^ίχ, κ,χΐ χ-ττεοίτμ-ητος σχξκϊ, ουκ είσε- 'Κίϋσετχι εις τχ χγιχ /α,ου, no stranger uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, shall cuter into my holy place. Mat. xxiv. 22. ου•κ xv kaojuri irxax σχξζ, no flesh should be saved. Rom. iii. 20. ου Ιικχίωύησετχι 'ττχσχ σχξ^, no flesh shall be Justified. 1 John ii. 19. they ivent out, Ίνχ φχνεζωθωσίν οτιοϋκεϊσϊ πάντες Ι| 'ή^Λων, that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us. AVhen two personal nouns (not proper names, but such as denote character, relation, or dignity) of the same case, are connected by the copulative κ,χι, if the former has the definite article, and the latter has not, they both relate to the same person.^ 2 Cor. i. 3. 6 Θεός κχϊ ΤΙχτήζ του Κυρίου 'ή^^ων, he who is the God and Father of our Lord. Phil. iv. 20. τω όε Θεω κ,χι ΤΙχτζΙ νιμων, but to him who is our God and Father. Eph. V. 5. iu Tfi βxσiλsίcf, του Χρίστου κχϊ Θεού, in the kingdom of him tuho is the Christ and God. Tit. ii. 13. εττιφάνειχν τνις ^όζγις του μ,ε'^/χΚου θεού κχϊ Σωτίίξος yjf^ojv Ίγισου Χοιστου, the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Pet. i. 1. εν Οίκχίοσύνη του θεού ν;ι:<,ων κχΐ Έωττίξος ^ Ιησού Χζίστού, by the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Pet. i. 11. Toy Kyg/ot» v^f^av κχι Έωτϊ^ζος Ίτίσού Χξίστού, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. * See Pye Siuith on the Messiah, vol. ii. p. 55?. t An attempt to represent the command, in Gen. ii IG, 17. as contrary to the urant in chap. i. 29. ; and an exaggeration ol" the command, on purpose to misrepresent it ; and perhitps to insinuate tliat llie prohibition of a tree of sucl» excellence was equivalent to a prohibition of all t!ie trees. That Eve understood the words in this universal sense appears from the iirst pait ol' her reply»• " We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the j^arden." See Lc Clerc on the place.^ \ See Grnnville Sharp, and Middleton, on the Greek nrtifle. Τ 146 A GREEK GRAMMAR. Jude 4. κ,χϊ τον y.ouou Αεσ'ττότην θίόυ κχϊ Kv^iou viyM'j Ίνισονν Χ^/στον ΰρνούμει/οι, and denying our only Master, God, and Lord, Jesus Chtist.* A relative, or demonstrative pronoun sometimes refers, not to a near, but to a remote antecedent. Acts viii, 26. sttI tviu ohou τνιυ χ.οίταβΰίίυονσοίΐ ά,'πο ' Ιεξουσιχ,λ'ήμ elg Τά,ζοί,ν χυττ] εστίυ £Qyjfzog, to the way which goeth doivnfrom Jerusalem to Gaza; luhich is a desert way. Where oivty] more probably refers not to the town of Gaza ; but to the road thither as lying through the desert, whereas there was another way through the inhabited country. 1 Cor. XV. 25. Δε? yixQ abrov βαι.σιΚζΰειν οίχ,ζΐς ου du ^vj, for it hehoveth him to reign un- til HE (not the Son, but the Father, mentioned in the foregoing verse) hath put all enemies under his feet. 2 Thess. ii. 8, 9. and then shall he revealed the laidess one, whom the Lord shall con- sume by the breath of his mouth, and shall destroy by the brightness τ^ς 'πα,ζουσίας α,ύτον. Ου εσηυ tj τταςουσίοί koct εΆξγείΐζν του ^cx-TscvSi, of his coming: luhose corning is after the working of Satan. Ου, whose, evidently refers, not to the Lord, the immediate antecedent, but to the lawless one mentioned in the beginning of the sentence. On this subject, I most fully admit the truth of the remark of Dr. Pye Smith on 1 John V. 20. and of the quotation which he makes from Dr. Wardlaw. " That the ordinary and fair construction of the demonstrative is with the nearest antecedent noun : a rule from which we are not at liberty to depart, without evident necessity, and on grounds critically impartial. But there is not here a clear necessity." He adds, " Dr. Wardlaw lays down the following, as a further case of exception from the ordinary rule ; and 1 conceive the observation to be strictly just : — ' When the imme- diate antecedent holds no prominent place in the sentence, but is introduced only in- cidentally, the remote being obviously the chief subject, having the entire, or greatly preponderating emphasis in the mind of the writer. It requires only the reading of the verse, to satisfy any candid mind that this is not the case here, and that no reason exists on this ground for any departure from the general rule.' — Discourses on the So- cinian Controversy, p. 38. Reply to Mr. Yates, p. 180." — SmitWs Scrip. Testimony to the Messiah, Vol. II. Book IV. chap, ih § iv. p. 548. The pronoun sometimes refers to a noun, not expressed, but reserved in the mind of the writer, and discoverable only from what is implied in the clause itself, or in the subsequent connection. Luko v. 17. κ-χι Ιύυχμις Κνξίου vjv εις το ioiauui αυτούς, and the power of the Lord was to heal them; not the Pharisees mentioned before, but the sick people, of which a remarkable instance is immediately given. 2 Pet. iii. 1. tocOtyiv vihn, άγαττητοί, "^ίυτίζϋο/ νμ7ι/ γζάφω ετηστολ'ην, εν οίϊς, this second epistle, beloved, I now write to you, in which : the plural number of the relative, shows that the first, as well as the second epistle, was in the mind of the apostle, and has led our translators to mark his meaning by a supplement — " in both which." After the relative, another pronoun is often added, containing the same reference to the same antecedent, and, of course, redundant. Gen. i. 11. And the fruit tree bearing fruit, ου το σ'π'ε^μ.οΐ. αύτοΰ, of which the seed of it. Psal. xciv. 12. blessed is the man ou ocu συ ττα,ί^εύσ'/ις Κύ^ιε, και εκ, του νόξ,^ου σου ^^ά,^,γις αυτού, WHOM thou shall chasten, Ο Lord, and teach him out of thy law. Mark vii. 25. ^ς είχε το ^υγχτ^ιον οίύτΐ^ς, of WHOM the little daughter of her had. Amos ix. 12. and Acts xv. 17. κ,αι 'ττάντα, τά, έθνη εφ' ους ετηκ,εκ,Τ^ητοίί το οι/ομχ μ,ου ετ: αυτούς, and all the nations, on whom my name is called upon them. * Some MSS. omit @ih in the above example. Still, however, it illiistrafes the rule, as being a reference to one person. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 147 Kev. vii. 2. and he cried luith a great voice to the four angels, οΐς slour, uvrcl:, to whom it was given to them. Rev. \di. 9. la a great multitude, ov d^tdy^viaui α,υτον ovoug ijhuuccTo, which to number IT, 710 one luas able. The infinitive mode, used as a verbal noun, an^ any number of clauses connected with it, may be the nominative of a verb. iMark xii. 32, 33. ug Ιστι Θίος, κ.αι ονκ ϊστιν &Κ\ας ττΤ^'ήν αντου' κ,οΆ το ά'/α'τΐαν ctvrov If οΚΎις ττ^ς κ,χφία,ς, και Ιξ οΚτις τ^ς σναίσίως, κ,αι Ι| οΚ-ης Ύ7ις '^υγ;/]ς, koci Ι| ολ>5ί• rij; ίσχνοζ, Kcci το aycx,7irci'j rou τΐΙκπυΊο)) ως sxvtou,^ ttT^uov ίση ττάυτωϋ των όΤ^ο-Λαυτω^Λοί- των και των ^υσίων, there is one God, and there is none other but he ; and to love him ivith all the heart, and luith all the ^inderstaiiding, and with all the soid, and with all the strength ; and to love one's neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt' offerings and sacrifices. In many instances, in which the Hebrew omits the substantive verb, and expresses ί]\6 affirmation by a pronoun, the Greek Scriptures use the verb and omit the pro- noun. Thus for ίίΤΓΓ '<3X, I he, we have Ι^ώ ily.i, I am, in Deut. xxxii. 39. Isa. xli. 4. xliii. 10, 13. xlvi. 4. xhiii. 12. The meaning is the same in the following passages of the New Testament, Mat. xiv. 27. xxvi. 22, 25. Mark xiii. 6. John viii. 24, 28, 58. xiii. 19. x\di!. 5, 6, 8. Acts xiii. 25. As Hebrew verbs have only two tenses, a past and a future, and as these are occa- sionally used for the present, and, under certain circumstances, are substituted for each other; so in Hellenistic Greek, the writers do not always avail themselves of the variety of tenses in Greek verbs, but occasionally use the past in the sense of the present, or οι the future ; and the future in the sense of the present or of the past. 1 . The past for the present. JNlat. xxiii. 2. tlie Screes and Pharisees ίκάθισα-ν sit in Moses*, chair. Luke i. 46, 47. my soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit 'ήγαικκία,σί doth rejoice in God my Saviour. John i. 26. ϊσττικζν there standeth one among you. John iii. 13. and no man ά,να,βίβ-ίΐκίν ascendeth up to heaven. The aorist is used for all tunes, past, present, and future ; as. Mat. iii. 1 7• "niy beloved Son, in whom evloKmcc. I ivas, am, and shall be, well pleaded. Often for the pluperfect ; as, Mat. xxviii. 2. σίΐσ/^^ός Ιγενίτο μίγχς. There had been a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord had descended from heaven, and coming near, ά-τΐϊκΰ'κιαί, had rolled back the stone from the door, and was sitting upon it. \\\ Mark vi. 17. Ικ^«τ/;σ£, Ϊ^ΎίΠί, iyaf(,Yiai, are rendered had laid hold on, had bound, had icd, and in Mark xvi. 1. riyi^aactv is rendered had bought. marrt 2. The past for the future, especially in predictions, to express the certainty of the event ; as, Isa. ix. 6. for a child ί.γ•νν•ηύη shall be born to us, and a son ίΐόβϊ) shall be given to t:s. Psal. viii. 5. and Hcb. ii. 7- 'ή'λχττωσχς thou wilt make him for a little while less than angels. 3. The future for the present ; as, Psal. i. 2. and in his law μίΤ^ίτγ,ο-ι dolh he meditate. Psal. xxxi. 5. and Luke xxiii. 46. into thy hands τταξΛβ^σομκι I cummcnd my spirit. 148 A GREEK GRAMMAR. 4. The future for the present and imperfect of the subjunctive ; as, Mat. xii. 31. aU manner of sin and llasphemy α,φίύτισετα,ί may he forgiven. Luke vi. 7. and the Scribes and Pharisees watched him^ d ^ζζα,τηνσίΐ ivhether he would heal on the Sabbath. The present tense is often put for a preterite, and must, in Greek, generally follow the leading tense of the sentence ; as, Jer. i. 5. -r^o του με -τΓλάσίυ/ σε εν κοίλίχ, ετϊίσταμού σε, before Ι formed thee in the belli/, I knew thee. Mat. ii. 22. άκουσας §s on " Κξ^χέ'Κα.οζ βασι'Κεΰει, but having heard that Archelaus did reign. Luke xxiv. 21. 'ημείς δί νιλττίξομεν or: α-ντός εστίν, but we hoped that it had been he. John ii. 9. κ,οίΐ ουκ. fihii ττόύεν εστίν, and knew not ivhence it was. John vi. 24. οτε ουν εΐί'^εν ό όχλος 'ότι ' Ιησούς ουκ εστίν εκεί, when, therefore, the midtitude saw that Jesus ivas not there. Acts ix. 26. Kocl ττάντες εφοβουντο αΰτον, μ'ή ττίστεΰοντες 'ότι εστί μΰίύ-/ιτ'ής, and they were all afraid of him, not believing that he ivas a disciple. Substantive verbs are very frequently understood. Gen. i. 4. Koci εϊΐεν 6 @ζός τό φως, 'ότι καλόν ; supply of ι/, A7id God saw the Light, that IT WAS good. Several neuter verbs, such as, to walk, to stand, to sit, are used to express, not parti- cular states of action, or position, but, like substantive verbs, bare existence, or at most, continuance. John vii. 1. Jesus 'ττεοιεττάτει walked (abode) in Galilee, for he would not -ττεξίττατείν walk (abide) in Jeivry. 2 Cor. x. 3. εν σαξκΐ γοίξ 7!■εξl7!■ot,τoυ'JTίς,for though we walk (live) in the flesh. Acts ix. 7• είσττϊκεισαν εννεοί, " stood speechless.^^ Compare είσττικεισχν with Acts xxvi. 14., from which it appears that instead of standing, they all fell to the ground : to be rendered, therefore, " were speechless." Acts xxvi. 22. οίχζΐ τίις τ^μ,ίξας τα,ύτγις 'έστεκα, Ι stand (continue) to this day. Gen. xxxviii. 11. Κάθου χ'^ξα εν τω οΐκω του ΐΐα,τξός σου, " Κττελθουσα δέ Θά- μοίξ, εκά,^γ,το εν τω οίκω του τιτατξός αύττις, remain (sit) a widow in thy father'' s house and Tamar went and dwelt (sat) in her father's house. Mat. xxvi. 55. εκα^ζόμγιν, I sat with you (Mark xiv. 49. Luke xxii. 53. was with you) daily teaching in the temple. Acts xviii. 11. εκάθισε τε ενιαυτόν και μτινας ε|, Ιι'^άσκων εν αύτοίς, and he sat (conti- nued) a year and six months, teaching among them.* There is an application of the substantive verb, derived from Hebrew use, by which for " it is," we are to understand, " it signifies^'' or " it represents."•^ Gen. xli. 26, 27. ai ενττά βόες αί καλαϊ, 'ετττά ετγι εστί' καϊ οι 'ε-τττά στάχυες οί καλοί, 'ε'τττά ίτγι εστί' το ενύ-πνιον Φαξαω 'εν εστί. Και αί 'ετττά βόες αί λεττταί αί άναβαί- νουσαι οτϊίσω αυτών, 'ετττά ετ-η εστί' και οί 'ετττά στάχυες οί λετττοί και άνεμόφύοξοι, ετττά 'ύτγι εστίν' έσονται 'ετττά ετη λιμού, the seven good kine are (signify or repre- sent) seven years ; and the seven good ears are (signify or represent) seve?i years : the dream of Pharaoh is one. And the seven thin kine that came zip after them are (signify or represent) seven years ; and the seven ears thin and bhsted zuith the wind are (signify or represent) seven years : there shall be seven years of famine. !Matth. xxvi. 26. λαβών ό^ΐτισους τον άξτον, καΐ εϋλογνισας, έκλασε, και ε'^ί^ου τοΙς μα' ύ'ήταΐς, και είττε• Αάβετε, φάγετε' τουτό εστί τό σωμά μου, Jesus having taken the bread and blessed, brake it, -and gave it to the disciples, and said. Take, Eat ; this is (signifies or represents) my body. Compare Matth. xiii. 38, 39. Gal. iv. 24. Rev. i. 20. * Perhaps, however, the two last examples may refer to the custom amonstov ; (κ,αι άΰοίβλίφασαι ^su^ovaiu οτ( ά,τΐοκ,^κ,ύ'Κισται 6 λίύος) Vju γάξ μ,ίγα,ς σφοίξοί. who shall roll away the stone for us from the door of the sepidehre? {and having looked they see that the stone is rolled away :) for it ivas very great." They put the question, because the stone was very great. On advancing, how- ever, near enough to see, they found that their inquiry was superseded. The clauses of a sentence, though connected by a conjunction only, and capable of being construed separately, are often so essentially one, that what is said of them taken together, would be misunderstood, if it were interpreted of each by itself; as, Mat. vi. 13. μ,νι ίΐσίνίγκ,'^ς Vif^a,g ίΐς "τπίξΰίσίΛορ, aJKKix. ρυσοιι vif^cig άΐΐο του 'Tirouri^ov, lead us not into temptation, bid deliver us from the evil one. One petition, in which the suppliant is taught, not to insinuate that any man is tempted of God, (James i. 13.) but, in opposition to such a thought, to look to God, with equal confidence and desire, for deliverance from the tempter. Mat, xi. 25. I thank thee, Ο Father, Lord of heaven and earthy or/ χττίκξνψίΛς τχυτα aTco σοφωι/ κ,α,Ι συνζτων, koci οί'πκ,ά,λυ-ψοίς αυτά. υηττίοις, because thou hast hid these things from wise and prudent persons, and hast revealed them to babes. This thanks- giving has for its object, not the separate consideration that " these things" were hid from any, (Luke xix. 41, 42.) nor even the separate consideration that they were revealed to any, one description of mankind exclusively. (Mark xvi. 15. Rom. i. 14.) Its object is, that " these things," being hid from persons of really superior wisdom in other respects, and of superior wisdom universally, both in their own esteem and in that of the world, were, nevertheless, unveiled by the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, to those of the most inferior capacity and attainments, who were despised by the world, and little in their own eyes. Rom. vi. 17• but thanks be to God, οτι yjTS ^ovT^oi ττις άμοίξτίοίς, ντΓΥΐ/οούσατε Bs I» kocq- Ιίΰίς eig ou ττοί^ί^όύγιτί τύπου ^^a^vig, that ye were slaves of sin, but obeyed from the heart a form of instruction to which ye were delivered over. Obviously one reason of thanksgiving, that those who had been slaves of sin, had been transferred to another master, whose authority they cordially obeyed.* * It may be doubted, whether the common supposition be well founded, that, in the latter part of the above sentence, the a{)ostle's language alludes to the casting of metals in a mould. The prevail- ing figure in the passage, is the emancipation of slaves, or at least an improvement in their condition, equivalent, or, we should rather say superior to an emancipation, by a change of masters. ΎΙαςώόθΆ-ΐΐ:, very properly expresses the delivering over of the purchase to the new master who had redeemed it. Τύίτβν δίδαχί?, seems a phrase (like μοξφίι Θέυν, and μο^φν-, δούλου, Phil. ii. 6, 7•) for instruction itself, which, agreeably to the state of a purchased slave, is called the τΟττος, or mark of the new master ; and the amelioration of their state, as being freedom rather than slavery, is intimated in their obeying this instruction •' from the heart." A GREEK GRAMMAR, 151 The New Testament writers often quoted the Old Testament, without mentioning tlie place from which the quotation was taken, supposing in their readers so intimate an acquaintance with the Old Testament, as to be able to find the place without par- ticular direction. \Vhen they wished to be more particular, it was impossible to quote by chapter and verse as we do, because those distinctions had not been then made ; but they selected some principal word, calculated to bring the whole passage of history, or prophecy, to the recollection of their readers, and used it as a title ; as, Mark ii. 26. how he entered into the house of God, sttS ' Κβιά,ύαη του άξχ,ιεξίως, in the passage concerning Abiathar luho was (afterwards) high-priest. Mark xii. 28^ ουκ άΑγνωη vj ttj βίβλφ 'Μωσίως, Ιχί τνις βά,του, have ye not read in the book of Moses, in the section concerning the burning bush ? Luke XX. 37. Moses showed sttI τ^ς βάτου, in the section concerning the burning bush. Rom. xi. 2. ')) ουκ οϊΐατί lu Ήλ/ώί τί 'kkyn v] γζαψτ] ; know ye not what the Scripture saith in the section concerning Elijah ? A GRAMMATICAL PRAXIS ON PART OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN, THE GREEK WORDS BEING PLACED IN THE ORDER OF THE ENGLISH. 1 . In the begimiiiig was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word E:/ οίξγ,Ί^ί Yiu 6 Αογος, tccci 6 Aoyog 55V 'ττξ^ος tou &cOU, kch Aoyog was God. Yju Qcog. E>, a preposition governing a dative case. Αξχ'/], a noun feminine singular of the first declension, like r/^»?, dative case, governed by the preposition ev. Hi/, a verb neuter or substantive, indicative imperfect, third person singular, from the irregular verb £/,64/, see page 40, agreeing with the nominative case λόγος, of the third person, by Section IV. Rule I. of the syntax, Ό, the article, masculine singular, nominative case, agreeing with λόγος. Αογος, a verbal noun masculine singular, from λβλογα, perfect middle of λίγω, I speak, of the second declension, nominative case to the verb 7iu. Kcci, a conjunction. ΤΙζος, a preposition governing an accusative case. To//, the article masculine singular, accusative case, agreeing with ©so;/. Θεοί/, a noun mas- culine singular of the second declension, like λόγος, accusative case, governed by the preposition ττξος. Θίος, a noun masculine singular, nominative case. 2. The sayne was in the beginning with God. Ούτος TiV iu ^(tyCil "^ξ'^ζ "^ov θίοι/. Ούτος, a demonstrative pronoun, (see page 25,) nominative case to the verb -/ly. 3. All things were made by him, a?id without him not even one thing ivas made, TLscvTX ίγί!/ζτο δ/ Λυτού, και χω^ις χυτού οι/δί su ίγΐΐ/ζτο, V)hich was made. 6 γίγονίν. TLccuTx, a noun adjective neuter plural, nominative case, agreeing with χζ-,ημ,α,τα,, things, understood, see page 83, from nominative masculine singular ττας, an adjective of three terminations. Εγενετο, a verb middle indicative, second aorist, from the obsolete γεινω, third person singular, though joined with the nominative neuter plural X(}/]f4,ciTcc understood, see page 90. Δ/, put by apostrophe for ha, a preposition governing a genitive, see page 103. Αυτού, a pronoun relative, page 25, genitive case, governed by preposition hx. Xojfug, an adverb governing the genitive αυτόν, by the 152 A gUeek grammar. force of the preposition λίϊο understood, page 97, Rule II. Oy^f, not even. See Lexicon. Έν, a numeral noun neuter singular, from masculine siV, see page 22, agreeing with the noun neuter singular x^nf^ci understood, nominative case to the verb sysuiTo. ' O, a pronoun relative, neuter singular, agreeing with χ^τ^^^α understood, and nominative case to the verb yiyouev. Teyovsu, a verb middle indicative perfect, third person singular, from the obsolete verb yum, agreeing with the pronoun relative o, of the third person ; for ysyous, the final u being added, see page 3. 4. In him was life, and the life ivas the light of meji. Ev οι,υτω ην ζοη], xoci 'ή ζω;ι tiu το φοίς των auU^a'Tro)», Κυτω, a pronoun relative dative case, governed by the preposition iu. Ζωγι, a noun feminine of the first declension, like ni^-m, nominative case to verb nu. To, the article neuter nominative case, agreeing with φως. Φως, a noun neuter singular of the third declension; singular nominative, το φως; genitive, τον φωτός, &c. Tuu, the article masculine plural, genitive case, agreeing with the noun ιχ,νύξωττων. Α.ϋύξωττων, a noun masculine plural, genitive case, of the second declension, like 7^oyoς, governed by the noun φύiς, see page 82, Rule II. 5. And the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness did not receive it. Kxi το φως φαιινίί eu tjj σκ,οτίοί, κοα ^ σκοτία ου κοίτεΆοιβίν α,υτο. Φοίΐνίΐ, a verb active indicative present, third person singular, from the theme φαίνω, like τνπ-τύί, agreeing with φως ; φαίνω, φαινίΐς, φοανίί, &c. Ί,κοτκχ., a noun feminine singular of the first declension, like φιΤ,ια, dative case, governed by the preposition ε v. Ov, an adverb. ΚατίΤ^αβεν, a verb active indicative, second aorist, from the obsolete verb κατοίλγιβω, (see καταλαμβάνω,) third person singular, (v being added,) agreeing with σκοτία. Κυτο, a pronoun relative, neuter singular, accusative case, governed by the transitive verb κατ&Καβίν, see page 91. 6. There was a man sent from God, John the name to him. Έ.yevsτo ανύ^ωτος α7ηαταλμ,&νος τταζα θίου, ϊωανντης ovofia αυτφ. Κν6ζω•πος, a noun masculine singular of the second declension, like λ.oyoς, nominative case, governed by the verb eyiv^τo, here used impersonally. Κ'κίσταλμ.ζνος, participle of the perfect passive, from ατΐοστιΚΚω. ΤΙαξα, a preposition governing a genitive. Ιωανν-ής, a noun masculine singular of the first declension, like ' Ηξω^ης, nominative case to verb ιην understood. Ovof^a, a noun neuter singular of the third declension, nomi- native case, governed by viu understood ; singular nominative, το ovo^cca ; genitive, του ονόματος, &c. Αυτω, to him, pronoun dative singular ; nominative, αυτός. 7. The same came for witness, that he might luitness concerning the light, that Ούτος rfhusv εις μαξτνξίαν, ίνα μαξτυξνισ^ι ττίξί του φωτός, ίνα all might believe through him. 'χαντες 'ττιστευσωσι δ/ αυτού. Ha^sv, a verb active indicative, second aorist, third person singular {v being added) of the obsolete verb ελευύω, by syncope for ■ηλυύβν; see verb εξχομαι. Έίς, a preposi- tion governing an accusative. Μαξτυξίαν, a noun feminine singular of the first de- clension, like φίκια, accusative case, governed by the preposition εις. Μαξτυζίησνι, a verb active subjunctive, first aorist, third person singular, from the verb μα^τυξεω, agreeing with αυτός, he, understood, and governed by the conjunction ίνα ; μαξτυξεω, (first future, μα^τυ^τισι^^ ; fii'st aorist, εμαξτυξ-ησοί ; first aorist subjunctive, μαξτυξϊΐσ'^, -νις, -ji•) ΐίεξί, a preposition governing a genitive, ΐΐαντες, a noun adjective, mascu- line plural, nominative case, agreeing with ανόξωττοι, men, understood. ΤΙιστευσωσι, a verb active subjunctive, first aorist, third person plural, agreeing with ανύξω'ζτοι under- stood, and governed by the conjunction ίνα. A GREEK GRAMMAR. 153 8. He was not that light, but was sent that he might luitness concerning that light. Έ,κίΐνο; -fw ουκ το φως, αλλ' hoc ι^χοτνξησ*] 'τ^^ξΐ τον φωτός. Εκ€ί!>ος, a demonstrativ^e pronoun. To, the article, neuter singular nominative case, used definitely or emphatically. Αλλ', by apostrophe for aTO^oe,. 9. That luas the true light, which erdighteneth every man coming into the Hv TO ο(,\τιθιυον TO φως, 6 φύ)τιξίί ttccvtcc, Λΐ/ύξω-πον SQx,of4,euQv ίΐς τον world. KoafAO'j. Hy, a verb indicative imperfect, third person singular, from αμι, agreeing with sKWJog understood. Αλ-^^/ι/ο^, a noun adjective of three terminations, like κοιΚος, page 16, neuter singular, nominative case, agreeing with φως; singular nominative, οίλγ,θιυος, -τι, -ov, Szc. Ό, a pronoun relative, neuter singular, agreeing with φως, and nominative case to verb φωτιζίΐ. Φωτιξίΐ, a verb active indicative present, third person singular, from the theme φωτίζω, agreeing \vith pronoun relative o. HoiUToc, a noun adjective of three terminations, masculine singular, accusative case from nominative •ττας, agree- ing with χι/βηωτον. Αι/ύξω'π-ον, a noun masculine singular, accusative case from nomi- native χνΟξωττος, of the second declension, like 'Κογος, governed by the transitive verb φωτιξίΐ. Έξχομ,ίνον is a participle present from the deponent anomalous verb ίζχομ,αι, and may be either the masculine singular, accusative case, agreeing with χνΰςωττο!/, or* rather the neuter singular, nominative case, agreeing with φως ; compare John xii. 46. — iii. 17. Κοσ /iioy, a noun masculine singidar of the second declension, like τζόγος, accusative case, governed by the preposition ίίς. 10. He was 171 the world, and the world was made by him, and the world did not H'j eu τω κοσ^,ω κλι ό κόσμος sysu-ro δί' Λυτου^κοίζ ο κόσμος ουκ know him. ίγνω αυτόν. Eyi/6>, a verb active indicative, second aorist, from the verb γνωμι, like Ιιοωμι, from yyo* υ 154 ^ A GREEK GRAMMAR. by s^ovatuv; see page 90. Tskvx, a noun neuter plural, from singular τίκνοι^, of the second declension, like |t/Aoj/, page 7, nominative case, following the verb γίνξσβχί. Τοις τησηυουσιν, to those who believe. Uiarsvovaiu, a participle active present masculine plural, from the theme τησηνω^ dative case, agreeing with Λυ^ξοίττοις under- stood, which is governed by ίδωκίν. Ουομ,α, a noun neuter smgular of the third de- clension, like βΎ\(Λα,, accusative case, governed by preposition ζις. Ayrct», Ms, or of him, a pronoun relative masculine singular, genitive case, governed by ova^a ; see page 8.2. 13. Who were born not of bloods, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will, of man, but of God. χιι^ξος, χ7\λ sx. θίου. Ο/, a pronoun relative masculine plural, agreeing with χ^θ^ωττοί understood, nom- inative case to the verb syeuvyiumocv. Eysuvriuriaciu, a verb passive indicative, first aorist, third person plural, agreeing with the relative ol, from theme ^ίνυοίω ; γζννα,ω, (first future, yivvwoi ; perfect, yiyivuYiKoc ; perfect passive, yiyivvyif/,a,i, -σαι, -τα,ι ; first aorist passive, syevunUYiu, -ης, -rn &c.) Εκ or gf, a preposition governing a genitive. Aiy^a.- των, a noun neuter plural, from nominative singular cei/icoc, of the third declension, like βήμα, genitive case, governed by preposition s^. θίΤ^η/αχτος, a noun neuter singular of the third declension, like βγι/^.χ, genitive case, governed by preposition sk, from nominative ^ίΚημ,α,. Ί,χξκος, a noun feminine singular, from nominative acc^^, of the third declension, genitive case, governed by the noun ^ο^γιμ,ατος ; singular nomina- tive, oj σα^Ι ; genitive, της σχξκος, &c. Αι/'^ξος, a noun masculine singular, genitive case, from nominative χνπξ of the third declension, governed by the noun ^ί'λΥΐ/^Άτος. 14. And the Word was made flesh, and tabernacled among us, (and we beheld his Kx/ AoyQς syeusTO σχξζ, κχι ίσκγινωσίν zv ^μ^ιν, {κχί eusxax^suoi χυτού glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father,) full of grace and of truth. την 'ho^xv, ^0^X1/ ως μouoyeuoυς 'ττχξχ ΐίχτξος,) 'ττΤ^ηξ'^ς χχζίτος κχι χ\η^ϊΐχς. Έσκηνωσίν, a verb active indicative, first aorist, third person singular, agreeing with 7^oyoς understood, from σκ,ηνοω. ' Ημα/, a pronoun of the first person plural, from sin- gular syco, dative case, governed by preposition su. Έύεχσχμεβχ, a verb deponent, first aorist, first person plural, from the theme ^sxo^xi, -ωμχί, agreeing with ^μας, the pro- noun plural of the first person understood, ^exofcxt, (first future, ^exao^xi ; first ao- rist, ίθίχσαμην, -ω, -χτο, &c.) Αοξχΐ/, a noun feminine singular, accusative case, from nominative Ιοξχ, of the first declension, governed by the transitive verb eusxax^sux. 'Ω,ς, an adverb. Movoysl^oυς, a noun adjective contracted, of two terminations, like χκη^ης^ agreeing with the genitive υιού, son, understood, governed by the noun '^οξχν. Τίχτξος, a noun masculine singular, genitive case, from nominative 'π-χτηξ^ of the third declension, governed by the preposition ττχξχ. ΙΙληξης, a noun adjective of two ter- minations, like χληΟης» masculine singular, nominative case, agreeing with λoyoς. Xx- ζΐτος, a noun feminine singular, genitive case, from the nominative χαξίς, of the third declension, governed by the adjective ττΤ^ηξης- Αλη^Βΐχς, a noun feminine singular, genitive case, from the nominative x^n^nx, of the first declension, like φιΚιχ, goCerned by the adjective ττΤ^ηξης understood. 15. John witnesseth concerning him, and cried, saying. This was he of whom Ιωχννης μχξτυξίί ttsqi χυτού, χ,χί >csK^xys, 'Kiyuv^ Ούτος ην ου I spake ; He that cometh after me, is become before me, for he was before me. S{'?rou•' ' Ο ίξχομίνος οτησω μου, ysyovev ίμ'ττ^οσθίν μου, ότι ην 'ττ^ωτος μου. Μχξτυξεί, a verb active indicative present, third person singular, agreeing with the nominative case Ιωχνυης, contracted ; μχ^τυζίω, -ω ; -αις, -ας ; -at, -u. KsK^xys, a verb ' middle perfect, third person singular, agreeing with ϊωχννης, from the theme κ,ξχζω, first future, κ,ξχξω ; second aorist, sK^xyov ; perfect middle, KSK^xyx, -χς, -s. Aiyuv, a participle active present masculine singular, nominative case, from the theme 'hίyω, agreeing with Ιοίχννης^ ' Ou, a pronoun relative masculine singular, agreeing with the A GREEK GRAMMAR. 155 antecedent α,υτος, or Λνύ^ω'ττος, understood, accusative case, governed by the verb u-ov. FuTTou, a verb active indicative, second aorist, first person singular, from the theme ίττω, with the irregular augment ί after s. Mov, a primitive pronoun of the first person, genitive case, governed by the adverb of order, οτησα. So μου by ίμττξοσύίν. 'On, the neuter of compound relative όστις, used as a conjunction. ΤΙξωτος, properly an irre- gular superlative from the preposition ττξο for -ττξοτατο;, but here used in a comparative sense, and governing the genitive μου accordingly. 16. And out of his fidness all we have received, ajid grace upon grace. Koif SK »υτου του TrT^yiQOJf/.ccrog -TroiUTsg τιμίίς sAocSo^sv, κοα 'yC'^^rj ca'^ti χ,οίζίτος. Τίλπξωμχτος, a noun neuter singular of the thii'd declension, genitive case, -τλ-ζιοωμα, -χτος, governed by the preposition sk. Έλαβομ5ν, a verb active indicative, second aorist, first person plural, from obsolete Άγιβω, agreeing with '^μας. XxQiu, a noun feminine singular, accusative case, from the nominative χχρίς, of the third declension, iToverned by the transitive verb ίΆαβομίν understood. Αι/τι, a preposition; see page 99. 17. For the law luas given by Moses, the grace and the truth was hy Jesus Christ. Οτι ό^ρομ,ος ehou -η l•ιx'^L•Jσsως, '/J χχξΐς κ,χι ij χΆ•/ιθίΐαί eysvsro ^icclr,aovXoiaTov. ^ομος, a verbal noun, masculine singular, from νζ^ομα, perfect middle of ν•μ.ω, to distribute, nominative case to verb ξοοθη. Έοο&η, a verb passive, fii'st aorist, third person singular, agreeing wdth νομ.ος, from the verb in μ,ι, οι})ωμ.ι; ^ϊοωμ,ι, first future, οοισω ; P'crfect, ^ί^ω•κα; perfect passive, Οϊ^ομ,αι, -acx,i^ -τα,ι ; first aorist, shouwj, -τις, -ri. Mcoasojg, a noun masculine singular, genitive case, governed by the preposition oicc; Ινισου, a noun masculine singular, genitive case, governed by the preposition δ;α; Χοιστου, a verbal noun, masculine singular, from κεχξίστχι, third person, perfect passive of χξΐω, to anoint, genitive case, agreeing with Ιτ,σου. 18. No one ever hath seen God, the only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Ουοίίς Ίτωττοτί. εω^ακΒ θβοι/, 6 μο!/ογ£'^ης T/oc, 6 ωυ ίΐς τοα κ,ολττον του Father, he hath declared him. ΐίχτξος, iKSi'Jog ε^-ηγΥισατο. ΟυΙεις, a noun adjective of three terminations, like dg, masculine singular, nomina- tive case, agreeing with α^ύ^ωττος understood. 'Έω^ακε, a verb active indicative perfect, from the theme 6οαω, thh-d person singular, agreeing with ανύζωττος understood, Attic for ώρα,κί, 6ξ»ω, first future, όξχσω ; perfect, ώζχκα; Attic, εωξχκχ, -xg, -s. Tiog, a noun masculine singular of the second declension, hke λόγος, nominative ca^e to verb s^riywdTo. Ό orj, who is. Ciu, a participle present from the irregular verb ζίμι, niasculine singular, nominatii'e case, agreeing with υίος. ILo'Mrov, a noun masculine singular of the second declension, like 'hoyog, accusative case, governed by the preposi- tion ίΐς. ΈχίΐΐΌς, a demonstrative pronoun, masculine singular, nominative case, put in apposition to υΙος. Έζ•/]γ-/;σοίτο, a verb deponent, first aorist, third person, agreeing with υίος, from the theme βξγιγίομΰίΐ, -ονμαι, compounded of εξ and τιγίομχι, (see Lexicon,) iξrιγsoμciι, first future, εζγ,γτισομχι ; first aorist, ίξγιγγισ-αμ-/;ν, -ω, -χτο. 19. A7id this is the witness of John, ivhenthe Jews sent Priests and Kxi ccvTYi εστιι/ V] μ,χξτυςια του-Ιωχι/νου, ότ£ οί Ιου'^αιοι χ-ττίστειλχί/ 'Ιεξ£ΐς κοίΐ Levites from Jerusalem, that they might ask him'. Who art thou f Χίυ'ίτα,ς g^ ' Ιεζοσολυμων, ivcc εζ^ωττισοισιν οίυτον, Ύις ti συ; Κύτη, a demonstrative pronoun, feminine singula!*, from masculine ούτος, agreeing wil-h μΛ(>τυ^ι<χ. understood. Ότε, when, a conjunction. 1ου\<χ,ιοι, a noun masculine plural of the second declension, hke λόγος, nominative case to verb α,τηστειλα,ν. Ατζίστειλα,ν, a compound verb, active indicative, first aorist, third person plural, agreeing with Ιουοαιοι, from the theme α,-ττοστελλα ; α,-ττοστελλω, first iliture, α^τοστίλώ); first aorist, χττεστειλχ, -ας, -ε, &c. ' Ιερείς, a noun masculine plural of the third declension, contracted for Ίεοεας, accusative case, governed by the transitive verb wzioTtO.xu. Κευΐτοίς, a noun masculine plural, from the nominative singular Α.ίυ\τΎ\ς, οί the first declension, accusative case, c;overned by ατιτίοτίΐλκν. ' Ιεροσολυμω:/, a noun ^ 16 ' ibe A GREEK GRAMMAR. neuter plural, genitive case, governed by the preposition f|, from nominative ' Ιίξοσο'λνμ,α,, τα,. Ίνα, a conjunction governing a subjunctive mode. Έξωτγισωσίΐ/, a verb active subjunctive, first aorist, third person plural, agreeing with αντοί, thej/y understood, from the verb ίξωταω ^ εξωτοίω, first future, £ζωττ,σω ; first aorist, γίξωττισα.; subjunctive, ΐξωτ^-ω, -γις, -«;, &c. Τ/$•, a pronoun interrogative, masculine singular, nominative case, agreeing with the verb ei. E/, a verb neuter present, second person singular, from the irregular verb in ^/, u^i, agreeing with the pronoun of the second person σι/. 20. And he confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, that I am not the Christ. Κοίί ii(/j(ihoywh *^' oyx γΐξνησοίτο, κ,οίί oifco^oywh <>'r^ ^V^ ^^1^^ o*'* ° ^ξίοίτος. 'Πμολογγισί, a verb active indicative, first aorist, third person singular, agreeing with αυτός, he, understood, from the theme 6[jLuhoyiu, (compounded of όμ,ου and "Κογος ;) o^oXoygo), first future, 6f/,o7^oyrισω ; first aorist, iif^oKoyviaa, -α,ς, -ε. ϋξΐ^τ^σατο, a verb deponent, first aorist, third person singular, agreeing with αυτός, he, understood ; αξΐ /BOfcai -ουμαι, first future, a^vwof^cti ; first aorist, ηζυησ-α[/,Ύΐν, -ω, -ατο. ' Ο, the ar- ticle masculine singular, nominative case, used emphatically. ^\, And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? andhesaith, I am not. Art "Kat Ύίξωτησαν αυτού, Τ; ουν ; Έι συ Ήλιας; και T^eysi, Έιμ,ι ουκ. Ε; thou that Prophet ? and he answered. No. συ ΤΙζοφγιτνις; και ατ^-εκςιβγι, Ου. Ύι ουν. What then? art thou? namely; so τι is a pronoun interrogative, neuter singular, nominative case, agreeing with the verb W understood. Ουν, a conjunction. Ηλίας, a noun masculine singular of the first declension, nominative case, governed by the verb si. Asysi, a verb active indicative present third person singular, agreeing with αυτός, he, understood, from the theme T^eya, like τυτττω, present hsya, -εις, -ει. ΤΙςοφγιτης, a noun masculine singular of the first declension, nominative case, governed by the verb ει. Αττεκ^ιβγι, a verb passive, first aorist, singular, third person, agreeing with αυτός, he, understood, from the theme αττοκξΐυω, (see Lexicon, α-ττοκξίνομαι,) first future, α-τΓοκζίνω ; perfect, αττοκεκξΐκα; perfect passive, απτοκεκζ^ιμ.αι, -σαι, -ται ; first aorist passive, α'ττεκ^ιβην, -τ,ς, -η. 22. They said, therefore, to him, Who art thou ? that we may give an answer to them Έΐ'ΤΓον ουν αυτω, Ύις ει ; ha ^ωμεν ατΐοχ,^ισιν τοις who sent us : What sayest thou concerning thyself? ττεμ-ψασίϋ νίμ^ας' Τ; λεyεις 'ττεξί σεαυτου ; Αυτω, a pronoun relative masculine singular, dative case, governed by the verb ει-τΓου. Αωμεν, a verb active subjunctive, second aorist, first person plural, from the verb in μι, ΙιΙωμι, governed by the conjunction ha, and agreeing with the pronoun of the first person plural, 7]μεις ; Ιι'^ωμι, second aorist, εΐων ; second aorist subjunctive, Ιω, ^ως, δω, &c. Α'ττοκξίσιι/, a noun feminine singular of the third declension, accusative case, governed by the verb Ιωμεν. Ύοις -ττεμ-^ασιν. To those who have sent ; Τίεμ-ψασι^, a participle active, first aorist, masculine plural, dative case, governed by the verb Ιωμεν ; from the theme 'ΤΓεμ'ττω ; 'τημττω, first future, 'π-εμ-ψω ; first aorist, εττεμ-ψα ; participle, 'π-εμ-ψας, -ασα, -au, &c. u is added at the end ; see page 3. ' Ημάς, a pri- mitive pronoun of the first person plural, accusative case, from the singular εyω, governed by the participle active -ττεμ-ψασιν. Τι, a pronoun interrogative neuter sin- gular, accusative case, governed by the transitive verb \εyεις. "Σεαυτου, a compound pronoun, genitive case, governed iDy the preposition -ττεξί. 23. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way Έφη, Έyω φωνή βοώντος εν τν) εξΥίμω ευθυνατε την ohov of the Lord, as the Prophet Isaiah said. Ki-c/oy, καύως 6 ΤΙξοφγιτης Ησαΐας ειττεν. Ecpii, a verb, second aorist, third person singular, agreeing with αυτός, he, under- stood, from the irregular verb in μι, φγιμι. Φωννι, a noun feminine singular of the first A GREEK GRAMMAR. 157 declension, like r/.w/j, nominative case, governed by the verb αμ,ι understood. Έοων τοί, a participle active present, from the verb βο»ω contracted, genitive case, agreeing with Tiuog^ of one, or ανύρωττου understood, which is governed by the noun φων/ι, Έ,ξ-ψ.ω, is properly an adjective of two terminations, dative case, agreeing wth γ,ωοχ^ a country/, understood, a noun feminine of the first declension, dative case, governed by the preposition vj. Έυ&υνοι,τί, a verb imperative, first aorist, second person plural, agreeing ^vith v^ug^ye, understood, from the theme ίυύυ^ω ; ίυβυνω, first future, ευύυυω; first aorist, svuvucc; first aorist imperative, evuvi/ov, -ατώ>, &c. Όδο>, a noun feminine singular of the second declension, like λόγος, accusative case, governed by the transi- tive verb ευύυι/χτί. Κυξίον, a noun masculine singular of the second declension, like λόγος, genitive case, governed by the noun ooou. Καθώς, an adverb, see Lexicon. ΙΙσα,'ϊοίς, a noun masculine singular of the first declension, nominative case, put in ap- position with ϋοο^γιττις. 24. And they who were sent were of the Pharisees. Κα/ οί α,'7ηστοίλμ.&νοι riactu ίχ. rau Φα^ισοίΐων, Κ-ττίσταλ^/Λνοί, participle, plural of οί'ησταλ(/Λνος, agreeing with «,ν^ξωττοί, men, un- derstood, from the verb α,'7τοσηλ7.ω, nominative case to the verb mxv. Ησαν, a verb indicative imperfect, thh'd person plural, agreeing with ανβξίοττοί understood, from the irregular verb si/aj. Φχξίσοίΐων, a noun masculine plural of the second declension, like λόγος, genitive case, governed by the preposition «κ. 25. And they asked Mm, and said to him. Why then baptizest thou, if thou art not Kxi ίήξωτγισία^ ocurou, kcci ii-TTo^j αυτω, Ύι ovu βοί'π'τίζζΐς, a συ u ουκ. the Christ, nor EUas, nor that Prophet? 6 Χοίστος, ουτί ϊΐλίχς, ούτε ο Τίξοφ-ζιτνις ; Ύί, why, used adverbially, but it is properly the neuter singular of the interrogative pronoun ης, accusative case, governed by the preposition δ/« understood, that is, δ/α τ/ ; for ivhat ? βαττηζας, a verb active indicative, second person singular, from the theme βχτττίξω, agreeing with συ understood. Ovts, a conjunction. 26. John answered thou, saying : I baptize with water, but there standeth one ' Ο Ιωΰονντης οί-τΐξχ,ξίθγι κυτοις,λίγω^' Έ,γω βαττηζω ίν vhari, ot ίστγ^κίν among you, whom ye do not know. (Λίσος νμ,ων, cu ΰ/α,ί/ς ουκ oidccre. Αυτοίς, a pronoun relative masculine plural, dative case, governed by the verb Λ-τΓζκζΐύη. 'Ύοχτί, a noun neuter singular, dative case, governed by the preposition eu, from the noun ύοωξ, genitive -ατός, το. 'Έστγικίν, a verb active indicative perfect, third person singular, (with u added,) from the verb in f/,t, ίστη/^,ι, agreeing with τίς un- derstood. 'Μίσος, the midst, a noun adjective masculine singular of three terminations, like κα,λος, nominative case, agreeing with τις understood. 'Τ^ων, a pronoun of the second person plural, genitive case, governed by ^ζσος. Oi^an, a verb middle indica- tive perfect, second person plural, agreeing with ΰ(Λίΐς, from the anomalous verb ί^ω. 27. This is he who cometh after me, who is becmne before me, luhose Αυτός ίστιν ο eQy^of /,ίνος οττισω μ^ου, ός γίγονίν ίμ'ττζοσβεν (Λου, ού [αυτού] sho€*s latchet I am not worthy that I should loose, του υτΐό^ηΐΛΆτος τον iy.avTa ίγω ίΐμ,ι ουκ αξίος iua λύσω. Οΰ, whose, or of wham, a pronoun relative, genitive case, governed by the noun ΰ-ποογ,ματος. λυτού, his, L• here redundant. 'Τττοδ/^^ατοί•, a noun neuter singular, from the nominative ΰττούψ.α, of the third declension, genitive case, governed by the noun tf^au τα, compounded of ιίττο and Biw. ' l/LcauTa, a noun masculine singular of the third declension, accusative case, governed by the transitive verb λύσω ; singular nominative ίμας ; genitive -αντος, &c. Αξιος, an adjective of three terminations, mas- culine singular, figrceirg with ίγω, nominative case following the verb fi/m. Αυσω, a 158 A GREEK GRAMMAR. verb active subjunctive, first aorist, first person singular, agreeing with eyni understood, from the theme τ^υω ; "Κυω, first future, τ,υσω ; first aorist, ihvaoc ; first aorist subjunc- tive, τ^υσω, &c. governed by the conjunction iuct. 28. These things were done in Bethabara beyond the Jordan where John was Ύΰίυτοί syeusTO su Έγιύοίβοι,ζΰί ττίξοίΐ/ του loξbxuov όττου Ιωάννης ni> baptizing. βΜ'τττίζων. Ύαντα, a demonstrative pronoun, neuter plural from masculine singular ούτος, agreeing with the neuter noun plural γ,ζπμ,οίτχ, things, understood. Ένιύοίβαξΰί,, a noun feminine singular of the first declension, dative case, governed by the preposition bu. TLsflciu, an adverb of place, ]omea with a genitive by the force of the preposition octto understood, lo^ccvov, a noun masculine singular from the nominative Ιος^οίννις, of the first declension, genitive case, governed by the preposition «•το understood. Όττου, an adverb. Hv, a verb indicative imperfect, third person singular, agreeing with laxvun;, from the irregular verb αμί. END OF THE GRAMMAR. GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON, FOR THE GREEK CLASSICS IN GENERAL, BUT ESPECIALLY FOR THE SEPTUAGINT, APOCRYPHA, NEW TESTAMENT. I TO THE READER. -71, -ov ; that is. τά,'Κας, -uiuoi, -oiv. The φύσις, φύσιος, according In the following Lexicon, the last derivation of all derivatives is mentioned, so that words may be traced from one to another, back to their primitives. The references made to primitives, whether in Greek or in other languages, are not to be understood as always positively asserted, but usually suggested as merely proba- ble. If such references do not mislead, in regard to the meaning, they may, though not absolutely certain, prove useful in aiding the memory. When, to avoid repetition, a word is said to be " from same," the meaning is, that it is " from the same" word, or words, as the preceding word is : when it is said to be " from preced." that is, " from the preceding," it is derived from the preceding word itself. In nouns, the termination of the genitive is given to mark the declension ; and the article is added to mark the gender; as, 'Koyo;, -ου, ο, which means ^oyo? of the second declension and masculine gender ; ά'κφής, -έος, ο, η, το -ig, which means άτ^,γιύνις, an adjective of the third declension, having the same termination in the masculine and ieminine, and the termination -ig, as d^-zidig, in the neuter. When adjectives have three terminations, all the three are given ; as, κχλός, Attic genitive is marked thus : φύσις, -ιος, Attic, -ίως, to the Attic dialect, φΰσιο)ς. In verbs, the leading tenses are generally given. It would have been tedious to have Tiven them in the compound verbs ; but as the composition is always explained, the tenses ma)' be easily found under the simple verbs. Verbs in -άω, -ίω, and -όω, have the contracted termination added ; as, η^Λω, -ω, that is, ri^xo), contracted ημ,ω. The Attic termination is marked thus : τοίζάσσω, Attic, -ά,ττω, that is, τοίξά,σσω, according to the Attic dialect, ταοά,ττω. Learners must make themselves well acquainted with the declensions of Nouns, that they may know where to look for the nominative ; and with the inflections of Verbs, especially the rules concerning the Augment, that they may know where to look for the present of the indicative. Besides the usual marks for long and short syllables ' ", the reader will occasionally meet with two, lately introduced by Df. Maltby, viz, ^ and % which signify, the first that the syllable is generally long but sometimes short, the second that the syllable is generally short but sometimes long. The Septuagint is quoted by the Greek numeral o, or by the Roman numeral letters LXX. or LXXII. In examining quotations from the Septuagint, the reader must ob- serve, that the 1st and 2d Books of Samuel are marked 1st and 2d Kings, and the Books commonly so called, are marked .3d and 4th Kings. As different editions of the Septuagint have, in various instances, different divisions of chapters and verses, it may be proper to add, that the quotations made in this Grammar and Lexicon, are gene- rally from Mill's edition. 13ut in all the editions of the Septuagint, the chapters and verses often do not correspond with those either of the Hebrew, or of the English Bible. A diversity of the same kind may be also remarked in the book of Psalms. In several editions both of the Septuagint and Vulgate^ Psalms ix. and x. are thrown into one, as also cxiv. and cxv. 3 whilst cxvi. and cxlvii. are divided into two. Hence references to particular Psalms in those Versions will be found to vary, according to the copy that is quoted^t Thus what is called Psalm xi., in the Hebrew and English, is called x. in some copies of the Septuagint and Vulgate. When quotations are made from the Apocrypha, the attentive reader will easily per- ceive that they are brought forward, not as authorities in support of doctrine, but merely as illustrations of language. X GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON. "Aaroi, A corresponds in name, order, and power, to the Hebrew Akph κ; but, in tbrni, it approaches nearer to A, the Aleph of the Samaritans and Phoenicians. A (and we may perhaps say the same of all the vowels) is used in various senses, which may be distinguished by the coun- tenance, tone, and gesture of the speaker, or by the connection in which it is intro- duced by the writer. Thus, A, or a, a, may be a cry of grief; ah! alas ; or, it may be a cry of admiration, or joy; ha! ha^ha! well done ! Hence, per- haps, we may derive the different meanings of A in composition. See adverbial parti- cles, page 76. .Because from grief the transition is easy to aversion, refusal, de- nial, ec sometimes denotes negation, or privation, and is called a, privative or ne- iiutive. Again, because admiration and joy are closely allied to amplification and ticsirc, Μ sometimes heightens or increases tlie signification, and is called a intensive or aiirfvicjitative ; and sometimes it imports collecting or assembling, and is called χ rollectivc. A negative always takes the smooth aspirate, except in »ο-/ις, the place of the dead, and οίλΰσις, a chain. It is short, except in ΰβόίνόίτο;, immortal, ά,κάμ,ά,τος, unwearied, άνίφίλος, cloiidL'ss ; some, how- ever, think it necessary to make it ΰννίφε- λος, in order to lengthen the first syllable. A intensive, and a collective, are of kin- dred meaning, but the former is almost always written with the smooth aspirate, as dxxui;, yawning widehj, vast, Λξνλος, 16 full of wood ; the latter witli the rough aspirate, as οίττας, all, the whole. A, prefixed to some words, may be re- garded as a mere peculiarity of dialect, and may be retained, or dismissed, with- out any injury to the sense : as οίστόίχυς, for στάγ;υς, an ear of corn; ά.σ'ττοίίζω, for σττούζω, I palpitate ; άΤ^οίττά,ζω, for Άαττύ- ζω, I taJce off the peel or shell, uncover. Ά, the Doric article for '7, and iEolic οίύόίτη, -της, ^, (for όίτγι, which see) desire, guilt, injury, punlfhrnent. " Αά,τος, -ου, 6, ij, (from oc and όίτ/ι) harm- less ; or 'uccTog, very hurtful. '"Αάτο?, (for ΰτος, « being resolved into ««, from the next) greedy of, insatiable. Άάο;, A GREEK LEXICON. Άββα. Άΰίώΐ, (mK, whence also aveo,) or άάτω, f. άά,σω, daofioii, I mislead by blind desire, involve in guilt and misery ; aor. 1. mid. άοίαά,^Ύΐυ, I luas infatuated, behaved luitk folly and insult, was lost in mind, bewilder- ed ; aor. 1. pass, aaauw, was ruined by guilty desire. ' Κβοί^^ω^, (ρηηπ) destroyer, destruction. Rev. ix. 11. " Αβοίκΐω, f. -'ήσω, I know not ivhat to say, hang over in silent thought, study, am per- plexed, gaze at in ignorance. ' Κβα,χ,ίως, quietly, •placidly. ' Αβΰίκ,γις, 0, ίί, το -ίς, -iog, (from οίβα-ζ) silent, quiet, tranquil. Άβι^κ,χ,ίντος, -ου, 6, yj, uninitiated in the rites of Bacchus, sad, mournful. Ά/3ώλ£, (b^H) I wish, alas! ' Αβά'Κγι, (bnn) useless. " Κβ(Χ,(/Λ, άββοϋ-μ^οί, or α,βοίυοί, (rrnilr) the high place, or high altar. Ezek. xx. 29. " And I said unto them, r/ hnu ά.βοί[^οί, of what use is the high place, that ye go thither ? And they have called the name thereof άβα,μ,οί, the high place, unto this day." Notwithstanding the divine reproof, they called it by the same venerated name, and resorted to it accordingly. See Β'^,^δί. "'A/Si^l, -οίκ,ος, 6, and ά,βά,κ,ιο!), -ου, το, a side-board, cup-board, slab ; a tablet to draiu figures or to calculate upon. Άβά,'τττίστος, -ου, 6, τι, (from a and βοί-ττ- τίζω) incapable of sinking. Pyth. II. 145. άβά,πτίσχός df^i, φΐΧλος ως, I am buoyant, as a cork. ^ Αβά,τττος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from a, and βά,τττω) imcoloin-ed ; untempered. ' ΑβΜξά, -α,ς, 6, an elephant. ^ Αβόίζ'ής, -iog, contracted -ους, 6, v], το -$ς, (from OS and βαζύς) not buj'densome, not chargeable ; not weighty in mind, volatile. "" Αβα,σάν ιστός, -ου, 6, τ}, (from ot and βιχ- σχνίζω) not put to the torture, unexamined, untried. ΆβασίλΒυτος, -ου, 6, '/], (from oc and βοί- ϋΐΚίϋω) not subject to a king, not led by a chief, independent. Άβχσκαιιτος, or άβοίσκ,ά,υος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ex. and βα,σκ,οίίνω) uninvidious, not liable to envy, free from malice — α/Βά- σκ,οίντον, το, a preservative from envy, an amidet. Άβοίσκάντως, or άβοίσκ,ά,νως, (from same) without being an object of envy, safe from harm. " Αβάστοικ,τος, -ou, (from oi and βαστάζω) not easy to be carried, insupportable. "Αβόίτος, -ου, (from « and βοίίυω) untrod- den, pathless, inaccessible, impassable, de- serted, desolate, accursed. 164 ' Αβοίτόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / make desolate. Άβόίφιης, -eg, (from oc and βά,τττω) un- tinged, without colour. ' Αββ», this wOrd is from the Hebrew ηκ, but in the Chaldee or Syriac form κιχ, which signifies either the father, or my father, because the termination a. denotes either the definite article, or the afEix of the pronoun of the first person. Consi- dered as a direct address used in prayer, (which is always the case when it occurs in Scripture,) it properly signifies my Father. It is found in various languages with only such slight changes of letters and of termi- nation, as leave its identity sufficiently dis- cernible. Thus, by changing the labials β into TT, and τ into φ, (or, as we write it in English, into f,) and the dental r into ύ, or our th, we have the Greek α^τ-ττοί, 'ττά'τττδί?, the Latin pater, the English father, and the still more closely allied papa. 'Αββα, occurs in Mark xiv. 36. where it is said to have been used by Christ in his prayer in the garden, and is equi- valent to τι-ά,τίζ [Λου, or ττά,τίξ, the terms employed in the parallel passages Matth. xxvi. 42. and Luke xxii. 42. ' It occurs also in Rom. viii. 15. and Gal. iv. 6. where it is said to be used by believers in Christ, under the influence of the Spirit of Adop- tion. In all the instances of its occur- rence, the phrase is άββόί, 6 τταττίξ, the latter term not being an explanation of the former, having no appearance of a parenthesis, but rather of an additional expression of regard, and though in form a nominative, yet in reality, as is com- mon, a vocative, and the whole being in substance the same as, " Papa, my Father;" language expressive at once of confidential familiarity, and of the most impassioned feeling. " Ά/3/3ά," says Mid- dleten, " was the oriental term, by which children /rtwi/kr/z/ addressed their parents: the addition of 'my Father,' was requisite to give it solemnity and force." Now, such a mode of address to God in prayer, is that v\^hich none but his well beloved Son, or his dear adopted children, accepted in the Name, and animated by the Spirit of his Son, might venture to use. A slave, address- ing his master, might perhaps cry, " Father," but not " Abba, my Father." The style of affectionate confidence, which endears a child to his parent, would be offensive in a slave. — A similar use of the word, α-ττ-τοί, occurs in Callimachus's hymn to Diana. It is the filial term by which he makes her address her father Jupiter, when he de- "Αββαλί. A GREEK LEXICON. ' Αβξογόος, scribes her as sitting, while yet a girl, on his knee, and preferring a petition for the preservation of her virginity, and the following of her favourite occupations, Ά^χ^όμίν ώ; οτι νοίτξο; ίφίζομ,ίιΐΫί yovai'cfffft Tlotls ίτι κουζίζοιιοΌί, τά^ί ^ξοσίζΐ-η 'yovr,ot, Αό; μ.01 νοι.φίΉ%ν α'ιώνιον^ ΰ.>τ^χ, φίλοί/τίπιν• For ΩίΤΓΤΰί,'ιη this passage, some read arrcc, which see. "A3,3stA£, for «ττέ,θίίλί, or, according to others, for άί^έβαλς, he rejected, cast off; a. 2. from ά'ττο, or άυίχ,-βάΤκ'Κω. Ά/3/354^.«, the same as deccfAU. ' Αβοί'ΚνΛτος, -o'j, {a and βϋίΚυκτος) not to be abominated, unpolluted. 'Αβο-ζ^οίκος, -Y„ -ryj, belonging to Abdera, (a city of Thrace,) ' Aβ'^rιoικ,6u 'ττάύος, the disease of an Abderite, stupidity, madness. ' ΑβοψΗτ/ις, -ου, 6, a citizen of Abdera,used as a proverb for a mean, stiqnd, contempti- ble person. Αβίβοίίος, -ou, (cc and βίβαιος) unstable, inconstant, weak ; το α,βίβαιον, instability. ' Αβξβαιότ-ης, -ητος, τ], (from preced.) in- stability, inconstancy, iveahiess. ' Αβίβαίύ);, (from same) tvithout stability or firmness, inconstantly. ' Αβίβγ,'Κος, -o'j, (« and βίβ'/ίΚος) not /jt-o- fane, too sacred to be approached or com- municated. ' ΑβίΚτζξίοί, or άβίΤ^τ-ζΐζία, -Λς, v], (from next) want of wisdom, infatuation. ΆβίλτΒζος, -ou, (from cc and ββΤ^τίω^) unwise, unadvised, silly. 'Αβίαστος, -ου, (from a and βιά,ζοί) not forced, voluntary. " Αβιβ'Κος, -ου, ό, {λ and βίβλος) without books. "Αβιος, -ου, or άβίοτος, 6, τ}, (from ex, and βίος or βίοτος) without sιώsistence, poor, — simple in one's mode of living, and therefore not liable to invade the property of others, — not unjust or injurious : (from oc and βίος, a bow) not armed. ' Αβίθ)τος, -ov, (from a, and βιόύ}) lifeless, inanimate, didl, embittering life. '' Αβιωτως, (from preced.) without life or animation ; άβιωτως ίχίΐν, to lead an irk- some life. Άβλχβίως, (from next) harmlessly, inof- fensively. ' ΑβΆάβ'/ις, -ες, -ίος, 6, vj, (from cc and βΆά,τττω) harmless, inoffensive ; safe, un- hurt. Ά/3λά/3£/α, or άβΆοίβίοί, -ας, τ], (from same) hormlessness, security, safety., sound- ness. Άβλίίβύ)ς,ΆΧ\ά ΰίβλάτΓτως. See οίβΆαβίως. ' Αβ'λα.στνις, -ίος, ο, νι, and οίβΆχστος, -ου, (from ec and βΆιαστίω, or βλοιστάι/ο),) not capable of producing buds or blossoms, bar- ren, not having shoots, not brcinchy. ' Αβλ'-^Υις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from cc and βλί/ίί- y.oc) incapable through fear or heaviness of fixing one's eyes on an object, languid, feeble. ' ΑβΤ^,ζτττίω, f. -vjao)^ (from a and βλίτίω) I do not see, close my eyes against. ' ΑβΆίτίτ-ψ^α,, -ατός, το, (from preced.) an oversight, error. Ά/3λίίί, -55 TO?, 0, 'ή, (from oc and /3άλλύ;) unshof, neiv, pointed. "Αβτ^τιτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) ηοί hit by a missile, iinhurt. ' ΑβλΥΓ/^^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from a, and β'Κτιχω) without bleating. ' Αβλ-ζιγ^ζν^ς,-ίος, 6, τ], and άβλνιχξός, -dt, -ου, (cc and βΤ^Υι-χ,οος,) bleating as a sheep, sheep- ish, feeble, timid, helpless. ' Αβο-γ\Ηοία, 'ας, τ], (from a and βογιύίύή want of help, helplessness. ' Αβο'/ιύγ.τος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) desti- tute of help, help)less. ' Αβόγιύος, -ου, ο, vi, (from same) beyond help, irremediable. ΆβοατΙ, (from next) without noise, luith- out a conflict or struggle. "" Αβό•ί\τος, Dor. άβοατος, -ου, ό, ^, (from a and βοάω) without shouting, silent, — un- called, uninvited. " Αβο'κίω, f. -'ήσύ}, a. 1. 'φοΚΥισα, Ion. άβό- 'ΚΥισα, (α and βο7Λω) I meet, encounter. 'Α/3οί^λ£/, (the same as the next.) ' ΑβουΤ^ίύτως, (from a and βουΐ^ίϋω) un- advisedly, rashly. ' ΑβουΤ^ία, -cic, 4 (from same) rashness, folly. ' ΑβουΤ^ίω, f. -vjaa, (from a and βουΤ^τ]) I am unwilling, inconsidei^ate. "Αβουλος, -ου, ο, '/], and άβουλνις, -ίος, (from same) unwise, unadvised, rash, imp?'u- dent. Άβούλως, (from preced.) unadvisedly, rashly, imprudently. ' Αβούτγ,ς, -ου. Ion. -io), (from a and βους) destitide of cattle, j)oor. "Αβίία, or " Αβοα, -ας, ^, a maid of honour, a lady's maid, a waiting maid, a female at- ^ tendant. Άβξίξύ), (a and βξίζω) I do not dream, am wakeful, vigilant. ' ΑβζΤθ'Υις, -ίος, (from a and βζίύω) having no iveight, light. Άβξοβάτγις, -ου, ό, (from αβζα and βαίνοι) one who ivalks with stateliness, majestically moving. ' Αβζόβιος, -ου, ο, (from άβί^ος and βίος) living in luxury, effeminate, affluent. ' A/S^oyooj•, -ου, 6, vj, (from άβξός and γοάω) tcndcrlij wailing. 1G5 Αβξόδαις, A GREEK LEXICON. ^ Αγαχ,λζγις. ΆβξόΙοΐίς, -α,ιτος, VI, (from άβζος and 'hctig) luxuriously fed. ■ΆβξοΙίαίτης, and άβξοίΐοίΐτος, -ov, ό, vj, TO -Of, (from άβξός and ViotiTct) living in plenty and luxury. Αβξοκ,όμγις, άβξοκό/ίύας, and άβξόκομο;, -ov, 0, (from άβςος and κόμγι) having fine or delicate hair. " Αβξό^/.ιος, -ου, 6, vi, (from oc m\a β(ΐ6μ,ιος) abstaining from wine. "Αβξομος, -ov, o, '^, (from a intensive and βξί(Λω) 7ioisy, tumultuous. ' Αβξοττί^Τλος, -ov, (from ά,βξος and Tr&ht- λου) delicately or richly shod. ' ΑβξΟ'Τΐνινος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from ά,βξος and -r^i/og•) luoven ivithfine thread. ' Αβξ07Γ\ουτος, -ov, (from a/3^oVand 'πΤ^ου- τος) exquisitely rich. Άβξό-ττους, -o'hog, o, 57, (from άβξος and 'ΤΓους) having delicate feet, light-footed. ' Αβξος, -ά., -6ν, soft, delicate, effeminate; rich, abundant, fair, splendid, delightful. Άβζοσύν•/ι, -ης, 'ή, (from preced.) effemi- nacy, splendour. Άβξοτά,ξω, f. -άσω, (from nextj I wander in the night, go astray, sin. Άβξότνι, -νις, yj, (see οίβζοτος) night, from its soothing influence. ' Αβξότης, -ητος, vj, (from Λβξος) delicacy, luxu7'y. ' ΑβξοτΊμ,ος, 6, vj, (from ά,βξός and τιμτ)) very precious. Άβξότονον, -ου, TO, southernwood. " Αβξοτος, -ου, 6, ί], (from cc and βζοτος) im- mortal, divine, ambrosial, balmy, soothing. Άβξοχαίτγις, -ου, ο, (from ά,βξός and χ,χί- τϊ]) having fine hair. Άβξοχία, -ug, τ], (from a and βξίχω) drought. ' Αβξοχιτων, -ωνος, 6, ^, (from άβξος and χιτωυ) clothed with a soft coat. "Αβςοχοζ, -ου, ό, τ], (from a and βζίχω) unmoistened with I'ain, unwatered, dry. "Αβορνοί, or οίβζύνα., -ων, τα., mulberries. ' Αβξϋνω, f. -ΰνω, (from ά,β^ος) I deck, adorn; άβξύνομ,Λΐ, I am adorned ; adorn myself, vaunt, exidt, grow insolent. Άβξως, (from άβξός) delicately, luxu- riously. ^ Αβζως, -ωτοζ, and άβξωτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from 01 and βφσκ,ω) uneaten, not gnawed or corroded; not ivorm-eaten, sound; one who has not eaten, hungry. "Αβυσσος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ce intens. and βυσσος for βυύος) abyss, deep, place of the dead, hell. ' Ayayu, (by redupl. from οίγω) I bring, conduct ; ά,γά,γομοίΐ, I bjing for myself, bring home a wife, marry. Άγχζω, (from etyaiy) I carry to excess, 166 act too boldly ; inquire, pry into, with too much boldness ; ά,γάζομ,α,ι, imperf. νιγαζό- μην, f. ά,γόίσομ,οίΐ, aor. 1. ^ήγΛσόίμ.•ην, and poetic, τίγοίσσάμ,νιν, part. aya,aa(Asvog, and poetic, ά,γοίσσάμζνος, I indulge my feelings to excess, wonder at, admire ; aor. 1. pass. τίγάσύϊΐν, I was admired, or I admired in myself ; I envy, am indignant at, hinder, frustrate thi^ough envy. ' Ayoihog, Ion. ^yoi&iog, (from οίγοι,υ ^s7o;) very divine ; excellent, noble, illustrious. Άγοίύοεξγίω, f. -7]σω, (from dyocdog and SQyov) I do good. ' Ayoiuoi^yia,, (from the same) a benefi- cent act, beneficence. ' Ayciύosξy6ς, contr. dyccύoυξyός, -ov, 6, (from the same) one who does good, a bene- factor. ' Αγοίβοττοίίω, -ω, {ccye&uog and ττοιέω) I do good, do good to, benefit, do well, act rightly. 'Ayccdo'TToux, -οίς, 9], (from preced.) well- doing, doing good. ' Ayctύo'7ΓO{6ς, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) one that does good, a well-doer, a person who acts' rightly. ^ Ayoiuog, -VI, -ov, (perhaps from άγύω) one who excels another in any thing, ex- celled, adorable, admirable, virtuous, pro- fitable, kind, good. Our Lord says, Matth. xix. 17. t/ fis 7\.kyiig dyciuov ; ου^ύς dyoL- ύος, SI μ,νι έΐς, ο Θίός. " Why callest thou me good ? no one is good, but one, that is, God." The epithet, in its full mean- ing, belongs not to creatures, and thou dost not acknowledge me to be divine. — Very similar to this doctrine is that of Plato, who affirms that God is therefore God, because he is T' dyocdov, the Good. In like manner, our English word God signi- fies good. It is a name of relation between Him and his people. He is our God, when we regard him as our Good. 'Ayΰlύότγ]ς, -τητος, v], (from preceding) goodness. 'Ayccuov^yiYi, for άγοίύοεξγίαί. ^ Aycίύoυξyός, for ayuuos^yog. 'Ayccuoa, -ω, (from ayccuog) I do good to. ' Aya,uuvo), f. -ΰνω, (from same) I do good, do good to ; in pass. / am good, am benefited, am glad, rejoice. ' Ayoiucjg, (from same) well, rightly ; dyoc- θως 'ΐχ,ίΐν, to be noble or affluent. ' Aya.h)ohvr\, -ης, v], (from same) good- ness. Άycίίω, dyoiio/iccci, ciyn^i, ciya,^a.i, (from άyάω) I indulge my feelings to excess, ad- mii^e ; envy, am indignant at, ' Aycx,•Λhίy\ς, contr. aycx.^'hvig, -ίος, 6 v}, ayu.K'hiiTog, and ayc^^JKvroz, -ου, (from ' Αγατίτίζω. A GREEK LEXICON. ^ Ayamg, oiyciv and ^hiiog or κλίος,) far-famed, re- nowned, celebrated. Άγοίκτίζω, ά.γΛκ,τίζομα,ι, (from οίγιχ,ν and κτίζω) I build well, pres. part. άγοι-Λτι- ζόμίνας, by syncope ά,γα,κτίμ,ίΐ^ος, well built, populous and splendid. Άγα,'Κοίκ,τος,-ου, 6, % (from et and yciha,) having no milk : or (from «,κοδ and yakoC) fed on the same milk. '~ΑγοίΚίος, -a, -ou, and νιγαλίος, (from θίγω, I break,) broken. ^ ΚγοΟ^'ΚίΛμ,οί, -ccTog, ro, (from dycx.- 'κιά,ω) exidtation, leaping for joy, extreme AyaAXiW;?, -log, AttiC -ίως, τ}, (from same) the same. ^ Αγοι,7ύ\ΐά,ω,-ύ), Ά,ηάΆγοίλΤ^ίχο/^,οίί,-ω^^χί, (from u,yccu and α,λλο/Λοίί, or ba) / exult, leap for joy, am transported luith desire of ivhat I hope for, leap forward with joy to Dieet the object of my wishes. * ΚγόίΚ'Κω, f. -οίΚω, (from same) / adorn, honour, distinguish; ayoih'Kof^oc.i, I am adorned, adorn myself, glory in, pride my- self, exidt in, celebrate. " ΑγοίΤ^μ,οί, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a thing prided in, or considered as an orna- ment to ourselves or others ; a statue, offer- ing, monument; ornaments of the night, stars ; pomp, appendage, figure, shade. ' Αγοί/^μ,οίτο-τΓοιος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and 'ΤΓοάω) a statuary. ^ ΑγΰίΚμ,Λτοφοζίω, f. -τισω, (from same and ΦίΡύ)) I carry about an image as a memo- rial. ^ Αγα.'Κμ,οι.τόω, f. •ό}σω, (from ά,γοίΚμ,α.) I make a statue, turn into a statue. " Αγά,μ,α,ι, f. -ά,σομ,α,ι, a. 1. m. 7}γαζ,σάμ.ην, a. 1. p. viyaa6nu, (from ayoio)) I admire, prize. ' Αγο(,(ΛΪνως, (from preced.) with admira- tion or delight. " Ayoif<,og, -ου, 6, v}, {oc and ya^uog) un- married. " Aya.'j, too much, very much. AyuvctKTio), -ω, {oiyuu and οίχ,ύομ,αι, I am heavy loaded, oppressed, take ill, resent) Τ am jnoved or filled with indignation, or rcsentrnent. ' AyccuUKTmig, -log, Attic -io}g, τ], (from preced.) pain the cause of which is within one's self, indignation, resentment, dis- pleasure. ' Aya,vvi(pog, -ov, {oiyciu and νίφος)αδοηηή- ing ivith snow, snoiuy. ' Aya,vo^'hi(pa,(H)g, -ου, 6, ij, (from next and βλΐφχζοϋ) having beautifid eyelids, mild- ''(U)king. Ayecvog, --ή, -ou, and oiyoiviig, gentle, persuasive, jylacid. 'ίος, ' Αγόίϋοφζοσύνγι, -ng, ij, (from next) gentle mindedness, pMcidity of temper, meekness. ^ Αγόίνόφ^ων, -ouog, o, vj, (from dycuvogzua φξτίν) gentle minded, placid. 'Ayauuio, (Hebrew) cups. ' Aya,vu)g, {irom dyoiuog) placidly, gently. ' Αγχ-ττά,ζω, f. -άσω, 3 pers. phir. pres. ind. άγΛ'ττάζοϋτι, Doric for αγοίττάζουσι, 3 pers. plur. imperf. ά,ycc'π■ά,ζouτo, for Yjyu- ττχξοντο, (from next) I love, embrace, sa- lute. ' Ayci'Tra'Oj, -ω, f. -vjao), p. Viya.'TirriKoi, Hove, delight in, am content with, desire. ' AyoiTTvi, -57?, '^, (from preced.) love; plural, love feasts, public meals, which the early Christians joined with their observ- ance of the Lord's supper, and celebrated as a token of their love ; mentioned, but neither instituted nor commended, by Jude Ep. V. 12.; and reproved, or rather abolished, by Paul, in 1 Cor. xi. 17 — 34. 'Ayfltirjijuof, -s&Tog, το, (from same) a fa- vourite, darling. ' Αγόίττη^ωξ, -οζος, ό, (from same and νΐνόςεα) one who loves courage, brave ; also a proper name. Ayoi'Trriaig, -sωg, ^, and ayoi'irna^og, -ου, 6, (from same) love. ^ Ayoi'TvyiTrMg, -y\, Ov, (from same) prone or apt to love. ' Aya,7ryiTog, -vj, -ou, (from same) beloved, worthy of being loved, amiable ; regarded as an only child, in this sense the scholiasts explain it in II. Z', 401. and in ό it is used sometimes indiscriminately with y^ouoyiuvjg, for T'ns only. See Gen. xxii. 2. (where Aquila has f^ouoyeuvig) Jer. vi. 26. Amos viii. 10. Zech. xii. 10. and compare Psal. xxii. 21. See also Matth. iii. 17. xvii. 5. Luke ix.35. xx. 13. and compare John i. 14. ' Ayoc,7r-/iTO)g, (from preced.) contentedly, gladly ; also, as a great favour, hardly, scarcely. '^ Ayuppooc, contr. dyappoug, -ovu, (from oLyocu and μω) flowing excessively, or rapid- ly, stormy; II. M', 30. dyctppoov Έλλ'^σ- TTouTou, swift-rolling Hellespont. Cowper. ^ AyocaTouog, -ov, 6, vj, (from dyau and aTsua) groaning much, sadly grieving, loudly roaring. 'AyccaTog, and dydTog, -»?, -ou, (from dydω) worthy to be admired or envied. Άγχστωξ, -oQog, 6, (from x, which is said to be here put for όμου, and γχστ'ηζ) of the same womb, an epithet of twin brothers. ' AyoiaTojg, (from dyotarog) admirably, in a praise-worthy manner. ' Ayoivog, 'ij, ou, (from άγχω) admirable, noble, illustrious: ' Ayoivri, one of the Nereides, also the mother of Pentheus. 167 ^ hya\)^g. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά^ίλε/«. 'Ayciy^oV, -(>«, -Qou, (from α intensive and yccv^og) proud^ insolent^ arrogant. ' Αγά,φύίγκ,τος, -ον, (from oiyccu and φύίγ- yofAOii) loudly uttered^ much famed. Άγχω, -ω, f. -ν^σω, p. ^^y/i^ee,, — ά,γύ,ομ,α,ί, α,γ-ημι, οίγ(χ,(Λΰίΐ, άγούω, ayociof^oii, I won- der at, admire ; delight in ; envy ; am in- censed against. ^ Αγγά,ζίΐχ, -otg, % (from α,γγΰίξΟί) the office of a courier, requisition for public ser- vice. ' Αγγοίξίύω, f. -ενσω, a. 1. vjyya^evaoc, (from same) I press, compel another to go somewhere, to carry some letter or burden ; ά,γγοι,ζίύομ,ΰΐ,ι, I engage myself or act as a courier or 7nessenger, am under requisition so to act. 'Ayyoi.Q'yi'iou, Ion. for ciyyaQsJou, (from next) the station or stage of a courier, a relay. ' Ayya,qoi, -ων, οί, the name of Mng^s messengers among the Persians, in allusion to their right of pressing horses, to carry them on their journies ; a cornier, carrier, postman, porter, hence, " Ayyoi^og, -ου, 6, 7ί, fire doing the office of a courier, a beacon-fire ; oiyya,^oc,, -au, roi, the stages through which the coimer rode. " Ayyilov, -ου, ro, (from ciyyog) a vessel. 'AyygA/ct, -ocg, Vj, lon. ayysXtv], (from ayyiXko)) a message, commandment deliver- ed as a message, mandate ; right or duty of repeating the answer of an oracle. In Odyss. A', 414. Οΰτ ούυ ayyiT^ivig ίτι ττίί- ύομ,οίΐ, eiTTousu ελθοι, the word ayyeT^l'/jg is commonly written with a subscribed /, and thought to be the dat. pi. Ton. for dyys- Τ^ίοίΐς ; but as the verb ελ^ο/ is in the sin- gular, the proposal of Eustathius seems preferable, that the reading should be dy- yihi'/ig in the gen. sing, and be considered as governed by t/Vo understood, τηίύομ,οιι, in the middle voice, signifying, / obey, does indeed requh-e a dative ; but in the passive, signifying, / am persuaded, it would with i/Vo necessarily be followed by a genitive. ' Ayyi7^iifi(po^og, -ου, 6, (from preced. and φϊζω) a message carrier, messenger. 'AyysA/Of, dyyikiuog, -oc, -ou, ayyihiitog, -71, -ov, (from oLyysXog) of an angel or mes- senger, having the rank of an angel, an- ^ Ayyih.l0)rng, -ου, ο, and oiyyihiZirig,-i^og, 7], (from next) a messenger. 'Ayys7\.7\u), (perhaps from rrba) f. -eTiZ, p. viyyiK-Aoi, a. 1. v^yyiikcx,, a. 1. part. pass. ayyih^iig, p. m. YiyyoKcc, a,yyiKKOvn:o)u At- tic for ayyzTChkraGXv, 3 pers. plur. impe- rative, / tell, declare, deliver a message, bying information. 168 " Ayyiki^cc, -ocTog, το, (from preced.) a thing announced, message, command. "Ayyehog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) one who carries and execides the commands of one party to another ; a messenger male or fe- male, II. O', 207. ; a heavenly messenger, 2 Pet. ii. 11.^ an evil spirit, 2 Pet. ii. 4. ; good angels are called, either simply an- gels, Matth. iv. 11. or with some descrip- tive adjunct, as oiyyihoi Gsov, Matth. xxii. 30. ; in some passages v/here the phrases oiyyikog Κυζίου, and ciyyiKog του Θεού, occur, God himself, i. e. Christ the Angel of his presence is intended : see Gen. xvi. 7. comp. V. 13. xxii. 11. comp. v. 12, 14. xxxi. 11. comp. v. 13. Acts vii. 30. comp. V. 31, et seq. This word is sometimes used to denote a human spirit when separated from the body, Matth. xviii. 10. Acts xii. 15. ^ Ayy^iov, Ionic for dyyεlou. "Ayyog, -εος, το, a vessel of any kind. " Ayε, (from oiyo)) come, come now, go to. AyiiQCi), f. -e^ij, p. VίyεζΛcι., Attic, ayvi- yiqy.ot, a. 1. viyiiQ^ci, a. 1. infin. ayfi^^xi, a. 1. part. άyεί^Λς, f. 1. pass. eiyεζύv}σoιΛoίι, a. 1. pass. '^yk^UYiv, I gather, gather money, collect, beg,borrow ; gather people, smw??zo7z; oίyειζόvτύiv, Attic for άyειξετύiσcx,u, 3 pi. imperat. pr. let tjiem call together ; άyείξo- (Λοίί, by sync. ocy()0(A.oii, I am > gathered, gather myself, assemble, gather for myself; dyi^ouTo, for ^yi^ouTo, 3 pi. aor. 2. mid. they assembled; viyt^uiv, for viyk^uwot-i^, Boeotic and ^Eolic, 3 pi. aor. 1. pass, indie. they were assembled; dynyiq^xS , i. e. dyn- yi^ccro, Attic and Ionic for ^yεξlΛkuoι 'ijaocv, 3 pi. pluperf. pass, they had been gathered, or had assembled; 'dyk()6n, for viyk^un, was ■collected, 3 sing. aor. 1 pass, (perhaps from •ΐ2ίί.) ^ Ayeίτωv, -ovog, 6, vj, (α and ysiTau) hav- ing no neighbour, solitary. ' Ayεhά.ζω, f. -χσω, p. viyb^oCKoi,, (from dyilwi) I assemble ; dyελάζoμoί^, live in herds or crowds. ' Ayε'Kauog,-Λ,-ov, (from ^2Xi\€) gregarious, consisting of herds, living in herds, unsub' dued by the yoke, wild, undistinguished from the herd, common, ordinary, vulgar. ' Ayε7s.ccιωu, -avog, 6, (from same) a place for a herd, pasture ground. J Ayεl\ocστίx, -a,g, v, (from next) sidlenness. ^ Ayk'hcx.aTog, -ου, ο, ^, (from otand yi'haa) not laughing, not causing to laugh, grave, sullen, sad. ' Ayε'kiioι., -oig, v). Ion. dyi'Kείγi, (from next) huntress of the herd ; or (from dyo) and -Κεως) leader of the people ; an epithet of Minerva, II. Δ', 138, Άγελτι, A GREEK LEXICON. Άγ/άζω, Άγίλτι, -ης, hi (from όίγω) a drove, herd, flock, assembly, society ; άγίλ^^ψι, for oiyk'h^, in a flock. 'xlyeA-/)Boy, (from \iYecea.) flock hy flock, like or in a flock, herd, or troop. ' AyiKvjuzv, (from same)//Ow the flock. ' Ayi'Kyirrig, -ου, 6, (from same) the master or leader of a flock. ' KykfA.iv, pres. infin. Ion. for cLyuv, from θίγω. ' Ayif/^ouiviiu, Doric for hv^y-Ovsusiv. ' Kyif^o)!/, -όνος, 6, Doric for hviy-^'-^• " KyiM, imperf. Ion. and pres. infin. Dor. from ciya ; or Boeot. for oiymcty, from a. 2. pass. oiyYt'j, which from aiyjvy.i or oiya. ^ Kyz'ncthoynrog, -ου, ο, ^, (from λ and yivicO.oyio) luithoiit genealogy or pedigree, not having his genealogy traced, not enrolled in a genealogy. Heb. vii. 3. comp. v. 6. y^vi yί'JioίhoyoύyΛuoς. See άττάτωο. ' Ayiuiloς, -ου, 6, '/], (from oc and ys^jsiou) beardless, yoidhfid. ^ Ayίv'/]ς, -ίος, 6, ' (from a and ysζctς) unrewarded, unrecornpensed. " AyiiikL•, poetic for aydou, — y^yzok&o'jro, 3 pi. imperf pass. ' Ayir^iauoti, Attic for ccysl^iauoii, pres. infin. pass, from dyslouj. 'Ayeoun, and in plur. a^yz^usu, for hyi^^n, and Tivi^^mciu, a. 1. pass, from a,yu^a. " AyίξfΛ6ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a gatherings collection. 'AyiPO'jTo, a. 2. mid. or, according to others, imperf. for 7|yύζouτo ; for the poets use ά,yίζω, for ά■ydζω. 'Aysppoj, jEoHc for dysi^cj. Άyεξωχ,ίoc,-ciς, i], (from next) jjride, ar- rogance, luxury. Α'/ί^ω;ζθί•, -ου, ο, h, (from ciyccv yίζciς 'iyjiu) proud, insolent, haughty, daring ; Tioble, illustrious, glorious; wanton, ferocious. " Ay^ς, for oiyi, pres. or a. 2. imperat. poet. ; oiyig Dor. for 7^y^ς ; and «,yiax.vj Ion. for ']}yi ; from a,yω. ' Ayίσιh6ioς, -ου, ο, (from oiyo) and 7^<χ,ος) an epithet of Pluto, as bringing all men to himself 'Ay£<7ToaT0.c, -ου, 6, i], (from ccyω and aroccTOg) army leader, an epithet of Mi- nerva. 'Ay£T*jc, -ου, 6, (from «.yu) a leader, guide. "Ayertc, -ih)g, % (from same) a leader, midwife. ' Ayeoarog, •ου, 6, τ], (from et and ysύω) having not tasted, hungry ; unexperienced. ^ Aysύ^fiεrξY|roς, -ου, ο, (from a and yίω- fisr^icc) ignorant of geometry. ' Aysojpy/jroc, -ου, ο, '^, (from £« and y£ωξ- γίω) uncultivated, barren. ' Ayy\, -Υις, τ], (from dyxa) wonder, admi- ration, astonishment, envy. ' Ay/j, -Ϋ/ς, 71, (from oiyω) a fracture, breaking, fragment ; that on which many a breach is made, the shore ; destruction. 'Ayrr/k^circci, Attic and Ionic for '//ygg- yAuoi είσϊ, 3 pi. perf. pass, of dydoa. ^ Ay■f\kaτkω, f. -'ήσω, (from oiyccu and εΚοίΰνω) I drive away, expiate guilt. ' Ayγ,7^.όίτoς, -ου, 6, τι, (from preced.) vio- lently driven, fujious, profane. "Ayrif^a,, -α,τος, το. Dor. for '^y/iy.cc, (from oίyω) any body in motion, the motion of that body, an army on march. ' Ayrίyίuoς, Dor. for ^ν/ι^^'-^ος, Ρ• part, of hyioyoii ; Kocroi τά a.yny'iva,, according to the laws. ' Ay/ji /ωξ, -οοος, 6, (from oLyciu and a.u'^^) very manly, bold, intrepid, spirited; splendid magniflcent. ' Ayrii /οξίός, and ciyY|V0ζl6ς, -», -ov, (from same) very manly. ' AyYi'jo^iu, -Λς, V], (from same) manliness, courage, audacity, rage, magnificence. ' Ay /ιοχ,οί, perf. for νίχ,οί, Attic oiy/ixoe,, with epenthesis of o, from ciyu. " AyYiζ(χ,, -ocrog, το, (from perf. pass. of preced.) sanctification, sanctity, sanc- tuary. ' ΑγίΛσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) the same. ' Αγια,στνίζίον, -oy, το, (from same) a sanctuary. ^ Ayiuia, and άγίνω, and άγινίσκ,ω, (poet, and Ion. for oiya) I lead, bring, convey. "Ayiov, -ου, ro, a holy place, sanctuary ; in plural the holy of holies, or second taber- nacle, heaven, — from "Αγιος, -icx., -lov, holy, set apart, separated for sacred pwposes, separated from siti, consecrated to- God; Matth. xxiv. 15. iu ToVij ά,γίω, rightly rendered, " in the holy place :" the preposition accounts for the absence of the article, and the phrase is of the same import as in Acts xxi. 28. ' ΑγιότΎΐς, 'πτος, v}, (from preced.) ^o/me>5,9. Άγιόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / make holy, consecrate, ' Αγιστίία,, -ας, vi, (from same) purifica- tion, performance of religious rites, cere•• mony, worship. Αγιστίύω, (from same) I sanctify, conse- crate. " Αγίως, (from same) holily, in a holy manner. ' Ayiaaiim, -m-, v], (from same) sanctifica- tion, sanctity, holiness. Άγκάζο,οίοίί, (from oiyxxi) I hold, lift, embrace, carry in my arms. " AyKoiuiu, (from next)yfl!r on high, upon, over, in the arms. "Αγκ,Λΐ, -ων, cci, the arms. ' Αγκ,α,'Κίω, for dvcx-KuChko), I call bach, re- call, invoke. ^ AyKoiT^Yl, -γις, and α,γκ.οί7\.Ις, -ί^ος, vi, (from oLyKoit) the arm when bent. ' ΑγκαΚίζομ.οίΐ, (from same) I bear in my arms, embrace, wield, encounter. ' Αγκ,ά,Τ^ος, -ου, 6, (from same) an armfid, bundle, load. Άγκ,οΙς, (adverb, from άγκ,νί) in one's arms, II. 3', 346. and Ω', 227. " Αγκΐψ^χί, for dvUKSijuca. ^ Αγκΐξά,τίσσι, for (xya. κ,ίξά,τϊσσι, (dat. plur. of κ,ϊζοίς) above or on the horns. " Αγκ,νι, -ijg, 'ή, the arm. ' Αγκίον, -ου, το, (from όίγκ,ος) a little valley, a ravine. " Αγκιστξον, -ου, το, and οίγκ,ιστοος, -ου, 6, a hook, bait, allurement. " ΑγκλΊνω, (for avctiChivcS) I bend, incline, bend back, remove: duotKhlvoci is opposed to s^tuslucci, and signifies, to open, Od. X', 156. 170 ^ ΑγκοΙννι, -τις, i], (from ΰίγκ,αι) the bend- ed arin : Iv άγκοίννισι, for ά,γκοίυοίΐς, in the arms, Od. Λ', 267•' ' Αγκο/ϋίζω, f. -ίσω, and -ίζω, for ά,νακ,οΐΛίζο). ^ Αγκονίο), (for άνν,χ,ονίω) f. -Ύΐαο), and ά,γκονίύω, f. -ζύσω, I hasten, drive. "Αγχος, -ίος, το, a valley, dale, precipice. ^ Αγζ,ζά,τος, (for dvoi κ,ζά,τος) by force. ^ AyK^if^da, (for άνχκςζ^^,ύύ)) I suspend. Άγκ,ξΐυω, (for κυακξίνω) I interrogate, investigate. " ΑγκζΧσις, -ζως, v}, (for άνάκξίσις) a judi- cial examination, interrogation, trial. ^ AyK^oooficit, (for άνα,κ,^οΰο^οίϊ) I begin singing, chant. ' Αγκτ'^ζ, -νΐζος, ό, (from οίγχ,ω) a string, cord, clasp, noose. Άγκν'Κγΐ, -ιης, vj, a handle, hook, loop ; an arm or knee from its capacity of bending ; a javelin thrown by means of a strap bend- ed round the middle ; a sort of cup ; a handle, a , thong ; όίγκυίκοί,ι, the arvis of a sail-yard. ' Αγκ,υ?^ίζο/!/,οίΐ, f. -iao{/.cci, or άγ^.υ'κίομ.α,ι, I grasp in my arms, throw a javelin by the help of a strap girt round the middle. ' Αγκ,ύ'Κιον, -ου, το, a hook, the link of a chain ; an an die, or small shield ov buckler, round, oval, or, according to others, in the e of a half moon. ' Αγκ,νΤ^όΙους, -ούτος, 6, v), (from άγκ,υ'Κος and ο^ούς) having crooked teeth. ^ Αγκύλο ^')^τΎ\ς, -ου, Ion. -ζω, ο, and άγ>(,υ- ^.όΐΛΎΐτις, -ιος, "/j, (from same and μ7]τίς) having complicated and therefore unsearch- able thoughts and purposes. ' Αγκ,υΧόο^α,ι, p. pass. ν^γτ^υΚω^Λΐ, (from cty^yAof) / bend myself, am bended. ' Αγκ,υΤ^ότΓους, -οϊος, 6, vj, (from same and ττους) having crooked feet. 'Ay^yAoV, -'ή, -ou, crooked, bent, curved. ' Αγκ,υΤ^-ότοζ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced. and τό^ον) having or using a crooked bow. ^ Αγχ,υ'Κογβ.'ιΚΎΐς, -ου, 6, (from same and ■χ,ύ'Κος) having a crooked beak. Άγχυ'Κοχτί'Κτις, -ου, 6, (from same and χγι'^'^) having crooked claws. ' ΑγΆυ^ωσις, -εως, vj, (from same) the ac- tion of bending, curvature, the hurling of an arrow. Άγκ,ΰλωτος, -»j, -6u, (from same) hurled, winged. "Αγκϋξοί, -ας, ij, (in Lat. anchora) an anchor. Άγκ,υξνιβόλίον, and άγκυξοβότ^ιον, -ου, το, (from preced. and βάλλω) a place to cast anchor, a refuge or place of safety. ' Αγκυζίζο), f. -ίσω, a. 1. ^γκύζίσοί, (from οίγκ,υξο,) I anchor a man, trip up his heels, a pugilistic term. 12 Αγχνξίον, A GREEK LEXICON. Άγνοεω, 'AyKvoiou, -ov, TO, (from same) a little anchor. Άγ-Λυζουχίοί, -οίς, h, (from same and 'i' /,ω) the grasp or hold of an anchor. Αγκυξόο), f. -ωσω, (from same) I βχ hy means of an anchor, establish, confirm. 'Αγκνξωτος, -τι, -ov, (from soxne) fixed hy an anchor, rendered firm. ' Αγκων, -ωνος, 6, the bending of the arm, the elbow, the arm, an angle or corner of any thing. ' Α'/κωί/'ιζορ'.οίΐ, (from preced.) I fold in my arms, embrace, wind about, make an angle. ' Αγχ,ωνίσκος, -ου, 6, (from same) a little elbow, knuclde, tendon, joint. ^ AyJ'.a.kunqog, -ου, 6, τι, (from ιζγλχός and ίύίίζο) having splendid hair. ' AyT^oii'oi, -a,;, tj, (from dyT^uo;) Ion. dyXoctr,, -τ^ς, splendour, magnificence, emi- nent beauty, dignity, affectation of dignity, insolence; also the name of one of the Graces ; the mother of Nireus. ^ ΑγΤ^οίΐζω, f. -ίσω, Attic -ιω, f. 1. m. infin. dy^.ciiftauui, for άγ^.οίΐσίσθοίΐ, (from same) / render splendid or beautiful, adorn ; pass, and mid. / am adorned, adorn myself, glory, exidt. Ay'KctiGy-'CC, -ά,τος, το, and άγ'ΚΛίσμ,ος, -ου, Q, (from same) splendour, ornament, what any one is proud of ov glories in. ' ΑγΤίχόγυιος, -ου, ο, τι, (from same and yvloi/) having graceful, finely formed limbs. 'AyAstoogz/B^of, -ου, 6, Tj, (from same and oiuooou) having beautiful trees. ' Αγ7.χύύζονος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and ^oouog) seated on a splendid throne. ' Αγ7^οίόύύ)κ,ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and ^οίχ,ος) splendidly seated, beautifidly si- tuated. ' Α'γ'Κα,όκοίζ'ττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and κ,χξττός) beaming beautiful or splendid fruit ; or having a fine hand. ^ Αγ'Ααόκουιιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and κουλός) having fine young men. ' ΑγΤ^α,ό-ΛωΐΛος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and κω[Λος) making a feast splendid. ' Α'/'Κΰΐ,όμ,γΐτις, -ιοος, τ], (from same and [Λτιτίς] celebrated for counsel or wisdom. 'AyAci&^r;^>(po$•, -ου, 6, v), (from same and μ,οζφγ) having a beautifid form. ' AyXccoTrctig, -οος, ό, vj, (from same and 'τΐοίϊς) having beautifid children. ' Ay\a,o'77i'K'hog, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and 'ττί'ΤΓ'Κος) having a splendid robe. ' ΑγΤ^οίος, -ά, -ou, splendid, beautiful, dis- tinguished, noble, admii-able^ ΆγλΆύτϊ(Λος, -ου, ο, 7], (from preced. and Tt/icvi) having splendid honours. ^ Αγλ»οτξΐΛίν(χ.ς, and ά.γ'ΚΛοτζίΛίνγις, -ov, 6, (from same and τζίΛίνη) having a splendid trident. ' Αγ7\.α,όφΎίμ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ψ'/Ι,^η) having splendid fame. ' Αγλοίω-ψ, -ωτΓος, and άγ'Κα,ωττις, -ί^ος, 6, 71, (from same and ω•^) having a shining face. " ΑγΤ^ζυκ,'ής, -sog, and άγΧευκ,ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from fli and γΤ^ίυκος) not sweet, unpleasant, bitter, sad. "AyT^Yi'jog, -ου, 6, '/j, (from a, and yT^vjun) having no eye-balls, blind. " Ay'Kihg, -ωυ, u.i, the tops or cloves of garlic. " Ay^Kaaaog, -ου, 6, v}, (from u, and γ'Κωσσοί) luithoid tongue, ineloquent, rude in speech, taciturn. " Ayy^cx,, -Tog, το, (from ay ω) a fragment. ^ Ayy.og, -ov, 6, (from same) a broken of craggy place, a precipice, a shore. " Ay !/ixf.c7rTog,-ov, 6,7^, {u'om oe. and yva^T- τύ)) unbejit, infiexible, inexorable. " AyuM^og, -ου, ό, '/;, (from ct and γνά,ττω) not having the nap worn off, new. ' Ayvsix, -ccg, v], and oίy]/^υμ.a,, -ocTog, το, (from ayvog) chastity, purity, decorum. ' Ayvivu), f. -ζύσο), (from same) I am chaste or pure ; I render chaste or pure, keep my- self pure, abstain from any thing from regard to sanctity. ' AyyY,g, -iog, 6, vj, (from same) chaste. ' AyvΊζύ), f. -'ίσύ), p. '^ynKcc, a. 1. '<^yv1acc, imperat. ciyviaov, f. l.p. a,yjiau'^aoicoii, a. 1. p. imperat. ayuiaUYin, part, a-yviausig, p. pass. rjyuiayoci, part, ijyuiayu'jog, (from same) I purify, sanctify, expiate ; set apart for a particular purpose, Jer. xii. 3. ; ά,yvίζofΛccί, I purify myself, abstain from; ocyuiaTkou, it is necessary to purify. " Ayvici^a,, -όίτος, το, and ayviaf^og, -ov, 6, (from same) purfication, expiation. 'AyuoL•, •ω, and poetic dyi/oda, imperf. Tiyvosou, -ovi/, f. dyuo7;aii), p. viyuoriKiX, a. 1. '■/ΐγνόησχ, part, dyuomxg, pres. part. neut. ayyokou, contr. dyuooDv, (from a, and yuoia) I do not know. Acts xvii. 23. ; am ignorant of, sin through ignorance, err, act inadvert' ently, — " nil conscire sibi," see Gen. xx. 4, 5. ; even in the case of ignorance the error might be sinfid, because, with the means of information, ignorance was cidpable, Rom. i. 19, 20. Lev. iv. 13. and v. 18.; hence, / sin, simply, without including the idea of ignorance, answering to ditn, a^ur, and r\yii, which are rendered by this word in o', and including every sin arising from hu- man frailty and corruption, and the power of temptation, though not unknoiun, for which atonement was necessary, and for which alone atonement was appointed, 171 ^ΑγνόημΜ. A GREEK LEXICON. Άγοξαΐος, being limited only by sine h χίΐζϊ ύττεξπφχ- νίχς, Num. XV. 30. or εκουσίως, Heb. χ. 26, which,being wilful, contemptuous, and con- tumaciously persisted in, were inconsistent with a credible profession of faith, and implied the forfeiture of the despised bless- ings of salvation. See 1 Kings xxvi. 21. Ezek. xlv. 20. Alex. MS. Acts xiii. 27, 28. 1 Tim. i. 13. Heb. v. 2. See also ακουσίως, and comp. εκουσίως. ^ ΑγνοΎΐ^Λοί; -α,τος, ro, (from preced.) Ig- norance, oversight, Gen. xliii. 12. ; sin of ignorance, error ; any sin for which atone- ment might be made, Heb. ix. 7- comp. Judith v."20. Sirach xxiii. 2. "AyuQiac, -Λς, v], (from same) ignorance, oversight ; sin of ignorance. Gen. xxvi. 10. Lev. V. 18. ; error, delinquency, sin, 2 Chron. xxviii. 13. Acts iii. 17 — 19. and xvii. 30. Eph. iv. 18. 1 Pet. i. 14. and see under ayuom. ' Αγϋομ,οα/τις, -ζως, ό, (from άγι/ος and μάνης) a holy frophet. 'Ayz/oTToAo?, -ου, β, ^, (from same and τιτοΤ^ίω) pure, holy. ' Αγνορρντος, -ου, (from next and ρίω) flowing luith a pure stream. ' Α<γυος, -ij, -6v, chaste, pure, holy, sacred, -unpolluted, blameless, 1 Pet. iii. 2. "Αγνός, -ov, 71, a willoiu, a species of plant called agnus castus, from άγονος, as unfa- vourable to fecundity. ' ΑγυοτεΚνις, 6, τ], ro -ες, (from αγνός and τύλος) pure. ' Αγνοτιης, -γιτος, i], (from αγνός) chastity, purity, sanctity. ' Αγνόω, f. -ωσω, a. 1. τίγνωσοί, (from c& and γνοεω) I do not laiow again. "Αγνΰύες, stones which weavers hang to the threads of the warp to keep them even. "Αγνύ/χί, or άγνϋω, f. α,'ί,ω, a. 1. v^^^ct, and ioL^a,, ά,γνΰ^Λΐ, a. l.pass. ίόι,γ^&-/\ν, a. 2. pass. ν^γην, and Iciy-fiv, p. mid. ν^γα,, and ε6ίγ(χ,, part. ΪΛγοις, (from οίγω) I break. ^ Αγνωμ,ονεω, f. -νισω, or άγνωμ,ονεϋω, f. -εϋσω, (from άγνόίμ^ων) I act foolishly, decide erroneously or unjustly. ^ Αγνω[Λ6νως, (from same) without sense, ignorantly, unreasonably, ungratefully. ' Αγυωμ,οσΰνγι, -ης, v}, (from next) impru- dence, folly, pcrvcrseness : άγνωμ,οσύνχι, erroneous suspicions, groundless fears, ^ Ανοίβ.Β', V. 2. ' Αγνωμ,ύίν, -όνος, 6, i], (from a and γνώμη) senseless, ignorant ; unfeeling, inhuman ; ungratefid ; absurd, perverse, unjust. ' Αγνως, -ωτος, ο, vj, (from cc and γινωσκω) xmhioiuing ; unknown. ' Αγνως, (from ά>γυός) chastely, m ' Αγνωσοίσκε, Ιοπ. for ν^γνωσε, a. 1. of ά,γνόω. ' Αγνωσίοι, -χς, 'ή, (from oe, and γινωσκω) ignorance, obscurity. " Αγνωσσω, lon.imperf. άγνωσσεσκον, (from same) / ^o not know, fail to recognize. "Αγνωστος, -ου, 6, 4 (from ot and γνωστός) unknown. Acts xvii. 23. ά,γνωστω Θεω, " The words of the author of Philopatris," says Bishop Middleton on the Article, " usually printed with the works of Lu- cian, vT] τόν "Αγνωστον τόν εν ' Αύνινοίΐς, (by the unknown God at Athens) are de- cisive, that αγνώστω Θέω, in the singular, was a well known inscription." He thinks, however, that because the adjective pre- cedes the substantive, the article must have been prefixed, as in Acts xxiv. 14. Rom. i. 23. Tit. i. 2. had the one true God been intended by those who erected the altar. He therefore holds the proper translation to be, " to an unknown God." See also Lardner's Works, viii. Ill — 119. " Αγον}τευτος, -ου, ο, ^, (from a, and γόης) that cannot be bewitched or deceived. ' Αγοίοίτο, 3 pi. optat. pres. pass. Ion. for οίγοίντο, of the verb οίγω. " Αγό[Λφωτος, -ου, 6, Tj, (from oc and yo,a- ψος) unfastened, not nailed. "^Αγου, imperf. Ion. or Dor. for νίγον, but οίγον, aor. 2. from οίγω. " Αγονίοί, -ΰίς, 7], (from next) incapacity to produce, barrenness. ^Αγονος, -ου, 6, v}, (from a. and γείνομ,οα) unborn, incapable of producing, destitute of children. "Αγοντί, Dor. for οίγουσι, 3 pi. indie, pres. of οίγω. " Αγοος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from λ and γόος) with- out lamentation, unlamented. '^Αγοζοί, -α,ς, "/], (from άγείζω) a place of public concourse, street, forum, market- place, where men are gathered together for traffic, for public assemblies of the people, or, according to the Roman cus- tom, to attend courts of judicature there holden. Acts xvi. 19.; άγοζοί 'ττλτιύουσχ, full market, the time between morning and noon, in which the people met in the fo- rum, ' Ανοίβ. A', viii. i. ^^ Αγοξά,ζω, f. -οίσω, p. νιγόζΛκοί, a. 1. pass. '/ΐγοξάσύην, p. pass. τιγόξοίσ,ΐΌχ.ί, (from pre- ced.) / t7'qffic in the market, buy ; άγοξχζο- μ,οίί, buy for myself, procure. '^Αγόξχίος, -oc, -ov, (from same) of or be- longing to the market place ov forum ; mean, vile, vidgar, mercenary ; ά,γοξοαοι, oi, loose fellows spending their time idly in the mar- ket-phce. Acts xvii. 5. 'Αγοζοαος, -oy, o, sif,(from samQ)belongi'ng ΆγοξΟίνομεω. A GREEK LEXICON. to the forum, judicial, forensic ; άγοξα,ίοι (viz. 7if/Aoix.i) oiyouToct, the forensic or court [days) are holden, Acts xix. 38. \\'•/οξιχ.νοι/Λω, (from same and νίμ,ω) I act as an ojjicer who regidates the market, am an JEdde. Άγορχνομ,ος, -ου, ο, (from same) an officer or magistrate who regulated the mar- ket, an JEdile. ' Αγοζάσ^ίΐν, Dor. for άγοξύζίΐν, to huy. ' Α'/όζοίσις, -eo)c, and dyooccaiac, -etc, ^, (from α.γοοά,ζα) buying. ' Ayooua/iccc, -όίτος, ro, and α,γοξασμος, -ου, ο, (from same) merchandise. ^ Α'/οζοίσ'Τ'ής, -ου, 6, (from same) a buyer, purveyor. ' Αγοοά,ω, and άγοξίω, f. -'ήσω, and ayo- ο-.ύω, f. -ίΰσω, (from ayo^oi) I make an ora- ilun, harangue as was common in the mar- ket place ; dyoq^ctoy.cci, I express myself, liarangue, infin. άγοοά,α,σθχι, poet, for dyo- οάίσύΛΐ, or άγοζοίσβοίΐ, a. 1. m. άγοξΥισά.- f/.rrj, 3 pi. imperf. 'ήyoζ6ωuτo, Ion. for ψ/ο- oo'^ro. ^ Ayof/ihu, (from same) from the market ov forum. ' Ayo()'/}uOz, (from same) to an assembly or the forum. 'Ayo^-/jT'/5$•, -ου, 6, (from same) an orator. ' Ayo^^Tug, -ύος, ij, (from same) the art of speaking, omtory, eloquence. ' AyoQr,(pi, (from same) in the assembly. " AyoQog, -ου, 6, (from same) concourse, assembly ; speaker in an assembly. ' Ayo;, -ου, ο, (from oiyuj) a leader. "Ayog, or ayog, -ίος, το, (from 2Π, or α-ζα, or ccycty.cti) sanctity, reverence, expiation ; thai which requires expiation, jJollution, im- 2>u)'ity, abomination. ^ AyoGTog, -ου, ο, (from ciyo)) the interior jiart of the hands ; the exterior part of the hands ; the hand clenched, the grasp> ; the arm, the bosom. " Ayo», -α.ς, τι, (from a,y()og) Ion. οίγζπ, a hunting, a chase; a thing hunted, game, p)rcy ; a thing caught, spoken of fishes, a draught, Luke v. 4, .0. ' Ayouy.y.oiTo:, -ου, 6, r„ (from λ an (J yoccy.y.ti) illiterate. 'Ayq^ccTTTog, and ciyQ^cc(poc, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and yoct.(^o)) unwritten. Αγζχυλίω, -ω, f. -ήσο), p. -Υίκχ, (from dyoog and οίϋ'κίζομ.οίΐ) I abide in the field, l)roperly, by night. " Ay(>ccυ'Kog, -ου, 6, '/}, (from same) abiding, remaining all night in the fields. 'Ay^(5t^/oy,-oy, ro,(from a and y^iir-/\g, -ου, 6, (from same and βόω) one who lives a wild savase Ife• ' Ayqoyiiroyj, -ovog, 6, i], (from same and ydruu) a neighbour in the country. ' Ay^oi-Mcc, -ccg, '/], (from next) rusticity, vidgarity, rudeness. "Ay()Oiy,og, -ου, 6, v), (from clyξόg) living in the country, rustic, luild, rude, awkward, cloivnish, surly, fierce. ' AyfioiKOTO'jog, -ου, 6, v], (from preced. and Tshu)) having a rustic tone. 'AyQOiUTYig, -ου, 6, (from oiy^oiKOg) living in the country, rustic, clownish, inex])e- rienced, 7-ude. 'AyQOfi,svog, for dyn^oyvjog, from oiyii^Q. ' Aytiouoyog, -ου, 6, (from next and νίμ,ύ)) inlicriting land and living in the country, a magistrate who seitk'd disputes about boun- daries. 'AyQog, -ου, 6, a field; oiyQoi, oi, the country, in distinction irom cities or vil- lages. 'Ay^oroj^, -ijeo?, and ayQOTrig,-ou, o, (from prcccd.) a rustic, clownish yuan ; wild, fierce. 173 * Αγξνπύω, A GREEK LEXICON. Ay;^/r£^/Aiwi'. ^ Ky^'TTvicdy -ω, f. ->)^σω, p. -κβί, (from « and vTTuog) I watch, wake, am awake. " Αγξΰ'ττνία, -α,ς, vi, (from same) ivatching. " Ay(W'7ruogy-ov, o, ^, (from same) wakeful, watchful. ^ Αγξως, -ωτος, ο, v}, (from ά,γξος) ivild, savage. " Αγξύ)σσω, (from same) I hunt after, seek a prey. ' Α-γξωστΎΐς, -ου, ό, (from same) a peasant, hunter, freebooter. 'Ayqoiarig, ~iog, vj, (from same) herhage, grass. ^ Αγξύ)Τϊ]ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a country- man, a rustic. ^ Αγυιά,, -ccg, vj, (from οίγω and γυΐα.) a way, a street. Άγυίόίης, -ιίος, τ], (from preced.) living or placed in the same street. ' Αγυΐίύς, -sag, 6, (from same) an epithet of Apollo as guardian of a street. ^ Αγυιο'π'Κοίστίύ), (from same and 'π'κά,σττις) I form a nest in the street. ^ Αγυμ,νά,σιοι, -oig, v], (from u and yv^uoc- σίοί) the want of discipline or cidtivation, in- experience, neglect. " Ayo^vccaTog, Όυ, ό, vj, (from ά and γυμ,- νάζύ)) unexercised, untrained. ^ Αγυμ,νά.στως, (from preced.) without ex- ercise or discipline. ' Αγύυοί,ικ,ος, ayuvng, and οίγυι/ος, -ου, ό, (from cc and γυνή) single, unmarried. " Ayv^tg, -mg, v}, (from dysl^a) a collec- tion, assemblage, heap, congregation, coun- cil. Αγυφω, άγυξίζο), and άγυ^τόίζω, f. -κσω, (from preced.) I gather together, assemble, collect money by begging or exhibiting won- derful feats. " Ayo^TYig, -ov, 6, (from same) one who gathers people round Mm, a conjurer, raoun- tehank, quack. ^ ΑγυζτΐΆος, ^yi,-ou, (from preced.) belong- ing to a juggler. ' Αγυξτζία, -ag, i], (from same) a female juggler. " Ayx&iha,a, (for άναχοίΤ^άο)) I relax. " Ay■)cccυξog, -ου, 6, (i'rom οίγχι and αΰζο,) the dawn. ^ Ayxki^uyfig, and άγγβ.μαχΥιΤ'Υΐς, -ου, ό, (from next and μάχομίχ.ί) one luho fights in close combat. " Ayxi, near ; " Ay^io'^oi, nearest, next. ^ Ay^ioihog, -ου, 6, η, (from preced. and «λ$•) near the sea, maritime. Ayx^a&vig, -iog, 6, vi, (from same and βά,ύος) deep near the shore. ^ Αγχίγίίτων, -ouog, 6, 7], (from same and γίίτων) a near neighbour. ' Ayx'tyvog, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and 174 yi-fi) one who possesses land near, neighbour'• itig. 'Ayxiuxv^g, -iog, o, i}, (from same and ^ι/7]σκ.ω) nearly dead. ' Ayx'ikog, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ^soV) near to the gods, godlike. ' Αγχίύύξος, -ου, ο, tj, (from same and ^ύξα) near to the doors, adjacent. ' Ayxi^.oix/\TVig, -ου, 6, (from same and μΆχ,ο(/.αι) one who fights in close combat. ^ Ayxi^o'kog, -ου^, ο, ^, (from same and μοκίω) comin" near. Ayy^i'ji^vig, -sog, o, ιη, (irom same and l/ίφog) near the clouds, high. ^ Ayx'iuota., -ocg, v], (from same and uodg) ingeiiuity, sagacity. ' Ay^ivoog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) ingenuity, sagacity, dexterity. ' Ay)c('7rΆGυg, -ου, ό, ί], (from oiyxi and 7r7\oog) soon sailed over, yiarrow. ' Ayχί'7roυg, -olog, 6, vj, (from same and TToi/g) walking near, near. ' Ayx'iTc-ro'hig, -sag, 6, vj, (from same and TTOTKig) near the city, near the city as a guardian. ' Ayxippoog, -ου, 6, {], (from same and ρίω) flowing near. ' Ay^ia'Kogog, ου, ό, τ], (from same and στΓβίξω) near-sown, nearly related. ^ " AyxiarSij, (superlative of oiyxi) nearest, next, very near, ' Αγχ,ιστίία,, -ag, τ;, and dyx/arslou, -ου, TO, (from a,yxi) propinquity, the rights of propinquity. 'Ayxtarfvg, -iog, 6, (from same) a near relation, the nearest relative, entitled to succeed to, or to redeem the inheritance, to take the wife of the deceased, to avenge his blood if slain, and to succeed to his office if an official person. ^ Αγχίστίύω, f. -ζύσω, p. ->c(&, a. 1. pass. 'ηγχίστίύύϊ}!/, (from same) / am nearly re- lated, as a relation succeed to an inheritance^ Num. xxxvi. 8.; act the part of a kiiisman, Euth iii. 13.; by right of propinquity am the avenger of blood. Num. xxxv. 12.; dyxiaTsooiiXi, I claim propinquity, I am set aside on an investigation of my claim of propinquity, Ezra ii. 62. Neh. vii. 64. ' Ayxiar'iuog, or ayxtazTivcg, (from oiyxi and "ιστγιΐΛΐ) standing near, crowded, in heaps. ' AyxiorvKl, -viq^og, o, (from next) one who is nearest, tlie next. "Ayxiarog, -n, -ov, (superlative of obsol. ciyy^og) Clearest, very near ; dyxiarx, very near, very like. Άyχίστξoφog, -ου, ο, vj, (from οογχι and στξίφω) near turning, ready to turn. ' Αγχϊτίξμω!/, -ouog, 6, ΐη, (from same h.yyjT(i%(i(;, A GREEK LEXICON. Άδδί^χοΓέί. and Ts^f^oc) near the limits, bordenng upon. Κγχιτόκ,ος, -ου, ^, (from same and η'κ,τω) near 2^arturition. ' Αγχόύεν, (from οίγχή from a little dis- tance, near. Άγχ,όύί, the same as όίγχι, which see. 'Ay^couua, f. •9]σω, (from όίγχω) I hang, strangle. ' Ayxouvi, -νις, ^, (fi'om same) strangida- tion. ' Αγχου, poetic, the same as α,γχι. "Αγ-χ,^, f. α,γζ,ω, p. '^^γχ,οί, I bind hard, compress; strangle, restrain, or manage with a halter, reins, or bridle, Psal. xxxii. 9. ; silence. ' ΑγχωαόίΤ^ος, -ου, ό, vj, (from οίγχι and ofActKog) nearly like, equal. "Αγω, f. οίζ,ο), p. 'ήχοί, Attic oLyrixcc, and by epenth. ayvioxct, aor. 2. viyov, Attic ^yoiyo'j, subjunct. άγά,γω, f. 1. pass, άχύτί- cof^oci, a. 1. pass, νιχθγιν, p. pass. Tiyy.oii, plup. Tiyccnv, I break, bruise, cut asunder ; I bring, carry, remove ; I drag, hurry away by force and violence ; I lead, rule, govern ; I carry, convey myself ; I go, go away ; I spend, hold, celebrate a particular time or solemnity, Esther ix. 17, 18. Mat. xiv. 6. Luke xxiv. 21. Acts xix. 38. ' Αγωγίύς, -ίως, 6, (from preced.) a leader, conductor. ' Ay ay 71, -τις, '/], (from same) education, course or manner of life, conduct. ' Ayoiy^y.og, --fi, -ou, (from same) easy to be led, ca7Tied, or conveyed ; liable to be ar- rested, carried before a magistrate or to prison. ' Ayayioy, -ου, το, and dyoiyict, -α,ς, τ], (from same) a load; allurement, attrac- tion. ' Ayayog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) one that leadeth or conducteth ; conducive. ' Ayuu, -o}uog, 6, (from same) strife, strug- gle, contest for victory, as in the Grecian games of running, boxing, wrestling, &c. a race, a place to run in, the extensive area or field in which the games were exhibited ; a place of combat ; an assembly of specta- tors. ' AyoyjocQxvig, -ου, ο, (from preced. and όίοχωϋ) a president of games, an umpire. ^ Ayoivia., -α,ς, τ], Ion. dyauiri, -τις, (from aycou) violent struggle, agony ; fear such as is natural at the beginning of a contest, or great undertaking; anxiety. AyautDLO), f. άαο), (from same) / am in agony, am distressed, greatly dread. AyuuloocTxi, Ion. for viyauta^iuot ίΐσΐ, 3 pi. of perf pass, of next. Αγωνίζο^Λχι, f. -ίσοίΛοιι, p. ν^γωνισι,'.οί,ι. (from same) / strive, struggle, fight, endea- vour earnestly, agonize; act, perform as actors. ' Αγωνισμ>Λ, -οίχος, n:o, (from perf. of pre- ced.) a combat, conflict, encounter ; compe- tition; dispute; exploit. ' Ayautarkou, το, (from same) necessary to combat, strive, or contend. ' AyauiaTviiiiov, -ου, το, (from same) a place of combat. 'Αγωνιστής, -ου, 6, (from same) a. comba- tant, ivarrior, champion, pleader, actor. ' Αγω'ΜστΗος, -^, -6'j, (from preced.) fit or disposed to combat, athletic, suited to de- bate. ' Ayoyjouia'ici., -ας, τ], (from ά,γων and τί- u/iut) the office of presiding in the piuhlic games, presidency, stewardship. ' Αγω^οθίτίω, f. -'ήσω, (from next) I pre- side in the games, appoint them, adjudge the prize, instigate to combat, excite sedition. ' Αγωυούίτ'/ις, -ου, 6, (from dy^u and ^ίτης) one luho appoints the combats, president, steward, or umpire of the games. ' Αγωζ, (τΐ3ΐ7) a crane, a bird of passage. Κ^οιγ^,ος, -ου, ό, for ό^χγ/ΐίος, a bite 0Γ sting. ' Α^α,-ή(λονΙο(,, -ας, and a^^'/if^oauuri, -Υις, yj, (from ά^ανίς) want of knowledge, ignorance, unskilfulness. ' Α^οί'ήμ,ων, -όνος, ό, τ], (from next) unskilled in, ignoj'ant of, unacquainted with. ' Α^οίγις, 6, 71, TO 'ίς, -εος, (from a and Sacτόuog, -ου, ό, jj, (from next and κ,τεΐυίΰ) a murderer of one* s brother. Ά^Τ^φός, -ου, ό, (fit collect, and ΙεΚφύς, a womb) a brother, near kinsman, cousin, of same nation, of same faith ; cilsλφsiόg, or άls'hφsόg, -)j, -6u, of the same luomb, a brother or sister. Άhλφότvlg, -TYirog, τ], (from preced.) h^otherhood, a society of brethren in Chiist. ΆΙύμόίτος, -ου, ό, ^, (from a. and '^ίμoίg) disembodied, dead ; or for cihI/icciTog, the same as d'hsifcaurog. ' Ale/iisu, Ion. infin. for «δε;ν, from χΐω. "Aheu'^ξog, -ov, 6, v}, (from a, and ^h^^ou) without trees. ' A^i^iog, -ου, 6, 7}, (from a, and ^s^id) not dextrous, awkward. "" A^i^x,vig, -iog, and α,^εξχ,τος, -ου, ό,' vj, (from cc and ^έξκ,ω) not seeing, blind ; not to be seen, i7ivisible. 'Alia/^iog, -ου, ό, τ), (from a and ^ia^iog) unbound. " A^iaTirorog, -ου, ό, ν;, (from oc and δέσ•τό- ryig) without a rider or director, independ- ent, without a voucher, unaidhorised. " A^srog, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and Ιβω) un- bound. ' A^eυΆYίg, -iog, o, ^, (from oc and ^svicog) bitter, unjdeasant. 'A'h£\j/r,Tog, -ου, ό, τ], (from a and Ιε-ψΐω) undressed, imwr ought, raw. ' Αΐίω, f. -vjao), p. τίΐη^οι, nom. pi. part. ώδδ>]κοτ£$•, poet, for 7{o-/imTig, (from α,^ω) I please, determine, decree» 176 'A§£6J, f. -νισω, p. ν^Ύϊχ,Λ, a. 1. JEol. «Boj- oncx,, or a^YianA, p. part, v^yi^ong. Ion. for '^Tix^orig, (from «ίδώ>, or dy^kcd) I satiate, fatigue. 'A^jjio?, or a^Yiog, -ου, 6, vj, (from et and ^γΐίού)) unattached, unplundered ; inviolable, impregnable. " A^r\y(,rog, -ov, 6, v], (from a. and ^d/cua) unbitten, unmolested. Άδΐ5λ)7τοί•, -ου, 6, 7], (from oc, and '^γιλίω) unhurt, safe, sound. ' Alyikid, -Oig, 7], (from dlyjTiog) uncertain- ty, ignorance, obscurity. ' Α^γίλοτΓΟίίω, (from dlviKog and ττοιίω) I render obsciire, abolish, take away. ' ΑΐνΐΚο-ποιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same) having the poiuer of destroying. " A^vihog, -ov, 6, 7], το -ov, {ct and δ'^λο?) not manifest, obscure, concealed, uncertain, inglorious. ' Αΐ-/ιλ6τγις, -TYiTog, 7}, (from preced.) un- certainty, obscurity. ^ A^vfKωg, (from same) obscurely, uncer- tainly. " Α^ηΐ^ονίω, -ω, f. -w^, p. τι^η^αόνγικ,χ, a. 1. τι^-ημ.όνΎΐσοί', (from d^ccTjf^au) I faint, am spent, depressed, and almost overwhelmed with perplexity, sorrow, or labour of mind. ' A^YifA,ovioi, -ocg, 71, (from preced.) per- plexity, dejjression, distress of mind. "Alwi or dl'h^n'^, (from d^m) enough, abundantly, to satiety. " A^Yi^ig, -iTog, and dh/iQlrog, -ov, 6, τι, (from oc and Ivj^ig) peaceable. "'A^Yig, -ου, 6, (i. e. dtlrig, unseen, invisible, from oc and ει^ω) the invisible receptacle or mansion of the dead ; the place or state of departed souls, the world of spirits : ding is often personified as a king of terrors, or destroying monster, having his βχσίλείο!/, Wisd. i. 14. which is, perhaps, to be under- stood in sig χΙου, 'ioig χΙου, viz. eig βοίσί- \ειον or "hZi^^a. χΙου, Gen. xxxvii. 35. Num. xvi. 30. Isa. xiv. 11. Mat. xi. 23.— his TTOTs.oci, Isa. xxxviii. 10. Mat. xvi. 18. — his ■ττνλωξοι. Job. xxxviii. 17- — his χείξ, Psal. xlix. 15. — his 'ττίτοι,νξον, Prov. ix. 18. — his κ,ίντζον, Hos. xiii. 14. 1 Cor. xv. 55. — with whom some said they had made a hoce'/jK^, Isa. xxviii. 15. — and who shall be cast εις TTju 7^i^uv]y του TrvQog, Rev. xx. 14. Ά'^ΥΐφίΛγίω, or dH^φΰίγέω, f. -τισω, (from d^Yiu and φχγω) I eat to excess, am glutto- nous or voracious. Ά'Ιγιφάγίοι., -ocg, tj, (from same) gluttony, voraciousness, satiety. ' Al^fιφdγog, -ov, 6, 7}, (from same) one that eats to satiety, voracious, well-fed. Ά'h7]ύJτog, -ov, 6, 7], (from oc and Ιγιοω) not ravaged or wasted. Άδκφατοζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Άδολω;. ' Α^{»βόίτος, -ου, 6, ΐ}, (from cc and δ/α/3Λ- τός) impassable. Ά'^ίχβλ-ητόζ, -ovy ο, 7], (from otand δ/α^άλ- λί«) 7ζοί ίο be calumraated ; not to be blamed, Ά^ίοίγνωστος, -ου, ο, ί], (from λ and δ/α- yiucuayM') difficult to be distinguished, discern- ed, or knoion, Ά^ίύύίτος, -ου, ό, ί], (from a and δ/ατ/- ^>5,ί«/) indisposed, idle ; that cannot be dis- jjosed of, unsaleable. ' Α^ίχίξξτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from a and δ/α^Ιώ») indivisible, indissoluble. Ά^ϊύκξ'ίτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from oc and δ/ί^ί- »^/!/τ)7ί, -oy? 0, (from oc and Ιωτ-,-ις) one who gives nothing, illiberal. Άεύλίω, Ionic for αύλίω. "ΑίύΆευτνίξ, κεύλγιτνίζ, -ΪJξog,3X\d άεβλιητης, -ου, d, (from next) a combatant, pugilist, wrestler. Άϊύλεύω, f. -ίύσω, (from cLsUT^og) I fight, combat, struggle with. wrestL•. ' Αίύλίον, οίεύΆο!/, or αύλον, -ου, το, (from same) a prize obtained by combat. ' AiU7\.iog, OV oiu'hiog, -x, -ov, (from, same) one that has to combat, distressed, miserable, wretched. ^ AiU7\.ovTx,1cc, or άύλονίκ,ίχ, -xg, v], (from next and νίκ,η) a victory in combat. "Al'u^og, -ου, d, contr. xu^og, (from oineg. or X intensive, according as it is voluntary or not, and ίβίλω) labour, toil, danger, mise- ry ; combat, conflict for victory in the pub- lic games. Άίύλοσννγι, -Yig, 7], (from preced.) combat, confiict. Άίύλοφόξος, -ου, d,(from χίόλον and φέξο)) he who carries away the prize, a conqueror in the public games. 16 ♦ 'Ail, A GREEK LEXICON. Άελτ-ΓΟί. Άίί, and othi, always, ever, continually, aye. Άίίβόλος, -ου, 6, h, (from preced. and βύ'Κ'Κω) always thrown, ever flying. 'AeiysvsTYis, -ου, 6, (from same and yiuo- (Λίχ,ι) always existing, immortal, eternal: gen. plm•. iEolic άαγίυίτά,ων, for eceiy&ui' τω». ' Kiiyivviq, Λος, 6, tj, (from same) who always was and is, eternal. Άε/δίλο?, poetic for dithvig, -ου, 6, ii, (from 06 and iioo)) not conspicuously seen, obscure ; not fit to he seen, ugly. " Kii^h, Doric pres. infin. for diihsiu, from dsiha. Άε/δέο, Ionic for άύΐου, pres. imperat. pass, from same. ' AiihjunTog, -ου, ό, ij, (from dd and ^{Άω) ever revolving. ^ Aiihoiaot, Dor. for άζΙΙουσχ, pres. part. fem. of ώίβω. "Aii^ov, Imperf. Ionic for ^icilou, from next. 'Ag/Soj, contr, οβο), f. -σο), p. γεικ,οί, contr. ίίκοί, imperf. γ'^ο», Dor. αδον, a. 1. fiaoc. Dor. daoc, f. 1. pass. χΒίσύ'ίισομ,οίΐ, p. pass. '/iuaf/>cii, contr. γσμ,α,ί, f. 2. act. oci^a, p. mid. Tioi^cc, whence aoihog, -vj, -6u, fem. doth'/), contr. ωδ^ an ode, (from α intensive and ίί'δώ)) / 5eng•, celebrate in a song. ' Αίίζωος, -ου, ό, vj, and άαζύ)ων, -ourog, (from «£( and ζ'άω) oc.i, (from same) 1 am wet all over. ' Αίντες, blowing, nom. pliir. and gen. aiurau, from ά,ύς, -iurog, from oin(/,i. Άεξίγυίος, -ου, 6, ij, (from next and γυΐο!/) increasing, invigorating the limbs. Άίζω, and χεζ,ίω, f. -^σώ>, also otv^a, and αύζύύ), f. -τισω, p. γιϋξτικα, (see αυξάνω) I cause to grow, augment, increase, improve, prosper, aggrandize ; αίξομ,οίΐ, I grow, ad- vance, swell, prosper ; imperf. pass. Ion. ui^sTo ; gen. Ion. part. pass, ά,ξξομ,ίνοιο. " Αετΐτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from cc and -τττνιμή unable to fly ; but α.ί'ττ'ΐος, (from λ and ίπω) unspeakable. Aipy^g, -iog, and ά,ζ^γος, ΟΓ άγζος, -ου, 6, vj, also ά,ίξγος, -'ή, -6u, (from ex, and ίξγον) not working, inactive, slothful, idle. ' ΑζζγγϊΚος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) the same as the preceding. "Αξξγίοί, or oii^ysioi,,-ug, Ion. άίξγίτη, -ης, ij, also άγξίοί, -uig,v},l{irom same) sloth, idleness, inactivity, unprofitableness, un^kilfulness. ^ Ai^nu, (from α,ίί^ω) aloft, violently. ^ Α&ζίθω, (from ά,ίίξύ)) I lift up ; ά,ζφ&ο- μαι, also vjsQsuo/^oii, imperf. νΐίοβύόμτηι/, I 7'ise in the air, am suspended ; I fluctuate, am unstable. "Αίξύίν, Boeot. for νιέζύησοίΐ', 3 pi. a. 1. pass, of ά,ζίζω. 'Άίξίος, -ου, ό, VI, (from άνΐξ) aerial, high, airy ; dark, pitchy. Άίζοβοίτίω, f. -τίσω, (from same and βά,ω) I walk in the air, traverse the sky. " Αζζοβά,τγις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an epithet of the wind, one luho walketh through the air, who traverses or siveeps the sky. "Ae^ohiw/jg, -kog, 6, ij, (from ajjg and hvL•) wheeling in the air. '~Αξξο^6ρϊ)τος, -ou, (from same and οονίω) wheeled about, tossed in the air. 'Άεξόας, -εσσα, -εν, (from ά'^^) dark, ob- scure, deep. 180 '~ Αίζομετφω, f. -τ^αω, (from same and μ,ετφω) I measui'e the air, build castles in the air, indulge in trifling, groundless, fan- dfid specidations. "Αεξον, a. 2. act. poet, from οαΐ^ω: — 2 sing. sub. Oiiq'^g. Αεξονγιχ,νίς, -iog, 6, ij, (from χ^ξ and fjj^ χω) swimming in the air. Άεξοφοίτος, -ου, 6, (from same and φοι- τύω) frequenting, inhabiting, traversing the air. "Αζξσα, (Dor. for εε^σ>?) dew. Αεξσί'πετγις, or χεξαιττόττης, -ου, ο, (from ά,νΐξ and 'ττίτομοίή flying in the air, flying high. 'Άεξσί'ττότΐήτος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and 'π-οτάω) balancing itself in the air, floating in the air. 'ΆεξαΊττους, -o^og, ό, 7j, (from same and •roig•) aijy or light-footed, swift. Άεσίψξονίχ, -ccg, or κεσίφζοσννιη, -της, Vj, (from next) levity, folly. ^ Αεσίφξω!/, -όνος, ο,νι, (from ά,εω and φζ'/ιν) having a mind light as breath, giddy, fickle. ^~ Αετός, or α,ιετος, -ου, 6, (wy) an eagle. ' ΑετωΙνις, -εος, 6, % (from preced.) eagle- like. Άίω, or οίω, f. χέσω, a. 1. οίεσχ, I breathe, repose, rest. "Αζοί, or οίζγι, -ης, h, dryness, the white mould on dried things, filth, soot, any ex- crescence arising from coiTuption or or- dure. ' Αζα,Τ^εης, -εος, and ά-ζοιλεος, -χ, -ou, (from ά,ζω) dry, parched, withered. "'Αζη'λος, -ου, 6, τι, (from cc and ζνιΚος) not feeling envy or jealousy ; not an object of envy ox jealousy. "" Αζν^ΐΛίος, -ου, 6, tj, (from a. and ζημΊοί) unfined, unpunished, uninjured: άζη/^ίως, with impunity. Άζ*'/)!/, -ενός, ο, the beard. Άζνιτητος, -ου, ό, τι, (from cc and ζητεω) not inquired into, unexamined. ' Αζηχν^ς, -εος, ο, vi, (from λ and ν^χος) making a great and incessant noise, inces- sant, unremitting. "Αζος, -ου, ο, (from οίζω) a servatd, an attendant. Άζυμίτης, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and ζύμη) unleavened. " Αζϋμος, -ου, ό, (from same) unleavened : οίζυμχ, τά., unleavened cakes or bread, the feast of unleavened bread. "Αζυξ, -ϋγος, 6, ij, αζνγ'ης, -εος, and οίζν- γος, -ου, (from oc and ζεύγος) unyoked, un- married. "Αζω, and άζούνο), f. άζά,νω, a. 1. οίζηνχ. Ion. αζηνάσκω, (from όίζα,) I dry, parch. "Αζω, and χζομχί, (from χάζω) I re- "Ά^ωΐΌί. vere, dready venerate: άςητός, to be re- vered. "Αζωνος, and οίζωστος^ (from- at and ζωσ- τος) ungirdedy unarmed, unprepared. "Avj, 3 sing, imperf. sub. act. from α,τημ,ι. 'A>5§£iy, f. -'ήσω, p. τινΐ^τηκοί, part. nom. pi. 9ΐ/)1ηκ,ότβς, poet, άγιίτηχ,ότες, α,^Υικότες, «δ- ^■/ιχ,οκότβς, and άη^ιζω, (from next) I feel weary y am unpleasant. ' AyjSyjs-, -έος, ό, τ], το -ες, (from cc and ij^vg) unpleasant, disagreeable, tedious. Arihlct, -οίς, 'ή, (from preced.) unpleasant- ness, trouble, bitterness. ^ Ari^oviivg, -ίος, or -τ^ος, ό, (from χ^^ων) a young nightingale. ' ΑηΙοΆς, -ί^ος, h, (from same) a nightin- gale, a little nightingale. " Avihousiog, and ά,ΐή^όνιος, -οί, -ou, (from next) of a nightingale, plaintive, belonging to nightingales. Άί^δώ);/, -όνος, and ά,'/ι^ώ, -όος, yj, (from άίίού)) a nightingale. ' Α-^'^ως, (from ocrih'/ig) unpleasantly, dis- agreeably, reluctantly : χτι^ως 'ΐχ,ειν, to be disagreeable to, to be at variance with. Άηόύω, and χγιύέσσω, (from next) / am unaccustomed to. ' Α'/ιύτις, -ίος, 6, 7), (from sc and '^ύος) unac- cu.-ifomed to, unusual, sti^ange. ' A-fiuicc, anaa,7]usici, -α,ς, τι, (from preced.) want of custom or tise, strangeness, a thing strange, misconduct. "Ari/icoi, -ΰίτος, το, (from next) breath, blowing, blast. "Αγιμ,ι, pres. infin. Dor. a^ii^euai, for ά^- vdi, a. 2. cir\v, and part, ces/^ ; όίημ,α,ι, a. 2. m. ά.γΐ(Λΐ/\ν, (from ά,ίω or oioi) I breathe, puff, blow. '"A:)^, «s^of, and sj'^^, '^i^o?, ο and oj, (from oioi) the air, in this sense it is masc. ; va- pour, darkness, obscurity, in this sense it is fern, and is opposed to αΙΗζ, which signi- fies the pure air, II. S' , 288. ' ΑϊίσΙς, -ίος, τ], (from same) ivijid, blast. ' Α'/ΐσσΥ]τος, or α,'ήττ-ήτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a and νίσσά,ο(ΛΛΐ) U7isubdued, invinc^le. ' Α'/]σύλος, -η, -ov, the same as cti'av'hog. Ά>ισΰξος, -ov, 6, ij, (from α.'^ξ and σύξω) drawing breath, panting ; drawn by a breath, light. ' Ατίττ,ς, -ου, ό, and α'^τ/;, -ης, νι, (from οίημ,ί) α blowing, α blast. " Αητον, 3 pers. dual pres. ind. for όίετον, from όίημ,ι. " Αητος, or α,ϊ/ιτος, -ου, 6, νι, (from ώ'ω) luindy, impetuous. ' Α-ήττητος, see άτισσητος. ΑθοίΧύσσοίτος, and άύα^άττωτος, -ου, 6, >;, (from 56 and ^άλχσσα,) unaccustomed io Ihc sra. A GREEK LEXICON. Άύίΰμος. Άύχμβ'^ς, -έος, ό, jj, (from cc and ^χμ,βος) unalarmed, fearless, intrepid. " Αθοίΰοίσία., -ΰίς, τ], (from α.6ά.νΛτοί) im- mortality. ' ΑύοίνΛτίζο), f. -ίσω, (from next) I render immortal. Άύίίνχτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from cc and ^χι/χτος) immo7i;al. 'Adocueh, ά,βΰίΐ/ίΐ/ίΛ, or adctvlu (i-anx) Etha- nim, September, 1 [3] Kings viii. 2. " Αύοί7:τος, -ου, 6, yj, (from cc and ^άτττύή unburied. ' Αθΰίξΰί, -Οίς, vi, (from duri^) a hind of pot- tage. 'Auoi^sifc, (ο-ΊΠν) spies. Num. xxi. 1. Άβccύfi,oiστoς, -ου, ό, vj, (from cc and ^ccυ- μ-όίζο)) 7iot wondering ; not wondered at, not admired ; άύα,υ^ΛοίστΙ, without wonder or admiration. Άύύάτος, χόί-ϋΐτος, and ΰίύ7]ΐήτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from fit and ^ixofccci) not having seen ; not exposed to be seen. ' Αύίΐοί, -ας, V], (from χ and ^sog) impiety, atheism. ' Αύί[Λΐς, -"ίτος, or -ί^ος, άύί^Λίστιος, άύί- μ-ιστος, ά-ύψΛτος, -ου, 6, τ„ το -ou, (from oc and ^ίμ>ις) unlawful, wiclced, abominable. ΆθψΑστως, (from preced.) unjustly, im- piously. " Αύζος, -ου, 6, (from e& and ^iog) luithout God, an atheist ; forsaken by the gods. Άύίξοίί'ς, -ΐ^ος, 71, (from ώύ'ήξ) of or be- longing to an ear of corn. ^ Αβί^ατηυσίΰί, -ας, τ], (from next) an in- curable state. ^ Αύίξάτηυτος, -ου, 6, i], (from at and BsQa- 'TTsvoj) incurable, iiicorrigible. ΆύεζΒί'/€ΐ/νις, or άύβζηγίΐ/νις, -ίος, (from «^550 and γίίνομαή producing ears of corn. ' Αύεξη'^οίγος, or αύπξτη'λοιγός, -οί>, ο, (from same and λοίγός) a winnow, a fan. ' Αύίζίζω, f. Γσώ), p. 7]ύίζίκα, (from οίθ'ηξ) I throw aside an car of corn as worthhss, despise, undervalue. ' Αθίζμαντος, -ου, 6, ij, (from a and ^sq- μαίι/ύ)) unwaiincd, cheerless, cold. ' Αύεζσασθα, (χηΐϋΊπη) the Tirshatha or Governor a2)2Jointcd by the kings of Persia, Ezra ii. 03. ^ Ausi^cuhyig, -sog, ό, vi, (from ά,ύτίζ) swelling out like an ear of corn, turgid; bearded, hairy. ' Αύεσία, -ας, ί], (from ct and ^έσις) incon- stancy, perfidy. ' AuiayJa, -ας, vj, (from a and 9ΐίσ{Λος) il- legality, iniquity, impiety. Άύεσμόλίκτ^ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and λέκτ(ΐον) incestuous. " Αύεσμος, -ου, ό, ίή, (from a and Βίσμός) lau'lcss. Ibl Άύίΰφατος, A GREEK LEXICON. Άύυξόδτύμος, Άβύσφόίτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from u, and ^ίσφχ- τος) ineffable, undescribable, vast, imme?ise, innumerable. Άύίτίω, -ω, f. -'/ισω, p. vjusryiKOi, (from α and ^ίτός, placed, from τίύτιμή I set aside, reject^ abolish, despise, frustrate, disappoint or fail one, speak or act deceitfully. Άύίτημα,, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) ini- quity, treachery. ' ΑΜτγισις^ -ίος, Attic -ζως, vj, (from same) a putting aivay, annulling. "Αύίτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same) set aside^ superseded, violated. ' Αύίύύζγιτος, -ου, ό, vi, (from ot and ^&ωξίω'^ not contemplated, unexamined, unseen, un- foreseen. "Adrfhog, -ου, 6, τ], (from a and ^ι^λή) 07ie th(it does not suck, that is weaned. 'Auviucicc, contr. ΆύγινόΙ, -ας, and 'AUtji^vj, -γις, also' Αύγινοίίΰί,Οΐ' Αύγινα•ίη, τ}, Minei^va, the goddess of wisdom ; a sort oi pipe used in honour of her. ' AUTiuoii, -ων. Oil, -i^i^e-wi, so called from Minerva: ' Auyjua^e, to Athens, 'Auvjuviusu, from Athens, ' Auvjufjai, for ' Adtwalg, at Athens. 'Aunucilg, -Hog, i?, (from preced.) one of the four tribes into which the Athenians were divided. ' AUYivcdog, -cc, -ou, (from same) an Athe- nian. ^ ΑύΥίξ, -ίξος, ό, (from ^ίζω) an ear or the heard of corn; the point of a sharp wea- pon. ' Αύ'ήξίυτος, -ου, 6, ^, (from οί and ^τ,ξίΰύ)) not hunted, not diminished by being hunted, abounding with game. "Αύγίξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from ct and ^'■ήζ) free from wild beasts, having no game, without a prey. ' Αύιγ>^ς, -iog, and a.uix,rog, -ου, ό,νι, (from a and ^iyu) not touched, unsullied, jntre, entire; not to be touched, profane, im- Άύλίύ), -ω, f. -yjaco, p. ^ύΆιηκ,χ, and du- Άεΰω, f. βύσω, (contr. for άίύλίω, from oisu- λοί) / strive, am a champion in the Grecian games, combat. ^' Αύ'Κ'ίΐμ,οί, -όίτος, το, and όίύλνισίς, -log, Attic -mg, v], (from preced.) a fight, combat, labour. " A&>^7\T7ig, -ου, and άύτ^νιτ'ηξ, -vj^og, 6, (from same) a combatant, champion, wrestler. ' Αύλγιτ^ικ,ός, -% -ou, (from same) athletic, of or belo7iging to gymnastic exercises, qualified and disposed to combat. " Au'hiog, -Λ, -ou, (from same) having to contend idth labour and pain, miserable, wretched. Άβτκίως, (from preced.) miserably. 182 "AUTsiou, or d&TKOu, -ου, το, (from οίίόλος) the reward of victory in combat. Άύλίότης, -yjTog, r„ (from oidMog) grief, sorrow, misery. ' AUMUiTYig, -ου, and α,ύλούβτ'ήξ, -iJQog, 6, (from χύλον and τίύγίμ,ι) one who adjudges the prize, president or steward of the games. ^Αύλος, the same as oieOT^og. Άύλοφόζος, -ου, ό, ί], (from xu^ou and φίξω) one who carries away the prize, a victor. " A&o'hog, and αύόλωτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from cc and ΒοΤϊόω) untroubled, pure, bright. " Αύόξΰβος, and άθοζύβητος, -ου, ό,τ], (from οί and ^όξυβος) free from tumult, undisturb- ed, calm, tranquil. " Αύξοί,υστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from oc and ^ξαυω) unbruised, unshattered, unimpaired. " A&^i'TiTog, -ου, 6, ί], (from a and Τζίφω) not nursed or reared, uneducated, inexpe- rienced. Άύξίω, f. -'■/•/σω, (from α,Ιύνΐζ) I see in a clear air, view distinctly, discern, descry, observe, examine, Άύζοίζω, f. -σω, p. ^ύξοίκαι, (from άύξόος) I gather together. " Αύξοισις, -ιως, τ], οίύξοίσμ,χ, -ocTog, το, and α,6ξοισ[Λος, -ου, ο, (from next) a congregation, multitude. Άύξόος, -oocr, -oou, gathered together, crowded. Άύξόως, (from preced.) in a crowd, all at once. " Αύξυτττος, -ου, ό, >;, (from a and ^ξύτττω) unbroken, uncorrupted by luxury, pure, manly. ' Αθζύ'τττως, (from preced.) without cor- ruption or luxury. ' Αθυμ,ίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. viu-Jfii^Koi, (from λ and ^ofAog) I despond, am discouraged. " Αύυμ,ία, -ocg, and Ion. ά&υμ.ίιη, -ng, 73, (from same) dejection of mind, sorroiu,fcar. "Αύυμος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same) dejected in mind, disheartened, timid, reluctant. " Αύυξμ,ο:,, -οίτος, το, (from άύύζω) sport, play. ^ Αύυ^μ,ά,τιου, -ου, το, (from preced.) a little play thing. ΆθυζογΤ^ωσσίοί, -οις, ^, (from next) ^jc/w- lance. Άύυξόγλωσσος, -ου, ό, vi, (from next and γΤ^ωσσοί) having a tongue ivilhout a door, loose ov foul in speech, loquacious, petidant. "Αύυζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from οί and ^Oqoc) ivithout a door, unguarded, open. Άύυζοστομ,ίοί, -ocg, vj, (from next) an un- restrained use of speech, garndity. ' Αύυξόστομος, -ου, 6, % {ΐΐονη οίθυξος and στόμ,οί) having a mouth without a door, gar- rulous. A GREEK LEXICON. ^Άύνξοος, "Αβυζσος, -ου, ο, v}, (from α neg. or a in- tens. and ^ύξσος) having no thyrsus; or infuriated with the thyrsus, outrageously inad. Ά9ύζω, (from et and Βνξο,) I spoi% play as children do out of doors. Ά&ύ^ωτος, -ου, ο, ^, (ft'om οϊθυζος) unre- strained. "Αύύτος, -ου, ο, 'Jj, το -ou, (from a. and 9)ΰω) that cannot be offered in sacrifice, pro- fane, abominable. ' Α.θωος, -ου, ο, '^, (from oc and ^ω'ή) not punished, not liable to jJ^^fiishment, inno- cent. ' Κύωόω, -ύ), f. -ωσω, (fi'om same) I do not punish, absolve, dechre innocent ; pass. / am innocent. ' Αύά'τηυτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a, and θω- ττίΰω) not to be softened by blandishments, uncorrupted, inexorable. ' Αθύ)ζάχ,ιστος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ot and Βωξοί- κίζομοίί) having no breast-plate, unarmed. A'i, or ca, ah, alas. ΑΊ, Dor. for it, if, xi, Ion. for aius, or ii'ds, I wish. Aid, -ας, '^, (for yulu, or from "h) the earth, the ground, a land, region, country, habitation. Αιοίγμα, -ά,τος, το, (from next) lamenta- tion, wailing, compkiint. Αΐάξω, f. -ά,ξύ), (from αΓ) I cry alas, la- ment ; also (from οίζω) I breathe luarm. Αϊακ,τος, -'h, -f>'J, (from preced.) to be la- mented, lamentable, sad. ΑΊάννις, -ίος, 6, 'ή, and α,ιΰυος, -τι, -ou, (from αϊ) lamentable, painful, gloomy : or (from cisi) perj)etual. Ai'yoiy^og, -ου, 6, (from «ί'| and oiyqog) a wild goat. Aiyouoc, -ου, 6, '/], (from uiylg) stormy. AiyccU)u, •ύ)νος, 6, (from same) a sea mon- ster ; one of the Titans, JEgeon. Alyciuicc, -ocg, 'ή, or ayaviov, -ου, ro, (from ciyccv and 'ί-^μ,ΐ) a htcnting spear. ' Kty^Yiu, (from ά'ί'σσο)) suddenly, impetu- ously. Ai'yiiog, -ov, 6, 'ή, το -ου, or aiysog, -η, -ou, (from αί'Ι) of, or belonging to, a goat, made of goafs skin. Ai'yeiorjg, -ου, ij, (from 'iysqatg) the poplar or alder tree. AΊyeλάτγιg, -ου, ο, (from αί'| and Ιλχόνω) a driver of goats. Aiyadg, -ίως, ό, JEgeus, there were two of this name, the one the father of The- seus, a prince who ruled at Athens, whence the noble family there των AiyulZu, the other, one of those who sprung from the teeth of the serpent sown by Cadmus, whence h's posterity, the Thcbnns, were Αίδεομαι. called o/ Aiyiilui. See Piud. Py. 5, 101. 1st. 7, 21. Alytoihog, -ου, 6, (from oLyo) and αλ?) the sea-shore. The Jews were accustomed, at least in strange countries, to worship, or to erect places of worship, near a river, or on the sea-shore, as a place of the greatest purity. See Lardner's Works, I. 110. and comp. Acts xvi. 13. and xxi. 3 — 5. Aiyίβότγlg, -ου, ο, (from ct<| and βόσκω) a feeder of goats. Aiyιβότog, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) fit for feeding goats, fed upon by goats. Alyihiov, -ου, το, (from ai^) a kid. Aϊyίζo}, (from oclylg) I blow vehemently, dissipate, tear to pieces. AlyUaXhog, -ου, ό, (from «i'| and θάλλίο) a titmouse ; a kind of bird ; a species of herb ; a sort of dance. ΑΙγικ,οξίύς, -iωg, and oilyszo^cjg, -arog, 6, (from same and •ΛΪζοις) Capricorn. A/y /λ/ψ, -'i'TTog, 0, ^, (from same and λε/- 'ττω) lofty, what the goats leave wicUmbed ; or {ΪΥΟίΆ ctiylg and Τ^είβω) tempest-shedding, an appropriate epithet for a lofty rock. Alyiho-nog, and cfJiyXkog, -ου, ο, (from ai'l) a kind of shrub ot plant of which goats are fond. A!yi\a-d^, -CuTTog, 6, (from same and ω•^) a disease in the eye to which goats are liable. Alyio^og, -ου. Ion. -oio, 6, (from ociylg and ίχω) cegis-beajing, tempest-bearing. Aιyi7ι■oυg, -o'^og, 6, yj, (from oi<| and 'TToZg) goat-footed. AiyiTrC^ou, -ου, το, and oilyi'ri'Qog, -ου, a plant having sharp p)oiiits like a thorn. Alylg, -ihog, % (from αΊξ) the jEgis or shield of Jupiter, said to be made of the skin of a goat which nursed him : or (from ά'ί'σσω) a rushing temjjest, a black thunder storm, figuratively called the shield of Ju- piter. A'iy'hfi, -fig, VI, (from ay^aog) brightness, splendour, glory, celebrity. AlyT^Tliig, and aly'Koisig, -εσσοί, -su, (from preced.) splendid, shining. Alyo-A^o)g, -ωτος, 6, (from «i'l and x-iQcicg) having the horns of a goat. AXyoy.zhvig, -ου, and -zog, o, '^, (from «i'f and ^£λ£<«) one who takes care of goats. Alyouof^og, -ου, 6, (from same and uifcu) a feeder of goats. Aiyόuυ^, or ciίyύ)uυ^, -v%og, 6, v], (from same and oVi^l) having the nails of hoofs of goats. A\yυ'^τ^og, -ου, 6, (from yy^) a vulture. Alyoihiog, -011^ o, an owl. Αί^ίομχι, f. -ίσομύίί, p. ii^eafiXi, or βίΓδο- ficti ; αί^σβευ, 3 pi. a. 1. Bocot. for YiUaurr aciv, (from allrg) I revere, am modest. 183 Aidscfi/Mg* A GREEK LEXICON. Α/μφόξύς. ΑΙΙίσίμοζ, "ov, ό, ^, (from preced.) verier•• able, Ά'βγίλος, 'OVy Oj ή, ffiOm ά'ί%γις) invisible, obscure, uncertain, destructive. Αΐ^'ημ,ωυ, -όνος, ο, (from οίϊ^ως) modest, also venerable. ' Μ'Ινις, and oth^ng, which see. Άβιος, -ου, 6, ^,(from άύ, or perhaps i^?) eternal. ΑΙΙίότΎΐς, -τ-ήτος, 'ή, (from same) eternity. , Ά<'δ/ώ>ί•, (from same) eternally. Ailolov, -ov, TO, plur. ociholoi, (from (χ,ϊ^ως) the secret parts. Αίΐοίος, -οία, -οίου, (from same) venera- ble. Άΐ'δ^ε/ίί, or d'i^(Hoi, -ιχ,ς, tj, and αϊ^ξίΛ, Ion. οίΐ'^ξίΐνι, -Ύΐς, (from next) ignorance, un- slcilfulness. Αι^ξίς, -ίως, 6, % (from a and et'^a) un- acquainted with, uninformed, clownish, un- skilful. Άϊ^ζοίΗτης, -ov, 0, ij, (from preced. and δ/;ΐ6>5) ignorant of Justice, fierce, uncivi- lized. Άίδ^ϋτο?, -ου, 6, 71, (from cc and (hinjcd) not fixed on a pedestal, 7iot to be addressed as a propitious statue, inexorable. A'lhag, and οίί^ω, -όος, -ους, γ,, (from οί and ύ'Ιω) modesty, decency, reverence, venera- tion, II. it, 44, 45. Α\ύ, and ouh, for ά,ύ, always. Αΐζίγίρίτγις, -ου, ό, vj, (from preced. and ylvo^cct) ever-living, ivwioiial. ΑΙέλουςος, and οίί'λουξος, -ου, 6, a cat; a sort offish. Αΐίτός, see άίτός. ' Α'ίζψος, or άϊζτιός, -ου, ό, (from del and ζίω) ever fervent, ardent, young. Αίγις, for ycciTig, from youa. Αΐνιτος, or αΎΐτος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from οίω) windy, pufing. . Ai'i , for οιΐτ , which for oihe, nom. plur. of TITS, (from 6ς, vi, 6,) which. Αΐύΰίλγι, -γις, v], and χΐύΰίλος, -ov, 6, (from αι'ύω) ashes, soot, black ciiiders. Άϊύΰίλγ]ς, -$ος, for άίΐύά,'Κης, (from du and ^^λλω) ever-fiourishing. ΑΙύαίΚίων, 'ωνος, 6, ί], (from a,i'ucd)fond of heat. ΑΙύοι'ΚΟ&ις, -ίσσοί, -si/, (from same) burning to ashes, burnt to ashes. ΑιύοίΤ^όύ), f. -ωσω, (from same) / burn to ashes. Al'u'i, Dor. for ύ'θί, I wish. Ai'us, sius, and ως, are often prefixed to ωφβλον, or Ion. οφίΚον, 2 aor. of όψίίλω, I owe, with an infinitive following; though ωψίλον is used in the sense of wishing, either with or without these adverbs ; as χΜ οψίλίς ^σύαι, I ivish you would sit ; ui'& όψέλον ciyafiog 184 rs μ,ίυ&ιν, I wish I were unmarried ; ίϊ& ωφίΚ ' AQyoig μ,γι "hioiTCTciadoct σκάψος, I wish the ship Argo had not passed tJirough. Αΐύίξίος, -ου, ό, % or -ος, -χ, -ου, (from α,ίθνιξ) etherial, lofty, towering, celestial. Αίβίξίμβα,τίω, f. -^σω, (from same and Ιμ,βοίτίω) I walk through the sky. ΑΙύζξο^ζό{Λος, -ου, 6, V}, (from same and Ιξί^^ω) running through the sky. ΑΙύ'^ζ, -ίξος, ό, (from οίΐ'ύω) the csther, the pure air, and thus distinguished from άί?^, which see : when feminine οίΐβ^ξ signifies a serene sky, serenity, afiame. ΑίύΙο-ψ, -τίος, ό, or Αΐύιοττ^ύς, -ίος, (from οίΐθω and ο-ψις) an Ethiopian. Αΐύξοί, -α,ς. Ion. α,ΐύζγι, -τις, vj, (from ui- ύ^ήζ) a clear air or sky. Αιύξίος, -ου, ο, ί], το -ου, (from ΛΪύ^ξ) in the open air, bright, serene. ΑΙύος, -Yj, -ου, (from χΐύω) burning, black. ΑΙύούσχ, -ης, vj, (from same) a porch. ΑΙύζηγ^υνις, -ίος, ό, τ], (from αιό'ήξ and yi- υομα,ή producing cold or clear wecither. Αϊύυίΰΐ, -ας, vj, (from α,ιύός) a sea gull or cormora^it. ΑΙύΰσσω, (from next) / break out as a fiame. Αι'ύω, f. -σω, I burn, blaze, kindle, AU, for xUx, or xUi, Dor. for e/'^e, if indeed. Α/κάλλώί, f. οίΚω, a. 1. ^κγιΆΰί, I flatter, caress. ΑίΛοίΚος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a flat- terer. Άϊκ'^, -νις, ^, (from ά'ί'σσω) force, impulse, elastic spring. ΑΙκ,'^ς, -ίος, for ααχνις, which see. ΑΙκ,Τοί,, -οί,ς, i], for dslKSix, which see. Αϊκ,ίζύ), see αζΐκίζω. Αΐκ,ισμ,ος, -ου, ό, and ΰίίκισμοί, -χτος, το, (from preced.) ill treatment, wounding, mu- tilation. Αΐκ,ως, for dux,ως, indecently, basely. Αι'λονξος, see αΙί'Κονξος. ΑΊμ,οί, -Μτος, το, blood. ΑΙμΛχ,ο^ία,, and οίΐμακονξίχ, -ας, i], (from preced. and κοξίω) satisfaction to the dead by shedding blood. ΑΙμας, -άδο?, v^, (from αιμϋί) blood stream- ing from a wound. Αίμ,οίσίοί, -οίς, v}, a strong fence or hedge. Αίμάσσω, f. -ά,^ω, Attic ούμ,ά,ττω, (from cclf^a,) I sprinkle or besmear with blood. Ai^ot,Tiyt%vaia, -οίς, τ], (from αϊμοί and ίκ,χνω) a pouring out or shedding of blood. Αίμοίκτός, -Tj, -ου, (from ούμ,χσσω) bloody. Αίμ,ατόίΐς, -ίσσα, -βυ, (from same) bloody, cruel, ' ΑΙμοβόςος, -ov, 6, i], (from οίΐμ» and βξόω) feeding on blood, sanguivorous. Α'/μοξξα,γεω. A GREEK LEXICON. Α'/ΰότιμα, A'l/iiopoicyia, (from same and ότ^γνυμή I burst a blood vessel. Αίμ,οόΰόίγ'/ι;, 4ος, ο, {}, (from same) a burst blood vessel. Aiy.oppccyioi, -ocg, 71, (from same) tL• burst- ing of blood, an hemorrhagy. A/jt40ooos7ί, -ου, 6, and a,\o\oyyfiTig, -ιοζ, 7], (from same and ,u,7JTig) having variously coloured counsels, specious, cunning. AioTio/iclT^ng, -ου, ό, (from same and μί- τξοί) having a variegated mitre. A^,o\ό•Jωτog, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and viOTog) having a party-coloured back. AioXOTTCuXog, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and 'TToiKog) dextrously managing horses. AioXog, -Yi, -ou, various, variously coloured, variegated, quick -glancing, nimble. ΑΙονά,ω, f. -vjau, I sprinkle, pour all over. ΑΙόξττχτχ, (from ccloo, a husband, and ττα,τάσσω) read also oioP'zrscToi, husband killers. AiTTSiuog, -VI, -ou, and αίτττιεί;, -saaa, -eif, and cci'TTog, -τι, -ou, (from cii'Tri/g) high, deep, inaccessible, arduous, formidable. AiTTO'hog, -ου, 6, (from ai'l and τολεω) a goat-herd. Al'Trijg, -ilct, -i/,high, deep; cruel, grievous, α,ϊττύν ohi&Qou, Odyss. A', 11. Ai^si, -a.g, 7], a mallet, hammer; also darnel, tares. M^satg, -log, Attic -soig, 73, (from αΐξίω) choice, will. Lev. xxii. 18. ; « sect, form or mode of religious worship) or discipline which one chooses, follows, and ptrofesses, or the persons luho follow such form, a religious painty, or faction under some human leader. Acts V. 17. 1 Cor. xi. 19. Αίξίτίζω, f. -Ισω, Attic αίξζτίω, p. Ϋΐξίτί- Kcc, (from same) / choose, choose with de- light. Ai^iTiKog, -ου, 6, (from same) a founder, leader, or promoter of a faction or sect, a man factious in Christianity, urging opinions and practices contrary to the conviction of his own mind. Tit. iii. 9 — 11. Al^zTlg, -toog, 7], (from same) a woman who chooses or loves. AiQSTOg, -'/?, -oV, (from next) eligible, de- sirable. Αίζίω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. τιοΥίΧ,χ, f. 1. pass. ούζζθτ,σομ,οίΐ, p. pass. 'Jjoiucti, see page 73. (from next) / take, take hold of, choose. Αί'ζύ), f. άζω, p. Υΐζχ,χ, a. 1. Ϋιξα, f. 1. pass. άζύτισομχι, p. pass, γζμαι, Ϊ lift, raise or take up ; bear, carry ; remove, take away. "A'ig, -ilog, 7}, (from a and ί'βω) Pluto, the grave, hades. AJaoc, -nc, 'ή, fate, destiny, lot, portion. ΑΙσθά»ομ.Λΐ, or αίσθίομοίΐ, f. χΐσύτισομαι, p. τισθ/ιμ,οίΐ, a. 2 mid. τισβόμην, (from Λί'σβω) I perceive, feel. A'lG^Yjf^ct, -ά,τος, το, and oti'aUYjo-tg, -ιος, a ' 1S5 λΙΰ&ΤιΤΥίξίον, A GREEK LEXICON. Α/'ώι Attic -ζως, % (from preced.) perception, semation. Αϊσθη'^νίζίον, -oy, το, (from same) an organ or instrument of sensation or perception, a sense, Heb. v. 14. ΑΙσθτητίκος, -oj, -oV, (from same) sensible, perception or sensation by the mind, or iAe ' Μσύω, (for «/ώ) / ^e^r, also (for is-ro- ;rv£6>) I breathe, f. ά/σω ; κί'σύομ^α,ι, a. 2. ojo-^o- ^nz/j I perceive with any of the senses,!, e. «ce, ^ear, smell, touch, taste ; perceive with the mind, understand, comprehend, discern, think. Αισιμ,ίχ, 'ΰίς, vj, (from next) prosperity, affluence. Αΐσί}^ος, -17, -ou, (from euaoi) ordained, fatal; good, useful^ suitable, just. ΑϊσίΐΛΟω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / spend, pay. Αίσιος^ -ex., -ov, (from same) fortunate, auspicious, benign. ^ Αί'σσω, f. -|ώ), a. 1. sjifci, or yi^ex-, part. ά'ί%α,ς, I rush, hasten, am impelled, fiy : άΐσσομαι, I urge myself, drive, a. 1. pass. 'h'i'xeviu. "Αϊστος, -ov, 6, 9], (from os and ΐσνιμή un- known, vanished ; unknowing, unable to re- cognize. Αϊστόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / catise to disappear, annul, abolish, extirpate. ^ Α'ί'στωξ, -οξος, 6, vj, (from ct and 'ίστωξ) ignorant of. Αίσυτιτνίξ, -ίίξος, ο, for αίσυμν^τί^ξ. Αϊσνλος, -ου, 6, ^, or ui'av'hog, -ύ'Κνι, -νλοι/, unjust, improper. Αισυμ,νύω, f. -νισω, Ι tippoint α governor with an auspicious omen, inaugurate ; I am a governor so appointed, govern with equity, rule. Aiav^vnrvi^, -ν}ξος, and ιχ,Ίσυμ.νητνΐζ, -ου, 6, a just governor, an umpire, a prince. Αίσχος, -εος, το, baseness. ΑΙσχζοκί^'^ς, -έος, 6, v}, (from οίΙσχξόςΆπά κ,ίξ^ος) greedy of base gain ; earning money bp base methods. ΑισχξοκίξΙως, (from preced.) for the sake or love of base gain. ΑΙσχ,ξοΤίο'/ίΰί, -otg, yj, ifrom next and λο- yog) vile, filthy, obscene talk. ΑΙσχξός, -ά., -ou, (from ouaxog) base, vile, indecent, shameful. Aiffx^oTYig, -Ty}Tog, vj, (from same) base- ness, vileness, indecency, shamefulness. Alax^Zg, (from same) basely, shamefully. Αϊσχύννι, -Yig, ij, (from same) shame, mo- desty, disgrace. ΑΊσχυντγ}7^ός, -i), -ou, and χΐσχυντγίξος, -ξά, -ξοι/^ (from same) modest, bashful. Αισχϋαω, f. -νω, p. νισχυγκοί, f. 1 pass. 186 οίΐσχνυύ'ίισομαί, ρ, pass, ^σχυ^ζμ,αί, a. 1 pass. γισχύνβνιν, (from same) / make ashamed; pass. / am ashamed or confounded. ΑΙσχΰϋωμ,οί, -tzTog, ro, (from preced.) shame, the secret parts. ΑΙτίω, -ω, f. -ν^σω, p. νίττηκ,οί, a, 1. virr,acc, p. pass. Ύΐτγιμ,Λΐ, I ask, request, beg, demand. AiTYif^cc, -οίτος, το, and αΐτνισις- -<ος, At- tic -mg, 7ί, (from preced.) a petition, request. Αιτίΰί, -ag, vj, a cause, reason, incite- ment ; accusation, crime, fault, condition, case. Α'ιτίΰίμχ, -ecTog, το, (frem next) an ac- cusation, crime. Αΐτίύο/ίΛΧί,-ω/^,αι,ΐ. -a,ao/n>oii,\). γιτία/ίίοίί, (from αΙτίϋί,) I ascribe the cause, lay the blame. Αίτιον, -ου, το, (from same) a cause, rea- son, crime, fault. AiTiog, -ου, 6, ij, (from same) an author, causer ; an accused or guilty person. Αΐφννις, (from οίφνω) suddenly. Aιφuί%og, -ου, ό, vi, (from preced.) sudden, unexpected. ΑΙφϋΐνως, (from same) suddenly. ΑΙχμ,ού\.ο)σίοί, -ccg, vi, (from χιχ^ΛοΟ^ωτος) captivity, a captive multitude. ΑΙχι^.ΰί'λωτενω, f. -ίόσω, p. γιχ^ύχΤ^ωτευκα, (from same) / lead or cany aivay captive. ΑΊχμ^ΛΚωτίζο), f. -1σω, p. γιχμ,ιζ7\(ύτι>(,Λ, f. 1. pass, χιχ/ΐίοίλωτίσύ'^σο/χοίί, p. pass, yix^oc- 7^ό)τίσμχί, (from same) / carry away cap- tive, bring into captivity or subjection. ΑιχμοίΤ^ωτίς, -ilog, ij, (from next) a fe- male captive. AΊχfΛύ7iωτog, -ου, 6, (from οάχμνι and ά.\ω- Tog) a captive. ΑΙχι^όίζω, f. -ά,σο), (from next) I fight with a spear, brandish, bear anns. ΑΙχίΛτι, -vjg, vi, (from ιζκ,μ'η) the point of a spear, a spear, arms, war. Alxi^'kiig, -ίσσα,, -su, and cx.ix^viT'i^^iog, ό., -ov, (from preced.) armed, warlike. Aix/x.yjT'^g, -ov, 6, (from same) an armed man, a warrior. AiχfΛoφ6ξog, -ου, ο, (from same and φίζύή a spear-bearer. Αΐφΰί, and οίΐ\Ρ\ immediately, speedily, quickly. Ai■ψ^ξ6g, -cc, -ov, (from preced.) iimne- diate, speedy, quick, rapid. Άΐω, f. ί»ΐσω, (from οίω) I breathe ; use my breath audibly, hence the Latin aio, I say, ; receive impression from the breath or voice of another, / hear ; I breathe out, ex- pire. Άϊων, -ovog, 'ή. Dor. for νι'ίων, the shore. Αΐων, -ωνος, 6, (i. e. ecu ων) duration, finite or infinite ; a period of duration, past or future ; an age, duration of the world Aiojv, A GREEK LEXICON. Άκοίλος» Deut. xxxii. 7• Luke i. 70. plur. ages of the worldy 1 Cor. ii. 7 — hence human life in this worldy Luke xvi. 8. or the next, Mark x. 30. our manner of life in the world, Psal. xc. 8. Eph. ii. 2. so seculum is used in Tac. de moribus Germ. cap. xix. ; an age of divine dispensation, the ages generally reckoned three, that before the law, that under the law, and that under the Mes- siah, Matth. xxiv. 3. and xxviii. 20. 1 Cor. x. Π. Heb. xi. 3. by faith we understand, κ,α,τγίξτίσύαί τονς ο,ΙωνΛς p'yj/LioiTi Θεού, that the ages were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are (now) seen, did not arise out of things which did (pre- viously) appear, compare verses 1, 7, 26, 27. ; an indefinitely long period of time ; — hence eternity, Exod. xiv. 13. Luke i. 55. John iv. 14. Psal. xix. 9. Gal. i. 5. Rev. XX. 10. from eternity to eternity, 1 Chron. xxix. 10. Psal. xc. 2.; «έττ' οίΐωι/ος, Acts xv. 18. is equivalent to τ^ο rZi/ oilojuc^u, 1 Cor. ii. 7. τφ δί β/ασίλεΊ tZu oclauinu, άψ- ΰχξτω, άοζά,τω, f^oucu σοψύ) Θίω, 1 Tim. i. 17. to the eternal Jang, the incorruptible, in visible, only wise God. Δ /oVsg οΰτ Iv τόττω τά, Kzi τήφνκ,ζν, ovts χξόι/ος oivrec ttoiu yrr QxaKSiu, ούο iariu ovheuog oiihi μ,Ίοί, (λίτα,βοΚνί των ύττίξ tijv ίζωτάτύ) tiTccy^'^hav φοζά,ν ίΐίλλ ά.νίΐΚ7\.οίωηχ,, κ,(χ,ϊ ά'ττα,θί}, τν^υ ά,ζίστην 'ixovrcx, ξωνι», κοίϊ τ^υ α,ύτχξκ.ίστάτ'ην, ^{οίτε- λ£7 τον oiTTccuroc Αΐ'ίΓΝΑ. Kcx,i γά,ξ τούτο τοϋι/ο,α,/ζ Bsio)g ίφθεγχ,τοίΐ -τταζοί τΖίν ά,ζχ,οάων. Το yaq τίτλος το 'ρτεξίίχοιι τον ττ^ς εκάστου ζ^^'^ζ %οόνον, ου fyivihiv εζω κ,Λτοί φΰσιν, ΑΙ'ίΙ'Ν εκάστου κεκλνιταί. Κατά τον οοϋ- τον οε T^iyov κζά το του ττοίντός ούξκνου τέ- λος, Koci το τον 'ττάντων άττείζον %qovov κχΐ τ'ήν άτΓείζίχ,ν 'περιέχον τέλος, ΑΓΏ'Ν εστίν, ά-ττο του οίΐεΐ εινοίΐ ειλϊΐψώς τ^ν εττωνυ^^Ίοίν, άύάνοι,τος κα,ϊ θείος. Wherefore, neither are those who are there, {viz. God and celestial intelligences,) confined to place, nor does time make them grow old, neither have any of those superior beings any ciiangc; but, without mutability or infir- mity, and possessing a most excellent and satisfying life, they remain through all eternity {α,ϊωνιχ..) For this word has been divinely spoken by the ancients. For the consummation which contains the time of every life that has nothing supernatural, is called its age {α,Ιων). By parity of reason, the consummation of the whole heaven, and the consummation which contains the unbounded duration, and the immensity of all, (having taken its name from ever- during,) is eternity, {αιών,) innnortal and divine. Aristotle on Heaven, book i. chap. x. ΚΙό)νιος, -ου, ο, ^, and αιώνιος, -οι, -ον, (from preced.) eternal, Exod. iii. 14, 15. Mat. XXV. 46. Rom. xvi. 26. χζόνοι αιώ- νιοι, ages of the world, penods of the dis- pensations since the world began, Rom. xvi. 25. Α'ιωξεω, f. -νισω, p. -νίκα, (from άείζω) I lift or raise up, I hang, suspend, bear aloft, wave: αίωξεομ,α,ι, -ουμ,αι, I am kept in suspense, lie floating. Αϊωξ/ιμ,οί, -ά,τος, το, (from preced.) a thing lifted in the air, a pendant. ΚΊύ)ΡΥΐτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) suspend- ed, floating. Άκχ, Dor. for άκίί, gently, softly, si- lently. Άκα,Ιη[Μα, -ας, 'ή, (from preced. and ^ημ,εύ), as in εττΐ^πίΛεω) the Academy, a cele- brated school near Athens. ^ Α-κάζο), f. -άσω, or -ά^ω, p. νικαχα, p. pass, ^ήκαχμ,αι, or TjKoc^y^cci, (from άκ'ίι) I sharpen, point, edge. ^ Ακαθαρσία, -ας, vj, (from amid καθαίξω) uncleanness. Άκαύάξτνις, -τγιτος, vj, (contracted for άκαύαζότγις, from same) uncleanness. ' Ακάβαξτος, -ου, ο, v], το -ον, (from same) unclean. Άκάύεκτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from a and κατέ- χω) not held down, that cannot be I'estrain- ed. "Ακαινα, Ύΐς, τ], (from άκ'ή) a goad, perch or pole. Ακαΐζεομ^αι, -ου[/,αι, f. -Ϋισομ,αι, p. ί^και- QYif^ai, (from άκαίξος) I am destitute of op- portunity. Άκαίξίος, -ου,*ό, (from next) momentary, without duration. " Ακαίξος, -ου, ο, ή, (from a and καινός) unseasonable. ' Ακαί^ως, (from preced.) unseasonably, out of season. ^Ακακία, -ας, v], (from a and κακός) in- nocence. "Ακακος, -ου, ο, yj, άκάκτις, -εος, άκακνιτης, or •α, -ου, and άκακ'ήσιος, -Όυ, ό, (from same) free from evil or sin, simple, artless, not mischievous, good, benign. ' ΑκαλανύΙς, -βος, τ], a bird that feeds among thistles, a linnet or gold/inch ; a thistle. See άκανθίς. Άκαλαρρειτ'^ς, and άκαλρίρροος, -ου, ο, (from άκαλός and ρεω) gently flowing. ' Ακαλτιφϊ], -τις, ij, a nettle ; a thorn; a sort offish or shell. ' ΑκαλλιέζΎΐτος, -ου, 6, v}, (from a and κα'Αλιεζεω) not offered in libation. ' ΑκαΧλωττ ιστός, -ου, 6, τι, (I'rom a and καλλωττιστνις) unadorned. ' ΑκαΚός, -% -όν, quicl, calm, gentle. 187 Άκάλντττος, A GREEK LEXICON. Άκίξαίκόμτις. ΆκΛλι/τΓτο?, -oy, ο, Tjy and άκοιλυφΥίς, ίος, (from a and καλύ'τττω) uncovered, ^ Axci/iccivrolsTog, -ov, 6, vj, (from ΰκ,ά/αας, and δέώί) binding without weariness or cow- stantly ; bound constantly. " Ακοίμ,Λντο7\.ογχνις, -o5, o, (from same and "κόγχη) indefatigable in fighting with the spear. 'AxxftoiuTOfioixYig, -ov, 6, (from same and μάχομ,οίΐ) indefatigable in battle. 'AKoi^oiUTOTTovg, -ο^ος, ό, (from same and ττονς) having indefatigable feet. Ακά.[Λθίς, -ocuTog, and ά,κά,μ,α,τος, -ov, 6, 9], (from oc and κάι^νω) unwearied. "Ακ,α.μ,'ττνις, -ζος^ ο, sj, (from « and κά,^τ:- τω) inflexible. "Akccv, -οίΐιος, ο, and οίκανύχ^ -τις, vj, a thistle, thorn, brier. ''Ax.a.uulvogt -71, -01/, (from preced.) thorny, made of thorns. ' Ακά,υύης,2^Άά άκκνθω^ης, -εος, ο, ^, (from same) thorny. Άχοίνβις, •ι%ς, τι, (from same) a linnet ov goldfinch. Ακ,οίνύοΚόγος, -ου, 6, yj, (from same and Τίίγω) gathering thorns. "Ακαι/ύοζ, -ου, vj, (from same) the acanthus, brank-ursine or bearsfoot ; 6, the echinus, the sea urchin. ΆκοινβυΚΚίς, the same as άκ,ανβίς. "A}C6Cuog, -ου, ό, vj, (from oinoiu) a hind of thorn. " Ακ,οί'ττνος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ex, and Ttawog) without smoke. 'Ακάτιος, -ου, 6, v}, (from a and kxqVx) without understanding. "Ακ,ά,ξγινος, -ου, ο, vj, (from u, and kkqyivoi/) without a head or top. Άκ/ζξ^^ς, -ίος, 6, VI, (from flf and κ,ύζω) trifling, minute, brief. "Ακοίξίοαος, -ocioc, -cclov, (from preced.) of short distance or duration, momentary. " Αχ-οίζ'Τΐ'ος, ~ου, ό, 71, το -ou, (from u, and χχζττος) unfruitful, unprofitable. ^ Αχάσκοί, (from α,κ,Ύΐν) quietly, softly. Άκοίσκαίος, -ou, (from preced.) highly polished, delicate. ' Ακα,τά,βΚ'/ιτος, -ov, (from u, χ,οίτά,, and βάκκω) not to be thrown down. ' A^cAT άγνωστος, -ου, ό, tj, to -ou, (from cc and κ,ΰίΤΛγίνωσκ,ω) irreprehensible. Ακοίτοίκ,ά,'Κυ'τττος, -ου, 6, ^, το -ou, (from u, κ,α,τά,, and χ.οί'κϋ'πτω) uncovered, unveiled. , ' Αχχτύκξίτος, -ου, 6, vj, το -ou, (from a, and xctτotκ,ξίuω) uncondemned. ' AfcoiTothYi-^ioc, -ιχ,ς, VI, (from et and κ,οί,τχ- λίί^/3ά;/ώ)) incapacity, stupidity. Ακα,τόίΚΚοίΆτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from «, kcctoc, and ά,Χκάσαω) irreconcilable, implacable. Ax.otroihKvi'hog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and 188 dTO^Tfhog) not corresponding, not parallel, irregularly situated. Ακατάλυτος, -ου, ο, ^, το -ou, (from cc and κ,οίταικύω) indissoluble. ^ Ακατοίμάχητος, -ου, ό, V}, (from of, xoctx, and (Λά,γ,ομ,α,ι) invincible. ' Ακοοτάττοιυστος, -oy, e, v], το -ou, (from at and κχτΰί'ΤΓαύω) unceasing. Άχ,οίτάττοτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from u, and κ,οι,τΛ- 'ττίνω) that cannot be swallowed down. ' Ακοίτασκξΰοίστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a and κΰΐτχσκ,βυάζω) unfurnished, rude, unformed, unadorned. ' ΑκοίτοοστοίσΊοί, -α,ς, ν],(ΐτοτη u^and κ,οίύίσ- τνιμι) sedition, tumult. " ΑκΛτάστΛτος, -ου, 6, vj, το -ou, (from same) unsettled, tossed about. Άκ,οίτοίστχτίω,(ΐνοϊη same) I am unstable. Άκοίτάσχίτος, -ου, ό, vj, το -ou, (from cc and χοίτίχω, or κχτασχίω) not to be restrain- ed, unruly. Άκ,ΛτοίΤξί'π-τος, -ου, ο, v], (from οί and κ,οίτοίτξίβω) unwornout, unexhausted. ' Aκ,cΛT(yίφζ6u'ήτoς, -ov, 6, vj, (from α and κa,τoίφξousω) not to be despised, respectabh, important. Άκατά-ψευστοζ, -ου, ο, ίι> (from oc, χ,οίτά., and %^ίύΙω) not falsified, true, real. "Ακοίτίξγα,στος, -ου, ό, % το -ou, (from οί and κ,οίτεςγάζομοίΐ) unfinished. ' Ακα,ΤΎΐ, -ιης, v], and οίκ,όίτος, -ov, V/, (from θίγω) a swift sailing vessel, a galley : opp. to όΚκ,ά,ς, a ship of burden. 'AkUtiou, -ov, to, (from preced.) a boat, sMff; a cup ; Aso the mainmast. " Ακα,υστος, -ου, ό, v}, (from cc and χ,α,Ιω) that cannot be burned out, incombustible, un- quenchable. Άκ,οίχμ,^ος, for V|Xoίχμ.iuoς, p. part. pass, from άκά,ζω. Άκοίχω, (from άχά,χω, from «;!ί<«) imperf. viKOixou ',—άκΛχίω, f. -^αω, or -ίσο), p. pass. άκά,χζσ^οίΐ ; — ά,κά.χΎ\^ι, pass, άκάχημ,ιχ,ι, plup. pass. ά,Ά(χ,χνι(ΛΎ\ν, 3 plur. aKocxnuTo, Ion. α,κ,α,χία,το, poet, κκ,οίχίίατο ; — ώκαχί- ζοΐΛαι, I grieve, am afflicted, am distressed. ^ Αταίξοκόμ^γις, άκίΐξόκομος, and ά,κ&ξσ&κ6- μης, -ου, ο, (from ot, κ,ζί^ω, and κ,όμτη) having unshorn locks. ' Ακζ-κΙοίμ,οί, (Chaldaic) afield of blood. Άκeuτnτoς, -ου, 6, v}, (from ec and KSUTsa) not subdued by the goad, untamed. Άκίξοαος, -ου, ο, "/], (from ec and χίξχς) without horns, harmless; (from ot and κ,εξχω) without mixture of guile or deceit, simple, sincere, unadulterated. Άκ,ζξΙνις, -ίος, ό, vj, (from ec and κ,ίξίος) useless, unprofitable. 'ΑΆεξσίκ,ό/ίοΥίς, -ov. Dor. άχεξσζκ,ό/αοις, -oy, 6, (from ot, κίίξω, and κόμ,νί) unshaven. Ακίβις. A GREEK LEXICON. *Α/ίμ6όζτον. "Ακεσις, -£ως, τ], ά,κίσ(Λ(Χ,^ and oiK/iy^ct, -οίτος, το, ιχκίσμό;, -ου, 6, and ά,κος, -ζος, το, (from άκίω) healing, cure, remedy. ΆκίσΧίΛος, -ου, 6, ifj, (from same) capable of healing, calculated to heal. ' Κκ,ίσιος, •ου, ό,ν;, (from same) an epithet of Apollo from his power of healing. ^ Ακίσττίζ, -ου, άκίστνίζ, -Τ/ξος, and dxJa- τωζ, -οξος, 6, (from same) a healer, physi- cian; a mender of clothes; a breaker of horses. Άκίστος, -)?, -6u, (from same) capable of being healed. Άκίσφόξος, -ου, 6, τ], (from άκ,ίσίς and φίξω) one who brings a remedy. Άκίστξχ, -ocg, 7j, (from α,κίω) a needle. Άκίστξίο,, -ας, v), (from preced.) a seam- stress. ' Αχ,ζύΐΛίνος, ]SaO\. for α,κούμ,ζνος. " Ακίω, (perhaps from άχ,ούω) I am hear- ing,'listen, keep silence, am quiet. Άκίύ), άκίομ,α,ι, poet, α,κζ'ιομ,οίΐ, f. ίσο- (ΛΛΐ, or -νισοζΛΛί, (from ά,κ'ή) I use a needle, sew, mend, heal, cure; redress, expiate, solve, remove, repair, alleviate, assuage, allay. ' Ακ,'ή, -7j;, '/}, a point, an edge of a needle or any other sharp instrument, extremity, verge. 'AkviIsioc, -Λς, 71, (from άκη^'ίίς) want of regard or concern for, neglect. Ακνΐοίστος, -ου, ό, '/], (from same) uncared for, unpitied, unburied. 'Ak-^osu, f. -7]σω, (from same) / neglect. Άκγ^ϋτι;, -iog, 6, vj, (from a and κ,νΐοος) careless, unconcerned, not cared for, un- heeded, unhuried. ' Ακγ^ία, -α,ς, τ], (from α intens. and xij- οος) much care, anxiety, grief. Άκγί^ίχζω, f. -σο), p. -κχ, (from preced.) / am anxious, sorrowful. 'Akvjkqu, p. m. Attic for ψκοχ; άκ-ή-Λοό- τίς, pliir. part, of same, from άκοΰω. ' Ακ'ή-κ-ήτος, -ου, 6, τ;, (from χ and κ,-ηλίω) implacable. ^ Άκ-ίί'Αίοο)τος, -ου, ό, ;;, (from χ and κγιλί- δοΌ,αα/) imnmculate. ' Ακ'ήν, (from χ and χχΊνω) silently, ivith- oid ostentation, quietly. Ακγ)ςχσίος, -ου, and χκ7}ςχτος, -ου, ί, τ], (from χ and κΒξχύή unmixed, unpolluted, pui'e, genuine, imperishable. ' Ακνίξίοζ, -ου, ό, 71, (from χ and yJxQ contr. xj?^) heartless, timid; but (from χ and κ'/ΐζ) vnhurt, not subject to be hurt. Άκτίξυκτοζ, -ου, ό, τι, (from χ and κγι^ΰσ- σω) unproclaimed, not celebrated. ΆκίβΙγ,-κος, -ου, 6, 7], (from χ and κίβΐ-ζι- λος) uncorrupted, unalloyed. ' ΑκιΙυος, -«), -6ν, (from χ and Kiluoc:) in- 16 considerable, feeble, vile, base, contemptible, miserable. Άκωωτοζ, -ου, ο, τι, (from χκ,ϊς) pointed, sharpened. Άκ,Ικ,υς, -υος, 6, τι, (from χ and κ,ίκ,υς) having no strength. ^ Ακινχ-ΛΥΐς, -ου, ο, (from χκτί) a Persian sword, scymitar. 'A'yJy^vyog, ου, ό, τ], (from χ and κίι/Ζυι/ος) not exposed to danger. "Ακίνητος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χ and κιΆω) immoveable, lifeless, inviolable. " Αχ,ιος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from χ and κ\ς) not lia- ble to worms or to decay. ' Ακ,ΐζος, -06, -6'j, (from χ and -^ύζ) without a hand, idle. 'Ακίς, -ihog, 71, (from χκ'η) the point of a spear, sting, splinter, sharp edge. ^ Ακ,ίχ,Υιτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from χ and κ,ίχημ,ί) not to be found, or overtaken, or compre- hended. ^ Ακ,κ,ίζομ,χι, f. -'ίσομ,χι, (from ' Akkoj, a woman who pretended to refuse what she most desired) / hypocritically refuse. ' Ακκίσμος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) affecta- tion, hypocrisy. " Α-ΑΚχστος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χ and κ,Άχίο) unbroken. " Ακλχυστος, and οίκλχυτος, -ου, ό, ^, (from χ and κΤ^χίω) not mourning ; not mourned, unlamented. ^ AyJKsTig, '^og, 6, 'ή, (from χ and yShiog) in- glorious. ' Ακ7\.ξως, (from preced.) ingloriously. ^ ΑκΤ^Ύΐζΐω, f. -7ΐσω, p. -λχ, (from χ and κ,Τ^τίξος) I have no lot or share. " ΑκΤ^γ,τος, -ου^ ο, τ], (from χ and κχΤ^ίω) unealled. Άκλίνής, -iog, ο, 5j, το -sg, (from χ and κΤ^ίυω) without inclining or giving way, steady. ^ Ακ,(Λχζω, f. -χσω, p. 'ή/ψ^χκ,χ, (from xy,fA,7i) I am come to maturity, gi^ow ripe, flourish. ' Ay.fcxlog, -xix, -xlov, (from preced.) groivn up), full grown, flouj'ishing, vigorous, luxuriant. Άκ^' /j, 7ig, 7], (from xKvi) the poiTit or edge of a sharp instrument ; 2^oint of time, a crisis ; flower, vigour, ov matiirity of age; highest increase or degree of any thing; Matth. XV. 16. xy.^'hu for κ,χτ χκμ,'ήν, even ηοιυ, at this j)oint of time, yet, still. "AKfi/juog, -ου, ό, τ}, (from preced.) brought to a crisis, whether of prosperity, as full grown, flourishing; or of distress, as hungry, fasting, destitide. ' Ακμ,'ής, -Τίτος, ο, the same as xKXfixg. ' Ακμ,όύίτον, -ου, το, for χκμ,ονόθίτον, (from next and τίύημ,ι) the luood 07i which the an- vil is 2)laccd. 189 ' Ax^m, Λ GREEK LEXICON. "Αχμων, -οΰος, ο, (i. e. άκ,άμων, from oc and κ,ά,μ,νω) a person who is not to be over- come, invincible; an instrument not to be overcome, an anvil. " A/CuufATTtog, see οίγνοίΐ^'ΤΡτος. " Ακ,υόίφος, see όίγναίφος, "Ακνγιστίζ, -sag, ij, the spine in qicadru- peds, Άκο'^, -Tig, 5j, (from άκο^ώ)) the organ of hearing, the faculty of hearing, the act of hearing ; a willingness to hear, obedience ; and a thing heard, a rumour, a report; Heb. iv. % 6 τζόγος τνις άκο^ς, " the word of the report," and com p. Isa. liii. 1. 'AKoifAYjTog, -ου, 6, v], (from a. and χ,οί^^άω) waJcefd, inextinguishable. ^ AKotuo)UYirog, -ου, 6, vj, (from a> and xoti/a- νίω) incommunicable. Άκοίτνις, -ου, 6, and Dor. dx,o!roig, (from ec for όίμοί, and κοίτγι) a husband, " Ακοιτις, -tog, vj, (from same) a wife. ^ΑαοΑοίσίΐχ., -ccg, Vi, (from a, and κο'κά,ζω) intempe7'ance, licentiousness. ^ Ay.oha,Grog, -ου, 6, v], το -ov, (from ot and κ,ολάζω) unchastised, undiscipli7ied, licen- tious. "Ax,o\og, -ου, 6, (bDx) any thing to eat, a moidhful of bread : Od. F, 222. οάτίζων esxoAof f, ουκ do^ocg, ουδέ Τ^ίβγιτχς. ' " While he seeks JNor sword nor tripod, but the scoundrel meed Of mammocks." Cowper. ΑζοΤ^ουύίω, -ω, f. -Vjao), p. ν}κ,ολουύγικ,ΰί, (from oi for άΐ^οί and κ,ίΚίυύος) I follow. ' Ακ,οΤ^ουύίοί, -ccg, {], (from preced.) the action offollowing, attendance, chase, reti7iue. ' Α-ΛοΚουύος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) a fol- lower, attendant. Άκ,ολούύως, (from preced.) consequently. 'AjcoTio^fiog, -ου, 6, ^, (from cc and κ,ο- ΐκυμ^βάω) incapable of swimming. ^ Ακ,ομ^ιστ^ίοί, -ccg, 7], (from a, and κομίζω) inattentio7i, privations in conseque7ice of be- i7ig ti^eated ivith neglect. " ΑκόΐΛ'τταστος, -ου, ό, v], (from et and κ,ο/^- TTog) not boasting, modest. " Ακομ-ψος, and (ZKO^'rog, -ου, ό, yj, (from et and κομ-ψός) without pomp, u7iostenta- tious, modest, U7iqualified. ^ Ακοϋά,ω, f. -'ησω, p. νιχ,όνηκΛ, (from ά,κουτί\) I sha7pen. "■ Ax.ouhv7\.og, -ov, (from et and Kouho'hyi) not S7nitten with the k7iuckles, not buffeted. * Ακόι/γι, -yig, % (from ά,κ,νΐ) a whetstone. 'Akoucti, (from oc and Kouig) without dust, without conflict or opposition. ^ Ax-ouiriKog, -% -ov, (from next) belonging to wolf^s bane, poisonous. ' Ακ,όυϊτον, -ου, το, wolfs bane ΟΥ hemloch. Ακοντ^ας, -ου, ο, (from άκόυηον) a shoot- 190 ^Αχ,ουοίάζρμαι» er or darter, a kind of serpent; — χκόντίΰκ, shooting stars. ' AKovrihiQu, -ου, το, (from same) a little dart or Javelin. 'Ακοντίζω, {. -ϊσω, p. ^κόντίκα, (from οίκων) I throw a javelin, shoot an arrow. Άκ6ντ{οΐί,-ου, TO, (from same)a small spear, a dart, ajaveli7i: άκόντιον, being a missile, was less than Ιόξυ. In Homer, however, the Ιόξυ was also thrown from the hand. II. T, 438. άμ,τΓίτΓοίλων ητζοί'ίΐ ^όξυ, " Bran- dishing he hurled the spear." Ακόντϊσίς, -sωg, v}, ακοντισμοί, -oirog, το, and UKQVTia^og, -ου, 6, (from ακοντίζω) throwing thejaveli7i ; the distance to which a Javelin may be thrown. AKOVTiaTvig, -ου, and άκοντιστνίζ, -νίξος, 6, (from same) a man who th7^ows the dart or Javelin, an archer, a light a7^med soldier. ' Ακοντίστ'ίκός, -sj, -oV, (from same) ^pert in throwing the Javelin. " Ακοντιστυς, -Dog, vi, (from same) the art of throwiiig thejaveli7i, a trial of skill in that art. ' AKovTohoKog, -ου, ό, τ;, (from οίκων and ^οκάζω) one who observes the arrows so as to avoid the7n ; or (from same and Ιίχομοα) one who receives an arrow, wounded. Άκo7ΓίMτωg, (from oi wad κοτηάω) without labour or weariness. " AKO'Ttog, and dKO'TTitzTog, -ου, ό, yj, (from oe, and KOTrog, or κοττιάω) one who does not feel labour, unwearied, ha7^dy. ' AKOQ^Tog, -ου, ο, tj, (from oc and κοξίω) U7ibrv^hed, unpolished. " Ακοζος, -ου, 6, % dκ6ξsστog, άκόζζτος, and άκόζίητος^ (from oc and κόξος) gi-eedy, insa- tiable. " Ακος, -iog, το, (from ά,κίω) a cure, help, remedy, expiation. " Ακοσμίω, f. -'ήσω, (from ccKoa^og) I am inelega7it, act disorde7'ly, am i7isub ordinate or disobedient. " AKoa^nTog, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) un- adorned, unfur7iished. Άκοσμίΰο, -ocg, % (from next) the want of ornament or of prop7'iety, indeco7Ousness, disorder, i7isubordination. "Ακοσμος, ου, 6, ^, (from ex, and κόσμος) unado7med, i7idece7it. ' Ακόσμως, (from same) in a7i unseemly 7na7iner, ^ Ακοστίω, (from next) I feed with ba7ley, fatten. ' Ακοστγι, -vig, vi, barley, food. ' Ακουά,ζομοα, (from ά.κούω) I listen, am invited. "Ακουξος, -ου, ο, vi, (from oc and κύζο), or κουξος) unshaved; or childless. Άκουσίχξομχι, (from oc and exoiv) I act involuntarily ; sin tJuoiigh ignoi-ance. Κκουαιος, A GREf!K LEXICON. Axgoywwa/bs. ' Κ-Λοϋσιος, -ot», o, 'ή, and ακούσιος, -;«, -;o:/, (from same) unwilling ; not ivilful. ^ Ακουσίύ)ς, (from same) unwillingly; not wilfully.) hut through error, ignorance^ or infirmity, opp. to ϊκουσίως, which see. " Ακονσ/ΛΛ, -χτοζ, το, (from cckovcj) fame, repoi'ty account. ' Ακουστ'ήζ, -ου, 6, (from same) a hearer. ^Ακουστός, -τι, -6u, (from same) audible. ^Ακοντίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. 'ήκούτικοί, άκ,ουτίίΐς, 2 pers. sing. f. ]. Attic for άκ,ουτίσίΐς, (from next) / niahe to hear. ^ Ακούω, f. -ουσω, p. vjKOVKoi, f. 1. pass. άκουσύνίσο[/,(Χ,ι, p. ίγκουσμ,αι, a. 1. νικούσύη», p. m. vjKocc, Attic ά,κ'ήκοα, I hear, hearhen to, obey, understand. "Ακξΰί, -ας, v], (from οίκζος) a fort, cita- del ; the summit ; a cape ox promontory. ^ Ακ^ά,ΰΐ,^τος, -ου, 6, τ], and όίκζα,ντος, (from ex. and κζοίούνω) unaccomplished, un- attained, ineffectual. ^ ΑκξΜγνις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from oc and κξάζω) dumb, not screaming, not barking. Άκξχ'^ς, -ίος, ό, 71, (from οίκζος Άηά α,γιμ,ι) blowing brisk as on a high place. ' Ακζΰίϊος, -Λ, -ου, (from οίκζος) belonging to the citadel. ^ Ακζο,ιφνγις, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from κκεξο,ίος and φαίνω) unmixed, pure. 'Ακςασία, -ας, % (from a and κξάτος) want ofpoiver to regidate the appetites, in- temperance, iyicontinence. ' Ακζατ'^ς, -ίος, 6, i], το -&ς, (from same) unable to govern the appetites, intemperate, incontinent. Ακξάτγιτος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from a and κςατίω) one who cannot be restrained. Άκξατίξω, f. m. άκ()ατιουμ>αί, (from οίκξατος) I drink pure wine, carouse, break- fast. ' Ακζάτισμ,α, -ατός, το, (from preced.) breakfast. Άκζάτιστος, -ου, 6, '/?, (from same) not having broken his fast, fasti7ig, hungry. " Ακζάτου, -ου, το, (from a and κΒΐ^άω) pure wine unmixed with water. Ακρατος, -0 71, (from same) pure, unmixed. ' Ακξά-χ,ο'Κος, -ου, 6, τ), (from οίκζος and χ,ο'Κτι) extremely irascible. ' Ακζίμ,ύ)ν, -όνος, ό, (from same and kqs- μ,άω) a top branch. ^ Ακ^ύ.σΐΐίξον, (from same and έσ'ττίξος) in the evening, at the beginning or the end of it. "Ακςγιβος, -ου, and άκζ'ή{1γίς, -ζος, 6, τ], (from same and 'ήβη) approaching man- hood. ' Ακζΐβά,ζύ), f. -ά,σω, p. 7}κξίβακα, (from ακςφ'/ις) I diligently search, try. ' Ακ^ίβασ(Λα, -ατός, ro, and ^ Αχριβασμος, -ου, 6, (from same) an accurate search, an exact or jirecise statute. Άκξίβαστνις, -ου, ό, (from same) an ac- curate investigator. Άκξίβ5ία, -ας, τι, (from next) accuracy, exactness, Άκξϊβνις, -5ος, ό, ί], το -ίς, accurate, exact, scrupulous. Ακζίβο'ΚογίοΐΛαι, f. -ν,σο^αι, (from pre- ced. and 'κίyω) I examine or / describe ac- curately. " ΑκζίβοΤ^ογία, -ας, τ), (from preced.) an accurate examination, or a correct descrip- tion or discussion. Άκξίβόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. 7]κξίβωκα, (from άκξΐβ'^ς) I search out, learn or knoiu, by diligent and accurate inquiry, ' Ακξίβως, (from same) diligently, accu- rately, correctly. ' Ακ^ι^ού'ήζα, -ας, 4 (from next and ^n- ξάω) the hunting of locusts, a locust trap. ' ΑκξΙς, -<δοί, 7], the locust. "Ακξίς, -ίος, 7}, (from ακ^^ος) the highest point, summit of a mountain. ^ Ακζΐτόμ,ϋύος, -ου, 6, tj, (from next and μυύος) indiscrimincde in speech, licentious, petulant, impertinent. "Ακξ^τος, -ου, ό, 7], (from a and κξίνω) indiscriminate, injudicious, indecisive, im- mense. Άκξΐτοφύλ7\.ος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and φύλΤ^ον) having innumerable leaves, very luxurious. Άκξίτως, (from a and κξίνω) unjustly. Άκξόα^/.α, -ατός, το, (from next) that which is heard or listened to, he who is listened -to, as a musician. ^ Ακξοαομ,αι, f. -άσοι^αι, p. pass, τικζόαμ,αι, I hear, listen to. ' Ακζόάσίς, -ιος, Attic .ζο)ς, τ], (from pre ced.) hearing ^ Ακζοαττίζίον, -ου, το, (from same) a place of hearing or audience. ' Ακζοάττις, -ου, 6, (from same) a hearer. * ΑκζοβοΆίύ), f. -'ήσω, and ά,κιιοβο'κίζομ.αι, f. -taof^ai, (from οίκζος and βαΚΚω) I shoot at a distance, skirmish. ' Ακξοβολίσις, -ίως, τ], and άκξοβολισμός, -ου, ό, (from preced.) the prelude of a battle, a skirmish. Άκζοβυστία, f. -τισω, (from next) used by Aq., Syra. and Theod. in Lev. xix. 23. for I circumcise, thoroughly purify. So biy. ' Ακζοβυστία, -ας, τ}, (from όίκζον Άηά βύω) the foreskin, uncircumcision. ' Ακζόβυστος, -ου, ό, τ;, (from same) un circumcised. ^Ακρογωνιαίος, -a, -ov, (from όίκοος and yoivia, which see) belonging to thefounda- 191 ΆκοόΙ A GREEK LEXICON. Άλάβαβτξον, tion-corner, Is. xxviii. 16. 1 Pet. ii. 6. Ephes. ii. 20. Άκςό^ξνο!/, -oy, TO, (from χκ,ξος andSgyg•) an acorn, fruit of trees in general. ^ Ακ,ξούίνιοί/, -ovy το, (from same and ^]ς or ^iu) the top of a heap of corn ; the first fruits of corn ; the top of a heap of luarlike spoils ; the chief and best of those spoils. Άκξούάξχξ, -Οίκος, 6, 57, (from same and ^ωξνισσύ)) a little drunk. ΆκξοκβΤίοανίάύ), (from same and ksT^xi- νος) I grow black at the surface. ' Ακξόκ,ομ,ος, -ov, and άκ,ζοκό^^γις, -ου, ο, (from same and κ,ό[ΛΎΪ) crowned with hair or foliage. Ακ,ξολίνίον, or ax^oJ^lutov, -ov, ro, (from same and "hiuov) the border of a net. " K-x.QoKoy'ioi, imp. ^κ^ολο7?ον, (from same and 'hkya) I gather things that are the high- est, on the top, the choice parts. ' Ακ,ξομ,όίννις, -sag, 6, vj, (from same and f^cc'ivof^ui) highly insane. " Axqou, -ου, ro, (from ακ,ξος) the top or tip, extremity, end, fortress, citadel. ' Ακ,ξΟ'πτξϋβ'ίίς, -ίος, ό, i}, (from same and στίνθος) extremely sorrowful. " Ακ,ζοτΓο^γιτϊ, or άκξθ7!:ο^ϊτ\, (from same and 'ΤΓους) on tiptoes. ' Ακ,ζόσΓοΤ^ις, -to;, Attic -εως, yj, (from same and rnrohig) a citadel. ΆκξόττοΤ^ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and 7τό7\.ος) reaching the highest sumviit. Άκ,ζό'ΤΓΟξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and 'ττείξω) having a piercing poiiit, sharp. ' Ακ,ξος, -cc, -ov, (from άκτΐ) extreme, up- ' Ακ,ζοσβγίζος, -ου, ό, v), (from preced. and σ'ϊ^Ύίξος) pointed with iron. ' Ακ,ξόσοφος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and σο- φός) extremely wise. ^ Ακ,ξοστόλίοί, -au, τά, (from same and στόλος) the ornaments of the forepart of a ship. Άκζοσφαλνις, -ίος, ο, v}, (from same and σφά,70\.ω) extremely apt to stumble. Άκξοτγίξίΐζζομχι, f. -ά,σομ,α,ί, (from next) / eut off the extremities, mutilate. " Ak^otti^iou, -ου, το, (from οίκ,ξος) the ex- tremity, a promontory, extremities of the body, ^ Ακ,ζότγις, -τητος, v], (from same) extremity, summit, highest perfection. ' ΑΛζοτο(ΛΪω, f. -νίσω, (from same and τί(Λνω) I cut at the extremity, or at the top. ' Αχζότομ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and τεμι/ω) cut sharp, abrupt, craggy, hard. ' Ακ,ξοφύσίοι/, -ου, το, (from same and φυσχ) a bellows. ' Αχ,ζοχείζίζομ,οτ,ι, (from same and χύζ) 192 / grapple with an antagonist with the fin- gers only. " Ακ,ρ^οχο^ωΰ, -όνος, 7j, (from same and Xoqh'^) a wart, a hilloch. ^ Ακ,ξωμ,ίον, -ου, ro, (from same and ω^Λος) the top of the shoulder. "Ακ,ζων, -ωνος, 6, (from same) the extremi- ty of a limb. Άκ,ξάζείΰί, -ας, vj, (from same and ogo^•) the summit of a mountain. Άκ,ξωτγίξίάζω, (from next) I cut off the extremities. Άκξωτ7]ξίον, -ου, το, (from οίκ,ξος) the ex- tremity. ' Ακτνι, -ijf, '^, (from ccyoi) broken earth, the bank, beach, shore ; broken corn, meal, bread. The ancient name of Attica, as lined with a rocky shore : hence Attica for Actica. ^ Αχ,τ'ήμ,ων, -οι/ος, and άκτεοίυος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ex, and κ,τνιμ,α,) without possessions, poor. " Α-Λτίν, or ά^τΧς, -7ι/ος, yj, (from οίγω) a fragment of the sun, a ray ; splendour, lightning. " Ακτιος, -ου, 6, yj, (from oiKT'^) of or be- longijig to the shore. " Ακ,ΰθος, -ου, vj, (from ex, and κΰ(ύ) a fe- male ivho does not bear, barren. " Ακύλιστος, -ου, 6, vi, (from at, and κυλίω) unrolled, unmoved, firm. "Ακ,ΰλος, -ου, yj, (b3K) acorn of the holm- oak, so called as eaten. "" Ακΰμ,εχ,ντος, -ου, ό, ^, οίκϋ^χ,ος, -ου, and άκϋμωυ, -όνος, (from oi and κυ^α,) free from waves, smooth, and (from κ,υμ,ά,) barren. " Αχϋζος, -ου, ό, vi, (from ex, and κ,υζος, a lord) without authority. " Ακυζόω, -cj, f. -aaco, p. νικΰζ^ωκοχ,, (from ex. and κυζόω) I make of no effect or authority, abrogate, annul. Άκ,ύξωτος, -ov, (from preced.) unconfirm- ed. " Ακχούχ, (Hebrew) the thistle, or thorn. ^ Ακ,ακνι, -τ^ς, tj, (from «^55) a point, spike. ^ Ακωλιστος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from ex, and κοίΚον) wanting some member. "Ακώλυτος, -ου, ό,νι, (from ex, and κωλύω) not hindered. ' Ακωλύτως, (from same) without hinder- ance or prohibition. "Ακων for άίκων, -ουσοι, -ov, (from ex, and εκών) unwilling. "Ακων, and οίκους, -οντος, 6, (from elKvi) a dart, a javelin. ' Αλοίβάζχνις, -ου, 6, (from οίλα,βοί, ink, and οίξχω) a scribe, a master of luriting, a president of the customs ; an alabarch, the title of a prcefect of Alexandria. ' Αλύβαστζον, -ου, ro, and ' Αλάβοίστζος, "Αλαδ*. A GREEK LEXICON. Αλξίτης. -ου, ο, Tiy alabaster, a vessel to hold ointment or perfume^ because commonly made of alabaster. "Αλαδ', for ί»λαδε, (from αλί) to the sea. Άλάοξο/αος, -ov, 6, (from same and r^s- χω) a racer or rover on the sea, a sailor. ΆΧαζονίΐα, -ας, jj, (from άλαζωι^) a boast, boasting ; άλοίζονίίοι. του βίου, the pnde and vomp of life, 1 John ii. 16. ^ ΑΧαζονίύω, (from next) I boast. ^ Α'Κίχ,'ζων, -ouog, o, vi, self-assuming, inso- lent, vain-glorious, arrogant, boasting. " Ατ^αύίύω, Dor. for ά,\-ίΐ&ίύω. ^ ΑΆά,ύ'/ιτον, -ου, το, (from oc and "Κα,νθύι/ω) that cannot be hid. 'ATiXKog, -ου, 6, ij, (from a. and Τ^ά,ω) blind. ΑΤ^ύΤ^αγμ,οί, -οίτος, το, and (χ,ΤίΧ'Κχγμός, -ου, 6, (from next) a shout. Άλχλάζω, f. -άσω, or -a|, p. -α,κ,χ, or -ΰίχοι, (from ahcthoi, probably rrbx bK, an invocation of God) / shout as soldiers be- ginning a battle ; utter a loud sound, joyful or mournful; spoken of a cymbal, tinkle, chnJc. Άλαλ'/), -ίης. Dor. άλαλα, -οίς, oj, (see the preced.) a cry made by soldiers when going to battle, a martial shout ; shouting, warb- ling, singing. " Α'κά^κγ,{ΛΛί, -σοίΐ, -TcfA, I have wandered or erred; perf. pass, from uka.Qf/.ui. "" Α'ΚαΚγιτος, -ου, 6, Dor. άΤ^οίΚοίτος, (from άλοίλνι) the noise of soldiers shouting ά- 'huK'/j. Άλάλγιτος, -ου, ο, tj, to -ou, (from a. and λαλ£6ί) unspeakable, unutterable. ' A'hothKoi^iUYiig, -βος, τ), (from next and μ.ίνος) strong to help ; an epithet of Miner- va, or ^^ praised in Alalcomene ;^* a town of that name in Boeotia, where Minerva was particularly worshipped. Άλ«λ«ώ>, f. άλάλξώί, by reduplication for oi-h.KO). "ΑλΛλος, -ου, ό, i], (from a and λαλέώ)) dumb. Άλάλυγζ, -υγγος, ij, (from άλύω) wan- dering of the senses, swooning, giddiness. Άλχλυκ,τίύ), and ά,Τ^χ'λύκτγιμοιι, (from preced.) I sijik, swoon, am faint-hearted. ' Α'κά,μ.ττίτος, -ov, and d'hctfATc^g, -eg, (from Si and 'Κά,μ.'κω) not illuminated, not shining. Άλάο,κα/, f. -τισομ,οί!, I wander, err. A'hao;, -oi, -6u, and d'haog, and άχύ,Οί'τΐος, -ου, ό, v}, (from α and λάω) not capable of seeing, blind, dark. Αλοίοσκοττία,, -ctg. Ion. αλαοσκο^τίτη, -ης, 91, (from preced. and σκο-ττός) a blind, negli^ gent, or inefficient watching. Α'Καόω, f. -ωσω, (from ά,'Κοίος) I render blind. ' A^ocTTcctvog, -vj, -ου, (from next) weak, exhausted, easy to be taken. Άλαττάζώ), f. -| -ί^ος, V), (from άλεω) α female that grinds. Άλετων, -ωνος, το, (from same) a place where corn is ground. "Αλευξον, -ου, το, (from next) meal of corn. Άλεω, f. -εσω, and -νισω, p. νιλεκ,α, Attic άλ'^λεκα, p. pass, τίλεσμ,αι, Attic άλνιλεσ- μαι, (from είλίω) I grind corn. Άλεω, f. -εσω, and -νισω, and ά,λεύω, I avoid, avert; άλεύομ,αι, a. 1. m. ά,λεά^.η^, I avert from myself, avoid, shun, escape. Άλεωζη, -νις, 'ή, (from preced.) escaping, flight, refuge.^ 'Άλ-η, -ης, h, οίληΐ-ίοι, -ατός, το, and άλη- τυς, -υος, v), (from άλάομαι) going about as a vagabond, roving, waiidering. 'Άληγος, -01/, (from άλς and άγοή carry- ing salt. 194 Άλ'ήύεί», -ας, ij, (from άληΗς) tridh. Άληύευω, f. -εύσω, p. νίλνιθευκα, (from next) / speak or maintain, truth ; act truly or sincerely ; verify, confirm. Άληύνις, -εος, ό, vj, το -ες, true. Άληύινός, -VI, -όν, (from preced.) true. Άληύινως, (from same) truly. Άλη&οσυνη•, -ης. Μ, (from same) ίηίί//. ' Αλνι^, f. άλνισω, p. ί^ληκα, (from άλεω) I grind. Άληύως, (from άληΗς) truly, certainly. Άλνιϊος, -ου, 6, 71, (from a and ληϊς, or λεία) without property, poor. "Αληκτος, and άλληκτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from a and λνιγω) incessant. Άληκτω, -όος, vj, (from same) restless, one of the Furies. 'Άλημί, pres. iniin. άλνιμ,ευαι, (from άλάο l^ai) I wander. Άλνΐ(Λωυ, -όνος, 6, (from same) a wan- derer. Άλγ,ναι, infin. 2 aor. pass, οϊ άλωμ,ι, the same as άλίσκω. Άλ'ης, -εος, ό, vj, (from άλις) gathered, croivded. 'Άληστος, -ου, 6, vj. Dor, άλαστος, (from a and λανύάνω) not to be forgotten. " Αληταί, may leap : 3 pers. sing. sub. 1 aor. of οίλλο[ζαι. Άλητεϋο), f. -σω, (from άλάοΐΛ,αι) I wan- der. Άλνιτης, -ου, 6, (from same) a ivanderer. Άλύαίνω, and άλύεω, f. -'ήσω, and άλΰύί, f. άλσω, — άλΰομ,αι, imp. άλύόμην, I heal. Άλία, -ας, τ), (from άλις) an assembly. Άλιά'ής, -εος, 6, vj, (from άλς and άημ^ι) a sea-breeze. Άλιαίετος, and άλιάετος, -ου, 6, (from άλς and αετός) the sea-eagle. Άλίαστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a and λιάζω) not departmg or separating, not yielding, ijievitable, vehement. Άλίβας, -αντος, ό, (from a and λφάς) dead, a river of hades, wine like the waters of Alibas. ΆλΙβάτος, -ου, ό, ^,(from άλς and βαίνω) walking on the sea. Άλίβάτος, -ου, ό, vj, Dor. for νΐλίβάτος, high. ΆλίβΙύω, Mo\. for άλιΙΰω, (from άλς and ^ύύ)) I clothe, cover, Mde,plunge in so as to hide. Άλίβξοχος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and βξε- χω) wet or washed,, by the sea. Άλίγκιος, -a, -ov, alike, liJce, similar. 'Αλιεία, -ας, vi, (from άλιεύς) a fishing. Άλιεξκ^ς, -εος, ό, τ], (from άλς and εξκος) walled or surrounded by the sea. Άλιεύς, -εος, 6, (from άλς) a fisher. Αλιεύω, ί.-ίύσω, p. νίλιεύκα, (from pre- ced.) I fish. 16 Αλίζο). A GREEK LEXICON. *Αλλάΰΰύι), ' Α'Κίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. 'ή7\.ίκ»^ f. 1. pass, άλ/σ- βτίσοίΛα,ι, p. τ,Τ^ίσμ,οα, a. 1. 'ήΚίσθην, (from «■Άς) I salt, season with salt. Άλίζω, f. -ίσω, (from όίλίς) I collect, ga- ther. Άλίτ,χ^ς, 4ος, 6, 9], (from uA; and ^p^of) //i(? sea-roaring. Άλίύίος, -ου, 6, Dor. for vfhiuiog, foolish. ' Α'κίκος, Dor. for νίκίκος, how great, hoiu much. ' A'hiKog, -y\, -o'j, (from οίΚς) Mt, salted. ' A'hif^suog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from u and Τ^ιμ,'ήυ) having no harbour, dangerous, affording 7io refuge. " A'hifAoy, -ου, TO, (from uKg) a shrub of a saltish bitter taste, from the saline par- ticles which abound in the deserts. Job XXX. 4. " Α'Κιμ.ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) of or be- longing to the sea, salted, dry. ' Α7^ί/ϋυξ^£ίς, -ίσσα, -su, (from οίτ^ς and μ,ύζύ)) floiving with noise and impetuosity into the sea. Άλ;;/δ£ω, f. -τίσω, (from «λ /iy) I roll. ' A'hrjo'/j^^ot,, -ug, '^, (from preced.) a place to roll or wallow in. "Α'λίνος, -ου, ό, τι, (from ciAf) seasoned ivith salt. " Α'Κιζ,, -ικος, ο, Dor. for '^λ/|, (from τβ,ι- κίοί) stature, age. ' Ατ^ιόκα,υστος, Dor. for ν[Κίό•Λα,υστος, -ου, ό, (from τίλίος and κα,ίω) sun-burnt, "ΑΧιον, Dor. for ί/'λ/ον. So cihiog, -ου, ό, Dor. for ^λως, the sun. "Α'Αίος, -lot, -10!/, or -ου. Ion. oc'hioio, 6, tj, (from αλί) of or belonging to the sea ; and (because the sea is considered as a watery ivaste,) vain, empty, fruitless, useless. ' Α'Κιοτξίφτις, also ά,'κίτζϊφ'/ις, -ίος, and άλίτζοφος, -ov, 0, 7], (from preced. and τξί- φύ)) sea-nursed. ' Α\ίόω, f. -ωαω, p. -κλ, (from «λ?) / make useless, render fruitless or vain, frustrate. A'hiir'hccyKTog, -ου, ό, vj, and άΆίττλόίΐ/Υΐ;, -εος, (from same and τΐ'κά,ζω) wandering in the sea. ' ΑλίτΓΤ^οος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and τΓΧίω) sailing ov floating in the sea. ' Ατ,ί'ΤΓνοος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and 'ττΑύ)) yielding a smell of the sea, sea-breath- ing. ' Α'Αΐ'ΤΓόζφνΡος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and ■ττοξφύζχ) sea-j)urple. " A'Kig, enough, abundantly, a great deal. ^ΑΤ^ιαγίω, f. .'ησω, p. -ηκοί^ I pollute. Αλ/σ>"^^ί«, -ocrog, to, (from preced.) pollution. Α'Κ'ισκω, (from άλοώ>) f. cchLioo), p. '^Άακχ, Attic έάλώί«α, p. 09. f. 1. pass, άτ^ωύ-ήσομ,αι, p. pass, 'ήϊ.ωμ,αι^ a. 2. act. 'ή7.ο)ν, Attic Ιάλώ^ί^,ρ. pass. νί'Κωμ,Λΐ, I take, seize, convict; am taken. ' ΑΧιατζίφΥΐς, -ίος, and ά,τ^ίστξίτΐτος, -ου, 6, 71, (from αλ? and στζίφύ)) tiuming or floating on the sea. ' Α\ίτίω, or d'hurko), f. -νισω, or -ίσω, by sync, and contr. αΚίτΖ), p. τικίτ-ζικ,χ, a. 1. τίΚίτΥισοί, — and d\iryiy.i, pass, a'hirny.oii, (from α and λ;τ7;) 7 s»z, neglect the service of the gods, violate, transgress their commands. ' Α'Κιχ'ήμ,ων, ο'^ος, ό, (from preced.) a sinner. Άλίττίξίος, and ά7άτης, -ου, 6, (from same) a sinner, flagitious person. 'A7\.iTO^svog, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and Isz/oj) one who violates the laws of hospiitali- ty, perfidious to guests. ' ΑΤκίτζΛίνω, (from ά,^ατίο)) I sin, offend, act unjustly. ΆΆ(Τξ07τος, -ου, ό, tj, (from ϊίτ^ς and τξί •πω) tossed in the sea. Άλιτξός, -ov, 6, (from ά'Κιτίω)αη offender, sinner. Άλίτξΰτος^ -ου, ό, τ], (from αλ$• and τξΰω) sea-worn. Άλ/ώ), f. -Ίσω, p. 'JjT^iKct, I roll. ' A'hioig, (from ccT^iog) in vain. ' Α'Κκ,ά, -α,ς, τι, Dor. for χλκ,τ], and οίλκ,χξ, -ξος, ro, aid, help. 'ATiKxict, -ας, τι, (from preced.) the tail of a lion. Άλκί?, -ίης, and «λ|, άτ,χ,ος, όη, strength, courage, particularly for defending one's self. " ΑΎ.ΆΐξΛος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from preced.) brave, intrepid. Άλχ-τ^^, -νίξος, ό, (from same) a defender, protector. " Α'Κχ.ω, and άΤ^αΚκω, f. «A|iy, or άΤ^κτισω, and άτ^α,'Κκ.νισύ), a. 2. ciKahKov, (from same) I repel, ward off, defend, protect. Άλλα, (from άλλο?) other things; but^ yet, except, on the contrary ; and, moreover, besides, even ; to mark an abrupt transition, but, that is, " enough of this, let us proceed to other things ;" to mark an ellipsis, as, άλλ ουχ, 'ATQsilij vivha'ji, II. A', 24. this sup- poses τοΙς f^su ύίΚΚοις 'ή ulceus, the Other Greeks hailed the priest, he having proved acceptable to them, but he was not accept- able to Atrides. See Parkhurst's and Dr. Jones's Lexicons on the word. Άλλα755, -νις, τι, and dT.'hayy.x, -οίτος, το, (from ακάσσω) change. 'Λλλα;ντο7ΤύΑ£ώ;, ϊ.-'/',σω,{ϊ\'θη\ άλλα? and 7Γω7.ίω) Ι sell sausages. Άλλαζ/το•τ&>λ>7ί•, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a seller of sausages. 'Αλλά?, -duTog, 6, a sausage. ' ΑΧΚά,σσω, Attic οί'κ'κόίττω, f. -^ω, p. '^λ- 195 Αλλαττα, A GIIEEK LEXICON. 'Αλ\6φυλος. 7\.όίχα, a. 2. τΐΚΚα,γύν, f. 1. pass. άΚΚα,γ,^'ή- ϋομα,ι, p. Vi7J\a.y^cx,i^ a. 1. 'ήΧκάχ,ύγιν, f. 2. «λλίϋ7^σο^ί5ί/, a. 2. ^ήΧΚά,γγιν^ (from aXhog) I change^ alter. Άλλάττίί, (for αλλίί i^TTfic) i^e rest. \\.ΧΚο!,χ% and ά,ΧΚα,χου, (from oiXhog) elsewhere. ' hXhoiyfldiv, (from same)/;Om ehewliere, " AXhsyou, for duUT^eyovy and this is Ion. for ^6l/£λ£yoi', imperf. of άνοίλίγω. "Αλλί;, adv. (from dat. sing. fem. of ah- λος) to another place. Άλλγιγοξίω, -ω, (from οίλλος and α.γοξίω or rather άγοξεΰω) I allegorize, turn into alle- gory. Gal. iv. 24. "Ατ;ζ/ά Ιστ;ν ά'ΚΜγοζού-- μ&νοί, " which things are [not, " an allego- ry" but] allegorized." They were originally literal histor}^ but they are allegorized in the poetical style of Isaiah, ch.liv. 1. quot- ed in verse 27. ; and by the Apostle him- self who considers them as having a further meaning than the history displayed. Άχκηγοζί», 'Οίς, VI, (from preced.) an allegory^ a figurative discourse, in which something other is intended, than is con- tained in the words literally taken. ' Ατο^γιγοζίκος, -^, -ov, (from preced.) al- legorical. "ATOs.YiKrog, -ov, o, -Φΐοΐ. for οίλγικτος. ^ AXKvikQvict, (γτ- ibbrr) praise ye Jah or Jehovah. Άλλ57λίΰν, gen. plur. άλλοίλο /g•, -α,ις, -οίς, dat. άΤΟ^νβ,ους, -οίς, -οί, accus. wants the nom. (from οίλλος) one another, each other. Άλλθ7£ζ/;}ί, -iog, 0, 7], (from aXkog and yhog) of another nation, stranger, foreigner, 'ATiTioyTiuaaog, -ου, 6, % (from aXhog and y\macC) using another language, a foreigner. ^ AXhoyvcuTog, ~ov, o, v], (from οίλλος and γινωσκ,ω) known only to others, strange, foreign. Άλλolΰί7rog, -^, -oV, (from same and δά- 'π'ί^οϋ) of another country, strange, foreign. Άλλοί/δ;}?, -iog, 6, vi, (from same and iH^og) having another appearance or form, changed. " Ato^oUsv, (from same)yrom another place, from elsewhere. "Αλλού{, (from same) m another place, elsewhere. Axhoe^oog, -ov, 6, Tj, (from same and ^ξόog) of another tongue, foi^eign. "AXholog, -old, -olov, (from same) of a different kind, varying, diversified, discord- ant, abhorrent. Άλλοίόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. νίΤΟ^οίωκοί, f. 1. pass. ά70\.οιωύ'ίίσομ,α,ι, p. ^λλο/ώ'^ίί/, (from same) / change. 19Γ> Άλλοίωσίς, -log, Attic -icjg, i}, (from same) change. "Αλλοκύί, Dor, for «λλοτ£. AKXoKOTog, -ου, ό, τ], that is oL'k'KOrox.og, (from oLXhog and roTcog^ monstrous. "Αλλο^οί/, imperf. νίΚ'ΚόξΛΥίν, -ου, -ero, a. 1. γΆάίΛΥΐν, and in 3. pers. γ'Κα,το, f. 2. όίΚου- μα,ί, I leap, leap up, spring, buhble up. ^ ATQ^o'TT^oaccKhog, -ott, 6, vj, (from oiK^og, -r^oV, and uh\og) changing from one to ano- ther, inconstiHit. "Αλλο?, -Ύΐ, -ο, another, plur. other ; with the article, the other of two, plur. the others, the rest; repeated in a sentence, one and another, John iv. 37• plur. some and some, or some and others, Mark vi. 15. "Αλλοτέ, (from preced.) otherwise, at ano- ther time. " A'h'hor^tos'TiriaKO'Trog, -ου, 6, (from next and I'TrlaKO'TTog) a curious inspector or med- dler in other people's affairs, a busy body in other merHs matters, one who affects the in- spection and direction of the public affair's of other people, 1 Pet. iv. 15. and see Lard- ner's Works, I. 199. A^TiOTQiog, -ex,, -ov, jiEol. aXKOrsppog, (from αλλοί) belonging to another, strange, foreign, belonging to other people, a stran- ger, alien. Άλλοτξίοφύο!/ίω, (from preced. and φόο- uia) I envy others or strangers. Άλλοτξΐοφξοι>ίύ), (from same and φξονίω) I think or muse on different things, am ab- sorbed in thought and absent in mind ; am of a different opinion or party ; think other- wise than what I express, use deceitful lan- guage ; am alienated in mind through grief and distress ; faint, am delirious. ΆλΤίοτξΐόω, -ω, f. -ίύσω, p. νιΤ^.'Κοτξίωχ,η, (from oi70\.og) I alienate from myself to ano- ther, make strange, pass, emigrate, Jer. 1. 8. / alienate from another to myself, appro- priate. Άλλοτ^/ώ)?, (from same) strangely, in an alienated manner. Ά'hλorξtωσίg, -iog, vj, Attic -iωg, tj, (from same) alienation, estrangement from people of God through connection with foreigners, Neh. xiii. 30. ' ΑΧΚο(Ρζονίων, -ούσα, -ou, (from «λλο? and (Ρξονίύ)) alienated in mind, insane. Άλλοφι/λ/σ^οί, -ου, 6, (from next) man- ners of heathens ov foreigners. Άλλύφί/λοί•, -ov, 0, Vi, (from oί7^.'hog and φύ\γΐ) a foreigner, one of another race or nation, and not of Israel ; frequently used in for a Philistine ; because the Philis- tines remained in the land that was given to tile tribes of Israel, and yet they were άΧΚόφυΤ^οι, foreign tribes. Άλλόφωνος. A GREEK LEXICON. Άλΰακω. \\Ά7.όφ£•)νος, -ov, ό, v}, (from d^'hog and φων/)) of another ov foreign speech. " AXhvhg, (from χλΆος) in another place, elsewhere : II. Λ', 486. oiTChvhig άΧΚος, one this way, the other that, dispei^scd in all di- rections. ^ Αχκύτος, -ου, 6, i], poet, for οίλντος. Άλλύω, imperf. 3 sing. Ion. ά'Κκΰίσχ,ξ, poet. fr)r duoihvo). "Αλ?^ωύ£ν, fr>r αλλο^δί/, elsewhere. "ΑΆΆω;, (from οίλλος) otherwise. "Αλ^δί, -ocTog, TO, (from αλλομαι) leap- ing, dancing. "Ατ^μ,γι, -Yig, '/}, and άλμ,νςίς, -/δο$•, vj, (from αλ?) a salt liquor at the bottom of salt pits under the salt. ' A.'KfAv^og, -ξά, -ζον, (from preced.) 5fl/iei/, salt. "Αλ|, cl7\.x.og, 7}, the same as cc^k'Jj. Αλοχύ), and ώλοάίυ, -Ζ, f. -'/;acj, and -άσα, 1 . a. 7}λόγισα; p. -τ,κ,οί, (from άλίω) I thresh or tread out corn. On Judg. viii. 7, 1β. see Άλ07£ί«, f. -Tjcc), (from oi and T.oyog) I disregard, undervalue, despise, slight: «λο- yio/acci, -ov(Acii, I am made no account of, am neglected or despised. 'AXoy/ci, -Dig, Ion. d'hoyir,, -rig, vj, and u.'hoyny^uL, -ccTog, το, (from same) disregard, contempt ; unreasonableness, absurdity. ^ A'AOytog, -tec, -lo'j, (from same) devoid of speech or reason. Άλο^/στ/ύί, -stf, ^, (from same) wttwi o/* consideration, indiscretion. A'hoyiGTog, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) without reason. " A'hoyog, -ου, 6, ί], το -ou, (from same) devoid of speech or reason, of no account, irrational, absurd. ' Ahoyo)g, (from same) unreasonably, rashly. Α\ό•ί\, -fig, '/], the aloe. AMinrdg, and aT^ovirog, -ου, 6, (from άλοάω) threshing, time of threshing. ' A'kokv, (from a/,g)from the sea. Άλοίφάύ), the same as ά.'κύφω. Άλο/φτ;, -ijg, vi, (from άλίίφω) anointing, daubing, obliteration; ointment, oil, fat. "Αλο|, -OKog, 7], the same as οίΰλοί^. ^Αλοί-, Dor. for τίλος, a nail, wedge, goad. ' ΑΆοσύ^ι/γΐ, -r,g, v], (Irora dλg and σεύα, whence a^oauvog, άλοσύνγι, and by epenthc- sis of ό άλοσύύν^) the sea, an epithet of Thetis, or of Amphitrite. A'hoυξy':ήg, -sog, 6, yj, and e)ίλoυQyog, -vj, -ou, (from a'Ag and e^you) sea-iorought purj)le, purple obtained from a sea-fish. Αλοίίτ, ctKovoa., -όυν, for ά,λοβίς, -elaoi, -sv, part, of 2 aor. pass, of άλίσκα. "Αλοφοί, -ου, ό, ί], (from α and λόφος) tvithout a crest, crcstless. " AT^oy/ig, -ου, vj, (from χ for olf^ct, and λέ- Xog) a wife. ' Α\όύ), and οίΎΜμ,ι, I take, am taken or captured : see ά'λίσκ,ω, and page 69. 'A^TTuog, -'ή, -ov, superlative οί'Κττνίστος, (perhaps from ^(χΤΑ-ττΰος) cherishing, foster- ing, pleasant. "AAj, ahog, 6, salt, wit, and a^g, a.'kog, tj, the sea. "Αλσος, -eog, ro, a grove. Άλσω^γις, -sog, 6, 'ή, (from preced.) belong- ing to groves, woody. ' Αλτί-Λος, -'/ι, -ου, (from όίλλο(Λΰίΐ) capable of leaping, springing, elastic. "Αλτις, or οίλσις, -log, tj, (from οίλσος) a grove sacred to Jupiter. ^Αλτο, JEol. for 'ήλίτο, 3 pers. sing. aor. 2. mid. or for νιλα,το, aor. 1. mid. or for τιλΎο, pluperf. of α,λλομ,α,ί. ' Αλνη, -'fig, ί], (from cc and λύύύ) the piece of wood into which the plough handle is fixed. ' Αλνκ,ος, -vj, -ou, (from άλς) impregnated with salt, brackish, salt. ' Αλυκ,τάζω, (from άλΰω) I fear, am an- xious. "Αλϋττος, -ου, ό, tj, (from cc and λύττϊΐ) free from grief, not causing grief, not feel- ing grief " Αλυς, -vog, 6, ij, (from άλΰω) anxiety of mind. Ά.λυσ6α,ίνω, or άλυσθίνω, (from preced.) / am affiicted, am weak, in distress of mind. "" Αλυσύι/,αίνο), (from άλύο) and άσύ^Λοίίνω) I breathe with pain and difficidty. 'Αλυσιδωτός, -ου, ό, (from next) chained, linked together, wreathen. "Αλΰσις, -ίος, Attic -zo)g, vj, (from ex. and λύω) a chain. A Roman citizen might not be bound with thongs as a punishment, or in order to be scourged ; but he might be kept in custody, upon just suspicion, or credible accusation, with a chain or chains. The usual way of chaining prisoners was this : an iron chain of a convenient length was fastened at one end to the hand of the prisoner, and at the other to the arm of the soldier. When there was but one soldier, and one chain, the chain was fas- tened to the rigiit arm of the prisoner, and to the left arm of the soldier: when a se- cond soldier and another chain were or- dered, the prisoner probably wore the other chain on his left hand, and the sol- dier on his right. See Acts xxviii. 20. Ephes. vi. 20. 2 Tim. i. 16. and Acts xii. 6,7. ^ Αλυσιτίλνις, -iog, 6, v), το -ig (from cc and λυσιτίλνις) unprofitable. ' Αλΰσκω, f. -ξω, and άλνσκύζω, (from 197 ^ ΑΧυΰμ,Ις, A GREEK LEXICON. ' A[JM^fiL, (Ιλίύ) or from αλύσσω, p. 70.) I shun, decline, escape. ' ΑΆυσμος, -ου, ο, (from άΤ^ΰω) anxiety, grief, Άλνσσώ), f. -|ώ), (from same) lam anxious, wander in mind, shun. ΆΤίυστχίι/ω, see άΆυσθούυω. Άλντ-^ίς, -ov, 0, (from οί'Κυσις) a chainer, a Victor. " Κ'Κϋτος, -Qv, 6, 9], (from «c and λύω) tin- loosed, indissoluble^ ' Ατ^υχνι, -^ς, vi, (from next) loathing luith frequent yawning. 'ΑΆνω, or ΰύλνω, f. -ύσω, I am mad, rave, am delirious, talk irrationally, am frantic with any violent passion. "Αλφοί, or οίΆψγ], -της, τ], (from V\hk) an ox, a dowry as consisting of oxen or of money bearing the head of an ox, a leader. Άλφίσίβοίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from next and βονς) feeding oxen, producing pasture for oxen: α,Τ^φίσίβοια,ι, cci, an epithet of virgins, who from their rank or beauty ot)tained from their suitors a large portion (of oxen or of money so called) as the price of mar- riage. Αλφίω, f. -7]σω, and -saco ; ά'Κφόίυύ) ; δέλ- φοί'ινω; αλφάξω; and οίτ^φο), imp. τΙ'Κφον, (from οίλφοί) I search, find, gain, produce ; receive as wages, obtain as a reward. "Αλφ'ίτον, -ου, ro, meal, parched corn, bread. Άλφίτοσίτίω, (from preced. and ατίω) I use barley bread. Άλφός, -5j, -ov, (in Latin albus) white. 'Αταφος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a sort of leprosy, not reckoned contagious. Lev. xiii. 39. Άλώ), contr. for άΤ^ίω, I decline, avoid. Ά^ωάς, -ά^ος, τι, (from όίΆως) an epithet of Ceres. ' Ατ^ω^τίς, -ίος, ό, (from όίτ^χς) like salt. Άλωίύς, Λως, 6, (from κ7\.ως) a thresher, a vintner. Άλω^, -jji-, V), the aloe. Άλώ)57, -νις, 71, and Dor. άλωοί, gen. plur. ^ol. α,λωάύ^, for άΊ\ωωι/, or, with the rough spirit, ά,Άωνι, -τις, and αΚωοί, -οίς, vi, ϋΤκως, -ω, 6, or ^, οίτ^ων, -ωνος, 6, '•/], (from οίΚοά,ω) α threshing-floor, α corn-floor ; corn, a granary ; a corn-field, a vineyard, a plan- tation ; a festival in ivhich first-fruits luere offered to Ceres and Bacchus ; the area of a circle. "ΑΤ^ωμ,ι, same as άτ^ίσκω, infin. a. 2. mid. ά,λΖναί, infin. a. 2. pass, ώλ^ζ /ci;. Άλώ-τι^Ι, -ίκος, VI, (as if aAiiipyjf, a de- vourer of the vineyard, from οίτ^ως and φά.- ya) a fox ; a cunning person: whence άλώχ&κίον, -Of, TO, a little fox ; οίλωττίκ'^, - 198 5J?> ^j fi fox's skin; άλωττίκις, -ί^ος, v], a fox^s whel]) ; άλω-ττίκ-ίζω, I act deceitfidly ; ά,Τ^ύίτΐος, -ου, 6, v}, cunning, fraudulent ; άΤ^ωτηκία,, -οίς, vj, a fox's hole. ' Αλωσίμος, -ου, 6, τ], (from άλόω) easily taken or seized ; comprehensible. "Αλωσίς, -ιος, Attic -ζως, τ], (from same) a taking, catchmg, prey. ' Α'Κωτος, -vj, -ου, (from same) liable to be taken, seizable, accessible. ' Ατ,ωφτιτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from α and Τ^ωφά,ω) unalleviated, incessant. Άλώ)6), for άΧω, a. 2, sub. act. of ά,Τκίσκ,ω. " Αικ! , or α,μα.. Dor. ocf/.A, (but af^oi Dor. for ομ^ου) also Mf^Tj, at once, at the same time, together with, with. " Αμα.γγοι,ξΐ, ά^ΛΤΤΛ^ι, or ά[ΛΰίττΛξοί, (Hebrew) a mark. ^ Α(Λά,θ£ΐοί, and a/^ocuicx., -α,ς, ij, (from cc and /icoiusd)) ignorance, folly. ^ ΑζΑΛύτις, -ίος, 6, 7), (from same) unlearn- ed, rude, unteachable. ' Αμ,οίύόζΐς, -ζσσα, -£u, Ion. yif/^auoetg, (for ■ψίχ.μα.ύ6ίίς) sandy. "A/icocuog, -ου, v], (for -ψά,μοιύος) sand, dust. Άμοίύϋι/ύ}, f. -i>m, (from preced.) I re- duce to ashes, level with the dust. ^ Αμ,ΰίΐιχάκ,Βτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc intens. and μά,κ,ίτος, the same as μ,οικ,ξος) very long, large, immense ; or (from ex, neg. and μάχ,ομοα) invincible. Af^oikccKiGTioi, -α,ς, vj, (from α and (/.«.- Τ^α,κ,ίζύ)) hardness, greatness of mind. ' Αμ,οίΚά,'π'τω, f. -ψω, a. L ^^αώλβίψα, (from oif/^cc and Τ^ά,-τιττω) I devour, gidp up at once or in a moment. " Α[ΛθίΚ^ϋνύ), f. -ννω, (from άμ,χΤ^ος) I soften, reduce, waste, destroy, level. ' A^a.'Kdciioc, -α,ς, yj, (from next) the goat Amalthcea, which is supposed to have given suck to Jupiter. ' Ay.uT^Uociocg κ,ίζο,ς, thecor- nucopice or symbol of plenty. Job xlii. 1 4. " Α^,α^ό^ύω, f. -ξύσω, I nourish, enrich. " Ai^oiXktx,, -γις, 7}, an armful, handful, bundle, sheaf. ' ΑμαΤ^λίύύ), f. -ίύσω, (from preced.) I ga- ther into bundles, gripe, grasp. Ά/κάλλ/οζ/, -ου, το, (from same) a cord or bond. ΆμαλλοΙίτ'^ξ, '^τίξος, or af^DiKho^irng, -ου, 0, (from same and Ιίω) a binder of bundles or of sheaves. 'A^ciAoV, -i -o'j, (bnK) tender, soft, weak. ^ Αμ.ά,μυ\, -υκος, v], a kind of vine or grape. ' Α(ΛαήτΎ\ς, -ου, ό, a mushroom or any kind' 0Ϊ fungus. "Αμοίξχ, -Ύις, 7}, a carriage, cart, waggon: ά,μ,ά,^ιον, -ου, το, and ά,μιχ,^Ις, -βος, ^, α little ivaggon or cart. A{Mx,trjoi. A GREEK LEXICON. Άμβολάς. ' Α/^,Λξίύύ), (from preced.) I go m a wag- gon, drive or draw a ivaggon, drag. Άααξίτος, -ου, v], (from same) a waggon road, a ριώΐίο way. ' Αμοί^οτΓΥΐγίω, (from same and ττνίγυυμ^ι) I make waggons. ^Αμοίξ, -ccTog, το, Dor. for ^μ,οίξ. ^ Af4,oiqoi, or af/^x^oi, -ocg^ τι, an aqueduct, water-jnpe, gutter. ^ Αμ,Λξά,κ,Χνος, -η, -ou, made of amaracum, viz. an ointment. ^ Αμ,ά,ζά,κος, -ου, 6, an herb called siueet marjoram, amaracum. AfA,ci^a,'jT^iuog, and άμ^άο^α,υτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from Λ and μοίζαίνο)) that cannot fade away, unfading. ^ ΑμίΧ,φω, and άμοίζζύω, (from άμύξο,) I floiu in a pipe, or canal, or small stream. ' Αμοί^τοίνο), (from obsol. άμοίξτύω, p. 70.) f. χμαξΤ7]σω, p. ν]μ^ά,ξΤ7;κχ, a. 2. ί^μχξτον, a. 1. part, άμ,χξτνισοις, I miss a mai^lc; miss, deviate from a ivay ; err, sin. ' Αμοίζτάς, -άδο?, '^, (from preced.) error, offense, sin. ' Αμοίζττι, for όμα,^τν}, together, at the same time. ' Αμχ,ζτηΤ^ά,της, properly ' Αξμοίτγι'κάτγις. ' Αμ^ά,(ΐτγιμ(χ,, -ατός, το, (from obsol. άμχξ- τεω, p. 70.) a sin ; sin-offering. Lev. iv. 29. ' Αμοίζτίοί, -ας, vi, (from same) deviation from the divine law, sin ; a sacrifice for sin, Lev. iv. 21, 25. 2 Cor. v. 21. so also the phrase crs^i ΰμ,αζτίοι,ς. Lev. iv. 35. Psal. xl. 6. Rom. viii. 3. Heb. x. 6, 8. ; punishment of sin, Zech. xiv. 19. Rev. xviii. 4. ; deviation from truth, falsehood, John viii. 46. Αμοίξτϊνοος, -ου, 6, vi, (from άμοι,ζτάνω and νόος) erring in mind ; wicked, mad, fa- nous. ' Αμχςτοε'ΤΓ'-ής, -ίος, 6, vi, (from same and έττω) erring in words, vain, false. ' Αμα,ζτοσΰϋγι, -ης, oj, (from ά,μ,α,ζτά,υύ)) error, offense, sin. ' Αμά,ζτύζος, and άμΛζτϋ()-/ιτος, -ου, 6, v], (from oc and μάξτυζ) without witness, unat- tested. ' Αμχξτωλ'^, -^ς, v), (from ά,μΛ^τΛνω) er- ror, offense, sin. ' Αμ,Λ(ζτύ)Κί(χ,, -ug, vj, (from same) error, sin. ' Αμοί.ξτω'λός, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same) a si?i- ful person, a sinner. Without objecting to Middleton's observations on Luke xviii. 1 3. in his work on the article, it may be queried, whether the μοι τω ύμ,ιχ,ζτύίΑφ of v. 13. be not the marked contrast to the ούτος ο τζ>Μντ,ς of V. 11. Thi;i will scem the more probable, if we advert to the usual association in the pharisaical lan- guage between " publicans and sinners." ^ Αμα.ζϋγνί, -Yjg, 7], and ΰΐμοίξυγμ,οί, -οίτος, To,^(from next) brightness, splendour. ^ Αμ,οί^ύσσω, f. -^ω, p. -%«, (from a, in- tens. and μ^αίζύή I shine, blaze. 'Αμάσητος, and όίμοιστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from oe, and μχσσύ,ομα,ι) unchewed, that cannot be cheived. ' Αμ.ϋί,τξοχόίω, f. -ν^σω, (from όίμ,α,Οΐ α.ζμο(, and τζίχω) I run together with, attend, ac- company ; or / run with a chariot. ' Αμχτζοχ,ίΰί, -α,ς, v), or ά,^ματζοχίοί, (from same) the action of running with a chariot, the track or rut made by the luheels. ' Αμ,ίχ,ττίχ,ζΙ or -ζά, see άμχγ'/οίζί. ' Αμοιυξος, -ου, 6, v], or -ζός, -ξοΐ, -ξοι/, (from cc and μοι,ίξω) obscure, dark, black. ' Αμα,υζόω, -ω, (from preced.) / make ob- scure or dim, darken. ' Αμα.ύξωσίς, -ιος, -ίως, 'ή, (from same) oh- scurity, extinction, " Αμα,φίθ, (Heb.) the threshold. Αμοίχοίνίοί, -οίς, vj, for αμηχανία. Άμάχ,ξτος, αμάχητος, and άμαχος, -ου, ο, ν;, (from α and μάχομαι) not contentious or quarrelsome ; invincible. " Αμάω, -ω, f. -vjgo), p. ί^μηκ^α, I reap, mow, cut down ; gather, grasp. ΑμβαΙνω, for αναβαίνω. ΑμβάΤΟχύ), for αιιαβαΚΤ^ω. " Α^άσις, for άνάβάσις, and άμβάτος, for αναβατός. " Αμβη, -ης, h, tl^^ broiu of a rock. "Αμβίξ, -(κος, ό, a pot, cup, cask. ' Αμβλάκημα, the same as άμ,'ττΤ^άκ,ημο^' ΆμβΧ'ίι'^ην, for άναβλτι'^ην, (from ανα- βάλλω) in an infeyTupted, broke?!, violent manner. Άμβλόω, f. -ωσω, and αμβλύνω, f. -ννω, a. I. pass, νιμβλύνθην, (from αμβλύς) Intake dim or blunt, weaken, render abortive. ' Αμβλύζω, for αναβλύζω. 'Αμβλύς, -ίΐα, -ύ, (b?2X) bhmt, didl, dim. ' Αμβλΰτης, -νιτος, ^, (from preced.) Z>/M?ii- ness, didlness, imbecility. ' Αμβλυωττίω, (from same and ω•^) and άμβλυό)ττω, I am dim-sighted or blind. ' Αμβλυωτίία, -ας, % (from preced.) weak- ness of sight. Άμβόάμα, -άτος, το, for άναβόημοί, a cry, alarm. ^ Αμβοάω, for άναβοάω. Άμβολα^ην, for άναβολάΐη^, at intervals, aloft, in squirts, in torrents. II. Φ', 364. ττάντοθίν άμβολάΐην, " Over-bubbling streams on all sides." Cotvper. Άμβολάς, -άοος, τ}, (from αναβάλλω) a raised ground, embankment. 199 'A^oXi A GREEK LEXICON. Άμίτξο; ^ Αμ,βοΚνΐ, or χμ^βολίτ]^ πζ, h, (iVom same) delay, interval. 'A^/3oA/£^yoV, -oy, 0, (from same and £ξ- yov) a procrastinator of work. ' Κμ,βξοσία,, -α,ς, τ], (from οΐμ,βξοτος) am- brosia, heavenly meat. " Αμ,βζόσιος, -Λ, -oy, and κ,μ,β^οτος, -ου, (from a. and βξοτός) immortal, imperishable, ambrosial. * Α^^βξότω, for α,βζότω, — and ά^,ίβζοτίω, or άβξότέω, f. -^σώ^, (from οίβξότγι) I miss in the night, stray, miscarry. ' Αμβωμος, -ov, 6, (from daoi and βωμός) . an elevated base, high raised block. " Αμβωυ, -ωνος, 6, a mount, toj) of a moun- tain, cliff ; the brim of a vessel ; the boss of a buckler. " Αμβωσο^ς, poet, and Ion. for άνοιβότ,σΰίς, (from άνοίβοά,ω) having cried aloud. ΆμΙ, Dor. for ίμε, met acciis. sing, of έγω. Άμέγοίξτοζ, -ov, 6, vj, (from oi and με- γαίξω) unenviable, odious ; dispensed with- out envy or grudging ; abundant, immense, vast. " Αμίύο^ος, -ου, 6, vi, and άμεύοίευτος, (from tz and μίύοίος) without method. 'Αμίύυστα., -ωυ, τα,, (from next) amu- lets used against drunkenness. ^ Αμίύυστοζ, -ου, ό, and ά-μίόυσο!/, -ov, το, (from oi and μεύυ) the amethyst ; so called, because, though it approaches the colour of wine, it falls short of it, resembling wine mixed with water ; and because it is sup- posed to keep off drunkenness. ^Αμείβω, f. -ι^ώ), p. ^ήμειφα,, a. 1. ^^μεί-φοί,, f. 2. άμιβω, p. m. νιμοιβίΛ, f. 1. p. ά,μειφύν}- σομαι, p. p. νιμειμμ,αι, I act or give in re- turn ; move by turns ; give in change, ex- change, barter ; mid. / inove myself so as to correspond to the motion of another, act 7ny part in unison with ; recompense, succeed ; correspond with, fit ; reply to ; move in my turn, pass. ^ Αμει^'Αζ:, -^0?, and άμει^^^τος, -ου, ό, η, (from (5c and μει^χω) without smiles, sad. " Αμείτ^ικ,τος, and άμείταγβς, -ου, ό, Vj, (from ex, and με'ιΚιγρς) not mild, unrelenting, cruel, implacable. " Αμείνων, -ουος, ο, '^, το -oi', (irreg. compar. of ay α,^ος) better. ^ Αμείξω, f. -εζω, (from ci and μ.είζω) I deprive one of his portion. ' Αμε7\.γω, f. -|ώ), p. νιμε'Κχ,α., I milk. ^ ΑμεΚει, imper. of άμε'κέω, contr. for ά,μεΚεε, care not, be not anxious; as an adv. certainly, doubtless, of course. ' ΑμεΚεΐΰί,, and αμεΤ^Λ, -οίζ, '^,(from next) carelessness, negligence. Ά^5λ£(5ϋ, f. -ί•}σο), p. νίμε7\γικα; a. 1. τιμί- 300 'Κτησα, (from u and μίλει) I do not care for, neglect. ΆμεΤ^'ής, -εος, ο, τ], (from same) negligent. "ΑμεΤ^ζίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (il'om (ζμεΧ- yuj) a milki7ig. " Αμε'Κως, (from άμε7\.''/ις) carelessly. " Αμεμτττος, -ου, ο, vj, (from ct, and μίμ.'κ- τος) blameless, unblameable. ^ ΑμεμτΓτως, (from same) unblameably. - ^ Αμενγινος, -vj, -ου, (from a, and μει/ος) feeble, deprived of life. Άμευτινόω, (from same) I lueaken. " Αμευνις, -εος, 6, (from same) without strength, feeble, ' Αμε^οί, Dor. for ίιμεξχ. Άμίξγω, f. -ζω, I squeeze out the mother or lees of oil, squeeze or suck oid, strip, cidl. ' Αμε^ω, f. ^σω, (from a, and μεξίω) I de- prive of sight, render blind. Some explain it as the same with ά,μείξω. ^ Αμεξνις, -εος, ό, v}, and ά,μεξίστος, -ou, (from Λ and μίξος) not having parts, indi- visible. ΆμεξίοίΊος, -ex,, -ov, (from same) indivisible with regaled to time, momentary. ' Aμεζιμu'ήσιcc, and άμεξιμvίex, -exg, tj, (from next) freedom from care. Αμεξίμυος, -ου, ό, yj, (from oc aΏάμεξiμvex■) free from care, carefulness, or solicitude ; secure, easy. ' Αμεξίμνως, (from preced.) securely. Άμέξίος, Dor. for νιμεριος, (from ^ιμίξΐχ.) lasting only for a day, ephemeral. Άμεξσχί, infin. of a. 1. οι χμίξ^ω. ' Αμετά,'όετος, -ου, 6, vj, το -ou, (from a and μετατίύ•ημ() unchangeable. "" Aμετex,κiuΎιroς, -ου, 6, vj, (from ex, and μετοίχΐϋεω) unmoveahle. " Αμετίχ,μεΚΎίχος, -ου, ό, η, (from ct and μετοίμε7\.ομεχ,ι) not to be repented of or re- gretted ; not subject to repentance or change of mind, irrevocable. " Aμετex.v6Ύ^τoς, -ου, ο, vi, (from ex, and με- roiuosa) unrepenting, impenitent, irreclaim- able. " Aμεrei,'πειστoς, -ov, (from a, μετά, and 'ττείύω) not to be persuaded to change, in- flexible. "" Αμετά,στα,τος, -ου, ο, τ], (from et and μεύίστγιμί) incapable of being removed, im- moveable. ' Αμετεξος, Dor. for νιμετεζ^ος, our. Άμέτξγιτος, -ου, ό, v}, (from oc and μετφω) immense. ' Αμετζοε'τννίς, -ου, 6, τ], (from a, μίτξοι/, and εττω) immoderate in words, a babbler, prater. " Αμετξος, -ου, 6, vj, το -ov, (from ex and μετξοιι) beyond one's measure or appointed bounds. λμ^ίυαίΊΤΟορς. A GREEK LEXICON. Άμνοφόρος. Άμ,ίυσΊτο(ΐος, -oy, ο, h, (from next and τζύζο;) changing its course. ' Αμ,ίΰω, ί. -ίΰσύ), I go beyond, pass, sur- pass, change. "ΑίΛΤί, --/ig, vj, (from άμ,άω) a pruning- hook, a spade. ^ Aft,')iif, Onx) amen; verily, so it is; so he it. 2 Cor. i. 20. οσαι ya^ εττΰίγγΒλΙοίί θεού, iu αύτω το uai, κοίϊ sv αυτω ro ayy/}u. ^' For how many soever be the promises of God, in Him (Christ) is the Yea, and in Him the Amen :" i. e. Whatever God hath promised, He will through Christ assm'ed- ly fulfil, yoil and «,κ^ν being strong and well known asseverations of the truth. Middleton on the Article. ' Α(Λ'ήητος, -ου, 6, vj, (from λ and ,u,viuig) free from anger, vieek. " Κμ.-ί]ς, -YtTog and -ου, 6, a kind of cake baked with viilk. ^ Κ^Λ-ΐίτνιο^, -ί^ξος, 6, (from ά,μ,άω) a reaper. ' Af^riTog, -ov, 6, (fiOmsame) harvest, time of harvest. ' Αμ-τίταξ, -οξος, 6, (from a, and μ'ήτηο) without mother. See ά-ττάτωο. " Α^τ,χοίνίω, -ω, (from cc and (Λ-η-^οίν/ϊ) I am without contrivance or means, am in per- plexity. 'A/iiYi)C!tvtx, -ag, lon. af^rixstvin, -^c, 7], (from same) difficulty, impossibility. ^ Αμ,'ή-χ,όίυος, -ου, 6, 'ή, το -oi/, (from same) wanting contrivance, difficulty impossible; full of contrivance, artful. ^ Af^iccvTog, -ου, 6, vj, (from at and fzixiua) undefiled. ' AfAidiog, Dor. for ij/iciueog, -ου, ο, a demi- god. ' Αι/,ιθζξΪ!/, by transposition for άξίθμ-εΐν. " AuiKTog, -ου, 6, '/), (from u, and y/iyuvy^i) unmixed, unsociable. " A^iXKtc, --/ig, '/], a contest. ΆμίΤ,λύομοίί, (from preced.) / con- tend. 'A^/|//ιμονεύω, f. -Υ/σω or -εϋσύ), (from χ and μνχω) I forget. ' Αμννιμων, -ouog, 6, 'ή, (from same) for- getful. Αμ.υ-/\αίχ, -xg, v), (from same) forgetful- ness. ' Αμ.ν-ΑσικχκΊχ, -χς, v}, (from preced. and KXKtx) forgetf Illness of injury. ^ Αμ^ν/ισικχκος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) for- getful of injunes, forgiving. Αμ.υ-ήσηίχ, and χμ,ν•/ιστίχ, -xg, i), (from X and y.uxo)) forgetfulness. ^ Αμ.ννισηυτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from χ and μ,νηστεύύ)) not betrothed. "Αμνιο!/, -ου, ro, (from χ7μχ) the mem- brane which covers thefcetus ; also, a vessel luhich received the blood of the victim. ' Αμης, -ihog, v}, (dim. from next) a little ewe-lamb. 'Αμνός, -oD, 6, a male lamb : χμ,νων. Gen. xxxi. 7, 41. is probably by mistake for μ,νων, the Hebrew word for times. See under άμνχς, and see μ.νάχ. ' Αμ,νοφύζος, -ου, vj, (from preced, and φίξω) ά.μνοφ6ζθ)ς, acc. pi. Dor, for αμνοψό- οους, lamb bearing, a pregnant cwc. c 201 ^μ,ογητί. A GREEK LEXICON. 'hlJj'oybaXmg, 'A^oyi?T/, (from α and μογίω) imthout toil or trovhle. ^ Αμ,όγητος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) mi- iveariedy indefatigable. ' Af^odsv, (from άμ,ος) from where you please, from some part ; Jones proposes to derive it from «^a and to render it at once. Ά/ίίοφά^ίος, and ά,μ,οφα,ΐίος, -ex,, ~ov, (from same) in exchange, remuncratory , alternate, by turns. " Αμ,οιβόίνις, and αμοφηνις, (from afisi- βω) alternately, mutually. " Κμ,οφ% -νις, τ;, (from same) requital, re- tribution, recompense, punishment. ' Α[Λοιβ6ς, -ου, ό, tj, (from same) compen- sating, mutual. "Αμ,οίξος, and οίμ,οζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from οί and μοίξοί) without part, destitute. ΑμοΤ^γίχ,ίοί, -οίς, 'ή, and a^o'hyog, -ου, 6, (from άμίλγω) the season of milking, even- ing. Αμολγχΐος, -cc, ov, (from same) yielding milk, distended with milk. A^AoKyihg, -iog, 6, and oifioT^yiou, -ου., ro, (from same) a milk pail. 'Αμόλυΐ/τος, -ου, ό, tj, (from ex, and μοΤ^ΰ- υω) unpolluted. Άμόξοί, -χς, yj, fine flour baked with honey. ' Αμ,οζβος, -τι, ου, obscure. ^ Αμ,όξγη, -γις, h, (from α^ε^^ώ;) the dregs or lees of oil; an herb of a purple colour: the name of an island. " Αμ,οζίτγις, -ου, 6, (from ay,6^(x,) a sort of cake. " Αμ,οζφος, -ου, 6, v}, (from ex, and μοζφ'ή) without form, deformed; rude, uncultivated. ' Afx,6g, -71, -6i>, one, some one. ' Αμ,ος, -71, -01/, (from s/icog) my, mine. ^Αμ,ος, (for 7i^u,og) when. "Αμ,οτος, -ου, ο, τι, (from ce. and fx,OTog or rather μίτω) insatiable : oi^oTou, insatiably, exceedingly. " Αμουαος, -ου, ο, v^, (from ex, and μ,ουσα,) rude, untaught, inelegant. " Aicox,uog, and a^oy^urirog, -ου, 6, τι, (from ct ana fx,6xuog) one who does not labour, at ease ; one disinclined to labour, indolent. " ΑμττκΚος, for oe,ua,7rex,'Kog, -ου, 6, the ac- tion of shaking the lots again, reallotment. Ά^-τεδ/οί/, for a.vex'Tt^iou, through the plain. ^ Ai^TVihayog, for a.vex.'Kk'Kciyog, -eog, το, through the sea. " Αμ.'ττιΚζων, see ά.μ,'πίΚάν. ^ A^'KiTCivog, -y\, -ου, and -ου, 6, τι, (from oifi7ri7^og) of or belonging to a vine, viny. Ά^-τελ/ων, -Zuog, 6, (from same) a vine- yard. 202 ' Afx.'TFiTKOiig, -ζσσιχ,, -sv, (from next) phnted with vines. 'A/n'TreT^og, -ου, τ}, a vine tree, the vine. ' Aμ'π^Koυζy6g, -ου, ο, (from preced. and ε^^ον) a vine-dresser. " ΑμίΐίΚων, -auog, 6, (from οί^τίΚος) a vineyard. ' Αμ,τητΓοί'Κί^υ, -ουσιχ,, -ου, brandishing up- wards ; poet, for avex,7rcthciv, part, with re- duplication of the 2 aor. of ά,να,Ίτά,Τ^Κο). ^ Afx,'7rkr^ccig, for a,yex,7rkr^ex,ig, on the rocks. " Α^Λτηχουτι, -Tig, τι, and ά,μ,7Γίγ;,ουου, -ου, το, (from next) a covering, wrapper, cloak. Ά^•τε%ω, f. Μ^φί^ύύ, (from elf4,φϊ and 'ίχοή I hold round, wrap about, clothe, cover. ' Afi'TTYj^oie.j, for avexTryi^cico, I leap up. Ά^•τ/, jJEol. Tor ex,y.(p'i. ^ A^,7:7iex,xkco, (from ocuex, and ττΤ'.όι,ζω) I wander up and down, deviate, err, miss, fail. Ά^9Γλάκ>7^ίί, -ciTog, το, (from same) an error, mistake, sin. ' A^'K'ka,y,y\Tog, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) ivan- derins about. Afx,'7!r7\.!XKiex., -ex,g, vi, and oe,^7r7\.ciov, -ου, TO, (from same) error, sin, guilt. " Αμ,ττυϊυμ,εί, -ctTog, το, and άμττνονί, -ijg, V), (for άvά,7Γuiυμex, and ά,υεχ,ττυοτΐ) breathing, respiration ; respite, repose. Ά^ίύ-τι/εώ), ά,μ,'πνΐίω, and ά,μ'7ΐνίάσ•/Μ, — also α,μ,'Τΐνίΰο), ά.^'ττυύω, ϋμ,'Τΐνυμι, α,μτΐυυ- fx,ex,i, and άμ,'πνυνύίω, a. 1. pass, τι^χ,τίυύυύ'/ιν, 3 sing. Ion. ά,μ,'π'νΰνύνι, (from aveic. and 'ττυίω) I draw up my breath, breathe, respire; take fresh breath, recover myself; breathe out. ' Αμττόνον, for avex, 'τΐόυον, (from nirkvog) again into the labour or conflict. " AuTC^iheji, f. -ilaed, for ά,ν(Χ,7Τξ&ΰω, I go 2ψ and down, draw, drag. ' AfCTi-^ou, -ου, TO, (from preced.) a rope for drawing. ' A(,i,7c-Tei[,civei, for a,voe,'7rTex.fAiuex,, a. 2. part, mid. (from ά,^Ίιττ ex, i^exi) flying back or aloft. ' Α(Λ7Γτΰγ,7ΐ, -Tig, τ], for άυατττνχ'^, the un- folding or opening of the eyes, mouth, and nostrils, or the heaving of the bosom from great sm-prise or joy. Άμ,'7Irυκ,άζeύ, (from next^ I bind round. "Αμ,ττυζ, -vKog, ό or tj, (from άμ,ψΐ and ίχω) a binder or covering, ribbon, fillet, net or lace cap. "Aμ,'7rωσιg, -leog, or clμ.7!rωτιg, -ihog, v}, by sync, for a,v(x,'77omig, the reflux or ebbing of the sea, the time of ebb-tide, the space left by the ebbing tide. ' Aμ,υy}iaK^cc, -exg, a-fAuyhccT^Ti, -ijg, ex■/aυy- locXog, -ου, and ά,μυyhά,'hίg, -ilog, τι, the almond-tree. "" Αμ^υγ^οίΚινος, -η,-ου, or άμ,υγίάτ^ίος, -Λ, Όΐ), (from next) of almonds. Ά,'χΰγδαλον, A GREEK LEXICON. Άμ^ίάζω. ' Αί/.ύγοχΆον, -ου, το, (from ά.ΐΛν/6οθΛοι.) the almond tree ου fruit. " ΧίΛυγ^ΛίΧ,, -»τος, ro, and α,μ.ν/μ.ος, (from α,μ,ΰσσω) a scratch, mark, woimd, laceration or tea7'ing. " Au,vQi;, (from ay.a) at once, together luith, at the same time with. ' Α(Λνόζος, -Λ, -ou, obscure, faint : but α,ΐίυ^ζο;, -ου, 6, τ], vioist. " Αι/,ΰγ,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from oc and y^vkoi) uninitiated. ' Α[Λΰύ•ητος, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and μυύίο- (Λοίϊ) unspeakable. ' Αμ,ύ7^ος, -ου, 6, 'h, (from a, and y.'j?ai) unground. ^ Αμ,ϋίίων, -όνος, ο, vj, (the same as aiycu- uoc, which see) applied often to general excellence of character ; and sometimes merely to bodUi^ vigour or beauty. ^ Ayj'jx, or ά,μ,ϋΐ/Υι, -Υις, tj, (from ά,^ϋνο)) help to repel injury, revenge, defence. Αμ,υντγ,ρ 0, -τ,οος. Γ, and ?, -ou, (from same) open, manifest, undisguised, pro- fessed. Ά^,φχίνω, for χΐ/^φΛίνω, I hold forth, -j'roclaim. Ά^,φΛΐσού), f. -Ί^ω, (from dy/fl and a/V- 16 σω) I rush on both sides, attack on all sides, float about. ' Ay^uoocfiiu, and dyφ»o{χ■βίζω, (from ιζαφϊ and dpcciSioj) I rattle or ririg about. ' Ayφxσίc^, -oic, and ayOxuir,, -τ,ς, vi, (for αφοίσίοί) hesitation in speech, inability to speak, perplexity. ' Α^φχυτίω, f. -9ΐσω, (from a,y(Ll and χϋτνι) I sound or ring so as to be heard around. \\αφχφχω,{. -Ϋ,σω, (from same and χφχω) I feel about with the hands, handle on every side. ^ Α^φί'Κχΰνω, άμφίίΚχω, f. -χσω, (from same and kT^xovo)) I drive about. ^ AyφίKίσσω, f. -ί^ω, (from same and ελ/σ- σω) 1 wind the arms around: whence xy- φίίλικ,τος, -ου, 6, v], rolled about, coiled. ΆyφsλυτξύOJ, f. -ujacu, (fi'om same and £λΰτοο!/) I roll about, wrap up. ' Ayφihΰτmσ^ς, -ίως, tj, (from preced.) a folding or lurapping about, involution. ^ Ay%i'77a, and ά,yφιk7:ω, imperf. χ^φίΐ- '7T0V, or x,yφs7ro'J, (from xyφϊ and ίττο)) I folloiu round, surround, envelop. ' Ayφΐoyω, and cίyφ^ίζyω, (from same and ίΐογύ)) I shut about, inclose : hff xox T£ φξένβς ίοχχτχί άyφ' xoii/ou kyjo, for xy■'φiO'^oίτxi or xyφ=ίoy^xτxι, not from ίς- •/jjyxi but from ύ'ογω, p. pass. Ion. for iloyyiyoi ίΐσϊ, — " struck him where the praecordia enclosed the stout heart." Άyφ^oiφίJ, (from same and Ιοίφω) I thatch round, cover over. " Ayφίoύy, for χ^^Λφίζω, I refer, direct; mid. bear myself up, present myself, dash against. ^ Ayφ£τΫjτύyoς, -ου, 6, vj, (from άyφ\ and ίT7jτυyoς) true entirely, sincere. ' Ayφίύyω, for ά,νχφίύγω, p. m. dy. ίψυ- yx, I escape. Ά^φίύω, f. -ίύσύ), (from χμφΐ and tiioj) I burn or scorch round. ' Ayφ'/jy,■rtς, -ίος, ο, 7], (from same and xKYj) shajp on both sides, two-edged. ' AyφrιPίφYίς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and ίξίφύή covered all round. ^ Α^φ'ήζΥις, -ίος, ό,τ], (from same and ζοίσ- σω) rowed on bcth sides. ' Ayφr,ζί■λ,6ς, -yi, -qu, (from preced.) luith oaj\s on each side. ' AyφΫ]o ιστός;, -ov, 6, i}, (from next and 'ίξίς) liable to be disputed, doubtful, question- able, 'Ay φι, (from obsolete dyco, I embrace oy grasp) on both sides, on all sides, about, round about, concerning. See Grammar, p. 104. ^ Ayφιxζύ), f. -χσύ), p. yιyφΊxκx, (from xyφiί'J'Jυy.ί) 1 put on, clothe, cover. 203 ' Αμφίαλος. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Αμφαννΰω, * ΑμφΙΰίλύς, -oy, ο, Tjy (from dfiCpi and αλ^) having sea all round, sea-girt. ^ Α^φίΛΊττω, οτ άμφά,'ΤΓτομ,αί, (from same and ατιττω) I fasten round. Άμφίόίσις, -ίος, Attic -£ως^ sj, (from άμ,^ φίά,ζω) a garment, clothing. ^ Αμφικγ/ύ^ p. m. άμ,φίοίχ,οί, (from άf^φ\ and Ιάχω) I cry to he heard around, cry loud. ^ Αμ,φ'ίβοίίνω, άμ,φιβάω, f. -'ί^σω, p. άμφί- βίβτίκ,ΰί, and άμ>φίβημ>ι, a. 2. άμφίβτηι^, (from same and βούνω) I go round, protect, sur- round, assault. * Αμ,φ^βάτο^ω, (from same and βά-λΤ^ω) I throw round, litigate, strive eagerly, mahe efforts on oil sides : κξατζξΟ!/ μίι/ος άμφίβα- λόντίς, n. F, 742. *' And as two mules with em^lou$ efforts draw." Cowper. Who adds in a note, **It is observed of oxen, that they draw equally, and are contented to take each his due share of the labour, but that mules are emulous of each other, and contend which shall toil the most ; so that sometimes one will draw the whole weight, and sometimes the other." Άμφϊβχσίχ, -ccg, ij, (from άμ,φίβούνω) dispute, controversy, debate. ^ Αμφίβοίσις, -ζως, τι, (from same) a going round, encompassing or surrounding; cir- cumvention, controversy, the state of being surrounded by friends for protection, or by enemies to besiege. * ΑμφιίβίΟζ, -ov, 0, ^, (from άμφ\ οχιά βίος) living in both the elements of hnd and water, amphibious. " Αμφίβ'Κηστζίύω, f. -εύσω, (from next) / tahe with a n£t. " ΑμφίβΤ,γιστξου, -ου, το, (from άμφΐ and βάλλω) a large kind of fishing net, a drag. ' ΑμφίβλΥίστζος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same) thrown around, wrapped about. * Αμφίβόγιτος, -ου, 6, yj, (from άμφΐ and βοάω) cried up around, celebrated. ' ΑμφΙβοΆίύζ, -έως, 6, (from same and βάλλω) one who casts his net around, a fisher. ^ Αμφίβολίοί, -ας, jj, (from same) ambigui- ty, doubt. 'Αμφίβολος, -ου, ο, if}, (from same) cast around, fitted for being cast on all sides as anchors with flukes on two or four sides ; douhle cast, stout ; ambiguous, doubtful. ' Αμφίβξοτος, -ου, 6, τ;, (from άμφϊ and βξοτος) covering a man around as a shield the person or as a body the soul. Αμφ^ιγΎΐύίω, -ω, ΐ. -ν^σω, and άμφιγ'ήύω, (from same and γγιύίω) I greatly rejoice. ' Αμφιγυοίω, f. -νισω, p. -Άοί, (from same and γινωσκω) I cast about in thought, doubt. 204 'Αμφίγΰ'ηίΐς, -τ}ζσσΆ, -%iv, (from same and γυιος) lame in both feet. Άμφίγΰος,-ου,ό, τ], (from same and γυΐοΐ/) having a limb, that is an iron point at both ends ; said of a spear. Άμφιΐ^ΰίίω, p. m. άμφί^ίΐγΐΰΐ, (from same and hxiio) I divide, kindle, blaze around. Άμφύύκνω, a. 2. α,μφίΐοίκον, (from same and ^ύκνω) I bite aboid, fasten upon as with the teeth. " Αμφ^^οίκ,ζϋτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and '^χχ,ξυ) bathed in tears, very sad. ΑμφΧΐόίσύς, -{ice, -ύ, (from same and ^ΰΐσύς) thick on both sides, very thick, very hairy. ' Αμφί^ζοί, -ας, 5j, (from same and Ιίω) a fillet or hair-lace, a ring about the extremi- ties of a bow. ' Αμ.φίΙίΙγιΛ, perf. mid. οι α,μ,φιΐούω. Άμφι%6ς, -ωυ, α,Ι, (from ά,μφΧ and %ίύί) binders round, fetters, garters. Άμφ'ίΜξιος, -ου, 6, % (from same and δί|/ίέ) right-handed on both sides, or equally perfect in the use of both hands; ambi- guous. ΆμφιΙίξϋομΛΐ, f. -ξομοί/, (from same and ^έξκίύ) I look round. Άμφί^ίύτοίτος, -τι, -ov, (from same and ^ζύτα,τος) meats belonging to the second course, when the best dishes were pre- sented. ' Αμφί^ίω, f. 'Viaa, imperf. άμφί^ζον, (from same and ^ίω) I bind round, tie on. ' Αμφΐ^ΥΐΡΐάομιχ,ι, -ωμοίΐ, (from same and δ^ρ/?) I contend for by all luays. ΑμφίΙ'/ΐξΐτος, -ου, ο, τ;, (from same) close- ly contested, do^ώtful. ^ Αμφί^Λα,ίνω, f. -α,νω, a. 1. ά,μφΐ^ίηνκ, (from άμφΐ and hctiua) I moisten all round, soak or wet thoroughly. ΆμφίΐΊνίω, f. -νισω, p. pass. 3 sing, άμ- φί^ί^ίϋ-ήτα,ι, (from same and δ/^ε6>) / whirl, roll about, surround, encircle. ' ΑμφίΙοκ,ίύω, f. -ίϋσω, (from same and ^οκ,ίύω) I watch all round, chase. Άμφ'ίΙοξος, 'ου, ο, 5j, (from same and δο|ίί) doubtful. ' Αμφί^ξυ-τττος, -ου, ό, 9], also ά,μφί\υφ'ής, Λος, and <χ,μφι\υφος, -ου, (from same and ^ξύττΎω) torn on both sides throu^ sorrow, mourning greatly. ΆμφίΙνμος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and ^ύω) that can be entered on both sides. Αμφύύω, (from same) I put round, wrap about. ' Αμφύλισσος, -ισσ-/ι, -ισσον, (from ά,μφΐ and ελίσσω) propelled, rolled, or rowed on both sides. ' Αμφίζυνΰω," ά.μφΐίνννμι, and ά,μφίίω, f. -ΐσω, p. pass, ^μφίίσμα,ι, and νιμφίξίμοίΐ. Αμφα•-χω. A GREEK LEXICON. Άμφί-πώος. (from same and ^υυμ,ι) I clothe^ invest, adorn. Ά/^φίί'ττω, the same as ά.μ,φί'ΤΓω. ' Αμ,φιζόίνω, (from άμ,φϊ αηάίζά,νω) I rest upon all round, remain upon. Ά/ίίφίζίνκτος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same and ζίυγνύο)) joined on both sides. \^.μ.φ'ίύόί7\.ασσος, -ου, 6, 'hy (from same and ^ά,Τ^χσσα) surrounded by the sea. Άμ.φΐύόίΤ^'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and ^!)ih>,a)flo7irishing all round, happy in every respect, having both parents still flourishing ; abounding in whatever way. ^ Α^ίΛφιθΐοίτξον, -ου, το, (from same and BsoiTQOv) an amphitheatre. 'Αμφίύ&τος, -ου, ο, τι, (from same and Ti&nfAi) that which may be set on any side. 'Α/^φίβέω^ (from same and ^ίω) I run about. Ά^Λφϊβνξος, -ου, ο, 4 (from same and Βύςοί) having a door on both sides. "" Αμ.φΊκα,'κΰ'πτω, f. --^ω, (from same and κ,ΛΚϋτΓχω^ I cover round, completely conceal, overshadow, veil, wrap around: II. H', 294. ' Γΐς δ' i^su, ως (Λΐυ ϊζοϋζ "ττυκίνοίς φφνοίς αμ,» φεχ.κλυ•ψζΐ/, " Saw her — and felt his heart all wrapp'd around With love." " The oiiginal word is a strong metaphor, and implies a comparison of the manner in which Jupiter was aflPected, to the fowler's manner of covering his prey with a large net whelmed completely over them." — Cowper. Α/ΛφΧκοίξνις, -ίος, and άμ,φϊκόί,ξγιιιο^, -ου, 6, 7], (from same and κ,άξχ) having two heads. ' Αμ,φίκ,ζά,ζω, f. -ασω, (from same and κβάζω) I cleave into two parts. Ά/Λφίκ'λύστος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same and -/Λνζω) washed or beaten by the sea on both sides. " Αμ,φίκομ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κό(ΛΎΪ) well covered with hair or with leaves. ^ ΑίΛφιχ,^ίμ,ά,ύ), f. -α,σω, άι^,φικ,ζΐμ,ημ,ί, a,y.- φ^ικζίμ>όίμ.(Χ,ι, (from same and κ,ζίμ,ά,ω) I hang round, suspend, beset. Άμφίκζγιμ,νος, -ου, 6, r,, (from same and κ,ξτημνός) having a precipice on both sides. ^ Αμ,φιχ,τύονίς, oi, a council composed of delegates representing the several states of Greece. See 'ττυ'ΚΛγόζα.ι. ' Αμ,φικ,υΤ^ύ), f. -Ισω, (from οί(Λφ\ and κ,υ• λίω) I roll about or round, tumble over. Ά^ύφίχ,ύ'ττίΧλου, -οί/, TO, (from same and x-vTcsXhou) a big-bellied cup; or a vessel formed with two cups, one of which serves as a bottom to the other. Αμ,φίκυξτος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and κύξτος) gibbous. ' Αμ,φιΤ^όίβνίς, and ά(Δφι7^κφνις, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and τ^οι/αβάνω) that which mu^t be received with both hands, ample, exιώe- rant, thick, shady. ^ Α(Λφί>,ά,'Κος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and 'Κα,'Κίω) loquacious. ' Αμ,φιΆα-χ,αίνω, (from same Άηά'Κα.'χ,ΰύνω) I weed or dig about. "" Αι/,φί'Κίγο), f. -Ioj, and α,^^φιΚογίο), f. -'ήσοί, (from same and 'hiycS) I dispute, quar- rel, doubt. ' ΑμφΤΚίΛΧος, -ου, 6, "/], (from preced.) controverted, doubtful. " Αμ,φι7\.ογΊ(Χ,, -(χ,ς, τ], (from same) dispute, doubt. Ά/ίίφίλογος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) con- troverted, doubtful. Ά^^ίλοξα, -cjy, rx, (from same) ambi- guous oracles. ' ΑμφίΤ^ύκος, -ου, ο, tj, (from ά,μ,φΐ and Τ^ύκ,ος) twilight. ^ Αμ.φιμά,σγ,ΆΚος, -ου, ο, (from same and μασχάτ^γ}) made with two sleeves, the fashion of a coat used by freemen ; those of slaves were βτεξο/ίίχσχόίλοί, made only with one. " Α^Λφιμ,ά,χομ,οίΐ, (from same and μά,γβ- μ>οίΐ) I fight about, closely besiege. ^ Α^Λφιμόίω, οίμ,φΐ(Αά.ζω, or ΆζΛφιμά,σαω, f. -α,σω, a. 1. m. ά,μ,φίμ,α,σόίμ,Ύΐυ, (from same and μ,ά,ω) I wipe about, clean, rub. ' Αμ,φιμ,ίτ^οίς, -αιυα, -oiu, (from same and μί'Κοίς) black all round, very black. " Α(Λφΐ(Λεοίζομ,οίί, (from same and (ΛΖξίζω) I cut asunder, divide into two. ' Αμ,φΐ{Λ'ήτωξ, -οξος, ό, (from same and μ>ν}τγιζ) a half-brother. ' Αμ.φίΐΛυκά.ω, f. -'ήσω, 3 sing. p. mid. ά.μ,- φιμ,ίμ,ϋκξ, (from same and (Λυκάω) I bellow round, re-echo loudly. ^ Αμ^φΐϋίΐκ'ί^ς, -ίος, and άμ,φινίί-ΛΥίτος, -ου, 6, 7j, (from same and ϋύκ,ος) keenly con- tested. ' Αμ,φίνίμ,ομ,οίΐ, (from same and Αι^ω) I inhabit about, dwell in. ' Αμ,φινοίω, (from same and υοίω) I am doubtful. ' Αμφί^ίω, f. -ίσω, a. 1. χμ,φί^ζσχ, (from same and ^ίω) I peel or scrape round, polish. Άμ,φίττοίΤ^τος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same and -τάλλω) vibrating round, reverberating : or (from TTcc^rou) thick with javelins, well equipped, or well drawn up in battle array. ^ Αμ,φίτ-όίΤ^ϋυω, f. -ννω, a. α-ΐΛφί'κα,'Κϋ^ΐχ,, (from same and -racAyi/oj) / scatter about, besprinkle. ^ Αμ.φΐ'τΐοίτά.σσο}, (from same and ττα,τά,σ- σω) I beat about or on both sides. Ά^φΓτΓίδοί, -ου, ό, 9], (from same and T^i'hou) having a plain on all sides. 205 Αμφί<7:ίλομαι A GREEK LEXICON. ΆμΦωτις. Άμφ'ϊπ-έλομαι, (from same and ττίλοϋαή I am abouty am extant^ circulate. ^ Κμ,φΐ'π'ίϋομ,α,ι^ (from same and 'πίϋομ.οίΐ) 1 employ myself or avi occupied about. Αμφί'π-Β^ίκτ'ίοι/βς, -ων,'οί, (from same, ττίξΐ, and κτίζω) the surrounding inhabitants, neighbours. Άμφ'ί'7Γ£ξ{'7τ7^ίγΙγιυ, (from same and ttsqi- 'ΤΓλέκ,ίύ) spread in curls οτ folds. ^ Αμ,φιτΓίζίστανάοΐΑ,αι, (from same, -rs^i, and στ£ίνω) I groaji all around. Α^ΛφίΤί-ΐξίατζωφύω, f. -νισω, (from same, ττίξΐ, and στξίφω) I turn round about or in all directions. ' Α^φίττίξίτζίζύ), or ά,μ,φΐ'ττίξίτζύζω, f. -σω, or -|ώί, (from same and τξίζω) I twitter about. ' Αι/,φ^ιττίτΓτω, (fi'om same and 'ττί-πτω) I fall about or upon, embrace. ' Αμ,φιττιτνΐω, (from same and ττίτνίω) I fall about or icpon, embrace, supplicate. Αμ,φίητοΚίω, and άμ,φιτΓοΚζύω, f. -ξύσω, (from same and 'ττο'Κίω) I turn round, attend, serve, taJce care of. ' Αμ.φΊ'ποΤ^ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) an attendant. Α/αφί'ττοτύο/ϋΰίί, 3 sing, imperf. ά,μ,φίττο- TccTo, (fi-om 6ίμφι and 'π-έτο/αχή Ifiy about. ' Αμ,φί7ΐττο7^.ις,-ζως,{ϊνονίΛ same and σπότ^ις) about or belonging to the city. ' Α^φΐ7!:ΧίΚος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and 'ττΰτ^Υι) having a gate on each side. ' Αμ,φί'ΤΓύζΟς, -ου, 6, i;,(fiOm same and -πτυ^) burning round; spreading fire all round. Αμ,φιρρΰτος, and ά,ι/.φ\ζυτος,-ου, ο, ^,(from same and ρί,ω) surrounded by a stream or by the sea. Ά/ϋφίβρωξ, -ωγος, ο, ί;, (from same and Ρ'ήσσω) torn or rugged on all sides. Άμφίς, (from saine) on both sides, with both hands, sometimes used in the same sense with α^φ/. Αμφίσβχίνχ, -Ύΐς, 7ί, (from ά,μφίβοιίνω) a serpent so called because thought to go either way, as if it had a fcead at each end. Αμφίσβγιτίω, f. -^/ισω, (from άρίφίς and βχω) I dispute, litigate, plead, question, doubt. Αμ,φισβνιτγισις, -mg,m\a άμφισβγισίΛ,-ας, 71, (from preced.) dispute, litigation, debate, pleading. Άμφίστόίμΰίί, (from ά^φι and "ισταμ,οίΐ) I stand round. ' Αρ<,φιστί7α^ω, f. -ihZ), a. 1. m. (χ,^Λφιστα- 'hvji^nv, (from same and στ£λλώ>) I put round or on, clothe or adorn myself ' Α[Λφ(σηφνις, -ίος, ό, v], (from same and στίφω) crowned on both sides, quite full. ' Α^<,φίστομ,ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and ' στόμα) Jmving two mouths, two-edged. 206 ' Αμφιστζοίτκομοιι,{ΐνθΏ'ϊ same and στρα- τός) I make luar about, besiege. ' Αμφίστξίφχς, -eog, o, 7}, (from same and στξεφω) turned about, twisted. ' ΑμφίστζόγγΰΤ^ος, -ου, 6, ίη, (from same and στξόγγυλος) round on all sides. Άμφίτόί'ττ'ης, -V]Tog, ά.μφιτοί'ΤΓΪς, -ίοος, 'η, and άμφίτοί'ΤΓος, -ου, 6, (from same and τά- 'rrng) tapestry the same on both sides. ' Αμφιτίύ^μι, (from same and τίβημι) I put round, gird. ' ΑμφίΤξεμω, and άμφίτζομίω, f. -7]aoj, (from same and τξίμω) I tremble all over, shake, quiver. Άμφίτξrιrog, -ου, ο, v], and ά,μφιrζYlg, -iJTog, (from same and Τξάω) bored through, perforated. ' ΑμφίτξΤτγι, --(ig, '^, (from same and τςίξω) she that roars around, the sea ; the luife of Neptune. ' AμφXrυ'πog, -ου, 6, 7], (from same and τύττος) having a goad to strike at both ends. ' Aμφ^ιφoi'hog, -ου, 6, τ), (from same and φά.'hog) surrounded with feathers, crested all roimd, ornamented : II. E', 743. ά,μφίφοίΤ^ον kv'Atw, Mn. ix. 365. " galeam cristis deco- ram." ' Αμφιφοξίύς, or ά.μφoξζύg, -ίως. Ion. -ijog, 0, (from same and φίξω) a vessel ivith han- dles on both sides for carrying it by, an am- phora. ^ Αμφ^ιχα,Ίνω, f. -α,νω, a. 2. α,μφίχα,αον, and άμφιγ,άσΆω, (from same and χούνω) 1 open both jaws and strive to swallow, gape luidely, devour. Άμφίχοίΐτος, -ου, ο, ή, (from same and χοίίτγι) having an abundance of hair. ' Αμφ'Χγβ.ω, f. -ίσω, — ά,μφιγ,ίΰω, f. -ίύσω, — ■ άμφίχύω, f. -ύσω, (from same and γβω) I pour, heap, or spread around. ' Aμφίχ,vτog, -ου, 6, v), (from preced.) poured, heaped, spread around. Άμφi)cω^Kog, -ου, 6, τ}, (from χμφΐ and XaT^og) lame in both feet. "Αμφο^ον, ά,μφο^ιον, -ου, ro, and οίμφο^ος, -ου, 6, 7), (from οίμφω and ohog) a place where two ivays meet; a street, thoroughfare. ΆμφoτεξoUξiog, -loc, -lov, (from next and ^e^iog) ambidexter. ' Aμφότiξog, -Λ, -ov, (from next) both. "Αμφω, -oi, ai, τχ, both, together. ' Aμφωβo'hog, -ου, ό, (from preced. and /3«λλω) a missile hurled with both hands. Άμφωύ, (by transposition from o-'Sd) basins; written also (χ,ττφωθ, άφφώύ, σοίττφόίύ- Άμφωτίξωύεν, or ά,μφωτίξωύί, (from οίμ- φω) from both sides. Άμφωτίζωσε, (from same) to both sides. Άμφωτιg, or άμφωτίς, -Hog, v], (irom χρίφι and ους) having two ears or handles. Α[ΐωμ,ΤιΤθί A GREEK LEXICON. \m,yx\j\og. ^ Af^af/.nrog, -ου, ο, ^, το -ou, (from « and μωμ,ητος) spotless, unblameahle . 'Ά(Λθ)(χ,ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (fi'om ec and μ,ωμ,ος) witliout blemish, blameless, excellent. "Ay, a conjunction conditional for ίά,ν, if ; indefinite answering to the English soever ; potential having, when joined with the indicative and optati\-e modes of a verb, the signs, may, might, luould, could, should ; ίως α,υ, until; οττως α,υ, that, to the end that ; ojg ocy, even as. "Az/, Dor. for next. Άζ/ίί, bach along, back again, up, up and down, up upon. See p. 105. opposed to Αυοι,βοίύμ.\ς, -ίόος, τι, and ά,νοίβιχ,θμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from dua and βά,ύμ,ος) a stair, step of a stair, degree, going or coming tip. Psal. exx. to cxxxiv. inclusive, are entitled, ' tlhul royj άναβα,6μ,ύα>, probably because thought to be prophetical allusions to the state of the church of Israel, about the time of the coining up from the Babylonish captivity. For an illustration of these Psalms, see Christian Herald, vol. I. ' Ανΐχ.βά.θ()οί, -α,ς, '/j, and άνάβαύζον, -ου, το, (from next) a ladder or plank for going aboard of a ship. ' Ανοίβα-ίνω, f. ~β9]σομαί, p. -βεβηκχ, a. 2. άνίβ-ήν, part, άυοίβά,ς, (from duci and βοίίνω) I go or come up, ascend ; go on board ship ; spring or grow up ; go up to a capital or sacred city, άνχβα,ς, Acts xviii. 22. — " hav- ing gone up," viz. to Jerusalem. See κχ- τί^χομ,Λΐ. ' ΑνοίβάΧλω, f. -βίΐΚο), p. -/3έ/3λ-/7κα, (from same and βόύΟ^ω) I throw back, reject, re- tard ; throw round, clothe ; mid. put off, defer ; pass, am made angry. A harper is said ά,'^Λβά,7^Αίσύΰα, when, going to play, he tnes beforehand the state of the strings, to know whether they be iri tune, or when he strikes them in prelude to the piece that is to follow. ' Αϋύβόίσίς, or ά,μ,βά,σις, -ιος, Attic -ίύ)ς, vj, (from α,ναβούνύ)) agoing up, ascent; growth, a leaf, Ezek. xlvii. 12. ' Ανοίβα,στάζω, (from dux ?ina βαστάζω) I lift up, carry away. ' Ανα,βάτγις, -ου, 6, (from ά'^χβχίνω) he who mounts a horse, a rider. ' ΑνΛβ•/ΐ(Λ(, (from dud and /3ij,i«/, sec βιζίνοή I go up. Αναβιβάζω, f. -άσω, p. -βεβίβχκχ, a. 1. άνεβίβοισχ, (from dud and βιβάζω) I draw or bring up ; mid. mount, embark. Αϋαβ/όω, f. -ωσω, (from ccud and βίόω) I conic back to life, revive. Άνα,βίωσίς, -ίος, Attic -εως, yj, (from same) a return to life, resurrection. ^ Ανα,βΎ.α,ατάνω, and άνΰΐβ7^ΰίστίω, (from dud and β^Λστίω) I spring up again. "" ΑνΛβΤ^ί-πω, f. -ψίιΐ, p. -φα, a. 1. -ψίβ, (from same and /SaIctuj) / look up or τιρ- wards ; see again, I'eceive sight again, see or receive sight ; look again or attentively. Άνάβλεφις, -ιος, Attic -ζως,'ή, (from pre- ced.) recovery of sight. ^ Αυάβ'ΚΎίσις, '■ίως, τ], (from αναβάλλω) de- lay. 'Αναβλύζω, (from dvd and βλύζοή and άναβλύω, I stream or gush up. ' Αναβοάω, -ω, f. -ν^σω, p. --^κ,α, a. 1. -ασα, (from same and βοάω) Γ cry out aloud, ex- claim. ' Αααβόλαιον, -ου, το, (from αναβάλλω) a short cloak or upper garment. ' Αναβολ'ή, -^ς, v}, (from same) delay; clothing, a garment. ' Αναβζάζύ), and άϋαβοάσσο), f. -άσω, (from dud ΆΧϊάβ^άζύ)) I boil up ; make to boil up ; throw out by heat or agitation; make to leap out, lead out, shake out. ' Αναβξάχ,ω, (from same and β^άχο)) I make a noise like the rushing of water, roar. ' Αναβξόχω, f. -^ω, a. 1. ^ol. opt. dua- βξόζβια, a. 1. part. pass, άϋαβζοχθύς, (from same and βζόχω) I re-absorb, swallow again. . ^ Αναβ()ϋχω, f. -|ij, p. άναβίβξνχ,α, (from same and βξΰχ,ω) I gush out with noise, spring forth. Άναβωλακία, -ας, τ], (from same and βύ)λα^) the turiied up or back earth in ploughing. ' AuaγγiλλύJ, f. -βλω, p. άννιγγίλκ,α, a. 1. αννιγγίΐλα, a. 2. άνηγγίλον, (from same and άγγίλλω) I tell in return, bring back word ; tell, exjjlain, declare freely, openly, or eminently. ^ Avayivvao), -2), f. -Υισω, p. --/j^ac, p. pass. dvayiyivvn!^«,i, (from same and γεννάω) I beget again, regenerate. ' Αναγίΰύ), f. -ίύσω, (from same and γίύύ)) I taste again or thoroughly, relish critically . ^ Αναγιγνύίσκ,ύ), or άναγινωσκ,ύ), and dua- yuόω,{ΐγom same and γινωσκω) I know again, read, know by i-eading. 'Αναγκάζω, f. -άσω, p. 'ήνάγκακα, p. pass. 'ήνάγκασμ,αι, a. 1. pass, ν^ναγκάσύνιν, (from audy>cri) I force, compel. 'Αναγκαίος, -aia, -alou, (from same) ne- cessary, near, intimate, closely connected. Άναγκαστος, -Jj, -6u, (from same) com- pelled. ' Αναγκαστως, (from next) by constraint. ' Avdyy.-fi, --ης, v], (from aud and άγχω) necessity, distress, affliction, straits, chains. ' Av αγκύλος, -ου, ο, '^, (from salnc and κυλίύι) crooked, oblique. 207 Αναγλυκαίνω, Λ GREEK LEXICON, Άνάύίμα. 'AuotyTiVKoiho), (from same and γ7\.υκύς) I make sweet again. 'Ai/fltyya^7rrι, and χυχζόω, f. -ωσω, p. χυεζωκ,χ, a. 1. act. χνεζωσχ, a. 1. mid. χυεζωσχίΛτ,ν, (from same and ζωννν^,ι) I gird up. Άυχζωττνςίύ), -Ζ, (from same and ζωττν- ξίω) I revive, stir up as afire. 2 Tim. i. 6. χυχζω'τΐνζεϊν ro γ,χζίσίΛΧ, contains an allu- sion perhaps to those flames of fire, by which the descent of the Spirit was ma- nifested, Acts ii. 3.; and represents the improvement of Spiritual gifts by exercise, as the blowing up of fire intofiame. Comp. 1 Thess. V. 19. ' Αϋχζύ)ω, (from same and ζάω) I make to revive. ' Αυχ6όίΚΚω, (from same and '^χΚΚω) I thrive or flourish again. ' Ανχύχρρεύ), and χυχύχξσεω, f. -νισω, (from same and ^x^aog) I resume courage, am re- animated. Άνχύχρρννω,^ -vuZ, (from same) ,/ , (from dud and xlui- y.ooi) I consume, spend. Auxtaaa, f. -|ώ), (from same and diauo)) I ?'ush up, rise, make to rise. ' ΑνχΊσχ,υντος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from χ and χΐσ- χΰνού) impudent, shameless. " Aux'iTiog, -ου, 6, ij, (from χ and χίτίχ) innocent. 'Ayxniag, (from preced.) innocently. ^ Ανχ'Λχύχίξω, {dud and κ,χύχ(ξω) I cleanse up, cleanse thoroughly. Άυχκ,χύίζω, {dud and χ.χύίζω) I sit up. ' Αυχκ,χίνίζω, {dud and κχινίζω) I renew. ^ Auxx,xiuocu, f. -ωσύ), p. duxKiicxipcu-^x, (from same and Kxiuog) I ren£w. ^ AuxH-xiuijaig, -log, Attic -g^f, v}, (from preced.) a renewing. ' Aux-ycxlo), {dud and κ,χίω) I burn up. * AuxKxAin), {dud and κ,χΤίίω) I call back, call again, call to or upon. ^ Aux•Λx7\υ'7rrvjξiou, -ου, ro, (from next) the day on which the bride unveiled herself after marriage, namely, the third day, John ii. 1. and see under yxyog: duxKx7iv':TT'y]- 'ξΐχ, -uju, rd, gifts presented to the bride on being unveiled by the bridegroom. " ΑνχΆχΚΰπ'τω, {dud and κχ'κύτττω) I un- veil. ' ΑνχΛχ^πτω, {dud and κ,χμ,'πτω) I bend back, bend back my course, return. ^ AuxKxuuog, -ου, 6, vj, (from χ and x;ixu- θχ) without thorns, bristles, or fins. ' Ανχ-ΛΧ'τττω, {dud and κχ-πτω) I sival- low up. ' Auxx,sif/.xi, {dud and Ks7fiXi) I lie; lie down; recline, the posture anciently used in eating at table. Auxyczq^xuuvyi, duxκ,iζxuuΰω, duXiCiQxa, and duxK^xo), {dud and -ΛΖζχνυυ^ι) I mJx zip, mix together, blend. Άux>csφxλxίόύ), {dud and κ,εφχλχιόω) I reduce again under one head ; mid. gather together again in one ; pass, am summed up, am comprised. ' Auxy.i^x'haUiotg, -mg, η, (from preced.) a recapitulation, summary. Ανχκ-ήκ,Ιω, {dud and κύι-λιο)) I leap or S2:)ring up, burst forth, Auxκ,ιul•υueύύ), f. -ίύσω, {dud and κ;νδϋ- u^ύω) I expose myself again to danger. ' AuxyShxaig, -sag, vj, (from next) a bend- ing or turning back, reflection, refraction. Dd 209 Ανα'Λ>Λω. A GREEK LEXICON. Άνάλνως, Άι/ΰίκ,'ΚΛω, f. -ασω, {ά,νοί and ΛΚύ,ω) I bend back or break wp, refiect. Άί/«κλ<":/ώ), («νά and κλ/ζ/ω) / lay down, •make to recline, the ancient posture of eat- ing; passive, lean sideways, am reclined; lean or lie supine. See dyKhJua. "" Κνά,κΧίσις, -tog, Attic -sag, 6, (from pre- ced.) a reclining. ^ AuUkTutou, -ου, το, (from same) a couch. 'AvecKOiuoa, {dveH and κοιι^όω) I communi- cate. ' Ανοίκοίζοίρίω, f. -νισω, («ί/α and κ,οίζΛ- νίω) I act as commander, marshal. ^ AuoiKoT^ovuog, -ov, 6, v], (from cc and »κ,ό- "hovuog) not consequent, not agreeing with what goes before. Άνχκομύγι, 'Vig, ii, (from next) a carry- ing back, recovery of goods, return. Άνόίκομίζω, (dux and κοιμίζω) I carry back or up, carry out or forth to burial ; mid. carry myself up, recover. ^ Αι/οίκοντΙζω, {dud and κοστίζω) I dart or spring up. 'AuctKoog, -ω, 6, ^, (Dor. for dv/iKOog^ dis- obedie?it. ^ Auoix.o'TVTu, {dud and κότττω) I cut off, beat or drive back, hinder. * Αϋακξχζω, {dud and κ,^ύζω) I cry out, shout, ' Auci>c^sf4,dii), and du»κ.ξs^uάζω, f. -daa, {dud and κξίμάω) I hang up, keep in sus- pense, repose upon. ^ AuoiKpTuu, ^(dud and κ,ξ^^ω) I examine, question; discern, judge, examine accurate- ly or carefully ; interrogate, inquire. ' Audx,fiaig, -tog, Attic -mg, vj, (from pre- ced.) a judicial examination. ' AuxK^ova, {dud and κξονω) I beat, strike, applied to playing on a stringed instru- ment, and to dancing. ^ Αυα,κ,τά,ομ,Μί, {dud and κτάο^Λΐ) I get possession of again, recover. 'AudKTYiaig, -sag, {], (from preced.) reco- very. 'AuuKTo^ou, -ου, το, (from oiux^) a royal palace, temple. * AuxKOK7\.yiaig» 'Sag, «?, and duc&κυκ7^^σμ,6g, -ου, 6, (from dud and κυκκίω) a revolution. ^ AuxKOKhaaig, -sag, vi, (from same and χυχ,'λόω) a revolution. 'AueCKvXTa, f. -ϊσω, {dud and κυΤ^ίω) I roll, roll upwards, roll back. Άud)tυμ,βdXίdζω, f. -ά,σω, (from same and 7(.{)^^x'Kou')Itumble, overtumwith great noise. 'AudKOTTTa, {dud and κ,ύτττω) I lift or raise up myself, look up. 'AuukukDcu, f. -ϋσω, {dud aad κωκύω) I lament aloud. ^ AuUKuXog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and κω- λοί/) veiy short. 210 ' Auxx,u>g, (from χ and άκως) diligently, carefully. '' AuxKuxka, and duΛκωχ,ζΰύ), (from next) / restrain the motion of a ship, bring her to anchor. Άυχχ,ωχνι, -^g, vi, (for duo^cii) restraint, cessation. ' Aud'hcuf^^ducd, {dud and Τ^αμβάϋω) I take, take up, carry ; receive back or again. ^ Auxhdy^Tira, {dud and λά^ττίυ) / shine again, shine brightly. ^ Avxhyvig, -ίως, and dud'Kyyirog, -ov, o, vj, (from χ and xhyog) free from grief unfeel- ing, stupid. ' Aux'Kyw'ioi, -ecg, {], (from same) insensi- bility, stupidity. Aux'hkyω, {dud and "hkya) I gather up again, collect, assemble. Άζ/άλ>?^^οί, -xrog, το, (from άυχ'Κχμβχ- ua) height, high fortress. "" Aux'h^fi'^tτ^ou, -ου, το, (from same) that must be taken. "" Auxky\-^ig, -tog, Attic -sag, yj, (from same) a being taken up again, removal, re- tiring. ^ AudT^laKu, (from dud and χλίσκ,ω) Jtake away, destroy, consume. ^ Aux'hKiix, and dux'KxAx, -xg, jj, (from next) feebleness, cowardice. " Aux'hy.ig, -i^og, 6, 7], (from χ and dApcvj) weak in body or in mindf feeble, timid, cow- ardly. ^ Aux\'hoίωτog, and χυχΤΟ^χκ,τος, -ου, 6, v], (from X and dλ7\.o(όω, or άλλάσσω) un- changeable, not easily changed. Άϋχλλομχί, (from dud and όίλλο/χχί) I spring, or jump up or back. ' AuxλQyiω, f. -7]σω, (from same and λο- yog) I am in pi'oportion, am like. ^ Avx'hoyix, -xg, 'ή, (from same) analogy, proportion. ^ Auxλoyίζoμ,xι, {dud and λογίζο/ίίχί) I consider with myself accurately and dis- tinctly, or again and again. ^Aux7\.oyiG^,6g, -ου, 6, (from same) reason- ing, reflection, design, proportion. ^ Aux'hoyog, -ου, 6, vi, {dud and T^oyog) ana- logous, proportionable, like. ^ AuxT^oyag, (from preced.) proportionally. " Aux'hog, -ου, 6, vi, το -ov, (from χ and xhg) without saltness, insipid. ^ΑνχΆόύ), (from dud and χλόω, see χλίσ- κ,ω) I take away, desti^oy. " Auxλτog, -ου, 6, vj, (from χ and οίΧω, or ά'λδω, or xhg) insatiable, unencreasing, iin- seasoned with salt. * Aux'Kvaig, -log, Attic -^ωg, yj, (from next) resolution of any thing into its principles ; also loosing again, return, departure, disso- lution. ^ * Αναλύω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά^'α^άλ/^ *Ανόίλΰω, (duce and λύω) I analyse ; loose again, applied to the cable of a ship ; re. turn, depart. ^ Αϋά.'Κωμ.Λ, -ατός, το, and άνόίΚωσίς, -ίος, Attic -εως, ij, (from άνοίλόω) consumption, destruction, expense. ^ Ανοί(ΛΛΐ{Λά,ω, f. -'ήσω, (ccvcc and μοίΐ/ίαίω) I desii'e eagerly. ^ Ανα/ίίάξεντος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ec and όίμχξχ) impassable by a waggon or chariot. * Auccf/,a,^TnToc, -ου, 6, τ], (from u and ά,ίΛΛζτίοΐ) ivithout sin, innocent. ^ Ανα,μ,α,σΛομ,α,ι, {ducc and μχσάομΰα) I chew again, ruminate. * Αυο(,(Λύσσω, or -ττω, f. -|ij, {auu, and (Λχσσω) I wipe away, wash out, expiate. Άνά/ϋοίτος, -ου, ο, '/ι, (from ct and νΰ,^Λ) having no stream. ^ Avctf^a.x,ofmt, or Λομ^Λΐ, f. -ϊσο^α,ί, {άυά, and μ,ά.γ,ομ.α,ι) I fight again, renew the battle. ^ Ανοί^ίνω, {ά,υά, and (Λίυω) I stand still, tcaitfor, wait, expect. ^ Ayekftiaog, -ου, 6, vj, {aua, and μ,ίσος) in- termediate: ά,υά,μ,ίσου, in the middle, between. ^ Αυά,ΐΛίστος, -ου, 6, vt, {cci/oc and (Αίστος) filled up. ^ Ανοί/Λζστόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) Ifillup. ^ ΑνΛμ,ξΎζίω, f. -τισω, (ciua and [λίτζίω) I measure back or again. ^AuccyJyuufAt, and -yuva, and -[Λίγω, f. -/^iy, — and oivccf^iayu, imperf. avif^iayou ', mid. and pass. a,voi,(A[yvvfAot,i, {du» and yiy- yvyi) I mix together, mix up, confuse. ΑϋΛ(Λί(Λΐ/'/ισκω, {dvoi and (Λίμ,νήσκίύ) I 2)ut in mind again, remind ; pass. / am put in mind again, recollect, remember. ^Αι/αμΙξ, and dux/^ctyoa, (from duccyly- νυμ,ι) in a mixed up manner, in disorder or confusion ; also between. 'Auuf^f^ivog, Ion. for άν/ιμ,ί^ος, clothed, from duaTTToyoct. * AvctfAvdo), {dvd and yvdoi) I remind; pass, call in mind again, remember. ^ Ανά(Α»ησις, -tog, Attic -sag, tj, (from pre- ced.) a commemoration, memorial. "* Αυα,^Αο'Κϋιιω, f. -υνω, {dud and μ,ο'κΰνω) I pollute again or completely. 'Auu.fAO'j'ii, -^g, vi, (from dvoc/ichcj) pa- tience. \ Άι/χ/^οςμϋξω, Ion. αυαμ,οζίΛυζίσκύ), {a,vd and μ.οξ[Λύζω) I boil up with great noise, roar, bellow. ^ AvocfA(pi7^iKTog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from a. and cifA!.7re7reTa.a- μίϋος, of next, spiread out, opened, open. * Αυοίτητάω, duc(.7reτcίζύ), f. ^daa), p. cez/oi- •τηττίτώκΰί, and dua,7r&7!-Tdx,c.; pass, dua,- 'Tri'TTTdfAoii, — ccudiTiTctvuha, duoCTTiTduuvf^i, and dvc&7!riTUYiu,i, iniperf. dusTriTviw, {a,ud and τΓίΤΆω) I stretch or spread out, throw open, lay open, open luidely. "* AuoL'TTiTc•}, f. -idCt), a. 2. duk'Xi.cov, {dud and 'πίτω) I fall or lie back or down. ^ Aua'Tiviyuvi^i, {dud and ivviyuvyA') I hang ονβχ up. 'AudTryi^da, and Άνα,ττγ^ύω, {dud and 'TTvi^dcS) I leap or spring up. * AudTTvi^Qg, -ov, 6, {dud and '^■'^^ogjinaimed. ^ Auoi'7n\u,'7rA',n^,s, iniin. duccx/ci'TrT^ducii, — mid. and pass. duoi7rifA,7i7^dy.cis, imperf. dui- 'TTi^Tc'hd^.nu, {dud and ■πίμ,'πΤ^Υίμ,ί) I fill up. '* Aucn'jri'KTOi, άνατΓτόύύ, f. -4)σω, p. duci'ViTc- τωκχ, {dud and 'ττίτττω) I fall or lie back or down, recline in order to eat, bend back, become supine, am dejected, am remiss, pro- crastinate. ^ Auoi'K'hdauu, or "Ττω, f. -άσω, {dud and τΐΤ^άσσω) I form again or aneiu, form, fashion. 'Άνα,'Τΐ'κΐωζ, -ω, 6, τι, Ion. and Attic for dudTTTiSog, -ου, (from same and crAsoi) fill- ed up, completely filled. ^ ΑναττΤ^.'ίΐ&ύ}, {dud and ττΤ^^ύω) I fill up or fill ^ Aucx,'77'Ky\qoa, -ω, {dvd and 7Γ7\.γΐξόω) I fill, fill up, supply, complete, fidfiJ. * Ανα,7ίΑ'ηξωσις, -iog, Attic -ίως, τ], (from prcced.) accomplishment. %\2 ^ Auoi-7r'ho^>, and duc&'TrT^ia, f. -&ΰσω, {dud and crA£, {dud and ttuscj) I draw breath again, have som.e i^espite. ^ Auc&irvo% -7ig, v], (from preced.) breath. "^ Auc^itohii-^Tog, -ου, ό, vj, (from cc, κττό, and Ιίίκ,ω) improved, improbable. Άί/οίτΓοδ/ζ'ώ», {dud and 'ττοοίζω) I go back, retreat. 'AuoiTTohiajxog, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a re- turn. * Auoi-TToika, {dud and -ττοίίω) I make up, prepare. ^ AudTirotuog, -ov, 6, v], (from m and driToiuou) without a price, unredeemed. *Auoc7roAia, f. -tiao), and Άυα'ποΤκίζω, f. -"ισω, {dud and 'κο'κίω) I turn up again, cul- tivate again. 'AuccTToT^oyYiTog, -ov, o, '4, (from os, and dTroT^oyiof^cci) ivithout excuse, inexcusable. Άι^οίΤΓζάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, {dud and 'ττξάσσω) I demand again, exact, recover. ^ Αυοίτιτζ'-ήύω, f. -ί^σω, 2ί.\.^ΐίΐί. duoc7:^7i(xix.g, {dud and 'ττζνιύω) I burn or kindle up ; used also for duiAT^'K'/iL•, I fill up, cause tofiow, pour out, shed. ^ Aucz-TT^ia, f. -Ίσω, or άνα'ττξίζω, {d.ud and 'π-ξίω) I saw up, I cut off with a saw. 'AuoiTTTs^oa, (from same and '7rτsξ6u) I give wings to, cause to fiy : duccTrTs^oo^utzi, I am on the wing, hover in uncertainty. 'AuccTrTosof/.cii, -ου /iccii, (from same and τΓτούω) I am in consternation. ^Ανύτττομοίί, (pres. mid. of dudTrra) I put back over myself, put on. * AuocTTTvaatj, f. -ζα), {dud ό,ηά 'ΤΓτύσσω) I roll back, unroll, spread out. ^ Aud'KTo, (from same and οΐ'τττύύ) I kindle, light, set on fire, fasten upon. ' Auci'7rvuuduo[yC(X4, and duccTzvuoy^oii, {dud and 'TTviiuduoizcii) I inquire fully, hear a re- port, am informed. ^ Aud'TTvoTog, -ου, 6, ή, (from same) fully inquired into, heard, notorious. * Aud■7!rωσιg, and dud-TCooig, -zoig, ocud'TvoiTig, and df^TTOJTig, -ihog, % (from dud and τ^ίνω) the drinking up or ebbing of the tide, the retiiing of the deluge. ^Auoίξeί;ξ^/i■Λωg, Attic for dui^QYiKcog, (perf. part, of χνοίίξύω) having taken away or ιυοη the prize. "Auoi^u^og, -ου, 6, vi, (from μ and όίξύζου) disabled in limbs, ivitho7it limb or joint; whence anarthrous ox without the article. Άνοίζίύμύω, f. -5j(76), (from dud and MQiu- μίω) I number up, review. ΆίΌ,ξΙύμΤίΤος, A GREEK LEXICON. Άνατάΰΰο/χα/. *Αναξί^ατ,τος, εΙυά.ζΐύ[Λος, and ώί'ΰίζίβ,ίίίος, -oy, ο, 7j, (from a. and αξίθμ,ίοή innumerable. Άΐ/άξίστοζ, -Qv, 0, ij, (from cc and α^/σ- rov) not having dined, without a meal. ^ Ανοίο~ίτ-/ις, -ov, 0, a sort of shell-fish. "Αι^χξκτος, -ov, ό, 'ή, (from a. and όίζχ,ω) tinsubdued, independent. 'Aua^f/.OGTog, -ov, 6, ^, (from a. and ά.ζ- μ,οστος) incongruous, discordant, unfit. ^ Ανα,^ττά,ζύ), (from «yet and ά,ζττάζω) I snatch up or away, rob ; inatch away from, rescue. ^AvDc^Trccorog, -ov, 6, '/], (from preced.) snatched away. ^ Avctppia, (from duo. and pio)) Ifiow up, ascend. ^ Αναρ'ρψ/νυμ,ι, άνα,ρ'ρ'ή'/ο), and άνα,ρρ'/ισσο), (from άι/ά, and p'/iyuvy^i) I tear or W^:» up. ^ AuoippiTrTu), f. -ψώ.•, a. 1. άΆρρι-^^α, and ανοίρξί'ΤΓτίω, f. -'ήσω, (from same and ρίτΐτω) I throw up. * Ανοίρροίβόίω, f. -τισύ), (from same and ροίζος) I swallow up or again with great noise, ingulph. ^ Ανοίρροφά-ύ), or κι/κρροφύω, f. -'/jacj, (from same and ροφίω) I swallow up or again, absorb. ^Ανά,ρρΰσις, -εως, tj, (from next) the second day of the aTraTovQict,, so called be- cause on thai- day sacrifices were offered to Jupiter in which it was usual to draw up the head of the victim. ^ Ανα,ρ'ρΰω, f. -ΰσω^ (from α,νά, and tQVuj') I turn up, draiv back, deliver. Aua,pmuyvu, ui/ccppauuvfAi, and ά,ιχχ,ρρόω, f. -ωσο), a. 1. part. pass, ά,να,ρρωο&ύς, (from same and ρωνυνο)) I recover my strength, be- come convalescent, become firm again in mind. ^ Ανά,ζσιος, -ov, 6, (from oc and ciocj) un- suitable, hostile, imj-)lacable. ^Ανοίξτάω, f. -τισω, p. -v^/sci, (from ctya and (ίζτά.ύ)) I Jiang upon, suspend, attach to : ά,νοί^τύ,ορ^οίΐ, I attach to myself, conci- liate. ^ Ανά,ζτντος, -τι, -ou, (from a and ά,ξτύω) unseasoned, unsavoury . '' Auctfjyo), {auci'dnd ρύω) I draw up, pump) ivater. ' Αυα,ζχ,Ιοί, -ιχ,ς, ij. Ion. -Ivj, (from next) ζυα7ΐί of government, avMrchy. 'Ανα,ζχ,ος, -ov, 6, ^, (from u, and ag^'/j) without a governor, insubordinate ; without a beginnmg, eternal. ^Ανα,σύω, (ocua, and σίίω) I move or stir up, inflame, shake up or off. Αυοίσκύ'ΤΓτω, {ducc and σκά,τττύ)) I dig up. ΆνΜσκ,ίνάξω, {άνά and σκίυύζω) I sub- vert, destroy. ^ A'jciaKivj), -γ,ς, 'ή, (from preced.) destruc- tion, refutation. Ά'^ασκίξτάω, f. -'/-^σω, {xud and σκίοτάω) I kick up, leap tip. ' Αι^χσχ^οΤίΟΤϊίζω, {duO' and σκοΚοττίζω) I lift up on the point of a stake, impale, crucify. ^ Ανα,σττά,ω, {dud α,ηά σττάω) I draw up or back again, tear asunder. " Ανΰίσσοί, -Υις, vi, (from dvaQ a queen, mistress. ' Ανάσσω, f. -|ij, (from same) / act as a king, reign, ride, command ; guard, pro- tect ; dvdaGoy^(X.i, a7n under the power of a king. ^ AvduToc, rise, a. 2. imperat. for avdarrr ύι, from αΐ'ίστ-ίίμ,ί. 'Ai/ciffTciBoi/, (from same) rishig up. ^ Ανάστκσις, -tog, Attic -ζως, v], (from same) a standing on the feet again or ris- ing ; resurrection. ^Avdardrog, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from next) torn up, disturbed. ^ ΑναστΛτόω, -ω, (from ά,υίσττ,μ,ϊ) I sub- vert, unsettle, excite, stir up to sedition. * Avaaravqoo), {dvd and στανζόω) I criL- cify again or afresh ; or simply / crucify. ^ ΑυΛστίΚΚω, {dvd and στίλλω) I send back, restrain, remove. ^ Ανοίστίνύ), αί/α,στίνάζω, and auc/Mrsud- χα, {dud and σηνΆζω) I groan deeply. ^ Ανάστ-ψ.α,, -ccrog, ro, (from u,uiar-/i^i) erection, height, siostance. ^ Αναστξο.τοττβ^εύω, {avd and στξοιτο'τϊζ- "^ινω) I move back my camp, return luith my army. Άρχστξίφύ), {dud and στζίφω) I over- tu,rn, turn back, return ; mid. am conver- sant, have my conversation. ^ Ανοίστοοφ'ή, -iig, tj, (from preced.) co7i- versation, behaviour, manner of life. ^ Auaav()Cu, {dud and σν^^ω) I draw up or back, uncover. ^ ΑνοίσφάΐΟ^ω, f. -κΆω, a. 1. Λυίσφ•/ι'Κα., {dud and σφά7:κύΐ) I recover from a fall or a disease ; I fall back again, relapse. ^Aucx.ax,io, imperat. 2. sing. a. 2. mid. Ion. for dudaxov ; duccay^oiu, a. 2. act. part, of dui /.σχίύ), poet, duccaxiuo), also duda^n- pci. See ^ Auixo). ^ AuciGxsrog, -'/,, -ou, poet, ducxsrog, (from preced.) tolerable. * Αυασχίζύ), f. -Ίσω, {dud and σχίζω) I cleave, rend or I'ip up. 'Auocaxoif/y/ju, 1 sing. a. 2. opt. mid. d- uuaxofx,iuog, part. 2 a. mid. ducca^cju, part. 2 a. active, from duexo). *Ανχσό)ξω, {dvd and σύζο)) I save, cause ίο escape. ^ Auocrdaooy-cii, (from same and τύσσο)) I compose, dispose. 213 ' ΑνατατίΤίος, A GREEK LEXICON. Άναχάζύ)» ^ ΑνΛτχτ{κ6ς, -^, -ov, (from same and τάσ- σω) extended, stretched out ; vehement, threatening. 'AvocTsiva, f. -iuZ, p. auoiTsrotKoi; (duo, and τείνω) I stretch up, raise up, extend, vaunt. * Αι/οίτίλλω, f. -τελώ), p. άνατίταΤ^-κοι, a. 1, ausTSiXcc, p. mid. άνοίτίτοΚοί, {ά,υά. and τελλίι),) I rise, spring, spring up ; cause to rise. Άι/οι,τίμί/ω, {duoi and τί/^ι/ω) I cut up, dissect. *Ανα.τίύγιμί, {ducc and τΐύημι) I put up, propose, dedicate, consecrate, explain, de- clare, communicate. ^ Ανα,τιμ,ά.ω, f. -"/ισω, {duoc and Ti/iccta) I raise the price, overvalue. *ΑνΰίΤίυΛγ/ϋ6ς, -ου, 6, (from same and τινάσσω) a concussion, violent change or re^ moval. ^ ΑνΛτ'κάω, and ά.νάτ7^ημ,ί, a. 2. cIvbtT^yiv, (from same and τοιλάω) I bear up, endure to the end. 'AvocToT^Tj, -y^g, τ], (from p. mid. of dua- τίλλω) the day-spring or dawn, rising of the sun, the east ; also a branch, Zech. iii. 8. vi. 12. ^ AuctToT^iKog, -τι, -6u, (from preced.) east- ern. ^ AvetTOf^Vj, -Tjg, and dvctTo^lcc, -χς, v}, (from άνοίτεμι/ω) anatomy, dissection. Άνχτομικος, -^, -6u, (from preced.) be- longing to anatomy ; άνοίτο/ίακ,οΐ, dissecters, anatomists. ΆνΜΤξί'ττω, (dud and τξί'ττω) I subvert, overturn, overthrow. * ΑνοίΤξίφω, (dud and τξεψω) I nurse, bring up, educate. * ΑνΛΤξίχω, (dud and τξίχω) I rim bach, recur, ascend. * ΑνΛΤξο-τιτνι, -ijg, v], (from ύι/ΜΤξίττω) over- throw, ruin. 'AvofTgoip^, -Yjg, vj, (from άνατζεφω) edu- cation. ^ Ανοίτνττόω, {dud and τνπόω,) I make a likeness. "Auotvhog, -ου, ο, ij, (from u and α,υ^νΐ) speechless. Άνοίυξ,'ης, -iog, oίuxυζog, and duuo^YiTog, -ου, 0, 9], (from same and οίΰξω) unincreased, incapable of increasing. "Auuu^og, -ου, ο, vj, (from Same and κΰξοί) without a breeze ; also, the name of a river in Thessaly, a torrent. ^ Αϋούύω, f. -ύσω, a. 1. άνκυσχ,'ρΆνί. duoci>- ζοίς. Dor. dudifoccg, (from dud and κυω) I shout, shriek. ^ Aucιφoίίuω, {dud and φχίυω) I show open- ly ; pass, am shown or appear openly. Άucιφectζετog, -ου, 6, if, (from oc and d- 2U φotίξετog) not liable to be taken away, or robbed of. * AuoiCpay^auTog, -ου, 6, v}, (fi'om dud and φάλoίuύog) bald a little ivay back, bald in the forehead. ^ Au(X,φu,'hάuτωμ,oc, -α,τος, το, and duccφoc,- "kocuTlocg, -ου, 6, (from same) baldness of the forehead. ^ Auoc.φcίul•ou, or duocφΰίuhd, (from dux- φοίίυω) openly, manifestly. ^Auccφεξω, {dud and φέξω) I carry or bring up ; bring up on the altar, offer sacrifices ; bear sins, typically by sacrifices, really by imputation. In the LXX, when used in the first sense, it commonly answers to K-nrr to cause to come ; in the 2d, to nbj^rr to cause to ascend, i. e. in flame and smoke as a burnt-offering ; and in the last sense, to iWi to bear, and bnD to bear as a burden, bajulare, as in Isa. liii. 11, 12. — κ,οί,Ι Tdg ά[Λοίξτίοίς χύτων alTog duoισει. — κ,ύίΐ otiiTog df^d^Tloig τολλων du7]uεyκε, and com p. 1 Pet. ii. 24. and Heb. ix. 2B. ^ Αυχφεύγω, {dud and φεύγω) I fly up, escape. Άudφvιg, -iog, o, oj, (from a and α,φη) not touched, not to be touched. ^ ΑνοίφύεγγοίΛα,ι, {dud and φύεγγο /iicAi) I speak loudly, exclaim, proclaim. *Auoίφύεϊg, a. 1. part. pass, of άνάντω. ^ AuoLφ'hεyω, {dud and φ'Κεγω) I kindle again, or kindle up» * Auoίφoξd, -dg, Vi, (from duΛφεζω) a bur- den, offering, tax. Auoίφoξεύg, -tog, Attic -^g, 6, (from same) a bearer, staff. ^ Auce.φζάσσω, or -άττω, {dud and φςάτ- τω) I stop again. *Auoίφςouτίξω, {dud and φζouτtζω)^I re- volve in my mind, deliberate, am anxious. ^ Auoίφvy'η, -^g, {}, (from duΰtφεΰγω) es- cape, refuge. *AuΛφϋYi, -ng, VI, (from dud and φύω) a branch. ^ Auccφυ(lάω, and duce,φϋζω, f. -i/^S, p. «vfli- νεφυξ-ΛΧ, {dud and φυξάω) I mix up with, mix together, pollute, confound. ^ Αυχφυσάω, and duxφυσ^άω, f. -νισω, {dud and φυσάω) I breathe or bhw up, puff up, cause to swell ; breathe forth, utter ; breathe hard ; pant. ^Auxφύσγι{ΛX, -o&Tog, το, duxφΰσrισις, -εωg, Vi, (from preced.) blowing, panting, puffng, bursting forth. Άudφϋω, {dud and φύω) I spnng up or again. 'Auxφωuεω, -ω, {dud and φωuεω) I cry or sound out aloud. ^ Ανχγ,άζω, and άυαχάζο(Λ»ι, {dud and χάζύ)) I retire, draw back. 16 *A ναρ^α/νω. A GREEK LEXICON. Άνδοοφόνος. 'Auccxotlm, f. -»uio, a. 2. xuexuuov, and (ίι/»χάσκω, {ducc and χαίνω) I open the jaws widely, gape. ' Κνοίχοίΐτίζω, f. -Ίσω, (from same and χχίτ-η) 1 7mse the inane, become unruly. ^ Α^ροίχΐω, and Λναχίύω, {auoi and χίω) I pour upon, infuse ; xvotxhof^ai, I am pour- ed out, flow. ^ Ανά,χυσίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ^, (from same and χίω) a profusion, gulf, sink or pool. ^Αναχωξίω, -ω, {auoc and χωοίο)) I go bacJc again, return, depart, withdraw, retire. * Αρΰίχύ)ξησίς, -ίως, v], (from preced.) re- turn, departure. *Ανάί•ψνξίς, -ιος, Attic -ξως, '/j, (from next) a refrigeration, refreshing or being refresh- ed. *Auet\pvxa, (ausH and "φύχω) I cool agaiuy refrigerate ; refresh, relieve. 'Auocci/cj, iraperf. i^u^auou or ivjuhoiuou, from ά,Ιίω, (See page 70.) has ά,^'ήσω, p. mid. vjhcc, Attic 'iocboi. ^Avhslauoii, poet, for ά,να^ύσθοίΐ, to be crowned. So «.ν^ΥΐσΛμ,ίνος for άι/οί^τησοίμί- νος, from Μΐ/ΰί^ίύ). " Αν^ίμα,, -χτος, το, poet, for χνά^εμ,οί, or uucaUayy/i, a string, bandage, fillet. " Auhn^ou, -ov, το, a mcund, ridge, dam. ^ ΑνΙίκτγις, poet, for ά,να,^ίκτης, (from civoi and ^ίκω) a sort of net, or snare. " Αν^ιχοί, (from same and ^Ίχοί) asunder, in two pieces, or ways. ^ Αι/^ξΛγίχ,θίω, (from ocw^^ and ά,γΛύος) J act valiantly. * Αί/^ζχγύβτημχ, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a manly or valiant deed. 'Ayh^ocyetuioi, -ας, vj, (from same) manli- ness, valour. ^ Αιί^ζόίγζίοί, -ωι>, τά, (from οίνήζ and όί- νζοί) spoils taken from a man. " Αϋ^ζοίγχος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ciyxa) one who strangles men. * ΑνΙξόίκάς, (from dy/jQ) man by man. ^ Αν6ζΛ7ΐο}ίίζω, f. -ίσω, and άν^ζοίτιτο^Ιζο- [ΛΛΐ, (from same and 'κους) I put a man under my feet, treat men as cattle. See Psal. viii. 6 — 8. enslave, treat as a slave. άν'^ξΛ'ΤΓοΙίζυι/τχί, 3 pi. ind. f. 1. mid. for άρΙξοί'7ΓοΙίου!/τΰίί, Attic for auh^ocTro^iaou' τχι. ΆνΖξΰίττό^'ίσις, -εως, {], and «ί/δ^α-τοδ/σ- μος, -ou, 6, (from preced.) the stealing or enslaving of men, ma/cing men slaves. ^ ΑνΙξο,'π-οΙίσττις, -ου, 6, (from same) a man-stealer, one who steals men to make them slaves or sell them into slavery. 1 Tim. i. 10. and comp. Exod. xxi. 16. Deut. xxiv. 7. ^ ΑρΙςχ'ττοΙοκύ'ττηλος, -ου, 6, (from next and κάχγίλος) a slave-dealer, bawd. ^ ΑνΙξά,ττύΟοίί, -ου, το, and duh^oiTrohng, -εος, 6, 7], (from ec'jriP and τους) a per so7i put un- der the feet of another, a slave, a servile, mean person. ^ ΑνΖοοίχθνις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and οίχύος) loading a man, as much as a man can lift or carry. ^ Aul^dxr/i, --/ις, vi, purslane. ^Αν^ξίία., and dv^Qtoc, -ας, τ], and uu'^^sl•' oy, (from aj/ij^) manliness, fortitude. ^ Αν\ο€ίος, and ά,υ^ζίίος, -oc, -ov, (from same) manly, brave. ΆνΙζίΐοφόντγις, -ου, 6, (from same and φίυω) a manslayer, homicide. ^ΑνΙξζΙως, (from χνηξ) in a manly manner. ^ Α'Λξία, the same as du^Qstcc. ^ ΑϋΙξίοίυτο'ΤΓοιος, -ου, ο, (from next and -ττοιίω) a statuary. ^Α'Λζΐχς, -ά,ντος, τ], (from dv'ηξ) an image of a man, a statue. Άν^ξίζο/ίίχι, f. -iaofict:,p. ί^!/Ιξΐσ/^ΰΐΊ,{ΐτοτα same) / arrive at manhood ; behave or ac- quit myself like a man, Jer. ii. 25. ^ Αυ^^^ικος, -Yi, -ov, (from same) manly. *Αν^ζίον, and dv^^a^iov, -ου, το, (from same) a little man. ^Αν^ξίστι, (from same) after the manner of men. ^ Αν'^ζοβζως, -ωτος, dv^ξόβξωτoς, and dv- ^ξοβόξος, -ου, 6, Vi, (from same and βξόω) de- vouring men, a cannibal. ^ Αν^ξογόνος, -ου, v], (from same and ysl- vof^oii) male-bearing. * Αν^ξόγΰνος, -ου, ο, (from same and γυν^) a hermaphrodite, catamite, effeminate, also delicate feeble person. Άν^ξο^όί/ίίοί, Dor. for dv^^o^d^n, -της, ί], (from dv /ις and "hoi^uda) a wife who subdues her husband. Άν'^ξο^άμ,χς, -αντος, and dvl•ςohdμ,oς, -τη, -ov, (from same) a subduer of men. * Αν^ξοκ.μ,'ής, -τ^τος, and dvl•^όκfΛ■ήτoς, -ου, 6, ij, (from ^ν^ξ and κύμ,νω) fatiguing or harassing men. Άν^ξοκτοίσΐΛ, -χς, '/], (from same and κτίΐνο)) a slaughter of men. ' Ανϊξολογίχ, -xc, 7], (from same and λίγω) a reckoning man by man, a mus- ter. ' Αν^ξόμεος, -sx, -eov, (from χν^ζ) man- like, human. ' ΑνΙξόομ,χι, (from same) I become a man. ' ΑνΙζος, gen. sing, of χνηζ. ΆνΙζόσφιγξ, -ιγγος, ό, (from χννίξ and σφίγξ) a statue, representing a man and a sphinx. ' Αν^ξοψχγίω, (from same and φκyω) I eat hitman flesh. Άν^ζοφόνος, -ου, ό, (from same and φόνος) a man-slayer, murderer. 215 Άνδξόω, A GREEK LEXICON. Άνζμ,•7ϊθ(ΐίδτως. Άνδ^οώ), ω, f. -ωσω, (from oI'jtjq) I render manly. ' Αν^ξύι/ω, and ά.νΙξνϋομ,αι, (from same) I grow up to manhood. ' Αν^ξω^Ύΐς, -sog, -ους, 6, ί), (from same) 'manly. Άι/^ξοϊ^Ζζ, (from same) manfully. Aul•ξω'J, (iu^QsoJif, and ikyh^iiuu, -ωνοζ, 6, (from same) a hall for men. ' ΚυζγίΙζω, f. -ε^ώ), (from ocuci and sysiQuj) I raise tip. " ΑϋίγκΚτιτος, -ov, 6, 7), (from « and sy• iccchicd) not to be hlamedy blameless^ irre- proachable. 'Ai/gSvjy, (from oivin(^i)loQsely, freely , pro- fusely^ with impunity. Ά^ίίξγω, and oiyei^ya, f. -ζω, (from ocvd and εί'ξγω) I force back, keep off, restrain. "Κνίζω, or ά,νίω, f. -ίσω, a. 1. part, dni- ca-q, I set doivn, put upon. Αιιίγικ,ίζ, 1 aor. of a-i/ivifM. " Ανζύί'Κνίτος, -ου, ο, τ), (from οί and εύίλω) unwilling, unwelcome. " Ανα'Κίω, f. -ί^σω, and άυίΐκίσσω, (from α,υά. and ξίλίσσω) I roll back, unroll, spread out. "AvuT^ou, -£ς, -ε, I took ιψ or away, a. 2. ind. act. — a,\jii7s.Q^-/iv, a. 2 mid. of ά,ικχ,ί- ςίω. "Avsifci, 3 pliir. α,νεά,σι, for κ,νεισι, (from ανά, and g/^1) / am in or upmi. ' ΑνζΙμ.ων, -ουος, 6, τ], (from u and sTfica) unclothed, ill-clothed. " Aviiv, Ion. for α,νύαν, to bring to an end, from ά,νΰω. ' ΑυίΙ^ω, (fi'om ά,υοί and ύ'ξω) I bind up or to. ^ ^ ^ Άί/ε/ώ), άνιω, — άνίίω, άνίζμι, α,ιΐζΐμ,ι, in- fin. ά,νύνα,ι, or uuUuoci, imperf. ά,νήϊον, a. 2. act. part, ά,νιων, -ourog, (from avd and d/iii) I go up, back, or to ; ά,ν'ίομ,α,ι, αυίζμ,οίΐ, and α,ν{ϊ^.ΰί.ί, I give up, back, or to ; give myself up ; permit, reserve, remit, relax. " ΑνίΙω, ανίω, or ά,νηω, poet. Ion. or At- tic for ανω, 1 sing. a. 2. sub. act. from άυί- " Ανίκ,αύεν, (from uua, and ΐχ,ά,ς) from above, from one's ancestors, from the begin- ning. " Ανζκ,άς, (from same) above, at a distance, far off. " Avi-x^iviyvirog, -ου, 6, v}, (from a, and ix,- ^ίγ,γίομ,οα) not to be fully or adequately ex- pressed or uttered, inexpressible, unuttera- ble, ineffable. ' Ανζ-Λ7ιά7\.ητος, -ov, 6, {], (from s^ime and εκ,λχΤ^ίω) unutterable, inexpressible. Άνίκ,λείτΓτος, -ου, c, τ], (from same and ίκ,τ^είτιτω) which faileth not, never failing, un- failing. 216 Άν£%λ/•τί)ί, -iog, 0, vj, (from same) un. failing, iiiexhaustible. ' Ανέκ,ττΤ^-,ΐχ,τος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from c& and έ» ■zrA}7;troV) not astonished, undaunted. ^ Ανε-ΛΤΐ'Κ'ίίΐχ,τως, (from same) intrepidly. "Ανεκτός, -τι, -ου, (from άνεχω) tolera- ble. " ΑνζΤκετιμ,όνως, (from avi'heiiftMv) unmerci- fully. " ΑνεΚεγι^οαΰνη, --/ig, ^, (from next) unmer- cifulness. " ΑνεΤ^ε'ήΙΛΟίν, -όνος, 6, 'ή, (from oc and Ιλί- 'ημ,ύίν) unmercifid. " ΑνεΤ^εύύεξος, -ου, 6, *;, (from same and εΤ^εύύεξος) iUiberal. ' Ανε'Κεΰύω, (from av» and εΚεΰύω) I go up, obsolete ; whence a. 2. uvvik^ov. See ΑνεΤ^χ,ύ), f. -ζ^ω, or άνεΚκ,νω, f. -ύσω, — ά,νεΚΆ0[Λαί, (from same and i'hx.o)) I draw up or back, bend, raise. ' Ανε'Κ'ττίζω, f. -Ίσω, (from a and ελττίζω) I despair. ' Ανε7\.7ΐηστία,, -tzg, vj, (from next) despair. ' Ανε7\7ηστΙς, -ihog, and ά.Ά'λ'χ ιστός, -ου, ο, Vj, (frojn Οί and εΤ^τΐϊς) hopeless, contrary to expectation. " ΑνεΚτνΙστως, (from same) beyond hope. Άνελω, (from dud, and Ιλώ)) / take up, away or off, obsolete ; whence a. 2. dvsi- λον, a. 2. mid. άνείΤ^όαγιν. See οΰρεω and p. 73. " ΑνεΚων, {2 aor. part, of ά-ναι^εω) taking away. Ανεμεσγιτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from α and νε^Λε- σάω) one with whom we cannot be angry, faultless, praiseworthy. " Ανε^εω, -ω, f. -εσοί, p. -εκΛ, (from «να and εμ,εω^ I vomit up again, ' Ανεμίζο^,ίοΐί, (from next) / am driven by the wind. "Ανεμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from cioi) the wind, breath, mind. ' Ανεμ,οσΆετΓ-ης, -εος, β, τ}, (from preced. and σκ,εττω) covering from the wind. Άνεμ,οσφοίξάγος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and σφά,ξοίγος) resounding with the wind. Ανεμοτζοίφνις, and ά,νεμ,οτρεφνις, -εος, 6, Vi, (from same and τξίψω) 7iourished by the witid, hardy. " Ανεμότξο'π-ος, -ου, ό, »;, (from same and τξί'ττω) turned ivith the wind, volatile. ' Ανεμ,οφύοξίαί, -X{, f. -"ψω, and f. mid. --ψο/ίίχι. a. 1 mid. άνπξει- -ψχμγιν, (from dux and εξίίττω) I snatch up, convey away, steal. " Ανεζευνχω, (from dux and ί^ευηχω) I search thoroughly, scrutinize. " Auεξμ,xτ^στog, -ου, 6, vi, (from χ and εξμ,χ) without ballast, unstable, voluble. ^ Auk^y^oy^xi, (from dux and ί^χ,οίΛχι) I go up. Άuεσιg, -log, Attic -εωg, tj, (from dur^^i) liberty ; remission or relaxation from con- finement, uneasiness, expense or trouble ; ease, rest, forgiveness. ' Auiariog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from χ and εστίχ) hav- ing no home or hearth, a wanderer. ' Αϋετχζω, (from dux and ίτχζω) I exa- mine strictly, or by torture. " Auεrog, -ου, 6, % (from duifiyi) relaxed, free, loose ; xvετωg, loosely, remissly. " Αηευ, ivithout, not with, far from. " Αηευχζω, f. -χσω, (from dux and εϋχζω) I cry up Evius, celebrate Bacchus. " Αηευύεη, (from οίνευ) without, at a distance from. ' Αηεύύετος, -ου, ό, ν;, (from χ and zukrog) inconvenient. ' Αηεύβϋηος, -ου, ό, τ], (from χ and εύβύηω) not accountable ; duευύϋuωg, without respon- sibility. ' Auεΰζετog, -ου, 6, ^, (from next) undis- covered, undiscoverable. £e m AVS:υξίΰ7ίOJ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά^ύρω~ίζ^ω. ^ Αυενξίσκ,α, and άιΐίυζίω, f. -εσω, or -τισα, a. 2. dvsvQov, (from dyoi and εύξίσκω) I find, find Old hi) diligent seeking. '' ΑυευφΎΐ^Λεω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, and ά!αυφύ)νίω, f. -^σώί, (from «ya, or also from oc and ευφγιμ'ίο} or £y^ij:/£6j) / lament, without using ill-bod- ing terms, in a becoming and guarded man- ner. Ά'Αφίλος, or άννίφΐΚος, -ου, 6, vj, (from « and νίφί'Κη) cloudless. " Ανίφίκτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ά and εφίκ,τος) incompj^ehensihle, unattainable. ' Ανίχ,ο), {duoi and ίχω) I hold back, re- strain, hold up ; mid. / bear, bear up, emerge, bear with, suffer, forgive. ' Ανε-φιος, -ου, 6, a cousin-german or nephew. ^ Ανίχ^υγ,θ^ν, for aus-ipo^/^umoc-u, 3 pi. a. 1. ind. pass, of α,να-ψύχύ). Ανίωγοί, ΆϋίωγίΛίνος, άΛ(ύ^(Χ>, άνεωγ^^-'/\ν, see άνοίγύ). "Ανεως, -ω, 6, 'ή, Attic nom. pi. οίνεω, (from oc, and α,ΰω) silent, dumb. ^ Αν-ηβΰω, -ω, f. -sjciy, (from άυά. and vi^y\) I grow up to manhood, grow young again. Άι/γ]γίομΰα, (from ducii and νίγεομ,οίΐ) I tell again, relate. " Ανγι^ως, (from λ and νι^ύς) unpleasantly. " AvYiuou, -ου, TO, anise or dill. Αννικ,εστος, -ου, ο, v], (from oc and dyJo- fiXi) ijicurable. Ανήκοος, -ου, 6, oj, (from ex, and ά,Άοΰοϊ) disobedient. ' Αϋπκουστεω, f. -Ϋ^σω, (from ex, and ά,κ,ούω) I refuse to listen to, or comply with, dis- obey. 'Ανήκουστος, -ου, 6, yj, (from same) not listened to, not to be listened to ; not listen- ing to, stubborn. Ά^ήκ,ω, (from «i/i* and τικ,ω) I come up, come to ; appertain, belong to ; άνήκ,ει, it appertaineth, it becometh, it is fit. ' ΑννιΚά,τος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ex, and \\ex,i)'jeS) unmoved. ' Αυτιμ,εΤ^κ,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ex, and άμεΆ- ycd) unmilked. Άΐ/'ημεζος, -ου, 6, v}, (from ex, and vlfx,εζoς) not mild, fierce. ^ Ανήνούε, see duueco. Ανήϋυστος, or exv-iji/vTog, -ου, 6, vj, (from ce, and άνύω) which cannot be accomplished, ivhich cannot be ended, ov finished. ' Ανίΐξ, ciusQog, cont. exu^Qog, man, a man, a husband. Άι/γίξεί-ψαι/το, 3 pi. 1 aor. mid. of cluε- QeiTTTeo. ' Αυνίζοτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from ex, and el^oeu) unploughed, untilted. ' Auff , (for dvTi, which see) before a word beginning with an aspirated vowel. 218 ' Ανύί'Κζω, f. -ζ,ύ), (from eivTl and ίτ^κ,ω) I draiu against. ' A]/uiy,iov, -ου, TO (from όίνθος) the herb gith ; an ornament. " Αυύεμ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], ά,νύεμ,ιος, -ex,, -ou, and ά,νύεμ,όεις, -εσσοι,, -εν, (from same) flowery ; οίν^ε^ον, -ου, το, a flower. " Av6k'€fitj,ex,i, 1 fut. mid. oi a]>tkYfi(^cx,i. ' Ανύε^εωυ, -ωνος, ό, (from οίνύος) the chin, the beard. 'Ανύίξίζ, -ίκος, α,νύίξϊκ,ος, -ots ο, ά,νύεζίχ,νι, -ης, Vj) (from άθνΐζ) an ear of corn, the stalk of the ear ; albucum, a kind of white daffodil, the stem of the daffodil. ^ Ανύεω, f. -;jffcdrog, Dor. for 'Ausyy/jrog, -ου, ό, {], (from ci and νικ-άω) invincible. Άνίλεως, ω, ό, vi, (from ct and "i^.i0g) without mercy. ' Auiy^da, f. -'ήσω, (from dud and ίμ,ά,ω) I draw up as water out of a deep well. ' Auiov, -ου, TO, Dor. for ^uiov, or ^uioc, a rein. ' AuiQUTci, a. 2. part-, mas. ^ Avtouacx.u, fem. returning, from οίυζι^Λΐ. ^ Αυ'ίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from duict) mournful. 'Auioxog, Dor. for iiuioxog, a charioteer. "AuiTTTTog, -ου, ό, v}, (from cc and iV^roj) without a horse. " ΑνίτΐΤΛ^αί, and άνόίτττημ,ι, a. 2. dviTT- TYjl•, (from dud and ττετάοή I fiy up or away. 'Ay/TTToVoy?, -o^og, 6, τι, (from preced. and TTovg) having unwashed feet. " AuiTTTog, -ου, 6, τ], (from oc and uiTrrcd) unwashen. " Auiaou, or duuiaou, -ου, το, anise. Ανίσττ,(Λί, f. uuxarTjaoj, p. ocuiaTriKU., a. 1. oiukoTm^, a. 2. auiarfiu, imperat. dudarx, and a-udaTYiui, subjunct. dudaro), infinit. ά,να.στ~ήνα,ί, part, duccardg, -dace, -du, Auia- rdf^oci, infinit. ά,νίστιχσύα,ι, (from »ud and 'ίστ-/ιμ.ί) I stand up or again; rise from a sitting or recumbent posture ; rise from the dead ; ?ise, rise up, apjJear, begin to act ; I raise, cause to arise from the dead ; / raise up, cause to appear ; subvert, overthrow. ' Auίσχυg, -uog, o, ij, (from oc and laxi/g) tuithout strength. ' Αυίσχω, pres. imperat. mid. α,νισγ,ου. Ion. duiaxio, (from aud and Χσχω, for ίγ,οί) I lift, or hold up ; mid. / lift myself up, rise. ' Aui^uiiu), f. -ίύσω, (from dud and Ιχυίύω) I trace up, or back, thoroughly investi• gate. ^ ^ " Auuiiu, poet, for dunu, or a.uυiιu, pres. infinit. act, (froni duω, or ανϋω) to bring to an end, perfect. ^ AuuiiToii, for duccuiiTuCi, 3 sing. pres. from duccuioy.oci. ' ΑννΐφίΚος, poet, for uuίφi'hog, (from oc and νίφί'Α/ΐ) cloudless. 219 ΆνοδΙα, A GREEK LEXICON. Ανΰτα, ΆροΙΙχ, -ας, VI, (from a and ohog,) a place where there is nq proper road. "Ανοδος, -ου, % (from xucc and 6l6g) a way leading upwards, an ascents "ΑνοΙος, -ου, 6, % (from u and ό^ος) path- less, inaccessible. AuoTif^au, -όνος, 6, vj, (from ct and νοί]/αων) unwise, imprudent, foolish. Ανοτησίχ, -α,ς, τ], (from a and νοίω) fool- ishness. 'Ανόητος, -ου, 6, τ), (from same) incon- siderate, thoughtless, foolish. "AuQia., -οίς, ^, (from a, and νους) mad- ness, folly, want of understa7idhig. "Ανοιγμο!,, -χτος, ro, (from next) an open- ing, door. 'Ανοίγω, f. κνοίζω, p. άνωχχ, Attic eivia- %Λ, a. 1. Άνίωξοί and ^Vo/|«, part, άνοί'ύ,οίς, p. pass. ά.νίωγμ,οίΐ, and Tjviayy^oii, part. άνβωγμίνος, a. 1 pass, τινοίχύπν, dvea^uviu and νινεωχύγιν, f. 2 pass, άνοιγτισομ,οίΐ, p. mid. ά,νίωγοί, (from ά,νοί and οΐγω) I open. Άνοίκ,ίζύ), f. -i'ffiw, (from csi/« and οΊχ,ίζω) I remove, or / rebuild my habitation. ' Ανοικ,ίσμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a re- newal of one's house. Άνοίκ,ο^ο,αίω, -2), f. -'ήσω, p. ανωχ,ο'^ομ,γικ,οί, {avoc and oiKoho^U)) I build up again. "Ανοικ,ος, -ου, 6, '^, (from ot and οΊκος) without a home. 'Ανοικτός, -vj, -6v, (from ά,νΐωχ,χα,ί, 3 sing. of perf. pass, of ανοίγω) open. " Ανοικ,τος, -ου, 6, ^, (from a and οίκ,τος) merciless. ' Ανοίμωζω, f. -|ίζω, (from same and άγοζά,ζύ)) I buy one thing for another, buy in return. ' Αντα,γοξϊύο), f. -ζύσύ), (from same and Ιγοζίύύ)) I contradict, or speak in reply. \\'^τ<χ.γύ)ΐιΊζο^.ο(.ί, (from same and «,γω- νίζοαχί) I strive against. 'Auraycji/iaTYig, -ov, 6, (from preced.) an antagonist, lival, adversary. ^ Α^τα,ίίοω, dvTccsiQO/xcii, also auroc'too), f, -α,Ρύ), a. 1. auTTjocc, (from ayrl and αΐ^ω) I lift up against, lift up myself or rise against. ' Αντύίΐς, -ίντος, 6, Dor. for άντ'ήίΐς, and ciUTctloc, (froru oi'jrri'j) contrary, hostile. \\.) / cause to rise up, put forth ; spring up. Άΰτψβοί7^λω, f. -οίλω, (from άντϊ, ευ,Άπά /3άλλώ} / invade in turn, act in concert with one country in invading another. ' Αντζμ,βιβά,ζόϋ, f. -ά,σω, (from same and βφά,ζο}) I cause to embark in the room of another. ' Α]/τί{Λ'7Γ7\.''ή^ω, (from άυτ\ and ίμττλνι^ύ))! fill in return. ' Ανητί^φα,ίνω, (from same and ίμ,φίχ,Ινύ)) I make a show in opposition, oppose, resist. ' Avrbil^oc, 'ccg, 7], (from same avA he- δ^δί) a counterplot. ' Αντίνοι-Λίζο^Λΐ, (from same and hai- κΊζίο) I inhabit one abode instead of another. Άρτίξά,γω, f. -ά|ω, (from same and If- άγω) I lead out against, expoi^t articles in return for articles imported. ' Αντβξχίτίω, (from same and h^oiirko) I ask in the room of. Άι/τίξίίμι, (from same and βξείμ,ή I go out against. "" Ανη.%ίΚ(χ,ΰνω, (from same and l^ikocvva) I sally forth against. Ανηξ,ίξχομ,οίΐ, and α,ντζ'ί,ίΚζυθύ), [ivom same and h^,i^xof^cci) I go out against. Άυτί'ζ,ίτά,ζω, (from same and ϊ^&τά,ζω) I examdne or compare one thing luitli another. 'Aurs^icToifzcci, (from same and Ιξίστιχ,• μ,οίί) I desist or withdraw on the opposite side. ^ Αυηττά,γύ), a. 2. άντίττηγον, (from same and Ι'ττάγύ)) I lead against. ^ Αντίτιτοίνοίγω, (from same and Ιττοίνοίγω) I sail against. '' Αντίτΐίΐμ,ι, S. p. plup. mid. avrsTrfisaccu, for auTiTirfiiiaocv, (from same and t'yrssf/.i) I march against. Άντ&7Γ£ίσοΙοζ, -ου, 7j, (from same and sTTsiaohog) entering in the rooyii or taking the place of another. ' Αζ/τ£7Γί|ί56^ώ), imperf. ά,ντ^τΐίζ,ν^γου, (from same and Ιτη^άγο)) I lead out against, op)- pose. 222 Άντίττίξείμι, plup. mid. avTSTre^'/jen/, (from same and έ'ττίζίίμή I go or march out against. ' Αντίτη^ίζχοΐΛοί,ί, (from same and Ιτηξ,- ίξχομχί) I go or march out against. ' Ανηιτφου'Κίϋω, (from same and ί^τηβου- λίύω) I lay counter snares. ' Αντί'ττίγζα,φο), (from same and Ιττιγξά,- φω) I w7Ute upon in the room of something erased ; mid. I write my own name upon in the room of a dispossessed adversary, lurite my name upon a trophy, claim the vic- tory. ^ Avri7:ihsiH.vu^.s, f. -|ώ), (from same and Ι'ττί^ίίχ,νυμ,ι) I show upon in opposition to. " Ανητηΰυμ,ίο), f. -'ήσω, (from same and ίτΓΐύνμίω) I desire in return. " Αυη7ΓΐμίΚίο(/,α.ί, (from same and ίτημί- λέο^Λαή I take care in return or in opposi- tion. ^ Αΐ/π'τησχ.ωτίτω, f. --^ω, (from same and ί'ττίσχ,ω'π'νω) I rail or scoff in return. Ά^Τϊ•7Γ/ι7Τ£λλώ), a. 1. άι/τεττίστζίΆα, (from same and ετ^ιστίλλύ)) I send upon in r!etu?m, send for answer. ' ΑυτίτΓίστξείηύύ), (from same and Ιττι- στξ^(χ.τίϋο)) I lead out an army against, attack in return. ^ ΑυηΊίΐατφφο), f. --^ω, (from same and ίτηστζίφω) I turn upon against, retort. " Αντίττιατζοφ'/], -τις, i], (from preced.) a turning upon so as to meet, such as turning the hand to the shoulder. " Ανηττιπίχίζω, p. pass. part, ά,νη-τηχζ- ηιχ,ισ^^ενος, (from same and Ιτηταχίζω) I liaise a wall upon against, pass. I am for- tified against, " AiiTi7rir'iuy\i/,i, duTiTciriuia, imperf. dv- rsTrniuiov, (from same and ίτητίόγιμή I put or se7id a letter i7i return. ' Αντίττω, (from same and ίττω) I gainsay, contradict. "Αντεζ/Άνίζο/ίΐΰ!./, (from same and s^ccui ζω) I earn for mysef in return, that is, by serving one who salved me. 'AyrsQctaT'^g, -ου, 6, (from same and ΙξΛσ- T5j?) a lover in opposition, a rival lover. ' Αντζζά,ω, (from same and hnaoy) I love in return ; J love in opposition, rival in love. ^ ΑϋΤίζεβω, f. -είσω, p. άυττίζεικ,οί, (from same and ΙζείΙω) I support against ; piress against^ tread ; press in return, re-act, re- sist ; dvTiqi'ihof^cci, I strive against. 'A'jtsqsuj, or άντείζίω, (from same and €ξ£ω) I contradict. " Αντίξως, -ωτος, 6, (from same and ίζως) mutual love. 'AyT£T£Ty|o, thou art become like, 2 sing. plup. ind. pass, from άνητεϋγ/ύ, or αντί-- ^ Kmrhrfia. A GREEK LEXICON. 'AvTiusog. Άντίτόζ-ησοί, 1 aor. of άντιτοζίω. ' ΑϋΤίχ,ύ), imperf. ά,υηΐγ,ον,ϊ. ανθίζω, (from ά,ντί and 'ίχ,ω) I hold against, hold out against, sustain, resist, hold to, claim, culti- vate, pursue ; dursxoucci, I hold any thing against, hold fast, adhere to, succour, sujJ- port. 'Auria, f. -:^σω, (from ciuTi) I meet. 'Αυτ'/;λίθς, or ά^ύ'/ιΆιος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same and 'ήΚιας) fronting the sun, eastward. " Αντ-ήν, (from ά,ντί) before, to the face, directly, near. ' Α!/τ-/ιχ,ίω, (from same and '/lyjco) I re- sound. 'Ai/T<, dvT, or d-jff , against, ansiuei-aUe to, in the stead or place of, upon account of, in return for. See p. 99. a]i§ ου, an el- liptical expression for ά,ντ\ τούτον ου, on account of this that ; and duff ων, for durl τούτων ων, on account of these things that, on this account that, because that, because. ' AvTicc, adv. or prep, (from άντίος) a- gainst, in front, in the presence of. ^ Αντίά,νίίξοί, -cig, 'ή, (from ά,ντΙ and ά,νήζ) equal to a man, courageous. " Αντιά,ω, contr. άντιω, whence άντιόω, the half of ω, which is o, being redoubled, 2 pers. sing. pres. optative ά,ντιόωο, 3 pers. ά,ντιόωτο ; ά,ντιά,ω, has f. -oiooi, ά,ντιάα^ω, i. -α,σω, p. '/]ντίαχχ, (from άντϊ) I go against, meet ; meet a friend, assist, partake of ; meet a foe, oppose, resist, encounter ; meet a mark, hit, reach ; meet a superior, sup- plicate, entreat. ' Αντίβά,ογιν, (from άντιβα,ίνω) going a- gainst, with opposing force. Άντφά,οΊκος, --/ι, ov, (from same) calcu- lated to oppose, directly opposite. ^ Αντίβαύνύ), and άντιβά,ύ), f. -'ήσο), ά,ντΊ- βψΑ, a. 2. α,ντίβ-ην, {άντϊ and βαίνω) I go against, resist. ΆντίβοίΆλω, {dvTi and βά,ΧΚω) I cast or toss from one to the other by turns ; cast in my mind; discourse or engage in the mu- tual discussion of a subject by speech. ^ ΑντΙβόίσις, -εως, tj, (from άντφοίίνω) re- sistance, opposition. " Αντιβίά,ζο^,ΰίΐ, {ά,ντΙ and βιάζο,^αή I press or fojxe in return ; am 2>ressed luith corresjjonding force. ' Αντίβίος, -ου, ό, τ}, or -ιος, -ice, -ιον, (from same and βία.) exerting force against fo7'ce, violent ; άντίβιον, or α,ντιβί/ιν, forcibly, vio- lently, in open defiance. ^ Αντιβ'Κίτίω, f. -ύ/ω, {ccvtI and β'λίττω) I look at face to face, am brave. ' Αντίβ'κ^ις, ΪΟΧ α,ντιβίΊ^Ύ^σις, -ίως, '^,(from ζΐντιβολίω) sujjplicalion. Άντίβούω, f. -7]σω, {ά,ντΙ and βύύ,ύ)) I shout in return. 12 ^ Αντφογιθίω, f. -7]σω, {χντί and βογιύβω) I assist, succour, in return, ΆντφϋΤ^ίω,ΐ. -'/]σω, p. άντφίβολ-ήκχ, (from same and βάλλω) I come against, meet ; meet an enemy, encounter ; meet a friend, aid ; meet a superior, supplicate ; overtake, am present at, ' ΑντφολΙα,, -α,ς, '/ι, (from preced.) en- counter, entreaty. ^ Αντίγνων.ονίω, f. -νισω, (from άντϊ and ^νωμ.ων) I have a contrary opinion, contro- vert. " Αντίγξο,φ'ή, -ijg, 'ή, (from άντίγζά,φω) an answer, rescript, defendanfs reply. Άντίγξόίφον, -ov, το, (from next) a copy of a writing. ^ Αντιγράφω, {ά,ντϊ and γξάφω) I write back again, retort an accusation. ' ΑντίΙζίττνος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same and Wttvov) a vice-president at a feast. '' ΑντίΟίά,βψΑ, (dvTi and '^ιάβγι^Λΐ) I j^^ss over against, anticipate hi invasion. Άντι^ίο-ττΆίκω, {άντϊ, ^ia,, and 'ττλίκω) I grapple luith in return. ^ AvTthicf.Tiuny-'h (ccvtI and ^ιατίύη^^ϊ) I oppose or indispose; άντι^ιατιύί(Λίνος, ill- disposed or disa,ffected. ' Αντί^ίόω/ίίί, (ccvTi and "^βω^Λΐ) I give in exchange. ΆντίόίκΑω, f. -'/]σω, p. -iiKoc, (from same and "biyy/i) I am opponent or adversary in a lawsuit. ΆντιΙίκίοο, -χς, v}, (from same) litiga- tion. ΆντίΙΐχ,ος, -ov, 6, 71, (from same) an ad- versary or opponent in a lawsuit ; one who has a claim on us, a creditor, Matth. v. 25, 26. Luke xii. 58, 59 ; one against whom we have a claim or a complaint, one who has injured, us, Luke xviii. 3 ; the Devil, the great adversary and accuser; 1 Pet. v. 8. αντίδικος νμων ύίάβολος, '* your oppiosing evil spirit ;" αίντίίικ,ο; being here used as an adjective. ^ Αντίοοσίς, -ίως, τ], (from α,ντΙ and οίοω- fii) a thing given in the room of, exchange, recompense. Άντί'^οτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) givenin exchange, or in opposition to ; dvTihoTov, an antidote, remedy. ' Αντίζγιλος, -ου, 6, vj, {dvTi and ζτιλος) jealous against, vying with. Άντίζοίϋοα, Ion. of άνύίζο(Λθίΐ, or dvTt- κ,αύίζοι/.οίΐ, {dvTi and κοίθίζομ,οίΐ) I sit down opposite, encamj) in front of the enemy. Αντίζύγος, -ου, ό, vj, {dvTi and ζυγός) one who cooperates luith another under the same yoke, a yokefellow. Άντίβίος, -ov, 0, 71, {dvTi and ^eog) equal to a god, godlike, divine. 223 ^Αντιύζδίζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Άντί'τταξαχαλεω» Άι/τίύίσις, -log, Attic -ίως, '■/], (from uuri and τίύη/^ι) antithesis^ opposition, 'AutIusto;, -ου, c, '/], (from same) opposite. " Αντιύίω, £ m. -usvaoy^ai, {ccutI and ^ίω) I run against, encounter. ^ Αιιτίύγιμ,ι, for auotriuvi^i. '' ΑντΙύξοος, -ου, 6, vj, {aurl and ^ξόος) uttered in return, resounding. " Αντίύνζος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and ^ύξοί) opposite the door. " Αντικα,θίζω, (duTi and κ,αύίζω) I set down or place instead of ; άι>τ{κ.αίύίζο/:Λθίί, duTixaOYjiiccci, and Ion. χντίκ,οίτιζοίίίΰα, I rest opposite to, encamp in front of. Άντικ,χύίστά,ύ), f. -τισω, and duTiy-ccuiarYj- (ΛΙ, {dvTi and κ,οι,ύΐστημ,ι) I place against or in opposition to ; stand against, i^esist ; ap- point instead of. ^ ΑΊιτικοίΚίω, (duTi and καλίω) I call or invite in retwm. Άντίκ,ατΰίλλάσσω, or -άττω, {ά,υτί, κατά, and ά70\.άσσω) I reneiu hy change or succes- sion ; conciliate, reconcile. ^ Αντιχ,(χ.τά.σ%&σίς, -ζως, 'ή, (άντΙ, κ,χτχ, and σχίσίς) α retaining in opposition to. ^ Αυτίκ,ίΐ^Λΐ, and dvTiy,dof^o(.i, {άιιτϊ and κ,ίϊΐΛΐχ.ι) I am placed against or in opposition ; am opposite, oppose, am an adversary to, pitch a camp against ; duriKUf/^iyog, -ου, 6, an adversary. '' Α]/•τΐΛΎ](η)σσω, f. -|ώ), {^d]>i:\ and κ'/ΐξύσσω) I pi^oclaim in return. ' Αντικ,ξίνομ,οα, {durl and κζίυω) I plead or contend agaijist in judgment. Άντ'ίκ,ξύ, and durH^dg, (from di/ri and κάξοί) opposite to, over against. ^ Αυηκτξξίζω, f. -σω, (dvTi and κτίξίζω) I hury in turn. ' AvTix,o(Hx,ou, -ου, το, hellebore, so called from the island of Anticyra. ^ Αυτίχ,ϋ^ω, f. -ύζσω, {durl and /cygij) I fall against, encounter. ' Avrihd^>'/i, -vig, h, (from next) a laying hold of, means of laying hold, handle ; ap- prehension, perception. ΑντιΚιχ,μ,βΛνω, or dvri7<.v)fio), f. ^"ψω, a. 2. d'JTi'KdiSov, dvri7\.oif/.fia,vo^,oit, {d'jri and Τ^α,^/^βάνω) I tahe hold on another mutually ; take hold on the opposite side to carry a burden with another ; lay fast hold on, support, help, assist ; partahe of receive, enjoy. ^ " ΑνηΤ^ά,μ.'πω, (dyrl and λά/ΐύττω) I shine over against. ^ Αντι'Κίγω, (durl and T^kyoi) I speak against, contradict, gainsay. ' Αντι'Κπ'τττΐον, (from dvTi'hccy.^dnoS) that which must be taken in hand. ^ AvTi'h.'/iTirTr^Qg, -'/?, -ov, (from same) apt to lay hold of, susce])tible. 224 Άντίλ'ητττοξ, -oQog, 6, (from άντίλΰίμβά- νομ,οίΐ) a defender, helper. ' AuriT^w^ig, -tog, Attic -sag, yj, (from same) a help. ^ AuriKoyioL, -ccg, vi, (from Λντί'Κίγω) con- tradiction, opposition. ΆντίλοίΙοξίω, -ω, {durl and 7^oι'hoζίω) I revile again or in return. " Αντιλυττίω, (same and Τ^υ'ττίω) I cause to grieve in return, avenge my griejf. ^ Αντι'κύττγισις, -i^g, ^, (from siime.) griev- ing in return, vengeance. ' ΑυτιΑυτξον, -ου, το, {durl and ^Otoo:/) a ransom, price of redemption, correspondent ransom. " Αυτιμ,ιχ.ξτυξίω, {dyrl and μ,χζτυζίω) I ivitness against. ^ Avrt^c(,%zrvig, -ου, ο, (from next) one who fights directly opposite to, or hand to hand. ' Αυτψ^άχ,ο^Λχι, (xutI and [/^χο^οι,Λΐ) I fight against. ^ ΑντιΐΛεύίστ-^μ,ι, {ά,ντί and μίύίστήμ,ι) I change in turn, substitute. ' Αι^ημ,ζ'κίζω, (from άντΙ and yJikog) I tune the lyre instead of, or in opposition to. " Αντιι/.ίτα,β6λγι, -ijg, vj, (from durl, ysrd, and /3άλλ<«) change to the opposite. ' Αυτιμ,ίΤζίω, {durl and μ,ίτξίω) I measure or mete back again or in return. ^ AuT)yTf,<,og, -ου, 6, yj, (from durl and fii- /ίί£ο/ίύοί{) made in imitation of, like. ' Αντιμ,ισύΐΛ, -ccg, 7], (from χντϊ and μισ- uog) a recompense. Άντίξοίω, (from durl and ξίω) I am crossgrained, difier, am discoi'dant ; το du- τί^ουι/, discord. Άuτίζoog, -ου, contr. oiuτtξoυg, 6, '/}, το άντίί,ουΐ/, (from preced.) planed across the grain, crossgrained, discordant, adverse. ' Αντίου, -ου, το (from χι>τΙ) a weaver'' s beam. ΆuτίQg, -X, -ou, (from same) opposite, contrary ; duτίo]J, adv. or prep, against, in front, in the presence of. " Αυτιόω, see duτιά,ω. ^ Auτί'7τd'hog, -ου, 6, τι, (from »!/τ\ and -τά- ΆυΪ) an adversary in combat, adverse, reci- procal. ^ Αντίττοί^οίβΰίΧ'Κω, {duτ\, 'Trot^d, and /3άλ- \ω) I put beside opposite, compare. ΆντιττΛζοίβοΐίνι, -vjg, v}, (from preced.) contrast, comparisofi. ' Αι/τίττΰΐξχγύ), {duτι, ττχξχ, and οίγω) I march against, lead against. ' Αντΐ'7:α,ζοίγωγ% -i^g, v], (from preced.) a hostile incursion. ^ Auri'TTcc^ciKot.T^ia, {d'Jτι and ττΛξο,χ,οίΤ^ίω) I exhort or admonish in return, exhort to the contrary. Άι/7/'τα^αλί/•-£ίλ>. A GREEK LEXICON. ' Ανηϋτξύ<ρη, WifTiTrci^ocT^VTriiit, [άντ], iroi^st, and λι;- ττίω) I distress in return. Άντί'ττΰίζοίττί^'ττω, (same and 'ττψ.ττύ)) 1 accomiiany one when departing from me. ^ ΑντιττΛ^ΰίττοζίΰοΐΛοίΐ, (same and 'tto^sv- oy^ut) I mareh even with, form a parallel with the enemy. ^ Α'^τΐΊΓοίζασχ,ζυά,ζο^ΰίΐ, {χι/τϊ and τταξχ- σκ^υά,ζω) I equip myself for war against. ^ AvriTTct^uLOKivYi, -τ??, h, (same and tcu,- ξ(χ.σκίυ'ή) preparation against, a defensive military force. ' AuTiTTU^uayjo), {duri, 'Τοίξοί, 2ίηάσγ^ω) I give in return, recompense. ^AvTiTTciooiToc^i;, -sag, ij, (from next) an opposite or enemy's line. ^ Αντίττοίζοί,τάσσω, or -ττω, f. .|iy, (ccvrl, "Trccpx, and τάσσω) I arrange the line in re- turn, an-ange for battle. ^ Αντΐ'7τα,βα,τίύ-η[Λΐ, {άυτΙ, "ττοίζ», and riun- (64.') I place beside opposite, compare. ' Αντί-τταξέζχ,ομοίί, and χνητταζί'λίνύω, a. 2. civ-i'Trcc^Yj^dov, (from durl, ττοίξίχ., and εξ. χο^,χί or ίλενύύή I pass by on the opposite side ; turn out of the ivay, and so pass by. ' Αντιττίζΰίίος, -oilct, -octou, (from cci/rl and TTiQctu) situate on the other or opposite side. 'AuTiTTSoccv, and άι/ηττίξοίς, {duri and '7rίξoc.u) over against, on the opposite side or shore. ^ Αι/τιτεζίβά,ΧΚο), {duri, ττεξί, and /3ά?ιλώ)) / gird about in opposition to. * Αι/τί'ττΒξίΐστ-^^ί, (same and 'ίσττιμ,ί) I stand about in opposition, counteract, com- press. * Αι/τίττζξίσττοι,σ^,ίί, -οίτος, το, (from next) a diversion, distraction. ^ Αντίτπξίσττά,ω, -Ζ, f. -χσω, pres. part, pass. άντιτΓίξίστίτωμ,ίνος, {ciuTi, "ττίζϊ, and σττάω) I draw back in return, form a diver- sion, distract. Άΐ/τιττίτττω, {duTi and Tr/Vrnj) / fcdl against or upon, rush against, assault, resist by force and violence. 'Λ!/τ/7Γλ'^|, -'^yo?, 6, {], (from ΰυτϊ and ^A^<7<76j) liable to be beaten against. ^Αντί'ττΆ/ίζόω, f. -ωσω, {di /τϊ and ττ'Κτ,ζόω) I fill uj) instead of something lost, recruit, supply a ship with its complement, man. 'AuTi'TTvU), f. -ίύσω, {dvT\ and ττΑω) I blow against. ' AuTiTToiiO), {dvTi and ττοιΐω) I act against, do the like in return. ^ Αντιτ:οΚί(Λίω, {duTl and ττύλε/ιΛίω) I make war against, repel. ^ ΑντιττοΤ^ίμ,ιος, and duTiTro'htyog, -ου, ο, 'ή, {durl and ττόΜμος) carrying 07i war against, hostile. 'Λ^τ/τΓολ/ί, .iO)c, i], {duTi and ττολις) a rival city. ^ΑντίτΓΟζος, -ου, 6, tj, Ioh. gen. άι/Τίττόζοιο, {duTi and -ττόζος) going to the opposite side, opposite. Άι/τί-ττους, -ο^ος, 6, τ}, (same and τους) foot opposite to foot: oi dvTi'Trohg, the anti- podes, those who, living on the other side of the globe, have their feet directly oppo- site to ours. ' Αντίττξά,σσω, or -άττω, (same and 'ττξχσ- σω) I resist, act against. ^ AuTiTT^oKscT^sa, (same and -ττ^οκοίΤ^ίω) I summon an opposite witness. ^ Αντί'τΐζόσειμ.ι, {di^Ti, ττξός, and etyi) I go or come to against, inarch against. * Αι/τί-ττζοσεξίω, f. -τ^σα, (same and ίξεω) I address in return. ^ Αντί'ΤΓζοσκοΟΛω, (same and κ,οίΚίω) I summon in return, retort an action, as when a defendant institutes an action in return against the plaintiff. ^ Α^τΐ'7:-ξοσφέξω, and duTfTr^oasuiyx^, (same and φίζω or ε•Λγκω) I bring so as to place before. Άντίττξόσω'ττος, -o'y, o, v], (from άντι and ττζόσωττο») facing, fronting. ' Αντί'ΤΓξωξος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and ττξωξχ) having the prow turned towards, before the face, front to front. Άντίτττωμα,-οίτος, TO, (sBxne and TTTujfccc) an adverse fall, ruin. ^ Αυτιρρεω, f. -'ήσω, (same and ρεω) I con- tradict. * ΑντΊρργ,σις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from same) contradiction ; sentence or decision a- gainst. Άντισνιχ,ωσις, -sag, vj, (from same and στη- κός) a compensation. ^ Αντίστάσίς, -εως, τ], (from dudiaTY}/zi) re• sistance, obstacle, adversity. Άιιτίστασιωτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) one of an adverse faction. \\uTioT'^^iyyoi, -οίτος, το, (from next) a stay, staff, support. ^ Αντιστγ^ξίζω, {duTt and στηρίζω) I sup- port. ' Αυτιστοιχεω, (from same and στεΐχ,ω) I move in a line opjjosite, move parallel. ' AuTioTQixioi, -ας, v], (from preced.) an opposite or parallel motion. 'Αντίστοιχος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) cor- responding in motion, parallel. ' Αι/τιστζοίτεΰο^,α,ι, {duTi and στξχτευω) I war or ?nake war against. * Αντιστζοίτο'ΤΓίοεύω, (from same and στζοί- τό'ττε^ον) I pitch camp against, or in front of the enemy. 'Αΐ/τίστρεφω, f. -•φω, (same and στξεφω) I turn so as to be opposite, change my course, turn aside. ' Αντιστ(^οφ'ή, -rig, ίή, (from preced.) a F f 225 Αντίΰτξοφοζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Άντι^ξάω . counter motion of the chorus fro7n right to left, antistrophe. " Αυτίστζοφος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) turn- ing opposite, or in correspondence, mutual, reciprocal. ' Αϋτιστξοφως, (from preced.) directly op- posite, the reverse, reaprocally. ^ Αντίσχ,ω, and άατισχίω, f. -νισύ), di /τΐσχο- μα,ι, (duTi and σχ,ίω) I hold agaiiist, hold for mi/self against. ' Αντίτχγμχ, -ατός, το, {ϊνοχΆ άντιτόίσσω) α battle array against. ' Αντηοίκ,ητ^Λος, -vi, -6u, (from next) capa- ble of resisting, disposed to resist. "Αντιτάσσω, f. -^ω, {auTi and τάσσω) I oppose with an army, arm against: άυτι- τύ,σσο(Λοίΐ, I set myself in opposition to, or in array against. ΆντίΤίίνω, {duTi and τίίυω) I stretch in opposition, struggle against, resist ; stretch in return, repay. ' Αντιτίίχ,ισίΛοι., -ατός, το, (from άυτΙ and τείχίζω) a wall raised against another. ^Αντιτίμ,νο), (άζ/τί and τίμι/ω) I cut against, cut medicine against disease, dispense. ' Αϋτιτίΰχω, f. -^ω, plup. pass. duTSTiTvy^ μην, κι/τίτίτυξ,ο, &c. (duTi and τενχω) lam like. Άντίτεχνάομοίΐ, (same and τίχ,υά,ω) I lay snares against, or in return. Άντίτίχ,νησις, -εως, Tj, (ft'om preced.) a snare laid against. ^ Αντίτίχυος, -ου, ο, vi, (from ά,ντΧ and T'i%vy\) rival in art, rival, emidous. " Αντίτίθημί, {duTi and τίύνιμι) I place against, oppose ; put instead of. ' Αντιτιμάω, {άντ\ ana Τίμ,άω) I honour, reward, in return: άντίτιμάομα,ί, Ivaluemy- self in opposition to, demand a milder punish- ment than that for which the accuser contends. " ΑντιτΊω, f. -Ίσω, and ά,ντιτ'ίνω, {xutI and τίω) I punish in return for crimes, pay for, requite. "Αντίτος, -ου, ο, τ], for άντίτιτος, (from preced.) expiatory, equivalent, retributive. Άντίτομος, -ου, ό, tj, (from άντιτίμνω) cut against a disease, calculated to heal. " AvTiTouog, -ov, o, vi, (from άυτιτείνω) stretched against or in an opposite direction : auTiTouov, -ου, το, a sort of engine fixed against. Άντίτο^ίύύ), {ccuTi and rolsyij) I shoot an arrow in return, reach with the bow. " Αυτιτοξίο), f. -νισω, a. 1. άυτίτό^ησοί, (same and τοζίύ)) I bore a hole from one side to the other, penetrate through. " Αντίτοίχω, (άί/τί and τ^εχο>) I rim in an opposite direction. ' Αϋτιτυγχώυω, άντιτίύχω, and άυτιτυχίο), duTi and τυγχάνω) I am held in the place 226 of another, am become like ; meet with, en- counter : ά,ντετίτυ^ο, 2 sing. plup. pass. thou art become like. See the tenses under τεύχω. " Αντίτΰττος, -τη, -ou, {ά,ντι and τύττος) beat- ing in return, or in opposition, reacting, re- pulsive, hard, adverse ; corresponding in form, like, similar ; figurative, typical, cor- respondent to, and representing a higher reality, a type answe7ing to another type : άυτίτν-ττον, TO, antitypical, or an antitype, somewhat ansiuering to, and represented by a type or emblem. ' Αυτιφά,ω, rather άντιφίνω, perf. pass. άντίτΐίφοίσμοίΐ, for ά,ντί'τΐεφανμαι, {ά,υτί and φά,ω or φίυω) I am killed on account of an- other that is killed, to atone for him. Άντίφίζίζω, f. -ζω, {ά,ντΙ and φίζίζω) I carry myself against, compare myself to, match. ' Αρτίφεξ^ή, -τις, v], or αντίφεί^νον, -ου, το, {o-utI and φεζ^ή) a settlement on the ivife in return for her dowry, a recompense. Αυτίφεξομχί, (xutI and φέξω) I carry against, oppose ; am resisted. ^ Αϋτιφεύγω, (same and φεύγω) I go info banishment in the room of another. ^Αντιφύεγγομοίΐ, (same and φύεγγομοίή I utter a sound in return, answer, re-echo. Άντίφύογγος, -ου, ο, sj, (from preced.) uttering responsive sounds. ' ΑυτιφιΤ^εω, {ά,ντΙ and φίΆεω) I return love for love. ' Αντίφίλος, -ου, ό, % (from preced.) one who loves in return, a mutual lover. ^ ΑντιφυΤ^ά,Ά'ή, -νις, τ}, (from next) mutual vigilance or jealousy. ^ ΑντιφυΤ^ά,σσω, {άντΙ and φυλάσσω) I _ uinst or in turn. Αντίφωνεω, (same and φωνίω) I sing counterpart or in harmony with others, sound in return, re-echo ; I speak in reply, answer. "Άυτίφωυος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and φω- j/'/j) sounding opposite, or sounding in return, discord, harmony. ^ Αντίχειν, the same as ά,ντεχειν, from α,υτεγβί. "* Αυτίχείξ, -είξος, 6, {άυτϊ and χείξ) the thumb. Άντίχείζοτονεω, f. -τισω, (same and χείξο- τονεω) I stretch my hand or vote against. ^ ΑυτΙχ^ν, -όνος, 5j, (same and χύωυ) the land of the antipodes. ^ Αντιχοζηγίω, (same and χο^ηγεω) I vie with or rival another leader of the chorus. ΆϋΤίχόξ-^γος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a rival leader of the chorus in one tribe to the leader of the chorus of another. ^ Αντιχξάω, infin. άντίχξοίν for άντιχ^άειν Άι Ίχξηακ Α GREEK LEXICON. * Ανώδυνος, [ciuTi and χξύω) I furnish a sufficie7ici/ for, am adequate to. ^ Αντίχ,ξγισίς, -ίως, ί], (from preced.) a mutual use. ^ Αντίχξίστος, {ccuti and Χξίστος) an op- poser of Christ, antichrist. 1 John ii. 18. and 2 John 2• Άζ/τλ£6ί, -Ζ, f. -7}ao), p. viuTT^YiKu, a. 1. viuTT^mcc, (from oiurMg) I empty a sink, draw out as water out of a well ,• exhaust. "^Αντ'Κτή, --ης, 7], poet, for οΐι/τλος. " Αντ^'/ιμ,οί, -α,τος, το, (from άϋτΤ^ίω) a bucJtet or pail. ΑυτΤ^,ος, -ου, ό, and oLutT^ov, -ου, το, a sink ; a collection of filthy water in a ship ; a strong current, tide, whirlpool. ^ Αντοιχ,οΙομ,ίω, (from aurl and οικοίομ,ίω) I build instead of, rebuild, repair; I build ov fortify against. Άί/τολ'^, -jjf, '^, (poet, for duocro'h'-^) the rising of the sun or stars, the east, "AuTOf^cti, (from oiuroc) I meet ; meet an enemy, encounter; meet a friend, assist, succour; meet a thing, receive; cause the ends of a thing to meet so as to place one on^the other, double; pray, supplicate. ^ AvTo^x,iOfAcci, -ουμ,α,ι, (from άυτΙ and οζγ,ίομ,α,ι) I dance in turn, or opposite to. Άντοφύα,'Κμ,ίύ}, -ω, f. -'/^σω, p. ά!/τύ)φβΰίΆ- μηκα, (from durl and ίφύα,-κ^.ος) I direct the eye against, look a person in the face ; appHed to a ship, / bear (or in the sailor's phrase, / luff) up against the luind, look the storm in the face. On the prow of the ancient ships was placed a round piece of wood, sometimes called the eye of the ship, because fixed in ith foredeck. Acts xxvii. 15. AuT^iag, -ά,οος, tj, (from next) living in or belonging to a cave. from 0, 'ή, (from preced.) cav- AuTQou, -ου, τό, a cave : αυτζο^ίυ, the cave. Άι/τζω^^ς, -SO: ernous, hollow. Αι/τυξ, -vyoq, τ], the circumference of a wheel, the exterior rim of a shield, the border of any round thing, the seat of a chariot, a chariot, a wheel, the feloes of a wheel, the semicircular ends of a chariot be- fore and behind; the pole of the heavens. Άυτυ7!τουξ-/ίϊι,, Ion. for άι/βυττουξγείν, to serve in return. 'ΑυτοΜύ), (from άντ\ and ω&ίο)) I repel. Άυύβξίστος, -ου, 6, ij, (from ά,ν'υ and ^βζΐς) free from insults, uninsulted, mo- dest. 'Ανύ^ξος, -ov, 0, ij, and ύνϋίχτος, (from χ and vdcdQ) without water, dry. ^Αυυ^'Λω, (from dvoi and ΰμ,ηω) I cele- brate, enforce by an edict or oracle. ^ Α^ύττΰίξκτος, -ov, o, tj, (from a and ύπ- άξχ,ω) having no existence, false. Άνυττα.ξξίοί, -χς, τ), (from same) non- existence, destruction. Άι/υττέξβΤιΥίτος, -ου, ό, v], (from a and ύ'π-εξβάίλλω) insuperable. ^Ανυττίύύννος, -ov, 6, τ;, (from oc and ύττεύ- dvuog) not responsible, absolute, not refuted or rectified, innocent. ^ Αυντηνύύϋως, (from preced.) in a free or absolute manner. ^ AuvTiTohiTog, άι/ντΓο^ΥίΤος, Dor. duvTrohci- Toc, -ov, 0, 7], (from a and ύττοΐίω) unshod, ^ Αυντΐόκ,ζίτος, -ov, 6, 7}, (from χ and ύ-ττο- κ,ξίυομ,αί) without hypocrisy or simulation, unfeigned. ^ AuvTTOfiouYiTog, -ov, 6, tj, (from cc and ύ-ττοι/Λνω) intolerable. ^ Auvttouotitoc, -ov, 6, 7], (from oc and ύ'π'ο- !/οίω) unsuspected. ^ Αυνττοτττος, and οίννχότττίντος, -ov, 6, i], (from a and νττό'τττο/ίοΰΐί) not suspicious, un- suspected : άννποτΐτως, luithout suspicion. ^ Ανυττόστόίτος, -ov, 6, '^, (from a and ύφίσττιμή irresistible, intolerable. ^ Ανντΐότοί,κ,τος, -ov, 6, ^, (from ct, and v'tto- τάσσω) not subject, not put in subjection, disobedient to authority, refractory, disorder- ^ Αυνσίίζγος, -ov, o, τι, (from άννω and 'ΐξγου) zealous and quick at work, active, laborious. Auvalf/^og, ΰανστίχ,ός, άνντ'ίκ,ός, -ov, ο, τ], (from duvoj) capable of despatching, prompt, energetic, efficacious. " AuvGig, -ίως, τ], (from same) a bringing to an end, finishing, accomplishment, com- pletion, success, remedy. "Άι/νστος, -ov, 6, τι, (from same) possible, prompt, easy. 'AuvTu, or cinvTTO), οίνύω, poet, oiyu, im- perf. ^'z/oy, f. -νσω, p. vjvvKoi, a. 1. ^νυσοί, J bring to an end, complete, finish. Άι/ν-ψόύ), (from d:/» and νφόω) I raise up, exalt. 'AuZ, a. 2. sub. act. from ά,υίνιμ,ί. "A'joj, (from dud) up, upwards, above ; with the article, what is above, high, exalted. ^Αυωγζον, -ov, το, (from χνω ττίς yvjg) an upper room or chamber. Άνώΐ^ώ), f. -όίξω, p. ν}νύ)γ,αί, imperf. dvo}- you, for v^myov, a. 1. '/?'i/6j|c«, p. mid. rίvωycx,, Ion. dvoiyot,; duo)ym, f. -Vjaoj ; dvi)y/iy.i, im- perat. dvi)yr,^i, and by sync, αυωγ,^ι, I bid, command, exhort, prompt, persuade, compel. ^ Avoihvuicc, -ctg, '/}, (ίΐΌΐη next) freedom from pain. ^Auuluuog, -ov, 6, v}, (from « and olvum) not feeling or not causing j)ain, mitigating pain, hence anodyne: dvohvvQg, without pain, 227 Ανωβίν. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Aoidhg. "Ανωύέν, (fiOm ιχ,ι/ω) from above ; β'οηι the beginning or first rise ; again, anew, as before ; with a preposition it is used in the sense of a noun, the top or upper part. *Αι/ωύίω, f. -5?σώ», and ά.νωύω, f. -ωσο), a. 1. άνωσχ, and ά,ρίωσοί, inf. act. ά,νωσα,ι and avoidriaoii, inf. mid. άνωσ(Χ,σύα.ι, part, «ί/ώ»- σόίμ,ίυος, (from βέι/α and ώύίω) I push or ciriue wp or oac^, y^e-pe/. ^ Αυω&Ύ\σίς, -sag, v), (from preced.) a push- ing up or back, repulsion. *AuuiaTog, -ου, 6, ^, (from a, and οί'ω) un- thought of, unsuspected, sudden : άνωιστί, or ά,ϋωΐστως, inadvertently, without suspicion. ^ Ανώιγβτ^ν^ or άνάγ^&Ύΐν, a. 1. ind. pass. and Άί/ωκτΑί/, 3 sing. perf. ind. pass, from ΰνωγμ,οίί^ of ανοίγω, I open. ΆνωΆε&ξος, -ου, ό, ij, (from ec and ολξύξος) not liable to destruction, imperishahle. * Αυύύμ,χκίχ, •»ς, tj, (from ct and ομαλός) an anomaly, inequality. * AviifAoi'hog, -ου, ο» ^, (from same) un- equal, uneven, unlike. ^Ανωμοτος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from a and ομνύω) unsworn: άνωμοτ), without an oath. * Ανώνυμος, -ου, ο, vi, (from ex. and όνομα,) without a name, anonymous ; not to be named. ^Ανωζίοί, -α,ς, and Ion. -ύι, -ης, τ], (from α and ωξΰί) an improper hour, icnseasonable time. Άνωτεξίκος, --η, -6v, (from next) upper, higher. ^Ανωτίξος, -a, -ov, (comparative of ανω) higher, to a high 'place, above, before. * ΑνωφεΚαοί, -ας, vj, (from next) inutility. * Ανωφίλνις, -ίος, 6, vj, tg -ες, (from a and ωφίλξω) unprofitable ; the neuter being used for a substantive, as is common, unprofit- ableness. "Ανωγ,ύξ, for dvaynre, 2 plur. imperat. fi'Om ανωγγιμ- "Ανωχ,θί, ίυΐ ανωγε. "Ανωχβί, 2 smg. imperat. for dvay/jui, by syncop. from ανωγτημι. "* Ανωγβω, 3 sing, imperat. for άνωγητο, from same. See under ά,νωγω. 'Άξενος, and αζείνος, -ου, ο, «j, {a and ζενος) without a guest, inhospitable. "Αξεστος, -ου, 6, yj, {a and ξεστός) un- smooihed, rough, rugged. 'Αξία, -ας, τ}, (from οίξίος) merit, desert. Άξίάγαστος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and αγαστός) worthy of admiration, admirable. Άξιάκουστος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ακούω) ivorthy of being heard, ivorthy of attention. Άξίακξόάτος, -ου, ό, i}, (from same and άκξοάομαι) the same. 22S ^ Αξιαττνιγιητος, Ion. ϊοΐ αξιαφ'/ιγΥίτος,-ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and άφνιγγισις) worthy of being recorded, memorable. Άξιεζαστος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and εζάω) worthy of being loved, amiable, ^ Αξιευμαι, Dor. for άξιουμαι, see άξίόω. ' Αξίνάξίον, -ου, το, (from next) a little axe. ΆξΤντ), -ης, h, (perhaps from αγω) an axe. Άξίούαύμαστος, -ου, ό, v}, (from οίξωςΒ,ηά θαυμάζω) worthy of admiration, adnurable. Άξίούεάτος, Ion. αξιούε/ιτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and ^εάομαι) worthy of being seen, splendid ; worthy of being cotisidered, important; άξιοβεατωτεξος, by sync, αξιο- θεωτε^ος. Αξιόμαχος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and μάχομαι) fit for fighting, adequate ; άξιο- μαχως, in an equal combat, on equal terms. ΆξιόνΊκος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and νίκη) worthy of victory, victorious. ' Αξιόττιστος, -ου, ό, vj, (from next and cr/V- τος) worthy of trust, faithfid. "Αξιος, -la, -tov, worthy, deserving, merit- ing ; fit, suitable, comparable. Άξιότης, -η'τος, v], (from preced.) worthi- ness, ment, dignity. ^ 'Αξιόχξβως, -ω, ο, τ], (from same and χξί- ως) fit for use, usefid, competent. *Αξιόω, imperf. ^ξιόον, -ουν, f. -ωσω, p. τίξίωκα, a. 1. νιξίωσα, pres. raid, and pass. άξιόομαι, -ονμαι, f. 1. pass, άξιωύ'ήσομαι,γι. pass, τιξίωμαι, a. 1. p. τ^ξ'^^τ^ι^} (from άξιος) I esteem, count or reckon worthy or de- serving ; think fit or proper ; account or accept as worthy ; desire, request, demand. Αξίωμα, -ατός, το, (from preced.) dig- nity, authority ; claim, request ; an axiom, evident proposition. Άξιωματ'ίκ.ος, -^, -ov, (from same) be- coming a man of worth, dignified, calculated to obtain by entreaty. ^Αξίως, (from same) worthily, suitably, as it becometh. Άξίωσις, -εως, 4 (from same) authority, dignity, rank ; entreaty. " Αξΰλος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from a neg. or intens. and ξύλον) destitute of trees, clear of ivood ; or abounding with trees, thick-wooded. "Αξων, -όνος, ο, (from άγω) the axle of a wheel, a wheel; the track of a wheel, a path: άξονες, -ων, oi, the tablets on which the laws of Solon were written. *Αο/δ^, -5j?, and Dor. aoiha, -ας, vi, and dat. plur. Ion. άοιίτίσ^, for άοι^αΐς, (from ^oila, p. mid. of άείΐω) a song. 'Aoihaa, (from same) I sing. ' ΑοίΙ'ϊμος, -ου, 6, ή, (from same) sung, ce- lebrated, notorious. ΆοιΙος, -ου, 6, (from same) a singer, min- strel, bard, poet. Αοικητοί A GREEK LEXICON. ^Α-τταΙΰίος, Άοίκ,ϊΐτος, -ov, ό, i], (cc and οΐχ,τητος) unin- habited, uninhabitable. "Αοικ,ος, -ου, ο, 'ή, {oe> and oh.og) having no home, poor. "Aoiuog, -ου, 6, 9], {» and οΐαος) having or usirig no wine. "Αοκνος, -ου, 6, ij, (ct and οκνος) not hzT/, active, alert. Άολλ^ί•, -sog, 6, 71, (from «gXA'/ji) collect- ed like clouds in a storm, thieh, crowded ; άο7\.7^νϊ^ϊΐν, closely, in a compact body. ΆοΤ^λίζω, f. -Ισω, and άολλίω, f. -7]σω, άολλάοντί, άολλωνη, Dor. 3 plur. pres. ind. contr. for άοΤΟ^ά,ουσι, or ά,οΧΚωσί, (from preced.) / assemble, crowd together, con- dense. " Αο'ττ'Κος, -ου, 6, vi, (from oi and οττΤ^οί, τοί,) un£irmed, unharnessed, defenceless. "Αοξ, and κοξ, -οζος, το, (from άύξω) a hanger, a sword, Ή. K', 484. "Αοξ, οίοξος, 7ί, and by transposition οαξ, οοίξος, and contr. ως, ωςος, a woman, a wife; or a tnpod, Od. P', 222. comp. II. X', 164. ΆοξΰίσΙΰί, -ctg, 7j, (from a and όξά,ω) blind- ness, darkness. ^Αόζόίτος, -ου, 6, τι, το •ον, (cc and όξοιτος) invisible; blind. Άοςίχ, -ccc, 'ή, (from α and 6ζάω) dark- ness, blindness. *Αοξίστοίίνω, and α,οξίστί&), (from οί and οξος) I define not, doubt, hesitate. '' Αοςιστ'ΐΛ, -ocg, ij, (from next) vagueness, vastness, immensity, infinity. * Αόριστος, -ου, ο, v], (from a, and όζίζω) undefined, undefinable, boundless. *Αοξίστύς, see όχςίστύς. "Αοοι/ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from cc and οξνις) with- out birds, Avernus. Άο^τί?, -ijg, 71, (from άύζω) the aorta, the great artery which rises out of the left ventricle of the heart. ^ Αοξττις, -^ξος, ό, poet. dat. pi. άοζττιςξσ- σι, (from όίοζ and τγ,ςίω) a sword-belt, sus- pender, thong. "Αορτο, he had been lifted up, 3 sing, plu- perf. ind. pass. Ion. from άοζ(Λϊΐι/, for 'ήίς- ^τηι/, from dsi^u. But according to some it is ^QTo, with η changed into cc, and ο in- serted, from θίξω. *Αοσσίω, (from cc and οσσοί) I help, mi- nister to, assist. ' Αοσσηττίζ, -τίςος, ό, (from preced.) an as- sistant, an attendant. "Αουτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from cc and ούτά,ω) un- hurt ; (from a and ους) without ears. ΆοχΚ-ήσίχ, -Λς, 7], (from oc and όχ,Τ^ίω) freedom from disturbance. ΆόχΚγιτος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same) undis- turbed. " Αο-ψ, -ο'ΤΓος, ό, ν,, (from flc and οιττο^α,ι) blind. ' A-Trocyyihioc, -ας, τι, (from next) tidings, a message. " A'Tircicyyi'Kha, (from ά-πο andayylAAnj) / declare, tell, tell from some one else ; bring or carry word back. ' Α'χαγγ,ς, -ίως, 6, 'ή, (from oc neg. or in- tens. and sTrocyou, a. 2. of '7r'ί}yuυfi,ι) not solid, incompact ; or compact, solid, impene- trable. ^A'TTocyiukiu, Ion. for oi'Ttccyzi)/, from άπ- ccya. ^ A■7rccyoξiΰω, f. -ίύσω, (from άτΐο and dyo- ξίΰω) I forbid, dissuade, disclaim, refuse, re- nounce, deny. 'ATTflty^/oiw, -ω, f. -ό)σω, (from άττο and dyξ6ς) I render fierce or wild. ^ A7ιrocyξίύ)σις, -ίως, '^,(from preced.)j^erce- ness, exasperation. ^ATTUyxo), (from άττο and ocyy/^) I stran- gle. ^ A'Kxyu, (from ά,-πο and cLya) I lead, carry or take away ; pass, am led or car- ried away to prison, execution, or death. ^ ATTocyuyvi, -τις, τ], (from preced.) a being canned away, captivity; a taking away,, payment. ' ΑττΛ^ίω, or άττοβω, (from ά.'τ^ο and uhL•), α,^ω, or άν^ά,νω) I do not please, ^ A-yrec^iKsa, (from cItto and ά^ικίω) I un- justly retain. Άττάδίν, -ίος, 7i, (from aTTiihiucci or άττι- δϊ?^) mind, thought, ace. plur. άττά,^ις, for (χ,7τά,'^ΐ(Χ,ς. ' Αττίχ.ίίξο^ΛΟ'ί, (from cctto and άύ^ω) I take myself away, depart. ' Α-7Γ ecu ecu χτίζω, (from same and ^ά.uocτoς) I render immortal ; believe iti immortality. ' A-Tiausioc, -α,ς, τ], (from next) apathy, in- sensibility/. Άττίζύ'-ής, -ίος, ό, 7}, (from oc aad 'πά,ύος) without suffering, incapable of suffering, in- sensible. ' A'TTocl, poet, for άττό. ' Ατταΐ^ίυσίοι, -Λς, τι, (from α and ττχι^ίύω) want of breeding, rudeness, ignorance. ^ Α-τίοιί^ίυτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same) un- learned, rude, foolish. ^ ΑτΓΟ,ί^οτζίβΎΐτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from cc, ττοάς, and τξ'φω) not exercised under a master. ' Ατνοαζΐθίω, I might be deprived; Ion. for άφΛίξίθω, 1. sing. a. 1. sub. pass, of ά.φαΐζίο[Λ»ι. ' Αττούζω, (from ά,ττο and ού'ξω) I take away, take myself away, depart. " ΑτΐΛΐς, -δοξ-, ο, 71, (oc and 'ττο^ς) child- less. ' Α'ττοίίσιος, -ου, 6, ίη, (from ά^το and ού'σιος) inauspicious, ill-boding. 229 χί'τταίΰΰω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά^αξαΙτητος, Άττχ'ί'σσω, f. -|«, (from οίττό and άΐσσω) I hasten, jump, or spring away. ΆτΓοατίω, (from d-Tro and οίίτίω) I re- quire, ask from, demand. ' A-TTociTYiaig, -tog, Attic -εως, τι, (from pre- ced.) requisition, exaction. Ά'Τΐ-χίτίζω, f. -"ίσω, the same as άτταιτίω. ^ KntcchciiGTog, -ου, ό, τ], (from oc and ττα,- Άχίστν}) not overcome in wrestling, that can- not be overcome. ^ Α'ττα.'κάΧκ,ω, (from ct-ro and ά,'Κκ.νϊ) I keep ^off, protect against; άτταΤ^ού^κ,ίμ,ζυ, Dor. infin. for άττοίΚοίΚκίϊν. ' ATTOcT^ocf^uog, or ι56•τ«λ«,4ύο$•, -ου, 6, vj, (from u, and 'TraJKai^-fi) having no hands, help- less, unskilfid, wretched, incorrigible. ^ ΑτϊοίΚά,ο^ΛΛί, -ω{Λ(χ,ι, (from άτιτο and «λά- ομ,αι) I wander away. ^ Ατοίλ'/ίω, (from same and ά7<.γίω) I grow or become insensible, void of or past feel- ing. ' Κ'ττΛ'ΚίΊφω, (from same and ά'ΚϊΊφω) I wipe off, blot out. ^ ΑττοίΚζ^ίω, f. -νισω, — άττοίλίγω, a. 1. ά'ττνι- 'Xs^oc, — ccTTuKs^so^xi, (from same and άλί- ξω) I ward off, avert, defend. Α'ττοίλεζ,ίκ,όίκος, -ου, ό, tj, (from cctto, άλύ- ^ω, and xccKog) inevitable, irremediable. ^Αττοίλγιύβύω, f. -σω, (from ά,-ττό and αίλτι- ύίΰω) I speak truth. 'Α•τ5ίλ"/7λ£;^^£ΐ/ο$•, p. pass. part. Attic for u,'7rriKii^^,kvog, from ά'ττοίΚίίφω. ^ A'TTochuiCd, f. -τίσω, — ά,7ίού\ύίθ{ΛΛΐ, (from άτιτο and άλύίω) I heal. Άτταλίας, -ου, ό, (from a-TTitAoV) a tender kid. ^ AvaXhoiyvi, -^g, and ά,'ττά,ΧΚα.^,ίς, -eag, τ}, (from άτταίλλάσσω) deliver^ance from, re- lease, departure, change, death. ^ Αττα,Κκάσσω, or -ά,Ύτω, (from «το and άΤΟκάσσω) I dismiss, let go, set free, deliver; mid. I depart, remove from. ^ ΑποιΚΚοτ^^ίόω, (from same and oiKhorQ^i- όω) I estrange, alienate entirely. ^ A7rcιίXhoτζίωσιg, -log, Attic -ίως, ί}, (from preced.) estrangement. ^ ΑτΐοΧοιά,ω, f. -οίσω, a. 1. a7:Yihotmoe,, (from ά'ττο and άΤκΟίά,ω, for άΤ^οά,ω) I grind, thresh. 'Α-τβίλο/φι?, -Tig, % (from same and άλε/- φω) obliteration. 'At«AoV, -^, -ou, (from oi'^-TOfioii) yielding to the touch, soft, tender. ΆτΓΰί'λόσχξκος, -ου,- ό, vj, (from preced. and σοίςζ) having delicate flesh. ' ATiroihOTYig, -nrog, vj, (from aTroiXog) soft- ness, tenderness. ' A'7roίΆoτQsφ'ηg, -sog, 6, 7}, (from same and τξίφω) delicately fed, or educated. Άνοίλο^ξόος, contr. ά,'η'χλοχξονς, -ου, ό, 230 v], (from same and χξόοή having tender or delicate skin. Α'πού\όω, f. -ωσω, and άττοίΚϋνω, f. -ννω, (from oc'TtcOs.og) I make soft or tender. ^ ΑτΓοίμ,οίυζόω, (from άττο and οίμ,αυξόω) I dispel darkness. 'Ά'ποί^βκϋυω, f. -υνω, (from same and άζΛβ'κϋτ/ω) I take off the edge, blunt, avert. ^ Ασιπϋμ,βζότω, (from same and άμβξότω) I miss. ^ΑττΛμίίβομα,ι, (from same and Μμείβω) I answer. 'ATTiz^^euog, hanging, suspended, Ion. for ciφv]fΛfΛil/og, from ά,φάί'ΤΓτο^Λαί. ' A'TTocf^Dva, f. -νυω, (from αίττό and df^v- υω) I ward off, avert, defend. ^ Α'ποίνΛίνοζΛΛί, (from same and avoiiuo- (Λοίΐ) I refuse. Αΐΐα,υα,ισχυυτίω, (from dico, a, and oua- χΰν-ζι) I act impudently, refuse to be asham- ed. " An7civou\aaig, -icog, i/, (from άίτο and dua- Afijff/g-) a consumiiig away. ' A7roiuoc,x,a^mig, -scog, v}, (from same and dvoiy^^Qyiaig) a departure. Α'τΐΰίνζυ&ί, (from same and οίνευύί) apart. ^ Ατιτοί,νίστηΐΛΐ, (from same and duiarvifci) I depart. ΆτΓοί^οίγω, 3 sing. 2 aor. d'Ttoiviayi, II. Τΐ, 221, I open off' or away. Att ocv τ χχ,ί], άτΓίχ.^τχχ,ου, ά,τΐΛντα,γ,όύίϋ, ά,ττοίυτοι,χόύι, and άττοίντοίχ^όσί, (from α,'ττοίς) every where, from all quarters, whithersoe- ver. " ΑτΓοίντάω, -ω, (from d'rro and durxa) I come into the presence of, meet. ' Α'ττά,υτγιμ.Λ, -xrog, το, and dTrxurwig, -log, Attic -sag, vj, (from preced.) a meet- ing- ' ATrocuriou, and άτίτχνΠΆξυ, (from durl) opposite, over against. . "Αττα,^, (from χ col. and -raj) once, one time, once for all; entirely, thoroughly, Jude 5. ' Ατιτοί^οί'^'Κως, (from οίττοί^ and ώττλώί?) universally, altogether. Άττάζίος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from άτο and oi^iog) unworthy. ' Αττχζίόω, f. -ωσω, (from same and άζιόω) I deein unworthy, scorn, reject. ' ATirdoqog, -ου, ό, vj, poet, for dTrvio^og, (from άείξύ), p. mid. ^οζοί) removed, remote. ' A'7r(x,ξά,βdτog, -ου, 6, % (from oc and ttsc- ξα,βούυο)) which passeth not from one to an- other. ^ A'Troi^^xiqyi^.ivog, or -s^iuog, spoiled, strip- ped. Ion. redupl. for dφnξnμ,ίvog, -if^iuog, perf. pass, of dTioi^eti^kofAcii, -ου^^α,ι, for άφΛί^ίΟ^ΛίΧ,ί. ' ATTot^oiirYirog, -ου, 6, % (from oc and ires» Ά'τταξαιτγιτως, A GREEK LEXICON. * Α'^ταυγαΰμοί, ξΛίτΒω) luhich camiot be deprecated^ inevita- ble. ^ Α'ΤΓΧζα,ιτ'ητως, (from preced.) inevitably. ^ ΚττΛζχκΛ'κύ'τττως, (from oc, 'τΐο,ξοί, and κοίΚύτττω) openly. * ΑττΛζά,ΤΟ^ακτος, -of, o, '^, (from α and 'ττα,ξοίΚκά,σσω) invariable. ^ Α'7:οίζοίΚ6γιστος, -ov, o, ^, (from ct and τΓοίξχ'λογίζοίίί,χι) infallible. ' Αττχξχσ'ή/ίίΩί^τος, -ov, 6, ^^, (from as, ttcc- ζν£«, and any^ocii/a) uncelebrated. ^ Κττα,ζίΧ,σκζύοίστος, and άττδί^άσ^εί/ο?, -oy, 0, 'ή, (from fit and -τΑύ^ασ^^ίϋά^ίυ ) unprepared. ^ ΑττΛζά,σσο)^ (from ocvro and άζά,σσω) I wrench, cut, or beat off. ^ Α7τοίοχτγΐξ7]τως, (from a and 'τταζατ-ηοίω) negligently. Άττχξχφνλά,κτίύς, (from cc and 'ττοίξν.φυ- Τ^άσσω) incautiously. " ΑτΓοίογίΛο,, -οίτος, TO, (from ά,ττάζγ,ο^ιζι) first fruits. ^ ATToc^syxil^'/irog, -ov, o, i;, (from a, and τζΰίξεγχξίξίω) inviolable, not to be changed, 2^erfect. "* ΑΐΐΛφσκω, (from oczo and ά,φα^,ύ)) 1 dis- please. ^ Αττά,ζύίνος, -ov, 6, 'ή, {c& and 'ττά^ύίνος) deprived of virginity, deflowered. Ά'ττα,ξκτίίχ,ς, or ά.τηχ,ξκ,ίοίς, -ου, ο, (from άτΓο and οί^κ,τος) north-wind. ^ Α-ττΰίξνίοΐίοοίί, (from same and a^vso,ucci) I deny, renounce, refuse. " Ατταξ^ος, -ου, 6, τί, (from preced.) οίι€ ιυΐιο denies. " Α-ττοίζαις, -ιος, Attic 'ίως, τ;, (from άττχί- ζύ)) α setthtg out, departure. ' Α•7Γ£ί^τίέί*), -ω, f. -'ί^σω, (from ατο and ά^- τά,ω) Ι hang, cause to depend: άτταξτΰίο• μ,Λί, I am suspended, depend upon, am fluc- tuating, am disunited, hang back, linger. "" Α'7:ά,^'ΐΐ, (from same and oigTi) from this time, henceforth. 'ATra^r/flfc, -ocg, τ], (from άττχίξω) the bag- gage of travellers, including the children they carry along with them ; furniture, goods. ^ Αττοίξτίζύ), f. -Ίσω, p. ατΐ^/ΐζΎ^οί, 1 f. pass. άττοι,ξτισθ'/ισομ.α.ι, p. a.TT'i^^-tuf^oci, (from ά,ττο and όίζτιος) I perfect, finish. 'ATrci^TAoy/st, -cf,g, % (from same, and λίγα) a sum total, amount. ^ Ατΐα,οτίσ^.ος, -ου, ό, (from ά'Τΐοίζτίζω) a completion, finishing, perfection. ^Α-τΐΛ^νο), and avrocfivroj, f. -ΰσω, (from «TTo and ά,^ύω) I draw aside, take away, plane, skim. ^ΑτΐΛζχτι, -τις, V}, (from same and χζ-χ^-ή) the first fruits, the chief gifts. ^ Α'ττάξχομ,οίί, f. -άξξο,οίίζί, (from preced.) / give or offer first fruits. "ΑτΓΛς, -οίσοι, -ecu, (from a, col. and τίοίς) all, the whole. " Ατϊ αστός, -ου, ό, τ], (from a and -ττάω) not having tasted, fasting, hungry. ^ Α7ΓΛστξά'•7ττω, f. -ψώ^, (from utto and ms- τξάτττύ)) I flash from, send forth a flash. Ά'ττοΐσχ,ο'Κίω, f. -'/ίσω, (from same and χσ- y^oKicS) I have no leisure for, occupy. ^ Αττοίτάύ), -ω, f. -^ισύ), p. νιττάτνικοί, a. 1. τίττάτησΰΐ', a. 1. pass, '■/ιττατ'ηύην, (from nnsrr hiphil of nns) / deceive, bring or seduce in- to error. 'A^rotrg^^s, (from «ττο and oiniiui or οι- τίξ) apart, asunder, aloof ^ Α'τΐα-αων, -οίνος, 6, (from ά,'ποίτά.ω) a de- ceiver, imposter. ^ Ατΐοίτγι, 'πς, and οίττάτηοις, -ιος, Attic -ίύ)ς, 'ή, (from same) deceit. Άττάτ/ίλον,-'λ -οι/, and ά,ιτα,τνίΚιος, -et,-ov, or -ου, 6, 7], (from same) deceitful, cunning. 'Α-ττόίτωζ, -οξος, ό, tj, (from oc and -ritrijg) without father, that is, of an unknown fa- ther. In Heb. vii. 3. Melchisedec is said to be α,'ττάτωξ, ά,^ΛΥιΤωξ, ccyiuiaJKOy/iroq. Here, the last word explains the two form- er. He is called " without father, with- out mother," because, although a king and a priest, he was not recorded in any royal or sacerdotal genealogy. Accordingly, af- ter mentioning the right of the Levitical priesthood to take tithes of theh• brethren, Melchisedec is thus distinguished in verse 6th, δε ^'<7 "/ζνζιχ,'Κο'/οΰ^Λυος If α,υτων, " but he whose descent is not counted from them." This explanation accords with the usual style of both Greeks and Romans. Thus, in Eurip. Ion, in the tragedy that bears his name, because he knew not that Apollo was his father, and Creusa, his mother, says, v. 109. ως γά,ζ xyy/iTO}^ α,τΐά,- τωξ rs γεγως, τους ^ξέ-ψχντας Φοίβου νχούς ^εξχττβύω, " As Ι am vwithout mother and without father, I attend the temple of A- pollo which nourished me." See the same, 836, &c. Orest. 304. Sophocles Electr. 1156. and ^lato Euthydem. Senec. Epist. cviii. " Quum ad banc eandem lectionem (scilicet, Ciceronis libros de republica) phi- lologus accessit, hoc subnotat, duos Ro- manos reges esse, quorum alter patrem non habet, alter matrem. Nam de Servii ma- tre dubitatur; Anci pater nullus, Numse nepos dicitur," — quoted in the testimonia Vetera operis Tulliani de republica, sub- joined to Maius's Preface to the recover- ed remains of that work. See also Liv. iv. 3. Hor. Sat. I. 6. 9. ^ Αττχΰγχσ/ΐΛχ, -χτος, το, (from α^το and χΰ'•/χσμ,χ) light or splendour ; emitted or eradiated, off'shining, effidgence ; Heb. i. 3. 231 Ά'^αυγαομος, A GREEK LEXICON. Ά<7Τείξωδίν, α.'ΤΓχνγίζσμα τνις 'ho^vig uvTov, brightness of his glory ^ that is, the true and proper re- presentation or manifestation of the infinite perfection of the deity. See under ^οκ,ίω. ^ A-rroivyoiGfAog, -ου, ο, and dTfocvyvi, -^g, τι, the same. ^ Κττα,υΙά,ω, f. -mcoy (from doro and ocvhaa) I forbid ; I renounce. ^ Α'ττα,υύα^ιά,ζομ,αι, or α,-ττανύχ^ίζομαί, (from same and οί,ΰύάΐ'/ις) I behave with ar- rogance or contumacy. Ά7τοινύ-/ιΐϋ£ςίζω, (from αυτός and '/ιμύξο.) I return the same day. ^Α-ττίζόλία, -au, ra, (from άττο and α,υΤ^νϊ) a festival, on the second day after a mar- riage, or, reckoning the marriage day one, the third day. The third day was thus named because it was customary for the bride to return to her father's house, and ά'π-αυλίζ6σύχ{ τω υυμ,φίω, to lodge apart from the bridegroom. Ά'ττΰίνλΙζο/ίίχι, f. -Ισομ,οιι, (from same) / lodge apart or by myself. ^ Α'ΤΓοίυ'κόσΰνος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same) lodg- ing apart ; not hurting the fold. ^ Α'ΤΓοίύ^γίσις, -ίως, v], (from άττό and ctti|- mi;) diminution. 'Αστχυξάύ), f. -ν]σω, imperf. άκην^Λον, άττ- Ύ\ΰ(Η,))), 3 pers. ά,τττ,ύξο,. Ion. d'Troto^cx,, 2 pers. sing. a. 1. m. άπηύρω, (from same and χυξχ) I take aivay. " Α-πΰί,υστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and ΐΐΛΰω) unceasing, restless, perpetual. ^ ΑτΓοίυτομοΤ^ίω, (from ά-ττό and οίύτομο- Άεα) I come or run of my own accord ; I run away, desert. ^ Αττά,φάω, -ω, and αίτηζφίσκύ), a. 2. ν^ττόί- φον, (tEoHc for άττοί,τύω) I deceive. "Αττα-ψοίζ, Ion. for οίφα-ψοίς, a. 1. part, from άφά.'τττω. Άττίγγουος, -ου, ο, (from «.ττό and syyo- uog) a great grandson. • Ά'τεδάζ/ον, -oi'j o, vj, (of and τιτζ^α,νος) lame. . 'Α'^ϊ-έδίλοί, and α,'ττί^ΊΤ^ωτος, -ου, ο, ^, (from cc and 'ττί^Τ'Κον) without sandals, unshod. " ATiihog, -ου, 6, vi, and το oiTrebov, (from a, and 'π^ου) plane, even. 'A-^rsS-y, (from άτνο and ί^ω) I eat away, devour. ^ Α'πίτιν, poet, for άτΐτιν, he luas absent. ^ΑτΓίβίζω, f. -ίσο), (from αττο and ίύίξω) I leave off a custom ; pass, am disused. Ά-τέ/δώ), a. 2. sub. ά.'ττΙΙω, (from same and ύ%ω) I see or perceive clearly or fidly. ' ATrildiioi, -ocg, τι, (from ά'τηιύνις) unbelief, resistance of persuasion, contumacy, obsti- nacy, disobedience, the want of the obedience of faith. "ΆητίΜω, -Ζ), (from α and 'τηίύύή I do twf believe, disbelieve, disobey through unbe- " Α'πίΐ&7ίζ, -iog, 6, τ], (from same) unbeliev- ing, disobedient. Άτίεικάζω, (from «oroand six» ζω) I make like to, compare. ^ Α7Γίί•Λασ[Λ0!>, -ατός, ro, (from preced.) r£•. semblance. ^ Α'ττίΐκ,ονίζω, f. -ίσο), (from ά-ττο and si-yco- ι^ίζύ)) I make an image from, form from a pattern. ' A'7rsiKOutGf^c&, -ά,τος, το, (from preced.) an image from, likeness, copy. ΆττίίΆίω, JEol. αττίλλύ), f. -7]σω, p. vjTrei- TiYiKoc, a. 1. ^τΓί/λ'/ισδί, / threaten, rebuke ; boast. Άττε/λί), -Tig, V], (from preced.) a threat. " Ατζ-ζίλγιτ'^ξ, -'ήζος, and άττίΐΤ^γιττις, -ου, ό, (from same) a menacer, boaster : «tts/Aij- τζίξοί, -(x,g, VI, the same. Ά•;Γ£/λ5ΐτ55^/ο?, -icx,, -iQ'j, (from same)??zc«- acing. ^ Αττείλτιτίκ,ός, -α?, -όν, (from same) given "Α'ττειμί, (from «ττο and είμϊ) Iain absent. "Αττει/ίΐι, or άτΐίημ,ί^ (from same and Ημι) I go, go away. " Α'τΐίί'πω, (for άττοεί-πω) imperf. οίττεΐ'ΤΓον, a. 1. ά'τΐέϊ'πα,, a. 1. m. ά'ττείπόίμ,'/ιν, and in 1 pers. pi. ώττει-ττά,ζΛεύοί, I forbid, renounce, disclaim, "" ATTsi^ayoiuog, -ου, 6, ^, (from α-ττε/^ο? and dyoiuog) not having experienced good. ^ Αττείζΰΐντος, the same as άττεξοοντος. ' Αττείξοίστος, -ου, ό, % (from sc and τ£/^- κζω) not to be tempted, incapable of being tempted. ' ΑτεΙξόίτος, -ου, ο, τ], the same as οίττείξος. ' Α'ττέίξγω, d'7ΓoίξyύJ, uTri^ya, or άτΐείζ- γοίύω, f. -ξ,ω, (from οίττο and εΐξγω) I re- strain, keep off, prohibit. ΆτΗ/^εσ/ο?, -ου, 6, τ;, and -log, -ioc, -lou, ά,ττείζίτος, or α'τηί^α,τος, (from et and ττεΐ- ξχς for 'ττέξοις) boundless, immense, great. ^ Αττείζεω, or οί'ττεζέω, f. -νίσω, p. ά'π-είξτηκ.ι^, p. pass. ά,ττείξτιμ^Μΐ, (from «ίτο and Ιξεω) I forbid ; am forbidden, fail, am wearied, ex- hausted. ' Ατνείξίΰΐ,, -ag, vj, (from όί'ττείξος) inexperi- ence, ignorance, folly. "Αττίίξος, -ου, v], (from ct and ττεξχς, or Dor. for ^'ττείξος) the continent or τηαζη- land. 'Ά'ττε/ξος, and α-ττείξγιτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from a and 'ττείξοί) inexperienced, unskilful. Άττείξοσυν/ι, -ng, vj, (from preced.) iriex- 2)erience, ignoi^ance. ΆττείζωΙ^, -hog, v], (from same and olouYi) unacquainted ivith the pains of child - beainng. 12 AlTchuJV. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά'ΤΓζογάζομαι *Α7Τ£ίξω!/, -ouog, 6, η, (from a and ττέοας) boundless, innumerable. * Α'ΤΓίίοος, (from όίτνζίρος) wisk'ilfully . ^ A'jriiaccyyzh'iu,, -ας, vj, (from cc-zro, Βίς, and ciyyihioc) a summons, indictment. "Ατηιστοζ, -ου, 6, τ], (from a and τηίύω) that cajinot be persuaded, inflexible, ob- stinate. ^ΑτηΙφω, and ά,'τταφω, and άτταφίσκω, the same as ά,ττχτόίω. ^ Αττίκγονος, -ου, 6, ^, (from α,'ττο and ίκ- νονος) offspring. \\7Τ£κθίχ,ο/ϋ>Χ!, (from ciTTo and 1•/2ίχομαή I wait for with earnest exjJectation and desire, expect earnestly. ^ A'TTi-^Covoucii, (fr'om ά,ττο and ϊ•/^ϋω) I put or strip off, strip, divest. Ά^κΙΰσίς, -ίος, Attic -εως, τι, (from pre- ced.) a putti?ig or stripping off. Ά-^τίκλανύΆΐ/ω, a. 2. m. άττί^ίΆχύό^^/ιν, and poet, by redupl. Ion. cl'7rsKAs?.cieoyy/iU, and 2 pers. pi. ίζ'77ίκλί7,άύ=σθ£, (from χττό, SK, and ?.!5i>^a;/ίϋ) I drive aiuay. ^ ΑττζΚαφρύνω, f. -vuu, (fro,m άττο and Ιλοί- Cp^y;/6j) / lighten, relieve, support. ^ Αττί^.ίγμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from άττ'ήλξγ^.αι, perf. pass, of next) refutation, confutation, disgrace, disrepute. ^ A'TTihiy^fii, (from «ord and ϊ'κίγγ,ο)) I con- fide. ^ Airk^'Joor^ -ου, 0, '/ι, (from a and ^τΐλε- 6q^o'j or TT'hi&Qou) immense, very large. ^ Α-τηλίκητος, -ου, 6, vj, (from α intens. and 'ττίλεκ-ητός) well planed, smoothed, or polished. ^Ατίλζύύίξος, -ου, ό, τ), (from ά.'ττό and ελεύύίξος) a man freed from slavery, a freed man ; a man, not born, but made Xree. ^Αττελευβίοόω, (from οίττό and ίλευβε^όύ)) I make free. *Α7τελεΰβω, (obsolete in the present, from 06X0 and ελεύύω) I go away or forth. ΆίΓ£λλβί/, -cou, cti, temples ; assemblies. Άχίλλο;, iEol. for ά'^είλεύ). G * Αττε^ΛίΛενοι, Ion. for ά,φε'Κόμ.ενοι, nom. pi. part. 2 a. m. from αίφαΐζέω. "Αττελος, -ου, ο, a sore, an ulcer, a wound. ^ Α'ττε'Κ'ττίξω, (from ά.'ττο and ελτίξω) I de- spair. ^ Α'ΰεμεω, f. -εσω, a. 1. άττε^/Λσα, and poet. άττείΛεσσοί, (from cctto and ε^/Λω) I vomit out. ^ Αττε^^ττολάω, and άττείΛίτοΆίω, f. -TiOO), (from ά,'πο and εμ,'τ:ο7άω) I sell off, sell, barter, prostitute. ^ Αττεμ,φαίιΐύ), (from άττο and εμ,φαίνύή I show myself at variance, am at variance. ^ Ατεμ,φόίσις, -εως, 'ή, (from preced.) a declaration, manifesto. "* A'77εy.φεov,ς, -ίος, ό, tj, (from d'TTO and ε/ϋφεο'ζ-ς) dissimilar, unlike. Ά-ττειιανη and ά,-ττει/αντίον, (from αττο and hxuTi) over against, before, in the pre- sence of, in opposition to, against. ^ΑττεΆγκω, (from άττο and ΙΆγκω) I carry, cari^y away, convey. ^ Α'ττειιεόομαι, a. 1. άττγ^υεύύ-ζιν, (from άττο and ενεος) I am astonished. ^ Α'ττενεττύ) and άττει/νεττω, (from αττο, vj, and εττω) I forbid. ^ A'7rε'J^εlu, Dor. for ά,'7τε7.ύε'Ίν, infin. 2 a. from ά,'τΐεογβ'/.α,ι. Άτ-ε^ύ'ής, -ίος, and άττει/ύνιτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from a, and ττενύεύή unlamented. ^ Αττευιαυτίζο), (from α,ττο and ε'Jlo!,υτoς) I absent myself for a year. "Άτΐέντες, Ion, for ο(,φί)ίτες, nom. pi. masc. part, of 2 a. of άφΓ/ι,(/.ί. ^ A7T£^ciu,cc^ra,'ja, (from οίττο. Is, and κμ,αο' Tciuu) I sin. ' Αττίττ Οίκτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from a and -ττε- 'TTciiuo)) unripe, sour. ^ Α'ττίττειρος, -ου, 6, 7j, (from ec and tts'i^oj) not to be tried, raw, sour. ' A'77zi77^a''/YJ-f\, 3 sing. a. 1. pass, of ά'ττο- 'ττλάζω. " Αΐΐε'τΐΤ.ος, -ου, 6, '/ι, (α and ττεττλος) with- out α robe or shift. Ά7Γ£•ττά,4«>5!', 2 a. οι άφίτττνψ.αί. ^ Αττετττίω, (from next) / labour under indigestion. " Αττε'ττ'ΐος, -ου, ό, 'η, (from ct and ττίτττω) undigested, indigestible. ' Αττίττω, (from ά-6 and ί'ττω) I forbid, renounce, disclaim; fully deliver my mes- ' Α'ττεξΛν'τοΤ.ογίοί, -ας, 9}, (from άτ-ίζαντος and λόγος) endless talk. ' ΑιτεοανΊολόγος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same) never done with talking. " Αττίοαυτος, -ου, ό, '^, (from a and ττεξαίνω) endless, infinite. ^ Α'^εογάί,ομ.αι, (from ά'τζο and εργύ'^α- (Λαι) I work off, accomplish. g 233 *Α'!Γ$ξγΜ. A GREEK LEXICON. * Αι^ηΰων. ' Αττίξγύ), for ά,'ττύξγο}, (from ά,-ττο and ίΐξγω) I shut out, prevent, restrain. Ά-τε^ί/δώί, (from άτΐο and l^s'ihcS) I fix firmly ; mid. I lean upon, press hard upon. ^ Ατη^ζίσίος, -ου, ο, vj, for άττίΐξίσιος, (from οί'π-είξος) boimdless, infinite. Ά'7τίζ£ίσίς, -sojg, τ], (from aTrsQS^u) the action of leaning or pressing upon. Άττίζέω, f. 'Tiacu, p. ά'ττίίξπκ.χ, (from cI'tto and ίξύω) I forbid, refuse ; am fatigued, am Unable to speak frora fatigue. Ά'ΤΓίζίκάύοίξτος, -ου, ο, ^, (from οί and 'Ζίζίκοίύαίζω) not thoroughhj clean, unclean. ^Αττί^ίστταστος, -ου, 6, v}, (from cc and -τη- ζΐαττάω) free from distraction, tranquil. Άτπξίσττά,στως, (from preced.) without distraction or distracting care. ^ ΑττίζΊστοίτος, -ου, ο, '-/], (from ex., 'ττβξΐ, and 'ίσττη/ΐΛί) not su7^ounded, unencumbered, pros- perous. ^ Α'7ΤζζΙτ[ΛΎ]τος, -ου, 6, vj, το-ον, (from a, and •ηξίτίμνω) uncircumcised. Lev. xxvi. 41, 42. Acts vii. 51. * ΑττίζΙτζζτττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and •π-εξίτζίττοή not to be turned round, unchange- able. Ά'ττεξίτξΟ'ΤΓος, -ου, 6, 'ή, the same. ^ Αστζξίττος, or άττίξίσσος, -ου, 6, jj, {ex, and Ίΐπζίσσος) not superfiuous. ^ ΑτΓΐξίφξζ'ής, -ίος, 6, 71, (from u, vreQi, and φίζω) not circular. ^Αττίρρω, ΙΆο\. for άτηίξω, I order away. ' Ατπζυύξΐάω, f. -ΰσω, (from άττο and Ιζυ- ύξίχω) I put away shame. * ΑτΓίξϋκ,ύ), (from άττο and Ιξύκ,ύή I luith- hold, hinder, avert. ^Ατπξΰω, (from α,ττο and Ιζύο)) I draw off or away. ^ Α•πίξχομ,οίί, (from diro and ίξχοι^,οα) I go, go away, depart, go forth, pass away. ΆτΓίξωίύς, -ίως, 6, (from next) one ivho hinders the courage of another. Ά-ττίΡωίω, f. -τ^σω, (from ccTro and Ιξωίω) I recede from, skulk from, glide away. ^ Α'ττίζωτος, -ου, 6, y,, (from ΰττό and s^ojg) inconsistent with love. " Ατίίς, Ion. for α,φίς, imperat. of 2 a. όίφην, from α,φίγιμ,ι. ^Α'7ΓΒυύοίν<Άτίζ(ο, (from ά-πο, eo, and 5fxi/oi- τος) I die well or honourably. ^ Αστευθνις, -ίος, and οίττβυθος, -ου, ό, τ], (from a and 'ττυυύά,νομ.α,ι) having not heard of, or being unheard of. "Αττίφύος, -ου, 6, vj, (from άττο and εφύος) thoroughly boiled or melted, purified, re- fined. Άτίχθαίζύ), f. -χξω, a. 1. οίττιχ,ύτίξοι, (from άχό and Ιχ^θούζύή I hate ; I render odious. 234 'A'XiyJikvo^.oii, (from ά,-ττο and ίχύος) I am hated : I hate. 'Ά'ττίχύζίοί, -ccg, V], (from same) enmity. ^ Ατηχύνις, -log, 6, ij, (from sanle) hostile, malicious. ^ Αττίχύοι^αι, (from same) I am hostile. "* A'KiyJZig, (from same) liostilely, mali- ciously. ^ Αττίχ,ω, (from άτί^ο and ίχω) I receive, obtain or have from another ; am distant or at a distance : ά,ττίχει, it is enough, suffi- cient ; mid. I keep myself from, abstain or refrain from. Άττίφίΰί, -ccg, Vj, (from ex, and 7ri\pig) in- digestion. '' Α'τΐών, poet, for ά,'πωυ, pres. part, of α,-τΐεψΑ. 'Att'/j^oo?, -ου, 0, VI, (from ά,-πο and «κοι)) disobedient. 'ATTij^ro, 3 pers. sing. plup. pass, of «ττά^ώί. " A'7T'/\y.Tog, -ου, 6, yj, (from a and 'ττνικτός) unfixed, not compact or condensed, ^ ΑτΓΎΐΚϊγίω, (from «cro and άτ^ίγω) I do not care. ' ATTYiXsyvig, -sog, 6, ^, (from same) away from care, heedless : a'XYihiykag, ivithout care, regardlessly. '' Am;y]hioiry\g, -ου, c, (from «το and yj^iog) something from the sun, appHed to the direction of the wind, and to the situation of a place ; proceeding from the sun, and then if he is considered as rising, the word means the east, Judith vii. 18. 1 Mace. xii. 37. if considered as in the meridian, the south, Ezek. xx. 47- and xxi. 4. ; away from the sun, and then if he is considered as in the meridian, the word means the north, Jer. XXV. 26. ^ A'TTYif^ce.urog, -ου, ο, vj, (from cc and tj?- l^cxi'jo) unhurt, harmless. '' ΑτΐΎΐ^οσΰυΎ], -fig, 7], (from next) safety, injiocence. 'Atjj zcov, -ouog, 0, yj, (from ot and 'τττιμ,α,) unhurt, safe. ^ Α'π-ί[ν=όοΐΛ(λΐ, (from άτΐο and Ivzog^ I am stupified, astonished. "A'TrvjUYi, -ng, vj. Dor. άττ'ήυίχ, (from ά,ΤΓο and viuicx) a carriage directed by reins, a cart, waggon. ΆτΐΎΐνν,ς, -kog, 6, V], (from same) not sub- mitting to reins, cruel, wild, hideous. ^ΑτΓ^νύον, Dor. for cxTrTfkuou, 2 a. from dT^'i^XOf^cx.i. ^ A'TT'^o^og, ccTrviOQiog, and d-TTTjo^og, -ου, ο, 71, (from dTTo and dstQu) hanging, projecting, luaving, wide, at a distance. ' ΑτΓΥΐςτίσ/ίοίνοίς, (from άττΛξτίζω) perfect- ly, absolutely. ΆτΓ^σωζ/, -ovrog, 6, Ion. for άφνισων, part, of 1 f. from άφίηΐΛί. ^ Α'ΤΓΤ,ύξο.ον, A GREEK LEXICON. ω. \\'7Γ•/ίύζχοΐ', contr. χτ^-τ,ύξων, 3 pi. imperf. of οίττχνρύω. Ά'ττ^ιχύ'/ίοοί, a. 1. οΐ άττιχύαίξω. 'ATriuxuog, -ου, 6, 'ή, {a. and Triuocuog) that does not 'persuade, hnprohahle. ^ΑτΓίύίύ), (from oe, and τηίύοή I disobey. ^ A'Triu.ih.og, -ου, and ά,'ττιμΛ'Κνις, -έος, ό, τ}, (from χ and τη^.ίλτ;) luithoid fatness. * Airi'j'/jg, 'ίος, ο, vj, (from a and ττΊνος) free from defilement, pure. ''Α'ττινΰσσω, (cc and Trtuoaan)) I am unwise, deprived of reason. "Αίτιον, -ου, το, (from next) a pear. "Attio;, -ου, 6, a pear tree. " Α'ζιος, -ici, -lou, (from άττο) distant, re- mote. " Α'ζις, the name of an Egyptian Mug, and ofthehidl, undsr whose form, ¥ing Apis was woj^shipped as a god, Jer. xlvi. 15. Άτηστέύ), (from cc and στίσης) I do not believe, disbelieve, am unfaithful, '' Ατηστίοί, -ας, ij, (from same) luant of faith, unbelief. "Αττιστος, -ου, 6, '/}, το-ον, (a and 'τηστός) not to be believed, incredible ; not to be trust- ed, unfaithful ; not believing, one who disbe- lieveth, an unbeliever, an infidel. ^ Α'ττ'Κά,ν'ής, -εος, and άττλχντιτος, -ου, ό, % (from a and •ττΐκά,ν/]) unerring, undeceived. " Α'ττ'Κοίστος, -ου, ο, ί], for α,ττίλοίστος, (from χ and Ίτ'ίΚχς) not to be approached with safety; or (c* and ττΤ^χστος) artless, sincere, simple. ' ΑττΤ^χτ'ής, -ίος, 6, oj, (from χ and ttAoc- τύς) without breadth. Α-ττ'Κχτος, χ7τ7\•ητος, and οίττ'Κζτος, -ου, 6, 93, (from χ and 'ττεΤ^χω) inaccessible, im- mense. " ΑττΧξυξος, -ου, 6, yj, (from χ and -ττλίυξχ) withoid a side. ' Α'ττΤ^-ζιγΙς, -ίοος, 7], (from a'rXijfor ώττλο^?) a single garment. " Α-τΐΤ^η-Λτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from χ and τΐΤ^'ί^σσο)) unstruck, unhurt. AttA'/jI, -~ήyoς, o, i], (from same) u7i- struck. Α'τΐ'ΚΫΐζΟίτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χ and ττλ-/;- ςόω) not to be filled, insatiable. ' ΑττΤ^ΥισηΰοίΛχι, (from χ and -ττΤ^'ήύω) I am insatiable. Ά'ττ^.-ηστίχ, -χς, vj, (from same) iiuatiable- ness. " Α'ΤΐΤ^Υιστος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same) insati- able : χτΐΤ^νιστως, insatiably. Αττλό-η, -Τις, 7], (from χ';Γ'λόος) simplicity, sincerity, candour. "ΑτΓλοίχ, -χς, 7], (from X and 'ττΤ,ίοή in- ability to sail. ΑτΓλοΐξομχί, f. -ίσομχι, (from χττΤ^όος) I act ivith simplicity or sincerity. ' Αττ^-άς, -βος, sj, (from next) a single garment, to which is opposed ^ιττλοί'ς. Ά-ττλόος, -6-/1, -oou, contracted -ους, -ij, -ουν, (from X col. and 'TrkyM^ simple, uncompound- ed ; applied to the eye, clear, sound ; single, sincere. " Ατΐ'κόος, χτιτΧους, 6, τ}, {χ and ττλόος) unfit for sailing, unnavigable, unable to sail. ' Airls.oavv/i, -•ί\ς, ij, (from χ-ττ^όος) sim- plicity. ' Α'π'κότης, -γ,τος, vj, (from same) simplicity, sincerity, purity of mind, freedom from sin- ister designs or views ; bountifulness, liber- ality springing from simp>licity or sincerity of mind. " ΑττΆουτος, -ου, ό, ί], (χ and 'ττ'λουτος) without riches. ' Α'π'κόο), -Ο), f. -ό)ϋω, ρ. '/ί'Τΐ'Κω-ΛΧ, 1 f. pass. χ'7τ7^ωύν}σομχι, ρ. '^7r7\.0ja^xi, (from χττΆόος) Ι make sirnple or sincere ; stretch out. ' Αττλνσίχ, -χς, 'ή, (from χ and Ίΐ'κϋυω) uncleanliness, filtJiiness. ΆτΓλι/τοί•, -ου, 6, 7], (from same) un- washed. " Αττλωμχ, -χτος, ro, (from Χ'^λόω) stretching out, expansion. Ά'ττλΖς, (from άττΤ^όος) simply, bounti- fully. " ΑττΤ^ωτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χ and ττλωω) unnavigable. Άττνί'ης, -ίος, ό, 7j, (from χ and 'ttuL•) breathing or blowing strongly ; or not breathing or blowing. "" ΑττνίύίΛχτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) not blown upon or through. ' Α'ττ^ζυστιχζω, (from same) I keep in my breath. " Αττνίυστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) breath- less ; unexposed to the wind : χττνευστι, or χττνεύστας, without breathing. "Avruoix, -χς, τ], (from same) a want of blowing, calmness. " Α'7ΐΐ)οος, contract, α,'κυους, accusat. x- TTuoou, ΰίτΓΰουν, (from same) without breath, dead. Άττό, (as a preposition governing the genitive, perhaps 3N, Lat. ab) from, imply- ing separation in time, place, or any other way; distance //ό??ϊ, tendency /ro???, pro- ceeding from: in composition separation from and thence privation of. ' A'TToxiuvfixi, (from preced. and χιι/νμ,χι) I take away. ' Ατΐοχίοεο, Ion. for χφχίξου, pres. im- perat. m. or p. of χφχίζΐω. ^ ΑτΓοχίζίΟίΛχι, Ion. for άφχίζίομ,χι, I take away for myself. ^ ΑττοβχοΙζω, {χτΐο and βχΐίξύή I go away. 235 ' λιτοβά&ξ^α. A GREEK LEXICON. ^ Αιίογξάφω, Ά-ττοβάύξοί, -Dig, vji (from next) a ladder for going away from. ^ Α'ττοβοίίυω, {ccTTo and βχίνω) I go or co7ne out of a ship J happen, come or turn out. ' ΑτιτοβάΤκ'Κω, {ά,τΐο and βόίΚΚω) I cast off or away. ' ΑτΓοβόίΤΓτω, {άτΓο and βάτττω) Χ cover with, immerse or dip into water in order to take some of it away, draw water. ' Αττόβοίσις, -ίως, v}, (from α,ττοβαίι/ω) a going away from, a descent ; the action, place, or means of descending from a ship, or disembarkijig. ' Ατΐ-οβχτνις, -ου, ο, (from same) a goer from, a comhatant luho leaped from one horse to another. " Αττοβ'/ισσο), or -ττω, f. -|ω, {α,τϊο and βτίσσω) I eject by coughing. ' ΑτΓοβίά,ζομχί, {άτΓο and βιά,ζο)) I take away by violence. Άττοβίβά-ζω, f. -αίσω, {ά.'ττο and βιβύζω) I cause to disembark, I disembark. ' ΑτΓοβιόω, (άίτο and βιόω) I depart from life, die. ' Α'ΤΓοβιωσιμ,ος, (from preced.) done with a view to death. '' Ατΐύβίωσις, -sojg, τ], (from same) decease. ΆτΓοβλύτττύ), {ύίττό and βλάτττω) I injure from, deprive of. ^ ΑτΓοβΤ^α,στά,νω, and ά,'Τΐοβλοίστίύ), f. -"^ισω, a. 2. άτΓίβ'Κα.στον, (χ,ττό and β1\Άστάυω) I spring from. Άτ•ο/3λώστ)7^ϋίί, -ciTog, ro, (from preced.) a shoot. ^ Α'ττοβΤ^άστγισις, -ίως, τ], (from same) a sjyringing from. ΆτΓο/ΒλέτΓτοί/, -ων, -oti, (from next) win- doius. * '' Α'ΤΓοβΤ^ίτΓύ), {άττο and βλίττω) I behold or hok earnestly or attentively. " Α'ττόβτ^γιμ,ο!,, -(Λτος, το, (from 1 pers. sing. perf. pass, of ά'ττοβά'ΚΤ^ύ)) the refuse. "Αττόβλητος, -ου, 6, yj, to -ου, (from 3 pers. sing. perf. pass, of same) that is to be re- jected. ΆττοβΆιττα, f. -Ιίσω, (α,-ττο and βλίττω) I press f 7-0771. Άττοβ'λύξω, f. -ύζύύ, or άττοβλυω, f. -ύσω, {d-TTo and β'κύζο)) I throw out of the moidh as a babe does its food, spit oitt. ΆτΓοβλάσκ,ω, f. -ύσω, {dTro and β'Κωαχ.ω) I go from, depart. 'Aro/3oA'/j, -7}g, τ], (from perf. mid. of άττοβά,ΤΟιω) a casting off, rejection, loss. ' ΑτΓοβοΤ^ον, -ου, ro, (from same) that ivhich is rejected, or is to be rejected, a7i abo77ii7ia- tion. Ά'7Γόβξsξίg, -sag, 'ή, (from next) a wetting, liquor. ^ Ατΐοβφγ/ύ, {ά,τίο and βζίχο)) I ivet fro77i. 236 ' ΑτΓοβξίζω, {d'TTo and βξίζω) I sleep yrow or away, sleep my fill. ' Ατΐοβξίθω, {άτΓο and βξίύω) I weigh down, overload. Άττοβζοχ^, -i^g, τ], (from άττο and βξίχ,ω) a wetting f-om. Ά'ττοβξοχύίζω, {άτΓο and βξοχύίζω) I ab- so7-b, swallow up, devoiir. Ά'ττοβζοχίζω, {ά,τΐο and βξοχίζω) I en- tangle in a snare. ΆττοβξΟχω, f. -|ij, (άττο and βξόχω) I bite off, devour. ' Ατιτοβφσκ,ω, f. -ωσω, (βέττο and βξάσκω) I eat up. ' Αττοβύω, {άττο and βύω) I shut up, ob- struct. " A7Γoβύ}μ,iog, and ά'π6βωμ,og, -ου, 6, tj, (d'TTo and βωμ,6g) without a7i altar, offered on the bare grou7id ; to be driven fro77i an altar, profa7ie, i7npious. ^ A'TTOye&iog, and diroyaog, -ου, 6, i], (from d'TTo and yoCioC) off from the land, applied to cables which tie ships oiF from the land. "" ΑτίΟγοίΚοίχ,τίζύ), (from d-Tiro and yd'hoC) I wea7i. " Αχογίΐσόω, or dTroyicaaoo), f. -ωσώ•, {dTro and γασοω) I p7-otect with eaves, shelter the eyes by means of eyebrows. " A'xoyivvdo), {d'T^-o and yevuda) I beget, produce. " ΑτΓογζύομ,οι,ι, f. 'ίύσομ,χι, {ι^ττο and ygvo- μ,Λΐ) I taste of. ' Αττογεφυξόύ), {dTo and γίφυξοω) I join by a b7-idge. ^ Α'ΤΓογνίζάσκ,ω, {d'rro and γγίζάσκω) I decay with old age, grow old. ^ A7royiyvo^a,i,' and ditoyivo^cii, (d-Tro and yiuoy^oci) I die. ^ ΑτΓογινωσχ,ω, {αττό and yivcoascu)) I dis- own, reject, despair. ^ ΑτογΤ^αυκ,όύ), f. -ό)σω, (from «-ro and y7^ex,υκ,^g) I have red fiery eyes, or bright blue eyes. \\'7Toy'hvKciiuo), («τΓο and yT^UKuiuco) I re7ider sweet. '' ATyoyvoia, -cig, and d'xoyuuoig, -sag, v], (from dTToyivaaKC-j) despair. ^ ATcoyoDog, -ου, 6, τ], (from dTo and yiuo- μαή a descendant. ' A'7royξsιiξω, (from dTsro and y^etl») I take away old age, jnake young again. ' A'Koyo^d^Vi, -vjg, hi (from d'7royζdφω) an e7irohne7it, register, record. , ^ Aitoyq^dC^ov, -ου, το, (from same) a copy. ' ATtoypd^oc, -ου, ό, yj, (from next) copied off. ' ^ ^ Άττογξαφύ), {dTTo and yξoίφω) I enrol, register: d'7:oyiidcc&, imperf. άτι-ί^ζοίον -ων, -αες -α,ς, -oit -a,. Gen. xvi. 6. from άτιτόΙξπ^Λΐ, pres. imperat. άττό- ^ξο,ύι. Gen. xxvii. 43. {ά'ττο and Ιξά-ύή the same as ά'ττοΐΐί^ξά,σκ,ύ), which see. ' ΑτιτοΙξίττω, f. --φω, p. -cpct, {άττο and ^ζίτζ-ω) I pluck off, enjoy. ΆττόΙξί-ψις, -sag, ij, (from preced.) a plucking or gathering of fruits. " ATTch^wig, Ion. for a,7c-oh^(x.aig. Άττό^ζο/αος, -ου, ό, Vj, (from άττοτ^^χω) one who runs away, o?ie who loses a race. ^ Ατΐο^ξύτιττω, or ά,ττο^ξύφα, f. --^pa, (άττο and Ιζύ^ττα) I tear off, lacerate. ' Αττοΐύξομιζί, (from cctto and ο^ύξομαή I lament, deplore. 'AttoW;?, -£6)5•, '^, (from α,ττοοΰα) the ac- tion of stripping or puttitig off clothes. ' ΑτΓο^υσττίτίω, {ιχ,τγο, ^ύς, and ττίτΐοή I 238 unhappily fall, am grievously disappoint- ed. ^ Ατΐο^υσ'πίττ,σις, -sag, 7], (from preced.) impatience of adversity, chagrin. Άττο'^υττίξίον, -ου, το, (from next) a place for undressing. Αττο^ϋο^, f. -ϋσα, and ά,ττο^υμι, a. 2. Άττΐ^υν, (άτΓο and "hoa) I strip, plunder. ' ATTosiTra, {α,ττο and siTra) I refuse, deny. Άττοίξγα, poet, for οίττύξγω, which from eιί7rsίξya. Ά'π-οεξ^ο), f. Λζσω, a. 1. ocKosq^oc, (άτο and t^oi) I make aiuay with. Άττοζάω, (ctTTo and ζάω) I live from, live upon. Άττόξω, p. m. XTirola^oi, (from άττό and οζα) I smell of. , ^ ΑτΓοζύ^ΐ/νύα, f. -ζώσω, {οιτΐο and ζωννύω) I take off the girdle or harness. ' Α7Γούά70\α, (άττο and Βά,λλα) I shed my blossoms. ' Αττούανοίτίζω, (from άττο and ^ά,να,τος) I siffer death. ^ ATrouocppsa, {ά,ττο and ^appsa) I dare, am confident. ^ Αστούοι,υμά,ζω, {ά-τΐο and ^χυμόίζω) I wonder at, admire. Άττοόεξίζα, {άπ-ο and ^εξίξα) I reap, 771010, cut down. ' A'TTOUsfffg, -log, Attic -sag, tj, (from άττο- τίύ•ή(Λΐ) a putting away or off. ' ATTousaTog, -ου, ο, vj, {oc and TirousaTog which from ττούέα) not desired, neglected. "ATTOUsTog, -ου, ό, '/], (from ά,ΐΐοτίύνιμί) laid aside, hidden. ' Αττούΐω, f. 1. m. άττοθεύσομα,ι, {ά,ττο and ^soi) I rim away. ^ Aitousiiq^'/iaig, -sag, vi, (from diro and '^sa- φύΐ) a prospect, inspection, examination, contemplation. ' Αττού-ήκτή, -Yig, vj, (from άττοτΙότημή a re- pository, granary. ' Ατι^ούτιζίασις, -so)g, vj, (from cctto and ^57- ξίόα) fierceness. ' Α'ττούτισι^ίνζίζα, (οίττό and ^-ησΆυξΙζα) 1 treasure up in safety. " A.'770UnTog, -ου, 6, ^, (from a and ττοόίω) not to be desired, odious, despicable. Άστούλίβω, {dTTo and ^?αβα) I press closely, squeeze, oppress. 'ATtou'Ki^^og, -ου, ό, (from preced.) op- pression. Ά'τοέ'λ/ψ;?, -sag, v}, (from same) a squeez- ing out, elision, affliction, calamity. ' Αττούυ'ησκ,α, {ά,-ττο and ^ννισχ,ω) I die, die away, perish. atoUoqsoj, {d-Tro and ^o^sa) I jump ft^om or off. ' ΑτίΌύζωσκ,ω, {dTsro and ^ξύ)σχ,ω) I jump or spring from. \\.•Ύθύΰμιος. A GREEK LEXICON. Ατοκλζ'^τω. 'ATTouvf/.iog, -ου, ο, τί, (from άτιτο and ^υ- μ,ος) repugnant to one's feelings, disagree- able. ' Κ'ττούϋμ.ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same) univill- ing, remiss. Ά-π-ούΟω, f. -ύσω, {ά'ττο and ^vu) I sla^/, sacrifice. " ΑττοικίσΙοί, and άττοι-Λίο,, -ας, 'ή, (from ά,-ττο and oIksoj) a removal from one's habita- tion, a carrying away into captivity. Άττοικίω, (from same and οίκ,έω) I am from home, am absent. Ά'ττοίκίζύ), (from same and οικ-ίζύή I cause to remove the habitation, carry into captivity. ' Κτΐοί-Δς, -<δο?, VI, and α,στοικ,ος, -ου, 6, '/ι, (from preced.) of or belonging to a colony. "" Κ'ττοι-Α,ισμ.ος, -ου, ό, (from same) a removal from one's habitation, a carrying away into captivity. ' Ατ^^οικ,τίζομ,ίχ,ί, (from άττο and οικτίζω) I lament, complain. "Αττοιι/οί, -ων, τά, (for οίφο:νχ, which is T^Otqou ix, φόνου, a price of redemption from slaughter) a ransom, a reward. ' A'TTQiucco}, Ϊ. -vjao), (from preced.) I com- pel the payment of a ransom; enforce a fine or penalty ; pass. / am given as a ransom, or as a hostage. ΆττοΙνγιτοζ, •ου, ό, tj, (from a, and ττο;^'/^) unpunished, unavenged. ' Αττοίσίτον, f. 1. from αττοφίζύ). Άττοίχ,ο^/.αι, (from άττό and οίχ,ομοα) I go away. ' Αττοκοί-ύχίςω, (άττό and κ,οίύοίίζύή I purge away defilement, purify. Άτί^οκαύοίξίζω, {άττό and καύα-ζΙζω) I purge away defilement, purify. ^ A'7ro>ca,u-/if/.a,i, (άττο and ■/Λ&•ψ.οίϊ) I sit down ajiart on account of sickness or un- cleanness. Αττο-κοιύίστάύ), άττοκ,αύίσττιοίί, and «ττο- κοίθιστά,νύ), {άττο and κοίύίστά,ω, or κοίύίστγι- (Λΐ) I restore, reform. ' Απ-οκοί,ίύ), f. -χύσω, {άττο and κ,αίω) I burn away. ΑττοκΛγΑω, (from αίνο and yccf/^og) I am overcome by evils, faint, am discouraged. ^ ΑτΐοκοίΚίω, {άττο and κ,α,Τκίω) I call back. ^ ΑττοκίίΚύ-τττω, {άττό avid κα'λύτττύή Ire- move a veil or covering, make manifest or reveal a thing before secret or unknown. " Α'τΐοκύ,'Κυ-^ις, -ιος, Attic -^ύ)ς, yj, (from preced.) a revelation or manifestation of a thing hidden or secret. Α'ττοκ,ύοί,νύ), f. -a/icoj, {άτ:6 and x,a,y^uo)) I am completely fatigued. Α-ττοκ,αττΰω, f. -νσο), {a,7Co and Άοίχύο)) I breathe out, expire. ΑτΓοκχξχ^οκίω, (otTo, κάςχ, and "Βοκ,χοή I attentively or earnestly expect or look for, as with the neck stretched out, and the head thrust forward. ΆτΓοκ,χξοί^οχ.ίΛ, -ug, τι, (from same) at- tentive or earnest expectation or looking for. ^ Α'ττοκ,α,ξΠζίύ}, ΐ.-ν)σο), (ά^το and κ,χξπζίω) I cease to maiiitain fortitude, resolve to die by abstaining from food. Ά•7roχ.cύTί£λλάσσώJ, or -ττω, {ά'ττο and κ,α,τ- αΧκάσσω) I change from a state of enmit}'^ to one of friendship, reconcile. ' Α'τιτοχ.χτά,στχσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from ccTroKccuiaTYiy.i) restoration, restitution, regu- lation. 'A-TTOyciifiXi, { α,ττ 6 and Kii μ. xi) lam hid tip, reserved, ajjpointed. ' Α'ττοκ.ίίξφ, f. -sooj, and jiEol. -ίξσω, a. 1. m. χττίκαςχμτιν, {χ-ττο and κξίξω) I clip, lop off, shear. ^ Αττοχ,ίνόω, (χττό and y.euouj) I empty out, evacuate^ ' Αττοκ,ζντίω, {χτΐο and x,sutL•}) I prick, stab, kill. ' Αττοκ,ίϋΤ'/ισις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, τ], (from preced.) a stabbing through, slaughter. ' Αττοκ,ίί^χίνω, f. -χνω, («■^roand κ,ί^χίνω) I make profit from, gain by. Άττοκ,ίφχΤ^ίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. χττοκ,βκίφχΧικ,χ, a. 1. χττίκ,ίφόίΚισχ, (from χττο and κ,ζφχ'Κ'/ΐ) I cut off the head, behead. ' Α-πο-ΛΥ^ίύω, f. -ζϋσω, (from same and κτ]- δοί) I perform funeral rites, mourn, ' Αΐΐοκ'φίω, f. -τισω, (from same) I abstain from moicrning, neglect. ' Α'ττοκ,-ηΤ^ίομχι, {χττό and κ,/ιΚίομ,χι) I am rendered propitious from or by. " Αττοκγΐζόττω, {χ-ττό and κ,γίξύττω) I pro- hibit by a herald, prohibit publicly, disin- herit, ^ Αττοχ,ίοχξόω, (from xtto and κί^χοις) I take off the cidaiis, tiara, or turban, uncover the head. ^ Αττο-Λΐυίω, f. -7}aa,{x7r6 and κ,ινίω) I move away, remove. ' Αττόχ,ϊνος, -ου, 6, (from Y>Ye(ied.) a flight, removal, or escape from ; a song and dance performed by a slave on being delivered from his master. " ΑττοχΤύ), {xTTo and x./&) I go away. ' Ατΐο'ΛΚχίω, {xTTo and κ,Τ^χΙω) I weep for. Αττόκ,Χίίσι^χ, -χτος, το, and άτΐοκΚίΐσ^ος, -ου, 6, (from χιτο-ΛΚζΊω) a prison. ' Αττόκ,'λί ιστός, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from next) shut up, confined. ' ΑτΓοκλίίω, {χ'ττό and κλίΐω) I shut to as a door. Άνοκλί'τττω, (χττο and κλίτττω) I steal away. 239 *Airo^X7j;'<^iW. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά'ΤΓολεύί^ Ά'Τοκ,Τ^ιηΐ^ω, and ά'ττοκλ'ηί'ω, Ion. and poet, for ά,ττοκ,λΒίω. Ά-τοκλ/^οί, -οίτος, το, (from next) a de- clivity/ or acclivity, slope, steepness. Ά'ΤΓοκ,'λϊϋω, f. -'iuZ, {mtto and kT^iuo)) I turn from or aside. ' ΑττόκΧίσις, -ίως, ν;, (from preced.) incli- nation, bias, partiality/. ΆττοκΆνζύ), {ά,ττό and κΤ^ύζω) I wash away. ' Κ'ΤΓοκ,νοίίω, {οίτιτο and κναιίω) I wear away by gnaiving, tease, enfeeble. ^ Κ'ττοκ,νίζω, {ccTTo and κ,ϋίζω) Τ pluck, tear, nip, or cut off. " Α7ίΌκ,ο{Λίζω, {xTTo and κο^Λίζω) I bring or carry away. ^ Αττόκ,ομ,μ,οί, -Λτος, ro, (from next) a mor- sel, fragment. ' Α'ττοκ,ότΐτω, {/ζ•7γ6 Ο,ΐϊά κ,ότττω) I smite or cut off. " Α'Τΐ'οκ,οζυφόω, f. -oiacd, (from ixcro and xo- ξυφ'^) I draw to a head, accomplish ; give a summary ansiuer. " ΑττοΆος, -ου, 6, ^, (from οί and 7ΐ•ίκ,ω) without a fleece. ^ ΑητοΛοσμίω, f. -^σω, {^octco and κ,οσμ,ίω) I remove things placed in order, displace. ^ ΑτίΌκ,οττοίβίζω, f. -'ίσω, (from ά'ττό and κ,όττοιβος) I play at a pastime called the cottabus : I dash out a liquid from a cup so as to mahe a noise. Άτοκ^£^ώώ;, f. -&.σύ), {^α,ΐΐο and τοξί^/,ά,ω) I hang from, recline ; I let hang down. " Aitoxqyi^voq, -ου, ό, vi, ro -ov (άττό and κ,ξπμ,υος) steep, craggy. ' Αττόκ^Ίμ,α,, -ατός, το, (from next) a sen- tence, decision. ^ ΑτΓοκ,ξΊνω, f. -'ϊι/ω, (άττο and κ,ξίνω) I se- parate from: άτΓοκ,ςίνομοΐί, f. -ουμιχ.^ a. 1. ra. ccTTSK^iytzf^yiv, a. 1. pass, ά,τηκ,ξίύγιν, I answer, reply after deciding. ^Αττόκ,ξίσίς,.-ιος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from pre ced.) an ansiver. Ατί^ο^ίζούω, f. -ούσω, {άττο and κξούω) I beat off. ' Αττοκξΰτττω, {αττο and κ,ξύτττω) I hide from, conceal. ' ΑττοΆξυφνι, -vjg, τ], (from preced.) a hid- ing, concealment. " Αττόκ,ζυφος, -ου, 6, '/;, το -ou, (from same) hidden, concealed, laid up. Άττόκξυ-ψις, -ίως, ^, (from same) a hid- ing, concealment. " Αττοκ-τζίνω, f. -ivco, p. αττίκ,τοιγκ,α, a. 1. ά,ΐΐίχ,τίΐυα, a. 1. sub. άττοκ,τίίνω, -γις, -vj, a. 2. ά,ττίκτά,υον, p. m. ocTtkx^Tovtx,, p. pass. ά,'πνΛΤ(χ,[Λα,ι, and οα,'Κίχ,ταμ,ΐΛοί.ι, a. 1. pass. α,ττζκ,τάι/ύγιν, {άτγο and ΆΤίίνω) I kill, de- stroy, murder, butcher. ^ Αττοκ,τίννω, κττοκτιννύύ), κττοχ,Τίννύύ), 240 κ,τίΌκτίυνϋμ^ι, and άττόκ,ττημί, (from same) / slay, destroy. Άττόκ,τ'ίσίς, -sag, vj, (from ct^ro and κτίζω) a colony. Άστοκ,υίω, {χττό and κ,υίω) I bring forth young; I beget. ^ ΑτΐοκυΤΰω, (mtto and κυλίω) I roll away. ' Αττοκωλύω, {άτι-ο and κοίλύω) I forbid, restrain. ^ ΑτΓοκωφόομα,ι, {ά,ττο and κωφόω) Ibecome deaf ov dumb. ' Α'ΤΓο'λοίγχ,ά,νω, and ά,'τνολνιχ,ύ), f. 1. m. άτΓολ'ή^ομ.οα, a. 2. act. ιίττίλΰίχ,ον, (άτο and λαγχόίι/ω) I obtain my lot, whether it be a prize or a blank, success or disappoint- ment. ' Α'ΤΓολίχκτίζω, («-ro and λακτίζω) I kick or strike with the heel. ^ Α'7το7\.οί[Λβοίυω, {ιζττο and "Καμ,βά,υω) I re- ceive, get, obtain ; take aside, take from. "" Αττολιχ.^Λ'ΤΓζϋι/ω, f. -vu&), {οίττο and λοίμ- 'ΤΓξύνω) I render illustrious. ' Αττο'Κά,μ,'ττω, f. --^ω, {mtco and 'κά,^'τΐω) I shine from or forth. " Α'ποΚά,^φ&ίντ'ίς, Ion. for οίττο'Κνιφ&ζϋΤίς, nom. pi. part. a. 1. pass, of ατΓολαμ.βά,ίίω, captured, intercepted. ^ Αττολά.μ,ι^ασύα.ί, Ion. for ^ττοΆτι-ψασύοίί, infin. 1 a. m. of same, to receive. ' Απ-ολχτττω, f. -"ψω, (ατο and λά.τττω) I lick off, swallow. ^ ΑττόΤκοί,υσις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, 9], (from άπ-ολαύω) enjoyment, fruition. " ΑττοΆΛυστΙκος, -v}, -ov, (from same) fit for enjoyment, giving pleasure, desirous of receiving pleasure, voluptuous. '' Α'Τΐο'Κα,υστος, -ου, 6, ί], (from next) pj^o- ductive of enjoyment. ^ Ατιτοΐνοιϋω, f. -ιχ,ύσο), {άττο and λ&ιϋοϊ) I enjoy, am affected with any thing good or evil. Άττολίγω, (άτΓο and λίγω) I select, choose from : α-πολίγο^αι, I refuse, reject. " Αττολίίβω, {α,τΐο and λείβω) I drop from, distil, pour from. Άττολέίττω, (άτγο and λείιτω) Ileave,leave behind, forsake ; pass. I am left, remain. "" Α'ΤΓοληχ,ω, (άττό and λίίχ,ω) I lick, as a dog. Άττόλβί-ψίς, -εως, ^, (from ά,ττολείττω) a leaving off, departure, desertion, bill of di- vorce. ^ ΑτΐοΚε^Λος, -ου, ό, 5j, (οί and ττόλεΐίίος) unwarlike. ^Αττολί'π-ίζω, f. -ϊσω, and α,ττολί'ττω, f. -φω, (άστο and λέττω) I peel off. Άττολίω, f. -έσω, by sync, ά-ττολω, p. α-ττ&ι- λεκοί, Att. α,'τΐολωΚίκΛ, pres. m. απολουμ-Λΐ, — and ά'χο'Κλΰω, aitoXhvy.i, άτολλω, p. m. 'AcroX?jy/>6a. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά'τΐομάόΰω, ciTicShu., Att. utoKcShoi, — pres. m. α^ττόλλΰ- μαι, (from «-ro and oA£οίΐ, {ά,τΐό and f4,oiQuiivo/^on) I wither away, die. Άττο/χΰίξτυξίύ), {άττό and (ΛΛζτυζίύ)) I bear witness. ' ΑττοΐΛοίσσύ), or -ττω, f. -ύ^ω, p. ά,'Τίομ.ί- (ΛΟ'ΧΟί, and ά,'ΤΓομ,ά.ασο^Λΐ, {άττό and μ,ά,σσω) I / strike off, take an imjyression off^ copy off; Hh 421 Α^όμα^/ς. A GREEK LEXICON. "Α-ττο'Ί'&ίξάομαι, I partaL• of, feed on ; I shake, wipe, or b?msh off. ' ΑττόμΛ^ις, -βως, ν,, (from preced.) an im- pression ; a wiping away. ΆττομοίΤΛίζω, {άττο and ματαΐζω) Ihreah wind. ^ Ανομά,χομοίΐ, {οίττο and μάχομοίή Ifigfit, repel. * Α'ττομείλίσσω, or -ττω; f. -I^oj, and άττΌ- μξίλίσσομαι, {άττό and μ,αΆίσσω) I mollify, soothe, appease. " ΑτΓομίίξομοίΐ, {dTTo and μβίξω) I divide, distribute. ^ Αττομίλχίι/ω, f. -ciucj, (άττο and μζλοξ,ίνω) I blacken. ,'Ά'ΤΓομίμφομίΧ,ι, (d'Tro and μί/χφομαή I accuse. ^ Α'τΐομϊνο), {άτΓΟ and μίνω) I remain. ' Αττομ,ίξίζω, {cc'tto and μεξίζω) I divide from, distribide, Ά•7Γομεξμ•ηξίζω, {άτϊο and με^μγίζίζω) I sleep without anxiety. ^ Α-ττομίΤζίω, {α.'κο and ^ετ^εώ)) I measure out. ^ ΑτιΐΌμγικ,ννύ), f. -υνω, {οί'ττο and μτηκύΐ/ω) I lengthen out, prolong. ΆτΓομ^νΐω, f. -Ίσω, {ά'ττο and μγινίω) I persevere in anger though aivay from the object of it. ^ Α'Τΐομιμίομοίΐ, (χ'ττό and μιμεομοίΐ) I copy off, imitate. ' Α-ττομίμημοί, -α,τος, το, and άττομίμ^Υίσις, '-εως, τ], (from preced.) an imitation. Ατίόμισύος, -ου, 6, τ], (from next) one who is hired ; a person hired but not paid. ^ Α'ττομισύόω, f. -ωσω, {ά-ττο and μισύόω) I give Old for hire ; I hire, rent. " Αττομίτζόω, (from (si -ro and ^w/rgct) I take off the mitre. ^ Αττομνόίομοα or ά'ττομιμυ'ίίσχ,ομαι, f. -νίσομοί,ι, a. 1. ά'τνεμνησά,μ'ίΐν, a. 1. pass. ά'ττεμνησύνιν, p. pass, άττομίμΐ/'/ιμοα, {άττο and μνά,ομαί) I remember. ' Ατζ'ομ,νημόΐ/ευμοί, -οίτος, το, (from next) a memoir, memorial, memorable saying. ^ Ατιτομυημονεύύ}, f. -εύσω, (from ά,ττο and μνά,ομΛΐ) I cause to be remembered, record, repeat, rehearse, remember. " Αΐΐομυ^ί^'^οίκ,έω, (from άτΐο, μυά,ομοίΐ, and ΆοίΆος) I remember an injury ; I put away the remembrance of an injury. ^ Ατΐόμνϋμι, άττομνύω, and χτΐομάω, f. -ωσω, (from άιτο and ομνυμι) I take an oath, affii-m upon oath. ^ Αττόμοίξο., -ας, ij, (from dvo and μείξω) a part, portion. ' A'7roμόξyυvμι, ' ΑτζΌμοξγνύω, and άττα- μόξγω, f. -|ω, a. 1. m. άτ^^ομ^οξ^ύμενος, 1 a. part. pass, άττομοςχ,ύεις, (from άττό and όμόξ- γνυμι) I ivipe away, brush or rub off. 24^ ' Αιτομοχύόω, infin. pres. ά.ΐΐομογβοειν, άττομογβουν, {dird and μοχ,ύόω) I weary out. ' Αττομνύίομοα, (άττό and μνύεομαι) I dissuade. Ά'ττομυκτίζω, f. -Ισω, (from άττό and μυκτνίξ) I turn up the nose from, reject scornfully. Ά'Τί'όμν^ις, -εως, vj, (from next) a wiping or blowing of the nose. Άττομύσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, {dTro and μΰσσω) I luipe away, blow my nose, sniff a candle, overreach. ^ ΑΐΐόνΛμαι, and d'7r6uγίμι, {.-ν^σομ^οα, 1 a.m. d'7rύ)vyισdμyιu, by sync. άτΐωνχμ.Ύΐν,ο^ϊ'άϊ. άττό- vocio, thou mightest enjoy, p. pass. ΆΊτωυΎΐμοίΐ, plup. άτωννιμηϋ, and without the augm. d'7rovy;μvlv, (from d-7ro and ουνιμί) I enjoy. ' ΑΐΐουΛω, f. -χσω, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. άίΓο^ύσσωσιν, for άΊΐονά,σωσιυ, 1 a. m. ά•Τ£- νοίσχμνιν, 1 a. p. αττενάσύ^ην, (d'TTo and ναύ)) I cause to emigrate, separate from; mid. / emigrate ; pass. / am separated, driven away. ' ΑτΓοι^εμω, f. -εμω, 1 a. ά'ττενειμΛ, {d'Tro and :^εμω) I allot, give. Ά'ττονεομΰίΐ, {dTro and νεω) I go away, I come back from, return, ^ Α-πουεϋω, {drnro and νενω) I refuse, turn myself away. ' Αττουίζω and άττοϋίζομοίΐ, {dTiro and νίζύ)) I ivash or wipe away. ' Α'ΤΓουΙ'τττω, (άττό and νίτττω) I wash away. Άττονοεομαΐί, («το and υοεω) lam mad, despair, become alienated: p. part, ά-ττο- νενο'/ιμενος, mad, desperate; ά-ττουενοτημεϋως, madly, in a profligate manner. ' ATTOyoicc, -Dig, 5j, (from ά'ττο and uovg) madness. ' ΑτΓΟϋοστεω, f. -νισω, (αττό and νοστεω) I return from. "" Αττονόσφι, {dTTo and νόσφι) apart from. ' Αττουοσφίζω, (from preced.) / separate from, set apart. Άττοξει/όω, (from dTro and ζενος) I make an exile : pass. / become an exile. ΆτΓοζπξΰίίι/ω, {dTo and ζγίξοίίι/ω) I dry up. Άττοζ,νω and αττοξεω, (d-Tro and ξύω) I scrape off. ' Αττοττα,ζύευόω, (from d'Tco and ττοίξύε'^ος) I deprive of vii-ginity. ' ΑτΓοττοίτεω, [dTTo and 'ττατεω) I tread from, walk away : retire to relieve nature. ^ Α'ττοτταύω, f. -α,νσω, {dv^o and ττα,ύω) I cause to cease from : mid. restrain myself, abstain, cease. 'ATToVs/^oi, -otg, h, (from next) a trial, risk. ^ Α'Τΐοτείξά,ομα,ι, {d'TTo and ττείζάω) I tempt, deceive. ^ Α'ζο•-:ΐίΙΜ'::τϋω. ^ Α'7τα77ί(Λ'7Γτ6ω, (from ά,ττο and ττί/ίί'τττος) I exact or pai/ a fifth. ΆτΓοτΓί,ατΓώί, f. -ψώ>, {άτΓο and 'ττϊμ,πΐω) I send away. Άττοττξτχζω, (ΰίττό and ττΒτχζω) I stretch out froviy expand. ' ΑτΓοτΓίτοι/,ΰίΐ, {άττο and nriroy.cii) I fly aivay. ' Α'ΤΓο-ττγ^ύω, (fli-ro and 'τηη^ά,ω) I leap or start away, fail, revolt. ' Αττοττίάξω, {άτϊο and 'τηά,ζω) I press out. ' Αττο-τ/ίτ-Γώί, {ά,'ττό and '^τίτττοή I fall off. ' ΑτΐΟ'Τΐ'Καζο^ f. 'ά,'γ^ω, 1 a. p. airi'Tr'hv.yY,- u/iu, {d'TTo and τ^Τ^άζο)) I cause to wander : pass. / wander, fiy hack or away. ATroTT'Kccuccci), {civro and 'Τϊ'Κοί^/ύ,ω) I cause to tvander, seduce. Ά'ττο'ΤΓΆά,νήσις, -ίος, Attic -sag, 7], (from preced.) a wandenng from, error. Α-ττοττΆίω^ ίχ.ττο'ττΧβίύ) and ά,7ϊθ'7Γ7\.ωω, {d'Tro and τΓλίιί)) I sail away. ' Α-χοττΑΥ,ζ,ίοί, -χ;, τ], (from άττο and 'ζ-λ7]σ- σω) a sudden stroke depriving of all sensa- tion, apoplexy. Α'ττο'ττΤ^.τ,ζόω, {cctto and 'ττλγΐξόω) I fill up, grow up. Άττο-ττ-Κ'^ξωσ/ς, -sag, τι, (from preced.) a filling up, satiety. Αττόττλοος, -ου, 6, Ion. for u'iroiT'Kovg, (irom ά'ΤΐΟ'τΐ'Κίω) a sailing away. AttO'^Xv^cc, -ocrog, το, (from next) the dirty ivater that has been used in luashing. ΆττοττΤ^.ύΰω, f. -ν'^ω, (χττο and ττλ^^ώ») I IV ash away. Α-ττοττΆύ), poet. oi'TTO'TTyiia, f. -ζΰσω, {άττο and ττνέω) I breathe out, expire. Ά'ττοττνίγω, (χττό and 'Truiyo)) I choaJc, suffocate. ' A7ro7roaofAcx,i, {αίττό and ττοιΐω) I put away, cast off, reject. ^ A'7:o7:oy.-7rcciog, -ου, ο, (from ά,-ττο and ττ'ζμ.'ττοϊ) the sent away. Lev. x\d. 8. Α'ττο'ττομ,'ττ')^, -~^g, 7j, (from same) a sending away. Lev. xvi. 10. Α'ττοττζχτίξο^χί, {ΰί-ττό and τ-ξχτιξω, which from ττξχα) I sell. Α'ΤΓοττξοχίξίομχί, 2 a. χττο'ττζόίλον, (from (dTTo, ττξό, and χΐξέω) I take a little from a A GREEK LEXICON. 'Airog^fw. Ά'ΤΓΟ'ττζοβή'Κ-Κω, (άττό, 'ττξο, and /3άλλώ)) / throw away to a distance. Α'ττόττζούί!/, χττόττξοθ/, and άττοττξό, (άττό and ττξό) far, afar off at a distance. Α'ττοττξοβεω, (οίττό, ττςό, and ^ίω) I run away before. Αττοττζοί'ημ,ι and άττοτ^-ζοίο), f. -'ήσω, 1 a. άτΐοττξοϊγικχ, {ccTro, 'ττξό, and Uyi) I send away before. ΑτΓοτΓξοτίμι/ύ), {ά-τζο, iroo, and τίμρύή I cut off. ' ATroTTToifievog, part. 2 a. of ^φίτττχμχί. ' Α'ττύτττόίνύ) and ά-ττοττΎχίνω, (from άττό and QTrrxuco) I look away, look back, look around. ' ATroTTTOSouxi, {χττό and τττοίω) I feel terror, am thrown into consternation. Άττότττυστος, -ου, ό, τι, (from next) to be spit out, abominable. ^ Αττοτττϋω, f. -ϋσω, {χττο and 'τηΰω) I spit ^ out, reject, abominate. ^ Α'ττότττω^χ, -XTog, το, (from άττοττΊ-τΐτω) a fall. "Α'ττοξχ, for όίττορον, (from χ and 'ττόξος) impossible. ' Αττοζγίζομ,χι, {χττο and oξyίζω) I am enraged. ^ Ατΐοζίω, f. -'ήοω, p. '/ΐ'τΐοογ^-ΛΧ, 1 f. pass. x'TTOQ^rS'/iGOu.xi, p. τιττόξ-ίι^χι, (from χττοζ'ής, perplexed, which from χ and '7τόξog, a way, which from ττε/^ω) / hesitate, am at a stand, as not knoiuing my way ; I doubt, am per- plexed, not knowing how to proceed, deter- mine, speak, or act ; am perplexed by po- verty. ^ Α-ττόζ/ι^χ, -χτος, το, and άττόξ-ζισις, -sug, 'ή, and χτ-οξίχ, -χς, τι, (from preced.) 2^er- p>lexity. ^ Α'7τό^&-ητος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χττο and ττίρύω) that cannot be destroyed, safe. ' Αττόξυΰμ,χί, pres.part. x7:o(i'j6yeuog, (from x7:o and οζ^υμχή I hasten away. "ΑτΓΟξος, -ου, ό, τ}, {χ and ττόξο;) impassa- ble, perplexing, distressing, doubtful. Άττοξούω, f. -ούσω, p. άττάξουκ,χ, (from χ•7τό and οξω) I jump off, rebound, retreat hastily. Άττοβρχύυ^,ίω, f. -'/ισω, (from αττο and pxduyJoj) I withdraw from through laziness, neglect, omit. ' Αττορρχίυω, f. -χνω, (from άττο and pxi- uu) I sprinkle, shower, scatter. ' Α'ττορρχνττίξίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a place for sprinkling, a fount or vessel used in sprinkling. ' Ατορρχίω, (from xtto and ρχίω) I break off by hammenng, grind doivn, squander, destroy. ' Α'ττορρχ'τττω, f. -'<^ω, (from ά,ττο and ρχ'τν- τω) I sew up from, sew again. ' ΑτΓορρχφω^ω, (from χτζό Rnd ρχ-ψωΜω) I recite from the jJoets. ' A'7τόppsυσιg, or xTroppuGig, -log, hi (from next) a floiving from, a stream : foolish- ness, madness. ' Αττορρέω, f. -ίύσω, (from χττο and ρίω, -ίύσω) I flow away ; shrink, ivaste ; slip away, escape ; act as one ivhose understand- ing is gone, am foolish. 'Ay-op ρίω, f. -τίσύ), (from x7:-o and pio, -'ήσω) I forbid. 243 Α':τοξξΥΐγη)μί, A GREEK LEXICON. * Α'π'οΰ^οξος, ^Αττορρ'/ιγννμί^ ά,-τΐορργιγνΰω, άττορρ'ήγω^ηηά ά'Τϊορρ'ησσω, f. -|α,ι, (same and ση^ΰίίνω) I set a mark upon, mark off, show by marks, signify. ^ Αττοσ'-ή'ττω, f. -ψώ^, and άττοστί'ττορίοί,ι, (same and σ'ηττύ)) I rot away. ^Αττοσιμ,όω, (same and σιμ^όω) I render flat ; I withdraw from the flat or shallow shore to the deep. ΑτΓοσίτίω, f. -'^σω, (same and σιτίω) I ab- stain from food. ^ΑττόσΤτος, -ου, 6, 7], (from preced.) averse from food, loathing. ^ ΑτΓοσιωττάω, (ά'ττο and αιω'πά.ω) I am si- lent. ^ΑτΓοσιωτττισις, -sag, v], (from preced.) si- lence ; aposiopesis, a figure of speech by which the meaning is left blank, and must be gathered from the connection. ' ΑτΓοσαχξίζω, {άττο and σκχξίζω) I pant, breathe hard as in profound sleep. ^ ΑτΓοσκ,Β^άίζω, and άττοσκ,ί^άυνυμ,ί, (same and σκί^ά,ζα) I dispel, scatter. ^ ΑτΓοσκ,ίττάζω, (same and σκίποίζω) I un- cover. ΆτΓοσκ,ί'π'τω, (same and σκίτι-τύ)) I visit, regard, review. Άτιτοσκίυάξω, (same and σκίνάζω) I pack 244 up my baggage, dismantle, empty, evacuate, remove. ^ Α'ττοσκ.ίυτι, -vjg, yj, (from άτο and ax,ii>og) furniture, baggage, goods, substance, young children. Gen. xliii. 8. ^ ΑπΌσκγινόω, (same and σκΎΐυόω) I move my tent. ^ ΑτΓοσκτιτιττω, (same and σκτ^τ^τω) I rush, force my way to, fall upon. Άττοσκ,ίάζω, (same and σκιάζω) I shade, darken ; overshadow, protect. " Α'Χοσκ,Ιασμ,α, -ocrog, ro, (from preced.) a shadowing, ovey^shadowing, a sliadoiv, ad- umbration, slight appearance. Άίτοσκλί?^;, and ά,ττοσκ.Άύω, f. -^σώ;, (χ'ττο and σκ,7\.'ί)^Λΐ) I wither aivay. " Α'ττοσκ.Τ^.νίζϋνω, {άττο and σκ7\.γΐζΰνω) I harden, treat harshly. Άττοσκ-οΤ^οττίζω, (xtto and σαολοττίζω, which from σκ,όλο-ψ) I open a way by re- moving the thorns with which it is hedged up, or the stakes with which it is forti- fied. " Α'τΐοσχ,ο'τίζΰω, and οίτίΌσκοττίω, {ά,ττο and σ-ΛΟτηύω or σκ,οττίω) I look away to, watch, observe. 'A-TroffKOTrog, -ου, ό, vj, {(ίττο and ayco'Ttog) wandering away from the mark, absurd; also looking from afar. ΆτΓοσκ,οξχκίζω, {οίττο and σ}coξcc}ύζωyύi\ch. from κ,όζΰίξ) I order one off to the crows^ banish or drive away tuith disgrace. ' ΑτΓοσκοξίχ,κ,ισρ^ος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) disgracefid rebuke. '' ΑττοσκοζτιΊζω, (ά'ττό and σκοξνίζω) I dis- perse. ' ΑττοσκυΤίάω,. poet, for άττοσυλάω. " Αττοσκω'τττω, f. --ψω, {ά,τιτο and σκωτττω) I scoff at, deride. Άττοσραίω, f. -ν]σω, and άττοσμ^ιχω, f. -'^loj, {αττό and σμάω or σμ^χω) I cleanse, wipe away, lick. ' Αττοσρίϋχω, f. -ζω, 2 a. pass. ά,'τΐζσμυ'γΊΐυ, (άπ-ό and σμύχ,ω) I cause to cojisume away secretly, cause to waste ; pass. / waste, pine away, am disappointed. ^ Αττοσοβίω, and ά.'τΐοσοβίομ,οίί, {xiro and σοβίω) I drive away. Άπ-όσττασμχ, -arog, το, (from next) that which is drawn or to7'n away, a part, de- struction, ^ ΑτΓοσττύω, (ά'ττό and σ'ττά,ω) I draw forth or out, as a sword from its sheath ; draw away, withdraw, seduce; pass, am with- drawn, retire. ^ ΑτΓοσ ταίζω, f. -ζζω, p. -α-ζχ,», p. m. άττί- στίΌξοί, {οίτΓο and στηίξω) I disseminate, spread abroad. ΆτΓοσττο^ο?, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from preced.) sown by, sprung from. 10 'ΑτΜίΤουδάζω, A GREEK LEXICON. Ά'ΐτοδτξακίξύύ, ^ Αττοσττου^οίζω, (άτο and σ-ττο^^άζοή I cease to attend to, become negligent of. 'ATToVrce, for ά-ττόστοίύί, or άττόστιηθί, a. 2. imperat. from a. 2. ind. act. άττίστ-ην, from χψίστγιμί. Ά-τοσταδα, and αττοστάδον, (from άφίσ- τ-ημι) at a distance. Άττοστχζω, f. -ζω, (χττό and στάζω) I drop from, make to drop. Άττοσταλάζύ), {α,ττό and στοίΚάζω) I drop from, make to drop. 'A-roffTciij/sc, -(χ,ς, v], (from ά,φίστ-/ιμ,ι) a departure, fallhig off ov defection, apostacy. Ά'τΐοστά,σίου, -ου, το, (from same) a de- parture, divorce or the deed or instrument of divorce. ^ Αττόστοίσις, -ιος, Attic -ξύ)ς, τι, (from same) a departure, defection, apostasy. ^ Α.ττοστοίτίω, (from same) / apostatize, rebel. ^ Αττοστ-οίτης, ov, q, (from preced.) an apostate, rebel. ^ Α'τΐοσχΛτι-Λος, -'ή, -ov, (from same) in- clined to apostatize, or rebel, or depart from. ^ Αττοστοίτις, -ihog, τ], (from same) a fe- male apostate or rebel. * ΑτΓοστεγάζω, (άθ7θ and στeyάζcύ) I un- cover, unroof ^ Ατΐοστίίχ,ύ), f. -|iy, a. 2. άτΐζστΊχ,ον, (αττο and στύχ,ω) I depart, return. ^ Α'ΤΐοστίΧΚω, {a'Tro and στίλλω) I send from one place to another, on some busi- ness, employment, or office ; send away, dismiss ; send or thrust forth as a sickle among corn, Mark iv. 29. ^ Αττοσηι^όω, f. -ωσο), {χττό and στενόω) I reduce to a narrow compass, contract, dis- tress. Άττοστίζγω, f. -|iy, {άττό and στίξγω) I renounce love, reject, hate. "* Ατΐοστίφω, {άττό and στίξίω) I deprive, wrong, injure, defraud ; pass, with a gen. / am destitute, devoid of. ^Αττοστίζτισίς, -ίως, v], (from preced.) a depriving, a fraud. ^ Ατΐοστζ^τίΐΎΎΐς, -ov, 6, (from same) a de- frauder, a spoiler. ^ Αττόστ'ίΐμ,Λ, -ccToc, το, (from άφίστγιμ,ι) an abscess. Άττοσττίξίζω, f. -ζω, {ά,ττο and στ-ήρίζω) I fix upon or into, support. ^ ΑτΐοστιΚβω, f. --^ω, p. ά,τιτίστί'κφοί, {χττό and στί'Κβω)' I shine, glitter. ΑτΐοστοΆίνς, -ίως, '/ι, (from άτΐοστίΤΟκω) a person sent away with a command of a fleet, a commissioner. ΆτΓοστολ^, .~ής, 'ή, (from ά,τΐίατο'ΚΛ, perf. mid. of 567Γοστέλλώ^) a thing ov person sent away, a gift, message, messenger ; the οβαο of an apostle, apostleship ; the means of sending aivay to the other ^οχ\^,. pestilencCy Jer. xxxii. 36. ΆτΓοστολοί/, -ov, TO, (from same) a thing sent away, a ship. '' Α'ζόστο'Κος, -ov, 6, (from same) a messen- ger, person sent by another on some business, an apostle. Oi «ττοστολο; viySiu ίν-ηγγίΚΊσ- UYiGci'j άτΓο τον- Έ.νξίου ^Ιήσον Χ,ξίστον, Ί)7- σονς ο 'Κξίστος α-ττο τον Θεοί* ϊζζττίμ,φβνι ο ^ξΐστος ονν ά,Ίΐο τον Θίοί, x,ca οι άπόστοΚοι άτΐο τον 'Κξίστον• iyivouTO ovu άμφότεξ» εντά,κτως ϊκ, '^ί\νι^ι/Λος θεον. Ή.οίξχ.γγε- λ/δί? OVU λοίβόντες κα,Ι '7τληοοφοξΥ]ύεντες δ;5δ τ'/ίς αναστάσεως τον Κνξίον 7}^ων 1'ήσον 'Κζίστον κ,αΐ ττιστωθεντες εν τω 7\όγω του θεον μετά ττΆνίξοφοξίχς ΤίνενίΛατος Αγίου εζ'^Χύον εύχγγελίζό/ίίενοί tvjv βασίΤ^είχν του θεον μ,εΚΚειν ερχεσθαί. Κατά χωξας ovu ■Λοά 'ποΤ^εις κ,γίζνσσοντες κοι,ύεστα,νον τάς άτ:- αξχάς οίντων, ^οκιμ^άσοίυτες τω ~Π.υεν[Λοίτί, εις εττίσκ,ότΓονς κοίϊ ^ικκ,όνονς των (/^εΧ^.όντων ττίστενειν κα,ϊ τοντο ον -/,οίίνως, Ικ. γάξ δ^ ■ττοΚΚων χ,ξόνων εγί'/ξν.'τττο ττεξί εττισκό'ττων κ,οίΐ 'hiax-iuovr ούτως yaq ττου Τ^εγει tj γξαφ'η. '* Καταστ^ησύ} τονς εττισκόττους α,ντων εν δ; κΛίοσννν], κ,ΰίΐ τονς Ιιακ,όνονς οίντων εν -τ/σ- τεί." " The apostles preached the gospel to us from the Lord Jesus Christ ; Jesus Christ from God. Christ was sent from God, and the apostles from Christ ; both, therefore, in a well ordered manner ac- cording to the will of God. Having then received a commandment, and being fully- persuaded through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and being confirmed in the word of God, with the assurance of the Holy Spirit, they went forth preacliing the kingdom of God that was to come. While, therefore, they preached the gospel through countries and cities, they appoint- ed their first fruits (having tried them by the Spirit) to be bishops and deacons of those who should believe. Neither was this any new thing ; for it had been writ- ten many ages concerning bishops and dea- cons; for thus saith the Scripture, in a certain place ; (Isaiah Ix. 17.) " I will ap- point their bishops in righteousness, and their deacons in faith." Clemens Roma- nus's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, Sec- tion 42, Wotton's edition. ' Α-ττοστο/Λατίζω, (from άττο and στόμα,) I draw or force luords from the mouth of an- other ; incite or provoke to speak off hand ; question magisterially, Luke xi. 53. " Αττόστοξ'/ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and στέζ'/ω) devoid of love, hostile. ' ΑτΓοστζακίζω, f. -Ισω, (from same and οστζακον) I send into banishment for ten 245 *Α'7ίοβτξφλ6ω, A GREEK LEXICON. Άίτοτ/λλω. years, by the punishment of ostracism, so called from a particular kind of shell, on which each citizen inscribed his vote on such occasions. Άζ-οστ^εβλόω, {ά,ττο and στξξβ'λόω) I dis' tort. Ά'ττοστξίφύ), («•7Γο and στξίφω) I turn away, -pervert^ incite to revolt, return, ^J?/i bade, bring back ; pass. I am turned aiuay froyn, slight, am averse. ' Κ-ττοστξοφνι, -τις, 'ή, (from preced.) a turn- ing away, return, conversion. ' Α'ττόστξοφος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) turji- ed away, averse. ^ Αττοστυγίω, {α,ττο and στυγίω) I abhor, detest with horror. " ΑττοσυΤ^ά,ω, f. -τ,σω, (same and avT^acS) I spoil from, depiive of, rob. Ά7τοσνι/όίγύ},ΐ.-ζύ),{5αϊηβαηάσν:/ά.γω)Ι col- lect from, recover from, 4 Kings v. 3, 6,7, 1 1. Α'ττοσννά,γωγος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from ά,'τΐο and ayi/aty6jyii) expelled from, or put out of, the synagogue. Αττοσνξίζύ), {άτΓο and σνξίζω) I hiss. Άττοσϋξω, (same and av^oj) I draio off. Αττοσυσκίνύζύ), (same and συσκ,ζυά,ζω) I spoil, take away vessels. Άττοσφχζω, and ά.'ττοσφάσσω, or -ττω, f. -|ώί, (same and σφάξω) I cut the throat, slaughter. ' ΑττοσφχκξΚίζω, (from άτιτο ^Χ\ά σφά,κ,ίΚος) I ivaste away with gangrene, I bring on or cause gangrene, putrefy. ΑττοσφαΚΚω, f. -οίΚω, a. 1. ά'ζίσφγϊΚΛ, a. 1. pass. opt. ^ol. 3 sing. ά'ττοσφ'ήΤ^ίΐζ, a. 2. pass. ά,τησφά,'Κτιν, (same and σφάλΆω) I cause to err, or to fail, deceive, supplant, frustrate, disappoint. ΑττοσφνΛονά,ω, or -ίω, f. -^σω, or ά,ιτύ- σφξνίονίζω, (same and σφsuhouά,ω) I sling away, th^ow from a sling. ' Ατϊοσφζάγισ^Λοί, -α,τος, το, (from same and σφξχγϊς) a signet. Άττοσχοίλβω^Λχ, -arog, ro, (from same and σχοίλΐς) a stake fixed in the ground to support a net. Α'τΐοσ-χ,ίω, f. -Υισο), ά,-ττοσχίύο), and ά,ττόσχ,ω, (from ά,ττίχ,ω) I keep off, tvithdraw, remove ; mid. restrain myself, abstain. ' Αττοσχίζω, (άττό and σχίζω) I cleave or cut off, separate, tear away. ' Ατϊόσχισις, -sag, yj, (from preced.) a tear- ing away ; a thing torn away, a branch or slip. ' Α'7Γοσχο7\.άζω, {ά,ττο and σχοΤ^ά,ζω) I have leisure from, spend my leisure hours. ^ ΑττοσχοΧίομ,οίΐ, -όυ^οι,ί, f. -τισομ,οίί, (same and σγ/ίκίύ)) I am busy or occupied. ' Αττοσωζω, f. -ojoa, (same and σό)ζω) I save from sickness, restore to health. 246 -ίως^ VI, 'ATTOTcfysj, -ίίίΤ, and ά-ττότοίζις, (from ίίττοτάσσω) a renunciation. * ΑτΓοτόί^γΐ!/, (from ά,τΓοηίνω) at fuU length. 'A-TTOTccKTog, -ov, 6, v], (from next) set apart, destined. ^ Αΐΐοτά,σσω, {ά'τιτο and τάσσω) I arrange, place asunder ; mid. take leave j bid adieu to, bid fareivell, renounce. ' Α'Τΐοτάτω, (superl. οι ά'χο) farthest from. Ά'ττότχφος, -ov, 6, 9), {oi'TrOB.na τάφος) bu- ried apart from others. ^ Αττοτοίφξζύω, f. -%ΰσω, (from same and τάφρος) I separate from by a ditch. ' Ατϊοτίίνω, f. -ivo), p. -τίτα,κοί, (same and τεί^ω) I stretch out f'om, extend. Άττοτείχ,ίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ά-ττοτίτίίχ,ιχ,οί, a. 1. ά,ττετίίχισχ, (from same and τείχος) I surroiind with a wall, keep off by a wall, fortify. Ατ^οτείχισις, -εως, {], άτνοτειχισμ,ος, -ov, ο, and άττοτείχισι^οι,, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a wall of defence from enemies, rampart. Ά-ττοτεκ'^όω, (from άττό and τίκνον) I de- prive of children. " Α'τΐοτεΚεσμ^α., -χτος, το, and ά-π-οτεΤ^εσμος, -ov, ό, (from άττοτελεω) effect, event, produc- tion. ΆτΓοτελεσμχτίχ,ος, -^, -ov, and χ.'ττοτεΜσ'' τικός, -ov, ο, ij, (from same) effective, having the power of accomplishing. ' Αττοτελεντάω, f. -τ^σω, {άττό and τεΆεν τάω) I make an end, die. ' ΑττοτεΤ^εντ-ζισις, -εως, yj, (from preced.) an end from, death. Ά'ποτε'Κεω, f. -εσω and -νισω, p. άττοτετί- 7\.εΛ<χ,, a. 1. pass, ά'πετε'Κεσ&Ύΐν, part, άιτοτε- λεσύείς, -εϊσχ, -εν, p. pass. ά'ττοτετε'λεσ/ΐίΧί, part. α,ττοτετε'Κεσι/Λνος, -ύ\, -ou, («w-o and τε- λεω) I perfect, accomplish, perform, pay, render. ^ Α'ττοτεμι/ω, f. -εμω, a. 2. άττετόίμοι/, — and άττοτμεω, f. -7]σω, a. 1. pass. άττετμ,Υιύ^ί (same and τ&μ,νω) I cut off. Άττότεξ,ις, -εως, yj, (from ά-ποτίκτω) a hanging forth, birth. ' Α'Τΐότεζος, -a, -ov, (from ά-ττο) far from. Άττοτεξω, (comp. from άττο) fui'ther. ' Αττότεν, Ion. for ά,φ) ov, or ά,ττο τον. ^ Αττότευγι/,Λ, -οίτος, το, and άττότευ^ις, -εως, vj, (from next) miscariiage, disaj)point- ment. " Αττοτεύχω, see άττοτνγχοίνω. ' ΑτΓοτηγοίνίζω, {άττό and ττηγοίνίζω) I ' ΑΊΓοτίΗμΊ, (same and τίθημ,ί) I lay off or down, lay aside, pid off\ Άττοτίκτω, (same and τίκτω) I bring forth. ' Α7τοτί7\.'Κω, f. -ίλώ), a. 1. ΰί-ττίτϊλχ, (same and τίλΤίω) I pluck off\ 'A?ror/X/xa. A GREEK LEXICON. "ΑΊΤύφώγύ} , 'A7rOTi\uoi, -ατός, το, (from preced.) ί/^αί luh'ich is plucked off, a fleece. ' Κ'ττοτιμ,ά,ω, f. -νισω, {άττο and Tiuxoi) I dishonour, punish, fine; I give a security or pledge ; pass. / receive a security oy pledge. ' Α-ττοτίμ,Υιμ,Λ, -ατός, το, (from preced.) an estimate, equivalent settled on a wife in re- turn for her dowry. " Α-ττοτΙμ,Υΐσίς, -εως, τ], (from same) fl?z esti- mate, census, tax. ' Αττοτιμ,ον, -ου, το, (from same) a price, pledge. * ΑττότΊμ,ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) disho- noured ; also, pledged. ^ ATroTivayy.a, -ατός, το, (from next) that ivhlch is shaken off. "* Α'ττοτιυάσσω, {άττο and τινάσσω) I shake off. * Α-ττοτΤω, f. -Ίσω, — άττοτΊνύ), — ά,'ττοτινυυω, — and ά,ΐΐοτίυνϋΐΑ.ι, (same and τίο)) I honour, honour a demand, pay, or suffer what is due, compensate, atone for, repay ; mid. άττοτί- ui/y^cci, I repay myself, avenge myself, exact punishment. 'A-ror^'^yiy, or άτ^οτμ,'ήσσω, f. -ίω, a. 1. part, άττοτμ,τϊ^ας, a. 2. pass. ά'7ϊίτ(/,οί'/τιν, (same and τμ,'ήσσω) I cut off from ; slaugh- ter ; intercept. " Ατΐοτι/^ος, -ου, ο, '^, {a and 'ττότ^Λος) un- fortunate, wretched. ΆτΓοτολ,ίίδίώ), -ω, {άττο and το'Κμ,άω) I dare very much, am very bold, Rom. x. 20. ' A'TvoToy.'A, -'^ς, h) (from same and τί^.νω) a cutting off. ^ AiTOToyAa, -ας, vj, (from same) a cutting off, severity, the execution of decisive jus- tise. " Cuncta prius tentata: sed immedicabile vul- nus ExsE RECiDENDUM, ne pars sincera trahatur." Ovid. Met. Lib. I. 190. "Άττότοιαος, -ου, ό, τ„ (from same) cut off, abrupt, severe. ^ Αττοτόμοίς, (from same) cutting to the quick, severely. "Αττοτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from a and ττίι/ω) not drunk, that cannot be drunk; not drink- ing^• ^ ΑτΓοτζαχ,ϋνω, f. -ΰνω, (from άττο and τρα- χύς) I exasperate. ^Αττοτζξ'τττικος, -'ή, -ou, (from next) calcu- lated to turn away from or to dissuade. Α-ττοτζίττύ}, {άτΓΟ and τρί-ττω) I turn away from, dissuade. "* Ατΐοτφγ/ύ, (same and τφγ/ύ) I run away from. 'AcroT^//3i5j,(same and τζίβύ)) I ivear away. Άττοτ^/^^α, -ατός, το, (from preced.) that which is ivorn away. Αττοτξότταιος, -ου, ο, τι, (from a ττοτζο- •τΐάω) averting evil ; άττοτζοτταΐον, -ου, το, α victim offei^ed to avert evil. ^ Α'ττοτξΟ'ττάύ), and ατΐοτζο'ττάομ.αι, («ττο and τοοτΐάω, for τφ-ττω) I turn away, turn myself away , 'shrink from. Άττοτξοτηάζύ), and αττοτξΟ'τηάζομαι, (from ά'ττοτξεττω) I avert evil by expiation ; I make to pass through fire as an expiation, Ezek. xvi. 21. ^ Α'ττοτζ^οττιασμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a means of averting evil, an amidet. ^ Ατ;ότ2θ7:ος, -ου, 6, tj, (from άττοτζέττω) tuinied away ; turning away ; to be turned away from. ^ Α'ττότξοφος, -ου, ό, vj, (from άττό and τςί- φω) nourished away from parents, a stran- ger. ^ A'TTOTQyyaa, (same and Tqyyacu) I gather grapes. ^ Α'ττοτοϋγ^ύί, f. -|ώ>, — άττοτξυχ,ού), f. -ώΐσώ), and άτΓοτξϋω, f. -ΰσω, (same and τξΰ)ζω, or τξύω) I ivear away. ' ATTOTQOJTraa, the same as ά'ττοτξο'ττάω. ^ Αττοτυγχιόίνω, — and άιτοτζΰγ^ύ), a. 2. a'z'i- τνχ,ον, and part, άττοτυχών, — also άττοτυ- χ,ίω, f. -τισω, {άττό and τυγχ,άνω) I miss my aim, miscarry, am disappointed, lose. Άττοτυίί,ττανίζω, (same and τυ/:/^7τανΙζά>) I beat luith a stick or baton, put to the tor- ture, torture to death. ^ Αττοτυττόύ), f. -ωσω, (same and τυτιτόύ)) I form from. ^ Αττοτύ'τττομαί, (same ΆΏά\τύ'π•τω) I give over beating ; or / beat myself excessively, mourn. ^ Απΐοτΰττωμ^α, -ατός, το, and άττοτύττωσις, -ξύ)ς, 5j, (from άτΐοτυτΐοω) a copy, effigy, like- ness. "* Αττοτυφκοω, (άττο and τυφ7^όω) I blind. Άττοτύφλωσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from same) blindness. ^ Ατ^οτυχΙα, -ας, τί, (from άττοτυγχ,ά^ύ)) accident, misfortune, miscarriage. ^ Α'ττουξά^Λΐ/ος, bj sjtic. for άτϊουοισά^Λ- υος, part, of a. 1. m. and ά7:ούξας, for άττουξίσας, part. a. 1. act. from άττουζίζω. Ion. for αφοζίζω. " Α-ττους, -(^ος, 6, v}, {a and ττους) having no feet, sloiu footed, lame. ^Αττουσία, -ας, τι, (from d'TTSijiCi) absence, also, detriment, injury, ^ Αττοφαίνω, («ττο and φαίνω) I show, de- clare. ' Αττόφασις, and άττόφανσις, -ιος, Attic -£:•/5τον, and ■ΐ7Γοτ^σοοκ'ί]τύ)ς, (from next) unexpectedly. ' Αττ^οσοάκγ,τος, -ου, ο, τι, (from a and 'ττοοσ'^οκ.χω) unexjiected. ΑττζόσΐΆτος,-ου, ό,τ}, (from χ, 'ττξό:, and Ικομχί) inaccessible, unattainable. Α'7Τζόσ;τος, -ου, ο, v], το -ον, («and ττοοσί- τός) that cannot be ajjproached, ijiacccssible : Άττροσίτως, incomparably. ' Αντζόσκοττος, -ου, ο, v], (from χ and ^7^07- xoc7 '/■) not stumbling or falling ; not occa- sioning or causing others to stumble, giving them no occasion to fall into sin. ΑτΓξοσκοτττος, -ου, ο, jj, yU'om χ and ττ^οσ- κ6~τω) j)lain, free from stinnbling-bloclcs. ' Α~(φσμ.ίχ,τος, -ου, ό, τί, (from χ, τ^ρος, and αί''/ϋυμ,ϊ) not mixing with others, unsoci- able. Άττξοσόζχτος, -ου, ο, ν;, (from χ, t^oV, and ύξχω) not to be looked at, immeme ; what one does not willingly look at, awful. " Αττζοσόρ^Λίστος, -o'j, (from χ and ττξοσοξ- ίΛίζω) having no harbour. ^ Αττξοσοι-ττοΚτιτττως, (from χ and ττοοσω- TToT^yiTTTY,;) without accepting or having re- spect of persons, impartially. ^ Αττοοσω'ττως, (from χ and ttUgcottou) im- personcdly, without character or beauty. ^ Αττ^οτί^.χστος, -ου, ο, τ;, (from χ and 7Τξοτΐ(Λχσσω for ττοοσ^χσσω) untouched, un- contaminated. ' Α-ΊΓξοφόίσιστος, and χττοόφχτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from χ, ττξό, and φχω) not using pretences, unfeigned ; not admitting of excuses, inex- cusable: χττξοΦχσίστως, ivithout shuffling; without scruple. " ΑτΓτχιστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from χ and τττχίο)) free from stumbling or falling. " Ατττίοος, χτττίοωτος, and χτττίξυγος, -ου, ο, 7j, (from χ and σττβξοι/) without wings, unfledged; or with large wings, winged, ra- pid: χ~τίρως, rapidly. ^ A'77T7i'j, -Tjuog, ό, 7], dat. plur. «έτττ^σ;, (from X and τττ^ι/ο?) not able to fly, un- fledged. Άτττίκός, -ου, ό, ij, or -6ς, -sj, -ou, (from χ-τττω) having the power of touching. Άτττοζττνίς, or χτττοί'ττ'ής, -ioc, ό, vj, (from X, 'τττοίω, and stto;) intrepid in speech. 'ATTTo/jTOij -ου, 6, vj, (from ec and 'τττοίω) urtdismayed. ^ ΑτττοΤ^ίμ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], (χ and 7ττό7\.ί^.ος, or 7ΓθΚ%μ.ος) unwarUke. ' Ατττος, -νι, -ou, (from next) that may be touched, palpable. " Α-πτω, £ ci-^oi, p. ν^ΐ;:χ, 1 f. pass. χ(ζ,^γ,- joy^&i, p. vii^y^xi, and part, ί^μμέαο;; 1 a. act. η-ά/χ, 1 a. pass, γ.φύτιΐ) ; mid. χτττομ,χι, 1 f. χ'ύ/ομ,χί, 1 a. 7i\j/xuriif, I bind, connect, touch, light, or kindle ; eat ; embrace, hold ; John XX. 17. yh y^^ χτ^του' ο'ύ'ττύ) yclo oL'jx- βίβγιχ-χ -ττξός τον ττχτίξχ μου' " Koid nie not ; for I am not yet going to ascend to my Father : but go unto my brethren, and say unto them, I do ascend (for I shall shortly ascend) unto my Father and your Father, unto ray God and your God." ' Α'τττώς, -ωτος, 6, yj, (from χ and τΐτωσις) not liable to fall, sure, fast. " Α'πτωτος, -ου, ό, ψ (from same) indeclin- able ; that does not fall. ' Α~ΰ^ζτος, -ου, ο, τ], {χ and ττυξίτος) free from fever. " Α'-ΰ^ος, and άττύξωτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from χ and ττύο) that has not been in the fire ; that stands the fire. " Α'ττυστος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from χ and ττυϋθχ- uoyxi) unheard of, unknown; not having heard of, unacquxiinted with. ^ ΑτΐύοΛ, Ion. '/^'ζϋω, f. -ϋσω, p. ν^'ττυκχ, I give a sound, cry, speak, say, tell. I i 241) '' Α'κφα. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Άξγιλοζ "ΑττφΛ, ά,τΓφύ^ιον, ά'ττφύς, and /χ,ττφω, (the same as u.tt'^-cc) father, papa. Ά-π-φα, and ά'ΤΓφίοί, terms of endearment, as for brother or sister, the latter used also as a proper name, Philem. 2. ' Α'πφουσωύ, or άφφουσωύ, (n^^^sn) 2 [4] Kings XV. 5. freedom or retirement from business. Άτΐφω, or «cpcpoj, (χηίτηΗ) 2 [4] Kmgs ii. 14. even he. ' Αττφωύ, Jer. lii. 19. see άμ.φύ)θ. "Axauiu, (from «cro) /ro??2 afar, at a dis- tance. ^ Αττωύέύ), ίΙττωύίοΐΛοίί, anddxauo/aoii, (from ccTTo and ωβω) I thrust away, repel, reject, repudiate. " ΑτΐύίΚίία,, -cig, vj, (from άχοΚίω) destruc- tion, waste. Άπωξυζ, -vyog, 6, (from α,-ττο and όξύσσω) a cidting, slip, shoot or branch. "Αττοίσις, -mg, v], and άττωσμος, -ου, 6, (from α,ττωύίω) expulsion, rejection. ^ Α7:•ύ)στικ,ος, -ου, 6, "ή, or -ός, -ij, -ou, (from same) capable of expelling or rejecting. ^ Ατΐωστος, -ου, 6, v], or -ός, -ij, -ou, (from same) i^ejected, disowned. "" Αττωτίζος, (from άττο) more remote, and άστωτοίτος, most remote: α.•7τωτίξω, more re- motely, ά,ττωτοίτω, most remotely. "A^', and pa,, as the first or last a is omitted, for " Αζοί, therefore, then, indeed, consequent- ly : αζο,γί, therefore indeed, then i7ideed. ^Αξοί, whether ? is it so ? ' Αξΰ, -Ας, Ion. άξ^ή, -ν^ς, ^, (from 'τικ) prayer, imprecation, an oath, a curse, curs- ing. ' Αξοίβά,, (nsij;) « wilderness. Άξαβίί), f. -jjffiy, p. νίξχβγίΆίχ,, (from next) / roar, ring, ?'attle, chatter. "Αξόίβος, -ου, ο, a clang, a clash, a chat- tering of the teeth. 'A^ijiyB'^y, (from άζήσσω) with a crash. " Αζοίγμ,οι, -οίτος, το, and άξο,γμ,ός, -ου, 6, (from same) a crash, clattering, clashing, beating of a sonorous instrumejit. "ΑξοίΙος, -ου, ό, the beating of the heart after violent exercise. ' Afidioi, -ας, ί], (from next) the belly and intestines. ' Αςοίίός, -oi, -ou, thin, rare, narrow, slen- der, delicate, feeble. ' A^ouog, -ct, -ou, (from άζά) bound by a curse^ cursed, execrable. ' Αξο,ιότΎΐς, -γιτος, vj, (from άξχίός) thin- ness, rarity, slenderness. ' Aiictiao), f. -ωσω, p. -ojkcx,, (from same) I viahe thin or rare. ' ΑζοίίζΥ]ΐΛίνος, Ion. for '•/ΐξημίνος, or ί}ςί- μ-ϊυος, p. pass. part, of οί,Ίφω. 250 ' Αοα,ίωσις, -ζως, yj, (from ι&ξαίος) rarefac tion. ' Αξχμίνος, 1 a. part, from χϊξα. ' Αξάομ,οίΐ, -ωμ,Χί, f. -ά,σομ,χι, (from άξά) I curse, execrate. Άςοίζίσκω, or άξόίξύ), (from p. m. οΐ οίξύή I fit, put on, build. ' Ας^α,ζότως, (from same) fitly, firmly. " Αξάσσο), or -ττω, f. -^ω, 1 a. vj^cc^cc, — Ion. pres. α,ξχσσίσκ,ω^ I beat, strike, knock, hammer, pelt. Άξοίφωύ, (ms'nrr) pounded corn, or corn soaked in water and set to dry again in or- der to be poimded, 2 Kings xvii. 19. Aζos,^uΰc7oς, -ocloi, -oiiou, and άζάχναος, •six, -siou, (from next) of or belonging to a spider, made by a spider, full of spiders, full of cobwebs. ' Aξά.)cu^η, -ης, χ^αχι/ΰίΐγ}, -της, vj, and άξάχ- ννις, -ου, ο, (ΰΐκ) the iveaving insect, a spider. Άξάχυίου, -ου, το, (from preced.) a spi- der's web, also a disease to which olives and vines are subject. ' Αξχχνοϋφ'ής, -ίος, 6, (from same and ύ- φά,ο)) woven by a spider. "Αξβψ,ος, -ου, 6, a shoemaker'' s or currier'' s knife. ^ Αξβν'Κγΐ, -ης, and αξβνλις, -ί^ος, τ], a sort of shoes or boots. Άξβΰλό'τΓτεξος, -ου, ο, % (from preced. and -TTH^oz/) having wings fixed to the shoes. Άζγοίλίος, -id, -sou, (for ά,'Κ'γοί,'Κίος, from όίτ^γος, ξ being substituted for λ, or for Iq. γοίΚίος, from Ίξγον) difficult, violent, destruc- tive, cruel. " Αξγά,ς, -ά,ϋτος, όίζγτη.ς, -ου, and οίξγα,ς, -oi, a kind of serpent. ' Αζγύος, -iict, -s7ou, (from "Αξγος) of or belonging to Argos, Argive. ^ Αζγίίφόντγις, -ου, 6, (from "Α^γος and φί- υω) the slayer of Argos, the Argicide, an epithet of Mercury. Argus, the son of Arestor, was called the -ττοΤ^υό/ίί/ΐΛοίτος κύω^ or dog with many eyes, on account of the vigilance with which he guarded lo the daughter of Inachus ; but Mercury, by command of Jupiter, slew him, and was thence entitled the Argicide. Αο^γινός, or άζγίίνός, -% -ou, — άζγίς, -ίτοζ, or άξγ'^ς, -^τος, 6, vi, — ά,ξγίτος, -ου, — ΰίξγνιείς, -saaoc, -su, — αΐξγιητ'-ής, -ου, ό, νι, — dζγίuuός, -τι, -ou, — and d^yiuoiig, -εσσχ, -su, (from α,ξγός) white, blight. ^ Αζγίω, -ω, f. -ν}σω, p. νίξγηχΌί, 1 a. νίξγη- σοί, (from same) I linger, loiter, cease. Άξγία., and άζγίίχ, -χς, ί], (from same) idleness, laziness, unskilfulness. "Αξγ:'λος, or οίζγιΤκΚος, -ου, ο, v), (from same) clay, [Lat. argilla] so called from its whitish colour. 16 Αξγιόδίυς, A GREEK LEXICON. Άξέοκος. Άζγίό'^ον;, -οντος, ο, τι, (from άζγος and ο^ούς) having white teeth. Άξγ'ίττονς, -οοος, or άξγ'ίττόΐιης, -ου, ό, (from same and ττονς) white-footed or swift- footed. "Αξγ/ϋοί, -οίτος, το, or οίξγ/ίίΰίτοί, -arau, Tcc, (from χξχο/^χή a first off erhig, first fruits. ' A^yf/,iuog, Ion. for '^γμ,ίνος, perf. part, pass, of ά.ξχ,ο(Λα,ί. "Αξγοί, o<, (from "Αξγος) Argives, Gi'eeks. Άςγολίζω, (from same) I favour or side with the Greeks. ^ ΑξγοΚογίω, (from a^yoV and Aeyij) / speak idle words. 'A^yoAoy/ci, -α,ς, % (from same) idle talk. Άξγο!/χντ7]ς, -ου, ο, (from " Α^γω and να,ΰ- τγις) an Argonaut, one who sailed luith Ja- son in the Argo. "Αξγος, -ου, ο, Argus, see under ' Αζγίΐ- "Αζγος, -£ος, το, α city and district of Pe- loponnesus, also a name for the whole of Peloponnesus, and often for all Greece. ' Αξγος, -vj, -o'j, by sync, for di^yog, (from flc neg. and £Qyou) inactive, idle ; xinwrought, ^αΙΙοιυ, unproductive : (from a intens. and i^yov) active, quick, strenuous ; also tuhite, hnght. Άξγνξίΐον, -ου, το, (from ίχογυξος) a sil- versmith's shop. A^yvqfiog, -doc, -iiou, ΰίζγυξίο;, -ia, -iou, contract, -ζους, -ζά, -ζουυ, (from oi^yv^og) made of silver. Άξγυξβίον, -ου, το, (from same) a small silver coin. Άξγυξϋοός, -7i, -6u, (from same) made of silver, pecuniary. ' Αξγύξίον, -ου, το, and ΐχ,ξγύζ:ος, -ου, ό, (from same) silver, a piece of silver money, a silverling, a shekel of silver, according to some, equal to 2s. A^d. according to others, to no more than \\d. ; money in general. ^ Aoyv(ii;, -βος, vj, (from same) a silver phial. ΆξγΰξοΟϊι/γις, -ου, ο, (from same and Ihn) having silver, that is, limpid streams. ΆζγνξόηΤ^ος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and tj- Άος) studded with silver. Άςγυξοκοττέω, (from next) / work in sil- ver. Άςγυξοκ,όττος, -ου, ό, (from οίξγυι^ος and κ.ίκο'ττοί, p. mid. of κότίτο)) a silversmith. ' ΑζγυζοΆόγΎΐτος, -ου, ό, 7), το ό'^, (from same and 'kkyoj) that collecteth money. ' Αζγύζομ,οφος, -ου, ο, (from same and «- μίίβω) a money changer. Αξγύζό-/τίζα., '/ις, ij, and -ος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ττίζα,) having silver feet. ' Αζγύοό(ίΐζο;, -Yi, -o'j, (from same and ρί- ζα) having silver roots. "Αζγϋξος, -ου, 6, (some derive it from άξ- yog, white) silver, silver-money. ' Aoyv^OTo^og, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and τόζοι/) having a silver boiv. 'A^yu^oxoog, -ου, ο, (from same and χία) a melter of silver, silversmith. ^ Αξγυ^όύ), f. -ωσω, (from όίζγυζος) I adorn with silver. ^ Αζ^/ΰζ^ωΐΛα, -ciTog, το, (from same) a silver vessel ; plur. silver furniture. ' Αξγύρω^ητος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and ώί/ύομα,ί) bought with money, a slave. Άξγυφίος, oίξyΰφog, -ου, and α,ξγΰφ'-ής, -iog, ό, 7], (from dςycg and ΰφog) tuhite-wo- veiu Άξγω, -oog, contr. -oi)g, ij, (from doyog) Argo, the ship in which Jason sailed for the golden fleece. ' A^yaog, -ex,, -o!/, (from preced.) of the Argo. ' A(}yug, (from dfiyog) slothfully, indolent- " Α^Λ, -ης, ί], defilement, filth. "ΑξΙοίΚος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from preced.) defided, unclean. • ' Α^δβίλοώ), (from same) / defile. Ά^δέ/ί*, -α,ς, 71, (from άξ^ω) a watering, irrigation. ' Α(^ίΰω, (from same) / water, irrigate. ^ Αξ^Υίύμ,ος, the same as «^δ,ϋ&ί, which see. " Aqlfii; (from οίΐζω) wholly, utterly. " A^lig, -log, and -soc, v^, (from α,ΐξω or οίξο)) a spike, barb, sharp point. 'A^o,44oV, -όυ, 6, (from next) a luatering, irrigation, place for drinking or drawing water. " Αξ^ω, f. -σω, I water, irrigate, give drink to, wet, moisten. ' A^sid, Ion. dqiivi, -ijg, τι, (from d^d) a curse, imprecation. Aquf^duiog, -ου, and dQei^ocyYig, -iog, 6, v}, (from " A^Ytg and (^uiiyof^ai) raging for luar, warlike. ΑξίίοτΓοίγίτγις, or d^iOTrocyiTTig, or dq^oi- 'TrayiT/ig, (from next) an Areopagite, a member of the Ai'eopagus. ^ A^iioTtdyog, -ου, 6, (from next and ττά- yog) the hill of Mars, luhere was held the supreme court or council at Athens. ' A^iiog, and d^r,'iog, -ου, 6, ^, (from " Αξγ,ς) of or belonging to Mars. ' AqsIoju, 0, vj, TO, oL^iiou, -ouog, (from same) more warlike, better, commonly called one of the irregular comparatives of dyotuog. Α(ύσΗ,ίΐΜ, -ocg, τ], (from dξέσχω) a pleas- ing, gracefidness. "Αζίσκος, -r,, -on, (from next) desirous of pleasing, pleasing. 251 'Λξ2(5'Λ A GREEK LEXICON. \pi6aiM0'. " Αοίσκω, iniperf. 'ηξίσκ,ον, f. α,ξίοω, p. ^'^=- Koi, 1 a. ^ξίσα, 1 a. mid. νΐζίσάμπι/, (from ίέ^έίϋ. See p. 69.) I please. 'AgicrroV, -07, -oV, (from preced.) pleasing, agreeable, grateful. 'AosTi?, -νις, 7], (from «^έσκώ), or rather "ΑξΎΐς) cowage, fortitude, i^esolutijn, virtue, glory, praise. Αξίτίξω, f. -ίσω, 1 a. ^ξίτισαί, (from d- ςίσ>οω) I receive into favour, 1 Kings xxv. 35. "Αξ'/ιγω, f. -ζω, (from "Agj^j and ay(y) / heljj, support, defend, avert, ward off. Άξγι'ιύοος, -ov, 6, v;, (from same and ^οος) swift in battle, valiant. '' Αζψος, see α,ξ^ιος. Άξ•4(φόίτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from "A^yjj and φάω for φονίω) slain in war. Άξψφ'ίλος, -ov, 0, 7], (from same and φί- Ao.c) dear to Mars, to whom Mars is dear, warlike. " AqyiiAi, infin. ά,^τινν^ι, poet, aqvii^ivoii, pres. mid. and pass, ci^ri^ai, part. ά,ξίψΛΐ'ος, (another form of d^^ccof^oii, from άξά) I pray, use imprecatioyi ; pass. / am render- ed barren by means of a curse, blasted, sx- havsted. 'A^ijv, άξίί^ος, by sync, ώξΐ/ος, (from ί&ςς) a young lamb. ' Αξ'ί]ξίί!/, or νΐξ7]ξ£ίΐ>, plup. mid. of άξω. "Αξγις, -ίος, or -ονς, -εως, -τηος, -Υιτος, -ον, Ιοη. -ί.ω, ο, VOC. "Αζζς, (from αι^ω) Mars the god of war ; war, battle, a woimd, a sword. * Αζνίταζοί, -ας, ^, and «^tjt'/)^, -ν^^ος, 6, (from άζοί) one ivho prays, a priest. ' Αζτητός, -VI, -ov, (from same) desired, prayed for ; deprecated, prayed agaiyist, execrable. ' Αζπφα,Ινω, (from " ΑζΥΐς and φαίνω) I imitate Mars. "Αξύίΐ/, for a^uwau, or ^i^umau, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of οίξω, they were condensed or wedged themselves. Άζύμίω, f. -'ησω, (from α,ζύμος) I am united in friendship, coalesce, conciliate. ^ Αξβμία, -ac, 7}, (from ?,άχϊ\ο) friendship, concord. "AQUfiiog, -ov, 6, (from same) a friend, ally. Άζύμός, -ου, 6, (from αξω and ^υμός)βΙ- ness, friendship, harmony, concord. Άξύξίκ.ός, -*j, -ov, and ά^θζίτικος, -vi, -ov, (from άξύξον) of or belonging to the joints ; also afflicted with a disease of the joints, gouty. ' Αξβξίτις, -(^ος, '/], (from next) a disease of the joints, the gout. "Αξύξον, -ov, TO, (from άζω) a joint ; ap- plied to such thoughts as take hold oj the 252 heart, Job xvii. 11.: τά αξύ^α, the limbs or members of the body. Also, the part of speech called the article. ' Αξύξόω, f. -ώΐσώί, p. -ωκα, (from preced.) / articulate. "Αξί, (an adverbial particle which in-_ creases the signification of the word to which it is prefixed) very, exceedingly, ea- sily- Αξίγνώς, -ωτος, and αξίγνωτος, -ov, 6, vi, (from preced. and γινωσκω) well-hiown, ea- sy to be known. Αζί^άκ^υος, -ου, and αίξί^ακ,ξυς, -υος, 6, vj, (from same and ^άκ^υ) weeping much, pi'one to tears. Άζί^είκ,ίτος, -ov, o, vj, (from same and 5£;>:£t&Vj for ^ίίχ,τός, from Ιεΐκ,νυμί) very conspicuous, most illustrious. ' Αξβ'/ιΤ^ος, Dor. άξβάΤίος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and δ^λο^) very manifest, clear, bright. ' ΑζίξτΜς, -ov, 6, vj, (some take it for a^ilrihog, and explain it as above ; others consider it as from όί^ι and ζ'/!7•.ος, and ex- plain it as follows) 7nuch to be chivied, illus- trious : άξίζν/Κως, very clearly, distinctly, or sjjlendidly. ' Αζίξ^ιΤίωτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from oi^i and ζ/Γ λόω) much to be envied or imitated. "Αξίζος, -ov, 6, 7], (from a and ρίζα) with- out root. ^ Αζΐύμ,ίο), -ω, f. -τ,σω, p. τΐξίύμνικ,α, 1 f. pass. αξίβ^γΐύ7]σομ,α{, p. pass. vj^iufiYi^icai, 1 a. act. vj^iu^moi, άξίύμτηύτιμ,ίναί, for αξίύ/ί^Τιύίιναί, infin. 1 a. pass., (from άΡίβμός) I num- ber. ^ Αζίύμ^γΐμ,α, -ατός, το, (from preced.) number, amount. Άςίύμγισις, -ί^ύς, % (from same) number- ing, counting. Αξίύμ,ητΊκ,ος, -'ή, -ov, (from sanie) skilled in numbering or counting : άξίθμιητ^ικΥι, (with τίχνη understood) arithmetic, the art of computation, the science of numbers. 'Αξίύίϋγιτός, -57, -ov, {from next) numbered, that may be numbered, few in number, ' Αξίύ/ίίος, -ov, 0, a number. "Αξίν, or appiv, -ϊνος, and οίξΐς, or όίρρις, -Ίνος, also αξϊνος, -ov, ό, v], (a and ρις or plv, the nose) without a nose, not sagacious : op- posed to ζΰξϊνος. 'AQiTT^STreia, -ας, sj, {from next) gieat de- cency or gracefulness, what is very becom- ing. ' Αξί'ττξζ'ττγις, -ίος, or -ίως, 6, ij, (from όίξί and τΓξίττω) very becoming or iliustrious. "Αξίς, and αρρίς, see αξίν. ΆζΙς, -βος, VI, a file, a rasp, a plane. ' Α^ίσά/Λος, Dor. for άζίσηι^ος, -ου, ό, t], (from όίξΐ and σ^μ-α) very conspicuous or distinguished or famous. Αζΐΰ&άξ>ι,ατοζ» A GREEK LEXICON. Άοκτος, Άξίσβύξαατος, -ου, ο, (from οίξίστος and όίξ /xcc) one who has the best chai'iot, or who is the best charioteer, who obtains the victory in driving the chariot. ' Αζίστοίζχίω, f. -τ,σω, (from same and ao- χνλ I govern best, bear office as a magistrate. Αξίστάω, -ω, f. -Vjau, p. vj^iarw-cc, 1 a. 7}ξίστνισοί, (from οίξίστον) I take a meal in the beginning of the day, breakfast, John xxi. 12. comp. vs. 4. and 15. ; I take a meal in the course of the day, dine. Gen. xliii. 25., Lukexi. 37. ; opposed to Ιίίττνίύ), I take a meal in the close of the day. 'Αξίστίίΰί, -ecg, vj, (from αόριστος) fortitude, valour, excellence. ' A^ioTuou, -ου, το, (from i?Lme)the reward of fortitude, valour, excellence : aoiurfioc, τά, brave actions, exploits. Αξίστίξίύω, f. -εύσω, (from next) / use the left hand. ' Αξίστίζός, -oc, -ou, (from όίξίστος, by way of euphemism, i. e. calling what is of infe- rior worth by an auspicious name) the left: άζίστβξα, the left hand, χίΐζ being under- stood : Tol άριστίζά,, the left hand side, μ,ί- ζτη, parts, being understood. ' Αζίσηύς, -ίος, 6, (from same) the best man, a chief. ' Αξίστίύύ), f. -ζύσύ), p. ν]ξίστευκ,κ, (from "Αξ-ης) I excel, behave in the best or bi^avest maimer, am chief. Άξίστίΐίς, -vjuu, nom. pi. Ion. for ά,ζίστΐζς; a^tGTVjiaatu, dat. pi. Ion. for άζίσπυσιν, from Αξίστίξω, f. -Ισω, (from οίξίστου) I enter- tain at dinner. ΑζίστίνΙγίϋ, (from οί^ιστος) for choosing the best, for excelling. ^ A^iaroyiusUT^og, -ov,j6, 'η, (from same and yhid'Ko'j) abounding with men nobly born. ^ Αζίστογόνος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and yovog) producing the best ; or j^foduced by the best, nobly Jjorn. ^ Α^ιστίύΥιμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from same and δί;- /i^.o;) a chief of the 'people. Α(ίίστοχ.()άτίΐα., or αριστοκρατία, -α,ς, '^, (from same and κζίχ,τίοή aristocracy, that form of government which j)laces the su- preme poiver in the nobles. Αξίστοκζοίτίύ), (from same) I govern ex- cellently : dQi7TOKoix.Tiof/.xi, I establish an aristocracy, or I live under an aristocratical government. Αξίστύκξχτϊκος, -ij, -ov, (from same) be- longing to aristocracy, inclined to aristocra- cy : άξίστοκζΛΤίχ,ως, aristocratically. Αζίστό/ίίά,χ,ος, -ου, ό, vj, (from όίζίστος and μάχτη) the best in battle, an excellent war- rior, a conqueror. " Αξίστον, -ου, το, a morning meal, break- fast ; a meal during the day, lunch, dinner, Luke xiv. 12. : a feast, Matth. xxii. 4. and comp. V. 2. ^ Αζίστόυος, -ου, ό, τ], (from οίξίστος and νόος) the best in mind, of an excellent dispo- sition, benevolent, brave. ' Αζίστοττόνος, -ου, ο, 'ή, and α.ξίστο'ττονίν;, -jjof, (from same and rnrovog) the best to la- bour, the most active. " Αζίστος, --η, -ov, (superlative of d^siau, which from "Αζνις) best, very good : όίζίστοι, 01, the nobles, chiefs, officers or magistrates, as distinguished from the people. ^ ΑζίστοτοΆος, -ου, ό, vj, and α,ζίστοτόκ,ίκζ, -α,ς, 'ή, that has the best children : άξίστότο- κ,ος, -ου, (from preced. and τίχ,τω) best-born, a most excellent child. ' Αζίστόχ,ζΐζ, -είξος, ό, v}, (from same and XiU) the best handed. ΆξίστωΙΙ:/, -luog, 7], (from όίξίστος) teeming with noble or great men. Άξίστωτός, -ου, ο, (from οίζίστον) the time of dinner. Άξίσφόίλ'ής, Λος, ο, % (from ά,ξΐ Άπάσφα- 7\.'ής, which from σφάτ^Κω) very deceitful; also very easily deceived ; prone to fall, very slippery, steep. ' Αζ^ιφζΛ^ίύίς, (from next) very mani- festly. ' A^/tp^aS'/jf, -kog, 6, VI, (οίξί and φζΐ/2'^ς) very manifest, explicit, char: άςίφξόί^ως, very manifestly, clearly. ' Αξϊωϋ, -όνος, ο, Arion, a man's name. " Αζκίΐ, see ά^κ,ίω. ' Αξχ,ζόντως, Ion. for κξκοΰι/τως, (from οίξ- κίω) sufficiently, competently. " Αξκ,ίσις, •£ως, yj, (from same) sufficiency, support ; help, benefit. ' ΑξΆίτος, -'ή, -ou, (from άζκίω) sufficient, enough, adequate. ' Αζκ,Βυβίνος, -yi, -ou, (from next) of juni- per. " Αοχ,ζυύος, -ου, yj, the juniper tree or fruit. Άξκέω, -ω, f. -ίσω, p. τίζκίκχ, 1 a. ^ξκεσχ, 1 f. pass, ά^τασθνισομ,οίί, p. νι^κίσμ,οίΐ, I have sufficient ; afford what is sufficient, suffice : άξκξΊ, it sufficeth: το α,ξκίον, cont. οίξκουν, that which sufficeth. " Αζκ,ιος, -ου, 6, τ], and το »ζκιοι/. Poet, for «,ξκ,ίτός. ^ Αζκ,Ύίϊος, -iicc, -iiou, (from άρκτος) be- longing to the bear. ' Αξκτίον, (from Hqy^ai) that must begin, or be begun. Άξκ,τ^κ,ος, -j), -ou, (from όίξκτος) of the bear, arciic, northern. ' Αξχ,τομύς, -ύος, ό, (from next and μυς) a bear-mou^e. "Αξκτος, -ου, ό, ij, a bear, the constellation so called, the north. 253 Α^'/,τουοος, A GREEK LEXICON. "Apoojg, Άξκτουξος, -ov, τι, (from preced. and ου- ζοί) Arcturus. 'Αξκτωος, -φοο, -ωου, (from οίζκτος) belong- ing to the hear, or to the north, northern. "Αξκνς, -νος, τ], a net, a little net, a fillet. " Α^μ,οί, -οίτος, το, (from χΐ'ξύ)) a weight, burden, tribute. " Αξμ,οί, -οίτος, το, (from τΐξμ,ιχ,ι, p. pass of ά.ξω) a chariot, vehicle. ' A^^flfygBSuJi/, (Hebrew) Armageddon, or mountain of Megiddo, a place remarkable for slaughter, compare Jud. v. 19. 4 Kings ix. 27. and xxiii. 29. 2 Chron. xxxv. 22. Zech. xii. 11. vv^ith Rev. xvi. 16. ' Αξμ,άΧίά., -Ας, Ion. α,ζΐ^ού\ΐ'η, -ν}ς, yj, (from όίξύή food, allowance of food, aliment. ' Αξ/χίίιϋ,οίζΰί, -'ης, 7], (from οίξμοί and οί^μίζ• ^a) a chariot, ivaggon, a close carriage used b}^ women of quality. ' Αζΐ^ΛΠίος, -iicn,, -iiQv, Άηά ά-ξμ,ά,τιος, -ioc, Ίον, (from όίομοί) of or belo7iging to a cha- not. ' Αξ^/,οίηύω, (from same) / di^ive a cha- riot. ' Αζ^ίΛΤΎΐΚα,σίοί, -ας, τ], (from next) the driving of a chariot. ' Αξ/ϋόίτγιΆόίτγις, -ου, 6, (from oL^^^ct and 1\α.ΰ]/ω) a charioteer. ' Αζ^α,ηνΊΛΎ], Dor. -a, -νις, vj, (from όΐξ- l^cc and νΊ-Λ•ί\) a victory in a chariot race. ' Aq^anou, -ov, TO, (from όίζμ,οί,) a little chariot. ' Αζμ,α,το'^ζομ,ίοί, -α,ς, τι, (from same and δ^ό^οί") a chariot race. ' Αζμ,ά,τόκ,τύ7ΐ;ος, -ov, (from same and χ,τΰ- 'ττος, which from τύτττω) chariot-rattling. ' Αξ(Λθ(,το'7ττ,γ6ς, -οϊι, 6, (from same and 'τττιγννμ,ί) a chariot-maker. ' Αζμ,οίτοτξοφέω, f. -vjao), (from same and τξίφύ)) I feed or keep chariot horses. ' Αζμ,α.τοτζοχίΰί, -ας, and οίξ^Α,Λτοτξοχιά,, -ά.ς, 7], (from same and τζόχ,ος) the turning of a chariot wheel, a rut. ' Αζ^ΛοίτωΤ^ία, -α,ς, vi, (a paronomasia for o^Lca-QToihioC) an error in ariOing a chariot, " Aq^I^vjo'j, -ov, to, (from οί^ω) a thing fit- ted up, an instrument, a sail. " Αξμ,ζνος, for άξόμ,ίυος, pres. part. pass, from θίξω. ' ΑξίΛογνι, -jjf, V}, (from άξμό ζω) fitness, compactness, adaptation. ' Αζ[Λο^ιος, -ci, -ou, (from next) fitted, suitable, proper. ' Αζμ,όζω, or άζ^μ,όττύ), f. -όσω, p. τίζμ,οκ,α,, 1 a. mid. 7ΐζ(/,οσά,μ.γιν, (from ά.ξ/^ίός) I adjust, join fitly together ; mid. / contract, espouse, betroth, or I fit, prepare. ' ΑζίΛοΊ, or άζμοί, (from οί^ω) recently, lately ; suitably, compactly. ' Αξ(ΛουΙ<χ,, -ccg. Ion. ά,ξμ,ονίγι, -ης, 'ή, (from 254 ά.ξμ,6ς) a close joining, concert, agreement, harmony. ' Αξ(ΛοΆκ,6ς, -^, -6u, (from same) harmoni- ous ; fond of, or skilful in music. ' Αζ^/,όυιος, -ου, 6, τι, τό -ou, (from next) congruous, fitting, harmonious. Άζρίός, -ου, ο, (from τΐξμ,αι, perf. pass, of ccQui) a close joining or fitting together ; a joint or articulation of the bones in the human body. ' Αξ/ίίοστ'/ις, -ου, άζμοστ'^ξ, -7}Ρος, άξΐ^οσ- τωζ, -όζος, 6, (from άξ^.όζύύ) α pynnciple of congruity, love ; an instrument of producing and preserving social harmony, a ruler, a magistrate. ' Α^μ,οστος, -ci, -ov, (from same) fitted, adapted. ' Αξ^όττω, see άξ^Λοζω. " Αξνοί, accus. sing of όίζς. ' Αζνά,Άΐς, -ιΊος, 4 (from άζ>?) a lamb*s skin with the wool on. ' A^uiiov, -ου, το, (from next) a market place for mutton. Άξρείός, -ου, ό, (from ίίξς) a ram, a young full grown ram. " Αζΐ/ίίος, -oL, -ou, (from preced.) of or be- longing to a lamb. Αξί/έομ,α,ί, -ουμχί, imperi. νΐζΐ/ξοαιην, r. -"ήσομ,οίΐ, p. i^Q'jYijicoii, 1 a. yj(}vwa.f^WJ, (from α-ιρω) I deny, renounce, disozun, refuse. A negative is sometimes added without any change of the meaning ; as, νι^ι/ούι/το μ,'ή Ίΐί'πτω-Δυοι,ι, " they denied that they had fallen ;" 6 άζνού[Λ%υος οτι Ίτισους ουκ, ϊστίν ο Έ,ριστος, " he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ." " 'A^j/sfTij^, -55^05•, 0, (from next) a diver. ' Αζνζύω, f. -εύσω, I dive, plunge. ' Αξυ-ησίμ,ος, -5j, -ou, (from οίξνύομχι) to be denied. "Αρυησίς, -sijg, γι, (from same) refusal, de- nial. ' Αζνγ,τ^ίκος, -v], -ov, (from same) negative, denying. ' Αζνίον, -ου, το, (from α,^ς) a lamb, young lamb, lambkhi. ' Αζνος, gen. sing, of d^g. " A^vv^cti, imperf. yiquv^uyiv, pres. part. α,ξνύμίνος, (from άξνύω, which from άξύο)) I get water by drawing it, gain, earn, save, vindicate. Ά^^ά,^ίνος, 1 a. part. mid. horn οίζχοί. " Αξον, -ου, το, the herb waJce-robin or calves feet. '^Αξον, 2 pers. sing, imperat. of 1 a. act. of οίί'ξύ). ' Αξόσ7μ.ος, -ου, ο, ij, (from dQOa) arable. "Αξοσις, and ά,ζοτζία,σις, -βως, ί), (from same) jyloughing ; land fit for j^toughing, arable land. Άρΰτη Η- Α GREEK LEXICON. Άξ'πα.γμος, 'AfloT'/j^, -ϊήζος, and άζόττις, -ου, ο, (from άηόο)) α ploughman. "Αξοτος, -ου, ο, (from same) ploughing : doorog, -ου, ο, the season of ploughing. ' Αοοτος, -vj, -6y, or o, tj, (from same) ploughed, or that may he plouglied, arable. ' Αζοτζίύς, -ίως, 6, and ά,^οτζίντγ^ρ, -ν,ζος, ο, a ploughman ; a ploughing animal, an ox. ' Αοοτζίάο), and άζοτοιάζω, f. -ά,σω, p. i;^uT^/5i/i2e, (from next) / plough, prepare or labour for any purpose. " Aqotqo'j, -ου, TO, (from α-οοω) a plough. ^ Αξοτξόττους, -οίος, 6, (from preced. and ττους) a ploughshare. ^ Αζούοοι., -ug, 'ή, (from ά,οόω) ploughed land, arable land, a field. Άξουξαίος, -ccice., -uloy, (from preced.) of or belonging to a cidtivated field, growing in a field, rural, rustic. ' Αξούρίον, -ου, το, (from same) a little field. Αξόύ), f. -όσύ), p. τίξύκοί, 1 a. '^'^οσα, p. pass. 71ζομ,!χ,{, Attic άζ'ήζθ[ΛΛΐ, and part, ά,ξγίξομ,ί- uog, 1 a. pass, '.i^o'hu ', also άρ^ύω, whence 3 pers. pi. άζά,ουσί, contr. άοωσι, and with ο inserted, άξοωσί, I plough, cultivate. ' Αξττάγ^τι!/, (from άζττύζω) rapaciously, luith sudden violence. Άζττά.'/γι, -yjg, τ], (from same) an instru- ment for laying hold of and pidling things, a grapple, a drag. ' A^TTciy}}, -γ,ς, 'ή, (from same) an act of plundering, robbery, violence, pillage, rape ; or a thing plundered, rapine, plunder : In the first sense, Eccles. v. 8. scxt a.^'Troiy/iu K^ifzccTog Kul Οίκχίοσΰνγις I'^yjg lu χό)ξΛ, " and seest violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province." 1 Mace. xiii. 34. or/ Ίτα,σΛΐ u,i ττζά,ζας Ύ()ύφο)υος ijcrciv άζττοί- yul, " for all the acts of Trypho were acts of extortion." Heb. x. 34. y.ccl ttji/ άξτα.- yi,slaucci, ττεςΐ του Θίου (pYiaiu, οτι 6 ©soV, ο uovoysvvjg νιος του πα,- τξος, ο £2/ μ,οζ^φγί θίου ων, 6 (ay^L• ί\α.ττον ίχοιν του ττιχ,τζοζ, 6 Ισος α.υτω,ουχ άζττοίγ^Λον ^■γ^ΐσα-το το slvoii Ισοί θεω. τί δί τούτο εστί, μά,νύοίνζ o-TTSQ dv άξττά,σρ τις, κΰί,ΐ 7Γΐχ.ξαΙ το TT^OGVjKOu 7\.ά,βνι, τούτο άττούίαύαι ου τοΤκ^Λοί, "^ε^οι-λ,ως μ,Υι ά,'7τ67\.'/ιτΰ(,ι, ^5j Ικ,ττίσ'^, άλλα '^ιοι,'ττοί^τος οιυτο κ,α,τίχίί' ο μ,ίν τοι φυσικ,ον \τί] ϋχύύν ά,ζ,'ιωμ^ζχ,, ου δέδο;«« κιζΐ κα.το(,β7ΐνα.ι «,π εκ,ίίνου του ά^,ιωμ,α,τος, ίΐ^ως οτι ού^βν τοιούτον ταίσετΛί. " Since many suppose, when they should be humble minded, that they must be deprived of their proper digni- ty, and lessened and degraded; to remove this fear, and to show that they (Chris- tians) ought not to be so affected, he (the apostle) says concerning God, that God, the only begotten Son of the Father, who being in the form of God, having nothing inferior to the Father, being equal to him, * did not think the being as God a state acquired by robbery.' Now learn the meaning of this : whatsoever one has got by robbery, or obtained beyond his due, that he dares never lay aside, but always holds it fast, fearing lest he should ruin himself and fall ; but he who possesses a natural dignity, is not afraid even to de- scend from that dignity, knowing that he is liable to no such consequence." Chry- sostom, 2d Homily on the passage. Κορΐΰίζ^ω, f. -σώ), and -|ώ;, p. ί^οτταζοί and 'ήξττα.χ,οί, p. pass, '/ίξ'ττιχ,σμα,ι and νίξττΰίγμοίΐ, 1 a. act. ^ξΤΓοισχ, 1 a. pass, ν^^ττάσύγιν and -ίζχύγιν, 2 a. pass, ^^οττάγην, I snatch, catch at, take away ivith haste and violence, seize as a wild beast does its prey, and so tear ana devour ; rob, plunder. Αζττΰίκτνίξ, -τίξος, and ά.ξττχκ,τ'ης, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a plunderer, one luho snatches a thing greedily. ' Αζ7ίτοί.κ,τικ,ος,~7ΐ,'6υ,{ΐνο\Ά same) dexterous in ^jlundering, inclined to plunder : άξττιζκ- τικ,ως, rapaciously, luith sudden violcnce.- Άξττοικτός, -y), -ov, (from same) seized, snatched away, rescued. ' Αξτ^ούκίος, -οί, -ov, (from same) rapid, vo7'acious : ά,ζτιτζχ,'λίως, rapaciously, with sud- den violence. "ΑξΤΓοίζ, -άγος, ο, 7], το, (from same) ?•α- pacious, ravening, devouring ; given to ra pacity or extortion, an extortioner. Άξ'πτύζοίΐς, JEoL for ά,ξ'πάξιχ.ς, part, of 1 aor. of ά,ζττά,ζύ). "Αξ'ΤΓοίς, ace. pi. of χςττγι. 256 " AQTrocafix, -α,τος, το, (from ά.ζττά.ζω) rapidity, what is done with sudden vio- lence. ' Αξ-ττάω f. -όίσω, the same as άξττάζο). ^ ΑξτΓί^τίς, -kog, 6, 7], (from »ξω and ■ycs'^ov) level ivith the ground. ' A^TrehovYi, -γις, 'ή, and ά.ξ'πί^ων, -όνος, 6, (from ίχ,ζ'π'άζω) a cord for catching and draggiiig away ; a noose, cord, snare, gin. " Α^ττζξα,, -ης, V}, (supposed to be for 6(^6- "Τί-εζα, from ο^ος and ττίξα) the foot or base of a mountain. "Αξ'ΤΓΥΐ, -της, ^, (from άξ'π-ά.ζω) a hook or sickle; afaulchion; a rapacious bird, vul- ture, harpy. ' Αζ^ΊΐΙς, -ί^ος, VI, (from βα-π-ίζω) a sort of shoes or sandals. ' A^TTvicc, -(χ,ς, 9], (from άξτηίξω) a harpy : άξτί-υίαι, -ων, cci, gusts of wind, which seized things with violence ; winged fends, said to have conveyed away whatever has insensibly disappeared, harpies. ' Αζτι-υιόγουνος, having the form or talons of harpies. "Αξττυς, -νος, ο, (from ά.ξ'π'ύζω) love. ' ΑρρΆβων, -ωνος, 6, (pnij?) a pledge or earnest. '' Αρρά,γνις, -ίος, ο, ^, (from οί and ρ'ήσσο)) unbroken, that cannot be broken ; compact, firm, indissoluble, invincible. "" ΑρροίΦνις, -ίος, and α,ρρα,φος, -ου, ο, ^, (from « and ρα,φ'/ΐ) without seam. " Αρρεν Οί, ace. sing, of οίρρνιν. ^ Αρρενίκος, or άρ^σενί^ος, -ij, -ov, (from aip- ργιν) masculine, robust, muscidar. ' Αρρενογόυος., -ου, 6, vj, (from same, and yeivofioii) that begstteth or produceth males. Άρρενω^ως, (from oLpp/iv) in a manly man- ner, boldly. ^ Αρρενωΐΐος, and άβρηνωττος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and ω-ψ) having a manly face. ^Αββεττνις, -εος, and οίββεττος, -ου, 6, i], (from same and βεττο)) inclining neither one way nor another ; of no weight, feeble, ineffec- tual. Άββε-ψίΰί, -ας, sj, (from same) a neutral opinion. " Αβρηκ,τος, -ου, 6, yj, same as dppciyTjg. " Αρβην, -ενός, 6, (from a.Q(s-t[v) a male, manly, masculine, Άρβηνεω, f. -'ήσω, p. -moi, (from preced.) / scold, reproach, used for such behaviour by a wife against her husband. ^Αββ-ηνν^ς, -εος, ο, '^, (from preced.) fierce. ^ Αρβητοτΐοιιοί, -Die, 7}, (from next) the per- petration of luhat cannot be mentioned. ^ Αρρητοττοιος, -ου, ο, ^, (from next and 'TiroiU)) one who commits what cannot be men- tioned. " Αρργιτος, -ov, 6, v], το -ov, (« and βriToς, Αΰ^τ^τίας, A GREEK LEXICON. Άξτίζω. from ρίω) not before spoken ; or not possible, '■ or not lawful, to be spoJien. "Άόργίτως, (from preced.) without utter- ance, ineffably, sacredly, religiously kept crncealed. "Αρβίξος. See "Αζίξος. "Αρρίχος, -ου, ο and ν^, a basket. "ΑρρνθίΑ,ος, -ου, ό, r„ (from a, and ρυθμ,ος) unharmonious, not fitted, without symmetry, disproportioned : dppvuf^ug, unharmoniously, without neatness, clumsily, inelegantly. "Αρβυττος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from ex, and ρύττος) not filthy, pure. ^ Αρρύσοντοι,ι, 3 pi. 1 f. mid. Poet, for ΰίνοίξύσοντοίί, from άυα,οΰω. * Αρόυτβωτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from » and ρυτί- Ζόω) not having lurinkles, unshrivelled. ^ ΑρρωΖίω, Ion. for oppaihia, f. -νισω, I dread, shudder at, shrink from. ^ Appujhia, -ας, ί]. Ion. for 6p βωξίτη, -ης, (from όρβος) dread, horror. ^Αρβωζ,, -ωγος, 6, vi, (from u, and βώ^) broken, y^ugged, craggy. ^ Αρβωστίο), f. -vjao), p. νιρβωστγιχ,οί, 1 a. ^ρρωστγισοί, (from αρβωστος) I am sick or infirm. ^ Αββόίστημ^α,, -χτος, το, "* ΑρβωστίΛ, and \\ρβωστίίοί, -οίς, τ], (from next) sickness, in- firmity. " Αββο)στος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a and βωστος, which from βωννύο)) infirm, sick, an invalid. '' Αξς, άζυος, 6, 'ή, a lamb. ^ Αζσίνικος, -Yi,-6y, (from «^σ•/;:/) masculine. ' Α^σζ!/οχ.οίτης, -ου, 6, (from next and κ,οίτη) a sodomite. " Αζσιην, 0, 7], TO ciopiu, stout, strong, va- liant ; male as opposed to female, from greater strength and courage. "Αξσις, -ιος, Attic -sug, τ], (from αϊςω) a lifting up, thing to be lifted u]3 or borne, burden^ tribute. ^Α^τάβη, -vj?, 'h, « Persian corn measure, answering to an Attic medimnus. Ά^τβί,ί4£ω, f. -:iff) recently initiated ; or, (from οίζτιος and τελέώ)) complete in its m,embers or parts. 'A^r/ipetrog•, -ου, ο, % (from κ,^τι and φά,ο)) recently slain. ΆξτΙψξωι/, -οί/ος, 6, 4 (from οίξπος and φξ'^ν) sound in mind, sane, wise. Άξτιφΰ'^ς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from οίζπ and φύοή newly spru7ig or boi^n. Άζτίφΰτος, -ου, ό, γι, (from same) newly planted, fresh, young. Ά^τ/χ;άζ/ΐ5?, Λος, 6, vj, (from οίζτι and γ^α,Ινω) recently opened, just ripe. ΆζτΊχυους, -οος, 6, vi, (from same and χνόος) covered with young down. 'Αντίχριστος, -ou, (from same and χζΐω) recently anointed. ' Α^τίοίς, (from Hqri) just now, recently ; (from α,^τιος) evenly, suitably, perfectly. ' ΑζτοκοτίτίΛκ,ος, -ου, ο, (from οίζτος and κ,ο- 'ΤΓΐά.ω) well baked. Άξτοκ,ότιτος, -ου, ο, h, (from οίκτος and xoVt6j) a grinder of corn, miller, baker. " Α^τοΚύγϋρος, -ου, 6, (from same and λάγυνος) a wallet containing bread and a flaggon of drink. ^ Αξτοτΐοιος, -ου, 6, or as an adj. 0, vj, (from same and •ποάω) a baker ; belonging to a baker. "Αζτος, -ου, 6,bread; a loaf, or, according to the Jewish custom, still prevalent in the east, a thin flat cake of bread, not unlike our sea-biscuits ; food. In the accounts of the institution of the Lord's Supper, the word '.ζτος is used in all the sacred writ- ings except the Gospel by Matthew, (and according to several of the most important MSS. there also,) without the article. The 258 proper translation of it in those accounts, seems, therefore, to be bread, and not the loaf. It does not appear to have been the fact, that only one loaf was part of the accustomed preparation for the Paschal supper. Not to lay stress on the rabbini- cal accounts of the mode of celebrating it, which uniformly speak of two loaves of unleavened bread ; these loaves w^ere cakes cut nearly through, probably by the instru- ment on which they were baked, into squares or other figures, so that more than one was probably required for even a small company, and each might be broken into pieces with perfect ease. Whether one loaf only was afterwards used in the Eu- charist we have no decisive evidence. The illustration in 1 Cor. x. I7. οτι ίίς οίκτος, seems to be rendered, with sufficient cor- rectness, *' because the bread is one," i. e. of one quality. We make these remarks, not to establish any particular mode ex- clusively, but to guard enquirers against deciding hastily, where no particular rule seems to be given. The number or form of the cakes, like the peculiarity of un- leavened bread, seems to have had neither precept nor example for its regulation. The round loaf, in common use, is perfectly admissible, although it has no better sup- port than that of some scripture history painters. And whether he, who dispenses the Ordinance, shall break one loaf, as is said to have been done, by the person officiating in the Paschal supper; or every loaf, into small pieces, one of which shall be given to each of the receivers, seems to be left equally to the discretion of Chris- tians. Of the latter, Dr. Middleton says, " Our own mode of dividing the sacra- mental bread approaches to the decency of the original ordinance, more nearly, per- haps, than is generally imagined." See his Note on Matth. xxvi. 26. and compare 'Ai/fli/3. Z', c. iii. 11. "' Α^τοσιτίω, (from preced. and σιτίο)) I eat bread, eat. Άξτοφιχγος, -ου, ο, % (from next) the bread-eater ; epithet of a mouse. ' Αζτοφοίγω, (from ά,ξτος and φά,γω) I eat bread, eat. " Αξτϋμ>οί, -ατός, το, and όίζτϋσις, -εως, τι, (from next) seasoning, sauce. " Αζτύω, f. 'ύσω, or χξτϋνω, f. -ννω, p. '^ς- τυκ,χ, 1 a. ιι^ξτυσα; ά^τύοΐΛοίΐ, ov ά^τυ^ομ^αι, imperf. νΐζτυνόμ.γιι>, 1 f. pass. α,ξ^τυύν}σο[Λ(Χ,ι, 1 a. pass. vj^tOUtiu, and ά^τύνθην, p. pass. ν^^τυμ,Λΐ, I fit, adjust, prepare, prepare with seasoning, season ; raid. / adjust or concert for myself ; pass. lam restored, consolidated. 'Λξνότηξ. A GREEK LEXICON. ^Αξχ/μάγει^ος, ' Αξυσττίξ, -ί}ςος, ό, (from oiqiici) a liquid measure containing one draught. ' Αξυστίκος, -ου, ο, (from same) j^i to draw water. ' A^UTotiycc, -γ,ς, vj, (from next) a cup or fiitcher to draiv water with. Άξΰύύ, or άξΰτω, f. -ΰσω, p. ^^ξνκοί, I draw, d?'aw up, draw luater, exhaust. ^ Αζχ,ά,γγίΤ^ος, -ου, ο, (from άζχνίΆΧϊά. oiy- yiXog) the archangel, prince of angels. " Αξχ,α,'ί'ζω, (from ά,ζ-χ,'^^ I act like the an- cients. Αξχοίΐκ.ος, -Yi, -ou, Attic α.ξχ,οίίϊκ,6ς, -oj, -or/, (i\Om same) like the ancients, rude, foolish. Άξχοίίος, -oilcc, -ouov, (from same) old, ancient, former. Άξχοίίότιης, --ητος, 'ή, (from same) anti' qidty. Α^χ,α,ΐξίσΙοί, -ας, vj, (from same and al- ξίσις) an election of magistrates : ci^)c°^i^s- f/ix, -iau, Toi, comitia or assemblies for elect- ing magistrates. ' Αξχοίΐΐίξσιά,ζο), (from preced.) I hold an assembly of the people ; speak in, or send deputies to, such an assembly. ' Αο^χ,Λίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from οίξχ'η) an imi- tation of the ancients. ΆζχίΙ^κτίς, -ου, ό, (from οίξχ,ων 2caa Ιί-ΛΥΐ) a just governor. ' Aq^fiiov, -ου, TO, (from άζχ'ίΐ) a govern- ment house, court, or tribunal. ΆξχξΊος, -six, -iiov, the same as άζ-χ,χϊος. ^ Αζχίκόίκος, -ου, ό, vj, (from α,ζ-χ,τ} and κχκος) an author, OY first cause, of evil. ' Αξχ^ίτ^ά,ος, or ά^χβ.'Κζίος, -ου, 6, (from άζ- X'/j and Αχός) a ruler of the people. ' Αζχί'πο'Κις, -ίος, ό, vj, (from same and 'ττύΐΜς) a rider of the state. ' Αζγβτης, -ου, 6, (from same) a prince or founder ; royal, patriarchal. ' Αξχ^τύττον, -ου, το, (from same and τύ- TTo:) an archetype, model, original. "Α(ΐγ;-υ, Dor. for οίζγ,ου, 2 sing, imperat. Jiiid. or pass, from oiQx,cd. '^Αξχ,ίύύ), f. -ίύσω, the same as οίξχύ). ^ξΧ'^ί '^Si ^, « beginning in order of time, an entrance into being or act ; a bcginnhig, extremity, outermost point ; a first or origi- nal state ; a beginning, head, efficient cause ; authority, ride, dominion, power : d'Tr xq- γ/ής, and contract, ά,'πχ^γ/ής, from the be- ginning, also before the beginning, from eternity, ^ Isa. xliii. 13. Mich. v. 2. compare Sir. xxiv. 9. 2 Thess. ii. 13. 1 John i. 1. and n. 15.: τ/^υ x^-^tiu, for κ,χτχ τ'ήυ xq- χ,'/ΐν, verily, absolutely ; or at first, formerly : '^QX^K -(dv, xi, first-fruits, principles, extre- mities. Αζχγ^γίτίΰύ), f. -ίύσω, (from preced. and οίγύ)) I preside over. ^ Α^χ,ηνίτ&ω, f. -'ησω, (from same) I begin, take the lead. " Α^χ,γιγίτης, -ου, ό, (from same) a leader, author, prince. ' Αζχγιγίτις, -ι^ος, τ], (from same) aji au- thoress, patroness ; a metropolitan city. ' Αξχ,γιγος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) a leader, author, prince ; a ring leader, first mover. Άξχηύβν, (from οίξχ,'η) from the begin- ning, anciently. ' A^xiyiuiU7\.og, -ου, 6, (from same and ykvi&'hog) the principle or author of birth or life- " Αζχ,ιγ^χμ,Ι^χτζύ;, -ίος,ό, (from same and γζΧ[Λ[Λχτ&ύς) a chief scribe, secretary, or commissary. Άζχι^ξσμοφΰΤίχξ, -χκ,ος, ο, (from same and Οίσμοφύ'λχξ) a chief keeper of a pri- son. ^ Αζχί^ίσ/ί^ωτγις, -ου, ό, (from same and "^ίσμωτγις) a captain of the guard, a captain set over prisoners. Άξχΐίξχτίύύ), (^irom χξχίεζίύς^ I perform the office of high priest. " Αζχϋξχτικος, -τι, -ov, (from next) be- longing to the high or chief priest ; the chief priesfs. "Αζχίεξεύς, -ίος, Attic -ίως, ό, (from χζ- yjt and ίεξεύς) a high or chief priest ; a chief of the priests. Acts xix. 14. used in the plural, not only for the high priest and his deputy, (called the second priest, 4 Kings xxv. 18.) with those who had formerly borne the high priesfs office, but also for the chiefs or heads of the twenty-four sacer- dotal families, 1 Chron. xxiv. ^ Aζχ,iί^ωσΰuγι, -ης, 'ή, (from preced.) the high priesthood. ' Αζ'χ,ΐίτχ'Ίζος, -ου, ό, (from x^)^yiand ίτχΐ- ξος^ a chief comp) anion ov friend. ^ Αζχΐίυνουχ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same and ίϋΐίουχος) a chief of eunuchs. ' ΑζχίύχΤ^χσσος, -ου, 6, (from same and ^χΚχσσχ) sovereign of the sea. Άξχιύίωξίω, f. -7]σω, (from next) I act as chief deputy. "Αξχιύίωξος, -ου, ό, (from χξχ'^ and ^εωξός) chief of the deputies annually sent to Delos by the Athenians. " Αξχ,ιύιχσίτγίς, -ου, 6, (from same and ^ix- σίτγις) a leader of the chorus of Bacchus. Άζχίκ,λώ-ψ, -ωτΓος, ο, (from same and ySheTTTu) a chief robber or thief ' Αξ-χ,ίχ,ος, -'/?, -6y, (from χρ^χη) a com- mander or chief; able to command ; apt to command. Άξχικ,υβίξυ'ήτγις, -ου, ό, (from same and κυβίζν/ιτνις) a chief j)^iot, a naval com- mander. ' Αζχψ.χγίί^ος, -ου, ο, (from same and 259 ' k^yQomyjji'ia. A GREEK LEXICON, ' Αΰβολάύ*. (Λοίγίίξος) a chief of cooks, a chief of attend- ants, captain of the guard. Άξχιοινοχοίία,, -α,ς, vj, (from next) the office of chief butler. Άξχιοί^οχόος, -ου, ο, (from «gp^ij, oi'joc, and χίω) a chief butler. Άξχί'7ΤΛΤξίωη]ς, -ου, 6, (from ά.ξχ'^ and τΓΰίΤζίά) a chief of a family. ^ ΑξχιτηΐξΛΤ'ης, -ov, 6, (from same and cTf/gosT'^i) a chief pirate. 'ΑξχίττοΙ/^π!/, 'Suog, β, (from same and 'κοίμ,γιν) a chief shepherd, prince of shep- herds. ^ Αζχισιτο'τΓοιος, -ου, ο, (from same, σίτος, and τΓοιίω) a chief baker. ' Αξχ,ίστ^ΛΤΎίγος, -ου, 6, (from same and στ^χτγίγος) a commander in chief. " Αξχ,ισυι/ά,γωγος, -ου, 6, (from same and συνοίγωγ'/ΐ) a ruler of a synagogue. Άζ)^^σωμοίτοφύ'Κίχ,ζ, -α,κ,ος, 6, (from same and σωμ,α,τοφΰ'Κίχ.^) a chief of a body guard. * A^x,iT£x.rousuii), and ΆξχίΤίκ,τοΆω, (from next) I build, fabricate, devise, plan. ' A^xiTSKToyioi, -οίς, vj, (from άξχιτίκ,τω}/) architecture, worhmanship. ^ Αξχ^ιτίκ,τονίκος, -tj, -6u, (from next) of or belonging to the master art, or to architec- ture : άςχιτίκτου'ίκ'ή with τίχντ] understood, architecture. ' Αξχίτίκτωϋ, ~ονος, 6, (from άζχνι and rkx,- των) a head or master-workman or builder, an architect. Άξχ,ίτ&λωνγις, -ου, 6, (from same and rg- "κάνΎΐς) a chief publican or head farmer or collector of the public revenues, Luke xix. 2. ΆξχίΤξίίολϊνος, -ου, ο, (from same and r^i-AhiyiQv, a dining-room, so called from r^iig and ΆκίΰΥΐ, because three couches were, in dining rooms, usually set to one square table, the remaining fourth side of which was left free for the access of the servants) a ruler, governor, or president of a feast. Άξχίφύλος, -ου, ο, (from same and φυλ'ί}) a chief of a tribe. Άξχοντ'ϊκ.όζ, -5j, -6u, (from οίξχ,ων) belong- ing to a ruler or prince. ^ Αζχος, -ου, 6, (frojn next) a chief, com- mander, prince. "Αξχύ), f. -ξω, p. '^ξχα, 1 a. ^ξ^οί, 1 a. part, όίςζχς, pres. mid. and pass, όίξχομαι, part. a.Qxofisi/og, contr. αζχ/ίαι/ος, imperf. mid. 7]Qxofim, 1 f• niid. «(^Ιο,αα/, 1 a. mid. νίξζ,ά^ίΥ}!/, 1 a. part, d^^a^suog, p. pass. ^ξγ/ΐΛοίί, (from άςχ•^) I begin, take the lead, rule, govern; pres. part. pass. άξχό/ΐΛίνος, ruled, governed, in subjection, or beginning his ministry, Luke iii. 23. "Αςχύ)ν, -ouTog, 6, (from preced.) a rider, chief, lord, prince, magistrate. "Αζω, f. άζω, p. ^ζκ», 1 a. viq», ΙΆολ. άξ- 260 σχ, and ^^ζσ», part, οίξσχς, p. mid. ζξχ, Attic όίζγίξχ, poet, οίξχζ», I fit, adapt. " Α^ωγνι, -vjg, ij, (from άζ7]γω) help, assist- ance, support, succour. Άξωγος, -ου, ο, (from same) a helper, defender, avenger. ' Αξύογος, -'/?, -όν, (from same) giving help. " Α^ωξΛχ, -χτος, το, (from οίζ or ci^t and οζω) an aromatic, a spice. ΆξωμχτΙζω, (from preced.) / smell of spices. ^ Αξωμ,χτίκος, -ij, -o]^, and ά,ξωμ,χτόί^Ύΐς, -εως, 6, vj, (from same) aromatic, smelling of spices, odoiuferous. "Αξως, -ωος, 6, Dor. for ^^ag, a hero. " AQuai(.<.og, -oj/jthe same os a,^6aiftog,arable. "Αξωστος, for άρρωστος, -ου, ό, v}, infirm, sick, an invalid. ^^σΛ, Dor. for τισα, 1 aor. of cttoi, I sing. Ασάτ^ίυτος, -ου, 6, 9}, το -ov, οίσάλος, -ou, or άσαΚης, (from cc and σοί7\.ίύύ}) unshaken, not to be shaken, immoveable. ΑσόίΆτΓίγκ,τος, or ά,σά.'Κ'πΐΆτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from ex. and σάλ-^/^Ι) not proclaimed by sound of trumpet. ^ Ασά^Λίνος, -ου, 6, part. 1 a. mid. from «SChrt'K€iov, or ' Ασ-Λλ.Ύΐ'τΐϋΙον, -ου, το, a temple of jEsculapius. "Ασκ,ο'ττος, -ου, ό, 5^,and άσκό'ττως, the same as οίσκ,ζτττος, and άσ-Λτίτως. • Άσχοτΐυτ^η, -πς, h, (from next) a bottle. ' Ασκός, -ου, ο, a leather bag or bottle used to carry wine. — — — ncci oivev ίύφξονοί, αοίξτον α,ζούξτ,ς, 'AtrxM iv οίΐγίίω' II. Γ', 246. " And with a goat-skin tumid with the wine's All cheering juice." Cotuper. Comp. Matth. ix. 17. Also, a hide, skin: 6 ruu auifx,au άσκ,ος, the bag of the winds, a pair of bellows. " Aax,a7^iex,, -ων, roc,, (from next) a festival of Bacchus, in which it was customary to jump upon swelled leather bags. ' ΑσκωΤ^ΐίχ,ζω, (from «σκω α.7\.7\.ομ,οι,ι) I jump upon the leather bag. Arist. Plut. 1 129. and " Atque inter pocula Iseti MoUibus in pratis unctos saluere per utres." Georg. U. 383. " Ασκ,ωμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from άσκος) a heap rising in forin of a bottle ; a piece of skin for defending oars, ov for fastening them. '^Aafcex,, -οίτος, το, (from «δώ>, contracted for ex,iίl•ω) a song. ^ Aa^a^ayog, -ου, 6, 5?, {ex, aug. and σμΆ(ΐΰ!,γος) sounding, dashing. ^ Ασμ,ά,τιον, -ου, το, (from άσ^α) a little song. ^ Ασμ,οίΤοκ,ά^ΛΤΐτΥις, -ου, ο, (from same and κ,ά,μ,τττω) one who spoils the song. ^ Ασ^ίήζω, (from next) / act or receive cheerfully, feel glad, am satisfied. "Ασματος, -τι, -ou, (from ί]σμίι/ος, part, of vjaf^exi, p. pass, of ^^oi^oci) glad, luilling, de- lighted. ' Ασμ,ίυως, (from preced.) gladly, joyfully. " Ασμ,τικ,τος, -ov, (from ex, and σ^ΛΤίχω) uw wiped. ' Aaoipiex,, -ας, ^, (from ex, and σόφος) folly, stupidity. "Ασοφος, -ου, 6, τ], (a and σόφος) unwise, foolish : ασόψως, foolishly. Άσττάζομ,ΰίί, 1 f. mid. αίστιτάσομΰ^, 1 a. mid. 'ησττΰίσάμγιν, p. pass, ^^σττασμα/, (from « collect, and σττάω) I embrace, salute, hail, greet; applied to persons absent, Rom. xvi. 21, &c. and to things, Heb. xi. 13. Άσττΰίίξω, f. -όίξύό, and dσ7re/.ξίζύ), f. -Ιίσω, (Attic for στταίξύή I palpitate, gasp, quiver. Άσ'ττάλάύος, -ου, 6, aspalathus, the white thorn or the rose of Jerusalem. 'ΑσττάλίίίΙ, -εχ,κ,ος, 6, (from σ'κά,ω, άποσ'χα yex^ TTJu yvju) a mole. ' Ασ'ττοι,Τ^ηύς, -ΐος, or -ίως, 6, (from ocaTc-ex,• Άος, a fish) a fisher. Aff'S'agayoi A GREEK LEXICON. * ΑΰταβΙαότος, Άσ'ττά,ζόί'/ος, and άσφάξόίγος, -ου, 6, the isparagiis. ' Ασττόίξτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from cc and σ'πύζω) unsown, uncultivated, " Α.σ'ττά.σίος, -ου, 6, vj, or -ιος, -/at, -lov, (from άσπάζοίΛοίί) to be embraced, agreeable, acceptable : άσ'ττχ.ηίως, agreeably, imllingly. " Ασ77ασ[Λ0ί, -οίτος, το, and ά,σ'ττα,σίΛος, -ου, (from p. pass, of ά,σττάζο^ύαή a salutation, greeting, caresses. ' Αστχστικος, -vj, -6v, (from same) disposed to salute, affectionate, courteous : άσττα,στι- KGv, -ου, TO, a place where strangers were received. " Ασττοίστος, -ri, -6u, same as ά,σ'τΐά,σιος. " Αστηιστος, -ου, 6, τ], (from a, and σ'π-ίΐ/^ο}) that cannot be ended by treaty, implacable, perfidious. ' Αα-ττίζ^^ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from oc. and am^f^a,) without offspring. Ασττίξγ,Υΐς, -ίος, β, jj, (from oe. 'άηά σ'ττίζχ,ύ)) urgent, incessant : ά,στΐίζ^^ϊς, incessantly. ' Αστΐίτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from ex, and ϊ'τΐοξλΛί) what cannot be followed, immense, vast, great, widely extended. 'Aff-r^BiiTro/SX'jji-, -YiTog, 6, (from οίαττίς and ά-τΐοβόίΚλω) one who throws away his shield, a deserter : relicta non bene parmula, Hor. Od. 11. 7. 10. Ααττίονις, -ίος, 6, 7j, (from άσττϊς) like a shield, round, circidar. ^ Ασ7:ϊ6•/ιστ^όφος, -ου, 6, (from same and στζΐφύ)) armed with a shield. ' Ασ'πι6-/ιφό()ος, -ου, 6, ί}, (from same and φίξω) one who carries a shield. ' ΑστηΙίσκγ}, -ης, τ], (from Μσττίς) a little shield ; a circular ornament like a little shield, the bezel of a ring, in which the stone is set. ' Αστΐϊ^ώτΛς, -at,, 6, Dor. for next. ' Ασ7Γ/δ/&)τ>?$•, -ου, 6, (from άσττίς) bearing a shield, a warrior. ' ΑστΓΐ^ό^ουττος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and Ιουττος) sounding on the shield. ' Ασ7Τίθοίΐθ7)ς, -ίος, 6, v], (from same and sioog) having a shield, or having the form of a shield. ^ Ασττΐοόυγβς, -ου, β, τ}, (from same and 'ίχύ)) one who has a shield. ' Αστΐΐοοφίφων, -ouog, 6,vj, (from same and φίηβω) one who lives by his shield, or by war. ' Ασ'ΤΓί'^όφοξος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and φίζύή one who carries a shield. ' Ασττίζω, f. -ίσο), (from χσττϊς) I protect ivith a shield, defend. "Ασ-ττίΤ^ος, -ου, ό, vj, (from οί and σττΊλος) without spot, spotless. ' ΑστΓίς, -βος, τ;, a shield ; also an asp, a species of serpent so called, perhaps, 16 from rolling itself up in a spiral form like a shield. " Ασ'ττιστνίς, -ου, άστηστήζ, -7}ζος, and άσ- ττίστωξ, -οξος, 6, (from preced.) one who is armed ivith a shield. " Ασ'ττ'κά,γγ,νος, -ου, 6, vi, (from ex, and σ'κ'κά,γγ,νου) having no bowels, cruel, cow- ardly. ' AoTvoyhzi, (from ϋστΐοα^ος^ ivithout friend- ship, without covenant. AaTTovVtoi, -ω, f. -νισω, (from next) / do not make or do not keep covenant. " Ασ'ΤΓον^ος^ -ου, 6, τ], (from oc and στίΌν^νι) that will not make covenant, implacable, ir- reconcileable ; that will not keep covenant when made, unfaithful, guilty of covenant breaking; from the custom of offering sacrifices and libations, on making solemn treaties. " Αστΐοζος, -ου, ό, τ], the same as άσττά,ζ- τος. " ΑστΓου^οίστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from α and αττουίτΐ) not urged, not to be urged, forbid- den, unworthy of attention. ' Ασ-τΐου^ίί, or άσττουΙΙ, (from same) with- out hurry or trouble. " Ασσ and οίσσοί, Attic οίττα., for oItiuoc, (from όστις) whatever things. ' Ασσά,ρ^ιον, -ου, το, (Latin) an as, (or, ac- cording to some, half the as,) a Roman coin equal to the tenth part of the de- narius, and to about three farthings of our money. "Ασσου, near, very nigh, close: άσσοτίξω, nearer, closer : άσσοτά,τω, very near, very like. ^ Ασσΰτίξον, ]ΕλΟ\. for άσσότεζον, (from preced.) nearer. '' AoToiy/ig, -ίος, 6, vj, το -ες, and οίστοίκ- τος, •ου, 6, 71, (from cc and στάζω) not droj)- ping, not flowing ; or, fast dropping, co- piously flowing : άστοίκτΐ, not in drops, co- piously. " Αστοίύνις, -ίος, άστά.ύμν\τος, -ου, and οίσ- τόίτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from oc and "ιστγιμ,ι) un- stable, infirm, uncertain, fickle. ^ Αστά,'Λπς, -oy5 0,(from ?,?ime.) a messenger. Άστάζτγ], -ης, vj, (ΠΊΠιτ^, some derive it from ά,στνίζ) Astartc, used in the singular, and Jud. ii. 13. in the plural, for Ashtaroth, an idol of the Philistines and Sidonians, some think to represent the moon, some Venus. Hence Easter. ' Aστocζωβ, {nr\7\mv) the plural of the name of the idol mentioned above, 1 Sam. vii. 4. ^ ΑστασίΛ, -οίς, 7j, (from cc and 'ίστη[Λΐ) instability. ' Αστοίσ'κχ,στος, -ου, ο, ν\, (fi'om same) //re from commotion or instability, settled. 2()3 Αοτατίω. A GREEK lEXlCON. ' Αατξα,γαΚίΑίτΙς, ' Αστα,τίω^ *o), f. -νισω, p. 'ήστά,τγιχ.οι, 1 a. ιτίστά,ΤΎίσα, (from ex. and στά,τος, which from Ίστγίμ,ι) I am unsettled, have no certain or fixed abode. " Αστά,-χ,νς, -νος, ό, (the same as ατά,γ,υς) an ear of corn. Αστεγος, -ου, ο, v], and αστίγαστος, -ov, (from oc and στίγύ)) wicovered, without house or home. ' Aarslog, -», -ov, (from οίστν) one that dwelleth in a city, well-bred, polite, elegant, beautiful, handsome, good, right. Άστίίως, (from preced.) handsomely, well, gracefully, facetiously. "Αστεκ,τος, -ου, ο, % (from a and στίγω) not to be borne, intolerable. Άστί/χφ'ης, -ίος, or -kug, 6, vj, for άατζμ.- β'ης, (from a, and στίμ^βω) unmoved, steady, resolute,firm, brave: άστίμ,φΖς, immoveably, firmly. 'AaTsuotKTog, -ov, 6, v}, (from a, and στί- υά,ζω) free from groans, cheerful: aareuoix,- Ti, or άστενύκτως, without a groan. ' ^στίος, -cc, -ov, (from άΐω) that must be sung. " AarsTtrog, -ου, ό, "/], (from cc and στίφω) unci'owned, not adorned with garlands. Άστεξγί}νωξ, Dor. άστ£ξγά.ι/ωξ, -oQog, % (from next and ccu^^) not inclined to the love of a man, ambitious. ΆστβζγνΙς, -log, 6, v}, (from cc and στίξ- γω) not givcii to love, harsh, cruel, impla- cable. Άστεζίζω, (from άστ^) I turn into a star. Άστεξίος, -χ, -ov, (from same) star7y. ^ Ασπξίσκ,ος, and άστίζίσμος, -ου, 6, (from same) an asterisk or asteinsm, a mark of dis- tinction or reference. ^ Aars^oiih'^g, -iog, 6, ri, (from same and ίΊ^ος) having the appearance of a star, marked with stars. " Αστεζόίΐς, -εσσα,, -tv, (from άστνκ^ starry: ace. sing, άσπζόίν^ , for dars^osvTcc. " Αστίζοόμ,μ,οίτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ομ,μ.οί) star-eyed. ' Αστεξοτττ], -ijg, % the same as άστζο,'ΤΓ'ή. "" Αστζξοτΐνιτνίς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the thunderer. " Αστίξοφεγγνις, -eg, (from άατνίζ and ipgy- yoc) illumined with stars. ' Αστίξωττος, -ov, (from same and ω-ψ) hav- ing the face of a star, starry, bright. ' Αστίφΐίς, -iog, άστίφοίνος, -ου, and άστε- . φά,νωτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from ci and στέφω) un- croivned, imadorned with garlands. ' Αστο5, -i^g, vi, (from οίστυ) a female citi- zen. " ΑστνιΚος, -ου, 6, ij, (from a and στ'ή'ΚΎΐ) having no pillar or monument. 264 ' Αστνίξ, -i^og, 6, (perhaps from nrrj^, or *ηΠϊ:) α star, fixed star, planet, or comet ; a luminous body resembling a star, a meteor, E. Δ', 75. What is, in reference to Christ, called ιχ,υτου τον άστεξα, in Matth. ii. 2. is probably the same with Ιό^ης Κυρίου, m Exod. xl. 28. " ΑστνίξίΛτος, -ου, ο, '^, {ex, and στ'/ΐξΐκ,τος, which from στνίξίζω) unsettled, unstable, un- steady. Αστίβ'ής, -iog, άστίβ-ζιτος, and οίστίβος, -ου, ο, Vi, (from ex and στείβω, or στίβω) un- trodden. ΆστΙκος, or eiστυ>cog, -'/j, -ov, (from οίντν) of the city, polished, prudent: άστΚζως, wisely, in an elegant manner. " Αστ'Κεγγίστος, -ov, (from ci and στ'Κεγ- γίζω) unscoured, unscrubbed. " Αστονος, and άστονάχ,νιτος, -ov, (from ex, and στενω) without groans, silent, happy. ^ Αστόζενος, -ου, ό, vj, (from είστός and |i- vog) a stranger in a city where his ancestors were citizens. "Αστοργος, -ου, 6, v}, (from ex, and ffTogyij) void of natural affection. ' Αστός, -οΐι, 6, (from όόστυ) a citizen, fel- low-citizen, helpmate. ^ Αστοχεω, f. -νισω, p. νίστοχ,ηχ,α, 1 a. νιστό- XmcCi (from άστοχος) I miss my aim, err, deviate, fail, miscarry. " Αστ6χΎ\(Α^εχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) er- ror, miscai'riage, mistake. 'Αστοχία,, -cxg, 7], (from same) a want oj aim, rashness, absurdity. "Αστοχος, -ου, 6, τι, (from a, and στοχά,ζο- μ,α,ι, which from στείχοί, I go in order) one who misseth his aim, erring, injudicious: άστόχως, withoid aim, injudiciously. ' ΑστξΑβγι, -Yig, yj, a pair of panniers, a pillion ; a donkey. ' Αστρ^ά,βνιΚοίτγις, -ου, ό, (from preced. and ελοίύνα) a donkey- or mule-driver. Άστξάβγιλος, -ου, ό, the same with στ^ά- βη'^ος. " Αστξά,β'^ις, -έος, ό, 'ή, (from ec and στφφω) not to be turned, firm. Άστξccβiζά), (from ex■στξύβ■/l) I ride on a pillion, ride, am carried. ^ Aστ^ex,7;ίδί, (from ex, and σχοΤ^.")]) I cause to be busy, employ, oc- cupy : α,σχο7^εο[Λεχι, -o'by.exi, 1 f. pass, άσχο- 7^τ,ύ'^σο{Λοίΐ, I am occupied. ' Ασχο'Κιοί, -όίς, τ], (from same) occupation, labour. Άσχο'Κος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same) having no leisure, busy, occupied. ' Ασύϊ^γις, -εος, ο, vj, (from α,ση, satiety) loathing ; also, (from οίσις, mud) marshy. ' Αϋώμοίτος, A GREEK LEXICON. Άτελ^ϋτοί. ^ Ασύ}μ,οίτος, -ου, ο, ^, (ΐτοΐΐϊ oc and σω[Λθί) incorporeal, immaterial. ^ Ασωτίοί, -χς, νι, (from next) profligacy, debauchery, abandoned riot. "Ασωτος, -ου, 6, ί], (from αί and σωζύ)) pro- fligate, abandoned. ' Ασωτως, (from same) profligately, riot- ously. Άτοίκτίο), -ω, f. -Vjao), p. 'ήτάκτ-ηκοί, 1 a. ',^τά,κ,τγισα, (from next) / behave irregularly or disorderly. " Ατοί-λ,τος, -ου, ό, η, (from oc and τίτίίκ,ται, S pers. sing. perf. pass, of τάσσω) disorderly, irregidar. ' Ατάκ,τοίς, (from preced.) irregularly, disorderly. ' ΑτΐζΆοίΙ'7Τύ}ζος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (a priv. or aug. and τΆ7κcx,ί7τoiooς) free from labour or trouble; oi' full of labour or trouble, irJcsome. ΑτόίΚΛντος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from ct and τόύ\α,ν- του) equal in weight, or in any other re- spect, like. ΑτοίΚάφ^οίν, -όνος, 6, 5j, (from άτα,'Κος and ^Q^viy) of a tender disposition, applied to a tender age, which is incapable of care or sorrow. Ατάλλώ), or ά.ττά,'Κ'Κω, f. -άλω, also άτι- τά,ΧΚω, (from next) / sMp about and am merry ; also, set free from care, cherish, educate with care and tenderness. ' Ατού^,ος, -v}, -ου, (from ci and τΛΚά,ω) of an age not to suffer sorroiv or misery, young, tender ; free from sorrow or misery, lively, pretty. Άταξίίί, -ας, τ], (from οί and τύ^ίς) dis- order. Άτα.ξ, but, but then, on the contrary, in the next place, after. ^ Ατάζ&χ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from cc and ταξά,σ- σω) undisturbed: Λταζάχ,ας, withoid fear. Αταξβ'ής, -ΐος, and α.τάξβ•/}τος, -ου, ό, 'ή. Dor. άτάρβοίτος, ό), and Ion. -oto, (from a, and ταφίω) undisturbed, unalarmed, in- trepid. ' Ατάζμ,υκ,τος, -ου, 6, "ή, (from όίτβξ and μΰω) who does not shut his eyes, intrepid. Ατοίζττος, άταοττΗος, άτζοίτΐ^ιτος, or d- τζΛΤΓος, -ου, ο, (from oi, priv. or aug. and τζίττω) a street or public way in which men are turning or moving to and fro ; a straight path, that does not turn to the right or left, not devious though liable to be in some places steep and rugged ; the straight path to the grave, whence there is no re- turn. Αταζτνίξος, -ου, ο, 'ή, or -ζος, -ς», -ξου, (from oc and είτηοός) blinded by passion or a sense of guilt, very fierce or reproachfid. ' Ατάξχϋτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from ot and τοίζ- χΰω) unembalmcd, unbuned. ' ΑτύίσθΛΚίΛ, -α,ς, -η, (from next) infatua- tion, folly, madness ; injustice, rapine, vio- lence, atrocity, arrogance, audacity, indis- cretion, misconduct ; the ί^Άύη flagitium. " Ατ&ίσθΰύΟ\ω, f. -αΚω, and ά,τασύοίΚίΟί, f, -νισω, (perhaps from οίττι and ^άλλώ)) / bloom or effloresce with passion as with blossoms, behave wantonly and ivicJcedly, act contrary to justice, truth, and honour. Άτάσύοΐτκος, -ου, ο, ίί, (from s^me) foolish, mad, indiscreet, rash, irrational, unjust, in- clement, insolent, profligate. " Αταυορς, and ά,τα,ΰ^ωτος, -ου, 6, v}, also άτα,υξόίττι, {ex. and ταύρος) unyoked, chaste. "Ατά,φος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a. and ^ά,τττω) unburied. "Άτά,χος, Dor. for γ τύ,γ,ος, as quickly as possible. ' Ατάού, and ά,τίω, f. -'ί^σω, p. '^'rvjzoi, (from όίτω) I hurt, injure: άτά,ομ,αι, suffer in- jury. "At£, for « T£, i. e. Koiff oi τ£, because, as, inasmuch as : ατί, ivhere. "Ατίγκ,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ex. and τίγγοή unmoistened with tears, that cannot be mois- tened with tears, hard-hearted. Άτίΐ^'ής, -ίος, ο, sj, (from oc and τείξοή not to be worn out or wearied, invincible, imperishable, importunate, fierce. ^ Ατείχιστος, -ου, 6, ^, (from a, and τίϊχ,ος) without walls, unfortified. ^ Ατίίχος, -ov, (from same) without a wall. Άτίκ,^ο!.()τος, -ου, 6, 7], (from ct and τΐκ- μοίζ) not affording a sure ground for con- jecture, not ascertained, that cannot be ascer- tained, uncertain. Άτεκ,ΐ/ίω, -ω, (from όίτεκ,νος) I have no children, am barren. Άτί-Λνίοί, -ας, h, (from next) a being childless. " Ατζκ,υος, -ου, ό, 9), (from ex. and τίκνον) having no child, childless. " Ατζκ,νόω, f. -ύ)σω, p. ^τίκ,νωκ,εχ, 1 f. pass. άτζκνο}ύ7}σο[/.(Χ,ι, p. 'ήτίκ,υωy^ex.ι, 1 a. act. τιτίκ- νωσοί,, 1 a. pass. ^τίχ,νόί&-/\ν, (from same) / deprive of children, make childless. ' Ατΐκ.ΐ/ωσις, -ιος, Attic -εο)ς, sj, the same as " ΑτίΆ]/ί<λ. Άτ£λ£/ί^, -ex,ς, Ion. άτεΚτϊί'η, -'/^ς, ^, (from ex. and τίτλος) imperfection ; also, immunity, exemption from taxes, privilege. ' ΑτίΚΐστα, (from same) in vain. ' ΑτίΆζατος, -ου, 6, v), (from ex. and τεκίω) imperfect, unripe, unavailing, uninitiated. Άτξ-Κεσφόξπτος, -ου, ο, vi, (from next and φίζ(ύ) not bi^ought to perfection or wa- turity. Άτίτ^ευτος, and α.τε7^€ύτγ}τος, -ου, 6, tj, (from ec and τε'Κευτοίύή not brought to an end, that cannot be brought to an end, im- 267 Ά?•£ληί. A GREEK LEXICON. *Α7μγι, practicable; not to he wrought upon, in- flex'ihle. 'ArsX'^g, 'ίος, 6, τ], (from ct and τίλος) im- perfect, unripe, abortive, ineffectual, exempt from tiibute. ΆτίΐίΛβω, f. -ψώ>, (from όίτγι and Ιμ,βούι/ω) I beguile by false hopes, deprive ; pass, am deprived, balked of, stripped. 'Atsuyjc, -ίος, 6, V), (from ct and τύρω) in- tent, steady, keen, inflexible, ivide-spreading. * Ατίυίζο), f. -Ισύ), p. νιτίνικΛ, 1 a. ν^τέι/ίσοί, part, άτί.νίσχς, (from preced.) Ιβχ my eyes, behold or look steadfastly or attentively, gaze upon. *At£^, οίτίξ&ζ, and οίτεξθει/, JEol, οίτεξύοι, without, not with, not having, in the absence of, asunder, apart from. 'AreQcc/iii/og, -ou. Dor. άπζά,μ,ι^ω, and άτ£ξόίμύ)ν, -όνος, 6, VI, {οί and Ti^ctf^uog or τίζάμ,ων) difficult to be boiled or digested, hard, stubborn, implacable, harsh, grating. ΆτΒξοιμνότγις, -ητος, vi, (from preced.) hardness. ^ Ατίξμ,ων, ~ov6g, 6, v], (from « and τίξ^α-) not bounded. "Ατεςος, for ο ϊτίζος, the other. * Ατίζττνις, -ίος, and οίτβξ'ΤΓος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from οί and τίζ'πω) disagreeable, joyless, hitter, painful. Άτεξφίαί, -χς, and ατεξ-ψίπ, -ης, τ], (from preced.) unpleasantness, trouble. Αηυγ,'^ς, -ίος, and οίηΰγ;ί\τος, -ου, 6, i], (from a, and τεύχ,ω) unarmed, unwrought. ^ ΑτίχνΎΐς, -ίος, and α,τεχ,νος, -ου, 6, v), (from οί and τίγ,νγϊ) without art, inartificial ; artless, guileless: ά,ηχ,ΐ/ως, or ά,τίχνως, sim- ply, plainly, assuredly, by all means ; or un- skilfidly, negligently. * Ατεχυίοί, -χς, ij, (from same) unskilful- ness, inertness. 'Ατίύύ, f. -ί]σω, (from χτω) I am infatuat- ed, am plunging myself into ruin. " Arri, ά,ά,ΤΎΐ, iEol. ά,α,ΰτιη, -ης, vi, (from same, or perhaps from mx) desire or pas- sion ; malignity, envy, hatred ; infatuation, folly, deception ; sin, crime, guilt ; fate, fiend ; loss, calamity, slaughter, punishment, evil, death. ' Ατημ-εΚίω, f. -νισω, (oc and ττη/^ελίω) I neglect. ' ArYif^iT-.r,*, -ίος, and άτγι/^ί'^νιτος,-ου, 6,v], (from same) neglected, unadorned: ά.τγ,μ.£- Τ,ίως, άτηΐ^Ο^ως, and α,τγιμ,ε'λνιτως, negligent- ly, heedlessly : ά,τγΐ{Λε7\.'ητως εχειν, to be ne- glected or unheeded. Άτ)7^£λ/ύί, and άτγι/^ίλειχ, -χς, v), ne- ' Ατηζος, -Qpi, -QO!/, and άτγίξ'ηζ* -^ος, 6, i], (from άτοίω) eager of desire, furious, de- structive, deadly. 268 'At el ς, -ίίος, τ], of Attica. Άτίξω, and άτίω, f. -ίσύ), (from a and τίω) I dishonour, disgrace. ' Ατιύά,σσευτος, and άτίύοίσσος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from «and πύασσεΰω) that cannot be tamed, untractable. ' ATtfitx,yi7\.ngy -ου, 6, (from άημα^ν άγί- "hnv) one who despises the herd or fiock ; hence drtf^ctyehuu, to despise the flock : and ά,τιΐΛοίγεΚευυης, pres. part. Dor. for -ουιιτες. Άτίμχζύ), f. -άσω, p. τιτίμοίκα, 1 a. yjTi- /ϋοίσοί, p. pass. ν}τί^χσμκί, (from oc and ημ,ά,ω) I dishonour, treat unth contumely or Ατιι/,οίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from p. pass, of pre- ced.) ignominy. Άπμ,ά,ω, (ot and η/^χω) the same as Αη/χάζω. Άτί^Λητος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) not valued ; also invaluable. " Ατιμ,ίχ, -χς, 7], (from next) dishonour, disgrace, ignominy. " Ατίμ^ος, -ου, 6, v}, (from a and r/^ij) dis- honourable, without honour. ' Ατιμ,όω, f. -ωσω, p. νίτί^Λωκ.χ, 1 f. pass, άτιμ,ωύ'-ήσομ,χι, p. νιτίΐΛωμ,χι, 1 a. act. νιτί\αωσχ, 1 a. pass, νιτίμάύην, (from preced.) / dishonour, treat with indigni- ty•^ \\τιμωξΥΐτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from χ and η^^ω- ζίω) unpunished. ' Αημ,ωξΥίτως, and «έτ/^καί^ΐίτί, (from pre- ced.) with impimity. ' Ατίμ,ως, (from χτιμος) without honour, with infamy. ^ Ατίνχκ,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from χ and xivxa- σω) unshaken, unmoved. ' Ατιτχ70\ω, iraperf. οίτ/τβίλλοι/, infin. ά,η- τχΤα^ίμ,ζνχί, Dor. for drirxKhuv. See xTxKKcd. "Ατίτος, -ου, 6, yj, (from χ and τίω) un- honoured, unavenged. Άτλχγενής, -ίος, 6, vj, (from "ΑτΆχς and yiuof^xi) descended from Atlas. " Ατ'Κχντειος, -χ, -ου, and ' Ατ'λχντίκ,ος,-νι, -oy, (from "Ατλίίί) of Aths, Atlantic, or At- lantean. "Ατ-λχνης, -ΐΙος, τι, (from same) a daugh- ter of Atlas : Άτλάι/τίδε^•, -ων, χί, the fifteen daughters of Atlas, of which five were called Hyades, the rest Pleiades. "ΑτΤ,χς, -χντος, 6, (from a intens. and τχ- "Κχω or τλάω) Atlas, who was said to sustain heaven on his shoulders. "Ατ'Κχτος, -ω. Dor. for χτλητος, -ου, 6, (from X and τ'Κχω) unsifferable. ' Ατ(Λίνος, -ου, and χτμ,νιν, -ίνος, 6, a ser- vant. ' Ατμνι, -iji, «j, the same as χτ(Λ(ς. "Ατμ,ψος, A GREEK LEXICON. Άτταταί, "Ατμ,ητος, -ου, ό, τ], (from cc and τί^ΐ/ω) uncut. ' Ατμ,ίζύ), ΐ. -7σω, (from next) I emit va- pour. *ΑτμΙς, -Ί^ος, vj, dry-o;, -ου, ό, (from οίω) vapour, particularly of smoke, Joel ii. 30. Acts ii. 19. * Ατμ,ω^-ης, -sog, ό, 'ή, (from ^reced.) full of vapour. "Ατοκος, -ου, ό, vj, (from λ and τίκτω) without usury or interest, ^ ΑτοΚ^,Ύΐτος, -ov, (from at. and τοΤ^^ΰω) not to be dared, not to he attempted. "ΑτοΤ^μ,ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) not bold, cowardly. " Ατο[Λθς, -ου, 6, τι, (from ex, and τίτομ,α, perf. mid. of τϊ^,^ο)) uncut, that cannot be cut, indivisihle : όίτο/^.ον, το, an indivisible particle of matter, an atom ; an indivisible point of time, an instant, a moment. 1 Cor. XV. 52. ^ ΑτοΆω, -ω, f. -νισο), p. ν}τόντ,κοί, 1 a. ^ήτό- νγισοί, (from ά,τονος) I am infirm, languish. ^ Ατονίοί, -οίς, τ], (from preced.) relaxation, languor, debility. "Ατονος, -ου, ό, τ], (from ec and perf. mid. of Tiiuo)) infirm, relaxed, unextended. '' Ατουόω, ΐ. -Liao), (from preced.) I make infirm. ' Ατοτ-ίοί, -α,ς, tj, (from next) unsuitable- ness, imj)ropriety, absurdity. " Ατοττος, -ου, 6, tj, το -ov, {a and τόττος) luithout pUice, having no place, inconvenient, unsuitable, improper, amiss, wrong, preju- dicial, hurtful, evil, absurd, unreasonable, 2 Thess. iii. 2. "Ατος, -ου, 6, yj, (contr. for α,α,τος, which from «acj) eager for, insatiable. " ΑτζΛκτος, -ου, 6, τ], a reed, arrow, distaff. ' Ατζακτνλις, -ίοος, y}, (from preced.) a species of thorn, a briar. 'Ar^iiTroV, -ου, 5?, (from ec intens. and r^fltTTiij) a beaten way or path. See άτοίζ^- Ατφκίΐζί, -ίΐς. Ion. άτοίκΊπ, -τις, tj, (from next) brightness, ti'uth, sincerity. ^ ΑτζίκΥις, -ίος, ο, 9], clear, bright, true, real, certain, sincere, impartial: οίτ^εκίς, truly, certainly, manifestly: άτιίίκίως, or (ίτξίκως, with ti'uth, in reality, accurately, circumstantially, in a clear light. Dr. Jones derives this word from ex. priv. and the Persian ^^yi, the parent also of dark. Ατοίμ,οΐΛος, -ecicc, -oilov, and άτζε/χ'/ις, -ίς, -ίος, (from fii and τοί^.οϊ) unmoved, tranquil, still, soft, silent : άτ(^ί[Λίΐ, οίτξίμ,ας, α,τξίμίΐ, without agitation, quietly, steadily, firmly. Ατζε[/,ϊω, f. -'ήσω, p. ^Tqif^riKCi, άτζομίω, and άτζί^ίΐζω, -Ίοω, (from same) / am tran- quil, quiet, or still; I keep tranquil, quiet, or still, confirm. ' AT^syJu, -ας, τ}, (from same) freedom from trepidation, composure, firmness. " Ατ^ίτττος, -ου, 6, v], (from et and τρί'ττω') immidable. "Ατζεστος, -ov, (from α and τζεω) in- trepid. Άτ^εύς, -εως, 6, Atreus, the son of Pe- lops : ' Ατ^εβ•/ις, or ' Κτζέι'^ης, -ου, and ^ Ατζείων, -ωνος, 6, the son of Atreus, viz. Agamemnon, or Menelaus. ' Ατζίβοίστος, -ov, (from λ and τζφάζω or τξίβω) tender-footed. Άτξ'ίβ'ής, -εος, όίτ^ιτττος, -ου, and ά,τζί- βων, -(ύνος, 6, 'ή, (from cc and τξίβω) untrod- den, unmarked ; not worn, entire ; not trod- den out, unthreshed ; untrained, uninured, tender ; not to be trodden, imperviable. "Ατξίχ,ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from ec and θ^ί|) without hair. "Ατςομος, and άτζόμ^τος, -ου, ό, vj, (from cc and τξεμ,ω) without trembling, intrepid, firm. "" At ^0-77 Ice, -ας, v}, (from next) inflexibility. "Ατξοττος, -ου, ό, vi, (from ct priv. or aug. and τζεττω) without turning, unalterable ; much turned, distorted, perverse ; unman- nerly. ^Ατξοφεω, f. -7]σω, (from a aqd τξεψω) I am unfed, lean. Άτζοφία, -ecg, % (from preced.) want of nourishment, atrophy. "Ατξοψος, -ου, ό, τ), (from same) unfedy lean ; also, not nourishing. ^ Ατουγετος, -ου, ό, vj, {ct and τ^ΰγετος') fruitless, barren, that cannot be cultivated. " Ατζΰγτις, -εος, 6, vj, (from cc and τ^υγν^) not to be gathered. "Ατζϋγος, -ου, 6, vi, (from a, and T^v^)free from dregs, pure. ^ Ατζϊ>ι/.ων, -όνος, and οίτξϋτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from cc and τζΰω) not worn down, unsub- dued ; not to be worn dowB, indefatigable, vehement, vast. 'AtqvtOjvyi, -γις, 71, (from same) invincible. "Ατρωτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from it and τιτ^ωσκω) unhurt, invidnerable. " Αττα, 6, (like άββα,, α.'τΐ'ττα, Ίτά.'ττιτΰίς, or TkTTcc) originally a child's way of saying father ; afterwards a term of respect used by juniors when addressing seniors, Father, Sir. See «/3/3«. "Attcc, or ύίττοί, Attic for όίτίνοί,ον τινά. Dor. όίσσχ, -ύ)ν, τά, some, any, whatever things, of whatever sort. ^ Αττά,κγις, and άττακος, -ου, 6, the bold locust. Lev. xi. 22. Άττάλλύ;, sec άτάΧΚω. 'Arrarcii, alas! 260 Άττελαβΰς» A GREEK LEXICON. Αυλεία, Άττίλχβος, and άττίλίβοζ, -ov, ό, a spe- cies of locust, Nah. iii. I7. " Αττικ,ίζω, f. -1σω, (from ^Αττικός) I fa- vour, or imitate, the Athenians. ^ ArriySiaic, -ιος, jj, (from same) Attic pu- rity or manners. ^ ΑττικιστΙ, (from same) in the Attic manner or dialect. " Αττ'ΪΛος, -^, -ou, (from άκ,τνι) Athenian, Attic, elegant: ^ ArriKVi 'ττίστις, Attic, i. e. honest faith, '' Array, Attic for α,ασον, nearer. " Arro), (for ciaaoi or aimcS) I jump, spring. ^ Ατύξω, f. -ύ^ο), p. ν}τνχ,οί, (from oirn) I scare, terrify, confuse, and perple,ic : drvζo- μαι, lamfightenedf^yforfear; 1 a. pass. ''yirv)cuyiy. " Arvicrog, ov, 6, tj, (from cc and revxa) unmade. " Arv^^ivrng, and cirv^,fiog, -ov, 6, v}, (from tx, and rvf/.fisua) ivithout a tomb, un- buried. ^ Arv^auuevrog, -ov, 6, v}, (from ei and rv- Qoivusva) not tyrannized over, indej^endent. ^ Ατνφίοί, -ας, vj., (from next) freedom from pride, an unassuming deportment. "Arvφoς, -ov, 6, yj, {cc and τύφος) without pride or p)omp. ' Arvxka, 'ω, (from et and rv^/ri) I am unfortunate. ' Ατΰχ,'ης, -ίος, 6, τ,, (from same) unfortu- nate : άτνγβ,στά,τοί,, most unfortunately. Ατυχ,ία,, -ας, V}, άτΰχτι^αα, -oirog, ro, and άτ'ιχ,ησίς, -scjg, ij, (from same) misfortune, adversity. " Ατω, f. &σο), 1 a. ασα, 2 pers. sing. α,ασας, the long vowel being divided into two short ones, / injure, wrong, blast. Av, bach, up, upwards, again, also, more- over, on the contrary, in one's turn, further, next. Abo'Avoi, -οίνω, 1 a. Υιΰγινα, (from αΰο}) I dry by exposing to the sun, wither, cause to fade : avaiuof^^t, 1 a. ανάνύην, I am dried, seasoned as timber is, piiie away, burst with envy. Ανοικίος, -ia,, -iov, (from ανος) dry, squa- lid, rough. Αύγάζω, and Ανγεω, (from ανγτ)) I i7Tadiatc, beam or shine fo)'th. Ανγασμ,α, -ατός, ro, (from preced.) splendour, brightness. ΑνγΥί, -^ς, ί], (from ,133) light, splendour, the day-spring, day-break, first appearance of day -light, a mirror. Ανγοΐιστος, -ov, 6, (Latin) Augustus. Αν^ά,ζο), f. -ά|ώ), 1 a. m. Yivha^af^riv, and αν^ά,ω, f. -7)σω, and -άσω, imperf. γιΰ^αον, 3 p. riv^as, contr. γιν^α, 1 a. -/ιυ^νισα, 3 p. Ion. χυΐγ,σα,σ•)^, for αυΐνισα,σκζ, 1 f. mid. ocvZa,- σομ,αι, (from next) I speak audibly, tell, utter, call, command, speak of, celsbrate. Avh'/i, -iji", Vi, (from α,νω) a voice, word, speech, discourse, message, sound. ΑνΙτίίΐς, -ίσσα, -iv, (from preced.) having an articulate voice, using the language of men, civilized, eloquent; celebrated by the language of men, illustrious. Ανύά^ίΐα, -ας, ij, (from next) self-will^ pride, arrogance. Αΰύά^/]ς, -sog, -ονς, 6, 'ή, and ab^v^^img, -v), -6u, (from αντος and ά,οίω) self-willed, self-pleased, or rather pleasing himself and despising others, supercilious, haughty, inso- lent, surly. Ανύα^ισμ,α, -ατός, ro, (from preced.) in- solence. Ανύαοίστομ,ος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and aro,u,a) foul-mouthed. ΑνύαίΐΛύ)ν, -ouog, 6, vj, (from αντος and aly^a) one of the same blood. Ανύαίοίτος, -ov, 0, v}, (from same and al- φω) choosing or willing of himself, or of his own accord. Ανύαιςίτως, (from preced.) of his own accord. Ανύίκ,αστος, -ov, 0, v}, (from αντος and ίκ,αστος) self same in all things, rigid, severe. Ανύίντίω, -ω, (from next) / use or exer- cise authority or power over, domineer. Ανύίντνις, -ov, 6, (from αντος and ύς, gen. ίυτος, scjiding himself) one acting by his own cmthority or power, usurping the power of life and death, a self-murderer. Avusuria, -ας, "/], (from preced.) power, authority, right. Ανύίντι-Λος, -vj, -ov, (from same) authentic, established by sufficient authority. Ανύτι[Λζζίνος, -4 -ov, (from αντος and T^yJ^a) belonging to the same day. Ανύνι^Λίζον, (from same) on the same day. Ανύι, for αντόύί, here, there, in the same place. Ανόίγενί^ς, -ίος, ο, '5tigy;o-fli, 1 f. pass. ccv'^,Yi6'/jaoyui, p. pass. ΎΐνΙγιμ,Άί, 1 a. pass, -ην^'/,θ-γιν, (from ocv^o)) I grow, increase ; make to groiv or increase. Ανξγ,σις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, tj, (from preced.) groivth, increase. Av'^-Yirry.og, -ov, 6, vj, or -6ς, -τι, -ov, (from same) having the power and tendency to increase. Avijydg, -'/I, -oi/y (from same) causing an increase, 12 Ανζω, the same as α,ί^ω, I grow, increase, Eph. ii. 21. Col. ii. 19. Avo'jvi, •Υις, 'ή, (from α,νω) clamour ; also, drought, dryness. Ανος, -Yi, -ov, or -or, -cj, -ov, (from same) dry. " AvTTvoc, -ov, 0, vi, (ci and ντΓνος) sleepless. Avpct, -ccg, Vi, a breeze, air, gale, breath. Αΰζίον, time immediately after or succeed- ing soon after, to-morrow, ivithin a short time. Ανστούάος, -ία, -ίον, (from ανος) dry, squalid, shabby. Ανστγιοία, -ας, and ανστγιξοτης, -Υιτος, {], (from next) austerity. Ανστγι^ος, -a, -ov, austere, rough, harsh, severe. Άντά, -ας, τ], Dor. for άνττ], a battle: but αντά. Dor. for αντν;, fem. of αντός. Αντάγγί'λος, -ov, 6, (from αντος and dy- yiKhoi) one luho brings his own message. Αντάγίτος, and αντάγγιτος, -oy,oV^,(from same and dyay.ai) self-admiring. Αντάγ^^τος, -ov, 6, v}, (from same and άγίίζω) gathered by one's self, attained or attainable by one's own discretion and exer- tions, under one's own control. Αντάοίκφος, -ov, (from same and άοίλ- φος) born of the same womb, an own brother or sister. Αντάξ, (from ayrs and a^a) but, but then, on the contrary, in the next place, hence perhaps, after. Ανταξίσκεια, and ανταο5σκ.ία, -ας, vj, (from αντος and ά^ίσκύ)) excessive self-love, a self pleasing disposition. Αντάζκ,^ια, -ας, >}, (from next) sufficiency, competence, contentment. Ανταρκίο), -ω, f. -'/ισω, \).-γΐκ,α,{ΐγο\η next) I provide a sufficiency. Αντά^κ,Υίς, -ίος, -ονς, ο, oj, (from αντος ΆΧ\ά άξκίω) self-sufficient, sufficient, content. Ανταξ>'.ύ}ς, (from preced.) sufficiently: ανταξκως 'ϊγ,ίΐν, to be content or i7idepend- enf. Αντε, (from av) again, in return, on the contrary. Αντί^ονσιος, -ov, 6, tj, (from αυτός and s^ovaia) in possession of one's own rights, come of age, independent, free. Αντζος, Ion. for αντός. ΑντίττάγγίΤ^τος, -ov, 6, ij, (from same and iTrayyiyo^o)) declaring of one's own accord, volwdary. Αντί'ττωνν^ος, -ov, (from same and Ιτΐωνυ- μ,ος) having the same name. Αντί()ίτγις, -ov, 6, (from same and ίζίτνις) one loho himself rows as lucll asflghts. ' Αντίω, f. -7ΐσω, p. '/ίντγ,κα, αντίυν. Dor. for 'ήντονν, 3 p. pliir, imperf. indie, act. 271 'AiVi A GREEK LEXICON. Αυτομ^τωζ, contr. (from ctvio) I cry, shout, roar, bellow , call aloud, invoke. - 'Ayr'/j, -^ς, ij, (from ανω, Οΐ ανω) clamour, shouting, battle. Αύττικ,οος, -ου, 6, v}, (from οίντος and α- κούω) himself a hearer, an ear-iuitness. Αύτ^ΐΛοί^, (from same and ^jf^ccQ) in the same day. y Ayr;, for α,υτόθι, in the same place, there, here. Αϋτίκΰί, and contr. α,υτί-Λ , and α,ϋτί•)^, (from κύτος) in the same instant, instantly, immediately, ηοιυ, already; for example: dijrUcx, μ,ά,Τ^ϋί, very readily : ως Λυτίκοί, as quickly as possible : οίύτίκ,οί νυκτός, as soon as it ivas night. Αυτις, Ion. for οίυύις, again, back, here- ofter, in return. ' Αύτμτι, -νις, yj, and ά'ΰτμ,νιν,-ζνος, 6, (from αΰω) breath, odour, exhalation, blast. Αϋτοά,^θζωττος, -ου, 6, (from αυτός and αι/θζωττος) the very man. Αύτοβούω, (from same and βοά,ω) I cele- brate myself. ΑντοβοεΙ, (from same and βο'ή) on the first shout, at the onset. Αυτόβουλος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and fiovKvj) acting on one's coimsel, self-willed. ■ ΑύτογίνΒβ'λος, -ου, χϋτογίννίς, -έος, and αύτογίννϊΐτος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and ysi- νομοίΐ) born of oneself, native; incestuous ; — not born, eternal. Αυτογνωμ^ονίω, f. -'^σω, (from next) I act at my own discretion. Αϋτογνωι^ων, -όνος, 6, vi, (from α,υτος and yvcdf^n) one luho acts at his own discretion, without the form or authority of law, an arbiter. Αυτόγνωτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and γίγι/ωσκ,ω) self-determined. Αϋτόγξά,φος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and '/ζάφω) autograph, written luith one's own Ίιατιά. Αύτόγνον, -ου, το, (from same and γύα) the wood on tuhich the ploughshare or the coulter is fixed. Αύτοδ«ί5ί, -ου, 6, η, (from same and "^χίω) who hath learned from himself. Αϋτο^άϊκτος, -ου, ό, v), (from same and 'ha,'ιζω) self-slain, midually slain. Αύτο^ίκ,οίίτεοί, -ίων, τοί, the entire space of ten years. Αύτό^ϊΐΤίΟς, -ov, (from α,υτος and BijAo?) self-evident. Αύτο^ιύκ,ονοί, -ων, οί, (from same and δ/- Λκονίω) pe7'S07is who serve themselves. ΑύτοΙβχκτος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and ^il• Οίκτος) self-taught. ΑύτόΐΊκος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and Ιίκ,τ}) one who has the power of deciding without 272 appeal ; independent in the administration af^ justice. ΑύτόΙϊον, (from same and όΙός) in the same way, instantly. Αϋτοΐνττις, -ου, 6, (the sam.e as αΰύίντγις) a self-murderer. Αϋτοίτύ, (from α,υτός and 'ίτος) in the same year. Αϋτόύί, and α,ύτόύίν, (from α,υτος) from the same place. Αϋτόύί, (from same) there, in the same place. Αυτοκ,άβΙοίΚος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and κάβος) one ivho makes a coarse bread for himself ; made on the exigency of the mo- ment, coarse, vulgar. Αυτοκα,σίγντιτος, -ου, 6, (from αυτός, and κασίγνΥιτος) an οιυη brother: αύτοκασιγνή- τγι, -ης, ij, an own sister. Αυτοκατάίί^ίτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and κατακξίνω) self-condemned. Tit. iii. 11. Αύτοκί7\.£υύος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and κίλίυύος) travelling by oneself. ΑυτοκζΚ'ής, -ίος, and αύτοκί7\ζυστος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and κίΚίϋω) self-commis- sioned, of one's οιυη accord. Αυτόκλητος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and κλιτός) self-called, of one's own accord. Αϋτόκομ,ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and κό- (Λ'/ι) wearing one's own hair, hairy. Αυτοκρατορικός, -'^, -ov, (from next) be- longing to an aidocrat ; exercising absolide power. Αυτοκξοίτωζ, -οζος, and αυτοκξοίτ'ής, -ου, ό, (from αυτός and κζατϊω)οη6 who has power over himself, independent ; one luho has all power in himself, a plenipotentiary ; an ab- solide monarch, an autocrat. Αύτοκτίνίω, (from same and κτύνω) I slay myself ΑυτόκτΤ,τος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and κτίζω) self-formed, native. Αυτόκτονος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and κτίίνω) self-slaying. ΑΰτολίξεΙ, (from same and λίζ/ς) word for word, literally. Αϋτολτίκϋύος, -ου, ό, v), (from same and Τκτικυύος) one who carries his own oil, luho is his own attendant. Αύτολυζίζω, (from same and λυξίζω) I play the lyre myself. Άύτο,κ,ατίζω, f. -7σω, (from next) I move sptontaneously, act on my οιυη authority. Αυτόμ,ατος, -yi, -ov, or -ου, ό, vj, (from αυ- τός and μ,άω) spontaneous, of its own ac- cord, sudden. Αυτομάτως, (from ψί^ο,^^.) spontaneously . Αϋτομνιτηζ, -Βξος, vi, (from αυτός and μν}- τγΐξ) very mother, own mother. Αύτομ-ήτωξ, -οξος, ό, vj, (from satne) born Αοτομολεω. A GREEK LEXICON. Αντουξγΐα. of the same mother , of his very mother, that is, exactly like her. Κϋτομ,ο'κίω, -ω, f. -ν)σω, p. '/\υτο(ΛθΚ•ί\ΛΛ, 1 a. ηυτο[Λ07^η7!>ί^ (from α,ϋτος and μ,οκίω) I go of my own accord, desert, go over to the enemy. ΑύτομοΤ^Ίοί, -fit?, 5i, (from preced.) deser- tion. Κυτόμ^^Κος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) spon- taneously going, a deserter. Αυτόνομος, -ου, ο, '^, (from α,υτος and νό- μος) one whiy is a law to himself, free, inde- pendent. ΑύτοννχΙ, or (Λυτονυγβ), (from same and I/I'D in that very night. Αυ-τό'^υΚος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and |y- λο:/) of mere wood, of solid luood. Αυτοτΐοίγνις, -ίος, (from same and 'ττ'ήγω) self-made, made by histinct, not by human art. Αύτύτταις, -οίΐ^ος, ό, yj, (from same and '770ίϊς) the very son. Αύτό-ττιστος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and 'τΐΐστός) believed on one's own authority. Αϋτοττοιός, -ου, ό, (from same and 'π'οΐίω) self-made. ΑύτοττοΆις, -εως, τ], (from same and -ττό- 7^ς) possessing a city of their own, having a free state. ΑυτοτΐόνΎΐτος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and 7Γ0ί/£ώ>) worliingfor itself ΑϋτότΓΟξμιιος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and 'ττζίμνον) root and branch. Αϋτό'7ττ•/ις, -ου, 6, (from same and οτττο- μ,οίΐ) one who hath seen tvith his οιυη eyes, an eye-iuitness. Αυτοξυτος, or αυτορρυτος, -ου, ο, 5?, (^irom next and ρύω) flowing of itself or sponta- neously. Αυτός, -VI, -ό, he, she, it ; himself, herself, itself; with the article, the same; it is sometimes written αυτός, or ώϋτός, the very same, the selfsame : τό οίύτο is also written τχύτό and τΛΐ/τόν, the very same thing: iTirl TO α,υτό, or ΙττιτοΛυτό, together, at the same time, or at the same place ; perhaps also, for the same purpose, or for that par- ticular j)urpose. Psal. cxxii. 3. " Jerusa- lem is builded as a city. ν)ς ij μετοχ'/ι α,υτ^ς εττίτοχυτό. Έ««7 γάζ α,Άβησοον α,ί φυ'ΚοίΙ, whose communion is at the same place. For thither the tnbes go up :" — an allusion to the resort of the worshippers, for offer- ing sacrifice, and especially at the great festivals ; perhaps also to the going up from the Babylonish captivity ; the gather- ing of the redeemed church of Christ by the gospel first preached at Jerusalem ; the social worship of any particular church; and the calling of the Gentiles along with Μ Jews into the heavenly Jerusalem, Acts ii. 1. 44. 1 Cor. xiv. 23. Heb. xii. 22. Rev. iii. 12. and xxi. 24—27. The Hebrew reading of Psal. cxxii. 3. may be explained by Eph. ii. 19—22. The principle of the union of the church is love ; hence the expression is used for unity, Psal. cxxxiii. 1. ίτΐΐ τοΰίυτό κατοικεϊν, τουτεστί, μίτοί συμφωυία,ς κοά ά,γΛ•ΖΎ\ς τούτο yccp -ττοίβΐ ■ψυχ,'-ήν εΐνχι μίαν, " to dwell together in unity, that is, with harmony and love, for this makes to be of one soul." Chrysost. on the passage, and see Acts iv. 32. Αυτόσζ, (from preced.) to the same place. Αυτόσ'ΤΓοξος, -ou, (from same Β.ηάΙστ^'είξω) self-sown. Αύτόσσύτος, •ο!/, (from same and σύομχή self-roused. Αύτοστΰί^ίΰί, -Λς, Ion. α,υτοστοί^ίν], -ης, '^, (from same and στάω) a standing-fight, close-fight, single-handed fight,, pitched battle. ΑυτοστοΚος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and στίΚΚω) one who has conveyed himself, has sailed in his own ship. Αύτοστόνος, -ov, (from same and στίυο)) groaning under sorrows of one's own bring- '^ng. ^ Αυτοσφόίγνις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and σΦάζω) self-slain. Αύτοσχ,ε^ΰΙ, or (χ,ύτοσχΒ^όυ, (from same and σχ,ε^όιι) at hand, closely, in close quarters. Αυτοσχεδιάζω, f. -οίσω, (from same) / act or speak from a sudden impulse, act with- out authority from another ; undertake rash- ly, without py-ejyaration, and at my own insk. Αυτοσχ^ια,στνις, -ου, ο, (from preced.) one who undertakes a thing rashly, without due preparation or qualfication ; a novice, an unexperienced speaker or agent. Αυτοσχέδιος, -oc, -ou, or -ου, 6, vj, (from αυτός and σχεδόν) made on the immediate occasion, ready, spontaneous, close, fatal. ΑυτοσχεΖίως, (from same) of his oivn ac- cord, without any care or jJi'oviding of an- other, spontaneously. ΑυτοτεΆ'ης, -ίος, ο, τ], (from αυτός and τέλος) self-perfect, containing in one's self the principles of perfection ; comj)etent to the fulfilment of one's own purposes ; using one's own tributes, free, independent : αυτο- τελώς, completely, ivith absolute authority. Αύτου, contr. for ίαυτου,%%(^ p.26. of him- self ^ Αυτοί/, contr. for αυτόθι, in this or that place, here, there. Αυτουζγεω, f. -ν]σω, (from αυτός and 'io- γον) I labour with my own hands, supply myself by my own lahour. Αυτουιιγία, -ας, ή, (irom same) onc''s own labour, a work made by oiw's own labour, m 273 AvTOv^yog, A GREEK LEXICON. ^Αφάνΐ6ΐς, AyroygyoV, -ov, o, v}, (from same) self- working, self-made, one who labours for himself. ΑύτόφΆοίος, -ου, 6, vi, (from αυτός and φλοιός) zvith its very bark, rude, unpolished. Κύτοφόοος, and αύτοφόι/τγις, -ου, 6, (from same and φsuω) one who sheds his own blood, or that of a near relative. Αυτοφΰνις, Λος, ο, '^, (from same and φύω) sprung up of itself, spontaneous, native, na- tural. Αυτόφΰτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same) spring- ing up of itself, breaking out of itself. Αυτόφωνος, -ου, 6, ν;, (from Λυτός and φωννϊ) self-uttering, self-expressed. Αύτόφωξος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and φΖξ, Latin, fur) caught in the very act of thiev- ing, or of any other crime, self-convicted. Αύτόχίίξ, -ξος, 6, vj, (from same and xsIq) acting with one's own hands. Acts xxvii. 19. ΑυτοχϋζΙοί, -uc,, i], (from same) the com- mitting of murder with one's own hands, the actual perpetration of murder. Αυτόχθων, -όνος, ό, {], (from οιυτός and χύων) a native, born on the very land in which one lives. Αυτοχόωνος, -ou, for αυτόχωνος, (from same and χωνος) wrought of solid or cast brass or copper. Αυτοχ^νίμ^Λ, (from same and χξνΐ[Λΐχ) in effect, really. Αυτόχΰτος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and χίω) melted without art. Αυτόχωυος, see α,υτοχόωυος, Αυτο -^zi, (from next) by the sight itself, or by the very sight. Αύτο-ψίχ, -ας, vj, (from αυτός and ο-ψις) an actual view, the very sight. Αί;τώ>5•, and αΰτως, (from αυτός) in the same manner, thus, so; the meaning de- pends on the context, whether thus, be in vain or completely, without price or reward, unarmed, &c. Αυφίυα, Mo\. for αυχίνα, accus. sing, of αυχνιν. Αύχευίζω, f. -Ισω, imperf. ηυχίνιζου, (from Λυχ^ν) I cut the throat, strangle. Αυχίνιος, -cv, o, ^, (from same) of the neck. Αυχίο), f. -νισω, (from same) / lift the neck, glory, boast, pride myself in. • Ανχν, ->!?, ^) (from same) glory, boast. ΑΰχνιΐΛα, -ατός, τό, (from same) an act of boasting, a proud mark. Αυχνιν, -ένος, ό, the back of the neck, the neck, shoulder. Αΰχνισις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ij, (from αύχβω) a glorying. Αύχμίω, f. -Tjaa, (from αυχμ,ός) I am dry 274 with heat, am dirty with dry hardened filth, am squalid. Αυχ^•/ΐζός, -a, -όν, (from same) miry, filthy. Αυχ(ΛΟομ,αι, (from next) I am in a sloven- ly state as one in distress and mourning. Αυχμ,ός, -ου, 6, dryness, drought, also mire, filth, as where the water is evaporated by drought, filthiness, slovenliness. ΑυχμωΙτις, -ίος, ό, yj, τό -ίς, (from preced.) squalid, rough, desert. Avoi, Attic αυω, f. αΰσω, p. 'ν\ΰκα, I dry, parch with heat, set on fire, cause to shine. Αυω, f. αΰσω, or αυω, f. αυσω, p. τίυκα, I shout, resound, call upon, invoke. Αυως, JEol. for ' Ή.ως, -6ος, -ους, v], Aurora, the morning. Άφ\ for d'7ro,from: αφ' ω, Dor. for άφ" ου, from which : αφ' &>u ε^ύνατο, according to his power. Άφαγ/στίύω, (from «•roand άγίστ&ύω) I perform holy rites for the dead. ' Αφαγνίύω, and αφαγνίζω, (from same and άγνίζω) I purify, sanctify, consecrate, offer expiatory sacrifice. ' ΑφαΙανω, and άφα^ανων, (liTSx) a pa- vilion or royal tent. ' ΑφάΙίος, -ου, 6, % (from αττό and άΐίω) displeasing, hostile. Άφαίξε/ίΛα, -ατός, τό, (from άφαίξίω) that which is taken away, separated or set apart for a gift or oblation. Άφαίζ5σ{ς, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from next) an oblation. Άφαίξέω, -ω, (from aero and αίξίω) I take off or away. "Αφαιστος, -ω, or -oio, 6, Dor. or Ion. for "Ή-φαίστος, -ου, ό, Vulcan. Άφάλλο /iiai, (from αττό and αΧΚομ,αί) I leap from, orfiee away. "Αφαλός, -ου, 6, i], (ec and φαλός) without a cone or crest. ' Αφαμ,αξ^ταυω, 2 a. αφ7]/:^αξτον, (from ά'ττό and ά^αςτάνω) I miss, m^,scarry. ' Αφαμ.αοτοίΐΐνις, -ίος, ό, ^, (from preced. and sVoi) erring or inappropriate in speech, verbose, tedious, trifiing. " Αφαν^αυω, (from α'Τΐό and άν^άνω) I displease, offend. 'Αφάνεια, -ας, ν;, (from next) obscurity. 'Αφάνας, -ίος, -ους, 6, τ], τό -ες, (from α and φαίνομαι) not appearing, 7iot manifest, hid. 'Αφανίζω, f. -"ισω, p. νιφάνικα, 1 f. pass. άφανισθνίσομ,αι, p. νιφάνισμαι, 1 a. pass. νίφανίσύτην, (from a and φαίνω) I remove out of sight, make to disappear, bury; pass. disappear, vanish away ; I destroy, corrupt, spoil, pass, perish ; I deform, disfigure. ' Αφάν'ΐσις, -εως, vj, and αφανισμός, -ου, 6, Άφαντος. A GREEK LEXICON. "Αφόεγχτος. (from perf. pass, of preced.) a disappearing, vanishing away ; devastation, destruction. " ΚφΛίιτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from a, and φοίίι/ο- ^.ui) not appearing, invisible, withdrawn from sight, vanished, obscure, humble : οίφοίν- rov, and άφάντως, unobserved, unheeded. ΆφάτΓΤύ), (from άττο and α,'τΐτω) I touch, hang upon, bind to, fasten from. "Αφοίο, (from άτΓο and οίζο) therefrom, immediately, thereupon, forthwith, swiftly: ίΙφχζΤΒξος, more siviftly, quicker. Αφοι.^(Λάκίυτος, άφάζμ,οίκος, and άφά,ζ- Ι-'.αχ,τος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from a and φα,ζ^ΐΛα,-Λίΰω, OoiOf^ocKov, and φα,ζ[Λά,σσύ)) not affected with drugs or pioison ; not using poison, harmless. Αφχξττά,ζύ), (from άττό and ά^ττάζω) I 2)lunder from, snatch from, pick off, steal. ΆφΰίσΙα,, -etc, 71, (from cc and φ-/ιΐίίΙ) ina- bility to speak, silence from astonishment. ' Αφώτος, -ου, 6, tj, {oc and φχτος) not to be spoken of, obscure ; that cannot be spoken of, surprising, innumerable: άφά,τως, un- speakably. Άφα,υα,Ινο), f. -a,])0), (from ά,φα,ΰω) I dry up, exhaust. Άφα,υξος, -ξά, -ooy, (χ and φαυξος. Dor. for φαύλος) imbecile, weak, vapid; obscure, ignoble: άφχυξΖς, indistinctly, imperfectly. Άφαύύ), f. -χύσω, (from ΰίττό and χϋω) I dry, burn, famish. Αφά,ω, -ω, or ά,φύω, f. -'ήσω, p. νιφγικ,Λ, p. pass. Υίφ-ίΐμ,χι, part, τιφημίνος ; also άφά.σσω, (from άφ'/ι) I touch, handle, feel. 'A(p£yy'/j5•, -£og, 6, v), (from a, and φίγγος) without light, dark. " Αφζ^ζος, -ου, 6, (from α,ττο and ΐ6ζχ) se- paration. ' Αφί^οω», -ωνος, ό, (from same) a separate or retired place of sitting, a privy ; some think it means the bowels where the secre- tions are made : κ,χύχζίζον 'πά,υτχ τά, βζά- Ι^,χτχ, Mark vii, 19. ^Αφίί^ύ), f. -τισύ), (from οίφείοτις) I spare not, lavish ; I expose to danger, despise. ' Αφ€ίΙίύ}ς, Ion. for άφίίΐω;. 'Αφίί^χς, -ίος, 6, 7}, (from α and φίίοο/ίίΧί) unsparing, liberal, abundant ; or without mercy, severe. Άφίίύίχ, -ccg, 71, (from preced.) a not sparing, a severity, Col. ii. 23. ΑφέίΙως, (from same) unsparingly, with- out mercy. Άφίκτίον, (from ά.'ττζχ,ω) necessary to ab- stain. 'Αφζ'Αγύνύ), f -vuZ, p. -υγΆΧ, I hurt. ' Αφί'Μιχ, -Λς, yj, (from άφζλ'ής) simplicity, integrity. 'Λ^ρίλί;-, 2 sing. 2 a. subj. act. of αφαι- Άφί/.Υις, ~ίος, ο, >;, (from αττο and ϊ'/.ω) separated for holy purposes ; soicnd, unble- mished ; simple, 2ilain, upright. ' Αφίλκ,ω, f. -ίλζο), or άφίΆκύοί, f. -νσω, (fcom ciTTO and ελχ.ύω) I tear, piull, drag away ; force, also attract. ^ ΑφίΚόττ,ς, -τ-ητος, τι, (from άφελτις) sim- plicity, sincerity, pihrity of intention. ^ Αφίλω, (from άττο and ίλω). See ά,φοίΐ- ξίω, and p. 73. 'Αφελώς, (from άφίλτις) simply. ' Αφίμα, -χτος, το, (from α,φΊ-ημ,ι) dismis- sion, deliverance, liberty, remission, forgive- ness. " Αφζνος, -ου, 6, or -εος, το, contr. οίφι/ος, wealth, revenue, yearly produce. * Αφίζω, 1 f. ΟΪ χτιτίχ,ω. Άφίξττω, f. -•4^ω, (from cc-tto and ίζττω) I creep or sneak away, depart. "Αφεξτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from χ and φίξω) not to be borne. " Αφίσις, -εως, tj, (from χφίτι/ίΐή dismissal, release, liberty, remission, forgiveness. Άφίστιος, -ου, ο, vj, (from χττο and εστί χ) one ιυΐιο is not at home ; also a domestic, hired servant. Άφετγις, -ου, 6, (from χφίγιμή a shooter. "Αφετος, -ου,ό, τ], (from same) dismissed, re- leased, fi-ee ; sacred; also prostihded, rejected. Άφε-ψεω, or χφε-ψω, f. -7]σω, (from «wo and ε-ψω) I boil down or away, cook. " Αφει^•η(ΛΧ, -χτος, το, and χφε-ψίς, -εως, 71, (from preced.) a decoction. 'Αφτί, -τις, 71, (from χτττύ)) a touch, a joint, a stroke, a plague. Άφηγεο^/.χι, Ion. χττηγεομχι, (from άτιτο and τιγεομχή I lead away, command ; also, rehearse, relate. Άφτιγ-ημ.», χτττιγγιμ,χ, -χτος, το; χφτιγγι- σις, χτΐ'/ίγησις, -εως, τ], α nari^ation, narrative. " Αφ-/ΐ[Λχ.ί, part, χφτιμενος, (from χτιτό and ^jicxi) I sit apart. Άφημ,εοεύω, (from same and τι/Λεζεΰω) I spend the day away from my post, am absent in the day. ' Αφ-ηνιχζω, f. -χσω, (from same and τινιχ- ζύή I draw away the rehis, am contumacious, am disobedient. Άφτιτωΐ), -οξος, ό, (from χφίνι^ι) one luho sends forth missile weapons ; one who emits oracles. " Αφύχι, -ων, χι, (from χ'τττω) idcers. ' Αφύχζσίχ, -χς, τ}, (from χ and φθχξσις^ which from εφύχ^σχι, 2 pers. sing. perf. pass, οΐφθείοω) incorruj)tion, incorruptibility, incorruptness. "Αφθχζτος, -ου, 6, τι, {χ and φθχζτος) in- corruptible. "Αφθεγκτος, -ου, ό, τ], (from χ and φύίγ- γω) unultercd, iinutlcrahle, inarticulate, mute, silent. 275 A GREEK LEXICON. ^ Αφοξία. "Αφβιτος, -ου, ό, % (from se and φύίω) in- corruptible, imperishable. "Αφύογγος, -ov, 6, v], {a, and φύόγγος) without voice y dumb. ' Αφύόνά,τος, -ω. Dor. for άφύόυγιτος, -ου, ο, ί^, (from cc and φύόνος) not an object of envy, unenvied. Άφύονιοί, -ας, v], (from same) freedom from envy or grudging, liberality ; abuiid- ance. "Αφύοΰος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) 7iot sub- ject to envy, unenvious, liberal, abundant. Άφύόνως, (from same) without envy, libe- rally, freely. Αφύοξίχ, -ας, τι, (from next) incorrupt- ness. "Αφβοξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from cc and φύζίοω) uncorrupted. Άφβξυμχ, -ατός, το, (from αττό and ί'^ξύω) a statue, image, temple. ΆφίΙξΰ^ω, f. 'ΰνω, and αφι'^ξνω, f. -ϋσα, 1 a. pass, άφίΐζύι/ύ'^ν, (from same) / set up, place aivay, consecrate ; I place away, dis- place, remove. " Αφι^ξόω, f. -ό}σω, (from άστο and ίί^ος) I deliver from under a curse by expiation: άφΐξξ6ο{Λαΐ3 I expiate, purify myself. "Αφίημ,ι, f. άφνισω, p. αφίΐκα, 1 a. άφϊ^κ,α, 2 a. αφΐίν, imperat. αφίς, -ircj, 2 pers. pi. αφβτί, part, αφίΐς, pres. pass. άφίί{Λαί, 1 f. pass. άφίύΫισο^^ιαι, p. pass, αφεΐμαι, 3 pers. pi. άφίΐνται, Attic άφίωνται, 1 a. pass. άφΐύϊΐν, άφ'ίίύγιν, or αφβίύϊΐν, (from αττό and 'ίνιμή I send away, dismiss, divorce ; emit, send forth, throw ; yield, give up ; have, forsalie ; leave or let alone ; omit, neglect ; permit, suffer, let ; remit, forgive. Αφιχ,ανω, άφικ,υίο(Λαι, -ουμαι, αφίκ,ομαι. Ion. ατίκνίομαι, αττίκ,ομαί, 1 f. άφίζ,ομ,αι, ρ. pass, αφίγ^^αι, 2 a. m. αφίκόμγιυ, (from same and ίκ,νίομ,αι. See p. 71 •) I come from one place to another, come, arrive, reach. Αφικάγαύος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a, φιΚος, and οίγαύος) not a lover of good men or of goodness. ' ΑφιΤ^άξγΰζ^ος, -ου, 6, '/}, (from same and άζγύξος) not fond of money, not covetous, without covetousness. " ΑφίΚαϋτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and αυτός) not selfish^ disinterested. 'Αφίλητος, -ου, ό, 'ή, {a and φιλγ,τος) un- beloved, unamiable. " ΑφΧΚος, -ου, ό, "/j, {a and φίλος) friend- less, unbefriended : άφ'ίλως, in an unfriendly manner, unkindly. ' ΑφίΚότΊμ,ος, -ου, 6, '/], (a and φιλότιμος) not ambitious, mean. "Αφίζ,ίς, -ίος, Attic -£ως, ij, (from άφίκομαι) an arrival ; also, a going away, a departure. 276 ' ΑφιτΓΤϊάζομαί, (from άττο and 'ίτϊττος) I ride away, depart on horseback. Άφίττ'ΤΓΒία, and αφιτττ^ία, -ας, vj, (from same) want of skill, or inability, to ride. ' ΑφιτΓπξύω, f. -ίΰσω, (from same) I ride ' Αφιτττϊος, -ου, 6, 7], (from same) unskilled in, unfit for, riding. Αφίττταμαί, 1 f. m. -τίσομαι, 2 a. άηπ'π- τάμην, (from άτΐο and 'ίττταμαι) I fly off, disappear. ' Αφίστγιμ,ί, imperf. άφίστηυ, infin. άφίσ- Tauai, f. άτΓοστνισω, p. άφίστακα, 2 a. άττίσ- TYju, imperat. ά-ττόστΎ^βι, -ν^τω, and in 2 pi. άτϊόστητί, 2 a. sub. ατοστα, -γς, -vj, infin. ά,τΓοστγ^ναί, part, ά-ττοστάς, -άντος, pres. mid. άφίσταμαι, imperf. άφισταμνιν, (from same and 'ίστψ,μι) I stand away or aloof, draw off or away, luithdraw ; depart, re- frain from, let alone, do not meddle ivith or punish ; fall off, fall away, apostatise. " Αφλαστον, -ου, το, (from a and φλαστος) the extremity of the ste7Ί^. " Αφλίχ,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from a and φλίγο)) unburnt, unparched. ' Αφλοισμος, -ου, 6, (for άφξοισμος, from άφζoς)foam. Άφνείος, or αφνεος, -a, -6u, (from αφενός) wealthy, munificent. "Αφι/ω, (contract, for άφανως, from a and φαίνω) suddenly, something so quick and sudden as to elude the sight. 'Αφοβία, -ας, tj, (from a and φόβος) fear- lessness, security. "Αφοβος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same) fearless. ' Αφόβως, (from preced.) fearlessly, with- out fear. ' Αφο^ζύο), (from άττό and ο^ος) I retire to empty the bowels. "Αφο'^ος, -ου, \ Ion. οί7:ο^ος, (from same) departure, recess, return. ' Αφοίβαντος, -ov, (from a and φοιβάξω) unhallowed by Phcebus, impia^e. Άφόμοίον, -ου, το, (from next) an exact copy. ' Αφομοιόω, -ω, (from άιτο and όμοιόω) I make very like, Heb. vii. 3. ' Αφοττλίζω, (from same and ο-πλίζοΐ) I disarm, ' Αφοξάω, -ω, (from same and ogacj) Hook steadfastly or intently, Heb. xii. 2. ', I look 0^ FROM every other object το some parti- cular object placed full in view ; as the rev/ard destined to the victor in the Olym- pic foot-race was placed immediately in view of the candidates. ' ΑφόξΥιτος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from a and φίξω) intolerable. Άφοξία, -ας, τ), (from same) want of fer- tility, barrenness, stupidity. ' Αφύζίζω, A GREEK LEXiCON. ^ ΑφυΊϊνόω, Άφοξίζω, imperf. άφάξίζον, f. άφοζίσο), Attic ά,φοριω, p. χφωξίχα., 1 a. άφω^ισχ, 1 a. pass, άφωρίσόγ,ν, perf. pass. ά.φωξΐσμ,α.ι, part, άφωςίσμέι^ος, (from oi:ro and όξίζω) I separate, separate from or ca,si οζίέ ο/" ί /ze ■wciefj/, separate to or /or, 5e/6"ci. See Φί6- ' Αφύξίσ^ΛΛ, -οίτος, το, and ά,φοζίσμ,ος, ov, 6, (from preced.) separatioji. Άί^οβϋάώ), (from άτΓο and οοαάώ) I has- ten aiuay from, sally forth from. ' Κφοομ,γι, .^ς, VI, (from same and ο^,ί6^) α« assault ; an occasion, opportunity. ^ Αφοοολόγγιτος, -ου, 6, vj, {cc and φοζολό- γητος) free from tribute. "Αφοζος, -ου, 6, 71, (from a, and φίζοΐ) un- produciive, barren, f^ee from tribute. ' Αφόουκτος, -ου, 6, v], (from cc and φοξύσ- σύ)) unstained with blood. Άφοσιοω, f. -ωσω, and άφοσιοομ,οίΐ, (from d'TTo and οσίος) I reject as unclean, abomi- nate ; atone for, expiate. ^ ΑφοσΙωμ,οί, -ατός, το, (fiOm preced.) an expiatory sacrifice. ' Αφοσίωσις, -ζως, τι, (from same) an ex- jnation. ' Αφ 6ων τ a, poet, for ά,φωντα, ace. sing, pres. part, from ά,φά,ω. Άφοχοίω, f. '7!σω, (from next) I am un- U'ise, rash. ' Αφςάοχς, -ίος, 6, vj, {cc and φ^αο'ής) un- wise, rash, infatuated, unconscious : ά,φζοί- oiojg, umuisely. ' Αφζοι,οία, -etc, V], Ion. άφζα^ί/ι, (from preced.) unskilfulness, rashness, folly. Άφξχΐι/ω, f. -»!/&), (from cc and φξτι^) I am mad, foolish, incojisiderate, indecorous. Comp. the άφζούνίΐς, Miuiy^ocs ^ιοτζίφίς' II. Η', 109. with the f/.oiiuv) Πίίί룕 Acts Kxvi. 24. and consider if the expression is not, in both, used in friendship. "Αφρο,χ,τος, -ου, 6, ί], (from ct and φξά,σσω) unfenced, unmatched. 'Άφζοοστος, -ου, 6, v], (from cc and φζά,ζω) not spoken, not to be spoken, inexplicable, unexpected. ' Αφζίω, f. -^σω, (from α,φζος) I foam, am covered with foam. Άφζτιτωζ, -οξος, 6, vi, (from cc and φζά.- τωζ) having no kindred or tribe, not of an ancient family, not of noble birth. Άφζίζω, (from άφί^ος) I foam ov froth at the mouth. Άφζίκτϊ, (from ec and φξίχ,τός) without dread or horror. Αφοογίνίίοί, -χς, v), and άφζ^ογίνγ,ς, -ίος, β, hy (from ά,φζος and yivog) produced from foam ; producing foam. *' 'ΑφξοΙίσίά,ζω, (from Άφξοοίτγ)) I gratify Venus, I indulge in sensuality. Άφξθ'^{σιοίστ'ης, -ου, and χφζο^ίσιος, -ου, ο, 9], or -ίος, -ίχ, -lou, (from next) the rites of Ve7ius, sensual indulgences : α,φξοοίσιον, ~ου, το, a temple or statue of Venus. ' Αφξο^Ίτγι, -yjg, vj, Venus, the principle of love personified, the goddess of beauty, love, and lust. ' Αφζόκομ,ος, -ου, 6, v}, (from άφξο; and Koyy/i) covering the hair with foam. ' ΑφξονΒύομ,χί, (from ά,φι^ων) I act fool- ishly. ^ ΑφξοΆω, f. -'ήσω, p. -YiKX, 1 a. 'ήφζόνγισα, (from same) / am foolish, viad. " Αφοοντις, -ihog, and άφζ^όντιστος, -ου, ο, 7}, (from a neg. or intens. and φξοντίξω) free fror.i care, heedless, neglectfid, secure ; or fidl of cares. ' Αφοοντίστίω, -ω, f. -^σω, (from preced.) / care not, neglect. ' Αφροντιστίχ, -χς, τ], (from same) negli- gence. ' Αφοόνως, (from χ and φζο•Αω) foolishly, irrationally, madly, through stupidity. "" Αφζος, -ου, 6, foam, froth. ' Αφξοσύν-/ι, -ης, 7j, (from οίφξύΐν) folly, foolishness, luant of wisdom, foolish un- governable p)assion, levity. " ΑφζούξΥιτος, and χφξουξος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χ and φξουξίω) ungarrisoned. "Αφξθ)ν, -όνος, 6, 5j, (from χ and φξ'^ν) ir- rational, unwise, inconsiderate, foolish. ^ ΑφυΟζ^χίνο), f. -χι/ω, 1 Ά.Ώ\. χφυ^οτινχ[ΛΥΐν, (from χτΓο and υ^ωζ) I sprinkle. Άφνη, or χ,φξΰγι, -Υις, "/j, (from ^φ^ος) an anchovy. Άφύ^/ς, -ίος, 6, % (from χ and φύω) na turally unapt, dull, untoward. ^ Αφυ'ί'χ, -χς, 'ή, (from same) natural in- aptitude, dulness. " Αφυκτος, or ά,φίυκ,τος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (fiOm χ and φίύγω) not to be avoided, inevitable, un- erri]ig : χφύκ,τως, inevitably. ' ΑφυΤ^χκ,τίύ), (from next) / am off my guard, am negligent. ^ Αφΰ'ΚχΆτος, -ου, 6, ί], (from ττεφνλχκτχί, 3 pers. sing. perf. pass, of φυλχσσω) un- guaj'ded, unprotected, unawares ; not to be guarded, inevitable, incautious, rash. ' Αφυ'κά,κτως, (from preced.) incautiously, rashly, unguardedly. ' ΑφυΆχ^ίχ, -χς, τ}, (from same) negli- gence. "ΑφυΤ^λος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from χ and φΰ'λΧον) leafiess. " Αφύ'Κος, -ov, (from χ and φυλτί) having no tribe. Άφυττνίζω, f. -'ίσω, (from αττο and ti~vo;) I rouse from sleep. ' Αφυττνόω, -ω, f. -ύσω, (from same) I fall fast asleep. 277 ' Αφυϋγζτος. A GREEK LEXICON. 'A^Itm'J. ^ Αφυσγετοζ, -ου, 6, τ], (from next) water collected into a torrent, rain water rushing down from the mountains, a torrent, a muddy stream. ^ Αφύσσω, f. -|οί7ος, -ου,Άχχξΐ/π'ιΙιης,-ου,Άχοίξΐ/ϊτης, -ου, Άχοίξν'ίκός, -τι, -ou, Acha7mian: ώ 'χοί^- uYjilcci, {ίοΐ'Άχοίξνη'ι^οα) Ο ye Acharnians. ' Αχα,της, -ου, ό, α7ΐ agate. " Αχίί, and οίχι, (Egyptian) α green flag. Gen. xli. 2. Isa. xix. 7• ^ Αχίίμ,Άτος, -ov, (from oc and χύ^ΐΛο,) not exposed to the storm. "Αχείξ, -ξος, and οίχείξος, -ου, ό, 'ή, {cc and χείζ) without ha7ids. ΑχείξοτΓοίτιτος, -ου, 6, τι, (cc and χείξοττοιη- τος) not made with hands, Mark xiv. 58. 2 Cor. V. 1. Col.ii. 11. Comp. Rom. ii. 29. ' Αχίίξωτος, -ου, ό, τ;, (from ot and xeiq) 7iot 7nade or 7'eared with hands, unsubdued. ' ΑχξΚωϊος, <ίαά^ Αχΐ'Κφος,-ου,ό, Achelous, a celebrated river which divided Acharna- nia from ^tolia. It became a name for water in general : hence ^ Αχί^.ο)ον ράσα,η, sp7nnhle with river water : " Αχί'λωί'ς, -ί^ος, v}, belo7igi77g to the Achelous : ' ΑχίΚώι^ίς, viz. ΊΐοΚίΐς, cities near the sea. "Αχί^ος, -ου, vi, a species oftho7-n. "" Αχεζόντιος^ Aχίζoΰσιoς,-ct,-ov,ofAchero7^. ' Αχζξωϊς, -ΐ^ος, τ], the white poplar. Άχίξων, -οντος, ό, (from οίχε» and ρίων) Acheron, a river of hell or hades. ' Αχίτγις, -ου, ό, (tor νιχίττις) tunefid, shrill, hoarse. Άχξύω, f. -βύσω, and οίχίω, f. -7]σω, also αχομοίί, and ϋχνΰξΛΛί, (from οίχος^ I grieve. ' Αχέύ), Dor. for τιχίω, I resound, cause to sound, echo. ' Αχίων, pres. part, from ά.χίω, I gneve. ^ Αχν^ν, -Τίνος, 6, 7], (from oc and χα,ίνω) gaping, poor, needy. ' ΑχηνΊοί, -α,ς, % (from preced.) gaping for a thi7ig, want, pove7'ty. Άχύανος, -oj, -ou, (from οίχθος) grievous: α,χύζ'ινως, with regret, reluctantly. "Αχθομ,οίί, or άχ&ίο^Λί, f. -τισομ,οίΐ, or -ίσοίΛοίΐ, p. pass, vjxunf^oii, 1 a. ^χύίσύτην, (from next) / am lade7i, am grieved ; am relitctant, loath ; am displeased, indignant. " Αχύος, -sog, το, a burden, a heavy load oj evil, a g7ievance, grief, trouble, calamity. ^ Αχ^οφοφο), f. -'ήσω, (from preced. and φίζ^ω) I bear or car7'y a burden. Άχύοφοξίχ, -α,ς, tj, (from same) the bear- ing of a burden. ' Αχύοφόζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) one ivho carries a burde7i. ' Ay^, or οίχι, easily. "^ Αχι, Dor. for r\, or γχι, where. ' ΑχιΤΟχίύς, or ' ΑχίΤ^ίύς, -ίος, -ίως, or -<^og, 0, Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis: ΆχίλλίΊος, Οι' ΑχιΧΚ'ήϊος, -a, -ov, of Achilles, ' Αχίτων, όνος, 6, v], {cc and χιτων) without a coat. ΙΆχλαινΙα. A GREEK LEXICON. Ά-^υ^^αγώγτ,τος. Άχλχί'Μ'χ, -χς, vj, (from next) tattered clothes. " ΑχΆχα/ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ex, and ρ^λα/^)?) without clothes, poorly clad. " ΑχΚοος, οίγ,Χους, -ου, ά,χκόί^ος, -ου, άχ^οω- ύνίς, -ίος, ο, ί], (from oi and χ,Τ^όοί) destitute of verdure. Άχ,λνόβίς, -εσσοί, -£y, (from next) dark, cloudy. ' λχ,Τ^ύς, -ΰος, 9], a mist, thick viist, fog, darkness. Άχ,Τ^ϋω, f. -ϋσω, (from preced.) / am darkened, covered ivith clouds. Ά'/λυωΙης, -sog, 6, '/}, (from same) dark, mifity, cloudy. "Αχνοί, or όίγ,νϊ], --/jc, h, chaff, husk, mote ; foam, froth ; sea-weed ; down, dew, a tear. " Αχ,νοος, contr. οίγ,νους, -ου, ο, (α and yyjoo;) without down, beardless. " Αχ,νΰμ,οίΐ, f. -ύσομ,αι, p. pass. τιχ,αυσίΛοίΐ, pres. part, ά,χνύμ,ίυος, (from όίχος) I grieve. ' ΑγβΚία,, -Λζ, Vj, (from next) freedom from anger. " ΑγβΚος, -ου, ό, τ), (from ct and χ,ο'Κ'ή) de- void of gall, rage-allaying. Άχόζίυτος, and α,γβζος, -ου, ό, τι, (from ci and χ,^ζος) without a dance, joyless. ' Αχοξτΐ'/ητος, -ου, ο, '^, (from a and χο- ^■ftyka) unsupplied with means, indigent. ^ Αχ,οζτχσίχ, -οίς, 'ή, (ft'om α and γ^οξτά,ζω) insatiableness. ^ Αχ,όζΤΛστος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) iiisa- tiable. " Αγ,ος, -ίος, το, grief sadness, pain, ache. ^ Αχ,ζά,γ,;, -ίος, 6, '^/ (from a and )ζζάύή pure, bright. " Αχξχι/τος, -ου, ό, vj, (from ct and x^ct'iua) undefiled, pure. ' Αχοά,ζ, -άί^ος, 'ή, a wild pear-tree. ^ Αγ^Ομος, -χ, -ou. Ion. ά,χ,Ρ'ήίος, (from χ and χοίία) useless, sluggish, unprofitable ; positively hurtful: χχ,ζίίον, in a mean, silly, cowardly manner. ' Αχζίΐότης, -τ-ήτος, ij, (from preced.) use- Icssncss, unprofitableness. Αχ,οίΐόύ), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τιχοίίωχ,χ, 1 a. [)ass. 'ήχζίώύήν, (from same) / make unpro- fitable ; pass. / become unprofitable or vile. ^ Αχοημ,χτΙχ, -χς, vj, (from next) a want of supplies, poverty. ^ Αχ,(ΐ'ήΐΛΧτος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from χ and χ,γή- μχτχ) zvithout supplies, poor. ^ Αχζ/ιμοσύνη, -ης, ij, (from next) the want of gam or wealth, indigence. Αχζ'^μο)», -όνος, 6, Vj, (from ot and χοτί- [/.x) having no wealth, poor. "Αχξγιστος, -ου, 6, 'ή, and οίχζνιϊστος, {χ and χογίστός) unprofitable, useless, ^uretchcd. "Αχ,ζί, or όίχζίς, until, till, while, in, with- in, unto, even unto. 16 " Αχ^οος, contr. Αχθους, -ου, ο, ^, (from χ and χοόχ) colourless. " Αχοϋσος, -ου, ό, τ], (χ and χουσος) without gold. " AxDf^oc, and ά,χΰμ,ωτος, -ou, (fr'om χ and χυμόω) without Juice, sapless. Άχυξ/ίίίχ, -χς, yj, (from α.χυξ6ν) a heap of chaff. ' Αχυξο^όκ,νι, -τις, 'ή, (fi'om same and ^ίχο- f^xi) a place in which the chaff is collected, a heap. ^Αχνζόν, -ου J το, (fi'om χ and ϊχυοο^) chaff, straw. ' Αχυζόύ), f. -ύ}σο}, (from preced.) I spread with chaff or straw. 'Αχυρων, -ωνος, 6, (fi-om same) a heap of chaff or straw. "* Αχω, άχως, χ, Dor. for ν^χω, echo. '' Αχωζ^, -ωορς, ό, a running ulcer of the head. ' Αχωζίστος, -on, (from » and χωζίζω) in- separable, also not contained or admitted. "Α-ψ, back, backwards, again. " Α-ψχυστος, -ου, 6, τ], (from χ and •ψχύω) not touched, not to be touched ; not touching : α,φχυστί, without touching. ' Α-φζγ'/ΐς, -ες, and οί-ψεκτος, -cv, (from χ and -ψεγύή without censto'e, blameless. Ά-ψευΙεω, f. -9]σύ), (from next) I do not lie, tell the truth, am faithful and sincere. ^ Α-^ευ^'ής, -ίος, -ους, 6, τ], (χ and •ψευ'^νίς) that cannot lie or deceive. In Tit. i. 2. this word occm's as an epithet of God, and forms a fine contrast to the character of the Cretians as given in v. 12. : — χ-ψευΐεας. Ion. ά-ψευ^ας, without deceit or falsehood. " Α•ψγικτος, -ου, ό, τ], (from χ and •ψ7]χω) unshaved, unsmoothed. ' Α-ψ'ήφίστος, -ου, ο, ν;, (from χ and -ψηφί- ζω) unvoted, who has not given his vote. ' Α-ψί'^όω, f. -άσω, (from οί'ψις) I tie to the meshes af a net. ' Α-ψίκοξος, -ου, ό, tj, (from χτττω and κο- ξεω) fastidious. " Α-φινθος, -ου, 6, and άψίνύιον, -ου, το, (for όίτηυθος, not to be drunk on account of bitterness, from χ and 'π-ίνω) wormwood. Rev. viii. 11. "Α-ψις, -εως, v„ and χ•ψ\ς, -ΐίος, τι, (from χτττω) a handling, fastening ; the mesh of a net, the felloe of a wheel ; an arch, the fir- mament. Ά-ψόρροος, and όί-ψορβος, -ου, 6, vj, (from χύ/ and ρεω) flowing back, ebbing, retro- grade, back. ' Αφόφγιτος, -ou, and όί-ψοφος, -ou, (from X and -ψοφίω) noiseless : χ-ψοφιητϊ, without noise, silently. ' Α-ψυχχγωγητος, -ou, (from χ,ψυχ'η,αηά xyoi) not influencing the soul, unalluring. 270 ' ^-^υγία. A GREEK LEXICON. Βαύμις. Ά-ψνχίοί, 'Χς, hy (from next) I'lfelessnesSy timidity, fainting. "Α•ά/ϋχος, -ov, 0, v], το -ov, (from cc and ■ψνχ'^) without life, inanimate. "Αω, f. οίσω, imperf. dou, 3 p. ol?, contr. i^ ; dia, f. dsan), and d'/jaoj ; κτημί, inf. diivoci, poet, dvi/iteuoti, I hreathe, repose ; blow, agitate, carry away. ^ Κ(,)^Ύ\ς, -eog, 6, ij, (fr'oni a, and οζο)) imtJi- out smell. ' Αωξίοζ, and αω^ζια, -οί,ς, v^, (from next) unseasonableness, a bad season. " Αο)ζος, and da^iog, -ov, 6, ΐ], (ft'om a, and ωξοί} untimely, unseasonable, premature, de- formed. " AoiQTo, 3 sing. plup. pass, of m^o). ^ Αως, doog, contr. dovg, d. Dor. for ν^ως, the morning star. Άωτίω, f. -7)σω, (from next) / cull flowers, take refreshment in sleep. " AoiTog, -ου, 6, and dojrov, -ov, το, a flower, the finest of the kind. " Αωτος, -ου, 6, τ;, (from ex. and ους) with- out ears. Β Β corresponds in name, order, and power, to the Hebrew Beth, but in form more nearly resembles the Beth of the Samaritans and Phenicians. Β is a labial consonant. It has a middle place and power, between the smooth sound of Π, and the rough sound of Φ ; and, in the derivation and inflection of words, each of these letters is frequently changed into one of the others. Thus, from βωσκ,ο), comes the Latin jpa^co, from dTTQ, ab, from ^ζίχμβος, triumphus, from φάτ^οαι/α, balcena, from λΐψ, "κ'φος, from κζίΐ'πτω, κ,ξυβω, and ίκ,^ύφύην. The Macedonians put this letter in the beginning of a word instead of φ; as, ΒίλίτΓττος for Φί'Κιτίττος. The Pamphyiians inserted it between two vowels, and prefixed it to words be- ginning with a vowel ; as, for diT^iog, the sun, they said βοίβίΆίος ; for φαος, light, φάβος ; for όξούω, I rush upo7i, όξούβω. The ^Eolians put it before q, if the fol- lowing syllable began with δ, ξ, κ, τ; as, ρό'^Ο!/, βζό^οϋ ; ρίζα, βξίζα ; ρχκος, βξάκ,ος ; ρυτ'ίίξ, (χχΤ^ϊυός) βξυτν]ξ ; ρυτος, (from peoj) βξοτός. Bd, and βάύι, go, walk, Dor. and by apoc. for βνιύί, 2 pers. sing, imperat. of 2 a. act. οι βοίίνο). Bdoc'k, 6, 7), plur. ΒοιοίκΙμ,, (bj7:i) Baal, the name of an idol, signifying a rider or lord. Under this name the Sidonians wor- shipped the sun as the rider of nature, the lord of heaven. The word is sometimes joined with the masculine article, as. Num. xxii. 41.; and sometimes with the femi- nine, as, 1 Kings vii. 4. Jer. ii. 8. Rom. xi. 4., because the idol, which was of the bceve kind, was sometimes ?i female ; hence 280 the expression, Tobit i. 5. Uvov τνί Βάαλ τ^ ^οί/ίΛ»λ€ί, sacrificed to the heifer Baal. Βαβχξω, f. -σύ), or -ξύ), p. -x.e^, or-;!^a,(from βάζω) I say or cry ba ; cry like a child. Βα,βοά, βίζβοαάζ,, ΟΙ strange, alas I ΒαβάΧιοι/, -ου, το, a C7^adle. Βάβαξ, -ocKog, ο, (from βά,ζω) a chatterer, blusterer, good-for-nothing fellow. Βοίβξάζύ), (from same) I creak, buzz, or hum. Βχβζΐξ, -iKog, VI, the gums. Βα,βΰ\ό)νιος, -ίοί, -ou, (from Βα,βΰ'κών) of Babylon, Babylonish. Bdypccc, -ΰίτος, το, (from βάζω) a speech, a report. Bot^Xu, (a'-Ti) linen garments. Bd^Yiu, (from next) at a slow pace, slow- ly, step by step. Βοώίζά), f. -Ιίσύ), Attic βκ^ίω, Dor. βαΐίξω, p. βεβά^ίκα, (from βοι,ί^ω) I go, walk. Bd^uaig, -εως, τι, (from preced.) walking. Bd^iaf^cc, -ιχ,τος, το, and βοί^ισμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from same) a gait. Βχ^ίστίοί, Attic for βχ.^ίστίου,(^ϊθΏΐ same) necessary to go. Βίίδ/στί)^•, -ου, 6, (from same) a walker, courser. Βοί^ίστί-Λος, -ου, ο, ^, or -6ς, -5?, -6u, (from same) able and willing to ivalk, expeditious. Βάδο?, -ου, ο, (from same) a way, journey. Βάζω, f. -σύ), and -ξω, p. βέβάχ,οί, (per- haps from φάω, whence φάξω, and, by changing φ into β, βάζω) I speak, talk, blab. BdUiiog, -ου, 6, vj, or -og, -cc, -ou, (from βα,ύύς) deep, profound, high. BoiU£0)g,(nOm preced.) deeply, profoundly. ΒαύρογιΖόν, (from βαίνω) step by step, by degrees. Bccuf^lg, -βος, v), (from same) a step, threshold, base of a statue. Bau^hg. A GREEK LEXICON. Βαώς. Bee^^oV, -ov, o, (from same) a step, de- gree, ranJc, ascent, elevation. Βά,θος, -εος, -ους, το, depth, a deep. Βάθζον, -ου, το, (from βαίι/ω) a step, lad- der, base of a statue, pedestal, footstool, foundation, seat, ΒχύΰβονΤ^ος, -ου, ο, vi, (from βοίύύς and βουλτ]) deeply wise. Bocuvyiiog, -ου, 6, {}, (from same and ye») deep soiled, fertile. Βΰίύΰγγίξως, -ω, 6, vi, (from same and y^- ζοίς) deeply, that is, very aged. Βοίύύγ7^ύ)σσος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and y'hZiaaoC) having a deep tongue, a hnguage not understood. Βοί,^υ^ιν/ϊίΐς, -ίσσχ, -su, (from same and oli^Ti) abounding with deep whirlpools, deeply whirling. ΒόίθνΙΐυγις, -ου, 6, v), (from same) having deep eddies, unfathomable. ΒόίθΰΙο^ος, -ου, ο, τι, (from βαβύς and δο|ί») having deep, that is, very great glory. Βόίθύζωνος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and ζωυ-η) d^ep-girdled. Βά,θΰκΚγίξος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and χ,'Κϊηζος) having deep, that is, large inherit- ances, opulent. Βοίύνκο'ΚτΓος, -ου, 6, {], (from same and κόλττος) deep-bosomed, having ample folds over the bosom. ΒΛθΰκιΐΥΐμ,νος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and κζ-η/ίΛνος) having deep precipices, banks steep and craggy. Βοίθυκ,τίοίνος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and κτίοίνον) deeply or very rich. Βόίβϋκϋμων, -ouog, 6, sj, (from same and κ,υμ,οί) having deep waters. Βόίύύ7^ίΐμ,ος, -ου, and βοί^ΰ\ζιΐΛωυ, -όνος, 6, vj, (from same and t^u^mu) having extensive ov fertile meadows. Βόίύνλ9)'ίος, -ou, (from same and λψον) having deep corn, fruitful. Ba-uvfcoiKKog, -ou, (from same and μοίΚ- λος) having deep, that is, lo7ig and thick wool, fine-fleeced. ΒχθύίΛΤίτ-ης, -ου, 6, JEo\. βοίόυ/ζ^ΐ^τχ, (from same and μ'/;τ{ς) deep or profound in counsel. Βά,θυνος, -ου, ο, and Βά,ύυυσις, -εως, γι, (from same) an excavation, a ditch. BccUDuo), f. -ΰνω, p. βίβάθυγκοί, 1 a. pass. Ιβα,ύΰνθτήν, p. pass. βφά,ύυμ,[Λοι.ί, Attic /3s- βάθυσμ,α,ί, (from same) / deepen as in dig- ging, become j^rofound, dig deep. Βόίύυξΰλος, -ou, (from βαθύς and ζΰλοι/) deep or thick-wooded. ΒΛθύτ-ίΙίος, -/fli, -tov, or -ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and irihiov) having a deep or extensive plain. Βχύνχ-λούσίος, and βοίόντλουτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, Ν (fi-om same and τλοντο?) having deep or great riches, richly stored. Βα,ύύττότ^ζ^/,ος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and ΊτοΚε^^ος) engaging in deep or grievous war. Βά,ύύττξωξοι, -ων, οι, viz. ννιες, (from same and 'ττ^ωξα) having a high prow. Βΰίθυ'7ΓΟ)γων, -ωΐ/ος, ο, (from same and 'ττωγων) having a long beard. Βχύυρρείτχω, gen. sing. ^ol. for βοίύυρ- ρείτου, from Βΰίύυρρείτης, βΰίύΰρροος, -ου, βοίθυρρείων, 'Ουτος, ο, (from βίχ,θύς and ρεω) deep-flowing. Βά,ύυρρίζος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and ρΐ- ξΰί) deep-rooted. Βά,ύΰς, -ε7χ, -ύ, (from βάύος) deep, early. Βόίθυσκ,ά,φ'ής, •εος, (from preced. and σκάτττω) deep-dug. Βά,ύύσκ,ιος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and σκίχ) deep -shaded. Βά,ύύστεξυος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and στέξυο!^) deep, or broad, or ample breasted. Βΰίΰυστνίξίγξ, -γος, 6, vi, (from same and στηζίζύ}) deep-fixed. Βόίύύστξωτος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and στξωννυ/Αί) deep or soft-spread. Βόίύύσχοιυος, -ου, ο, vi, (from same and σγ,οΐυος) producing deep or high reeds. Βοίθύτης, -ητος, v], (from βοιύύς) depth, taciturnity, closeness. Βοίόύφ^ύίν, -όνος, 6, (from same and (pQy\)>) deep-minded, inscrutable. ΒάύύφυλΆος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and φύλλον) having deep or broad leaves. Βόίθύφωνος, -ου, 6,y}, (from same and φων^) having a deep voice or language, β language not understood. Βα,ύνχ,ούττ,ς, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and γ,α,'ιτ^/]) having deep, that is, long hair. Βόίύύχείλος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and χείλος) having deep lips, or lips not under- stood. Βά,ύύχύων, -όνος, (from same and χύων) deej)-s oiled, fertile. Bcclu, (nn) a bath, a measure of liquids. Bcci'i/Yj, -γις, V}, a scarlet robe ; or (from next) having the figure of a palm-tree or branch. Βοίίνος, -VI, -ou, or -ος, -ου, 6, % (from βαιον) made of palm branches. Βαίνω, and β^/^ί, f. βγ/σω, p. βέβιηκα, Ion. βεβα,Λ, 2 a. εβην, imper. βϊιθι, and part. βάς, 1 f mid. β'/ισομ,οίΐ, p. pass. βΛβΎ,μ.Λΐ, βεβα,μ,α,ι, and βέβχσμ,οίΐ, (from βάω. See p. 70.) I go, proceed, ascend, cause to go. Bxi'ov, -ου, TO, a branch of the palm- tree. Βοίίος, -ου, ο, ^, or -ος, -v), -6ν, (the same as νιβαίός) short, unimportant, small: βα,ιον, a little, smallest. , ti ' 281 ΈαΊΌφ6^ϋς. A GREEK LEXICON Ba^t^d, ΒΛίΌφόζος, -ov, 0, 5^, (from βχ'ί'οι/ and φί- ξω) palm-beanng. Bcitj-, h, or βα'ί'ον, -ov, TO, a branch of the palm-tree. Bourci, or βίχ,ίτγι, -τις, vi, a covering, cloak, hag, garment. Βα/τίλο?, •ου, 6, or βαίτύΤ^οι/, -ου, το, a square or oblong stone, commonly of a black colour, used in ancient times of idolatry histead of a statue to re'present a god. Έάχκοίξίς, or βά,κ,γ,οίζΐς, -ι^ος, τ], Baccar, an herb supposed to be a piOtection against enchantment, fox-glove, or ladies' -glove, the blue-bell βο wer. Βοίζτγίζίχ, -α,ς, tj, βακτνίζίον, and βά,χ- TQOu, -ου, το, a rod or staff, a prop, a sceptre. Βίζκχ,ίϊον, -ov, TO, (from Βάκχος) a temple of Bacchus : Βα,κγ /ia,, -ojv, τά., the lites of Bacchus. Βακ,χ,ξϊος, Ion. Boix-x^yiiog, -a,, -ov, (from same) of Bacchus, inspired by Bacchus, bacchanalian: βα-Λχ,ύος, -ov, 6, a bacchiiis, a poetic foot, consisting of a short syllable and two long ones, so called because it oc- curs very frequently in hymns to Bacchus. Βοίκχ,ίύι^α,τα, -au, τοί, (from next) the orgies of Bacchus. BocKYfiVQ, f. -ζϋαω, βακχίύ), -'•/ισω, and βοίκχίύξω, (from Βάκχος) I celeh^ate the rites of Bacchus, I am inspired with Bacchus, act the part of Bacchus, revel, rage. Βάκχγι, -ης, and ΒοίκχΙς, -ίίος, τι, (from same) a devotee of Bacchus, a frantic wo- man. Βοίκχιοί, -ας, % (from same) /wry, inspira- tion of Bacchus. Βάκχιος, Βακχικός, and Βΰίκχίόίκος, -vi, -ov, (from next) of Bacchus, furious. Baccha- nalian. Βάκχος, -ov, 6, called also Βχκχίνς, -ίύ)ς. Βάκχειος, Βχκχείάτγις, Βακχεντ^ς, and Βοίκχίύτωξ, (from βάζω) also "Ιοοκχος, (from Ιάχω) Bacchus, the god of wine, a po- etic name for wine. Βακχούζίοί, -ίωυ, τά, (θ'«"ΐ"ΐ3η) the first- fruits. Βάλάνάγζά, -ας, and Ion. -η, -Ύ\ς, τ], (from βάλανος and oiyQci) an instrumejit to remove a bolt, a key. ΒάλάνεΊον, -ov, το, a bath. Βάλάνενς, -ίος, or -ίύ}ς, βοιλαυίωτιης, and βαλαι/είτης, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the keeper of or attendant on a bath ; one who curiously nquires into other people's affairs. Βάλάνηψάγος, -ov, 6, ij, (from βάλανος and φάγω) one who feeds on acor^is, hardy. Βά7ναν/ιφόξος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and φί^ο)) one who bears or carries acorns. Βαλάνίζω, (from βάλανος) I shake down acorns. 9A9. Βαλανϊς, -thog, Vj, and βαλανίσσα, -ης, v], (from βαλανίίον) a female keeper of, or at- tendant on, a bath. Βάλανος, -ov, 6, vj, an oak, an acorn; a date ; also, a bar or bolt of a door. Βαλάντ^ιον, or Βαλλάντ'ϊον, -ου, το, (from βάλλω) a bag or purse, a money bag. Βαλαντίοτόμ,ος, -ov, 6, (from preced. and τίμ,νύ)) a cut-purse. Βαλανωτη, -ijg, vi, (from βάλανος) a grove of oaks, a forest. Β£)ίλ/3<ν, -ϊ^ος, V], the starting place or goal ; a gable-end, pillar, bidtress. Βαλίΐίν, Ion. for βαλεϊν, 1 f. of βάλλω. Βαλίος, -ά, -ov, or -ίος, -ία, -ίον, (for φά- λιος, -α, -ον, which from φάλος) having a white speck in the forehead, speckled, dap- pled. Βαλλίζω, f. .^ω, p. βφάλλικα, (from βάω and άλλομ^αΐ) I dance. Βαλλίσμ,ος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a dance. Βάλλω, imperf. εβαλλον, also βαλέω, f. βαλέσω, and βλέω, f, βλνισω, and βλ^μ^ι, 1 or 2 f. βάλω, p. βεβάληκα, contract, βεβληκα, 2 a. ίβαλον, 1 a. pass. Ιβλ'ήύην, p. mid. βί- βολα, p. pass, βεβλη^^αι, 3 pi. βέβληνται. Ion. βεβλ'-ήάταί, I cast, throw, put, thrust, strike, rush ; perf. pass. / am cast down, lie. Βάλσάμον, -ου, το, balsam. Βαμ>α, -ατός, το. Dor. for β^μ,α. Βάμβα, Dor. for βάμ,^^α. Bid.^/3<5£/i/vash thyself in the sea." 7. / wash for the special purpose of sym- bolical, ritual, or ceremonial, purification; as, βχτττιζόΐΛίνος ά,^ττο νίκ,ξου, κ,χΐ ττάλ/ν χτ- τό/ίίίνος χύτου, τί ό)φί7\.-/]σ^ '^φ Άουτ^ω χυτού ; " he that is washed {baptized) from (the pollution of) a dead body, and again touch- eth it, what profit hath he by his washing ? Sirach xxxi. 25. or xxxiv. 25. When this passage is compared with Num. xix. 9 — 22. it will appear that βχ'τττίζομ,χι, baptize, is used by the Apocryphal writer for the ap- plication of the υΐωιι ρχντισμ,οϊι, " the wa- ter of sprinkling;" and for obedience to the subsequent order τ^οΰσίτχι ΰ^χτι, " he shall wash himself with water ;" the neglect- ing of which application inferred the pu- nishment of being cut oiF from Israel, οτί ϋ^ύύζ ρχντισ^.ου ου -ττεζίίρρχντίσύγι Ιττ' χυτόν' χκ,χύχζτός Ιστι, " because the water of sprinkling has not been sprinkled all round upon him, he is unclean." This sprinkling was performed by another person, see verses 18, 19. and, therefore, what is ren- dered in English, verse 13, " purify him- self," is properly rendered by the LXX. in the passive voice α,φχ'/νίσθγ, " purified." It may here be observed in general, that ceremonial purification by immersion, bath- ing, or ablution, was always performed by the unclean person himself, (and, indeed, decency required this, as this kind of pu- rification never appears to have been the immersing of persons with their clothes on,) but that the mode was always differ- ent, when the purification was administer- ed by another. It is in this sense of ri- tual or ceremonial washing, that βχτττίζω, when employed in the New Testament to denote washing, is almost always used ; as, ccTTC) χγοζχς, kxv μ,'ή βχτττισωντχί, ουκ, Ισύί- ουσι, " when they come from the market, they eat not, unless they wash," Mark vii. 4. where some copies, however, have pxv- τΐσωντχι. Griesbach's note is, βχτ-τίσωντχι, " βχτττίζοντχί, L. Alii aliter. ρχντίσωντχι, Β. 40, 53, 71, 86. Mt. a. d. i. n. Euthym. {ctiam alibi.)" — A presumption of the sense in which transcribers understood the word. or/ ου τΓ^ωτον Ιβχτττίσθγι ττξό του χοίστου, " that he had not washed before dinner," Luke xi. 38. where βχτττίζω is equivalent to κ,χύχξίζύ), see verse 39. Here washing by immersion seems highly improbable, in the circumstances in which our Lord was, and there is hardly any doubt, that the washings in use among the Pharisees were not immersions, but merely applications of 285 Βαίττ/ζο A GREEK LEXICON. Βα'^τίζω. water in any mode. But whatever mode of washing βα,'τττίζω may signify, when used to denote what men did to them- selves', we are naturally led by the general observation above, to understand by it a mode different from that of immersion, when it is used to denote that which is done to the subjects of it by another. 8. / administer the oj^dinance of christian baptism, I baptize ; as, (Λα,^'/\τίνΰα.τξ. τϊτά,υτοι roi euuYi, βοίτιττίζοντίς αυτούς, " make disci- ples of all nations, baptizing them," Mat. xxviii. 19. Wherever the word occurs as denoting the initiatory rite of the christian church, it has with great propriety been rendered, as well in our own, as in almost all other translations, by a mere adoption of the Greek term, baptize. This has been censured by some, but without reason. From the various senses in which, from the foregoing examples, it appears that /SetTr- τίζο) was used among Greek writers, it must be evident that no proper English term could be found, when applied to this initiatory rite, to convey a corresponding signification. The translators, therefore, did well in adopting and retaining the word applicable to this, and this alone. To maintain, as some have done, that βοίτ- τίζω, when thus applied, ought always to be rendered plunge, dip, hnmerse, or wash, betrays inattention to its real force and import. The word βα-'τττίξω, when applied to the administration of the ordinance of bap- tism, appears to have been the authorized rendering of τώι;, which, in all probability, was the word originally used for the name, and the administration, of this ordinance. See the Syriac version. There is an in- stance, in Scripture, of an undoubted de- scription of the immersion of one person by another ; but the word used is neither βοίτττίζο), nor βά,τττω, but βά,χκω, which is never applied to baptism, John v. 7• Kzi- ξίί, ocuu^o)7:ou ουκ. 'ίχω, 'ίνα, orav ταξαχ,ύγ] το ΰ^ωξ, ΒΑ'ΛΛΗ< ,C4£ eig τνιν κ,ο7^υ[Λβ'ηύξο(.ν, " Sir, Ι have no man, luhen the water is trou- bled, to put me into the pooV The ordi- nance of baptism is the pouring out of water, from the hand of the baptizer, on the face of the baptized. It is a figure or sign of Regeneration. Like all scriptural emblems of the work of the Holy Spirit, it is always spoken of as administered from above, never from beneath. Comp. Matth. iii. 11. with Acts ii. 3. and Acts x. 44, 47. with Acts xi. 15, 16. It has no resem- blance to self-ablution, but is the single act of a moment, and is always done by one 286 person to another. By the following pas- sages, we are led to conceive of it as the pouring out of water from a cup, ^d, the palm of the hand, on the face of the bap. tized, that it may not only wet the surface as an emblem of washing, but be drunk into the mouth as an emblem of death to sin, and life to righteousness. Comp. 1 Cor. xii. 13. Matth. xx. 23, 23. Llike xii. 50. Matth. xxvi. 39. John xviii. 11. John xix. 30. — and let these passages be further com- pared with Ps. xi. 6. and Ixxv. 8, and Jer. XXV. 15, 16—28. The mode of baptism, inferred from these passages, is recommended by the meaning of the ordinance, as a figure of the washing away of sin by the purifying influence of the Holy Spirit, who \% poured out on us abundantly by the Father, through the sprinkling of the blood of Christ. Κα- τά, τ on αν του eT^soi/ saaasu i^f^ag, ^id AOT- TPOT~ 'τταλιγ'/ίΐ/ίσίας, κ,αΐ άνακ,αινωσίως Tli/svf^aTog άγιου' Ου 'ESE'XEEN l(p' yj/iiag τΐλουσίως, oia ' Ιγισου Έ.ξΐστου του σω- τνίξος 'ήΐ^ων. Tit. iii. 5, 6. compare also Isa. xliv. 3. Ezek. xxxvi. 25. Joel ii. 28. John iii. 3, 5. and Acts ii. 18, 33. Baptism is not a real, but a ceremonial or figurative, washing -, and the figurative washing of the body is intended to signify the purification of the soul, see John iii. 22 — 2Q., where the baptizing by Jesus or his disciples, and by John, led to the ζνι- τγισις ttsqI κ,αύαξίσ/αου ; see also Acts xxii. 16. 1 Pet. iii. 20—22. Christian baptism was the same, as dis- pensed by the baptist, and the disciples of Jesus. In Acts xix. 1 — 6. it has been thought that some of John's disciples were baptized again ,• but the 5th verse should be understood as a continuation of Paul's explanation of the baptism of John which they had already received. " Then said Paul, John indeed baptized the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on him who should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. And they (that is the people to whom John spake) having heard (this doctrine) were (in effect) baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." See Beza, Benson, and Wolfius, on the place, and see also a simi- lar example of Luke's mode of recording a speech of our Lord's, Luke vii. 29, 30. both which verses are a continuation of the speech from verse 24. This " one bap- tism," Eph. iv. 5., was admhiistered in three forms. John baptized in the name of the Messiah who was about^ to come after him, and whose kingdom was at hand. The Bacrr/tfua. A GREEK LEXICON. Βαστώί. disciples baptized Jews in the name of Je- sus as the Christ, Acts ii. 38. Samaritans, and Cornelius with his family, being ac- quainted with the promise of the Messiah, were, when they believed the gospel, bap- tized in this manner, John iv. 25. Acts viii. 16. and x. 48. Gentiles, who needed to be taught the doctrine of the true God, and the promises of the Messiah, and the work of the Holy Spirit, were baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Mat. xxviii. 19. It is peculiar to this christian ordinance that it has been from the beginning dis- pensed, not to believers alone, but also to their families, Acts xvi. 15, 31, 33. 1 Cor. i. 16. In this respect, as well as in its meaning as an emblem of purification and separation to the service of God, it answers to the ancient ordinance of ch'cumcision, Col. ii. 11—13. ΒάτΓτ/σ-,ίίί*, 'Λτος, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) 1. In its primary meaning a washing or ablution ; 2. hence transferred to signif}'• ceremonial purification by wash- ing ; 3. the ordijiance of bajJiism as a reli- gious rite ; 4. by a figure of speech, the system of religious doctrine, of which bap- tism was the initiatory token ; 5. an ap- pointed affliction or distress. In the New Testament, it does not occur in either of the two first senses : in the others it does. h βάτΓτισι/,Λ, " one baptism," Eph. iv. 5. άντίτυττου vvu σύζα βάττησ^^α, " the anti- type now saves, even baptism." 1 Pet. iii. 21. κΎlζύσσωu fioiTTTiafioi (/Λτοίνοίοίς, "preach- ing the baptism of repentance." Luke iii. 3. TO βά,'7ΐΤΐσ(ΛΛ 'lojciuuov TTohu vi'j ; "the baptism of John whence was it ?" Mat. xxi. 25. /Βύί-τττ/σ,ίύΑί Bs 'ίχ,ύ) βΛ7:ησ&Υ)υα,ι, kccI 'ττως συ'Αγ,ομ,Λΐ 'ίως ου πΆίσύγι ; " Ι have a baptism to be baptized with, and how am I strait- ened till it be finished !" — I have a cup to drink ; or, an appointed afiliction to en- dure, Luke xii. 50. See under βοίτττίξω, 8. Βο^ττησ/ϋός, -ου, ο, (from same) a washing or ablution in general, in whatever manner done, — applied to the various purifications of the law — the traditions of the Jews — and the ordinance of Christian baptism. Βχ-τττισ/ίΛούς ^ίστων x,ctl -ττοτ/ιοίύ)», " the ce- remonial washing (as a mode of purifica- tion) of pots and cups," Mark vii. 4, 8. see also Heb. vi. 2. and ix. 10. Βχττηστνίιοίο!/, -ου, το, (from same) the bason of a bath ; a hot bath, and so distin- guished from 7,ουτιιωι>, a cold bath ; after baptism came to be administered by im- mersion, a plficefor immersion like a bath- ing house, a baptistery. Βχττηστ'ής, -ου, 6, (from same) in the primitive sense said to be a dyer or stabl- er ; but, on the same principle on which we retain the word baptize, we retain also the word baptist or baptizer. The word rarely occurs, if at all, in any Greek \vriter, prior to the New Testament, and appears to be apphed only to a person practising ablution for some ceremonial or religious purpose, or dispensing baptism. Βα'Τΐτος, -'ή, -oy, (from next) dyed, paint- ed, Ezek. xxiii. 15. ττα,οοίβοίτττχ, according to the Vatican, but the better reading is, τιάζζχ,ι βα'π'τα.Ι ίττΐ rau χεψοίλων αϋτων, dyed attire upon their heads. Aristoph. "Οζνίύ. 287. βοίτττος οζΐ/ίς, a painted or co- loured bird, not implying that it was dyed by arfe, but denoting its natural colour. Comp. Virg. Georg. III. 243. " Pictseque volucres." Πλοντ. 530. οΰ§ ίμ,α,τ'ΐύίυ βα,τ:- το)]) ^ocTrauctig κοσμ,νίσοα 7roιx.ιXύ/:ίόξφύJU, nor to adorn her with costly painted garments of variegated patterns. Comp. In tunica Jovis, et pictse Sarrana ferentem Ex humeris aulaea togse. Juv. X. 38, 39. " In the dress of Jupiter, and wearing on his shoulders the Sarraue tapestry of a painted gown. ' Plutarch. Quaest. Rom. 26. ro δί α,υτόχζου)/ μ,ίΚα,ν, ουγ, ύ'ττο τίχ,νΊτις άΧΚά, φύσίΐ βα,τΐτόν ϊστι. That which is black of itself, is not dyed or coloured by art, but by nature. Boi-TrTO), (originally βάφω) f. -ψώ», p. βί- βαίφ», 1 f. pass. βαφβ'/}σο/ί<,οα, p. βίβοίμ,^.οΐί, 1 a. ίβχ-ψα, 2 f. act. βάφΖ, 2 a. ίβάφοι/, 2 f. pass, βοίφνισομ,οίΐ, 2 a. pass. Ιβά,φ-^ν. In its radical meaning I tinge or ιιιώηε ; i. e. cover with some adventitious quality or substance. It is nearly synonymous with [/.ohwjo, only the latter is used generally in a bad, the former in a good, sense. It sig nifies the application, properly the sudden and slight application of any thing, but usually of water, or some other liquid. In Greek writers it gradually assumed differ- ent senses ; as, 1. and most commonly, / stain, dye, tinge, or imbue, in whatever man- ner, whether by i')ainting, affusion, infusion, friction, or immersion ; 2. / dip) or pdunge for the purpose of either staining, luetting, or temjjeriiig ; 3. I wash ; 4. / ivet by affu- sion. Of all these senses the following are examples : 1. I tinge, stain, or dye, in whatever man- ner this was done ; oi βοίφίΊς, ΙττίΐΙα,υ βου- Άγιθωσι βά,-ψοίί 'ίξίχ ωστί ίϊι/χί ά.λύυξγοΙ, 'TTQuTou μβν iKhiyo'JTCii l/C τοσούτύ)]/ χ,οωμ,ά,- ro)u f^iuu φύσιν τ'ήν των Τ^ίυκων, 'ϊ'ττίΐ 'τϊλολ- σ-Λίυά,ζουσιυ — οτνως οίί,ωυτΛΐ 'ότι f^ccKiaTcx, τό όίνύος, KUi οϋτω όνι βάττουσι' χ,αϊ ο fiiu ocu 287 Ba'TTTca. A GREEK LEXICON. Βά'τττω. τούτω τφ τξόττω βχφνί "hsvaoTroiov yiyviToci το βοιφίν' — ο δ' «ζ/, /ίύ'η οϋσύοι, οϊοί y/yi/£Tcc/, Ιάν Τ£ τις οίΚ>.οι, χφμ,ΛΤΛ βάτττ^ Ιά,ν Τ£ κ,χΐ Τίΐντΰί μ,νι ττζούί^α,ττίύσοίς, οτι ίκ,ττλνντα κοίί yihoioi ; *' dyers (or stainers) when they wish to dye (or stam) wool, so as to be of a purple colour, first select from the differ- ent stuifs one of those naturally white, — they then prepare it, so as to receive in the best manner the colour, (or flower,) and so they stain (or dye) it ; and what has been thus dyed, the stuff so dyed becomes unalterable. But don't you know what those stuffs become, if one dyes (or stains, properly puts on) different colours, or if you do not prepare them beforehand, they become tarnished in the colour and con- temptible?" Plato Polit. lib. 4. ^οίξύγ- yxi δί, ύμ^Λτοί (Aiy βίβα.μ,μ,ϊυ(χ, e^ouTsg, sue- 'TTQSTrou' " The Sarangae, having dyed or stained garments, made a distinguished appearance." Herod, book 7• chap. 67. Probably the " pictaivestis^'' mentioned by Virgil Mw. IX. 26. ihcx.t φάσται νιτοι Τκίυκοί, κ,οίΐ μ,νί βίβοίμμίΐ /oe, »j 'ττζττοίκιλμίνα, " he says they are white, and not dyed or stain- ed with various colours." Athen. Deipno- soph. lib. 2. oi ttju ττόξφυξοίΐ/ βά,-ψοϋτζς, ^uvccToci yoc^ βά'π'Τζίυ ουκ, ϊσύίίσύοίΐ μόνον το τνις ττόξφνξχς κ,ξίχς, " those who dye pur- ple — for the flesh of the purple fish is fit to dye, (or stain,) not to be used solely for food." Lucian Cyneg. That it properly denotes operations on a small scale, and ge- nerally of a gentle nature, like that oi draw- ing colours over a white surface, painting or staining in spots, stripes, or clouds, appears from the following examples. ^'Κιβόμζνος Ss βάτΐτίΐ κ.α.1 ά,νύίζα tviu χίίξοί, "when rubbed (or squeezed) it stains and colours the hand." Aristot. de Rist. Anim. ίβάτττίτο δ' οίίμχτι Τκ'ιμννι, " the pool was stained with blood," viz. the blood of a frog. Ho- mer. Batrach. v. 248. βά.'τττίΐ τ^Ιχ,ίκ,ς, " it stains (or colours) the hair." Diosc. lib. 1. c. 103. βοί'τττόμίυος βοίΤξ(Χ.χίίθίς, " staining or smearing with tawny colours." Aristoph. Hipp. V. 520. He is speaking of Magnes, an old comic poet of Athens, who made the actors daub their faces with lees of wine, and any other odd colours ; not that they dipped their faces into the colour, but rather spread the colour on their faces. It is also used for painting the hair. Άί συ μίλκινοτΛτ»; ίξ αγοξίχ,ς ατξίαι. ** Some people, Ο Nicylla, say that you dye (or stain) your hair, which you bought completely black out of the market," Epigram. Collect. Bentleii cum Callimacho. Lond. 1741. p. 139. " You dye or colour your head, but you will never dye old age," so as to give it a youthful appearance. Epigram. Collect. Bentleii. One of the most decisive exam- ples of βχτττω in the sense of painting or laying on colours, occurs in ΜενάνΖξον Asl- ■ψχνχ, the Fragments of Menander, Ix, r^g• 'O^yjjf, 0, the second fragment of the co- medy entitled Anger. It is the more va- luable, as the word ετ^ούμην occurs in the same passage, so that the distinction be- tween it and βάτττω is most clearly marked. KflSi τΰΐ νίος ίτβτ ίγίνόμ,ν,ν χάγαι, yvveu, Αλλ ouyi ίλούμ,'ήν ττίντόίϋΐζ τνι; '/ιμίβχς Τοτ'• άλλώ νυν. βΰδε ^Xocvil•' ίΤχον' άλλα νυν. Ου^ϊ μύξον ίΤχον' άλλα νυν. χκι ΒΑ'ΨΟΜΑΙ, Koci ^ίχ,ξοίτιλουμοίΐ, νη Attn,, %oti γίν'/ι<τομχι ΚτίΛίΤίΤβί, ei« α,νθξω^οί, \ν ολίγω χζόνω' 'Κ.α.θως ϊχ,ΐίνος κοίτί^ομα,ι κα.) τους λίθους Α!Γ«|άίΤΛΐ/τοί?, ου γ»ξ ουν τί^ν yriv μίν^ιν. " And Ι also, woman, was once young : but I was not washed five times a day then ; but now I shall: neither had I then a fine robe ; but now / shall : neither had I oint- ment ; but now / shall : and I will paint Tfiy hair, and will pluck out hairs, — and will become a Ctesippus, and not a man, in a little time ; hke him I will eat up the very stones whok, and not the earth a- lone." See also the quotations from Aris- tophanes, under ζά,μμχ. When dyeing is performed by immersion, it cannot be prac- tised on a living subject, because it is long continued immersion. The priests of Co- tys were called Bd-^-Txt, which name we find in Juvenal Sat. 2. 92.; it seems to have been derived 'άττό τον βά-πτίο/, i. e. from dying or pai^iting themselves; for they were wont to practise all sorts of ef- feminate and meretricious arts; whence Koryos- ^ιοίσωτΎΐς,Λ. e. the votary of Cotys, is proverbially applied to men that spend their time in dressing and perfuming them- selves. Potter's Antiquities, vol. 1. book 2. In conformity with this sense, it is used in a metaphorical meaning, to denote thoroughly imbued or impregnated with a particular quality or virtue ; as, ^κοαοσύν*] βξβχμμίνος dg βύθος, ** a man thoroughly imbued with justice." Anton, ib. 3. c. 4. 2. / dip or plunge for the purpose of staining, wetting, tempering, or imbuing, with some quality. Here again we see the word properly denotes operations on a small scale. ^Έ,νσταΚ^ωμζυ το αϊμοι, etg >ίύλ4κοί Kui rol ζ,ίφΛ όίκξ» βύ-ψχντίς, τ/- ΒατΓίϋ. A GREEK LEXICON. Bairrw. , " Let lis drop the blood into a cup, and having dipped the points of our swords, let us drink" (dipped in order to stain them.) Lucian. Tox. ταύτα, δ' af^oootUf σφά^αντζς κά'ττξΟ!/, ΆΟίΙ ταν^ον, κχί "AvKOUy KSii κξίΟ!/, sig άσττβα βά,τττο'^τίς οι fih "ΕλΤ^-ή^ίς ζίψος οι os βά,ξβοίοοι 7^ό•γγ;/ιν, " These things they sware, having slain a he-goat, and a bull, and a wolf, and a ram, dipping (for the purpose of staining them) into a shield (used for receiving the blood in the hollow side of it.) the Greeks a sv/ord and the Barbarians a spear." Xen. Anab. ii. 2. 4. This ceremony was analo- gous to Exod. xxiv. 8. and Heb. ix. 19,20. xul ^ϊτά, τούτο άς y δώο βάτττίί, ττάλα/ os sig ττϋζ^ " after this he dips it (for the sake of tempering) into water, and again into fire." Plato, Tim. iii. όίς δ' 6τ dw^^ χού'.κώς crsAg- κνυ du υόα,τι 'ψνχ;ξω βάτττίί, " As a smith plunges (for the sake of te7n2jering) an axe in cold water." Homer. Od_yss. Γ. v. 391, 392. The following is an instance, in which βάτττω signifies immersion, and denotes an operation, neither on a small scale, nor of a gentle nature. Herod. Euterpe, 47. "^Ti/ 6s ΑίγυτττίΟί ^icCQou τιγγ^υταί ^-/ΐξίον duxi, κ,οίΐ τούτο yJu, '■Jju τίς •^α,ύσ"/] «ύτώίν 'T^'ot^iau νος, α,υτοίσι ί/ίί,χτίοίσί ά,-ττ ών ίβχ-ψε sow τον, βάς Ιττι τον 'ττοτα,^^όν. " The Egyptians reckon a swine an unclean beast, and abhor it to such a degree, that if any of them should in passing touch a swine, he would go strait to the river, and, with his very clothes on, plunge himself into it." The person, who adopts this summary method of purification, performs the operation for .himself; and does it " v^^ith his very clothes on," which seems to have very much aston- ished the historian, who evidently regarded the whole transaction as singular and mon- strous. 3. / wash in general ; 'ΤΓζωτα (xzv γοτ-ζ τ oi()ioc βύττουσι ^ίζμω, " for first, they wash the wool in warm water," Aristoph. Eccl. 215. upon which passage Suidas remarks, βά,τττονσι άντΙ τον •π'κύυουσι. And the Scholiast says, βά-τττονσί' 'κ'κύυουσι, 4. / ivct hy affusion, effusion, perfusion, or infusion; by sprmJcling, daubing, friction, or immersion; 1 dip for the sake of talcing lip or drawing. In Suidas de Ilierocle is the following passage: eig Οίκαστγίζίον ecxusig ΕτίίΤΓΤίτο τας έξ «νύξωττων 'TrXrr/cx.g' Q20/iC£- νος OS τω α,Ίμ.οιτι βcc^lΌC.g κ,οίΑ/ιν τγ]!/ χίίζα, 'ττζοσξα/νίί την ^καστνίζία,ν. " Being carried before the tribunal, he was scourged by tlie executioners', (literally, he was struck the blows of the six men,) and, flowing with Ο blood, having wetted the hollow of his hand, he sprinkles it on the judgment seat." 'Bcc-^ocg here cannot with any pro- priety mean " having plunged or dipped^'' from the situation in which Hierocles was, — his body bloody with stripes, all that he could do was to catch some of the blood, as it ran down from his v/ounds, — he catched it in the hollow of his hand, — this is termed βα-ψχ: κοιΆτιν την χζίξχ, and it must be a strong perversion of the mean- ing to call this a dipping or plunging. This passage from Suidas is thus given by Dr. Clarke in his note on Odyss. I'. 347. E/f ^(κ,cίστ'J]2{Qv ccxuslg, ετύτττετο τά,ς έ| άνύφτΐων 'K'hyiyccg' ps6y,svog Bs τω αίμ,ατι βα,ι^ /ctg ΆΟίΚτ^ν ττιν χ,ζΐζοί 'π-^οσζ(χ,ίν&ι τον δ/- κ,οίστνίυ^ oiy^ix, "hiyau, Kvfc>dij^, τγι, !Γ? οίνον, ίΐτύ φαγί; α,ν^ξόμία. κξίχ» That Cowper understood Ba,\J/cig here to signify the scourged man letting the POURING blood FLOW DOWN iuto his hand, is evident from the account of it which he has given in Note 15. Odyssey IX. " Hie- rocles being brought before the judge, he sentenced him to be beaten with rods ; when, filling the hollow of his hand with the blood that streamed from him, he scat- tered it over the magistrate, saying, Κίχλά/ψ, τΤι, Tit' ohov, ι•!ίύ φαγί; ανίξόμίχ. κζίίχ,, " Lo, Cyclops ! this is wine. Take this and drink After thy meal of man's flesh." Theocrit. 5. 127. Ά TrcnTg άνί ν^οατος τα. x-aTyTTili κ,γίξία. βχ-ψαί. " Boy, draw ιυαχ in the buchet instead of luater, on which M. Hodge, A. M. has this Note. Βά-ψα,ι το vhjQ κάλτηΐί est άζύσασύα,ζ. Euripides Hippolyto βατττάν κ,αΚττισι ρντα,ν 'ττγιγά,ν U^o'islaa k^yiju,vZv. Arrianus Periplo Ponti. V] δέ χζόα τω Φάσί^ί, oloc ά'ττο μ,οΤ^ύβ^ου, "η καττιτίζου βεβαμ/χίνου τον ν'^ατος. Hie τού βίβα/ίίμίνου υl•xτog est hausta statim aqua άζνσύέντος ΰ'^ccτog, Scaliger. Locus quern profert Scaliger est apud Euripid. Hippol, 123. Ed. Beck, ubi vidend. Valck. et Musgrav. cf. et Alberti ad Hesyclr. v. βατττάίν. Every instance in which βάτττω is used, in the Septuagint and New Testament, relates to operations on a small scale, and generally of a gentle nature. The assertion that in all the applications of the term, in tiie New Testament, it will be found to contain the idea οι plenitude or abundanee, is directly the reverse of the fact. We have the dipping of a bunch of hyssop, Exod. xii. 22. and Num. xix. 18; the dip- o 289 'ΒαΥι^Λνος, 1 a. pass. ίβα,^'ή^Ύΐν, (from βά^^ος) I burden, load, weigh down, oppress. Βαζ£ως,{^θΥΆ same) heavily, didly ; β/χ,ξίως φβζω, I take it amiss, am displeased, Gen. xxxi. 35. Βΰξίς, -ίος, or -ιόος, Τ], a building of any sort, barge, ship^ citadel, tower, palace, great house. BxQKYiusl/ic, and βοξκοννίΐμ,, (c-spin) a kind of thorn with very sharp prickleg. See Υ^ατα,ί,ούυω. Βάξος, -£ος, -ους, το, (from βοί^ύς) α lueight, burden, baggage, labour, charge ; honour, authority. 1 Thess. ii. 6. '6υ'^ά.(Λίνοι h βάζα Huoci, ^having been able to be in authority ;'*^ i. e. " though we could have used authority.^' Bix('Ccc'Ay/ig, -ίος, Βόίξΰά.λγητος, -ou, (from same and όίλγος) very grievous, very much grieved. Βα,ζυόίχνις, -ίος, 6, ^, το -ες, (from same and άχος) very j)ainful. Βόίίη/βζεμ,ετγις, -ου, ο, (from same and βζεμύή heavily, or loudly roaring. 291 Βαξύβρομοζ, A GREEK LEXICON» Βάαανοζ, Βαξύβξομος, -ου, 6, % (from same) heavily or loudly roaring. Έΰίξϋβξως, -ωτος, ο, vj, (from βαζνς ΆΏ,ά βξόω) grievously eating, Βΰίξύγ^ονττος, οχ^ βχζύ^ονττος^ -ου, ο, τ], (from same and Ιουττος) heavily sounding. Βΰί^ύγλωσσος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from βχζύς and χ γλωσσοί) having α difficult language. Βχ,ξύγού) dispensing heaviness or affliction. Βοίζυ^ουτος, see βα^ύγ^ουττος. Βΰίζυγι-χ,νις, -ίος, ό, τι, (from βα,^ύς and τί-χ,ος) heavily -sounding. Βιχ,ξυύυ,αίύ), f. -'/jao), 1 a. Ιβα,ζυβνμ.Υ',σα,, (from same and ύυ/^ός) I am angry, am sad. Βΰίξϋθυ/ϋ,ίΰί, -χς, vj, (from next) heavy- mindedness, fierceness, sadjiess. Βόίξύύϋμος, -ου, ό, τι, (from βΰοξύς and όυ- [Λος) heavy-minded, fierce, sad. Βαξΰόύμως, (from preced.) with heavy mind, fiercely, sadly. Βόίξΰύω, (from βχξύς) I am opj)ressed. ΒΆξΰκ,ά.^ιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κχξΐίοί) heavy or didl hearted, obstinate, fool- ish. Βα,ζΰτοο^τΓος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and KOjiCTrog) heavily-sounding. Βοίζΰχ,οτος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and m- τος) heavily or greatly enraged. Βοίζύκ,τΰ'Τίος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and κτυττίω) heavily-resounding. ΒΰίξΰΆόγος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and 7\όγος) of heavy speech, speaking bitterly or reproachfidly. Βοί^υμάυιος, -ω, ό. Dor. for βαξυμτιυίος, -ου, ό, 7j, (from same and μ,α,νία) very fierce, very furious. Βάξυνύεν, Ion. and Boeot. for Ιβαζύνθνι- αα,ν, 3 pers. pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of Βοίξϋυο), f. -υυω, p. βίβύ,ουγκ,οί, 1 a. pass. Ιβοίζύ^ύτιν, sub. βοί^υυύω, (from βοίζύς) I make heavy or dull, opp)ress, overload, over- charge. ΒοίζυότΓΥι;, -ου, ό, Ώοτ.β/χξυό'π-οίς, -ο), (from βα,φς and οψ) having a heavy or deep voice. ΒΰΐξυότττομίΖί, 2 a. Ιβοί^υω-ττην, (from same ΆΤίά oTCToizcii) I see dimly. Gen. xlviii. 10. Ιβα,ξ^υό)7!:γ^σχι/ some read ίβοί^ύι/ύ/,σαν. 292 Βοίζυ^-αύέύ], (from same and TrcJioj) I heavily suffer. ΒοίζυττάΆέίμος, -ou, (from same and ττβί- Τ^άμ,γι) heavy-handed. Βαξυττενύ^ς, -ίος, ό, v}, (from same and -πίνθος) heavily-mourning. ΒχζυτΓίσ'-ής, -ίος, 6, ή, (from same and τΓΐ'τττω) heavy-falling. Βΰί^υττυξίω, (from same and ttusIcj, poet, for TTuicd) I bloiu heavily. Βαςύττοτμος, -ου, ό, 9], (from same and 'Τΐόχμ.ος^ having a heavy fate. Βιζξύττους, -ο'^ος, 6, ^, (from next and 'π'ους) heavy-footed. Βΰίξύς, -eloi, -v, heavy, weighty; great, im- portant ; authoritative, severe; grievous, afflicted, opjjressive. Βαξύστοίύ/χος, -ου, ό, yj, (from preced. and στχύ/ζός) heavy-weighing. Βαζυστενόίχύ}, (from same and στενάχ,ύ)^ or -di^oj) I groan heavily. Bcx.q^uaTovog, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) deep- ly-groaning: βα.ζυστόνύ}ς, ivith a heavy groan. Βχξυσόμφοξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from βοίξύς and σνμφοοίχ,) heavily -afflicted. Βοίζυσφά,ξΰίγος, -ου, 6, τί, (from same and σψόίξαγος) giving a heavy sound. Βΰίξΰητίς, -7}τος, vi, (from βχξύ;) heaviness, weight, oppression. Βαξύτϊμος, -η, -ov, (from same a»d ημ'η) of great price, very precious or valuable ; severe in punishment. Βΰΐξντοΐ/ίω, (from same and τόνος) I use a g-mve tone. Βα,ζύτονος, -ου, ό, 'η, (from same) pro- nounced with a grave tone : βχξυτόι/ως, tuith a grave tone. Βοίξύφύογγος, -ου, 6, ή, (from βχςύς and φύόγγος) having a heavy or deep sound. Βΰίζύφοζτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and φόξτος) heavily-loaded. Βοίξυφξαν, -όνος, ο, Vj, (from same and cp^^;/) heavy-minded, meditating destructive things. Βοίζΰ-ί^ϋχος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and -ψυ- χ,νι) heavy-spirited, cowardly. Baaoiusocj, f. -eoaoj, and βασοίΡίζοι, f. -'taoj, p. βεβοοσάΐ/ίχχ, 1 f. pass. β(Χ,σοίνισύνισο^Λΐχ.ι, p. pass. βίβΛσά,υίσμοΆ, 1 a. act. ϊβοίσά,νισοί, 1 a. pass. g/Sciffiuy/fffiii/, (from βάσανος) I examine, try, examine by torture, toi^ment, afflict; pass. I am tossed, as by the waves of the sea. Βοίσανισμος, -ου, ο, (from perf. pass, of preced.) torment, torture. Βα,σανισττίξίοι-•, -ου, το, (from same) a place of torture, a prison. Βασα,νιστνις, -ου, ό, (from same) a tormen- tor, examiner by torture, jailor. Bxaoivog, -ov, % the Lydian stone by ivhick Βαΰιλίία. A GREEK LEXICON, Βα,υβάω. gold is tried, a touch-stone; an examination, examination by torture, torture, torment. Βασίλζίχ, -ccg, v], (from βασιΜν;) a king- dom, royalty, royal power or dignify, reign : βχσΙ'ΚζΐΆ, a queen. Βχσίλίίος, Ion. βχσι'Τ'.γ^ίος, -ου, 6, -ή, το -o-j, (from next) 7Oyal, kingly ; βα,σίΐΜίον, with όωίίΛ understood, or βασίΑίΐα,, τα, with ocuficcrci understood, a palace. BoiaiT^sv;, -ύος, Attic -ίως, 6, (from βάσις του "hocov) a king, governor, rider, chief com- mander. Bxai'hsvc•), f. --vaoj, p. βίβοίσίΤνίυκ,α, 1 a. Ιβχσί7.ίυσοί, (from preced.) I am a king, reign as a king. Βχσίλ-/ίί';, -ΐίος, τ}, (from βασίλαος. Ion. βασί\/;ϊος) royal, kingly. Βοίσι7.ίζύ), f. -Ισύ), (from βασι'Κζύς) I fol- low the party of the king: βασιΆιζη^^οί,ί, I act as a king, affect regal power. ΒοίσίΑΐκ,ος, ->j, -ov, (from same) royal, kingly; excellent; with the article and ύιά.- Kouoc, or the hke, understood, a courtier, i. e. an attendant, servant, or minister of a king: βοίσιΤ^ι-Λως, in a princely or royal style. Βχσ'ίλις, -Ίοος, and βΛσ'ίΚίσσα,, -ης, τ], (from same) a queen. Βχσίλίσκος, -ου, ο, (from same) a petty king; a basilisk, a kind of serpent, called also a cockatrice, Vvhich is said to drive away all others by his hissing, and to kill by looking. Βά,σίμ,ος, -ου, ο, τί, (from next) passable, p)ervious. Βάσίς, -ιος, Attic -ζως, ij, (from βάω or βΰίίι/ω) a basis, base or foundation, supp)ort, sole of the foot, foot, footstep or tread. Βζχ,σκ,ούνω, f. -ά,νω, p. -y^st, 2 a. act. Ιβά,σ- •/.ocyou, (from βά,σκ,οι,νο;) I bewitch, properly ivith the eye, fascinate; regard ivith envious and malicious looks, envy. Βοίσκχνία, -cc;, 'ή, (from same) f oscillation, envy. Βοίσκ,ανίξω, f. 4σω, 2 f. -xuiu, (from next) / look with evil or envious eyes. Βάσχ,ανος, -ου, 6, τι, (for φά,σκα,νος, 6 το7ς φάίσι x,ctiuo)'j, he ivho kills with his looks or eyes) an envious j^erson. Βά,σκ,οίς, -ου, 6, a teal. Βάσκο), (poet, from βάω) I come, go; pres. imperat. βχσκί, and before a vowel βχσκ as βχσχ^ ΐύι, (imperat. of ίϊ^Λΐ) go, go, that is go qidckly. Βχσσά,οίύς, -ΐύ)ς, ο, a title of Bacchus. Βχσσά.ξΐζ, -ihog, βα,σσά,ηχ, and βχσσάξτι, -rig, '/I, a female devotee of Bacchus. BaarccyfAoi, -ατός, το, and βχστα,γμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of next) a burden. Βχστχξω, f. -όίσύ) or -χξω, p. βίβάστα,κχ, 1 f. pass. βχστχύτισύίΛΧί, p. βίβάστχ'/μ.χι, 1 a. act. ίβχστχσχ, or Ιβχστα^χ, I bear, carry, properly a heavy burden ; carry off, take away, take up, support, sustain, suffer. Βχστχκ,τος, -'ή, -o'j, (from preced.) borne. Βχτχ'κίζομ,χι, (from next) 1 Ut,%ν/ϊ) one ivho gets his bread from the moon, an old dotai^d. BiKKog, or βίκος, -ου, ο, (said to be Phry- gian) bread. Βίλεα^. A GREEK LEXICON. Βιάζύ). BsT^sccp, iEol. for U^soto, Bi'hsy.uQv, -ov, TO, the same as ββλος. Β;λ/άλ, (.bv'b:i) in several MSS. βίλιάξ, helial, signifies ivorthless, wicked, and being opposed to Christ, 2 Cor. vi. 15. seems to denote ο ττοντ,^ος, the lu'iched one. Βελλίοοφόνττις, -ου, 6, or Βίλλε^οφού;:/, -(,'^τος, or -ο)ντος, contr. BiAAs^oipaJv, also called 'Έτ,Τ^ίζοφόντγ,ς, Bellej'ophon, so called I'rom having slain Bellerus, a tyrant of Corinth. II. Z'. 155, &c. Βίλλώ», jEoI. for ι/,ίχλω. Β^Άοθψί,η, -γ,ζ, 71, (from /SsAoi and ^ijx/?) α quiver. Βί'ΑύΐΎΐ, -τ,ς, 7], (from βί7^ος) a needle ; a sort of fish. B^>.cyo'7rujX-/jc, -ου, 6, (from preced. and ττωΤ^ίω) a seller of needles. BsAoj-, -£o?, -ους, Attic -giyj-, το, norn. plur. βίΚζα,, contract. /3ίλ)7, (from βαΤ^Κω) a dart, arrow, javelin, stone, thunderbolt. Βί'Κύοτόίσ!;, -to;, Attic -Βως, vj, (from pre- ced. and ατά-σις) a place for throwing darts Οΐ stones, a rampart; also, a machine for throwing darts or stones, a balista. Βέλτε^ος, -ίξα, -s^o'j, poet, for βίΚτίύ)ν. Βίλτίόίο, f. -ύJσω, p. 'ujkcc, (from βζΚτίύ)ν) 1 make better, reform, imjjrove. Βΐ'Κτιστοί, (from next) in the best man- ner. Bi7\z ιστός, -η, -ou, (from βοΩ^Κω, superla- tive of άγοίύύς. See p. 20.) most expert in throwing the dart, best. BsATicj, ace. sing, and nom. ace. or voc. plur. of next, βίΆτίορα, βίλτίοχ, contr. βζΆτίύ), p. 44. Βίλτίων, -o'jog, 6, vj, to-q'j, (comparative of ayauog) more expert in throwing the dart, better: fii?.Ttou, used adverbially, vert/ well. 2 Tim. i. 18. So κάλλιον. Acts xxv. 10. Bi?i!pfcyiy^. See βίίΚφί'/ωξ. Βζ'κφύς, -ΰος, vj, Μο\. for όίΤ^φύς, the ma- trix, a womb, hence vulva. Βίο,βγ,κίά,ύ), f. -άσύ), and βζ/:/.β-/ικίζο, f. 'ϊσω, p. -iKx, (from next) / ivhirl as a top, turn round. Βί(Λβήί, -my.og, and βψ.βι^, -ϊκο;, v), a top which boys play with. Biuuog, -ίος, το, dat. pi. Ion. βίνθίσσι, depth. Βίντιστος, Dor. for βίλτιστος. Bio/aoci, see βίίομ,χι. Βίζίθοον, Attic, and by Sync, for βάοα,- βζον, which see. Βίζίκυς, -υντος, ij, Bcrcci/s, a city of Phrygia : BsQiy^u^rio:, -a, -ov, of Bcrccjjs, Berccynthian. Βίοίνΐκγ}, or Βίζονϊκγι, contr. BBQi>i:<,r., --ής, 71, (for φϊζζνίκγι, from φύζο) and uikyi) Bere- nice, or Bcrnicc, the name of several noble women, from one of whom fis^oi/ifcihg, a sort of shoes worn by Berenice. Βίζέσχεύοί, -ων, ol, the gods who prende over folly. ΒϊξοίχΊος, -oiici, -cciov, (from Bs'^o/ci) of Berea. Bi^aiy.vJoiu, or βίξσ^-χ,^ά,ν, (a corruption from the Hebrew) in a coffer, 1 Kings vi. 8. Bij, for ίβ-/], 3 sing. 2 a. of βχί;/α. Βτιζο), I cry βτ„ bleat like a sheep. Βιηύεσοχ, (κτππ ΠΟ) Belhesda, the house of mercy. Bf^og, -ου, 6, (from βόιω and Τ^ία,ν) the threshold of a house or temple. Bviy.ct, -χτος, το, (from rrni) a raised or elevated place or seat for a judge or king, a tribunal, judgment seat, throne; in this sense the Latins use the phrase, locus su- perior, as Cic. in Verr. ii. 40. " atque haec agebantur in conventu palam, de sella, ac de loco superiore,''^ see άβοίΐ^ά, : also Βτιμ,χ, Dor. βοί^.ιχ,, (from βίβη^.αι, perf. pass, of βa,l•Jω)astep,printofafoot; βγι^οί το^ογ, a space or room to set the foot on, a f oofs tread, Deut. ii. 5. Acts vii. 5. Β-^η^^^ιτίζω, f. -ii/iy, perf. pass. part. βφ-/ιμ.οί- TiGuivog, (from preced.) / measure by steps. B'^y.i, see BvJyo>, and p. 70. B'-il» /3:-7%oV, 'A, a cough. Βπξύλλιον, and β'ήξυλλος, -ου, 6, τ], (He- brew) a beryl, a precious stone of a green colour. Bvjooct, -γις, 7}, a grove, a woodland con- taining }ich pasture. Βγισσ7]5ΐς, -ίσσα, -ζυ, (from preced.) a- bounding with thickets, woody. Β'/;σσ7]ς, dat. plur. Ion. for β'-^σσαις, from βτ^σσοί. Β'ήσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζ,ω, p. -χ<χ,, (from /3ij|) / cough. B/iTctoy.o;, -ου, 6, (from βύ,ω and όί(>ω) the Pyrrhic dance. Βητάξμων, -ouog, 6, (from same) a fine dancer. Βία,, -οίς. Ion. βίγ„ -ης, τ}, strength, vigour, might, majesty ; violence, force ; βίγιφι, dat. sing, for βίτ); βί-/ι ^' 'Έλένοιο α,^Λχ,τος, and the might of royal Helcnus. In our lan- guage his majesty signifies the king, and the divinity is often used to signify God him- self. Thus in Homer we have βί-/ι Έλβνοίο — βί/1 ' ΙΙοχκΆπίίη — βίγ] ^ ΑΆκινόοιο, with many others. Cowper's Note 43. on 11. xiii. Βιύζω, f. -οίσω, p. βίβίχκα, also βια,ω, ί". -■^ίσω, p. βφ'ΐΥΓΛχ, (from preced.) / force, urge, violate, enslave, overcome: βιά,ζομ,Λΐ, or βιά.ο(ΛΛΐ, I am forced, suffer violence, mia. force myself into, 1 a. mid. Ιβιχσΰ,μ,γιι/, βίφατο. Ion. for βιφντο, contr. from βιήοιν- TO, 3 plur. pres. optative of βιύομ,οίί. 295 Btaioc A GREEK LEXICON. Βλαΰτάνο}, Έίοίίύς^ -uloiy -ctiou, (from same) violent, vehement. Βιαίως, (from same) vioJently, Βίχσττ,ς, -ου, 6, (from βίά,ζω) one ivho invades, ov forcibly crowds or jjrcsses. Mat. xi. 12, κα,Ι βΐ(Χ.στιχ.Ι ά.ξττά,ζουσιν oivr'/ju, " and violent persons take it by force.'* Either persons, hitherto of irregular lives, or per- sons roused to the energy/ of the 7ieiu Ife. ^ ^ ^ Βίάττις, -ου, 6, Dor. βίά,τά,ς, -a, (from same) one that is brave, violent, furious. Βιβάω, βιβά,ζω, and βίβη^.ι, f. -ασω, p. -otjcoi, and -γικ,ίχ., 1 a. act. ίβίβασα., 1 a. mid. &βιβοίσάμ,Υΐν, 1 a. pass, ίβφάσύνιν, (from βά.ω, with the reduplication βι,) I cause or mah;e to come, or go ; I stall•, stride. ' Βφλαξίοίον, βίβλάζίοι», and βιβτ^βιον, -ου, το, (diminutive from βίβλος) a little book, tablet, or parchment. Βιβλία, -ων, roi, (from βιβλίοή the holy scriptures. ΒίβΧίνος, -ίν/ι, -luou, (from βίβλος) made of the Egyptian reed, oy papyrus ; Is. xviii. 2. That sendeth ambassadors by sea, χ,αΐ 6•7Γίστολοίς βιβλίνοίς ϊτΐάνω του ii'hccTog, lite- rally, paper epistles, but understood to signify, ships- made of the papyrus, (as de- scribed by Pliny vi. 21.) upon the water ; with οΊνος, and also written βί^βλινος, and βύβλιυος, it is thought to be a Thracian ivine, and derived either from a district, or from the name of the vine, in that country. ΒίβλιογζΰοφίΆ, -οίς, Vi, (from next) booh- writing, bibliography. ΒίβΆίογξόίφος, -ου, 6, ^, (from βιβλίον and γζά,φω) a writer of books. Βίβλιούτικ'ή, -τίς, Vi, (from same and ύψ/,η) a repository for boohs, library. Βιβλιοκάττϊΐλος, -ου, ο, (from next and κά,'ΤΐΥΐΚος) a bookseller. Βίβλίον, -ου, το, (from βίβλος) a book, roll, or volume ; a scroll, bill, or billet, a libel. ΒιβΎ.ιοφόξος, or βιβλιαφό^ος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and φίζω) a letter-carrier, registrar, delegate. Βίβλιοψυλάκίον, -ου, το, (from same and φυλάσσω) a repository for books or papers ; plur. archives. Βίβλος, written also βύβλος, -ου, vj, the Egyptian reed• or papyrus, a book, a cata- logue or account. Βίβ^ωσκω. See βζωσκ.ω. Βίκος, -ου, 6, a pitcher with handles. Βίκ,ζος, tEoI. for ■τηκ,ξός. Βιήω, f. -ν^σω, p. βφίυΎ\κ,οί, I commit for- nication: βιυίοααι,Άηά βινίσκομ><χ.ί, I pros- titute myself. Βιολογίο), f. -'ήσω, p. -νικ,οί, (from next and 296 λίγω) I give an account of the life of any one. Βίος, -ου, 6, (from βία,) natural life, means of supporting life, living, substance, goods. Βίος, -ου, 6, (from same) a bow, string of a boiv. Βίότευσις, -εως, 4 (from next) food, vic- tuals. Βίοτεύω, (from βίος) I lead my life. BiOTvi, -τις, and βιόττις, -τητος, vi, (from same) life, support of life, manner of life. Βίοτος, -ου, ο, (from same) the same as βίος, life. Βίοφύόξος,-ου,ό, η, (from same and φύείξοή corrupting life. Βίόω, -ω, i. -ωσω, p. βεβίωκ,α, 1 a. εβίωσα, 1 a. mid. ίβίωσάμ.•/\υ, 1 f. pass, βιωύνισομαι^ p. pass, βεβίωμαί, (from same) / live. Βιωσ^ιμ,ος^,-ου, 6, 'η, (from preced.) fit for living, vital. Βίωσις, -tog, Attic -εως, vj, (from same) life, manner of life. Βιωσκ,ομ,αι, (from same) I get life, become strong. Βιωτ^ικ,ος, -tj, -ov, (from βιόω) of or be- long to natural life. Βιωτος, -τ}, -ou, (from same) life to be led, vital. Βιωφελ'ής, -ύος, ό, vj, (from same and ώφε- λίω) useful for life. Βλαβεξος, -a, -ov, (from 2 aor. of βλάτττύ)) hurtful, injurious. Βλάβγι, 'Υΐς, Vi, and βλάβος, -εως, το, (from perf. mid. of βλά'τττω) hurt, loss, det7nment. Βλδίδίί, -ων, τα, (from βλαστός) things immature, unseasonable. Βλάζω, (from /3λ«|) / am foolish. Βλαισός, -Vj, -ou, and βλαισσός, (from βλάτττω) havioig distorted or crooked legs. Βλαχ,εία, -ας, ^, (from βλάξ) laziness, sluggishness, coivardice. Βλαζεόω, f. -εύσο), p. -ευκα, (from same) / a77i lazy: opposed to σττου^άζω. Βλακ,ϋκ,ός, -oj, -ou, and βλακ,ω'^ης, -εος, 6, VI, (from same) lazy, sluggish, dull: βλαχι- κ,ως, lazily, slowly. Βλάνος, -ου, ό, τ], or -ος, -ri, -ou, blear- eyed. Βλάζ, βλακός, ό, a useless sort of fsh ; also as an adj. lazy, sluggish, stupid, sense- less : hence βλακύ)τεζος, βλακωτατος, or βλακ,ίστεζ^ος, βλακ,ίστατος. Βλάτττω, f. --ψω, p. βεβλαφα, 1 f. pass, βλαφ&νισο^αι, p. pass, βεβλαμ,μ.αι, 2 f. act. βλαβω, p. mid. βεβλαβα, 1 a. act. εβλα-ψα, 2 a. act. εβλαβον, 1 a. pass, εβλάφύην, 2 f. pass. βλαβΫισομ,αι, 2 a. pass. εβλάβ -Au, (from obsolete βλάβο)) I impede, hinder, hurt, harm, injure. Βλαστάνω, from obsolete, /3λίίστ£ώ), p. 70. Ji/.a6rsoj. A GREEK LEXICON. Boa.acc. has f. βλοΐστ'/ισύ), p. βββλύστγικχ, 1 a. s/3- λά,στϊΐσοι, 2 a. 'ίβλχστον, p. pass. βεβλίΆστνι- ^siiy I shoot, spring, sprout, bud ; cause to shoot. Βΐ^ΰίστίω. See the preceding. BxaffTTi^ux, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a blossom, sprout. Βλχστό;, -ου, ο, (from β'Κα,στάνω) a sprout, branch. Έλχσψ-ημ,ίω, -ω, f. -'/ίσω, p. βφΤ^α,σφ'ήίΛτικ,οί, 1 f. pass. β\οίσφ-/ιμ,Υΐύ'ησομ,οίΐ, p. pass, βίβ- 7.χσ(Ρ'/ΐ[ΛΥΐμ.οίΐ, 1 a. act. Ιβ7.(χ.σφ7}μ>Υίσοί, (either from β'κάττταν t'/ju φτιμ,γιν, to hurt the repu- tation, or βάτα^ξΐν Todg φν^ι^ψς, to smite with reports, or words ; or from /3λί»|, impious, and φ'/ιιχΐ) I hurt, or wound a person's re- putation hy evil reports, speak ill of, rail, revile, calumniate; I speak with impious ir- reverence concerning God himself, or what stands in some peculiar relation to him, I blaspheme. Βτ^ασφ-^ΙΛίΛ, -xc, V, (from preced.) evil speaking, calumny, I'ailing ; impious speak- ing, blasphemy. Βλά,σφη^Λος, -ου, 6, 'ή, το -ου, (from same) speaking evil, railing, blasphemous. Έλκυτίον, -ου, το, a slipper : βλαυτοα, -ων, οίί, a sort of shoes or slijipers. 'ΒΤίΰί'ψ'ίφζωιι, -όνος, ό, v], (from βχάττω and φξ'/ιν) hurt iti mind, infatuated, mad, wretched. Βλύς, struck, part, of 2 a. act. of /3λ^^/, which from βά,-κκω. Β'Κζμ.ζχινω, f. -α,νω, p. -xyycoc, (from next) / look round fiercely, I threaten. BJ\iy.^ce>, -οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of βλίττω) look, cast of the countenance. Έλίννοί, -γ}ς, 'ή, mucus, slime. ΈΧίννος, -•>], -ov, (from preced.) sVimy, sluggish. Β'Κϊυνωοτ,ς, -sog, 6, τ], (from same) mucous, slimy. Βλίττοίσχ, Dor. for βλί'ττουσχ, nom. fern, of pres. part, οι βΆίττύ). Βλέ'ττος, -ίος, το, (from βλίττω) α look, sight, aspect. Β\ζ7ττ1κ6ς, -7j, -ΟΙ/, (from same) calculated to see. Βλζτττός, -'ή, -ov, (from next) seen, visi- ble. Βλίττύ), f. .-ψω, p. βίβΧίφχ, 1 f. pass. βΜφθ'ήσομ,χι, p. pass. βίβ'ΚίξΛ^Λαι, 1 a. act. εβλεψύί, also βλίτττω, and JEo\. β'κίσσω, I see, behold, look, look at ; behold attentively, perceive, understand ; look about, am cir- cumspect, take heed. Βλίτυγίς and βλίκυγίς, -ων, χι, (from βχλλω) tribes. Β'λβφχζΙξο), f. -/(Tij,(from βλίφχζον) I shut the eye-lids, wink. Βλίφχζϊς, -ίίος, '^, (from next) an eye- lash; β7\.&φχ(^ί1&ς, -ων, χί, the eye-lashes. Βλίφχξον, -ου, το, (from βλί-ττω and φχ- ζος) an eye lid ; βλίφχξχ, -ων, τχ, the eye- lids. Βλί-ψίς, -ζως, vj, (from 2 sing. perf. pass; o£ βλίττω) the act of seeing. B'hijfix, -χτος, TO, (from βχλλω) a throw, a cast ; a stroke; a wound. Βλγιμχζω, see βλί/χχζω. ΒΆ'-ήτίίξχ, -χς, 71, (from βχΤ,λω) a shooter. Βλητέος, -χ, -OV, (from βίβ'Κητχι, 3 pers. sing. perf. pass, of βχλλύή to be cast or put. Βλτητος, -'ij, -ov, (from same) struck, ivounded. Βλτιτξον, -ου, το, (from same) an iron clasp, nail, or peg. Β?^ιηχ,χομχί, -ωμ.χί, f. -τισομ,χι, p. -ημ,χι, I bleat like a sheep ; cry like an infant. Β'Κηγ/ή, -νις, V], Dor. βλχχ'η, and βλτ^χ,γιμχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a bleat. Βλ-^χοος, -X, "όν, (from same) bleating, feeble, timid: β\Ύ\γ^^ύ) ς, feebly. Β7\.'ηχ;ω, -οος, -ους, % or βλ'ή^ων, -όνος, ό, and βλ7ΐχ,ων(ον, -ου, το, (from same) the herb pennyroyal, supposed to cause sheep to bleat. Βλ:μ,χζω, βλί^,ίχττω, f. -σω, or -ξω, I handle, feel, excite desire, lust after. ΒλΙξ, constantly, diligently. Βλίσσω, Attic βλίττω, (for μίλΙσσο)) I squeeze honey out of the comb. Βλοσί^οί, -ξχ, -ξον, turbid, turgid, stern, fierce. Βλοσυξόφξων, -όνος, 6, ;j, (from preced. and φ (iviv) fierce-minded. Βλοσν^ωτης, -ί'^ος, ό, vj, and βλοσνοα'ττος, -71, -OV, (from same and ωχΐ) fierce-eyed, of a fierce countenance. Β'κΰζω, and β'κϋω, f. βχΰσω, p. βίβΆυ-ΛΧ, I spring up, pour out,fi,ow. Βλωύξος, -ζχ, -qov, (from βλωσκω) high, tall, verdant, tender. Βλω/ίοός, -ου, ο, (for βξι»μο;) a piece, a morsel. Βλωσίς, -ίως, i], (from next) arriving, arrival. Βλωσκ,ω, f. -ωσω, p. -ωζχ, I reach, aj'rive at : ascend, groiu ; lift up, cry. Box, and poet, βοχχ, 3 sing. pres. ind. act. contr. for βοχα; βοχχσκον. Ion. and poet, for Ιβόύ)ν, 1 sing, imperf. ind. act. of βοχω. BoxyQiov, -ου, το, (from βους and οίγξίος) a shield or buckler, covered with a wild bull's hide. Βοχύόος, -ου, 6, Dor. for βοτιύοος, poet, for βοηθός. Βόχ/χχ, or βόγιμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from βοχω) a shout, clamour, Ρ S97 Βοανίξγίς. A GREEK LEXICON. Β Ι'ζ' Boocue^yigy (Syriac) sons of thunder. Βόοίξ, -α,κος, ο, contr. βωξ, (from βούω) a sea-calf. Βόίϋτίς, -ί^ος, ο, oj, (from next) loud, high- sounding: Έαά,ω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, and -ίσω, p. βφοΎΐκα.^ 1 f. mid. βοίσο[Λοα, Dor. βωσομ^οιι, 1 a. ϊβόνισοί, I cry, cry aloud, roar, shout, exult, cele- brate. Bostci, -oig, vj, (from βους) an ox-hide. Βόειος, -slot, -nov, or βόεος, -ioc, -sou, (from same) of an ox or cow. Βοε^γοίζοίκ,, same as βίζαίκαύχι^. Bo^, -ί]ζ, 7}, (from βούω) a cry. Bo'/^usiu, -ας, vj, (from next) help, assis- tance. ΒοΥίβίύ), -ω, f. -y^ao), p. βεβο'/ιύγικοι, 1 a. £/3o- vjdriccx,, (from sttI βονιν ύίω, I run on occasion of a cry, viz. to give assistance) / run or come to the help or assistance of another, help, assist. BovjuvifMx,, -ατός, ro, (from preced.) help. Βο-ίΐύτ,τικ,ος, -ij, -6v, (from same) disposed and able to help. Βογιθος, -ου, 6, v), and βογιύόος, poet, (from same) a helper. Βογ}λχσιοί, -οίς, ^, (from βονς and ίλαύνω) the driving away of cattle, plunder. ΒοπΆοίτύω, f. -νισω, p. -yikoc, (from same) I d7'ive cattle, feed, or plunder, cattle. Βο^λκτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a cow -herd ; one who drives away cattle as his plunder or his prize. Βογιλοίτις, -ίίος, v], (from same) a driver of cattle, a rod or other instrument for driv- ing. Βογιυό^ος, -ου, 6, (from βους and νίμ,ω) a cow-herd. Βογιτύς, -ύος, v], (from βοάω) a cry. Βόύζίον, -ου, το, (from next) a small ditch or trench. Βόύξος, and βόύϋνος, -ου, 6, (from βαβύνω) a cavity, ditch, pit in the earth. Bo'i^a^iov and βο'βιον, -ου, το, (from βους) a little or young bull or cow. Βο'ϊκός, -}?, -ου, (from same) of oxen. Βοιωτοίξ-χ,ίω, (from next) / am a chief magistrate of the Boeotians. Βοιωτία, -ας, τ], Boeotia, a province of Greece. Βοιωτιάζω, (from preced.) / imitate the Boeotians, favour their cause. Βοιωτιος, or Βοιό)τζΐος, -a, -ov, and Βοιωτι- κός, -VI, -ου, (from same) of or belonging to the Boeotians, Boeotian. ΒοιωτΙς, -ίίος, '/], (from same) Boeotian. Βοιωτός, -ου, 6, (from same) a Boeotian. Βοιωτουζγγις, -ίος, ό, vi, (from same and ΐζγου) of Boeotian manufacture. ΒοΆαΙος, -αία, -alou, (from βολνι) darting. 298 Βόλβα, -γις, v], the matrix or womb in brute animals. ΒοΤίβισκός, -ου, 6, (from βο'Κβος) a small onion or leeJc. Βόλβϊτου, or βό'Κίτον, -ου, το, (from /3ολ5?) ΒοΆβος, -ου, 6, an onion, leeh, any bulbous root. Βο'Κβω^ης, -£ος, ό, τ], (from preced.) bul- bous. Βολίω, f. -"^ισω, p. βφόλτικ,χ, (from βάλλω) I shoot, pierce. Βολνί, -τις, V], (from perf. mid. of βάλλω) a cast, throiu. Βολίζω, f. -Ισω, p. βεβόλικ,α, 1 a. Ιβόλισα, (from next) / cast or let down a line and plummet to try the depth of luater, I plumb, sound, fathom, Βολ\ς, -ίίος, ^, (from perf. mid. οι βάλλω) a dart, javelin, missive weapon, a sound- ing line furnished with a plummet, and cast or let down to try the depth of water. Βόλος, -ου, 6, (from same) a cast ; a thing cast, a drop ; a place where something such as seed has been cast, a furrow. Βο/χβάξ, βομ,βαλοβομ,βάζ^, hurly burly. Βομ^βαύλιος, -ου, 6, (from βόμβος and αυ- λός) a piper. Βομβεω, -ω, f. -"/ισω, 1 a. εβόμβ•^σα, {from βόμβος) I make a noise like that of bees, make a noise of any kind. ΒομβγιΙόυ, (from same) with a hum. Βομβ'Υΐίΐς, -εσσα, -ευ, (from same) humm- ing, buzzing. Βόμβησις, Ίος, Attic -εο)ς, «j, (from next) a hive of bees, a multitude. Βόμβος, -ου, ό, the humm^ig of bees. Βομβύλνι, -γις, vi, and βομ,βύλιος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a humming insect, a bee, a gnat. Βόμβυζ, -υκ,ος, ό, (ft'om same) a silk worm. Βόυασος, or βόυασσος, -ου, ό, a bonassus. Βοοζύγιου, -ου, το, (from βους and ζυγός) a yoke of oxen. Βοοκ,τάσια, -αζ, vj, (from βους and κτείυω) a killing of oxen. Bo^a, -ας, vj, Ion. βοξ'ή, -v|ς,food, prey, flesh. Βό^αύξου, -ου, το, a ditch. Βοζβοξίζω, (from βόξβοξος) I stain or cover with mud. Βοξβοξόύϋμος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and Άυμός) muddy-minded. Βοξβοξοκο'ίτνις, -ου, ό, (from next and κ,οίτη) one who lies in the mire. Βόξβοξος, -ου, ό, mud, mire, dregs, excre^ ments. Βοξβοξοτάζαξις, -εως, v], (from preced. and ταξάσσω) a stirrer of mud, a turbulent fellow. Έοξβοξόω, A GREEK LEXICON. Βούλα,ξχρς, Έοζβοξόύ), the same as βοξβοξίζω. Βοζβοξύζω, I make a noise, spoken of the bowels. Βοξβοζω'^'!ίς, -ίος, ο, yj, (from βόξβοζος) full of dregs, viirij. Βοξίχζ, and βοξίτις, -ου, and βορράς, -ά, *ό, (from βοάω and ρίύ)) the north wind, which usually βo^vs with violence and noise ; the north country or side. BoQSiog, βοξν]ΊΌζ, βοοίίοαος, -ου, βόρραος, -ον, βόρρα,ιος, -α,, -ον, βοοζά,ς, -α^ος, βοφ/\τις, βοζίωτις, (from preced.) of or belonging to the north, northern. Βόσ/ς, -sag, vj, (from βόω) feeding, pas- ture. Βοσκ'ή, -v}g, ' Βουφοζβεα, f. -ί]σω, (from same and φίξβω) I feed oxen. Βουφόξβίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a herd. Βουφόξβος, -ου, 6, (from same) a feeder of cattle. Β6ω, obsolete. See Βόσκω. Βοωττγις, -ου, 6, and βοωττις, -ί^ος, ί], (from βους and ω-ψ) ox-eyed, large-eyed, having beautiful majestic eyes, ample-eyed, eyesfidl- orbed. Βοωτεω, f. -ν^σω, p. -w-ct, (from same and ώύίω) I drive the oxen, plough. 17 Βοωτηζ. Α. GREEK LEXICON. Bps?! υλ/αον. Βύώτ/ις, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a herdsman^ ploughman, the name of a constellation, Bootes. B^oijSiioi, -ocsj ^, (from βξοίβίύς) decision, terms of reconciliation. Βζχβίϊο!/, -ov, το, and βξοίβνι, -ΐ^ς, τ], (from next) a prize in the Grecian games, which consisted of a crown or garland, made of some kind of leaves;, the christian prize. Βζχβίύς, -ίος, or -iojg, and βραβ6ντΥ]ς,-ον, ό, the Judge of a public game, who assigns the prize. Βοαβ-νω, f. -ίύσω, p. βφζύ,βζυκ,οί, 1 a. Ιβζάβίυσα,, (from preced.) / assign the prize in a public game, am the judge or president on such an occasion, preside, ride, direct. Β^οίβν'Κον, -ου, ro, a damson. Βοαγχίάζύ), f. -όίσω, 1 a. ββςοίγχίχσχ, (from next) I grow hoarse. Βοά,γχ^ος, -ου, ο, and -ίος, το, (from βοόγ- χ,ος) hoarseness. Βοα,οίως, (from βοο^ύυς) slowly, tardlli/. Βξο,^'ϊνος, -VI, -o'j, iEol. for poiuiuog, slen- der, delicate. Βζοίοίον, more slowly, comp. and βοό'2ίσ- τον, most slowly, super, from βζο,Ιΰς. Βρά,ύος, -so;, το, (from same} slow?iess, delay. ΒξΆουγΧωσσος, or -ωττος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from βοοί^υς and γ>.ωσσα) of a slow tongue. Bξce,oυuo), f. -uuo), p. -υγκ,Λ, 1 a. ίβξαου^α, (from β(^ΰί1)ύς) I delay, make delay, am slow. ΒοαουττΤ,οίω, -ω, (from next and -τζΊκόος) I sail slowly. B^cioyj-, -fia., -j), slow. Βζχουτγις, -γιτος, vj, (from preced.) sloiu- ness. Βζά,ζύ), and βξά,σσω, f. -σω, p. -kcc, I hod, bubble violently. Βξύ,ύυ, -υος, το, or βζά,ύυς, -υος, ό, the herb sabin or savin. Βξά,κος, -εος, το, and βρύκα, -γ,ς, τι, (from ρχκος) breeches ; also ^ol. for ρχκ,ος. B^ciaf4,cc, -χτος, το, and βζοίσ/ίίος, -ου, ό, (from β()άζω) boiling, bubbling, agitation. Βού,σσω, see βζύζύ). Βζάσσων, -ο•^ος, 6, τ], Ιοη. comparat. of βοΛούς, for βζΛοίω^, more slow or didl. ΒζΛυζά^ίοί, -au, τά, a festival in honour of Diana at Brauron, an Athenian bo- rough where this festival was observed : Β(ία.υ^ωνόύίν, from Brauron. Βο(/,χβύ)ς, (from βξο,χ,ύς) shortly. B()y,Yja.'Kiou, -ου, το, and β^οίχ^ονιατνίξ, -^ζος, ό, (from next) a bracelet. BqccyjQv, -ouog, 6, (from comparative of β'^χ-ζύς) the shorter part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow ; the arm m general ; figuratively, strength ; the strength or jwwer of God. Βοαχυγί/ωμων, -όνος, 6, 9], (from βξαχύς and yjcj/iicj!/) narrow-minded, having little foi^esight. Βζοίχύ^ξομος, -ov, (from same and τξίγ,ω) able to run only a short distance. ΒξοίχύκΜΤ^ος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and ■Λω'Κον) having short clauses. ΒζΛχ,υΆόγος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and Τζόγος) using few ivords, concise. Βζχχ,ϋνω, f. -ΰνω, (from βζα^ύς) I short- €71, abbreviate. Βζχχ,ύ'ττοζος, -ου, 6, τι, (from next and ττόοος) narroiv passage. Βξαχ,ύς, -iiot, -ύ, short, small, little, few : βζαχΰ τί, a little som.ewhat of time, space or quantity: Isa. Ivii. 17. Ps. Vm. 5. Heb. ii. 7. "a little luhile :'' 1 Sam. xiv. 29. John vi. 7. " a little morsel:''^ 2 Sam. xvi. 1. Acts v. 34. " a little sjjace.'''' Βξχχΰσβΰξος, Dor. for βοοίχυσβτίξος, -ου, ο, 53, (from preced. and σβ-.ηξος) having a short iron pike, lightly-armed. Β^α,χΰστομ,ος, -ου, 6, i], (from same and στο,Μ,ίζ) having a narrow mouth. Βξΐχ.χ,υσυλ7^Ωΐβίτ„ -:%, vj, (from same and συΤ^Κοιβγ}) shortness of syllables, conciseness of speech. ΒζίΛγ,υτίΚ'ής, 6, vj, το -ig, (from same and τύλος) having a short life, or speedy eiid. Βξχχ,ΰτης, -ητος, % (from βξοίχ,ύς) short- ness. ΒζαχύφυΧΚος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and φΰτο^ον) having small leaves. Βξΰζ.χ,υχζόνίος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and γ,ζ^όνος) of short dwxdion. Βοά,χ^ού, f. -ζ,ω, p. -xcf^, I roar, rumble, rattle, crack. Βζίγ(Λοί, -Λτος, το, and β^ϊγ/Λος, -ου, ο, or βξί-/,μ.(χ,, and βζζγ^μ,ος, (from βφγ/ύ) the forepart of the head. Βζίκ,ίκ,ίζ, the croaking of frogs. Βξί/ίίύ), f. -spco), p. mid. βίβζο/ίοχ, I roar, rage, resound, neigh, snort. Βρίνύίς, and βξίνύίζ, ri, lettuce. Βξένύος, -ου, ο, 2^>'ide, pomp, arrogance. Βξίνύύύ), and β^ίνθΰομοα, (from preced.) / am proud, overbearing. Βξίξίς, -ζως, vj, (from βξί)C'^) raining, wetting. Βοίτα,ννοι, -ων, οι, (perhaps from the Welsh brith, jmintcd) the Britons. Βξίτχς, -(χ,ος, το, (perhaps from same) η painted image. Βζίφοκ,τόνος, -ου, ο, τ], (from next and κτίίνω) an infardicide. Βζίφος, -ίος, -ους, το, (by transposition for φίςβος from φίζβι», I feed, wo^ί77.?/^, which from φίζζίν βίον) a babe, infant, child. Βξίφύλλίον, -ov, το, (from preced.) an in- fant. 301 B^s%/ia. A GREEK LEXICON. Βξυχ^, Βςίχ/ίΑΧ, and β^ίχμος, see βξίγμ,χ. ^ Β^ίχ,ω, f. -Ιώ), p. βίβξζχχ, 1 f. pass, βςε)^ θνισομ,οίΐ, p. pass, βίβξεγμοΐί, 2 f. act. βξχ- χΖ, p. mid. βέβξοχοι, 1 a. act. ΐβξΒξχ, 2 a. act. εβξοίχο!/, 2 a. pass. Ι/3^άχ;>5>, 2 f. pass. βξχχ'ίισομα,ι, I wet, make wet, rain, send rain. Β^τίσσω, f. -f7, -ης, VI, (from βζΐχω) terrific power. Βξίμ,ημ,χ, -χτος, το, (from β^ι^Λχο^χι) menace, intimidation. Βξψω, -οος, -ου;, ό, (from same) a terri- fic fiend, Hecate. Βρόγχιχ, -o)u, Tx, (from βξόγχος) the gristles of the rough artery, concavities of the lungs. Βξόγχιος, -Ix, -iov, (from same) of the throat. Βρόγχος, and βξόχ,ύος, -ου, ό, the throat, tvind-pipe, jaws. B^ohov, JEoI. for po^ov, a rose. Βξό,ϋίος, -ου, ό, (from βζίμ,ο)) Bromiiis, an epithet of Bacchus : βζό(Λΐος, -ίχ, -lou, roaring. B^af^og, -ου, 6, (from βοΐμ,ω) a i^oar, crash, rustling noise ; or thus written for βζω^^ος. Βξθ(/,ό)^γΐζί for β(ίύ)μ,ύύ^νις. Β^οντχω, -oj, f. -^ω, p. -Υικ,χ, 1 a. Ιβξόν- τγισοί, (from next) I thunder. B^ovT•^, -7ΐς, V], (for βξο/^.ττι from βίβξομχ, perf. mid. of βξί{Λω) thunder. ΒζοντγισιΆζχυυος, -ου, ο, ^, (from preced. and Ki^xvuog) darting forth thunder and lightning. 302 B^oTixu, Dor. for βξοτίω^, gen. plur. of Βξότίοζ, -ex, -sou, βξότίίος, and βξοτί^σίοζ, -ου, ό, V], (from βζοτός) mortal, human. Βζοτοβνι^/,ωυ, -όνος, ο, ^, Dor. βξοτοβχμων, (from same and βχίυω) trampling upon men. Βξοτόας, '•ίσσχ, -iu, (from βξότος) blood- stained. Βξοτοΐσίν, to mortals, dat. plur. of βζοτός. Βξοτοκτόνος, -ου, ό, νι, (from βξότος and κτίίνω) α murderer, murdered, sacrificed. Βξοτο7\.οιγός, -ου, ό, (from same and λο/- γός) α man destroyer, a homicide. B^OToV, -ου, 6, (from βξύ)σκ,ω) a man, a mortal. Βξότος, -ου, 6, blood, gore. Βξοτοσκ,ό'ττος, -ου, (from βξοτός and σκέττ- το/^χί) men-observing. Βξοτοστνγνις, -ες, (from same and στυ- γίω) men-hating. Βξοτοφίγγ'/,ς, -ίος, (from same and φίγ- yo)) men-illuminating. Βξοτόω, f. -ίύσο), (from βξότος) I stain with blood. Βξουχος, also βξουκος, and βξυκ,ος, (from βξύχω) a kind of locust, or the chafer or may-bug. Βξοχνι, -τις, VI, (from βξίχω) rain, heavy rain. Βξοχύίζω, f. -ίσω, (from next) / dririk, suck in, devour. Βξόχύος, -ου, 6, (from βξόγχος) the throat, gullet. Βοόχος^ -ου, 6, and βξοχίς, -ί^ος, vi, a cord, snare, gin, noose. Βοόχω, f. -ζω, p. -χχ, (from βξίχοή I d7-ink, suck in. Bp ξοχωτος, -ου, ο. (from βξόχος) bound with cords. Βξόω. See βξάσκ,ω. Bξυylvιu, and βξυχη^όν, (from βξΰχώ) with gnashing of the teeth. Βξύγμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from βξΰκω) a bite. Βξυγ^ός, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of βξύ- χο)) a gnashing or crashing: 6 κΤ^χυύι^ός κ,χΐ ό βξυγμ,ός των ό'^όντων, Matth. viii. 12, &c. is rendered by Milton, P. L. VIII. 244.— " loud lament, and furious rage." Βξύχ,ω, f. -ξ,ο), p. -χχ, I tear, chew, gnaw, bite. ΒρυΆλω, I tipple, sip. Βρυν, the cry of infants for drink. Βξύον, -ov, TO, (from βξύύ)) sea-weed. Βξΰος, -ου, 6, (from βξύύ)) a stink. ΒξυτΥιξ, Μολ. for ρυτνίξ, a rein. Βξύτον, -ου, το, and βξυτός, -ου, 6, (from βξύω) ale or beer. Βξυχχο[ΛΧΐ, f. -νισο(Λχι, I roar, growl, groan deeply. Βξυχνι, "/]ς, vj, βξϋχημχ, -χτος, το, and Βξυχηττ,ς. A GREEK LEXICON. Βωϋτξίω* βζυχηύμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a roar^ groiul, deep groan. Βζνχητνι;, (from same) roaring. Βούχίος, -X, -ου, (from next) roaring. Βξύχω, £ -ξω, p. -χοί, 1 a. ίβξνξχ, p. pass. βίβζυγμ,οίΐ, I grind, gnash, or crash. Job xvi. 9. and Acts vii. 54. B^y6j, f. -σο), p. βέβ^υκοί, I abound, grow, send forth or w^rie, teem, brew. Βζωύω, see βφσΆω. Βξω^ΛΧ, -ΰίτος, το, βζω^Λ'η, -τις, τ], βξωτύς, -ύος, 7], (from perf. pass, of βξόίσκ,ω) meat, solid food. Βζύίμ,ά,οΐΛοίΐ, for βζΐ^άο^,οΐί. Βζω^ίω, -ω, f. -'/)σω, (from same) I smell strong. B^a^uog, -ov, 6, (from same) car rioji, fetid smell. Βοω^.ύ}1'/ις, -iog, 6, v), (from preced.) fe- tid. ^ Boaa'ifioc, -ri, -ov, (from βξωσκ,ο)) eatable. Βζωαις, -ίος, Attic -ίως, τ], (from next) eating, meat, food; a canker, any thing that eats into and spoils metals or corn. Βζάσκω, f. βξό)σύ), p. βίβξοίκ,οί, 1 f. pass. βξωύ'/ισο /uca, p. pass, βίβξω^ίίοΐί, also βξωύω, βίβζάύω, and βξωμί, (from βξόύ). See p. 69.) I eat. B^isJToV, -VI, -ov, (from preced.) eatable. Βο^ωτυς, -ύος, vj, (from same) meat, food. Βύχς, -ov, 6, an owl. ΒύβλΊνος, -Yi, -ov, (from βύβλος) made of the byblus or 'papyrus, whether for tackle, or for ivine, or for chewing, see βΙβ'Κινος. Βΰβ'Κιοι, also βΊβ\ιοί, -ων, ol, (from same) the men of Byblus, the Greek name for Gibyle, Josh. xiii. 5. 3 Kings v. 18. Ezek. xxvii. 9. Βύβλίον, and βυβΤ^ύζίον, -ov, ro, (from next) a little book, scroll. Βύβλος, -ov, vj, an Egyptian plant, of which the bark was called 'π-ά'ττνξος, and made into paper or ropes, also a city of Egypt, and elsewhere. Βύζω, f. -ΰσω, (from βΰο), or from βν, or from βΰα,ς) I cram full ; cry like a child, or cry like an owl. Βνύίζύ), f. -ϊσω, p. βίβνύικ,χ, 1 a. ίβύύισΛ, (from next) / immerse, drown. Βίυύος, -ov, 6, the deep, the sea. Βνχ,οίνγι, -ης, vj> ο. trumpet. ΒνκόίνΙζω, (from preced.) I sound a trum- pet. Βυκόίνιστ'^ς, -ov, 6, (from same) a trum- peter. Βύκ,τγις, ov, 6, (from βνξι») swelling. Βυλ?^ύς, -ov, 6, 71, (from βνω) crowded, crammed together. Bvvri, -της, ij, malt. ΒυτΓτίύ), -ω, f. -"ησω, Mo\. for βά,τττο). Βύξσοι, --ης, 7], a skin or hide ; hence a purse. Βνςσαίίτος, -ov, 6, (from preced. and de- τός) the fanner eagle. BvQasi/g, -iog, Attic -ίως, ο, (from βνξσ-χ) a tanner. Βνξσ7νός, -vi, -ov, (from same) 7nade of skin or leather. Βνζ^σοΙί-ί^ίω,ΐ. -'ήσω, (from same and δε- φω) I dress leather. Βνξσο^ί-ψνις, -ov, 6, (from same) a tanner, currier, or leather dresser. ΒνξσοτενΥις, -Βς, -ίος, — or βνζσοτόνος, -ov, (from same and nivo}) skin-stretched, made of stretched skins. Βύσσϊι/ος, -v}, -oi/, (from neKt) made of byss or cotton, or fine linen. Βνσσος, -ov, v}, byss, the cotton plant, cot- ton cloth, calico, fine flax, fine linen. Βνσσός, -ου, 6, for βυ(ίος, a bottom, deep, hence ά,βνσσος ; βνσσόύεν, from the deep : βνσΰ^ο^ίΰύί, f. -ώσω, I plan deep counsels, meditate in secret. Βνσσόφξων, -όνος, ό, v], (from preced. and ψξ'Κν) meditating deep I'evenge. Βνω, f. -σω, p. βίβυκ,χ, I shut, fill, cram. Βωύίω, for βογ,ύίω. ΒωκοΤ^ίάσΙω, or -άζω. Dor. for βονκολι- άζω. Βωκ,ολίχστχς, -χ, ό. Dor. for βονκ,ολίοί,σ- τνις. Βωκ,οΧίχ,ος, -vj, -ο ν. Dor. for βονκ,οΤ^ικ,ός. Βωκ,όΤίος, -ω, Dor. for βονκ,ότ^ος. Βωκ,ος, -ω, ο, Dor. for βουκ,ος, the same as βουκ,οίϊος. Βω'Κχ, counsel, Dor. for βονΆ'/;. Βύύλαξ, -ακος, ο, (from next) a clod. ΒωΆος, -ov, ό, a clod, mass, bolus. Βωλω'^/ΐς, -ίος, ό, 'ή, (from preced.) cloddy. Βωμ,ια,ίος, or βόίμ,ιος, -ot, -ov, (from βω- (Λος) of the altar. Βω^ϋϊς, -ίοος, v}, (from same) an ascent, a little altar. Βωμ,οΐκόγ,ΐνμ,ΰί, -ιχ,τος, το, and βω^ο'Κογ^Λ, -ug, yj, (from next) buffoonery, scurrility. Βωμ,οΤ^οχ,ίύω, βω(Λθ'κογβνομ,Λΐ, (from next) / act the biffoon, am scurrilous. Βω^Λο'Κόγβς, -ov, 6, 7], (from βωμός and λο- χ,ος) one who lies in wait for what he can get from the altar, a parasite, biffoon, scur- rilous. Βωμός, -ov, ό, (πηΐ) a high place, an al- tar ; an altar on a high place, a high altar. Βωξ, -κός, ό. Dor. βόχ^, also βόηξ, (from βοά.ύ.)) a sea-calf. Βως, Dor. for βονς, — βο)ν, for βονν. ΒωοΛί, Dor. for βο^σχι, 1 a. infin. of βοάύ). Βωστξίω, f, 7}σω, (from same) / call to, hnwl, :}03 Βώτας. A GREEK LEXICON. Ταλίη. BojTi&g, -ci, 0, Dor. for βοντγις, -ov, 6, a [ Έωτιάναξος, -ου, ο, 'ή, or -^oV, -ga^, -^oi', herdsman. I (froiri /3ώ)τ>3? and ^;/>ig) me^i-f ceding, pop ti- Έωζ'-ηξ, -ίίξΟζ, also βωτγις, -ου, and βύ}το)ζ, I /owi. -0^0?, 0, (from /3οω) α feeder, a shepherd. Γ corresponds in name, order, and power, to the Hebrew Gimel ; from wliich it was probably corrupted first into Gamla and then Gamma : in the forms Γ and ί it is evidently the Samaritan or Phenician Gimel, turned to the right hand. Γ is fre- quently used instead of K, and of the hard C of the Roman alphabet. Thus Τΰαος, for Cams, and Καΐσοίξ, for Ccesar. Γ is sometimes redundant in Greek, as all aspirates are, and is prefixed to words of which it forms no original part. V , for yg, when a vowel follows. r«, Dor. for ys, — γ a. Dor. for yij. Ταββαύοί, (from η 13) α raised or elevated place. John xix. 13. where the evangelist does not say that λιύόστζωτο^ is an inter- pretation or translation of Γαββιζθχ, but that the same place, which was called in Greek Τ^ιύόστξωτον, or the stone pavement, was in Hebrew called Gabbatha, or the elevated place. Τοι,βγ,ς, sor7'ow, in allusion to the name Jabez, 1 Chron. iv. 9. in ο Ίγοίβ^^ς, in Hebrew V^I^S which seems to be derived by transposition from nyy. ΤΰίβΙν, (for D^S2^) 3 [4] Kings xxv. 12. husbandmen. Τα-βΙζ, (ty'-na) Job xxviii. 18. a large pearl. Τοίγά,τγις, -ου, 6, an agate. ΤοίγγοίΚίζω, f. -'ϊσω, p. -i>c,ci, I tickle. Vuyyaf^ri, -Υις, τ;, and γαγγόίμοί/, -ου, ro, a large net, drag net. ΤαγγΆιον, -ου, το, a ganglion, a contor- tion of a nerve, a tumour in the tendinous and nervous parts. Ta.yy^ct.ivu, -νις, tj, (from γξάω or γ^αί- νω) a gangrene or mortification. Τΰίζα, -'/ις, 7], (Persic) treasure. Τοίζοίζγινοϊ, oi, (Chaldaic) soothsayers. Ταζβοίζπνος, or -ινος, 6, (Chaldaic) a trea- surer. ΤαζοφυΤ^χκ,ίον, -ου, το, (from γάζΰΐ and φυ'Κάσσω) a treasury. Τα.ζοφύλχξ, -/χ,κ,ος, 6, 'ή, (from same) a keeper of a treasury. Τΰίύίύΐ^ Dor. for γνιβίω. Toil, ("V) heaps, Num. xxxiii. 44, 45. 304 Toci, (κ-'ί) a valley. Τοίΐΰί,-ΰίς, and Poet. γα.ίτη, -ης,νι, yiec, and yjj, Dor. yu, -a, ς, τ], the earth, a land or country, the ground. Τοίΐάογ,ος, γοίΐ'ήοχ,ος, γχιουχ,ος, ^Λουγ^ος, yia.o%oq, -ου, 6, τ], (from yccloe, and ίχω) li- miting or bounding tfie land, an epithet of Neptune. Tocieiog, Ton. yciiTj'ioc, γήινος, and y/i'ioc, -ου, 6, 7], also yoiioJuYig, -eog, 6, 'ή, (from ycila) of or belonging to the earth, earthy, low, terrestrial, mortal. Tocrnyivvig, -ioc, 6, vj, (from youcc and yi- vog) earth-born. See yriyzuvi^. ToiiYjusu, (from yalc/c) from the earth or ground. Τα,ίμ,ω, y^ί^ω, yvjf^o), yci^Q, (obs.) See yaLtAiOi. Ycdog, -ou, (from yoclci) of the earth, land or ground. Τάϊος, -ου, e, (Latin) Gaius or Caius. Τοίΐσος, or yoCiaog, -ου, 6, a spear, javelin. Ταίω, f. yoί!σω, pres. part, ycciuu, (rri<3) I groiv high, swell, exult, glory ; hence gay. Ya\cx,, (old nominative yaAci|) -α,χ,τος, το, milk: o^uluau ycCKci, hen^s milk, b. ρτο- verb for what is rare. Ta7\.oiu-/iy6g, -^, -ou, yiX.7\.aKTXK6g, or -^luog, yccT^ciATOitg, -iaacx,, -εν, yccXciKTOH^vig, and yccXoix,Tii)lYig, -sog, 6, 7], (from preced.) suck- ing, of milk, milky, having the colour of milk. TccKoiy.TO'TtOTTig, -ου, 6, (from §^me and •ττίνω^ a dri^iker of milk, a rustic. Tΰcλccκ,τoφ6ξog, -ου, 'ή, (from same and φί^ω) milk-bearing, a nurse. ΤΰίΆακτόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I give suck: yxT^xKTOof^on, I am filled laith milk. YaT^oiuci, -c&g, vj. Dor. for ya,\vivYi. TdXa^iag, -ου, β, (from yahoC) the galaxy or milky way. Τοι'λά,της, -ου, ο, (from ΤοίΤ^χτΙα.) a Gala- tian. ΤοίΚοί,τΙκος, -% -ο ν, (from same) of or be- longing to Galatia. TuT^ixy^oi, -oig, % (perhaps from a,^Kυσίg and ciy^cc) a7i iron cage or chain ; a trap. ΓοίΤ^ίΥΐ, contract. yciTi^, -ijg, V), a weasel, a cat. ΓαλεΙς. A GREEK LEXICON. Γά?» Τοίλξός, •ον, ό, α lamprey, α glutton. γαληνός, -»?, -ον, and yccT^yjuiog, -isc, -ιον, (from Yct'A9}uri) calm, mild, cheerful. Tct'Asi/g, -ίο:, ο, (from yciTiiri) a kitten. Γαλ^, see yoiKkn. Tcthri'jrt, -Yic, vj. poet, ycthftvalct, -ας, (for yiKUyr,, which from yit.ccu) serenity and cheerfulness of countenance; calm, tran- quillity or stiltness of the sea. ΤοίΚγ,νιά,ω, f. -ά.σω, and γίχ,λγ,νίζω, f. -ισω, (from preced.) / become or / a7n calm or tranquil. Τχλχνόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I render tranquil. Γ«λ/λα/ίί, -ct:, yi, Gal ike. ΤοίλίλΛίο;, -eticc, -ulou, (from preced.) a Galilean. YoifCKctirjg, -aid, -αίον, (from next) of or belonging to a priest of Cybele, frantic. Γάλλο:•, -ου, or yoth'Aog, -ου, ο, a priest of Cybele, a eunuch. ΤοίΚουγ,ίω, (from yoc'hec and ϊχω) I suckle. ΤΛ'Κόως, -όος, ΟΓ yά,7\ως, -ω, or -ωος, τ], (bx2) a sister-in-law, a husbands sister or a brother's wife. Τα/ΐίβξίύω, f. -ίύσω, p. -κ,χ, 1 a. mid. eycc/a- βζίυσά,μγ,ν, (from next) / marry. Τΰίμβξοζ, -ου, 6, a relation by marriage ; father, son, or brother-in-law. Τα,μ,ζτ'/}, -τις, and yay^rlg, -ίύος, v}, (from yctukcS) a wife. Voty.iTng, -ου, ο, (from same) a husband. Tctuicj, -ω, f. -7]σω, and -εσύ), or yoc^cj, p. ysyayyriKct, or -sx,oc, 1 a. act. iyufiYtaci, or -£7216, or 'iyfiuiet, 1 a. mid. Ιγή^ά,^,/ιν, 1 a. pass. iyoi,yy/i6r,'j, I marry. Τοίμ,τ^'Κίυμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a marriage state, an unlawful union. Voiy/ihiot, -ccg, 7], (from same) a dowry, marriage portion. Τχμ,νιλίος, 'U, -ou, (from same) nuptial: yccyYi'/ua, -ων, τα, ynarr'ujge rites. Yuyr,'hioiv, -ωνος, 6, (from same) October or January. The time of the year most proper for marriage, according to the Athenians, was one of the winter months, especially January, which for that reason was called yotu.r.y.iuy. Τα,μ,γισίΐω, (from same) / desire to marry. Υχμίζύϋ, and yxyla^eo, (from same) / give in marriage. ΤαμΊκός, -'/j, -ou, and yoίμιoς, -Ice, -iou, (from same) belonging to marriage, nuptial, conjugal, hymeneal: τά. yetyiKoi, the mar- riage rites, the wedding. ΓχμΊκως, (from preced.) tmth marriage pomp. Ταμοχ.'Κοττίω, -ω, f. -τ,σω, p. -r,x.ct, (from yifiog aad κΚίπτω) 1 make a cl/ijidestine or unlawful marriage, corrupt the wife of another. ΤαΐΛο-ζΛοττος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a stealer of another marus wife. Tccyoooc, Dor. for yy,yoorjc, or ysωμόpoς, -ου, 6, (from yij and yiiou) a landholder, a native citizen. Τά,^ος, -ου, 6, (from yciuAoi) a marriage, marriage feast: yuyoi, -ων, οί, the enter- tainments of the marriage feast, Luke xii. 36. Kul τγι '/ιμ.ίζΟ' τ-?, τξίττ; yά,y,oς ίγίι/ίτο £u Kavci τ^ς TocXi^.aicc;, " and on the third day [after thfe marriage] there was a mar- riage feast in Cana of Galilee." John ii. 1. " The third day" was the άνα-Λού.υτττιΟΐον, (which see) so called because the bride first appeared publicly unveiled on that day, and the new married couple entertained their friends. See Toup's Longinus, 287- Ταμοστολύω, -ω, f. -9]σύ), (from preced. ahd στίΧΚω) I prepare the nuptial dress. Γα^οστΰλ/α, -xc, i], (from preced.) pre- paration for marriage. Τοίμοστόλος, -ου, 6, (from same) one who prepares the marriage dress, a bridegroom. Τχμφτί, or yui,y, (from yuuog) glad- some, cheering. Τοίνάω, (from same) / am bright, shine. νάνος, -εος, το, joy, gladness, sweetness, excitement. Τανού), f. -ωσω, yctvocj, yxvvoio, f. -ύσω, (from preced.) I render joyful, make glad, exhilarate. Ταναο'ής, -έος, 6, tj, (from same) luxuriant. Τάνωμ,οί, -ατός, το, yά.vύ)σις, -εως, τ}, ya- νυσμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from same) α gift, α bless- ing, a thing that causes joy, gladness, or ex- ultation ; lustre, decoration. Ταττετνις, -ίος, ο, ^, (from yvi and ττίτττω) fallen to the ground. Τάττονος, for yYi^rovog, or yeUTrovog, -ου, 6, (from same and -ττόνος) a tiller of tlw ground. Τύ-π-οτος, -ov, Dor. for y'/)'7τoτoς, (from same and 'ττίνω) drunk by the ground. Τάζ, for, because, ivhcreforc, therefore, verily, tridy ; it properly refers to some- thing going before, cither expressed or un- derstood : ου ya(r• no indeed, literally " for NOT," Acts xvi. .'37. the apostle rehearses the conduct of the magistrates of Philippi, and compares it with the proposal coiu- q 305 ΧαξγαΙξω, A GREEK LEXICON. Τϊγως. municated to him and Silas, because he refuses to comply with it, and demands liberation in a different manner. "Auh^sg Έφίσίοι, τις γοίξ εστί» α,νύζωττος, ος ου γί- νωσκ,ίί, " ye Ephesians, for what man is there who does not know," &c. Acts xix. 35. The word γοίξ, though used here in the beginning of the speech, is intended to as- sign a reason for something which had GONE BEFORE, uot indeed in the speaker's words, but in his mind ; it was in his mind, a-TroKveiu rviu ζκ,κΚγισίοίν, " to dismiss the assembly," v. 40. his beginning with argu- ment, without formally stating his design, shows his earnestness; and he yields to the impulse of his zeal the more readily, that he was confident the people would easily understand that one in his office had risen to speak to order, and to propose the dis- persion of such an assembly. Τχξγαίζω, f. -όίξω, I am full, vibrate, pal- pitate, midtiply; also, I skine. Τοίξγόίλη, -γΐζ, % (from next) ticklings titillation. Τχξγϋίλίζω, f. -iffijj, (same as γαγγαλίζω) I tickle. Τα.ξγα7^ίσ/ίΛΟς, -ov, o, and γά^γόίλος, -ου, ό, (from same) tickling. Τύ.ξγΰίξχ, -ύ)!/, τα, a distinguished, illus- trious, multitude. Va^y αξίων, -uuog, 6, the throat. Ταξγχξίζω, f. -Ίσω, (from preced.) I wash the throat, gargle. Τΰΐογχξκχΐίί,όζ, -ου, 6, (from preced.) g«rg. ling. Τχξγάξω, the same as γχζγαίζω, I shine. Va,(ioy, -ου, το, a sauce or pickle made of salted β sh. Γαξνίμίν, Dor. and Ion. for γτίξύίΐν; γοίξύίτον, dual pres. ind. act. Dor. for yvi- ξύετον; and γαζόειν. Dor. for yn^osiu, pres. infin. act. from yo>,iy(ja. Dor. for yyiQiiu. Γδίστ)5^, yoiariQog, contract. yoi&r^Os', ^, the belly; the womb; a glutton, appe- tite. Τύοτζτι, -τις, and yciarQec, -ας, y}, (from preced.) the belly of a vessel. Ταστξί^ίον, -ου, το, (from same) a little belly. Ταστξβουλος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and ^ουΆος) a slave to the belly. Ταστξίζύ), f. -"ίσω, p. -i>ccc, (from yxστvjξ) I fill or indidge the belly. Τα,στζίΐΛοίξγίχ,, -ας, i], (from next) vora- ciousness. Ταστρί,αχξγος, -ου, ο, 9], (from γαστί^ξ and ,κ/ζ^γος) mad for the belly, glidto?ious. Γάστξίς, -ιος, γάστξίος, -ου, 6, and yoia- τξων, -ωυος, 6, (from γαστγ^ζ) a big-bellied vian, a gluHon. 306 Τατο/ίίίω, (from yij and τΐμναϊ) I cut ground, plough. Ταυ'Κος, -ου, ό, (from yvJKa) a milk-pail. Τοα/Άος, -ου, 6, a ship of burden, a trans- port or merchant ship. Ταυλως, milk-pails, ace. plur. Dor. for γαυΤίούς, from yaυ\ός. Ταυ^ίαμ,α, -ατός, το, (from next) glory- ing, boasting, exultation.- Ταυξίάω, -ω, and Ταυζόω, -ω, (from next) I glory, boast, exult, prance ; cause to prance, render proud. Ταυξος, -ςα, -ξον, (from γαίω) proud: το yatj^ov, pride, wantonness. Ταυξότης, -ητος, ij, (from preced.) pride, haughtiness. Ταυξόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / cause to prance, render proud; yaυζόo^aι, I pride myself, prance. Ταύζωμ,α,-ατος, το, (from preced.) pnc/e, exultation. Ταυσος, -ij, -ou, or yaiJao;, -vi, -ov, crooked, winding. Ταυσόω, f. -ό)σω, (from preced.) / make crooked or winding. νάω, or yio), contr. yZ, f. yvjucj, p. yi- yviKa, and Dor. ykyax.a, p. m^d. yiyaa, 3 pi. yiyadai, infin. ytya^iv, for yiyaiuat, part, yiyaως, contr. -ως, -ωτος', also (from perf. act.) yiya>ca, infin. yiyayAiv, I beget, generate, produce, bear, bring forth ; take ; I am sprung, I am born, I am. Ts, Dor. ya, (of the same origin with ks, y.iv, or χ,αι, and is used to mark opposition or emphasis) even, indeed, truly, surely, at least, yet truly. When used as adverbial particle renders the words to which it is added emphatical : as 'iyayi, I for my part: oys, he for his part. See page 77• Via, -ας, 'ή, contr. yij, -νις, which see. Τξάσχ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], y^aoχoς, and yaiaoyfi;. Ion. yaiv}Qy:,og, which see. Tiyaa, and y^yως, see yάω. Tsy^uoif^iua, poet, and Ion. for γενοί- μ,εύα. Tεyωι'τ,σις, -εως, τ], (from yεyωl/ω) vocife- ration. Tεyωuvιτεou, (from same) to be celebrated. Vεyύ)voς, -'ή, -ov, (from next) loud, audi- ble. Vεyωvω, (from yviiu, by transposition yωvω, and with the Ionic augment yεyωvω) infin. yiyoivky^iv, for yεyωvεiv, perf. mid. ykyava, plup. εyεyc■ivειv', — also yεyωvίo), -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. -Yiyca, — and yεyωvίσχω, I make known, cause my voice to become known, ^peak aloud, am heard, call, declare, exclaim, loudly idter, cry to, loudly invoke. Tεyως, -ωτος, for yεyaως, part, of perf. mid. yiyaa, from ya0. ' Τίόδε/μ. A GREEK LEXICON. rv^άpχrι;. ΤεοΙίΙμ, (o-ni?) testimonies, filthy rogs, in allusion to Deut. xxii. 14 — 17- Γέοδοι/β, rather Γϊδδύΐ)δ, ("Τττ3) a troop. Tiiuucc, -r,c, 71, (θΊ3ΓΤ X-'D) Gehenna^ valley of Hinnom, hell, the -place or state of the condemned. Vi^Qft^ctwii, or Tiuartf^ci'juy Gethsemane, a very fruitful valley, or place of oil presses. Τίίχξότϊΐς, 'CVf 6, (from yea and άζόω) a ploughman. Tiivo), or γίνω, (see under 'γίνομαι, and p. 72.) I form, make. Τίίομόζος, -Qv, 6, (from γίχ and μόξος) one who has a portion of land, a colonist. Τίίοφόζος, -ov, 6, (from same and (^ίρω) an earth carrier, a wheel-bar roiv. Tiiaou, or yilacoi/, -ov, also '/{Ίσος, -sag, ro, a chapiter or capital of a j)illar, coping of a ivall, eaves, margin. Up. Τασσόομχι, (from preced.) I form a cop- ing, am covered or protected ivith a coping. Titruix, -ας, ί], (from γίίτων) neighbour- hood. Τίίτνιύύ}, (from same) I am a neighbour. Teirousvn), f. -ίύσω, (from same) / am in the neighbourJiood, am situated near, border upon, Τίΐτόσΰνος, -ri, -ou, (from next) neighbour- ing. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Τίίτων, -όνος, 6, ij, (from yea) a neigh- bour, 07ie of the same country, a country- man. Τίίάζοίς, and γτ,ύοα,ς, -ov, 6, (Syro-Chal- daic) a stranger. Υίλχ, -τ,ς, 7], (from γίλίω) the shining or brightness of the sun. Τί'κάνής, -ίος, 6, Vj, Dor. for γαΚ-ηνής, cheerfid, gladsome. Τίλύσ'ίμος, and γίκΰ,οιος, (from γικά,ω) laughing, laughable. Te'hualvoi, 'u)v, oi, (from same) wrinJdes caused by laughing. Γί'Αοίσμα, -ατο$•, το, (from same) a laugh. Τέλα,στνις, -ov, 6, (from same) a laugher, laugher at, mocker. ΤίΆαστός, -χ, -ov, (from same) to be laughed al. Υέλοίστνς, -νος, ij, (from next) laughter, mirth. Υίλύω, -ω, f. -άσω, p. yiysXuKU, 1 a. act. ίγίλασχ, 1 a. pass, ίγί'κύσθην, p. yiyi'kaa- (ΛΛΐ, also yihoo), and γίΊ,ύ,ζ^ω, f. -οίσω, 1 a. .'? pers. yi'Auoat, for Ιγΐ'κοίσί, — also yihota- ζο), and ytt^oiccu, aiid γίκοιόω, I laugh, smile, am merry, rejoice; laugh at, mock; also, shine, glitter, flouruh. Γέλ7£λ, C^abD.-r j Ezek. x. 1.3. The em. phatic meaning of this remarkable passage is lost in our translation Ο ivhecl, an ex- clamation, to which no definite idea can be affixed. Let it be considered as the imperative hiphil of the redoubled verb, and rendered roll, or roll on, as, in modern phrase, a charioteer would say to his horses, go along. In this sense, we may see the reason of the prophet's solemn as- severation, " As for the wheels it was cried to them in my hearing, roll on." He had seen the Cherubim and the Glory, which dwelt between them, removed from the holy of holies to " the threshold of the house." He there beheld them mounted upon wheels, like a chariot ready to de- part. And, w^hile he looked, he actually heard the fatal order, to depart, given to the living wheels; and saw the chariot roll away. The particular description, which is annexed, of the appearance of the cha- riot, naturally results from the earnest manner in which his eye had followed it, while thus permitted to take a last look. Ti'Ayri, -Υις, 'j], small wares of any kind; colours, dye-stuffs. ΤΐΆγις, -ιος, and γίλγίς, -Ι^ος, ΟΤ -Τύος, 'ή, α head of garlick. Yihyu, 1'. -|ώ>, p. -χα, (from y'iha) I tinge j colour. Τέλίω, f. -y;acj, p. --/i^sc, / shi7ie. ΤίΚ'ήνη, -Έοΐ. for ya'h'/j'jri. ΤέΆοίάζω, and yikoiao), see under yikau. Τί7^.οιασμος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a deri- sion. Γί7<οιαστν;ς, -ov, o, (from same) a mocker. ΤίΚοιομ,ίΚίω, (from same and μίλος) I compose ludicrous verses. ΤίλοΊος, -οία, -οίον, (from same) humorous, sportive: yiholov,-ov, το, a jest: ysKoiog, -a, -ov, ridicidous, contemptible: also γίΤκοίϊος, •ov, poet. — γύ^οίως, ridicidously. Γϊ'λοί-, -ov, 0, and γίΤ-ως, -ω, or -ωτος, ο, (from yi'hao)) laughter, mirth ; derision, an object of deinsion. Τίλοωμ{λί/ι, -γις, y], (from same and όμί- λία) laughing from complaisance, or as a flatterer. Υβλωτοττοίός, -ov, o, (from same and τοίίω) one who makes laughter, a buffoon: γίΚωτοτίοάω, I act the buffoon : γΐΚωτοτΐοιία, •ας, '/ι, buffoonery. Γίμίλά, yif^i\ih, yi(JLiKi6, and yi'^iha'x, 4 Kings xiv. 7. (nborr-K-a) the valley of salt. Τίμίζω, f. -Ίσω, p. ytyiuiKa, 1 a. act. ίγΐμισα, 1 a. pass, tyiyjaui^v, p. pass, ytyi- μισμαι, (from γίμω) I fill, load. Τέμος, -£ος, το, (from next) a mess, a feast. Τίμω, f. γίμω, p. mid. γίγομα, I am full, am laden. Γίνά^χ,τις, -ov, 6, (from γίνος and ά.ζχ'^) 307 ΓίΡίά. A GREEK LEXICON. Τζ^^νως. the founder of a faviily : γίνά,^χοίΐ, the ori- ginal inhabitants of a country. Tsusx,, -ά,ς, and Ion. ygj/sij, -^ς, vj, ysvivj- φιν, dat. sing. Ion. for ysvi'/j: also ykuvoCy -γΐς, ij, (from yeuog) a generation, familt/, de- scent, race, birth, origin. Tsi/seiTiOysa, -ω, f. -τισω, p. ysyiUicchoyviKoi, 1 a. pass, iysyicchoy/iuny, (from preced. and "hoyog^ I reckon a genealogy, descent, or pedigree ; pass. / am reckoned in a gene- alogy. ^ ^ * TiusaT^oyioi, -ας, % (from same) a gene- alogy. Τίΐ/ίβλϊ], -ης, hy (from yiuioi) birth, breed. Tei/iS^toc, -ων, τά, (from same) birth-day festivities. Τίΐ/εόΆιόίκός, -5j, -ou, (from same) at bii'th, natal. Τί'Αύλ/ος, 0, ί/, (from same) of or belong- ing to one^s birth, native. TsuiUAoy, -ου, ro, (from same) offspring. Τενίίάς, -όί^ος, τ], (from yέ-Jvς) the beard. Τίΐ/$ιάω, f. -άσω, y^v^ιάζω, Dor. yzvuuaha, and yiviiaaKU, (from same) / have a heard, am grown to manhood. TiuiiviTYis, -ου, 6, (from same) bearded. Tiviiov, -ου, το, (from same) a beard, the chin. Τίνξσιά^χ,γίς, -ου, 6, (from yiuεσ^ς, and κξ- χ'/ΐ) an author, the founder of a family. Τενίσίος, -a, -ou, (from yiuo^ucii) pertaining to birth, natal: yiviaia, -ων, τά, properly a neut. adject, having συμ,ττόσια, understood, a birth-day, or rather the f eastings and other tokens of mirth observed on a birth-day. Tεvεσίoυξyός, -ου, 6, (from next and ipyov) a maker. Τενεσις, -ιος, Attic ^εως, % (from yiuof^a,i) oiiginal extract, descent, birth, generation, family, genealogy : ro ττξόσωττον τνις yεvkσεoiς αύτου, the face of his birth, i. e. his face as it is by nature, James i. 23. κ,αΐ φ\ογίζουσα, τον τξοχ,ον Tiji ysvίσεως, and setteth on fire the wheel, or course, of the generation, i. e. the whole period of human life, James iii. 6. Τενετνι, -γ^ς, 'ή, (from same) a birth, a be- ing born. Τενετ^ΐζ, -νΐζος, γενίτωξ, -οζος, ο, (from same) a parent, founder: γενέτε/ξχ, -ας, oj, a mother. Τενετγις, -ου, ό. Dor. yεvεroίς, -ου, and γεννητν}ς, -ου, (from same) one who is be- gotten, a son, progeny ; one ivho begets, a father: yεv■,^rxι, -ων, ol, those born of the same tribe. ΤενετυΤΟκίς, -<δο?, ih, (from same) the god- dess of birth, Venus. ViUTiig, -ί^ος, or -νί^ος, 'ή, a pick-axe. Τενημα, see yiuvvifisc. 308 Τενίχός, -'η, -6v, (from ytvog) of or belong- ing to the origin or descent, genealogical. Τεννόί^οίς, -ου, 6, (from γεννάω) generous, brave, noble. Τεννοίϊος, -αία, -α,ΐον, (from same) gene- rous, brave, noble. Τεννοίίότγις, -τήτος, oj, (from preced.) ge- nerosity, valour. Τενναίως, (from same) generously , bravely, nobly. Τεννάω, -ω, f. -'ί}σω, p. γεγεννηχΌί, 1 f. pass. γεννΥίύ7)σο(Λαζ, p. pass. γεγεννγι^Λα,ι, 1 a. act. kyivvmx, 1 a. pass, εγεννί^βγιν, I get, beget, generate, bring forth, produce, effect. TivvYi^x, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) offspring, brood, Jruit, produce, effect. Τενν/ιματίξω, (from preced.) I bring forth fruit. νίννγισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from γεννάω) a birth. Τεννητνίς, see γενετής: γεννητω^, see γε- νετωξ. Τεννητος, -'ή, -6ν, (from γεννάω) born, pro- duced. Τενος, -εος, -ους, το, (from γίνω^ α kind, species, offspjung, family, kindred ; stock or race of men descended from a common pa- rent; a nation, country. Τενυς, -ΰος, τι, (from next) the beard, chin, cheek ; eye, sight of the eye, edge, a hatchet. Τενω, see γείνω. Τεξαίά, -ας, tj, (from next) a matron, a ivoman of rank. Τεξαιός, -a, -ov, and γγίζαιος, (from γίξων) old, dry, aged, venerable, infirm. ΤίζαιοφΤ^οιος, -ov, (from preced. and Φ7\.οι6ς) old skinned, wrinkled. Τεςαίξω, f. -άξω, (from γεξας) I honour, honour with gifts, bestow upon ; honour luith the tongue, extol, celebrate. Τεξαίτεςος, for γεξαίότεξος, -a, -ov, (comp. of γίξαίός) γεξαίτεξοι, elders. Τεξάνοξϋον, and γεξάν^ξίον, -ου, το, (from γεζων and ^ξυς) an aged, venerable tree. Τεξανός, -ου, 6, and γεξάνιον, -ου, το, a crane. Υίζ^άοος, -χ, -ov, and γεξάσι^ιος, or γεξάσ- μ,ίος,-ου, o,ii,(from Ti\ext)honoured,venerable. Τέξας, -ατός, throwing out the τ, -αος, contract, -ως, το, a reivard, gift, honour. Τίξχσφόξος, -ου, 6, tj, (from preced. and φέξω) carrying of the prize. Τε^ης, γε^ος, and γε^ιος, -ου, 6, a lueaver : γεξ^ία, -ας, vj, a female lueaver. Τεξ7}νιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from τά Τεξτηυα, or v) Τεξ-ηνία, or το Τέξπνον) an epithet of Nestor, from the name of a city of Messene in Pe- loponnesus, where he was concealed and educated, when Hercules took Pylos. Υεξον, A GREEK LEXICON. Tr,&ii. Γίξον, old vian, voc. sing, of γίξων. Τίξοντχγωγίω, (from γίζων and oiyco) I teach or guide an old man, instruct anew : γίΡοντίχ,γωγος, •ον, ό, an instructor or guide of old men. Τίζοντα,ίος, -oiicc, -cuop, poet, for γίξόν- τίίος, -βία, -sio'j, (from γίξων) setiile, belong- ing to old age. Ti'^ovriec, -ας, 7], (from same) the rank or o^ce of a senator. Τίζόντιο!/, -ου, το, (from same) a little old fellow. Τίζονσία, •ας, τ], (from same) an assembly of elders, a senate. Τίζονσιος, -a, -ou, or -ος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same) senatorial, choice, costly. Tepoou, -ου, το, a shield made of twigs or osiers, used by the Persians, a corselet, buckler: yip pa, -ων, τα, booths or huts as places of shelter. Its origin is -na, to sojourn or tarry, whence η 112 η , a place to shelter or cover, and hence (changing r into /) the Latin magalia, .Eneid I. 425. which may be naturally understood to be of Phoeni- cian origin. Τίρροφόζος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and φίζω) a shield-bearer. ΤέξσαΊος. See 'Κίοσαίος. Yspcou, -οντος, 6, (perhaps from yeav omu, looking on the eai^th) an old man. Yihpca, -ατός, το, and yίυσις, -ιος, Attic -βως, vj, (from next) a taste. Τίύω, f. yiuao), p. yiyeυκ,a, 1 f. pass, ysυ- β'ήσομ,αι, p. pass, yίyίυpcaι, pres. mid. yioo- (Λαι, 1 f. mid. yii^aopcai, 1 a. mid. \y^υσάpcr^'J, I give to taste ; mid. I taste, eat, experience : yi^ia^ai θανάτου, to taste of death, that is, to feel the 'pains of it, to experience its bitterness. The expression does not signify simply to die, but is applied emphatically to the punishment of sin, in the wicked here- after, or in the substituted Saviour in the fulness of time: Matth. xvi. 28. on which see Horsley's sermon, John viii. 52. ου y.Tj yiύσίτaι 'θανάτου ί'ις τον αΐωνα, shall not taste of death for ever or eternally, comp, Heb. ii. i). Τίφϋζα, -ας, τ], (perhaps from 'nsD, to cover) a bridge. Τέφυξίξύ), (-133, to cover with bitumen, besmear, and so blacken) I blacken, reproach, scoff at. Γίφυξίστγις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a scoffer. Υίφυζόω, -ω, (from γίφυ^α) I viake a bridge. TίcoyξaφU), -Z, f. -τισω, p. --fiKoC, (from yia and yζύ.φcϋ) I describe the siirface of the earth, am a geographer. Vίύ)yζaφίa, -ας, tj, (from preced.) a de- scription of the earth, geography. Τεωγξάφος, -ου, ό, (from same) a describer of the earth, a geographer. Τίω^αισία, -ας, vj, (from yea and Ιαίω) a divisioji, partition, or distribution of the earth or of land. Τίω^ης, -ίος, ό, '/}, (from yia) earthly, earthy. Τίωλοφος, -ου, ό, yj, (from same and 7.6φος) a rising ground, hill: y^ω'Koφia, -ας, vj, a mound, emine?ice. Τίομίτξίω, (from yia and μίτξον) I measure land, practise geometry. Τίω/χίτξΥΐς, -ου, ό, (from next) a geometri- cian. Τίωρίίτξία, -ας, vj, (from yia and μ,ίτξον) geometry, mensuration of land. Τίύ){/Λτ(Ηκ6ς, -Tj, -ov, (from preced.) be- longing to the art of measui'ing. Τίωστίίνγις, -ου, v], (from yia and ττβίνα) destitide of land, liable to famine, poor. Τίωττονία, -ας, τι, (from same and -τΐόνος) husbandry. Τίωττόνος, -ου, ο, (from same) a labourer or tiller of the ground. Τίωττους, -ο^ος, ο, (from yia and '770υς)οη6 who treads the ground, a tiller of the ground. Tsa^yicu, -ω, f. -τισω, p. ysysoj^yY}Ka,{hom yίύ}Qyός) I cidtivate or till the earth. Teo)ζy'/jσ'ϊf<,oς, -ου, 6, 7], (from yia and £ξ- yάσίy.ύς)fitfor cidtivation, fertile. TiojQyla, -ας, i], and yecj^yiov, -ου, το, (from ysωξyός) husbandry, or rather culti- vated gi^ound. Teaoy'iKO;, -'ος, -η, -ou, (from same) delighted, glad. Tyjuvou, the same as y/iuuQu. Τ'ήύω, f. yYiOCo, p. yiyyiKct, the same as yviuia. Tvjhog, and yvj'iog, -τη, -ou, (from yvj) of earth, earthy, heavy, dull. Τη'ί'τγις, and γτ^τ-^ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a man of the earth, a peasant, a clod-hopper. Γ>5λ£;^ο5ί, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from same and Χίχος) lying on the gi^ound. ν^ήΚοφος, -ου, 6, see yiuiho^og. Υνίμ,α,ι, 1 aor. infin. by sync, for yci{/.7i- aui, and y7}f^oig, part, of 1 aor. for γά^^ησας, from ydf^iu.' Τιημ7]τϊ]ξ, see AyifiijTYj^. Ττηοχίω, or yγ|oυχscJ,f. -^σω, (from yri and ίχω) I encompass the land; I hold or possess the land or ground. TriTrirVig, -sog, 6, vj, (from same and τΐίΐϊτω) fallen to, dropped in, the ground. Ττΐ'τΐονίω, (from same and 'πονίο)) I culti- vate the ground. ΤνίξΟ,ίυω, f. -ΰίνω, — y^QxaKCO, — yyi^eca, f. -όίσω, p. ysyy-jQccKcc, 1 a. lyjj^iiffci, see p. 69. imperf. eyyjfyxov, (from yyjQxg) I grow, become old; decay, Ττ,ζαίος, -u,, -ou, yr,na.og, and yin^^uCKkog, -oc, -ou, (from next) old, aged, venerable. V^^ocg, -UTog, throwing out the τ, -ccog, contract, -ωg, to, old age. Τηζοβοσκΐω, -ω, f. -"ήσω, (from preced. and βόσκω) I maintain in old age. Τπξοβοσκ,ίχ, -ccg, i}, (from same) mainte- nance in old age. Vyi^oSoGTcog, -ου, 6, ij, (from same) one who maintains his aged parents. Τγίξοκ,ομίω, (from y^QO-g and χ,ομίω) I provide for an aged parent. Τγι^ο-Λομ,Ίοί, -a,g, 7}, (from preced.) provi- sion for an aged parent. Τγίξοκόμος, -ου, 6, 7], (from same) support- ing an aged parent. Τ^ξοτξοφίο, (from γτίξοίς and τζίφύή I maintain in old age. ΤπξοτξοφΙοί, -ccg, 71, (from preced.) a maintenance in old age. TΎlζor^όφog, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same) one who supports old age. Τγιξυόνη, -ng, and ynζυόuΛ or ya,ζυόuct, -ctg, 9], Dor. (from next) that is vocal, garndous. T7jξυg, -υος, or -sog, tj, voice, speech. ν^ξΰω, Dor. γαζΰο, f. -ϋσο.; p. -υκοί, and 310 yr\oyo^,a.t, (from preced.) / speak aloud, sound; proclaim, celebrate; complain, croak, brawl, babble, j)Tate ; hence Latin garrio. Yriuctaa^iy^ rather y)7;;ict^etffi^,(D"'U'in H":) artificers. Triu)^ocg. See ysiCJQxg. T(yciuTO^.xx,tei, -ag, i; (from yiyotg and μύχομ,α,ι) a battle of giants. T{ycί■uτoφόuog, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and φίνω) giant-slaying. Tiyocurlyhng, -sog, o, vi, (from yiyccg) giant- like, gigantic. Tlyu^Tou, -ου, ro, the stone of the grape. Tίycιξτωl•ng, -sog, Attic -sωg, 6, τι, (from preced.) belonging to the grape, or to the stone or refuse of the grape. Ttyccg, -ciuTog, 6, (perhaps from yscc and yaa. See ynysw^g) earth-born, a giant : oi yiyaursg is the LXX translation of D^bsDrr in Gen. vi. 4. and signifies the fallen earth- born men, the race which had fallen or apostatized from the instituted worship of the true God, as distinguished from those who, in V. 2. are called the sons of God. This WOrd is also given, in the same pas- sage, as the translation of D-^n^n the mighty men of old, the heroes of antiquity, celebrated for their exploits, and at last worshipped by the heathen as gods. Tίyy^κiζω, same with yuyya,'K^ζω. Viyy'Kiai^og, -ου, 6, (from preced.) tickling. Tιyy'hυμ,og, -ου, 6, a hinge, joint. Tiyy^ag, -ου, 6, a small pipe of a lugubri- ous sound. TiyuofCui{, or ytuc^xi, (see p. 7^•) / am made, become, am created, happen, occur, come to pass, am, am done, am celebrated, am fulfilled, accomplished, am born, grow, live. ViyuoioKO), yiumKO), yuoo), and yua/m, (see p. 7l.) f• yumoi, p. syuωκcc, 1 f. pass, yvoc- UTjGOfAcii, p. pass, syucoaf^xi, 1 a. act. syu0aci, 2 a. act. syuau, and imper. yuZui, 1 a. pass. syuuaUYiu, p. raid, y'syuuu., I know, perceive, feel, am acquainted with, understand, am conscious of, discern, distinguish, approve, acknoiL'ledge luith approbation, know car- nally, think, am aware. T'ha,yάω, (from y'huyog) I am milky or juicy. T^ccys^og, -d, -6u, (from same) beloiiging to milk, milky. rAityoTT^I, -Tiyog, 6, (from next and '7Γ7jyuυfΛί) a tub for curdling milk. T'hayog, -sog, ro, (from yd.'Kcx.) milk. Tλcίyoτςόφog -ου, ο, (from preced. and τξίφω) one ivho feeds on milk. Τλάζύ), f. .ff. Υλανκοω, f. -ωσύ), (from same) / viake grey, sky, or sea-coloured. Y?,!tvKCuf.i!i, -otroc, TO, and y'hxvx.cjaig, 'ΐως, 7], (from preced.) a disease in the crys- talline humour of the eye. Τ'Αχνκωτ-ίς, -ίΟος, ΐ), yXoiVx.cj'Trog, -ov, 6, v), and yy.ciVKOj -ψ, -ω'ττος, ο, τ}, (from yT^uvKo; and ωφ) blue-eyed, having bright piercing eyes ; epithets applied to serpents, to lions, and to Minerva. Γλαι/Ι, -κο;, vi, (from y'hoiVKog) an oicl. Yy. Λυσσώ, I shine, I see. Υλάφυ, -υος, το, (from y'ha.^o)) a den, a cave. Y'Ax^pcoo;, -X, -6u, (from same) excavated, hollow, spacious, smooth, elegant : γΆχφυ- ^■/}c, and γλαφυζίτΐτι, dat. pi. Ion. for yXec- φυοοίΐς. Υ7.ΛφυούΤϊΐς, --/ίτος, and y^λa.φυplu, -οίς,τ], (from preced.) neatness, smoothness. Υ^χφύξΖς, (from sanie) neatly, elegantly. ΥΆάφω, f. --φύ), p. -φα, (a corruption of γζά,φω) I excavate, mark, engrave, carve, cut, polish, scoop. Υλύ-^ω, -oo;, and yhiyjuv. Dor. for ^λ^- γρν,-ω) the image in the eye, the pupil or ball of the eye ; a girl ; a look ; hence glance, and the old word glent or glint ; used also as a verb, to glent or glint. Γλ^ί/ο?, -ίος, το, (from preced.) a star, a light. Υλ'/}χων, and Dor. yAxxau, which see. Υλία, -χς, 71, (related perhaps to κολλά) glue, bird-lime. Y'hi'jog, or y^sluog, -ου, 6, a maple-tree. Yλίσχ,Pciuτι7^oyίζs':τ!τζί'7rτo;,-oυ,6,v|, (from y^laxQog, avTi7ew to coin sentences, sententious. TuajfiorO'Tro;, -ου, 6, 7], (from same) one who coins sentences, who racks his brains for maxims. Τνω/ίίύ)ν, -όνος, 6, '/], (from yii /ωσκω) senti- mental, discerning, instructive ; as a substan- tive, an index, proof; a judge, skilful obser- ver : '■/υωμ,ονίς, οί, the teeth of horses, as showing their age. Τνωξίζο), f. -ϊσω, Attic -/νωξίω, p. kyi/lj^i' x,», 1 a. ίγνάζίσοί, 1 f. pass. yuoi^tau'/iGOf^cii, p. pass, εγνάξίσμαί, 1 a. pass. Ιγνωζίσθ'ήν, (from yivm-AOi) I make known, declare, know. Τνάιημοζ, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) known, familiar. Τυωοίσις, -εως, τι, (from same) the fact of knowing. ΤνωζίσμΛ, -α,τος, το, (from same) a mark or sign by which a thing may be known. ννοίοΐ(ΛΛγβ.ω, f. -'/iuu, (from next and μά- χομ,αή I know the consequence of fighting, decline fighting from a sense of weakness, yield, fluctuate in mind. Τνωσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, i], (from yivaaKCo) knowledge. Υνωστίος, -et, -ou, (from same) that must be known. Τνωστγις, -ου, and yvaar'^Q, -ϊίξος, 6, (from same) a person knowing and skilful ; a com- petent judge. Υνωστος, -ij, -ou, (from same) known, that which may be known. Τνωστως, (from same) notoriously, openly. Τνωτός, -71, -6v, (from same) known, a per- son related, a brother. Tocciuuj, f. -άνω, 1 aor. iyoyjucc, infin. yoij- vxt, Attic yo'ii^ivoii, (from next) / lament. Τοάω, -Ζ, f. -'^σω; yoxuri, Dor. 3 pi. pres. indie, act. for yoctovoi, yomt, yo'/iy.vjcti. Dor. infin. 2 a. act. for yo~/^vat, (rri?3) / express woe, lament, bewail, moan, mourn over. Yoyyϋζύ), f. -σύ>, p. yiyόyyυκa,, 1 a. iyoy- yvoix.,\). pass, yίyίyyυσμ.a.ι, I murmur, mut- ter, speak in a loio and indistinct voice, grumble. Τογγνλ/ι, -της, ΟΓ γογγνλϊς, -ί^ος, νι, α turnip from its roundness, a round cake. And Tύyyυλίζiί), f. -7σω, (from next) / am round, turn round. Yoyyυhoς, -'/}, -ov, and yoyyυh^oς, -oc, ou, (the same as ijZQoyy^'hor^ round. Tόyyυσις, -ιος, Attic -ίύ)ς, vj, and yoyyva- μος, -ου, 6, (from yoyyύζω) a murmuring, muttering, grumbling, j^rivate discourse or dispide, John vii. 12, 13. Tόyyυσoς, and yQyyυστ'■ής, -ου, 6, (from same) a mimnurer, a grumbler. Υοί()ος, -ά, -ou, and yoί^uoς, -η, -ou, (from yoaca) woeful, mournful, dismal. Yor„ -γις, 7j, also yύoς, -ου, ό, (from same) a song of woe, lamentation, incantation, grief, sorrow. Το'/)μων, -όνος, 6, v], (from same) woeful, plaintive. Τόγ,ς, -τιτος, ο, (from same) a conjurer, enchanter, impostor, cheat. ToYiTSioc, -χς, V}, (from preced.) incanta- tion, deception. Το'ήτζυμοί, -ατός, το, incantation, decep- tion. And Το-ητίύο), f. -εύσω, (from same) / deceive, bewitch, charm. ΤύΥίτ'ίκός, -ij, -ou, (from same) magical, de- ceitful. To^youx, (nnaba) Golgotha, interpreted by the Evangelists, the place of a skull. It is derived from nbab^ a skull, and was call- ed Golgotha for Golgoltha, dropping the second /, as in the Samaritan version of Num. i. 22. n^ba, without the second b, is used for a skull. The place seems to have been so named from the skulls of those, who had there suffered crucifixion and other capital punishments, and to whom burial was refused, being there scattered about. Τομοζ, (ιΏν) ο,η omer. Τόμος, -ου, ο, (from perf. mid. of yiμω) the burden or lading of a ship, mercJiandise brought by sea. Τομφίάζύ), f. -όίσω, 1 a. kyoμφtoίσot, (from yoμφίoς) I have my teeth set on edge. Τομφίχσμός, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the state of the teeth when set on edge. Τομφίος, -ου, ο, (from yόμφoς) a cheek- tooth or grinder. ΤομφόΖετος, -ou, (from same and οίω) fastened with ivedges. Voμφo'7:a.y'ής, -ές, (from next and Tr'Jiy- νυμι) fixed with wedges, firmly fixed. Γόμφος, -ου, ο, a jvcdge, a grinding tooth; whence perhaps gums. Υομφύύ), f. -ύ)σω, ("from prcced.) I fasten ivilh wedges or nails. Rr 313 Τονατίζ^). A GREEK LEXICON. Τξαμματικοζ, ΤονοίτΙζο)^ f. Ησω, (from youv) I cause to bend the knees. Τουίύς, -ίος, Attic -icjg, 6, (from perf. : r• I mid. of yiuof^oii) a parent. Γον' /j, -5J5•, oj, (from same) birth. ,off- \ spring. TouXtiog, -'/I, 'Oy, and yououg, -ξσσ», -su, (from same) prolific, native. Tovoppoix, or -voi, -c&g, τι, (from youo; and ρνίω) a gonorrhoea. Toi/oppvio, f. -7]σω, 1 a. syovoppvriaoi, (from same) I labour under a gonorrhoea. Touoppuvig, -ov, 6, (from same) afflicted with a gonorrhoea. Τόνος, -ov, 6, (from yίuω) seed, generation, sex. Touog, -ov, 6, poet, yovvog, (from same) prolific, fertile ; a fertile place oy soil. Touv, youvog, by transp. yovuog, — or yovoi, yovccrog, poet, yovucttog, yovuotri, &C. in plm*. yovuciToc, and yovvcx., yovvocrav, and yovvωl/, yovvciai, and yovueaai, &c. the Jcnee. ταντοι ^suu ev yovvaiai κ,ίϊτοίί' '' these things lie on the knees of the gods." Rest, for decision, with the gods alone. 11. P'. 514. Od. A'. 267. Cowper's Note on the first of these pas- sages is, θίων iu yovvoiai κ,ίΐτΰίΐ, lie in the lap of the gods. A similar expression oc- curs in the Proverbs of Solomon. — The lot is cast into the lap, but the disposal thereof is of the Lord. TouvTrersa, -ω, f. -'ijao), p. yiyovvTrirvix.oi, 1 a. iyoyvTiirwoi, (from yoyv and 'ττίτω) I fall down on my knees, kneel. TovvmrTig, -iog, 6, vi, (from preced.) fall- ing on the knees, kneeling. Τόος, -ov, 6, (from yoaa) see under yovi. To^ynog, -iioc, (Ion. -s/)?,) -nou, and Τοξ- yoviog, -ex,, -ov, (from Yoq^/oy) of or belonging to the Gorgons, Gorgonean. To^ysvuj, f. -ενσω, and yo^yoo/!/,on, (from yoξyόg) I frighten, look fierce ; I hasten. To^youig, -ων, c/J, (from To^ya)^) tlie Gor- gons, the daugjhters of Phorcus, Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale. Vo^yovojTog, -ov, 6, ^, (from same and νω- rog) having a Gorgon^s head on its back. Toξyόg, -5j, -ου, keen, quick, fierce-looking, terrible. Yo^yorfig, --/iTog, vi, (from preced.) keen- ness, celerity, fierceness. YOQyvq^a,, -oig, or yoQyv^ri, -rig, ^, (rr'na) a place under ground, where malefactors were confined and compelled to hew stones; a pit, a dungeon, hence career ; also, a subterraneous canal, a sewer. YoQyu), -όος, contr. -ovg, vjy oi* To^yuv, -ovog, 9], a fabidous monster said to kill by 314 merely being seen, and to turn people into stone ; explained by some to signify, that those who saw her stood still from amaze- ment. Vo^ycjTrig, -X^og, 7], yo^yuTTog, -ov, o, and yo^yco-ip, -ωτΐος, 6, ij, (from preced. and ω-ψ) Gorgon-eyed, terrific. Tovv, for y ovv, (from ye and ovu) where- fore, therefore, accordingly, at least, indeed. Τοννά,ζομοίί, f. -ά,σομοα, and yovvoofccci, -ονμοίί, f. -ωσομοα, (from yoi/v) I emh'ace the knees, supplicate. Τούνοίσμοί, -ccTog, το, (from preced.) an embracing of the knees, supplication. Τοννοττά,χ,τίς, -ίος, 6, τι, (from youv and 'Τΐίχ,χνς) having fat or thick knees. Τοννός, -7], -ov, the same as yov6ς. Τξάβίον, -ov, TO, a kind of torch. Τξαϊκός, -"ή, -ov, Grecian: Τξοακίτγις, -ov, 6, a Grecian, a Greek : Υξχίχ,ίστΙ, after the manner of the Greeks. Τξα,ινόομα,ι, -ovy.cx,i, {ivom y^oilcc) I become an old wife. Τξ/χ,ίνω, and yQxsiva, (from yQua) I eat up, spend, coiisiime. ΤξΰίΊος, -οί, -ov, and yξ''/jioς, -ov, 6, v], (from ysQcίiός) old, withej^ed: yξcx,lcc, -(χ,ς, y^ui'g, or y^yfig, -ilog, yQdvg, -α,ος, yξwς, -νός, vj, y^atoiov, and y^u^tov, -ov, το, an old wo- man, a beldame. Τξάμμ,ίχ., -α,τος, το, for yQ^cc^yci, (from perf. pass, of y^acp6j) a letter, writing, bill, account, epistle: τά. TVoTCka, os y^ay/^uiToc ίΐς yocviocv 'τπζ^ιτφτηι, " much learning doth make thee mad." Acts xxvi. 24. — ος χ,οά ίκά.νύ)σίν τιμΑς Ιίακόνονς καινές ^ιαό'ήκΥις, ον yQ^ά,[Λμ.aτoς, (ίΚΚοί ττνενμ,Λτος' το yccQ y^ay- (Λοί άττοκ,τίίνζΐ, το δε Ίΐνίυμοκ, ζωο'ττοίβΐί, who also hath made us able ministers of a new covenant, not of a writing [only,] but of a spiint [also ;] for the writing killethf but the S2nrit maketh alive. 2 Cor. iii. 6. — tcH h^d y^a,y[A,ot,Tu, the holy scriptures. 2 Tim. iii. 15. ΤξχμμχτεΙχ, -ctg, yj, (from preced.) lite- ratia^e, account, numeration. Τξαμμοίτίϊον, -ov, το, (from same) a re- gister, a book of accounts, a record, a school. Τζαμ,μ,α,τενς, -ίος, 6, (from same) a scribe, secretary to a king, interpreter of the law, town-clerk or recorder. Acts xix. 35. Τ^α,μμα,τενω, (from ipreced.) I ojficiate as a scribe. ν^α,μμα,τι^ιον, and y^ciyyUTiov, -ov, το, (from same) a note, billet; a bill of ex- change. Τξΰί/χμ,χτίκός, -'ή, -ov, (from same) of or belonging to letters, or grammar, grammati- cal. Τξα(Μμ,ατΐ6Τ7]ζ. A GliEEK LEXICON. Τξ^υ-ιοζ. Τζο(,(Λμ,α,τιστΥις, -ου, ο, (from same) a scribe, secretary ; a schoolmaster, grammar- ian. Τξοί(/^μ,α.τούΐοά,σ•Λού'.ος, -ου, 6, (from same and ^ίόήσκΛ'Κος) a teacher of letters, a school- viaster : y^o(.fif/.!/,Tohihciuy,ci7.{lou, -ου, το, a place to teach letters, a school. X^oc,f/,fACiTOiiaa,yo)yiug, -ioc, -ους, 6, (from '/^ί^ίμ,οί and ilaayo)) a teacher of learning, magistrate. Τ ζο,μ,μ,οίτοκ,ύφων, -o)uog, 6, (from same and κύτΐτω) one ivhois become bent by study, a literary drudge. Τ(>οί(Λμ,(χ,τοφύοος, -ου, 6, (from same and φίξω) a letter-carrier. Τ^α.μ,[Λθίτοφυ'Κα(,κ,ίϊον, -ου, το, (from same and φυ'Κα,κνι) a place where registers or public records are kept, the rolls or archives. Tqu-y.yy/}, -ij-, vj, (from yoccOo)) a line or mark; the lists ; the goal; the line on a chess- board, the pawn of which could not be moved but in the last extremity, and there- fore called y^y.f/.yy^ ίβξχ, the sacred line. Hence the proverb, τον d~6 y^ciyyyjg κ,ιυύ λίύον, " he displaces the pawn of the sacred line," that is, has recourse to the last shift. T^ccyyUog, -71, -o'j, (from preced.) linear, geometrical. Γζ^άττ/ί, -ihog, ^, (from yQcilog) old age; the skin or slough of a serpent. Τ()Λ'77τίος, -oc, -ου, (from γξάφω) that must be written. Υξχτττόζ, -vj, -ov, (from same) written, in- scribed. Τξατττύς, -ΰος, 9], (from same) a scratch : y^a'^TTyf, acc. pi. for yoocxTUccq, in Od. Vi! , 228. Υ^ά,σος, -ου, ό, also y^uaaog, y^ocog, and yi^iig, filth collected in the wool of sheep ; smell of the arnipits. Tfiuuaog, -ου, 6, the shout of soldiers at the unset. Γξά,στίς, -£0$•, v}, (from y^uo)) grass. Γζχυς, -άος, or y^ritig, tj, (from y^aJiog) an old ivoman. Γί^χφίΊοι/, -ου, το, (from y^aipfo) a stylus or iron ])e7i. Yζuφίύg, -ίως, 6, (from sanic) a j^ainter, a scri/)e. 1\ά,φνι, -5Ji, h, (from same) a painting, a writing, record, document, accusation, libel, action, law-suit : holy scripture, 2 Tim. iii. 16. comp. Tix. ίίζοί y^uyyocTcc, of the pre- ceding verse. Tζ»φ'ίκ6g, -oj, -01/, (from same) of or be- longing to painting or writing, graphical; skilful in painting or meriting; y(^oc.φίκ'ύg, graphically, in a picturesque manner, luilh good delincalion or dcscrijnion. 12 Τ^αφίον, -ου, το, and yξecφ^g, -i^og, v], (from next) a stylus or iro7i pen. Τξάφω, f. --ψω, p. yίyQxφc^, 1 a. iyQUxpoi, 1 a. pass, £yξύφ■/lu, p. pass, y'iy^ciyyoii, (from next) / grave, engrave, write, de- scribe. 1 Cor. V. 9. 'iy^oi-d/a ύμΤιν ku τγι ίττίστολγ — V. 1 1 . Νι/ι/< Bs syQoi-^cc vyHv, K. τ. λ. " / have luintten to you in my letter, [that is, in my present letter] not to associ^)te with fornicators." — " But now I have written,'''' &c. The expression fur- nishes no evidence of any former, and lost, epistle of Paul's to the Corinthians. See Middleton on the place. Τζάω, f. -ά,σω, 1 a. syQuaa, I eat iqj, graze, engrave. Τζαωοης, -sog, -oυg, 6, τ], το -sg, (from y^aiig) of or belonging to old women, old luomen^s, silly. Τξ,ηγοξίύ}, -ω, f. -'ήσο), p. iy^Yiyo^'/iKot, 1 a. ly^Yiyoqwoi, 1 a. pass. iy^Yiyo^'-/idny, (for iy(yr,yo(iiu, from lyQYiyoQ^a,, Attic perf. mid. of iyiifj^a) I luatcii, luake, am awake, am vigilant ; opposed to -/,αύίύύω, live, survive, 1 Thess. V. 10. T^riyo^Y,aig, -tog, Attic -εως, '^, (from pre- ced.) watchfidness. TQi'Trsdg, -iog, or -ίως, ο, (from y^iTTog) a fisherman. Τζίττίύύ), f. -ίΰσω, or yξί7Γίζύu, f. -ϊσύ), (from same) I catch fish ; whence, / gripe. Τζίττγι'ις, -i'oog, vj, viz. τί•)ζ,ν7ΐ, (from same) the art of fishing. Τξίτησμα, -οίτος, το, (from same) a draught or capture of fishes. V()i'^og, or y(Hφog, -ου, 6, or -iog, το, a net, or hook to catch fish ; an enigma or puzzle ; whence perhaps, a gripe, i. e. a grasp or hold. Τξίφά,ομχί, (from yζά,φω) I write. Υΐηφος, -ου, 6, or -iog, το, the same as yqiTTog. Γξ{φύJ'^■/lg, -sg, -go?, (from pveced.)capiious. Tξoμφάg, -oi^og, v}, an old sow, grumphic. YQoμ,φiυg, for y^ctφiΰg. Γξ6σφog, -ου, ο, the iron part of a javelin, a javelin: yQOϋφόyoι,γfig, -ου, or yζoσφoφόζog, one luho fights with or cari-ics a javelin. Υ(^ύ, or y^y, any thing very small and of no value, a chip, splinter, the pairing of a 7iail. Υζύζύ), f. -ύξ,ύ), p. -Cx,cc, 1 a. 'ίyξυξcc, (irom preced.) / mutter, grunt: γξυκτέοι/, ynust mutter, or grunt. Γζΰλλγι, -rig, V}, (froφ same) grunting: γξυλλίξω, I grunt. Τξυ^,χίίχ., -ecg, vj, (from same) a small bag, or poke to carry victuals in, a scrip. V()υ'7ΐ6g, -'}}, -6u, (from yQi/xj/) arjuilinc, crooked. 315 Τξυ'ττάτ'ης, A GREEK LEXICON. Τυναικόμιμος, TqvTTOrYig, -ητος, τ], (from preced.) crook- edness of the nose. Tςvσf<,oςy -ou, o, (from γξύζω) a grunting. T^vrviy -ης, VI, and ygyra^/cc, -ων, τώ, (from y^v) a box of trash, — trum'pery. Τζυτο'7τω7\.ι^ς, -ου, 6, (from preced. and -ττω- λίω) a seller of old clothes, trash, or trump- ery. Τξύ-ψ, -ντΓος, 6, a kind of eagle, called the ossifrage or bone-breaker, a bird with a crooked beak, which appears as if it was fractured, or composed of several pieces like joints : γζνττΰΐίετος, -ου, the same. Tvx, -χς, Ion. γύτη, -ης, vj, also γυΐοί, -ας, or yυir\, -ης, jj, (from yia) a limb of the earth or groimd, afield, regio7i, tract, νύα,Άον, -ου, το, a cavity, as the palm of the hand, the inside of a goblet, the tniddle of a breastplate, a cave, valley, ditch, en- trenchment, bulwark. ΤυχΤ^ος, -'/?, -6u, (from preced.) that can be held in the hand. Τνίαςκης, -ίος, ο, 7}, (from yulou and άξ- κ,ίω) invigorating the limbs, able-bodied. Τυίοβχζης, -ky -^ος, (from same and βοι- ξ£ύ)) weighing doivn or cntshing the limbs. ΤυίοΙόίμγις, -ου, ο, (from same and ^χμάω) a limb-subduer, a victorious jnigilist, a trainer of the limbs. Τυϋον, -ου, το, (from yooc) a limb. ΤυιοτιτίΙγι, -ης, yj, (from preced. and '^eln) a fetter. Τυιος, -η, -ou, (from same) lame. Τυίόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / lame. ΤυΤαός, -ου, ο, (from yoxTiOu) a wicker vessel used by a soldier to carry his provi- sions. ΤυίΛνά,ζω, f. -ά,σω, p. yiyi>{^U(x>x,cc, 1 a. act. \yh^va,G(x,, p. pass. yiyO[^uoiaf<,oii, (from γυι^νος) Iexe7'cise myself naked, hence gen- erally, / exei'cise myself. Τυμ,νοίς, -όί^ος, ο, ί], (from preced.) mostly naked, trained, bare, unmanned. Τυμνοίσίΰί, -οίς, and yύμ>voίσίς, -εως, vj, and yl^uaa^.u,, -Λτος, το, (from same) exer- cise, training. Τυ/^νοίσίοίςχίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. -ι^κα, (from same and α,ζχνΐ) I preside in the gymna- sium. Τυ/ίΛΰχσιάζχης, or yυf4,uoίσίΰίξχoς, -ου, 6, (from same) gymnasiarch, president of the gymnasium. Τυμ,νοίσιοι,ζγ,ίοί, -α,ς, τ), (from same) the office of president in the gymnasium. Τυμνοίσιον, and yυ[Λycίστvlζιo'J, -ου, το, (from same) a gymnasium, a place of exer- cise. Τυμνοίστης, -ου, ο, (from same) one luho exercises himself or teaches the public exer- cises to others, a fencing master. 316 ΤυμυαϋτΊ,κος, -oj, -ου, (from same) fit for^ or skilful in, the exercises of the gymnasium, gymnastic: yυfΔυoι,cτi}cως, in a gymnastic manner, with the skill of a combatant. νυμ,νης, -^ιτος, and yυfΛU'ήτ7ις, -ου, ο, (from same) a light armed soldier, as an archer or slingei\ opposed to ότΓλίτης. Τυ^^,νητεύω, (from same) / am naked or ill clad; carry light arms. Γυ/^νητίχ, -α,ς, τ], (from same) a corps of light armed infantry. Τυμ,νητίς, -ίίος, τ], (from same) gymnastic, ascetic. νυμ,Ηκος, -5j, -6u, (from same) fit for ex- ercise. Τυ/χνοττχί^βίΰί, or γυ/ίίρο'π-ΰαΐ'ίΰί, -α,ς, vi, (from same and -kxi^uoC) a game in which boys were exercised, a solemn dance per- formed by Spartan boys. Τυμ,υος, -% -ou, (i. e. yυ'iιx, μ,ουχ ίχ,ων, having the limbs alone, i. e. uncovered) naked; bare, ill clothed; stripped of the upper garment, and having only the vest, coat, or under garment, as for labour ; un- armed, unprotected, open, uncovered, mani- fest. Τυμνοσοφιστης, -ου, 6, (from preced. and σοφιστγις) an Indian philosopher, so called from the rigour of his discipline. Τυμ,νότης, -τητος, v], (from same) naked- ness, shame. Τυμνόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. -ωκ,χ, 1 a. act. tyύμucύσoι, 1 a. pass. Ιγυμυωθην, (from same) / strip, make naked. Τύμνωσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, ^, (from same) nakedness. Τυνά, Dor. for yuuvi, a woman. Vuuoci, (voc. sing, of same) Ο woman. Τυι/ΰίίκάξίον, and yoi/xiou, -ου, το, (dimin. from yυu'n) a trifling, weak, silly, luoman. Τυυοίίκ,ίΐον, -ου, το, (from next with ^ωμ,ιχ, understood) the women^s house, apartment, or chamber, the gynceceum. Τυι/ΰΐίκ,είος, Ion. yυu!ιc^κ,7Jΐoς, -n, -ou, (from yfi^n) female, pertaining to women, of a woman, womanish : 6 yυvotus7oς, one that is womanish in character: τοί yυuoίι>c&icι, the usual cojnplaints peculiar to women. Gen. xviii. 11. Τυνΰακ,Ιας, -ου, ο, (from same) womanish, effeminate. Υυνα,ΐΆίασμος, -ου, 6, (from same) effemi- nacy. Τυΐ/α(κ,οκ7}ζυκτος, -ou, (from same and xn- ζύσσω) proclaimed or celebrated by a ivoman. Τυνοίΐκομ,όίυης, or yυuex.ιμu,unζi -ίος, ο, τ}, (from same and μούνομαι) woman-mad: γυναικομανίω, I am ivoman-mad. Τυυαίκόμϊμος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and μιμίω) imitating a woman, timid. Τυνα/κόμοξφος. Λ GREEK LEXICOX. Ααγυς» Τυι/χίκόμοξφος, -ου, ό, (from same and [ΛΟζφτί) womanlike. Τυυ(χ.ίΛ07:τ7^.φής, -so;, ό, Tj, (from same and ■7τ7^^ύω)βι/1 ofiuovien. TvuociKQ'Troiyo;, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and TToiuTj) undo'taken to avenge a woman. Τννχίκοττξίττ'-^ς, -ίος, ό, τ], (from same and 'ΤΓξίτω) becoming a woman. ΤυναικοτξΛφ'^ζ, -ίος, ό, τι, (from same and τζίφω) reared or nourislied by a woman. Τυναίκύφ'ίλΥιζ, -ου, ό, (from same and φί- λέ'ώί) partial to women. Τυνοίίκόφω^ος, -ου, 6, (from same and (Toji/i?) having a ivoman^s voice. Tυuΰnκ,ωl•/lς, -sog, o, 7}, (from same) wornan• lihe. Tvuecaccju, -ωνος, ο, and '/υναικωιι'Ίτις, -ιοος, 7j, (from same) a house appropriated to luomen. Tvuuci^,i'j, dat. plur. of yuuvj. Touociog, -o'j, (from next) ivomanish: yy- vuiov, -ου, το, a little woman. Τυι/'/ι, obsolete γΰνοιι^, gen. γυνοακος, vj, voc. yu'jcit, (from ysiya) a woman, a wife. TO'j'jig, for yOutg, -ιίος, ό, (from preced.) cjfemi7iate. Τυττύξίοϋ, -ου, ro, and yy^rij, -^j, y;, (from γύφ) a vulture's nest. TCpyctuog, -ου, 6, an osier basket. Τύζίς, -ίως, τ], fine flour ; the small dust that flics in the mill ; the small dust of any thing. Τυξ61ρο(Λος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and o^i- μω) running round in a circle. Τυ(ΐ6νύ)τος, -ου, 6, tj, (from next and νω- τος) having a round back. Υυξος, -ξχ, -Qou, or γΰξίος, -Λ, -ου, round, curved. Τυζος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a circle ; a round cake. Τυζόύ), -ω, f. -άσω, 1 a. ίγύξύ)σχ, (from same) I describe a circle, swround, plant, ingraft. Υΰρω^α, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a cir- cular vein in trees. Τύζωσις, -eotg, ^, (from same) curvature, circuit, rotation. Τύ-ψ, γυττός, ό, a vulture. To\pog, -ου, ο, (from yi? and ίψω) gyp- sum, baked earth. Τυφόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) I cover with gypsum. ΤωΤ^ά-θ, or γω'Κωθ, (mba) 2 Chron. iv. 12. pommels. The round or hemispheri- cal tops, convex without, and concave within, of the chapiters or crowns placed on the two brazen pillars before Solomon*s temple. They are thought to have re- sembled the top or cross ring part of a royal crown, which covers the top of the head, in contradistinction from the diadem. or hoop part, which surrounds it. Τω'Κζά,, -ων, τά, dens, caverns. νω7\.ξί», -ων, Toc, whirlpools. Των, Ion. for γηυν, at least. Τωνατχ, nom. or ace. pi. Dor. for γόνοι- rcc, from γόνυ. Tavioc, -ccg, vj, a corner, an outward corner as of a street, an inner corner, a sec7'et or pirivate place, an extremity. Τωνιοίζω, (from preced.) I form an angle. ΤωνίοίΊος, -diet, -ouov, (from same) belong- ing to a corner. Τωναχ,σ/ίίός, -ου, ο, (from γωνίά,ζω) the drawing into a point or angle. Τωνβίον, -ου, ro, (from same) a little corner. Τωνιόω, (from same) / make angular. νύ)νιό)1γις, -ζος, ο, τί, (from same) angular, Τύΐζΐά,ω, I sneer at, mock. Τύ)ζϋτος, -ου, 6, (the same as γ,ο)ζϋτος) a quiver. Δ corresponds in nanic, order, and power, to the Hebrew Dalclh, and, in the capital form, very nearly resembles the Phenician Dalcth. Δ is easily exchanged with S and τ, the other mutes of the same order. It is also used in the Ionic and Dor. dialects, for y, σ, and σύ; as, δώ, Sac, for yoi, yxg, Dor. for 7^, yjj;, the earth: ouf^'/i, for οσμ,νι, a smell: Ι'δω, for 'ίούω^ I cat: f^otoog, for (Λοίσ- ύος, the breast. Aoc, an adverbial particle, which in- creases the signification of the words to which it is prefixed, (see page 77). very, greatly: as ^xoKiog, (from loc and σκιά) very shady. Ax, for y^, earth, ω^χ, Ο earth/ ΑχβίΙζ, and οχβΐζ, ("ΐ-ητ) an oracle, the most sacred part of the temple whence oracles lucre given. Axybg, -υ\ος, τ], i^c, crystal; a necklace or an image suspended from it. 317 Δάβ/^. A GREEK LEXICON. Ααιμονοβλαβίία, Ι Δάδ;|, -ifcog, '^, a kind of measure. Acf^ioif, -ov, TO, (from ^dg) a little torch. Αοβουγ,ίω, -ω, f. -ίίσω, (from same and ΐχω) I have or bear a torch, light luith a torch. Αα^ουγ,Ιοί, -α,ς, i], (from same) a holding of torches. Αοβουγ,ος, -αυ, ο, (from same) one ιυΐιο has, or carries a torch. Aetho^QQog, -ov, 6, (from ^α,ς and φίξω) one who carries a torch. Δαδώδ>9?, -ίος^ 6, vj, (from ^oig) like a torch; abounding with torches. Αά,ϋζΰί, -Λς, V}, or Aoi/^cf, (from Soi/oj) Proserpifie. Acisico, poet, for "^οΆω. Αοΐ€ζος, -St, -ou', (from same) black. Axsoj, -a, f. BiSi^ffiy, or Ή(/Λσω, p. ^iha.'/]xc&, p. mid. lehcid, p. pass, ^βίοίμ.οίΐ, inf. ΙίΙα,σ- 6at, and with u inserted ^ehaoiaucti; also ^οίείω, and Ιόι•η/:ύΐ, 2 a. klaYju, inf. Bct^z/cc/, Attic lci7}f/.5va,i, and part. δϋί£<ί, (from same) I examine as bij the light of a torch, (comp. Zeph. i. 12.) search narrowly, learn, discern, cause to learn, teach. Αά,ζω, f. Ιάσύ), p. liloiicci, (from same) I divide, distribute: ^άζο/ΐίαι, 1 f. mid. δάσο- fici{, p. pass. ΙίΙοίσμαα, I divide, lacerate, cut asunder. Aocv], -ης, and ^cag, -ίίος, (from same) a torch, a light, a blaze, a battle. Accny^oavvn, -τις, τι, (from next) skill, ex- pertness. Αα,νιμωυ, -όνος, 6, 'ή, (from δαίω) learned, skilful, expert. Αΰί'ήο, 'ίςος, 6, a husbands brother, a brother-in-law. ΑοίΙ, (from δε or perhaps the imperative of Bet£6J, δάίί, οά,ει, δβίί) tell me, or, interro- gatively, why or what: τι lai, ivhy, tell me ? why, pray '^ 'πως ^cil, how, pray? how then? Αΰί{^(ζλίος, δίκδάλ£/ο?, -cc, -ou, and δδί/- ^οίλος, -γι, -ov, (from ΑαίΙόίΤ^ος) curiously wrought, polished, variegated, adorned. Αα,ίΙχλΒύτξίοί, -ΰίς, 7i, (from same) a fe- male artist, authoress. Αχι^ά,'Κ'Κω, f. -6ί7^ω,~—^οίΐ^οίΚΟω, f. -ύ)σω, (from same) / work skilfully, carve, polish, adorn. Aa,ihoih[A>x, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a curious ivorkmamhip, a masterly production of art, exquisite image or statue.. Αοκ,ι^Λ'κόίΐς, -ίσσοί, -sv, (from next) ciui- ously or exquisitely wrought. Δοί/δαλο?, -ου, 6, (from ^a-io)) Dcedalus, an Athenian artist eminent in statuary and architecture. Αοίΐ^ίίΚό-χ,ζΐξ, -ζος, 6, vi, (from preced. and %ύζ) having skilfid hands, exjwrt in the arts. Αοί'ί'ζω^ f. -1^0), or -ίσω, 1 a. έδά/"|ύί, or 318 -iacc, pres. pass. ^α.ΐζομ,αί, p. pass. SsSaiy- /iccci, or -ϊσμοί/, part, ^β^αιγμ^ος, or -I'af^s- υος, (from Ιοίίω) I divide, rend, distract, lacerate, pierce. Αα,ίΛτά,μ,ίυος, (for Bcii'S/ Λτά,^Λνος, which from ^αάς, and part. 2 aor. of κ,τ^μ,ί) slain in battle. ΑοίΊ'κ.τ'•ήξ, -νΐζος, ^α,'ί'κ,τωζ, -Οξος, and ^άϊκ.- τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ^οίΐζο)) j^iercing, teaiing, rending, dividing. Αοίΐμ,ονά-ω, -ω, f. -'ησύ>, (from 'huif^oiu) I am influenced by, or suffer from a demon ; am mad, or infuriate. Ακιμ-ονιάζύ), f. -όίσω, the same. Αα,ί^ονια,-Λος, -% -ov, (from same) influ- enced by a demon, demoniac. Aoiif^ouiaa, the same as ^α,ιμ,ονάω. Αοίΐ/ϋονίξω, f. -Ίσω, (from same) I take for a demon: '^χίμονίζο/ίίίχ,ί, 1 f. mid. -ίσομ,α,ι, p. pass. ^ί^Λίμ,όνισ^α,ι, 1 a. pass, ί^α,ίμ,ονίσ- θγιν, (from Ic.iyouiov) I am possessed by a demon or devil. Αα,ίμ,ονν/,ος, -ov, (from same) of a demon, impure. Αα,ΐ(ΛΟνιον, -ου, το, (from ^αίί^ιων) a demon, a being superior to man, a heathen deity, some supposed power or intelligence in the material heavens or air, an idol, Deut. xxxii. 17• Psal. xci. 6. and xcvi. 5. Isa. Ixv. 11.; the souls of men supposed, by the heathen, to be deified after their death. Acts xvii. 1 8. but co7isidered, perhaps, by the sacred pen- men as in a different situation, see 1 Pet. iii. 19. 1 Tim. iv. 1. James ii. 19. Rev. ix. 20. and xviii. 2. ; an evil spirit, a devil, one of the angels who kept not their first estate, Tobit iii. 8. and vi. 17- and viii. 3. Mat. xii. 22—28. Luke x. 17—20. andxiii. 11•— 16. compared with Acts x. 38. When the utter destruction of a city is denounced in scripture, the site of that city is commonly described as becoming the haunt and habi- tation of wild beasts, and of such loath- some reptiles, as are found in the forsaken ruins of a city. Hebrew words, expressive of such animals, are translated in ο by δβί/- μόνια., for, probably, he-goats. See Isa. xiii. 20 — 22. xxxiv. 10 — 16. and comp. Rev. xviii. 2. Αα,ψ.όνιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) of a demon, when supposed to be of a good de- mon, happy, noble, divine ; when spoken of an evil demon, unhappy, polluted, wretched, infatuated: ω ^ui/xovis, Ο sir: ω 'hoitf^oun άνύζωττων, Ο wonderful or extraordinary or excellent of men : ^χιμονίως, by a divine im- pulse, miraculously. Αοίΐμ>ονιω^νΐς, -ίος, -ους, ο, oj, το -ες, (from preced.) demonian, devilish. James iii. 15. Αααμονοβλαβίίχ, -ocg, v), (from same and Ααίμ,ων. A GREEK LEXICON. Αόίκξϋ, βλοιβζίΰί) the being hurt, or injured by a de- mon, preternatural infatuation. Αού^Λων, -ouog, 6, cj, (from ^αίοί) a Jcnow- ing one, one of superior discernment ; a de- mon, a divinity, an evil spirit, a fallen angel, a devil. This word was always used in a bad sense by the Hellenist Jews, who thus showed their detestation of heathen super- stition and idolatry. The Heathens used the word in a good, or at least in a middle sense, for, when they intended to speak of evil beings, the Greeks used the com- pound κοίκΓ2ο!,ί[Λον=ς, and the Latins ve- joves. The sacred and profane writers, in speaking of demoniacal possession, use exactly the same language, and apply the same terms in the same sense. Thus, a man cried to our Sa\dour, " Master, I be- seech thee, look upon my son, for he is my only child : and lo, ττνίνμα λα/^φάι/εί ccv- Tou, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out: and it teareth him till he foameth again; and bruising him, hardly departeth from him." Luke ix. 38, 39. In like manner, Herodotus, speaking of Scyles, king of the Scythians, who, having received a Grecian education, was more attached to the customs of the Greeks, than to those of his own countrymen, and who desired to be privately initiated into the Bacchic mysteries, he adds ; " Now because the Scythians reproach the Greeks on account of these Bacchanals, and say, that to imagine a god driving men into paroxysms of madness is not agreeable to reason; a certain Borysthenian, while the king was privately performing the cere- monies, went out and discovered the mat- ter to the Scythian army, in these words: ye Scythians ridicule us because we cele- l)rate the mysteries of Bacchus, κ,α,Ι viyJocg (J hiog >.<χ,[Λβά.να' and the god possesseth us ; but uvu ούτος ο ooh\uu)'j Koii tou νμ,ίΤίζον βίίσί/Λοί >.ί'Αύβγίκί, Koci βίζκχ,€ύίί, κ,οίΐ ύττο του hsov ficii'jiTUi, now this same demon posses- seth your king, and he performs the part of a Bacchanalian, and is filled with fury by the god." Herodot. o'. 70. See Har- mer's observations on this passage. Vol. L The scriptures ilhistrated by the classics, Observ. vi. And compare Virgil ^neid. vi. 4G— 5L and 77—80. Aoiiyv, for oaiuvui, by apocope, 2 sing, pres. imperat. from occiuv/^ci : occluv, 3 pers. sing. 2 a. of same. Acciuv , is for ioctivvo, from ίοχίι/υσο, 2 pers. sing, of eou.ivvf/,riu, imperf. of ouiuuf^oci, mid. or pass, of ouiuvf^i. II. Ω', 63. Acniuvvff and ^otiuvur, for ioccii/vvro, Ion. 3 pi. imperf. ind. raid, of same. AoLiyvaff , for Ιαίνυσύΰίί, pres. infin. mid. of same. Aciiuvo), ociiuvy^i, (from δΰΐ/ω) / give a feast, entertain : ^ίχ,ίυΰμ,οα, and ociiuvo^cii, f. -ύσο^ΛΟ,ι, I feast myself, feed upon. Αά,'ΐος, -ai, -o'j, (from same) burrang, rag- Αύίΐς, tourog, % acc. sing, liilrci, (from same) a feast, entertainment. ΑοίΐτίΛΚίύς, -ίω;, ο, (from same) a f easier, AciiToiAOoy^xi, (from same) I feed myself upon. AcciTYi, -ης, 7j, (from same) a feast: loc'i- 'TYiuiy,from a feast. Αοίΐτ^ίύύ), f. -ίύσύ), (from same) / carvcy cook, ov prej^are a feast. Αν.ιτζος, -ου, 6, (from same) one who carves or prepares a feast, a carver, a cook. Αζχ,ιζζοσΰν-/ί, -ης, τ], (from same) the art of serving up a feast. Αν,ιτύμ,ωυ, -όυος, ο, (from same) one who prepares a feast, a cook, a carver ; one luho is feasted, a guest. Αία,τυ[/.ων, says Cowper, " generally signifies the founder of a feast; but we are taught by Eustathius to under- stand by it, in this place, (viz. Od. Δ', 62L) the persons employed in preparing it." Note 38. on Odyss. IV. He accordingly calls lΰiιrυ(Λ6'Jeς, " the busy train of menials culinary." Αα,ιτύς, -ύος, tj, (from same) a feast, en- tertainment. Αα,ίφξύ)», -όνος, ό, τ], (from Ια,ί'ς and φξ'ην) prudent, intent upon luar, warlike. Ααϊχ,ύίΐς, 1 a. part. pass, of ^αΐζω. Ααίύ), or δδί/ώ, f. ^αίσω, or ^α,'ί'σω, p. δε- δδί/κίϋ, p. pass, δίδίΐ/,ίύδί/, 2 f. act. οα,ω, p. mid. oilnci, or oioaa, 2 a. έ'δ^ίοι/, 2 a. pass. ίοά.-/!!/, inf. '^ci'/i/asvcci, or otx.yjvcie, part. ΙχίΙς, -έσσχ, -iu, I divide ; I divide as fire does, / bu7-n or kindle; I divide as a host to his guests, I give a feast, whence, I receive a feast, or, including both meanings, I feast; 1 divide as the understanding does in inves- tigation, I learn, know ; whence δα/^α>ν, a knowing one. Αίί•/Λύΰ(Λος, -ου, ο, ί], (from ^άίκ,υω and ^υμός) biting the mind, grievous, distressing. Aukstou, -ου, and "^ά,κος, -εος, το, (from ^XKUu)) a creature that bites, a devouring monster, a venomous serpent, a bite or sting. Αοίκνύζύ), (from next) / bite, sting. AaKUu), from obsol. Ι'ήκο), has 1 f. δ^ξώ^, 2 f. οακ,ω, 1 a. act. 'ίό-ηξα, 2 a. act. 'ϊοόίκον, inf. 'hotKiiiu, for οα,κίϊν, p. act. οί^-ηχ^χ, p. pass. Qihnyf^cci, 1 a. pass. Ιονιγ,ύ-ην, 2 a. pass. ίοόίκγιυ, 1 f. mid. on'^o/^oci, 1 a. mid. i^n^a,- f^nv, 2 a. mid. ioccKOf^nv, I bite, molest, slander. Αχκζΰ, -υος, oxkoCou, -ου, and οάκ,ξύμΜ, 319 AaTC^'josig, A GREEK LEXICON. ΑανεΐΰΤ'^ις, fll -ατος^ το, (from which last lacryma^ δ being changed into V)a tear, tears; rosin, gum, as if the teai's of a tree. Αοί'Λξνόίΐς, -όίσσοί, -o£v, (from preced.) shedding tears, weeping: ^cocQvoeu, as an adverb, in tears, Αχκ,ξυτΓλωω, (from same and στλάω for -ΤΓλεω) I swim in tears. Αοίκξυβροίω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, (from same and βω) I flow in tears. Αα,κζύρροος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same) caus- ing tears to flow; or pouring forth tears. Αακ,ξνσιστακ,τος, -ου, ο, vi, (from δάκ^ί; and στά,ζοί) tears dropping. Αά,κ,ξϋτος, -ou, (from ^ά,κζυ) wept over, to be wept over. Αοιχ,ξνχόίξ'ης, Λος, 6, vj, (from same and χοίίξω) rejoicing in tears, an epithet of Pluto. Αοίκζΰγ,ίω, f. -νισω, (from same and γβω) I shed tears. Αοίκζϋω, f. -ϋσω, p. -υτοοί, 1 a. 1^ά.χ,ζυσοί,, (from ^άκ,ξυ) I weep, shed tears. Δακζϋώΐδι??, -iog, 6, if, (from same) deplor- able. Αα.ίίτυ'ΚκχΛος, -os/cf, -oCiov, (from Ίά,κτυ'Κος) aflnger or digit long. ΑΛκτΰΆΙ^ιον, -ου, το, (from δακτί/λ/ο?) a little ring. Αα,κ,τνΤακ,ος, -vj, -ov, (from '^ά.κ,τυΤ^.ος) of a finger, with the fingers; consisting of dac- tyls. Αα,χ,τύΤΰος, -ου, 6, (from same) a ring for the finger. Αα,κ,τΰ'Κο^ΐΐκ,τίύ), (from same and ^είκω) I show with the finger. ΑακτνΆο^ίκτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) shown with the finger, pointed out. Αοίκ,τνλοκ,οί^-ψόΙΰνος, -ου, 6, τ], (from next, κάμ,'χτω, and ο^ΰυη) one who hends Ids fingers with pain, causing pain in bending the fingers. Αόίκ,τνλος, -ου, ό, and δάκτίλον, -ου, το, (that is "^ίίκτυλος, from δί/κω) a finger, toe, digit, foot, dactyl. Αακ,τνλο'τζ{7Γτος, -ou, (from preced. and τζίβω) finger-worn, finger-weaiing. ΑακτυΤ^ωτοζ, -vi, -ου, (from ^ά,χ.τυ'Κος) having fingers or toes. Aoihi^og, -oi, 'h, (from δΰίλο?) burning hot. Aa'htog, Dor. for Avfhiog. Acihog, -ov, 6, (from δδί/ώ) a torch, fire- brand, ΑοίΤνος, Dor. for Avfhog, Deles. Αοίμ,ά,ζω, Dor. ^οίμ,ά,σ^ω, ^χμοίω, by sync. ^μάω, ^χ/ι^νοίω, and ^dfiun/^i, f. -όίσω, p. δε- ^χμα,κ,χ, 1 a. ε^χμασοί, ^ά,μχσσε for Ιδά- μχσε, ^άμευ, Boeot. for ε^ά,μτισα,ΰ, 3 pkir. 2 a. pass. p. pass, ^^lί>iμuσμa,(, 3 sing. pres. 320 ind. act. ^χμχοί, for ^οίμόί, contr. for loi- μχεί, 3 pi. of same ^χμόωσι, for "^χμωσι, contr. for ^αμύ,ουσι, 2 a. act. ί^ά,μοϋ, 2 a. pass, ε^οίμπ!^, inf. ^χμνιυοίΐ, part, δβί- μείς, -εντός, optat. ^χμείγι ', from \αάω, perf. act. "^είμ',ικ,χ, perf. pass, "^ε^μγιμοα, part, "^ε^μτιμευος, plup. ε^ε^μ,'ί}μ'/ιν, 3 pi. Ion. '^ε^μτιχτο, for είε^μηιιτο, 1 a. pass. ε'^μτΐύγιν, 3 pers. pi. ^μοίθευ, for είμνιύιη- Gocu, imper. 3 sing, ^μγιύ^τω, part, δ^'/ι- ύίίς ', from "^οΐ,μ.νά,ω, 3 sing. pres. ^α,μ^νοί, for Ιοίμυά,ει, 3 sing, imperf. εΐάμι/οί, for ε^άμνοίε ; from ^ά,μνημ,ι, pres. pass. δ«^- νοίμα,;; I bring under the yoke, subdue, tame, overcojne, overpower, marry, Αοίμα,ίος, -ου, 6, v}, poet, for ^(χ,μαστιχ,ος, -^, -6u, (from ^χμά,ω) able to subdue. Α(χ,μά,7\.οαος, (from next) belonging to a heifer. ΑχμχΚ-η, -ης, and ^ά.μα,7\.ις, -sag, vj, (from ^χμάω) a heifer of fit age to be tamed to the yoke. ΑχμαΤ^νιβοτος, Όυ, 6, 3j, (from preced. and βόσκω) fed on beeves. Αόίμόίλίζω, f. -ϊσω, (from ^οίμάω) I act as a heifer, am frisky, play the wanton; blow about, dissipate. Αάμαζ, or ^άμχξς, -Χζτος, vj, (from same) a wife, hence, Davie. Αα,μοίσίμβζοτος, -ου, ο, 5?, (from same and βζοτος) man-sicbduing. ΑχμοίσΙφ^ωι/, -όνος, ό, v], (from same and ψξ'^ν) one ivho subdues the mind. Αα,μ.α,σκηνος, -ί?, -ου, (from next) Dama- scene ; hence damson. Αχμασκος, -ου, 5j, Damascus ; hence da- mask, the epithet of a rose. Ααμά,τνίζ, Dor. for Α-ημΫιτηζ, Ceres. Αα.μά,ω, f. -ΰσω, see under ^χμάζο). ΑίΧ,μυύω, -ω, f. -ΰσω, see under ^οι,μά.- ζω. Αα,μος, -ω, ό. Dor. for άτιμος. Ααμότχς, -οί, ό, and ^α,μότγις, -ου, ό. Dor. for ^-ημότγις. Αοίμότίς, -ί^ος, ά, Dor. for '^ημότίς. Αχνόίός, -ου, ό, Danaus, son of JBelus, king of Libya, and brother of ^gyptus : Αα,ναο], -ωυ, οι, the Greeks: Αχνοι'βες, -(ύυ. Oil, daughters of Danaus, the Grecian women: Αοίυοίΐ^ης, -ου, 6, a son of Da- 7iaus, Aoivoiihoii, -ωυ, oi, sons of Danaus, Greeks. Αα,υείζω, f. -σω, and Attic 'hocunZ, p. δί- 'heiusixcx,, 1 a. ε^άνεισοί, 1 a. mid. Ιδίβχ/ε/σά- μηυ, (from next) I lend ; mid. I borrow. Αά,υειου, -ου, το, (from ^χυος) a loan, a debt. ΑάυειαμΆ, -ατός, το, and ^χυεισμος, -ου, 6, (from ίχυείζω) a borrowing. Αχνειστνις, -ov, 6, (from same) a lender, Λαΐ)ε/(ΤΓ/κόί. A GREEK LEXICON. Αατγ^ττις, creditor ; one who lai/s out moneij on interest^ a usurer. ■^^x'jiiaTlKogy -^, -ou, (from same) given to usury. Axuog, -soCf TO, a gifi, a loan, interest. Λάνος, -vj, -o'jy (from '^(/,ίω) dry. ιΧάος, •ίος, το, and οχος, -ου, 6, (from same) a light, lamj), torch. Αόίττοίυάω, -ω, f. -τ,σω, p. ^BhcfTcaurty.oi, 1 a. iowTrauYiGuc, (from οάττΎο) I spend, de- fray the cost. See under ^υζάύ). AoiTToi'jY,, -Τις, 71, and ^oi'TzauYit^u,, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) expense, cost, waste, penalty. AoiTroiurtOo;, -οά., -ζον, and οά,ττχιιοζ, -ov, 0, V), (from occTToi'jao)) expensive, wasteful, sumjnuous : 0ίχ,•77α.ντ,οΖ:, at great expense, ivastefully. Aocu^ou, -ov, TO, (ό5ί and 'Zioo'S) pave- ment, ground, soil, Αά,ττις, -ίοος, τι, (for τάττις from τά-ττΥις) tapestry, a carpet; hence in French, tapis. Αά,τττγ,ς, -ου, and occtttoc, -ov, 6, (from next) a devour er, a blood-sucker, a fly. Αΰίτττω, f. --J/m, p. ΟίΙΰίφα, pres. infin. οά,τττίίν, poet, ^ύτττίμει/, (from tccio}) I de- vour as v.ild beasts do their prey, tear luith viy teeth ; devour, consmne with fire. Δάοδώ>οΓ, -ov, 6, Oardanus, son of Jupi- ter, founder of Dardania and father of the Trojan kings, II. r, 215, &c.: Accp- occulOY^g, -ov, 0, a descendant of Dardanus : Αοίοοάνιοί, -ων, οί, Dardanians, the descen- dants of Dardanus. Ααούά'τττοι, (the same as οά,7:-τω with redup.) / devour. Αόίζζίκος, -ov, 6, (from next) a dareel•, a Persian coin of the purest gold, bearing on it the image of Darius, supposed to be equal in value to the Attic χ^νσονς, or 20 silver drachms, about 11 shillings British. On the reverse of tliis coin was an archer, in allusion to which, Agesilaus said, that he was driven out of Asia by thirty thou- sand archers, meaning so many dareehs distributed among the Greeks by the Per- sian king. Δάοί /oc, -ov, 6, Darius, the name of a Persian king : Accosioyevv;;, -so;, 6, vj, born of Danus. AxqUccvcj, όχζ&ίω, -ω, and 'h^otuea, (see page 70.) f. -Υίσω, 2 f. oufido}, 2 a. ΐοοίζθον, or tOQocuov, I sleej}. Αάζόβίος, -ov, 6, 71, (from next and βίος) long-lived. Αΰζος, -oi, -ov. Dor. for 'ογι^ιος, (from δ^ί/) long: δα^ο:/, adverb, a long time. Ααζτος, -'/), -ou, sec ύ(>Λτός. Αα.ρώ(Λ, or δ«^ο,κ, (αι*Τ7) Ezck. xx. 4β. the south. Αά;, ^cchog, τι, (from δ«<ν) « torch. Αά,σοίς, Dor. for οΫ^σαίς, 1 a. part, of ^ίω. Αχσύσκύ), poet, and Ion. from ^άζω, I distribute. Αάσκίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from ox and σκιχ) very shady. Αάσμίνσις, -εως, vj, (from next) distribu- tion. Αχσ^/Λνω, f. -sy^iy, (from oxa/icog) I divide, distribute. Axay.o?^oyo;, -ov, o, (from same and Τ^ίγω) a tax-gatherer : δίζσ,ϋολο^ίώ;, I gather tri- bute or taxes: 'oxoy.oy^oykoy^xi, I pay tri- bute or taxes: 'oxayoV.oy'ix, -xg, vi, the col- lecting of tribute or taxes. Axcyog, -OV; 6, (from '^χζω) division, dis- tribution ; tribute. Αχσ^ο'^οοξ.ω, (from preced. and (pi^uj) I bring or pay tribute. Αχσ^οφόζος, -ov, o, 7}, (from preced.) one who brings or pays tribute. AxGog, -ζος, ro, (from ^XGvg) a thicket. AxoTT'h'rtg, -iJTog, o, τ], and oxa'7r7^7iTig, -sag, 71, (from δ«(7< 'π'Κγ^σσων, or "oxaX '7τ7^γ,σιχζων) sti'iking or approaching with torches; dan- gerous to approach. Od. O', 234. where the scholiast explains δίέσττλ'^τ;- by δ^σνΓ^οσττέ- 'Axarog, hardly accessible. Αχσνύοίξ, -ro'i^og, o, τ}, (from ^xavg and 5τξΐξ) having thick hair, very shaggy. AxavKSQ-ycog, -ov, 6, τ}, (from same and KiPKog) having a bushy tail. Axavy.xKKog, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and ,i4a?.AoV) having thick wool. Αχσννύ), f. -v'jZ, (from same) / thicken, render hairy; also mark a word with the rough aspirate: Ixavuouxi, I am made thick , become hairy. Αχσνζύλος, -ov, o, τ], (from same and ξνλο!/) thickly ivooded. AxavTTovg, -olog, 6, (from same and crcD;) a hare. Αχαΰττωγων, -wjog, o, 7], (from next and ττύγωι/) thick-bearded. AxGvg, -iix, -V, thick, hairy. Axavan^uog, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from preced. and στίζνοΆ having a hairy breast. AxavTfig, -YiTog, i], (from oxavg) thickness, hairiness ; the aspirating of words. Ax.Tioy.xi, -ovyxi, f. -τ^σο^χι, p. -Y.yxi, lxTiV!/To, for eoxrovvTo, 3 pi. imperf mid. Dor. and Ion. (from οχίω) I cut into jmrts, divide, distribute, assign ; cut, carve, mangle; consume, eat up ; decide, determine. AxT'Jj^iog, -X, -ov, (from preced.) dividing, distributing. AxTYiqig, -sag, 'ίομ,οιι. Δεδ/σσώ), or -ττω, and δέδ/σσο^α;, f. -/|o- (ΛΛΐ, p. pass. ΙίΗιγμοίΐ, (from δί/δώί) / ter- rify; I am terrified, I fear. Άί^ιως, -Ιτος, part. perf. mid. of "hu^cu 322 AehoUo), (poet, from lilouu perf. mid. of hi^a) I fear. Αί}>ΰ-/Μ, (from Ίΰω) I set. ^ Akihog, for δ^λο$•, manifest. Αύω, see δίώ). AiYifAoi, -oiTog, ro, and ^iriaig, -tog, Attic -sag, Vj, (from ^ίομ,οίΐ) prayer, request, sup- plication, ivant. AsYiTlx,6g, -ij, -6i>, (from same) supplica- tory. AsYiTog, -ou, (from same) to be supplicated. As7, (see page 42, from Uoj) it behoveth. Asly^uoi, -oiTog, το, (from perf. pass, of ^eixcj) an ejisample, specimen. ΑείγματΙζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ososiy/ita,rix.cc, 1 a. έίειγμάησχ, (from preced.) I make a public show or spectacle. ΑίίΙίχα,τίχ,ί, Ion. for Ishsy/niuoi είσϊ, 3 pi. perf. indie, pass, and ΙβίΙύχοίτο, Ion. for Is^iyfiii/oi TJaocu, 3 pi. plup. pass, of ^ίχ,ο- μοίΐ. Αξίοίσχ,ομοίΐ, and ^ί^ίσκ,ομοα, (from δ^/δύ;) I fear ; also / t^eceive, salute. Αίΐϋίσσομοίΐ, or -Ίττομα,ι, the same as ^ί^ίσσομαι. Αζί^ω, f. δε/σώί, p. tioiiKcc, imperf. ind. act. έ'δ /oy, from obs. Ιίω ; 2 sing, imper. pres. lihiui, and Ιίβιύί, poet, from obs. δέδ;- μ,ί, 1 a. ind. act. εδ^/σα, and poet, ίδδί/ιτα, 1 a. act. opt. JEo\. hiasix, inf. Is7acci, pres. pass. subj. Ιίωμχί, from ΙΙω; infin. lehiadxi, and by aphasr. Ι-Ισύχ/, as if from Iko^ur, 1 f. mid. ^ίΐσομχί, 1 a. ind. m. ί'^ίίσά.μ,ην, subj. Ιίίσωμχί, perf. ind. m. δέδο/χα, and poet. hlhoipcx, as if from hUa, instead of Ulothx, likewise Islix, and Uhix, and δε/δ/βί, plup. ind. m. Ιδίδο/χ^ε/ι/, and khltsii/, poet, ehi^ieiu, perf. inf. m. hlisuxi, and part, oshag, and leihag. See p. 72. I fear. Aziihika, -ω, f. -'ήσο), (from 'hih'Kog) I spend the afternoon in sleep or at supper. AiuTCivog, -Yi, -ou, poet, for ^iihtvog, and 'hiiihog, -ου, 6, v^, (from Ιίίλνι) of OY belonging to the afternoon or evening. Δε/ελοί/, -ου, το, (from preced.) an after- noon meal, twilight. Αακ.χνά,ω, -ω, f. -yjua, and poet, ^sikxvu- εσκ.ω, (from δε/κ^) / show : ^sixxucco^xt, -ωμχί, I shoiv myself, introduce myself, re- ceive ivith politeness and kindness, salute. As'iKihov, or ^sUvfhoy, -ου, τό, (from same, or perhaps from uKsKog) an image : ^ζίκ,γι- λί», -ων, τα,, shows ivhile the mysteries were celebrated. Αίίκυϋμι, or ^ίίκνΰω, (from ^ίίκ,ω, from which also the tenses are formed. See p. 67.) I show, exhibit, teach, declare, prove, demonstrate. AuKTvi^iag, -uhog, vi, (from same) a pros- titute, a brothel. Αίίκττ^ς, A GREEK LEXICON. Δε/ίΤΐΌί/. Αίίκτϊΐς, -ov, ο, (from same) a demonstra- tor. AuKTUog, -'/?, -Qv, (from next) demon- strative: hiKTix,co;, demonstrativeli/, for the purpose of demonstration. ΑίΙκω, f. hl^a, p. Uhixu, 1 a. act. ehi^oc, 1 a. pass, shixum, p. pass. Uhiyficci, I show, point out. Λίί'λχΙι/ύ), f. -ά,ρο), and ^ίΐ\α,ίνο[Λοίΐ, 1 f. m, -ocyovf^cii, (from next) I am fearfid. Jlii-Kciiog, -uicc, -ctiou, (from o£;AoV) iiwic?, miser abL•. ^αΤ^ακ,ζος, -oc, -oi/, (from same and οίκξος) very fearful. ΑίίΤ^α'Λζίύ}, -ω, (from Ιίίλος and c{;/i9g) J am afeaifid man. Δί/λ/ί, -)5c, 'ή, the evening, twilight. Aii^Asi, -ccg, 71, (from Bi/XoV) fearfulnesSy timidity, shrinking for fear. Αίίλαχξίύ, f. -ΰίσω, (from same) 7 5/zrf;Zii: for fear. ΑίίΚίΛίνω, f. -ά;/^), (from same) / make afraid. AiiT^iccaig, -iug, v;, (from same) fear, dread. ΑίίΤ^ίά,ω, -oj, f. -ΰσω, p. le^iOu'ccKci, 1 a. eosiXiccacc, (from same) I shrink for fear. AiMvog, -i?, -ov, (from os/Ayj) o/or belong- ing to the evening : ^siTa'jou, -ου, το, the af- ternoon repast. AsiTiiOTYig, -yjrog, v], the same as '^n'hiu,. Aiihooi^cci, -ovy^cii, 1 f. mid. ^ίϊΚωσομ,α,ι, ] a. pass. Ιδ£Μώ»^>?ί/, (from next) / am afraid. Aiihog^ -ij, -6'j, shrinking for fear, fearfid, timid. AiihOT'/\g, -γ,τος, τι, (from preced.) timidity. Asl^x, -ocrog, το, (from ^ei^uj)fear. Λίίμχίι/ω, f. -όίνω, p. -γκχ, (from preced.) I fear, dread. Aei^uoiXiog, -sx, -iou, (from same) terrible ; timid. Aii^aoficti, -ωμα,ι, (from same) I fear. Aiiy,ccg, part, of 1 a. act. of Bi^οοίνά,ο[/,αι, -Zi^cti, (from '^εκομ,χί, for Ίεγρ^Λί) I receive courteously. Αεκ,αοκ,τω, oi, cci, tcH, eighteen. AeKX7rci7\.oii, {^εκα, and 'ττάλχή ten times since, lo7ig ago. Αεχ,ά,'τιτεντε, oi, ai, τχ, {^εκχ and 'Τϊεντε) fifteen.^ Αεκχτ^ηχ,υς, -εος, ό, % {Ιεχ,χ and ττν^χυς) often cubits. Αεκ,χττλχσίχζω, f. -χσω, (from ^εκ,χττΤ^ους) I do ten times more. ΑεΛΧΊτΤ^χαιος, -ου, or ^εκχ'ττ'Κχσίων, 6, vj, (from same) tenfold. Αεκ,χττΤ^εύξος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from ^εκ,χ and ■ζΆεύξον) containing ten plethra, or acres. Αεχ,χτΐΤ^ους, 6, i], (from '^εκχ and 'ττΤ^οος a termination denoting /o/c?) tenfold. Αεκχξχης, and Ιεκχζχος, the same as δί- κχ^χζχτ,ς, &c. Αεκ,χζχίχ, see })ίκχ^χζχίχ. Αίκχζχίκος, '71, -ov, (from Ιίκχ and χζ- 16 Η Asxac. A GREEK LEXICON. Δε,αα?. xri) of or be/ongifig to a decemvir, or a sen- ator. Αΐκά,ς, -οί^ος, ί], (from Ukoc) a decade, the number ten. :\ίκ,ασ(Λος, -oi>, 6, (from Ψεκάζω) a tithing or tenth ; bribery by giving a tenth. Αβκά,στΓΟξος, -ου, ό, tj, (from "^ίκχ and σττίίξω) a 'period of ten soivings, or fen years. Αζχ,άτΛΐ, -ων, α,ί, (from ^ϊκοι,τος) tithes. ΛΒκατίσσΛξίς, ol, oil, τ» -cc, (δΙκα and τίσ- cucf'sg) fourteen. AsKXTSV/icci, -xrog, το, or '^ίχ,ά.τεια, -ocg, v], (from hy.ccrsoa) a tenth or tithing ; also decimation. Αεκ,οίΤΒντχς, -ου, ό, (from next) a tithe- coUector. Αξ-Λίίηύύ), f. -ϊΰσω, (from oUcizog) I give or j)(ty tithes or tribute, or a tenth. Av/curr'r.oyog, -ου, 6, (from ^iy.cc and λΙ- yu) a collector of tithes. AiKccTTi^o^og, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and (Γίζύ)) carrying away the tenth 'part, or simply the tenth 'part. Asx,oiTog, -n, -ou, (from ^ίκα) the tenth, tithe : ^ίκάτ-η, -rig, 'ή, viz. μ,οΐοοί, or ^ix,ccTou, -ου, TO, viz. fiipog, a tenth part. AsKoiToa, -ω, f. -ό)σω, p. ^ί^ίΆΟίτωκοί, p. pass, ^{οίχ,ά,τωμ,α,ι, (from same) / tithe, re- ceive tithes of. AsKXTQug, oi, ai, τ» -ία, {Ιίκ,α and Tos7g) thirteen. AiKUy^cchKog, -ov, (same and '/^ciXy.dg) containing ten asses, the Roman dena- rius. ΑνκΛγρ.οί, or οίκοίχ,ί'Κιοι, -cii, -cc, (same and χ,ί'Αίοι) ten thousand. AiyAyjjo^og, 6, τ], το -o'j, (from same and γ,ο(^•/ΐ) having ten strings: ^κάχ,οζοο'^, -ου, το, an instrument of ten strings, a psal- tery. Αίκίλίΐη, Ion. for Αεκίλεία, -a,g, vi, Dece- Ua, a town of Attica : AsKsTiSiKog, -ou, viz. 'TTOhiy.og, the Decelic war. Αίκίυ, Ion. and Dor. for ^ίκεσο, omitting the σ osKso, contr. ούκου, pres. imperat. from osy,of/.cci. Asyy/jprig, -sog, 6, 7], (from οίκα and ίξίσσω) having ten banks of oars. AeKO,ucci, for 7uyj)y^ctt. Aiκόζ'•/υιog, (from όίκοί and ο^γυιοί) often fathoms. AiKTYig, -ου, 6, (from οίχ,ομαι) a receiver, a beggar. AiKTu.og, -'/], -01/, and heKTQiog, -x, -ou, (from s-ame)ft to receive, suscejjtible. As^iTu, by sync, for Ιοίχ,ίτο, Ion. κ. for χ, or poet, for Ιδέδεκτο, 3 sing. plup. of Ιίχο- [Λύίί. AiKTog, -ij, -6v, (from 3 pers. sing. perf. pass, of ^i-}(,oy.cci) accepted, acceptable, a- greeable. Asy.TUQ, -οξος, 6, (from same) a receiver, approver. ΑεΚίάζω, f. -οίσο), p. ^ihshiccKoi, 1 a. Ιδε- 'Κίασα,, (from next) / taJce or catch, pro- perly with a bait, as fishes are caught. Δέ'λίδί^, -oiTog, TO, (from }ii'Ka) food for man or other creatures, a bait. Aikictay^cc, -xTog, το, (from οελεχζω) a bait. ΑίλετξΟ!/, -ου, το, a torch, lanthorn. ΑεΧΚί%ες, or osXiueg, -ων, α,ί, wasps^ cells. Ak'hToi, the letter Δ; a name for any thing triangular, as the lower part of Egypt. ΑεΚτάζίον, -ου, το, (from ^kT^Tog) a small tablet, a decree. AihTOyoa(pog, -ου, 6, (from next and γζάφω) a writer on a tablet ; or as an adj. ivritten or engraved on a tablet, or on the mind, recorded. Ak'ATog, -ου, τ], (from οίλτα, because of- ten triangular in form, or triangular when folded, like the capital Δ) a book or turit- ing tablet. Αϊλτόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / wiite on a tablet, record: ο•7^τόομ,α,ζ, I have a thing written on my memory as on a tablet, distinctly remember. Ashτωτog, -'ή, -ou, (from preced.) made in the triangular form, as Δ. Δίλφάκ/ον, -ου, το, (from osAcpsel) a suck- ing pig. Aih(^ot,y,ooy.a,i, (from neKt)Ibreed as a sow. Αελψαζ, -oiKog, 6, 7], a young pig. Αίλφί!/, or '^eλφιg, -luog, o, τι, a dolphin; also an iron or lead instrument for sinking a ship. Αεκφινίζω, (from preced.) / dive like a dolphin. ΑελφΊνος, ^ε'Κφινοει^'ίις, -sog, ό, v], (from same and iH^og) of a dolphin, having the ap- pearance of a dolphin : οεΤ^φιΆς, -/δο?, made like a dolphin. Aελφiuoφβζog, -ου, ό, r,, (from same and φε^ω) bearing dolphins, armed ivith dolphins, see the second meaning of οεΑφίν. Αελφοι, -o)u, oi, Delphi, a city of Phocis near Parnassus, celebrated for the oracle of Apollo : Aε'hφ^g, -ου, 6, a man of Delphi, Aελφtg, -f^og, 7}, a woman of Delphi : Αελ- φ'ϊy,^g, -7j, -ou, Delphic, Αε'Κφίνιον, -ου, το, a temple of Apollo. AεXφύg, -iiog, vj, and JEo\. βελφύg, the matrix, a woxnb. ΑεΤ,ω, f. οε\ω, rom oaio)) I lay a bait. Αε(ΛΛ, -a.Tog, το, (from δέω) a chain, a bond. Aif/.ocg, TO, indecl. [)crhaps from lif^u) the body. . 325 Δί/Λα?. A GREEK LEXICON. Αεξω, Αξμ>(Χ.ζ, aSf so as. Αί/ίύΐ /ioUf -ov, TO, a bed, couch. Αίμ,ω, f. ^ίμ,ω, p. ^shi^iiviycex,, contract. ^ί^μ,Ύΐκΰί, 1 a. act. 'i^siju-x, 1 a. mid. shsi^ci- (ΛΎΐν, p. mid. δίδο^δί, I build, construct. Αίμ,ω also, or ^ίΛ[ζνω, for ^ez^aoj. Aev'hdXig, -ί^ος, vj, (from τίν^ω) a cake. Δίζ/δ/λλώ;, f. -/λώί, p. -κ,οί, (from la^a and ί'λλος) I roll my eyes, beckon with my eyes. Akvh^iiov, and Vtu^oiov, -oy, to, gen. pi. δ£;^δ^£6)ν, to be read as a dissyllable, poet, for %kv^^ov. Azvhqviiig, -Tjiaau., -vjsu, Dor. ^su^Qcisig, (from ΙίνΙξον) abounding with trees, woody. Αεν^ξίζύ), (from same) I become a tree, grow with trees. Δέί/δ^/οί/, -ov, TO, (from same) a little tree. Aiu^^lmg, -ου, ο, (from same) a guardian of trees, a name of Bacchus. AeuhojTig, -ίδο?, ^, (from same) a ivood nymph. ΑζνΙζοβα-ΐίω, (from same and βαί^ω) I climb trees. Asuh^oii^Tig, -iog, 6, i], (from same and ei- uog) like a tree. Asi/'^^oKOfiog, -ov, 6, yj, (from same and κόμ,νι) adorned with trees. Αί.ν^ξο-ΛΟ'τΐίω, (from same and χότΐτω) I cut down trees. Aivhqov, -OV, and oiu'^^og, -sog, το, a tree. Aeuh^oTrvjiAuu, -ouog, 6, vi, (from preced. and Trijfi^oi) hiirffid to trees. Αίν^ζοτομίύ), (from same and τίμνω) I cut down a tree, cut, mow or shear any thing that is growing. Asvh^ii^vig, -eog, 6, τ], (from δίΐ/δ^ο;/) like a tree. Αίν^ξωμοί, -ctrog, το, and "^ίν^ί^ων, -auog, 6, (from same) a thicket, copse, grove. Asu'^QaTig, -l^og, v}, (from same) woody. Αζϋνά,ζω, (from next) I utter reproaches. Aevuog, -ov, 6, reproach. Αί^ζχ,μίνή, -ijg, V}, (from ^ίχομ,οίί) a recep- tacle, trough for water, a cistern, a pond. Αίξιάξα, (from Ιβξίός) I use the right hand. Αζ^ιάομαι, -afAcci, (from same) / receive with the right hand, kindly entertain, salute at meeting or parting. Ai^i[AY[Kog, -ov, 6, ^, (from same and μγί- Άοϋ) receiving sheep, opident. ΑίξιόβοΆος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and βά,Άλύ)) a darter with the righthand. Αίξωγνίος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and yvlou) dextrous in the use of one's limbs. Aeξi6'λόίβog, -ov, 6, (from su tyi ^s^lac λά- ββίν, taking in the right hand) a soldier who takes a spear or javelin in his right hand, a spearman. As^ioo/iicii, same as '^ίζίάομα.ι. Aeξi6c, -d, -ou, (from 1 aor. infm. of Ιίχ,- 326 ομοίΐ) right as opposed to left: δε|/α, j?, with χίϊξ understood, the right hand : δ^ξ/α, rot, μ&ζγι, parts being understood, the parts towards the right hand, the light hand side. Αίζιόσείξος, -ov, 6, v;, (from preced, and σίΐζά.) the shaft horse on the right side. As^ioTYig, -nTog, v], (from hB,iog) dexterity. Ai^iTTv^og, -ov, 6, vj, (from ^ίχ,ομαι and τιτι/ζ) receiving fire. Ai^ig, -mg, v], (from "^ίχομχή reception. Ai^^iTi^og, -oc, -ov, (from ^i^iog) right. Αεξίωμχ., -XTog, το, (from h^ioo^cci) a tuelcome. As^iaaig, -so)g, ij, (from same) a pledging as in drinking. Αάομοΐί, or ^ύομΛΐ, see ^ίω. AsQu, -ouTog, TO, (from δε? or ^Ui) that ivhich behoveth. AiovTCog, (from preced.) well, fitly. Akog, or 'liiog, -iog, το, (from uulo))fear. Αίτί-όίζω, f. -όίσω, p. -ocx,oi, (from next) / diink. Αίτι-οίς, -ocrTog, or -eiog, το, a cup, a goblet. Αίξα, -ocg, tj, see δε/^ά. Ai^oiioi/, ~Qv, TO, (from preced.) a necklace. AsQoiiOTT&^yi, -Yig, 7], (from leQoc. and ττί^τ}) a fetter for the neck, a noose, a snare. Αίργμοί, -ciTog, το, (from p. pass, of Ιίξκίύ) aspect, look: "^ίξγμα, adv. for κ,χτά. ^έξγμα, according to the appearance, like. Αίζ^η, -Yig, 71, see δε;^^. Αί()κ,ο}, f. -^ω, p. -χ,Λ, 2 ΐ. ^α,ζχ,ω, by me- tath. '^ξά,κ,ω, 2 a. sIuqkov, or ί^ζόίκον, p. m. ^ί^οζκ,α,, or ^ih^oKcc, 1 a. pass, ϊ^ίζχθγιν, part. ^nQxdilg, p. pass, δεδε^^-^οί;, see p. 69. / see, look at ; look, reflect. Αίζ^μΛ, -ocTog, to, (from δε^ώ)) a skin of a he^st flayed ojf the body. AsQ^ocThog, -n, -ou, (from preced.) 7nade of skin, leathern. Αίζμά,τιου, -ov, το, (from same) a leathern garment. Αεξμνλλω, f. -λ ώ), (from "^έζμοί) I eagerly suck the blood, I take off the skin. AsQ^ig, -sojg, 'ή, (from δε^^ί^) the action of seeing. Ai^og, -sog, το, "^έξχς, -ocTog, το, and δερ- pig, -sag, 73, the same as ^ίξμχ. Αέξτξον, -ov, TO, (from next) the coat of fat investing the bowels, the caul. Αίξω, f. δε^ώ;, p. 'hsha^'/ccc, 1 a. act. 'ihsi^a, 2 f. act. ^α,ζω, 2 a. act. slocoov, 2 f. pass. '^ΰίζτισομοίΐ, 2 a. pass. sha^TiV, p. pass, δεδοί^- μοίΐ, I flay, strip cff the skin; flay by beat- ing with rods; beat or scourge severely. Luke xii. 47. Ici^vjasToit ■^ολλάί- supply 'Tf'k-ifiya.g' shall be beaten iviLh many stripes. The word ττ'Κνιγ'η is often left to be under- stood in this manner. See 2 Cor. xi. 24. Τίσσ<χ.(ζόίκοντοί \_'7ί7\.γιγιχ,ς] τβί^ά μίΰίν [crA>5; '/jv] Δεί/ί. A GREEK LEXICON. Λη, ίλχβον. Comp. Anab. Ε', viil. 5. ^lian. V. H. lib. xii. cap. 3. Arist. Νίφ. 968. Αέσ/ς, -ζύ)ς, 9}, (from Ua) a binding, hnot. Αίσ,αα, -όίτος, ro, the same as '^ίσμός. Asa/asvco, f. -βύσω, and ^sa/nea), -ω, f. -vjan), (from ^σ/^ός) I bind, enchain, bind together into a bundle. Αίσμ,'/ι, -γις, tj, (from perf. pass, of Ιέω) a bundle. Αίσμ{ος, -ου, ο, 7j, (from next) one bound, a prisoner. Asay.og, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of Ιίω) a bond, chain, cord or string. Αίσ^οφυ'ΚνΛ ■)ς, 6, (from ^ίσμ,ιος and φυ'κάσσω) a keeper of jorisoners, a jailor. Αίσμ,ωττι^ιον, -ου, ro, (from Qiaf/.6g)aplace ivhere persons are bound and confined, a prison. ' Αίσμ,ωτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a person bound, a prisoner. Αίσμ,ωτίς, -ihog, acc. -/y, tj, (from same) a chained or captive female. Αίσττόζο), f. -ωσω, (from δίο? and οττά,ζω, or from tko) and ττους) I bear ride, reign. Asa'TToiuoc,, -Υις, τ], (from preced.) a mis- tres, lady, queen. Αίσ-ττόσιος, -a,, -ou, (from same) of despots. Αίσ'ΤΓοσΰνη, -πς, '^, (from next) α mistress; also sovei^eignty. Αίσττόσΰνος, -'/ι, -ou, or -ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from οζσ'Τίόζο)) of or belonging to a lord or mas- ter. Αίσττοτύοί, -ocg, 'ή, (from same) dominion, despotism. ΑζσΊ70τ•/\ς, -ου, ο, (from same) a sovereign lord, a sovereign, a master. Αζσ'ΤΓοτ'ίκος, -'/}, -ου, (from same) pertain- ing to despots, despotic: ^εαττοτίκως, as a lord, or master, in a despotic manner. Αίσ'τνόης, -ihog, v), (from same) a mistress, lady, queen. Aea'TTOTog,-'^, -ou, (from same) that may be lorded over. Akru, -tx,g, v]. Dor. for ^ir^, -rig, tj, a pipe, a torch. AiTog, -VI, -o'j, (from ^ioi) bound: hrccl, -oju, Oil, bundles, faggots. Αίυίω, f. '^ίυ'ήσο), I take in moisture. Ast/Kog, -eog, το, sweetness. Αξυοίατο, Ion. for 'hiioturo, 3 pi. pres. opt. of hooficii, I have need. Αίΰο[/,οα, 1 f. m. ^ίΰσομ,οα, part. pres. Zsuo^suog, see '^ίύω. Aiooficci, is also poet, used for Uoy.cci, see Uoj, I have need. Αίυξο,Ιίυζ, and ^υζϊ, also oso^a, (perhaps from Ιύω) here, hither, till this time, hitherto, come. AiiroiTog, --η, -ου, (from Οίύτίξος) kist. AiiiTi, (from οΰο)) come, come hither. Αίυτζζκγωνιστνις, -ου, 6, (from ^ίύτίξο; and dyoyviGT^g) one who acts a second part, a second. Asyrs^atio;, -x, -ου, (from lion^og) doing somewhat on the second day ; the second prize, place or ranJc. Αίυτίζίύω, (from same) / am second, act the second part. Αξυτίζογόυος, (from same and γίυομ,οίή second-born. ΑΐυτεζοΤ^ογία, -ω, (from same and "koyog) I speak in the second place. Αίυτίξουόμίοΐ/, -ου, ro, (from same and z/o'iios-) a second law, recapitidation or co'py of the law, Deut. xvii. 18. Josh. viii. 32. Aiυr^^ό'7rgo)rog, -ου, ο, (from next and 'TT^ujrog) the first sabbath after the second day of unleavened bread, the sabbath called second prime. This word is of doubtful signification. Aiore^og, -x, -ου, (from Ιύο) second : Ιίΰ- τίξου, adv. hi the second place. Αευτεξόω, -Ζ), f. -ωσω, 1 a. ξ^ευτίξωσχ, (from preced.) I do a second time, repeat. Asυreξωg, (from same) secondly. Asυrίξωσιg, -tog, Attic -sag, ^,(from same) rep)etition, second order. Αζύω, f. ^ζύσω, p. ^ί^ίυκ,α, 1 a. ί^ζυσοί, Ιβύίσκου, imperf. for ίΐ^υου, I bedew, moisten. AkQoj, f. οί-^^ω, p. ^ίΐίφα, I chafe the skin, flay. Aixoif^f^oirog, -ου, 6, τ], (from "^ίκα and οί^ιμοί) having ten knots or chains. Aixocrxi, for Islixocroii, and this for Ss- '^sy/iisuoi shl, 3 pi. p. pass, of ^ίχ,ομ,οΐί. Asx'/jf^s^og, -ου, 6, τ), (from same and τιμ,ζ- ζοί) lasting ten days. Αίχ,υυμ,οίΐ, the same as the next. Αίχομ,α,ι, Ion. οίκ,ομ,ίζι, f. ^ί'ξομοίΐ, p. pass. ^sSsy^itci/, 1 a. ϊ^ί^άμ,γιυ, 1 a. part, ^ί^ά,μ,ίυος, (from obsol. 'hL•ω or -χοή I receive, accept, take, contain, entertain, embrace, bear luith, hear 'patiently, look for, expect. Αίω, f. ^ίσω, or ^ν}σω, p. ^ihsKci, or SsSyjxci, 1 a. ihiaa, or ΐ^γισίζ, 1 f. pass, ^ίύ'ήσομ,αι, or '^■/ΐβνισομ,ΰίί, p. pass, ^ihif^ctt, or Ishvi/iccci, 1 a. pass, eliunu, or e^vjuriu, 1 bind, tie, throw in- to chains, bind, up, swathe, oblige, pro- nounce or determine to be binding or obliga^ t'^ry.^ , , 1, Αίω, ^ζίύ), f. ^Β'ήσω, 1 a. act. iMmcc, 1 a. pass, kh'/ju-^t/, infin. ^ϊ}ύ'7ιυοα, p. pass, hlsvi- y.cii, I have need, wa7it, lack : h7, there is need, necessity, or want, (i. e. it hath need) it behoveth, it becometh, see p. 42. : '^ίομ,οίΐ, Οίυοίοίτο, Ion. for ^z^oiuro, 3 pi. pres, opt. in. I am in want or need, I pray, beseech, supplicate. Δ'/}, truly, in truth, indeed, by all means, therefore. 327 AJi. A GREEK LEXICON. Δ.ϊΐμ^ΐγ/οοια. Δί, for yi, the earth. Ανίγμ>α, -α,τος, ro, and ^ηγμος, -ov, 6, (from ^άκ,νω) a bite. Aviff, and "hyiuoij or '^νιύά,κις, (the same as δ^ν) long. Αγιύΰίγόξος, -ου, ο, ^, (from preced. and dyopevco) one who speaks long. Δ^(ί£, Ι'ήύ\ iTjdiu, (from δ^ and rs) the)'e- fore, then, that is to say, namely : ^'^usu, for y^kv^from the foundation. ΑΎΐύϋρο), f. -ννω, (from 'hnua) I prolong my stay, tarry, delay. A-c'ioihcoTog, -ου, ο, vi, (from next and ous-'wAcS) taken in war. Α'ήϊος, -Yi, -ov, (same as "^ά,'ίος) burning, raging, hostile, furious. Αη'ίοτ'•ής, -ijTog, 'ή, (from preced.) hostility, battle, war. Α'/\ίόω, -ω, or Bijooj, f. -ωσω, and "hviiau, (from δα /iy) / burn, slay, destroy. Ατμς, -ΐ^ος, 'η, (from same) battle, war. Α'ιηκ,τνίξίος, -ου, ό, "/}, '^τιχ.τ'^ης, Iri^Tog, and Ιγίκηκός, (from Ιάκ,νω) biting, keen. Ατιχω, f. -'^|!ffci, / hurt, injure, violate, delude, destroy. Δ>!λΐ7, -νις, yi, (Dor. from ^ίλω) luill. ΑνιΤ^ημ,οί, -α,τος, το, and ^'ήΤ^γισις, -ίως, 'ή, (from B)jA£coi\ εττίξωτ'/ισουσίν uvrov tjjv κξΙ- σιν των Ι^ήΚων, [to wit, probably, \ίβων] and they shall ask for him the judgment of the shinhig stones : Q^'lMirr, of the Urim. So also 1 Sam. xxviii. 6. and xiv. 41. Κύ^α 6 0£oV ' laQcc'/jTi log ly]'λoυg, [to wit, probably, κ7^ν]ξους] Lord God of Israel, give manifest lots: Q-On, Thummim. Deut. xxxiii. 8. 328 where Ivfhog answers to the Thuinmim, and άΤ^'ήύίΐΛ to the Urim. — Hos. iii. 4. oui δ-^- Τ^ων, and without teraphim : ο-β*!;!. In these passages, δίίλο? may be understood to refer to the oracles given by Urim and Thum- 7nim. The Urim and Thummim seems to have been a general phrase for the precious stones in the high priest's breastplate, which was put upon the shoulders of the ephod ; and the oracular answers by Urim and Thum.nim seem to have been given by an audible voice, as at other times, (Num. vii. 89.) for when David consulted Jehovah by the ephod of Abiathar, we read, 1 Sam. xxiii. 11. Jehovah 'ιηκ, " said, He will come down." Comp. 1 Sam. xxx. 7, 8. — 2 Sam. ii. 1—5, 23, 24. Judg. i. 1, 2, and xx. 18. AvjT^og, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the island of Belos in the jEgean sea, the birthplace of Apollo and Diana ; so called because it suddenly appeared, or was much celebrated, or thence oracles were obtained. Ανίλόω, -ω, f. -ύ)σω, p. "^Β^τιλωκχ, 1 a. act. Ιδ^λωσδί, 1 a. pass. ζΙ^Άωύιην, (from same) I make manifest or evident, declare, show, signify by words, Αν}\ωμ,οί, -ccrog, το, (from preced.) dis- covery, evidence, information. A'/j'hoig, (from oijAo;) O'penly, manifestly. Αν[Κωσις, -log, Attic -ίως, τ], (from δ'^λο?) manifestation, declaration, transparency, bril- liancy. In o' this word is used along with a7\.^usioi, for the Urim and Thummim, Exod. xxviii. 30. Lev. viii. 8. and see un- der δίίλο?. Aγjf^o(,γύ)yί.ω, -ω, f. -'ίισω, (from δ^^ο,ς and ciyo)) I lead or seduce the people, flatter, cajole. Αγιμ,ο(,γύ)γΐΛ, -οίς, ^, (from same) a lead- ing or seducing of the people. A'/](AO(,yoyy^ycog, -ij, -ov, (from same) capa- ble of leading the people, popular. Ανιμ,Λ^γβω, f. -'^σω, (from \~/itA,og and ά(}- γβ\) I am a tribime^ preside over a borough. Αημ^αο^χία,, -oig, ^, (from same) a tribune- ship, presidency of a borough. A'/j^oiQxog, -ου, 6, (from same) a tribune of the people, president of a borough. Α'ημ,ίυσις, -£ωg, and -ta, -ocg, »;, (from next) proscription, confiscation. Α-ημ,ίϋω, f. -ζυσω, (from Iviy^og) I proscribe, publish for sale the goods of a proscribed person, confiscate. Aγι[ΛYiyoξiω, -ω, (from δ^^ο^• and άyoξ_ίω) I speak to or harangue the people, make a public oration. Αγΐ{Λ•Αγοζίΰί, -otg, vj, (from same) public speaking, haranguing, oratory, delibera- tion. Δ^ημτγ/οξί'λος, A GREEK LEXICON. Δηροβίος, Αη,ατ,γοξΊκός, -^, -6u, (from same) oratori- cal, declamatory. Δ.γ,(Λ-^γόξος, -ου, ο, (from same) an orator, declaimer. Ατ,(/,γβ.ά,σιος, and Iny^'/jT^oirog, -ou, (from ο^/^Λος and ίλχννω) banished hy the people. Αγιμν)τ-/ΐξ, Dor. for Τη^Λ'/ιτγιζ, -τίζος, or -τςος, or Α7]μγιτξοί,-χς, or Αχμύτ/ΐξ,τ], (from Zij, i. e. yjj, Dor. δά, and μ7)τ•/ΐξ) mother- earth: or (from "^ί^μος and μ,'ήτ-ήξ, as if δ-/?- μομ7}τ-/ίξ) another of the people; Ceres, the goddess of corn, the poetic name of corn. Αγιμί^ίοι/, -ου, το, (from ^ΐίμος) a little people. Αγιμίξω, f. -<σώ), (from same) / cou7't the people, rank with, am devoted to the peo- ple. Αν)μιος, -icc, -lou, (from ^νιμος) pvhlic: δοί- μιος, {ύ'τιτγιζίττίς being understood) the pvhlic executioner. Αγιμιουξ'/ζίον, -ου,^τό, (from next) a work- shop. Αγ,μίουζγίύϋ, -ω, (from l•7}μ>ίoς and ίζγον) I am, an architect or artificer, make, build. Αγ^μιού^γγίμίΆ, -ατός, το, and ογιμίουξγίοί, -ας, vi, (from same) workmanship). Α-^μίου^γΙκος, -'ή, -6ν, (from same) skilled in working. ΑΥίμιουξγος, poet, οημιο^ζ'/ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) one who works for the ριώΐΐο or performs public works, an architect, an author, a magistrate. Α-/]μοβόξος, -ου, ο, vj, (from ον)μος and βο- ξά) people-devouring. Αγιμογίζων, -οΰτος, ό, (from same and γί- ςων) a senator. A/i^ouiu, (from ^~ήμος^ from the people. Αγιμοκατόίζΰίτος, -ου, 6, (from ^νιμος and κΛτά,ξά,τος) execrated by the people. Αγιμοκ-ξατίομαι, -ουμαι, 1 f. m. -vjooycii, (from same and κ^ατίω) I live under a po- pular government. Αγιμοκ,ζοι,τία,, or -iiii, -ας, yj, (from same) a democracy. Ανιμοκ,ςατίζω, f. -ϊσω, (from same) / fa- vour democracy. Αγιμοκζοίτ'ίκος, -'/?, -ου, (from same) demo- cratic: Ιγιμοκξΰί,τίκως, like a friend to demo- cracy. Ατημόλίυστος, -ου, ο, τ), (from ^^μος and λίύύή stoned by the people. Αγιμο-π-Ιύγικος, -ου, ό, (from same and ττί- βϊΐκος) aping the people. Αημοττοί-ζιτος, -ου, ό, (from same and ττοάω) made one of the people. Αγ\μ07ΐ:(ΐα,•Λτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and 'ττξάσσύή decreed by the people. Αγιμορριφ'ής, -ίος, ό, i], (from next and ρίτίτω) scattered by the people. Δ^^οί, -ου, ο, (from Ιίω) a people, so called because bound together by laws, and the ties of society. Α'^ιμος, -ου, 6, (from ^a.ico)fat. Α-ήμοσαΰω, (from next) / confiscate, I publicly practise physic. Αγιμόσίος, -cc, -ου, (from ^Υιμ,ος) public, common : ^γιμοσία, piolicly. Αγιμοσιόω, (from same) / make common, IJrostitute. ΑγιμοτίΤ^ίω, (from same and τίΚΐο)) I offer sacrifice at the public expense. ΑγιμοτίΚΥίς, -ίος, 6, τ}, (from same) at the public expense. Αγιμοτίύομαι, (from Ζτ^μος) I become a citizen. Αγιμότγ]ς, •ου, 6, (from same) a plebeian. Α'/ιμ.οτ'ίκ,ος, -'ή, -6v, (from same) disposed to favour the people, pat?iotic. Αγιμότις, -ύος, τ], (from same) a plebeian woman. Αϊΐμουχος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and ίγ^ω) a president or guardian of the people. Αημοφαγος, -ου, ό, v), (from same and φάγω) a devourer of the people. Αγιμοχ,αξίστνις, -ου, 6, (from same and χαξίζομα,ι) one ivho gratifies or humours the people. Αγιμόω, f. -mca, (from "ογιμος) I divulge. Αγιμ,ω^γίς, -ίος, ό, v), (fropi same) vidgar. Αγιμωματα,, -ωΐ), τα, (from ^2ccii€)patriotic songs. A'/ju, Ατινος, 6, (for Zviu) Jupiter. AviU, and ^γ\&α, adv. long, a long while. Α•/ιναιος, -a, -ou, (from preced.) long-lived, permanent, aged. Aviva^iou, -ου, το, (Latin) the Roman penny, a silver coin, equal to about seven- pence-halfpenny of our money. Ατινος, -ίος, το, (from δ'^ζ/) counsel, art, cunning: ^'l^yea, designs, machinations. Δ' /jI, -κος, 91, (from ^άκ.ι/ω) a worm that eats wood. Α•/ιξίύϋμος, -ου, ο, yj, (from same and ύυμος) biting the mind. Ατί^ις, -ίθ)ς, γ], (from ^Ukvco) biting. Ai]ocj, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. part. pass, ^'^ωύύς, for ^Υιϊόω. ΑΫίτιτζξ, (δ^ and ττίζ) at least. Α'ήΤΓούξν, (δ'>? and nrohu) whencesoever. Avi'TTOTi, {oYi and 'ττοτΐ) soever. ΑΫΐ'που, or ^'/)7;:ουύίυ, (δί3 and ττου) truly any where, or in any manner. Αγίζΐάω, f. -άσω, '^Υΐζΐάομαι, ^ΥΚζϊο), δ'^^ο- μαι, and ογίζίζομαι, (from ύΥίξίς) Ι fight, combat, quarrel, contend. ΑγίζΤνω, f. -Γ;/ώ), (from same) the same. Α'ηζΐς, -ίως, ij, (perhaps οά^ζΐς from δά and ίζΐς) contention, quarrel, battle, confiict. Αγίξόβιος, Dor. οαοόβιος, -a, -ou, (from ^γΐζος and βίος) long-lived, immortal. t 329 /ϋ,Ί^ξΟν, A GREEK LEXICON. ΑιαγξΥίγοξεω, Αγίξο!/, (from next) a long time. Αγίξός, Dor. Ba^oV, -«, -01/ , (from δ'^:/) Δ)ίσ«σκίτο, ke hound, Ion. 3 sing, imperf. of the poetic verb ^γΐΰά,σκ.ομ>οίΐ ; or rather for ϊ^'/ίσοίτο, 3 sing. 1 a. mid. of Ιίω. AvjrUy the sam.e as ^vi. Α'^τος, -vjy -h, the last, Avjo), (fut. of Ιά,ω, Ι'ήσω, by syncope) / will learn, discover hy learning, find ; hence Atiu, -όος, -ους, '^, (for Αγ\μ'ητγΐ(ΐ) the god- dess who discovered corn, Ceres. ΑΊλ, Jupiter. See under Ζώς. Αιοί, through, on account of. See p. 103. ΑίΰΐβαΙίξω, (preced. and βχ^ίζω) I go through. Aixfiuiua, (same and fic/Jua) I pass through, pass over ; cause to pass through. Δ/α/3άλλ&), (δ;« and βάτ^λω) I dart or strike through, strike or stab ivith an accu- sation or evil report, accuse. Αιά,βέίσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, v}, (from δ;«- βαίι/ω) a passage. Αίχβάσχ,ω, {hoc and βά,σκ,ω) I go through. Αΐββοίστάζω, {Ιιά. and βοίστάζω) I bear, carry, through. Αιοοβα,τίος, -Λ, -ou, (from ^ιαβαίνοή to be Αίοιβατ7)ξία, -ων, τά, (from Ιΐίίβΰίίνω) sacrifices vowed or offered for a favourable passage. Αιοίβο(,τ'•ήζΐος, -ου, ο, (from same) a title of Jupiter as giving a favourable passage. Ακχ,βοίτος, -vi, -ov, (from same) passable. Αίοίβ6βΰαόομα.ί, -ονμχι, (δ/« and βίβοι,ιόω) I affirm or assert strongly or constantly. Αίά,βημ,οι, -χτος, το, (from ^ιχβοίίνω) a passage, a step. Αια,βτιτίΐς, -ου, 6, (from same) somewhat that passes through or round, a pendulum, a plummet, a pair of compasses. Αιαβίάζύ), and '^ίοιβιόίζομ^αι, (^ιά. and βιόίζω) I compel. Αιχβίβά,ξω, (δ/οί and βφάζύή I make to come or go through. ΑίΛβιβφσ-ΑΟ), {^ίά, and βφξάσκω) I eat through. Αία.βιόο), (δ/ίί and βιόω) I live through, spend my whole life. Αιοι,β'Κα,στΑυύ), (δ;α and β'Κα.στά.ι^ω) I put forth buds, shoot through. ΑιοίβΤ^ί'ττω, (δ/« and βΆεττω) I see through, see plainly or clearly. Αίοίβούω, -ω, (same and βοόίο) I divulge, proclaim. Αίχβόνιτος, -ου, ο, % (from preced.) pro- claimed throughout, famous, iiifamous. Δ/ί5ί/3ολ'/), -ijg-, οίχβοΤ^ίοί, -ας, τ], and Ion. δ/«/3ολ/ϊ7, (from perf. mid. of Ιίαβάλλοή calumny, enmity, false accusation. 330 ΑίΛβοΤκΙκος, -VI, -ou, (from same) slander- ous, diabolical. Αιά,βο'Κος, -ου, 6, v], (from same) an accus- er, a slanderer, the devil. See aurihutog. Αιάβοξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from δ/« and βοξ») eating through, eaten through. Αια,βουΆίύομ,ΰίΐ, (δ/α and βουΤ^ίϋω) I con- sult, deliberate, decide. Αια,βου'κία,, -ας, ij, and ^ιαβούτ^ιον, -ου, το, (from same and βουλ^]) counsel, delibera- tion. Αίάβξοχος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and βξί- •χ,ο)) wet through, leaky, drenched. Αιαβΰζω, f. -vao), (same and βύζω) I stuff thoroughly. Αιχβυνίομ,οιι, and '^ια,βϋνο^αι, (Ion. for διαβαίνω) I cause to go through. ΑιοίγαΤίΥΐνίζω, (δ /ot and γαΤ^γινίζω) I be- come serene. AioiyyiWa, (from same and ayyiKha) I tell, declare, publish abroad, dividge, signify plainly. AiayyiK^a, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a message, order. Aίayy^Koς, -ου, ο, (irom same) a messen- ger from one to another. AiayiKao), (δ/« and ysxau) I deride. Aiayioof^ai, (δ/α and yi6o^,ai) I distin- guish by tasting. Aiay'iuof^ai, (same and yivof^ai) I pass, pass over. Aiayivi)a>co), (same and yivoiGTcoi) I dis- cuss, examine thoroughly. Aιayκυ\^ω, and liayκ,vλtξω, (from saine and ayy^\y\) I hurl a javelin by means of the ay>ciih7\. Aiay'ha^a, f. -i//dy, (same and y'haOo)) I form a separate cavity, dig, excavate. A^ayλΰφω, (same and yAt/Cpij) / carve or engrave. Aiay!/6)fiYi, -Υις, h, (same and yvo)^Yi) dcr cree, decision, discernment, distinction. ΑΐΆ^.ιίύζίζω, (same and yvωζίζcϋ) I make hioivn, or piiblish abroad. Aιάyvωσις, -ιος, Attic -ζύ)ς, τ], (from ^layi- νωσκω) discussion, examination, cognizance. Aίayoyyύζω, (δ/α and yoyyύζίi)) I mur- mur very much. Aiayoqz^a, (from same and άyoζzύω) I make a piiblic discourse. Aiay^^a^^a, -ατός, το, (from ^lay^ai^cd) a description, copy, transcript ; a diagram, delineation of geometrical figures, mathemati- cal scheme. Aiayq^a(p% -ν^ς, vj, {lid and y^siCpij) a turit- ing out, copy, transcinpt. Αιαγξάφύ), (same and y^acpa) I ivrite through, copy or ivrite over, delineate. - AiaytyfiyoQioi, -ω, (same and yξV]yoξsω) I wake thoroughly. A/ayfUTTj/gw. A GREEK LEXICON. ^/«^«^^aoc/vo». Αίοί'/ςντη/ίω, (from δ/» and άγζνττνΐω) I watch throughout. /Ιιαίγω, (from '6ioi and ciyo)) I lead or pass, as my life or time, I make to pass ; break through, distract. A/ceyojyij, -νις, '/;, (from same) a vwde of life, pastime. Aictyo)yiovy -ου, το, (from same) a fare, freight, porterage. Αιοίγωνιάω, -ω, (from δ/ίύ and dyojs/ia) I am hi agony. Αΐ(χ.γο)•^ίζομα,ι, (from same and άγύ)»ίζο- ficti) I contend throughout. ΑίχΙάξύ/ϋοίί, (from same and "^ccia) I dis- tribute. Αια^ά,'τΐτω, (same and oa77rjU.cciuco, (δ/ά and Βίο/χοοίι^ω) I make or grow warm. 331 ΑιαύίξμαΰΙα,. A GREEK LEXICON. ΑιαόηχΤι. ΑίΛθεξ/Λο,σίοι, -χς, v}, (from preced.) warmth. Αίά.ύίξ,αος, -oi/, o, 9], (from same) hot through, thoroughly heated. Αιά,θίσις, -ιος, Attic -iojg, ^, (from ^iotri- 6γιμ.ι) a disposition, appointment. Αίοίύίτης, ov, 6, (from same)« dispense?-, curator, interpreter. Α{οίύία, f. -ίύσω, (lid and ^ew) / run through, reach ; run to and fro, spread. AioiUTjKYi, -ης, vi, (from 1 aor. of Ιια,τί- uny.i, which see) a disposition, institution, appointment, dispensation ; covenant of sove- reign dispensation, promise or grace; a grant of favour, a deed of gift, freely bestow- ed, and solemnly confirmed by the most High; also, a compact, agreement, or league, be- tween man and mafi. It is generally applied in scripture to the solemnlj' C9nfirmed pro- mises of God, In the Old Testament, it is almost always the rendering of the Hebrew word nns which is usually translated cove- nant, and which seems to signify a purifier, a purification, ov purification sacrifice. But whatever be the radical signification of the word, there can be no doubt about its ap- plication. It is used for a sacred engage- ment or promise, solemnized by the ofler- ing of animal sacrifice, implying, if not di- rectly expressing, the awful sanction of an oath, and that, sometimes at least, even in the form of imprecation. The phrase, in the original, for making a covenant, ex- presses the very act of slaying the victim. " To cut off," or " to strike," is the Hteral translation of almost all such phrases, whe- ther in scripture, or in ancient classical authors. Besides n''is ms in the sacred books, see 11. B', 124, οζΆΐα, 'τϊΐστά τα,μ,όυ- τ•ς~ν, 103—107. 245—301. ^Εη. viii. 641, — " et csesa jungebant fisdera porca." also xii. 169—215. Livy i. 24. " Fcedera alia aliis legibus, ceterum eodem modo om- nia fiunt. — ' Si prior defexit [scil. popu- lus Bomanus] publico consilio, dolo malo, tu illo die Jupiter populum Romanum sic ferito, ut ego hunc porcum hie hodie fe- riam : tantoque m.agis ferito, quanto magis potes pollesque.' Id ubi dixit, porcum saxo silice percussit." xxi. 45. " Eaque ut rata scirent fore, agnum Iseva manu, dextera silicem retinens, si falleret, Jovem ceteros- que precatus deos, ita se mactarent, quem- admodum ipse agnum mactasset, secundum precationem caput pecudis saxo elisit." Hence the phrases, ferire, icere, percutere foedus, for making a covenant; and our Eng- lish expression, to strike a ba?-gain. From this divine institution arose the custom among men of confirming their en- 332 gagements to one another, by oaths and sacrifices. See Gen. xxi. 31, 32. and xxxi. 53, 54. It was probably adopted at first with a view to the great expected sacrifice which was to redeem mankind ; and he who bound himself in this way, would be considered as symbolically staking his hope of salvation on the performance of his en- gagement, nay as devoting himself to such a destruction as the slaughter of the victim represented, if he should prove faithless. Among men, these engagements were some- times the promise of one party, as in Jer. xxxiv. 8 — 22. when the king and people of Jerusalem engaged to proclaim liberty to their Hebrew servants ; but generally they were of a mutual nature, originating equal- ly with different parties which were pre- viously independent of one another, and agreed to conditions to be performed on all sides for the common advantage, but to be abandoned by the rest, if any one should fail. For this kind of covenant, the ap- propriate word seem^ to be awdialce., a compact, which is used by Nestor in B. B', 339. Xloy Sij συνύίσίοίΐ re κ,αϊ οζκιοί. β'ήσίτοίί vySiv ,• It is of importance to observe, that this last and most common case among men, bears no resemblance to the covenant which God has been pleased to make with his people. They are utterly unworthy and unable, according to the usual mean- ing of the word covenant, to enter into any thing like a compact with their Maker for salvation. When believers of ancient revelation offered sacrifice, they were not making their covenant, or as it is often termed, their peace, with God; they were celebrating the instituted representation of his covenant with them ; they were express- ing, as he had taught them, their belief of that, which in sovereign mercy he had gra- ciously promised, their thankfulness for it, and their desh'e of obtaining all its bless- ings. Accordingly, when God showed mercy to the patriarchs, he said not, let us establish a covenant with each other, but " with thee will I establish my covenant." And in Ps. 1. 5. he calleth to the heavens, and to the earth, " gather my saints toge- ther unto me," nni "by "πηη "ms, which, properly translated, is; "those that have made, (that is, have solemnized, literally, have cut or struck) my covenant by sacri- fice." Comp. Exod. xxiv. 8. AioiUTjKn is used as a personal title of Christ Isa. xlii. 6. xlix. 8. Zech. ix. 11. Matth. xxvi. 28. In every case, in which God says, he will " establish his covenant" with his people, their families (comprising ^ια&ηοιόω. A GREEK LEXICON. A/axsj/oc. the ties of affinity, "and even of semtude, as well as those of descent,) are included. See Gen. vi. 18. ix. 9. xvii. 7, 19, 21. Lev. xxvi. 9. Deut. viii. 18. Ezek. xvi. 60 — 63. Mai. iv. 5, 6. and compare Heb. viii. 6. The everlasting covenant, established with the fathers, and ratified by the blood of Christ in the fulness of time, is called new, in respect of the old or Sinaitical co- venant, which was superseded. 2 Cor. iii. 6. Heb. vii. 22. ym. 8, 13. ix. 15. xiii. 20. Ή κ,α,ίντί Αιαό'ήκγι has become the title of the writings of the apostles and evangelists. By whom this title was first given does not appear. But it was probably giv^en because tj 'TTciKciioc Αιαθνικγι is used by Paul for the books of Moses, 2 Cor. iii. 14. Αιαθ-ήζίόω, {lid and ^■ηξ{όω) I render wild, fierce, or furious. ΑιαύΆϊβύύ, (same and ^λίβω) I oppress, affiict. Αιοίθοζυβίω, (same and ^οξυβίοή I throw into great alarm or confusion. Αιοί&ζίω, (from same and άύζίω) I see through, investigate, observe. Αΐίχ,θζοίω, (same and ^οοίω) I noise abroad, spread a report. ΑιοίθρνΤα^ίύ), (same and ^ξνλ7.έω) I spread a report ; pass. / am teased with reports. Αίαθζύ-τττω, (same and Βζΰτττω) J break through, break in pieces, bruise, shatter, cor- rupt. Αίοίίθ^ιάζω, (from next) I spend the night in the ojjen air. Αίαίύξος, -αν, (from δ/ά and cuu^og) serene, bright. Αίχίύύσσω, (from same and αΐύνσσω) I rush through, drive through. Aioitf^og, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and χιμά) soaked in blood, blood?/. Aiciiua, f. ~όί!/ω, I water tJirough, spnnkle, bathe. Aioiioiaig^ -(ος^ Attic -scog, tj, (from oia-i- (>ίω) a diitinction, diversity, difference. Αια,ίζίτίος, -a, -ou, (from same) to be di- vided : 'htcii^iTiou, it is necessary to divide or separate. AictiQiT^Kog, -71, -ou, (from same) capable of dividing, or of being divided, divisible : δ/α/- ξίτικ,ως, distinctly. AioiiosTo;, -71, -ou, (from same) divided, distinct, comprehensible. Αιαίζίω, -ω, (from δ/ά and (χ,ίζίω) I divide, distribute, sej)a7'atc, destroy, analyse, ex- plain. Αίχίζα, (from same and <χ.ϊζω) I raise apart, lift up, open; raise myself, move across, convey away. Αίαί'σσω, or οιάσσω, (from same and ά,ί'σσω) I rush ihi'ough, shoot across, fiash upon. Αίοί'ίστόω, (from same and άϊστοω) I erase, destroy. Α'ΐΛίτΛ, -Υΐς, τ], diet, manner of life, place of abode, habitation; also the decision of an arbitrator. Α^ιαιτά,ω, -ω, f. -νισίύ, p. ^ίΫιτ•/ικ<χ., and δέ- oifiTYr/coc, 1 a. ^ιΫΐτ-ήσΛ, poet, and Dor. δ/α/- τάσοί, (from preced.) I support, nourish; I judge, rule, act as an arbitrator : ^αα,ιτά,ο- f/.ai, 1 I. mid. -τισομ^Λΐ, I live, abide, spend life: p. pass. Ir^Tvi^cci, and ^ih^Tyif4,x{, I have been instructed, enjoined. Aiuirrif^oe; -Άτος, το, (from preced.)yooi/, mode of living, custom. AicciTTj^ioy, -ου, το, (from some) place of abode. AicnTYjT^g, -ου, 6, (from same) an arbi- trator. Αιαιττιτϊκός, -^, -ou, (from same) dietc- tick, relating to diet. AiociTiaoficci, (from δ /ct and ctlTtuofioci) I accuse. Αια/ωνίζω, (from "hicc and αιωνίζϋ)) I make everliisting, am everhsting. Αια,-Λοίύοιοίζύ}, (same and κα,ύΛξίξω) I cleanse thoroughly. Αίχκ,ΰίύίζώνω, (same and κ,ΰίύιζά,νω) I sit apart, relieve nature. Αια•/.α,ύίζύ}, (same and κχύίξω) I sit down apart, besiege. AiocKccio), (same and χ,α,ίω) Iburn through, ΑίοίκαΤ^ύτττω, (same and χ,ν,Τ^ύτ-το)) I re- veal distinctly. ΑίΛκ,ά,ατΐτω, (same and κ.άμ,'τττύ}) I bend downwards, or across. Αία,κοίξΤΒζίω, -ω, (same and κ,οίξτίξέω) I endure. Aiccy.ciTi\kyY^oy.cti, (from %ιά, χ, χ τα. and Ό^γ'/,ύ)) I confute strenuously or thoroughly. ΑίοίΆοίτί'/^,ω, (δ;ά and κοίτί.χ,ω) I obtain, detain, take possession of. Αιά.χ,χυσίς, -sojg, 7), (from Ζίχκχΐω) con- ration. Αίακ,ίάζω, (hid and κίάζω) I split asun- der, cleave. AioiKiiucci, (same and ySiy.a,i) I am laid up, situated, disposed, behave: liccKelf^svsi, Tcc, the things which are appointed, terms, conditions. ' Αιοίκίίζύ), (same and ksiooj) I shear, crop off, frustrate, rob. AiccKiAiooy.cti, (same and ΆίΚίύύ>) I give to each sep>arate encouragemeiit, exhort ear" nestly, command distinctly. ΑίΛχ,ίΚίυσμ^ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) en- couragement, exhortation. Αιοίχ,ίνγ,ς, (from δ/α and χ,ίνος) in vain^ tvithout cause. AiocKsvog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) vaiHy empty, light. 333 Αίαχίξμοίτίζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Αιάκξονΰΐζ, Δ/ί6χ£^(46οίτ/ξώ), (δ;« and Άίξμ,Λτίζω) I cut into small pieces, chop, Αίοίκζχ,ξίσμ,ίνος^ perf. part. pass, of δ /ci- Αιοίκ,ξγ,ωζίσμ,ίνος, perf. part. pass, of ^lu- χωςίξω. A/c£x.>7^yx£iiojt4ci/, (δ;α and κ,-ήζυκζύω) I negotiate or treat for peace apart from others. Αίΰίκιν^υρίύω, (same and kiu^vusvu) I go through danger. Α{χκΐι/ίω, (same and κινίω) I thoroughly move. Αίοΐκ,7\.ά,ω, (same and κΚά,ω) I break through. Αιοί-^Κίτ^τω, (same and κ,Τ^ίτττω) I steal away, conceal: ^ι/χ,κ,Τ^ί-πτομ,α,ι, I steal my- self away, withdraw clandestinely ; pass, am- stolen away, cut off privately. Αίΰίκλ-^ξοΰο^ύίω, (same and κλιηξονομέα) I inherit by lot; mid. / divide myself, spread in various directions. Aicochn^oo), (same and }ίΚ•/ίζ6ω) I draw lot between two or more persons, settle by lot, distribute ov appoint by lot. ΑίΛτί,ΤΛνω, (same and χ.'κίυω) Ibend aside, decline. Αιά,κΧίσις, -ζως, v}, (from preced.) declin- ing, retreat. Αιοίκ,Τ^ύζο}, {^loi and χκύζω) I overfiow. AiUKuocici), (same and κ,να,ίω) I gnaw or eat through, consume, sting, goad; irritate, corrupt. Αια,κοι^Λνίω, (same and κ,οίζΐχ,νίω) I give orders through, that is, while passing through the ranks, marshal. Αιο!,•/,ο7\.υ^βά.ύ), (same and χ,ολυίΛβάω) I swim through or across. Αια,κο^ίζω, (same and κ,ομ,ίζω) I carry through. Aiccx,ovsa, f. "Vjacd, p. ^r^KouviKin, (same and κονίω) I minister to, wait upon, minister to another in his necessities, relieve, assist, minister in the church. AioL-itovici, -dg, v}, (from same) a minister- ing, serviitg, ivaiting ; a ministi^ation or ministering to the necessities of others; minis- try or service in the chxirch. Αιακοηκος, -τι, -ov, (from same) fit to ad- minister, serviceable. Αιά,-Λονος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) a minis- ter, servant, deacon; a deaconess, a stated female servant of the church. See the quo- tation under Άττόστο'λος. This word is ap- plied to the servants of Ahasuerus, Esth. i. 10. ii. 2. and vi. 3.; to Jesus Christ, Horn. XV. 8. ; to all christians, John xii. 26.; to civil magistrates, Rom. xiii. 4.; to Paul and his fellow labourers, 1 Cor. iii. 5. 2 Cor. iii. 6. and vi. 4. Col. i. 23, 25. and iv. 334 7. 1 Thess. iii. 2. 1 Tim. iv. 6.; to wicked and deceitful persons who corrupted the churches, 2 Cor. xi. 15.; to a labourer in a particular church. Col. i. 7-; to a female member employed in the service of the church at Cenchrea, Rom. xvi. 1. and pro- bably to a similar description of persons in the churches at Ephesus and Crete, 1 Tim. iii. 11. comp. chap. v. 3 — 10. The only passages in which it is found to denote those officebearers who are intrusted with the distribution of the alms of the church, are Phil. i. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 8—13. The names of the offices in the church were originally of general import, and became appropriate by degrees. See the remarks under ίττίσκοττος. Αιοίκ,οντίζο/ϋοα, (from δ/« and ακοντίζω) I throw a dart across, hu?'l a javelin. Αια,κύττνι, -vjg, τι, (from next) a cutting through, division, breach. Αια,κότττω, {^ιά and κ,ότιττω) I cut through, divide, penetrate, interrupt. Αίο,κο^ίΰω, and δ/ακο^εώ;, (from δ/« and ■Α,όζΎΐ) I deflower, violate a virgin. Αιοίκ,οζκοξυγίω, (B/ce and κοζκ,οξυγΐω) I cause to rumble, shake luith a rumbling noise. Αιά,κ,οξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from δ/α and κ,ο^έω) satiated, glutted. Αιοίκόσίοί, -Oil, -Λ, (from δί? and ϊχ^οίτου) two hundred. Αιιχ,Λοσμίω, (δ;α and χ,οσι^άω) I adorn, set in becoming order. Αίακ,οσ(Λησις, -ιος, Attic -£ως, i], (from preced.) adorning, ornament, array. Αια,κ,ούω, (from ^loi and άκούο}) I hear thoroughly. Αίακξατίω, (same and κ,ξχτίω) I hold thoroughly, possess. Αία.χ,ξέκύ), (same and κ^ίκω) I cause to sound. ΑίοίζξΥΐ!/όύ), and '^icx.K^ocyoa, (same and κ,ξτινόω) I cause to flow through. Αίχκ,ξΐβόύ), (from same and ά,κζφόω) I in- vestigate or manage thoroughly. Αιακξί^ον, (from next) decidedly. Αια.κ,ξϊνω, (δ/« and κ,ξίνω) I discern, dis- criminate, distinguish, make a distinction or difference, make to differ, discuss, judge, de- termine ; pass. / contend, dispute with ano- ther, i. e. am distinguished or divided from him in discourse; also, I hesitate, doubt, i. e. flwz distinguished or divided in my own mind. Αίόίκ,ξ'ίσίς, -ιος, Attic -ζως, 'ή, (from pre- ced.) a discerning, discrimination, distin- guishing, dijudication ; disputation, stnfe. Αίάκ,ζίτος, -ου, ό, % (from same) disthi- guished, excellent. Αίά,χ,ξοι/ϋΐς, -sag, ht (from next) evasion, del^y. Δ/ακ^ουω. A GREEK LEXICON. Δ/αλϋ,αα/ΐΌ/Λα/. Αιοι,κ^οΰω^ {Ζιά and κοοΰω) I beat through, beat off ; I avert, protract, evade. C^ioLKToiHcc, -χς, VI, (from δ/άκτώ)^) the of- fice of a herald. ί^ιύκτοζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next) a7i agent, herald, messenger, interpreter ; an epithet of Mercury. Αιάκτύΐξ, -οςος, ο, (from '^ixya) Mercury as the herald or interpreter of the gods. Αιακυζίονά,ω, {^ιά,Άπά κ,υζίξνά,ύ)) I govern. Αιακυχ,ά,ύ), (δ/ί» and •Λυκ,ά,ω) I mix, con- found. AiccKV/^ictiua, (hid and κ,υμχίι/ω) I cause the waves to swell. AiccKVTTToj, (same and κύ^ττοί) I stoop down through to see, look down through ; look through as herbs through the ground %vhen they grow up, Psal, xcii. 7• Αίοί-λ,ωΙωνίζω, (same and κω^ωνίζω) I try a horse with the sound of a bell or trumpet, ascertain. Αίχχ,ύίΤ^ϋω, (same and ■ΛωΤ.ύο)) I hinder earnestly. ΑίΛκωγ,νι, -'ής, v), (from same and οχ,ωγ,'ή) a truce. ΑΐΛ7\.οίγγ,ά,υω, (same and Τ^αγχάυο}) I distribute or / obtain by lot, divide, obtain. AiuT^ccyAo), (same and λακίω) I burst ivith noise asunder, explode. ΑΐΰίΚοίκ.τίζω, (same and λακ,τίζω) I kick off. ΑίοίΤ^οίλίω, -ω, (same and Τ^οίΚ^ω) I speak abroad, publish, dividge, speak with another, commune. ΑιαΆαίΛβχνο), (same and Τ^α,μ,βά,υω) I com- prehend, perceive. ΑίαΤ^ά,μ,ττω, (same and "Κκ^Λτΐω) I shine through. Αίο,'ΚΛν&ά,υω, (same and Τ^οίνύά,νο)) I lie hid thoroughly, escape notice. AtcLhkyo), (same and 'hkyo)) I collect, ga- ther thoroughly, separate, distinguish, levy, mark out, ascertain ; "hiex^T^iyo^vA, I hold a dialogue with, converse with, discourse, rea- son, dispute. ΑίαλείτΓύ), (same and λίίττω) I leave a space between, leave off, cease, intermit. Αίο,Άίίχ,ύ), (same and Άίί^ζω) I lick thor- oughly, devour. AicchiKT"iKog, ->?, -ov, (from lixT^iyoicxi) dialectical, logical, able in discoursing and reasoning: όιαλεκτ'ίκ,τ}, (viz. τίχν-^) the art of reasoning, logic. Αίύλεκτος, -ου, i], (from same) speech, manner of speaking peculiar to a particular people or nation, language, dialect. Δ/άλ£|;$•, -ίος, Attic -εως, τ], (from same) a discourse, conversation. AictMTTTo'Xoyiouxi, (from next and λο- γος) I dispute with subtlety about little mat- 9 ters, reduce to a slender element, consume by fire. ΑιοίΚίτττος, -ου, 6, τ], {oix and λετττος) very slender. Αιά,Τ^ίυκ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], (same and Τ^ζυκος) white through, i. e. a dark ground with white spots in it, Gen. xxx. 32. Δ;άλ/ίψ;$•, -ίος, Attic -εως, τ], (same and λί^-ψις) a perception, opinion. ΑιαΤ^ύεω, (from same and ά'κύΐω) I heal thoroughly. Ακχ,'ΚιίΛΤΐο,νω, (same and 'Κιμ,ιτόαιω, which from Χείτί-ω. See page 70.) / leave off^ cease. AiccKKoiyyi, -^ς, '■/j, and ^iaXT^ay/icoi, -χτος, TO, (from ^ίχλλάσσύ)) change, reconciliation. ΑιαλΤίΆκτ^ήζ, -Tjpog, and οιοίΚΚα.κτ'/ις, -ov, 6, (from next) a reconciler. AiofXKccaaa, Attic -ττο), (from δ;« and a'h- λάσσώ)) I change, exchange, change from a state of enmity, reconale : '^ια,ΤΟκΛσσομ.Λΐ, I 7-econcile myself to another, I appease him, and so gain his favour ; Mat. v. 24. tt^Ztou δ/αλ- ^ccyYiui τω α^εΤ^φω σου ; in bringing his gift to the altar, the worshipper is here supposed to be desirous of appeasing the displeasure of God, that God may be reconciled to him; but, if conscious of any trespass against his brother, he is directed first, to " take care that his brother be reconciled to him.^* This is said to be the force of the reciprocal hithpahel in the Hebrew verb r^^^'^\ transferred to this Greek verb, which is used as its translation in 1 Sam. xxix. 4. κ,οίϊ \u rivt ^ιa.70\eιίy'ησετιx■ι ούτος τω κυζί(ο αυτού, " for wherewith should he reconcile himself unto his master?" See also 3 Esdr. iv. 31. Wisd. XV. 4. and xix. 18. But a similar use of the verb is made by writers purely Greek, Thuc. II. 95. εϊ "" Αβγ,υούοις τε ^ίο-λΤ^άζειεν εαυτοί/, " if he luould recon- cile himself to the Athenians.'' AtdXhoy.ai, (from δ/οί and όίτΟκο^Λαι) I leap through or over. Aicchoy7\, -τις, i], (from '^lotT^iyofiXi) a dia- logue, conversation, discourse. AιoίKoyΊζo[Λaι, (δ;« and λoytζoμxί) Trea- son, consider, discourse, dispute. AιaKoyισ[Λoς, -oii, 6, (from perf. pass, of preced.) reasoning, thought; doubtful rea- soning, doubt, discourse, dispute, disputa- tion. Aιά,'hoyoς, -ου, 6, (from p. m. of ^^icthkycS) a dialogue, conversation, discourse. AixKoito^ioy.^cii, (δ/ί* and λο/δο^εω) / re- vile. ΑίχΤ^οι^όξΥΐσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (δ/ά and λοίοόξγισίς) reviling. Α(οί7\υ!Λχίνο}Λα,ί, (δ;ίtand 'Κυμ.αίνω^ I pol- I lute, dishonour, mutilate. 33d Δ/άλυσ/5. A GRiSEK LEXICON. Δ.ιαν'ηβω, Ata'hvatg, 'ίος, Attic -εως, v), (from δ/α- λι^ώ») dissolution, corruption ; dismissing, dis- banding, peace-making, agreement. Αιοί'Κΰτ'ίις, -ου, 6, (from same) one who dissolves or violates. Αίά.7Λτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) dissolved, dissolute, to be dissolved. AiuTiVT^coaig, -eo)g, v}, i^ioi and Τ^ΰτζωσις) redemption, ransom. ΑίχΤ^ΰω, (same and τ^ύω) I dissolve, cor- rupt, dissipate, disperse. ΑίχΤ^φίτόύ), (from same and oί^λφϊτou) I sprinkle with meal. Α/χΤ^ωβχομχι, (same and λω/Βάο^αα;) / ti^eat with great contumely, mutilate. Αιχ^αύννω, (from same and α,/^ί,χβύνω) I reduce to ashes. ΑίΛ^ΰίΚάσσο), (same and μ,οίΚάσσω) I sof- ten or soak through. Αιοί^ΛζΊο,νο), and ^iciy^dQ^rkoi, (from same and ά,^Λ^τύυο)) I ivander away, miss the mark, sin. Αιοί/ΐΛοίξτυξίω, and '^{(χ.μχξτυςίομιχί, the same as 'όιχμ.οίζτύξομ,α,ι. ΑίχμΰίξτνξΙα, -ocg, 'ή, (from next) a pro- testation. Αιοίμ,Λ^τύζοίΛΰίΐ, (δ/« and (ΛΟίζτΰο^ο^ίοίΐ) I bear earliest luitness, testify earnestly or re*- peatedly, charge as if before witnesses. Αΐΰίμοίσά,αμ.Λΐ, and "^ιαΐΛοίσσύομαίΐ, (same and μοίσσάομΰίΐ) I eat up, devour. Aiccf^aaaoj, Attic -ττω, (same and μάσσοί) I knead. Αιοΐ[Λά•^ομ,οίΐ, \ια,μ.(Χ.%ίομ<οΐί, and '^ιοίμ.α,χί- tfi^xi, (same and (Λάχ^ομ,α,ι) I fight, contend or dispute earnestly. Αια,μάω, (from same and άμ,άω) I cut with a sickle. Αιοίμ.ίθίγΐ(Λ{, (same and μ£ύίν}/^ι) I dismiss, igive up, neglect. Ακχ,μείβύ), (from same and άμ&ίβω) I change for, exchange, pass through, spend : ^loi^slfiofiui, I exchange for myself. Αίοιμί7\.ίζο/χχί, (same and μεΐκίζω) I sing, ehant ; also, / cid in pieces, dismember. Αιοί{ΛξΚισμ,ος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a tearing of the limbs to pieces, dismember- ment: ^icc^-iKehrl, limb by limb, in pieces. Αιοί{ΛϊΧΚω, ^ιοί^^εΚΚίω, (δ;» and ^/,ίχκω or μϊΚλίω) I delay, procrastinate. Aiecfiha, (same and fiii/a) I remain, con- tinue. Αίοί/ίοζζίζω, (same and μίξίζω) I divide through, part. Αιοι^Λεξίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of preced.) division, dissension. Αια,ΐΛΖ'τφω, -Ζ), (δ /oe and (Λζτξίω) I mea- sure. ΑίοίΙΛίτζΥισις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, 9}, (from preced.) dimension, measure. 336 ^ ΑίοιμίΤζΥίτος, -ij, -ou, (from same) measur- ed. Αίάμ,ίτξοζ, -ου, 6, {], (from δ/α and μί- TQou) measured across : ^ίύ,αίΤζος, yj, (with γζαι/.μ.γι understood) a diameter, the line which, passing through the centre of a cii*- cle, or other curvilinear figure, divides it into equal parts. Αιοι,μ,ηο^ίζο), f. -"ισω, Attic "hixf^yj^iu, (from same and μτηξος) I divide or part the thighs. ΑΐΛμ,νάομ.α,ι, (same and μνά,ο^Μχι) I com- mit thoroughly to memory. Αια,μνη[Λθν£ϋω, (same and μ^-ίΐμονίύω) I bring to mind, commemorate ; mid. bring to my own mind, recollect ; pass, am held in remembrance, am recorded. Αια,[Λοΐξά,ω, (from same and usl^a) I tear to pieces : ^ίαμοίξοίο/αΰΐί, I divide for myself: Ιαμοί^ϋτο, 3 sing, imperf. Od. S', 434. perhaps pronounced ^ίζ[/,μοΐξα,το. Αίοίμ,οννΐ, -7}ς, v}, (from ^ιχμίνω) contin- uance. Αίαμοξφόύ), (δ/α and μοξφόω) I form thoroughly. Αιά,μ,τταζ, (from lioc, auoi, and ττα,ς) all through, entirely. Αιοιμ,ττί^ίς, 'htocy.TCi^kug, (from δ/βί, avd and •πίζά.ο}) quite through, entirely, forever. Αίο,μυύοΤκογίω, (δ /ss and [Λυ6ο7\.ογίω) I hand doiun by tradition, record. Ακχ,μ,υ'ΚΚίχ,ινω, (from "hioi and μ.υ7\.Άος) I turn the mouth awry in derision. Ακχ,μ,υΰτίκκω, (same and (Λυσχ'ιΚΚω) I cut or divide into small pieces. Αίαμφβίος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and d/ic- φίς) very different. Αιοίμφ{σβ•ητίω,{ΐΐ'θτη δ/« and αμφισβΥιτίω) I debate, controvert. Αιχμφισβνιττισίζ, -^-ως, hi (from preced.) controversy, litigation. Αιοί,να,γκάζω, (from δ/α and άνοίγκ,ύζω) I compel. AiocyotTTctou), (from δ/α, ai^oc and 'π-χύω) I make to rest, console. Αιοί,νά,στα,σις, -ίως, ^, (from δ/α and άνύσ- τοίσις) a rising up. Αια,να,υμιχ,-χ,ίω, (same and να,υμοι,χεω) I decide a matter by a naval engagement. Aidcyhr^oc, (from same and ά,ν^ίχοί) in ttvo ways. Αίΰΐΐ/ίμνισις, -ίως, vi> (from '^ΐΛνΐμω) divi- sion, arrangement, distribution. Ακχ,νζμόω, (from δ/α and άνζμόω) I expose to the wind. Αιανϊμ,ω, (δ/α and νίμω) I distribute, dis- perse, divulge, spread abroad. Aiccysva, (same and νίύω) I intimate or signify by nodding or beckoning. Aiocvia, (same and via) I swim through. Ακχ,ννιθω, (same and wi^ua) I spin. Δ/αι-^/ζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Αί(»7τλ^όόω, Αίχνύίξω, (from ^icc and ανθίζω) I bloom all over, adoj-ji thorou^ly. Αίοίνίσσομοίί, (same and νίσσο(Λα,ι) I pass through. Αίοίν{στη{Λί, (from same and ccuiarnjici) I rise up. Λιχνοίομοα, -ovf^cii, (same and ν^ίω) I revolve in my mind, think ; reflect with grief, grieve. Aiiii/OYifioc, -ccro;, το, and ^ια,νό-ήσις, -ιος, Attic -£ώ)>, vj, (from preced.) a thought, reflec- tion, imagijiatioji, device. ΑίανοτιτΊκος, -yi, -ov, (from same) capable of thinking, intelligent, intellectual. Aia'jotoi, 'Οίς, 7], (fi'om same) understand- ing, intellect, thought, imagination. Αιοι,νοίγω, (from δ/» and ανοίγω) I open, explain. Δ/54>ο,ί4'/?, -7}ζ, 7], (from Ιιχνψ.ω) division, arrangement, distinbiition. AiocvTUiog, -ciioi, -ouov, (from ^icx, and dv- roiiog) penetrating through, fatal. AioivT'Aio), (from same and di /τλέω) I en- du7'e thoroughly, sustain, survive. Αίο,νυκτίοζύω, (same and νυκπζξύω) I pass the whole night. ΑίΛννω, or ^ια,νντω, 1 a. ^ΐ7}νυσα, (from same and άνύω) I complete, finish entirely. ΑίΆ^ίφ'ιζοίΛα,ι, (from same and ζ,ίφος) I attack with a swoj'd. Αίΐχ,ξ{φ(σμ6ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a sword-combat. ΑιοίστΛίόίνω, (δ/« and τ^οίΐοίύω) I educate thoroughly. Αΐζ/,ΐΐαΚΚω, (δ/α and ττά^ύ^ω) I shake the urn, fix by lot. ΑίΛίτοίΚϋνω, (same and ΐ7Λ7^νω) I break into splinters. AiccrTccvrog, (for δ/α ττοίντος, viz. χ,ξόνου) always, continually. ΑιατταξακύττΎω, i^ioi, ττοίζοί and κι/ίττώ)) stooping I look through. AioiTTciQUTriQeofAcci, {04», '^tccqcc and τγ,ζίω) I thoroughly watch. Αία,τταζο,τίΗβ'ή, -ν^ς, τι, (a various reading of 1 Tim. vi. 5.) for ττχζα'^ία,τζφ'η, a per- verse, evil, or unprofitable dispute. Αίοίτΐοίζθίνίύύ), (from δ;« and τΓα,ζύίνος) I deflower a virgin. Ακχ.ττα,ασα,'Κίΰω, (same and 'τΐοίσσα'Κίΰω) I stretch on stakes fixed in the ground, j)eg down. Αίοίττύσσω, (same and ττύσσω) I sprinkle over : Ιίάττασμοί, -ccTog, το, a thing sprinkl- ed, colour, paint. Αιοίτΐοίτοίω, (from same 'and άττοίτύω) I deceive. Ακχ,τΓοίνω, (δ /aand 'ττα.ΰω) I make to cease. AiccTTitKio), (from same and xxn'hL•)) I threaten. AiocTcsiuaa, (same and τηινάω) I hunger. Αιά,'τΐίΐ^Λ, -α,ς, vj, (same and ττίΊζο) a trial, experience, ΑίΛΤΓίίξά,ζω, and ^ια,ζτίίζά,ω, (same and 'τηΐζύ,ζω) I try, explore. Αίοίτηίξω, (same and ττείξω) I pierce through. ΑιοίττίΚάζω, or ^ΐΛ-τηΤ^άω, (same and -τη- λύξω) I pass through. ΑίΛ'τΐ'ί^'τΐω, (same and 'ττίμ,Ίτω) I send through, transmit. AiacTTSQcciua, (same and 'ττεοχίνω) I go through, finish, conclude. Αίίχ,ττίξοι,ιόω, (same and ττεξοαόω) I convey through or across. Αίαττίξάω, -ω, f. -ύσω, by sync. "^{(Χ,ττξάω, f. -7ΐσω, (same and ττίξχω) I pass, pass through, pass over. Αίοί'ττίζύω, (same and ττί^ύω) I utterly destroy, plunder, waste. Αΐίχ,τ^ίξχ,ομ,οι,ι, (from hoi, άττο and 'ΐξγ,ο- μ,οίί) I go away into different parts, desert, disperse. Α;οί7Τζτάζω, ΖιχττΒτοίνννω, and "^ιαχετάι/- vvf^i, {lice and 'ττετάξω^ I expand, stretch out. Αιοίττίττίύω, (same and στετηνω) I play at dice, gamble. Αια,τΓίύύω, (same and 7:&ϋθω) I inquire thoroughly. Αίά'ΤΓΥι'/οί, -ων, tcc, (from ^ια,ττ'ή'/νυμ,ί, I fix through or between) little pillai's fixed between larger ones. Αια,τΐη^ύω, (δ/α and τντι^ά,ω) Heap across. Αίοί,ττίΐχ,Ίνω, (same and 'ττιοίίνω) I fatten thoroughly. ΑίΛΤΓίκ,ζοίίνω, (same and ττικ^ούνω) I com- pletely imbitter. ΑίΛ'τΐίνοίΛχι, (same and ιτίνω) I contend in drinking. ΑίΛ'ττίτΓτω, (same and στίτττω) I fall through, perish, become extinct. ΑίΛΐΐΐστίΰω, (same and τηστίύω) I thor- oughly confide in or ti'ust to. AtocTTiaTiO), (from same and ά-τηστίω) I distinist. AiocTrT^oiaf^oi, -ccrog, το, and ^{αττΤ^χσ/αός, -ου, 6, (from \\Q,yX) formation, configuration. ΑίΛΐΐ'κά,σσω, (δ/α and 'ττΆύσσω) I form, feign. ΑίΛΤΐ'ΚΛτϋνω, (same and Ίΐ^χτΰνω) I widen. ΑίχτΓ'κίχ,ω, (same and 7ΐ7.ΐκο)) I plait through, entivine, interiueave. AiccttT^U), and οιχ'π'Κωω, (δ/α and Tj-Aiij) / sail through or over. ΑΐΛ'77'Κ•/\χ.τίζο(ΛΛΐ, (from δ/α and χλ^σσώ») / come to blows, fight. Αιχητ'Κν^σσω, (from Same) / stnkc through or in pieces, Utt 337 Δια'ττλοχ'η, A GREEK LEXICON. Δια,ξκ^ς, i i Δ/Αί-τλοχ:?, -7}ς^ η, (from δ/αττλεχώ;) dis- sembled malice. Αιάττλοος, contr. -ονς, -ou, ο, (from ^lat- •τλεω) sailing through or ac7Oss, passage. ΑιοίΤΓϋίω, (δ /ct and 'ττυίω) I blow through or upon. Δια,-χοιίω, (same and 'ποίϊω) I do thor- oughly, effect, accomplish. ΔίοιτΐοικΙκκω, (same and νοικίχκω) I paint all over, varnish. ΑίΧ'ττοίκ,'ίλος, -ου, 6, τ}, (same and •χοικ,ίχας) party-coloured. Αιοί-τΓοΤ,ζμ,ίω, (same and -τολε^εώ;) 7 bnng the war through to an end. ΑίΛποΚίζ^Ύίσις, -tag, 5j, (from preced.) warfare. ΑίΛ'τίομ,'τίζϋω, Qnu and 'ττο^'τηύο)) I go through in procession. Αιοί'ττομ'ττ'•^, -νις, tj, (same and 'ττομ-ττ'^) transmission, commission, despatch. Αιοί'ττονίο), -ω, (same and ττονίω) I labour through; pass, am exercised or fatigued by labour, am ivearied or grieved at the con- tinuance of any thing. Aioc^-ouYlfiU, -οίτος, το, and 'hiocTOuriaig, -sac, vj, (from preced.) hard labour, weari- iiess, grief. Aid'Trouog, -ov, o, ij, (from same) wearied, exhausted. Aiotvounog, -ου, ό, vj, (from Zix. and ttOu- rog) across the sea. Αίίχ,ττόξζυμχ, -txTog, το, (from next) a passage through. ΑιοίΤΓΟζίύω, (S/at and σιτοζίύω) I carry across or convey over: Ιιαχοζίνομιχί, I go or pass through. ΑίΰίτΓοςίω, -ω, (from same and ά'ττοξίω) I doubt exceedingly, am in great doubt or per- plexity. A/fltcro^^£iy, (same and -ποζύίω) Hay waste, plunder. Αια,ττοξύμ,ίΰω, (same and 'ττο^&μξύω) I ferry through or over. ΑίΛττόζφΰξος, (from same and '7ΓOξφύζiog) purple through or thoroughly dyed of that colour. Αια'κοστί'ΚΚω, (from same and άτΐοστιΚ- λώ)) / send away through, despatch. Αίΰί'ττοστοΤ,'^, -vig, 7], (from preced.) a sending away of delegates between tiuo par- ties. ΑίΛ'ττζΛ'/μ.οίΤίΰομ,οίΐ, (δ;ο6 and -ττζοίγ^,ία.- τίύομιχ,ι) I gain by negotiating or business. Αιά.'7Γξ(χ.σίς, -log, Attic -iag, vj, (same and •jc^Aaig) a selling, sale. Αίΰί'ΤΓξά,σσω, (same and -τ^άσσώ) I do thor- OUghly, peifoj^n, finish, despatch. Αια,^ζί'τηιοί, -oig, τ), (from next) magnifi- cence, ornament. Αίο.ττξετΓ'ής, -go?, Attic -sag, 6, i], (from 338 next) beautiful, excellent : ΖίΜττξίνως, in an excellent manner. AiU'TT^s'Tra, (δ/βί and crgsTro) / excel, sur- pass, am becoming. Αίΰί'ττξεσβίύομχί, (same and τςζσβ^να) I send through an ambassador. Α/οίΤΓζτίσσα, Ion. for ^ίχττξύσσω. Αια,'ττξγιστώα, (δ/α and 'ττξπστζΰω) I git>e information. Αιοί•7Τ(Ηα, (same and 'ττ^ία) I saw through or asunder, divide by a saw, saw or cut to the heart. Αιαττξο, (same and orgo) quite, far asun- der. Aietig^vaiog, -ου, 6, ν;, and -ix, -lov, (from same and ττ^ζάα) penetrating and passing through, extending from one extremity to another. U. Θ', 227. r}vaiu Is ha'Tr^uaiov, he cried loudly. AtocTTTcca, ^ίο,'τττά,ομ,Λΐ, — hUTtTvifci, Ιίκ-ττ- τάμ,Λΐ, (δ;« and ττάώ») I fly through, pass swiftly through. Αιοίτιττζξΰσσομ,οίΐ, (same and •πτζ^νσσομ.α.ΐ) I wing my way through. Aioi'TrTosa, Ion. '^{α'τττοίία, (same and 'π-τοία) I thoroughly frighten. ΑίΰίΤΓτύσσα, (same and 'τττύσσύ)) I unfold, explain. ΑζοίτΓτνγ/ι, -ng, vj, (from preced.) an open- ed fold. ΑίΛΊττϋω, (δ/α and 'πτύα) I spit out, re- ject with contempt. ΑίύτΓταμοί, -oiTog, το, and ^ίάτττασίς, -tog, Attic -ίώ /g-, ^, (δ;« and 'TTTcoaig) downfall, ruin. Αιοίττυκτεΰα, (δ/ά and ττυκ,τεΰα) I combat with. AiocTTv^og, -ου, 6, τ], (from δ/» and 'ττΐ/ξ} ignited, fiery. Αίοίπ-υξόα, (δ/ά and 'ττυ^όω) I flame forth, consume by fire. AioiTroT^sa, (same and 'ττωλίω) I dispose of. Αίχξάσσα, or -ά,ττα, (from same and άξά,σσα) I break thi^ough. Αιοίξύζόω, (from same and οίξύξόω) I form thoroughly, organize, articulate. Aia,(^d^aGig, -sag, ij, (from preced.) organ- ization. Αιοίξίύμία, (from liac. and άξΐύμ,ία) I enumerate. ΑίΛζΐ&^Ύίσις, -sag, % (from preced.) enum- eration, reckoning. Αιοίξίστίύομ,χι, (from δ;« and cc^iaTsua) I contend for victory, dispute the palm. Αια,ξκέα, (from same and oi^Ksa) J have sufficient, am thoroughly sufficient; i^esist, prevail. Αιοίξκ,νις, -sog, 6, v}, (from preced.) quite sifficient, competent : ΖίοίξχΛστοίτ», viost abundantly. ί^ιαομα. A GREEK LEXICON. Δ,ίάαΗίξταω, ^.Ία,^μ,Λ^ -»7ο;, το, (from heii^a) eleOatioUi conveyance through. Αιαο/ίΛόζω, (from δ/α and άομ,όζω) I tear asunder^ rend ; also, / attune, adjust. AiotoTToiy^, -7}gy 57, (from next) rapitie, plunder. Λίΰίξττά.ζω, (from Oix and άο-ττάζω) I plunder, spoil. ^ιαρρχίνω, (from same and poiiuo)) I thor- oughly sprinkle. Αιοίροοίίω, (from same and ραίω) I ham- mer to pieces, shatter, utterly destroy. Λιαρρίω, (from same and ρίω)Ιβοιυ away, escape. Αίχρβίίγνϋμί, ΟΓ Οίϋρρνισσο), (from oioi and ρψ/νυμ,ι) I breaJc through, I'end, rent, tear. AiccppYiOTjy, (from same and ρεω) in direct terms, expressly. Λιάρό-/;σίς, -εως, τ}, (from same) a thorough explanation. Αίχρρίτττύ), and οίχρβίτττίω, (from Ztoi and ρί'ΤΓτω or βίτττέω) I cast down or away, scatter, hurl. Aiocppr^ig, -εως, vj, and οιά.ρριμ>μ,*, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a throwing about, bound- ing, scattering. iXixppo'/i, -7jg, 7], (from όιαρρεω) a current, a 2>ipe. AiccppcuL•, (from oid and όούίω) I cause to spread like the noise of a torrent. Αίά,ρροΐΰί, -Λς, 'ή, (from oistppicj) a diar- rhoea, a flux. Αίοίρροίζίω, (from Oioc and ροιζεω) I pierce with a whizzing noise, penetrate. Atocppvoxv, (from same and ρύο -^u) very copiotcsly. Aiuppvia, (from same and ρυεω) I flow through, slip insenubly away, waste, decay. Αιοίρρνθμ,έύ), -ω, f. -ν;σω, 1 a. οιερρύύρίησοί, (from same and ρυ&^ος) I form or fit toge- ther. Atuppuu, (from same and ρύω) 1 thor- oughly deliver. Αίχρόωξ, -ωγος, ό, vj, (from same and ρ-ησσω) broken asunder, nfted. Αίχοσις, -εως, y], (from οίχίζω) elevation. ΑΐΛ(ΐτοί[/.εω, (from δ/« and άζτοί[/Λω) I cut into small bits, tear asunder. AixQTsia, (from same and άξτχω) I sus- pc7id, keep in suspense, deceive, lie. Αιχρτίζω, (from same and άζτίζω) I thoroughly form. ΑίΛσχίνω, (same and σαίνω) I fawn, cringe. Α(ασα7,οίκωι>ίξω, (from same and σχΆά- iu.i'j) I act like Salacon, play the wanton, move lasciviously. Αίχ,σοι,?,ενω, (same and σα,Μνω) I shake lo pieces : όιχσοΟ,εϋομΰίί, I am agitated. ΑιχσΛφεω, -ω, f. "ησύ), p. ^ιοίσεσάφγικΛ, 1 a. ^ίεσύφησοί, and '^ιχσοίφτινίζω^ (δ/ά and σχφίω) I declare plainly or fully. ΑιοίσύφΥισις, -tog, Attic -εως, τ), (from pre- ced.) afidl declaration. Αίχσείω, (hi» and σείω) I use violence to, t}'eat with insolent violence, extort money or goods by force or violence. Αιοί,σγ,ρίχΙνω, (same and σΥιμαίνω) I inti- mate thoroughly, show by a signal. Αίύσγ,{Λος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and aijcccc) very plain, distinguished, illustrious. ΑίΛσ'ήττω, (same and σ'ήττω) I rot through. Αίά,σΐΛ, -ωι/, τά, (from Αιος and οίσγ}) a festival at Athens in honour of Jupiter the propitious. Thucyd. I. 126. It received its name from Jupiter and misfoi^tune ; be- cause, by making supplications to Jupiter, protection and deliverance were supposed to be obtained from evils. At the time of it, a public mart was held in which all sorts of goods were exposed to sale. Αια,σΐ'/ά.ω, (δ /at and σιγύω) I pass over in silence. Δ/ασ/λλα/^ώ), (same and σι70^ούνω) I scoff, taunt. Αί»σιο)'7:ά,ω, (same and σιω-ττύω) I keep silent or secret. Αιασκοίίοω, (same and σκχίζω) I bound along. Αίοίσκού'.'Κεΰω, (same and σκοίλ7^εύω) I tveed out, pick. Αια,σκα'Λϊκίξω, I imitate Eunpides,\\ho?,e mother sold herbs called σχ,χν^Τχ,ες, Equi- tes 19. Αιοίσκε'^ά.ζω, -xuvvf^i, and ^ιοίσκε^εω, {oi» and σ-λ,ε'^ά,ζω) I disperse, break through, render vain. ΑίΛσκε'^Λσμος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a breaking through. Αΐύίσ-Λετττομ,Λί, {^ιά. and σκε-ζ-τομχή I consider thoroughly, deliberate. Αίχσκενάζω, (same and σκευάζω) I thor- oughly prej)are. Αιοίσκευτί, -^g, i], (from preced.) appara- tus, furniture, ornament. Αίχσκεω, (from δ;« and άσκίω) I teach or discijjlinc thoroughly. Ακχ,σκΥινεω, (same and σκγ^νίω) I live in a tent: ΟίχσκγινΥιτεοϋ, it is necessary to shelter, to quarter for the night. ΑιχσκΥιυόω, (same and σκ'ήνοω) I quarter in tents. ΑίΛσκΥίοί'τττω, (same and σκγιζίτττω) Iproj) thoroughly. AiuoKiuuoii^xi, (same and σκίονά,^'.χι) I scatter, ascend spreading. ΑιοίσκίζΤΛω, (same and οζί:^7ά,ω) I leap about, cxuU. 330 !f Δ.ιαβ^ο'ίίίω, A GREEK LEXICON. Δ/α<τχ?ω. i ;' ΑίΛΰκονίω, (same and σκοττίω) I look through, examine well. Αίχσκ,ο'τηάομοίί, (from same and σκο'ττιοί) I watch, inspect. Ακχ,σκοζ-ττίζω, (same and σκ,οζ'χίζύ)) I scat- ter abroad, strow, disperse, dissipate, waste. Αιοίσκ.οζ'τησμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) dis- persion. Αιοίσκωπτω, (δ/α and GKOiitta) I scoff at, rail. Αία,σμΛ, -(χ,τος, το, (from οιύζομ,αι) the woof, a web. Αίχσ/ϋτιχω, (δ;« and σμτιχω) I rub, cleanse by rubbing. Αίύΐσοβίω, (same and σοβίω) I drive away cornfully. Αίχσοφίζομχί, (same and σοφίζω) I act the sophist, deceive by cunning language. Αίχσ'ττχξχκ,τος, -ij, -61/, (from next} torn to pieces. Αίασ-ττχξάσσω, (δ/οε and στταξοισσω) I tear through, tear, reproach. Αιά,σ'ΤΓΛσμα,, -χτος, το, and ^{οίστΓ'ΰΐσμος, -ov, 6, (from next) a drawing asunder, tear- ing through. Αίχσ'ττύω, -ω, (δ/« and σττά,ύ)) I draw, pull, or pluck asunder, or in pieces. Αίχσττείξύ), (same and σ'τηίξω) I dissemi- nate, dispej^se, scatter Αίχσ'ττοξά, -α,ς, τ], (from perf. mid. of preced.) dispersion. Αίοισχίν^ύ), (δ/ώί and σττίύ^ω) I hasten through, contend. Αιοίσ'ΤΓονΙάζύ), (δ;« and σ'ττου^ά,ζω) I ear- nestly endeavour. Αιχσταθ[Λύο(Λθίΐ, and '^ίκστοίύ/ί^ίζω, (δ/α and σταύμάω) I remove a fold to a new sta- tion, remove ; also, / weigh thoroughly. Αιά,στα,Ύ.σις, -ιος, Attic -ξως, τ], (from δ/ίίστίλλίϋ) a covenant, contract. Αια,ατα,σίά,ζω, (δ/ά and στα-σιάζω) I raise a disturbance agaiiut, cause a revolt. Αιά,στά,σις, -ίως, τ], (from ^ιΐστγιμ,ή a sepa- ration, disunion, distance. Αίχστοίτ'ίκ,όζ, -'/j, -ov, (from same) calcu- lated to disunite, seditious. ΑίΛστά,τος, -Vi, -ov, (from same) distant, separated. Αιοίστα,υζόω, (δ/α and στοί.υζόω) I sepa- rate or secure by a palisade. Αιαστίίγ,ω, (same and ατζιγ,ω) I proceed through. ΑιοίστίΧΚω, (same and στίχκοή I send through, pronounce, contract, separate, dis- tinguish, give in charge, command, charge: Heb. xii. 20. " for they could not endure TO ΙιχστΒλλόμβνον, THE commanding;" re- ferring to the ten commandments; or " the PROCLAMATION," which is quoted, Kciv ^n- 340 ' - -^ ξίον, &c. *' and if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart." Αίάστημχ, -οίτος, το, (from 'hi'ioTTi^i) in- tervention, interval, distance, space. Αιχστγίξίζω, (δ;» and στγίξίξω) I establish, confirm. ΑίΒίστΙξω, (same and στίζω) I separate by points, decypher. Αίοίστίλβω, (same and στίτ^βω) I glitter, reflect the rays of the sun. Αιοίστοιβάζω, (same and στοιβάζω) I stuff wadding between, cement with reeds and bitumen. ΑίΛστοιγ,Ίζομ,οίΐ, (same and στοιχίζω) I arrange the letters, settle, establish. Ακχ,στο'Κνΐ, -τις, vj, (from perf. mid. of δ /ci- στίχκω) distinction, difference, sentence, deci- sion, statute, contract. Αΐΰίστζάτττω, (from ^la, and ά,στζά'τττω) I lighten or flash through. Αιχστ^ίφω, (δ/ά and στζίφω) I turn out of the ivay, pervert, make crooked. Αίΰίστζοφ% -7ΐς, ij, (from perf. mid. of preced.) perverseness. Αιάστξοφος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) dis- torted, perverse, averse. Αιοίστζωνννμ,ί, (δ/οδ and στ^ωννυμ.:) I strow, smooth, or make a bed, prepare. Αίοισυξίζω, (same and συξίζω) I hiss or whistle through. Αίΰίσνξμος, -ου, 6, (from next) detrac- tion; also, ironical amplification, diasyr- mus, a figure which extenuates the great and exaggerates the little : x,cci 'κως ο δ/α- συξμος τοίττείνόττιτός Ιστιν οίΰζγισίζ' Long. §38. Αίχσύξα, (δ/α and σύξω) Ι pull or d7'aw asunder, detract, slander. Αιασφχγγι, -^ς, τ}, (from δ/βδ and σφχζω^ the gash or gap in a throat that is cut, a gap of any kind. Neh. iv. 7• Αίασφοϋξίζω, (δ/« and σφα,ΐξίζω) I scat- ter in balls. Αιοίσφακ,τγΐζ, -ίίξος, ο, (from same and σφύζω) murderous. Αία,σφοίΚίζομ,α,ί, (from same and ασφαλί- ζω) I thoroughly secure. Ακχ.σφά,'ΚΚομα,ι, (δ;ί» and σφάλλω) I fail entirely, miscarry. Αίχσφάζ, -άγος, vj, (from δ/α and σφάζω) an opening, a gap. Αιοίσφίν^ονάω, '^ίΧσφνΛονίζο), (δ /fls and σφί'Λονάω) I scatter or disperse, or break in pieces with a sling. Αίο(,σφ•/\χ,όω, (same and σφνικόω) I form like a wasp. Αιασχίω, (same and σχίω or ίχ,ω) I hold ihoroughly, pass through, penetrate. 17 /:^ιιχΛγ7[μϋ.7\ζω, A GREEK LEXICON. Αίατιμαω, ^ΐΛσχ-ημ,οι,τΙζω, {οίά, and σχΎΐμ,οίτΙξω) I form thoroughly. Αια,σχ,Ίξον, -outoc, to, (neut. part, of next, opyccuo!/ being understood) a7i instrumentfor cutting asunder. Αίχσχίζύ}, (δ/« and σχίζω) I rend, cut, divide, through. ΑίΛσόίζύ), (same and σάίζύ)) I save, pre- serve, heal, cure, carry or convey safe through ; pass, ara conveyed safe through, i. e. escape. AioiToiy/i, -~ής, τ], (from perf. mid. of oix- τάσσω) a disposition, ordinance, apipoint- ment. Aiurayf/^u, -ocrog, το, (from perf. pass, of same) an order, commandment, decree. Δίχτχξις, -ιος, Attic -sag, ij, (from same) disposition, ordinance, decree. Αίχτοίξάσσύ}, or -ττω, {oioi and ταίζάσσα) I disturb or trouble exceedingly. Αια,τχζόίγ,γι, -Ϋις, τ}, (same and ηχ,ο^α,χτι) consternation. Aiccroiaig, -sag, v}, (from oiccTsiya) disten- sion. ΑίΜτάσσω, or -rra, (δ/ά and τά,σσω) I dispose, regulate, set in order, order, ordain, aj)point, command. ΑίΛΤΛχίων, (from same and rcc)cvg) short- ly, quickly. Aiccrsyyo), (same and rsyyoi) I soak through. Aictrsluo), (same and ηίυύ)) I stretch throughoid, extend: ^icirslvoy.oii, I exert myself, urge, increase, maintain. Αια,τζιγΧζοί, (same and τζιγ,ιζοϊ) I sepa- rate, οτ fortify by a luall. Aiccrsiyjaf/.oi, -utoc, to, (from preced.) a separation wall, fence, fortification. AidTSKi^cii^of^cci, (o/flt and rsx,f^cci^oi) I teach by clear signs, distinctly signify. Ai(x,rs7\svrao), (same and τίλζυτχύή I bring to pass. Δ/ατίλεω, -Ζ, {oidi and πλίω) I thoroughly finish, continue, persevere. AixTsT^vjg, -sog, 6, vj, (from preced.) reach- ing the end, effectual, perpetual: oictrsT^ovg, to the end, continually. AiocTifA'jo), {^loc and Tsf/.vo)) I cut through. AiccTSTciif^iuo)g, (from OiccTsiua) earnestly. Αίχτίτξοίίνω, oiccTiTocciuo), (δ/ά and ri- τξοίίνω) I bore through, j)cnctrate. ΑίΛτ-ήκύ), (same and tvjko)) I melt thor- oughly. Αιχττ,ζίύ), -ω, (same and t-/ioso)) I keep or preserve carefully or exactly. AtotT'i^owig, -log, Attic -soig, 7], (from pre- ced.) preservation, caution, charge. ΑίχτΙ, {οίά. and Ti)for what, why. Αίΰίτίύγι/ΐίί, (δ /flt and τίθγ,(Λΐ) Ijnit through, disjwse, arrange, appoint; I dispose or frame the mind, Anab. I. 1, 5. whoever came to him from the king, Travrcig οντω ticiriuslg dusTTs/ii'TrsTo, he influenced them all in such a manner, that when he sent them back, they were friends to him rather than to the king;" — I dispose of my pro- perty, sell it, Anab. VII. 4, 1. y.cci r^u yAu "hsiciy a7rs7rsy.\pi ΙιοίτίβεσβίΖί, — ovrojg μισύος yiy/jToci To7g aT^cirturatg' '' and he sent away the plunder to be sold, — that the soldiers might get their pay;" — dispose of my property after death, by a will, Demost. 1029. 25. κ,α,Ι ug ti^zvrZiv IdusTo, " and that dying he appointed by his will :" oiu- τΐύί/ααι, I settle my affairs ; part. 2 aor. mid. uiccusysvog, one ivho has settled his affairs. Demost. 1067. 1. ouTig ciu y/i ^luOiysuog a,7:oua,vvj, " whosoever shall die, not having settled his affairs, that is, intestate." Our translators supposed that this classical ap- plication of the word belonged to it in Heb. ix. 16, 17. But there we must in- clude the sense which is peculiar to the divine covenant of sovereign dispensation, promise, or grace, the leading illustration in the passage, (see οκχ,ύτικ-^ ;) viz. / dispose, appoint, or promise, with the solemnities of an oath, and a sacrifice ; I make a covenant, Gen. XV. 18. Deut. v. 2, 3. comp. Heb. vi. 13—20. and ix. 15—20. ^\e shall, on ex- amining these passages, find that ysaiT/ig is considered as synonymous with & Oiύσσω, (δ;α and ηνά,σσω) I shake to pieces. ΑιοίτινύόίΚίος, -kd, -sou, red hot. Αια^τίΛ'ήγω, and ^ια,τμτισσω, (from oi» and Ts /ζνω) I cut through, cut into parts. Αιο(,το[Λ% '7}ς, ί], (from same) cutting through, decision. AioiToyiou, -ov, to, (from "hiocTslya) a stretcher out, a tache, clasp, hool•, button. Αίΰίτο§,£υομΰΐί,{^ίΰί and τοξεύω) I contend with in using the bow. Αιοιτόζζνμ^Βί, -οί,τος, το, (from next) turn- ed-work. Αιοίτοξξύω, (δ;οί and τοξίΰω) I work as a turner. Αιόίτοζος, -ου, 6, vi, (from "hta and ηίξω) piercing, pierced ; loud, acute. Αίο,τξοίγω^ίω, (δ;» and r^oiyoihicS) I de- scribe in pompous strains, exaggerate. ΑίοίΤζΰίχηλίζύ), (same and τζοίχγιλίζω) I fiing over the neck, precipitate. ΑιοίΤξζτΐτίκ,ος, -oj, -6v, (from next) calcu- lated to divert. ΑίΛΤΟ^Ίΐω, (δ/ί* and r^^roi) I turn away, dissuade, deter by shame, terrify, divert, pervert, confound. ΑίΛΤξίφω, (same and τζΐφω) I nourish, maintaiii. A/ciT^g;^ ^^^4 refresh. Αιύω, (from same and αω) I breathe through, penetrate. Α1βά,(Λος, -ου, 6, τ], (from Vig and βα,ίιιω) two-footed. Αίβά,φος, -ου, 6, vi, (fi'om same and 'βάτ:- τω) twice dyed. Αιβο'κΊοί, -α,ς, oj, (from next) a double . casting, double wrapper, a double casting arrow, i. e. after being thrown, capable of being drawn back again by a chain. ΑίβοΤ.ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from Vig and βόύΟ^ω) twice cast, having two points, a clasp. AiyT^nuog, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and yA;j- vYj) double-sighted, having two eyes. ΑίγΤ^ωσσος, -ου, 6, 5j, (from same and yhZiGoot:^ double-tongued. Aiyof^tu, -Dig, 71, (from same and yo[^og) a double burden, two pachages of baggage ; tivo ridges of hills. This word is given by the LXX as the translation of the noun Q^nsu^nrr, in Judges v. 16. *' Why abodest thou," (or as the LXX have it,) " why did they sit, or abide άυΛμ,ϊσον rij? 'hiyof^ioig, between the hillocks, to listen to the shrill bleatings of the flocks ? At the separation of Reuben, great were the searchings of the heart." The noun is in the dual form according to the points. It is used in Ja- cob's last words, Gen. xlix. 14. to signify *' the two panniers of a laden ass lying down." In that passage, however, the Septuagint translation is ά,νά, μίσοι/ rZu κ,λτ}- ξων, " between the portions," or " inheri- tances assigned by lot." And, agreeably to this idea, the Vulg. renders, both in that passage, and in Judges v. 16. "inter termi- nos," — " inter duos terminos." The tran- scribers of the Septuagint seem to have of- ten been at a loss, to understand either δ/- yo^U, or the Hebrew word for which it is given; for many MSS. have substituted the Hebrew word for that of the transla- tors, and sometimes with a large initial let- ter, as if they thought it the name of a place. Thus, των Μοσφα,ιύοίμ,, &c. see Holmes' Sept. Conceiving the word to be used in a figurative sense. Dr. Horsley re- marks that it may signify any gibbosity or 344 prominence. The panniers of the laden ass form prominences, sticking up on each side above the back of the animal, when he is pleased to lie down upon his belly, which is the posture described in Gen. xlix. 14. Possibly some allusion may be intended, in this word, to the mountains, which on two sides, on the north and on the south, bounded the fair valley of Jes- rael, in which Issachar had his portion. The panniers are the ridges of hills which were the boundaries of his territory. In like manner, the word is to be taken in Judges V. 16. to signify " hills in double parallel ridges.^'' Reuben is asked why he abode between, D-nsiynrr, r^ig '^tyo^Ioig, to hear the bleatings of the flocks. And where should any one abide to hear the bleatings of the flocks, but among hills, where flocks range? The Israelites, settled in the promised land, dwelt between hills, in val- leys or straths bounded on each side by ridges of hills; for such was the land of Palestine in the inland parts. Horsley on the song of Deborah, BibHcal Criticism, Vol.^IV. Aiyovog, -ου, 6, v}, (from Vig and yivoy^ai) twin, a kindred pair. Αβαιγμ,(Χ,, -οίτος, το, (from δίδάσ^ίώί} in- struction, watming, precept. Ai'^ooiTsov, (from same) it is n£cessary to teach. AthcAicrizog, -% -6u, (from same) apt to teach, qualified and willing to teach. Aihoc-yCTog, -Ti, -6u, (from same) taught, skilled. Ai^cc^ig, -sag, t], (from same) teaching. A{huiaKU?<.s7ov, -ου, το, (from same) a school. Αι^α,σκα,Τ^ία, -α,ς, 4 (from same) teach- ing, instruction, doctrine. Aihciax,a,'hiou, -ου, το, (from same) a salary for teaching. AihaoKOcT^og, -ου, 6, (from next) a teacher, master, instructer. Αί'^ύσκω, obsol. pres. δ/δάσσώ) or "^ί^χχα), 1 f. δ;δά|ώ;, p. '^Β^ί^αχα, 1 f. pass, '^ί^οίχβτ]- σομ,οίΐ, p. pass. ^^bί^ΰίyμ,Λl, imperf. act. sh'i- ^ύίσκ,ον, 1 a. act. Ιδ/δοί|βί, 1 a. pass, ihihax,- 6yiu, (from ^οίίω) 1 teach; I act or exhibit a play. ΑιΙέίχγι, -vig, 57, (from perf. act. of pre- ced.) teaching, doctrine. ΑίΙημι, imp. Ιδ<δ>5ν, (from ^ίω) I bind. Αί^οΐσύΰί, for ^iOolg, for δ^δοί;?, from δ/δο^, for δ/δίϋ^/. Αί^ζΰίσκω, (fi'om δ^άω) I flee. Aih^ocx,uvi, -ijg, v], and ^ί^ξχχ/^ίορ, -ου, το, (from Vig and l^sixf^Tj) a didrachmon or double drachm, equal to about fifteenpence. Δ^ί^ξαχμος. A GREEK LEXICON. Αϋξαγωγη. Αίοζχχ/αος, -ov, ό, τ], (from li^Qcc^cf^yj) worth two drachms. Αί^υμΛτόχ-ος, or 1{^μοτόζος,-ον, vj, (from οί^υμος and τίκτω) bearing twins. Αι^υμ-όίων^ -ovog•, and ^ιουμάυο)ο^, όρο;, (from Oilvfio;) twin, twofold. Αι^υμ,ίϋω, (from same) / hear twins. ΑίΙυμ,ογζννις, -ig, (from next and yiyo- μα,ϊ) twin-horn. ΑίΙύμος, -ου, 6, (from ^νω) Didymus, the twin; two, double: Ιί^νμοι, ol, and οβνμχ, TcH, twins, also the testicles, Deut. xxv. 11.: νώνμον ^ύ'Κον, a pair of gaUows, so called because the beam from which the sufferer was suspended, was laid on two posts, Josh, viii. 29. See θωμ,ας. Αι6υμοτόκος. See οι^υματόκος. ΑίΙυμ,όχ,ξοος, contr. -ους, ό, νι, (from δ/δν- μος and χοόα) of two colours. Αί^ωμι, (from δοώ>} f. δώσω;, p. Μ^ωχ,α,, 1 a. act. ihoyycci, see page 65. 1 f. pass, δο^'^σο- μοίΐ, p. pass. ^ίοομΛΐ, page 65. 1 a. pass. i6ou-/iu, see also pages 38, 39. Ιδ/δοί;//, -ους, -ου, Dor. imperf. for έδ/δωί/, -ως, -ω; δώ)7, for δο/>7, 2 aor. opt. δ/δοί^σ/;/, for δ/δο^σ/, 3 pi. pres. indie. / give, give up ; deliver in- to, up, or over; commit, intrust; grant, permit ; place, appoint, constitute ; propose ov promise to give, Deut. xiii. 1. δι^ σοί ση- μύον 'ή τίξχς, give, i. e. propose or pi^omise thee a sign or a wonder, as appears from the sequel : comp. 3 Kings xiii. 3, 5. also Mat. xxiv. 24. and Mark xiii. 22. where our Lord does not mean to say, that false prophets would perform, but would pro- mise great wonders. See Joseph. Antiq. XX. 8. 6. and Jew. War, vii. 11. 1. Anyyuoio), (from oioi and ζγγυύω) I pledge, mortgage. Anyyhyiaig, -U)g, sj, (from ψο,ο,^^,) pledge, security. Aizyiiq(o, (from δ/α and lyiiooi) I raise, excite, rouse from sleep, awake. Aί^ιc^'}^ς, -ίος, or -ίθ)ς, ό, ^, το -ig, (from next) transparent, clear. Αΐίΐοω, and "hiiihiu, (from same and ίίοω or είόέω) I see through, discern, recognise. Αΐίΐ'κ-ίίμμίυο);, (from ^ιοίΚα,μβώνω) ex- pressly. ΑΐίίΑϋω, (from otoi and ί'ίλυο)) I slip through. Αί^ιμι, Ιάω, or ΙΐίΙω, (from same and εΐ,ίί/) / go tlirough, penetrate, persevere. Αΐίίτΐω, (from same and eV^j) / tell thoroughly, relate to the end. Aiii(jyu), (from same and iifiyo)) I sepa- rate by an enclosure, intersect, keep off^ dis tinguish. Αΐίίζομαι, (from δ/« and ύ''•ω) I iixpiire thoroughly or mhmlely. X Aisi^a, (from same) / ^jz/i through, in- sert. Αί£ίξωι/όξ£:/ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from hcc, ίϊζωνΐία, and ^ίνος) fraudulent to strangers or guests. Αη•φού<Κω, (from δ/« and ΐκβάλ'Κω) I cast, bring, or pass, out through. Αΐίκ,βολ'η, -7)ς, vi, (from preced.) a cast- ing or bringing out through, eruption, exit, issue. Αιεκκύτττω, (from δ/α, I», and κ,ύτττω) I look Old through. Αιεκ,ττζξχίνω, (from same and -ττίζαί^ύ)) I pass out through, finish. Αΐξκτπξάω, (from same and -π-εξάω) I 2^ass out through, pass through, endure. Αιε-Λ'π'Κίω, and δ/εκττλώώ;, (from same and ίτλέώ)) I sail out through, hreaJi the e^iemy^s line. Aii-yfTrXoog, contr. -ους, -ου, 6, (from pre- ced.) a passage out through, a breaking of the enemy'' s line. Αίίκροος, contr. -ους, -ου, ό, (from δ/«, e>c, and ρέω) a flowing through, a pipe or gut- ter. ΑιεΚά,σις, -εως, v}, (from next) a driving through. ΑιεΚαΰυω, or '^ιε'κά,οί, (from δ/« and i\civ- ifOi) I drive through, pierce. ΑιεΚεγχω, (from same and iKεy^^ω) I thoroughly confute or reprove ; pass. I plead, Mich. vi. 2. ΑιεΤνεύθω. See ^ιεζχομαι. ΑιεΤ^ίττω, (from δ/α and ελίττω) I roll through or asunder, unfold, explain. ΑΐίΤκκω, or ^ιι/^χ,νω, (from δ/α and εΚκο)) I draw through, drag out, spi^ead out, pro- tract. AiiKou See "^ΐΆίφω. Αιεμβά,ΧΚω, (from δ/α and εμβάχκύϊ) I cast in through. ΑιεμΊπμ,τΐΤ^άω, or ^ιεμιτΊμ'π'ΚΎίμι, (from δ/ά and εμ7:ίμ'^/;τ7^•/ιμι) Ifillfidl. Αιεμ.ΊτοΚά.ύ), (from δ/α, lu, and 'ττο'Κεω) I sell, betray. Aiivky/M, (from δ/ά and l'Ayx.u. See p. 74, under oi) I carry through. ΑιενθυμΛομαι, (from δ/ά, iu, and ^υμεο- μ,χί) I revolve in my mind, think of serious- ly. Acts X. 19. Griesbach. Α(£ΐ/ίχυτίζω, (from δ/ά and l^^icwTog) I live or survive one year. Α{ευοχΚεω, (from δ/ά and ενοχ'κίω) I trouble on account of greatly. Αιεί/τε^ευμοί, -ατός, το, (from δ/ά and evTSQou) an exjdication or discharge of the iTitestines. An^ayo), (from δ/ά^ εξ, and άίγω) I lea, I or 2)ass out Uirough, transact. Aii'^,ctyo)yYi, -yjg, ij. (from jifcccd.) a Irans- arlion, settlement. X 34-3 Δ/£^αί'σ?ω. A GREEK LEXJCON. Αιψίχγις, Ί\ Αίέζα:ΐσσω, (from Ιίά, Ι|, and ά'ισσω) Ι rush out throiigh. Αίέξ,ίΐμί, (iVora δ/α, Ι|, and si/^ct) I go out through. Ais^i'Axaig, -ίως, τ:, (from next) driving out through. Ais^s'Kuvuii), (from ό;«, έξ and βλαύυω) I diive out through. Ais^sTiiaaa, (from δ;α, if and Ιλ/σσω) / roll out through, unrol. Ais^s^soudi, (from ^az, Ιξ and sgiiw) / ask out through, inquire thoroughly. , Αΐί^ίζ-^ομ,α,ι, Ια^ζ'Κίύύω, (from Ιιά,, l| and ίζ-χ,οΐΛο,ι) I come or go ο^ίί through. Ααζ,-'^γίομοίΐ, (from δ;«, II and yiyiofAoct) I tell out through, fully explain. Ais^ir]y.i, (from δ/«. If and 7)7,^/) / 5co), (from δ/α and Ιζύκ,ω) I com- pletely hinder, cbstruct, prevent. Aik(iY,oy.ct,i, (from δ/α and 'ϊξ-χ^οιζαι) I go or pass through, pass over, go or am spread abroad. 346 Αίζ^ωτάω, -ω, (from δ/α and ΐ^ωτάω) I inquire diligently or repeatedly. Akaig, -sag, tj, (from ^ίΐγιμι) division, transmission, a quaver: also (from ^Ίπ^λι^ perfusion. AiiaKif^yAvag, (from '^ιχσκ,ετττο^ίΰΐί) ad- visedly, circumspectly. AisaT^c/.i^yAiJug, (from perf. pass. part, of δ/ασrg£φίy) in a crooked manner. AiiTYiolg, -ilog, vj, (from next) the space of two years. ΑΐίτΥις, -sog, -oDg, 6, τ;, το -sg, (from Vig and srog) of tiuo years' cojitinuance, two years old. Aurioc, -ag, τ], (from same) the space of two years. Αίευύϋνω, (from δ/ά and εΰόύνω) I rectify. Αιευκ,ξίνίω, same as 'hioix^iua. Aιsυ}cξίv7ισιg, -sag, vj, (from preced.) dis- thiction, discussion. Δ/ί^Άα/Βέο,ϋα/, (from δ/ά and ευ\(χ,βίομ.αΐ) I am much afraid, carefidly shun. Αιευνά,ζύ), (from same and ενι/ύζω) I cause to rest, put to death. Αίζυτυγβ,ω, (from same and ευτυχίο)) J am very prosperous, succeed thoroughly. Αιεχ,ν,ς, -iog, ό, τι, (from next) disjoined, unconnected. Αί'εχο), (from δ/ά and εχω) I disjoin, keep separate, am distant. Αίξνξ, -vyog, 6, tj, (from lig and ζευγog) a coiiple, a p)air, double. Αίζω, Ιίζο,ίί,χί, "^ίζεο), "^ίζημί, ^Ίζημιχ,ι, f. -σω, ρ. -χα,, Ι seek, inquire after, doubt. Aίξωog,-oυ, ό, 7],(ΐΥθτα lig and ξω'η) haviiig two lives. AirrAoficci, -ουμοίΐ, (from δ/ά and ^yio- μ.οι,ϊ) J declare thoroughly or particularly, recount, relate. Ai'/iyr,yut, -cirog, το, and "hr/jy^aig, -log, Attic -sag, 71, (from preced.) a narration, history. AirMa, -oj, and 'hr/jua, (lioi and 'ήύεω or 'ήύα) I strain through, filter, fine, wash by pouring water through. Ar/iuwig, -sag, i], (from preced.) straining, filtrating. ΑΐΥΐκ,οΆα, Ion. for ^tcczousa. Acijxovog, Ion. for ^lax-ovog, Αιγικ,όσιοι, Ion. for ^ΐΆχόσιοι. ΑιΫικα, (from δ/ά and ^κ,α)Ι come through, penetrate. Aiv^hvaig, -εας, vj, (from same and ελεΰβα) passage across, ferry. AiYjusQsoa, (from same and τιμεξεύω) I spend the ivhole day. ΑίΥιμι, and Ιίεμχι, (from δ/£ω) / go through ; also, / suffer myself to he frighted away ; also, / moisten, wet, sprinkle, bathe. Αίτ,νεκνΙς, -iog, -ους, 6, {η, το -iV? (from δ/ά Αιτ,ηχως, A GREEK LEXICON. Ar/Mjooj. and yi'jiKVig) continual, perpetual : eig το δ/»;- i/iyJg,fo7' a continuance, continually, Heb. x. 1. during life, Heb. vii. 3. for ever, Heb. x. 12, 14. ΑίΥΐνεκως, (from ipreced.) perpetuallT/, jjo- sitively. Αίτι^εμος, -ου, 6, (from οιά, and όί^ίμ,ος) blown through, exposed to the wind, hilly. Αι^,'τηΐζόω, (from same and 'ήτηΐζος) I join to the main land, throw a bridge over, Αινιταττ,ς, Αιϊτητ'^ς, or Αιο'τητ'/ις, which see. Aivj^sg, -sog, το, (from δ/α and αι'ζω) an elevated part, the top. Ar^QYig, -sog, 6, ij, (from Vig and Ιξίσσω or οίοω) tiuo-oared. Αι•/\γβ.ω, (from δ;α and 'ή%ί(ύ) I sound through. ^ΐ'^Χ,'^ζ) ό, hi "^ύ -hi (from same) sounding. AidcchctQOQg, -ου, 6, (from Vig and ^cchao- σα) where two seas meet, or luashed on each side by the sea. AiUYiKTog, -ου, ο, τ], (from ^Ις and ^viycj} double-edged. Aiu^ovog, -ου, 6, (from olg and ^Qoi/og^ 2)ossessing two thrones. Aiuu^oiy^fi'iKOg, -'/?, -oi/, (from Ziuo^oiy^iSog) dithyrambic, turgid, mystic. Αι^υο^οι,μφο^ϊ^ά,σ-Λα,'κος, and ^ιθυξοίμ,βο'τιτοι- 6g, -ου, 6, (from next and ^ι^άσκο) or ττοάω) a teacher or maker of dithyrambics, a dithy- rambic poet. Αιθύζοίμ,βος, -ου, 6, (from olg and Bo^cc} an epithet of Bacchus as being said to have had two bii'ths ; a hymn in honour of him, rude, irregular, and mystic. Αηχύο), (from δ/ά and Ια,ύω) I shej) throughout the night. Αιιγιμ,ί, (from same and Τψ^ι) I send through, stretch out. Αιΐύϋνω, (from same and Ιύύνω) I steer through. Αιΐκ,νίομ,χι, -ου^.α,ι, (from same and Ίχ,υιο- y^cci) I come or go through, jiiei'ce, perie- trate. AuTTiT'/ig, sec Aio'^iTTjg. Ati'Tro'Kiicc, -ovj, roi, (from Alg and irrokig^ a festival to Jiipiter as pjrotector of the city, Aii'7io'Ato)lng, -iog, 6, ij, (from preced.) coeval with the festival mentioned above, an- tifpiated, fabulous. Aii'TTYiyA, ouTTToif/.cii, and ^li'TrTOfAUi, (from δ/α and "iTTTriy.i) Ifiy through. AiiaTYiy I, {{vom same and 'ίστψ.ι) I part, am separated, depart, remove, proceed. Αΰ'σχυξίζομχί, (from same and Ίσχυζίζο- μ>οίΐ) I affirm or assert strongly or vchc- mcntly, Αιιχυίΰω, (from same and iyyji^e.)) I search through, explore. 16 Αίκα, -oig, a, Dor= for δ/χ./?. ΑΊκάζύ), f. -όίσω, p. "^ίοίκακχ, pres. infin. ^ίκαζί^,ί», for ^ίκύζίίΐι, 1 a. ί^ίκοΐσοί, p. pass. 'hs^iy.ciaycii, (from oiy,ri) I administer justice ; judge ; also, contend in judgment, contend, mid. go to law. Αικοίΐοκ,ξίσΙοί, -cig, ^, (from o'lAciiog and x,^'iaig)just or righteous judgment. Αικιχ,ίοχ,^ίτγις, -ου, 6, (from same and x.(^i~ TYig) a just judge. Αικαιο'Κογίω, (from same and T-.iya) I contend in judgment, accuse, defend, plead causes: ^iKonoXoyioycii, I plead my own cause, defend myself. Αι-ΛΛίοΤ^ογΙοί, -ctg, 7], (from preced.) a phading of one's cause, judicial pleading. ΑικΛίό'ττο'Κις, -sag, 6, τ], (from δίκαιος and TTOT^ig) cultivating justice in its city. AiKotioTir^ciyio}, (from same and τΐ^όίσσω) I ρ ractise justice. Aiycc/AOTr^ocynyci, -ccTog, το, (from preced.) a just action. AiycciiOTr^oiyioc, -ag, ht (from same) right- eous conduct. AiKcc/og, -ocia, -cciov, (from oUri) just, upright, righteous, lawfid; woj^thy, deserving, whether of praise or blame, reward or punishment ; entitled, competent, proper, true : — ο ^i-^ociog, the just or righteous One, an appellation of Christ, Acts iii. 14. vii. 52. xxii. 14. Jam. v. 6. and see Middleton on Luke xxiii. 47. Acts vii. 53. and Jam. V. 6.: — Matth. i. 19. "Joseph — Ιΐκαιος L•, Koil f/y/j ^ίΆων α,υτ'ήν 'xa,2^oCQiiyyo(,Tiacii, — being a just man, although not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily." There is no evi- dence that oUoiiog here, or any where else, signifies humane or merciful. — The Syriac word which is here used for ^Uaiog, is the emphatic jjio ; and wherever -..e|.Q or its emphatic occurs in the New Testament, it will be found to signify, either just in the most rigorous sense, or that which is founded in right. For its use in the former acceptation see John v. 30. vii. 24. Rom. ii. 5. iii. 26. 2 Thess. i. 5. 2 Tim. iv. 8. and Rev. xix. 2. Magee on the Atonement, No. xliii.: το lUatov, justice, equity, right, human or divine; also a title, topic, head or argument of law or right: τά υίκοαοί, rights, j)rivileges. AiKciioauuYi, -Y,g, 'h, (from \ircc2a.) justice, righteousness ; kindness, goodness, bountifuU ness. Gen. xx. 13. xxi. 23. and Exod. xv. 13. AiKccioTTig, -viTog, τ], (from same) justice, righteousness. AiKciiQO), -Z<, f. -ό)σ<», p. oiOiKCii^ncci, 1 f. 347 Δίκθ&ίΛί/Λ«. A GREEK LEXICON. Δ/^;ό»,<*α. pass. ^ΐ'ΛΆΐωύ'ησοιζοίί, p. pass, ^έ^ικαίωμ,αι, 1 a. act. ί^ικοίίωσοί^ 1 a. pass, ί^ίκ,οι^ιάβϊΐν, (from same) / justify, make just, righteous^ pure, holy ; esteem, acknowledge, pronounce or de- clare, just or righteous ; absolve from offen- ces and accejJt as just, acquit. Αικ,α,ίωμ,α,, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) righteousness ; righteous judgment or appointment ; justification, opposed to «,χτύ,κ,ξΐ^ίοι, Rom. v. 16.: ^ικοίούμοίτοί, τά, the precepts or ordinances of the law; righteousnesses. /^ίΆοιίωζ, (from ^ίχ,α,ίος) justly, truly. Αικ,αίωσίς, -ίος, Attic -εας, vi, (from δ;- κ,ίχ,ιόω) law, judgment. Lev. xxiv. 22.;justi- ncation, a being esteemed or adjudged just or righteous, Rom. iv. 25. and v. 18. in which latter, it is opposed to }ccira.x.^lf^oi, condemnation. Αικ,α,ν^Λος, -5?, -ου, (from δ/κ)?) judicial, forensic, fit for the bar. έ^ΐΆΛοία,, -ας, % (from same) litigation, contention. Δ.ίκα.στΓολίοί, -ας, v], (from same and ττο- Τκΐω) administration of justice. Δ.ίΆαστνό'λος, -oy, o, (from same) a judge, magistrate, king. Αι•Λο(,στ''ήζίον, -ου, το, (from next) a tribu' nal. ΑίΖΰίστης, -αν, 6, (from perf. pass, of δ/- κάζω) a judge. ΑικοίστΊκος, -vj, -6v, (from preced.) quali- fied to preside in a court of justice : ro δ;- Kdar^Kou, the fee of a judge : ra, ^ικα,στ^κ,ά,, judicial costs : ^ίκ,χστίκ,ως, judicially, in a judicial form. Αίκάω, (from δ/»») / administer justice. Δίκίλλύί, -ης, vi, (δί? and κ,ίΤΟκύ)) an in- strument driven with both hands, a spade, a pitchfork. Αίκίλλΐττις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a dig- ^'\ ' — X ' V A;»£gfl60s-, -ου, ο, vj, οικ,ίξως, -ω, οικΐ^ος, ^ίκ,ίξοίίος, Ζίκζΰί,ιος, ^ίκ,ξαίξος, Ιίκξοος, and Ιίκξους, (from δί? and κεξα,ς) having two horns. Αι>ίϊφοίΚος, (from same and κ,^φαΚ'-ή) hav- ing two heads. Αίκγι, -mi h, Dica, a deity supposed to preside ower justice ; justice, right, equity; an action at law, indictment, cause, judg- ment, decision, punishment, vengeance, vin- dictive justice. AiKYju, (viz. ζΆτά) according to justice, like. Αίκησίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from δ/κάω) vengeance. Αίκβίου, -ου, το, (from δ/-^)?) « petty suit. Αίκλϊς, or όίχ,Τ^εΙς, -ι^ος, "/}, (from δί^ and Άλΐίύ)) doubly barred, folding doors. 348 Αίκ,ογξα,φία,, -ας, vj, (from δ/;ί.>; and γζά- φω) a ivriting of causes. Αικο'κίκ,τγις, -ου, 6, (from same and Asyij) a pleader. Ai}(.ol\oyL•, (from same) / plead at the bar. ΑΐΆοΤ,όγος, -ου, 6, (from same) a pleader. Αιχ,ορρα,φίω, (from Vixy] and ρά,τΐτω) I patch up lawsuits, am litigious. Αίκ,θξυ/χβος, or ^ίκ,όξύφος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from ΙΙς and κοξυψ'•/)) having two tops. Αίκζόίνον, -ου, το, (from same and κ,ξά- vou) a two headed or two pronged instru•^ ment. ΑίΛζο.τ'Υΐς, -ίος, 6, v), (from same and »^5i- τίω) having two kingdoms. Αίκ,ζον, -ου, το, (from next) a stake fork- ed at the head. Αίκ,ξοος, -ου, contr. -ους, -oyy, see ^ίκί^χος. Αίκξοτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from οίς and k^otL•)} rowed on both sides, marked with wheels on both sides. Αίκτυόκ,Τ^ωστος, -ου, ο, ^, (from next and χΚωύω) woven like a net, net-like. Α'ΐΆτΰου, -ου, το, (from Viy.o) a net for fishing. ΑίΆτυόο)^ (from preced.) 7 make net- work. Αίκτυατος, -'/j, -oV, (from same) made like a net. Αίκω, I cast, throiv, fling, scatter. Αικ,ωττίω, (from ^ΐς and κ,ω'ττ^) I row with both oars. Αίκοτίία, -ας, τ], (from same) rowing with two oars. Αίκ,ωτΓος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) two- oared. At'Koy'ia, (from δ<ν and Aoyo?) / repeat. AiT^oyiu, -α,ς, ^, (from same) repetition, ambiguity, double meaning. Αίτ^ογος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same) double tongiied, varying or deceitfid in oite's words. Αίλογχος, -ου, ο, 9j, (from δ;? and Τ^όγχη) having two lances, doubly armed. Αίλοφος, -ου, ό, vi, or -ος, -v}, -ov, (from same and 'λόφος) having two crests or clifis. Αίμ,ίτξον, -ου, το, (from same and (ΛΪτξον) the quantity of two measures. Αίμγινος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and jWojv) of two months. Αιμ,ΐίοίϊος, -ocict, -ouov, (from same and μ^υά) of the value of two niincB. Atf^oi^ioi, -ας, vj, (from next) a double portion ; also, half a band of soldiers, the same as νιι^ίΐλοχία. Αίμ,οίζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from δί^• and μοίξα) having two parts, a double j)ortion. Alva, -7\ς, ^, excellency. Job. xiii. 11. Αίνζυμα, -ατός, το, and ^Ιννισίς, -ίΒύς, sj, (from next) a whirl, a turning round. Δ/^ίο?. A GREEK LEXICON. iSuVA'Mii. Aiuia, f. -τισω, p. ^shlvYiaot, 1 a. ihiuaoiu. Dor. for tdiumsi^f ^ιν&ύω, ^/ueveaKCj, I move, turn, whirl round : ^rAojicen, I turn mi/self, go round about, traverse. Αίυη,-ης, 7], and ^luo;, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a tvhirlpool. Aiuvjiig, ^i'jaeig, -εσσχ, -sv, (from preced.) whirling, full of vjhirlpools. Atuoa, -ω, f. -όίσο), and οίνω, f. -νω, (from same) / turn, form or -polish on a lathe. Δ.ιυωτος, -vj, -6v, (from preced.) turned, rounded, inlaid all round, capable of turn- ing. Αίξίί, Mo\. for liXTj. Αίξός, Ion. for '^/σσός, -yj, -6u, double. AiQ, (from 01» and ο neut. of ος) for lohich, wherefore, therefore. Αιόβο'Κος, -ου, 6, v}, (from Zsyj, Αιος and βάλλω) httrled by Jupiter. AioyivkroiQ^, -Οξος, ^ioyew^g, Λος, οιογόυος, and 'hioyuYiTog, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and γί- νοίΛο,ί) born of Jove, nobly born. Ακ^ίΰω, (from 'hioc and ^ζϋω) I journey, travel or pass through. Αίο^οίττοζίύ), (from ^ιά, ο^ος and ττοξίω) I journey, travel or pass through. ΑίοΙος, -ου, tj, (from Ιίο'^ίΰω) a way through. Αιο'^ΰζοίΛίχ,ι, (from oici and ο^ύρομ,ιχ,ι) I lament greatly. Aiodvj, (for ίκ Ai6g)from Jove. Aio'iyo), f. -^ω, and ^ιοίγυυ^Λΐ, (from ^loi and οϊγω) I open widely ^ gape. Aior/Ao), -ω, (from same and olx.U}) I dwell by myself, govern and provide for a house. ΑίοΙκτισις, -ζως, {], (from preced.) the go- vernment of a house ; hence diocess. Αιοικ-ητ^ής, -ου, ό, (from same) the governor of a house. Αιοίκίζω, (from lidi and οίκίξω) I sepa- rate my abode, disperse the inhabitants of a family into detached villages. Αιοιστ'ίος, -oc, -ou, (from ^αφί^ω) to be carried through. Αίύϊστίύω, (from δ/ά and όϊστίύύή I shoot through. Αίοιχνίω, (from δ;ά and οΐγ,υίύ)) I pass through. ΑιοΊ'/,ομ,Λΐ, (from same and οΐχ,ομ,οίΐ) I am perished, undone. Αωκτύττος, -ou, (from Ζίύς and τΰτττω) thunderstruck. Αιολίσύίο), and ^ιολισύα,ίνο), (from hoi and ολισθίω or 6λισ&α,Ί)/(ύ) I slip through, escape, let slip through. Αιόλλω, Ιιολί'Λ and ^ιόλλυμι, (from same and ολλυμ,ή I utterly destroy, I ruin : όίόλ- λϋμ,α,ι, I am quite undone, am ruined, perish. Αιόλου, (for δ/ 'όλου, χξόι/ου being under- stood) altogether, always. Αίομοίλίζω, (from δ;ά and όμχλίζω) I sustain an even elevation, preserve the same tenor. Αίόμ,νϋμ,ί, ^ίόμνΰ /iccci, and ^io/xoof^cf-i, (from same and ο/χί/υ^^ι) I swear solemn- ly. Αιομολογίύ), (from same and όμολογίω) I promise, confess: ^ιο^ολογίομ,οίΐ, I mu- tually stipulate. ΑιοΐΛολόγγισις, -ίως, anvd ^ιο^Λολογία., -χς, vj, (from preced.) agreement, treaty. Αιονύσια, -ων, τά, (from Αιό^υσος) the sa- cred rites of Bacchus. Αίονυσιάξο), (from same) I celebrate the rites of Bacchus, carouse. Αιονυσιοί-Λος, -vj, -ou, (from same) belong- ing to Bacchus, bacchanalian. Αιουυσίΰίς, -οί^ος, '/], (from same) of Bac- chus. Αιουύσιον, -ου, ro, (from same) a temple of Bacchus. Αιονΰσιος, -λ, -ou, (from next) of Bac- chus. Αιόυϋσος, -ου, 6, Bacchus so called, be- cause it is said, when born, the thigh Αιός ίνυ^ίν. ΑιότΓίζ, (δ/ο and ττε^?) ivherefore truly, wherefore by all means or especially. AioTirervig, -ίος, 6, jj, το -sg, (from Aiog, gen. of Δί^•, or Zedg, and -ττίτω) fallen fi^om the sky, from an unknown source ; fallen from Jupiter : τό AioTrsrig, the image ivhich fell from Jupiter, oiyccKf^ex, being understood. Acts xix. 35. perhaps a meteoric stone. AioTTogj -ου, ό, (from δ/οψ) a commander, inspector. Αιοτντίΰω, (from δ/ά and οΤίΧΟξΛο,ι) I look through, explore, inspect. AioTTT-iiq, -i^^og, and οίόπ-της, -ου, ο, (from same and οτιττω) one who looks through, an epithet of Jupiter as obsei^ng all things ; — a spy. Αίοτττζα, -ug, 5}, (from same) a glass to see through. Αίοξοίτϊκός, -ij, -ou, (from next) discern- ing. Αίοξάω, -ω, (from δ/ίβ and όρ^ά,ω) I look or see through. Αίοζγίζο/^^χί, (from same and ο^γίζοίΛχι) I am very angry, am enraged. Αιόξ'/υιος, -ου, 6, v], (from olg and ο^γυιχ) of two fathoms. Αίοζύίύύ), (from δ^α and οξύίΰο)) I express rightly. ,, ^ Αίοζθόω, -ω, (from same and όξύόω) I cor- rect, direct. Αιό^ύωμ,οί, -α,τος, τό, (from preced.) cor- rection, eincndalion. Ato(iuo)aig, -log, Attic -ίως, ij, (from same) an amendment, j-cfurmation. 349 ΑίΟξύωτ'ηζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Δ^αίίη-τττξος, Αιοζύωτνις, -ου, ο, (from same) a correc- tor, director, reforvier. ΑίαξύωτΗος, -r„ -ou, (from same) correc- tive. Αίοξίζω, '^ίοξίζομ,αι, (from δ/« and όξίζω) I divide, define, determine. Αίθξΐσ(Λ6ς, -οΐι, 6, (from preced.) defini- tion. Αίοξίστίος, ό,, -ov, (from same) to be de- fined: ^lOQiarsQu, it is necessary to define. Αίοζκ,ίύ), -ω, (from δ/ά and οξ-κος) I con- firm with an oath. Aio^uvf^ui, (from same and oQuvfci) I hapten through. Αίόξνγμα, -ατός, ro, (from perf. pass, of next) an opening dug through, a breach, a luindow. Αίοξύσσω, (from δ/ά and όζόσσα) I dig or break through. Αίοζχίο/αοα, (from same and όξχίομχι) I continue to dance. Αίος, -7cc, -loUf for ^ίϊος, (from Zst/j, Α{ος) sprung from Jupiter, divine, excellent, vast, immense. Αίόσ^οτος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and li^o)- μ,ι) given by Jupiter. AioaTif/.ioi, or '^ioarifisici, -u;, tj, (from same and σγιμ,ύου) a sign from Jupiter, a porten- tous storm, a prodigy. Αιοσκοξίνύίου, (gen. οΐΖίυσκοξ^ίνύιος) Jupi- ter Corinthius, the name of a month among the Greeks, 2 Mace. xi. 21. Αιόσκουξοι, -au, ol, (from Αιος, gen. of Α\ς or Ζίύς, and κουο_ος) Castor and Pollux, ac- cording to the heathen mythology, the sons of Jupiter by Leda, and the tutelar deities of mariners, Acts xxviii. 11. Αιότι, (from ^loc, ο and τι) wherefore, therefore, for, because. Αίοτ^ίφ'ής, -ίος, ό, τι, (from Zsi); and τξί- φύή nourished by Jupiter, divinely born and educated. Αίουξίζω, for οίΟξίζω. AiO)cirsvoj, (from δ/α and o^csrevio) I con- vey water through. Αίοχ,λίω, (from same and όχλεω) Itroiible greatly. Αιογρορω, (from same and ο-χ,υξόω) I for- tify by a trench across. Αίο-ψ, -οττος, ό, (from same and ο'-τομαή an overseer, steivard. Αίο-ψίς, -ζως, vj, (from same) a seeing through, perception. Αιΐΐά,'Κα,ιστος, -ov, 6, vj, (from Vig and 'ttcc- λοί/στίί) of two spans. AiitoiKrog, -ov, ό, ^, (from same and ττοίΚ- rog) hurled with both ha?ids. Αί'ΤΓΥ,χνς, -ίος, ο, Vj, and ^ίττιηχνχίος, -aix, -tziou, (from same and 'ττίίχ,νς) a measure of two cubits. 350 Αίζτλα^ιος, -ou, (from next) double cloak of the Cynics. ΑίττΆοίζω, (from next) I double. Αίττλΰίζ, -οίκος, 71, (from οϊς and ττ'λα.ζ} double. Αί7Γ7ιασίά.ζω, f. -όίσω, (from ^ΐ'π'Κόος^ I double. Αίτΐ'ΚοίαΊοίσ μ,Λ, -α,τος, το, and ^ίττΤ^οίσιασ- μός, -ov, ο, (from preced.) a doubling. Αιτϊ'κά,σιος,-ίοί, -ιου, (from ^ίττΤ^όος) double. AiTrXoYi, -Tjg, i], (from same) duplicity. ΑίττΜ'ϊ'ς, -ι'^ος, tj, (from next) a double woollen coat, garment. ΑίτϊΆόος -ονς, 'on -tj, -6ou -ovv, (from Vig and 'ΤΐΎ.όος, a termination denoting times or fold) double. Αΐ'7τ\όω, -ω, f. -όJσω, p. 'heoi'TrT^ojKcc, 1 a, ίΙίτΓ'λασοί, and '^ΐ'ττ'Κο'ιζο), (from preced.) / double. ΑίττΤ^ωμ,οί, -α,τος, το, (from same) a du- plicate, a state letter of which a duplicate was taken; hence, a diploma, a letter or luriting conferring some honours or privi- leges. Ai-TTo^rig, -εος, ό, τι, οί7::ο^ος, -ov, (from Vig and 'TTovg) of two feet. Αίττοζος, -ov, (from same and 'ττοξος) be- tween two seas. Αίΐτότα,μος, -ov, (from same and ττότοί- μ,ος) between tiuo invers. A'lTTovg, -o'hog, o, ^, (from same and σ^ονς) two-footed. Αίττξόσωτΐος, -ov, (from same and ΐϊ^όσω- 'TTov) having two faces. Αίτττνξ, -νχ,ος, and '^ί'τττνχος, -ov, ο, tj, (from same and "ττύς) twofold, tivo, twin, double. AiTsrvT^og, -ov, (from same and ττ^λί^) hav- ing two gates. Αί'ττΰζος, -ov, (from same and ττι/^) twice baked; having tiuo lights. Αίξκα., -ccg, a, Dor. Αίξχνι, -τ,ς, vj, Oirce, a fountain at Thebes. Αΐξκ,ίχ.7ος, -oiicx,, -alov, (from preced.) of Oirce, Dircean. Aippv^uog, -ov, (from olg and ρνμ,ος) hav- ing two shafts. Αίς, (from ^ύω) twice: α,-ττχί και ΙΙς, once and again. Aig, Αιός, ό, Jupiter. See Ζευς. Αίσαρχαί, -ων, οϊ, (from ΙΙς and ά,ξχ'ή) two royal commandei^s. Αισθά,νίϊς, -έος, ό, vj, (from same and ύντ^σ- κω) tiuice to die. Αίσκεω, and ^ισκενω, (from δίσκος) I phy with the quoit, throw like a quoit, hurl. Αίσχ.ημ.οί, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) the throwing of the quoit, a throwing as of a quoit. Αίσχπ'τττξος, -ov, (from οις and σ^ί^χτ^ον) having two sceptres. ¥ r^ioKiog. A GREEK LEXICON. Λίχ^όμυόο;. Αίσκίος, ο, ij, το -ov, (from Ιις and ayJa) very shady. Αίσκοζ, -ου, 6, the discus or quoit, also the disk or face of the sun, or any i:)lanet, as it appears to the eye. The '^ίσΆος and the σο- λος differed in this, that the former was flat and hollow in the middle, and^ the latter round and solid. Αίσκονζος, -ov, (from preced. and ονζο; for opo;) a qiioifs throiu. . Αισ^.ύξίοι, οι, {Ιΐς and y.voioi) twice ten thousand. Αισσος, or 'διττός, -'^, -ov, (from 'hlg) double. ΑισσυΚΚά,βος, -ου, ο, 7], (from same and σι/λλι5ί/3ί5) of two syllables. Αισσως, (from "Κισσός) doubly. Αιστά,ζο), f. -όίσο), 1 a. k^iaroiacc, (from Vig and στχω) I doubt, luaver. Αίστά,σις, -sac, vj, (from preced.) hesita- tion, debate, division. Αιστίγοζ, ο, τ], το -o'j, (from Vig and στί- γος) having two houses. Αίστίχος, -ou, (from same and σηγ,ος) consisting of tvjo roios, or verses : Ζίστϊχον, a distich. ΑίστοΎΛς, -ου, 'ή, (from same and σ7ί7.7.ύ)) two robed or twin siste?'s. Αίστομ^ος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and στο- μχ, or τόμος, cidting, from perf. mid. of τίμι/ω) having two edges, two edged, cutting on both sides. ΑισχΙ>.ιοι, -Oil, -a,, (same and χι\ιοϊ) tiuo thousand. Δ/τάλ£ί;/το>, -ου, το, (from same and τώ- 'Κοίντο!/^ a double talent. ΑιτόίΚοί^τος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) of two talents. Αιττος, for 'Κισσός. Αίτυλος, -ου, 6, τ], (from Ιις and τΰλο;) having Ιιυο humps. Ahyoog, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ύγξος) tivice watered. Αιυ'κΙζύ), f. -'ϊσω, p. oiv7.i:ccc, p. pass. o;y- Άισμοίΐ, (from oioi and ΰλίζω,) I sej^aratc the dregs from liquor by filtering, strain off. ^^ Αιυττί/ίζω, f. -^aoj, (from o/« and ύττ'^ίζω) I awake, am )Ouscdfro7n sleep. ΑίυφΛίνο, (from same and ύφαίι/ω) I in- terweave. Αιφύσιος, -ot, -ou, (from οϊς) double. Αιφχω, I seek by feeling, catch. Αίφβίξοι, -χς, 71, (from οίφω) a shin, any thing made of shin, leather, imrchment. Αιφθζ(ΐίχς, -ου, ό, (from preced.) one who wears a skin. Αιφύίζωμχ, -χτος, το, (from same) parch- ment, a roll. Αίφοζος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from 11 ς and φίξω) carryijig tivo, bearing fruit oftivo kinds. Lev. xix. 19. but Ιίχφοξο; is the preferable read- ing. ^ Αίφξχξ, -χκ,οζ, 7j, (from preced.) a seat. Αιφζχς, -ά,Ιος, τ], (from same) a close carriage used by ivomen of rank. Αίφζίίχ, -χς, 'ή, (from same) the art of driving a chariot. Αιφζίυττις, and Ιίφζ-ηΤ^χτης, -ου, 6, (from same) a charioteer. Αιφζίύω, f. -ίΰσω, (from οίφςος) I ride in or drive a chariot. ΑιΦζΥιΤ,χσΙχ, -χ,ς, τ], (from same and &λχύνω) driving or skill in driving a chariot. Αίφξ-ή-Κχτίύ), (from same) / drive a cha- riot. Αίφςίσκος, -ου, ο, (from next) a little seat of a carriage. Αίφοος, -ου, 6, in plur. sometimes ^ίφζχ, (a contraction for οίφοζος) the seat of a chariot in which the tuarrior and charioteer sat ; a seat, chair, bench, stool. Αίφζοφοςίύ), (from preced. and φίούή I carry a litter or chair: '^ίφξοφοξούμίαος, one who is carried in a chair, a grandee, Αίφξοφόξος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same) a chair- man. Αιφν'/ις, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from ο]ς and φυτ)) dif- ferent in nature, of two natures, monstrous. Αίχχ, Ιιχύχ, Οίχνι, Ιίχως, (from ^Ις) in a divided state, severally, separate from, with- out. Αιχ,χζω, f. -χσω, p. ΙζΙΙχ,χκχ, (from pre- ced.) / divide, set at variance. Αιχ,χσμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) divi- sion. ΑιχγιΚζϋω, and ^ιγ,τ^κίω, (from ύΐς and χγ,- Τ,'/ΐ) I divide the hoof. ΑίχτιΚος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same) cloven- footed: ^ίχ'ήΚχί, -ων, χι, or Viy/fihx, -ων, τχ, toes of pigs. Αιχ-ήξ'/ις, -ίος, τι, (from οίχ,χ') said of the full moon, as equally dividing the month. Αίχύχ2(ος, -ix, -lov, (from Ιιχ,ύχ) double. Αιχόβου7\ος, -ου, 6, i], (from Ιίχχ and βου7.7ΐ) having a discordant disjjosition, ma- lignant. Αιχογυωμίω, (from next) I dissent from. Αιχογνύ)μων, -όνος, ό, r,, (from οίχ,χ and γνωμγ^ dissentient, distracted. Αιγ/Ανίκον, -ου, το, (from Vig and %o~ivi^ a measure consisting of two chcenices. Αιγ,ομγινίχ, -χς, 7j, (from οίχχ and μνιν) the half or middle of the month, full moon. Αιχόμ,γ,νις, -ιοος, tj, and ^ιγ,όμγ,νος, -ov, (from same) dividing the month into two parts, fidl moon. Αιχόμϋύος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from οίχχ and μυ- θο;) i^revaricating. 351 HsiyjiWicL, A GREEK LEXICON. Δ,ογ/λα, η ■pi flf ?;; ' Αιχ,όνοΐΜ^ -ο&ς, ^, (from same and uoog} discordance. Αίχ,όξ&:ος, -ov, (from Vig and χοοος) of two choruses. Αίχ,ορρχ.γ''ής, -ίος, ό, 7i, (from δ/ρ^δί and ρνιγννμ,ι) split in two, shattered. Αίχορρόστως, (from same and ρΒττω} into two parts, jpartiaUt/. Αιχοστασ'κχ,, -ας, vj, (from same and στά- σις) a separate faction, division, separation. Αιχοστα,τ'ίω, (from same and 'ίστ•/\^ί) I disagree, separate. Αιχοτο(Λίω, -ω, (from same and perf. mid. of τί^νω) I cut in two or asunder, Matth. xxiv. 51. scourge with the utmost severity, cut asunder as it were by scourgi7ig. Ai-)cf)TOpcYipf,cc, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a part cid off, a piece of what has been di- vided into two. Gen. xv. 11, 17. Exod. xxix. 17. Lev. i. 8. Ezek. xxiv. 4. Αιχότομ.ος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) cut in two. Αιχοφζουίο), (from '^ίχ,οί and φξ'ήΐ/) I dis- sent from, am at variance with. ΑίχοΦξοσνννι, -τις, vj, (from same) dissen- tion, discord. Αίχοφξων, -όνος, 6, yi, (from same) divided in mind, discordant. Αίχξονος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from Ιις and χζόι/ος^ of two times, long. Αΐχξοος, contr. -ους, and Ιίχξωμος, -ov, 6, Tj, (from same and χζόχ) of two colours. Δ/ψοί, -ης, 7], thirst, ardent desire. Αι-φΰίΚίος, -a, -ou, (from preced.) thirsty, parched, scanty. Ai -ψοίς, -όί^ος, 7], (from same) thirsty, ar- dent, rapacious ; a serpent. Αι-ψάύ), -ω, f. -'■/}σω, p. ^ihl-^vixci, 1 a. Ιδί- -φησχ, (from same) I thirst, desire ardently, am unsatisfied. Α{φ7ΐτϊκός, -'/), -oV, οί-ψίος, -ου, δ/ψώΐδίίί, -ίος, ό, VI, (from same) thirsty, j^^^^'ched, scorching. Αί-ψος, -ίος, -ους, ro, (from same) thirst. Αίφνχος, -ov, 6, VI, (from ΙΙς and -ψυχ'ή) double-minded, having the mind divided, hav- ing as it were two minds tending op^iosite ways. Ala, f. -σω, p. -x,cc, liou, and lis, imperf. for ίδ/οι/, and 'ilie, I run, flee, fear, cause to fear, drive away, expel. Αίωγμ,οί,, -οίτος, ro, (from ^^ιωκ,ω) pursuit, speed, driving away, expulsion : a mysterious sacrifice belonging to the festival of ^εσροο- φόςια., called liaypict, or οίττοΐίωγμ,ιζ, be- cause all men were excluded from it. Αίύύγροος, -ου, ο, (from perf. pass, of δ/ω- ■Αύύ) persecution. Αίύ)Ιΰνος, -ov, (from Ιίά and olvun} caus- ing or srifferivg great 2^ain. 352' Αιωθίομ,α,ι, (from δ;ά and ώβίομαή I thrust aicay. Αώύω, (from same and ωύω) I thrust through. Αιωκτΐος, -λ, -ov, (from 'Ιιωτοω) to be pur- sued: Ιιωκτίοι/, it is necessary to pursue, must follow. Αιωκ,της, -ου, 6, (from next) a persecu- tor. Α(ύ)κ,ω, f. δ;ώ)|ώ), p. Ιί^Ιωχα, 1 f. pass, ^^ιωχ- ύνίσομ,χι, p. pass, ^shiayfccct, 1 a. Ι^ίαξοί, 1 a. pass, ί^ιωχύτιν, I press upon, pursue, pro- secute, persecute, follow after, endeavour after. Aiuklyiog, -ov, 0, ^, (from δ/ά and ωκΰκω) killing, wearing out. Αζωρίοσία,, -α,ς, v}, (from same and ομνύω) an oath taken by the accuser, and the ac- cused. Αιωμοτος, -ov, (from same) hound by an oath; perjured. Αιωνοιίος, -ala,, -ouou, (from next) of Oione. Αιων'Α, -γις, ^, Dione, the mother of Ve- nus. Αιωννμ,ος, -ov, 6, vj, (from δ /V and ονομοί) having two names: (from δ/« and ououoi) celebrated. Αιωννσσος, poet, for Αιόννσος. Αιωζίσμίνως, (from Ιιοζίζω) definitely. Α(ύ)ξοφος, -ου, ό, v], (from δι? and εξίφω) having two roofs or a second roof. Αώςνζ, -υχος, or -νγος, and ϊίωξΰχ'^, -~ής, VI, (from Ιιοζύσσω) a ditch, river, canal, aque- duct. Αιωστνίζ, -νι^ος, 6, (from '^ιωύω) a bar, staff, or pole, thrust through any thing in order to carry it. Αμά,ω, f. Ιμ,νισω, p. ^ish^-fixtx,, 3 sing, im- perat. 1 a. pass, ίμη^νιτω, (for δα^άώ)) / -subdue, bring into slavery. Αρονισίς, -ζως, vi, (from preced.) subduing, taming. Αμνιτζίζο,, -ας, v], (from same^ a suhduer. Αμγιτνίξ, -νίξος, ο, (from same) a subduer. Αμο)νι, -νις, and ϊμοης, -ι\ος, v], (from same) a female enslaved by conquest, a fe- male sej'vant or slave, Αμως, -ωος, ό, (from same) a man servant reduced to slavery : distinguished from ^ν,ς, a hired servant. Ανο'ττα'κίζο), (for Ινοφακίζω, from Ινόφος, Jones) / darken, cover, or (from 'hovia and ττάΧΚω, Damm) / strike with gi^eat force, overthrow ; [both], / wrap around. Ανοφίζός, -οί, -01/, (from next) dark, black. Ανόφος, -ov, 6, (for γνόφος) darkness, dis- tress. Αόγμ:/, -κτος, ro, (from ΙίΙογμχ/, perf. ^ύγΐΜατ'ί'ζύ A GREEK LEXICON. Δολοτλοκοί. pass, of δοκό») a decree^ o?-dinance. See )c-'- ζόγςχψον. Δογ,ααη'ζύ), f. -ϊσω, p. ^εΐογ,αχηκχ, 1 a. βίογ/ίύάτίσοι, (from loyfcu) I decree, impose a decree or ordinance. Δ.ο'/μ.Λτ'ίκος) -Jj, -ou, (from preced.) opin- ionated, dogmatic. ΑογμΛτοτΓΟίίω, (from ^oyfi» and ττοιίω) I make decrees. Aour/iv, -νινος, ο, a little thief, Aoioc, (nom. pi. neiit. from ^οίός) two. Αοιάζω, Ion. ^οΐίίζίσκ,ω, ^οά,σσατο for Ζο{ά,σχτο, 3 sing. 1 a. mid. (from preced.) / halt between two, doubt. Aoiov^, -νκος, 6, a pestle. Aoivj, Mo\. for toimciu, 3 plur. 2 a. act. opt. of δ/δώ)^Λ Αοίος, -^, -6'j, (from δ^ο) two, twofold. Αοιω, nom. dual, (from preced.) tiuo. Αοκύζύ), f. -όίσω, p. Οίόόκ,χκ», or δο^^άίϋ, f. -9}σω, p. ->j«it, and ooksvoj, I observe, spe- culate, think, judge ; I lie in wait for. AoKsoj, or obsol. οόκω, (see p. 42. and 66.) / think, imagine. Judge, think proper, determine, am disposed, seem, appear, am thought or judged, am in reality : οοκίΐ, it appeareth, it seemeth good or right. Ulpian on Demosth. Olynth. 1. says, ro Α^χ,ϋν ου "ττόο/τως ΙττΙ ά^ΛφφύΆου τάττουσίΐ) οί ττΰΐλύΐίοί, άλλα '?Γθλλόιχ/ζ KUi ϊττι του a'K-/\hii'iiv, — " Arjy.iiu is used b}» the ancients not always to express what is doubtful, but often what is true and certain." The word is then used for affirmation, like our words think, seem, and appear, to avoid the blunt style of positiveness, sed 1 Cor. vii. 40. and x. 12. Α6κ7ΐμ.χ, -Λτος, το, and ^όκΥισις, -ίως, vj, (from preced.) opinion, surmise, appear- ance. Αοκνισίσοφος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and οοφος) wise in one's own conceit. ΑοκΊ/^όίζω, f. -άσω, p. 'ύί^ο-Λίμ,α,κα,, 1 a. iOOKif^ciasi, p. pass. '^e^oyJ/Lcecau.cii, (from oo- xifiiv]) I bnng to the test, try, prove, essay as refiners do metals by fire, examine, discern, dhtinguish, approve, allow, choose. From 1 Thess. V. 21. ττάι/τ» οοκί^.άζετε, compared with the parable of the talents, seem to have risen the representations of Origen, and other fathers, as if it had been a saying of Christ's, '^όκιμ,οι τξατηζίτα,ί yi'veaue, " be ye skilful money-changers ;" that is, act as to all things like men, who can distinguish between genuine and counterfeit coin. Lardner's Works, ii. 528—533. Αοκιμασίχ, -ug, i], (from preced.) /jroq/*, trial. Αοκ:μα.στνις, -ου, ό, (from same) η trier, exmninrr, censor. Αοκίμ,νι, -ijf, VI, (from όοκίω) proof, trial. ΑοτύξΛίον, -ου, TO, (from next) a proof, criterion, test, that by which any thing is proved or tried. Αόκί^Λος, -ου, 6, tj, (from So/csa) proved, tried, approved, accepted: οοκίμ,ως, faith- fully- Αοχ.ΐ(ΛΟω, -ω, (from δοκ /^'/j) / try, prove. ΑοκΙς, -βος, τ], (from next) a rod, me- teor, Αοκ,ός, -ου, vj, (from '^ίκίσβαί for οεχεσύοα, because it is received in the ends by which it is fastened) a beam or rafter in building; figuratively a great faidt. Αοκω, -όος, ij, (from δοκίω) appearance, opinion. Αόκ,οισις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, τ], (from οοκος) the rafiering of a house, a building. Αολίζός, -oc, -dv, (from Ιόλος) deceitful, fraudulent. Αο'ΚίζΰοΐΛα,ι, (from same) I use deceit. Αόλίος, -lex,, -tov, (from same) deceitful. Aa'Aior-zig, -τ,τος, vj, (from same) deceit. Αο'Κιόω, f. -ωσω, 3 pi. imperf. έδολ/οίσοίζ/, for ΐ^ο'κίουν, (from sa,me) / act craftily, de- fraud, deceive, falsify. Αο'κίχα.υ'Κος, -ου, ό, yj, (from οο'λιχ,ο; and αυλός) fixed in long sockets, loiig. ΑοΚιχΛυγ,Υίυ, -ίνος, 6, yj, (from same and α,υχγιν) having a long neck. Αολιχζγχνις, -ίος, ο, τ], (from same and 'ίγχος) having a long spear. Αολιγ,τι^ίτμ.ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and Ιζζτμο;) having long oars, skilful in roioing. Αολίχό^ίίξος, and ^ουΤαχόΙείξος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and ύίίξ'ή) long-necked. Αο'Κιχο^ξόμ,ος, -ου, ό, v], (from next and οξί/ίίύ)) long running, one who runs over the stadium six or seven times. ΑοΧΐχός, -'/}, -ou, long, tedious. ΑοΚίχος, -ου, 6, (fi'om preced.) a long course, a race-ground of seven stadia ; a chariot, a career. Αολιχόσκιος, -ου, ό, 'η, (from same and σχ,ίοί) having a long shadow, Imig. Αολιχόφ^ων, -όνος, ό, τ], (from same and φQrJu) long-minded, tedious. Αολόζις, -βσσοί, -zi/, (from Ιόλο;) deceitful, fraudulent, subtle. Αολο(Λά,χόίνος, -ου, ό, ij, poet. Dor. for οο'/.ομνιχχνος, (from same and f^Yixocu'/i) contnving deceits. Αολο^Λ'ήΤΥίς, -ου, or '^ολόμ,τιτις, -εος, ο, {}, (from same and fyCTjng) artful in design. Ao'KofiiJdog, -ov, (from same and μύθος) specious, artful in words. Αο'κο'κ'ΚοκΊοί, -ας, v], (from next) weaving of wiles, craft. Αολοττλόκος, -ου, ο, ίή, (from ύόΆος and χλί«ω) weaving wiles, wily. Υ y 353 I AoXcfffOioc, A GREEK LEXICON. Λοξττεω. ΑολοτΓοιός, -οι/, (from δολο^ and το/εώ) guile-maJcing. ΑοΤ^ότΐους, or ^οΚιόττύνς, -ο^ος, ο, >;, (from next and στους) cunning-footed, clandestine. Αόλος, -ου, 6, (from δέλω) deceit, fraud, guile ; fault or iniquity in general ; hence, Lat. dolus. ΑοΤ^οφοΑω, (from preced. and (pouog) I treacherously Mil, assassinate. Δολοφο2//ί5ί, -ug, vi, (from preced.) assassi- nation. Αο7^οφΟ!/ος, -ου, 6, (from same) artfully murderous. Αο7\.οφξα^'ίΐς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from 'hOT^og and φξύζομ,οίΐ) cunning. Aoλoφξousω,{ΐvom same and φξ'ηυ) I art- fully plan, plot, dissemhle. ΑοΆο'φρων, or ^ο'Κιόφ^ων, -ovog, 6, yj, (from same) cunning-minded, crafty, luily. Αο'Κόύ), -ω, f. -ωσο), p. tiho'hax^cc, 1 a. ϊ^ό- "Κωσοί, (from ^ότ^ος) I corrupt, falsify, act de- ceitfidly, flatter. Αό'Κων, -ovog, 6, (from same) a I'ioniard; also, a small sail. Ao'havig, -ilog, τ], (from same and a\p) ivearing a deceitful face, treacherous. ΑόΎ.ωσις, -εως, jj, (from ^οΤ^όύή artfid ma- chination. Aofioi, -oiTog, TO, (from perf. pass, of δ/- '^ωμ,ι) a gift. Αομ,οίτΊζω, (from preced.) / give gifts. Αόμ,&νοίΐ, Dor. for loiiuoci, 2 a. infin. act. of "hl^a/LCi. Αομ'ίί, -τις, {], (from Ιίμω) a structure. Aofjcviraq, -οξος, ο, (from preced.) a build- er, architect. Αόμ,ος, -ov, 6, (from Μ^Λω) a house, family. Αομ.οσφοί^.'ής, -ίος, 6, ^, (from preced. and σφαΚΚω) ruinous to a family. AouotKsitg, 'ίως, or -ί^ος, ό, 'η, (from ^ouex.^) hearing reeds. AovcuKOsig, -saacc, -su, (from same) abound- ing with reeds, reedy. Αονοίκ,οτξόφος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and τξίφω) feeding i^eeds. ΑουοίκόχΤ^ους, -ου, 6, τ}, (from next and χλόΰί) green with reeds, verdant. Aouci^, -οίκος, 6, (from next) a thing shaken by the wind, a reed, pipe: loucc^ ύτο7\.ύζΐος, the bridge of a lyre. Aouia, f. -νισω, and ^ονίύω, f. -ίϋσα, I whirl about, shake, agitate, brandish. Δο|β£, -γις, VJ, (from δοκίω) appearance, brightness, glory, honour, esteem : ^όζοα, χι, dignities. II. Κ', 324. ούδ' οίττΌ δόξι??• nor disappoint thy good ojnnion. Αο^ά,ζω, f. -ά,σω, p. δεδο^βίκοί, 1 f. pass. δο|ασ^5?σο^οί/, p. pass, ^ί^όζ,οι,σμ,οίί, 1 a. act. έδό|οίσοί, 1 a. pass. Ιδο|ώσ^>2ζ/, (from preced.) / cause to appear bright, glorify. 354 Αό^οίσμοί, -χτος, ro, (from preced.) g/on/. Αοξίζστίκ,ός, -vj, -6v, (from same) capable of forming an opinion. Αοζΰίστός, -'/j, -ou, (from same) glorious. Αοξϊκος, -'/J, -ou, (from Ιόξοί) glorious, splendid. Αοζ,οκ,ομ,ττίω, (from same and κ,ομ,ττίύ}) I make an ostentatious show. Αοξοκοττίοί, -ας, τ}, (from same and κ,ο'ττνι) and Ao^o/xxuici, -ας, v\, (from same and ^λ- νίΰί) extravagant ambition or vanity. Α&ξόομαί, (from Ιόξχ) I am deemed. Αοξά,, -ας, vj, lo^ou, -ου, το, and Ζό^ος, -ου, ό, (from δδ^ώί) a skin, bag. Αοξατίζω, (from "^όξυ) I hurl the spear. Αοζά,τιου, -ου, το, (from same) a little Αοξατισμ,ος, -ου, ό, (from ^οςατίζύ)) the hurling of a spear. ΑοζοίτοτΓοίχ'^ς, -ίος, 6, Vj, (from δο^ϋ and Tcaypg) a spear-thick. Αοςατοφόξος, -ου, ο, (from same and φί- ξω) a spearman. Αοξίά,Άωτος, see "^οξυάτ^ωτος. Αοξίγαμβξος, -ου, v}, (from δο^ν and γα-μ,^ βζος) wedded to the spear, causing war by her marriage. Αοζίύνίζάτος, -ov, (from same and ^γΐζάω) hunted by the spear, taken in war. Αθξίκ,τ-/]τος, or ^οξύκ,ττητος, -ου, ό, yj, (from same and Άτάομ^αι) obtained in icar. Αοζίκτΰτί-ος, -ου, ο, vi, (from same and τΰ^ττω) striking ivith the spear, afflicting with war, warlike. Αοξίλνΐ'τττος, ζου, ο, ^, (from same and Τ^αμβάνύ)) taken in luar. Αοξί/χόίνής, -ες, and ^οξίμαςγος, -ov, (from same and μαίνομαι, or μάξγος) spear-mad, eager for war. Αοξίμι^στωζ, -οζος, 6, (from same and μάω) desirous of the spear. Αΰξίτταλτος, -ου, ό, (from same and ττάλ- Άω) shaking the spear. Αοξίστετ'^ς, -ίος, ο, τ], (from same and, π Ίσιττω) fallen by the spear. Αοζίττόνος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and -ττό- νος) labouring at the spear, brave ; afflicted by the spear, pierced, besieged. Aoqyca^iov, -ov, το, (from next) a little gazelle or antelope. Αοξκας, -α^ος, ^Οξκαλίς, -ιίος, and δο^|, -κ,ος, 7], (from Ιίξκω) α wild goat, deer, ga- zelle or antelope, so called from its fine eyes ; a proper name, Acts ix. 36. Αό^χ,ων, -ωνος, ό, (from same) a gazelle or antelope. Αόξον, and Ζοξος, see δο^ά. Αοξ'^ίω, (from ^όξ'ττον) I take a meal, sup. Δ.οο'^'ηατοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Αουξίχ,τ^ιτοί Αόζττηστος, and Ιύξττίστος, -ου, ο, (from next) supper hour, ΑόξΤΓον, -ου, το, '^όξ'Τί-ος, -ου, ο, οόζ'πνι, -'/ις, ν}, ^οζττιγι, -ης, ί], '^οξ'ττ'ήϊον, -ου, το, an even- ing meal, supper: οόξττος was the supper, Odyss. B', 20. which afterwards among the latter Greeks was termed hlTruoi/. Some enumerate the times of eating as follows : 1. Άκ,ξόίτίσ/ίίχ; 2. α,ζίστου', 3. δί/λ/ζ/ον or έσττύςισμ,α ; 4. hlTruou. The generality of authors agree that the ancient Greeks took only three meals a day, and omit the Ιίίλι- νου. Afterwards, οίξίστον denoted dinner, ^ύξ'ττος the afternoon repast, and ^fiTjri/ou supper. Others are of opinion that the primitive Greeks had only two meals a day, the u^iarou and ^ό^τί-ος, and that the other words included only the sense of these. Αόζυ, "^όςυος, by transp. "^ουζός, dat. ^ου^Ι, and, by excluding υ, ^ξός, and δο^< ; from obsol. Ζόξα, οόξά,τος, το, (from δ^ί?) tiinher, a beam, a pole ; a spear, lance, pike, "Uart, javelin ; a sceptre. Αοζυάλύ)τος, -ου, 6, tj, (from preced. and άλίσκύή taken with the spear, taken in war, a capdive. Αοξύ^ξνος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and |£- νος) one received as a friend after being fought with as an enemy, a guest of war, hospitabL•. Αοου'ίόος, -ου, 6, (from same and ^Ui) a spear polisher. Aooyi^Toi, I tear the skin, Αοξυσύξνής, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from So^y and σύί- νος) mighty in battle. Αοζΰσσω, f. -I^j, (from ^όζυ) I arm with a spear, I arm. Αο^υτίνα-Λτος, -ou, (from same and Tiuxa- σω) agitated with the spear. Αοξυφοξίω, -ω, f. -Τίσο), 1 a. pass. Βοοζυφο- ζ'/ιύηι/, (from same and φίξω) I attend upon in armour, guard. Αοζυφοζίοί, -α,ς, vj, (from preced.) a guard. Αοξυφύζος, -ου, ο, (from same) a spear bearer, life gUMrdsman. Αόσαν, Ion. for ihoaocu, 3 plur. 2 a. of li- Αοσίοίκος, -ου, 6, τι, (from next and Ιίκ,γι) one who suffers j)unishment, liable to j^unish- mcnt, responsible. Αόσις, -ιος, Attic -ζο)ς, τ;, (from 2 pcrs. sing. perf. pass, of οβωμή a giving, a gift. Αόσκον, ^όσκίς, ^όσκε, poet, for έδ/δων, sot- δώί$•, kolL•, imp. of Ίίοοψι. Δο'τ£/ζ>α, -ug, v], (from next?) a giver. Αοτ'ή^, -7}ζος, and οότγις, -ου, 6, (from 3 [)crs. sing, pci-f. pass, of oilo){/.i) a giver. Αοτ^Λος, -ij, -ov, (from same) disjjoscd to give, boiinliful. Αου'Καγύίγίω, -ω, (from οουΤ^ος and oiya) I bring or carry into servitude or suhjection. Αου7\.α,'/ωγ6ς, -ου, 6, ^, (from preced.) a leader or master of slaves. ΑουΤκοί'ΤΓΛηΙίί, -ας, τ], (from δύίλο? and dTTocTxiij) kidnappijig, Αου'κύα,, δοϋλ/ί5ί, -u -ς, and ^ουλ-ηΐ/ι, -τις, '/], (from δούλος) servitude, slavery, bondage. ΑούλΒίος, and οουΜος, -ex,, -ov, (from same) of a slave, slavish, servile. Αού'λζυμ,α,, -χτος, το, (from δουλεύω) ser- vice, a slavish tool. Αουλευτίος, -ct,, -ov, (from next) to be served: ^ουΤ^^υτίον, it is necessary to serve, must obey. Αου'Κζΰω, f. -soao), p. δδδο^λεί/^δί, 1 a. ϊ^ού- Τ^ίυσοί, (from ^ου7\.ος) I serve, am serviceable, am in subjection, am in bondage. ΑουΆτι, -τις, vj, (from same) a female ser- vant, a handmaid. Αουλίκός, -oj, -6u, (from same) ft for a slave, slavish, mean : οουΤ^ικ,ως, slave-like, with servility, sluggishly. Αούλίος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) servile. ΑουλίχόΙε{ζος, for ^ολίχ,ό'^Βίξος. Αουλοττξίττίία., -οίς, vj, (from next) slavish- ness, sei'vility. ΑουΤ^οτΓζίττνις, -ίος, ό, ^, (from 'hoυ7ioς and τΓζίττω) befitting a slave, slavish, servile. ΑουΆος, -% -ou, servile, subservient. Αουλος, -ου, ό, and neut. plur. οουλα, τά, a servant, slave. Αου'Κοσυυ-ί], or ^ου'Κωσΰυη, -νις, '^, (from next) slavery. Αου7\.οσΰ^6ς, -yj, -ou, (from next) reduced to slavery, treated as a slave. Αου7\.όύ), -ω, f. -ό)σω, p. ^ί^ούτ^ωκοί, 1 f. pass. οουΤ^,ωύνισο^Λα,ί, p. pass, δίδονλω,ίίίίί, 1 a. act. iboC'Koy^oi, 1 a. pass, ί^ουλωύ-/:^, (from δούλος) I reduce to servitude or slavery, en- slave, Αούτ^ύίσις, -εως, τί, (from preced.) slavery. Αουτΐεύ), f. -'ήσω, (from next) / sound, fall with a noise, roar. Αουτΐος, -ου, 6, a sound, a heavy dull sound, a noise, clash, rumbling. Αουζοί, nom. and ace. plur. of }ιόξυ, ^ουςός. Αουζοίς, -Λτος, το, poet, for δο^ι/. Αουξά,τεος, -sec, -sou, ^oOQstog, -ου, ο, v), and Ιούζίος, -ice, -lov, (from 'oixmc) made of luood, wooden. ΑουζΥΐυεκ'Ας, -ίος, ο, ^, (from same and iuiyKa) a spear's throw. Αουξίκ,Άείτός, ^ουζίΛλυτος, and Ιοζίκ,'λντος, -ου, ο, 71, (from same and ίί,Τ^ίΐτός) celebrated for the spear, or for arms. Αουζίκτγιτος, and οου(>ί'Α-/ΐ'7ττος, -/ι, -ou, (from same and κ,τάομα,ι, or 'Αα,μ,βύνύ)) ob- tained or taken by the sfcar, a captive. 355 Αουξοδόχ'η, A GREEK LEXICON. Λζνηζύ'ΤΓος, Αουξο^όζιη, -ης, sj, (from same and ^ίχο- fAui) a cavity in a pillar to receive spears. Δονξός, gen. of Bo^y. Αοχίΐον, and ^όχ:οι/, -oy, το, (from Μχο- fAoii) a receptacL•, repository, inn, Αοχνι, -vigy '^, (from same) a receiving of guests, entertainment, feast. Aoxf^vi, -ίί, and δορζ^κΐί, -γις, ^,(from same) a palm, a measure equal to the breadth of the four fingers. Αόχμιος, -ου, ο, vj, oblique, cross. ΑοχίΛο'Κοφος, -ου, ο, i), (from next and Τρο- φός) cross-crested. Αόχμ,ος, ύ], -ou, oblique, cross, winding. Αοχ/αόω, f. -άσω, (from preced.) I bend, turn aside. Αξάγμοί, -ατός, το, and ^ζοίγ/χός, -ov, 6, (from ^ξχσσω) a handful. Αξοίγμίύω, f. -ενσω, (from preced.) / ga- ther corn in handfuls, bind in slieaves. Αξαίνω, f. -ανω, (from δ^ώώ;) / act, make, serve, flee. Αζαχ,6ρτ£{ος, -a, -ov, (from διάκων) of a serpent. A^oiKOuriou, •ου, το, (from same) a little snake. A^MKouTOf^uh'Kog, -ov, (from same and μού\.7^6ς) fleecy or curled like a dragon. Αξο,χοντω^τίς, -ίος, 6, sj, (from next) ser- pent-like, fierce. Αξά,κ,ων, -οντος, 6, and '^ζά,κ,αινα, -της, τ], (from έ^ξοίχον, 2 a. of Ιίξκω) a dragon, a large kind of serpent so called from his acute sight ; the devil. Αζοί(ΛΜ, -ατός, το, (from δ^άω) an action, play, drama. Αξαματοχοιος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and •ττοήω) a dramatic writer. Αξαματονξγία, -ας, ij, (from same and f^yov) a dramatic exhibition. Αξα/ΐΛίω, f. -jjffiy, or ^ξαι^,ίσω, by sync. ^ξαμα, f. m. ^ξαμου /nai, (from ^ξίμω) I run. Αξάμγιμα, -ατός, το, (from preced.) run- ning. Αζά^, -άχ,ος, 6, (from ^ζάσσω) the hollow of the hand, a grasp, a handful. Α^ατΐίτιΰω, f. -ιύσω, (from δ^«6>) / flee away. Αξατίτγΐζ, -ου, 6, (from same) a fugitive servant. Αξατίτΐ^νΐζ, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a little fugitive. A^aasta, (from ^ξάσω, 1 f. of ^ξάω) I de- sire to do. Αξασϊμ.6ς, -»?, -6u, (from same) fit for ac- tion : TO ^ζασιμον, action, achievement. Αςασμός, Ion. ^ξτησμος, -ου, 6, (from same) flight.^ Αζάσσω, or 'Ττω, 1 f. mid. ^ξάζ,ομαί, 1 aor. mid. ί^ξα^άμνιν,• p. pass. ^i^Qay/icai, 356 (from Ιξάω) I take, take fast hold on pro- perly with the hand, drag. Αξαστ'ηξ, -ίίξος, and Ιξάστης, -ου, 6, (from same) an agent, minister, man-servant. Αξαστ'•/ΐξΐος, -la, -lou, (from preced.) ^i for acting, strenuous, efficient ; violent, dar- ing. Αξατος, and οαξτος, -ou, (from Ιίίζω) skinned,flayed. Αζαχμ'ή, -^ς, r„ a drachm, about seven- pence three-farthings of our money, Luke XV. 8, 9. Αξάω, -ω, f. ^^άσω, 1 a. st^aaa, I act, make, serve, flee. Αξίκω, see page 69. / look. Αζίμω, (obsolete. See page 74. under τζίχω) I run. Αζε-ττανη, -Υΐς, v], and δ^έ-τάι/οι/, -ου, το, (from ^ξέττω) a sickle, scythe, falchion. Αζξττανηφόξος, -ου, 6, 9], (from preced. and φέξω) bearing a sickle or hook, a war chariot armed with a scythe. A^S'Tsrecvoiih'^g, -ίος, -ους, ο, ^, (from same and «δο?) like a sickle or scythe. Αζζττανουζ^ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ίξγον) a sickle or scythe maker. Αξί'ττω, f. -ψώ), 2 a. εδ^οί-ττοι/, 1 a. mid. ίΐξί-φάμην, I crop, cut off, reap. AqyiaTiiga, -ας, 'ή, (from δ^άώί) a maid servant. ΑξΥΐστοσΰν/ι, 'πς, ^, (from same) atten- dance. Αξίμίιλος, -;j, -Of, and ^ξΐμύς, -s7a, -υ, shaip, acid, bitter: ^ξ/μίως, sharply, keenly. Αζΐμΰτης, -ητος, v}, (from preced.) bitter- ness, acuteness. ΑξομαΊος, -ov, (from δέδ^ο^α, perf. m. of '^ξΐμω) running, rapid. Αζομάς, -α%ος, vj, (from same) fleet, un- restrained, wandering: ^ξομας κ,άμηΤ^ος, a dromedary. Αξομεύς, -ίος, Attic -έως, 6, (from perf. mid. of ^ξέμ,ω) a runner. Αξόμημα, -ατός, το, (from same) running, speed, tumult. Αζομίκος, -5j, -ov, (from same) jfi /or rw«- ning. Αξόμος, -ου, 6, (from same) the act of running, a course. Αξοσεξός, -ά, -ov, ^ξόσίμος, -ου, 6, ί], Ζξο- σόεις, -εσσα, -εν, ^ξοσω^Υΐς, -ες, -εος, (from δ^ο'- σος) bedewed, dewy, dripping with dew, cool. Αξοσίζω, (from same) / sprinkle tuith dew. Αζοσοβόλος, -ου, ο, yj, (from next and βάλλω) shedding dew, dewy. Αξόσος, -ου, 6, dew, deiv-drop, tears, hence, Lat. ros. Αξυνικόχος, -ου, 6, sj, (from δ^ί? and xoV- τω) a cutler of wood, a feller of timber. m ■ Αυξίνο; A GREEK LEXICON. Λνΰα,υ,εοΐϋς. Αςνϊνος, -η, -ον, (from Ι^νς) of wood or oak. Αξύκοίζτ-ον, -ον, το, (from same and καζ- τος) fruit of the oak, an acorn. Αουκο'λΛ'τηης, ~ου, 6, (from same and κο- λύ-ττω) a woodpecker. Αξυμος, -ον, 6, (from opv;) a grove of oaks, a grove, a wood, thicket. ΑζυμωΙγ,ς, -ίος, ο, 'ή, (from preced.) bushy, woody. A^vfidii/, -ωΰος, 6, (from same) an oak wood. Αξνόγοΰος, -ον, (from οοϊ/ς and yivof^cti) oak-bearing. Αζϋον, -ον, Οξίο;, -εος, το, (from Ιξυς) α forest, thicket, Αξνο -yp, -οττος, ό, (from same) a rain-foivL ΑξντΓίτ'ής, -ίος, 6, tj, (from same and 'ττί-ττ- τω) ready to drop, ripe. Αοντττω, for ^ξύφτω, also Οξύφα, and ^ού'τττω, (from ooovTrTa) I tear, lacerate, bruise. Αζνς, -νος, vj, an oak, an oak-tree, a tree, Αξύτ•/!, or Ιζοίτη, --/ις, v}, (from preced.) a trough, coffin, bath. Αξντόίίος, -ον, 6, (from same and τί^νω) a wood-cutter. ΑούφΛκτος, -ον, 6, (for οούφοοίκτος) a ba- lustrade which surrounded the court of jus- tice. Αζωττοίκίξω, (from next) I take off the hair with a plaster. Αζύύ'ττα'ί, -οίκος, 6, a plaster. Ανίω, f. -'ήσω, (from next) / sink in sor- row. Αϋη, -ης, ii, (from "hua) sinking of the mind, sorrow. Αυγι'ττά,ύγις, -ίος, Ζννιττόίβος, (from ονιη and ττύ,σχ,ω) miserable, distressing. Avr,'^'cc6tx, -οίς, vj, (from preced.) affliction. Αννά,μ,οίΐ, imperf. iQvjoif^rt'j, Attic νΐοννύ- I^Yiw, 1 f. mid. ovw/jao/iccn, 1 a. mid. ίύννησά- μγ,ν, 1 a. pass, ehw/jumu, Attic v]lvvv)uyju, also ίοννάσβτην, Attic vjovuxauriu, I am able, capa- ble, have power, capax:ity ; it applies to mo- ral, as well as to natural ability, and may be understood of what can be done with propriety, what may or ought to be done, either in fact, or in the judgment and incli- nation of the agent; as, Gen. xxxiv. 14. Deut. xvi. 5. 2 Kings xvii. 17. Mat. ix. 15. Mark vi. 5. Luke xvi. 2. John vi. 60. and vii, 7• and xii. 39. Acts iv. 20. Rom. viii. 7. 8. 1 Cor. iii. 1, 11. and x. 21. 2 Cor. xiii. 8. 1 John iii. 9. Αννα,μις, and δι/νάσ /c, Ίος, Attic -iwc, i}, (from preced.) j'^ower, energy, strength, abjindance, a host or army: "^ννάμας, oci, angelical powers, angels; mighty, i. c. mira- rulous poivcrs, miracles. Αννα,μ,όω, -ω, f. -ωσΐύ, p. }ίί^ννά,μωκΛ, 1 a. pass, ϊ^νναμωθτι'^, (from same) / make strong or powerful, strengthen. Αν^Λστύοί, -ας, 'ή, (from same) power, strength, army, empire, dynasty. Avucc7Tsv/icx, -α,τος, το, (from same) an empire. AvvuGTivco, f. -ίύσω, 1 a. ίοννά,σηνσοί, (from same) / bear ride, reign. Αυνάστϊΐς, -ον, 6, (from same) a mighty or powerful one, potentate, sovereign, great man, grandee. Αννχτίω, -ω, (from next) I am powerful. Αννόίτος, -oj, -ou, (from ^vucty.cti) power- ful, mighty, able, strong, possible, either in a natural OT moral sense, in the latter. Mat. xxiv. 24. and xxvi. 39. Gal. iv. 15. Αννατως, (from i^reced.) powerfully. Avvo), and ονΐίί, f. ούσω, p. ^i'tvKOi, 1 a. ζόνσα, 2 a. sovu, p. pass. ύ&ονσμ.οα, (from όνω) I go off OY set as the sun. Avo, two. See p. 22. ΑνοΖίκά,τος, twelfth. Ανοκχβεχ,οί, and ova'^SKSi, twelve. ΑνοκίίίΟίκΰίς, -άοος, tj, the number twelve. Ανς, an adverbial particle prefixed to words, denotes difficulty or evil: the oppo- site of iv. See p. 77• Ανσοί'/κόμιστος, or ^νσΛναχ,όμιστος, -ou, (from preced. and άνα,κομίζω) difficult to be restored, irrevocable. ΑνσΛγω'/ος, -ον, 6, v}, (from same and άγωγ'ή) difficult to be led, stubborn. Ανσά,ΟίΚφος, -ον, ο, 'ή, (same and άδελί^ο,-) unfortunate in a brother or sister. Ανσά,'ής, -ίος, ο, ί], (from same and ««y) hard-bloiving. Ανσάύλίος, -χ, very wretched. Ανσα,ιά,ι/'ής, -ίος. very mournful. AvactUyj, -ω:/ος, happy in life. Ανσα,\-/%ς, -ίος, -ου, (same and α,6\ιος) ο, ri, (same and αίχνιης) dx, rather δί/σαλ/α, -χς, τ], (from Zila»)flth, nastiness. Ανσά,'Κιος, for δνσ'^λ /of, {^νς and »;λ/οί) having little of the sun, experiencing a lower- ing sky, and discouraging circumstances. Ανσά,Τκνχ,τος, -ον, ο, ^, (from same and χΚνσκω) inevitable. ΑνσόίΚωτος, -ον, ό, r„ (from same and χΐάσκοΐ) difficult to he taken ; or difficult to avoid being taken. ΑνσΛμίξίος, -ον, (from same and '/ιμ,ίο») ill-boding. I Αυαάμμοξος, A GREEK LEXICON, ΑναΒζψυτος. m li' Αυσά,μ,μ-ο^ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and (ΛΟζος) unfortunate, very wretched, Ανσοίΐ/οίσχΒτίω, (from ^νς, avoi and σχίώ) I bear ill, am averse to, am indignant at. AvGoiuixrog, -ov, (from ^ύς and α,Αχω) difficult to be borne, intolerable. Αυσύ,ντνιτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and auToiCd) dangerous to be met with. Αυσοίτϊ-άλΆοίκ,τος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and άΐΐοίΚΚά,σσο)) difficult to be shaken off. Αυσιχ.'τΐόΆξίτος, -ου, 6, v), (from same and ά,7Γοκξίνο(Λΐχ,ι) difficult to he answered. Αυσοίττότζί'τττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ά,'ΤΓοτξίττω) difficult to be averted, indexible. Αυσοίζίστίύ), (from same and άξεστος) I dislike, am displeasijig, am displeased with. Αυσοίζίστνισίς, -ί<'^ζ•> ίί? (from same) dis- fleasure. Αυσόίζζστος, -ου, 6, yj, (from same) ha7^d to please : Ιυσοίξίστως, morosely. Αυσΰίξίστοτόκ,ίία, -οίς, ίί, (from ^ύς, όίξίσ- τος and τ2»ο?) unhappy in giving birth to the bravest of sons. Αυσά,τΊ(Λος, -ου, (for ^ύας άτιμους) dis- honour. ΑυσοίυΤ^ία, -α,ς, vj, (from next) an inhospi- table, or inconvenient abode or harbour. Αΰσα,υΤ^ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ^ύς and αϋΤ^τΐ) difficidt or inconvenient to lodge in. Αυσοίχύνις, -ίος, ό, vi, (from same and οίχ- 6ος) difficult to be borne, intolerable. Αυσβάστοίκ,τος, -ου, ό, τ], (^ύς and βάσ- τχκ,τος) hardly borne or carried, grievous to be borne. ΑυσβατοτΓΟίεομαι, (from next and ττοιίω) I am rendered difficult to pass. Αΰσβόίτος, -ου, ό, V], and "^υσ^ίάβατος, (from Ιύς and βοίίνοΑ difficidt to be passed. Αυσβάϋκ,τος, -ov, (from same and βα-υζω) ill-boding. Αυσβουλίΰί, -ας, τ}, (from next) perverse- ness, folly. Αΰσβου1\ος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ^ύς and βουλτ}) ill-advised, perverse. Αύσγόίμος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and γά- μος) ill-married. ΑυσγάξγόίΤ^ος, or ^υσγχξγά,7\.ίστος, -ου, ό, 7], (from same and γαξγα-Άίζα)) not easily tickled, sullen, peevish. Αυσγίνβίίζ, -α,ς, τ], (from next) base birth. Αυσγβυ'ής, -ίος, ό, v}, (from ^υς and yiuo- μοί,ι) meanly born. Avayuoiu, -α,ς, τι, (from same and yuooj) difficulty of apprehension, didness. ΑυσγνωσΙοί, -α,ς, v}, (from same and γνω- σις) difficidty of knowing, want of capacity. Αΰσγνωστος, -ου, ό, y;, (from same) difficidt to be known. Αυσ^α,ιμονίω, f. -Tjao), I am lurclchcd ; and 358 ΑυσΙαιμουΙα,, -α,ς, τ], misfortune, wretch- from Αυσ^α,ίμων, -ουος, ό, ί], {'^ύς and ^α,ίμωυ) having an unhappy genius, ill-fated. Αυσ^ιχκ,ξϋτος,-ον, (from same and '^ακ,ςΰω) much to be deplored. ΑύσΙΰίμοίξ, -α,ζτος, 6, (same and Ιάμαξ) unfortunate in a wife. Αυσ^ίάκ,ξ'ίτος, -oy, (from same and Bici- κ,ζίυω) difficult to be distinguished. Αυσ^ιά-Άΰτος, -ov, (from same and ^ια^ύω) difficult to be dissolved or reco7iciled, impla- cable. ΑνσΙίνιγγιτος, -ου, ό, γ„ (from same and ΙΐΎΐγϊομα,ι) difficult to be told. Αύσί^ξος, -ov, (from same and il^a,) ill to be seated, ruinous to a family. Αυσζίματίύ}, (from next) / am ill clothed. Αυσίίμα,τος, (from Ιύς and ϋμα,ι) ill clothed. ΑυσίΆλεγκ-τος, -ov, (from same and Ifs- 7\ίγχω) difficidt to be confuted. ΑυσίκΚΰτος, -ου, ό, jj, (from same and ez- Ικΰο)) difficult to be loosened, inextricable: ^υσεκλυτως, inextricably. Αυσίχ,Ίΐίο^α,ντος, -ov, (from same and Ix- ττ^ξαίνω) difficult to pass out through. Αυσίκ,ττίξάτος, -ov, (from same and Ικ- ττΒξάω) difficult to pass out, imutterahle. Αυσίκ•7Γ\ΰτος, -ου, ο, vi, (from same and Ιχ,ΐΐ'Κύνω) difficult to be washed out. ΑυσΐΤ^ζνα,, unhappy Helen. ΑυσζΚττίζύ}, and Ιυσελτηστίω, (from next) / am hopeless, despair. ΑυσίΚτΐϊς, -ίίος,ό,νι, (δζ)? and ελ^τίς) hope- less, diffident, desperate. ΑυσίΆτηστος, -ου, ό, % (from same) diffi- cidt to expect, hopeless. Αυσίμβιζτος, -ου, 6, η, (from Ιύς and εμ- βα,ίνω) difficult to walk in, inaccessible, se- cure. Αυσίμβολος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and εμ- βάλλω) difficult to be invaded, unassailable. ΑυσίντΒξία, -ας, τ}, (from same and ίνη- ξον) a dysentery, bloody flux. Αυσίντευκτος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and ίντυγχάνω) difficult of access, haughty. Αυσ&ζ,άλίίτττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ίξα,λίίφύ)) difficult to be wiped out. Αυσεξαττάτ-^τος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and εζαττοίτάω) difficult to be deceived. Αυσεζύλίκτος, -ov, (from Ιύς, ί'ξ and ελίσ- σω) difficidt to be developed. Αυσε^εύξετος, -ov, (from ^ύς, l| and εύQίσ^ κ,ω) difficult to be found out. Αυσεζ>ΐμεςωτος, -ου, ό, v], (from "^υς, Ιζ and ί^μεξόύυ) difficult to be tamed. Αυσεξ,7]νΰτος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and εξα,νΰύ)) difficult to be solved, desjmtchcd, or accomplished. ]6 Αυαζ<7ηβο•ολίυτύ;. A GREEK LEXICON. Αυσχ.λζης. Ανσεπ-φού'Κζντος^ -ov, 6, τ], (from Ιύς and ξΤΓφονΤ^ίνομαι) difficult to be ensnared. Αυσετΐΐχίίξπτος, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and ίΤΓίχείξίω) difficult to be attacked. Αυσίζγ'/ις, -ίος, ούσβξγος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and s^you) difficidt to work, or to be lurought upon : ^υσίζ'/ως, luith difficulty. Αΰσίξΐς, -ίοος, 6, τ], (same and hig) diffi^ cult to contend with. Ανσίξίστος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and Ig/- ζω) difficult to contend with or contend about. Αυσίζμ^^ΐίζυτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (same and lowoj- νζυτος) hardly or imth difficulty explained, hard to be explained. Αυσέξως, -ωτος, ό, 7j, (same and £^ώ)$•) un- fortunate in love. Ανσίσβόλος, -ov, (from same and £/σ/3άλ- λί«) difficult to be invaded, inaccessible. AυσsυydτsιPoί, vj, (from same and ίϋνκζύ)) difficult to rest. Αυσίυνόίτωξ, -οζος, 6, acc. ^υσ^υνάτοζο,^ (from same) hostile to the bed or nest of the dove and her young. Αυσεϋΐίίτος, -ου, 6, ί], (from ^ύς and ίύηίσ- κω) difficult to be found. Αΰσζ-ηλος, -ου, ό, τ], (same and ζνιΤ^ος) un- happily suspicious, very envious or jea- lous. Αυσζ'ήτητος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ζητίω) difficidt to be sought. Αυσγικοΐχ, -χς, '■/j, (from next) difficidty of hearing. Αυστικοος, -ου, 6, τ„ (from ους and άκ,ούύ)) hard of hearing. Αυσγιλίγ^ς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and ΰλίγω) having a difficidt charge, trouble- some, harassing, painful. Αυσ'ήΤνίος, see ^υσά,Ά/ος. Αυσγι/ίίξοίύ), -ω, (from ους ?ina vjyJ^oi) I act unsuccessfully. Αυστη/ι/.ίζία, -χς, τι, (from same) what hap- pens on an unlucky day, adversity. Αυσνιι/ί^ος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and όίι/ε- μος) exj)osed to the wind, agitated by the zvind. Αυσ7]ΐΊος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and '^;//it) and Αυσ-ήϋΐόχτ,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and £;^ij) difficidt to be curbed. Αυσ'ήξοτος, -ov, (from same and aoooi) difficult to be ploughed. Αυσγ,γ,'ής, -sg, (from same and ^^-/^^ς) sound- ing with difficulty, or sounding dismally. Αυσ&α.'ΚΊτγις, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from same and ^ύτ^ττω) scarcely warm, cold, frigid. Αυσύάνόίτος, -ου, 6, τ], (same and ^a.ucc- τος) causing a difficult death: ^υσθα,να- τίω, f. -νισω, I suffer a lingering death, die reluctantly. Αυσύίίϋτος, -ov, (from same and θεάώ») difficult to look at, painful to the sight. Αύσύίος, -ου, 6, v], (same and ^ξός) hostile to or hated by the gods; impious. Αυσθίξχ'ττευτος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and ^εξχττεύύή diffi.cult to be healed. Αυσθνήσκύ), (same and ^ντισκω) I diehard. Αυσύζ-ήνητος, -ou, (from same and ^gvjj/iiy) vei^y mournful, dohful. Αύσόζοος, -ov, {^ύς and ^ξόος) harshly sounding. ΑυσθυμΛω, (same and ζ/υμίω) I am de- pi-essed in mind. Αυσύυμία, -α,ς, 'ή, (from preced.) depres- sion of mind. Αύσύϋμος, -ου, 6, % (from same) dejiress- ed in mind: ^υσύύμως, ivith dejection of mind. Αυσία,τος, -ου, 6, '/}, (from Ζύς and ιάομχί) difficult to be healed. Αϋσί'Κ'τΐ^ς, -ου, 6, 'ή, (same and 'ίττττος) difficidt for horses. Αϋσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v), (from '^ύνω) the going down of the sun, the ivest. Αυσκάθοίξτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from ^ύς and κχ- ύοίίξύ)) difficult to be purified. Αυσκά,ύίκτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and κα,τίχύ)) difficult to be restrained, headstrong; difficult to be held, apt to slip. Αυσχ,α.μ,'ττνις, -ίος, 6, vj^ (from same and κά,μ,τττω) difficult to bend, inflexible. Αϋσ-κα,'τΐνος, -ου, 6, v}, (same and κ,αττνος) infested with smoke. Αυσκ.ατά,70\.ο[,κτος, -ου, 6, '/], (from same and κ,ατχλλάσσω) difficult to be reconciled. Αυσκοίτοίνό-ίΐτος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and κοίτχνοίω) difficult to be observed or under- stood. Αυσκα,τά,τΓοίυστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ■Λχτα'τταύω) difficult to be set at rest, ir- remediable, implacable. Αυσκ,Λτάστά,τος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same, KocToi and στά,ω) difficult to be settled, or to be allayed. Αυσχ,α,τα,φζόνητος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κατοίφξονίω) difficult to be despised, not to be contemned. Αυσκοίτίξγχστος, -ου, ό, τ), (from same and κ,οίτίξγάζομαι) difficult to be wrought. Αυσ-ζΛ'Κά,ύος, -ου, 6, v], (same and κ,ί7^ί/2ος) ill-sounding, alarming, doleful; infamous, malevolent. Αυσκ-η^'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and xij- δο?) laden with care. ΑύσκγιΚος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (same and κηλος) difficult to soothe. Αυσκίντητος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and x,i- νίύ)) difficidt to be moved. Αυσκ?.£'ής, -ίς, (from same and κλίος) in- glorious, disgraceful. 359 Αυο-τίξόαιτοζ» A GREEK LEXICON. Αΰΰχ^ξΤιΰτος, liiit hi!: m U m Ανσ-ττζόσ'ίτος, -ou, (from Syr and Τξόσβιμι) difficult of access. Ανσ^τζόσο^ος, -ου, ο, jj, (same and 'πτζόσο- "hog) difficult of approach. Αυστΐ^όσοιστος^ -ov, (from δι)?, -ττζος and oL•) difficidt to approach and to bear. Αυσ'τι-ζόσο'τττος, -ου, (from "hvg and ir^oaoiv- τομ,αι) difficidt to look at,frightfid. Αυσττξοσ'ττΒΤίχστος, -oi/, (from same and ττξοσττελύξύ)) hardly accessible. Αυσττξόσοί'ττος, -ου, (from same and TCgoao- TTov) forbidding in mien, unseemly. Ava^yog, -ου, ο, oj, (same and piyog) impatient of cold, Αυσσίβζίοί, -ocg, 7], (from ^vaasfivjg) impiety. Ανσσίβίω, -ω, (from same) / act impi- ously. Αυασίβημ,Λ, -ctrog, το, (from next) im- piety. Ανσσεβ'^ς, -iog, o, tj, (from ^vg and σίβω) impious. Αύσσοος, -ου, 6, 7}. (same and coog) diffi- cult to be saved. Auara,7^u,g, -ctivd, -ecu, (same and rcihotg) very miserable. Aυστίκ,μ,otξrog, -ou, (from same and ηκ,- μιχ,ίζω) hard to be conjectured. AvGT&Kuog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and τίκ- uou) unhappy in one's children. A^aTTiKTog, -ou, (from same and τ'ηκω) difficidt to melt. Αύστγιυος, Dor. ^ΰστόίυος, -ov, (from same and oTviuoci, which from 'ίστημ^ί) very un- happy ; causing unhappiness : ^uoT'/juag, wretchedly. AoarTiYirog, -ou, (from same and τλάω) hard to endure. Αυστοκ,ίω, f. -νισω, 1 a. Ι^υστόχ,'ησοί, (from same and τίκ,τω) I bring forth with diffi- culty. Αυστοχ,ίοί, -otg, τ}, (from preced.) difficulty in bearing. AoaroKog, -ου, % (from same) bringing forth with difficulty. Αυστομ,ίω, f. -νισω, (from ^ύς and στόμ^οί) I use a grievous tongue, revile. AmTouog, -ou^ (rather δ/στοζ/ο?) gemini, twin brothers. Avaro'Vu.aTog, -ou, (from ^i>g and το'ττάζω) difficult to be investigated. Aυστ(}cc'7rίζog, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and τ ξάτί-ίξοί) feasting at an impious table, using unlawful food. Αυστξά,'τηΤ^ος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and τξ£7Γώ>) difficult to be turned, obstinate : "^υσ- rQOCTreT^ag, contumaciously. AoarQOTrog, -ου, ο, ij, (same and r^oVo?) fastidious, morose. Αυστΰχίω, (from same and τύχ,-ίϊ) I am unfortunate, unhappy. 360 Αυστΰχγιμαί, -ocrog, ro, and δυστυχία, -etg, V}, (from same) misfortune, miscarriage, dis- tress. Aυστv■}c^g, -sog, ό, τ], (from same) unfor- tunate, miserable, cruel: ^varv^ag, unfor- Αυσφΰίυνίς, -sog, 6, vj, (from δν? and φαίί- υομ,οίί) difficult to appear, dark. Ala^oirog, -ou, (from same and (prifil} difficult to be spoken, ill-boding, dolefid. Αυσφγιμίω, -ω, f. -νισω, 1 a. ε^υσφνιμτησχ, (from same and φτιμη) I blaspheme, re- proach; use ominous words. Αυσφνιμία, -ag, tj, (from same) 7'eproach, evil report, infamy, ill-boding words. Αΰσφγιμος, Dor. 'hΰσφciμ.og, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) a ill-boding, infamous. Aυσφ^ι\<^ήg, -iog, o, v], (from Idg and φίλος) unfriendly. Αυσφοξίω, -ω, (same and φοξίω. See p. 51) I am grieved. Αυσφόξγιτος, -ou, (from same) difficult to be borne. Αυσφόξμιγ^, -iyyog, 6, vj, (δύ? and φόξ- ^ly^) ill-sounding on the harp, doleful. Αύσφοξος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and φο- ζίω) difficult to be bo?Ί^e, uniuieldy, grievous; ill-able to bear, weak : ^υσφόξως, grievously. Αυσφξουίύ), (from next) / giieve. Αΰσφξωυ, -ouog, 6, tj, (from Idg and φξ'^υ) evil-minded, malignant ; distressed in mind, afflicted. Αυσφϋ'Κα,κχος, -ou, (from same and φυ- λάσσω) difficult to be guarded against; diffi- cult to be defended. Αυσχ,ίίμζξος, or %i)a%n^og, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and χειμωυ) exposed to winter storms. Αυσχείζωμα,, -ccrog, το, (from same and χείξόω) a difficult combat. Αυσχείςωτος, -ou, (from same) difficult to be bi'ought under the hand or power, uncon- querable. Αυσχε^οίίυω, f. -oiua, 1 a. ^υσεχεξάυοί, (from ^υσχΐξ'^ς) I irritate, dislike, reject with scorn or anger : ^υσχεζούυομχ,ι, I feel angry or indignant ; am hated. Αυσχε^εια,, -α.ς, vj, (from next) difficulty, distress. Αυσχεξ'ής, ό, vj, ro -ig, (from δί)? and χείξ) difficult to the hand, distressing, disagreeable. Αυσχλα,ιυίοί, -a,g, ij, (from same and X^ouuct) a shabby dress. Αΰσχοο^τος, -ou, (same and χόρτος) hardly fit for maintenance or protection, unpleasant. Αυσχζτ,στίω, (from next) / am of no use, act ill, embar?'ass ; ]pass. feel embarrassed, am in distress. Αόσχζτηστος, -ου, ο, τ], (li>g and χξίησ- Tog) difficult to use, useless, embarrassing: ^νσχξτιστως, ill-furnished, or ill-disposed. Αυαχώξ7}τος, A GREEK LEXICON. Αωξοκο^ξω. Ανσχόίξϊ]τος, -oif, (from ους and χω^ΐω) inextiicable. Αυσχωςίχ,- -χς, v], (from same and χωξος) the diiJicultT/ of a jJass. Λνσω^ης, -ίος, ό, v}, (from same and οζω) fetid, ΛυσωΙίοί, -u;, h, (from same) a fetid smell. Avao)i/v,uog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from 'hiig and ovof^ci) liaving an inauspicious name. Αυσωττίω, (from same and ωψ) / make ashamed : ^υσωιτίο^^οι,ι, I look with difficulty on the countenance, revere, am ashamed. Αυσωζ-ίχ, -ccg, 'ή, (from preced.) shyness, false shame. Ανσωοίω, (from ^ύς and ονζος) I watch with difficulty, feel alarm while luatching. Αύτης, -ου, 6, (from loua) a diver. Αύω, Ιύι/ω, (which see) or Ζυ^ύί, I go in or ujider, go off, ^ set as the sun; invest, put on clothes, i. e. go into or under them. Αύω, tivo. See p. 22. Αω, Dor. for I ω (/.a,. Αύΐ^ίκΛ or ^υόύ^ζΆΧ, οί, fit/, τά,, (from 'hva and ^Uoi) twelve. AcdOiKUfioiog, -ov, (from preced. and βου;) worth twelve oxen. Aa^iKO.yucif/.'TrTog, -ου, 6, (from same and •yvci/icTrTu) turning twelve times round the goal. Αω^ξχ,ύ'^Λξχος, -ου, 6, (from same and οίξχωυ) a commander of twelve. Αωθ£Κί/2ζομ,ο;, -ου, ό, (same and "b^oy.og) one running twelve times round the goal. AaQiKciiTVjg, -eog, ό, τ], (from same and 'irog) twelve years old. Acu^eKXKig, (from ooj'hsKcc) twelve times. AcuOiKoi'Aiyog, -ov, (from same and λ/νον) of twelve threads. AoihiKOiy.Yivog, 0, 'ή, zo -ou, (from same and f/y/i'j) of twelve months. AobiKccf^'iixoiuog, -ov, (from same and μγ,τ X,cci/'/i) furnished with twelve ai^ts or tricks. ΑωΙίκύτΓΥίχυς, ό, '/], το -υ, (same and 'ττνιχ,υς) of twelve cubits. Αωοζκα,τα,ίος, -χίχ, -uioy, and Qυωhίκΰί- Tulog, (from next) twelve days ago, on the twelfth day; also, twelve years old. ΑωΙίκόίτος, -η, -ov, (from δωδίκα) the twelfth. Αω^ίκάίφϋΜν, -ου, το, (from same and φυ\'ή) twelve tribes. Αώ'ή, Attic for loin, 2 a. opt. act. of δ/- oaf/.t. Αωμ,Λ, -xTog, το, (from οομ,ίω, which from oif^u) a house, the roof of a house, commonly /αί ; a building. Αωμά,τιον, -ου, το, (from prcccd.) a cham- ber. Αωμ Λ UTig, -ίοος, ij, (from same) a domestic. Αωμ,ά,ω, f. -"ήού}, (from ^ίμ,ω) I build. Αωζίχ, -xg, Y,, (from ^upov) a gift, free gift,favour. Αωζίχν, (accus. of preced. with κχτοί ua- AeYitooa) freely , gratis, as a free gift ; un- deservedly, without cause, nay, in spite of the strojigest obligations ; in vain, to no pur- pose, Mai. i. 10. ^ιότί κ,χι ku oyJv συγκΧίίσ- ^'ήσοντχι ^ύζχί, κ,χΐ ουχ. ά,νχι\/ίτχι το ^υ- σ'.χσττιο^ών μ,ου ^a^exu. *' Wherefore also the doors shajl be shut against you, neither shall ye kindle the fire of mine altar to no purpose." This reading of the LXX is supported by Kennicott's MS. 30. which reads --d for -n and by the Arabic ; also by Kenn. 384, which reads tiuD" although the original reading appears to have been Ti^D". The passage evidently refers, not to a refusal of the priests to officiate without their portion, which the Lord never called them to do ; but to a refusal of the Lord to countenance their vain oblations; his determination to cause their house to be left unto thera desolate. Mat. xxiii. 38 ; and to institute a spiritual worship which he would accept in all parts of the world. See verse 11, and compare it with John iv. 21—24. AcoqUj, -ω, f. -τισω, p. ^ihojQYjKX, p. pass. ^shai^yjiLixi, 1 a. mid. kZaQYiaxfc/jv, (from δώΙ- ξον) I give freely. Αάζψ.χ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a gift, free gift. Αύύζπτο:, -Qu, (from same) given, conciliat- ed by a gift. Αωξΐά.ζο), ^οίοίζω, or '^ωζίσ^ω, I hnitate the Dorians, use the Doric dialect. AoiiuKog, -7}, -ov, and Αωξίος, -ίχ, -lov, Do- ric. AojQig, -fhog, τ], Doris, a country of Greece. Αωξίσ,αος, -ου, 6, a Doric mode of sj)eak- ing. ΑοίοιστΙ, in the Doric dialect. Ao)(JOQix,T7ig, and ^ύ)ζο^6κος, -ου, ό, (from ύωξον and ^ίχο(/.χι) an accepter of gifts, or bribes, a traitor. ΑωοοΙοκίω, (from same) I accept a bribe, betray. Αύ}^(^ΟΆηΐΛχ, -χτο:, το, (from preced.) an act of bribery or corruption. Αύ)(ΐο'6οχ,ϊιστ\, (from same) by way of bribes. AujQohoKi'x, -xg, '/j, (from same) receiving of bribes, bribery. Αωζο^οτίω, -ω, (from ^ω'^ον and δ/δω^/) / give gifts. Αωοοκοττίω, -ω, (from same and κότττω) I cut off from my gifts, i. e. diminish them. 361 Δίο^οκοτ/α. A GREEK LEXICON. Έβξύί^ς. !'! Λωζοχονία, -ας, ' , (from preced.) a dimin- ishing of gifts. Δ.ωζοΚ'/ί'πτγις, -ου, ο, (from next and Χαμ,- ζάυω) an accepter of gifts. AZqou, -Of, TO, (from ^όω. See δ/δώί^;) a gift, present, offering. AujQ0Ts7\.ea, (from preced. and rsXsa) I pay tribute. Λωξοφοξί&), (from same and φ^ζω) I bring gifts. Αωξοφόξος, -ου, ό, 4], (from same) 07ie ivJio brings a gift. Αως, -ωτος, vj, (from ^βω/^ι) a gift, dona- tion ; hence the Latin dos. Αωτ'ής, -ου, ^ωτνίζ, -νίξος, and ^ωτω^, -οξος, ο, (from same) a giver, dispenser of good things. Αωτίνάζω, (from same) I collect gifts. AoTluYi, -της, ij, (from same) a present. Ε 'ά'"Λ' Ε corresponds in order and power to the Hebrew ίτ, but its form is that of the Samaritan or Phenician He, turned to the right hand ; and there is little doubt but its ancient name in Greek was nearly the same as in Hebrew or Phenician, though the latter call it Ε -ψιλοί/, i. e. Ε slender or short, to distinguish it from their Η or Ε long. Ε is frequently changed by the Doric dialect into a, ; as, " Κζτο(,μ,ις for " Αξημ^ις ; α,πζος for ίτίξος ; r^ocTra for τζίττω ; τζά,χω for τξίχ,ω ; 'ττίάζα for 'π-ιίζω ; α,ικοι, for α,ϊκί. "Ε, e, (an interjection of grief) ah! ah! hence έλεγος, ά'ττό του ε, ε, λίγειν. "Ε, (accus. of ου) himself. "Εά, (imperat. of εάω) ah, hah, let alone. "Έ,οίγοι, -ας, -ε, (perf. mid. Attic for ^γα, from α,γνυμ,ζ, or αγω) I have broken. "ΈαΙον, for vjloy, Mo\. ii/alou, imperf. of ahia. Έάλτη!), Attic or Ion. for ^'Ajjj/, 2 a. pass, from όίλω, or Attic for ί^λων, 2 a. of άλ/σ- χ,ω. "Rau, if, since, though, whether, or when- soever : ioiu i^vj, unless : εά^ττεξ, if indeed, if truly. Έοίνος, "% -ου, (from ίω) flowing, splendid: εα,νος, poet, είανος, -ου, ο, and perhaps kauou, -ου, TO, a splendid, costly robe or garment. "Έα^α, for ^|oi, 1 a. act. of αγνυμι. "Έαξ, or ίΐαζ, -όίζος, contr. ^ξ, ^^ζος, το, the spring, hence Latin, ver ; the morning ; also, blood, fatness. ΈαξΙζω, (from preced.) / spend the spring. 'ΈaQh6ς, είαιηνος, νΐζίνος, -vi, -ou, (from same) of the spring, vernal. * "Εαζο'τζοφ'/ις,-ίς^ΟΥ-ος,-ον, (from same and τζίφω). nursed by the spring. "Εασσι, poet, and Ion. 'ϊασι, for slai. 362 Έατίος, -a, -ou, (from εάω) must be for- saken. Εαυτού, -ν^ς, -ου. See p. 26, of hit herself, itself: εαυτού is often understood and must be supplied, as in Em-ip. Phoen. 21. Thucyd. iv. 108. Mark. iv. 29. Acts xxvii. 15. 1 Pet. ii. 23. Έάώ), f. εασω, p. ει'ακα, 1 a. εΐασα, im- perat. εασον, I allow, permit, suffer ; leave, abandon. ΈβΙομαγεν^ς, -εος, ο, (from ίβίομ,ος and yivoi^ai) born on the seventh day, an epithet of Apollo: hence, called also εβίοί/,αγίτης, -ου, 6, (from same and οίγω) leader of the seventh gate ; because he was supposed to have been born on the seventh day of the month, and because the seventh day of a month was sacred to him, together with the ρουμ,τιι/ία. ΕβΙομάζω, (from ε-ττΊοί) I observe the sabbath; also ο Compl. Ezek. xxi. 23. / swear, Έβ'^ο(Λα1ος, -αία, -alov, (from same) on the seventh day. Έβ^ομ,άς, -α^ος, tj, (from same) a week, the seventh day. Sabbath. 'ΕβΙόματος, -vj, -ou, (from same) seventh. ' ΕβΙομ,7]κουτα, οϊ, ai, τα, (from same) seventy. ' Εβ^ο^ί,γικ,ουταεξ, (preced. and e|) seventy- six. Έβ'^ομ,γίκοντακίς, (from εβ^ομ'^κουτα) sev- enty times. ΈβΙομ,Ύίκοστος, -vj, -oi/,(from same) seven- tieth. "Εβ'^ομος, -η, -ou, (from ϊ'ΤΓτά) seventh. "Εβευος, -ου, ο, (pji) ebony. 'Εβραϊκός, -vi, -ou, (from next) Hebrew. Εβραίος, -αία, -alou, (from nny) a He- brew. ' Εβξα:1'ς, -ί%ος, tj, (from same) Hebretv. 16 Έβξύί/ΟΤί A GREEK LEXICON. ^Εγχ,ανάχομαι ΈβζχϊστΙ, (from Έβξαις) in Hebrew, in the Hebrew language. "Έγγαιος, -ov, (from h and yctioC) within the country ; in or under the earth. Έγγίίστξίμνύος, -ov, o, ij, (from su, ycta- T^P and yMog) a ventriloquist, one possessed, or pretending to be possessed with a spirit of divination. * 'Eyysiuof^Mi, iyyiuof/,oc{, and iyyiAo/^cti, (from h and yivof^oci) I generate, produce ; I rise among, spring up, intervene : iyyive- Toci, it is allowed or lawful. "'Ryyeiog, -op, same as tyycAiog. Έ77£λαστ^ί, -ου, 6, (from next) a de- rider. ' Eyyehoia, (}u and yί\άω) I Ιαηφ at, deride. 'F.yyep'ijg, -iog, kyyii/nrog, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and ytuofcon) innate, indigenous, native: iyyivZc, with genuine feeling, feelingly. 'Έyyi'Jvά,ω, (same and yevuuai) I pro- duce, engender, 'Έyyίζω, f. -ϊσω, Attic syytZ, p. i^yyiKoi, 1 a. Tjyyiaoc, (from eyyvg) I approach, come or draiv near. Έyyλϋφ(i), (Iv and yTKV^o)) I engrave in or upon. ' Έyyλωrroy£ίσrωξ, -o^og, 6, (from same, y'kZ'SGA and ycAQTVi^ one who fills his belly by his tongu£, an informer. 'Έyγuά.μ'7rτω, Qu and yvafi'Trru) I bend in.^ II. Ψ', 731. ""Eyyovou, -ου, το, (from same and youog) born in or among ; pi. offspring, posterity. "'Eyy^cc'TTTog, -ου, 6, v], (from same and yQκφύ)) inscribed, recorded: toc eyy^scTrrx, records, deeds. *Y.yyqoi(pri, -rig, '/), (from same) a register, record. '"Eyy^oi(pog, same as 'iyy^otTrrog. 'Έyyζόiφo), {ku and yζάφω) I engrave, write in or on. 'Έyyι/όίλίζω, f. -Ιίσω, ΟΓ -ί^ω, (from same and yoct?^ou) I put in one's hand, give to. 'Έyyυάcϋ, -ω, f. -'ήσω, (from next) I give a pledge or pawn, am surety. ' 'Ryyυ'/}, -vjg, vj, a pledge, pawn. 'Eyyy/jT'^i•, and £yyυog, -ου, ο, (from pre- ced.) a sponsor, surety. 'Eyyvg, kyyvUBu, and kyyvdi, near, nigh, like. " 'EyyvreQOg, -cc, -ou, lyyOTOCTog, and ly- yiuv, lyyiarog, (compar. and super, of pre- ced.) nearer, nearest. Y.yii^c.), f. iyi^u, p. viyiQy.,ui,, Attic ly^- yi^Kot,, 1 a. act. r^yn^ix,, 1 f. pass, gyg^^ijao- μ.Λΐ, p. pass, viyi^^ai, 1 a. pass, ψ/ίζθηι/, 1 a. mid. ψ/ει^ύ^γΐ!/, p. mid. TjyoQcc. Attic ίΎ'^οξχ, and by epenthesis of ξ, iy^viyoQoi, I raise up, rouse, raise from sleep, raise from the dead; pass. / awake, nse up, rise from sleep, rise from the dead. "EyeuTo, Dor. for syivsro, 3 sing. 2 a. ind. of yii /ομ,οίί. 'Eyk^aiizog, -n, -ov, (from next) fit to awake. "EyiQpig, -iog, Attic -iωg, vj, (from ϊγίίξω) a raising up or building, resurrection, resus- citation, being awakened. ' EysQT^Kog, -Vi, -ov, (from same) fit to rouse, quickening: £yεξτέou, that mu^t raise: eys^Ti, vigilantly. Έyx,ot$oiίζω, (kif and καθαίξω) I purify with. 'EyKxdsTog, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ku.- ύίημ,ί) a Her in wait ; one who lets himself down or crouches, to spy, listen, catch, or hurt ; put in, suborned. ' Eyx,cchu^cu,{sajne and >cuho'hcu) I sleep in. 'Έyκ^x,^Ylβoίω, (from |y, Kxr» and ί^βοιω) I flourish in nmnhood, spend the age of puberty in. ^ EyKa.dri[/^eit, lyκ,Λ6kζo^Λί, and ίyκ,aύίζω, (Iv and κύύγιμ,οίΐ, or κ,αόίξω) I sit down upon, lie in wait ; set down upoii, set to lie in wait. ^EyKcteih^oo), f. -ύσω, (same and κοι,ύί^ζύω) I cause to sit down, fix i7i, erect. ^Ey>cccuiaTYif/,i, and εγκίΛταστάο), f. -νισω, (same and κα,ύίστ-ημ,ι) I place, appoint or settle in, ordain. 'Eyxsc^o^aty, (same and χ,Λύοζά,ω) I look upon, favour, observe. 'Έy»xβυβξίζω, (same and κα,βυβξίξω) I riot in. 'EyKdiuiX, -ων, roi, (from same and και- νός) a religious dedication, feast of dedication. 'Έyκci^vίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. iyKSKoiiviKci, 1 a. act. evsKouviaoc, p. pass. \yK%KcuviQy,u.i, 1 a. pass. ϊν?•Λοίΐνίσύνιυ, (from same) / renew^ confirm, dedicate, consecrate. ^Eyy.div'iuig, -iog, Attic -zoig, 7}, iy^ctivia- μος, -ου, 6, and kyx,eciucjaig, (from preced.) a dedication. 'Έyκΰύω, (ev and κχίω) I hum in, en- i amel. 'EyKccyJa, f. -νισω, 1 a. ΐνεκάκγισ», (from same and KccKog) I disdain. ^EyKoihia, -ω, (same and κού\.ίω) I sum- mon into a court of judicature, call to a judicial account, endite, implead, accuse. ' ΈJyκoe,Khω7ί■ίζofΛ(x,ι, (same and κΛ'ΚΚω'πί- ζομαι) I adorn myself with, glory in. 'EyKoc'K'Kcu'TriafAa,, -arog, το, (from pre- ced.) tinsel. ^'Άy■AOL•kύ'xrω, {ev and χ,χ'κύ'ΤΓτω) I conceal in, cover with, bury, veil. ' F.yKa.f4,'7rTu), (same and κύμτττω) I bend in. * 1ίγκ!Χ,νά,γ;,ομοίΐ, f. -ά,^ομ,Λΐ, (from iv and 3G3 'Eyjta^'jrog. A GREEK LEXICON. Έγκολη^τος, κ,χνόίχ'^) I pour in ivith a gurgling noise, rustle among, sound with. "Έγκ,χξ'ΤΓος, -ου, ο, vj, (same and κοίξττος) fruitful. ' ΕγκοίξΠξίω, {sBxne and χα^τίξίω) I en- dure with, refrain from, sustain. "Έγκόίτΰί, -ων, τα,, (from same and κε?- jWa;) the intestines. ^'Εγκα,τά,βγι^Λί, (same and κ^τύβη/^ί) I descend in. "'Έ,γκ.α,τα.βιόω, (same, and κ,οίτοίβίόω) I pass life, live in. 'ΈγκοίΤΛ^ίω, (same and kutcc^so) I bind down in, entangle. Έ^κοίτάδί/σ;?, -ιος, Attic -εως, v), (same and κ,οίτά^υσίς) a going down into. ^ ΕγκΛΤοίζεύγω, (same and κ,χτα,ζέύγω) I yoke down in, receive the yohe, adopt. Έ'/κοίΤΟίκΤ^νω, ίγκοι.τΐχ,κ,\ίνομ,οίί, (same and KurciKhiua) I lay myself down in, lie down in. 'Έγκ,ΰοτοίλχμ,βόίνύ), (same and κα,τΆΚοίμ,- βάνω) I seize, hold down luith, bind. 'Ey»aTi5tA£y/y, (same and κ,α,τα,Τνίγω) I gather doivn with, number with. ^ Eyy.ctrcO\zt^^a,, -οίτος, το, (from next) remains, a monument. ^ ΈγκχτοίΤίίίττω, and Ιγκ,ΛτοίΤ^ίμ'ττόίνω, (lu and κατα,λείττω. See p. 70.) I forsake or desert a person in distress, leave remaining, reserve. ' Έ,γκ,ϋΐτΰΐλοχίζω, (from eu, κ,οι,τά, and λο- γ,ος) I distribute into troops or classes. "Έγκατκμ,^γω, {su and κ,οιταμίγίύ) I jnix, blend or join with. 'Έγκατοί'ΤΓΟίίζω, {h, χ,α,τά, and τΤίζΙζω) I mock. 'EyxotTficrojyn/, f. -ζω, (lu and Kiscrcc'Tryi- y5yogor6)g•, and kyqT,y(i^r\^ (from same) watchfully. .'Eyg)5yo^cός, -oj, -6u, (from same) opt to attempt, enterprising, adventurous. ""Ryxii^ihiov, -ov, TO, (from same) a little thing for holding in the hand, a manual, a little book, sivord or dagger. 'Έyχsίξίlsoς, -ov, (from same) held in the hand. 'ΈyχsίQίζω, f. -laco, 1 a. ΙνίχίΙζίσα, (from iv and χύ^ I give into one's hands, commit, reach ; take in my own hand, undertake. 'Έyχsιξίθeτoς, -ov, 6, vi, (from iu, χύξ and τίύημΐ) put in one^s hands, surren- dered. 'Eyxihua, -ων, τα, eels: lyxiKiov,-ov, τό, a little eel: kyxs^ig, -ί^ος, vj, and ίyχsλvς, -νος, or 'ξος, τ], an eel. ' Eyxe'hvaTrog, -ov, 6, vj, (from eyxtXvg and ω-ψ) having the eyes of an eel. 'Έγχίσί/^ωζος, -ov, o, vi, (from eyxog and ,uo)Qog) warlike, devoted to the spear, 366 ' Eyxsa'TTahog, -ov, o, tj, (from same and ■ττάλλώ)) spear-bi^andishing, strong, brave. 'Έγχξσψόξος, -ov, 6, v], (from same and φίξω) spear -bearing. 'Έyγjiω, {eu and χίω) I pour in, on, or into. 'EyxTiaiuoa, (from h and χλαίνα) I wrap up in. 'Eyxoqivo, (same and χοζίνω) I lead a dance. "Έγχος, -ίος, το, also iyxiia, -ας, ί]. Ion. syXSiYi, a spear ; a sword, ensis. ^Eyx^ao^^ai, p. part. pass, ϊγκ,ίχξγιμ,ίνος, {h and χξάο/ααι) I have in use. "Eyxq^avQ, (same and χ^^αϋω) I thrust in. ' EyxokfATirToy^ai, (same and χξί/ΐύ'τττομ,αι) I make a noise as when clearing the throat, spit upon, 'Eyx^yi(a, (same and χξ'^ζω) I am want- ed. ' Eyx^ifiVTo^ai, (same and χξίμτττομαι) I draw near. "Έyχoιστoς, -ou, (from ne^t)fitfor anoint- ing, unctuous. ' ^ΎΧ,ξϊ^ί (ε^ and χζίω) I anvint, rub in. 'Έyχζouίζω, (same and χξονίξω) I delay. ^Eyxqoa, (same and χ^όω) I colour or stain loith. 'Έyχvτζίξω, (same and χντξίζύ)) I p^ut in a pot, dish a man. ' Έ.yχωξiω, (same and χωξίω) I permit, concede. 'Eyxa^iog, and ίyχωςoς, -ov, 6, v}, (same and χωξος) one born in the country, native, indigenous. 'Eyu, I. See p. 25. 'iyωyζ, iycoy, ly^va, iyavya, 'iyQya, I for my part. Έρανος, -ιη, -ov, (from η^ύς) sweet. Έ^αφίζω, f. &1αφ7σύ), Attic έoaφiύJ, p. νΐ^άφικα, 1 a. act. τ^^άφισα, 1 f. pass, e'tu- φισύτισομαι, p. pass, 'ήΐάφισμαι, (from next) I lay level or even with the ground, raze to the ground, dash against the ground. "Έδαφος, -ϊος, -ονς, το, the ground, pave- ment. 'ΈΙίύλον, ΙΙίύλιον, -ov, τό, (from hlio),^ee ίζω) a seat, statue. "Εδεσ,αβί, -ατός, τό, (from iha) meat. Έ^ίστνίς, -ov, 6, (from same) an eater. "Έ,^ίστος, -ov, (from same) eaten. ΈΙητνς, -νος, vi, (from same)/ooi/. 'Έ^νάομ,αί, ε^νόω, or ki^voa, (from next) / settle in marriage, I portion. "Έ^νον, or i^vov, -ov, τό; also 'i^va, h^va, τα, doivry, settlement, marriage gifts. 'Έ^νωτνις, or ΐί^νωττις, -ov, 6, (from pre- ced.) a father-in-law. "Εδο?, -ζος, τό, (from ίζω) a seat, place, abode. ΈΙονμαί, 2 f. mid. οι 'ίζω. "Ε%α. A GREEK LEXICON. Ε/. "Εδ^α, -Λς, 9], and εδ^άνον, -oy, το, (from εδο?,<*ί«/, 2 f. of ίζο{/.οίΐ) a seat, sitting; also, the poste7'iors. ' Έ^ύζάζω, f. -όίσύ), p. '^'δ^δίκίί, 1 f. pass. εΙζασύ9]σο/^χί, p. pass, '^h^ocaf^oiiy (from pre- ced.) / establish^ settle. Έδ^α7ο$•, 'Dt'ioi, -cclouj (from same) settled, steady, steadfast. Έ^ξχίύύ), f. -ύ]σ(ο, (from preced.) I βχ, establish. Έ^ξΛίω/ί/.χ, -ccTQr, το, (fi'om preced.) a support, stay, ground, 1 Tim. iii. 15. "Εδ^ακοί/, for ϊοοίζκον, 2 a. of ^ίξκω. "Εδ^ασ,ίΛδί, -ατός, το, (from ζ^ξύζω) an establishment. ' ΈΖζΐά,ομ,οίΐ, (from έξω) I sit. 'Έ^οοστξύφο;, -ου, 6, (from ΐ^ζο, and σΤζί- φω) a bottom tiuister, a wrestler. "Εδω, (see under ϊσύΐοί, p. 74) / eat. Έδώ^δί?, -'ής, vj. Dor. Ιδί^δδί, -«j•, (from preced. )yboi/, provision, fodder. ΈΙωίΐαος, -η, -ov, (from same) βί for eating. Έδώλ;ον, -ov, TO, (from εδοίτ) « be7ich for rowers, a seat, a chamber. 'Έύκοσι, for ύ'κοσι, twenty. ^Έίΐκ,οσίβοιος, (from preced. and βους) ivorth twenty oxen. Έίλδο,κδί;, I long for, covet. Έέλδύ;^, -o^oc, TO, desire, request, vow. Έ£λ^£!/ο/, nom.pl. p. part. pass, of lActii- ¥a, or of ίΐ'κίω. Έίξγοίύω, or εζγόίύω, I separate, force ?, -oV, (from ύ'κοσι) twentieth. ΕΙκότως, (from ίΐκος) probably, fitly, be- comingly, reasonably, justly. Είκίύ, f. -ξω, 1 a. ίϊξα, p. mid. οϊκ», hcKcc, ίωκΛ, I am like, resemble ; also, I yield, sub- mit. Εικω, -όος, -ους, and Ηκωυ, -όνος, τ], (from preced.) a corporeal representation, image, resemblance, likeness; essential or substan- tial form, as opposed to shadow, Heb. x. 1. ΕΙΤ^.οί'ΤΓΐνά.ζω, or -ίζο), I feast: and ΕΙλαττίΐ/χσττις, or -ιστ'ής, -ου, 6, a guest: from Ei'Kcc'TThYi, -ης, 'h, (from ίίλη and tt/i/uj) a banquet, a sumptuous feast. Εϊλχζ, -χξος, το, also ίΐΆαζ, (from έΐλίω) a bulwark. Ει'κά.τ^ος, for ϊτ^ύτ^υος, (from Ιλάτϊ?) of pine. ΕΊτ^ίίύυΐΛ, -»ς, 7], also Έτ^ζυύώ, (from Ι'λίΰ- ^οΛ Lucina, a title of Diana or Juno, as presiding over birth. ΕΊ'Κίος, -ου, 6, or Ι'Κίός, (from g /λίώ;) « /io/e in which a serpent coils itself; a dis- ease of the intestines. Εϊλίχα, Attic for 7ΑλΒχοί, perf. of λίγο. Εϊλίύ), I gather together. Είλίω, f. -τισω, p. -τ,κοί, I roll, roll toge- ther. ΕΊ'λ-ή, and Ι'λ/;, -ης, ίη, (from ί/λέω) a troop. Ε'ίλη, or £λ•/!, --/ϊί-, and ίί7.ηοις, -ίί^ς, '^, (from Είλεω) the shining, gplendour, or Aea^ of the revolving sun. ElA/jfix, -ατός, το, (from same) a roll, a covering, a ivrapper, Είλίγ/κ,ός, ίί'Μγγος, -ου, 6, (from ζίλισσω) a whirlpool, a curling smoke, a vertigo. E'lTiiK^ivsioc, 'χς, 7), (from next) sincerity, purity. ΕιΆΐΆζί^/ις, -ίος, -ους, ο, ί], (from ξίλτη ΟΓ £λ>? and κξίνω) sincere, pure, unsullied, without or free from spot or blemish, so as to bear examination in the full splendour of the solar rays. ΕΊΤκίκτος, -'ή, -όν, (from ύλίσσω) lurapped up. Ei'KiuhkofAXi, (from ύλίω) I wallow, am giddy. Είλί'Λγισις, -εως, vj, (.from preced.) giddi- ness, fear. Εϊλ;|, or Ι'λ/|, -κος, 'ή, which see. ΕίΧίττους, -ο^ος, ο, vj, (from ίΐλϊω and ττους^ turning the fest, wandering about, grazing : " meas errare boves.'' Virg. ΕΙλίσσά), or -ττω, f. -ίσο, p. ίίλικχ, p. pass. H'hiyf/,cii, (from elAso) I roll, roll up, whirl round. Είλιτίνν,ς, -ίος, 6, τι, (from same and τε/- uo) curling. ΕΊλϋμχ, -χτος, το, (from είλύω) a wrapper. Είλύς, 'ΰος, 7], (same as Ιλύς) mud, slime. Είλυφύζά), or ξίλυψάο, (from ίίλίω) I blow about. Είλύο, and ίίλυ/ία, f. -ύσω, p. part. pass. ίίλυμ,ίνος, (from same) / ivrap around, roll about. Ε'Ιλωτζς, -ων, oi, also ύλωτχι, βλίχτχί, and £λίθ{, and the females cti ίΐλωτιΐίς, (from "Ελος) Helots, the inhabitants of Helos, subjugated by the Lacedemonians, and re- duced to the most abject slavery: ίίλωτϊ- κός, -Yj, -όν, of the Helots. ΕΑ(Λα, -χτος, το, ^θ\. ϊμ,[ΛΧ, (from ϊω) α garment, covering. Είμχξ/^,χί, Attic for yAfix^ucti, perf. pass, of μύ^ω; whence the part. ei/itxQyJ. νος, -Yi, -ov, ordained: and ei^axQUivYi, -ης, ij, fate, destiny. El'y.suxi, for ihxi, infin. of Eifii, I am ; see p. 40. Εψ.ί, I go, come; see p. 41. Eh, (]\n) a hin, a measure of liquids, equal to one gallon and a half English. Ehj, poet, for h, in. Ε1νχ&τν)ς, -ίος, 6, tj, (from huioi and έτος) for nine years. ΕΙνχίτίζομχι, (from preced.) I am in the ninth year, am nine years old. ΕΙνά,κις, (from ivAx) nine times. Εΐνάλίος, -η, -ou, (from h and ά'Kς)ofthe sea, maritime. ΕΊυύννχ,ίς, (from vjuia, and νύζ) for nine nights. ΕΙνάς, -α^ος, τ], (from iwAx) the number nine. ΕΙί/οίτίίζ, and ύνόίτηζ, -ξος, 'ή, the wife of a husband's brother, a sister-inr-law. E/'yarog. A GREEK LEXICON. Έαόατίουω.' Ε/χ/άτο?, or huTogy -n, -ov, (from li/i/sct) the ninth. EhsKcii, or £hex,£p, (same as hifceu) on ac- count of. 'Rhohtog^ ho^iog, -yi, -ov, (from Iv and 6^6g) in or bi/ the way. ΈΙι/οσίφνλ'λος, -ου, ο, t], (from sivoaig for hoaig and φύχκοϋ) shaking its leaves, leafy. E/Vs^, (εί and -rs^) if truly, if indeed, if however, since indeed, since, although in- deed. Έλτγπ, {it and ττύΪ) if by any means. E/Vo^f;/, (έ/ and ttoUsu) if any where, if ever. Έΐ'ττούί, ύ'ττου, or ίΐττοι, (si and τιτοθι, -ττον or cro<) if at any time, if in any place. E/VoT£, (s/ and τοτί) if ever. Έΐττω, sub. 2 a. οΐίττω; see p. 73. E/Vajg-, (g/ and ττΖς) if by any means. Έ'ίξ, (l^p) a luatcher. Dan. iv. 13, the son of God ; in v. 17? the divine persons, comp. vs. 23, 24. and see Horsley's Serm. on Dan. iv. 17- Έlζγμ,6g, -ov, 6, (from si'^ya) an enclo- sure, a prison. Έίζγ^οφύΆοίξ, '&x.og, 6, (from preced. and φύλοίξ) a gaoler. Rl^you; -ov, TO, (for ίξγον) a work. Έΐ^γω, £ -|ώ), p. -χοί, p. pass, ύ'ζγμοίΐ, 3 p\. ίζχ,όίτΰίί, for ύ'ξχυται, I do, work, oper- ate '; I drive away, keep off, shut up, be- siege, restrain, hinder. ΈΊξέοί, -ocg, Ion. έΐξίγι, -ng, if, (from είζω^ an assembly. Έ.i'ξeξogf -ov, o, (from same) captivity, bon- dage. Έΐξζσίΰί, -ocg, 7], (from Β^εσσω) rotving. Έΐξ€σίωι/γι, -Yig, v}, (from £lξog^ an olive or laurel branch bound with wool, and crowned with all sort of first fruits, used in the fes- tival 'ττνοί,νί-ψίχ. RiQYiuoilog, -ct, -ou, the same as εΐξ-ηνί- Kog. Έίζηνενω, f. -ενσω, p. εϊζνινεηκα, (from next) / have peace, am at peace, am peace- able. Έΐξ'^ννΐ, -v\g, vi, (from εϊ^ειν sig h, connect- ing into one^ peace. ΈiξYluiκ6g, -ijj -01/, (from preced.) peace- able, peaceful. Έίξϊΐι/ίκως, (from same) peaceably. Έ'ΐξγιι/οττοήω, -ω, (from same and ττοίίω) I make peace. El^YjuoTroiog, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a peace-maker. ΈΙξΥΐνοφύλΰΐξ, -ocKog, o, (from είςνινη and φύτ^οίζ) a keeper of the peace. Έ^Ιξίνεος, i^lusog, and vj^iusog, -ov, (from ΐϊζος^ woollen. Εΐζκτ'η, '^;, 'ή, (from ίΐζγύ)) a prison. 370 E/^jt4oV, -ov, 6, (from εϊζω) a connection, series. 'EiQOKO^og, -ov, 6, vj, (from εΊ^ος and κο^εω) a ιυοοΐ -dresser. lS.iQ07r6Kog, -ov, 0, ^, (from next and ττό- κο?) bearing thick wool, fleecy. Ef^o?, -εog, or εΐξίον, -ov, and εξίο^, -ov, to, wool. Έΐξνω, for l^vcd, which see. Έΐζω, £. εςω, p. εϊξνικοί, (see εξίω) I con- nect, bind, say, tell, command, order. Έΐζων, -ouog, o, (from preced.) a talker, a dissembler in speech, one who affects to ex- tenuate his own merits. Έίξωνείοί, -otg, vj, (from preced.) irony, mockery, dissimulation. 'Έλζωυεϋομ.Λΐ, (from preced.) I dissemble, sneer at, am ironical or jesting. 'EiqaviKog, -% -ov, (from same) ironical, dissembling: εi^ω]/ικωg, ironically, luith dis- simulation. Έΐζωτά,ω, Ion. and poet, for Ιζωτάω. ΕΓ$•, poet, hig, μ'ΐΛ, h, one, alone, first, only, a certain one. See p. 22. Ej, εσκχΆέω, -Ζ, (εig and καΧέο)) I call or invite in ; call into court, summon. Ε/σκελλώ), (same and KsKhoi) I drive into, sail for, ai'rive at. Eiσκ■^ζύσσω, (same and κ,τιξύσσω) I intro- duce by 2^''oclamatio?i, proclaim. Eiσκ.ofcίξcϋ, (same and κομ,ίζω) I carry in, imj)ort. Eiσκvκλiω, -ω, (same and κ,υκλίω) I sur- round, roll in, comprehend. Εϊσκ,ν'Αϊύ), (same and x.v'hico) I roll into. EiqKV-TTTu, (same and κύτττω) I look down into. Έΐσκω, f. si%oj, (from εικω) I think like, conjecture. E.ia'hoiyro), (sig and 'κά,μ,ιτω) I throw light upon, illumine. Eiσυoίω, (same and vosco) I apply my mind to, observe. EJgooioc, -oj'j, toc, (from same and ooog) returns, income, expc?iscs. Eiσoh(άίζoμciί, (from preced.) I avibrouglit in, return. 371 'E.hobog, A GREEK LEXICON. Έκατ(ί^χ£/^. Είσοδο?, -οι/, ifi, {sig and ohog) a way in or into^ an entrance, a first coming. ΈΙσοίκΒίόω, (same and οίκαόω) I receive into intimate friendship. ΈΙσοίκίω, (same and oUeu) I dwell in or among, ΈΙσοίκτισίς, -sag, % (from preced.) an in- dwelling. ΈΙσοίκίζω, dig and οΐκίζω) I introduce strajigers to live in a cityy send a colony : &ϊσοικίζο^Λθ(,ι, I introduce myself as an inha- bitant ; I am introduced, receive a habita- tion. Έϊσοιγ,υίω, (same and οίχνίω) I go into, enter. Έισόκ», Dor. for daox-eu, (same and oksu) until. ΈΙσονίσω, (same and ο-ττίσω) afterwards. Έισό'7ττο[Λΰα, and siaoQxa, (same and oV- τομ,οίΐ or όζάω) I . look upon, behold, see, visit. Έ(σοξμάίύ), £ίσοξ/:Λκομχ{, (same and όξμύω) I hasten to, rush into, restore. ΈΙσορμίζω, (same and οζμ,Ιζω) I bring in- to harbour. 'EiVoV, -'ή, -ou, or hog, equal, even, round, sviooth, impartial. ΈΑστίούω, {sig and 'τναίω) I strike into, burst into. Έισττίμ,τιτω, (same and 'ττίμ,ττω) I send in. ΈΙαττ^^άύ), -ω, (same and 7Γ3ίδάώ) / leap, spring, or rush in. ΈΙσττί'τττω, (same and ττίτττω) I fall in or upon. Ε/σοτλΙώί, -ω, (same and τνΤ^ίω) I sail into. Έ,ίσ'π-νίω, -ω, (same and 'τΐνίω) I blow in, breathe into. ΈΙστννήΚνις, or ίΐσττνϊλβς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one who is to inhale my last breath, my bosom friend. ΈΊστΓοίίω, (elg and τίΌίίω) I make way in, introduce, cause to adopt ; I make to or for: &ϊσ'7τοίίο{Λ(χ,ι, I adopt for myself. ΈΙσττοίγισις, -tag, v], (from preced.) adop- tion. 'ElaTTOiYirog, -07, -ou, (from same) adopted. ΈΊστΓΟζεύο/ίίϋα, {sig and 'ττοξενομχί) I go or enter in, arrive at, visit. ΈΐστΓξάκτγις, -ου, 6, (from ίΙστΓξκσσω) an exactor, a driver. Aquila, Ex. v. 6. 13. Job xxxix. 7. Ε/σ-τ^ί^Ι^ί, -ίως, vi, (from next) exaction, imposition, claiming. Έιστί-ζόίσσω, (dg and ττξύσσω) I exact. Έισξίω, (same and ρίω) I flow into. ΈΙσζύηΐΛΐ, (from same and ρυίω) I descend in showers. Έ,ίσσττά,ω, -ω, (same and σ'ττά.ύ)) I draw in. ΈΙστίβημ,ί, (same and rtuyif^i) I put in or into, put on board. Έ,Ίστζίχω, {ilg and τζίχ,ω) I run in. Έ'ισψίξω, (same and φέξα) I bring in, to, or i?ito. Έίσφοίτάω, (same and φοίτά,ο)) I come often to, visit. Έ.Ισφοξχ, -Sig, τ], (from είσφίςύ)) an obla- tion. ΈΙσφοζίω, {elg and ψοξίίύ) I bring into, pay tribute. Έισφξίω, (same and φξίω) I introduce, admit. Έισχείξίζύ), (same and χ,ίΐξίξω) I deliver into one^s hands, intrust. Έί'σω, or έσω, (from elg) within, inward, on this side, to, unto, as far as. Wiaa^'og, -ου, 6, ν;, (from same and ω-ψ) having the face towards, in front of. Έΐτα, then, afterwards, what then, and thus or so ; hence, Lat. ita. ΕΓτ?, (s/ and rs) and if, whether; when repeated, whether — or. Έ'ίύ), Ion. for ου, gen. of og. Έ,ίωύα, perf. mid. of £^caiSQyog, -ου, 6, (from sx,a.g and ΐΐξγύύ) far-operating, far-darting ; an epithet of Apollo. 'Έκά,ύϋ), (from next)/ro?» afar. 'Ey(,obg,far,far off, separated. 'Έκα,στά,γβ^, or iy,ot,QTu,%ov, (from next) in each place, every ivhere, ever : SKstaTOixoUsu, from each place : &κα,στα,γ,6ύι, every where: έκα,στοίχ,όσί, each place, whithersoever. "EKOioTog, -Yi, -ov, (from SKOcg^ each, every one. 'Έ,κ,άστοτΒ, (from preced. and org) always, at every time, every where. ''RKoire^oiKig, (from SKOcri^og) each time, both times. 'Έκ,κτβξύ\ and εκ,ύτεξβε, or ίκά,τίξθίυ, contr. for SKoiri^auiu, (from next) on either side, on both sides. 'Έκ,άτεξος, -ξοί,, -ξο!/, one or other of two, both. ' Έχ,οίτί^ωύίν, (from preced.) on either side, on both sides. ' EKdTYjfio'hog, Ικιχ,τφί'κίτης, and ε^γιβόλος, -ου, ό, (from hxccg and βάλλω) far-darting Apollo. "Έκ,όίτι, Dor. for ίκ,τιτι, (from εχ,ων) vo- luntarily , for the sake of, on account of. / ' Έκ,oίτoγκiφά■λQg, -ου, 6, (from skxtoi/ and κεφαλνι) hundred-headed. ' ΊLx,όίτ6yκ.ξόcί>og, -ου, ο, i], (from same and KixQTiuou) having a hundred heads. Έκόίτόγχαζ, -oog, ίκατόγχ,βίξος, -ου, ίΚΛ- Έκατόμ,βτι. A GREEK LEXICON. Έχδα'^ανάω. τοντύχείξ, 6, % (from same and χζϊς) hun- dred-handed. 'Έκ,χτό/ίίβγι, -ης, ί], (from same and βονς) a hecatomb, sacnfice of a hundred oxen: SKotTOfciSoio;, -o'j, worth a hundred oxen. ' Έκά,τό^.'ττί^ος, -oi/, (from same and T^ihou) of a hundred feet square, spacious. 'Έκοίτ6[Λ7το7\ΐς, -ίως, 'ή, (from same and 'ττό'Κι;) having a hundred cities. Έκόίτο^κ,ττνλΙς, -βος,τ], ίκοίτόμ,'ΤΓνΤ^.ος, -ην, 6, 9], (from same and -ττύλγ)) having a hun- dred gates. 'Έκά,το!/, oi, eci, ra, a hundred. Έχόίτόνξΰγος, -ov, (from preced. and ξν- yci) having a hundred banks of oars. ' Έκϋτοντοίίτγις, contr. ξκοίτοντοντ•/ις, -sog, -■JVC, 6, 7j, (from same and ίτος) of a hun- dred years, a hundred years old. ' Έχ.όίτύ!/τά7.οί^τος, -ov, 6, 7}, (from same and τάλαί/το>) of a hundred talents. ' Έ.κα.τοντΛ'ΤΐΤ^Λσίο)]/, -όνος, 6, i], το -ov, (from same and ττ'Κοίσίων) a hundred fold. 'Έκά,τοντΛ'ΤΓ'Κασίως, (from preced.) by a hundred fold. ' Έκάτοντάξχγΐζ, -ίος, and έκΰτοντάοχος, -ov, ό, (from sKocTov and χζχω) a captain of a hundred, a centurion. ' Έκ,όίτοντοίξχίϋ, -ας, 'ή, (fi'om same) the command of a body of 128 soldiers. ' Έ,κόίτοντάς, -άδο?, ij, (from ίκατόν) the number of one hundred, a company of a hundred. ' Έκάτοντό^'/νίος, -ov, (from same and όζ- yvioi) of a hundred fathoms. 'Έκά,τος, -vi, -ov, contr. ίοτ ί-Λοίστοίτος, (from tKxg) most or very distant: ίκόίτός, far-darting, viz. Apollo : ίκά,τ/], far -darting, viz. Diana. ' Έ,κ,οίτοστίνω, (from ίχ,χτον) I am a hun- dredfold. Έκ.όίτοστος, -'/}, -ov, (from same) a hun- dredth part: εκατοστή, viz. ύξαχμ,'ή, the Inindredlh drachm. Έχ,όίτοστύς, -νος, ij, (from same) a squa- dron of a hundred chariots. Έκβάξύ), (ίκ and βάζω) I announce. 'Έκβΰίίνω, (same and βοίίνω) I go out, escape, disembark, turn out, happen. ' ΈκβΛκγ,ίύύ), (same and βΛκχϊνο)) I ren- der frantic: &κβΛκχίνομ.οι,ι, I am seized with fury^ act as a Bacchanal. Έκβχλλω, (same and βόί?.λω) I cast out, drive out, expel, send out, dismiss, bring out, produce. "Έκβά,σις, -ιος, Attic -εως, ij, (from ίκβχί- νω) a way out, way to escape, event, end. 'Εκβιάζω, (ίκ, and βιάζω) I do violence, compel; mid. contend or endeavour with all my might. Έκβιχστγις, -ov, 6, (from preced.) one who does violence. 'Έκ,βιβάζύ), (sK and βιβάξω) I bring out, cause to 'disembark, turn out, force out, de- prive. ' ΈκβιβΛστ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an ex- actor, a magistrate^ s officer. ^ Έκ,βλοίστόίνω, {ίκ, and βλχστάνω) I shoot or spring out. ' Έκβ'λ'ήτος, -ov, 6, 7], (from ίκβάλλω) cast out. Έκβλνξω, (ίκ, and βλνζω) I gush or stream out. 'Έκβοάω, (same and βοάω) I cry out. Έκβο'ίιβίίοι, -ΰίζ, 7], (ft'om next) succour, reinforcement. Έκβο•/ιύίω, {ίκ. and βογιύίω) I succour, march oid with speed to reinforce friends and to repel enemies. 'Έκ,βο'κβίζω, f. -ιω, (from same and /3ολ- βος) I dig out onions. Έκ/3ολ^, -ν}ς, ί], (from perf. mid. of Ix- βάΚΚω) a casting out, shooting out. "Έκβολος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) cast out. Έκβξάζω, f. -άσω, and ίκ,βξάσσω, f. -|t6i)cUi, -ω, (from same and δ/χ)5) / administer justice, avenge, re- venge, punish. 'Έκ,^ίκϊΐσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τι, (from εκδ/- κ,ίω) vengeance, revenge, punishment. ^Έκ,^ικ.Ύΐτ'ής, and ίκ^ικ,ος, -ov, 6, v^, (from same) an avenger, a punisher. 'Έκ,^ίύ)κ,ω, (Ικ. and ^ίωκω^ I pei'secute violently, expel or drive away by persecu- tion. ' Έκ,'^οξ,άζω, (same and Ιο^άζω) I glorify. "Έ,κ^οσις, -$ως, vi, (from ϊκ^ίίωμ,ι) giving out, hiring, exposing. "Εκδοτο?, -ου, 6, v], (from same) given or delivered up, betrayed. ^Έκ,^οχγι, -vjg, vj, (from ίκ^εχομοα) a look- ing out for, expectation, acceptation. Έκδ^ο,κί?, -νις, vj, (from sk and δ^ε^ώ») a sally. "Έ.κ.'^ξομος, -ου, ο, (from same) one who runs out. 374 ^Έχ.^ν!/ο), €κ^ύύ), and ίκ^υ[/,ι, (Ικ and ^ύνο) or ^ΰω) I unclothe, divest, strip off. "Έύΰσις, -ζως, vj, (from preced.) escape, egress. 'Έκ,^ίξΐίύω, (from Ικ and AcoQisvg} I be- come a Oorian. 'Εκ£ί, there, thither. ^ΈκεΊύί!/, (from preced.) from there, thence. 'Έκ,ίΐύί, (from same) there, in that place. 'ΈκίΊι/ος, -η, -ο, (from έκε? and ος) that, that there; he, she, it. 'Έκ,ίΐσε, thei^e, at that very place, to that place. See p. 77. "Έ,ναγ^ι^ία, -Λς, "/], (from &χω and χείξ} a holding of the haiid in war, a tr-uce. 'Έ,κζέω, (Ικ and ζίω) I burn oid, boil over, am full, receive my accomplishment. 'Έκ-ζητίω, -ω, (same and ζητΐο)) I seek oid, or diligently in order to obtain or to knoiu ; seek diligently or earnestly after, require or - exact severely. Έκζτ,τγιτ':ης, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a7i in- vestigator. "Έ,κζωττυφω, ίκζύ)'7ΐτυξίζω, (Ικ and ζωττυ- ξέύ)) I kindle out, bloiu up into a flame, re- new. ' Έκ,ΎΐβοΤ^ίΰΐ, -Dig, tj, (from next) far-dart- ing or shooting. ' Έκ,γιβότ^ος, -ου, ό, vj, (from εκ,ά,ς and βύτ^- Ts-a) far-darting or shooting; fai^-shot. "'KKYfhog, -VI, -ov, Dor. εκΰλος, quiet, at ease, undistiorbed ; tranquil, gentle, pacific. "Έκ,νιτί, see ίκ,όίτι. ' Έκύαμβίω, -ω, (Ικ and ^αμβίω) I amaze, astonish exceedingly; pass, denotes that fear which often accompanies wonder'. "Έκύοί^Λβος, -ου, 6, ί], (same and θάμβος) amazed, astounded, astonished exceedingly, afraid. ^Εκ,ύχμνίζω, (from same and ^ά,μ,νος) I extirpate. ' Έκ,ύοίξσίύ), (same and StetQaioj) I am over confident or bold. Έκ,ύΰίζσϋνω, (same and ^ιζ^σΰνω) I em- bolden. 'Έκβαυμά,ζω, (same and ^αυμ,ά,ζο)) I ad- mire, unduly extol. 'Έκ,ύειύζω, (from same and ^sog) I deify. 'Έκ,ύίίόω, (from same) I worship as a god. "Έκύξ^ίοί, -ocTog, TO, (from ίκτΙ&Υιμ,ί) any thing exposed, an edict, a sign of prostitu- tion. ' Έκ,ύίζΙξω, (Ικ and ^ίζΐζω) I reap. "Έχ,ύεσις, -log, Attic -sag, vj, (from Ικτίύη- fii) an exposure. 'Ex,usa/^6g, -ου, 6, sj, (Ικ and δεσμός) beyond law, nefarious. ' ΈχΜσφά,τος, -ov, (same and θίσφί^το?) i/u oracle. Έχύζ-ος. A GREEK LEXICON. Έκκλτιΰία. "Έκθετος, -ov, 6, τ}, το -ou, (from Ι-Λτίθγιαι) exposed, cast out, abandoned. Έκ,όίω, {iK and ^U)) I run out, sally forth, rush wpon. ' Έκ,ύηΆκξω, (same and θηλάζω) I suck out. Έχ,ύτίζάο^αοα, (same and Bn^aoj) I hunt out. ' Έκύγ}ξί6ομχί,(5ΆτΏ6 and Βγι^ίοομαή I put on the form of a monster, become a beast. Έκύλίβω, (same and Βλίβω) I press, squeeze or sfri/ce out ; oppress, affiict. "ΈκύΧι-φις, -ιος, Attic -sag, τι, (from pre- ced.) affliction. 'Έκ,θν/ισκω, Qk and ^ντισκ,α) I die out- right. " Έκθοζνά,ομ,α,ι, (same and Botuacj) I feast upon. 'EyJoQsn), {same and ^οξίω^ I jump out. Έκβξοίύ), (same and ^ξοέω) I speak out, announce. 'Έκ,ύϋμ,ίοί., -οίζ, vj, (from next) ardour. EyJv/iiixC'), {L• and ^vfctoiu) I burn in- cense. "ByJvy.og, -ov, o, vj, (same and ^υ^/,ος) out of the heart, prompt, ardent : ίκύνμως, with a willing mind, ardently. Έκ,ύύσϊμοζ, -ov, 6, vj, (from ίκύνω) to be atoned for. "Έκθϋσις, -ζως, τ}, (from next) expiation. ^Έκβνω, {Ix, and ^ιύω) I make an offering of, atone for : Ικύύο[Λα,ι, I sacrifice in behalf ' Έ.•/,ύύ}7ττύ), (same and ^ωτττύ)) I flatter out of, obtain by flattery, cajole. 'Έκκαγχ,ύζω, (same and χ,οι,γγ^ά.ζω) I laugh out or heartily. ΈΆκα,θίχ,ίζύ), (same and kclOccIpo)) Ipurge out, purge, cleanse. 'ΈκκοίβοίζΊζύ), (same and κα,ύοίζΐζύ)) I purge, clear or cleanse out. 'EKKxhuloj, (same and κ,α,ύίύ^ω) I sleep out. Έκκΰίί^ίκοί,βτοϊη If, Kxi and Ιίκ,α) six- teen. Έ.κκοιι^ίκά.^ωξος, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced. and Ιωζον) of sixteen palms. Έκκοίίίίκαέτ•/]ς, -ov, 6, (from same and 'ΐτος) sixteen years old. ΈκκαίΙίκχλϊνος, -ou, (from same and λ/- vov) of sixteen threads. 'EKKcicihKx.'Tr-^^vg, -ίος, (same and ττΐίχνς) of sixteen cuhits. ΈκκΛίΙέκΰίτος, --/ι, -ou, (from eKKoithxcc) sixteenth. ^ Έ,κκίχ,ίΙξκ,νίζτης, -εος, v], (from same and ίοίσσω) having sixteen banks of oars. 'Έκκιχίο), (ίκ and καίω) I burn out, hum, am^ violently inflamed. Έκκοίκίύ), -ω, (from same and κχκός) I faint, fail, give out. ' Έ,κ,κ,ΰίΆα/ίίκο^/,ΰα, (Ικ and κ,ΛΚ<χ,μ,άθ(Λαι) I draw out with a reed, extract. 'ΈζκΰίΤίίω, -ω, (same and καΚίω) I call out or forth, summon, elicit. 'ΈκκοίΚντΓτο), (same and κίϋλ^τττω) I un- cover, unveil, reveal. ^Έκκάμ,ΰΟ), (same and χά,μ,υο}) I grow iveary, become comphtely exhausted. 'Έκ,κχξττίζύ), (same and κχ^ττίζω) I ga- ther fruit: 1/(,κ,αξ7!τίζο(Λαι, I yield fruit. ^ 'RxKoi^TTOof^at, (same and κ,οι,ζ^ττόομοίΐ) I reap the fruit, enjoy the revenu£S or profit of, exhaust the ground. ' Έ,κκ,οίτΒβύύ, (same and κ,ατίίΐύ)) I look down out of Έκκΰί,τίφοίλ7\.ομ,ύα, 3 sing. 2 aor. ίκκατί- τταΤιτο, (same and κατιφάλλο^^χι) I jumi^ doivn from. Έκκανλύω, (from same and κ,ανλός) I send forth a stalk, grow. ' Έ,κκοίνλΙζω, (from same) I pluck up the stalk. ^Έ,•ΛΚ(χ,ν%ά,ο(Λΐχ.ί, {eK and κ,ΰίνχ,ά,ο,ααιι) I glory, vaunt. "Έκκζ.'^χί, (same and κίίμ,αι) I lie out, am exposed to view, am, exist: οϊς ϊκΥΛίτοίΐ, whose object it is. 'EKXiuodj, -ω, (same and Kimoi) I empty out, exhaust. Έκ,κει/τίω, -ω, (same and κίρτίύή I stab or pierce deeply. ' Έκ,κίξαΐζα, (same and κίξοίΐζύή I plun- der, ravage. 'Έκκγίξΰίίΐ/ω, (same and κ,γίζαίυω) I cor- rupt. ' Έκ,κ,'ήζυκτος, -ου, ο, 'η, (from same and κγκ^ύσσω) banished by proclamation. ' Έκ,κγίζύσσω, (from same) / banish by pro- clamation. Έκκίυίω, -ω, {ίκ and KivL•) I move out of its place, disturb. Έκ,κίω, (same and κ,ίω) I go out. 'ΈκκΤ^άζω, and εκκκάο), -ω, (same and κλύζύ) or κ,λάύή I break out or off. 'Έκ,-κΚύύ), Ion. ΙκκΚΎΪί'ζο), (same and κΚίίω) I shid out, exclude. Έκκ.Τ^ί'τττω, (same and κΤ^ίτιττω) I steal out, convey away clandestinely, rescue. Έκκλ»σ/ί54, -οίς, τ}, (from ϊκκ,χκίω) an as- sembly of the people called out by the civil magistrate, Acts xix. 39.; an assembly of the people, though not thus lawfully called out, Acts xix. 32, 40.; an assembly or society of men called out of mankind by the word of God, in this sense applied to the general assembly of the Israelitish people. Dent, xviii. \{j, the universal christian church, Mat. xvi. 18. and a particular church or congre- gation. Acts xvi. 5. In every case, the word means an organized body, in opposi- B 375 « ^ ΕχχΑ.'ηΰ/άζύ A GREEK LEXICOii: Εκλα/Λ-ψ/^, I tion to a casual meetijig. The Ephesian as- semblage appears to be no exception to this interpretation, as the people evidently came together to hold a judicial assembly in their corporate capacity, however tu- multuous in their proceedings. They rushed into the theatre, as the Athenians fre- quently did into the βονΤ^ξυττίζίον, or forum, when Demosthenes harangued to them. ' Έκ,κλ^σίάζω, f. -σώ>, p. -κ,χ, (from pre- ced.) / call an assembly, make a speech in an assembly. Έκχλν]σ{(χ•στ'^ς, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a senator, a speaker in an assembly, a preacher, a collector. 'Έ.κ.κΆτισια,στ'ίκος,-νί, -ov, (from same) of an assembly, ecclesiastical, senatorial; ro ϊκχΛνι- σιαστικ,ου, the allowance given by the Athe- nians to those who attended the assembly. "ΈκκΤνΥίτος, -ου, 6, v}, (from kx,x,ou\.kai) call- ed out, distinguished, summoned. 'Ekk^Juoj, {Ik and κ,Τ^ίνω) I go out of the way, decline, deviate, make to deviate, decline from, avoid. "ΕκκΤ^ϊσις, -ιος, Attic -sag, τ}, (from pre- ced.) a turning aside. " Εκ-κλιτίον, TO, (from same) must avoid. Έκκκύζο), {Ικ, and χ,'κύζω) Ι wash out. 'Έκ,κΚυσμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) ab- lution. Έκκλΰύ),(ίκ and κΆυω) I hear from. 'Έ,κκνοίΐσίω, (from next) I make a noise like a scraper, pronounce luith a broad harsh voice. ' Έκκ,νάο), (sK and xucca) I scrape out. 'Έκ,κοβΰίΆικ,ίύομχί, (same and χ,οβοίλι- κζΰω) I cheat out of. 'Έχ,κοιΤ,α,ίυω, (same and κ.οι'Κοι,ινω) I scoop out, excavate. 'Έκκοκίζω, (from same and κόχκος) I shake or pick out grains, root out, dislocate. "Έκ,κ,ότ^οί^μ.οί, -ατός, το, (from next) en- graving. ^ Έκ,κ,ολάτττω, (ex, and κοΤαίτΐτω) I cut out, carve, engrave ; I erase, expunge, exclude from the egg, hatch. ^ Έκ,κ,ολν/ίύβΰίω, -ω, (same and 7ί,ο7\.υ(Λβόίω) I swim out or away. Έκκ,ομί'^'η, -τίς, v], (from next) a carrying out, exportation, burial. 'Έκχ,ο[Λίζω, {L• and κομ-ίζω) I carry out, hury, convey away, conduct. ^ Έκκ,ομ'ύ/ίύομ,χι,^ϊνοΏλ same and κ,ο^ί'ψος) I make a show of, am specious. ^Έκ,-Λοττνι, -τις, vj, (from next) a cutting out. Έ,κ,κότττω, (Ικ and κ,ότττω) I cut out, off or down; prevent, hinder, render ineffec- tual. 'Έ,κκοζίίύ, (same and κοξίω) I sweep away, deflower. 376 ^ Ey.H.QT'fiy.a,, -ατός, το, the same as sym- τνιμ.α. ' Έκ-Λουφίζω, {sk and κουφίζω) I buoy up, extol. 'Έκκζάζύ), and Ικκξανγάζω, (same and •Λξάζο) or χ,ζαυγάζω) I cry out, vocife- rate. Έκ-κ,ξξμ,άω, sKx.^euayvO/:ci,(same and χξε- μ,άύ)) 1 hang upon : ίκ,κξε/ίίάο/ααί, ίκκ,ξίμόί- ζΛαί, I hang myself upon, depend upon, earnestly implore, hang from or upon, am earnestly attentive. Έκ,χξζ^'ής, -ίος, -ους, 6, ^, (from preced.) upon. Εκ.κ^Γί/ώ), (Ικ, and κ^ίνω) I separate from, sever, select, levy ; reprove, reject^ degrade, disembody. 'Έκχ,ξίσις, -£ύ)ς, 9}, (from preced.) separa- tion, secretion. "Έκ,κ,ζίτος, -ou, (from same) separated from, distinguished, choice. "Έκ,κξουσίς, '£cog, yj, a knocking out, beat- ing off: and "Έκ,κξονστος, -ou, (from next) beat off, abominable. Έκ,κ,ξοΰύ), (sK and κξοόω) I knock or drive out, beat off, expel. 'Έκκ,υβίστάω, (same and κυβιστάω) I plunge into a net and get out on the other side, I tumble oh the head and stand on my feet again after a complete revolution. ' Έ.χ,κ,υΆ\ίω, (same and κυκ,λίω) I roll out, unfold. ' Έ.κ,κ,υ?ί7ω, ζκ,κ,υ'λίΐ/^ίω, (same and κυ\ίω) I roll out, disengage. Εκκυμαίνω, (same and κυμαίι/α) I foam, rush, dash out, like a wave. ^Έκ,κ,υ^γιγετίω, (same and κυνηγ^τίω) I lead out the dogs, hunt, persecute. "Έκκϋι/ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and κύύ)^) a dog separated from other dogs. ^ Έκκύτ^τύ), (same and κ,ύ'π-τύ)) I look out. 'Έΐίκωμάζω, (same and κ,ωμάζω) I go revelling luith, ivantonly run away with. ' Έκχωφόω, (same and κωφού)) I render deaf. "Έκλαγξαν, 3 pi. i a. from χ,λάξω. ' ΈκΆαγχ,ανω, {Ικ and "Καγχ,^νω) I receive by lot, obtain. Έκ'λακτίζω, (same and "Κακτίζω) I throw out my heels. 'Έκλαλίω, -ω, (same and τ,α'κίω) I speak out, tell, utter. ' ΈκΤ^αμβανω, (same and Τ^αμβάνω) I take out, seize. "Έκ'Καμ,τΓξος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from next) shining forth. 'Έκλάμ,'ττω, (ίκ and λάμττω) I shine forth or gloriously, illuminate. "ΈκΚαμ-^ις, Ίος, Attic -ζως, «j, (from pre- ced.) brightness. 17 *ΈχΧανύάν A GREEK LEXICON. 'Ex/jt-fX'^;, ' ΈκΤ^Λΐ/ύάνω, (ix, and 'Κιχ.υ^ά,νω) I cause forgetfulness ; mid. I forget. ' ΈκΤαχζίύω, (same and λοίζβύω) I cut out or hew a stone. 'Έκ'λίί'π-ά.ζω, (same and Τ^χτηίζω) I lick out, devour, consume. Έκ,Τ^χτττω, (same and λχτΓτω) I lick out, sivallow up. 'Εκλο4Τ0(64£ω, 'ω, (same and λατοΐίέο)) I hew out stones. ' ΈκΤ^αχούι/ο), (same and Τναχούνύ)) I dig out herbs. Έκλίγύ), lyJKiyofAcii, (same and Τ^ίγω) I choose, choose out, elect, select, gather or take out q/'many things oifered. 'Εκλ£/7Γτί;605•, -^, -6y, (from next) attend- ed with an eclipse. 'Ey^eiTTOj, {kx, and 7^εί7τω) I forsake, fail entirely, cease, die. "Έ,χΆί{-ψί;, -ίος, Attic -εως, v], (from pre- cea.) failure, eclipse, death, destruction. 'ΈκΚεί-χ,ύ), {ίκ and 'λείχο)) I lick out or up. Έκ,λίκ,τός, -ij, -ou, (from ίκΤ^έγω) cho- sen, chosen out, elect, ap)proved. Luke xxiii. 35. — 1 Pet. ii. 4, 6. In the 4th verse it is opposed to άτΓοοί^οκ,ίμ,α,σ^Λίυον', and in the 6th it answers to the Heb. inn, of Isa. xxviii. 16. 'ΈκΤκίκτως, (from preced.) excellently. Έκλέλα^ον, poet, for k^iXccuou, 2 a. of £κλα.ι/ύά.!/ω. "Έ^-Λλίττύ), {ίκ and "λίττω) I take out of the shell, hatch. Έ.κ'Κίνκαίνω, (same and T^iVKoiiuui) I whiten. "Έκ,λευχος, -ου, 6, τ], (same and λίνκ,ος) very white. ΈκΛ'/]βο/!Λοα, (same and λτ^ύω) I let slip out of mind, forget entirely. 'Έκ'Κτηξίύ), (same and Άγίξέύ)) I spend the time in tnfling. "'Άκ'Κ-ίισις, -log, 7}, (from k>cKctuua,uu) obli- vion. ' JL-KhiKf^ao), -ω, {iK and Τ^,ικμ,ά,ω) I shake out, winnow. 'EK'AiyJcc, -ccg, v}, (from same and T^if^og) famine. 'Έκ,'Αΐ{/.ό}ττύ), (same and λι/^ωττω) I am famishing. ΈκλίτταΙι/ύ), (same and Τ^ΐ'ττούί/ω) I make fat, enrich. 'Έ.>ολί7Τΰί(>έύ), (same and λιτταζίω) I ask earnestly. ' Έ.κ'λΊτΓ'ής, -eog, 6, yj, (from ίκΚείττω) defi- cient, ebbing. Έκλογνι, -vjg, τ], (from pcrf. mid. of Ικλί- γύ)) a choosing out, election ; the choice, the persons chosen. ΈκΚογίζημ,αι, {ίκ and 'Κογίζομ,Λΐ) I reck- on, take account of, greatly esteem. ' Έ,κΚογισίΛος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) com- putation, estimate. 'EyCkoyiuxTig, -ου, 6, (from same) an ac- countant, a qucBstor. ^ΈκΑογιστίοί, -ccg, τ], (from same) compu- tation, accounts. Ελλοχεύω, {Ix, and Αοχεύω) I put forth: Ιχ,Αοχ,εύομ,οίΐ, 1 bring forth, ' Έ•ΛΚοχίζο(Λθίΐ, in some copies of the LXX for ίκΤκογίζομ,οίΐ. ' Έκλοχίξω, {Ικ, and Αοχίζω) I take out of the band, select, choose ; I divide iJito bands ; I lay snares or set bands in ambush for. "Exhvatg, -log, Attic -iag, ^, (from ΙκΤ^ύω) a dissolution, failure of courage, consternation. "'EKhvrog, -ov, 6, vj, (from next) relaxed, enervated, feeble, dissolute: SK'hvrojg, lan- guidly. ^ Έκ,Αύύ), {L• and Αυω) I release, dissolve, render weak ; pass, am dissolved, become faint, faint. 'Έκ,λο)βάοα,χί, (same and λωβάο/αχι) I treat with contempt. Έκ,λωττίζω, (from same and λωττ^) I fake off the robe or covering, expose. ^Έκμ,ίχ,γεϊον, -ου, το, (from ίκμ,άζω) a cloth for wiping, towel, image. "Έκ,μ,ΰίγμχ, -ocrog, το, (from next) ati ex- press image, a print. ' Έ,κ/^χζω, and Ικ,μ^ά,σσω, (same and (Λοίσ- σω) I wipe, wipe out, wipe dry ; I take off an impression, copy a likeness, express. 'Έκμ,α,ίυω, (same and μ,οίίνω) I make fu- rious or mad: 'ακ,μ,οίίνο^Λοίΐ, iKf^avYif^i, I be- come furious, am mad. ^'Έκ,^Λοοοτζου, -ου, ro, (from ίκμ,άζω) an impression, vestige. Έχ,^Λοί,νύά,ΰω, {ίκ, and ^ocuuxucj) I learn thoroughly. ' Έκ,ΐΛο,ξο,ίνω, (same and μ,οίζ^Λίνω) I wither out or away. ^ Έ,κμ,οίζγόο(Λο(,ι, (from same and ^Λ»ξγος) I am enfuriated. "Έκ,μ,οίξτυζίω, -ω, (same and μχξτυζίω) I testify, send a written out testimony. 'Έ.κ,^α,χξτυξΙχ, -a,g, vj, (from preced.) a written out testimony sent by one who was unable to attend in person. ^ Έ.Λμ,ά,σαω, and \χ.μ.ά,ττο), see ίΛμ,ά,ζω. ^ Έκμ,χστίύω, {ix, and (ΛΛστίύω) I seek the breast, trace. Έκ,/χ£ίλίσσομαί, (same and μίΐΤ^ίσσομ,Λΐ) I appease, mitigate, soothe. Έκμείζύ), (same and μ,είζω) I receive my share, enjoy. Έκ^έλεταίϋ, -ω, (same and μελετύω) I study, practise, repeat. ' Ex^iAjjf, -iog, 6, 71, (from same and μέλος) out of tune, discordant ; exorbitant, dislocat- ed, feeble. 377 Έκ/α-£Τ^ε A GREEK LEXICON. ^Έ/ί'τίψζξχρμ^αί, ^ Έχ^ίτζίω, -ω, (same and (Λίτζίο)) I mea- sure out^ take the measure of, give out hy measure, traverse. Έκ,μίτςτησίς, -ζως, τ], (from preced.) di- mension. "Έζμετξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from kx, and μίτξον) immoderate, exorbitant. ''Έκ,μ,νΐζύο(/,οίΐ, (same and [Λγιζΰο)) I spin out, draiv out in a line. Έκμιχίνω, (same and ^ίοίίυω) I pol- lute. ^Έκ,μιμίομ,οίΐ, (same and fcifcio^cii) I im- itate. 'Έκμ,ισθόω, (same and μ,ίσύόω) I give out for hire : Ι«^;σ^οο,κα/, / hire or prostitute myself. ""Εκ/ΛοΚίω, (same and μοκίω) I march out, gofoj'th. ' Έκ,μουσόω, (same and μονσόύή I dictate, inspire. Έκ,/ίίοχύίω, (same and μογ,ύΐω) I endure throughout heavy sorrows. ^ Έκμ,υίΤ^ίζύ), (from same and μ,υίΆος) I take out the marrow. 'Έκ,μυζιχω, (same and μ,υζά,ω) I such out, clear out. / 'Έκ,μύζγισις, -ΐως, τ], (from preced.) a pressing out. 'Έκ/ίίυύίομαί, {Ικ and μ,υύίομ,α,ι) I de- clare. ' Έκ.μ,υκ,τγΐξίζω, (same and μυκ,τϊΐξίζω) I mock or sneer exceedingly. Έκ!^5χξω, (same and υεά,ζω) I am reno- vated. ' Έκ,νίμ,ομ,αι, (same and νίμ,ω) I move my- self away. 'Έκ,νίυξίζω, (from same and υενξον) I un- string, enervate. "Έκ,νίύω, (same and νεύω) I decline, go aside, depart, withdraw, go forth or away. 'Έκ,νύύ), (same and via) I sivim out, swim ashore. ^Έκ,ννιφω, (same and νί^φω) I awake sober out of a drunken sleep. Έκ,ννιχ,ω, {Ικ. and νηχω) I swim out. "Έκν^-ψίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, vi, (from έκ^-^ψω) a return to sobriety, luatching, cessation. ■ 'Έκυικ,χω, {εκ, and ι/ικ,χύ)) I come off conqueror, prevail. 'Έ,κ,νίτττω, (same and υΊτττω) I wash oid, purify.^ 'Έκ,νόμ,ιος, -ov, 6, i], (same and vo/u,iog) lawless, extraordinary, eccentric: εκ,νομ,ίως, extravagantly. 'Έ>c'Joσreω, (same and νοστίω) I return out of. 'Έκονσίάξομ,χί, (from εκ,οΰσίος) I offer or obey luillingly. 'Έκ,ουσίασμος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a free-will offering. S7s' 'Εκούσιος, -«,, -ov, (from ΪΆων) voluntary, spontaneous, ''Ακουσίους, (from preced.) wilfully, will- ingly. 'Έ^κ,ττα.γ'Κίομ,οίΐ, and ix,'jr\a,ykoy.(x.i, (from next) / am astounded or amazed, admire exceedingly. "Έκ,'ττά.γΑος, -ov, 6, tj, for εκττΤ^οίγος, (from εκ,τΐΤ^νισσω) astounding, terrific, awful: εκ- Trocy'ho!/, εκ,τΓΰίγΆοι, and εκ'π-άγλως, terribly, ) aiufidly. "Έκ,ττά,ύειο^, -Λς, 7j, (from next) excessive emotion. Έχ'ΤΓίζύτις, -εος, ο, vj, (from εζ and 'ττά.ύος) unhurt; greatly hurt; eager, incensed. 'E?c7rccihvju.ci, -χτος, το, (from next) a pupil, a nursling. ^^x,7recihuo), {εκ and 'ττοαίεύω) I edu- cate. 'Έκτταιφά,σσω, (same and 'πα.ιφά,σσο)} I brag,^ bluster. "ΈκττοίΚοα, (same and 'τΐήτ^.α,ι) of old, in ancient times, of a long time. ^ Έ.κττα,'Κίχ,ίύ), (same and 'τιτοίΚοίίω) I strug- gle, prevail by struggling. ^ΈκτΓ 0,7.7^0 f^a I, (from εκ, εττϊ and «λλο- μχι) I gush out upon. ^ Έκττατάίσσω, {εκ and τοίτοίσσω) I cause to tremble. 'Έκττάτιος, -ου, (from same and 'ττά,τος) Old of the way, strayed. ^Έκ7!Όί,ύω, (same and 'χοίνω) I make en- tirely to cease. "Έκττείύο), (same and στείθω) I prevail upon. 'Έκττείξύζω, (same and 'ττείξά.ζω) I trij, prove, tempt, make trial or proof of, grie- vously tempt. Έκ7Γεΐξά.ομ,οίΐ, (same and ττει^άω) I make a trial of, put to the proof . ' Έκτί-ε/ι,ίτττεος, -cc, -ov, (from next) to be sent out, banished. ' Έκττεμ,'ττω, {εκ and πεμ^'πω) I send out or forth, despatch, expel. "Έκττεμ-ψ/ς, -εως, ί], (from preced.) se7id- ing out, despatching. 'Έκτΐε-ττούνω, (same and 'τ^ετταίνω) I bake or season completely. 'Έικττεξχίι/ω, (same and ττε^α,ίνω) I biding to an end, fulfil, succeed. ' Έκ'ττεξάύ), (same and ττεξχω) I make to pass out. Έκ'ττεξ^ϊκίζω, (from same and ττεξΙΙζ) I escape like a partridge, disappoint. 'Έκττεξύω, (same and ττέξύω) I utterly de- stroy,. ' Έκτί-εξίειμί, {εκ, 'ττεξί and ii,ui) I go round on the oidside, ivind round. ^ Έκ7:'εξΐέξχ,ο^<,^ι,{εκ and ττεξάζχ,ο^Λίχ-ί) I go round on the outside. ^ Εκ'Χψο6ώω, A GREEK LEXICON. ΈκίΓ^£•»•)5ί. ' EKTTS^ioosvojf {tK and 'ττζζίο^ίύω) I wind ahout^ circumvent. Έκττεξ/τΓλίω, (same and ττε^/^τλέώ;) / sail round at a distance. " Έκ7:τίζιΐ'7:6ξίΰο(/.ίχ,ι, (kz, ttsqi and -tto^svo- fioii) I pass out through. ' Έ^ττίξίσσος, -% -ou, {βκ and -τ^ζζίσσος) very abundant. 'Έκττίτοίσις, -ίως, {], (from next) a stretch- ing out, dilating. 'Έκτητύύ), ζκτΓίτά,ζω, SK'Treroiuvvo), and Ικ,ττίτά,ιιυυίΛΐ, (Ικ and -τετάώ)) / stretch out ; expand, as the hands in earnestly addressing and pe7'suading. ' Έκτηττισί^ος, -ou, (from next) able to fly. ' Έ,κττίτομ,ίχ,ί, (sK and ττέτο/ίίϋα) I fly oict. ^Έκ,τηύύοΐΛοίΐ, (same and ^-ζύύω) I inquii-e Old, learn. 'EKTrvihauJ, -ω, (same and ττ-ηΐίάω) I leap out. 'Έκτ^-ή^γ,^α, -ccro;, ro, (from preced.) a leap) Old. Έκτ^γιυίζομ,α,ί, (from L• and -TrTjviou) I spin out. Έκ,'ττίίξω, (same and ττ/ίξω) I press out, oppress, violently exact. 'Έκ-τηκηούνύ), (same and 'πικραίνω) I greatly imbitter, provolte. ^Έκ,-ττιμ,'ΤΓΆά,ω, ίκ,•ΰίμ,'π7\.•ή[Λζ, (same and 'π-ί(Α,'77'Κά,ω) I fill out or up. 'Έκττίνύ), (same and 'ττίι/ω) I drink out. ' Έκττί'ττξά.σκω, (same and 'ττί'ττξάσκ.α) I sell out. Έκ,ττίτττω, (same and 'ττίτττω) I fall out or from, fall, fall off from, fail, cease, am abolished; used of persons at sea, who are driven out of their course, get among shal- lows, or are cast upon shore. 'Avci/3. VI. iv. 1. Acts xxvii. 17, 26. "Έκ'ττλίβζος, -ου, 6, '/], (from same and 7:'Κίύζου) beyond the plethrum, exorbitant, immense. "ΕκτΓΆείος, and 'ίκ^τλεος, -ou, Attic ίκ- σιτΤ,ζως, (same and ττλέο?) brimful^ complete, abundant. Έκττλέκύ), (same and 'π'λίκω) I disentan- ΕκτΓλίύ), (same and ttAs'oj) / sail out or forth ; go beyond my depth. 'EkttT^'/jUoj, (same and -ττλτιύω) I fill out, fulfil, satiate. 'EKTrXyjKTlKog, -'/], -ou, (from next) calcu- lated to strike terror, awful. ΕκπΤ^τικτός, -ou, 6, vj, (from Ικ'ττΤ^'ησσω) astounded. Έκ-π-λγιξΙς, -ίως, 7], (from same) terror, astonishment. ΕκττΤ^Υΐζόω, -ω, {ϊκ and 7rA/7(jow) I fulfil entirely. ^Εκ.ττ'Κ'ηξωσίζ, Ίος, Attic 'Sag, 'ή, (from preced.) a fulfilling, accomplishment. Έκττλ'^σσω, Attic -ττω, {sx. and π-λτισσω) I exceedingly strike with terror, astonish- ment or admiration. Έκ,ττΤίίσσω, (same and -τλ/σσώ») / go about. "ExTrT^ooc, contr. ίκτΐΤ^ους, -ου, 6, (from ίκττΧίω) a voyage oid. ΈκτΓλϋνω, {sx, and ττλύνω) I wash out. "Εκ,τΓΤ^ΰτος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from preced.) washed out, expiated. Έκττλώώ», same as ξκ,ττΤ^ίω. Έκττυίω, -ω, {Ικ, and 7rοστίΆλω,{βκ, and στίχλω) I send out; I adorn. ' Έκστίξίόω, -ω, (same and στίζίόω) I fully strengthen. Έκστίφω, (same and στίφω) I crown. Έκ,στξοιγγίζα, (same and στραγγίζω) I press out by drops. ^ Έχστξατεία, -χς, Ικστξόίτευσις, -$ως, τ], (from next) an expedition, invasion. ' Έχστξοίτίύύ), {ϊκ, and στξίΛΤίΰω) I go out to battle, lead out an army. Έ-,ίστξοίτοτΓΒ^ΐύομ,Άί, (same and στξχτο- 'Trehiou) I pitch a camp. 'Έκστξίφω, (same and στξίφω) I turn out of the way , pervert, overturn from the foun- dation. ' Έκστξοφ'η, -τ^ς, vj, (from preced.) aliena- tion, perversion. 'Έκσνξίζύ), and Ικ,συξίσσω, Attic -ττω, {ϊκ and συζίζω or συξίσσω) I hiss out. 'Έκ,σύζω, (same and σύζω) I draw out. Έκ,σφξο.γίξο/ίίχί, (same and σφξχγιζο- /αοίΐ). I take off an impression ; J break a seal. ^Έκσάζω, (same and σωζύ)) I save from. Έκσωξίΰω, (same and σωζβύω) I heap up. *Εχτάδ'/:ν. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Έ,κτξ'ιβύ Έχτάδ»!/, or iKTOiOou, (from kKTsiuoj) stretched out, at full hngth. ' Έκτά,^ιος, -ου, ό, ί], (from same) extended, ample. ' Έκτοίΐοξ, -οίίοί, -uiou, (from ίκτος) on the sixth day. 'Έκ,τΛΛτος, -VI, -ou, (from ίκτάσσω) set in array; extraordinary. "Εκταξίς, -sug, τ], (ft'om same) battle- array. 'Έκτάξαξις, -sag, τ}, (from next) distur- bance, perturbation. ^Έκτχρύσσύ), Attic -ττω, (Ικ and τοίζύσ- ϋω) I disturb very much or exceedingly. "Έκτοίσις, -iog, Attic -sag, vi, (from kx,Tii- νω) an extension, a staff or rod. 'Έκτύσσύ), Attic -ττω, {bk and τάσσω) I set in order, enrol, place in battle-array. 'Έκτείι/ύ), (same and τίίι/ύή I stretch out, extejid, cast or let down as an anchor. ' Έ.κ,τζΐχ[ζω, (same and τίΐχ,ίζω) I shut out by a wall ; finish a wall. ' Έ,κ,τεχνόομοίί, (same and TSKuoa) I bring forth children. ^Έκ,τζΚίυτά,ω, (same and τίΚίυτά,ω) I bring to a close, cause to fulfil. 'ExTsTvU), and ίκτελείω, -ω, (same and τίλίω) I finish entirely, complete, accom- plish. ' Εκτ£λ'/7ί•, -£0$•, 6, '/], (from same and τέ- λος) brought to an end, ripe. ' Έ.κτίμ,!/ο), and s/CTfim, (same and τί/χνω) I cut out. ^ Ti-KTsyiioi, and ίκτίνίοί, -ocg, tj, (from next) intenseness, continuance, dilige^tce. 'Έ.κτ£ΐ/'^ς, -tog, -ovg, 6, τ), το -eg, (from kx,- Tsii /ω) continual, intense, assiduous. ^Εκτίΐ/ως, (from preced.) intensely, ear- nestly. Έκτίον, (from ίχω) it is necessary to have, must have. EKTSTci/itiuog, p. pass. part, of Ικτείνο). Έκτ7}κω, {ίκ and τ'ήκύ)) I melt away, consume. Έκτί&γιμ,ί, (same and τίβγι^.ή I expose, expound, explain, declare. Έκτίκτω, (same and τίκ,τω) I bring forth. *Εκτίλλύ), (same and τ/λλ&) I pluck out, eradicate. Εκτιμάω, (same and τι^Λκοί) I honour greatly ; I over-value. "EKTlf4,og, -ov, 6, 7); (from same and τίμτ)) without honour, degraded. Έκτινοιγμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from next) a shak- ing out or off. ΕκτΧνά,σσω, (ίχ, and τινάσσο)) I shake from or off. "ΕκτΊσίς, -ζως, ij, (from εκτίω) the paying of a fine, a penalty. Έκτίτςωσκω, {ίκ and τιτ^ωσκω) I wound, render abortive ; pass, suffer abolition, mis- carry. ' Εκτίω, and &χ.τΐι*ω, (same and τίω) I pay out, repay. ' Εκτοκίζω, (from same and TOKog) I make to produce, lend for interest. 'EKTOf^ioig, -ov, 0, (from same and τί/κ,νω) cut out. ΈκτομΙς, -ίίος, 'ή, (from same) a cutting out. Έκτοξίύω, {Ik and τοζ,ίΰω) I shoot out arrows ; exhaust a quiver. Έκτο'ττίζω, (from same and τό'τ^ος) I move out of the place. Εκτόττιος, -ου, and 'ίκτοττος, -ου, ο, ί], (from same) displaced, strange, extrava- gant: ίκτόττως, strangely, extravagantly. ^ Εκτοζυίύω, (Ik 2ΐχίά τοξΰεύω^ I form by turning. "Εκτος, -■/!, -ou, (from ε|) sixth. Εκτός, SKTohu, ίκτοθι, 'ίκτοσΐ, έκτόσβεν, (from ίκ) without, the outside, except, be- sides. "Εκτοτε, (same and τότε) from that time. ' EKTQ^ccyof^ko), (same and r^etyiw^gw) / use a tragical style to excess, exaggerate. Έκτξά,'π-εξος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and τζάττεζοί) excluded from table. Έκτξοί'π-ελος, -ov, o, i], (from same and τξό'ττος) awkward, uncouthyUntoward: ίκτξοί- ττίλως, awkwardly. ' Εκτξαίχ;/ιΆίζω, (same and Τξχ^γιΤ^ίζω) I throw over or precipitate a horse; break the neck. ^Εκτξοίχ,νι/ω, (same and τ^α,γ^νω) I make rough. Έκτξίττω, (same and τζίττω) I turn out or aside ; pass, am turned out of my place or aside ; mid. turn from, avoid. Heb. xii. 12, 13. " Wherefore raise again the let down hands and the paralyzed knees, and make straight paths for your feet : hec fc^ TO γ/>ίκό]) ίκτζΰ&ττγί, Ιοίβνί δί f^ScXT^oy that that which is lame [whether hand, knee, or foot] may not be dislocated, [turned or wrenched out of its place] but may rather be healed." Let the runner who has got a weak or sprained joint, take care that he receive not further injury, and that he ob- tain a speedy cure. Should his lameness be followed by a dislocation, perseverance in the race would be impossible. Έκτ(^ίφω, (same and τζέφω) I nourish, bring up. ' Εκτξίχω, (same and τξεχω) I run out. Έκτξίχινόω, {same and τι^οίΐυόω) I smite, defeat, with a trident. ' Εκτςΐβω, (same and τξίβα) Τ wear out, destroij. 381 ΈΆΤξΙ-^ί A GREEK LEX'ICON. Έκχ^Μξίω, "Έκτξί-ψις, Ίος, Attic -εύύζ, ij, (from pre- ced.) affiiction, des/ructio7i. ^Έκ,τζυγά.ω, -ω, (Ικ. and τξνγάω) I gather out or up fruits, particularly grapes. 'Έκτ^υττά-ο), (same and τξνπύω) I bore or creep out. Έκτξνφάω, -ω, (same and τξνψύω) I live luxuriously/. ' Έκ,τξυχόα, (same and τξυχ,όο)) I wear out. 'Έκτξωγω, (same and τξωγω^ I eat out, erode. "Έκτζωμχ, -ccTog, το, (from perf. pass, of εκητζωσκ,ω} an abortio77, a last-born. 'Έκτυτ^όώ, -ω, (Ικ and τυτιτόω) I strike out, form, engrave, carve. Έκ,τύ'ΤΓωίΛοί, -ocrog, το, and ίκ,τνττωσις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, V], (from preced.) a likeness, copy. Έκ^τυφτ^όω, ~ω, {Ικ and τνφλόω) I blind entirely. "Έκτ&)ξ, Όξος, 6, Hector, the best of the sons of Priam : 'Έκ,τόζίος, or 'Έκ,τόξβίος, -a, -ou, of Hector: ' Έκ,τοζϊ'^ϊΐς, a son of Hector. See also ίστωξ. "Έκν^ος, -ου, ο, a father-in-law: ίκΰξ'η, -7}ς, vj, a mother-in-law. Έ^κφαι^ξϋνω, (Ικ. and φΛΐ^ξύνω) I cause to appear bright. 'E^:ip(ii;W, (same and cpsc/i/oj) I show oid, make manifest, exhibit. ^^κφα,νν^ς, -ίος, 6, v}, (from preced.) appa- rent, manifest, conspicuous: ζκ,ψόίνΖς, con- spicuously. "Έκφαίτος, -ou, (from ίκ,φγιμή inexpressi- ble: ζχ,φόίτως, inexpressibly. ^Έκφοίυλίζω,{£κ, and φα,υλίζω) I contemn, vilify. 'Έκφίξω, (same and φύζω) I bring or carry out, bury, bring forth, produce. 'Έκφ&ϋγω, (same and φίύγω) I flee oid, escape. ' "Έ.κ,φγιμί, £χφόίμχι, (same and φνιμϊ) I say. 'Έκφύείξύ), (same and φύίίξω) I idterly corrupt or destroy. Έκφύϊω, (same and φύίω) I cause to waste, consume. 'Έκ,φλίγω, (same and φλίγω) I blaze oid, emit flashes. ' Εκ,φοβίω, -ω, (from next) / terrify. "Έκφοβος, -ου, 6, v], (he and φόβος) ex- ceedingly affrighted, terrified. "Έκ,φοινίσσω, (same and φοιρίσσω) I stain with blood. ^Έκ,φοιτάω, (same and φοιτά,ω) I wander put, go forward. Έκφοζοί, -α,ς, ^, (from ίκφίξω) a carrying out, funeral ; ipeed, impetuosity. 382 "Έκ,φοζίω, [ix, and φοξύω) I carry out, convey away; export, bring forth. 'Έκ,φόξίον, -ου, το, (from Ικφίξω) produce of the earth, fimit. "Έκ,φοξος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) brought out, dividged. ^Έ.}<,φοξτίζομ,α,ι, (&κ and φοξτίζω) I am put on board, exported, betrayed. Έκ,φξά,ξίϋ, (same and φξάξω) I explain. "Εκ,φξά,σίς, -&ως, v], (from preced.) expla- nation. ' Εκ,φξίύ), [L• and φφω) I let out, suffer to escape. Έκ,φξοντίξω, (same and φροντίζω) I de- libo^ate fully, meditate on, devise. "Εκ,φξων, -ouog, 6, vj, (from same and φζνιν) out of one* s mind, frantic. Έκφυ'κά.σσω, (same and φυ'κά,σσω) I keep out, save. "Έκ,φϋλος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and φυ- λ^) not of the same tribe, foreign, impei^ii- nent, absurd. "Έκφυμοί, -ocTog, το, (from Ικ,φύω) a pus- tule. "Έκφυζίζ, -icog, τ], (from ίκφίύγω) escape, refuge. ' Έκ,φύξομοί.ί, (L• and φύξομ^χι) I defile. Έχφυσά,ω, and Ικ,φυσιάω, (same and φυ- σάω or φυσιά,ω) I blow out, disperse, breathe out strongly. Έκ,φύώ, (same and φύω) I produce, put or thrust forth. Έκφωνίω, (same and φωνίω) I call out. 'Έκφύ)υΎΐσις, -ζως, sj, (from preced.) an exclamation. ^Έκχοίίνω, (kx. and χαίι/ω) I gape at or upon. ' Έκ,χοίΆιυόω, (same and χοίλίυόω) I take off the bridle, unbridle. Έκ.χ,χξοί^ξόω, (same and γ^αξοί^ξόω) I scoop out, excavate. ' Έκ^^Άξάσσω, (same and χ,χ,ξάσσω) J erase. "Εκ,χοίυνόω, (same and -^Λυνόω) I swell Old, inflate. Έκ,χ,ίω, -ω, (same and χίω) I pour out, shed. 'Έκχ'λΒυάζω, (Ικ and χΤ^ίυά,ζω) I mock at. 'Έκ,γ^οζίύω, (same and χοξίύω) I exclude from the chorus or compajiy, expel. 'Έ,κ,χξάω, (same and χξάω) I give out as an oracle, predict, enjoin; I am of use, suf- flce, benefit. "Έκχΰσ/ς, -ιος, Attic -ζως, i], (from next) effusion. 'Έκ,χ,ύω, or Ικχΰνω, (ex, and χΰω) I pour out, shed; pass, am poured or gush out, rush or nm violently. "Έχχωξέω, -ω, (same and χωξίω) I go or depart out. Έχχω^Ιζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Έλεγχω, 'Έκ^ωξίζύ), (ίκ and χωρίζω) I depart. Έκ-ψύχ,ω, (same and φΰχύ)) I expire^ die. 'Έκ,ων, -ουσοί, -oV, (perhaps from ίΐκ,ω) willing, voluntary, spontaneous. Έλαοί, and sAccioi, -ας, vj, the olive-tree and fruit. 'Έλύϊνος, sKcii'usog, 6, ^, το -ou, (from pre- ced.) of OY belonging to olive. 'Ελίί/ολο7£<«, -&), (from same and T.iya) I gather olives. 'EAsf/oAoyos"» -f'^i o> hy (from preced.) a gatherer of olives. *EAci/oj/, -ου, TO, (from l7.ciici) oil, olive Gil. Έλ5ί/ο:ν-ώλ)5?, -ου, 6, (from preced. and •τΓωΤ^ίω) a seller of oil. ' Έ7^οίΐοφν'ής, -ioc, o, '/], (from ΐλαία and φύω) planted with olives. ' Ελα/ύφντο», -ου, το, (from same) an olive-plantation. Έλαί>, -Ί^ος, V], (from sXatsc) the olive. 'E?^cciioif, -ωνος, 6, (from same) an olive yard; Olivet, so called from its abounding in olive-trees. "Έ/Κοίΐ/Οζος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from ίΚω and a'j'y]^) a destroyer of men. Έ/Κοίσοίς, -ου, 6, (from ίΚα,ΰυοΐ) a hind of bird, so called from its swifi flight. Ελασ/α, -fltf, and ίτ^ασις, -ίως, 'ή, (from same) a driving, excursion, expedition. ' lEKxai/SQouTo;, -ου, 6, '^, (from same and /Spoj/T'ij) thunder -driving. 'Έ'Κά.σιττττος, -o'j, (from same and "ί'7Τ'7:•ος) driving horses. "Έ7^οίσμ,ύί, -Λτος, το, (from Ιλανι/ω) a pAate. ^Έ.τ,άσσομ,α, -α,τος, το, (from next) dimi- nution, loss. Έ'Κάσσων, or -ttuu, -όνος, 6, vj, το -ov, (comparative of Ι-ΚΛχύς. See p. 21) less, worse., inferior, younger. Έλαστ^ίω, (from ιΚα,ίινω) I drive hard, persecute, harass. Έλα,τίον, (from same) must ride or dnve. Έ.?^όίτγ], 'Υΐς, 'ή, a fir-tree, fine. Έ'Αόίτ^ξ, -Tj^og, 0, (from ϊΧοίύνω) a driver; player on the lyre ; a sort of cake thinly spread. Έλοιτ7}θίος, -O'J, (from same) to he driven away, profane. Ε'Κά,τίνος, or ίίλύτϊι/ος, -vi, -ov, (from ελάτ/;) of Qv belonging to fir or pine. 'ΕλΛτο^, -59, -O'J, (from Ιλάώ;) ductile. Έ /hetTTO'jkiu, -cj, f. -τισύ), 1 a. τΐΚα,ττόνήαα,, (from Ιλάττω:/) / have too little, lack, fail, diminish, cause to have less, or too little. Ελαττί/'ϋ», or -σσόω, -ω, f. -ύσω, p. νιΚά,τ- τύ)κχ, 1 f. pass, ίλαττωθτϊσομχί, p. pass. τβ.ά,ττωμ,οίΐ, (from same) / make lower or inferior; pass, am lessened, decrease. Έλάττώ),ί^ίΐί. See ίΚά,σσωμ,ίΧ,. Έλάττώ)>. See sKά.σσω'J. 'Έλκττωσίς, -ίος, Attic -ζως, τ}, (from ίΤ^αττόύ)) diminution, loss. ' Έ/ΚαττωτΊκος, -r,, -co/, (from same) dis- posed to take the less share, or to concede his own right. ^Έ'Kot.ϋ'Jω, f. -οίσω, p. v{ha,y(,cc, Attic i'h'/ika,• Ko,, (from thao). See p. 67) 1 agitate, drive, impel, spur on, row or impel with oars. 'Έ'κά,ψζίος, -ου, 6, ί], (from ίλαφος) of a stag, veniso7i, timid. ' Έλοίφ-/ιβο7νία, -ας, τι, (from same and /Βάλλω) stag-shooting : ίΤ^αφ-ήβόλια, -ων, τά, a feast in honour of the huntress Diana. 'Έλ<χφΙν/ις,-ου, o,(from 'i7.cc(pog)awild goat. 'Έλχφοκτόνος, -ου, ό, τι, (from next and κτίίνω) stag-killing. "Έλόίφος, -ου, ό, 7i, a stag, hart. Έλαφξίχ, -ας, 'ή, (from ζλαφξος) UghtTiess, levity, inconstancy. 'ΈΧοίφξίζω, f. -Ίσω, Ion. Ιτ^αφξίζίσκω, (from next) / am light or airy; render light, buoy up, expedite. Έλαφξος, -oc, -O'J, (i. e. £7,αφίξος, from ελαφος) light, swift, iiiconstant, insincere: ϊ'Κα,φξως, lightly, nimbly, with agility. 'Έλαφζύνω, f. -ννω, (from preced.) I make light. 'Ελάχιστος, -r,, -ov, (superl. of ίλαχύς. See p. 21) smallest, least. " Έλαχιστότίξος, -a, -ov, (an unusual com- parat. formed from preced.) less than the least. 'Έλάω, -ω. See ϊΚαϋνω. "Έ?^.οο/ϋύα, see eeX^of^eci. "Έλ^ωξ, see £έλδώ)^. 'E7.syeicc, -ας, vi, Ion. k^sysi/i, (from Ι'λε- γος) elegiac poetry. ΈλίγεΊον, -ου, το, (from same) aii elegy. Έλίγίίοττοίός, -ου, ο, (from preced. and ττοίίω) a composer of elegies. ' ΈΜγκτίκός, -yj, -ov, (from Ιλίγχω) skilled in refuting, acute; eager to 7'efute, censo- rious : έλβγκ,τϊκ,ως, with eagerness to refute, acutely, censoriously. Έλ£7^&-, -ου, 6, and ''thiy^.i:, -ίος, Attic -ίως, 'ή, (from same) a reproof "Έ.'h^yoς, -ου, ό, (see ε, ej an elegy. 'EAsyxii/i, --/ις, 'h, (from eλsyχω) disgrace, reproach. Έ-Κεγγ,νις, -ίος, ο, vj, (from same) deserv- ing of reproach, disgraccfid, base. "E^.^yχoς, -£ος, το, and tAiyxog, -ου, ο, (from next) conviction, evident demonstra- tion, or manifestation, refutation. "E>,iyx,o), f. -^ω, p. 91-hiyxa. 3 a. τίλεγξα, p. pass. vJAcyfiai, I demonstrate, argue, con- : 385 Έ'Μίΐνος. A GREEK LEXICON. '"Ε\ΐ6ΰω, 'd\ vincc, convict, manifest, discover, i^eprove, relm/ce. Έλ££;^ον, Attic &λί:ίΐ6ς, -ii, -ou, (from έλίος) pitiable, misei^ahle. ' Έ7\.ίίΐί/ότης, -Υΐτος, vj, (from same) misery, a state calling for compassion. 'Έλίίω, -ω, f. -ν}σω, p. νβ.ί-ίΐκοί, 1 f. pass. h'ksYiu'' /ισομ,οίΐ, p. pass. νιίλίγιΐΛοίΐ, 1 a. act. ^λε- ν,σα, 1 a. pass. viT^sTjunv, (from same) I pity, have pity or compassion upon, show mercy, perform an act of mercy or pity. ' Έτ^ίΎΐμ,οσύννι, --ης, vj, (from next) pity, compassion, aivorh of mercy , almsgiving, alms. ^Έλε^/ίμων, -όνος, 6, τι, (from Ιλείω) pitiful, compassionate, merciful. Έλ£)74Όν, same as ^καινός. ^Έλζτητ'ίκ,ός, -ί?, -6ν, (from Ιλε£ώ)) p7One to pity, compassionate. Έλεγιτνς, -νος, vj, (from same) mercy, sparing. ΈλίίλΙ /Li, (D'»b''bK) idols. ''Έ.λΒίοβα,τνις, -ου, 6, (from ΪΆος and βαίνω) one who walks or lives in a marsh. 'TS/ksiog, -cc, -ov, (from έλο$-) marshy. ' EAg/orgotpoij and Βλεόύξε'τττος, -ou, (from same and τξίφα) growi7ig in a marsh. Έλελεί, (from rr» ibbrr) a war-cry, a shout of Joy or exhoi^tation. 'ΈλελΙζω, (from preced.) / shout Ιλελεϊ, invoice the gods ivhen going into battle. Έλελ/σσω, Attic -tt6j,{. -ξω, {£rom εΙ'Κεω) I turn round, coil, brandish, shake, cause to quiver. 'Έλελίχύων, -όνος, ό, (from preced. and χθων) the earth-shaker. "ΈΆενοίς, as if ελένχνς, (a paronomasia of Έλίνγι) a destroyer of ships. "Έλεος, -ov, 6, and ίλεος, -εεος, το, mercy, compassion. 'Έλεος, -ov, ό, and ελεον, -ov, to, a tray, kitchen table or dresser. 'Έλεττολις, and ελειττολίς, -ίος, vi, (from 'ί\ω and τΐόλις) a city-taker, a battering ram, or some such warlike engine. 'Έλετος, -5), -ov, (from ελω) liable to be taken. ^Έλευύεζίοί, -α,ς, ^, (from ελεύύεζος) liberty. 'Έλευύεξίότγ}ς, -τιτος, vj, (from next) liber- ality. 'Έλενύεζος, and ελενόίξίος, -ot, -ov, (from ελεύύείν OTTov i^S,, to go where one pleases) free, liberal, noble-minded: ελευθέρως, freely, without restraint : ελευβεξίως, liberally, man- fully. 'Έλευύεξοστομίω, f. -'ησω, (from preced. and ffrojicoi) I speak with freedom. ''Έλευύεξόστομ,ος, -ου, 6, v], (from same) using freedom of speech. Έλευθεξόο), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τιλενβίξωκοί, (from ελενύεξος} 1 free, set free. 386 'Έλευύέ^ωσίς, -εως, ri, (from preced.) deli- verance, emancipation. 'Έλεΰύω, I go or come. See page 74, under εξχ,ομχί. "Έλευσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v}, (from preced.) a coming, advent. ' ΈλευσΙς,-Ίνος,ν], Eleusis 0, town of Attica: ^Ελευσίνιος, -cc, -ov, Eleusinia^i: "Ελευσίνιοι,, τά,, solemnities in honour of Ceres, observed by the Athenians at Eleusis every fifth year. ^Έλευστεος, -cs, -ov, (from ελενύω) that must or ought to come. ' Έλεφΰίίξω, I deceive, disappoint, injure. 'Έλεφοι,ντά,ζχ,Ύΐς, -ου, 6, (from ελεφοίς and άξχνί) a master of the elephants. "Έλεφοίντίοίσίς, -εως, Vj, (from ελεφοίς) the elephantiasis, a kind of leprosy, which makes the skin hard and wrinkled like that of an Έλεφοι.νηά.ύ), f. -άσω, (from preced.) / labour tinder the elephantiasis. 'Έλεφά,ντινος, -η, -ov, (from ελεφα,ς) ivo}y, made of ivory, or elephants^ tusks. 'ΈλεφαντόΙετος, -ov, (from same and Ika) ivory-bound, built of ivory. ' Έλεφοίντόκ,ω'ττος, -ov, (from same and κόί- Tcy]) having an ivory hilt. 'Έλεφοίντό'π-ους, -ο^ος, ό, vi, (from same and 'πονς) having ivory feet. 'Έλέφάς, -αντος, 6, an elephant, also ivory. ' Έλϊΐλοίμ,ενος, driven away, Attic for ^Aat- Ι^ένος, perf. part. pass, of ελοι,ύνω. 'Έλίγ^ην, (from ελίσσω^ in a whirl, rapidly. 'Έλίγμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a whirl, eddy, winding, coiling. 'Έλικ,γι^όν, (from same) in coils. 'Έλϊκος, -ov, ελίκ,όεις, ελιζοεΐ^'ης, ελικ,ύ}})νίς, -ες, (from same) curling, eddying. 'Έλικ,τος, -vi, -ov, (from same) folded or rolled up, winding. 'Έλίκ,ων, -ωνος, ό, a mountain of Phocis, sacred to Apollo and the Muses: 'Έλιχωνι- ύοες, -ων, cct, daughters of Helicon, the Mu- ses: 'Έλί-Α,ωνίος, -cc, -ov, of Helicon. 'Έλιχ,ωτης, -ι^ος, τ}, (from next) meek- eyed, black-eyed, comely. ' Έλίκωττος, -ου, ελίκ,ω-ψ, -ύ)7Γθς, (from ελιζ, and ώΐψ) bright-eyed, black-eyed. 'Έλινΰω, or ελιννΰω, f. -ϋσω, (perhaps from Ϋ^) I stop for the night, cease, suspend, rest, sleep, loiter. "Έλίξ, and είλιξ, -Ικος, ό, τ], (from ελίσσω) curling like the tendiil of a vine, twisted, bent. Έλιξοκεξως, -ωτος, ό, vj, (from preced. and κ.έξχς) having twisted horns. 'Ελίσσω, or -ττω. See είλίσσω. 'Ελίτξοχος, A GREEK LEXICON. Έλτ /V. Έτ^ίτξοχος, -ov, (from preced. and r^e- χος) revolving. 'ΕΆίχζνσοζ, -ου, vi, (from Ι'λε/ο? and χξυ- σος) the plant helichryse having golden col- oured berries. Έλκοίίνύ), (from 'ίλκος) I rankle, fester. Έλκ.εσί'ττΒ'ΤΓλος, -ου, ό, tj, (from 'ί'Κχ,ο) and -τΗττλοί) wearing long robes, noble, 'Έ\•Λζχίτων, -ωι/ος, ο, τ;, (from same and ^iTiJ!/') lueaiing a long tunic. 'Έλκ,ίω, see ίλκνΜ. ΈλκηΙον, (from preced.) bi/ dragging or 'Έ,'Κκ,ηύΐΛος, -ου, 6, (from same) violence. "'ΚΚκΎΐμ,α., ihKvaf^cc, -»τος, το, (from same) a pret/. 'Έτ^κο-ττοίος, -ov, (from next and 'τΐοάω) causing wounds. "Έλκος, -εος, -ους, το, (from 'ίλκ,&))αη ulcer, a sore, which seems to draw the morbid juices to the affected part. 'Έλκ,οχίτων, -ωυος, ο, ^, (from ίΚτοα and χιτων) piercing the coat. Έλκό'ί), 'ύ), f. -ό)σο), p. 7fh-A0)7(,cc, p. pass. νΐΚ7(,ύ)μ.οίΐ, part. ^/ϊΚ-Λωιχίΐίος, (from 'ίλκος) I ulcerate. Έΐ^Λυ^ξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a slight wound. ' Έλκ,υστά,ζω, (from next) / drag, cause to trail, ' Ελκΰω, f. -ΰΰύ), 1 a. ύλκυσοί, (from next) / draw, drag, persiiade. "Έ'Ακύ), imperf. ζίλκον, f. -|ώ), p. -χιχ,, I draw, drag, weigh, tear, violate, revile. 'EAxijBiji, -ίος, 6, ^, (from ίλκος) ulcerous. "Έλκωσις, -sag, yj, (from same) ulceration. Έλλβί^βάζ/ω, for ί-ΛΚα^φά,νω, which see. "Έ.'ΚΚ^,μ.'πζϋνο^Λί, {eu and λα/^ί'ΤΓζύι/ω) I signalize myself. Έλλβί^7Γώ),(Ιζ/ and λάμ,ττύ)) I shine forth. "Ελλοί(Λ-ψίς, -ίως, ^, (from preced.) S23len- dour, flash. Έ'/^χς, -cchog, 7], Hellas, Greece. ' Έλλίβοζίζύ), (from next) / purify with hellebore. ' ΈλΆίβοζος, -ου, ό, a plant which cures madness, helleboi^e. Έλλεδώ^οί•, or ύλίοα,νος, -ου, 6, (from ύ'- λω) a sheaf-band. "E7J^uf^f^os,, -Λτος, ro, (from Ιχκύττω) defi- ciency, neglect, remainder of debt unpaid, Έλλείττίκον, -5?, -ov, (from next) ellipti- cal, defective. Έλλε/τΓώ;, {h and λζίττύ)) I want, am short of, fail. "ΕΆΜί-ψίς, -£ύ}ς, 7], (from preced.) ew ellip- sis, defect, falling off. "Ελλτί-/, -νινος, 6, (from Έλλάί) a Grecian; a Gentile, John vii. 35. Acts xiv. 1 — 5.; a Jewish jJrosclytc descended of Grecian pa- rents or ancestors, John xii. 20. or, ac- cording to others. Gentiles, as well as those referred to in John vii. 35. 'Έλ'Κτίϋΐ^Ίκ,αι, -ων, οι, (from preced. and Ιίκ,τη) those who presided over the Olympic games. Έλλγινίζο), f. -ϊσω, (ΐΐ'οιη'Έλλϊΐν) I use or learn the Greek language. ' ΈΤΟ^'πηκος, -oj, -ov, Έλλ'^ι/;ο?, -ci, -ov, (from same) Grecian, Greek. ΈλληνΙς, -βος, VI, (from same) a Grecian woman; a Gentile. See Mark vii. 26. Έλλ^νίσ/χος, -ου, ό, (from same) a Grecism, Greek mode of speaking or acting. 'Έλλγινίστ'^ς, -ου, ό, (from same) a Hell- enist, one who speaks the language and imi- tates the manners of the Greeks ; either a Grecian proselyte, or a Jew ivho commonly resided in Grecian cities and spoke Greek. ΈχκγινιστΙ, (from same) after the Greek manner. 'Έχκηνοτοι^ίίχ,Ι, -ων, oi, (from same and τίμ,νω) deputies from the several states of Greece, appointed to receive the duties from the tributary states, and to preside over the common treasury. 'Έ,λ'Κτισττοντος, -ου, 6, the Hellespont. "Έ.ΧΧιμ,ενιστνις, -ου, 6, (from eu and λίμΥιν) a collector of port duties. ΕλλΓτΓ'^ί, or iTCheiTrrig, -ίος, ο, τ}, το -eg, (from ζλλίίττω) failing, indigent, short of. 'Έλλογίω, -ω, f. -Τ/σω, 1 a. ένελόγιησοι, (from sv and λόγος) I bring into the account, impute, reckon, charge. ' Έλλόγ^ιμ,ος,-ου, 6, '4,(from same) esteemed. "ΈΧΚογος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) rational. ^Έλλοτταύω, f. -ίΰσω, (from έ'λλοψ) I fish. Έχκός, or ϊΧΚος, -ου, 6, τι, mute^ helpless; a fawn, a fish. 'ΈλλουλΙμ,, (n-blbrr) merriments, revel- lings, dancings with singing and music. Έλλοφόνος, -ου, ό, vj, (from Ιχκος and φίνω) a stag-killer. Έλλοχίξω, (from sv and λόχος) I lay snares. "Ελλο-ψ, -ο•7τος, 6, same as Ιλλός. "Ελλϋ'ττος, -ου, ό, τ], (from sv and λν^«) in grief, sad. ΈλμωνΙ, see sf^y^vzifx. "Ελος, -εος, το, a marsh, pool: hence per- haps from its marshy situation "Ελος, -ου, 71, a city of Laconia whose inhabitants were the Ε"ιλύ)τξς, which see. Έλ-ττίζύ), f. -ϊσύ), Attic -ιω, p. τίλττί/ίχ, 1 a. 'ήλτησα, (from next) / exj)cct ivith desire, hope, trust, confide ; applied to things bad as well as good ; consequently, / expect without desire, aj)prehend,fear. 'EXTTiVj -ί^ος, 7], hope, trust, confidence, sccuritij, cxp)ectation. 387 ^Έ.'Κιίιΰητώς, A GREEK LEXICON. "ΕμβξνοΡ, Γί Έλ-τ/στ/κοί-, 'Vj, -oV, (from ίλττίζω) hope- ful, confident. ' EAcr/ffToV, -59, -01/, (from same) hoped for. "Ελ-τώ», (from Ιλ-τί?) / cause to hope: ΐκ- 'Χο(ΛΛΐ, I hope, trust. Έλττωξνι, -νις, vi, (from same) a cheering hope, lively expectation. 'Έ.'Κσωυ, Dpr. for ίΚ&ων, part. 2 a. oilqj^o- μ,α,ι. ■"EXy^ct, or ίί'Κΰμ,Λ, -xrog, to, (from ελϋω) the tail or handle of the plough, that which serves to turn it ; also a wrapper. 'Έ'κύμ,α,ς, -ce, o, Elymas, (from Qbir) the name of a man, signifying a magician or sorcerer. He was called Ely mas in Persia, where he had learned magism. "Έ.Τ^υτξον, -ου, το, (from next) the bed or cavity of a Wee, a reservoir ; a wrapper, covering. 'EXyiy, or είλύω, f. -ύσω, I turn, roll. "Ελω, J take, choose. See p. 73, under αίζίω. Ελω^^ς, -εος, 6, yj, (from ίλος) marshy, ' ΕλωΙ, ("bx) my God. "Ελωξ, -ωξος, and εΆωξίοι/, -ου, το, (from £λώ^) a thing taken, a prey. 'Εμχυτοϋ, -y}g, -ου, (from εμού and αυτού, ^. 2Q) of myself . Έμβά^ίος, -ou, (from ίμβχΐι/ω) fitted to walk in: ΐμβά^ιον, -ου, το, ^ΧϊάΙμβάς, -άδο?, 7}, α shoe or buskin. Έ^/3«δοζ/, (from same) by land. Έμβα,θϋνω, {L• and βαύύι/ω) I go deep down. *Εμβούνω, (same and βαίνω) I go or enter into, go aboard a ship. ^Εμβάλ'λύ), (same and βάλλω) I cast into, dash into, infuse. Έμβά'τττω, (same and βά-π-τω) I dip in for the purpose of lifting a portion out of a liquid mass of food, or sauce, Matth. xxvi. 23. Mark. xiv. 20. John xiii. 26. So ίμ- βαμμα, a derivative of this verb, is used by Xenophon, Cyropaid. Book I. for a sauce. " T^Off5jyc4ygz/ α,υτω και 'τταξο-φ'ώας και τταν- το^αττά εμβάμματα και βιώματα. And set before him. dishes, and all kinds of sauces and meats." Έμβασιλζύω, (same and βασιλεύω) I reign among ; rule over. "Εμβασις, -εως, yj, (from εμβαίνοή stepping upon; things used in stepping, shoes or greaves; the means of stejjping, afoot. Έμβαται, -ων, οι, (from same) shoes used by tragedians, buskins. Έμβατεω, f. -τισω, or εμβατεΰω, f. -εύσω, {ευ and βατεω or βατεύω) I walk in buskins, ■ivalk upon, frequent, enter, inti'ude into. Έμβάφ:ον, -ου, το, (from εμβάτττω) a sauce pan, a vessel to hold oil. 388 "Εμβημι, (Iz/ and βνιμι) I go or enter into. Έμβιβάζω, (same and βφάζω) I cause to go or enter in, put on board. Έμβίόω, (same and βιόω) I live in. Έμβιωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v}, (same and βιωσις) continuance in life. ^Εμβλάτττω, (same and βλάτττω) I hurt with, entangle. "Εμβλεμμ,α, -ατός, το, (from next) a glance. Έμβλετι-ω, (ε» and βλεττω) I view, look upon, behold, see. "Εμβλνιμα, -ατός, το, (from εμβάλλω) an emblem, representation by signs, a figure ex- plaining by comparison luhat is obscure. Έμβοάω, {L• and βοάω) I shout in pur- suit. Έμβολεύς, -ίως, vj, (from εμβάν^λω) a peg to hang upon, an aggressor. ' Εμβολνι, -vjg, % (from same) an attack, an entrance, the beak of a ship, the iron head of a battering rain. "Εμβόλιμος, -ου, 6, ' , (from same) intet^- calary. "Εμβόλισμα, -ατός, το, (from same) patch-work of different colours. "Εμβολο^, -ου, το, or εμβολος, -ου, ο, (from same) the beak of a ship, a promon- tory, a wedge. Έμβξα^ϋνω, {L• and βοα^ΰνω) I delay, rest on, dwell upon. Έμβξάσσομαί, (same and βξάζω or βξάσ- σύή I am troubled. Έμβξόίχυ, (from same and βξαχύς) in short. Έμβξεχω, (same and βξίχω) I moisten, foment. "Εμβξΐβ'ης, -εος, 6, 9], (from same and βξί- 6 ω) heavy, weighty: εμβξίβΖς, heavily, se- verely. Εμβξΐμάομαί, -ωμαι, and εμβφμομαι, (same and βξίμάομαι) I groan deeply, groan or grumble with indignation, upbraid, threaten, charge or forbid strictly and ear- nestly. Έμβξίμτημα, -ατός, το, and εμβξίμ'ησις, -ιος, Attic -εως, sj, (from preced.) indigna- tion. Έμβζοντάομαι, (from h and βζονττί) I am thunder-struck, astounded, stupified. Έμβξουτησία, -ας, h, (from preced.) stu- pefaction. Έμβξόντγ^τος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) thu?i- der-st?'uck, stupified. Έμβςοχ^, -νις, i], (from εμβζίχω) an em- brocation, fomentation, moistening; also (from ku and βξόχος) a noose. "Εμβ^νον, -ου, το, {I'j and βξύω) an em•- bryo. ΈμβυύΙζ^ A GREEK LEXICON. Έμ'!ταξα,γίνομου, Έμβνύίζύ), (from ly and βυύος) I plunge in the deep. ^Έμβνβίος, -ου, 6, \ (from same) living in the deep. 'Έ/ίίβύω, f. -t /σώ), (Iv and βύω) I stuff in, stop up. Έμεκχχωξ, (ns^? poy) vallei/ of Achor. Josh. vii. 24, 26. "E^£i/, Dor. '<^gi/, and ^(Asg, Attic ίμ,ίΰοίί, for fii/ii;. Έ,ίίίτΓκον, -0?, -oV, (from l^£'7ΐζ_•ψ.ι. See εμ- 'Έ,(Λ7ΐϊϋω, (εν and ττ/ζ/ω) I drink in. 'Έμττί'τττω, (same and ττίτττω) I fall in or upon, fall into or among, fall in with, en- counter. 'Έμ,ττις, -ίίος, 'ή, (from εμ'^-ίΐ/ω) a drinker in, viz. of blood, a gnat. "Έμ-ττίσσειν, iEol. for εμ'ττίντεί!/. ' Έ.μ,'ΤΓίστεύω, (εν and 'πιστεύω) I believe in, intrust; pass, am believed in, am intrusted, am safe. Έ^τΓ/τνάοί, (same and -πιτνάω) I fall on the knees, sit in the lap, attack, ' Έμ,'ττλά.ζω, or εμ-ττλάσσω, (same and Ίΐ'Κάζω, or Ίΐ'κά,σσοί) I fasten in: εμ'ττλύσσο- (Λΰί,ι, I fasten myself in or upon, adhere. "Έ^Ι^'ΤΐΤ^αστξος, -ου, 6, or ε/Λ'ΤΓ'ΚΛστζον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a plaster. 'Έμ,ΤίΤ^ατύυω, Qd and 'ΤΐΤ^α,τϋνω) I widen, enlarge. ' Έμ,'π'λεχ,ω, (same and 'ττΆϊκ,ω) I entangle, implicate. "Έ.μ,ττΆεος, ou, Attic εμ-πλεως, -εωυ, or ε/ίίττΆείΟζ, -Λ, -ov, (same and π'Κεος) fidl. 'Έμ,ττΤ^εω, (same and ττλεω^ I sail in. 'Efi.Tir'K'yi'y^rj!/, (from ε[Λ7Γ7\.νισσω) stupidly. 'E/iCTTATiuco, f. -7]σω, (b and -^λϋ^ι^ώί) I fiJl in, fill up, satisfy. ^Έμ,-ττΆγικτ^κ,ός, -τι, -6u, (from εμ,ττί^νισσο}) amazed, stupified. "ΈΐΛπΤ^Ύίκ,τος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same) as- tounded, infatuated, frantic. "Έμ,ττΤ^τίν, (from su and ττεΤ^χς) near. ' Έ/ίί'ΤΓ'λιηξ,Ιχ, -otg, 71, (from next) stupidity, amazement. " Έ.μ^ΐΐΤ^νισσω, {ευ and 'ττΤ^'ήσσω) I strike in or upon, surprise, astonish. " Έμπλοκ."/], -τις, ^, (from perf. raid, of εμ^Χεκω) a plaiting or braiding of the hair. ^Έμ,'π'κόχ,ιον, -ου, ro, (from same) plaited or net-ivork. 'Έμ'τη/ευμοίτόω, (h'j and τΐνευμοίτόω) I swell by blowing into. "Έμττνενσις, -εως, εμπνοιοο, -Λς, τι, (from next) inspiration, respiration, blast. 'Έμττυεω, -ω, (h and ττι/εω) I inspire, draiv in the breath. "Έμ'ττνοος, εμττυους, -ου, 6, τι, (from same) breathing, living. 'Έμττο^ίζω, f. -laoj, 1 a. act. εζ/εττοδ/σβί, 1 a. pass, εΐ/εττοΐίούη:', (from ku and -πους) I impede, limder. Έμ-τίόδιοζ. Λ GREEK LEXICON. Έμφψία, 'Έμττό^ίος, -ον, ο, ο?, (from lu and ττονς) entangling the feet: if^Trohiovy -ου, το, an ob- stacle. ^Έμ,ΤΓΟ^ίσμ^οί, -ccTog, το, έ/ίίττο^ίσμός^-ον, ό, (from Ιμ'π-ο^ίζω) impediment, obstacle, hind- rance. ' Έϋ'ΤΓύ^οστίζτίω, -ω, (from I ν, 'τνονς and "ισταμ.Λΐ) I hinder, am a stumbling-block. 'ΈίΛτο^οστά,τγις, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a hinderer, troubler. 'E^TTo^iyy, (for I2/ ι:ο^ων οδω) before one's feet, a present object, in one's ivay, a hind- rance. "ΈίΛττούίν, (ku and tto^su) som.ewhere here. 'Έ/^,ττοίύω, -ω, Qu and ττοιΐω) I make or keep in. ' 'Ef^TTo'hcuog, -ov, 6, i], (from next) belong- ing to trade, venal;, an epithet of Mercurz/ as p)residing over trade. Έ^ίοΓύλάώ), or ίΐΛΊτοΚίοί,-Ζ), (h and ■7rωλiύJ) I sell, ty^affc. 'Έμ,'ΤΓοΤ^.ί^/.ιος, -v., -ov, (from same and ττό- λ£,440ί) belonging to or useful for war. 'Ej64'roA)7ji«5t, -Λτος, το, (from Ι^ϊ,ίϊο'Κοι,ο)) an article of traffic, an act of trading, a bar- gain. ^ Έ.{Λ7Γ07\.'/]τος, -ου, 6, '^, (from same) a pei'son sold. ' Έ,α'ΤΓοΤνίοξκίύ), -ω, {lu and 'ττοΤ^ιΟξ^κίω) I blockade. "Ε,ίύΤΓολ/ί, -^ως, 6, vj, εμ'ττοΆϊτ^ς, -ov, 6, (from same and τίοΚις) a citizen, a fellow - citizen. 'EfA'TtoT^.mvofAcii, (from same) / live hi a city, am a citizen. "Έμ,ττοιιος, -ου, 6, τ], Qu and -πόνος) labo- rious, vehement. 'EjWTTo^i/cc, if^'TTo^icc, -ας, 7], Ion. Ιμ,ττοζί-^, (from ϊμ,ττοζος) merchandise, traffic. ' ΈίΛττόζζνίΛοί, -ατός, το, (from next) mer- chandise. 'E^-TTo^syij, (from 'ίμ-ττοξος) I barter, false- lij represent for gain: ίμ,'ΤΓο^ίύομ,αι, I go into, travel into, have intercourse with, I trade, traffic, merchandise, make a trade or gain of. ' ΈμτΓΟξίζομοίί, (from same) / deal in, gain by traffic. ' EjicTTo^i^oV, -yi, -ου, (from same) commer- cial, fraudulent. 'E,447ro^/oi/, -ov, το, (from next) a market- place, a mart. '"Άμ-ττοζος, -ov, 6, (sv and ττόζος} a passen- ger in a ship, a ii^aveller, merchant, trader. ^ Έμττοζττάω, and ίμττοζτΐόύ), -ω, (from snme and "ΤΐΟζττΥι) I use a clasp or buckle. '"Άμ-τΐοσθίν, Dor. for ϊμ,ττζοσύίν. "Έ.μ.'τιτονσΛ, --ης, vj, (from h and ττοί;) a hobgoblin, spectre, "Έ.μττξχκτος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from next) ac- tive, efficacious: το ίμτΓξίχ,κτον, efficacy ^ force : ίμτιτζάκ,τως, actively, efficaciously. ^Έμττξά,σσω, {ku and τι^ζάσσο)) I make, effect. ΈμτΓξί'ττω, (same and ττ^έττώ)) / shine in, am distinguished. 'Έμττξ'ηύύ), or hi'TQ'yiua, (same and Tr^'/iuajy I set on fire, burn: hsTr^ijasu, for eus7r?^i^aev, filled, II. A•', 481. "Έμ7Τζ•ησίς, -εως, 'ή, εμττξ-ήσμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a burning, conflagration. "Έμ'ττξτ^σττις, -ov, 6, (from 'icimo) a fiery one, a burner. " Έμτΐζοσύίυ, (Iv and 'ττζόσύεν) before, in the presence of, in preference to. Gen. xlviii. 20. John i. 15, 27, 30. and compare John iii.31. Έμττξόσύίος, 'OV, 6, i], (from preced.) an- terior. 'Έ/α,'τττίσσομχι, (su and -τιττίσσω) I bruise^ beat, bake. "Έμτττνσμα, -ατός, το, (from next) a spittle. 'Έμτττνύ), (lu and 'ζτύύ)) I spit upon. "Έμ7ττύ)σις, -εας, yj, (from εμττίτττω) a falling in, sinking. Έμττνκ,άζω, {L• and 'ττνκ,άζω) I cover in or over. "Έμ,τίΰος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and 'ττΰον) haviyig pus, ulcerated. ' Έμ,7Irv^εvύJ, εμττνζίζω, f. -ίσω, 1 a. ει/εττύ- ςισα, 1 f. pass, εμ,'ττνξίσύνισομα,ι, 1 a. pass. ενεττυζίσύγιυ, p. pass, ίμττετ^ύξίσμοι,ι, pluperf. pass, ενεττεττυζίσμην, (from same and ττυξ) I set fire to, burn, hfiame. 'Έ.μ,ττυοφ'ί^τνις, -ου, ο, (from preced.) /"ί for the fire. 'Έμ,τ^υξίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from εμτίυζίζω) a burning. "Έ,μ,τνν^ος, -ου, 6, -/], (from same) burning. Έμ-ττωΤ^εω, (Iv and ττωλεω) I sell. ' Εμφόίγο), (same and φάγω) I devour. 'Εμφαίνω, (same and φαίνω) I show, in- dicate, signify ; pass, appear. ' Έμφάν'ής, -εος, -ους, 6, ί], το -ες, (from preced.) appearing, apparent, manifest. 'Έμφαυίζύ), f. -ίσο), 1 a. ενεφάυισα, 1 a. pass, ενεφανίσθ-ην, (from same) I shoiu plainly, manifest, declare, signify, inform, give information ; pass, appear. 'Έμφανισμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) in- formation, indication. Έμφανίστίκ,ος, --/i, -ov, (from same) ex- pressive. 'Εμφανώς, (from εμφανές) manifestly. "Εμφάσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from εμ- φαίνο)) an appearance, pretext, emphasis. 'Έμ,φίζεία, -ας, ij, (from εμφέξω) resem- blance, affinily. 391 Έμμρης, A GREEK LEXICON. Έναιωξίομαί, iii l^!| 'Έμφεζ'^ς, 'kgy o, ^, (from next) li/ce. ^Έμφίξω, (Iv and φίξω) I bring in or upon, reproach with, accuse of, object: ίμ,φί^ομοα, I am conversant with, carry myself to; I am carried towards, rush upon. 'Έμφύίγγομοι,ι, (same and φύίγγομα,ή I lifter. 'ΈμφίΤ^ονίίκΖς, (from same and φ(7^.6να- κ,ος) contentiously. ' ΈμφίΤ^οχωξίω, (same and φίΤ^οχωξίω) I dwell with delight in. Έμφοβέω, (same and φοβίω) I terrify. "Έ,μ,φοβος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and φόβος) in fear, afraid, terrified. Έμφοξβίόω,ΐ. -άσο, (from same and φοξ- βία) I feed upon : p. pass. part. Ιμ'ττζφοξβιω- μίνος, equipped for piping, viz. by having on the lips a piece of leather to prevent them from excoriation. "Εμφοξίω, (same and φοξίω) I bring or cai'ry in, fill, satiate: εμφοζίομο^ί, I fill my- self, rush upon, become enamoured, am car- ried in or by. 'Έ.μφύξ'/ισ{ς, -io)g, vj, (from preced.) a fill- ing tvifh. ' Έμφξοίγμος, -ov, 6, (from next) a shut- ting up, obstruction, fortress. 'Έμφξάσσω, or -άττω, (kif and φξάττω) I fence, shut or stop up. "Έμφξονξος, -ου, 6, ^, (same and φξουξός} one under a guardian, a minor ; one impri- soned ; a keeper or garrison ; a person or place kept as with a garrison, garrisoned. "Έμφζων, -όνος, 6, v], (from same and φξ7}ν) in one's reason, rational, pimdent : εμφζόνως, ivisely, prudently. 'Έμφν'^ς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from Same and φυνι) implanted, native. Εμφύλιος, and εμφϋλος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and φυλ.νί) in the same tribe, civil, in- testine, native. 'Έμφύξομχι, (same and φύξομοα) 1 7nix in or with. 'Εμφυσάω, -ω, (same and φυσάω^ I breathe in or blow upon, inspire. Έμφύσγιμιχ, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) breath, inspiy^ation. 'Έμφύσνισις, -εως, vj, (from same) infia- tion. ^Έμφυσιόο), (ku and φυσιόω) I inflate, in- spire. "Έμφυτος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and φυτός) im- pL•nted, ingrafted. 'Έμφϋω, εμφυμι, (same and φύο)) I grow in, cause to grow in, generate, implant; grow into, fasten upon, cling, adhere. "Έμφωι/ος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and φωι^τί) having a strong voice. life. Έμ-ψυχίοί, -οίς, vj, (from next) animation. "Εμ-φϋχος, -ου, ό, τ], (from εν and -ψυχτ;) in breath, animated, living. Έμ-ψυχόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I breathe life into, animate. 'Ei/, εΐν, hvl, in, within, into, among, with, by. See p. 101. In Hellenistic Greek h and εΙς are sometimes used indiscriminately. Thus,' when our Saviour says, " swear not at all," he adds μ^τε 'EN rji yji — μ'ήτε ΕΓ2 Ίε^οσόΤ^υμα.. Matth. v. 35. ' 'Ei/, Dor. for ες. 'Ei/, for huoi, there ; and lu for ένεση, it is lawful. "Ei/, (fF?, μία, εν) one. "Ένοί, Dor. for ενιη, (from ενός) in the evening. 'Ένχβξύνω, {εν and άβξόνω) I adorn ivith: ενα,βξΰνομοα, I adorn myself with, boast, vaunt. 'Έναγ'ής, -έος, ό, vj, (from same and άγος) devoted to the manes, execrable, polluted, criminal, arraigned. Ένοιγίξω, (from same) / offer sacrifice for the dead, institute funeral rites. "Ένά,γισμοί, -Λτος, το, (from preced.) a funeral ofi^ering. 'Έναγκ,α,'Κίζω, f. -ίσω, (from εν and άγκ,ύ- λνι) I take into or embrace in the arms. 'Ένχγκ,υ^άω, and -εω, (from same and* α,γκ,ύτ^γι) I bind or tie with a thong, dart or throw from a sling. Ένά,γχος, (from same and ΰίγχή at hand, lately. 'Ένόίγω, (same and oiya) I lead or drive in, encourage, bring to Justice, accuse, attack. 'Έναγωνίζομχί, (same and άγωνίζομαή I combat with. 'Ένοίγωνίος, -ου, ό, (from same and άγων) engaged in combats, fond of combats, a title of Mercury, as president of the games: εναγωνίως, with the skill or energy of a com- batant. 'Ένάεςος, -ov, (from same and ά^ς) airy, dusky. Ένοίύλεω, (same and άβλεω) I combat in. "Έ,νοίίμος, -ου, ο, v], (from same and α,Ίμ,οι,) in blood, living, ruddy, blood thirsty, cruel. 'Έναίξω, f. -θίξω, 1 a. εννίζα, 1 a. m. εν^- ζάμγιν, I kill, despatch, tear. 'ΈναΙσίμος, -ου, ο, ^, (from εν and ciloct) belonging to fate good or bad, ominous, au- spicious ; of equitable and wise character: εναίσιμον, ενα,ισίμως, fitly, opportunely, in a becoming and seasonable manner : ru, kvctiai- μα, things fit to be done, duty. 'Ένιζίσίος, -ov, (from same) auspicious. 'Ένα/χμύζω, {εν and α,Ιχμάζο)) I fight with arms. 'Έ,νοίίωξεομαι, (same and αίωξεομοιι) I fioat aloft, am tossed. 392 E>ax/r. A GREEK LEXICON, Εναοχεω. 'Έ^άχ,ίς, ίΐνόίκίς, (from ks /Άοί) nine times. ^Έναίκούίϋ, (j'j and άκοΰω^ I hear, over- hear. 'ΈνοίΚζίφω, (same and χλείφύ}) I anoint witJi. Έναλιηύ-ζις, -εος, ό, vj, (same and a7.r,u'/i;) in truth, true, probable: hoiy^rtuag, in a true or probable manner. 'Έ.υα,τ^ί'/κίος, -Of, o, 7}, (same and cl7Jy- κιος) like, similar. 'Ένά,Τ^ίος, ενάλιος, Κοίλος, (from ku αλί) being or living in the sea. Άι/οιΚΚοί'/'ή, -ίής, and iuciXKoc^ic, -scj;, jj, (from ενχλΧοιττω} change. Έ•/Λ7^λ»κ,τ•/ις, -ου, 6, (from same) one who changes viz. his sex, who is guilty of unnatural crimes. 'Έ,νοι,'λΤίχκ.τ'ίκός, and ΙνάλΆακτο;, (from same) i?iclined to unnatural crimes, or accus- ed of such inclijiation. Έ:/αλλα|, kuctAkayhrtu, (from next) in a changed manner, alternately, by turns. Έι/ίίλλάσσώ;, or -άττω, {L• and ά'λν.άττω) I change. 'Ένάτο^οίΛΛί, (same and arXdy.cii) I leap upon, insult. "^uaXKog, -ου, 6, vj, (same and α,λλος) changed to the other side, become contrary. 'Eudf^fiy.vi/a, (same and άμβλυνα) I blunt, abate. 'Euctf^i'Kya, (same and ayAy.ya) I milk in. ^ Έυάμι^κος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and a^iXhct) contending with, a match for. 'ΈναμοιβάύΙς, (from same and ά,μίίβω) ly turns. Έ,'^χι^τχ, iuccuTi, i'jcivrio'j, and ίνοΐ,'^τίως, (same and άντΙ) before, in the presence of, against. ' Έ,^Άντίβιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from hci'jri and /3/a) with opposing force: ^χντίβίο^, adv. against. 'E'jxuTi'og, -a,, -ου, (from h and άυ-τΧ) con- trary, opposite, in front of, adverse to. ''Άυα,ντιόττ,ς, -Υιτος, 7j, (from preced.) contrariety. Έυχντίόω, -ω, (from same) I am contrary to, resist: kvccvrioo^cn, I phce myself before, or in opposition to. Έ.!/χυτίωμχ, -ccTog, το, (from preced.) a7i obstacle, impedi7ne7it, something that op- poses. Εΐ/ζχ,ντίωσίς, -tog, Attic -iωg, {], (from same) resistance. Ένα.'ττίξίβομοίί, (from ey, άττο and έοίίοω) I fix in against, retort. Έν«,7Γογξόί(ρω, {ku and άττογοάφω) I re- gister in. 'Rvet'Tro^UK'jv^cci, (same and d'TrousiKuvui) I show myself in ov by. 'Έυοί'ζο^τ,μίω, (same and ατΐο^γιμία) I so- journ in a foreign land. " ΈυαττούυΫισκω, (same and άττοθυνίσκω) I die in, suffer to die in. ^Έυα,ττόκίΐμοίΐ, (same and α,ττόκίΐμοίΐ) I lie hid in, am treasured up. ' ΈΛυαττοκιυαυνζΰο), (same and ά'ττοχ.ΐ'Λυυίϋύ:) I endanger. ''E-jci'TTcyJ.a.a, {h, 0,7:0 and κλάω) I brealc off in. ^Έ,^αττόΚΚυμι, (L• and αττόλΆυμι) I de- stroy in ; pass, perish among. "Ένα'.τομάσσύί, (same and άττομάσσω) I wipe off with ; press i?ito; pass. / make an impression upon. ' ΈνΆττομ,ύττομ,αι, (same and άττομύττο- μ,α,ι) I wipe my nose in or with. ' Έ^αττοττατίω, (same and άττοττα,τίω) I vnthdi-aw to a recess. Έ^χτΓοσ/ί,ϋοί /;/&), (same and άττοσγιμοίίυω) I explain in writing, relate. 'Έναττοτιμάύ), (same and ά,'ττοτιμ,άω) I make over, consign my goods to a creditor. 'Έυχττοτϊω, (same and άττοτίω) I y, restore. "^υα,'ττογ,οΰ,ομ.αι, (same and άτΐοχ^ά,ομΛί) I avail myself of, 'ΈυάτΓτω, (same and Άτττω) I fasten on. "Euccocc, -ύ)!/, Tcc, (from same and αΐξω} spoils. 'Ei/cipysssi, -ccg, Tj, (from next) clearness, perspicuity, evidence, illustration, view. 'Έ,υαζγΥίς, -eog, 0, ή, i7i the light, visible, distiiict, like; eya^yeag, or kyoίξγωg, openly, visibly, distinctly. ""Ruoc^iTog, -ου, 6, τ;, (from ίυ and uqst'^) vi7^tuous, brave, renowned, happy. ^EudoYig, -iog, 0, v}, (from same and άζ») under a curse, execrabh. 'EuxQU^og, -ου, ο, ί], (from same and uo- SiQoy) a7-ticulate. 'Έναζίζύ), f. -ίζύ), p. £ΐ/'ί}ςί)ζί^, (from ΙυΛίζω) I kill, despatch, tear. 'Έυχοίύμβω, (h and ά,^ιύμίω) I number among, class with. ' Έ,υχξίύμ,γιτος, ίνχζίύμ,ιος, and kvάζιβμog, (from preced.) numbered with, held in esti- 7nation,full iw number. 'Έ•/ccξίμβξoτog, -ου, ό, vj, (from kueiioa and βξοτόζ) one who slays men, bloody. Έυαομόζω, and Ιυαξμ,όττω, {tu and άξμό' ζω) I fit in, adapt, sing. Έ>ccQμόy:og, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced.) nicely fitted, harmo7iious. ' Ε]/Λο;)(,ομΛΐ, {ku and όίξχω) I begin, begin in. ~ ' Έ.voίζχoύμsuog, -ου, ό, (from same) a prince. 'Κυοίσκεω, {tu and άσχ-ίο)) I exercise in, improve in. ό D 393 Έι/αίίίΓαζο/Λα/. A GREEK LEXICON. Ένδιάω. ^Ένχσ'ττά.ζομ.οίΐ, (Iv and άσ-ττά,ζομ,οίΐ) I take in my arms, embrace, ^Έ.νχσ'τη^όω, (from same and άσ'ττίς) I shield myself. "Ενόίτος, and εΐνοίτοζ, -η, -ou, (from ky- vsoc) the ninth, also, the last, nine being the last of the monadic numbers : ivccruiog, the ninth day. "Ύ,να,υ^ίζοίΛο,ί, (from next) / divell in, spend the night in, lodge. "EvoivTiog, -ου, 6, τ], (from su and αύλο^) dwelling in: suoivT^og, -ου, ό, a place of diuelling in, a long hollow, a ditch, a pipe, a torrent, a defile. ^Έυα,υ^,όίνω, (same and αυξάνω) I increase in. "Euocvatg, -mg, % (from kvoivo)) a setting on fire, lighting up. "Eucivafid, -ccTog, το, (from next) fuel, a spark. "Ένοιϋω, {sv and ocvo)) I set fire in, inflame, light up, heat. *Ένοίφοίυίζομΰί{, (same and α.φχνίζω') I disappear in. Έναφίγιμι, (same and άφίημ,ι) I send away in. ^Eu^ai'g, -ilog, ά.. Dor. for h^'/\\g, (from next) imth torches, nightly. Έί^δα/ώ), (Iv and δα/ώ») / kindle in: sv- "^ΰίίομ,οίί, I blaze, flash. 'Εί/οάκ,νω, (same and ^ύκ,νω} I bite. 'Έu'^ΰίκ,ξvg, -vog, 6, 7], (from same and δάκ^ι;) i?i tears. Έν^α,κξύω, (from same) / iveep. Έί/δάττ/ο?, -ov, 6, '/j, (from ku and δάττέδον) native. Ένδύδτεο^α/, (same and ^ατίο^οιι) I divide among, distribute, shower among; analyze, interpret ; tear asunder, reproach. "Εί^δί, for ivTiu Is, (from ίνίΐμ,ι) there was among. Ένδί'/)?, -iog, -ovg, 6, tj, (from 1;/ and Ucj) indigent, poor, in want. "Evhsioi, -ας, tj, (from kuhiu) iiidigence. "Εν^ζιγμ,α,, -arog, το, (from perf. pass, of next) a manifest proof or token. ^Εν^ίΐκ,νύω, iu^zi^vvi^i, (ku and ^ζικ,νύύ)) I show, make manifest, demonstrate, perform, do. "ΈνΙίίχ,τγις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an in- former, an accuser. "Έ'Λζΐζ,ις, -tog, Attic -ίως, % (from same) a decla?^ation, manifestation, demonstration, evident proof or token. "EuhiKci, 01, oci, τα., (eu and δί'κα) ele- ven. Έν^εκ,χζω, Qv and δεκά^ίο) / observe the tenth day, keep holy, carouse. Έν^ίκ,άκ,ΆΤνος, -ου, 6, ij, (from 'iuhiKoe, and Khim) having eleven beds. 394 ' ΕΛίκά-τΐΥίχυς, -sog, 6, v}, (same and ττϊίχυς) of eleven cubits. ' Euhv/cccTDUog, (from next) the eleventh day, in eleven days. 'EvhiKocTog, -y\, -oy, (from iuhiKcc) elev- enth. ^Evhihixeioc, (from svhihsy^Tig) perpetuity, continuation, perfection, Έ'ΛβΤ^ίχίω, (from next) I am diligent, constant, use frequently. ^ΕνΙ&Κίχ''ής, -iog, -oZg, 6, 7}, (for surs- TiSXVlg from ίντεΆτίς and &χω) assiduous, constant. ^ΕνΙίΚζχίζω, same as suhsKsxku. ^Euh'hsxia.ccog, -ου, ό, (from preced.) assi- duity, constancy. 'Ένΐ£7\.ξχως, (from ΙνΙίΤ^.ζχ'^ς) assiduously, constantly. Έ^δΙ^ώί, (Iv and ^ζμ,ω) I build in. "Ένΐί^ιόομ,οίΐ, (from next) I take hold ivith the right hand, receive, embrace. "ΈΛί^ιος, -a,, -ov, (h and δίΙ/ο?) in or on the right hand, auspicious: iyli^iex,, to the right, auspiciously. *Έυ^ζσμίω, -ω, (same and "^εσμίω) I bind in, implicate. "Ev'hsa/xog, -ου, ο, (same and Zea^6g)a bond, tie, jmrse, chest, chamber. ^ΕυΖίχομαι, Ion. ίν^ίκ,ομχι, (same and Ιίχομιζή I take up)on, admit: IuUxstxi, it is 'e, it may be, i. e. it admits. "Έν^ξχομίνως, (from preced.) as much as 'le. ^Ενοίω, -ω, {L• and ^ίω) I bind in, entan- gle ; also, / am indigent, am bound by ne- cessity. Έί/δίώ)?, (from kv^iv^g) scantily, in want of. "Evhrihog, -ου, 6, 7\, {h and δί^λοί) in light, manifest. ^Έυ^Υιμίω, -ω, (from next) I am at home. "Eyhny^og, -ου, 6, {ku and ^νιμ,ος) among one's own people. ^ΕνΙιάοισκ,ον, 3 plur. imperf. Ion. for he- ^iciov, from Ιν^ιάω. Έι/Ιίχβάτ^λω, {su and Ιια.βάΤ^'Κω) I bring an accusation against. ^EvhiocusTog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ^tu- τίύνιμί) internal, fixed, confirmed. 'Έι/Ιίοίύξντττομχι, (h, δ/οί and ^^ycrri-j) / mock, scorn. Έν^ιοίΐτά,ομοίΐ, (from same and air do- μαί) I dwell in, inhabit. Έζ/δ/ίίλλάττω, (from same and «λλάτ- T6j) / change. 'EulidTQlfioj, {h and Ιιατζίβω) I remain in, dtuell upon, spend much time in. Έν^ιαφύίίξω, (same and Ιίχφβίίζω) I cause to decay. Έ^δ/άίϋ, ίϋ^ίάζω, ζ'Λιάσχ,ω, or ΙυΙΐΛάσχ,ω, (from ivhiog) I rest during noon, spend the Ένδίδάβχω, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ,νε-ΤΓΜ, summer, live in the open air, dwell, breathe in. ^Έ'ΛιΙά.σ•/.ω, {k'j and ^thaay.a) I instruct in. ''Έ.'Λίούσχ,ω, (from νΛΰω) I clothe, am clothed. ΈνΙίΙίΰμι, {h and Ιβύψ.ή I give in, yield, concede. 'Έι/Ιίη^ι, (from same and δ/ώ>) / drive aiuay. "Έ'Λ'ίκ.ος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and o'r/yri) agreeable to justice, just. "Έ'Λτ^οί, -ωυ, τά,, (from ί'Λον) intestines. 'Ει/δΓί/£ώ), (Iv and οι•Αω) I turn or luhirl round. ^Έ'ΛΤΌς, -ict, -iQu, the penult long in Ho- mer, doubtful in others, (from L• and Zii/c, A;oV) in the open air, or at noon. ^Έ'Λίφζίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and οί- Φζος) seated in the same carriage with, an associate. 'Έρ6ογ£ν'/ίς, -iog, -ους, 6, tj, (from s^Boj/ and yeuog) born within or at home, indige- nous. "ΈνΙούίν, (ft'om hlo'j) on or fi^om the in- side. "Έ'Λοθι, or hjQol, (from same) within, at home. ^Έ'Λοίάξύ), f. -ά,σύ), (from h and οοιος) I doubt, liesitate. Ένδο/άσΤ,ίίο?, -fit, -ov, and ί'Λοίοίστοζ, -'ή, -ov, (from preced.) doubtful: hloixarZc, ivith doubt or hesitation. "Έ'Λομ,οί, -α,τος, το, (from ε>ο/δώ>,ί4/) lan- guor. Hos. X. 6. on which see Horsley's Note (M.) ^Έ'Α)ο^.οίγ,τ,ς, -ου, 6, (from 'ivoov and μύ,- χοΐΛοίΐ) fighting only at home. ^Έ'^οόίΛησις, -ιος, Attic -ίθ)ς, 'ή, (from iompous. ^Έ.'Λ6'ίύ)ς, (from preced.) gloriously. ^E'j'hoauioc, -ω'^, roi, (from 'ivoo'j) the intes- tines. ^Εν^ουττίω, {lu and ύου'ττίω) I resound, re- echo. ^E'jhqofMo-g, -uu, cti, (from same and o^oc- fiL•)) sandals used in running, and hunting. "Ε^/δροσο?, -ου, 6, '/], (same and '^ξόσος) in the deiv. ^ΕΆυκίύ};, diligently, kindly, heartily. "Ενοΰμ,οί, -οίτος, το, (from Ιϋοΰω) a gar- ment, raiment. ^ΕνΙύ(Λΐος. See ίνύύμιος. Έν'^υυοί^.όω, -ω, (Iv and ^υνα,μόω) I strengthen. ^Εν^υνΛστ^ΰω, (same and ουΰο,στίύω) I be- come mighty, assume sovereign power, pre- vail and obtain by authority. "Ε])ύνσίς, -IOC, Attic -iug, i], (from ίΆύω^ a putting on or luearing of clothes, raiment. ^Ενουστυχίω, (h and "^υστυχίω) I fall in- to danger or misery. ^Εΐ/οΰτΥιξ, -vj^og, (from Ι'Λύύ)) an under robe, waistcoat or shirt. "Euourog, -ov, (from same) put on. Έΰ^ύω, and 1:/^ϋνύ), (ku and ^ύω or oCuoi) I go, creep or enter into, clothe, put on, invest, endu£. Έ^ίάξω, (from susog) I am dumb ivith astonishment. ^Ε'^ίγγυάω, (ju and lyyyaiy} / pledge, betroth. ^E-Ay/M, I bring, bear. See p. 74, under Έ>£δ^5ί, -ccg, 7i, (ku and έ'δ^α) an ambush. Έι/ΒΟξξυτ'^ς, -Tjrog, 6, (from next) a Her in ivaif. 'Eus^^soco, 1. -ζΰσω, 1 a. 1]>νΐοζίυαο(,, (from i'jiooa) I lie in wait. "E'j^Qou, -ου, το, (from same) an am- bush. ^ΕΑζβ{Λοίί, {k'j and ϊζομ,οα) I sit in, oc- cupy. ^Euiioo), (same and siho) I look upon, see. 'EusiTiia, -ω, (same and ίίλίω) I roll or ivrap up. "'E'jiif/.t, (same and elfci) I am in or within: see ίνίστι. Έι/βίξω, (same and βΐζύή I bind in. "EusKcc, heKSv, because of, on account of, by reason of, with respect to, in regard of. 'Ε:/£λ^07Γτ&,44-/7ν, see Βγκ,ό'τττω. ^Ε'^ζκτοί, τά, (Aqu. Exod. xiii. \Q.) front- lets, the same as φυλ^κτγ/Οίχ, which see. ^EvsTiCcovcj, (Iv and Ι7,αύνύ)) I drive in. 'E>£,44!pi;o,445i/, {I'j and ψ^φύω) I am gene- rated. 'Εν£ν'/ικοντα, (from k-jnicc) ninety. ^Ενέ^Λ-ττατάω, {su, l| and άττχτάω) I se- duce. Έ^ίζουσίάί^ο/ίΛΧί, {i'j and ϊ^ουσιά,ζω) I as- sume power ; pass. / am brought imder the power of another. ''E'j-og, -'/I, -ov, (same and αυω) dumb. ^EysTruyriV, 2 a. pass, oi Ιμττ'ήγνυμί. Έι/Βττίσκ'ή-τΓτομοΐί, {ku and Ι'ττισκ,Υι'Τΐτω) I lay claim to the goods of a j)ci'son distrained by another as already mortgaged to me. The action for this purpose was called heTrta- ^ΕΆττω, or ίνίίττω, (same and iV;, or ευΎ\, -Ϋΐς, % old: ενγ\ κ,αΐ vice, the old and new moon, last day of a month. ''EvTihiJva, (εν and ί^Ιύνω) I sweeten, charm. Έυ^^ειοί, -ας, vi, (from next) meekness, gentleness. ' Ένψής, -εος, 6, vj, kind, gentle. 'Eyij7.«Ti5ej -ων, τά., (from εν and ζ>.αύνω) the sides of a ladder, into which the steps are driven. ' Έν/ίΤ^ΐΆος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ί^λ;- Kicc) of age, adult. 'Έ^νγ/μαύΐ, (same and 9}/ί(,αή J sit down in, enter. 'Έντιζ'-ής, -εος, 6, 7], (from same and εξέσσω) furnished tvith oars. "Ένύύΐ, (from εν) here: svdoi κ,χΐ ενύχ, here and there, on this side and on that. 'Ένύά,Ιί, (from preced.) hither, here. Ένύχκίω, (from εν and ύά,κος) I sit on, oc- cupy. 'Ένύάκ,ησίς, -εως, ^, (from preced.) sitting, a seat. 'Ένύχυτοί, Ion. for εντΜυύ». "Ένύεάζω, (from ενύεος) I am under a di- vine impulse, am frantic. "Ένύί, (from ενύα) where. "Ένύεμ,α,, -οίτος, ro, (from hriurif^t) a col- lar, chain, garland, ivreath. "Ένύεν, ενβενοε, (from ενύοί) hence, thence: ενύεν Kdl ένθεν, on this side and on that. "Ένβίος, and ενύους, -ου, ό, τι, {εν and ^εος) inspired by a god. 'ΈvύεξμΰίtvύJ, (same and ^εξ/^ύχίνω) I place in the heat, warm, inflame. "Ένβίξμος, -ου, ό, {], (same and ^εξμ,ός) in the heat, warm. "Ένύεσις, -εως, ^, (from εντίβημή a putting in, a bit put in. "Ένύίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (εν and δεσμός) legi- timate. 'Ένύευτεν, for εντευύεν, hence, henceforth: το ενύευτεν, afterward^s. ^Ενβνικ,τη, -τ^ς, ij, (from ευτίύη(Λί)α depositc. "Ένύγίξος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from εν and Br':^Q)full of wild beasts. 'Ένύοξέω, -ω, (same and ^οξεω) I leap in, upon, or a^nongst. 'Ένύουσ/ώζω, or -άω, f. -ίχ,σω, p. -cckcc, (from ενβεος, contract, ενβους) I am actuat- ed by a divine impulse or inspiration, or by the imagination of such an impulse, rave, am frantic. 'Ένβουσιοίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) en- thusiasm, ins^nration, phrensy. "Ενύουσιοίστ'/]ς, -ου, 6, (from same) an en- thusiast, a person divinely inspi?'ed. ' ΈνβουσιαστιΙκόζ, -»?, -cV, and ενύουσιωοτις, 16 Ένύξονίξω, A GREEK LEXICON. ^Ένηάκξουνοζ, -eog, 6, % (from same) enthusiastic, divinely inspired. 'Ένύξονίζω, f. 'ίσω, 1 a. pass. Ινξβξονίσύνιι/, (from £i/ and Βζόνος) I phce upon a throne, "Έυύξυτττος, -ouy (from next) corrupt, ef- feminate, delicate. 'ΈΐίΰξύτΓτω, (eu and ^ςύ'π-τω) I break, bruise ; render effeminate, corrupt, soften. 'Ένύοωσκω, (same and Άξωσκω) I leap in, upon, or amongst. "Ενύυμίθ[ΛίΧ.(, -ουμ,α,ι, f. -νισομ,α,ί, p. luTiuu- μ,Ίΐμ,Λΐ, 1 a. pass, hiuvyy/iu-fiv, (from same and ^vfAog) I have in mind, ponder, think, meditate upon. ^Ένθΰ(^ι,Ύΐμ.οί, -οίτος, το, and Ιΐίύϋμ,Ύισις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, 71, (from preced.) thought, reflec- tion, device, contrivance, enthymeme. 'Έ,υθυμ,ίοί, -ας, ί], (from same) thinking, recollection. '^.uduy,iQu, -ου, το, (from same) thought; what is in one's mind, animosity. 'Ένύΰ^,ιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) crafty. 'Ένόυ/^,όο/α,χί, same as evuv/u,io/icxi. Έι/ύυσ{ά.ζ&), (su and θυσίαζα) I sacrifice. 'Έ,νύωξοίκίζω, (same and ^ωζο,κ,ίζω) I put on a breastplate. "Ei/;, (for ίυιστι, 3 sing. pres. indie, of ivzii^i) there is in, there is. 'Έ.νια,ύσιος, -ου, 6, v}, (from next) of one yearns age or growth. Έν{α,υτ6ς, -ου, ό, (from ivl εαυτω ύσι, it goes or returns upon itself) a year. ^Έυιοίύω, i. -α,ΰσω, (from Iv and ιαϋω) I stay in, spend the night in. 'Ένιαχβη, (from 'iyiot) in seme places: ΐνιαχ,ου, somewhere, sometimes. 'ΈυιβΤ^ά,τττω, (from Iv and βκάτττω) I hurt with, entangle. 'ΈνιΙζόο), (same and ίοξόύ)) I sweat in. Έζ//δ^ί);/ώ), kuioζΰω, kuil^Of/^i, (same and il•ξύuω) I settle, place, or fix in. 'Ένίζω, (same and 'ίξω) I sit upon, oc- cupy. ^ Έι/ίγι/ίίί, (same and hf^i) I send in, throw in, infuse. Έίζ/κλάω, (from same and τΟκάύΐ) I break in, thwart, clash with. "Έ,νίκμος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and Ιχ,/χοίς) moist. ' Έι/ικ,νωσσω, (from same and χ,νωσσω) I sleep in. 'Έ.ι/'ίκος, -0?, -6u, (from si'.c) one in number, singular. 'EviKQiuu), (from ku and κ^ίνο)) I number with. See Ιγκ,ζΙνω. "Ένίοί, 'icti, -ioc, some. 'Ενίοτε, (from preced.) sometimes. 'Έ.νίττά'^λομ,αί, (from su and ττάλλίϋ) / reverberate, rebound. 'ΈνΙτηύς, -ίως, 6, a river of Peloponnesus. 'Ez/r-rsj, -τις, ri, (from Ιυί'τι'τω) reproach, rebuke. 'ΈνίττΤ^,ειος, for 'if^'7r7^iog,full of. "ΈνιπΤ^.τΐύω, (for ΐ^ΛίτΤ^^θω) I fill with, sa- tiate. ' Έ.!/ί'7Τ'7τάζομ>οίί, (Iv and Ι'ττ'ττά,ζομ,αι) I ride in, use cavalry in. 'Ένιτττά,ζο}, ϊυίτττω, and ενίσσω, (from Iv and εττύή I rebuke, reproach ; accost, enjoin, encourage ; tell, reveal. 'Έ.νισκ,γ,'τντω, (from Iz/and σκνι^ιττω) I lean, press, or rush upon. 'Έ.νίσκ,ί^'ΤΓτω, (from same and σ-Α^^τττω) I fix or thrust into. Ένίσττω, εί/ει/ίσττω, Ινισττεω, (for hsiTro)) I tell, announce, declare, accost, answer. 'EuioTYif/^i, ευιστά,ω, {L• and 'ίστγιμή I stand or place in ; am present o\ instant or at hand. 'Έυίσχομ,α,ι, (same and ϊσχ,ύ)) I am held in, impeded, entangled ; I hold myself in, cling to. 'Ένίσχυςίζο/:Λαι, (same and Ισχυξίξο/ίύχι} I am strong in, urge confidently, insist upon. ' Έ,υιυγ,ΰω, (same and Ισχ,ύω} I strengthen, gain strength, am strengtheiied. ' Έ,νιφίξβομ,οίΐ, (from same and φΐφο^ΛΛί) I feed myself in. ' Έι/κτεςεΐξο), f. -Ί%ω, see εγκ,τεξίΐζω. Ένυαετ'-ήζ, -νίξος, ο, and ενν(Χ,ετείζοί,-»ς,νί, (from ει/ναίω) an inhabitant, "Έΐ'νιζετνίς, -εος, ό, 'ή, and ει/υαετ-ηξος, -ου, (from ευνίίχ. and έτος) nine years old. 'Ένί/χίω, (iu and νούω) I dwell in, inha- bit. "Έ.υνοί•Λΐς, ειΐ/υόίκ,ίς, (from suuix) nine times. ^ 'Έννοίκόσίο:, (from same and εκ,οίτον) nine hundred. 'Έυνοίτοίίος, -α,ία,, -ouov, (from kvvicx,) on the ninth day. "Έυυά,τος, εϊνώτος, -vi, -ou, (from same) the ninth: iuuoiTci, viz. κ,τίξεοί, funeral rites performed for a person on the ninth day. ' Ενι/αυμοίχ,εω, (lu and νΛυ^Λγβ,ω) I fight by sea. Έ,υνεα., oi, oci, τα, (from ϊυος old, and υεος new, being old in such a sense that imme- diately after it there begins a neiv order of number) nine. Ένυεάβοίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced. and βους) ivorth nine oxen. ' Έ^ννεοίκούοεκα,, {huix, κ,οίϊ and Zsku) nineteen. ΈννεοίκοίΜ-Λχτος, 6, (from same) nine- teenth. 'Έ.ΐ'-ί/εάκ,ξουνύς, -ου, ο, v}, {kuvicx. and -Λ^ου- νος) the name of a fountain at Athens havin/z nine sDrinss. 397 spring. 'EvvsaXmc. A GREEK LEXICON. Ένοξούω, Έι/ι/εοίλϊί/οζί -ου, ό, ij, (same and λιυος) a net consisting of nine threads or cords. 'Euusec!/Ltxsg, (from same and t/v^)for nine nights. ' Ί&νυζάτιτγίχ,υς, -εος, ©, '^, (same and ττϊΐχνς) of nine cubits. 'Έννεχφωι/ος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and φωu':ή} having nine tones or notes. 'Έννξαίχίλια^ -cti, -ex., or Ιυνίο,χ,ισχιΚιοι, (same and γ,ίτ^ιοι) nine thousand. 'Euu£U7]KouToc, 01, ai, Tfls, (from svueoc) ninety. 'EvusuYiKQVTccspuscc, 01, Oil, roi, (preced. and sui/im) ninety jiine. 'ΈννενηκουτοίΒ^, (same and l|) ninety - six. ' Ei/usvyiKourxsTYig, -sog, ό, vj, (from same and ίτος^ ninety years old. ""EuuiVYiKOGTog, -'ή, -ου, (from Ιννΐοί) nine- tieth. "Έυνεόξγυιος, -ου, ό, ΐ,, (from same and οξγυιοί) of nine fathoms. 'Ez;i/£oV, -ov, 6, (from h and οίΰω) dumb, speechless, asto7iished, astounded. 'Έννίοττεύο), (same and νΐοτηύω) I build a nest ill. Έ>ί/εσ/δί, -α,ς, {], (perhaps for hysvaici) a nod, intimation, advice. 'Έυυεύω, (h and υίύω) I nod or beckon. 'Έyvsωξog, -ου, ο. ν;, (from huicc and ωξα) of nine seasons, nine years old. "Έννη, or 'ivvYi, for 'iun, viz. τιμ,ίξα, the third day. "Ένν^ΐΛοίζ, (from hyvicx, and vi^ctii)for nine days. ^'Έυν/ιφιν, (iuuYi and φιν^ the third day. Ένυ'ηχομ.α,ι, (L• and Ρ7]χο)) I swiin in. 'Έννοίω, -ω, (same and νοίω^ I revolve in mind, consider. ""KuvovifAoc, -dTog, το, (from preced.) a thought, purpose. "'Kvuoioi, -dg, v), (from kv and νόος) inten- tion, purpose, mind. "'EvvofAog, -ου, 6, vj, (same and uofcog) sub- ject to or under a law, lawful, agreeable to law. Ένυόμως, (from preced.) lawfully. "Έ,υνοος, contr. tuuoυg, -ου, ό, τ], (lu and uoog^ in one's mind, thoughtfid, reflecting, intelligent. "Ei/uog, -ου, 6, (from Ι'ί/ο?) old. 'Euvoaiyuiog, -ου, and hvoaihctg, -a,, 6, (from ϊνόύω and yoiiu) the shaker of the earth, Neptune. "'Euuocig, -icdg, vj, (from suouo)) motion, shaking. ' Έ.uuoσίφυ^.^.og, -ου, 6, »;, (from same and φύτύκον) shaking the leaves. 'Έ,ννοσσίύω, (iv and ΐ/οσσεύω} I build my 71 est in. 398 'EuvoTiog, and hmrog, -oy, 6, tj, (from s'j and u or ίοί) humid ; (from νότος) southern. ^Έυνυχζύω, ίι/υυκτβξεύω, (from h and υύξ) I spend the night, lodge. "Euuiixog, and Ιννύχιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same) in the night, during night, nightly: hvvxou, in the night: ίυυυχον \ioLv,far in the night. Έυνύω, and £ΐ>υμι, (from eu and εω) I put on. 'Ei/o^iog, or εϊνοΐιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and o'^og) in the way, by the luay-side ; an epithet of Mercury, and Diana or Hecate, as ha^dng their statues by the way side. Έυόύω, (from hj and ωύύ)) I move, shake. 'Euoixiioo^cccci, (from same and οΐκ,ος) I am related to. Έι/οικεω, -ω, (same and οίκεω) I divell in. Έι/οΐΆίησίς, -εως, τ], (from preced.) a diuellhig in. Ένο/κ-ίζω, (εν and οϊκίζω) I receive into my house. Ένοίκ,ιον, -ου, το, (from ένοικος) the rent of a house. ^Euoix,o^o^,iOj, {εν and oiKohofiia) I build a house ivith. "Ενοικ,ος, -ου, 6, v}, (same and οίκ,ος) an in- habitant in the house, domestic. Ένοίνοχ,οεω, (same and οίνοχοεω) I j^ozir whie into. ^Ενολισύα,ίνο), ενοΤίίσβω, (same and όλίσ- ύιζίνύ)) I slip or tumble in. Ένομιλεω, (same and ofAi'hia) I converse with. "Evov, το, (pres. part, from ενεστι) that which is laivful or possible: ενόντα,, τα., things in our power. 'Evo-xTj, -7jg, 7], (from ενεττω) clamour. Ένο'ττλίζω, (εν and οττΤ^ίζω) I arm. Ένο'ττ'Κισμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) ar- mour. "EvoTk'Kog, -vi, -ov, and ενότ-7\ίος, -ου, ο, τ], (from εν and οττλον) armed. Ένοτττξίζομχ:, {ΐνοπΛ next) I see myself in a mirror, behold. "Ευοτττ^ον, -ου, το, (from εν and oVro^woi/) a mirror. Ένοζάω, Ion. ενοξεω, (same and όζοίω) I look upon, inspect. Ένόξκίον, -ου, το, (from same and οζκος) an oath. "Ενοικος, and ενόξταος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) bound by an oath. ' Ενοζκόω, -ω, (from same) / adjure. "Ένόξκως, (from ενοξκ,ος) by an oath. Ένορμ,άω, (εν and ό^μ^άοΐ) I rush upon, hasten. Ένοζμ,εω, (same and όξ,αεω) I am in har- bour, aiichor in. Ένοξούω^ (same and οζούω) I rush upon. Ένόξχης. A GREEK LEXICON. Έντζξ09ζία. 'Έ.ν6ξ•)(,Υις, -oy, Dor. ίΆξχ,Λς^ -as, 'ύι/οζχος, Ινόξχιος, -ου, ο, τ}, ^οξχΐς, -ίος, {h and οξχΐς) having testicles, not emasculated. 'Ένόξω, (same and o^^oj) I rouse, stir up. "E;/o? or hog, 'ivjog or ϊννος, -ov, 6, (per- haps from n3iy) a year, Lat. annus: hog, -n, -ov, annual; monthly; any period of time when on the change, see 'iy/i. "Ένοσις, -^ως, 'ή, see huoaig. 'Ένοσίχύων, -ouog, 6, (from Ινόθω and χύών) a shaker of the earth, Neptune. ''EyOTYig, -T-^rag, '/], (from sJg) unity. Ένοτοτύξω, (from eu and the interjection or, or) / cry or, or, lament. Ένοί^ί/λΛ, (same and 6$ei^oj) I owe a debt on. Ένοφύα^ι/.ίάζω, (from same and όφύαλ- ^og) I admit inoculation: hjo(];}&cihyAa(Aog, -ov, 6, inocidaiion. Ένοχλίω, -ύ), (same and οχΤ,ίω) I distui^, occasion trouble in or to. 'l^'jox'Kmig, -s-wc, 'ή, (from preced.) a trou- ble. "Ένοχος, -ου, 6, τι, (from Ινίχο(ΛΛί) bound, subject to, or a subject of; guilty, deserving of and subject to punishment, obnoxious, liable to. 'Ένόω, -ω, f. -ύύσω, p. tjvukcc, (from eig^ I unite. ' Έ,ν^άτττύ), (ku and pa'Trroi) I seiu in. 'Ένζίγόω, (same and ριγόω) I grow stiff or shiver luith cold. ^Ένσ-ίύ), f. -slao), p. Ινσ'ίσζΐ'/,οί, (same and σζίω) I stnke into or at, shake at or upon. " Ένσ-ίΐ^-Ό,ίνω, (same and σ•^[ΛΛίνύ)) I signify in or by, express, impress. 'Ένσ/ιμ^ίΐόο[λα,ι, (same and σψΛΐόω) I go in the track, trace, mark, observe. 'Evairia, -Z, (same and airio) I feed, prepare a feast. 'Ένσκζυά,ζο), (same and σκξυά,ζω) I pre- pare, equip, harness, rig. ^ Ένσκ'ή'ίττω, (same and σχ.οί'ττώ;) / hurl, send upon, set upon, assail ivith. 'Ένσκιρρόορτ,α,ι, (same and oKippooy.oii) I groiu scirrhous or hard. ^Ένσκολίίύομύίΐ, (from same and σκωΆον) I take with a rojJe. '"EvaoOog, -ov, 6, yj, (same and σοφός) among the wise. ' Έ,νστΓύίζγοίνόω, (same and αττοιογχνόύ^) I swathe, wrap in bandage, cramp. ' ΕνστΓύζω, (same and σ^τείζο)) I soiu in. "Έ.υσ'τττο'Λος, -ov, 6, v}, (from same and oTToulvi) included in a treaty, confederate, under a truce, at peace. ^Ένστύζύ), ΙνστοίΚύ,ζω, (same and στάζω) I drop in, instil. "Ε^στάσ/ί-, -zoig, tj, (from same and hrrifAi) a standing in, an obstacle, a commencement. ' Έ,!/στόίτγ]ς, -ου, 6, (from same) one who stands in my way, a rival, an adversary. ' Εί/στΙλλώί, (|y and στίλλω) I put on a dress. "Ένστ7ιρ<,α., -ocrog, ro, same as 'ivaroiaig» ' Ένστγιζίζω, (ku and σττίξίξω) I fix in. 'Ένστξίφω, (iv and στξίφω) I turn in. 'Ένσφξχγίζω, {lu and σφξαγίξω) I put on a seal ; engrave upon. Ένσχίζο), (same and σχίζω) in a roiu, in a regular series. "Ένταλμα, -xrog, ro, (from perf. pass, of ϊντίΧΚύ)) a commandment, precept. "Έντανΰω, {iv and ταννοϊ) I bend, stretch in, extend. "Ένταξ,ις, -εως, τ], (from εντάσσω) a plac- ing in the same rank. "Έντα,σις, -εως, vi, (from εντα,ννω) extension. 'Έντάσσο}, or εντάττω, {εν and τάττω) I app)oint, oj^dain, place in the same rank. Έντανύα, Ion. ενύαυτα, ενταυύοΐ, (from 'i'juoc) here, there, hither, thither. Ενταφιάζω, f. -άσω, p. εντεταφίακα, p. pass, εντεταφίασμαι, (from εντάφια, rst) / prepare a corpse /or burial, as by washing, anointing, sw^athing, &c.; I embalm. Ενταφιασμός, -ου, e, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a preparation of a corpse for burial, as by washing, anointing, &c. ; em- balming. "Ενταφιαστείς, -ου, 6, (from 3 sing, of same) an embahner. 'Έντάφιον, -ου, τό, and τά εντάφια, (from εν and ταφ'^) the funeral apparatus of a corpse, grave-clothes. 'Εντάφιος, -ου, 6, v], (from %Q.vae) funereal. "Έντεα, -ων, τά, instruments, arms. "Εντείνω, {εν and τείνω) I bend a bow, / fake aim. 'ΈντειχΙ^ιος, -ov, 6, τ}, (from next) seated or fixed in a wall. 'Έ,ντειχΙζω, {εν and τειχίζω) I enclose within a ivall, fortify. "Έντεκνος, -ov, (from same and τεκνον) having children. "Έ,ντε'Κεχεια, see ενΙε'Κεχεια. 'Έντε'Κ'ίΐς, -εος, ο, vj, (from εν and rsAoc) complete, perfect: εντελώς, altogether, qjiitc. "Έντελλω, and εντέλλομαι, 1 f. mid. εντε- λουμαι, p. pass, εντεταλμαι, 1 a. mid. ενε- τειλάμ-ην, p. mid. εντετολα, (same and τέλ- λω) I charge, command, -give in chai-ge, en- join, instruct. " Έντελόμισύος, -ου, ο, ^, (from εντελτις and μίσθος) receiving full pay, Έντεμνω, or εντμεω, {εν and τέμνω) I cut in, dig, cut short ; cid, kill, sacrifice. "Έντεξον, -ου, τό, (from εντός) an intestine; plur. boiuels, entrails. 'Έντεζονεία, -ας, vi, (from same) (he jilanking on the ribs of a ship. 399 ^ΕντζΟίίξγΙζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ ντυγχ^ανω. 'Έι^τίσΐξξ'/ος, -ov, ο, τ], (from hrex. and ■ siQy&}) drawing in harness and yoke, willing and ready to work. Έντ5σιονξγός, -ου, 6, (from same and ίξ- you) an armourer. 'EuTsvhy, (from huce., and the adverbial particle ^su) hence, thence ; when repeated, on this side and on that. Num. xxii, 24. Dan. xii. 5. John xix. 18. Rev. xxii. 2. 'Έυηυκτίκ,ος, -ij, -6y, (from next) easy of access, affable. "'Kunv^ig, -ιος, Attic -sag, τ], (from hrsv- χω, or ίΐ/τυγχύνω) access to the company or speech of any one, intercession, prayer, ad- dress. ] Tim. ii. 1. " Έντίυτ'Κοίνόω, (from h and nvrT^ou) I di^ess in or with beets. "Έ,'^τΰχνος, -ov, 6, VI, (from same and τί%- vvj) with art, skilful. 'Έντ''/!Κύ), (same and ζ'ήκ,ω) Τ melt away : luT'ii/cofMx.i, am infused into. 'ΈντΙ, Dor. for Ιστϊ, or £υΙ(ΐος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and ΰίως) tvatery, well-iuatered, living in water. 'Έυνττάζχύ), (same and ύτΐά,^χω) I exist, am by nature. "" Έ.νυττνίάζω,Ινυ'ττνιοίζομ,ΰίί, 1 a. mid. ΐνυττ- 'jictoay^YtV, 1 f. pass. ϊνυ'τΐυια,σ&τισο^Λΰΐ,ί, 1 a. pass. ϊνυ'τΐ^ιά,σ&Ύΐν, (from Ιυύττνιον) I dream. Έι/υττνίχστ'/ις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a dreamer. 'Έ.ι/υ'τη/ίζο/^αχί, same as ίνυτΐνιά-ζοίΛύίΐ. ^EvUTci/iou, -ου, TO, (ft'om iy and ΰττί/ος) a dream. 'Έυυ'τΐνος., -ov, (from same) appearing in "Έι/υστζοι/, -ου, το, (what is h ύστίζω) the great intestine. ^Έι^υφούνω, {lu and ύφοάνω) I interweave. 'E'^Ocj, -ύος, contr. -ους, 'ή, (from same and α,ΰω) Enyo, Bcllona, the goddess of war, sis- ter of Mars. ^Ένύψ^Λτίοί, -ug, 9], (from next) a company of soldiers in the Spartan army consisting of twenty five, so called as being bou7id by a solemn oath upon a sacrifice to be faith- ful and loyal to their country. The com- mander of it was called Ιυύ)μ,οτάξχΎΐς, or ί»ωμ,ότΛ()χος. ' Έι/ύ)/ϋοτος, -ου, ο, '/j, (from su and ομνύω) sworn in, bound by an oath. Ένωττνι, -ίις, ^, (from same and ωψ) the cavity of the skidl in which the eye is insert- ed, the aspect, the front: ίι/ωττγί, infronty in presence of, openly. Έυωττίχ, -ai/, τχ, (from same) walls on the sides or at the entrance of the hall in the view of all tvho entered; I'ecesses in the walls in which chariots, spears and bows were placed, as an ornament, in public view. 'Ένω'ττϊ^ίως, huu-TToiVig, (from next) in full view, in the face. 'Eyoi-TTiou, (from ku and ώ'ττϊ, dat. of ω-ψ) in the presence or sight, before. 'Έ'^ωττιος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) before, face to face. Ένίΰξοι'{'ζομα.ι, (from ev and ώξαίος) I beautify myself. "Έι/ωσις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, vj, (from ίϊς) unity. 'Ένωτίζομαι, f. -ίσομα,ι, and Attic -ιου- μ,Λΐ, 1 a. mid. ίρωησάμγΐ!/, 1 f. pass, kuana- Βτίσομοίΐ, (from h and ους) I admit or receive into the ears, hearken to. 'Emrtou, -ου, το, (from same) an ear- ring. "E|, 01, Oil, roc, six. Έ|, the same as L•, out of. See p. 100. 'E|ciyy£A/ct, -ccg, 'ή, (from next) infor- ination, discovery. ' ΈξχγγίλΤ^ω, (l| and uyyiKha) I tell out, declare abroad. 'ElayygAo?, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) ojie who conveys a message, a courier. 'E|ayy£A TO?, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) an- nounced, discovered. Έξόίγίζω, f. -'ϊσω, (II and άγίζω) I expel as impure. Έξχγίυίύ), Ionic for k^ayu. Έξόίγιστος, -ov, (from ίξχγίζω) execra- ble, atrocious: ϊ^ά,γιστα, -ων, roc,, atrocities. Έξοίγκ,ύίνίξύ), (from ίξ and άγκων) I keep off with the elbows. 'Έζχγνυμί, f. -|, (same and οβω) I sing out or aloud. Έξχίζόω, (from same and ccviq) I dissolve into air. Έ|οί£Τί{ί, -iog, 6, V}, k^ocerlg, -ihog, '/}, (from έ'Ι and 'irog) six years old: e^usrig, for six years. ' Εξχβξοίζομα/, {ίζ and ά,ύ^οίζω) I col- lect, rally. Ε 401 Έξαιμα,τόύ}. A GREEK LEXICON. "Εξαμΰνομαι. Έ^α,ιμοίτόω, (from same and ui^ot) I bring out blood. "Εξοίΐμοζ, -ovj 0, yjf (from same) bloodless, pale, lifeless. ' Έ.ζΰίίννμαί, (l| and uivvf^ui) I take away, convey, destroy. 'Έξχίξίσίζ, or ίξχΙξΥισίς, ~εως, v], (from ίξΰαξίω)α taking away,exempting,destroying. 'Έξοίίξίτίος^ -a, -ou, (from same) to be taken out, selected or removed: ίξοαζετίον, it is necessary to reinove, must choose. Έξοίίξίτος, -ου, 6, v), (l| and οίΐξζτος) choice, excellent, select, exempt: Ι^α,ΐξίτως, signally. 'Έξχ{ξεω, -ω, (same and αίζίω) I take or pluck out, take out of, deliver, select. 'Έξΰίίξω, (same and α,ίξω) I take out or away. 'Έζχίσίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and edaen) improbable, unexpected, luonderful, sudden. Έ^αΐσσω, f. -|Υΐς) of a sudden, suddenly. Έξόίκ,εσίζ, -εως, ij, (from next) healing. "Έζόίχ,εω, f. -εσω, εζοίκ.εομοίί,{εζ Άϊϊά ά,κεω) I heal completely, satisfy, appease. 'Έ^ά,κίς, (from t'|) six times. ' Έ.ζα.κίσμύξίοι, .-cci, -at,, (preced. and μΰ- ξΐοί) sixty thousand. Έξοίκ/σχίτ^ίοί, (same and χίλίοι) six thou- ' Έ^Λκ,ολουβεω, -ω, (Ι| and άκολουύεω) I follow thoroughly, persist in following. 'Ε|ί&κοζ/έώ), -ω, (same and άκονεω) I sharpen. 'Έξόίκ,οντίξω, (same and ακοντίζω) I pour out arrows, bolt out. 'ΈζοίκόσίΟί, -ΰίί, -χ, (from l| and skutoi/) six hundred. ' Έ^χκ,οσίοστος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) six hundredth. ' Έξύ,χ,ουστος, -ου, 6, 9j, (from next) heard of, celebrated. ΈΙάκοιίώ», (11 and ακούω) I hear out, learn. ' Έξχκ,ξφχζω, and Ιξχχξΐβόω, (same and ά,κςιβχξύ}, and άκ,ξφόω) I diligently search out. Έξοίκξίξύ), (from same and οίκξος) I reach the summit, 'Έξ^tκτεou, (from εξάγω) it is necessary to bring or lead out. 402 'Ε|αλοίο<Μ, f. -ωσω, 1 a. εξηΚύωσΧ) (If and χλχόω) I make blind. ' ΈξχΤ^χτΓχζω, (same and άλχ-π-άξω) I completely plunder, sack, consume. 'Ε|ώλ£;7Γτ^θί/, -ου, το, (from next) a ves- sel for holding ointment ; a towel or sponge for wiping out. 'Έξχλείφω, (εξ and χλείψα) I wipe off ointment, wipe off, blot out ; sometimes, / anoint. Έξχλε{•ψις, -ιος, Attic -εως, yj, (from pre- ced.) a wiping out, obliteration. "Έξχλεω, εξχλεύω, {εξ and χλεω) I cause to avoid: εξχΤ^εύομχι, I avoid, escape. Έξχλίζω, and εξχ7\.ΐω, (same and χλίω) I cause to roll or stretch out, strip off: εξχ- Τ^ίστξχ, a place to roll in. ^Έξχλλχγνί, -^?, ^, (from next) exchange. ΈξχλΆχσσω, Attic -χττω, {εξ and αλ- λ άσσω) / change, exchange. 'Έξχλλομχί, (same and χΚΚομ,χι) I leap forth. "Εξχλλοζ, -ου, 6, 7j, (same and οίτ^Άος) different from others, excellent. ΈξχΧΚοτξΐόω, -ω, (same and χΚΚοτζίόω) I alienate from. "Έξχλος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and χλς) out of the sea. Έξχλύσκω, (same and άλύσχω) I avoid, escape. Έξχμχξτχρω, (same and χμχξτχνω) I sin, make to sin. Έξχμχυξόύ), (same and άμχυςόω) I ob- scure, weaken. Έξχμχω, (same and χμχω) I reap, cut out. Έξχμβλόω, (same and χμβλόω) I render abortive, act as midwife to a premature birth, blunt, weaken: το εξ'/ιμβΆωμενον, abortion. ^ Εξχμβξόω, for εξγιμεςόω, I render mild or mellow, ripen. " Έξχμείβω, {εξ and αμείβω) I exchange one place for another, pass, depart; repay, atone. ΈξχμεΆεω, (same and χμελίω) I neglect, omit. ' Έξχμετξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from εξ and με- Τξον) of six measures, hexameter. ' Έξχμηυος, -ου, 6, v}, το -oi), (from same and μ'^ν) of six months. Έξχμγιχ,χνεω, {εξ and χμτηχ,χνεω) I extri- cate. "ΕξχμιΚ'Κχομχι, (same and χμίΚλχομχι) I outstrip a rival, I harass, am harassed. Έξχμυγ'^χλόω, -ω, (from same and χμύγ'^χλο!/) I make in the shape of an al- mond. Έξχμύνομχί, (same and χμύνω) I ex- pel a disease, heal. Έξαί'α^κάζω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΈξαίΓον/ζω, Έζόί»Λγκύζω, (gland οίνΑγκάζα) I force out^ expel. Έξόίνόίγω, (same and uueiya) I bring up out or from. Έζχνχ^νσ/ς, 'ΐως, 9], (from next) an erup- tion. ' Έ,ξ,όίνόί^νω, Ιξ,οίνά.'^ν^ί, (l| and ά,νΛ^ύω) I emerge: k^ccucchvo^xi, I extricate myself from. Έξΰίνα,ζίω, (same and ά,νοίζίω) I vomit forth. 'Έ.ξχ!/ΰίίξίομοίΐ, (same and άι/Λίξίω) I raise up from. ' Έ^ανοίΚίσκω, (same and dycthiaxM) I consume entirely. 'Έξοα/χΤ^νω, (same and άι/»λύω) I loosen out, extricate from. ' Έ,^Λνόίλωσις, -ίως, {], (from ί^χνοίΚίσκω) consumption. ' Ε^ίβνάτΓΤώ), (l| and άνά,'τττω) I light up again ; fasten from, hang up. 'Έξχί/χξ'ΤΓάζω, (g| and ά,νχξ'π-ά,ζω) I snatch away. ' Έ.ζ,οίΐ/χσ'ττάω, (sf and άνχσ'ρηίω) I draw up out or from. ^ Έζχνάστόίσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, •}}, (same and auxarxcig) a resurrection from, insur- rection, overthrow. 'Έ^χνοίστίφω, (same and χυχστίφω) I adorn or crown afresh. Έ^χνχστζίφω, (same and χνχστξίφω) I overturn. Έ'ξ,χνχτί'Κ'Κω, (same and ά,νχτίΤ^'Κω) I spring up, forth, or out of the ground; cause to spring. "Έ^χνχφχίνω, (same and χνχφχίνω) I show in a clear light. Έξ,χι/χφχΰ'^όι/, (same and χl/xφxul6ι/) dis- tinctly. ^Έ,^χι/χφίςω, (same and χρχφίξω) I raise, bear or lift up. 'Έξ,χνχχωξίω, (same and χνχχωξίω) I retreat from, draw back from. ' Έ'ζ,χν^ξχττο^ίζω, (same and χ'ΛξΧ'ττονιζω) I enslave men. 'Έξχ^Ιξχτ-ό^ίσίς, -ίως, ί], (from preced.) the enslaving of men, slavery. 'Έξχΐ/'^ζόο/ίΛχι, (ε I and ανίξόω) I am ar- rived at manhood. 'E^xusi/xi, (same and xusi/xi) I rise up out, ascend from. Έξχν£/χόω, (from same and όίνίμ,ος) I spread out to the luind, inflate, puff up, ren- der vain. Έ^χνΐζχ,ομχι, (same and οίνίζχ,ο[Λχι) I come up from. 'Έ^χΆγ,ω, (same and άνίχω) I stand up out of, am conspicuous, hold up. Έξχνόίω, -ω, (same and xu$ίω) I flourish greatly, bloom, effloresce. 'E^xvunfAX, -χτος, το, (from preced.) an efflorescence, pustule. Έζχνύίζω, (l| and άνύίζω) I tinge or embroider with florid colours, Lev. xiii. 30.; where however, the preferable reading is ζχρύίζονσχ. Έ^χριη^Λί, (same and άνιημι) I put or send forth, emit, produce, relax. 'E^xviaTYjf^:, (same and άϋίστγι/κ,ή I rise up from, raise up from, remove. "Ε^χΰοίγω, (same and χνοίγω) I open out, lay open. "Εξχνοξ^όω, (same and άνοζύόω)! raise to stand upright, restore to life. Έ^χνττις, -£5"j rendered perfect or whole. ΕζχντΤίίω, -ω, (Ι| and χντΆΪω) I draw out, pump out, exhaust. Έ^χνΰω, Ι^χνύτω, (same and άνΰω) I carry into effect, accomplish, despatch. ' Εξχττχλχίστος, -ου, ο, vi, (from Ι'ξ and 'T^x'hxiarvi) of ήχ palms. Έξχ•77χ7\.λχσσω, f. -ξω, (same and χ'ττχΆ- Άχσσω) I set free from, release, extricate, save. Έζχ'ττχτχω, -ω, (same and χτατχω) I seduce from, deceive. Έ^χτΐχτγί, -ης, 7]y (from preced.) decep- tion. Έζχ'ΤΓχτγιτ'ίχ,ος, -^, -ou, (from same) fal- lacious. Έζχ-π-χτύλλω, (from same) I deceive. ΈξχτΓχφάω, ε^χττχφίσκω, (from same) / deceive. Έξχ-π-έβω, (l| and χ-π-είΐω) I lose sight of.^ ' Εξχττίλχύνω, (same and χ'ΤΓίΆχύνω) I drive away out, expel. Έξχττγιχνς, (from e'| and ττίίχνς) of six cubits. Έζχ'π -'iux, ί^χττίνης, and Dor. i^xTrhxg, (for ζξχίφντης) of a sudden, immediately. Έξχ-π-ίνχίος, -χ, -oi/, (from same) sudden, unawares. Έ|ίί7Γλθ7σ/ο$•, Ion. for εζχ'ττ'λχσίος, -χ, -ou, (from II) sixfold, six times greater. Έξ,χ'ττλόω, -ω, (si and άτλοώ») / unfold, stretch out, explain. Έ^χ'ττοβχίνω, (same and χ'ττοβχίνω) I go out from, disemba7'k. Έξχττο^ίο^ίΧί, (il, xTTo and δ/<«) / chase away. 'E^xxo^vuoj, (l| and άττο^ννω) I strip off. Έξχ'ττόλλω, and i^xxo7:hv[Ai, (same and ά'ΤΐοΚΚυμ.ι) I perish outright, destroy, cause to perish. ΈξχτΓονέομχί, (same and χ'ττοί/ίομχι) I return from. Έξχττονίζω, (same and άττο^ίζύ)) I ivash away. 403 'Έξα'!Τθξίο/ιια/. A GREEK LEXICON. Έξίΐχάζω, 'Έ.ξχ'ττοξίομαίί, -ονμ,αι, (same and cc-rogg- ομ,Λΐ) I am utterly at a loss or a stand, am in the utmost perplexity. Έ|ΑίίΤοστ£λλ6;, (same and άτοστελλώ)) / send forth or away, dismiss. 'Έξ,α,'ττοστοΚνΐ, -vjg, i], (from preced.) a sending away out. ' Έζχτι-οτϊι/ω, (l| and α,ττοτίνω) I expiate, appease. "Ε^χ'πΌνς, -ο^ος, ο, v], (from εξ and -ττους) of six feet. Έξχττοφύείξω, (l| and ά,'ττοφθύξω) I ut- terly destroy. 'Έξά'τΓτω, (same and όίντω) I bind to, connect with, kindle. 'E^oc^OjL•, (same and ά'ττωύω) I push away. 'Έξαξά,ομ.ΰΐί, (same and άξάομχή I rescue from a curse. " Έξοίξάσσω, (same and άζά,σσω) I strike out, pelt with, revile. 'Έξχξγίω, (same and ciQ'yίω) I am quite idle or inactive. "Έξχξγμοι, -οίτος, το, (from ίξά,ξχα) a first offeying, first fruits offered. Έ,ξχξγυξίζω, εζοίξγνξόω, (from l| and άξγΰξος) I turn info money, sell; I strip of one's money. 'Έξοίζίσκομ^οίί, &ξοΐξ£σκ,ζύομοιι, (same and άξίσκω) I render myself pleasing to. 'Έ,ζΰίζύςεύ), ίξχξβζόω, (same and άξύξόω) I put out of joint. " Έζα^ίθμέύ), -ω, f. -τισω, p. ^ξτίζΙβμΎΐκοί, 1 a. ίξγίξίύ/ατισοί, 1 f. pass, ϊξιχ,ζίθμ.γιύ'ησομ,οιι, (from same and άζΐύμ,ος) I enumerate, re- count. 'Έξοίξί^/^^σίς, -ίως, v), (from preced.) e- numeration, recounting. ^ Έ^,α,ζκίω, -ω, (l| and ά^κίω) I am sufficient. 'Έξχξκ'ης, -ίος, ο, ^, (from same) suffi- cient. 'Έξΰΐζί/ίο/^ύοα, (l| and άξΑομαή I utto^ly deny. Έξοίξνγιτίκος, -07, -ov, (from same) dispos- ed to deny or refuse. "Έξαξ!/ος, -ov, 6, ^, (from same) one ivho denies, a denier. ' Έξοίξ'τηχ,ζύ), (If and ά,ζ'ττά,ζω) I take away by violence. "Έζχζσις, -tog, Attic -mg, vj, (same and οίξσίς) a lifting up, setting out, taking away out, extirpation. Έξαζτύω, -ω, p. pass. Ιζ7}ξτΥΐμοίί, (same and α,ζτύύ)) I join together, hang from, at- tach to. "Εζ,ΰίξτϋω, or Ιζαξτίζω, f. -ϊσώ), p. I|'^^- τικΰί, p. pass, βξ'ήξτίσ,αχί, (from same and όίζτιος) I complete entirely, furnish or fit completely. 404" 'E|i»gi/iy, (fc"| and άξύω) I draw out water, exhaust. Έξχξχ^ς, (for l| «e^iji) from the begin- ning. "Έξΰίξχος, -ov, 6, (from II and άςχ'ή) a leader, beginner, exarch. 'Έξάξχύ), (same and οίξχω) I begin. 'Έ^χσθΒνίω, -ω, (same and άσύίυίω) I am destitute of strength. 'Έξχσκίύ), (same and άσκ,ίύ)) I exercise or discipline thoroughly. ' ΈξΰΐστζόίΤΓτω, (same and άστζάτττω) I emit fiashes of light, shine, glister as light- ning. " Έ,^Λτιμ,άζω, and Ι^,α,ημά,ω, (same and άτιμ,ύζω or drif^xo)) I despise. "Έξύττω, (same and α,ττω) I jump or spring out. 'Έξχυοίίι/ω, (same and α,νοίίυω) I dry up. 'E|uiyyi3i, -iog, 6, 4 (from same and ocvyvi) shining out. 'ΈξχνΙάίϋ, (same and α,ν^άω) I speak out. ' Έξ,ανλίζομ.χί, (same and ανλίζομ,οίΐ) I march out, remove my tent. ' Εξάντας, (from ξξo?^£cj, (same and Μντο/^,ολίω) I desert. 'E^avxspiafcog, -ov, 6, (from same and α.νχ'ήΐ/) contumacy, violence, extortion. Έξχνχίω, (same and ανχέω) J exult. ΈξοιφΛίξίο^ύΧί, (same and άφαίξίομ,Μΐ) I take away out, destroy. 'Έξοίφίνιμι, (same and άφίημ>ι) I send away out, launch out, hurl. ' Έξα,φ/στόί/ίίχί, (same and άφίστοί[Λ(χ,ι) I stand away out, differ from. Έξΰΐφξίζο/ί6Χί, (same and α,φξίζω) I foam out. Έξοίφνω, (same and ά,φνω) I pour out. Έξεγγυΰίω, (same and βγγνάω) I give a bail. Έξεγβίξύ), (same and Ιγζίξω) I raise up. Έξίγίξσις, -so)g, 7], (from preced.) a ris- ing up. ΈξίΙξ», -ocg, 7], (li and Ι'δ^α) a place for sitting and conversation, a porch, hall, gal- lery, chamber, luithdrawing-room ; a sink, seiuer. "Ε^ξ^ζος, -ov, 6, 7}, (from same)/roj» one's seat, out from home. ΈξΙδω, (If and eba) I eat up. ' E^dlo), (same and ζΊ%ω) I see or know fidly. ''^j^u'/ig, (for gfij?) in order. Έξζΐχάζο), (If and ίΐκιχζω) I assimilate. Έξζίχον/ζω. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Έζετααις. 'Έξίίκονίξω, (same and ξΐκ,ουίζω, which from UKuu) I complete a form or likeness. Έξξίλίω, ίξξίλύω, (same and ίΐλέω) I roll out, unfold. Έ^Βίλλω, (same and ύ'ΧΚω) I tumble out. "E^sifii, (same and g/^i) / am out, am lawful or right ; 'i^san, it is laivful; το s^ou, that which is lawful. "E^sjfci, (same and sTfit) I go out ov forth. Έξίί'ττω, (from same and ίττω) I speak out. Έξίίξγω, (same and Βΐξγω) I exclude, prohibit. 'Έξείξύω, (from same and ζξύω) I draw out. Έξέίζω, (same and uqu) I disengage, pull out. Έ|£;ίλίλ)ίσ/5ίζώ), (same and 1>οκλνισ{άίζω) I call together an assembly. ^ΈζέΤ^όίσ/ς, -sug, Ιζίλασίχ, -χς, ^, (from next) a driving out, departure. 'Έξε7\.χννω, (l| and Vhcivvoi) I drive out, ride out, expel, forge, form bricks. 'Έ^ζΚίγχω, (same and Ιτ^ίγχ,ο)^ I convince or convict thoroughly. ' Έζίλίυύίζοστομίω, (same and ίΚίυύίξοστο- μίω) I speak out with freedom, am insolent. ' Έ^ελίύύύ). See ί^ίζχ,ο/^χι. 'ElsA^y^di, ίζίΆίσ^ύός, -ου, 6, ί^ί7\.ιζ,ζς, -ίως, 71, (from next) an evolution, a counter- march. 'ΈζίΆισσύ), or -ττώί, (l| and ίλΙσσω) I un- fold, open, order a counter-march. 'Εξίλκτεον, (from next) it is necessary to draw out. 'Έ,^ίΆκύω, and Ιξ,ίλκω, (l| and ίλκύω or 'ίλκοή I draw out. Έξίλω. See Ι^α,ΐξίύ). Έξίμίω, -ω, (l| and έμίω) I vomit out. 'E^sfiTirsloa, (same and ε/ΐί-τηΐόω) I render quite firm. Έξε^τΓολάώ), Ι'ζ^ίμ,ττο'κίύ), (same and ίμ.- ΊζοΊκάω^ I sell off, traffic. 'E^iuoiyriccg, and Ιξ Ιζ/ίκί'τ/ίΐίί•, (from same and svocvTiog) on the contrary, on the opposite side. Έξίυχξίζω, (same and £νιχ.ζίζω) I strip the slain of their arms. 'Έξ,βνίγκ,ω. See ζκ,φίξω. ΈξζΑ'ττω, (s| and εζ/£χω) / proclaim, an- nounce. 'E^sTToiL•, (same and ίττόβω) I soften by charms, or incantations. ' E^iTTcciQa, (same and Ι'ττα,ίζω) I instigate: s^sTT oc ί (I o/ic a {, I lift myself tq), pride myself. Έ^ί'ζτίνχο/^ύΐί, (same and ΐττίύχομαί) I boast of publicly. ' Ε.^ίπ-ίστόίμ,χί, (same and Ιττίσταμαίΐ) I know well. Έξέ7:ίτνί^£ς, (from same and ίττη-^^'^ζ} on pu7'posc. ' Εξίξΰ/ίίχ,, -οίτος, το, (from next) evacua- tion or matter evacuated by vomit, vomit. Έξζξάω, (from II and ίξχ) I pour out, vomit. Έ^ζζγάζο(Α,Λΐ, (same and ίξγύξο/^χί) I work out, perfect, finish. Έξίξγοίσία, -ocg, % (from preced.) a working out, perfecting. Έ^ίζγοιστίκ,ός, -ου, 6, ij, το -6u, (from same) elaborate, capable of effecting. 'E^i^esiucu, (l| and i^aiva) I ask, search, or seek out. Έ^ίζίύίζω, (same and Ιζ&ύίζω) I irritate greatly. "Ε^ίξζ'ΐ'τΓω, (same and ίξί/ττω) I throw down, pidl down, demolish. Έ^6ξ&ύγύ>), and s^sQsoyof^oii, (same and ίξίύγω) I belch out, throw out, send forth abundantly. Έ^ί^ίυι>άύ), -oi, (Ι| and Ι^ίυϋά,ω) I search very diligently or carefully. Έξ£ξΒύνγ}σίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, tj, (from preced.) a very diligent search. Έ^ζξίω, (if and Ιξίω) I speak out, de- clare: £^i^iof/>oii, f. -'ησομ,α,ί, or Ι^ίζομοίΐ, I ask of, interrogate. Έξζξτη/χόω, (same and ίζτ^μ,όω) I make ut- terly desolate, empty out. Εζ,£ξίζο), (same and ίι^ίζω) I contend ea- Έζ,ζζίστνις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a very contcfitious person. ' Εζξζ^ϊΐνεύο/χοίί, (l| and ΐξμ-η^ίύω) I in- terpret. Έξ,ίζττόύ), ί^έξ-π-ω, έ^εζττύζω, (same and g^Trij) I creep forth, cause to creep forth. Έζ,ίρρω, (same and ίρρω) I'^o out, vanish: i^sppe, be gone. Έζεξϋκ,ύ), (same and Ι^ύκδ)) I draw aiuay. "Ε^ίζύω, ζζίίζύω, (same and βξύύ)) I draw or pull out. Έξίξχο/ίύίχ,ί, (same and ίξχομ,αί) I go or come out or forth, depart, spring, arise from, go away, vanish, cease. Έζίξωίύ), (same and ίξωίω) 1 flow out, withdraw. ' Ε^βξθ)τάύ}, (same and Ιζωτύω) I ask out. 'E^salcc, -ας, v), Ion. Ι^εσί-ή, (from same and "iYif^i) an embassy. "E^saig, -sag, oj, (from same) a sending away. Έξίσμ^ω!/, imperf. of Ικαμ-άύ), they wi2)ed "Ε^ίστι, (see s^sifii) it is lawful. Έξ,ετά,ζύ), (ίΙ and έτύζω) I examine or inquire accurately or thoroughly, examine, ask. Έ|£τ«σ/?, -iog, Attic -eojg, vi, and i^iToca- f^og, -ου, 6, (from preced.) examination, in- quiry. 405 * Εξεταστέο V. A GREEK LEXICON. Έξίΰωΰ/ς. 'E^eretarsou, -ου, το, (from same) what is to be inquired into. Έξετχστ'^ς, -ον, ο, (from same) an ex- aminer, censor. Έξετχστϊκος, -^, -ou, (from same) qualified to examine : Ι^ξτα,στικως, scrupulously, with exactness. 'Έξέτγις, -ου, 6, (from I'f and ίτος) six years old. Έξίη, (l| and ίτ/) ever, still, from that time. Έξίνμ,χξίξω, (same and ξύ^^οίξίζω) I ren- der easy, alleviate. Έζίν^ίριζομαί, (same and ώμ>ζΐ/ίζο[Λίχ,ί) I appease, conciliate. Έξευττοςίζύ), (If, su and 'ττοζΙζω) I sup- ply abundantly. Efiv^c^ot, or ζξ,ζύξγιμοί, -οίτος, το, and ζζίύξβσίς, or ίξεύξησίς, -ιος, or -ζως, v), (from next) invention, discovery, gain. 'Έξ,ενξίσκω, (l| and ξύζίσκω) I find out, 'Έζευτίλίξω, (same and ώτεκίζω) I vilify. Έξ^υτζεττίξω, (same and εΰτξεττίξω) I manage well. 'Έ,ξίνχο/ϋοα, (same and ευχ,οι^α,ι) I boast openly, profess to be, have the honour. Έξεφϊε/ίίοί/, (same and εφίγιΐΛΐ) I enjoin. 'Έ,ζίχω, and ε^έχ,ομ,αι, (same and εχω) I excel, am eminent, am without or beyond, hold myself out to view. Έξε-ψω, (same and ε-ψω) I boil out. 'E|oj, -ϊίς, 71, (from εχω) subsequence, suc- cession, order ; εξγις, or kccU' εξγ^ς, in subse- quence, successively, immediately in succes- sion. "Εξγιβος, -ου, 6, 7}, (from l| and ^^β^) one who has left the class of young men, and ranks with men as having passed the age of thirty; one who has passed the vigour of life. Εζγίγεομ,αί, -ovf^ai, (same and τ^γεομαι) 1 declare, relate thoroughly and particularly, recount. Έξνιγ•^σίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, ν;, (from pre- ced.) a narration, exposition. ' Έξιηγγιτ'ίίς, -ου, 6, (from same) an inter- preter, expounder. ' Έζτηγοξίίζ, -χζ, VI, (from ε^Λγοξεύω) a de- claration. ' Έξ,7}κορτχ, οί. Oil, r», (from II) sixty. Έ.ζ,γικοντοίετ'-ής, -ου, εζ,νικ,οντούτγις, -εος, 6, (from preced. and έτος) sixty years old. 'Έζ'/]κω, (fc| and ^κω) I come out, travel through, arrive at, finish. Έ|)5λ«τοί, -Ύΐ, -ou, (from same and Ιλαν- νω) beaten or driven out. ' Έ,ξγιΧίά,ζω, (same and 'ηλίάξω) I expose to the sun. Έξ7]Άνσίς, -εως, jj, (from ε^εΚεύύω) egress. 406 'El^^fic^, (f| and 7)[/,Λζ) for six days. 'Έξτη/αεζόω, (If and ν]/Λεξόω^ I tame, civi- lize. Έ^γΐμεςοίσις, -εως, ί], (from preced.) a tam- ing, civilizing. ^Έζ,νιμ,οιβος, -τι, -ou, (from ε^Λ/Λείβω) fitted for change. ^Έ^'ήυιος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from l| and iji//a) un- curbed. ' Έ^τΐϋΰτος, -ov, (from same and ά,νΰω) practicable. 'E|3jg£rji«o?, -ou, (from same and Ιζετι^ος) waving like oars, expanded. ΈΙ'^ί, (for κ.οί& ΐί,νις, gen. of sfij) in order, next to, forthwith. Έζγ]χεω, -ω, (l| and νιχ,εω) I sound forth. ' Έ,ζίάο/ίί.οα, (same and Ίάομ,οίί) I heal completely. 'Έ,ζ,ί^ίόο/^ύοίΐ, (same and ι^ίόω) I take ano- ther's property. 'E|/Sriy,(from εξ and Ιίω) I sweat through, unload the bowels. 'Έξί^ξΰω, (same and ίΐζύω) I set apart. 'Έξίημ,ί, (same and 'irif^i) I send or j^'^d out. 'Έξιόϋνω, (εξ and Ιβϋνω) I make straight out, direct, rule. 'Έξίκετεύω, (same and ικετεύω) I suppli- cate, prevail by supplication. "Έξϊκ,ω, εξίκομοι,ι, εζικνέο/ίίοίΐ, (same and 'ίκω) I come out of one place into another, arrive at; come as a supplicant; reach, ob- tain, discern, hit, cause to reach or obtain. Έζιλιζο/ίίοίΐ, and εί,ι7\.ά,σκομ,ο(.ι, (same and ΊΤκά,ομ,αι or ί7\.άσκ,ο/ίύί!ίΐ) I expiate, make full atonement for, appease, render propitious. 'Έξίλέίσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v], εξιλοίσμχ, -χτος, το, and εζι'λχσ/^ίός, -ου, 6, (from pre- ced.) an expiation, atonement. 'ΈξιΤ':ΐ-ύζομχι, εξί'ΤΓττεύομοιι, (εζ and ίττ- 'πεύω) I ride forth. ^ΈξίτΓτγιμ,ι, and εξί'πτα,μ.Λΐ, (same and 'ί'πτα.μ,Μΐ) I fly out or away. "Εξις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v}, (from εχω) habit, use. 'Έξισύζω, and εξισόω, -ω, (from s| and Ισος) I equal. 'Εξίσου, (from same) equally, alike. Έξίσττημι, or εξισταίω, -ω, {εξ and h- τγιμι or ίστάω) I remove out of my place or state, am out of my wits, am beside myself, am transported beyond myself, am astonished, amazed, astounded, 'Έξιστοζέω, (same and ίστοξίω) I search out. Έξισχϋω, (same and ισχύω) I am thor- oughly able. 'Έξίσχω, (same and ι'σχω) I put forth. Έξίσωσις, -εως, τ], (from εξισόω) an equal- ising. Έξίττιλος, A GREEK LEXICON. Έξοξόόω, *Ε|/τ>ίλ, -ου, ο, 7], (from ί^αμή tran- sient, forgotten. 'Έξίτγιτίο!/, (from same) it is necessary to go out. "Εξ,ιγ,νίύω, ίξίχι/ίύξω, and έξίχνοσχοτ-ίο- fAdi, (ΐί and ίχνεόω) I investigate, search out. "Έζ,ιχνιχσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from ίζ,ιχνιά,ζω) a searching out. Έξ/ίί,ί^ιμι/ος, -ov, (sf and μίΐί/ίίνος) con- taining six medimni, i. e. about twelve of our bushels. 'Έξογκ,όω, (same and όγκόω) I swell out, pile up, bury, extol. ^Έί,όγχ,ωμ,Λ, -ccrog, ro, (from preced.} a grave, a tomb. Έίοδε/βί, -χς, τ], (from εξοίος) a going out, expedition. "Ε'ζ,οΙίύω, ΙΙοδίώί, and Ι|οδάώ>, (from same) I go out. Έ|οδ/ί5ί, -Λς, VI, same as i^ohsict. ΈξοΙίοίζω, (from preced.) I go out, cause to go out, expend. Έ|οδ/οζ/, -ου, το, (from ζξ,οίος) an exit, end; conclusion of a dramatic entertaitiment ; the last day of a solemn festival. Lev. xxiii. 36. Num. xxix. 35. Deut. xvi. 8. where the gives it as the rendering of n'lyj?» a solemn feast-day, in which men were re- strained from labour. 'Έ^ο^οίττοζίω, (l| and ό^οίττοξίω) I tra- vel abroad. "Έ^οοος, -ου, vj, (same and όΙός) a going out, expedition, departure, decease, exit. Έ^όζω, Dor. Ι|οσδω, (same and οζω} I give out a strong smell, stink. ΈζοιΙίω, (same and οΙΙίω) I swell out. 'Έ,ξοίκίύ), (same and οΐκίω) I change my abode. ' Έζοίκνισϊμος, -oy, (from same) habitable. ^ Εποικίζω, (11 and οικίζο)) I eject from a house : Ι^,οικίζομ,^, I change my house, re- move. ' Έξοικο^ομίω, -ω, (same and οίκοΖομίω) I build up, finish building. "Έξοίκος, -ου, 6, (same and οίκος) an exile. ^Έζ,οιμωζω, (same and οίμωζω) I cry out, make loud lamentation. "Έ,^οίνος, -ου, 6, vi, (from next) inflamed with wine. 'E|o/j/ow, (si and oiuou) I inflame with wine. "Έ^οιστζίω, (same and οίστςίω) I sting, ill/lame with violent passion. ' E^oiaTQYj'hctTeofiUi, (same and ο'ιστξγιλχ- τίομχί) I am stung, am agitated by thefunes. 'ΈζοίχΆύ), ί^οίχομοίΐ, (same and οϊχ,νίω or οϊχω) I go or march out. Έξο/ώί. See Ικφίζω. Έξοχίλλω, f. -iXu, 1 a. i^cuTcu'het, (ίξ and οχΑλλω) I dash against, destroy. Έ|ολ6ώ>, (same and ολεώ») / utterly de- stroy. ^ΈξοΤ^ίσύίω, ίξοΤ^ίσβω, ίξολίσύχι/ω, ίξολισ- θοίίνω, (same and 6Άισ6ίχ.Ίνω) I escape. Έξόλλυμί, (same and ολλυμή I utterly destroy. ΈξοΤ^όΰξευμα, -οίτος, το, and ζζ,οΤ^όθξ^υσις, -ιος, Attic -£ως, τ], (from next) utter destruc- tion. ΈζοΆούξίΰω, (έ| and όλοβξίΰω) I destroy idterly. ' ΒξομοίΤ^Ιζω, (same and όμοιλίξω) I make smooth and even, plane, polish. Έξομβξίω, -ω, or Ι^ομβ^ίζω, (same and όμβξέω) I pour out as rain. 'Εξομιλίω, (same and όμι^Αω) I associate, converse, or correspond ivith persons out of the circle of my own friends or countrymen, that is with strangers οΐ foreigners. 'Έζόμΐλος, -ου, ο, '/], (from same)/o7'^g72, extraordinary attendance. ' Έ,ζομαόίτόω, (l| and ομ,μοίτόω) I open the eyes, take out the eyes. 'Έζόμνυμ{, εξόμυνμαί, l|o,woiy, (same and ομού)) I resign, refuse, or deny, upon oath. 'Έ^ομόύεν, (from same and 6 μου) from the same place. 'Έξομοίόω, -ω, (same and ομοιόω) I make like. ' Έζ,ομοίωσις, -εως, oj, (from preced.) assim- ilation, conformity. ' ΈζομοΤ^ογίω, -ω, (l| and ομο'Κογεω) I promise ; mid. / confess, own, profess ; Λvith a dative following, / give praise or glory to, glorify. 'Έ,^ομοΤ^όγγισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from perf pass, of preced.) confession, celebra- tion, thanksgiving, praise, honour, glory. ^Έ^ομό^γομα,ι, (l| and ομόξγω) I wipe out or ofl^; I take off an impression, copy. ' Έ.ξονείΙίζω, (same and οι/εί^ίζω) I speak out my reproaches. ^ Επονομάζω, and εξουομοίίνω, (same and ονομάζω, or όνομ^ίνω) I address by name, name. ' Έζονομχκ,λνι^ϊΐ!/, (from l|, οι/ομα and ku- λίω) expressly by name. 'E|oV?^ev, ε^ότΓίσθεν, εζο'ττ'ίσω, ε^ό~ισύε,{εζ, and ο'τησθε^ from behind. "Έ.^ΟΊτ'ΚγισίΛ, or Ιξοττλισίΰί, -ας, IfoVA/^/?, -εως, ί], (from next) armour, arming, armed force. 'Έξοττλίζω, (l| and ό'π-λίξω) I arm com- pletely. 'Έξοξάω, (same and όξχω) I see out from, see distinctly. ^ Εζ,οξγίζω, (same and όξγίζω) I exaspe- rate. Έζοςύόω, (same and όξύόω) I make out straight, correct, regulate. 407 Έξοξύξίζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Έξόφύαλμος. 'Έξοξύξίζω^ (ίξ and όξύζίζω) I rise or come early in the mojming. 'E|o^/^λ)7, -γις, VI, (from 'έξω and. Ικάω) ejectment. 'Εξουσία, •χς, vj, (from εξειμ,ι) liberty, power, licence, privilege, dignity, right, au- thority, jurisdiction ; εζουσίχι, angels or a certain order of angels, good or bad; Ιξου- α'ια,υ Ιγβΐν, 1 Cor. xi. 10. to have a vail; this phrase is commonly accounted for by calling the vail the sign of being under the power and authority of another, i. e. the husband. So Parkhurst, who quotes GEcu- menius, 'Κά.'Κυμ^μ.α, "ivoc φα,ίνηται, οτι ύττό eζoυσίΰcu τυγχάνει, the vail that it may ap- pear she is under aidhority ; and Theophy- lact. To του εξουσιάζεσ^οίί σΰμ,βολο!/, τουτίσ- Ti, το κ,άλυρο^Λοί, the sign of being under au- thority, that is, the vail. Schleusner, on the other hand, explains it to be, because the vail was used among the Jews by married, but not by unmarried women, and was a sign of honour, because the condition of the married was held to be superior to that of the unmarried. On the same principle, he thinks, that " a covering of the eyes," Gen. XX. 16. is rendered t^u τιμ,'^ν του τΓζοσω'ττου. Middleton conjectures, that a vail might have acquired the name εξουσίοο from the poiuer or license, which it gave the wearer to appear in public ; for with- out it she was not permitted to leave her chamber. 'Εξουσιάζω, f. -οίσω, p. εξουσίΛχ,α,, 1 f. pass, ίξουσιοίσύτισο,αοίΐ, p. pass, εξουσίοίσμχι, (from preced.) / have power or right over, exercise power or aidhority over, oppress. 'Έξουσιοίσττίς, and εξουσιοίστικος, -ου, ο, (from perf. pass, of preced.) one that has power or doininion, a lord. Έξοφί7\.λω, (l| and όφεΆΆω) I increase. Έξόφύ()ίλf<>oς, -ου, 0, Vi, (same and όφύχλ- 16 'Εξ^»7. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ'τα,γλαιζω, μος) having prominent eyes ; exposed to the eyes, manifest, Έξοχ'ή, -vjg, V}, (from Ι^ίχω) eminence, re- putation: κατ i^o^'^u, excellently^ in high esteem or station, pre-eminently. "Εξοχος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same) surpassing, eminent, distinguished^ prominent: 'ϊζ^οχιχ,, and ίξόχ,ως, eminently, excellently. Έξυβοίξω, (11 and ύβξίξω) I treat luith insolence, am insolently injurious. 'Έξυ^ξόω, (from same and υΐωζ) I pro- duce water by filtrating through sand. ' ΈζυΤ^ΰίκτέω, (same and ύλχκτίω) I bark out. ' Έζντηχ,ί/ίστιημί, (from l|, ύττο, duec and 'iarrifii) I rise up from under. Έξυτηί'ττω, (from l|, ύ-ττο and ί-ττω) I suggest, advise. Έ^ύττίξβί, (l| and νττεξύε) above. Έξντη/ίζύ}, (from same and ΰττνος) I awake or rouse another out of sleep. "Έ,ζντΓΐ/ος, 'Ου, 6, τ], (from same} awake, roused out of sleep. Έξυ-π-τίάξύ), (II and ύτΓΤΐά,ζίο) I lifi up my head, walk stately ; turn up or lay open a victim to examine it, analyse, interpret. ^ Εξυφούνω, (same and υφαίνω) I weave out, finish a web, compose. 'Έξύφα,σμοί, -ccrog, ro, (from preced.) a lucb. 'Έ,ξυφήγεο^Λί,^έξ and ύφτιγίο/ΛΟίή I lead out. Έξνψόω, -ω, (from Ιξ and ΰ-^ος) I exalt. "Εξω, (from l|) out, without; with the article, outer, external. "Εξωβί!/, (from preced.) from without, without, outwardly ; with the article, the outside, things external, foreign, or inappro- priate. Έξω^ίύ), -ω, f. -"ήσύ), and Ιξωύύ), f. -lyau, (l| and ώ'^ίω or ω'^ο)) I drive out, expel, dnve or thrust a ship out of the sea, viz. into a creek, Acts xxvii. 39. Έ|6)λ£/«, -cig, 7], (from next) utter de- struction. Έξύ)λ-/ΐζ, -sog, 6, vj, (from Ιξ and oXhvf^i) abandoned, desperate ; utterly destroyed, utterly destriictive. Έξωμίας, -ου, ο, (from εξωμ,ος) a menial. Έξύψ.ίύοττοίΐα, -ccg, τ}, (from same and 'TToiio)) jacket-making. Έξωμ,ίζύ), f. -^ίσύ), (from same) / make hare up to the shoidders. Έξύψ.Ις, -loog, 7], (from εξωμια,ς) a jacket used by menials. "Εξωμ,ος,- -ου, ο, τ}, (εξ and ωμ,ος) bare to the shoulders, stripjyed for labour: (from εξόμνυμ,ι) denied on oath. ' Εξωμοσία, -ocg, 7], (from same) denial on oath. "Εξωνεομοίΐ, (l| and ώι/εο^α/) I buy out, redeem. Έξάτηος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and ώίψ) out of sight, absent. Έξύψάξω, (from next) / delay till the season is gone. "Εξωξος, -ου, 6, v], (from εξ and ωξα) out of season, past one's bloom, late, decayed. "Εξωσμοί, -cirog, το, (from εξω^εω) expul- sion. "Έξωστ-^ις, -ου, 6, (from same) a driver out, expeller. Έξωστζίχ,, -ccg, 'ή, (from same) a balcony. "Εξωτα,τος, -η, -ov, (superlative of εξο)) outermost, utmost, Έξωτεξϊχ,ός, -vi, -ου, (from same) belonging to the outside, superficial; an epithet applied to the popular works of Aristotle. See under iyKiyJKiog. Έξό}τεξος, -oc, -ov, (comparative of same) outer, exterior. See σκ,ότος. "Eo, for ου, of himself: eot, for ol, to him- "EoiKoc, -ccg, -ε, perf. raid. Attic for οΪ-λά, from εΐκω. 'Eolacc, Dor. for εουσοο, pres. part. iem. from εΙμί: εον, for t^ou, 2 a. or for '^v, im- perf. of same. "Εοζγχ, -ccg, -ε, perf. mid. of ρεξω. See p. 73. Έοζτά,ζω, f. -οίσω, (from εο^τ'^) I feast, keep or celebrate a feast. Έοζτά,σ'ίμος, OV hoQTciaT'i>cog,-'^,-ov,(^rom preced.) festive, joyous. 'Εόξτασμίί, -oiTog, το, and εοζτασμος, -ου, ο, (from same) a feast. Έοξτνί, -v}g, 'ή, a solemn feast or festi- val. Έος, εά, εόν, or εεύς, gen. lijo?, for og, (from ου) his own, her own, their oivn. "Ε'τζα,^οι,ίομΛΐ, (from k'lti and ά,γαίομοίΐ) I rejoice or glory in. Έτταγά,Τ^'Κομοίί, (from same and dycch- Τ^ομ,οίί) I glory or exidt in. ΈτΓοίγΰίνύίκ,τίω, (from same and dyet- uccktU)) I am indignant at. 'E^ctyysx/flc, -ag, τ], (from next) a pro- mise, the act of promising, or the thing pro- mised. ^ETVccyykXho), (from εττΐ and dyyiXKoi) I declare, denounce; mid. promise, profess. Έ'7:ccyyihμa,, -ccTog, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a jjromise. ^E'7ΓCΛyεί(^ω, (from e-ri and clyetQa) I ga- ther together. 'ETTocysQaig, -zug, ij, (from preced.) a col- lecting of an army. 'ETTocynu, 2 a. pass, of Trviycj. ^ETTocyrAu, Ion. for iToiyu). Έ7nχ,yλccΐζω, (from έττΐ and ccyλcc(ξω) I F ' 409 ' Έ,ΐίαγξΐόω. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Έ.'ΐταΧγι&ζΰω. render illustrious, signalize ; mid. pride my- self, exult. "Έ'ΤΓοίγζΐόω, -ω, (from same and οίγξίος) I exasperate, 'Έ'π•ίχ,γςυ';τ>ίύ), (from same and άγξνπ-Αίύ) I keep awake upon, watch over. 'ETi2y6j,(from Ιττί and oiya) I bring upon. Έ,ττα,γωγνι, -vjg, sj, (from preced.) « Z>nwg- ing upon, or what is brought upon one, as punishment, adversity, captivity. 'Έ,'π•ΰίγύ)γϊμος, -ou, (from same) brought upon by incantation. ^Έττόίγωγος, -vj, -ου, (from same) calculat- ed to persuade, conducive, alluring. Έ7!:Όίγωυίζομ,ΐχ.ι, (from h-yrl and άγωνίζο- μα,ί) I strive or contend earnestly for. '^jTTciymiog, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a de- fender. 'Έττά^ω, and ΙτταύΙω, (from Ixi and οβω, contr. for άίβω) I use incantation, charm. Έτΰΐείξω, (from same and άείξω) I lift up upon, place upon, extol, impel. Έττοίίξύ), (from same and άίξω) I in- crease upon, cause to increase, prosper. "ΈτΓοίύλον, -ου, το, (from same and ιχύλον) a reward of victory, prize. 'Έττχύξοίξύύ, (from same and άύζο'ιζω) I crowd upon : ίτταύξοίζομοίΐ, I collect round. Έ'π-χίύζύ), (from same and αΐά,ξω) I la- ment over. 'ETTDiiyiuTCiTtg, 'ί^ος, τ], (from same and ulyiochog) situated on the shore. Έπ-οαγίζω, (from ΙττΙ and α'ιγίζω) I blow vehemently upon, rush upon. ΈττΰίίΙέομ,οα, (from same and cclliofccn) I am ashamed at. ' Έ,ττοίίνίσίς, -sag, vj, (from Ιττοίΐνίω) praise. ^Έ'ττα,ιυίτνις, -ου, 6, (from same) an appro- ver, eidogist. ' R-TrciiuiT^iKog, -vi, -ou, (from same) quali- fied to praise, skilled in praising. ''ETroccysTog, -τι, -oV, (from next) laudable. ^Έταινίω, -ω, and Ιτταινίζω, (from ΙττΙ and xiuia) I bestow praise upon, give praise or commendation to. "^TTonvog, -ου, ό, (from same) praise; in 1 Cor. iv. 5. it is taken for the sentence due, whether praise or blame, as elogium is in Latin. ΈτΓίί/^ώ), (from \•τΐ\ and a'iQO)) I lift up, hoist, exalt, raise; mid. lift up myself; pass. am lifted up in pride. ^Έττα,ίσύά,νομ,α,ί, (from same and ctiadccuo- μοίί) I perceive, am sensible of. " Έττοίΐσσω, (from same and ά'ί'σσω) I rush upon. ^'E'Tira.'ioTog, -ου, 6, vj, (from Ιττοίί'ω) noto- rious. 'Έ,ττοίίσχύυομ,οι,ι, (from same and α,Ισχ,ϋνο- f^oii) I am ashamed of. 410 Έττα/τίώί, ^ω, (from same and Λίτίω) I beg, ask an alms, ask over and above. Έττ αίτησις, -iog, Attic -sag, vj, (from pre- ced.) begging. "Έ.'ποι,ιτιά,ομ,α,ί, -a,ccoci, (from stti and cci- τιά,ομοίΐ) I blame for, accuse. ' ΈττοίΙτίος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and cci- τία) blamable, accused. 'Έττχΐω, (from same and d'i'a) I hear upon, listen to, hear. ' Έ.7Γοι/ύ)ξίομ6ίί, (from same and aUj^so^on) I hover upon, harass ; fluctuate, am unsta- ble. ' Έ-ττχκμύζα, (from same and κκ,μύζα) I grow ripe upon. "ΈτΓχκμος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and «κ- μνΐ) grown to full vigour, arrived at ma- turity. ΈτΓοίκ,οΤ^ουύίω, -ω, (from same and άκο- λουύία) I follow, am subsequent, ensue, fol- loiv diligently, prosecute, pursue a work. 'Έ,7Γοί,κ,6λοΰύ•/ίμ.Λ, -e&Tog, το, and sttockoT^oO- θγισις, -sag, v}, (from preced.) a consequence, effect. ^ , / , "l^'TraKoog, -ου, 6, (from Ιττοίκοΰα) a hearer,, judge. ^ ' Έ^ττάκουστος, -ου, 6, τι, (from next) au- dible. 'ΈτΓοίκοϋα, (from l-ri and ά,κούα) I hear^ hearken to. ΈτΓοίκξίζα, (from STirl and οίκζος) I place on the fop. ' Έ-ττΛκξοκομχι, -af^oii, (from same and άκζοά,ομ,οίΐ) I hearken, listen to. ' ΈτΓΰίκ,ξόΰσις, -tog, Attic -sag, % (from pre- ced.) a hearkening to. ^Έτχκ,ττίξ, -iJQog, 6, (from Ι-πΙ and ά,γα) a guide to, a hunter. 'ΈτΓοίΆΤίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ακτ^) upon the shore. ' E-TTocKTog, -yj, -ov, (from ί-ττύγω) brought to, imported, overcome, acquired. 'Έττοίκτξΐς, -loog, 7], (from same) an im- porting vessel, a fishing boat, a pirate. ' Έ-ττίχ,λοίλάζα, (from Ιττί and άλχλύζα) I shout at, return a shout. ^ΈτΓβίΚάομ,οιι, (from same and άΆά,ομ,α,ι) I wander, rove. Έ'ττα,Άοιστία, (from same and άλχστία) I commiserate, am indignant on account of 'ΈτοίΆείφα, (from same and άλειφα) I put ointment ιψοη, whether to mollfy or to excite. "ΚττοίΚεί,εο), (from same and άΆεξεα) I ward off upon, help. Έττοιλετξεΰα, (from same and cc7Ja') I grind upon. Έτταληβεύα, (from same and άλτηβεύα) I realize, verify, confirm. 16 Έ-^'αλ/ί'δΙω, A GREEK LEXICON. ΈταναίΤαύο^α/. Έταλ/ί/δέώί, (from ixi and άλ/νδέω) / iv7'ap or ro// m or upon. ' EiTflcA^jjg-, -fV, (from same and ά'ΚκΎΐ) sti^ong, fortified. ^'Ej'TTUh'KoiyVi, -τ^ς, ^, (from £•Τΰ4λλάσσι«} an exchange of pledges^ a contract. Έτταλλί»!, (from same) passing closely on each other. 'Έ,'π•όιλλοιζ{ς, -ζως^ ^, (from next) a mu- tual grasp, alternation^ distortion. Έταλλάσσω, f. -|ow another. 'Ετ«λ^£;Ό?, iEol. and by sync, for i(puih- Τ^όμίυος, from ζφάλλομχί. "Έ,τηχ,λξ/ς, 'ίος, Attic -ίώίί, 7], (from £vr< and ΰίλκ'η) a hulwarh. "Έ'ττοίΤ^ττυος, -oi^Xfrom same and ^άλττνος) cherishing, refreshing, pleasant. ' Έ,ττχλωστϊΐς, ^ov, 6, (from same and ά\οά,ο)) one who drove the cattle used in treading out corn, a thresher. 'Έ'ΤΓχμοίξίύω, (from same and ώμοί^ίνοή I drive a chariot upon, mark with wheels. Έττχμανξόω, -ω, 1 a. pass. ί7:^μ.οίυξύ}6γιν, (from same and άμχνξόω) I cover with darkness. 'Έττα,μ,ά,ω, (from same and af^aoi) I heap up corn, amass, hoard. 'ETTci^/SfltTij^, -7}ζος, 6, (from same and άνα,βα,ί])ω) one who comes up upon, an in- vader. 'ΈτΓοίΐΛίίβω, (from same and ά,(Λΐ'φω) I change one thing for another, exchange: ίΤΛμ,ζίβο{Λοίί, I change place, move from one side to another. Έ,'ττοι/χοίβίος, ί'τταμ,οιβος, or ΐ7τνΐ[Λθΐβος, -Vj, -ou, (from preced.) alternate, mutual, cor- responding: €7Τΰΐ(ίύοφόίΙϊς, ΐ7Γίί^ο//3άδον, al- ternately. Έ.7:Λμ.'7ΐίγ^ω, ίττοίμτήσγ,ω, (from ϊττΐ and ά(Λ7Γίχ,ω) I wrap about upon, cover up, heap upon. 'Έ.'ποίμ,ύϋτύ)(}, -οξος, ό, (from next) a help- er, protector, avenger. Έτταμνι/ύ), (from e-rrl and ά{Λύνω) I help, defend, avenge. 'Έ.'7!-οι,(Λφοτζξίζω, f. -'ϊσω, (from same and άμφότίζος) I am inclined to both sides, hesi- tate, am ambiguous. 'E'TTolu, or i'TTvjv, (from sTrei and oci/} if, after that, when. ΕττανοίβΛίνω, (from ΙττΙ and ά,υοίβοίί<^ω) I go up upon, am promoted. 'Έ'τταυοίβά,ΧΚω, (from same and «ι/α/Βάλ- "λω) I throw back iqwn, throiv over, put off, protract: ίττοίΐ/χβλϊΐ^ον, thrown over one upon another ; putting on or over. Έ'ττχυχβίβχζω, (from same and άι/οίβί- βοίζω) I draw or bring up upon, cause to ascend, force up, help up. 'Έττοίνοίβοά-ω, (from same and δίνοίβοχω) I cry out aloud. ''Έ'ττοίυοί'/κ,ά,ζω, f. -οίσω, (from same and άνοίγκά,ζω) I force upon, compel. ' 'R'TroiyocyKoiar^g, -ου, ό, (from preced.) «w exactor, oppressor. ^Έ'ττάνιχ,γκίς, (from ΪτγΪ and «yayxjj) of necessity, necessarily: rat ζττά,νιχ,γκ,ίς, viz. ouroi, things which are of necessity, neces- sary things. Acts xv. 28. ^ 'KTrciuccyo^iuof^ui, (from same and άνχ- γοζίΰω) I proclaim over and above. ' Έ,τηχ,νόίγω, (from same and άνύγω) I bring up again, returti, put, thrust forth. ' Έ.τΓοα/οί^ίΤΓλΰίζω, (from sttI, ai/ae and δ/- τΓλάζω) I repeat. ^ ΈτΓχνα,^ί'ΤΓΤ^ωσις, -εως, τ], (from ίπ-Ι and auoiVi'TTT^oiaig) a reduplication. ''Έτηχ,υα.θζά,ομοίΐ, (from ίττΐ, duoi and^gao- f^oii) I look back upon, reinspect. Άτίοί^ούζίσίς, -εως, y}, (from ετ^Ι and dyoti- ςεσίζ) a lifting up upon, overthrow. "Έσταναίξίω, -ω, (from same and duat{^ia) I take away out of life, kill: &7rccucx,iQio(A,ix,i, I lift up against, undertake or raise war / choose for myself. , 'Έττχι/χίξω, (from εττΐ, dvoe, and χίξω) I raise up: επ-οίνοιίςομοίΐ, I lift myself up, rise. ' Έττΰίυιχ,κ,οι,ίΐ/ίζύ), (from εττι and duoiKXivi- ζω} I renew. ' Έ^'ττανά,κ,ζΐμ,ίχ.ι, (from same and dvaxeif^on) I lie back upon, hang over. ' ETrocuoiKT^ccyxdi/oj, (from ί-ττΐ, dud and κΚαγχ,ά,νω) I set up a full cry. ^Έ'τΐ'οίΐ/οίκΤ'^ίνω, (from stitI and duoiKT^ivai) I recline. 'Έτταυοίκξούω, (from same ana dt /οίχξονω) I beat back upon, retreat. 'Έ,7τα.νχκν7ΓΤύ), (from same and dvxx.ii'K- τω) I bend or poiiit upwards. " Έ,τΓανοίΚοίίΛβχνύ), (from same and dvoc- Aot^/Sayij) / resume, repeat, revert further back. Έ^οίζ/ΰίλ/σκί•;, (from same and duccT^iaKu) I spend upon, consume in addition. 'Έτταυοιλογίω, (from same and duxT^oyscj) I open my thoughts more f idly, disclose. Έττΰα/χ/ΐΛίνω, (from same and duocf^iuo)^ I wait for. ' ΈτΓχυοί^Λίμ,ντ^σκύ), (from same and dvcc- μ,ιμ,ΐ/'ίισκω) I remind, put in mind or remem- brance. ' ΈτοίνοίΤΓΛϋομ,Λΐ, (from same and duoi- 'πχϋοίΛΛί) I rely, rest, repose myself upon, remain upon. 411 ' Έ^αναττιδάω, A GREEK LEXICON, EcracTo^sift. Έ'^οίνχ'ΧΊήΜό^, (from s%t and χΰα'π-γϊ^χω) I spring upon» Έ'ΤΓοα/α'^Άία, (from same and άι/ΰΟ'ττλίω) I sail back upojiy arrive at. 'Ένα,νοίρρίτΓτω, (from same and oiuappiit- T6)) / throw upon. "Έ'ττοίϋά,σζίσις, -sag, ^, (from same and άυΛσ&ίω) a shaking or brandishing at. Έ-^άζ/άστδίσ/ί•, -ζως, ^, (from same and άυά,στα,σις) a rising up upon, insurrection^ mutiny. 'Έ'π'χνχστξίφύ), (from same and άυα,ατοί- φω) I return, tutm back upon. 'Έ'πανοίτ^ίνω, (from same and avoiriiua) I stretch out upon, extend; hold out, pro- mise or threaten. Έττΰίροίτέλλω, (from same and οίι/οίτέλ- λώ)) I spring up upon, salhj forth. ' Έ'ττόίΰοίτ'ίύγιΐΛί, (from same and duccriUYi- μ>ι) I lay upon. 'EiTii^eiT^gpCiy, (from same and άνα,τζίχω) I run back to. ^.TTccuccr^vyaa, -ω, (from ΙτιτΙ, άνοί and 'ΐ^υγά,ω) I glean a vineyard. 'Έτιτοίν^φίξω, (from ΙττΙ and ά,^Λφί^ω) I bring up or back upon, bring back an ac- count, refer to, lay the blame upon. Έ'ΤΓοίναφοξοί, -ας, v], (from preced.) re- ference, repetition. ^Έ-τΓα,νΰίφϋσάω, (from Ι-πΙ and άνοίφνσάω) I blow or play on. ΈτΓοίνιχ,χωξίω, (from same and άυΛχω^ίω) I go back upon, retreat. ' ΈττανεγίΙξω, (from same and dueyd^a) I excite anew, rekindle. Έττάι/ξίμί, STTinuia, or sttccvsUj, (from s-tti, uu» and ίϊμή I return to, revert: i-Troivirkou, must return to. ' Έτται^έίττύ), (from lori, dva, and εττω) I proclaim, promise. ''ETTecus'hsvua, (Ixi and due'hsvua). See £'^etusξχoμ»i. Έττχνίξομοΐί, or ίττχνίίζομοα, (from ί-ττι, dud and £ξομχι) I question again upon, in- terrogate. 'ΈτΓχνίξχομαι, (from Ιτί and dl/sξχoμoιi) I come or return back again, 'Έττχνίξωτάω, (from sttI, dvd and Ιζα- τάω) I ask back upon, question again. 'Έ'π-ΰΐνίχω, (from ίττΐ and dus^a) I bear up, persevere. "Έιττοίϋ'ί^κω, (from Ιττ), dvd and v}x,o)) I return. ''Έ'ττανύίω, -ω, or ί-ττοίνάίκω, (from l-ri and άυύίω) I flourish or spring from. Έ'χανύξοίκ,Ιξω, (from same and οίνύξαξ) I broil upon: STrocuUQuxlg, -ι%ς, % a broiled fish. 'Έ'παυίηροί, (from same and dvirifci) I remit, relax, release, decline. 412 'Έ'ττοίνίσόω, (from Ι'πΙ, dud tod /σ06>) / equalize, bind together by equal rights. 'Έττχι/Ιστγιμί, (from Ιτ< and dviarrifAi) I rise up hostilely against. 'Έττύνο^ος, -ου, ^, (from ε-ττί', dvd and ohog) a return, a going back upon : an epa- nodos, or figure of speech, by which, in the latter part of a sentence, or stanza, there is a going back upon what went before in a reversed order, speaking first to the second of two things proposed, and then after to the first ; by which means the first and last make the greatest impression, and the second and third, being considered of subordinate importance, are thrown into the centre. This figure is frequent in the classical, but especially in the sacred writers, and has been called by bishop Jebb, the introverted parallelism. See his Sacred Literature, sect. iv. "Έτνοίνοζύόω, -ω, (from ί'πΐ and ανοζβόω) I correct. 'Έττανόξύωσίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from preced.) correction, amendment. ' ΈτΓχνοξύωτϊκ,ός, -oj, -oi/, (from same) cap- able of correcting, Έ-ττοίνοξούω, (from s'ttI and άνοξονω) I spring upon. ' ETToiUTccvvcj, or k'TTsuTUi/vci), f. -ΐισω, (from ΙτΓί and durocvva) I stretch out upon, extend. 'E-Tfliz^TsAAiy, for Ιτανί*τέλλώ>, / rise up, lift up. 'Έττκντ'ης, -εος, ο, i], (from s-ttI and όίντα) bending towards, skping, steep. ' Έττχντλίω, (from same and άκτλί&>) I pump upon, inundate. 'ETdua, (from same and dua) above^ upon, over, more than, 'E'Trdi/auetf, k'Trduatt, (from preced.) /ro7?z above. 'Έ-ττοίξιοζ, -ου, ο, vi, (from ί-ττΐ and οίξίος) equal in wotih, ivorthy, preferable : ί'ττα,ζ,ίως, worthily, justly. Έττοίξίοω, (from same and d^iou) I reckon fit or worthy; desire as fit, request. Έττΰίζόνίος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and οί^ων) rolling on an axis, voluble. 'Έτταξονόω, (from same) / enter on a tablet, register. Έ'ττχοιΙ'Κ, -τις, VI, and STruoiVnx,, -ας, τ], (from £7τι and dstla) incantation, charm. Έτηχ,οίΙός, -ου, 6, (from same) a charmer, one who practises incantation. 'ΈτΓΛττίΐ'Κίω, (from έττ) and άττϋΆΐω) I superadd threats. Έττοίττο^ύύ), (from same and d'Troloa) I equijjfor, suborn: s'TrctTro^oof^ocf, gii'd myself for, attack. ' Ε'ττα.'ττοςίω, (from same and ά'^οξέω) I am in doubt upon. *Ε'Τα^οΰτελλω, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ'ναχβης, Έττί^-τοστίλλω, (from ίττϊ and άττοστίλΤ^ω) I send away upon. Έτταττοστολί], -'^ί, ^, (from preced.) a sending upon. ' Έ.τΓΛ'ττύω, έττιηττύα, (from k^-l and άττύύ)) I shout at, clamour for. 'Έττάξχ, -See J 7], (from same and d^x) a curse upon, imprecation. Έττα^άο^ίί;, (from same and dQaoy.oii) I imprecate. Έ-^α^άσί,κο?, -oy, o, i;, (from preced.) execrable, liable to a curse. ^Έ,'ποι,ξάσσο}, and Ιτταρρύσσο), (from imrl and άζά,σσω) I strike upon, rush upon, 'Έττάξχτος, -ov, 6, "/], (from Ιττοί^άο,ϋί;/) execrated, under η curse. 'Ίί'ττύζγζίΛος, -ou, (ft'om st;-} and οίξγΒμο;) dark, obscure. ' Έ.'κά,ξγΰζος, -ov, (from same and οίξγυςος) p)lated. Έττά^δώ;, Ι•7Γα§δ£ΐίώί, (from same and oi^u)) I ivater, imbue. '' Έ'τΐο.ξ'ηγω, (from same and άξτιγοή I as- sist, succour. ' R-Tra^nym, -ouog, o, (from preced.) an assistant. 'Έτταξίστίξος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (fr'om ΙτΐΙ and άξ^ιστίζος) left-handed, awkward, unlucky: έτΓοίζίστίξχ, ίΤΓοίξίστίξως, awkiuardly. ^Έττοίξκίσις, -ίθ)ς, έτταξκ,ζίχ, -οίς, τι, (from next) assistance, relief. ^Έ,ττα,ξκίω, -ω, (from ί'ττι and άζ^κίω) I supply, relieve, support. "Κ'ΤΓοίζίΛοί, -ΰίτος, TO, and 'ΐιτοί^σίς, -ίος, Attic -ίως, 7], (from stt cci^oj) a lifting up, elevation, exaltation. ^ Έ,ττύξο^ξος, -ov, 6, 71, (from s-tti and αξού- Qu) on the earth, yet alive ; a husbandman. Έ'ΤΓΰίξτχω, (from same and άξτιχ.&)) I hang upon, impend. ' Έ'ΤΓΛζΤ'κς, -hog, 6, '^, (from next) ready. ^Έττα,ξτίζω, ίτηζξτνω, (from sttI and χξ- τίζω) I prepare for, fit to, fasten upon. ' ΈτΓΧζνστ'/ΐζ, -νίξος, ό, τι, and ζττχξνστξΐζ, -Ιόύζ, 7], (from same and άξύω) an instrument for drawing up liquids, tongs used in trim- ming lamps, pipes for supplying them with oil. '"KTrcify^iu,, -α,ς, τ}, (from same and οίξχο- μοίΐ) a province, district subject to one de- puty-governor. "Ε'ττοίξχος,-ον, ό, (from same) a prefect, dejJ u ty-governor. "Ε.'ττάξγ^ύ}, (from ί'ΤΓΐ and α,ζχω) I govern, ride over: Ιττάρχοι^ΰκ, I begin with, pour libation from. 'Έ.'ττά,ξω, (from same and όίξω) I fit or fasten upon. ' Έ'τΐοίζωγνι, -jjf, 'ή, (from next) assist- ance. Έττΰίξωγός, -ov, 6, (from ίττοίξ'ήγύ)} a helper. "Έττχσε, 3 sing. 1 a. of ττάσσω. 'Έττχσκ,ίω, (from sttI and άσκίοή I exer- cise upon, embellish, extol. 'Έττοισσντξξος, for Ιττασσότζξος, -α, -ou, (from same and οίσσον) near upon, crowded, one after another, in a series. ' Έ.ττΛστ'ής, -ov., 6, (from same and dsi^oj) one who uses incantations. 'Έ.ττχστξάί'τττω, (from same and χστξάττ- Ύοΐ) I flash upon. Έττΰίν'λίΛ^ -Οίς, 71, iTcoivKiov, -ov, TO, ϊτιταν- λις, -5ύ)ς, 9}, (from next) a dwelling, habita- tion. ^ΈττανΧίζομ,οί,ι, (from i'jirl and ανΤ^Ιζομαα) I lodge in a hut, tarry. 'Έ'τιτοίν'Κιος, or Wctvkiiog, -a, -ου, (from next) belonging to a lodge or court. "Εττχνλος, -ov, 6, (from Ιττί and χνΚτι) a fold, stall, shed, court, lodge. 'Έττανζόίνω, έττχνζ,ίω, (from same and xv- ^άνω) I groiu upon, augment. Κ'ττχύξεσίς, or ίττχύξνισις, -ίως, τι, (from next) enjoyment. 'Έ'7Γχνζίύ),έ7Τχνξίσκ,ομχί, ξττχύζω, Ιττχνξο- f4,xi, (from ίτΓΐ and xv^x) I live upon the air, share in, experience ; consume, devour ; breathe in, suppoi^t myself, enjoy. 'Έ-ττχύξίον, (from same and xv^ioii) to- morrow; 7] Ittxv^iou, viz. TiyA^x. "Έ,ττχντοφύξω, (i. e. εττ χντω φύ)ξω,^nthe very theft^ in the very act ovjact. 'Έτι-χν-χβνιος, -ov, 6, τι, (from Ιτιτϊ and xv- γ,νιν) upon the neck. 'Έ,ττχνχίω, (from same and χνγΐίοΐ) I re- joice or glory in. 'ΈτΓχνύ), iTTciyrsiy, (from same and dva or dvTso)) I shout at, encourage by shouting; shriek, cry aloud. ^^TirxCpxvxi'ja, (from same and dφxvxίuω) I am parched, expire. ΈτΓχφχω, ίττχφχομ,χί, (from same and χφχύ)) I touch upon, pat, feel, handle. 'ΈτιτχφΎΐ, -Ytg, 71, (from preced.) touch, patting, impulse, rebuke. 'ΈττχφίΥΐ/ϋΐ, (from ίττι and άφίτι/χή I send away in or upon. Έττχφξίζω, (from same and άφξίξοή I foam up or out upon. 'Έ'ττχφζύΙϊτος, -η, -ov, (from same and ' Αφξο^ίτ/}) lovely, beautiful : ίττχφζο^ϊτγ,, -ης, 71, the princijjle of love or beaidy ; Venus : TO \'χχφ(ΐό}ητον, that which is lovely, grace, beauty. 'Έ.'π-χφνύ), ΙτΓχφνσσο), (from same and dφvύ)) I pour upon. Έττχχ,ύτ,ς, -ίος, 6, τι, (from same and χχ,- ΰος) vexatious, burdensome : έττχχ,θως, grie- vously, vexatiously. 413 'Emav, A GREEK LEXICON. 'EireXatfyg. ! 1 Έχεοίν, Ion. for lira;/, (for ί-ττέΐ au) when, after that, after. " Έ'ΤΓξγγζ'Κά,ω, (from ΙτίΙ and lyyihcca) I laiigh at, deride. ' Έττεγίίξύ), (from same and εγείξω) I raise or stir up, excite. "Έ'τζίγκά.τίτω, (from Ι'τγΪ, ly and κά,τίτω^ I devour. ^ 'Κ'τηγχ,εΚεύω, (from l^ri and εγκζΚίύω) I encourage, exhort. ' 'R'TrsyKs^uuvfioci, (from same and Ιγκε- ξαυνύω) 1 7nix by pouring upon. Έ-τέδζίί, ίφί^ξα, -ας, vj, (from same and έδ^δί) a sitting upon, blocJcade, siege. 'E-rsi, (from same and £<) when, after that ; since, because, for, for then, for else, for otherwise. 'Έττίίγω, f. -ζω, p. τ^τΐειγ,α,, I urge, impel, hasten. Έτε/δα;/, and Itth^^, (from l-rgi and δ'/)) when truly, after that indeed; since, because, for truly. ΈτΓί/δ^τΓδ^, (preced. and tts^) since in truth. ΈίΤί/δώί, (from Ιττϊ and εί^ω) I look upon, regard. Έ;τ£;57, or k'TTsiTJ, (from ετεϊ) since. ^Έττίίκ,άζω, (from Ιττί and εικάζω) I foj^m an image respecting, conjecture. ^Έττείχε, Dor. εττείκ-α,, (for ετιη) α,ν) when now indeed, when after. "Έ,ττειμ,ι, (from εττϊ and εϊμ\) I am in, upon, or over. "Έ'τηιμ.ι, ετ^είω, (from εττΐ and ε1ί{Λΐ) I go or come upon ; go or march against, attack ; come upon, happen, befall; go over, tra- verse ; come after, succeed, foUoiu. 'Έττείννι^οίί, (from same and εννύω) I clothe myself. "Έττει^ις, -εως, vj, (from εττείγω) haste. 'Έττείττεξ, {εττεϊ and ττε^ since in truth. 'Έτηίττω, (from ετ^ϊ and sViw) / say fur- ther. ' Έττείξο^Λοίΐ, εττείξίο/^χί, (from same and βζ^ομ,οίΐ) I ask about, consult upon. "Κ'ττείζΰω, (from same and εϊζΰω) I draw upon or over. "Ε'ττει^ωτά.ω, (from same and εϊξωτάο)) I ask, question, consult upon. 'Έ'πείζωττ,σίς, -εως, ^,(from preced.) ques^ tion, interrogation. ' Έττείσαγμοί, -οίτος, το, (from next) a7i attack, paroxysm. 'E7r£;ffay συνίί^νισίως άγοίύνις Ιτ^ίοωττιμοί ίΐς Ssou, " not the put- ting away of the filth of the flesh, but the REQUISITE of a good conscience toward God." The apostle says, that the figure of baptism, which is now an emblem of our salvation, consists, not in representing the putting away of the filth of the flesh, which would be merely the washing of the outside of the cup and the platter, a thing of no use ; but in representing the thiyig re- quired, or necessary; viz. a good conscience towards God; a conscience purified from the sense of guilt and pollution, and so blessed with a well founded confidence in holding fellowship with God. The reader may compare this explana- tion with the usual one, in which the word is represented as signifying first a question, and then an answer, or rather a series of questions and answers ; a dialogue or bar- gain, consisting οϊ demands on the one part, and engagements, promises, or voivs, in con- sequence of being asked or required, on the other. Although Schleusner gives stipidatio, a condition, or bargain, as one of the mean- ings of ίτΐζξωτΎϊμ,Λ, yet he removes the only 415 'Έ.'ΤΤίξώτγΐΰΐς. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ•7τΛ authority on which this interpretation rests, viz. that of the Greek expounders of the Roman law, by mentioning that they give it as the explanation, not of Ιττίξωτη^ΰί, but of &•7Γίφτγισίς. His words are, " Cgeterum ob interpretes nonnullos, qui, memoria lapsi, I'XiqiiTfiy.a, apud Theo- philum J. C. in stipulationis notione occur- rere contenderunt, monendum est, nee Theophilum, nee ullum aliiim, qui Jus Romanum Grsece scripserunt, ί'ττζφτημ,α,, sed Ιτιτίξωττισιν, stipulationem dixisse." ^Έ,τΓίζωττησίς, sc^s, h, (from same) a ques- tion, Thucyd. iv. 38. Gen. xliii. 7. The authority of the Greek interpreters of the Roman law, referred to under the preced- ing word, is too late, to affect the classical and scriptural meaning, which is here given. 'Έττεσβίζίι^ω, (from s'tti and Ισβοίίνω) I go in upon. 'Έ'ττεσβοΤ^ίω, (from &7τι, &1ς and βάλλω) I assail ivith reproaches. 'E-rfff/SoA/cc, -eti, ^, (from preced.) re- proacliing, babbling. ΈτΓίσ,βολο^•, -oy, o, '^, (from same) one who casts reproaches, an insolent babbler. Έττεσβίω, (from stti and ίσβίω) I eat one thing upon another. 'Έ-ττεσ-ττο/χαι, (from same and ίσ'ττημ,αι) I follow or attend upon, comply with. ' 'ΚτΓ&σσόμ,ζυοι, -ων, oi, (fut. part, οϊίττίψ.ί) those who come after us, posterity. Έττίσσυτο, for εττίσυτο, 3 sing. plup. pass, of s7r(avof^cii. "Έτήταος, -ου, ο, ^, (from sttI and srog) annual. 'Έ,ττίττις, -ου, ο, ίΤίίτις, -ihog, ^, (from same and ί'τίομ.Λί) an attendant upon. 'Έ.'7ηυύυ(Λίω, -ω, (from same and ίύύυ- μίω) I am of good courage, am in good spirits. 'Έτηυύϋνω, (from same and ίύβύΐ'ω) Ρ direct upon. ' Έ'τηυζλίίζω, (from sTri, sS and κ,λίΐζω) I render famous. ' Έττευκτός, -ij, -o!/, (from ίτηϋχομ,αι) de- sirable. 'Έττευλοίβίομ,οΐί, (from sttI and ενλοίβίο- μαί) I am afraid of. ' Έ-τΓίυφγιΐ/Λω, -o), (from same and ευφ^ί^ίω) I make a good report of, praise, bless. ^Έ,πεϋγρ^α,ί, (from same and εΰχο^,ίοίΐ) I pray for. 'Έττευωνίζω, (from same and ευωνίοο) I buy or sell at a low price. Έττεχω, ε-ττίσχω, ετησχέω, (from same and εχω) I lay hold upon ; hold over, cover ; restrain, withhold, delay, tarry, stay ; apply, fix, advert, attend to, regard, obsci^ve, take heed. 41G ' Έτττηβόλος, -ου, ο, ij, (from εττφάλλω) one who hits the marh, successful. ' Έ,τΓ'ηγχεΗ^ες, -ωιι, αί, (from Ιττί, |y and κ-ε'^ος) planks covering the hollow part of a ship and forming the deck. ' Έτττιγοξεύω, (from ε'π'ΐ and αγορεύω) I speak against, lay a charge against. ' Έ,ττηετόίϋός, -ij, -ov, (from same and έτος) perennial ; abundant. " Έτί-νικ,οος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and άκ,οΰω) disposed to listen to, p)ropitious ; fit to hear, an ear-witness. 'Έ'π'ψ.υγάω, εστηλυγάζύ), (from same and λύκος) I put a thing against the light, shade, disguise. "Ε'ΤΓΥίλυζ, -νγος, 6, v„ (from preced.) βΛβί/- ed, dark. "Έ,-ττ-ηλυζ, -υ^ος, 6, yj, (from ε^ττΐ and ελεύ- ύω) strange, foreign. Έττνιλυσίίζ, -α,ς, εττνιλνσίς, -εως, ^, (from next) advent, occurrence, effect of incanta- tion. 'Έ.'τννιλΰτος, εττνιλντης, -ου, ο, '^, (from εττε- λεύύω) one lately arrived, a stranger. ^Έ'πημ,ά,τιος, -a,, -ou, (from εττΐ and ^μαζ) daily. ' ΈτΓΥίΐΛοιβος, -% -6v, (from same and ά,μείβω) alternate, double. 'Έ.7ΐΎ\μύω, (from same and νιμνω) I cause to bend. Έ-τΓ^ν, for ε'πεά,]), or ε-πείΛν, ivhen, after. "'KtcviuUcx,, ετΐ'ήρούοί, p. mid. of ε'ττοινύεω. 'Έττ^οξος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from ετΐϊ and άείξω) hanging in air. "ΈτΓ'ήζόίνος, -ou, ετΓ'ήζο,τος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and εξύω) lovely , delightful ; beautiful, splendid. ^ΈτΓτίξεχζω, f. -όίσω, p. ετηηξεΛκ,χ, (from εττϊ and "Αξ•ης) I injure, harass, insult, calumniate. "ΈτΓ'/ΐζ^εοίστ'ής, -oy, ο, (from preced.) an in- jurious person. ' Έ.7Γ7}ζεΐΛ, -οις, vj, (from same) injury, iti- sult. ' Έ'ττγίζεμεω, (from ε-πΐ and ί]ξεμίύ)) I live quiet. 'Έ'ΤΓτίξετμος, -ου, 6, τί, (from same and ε^ετμος) at the oar ; furnished with oars. 'Evrjigsipiii•, -εος, 6, τι, (from same and ε^ε- ψω) roofed over, over-shaded, over-shading. Έ'ΤΓ'ητείχ, -ας, % (from next) oratory. Έττγιτ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from ε'^ω) eloquent and persuasive. ' Έττνιτξίμος, -ου, 6, vi, (from s-r; and vjt^iou) threefold, crowded. 'Έ'ΤΓΎΐτύς, -ύος, ^, (from ε'ττω) eloquence, patronage, protection. Έττγιχεω, (from εττΐ and τ^χεω) I sound ttpon, ring at, re-echo, rustle. 'ΈττΙ, (from sW) upon. See page 106. ΕνΓ;άλλα». A GREEK LEXICON. Έτίβξύω. Έτηά'ΚΆύ), (from preced. and Ιΰίλλω) I •send or bi-ing tipon, despatch, occasion. 'Έττίχν^όίνω, (same and au'^ccucj) 1 2)lease, am agreeable to. 'Έ,τΐΐα,ϋω^ (from same and ία,ύω) I sleep, spend the night or lodge upon. 'E^r/axjey, (from same and Ιά-γ^οϊ) I shout upon, shriek at. 'Έττίβάύξα, -ας, τι, (from ί-τηβαίνα} a ladder^ steps, ascent. 'Έ7ηβ2ίύ^09, -ov, TO, (from next) pas- sage-money, fare. 'Έ.'ΤΓΐβοίίνω, (ΙτΓί and βαίι/ω} I go upon, mount, go on shipboard, come to, enter into. Έ'τζ/Βάλλώί, (ΙτΓί and βά,ΧΚω) I cast, throw, L•y or put upon or to; rush, heat into ; come ox fall to ones share ; throw or put over as clothes ; Mark xiv. 72. Ιτ^ιβα,- "Κων ίκΚα,ιζ, either when he thought thereon, (with TOi/ vwy understood) he wept; or throwing over Qf^ariou understood) his iimntle over his head or face, he wept ; or when he had gone out hastily, (Matt. xxvi. 75. Luke xxii. 62.) he wept. Έ,ττίβοίζίύ), -ω, and Ιττφχζύι/ω, (same and βα,ξίω or βχ^ννω) I burden, am bur- densome or chargeable to, overburden, over- charge. 'Έτηβάς, -ώίος, v], viz. uxvg, (from ετη- βοίί!/ω) a passage-boat, transport. 'Έττίβόίσις, -ιος, Attic -sag, τ], (from s,ame) the act of ascending or advancing, the means of doing so, a vehicle. ' Έττίβΰίσκω, (l^ri and βά,σκ,Ο)) I go upon, trample, crush. ' Έτηβχστχζω, (same and βαστάξο)} I hear or carry upon. Έττφατίύω, (same and βίχ,τεύω) I go upon, embark, invade, itsitrp. 'ΈτΓίβόίττις, -ου, ο, (from ετηβαίι/ω) one that is carried upon, as a sailor in a ship, a rider on horseback, or in a chariot. 'ΈτΓΐβόίτος, -7], -6'j, (from sam.e) accessi- ble. ΈτΓΐβΙχ, --/ις, VI, (from same) a day cele- brated after the end of another solemnity ; the day after the day of marriage : ίττίβόί- ^oci, -ων, cci, the days after the feast, in which the common people wo-e allowed to cat the remnant of the festival; fruit, wages. ' ΈτΓίβημί, {εττΐ and β9],αή I go upon or into. 'Έ,τΓίβιά,ζοι/,οίί, (same and βιάζω) I com- mit violence upon. Έττιβιβάξω and ϊ-π-φιβοίω, (same and βφάζω or βφάω) I put or set uj^on, make to ride. Luke x. 34. xix. 35. Acts xxiii. 24. Έττίβίόύ), (same and βιό^ή I survive, continue to the end. 'Έ,τΐ-φ^άτΐτω, (same and βτ^άτττω) I in- jure further. 'Έτί-φΆίττω, (same and β^,ί-ττω) I look upon, regard with favour, comjiassion or respect. Έττίβλτ,/^Αχ, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of 1'7τφά.70\.ω) any thing put on or added, as an upper garment, a patch or piece of cloth put or sewed upon a garment. 'Έ'ττφΤ^^ς, -Τίτος, 6, (from same) a bar, bolt. 'Έττιβ'Κυγμ.ος or ϊιτφ'Κυσμος, -ου, 6, (from £7Γ< and βλύζω) a spring. ^Έττφοχω, -ω, (same and βοάω) I cry out aloud, roar out. Έττφοτιύίίοί, -ας, vj, (from next) succour, reinforcement. ' Έ,ττφογιύίύ), ω, (έΤΓΐ and βοηύίω) I suc- cour. See βο'/ιύέω. 'Έττφόϊΐ/ίίχ, -ατός, το, (from s7rφoάωy an exclamation, shout. 'Έ.'ττιβόγ,σις, -βως, vj, (from same) acclama- tion, shouting at. 'ΈττφόΆοίίοι•, -ου, το, the same as Ι'ττΙ- β'Κτιμ,χ. 'Έττφολ'^, -ί}ς, 7j, (from έ-τηβάλλύ)) a put- ting on. ' Έττφομβίω, (stti and βομβίω) I make a rattling or humming noise upon. ' Έ'πφόσχ,ω, (same and βόσκω) I attend on a flock ; Β'τιτιβόσκ,ομ.α,ι, I feed myself. ''Κ'πφουκότ^ιον, -ου, το, (from next) a herd, fold. ' Έ,-ττφουκ,όλος, -ου, ό,^ττΐ and βουκόλος) a herdsman. 'Έ,τΐφου'Κζΰω, (l-ri and βουΤ^ζϋω) I consult upon or against, lay snares for. ' Έ'ττφουΤίΤΙ, -Tjc, and έττφου'λία, -ας, vj, (same and βουλ'ή) a design against, a lying in wait for, an ambush. Έττίβουλος and ίττιβου'Κζυτ'ίίς, -ου, 6, (from same) a Her in wait. 'Έ.'πιβξα'^ϋνω, (ίττΐ and βζcchύuω) I delay, retard. 'Έ'ττφζίμ,ο), (same and β^εμ,ω) I roar, murmur. Έττφξίχω, (ΙτΓί and βςίχω) I rain upon. 'Έττφξϊβης, -ίος, 6, v), (from nG-at) p7'essi7ig heavily upon, giving sanction to. 'Έ.τΓφξίβω, ΤίττΙ and β^ίύω) I am heavy upon, weigh, cause to iveigh, ripen, inci'case. Έ.7Γφζί(Λάοΐίίοί{, (same and βζΐ[Λά,ομ,αι) I roar upon, growl. ΈττφξΟί/τάω, (same and βζοντάω) I thunder upon. ' Έττφξόι/τ^τος, -ου, ο, ^, (from preced.) thunderstruck, blasted, mad, malignant. Έ'ττφζνω, (sttI and βξύω) I grow upon, G 417 Ε'τΤίβΰω» A GREEK LEXICON. 'EmBsHarog. ^Ε'ττιβνα, (same and βύω) I stop up. ^Εττφωμιοϋ, -ου, το, (from same and βω/χος) a sacrifice. Έτηβόίμ,ιος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) placed on the altar, used at the altar. Έτ^-φωμίοστοίτίω, (from same and Ίστνι- μή I present at the altar, expose in public. ' E7riβύJσrξ£ύ),(£'7Γl and βαστ^ίω^ I call upon. ^ΕτΓίβωτωζ, -οξος, 6, (from ίττφόσκ,ω) a shepherd. ^Ε'κιγα,μ.βζίϋω, (lirl and γοι,μ^βξζύω) I contract affinity by marriage. Έ'ττιγα.μ,ίω, (^ίττΐ and yocf^ia) I marry again, the first mate still living. ^E7riyoi[^lcx,, -οίς, vj, (from same} mar- riage, affinity, a second 7narriage. "Εττίγα,μ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], (Ιτί and γάμος) marriageable. Έτηγοίυξόομΰίί, -ουμοα, (same and γαι,υ- ζ06ύ) Ι pride myself upon. ΈττίγΙου'ττΒω or ίττεγ^ουττίω, (from same and ^ουττίω) I make a noise at, rumble as the boivels. Έ'τηγίίι/ομχί, Ι-τηγίνομαίΐ, (same and γιυομα,ί) I come on, arise, spring up, hap- pen, come after. Έττίγειος, -ου, 6, tj, to -ov, (from same and ytoc) earthly, worldly. ^ ΕττιγζΚά,ο), -ύ), (same and γίκά,ω) I laugh at, smile upon, deride. Ε'ττιγζμίξω, (same and γεμίξοή I fill upon, put a burden upon. "ΕΊνιγίνντ,μίΛ, -acTog, το, (from βτγΙ and 'y£uucίω) offspring, fruit. Έτίγίξίζίού}, (same and γεξχίξω) I honour on account of. Έτηγηύίω, (same and y/iuio)) I rejoice at. ΕτΓίγιγνωσκ,ω, Ιτηγίνωσκω or STriyua- μι, (same and γιγνωσκω or γνωμή I know or perceive clearly, understand thoroughly, know again, recognise, come to know, ac- knowledge. Έ'ττιγ'κύφω, (same and γΤ^ύφω) I en- grave or carve upon. Έ'πΐ'/'Κωσσάομοιι or -ωττά,ομ,οίΐ, (from same and γΤ^ωσσοχ,) I use my tongue against. ^Ε'7Γΐγ^^ο)ττ\ς, -ί^ος, ^, (from same) the little tongue which covers the wind pipe. ^ΕτΓίγνά.μ'ΤΓτω, {ϊττΐ and γϋά,μτττοί) I bend back, blunt, prevail upon. "Έττιγνά,τττω, (same and yvocTrTa) I clip or trim the nap of cloth. "Έτηγνωμοσΰνη, -Υΐς, vj, (from Ιτηγινώσκ,ω) cognizance. Έτιγνωμω^, -όνος, 6, ij, (from same) one who takes cognizance, an arbiter', judge. Έτηγνωξίζομοα, {sttI and γνωξίξω) I make myself known. "Εττίγυωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, '•ή, (from ίττίγινωσκω) knowledge, acknowledgment. 418 ' ΕττΙγνωστος, -ου, 6, (from same) one who is known. ' ETTiyow^, -ν^ς, V), (from svl and γίνομαι) offspring. Έ-τηγουνβίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and γόνυ) on the knee. Έ'ττ'ίγουνϊς, -;δο?, τ], (from same) the pan of the knee, what is above the knee, the thigh. ΈττΤγξαβΙ'^ν, (from εττίγξά,φω) with a scratch upon, slightly. Έττίγξαμμοί, -α,τος, το, (from same) an inscription, title, epigram. Έτηγξόίφεύς, -ίος, ο, (from same) an as- sessor of taxes. Έ'ΤΓίγξόίφ'^, -5J5•, ^, (from next) an in- scription, superscription. Έ'ΤΓΪγζοίφω, (sTTi and γξάφω) I write upon, inscribe, engrave, ivrite over or above. Έ'ττί^οι,ίομοίί, (same and ^ocia) I take for my portion, administer to myself. 'Ετΐΐ^α,ισιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from some) allotted as a portion. ^ΕτΓΐ^ά,κ,νω, (l-r* and ^ά,κ,νω) I bite. Έσιη^άκ,ξυον, -ου, το, (same and '^ά,κ,ζυον) a tear. Έτη^οίκζύω, (same and ^οικ^ϋω) I weep upon or over. Έττί^οί,υύζο), (same and '^ανίίξω) I lend on interest ; Ι'τη'^οινείζομΰίί, I borrow on in- terest. ΈτΓίΙοι,ύξίοί, -ων, οί, (from next) the people of Epidaurus. Έ'ττβΰίυξος, -ου, vi, a city of the Argives in Peloponnesus ; Έτη^χυζόύεν, from Epi- daurus. 'ETTi^ocipiXeouj, (Ιττϊ and ^οι,-φιΤ^εύω) 1 feast plentifully, indulge in luxury and pro- fusion, supply abundantly, expatiate luxuri- E'7ΓΪh^'^ς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and δεω) needy. Ε'ττ'ίΙείγμχ, -οίτος, το, (from next) a specimen, proof. ^Ετΐί^είχ,νυμι or Ιττι^ζΐΆνΰω, {^ίΐ:\ and ^ίίκνυμι or ^εικ,νΰω) I show plainly, exhibit, demonstrate. 'EmhiKTsov, (from preced.) it is neces- sary to show, must display. ΈτΓΐΙεικτ'ίκος, -% -ov, (from %2iXi\€) shoivy , splendid, ostentatious, demonstrative; ίτη- "^εικτικως, ostentatiously, demonstratively. ΈτίίΙει^ις, ^εως, v], (from same) display, demonstratioii. 'ΕττέΙίίτνεω, (έττι and hi-TrvL•) I eat after, eat at the dessert. Έ'τη^εί'ττνιος, -ου, 6, τι, (from preced.) having supped, after supper : τά. Ι^/δε/ττ- νίΛ, the last course, dessert. ΈττΜκοίτος, -η, -ov, (It* and ^εκΜτος) tenth. 16 Έ'τηδεχ,ηκος, A GREEK LEXICON. 'E'Vid'jca. ' Έττί^ίχ,τ^κ,ος, -'/}, -6v, (from gTr/Ssp^o^ct/) fit for receiving, capaciom. 'Έ.7Γί^ίμι/ίος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and ^i,uu{ou) on the bed. ' Έττι^έζίος, 'cc, -ou, (same and '^ίζιος) right as opposed to left, dexterous, grace- ful : ί'π-ι^ξΐΰί, ίττίΐίξίως, adroitli/. ' Έ,'π-ί^ζξίότης, -νιτος, τ], (from preced.) dexterity. ' Έτηοέοίίίζι and ίτηΐίνομχί, Qtti and οϊύή I am in need. Έτηοίζκ,ομοίί, (same and Ζέζκ,ω} I look upon, visit. ' Έ'ττβξξκ,τος, -ου, 6, 7], (from preced.) dis- cernible. Έττί^σίζ, -icog, 7], (from ΒτηΙίω) a tie, bandage. ' Έττί^εσ^ίαύω, (ίττΐ and ^ίσμ>ζύω) I bind up. Έττ/δεσ^οί, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a tie, bandage. ^ΈJ'7rι'heυvjς, same as l^r/Bssji•. Έ.^7Γι'heύτiξou, {ΙττΙ and δε^τί^ον) a second time. ''^'7ΐί^ίγβ(ΛΛΐ, (same and ^εχ,ομ,χί) I re- ceive with respect or affection, entertain. ' Έ,'^ίΙίω, (same and Ιέω) I bind, oblige. 'Έ'ττβγι'Αος, -ου, 6, ί], (same and Ι'^λος) manifest. Έ.'ΤΓίΙγι/ίΛίω, -ω, STTi^nfisoa, (from same and δ'^,ίίο?) / sojomm, reside or am a so- journer in a place, am at home. Έ9Γ/δ>7,ί«/«, -α,ς, 7], (from preced.) sojourn- ing, return home, abiding at home. Έ'7ηθ7ΐμ:ος and ϊττβγιμ,ος, -ου, 6, '^, (from same) residing among the people as one of themselves, at home or as one come to re- side among them, a stranger, sojourner; prevalent among the people, epidemic, com- mon ; domestic, internal. "Έιτη^-^μ,ίουζ'/ος, -ου, 6, (Ιττί and ^■/ιμ,ιουξ- yog) a magistrate, prefect ; or an overseer for repairing the walls. ΈττίΙίοίβχίνω, (same and Ιίχβχίνω) I pass through upon, pursue. ΈττίΙίΰίίξίω, -ω, (same and liai^kcu) I di- vide, distribute. ΈτΓ/δ/αίτλέω, (same and ^οί'ΤΓλίω) I sail through upon, jjass over again. 'Έττ'ίΟίχρό'ήγι/ΰ/χί, (same and '^{χρρτιγι^υ- μι} I burst asunder. ^Έττΐ^ιοίτά,σσομ,οίΐ, (same and οιοίτύσσω) I appoint any thing besides, superadd. Έ''7ΐΐοια,τίθ-/ιΐΛΐ, (same and hioiTiuri^i) I settle upon, make an addition to my will, deposit. ΕτΓ/δ/δάσκώ;, (same and οι^ύσκο)^ I teach further. Έ•77ίοί^ύ)μ,ι, (same and oihojy.i) I give over and above, give into, deliver, give up, yield, produce. 'Έ.'7Γίl•iξeωi ϊ'ΤΓΐ'^Ίζ-^ι^.οίί, ίττίΙίζομΜΐ, (same and Ιίζίω) I seek over and above, search after, investigate. 'Έ,'ττι^ικ,ά,ζω, (same and ^ικόίζω) I decide upon, decide in favour of; adjudge : ζ-π-ί^ί- κύ,ζο^^οα, I dispute at law. 'Έττΐ^ικ,οίσίοί, -ας, '/j, (from preced.) a de- cision in favour of a claimant. 'Έ-ττί^ίκίχαϊ/^ύος, -ου, 0, (from same) ^ί to plead causes, an able advocate. 'Έττβϊκ,ος, -ου, 6, 7], (from k-Trl and δ/»/?) liable to litigation. 'Έ-ττίοΙνίω, (same and liuL•) I move round upon, turn about, whirl. 'Έττίΐίοξύόω, -ύ), (same and οιοξύόω) I proceed in correcting or setting in order. ΈτΓίΙίόξύωσις, -ίως, ^, (from preced.) after -correction. 'Έττί^ΐ'ττ'Κο'ίζω, ΙτΓ/δίττλόώί, -ω, (k'nrl and Ιί'π'λόω) I double upon, repeat. Έττί'^ίφξίάς, -οίοος, τ], (from same and οίφξος) a ring in the box of a chariot to which the reins were suspended. ' ΈτηΙίφξίοζ, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) sit- ting on the box of a chariot ; effeminate. ^Έ,ττϊ^ίόικύ), (sTTi and οιόίχ,ω) I closely pursue. ' Έ.ττι^οίά,ζύ), (same and ^οιά,ζω) I deliberate upon. ^Έιττβοζ,ος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same and ^o^cc) held in estimation, honoured; exp)ected, probable ; expecting, apprehensive. 'ΈτΓΐΙοξότΥις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) glory, dignity. 'ΈττίΙόζως, (from same) gloriously. ' Εττ/δο^τΓ^οξ-, -ου, 6, rj, (from sttI and όόξττος) necessary for supper, after sup- per. ΈτηΙόξτησμα, -ccrog, το, (from preced.) a second course, dessert. 'Έττβοσίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, τ], (ΙττΙ and δοσ/ί) an accession, increase. 'Έτιτί^ότγις, -ου, 6, (from ίτηοίίωμί) a be- stower, munificent. 'ΈτΐΐΙοχ,'^, -τις, % (from ί'τηΐίχο/χχί) ad- mittance, reception. 'Έ'τη^ξά.ττο/^Λοΐί, (eTrl and ^^άττω) I handle, lay hold, of, grasp. 'Έ,7ΤίΙξί(Λύ), (same and l^if^a) I run upon. ''KTTih^of/.a.a, (from same) / run upon or run to. ΈτΓ/δ^ο^^ι^, -^ς, 7}, (from same) a running upon, an assault, a recurrence. 'Έ.7τ1^ζομοζ,-ου, 6, (from same) a thing that runs upon another, a sail, a top rope or cord for opening or closing a net. ''EJ'πιhυσφ■ηyΛω, {ΙττΙ and '6υσφ•^(/Λύ)) I load ivith ojjprobrious names or reproaches. Έ•7Γ{θύω or ίττίΖύρω, (same and δι'<>; or Ivm) I set or go down upon. 419 Έ-τΓ/ί/κα/ωί. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ'^τιβξΰ'ττω. ^'Κ'πίζίκ,οίίως. See ίττίζίκως. ^Έ'^ίεικε/α, -ας, oj, (from ετηεικνις) gentle- ness, clemency. ""ΈιΐΐΐίίκζΚος, -ov, ο, {j, (Ι-πΙ and ίΐκίλος) like. Έ'π'ίζίΚίύομχί, (from next) / a7n gi^a- cious. 'E-r/g/x^jf, -ίοζ, -ονς, ο, τ}, (from ίττΐ and sikcd) yielding, gentle, mild, patient. ' Ετιηίίχ,τόζ, -ij, -6v, (from same) giving way to, yielding. ΈτΓΐίίκως, (from k'TnsiK'^g) gently, mildly, kindly ; likely, fitly^ ΈτΓ/ΙλτΓο^α/, (ΙτΓί and ΫΚΊνω) I set my hope upon. ^Έ-ττιενϋνω, ετηίω or εττίω, (same and L•) I put upon, enjoin; put on, clothe with. 'E-r/sr^ji, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and έτος) of the pending year. Έ'τηζα,Ιξύ), for ϊ-πισχίζο}, 2 a. ίττίζοίξον, whence ϊτί'ΐζα,ξίω, I sweep upon or over ; or Ιτηζοίξίω is for εττφχξίω, I press upon, weigh down, oppress. ' Έ-ττίζάφελος, -ov, o, vj, (from εττι and ζαφελνίς) swelling, foaming. Έ,τίζόίΟ), εττίζωω, -Ζ, (same and ζάω) I survive. 'Έτηζεύγι/νμί, εττιζεύγω, (same and ζεΰ- yvvf/,i) I annex, subjoin, put a yoke upon, gird. ' Έτηζεφύξίος, -ov, 6, ij, (from same and ζεφνςος) western, on the tvest. ^Εττ/ζέω, (same and ξέω) I boil upon or over. ""ΕττίξγιΚος, -ov, 6, ij, (same and ξ'ήλος) to be admired, to be imitated or to be rivalled. 'ΈτΓίξγϊΚοτντιτεο), (from preced. and rv- 'zL•)) I am smitten ivith jealousy. ' ΈτΓίζτιμίοι/, -ov, TO, (from Ιττί and ζγιμ,ία) loss, a fine. ' Έτηζτι/ϋίος, -ov, o, v}, (from same) hurt- ful,, injurious. Έτηξγι/χίθύ), (ετΓΐ and ζϊ}μ,ίόω) I put a βηβ upon, fine. "Έττίζ-ητεω, -ω, (same and ζητείύ) I seek earnestly or continually ; require, demand earnestly ; inquire, debate. ' ETTiviQciuog and εττίγίξος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and'l^aij) loved, desirable, agreeable. Έχ/^αλά^/ο?, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and ΐίάΤ^α,μος) of marriage: iTriuot^.a^iou, -ov, το, an epithalamium, a nuptial song. 'ΈτΓίθοι,'Κά,σσιος or Ι'τηθα'κά.ττιος, -ov, 6, 7}, (from same and ^ά,7.ασσα) upon the sea, maritime : ra, Ιτηύχ'λά,σαα, ike parts o?i the sea ; affairs 07i sea, trajjic. Έ'τηύΜλχττίοίος, (from same) jiear the sea. Έ'ΤΓΐβά.λτΓύ), (ΙττΙ and 9ίίλτα)) / ivarni 420 over and above : έτηύά'λ'ττομ,οΐί, I receive additional warmth. Εττίβανάτίος and εττίύάνοίτος, -ov, 6, vi, (same and ^auccrog) appointed to death. ^ΈτηύΜξσννω, (same and ^αξσνι/ω) I en- courage, cheer. Έτηβανμοίζω, (same and ^χν/ί^ύζω) ' I wonder at, admire, honour with presents. 'ΈτΓΐύείοίξω, {same and ^ειάζω) I appeal to the gods upon, conjure by all that is sacred, ascribe divine infiuence to, com- municate divine influence. ΈτηύεΙόίσίς, -ίος, τι, ε7ηύειοίσ(Λ6ς, -ov, 6, (from preced.) an appeal to the gods, in- vocation. 'E7r;^iAy6>, (l:ri and SlXyiu) I pour out a soothing air upon, charm. 'Έτιτίύεμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from ί-τητίθη^ι) somewhat placed upon or above, a cover, a lid, a chapiter. Lev. xxiii. 17. ^Έτηύεξοίττενω, {εττϊ and Βε^ατεύω) I serve or wait upon. ^Έτηύεσία,, -ας, and εττίβεσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, v), (from i'xiTtunf^i) a putting or laying on, imposition. ΈτΓΐύέτης, -ov, 0, (from same) an im- poser of cabalistic names, a charmer, im- postor ; a scoffer, an assailant of the tridh ' by mockery. '' Έτηύετϊκός, -'^, -ov, (from same) prompt to aitack, or lie in luait, insidious. Έ'ττίύετον, -ov, το, (from same) an epi- thet. ΈτΓίύετος, -ov, 6, vi, (from same) put up- on, imposed. 'Έ.7Γ{ύίω, (Ι'π-ϊ and ^εω) I rim upon, assail. Έτηβεωξε^ο, (same and Βεωξεα)) I look upon, contemplate. Έττίύ^/ίίχ, same as εττίύεμα. Έτηύιγγαίνύ), {εττΐ and ^ιγγάι/ω) I reach to, touch, feel. 'Έττίβλίβω, (same and ^λίβω) I press upon, compress, oppress. "Έ'ττίύμ,ευ, for ετί-ίύο^Λεν, 1 pi. 2 a. mid. of "ττείύω. 'Έτίΐύοάζω, {ετιτϊ and ^οάζω) I urge upon, hasten. "Ετηύο'Κόω, (same and Βτολόω) I render turbid, muddy or dark. 'ΈτΓίύοξέω, ετΓΐύζωσκ,ω, (same and ^οζίω or Βίξωσκ,ω) I jump upon, insult ; board a ship ; spring up, bound. 'Έττίύοξνβέα, (same and Βοξνβέω) I raise a tumidt upon, loudly applaud or murmur. 'Έ,τηύξ-.ηνεω, (same and ^ξπνεω) I lament over. 'ΈτΓΐβξ'ήντισις, -εως, 'ή, (from preced.) la- mentation. ' Κ'ΤΓίύξύτττω, {εττΐ and Βξύχτω) I render effeminate. Έ.'τιύυμεω. A GREEK LEXICON. Έτ/κελ'ΐ "Ετηβνμ.ίω, -ω, (same and ^υμ,ϊω) I de- sire, long for, covet, lust after, esteem it a great matter, am glad, delight in any thing. 'Έ'τηθνμ,γιμ,οί,-ατος,το,Χϊνοτο. preced.) a desire, lust, an object of desii^e. 'E'7riuv/u,y]TS{Qot, -ocg, 7], (from same) fond 'Έ.'ττίβυμ-ητ'^ς, -ov, 6, (from same) one who desiretk or lusteth. ΈτΓίύν,ανιτ^ός, -Tj, -oi/, (from same) in- clined to desire, lustful. Έπ-ίόνιατιτος, -5j, -6u, (from same) desir- able, desired. 'Έ'ττίύυ/^,ία, -ug, vj, (from same) strong desire whether good or bad; good, Luke xxii. 15. 1 Thess. ii. ]7. bad, Rom. vii. 7. James i. 14, 15. 1 John ii. 16. 'Έ,τηύυμ,ια,μ,α, -cx,rog,.r6, (from next) in- cense. 'Έ7:-ιύυμ,ιά.ύ), {i'^t and ^υμ,ιά,ω) I burn in- cense upon, perfume. ^ΈττΊύϋυω, Ion. Βνίύυΐ/ίσκω, εττιύνω, (from same and Ιύΰι/ω or Ίύνω) I rush upon, assail, thrust forivard, direct. " 'Έ.'ττΊύϋω, (same and ^voj) I sacrifice up- on, sacrifice one upon another, slay in re- venge. " 'Κ7Γΐ&ο)ζοίκ,ίζο^α,ι, (same and ^ωοακίζα) J put on a breastplate, clothe myself in mail. Έττιύαξτισσομίχ,ί, (same and ^ϊωξτ^σσω) I arm myself against. 'Έ-ττίβαύσσω, (same and ^ωύσσω) I bawl upon, urge. ^Έτηβ/ίίω!/, -ovog, βττίίστωξ, -o^og, 6, τ], (same and ιομων or Ίστωξ) skilful in, ex- perienced. 'Έττίκχύίξο/ίαίΐ, (same and κ,^ύέξω) I rest upon, bear doivn by my weight upon. "'ETTiicocdevho), (same and Kccuivhai) I sleep or repose upon. 'ΈτηκάβΎΐ/ϋ,χί, (same and κ,ά,θη^^α,ί) I sit down u^ion, ride. 'ΈτΓίκοίόίζω, (same and καύίζύή I set or place tipon, make to ride. 'Έ'ττικΛύίσττ,μ,ι, (same and κα,ύίστ-ημ,ι) I appoint a successor. ^Έτηκ,Λΐυίζο) and ίττικΛίνόω, (same and Kun /ίζω or κοίΐνόο)) I renew, repair. ^'TTiKcii^iog and e'TriKoii^og, -ου, ό, vj, (same and κχίζος) opportune, convenient: k'^iKctiQag, seasonably, suitably. ' Έττικιζίω, (same and Kaioj) I burn up- on, offer upon, set on fire, scorch, scar, " Έ.7ηκίΑλοι,μ,ά.ο[/,α,ι, (same and -/.ccha^cto- μ,οι,ί) I glean vjjon, or after. '^τίΤίκοίΚΐω, -ω, (same and κ,οί\ίω) I call upon, invoke, summon; mid. / appeal to ; pass. I am called, surnamed. Έ.'7ΐΐκά,'Κυ(Λ[Αα,, -ccTog, το, (from perf. pass, of next) a covering, cloak, j^rctcxt. ^ΈτΓίχ,ΰίΚντττω, (Ιίτί and κ,οιχύτιττω) I cover over, veil, conceal. 'ΈτΓίχ,οίίΛΤΓ'ίι, 'Vjg, 7], (from ίτηκ,χ/^'ΤΓτω) a bending upon or inward. 'E-TriKx/iCTryjg, -ig, (from next) bending inward. ' Έττίκ,κμ'π-τω, (Ιπ-ί and κάμ•7ττύ)} I bend upon or towards, turn inward, bend. ' Έττίκΰΐζ, (for ΙτΓί κά,^) headlong. ' Έττικ,χξ'ττίΰί, -χς, 7}, (from next) tribute, revenue. ' Έτηκ,άξττίος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from Ιττι and κιχ.^• TTog^ presiding over fruits. ''R'TTiKK^aiog, -ου, ο, vi, (same and κχ^σιος) obliqjie, transverse. 'Έ-ττίκατοιβχίνω, (same and κ,Λτοίβοίίΰω) I go down upon or to. ' Έτηκ,οίτοίβάλλω, (same and κ,χτοίβιχλ- λω) I throw down upon, let down upon. ' ΈττίκΰΐτοίγομΆί, (same and Kc^rkycu) I arrive in port. ^ Έ.'πικ,α.τόί^ά,ζθω, (same and x,ot.Tet})a,QUCu) I sleep upon. 'Έ.7Γ{κ,ίζτχ.Ιξω, (same and χ,οίτιχ,ί^ω) I descend upon. ^ Εστίκ,ίίτα.κ,'λείύ), (same and κατακλβίω) I shut down upon, shut up. Έ.ΐίΤΛΟ,τοί-ΛΤ',ύζύ), (same and κχτχκ?^ύζω) I overfiow. ^Έ,τΊΆο,τοίΚα,μ,βοίνω, (same and koct»- 'Κα,μ,βάί/ύ)) I seize upon, overtake, surjjrise. " 'EjTTiy.ciTciyA'jo), (same and κοίτο^ι/Λνω^ I remain over and above, loiter. "Έ'ττιχα,τα,-π'ίτττω, (same and κ,ατχττί'ΤΓΤύ)) I fall doiun upon. 'Έττίκατοίξάο/ι/^ίκ, (same and κ,χτχρύο- /aui) I curse. 'Έτηκ,οίτοίζά,τος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and κα- ToiQccTog} cursed, accursed, execrable. ' ΈτηκΛτοίρρίτϊτο), (same and χ,Λτοί,ρρί'π- τω) I throw doiun upon, precip)itate. ' Έτηκχτοίσφάττύ), (same and κ,χτασφάτ- τω) I slay up>on. ' Έτηκχτοιτίμνω, (same and κα,τοίτίμ,ι/ω) I cut down upon, cut down beyond. 'Έττίκ,ΰίΤΰί-ψίύ'^ομοκ, (same and >ccctcc- tpivhoy,iX,i) I tell an additional lie. 'Έ'ττικ,οίτίύΐν, (from same, Άα,τά and ίϊμ,ι) descending upon. 'Έ7rίκ,uυτog, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and KocU)) seared. "Έττίκ,ζΐμ,οίΐ, (same and x,s7/noii) I am Imd or lie upon, am imposed, j^ress upon, urge, am tcrgent or importunate. 'Έττίκ,ίίξύ), (same and κβίζω) I crop off the top, destroy, ravage. ' Έ,π-ίκίΑοώεύύ, (same and κελαδεω) I shout iqion, applaud. Έ'τηχίλίύω, (same and κίλίύω) I urge upon, instigate. 421 Εττ/κδλλω, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ'ΤΓΙΧούξΒίΟί, ΈτΓίκίλ^.ω, (same and κίλλω) I drive upon, arrive at. ^Έ'Τί'ΐκίζά,ω, ίτηκξά,ω, ixiKi^vriy^i, ίτηκ,ίξ- ΐ/όίμχί, (same and κ,ίξά,ω) I mix hy pour- ing upon, mix, prepare. 'Έ,-ττικί^Λίνω, (same and ks^^ocIum) I gain upon. ' Έτηκίξ^'ης, -sog, 6, r,, (from same and χίξ^ος) gainful: ίτηκ,ζξίες, ρ?Όβέ. "K-TTiKi^rofAia, (same and κ,ίξτομίω) I cut upon or wound whether in Jest or earnest, reproach, taunt, affect a false fear, assume a false appearance. '"Ε'πικ,&ύύω, (same and κ,ίύύύ)) I conceal by putting a cover upon, hide from. Έ'τηκίψί/Λαιόομοα, (same and κξφχΤ^οαόω) I give a summary upon. "Έ'ττικ,'ή^ιος, ίτηκ,'/ι^είος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and κί^δοί) funeral, mournful: ίττικ,"/}- δ/ον, -ov, TO, a dirge. "Έ,ττίκ,'ηςίος or ίττίκ,γι^ος, -ov, 6, »;, (from same and x,v}^) subject to death, fatal, wretched. 'ΈτΓΪκ,γίζνκ,ίίίΐί, -ecg, V], and ΙττίκΎΐξϋκ,ζυμ,χ, -ΰίτος, το, (from next) an embassy, a truce. 'Έ-ττΊκτίζύροενω, ί'τηκ.Υίξυκ.ίύομαί, (ίττΐ and κγιξυκινω) I send a herald to negotiate, of- fer terms of peace, make peace. ' Έ'ττ'ίκ.τίζύσσω, (same and κ,γι^ύσσω) I pro- claim upon or against, publish, set a price upon. ^'R'TTiKthvoiiAuii, (same and xiluoifActi) I scatter upon. ^Έ.'τίΐχ,ιυ^υηΰομοίΐ, (same and γ.ιΛυυίϋω) I endanger, run the risk, go at the risk of. 'Έ'τιηκίυΙϋι/ον, -ου, το, (from same) dan- ger, risk. ^Έττϊκ,ίυΙϋι/ος, -ov, (from "ixawo) dangerous, hazardous: Ιττικ,ινΙϋνως, dangerously, with danger. 'Έ-τΤίκινίω, -ω, (έττί and Kiusco) I move. 'Ε7Γ/;4λ«(^ί«, (same and Ά'κάζω) I sound at. Έ-τΓ^λβί/ώ», ίττίκκάω, (same and κΚούω) I weep over or again. 'ΈττΤκΚα,υτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) mourned, dolefid. ^Έ.'ζικκά,ω, (sTTi and κλχω) I break up- on, bend, cause to relent, degrade. ΈττΓκλέ/ω, (same and κλε/ω) I shout up- on, applaud ; I close or fold up. Έ9Γ/;ίλ)7^ι54, -ccTog, το, (from ΒτηκοίΆύω) an accusation. ^ ΈλτϊΤ κΤ^Πξος, -ου, 6, yj, (from next) aji heir or heiress, rich. 'Έττ^κ,λγίξόω, (ΙτΓί and κ,ληξόω} I distii- bute by lot, allot, assign. ''Έ'ΤΓΪκ,Τ^γισις, -ιος, Attic -io)g, τ], (from βττίκοίλίω) a calling upon, invocation; appel- lation, surname, imputation: ίττΤ-Λλγιν, for i'TrixT^.miu, viz. KXToi, by 7iamc. 422 'ΈνίκΤ^Ύΐτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same) called upon, invited, celebrated, summoned. "Έττ^κΤ^Ίνης, -iog, 6, 5j, sloping, and Έ,πΤκΤ^ιντξον, -ου, το, a couch, from 'Έ.7ΐ:7κ7\.Ίνω, {ίττι and χ,7\.ίΰω) I bend down upon, lie against, incline, verge towards. 'ΈττίκΧίσις, -eug, vi, (from preced.) inclina- tion, inflexion. 'ΈττΎκΤ^ονίω, {sTTt and κ,λονίω) I throw in- to disorder. ΈοΓ/'κλοτΓο^•, -ου, 6, VI, (from same and •ΛΚίτττω) inclined to steal, over-reaching. 'ΈττΤκλύζω, ϊτΐΐ-ΛΚυζζσκω, (same and χ.λι>- ζω) I dash upon, inundate, over-flow. ΈτΓΪκλνω, (same and κλύω) I listen to, learn. 'Έ.'τπκλωύω, (same and yJhiiUa) I spin upon, spin, spin out, ordain. Έττι κ,ι/άύ), (same and κνκω) I grate or scrape upon. ^ΈτγΤ κνίζω, (same and κνίζω) I scratch upon, graze. 'Έ,τΓίκοιμ,ά,ομοιι, (same and Koiy^au) I lie down upon, sleep upon. 'Έ'ττίκοινος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and κοινός) common. 'Έστικοινόω, (same and κοινόω) I com- municate. 'Έτίκοίνωνίω, -ω, (same and κοινωνίω) I communicate. 'Έτηκοίτίω, (same and κοιτίω) I lie upon, watch over. ' ΚτΓίκοκκυστξίοί, (from same and κόκκυζ) cuckoo-like. Έ,τίΊκομ,ττίω, Ι'τηκομττά.ζο), (same and κομττίύ)) I vaunt τιροη, glory in. IL'TriKO'TTog, -ου, 6, τ], (from next) cut upon, a block to cut upon. ^ Έ'ττικότττω, (ίττϊ and κότττω) I cut or strike itpon, smite, fell. ^Έττικοξύσσομ,α,ι, (same and κοξΰσσω) I arm myself against. ^ ΈτΓίκοσμίο), -ω, (same and κοσμίω) I set in order, adorn. 'Έττίκοτος, -ου, ό, τ], (same and κότος) fu- rious: ΙτΓΐκότως, furiously . ' Έτηκούζίίοί, -ων, οι, (from 'Έττίκουξος) Epicureans, disciples of Epicurus, an A- thenian philosopher, born about 340 years before Christ, who held that the world was not made by God, nor by any wise designing cause, but arose from a fortui- tous concourse of atoms ; that there is no superintending providence, which takes care of human affairs; that the souls of men die with their bodies; that conse- quently there are neither rewards nor punishments after death ; that pleasure, which some of them explained of bodily or sensual pleasure, is the supreme, and in- EvT/xoyo£w. A GREEK LEXICON. ΈίΤ/λάι^υαα/. deed the only, good. They are mentioned. Acts xvii. 18. Έ-τηκουζίω, f. -νισω, (from ίττίκονξος) I help, defend, relieve, alleviate, heal. ΈτΓίκ,ονξτι/ίίχ, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) relief, ' Έ,ττίκ,ούξησίζ, -io^g, ij, (from same) alle- viation. ΈτηκονρΙα, -ας, vi, (from It: ίχ,ουζος) assis- tance, help, aid, relief. 'Ένικουζίκος, -'/j, -6v, (from next) auxili- ary : TO ίπ-ίκουξίκ,ου, reinforcement. 'Έττίκονςος, -ου, ο, ij, a helper ; Epicurus. 'Έ,τΐΐκ,ουφίζω, ίττ/κ-ουφίω, (^ίττϊ and κουφί- ζω) I lighten, alleviate, buoy up. 'Έτηκζα^ά,ω, (same and κζο,^ά,ω) I shake upon, brandish over, ply the oars. ^Έττίκξά,ζω, (same and αζάζω) I shout upon, bawl at. Έττ/χ^Αί/ζ/ώί, £7Γί»ξαίΛί!/ω, (same and κ,ξού- νω) I draw to a head, fulfil, destine, sanc- tion. "Έτηκ,ξά,νΙς, -βος, v], (from same and κ.ζοίς) a membrane of the brain. ' Έ.'πΤκζ^α,νου, -ου, το, (from same) so7ne- what upon the head, an ornament for the head. 'Έττικ.ζατοίίόω, -ω, and ί-τηκ,ζόίτίω, -ω, (ί'ττι and KQccrccwa or κζατέω) I am strong, pre- vail, overpower. ' Έτηκζά,τίΐοί, -χς, vj, (from preced.) power, sovereignty. ^ΈττΓκ.ζόίτ'-^ς, -tog, 6, τ}, (from ίττι and κρά- τος) having power over, predominant : ΙττΊ- κ,ςόίτως, ίττϊκξόίτίως, with superior force. ' Έττίκξύττισίς, -sag, yj, (from ξττίκξοίτίω) subjugatio7i. 'Έ-ττΊκξε/ίύοιω, ί'π-ίκζί^^όίμχι, (stti and κξί- fiot/Lcui) I hang upon, suspend, threaten. 'BTTiziHloi/, (from next) with choice. ^ Έτηκ,ζΐΐ/ύ), {iTTi and κ,ζίρω) I approve or confirm by my decree, sentence or Judgment. 'Έ.ττΤ'κ.ξίον, -ου, το, (from same and Ικ,οίον) a sailyard. ^Έ'ττίκζ'ίσις, -ίως, τ}, (from ΐ'Τΐΐκζίνω) deci- sion, criterion, critical skill. ^ Έτηκξοτζύ), -ω, (Ιττί and κζοτίύ)) I ap- plaud, clap my hands, beat upon. 'Έ'π-Ύκ,ζοτος, -ου, ό, ij, (from preced.) beaten upon, levelled, paved. ' ΈττΤ κζούω, {ίττΐ and χ,ζοΰο)) I knock upon, drive in, strike with. Έτηκζύτττω, (same and κ^ΰ^ττύ)) I cover over, conceal from: Ιτηκξύ'τττομ.οίΐ^ I am concealed, hide myself. ' Έ'πΊκζυφος, -ov, (from preced.) hidden. ' Έ,ττίκξυ-ψις, -eo)g, *?, (from same) a cover- ing- ' Έ,τηκζύίζύ), {sTTi and κζωζω) I caw, croak. ' ΚτΓίκτύομχι, (same and κτάο,αοίί) I ac- quire, possess over and above, have in addi- tion. 'ΈτηκτέΙι/ω, (same and κτίίνύ)) I slay the slain. 'Έττικτίξίζω, Ι'πΊκτίζΐί'ζω, (same and κτί- ξίζο)) 1 perform the rites due to the dead, pay funeral honours. ''Εττίκ,τγισις, -εως, τ], (from Ιτηκ,τά,ομ,α,ι) ac- quisition, a superinduced habit or faculty. "Έττίκ,τγιτος, -ου, 6, '/], (from same) acquir- ed, superadded. 'Έτ,ΊΆτίζω, {i7ir\ and κτίζω) I build upon, establish a colony among. ' Έτηκτυττίω, (same and κτυττίω) I beat upon, beat to the sound, rattle, ring. ' Έτηκ,ν'^τίς, -sog, 6, vj, (from same and κ,υ- ^og) glorious, illustrious for wealth and power. ^Έ'π':κ,υ?^ΐ!/^Β0), (same and κυλίνΐίω) I roll ΐφοη. Έτηκ,υΤίίσμός, -ου, ό, (from next) a rolling upon, a way rolling upon itself, a circuit. 'Έτηκυλϊω, (ίττι and κυλίω) I roll upon; heap tip. ^Έττ'ίκϋμ,ύίίνω, (same and χ,υι^οιίϋο)) I roll upon, swell in billows upon, roll one wave on another, dash upon. 'Έτηκ,ύτττω, (same and κύ-χτω) I bend to- ivards, stoop forward. 'Έτηκ,ϋξόω, (same and κ,υξόω) I confirm, ratify, determine. ^Έττίκ,υξτος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from next) curved, crooked, gibbous. ' ΈτΓίκυξτόω, (ΙττΙ and κ,υζτόω) I render gibbous, bend into a cuiwe, roll upon, fold up. 'ΈτΓΪκϋξω, (same and κ,ύξω) I fall upon, meet with, find. ' Έττ^υ-ψίλίος, (from same and κυ-ψίλνι) a keeper of bees. ' Έ,τΓΪκωκ,ϋω, (same and κωκ,ύω) I moan over. ' Έ.7τίκύ)λϋο), (same and κωλύω) I impede. ' Έ.7ηκύ)μά,ζω, (same and κωμάζο)) I feast upon; I break in on a feast, intrude. ^ ΈτΓίκω/^,ίος, -ot, -ou, same as Ιγκωμ,ιος. ^^'κίκ,ωι/.ος, -ου, ο, (ε•7Γ< 'άνί^.κωΐΑος)α guest, reveller. "Έτιτίκωττος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and κω- TTYi) at the oar, prepared for rowing, rowing nearest the stern; ships of war as furnished with many oars. 'Έτηλόίβγ], -Yig, i], (from iTn^cc^fiaua) a laying hold on. ' Έ.'τηλα,γχά,νύ), {ίττΐ and λΛγχά,νω) I re- ceive a7i additional share, obiai?i after or 7iext. Έττιλύζυμαι, (same and λύζυμοίή I hold, keep in. 423 Έ-τ/λαλεω. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ-τζ/Λελί/α. Έ'τηΧαλίω, -&), (same and λχλίω) I speak upon, ίο or against. ' ^TTiTicif^fioiva, ΙτηΤιοίμιβάνομ,οι,ι, (same and Τ^α,μ,βόίνω) I lay, take or catch hold on, as- sume, take upo7i me ; I succour, bring help and deliverance to the human race, Heb. ii. 16. ' Έ'ττίλοίμτος, -Of, 6, % (from next) mani- fest: sTriAoifiTrrog, for έττίλγιτττος, caught, detected. ' Έττίλά,,αττω, {ΙττΙ and λά/α-ττω) I shine upon. ' Έ,'π'ίΤίχυύχνομ.α.ί, (same and Τ^ανύά,ϋω) I forget, neglect'; cause to forget. ΈτΓ/λείί/ί/ώ), (same and \%α.Ίνω) I smooth, render soft, gloss over. 'ΈτπΆίγω, (same and 'λίγω) I select, choose ; speak upon; mid. associate myself; pass. / am called or named. ^Έττικύβω, (same and Τ,ύβω) I pour a li- bation upon. Έττ/λέ/ίΓώ), (same and λε/ττίο) I fail, fail entirely, forsake, leave in want. 'Έ'ττίλίί-ψίς, -ίως, v], (from preced.) afall- ing away. ^Έ.'ττΙτ^εκ,τος, -of, 6, (from Β'ττιλίγω) chosen, choice. ' ΈτηΤ^ίυκ,ία, -α,ς, vj, (from βττι and 7\.svx-qs) the leprosy. ^Έ'ΤΓίλίύσσω, (same and λξύσσω) I see upon, descry. 'Έ•7Τ{Χ7}ύνΐς, -£?,(from next) causing oblivion. 'Ε•τ/λ^^ώ), ί'7Γ{λί]ύομΩίί. See ί'π-ίΤ^αυύάρο- μοα. 'Έ'π-(λ'4'ς, -βος, ^, (from l^ri and λε/α) be- come a prey, captured. Έ'r/λ)ίκ£ίy,(from same and Τ^Ϋ^χ,ω) I rattle, clap. ^ΈττίΤ^νιυα,ιος, or ΐ7!•ι7.ν}νιος, -ou, (from same and "hYiuog) simg over the wine-press. 'Έτη'ΚΥί'τττίΰομ,οίΐ, (from ί-ττιΚοί^βάνω) I am seized with epilepsy, am mad. Έ7Γ/λ>77Γτ<κο?, -vi, -6u, (from preced.) epi- leptic, liable to fits or inadness. ^Έττίλνΐ'ΤΓτος, -ου, 6, v], (from ΐΊτιΚΛ^βάνω) one seized with epilepsy ; a madman. 'Έ'πι'Κγισ[Λον% and i'KChm^oovvin, -της, vj, {from perf. pass, of ΙιτιΚαν&ά,νοΐΛϋί,ί) for- getfulness. ^^^{λνι-ψίοί, -ocg, ίττίλγι^^ίζ, -εως, v], (from iTTiTiOC^fixua) a laying hold upon; censure; epilepsy. 'ΈτΓίλίγ'^νιν, (ίχΐ and λίγ^γιι^) slightly, grazingly. ' Έ.ττιΧκίζω, (from same and ικκίζω) I turn my eyes upon, ogle. Έτ;λλ(ί)7ΓΤώ), (from same and ΙλΤ^ωτττω) I ivink, glance at. 'E7r/Aoy/^Oji«(5c;, (same and "ΚογίζοίΛχι) I reckon ujwn, consider. 424 Έ-ττίλόγισίς, -ίως, ^, and ί7!η7\.ογισμ,6ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) reflection, consideration. Έτηλογίστίον, (from same) it is necessary to consider. 'Έττίλογος, -ου, 6, (from liiihkyo)) some- thing spoken upon the subject of the prin- cipal composition, an epilogue, corollary, reply, conclusion. ' 'Έ^'Τΐ'ιΚοΎχος, -ou, (from Wl and 'Κόγχη) having a spike upon it, pointed like a spear. ' Έ.'ΤΓΐΆοίττος, -ου, ό, ί], (from perf. mid. of ίτηλξίττω) remaining, left behind. ^Έτ^ίΚουτζον, -ου, το, (Ιττί and Kovr^^ou) the fare due for a bath. ' Έτηλϋττίω, -ω, (same and Κυττίω) I grieve upon or at. "ΕττίχϋτΓος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and λν- ττγι) suffering grief upon or at, compunc- tious. 'Έττίλΰσις, -tog, Attic -iug, v], (from next) solution, interpretation, deliverance. 'ΈτΓίΚϋω, {ίτϊϊ and 7\ύω) I loose, unbind, solve, explain, expound, determine, decide. 'Έ.τΓίΚωβξύύ), (same and Κωβίύω) I mock at, insult. ^'R'TnfAoiiuoy^cii, (same and (Λούνομα,ΐ) I am mad upon, am furiously in love with. ^Έ7Γΐμ,ίχ,Ίοι/.αί, (same and μοί,ίομ,οίί) I ear- nestly desire, aim at, observe. ' 'ETTif^avhoihoirQu, (same and μ,αυ^οίΚωτον) a ivanton kiss. ^ E7ri/ic»uuoiua,{same and f^oiuudiva)! lea?ii further. 'Έττιμ,άζτυ^, or έ'τημ.άζτυς, -νξος, 6, τ], (same and μ,άζτυξ) a witness upon, one who gives additional testimony, evidence. Έττίμοίξτυζίω, -ω, and ζ'ττιμ.οίξτύζομ-οιι, (same and μαξτυξέω, or ^^αξτύξομα{) I testify earnestly ; call to witness. ^Κτημ,οίξτυξίχ, -χς, τ}, (from preced.) a calling to witness. "Έ.'τηΐΛάσσομ,οίΐ, {ϊ-πΐ and μ^ά,σσω) I lay my hands upon, handle, dress. ^Έ'ττιμ,οίστί^ιος, and ίττί^οίστος, ov, 6, ij, (same and μ,ο(.στ6ς) at the breast, cumber- some. 'Έ'ττίΐΛαχία,, -ctg, {], (from next) fighting for others, defensive alliance. 'Έττίμόίχος, (from sttI and [λ,ά,γ,ομ,α,ί) lia- ble to an attack, assailable; opposed to oif^^Xog. ' Έτη με ill oca ig, -sag, τ], (from next) a smil- ing upon. ^Έ,7ΐ:ιμ,ίΐοιά.ω, or Β'τημίίΖαίω, {ε'ττι and μεί- δ/άώί) / smile upon. 'ΈΑτημείκιοί, •ωρ, τά, (from same and μί- 7ίί) sweets brought with a hide, presents, dowry. Έττ/μίλείχ, -ccg, vj, (from same and μελεή care, superintendence. •'" ITTTm 'Έζιμ,ζ^άομ,αι. A GREEK LEXICON. "Ε'ττινίκιος, 'Έ^τη^^ίΚίομ,ύίί, -ουμ,Λΐ, and Ιττ/μίλομοι/, (from same) I take care of^ superintend. 'Έτημ,ίΆγιμ,οί, -Λτος, το, (from preced.) concern^ business. "Έττιμ,ξΤ^νίς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from ε-ττί and μίλΒΐ) careful, mindful. 'ΕοΓ/^£λ>7το}$•, -Qv, 0, (from same)« super- i7itendent, prefect, director. 'Έ'τημΟΐΥίτΗος, -oj, -oV, (from S2LmQ) fitted to take care of or superintend, attentive. ^Έ.'ΤΓΐμ,ί'Κ'ττω, {i'lrl and ^ελ-τω) / add a song, sing to. Έχ/^ελαίί, (from same and μ,ίλίί) care- fully, with care, attenlively. ^ Έ.7ημ,ίμφομ,α.ι, (same and μ,ίμ.φομ,(ί(,ι^ I complain upon, accuse, censure, punish. "Έ.ττιμ,ίυω, (same and fiivn)) I wait upon, remain, abide, continue, persist in, adhere to. ^Έ.'ττίμ,ίστος, -ου, 6, τ], (same and ^sffroV} quite full. ^ Έ,'πΐξΛΐτΛ'τΐίμ,'πομ,Λΐ, (same and ^grflccri^- τώ)) I send for additional forces, fetch for myself. ' Έ7Γΐμβτξί&), (same and /ίί,ίτξίύ)) I mea- sure out in addition, give moi^e, deal out. 'Έ.'ττίμετξου, -ου, το, (same and fAsr^au) an additional measure. 'JLTTif^^^o^cct, (same and μν^ομ^Λΐ) I plot against. ΈτΓίμ-ζιύ'ης, -ίος, ο, y;, (from same and f/.Tj- U05•) over-cunning, sagacious. ^Έ.7η[Λνι•ΛΎΐς, -eog, 6, 'η, (from same and ^ij- Kog) long, over-long. ^Έ,τημ,γίλά,'^ίς, -ων, cii, (from same and μτ}- Άον) mixed with the sheep. Έ-τημνινιος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and μνιυ) monthly. "ΈττίμγινΤύ), (same and ^nuU)) I am en- raged at. 'Άττιμ'ήγ,α,νά.ομ.ιχ,ι, (same and μ,γιγ,α,νύύ)) I plot against, add new schemes, plan. ^Έ,ηνιμίγϋυμι, I'lri^iyvv^cii, ϊτημϊγω, and ί'ΤΓέμ,ίσγομ,α,ι, (same and μίγνυμι) I mix together, mix one with another, mix with. "Rtt'i μικτός, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) mixed with, confused, promiscuous. ^Έ'ττιμίμνά.ομΛΐ, ϊτημιμρτ,σκ,ομαι, (ε'ττι and μιμντισκω) I remember, cause to be re- membered, mention. ^ΈττιμΙμνύ), (same and μίμνω) I dwell or labour upon. 'ΈνίμΙξ, (from Ιττιμίγνυμί) promiscuous- ly, in confusion. Έττίμι^Ιοί, -ΰίς, and ίτήμι^ις, -ΐως, vj, (from samp) mixtwe, commerce. 'Έτημισύϊς, -ίοος, τ}, (from ίττι and μισύος) a woman to be had for hire. Έττίμοίξίος, -ou, (from same and μο1ί(>οί) allotted by fate. Έτ/^ο/χειίω, (same and μοιγ,ίϋω') I super- add adultery. ^Έ.πιμοΚίω, (same and μο7\.ίω) I come upon, assail. 'Έ-ττίμοΤ^ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an as- sailant. 'Έ.'τημομφνϊ, -^ς, vj, (Ιττί and μομφ^^ blame. 'Έ-π-ίμομφος, -ou, (from Ιτημίμφομοίί) blaming, blameable. Ε-ττίμονος, -ou, (from Ιττιμίνω) permanent, : Ιττιμον^ -vjg, vj, remaining after, surviving. 'Έττίμοχβοζ, -ου, 6, ί], (Ι-τί and μόχ&ος) laborious. 'ΈτΓΐμ^ύύιον, -ου, το, (from same and μυ- ϊκός) the application or moral of a fable. Έτημυκ,τγίζίζω, (same and μυκ,τνίξίζω) I mock at, taunt. Έττιμύλίον, -ου, το, (from same and μύ- λος) the upper mill-stone. > 'ΈτΓψ^νξομοξΊ, (same and μύξοή I murmur upon, resound. ^Έ.τΓΐμύσσω, (same and μύσα(ύ) I grumble at, groan with closed lips. ^Έ,τημύύ), (same and μύω) I wink at. ''ΚτΓίμωμγιτος, -Vj, -ov, (same and μ.ωμϊ]" τος) to be blamed, odious. 'Έττίνοίσσω, (same and uaaacS) I overload. 'Έστινιχ,ΰσιος, 6, (from same and ναυσίχ) 7iauseating. ^Έ'ΤΓίϋΒοίϋΐίυομαίί, (same and νίδίνιεύομοίΐ) I behave with the temerity of a youth, am insolent. Έττ/νε/ο//, -ου, το, (from same and νοιυς) a dock-yard, a naval station. ^'ΆτΓΐυίμ'/ισις, -ίως, {], (from next) a feed- ing up ση, consumption. ' ΈτΓίνίμω, {ίττϊ and νέμω) I givp in shares to be fed upon : Ιττ/Άμομοα, 1 receive or take a portion to feed upon, consume, appro- priate. 'Έ,-ττινευω, (same and νεύω) I nod, beckon to, assent by nodding, assent, consent. 'ΈτΓίνεφ^ς, -ίος, 6, ί], (from same and νέ- φος) cloudy. 'ΈτΓίνΒφξβίος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and νεφξός) over the kidneys. ΆτΓίνίω, (same and νίω) I spin, destine. 'Έτηννιϊος, -ov, (from same and νοίυς) on board. 'Έττιννινεω, (from same and νεω, redoub.) / wind up thread, heap up. 'Έ^'π-ινί^χομοα, (same and νήχοή I swim upon, float on the surface. ΕτΓΪνίιχ,ντος, -ov, (same and νν]χντος) co- pious, liberal. ' Έ.'π'ίνικχω, -ω, (same and νικά-ω) I over- come. Έ-ττίνίκίος, or ΐχίνϊκος, -ου, 6, vj, το -ov, Η 425 Έ'ΤηνΙΰόομοί./. A GREEK LEXICON. ^Ε'ττί'ΤΓαξαίίκζυάξομαί. (from same) belonging to victory : τα, iTriui- ■Λία,^ the solemnities for celebrating a victory. 'ΈτΓίνίσσομαί, {ετι and νισσομκί) I go to, frequent. 'Έτιτιηφω, (same and νίφο)) I cover with snow. 'Έ.'ΤΓΪνοίά), -a, (same and voL•)) I contrive, devise, think upon, meditate, intend. ΈτηυόγιμίΛ, -UTog, το, (from preced.) de- sign, machination. 'Έττίνογιτ^Λος, -'^, -oV, (from same) fit for co7itrivance, ingenious. 'Έ'ττΊ'^οΐΰί, -χς, tj, (from stti and υοίω) a device, contrivance, thought, purpose. ^Έττινομνι, -τις, VI, and Ιττιυομ,ίοί, -α,ς, Vi, (from ΙτΓίρξμ.ω) a feeding upon, right of feed- ing, consumption. 'Έ-ττΙνομος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) an heir, a joint heir. ^ Έ.'ττΙνοσος, -ου, ό,ν}, {έττΐ and νόσος) subject to disease. 'Έ-τηνυκτίξεΰω, (same and νυκτεξεύω) I pass the night in a place. ^Έ.'ττϊνυκτωξ, -όξος, (same and νυκ,τώο) by night, nightly. Έττ^^υμφ^Ιίος, -OV, (same and νυμφβίος) on maj-riage, nuptial. 'ΈτΓίνύσσο}, (same and νύσσω) I stab, pierce. 'Έ,^τηνυστάζω, (same and νυστάζω) I slumber over. Έττίνωμάω, (from εττινίμω) I dispense, administer, supply, apply. 'Έττϊνωτίξω, (stti and νωτίζοή I throw on the back or shoidders. 'Έττίζΰί,νύος, -ου, ο, τ], (same and ξ,ανβος) yellowish. ""Εττί^ίνης, (i. e. ΙττΙ ζίντης τ^ης y^?) in a strange land. 'Έττι^ίνόω, ξττίξ,ενόομχι, -ουμ,α,ί, (from ΙτΐΙ and ^,ενος) I entertain or am entertained. ^Έττίζγινον, -ου, το, (from same and ζχίνω) a table to dress meat upon, a dresser. 'Έττίξϋνος, -ου, 6, v), (from next) common. 'Έ.'τηξ,ϋνόω, (Ι•τ1 and ξ,υνόω) I make com- mon, communicate. 'Έττίοίνιος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same and οίνος) over wine, intoxicated. Έ'π-ίόμνϋμί, (same and ομνυμι) I take on myself an oath, confirm by an oath. 'ΈττιότΓτομοίΐ, or Ιττιόσσομοιι, (same and ο'τττομαι or οσσομοα) I look tipon, provide against, watch, inspect, see, see to, choose. 'ΈτΓίοξκ,ίω, ^ω, (from same and οξκος) I act or omit any thing contrary to a jji^omis- sory oath, I swear falsely, forstvear, perjure myself. * ' Έ-τΐΊοξκ,Ιοί, -ug, vj, (from same)^).iog)fullof. Έ7Γ/7Γλ£ί«, ίτΐΐ'τν'Κύίω, ίτΐί'πτ^ωμ,ι, (same and ίτλέίυ) / sail upon, assail^ invade. ' Έ'τη-π'λγιύΰνω, (same and 'τΐΤ^πύόνω) I fill up, inci^ease, midtiply. 'Ett/Vaj-^I/c, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ^, (from Ιτη- 'ττΤ^'ήσσω) reproof, rebuke. 'E-TT^TTAjigoiy, -ω, (Icri and τΐ'ΚΎΐοόύ)) I fulfil. "Έττιτζ-Άτισσω, (same and 'ττ'Κτισσω) I re- prove, rebuke, blame. 'Έ'7Γί7τ7\.οκ.71, -τις, τ], (from Ιττ^ττλέκώ;) a twining, intermixture, intercourse. ^ΈΛ'Τΐί'Τΐ'Κομ,ίΧ,ι, for ίττιτϊίΤ^οΐΛοίΐ. ^Έ.ττί'ΤΓλοος and έτι-ίττΆους, -ου, 6, (from ϊτΐίτΐ'Κίω) a sailing against, arrival of a fleet. ^'Κττί'ττνίύ), έττί'ττνίίω, {Ιπι and 'ττνίω) I breathe upon, inspire, favour. 'Έτπ'τη/ίγο}, (same and ττι^ίγω) I siiffh- cate, strangle, choke. ΈττίττύΟϋΛ, -ας, V], (from ζτηττ^ίω) a breathing upon, inspiration. 'Έττίττι/οος, contr. ΒΤϊίττνονς, -ου, ό, '/j, (from same) inspired. ^Έτηττό^ίος, -a, -ou, (from Ιττί and 'ττους) upo7i the feet. Έ'ΤΓί'ΤΓούίά), -ύ), (same and 'ττούΐω) I desire earnestly, long for or after, 'ETTiTTOUyi/icoi, -Λχος, το, (from preced.) earnest desire. 'ΈτηττόύΎίσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, and ϊτιτι- ττούίοί, -ας, v), (from same) a vehement desire or longing. ' Εττίττόύ-ζιτος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same) earw- estly desired. ' RTTiTroiyy/ju, -ίνος, 6, {Ιττι and Trosy.yi'j) a shepherd. ΈτΓίΤΓολάξύ), (from same and ττίλα) I swim upon the surface, siuell, heave. ^'ΆτητΓοΤ.α'ϊος, -ov, (from preced.) super- ficial, slight: $'π-ΐ7Γολοί!ως, superficially^ slightly : ίτηττοΤ.νις, on the surface, on the tap. 'Έ.'τη'ΤΓύ'Κιος, -ου, 6, τ^, (Ιττί and ττοΆιός) grey on the top, hoary-headed. Ένί-ίττολοί•, -ου, ο, vi, (from same and ts-s- A7r^/w. A GREEK LEXICON. ^Ε'ττίζρυτης, "Έ'τη'ΤΓζϊω, (same and ττ^/ίυ) / cut as with a saw. 'Έ'τΓΐ'^ςό, (same and ττξό) all along, to a great distance, for wai'ds. ' Έ.'ττί'ττζοβάτ^λω, (same and ττξοβάτ^λω) I throiv upon. ^ Έ.τπ'ττζούίω, (same and ττζούίω) I run for- ward upon, shoot out. ΈττίτΓξοϊάλΤ^ύ), (same and ττξοϊάλλω) I spread before. 'Έ'ΤΓίτ^^οΐη^ίΐ, infin. 2 a. ίτπ'ΤΓξοίμεί', Ion. for ίτηττςαίΐνχ/, (same and ττζοΐγι^Λΐ) I send forward upon, hurl at. ' Έ-ττίττξο/ι^,ολεω, (same and '7ΐζθ[/.οΚίω) I come forward upon, suiprise. ' Έττίττξονοίομ,ΰίί, (same and "ττξονοίω) I go foriuard upon, proceed. 'Ett/tt^oc-^s or 'hv, (from next) in front, before, in preference. "ΈιΤΓίττξοσθίω, (Ιττί and 'ττ^οσθΐω) I run foriuard upon, proceed in the same straight line, intercept, conceal. 'Έ'τηττξόσύϊΐσίς, -ζως, τ], (from preced.) an intei^cepting, an obstacle. ' Έ.τη'Τξοστίύγι/ΐΛί, QttI and ττ^οστίύημ,ι) I sujjci'add, advance, improve. ' Έ,τιητιΤζοφοι,ίυομ,οίΐ, (same and ττξοφχίι^ω) I appear before. ' Έττίττξοωύω, (same and ττξοωύο)) I drive forward upon. 'Έ.ττί'Τίττοι,ίζω, (same and 'τ^τοά^ω) I sneeze upon. ^Έι'Τΐί'τΐτοίμ.α,ί, (from same and 'ίτ^ταμ,χι^ I fly or light upon. 'E-r/TTTOiJ. See Ι'ττί'πίτττω. "Έ.'ττί'τττΰχ,'ί}, -vjg, vi, {t7s-\ and 'τττυγ,νι) that which folds upon or over, a folding doublet. 'Έττίτττνω, (same and τττύω) I spit upon. ΈττΙτττωσίς, -sojg, τ], (same and ττΎασις) a falling upon, an incident. 'ΈτΓίστω'ΚΒομ,οιι, (same and ττύϋλέώ)) / go about, traverse. ^Έ,'ΚίΤίόί'Κ.Ύίσις, -&ως, 'η, (from preced.) a about, reviewing. ΈτΓί-ττω^.ιχξω, (Ιττί and ττωμ,ά,ζω) I cover as with a lid. "^7^17^60^0)0 eg, -ζως, ί), (same and ττωζωσις) hardness, blindness. ' Έ,7Γί7τωτάο^Λο(,{, (same and ττωτάομ,χί) I fly upon or over. ' Έ7ηξοίβ'^οφοοίω. (same and ροίβ^οφοζίω) I ply the rod, ivhTp forward. '"Ε7Γίζΐκ,νος, -ου, 6, tj, (same and ρικνό;) bent in. 'E7rippocuvfcs&), (same and ρα,θνμ,ίω^ I become remiss, relax. 'ΈτΓίρραίυω and Ιττιρρι/,υτίζω, (same and ρΛίνω or ροίντίξω) I sp)rinlcle upon. ' Έ.7Γίρρΰΐ/:Λ(Λ0ί, -UTog, rd, (fi'om ίτηβρύτττύ)) a thing sewed upon another or ιψοη some 428 particular part of the body ; used by Aqu. ibr the Ephod, instead of S7r0,uig. Έτηρραντισμος, -ου, 6, (from ϊτηρρΛντίζω) a sprinkling upon; the rendering of ma Num. xix. 21. Holmes' 75. ' Έττίβρά,τττω, (from stti and ράτττω) 1 sew upon. Έττίβροί-ψω^ίω, (froHl same and ρΛ-ψωΙίω) I chant over. 'Έ7Τ{ρρ£ζύ), (from same and ρίζο)) I sac- rifice upon. 'ETrippsTryjg, -iog, 6, % (from next) inclin- ing towards, favourable to. 'Έ.7Γΐρρί7Γ0), (from έττ* and ρΪ7:ω) I incline toivards, hang over. 'Έ7Γίρρ£ω, -ω, (from same and ρίω) I flow in or upon, accrue, abound; speak against. ''Έ7ηρρν)γ!/υμ,ι, ξ7ηρρ'•/]σσω, Ιττιρρά-σσω, im- perf. Ion. ετηβρτισσίσκον, (from same and β'/ίγνυρα) I pid something upon a breach to stop it up, I fasten luilh, close. 'Έτηβρτι^ην, (from same and ρίω) in ex- press terms, distinctly, openly. ^Έττίβργιμ,ΰί, -oiTog, το, (from ϊττιβρίω) an address ; an adverb. 'Έ,7ί•/βργ}ΐχοίτϊκ6ς, -)j, -ou, (from same) ad- verbial. 'Έ.7:ίβργισις, -^ojg, 7], (from same) an ad- dress to ; a speaking against. 'Έτιηβρ-ητοη^νω, (from εττί and βγιτοξίΰω) I harangue upon. 'Έ.7τίβργιτος, -ου, ό, v}, (from ίτηβρίύ)) spoken against, worthy of being spoken against. 'Έττίβρινον, -ου, το, (from same and piv) a nose-jeivel. Έ7ηβρ(7ττίω and ζττιβρίτττω, (from same and ρίτττω) I throw, cast upon. 'Έ.7Γίβρονι, -7ig, 7], (from ίττιβρίω) an influx, torrent, abundance. 'Έτηβρούίύ), (from next) / make an ob- streperous noise, loudly applaud or reproach. ' E7rίβpoύog, -ου, 6, '/}, (from sttI 'ami pouog) obstreperous in the suppoi-t of another or in reproach. 'Έττιβροίζω or Βτηβροίζίω, (from same and ροίζίω) I turn luith a whizzing noise, rapidly spin, desti?ie : ΐ7ΐΐβροίβ^Ύίν, with a ivhiz. "Ετηβροφίω, (from same and βοφίω) I sup up. 'Έττίβρΰζω, (from same and βΰξω) I in- stigate with violent noise, pxd on. 'Έ7!•ιρρυύμ,ίζω^ (from same and ρυβ/^ίζω) I fit upon, adjust, dress. 'Έ.7ηβρύοΐΛοίΐ, (from same and ρΰω) I draw to myself, protect. Έ7Τ{βρυ7τχί!/ω, (from same and pu7ru!ua) I hying a stain upon. Έττιρρΰττίς, -ου, ο, (from Same and ρύω) a 2)ipe or poiwer. 'E'Tr'iPC'VTog. A GREEK LEXICON. Ε'^/σκοτ//. Έ'π-ίρρντύς, -ου, ο, ri, (from Ιττ ι ρ ρίω) flow- ing upon, abundant. Έ'πιρ'ρωννυμ.ι and ί'ττιρρωυ, (from same and ρωννν(Λΐ) I flow upon, add strength, strengtlien, encourage, 'Έ.Ίτίρρωσις,-ίως, jj, (from preced.) corro- boration. ''E'TriaoiyfAM, -ατός, το, (from next) a saddL•, panniers. 'Έττισοίσσω or -ά,ττω, {l~l and σοίττω) I cover, lay upon, load. Έτησίίίΰ and Ιττισίνω, (same and asia or σίύύ)) I shalce upon, stir up, drive upon, move, threaten, rush upon. 'Έ^7τισίί^αί]/ω, (same and σ/ιμ,Λΐυω) I put a mark upon, signify, intimate. 'Έ'ΤΓίσ'ψ.οίσΙα, -ας, '/], (from preced.) an ijidication, symptom. Έττίστη^Λος, -ου, ο, v}, (from Ιττι and ovi- μ») having a mark ziptn, reiiw.rkable, emi- nent : Ιτησ'ήμ,ύίς, remarkably, signally. 'Έ,ττϊστις, (from same and ίσος) equally. 'ΈτησΙξύ), (same and σίξω) I instigate ivith a hiss. ' Έτησίμόω, (same and σΐ{/^όω) I contract my sphere, concentrate my forces. Έτίσίτίζω, (same and σιτίζύ)) I provide food: ίττισιτίζομα,ι, gather supplies. 'ΈττίσίΤίσμός, -ου, 6, '/}, (from preced.) victuals, food, especially for a large number of persons. 'Έττισκύζω, (ΙίτΙ and σχ,άζω) I am lame, halt upon. ΈτΓίσκίττά,ο}, -ω, or Ι'ττισκ,ίττάζο), (same and σκίττάύύ, or -άζω) I cover ιφο7ΐ or over, hide. 'Έττισκϊ'τττ'ηζ, -ου, ό, (from next) an in- spector. ' Έ,τησχ,ίτ-τομ,Λί, Q'ttI and σκί'τττομαί) I look out, look upon, regard, visit, conndei' : ί•7Γίσ•/,ϊ'7ττ'ίος, -ct, -o'j, necessary to be con- sidered. ΊΊ'7Τζσ>'.ίυά,ζω, (same and σκ,ζυά.ζοί) I put furniture on a beast, harness, load, pack up, prepare for, get ready. Έ'πσκίυασττι;, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one luko^furnishes or sujyplies, a provider. 'Έτησκίυ'ή, -τις, vi, (from Ιττί and σκζύος) preparation, furniture, embellishment. Έ'ττίσκίφις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from εττ/- ακΐτττομ,οιι) an inspection, a visit, a charge. ' Έττισχ,'ήνιον, -ου, το, (from next) a place 2ipon the top ofthescene,\vhcre the machines, by which they represented the various fi- gures and prospects, were moved. Εττίσκ-/]νος, -ου, ο, vj, (from έττί and σκνιν^) living in a tent, exhibiled on the stage, public: ϊ-ττισχ,ηυΛ, -ων, τ», a Spartan festival. Εττίσκγινόω, -ω, (same and σκτ,ϋόο)) I enter ajid dwell in or ivilh. See σ-Λτ,^όο). Έττίσκτ^τΐτύ), (same and σκ,τιιττω) I rush upon, assail; enjoin, charge ivith, intrust. 'Έττίσκ-ζ,-ψίς, -^ως, ^, (from preced.) α7ϊ in- junction ; an action by ivhich the protestation of an appellant ivas proved false. 'Έτησκ,ίάζω, (s-zrl and σκιάζω) I over- shadow. Έττίσκίος, -ου, 6, i], (from same and σκιχ) having a shade upon, obscure. 'Έ'τησχίζτχω, (same and σκίξτά,ω) I leaj) upon. Έ-τ/σχοττα, (from next) with coined aim. ΈτΓίσκοτηύω, and βχίσκ.ο'ττέω, -ω, (Ιττί and σκοττίύω, or σκοττίω) I oversee, superintend, look diligently, survey, consider. '"Ε'ττισκ,οτττ}, -νις, v}, (from ίτησκοτ^ΐω) in- spection, visitation, in mercy, Job x. 12. Luke xix. 44. or, in judgment, Isa. x. 3. Jer. vi. 15. 1 Pet. ii. 12.; oversight, super- intendence, office, charge. Numb. iv. 16. Job xxix. 4. Prov. xxix. 13.; the apostolic oversight. Psalm cix. 8. Acts i. 20. the or- dinary oversight of the church, 1 Tim. iii. 1. See also verses 2 to 15 inclusive. Ksii oi Α'Ζ-όστο\οι 7]μων ίγνωσαν Oicc του Έίυξίου Υΐμ,ό}^ Ιγισου ^ξΐστου, οτί ίζΐς ίστα,ι ΙσΐΧ του ονόίΛατος Τ7)ς ' Έττίσκ,ο-τττ/ζ' ^{ά, ταύτην ουν Τ7]ϊ) αΐτίχν τϊζόγνωσιν sITvvi^Ots; TsXesccu κ.οί~ τίστ-ησοίΐ/ τους ττξοείογιμίνους, κχι μετΰΐζν STTii/oci,'^!/ [xTrovo/HYju] οε^ωκ,χσιν, οττως koiu κοι- (ΛΥίύωσιν, "^ίί/^ίζωι/ται ίτξξοι "hi^OKi^xayAvoi d'jo^ig τ'ήί/ Άειτου^'/ίαν οίύτων. Ύούς ουν κοίτοίσταύίντας ίΐ'τ: SKsii/uu, τ] μζτα,^,υ ύ(^ ετίξων Ιλλο^/^ώίν ιχνίξων, συνευ^οκτ/σάσ/ις Ttjg έκ,κΆγισίχς ττάσιης, κχι ΆίίΤουξγί]σχντχς χ- (/Λμ,τΐτως τω ττοιμνίω του ^ζΐστου μ,ίτχ τχ- ττζίνοφηοσύνΥις, νιιύχ,ως κχι χβχνχύσως, μί- μχξτυξημίι/ους τε ττόλΤ^οΙς χ,ξόνοις ύττό -ττχα- των, τούτους ου οικχίως νομ,ίζομ,εν ά'ΤΓοβχ'Κ- 7•.εσθχι ττις Τ^ειτουξγίχς. Άμχζτίχ γχζ ου μ,ικοά, Yif^iu εστχι, sxu τους χμεμτττως κχι όσίως ττ^^οσενέγκοντχς τχ ^ωζχ τΥις Ιττισκοττΐής ατΓοβόίΚωμεν. 'Μχκχξίοι οι 'ττξοοοοιττοξ'ίισχν- τες ττξίσβύτεξοι, ο'ίτινες εγκχξττον κχι τελείxu εσχ,Ο!/ ttju χνόύ^υσιν ου γχξ εϋ'Κχβουντχι, μτ) τις χυτούς μ,ετχστ'ήσ'^ χττό του ί^ζυμϊνου χύ- τοίς τόττου. ' Οξωμεν γχξ, 'ότι ενίους ύμείς μ-εττηγχ'/ετε κχΚως "^ΐοΤ^ιτευομει/ους εκ τγ,ς χμ.έζκ'πτως χύτοίς τετιΐΛ'/ιμ,εντις Άειτουξγίχς. " Our apostles also knew, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that there should be contention about the name of the over- sight. On this account, therefore, they, having received perfect foreknowledge, appointed those whom we have mentioned before, and gave thenceforward a direction, that when they should die, other approved men might succeed them in their office. Those, then, appointed by them, or after- wards by other esteemed men, with the Έ-τΓ/σκο'Τοί. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Έ-ττ/ΰκυζομαι. consent of all the church, and who have blamelessly discharged the duties of their office to the flock of Christ, with humility of mind, in a quiet and diligent manner, and have many times had the testimony of all; such persons, we think, cannot be justly cast out from their office. For it will be no small sin to us, if we cast out from the oversight, men who have in a blameless and holy manner presented the gifts. Blessed are the elders, who have gone before, who have obtained the profit- able and perfect discharge : they fear not, lest any one should set them aside from the place appointed them. For we under- stand that ye have driven away some, who were conducting themselves well, from the office honoured by them, without any blame on their part." Clemens Komanus's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians, section 44, Wotton's edition. When this section is compared with the 42, (already quoted under οί'ττόστο'λος,} with which it is imme- diately connected, the 43 section being a digression, it appears, that, according to Clement, ετησκ,ο'τττι signified the whole ordinary oversight of the church ; that this included the offices of both bishop and deacon, because, in the view of dis- putes about the name of this oversight, the apostles, he says, " appointed their first fruits to be bishops and deacons,'* for the expression in section 44, " τονς ττζοεί- ξπμ,ίνους, those whom we have mentioned before," is a reference to the narrative of the 42 section about the appointment of the bishops and deacons •, that the " other approved men" he speaks of as successors, were successors, not as some say to the apostles, but to the first bishops and dea- cons; that those office-bearers "presented the gifts," i. e. led the worship, and gave the alms, of the church, read as a whole, Heb. xiii. 7 — 1 7, pai'ticularly verses 15, 16, as connected with 7 and 17 ; and that ττ^εσ- βύτίξοί was a name, not given solely to bishops, for they are not here mentioned alone at all, but applied in common to those who had been appointed " bishops and deacons." Έ-^τ/σκοττο?, -ov, 0, (from same) an obser- ver, scout, s'py ; an overseer, inspector, one ivho hath the inspection or oversight, super- intendant, bishop ; a governor, guardian, pre- sident. Homer makes Andromache call Hector an Ι'ττίσκο'πος of Troy, II. Π', 729, eWe μιν α,υτΥιν 'Έυα'κ,ίν, εχ,ίζ ri' ά,λοχ^βν; κίδνα,ζ, χ,οά vvfxnx, ΐίκνα, ivho didst keep it, and defend the honourable 430 wives and infant children. Pindar calls the Graces Miuvau Ι'ττίσκοττοι, patronesses of the Minyce, Ol. xiv. 5. In the LXX, this word denotes an overseer of the army. Numb. xxxi. 14. Jud. ix. 28. 4 Kings xi. 15. of workmen, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 12, 17• and of the house of the Lord, 4 Kings xi. 18. bK, a name of God, is rendered ίττίσκ,οττος, in Job XX. 29. comp. Wisd. i. 6. Έττ/σκοττο? is used for a civil or religious officer, Neh. xi. 9, 14, 22. In the two latter verses it is spoken of the overseer of the priests and Levites, comp. 1 Mac. i. 51. Eleazer is called by this name from overseeing the tabernacle and its furniture. Numb. iv. 16. In Isa. Ix. 17. where the prophet is fore- telling the glory and felicity of the church by the accession of the Gentiles, it is said, Kci< ^ύ}σω τους α,ξγβυτά,ς σου Ιν εΐ^^^νι, kcu τους εττίσκ,ότΓους σου sv '^ικύίίοσύϋγι, Ι will ap- point thy rulers in peace, and thine overseers (bishops) in righteoiisjiess, comp. Clement's reading of this passage quoted under ά,πόσ- το'Κος. In the N. T. it is once applied to Christ, 1 Pet. ii. 25. which comp. with chap. V. 4. In all the other passages, it is spoken of men who have the oversight of the church. In Acts xx. 28. it may deserve consideration, whether it does not refer to the whole oversight of a church, both as to spiritual and temporal things? compare verse 17• and the whole of Paul's dis- course. In Phil. i. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 2. Tit. i. 7. it evidently has a precise application to the proper office of the bishop as distinct from that of the deacon. The names of these offices, however, appear to have be- come appropriate by degrees, and are not scrupulously kept separate in Scripture. Thus Chrysostom on Phil. i. 1. σι/> Ι'τησκό- ττοις κ,ΰΐΐ ^{aipcoi /οις. τι τούτο; ^ια,ς 'ττοΚίως TToXhol ΙτιτΊσκ,οττοι ν^σ^,ν; ουδαμώς' ά,ΧΚα, τους 'ττξίσβυτίξονς ούτως Ικάλεσε. τότε yatg τίως ίκοίνωι^ουν τοΙς ο^όμ,οί,σι, κ,α,ι δ/άκοί/ο? ο ίττίσ- κο'ττος s^sysTO. — with the bishops and deaco7is. what is this? were there many bishops of one city? not at all: but he so called the elders. For then for a time they partook of those names in common, and the bishop was called a deacon. — oVs^ oiiu 'ύφ/ιν, κα,Ι οί '7Τξ£σβότ£ξθ{ το ττΰίλχιόι* iytcu\oi)UTO ί'τΐίσχ,ο'ϊτοι χ,οίϊ hiXKOvoi του Χ^/στοί/, κ,αϊ οί β'ττίσκ,οττοί, 'ττ^βσβΰτίξοί' As Ι said, therefore, even the elders were anciently called bishojjs and deacons of Christ, and the bishops, elders. See ττξζσβύ-^ τίξος. "Έτησχ,οτίω, (ΙττΙ and σκοτίύ)) I bring darkness upon, overshade. 'Έτησκύζομοα, (same and σκύζο^ΛΛί) I am angry at. ' Ε<7ΓίΰκυύΙζω. A GREEK LEXICON. 'ΐ!.'7Τίΰτ'ητοζ, ' Έττίσκνόίζα, (same and' σζυύίζω) I imi- tate the Scythians. ' Έ.τησκ.υύξω'χά,ζω, (same and σκυύζύ)7!-ά,ζω) I look sulky. ^Έττισ-Λυνιον, Ov, ro, (same and σκ,ύί /iou) the eye-brows, pride, gravity. ^ Έι'τησκ,ύτττύ), (same and axaTfra) I scoff upon, sneer at, taunt, joke. ''ETTi'ax.orJ/ig, -ζως, vj, (from preced.) a scoffing, taunt. 'Έ.7ησμ.νγ€ρ6ς, 'ζά•, -ζον, (ίττϊ and a/icv/s- ξός) woeful: ϊτΐΐσ [Λυγίζω ς, woefully. 'Έττίσοβίω, -ω, (same and σοβίοή Ι drive upon or away. "Έτϊ-Τσος, -η, -oy, (from same and ίσος) equal, even. Έτ/σοί», (from ίττΐ and Ίσόω) I make equal. ^Έ,τΓίσττα,στ'/ίξ, -νΐζος, 6, (from ίτΐίσττύω) a hinge, valve, 'Έτιστταστίζος^ -oj, -ov, (from same) at- tractive. 'Έττισττΰίστος, -τι, -ou, (from same) attract- ed, brought upon one's self, self-sought. 'Έ,ττίσττύίστξου, -ου, το, (from next) a cord by which any thing is draivn over, the thing drawn over itself a vail or hanging. 'Έττίαττάω, -ω, {Ιττι and σ'ττά,ύ)^ I draw upon or over, draw to me ; draiu the pre- puce over the glans, and so become uncir- cumcised. 'Έττίαττείρω, (same and σττίίξω) I sow up- on, shed seed upon, impregnate. 'Έττίσ-π-ασις, -2ως, and ϊτηστΐον^νι, -Vjg, v^, (from next) a jmuring of libation upon, li- bation, truce. 'ΕτΓ/σττΙζ/δίι), ΙτΓίστΓίβύ), (ΙττΙ and oTriuhoi) I pour libation upon, shed. ' Έ,ττισττίζχ,ω, (same and σ'ττεζχύ)) I urge upon, hasten. ^Έ'τΐΐσ'τηύ^ω, and ζ'ττισ'ττου'^ά,ζύ), (same and σττίυ^ύ) or αττουόΰίζω) I hasten. 'Έττίστίω, f, -ίσω, by sync, ίτησττω, — and ίττίσττύ), 2 a. Ι'-τέσ-τον; — Ιττίσττοροοίΐ, (from same and ίττομ,αί, or ατΐίοζΛΛί) I follow after, meet with, accompany , favour . ΈτΓ/ίΤ^ΓΟ^/ίί, -u,g, Ion. ίττίσττοξίϊ}, -yig, v), (from ίτησττείζω) a second or after-sowing. 'ΈττίστοζΟζ, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) sowri upon : k'TTia'yroQOi, -0)u, ol, posterity. ^ Έττισττου^χσ^'ής, -ου, ό, (from ετησττου^ΰί- ζο)) a hastener, enticer. ' ΈττΙσσΰτος, -ου, ό,τ], (from iTTiasooj) rush- ing upon. Εττί&σωτζον, see Ιτ/σωτ^ον. Έ•τίστάδοί/, (from εττϊ Άηά'ίστΎΐ^Λΐ) standing by, luith his oivn hands. Έτηστύζύ), Ι'τιηστα.'κάζο), {ϊ-πΐ and στάζω) I droj} upon, instil, infuse. 'Έ'πιστοίθμ,άομ,Λΐ, (same and σΎΛύμάω) I 18 Έτϊτίστύίύμ,ζύω, (from same and στοΐ.ύμ,ος). I lodge with, am billeted on, am let. 'Έτηστα,θιΛίοί, -ctg, ^, (from preced.) « re- ceiving of soldiers billeted on me. 'Έττίστοίύμ.ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a host, master of a house or of a feast. Έ'ττίστχΆ/ΐΛΰί, -οίτος, το, (from ΙτηστεΜ.ω) commission. 'Έ,ττίστΰίμχί, (Ion. for ΙφΙστα,[Λθ(,ι, pres. mid. of εφίστημ,ί) I place myself over a thing, know, understand, am acquaiirted ivith. 'Έτηστοίσίοί, -α,ς, v}, (from εφ ίστΎΐμ,ί) super- intendence, control, gover?ime7it, an office of trust, a commission. "Έττίστ&σις,-ιος, Attic -εως, s^, (from same) a standing over, coming in or up)on, super- intendence. 'Έττίστατεω, (from next) I preside over, superintend, instruct. ' Έτηστόίτνις, -ου, 6, (from εφίστνιμή one who is set over any thing, a master, presi- dent. 'Έ.7Τίστα.χ,ΰω, Ion. ετηστοί^ζυεσκ.ω, (from ετΓΐ and στάχ,υς) I grow in the ear, groiv ta maturity. Έττιστείβύ), (same and στείβω) I tread upon. ' Έτηστειχύ), (same and στείχω) I go upon or to. ' Έτηστελλω, (same and στεΤΟ^ω) I send to, send by letter to, write to, enjoin upon, dele- gate. Έττ/στενοίξω, (same and στενάζω) also ετηστεϋύ), ετ^ιστευά,γβμ,οίΐ, εττιστουαγ^ύ), εττι- στενοί-χ,ίξω, εττιστονοίχ,ίζύ), Ι groan upon or at or in consequence of. 'Έτηστεφιχ,ι^όω, (same and στεφα,νόο)) I put a crown upon. ' Έ.τΓίστεφ'^ς, -ίος, ό, yj, (from next) crown- ed with, covered with, brimfid. 'Έτηστέφω, (εττΐ and στέφω) I put a croivn or garland upon, fill to the brim. 'ΈτΓίστνιύίζομ,ΰίΐ, f. -iaof^ai, (from same and στνίύος) I lean on the breast of any one. ^Έ4'7Γΐστ•/]7ιόω, (same and στΎΐΚόω) I erect a pillar upon. Έ'τΐίστνιμ,γι, -γ;ς, ^,(from εττίστχμχ:) knoiv- ledge, science. Έτηστγιμοιιίζω, εττιστνιμ,όω, εττισΤΎ^ΐΛοο^Λΐ, (from same) / teach, I am instructed. 'Έτιτιστγιμ,ον'ίκος, -jj, -6u, (from preced.) scientific, theoretic. 'ΈτΓίστ'/ιμων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from εχΊστοί,μ,Λΐ) knowing, skilful, understanding: εττίστγι^ό- νως, ivisely, skilfully. ΈτΓίστγίξίζω, {εττΐ and στνίζΐζω) I confirm, strengthen ; pass. / lean or stand upon. ' Έ,τΓίστϊΐτος, -ο}, -ou, (from εττίστόίμ,χί) known, what may be known, an object of science. 431 Έ,-ττίΟτίλβω. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ'ΤΠΰφνξΙΟν, 'Έ.•7Τ(στί?φύ), {ίττϊ and στίτ^βω) I shine upon. ' Εττ/στ/οί/, for Ιφίστιον, -oy, το, (from same and iariou or Ιστία.) a place for sJiip)s or naval stores, a naval magazine. 'Έττίστιος, for Ιφίστίος, -ου, ο, 5j, (from same and ίστίοί) at the hearth, domestic: STciaTiu, 'au, τα., those at the same hearth, a family. ' ΈτΓίστοβίύ}, for έ'τηστομίω, f. -'yjaco, (from same and στόμ,α) I do'ide, insidt. 'Έττιστοιβάζύ), (same and στοιβάζω) I gather together upon. 'ΈττίστοΤκά,Ιτιν, (from Ι'τηστίχΚύ)) elegantly , gracefully. 'Έ'πιστοΤ.'ύς, -ίως, 6, (from same) a letter- writer, a letter-carrier, a delegate, a com- missioner of the navy. Έτ/στολί?, -7}ς, 7], (from perf. raid, of ίτηστίΧΚω) an epistle, a letter, an injunction. Έτίστολίαφόζος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and φί^ω) a letter-carrier. "Έ,'Χίστο'Κι^.αΛος, -ου,ό, 5j, (from Ι'τνιστο'λνΐ) epistolary. 'Έ,ττίστο/ζίζω, (from Ιττί and στόμ.α,) I muzzle, stop the mouth, cause to fall on the face. 'Έτηστ^ατζΙα, -ας, Ion, ί'τηστξατηίτι, -της, VI, (from next) an expedition against. Έττίστζατίύω, (ίττΐ smd στξΰί,τζύω} I lead an army or luage ivar upon or against. " Έττιστξατοτη^ίΰο), (same and στ^ατοστζ- δ£ΐ/6>) I pitch a camp against or near. 'Ecr/ffTg£irT05-,-oi/,(from e'7rίστξίφω)turmng on oneself the eyes of men, conspicuous. Έτηστζίφ'^ς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from next) abrujit, rapid: Ιττιστ^^φίως, abruptly, rapidly. 'ΈτΓίστζίφω, (Ιτ< and στξίφω) I turn, turn to or toivards, return, cause to return, convert. "Έ,ττίστξί-ψίς, -tog, Attic -ζως, ^nd ίττι- στξοφ'ή, -vjg, Tj, (from preced.) a turning, re- turn, conversion. 'Έ.'ττιστξοφόί^ην, (from same) turning here and there, hastily, abruptly. Έττίστξοφος, -ου, 6, v], (from same) turn- ing or attending to others, inquisitive, cour- teous, hospitable ; attracting the attentioti of others, frequented, admired. 'Έ'ΤΓίστζωννύω, Qtti and στξωυνύο)) Istrotu upon. 'Έττιστζωφάω, (from Ι'πιστφφω) I turn about, visit : Ιτηστζωφά,ομ,αι, I tuim myself about, traverse. ^Έ'τηστύτ^ιον, -ου, το, (from sttI and στύ- λος) the chapiter of a pillar. ^Έ'τΐίσυμ,ΐΛο,-χ,ία, -ας, 'ή, (same and συζ,ι^α- χία) a treaty of defensive alliance. 'Έττίσυϋάγω, (same and συνάγω) I collect, gather together, assemble against. 432 ^Έ'τησυναγω'/νι, -ί]ς, τ], (from preced.) a being gathered together, an assembling toge- ther at one j^lace. ^Έ•7Γ(σύνΙΐσις, -ζως, τι, (from next) a tying up together, connection. ^Έ'τησυυ^ίω, (ίττι and συν})ίω) I bind toge- ther upon, connect. "Έ,'τησυνίχω, (same and συ Άχω) I hold fast upon. ^Έτασΰνύίσις, -εως, cj, (same and σΰυύΐ- σις) a ptdtifig upon, accumulation. ''Κττισυυύνίχ,αι, -ων, αϊ, (from same and συνύ^κτΐ) supplementary tei^vis of a treaty. Έτησυνίστνι/χί, (same and συνίστνιμί) I set or place together with upon, rise together upon, conspire against. 'Έτησυντίύιημ.ί, (same and συντίύημι) 1 put together upon, pile up. Έτησυντξίχω, (same and συντξίχω) I run together upon or to. ' Έτησύομ,αι, (same and σύω) I make an attach. ^Έ.ττΙσυξμ,α, -άτος, το, (from ίτ^ισύξω) a track. ^Έττισυομ,ος, -ου, 6, (from next) dilatori- ness, neglect. 'Έτησϋξω, Qtti and σΰξύ)) I draw after or upon, attract, carry away with me: ίττίσύξο- ^αί, I draiv a long train : perf. part. pass. ϊτησίσυξ^Λνος, draivn one upon another, in- disti?ict, pi'ofuse. ' Έ'ττίσυσκζυάζύ), (same and συσκευάζω) I collect vessels together, spoil, plunder. Έ'τησύστόίσίς, -ιος, Attic, -εο)ς, vj, (from ί'ΤΓίσυί/ίστγιμ.ί) a standing together upon one place, concourse, conspiracy, tumidt, insur- rection. ' Έ'ττίσυστζεφω, {ε'ττι and συστξίφω) I tuini, roll, or gather together upon. 'ΊΆτησύσχεσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, tj, ^from Icri, συν and σχεο)) a holding together upoji, i^estraint, parsimony. 'Έττίσφοίΐξα, -ας, όη, (ί'πΐ and σφαίρα) a ball of leather put on the point of a sword or spear. ^Έ'τησφαΚν^ς, -ίος, -ους, 6, ί], το -ες, (from same and σφάλΆο)) slippery, hazardous, dangerous: εττισφάλως, liable to slip, dan- gerously, in danger. 'Έττισφάττω, (same and σφάττω) I slay one upon another, slay upon, offer. Έττισφίγγω, (same and σφίγγω) I tie, bind or clasp upon. Έ'τησφξαγίξω, (same and σφραγίζω) I set a seal upon, ratify. 'Έττισφζαγιστνις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one who sets his seal to a writing, a sign- er. ^ Έ'•/ησφΰξΐοι/, -ου, το, (from εττΐ and σφυ- ξον) a clasj) or buckle. 'Έ-τπΰφϋξίοζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ•τ/7/,α;^τ;/;^. Έτησφύξίος, Ιττίσφΰξος, -ο;/, (from same) 'Έ'ττισχ,^^ον^ (from ΐττίσχω) near. ^Έττισχίζω^ (from ΙττΙ and οχίζος) one after another, in a series. 'Έτησχεσίχ, -ug, τι, (from next) a holding of one thing over another, a pretext. 'Έττίσχίσις, see ίτΐΐσΰσγ=σις. " Κπισ-χ^ύί, ίτΐίσχω, εττίσχίύω, see ίττίχω. Έ,τησχ,ι/αίνο), (from ΙττΙ and laxumiva)) I dry up, wither. 'Έττισ^φο), (from same and ϊσχύο))! grow more strong, violent, or urgent, prevail upon. ' Έ-τησαξίόύ:), (same and σωζεύω) I heap zip. Έ'π-ίσωτξΟ!/, -ου, το, (from same and σό)ω) iron put upon a luheel to preserve it, a felly. ' Έτιτιτοίγ'•/!, -τις, '<;, (from perf. mid. οι Itci- τύσσω) a command, injunction, authority. '"ETriTciyy.cc, -α,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of same) the same. Έ,'τητακτΧκος, -'/j, -6v, (from Ιττιτύ,σσω) fitted to command, imperative. Έττίτοίκτος, (from same) presciibed, commanded, appointed. Έ^ττιτά^Λυω, see ί7!;ίτίμ.ΐ)θί. ' Έττίτχι/ιιω, see ετητείυο). Έττίτΰίξίς, -εως, vi, (from ίτΐΐτά,σσω) a mandate, tax. "Έ,τητα,ζά,σσω, {ε'τϊϊ and τα,ξά,σσω) I give troid)le upon, disturb. ' Έ'ττ'ϊτά,ρρούος, -ου, 6, (same and τάβρούος) a helper, avenger, conqueror. 'ΈττΙτόίσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τι, (from εττι- τί/ζ/ώ,•) extension, increase. Έ.ττ'ίτύσσύ), (εττι and τάσσω) I enjoin upon, command, cruder, ordain ; place in the rear. 'ΈτΓίτάφίος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and τύ- φος) over the sepulchre : ε'ττιτχφίοΐ/, -ου, το, an epitaph, a funeral song, oration, or in- scription. Έτητα^^ϋ'^ω, (same and ταγ,ϋνω) I has- ten. ' Έ'ΤΓ^ιτεγγο), (same and τίγγω) I tinge with, shed upon. Anacr. 53. Έ'Τΐ^ιτείνω, (same and τείυύ)) I stretch upon, stretch out upon, extend. ΈτΓίτείχ,ίξύ), (same and τειχίζω) I build a wall upon, whether in defence of what is enclosed, or against what it is opposed to. ^Έ.τΓίτείχ,ισμ,α, -α,τος, το, (from preced.)iz fortress. ^7ητειγ^σ[Λος, -ου, ί, (from same) raising forts against an enemy; raising a wall op- posite to the windows of a neighbour. Έ,-ττίτελειάω, (ε-ττι and τεΆείόω) I bring to peifcction, complete, consummate. Έτητελείίύσίς, -εως, tj, (from preced.) co7isummation. ' Έ.7Γΐτε7κίύ), -ω, {ετί and τεΤΆύ)) I finish, complete, perfect, perform, accomplish, pay. Έττ/τελλώ), (same and τ£λ?νθ) / rise upon or above, enjoin upon, add. ^ Έι'ττ'ίτε^Λ^ω, (same and τεμ,υω) I cut upon, cut short, amputate. 'Ecr/rsl, -ε^ος, Vi, (from same and τίχ,τω) on the point of bringing forth. 'Κττ'ίτεξΤΓνις, -εος, 6, τ], and εττίτεζ'ττϋος, -ou, (from next) delightful. ' Έπ-Χτέζ7τω,{ε'7ΓΪ and τίοττω) I delight with, give additional pleasure. 'Έ.7Γΐτετμ&), (same and τίτίί,ω) I overtake. Έττιτευκτϊκος, -νι,-ον, (from εττίτυγ-χ,^'^νω) fitted to attain, successfid. Έ τίίτευζ,ις, -εως, ί], (from same) a coming upon, meeting with, success. 'E7r.'T£;^i/cio,46i)i;, (εττϊ and τεχνάα) I con- trive artfully, either against οΐ for. 'Έ-τΓίτεχ,ϋ'/ισίς, -εως, tj, (from preced.) arti- fice, improvement. 'Έ.ττ'ίττίΙείΟζ, -a., -ov, (from εττιτγ^ν,ς) fit, convenient, necessary ; a disciple, friend. ^Έττιττι^ευρίΛ, -α,τος, το, (from next) a device, zealous endeavour, xvork, deed, habit. ' Έπ^ίτνιοεύω, f. -εύσω, 1 a. εττβτ'-ή^ευσχ, (from ετητ^/ΐοεως) I do any thing as fit, con- venient, or necessary, act luith inclination and zeal. ' Έττίτγ^'^ς, -εος, ο, τ), (from ε-ττϊ and νιους) fit, co7ivenient, sujjicicnt, necessary: εττίτ-ζ^ες, diligently, earnestly. 'Έ,ττίτνικ,τος, -ov, (from next) covered with something melted upon, p)retended, affected. ' Έ-ττίτ^/ικω, (Ι'ττΙ and ττιζω) I melt ujwn, pour what is melted over. Έττίττίξεω, (same and τπξεω) I observe, watch for. ^Έτητ'/ΐζ-ζιτίκ,ος, -"/}, -ov, (from preced.) on the watch for. 'Έ.τΐΐτ'ϊύ-ψ.ι, {εζ-Ι and τίό-ψ^ι) I put or lay on, lade, put on board a ship, impose, add ; mid. 1 2)ro2)ose to myself, set or fall up)on, assault. Έ'7Γ{τίκ,τω, (same and τίκτω) I bring forth in addition, bear another, bring forth one upon another. Έτητίλ'λω, (same and τίλλω) I also pluck. ' Έττ'ίτϊμύω, -ω, (same and τ/μά,ω) I 2}ul a value upon, put an additional j)ricc, im- pose a fine upon ; accuse, blame, or find fault with; reprove, rebuke, reprehend; charge, enjoin strictly. 'Έ^ττιτίρ^Υισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from pre- ced.) a censure, 7'ebuke, i^ii-nishment . 'Έ'7ΓΪτϊμί]τωζ, -οζος, ετητίμγιτν^ξ, -χξος, or εττίτίμγιτνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a censor, inspector, avenger. I 433 "Έ'τίΐτιμ,τ^τιχΙς, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ<7Γίφαυοκύ), Έ-ττιημγιτίζος, -5j, -ou, (from same) dispo' sed to censure, censorious. ' E'Tr'tTjjicia, -cig, y], (from same) civil right, honour and privilege, opp. to άημ,ία, ; also βηβ, penalty, punishment, opp. to α,ύ'Κου. 'ΈτίΧτΊμ-ιον, ~ου, το, (from same, with 'πς^οί'/μ,ίχ. understood) piice, fee, penalty, a thing worthy of rebuke or punishment, a sin, faidt ; also, rebuke, punishment. Έ'π-'ίτϊμος, -ου, ο, % (from same) of rank, honour or authority ; promoted or restored to honour, opp. to α,τψύς. 'Έ.ττ'ίτίτύίος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from stti and τίτ- ύός) on the breast. Έτπ'τΤ^.ύω or ϊτΓΪτλγιμ,ί, (same and τΤ^άω) I endure, acquiesce in. "'Κτητοα,υτό. See αυτός. Έ,τΓίτοκ,ος, -ου, ο, τι, (from Ιτητίκτω) on the point of bringing forth, ready to bring forth, productive. 'Έτητο'Κν}, -ijg, ^, (from Ι•τ;τ«λλώ) the ris- ing of the sun or stars ,• an injunction. ΈτΓ/'τολ^άώ), (It< and τοΤ^μ,ά,ύ)) I take additional courage, endure, forbear. 'Έττιτομ,νι, -vjg, v}, (from same and perf. mid. of τί(Λνω) an epitome, abridgment. 'ΈτΓίτομοζ, -ου, ό, ί], (from same) abridg- ed. Έττ'ίτονος, -ου, ό, vj, (from ίτητείνο)) stretched; applied to a thong or a rope. ^ Έ'^'ίτοζάζομΰί!, (ΙτΓί and τοζάζο/χαί) I shoot at. 'ΈττίΤζοιγω^ίω, (same and r^ayuhia) I mix with tragic fable, exaggerate. 'Έτιητξαχ,'ήΚιος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and τξάχηΚος^ a collar. 'ΈττίΤζίτΐ-τίος, -a, -op, (from ίτιτζίττω) to he intrusted or alloived. 'Έτίτίτξίτ^-τος, -ov, (from next) intrusted, allowed. Έ.ττΙ'τξί'ΤΓω, έττίτζαττία, and εττ/τξωττά,ω, (ΙτΓί and τξίττω) I tu7ii upon, commit to, de- liver to the care of, intrust to, 'permit, allow, suffer, yield. Έ'ττί'τξίχω, (same and τζίχ,ύή I run upo7i, assail, invade. ΈττΤτςϊβω, (same and τζίβω) I break, rub or wear away upon, consume, harass, crush. 'ΈττίΤξίποοίζχίύ), (same and τξίγίζοίξχίω) I continue the office of a trierarch beyond, the period fixed by law. ' ΈτητξίΥίξά,ξχγι/χχ, -ctrog, το, (from pre- ced.) the continuance of the office of trie- rarch, instead of its being filled by a suc- cessor. ^Έ'τΐίτζίμ,μ,ος, -ου, ο, (from Ιττιτζίβω) an injury by crushing or bruising. ΈττΓτ^/τΓτοί, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same) ivorn away upon, hackneyed, cunning, 434 ^Έττίτξίτος, -ou, (εττί and τξίτος) contain- ing a whole and a thif^d part more, the third of a sum placed at interest ; an epitrite, see p. 124. 'ΈττΙτξί-ψίς, -ιος, Attic -icdg, v], (from Ιττ;- τξίβω) a breaking or wearing away upon, that which dashes upon, a ivave, friction, collision. ' Έ'ττιτςο'ττευτίίκ.ος, -ij, -ou, (from next) qualified to be a guardian, superintendent, or bailiff. 'Έ'ττΐτζΟ'τιηΰω, (from next) / act as a guardian, superintend, control. 'ΈτΓίτζΟ'ττ'ή, -Vjg, and ΙτητζΟ'ττίΰί, -ccg, τ}, (from perf. mid. of ί.τιτζί'ττω) a commissioii, office committed or intrusted. ΈτγΓτ^οτγο?, -ου, 6, and Ιττιτζοταίος, -ce, -ov, (from same) a person intrusted to act in another's name, or to whose care any thing is committed by another, a steward, bailiff, treasurer, guardian. "Έττιτζοχά^γΐν, (froni ίτ^^ιτ^ίχω) rapidly, concisely. ' Έ,-πίτυ^χοίνω, Ιτΐΐτίΰχω, Ιττίτυχίω, (ΙττΙ and τυγχ,ά,ρω) I fall upon, fall in with, meet; I obtain, attain, am successful. ^Έσΐίτνμ,βίοιος, and 57ητύμβ/ος, -ου, ο, tj, (from same and τύμβος) placed on a tomb ; lifted. ' Έτητυφλόύ}, (same and τυφλόω) I render blind. 'Έττηϋφω, (same and τύψω) I smoke with, inflame, incense against. ^ Έα'τ: ιτυγ/ής, -sog, ό, τ], (from Ι'ττι τυγχάνω) one who attains his end, successful: ϊτιτν- Xug, aptly, opportunely, happily. 'Έτητυχίιζ, -ocg, i], (from same) attain- ment, success, felicity. 'ΈτΓίτωύΰΐσμος, -ου, ο, (from I'ri and t&- ^ά,ξω) a scoff, taunt ; adulation. 'Έ-ττίφ^ίοξϋνω, (same and φα,ι^ξΰνω) I clean, brighten. 'Έ^τ^^ιφαΐνύ), (same and φούνοί) I shine over or upon, give light to; pass, appear, am 7nanifested. Έτηφύναοί, -oig, 'ή, (from next) bright- ness, splendour; the appearance or manifes- tation of Christ in the flesh. "Έ'τηφα,υΤις, -ίος, -ους, c, vi, (from ΙττιφοιΊ- υω) glorious, illustrious, pre-eminent : ετηφά.- νως, manifestly, visibly. Έττίφαντος, -ou, (from same) appearing among the living. 'Έττίφόίσίς, -5ως, vj, (from same) display, ostentation ; foinn, appearance. 'ΈττιφοίτνίΙιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from ΙττΙ and φάτργι) at a stall, belonging to a manger. ' ΈτΓΐφίχύσκ,ύ), and β-ττιφαύω, (same and φΛυσκω, φοίνω, or φάω) I shine upoUf give light to. "Έ'ΐηφίξω, A GREEK LEXICON. ^'Ε.ΰΐίγυ,ι^ΐ'λατύα. ΈτΓ/φε^ώί, ί'ττοίω, Ι^ξΆγκο), (same and φί^ω) I bring, cany to, bring upon, inflict, add, superadd, bring against: ίτηφίξο/ίί'αί, I bring myself upon, run upon, assail, attach, inveigh, threaten, bring in for myself. 'Έ,-ττίφευκτος, -oy, (same and φευκτος) to be avoided. ' Έ-ττϊφΥι/ίίϊ, {ίττΐ and φ•η[/Λ) I assent to, promise. 'Έ-τηφγιμ,ίζω, (same and φημίζω) I spread a rumour upon, ascribe to, signalize with, divulge, promulgate : ίπ-ιφη^ί,ίζο/ίίΩίΐ, I pro- nounce upon, augur or bode evil. ''Έ.'πιφ7}(Λΐσ[/,α,-οίτος, το, (from preced.) evil-boding. 'Έ•7ηφύίγγοι:/.οίί, {ΙττΙ and φύkyγoy.a.ι) I utter upon or in consequence, announce, ex- press myself, cite a proverb. 'Έττίφύοι/ίω, (same and φύο•Αο>) I look upon with envy or malice. ΈτΓίφύοί/ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) liable to be envied, enviable, distinguished; odious, hateful. 'Έτηφύνξω, Dor. ίτηφύόσοω, fern. pres. part, ίττίφβνσοοίσα, for ίττιφύύζουσιχ,, I spit upon, mutter. ' Κ'7ηφι7^ο7Γονίο[/,α,ί, (ίττι and φιΤ^οττονίω) I cheerfully labour upon or at. 'Έ.'τΐίφψ.όο), (same and φιμ,όω) I p)ut a muzzle upon the mouth, silence. Έ-^ίφΤ^ίγα, (same and φΐάγοή I set on fire, burn. "Ά'τΐίφΤ^ϋω, (same and φΤ,ύύ)) I bespat- ter. Έ'ΤΓίφοβος, -ου, 6, τ], (same and φόβος) afraid, over and above feaiful. Έττίφοα/Ισσω, (same and φοινίσσύ)) I pnit on red, mix with red. 'Έττίφοίτάω, (same and φοιτάω) I go ιφοη, invade, frequent ; I come upon. 'Έ,τΓίφοζχ, -ΰ,ς, '/], (from Ιττιφίζύ)) a bring- ing upon, attack, inference, contribution, in- flux. Έττίφοξβίύ), (from sttI and φίφω) I sup- ply fodder for. 'ΈτΊφορέω, (same and φοζίω) I bring, cany, throiu upon, cover with. ^ ΈτΓ'ίφύζΥιΐ^α, -Λτος, το, (from preced.) that which is brought on table after meat, a dainty, a dessert. 'Έττίφορος, -ου, 6, % (from e7rίφίQύJ) bear- ing upon or towards ; bearing in the womb, pregnant; conducive, j^rone. Ί^ττΎφξάζω, (ί-^ί and φζοίζω) I think or speak upon, signify, intimate, admonish : ί'ττίφξύζομχι, I bethink myself, consider, de- liberate, comprehend. Έτηφζύσσύ), or -άττω, (same and φξύσ- σύ)) I stop up, secure against, fortify. Έ'7Τίφξθ!/ίω, (same and φ^ο^ίω) I have my mind on an object, am prudent and discern- ing- 'Έ,ττίφξοσννιη, --/ις, τ], (from ίττίφ^ων) sedate - ness of mind, prudence, discernment. ^Έ,τΐΤφξουζος, -ou, [ίττΐ and φζουξός) guard- ed; placed upon as a guard. "Έ,τη'φξων, -όνος, ο, tj, (from same and φζ'ήν) luise, prudent, sagacious. 'Έτηφυ'κά,σσω, Attic -ά,ττω, (same and φυΤ^άσσω) I keep, observe. Έτηφϋλίος, -ou, (from same and φυΤ^'η) in tribes. ' Έτί-ίφυΧΤ^ίζύ), f. -ίσω, Attic -tZ}, 1 a. lorg- φυΚ\ισοί, (from same and φϋκκου) I gather grapes, glean. ' ΈττΊφυ^Χίς, -ί^ος, tj, (from preced.) a gathering of grapes, gleaning. 'Έττίφυι/.ι, Β-ττίφύομαι, {ί-ττΐ and φύω) I grow upon, increase, am grafted upon, fasten upon, cling to. Έττίφντίύω, (same and φυτίύω) I graft upon, plant in. ''Κτηφύΐνίύ}, -ω, (same and φωνίω) I cry aloud, clamour, shout, with a dative, cry out against. '"Ε7ηφύ)νγιί<,χ, -ατός, το, ί'ττιφωνγισις, -sag, 7), (from preced.) shouting at, acclamation. 'Έ7ηφύ}σ•Δω, {It:] and φωσ•/.ο)) I shine upon, begin to shine, dawn; Macknight, Parkhurst, and Marsh, (Note 51, on Mi- chaelis' Introduction to N. T. vol. I. page 407.) think that this verb in Mat. xxviii. 1. and Luke xxiii. 54. may signify to draw on, as the Jewish Sabbath, which began in the evening; and the corresponding word in the Syriac, though it properly signifies, like this, to shine as the day light, is ap- plied, it seems, also to the evening light. On the other hand, Dr. Laurence (Critical Remarks on N. T.) thinks the difficulty of reconciling the time of the women's going to the sepulchre, at six in the evening, with the time of the angel's answering them at three the next morning, greater than the difficulty of reconciling the different mo- tives assigned for the women's visit. That the -dawn {τγ έτηφωσκούσρ) and the rising of the sun, {άνατ^ίλοο/τος του 7}λίον) Matth. xx\ui. 1. Mark. xvi. 2. may refer to the same time, is evident from the story of Darius's election by the neighing of his horse, (Herod, book 3. chap. Ixxxiv — Ixxxvii.) in which the phrases 'ηλίου ίττχ- νοίτίλΤ^Ο'^τος, όίμα τω 'ήΚίω άνιόντι, and cifA 'ήΙ/,ίξ'•/) Ιίχφχυσκούσί] are indiscriminately used to denote the same time. Έ-ττίχοίίνω, (same and χχίι/ω) I gape upon or /or, pant after. Έ'ττιχχίζζκοίκίχ, -ocg, ij, (from next) joy at the calamity of another, malice. 435 ^Έ'τίΐ'χμιφ'Λοιτίος, A GREEK LEXICON. Έίτζ-ψεκάζ^. :| ' Έ7Γ'ί■}ζ,c^tζl•Λόίκoςi -ου, 6, yi, (from stt), χού- ζω and Λο,κος) rejoicing in evil, malignant. ^Έτ^χχίξω^ {sTTi and χχίξω) I rejoice at, or in. 'ΈττιχοίΆΰίξάίω, (same and χα'Κχζύω) I shower kail upon. ΈτΓΪχα,Τ^ά,ύ), (sarae and χα,'κά,ω) I relax, loosen. Έττ'ίχϋΐΆκενύ), (from next) I overlay with brass, cast brass upon. 'Έττίχΰίλκ,ος, -ov, 6, τ], (έττϊ and χχλκ,ος) plated with brass or steel. ' Έττϊχόίξτίς, -έος, ο, v), (from same and χιχ,Ι- ζο>) joyful at ; gratifying. ' Έτηχοίζΐζο^αοα, (sarae and χαξίζο/ίΛοΐί) I favour by letiding, act agreeably to, gratify, oblige. 'ΈτΓ^χκξΐς, -)roc, 6, vi, or iTrixa^irog, -cu, (same and χά,ξΐς) pleasant, agreeable, oblig- ing, gracious. ΈτΓ^χΰΟξ/ίίΰί, -ατός, το, (same and χάξμ,ιχ,) joy at, derision, a sport, a laughing-stocJc. Έ'ττίχοίζτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from ΙτΓίχοίίζω) to be rejoiced at, delightfid ; incurring ridicide, ridiculous. ^Έττίχίζύ), {ΙττΙ and χίζω) I void excre- ments u2)on: ίτηχίζομοα, I render myself dirty. 'Έ'τν'ίχζίΤ^νις, -ίος, ο, ^, (from same and χίΐ- λο?) tip to the lips, fidl; near the lips, not full. 'Έττίχζίξίω, -Ζ, (from same and χ,ζΐζ) I talce in hand, undertake, attempt ; lay hands upon, seize. 'Έτιηχζίζγιμ,α, -ατός, το, (from preced.)^^? attempt, pursuit, artifice. 'Έττίχβίςτισίς, -ίως, ij, (from same) assaidt, undertaJcing, attempt, reasoning. 'Έ7ηχεΐξ?]Τίον, (irom same) it is necessary to attempt. Έτηχίΐξγιτνι;, -ov, ό, (from same) one who attempts every thing, an adventurer. ^ Έττιχζίξ^-ητ^ίχ,ος, -'^, -6μ, (from same) dis- posed to seize, rapacious. 'Έττίχίίζπτοζ, -ou, (from same) to be un- dertaken. 'ΈττΙχίίξο^, -ου, το, (from same) what has been taken by the hand, a reward of victory, pay, ivages,. effect. ' Έ.•7ηχίίξ6Τοι/έω, (Ιτ< and χείξοτουΐο)} I vote, sanction by holding up the hand, ratify. 'Έττιχαο^οτονίο; -otg, vi, (from preced.) suffrage, ratification: Ιττιχείξοτονίαι, the as- semblies in which the people gave their votes. "Έ.Ίΐΐχίω, -ύ), (tTTi and χίω) I pour upon or in, infuse, strew. Έττίχύόνίοζ, -ου, ό, 7], (from same and XUiuu) on the earth, still living. Έ7τ;;^λ£^«ζώ), (same and χΚζυά,ζαΐ) I scoff \ at, deride. I ' 486 'Έ'ΤΓίχΚιοι,ίνω, (same and χλιαίνω) I soften by applying heat. 'Έ'ττΙχολος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and χο- λ^} irascible, bitter. 'Έ-τηχοζεύω, (same and χοξενω) I dance at or with. ^Έ'κιχοζΎίγεω, -ω, (same and χοξπγεω) I lead the chorus, supply the chorus ivith the ornaments nec^essary for their sacred dances ; hence, I supply, furnish abundantly, add to, join. Έ-ττιχοζ-ήγίοί, -Λς, v}, (from preced.) a or supplying of the chorus, supply. 'Έ.'ΤΓί'χξάω, {sTTi and χςάω) I desire a thing from being used to it, long for, covet, seize upon, sue for, court : εττιχ^ά,ομ^α,ι, I use over and above, abuse, burden,, master, am familiar with. ' ΈττΎχξεμίύω, (same and χζεμ,εύω) I neigh at, snort. ' Έ,ττΎχζίμτττο/ίΛαι, (same ζηάχξίμ'τττοι^ίίχ,ί) I cough at. 'ΈτΓίχζίστος, -ov, (from neyit) anointed, be- smeared. ΈττΤ^χξΤω, (ΙτΓί and χξΐύ)) I anoint, daub, smear, put ointment upon. 'Έττίχζύσος, -ου, ό, v}, (same and χξυσος) gilded. "Έτηχξ^ωυνυ^Λΐ, (same and χζύ^ι^ϋυμ,ι) I put colour upon, paint, varnish, stain. ΈτΓίχζωσίς, -εως, ij, (from preced.) jp^ini, varnish, stain. 'Έτηχύνω, and Ιιτιχΰο}, (g-ri and χΰ))ω, or χΰο)) I pour in or upon, infuse, strew. Έττίχΰσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from pre- ced.) a pouring upon, infusion, libation. Έτηχντ'^ίζ, -νίξος, ό, (from same) a pipe or vessel for infusing or pouring in. ^Έτίΐχάννυμ,ι, {ετΙ and χωννυ^^ι) I raise a heap upon, build a tomb. ' Κ'τηχω^εω, -ω, (same and χωξίω) I con- cede, pei^mit. 'Έ.'ττιχωξγισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from preced.) concession, permission. Έττίχωξίάζω, (from next) I am a native, frequent, prevail. ΈτΓίχωξίος, -ου, ό, vj, (from εττΐ and χωξος) belonghig to a place, indigenous : oi ετηχόι- ξίοί, the natives, rx ετηχωξίχ, viz. ed^, or εττίτγι^εΰμ,οίτα, customs or institutions of one's country : ετηχωξίως, like one*s country. ' Έ-ττί-ψάτ^λω, (same and -ψύλΤ^ω) I sing to, play a tune upon. ' Έ-ττί-ψιαυσίς, -εως, tj, (from next) a touch- ing upon. 'Έτ^Ί-ψα,ύω, (εττΐ and -ψαύω) I touch light- ly upon, superficially explain, am superfi- cially informed. 'Έτί-ψεκύζω, (same and -ψίκύζο)) I drop upon. Έ'ΤΓ/'ψεύδύ^ίΛα/. A GREEK LEXICON. Έτου^'/άζύ 'Έττί-ψίύοοίίίαί, (same and \l/svlcu) I super- add falsehoods to the truth, give a false colouring, exaggerate. 'Έτηφγ,φίξύ), (same and -^/-^φίζω) I put to the vote, superadd my oivn vote, confirm, sanction. 'Έττί-ψογοζ, -Qv, 6, 71, (same and -ψόγος) reprehensible : Ι'ττίφο'/ον, -ου, το, reprehen- sion. Έ-ζη-ψοφίω, (same and -ψοφίω) I rattle or ring upon. 'ETrrJyv^cj, (same and \!/ύχύή I cool hy blowing upon, refresh. 'Έ'τηωγν,, -τ,ς, tj, (from same and lay^J a shelter, refuge. 'Ecr/i'y, -ουσοί, -ov, (part, of ίττεψ^ί) com- ing upon or after, following. 'Έ-τΐόγΙοος, (from ΙττΙ and ογοόος) eight and a half; a whole and an eighth. 'Έ'ττόοια, -ων, τχ, (Ion. for kOooioc) provi- sions for a journey. Έττοοίάξω, (from preced.y I furnish ivith 2)rovisions. ' Έττόζο), (from ϊτ:] and οζω) I stink, rot. 'Έ.'ποικίύ), (from same and οϊ-ζΛο)) I dwell upon or in, occupy. 'ΈττοΙκιον, -ου, το, (from same and οϊκ,ος) a villa, cottage. ' Εττοικοοομίω, -ω, (from same and cIko^o- μίω) I build upon, build against, build up, edify• Έτ^οικο^όίλΥίσις, -sac, and Ι-ττοίκο^ο^ί/α, -uc, 9], (from preced.) a building upo?i, ac- cumulation. "Υ.'ττοικονομ.Ια, -α,ς, '/ι, (from \ιτ\ and ο\•/,ο- vouAcc) distribution, arrangement. Έ-ζοίΛος, -ου, ο, (from same and of^coc) a colonist, one residing where lie is not a na- tive. Έτ-οικτζί'ζ{ύ, (from same and οίκτύξω) I have compassion upon. Έττοίκτίζω, (from same and οΐχ,τίζο)) I move to pity upon ; I have pity upon. Έττοίχ,ομ,α,ι, (from same and οΐ'χ,ομ,οίΐ) I go away upon or to. Έτΐοκ^.Τ,ω, (from same and οκελλώ^) I run a ship aground. Έ'ττο'Κύ'λύζω, (from same and οΆο'κύξω) I shout at, hold. "Έ,ττομ.α,ι, έψο,Μίί/, imperf. or 2 a. ζίττόμ.•/ι<ι, (from 'i'Traf I folloiu. ' Έττοίϋβξίύ), (from st:} and όμβρίω^ I drench with rain. Έ7Γ0(44θ^/α, -ας, vi, (from preced.) heavy rain. Έ7τόμ.υυ[/,ι, ίΤΓομ,όύ), (from ΙττΙ and 6[ΛΟω) I swear upon, confirm by an oath, solemnly protest. Έ'ΤΓο/ίίφά,'Κιος, -ου, 6, V), (from same and iXa.'Kioc) embossed, on the boss or yiai'el. Έ'ττορίίΙίξω, (from same and όνεί^Ιζω) I reproach. ' Έ-ττονίίοίστος, -ου, β, vj, (from same) dis- graceful, infamous. Έ'ττονο/^.άζύ), (.from ΙττΙ and όνο/ίοϋζω) I call as by name of honour, style, eiititle. 'Έ'7το\ύνω, (from same and ο^ύυω) I sharpen, accelerate. 'ΕστοττίζοίΛΆΐ, (from same and όττίζομχί) I look to, respect, dread. 'Έττοτττύο), (from same and οτττάύ)) I roast upon. Έττοτττίία, -cir, '^, (from next) inspection, charge of sacred things, contemphtion. Έ'ττο'τττευω, Ion. k7:■o■7Γτsυiσκ.ύJ, (from s'ttI and ο7ττο(Λοα) I looJc upon, behold, am an eye-ivitness of. 'Έ'ττο'τττΥιο, -Ϋ,οος, 6, Ιττότ^τ'/ις, -ου, 6, ij, (from ε-ττό'τττο^^αή a beholder, an eye-witness. ' Έττοτττ'ΐκύς, -r„ -&>, (from next) contem- plative. Έτότττομαί, or ε'τηότττο/ΐίαί, (sttI and oV- To,44Ci/) / look upon, contemplate, see, visit. 'ΈτΓοηά,ο), Ion. for Ιφοζάο). Έττοξγίάξω, (from ίττι and όξγίάζα) I celebrate orgies. Έττοζγίζο^.οίί, (from same and όξγίζω) I am angry at. 'Έττοξίγομ,ίχ,ι, (from same and o^iyoi) I stretch myself upon, thrust forward, pro- trude. ΈττοξύίΆζύ), (from same and οούιά,ξω) I sing or shoid aloud. ' Έττοξύοβοάύ), or ζττοζύοοβοά,ω, (from Ι'ττϊ, όοβός and βοάο)) I idter with a loud voice, proclaim. Έ':τοξμ,ίο}, Ion. for έφοξμίω. 'Έττοζνύω, εττόξνϋμι, (from k'z-i and όοι/νω) I cause to rise upon, instigate: eTToo'ji/y.oci, I raise myself against, rush upon. ΈτΓο^ύΐ/ώ), (from same and οξούω) I rush upon, assail, fiy to assist ; I spring upon, mount, overwhelm. ' Έ'7το()'/,ίθ(Λαι, (from same and ορχίοι^αι) I dance upon. ' Έ-ττύοω, (from same and οοω) I cause to rise, raise against: Ιττό^ομ,α,ι, I raise myself , rise against, rise up. "ΈτΓος, -εος, -ους, το, (from ίττω) a word, expression, poetry, epic poetry, an oracle as being in verse. ' Έττοτοτύξω, (from k-rt and οτοτύζω) I moan over, lament. 'Έ'τιτοτξϋνύ), (from same and οτ^ύ^ω) I quicken, hasten. Έττουςχίος, -ou, (from same and ου^χΐος^ upon or by the tail. 'Έττουξύι/ίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ού- ςοίυος) heavenly, celestial. ^Έττουξίάζύ), ίττουξίζ.ν, Ιττουξόω, (from 437 Έ'^οχεομαι. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ'ττώμοτύς, Ml Μ same and ουξίζω) I blow upon with a fair wind, cause prosperity, enjoy prosperity. 'Έττογ,^ομ.οίΐ, (from same and οχ,ΐω) I ride, am carried upon. 'Έτίοχίπύα, (from same and οχ^πύω) I luater luith pipes, shed upon. 'Έ,ττο-χ,νι, -^ς, VI, (from Ιττίχύο) restraint, delay, suspensio7i, the state of the heavens or position of the stars, an epocha, epoch or era. "Έττοχος, -ου, ό, ^, (from Ιττϊ and οχίύ)) riding upon, riding firmly, ivell-seated ; mounted iq^on, embarked: το Ιτΐοχον, a sad- dle. "Εττο-ψ, gVoTTo?, TO, a bird called a hou- poo, Lat. upupa, an owl; according to some, the lapwing. ΈτΓοψί^ύύο?, -Qu, and εττό-ψίος, -ov, 6, vj, (from Ιττόιττομ^αΐ) capable of being inspected, discernible ; one on whom men have fixed their eyes, in reverence, or in contempt. "ΕτΓοψ/?, -ζως, vi, (from same) a pros- pect. Έ-ττά, oi, ai, Tie, seven. ' Έ-π-τίχ,βόίίος, -ov, (from preced. and βονς) composed of seven skins, impenetrable. ' Έ-τττά,γΤ^ωσσος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and γΤ^ωσσοί) of seven tongues. Έ-τταετ'^ί, -ίοξ, ό, 71, (from, same and STog) seven years old, for seven years. ' Έτττα,κ,οί,ί^ίκοί, oi, at, ra, (same, κ,χι and Isx-oc) seventeen. ' Έ-π-ταίζοα^ίκατος, -ov, 6, ^, (same and "heKocTog) seventeenth. 'Έτττά,Η,ις, (from Icrra) seven times. ' Έτίττοίκισχίτ^ίοι, -cci, -u, (from same and xJT^ioi) seven thousand. ' Έτττάκ,λϊνος, -ou, (from same and iikivvi) containing seven beds. ' Έ,τΓτοίκόσίΟί, -ίχ,ι, -cx,, (from same and i^se- ro)/) seven hundred. ' Έτττώκτνττος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and %Ty9rli«) sounding with seven strings. ' ΈτττάΤιογχος, -ov, (from same and Aoy- χ-η) having seven armed chiefs, consisting of seven legions. ' Έ'ΤΓτοί'λοφος, -ov, (same and λόφος) on seven hills. ' ΈιΤΤΤχ/ϋΥΐνίχΊος, -ccioi, -oiiou, Β^ττάμ-ηνος, -ov, 6, 71, (from same and μ^^ν) born in the seventh month, of seven mo7iths: ίτΐτά.μ,-ηνον, -ov, TO, seven months old. ' Έτι-τά^^ϊτος, -ov, (same and μίτος) hav- ing seven threads or strings. "ΆτΓτόίμΰχος, -ov, (same and μνχος) hav- ing seven recesses, full of caverns. ' ΈτίτοίττΤ^ά,σιος, ί'τι'τοίΤΓλοίσίων, Όνος, ο, Τ], το, (same and '7r'hά,σίoς,fold) sevenfold: έτττα- τΓλασίως, sevenfold. ' Έ'ζτοίτίοΙγις, -ου, 6, (from same and ■ττους) seven feet long. 438 ' Έ,τΓτόίττνλος, -ov, ο, yj, (from same and ττνλγι) having seven gates. 'Έτττόίττνζγος, -ου, ό, ν„ (same and ττύζ- γος) having seven towers. 'ΈτΓτά,στοΤ^ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (same and στόλος) seven ways furnished or ornamented. ' Έτττάστομος, -ov, 6, τι, (from same and ατόμϋί) having seven moidhs or gates. ' ΈτΓτχτειχ'-ής, -ig, (from same and τί7χος) having seven walls. 'Έτττ άτονος, -ov, (same and τόνος) having seven strings, seven-toned. 'Έτττά,φωνος, -ov, (from same and φων/ι) having seven voices. "Έττταχοί, or ίττταχί^, (from ετττοί) into seven parts, in seven ivays. 'Έ'ΤΓτίττις, for ίτττχίττις, and ίτττίτίς, -ίίος, 71, seven years old, of seven years. "E-TTTYjv, 2 a. of τττ^μι, or Ίτττγιμι. "Έττϋ'^ξος, -ov, Ion. for Βφυ^ξος, (from Ixi and υ^ύ)ξ) well-iuatered. Έ'ττυλλίον, -ov, TO, (from sVo^) a little verse. "Έστω, (see page 73) I press or touch closely, say, speak, tell, command, order, direct. "Έττω, f. ί-ψύ), ί'ττομ,οϋ, and ϊσ'ττομαι, I' follow, accompany, attend upon, obey, cling to. 'Έττωά,ζω, or ΐ7Γύ)ζω, (from Ιττ] and ωον) I sit on eggs, cluck, hide. ' ΈττωβίΆία, -Λς, yi, (from same and o/3o- λός) a fine imposed on those who failed to prove the indici:nient they brought against others, consisting of a sixth part of the value of that for which they contended, and deposited before the trial could pro- ceed. ΈτΓώδ'/?, for ΪΊΐο,οί^Ύΐ, -τις, 7], (from sam6 and ωδοί) an epode, incantation, soothing ivords. "Έττωοός, -ov, 6, τι, for ΙττοίΟί^ός, (from same) harmonizing ivith, sympathizing ivith; using incantations, an enchanter. ^ Έ'τΓω^ννος, -ov, o, ri, (from Ιττί and o^vvri) painfid, extorted by 2^ain. Έττωύίξύ), (from same and ώύίζω) I push upon, prepel. 'Έ'7τωλίν{ος, -ov, 0, 71, (from same and uihkvt\) in the arms. ' Έττωμά-^ίος, -ov, o, 71, (from same and ωμός) on the shoulders: βττωμάΐόν, on the shoulders. Έττωμίζομαί, (from same) I bear on my shoulders. 'ΈττωμΙς, -ίίος, τ), (from same) the part of the neck immediately above the shoulder, a garment worn upon the shoulder. 'Ένωμοτος, -ov, o, 7i, (from Ιχόμνυμι) bound by an oath. Έ'ΧΜνυμία. A GREEK LEXICON. Έξγώδι^ς, 'Έ'7Γ0)νυ(Λία, -ας, ί], (from next) a sur- name, an appellation. ^Έ,ττωνύ^.ιος, -«e, -ov, or Ι'ττωι^νμ,ος, -ov, o, 7], (from έττΐ and ονομ,οί) surnamed, named on account of, deriving a name from. Έ^ωττάω, (from same and ω-ψ) I keep my eye upon. 'Έ-ττωττ'ή, -7ίς, ij, (from same) aspect, coun- tenance. ' Έ'ττωτττις, -ου, 6, (from same) an inspector. ^Έττωττις, -ι^ος, vj, (from same) an atten- dant, a diligent viewer. ^ Έ'^ωούομοίΐ, (from Ι'ττϊ and ό)ζύω) I howl, roar at. ΈττωτΙς, -ίίος, τ], (from same and ους) pieces of wood placed on each side of the prow to guard it from the beaks of the enemy, called from a supposed resemblance the ears of the ship. 'ΈττωφίΤ^ίύ), (from same and όιφίΧίοή I give additional relief, succour, aid. ' Έττύίφίτ^Υιμα, -ατός, το, (from preced.) supply, usefidness. ' Έ'ττωφίΧίΐΛος, ^-ou, (from same) useful to, profitable. 'E^cc, -α,ς, 7}, the eai^th, ground: εοαζ=, Dor. epotah, to the earth, on the ground. ^Έοανίζο), f. -;σ6), (from 'ϊ^ανος) I pay my quota, contribute: ί^ανίζο/αχί, I receive a contribution, earn, enrich myself. 'Έΐίοι,νισττ,ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one luho clubs with others for an entertainment, a contribidor. 'Έζ^ΰο/νος, -Yj, -ou, (from ίζά,ω) lovely. "Έζόίΐ/ος, -ου, 6, (from ίζχ) contribidion, quota for the exj^cnse of a common meal, the entei'tainment so defrayed, money. ' Έοασί^^οΤ^-ττος, -ου, 6, τ], (from έ^άώΐ and ^ολ-τ'/ϊ) loving song. ^ Έοοισΐ7τ?.όκ,ΰίμος, -ου, ο, τι, (from same and "ττλόκοίμος) loving fme hair. ' Έ^ίζσίχρτιμ,όίτος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and γ,οΥι[Λθί) loving money. '¥.οκσμίος, -ου, 6, v], (from ζζχύ)} lovely. Έοαστνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a lover. "ΕοΛΤίίνος, -Yj, -ov, (from same) lovely. Έξοίτίζύ), (from same) I love, dcsii^e. Έζόίτός, -71, -ov, (from same) lovely, ami- able. Έζόίτώ, -όος, -ους, τ}, (from next) Erato, one of the Muses. 'Έζύω, -ω, f. -άσω, p. yj^ciy-cx,, 1 a. pass. vioaoQft'j, I love, long for, desire. Έξγχ, Gen. iv. 12. Exod. xx. 0. &c. 2 pers. sing. 1st f. ind. mid. for ίζγύστ}, of ίξγά,ζο/ίίαι. Έογχβ, (Hebrew) the word given some- times for pxrr, a stone ; and sometimes for naa, the south. Έξγύζομχί, f. ίζγχσομχί, p. pass, ί'ι'ζ'/χσ- μχι, 1 a. mid. βΐξ'/ασάμγιν, (from s^you) I work, labour, pierform, practise, am employ- ed in or about, trade, traffic. Έ^7αλε7ον, εξγχλ7]ϊον,-ου, το, (from same) a vessel, instrument. Έξγόίνγι, -Υις, τ], (from 'ίξγον and oivu, see au'JTCu) Minerva as a worker. 'Έζγασία,, -α,ς, vj, (from ξξγά,ζομ,χι) luork, labour , pains, practice, business, employment, manufacture, gain, the fruit or effect of labour. ' 'Κξγά.σΊ(Λος, -ου, ο, ii,(from same) wrought, that can or may be wrought. ^Εξγχστίος, -χ, -ov, (from same) neces- sary to be luorked, or that must be done. 'Έ^γχσττίξ, -τίξος, ίξγχστ'ης, -ov, ό, (from same) a workman. 'Έ(^γχστηζίχκ,ος, -ου, ό, (from same) a workman, mechanic. 'ΈζγχστΫιΡίον, -ου, το, (from same) α work house, factory. 'Έξγχστίκ,ος, -'ή,-ον, (from ίοΐΛο) disposed to work, active, industiious. 'Έξγχστός, -yj, -ου, (from same) ivorked. Έ^γχτίίχ, -χς, v}, (from same) a doing of a work. ^Έξ'/χτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a workman, labourer, worker. 'Έ,ξ^ΛΤΥισιος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same) ^ί for cultivation. 'Έζγχτϊκος, -oj, -ov, (from same) fit for working, robust: Ιργχτ^κΖς, laboriously. 'Έζγχτίννις, Dor. ίζγχτ^νχς, -ου, ο, (from same) a worker in iron, hard-working. 'Έργχτ{ς, -ίοος, 7j, (from same) a hard- working luoman. "Έζγμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from βξγω) a deed, work: 'ίξγμ,χ, -χτος, το, an enclosure, fence, confinement, hindrance. ' ΈζγοΙίύίκ,τϊω, -ω, (from next) I exact or urge on labour. ' Έ.ζ'/ο^ιωκτΥις, -ου, 6, (from βξγον and δ;^- xo)) an exactor of labour. 'ΈξγοΙότης, -ου, ο, (from same and loco) one who gives work, an employer. ' Έ.ζ'/ολχβζΐχ, ζογολχβίχ, -χς, vj, (froiH same and \χμβχνο)) the undertaking ofworlc. ^ Έζγο'Κχβΐο), (from same) / undertake work. Έ^7θλώ/3οξ•, -ου, ό, (from same) one ιιΊιο receives work to do, an undertaker, a la- bourer. "Έ,ξγον, -ου, το, a work, deed, office, busi- ness, labour, difficulty: 'i^yov Ιστί, there is need. Έςγόττονος, -ου, 6, vi, (from preced. and ττόυος) hard-working. "E()yo), Ion. iiQyo), I work, do, cause. Έζγωοϊΐς, -ίος, ό, i}, (from 'ίξγον) labori- ous, difficult. 439 Έργωνία. A GREEK LEXICON. "Εξί^μόύ}. Έξγωυίχ, -ας, ^, (from same and ώνίο- fixi) the p7'ice of work, wages. "ΈξΙω, for ρίζύ}, imperf. ίξ^εσκοι/, Ion. for ^'^δον, I do, I sacrifice. ^Έ,^ίβζυνος, -ij,-oy,(from ί^φϋς) darJc, black, lowering. 'Έξ&βινύος, -ου, 6, (from same) black vet- ches, chick-pease. '^Έ^ζφο^ιφά,ω, (from next) I grope in Ere- bus. "Εξββος, -sog, ro, Erebus, hades, the dark- ness of the place of the dead: ίξίβοσίε, to Erebus : ίξίβούίΐ^, and £^sfiiva0i!/,from Ere- bus. ΈζββύϋΙης, -ου, 6, v], (from preced.) of Erebus, dark, deep. 'ΈξίβωτΓίς, -ι^ος, τι, (from same and ώ)ψ) dark-faced, lowering. 'Έξ5ίίρω, (from s^iu) I ask, interrogate. 'ΈιξίύΙζύ), Dor. ίξεύίσ'^ύ), f. -Ισύ), 1 a. tiqs- βίσχ, (from Βξίόω, the same, which from ίξΐς) I provoke, irritate, exasperate, stir up, excite. ' Έξίύίσ/ίΛΰί,^χτος,το, ϊζζθισιιος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) provocation, irintation, burning. 'Έξίύίσττίζ, -ου, 6, (from same) an insoleiit provoker. ' Ε^£;δω, f. ίξβίσύ), p. νΐζακοί, 1 a. vj^naoc, p. pass. νΐζζΐσ{Λαί, I stick in, stick fast, make firm, support. 'Έξείκ,Υΐ, or ίξϊκ,γι, -γις, τ}, (from Ιξίίκω) a splinter, the sweet broom^ heath, so called because it is pounded to dissolve the stone. 'ΈζξίΆτος, -VI, -6i>, (from next) broken, bruised. Έζείκ,ω, I break, bruise, pound. ''Έξίίος, -a, -ου, (from £^;ov) woollen. 'E^£;oV, -u,, -ov, (from ίξΐς) contentious. 'Έξείττίου, -ου, το, (from next) a ruin, fragment. 'Έξίί'ττω, f. -ίί'ψύ), imperf. I'^s^ttov, for ^'^£/- 'PTou, 2 a. ijQiTrou, sub. 3 sing. Ιξίτιτνισι, for Ιζί'ττν}, plup. pass. Ιξίζίτΐτο, for ij^eiTrro, Attic ίξτίζζίΤΓτο, I overthrow, cut or doivn; I fall doivn, tumble into ruins. "Έξίΐσ[Λοί, -οίτος, ro, and Ιξζίσ^ος, -ου, ό, (from perf. pass, of h^dlu^ a support, con- firmation. ' Έξεί-ψΐ/^,ος, -ου. ό, v}, (from Ιζζίττω) ready to fall, tumbling. 'Έξίί-ψίτοίχ,ος, -ov, (from same and τείχος) one who throws down a wall; having a ruined wall. 'E^£^;/og-, -ij, -ov, for εοεβεννός. Έξέομαί, εξομοα, imp. 'ήζόμ,ηυ, see ϊζίω. "Έζεος, same as εξειος. 'Κξίτττω, I graze, browse, eat. 'Έςεσία, -ας, τ}, (from next) rowing. 'Έξεσσω, -ττω, f. εζίσω, pres. inf. εξίσσεμε- ucii, for εξεσσειν, I row. 440 ^Έξεττ,ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a rower. Έξετ'ίκ,ος, -ij, -oV, (from same) fit for row- ing- 'E^sr^oV, -oy, 6, or Ιξετμ,ον,-ου, το, (from same) an oar, roiving. ^Έξετμόύ), (from same) I ply with oars. Έξεύγω, f. ε^εΰζ^ω, p. ^ζευχα, 2 a. ^ξΰγον, I belch, belch out, give vent to, vomit, throw out, utter abundantly. 'Eggy^'^s;^, -εσσοί, -εν, (from next) ruddy, red. "Έξευύος, -εος, ro, redness. 'Έ^εύύύ), f. -εύσω, (from preced.) I make red. "Έζευνχ, -τις, '/}, (from next) scrutiny, trial, investigation. Ερευνάω, -ω, f. -τ^σω, p. τ^ρευντηκ,α, 1 a. ^^ξεΰνγίσχ, (from e^ioj) I search, search dili- gently, trace, itivestigate. Έξευννιτεος, (from preced.) to be inquired into: Ιξευν^ίτεον, must inqui?'e into. 'Έ.ξέφύ), f. --φω, (from ίξεβος) I make dark, cover with a roof, shade, crown. Έξεχύεύς, -εος, 6, a king of Athens and priest of Minerva : ' Έζεχθεί^οι:, -ων, οι, the people of Erechtheus, the Athenians. ' Έ^εχύω, (from ερείκ,ω} I burst, shatter. "Eggi^/g-, -εως, v}, (from εζίφω) a covering. Έ^εώ», -ω, f. -viaoi, p. εϊξΥΐκ,οί, 1 a. pass, εμ- ρεύγιν, p. pass, είξπ/^^οίι, (from εϊξο) I say, declare, promise, call: ε^εο^οίί, I ask, con- sidt. "ΈξΎΐ^α,ζεσχα, (from εζγιμ,ος) I wander in solitude. 'ΈξΎΐ(Λοίϊος, -a, -ov, (from same) solitary, lonely, deprived, destitute. 'E^ii^/ci, l^nptcucx,, -ocg, ΙζΥι^Λοσΰνη, -ης, ί], (from same) a desert. ' ΈζπμΛΆος, -71, -ov, (from same) desert, solitary. ΈξΥΐ/:ίΐτγις, -ου, ό, (from same) living in a desert, a hermit, eremite. ' ΈξΥΐμ.6κ,ο{Λος, -ου, ο, i], (from same and κ,ό/ίί,η) destitute of hair, bald. ' Έξτιμ,όνομ,ος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and νέ[Λω) dwelling in solitude. ' Έξημοτί-λοίνης, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and ΤΓ'Κα,νά,ω^ wandering in solitude.' "ΈξΥΐμ,ος, -ου, ό, v}, desei't, desolate, waste : εξγΐμος, -ου, vi, Λάζ. χωξοί, the desert, which, in Matth. iv. 1, probably signifies the great desert of Arabia, in which the Israelites wandered, and in which Moses and Elijah fasted, Exod. xxxiv. 28. 1 Kings xix. 8. Έξπρίοψ'ίλγις, and -oc, -ου, 6, (from pre- ced. and φί'λος) loving solitude. 'Έξ'/ιριόα, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. TjQTi/iccjKcc, 1 a. ί^ξ'ί^μ.ωσα, 1 a. pass, ^^ξγι/χωύτ,ν, p. pass, ij^ii- [Λω(Λοίΐ, (from εξπμ,ος) I lay waste, make desolate, bring to desolation. 18 A GREEK LEXICON. Έξκο;. "Εργ,μ,ωσις, -tog, Attic -ioi;, tj, (from pre- c-ed.) desolatwiu 'Εο)5,ί4&»τ>5ί•, -ου, rjy (from same) one ivho lays ivaste. Έ«-/5τνω, f. -ύσω, I withhold, restrain. "Έρί, (an insep. particle) ve7y, greatly. ' Έοίαν-^Υι!/, ~£Ρθζ, 6, 7j, (βοί and a,i/%ri'j) high-neclced, very spirited. 'EpYiiosyJrrjg, -cv, c, and sciSoo^oc, -ov, 6, 71, (from same and βοίμ,ω) very raging, loud- ly roaring. Έο7Ζξνχ7ι:, £ξί"ξϋχος, -ov, ο, v], (from same and βζυχνι) loudly roaring. 'E.5/e6jA£i|, -οίκος, ξο'ι^ωΧος, -ου, 6, tj, (same and βωλος) having a inch or deep soil, fertile. ' Κρίγοουττος, Ιοίοονττος, -ou, (same and οου- 'TTog) loud-sounding. Έβ/δάώ), f. -άσω, by sync, loioa, — or $o;. oui'ju, 1 a. m. inf. ίοιο'^γισασύοίΐ, for ioih'/j- σ^σύΛΐ, and ίζίοίω, (from 'ioig) I quarrel, contend with, rivalj^ ^Έριόϊ'^Υις, -iog, 6, r„ (from eoi and olvri) fidl of eddies, curling or whirling, Έξίο/ίία/ι/ω, for έοισμαίΐιω, wliich. from Βοισμιζ, I contend luith, provohe, 'Έΐζβμ,γ,τος^ Dor. k^ioy.ATog, -ou, (from IV and "^αμ,ύ,ω) completely subduing. Έξίξύ), f. -'ίσα, p. -iKci, (from ίξΐς) I con- tend, dispute. 'Eo/>i^i5c, -iog, ioiYi^og, -ου, ο, (from s'o^and οίξύ)) well-fitted, much attached to, beloved, amiable. Έοίύίίίΐ, -ccg, 7], (from next) contention, strife, love of strife contentioii or disput- ijig. 'Έζΐθζύω, {ΐτοτΆί Pig) I contend: and Ipi- Bivoficti, (from 'iptou^ I spin wool, work in wool, labour. 'F.oidri'hvig, -iog, ερίύαλλος, -o>, (from sot and θάλλώ) very luxuriant or fiourishing. "Έζΐθος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from ίΐ^ιον) a worker in wool, a labourer. Έο;κλά'/>ί.τ-/;ί•, -sog, 6, vj, (from I'o; and ■Ahocyyu), or -κΚάζύ)) loud-sounding. 'Έξίκλαυτος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and yJKoiio)) much-lamenting. 'Eoyy^vTog, -o'j, (from same and κ?,ύω) very illustnous. ^Έζίκτος, -ij, -O'J. See Ιαίίκτός. ' ΈρΙκ.τΰ'ΤΓος, -oy, (from 'iot and K7υ'7τiύ}) hud-clashing. 'ΈζίκυΙγ,ς, -iog, 6, tj, (from same and κυ- Qoc} most glorious, most renoivned. EpiKvf/.cju, -o'jog, (from same and χ,ΰω) far advanced with young, 'Έρί[Λϋκος, -ου, 6, i], (from same and μ,υ- κύ,ο)) loud-lowing. Έζίΐ/οίξω, (from next) / am like the ivild %, apply ivildfigs. 'Έζίνίος, -ου, Βοϊρος, -ου, 6, Ι^Ίνοίς, -oihog, τ}, α wild fig-tree. ^Eoiviiiig, -ύος, 7j, (from I'o/;) Erinnys, a fury, the i^nnciple of vengeance personified : ai iotu'jiic, the furies, see si/iicsu^sg. 'Epiuuoa, or $ξί>νω, (from same) I rage, am furious. 'Eoj'/Q'j, -ου, TO, (from h^iuog) a wild A; ^^ ^ ^ ■ "E^iou, st'^iou, -ου, uoog, -iog, το, (from si', ξύ)^ υ^οοΐ, fleece. ' EoiOTTCu'xia, (from preced, and ττα'λίω) I sell luool. ' E^ioTTc-jT^Yig, -ov, 6, (from preced,) a seller of wool. Έξίο-ττωΤΰκος, -'^, -ou, (from preced.) of a wool-seller : ξζίΟ'ττωλ'ίκ,ως, like a wool-seller. 'Eoioour,g, ίξίοϋνιος, -ου, 6, (from iPi and o'JYiy.i) very useful, an epithet of Mercury. 'Έξίουογίω, (from 'ίξίον and sQyou) I work in wool. Έρίουζγος, -ου, 6, % (from same) α worker in wool, ^Eo'iTTT^vjoog, -O'J, (from 'i^t and ■^rAgy^sc) having strong sides, robust. 'Έοίττν/}, -fig, '/}, (from spsi'ttoj, or ίξί and 'TT'jico) a summit. "E^ig, -i^og, 71, (ΤΤΐΠ) contention, strife, quarrel, competition, rivalry. Έζίσθα^νις, -iog, o, τ}, (from soi and cui'jog) very powerful. "Έξίσμοί, -ccTog, re, (from ίρίζω) dispute. ^Εοισμ,ά,ξά,γος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from so ι and σ^ΛοιοΛγίω) very roaring or thundering. Έοίστάφν?.ύς, -ov, o, τι, {from same and στΆφύλγι} bearing large grapes. 'Έζίστγ,ς, -ου, 6, (from 1^;^) a contentious person. ^EoiarrAog, -y„-0'j, (from preced.) co72ie?z- tious. "Έηιστος, --)}, -o'j, (from Ιζίζω) to be con- tended for. Εοίσύβγι. See ίξνσίβγι, Έοισφάζοίγος, {βζΐ and σφάξαγος) havijig a deep throat, stentorian. Έοίτϊ{Λος, -O'J, (from same and rifcTi) very costly. 'ΕζίφΒίος, -ci, -ov, (from next) of a kid or goat. "Eqiipio'j, -ου, το, Άηάίξίφος,-ου, 6, a goat, a kid. Έξίωλγι, -T,g, 71, (from 'ίξί and χολλ'ής) a hurricane : or (from 'ΐςίον and όλίω) a con- sumer of ivool. 'EoKslog, -iici, -iio'j, and εξκιος, (from next) guardian of halls or inclosures, an epithet of Jupiter : ίξκιον, -ου, το, an iticlo- sure. "EoKog, -ίος, το, (from ίΐζγω) a wall, bid wark, fence, i?iclosure, court-yard, hall. Κ 441 ΕξκουξΟί A GREEK LEXICON. ΈξυδΙ'ΤΓΤολις, "ΕζκουξΟζ, 'OVf ο, (from preced. and ου^ος) a hall-door keeper, a guardian. ' Έξ-ΛΤ'ή, 'ijg, i], (from £ίξγω) a prison. "Έ^μοι, -ατός, το, (from Έ^,α^?) ani/ thing having on it the image of Mercury, a prop, block, ballast, the tongue ovfidcrum of a bal- ance, a rock. 'Έξμοιίος, -oiix, -oCiou, (from same) of Mercury : ϊζ^^ϋΐΛοί, -ων, τχ, a festival in ho- nour of Mercury : k^f/,uliou, -ου, ro, an image of Mercury by the way side, an un- expected treasure: εξ/αχίος λόψος, a heap of stones by the way side sacred to Mercury. ' Έξμ/ζτίζω, ίξμ,ά,ζω, (from έξ/χιχ.) I keep in balance, poize, ballast a vessel. ' Έξΐ^ΛτΊτης, -ov, 6, (from same) a bal- last. ΈξμοίφξόΙϊτος, -ov, ό, (from Έ^^κ^ and ' Αφξο^ίττ]) an hermaphrodite. 'E^f^iiocg, same as 'Έ^μ,νις. ' ΈζμηνίΙΰΐ, -»ς, V), (from sQ^vivivg) an in- terpretation ; diction. Έξμ,'ί^ιαυμοί, -οίτος, το, (from εξ/ίΛΥίρεύω) an explanation, sign, proof. Έο^Ι^Ύΐνίυς, -έος, Attic -£6)f, s^^u^usvT^g, -ov, 4 (from 'E^^wjj?) an interpreter. ' Έξμ,γιυευτίκος, -'ή, -ov, (from preced.) quailed to interpret, knowing, expressive, eloquent. ' Έζμ,γινίύω, f. -ζύσω, p. Υι^μ,'ήνξυκ,α,, (from εξμγινεύς) I interpret, explain, translate. 'Έξμΐ^ς, -ου, 6, Hermes, the fabled mes- senger of the gods, who, among many other characters assigned him, (such as, the patron of thieves, of trade and of gain, and god of the public way,) was held to be the inventor of letters, the protector of learning, and the god of rhetoric and elo- quence ; on which account the Lycaonians took Paul for Hermes, or (as the Romans called him) Mercury, because he was the chief speaker, Acts xiv. 12.; also a pillar or mile-stone. 'Έξμ,ύιον, -ου, ro, (from preced.) a little Mercury. 'Έ()μ,1ν, or ε^μ^ις, -hog, 6, (from same) a bed-post with a Mercury carved on it. ' Έ,ζ/ίοογλυφίύς, -ίος,ό, (from same and γλύ- φω} a carver of Mercuries. ' Έ,ζμ,ογλυφίοί, -α,ς, v], (from same) the carving of Mercuries. ' Έξ/Λογλυφίκ,ος, -^, -ov, (from same) cap- able of carving Mercuries, skilful in carv- ing, the art of carving. "Έξυος, -ίος, το, a young green tree or plant, a branch, offspring. Έροέ/?, -εσσχ, -ev, (from εξκω) lovely. "Έξομοα, f. -vjaofcon, I inquire of, ask about. "Ego?, -ου, 6, same as ίζως. . 442 Έζττετος, -vi, -ov, (from sg-r^) a reptile. "Έξ'της, -ihog, v}, (from same) a creeping vine, wine. 'Έ^τιτύζω, f. -νσω, (from same) / creep along, walk pensively. "Έξ'ττυλλον, -ου, ro, ί^ττυλλος, -ου, ο, (from same) wild thyme, serpyllum. Έ|07Γί>στ55^, -νΐζος,ε^'ττυστνις,Ά'ηά εξ'ζτ,στ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from εξ'ττύζω} one that creeps. "Έ^ττω, f. -ψώί, 1 a. εϊξ-ψοί, I creep. "Ερρΰος, -ου, ο, a ram, aries. "Έρρω, f. &ξσω, — Ιρρίω, f. -νισω, (from βο)) I fail, decay, βοιυ away, disappear, go to a bad end; hence, erro; pres. imperat. ίρρε, begone. ^Έρρωμ^ενν^ς, -ες, (from ρωννΰω) strong, vigorous, brave, resolute: ερρωμενως, forcibly, with vigour or firmness. "Ε^ση, or εε^ση, ->??, ^, (from ρεο)) deiu, hence by transp. ros. 'Έξσνιεις, -εσα», -εν, εξσοι7ος, -ci, -ov, (from preced.) dewy. •" ♦ "Έζσγιν, Ion. for έί^σνιν, male, mascidine. "Εξσος, -εος, το, (from εΐξω) a tie, knot. 'Έξύγμγιλος, -ου, ο, ί], (from εξεύγω) vomiting forth, roaring. "Έξυθοίίνω, f. -οίνω, 1 a. νΐζύύνινα, (from εζυύεω, see p. 70) I make red. Έξΰύ^^Λοί, -α.τος, το, (from preced.) red- ness. 'Έξυύξοίίνομΰίί, (frora εξυβξός) I grow red, blush. Έζυύζΐά,ω, and εξυύιά,ω, -ω, f. -κσω, 1 a. ί]ξυβξίΰίσ<χ, (from same) I blush. Έξυύξο'^χνόομοΐί, (from same) I am dyed red. 'ΈξυύξότΓους, -ο^ος, ό, i), (from next and •τΓους) red-footed. Έζυύξος, -cc, -ov, (from εξευβος) red. 'Έξϋκω, f. -|iy, p. -%««, εξυχ,ά,χ,ω, εξυκχκ,εω, f. '^σω, — εζυκ,ΰίνω, I draw, hold back, curb, restrain, impede; repulse, drive away; avert, separate: εξυκ,όντων, 3 pi. pres. im- perat. mid. for εξυκετωσχν. "Έζΰμοί, -Οίτος, το, (from εξόω) a p7'eser- vative, protection, fortress, wall. 'Έξυμ,νός, -'η, -ov, {from same) fortified, safe. ' Έξυ/χνότγις, -τγιτος, yj, (from preced.) a fortification. 'Έζνσοίξμόίτ^ς, -εος, ό, ί], (from ε^ΰω and όίξμ,οι,) drawing a carriage ^ a chariot or cart- horse. Έξυσϊβγι, -γις, v}, (from εςενύος) nest, blast- ing, mildew. Έζυσίύξίξ, -τξίχος, ο, ^, (from same and ^ξΐζ) red-haired: or (from εξύω) draiuing or tearing the hair, a curry-comb. ^ Έ^υσί'τττο'Κίς, -ιος, 6, v}, (from εζύω and ττόλις) dratvingfrom danger and so preserv- Έουατος. A GREEK LEXICON. Έϋτηκω. ing, or drawing to destruction and so de- stroying a city. 'E^yffToV, -VI, -ov, (from next) drawn, 'Έζύύ) or ίϊξΰω, f. -νσω, I draw, haid, drag ; draw to 2>icces, tear ; draw away from danger^ preserve; draw to myself, capture, rescue ; draw in, withhold, impede, frustrate; draw with gold, redeem. Έζ)^»^τχομοα, (from £ξχχ/^^α.ι, for ίϊξγ- μχ{, perf. pass, of ίΐξγύή I am inclosed. "ΈζχοΐΛο,ι, (see page 74) / come, go. 'Έξω^ίος, -ou, 6, (from ίζως) a heron. 'E^ijg/y, f. '7}σω, (from ciij) I flow ; flow away, ehh ; yield, give way, desoi, abandon. Έξύνή, -τις, V], (from preced.) the flow- ing of a stream: impetuosity, violence; or retreat, shrinking from. ' Έξύ}μ.ϋίρξω, (from έξως and μα.ίι>ομαι) I am love-mad. ' Έξωμ.ά,νή;, -ίος, 6, v}, (from same) love- mad. 'Έξωμ.ΰί^ίοί, -α,ς, vi, (from same) mad love. "Έ,ζ^ΟΛς, -ωτος, ό, (from ίξάίο) love, desire, Cupid. "Εζωτάξίον, or Ι^ωτιον, -ου, ro, (from preced.) a little Cupid. 'Έ,οωτά,ύ}, -ω, f. -τισύ), p. τΐζωτ'/ιχ,οί, 1 a. v'jQUT'/jffuc, p. pass, 'η^ωτϊΐ/χ,οιι, (from si^a) I ask, interi^ogate, question, request, desire, leg, beseech. ΐ!.οωτϊΐμ,χ, -ecrog, το, and ϊξωττισις, -εο)ς, 7ί, (from perf. pass, of preced.) an interro- gation, inquiry, question. ^Έξωτιόίοίς, -uu, xi, (from 'i^o) ς) devoted to love. "Έ^ωτΐ^ίύς, -ίως, 6, (from same) a young Cupid. 'Εξωτικός, -jj, -ou, (from same) amorous, amatory. 'ΈξωτΙς, -/δο?, 7j, (from same) a 7nistress. ' Έξύΰτογζοίφοζ, -ου, ο, (from same and γξά- φω) a tvriter of love-songs. Έζωτοττλοίύ), (for ίζωτοτ^τολίω) I flutter around iviih desire. Έξωτνλος, -ου, ό, (from έ^ως) a little Cupid, a beloved friend. "E?, send, 2 sing, iraperat. 2 a. οΐ'ίίΐμ,ι. Έί, poet, and Attic for dg. Έσίϋ77£λ£ί)ί-, -tog, 6, (from dg and dy- ytXKu) one luho brings a message, a messen- ger. In tlie same way are many words compounded with Ig for dg, which see under tig. "EaccuTU, (same and olvru.) before, in front. Εσχζκσσο), (same and ccQiiaau)) I beat in or upon, force, attack impetuously. "Εσβαίσίς, -iug, τ], (from daficclm) em- barking. "Εσβόίτος, -ov, (from same) accessible. Έσ^ίΙωμι, {dg and ^ί^ωμι) I give, throw, pour into ; flow into. Έσίξγνυ[Λΐ, (from same and d'ξyω) Ishid up. Έσ-ηΤ^νσις, -ίως, τι, (from ίΐσϊζχομ,χι) en- trance. "Εσύγιμα, -UTog, ro, ίσβ'ης, -iJTog, ί], and ίσύησις-, -£ώ)?, '^, (from L•) a covering, robe, garment, clothing, raiment. Έσβϊω, έσΰω, f. -ίσα, p. vjgUikoc, (see page 74 ) / eat, devour, consume. Έσβλός, -ij, -ou. Dor. IffAoV, good, h'ave, usefid, excelling, distinguished. Έσκ,ΛταβίΧ,ίρω, {dg and κ,ατΛβΛίυω) I de- scend into. "Εσκαμ,οίΐ, (same and κ,εΐμαι) I am put on board. Έσκψ.μ,ίυως, (from same and part, of perf. pass, oi σκίτττομοίΐ) studiously, delibe- rately. Έσϋομί^τ}, -Tig, vj, (from same and κομίξοή an importation. Έσ'Κξύσσω, (same and Τ^ίυσσοϊ) 1 behold. "Εσμ,άομοίί, (same and μάω) I cause to desire. "Εσμός, -ου, 6, (from ioi) a siuarm. "Εσνίω, {dg and vio)) I swim to. Έσοτττξίζω, (from same and οτΐχομα,ϊ) I reflect an image. "Εσοτττξον, -ου, ro, (from same) a looking- glass, a mirror, of polished metal or pellu- cid stone, was darker than our glass. 1 Cor. xiii. 12. 'E(j-r£gci, -ocg, 7], (from ίσττί^ος) the even- ing. Έστιτίξβες, -ων, αί, (from same) the Hes- perides, three nymphs, daughters of Hespe- rus, supposed by Diodorus to be the same with the ^tlantides. They were appointed to guard the golden apples, which Juno gave to Jupiter on the day of their marriage, and the place of their residence was, according to Hesiod, near Atlas in Africa. Έσ-τΐέζίνος, -'/J, -o'j, and Ισττίξίος, -ex,, -on, (from next) of oy in the evening. "Εσττεξος, -ου, ό, (perhaps from €&> ττίζχς, the end of the day) Hesperus, the evening star. "Εσ'ττομοίί, for 'ίττομαί, I follow. "Εσττω, for έττω, I say. Έσσύύ), and kaaoo), Ϊ. -ωσω, (from jjcrowj/) / conquer. Έσσίύομοίί, (from σίύω) I hasten myself. ΈσσνΙν, 'ijueg, 6, a king. Έσσυμίνως, (from σίΰω) rapidly, ivilh im- petuosity, or in one body. "Eoacou, -ouog, (for ίίσσ^ι/) less. "Εστί, (ig and ri) until, luhile. Έοτ7]κύ), (from ϊστηκα, perf. of Ίστ/ιμ,ι) perf. mid. ίίσττ,κχ, pluperf. darviKuu, and .'5 443 '^EoTi'tto A GREEK LEXICON. 'Έ,τεξόδοζας, pers. plur. siaTyjfcsiaui/, I stand, stand still, standfirm. 'Έστίχ, -Λς, Ion. ;Vt/>7, -y\q, ^, a hearth, house, home, domestic altar, Vesta, goddess of the domestic hearth. Εστία^ίίίί, -χτος, το, and ίστί/ϋσις, -εως, ij, (from ίστίάά)) a feast, ΈσπΛξχίω, (from same and άξχος) I preside in a feast. 'Έστιά,ς, -«log, yj, (from εστία) a vestal virgin. ' ΈστίΛτοζίχ, -ccg, vj, (from same) a feast- ing, food. 'Έστίοίτόξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a din- ing'hall. 'Έστιΰ,τωξ, -οξος, 6, (from next) one who gives a feast. 'Έστιάω, f. -χσύ), (from εστίοί) I give a feast: εστιάομ,οα, I feast myself, feast : εσ- TiauTo, for εσηά,οιντο, they might feast upon. 'Έσηουχος, -ου, 6, (from same and εχο)) one who possesses a hearth, a hoitseholder, one who guards the house, viz. Jupiter. 'Έστιωτις, -thog, vj, (from εστία) domestic, friendly. 'EffTo^yij?, -o'to?, perf. mid. part, οι στεζ- "Έστύύξ, some write sktcuq, -οξο;, 6, for Ιχετωξ, (from εχω) a ring-bolt for fastening the pole of a chariot to the yohe, a holder. 'Έσύστεζον, (kg and ϋστεξοι/} till a future time, hereafter. 'Εσχόίςα, -ag, τ}, a hearth, altar, grate: a scar, any thing deep and hollow. Έσχαξεων, -uuog, 6, (from preced.) a hearth, fire. 'Έσχάξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a tittle fire, a little grate, a censer, a little hearth, base or pedestal. 'Έσχάξως, -ου, 6, ^, (from same) belong- ing to the fire or hearth. 'Έσχαξϊζ, -i^og, yj, (from same) a hearth, altar, grate. 'Έσχοίοίτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) victuals prepared by fire. ^Έσχα,τά,ω, or εσχα,τιάω, (from iaxotTog) I am last. ^ Έσχατεύω, or εσχατίζω, f. -ίσω, 1 a. '^σ- χχτισα, (from same) / am last, delay. 'Εσχατιά, -ag. Ion. ίσχατινί, -^g, '/j, (from same) an extreme place or boundary. 'Έσχaτoγ7lξωg, -ω, 6, (from ίσχaτog and ytiQag) in extreme old age. 'Έσχaτό£lg, -εσσα, -εν, (from next) last. "Eox.oiTog, -39, -ov, (perhaps from next)i/?e last, idmost : εσχaτωg, in the last extremity. "Εσχον, 2 aor. of εχω. "Εσω, or ίΐσύ), (from εΐζ) in, zuithin: 6 εσω, the inner : 'ΐσωύεν,^οηι within, the inside. Έσωτΐ(^1κος, -ν), -ov, (from same) ifiier?ial. 444 'Eσωτεςog, -a, -ou, (compar. of έ'σώί) inner, interior : superl. hojTUTog, -n, -ov, inmost. "Ετάζω, f. -άσω, 1 a. γ^τασα., 1 f. pass. ετασ&'ήσομ,αι, 1 a. pass, "ήτάσθγιν, (from ετεός) I inquire, explore, examine, chastise, afflict, torture. Έταίζα, -ag. Ion. εταίξη, -r^g, εταίξΐς, -ihog, 71, (from kTal^og) a female companion^ 7nistress, harlot. Έταΐζεία, Ion. εταίξγι'ί'γι, and εταιρία, -ag, 71, (from same) companionship, associa- tion. ' Εταίξεύομαι, (from ^2imQ) I live by pros- titution. Έταίξίω, (from same) / prostitute my- self. 'ETai^-^aig, -=7Γτoς, -ov, (jy and yvay^'πτoς^ easy to bend, elastic. E.vyvay,ove6), (from ivyvo)yo)v) I am in- didgent, moderate. Ebyvoj^oovvYj, -r,:, y\, (from next) candour^ a sense of piropriety. Ebyvc,)y.c,yj, -όνος, 6, 7], (from sy and yvoj- y/i) of excellent sentiments, judicious, indul- gent, candid : svyvω^uόvc-Jς, ivitk equity and moderation. Eΰyvωστoς or ίΰyvωτoς, -ου, 6, τ}, (sv and yvoiGTog) well known. Evyoy^og or ίυy6μ.(pίυτoς, -ov, (same and yoy^oc) ivell nailed. Evyov^a, -ας, r„ (from same and yovoi;) friiitf Illness. Eΰy(ιayy,oς, -ov, (from same and y^ay- y/\) well marked or ornamented tvith lines. Euyξaφviς, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from same and yoάφω) luriting or describing ivell. Evyv^og, -ov, (same and yvξoς) luell i7i- closed. Eυyωv^oς, -ov, (from same and yωvίa) right-angled. ΕυΙαιμ,ονίω, (from ώ^αίΐΛων) I enjoy good fortune, am p)rosperous. EvhaiyovYiya, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a piece of good fortune, happy event. Evhaiyov^ia, -ας, τ], (from same) happi- ness, prosperity. Ευ^αιμ,οΆζύ), (from same) I congratidate. Ε'ίί^αιμ,ον'ίκος, -5j, -ov, (from same) pro- ductive of happiness. Εύ'^αί/ϋονισμος, -ου, ό, (from ίυ^αιμ,ονίζω) a congratidation on prosperity, salidation. Ευδαίμων, -όνος, 6, τ], (gy and δαίμων) hav- ing a propitious demon, fortunate, rich, happy : ώ^αιμόνως, happily, in prosperity. Εύοάκ,ξϋτος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and ^ci^^y^j) much to be lamented. Εύ^άττανος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and Sce- ττάνη) living sumptuously. Ευ^ζίίΚος, -ov, for ΐΰ^ΎΪΚος, conspicuous, or (from gy and δί/λ>!) right westiuard. ΕϋΙίί-ττνος, -ου, 6, {], (from same and h77r- vov) well furnished, sumjituous. Εϋ^ν'^ξος, -ov, (from same and Zsv^qov) abounding with trees, well shaded. ΕΰΙγιΚος, -ov, (same and δ^λο?) con- spicuous, very evident: ΐύΐ^ιλως, very evi- dently. Εύ'^ϊα, -ας, τ], (same and Δ/^β, accus. of Ζίύς) fair OY fine weather. Ευ^ιάβατος, -ov, (same and ^ίαβατός) easily passed. ΕυοιάβΤ^ητος, ζυ^ιάβολος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and ^ιαβάτο^ω^ easily calumniated. Ευ^ίαιτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and οίαί- τα} easily fed, sparing. Εύ'^ίάκοττος, εύ^ιάκοτττος, -ov, (from same and ^ίακ,ύτττύ)} easily cut through. Ευ^ίαχ,όσμ,Υίτος, -ov, {ίύ, ύια and κ,οσ,οίΥΐτός) easily to be arranged. Εύοίάκξ'ίτος, (iy and Οίάκζίτος) tuell dis- 447 Έυ^ιάΧυτος, A GREEK LEXICON. Εύζ?5λ/α. tinguished or distingtiishing, See Jam. iii. 17. var. readings. Εύ^ίύλντος^ -ou, (same and Ιίοίλντός) eanly dissolved. 'KvhiizvOYiTog, -ov, 0, ^, (from same and ^lotuoico) intelUgejit. 'Ευ^ίά.νος,ίυ^ΐζΐι/6ς,-νί,-6ν,{ϊ\'θΏ\ίνοιος)οαΐΊη^ mild, well sheltered. Έ,υ^ιά,•χ,ΰτος, -oi/, (from sv and ^{oi^,voj^ easily dissipated. y-.'E.vhiaay -ω, (from iiihiog) siihiooiVTigy for evhio)UTig, I live under a mild sJcy. Έυ^ικίο; -Dig, ^, (from iv and ^ίκτι) just judgment, piLre justice. Ει/'δΓο?, -oy, 0, '/i, (from same and Zivg) serene, calm. 'Ev^uriTog, -ov, 0, 7], (from same and li- μω) well built. Έν^οκ,ίύ), -co, (same and δοκεω) I thinh ivell, think good, am j^leased willing or desi- rous, am luell pleased with, take pleasure in, acquiesce in with satisfaction and delight. Έυ^όκ-Ύΐτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from preced.) jp/e^^- ing, agreeable. ΈνΙοκΊοί, -6ig, 7], (from same) a seeming luell or good, will, pleasure, good pleasure ; good will, benevolent affection, affectionate desire, delight. Έύ'^οκίΜ,έύ), -ω, f. -'^ισύ), p. -yjkcc, (from ev and ^oKii^og) I prove, approve, am approv- ed. Έν^όκ-ΐμος, -ov, (from same) approved. ΈύΙοξίίϋ, (from sv and Ιόξ,χ) I signalize mi/self, am celebrated. Εύδοξίίί, -oig, 7], (from same) celebrity/, glory. Εί/δο|θί-, -ου, c, '/I, (from same) well thought of, celebrated, glorious. 'Eh'h^oiicyig, -ig, (from sS and Ιίζκω) quick to see, easy to awake. Έύΐξά^ζίίζ, -ccg, v;, (from same and 'h^ccu) ability. Ειίδ^οσοί, -ou, (same and ^^oocg) aboundijig with dew, dewy. Είίδώ), ivhi^evoii, infin. for evlsiv, also ivhL•), f. -y}ao}, svliaaa, ίυ^α,υω, I sleep, lie down, repose. ■ Έύίόίι/ος, -ου, 6, vj, {ίυ and kccuog) well robed. ΈυΒΟξος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ίίξοί) well seated. ΈΰίύζίξΟ; -Dig, vj, (same and ίύαζοί) hav- ing fair locks. Εύ£/δί)?, -kog, 6, VI, (from same and n^og) comely. Έϋίίμ,ων, -ouog, 0, τ], (from same and ίϊμα) well dressed. 'Euiipog, -ou, (same and ei^og} having good wool. Έ-ύίκτίω, -6;,(from same and h/,a) lam. well, 448 Έ,ύίκζϊκ,ος, -'^, -ou, (from preced.) having good health. ΈΰζΤ^της, -ihg, 6, 7], (sv and s^'Trig) having good hope. Eyg^^?, -iog, o, vj, (from same and Ιμίω) easily vomiting. Hus^aT^si'Trrog, -ou, (from same and Ι|α- ΐΜίφω) easy to be effaced. Έύίζχττάτγιτος, -ou, (from same and lf«- τΓίίτώίϋ) easily deceived. Έύίξίοί, -ccg, 7], (from same and sxu})good health. Έΰί^οΙος, -ου, ό, tj, (same and 'i^o^og) easy to come out. EusTTTig, -sog, 6, vj, (from same and 'ivog) fluent, eloquent, of agreeable speech. ECsTTi'si, eisTTsicc, -ccg, vj, (from preced.) fluency, salutation. EhiTrifiarog, -ου, 6, ^, (from ίυ and Icr/- ficx,iucS) easily mounted, easily imposed upon. Έύs7ΓφoύAίυτog, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and ΙτΓΐβονλεύύ)) easy to be entrapped. Έύί'ττίύετος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and Ιτ/- τίθγιμι) easy to be attacked. Έύέξγεσίοι, -xg, 7], (from same and sξγou) a good work or deed done, a benefit con- ferred. Έύε^γετίο, -ω, f. 'Vjgu, p. ίυη^γίτνικ,οι, (from same) / do good to, oblige. ΕύΒξγίτγιμοι, -ccTog, το, (from preced.) a benefit, obligation. Ehi^yirrig, -ου, 6, (from same) a benefac- tor. Eli^ysTYiTixog, ihiqyiTix,og, -57, -ou, (from same) beneficent. Έύί^γίτίς, -i^og, 7], (from same) a bene- factress. Έύίξy'^^g, -eog, 6, 7], (from same) well wrought, well done. Έΰίξγος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) easy to be ivorked; working well, beneficent. Evi^KTig, -sog, 6, tj, (from &υ and 'ίξκος) well inclosed. EosQw/jg, -iog, 6, tj, (from same and eQuog) having fine branches, luxuriant. 'Eiii^og, and ίύίςιος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and £QiQu) having fine wool, well stocked with wool. EUariog, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and harioc) having a fine seat or mansion. Έϋεστώ, -6og, -oi>g, vj, (from same and "ισ- τγ,μι) a happy state, prosperity. Έύετπξία,, -ag, τι, (from same and sTog) fruitfidness of annual produce, abundance. 'Eiio^iTog, -ou, (same and εύξeτ6g) easily found. Έύiφolog, -ου, ό, v), (same and 'ϊφο^ος) easy of access. Έύζ-^'Κίχ, -ccg, '4, (from same and ζτίλοζ) an earnest care. 10 Τ^-οζύξ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ενύνδοομεω, Έι/ζύζ, -νγο;, ξνζνγος^ -Of, 6,'ή, (same and ζν/ος) well yokedy well joined together. Έύζω-ίι^ -7)ς, ίυζώί'οί, 9], (same and ζον/}) a happy life. Έύξωυίζύ), (from same and ξωννΰύ)) I gird or prepare myself well. Ένζω^ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and ζο)!/'/)) well girded or armed. Έϋζωξος, -0!/, (same and ζοίζος) very pure. Έ-ύτηγί^νίς, -ig, poet, for iuyiuvig. Ey/jycff/a, -cx.g, ^, (from sJ and ^ylo^wa/} a happy reign. Έύ'/}βείχ, or si/yjuloCy -χς, v}, (from next) innocence, simplicity, stupidity, folly. Έύτιθνις, -sog, 6, v], το -sg, (from ev and ^dog) of good manners, simple, stupid, foolish. ^vvjKYig, -eog, 6, yj, (from same and άκ,'^η) well pointed. 'RvT^Koog, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and ακούω) hearing well, obedient. 'EvvjT^oiTog, -ou, (from same and VhL•)) easy to ride over. 'KvTjT^.iog, -ou, (same and '^Xiog) sunny: sv- r{kUig, with a bright sun. Έυνιμ,ίζίω, -ω, f. -τισω, (from same and vif,uoci) I succeed, spend happy days. Έ^υΎ^μ^ίοΐΛ, -ecg, τ], (from preced.) pros- perity, serenity. ^v'/iy^^og, -ου, 6, r,, (from same) happy, fortunate ; bright, serene. 'Evvjusf^og, -o'j, (from £y and α,υίμ,ος) well sheltered, or well exposed to the wind. 'E.i)'/]viog, -ou, (from same and viuici) easily yielding to the rein, tractable. Tiv'/iuo^^oc, -ccg, '/}, (from next) courage. Εύ'^ζ/ω^, -o^og, 6, (from iv and au'^^) manly, courageous, producing courage, gene- rous, illustrious. Έυvjξόiτog, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same and Ιξά,ω) well beloved. Ev'/iQSTfiog, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and Ιζίσ- αω) having good oars. Έv'yjξΎιg, -iog, ό, tj, (from same and οίξω) luell made. ^vYix^'^g, -ig, or ivn%og, -ou, (same and vtYfig) sounding well, loud, or melodiously. 'EvuoiKotaaog, -ou, (from same and Άάλχσ- σα) well navigated. Εύύοίλέω, -ω, (from next) I flourish well. Ey^aA'/ji, 'iog, 6, 7], (from ΐυ and ^άλλώ>) nourishing well, green. Έ.υύχ'Κ'τηάω, (same and ^χλ'ττίάω) I am well warmed. 'Άϋθαυα,σία,, -otg, 73, (from same and ^xuei- τος) an easy or honourable death. 'Ενθα,υα.τίω, (from same) / die easily or honourably. Εΰβά,νόίτος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same) having mi easy or honourable death. Κύύα,ξσίύ), (from next) / a7v hold. 'Ev^ci^a^g, -kg, 0, if}, (from iv and ^άξαος) of good courage: slda^aZg, boldly. 'Ei/ue^xTirsuTog, -ou, (from same and ^s^u- τΓίύω) easy to be healed or served. Έύύίτίύ), -ω, and ίνύίτίζω, (from same and τίύγιμί) I am rightly disposed ox fit. Wo'hiTog, -ου, 6, tj, (same and ^irog) rightly disposed, fit. Kousujg, (from iiiuvg) directly, immediately, instantly, soon, speedily. EvUYiKTog, -ou, (from ίυ and S^jjyw) well sharpened. Eburih'Yig, -sg, and sv^Yihog, -ou, (from same and ^YiKvi) yielding abundant milky exuberant. Έϋύ•/ιΐΛοσνννι, -ijg, v}, (from next) a just order. Έvβ'ylμωu, -ouog, 0, il, (from s5 and rluvj^ui) well arranged, ivell composed, elegant. EvdYiusUy -0), (from gy ana uviu or uhj) I abound, am fruitfid, am prosperous. EtjUYiulx, -ccg, V), (from preced.) good suc- cess, abundance, happiness. EdUTi^cirog, or siidn^og, -ou, (from gy and Βί'^ξχ) easy to be hunted or taken. Ευύ' /ig, -sog, 6, vj, ro -sg, same as ebuog. Έ•Jύ'ylσoίυζog, -ou, {ευ and ^γισοίυζος) well stored. EvuiKTog, -ou, (from same and B/yij) easy to be touched, well hit : svuiKTOjg,fitly. Ebuu'/jc^iyog, -ou, (from same and ^άνα- Tog) causing an easy death. EvUoiuog, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ^oiuvi) sumptuously entei^tained. Evύξoiυστog, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and ^ζοίύω) easily broken or bmased. EuuftiyKog, -ou, (same and ^^iyx,6g) well fortified. Εΰβζίξ, -r(Hxog, 6, tj, (same and θ^ί|) long maned. Eΰθξouog, -ου, 6, i], (same and ^oouog) well throned. Eud^oog, -ou, (same and ^fjoog) loud-sound- ing. Εϋύξυ'π -Tog, -ou, (from same and Άξύ'τττύ)) easily broken. Εύόυζολίύ), (from suudg and βάλ?.ύ)) I throw or cast in a straight line. Ei)Q^y'K(>)aaog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and γΤ^ωσσοί) having a straight forward tongue, ingenuous. EuuCyQcif^ij(,og, -ou, (from same and y^ocfA- y/l) rectilinear. ΕύβυΙίκίω, (from same and oU/i) I imme- diately stand my trial. Ευύυ^ικ,ίοί, -ccg, '/), (from same) an imme• diate defence. Ebdul'iKog, or ζυΟυοίκτις, -ου, (from same) an impartial judge. ' EjU^oooyAo), -01, f. -'ήσύ), p. εύ&υοίΟ^όατ,κΛ, 3 L ' AAU Έ,ρύΰδξΰμος,: A GREEK LEXICON. Ευκιων. (from ίύύί/ζ and Ζξό/^ίος) I run, sail, or covie tvith a straight course or run, as the sailors call it. Έϋ&ϋ^ζομος, -ou, (from same) consisting of a straight course, straight. Έύύνΐίίόίχγις, or ώύνοιοίχ,οζί -ov, 6, (from ίίΐύύς and μοίχα) coming immediately to ac- tion, intrepid. Έυύυμ,ΰ(.χίοί, -ας, 'ή, (from same) a direct pitched battle. Έυύνμ,ίω, -ω, f. 'Tjao), p. ίϋ6ν{Α.νικ,α; (from svuv/iiog) I take courage, am of good courage, am cheerfid, am in good spirits. ΈύβϋμΙα, -α,ζ, v], (from preced.) cheerfid- ness, alacrity. Ένύϋαος, -ου, 6, »;, {iv and ^ν^Λος) of good cheer or courage, cheerfid. Έυύΰνγι, --/ις, vj, (from ivuvuoj) redress, an action against a magistrate for misconduct, scrutiny, examination, an account suhnitted to examination. Έΰύϋνος, -ου, ώύυντνίξ, -^ξοζ, ό, (from same) a judge, avenger, director. Έύύυνττιζ^ΰΐ, -uc, rj, (from next) a rud- der. Έύύϋνω, f. -ΰνω, p. ίϋύυγκΊίί, 1 a. ενθυι^οί, Γ a. pass, yjiiuvi/uriU, Attic for ίύύύνύτιν, (from ίύύύς) I make straight, direct, guide, rectify. Ένύυ7!η/οος,£θϊΫί\\-ους,-ου, 6,vj, (from same and σί-νίω) blowing straight ov favourably. . Έύύν-ττομτΓος, -ou, (from same and ττί^ίΛστο)) sending sty^aight, causing to descend directly. Έ.ϋύύτοξίύ), (from next) / proceed in a direct course, Έύύΰτ^οζος, -ov, (from ίϋύύς and 'πόβος) in a direct course. Έύβυρρ•/ιμονίύ), (from same and β'ήμ,χ) I speak extempore or directly, call things by their own names. Ένύύς, 'fioi, -V, (from sv and ^όύή straight, right: ώύύς, εύύύ, straight towards, directly, immediately. Ευύΰτ•/;;, -rvjrog., τι, (from same) rectitude, righteousness, equity. , Μυύντο /iioc, -ou, (from εύύύς and τίμ,^^ω) cut straight, levelled. Έύύύτονος, (from sam.e and τζίνω) straight, tight. Έϋύΰφζωϋ, -ov, (from same and φξ'ήν) iight-minded, ivise. Ενύνωξίοί, -ug, ^, (from ενύν;) a straight line. Εύύυωξος, -ou, (from same} m a straight line. ¥^ύύύύζ'/ικ.ος, -ου, 6, τι, (from ευ and θώ^α|) luell armed. ΈύίΰΙτος, -ou, (from same and Ιάομ,οίΐ) easily healed. Ένΐΰίχ,ος, -ου, (from same and Ιάχο) shout- ing aiisjnciously. 450 ΕνΪ7^ιχ.τίύω, f. -ίύαω,- (from next) I am propitious, forgive. Ένΐλατος, -ου, ο, i], (from ευ and /λ«ω) propitious, forgiving. Έυ'ί'ος, 6, (from zboi'j^} Evius,joyfid. ΈϋϊτΓ'π-ος, -ou, (ευ and "ιτΐττος) well mount- ed, skilful in riding, excelling in cavalry. Εύκ,άύεκτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and κατέχω) easy to be restrained, incapable of resistance. Εϋ-Λοιίξεο), -ω, f. -37σω, Attic imperf. γιυκ,αΊ- ξεον, -ουν, p. γΐύκ,χίξ•ηκοι, 1 a. Attic γιύκ,αίξτ,- σοί, (from same and κ,αίξος) I have conve- nient time or opportunity, have or am at lei- sure, spend or employ my leisure time. Έύκαίξία, -ας, 'ή, ^From next) a conveni- ent opp)ortunity. Έϋκ,αίξος, -ου, ο, v], (εύ and καίξός) timely, opjjortune, seasonable, convenient: εύκ,αίξως, opportunely, conveniently, in sea- son. Έύχάματος, -ov, (same and κάμ,ατος^ easily hearing labour. Ευκα[Λ7ΐνίς, -ες, (from same and κ,άα'τττο)) well bent, curved, flexible. Eiiytaf^iog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and κ,χη- δ/α) magnaniynous : ευκ,α^ίως, cheerfidly. Έύκαξ'ΤΓ'ΐα, -ας, vi, (from next) a plentiful harvest. Έϋκ,αζ'π-ος, -ov, {ευ and κα^'ττος) fruitfid. Ευκατα^ωνιστος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and κ,αταγωνί'ζομ,αι) easily overthrown. Έύ>ίατάλντος, -ou, (from same and za- ταλύω) easy to be dissolved or destroyed. Έ.ύκ.αταί'ό•ητος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and κατανοέύ)) easily understood. Έύκ,ατάφοξος, -ov, (from same and κατα- φάξω) easily carried down, prone. Εύκαταφξόνγιτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and καταφξονίω) to be despised, contempti- ble. Ένκ,ατεξγαστος, -ov, (from same and κα- τεξγάζομαί) easily executed, practicable. Έύκ,ατγιγόξγιτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κ,ατγιγοξεω) easy to be accused, reprehensible. Εΰκεατος, -ov, (from same and κεάξω) easily split. Έύκ,εΤ^άΙος, (same and κίλα^ος) sweetly sounding. Έύχ,εξαίος, -ov, (from same and κεςύο) ivell mixed, ptire. Ευχ,εοαος, -ου, ενκεξως, -ω, ο, τ], (from same and κίξας) having beautiful horns. ΕΰκΎΐΚος, -ov, (from same and ϊκγιΚος) placid, quiet: ευκγ\7{ως, gently. Ei)Kivf[oicx,, -ας, v], (from next) velocity. Ευκίνητος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ευ and κινεω) easily moved, active. Έύκϊων, -όνος, ο, ^, (same and κ,ίαν) having fine pillars, well jrillared. Εύκλί/;?. A GREEK LEXICON. Έυλ&βως. ΈνκλίΥις^ -ίος, ο, ', 1 f. pass. ζϋ'Κογγιύτισομ,αι, p. pass, sv'hoyyif^oti, part. sv7^Qy/i[y(,i'jog, 1 a. act. ivT^oywcx,, Attic γ,υ7\.όγΥίσα, whence 3 sing. opt. ivhoyY^acni, Gen. xxviii. 3. (from same and \oyog) I bless, ivish well to ; bless, pi^aise, give thanks; bless, confer happiness. EvXoyriTog, -tj, -ou, (from preced.) bless- ed, extolled, praised. EvT^oyix, -{/.g, vj, (from same) a blessing, commendation, jjraise ; a j^resent, bountifid- ness. Έύλoyίζω, (from same) / bless. EvT^oyiarog, -ου, 6, 5j, (from preced.) con- siderate, judicious, wise. 'Ev'hoyog, -ov, 6, (from same) speaking or reasoning luell: iiihoyug, rationally. Ενλο'φο?, -ου, 6, 57, (sy and "λόφος) having a fair crest. Έϋλοχος, -ou, (from same and λϊχος) giv- ing an easy birth. Έΰλνξος, ίΰλνξ'^ς. Dor. ίυΧΰζας, -ου, 6, (from same and λύξχ) one luho plays well on the lyre. ΈϋΆΰτος, -Q-J, (from same and λύω) easy to be loosed: ίύλύτως, in a manner easy to be loosed. Έ.ϋμ.α,ύίίοί, iuficcuioc, -oig, τ], (from next) docility. Έύμόίύ'/ίς, Λος, 6, vj, (from εΰ and μ,ανύά.• νω) quick to learn, docile, ingenious : sv/icoi- ύως, skilfully. Έΰ[Λ!χ,ΧΚος, -ou, (same and μ,αΧΚος) well clad in ivool, Έυμόίξόΐοί, -οίς, τ), (from next) case, con- venience, evacuation. Έ.ν{Λαξ7}ς, -ig, (iiom tv and (^anri) easy 452 for the hand, gentle, mild: ίύμοίξως, easily, patiently. Έύ/κ,οίξίζύ), (from preced.) / render easy. Έ.ύ^Λα,ζΙς, -βος, τ], sandals. 'E'j^ey^UTig, -ίος, ο, v}, (from sy and (/.iyocg) huge, very great. Έϋμ,ζΐ^Υις, -sog, o, τ}, (from same and μζί- 'hccco)full of smiles, graaous. Έϋμίλίΐοί, -otg, vj, (from next) melody, suitable modidation of language. Έ,ϋμ,ίΚν,ς, -ioc, 6, yj, (from zv and μΐλος) melodious. Έύμ.ί.λ'ίας, ζυμμίλίας, Ion. ίύμίλ'ΪΥίζ, -ου, 6, (from same and ^ελ/«) expert in using the lance. Έύμ,ίϋίΐοί, ily,iu1x, -ccg, ^, (from ilf^suvig) benevolence. 'Kvy.iuirii^ct, -cig, i}, (from same) a friend, patroness, protectress. Έ.ϋμ,ίϋίτης, -ου, 6, (from same) a friend. Έΰμίνύύ), (from next) / am propitious. Έ,ϋμ,ξϋ'ής, -ίος, ο, tj, (from ευ and μ^ος) benevolent, kind: εύμ,ενως, kindly, benevo- lently. Έ,ϋμευωες, -uu, ui, (from preced.) hte- rally the benevolent or favourable, but ap- plied to the Furies, instead of "Έ^ίννύες, who were called also σίμναι ^sccl, venera- ble goddesses, from an opinion that their true names were unlucky omens. Έύμενίζομιζι, {ΐνοϊΏ. same) I render p?^- pitious to myself, appease. Έϋμεν^ΐΆος, -yj, -ou, (from same) friendly. Έύμίτάβολος, -ου, 6, τ], (from ευ and perf. mid. of μετχβάλλο)) easily changed, change- able. Έύμετά,^οτος, -ου, 6, i], (from same and μετοί^βωμι) ready to impart or distnbute. Έϋμετάθετος, -ου, 6, τι, (same and μετά,- ύετος) easy to be transposed, very mutable. Έύμ,ετά.'πειστος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and μετοί-π-είύω) easily persuaded, fickle. Έύμετά7ΓΤύ}τος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and μετοί'ττίτττύ)) ready to fall, vacillating, Εύμετύστόίτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and μ,εθίστοίμ,οίΐ) easily removed, unstable. Εύμετίζχ,είζίστος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and μετχχείξίξύ)) easily handled, tradable, easily taken in or cheated. Ευ μετρία.,- ας, '^,(from next)fair measiirc. Εΰ/αετξος, -ou, (from ευ and μέτξον} well measured or proportioned, large. Ευ[Λ7ΐ•Α.•/\ς, Dor. εύμ,άκΥίς, -εος, ο, ^, (from same and μνικ,ος) of a good length, tall. ΈϋμγιΆος, -ou, (from same and μνιλον) having fine sheep, abounding in sheep. Εύμίΐξϋτος, -ou, (from same and μπρνο- f-cai) well spun, skilful in spinning. Έυμ-ήΤίς, •'ioog, vj, (same and μ'ήης) very wise, viz. Minerva. Έυμτ,χανΙα, A GREEK LEXICON. Ενο'^Γτος, ΐ.νμγιχοίΐ/'ία, -ctSi '/}, (from next) ingen- Ulty. 'EvfiVjXoivog, -ou, (from sv and μτιχχι/'ΐή) well contrived^ ingenious : ivy.rixoiuoig, inge- niously. Έύμ,Ισ-ητο;, -ο;/, (from same and μ,ίσίω) justly hated, odious. Έν^Λίτος, -ou, (same and μίτος) well woven. Εν,αΤτςος, -ou, (from same and μίτξα) well girded. Έυμνημόνίντος, -ov, (from same and μν-,ι- μ,ουίΰω) very memorable. Έ.νμ.νημ,ων, -όνος, ο, vj, (from same and μ,νχομ,οίΐ) having a good memory. " ΈυμοιίΗΛ, -οίς, vj, (from next) a fortunate or happy lot. Έ,νμΌίξος, -ov, 6, v], (from ίύ and f/.o7^c&) having a happy lot, noble. Εύ/ϋολ'ΤΓίω, (from same and μ,ολττ'ί}) I sing ivell. Έϋμ.ο7\.7Γ'ίοί, -oLc, 7], (from same) sweet singing. Ένμο7^'7Γος, -ου, ό, ί], (from same) singing well, Έύμοζφ^ιοί, -α,ς, τ], (from next) beauty. Έϋμοξψος, -ου, ό, vj, (from sv and μοζφνι) heautiful. Έύμουσ^ια, -α,ς, τ], (from next) elegance of art or learning. Έΰμονσος, -ou, (from sv and μονσχ) pol- ished, learned. Έ,νμοχ,ύος, -ου, 6, '/ι, (same and μόχύος) ivcll disciplined. Έννοίϊος, -oc, -ou, (from svw^) of or belong- ing to a bed. Έύι/χίω, svucciSToca, svuciiouoii, (sv and vxU)) I am well inhabited, jmpuloiis. Έύνά,σ'ίΐΛος, -ov, (from sύvά,ζoi) convenient for lying in. Έννχστ'ίΐζίον, or svuxttiqiov, -ov, το, (from same) a j^lace to sleej) in, a bed-chamber. Έ,υνά,ύ), f. -τίσύ), sϋvά■ζύJ, (from next) / place in bed, cause to rest: sύvά,ζoμ.cil, 1 lay myself to sleep, lie, repose. Έ^νντι, -5Jf, vi, a bed, couch ^ den, repose ; an embrace; anchor as giving rest to a ship. Έννγιμ,Λ, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) coha- bitation. Evv7}TSiQoc, svuriTQioc,, -οίς, vi, (from same) a spouse, consort, night. Ένί/7}τος, -ou, (from sv and ν'/}βω) finely spun. Έ,ύν^τωξ, -οξΟζ, (ύνύστγΐζ, svv/jt'^q, -ΐ}ξος, svutTYig, -ου, ό, (from £t/y^} a husband, part- ner of a bed. ΕύνΙς, ίύνίτις, -ίοος, v], (from same) a wife, concubine. Εννίς, -ίος, ο, ii, (from ί7ς) deprived of the jmrlncr of one*s bed, imdowcd, desiilute. Εννοεω, -ω, (sv and msu) I am well affect- ed or well minded towards another, am friends with him. Evvoiu, -ας, vj, (from same and νόος) be- nevolence, good ivill. Έννοϊκ,ός, -71, -ou, (from same) friendly, cordial, benevolent: ίννοϊκ,ως, hindly. Εννομίω, (from sv and νίμω) I make good laws, govern well. ΕννοζΜοί, -ας. Ion. εννομίτι, -τις, 5j, (from same) a good system of laws, good govern- ment, orderly conduct. Εννομϊς, -ι%ς, τ], (from same) fit for feed- ing. ^ Εννομος, -ov, (from same) having good laws, ivell regulated ; fit for feeding, gently feeding. Εννοος, contr. εννονς, -ov, o, 'ij, (sv and νόος) benevolent : εννόοίς, benevolently. Ενυονχιζο), f. -Ίσω, p. εννονχικ,α, 1 a. sv- νονχισα, 1 a. pass, εννονχίσύην, p. pass, sv- νοΰχισμοίί, (from next) / make an eunuch : εννονχίζομαι, I become an eunuch. Εννουχος, -ου, 6, (from svv/i and ίχω, or εννις and oxsicc) an eunuch. Εννωμας, Dor. for έννομος. Εΰζ,ίΐνος, or εν^ενος, {sv and ^είνος, or fl- νος) very hospitable : ενξεινως, hospitably. Εν^εστος, -ov, and ενζ,οος, (from same and |έώ)) well polished, or finely made. ΕύζνμβοΤ^ος, see ενσνμβοΤ^οί ; and so in many other words ζνν is Attic for σνν. Ενογχ,ος, -ov, {εν and ογκ,ος) of proper bulk. Ενο^εω, (from same and ό^ος) I have a prosperous journey. Ενορία, -χς, τ], (from same) a prosperous journey, prosperity. Ευο^ιά,ζ^ω. See ενύί^ιά,ζ^ω, Ε^νο^μος, -ou, (from sv and ο^μνι) sweetly smelling. Ε.νο^ος, -ov, 6, V}, (same and ο^ος) having a prosperous journey, prosperous : ενό'^ως, prosperously. Ενο^όω, -ω, f. -ό)σω, p. εύόϊ^ωχ,χ, 1 f. pass. ενο^ωύ'ήσομαι, 1 a. pass. svu^cjUyiv, p. pass. ενόί^ωμοίΐ, (from same) / give or afford a good ox prosperous journey , prosper : εύο^ό- ομαι, I have a prosperous journey. Ενοινος, -ου, ό, ί}, {εν and οίνος) yielding good wine. Ενολβος, -ov, (same and όλβος) very rich, happy. Ενόλίσύος, -ov, 6, v}, (same and οΆισύός) very slippery. Ενοττλϊχ, -ας, v}, (from next)^«c• ai'ms. ΕνοττΆος, -ov, (from εν and οττλον) well armed. Εανοτττος, -ov, 6, 7j, (from same and οτττο- μ at) ivell seen. 453 Έυο^γ'ήαία, A GREEK LEXICON. Ey?7£ri/a. Έ,ύοξγτησ'ΐ^ί} 'cci, '<;, (from next) modera- tion in anger ; or readiness to he angry. Eyogy>5T0i-, -of, o, ^, (from £y and ο^γά,ω) moderate in anger ; easy to be made angry : $ύοζγί]τως, with moderation, or tvith quick- ness,4ti anger. Ένόξζκ,το;, -ov, (from same and όξίγύμοα) fit to excite desire, jmngent. Έύοξκ,ίύ), (from ίνοζκος) I keep my oath inviolate. ΈϋοζχΛο,, -δι?, ^, (from next) the inviolate observance of an oath. Ένοςκος, -ου, 6, vi, {sv and ο^κ,ος) one ivho religiously keeps his oath. Ένοξμος, -oi/, (same and οξμος) having a good harbour. Ένοξί'ίς, -Τύος, ό, yj, (same and of^uig) hav- ing a good breed of fowls. Ενόζοφος, -ou, (same and οξοφος) well roofed. Ένοσμ'ίχ, -χς, '4, (from same and ίσμτ}) fragrance. Ένόφβαλμος, -ου, ό, vj, (same and όφύο'Λ- μος) having fine eyes. Έύοχίομοίΐ, or ώωγ,ίομοιι, (same and oxU)) I ride well or prosperously, fare ivell. Ενοχ,ύία, (same and όχ,ύίίο) I bear my btii'den ivell. Έϋοχύος, -oi>, (from same) of easy lucight; little burdened. ΈϋτΓα,γτ,ς, -ίος, or ζυΊΐα,-ΛΤος, 6, vj, (from £y and 'TTTiyoj) well fastened, co7npacf, stout. Έυττάύαοί, -α,ς. Ion. evTrocuiy,, -της, ij, (from same and τάσχω) comfort, haj^jnncss, effe- minacy, vohiptuousness. Έ.ύ'τταύίύ), -ω, f. -ί^σω, 1 a. Τιν-πάύγισοι, (from same) / enjoy hap}piness, live voluptuously. Έϋτταύ'ής, -toe, 6, '^, (from ev and Tirccuog) indidgent, congenial with. ΕύτΓοί/δ/ύί, -χς, ij, (from next) the having of fine childreji. Εϋ'ττοίίς, -cciuo;, 6, 7j, (ev and Trcclg) having fine children, being a good child. Έυ-χάΤ,αιστζοι/, -ου, το, (from same and T^rct.'haicTQct) gracefulness, dexterity. ΈύττάΤιόίμος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and 'TToihayy^^ well handled, well composed, dex- trous. Εύττάλοίί, -ίος, ό, τ], (from same and -rcc- Ajj) reckoning labour easy, easy to combat : W'TTcihioyg, easily. Έϋ7^α(ΐά.γωγος, -ov, (from same and crci- ξά,γω) easily led astray, or deceived. ΈύτΓοίζάίίκτος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and 'ττοίζοώίχομοίΐ) easy to be received, accept- able. Έύττχξαίττιτος, -ou, (from same and 'ττα- ζοιιτίω) easy to be interceded iviih, placa- Ue. ' Έΰ'ί7«,(ΐα.κο7^ονύήτος, -ov, (IVom samt" and 454 7:•α(ΐακο7^ουύίω) easily followed or compre- hended, perspicuous. Έυττάζζ^ζος, -ου, 6, v}, (same and 'χάξζ^ρος) one who sits by the side of another, an assessor. Ένττχξί^ος, Dor. ενττά,ξαος, (from same and 'τταξϋά) having beautiful cheeks. Έϋττά,ζύίνος, -ου, 6, '/}, (same and 'ττα,ζ&ίνος) of virgin purity. ΈύττΆξΰφος, -ου, ό, c^, (from sv, -rcc^a and ύφχίϋύ)) well woven ; lucaring a tohite robe ivith a jiurple border. Έϋττόίτ^ξ, -ίξος, ζύττά,τωξ, -οςος, εύττχτξί- "hr,;, -ου, ύύττχτίζζίος, -ου, ό, (sy.and ττα- ri:g) α man well-born, noble on the father's side, a patrician. ΈϋττΛΤξΐς, -ιόοζ, £ύ-π•α.τίζΐΐα, -ας, τι, (from same) a luonian ivell~bo7-n. Έ,ϋττά,χ,ν,ς, -l•:, or ώττά,χ,ύς, (sv and ττχχύς) very thick, robust. ΕύττέΙΐλος, -ou, (from same and TrihMp) ivell shod. ΈύττίίύίίΆ, or ίύττίΐύίχ, -ug, vj, (from next) readiness to be persuaded or to obey. ΈϋτΓίΐύτ,ς, or evTrXUYig, -sog, -ους, ό, τ], (from ίυ and ττίίύω) easy to be j)ersuaded or iii- treated, obedient. Έ,ΰτταστος, -ov, (from same) easily believ- ing, obeddent, tractable ; easily believed, pro- bable. Εϋττίμ-ίΤ^ος, -ov, (from tZ and -τΐίμ.'τνο)) uidl dismissed, of fortunate issue. Έύ7Γΰΐ'ύε(ΐος, -ου, ό, η, (same and 'Trsuue^og) having a good father-in-law. ΕνττετΓΤ^.ος, -ου, c, % (from same and ':;■£- 97?!. Oi/) well robed. EvTSTrrog, -ov, (from same and ■τΐί'ϊττω) easy to digest. Εϋττβξίά,γωγος, -ου, 6, ν,, (from same and τ^ίζίάγοή easy to he led aboid. Εϋττί^ίγξόίφος, -ov, (from same and -ττίρι- '/(ίά,φω) luell circumscribed, ivell described. Εύττεξίλγιτττος, -ov, (same and -ττίξίΤ^γιτττός) easily comprehended. Εύ'ττίξίοτττος, -ov, (from same and crs^/oV- τομαί) easily overlooked. Εύ'ττεξί'ττόίτος, -ov, (from same and ττέ^;- -Trcirea) easy to lualk roimd. Εύττεζίσττχστος, -ov, (from same and crg- ζίσ'ττάύ)) easy to be bent round or twisted. ΕύττίξΙστόίτος, -ov, 6, vj, (same and 'πίξίσ- τΆτος, which jrom τπζίΐσττιμι) easily sur- rowiding or encompassing, apt to surround or encompass ; easily sui'roundcd. ΕύττΒξίτρετΓτος, -ov, (from same and ttsqi- τξέττω) easy to be turned about or to be over- turned. ΕύττύΎΰίΑος, -ov, (i\'om same and τΐέταΆον) luell-lcaved. Εϋτΐίηα&,-χς, h, (from next) facili/y in obtainingy abundance. Ί'.υ^ητης. A GREEK LEXICON. Έ.υτξοφάΰΐΰ'Γύς. Εν-τΓβτγ,ς, -έί, (from ίΰ and 'ττΐ'τττω) falling '•nsr/, light, convenient, abundant : ώτητως, eauily, conveniently ^ failing out well. 'EvTriiyVi;, -i;, and ίντττ,κτος, -oy, (from same and ^jjyiw) well fitted, compact. Έύ7τ'ήλ-/;ξ, --/iy^og, 6, 'ή, (same and ττί^λ-,^Ι) luell helmeted. EC-TT/ivog, -ou, (from same and -TrTiyr,) well woven. Έϋττγιχυς, -soc, 6, ■ή, (same and 'τττ^χ,υ;) hav- ing fine arms, handsome. 'Ευττίοα^, -ά,κος, 6, '/}, (same and ττ/δαΙ) having fine fountains. Έν-'ίύνι;, -ίς, (from sam.e and ■zrslda) easy to be persuaded, pliant. Έυ -ijiiu, -ας, tj, (from same and ttiuo;) mellowed sffiness which time imparts to a picture or any other production of the fine arts. Longin. xxx. on which see Toup's note. Έΰτ: ιστός, -ou, (same and τ: ίστ 6 ς) faithful. Έΰ'ττ'Κζίος, -ou, (same and 'tt'Kuoc) well fJled. Έϋττ^.ζκγ,ς, -ίζ, or ίΰτΓλεκ,τος, -ou, (from same and 'ττλίκ.ω) well tiuisted, woven, or constructed. Έν77?,'/;βω, (same and 7r7.7iua) I fill ivell. ΈΰτΐΧΑκτος, -O'j, (same and ττ'ΚΫισσω) ivell beaten. Εύττλοίω, f. -γ,σω, (from sam.e and ττΆϊύή I sail well, have a 2)ros2Jerous voyage. ΈΰττΆοια, 0Γ ει/ττλο.'ί'/?, -ης, τ], (from same) c good voyage. Έ.ϋτ7^οκ.ά.ι.'Λς, -Ίοος, ij, and ίυ7ΐ7.6κά,^.ος, -oy, 6, 'ή, (from vj and ττΆίκοι) having fine locks. Εί^^τλοο?, contr. -ους, -ou, (from same and ττλίω) easy to sail to. Έυ'7Γ7.ΰνγ,ς, -ίος, ό, ij, (from same and -^τλν- νω) well washed. Εϋ'7Γ7,ωτος, -ou, (from same and -r/Ji;) easily sailed. Ενττνοίη, -Υις^ yj, (from next) sweet breath. Ενττνοος, contr. -ους, -ου, 6, τι, (from ίυ and TT'jkcS) breathing easily or sweetly. Evxoola, -ας, '/}, (from same and ττους) soundness of feet. Εύττοίίω, -ω, (same and 'ττοάω) I do good. ΕυτΓοίγ,τϊος, -ci, -ou, (from preced.) neces- sary to be benefitted. Εϋ-ττοιτιτίκος, -vj, -o'j, (from saine) disposed /() benefit, beneficent. Εύ7:οΙγιτος, -ou, (from same) ivell made. EvTroucc, -οίς, τ), (from same) doing good. Εύτ-ύίκίλος, -cu, {sv and '^τοικίλος) parti- coloured. Εί/ττοκος, -ou, (same and τζόκος) tvcll fleeced. Εύ•7Γύλίμος, -ou, (same and -n-oXficor) well Jilted for war, warlike, brave. Εΰ'ττοΐΛ'ττος, -ou, (same and 'ττο'/.ττος) send- ing favourably, prosperous. Ενττοξίω, -ω, i. -Ϋ,σω, p. νίττόο-ηκοί, 1 a. ίυ-τΐόργ,σα, imperf. pass. Attic rrjTrooiofAriU, 1 a. pass, ίυ-ττοξ'/ίύγιν, (from same and ττό^ος) I am able, able to afford, reach, attain to, find, obtain. Εύττορίχ, -ας, ί], (from same) substance, maintenance, livelihood, means, abundance. Εΰττόζίστος, -ou, (from same) easily sup- plied. Ευττοξος, -ου, 6, τ„ (from same) easy to pass through, expeditious : abounding, able, rich. E-j'TToryJa, -ας, 'ή, (from next) good for- tune. Εϋ'ττο'τμος, -ou, (ίδ and τΐότίΛος) fortunate, prosperous, opp. to α~οτΐΛ(,ς. Ενττοτος, -ou, (from same and '7roa)fitfor drink. Εϋ-ττους, -οοος, ό, 'ή, (same and ττονς) sound footed, swift. Εντ-ξαγίω, (irorn su and perf. mid. of 'ττξάσσω) I do ivell, am prosperous. Εύττζαγία, or ζύττ^αζίχ, -ας, 'ή, (from same) a good action ; prosperity. Εΰττξακτος, -ou, (from zZ and πτηοίσσω) easy to be done. Εύττξάττύ), Ion. sCcrosaiaKOJ, (from same) / do ivell, succeed, prosjoer. E■J'PΓξsμuoς, -ou, (from e5 and TrQiy.uou) having a fine stem. ΕύττξίτΓίΐχ, -ας, 'ή, (from next) beauty, gracefulness, speciousness. Εύ'ττοίττ'ής, -ίος, ο, τ], (from ev and ττ^ίττω) beautiful, becoming. Ευττξίττίζω, and ζύττρί'ττόω, -ω, (from same) / make beautiful, am beautiful. Εϋττζί'ττως, (from ώτιτζίττγ,ς^ beautifully, becomingly, plausibly. Εΰττ^Υιστος, -ou, (from εν and 'ττξνιύω) easy to burn, easily causing to burn. Εύττύόσοζκτος, -ου, 4, τ), (same and 'ΤΓρόσ- Ζίκ,τος) well accepted, acceptable. ΕύττξόσίΟζος, -ου, ο, τ}, το -ou, (same and τΓοόσί^ξος) constantly attending. ΕυττοοσΫ,'^/οο^ος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and 'Ttpoaayooiiio)) affable. ΕύττοόσΊτος, -ou, (from same and 'ττξύσιιμι) easy of access. Εύτρόσο^ος, -ou, (same and ττξόσο^ο;) very accessible. Εύττζόσοιστος, -ou, (from same and 'ττζοσ- φΐζο)) easy to be reached, attainable. Ευ'ΤΓοοσωτΓίύ), -ω, ϊ. -τισο, (from same and 'ττζόσα'ΤΓον^ I make a fair appearance or show. Εϋττηόσοίτΐος, -ου, ό, '/ι, (from same) sjie- ciouSffair. ΙΕύτΓξοψάσιστος, -ou, (from jy and ττζο'^χ- σΐζομαι) plausible. Έυ'^ξυμντις, A GREEK LEXICON. Έ,ΰξυτος, Έΰ'ΤΓζν^.ννις, -sg, ίΰ-τ^ζυμνος, -ou (from same and TT^v/icuoi) having an ornamented stei^n. Έΰνπζος, and εύ'τττύζνγος^ -ou, (from same and 'tttsqoi/) well winged. Εύ7Γτο-/7τοί, -ou, (from same and τττοίω) easily terrified. Έ.ϋτΓτοξύος, -ou, (same and 'τττόξύος) having fine branches, Έΰττνξγος, -ou, (same and '^■vQyog) ivell fortified. ^vTraiyau, -ωuoς, 6, (same and Tccoyau^ well bearded. Έΰττωλος, -ou, (same and ττωλος) having fine horses. Έΰζάξ, (from ευξος) aside, across. Ένζίίτγις, svppshyjg, -ου, (from sv and ρίω) full flowing. Ey^i^ct, -α,τος, το, (from εύζίσκ,ω) an in- vention, contrivance, or device. Έυξίσΐίττνις, -Log, 6, % (from same and sVo?) an inventor of words, eloquent. Έύζίσιλογίω, (from same and λόγος) I invent words, feign. Έύξεσίλογίχ, -οίς, 7j, (from preced.) inven- tion of words, command of language. Ένξξσίς, -tog, Attic -sag, vi, (from ίύξίσκ,α) invention, the power or act of finding out something new. ΈύζίΤ'ής, -ου, ίύζν)τω(>, -Οζος, ο, ίύξίτίς, -ihog, v], (from same) aii inventor, finder out. Έύξετϊκ,ος, -ou, (from same) inventive. Έυξετος, or εΰς/ιτος, -ou, (from same} capable of being found, discoverable. Έύξύύ), -ω, (see page 69) I find. Έΰζπμ,α., -οίτος, ro, (from perf. pass, of ίύξίσκω) a thing found, prey. Έ.ύζΎ^τίος,οχ ζύξίτίος, -a,, -ou, see page 19, (from same) to be found out. Έΰξίζος, -ου, ό, τ], (from eu and ρίζα) well rooted. Et!^/i/, -luog, or ίΰξΊυος, -ου, ό, τι, (same and piu) quick scented, sagacious• Έϋξΐττος, -ου, the sea bettveen Euboea and Boeotia, a sea. Έύζίσκω, f. ίύξ'/ισω, p. ξυζΥΐχ,οί, 1 a. evQyio^cc, 2 a. sυςou, 1 f. pass. εύξεύτίσοίΛαι, p. pass. εΰζγιμ,οίΐ, 1 a. pass. iC^iunu, 1 a. mid. εύξΐη- aaf^Yiu, and, by syncope, gy^a^yjj/, (from εύ- ξέύ)) I find, obtain, get, meet with, light upon. Έ,ϋ^οίω, (ή-οΊη εϋξοος) I flow ivell, pros- per. Έΰξοίοί, -χς, % (from preced.) an easy flow, prosperity. Έϋξοίζγιτος, -ου, 6, ^, (from ίυ and ροίζος) loudly ivhizzing. Εύροκλίδώίί/, -auog, ο, (from Ey^ov x,7\.utau, an eastern tempest) Euroclydon, Acts xxvii. 14. perhaps what is now csWea a Levanter. Έ,υ^ος, -sog, το, (from ίύζύς) breadth, nm- plitude. 450 Έυξος, -ου, ό, Eurus, the east ivind, or the south east, see κα,ικίοι,ς. Έύρροίφνις, -iog, 6, tj, (from $υ and poctttuj) well sewed. Έύρρύς, -ilcc, -ύ, gen. iuppUog, contr. εύρ- pelog ; also ίύρρβίτγις, slppv^g, ίυρρώς, -iog, kvppoog, and sv^oog, contr. ίΰζους, -ου, ο, »;, (from same and ρίω) flowing well, copious. ΕύζυοιγυΙα, -ocg, yj, (from εύςύς and άγυιχ) having broad streets. ΈύQυάuxσσoί, -/jg, oj, (from same and oiuccaaa) a wide ruling queen. Έ,ϋ^υβΧοίς, -οί. Dor. for -ου, 6, (from same and βίοί) ividely riding. Έύζυύ{ΛΊοί, -ctg, 7], (from next) justness of proportion. 'Εΰ^υύμ,ος, -ou, (ev and ρυύ,αος) ivell pro- portioned: εϋξύύροως, neatly, fitly. Έύζυχίξος, -cj, 6, vi, (from ίυξύς and κί- ςοίς) having wide spreading horns. Έι/ξύκολτι-ος, -ou, (from same and κ,όλττος) wide bosomed. Έυζυκ,ξfΛωu, -ourog, 6, (from same and ζξίίωυ) widely riding. Έ.υξυ7^sίfzύ)u, -auog, 6, sj, (from same and 'kiil^au) having extensive meadows. ΈύζυμίταττΌς, -ou, (from same and μίτα- Tcou) having a broad forehead. Eli^Oua, f. -ΰνα, (from εύζύς) I widen. Έύξύuaτog, -ου, 6, (from same and uarog) having a broad back. Έυζυοοίϊος, -οί, -ou, (from same and ooog) having broad ways. Έν^υό'ττνίς, -ου, and εύξόο-ψ, -o'Trog, 6, vj, (from same and ό'ψ) ividely roaring. Έύξύιτί^ος, -ou, (from same and ττίδο^) having wide plains, spacious. Έύξύττοζος, -ou, (from same and 'ττόρος) widely flowing. Έύξυττξακ,τία, -ag, % (from next) broad- ness of bottom. Έύξύ'ττξακ,τος, -ου, ό, τ], (from εύξύς and 'ττξακτός) broad-bottomed. Έύξυττΰλ'^ς, -log, ό, vj, (from same and 'πΰ\Ύ\) having wide gates. Έύξυζίεύξος, -ou, (from same and pku^ou) having a broad stream. Έύζυξεau, (from next and pia) widely flowing. Έύξύς, εύξεία, εύξύ, broad, ample, spacious. Έύζυσύενής, -iog, 6, v], (from preced. and auiuog) extensively powerful. 'Rij^iarsfiuog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ari^udu) broad breasted. Έύξύστομος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and στόμοί) having a ivide mouth. Έ,ύξύτϊμος, -ou, (from same and τ/,αο?) widely honoiwed. Έΰ^ΰτος, -ou, (from ευ and ρεα) well flow- ing. 11 Κνουφάξετξος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΈυΰΤξοφία. ΈνξνφάξετζΟζ, -ου, ο, (from ίυ^ύς and φοι- οίτξχ) having α large quiver. 'Ευ(>υφνΥις, -ίος, ο, % (from same and φύο)) widely growing. ΈυξυχόίΙνις, -ίος, ο, tj, (from same and -χ,άζω) capacious. Έύξυχαίτγις, -ου, 6, (from same and γ,αί- τϊΐ) having an ample head of hair. Έυξΰχ,οξος, -ου, ο, τ), (from same and γ,ο- ςός) having wide-sjjrcad assemblies, populous. Εύξυχωξϊω, (from same and χωοος) I wi- den. Έυξυχ6)ξίΰί, -χ;, τι, (from same) room, wide space. Έυζύχωξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) broad, roomy, spacious. Έύξύω-ψ, -ύύττος, 6, ί], (from ίυζύς and ω-ψ) widely seeing. Ei/coJQ^g, -£ος, ίυ^ωίΐς, -ίσσα, -iu, (from i\Qxt) filthy, squalid, putrid. Έύξως, -ωτος, 6, filth, rottenness, a moth- tuorm. Εύρωστος, -ου, 6, (from gy and pavvvi^i^ strong: ίυοωστως, strongly, boldly. Έ.ύξωτ:οιω, -ω, f. -χσω, (from ίύξας) I am rotten, squalid. Eyj-, iiix, ϊυ. Ion. γ^ς, gen. ϊ'ίος, and '.{ζος or ϊ^ος, accus. ϊυν and τίυν, good, handsome, brave. Έ,νσχξκίχ, -οίς, vj, (from next) corpu- lence. Έϋσχξκος, -ou, (from sv and σχξ^) well- fleshcd, corpulent. Ένσίββιχ, -χς, ί], (from ίύσίβνΐζ) ^jiς, boldly. Εντονία, -ας, jj, (from next) intenseness, firmness. Εντονος, -ου, 6, v], (from ευ and τείνω) ivell stretched, intense, firm: εϋτ6vως,intense• ly, vehemently, strenuously. Εΰτορνος, -ov, (from same and τοςνίω} well turned, well wrought. Εντξάττεξος, -ov, (from same and τζά-^τε- ζα) keeping a good table. Εύτζαττελενομαι, (from εύτξάττελος) I converse facetiously , am witty. Εντζαττελία, -ας, '^, (from next) wit, pleasantry, faceiiousness, merriment, buf- foonery, scurrility, satirical or obscene jest- ing. Εντζά-πελος, -ου, 6, ^, (from ευ and rgi- 'ττω) one who turns his ivords well, easy and versatile in the use of language, facetious, polished, scurrilous, sarcastic: εύτξαττέλΜς, facetiously. Εϋτξετί-Υις, -ες, (from same) easily turning, versatile, fit, ready, well prepared. Εύτζεττίζω, f. -Ίσω, (from same) / majiage well, conciliate, famish, prepare. ΕντξετΓτος, -ov, (from same) easily turned, changeable. Εϋτξεφνις, -ες, ίϋτ^οίφνις, εϋτςοφος, -ov, tr.i! Έύτξίφω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ένχάξίΰτύς. (from next) well fed, luxurious ; rick, niitri- i'lous. Έύτοΐφω, f. &ν6ζί•ψω, (sv and τξίφύ;) I feed well, rear with delicacy and luxury. ΈΰτξΥίΤύς, -oy, (from same and τξίω) well bored. Έϋτοιοίί)/7,ς, 'Ου, ο, (from same and τζίαι- uct) well furnished with a trident. Έντοϊ-^ος, -ou, (from same and ^ξΐξ) hav- ing plenty of hair, bushy. Έντζο-ττία, -occ, vj, (from same and τοίττύ)) fickleness, versatility, flexibility, mildness. Έντξοττος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) easily turned, flexible ; of good manners. Έ,ντξόχόί'Κος, εντξο^ος, -ou, (from εύ and τξίχ,ω) easily rolling, easy to be rolled, well levelled. Έντυκ,τος, ίντνκος, -ov, (from same and ζίϋγ^οϊ) ivell made, well prepared: ίύτνκως, promptly. Έϋτν/,ίω^ f. -τίσω, p. ίυτϋγ/ίικα,, (from same and tvy^r^ I am prosperous. Έΰτύ'/,τιΐΛοί, -α,τος, ro, (from preced.) β liappy event. 'Εύτΰγ,'ής, -ίς, (from same) successful, for- tunate, pirosperous, happy. Έύτυχ,ίχ, -xg, v), (from same) success, prosperity. Ει/ΐ;δ^οί•, -ov, (from ίυ and υ'^ω^ well watered. Έύν'7τίξβ7.7ΐτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and ύτηφόίΚλ.ο)) easy to be surpassed. ΕύΟφ'/ίς, -ig, (from s^me ^iX\av^ciiuu)wcll woven. ΈύφΛξίτξτης, Dor. βύφαςίτζχς, -ου, ο, (from same and φχζίτζχ) having a beautiful quiver. Έϋφίγγγ,ζ, -iog, o, r,, (from same and φίγ- ycg) shining well, resplendent. Έύφ-ημέύ), -ω, (from same and φ'ή^τ) I use auspicious words, bless, celebrate, praise, congratulate : ζϋφ'/:(/Λί, be silent, use no un- becoming words, bona verba, qucEso : ζυφ•η- f.'.ii~i,favete Unguis. Εύφ/./:/.ία, -ctg, 57, (from next) praise, good report, Joyful acclamation ; also silence. Eu^!r,ju.og, -ου, 6, yj, (from ίυ and φν-,^ή) using fair or friendly language, auspicious, praising or praised, of good report, reputa- ble: eύφ'/!y.ωg, auspiciously, friendly, with devout blessing. Εϋφύαξτος, -ov, (from same and φβίΐξα) easily destroyed or ruined. 'Άΰφθο' /yog, -ou, (same and φύόγγος) sweetly sounding. Eύφ^λό'π■χιg, -ccioog, 6, '<;,*(same and φίλό- '^otig) loving children. Έΰφ'ί -hog, εύφίh■ητog, -ov, (from same and φιλίω) jvell beloved, dear, friendly. Εϋφι'ΚοτίίΛΥίτο:, -ov, (from same ynd φι- λοτιμίω) ambitious. Εύφοξβίύί, -ας, τ], (from same and φοζβγ,) fine pasture. Κύφορίω, -ω, (same and φοηίο) I bear or bring forth well ov plentifully, bear easily. Έυφόξτ,τος, -ov, (from preced.) easily tole- rated. Έύφοοίχ, -ctg, vj, (from s?ime) fertility. Εΰφοζος, -ov, (from same) easy to bear or to be born, fertile, light. Εΰφοζτος, -ov, (ev and φοξτος) well laden. ΈυφζόίΙ'-ής, -iog, 6, vi, (from same and φ ξ^ά. ζω) fluent, wise y discreet: εύφξχ^ίως, or ib^ociuojg, wisely, expressly, distinctly. Εϋφξχίνύ), f. ίϋφζά,νω, p. ίΰφξο,γκα, 1 a. ίϋφξχνχ, Attic -yjvx, 1 f. pass, ίϋφζχνύτισο- y.xi, 1 a. pass. ίυφο^ά,ν&Υιν, (from same and φο%ν) I rejoice, malce joyful in mind ; pass. rejoice, am joyful. Ευφρονίω, f. -Ϋισύ), (from ζΰφξων) I am ivell informed ; am well disposed. Έύφξόντ,, -rjg, '/], (from preced.) the period of composure to rest or meditation, night. ΈύφξοσννΥι, (from ευ and φζτιν) joy, glad- ness: Euphrosyne, one of the Graces. Ευφρόσυνοι, -ου. 6, ij, (from same) joij- fnl ^ Εΰφςων, or ευφυών, -ovog, 6, '/}, (from same) happy in mind, cheerful; cheering, II. Γ', 246. oivov εΰφζονα, cheering wine, comp. Jiid. ix. 13. ΕυφύΥις, -iog, 6, i], (from ευ and φύ&)) of good disposition, ingenuous, suitable; ivell groiun, tall, robust; convenient, fit: ευφυωg, happily by vxiture, aptly, favourably dis- posed. Ευφυΐα, -ag, vj, (from same) felicity of natural endoiument, aptitude, convenience. Ευφύ7.ακτος, -ov, (from ευ and φυΤ^άσσω) well guarded ; easy to be guarded. Εΰφυ7^Κος, -ov, (from same and φΰτ.'Κον) well leaved, verdant, shady. Εύφανία, -ag, 'ή, (from next) euphony, sweetness of voice or sound. Εύφύ)νος, -ov, (from ευ and φωνή) having a fine voice, sweet sounding. Εϋχ,αλκ,ος, ευχ,άτ^κωτος, -ov, (same and XaT-Kog) made of fine or solid brass. Εϋχ,άοίς, 0, 'ή, το -ι, εύχάζΗος, -ov, (same and χάζ(ς) graceful, agreeable, facetious, grateful. Εύχ,αζίστεω, -ω, f. -'^σω, p. ευχαξίστιηκα, 1 a. εύχαοίσττησα, 1 a. pass, εύχαξίσττιβην, (from εύ)^άζ^στog) I thank, am thanlful ; pass, am acknoiuledged ivith thanlcs. Ευχ,α()ίστνιοια, -ων, τα, (from same) offer- ings of gratitude. Ευχαριστία, -ag, vj, (from next) thankful- ness, thanksgiving. E.i>)caoiaTog, -ου, 6, '/j, (from ευ and χάζ(ς) 459 IS^jy^siXog, A GREEK LEXICON. "Έφά'Τΐτωξ. thanhful, grateful, agreeahle, facetious, bene- ficent. Έΰχζΐ'Κος, or εϋχΐλος, -ou, (same and χβ!- λοί) having good lips, well fed^ agreeable to the taste. Έΰχ,ίΐξ, -ίίξος, ό, vj, (same and χζΐζ) hav- ing a good hand, dextrous, strong. Έΰχίίζος, εύχίίξωτοζ, -ov, (from preced.) easy for the hand, easy to be taken or subdued. Έυχΐξίΐχ, -κς, vj, (from next) agility, proneness, promptness. ^ί'χίζ'-^ς, -sac, 0, vj, (from sv and χει ξ) easy, pj^ompt, light, hasty, rash: ευχεξως, easily, willingly. 'ΈΧιχετά.ομοίΐ, (from next) / glory, boast, pray, give thanJcs. Έΰχ% -ijs, vi, (from εν and χεω) a prayer poured forth to God, James v. 15.; a vow, Acts xviii. 18. and xxi. 23. See also Lev. xxvii. and Numb. vi. ; a thing wished for, victory, ghry, success. 'Κΰγ,ομ.α,ί, imperf. ευγ,ό^^τΐ)/, Attic Υιυχ,ό^.Υιν, f. ενζομ,χί, p. ενγμχι, 1 a. εν^ά,ΐΛ-'.ιν, Attic ^ύξάμ^ι/, (from preced.) / ivish,pray, vow; boast, glory, have the honour to be, soy, am : Y\vx6y.y\]t ya,^ Λυτός ζγω άι/ιζύε^ίοί ε\uoίl άττο του 'Χξίστου, for Ι myself wished to be a curse from Christ : Vulg. *" optabam enim ego ipse anathema esse a Christo." Rom. ix. 3. viz. before his conversion to Christianity. Έ^ΰχ,οζΙος, -oy, (from ευ and χο^τι) well strung, well sounding. Έυχος, -εος, το, (from εΰχο^οίΐ) fame, glory ; vainglory, boasting. Έύχζγιστεω, (from εϋχξτ^στοζ) I «^^ usefid, am dextrous in using: εϋχξτιστίο/^,χι, I enjoy the use of. Έύχξτηστίΰί, -χς, η, (from preced.) good use, obligingness. Έϋχξγιστος, -ου, ό, v], (ευ and χξπστος) useful, very useful, most ready to render service. Έύχξό<ζστος, εΰχζοος, -ou, εύχξΟ'^ς, -ες, or εϋχξως, -ωτος, 6, ^, (from same and χξόα,) having a smooth fair skin, well coloured, of a good complexion. Έΰχξϋσος, όι/, (same and χρυσός) abound- ing with gold. Έυχωλτι, -vjg, v}, (from ίΰχομ,α,ι) a prayer, νοΊν, exultation. ΈυχωίΚί[Λα,~ίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) a person engaged in performing voius, a votary, a priest, a devoted person. Έύ-ψυχεω, -ω, (from ευ and -^υχτΐ) I am of good courage or tomfort. Έύ-ψυχίχ, -ΰίς, ij, (from preced.) joy, courage. Έϋ-ψϋχος, -ου, ό, (from same) cheerful, joyful, courageous, willing: εύ-ψΰχως, cheer- ftdly, with magnanimity. " 460 Έυύ), f. ίΰσω, I burn, broil, roast, scorch. Έ,υω^'Ύΐς, -εος, 6, 'ή, εΰο^^^ος, -ou, (from ευ and perf. mid. of οζο)) smelling well, frag- rant, perfumed. ΈυωΙίοί, -ας, tj, (from preced.) a good smell, sweet odour. 1ίυο)^ίά.ξω, f. -όίσω, (from preced.) I yield a pleasant smell. Έ.ύωΤκενος, -ου, 6, v}, (from ευ and ώλενη) having fair arms. Έυωνίοί., -α,ς, yj, cheapness, vileness ; from Έΰωι/ος, -ov, (from ευ and ώνεομαή easily bought, cheap. Έύωι/ν^αος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and ο^ομ,οι) of a good name, having a good or fortunate name; the left, so called because the /e/i side was by the Greeks superstitiously reckoned of evil omen, and it was part of the same superstition to call such things b}^ auspicious names ; as they styled their infernal furies, ΈύμενίΙες, the good natured goddesses : l| ευω^ΰμ,ο>ν, on the left side, μ,έ- ζων, parts being understood. Έ,ύω'ττγις, ευω-πος, -ου, ευα-ψ, -ωττος, ό, ν], ευωττις, -ίοος, 'ή, (from same and ά'ψ) having fine eyes, or countenance, comely. Έύωχεο), -ω, (from same and οχ'ή) I give a feast, entertain sumptuously : ευωχεομαι, I am entertained, feast sumptuously. ΈύωχΙχ, -ας, "/}, (from preced.) a feast. "Έφΰίβος, εφαβίκ,ος. Dor. for εφφος, and εφτιβ{κ.ός. "Έφοώανω, see άφοί^αι/ω. 'Έφα,ίξέω, perf. part. pass, εφνίξημενος, (from It< and αΐζίω) I choose upon, appoint to succeed. Έφάλλομοίί, (from same and olXT^.o^tcxi) I leap upon, spring or rush upon. "Έφαλμος, -ov, (from same and eih^Yi) salted. "Εφΰίλος, -ov, (from same and «Ag•) majn- time. ^Έφαμα,ζτοίνω, (from same and ά,μα,ξτά,- νω) 1 entice to sin. ^ Έφά,μ,ιΧΚος, -ov, (from same and οίμ,ιΚ- λίί) a rival, competitor, equal. "Έφίχ,μ,μ,α, -ατός, το, (from εφχτττω} a thing fastened on, a dress. "Εφχν, Boeot. for εφχσαν, 3 pi. imp. from φ•/ιμ(. 'Έφαν'^όίνύ), (from It* and άν^οίνω) I approve myself to, prove acceptable. Έφάταξ, (from same and «V«|) once, at once. 'Έφάττω, (from same and όίτττω) I bind or touch upon, approach to, reach: εφά,ττο- μιζί, I fasten myself upon, lay hold of, seize, hang over, await. 'Έφά'ΤΓτωξ,-οξος, ό, (from preced.) one who lays hold on. *Εφαξμογη, A GREEK LEXICON. ΈφΙγιμι, ' Έψχζμογ'-ή) -ϊ^ς, 7], (from next) adapta- tion. ^ Έφοίζμ,όζω^ Dor. Ιφαξμ,όσ^Ο}, Ιφιχ,ομ,όττω, (from ίτΐΐ and ά^μόζο}) I fit, suit, adapt, accommodate, apply. , Έφε^ξύω, f. -τισω, (from same and sIqcc) I rest upon. Έφίόξβίχ, -ας, ίφί'^οίυσις, •£&)ς, '/j, (from next) a lying in wait for. 'Έφΐ^ζίύύ), (from next) / lie in wait for, watch over. "ΈφϊΙξος, -ου, 6, 7], (frorn sttI and ε'δ^ίί) one who sits by, a Iyer in wait, an adversary; one luho sits on a seat occupied before by another, a successor. 'Έφέζω, (from same and ίζω) I set upon, place on board: ίφίζομχί, I set myself upon, sit or rest upon. Έφίίω, for ξφίύ), which for ϊφω, 1 sing. sub. of 2 a. of £φί-/ιμ,{, ' Έφίκκοίΐ^ίκ,όίτος, sixteen and a half. "Έφίκ,τος, -ov, (from ΙττΙ and 'ίκ,τος) a sixth upon, that is, six oboli on each mina, of interest or rent upon lands or houses. 'Έφί\κύο), and ίφέλκω, (from sam^e and ίλχ,ύω) I draw upon, attract. Έφίξνις, ίφίξίίγις, or sTrs^ijg, (from same and sfsj?) 07ie after another, next, succes- sively, throughout. ΈφίΤΓώ), (from same and sVij) I follow upon or closely, harass: ίφίττο/^,αί, I follow, attend upon, obey. ^Εφίξ-ττύ), βφβζττνω, Ιφζξττύζύ), (from same and 'ίζ'πω) I creep upon, surprize. 'Έφέσίμος, -ou, (from ίφίσίς) an appeal, a cause referred to the Ιφίτα,ι. ^Έφίσΐι/ος, --/ι, -ou, and Έφίσιος, -a,, -ov, (from "Έ,φίαος) of Ej)hesus, Ephesian. "Έφίσις, -ίας, vj, (from Ιφίγιμ,ι) a setting the mind upon, longing; an appeal, a re- lease, a pardon. ^ "Έφίσ'τΐίζος, -ου, 6, ij, (from Ιτί and iVx£- ςος) towards the west, towards evening. 'Έφίσσίσθχι, for Ιφίσβσύχι^ 1 f. infin. from ίφίζω; hence ϊφίσσα,ι, and ίφίσσά,μ,ίνός. 'Έφίστίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ΙττΙ and εστία,) one who lives at home, a master of a family, hospitable. 'Έφίστξϊς, -ί^ος, vj, Ιφίστζί^ιον, -ου, το, (from same and εσύ'ής) an ujiper garment, cloak, robe ; an upper covering or roof of a house. Έφετδί/, -ou, oi, (from εφίν,/^ι) chiefs, judges of appeals and capital cases. 'Έφετμ% -τις, % (from same) an injunc- tion. ' Έφίυζίτνις, -ου, 6, (from εττΐ and εύζίσκω) an inventor. Έφίυξίσκω, (from same) / come upon, ))wef,find, discover, obtain. 'Έφί-ί^ίύοιζοίί, (from ΙττΙ and ϊ-^κχ,) I roast a man, taunt at a feast, rail at. Έφίύ}, (from same and L•) I put on, clothe, cover with. 'Έφγιβαιον, -ου, το, (from εφφος) a place for youths to exercise in. 'Έφφά,ω, (from stti and 7]βά.ύή I grow up to the age of puberty. Έφγιβίοί, εφηβεία, -α,ς, ύι, (from εφφος) puberty, youth. 'Έφ/ιβΧκ,ός, -VI, -ou, εφφοίίος, -ou, (from next) youthful. "Εφηβος, -ου, 6, (from Ιττ; and ^/Si?) one grown up to the age of puberty, a youth. Έφγιγεο(Λοα, (from same and νιγεο/ίοαι) I lead upon, point out a concealed person, lead the way, conduct. Έφτιγησίς, -εως, 7], (from preced.) a con- ducting upon, pointing out for apprehension. ΈφνιΙοζΛίΖί, (from εττΐ and ί^Ιομοα) I de- light in, rejoice on account of. Έφγιοϋνω, (from same and 'ij'^oua) I sweeten. Έφτικ,ύ), (from same and τιχ,ω) I come upon, extend to, reach, arrive. ΈφίιΆίζ, Ήος, 6, ^, (from same and ^'λί|) of equal age. Έφ•ήΚ\ς, -ίίος, 7], (from next) a speckle. "ΕφγιΤ^ος, -ου, ο, (from εττι and νιλος) fas- tened ivith nails; spotted as if nails had been driven into one. ' Εφημεζεύω, (from next) / am employed daily, work by day. ^Εφτ,μεξίοί, -ας, vj, (from next) a daily course, a ministration lasting a day, a peri- odical course, a ministration to be performed after a. certain period of days, or the family or class ivhich ivere to attend such a minis- tration. "Έφτι^Αίζος, -ου, 6,v}, (from εττΐ and 'ημίζοί) daily, sufficient for a day. Έφγιμίοις, for ευφημίοις, mournful or ominous, so called on the same principle that the furies are called Ευμενίδες. Έ.φγιμοσΰνγι, -ης, h, (from εφίημι) injunc- tion. 'Εφησυχάζω, (from εττΐ and ^συχ,χξύ)) I remain quiet. "Εφύα,σεν, 3 sing. 1 a. of φ&ά,νω. Έφ&ά,ω, Ion. Ι'ττάω, 3 sing. pres. opt. pass, ετττί^το, contr. for Ιτττά,οιτο, (from next) / boil or bake. Έφύός, -ου, ο, (from ε-ψω) boiled, baked. ΈφκζΚΚω, Ion. ϊ'τΐΐά,'ΚϊΜ, (from W\ and loCKKc,)) I send or bring upon, lay hands upon, impose, infiict. Έφίξω, ίφίζανω. Ion. Ιφιζεσκω, (from same and 'ίζο)) I sit or rest upon, preside, reign. Έφίημι, (from same and 'ίημι) I send, 461 ΈφΓλάνϋ). A GREEK LEXICON. 'Έχίντμς. put, or hurl upon, enjoin, command, con/mis- sion, permit : Itp/g^ot;, / put myself upon, desh'e, study. Έφ'ίζόίΐ/ω, ϊφίκ,ομ,οίί, ίφΐκ,νίομ^(χ.ί, -ουμα.ι, (from same and ίκ,νίοι^οίΐ. See page 71) / come upon, or reach to. ' Εφικ,τός, -ου, 6, (from preced.) luhat can be attained, possible, comprehensible. 'ΈφψΛίξω, (from ΙττΙ and ίμβίξω) I desire over and above, desire. 'Έφίι^ύζξος, 'ou, (from same and 7μεξος) exciting desire, engaging, chai'ming. 'ΈΦί'ΤΓττάξο^ΐύίΐ^ (from έφιττ'ττος) I ride upon. 'ΈφίτΓ'ττζίον, or Ιφίττ'τηον, -ου, το, (from same) a saddle, housing. Έφίττττίίος, -ou, (from next) of a horse- man. "Έφί'ΤΓ'ττος, -ου, ο, (from έττί and 'ίττττος) a horseman, rider. ΈφίτΓτοίμ.αί, (from same and 'ί-π-το^μαή I fiy upon or to. Έφίστόίι/ω, or ΙφΙστγιμ,ι, (from same and 'iaTVjf^i) I stand upon, by or near, present myself, come in or near, come upon ; am in- stant, imminent, at hand, urge, am present. 'Έφο^ίία, -ας, vj, (from ίφο^εύω) a going upon or round, inspecting. 'Έφοίίίυτνις, -ου, 6, (from next) α traveller, spy- 'Έφοοεϋω, f. -εϋσω, (from Wl and ο^ευο)) I travel upon or to, explore, lie in ivaitfor. 'Έφο^ίκζο), f. -άσω, (from same and ό^ος) I take provision jTor a journey. Έφόδ/ον, -ου, το, (from preced.) provi- sion for a journey. "Έ,φοοος, -ου, ό, vj, (from Ι-ττΙ and οοος) a going upon, access, arrival, invasion, inspec- tion ; an inspector, surveyor. 'ΈφόλκΆίον, -ου, το, (from ΙφίΑκ,ύή a rud- der. ^Έφόλκίον, -ου, ro, (from same) a boat drawn by a ship. ΈφοΤ^κ,ις, -ίίος, ij, (from same) an appen- dage, clog. Έφο^οί^τέώ, (from Ι•τ< Άηά όμ,α,ξτίω^ I follow close upon, accompany. Έφοττ'λίξω, (from same and όττΆΐζω) I arm, harness, prepare for. 'ΈφοζοίτΊκος, -ou, (from next) qualifed to inspect, vigilant, 'Έφοξά,ω, -ω, (from έ'ττΐ and όξάοή I look ιψοη, behold, inspect, visit. Έφοξίίοι, -ccf, 7], (from preced.) inspec- tion, the office of an Ephorus. 'Έφοξίΐον, -ου, το, (from same) the tribunal of the Ephoi'i. 'Έφοι^εύω, f. -εύσω, (from same) Τ inspect, superintend, act as a chief magistrate. Έφοζίκος, -01', (from same) (f the Ephori. 462 'Έφοξμάω, Ιφο^μ,α,ίυω, (from ίττι and όξ- μ,ά,ω) I cause to rush upon, rush upon, has- ten to, attack, urge. ' Έφοξ^ίω, {irom 'ίφοξμος) I sail to port, blockade a station or port, lie in luaitfor. "Έφοζμ,νι, -^ζ, and Ιφόξμ,γ,σις, -εως, vj, (from ξφοξμ.όίω) a way to attack, access, a rush or impetuous attack upon, ^ Εφόξ/ίίΥίσις, -εως, τι, (from εφοξμίω) a na- val station. Έφοζ/ίΛίζω, (from l-ri and όξ/ιι/ζω) I sail into harbour, bring up a ship to, anchor at. "Εφοξος, -ου, ο, (from εφοξάω) an inspec- tor: εφοζοι, -ων, οί, the Ephori, or chief magistrates at Sparta. Έφού^ βοί^, (nn "nsK) a linen ephod. Έφυβξίζω, (from Ιττι and ύβξίξω) I insult, deride, scorn, indulge in lasciviousness and luxury. Έφυβξίστ'^ξ, -V}Pog, εφυβζίστ'ής, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an insolent assailant. 'Έφύβξίστος, -ου, ο, v], (from ε'ττι and υβξΐς) disgracefid, reproachful, continnelious. ΈφυΙξίοίς, -ΰί^ος, 7], (from next) a water 7iymph. "ΈφυΙξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from εττϊ and υ^ωζ) bringing ivater upon, rainy, Έφυλχκ,τεύ), (from same and ν'λι/.κ.τέω) I bark, growl, snarl at. Έφυμνεω, (from same and ύμνεω) I ad- dress a hymn or song to, sing or say a hymn upon, appeal, utter aloud. Έφύμνιον, -ου, το, (from preced.) α //^7?27i upo7i some commemorated event. 'Έφύττεξύε, εφύτ^ε^ύεν, (from ετΐΐ and t/Vg^- ύε) over, upon, over and above, moreover. 'Έφυ'ττνίΙιος, -ov, (from same and υ'π-νο;) soporific. Έφυστεξίξύ), (from same and ύστεξίζω) I am behind. 'Έφόω, (from same and ΰω) I rain upon. "Εφφΰίβΰί, (frnsK or nnsn) be thou open- ed.^ 'Έφό)θ{ος, -ou, (from εττΐ and ωζίος) sea- sonable. "Έχα,Ιον, 2 a. of γ,ά,ζω. ^Εχέγγυος, -ou, (from ί-^ω and εγγυνί) guarantied, firm, confident. 'Έχέ&ΰμος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and ^υ• μος) having control over the passions, self- commanding, temperate. 'Έγβ-ΛοΤ^Χορ, -ου, το, (from same and κολ- λάω) glue, paste, solder. Έχ,εμυύέύ), (from same and μυύε(ύ) I hold my tongue, keep a secret. ΈχεμυύΙα, -uc, '•/], (from preced.) taci- turnity, silence. ^Έχ,ενγίΙς, -βος, τ], (from εχ,ο and νχυς) a holder or detainer of a ship, an anchor, any ohslacle to sailing ; a lamprey. 'β%2ί ■νκτ,: Α GREEK LEXICOii. Ζ. 'Έχξ'ΤΓίνκ'ής,-ίύζ^ό, 7i,(n-om same and ττίύχ,τί) having in it a poisonous giivi, poisoned^ bit- ter, deadly. ^ Έχ^ίστονος, -ou, (from same and στόλος) having groans, bringing ivoe, destructive. Έ;ΐ(;£τλ>5, Ύΐς, 'ή, (from i'x.oj) a plough- tail. Έχεφξύ'Αύί, (from ίχ,ίφζω:/) I am prudent. ' Έγ,ζφξοσύνη, -τ,ς^ v], (from next) prti- dence. Έχίφζω!/, -όνος, ο, ν;, (from 'ίχω and (p^'/);/) keeping one's mind, prudent, donsiderate. Έχύΰίίοα, f. -uoZ, (from εχ,ΰος) I hate. ■ 'Έχύίς,{ίΓθΐη -^ύίς) zjesterda?/. ΈχύίσΊνος, -vj, -ou, (from preced.) of yes- terday. 'Έχύϊων, -ou, (from ϊ'^ύος) more hostile: iyJiGTog, most hostile. 'Έγ,θοοοττίω, (frOm same and οουττος) I utter angry and noisy words, altercate. ^Έ.γ,ύοΟο'ΤΓος, -ου, ό, v), (from same} using angry and high words : έχύοοοττά, in a hos- tile Ίnanner. "Έχύος, -sog, το, enmity, hatred. "Έγ,θρίχ,, -ας, tj, (from preced.) enmity. ^Έγ,θοα,ίνω, f. -οίνω, (ft'om preced.) I rech- on as an enemy, pursue with hatred. Έχβξίύω, f. .ίύσω, (from same) I a7n an enemy. ''Έχ,θξίχ, -χς, τ;, (from same) enmity, hat- red. Gen XX vi. 21. ^Έχ,&ξος, -si, -ov, (from same) hostile, an enemy, hated or rejected as an enemy. "Εχ,θω or k-ycueoj, f. -τ^σω, (from f/^uog) I hate. "E'/^i'^i/cc, -Yi;, 7], (from έχις) a viper, pro- perly the female. ' Εχ,ί^νχΊος, -ou, (from preced.) of a viper, venomous. Έχι^ος, -Of, '^, the echinus, the sea-urchin; or the hedge-hog. "Εχ,ι;, -i'hog or -ιος, ο, τ], acc. e^rj, a viper. "Εγ^ΙΛο., -α,τας, το, (from Ιγ,ο)) an inclosure, frame, or any contrivance for keeping a thing together, props, buttresses, fenders. Έχομίΰίύς, (from same) consequently. Ε)^νζός, -Λ, -ou, for οχνοος, strong, forti- \fied, safe : h/poug, safely, securely, with cer tainty. Εχω, (see page 71) / have, hold, obtain, possess, am, have to do with ; pass. / adhere to, am conjoined or connected with, am hol- den by, adjoin, am next. "Ε-φγ,/ίί,χ, -ccrog, to, (from 'ί-ψω) victuals prepared by boiling or baking. "Ε-ψγ,σίς, -~ως, vj, (from same) boiling, cook- ing. Έ-ψγ,τΥίξ, -vjoog, 6, (from same) a boiler. 'E-^riTog, -ou, (from same) boiled, cooked. E-i^iaof/^cci, same as ίφί-ψίάο^αζι. "Ε-^ύ), and £\1/$ω, f. 'εφτ^σα, p. 'ήφ/ικα, 1 a. 'ηφ-ησοί, I boil, bake, dress or prepare vic- tuals. "Eo), I am, see εΐ^ί. "Εω, ύ'ω, I go, see uf/^i. "Eoj, f. 'iacj, or '/;acj, 1 a. iijx, or «Vcec, perf. pass, sl/iccci, see Τν^,ϋ;, I put, send; put on clothes, dress ; 2^io,ce apart, consecrate. "Euui'j, (from 'iog^ in the morning. Έωύϊνός, -i, -o'j, (from same) belonging to the morning, early. Έφκ,ίίν, for eoiKirj, plup. of ί'ι'κ,ύΐ. Έωλο-/.ζχσία, -xg, ί;, (from next and κξόί- σις) a pouring oj the stale wine left in his cup, on the head of one who had fallen asleep at a feast without drinking all that had been set before him. "Εω\ος, -ou, belonging to yesterday, re- maining of yesterday s feast, stale, flat, in• sipid, unfit for use, obsolete. Έώ)λ7Γ£/ν, for U'h'TTuu, plup. mid. of ελ-ττω. Έωος, or νιωος, Ion. kolog, or Yjolog, (from hig) fronting the east, eastern; belonging to the morning, early. "Ec-jQx, -xg, 7], (from χΐωζζω) a suspended cord, noose. 'Euj^yeiu, for εοζγείν, plup. mid. of £^y7, -'ίΐς, '/], cb commotion of the sea or air, a tide, a tempest. ΖαΐΛίνίω, f. -"ήσύ), (from ζα and ^iuog) I am very angry. Zaf/,iurig, -ig, (from same) outrageous, malignant. Zdu, Zavog, (for Zsifg) Jujnter. Za-KJ^nHg, -ig, (from ζα and ττλτιύύ)) very full. Ζα'ττλουτος, -ου, 6, v}, (same and TrT^ouTog) very rich. ZdTivqpg, -ou, (from same and ττυξ) very fiery. Ζατξζφνις, -ig, (from same and τξεφω) well fed, lusty. Ζαφίλ^, -ig, (from same and dφs^h^g) very simple. Zaφ^.ίγ')ιg, -ig, (from same and φΆίγω) very infiammable; in full bloom or vigour. Zd%o\og, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and j^oAjj) ve7y fierce. 464 Ζαχ,ξίΐτις, and ζΛχξmg, -ig, (from same and χξάο)) very indigent, very usefid, impe- tuous, vehement. Zax^i/uog, -ov, (same and χ,ξυσος) abound- ing with gold. Ζάω, -ω, f. ζ'/]σύ), 1 a. ίζτισα. See page 137, (from ζίο}) I live, also I make to live. See page 149. I flourish, prosper. Zka, or ζαα, -dg, i}, rye, spelt. Ziyi^ig, -iog, vj, mice or rats. Ziiha^og, -ου, 6, Vj, (from ζίΐά and δ^^ον) giving food, boicnteous. Zsi^d, -dg, VI, a cloak reaching to the feet. Ζύω, poet, for ζίω. Ζίμ,α, or ζί(Λ^α, (rrm) a wicked imagina- tion or device. Ziog, Dor. for 'hiog. Zkaig, -sag, vj, (from ζίω) boiling, agitation, ebidlition. ZsoTog, -71, -ou, (from same) hot. Zivyd^iov, -ου, το, (from ζiυγog) a little yoke. Ζίυγ'/ϊΚατίω, f. -τισω, (from same and νκαϋνω) I drive a yoke, plough. Zsυy•ήhdr■ng, -ου, o,^(from same) a driver of a yoke of oxen, a ploughman. Ζίυγίζω, same as ζευγαύω. Zsυγiτy!g, -ου, ό, (from ζsυyog) drawn by a yoke of oxen, one that rides in a cart: ζευγίταί, persons of the third rank of Athe- nian citizens. ΖεύγΤ^Ύΐ, -Yig, {], (from same) a collar of a yoke, a yoke: ζsΰy\Ύ\hv,from the yoke. Zslyf^a, -arog, ro, (from next) a yoke ; bond or fetter ; a means of joining opposite banks, a bridge. Zsυyvΰω, ζsύyκ«, ζ-ήΤ'.ίύω, f. -ζύσω, (from ζτιλος) I am zealous, affect zealously, desire zealously ; am jealous over ; am moved with envy ; ad- mire, rival, emulate. Ζ'/ί^,ωμ,ύί., -α,τος, το, (from preced.) a deed ea:citing envy, feat, exploit; an object of zeal, or pursuit ; emulation. Zip^-omic, -ιος, Attic -ίύ)ς, ij, (from same) jealousy, emidation, rivalry, pursuit. Ζγ,τ^ωτ'ής, -όν, ό, (from same) a zealot, zealous of or for, zealously desirous of; an imitator, ζγίΚωτα,ι, a various reading for y.i- y.r,ru\, 1 Pet. iii. 13.; a surname of one of the apostles, Luke vi. 15. probably on ac- count of his zeal for the law. See 'Kccuot'ji- Ζγ,'Κωτος, -ου, 6, (from same) to be Envied, happy, or to be imitated. Z-Yif/Jci, -ας, '/}, damage, loss, a fine, a punishment. ΖΥίΐΛΐόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. Ιζγι^/Αωκα, 1 a. pass. ίζγ,f/.ιό)ύγιu, (from preced.) I damage, fine, punish ; pass, am endamaged, suffer loss, am punished with the loss of. Ζ•γΐ(Λΐύ)0Υις, -ξοζ, ο, ri, (from preced.) caus- ing loss. ΖψΑωΐΛΟ,, -χτοζ, το, ζ-η^Αωσις, -ζως, τ], (from same) loss, fine, punishment. Ζ'ήν, Ζγί!/ος, 6, (for Ζίυς) Jupiter. Ζγιτ'ίύ), -ζ), imperf. ϊζΫιroυ)J, f. -γ,σο), p. ΙζΫί- TYiKa, pres. pass. ^Yirkoy.cii, -ου^αι^ imperf. pass. Ιζ-γιτίό(ΛΥ,^, •ού/ί<.Υιν; also, ζ-ηηόω, f. -ίύσω. Dor. ζοίτίω, I seek, desire, want, endeavour, require, inquire, question. Z'/jTYiycc, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a question, debate, dispute, controversy. Ζγ,τ^σ1[Λος, -ov, (from same) to be sought. Ζνιτγισίζ, -tog, Attic 'ίως, 9], (from same) a question, debate, dispute. Ζγιτγιτίος, -cc, -ou, (from same) must be sought, considered, inquii^ed after. Ζγιτγιττις, -ου, 6, (from same) an inquirer. Ζ-ητγιτικος, -'ή, -ov, (from same) disposed to inquire, curious. Ζιβύνγι, -Yig, 7], (from σιβΰυγί) a lance, spear, ov javelin. Ζίζά,νιον, -ου, το, zizane, darnell, tares, Ζίου, (it) the second month of the He- brews. Zoyo^cc, (rr-'TiiJ^i) her little ones. Jerera. xlviii. 4. ZoYi, Ion. for ζονή, and ζοος. Dor. for ζωός. Ζοξκόί^ες, -ων, ccl, Ion. for ^οοκόίοίς, from οοζκά,ς. Ζοφξζος, ζόφίος, -a., -ou, ζοφοίΐονις, ζοφόίΐς, -ίσσα, -£v, ζοφ(Λ•ης, -εος, 6, % (from next) dark, black. Ζόφος, -ov, 6, thick darkness, blackness. See σκότος. Ζοφόω, f. -ύ}σω, (from preced.) / darken. Zvyal, (from ζυγός) pairs, changes of raiment. Ζύγοίστρον, or ζυγχστξίον, -ου, το, (from ζυγός) a cabinet, desk. Zuyid; -ων, τα,, (from same) weights, balance. ΖύγΧμος, -o)j, (from same) fit for the yoke. Ζύγίος, -ec, -ov, (from same) yoked, a chariot horse, Juno as presiding over mar- riage. ΖΰγΊτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a person who sat on the middle bank of oars ; see^^ccvlTYig: ζυγΊτιζί, see ζίν/ϊται. Ζυγο^ίσμ,^ν, -ου, το, (from same and δ£ώ>)β yoke binder, a thong, traces. Ζύγο^α,χίω, f. -'ήσω, (from next and ya.- χγΐ) I am refractory under the yoke, fight with my oiun friends, fight with my adversary. Ζυγός, -ου, ό, and ζυγόν, -ου, το, (from ζίύγω) α yoke, this is its meaning, in the Greek scriptures, either in its proper or metaphorical sense, and ought to be so rendered in Rev. vi. δ. ίχων ζυγόν iv τγ ■χ,ϋζί αυτού, having a yoke in his hand. See Woodhouse on the place: ύττό ζυγόφιν, for ζυγοί», from under the yoke ; a rank of soldiers: ζυγά, τα, the benches for the rowers in a galley: ζυγός, the neck of a lute, the upper bar of a violin to which the strings are attached, II. Γ, 187: in the later writers, the beam of a balance from the ends of which the scales are suspended, hence, a weight. Ζΰγοστατίύ), (from preced. and Ίστγιμ,ι) I stand in equilibrium. Ζνγοφό()ος, or ζυγηφόξος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and φίζίο) bearing a yoke. Ν 465 Ζυ'γόω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ζοος. Ζΰγόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from ζυγός) I yoke, join or couple together; put under the yoke; frame or string a lyre. Ζνγωύζίζω, (from next) / fasten a door with a bar ; I weigh. Ζΰγωύξον, -ου, το, (from ζυγός and 3-y^ot) a bar for fastening a door; a beam of a bal- ance. Ζΰγωμ,οι, -ατός, το, (from ζυγόω) a frame of a door. Ζνγωτος, -7i, -ou, (from same) yoked. ' Ζνθος, -ου, 6, or -&ος, το, (so called because made ξίσα αιύους, by the heat of fire) drink made of barley, ale or beer. Ζϋμγι, -ης, V], (from ξίω) fermenting mat- ter, leaven. Ζϋ/^ϊτης, 'ου, 6, (from same) leavened bread. Ζϋμόω, -ω, f. 'ύ)σω, p. Ιζΰμ,ωκοι, 1 a. pass. ίζυ^Λωύην, (from ζνμ.ΎΪ) I leaven, ferment. Ζϋμασις, -ξως, τ], (from preced.) fermen- tation. Ζυ {Λωτός, -jj, -qv, (from same) leavened. Ζωάγξΐχ, -ων, τά., (from ζωος and άγζίω) money paid for the life of another, ransom. Ζωγζαφίω, -ω, f. -νισω, 1 a. ίξωγ^ύφνισχ, p. pass. Ιζωγζάφγιμχί, (from ζωον and γζά- φω) 1 paint to the life, delineate, pourtray, express, vividly describe. Ζω^ ζ^α.φΎΐ^(χ,, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a picture. Ζωγξαφίΰί, -εις, vj, (from same) a delinea- tion, painting. ΖωγξΛφίκος, -vj, -ov, (from same) skilled in painting. Ζωγράφος, ξωογςοίφος, -ου, ό, τ;, (from same) a painter. Ζύίγ^ζίοί, and ζωγξίεί, -χς. Ion. ζο^γξίγι, -ης, νι> (from ζωγ^ΐω) α taking or catching alive ; one so taken, a captive, a survivor. Ζωγξίϊον, -ου, το, (from next) a draught of fishes, a fish pond, a place where wild an- imals are kept. Ζωγ^ίω, -Zs, f. -7}ΰω, p. ίζωγξΥΐ'^α, 1 a. Ι^ώ- γξτ,σχ, p. pass, έζόιγξη/^οα, (from ζωός and αίγξίω, or αγξίύω) I take alive, catch, take captive. ΖωΙίόί•ΛΟς, -ου, ο, (from ζωhιov) the sign bearer, the zodiac. Ζω\ίόγ7\υφος, -ου, ο, (from next and y'hiti:- τω) an animal painter. Ζωδίου, -ου, το, (from ζωορ) a little animal, an animalcide ; the signs of the zodiac. Zuvj, -τις. Dor. ζωά, ζωΐα, τ], (from ζκω) life, manner of living, means of living. ΖωηΙοί/, (from preced.) like ajiimals. ΖΖψ.α,, -α,τος, το, (from ζόω^ a wrapper, bandage, cincture, mail, in Ζωμ,ζυμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from next) season- ing, sauce. 466 Ζω/^ΐίΰω, f. -ίύσω, (from next) / make broth, boil, season. Ζωμίοιου, -ου, το, (from next) a little broth. Ζωμός, -ου, 6, broth, soup. Ζωι/γι, -ης, 'h, (from ξόω) a girdle, purse, belt. Ζωνιου, -ου, το, (from preced.) a little belt. Ζωανύω, ζόν^νυμ,ι, or ζόω, imperf. ίζωννυου, f. ζίύσω, p. βζωκ,ΰΐ, 1 a. ίζωσχ, 1 a. mid. Ιζω- σά,μ,ην, p. pass, ίζωσμ,οίΐ, (from ΓΓ3τ) / gird, gird on, wrap round, harness. Ζωογονίω, -Zj, f. -τισω, p. $ζωογ6ϋηκοί,{ΐτοΐΏ ζωος and γίγονοί, perf. mid. of γίνω) I pro- create, preserve alive. Ζωογονία,, -ας, yj, (from preced.) a pro- ducing alive, a living birth, production. Ζωογόνος, -ου, ο, τ], (from ζ'ώ;'^ and γόνος) viviparous, a procreator of living creatures, born alive, a mother. ZZjov, -ου, το, (from ζάύ)) a living creature, an animal: ζωχ. Rev. iv. 6. &c. living ones. Comp. Isa. vi. Ezek. i. and x. with Rev. iv. 6. and see Woodhouse's illustration. He says in a note, " Plato has been ob- served to apply the term ζΖ}θν to Go^l. (Dialog. Timasus) — To which we may add, that Aristotle has done the same : Φχμβν δί τον θίον sii'oci ΖΩΟΜ u'i^iov, αςιστον. (Metaphysic. hb. xiv. cap. viii.) — Ζωον is any thing which has life, and in its highest signification may be applied to Him who alone " has life in Himself." John v. 26. Ζωο'ττοάω, -Ζ), (from ζωός and ττοάω) I make alive, quicken, animate, enliven. ΖωοΊΐοίηοίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, '/}, (from pre- ced.) a quickening, resto7'ation to life. Ζωός, -u,, -όν, contr. ζως, (from ζά.ω) alive, living. Ζωότης, -ητος, 9], (from same) vitality, Ife. Ζωοτοκίω, f. -νισω, (from ζZJQv and τίκτω) I bring forth a living birth. Ζωοτό-Λος, -ου, c, τ], (from same) vivipa- rous. Ζω'πυφω, -Ζ), f. -'ήσω, 1 a. Ιζω'κΰ^ΤίσΛ, (from ζωός and πυ^^ I rekindle a dormant fire, raise to life again. Ζωτΐΰξον, -ου, τό, (from same) a live coal or cinder, fuel ; remnant, race. Ζωξθ7:οτίω, (from ζω^ός and -ττίνω) I drink pure wine, drink hard. Ζωξοτΐότης, -ου, ό, (from T^recea.) a drinker of pure wine, a hard diinker. Ζωζός, -d, -όν, for ζωηξός, or ζοηξός, (from ζάω) living, warm, pure. Ζωξότζζος, -ct, -ov, (comp. of preced.) and ζωξότζζον, adv. stronger, too strong, intempe^ rately. Ζως, see ζωός. Ζωΰΐς, A GREEK LEXICON. Ήγζμόσυνα. Ζωσις^ Ίος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from ζωννΰού) a j girdle. Ζωστ'τιο, -7}ζος, ο, and ζωστξον, -ου, το, (from same) a girdle, belt, cuirass. ΖωτΙκός, -71, -6-j, (from ξύω) vital, living, vivifying. Ζωυφιον, -ου, το, an insect which infests dogs and horses. Ζωφΰτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ζωος and φυτον) productive of plants, fertile ; zoophyte, ani- vial-planted, partaking of animal and vege- table life. Ζωω, (the poetic form of ζύω) I quicken, live in plenty, enjoy life. Ζωω^'πς, -ίος, ό, τ], (from ζωοϋ) like the brutes. Zaa'j'/j, rather ζωω[4, (Οϊ;ι) angry, ooyviv Ι'ττά.γωυ, Ps. vii. 11. Ζωωσις, -scog, 7], (from ζάω) a giving, pre- serving, or restoring of animal life, safety, salvation. Ζωωτος, -'ή, -ou, (from same) painted or embroidered ivith animals. Η Η the seventh letter of the more mo- dern Greek alphabet, but the eighth of the ancient, whence as a numeral character, -η is still used for eight. In the old alphabet, Η corresponded to the Hebrew or Pheni- cian Heth in form, name, and order, and no doubt in power or sound also, which was that of an aspirate breathing, like the Roman H. The later Greeks, however, made it the mark of their Ε long, whereas the ancients had but one character for E, whether pronounced long or short. Η is often redundant in the end of a word; as ϊτπίΎΐ for Ιττύ and ϊ'ττίΐο'ή•, rr/j for τί. In the Boeotic dialect, it is usually changed into n, being anciently of nearly the same sound; as riditf^t for riu-zicn, 'ίσ- Tiif^i for 'ίστγιίΛΐ, whence riunKcc which continues in general use. Nouns ending in -Yi, easily assume the termination -ncc; as s^'/jf/yn eoTjjusicc, ' Α-ττάμ-η ' Αττά^ίίίχ, θίσσχ- TiO'Ji'yy^ θεσσχΆονίκΒίΰί, χωνη xiyjufx. ; and sometimes the termination -ίί/ίί; as N/^o? N/xot/flt. "H, poet. Vii, either, or; than, rather than, more than ; save, except, but, unless: '^, in- deed, truly, verily. In the last sense, it frequently has f/y/iu, or yAu subjoined to it: VI is also used interrogatively, and may be rendered whether, luhat, or understood merely as a note of interrogation, like the Latin, num, an, annon, nonne ; as *J ού« o'l- δατ£, know ye not ? 1 Cor. vi. 9 : «j, vi, hist, hist. ^H, (by aphaeresis for ϊφη, 3 sing. 2 a. of φημ,ϊ) he said: or (imperf. of oirry.i, I repose, see under αω) he ceased. "KxTo, Ion. for jjvro, 3 pi. imperf. οΐ^μαι. "HiSx, -x;, VI, Dor. for 'ίβϊ}. 'ΐΐβχιος, -d, -o'j, (same as βχιος) little, small: 'φχιον, in the least. 'Ή.βχω, f. -vjacj, 1 a. vjiSyjax, Ion. τιβά,σκω, also 'ήβωω, (from next) I grow up to man- hood, flourish in the bloom and vigour of youth, am young. "Ή-β-η,-γις, Vj, Dor. ν,βχ, -ccg, youth, puberty, maturity ; the bloom and vigour of life; Hebe, the goddess of youth. 'Ή.β-/ΐ^6ν, (from preced.) like young men, all who have reached maturity. 'H/3/5T'/jo, -vjpoc, and τιβτ^τγις, -ου, ο, (from %ΆΤί\ο) just come of age, youthful. ' HfiriTTj^iou, -ου, ro, (from same) a place for educating, exercising, or training young men. ' Ή.β/ιτίκός,-'-ή, -ο;/, (from same) belonging to youth, youthful, suitable to young men. ' Ή.βυ'Κλίχύ), (from same) / groiv to ma- turity. "ΐΐγχγον, Attic for vjyou, 2 a. of όίγω. 'Hyxusog, same as dyxusog. "Ή.γοίνον, -ου, το, (for τνιγχνον) a frying pan. ' Ί1γ5λά.ζα, f. -όίσω, for ayihct^o). ΎLyz[Λόyίυμ,ce,, -ecTog, το, (from vjyiofiXi) guidance. ' Hy£,i4o>£i/ίω) sweetly laughing. ' ΐllύy7^Cϋσσoς, -ου, ο, 'i], (from same and yT^uaaec) sweet tongued. 'Ή.Zυyι/ύ)μ,ωu, -όνος, 6, i], (from same and yvi)/iiYj) delightful in sentiments or in mind. 'HBysTTijg•, -ίος, 6, '4, (from same and 'ίττος) siveetly speaking. 'Ή}η>ύζοος, contr. -ους, 6, vj, (from same and ^QoL•)) sweetly sounding, melodious. 'Ή.lυ7^6yoς, -ου, 6, '/}> (from same and y^syoj) using sweet words, insinuating, art- ful. 'ΐίΙυ(Λί7^Υίς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and μίτ^ος) siveetly singing. 'tUvux^Yju, imperf. Attic for slvpocy.YiU, of "hvuoijiieii. 'ΐΐ^ϋνω, f. -νι^ω, 1 a. act. 'ή^υι>6ί, 1 a. pass. vjhvuu^v, p. pass. τί^υι^μΛΐ, (from νΐ^ύς) I render 'pleasant, make joyful. 'ϊίούοιι/ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and οΧνος) having sweet wine. 'Ή^υοσμ>ον, -ου, το, (from same and oV^wij) mint, an herb so called from its sweet smell. ' ΐύυττάύε/οί, -ας, τ], pleasure; voluptuous- ness, effeminacy ; and ΉΙντίταύΐω, I feel pleasure, enjoy ; lead a life of pleasure, am effeminate : from ' Ή.'^υ7ΓΟίύ'•^ς, -ίος, 6, v}, (from ν^^ύς and -ra- ΰος) devoted to pleasure, voluptuous, effemi- nate. 'ϊί^ύτννοος, contr. -ους, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and 'ττνίω) sweetly breathing or blow- ing- ' Ή^ύτϊοΧις, -ιος, 6, ί], (from same and ττό- λις) dear to, the state. ' Ή.Ιΰττοτος, -ov, (from next and ττότο?) sweet to drink. 'Ή,^ύς, -iiu, -υ. Dor. ά^ύς, also ζΙ}^ΰ[Λος, -η, -ov, sweet, pleasant, agreeable. "'Ά^υσμ,α, -ατός, το, and ί]^υσμός, -ου, ο, (from yjlovco) sweetness, seasoning, sweet smelling spice. ' Έβυσω/ίίατος, -ου, 6, v}, (from 7]^ύς and σωΐΛα) agreeable in person. 'ΉΪύφωνος, -ου, 6, 'ή, το -ov, (from same and φωννι) sweet speaking or sounding. "Ήΐω, f. ^ήσω, 1 a. ψ a, (from άΐίω) I please, delight. ' Ή^ω, or ^ήΐω, a Hebrew word, read by- mistake niiK• instead of rr\n, in Job xxxvi. 30. ''his light;'' and not translated by the seventy, because not understood. 'Hs, see ^, or, whether. 'ϊΐίλίος, -ου, 6, poet, for ''ή'Κιος, the sun. 'ΙΆίττίζ, poet, for ^Vs^. Ήεξίβομαί, Ion. for αεξίύομ,αι, see dt^i- ύω. Ήίξί, dat. sing. poet, for αίζΐ, from ά^ζ. 'Ήεξϊνός, -ij, -ov, (from εαξ) vernal. ^Ήίζ^ίος, -a, -ov, (from νιτίζ) aerial, in the air, high, aloft ; in the morning, early. " Έίεζ^οει^τίς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and d- δοί) having the ajjpeai^ance of the air, dusky. Ήεξόε{ς, -εσσα, -εν, (from 'ήνΐξ) dark. Ήίξούεν, (from same)yror« the air. 'ΐΙεξοφοΊτίς, -ίίος, τ], (from same and φοι- τάω) ivalking in darkness. 'Ηε^όψωνος, -ου, ο, ί], (from next and φωνή) sounding in the air, loud. Ή'ης, 'ηίζος, 6, i], poet, for (st^^, the air, vapour, darkness, obscurity. Ήύχς, -όί^ος, ο, ^, (from 'ή ύ ο ς) familiar. 'ΐΐύείος, -α, •ον, (from same) familiar, dear. Ήύίω, f. -9}σω, p. νι^ηκ», and νιύω, f. ^ησω, I strain, purify. mm 'Hoixhg. A GREEK LEXICON, Ήλΐ/ϋώττιζ. ' ΗύΊκόζ, -5j, -ou, (from -^ύος) etkic, belonging to morals, moral; tranquil^ sedate ; inoha- hle, usual, habitual: τιθίΆ'ή, viz. i7riGrvj[A-/i, vioral science : το '^ur/.ou, the moral, (in the fathers} the application, or practical im• provement of a cUscourse : τιύίκ,Ζς, morally, placidly. ' Ή.ύ,ϋΟίί'^Υΐς, -£ς, (from next and ίϊίος) like a strainer. 'Hdf/^og, -Qv, 0, (from ■ijuoj) a strainer, sieve ; eye-lashes, as strainers to the eye. 'HuoXoyio), (from '^ύος and λίγω)^ de- sc7'ibe a matins character. Ήύολόγος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a de- scriber of life and manners, a vioral writer. "Ή.ύοτΓοίίύ), (from 'ήύος and 'τταίω) I fo7^n the manners ; represent the manners. 'HuoTTousc, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a re- presentation of the manners or character. Ήύοττοιός, -ov, 0, 7], (from same) forming the manners ; representing the manners. ^Ή-βος, -ίος, -ους, το, (from 'ύύος) manner, custom, habit or character fixed by habit ; the moral and political institidions of a state, the conditution ; a place frequented, a usual abode; a desciuption of the natural and still scenes of life, opp. to ττάύος, the vehement and heroic. "HUo), see νιθίω. "Hi', for Ti'is, 3 sing, οΐ'/ι'ί'οί, perf. m. οΐίΊμ,ι. "Jiici, -uu, τ a,, provisions for a journey. ' ΉΐΙ'ύίος, Attic Υιύ^ος, -ου, ο, (perhaps from κΐύω) a young unmarried man. 'Hioetg, -iaacc, -iv, or 'φνίος, -a,, -ov, (from ψω:/) having high and craggy shores, deeply embanked. "Hioc, -ου, 0, or ΐ'ήίος, (from "ιη(ΛΪ) skilled in hurling the shaft, the shooter; destructive, pestilential, mournful. "K'iaccu, for ίϊσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. of ei'cj, poet. for L•, or siy^i. Ήΐων, also Yjuu, and χ'ιων,-ο'^ος, ό, a beach, shore, strand. "Hzx, or ijxci. Dor. cIkcc, (from cck'^u) quietly, gently, slowly. Ήκαλοί, -'/J, -ou, (from preced.) quiet. "ϋκίστος, -η, -ov, (from a, neg. and xsv- τΐ(ύ) unsubjected to the goad, untamed. "Ηκίστος, -η, -ου, (irom εκ,άς) furthest, least : νιχ,ιστα, in the least, by no means. "Άκου, (Ion. for 'ήττου) certainly. "Hkcj, imperf. iJKov, f. 'ήξ,ω, p. 'ήκχ, 1 a. hi^i, I come, arrive, attain, prosper. ' HA«/i/ij,(frum £?^αύνύ}) Iivandcr, am mad. Ηλακατ//, -γ,ς, r„ (for τιΚχσκά,τγι, from next) a distajf: 7ρ^.οι,•/Λτοί, -ων, τχ, the thread wound round a distaff. Ήλασκοίζύ), 7;7^άσκο), I stroll, wander, or rove about. "Ηλίκτξος, -ου, v), and ij?.iKrQov, -ov, το, (from 7j^iKT£,j2)electrum, amber, crystal, also a mixed metal of beautiful lustre, consist- ing of gold and silver, and used by the LXX, for bni^n, Ezek. i. 4. which seems to signify a mixture of this kind, or of gold and copper, like the ces pyropum, the fiery coloured brass, or (Bs Corinthium, the Corin- thian brass of the ancients. 'Ή7>.ί•Λτξος, -ά, -ov, and Υΐ7^Βκτζ^ινος,-ν„ -ov, (from preced.) made of electrwn, bright. ' Έΐλίζτροφα,'^ς, -βς, (from same and φάω) shining like electrum, glittering. Ήτνδκτωζ, -οξοζ, 6, a name of the sun. 'HAs,4^i4ToV, -'/), -ov, τ^ίος, -ci, -ov, and '^AoV, -'/J, -ov, (for γ^Ύ.ζίος, which from '/fhto•) parched by the sun, deprived of its juice, in- sipid ; senseless, mad, foolish, vain: ήλε,ί^ά- τ ω ς, foolishly, vainly. Ήλί, ο, (^bi<) Eli, my God. ϊί7κίύζο[Λύίΐ, f. -aaoy^c&i, 1 a. pass, rikiua- ύ-ην, (from '^λιος) I am exposed to the sun. 'Ή.Τ,ιάζω, (from next) I try a cause in the Helicea: or (from 'ήΤ^ιος) I lie in the sun. ' ΉΧιούχ, -οίς, V}, (from 'ήΚιος^ the Helicea, one of the most celebrated and frequented courts for civil affairs, deriving its name from the sun, because held in an open place, and exposed to the sun's rays. 'ΥΩκίο,κ,ος, -vi, -ov, (from same) solar. Ηλίας, or Ήλίοις, -ου, ο, (irT-bN) Elijah, the Tishbite, 3 Kings xvii. 1. Rom. xi. 2. Jam. V. 17. In the poetic language of pro- phecy, and in quotations of it or allusions to it, the name of this prophet is symboli- cally used for John the Baptist, on the same principle as David is used for Christ, and Rachel for the bereaved mothers of Bethlehem. See Mai. iv. o. Matth. xvii. 10 — 13. Luke i. 17. and comp. Hos. iii. 5. Jer. xxxi. 15. Matth. ii. 18. ' Ιΐλίόίσίς, -&ως, τι, (from γ/Κιά,ζω) the right of sitting in the Helicea, its jurisdiction. Ήλίαστ^/ίς, -ov, 0, (from same) a judge in the Helicea. ' ΙΙΚιαστΙχ,ος, -'ή, -ov, (from same) belong- ing to a judge in the Helicea. 'ϋλίβόίτος, -ου, ο, '/], (from ^λ/ο? and /3of/- νω) to be traversed only by the sun, sleep, inaccessible. "Κλαύχ, (Ion. form of όΐλίς) enough. Ήλίύίύξω, f. -άσω, (from next) / play the fool, am stupid. ' Ηλίύίος, -oi, -ov, foolish, senseless: ^λ;- ύίως, foolishly, stujndly. Ίΐλίύίόω, f. -ωσω, (irom preced.) / render stupid. Ήλίκ,ίχ, -ας, v], (from ν}Κίκος) stature, age, the period of life ; flower, vigour, or maturity of age. Ήλικώτη:, -ου, vj'ht^,, -ϊκος, ό, and 5?λ/- 469 Ήλ/κο^. A GREEK LEXICON. Ήμιίαης, κίωτις^ -ihog, τ], (from preced.) equal in years. ϊΐλϊκος, -η, -ov, how great. ΆλίόβΤ^ιητος, ί^λιόβολος, -ov, ο, τ], (from siA/og- and /3άλλώ)) smitten hy the sun. ΉΧίόκοίυστος, -ου, ο, v}, (from next and κ,ούω) burnt by the sun. "Ηλ/ο?, Mo\. ί^λ:ος, -ου, ό, the sun. It is used sometimes as a proper name, some- times as an appellative: hence it some- times wants the Article, as ^λ /oy li άνοιπΊ- T^ciuTog, Matth. xiii. 6. The article is want- ing in most of the propositions, which ex- press merely the time, when an event is said to happen ; "/ιμίξχς δί ysuo^iv/}?, Acts xvi. 35. ysusatdi}!/ ayo^kvoiv, Matth. xiv. 6. σάββοί,τον Ιττίφωσκ,ζ, Luke xxiii. 54. ίοξτ'ή Tcju "Ιου^οάων, John v. 1. Middleton on Matth. xiii. 6. Ήλ/οστ£^'/5ί•, -ίος, ο, vi, (from preced. and GTS^ico) deprived of the sun; depriving of the sun, shading. 'Ή.Τ^ίοστ'ίβνις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and στείβω) trodden or marked by the sun, parched. 'Ηλίου ττύΤίίς, or 'Ήλιοόττολί ς, (from same and ττόλις) Heliopolis, city of the sun. Ήλ/ο'ώ), f. -0)00), (from ^λίος) I expose to the sun, dry. "Ή-λιτόμνινος, -ου, (from άΜτίω and μνιν^ missing a month, born before the time. 'Ήλοί, -ου, 6, a nail, a stud. 'Ή^κόω, -ω, f. -άσω, 1 a. pass. Tfhcouri^, (from preced.) I fasten with a nail. "ΐίλυγοίω, (from next) I shade. ^ΐίλνγ,η, -ης, or Tj^vyJj, -ijg, % (from χ and λύκ,ος) darJcness, shadow. 'Ηλυσίου, -ου, το, viz. tts^iov, Od. Δ', 563 — 569. Elysium, the Elysian plain, a place said to be about the western boundaries of the earth, the island or islands of the blessed, the abode of heroes after death. "ΉΧΰσις, -ζύ)ς, jj, (from Ιλίΰθω) arrival, approach, step. "Ίΐμοί., -οίτος, το, (from Ίϊΐμή a throw, cast, missile. 'Hfzuuosig, -ίσσχ, -su, and 'ήμ<χ,ύό}^Ύΐς, -sg, (from οίμα,ύος) sandy. "ΊΙμ/χ,ί, (see page 41) I have been or am set, I sit, remain, am: ία,τΛΐ or sioiroci. Ion. for ijuroii; ioiro, or iiciro. Ion. for vjuro. ^ϊΐμ,οίξ. Dor. α,μαξ, -οίτος, το, a day, time, season. "Ή.μ,άτιος, -χ, -ov, (from preced.) daily. ' 'RfAiha.Tc-Qg, -'/j, -ov, (from τιμίϊς and ^ά,τί-ζ- δοί/) of our country. 'ϋμίλημίνως, (from d^shU)) negligently. ^H^sv, Ion. for ίϊνχι, pres. infin. of ειμί. 'ϊΐμίζϋί, -οίς, vi, (from τιμοίξ) a day: Ικ,είνγι 7} νιμίςοί, that day, viz. of the Lord, the 470 great day of judgment, Mat. vii. 22. Luke X. 12. 2 Thess. i. 10. 2 Tim. i. 18. and iv. 8. opposed to which we have άνύζθ)7ΐ;ίνγι τιμίξοί, man's day, viz. the season of human judgment, 1 Cor. iv. 3. see also Jer. xvii. 16. Ήμίξίνσίς, -εως, vj, (from next) a day. Ήμίξεόύ), f. -εύσύ), (from νιμίςχ) I spend the day, tarry, continue, live. 'ϊΐμεξτισίος, -ex,, -ov, (from same) belonging to day, as dayX\^t', continuing one day, daily. 'ϊΐμεζίνος, -vj, -ov, (from same) by day. 'ϊΐμεξίος, -ov, o, 93, (from same) daily, of one day. ' ΐΐμεξίς, -7^ος, ί], (from ^μεξος) cultivated. 'Ήμεξο^ξομίω, (from same and ^ξέμω) I carry daily messages, run every day or all day. ' Ήμεξο^ζόμος, -ου, 6, (from same) a daily runner or messenger. 'Υίμεοολεγ^ον, perhaps τιμεξόλεκ,τον, com- pided every day. Ήμεςολογεύ), (from next and λέγω) I reckon the days, keep a journal. "ΐίμεξος. Dor. οίμεζος, -ου, ο, vj, (from νΐμέ(}%) belonging to the day, tame, mild, gentle, cultivated, as opp. to wild: ν^μέζως, tamely, mildly. ' ϊΐμεζοσκόττος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and σκοττός) a day watch. Ήμεξόφχντος, -ov, (from same and φοίί- voi) appearing by day. Ήμίξοφΰλοίξ, -οίΆος, 6, (from same and φυλάσσω) a daily watch. 'ϊίμεζόο), f. -ύύσω, p. -ωκοί, 1 a. part. Dor. ά,μΛζωσοίς, for ^μέ^ωσα,ς, (from ί^μεξος) I make mild ; pass. / become mild. Ήμετεξος, -cc, -ov, (from νιμεΐς. See p. 26) our. ΉμΙ, for φϊΐμΐ, I say, or for όίημί, I cease, have done speaking, see yj. "ΐίμι, for νιμισυ, used only in composition. 'ϊΙμίχνΖζος, -ου, or ^μιά,νωξ, -οξος, ό, 'ή, (from preced. and ά,ν^ξ) half man. 'Έίμιάνύξωττοζ, -ου, (same and οίνθ^ω'ττος^ half human. 'Ή.μιά.ρργιν, -ενος,ό, ί], (same and uopnv)half male. 'ΐΐμί/ζσσάξίον, -ου, το, (same and άσσά,- ξΐον) the fourth of an obolus. ϊΐμίζζως, -ωτος, 9]μίζξύ)τος, -ου, ο, oj, (from same and βξόα) half eaten. 'Ή,μιγευείος, -ου, ό, (from same and yi- νειον) half bearded, young. 'ΐίμίyυμ^voς, -ου, 6, vj, (same and yvμvoς) half naked. ' 'Άμι^ίο.Υις, -ίος, ο, ί], (from same and Iccicj) half burnt. Ημιδοίχτϋλιο;, A GREEK LEXICON. 'Ημιτάλα,ντον. Ή/αί^οίκτνλ{ος, -ου, (from same and οά,κ- τνΤ^ος) half a digit. Ήμίοάςείχο^, -ov, το, (from same and δώ- ξίίκος) half a daricJc. Ή,44/δ£'/?5•, -tog, 6, vj, (from same and lio- (jLdi) wanting half, halffidl. 'Hy.ihi'TTT^oioiov, -ου, το, (fr'om same and ΌίττΤ^οίς) half a dcuhlet, a bed-gown. ' 'Ά(Λβου7^ος, -ου, 6, v}, (same and ^ου7\.ο;^ half a slave, meanly born. 'ϊί^Λίζκτίον, or νιμίβκτον, -ου, το, (from same and 'ίκτος) half the sixth part of an Attic medimnus or bushel, i. e. one twelfth of 48 choenices, or 4 choenices ; hence also called τίτξύμετξον, or τίτ^οίχ,οινίκον μίτζο^. 'Ιίΐίίίίλλ-/]ν,-'/}>ος, ό, 'ή, (same αηά'Έλλ/;^:') half Grecian. 'Ή./ίΛίίξ'/ος, -01/, ίί/^-Ί^ξγ'/ις, -£ς, (from same and e^you) half done, unfinished, incomjjlete. Ήμάφύος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and έψω) half boiled or dressed. Ήμιύΰίνής, -ίος, -ους, or vn^iuw/ig, -iJTOc, c, vj, (from same and euccyou, 2 aor. of ^ντισκω) half dead. 'Hfiiusog, -ου, 6, tj, (same and ^£oV) ^«^ divine, a demigod. ''Ά{Λίύ-/ίΚυς, -iog, (same and ^γ[Κυς) half woman, effeminate. 'ϊί/κ,ίβι/ητος, -ου, ο, τ], (same and S:/>iroc) half dead. ' Ή,^.ίύζχυστος, -o'j, (from same and ύοαύω) half broken. Ή/ίίΐύωοάκίοι/, -ου, το, (from same and Άύ}ςαζ} a half breastplate . "Άμ,ίκά,κος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and -AccKog) half wicked, not perfectly good: νί^.ικά,κύΐς, half luell. Ήί/.ίκ'λίΧ.στος, -ου, (from same and κλάώ;) half broken. 'Ή./^ίκΆ7]θίθ!/, -ου, το, (from same and ^Aij- ξος) h(df of an estate, a moiety. ' Hf/J^o^og, -ου, 6, (same and κόξος) half a cor, or homer. 'Ή-μ,ίκζΛίζοί, -ug, 'ή, (same and κ^αΓζ'ίί} half the head. ' Ημ,ικ,^'^ς, -^τος, 6, (same and K^r.g) half a C retail, 'Ή./ί/.ίκύκλίον, -ου, τό, (from same and κύ- κλος) a semicircle. Ή^/,ίλίτττος, -Qu, (from same and Asz-uj) half shelled, half skinned. ϊΐμίλίυκ,ος, -ου, ο, 7], (same and λΒυκος) half white. Ήμίλιτζον, -ου, το, (same and λίτζον) half a pound. ' Καιλοχίοί, -ugy v], (from same and λόχος) half a band of four or eight soldiers; the same as Ιιμοίξίοί. Ήμιλοχ,ϊτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a leader of half a band of soldiers. 'Hy.{,uci!/yig, -ίος, ο,ό^, (from viyu and (λάι- , (from same and ττόζος) I traverse the sea. θαΤ^ασσοττόζος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same) tra- versing the sea. QctKctaaovoyog, and ^c0^.cx,rrov^yog, -ου, 6, (from θάλασσα and s^yov) one whose ivorh is about the sea, a mariner, fisherman. &οι,'ΚΛττοκο7Γίω, f. -γ}σω, (from same and κ.ό'ΤΓτω) I splash the sea, boast of superiority by sea. &οί7\.οίττόω, f. -ύ)σύ), (from ^ά,'Κοίσσιχ,) I sail the sea, navigate ; plunge in the sea ; take in water, leak. θοίΚίθω, see ^χλίω. Θάλε /fii, -ccg, tj, (from θάλλω) Thalia, one of the Muses. Θαλίίύί, and ^uXioc, -α,ς, ί], (from same) a rich feast, festivity , abundance, hilarity. θοίΚίΐά,ζω, or Βχλίχξω, (from same) / keep a festival. Θάλείος, -χ, -ou, (from same) luxuriant, rich. &χΚίΐ)6ς, -oi, -O'J, (from next) flourishing, vigorous, properly said of the young shoots of plants, hence, soft, gentle. ®xhio), Ion. ΐ^Υί^.ίω, f. -Tjac-y, ^οίΚίύω, part. 9ι»7.ίβων, ί^άλλω, f. -λώ), p. τίθχΚκ,χ, imperf. 3 sing, θάλλδ, for ίύχλλε, p. mid. τίύ•/ίλχ. Dor. τίύχΚχ, I am green, grow, flourish, abound with, live happy, am prosperous. Θχλλός, -ου, 6, (from θάλλώ») a branch, an olive branch. θχ'Κ'Κοφόζος, -ου, ο, (from preced. and φί^αί) a person who carried a sprig of olive in the PanathencEa. Θύλος, -εος, το, (from ,^άλλω) grass ; off- spring; honour. Θχ^ττίάύ), (from ί^άλττώ^) / grow warm. ΘαλτΓ/ω^, (m-sbn) an armoury, place where arms are suspended as a decoration and trophy. Θαλτη/ός, -'ή, -ov, (from ΰύ'Κττω) warm, bright. ©άτ^'ττος, -ίος, το, (from same) warmth, heat. ΘχΆ'τττνίξίος, -X, -οι/, (from next) flt to warm. Θχλττω, f. --ψω, (from ^χΆΤ^ίΐν ττοίίω) I wai^m, cherish; deceive. θχΤ^'ττωζ'^, -νις, τ], (from preced.) a warm hope. θχ'κύσιχ, -ων, τοί, (from ^άλλω) a festival in honour of Ceres, consisting of the first fruits. θχμ,χ, for xf<,x, at once, frequently. θχμ,βίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. τε^χμβηκ,χ, 1 a. εθχμ,βγισχ, 1 a. pass, εύχ^β'/ιύ-ή», also ^xf/,- βίύω, f. -εΰσω, ^χμ,βόω, f. -ωσω, (from ^χμ.- βος) I am. astonished, alarmed, thunder• struck. (^χι^β-ήσις, •εο)ς, 9], (from preced.) astonish- ment, terror. @χμ,βν]τείζχ, (from same) terrible: θχμ- β'ήΤίΐζχι, -oju, χί, the furies. Θχΐ^βητος, -'/I, -ov, (from same) terrific. &χΐΛβος, -ου, 6, ^χ[Λβος, -εος, το, astonish- ment, amazement, terror. &χ[Λει6ς, -χ, -ov, '^χμ.'ής, -ες, and ^χμίνος, -ri, -ov, (from ^χ[λχ) frequent, one upon another, crowded, thickened: ^x^mvx, ^x- [/^χκις, often, frequently. Θχμίξω, f. -ίσω, (from preced.) I fre- quent, visit often. Θχμ,μ.ούζ, (nnn) Tammuz, thought to be Adonis. Ezek. viii. 14. &χ^Λνος, -ου, 6, a shrub, a thicket. θχΐίίΰξίς, -(ίος, ^, (from ^χμχ) an assem- bly, a council. θχνχσϊ/ίύος, -ου, ό, τ], (from ^χνχτος^ deadly, mortal; of hades. θχνχτηψόξος, and ^χνχτοφόζος, -ου, 6, ί], (from ^χνχτος and φέξω) death-bringing, death-bearing, deadly. Θχνχτίχω, (from ^χνχτος) I desire to die. Θχνχτόεις, -εσσχ, -εν, (from next) mortal. ' Θχνχτος, -ου, 6, (from εύχνον, 2 aor. of ^νησκ,ο)) death ; plague, pestilence, or any contagious deadly distemper , whether among men or beasts, Exod. v. 3. ix. 3, 15. Deut. xxviii. 21. Jer. xxi. 6. Ezek. xiv. 21. Rev. ii. 23. vi. 8. xviii. 8. &c. ($>χνχτόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τεθχνχτωκχ, 1 a. act. εύχνχτωσχ, 1 a. pass, εύχνχτωβτην, (from preced.) / put to death, mortify, subdue, kill. θχνχτωσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, vi, (from pre- ced.) killing, slaughter. &χνν-Λ(Λ, (oosn) dragons, a large kind oj seipents, crocodiles. &ά.νω, and ^νχω, sec ^υν}σχ.ω. θχτττεος, -χ, -ov, it is necessary to bury : from 470 Θα'τττω. A GREEK LEXICON. Θίΐαομος, 11 li ! θχτΓτω, f. .-ψύ), p. τίτόίφχ, 1 a. act. Uoc- ■ψα, 2 f. act. τα,φω, see p. 60, 2 a. act. Ι'τά- (poi/, 2 f. pass. τ(χ,φνισο(Λα,ι, 2 a. pass, ίτίίφ-ην, p. mid. τίύνΐ'τηζ^ I hury. &cx,^yYiKioc, -α,ς, vi, or ^οίζγ'ήλιχ, -ων, τά, (from Άίξω and y^) or festival in kofiour of Apollo and Diana. The name means fruits of the earth; the pots in which the fruits were carried on the day of the festival, were called ^ά,ζγΎίΚοι; and the month in which it was celebrated, was called ^αξγτι- λ/ύ.}ν, -ωνος, 0. Θαββχ'λίος, and ^οΐζΰοιΚίος, -οί, -ou, (from next) bold, resolide: ^αρρχΆίως^ ^ΛξσοίΚίως, boldly, ivith confidence. Θχρρύα, and Βαξσεω, -ω, f. -7]σω, p. τεύοίρ- pYi>ccc, and τζύάξσν,κ,οι, (from next) / am confident, of good courage, bold ; use free- dom and authority ; have confidence or coxl- Tage, take courage. θάρρος, or '^άζσος, -sog, -ους, το, (from ^ίξύί) courage, boldness, confidence, impu- dence. θοίρρνι/ω, ^χξσννύ), Ion. ^οίζσυνίσχ,ω, f. -ννω, 1 a. Ιύά,^συνα, (from preced.) / add confidence, encourage, confirm. θοίζσύς, or ^αξσζΐς, (ly^jy'in) Tarshish ; a chrysolite or topaz ; or a beryl, a gem of a bluish green colour ; and probably called tarshish, from the place whence it came, Ezek. i. 16. θχσσω, ^α,ύσσω, I sit, rest, occupy. (da,aao)u, or θάττώ»!/, -όνος, 6, vj, for ηχ,γ,ίων, (from τα,χυς) swifter, quicker: ^ά,σσον or ^oiTTou, speedily, sooner, as soon as possible, θχσύύ. Dor. for SfJjaa, 1 f. of τίύημ,ι. Θάπξος, -a, -ou, (from το sre^ou) one of two, the one or the other, either. Θΰίν, (an) a chamber : or (nn) thau, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Θβίί^βί, -ατός, το, wonder, astonishment, amazement. Θοίνμά,ζω, f. -όίσω, p. τεύίχ,ύμαίζΰΐ, 1 a. act. Ιθα.νροοίσοί, 1 a. pass. ίύιζυρίχσύ?ιν, p. pass, τίύχνμα,σ/ϋ,οα, 1 f. mid. Bcuv/xaaopcai, also Βοινμοίίνύ), f. -oiuu, ^ocvfcccvio), f. -ίσω, ^Λνμοίξέσκα, (from preced.) / ivonder, ad- mire, reverence. @(Χ.υμ,ά.σιος, -a, -oi', (from preced.) ivon- derful, marvellous. &ui,v[^ua{Jt,og, -ου, ό, (from same) admira- iion, wonder. &οίυ μαστικός, -jj, -ou, (from same) apt to wonder. θχυμαστός, -ij, -ou, (from same) to be ad- mired or ivondered at, admii^able, luonderful, marvellous: ^ιαυμοίστως, wondejfully. θαυμαστόω, -ω, f. -1)σω,.\). τίύίχ,υρίάστω- Kot, (from preced.) I do ivonderful things, make wonderful. 476 θοιυμχτο'ττοίίω, (from ^αυμοί and 'ποιίω) I work luonders. θχυμ,ΰίτοττοίϊος, -cc, -ou, (from same) made to excite wonder ; plur. wonders, juggles, sleight of hand tricks. Θαυματοττοίός, -ου, ό, (from same) a Jug- gler. θύίυμοίτουξγίύ), (from ^χυμοι, and sQyou) I work wonders. θοίυμοίτουζγος, -ου, 6, i], (from same) a zvorker of wonders, a juggler. Θχ-ψ^ος, -VI, -ou, like a buckthoi'n, pale, yellow: from Θά-ψος, -ου, 'ή, buckthorn, a plant used to dye yelloiu. θζά, -Ας, and Bsoiiucc, -ric, vj, (from ^gdj) a goddess. Θίΰΐ, -ας, 7], ^ίά,μοί, -ατός, το, (from S-sci- ομ,αι) a spectacle, shotv, appearance. @iάuύξω'7!■oς, -ου, 6, (from ^ίος and eiuu^o)- ττος) Godman. θίάομ,οίΐ, -ωμ,αι, f. -ά,σομαι, p. τΐόίαμαι, 1 a. pass, kusaunu, 1 a. mid. ihaaafiriu, ^ίΐάομα,ι, by sync, ^άομαι. Ion. ^ίίομαι, ^niopccti, poet, hdopcut, I behold, see, view with admiration, contemplate. &ζιχ,τν}ς, -ου, ^say^au, -Οϋος, ^ητιτν}ξ, -^ξος, ό, (from preced.) a spectator, beholder, wit- ness. Θεάτος, Βίϊ]τ6ς, Β^-^τός, Dor. ^αγιτός, -sj, -ou, (from same) to be beheld or vieiued. Θίο,Τξίξω, f. -Ίσω, (from SisaTQou) I make a public spectacle, expose in a public thea- tre. &εατφ,χ.ος, -ij, -ou, (from next) theatrical: ^εατξϊκ,ως, befitting the stage. QioiT^ou, -ου, TO, (from ^ίάομα,ι) a thea- tre, a large building erected for the exhibition of public shoius, games, ^c. a public shoio or 0££, (xn) a chamber, hall, court. Θ=ξβου7^οίύωύ, (imbinnn) his counsels. Θ&£ΐμ, (α^χη) plural of ^«. Qssiou, see ^uou, -ου, το, sidphur: from &ξίΐόω, f. -ωσω, I fumigate, purify ivith sulphur. Θετιϊος, -ου, ο, τ;, (from ^eoc) of the gods, divine. Θε^/ιΤ^αύ, (a corruption of Βεε and αιλά/χ, i. e. D^b-'N, thresholds) a door or gate of a chamber, hall, or court. Θε7}λόίτος, -ou, (from ~^εός and sλxύuω) driven or impelled by the divinity. &ε'ή'πο\ίω, ^εοττοΤ^-έω, f. -^σο), (from same and τΓολέ'ώ)) I go about collecting money for the images of the gods. θεκίζω, f. 'ά,σω, (from ^εος) I act under a divine impidse. ©είΛϋμο:, -ου, 6, (from preced.) inspira- ticn. Θίίκζλύ^. A GREEK LEXICON. @sOKXvroc. (cjiUiJ.y, ^ίοείκ,ί'Αος^ (from Βίος and ehs- λο^} godlike. Qsi^oTTshvu), I drt/ in the sun : from Θ£ίλ07Γ£^οι/, -ov, TO, (from ίίλη and 'rritou) afield exposed to the sun. Θίίνω, I smite, strike, heat. 0£?oi/, -oy, TO, (from next) a divinity; sulphur, brimstone, so called because often used by idolaters in religious purifications. θίϊος, -οί, -Ο!/, (from ^£oV) divine, sacred. θΐίος, -ov, 6, an uncle: ^sioi, -ας, vi, an aunt. Θειότγις, -τ-/]τος, vj, (from ^ίίος, divine) Godhead, divinity, divine attributes. θειωοης, -sog, -ους, 6, 7}, (from ^elov) of brimstone, or rather, of the colour of brim- stone, yellow. θύωσις, sag, τ], (from dsog) deification. Θίλγγιτξο:/, and ^ί'Κκτζον, -ου, το, (from next) a means or instrument of soothing, a charm, allurement, love potion. Θέλγω, f. -|i4», 1 a. ίβελξα,, (i. e. eig το ύί- λίΐν θίγω) I lead as I please, soothe, deceive. θ&λεος, ^ίλε/ίίος, and Βελτι/ι^ων, -ouog, 6, vi, (from ^ίΚύϊ) luilling, quick, p)rompt. Θέ'Α-ημα, -ccTog, το, (from same) will, jdeasure, desire, inclination. Θίλγισίς, -iog, Attic -sag, τ], (froni same) tvill, j)leasure. θέλήττις, -ov, 6, (from same) one who is willing, one who delighteth. (aih'^Tog, -vi, -ov, (from same) pleased, de- lighted. Θίλκτ'-ήρ, -vK^og, 6, (from Άίλγοή a soother. Θελκ,τ7}ξ{0!/, -ov, το, (from next) a charm. Θ£7,κτ'/]ξίος, -a, -ou, (from ^ελγύ)) having power to charm or soothe, charming. ΘεΚ^Ίυοος, -ov, ^ίλξΤψξύ}!^, -ouog, 6, 'ή, (from same and uovg, or (p^viu) charming the mind, soothing, mild. θίΆ^ίς, -εως, i}, (from ^ελγω) charm, al- lurement. ΘεΆουτΤις, -ov, ό, (for εύελοΐ/τ'ης) one ivho is ivilling, a volu7itecr. Θέλω, or εύελω, and ^ελέω, (page 6G) Attic impcrf. 'ήθεΆου, f. ^ελτισο), p. τεύέΆ-ήκ,ΐζ, 1 a. εύελγισα, Attic νιόέλγισοί, p. pass. τεθε'Κ-ζιμ,οίΐ, I will, desire, wish, attempt, delight, delight in. Θέμα, -oLTog, το, (from τίύνί[Λΐ) that which is placed, a theme, an impost, a deposit, a coffer or juace of deposit, arrangement or order of placing, a pile. θεμεύλον, θί^ελ /oy, ^£f/,iiAiou, ΐιεΆυ^Λΐ/Ο!/, Άέ/ϋπλον, -ov, TO, and ^ε/^ίελιος, -ov, 6, (from same) a foundation, foundatioji stone, depo- sit, treasure laid up. Θεμ,ε'Κιόω, -ω, f. -ύ)σω, p. τεύε^-αλίωκοί, 1 a. εθεμελίωσοί, p. pass, τεύεμελίωμαι, pluperf. pass. 'ετί^ϊ(Λί>,'.ό)μτ^ν , -ωσο, -ο)το, Ionic τεΗ- I μελίωτο, (from preced.) I found, lay a foun- dation, settle or establish on a foundation. Θεμε7\ίύ)σις, -log, Attic -εως, vj, (from pre- ced.) a laying of a foundation. θεμίζω, f. -Ίσα, (from ^εμις) I regulate, adjust. ΘεμίτΓλεκτος, -ou, (from next and τΓλέκ,ω) woven by justice, fitly woven. θέμις, -ιίτος, -ιστός, or -ΐ'^ος, vj, right by the rules of law, right by the rules of reli- gion, law, justice. θεμίσκοτΓος, -ov, 6, (from preced. and σκ,οττέω) an inspector of justice, superinteri- dant. Θεμισκ,ξέω^, -οντος, ο, (from same and ■/,ζείίον) one who rules ivith justice. θεμιστεΊος, ^εμ,ιστος, ^εμίτος, -'/j, -ou, (from ^έμ,ις) just, lawf id, practicable. θεμιστενω, f. -ενσω, (from same) / admiri- ister justice, rule over ; dispense oracles, celebrate. θεμ.ιστο'ττόλος, -ov, 6, (from same and ττολέύ)) a minister of justice, a judge. θεμιστονχος, -ov, 6, (ii'om same and εχ,ύ}) holding, dispensing justice. θεμοο), f. -όίσύ), (from ^ίμις) I lay down as a law, decide, enforce. Θέναξ, -οί<οος, το, (from next) the fist as used in striking ; the cavity or palm of the hand. Θενω, f. -eu&), I strike, beat, lash. θεοβλοίβέύ), (from ^εος and βλάτι-τω) I itijure the gods, blaspheme. θεοβλΰίβτις, -έος, ό, v], (from same) hurt by the gods, infatuated. θεόγ^ια, '^εογόυΐΛ, -ων, τα,, (from ^εος and γίνομαι) a festival in honour of the birth of a god. θεόγονος, -ov, ^εογενννις, -εος, and θεο- γέν-ιητος, -ov, 6, v}, (from same) born of a god, divine. θεο^ί^ΰίκτος, -ov, 6, v}, (from ^εος and δ/δακτο?) taught by God. (άεοΐμγιτος, -ov, o, vj, (from same and ^έμύ)) built by the gods. θεούόκος or ^εούόχ,ος, -ov, (from same and 'δέχομαι) receiving a god, sacred. θεο6οτος or ^ίεόσίοτος, -ov, (from same and νιοο)μι) givai by a god. θεοειονις, -έος, θεοί/κέλο;, -ov, ό, h, (from same and ε^ί'^ος or εΐ'κελος) having the ap- pearance of a god, godlike. Θεόύεν, (from ^j£Og)from a god. (άεοκΚντέο), f. -'ήσω,ίϊγοιν, same and κΆνω) I cause jyrayers to be heard by the gods, loudly pray : '^εοκΚντέομ.α,ι, I hold converse with the gods. Θεοκλντησις, soig, vj, (from preced.) im- pi'e cation. ΘεόκΆντοί, -ov, 6, ij, (from same) to be 477 Θίόκξαντος, A GREEK LEXICON. ΘζΟΰίβ'ης. heard hy the gods, invoking the gods, loud, solemn, θβόκξχντος, -ou, (from ^ίος and κξαίυω^ performed by. the gods. Θίόκ,τιστος, -ου, ό, % (from same and κτίζω) created by God. θίό'Κγΐ'τιττος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and Άχ^Λβά,νω) receiving a god, divinely inspired. ΘεοΤίΥΐφία, -χς, vj, (from S2Lme) frenzy. Θ^οΛογίω, f. -ν}σω, (from ^eog and perf. mid. of λίγω) I speak of the gods, teach respecting the nature and existence of the gods, teach a theistic philosophy in opposi- tion to atheism. &ίο7^όγος, -ου, 6, (from same} d: theolo- gian, a divine. The title Άττοκάχυ-ψ/ς Ιωάννου του Θίολόγου, " Tlie Revelation of John the Divine," is not to be found in the most ancient and authentic MSS., and is, therefore, rejected by Griesbach. In the fourth century, when many con- tests had arisen concerning the doctrine of the Trinity, and the friends of that doc- trine had found a firm support in the writings of John, (who alone of the sacred writers of the New Testament had de- scribed the Son of God as Θίου λόγος,) they began to apply to this apostle the title of Theologus, as expressive both of his doctrine, and of his eminent knowledge in divine subjects. See Woodehouse on the Apoc. Diss. chap. ix. θεομοίντις, -iog, o, vj, (from ^eog and μα,;- yofioii) driven to madness by the gods. Θίόμα,ντίς, -sojg, o, i], (from same and [λύ,υτίζ) a prophet by divine inspiration. Θεο/ίίαχίω, -ω, (from same and μκχομοα) I fight against God. Θίομοίχίοί, -ας, τ}, (from same) a battle of gods. θίθ(Λά,χος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) a fighter against God; an impugner of the gods. θίο/ίί<^]στωξ, -οξος, ο, (from ^ίός and μν;σ- τωρ) equal to the gods in counsel. ©ζομϊσνις, Λος, 6, τι, (from same and μισίω) hated by the gods : ^ίομίσνις, hating the gods. ΘεομοίζΙχ, -ας, τ], (from next) a divijie portion. θίόμοίζος, 'ου, ο, vj, (from SsoV and μοΊζο) divinely bestowed, supremely blessed. Θεομνσ'^ς, -iog, 6, i], (from same and μυσος) impious, abominable. Θεοξίνίχ, -ων, τά, (from same and ^ΐνος) a festival common to all the gods, including foreign gods, as well as the ancient gods of the country. θίότΓίμτττος, ^ίόττομ'πος, -ov, (from same and ττίμττω) sent by a god, divine. 47K θέόττνβυστος, -ου, 6, y), (from same and τΐίτννίυστα,ι, 3 sing. perf. pass, of 'Τΐν'ίω) divinely inspired. See Ύζχ,φτι. θίοτΓοιίω, (from same and 'ττοίίω) I make images of the gods ; deify. θίοττοιος, -ου, 6, (from same) a maker of gods, or of images of the gods. θίοττόννιτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from ^ίος and ττονίω) wrought by a god. ΘίοτΓξί'ττ'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and TTgg'Ti/) becoming a god. Θεο'ττζοττίω, f. -^σώ), (from same and "π-ξοίττω) I prophesy, divine. θίΟ'ΤΓξΟ'ττίοί, -οίς, 7], Βίοττξό'τηον, -ου, το, (from same) prophecy, prediction,divinatian. θίο'π-ξότΓος, -ου, ό, (from same) a prophet, a diviner. Θεο'ΤΓτυστος, -ου, ό, τι, (from ^εος and τΓτύω) spit upon, abominated, by the gods. Θίό-π-υξος, -ου, ο, v], (from same and ττυ^) burning from God. Θίοξτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from next and οξω) sprung from God. Θεός, -ου, ό, (perhaps from Βίω, I place) God. Έίμϊν δέ, ^ιοίίξουσιν ώπΐο τν,ς υ'λγις τον Βεόν, κ,οίΐ ^εικ,νύουσιν ετεζον μεν τι εϋνοίΐ τ'ην ΰλτην, οίλΆο δε τον Βτεόν, x.ccl το δ/ά μίσου στολύ (το μεν γοίξ ^εΐον, ά,γενντιτον εϊνοί/ και ά,ί^ιον, νω μόνω κοά ΆΟγω ^εωζοΰμενον' Tyjv δε ΰλην, γεννγιτ^ν και φθοίξττιν) μνι τι ουκ άίκόγως το τν}ς άύεότγιτος εττικούκουσιν όνομα, ; '* but upon us, who distinguish God from matter, and show that matter is one thing, and God another, and that very different, (because the deity is uncreated and eter- nal, perceived by the mind only and rea- son, while matter is created and perish- able,) is it not unreasonable to fasten upon us the name of Atheism ?" Athena- goras's Apology, p. 7• Comp. John iv. 24. also, a god or goddess. Od. S', 444, 445. Θίο; Ss TO μ,ίν ^utrn, το δ' ίά,σΊΐ, "Ο,ττι xiv ώ Β-ι/μ,ω ίθί?.α, δίνατα; γκξ ctVMvr». ■God gives, and God denies At his own will, for he is Lord of all." Cowjyer. This elegant poet and translator thinks that θεός, signifying God in the abstract, is not unfrequently found in Homer, that the sentiment here fixes the sense intended by the author, and that Ιύναται yd^ οίτταν- Tot, is an ascription of power, such as the poet never makes to his Jupiter. Od. xiv. Note 14. and comp. Od. P', 399. θεόσ^οτος, -ου, ό, h, (from preced. and ^ί^ωμι) given by God. θεοσέβεια, -ας, vj, (from next) a ivor- shipping of God, piety, godliness, devotion. θεοσεβ'ής, -ίος, -ους, ό, τ}, (from Βεός and 18 Θίόΰί-ττοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Θεξμόβουλος, σίβω) a worshipper of God, godly, devoid : ^ίοσζβως, piously. ΘεόσίτΓτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and σετττός) to be worshipped as a god, venerable, awful. θέοσίτττωξ, -οξος, ό, (from preced.) a ivor shipper of the gods. Qeuas)c^^ioi, -ας, vj, (.from ^eog and ίχύξα) enmity towards God. Θίόσσΰτος, and ^βόσΰτος, -ou, (from same and σίύω) impelled by a god. Gsoarvy^g, -ίος, -ους, ο, ί], (from same and στυγίαΐ) a hater of God, hating God ; odious to the Gods. Θίοστΰγτιτος, -ου, (from same) hated by the gods. θίότοιυξος, -ου, ό, (from ^Βος and ταυξος) a bull-god, Jupiter. Θίότ•^ς, 'TYjTog, v}, (from ,%oV) deity. God- head, divine being and nature. θίοτίμ,-ζιτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and τψ^ά,ω) honoured of God. θίότξίτΓτος, -ov, (from same and τξίττω) turned or reversed by the gods ; or (from τξέφύ)) nourished by the gods. ΘεουΙ'^ς, -ίος, β, v], (from same and ίϊίος) godlike, beneficent, religious. θεουΐίχ, -ας, vj, (from preced.) piety, beneficence. ΘεοφχυΙα, -ας. Ion. ^ίοφανί-ή, -ης, h, (from ^iog and φαίυω) the appearance of God; the day in which the images of the gods were exhibited ; the festival of the nativity of Christ. Θίόφαι/τος, -ou, (from same) divinely re- vealed. Θίο^ίλ'^ί, -ίος, -ους, 6, vj, (from 5reog and φίλος) pious, a lover of God, beloved by God. θίόφιυ, (from βίος) from God, from the gods. Θίοφοζίομ,αί, (from Βίος and φίςω) I am actuated by a divine impulse. θίοφύζγισις, -ίως, yj, (from preced.) a divine impulse. θίοφόξ^τος, -ου, ό, v], (from same) carried by a divine impidsc : '^ζοφο^νιτως, with a di- vine impidse, furiously. θίόφζων, -όνος, 6, τ], (from ^εος and φξν}!/) having the mind of a god, divinely wise. Qi^avaiua, ^ίζά'π-ι/α, -της, ^εξατταινίς, -βος, ij, (from ^ίζατηύω) a female servant or attendant. θίξατταίνβίου, -ου, το, (from preced.) a puny maid. θίξα'ΤΓίία, -ας, τι. Ion. ^i^a'TVi^in, -της, (from ^ξξαττίύω) attendance, family of ser- vants, family, household ; attendance on the sick, cure, healing, health ; Rev. xxii. 2. ί\ς ^ίξα'π -iiau tZu ίύνων, ad sanitatem gentium, for (not the healing, but) the health of the nations, viz. of them which are saved, ch. xxi. 24. Those nations needed nothing to give or to restore health, which they now possessed in perfection, but the fruit, and the '* leaves" also of the tree of life were adapted to preserve the felicity which they had attained. Comp. Ezek. xlvii. 12. dg vyiiiav. θίξά'7ηυ[Λα, -ατός, το, (from same) atten- tion, care, a method of healing, a prescription. θξξα'ττΒυτίος, -a, -ou, (from same) neces- sary to serve or to conciliate by serving, must cultivate or worship. Θεξαττευτ^^ς,-ου, ύίξαττίυτ^ζ,-^ξος, ο, (from same) an attendant ; a healer. Θίξα'ττίυτϊκ,ος, -vj, -ou, (from next) dis- posed to serve; calcidated to heal, hence therapeutics: ^εξαττευτΊκως, obsequiously, in a salutary manner. Θε^ατΓίύύ), f. -ίύσω, p. τίβεξά'ΤΓΒυκ,α, 1 a. εύεξάττευσα, 1 a. pass. kus^a'TrsoUYiu, p. pass. τεύεξά'ΤΓευ/ϋαί, I attend, serve, worship ; I attend the sick, heal, ciire. ΘεξαττουτΙς, -βος, γι, (from preced.) a fe- male servant. θεξατηαυ, -ούτος, ^ε^α-ψ, -αττος, ό, (from same) a servant, attendant, worshipper. Θεξαφεΐυ, and ^εξαφιυ, (D-9in) Tera- phim, images, idols. Θίξειος, -είχ, -siou, (from ^εξος) of or be- longing to summer. Θεξίά), θέ^ώ), f. Βεξω, Βεξσω, (from same) / expose to heat, heat, dry, burn. Θεζίζω, f. -7σω, Dor. Βεζίξω or ^ζίξω, p. τεύίξίχ,α, 1 a. εύε^ισα, 1 a. pass. Ιθε^ίσθνιν, p. pass, τεύέξίσ^^,αί, (from same) / spend the summer, gather the crops of summer, reap or gather. &εζίν6ς, -V}, -ou, (from same) same as ^g- ζϋος. θεξίσμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from p. pass, of ^Βξίξύ)) harvest. Θεξίστν}ξ, -ν^ξος, ^εξίστ'^ς, -ου, ό, (from Άεξίζω) α reaper. θε^ίστ'ήξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a sickle. Θεξίστζίου, ^εξίστζου, -ου, το, (from ^εξος) α suinmer garment or vail. &εξjLcaίuύ}, f. -auoj, p. τεβεζ/ααγκα, 1 f. pass. ^εζ[Λαυύ'ησο[Λαί, p. pass. τεθέξ^μ.α[Λμ,αί, 1 a. act. εύέξμαυα, 1 a. pass, εύεζμάυθνιν, (from ^εζω, I heat) I heat, warm. θε^μ,ασια, -ας, vj, (from Βίεζίιγ]) heat. Θεξμαστξεύς, -ίος, ί], (from same) a cal- dron. Θεξμε^Ζχίς, -(Ιος, ^, (from ^ίζύ) and ωφ) warming the face, causing it to blush. Θίξμνι, -γις, yj, (from τέθαζμ,αέ, perf. pass, of .^£g;. biime) worthy of being viewed, admirable, ^iplendid. Θτιϊον, Ion. for όίϊον. Θ'/ικχ7ος, -Xy -ov, (from next) sermngfor a repository. θ'/}•ΛΥΐ, -νις, 5j, (from 1 aor. of rluni/.i) a repository, chest, case, sheath, scabbard, store room, grave. Θηλάζω, f. -όίσω, p. TiuvjhxKoc,, 1 a. Ιύτι- λίίσα, (from ^τιΚύι) I give the breast, suchle, suck the breast. (dr^ka, f. -ΐ,αω, I distend as the breast of a pregnant female, shoot, bloom, fiourish : from Θίΐλ^, -'^;, V], the nip)p)le, a teat, breast, udder. θγ,λν/ϊν^ς, -ioc, 0, 7], (from SijAyj- and yi 'JO μ, Oil) female born ; female. Θγιλυ^ξίύίς, Ion. ^γ^υοξίγις, -ου, ^γΓΑυ^ξΐό}- ογ,ς, -ίος, ο, ij, (from same and υΐωο) leaky, effeminate. Q/iTvvKOc, -ij, -oV, (from ^ΐ^λν;) female, feminine. ^ηλύκτονοζ, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and K7stuu) slain by ivoman. θήΚυ^Λοί^νις, -ίος, ό, vj, (from same and μχνίχ) mad with desire of the female sex. Θήλυμΐτο'/:;, -ου, 6, ^τ/ιλόμΐτζίς, -ιοοζ, '/;, (from same and μίτρα) wearing a ivomajCs bonnet, mitre wearing, effeminate. Θψ^ύμορφος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and ,Άοξφ'^ή) having a feminine form. Qyfhuyoo;, -ους, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and 'joi);^ having the mind of a woman, timid. %ΎίΚϋνω, f. -ΰ)/ύ}, (from ^rf /.υς) I render effeminate, soften: ^γ,7^ύνοί<,ύΐ,;, I become ef- feminate, am softened. θγικϋττους, -ο^ος, ό, ij, (from next and τΓους) having delicate feet. Θ'ήλυς, -ίΐΛ, -υ, (from θ>:Λ'/5) female, a woman, feminine, delicate. Θγ^ϋστΐοζος, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced. and σ Til ζω) female soiun ; a female race. θγιλυτόκος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and τίκ,τύή producing females. θγίΚυφά,'Α,ς, -ίος, 6, vi, (from same and φαίνομαα) appearing like a woman, delicate. &•ηλΰφζων, -ουος, ο, 'ή, (from same and φρ'ήν) same as ^γ,λύι/οος. ^ θγ^Κυγ,Ιτωι/, -ο)νος, τ}, (from same and χ,ί- Tcju) dressed like a woman. Θγ,μων, -ωνος, 6, (from τΊύημι) a heap. QYifiuuioi, -ας, tj, (from preced.) a heap coliected or laid up. Θ'ήν, --/I'jog, 6, the same as θ/ν. 0'/j!/, (for δ'ν5!/) long, a long time : or (from Q7i) truly, indeed: o)j before a vowel be- comes δί?>, and thence ^viv. θ^ιττω, p. mid. τίθγ,τα, 2 a. 'iuecTrou, or ίτΰίφοι/, 3 sing, τύφί, for ϊτχψί, part, 2 a. τχφών, I gaze upon with admiration, am astonished at, wmider. Q'/jP, JEol. φ'ήζ, -ξος, ό, a ivild beast, an animal hunted. θ'ήξχ, 'Λς, τ;, (from preced.) a hunting or catching of wild beasts, a snare or trajj, also the game taken, venison. θγίξχγξίτγις, -ου, 6, (from eame and οίγρ») a hunter. θτ/ζόίΐΛΧ, and ^'ήζζυμχ, 'Οίτος, το, (from θ'/ί^α) the same as hvj^ic. θγίξάσΊμος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same) to be hunted or sought. &Υ:οά,τΥις, -ου, 6, (from same) a hunter. QYjPxriKo;, -'/?, -oV, (from same) βΐ, dis- posed, to hunt. Θ'ήοοίτξον, -ου, το, (from same) a hunting instrument, pole, snare, bait, Sfc. ΘγιΡοίω, -ω, (from same) / hunt. Θγ^Ρίυτ'ής, -ου, ^Υιογιτ'ήο, -ν;οος, '^Υιθ7]τωο, •ορός, 6, (from same) a hunter. θ/ΐΡβυτΙκος, -τι, -o'j, (from same) fitted to hunt: ^YiOivTV/y/i, -τις, vj, the art of hunting. Θγ,οιϋο}, f. -ζϋσο), p. τί&'ήΟίνΛΧ, (from i^'/j^) / hurd wild beasts, take or catch wild beasts, catch, lay hold on. ΘγιΡίά'Κοίσις, -ia:, yj, (from ^rioiou and άλίσκω) a taking of wild beasts; a prey taken. Θγ,ριχλωτος, -ου, ό, τ), (from same) taken by ivild beasts. ΘΥίΡίοίοι/, -ου, το, (from ^vj^) a little beast. Θγιοίκ7^ίίος, -ου, 6, v}, of or belonging to Theincles. &γ;θ(ύβζίϋτος, and ^Υιοόβοοος, -ου, 6, ij, (from ^YiPio» and βφσχ,ω) eaten by wild beasts. ©γιοιομχγ^ίω, -ω, 1 a. ίύηξίομχχ,Υίσχ, (from same and μχχ,ομ,χι) I fight ivith wild beasts. Θγιξίομχχ,ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from preced.) one luho fights with wild beasts. Θ/!θ(ον, -ου, το, (from ^'^p) a wild beast, a beast, any wild animal ; a hunted animal, hare, stag; a fierce animal, boar, tiger, lion ; also adders or seiyents, which last proba- bly meant in Mark i. 13. @ΥιΡΐόομχι, p. pass. part, τίόγιοιωμίνος, (from preced.) / become luild or fierce. Θτίζίος, -X, -ov, (from same) wild. S/jpiOTYjg, -γιτος, 'ή, (from S3xae) fierceness. ΘγιξίωΙίίχ, -xc, '4, (from next) a savage state. Θ/)ζίύ)ο/ΐζ, -ιως, ό, 7j, (from ^'ήρ) like a wild beast, fierce: ^)Υιξίω^α;, fiercely. Θγιζοβο7^ίω, (from same and βάλλω) I kill wild animals. Θηζοβόλος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a shooter of wild animals. Θγιξόβξωτοζ, same as ^/ιριόβζωτος. θ/ίξοκτόι/ος, 9ίΥιζθ7^ίτΥις, ^/ιοοφόνος, -ου, ό, Ρ 4S1 ©rj^oaxomg. A GREEK LEXICON. Θολόω. 7]f (from ^'/j^ and Kzsiua, ολίω, φίνω) a de- stroyer of wild beasts. Θ/ιςοσχόττος, -ov, o, τι, (from same and G-ASTrrofActi) one ivJio watches imld beasts. Θγίξότξοφοζ, -ου, ό, 71, (from same and τζΐφά)} nursed by wild beasts. θν}ξωοι/, (for TO 'ήζωον) a monument to a hero. &7!ς, -^rog, o, one who hires himself for a maintenance, a mercenary, a domestic. &Υίσο(,υξίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. numciv^iycix., 1 a. lumciVQiGOi, p. pass, τίύτισοίνξίσμ,ΰίΐ, (from βτ,σαυ^ος) I lay , store, or treasure up; reserve. θησειν^ισίΛοι, -uzog, ro, (from perf. pass. of preced.) same as. the next. θησα,υζος, -ov, 6, (perhaps from *i5iiH, or Tlu-/if/>i slg αΰξίον) a repository for treasure, the treasure itself. Θ-^σοίυξοφνλα^, -ακος, ό, vi, (from preced. and φύλχζ) a keeper of a treasure, a trea- surer. θνίσζία, -au, τχ, (from Θτισίύς) a festival in honour of Theseus. Gyjasilcii, -ων, οι, (from same) subjects of Theseus, Atheniajis. Qyiashg, -a,, -ov, (from same) of Theseus: %σ{ϊον, 'Ου, το, the tew.ple of Theseus. θτ,σσα, or ^~ήττοί, -ης, % (from ^'^g) a female servant. 0Yireicc, -ag, tj, (from same) service, live- lihood. θητεύω, f. -ίνσα, (from same) / serve for wages, or for maintenance. Θγιτ^κ,ός, -05, -ov, (from same) mercenary, servile. θίάζύ), f. -ά,σω, Succasia, f. -ενσω, (from ^ίΐά,ζω) 1 celebrate, or initiate into, the rites of Bacchus, θιά,σΰΐξχοζ, -ου, 6, (from next and άοχνΐ) a head of the Bacchanals, chief of the college, θίόίσος, -ου, ο, for ^siaaog, (from Βειάζω) an assembly met to celebrate the rites of Bacchus, or the festivals of other idols ; the noise of such an assembly, a funereal festival of an idolatrous nature, Jer. xvi. 5. &ι.ΰίσό)της, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a member of the society or college of Bacchanals. θίβγι, -ng, or ^ίβις, V], (nnn) an arlt or little basket or boat made of the papyrus. In such an ark Moses was preserved from being im- mersed when carried to the Nile ; yet it is said, Exod. ii. 3. that his mother 'ύύηκ,ίν αυτνιν ΕΓ2 το 'εΚος, laid it IN or INTO the flags or marsh, by the river^s brink; and V. 10. she called his name Mioses, or drawn out ; and she said, because 'EK του υ'^χτος αντον dusiT^of/.Yiv, I drew him OUT of the water.' Comp. Acts viii. 38, 39. Θίγω, f. -|ώ>, p. τίύίκ,χ, 1 a. sui^x, 2 a. ίβϊγον, also ^r/ycim, I touch, handle, hurt. 482 Θΐν, or Big, ^tuog, o, ij, the shore, an ele- vated pilace, a heap, a hill. ΘινωΙης, -eog, o, 7], (from preced.) ivind- ing like the shore, curved. Θλα,Ιίας, -ου, ο, (from ^λάοή one that has the testicles bruised or broken, a eu- nuch. Θλάσ^α, -ατός, το, (from next) a frac- ture or bruise. Θλάύ), f. -σύ), p. τίύΆακα., 1 a. ίθ'Κασα, 1 a, pass. Ιύτ^άσύγιν, p. pass. τίύλΛσ/^χ{, I bruise or break. Θλίβω, f. --ψα, p. τίβλίψΰί, 1 a. ίθλι-^α, p. pass. τ£^λ/,ί4,ί«ίβ;, (from preced.) 1 press, squeeze, throng, crowd, oppress, afflict. Θλ//3ώ)δί?, το, (from preced.) affliction. QTii^f/Jg, -ov, 6, (from perf. pass, of same) same as the next. Θλί-ψίς» -log, Attic, -εως, v), (from 2 sing, of same) grievous affliction or disti^ess, persecution ; in Rom. viii. 35. ^T^t-J/ig is thought to signify sickness, or other bodily evils; and στζνοχ,ω,οίίχ, trouble of mind, arising from doubtful and perplexed af- fairs. (dvnaif^cclog, -ο,Ίλ, -duov, (from next) dead. &νΫισ•Λω, Dor. ^νάσαω, (from ^υάω. See pp. 70 and 12) I die. Θνητογίν^ς, -tog, 6, τι, (from θνητός and yiuo,u,cii) mortal-born. ΘνγιτοίίΙτις, -log, o, v], (from next and sJ^og) mortal-like, mortal. θνητός, -VI, -ov, (from ^ν/ισχ,ω) mortal. Θού^ω, f. -χσω, (from %og) I hasten, urge, imjjel, agitate. θοψ.οίτι^ιον, -ov, το, a small garment ; from &οι^ίά,τιον, -ου, το, (from το ίμ,άτιον) a garment. θοίνά,ΐΛοί, -χτος, το, (from ^οινά,ω) α feast. θοινΰττίξ, -vipog, and ^οιντιτωζ, -οζος, ο, (from same) 07ie luho feasts, a guest ; one who gives a feast, a host. Θοίνατιηξίον, -ου, το, (from next) a place to feast in, a hall; provision for a feast, a prey. θοινά,ω, f. -νισω, and ^οινίζω, (from next) I feast, feed upon, give to eat. Θοίντ], -ng, vi, (supposed to be from ^ΰω and oivog^ a feast. &oiv/irU6g, -vj, -ov, (from preced.) festive. Θολεξός, -cc, -ov, (from StoT^og) muddy, turbid, impure, miry, sordid. Θολ /flt, -xg, n, a round shade, hat. Θολός ,-ου, ο, VI, filth, mud; an outhouse; a dome. Θολόω, -ω, f. -ύσω, p. -ωκ,χ, 1 a. pass. Ιύολύ)ύγιν, p. pass, τεύύλωμ,οίΐ, (from preced.) Θοος, A GREEK LEXICON. ΘξΖ'ίΤΤΓΑ,ος, I make turbid, disturb, render dark and hnpure. θοος, -06, -6y, (from ^i«) swift, quick, keen, fierce, impetuous : Βοως, (for which the poets often use ^οος) quickly, immediately. Θοόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / quicken, sharpen. θόξχ, -χζ, 'ή, ^όζος, -ου, 6, the act of leaping upon or covering the female ; the seed by which the female is impregnated. θοξίίί), f. -'/ισω, or -ύσω, by sync. ΒοξΖ, 2 a. ίύοζον, (from pieced.) / jump, leap, mount, ride. Θοξνύω, (from same) I jump upon,,co- pulate. Θοζυβίω, -ω, f. -νίσω, p. τεθοζύβγι•Λα, 1 f. pass. ^aQViS'/iu'/iaouoii, p. pass, τίβο^όβγι/αοΐί, (from ^όξνβος) I disturb, throw into a tu- midt, set in an uproar, make a noise. θοξυβϊΐτϊκός, -ij, -ou, (from preced.) tur- bulent. θοξνβο'ττοίοζ, -ου, 6, 7j, (from next and -ττοάω) exciting tumidt. θόρυβος, -ου, 6, (from ^ξόος) a tumult, liproar, tumidtuous assembly. ΘοξυβάΙγι;, -&ος, 6, vj, (from preced.) tur- bulent. Θουξοίς, -ά^ος, τ], (from ^όξχ) lecherous. Θουξίομοα/τίς, -ίως, 6, a chief seer, whom the Athenians placed over their colony at Thurium. θούριος, ^ουξος, -λ, -ov, (from 'ho^cc) eager to jump upon, impetuous, fierce. Θούξίς, -iho;, % (from same) impetuous, furious. θόωκ,ος, ^ωκος, -ου, 6, (from ^άκος) a seat. S^ccK/i, θζτικιη, -γις, τ], Thrace: θζοί'ΐζ, θξγΐ'ι^, -ΐκ6ζ, θζάκιος, θζΧ^» -ζ^^ο^, ο, α Thracian : θ^οίττοί, θζγσσα, α luoman of Thrace. θξο,κιστί, (from ΘζοΙ^) after the manner of the Thracians, Thracian-like. θζΛΐ/ξύύ), f. -ϊύσω, (from ^^ά,ι/ος) I spread a cover over a seat. Θξύνίο!/, ^ξανβίΟ!/, -ου, το, (from same) a little seat or stool. Θξοίνϊτης, -ου, 6, (from next) one of the rowers who occupied the highest of the three banlcs of oars in a galley. !See ζυγίτης, and ^oiXocfAiog. The oars belonging to the ^ξοι- viTcci were called ?!ΐζοίνήτιΙίς, or ^ζαν/ιτί- Kcci ; those of the ζυγίτα,ι were called ζύ- yiccty and those of the ^ciKuf^hcci were called ^cihaf/.ixi, or ^χΆοί,οίβίΧί. θζύνος, -ου, 6, a scat. Θ^αζ/οί, splendid, clear. See τξa,uός. Θ^αξ, -οίκος, 6, a reproach. @(loe,aioy.cixn;, -ου, 6, yj, (from ^ζοίσυς and ftuxoficii) bold in fight. η Θξάσος, -ίος, ro, (by transposition for Βάξσος) courage, boldness, impudence. θξοισύγυίος, -ου, ο, τ], (from ^^οίσύς and γυΤοϋ) strong in limbs. ΘζοίσύοίίΤ^ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from sai^e and ΟζίΑος) bold in pretence, boasting. θξοισυκάξ^ίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and KotQ^sec) bold-hearted. Θξχσυ^/,ίμ^α^, -όνος, 6, τ], (from same and μίνω) one who sustains an attack with firm- ness, invincible. θ^α,συμ,'η^Ύΐς, -€ος, ό, vj, (from same and ^ί«^δο?) bold in counsel. ©ξοίσυμτίχ,ά,νος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and yy/jxai/Yi) bold in co7it?'ivances. Θξασύ^.ϋύος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same ^nd μυύος) bold in speech, insolent. θξίχσϋνύ), (from Άζασύς) I make bold; mid. make myself bold, take courage. θξασΰττονος, -ου, 6, τ), (from next and •ττόυος) capable of bold exertion. Θζχσύς, -s7ci, -ύ, (from ^ύ,ξσος) bold, dar- ing. θζθίσϋσ7τ7\ο6γχ,υος, -ου, 6, v}, (from preced. and σ~7νά,γχ,νον) stout-hearted : ^ξχσυ- σ•7:τ7^οίγχνως) boldly, luith intrepidity. θξασυστομίύύ, f. -7;σω, (from same and στό /iici) I am bold in speech. ©ζοίσύστομος, -ου, 6, v), (from same) bold 171 speech. θξοίσΰττις, -ίΐτος, ί], (from ^ζοίσύς) auda- city, temerity, impudence. Θζοίυμοί, same as ^οχυσ/χχ. Θξοίυσάντυξ, -άντΰγος, ό, τ], (from ^ζχύω and α,ντυ^) wheel-breaking. &ξνΛ/σ;ς, -ιος, Attic -mg, h, (from ^ζχύω) a breach, breaking, fracture, wound; a plague, destruction. &ξοΛσ(/,οί, -χτος, ro, and ^ζχυσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a breach, breaking, frac- ture, ivound : a plague, destruction. Θ;ίχυσ'τ6ς, -ij, -ou, (from next) broken, bruised. Θξχύω', f. -α,ΰσω, p. τϊ&ζ^χυΛΧ, 1 f. pass. ^ζοίυσύνισομ,χι, p. pass, τίύξχυσμοίί, 1 a. act. ίύζχυσχ, 1 a. pass, ίύζοίύσθην, I break, bruise, wound. Θζ£,44/^ί4, -α,τος, το, (for ^^άμ,μχ, from p. pass, of τξίφω) cattle, a breed, offsj^ring. θρί'ξά,σχ,ω, (from ^(ΐί^,ο), 1 f. of τζίχύ)) I leap, dance, run about. θξ£οκ,άζί){ος, -ου, ό, h, (from next and κχξΐίοί) having a sad or tiiuid heart. (a^ioy.oci, I idler a loud sound, bawl, mid- tcr aloud, lament. ΘξΒτττείξοί, -οί,ς, vj, (from τζίφο)) a mirse θξίτττνζίος, 'ου, ό, 7}, (from same) givijig nourishment. Θ^ίτττίκός, -yj, -o'j, (from 'oame) fitted lo nourish. 483 iiffOC• A GREEK LEXICON. Θΐίλλα, θζίΤΓΤον, or ^ξί'π'τξΟ!/, -oy, το, (from same) a recompense for nourishment. Θξε'ΤΓτος, -oj, -ou, (from same) nourished. Θξίττί, a word used by drivers to urge on their cattle. θζ7]'ίσσος^ θξνίσσος, -ot, -ov, (from @ζοά%) Thracian. GQyjvicd, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ζίόζ'ήνηκ,βί, 1 a. Ιόζ'/]!/Υΐσοι, 1 f. pass, ^ζγιυγι&τίσο^οιι, p. ηύζτι- νγιμ,Λΐ, 1 a. mid. Id^nurioocf^rtVi (from ^ξ^υος) I ιυαιΐ, lament. θ^'ήί/ημ,οί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) vwurning, lamentation. Θξγιι/ητ'ηξ, -ΐίζος^ ^ξην/^τ^ς, -ov, ό, (from same) a juourner. θξπυητΧκ,οζ, -vi, -ou, (from same) disposed to mourn, mournfid, plaintive. S^ijuog, -ov, 0, and -sog, -ονς, το, (from Βξέομχι) a ivailing, lamentation, dirge. &ξί]!/υς, -υος, τ], (for ^ζά,νος) a footstool ; a place on ivhicli the pilot sits in the stern of a ship. &^γιΐ>ω^ίω, f. •■'■ήσω, (from 9s^7ivog and ωδ^} / sing a funeral dirge, mourn over. θζγινω^ης, -ες, (from preced.) mouimfid. Θξνινω^ίχ, -α,ς, 5j, (from same) a funeral song. θςγίσκ,ίίοί, •οις, τ}, (from next) religion, worship, superstition. s Θς/ισχ-εύω, f. -ενσω, I worship God; wor- ship superstitiously. θξνισκος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) religious, devout, a worshipper of God. θζία,Ι, •ων, αϊ, pebbles used in casting lots, lots. Θξίΰί/χβεύω, f. -εύσω, (from ^^ιάμ^βος) I triumph over, lead in tinumph, cause to tri- umph. θξίχμβϊκος, -ij, -ov, (from next) triumphal. θξίοί/ϋβος, -ov, 6, a triumph. ®ζΐγγ6ς, ^ζίγκ,ος, ^ζίγχός, 6, and ^ξίγκίον, -ov, TO, the eaves of a roof, the coping of a wall or a house, a battlement, palisade, upper part of a ιυαΙΙ. θζίγΛΟύ), f. -ωσω, (from preced.) I fence with pales, inclose with a palisade, encom- pass, crown, complete. Θξίγκω^Λοι, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a palisade, fence. ΘζΐΙακϊι^ος, -ϊΐ, -ov, (from next) of lettuce, θςβαζ, -χκος, i;, ^ξί^άκιον, -ov, ro, let- tuce. θξίζω, for ^εζίζω, f. -ίσω, 1 a. εύξίσοί, I reap, cut from the root. ΘξΙΐ/οίζ, 'Χκος, ό, or TQtuoc.^,, (from τ^^εις) a three pronged fork. Θ^ίξ, r^iy^og, 7), dat. plur. ^ζ/ζϊ, a hair, θοίοβόλος, -ov, 6, i), (from ^ζίοιϊ and /Βάλ- λω) a caster of lots into the urn ; or (from next, and βά'κ'Κύ)) putting forth the fg leaf. 484 Θξίον, -ov, TO, the fig leaf. @ζίος, -ov, 6, the further end of a cable. Θςϊφ, -ΐΊτος, 6, (from τζίβω) a ivood-worm, Θξοεω, -ω, f. -^σώ;, p. τεβξόηκ,οι., (from ^ξόος) I utter a confused tumultuous cry^ put into a tumidt or confusion, disturb, ter- rify. Θξόμβος, -ov, 0, a clot, a coagulated mass,^ particularly of blood. Θξομβύης, -εος, 6, τι, (from preced.) clot- ted in drops. θζονίζομ,α.ι,{ϊνοτΆ άξονος) I sit on a throne. (dQovov, -ov, TO, a flower, paint, colour, dye, embroidery. Qoouog, -ov, 6, a throne. Θξόος, contr. ^ξονς, -ov, 6, (from ^ξίομαή the noise of a tumidt. Θζνοίλλί'^ίον, -ov, TO, a small wicJc. From ΘξνοίΆ'λΙς, -βος, ij, (from ^gi/ov) a wick of a lamp. Q^vyoiuaa, I knock gently, tap at. Θζνλλεω, -ω, (from ^ξύλΤ^ος) I viurmu); make a tumidt, chatter. θζνλλ^μ,χ, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a murmur, rumour, saying, bye-word. 0>ζνΚΚιγ(Λ(χ,, -XTog, το, a bruise. From ΘξνΤ^λίξύ), and ^ςνΤ^λίσσω, f. -ίξω, 3 sing. 1 a. pass. Βξν'ΚΤ^Ιχύϊΐ, for εύζνλλιχύ-η, (from next) / bruise. Θ^νλλο?, -ov, 0, for ^^votKT^og, (from next) a faint light, glimmering; a faint sound, whisper, rumour, murmur, tumult. θξύο!/, -ov, TO, a reed, rush, used for wicks of lamps. _. '©lOfTTTi'^oV, -55, -ov, effeminate. From ^ξύτΐτω, also ^ξύτιττω, f. --^ω, I break, bruise, render effeminate, corrupt, soften: ^ξύ'τττομοα, I am become effeminate, am fas- tidious. Θξύ-φίς, -εως, ij, (from preced.) corrup- tion, effeminacy. θζωσκ,ω, (from ^όξο), by transp. θ^ο'α», see ^οξέω) I jump, spring, bound. Θξύ)σμ.ός, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a mount, rising ground. ΘνοιΙ, -ων, οί, (from ^νω) Haruspices, persons who pretended to foretell future events by inspecting the entrails of victims. @vocaog, for Siiocaog. θνγοίτγΐζ, -τεοος, contracted -τζος, ij, a daughter. Hence θνγοίτξί^έος, contr. -ovg, -iov, 6, the son of a daughter, a grandson. θνγάτξίον, -ov, το, (diminutive from Bf - γοίτηζ) a little daughter. Θνείχ, -ctg, tj, (from ^νω) a mortar: ^νεί- δ/ον, -ov, TO, a little mortar. ΘνελΤ^χ, --ης, vj, (from same and ίβίλλα) an impetuous or furious storm, a tempest, η whirlwind. | ^υί67•ήζ. A GREEK LEXICON. ©y/xoV. θυίστη;, -ου, ο, Thyesies, brother of Atreus and father of iEgisthus : Θυίσηιος, -Λ, -o>, of Thyestes: θυίστΐΐόίΐτ,ς, -oy, o, son of Thyestes. &υψις, -ίσσοί, -iv, (from 'bmg) odoriferous. Qvrfhoi, or Syj^A^, -vig, vi, (from ^ύω) a part of the meat ivhich ivas thrown into the fire in }*onour of the gods, the first fruits, offering, sacrifice, victhn. ^ν/ιτΐοκίω, (from same and ττοκίω) I sa- crifice, perforin holy rites, purify by sacrifice. θυγι^ΓολΙοί, -ccg, vj, (from preced.) the act of sacrificing or perfomning any religious rite. ©y/jTroAof, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) 072e employed about sacrifice, a priest. 0y/5(picyo;, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from ^ύος and φάγύ)) sacrifice eating, consuming auspi- ciously. Qviuog, -■/?, -ov, (from ^vci or ^vou) thyine, made of the thya tree ; citron wood. &υισκ.νι, -ης, vj, (from ^ύύή a censer. Θνλά,κίοι/; -ου, το, (from next) a bag. (d'jKocKog, or ^ύτ^οίξ, -xKog, 6, (perhaps for φύλΛκος or φύλκξ) a sack, wallet, trow- sers. (dvhn^cc, -xTog, TO, or ^υ'/]7^•/ιμχ, (from ^ύω) fiour sprinkled with wine and oil on the sacrifice. Θυμοί, -ocTog, το, (from same) a sacrifice, a victim, incerise. Θυμ,ούνω, (froni same) I swell with an- ger, feel indignant. Θυμ.α'Κ'/ίύ), (from same and oihykc,)) I affect ivith sorrow, am grievous. Θυ^ΛχΤ^γνίς, -sog, 6, i], (from preced.) dis- tressing the mind. Θυ/ϋάλωφ, -uTTog, 6, a firebrand. θυμαξβύ), (from '^υμ.ος and oLpo)) I love from the heart. Θυμ,α,ζγ,ς, see ^υμη^τις. θΰμβ^α,, -otg, 'ή, the herb savory. Qu/:/,fiQi7r^ii7ruog, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced. ίττΐ and δεί^τ^οι/) 07ie who sups on savory. θύμβξΐς, or Θύβζΐς, -I'^og, d, the Tiber. θυ/^βξοφόίγύς, -ου, 6, ij, (from ^of/.fi^et and φάγω) a savory eater. 0y,i«£As4/, -ων, ui, the walls of Mycencc, built by the Cyclops. θυμίλη, -Yig, ij, (from ^ΰω) an altar, a pulpit, a stage. θυ/ϋίΆΙικός, -vi, -ou, (from preced.) fit for the stage, bombastic. &υ(ΛίοΐΛαι, (same as ^υ^αίνω) I think, am angry. θυ,αγιγΒξίω, f. -ίσω, (from ΐ^υμος and ei-/si()o)) I collect my mind. Θυμ,-ίϊ^'^ς, -sog, o, v], (from same and ijoo- /icu,/) agreeable or drligh/fiil to the mind. 0)υ/ί<,ήθίχ, -xg, vj, (from [)rccccl.) delight. Θύμγιμοί, -UTog, TO, (from Άυμίομοίή a thought ; also, anger. θυμ,γι^'^ς, and Βυμάζ'^ς, -iog, &', i], (from ^y^oV and όίξω) agreeable or adajjtcd to the mind. Θυμιάξύί, f. -χσω, p. Τίύυμίακχ, 1 a. suv- μ,ίοίσοί, p. pass. τι&υμΊΛ[ΛΛΐ, (from '^υμΑά.ω) I burn incense. θυμΙάμχ, -uTog, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) incense. Θυμ^ία,τ'/ΐξίον, -ου, το, (from next) a ves- sel for burning incense, a censer. ®υ(Λίάω, -ω, (from Si^ci) / burn incense. Θυμ,ίοίο'ι/, -ου, το, (from Sfu/iiog)pettishness.. Θυμ,ίκος, -'ή, -6u, (from same) vehement, ardent, passionate : '^υμ.ικοίς, passionately. Θυμ,οβοζίω, (from next) / consume the mind. Θυμ,οβόζος, -ου, 6, % (from ^ywoV and /Sogflt) consuming the mind. ΘυμοΙόίκνις, -iog, ό, τ], (from same and οά,κνω) biting or provoking the mind. Θυμοαο'^ς, -iog, 6, τι, (from same and Hog) irascible, sinrited, refractory. θυμ,οΤ^ίων, -ouTog, 6, (from same and Asw^) having the mind of a lion. Θυ[ΛΟ(Λοί])τις, -ζως, ο, '^, (from same and μάι /Tig) one who foretells events by his oivn foresight: opposed to ^iof^ccuTig. &υμ.ο^^οίχ,ίω, -ω, (from same and μά,χ,ο- μ,Λΐ) I am of a hostile mind against, am highly displeased incensed or offended at. Θυ/ίίοττΆτηΗς, -Ig, (from same and xAij^iy) having the mind filled with rage. &υμ,οοα.'ίστ7ΐς, -ου, 6, (from next and ραίω) a destroyer of life. Θυμό:, -ου, ό, (from ^ύω) breath, the sout or mind ; a violent passion of the mind, an- ger, wrath, rage ; also venom., the expres- sion of the anger of serpents. See Deut. xxxii. 33. Job xx. 16. Amos vi. 12. In a climax, like that in Ephes. iv. 31. ^υμί,ς, anger, \% the passion begun; o^yjj, wrath, is the passion carried to its height, become inveterate, and accompanied with a desire of revenge; but this distinction is not always observed. Rom. ii. 8. ^υμος kocI οζγτι, the most dreadful wrath, or most dreadful punishment. Hence, tumco, tumor, tumidus. Θυμοσοφικός, -'ή, -ou, ivise in o7ie^s own conceit. From Θυμόσοφος, -ου, ό, ij, (from ^υμός and σοφός) wise in mind, ingenious. Θυμοφβοζίω, (from same and φύίί(ΐω) I pine ivith grief. Θυμοφβόζος, -ου, ό, τ;, (from preced.) prompting to destroy life, destructive of life, consuming the mind. Θυμ.όύ), -0), f. -ύ)σο), (). ηΙ^ύμ,ύίΚίΧ,, 1 f. pas;^. 485 Θνμώδϊΐς. A GREEK LEXICON. Θντηξίος. ί ^υΐΛωθ'ήσομοίΐ, p. pass, τζ^ΰ^ύψα,ι, 1 a. Idv- μωύην, (irom hvf^og) I provoke to anger: ^vf^ooi^cci^ I am angry. Θν/ίαί)1γις, -ίος, ο, ij, (from same) of an angry disposUion. θνμωμοί, -α,τος, το, (from ^υμ,όω) rage. θυνυάζο), (from ^ύννος) I strike with a prong as afislierman does tlie tunny. &v'juouoi, -ων, rd, (from same) a festival in honour of Keptune obsej^ved by fishermen after a successful draught. Qvi/uslou, -ov, TO, (from same) a piece of tunny fish. &vpuiVTUog, -r,i -ou, (from next) fit for the tunny. θύί/νος, Sivvos, -ov, 0, ^uuuig, -/δο?, r,, the tunny. Θυννοσζοττίύ), f. -'/ισω, (from preced. and ckottL•} I ivatch the tunny, watch carefully. Θνννοσκ,όττος, -ov, 6, 7], (from preced.) an observer of the tunny. (dv'jvcuhvig, -eog, 6, '/], (from Bvuvog) tunny- like, captious. (dvua, f. -ΰνω, — ^vvL•), imperf. I'^vuiou, I move ivith impetuosity, drive furiously, rush, hasten. Θνο^όκ,ος, -ov, 6, vi, (from ^vog and ^ίχ,ο- μ,οίΐ) receiving sacred things. (dvoiig, -scaoc, -ev, (from ^vog) sweet smell- ing, fragrant, incense-burning. Θνον, -ov, TO, (from next) an odoriferous tree, called also, ^ύα, and §viec, citron. @oog, -eog, το, (from '^νω) a thing offered in sacrifice, sacrifice, offering, frankincense. θνοσκ,ίνέο), (preced. and κ,ινίω) 1 excite public attention by burning incense, offer sacrifice with profusion. &νοσκ.όος, -ov, 6, (from same and κ,ούω) one who burns incense. θνοσκόττος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and σκί'τττομ,οί^) an inspector of sacrifice, a sooth- sayer. θνόω, f. -ωσω, p. pass, τεύνώμοα, (from ^ύω) I sprinkle luith odoui^s, perfume. Θνξΰ, -ag, vi, a door, gate: ^ύζο,ζζ, out of doors, out: ^v^a.usu,from zvithout, luithout. SvQoilog, -a, -on, (from preced.) of or be- longing to a door, oid of doors, without, ex- ternal, foreign, belonging to another person, placed out, expressed. Θνοαν7\ίω, (from same and ccv7\.L•} I serenade, stay at the door, stay without. θυξχνΤ^ίΰί, -ocg, 7], (from preced.) singing at the door, serenading. SvQsog, -ov, 6, (from 'bv^ci) a lid, a cover, a large oblong shield shaped like a door. Θvξeoφ6ζog, -ov, 6, ^, (from preced. and φίο^ω) a shieldbearer. θύζζΤξον, -ov, TO, (from θ:/^α) a door- frame, entrance. 486 Θύξίον, -ov, TO, (from same) a little door. QvQig, -ihog, 7], (diminutive from same) a little door, a window. Θνξοκο'ττέω, f. -7]σω, (from same and κόττ- τω) I knock at the door, break down doors. SvQoyJTTog, -ov, 6, ij, (from same) one who knocks at the door, a beggar. θνζόύ), -Ζ, f. -άσύ), 1 a. iθvξaσcc,^p. pass, part. Tsuv^a{A,kvog, (from ^ύξοί) I put on doors, protect, secure; make an e^itrance, open. SvQao^oiv^g, -iog, 6, vj, (from next and μ,ΰύνο)) maddened by the thyrsus. Qv^aog, -ov, 6, (from ^νω, or nnn) a branch, a branch of the pine, a branch luith leaves, a rod, staff, or any thing rising to a point; the thyrsus, a dart or small spear entwined with ivy or vine leaves, and borne by the devotees of Bacchus in their processions : Βύζσοι, nuptial gai^lands. Θνζσοφοζίω, (from preced. and ψύξω) I bear the thyrsus. ΘνξσοφοζΙΰί, -Dig, vj, (from preced.) a bear- ing of the thyrsus. θvξσoφόξog, -ov, 6, τ], (from same) thyrsus bearing. Qv^uf^cc, -ccTog, το, (from ^v^ci) a door- frame, door, gate. θνξωξίω, (from next) / am a door keeper. θvξiJoog, -ov, 0, 7], (from ^vqoc and ov^og) a door keeper, a porter. θνσόίνόίίς, -saacc, -iv, and ^vaoivuTog, -τι, -ou, (from next) fringed, tasseled. Svaauog, -ov, 6, a fringe, or tassel. θνσύΆοί, -owy TO,, (from ^νω) the sacred branches of Bacchus, sacred offerings. ΘνσίίΧ; -otg, 7), (from same} a sacrifice or victim: ^υσία: σωττίζίον, peace offerings, to return thanks to God for his salvation or any particular pi^eservation or deliverance, whether oi free ivill, or in consequence of a vow. Lev. vii. 11 — 21. θνσίοίζύ), f. -ά,σω, 1 a. ΙύνσΙα,σα,, (from preced.) / sacrifice. <Ε}νσίΰίσ{ΛΛ, -ccTog, το, (from preced.) a sacrifice. θνσ{χστ7;ξΐοι/, -ov, το, (from same) an altar. Qvui^og, -ov, 0, 7], (from ^νω) fit to be sacrificed. Θνστά,ς, -aSoc, Dor. for ^vaTr,g, 7], (from same) sacrificial, accompanied with sacrifice: ^vaTccg βοτ], a hymn sung aloud when sacri- fice was offered : ^vaToihag T^iTcHg, prayers presented in the time of offering sacrifices. θντ'^ζ, -ij^og, ^vTy}g, -ov, 6, (from same) a sacrificer, priest, one who pretended to fore- tell future events by inspecting the entrails of victims. ®vT7}Piog, 'OV, 6, 7], (from siime) fit to be lAlAll Q'JTixhc. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Iai8c sacrificed: Bv7i]oioi/, -ov, το, a sacrifice, an altar. θυτ^ικος, -vj, -ov, (from next) belonging io sacrifice : ^υτικ-η, viz. τίγ,νη, the art of observing and cutting τιρ a victim. Θνω, L. Βύσω, p. τίύυκα, p. pass, τίύν /iccn, 1 a. act. ίύνσα., 1 a. pass, kovhiu, or sTvdrjv, (from ^ίώ) or ^sou) I move or rush impetu- ously, swell with anger, rage ; sacrifice, slay in sacrifice, slay for food. Qvoi6rtg, -sog, 6, 7], (from ^ύος) perfumed. Qucuuci, -Λτος, TO, (from ^ίιυόύή odour, perfume, θυωυη, ->75•, ii, Thyone, the mother of Bacchus, Semele ; whence Bacchus is call- ed θυωι/ίύς. Θνύ)ξίτ/,;, 'cv, 6, (from next) an attendant at the sacred table ; a man at the table, a clerh, banker. Θυωξο:, -ov, o, a table for sacred uses ; a table, a desk. Θωνι, -ίίς, 7}, a fine, penalty. , ($>ύ)•/Λω, see '^ccx.ku. θώκος, S)6o)Kog, -ov,- 6, see Βάκος. Θω/ι/.ΰίς, -oi, 0, (from ginh, vhich signi- fies a tiuin) Thomas, interpreted by John, ^ίόνμος, or the twin, John xi. 16. xx. 24. xxi. 2. Θωμίγξ, -:'•/γος, τ„ a cord, stiing : from θωμ,ίζω, f. -^ω, I bind ; I lash. θωμός, -ου, ο, a heap. &ω7ηΊοί, -ας, ^, '(from '^ω'ττίϋω) fiattery, cajoling, coaxing. θω'ττίνμ.α, -ccro:, το, (from same) a p)iece of flattery. Θω7:ίυ(Λύτίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) petty servility. 0)ύ)7:1•/.6ς, -i?, -ov, (from next) given to flatter. Θωνττω, f. --ψο, ^ωτηνω, f. -:ύσύ), I flatter coax, cringe to. ΘωρχκΒίον, -ov, το, (from ^ωξχξ) a wall j breast high, bi^east-worh, bulwark. j Θώ)^α/ί/ζ'ώ), f. 4σω, (from same) I dress in, I or cover with, a coat of mail: Βιωοακ,Ο^ομίΧ,ί, I / am armed with a breastplate, or ivith a coat of mall. θωοά,κιον, -ov, το, (from same) a corslet. &ύ)οοίκιαμ,ος, -ov, 6, (from ^ύ)ζίζ%,ίζω) armoiir, harness, a coat of mail. 0)ω(ζα•χ,ο'7:οιος, -ov, 6, (from ^ύξΐχ-ζ and -ττοίίω) a breastplate maker. Θωξχκοψόξος, -ov, 6, (from next and φίξω) one who bears a breastplate, θύζΰίζ, -ά,κος. Ion. ^ωοτ,^, -τικος, 6, the thorax, breast, garment covering the breast, armour covering the breast, a breastjilate, Θωογ^κτγ,:, -ov, 6, (from preced.) armed with a breastj)late, ΘύύΡΫισσω, f. ζω, 1 a. pass. ϊύωο'ή•χ,^γ,<,, (from same) I imt on a breastpL•te, I arm ; ^ω- ξ'ήσσομ,α,ι, I arm myself. θως, -ωος, 6, (from ?^ίω) an animal which is a mixtuj^e of the wolf and the fox, a lynx. Θωτίοον, Dor. for το 'ύτζβον, the other. Θων^.τ'ηζ, -Υ/ξος, 6, (from ^ο^υσσύ)) a bawler. ®ων[Λα, Baiusc, -Λτος, το. Ion. for 93civy^a. Θωνίίίάζω, f. -άσω, for ^α,ν^.άζω, Θωνι^.άσίος, -cc, -ov, and ^ωνι^Λστος, -^, -ov, (from preced.) to be luondered at, jjraise- worthy, wonderful. &0)ν{/.αστΥις, -ov, 6, (from same) an ad- mirer. θύ)νσσω, f. -ν^ω, 1 a. iuow^x, I speak, call to, vociferate, bawl, shout. (ζώντος, -'ή, -O'j, Ion. for '^Λν^Οίστός. Θω-ψ, -ω-ττος, ό, (from '^όίτττω) a flatterer, flattering. I is the ninth of the more modern Greek letters, but the tenth of the ancient or Cadmean alphabet, in which it answers to the Hebrew or Phenician Jod or Yod in name, order, and power, but in its form / it approaches much nearer to the He- brew than to the Phenician letter. See I is often inserted in the middle of words; as Tcc>.oLiyAvng foi' Ta'Acc^e-jYig: it is often changed into u; ukl cilh, (pasii/og φχεννος, κ?\.£ξίί/ύς )οΚαννος, κτείνω κτΐνυω, φαίνω φά,ννω. In the dialect of the Argives and Cretans, ί is put instead of >; as 'ivZoi or Ivool for hoou. 'IA\ {n^JJah. "Ix, for μίχ, fem. of eTc, one. "Ice, -ας. Ion. i'-zj, -ης, τ}, for Ιω'^, a shout, clamour, sotind: also force, 2Joicer, strength, "la, interjec. for ai, ah, aim! Ίαφοί, αΙβοΊ, interjec. oh, Io, ah, alas/ 48: Ία/ι/ω. A GREEK LEXICON 'Uj \\• 'Ixiua, f. -ecuu, 1 a. iv^i/ci, 1 a. pass, iuvuriu, I warm, cheer, soften. Ίοίκ•χ,χζω,{ίνοϊίΐ \\e\.t) I celebrate Bac- chus, shout, "Ιοίκχοζ, -ου, ο, lacchus, Bacchus ; a hymn in honour of Bacchus : ΙακχΑγωγός, -ου, 6, one who Ud the procession in honour of Bacchus, and carried his image. Ίάκχο), (from preced.) I celebrate, chant. Ίάλί/ίίίζω, (u^om next) I lament, deplore. ^loihsuog, ΊνιΚίμ,ος, -ου, 6, an inferior poet who wrote elegies of little merit; any ivretched poet or poem ; a funeral song, a dirge, a lamentation, mournfid. Ίάλλω, f. -οίΚω, 1 a. h'hoi, I send, hurl, throw. 'IfltA Tog•, (from preced.) 5j$•, t], and -ων, roi, (oba'n'') Je7'usalem. ΊίξοσοΤ^νμϊτγΐζ, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an inhabitant of Jerusalem. ' Ιεξοστόίτνις, -ου, 6, (from /ggoV and "tarvi- (Λΐ) a governor of the temple, a chief priest. ' ΙίζόστετΓτος, -ou, (from same and στέφω^ veiled for sacred service. ' Ιίζόστολος, -ου, 6, (from same and ffroA'/j) clad in sacred robes. Ίεξοσνκίύϋ, -ω, (from ίεξόσυλος) I commit sacrilege, plunder a temple. ΊεξοσυΤ^ία, -χς, 'ή, (from next) sacrilege. ΊξξόσΰΆος, -ου, ό, ί], (from ίεςον and συ- λάω) α sacrilegious j)erson: to render h^o- αΰ'Κους, Acts xix. 37, robbers of churches, is to give an erroneous view of the word church, which never signifies, in Scripture, a place of worship; the rendering ought to have been ^^ robbers ov plunderers oftemplesP ' Is^oaCun, or ί€ξωσΰν<η, -τις, v\, (from Ιίζος) a priesthood. Ίεζουξγίω, -ω, (from same and i^yo'J) I perform, or am employed in, a sacred office. Whence ' Ιεξουξγία, -cc;, 'ή, a saci^ed office, minis- try. And Ίίξουζγος, -ου, 6, one who officiates in sa- cred things. Ίεξ^ουσοί'Κνίμ, ή, (obu'TT', from lyT•, to pos- sess, inherit, and nbty, peace) Jerusalem. ' ϊεξοφάντης, -ου, ό, (from Ιεξός and φχίνω) a hierophant, a teacher of sacred things. ' Ιίζοφα,ντίοί, -οίς, τ], (from same) the priest- hood. ' Ιεξοφοιι/τίκος, -'ή, -ov, (from same) of the priests, sacred : ί&ζοφοίυτικως, like the pi'iest- hood. ' Ιεξόφκντις,-ί^ος, 'h, (from same)a priestess. 'Ιζξο•ψΰίλτγις, -ου, ό, (from ίίξός and -ψάλ- Τ^ω) a singer if sacred songs. 'ϊίξωμοί, -οίτος, το, (from h^og) a conse- crated thing, a sacrifice. Ίίξωαΰννι, -νις, v), see ίεξοσΰνγ}. Ίεσσοίίμου, Ίεσσί/αουυ, and ' Ιάσιμους, (ΐΐΏ-υ;"") Jeshimon, the desert. "Ιξγιμχ, -οίτος, το, (from next) sinhing. 490 "Ιζω,ίζοίνω, for 'ΐζω, I set on a seat, cause to sit or rest; hold a council: 'ίξομ,χί, I sit, am seated, sink, subside, reside 'Ίη, -νις, % a voice, see i'x. "In, interj. see ίχ, ah, alas! * Υψοζ, -ov, (from log) shaft-hurling, pierc- ing' ^ Ί'ήΚεμος, -ου, 6, see ιάλεμος. "Ιγιμ,α, -α,τος, το. Ion. for ΐχμχ. "Ιγΐμί, and ιεμαι, (from είμι) Ι go. "Ιημι, imperf. 'ίγιν, or from ϋω, 'Uou, f. 'ήσο), p. iiKoi, 1 a. 'ήκα, 2 a. tJu, pres. pass, 'ίε,αοα, imperf. ίίμγιν, p. pass, εϊμχι, 1 a. pass. Uyiu, 2 a. mid. ϊμ^ν, (from m) I send, put, throiv. Ίνισους, -ου, 6, See p. 14. (yarirr-, a com- pound of iT» Jah, or mn"• Jehovah, and yinn that saveth) Joshtca, not only in the O. T. but also in Acts vii. 45. and Heb. iv. 8 ; Jesus which signifieth, Jehovah that saveth, or Jehovah the Saviour. Similar to this is the idolatrous title, perhaps origi- nally derived from it, Jupiter Soter. Comp. Num. xiii. 16. with Exod. xxiii. 20—23. and Mat. i. 21. Luke ii. 11.— Έ;/ δε τω βι- βλίω τνίζ 'Ε|οδθϋ, οτι αυτού το όνομα, του Θίου κ,αι Ίγισους ojz/ {oT^iysi τω Άβξαάμ μ'ή ^ζ^ΥίΚωσύαι, μ-/}Μ τω Ίακ,ωβ) ^ια Μωσύως eu μυσττηξίω ομοίως ϊ^γιγγί'ΚύΎί, κ,αι τιμείς uiuovj- χ,αμεν. ούτως δέ είξ^•/\ται, Κ«< sItts Κίί^/ο^ τω Μωσί?, fiVs τω Τ^αω τούτω, /δού Ιγώ άτίο- στίλλώ) τον οίγγίΚόν μου ττοο ττξ^οσωττου σου. Ίνα φυ'Κάσσγι σε εν τγί ο δω, ο-ττως εισαγάγω] σε εις τνιν yijv %ν νίτοίμασά σοι. ττξόσεχ,ε αϋτω, χαι εισάκουε αύτου, μ'ή αττείύει αϋτω, ου γάζ μτ} ύττοστειΚΎΐταί σε' το γάξ ονομά μου εστίν ε-τΓ αϋτω. Ύίς ούν εις τνιν yijv είσνιγαγε τους 'ττατέξας ύμων; ^'δϊ? ττοτε νοτίσατε, οτι 6 εν τω ονόματι τούτω εττονομασύεΐζ ' Ιγισους, ττξό- τεξον Αϋστις καλούμενος, ει γάξ τούτο νοτίσετε, κ,αι οτι το όνομα αϋτου ειττόντος τω Μωσεί, Το γάζ ονομά μου εστίν εττ αϋτω, Ίγ^σους ^ν, ετιγνωσεσ^ε. " But we have also ob- served, in the book of Exodus, that the name of God himself was Jesus, (which he saith was not known to Abraham, nor to Jacob,) and is accordingly intimated by Moses in a mystery. For it is thus said, " And the Lord spake to Moses, speak to this people, behold I send my angel before thy face, that he may keep thee in the way, that he may lead thee into the land which I have prepared for thee. Give heed to him, and obey him, rebel not against him, for he will not suffer thee to escape, for my name is upon him." Who then led your fathers into the land ? Do observe now, that he who was surnamed with the name Jesus was before called Oshea. For if ye will observe this, ye shall also per- ceive, that the name of him, who said to Ίτ,ττ,ξ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ίλα,ΰτηξίβν, Moses, ' My name is in him,' was Jesus." Justin. Dial, cum Tryph. Jud. pars secun- da, p. 300. ed. Thirlbii. Ίτητνίξ, ir,T^6;, for ΐα,τνιο, ιοίτζός. ΊτιΤξίίτΐ, ΐηΤξίκνΐ, for ΙΟίΤξζίΟί, icCT^iK'/j, Ίβαγίννίς, and luociyeuvjg, -ίος, ο, yj, (from ίβνς and γίί:/ομχή legitimately born, genuine. "I6f/.ci, for ΐύυμ,ΰί, -ατός, ro, (from luvo)) quick motion, gait, pace. ΊύνοΊκτ,ς, -ίος, 6, τι, (from ιύυς and ViKri) just. ' Ιύνμχχία, -etc, 7}, (from same and μ.ά,χ-η) a direct battle. Ίύνι/.α,χος, -ου, ό, (from same) direct or 02Jen ill battle. 'luv'jTvjfy, -Tjoog, 6, (from next) a ruler. Ίβννύ), f. ~uyZ, (from tuvg) I move or cause to move in a straight line, direct, re- gulate, govern, make straight, stretch. ΊύυτΓύξος, -ου, 6, "ή, (from same and ττίί^ω) passing straight through: Ιύύττοξος, to be passed straight through ; directed. ' ϊβυτττίων, -ωι/ος, 6, 9], (from next and 'K τ aoi) flying in a straight course, straight. Ίθύς, iuiioc, Ion. -iot, Ιύύ, direct, straight, just, right: comp. Ιύύτεζος, or ΙύύντΒξος, sup. Ιύϋντόίτος: ιβύ^τά,τα, most equitably: Ιύίως, straightly, quickly. ΊθυτίΆις, -ίος, ό, tj, (from preced. and rslvo)) stretching or stretched straight. Ίβύτξΐξ, -ίχ,ος, 6, 71, (from same and 9-g<|) straight haired. Ίύύφοι,-κ-Κος, -ου, 6, Dem. 1261. 17. ^1ύύύ},ί. -ϋσύ), (from Ιύυς) I move in a straight course, rush, rage, hasten to do a thing, spring upon, assail, attempt, intend. Ικόίϋος, -yj, -on, (from ίκά,ι/ω) sufficient, fit, worthy, adequate, enough, many, much : το ίκχνον, security : ίκχνως, sufficiently. ' Ιχ,ανότης, -τήτο;, τ], (from preced.) suf- ficiency, fitness. IkxuOuj, -ω, f. -ojao), p. ίκάνωκα, 1 a. ίκά- ι^ωσοί, ι a. pass, ίκανωύ-η'^, (from same) / make suffiicient or fit, qualify ; pass. / am sufficient, fit, qualified. ' Ικάηω, (from V^uj) / come, reach, attain. "Ικίλος, -η, -o'j, (from ίί•/Λ\ος) like. Ίκξλόω, (from preced.) I liken. "Ikso, Ion. for 'ίκου,2 sing. 2 a. of ίκΆομ,Λΐ. Ίκίσιοζ, -at,, -ov, (by Sync, for /;^£Τ'^σ/ο$•) supplicatory. ' Ικίτόίύόκος, -ου, 6, vj, (from Ικίτγ/ς and Οίχ,ο/α,αι) a person or place which receives a suppliant, an altar. IkstbIcc, and ίκίτίιζ, -ας, vj, (from ίκίτ-^ς) a supplication. Ίκίπΰω, f. -ίΰσω, (from same) / suppli- cate. ' Ikstyiqioc, or ίκτηξίΛ, -χς, v), -(from same) a supplication. Ίκ,ίτηοις, -βος, 'ή, (from next) a female suppliant. Ίκίττις, -ου, and ίκετ'^ξ, -ϊ^ξος, 6, (from V/m) a suppliant. Ικίττίσιος, ίκετ'/;ξίος, ίκζτίχ,ος, ίκ,τνίζίος, ίκ,τχίος, -ου, (from preced.) supplicatory. ^1χ,[Λοίίνω, (from (κμάς^ I moisten. ^Ικμ,αϊος, (from same) giving rain, viz. Jupiter. ' Ικμόίλίος, -cc, -ov, humid. From ^Ικμ,άς, or ίκμ,οίς, -άδο?, '^, (from Ίκω) humour or moisture coming or flowing from something, moisture in general. "Ικ^Λ^ος,ΐοτ Ίκ9μ,ζνος,{ΐΐονα idjne) coming. Ίκ,Άο{/.αι, -ουμ,α,ι, see "ιχ,ω. Ίκ,ξίοη, -ου, το, α board, plank, deck. "IzroiQ, (from Ίκω) near, immediately. ' Ικτεξίκ,ος,-''ή, -ou, (from next) scrophulous. "Ικτερος, -ου, ό, '/], the jaundice, paleness or sallowness, like what is caused hy jaun- dice, scrophula ; ace. ί'κ,τεξο,, or ΐκτεοοι/. ΙκτΙν, or Ικτίνος, -ου, ό, a kite or glede. Ίκ-τίς, -Ίοος, h, a ferret : ικτι^ίιη, -ης,'/}» a helmet covered with a ferret' s skin. "Ικ,ω, f. 'ίξ,ω, see p. 71. / co7ne, arrive^ reach. "Vhcc, ΐλη, or εΐλγι, a troop, assembly. Ίλάδον, (from preced.) in troops, swamns. '^ Ώιάομαί, see ίλά,σκομχ{. "Ώ^άος, -ου, ό, τ], propitious, placable. Ίλά,ξος, -d, -6u, (from preced.) cheerful: ίλχρΖς, cheerfully; hence hilaris. ' Ιλχξότγ,ς, -τΥίΤος, '^, (from preced.) cheer- fulness, hilarity. Ίλχξόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I make cheerful. 'ΐΑΧξϋηω, f. -ΰνω, p. ί7^όίξυ'/κχ, (from same) the same. Ίλάσκομχί, or /λάο,ί«5έ/, f. mid. /λάσο,κα/, and i?.ci^oy.xi, p. pass. "ιΤ^χσμ,χι, 1 a. imper. ίλάσύ/ίτί, (from ίλάω. See p. 69) / make atonement for ; pass. / am propitious or merciful to. When it is considered, that prayer made in the Temple was an accom- paniment of the offering of sacrifices of propitiation, and that the Publican is re- presented as having gone up to the Temple to pray, there seems much propriety in rendering his prayer, Luke xviii. 1 3. ο Θίο?, Ί\ά,σ&/]τί μοι τω ά,μχς^τωΤ,ω, " Ο God, be propitiated to me a sinner." Ίτ^χσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from p. pass, of pre- ced.) a propitiation, or rather a propitiatory victim or sacijfice for sin. ' 1?.αστ7}(7ίον, -ου, το, (from 3 sing, of same) a mercy-seat, a jwopitiatory, an expiatory sacrifice ; properly an adjective, e7;rih,uec, a lid, being understood, referring to the lid or covering of the ark, on or before which the High priest was to sprinkle the blood 491 Ιλαΰττις, Λ GREEK LEXICON. Ίνδάλλομαι. \ι of the expiatory sacrifices on the great day of atonement, and where Jehovah pro- mised to meet his people. See Exod. xxv. 17_22. Lev. xvi. 14, 15. Rom.iii. 25. Jo- sephus having observed, that the blood of the martyrs had (according to his notions) made atonement for their countrymen, and that they were ωσττεζ άντΙ-ψνχον, " as it were a substituted victim," τνις τον U- νους άμχξτίχς, " for the sin of the nation," continues thus, και δ;α τον α'ί/ίίοιτος tcju ώ- σίβων ίκζίυων, κ,χΐ τον ΙΛΑ2ΤΗΡΓ0Τ τον ^ccuKTQV αΰτων, 7} Beioc ττρόιιοίχ tou 'ϊσξοίτιλ ^ίσωσε. " and through the blood of those pious men, and the expiatory sacrifice of theh* death, the divine providence saved Israel." 7th section of his book on the Maccabees, quoted by Michaelis, Marsh's edition, vol. I. p. 187. Ίλαστ'^ς, -ov, o, (from same) a propitia- tor , reconciler, for giver. 'VhocTiva, ί.-ζύσω, (from same) I exjyiate, am propitious, forgive. "Ιλειος, or 'lA^i'o?, -ov, and "Ιλίος, -χ, -οι/, (from "ΐΆίον) of Troy, Trojan. "νκίος, 'OV, 6, a den, cave. "ΙΤ^εως, -ω, 6, r,, Attic for 'ί\άος. See p. 7. (from ίΤ^άω. See p. 69) j^^^op^iious, favourable, merciful. Ιλεως σοι Έ.νξΐΐ, for "ι7^εύ}ς σοι ει'τ] 6 Θεός Κός/ε, "may God be propitious to thee Lord, (i. e. forbid the evil). Comp. 1 Chron. xi. 19. with Mat. xvi. 22. ■"1λ)ί, -γις, ί], (for εί'Άη from ειλεω) a troop. "νκ-ημι, 2 sing, imperat. 'ί-κά,θι. Ion. 'ίΤκ'/ιύί, (from ίλάω) I am propitious. Ίλ;«δ)7?, -ου, ο, (from "Ιλ;ον) a Trojan: ΊλαχΙες, -ωΐ/, eci, Trojan women. Ίλίακός, -'ή, -ou, (from same) Trojan. Ίκιας, -ά,Ιος, τ], (from same) the Iliad. Ίλ /yy/ait•, 7 labour under dizziness, am stupified, distracted. From "Ιλ /yl, -γγος, 7], or ίΧίγγος, -ου, ο, (from ίΐτ^ίσσω) a dizziness. ' νκιεύς, -εως, ο, (from next) a Trojan. "Ιλιον; -ου, το, or "Ιλιος, -ου, ο. Ilium, Troy: Ίλίόύεv,from Troy: 'Vhioui,at Troy: Ίτ^ίόύι -τιτξο, in front of Troy: Ίλίόφί, for Ιλίου, of Troy. Ίλλχς, -ά^ος, τ], (from Γλλω) a band of twisted cords or osiers, a leash. Ίλλίξω, (from same) I roll the eye, hint at by turning the eye. "ϊχκος, -ov, 6, (from same) the eyeball. "Τκλος, -'ή, -6v, (from next) goggle-eyed. "ΙΧΚω, (from είλίω) I bind, twist, restrain; I roll the eye, signify by turning the eye, roll. ' Ιλύος, -ov, 6, a den, cave. Ιλύς, -νος, '/), slime, clay, mire. 492 Ιλνά'^Υΐς, -εος, ο, Τ], Ιλυόεις, -εσσχ, -εν, (from preced.) muddy, slimy. ' Ιμ,άντωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, yj, (from next) a bundle or mass of any thing bou7id to- gether. ' Ιμ,Άς, -άντος, ο, ίμ,ά,σύλν}, -γις, v}, a string or strap of leather, a whip, a manacle, a girdle. ' Ιμ,ύσσω, f. -άσω, 1 a. 'ίμ,ασοί, (from pre- ced.) I whip, lash. ΊμοίτίΖίου, -ου, το, (from Ιμύτίον)α little, cloak. Ίμοίτίζω, f. -Ισω, p. ίμ,ά,τικοί, p. pass, ίμ,ά,- τίσμ,αί, (from same) I clothe. Ίμ,χτίοκά,'ττηλος, -ου, 6, (from next and κά.'ττ'/ιλος) a dealer in clothes. 'if^ccTiov, -ου, TO, (from εϊΐΛα the same, which from ε'ί[Λοίΐ, perf. pass, of εω) a gar- ment, upper garment, gown. Ί/:ίχτίοφνλχζ, -χκ,ος, ο, τι, (from preced. and φύλχζ,) a keeper of a luardrobe. Ίμ,χτίσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from p. pass, of ifcx- τίζω) raiment, apparel. Ίμε/ξω, (from 'ίεμχί I desire, and εξχω, or from ':^μ( and ε^ως) I am affectionately desirous of, tend towards in love and affection, 1 Thess. ii. 8. "Ιμ,εν, Dor. for εΊνχι, from εΙμι. Ίμεξόεις, -εσσχ, -εν, and ίμεξτος, -ij, -6u, (from ίμείξύή desireable, lovely, charming. Ίμεζούχλ^ς, -εος, ο, ^, (from same and ^άλλω) blooming luith desii^e. "Ιμ,εζος, -ου, 6, (from ίμείξω) desire, long- ing. Ίμεξόφωι/ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and φο)ν'ή) having a charming voice. Ί/αεζΖττίς, -ι^ος, τ], (from same and ω-ψ) having a lovely face. ' Ιμονιχ, -χς, 'ή, a bucket, chain or rope. ' Ιμονίοστξόφος, -ου, ό, oj, (from preced. and στξεφω) a ropemaker. "lu, (f'-rr) a hin, a measure of liquids, of which the capacity is not defined in Scrip- ture, but is said by Josephus (Ant. III. 8. 3. and 9. 4.) to be equal to two Attic ckoas, i. e. six quarts, or one gallon and a half English. "lux, that, to the end that, so that; hx μ'^, that not, or lest: 'iux is frequently omit- ted before the subjunctive, Anacr. xii. 4. Θέλεις, λχβων -ψχλίξω ; Eurip. Φοινισσ. 734. Βούλει τξχττωμχι; Matth. χχ. 32. τί θέλετε 'ττοΐ'ήσω ύμίν ; See also Blatth. vii. 4. viii. 4. xiii. 28. xxvii. 17• Luke xxii. 9. Heb. viii. 5. 'Iuxt'i, (preced. and τί) to what end, ivherefore, ivhy. Ίνοχλλομχι, (same as ιΐάλλομχι, which for εΐ^χλλύμχι, from εϊΰος) I seem like, seem, ajypear. I Ίι/δαλ,αα. A GREEK LEXICON. 'lit'rtaklbr^g. "I'jouT^u.», .α,τος, το, (from preced.) a sight, form, appearance, apparition. "I'joog, -ov, 6, (from ίιοος) appearance, illusion. 'lulou, -ου, το, the nape of the neck. ^Ivig, -tog, 6, 93, (from ig) a son or daughter. 'liiung, -£og, 6, vi, (from same) full of sinews, sineivy. "l^oihog, -ου, ό, vj, (from ii,vg and «λλο- (Λοίζ) disp)osed to spring or leap, lecherous. 'Iζίυτ'/;ξιog, or ί^ίύτoίog, -cc, -oy, (from next) able to attract and ensnare. Ί'ξίυτ'ής, -οί, ο, (from next) a bird- catcher. Ίζίύω, (from /|oV) / catch birds with birdlime. "liig, -scog, 57, (from 'ίκ,ω) coming, arrival. 'l^og, -ου, 6, birdlime, glue, gum; misle- toe ; a glede. Aqu. Deut. xiv. 13. and Vulg. ixion. They seem to have read rrxnn, which is the Sam. and some Heb. MSS. instead of rrJiirr. Ί|ί)ί-, -oog, 7], the spine, loins. "Ιξω, imp erf. <|oy, (from 'ίκω) I come, ar- rive at. Ί|ωδ/75•, -ίί, (from /|oV) viscous, tenacious. ^1οβάκχα<χ,,-ωι/, τ», a festival of Bacchus. ' loβά7rτrιg, -ου, 6, and lofici^Yig, -sg, (from io'j and /SaTTT^y) of a violet colour. ^''loiSyJZxQog, -ου, ό, 7j, (from same and βΤίίφχξον^ having violet eyebroivs. "' Ιοβο'κίω, (from log and βόΟΟ^ω) I shoot arroivs, throw cut poison. "' loβύλog, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same) throwing out venom or poison or arrows. ^ loβόστoΰ•/;og, -ου, ό, ί], (from lou and βόσ- τξυζ) having dark hair. "' Iuo;/£ip'/ji•, -iog, 6, 'ή, (from same and ονόφος) black, purple. ''lohoKog, -ου, ό, vj, (from log and οίχομχή a quiver. '^loiilvjg, -ig, (from I'ou and eioog) like violet, sable. ^^losig, -£σ<75ί, -£i/, (from lOv) like violet, iron coloured. "lof^iu, Ion. for lay.sy, 1 pi. sub. 2 a. of ίΐμί. ^'lof<,o)Qog, -ου, 6, (from next and μβίζο)) violet fated, shoj't lived; others say, marks for archers, as Falstaff calls his men, " food for powder ;" but see Maltby's Note on the word. "lou, -ου, το, violet. . 'louudg, -oihog, 0, 'h, (from preced. and άνθίω) dark haired, thick haired, shaggy. ^loofcoii, -ου,ϋχί, 1 a. pass. Ιω^-ην, (from to'j) I am covered with rust. "' lo'Tr'KOKoi^og, -ου, ό, % (from same and ίτλίχω) black haii^ed. 'log, -ου, 6, (from 'ίψ.ι) any thin^ sent, a 11 missile, an arrow or dart; venom, poison, also rust the poison of metal. "log, i'cc, i'o'j, for Hg, one. ' lorrig, -τιτοζ, v}, ('iiv) advice. Ιού, Ιου, an exclamation of sorrow, an- ger, orjoy. ' Ιουοχίχ, -ccg, 'ή, (from ' loυocίϊύg) a Jewess.- ' Ιουοαΐζω, (from same) I judaise, coiform to the Jewish -religion customs or manners. Ίoυoa,'iκ6g, -vj, -ov, (from same) Jewish. ' loυQciL•ωg, (from preced.) Jewishly, after the manner of the Jews. 'louQxiog, -ου, 6, ("ΤίΓΓ"• a descendant of Judah) a Jeiu ; a son of praise ; hence, the allusion, Rom. ii. 29. ου 6 iTroiiuog, " whose praise." Comp. Gen. xxix. 35. and xlix. 8. ' loυQcdog, -α,ίοί, -cilou, (from preced.) Jew- ish. ΊoυociίσιΛog, -ου, 6, (from Ιουοοίί'ζω) Ju- daism, the Jewish religion. Ίουοχ'ϊστϊ, (from same) in the Jewish manner, in the Jewish lanauaoe. Ιουύας, -ου, 6, accus. looooiu, sometimes- ' Ιουοοί undeclined, (rrTirr•" the praise of Je- hovah) Judah, Judas, Jude. ΊουΤ^ίζύ), (from next) / have down or beard. "loυ7iQg, -ου, ο, the first hair on the chin, down. ' Ιοχ,ίοΐιοΰΐ, -ag, 71, (from log and χαΐζω} delighting in arrows. Ίττέω, I squeeze, pinch, opjiress. ' l'7ruϊτrιg, -ου, 6, (from iTuog) bread baked in an oven. 'iTTuoKoiTJg, -eg, (from same and κχίω) roasted in an oven. Ί;7>ολέ,β/7ί•, -γ,τog, 6, (from same and λΙ- βr,g) a boiler. 'l7T'j07ry.a.U!jg,Oi' l'7τuo■π7'.ά,στrιg,-oυ,6, (from next and ^Ι,ά,σσο)) a maker of ovens or stoves. "I'TTi/og, -ου, ο, a furnace, stove, kiln, oven, kettle, 2)ot, lanthorn. "Ιτη/όω, f. -άσο, (from preced.) / bake, roast, broil, parch. "l-TTog, -ου, 6, somewhat baked or roasted as a bait to catch mice ; a mouse-tj^ap. 'I'TTTrxyoirrjg, -ου, ο, (from iTTTrog and ΰγοίω) one of the knights or nobility of Lacedaemon. 'iTrTrccyw/og, -ου, ο, '^, (from same and oiyοίζ, -ciKTog, 6, (from 'ί'ΤΓ'ΤΓος and ava.^ a commander of the horse. Ί'τΐ'ΤΓΐΆον, -ov, ro, (properly the neut. of next) cavalry^ horsCy ray^ex. being under- stood. ' liCTrix-og, -07, -ov, (from Ί'πτίος) fit for or skilful in riding, equestrian. "I'TTT^iog, or 'iTc-'Trsiog, -oc, -ov, (from same) fit for horses i ofhoi^ses, equestrian, on horse- back. 'iTTTTioxuir'/ig, -ov, 0, (from same and χοίίτγι) made of a horse* s mane. Ίττ-π-ίοχ,άζμ,Υΐς, or ίττ'π-οχιχξ/ίίϊΐς, -ov, 6, (from same and χχίξω) delighting in horses. 4&4 ' Ιττ-ττοβά^οιν, -ov, (from same and βαίνω) mounted. ' Ι'ΤΓττοβόίττις, -ου, ο, (from same) a horse- man, equestriaii. ' I'TT'Trofiivog, -ov, 0, (from 'ί-π-ττος and βινίω) having horse lust, or excessive lust. ' ΙτΓχοβότ^ς, -ov, 6, i], (from same and βόσκω) a feeder of a horse, one who main- tains a horse, a knight. Ί7Γ7r6βorog, -ov, (from same) fit for feed- ing horses. Ί'ττ'ττοβονκ,όλος, -ου, ό, (from iVcrof and βουκόλος) a feeder of horses. 'iTi-Troioi/icog, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and Ζχμά,ω) a tamer of horses. ΊττττόΙόίσνς, -s{ct, -v, (from same and ^ΰίσνς) thick with horse hair. 'I'TTTiro^iafAog, -ov, 0, (from same and Siw) a horse binder, halter. " I'TirnvoVirYig, -ov, 0, (from same) binding a horse, stout. 'iTTTro^iojKrTig, -ov, 6, (from Ίττττος and Ιιωκύ)) a driver jof horses, one ivho pursues with horses. 'iTTTrolQo/xiu, -ccg, vi, (from next) a horse race. "Ι-τ-τοδ^ο^/οί, -oc, -ov, (from next) of the horse race. ΊτττΓόΙξομος, -ου, 6, (from Ίττττος and δ^ο- μ,ος) a hippodrome, horse course, place where horses run; the name of the public road, or the distance of the place on it from the town ; Gen. xlviii. 7. ' ΙτΓττοκ,άνύχξος, -ov, 0, (from same and κ,άνβκξος) a horse beetle. ' ϊτττΓοκίλζνύος, -ov, 6, hi (from same and KiKivuog) a horseman. 'l7rTO!civrocvQog, -ov, 6, (from same and x,ivrciv^og) a centaur. ΊτΓΤΓοκ,ο^ίω, (from same and κομ,ίω) I dress horses. ' iTTTTOicof^og, -ov, 6, (from same) one who dresses horses ; dressed or adorned ivith horse hair. 'iTTTroKOQvar'^g, -ov, 6, (from 'ί-ττττος and )(,o^vg)having a helmet adorned with horsehair. Ί'7r7roκ,ςxriω, (from same and κ,ζχτίω) I conquer ivith cavalry. Hence 'I'TT'TTOK^xrlx, -xg, vi, a victory gained by cavalry. ' Ιττττόχ,ζΥΐμ,νος, -ov, (from iV^roi and κξγιμ.- vog) very rugged. 'iTTTTOK^orog, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and Khorog) sounding with the feet of horses. 'I'TTTTOfixv^g, -ig, (from same and μχινο- μχί) horse mad, very mad, extravagantly fond of horses: iTCKoi^xvlg, a slimy juice. Virg. G. III. 280. Hence ' Ιχ-τΓομχνίχ, -xg, 7}, an extravagant fond- ness for horses. Ί'Χΐίομ^αγίω, A GREEK LEXICON. ' Υ-πτύμοι,γβω, (from '[ΐΐ-πος and (Λά,χομΛΐ) I fight on Jiorseback ; I fight with a horse- man. ' ΙτΐττοΐΛοίχΙοί, -α?, '^, (from same) an equestrian battle. ΊτΓ-ττόμ,οίχος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) one who fights on horseback. Ί'ΤΓΤτόμ,νιτίς, -iog, o, 5j, (from 'ίττ-ττος and (Λν^τις) skilful in horses. Ί'ττ'πουόμος, -ου, 6, (from same and νίμ^ω) a feeder of horses. Ί'ΤΓ'ττονωμ,οίς, -ου, 6, (from same and νω- μά.ω) a driver of horses. Λτνποτΐοκος, -ου, ο, Vi, (from same and ποΤ^.ίω) accustomed to horses. 'iTT'TTO'TtOToif^og, -ου, ο, (from same and ττοταμ,ος) the river horse, probably the Be- hemoth of Scripture. "Ι'π-'ττος, -ου, ο, (either ηι; or ^sjr, or from "fTTToiauoit -Tfoal, flying with hisfeet^ a horse ; 'ίηττΐος, -ου, tj, a mare ; cavalry, troop, squa- dron, equipage, baggage, substance, Gen. xiv. 11, 16. ^ ' Ιττ'ΤΓοσόοίς, -a, o. Dor. for ίττττοσό/ις, -ov, and ίττ^τοσόγι, -τις, % (from preced. and σίύω) a driver of horses. Ί-τΓ'ΤΓοστασίχ, -ας, v}, ίττττοστά,σιον, -ου, το, ί'ΤΓ'ττόστοίσις, -ίως, ^, (from same and στάσις) a statio?i or stable for horses. Ί'ττ'ποσΰννι, -νις, vi, (from "ιττττος) skill in horsemanship. Ίττττ'ότγις, -ου, Dor. -οίς, -ot, iEol. -u, -α,ο. See p. 6. (from same) a horseman, eques- Irian. Ίττ'π'οτοξ,ότγις, -ου, ό, (from 'ίττ'ττος and ro|oj/) an archer on horseback. Ί-τΓ'ΤΓοτξοφέω, (from same and τξίφω) I maintain or rear horses. Hence ' Ι'π-τί-οτζοφΙοι,, -ας, τ], the keeping or rear- ing of horses. Ίττ'ΤΓοτζόφος, -ου, ο, 7], (from same) feed- ing horses. ' Ιττττοτυψία, -ας, v], (from Ίττ'π'ος and τύ- φος) horse i. e. great swelling, vainglory, bombast. "Ι'ττττουξίς, -7οος, ^, (from same and ούζα) horse -tailed, bushy. ' Ιττττοφόζβιον, -ου, το, (from same and φϊφύ)) pasture ground for horses. ' ΙτΓ'ΤΓοφοξβός, -ου, ό, (from same) a feeder of horses. ' ^'^ττοχ,άξμ-^ς, -ου, ό, (from "ιττιτος and χ,αΐζαή 7'ejoicing in horses, chivalrous, 'l-^rorwBjjj, -iog, 6, '^, (from 'ίττττος) befitting a horse. ΊτΓΤΓων, -Zuog, ό, (from same) a station or 7'elay of horses. ΊτττΓωνίί'α, -ας, yj, (from same and uuso- μαή a sale of horses. 'iTTTruusu), (from same) I buy horses. Ίΰ^ιμ,ζξίος, "ΙτΓταμαι, (see 'πίτομαι p. 73) Ifiy. "ΙτΓτω, f. --ψω, 1 f. m. ι-ψομαί, I smite. "Ιξα, Ιζα, Ion. ΐξα, and ίϊξα, -ας, vi, (for ίίξά, or from ύ'ζω) an open consecrated place, οΐ forum, appropriated to public assemblies. "Ιξα, τα, (for h^oi) sacred things, sacrifi- ces. Ίζάομ,α/, ίξίύω, and ίξίυίσχ,ω, (from /goj) / officiate as a priest. ' Ιξίύς, for ίίξίύς, a priest, l^vj'ia, -ας, y;, (for ίέξίΐα) a priestess. ' Ιζτί'ϊον, -ου, το, (for is^shu) a victim. "I?>7ij -νΐ'ί'Ος, 0, (for ίίζαξ,) the bird sacred to Apollo, the hawk. '^Ιξίς, -ί'δοί, or -ιος, Attic -ίως, vj, d. pi. ΐξίσσιν, for ΐξίσιν, (from ίΐξω, because pre- tended to be the messenger of the gods) Iris, an iris or rainbow ; also, an aromatic herb, cassia, Exod. xxx. 24. After the de- luge, the rainbow, a well known phenome- non from the beginning, was appointed by God as a sign of his covenant, Gen. ix. 13. With remarkable conformity to this ac- count, we find Homer speaking of rain- bows, II. A', 27. Έν νίφΰ' σ-Τ'/ΐξΐξί, τίξοίζ μ,ίξό^τίύν α,νθξώ^ων. which Jove hath set in a cloud, a sign to articulate speaking men. Comp. Ezek. i. 28. Rev. iv. 3. and x. 1. Ίξος, -ά,-ον, for ίίξός; Ιξόν for ιΊξόΐ/ : — γι/ω γαξ Δ /oV Ιξα τάΤ^αντα. II. Π', 658. for he acknowledged the sacred scales of Jove: the will of Jove, to which it is ne- cessary to submit. ' Ιξουξγία, -ας, vj, for ίεξουξγία. "1ς, ii /ός, vj, a nerve, fibre, muscle; strength, vigour. ' ΙσάγγΟ^ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from Ίσος and dy- γ&Κος) equal or like to the angels. Ίσά^7.φος, -ου, ό, (from same and οίΐίλ- φός) equal or like to a brother. Ίσάζω, f. •ασω, (from ι'σος) I make equal: ισάζομαι. Ion. ισάσκομα:, I am equal, make myself equal, claim equality with. ' Ισαίος, -a, -ou, same as Ι'σος. "Ισάνεμος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and οίνξ- μος) equal to the luind. Ίσάξίύμος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and άξίθ- μ,ος) equal in number. ' Ισαχως, (from ΐσος) equally various. Ισϊίγοξίομαι, -όυμαι, (from \σος and ayo- ξζόω) I speak freely as to an equal. Ίστιγοιοία, -ας, v}, (from preced.) a jight of speaking to another as to an equal, free use of speech, equality of rights. Ίσΐ^λίξ, -ικος, 6, 7}, (from ΐσος and ^λ /f) of equal age. Ισ'ήμίζιος, -a, -ou, and ισγιμ^ξί^ος, -vj, -ov, 495 Ίΰτίμι» A GREEK LEXICON» ΊΰΟΰτάΰίος, Ρ, (from same and ^^l^a) hav'wg the day and night equal, equinoctial. "Ιστ,μ,ι, (from σά,ω, p. 64. or from ύ'σω 1 fut. of £<'§&)) / know. ^ lavj^iTfcog, ov, o, yj, (from (σος and l^sr- μϋζ) having equal oars. ^Ισνιργις, -ίος, ο, ^, (from same and όίζο)^ equal. "Ισθι, (2 sing, imperat. o£ ίΐμ,ϊ) be thou. Ίσβ/^ία, -ων, tcc, (from Ισύ^Λος) the Isth- mean games, celebrated twice a year, on the Isthmus of Corinth, in honour of Nep- tune. Ίσύμιοίζ, -ochoi, Vj, and laUf/.iog, -ex,, -ov, (from same) of the Isthmus, Isthmean ; Ισύ- μόύι, laufiov, at or in the Isthmus. "lauf^tiov, -ου, το, (from next) a necTdace. ' Ισύ^Λος, -ου, 6, a neck, a neck of land, isth- mus. "Ισις, -ihog, 5j, Isis, the chief goddess of Egypt. ^ , . , , " Ισχ,ΰίρ^ιωτΎΐς, -ου, 6, Iscariot, perhaps the man of Kenoth, Josh. xv. 25. Middleton thinks, however, that the frequent absence of the article authorizes a suspicion that the word is a surname, and not an epithet significant of a place of birth or residence ; and the suspicion seems strengthened by the compound ξττικ,οίΚούμ,ίνον, which we find used of the name Iscariot, Luke xxii. 3. See Mid. on Matth. x. 4. "Ισκ,ω, imperf. ϊσκ,ον, (for uko)) I am like, liken, think to be like, assimilate. Ίσοβόίξτις, -k) (S'^om Ισος and βοίζύς) of equal lueight. ΊσοΙΰίίμων, -όνος, 6, tj, (from same and Ββί/^ίύωι/) equally fortunate, equal to a god. • "ίσο'Ηιαίτνις, or ϊσο^ιαιτ'ήΤ'/ις, -ου, 6, (from same and IIohtcc) one who presides at a feast and assigns to each guest an equal por- tion. ΊσοΙίοατος, -ov, (from same) using the diet of the common people, plain, simple. ΊσοΙξο/^ίύ), (from ίσος and l^s/icuj) I run with equal speed. ' ϊσο^υνχ/ίίίω, -ω, (from same and ^ύνα- (Λοίΐ) I am equally powerful, have the same force. ' Ισοζΰγνις, -ίος, ισόζυγος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and ζυγός) capable equally with ano- ther of bearing the yoke, an equal, a mate. ' Ισόύίος, -ου, 6, h, (from same and ^ζός) equal to God; equal to a god, godlike, divine, noble. Ίσοκ,ίνΙϋνος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and κίνΐυνος) equally endangered. ' Ισό-ΛΚπζος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and κ,Τ,ΐ:- ξος) of equal lot ivith another. ' Ισοκξόίτ'^ς, Λος, 6, vj, (from same and κξά.- τος) having equal poiver or aiUhomty luith. 496 Ίσοκξοίτίΰί; -ας, vj, (from preced.) aji equality of rights. Ίσο^Άκός, or Ισω^Λο^κός, ~ου, 6, Vj, (from ίσος and o/^csAoV) even, of equal number. Ίσομ,ατωξ, -οξος, ό, vj, (from same and μτίτγΐξ) equal in value to the mother. Ίσομίγίύ'^ς, -ύος, ό, ij, (from same and μίγίόος) of equal size. Ίσομίτξητος, -ov, (from same and μετζίω) of equal dimensions. Ίσομ,ίτωτιτος, -ov, (from same and μ,ίτύ)- 'Ttov) having an equal front. Ισομοίξίω, f. -7]σύ), (from Ισόμοίξος) I share equally with others. Ίσομ,οίξίΰί, -Λς, vj, (from next) an equal share. Ίσόμοίζος, and ΐσόμ,οξος, -ου, ο, v}, (from ίσος and μίίξω) having an equal share. ' Ισόνίίξος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ovst- ξος) like a dream. Ίσόνζκ,υς, -υος, ο, ij, (from same and νίκ,υς) as one dead. Ίσονομίο/αοα, (from same and νόμος) I enjoy equal Iqws, have no exclusive privi- lege. ' Ισονομία, -ας, ν;, (from same) equal laivs. ' Ισόνομος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) affording equal rights and protection. Ίσότταις, -αίίος, ό, 'ή, (from ίσος and ττα??) like a child. ΊσοττοΚνίς, -ίος, ΙσόττοίΆος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and -πάτ^-η) equal in combat. Ίσότη^ον, -ου, το, (from next) a?i even surface, a plain. Ίσό'π-εΙος, -ου, ό, ^, (from ίσος and ττεδοζ/) equal to the ground, level. ΊσοττΧόίττις, -ες, (from same and ττλάτος) of equal breadth. Ίσο'ττΆευξ'ΐής, -ες, and Ισότι-λευξος, -ov,(from same and ττλευ^ά) of equal sides. ΊσοττΤίΥΐύ'ης, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and στΆ^ύος) equally fidl, equally numerous. Ίσο7Γολ;τ£/ο5, -ας, vj, (from next) an equal right of citizetiship. ' ϊσο'π-ολϊτγις, -ου, ό, (from ι'σος and οτολ/- τγις) having the equal right of citizen. Ίσό'ττξεσβνς, -υος, ό, vj, (from same and 'τι^ξέσβυς) of equal age, like old age. ' Ισορροττέύ), (from same and ρεττω) I hold in equal balance, have equal weight or au- thority. Ίσορρο-ττία, -ας, τ], (from same) a7i equal weight or balance, equilibrium. Ίσόρροττος, -ov, (from same) equivalent. "Ισος, -71, -ov, equal, sufficient: Ίσα, the neut. plur. is used adverbially for as. ' ΙσοσκεΤ^νις, -εος, ό, vj, (from preced. and σχ,ίλος) isosceles, having tiuo equal sides. Ίσοστύσίος, -ov, (from same and οτάω) of equal weight with. ^iBllg Ίαοανλλοίβος, A GREEK LEXICON. ΊΰγΌξούΐ, ΊσοσνλΆόίβος, -ov, ό, (from same and σνλ- λΰίβ'ή) having equal syllables. ^ Ισοτόίχ,'ης, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and τχ- χύς) equally swift: Ισοτώ-χ,ως^ with equal celerity. ' Ισοτίλέστο?, -ov, same with next. ^ΙσοτίΚ^ς, -έος, ο, 5ί, (from ίσος and τύ- λος) paying equal tribute. Ίσοτίλίΰί, 'ΰίς, V], (fiOm preced.) an equa- lity of taxation. Ίσότγις, -τνιτος, τ], (from ίσος) equality ^ equity, reciprocity. ' ΙσότΊμ,ος, -ου, 6, "/], (from same and ri^tc^) equally precious or valuable. ' Ισοϋφ'-ής, -ioc, o, ^, (fi'om same and ν-ψος) equally high. ' Ισοφΰίξίζω, ΐογ ισοψοοίζύ), (from same and φίξω) I bear the yoke equally, Ίσοφόξος, -ov, o, τ], (fr'om same) bearing the yoke equally, a match to. "Ισοχαλ'ής, -ίος, ό, tj, (from ίσος and χ,ίϊ- λος) equal to the brim. ' Ισοχζονίω, (from same and χζόυος) I am contemporary with. Ίσο-ψγιφίΰί, -ιχ,ς, vj, (fl'om next) an equal right of voting; an equality of votes. ' Ισόφηψος, -ου, ό, '/], (from ίσος and -ψνι- φος) having an equal vote ; having an equal number of votes for and against. Ίσό-ψϋχος, -ου, d, ij, (from same and -ψυ- χνι) liJce-minded, unanimous. Ισόω, -ω, f. 'ό)σω, 1 f. pass, ϊσωύ'ήσομοίΐ, (fi'om ίσος) I make equal or like, compare, hold in the same esteem. Ίσξοίϊ)7ίίτ/]ς, -ου, ό, (from ^Ισ^χ'-ήλ) an Is- raelite. Ίστά,ω, -ω, (from στάω) I establish, place, appoint. "Ιστέ,' contr. for ϊσετε, 2 pi. of pres. indie. ye know ι or imper. know ye, from Γσ}?^;. Heb. xii. 17. Scitote enim, Vulg. "Ισττη/ίύί, f. στ'ήσω, p. εστοίκ,οί, p. part. Ισ- ^οικως, and by syncope, ϊστοί,ως, and by era- sis, ίστως, so perf. infin. ζστάυοα for εστιχ,κ,ί- νοίί, 2 a. ίστΎΐν, p. pass, ίστοι,^α,ι, 1 a. pass. hroiUYiu, and infin. στχύίινχί, and part, στχ- θίΐς, 1 f. pass. στα,ύτίσοίΛοίΐ, (from ίστάω) I set, place, stand, remain, stand still, stop, make to stand, establish, confirm, appoint, agree, covenant. ' Ιστίϊ], -'ής, VI, Ion. for εστία. ΊστίΥ)τόξίοι/, -ου, το, (from preced.) a place to feast in, a dining hall. ' ΙστίοΙζομεω, (from next and l^ifiu) I run withfidl sails. Ιστίο», -ov, TO, (from Ίστ^^α) a veil, a hanging, a standard, a sail. ' Ιστίορρόίφος, -ov, 6, v], (from preced. and ρχτΓτω) a sail maker. ' Ιστο^όκ,τ], -νις, vj, (from ίστος and ^ίχο(Λαι) a socket of a mast. ' ϊστοκ,εξοίίοί, -α,ς, vi, (from same and yti- ^ii/at) a sailyard. ' ΙστοτίίΙη, -Ύΐς, v], (from same and ττονς) the foot or socket of the mast. ' Ιστοξγίο, (from same and εξγον) I work at the loom. Ίστοξεω, -ω,ΐ. -'ησω, p. -ηκ,οί, (from 'ίστωζ) I investigate, know, visit, tell, write history. Ίστόζψ.χ, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a motto, device. Ίστοζία, -ας, vi, (from same) inquiry, history. ' ϊστοξίκ,ος, -vj, -ov, (from same) inquisitive, well informed. Ίστοξίογξαφος, -ov, 6, (from ίστοξία and γξά^ω) an historian. Ίστος, -ov, 6, (from 'ίστημ,ί) a tree, mast, shaft, missile weapon; loom, lueb. Ίστοτουος, -ov, 6, ^, (from preced. and τείνω) stretched as the threads of a web, a cobweb. Ίστοτξ1β?ις, -εος, 6, % (from same and τξίβο)) one that wears the mast, a frequenter of ships. "Ιστωξ, -οξος, ο, ^, for ισ'ήτωζ, (from ΐσιη^ί) inquisitive, knowing, privy, a Judge. Ίσχά^ίον, -ov, TO, (from Ισχας) a little dried fig. ΊσχαΙότΓΜλίς, -{Ιος, τ], (from same and 7τω?.ε&)) a seller of dry figs. ' Ισχαιμ,ος, -ov, 6, vi, (from ί'σχω and αϊμ,α) stopping blood. ' Ισχαίνω, for ίσχναίνω, (from ισχνός) I harden, dry, wither ; inflame, irritate. Ίσχαλεος, -a, -ov, (from same) dry, withered. Ίσχανάω, Ισχαναάσκ,ω, Ίσχαϋω, and ί'σχω, (from εχω) I have, hold, restrain, sustain. Ίσχας, -ά^ος, v}, (from ισχνός) a dried fig. "Ισχιον, -ov, TO, (from ΐσχις, the loin, which from ισχύς) the joint of the hip, the hip or haunch ; plur. the buttocks. "Ισχναίυω, see ίσχαίνω. Ίσχ,νος,-'ή, -ov, slender, feeble, squeaking: Ισχνως, meagrely, drily. Ίσχνόφωνος, or ίσχόφωνος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced. and φωννι) having a slender or feeble voice. 'ϊσχυξίζομαι, f. -ίσομ,αι, (from ισχυξος) I am strong, am confident ; render strong, in- vigorate ; display strength, bully. Ίσχυξοττοιέω, (from next and ττοιίω) I make strong, strengthen, exaggerate. Ίσχύζος, -a, -ov, (from ισχύω) strong, mighty, valiant, vehement : ίσχϋζως, strongly. Ίσχυξόω, -ω, la. ίσχύξωσα, (from pre- ced.) I strengthen. 3 R 497 Ίοχϋζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ίωχ/ιΙς. Ίσχνς, -νοζ, v}, acc. Ισγ,υν, strength^ might, power, ability. ^Ισχϋω, f. -ϋσω, p. ΐσγ,υχ,οί, 1 a. ισχυσΛ, (from preced.) I am strong or able ; I avail, prevail. 'laujuicc, -ccg, 9], (from ίσος and ώνίω) the full value. ' Ισωνν/^Λος, -of, o, i], (from same and ouo- ficc) of the same name. "Ισως, (from ίσος) equally, equitably ; per- haps; surely, 1 Kings xxv. 21. Luke xx. 13. ' iTXfilcc, -χς, V], (from next) j-ashness. Ίτκμ,ος, -vi, -6v, (from ΐτγις) bold, rash, impudent, cruel: ιτόίμως, boldly. Ίτίχ, -ΰίς, and hi/i, -γις, vi, (from si/^i, on account of its rapid growth) a willow: Ιτύος, iru'jog, -n, -ou, made of willow, wil- lowy. ' Ιτέον, ιτγιτίον, (from eif^i) it is necessary to go, must go. "ΙτΥίς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one ivho goes straight forward to another, bold, rash, pre- cipitate. ' Ιτητίκος, -ij, -ou, (from preced.) the same. "Itpiov, for Tjr^iou, -ου, το, a paunch ; a sort of cake made of honey and sesamus. "Ιτυς, -υος, ij, the circumference of a wheel, rim of a shield, orb, boss. "ΐϋγ'/ι, -ijg, vj, and ιϋγμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from lit ζω) a cry, shout, din of battle. "Ιϋγζ, -ϋγγος, v], (from preced. named from its piping voice) a wagtail, used as a charm for obtaining a return of love. Ίυξω, f. -υξω, I utter a shrill cry, squall, shriek. "Ίϋκ,τνίς, Dor. /ϋ»τα, -ου, 6, (from pre- ced.) one who has a shrill voice. "Ιφβϊμος, -ου, ό, vj, (from next) strong, blooming, brave. ''lip/, (from Ίφίς^ vis) with strength, mightily. "Ιφίος, -X, -OP, (from preced.) strong, splendid, fat. ' Ιχ,ύυάω, f. -ασω, imperf. ιχβυχχσκον, for ΙγβυΛου, (from Ιχ^υς) I fish. ' Ιγβυ^οΚος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and /3άλ- ■χω) fish-piercing. ' Ιγ,ύϋ%ιον, -ου, το, (from ϊχθύς) α little fish. ^ΙχύυίίΙη;, and Ιχύυω^ης, -sog, ό, τι, (from same) like a fish, abounding with fishes. ' Ιχύυτίζ^ος, -oi, -ou, (from same) of or be- longing to fish. ' Ιχύυϊκος, -i -ou, (from same) of or be- longing to fishers or fishing. Ίχύυόβξωτος, -ου, ο, 5j, (from same and βρόω) devoured by fishes. 498 Ίχβυόας, -εσσα, -su, (from Ιγ,&υς) fishy. ' Ιχ,βυολΰμτις, -ου, ό, (from same and 7^ύ- {ΛΎΐ) one who is a devourer of fishes, a glut- ton. Ίχύυοττω'Κης, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ΊτωΎ.ίω) a fishmonger. ' Ιχβυο'π-ωλΙα, -ας, t], (from same) a fish market. ' ΙχύυοττωλΙς, -ίίος, ^, (from same) a fish woman. Ίχύυξος, the same as Ιχύυγιςός. Ίχύύς, -ύος, ο, (from "ικω and ^ΰω) a fish. ' Ixuda, -Λς, ίχνευσίς, -εως, τ], (from Ιχνίω or ίχνεύω) tracing, investigation, hunting. ' lχuεύμ,ωu, -οϋος, ό, (from same) the hun- ter, a reptile luhich hunts the crocodile and destroys it. ' ϊχuεΰrr.ς, -ου, 6, (from next) one who traces οτ finds out, a discovei'er. ' lχuεϋω, f. -εύσω, and iχuεω, f. -νισω, (from i'xuog) I trace out, investigate : Ιχνεΰομ,οίΐ, I am traced ; mid. I pursue, hunt for myself. ^ \χυ'ήΚά,χ-ί\ς, -ου, 6, (from next and ελαύ- ua) one who pursues the traces, an investi- gator. "lχuoς, -εος, το, and I'xuiou, -ου, το, (from "ίκω) the sole of the foot, a footstep, a vestige, a step, an impression, a model. Ίχωζ, -ωζος, ο, ichor, the blood of the gods; a thin watery humour like serum, gore. "Ιψ, ΓτΓΟί, ο, (from ϊ'ΤΓτω) an insect or worm in timber. ' 1ω, an exclamation of sorrow or of joy. Ίω, for εγω, I. Ίωβνΐλ, (bm") thejuUlee. ' Ιωγοί, Boeotic for εγω, I. ' Ιωγ% -γις, tj, a blast, the tvhistling of the wind, sound, shout, uproar, rout. Ίωγμός, -ου, ο, (from '^ίωγμ,ός) persecu- tion, rout, tumidt. ' 1ω^, -νις, 7}, a shout, blast. ' Ιωκ.'ή, .^ς, τ], a shout, rout. "Ιωρ, -ωρος, ο, Ion, a poet, a hero. "Ιωνες, -ωu, oi, (from preced.) the lonians. Ίωρ'ίΛ, -ας, τ], (from same) Ionia. Ίων'ίκός, -0), -ou, (from same) Ionic: Ίωρί- κ,ως, after the manner of the lonians. ' li)uiog, or ' Ιόριος, -at, -ou, (from same) Ionian. ' Ιώ)|, -ωκος, Vi, same as Ιωκ-η. Ίωτχ, το, (") Matth. v. 18. an iota, iod, or yod; for our Saviour no doubt used the• name of the Hebrew letter, which, because the smallest letter of the alphabet, is used to signify any thing very small, a jot. ' 1ωχ[Λ6ς, -ου, ό, same as Ιωγμός. κ. A GREEK LEXICON. Καύαξ/ότης. Κ Κ, the tenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the eleventh of the ancient, in which it answered to the Hebrew or Phenician Caph or Kaph in name, order, and power, but its form κ., approaches nearer to the Phenician letter. Κ is sometimes prefixed to words instead of an aspirate ; as ΚχνΤ^ωνιοι^ for ij Αύλωι/ίχ, the name of a city, χ,χξ'ττά.'Κίμ,ος, for ά^ττά- 'hifjt.og, rajmcious. Κχβχλλγις, -ov, 6, l^?it. caballus, a horse, nag. Κά/3/3αλ£, Dor, and poet, for κ,ατίβχΤ^ε, 3 sing. 2 aor. from καταβάλλω. Κάβος, -ου, ό, (from np) a cab or kab, a measure of capacity said to contain about the sixth of a seah, or three pints and one- third English. Kccyyo'i/v, (for κατά yovv) at or on the knee. Κΰίγκ,ύζω, κχγχ,ά,ζω, κοίγχ,λύζω, χ,Λγ^ά- ζω, κ,χγχ,χΤ^ύω, f. -ύσω, ρ. -χκοι, (from χά,ζω, doubled to augment the sense) / laugh im- moderately, laugh heartily at, deride ; Lat. cachinno. Κάγκόίυος, -Oif, or κχγχ,όίνος, (from χαίι>ω) split, dry. Κάγω, (for Kcci sycj. See p. 135) a?id I. Kxios, for KocTcH oi. Kcthsficuu, or κη^ίμ,ων, -όυος, 6, (from χ^δο?) a guardian. 'Κα6ίστ'/ις, or κγι^ίστ'ης, -ου, ό, (from κο^δω) a near relative, a husband ov father-in-law. Κάδ>7$•, (irnp) a saint, Deut. xxxiii. 2. Κα,^γισΙμ,, (c'tz'Tp) male prostitutes, de- voted to the service of idols, 4 Kings xxiii. 7• Koibiou, -ου, το, or κοί^ίσκος, -ου, ο, (from next) a bag, a little cask. Κάδο?, or κάΙΙος, -ου, ό, (ί^) a cask, a vessel for holding liquor, a bucket, a liquid measure, Lat. cadus. Κάξω, f. κύσω, 3 sing. plup. pass. Ui- κχστο, part. Kiycocafiiuog, or κίκ,αΐ /αίνος, I adoj-n, furnish with. Kccuci, (from Άχτοί and ct) according as. Κοιθα.γίά.ζω, (from κατά, and αγιάζω) I sanctify, consecrate, purify. Καθαγίζύ), f. -Ισω, (from same and άγί- ζω) I offer holy things to appease the dead, consecrate : also, I pollute. Kauaycay.og, -ου, d, (from preced.) an expiation, offering to the dead. Καύα,γνίξω, f. -'ίσω, (from κατά and ay y l ζω) I purify. ^ Κα,ύοίΐμ,οίκ,τος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from next) be- smeared or much stained with blood. Κΰίύχίμάσσω, f. -ξω, (from κατά and ai- μ,άσσω) I cover or stain with blood. 'Καύαι/Λατόω, f. -ωσω, (from same and αϊμ,α) I make to bleed. Κάύαι/ίίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) ffoiving, mixed, or stained, with blood, bloody. ΚαύαίξΒσίς, -ιος, Attic -ίύ)ς, oj, (from κα- ΰαΐζίύ)) a demolishing, destruction. Καύαίξ£τγ]ς, -ου, ό, (from same) a de- stroyer, KadaiQST'iKOg, -'/j, -ou, (from next) destrjic- tive. Καύαΐζίω, -ω, (from κατά and αΐζίω) I take down or away, cast or pull down, de- molish, destroy, condemn. Καύαίςω, f. καθάξω, p. κίκάβαξκα, p. pass, κΐκάύα^μ^αι, (from same and aiqo)) 1 purge, cleanse, expiate, clear or clean by pruning, as the branch of a vine from use- less twigs or shoots, John xv. 2. observe the verbal allusion in verses 2 and 3, a^u, καθαίζίΐ, and καύαροί. Καόάλλομχί, (from same and αλλο/^αή I jump doivn. KauayA^iog, (from same and άμίζίος) daily. Κχύάτταξ, (from same and όΐ'^αξ) once, all at once, altogether. KauaTTSQ, KaUa^n^auii, καύατπξίϊ, (from same and ττί^) as truly, as indeed, as. Καύατττίκός, -tj, -ov, (from next) biting. ΚαβάτΓτω, (from κατά and άτττω) I fas- ten upon, bind, wind or twist. Καύάζΐίος, rather καύάρσιος, -ου, 6, vj, (trom Kadal^oj) purifying. Καθαξίύω, f. 'soau, (from same) / am clean or ^jiirc. Καύαζίζω, f. -"ίσω, Attic καύαριω, p. Kt- καθάζίκα, 1 a. Ικαύάζίσα, 1 f. pass, χ,αύαοια- ύγισομ.αι, p. pass, κίκαύάξίσμ,αι, 1 a. pass, ίκα- ύαρισύπν, (from καθαζος) I cleanse, purify. Καΰαζίόομαι, (from same) I am pure. Καύάςιος, -a, -ov,(from same) pure, clean. Καύαξίότνίζ, -^ΐτος, i], (from καύαρίζω) cleanness, purity, holiness. 499 Καβάξ/αις. A GREEK LEXICON. ΚαβΙζω, Κΰίύά,ξίσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from same) purification. Κοίύχξίσ/^,ος, -ov, 6, (from perf. pass, of κ,οίύοίξ'ιζύ)) a purifying, purification, cleans- ing, John ii. 6. and baptism, iii. 25. 'Κάύι/,ξμ,οί, -χτος, το, or x,ccuci^;-Aog, -ου, 6, (from κα,ύοίίζω) impurity, pollution, filth, offscouring, what has been or requires to be washed away; something impure and exe- crable, the very extreme and essence of what is shvful, a victim loaded with imprecations and deemed to be polluted with the sins of those for whom it luas to be offered ; expia- tion, lustration. Κχύοίξμόζω, (from κ,χτά and άξμόζω) I fit, adjust, set in order, compose. Κχύόίξος, -χ, -oV, (from κχύοΐίξω) clean, pure, clear, innocent ; that maJceth pure in a figurative sense, Heb. x. 23. 'Κα,ύοί^ότ-ης, -τγιτος, ^ή, (from ^YQcea.) pu- rity, cleanness. Ίζ.οίύΰίξττχζω, (from κατά and άζτιτά,ζω) I pull down, snatch, seize, tear, devour. Κχύχζσίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next) puri- fying, expiatory. Κάύοίξσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, τ], (from κοι- βχίξω) purification. Κχ.ύα.ξτ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from same) one who cleanses ov purifies. Kauci^TUog, -ij, -ou, (from same) cathar- tic, efficacious in purging. Καύά,ξας, and κ,αύχζίως, (from κ,αβαζός} purely, innocently. Καύαυαίνω, (from κ,οιτα, and α,ϋαίνύ)) I grow dry, ivither. Κα,θβοξίο,' -Dig, vt, (from same and ίΐ^οί) a seat, chair. Κκύί^ζΐάομ,χί, (from preced.) / sit down. Καύίζω, (from κατά and έζω) I cause to sit doiun, seat, place : καύίζομοα, imperf. Ικχύϊζόμνιν, 1 f. pass, κ,χύίσύ'ήσομοίΐ, 2 f. mid. χ,α,ύί^ουμ,ιχ,ί, I sit down, sit. Καύέίζγω, κ,αύ&ΐζγνύο), κ,χύίίξγΐ/υμ/, (from same and ίί^γω} I shut up, restrain, con- fine. ^ 'Κά.ύίΐζ^ις, 'tag, ^, (from preced.) i^estraint, confinement. 'K.tx.ufig, (from kocto, and ug^ one by one. Ka-uiKTog, -'<5, -ou, (from κ,οίτίχ,ω} to be repressed. Κΰίβίλχ,ω, imperf. κα,θίί'Κχ.ου, — κοίθεΚκϋω, (from KccToi and ίτ^κω) I draw down, launch, equip. Καύέλω. See >iccuoci^ia, and p. 73, under ΰίίξίω. ΚοίΟ-μοί, -ccTog, TO, (from κ,αύίημ,ι) any thing hanging down, applied to a collar or necklace hanging down from the neck. Ka^s^iif, (from κ,οίτά, and ίξ//) in order, distinctly, particularly, following, succeeding. 500 Kfii^£|;g•, -iO}g, vj, (from κ,α,τίχ,ω) a retain- ing, preserving, detaining. Κάύίξμοί, -ccTog, TO, (from κ,ατοί and 'Έ.ξμ,ϊ^ς) a necklace with an image of Mer- cury. Κχύίξττω, imperf. καύίίξττοι/, — κ,α,ύζζνύζω, f. -ύσω, (from same and 'ίξ-πω) I creep down. KsiusTog, -ου, 6, (from κ,οίύίημι^ let down, a perpendicular. ΚοίόέύΙω, (from κοίτά, and ίυΐω) I sleep, am fast asleep, am dead. See γξγιγοζίω. ΚΰίβΒυξίμχ, or -γιμοί, -ocTog, το, (from same and eu^vi^ct) a thing found or ob- tained, gain. Κχύίυξίσχω, κ,οίύίυξίο), f. -ίσω, or -νισω, (from same and ώ^ίσκω) I find out. Κΰίύβ-ψίά,ομχι, (from same and ε•ψαίομ»ί) I rail against. Καύί-ψω, or -ίω, (from same and 'iipa) I boil down, digest, soften. Κοίύϊΐγίμών, -ovog, 6, % and κ,αβϊίγητ'^ς, -ου, ό, (from same and νιγίομοίΐ) a guide, leader, teacher. ΚΛύγιγίοΐΛοι,ι, (from same) I guide, in- struct, preside over. Κοίά^^υττοίύίω, (from κ,χτΰί and ^υττοίύΐω) I indulge or spend in sensuality. Καύτικω, (from same and ^κω) I come to, belong to, am adjacent to, am present, am convenient or fit: xotdv]x,si, it is conven- ient or fit : TO κ,α,ύνίκον, that which is con- venicjit or fit, duty, and in plur. toc κα,θ'ή- TcovTcx,: non dubito quin κ,α,ύνικον officium sit, Cic. Epist. ad Atticum, xvi. 1 1 . Κχύ•^λ6ω, -ω, (from same and ^λοώ>) / fasten down with nails. Καύτιλωσίς, -log, Attic -sag, 7}, (from pre- ced.) a fastening down with nails. Κίίύγιμοΐί, (from xcctx and ?]μχι. See p. 41) / sit down, sit, rest, am settled, dwell. Κοίύγιμίξίζν, (for Kxff νιμίξοίρ) day by day, daily. Κοίύϊΐμίζ'ίνος, -'/j, -oy, and κ,οίύνιμίζίος, -λ, -ov, (from preced.) daily. Κΰίύνισυχ,ΰίζύ), f. -όίσω, (from x,»toc and 'ί^συχά,ξοή I rest, am silent. Kauih^og, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and ι^ζως) fatigued. Κοίύί^ξΰω, (from same and ίΐςύω) I set or place together, construct, build, conse- crate. Κοίύίξξίΰω, (from same and is^svcj) I sacrifice. Κχύίίξόω, (from same and isQoa) I con- Seagate. Κοοόίζύ), f. -<σω, p. ζίκύύίκ,οί, 1 a. Ικάθισοί, 1 a. imperat. κάβίσο^, and part. Kctuiaecg, also Άοί&ιζόίυω, (from same and Ίζω) I set " 7 KauiYifii. A GREEK LEXICON. ΚαύυφΙν)μ{. doivjif set, cause to sit ; I sit dow7i, sit, re- viaiUy abide, dwell. ΚοίύίΥΐμ,ι, (from same and 'ίγΐ[/,ι) I let, send, or throw, doiun, set in ambush, sound. Κα,βίκίτίύύ), (from same and i^csrevco) I sujjplicate earnestly. Κα,ύίκνίομ,οίΐ, κ,οιύίκομχί, (from same and ίκϋίομ,α,ί. See p. 71) / come to, arrive at, reach, "hit, chastise. Καβί/ίοάω, (from same and ί/Λχω from ίμχς) I let down with a rope. Κοίύίμ,ησίς, -£ως, h, (from preced.) a let- ting down with a rope. ΚαύίΤΓΤΤεύω, κοίύιτνττά,ζομ,ιχ,ι, (from κ,α,τά and ίττ-τηύω) I ride down or upon, attack with cavalry, Κχύίτττοί/ίίοα, χχύΙτΓΤΥΐ/χί, and κ,ατχ'π-ίτο- (ΛΛΐ, (from same and iVrot^a;) I fly down, fly down upon. Κάβϊσίς, -ίος, Attic -sojg, vj, and κάύΐσμοί, -οίτοζ, το, (from χ,οίύίζω) a sitting, a seat. Υ^οίύίστά,ω, -ω, and κ,οίθίστΎΐμ^ι, f. koctu- στ'ήσω, p. κ,αβίστγικοί, pluperf. κύχ,ύίΐσττιχ,ξΐυ, 1 a. κβίτίστγισοί, 2 a. κ,χτίστνιι/, pres. pass. κοι,όίστοίμ,α,ι, 1 a. pass, κχτίστόίύϊΐν, (from κατά and ϊστά,ω or ΊστγιΐΛΐ) I place, bring or conduct to or set in a place; I constitute, appoint or ordain to an office ; with Ι'ττΙ following, I appoint or set over. When offices are well known, the fact of the appointment, and perhaps the characters to be appointed are specified, but the names of the offices are understood; thus Tit. i. 5. TcoiTuaTTio'^g Kccroi 9Γθλ;ν τΐξίσβυτί- ζονς, is an elliptical expression, the full meaning of which is, " ordain elders to be Bishops and Deacons in every city." In support of this interpretation, let the following passages in which the same word for *•' ordain " is used, and the expression is complete, be considered. 1 Sam. xviii. 13. κα,τίστΎΐσίυ α,υτου εαυτω χίλίχξχοι/, and "' ordained him to be his Captain over a THOUSAND." Luke xii. 14. τίς μ,ί κ,οίτίσ- TYias δ/καστ'^ί/ »j /^ίξίστ'ήΐ/ Ιφ' ύ/:ύα,ς ; " who hath ordained me to be a Judge or a Divider over you?" Acts vii. 10. κοίτίσ- τ-ησί» oiiiTou yiyovfjiiuou Ιττ Αι'γυτττοι/, "or- dained him to be Governor over Egypt;" verse 27. τίς as KXTiarmi» oiQxouTcc κ,οίΐ hicoiaTYiu lip' Tjf/.Ag ; " who ordained thee to be A Ruler and a Judge over us ?" Heb. vii. 28. i/ofcog γοίζ άνθ^ωττους καύίστγισιν ύξχίίξίΐς, " for the law ordaineth men to be High Priests." See also Rom. v. 19. 2 Pet. i. 8.; comp. the passage from Clem. Rom. under α,τΓόστοΆος, and see χίίξοτοι/ίύ). Κχύο, (from same and ό', ivhich) accoi'd- ing to that which, according to ivhat, accord- Koidohnyia, -a, (from same and ο^Ύΐγίω) I lead into the way, guide, lead down, lead bach. Κχύο^ος, 'ου, 6, (from same and 6h6g) a return. Κχύολϊκ,ος, -57, -6v, (from same and όλος) universal, general, catholic. Κΰίύόλον, (from same) at all. Κΰίύομαλίζύ), (from koctoc and όμοιλιζω) I level down, polish. Κΰίύο/ϋίλίω, (from same and of^iTiL•) I converse with, associate with, am familiar luith. Κοίύομ,οΤ^ογίω, -ω, (from same and ομ,οΚα- γίω) I confess, promise, j^l^dge, betroth. Κχύο'ΤΓλίζω, (from same and όττΆιξω) I arm well or all over. For another reading of Exod. xiii. 18. see under 7ci(/,'7rrog. Κχύοξάω, -ω, (from same and 6ξάω) I see clearly. Κιχ,ύοζμ^ίξύ), (from same and όξ,αιζω) I bring into harbour. KoiuoQ/^iov, -ου, TO, (from same and οζμ,ος) a necklace, collar, jewel. Κα,ύοσίόω, (from same and όσιόω) I ren- der pure or holy, co7isecrate. Kc&uoaou, or koc^' oaou, (from same and όσος) as much as. Κοίύότι, (from same and ο,τι) according to OY as, because. Κοίύνβξίξω, (from same and νβξίζω) I treat with insolence, scorn. Κύίύυγξοίίνω, (from same and vy^oiivu) I moisten down, soften. Κύύυγξος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and ύγξός) moist, wet, watery. Κάύυ^ζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ΰ^οίζ) fidl of water. Κΰίύυλχκ,τίω, (from same and ύλακ,τίω)! bark at. Κχβυμνίω, -ω, (from same and ύμ,υίω) I sing praise, celebrate. Κχύυττβξχκ,οντίζω, (from same and ύττεξ- ακ,οντίζω) I bolt over, swpass. Κοίύύτηξύε, (from same and υτπξύί) from above, above, uppermost, the upper side, the eastern side. Κχθυ7Τ{σχνίο/ϋΰίΐ, χ,αθυ'7Γΐσχο[ΛΛΐ, (from same and ύττισχ,υίομ,οίΐ^ I promise, engage. ΚοίύυτιτΑω, and κ,οίύυττυόύ), -ω, (from same and ΰττνόοϊ) I sleep, lie down. 'Kciuv7voK^iuof<,cci, (from same and ύττοχ,ζί- vof/^oct) I deceive, deceive by thcatncal ai'ts, or by a false appearance, j)ersonatc. Κχύυστίξίω, -ω, (from same and ύστί(ΐίω) I delay, come short, fail. Κα,ύυφ<ζίυύ), (from same and ύφχίι/ύ)) I weave together. Καύυψίγιμί, κα,ύυφίω, (from same and ύφίγιμι) I give ivay ίο, give up a right, 501 Κα^ώ;. A GREEK LEXICON. Κακκαω, abandon: κχόυφίίμαί, I abandon myself, despond. Κοίύως, κχύωσ-τηξ, (from same and o)g) ac- cording as, aSi when. Koil, and, also, even, though, or, yea, therefore, when : κχΐ ys, at least : κ,οίΐ δί, and moreover. Κοίίκ,ίΰίς, -ου, 6, Ccecias, the northeast wind. In the temple of the winds at Athens, they were reckoned eight, and were represented by suitable figures, as follows; Έυξος, southeast; ΆττηΤ^.ίωτγις, east; Κοακίοίς, northeast ; Βοξίας, north; 2x,si^cuu, northwest ; Ζίφνζος, loest ; Αι-ψ, southiuest ; 'Νότος, south. Κίϋίνίζω, f. -"ΐσω, Attic -ιω, (from κοαυος) I reneiu. KiZiulg, -ίίος, vj, (from Kociua) slaughter, murder, Κχο'όκ,οτος, -o\>, (from Kcciuog) recent, strange. ΚοίΐυοτΓα,ύζω, (from same and ττα,ύίω) I suffer strange things. . KoiiuoTroiurig, -ίοζ, β, V, (from preced.) newly suffered; recent, strange. Καινο'τττιγ'ης, Λος, 6, τ], (from κ,χινόζ and Tjjyiij) newly wrought, splendid. Κοανο'ττνι,ίίων, -όνος, 6, yj, (.from same and "TTvjjiccc) neivly afflicted, to whom affliction is new and strange, unaccustomed to calamity. Κκινοτΐοάύ), (from same and ττοάω) I make new, renew ; innovate, attempt what is 7iew. Κοιινο'π-οιγιττις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) ati inventor. Κοαι/οτΓοιΐοί, -ας, ί], (from same) innova- tion, revolution. Κα/νός, -ii, -ou, (from kuI νυν) recent, new. Καίνόσ'ΤΓου^ος, -ου, ο, v], (from preced. and στΓΒύ^ω) eager for novelty : καιι/όστιτουΐον, -ου, το, the love of novelty. Καιι/ότεξος, -oc, -ou, (comp. of κ,οίίνός^ newer: τΐ κ,αινότίζον, " something new," Acts xvii. 21. Έ^Λΐνότης, -τητος, vj, (from κ,οίίνος) new- ness. Κοίΐυοτο(Λίω, (from same and τίμ,νω) I work neiu mines, work a change, innovate. Κχιι/οτο^ίίχ, -χς, τ], (from same) i7ino- vation, improvement. Κχΐρότο^Λος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) one who discovers something new. Κοίίΐ/ότζοττος, -ou, (from xxiuoc and τξίττω) newly turned, strange. Κχίνουξγίύ), (from next) / do something new or strange. Κχινου^γός, -ου, 6, τ], (from κχιι/ος and ίξ- yov) one ιυΐιο does something neiu or strange, inventive : χ,χίΐιουξγον, το, invention. 502 Κχίνΰμχί, imp. ΐπ,χίνΰμγιν, (from next) / overcome, excel. Kxiua, 2 a. iKxuou, infin. κύνην, for κύ- us(u, I kill. Καΐ'π-ίζ, (κ,χϊ and ■rg^) though indeed. Κχίξίος, -ου, ο, v], (from κχίξος) seasona- ble, convenient, critical ; useful, beneficial ; ov fatal, mortal. Κχίξόίΐς, -ίσσχ, -si/, (from κ,χϊζος) well woven. Κχίξο/αόίΆω, or rather κ,χίξουομίύ), I di- rect by a seasonable impulse. Κχίζος, -ου, 6, time, season, opportunity : see χρόνος. Κχϊξος, -ου, ό, thread. ΚχίζοφυΤ^ΧΛίύ), κχΐξθφυ7>.χκτίω, f. -νισω, (from χ,χ{ζος and φυλάσσω) Ι watch the times, watch an opportunity. Κχίξόω, f. -ωσύ), (from κ,χϊζος) I weave. Κχίξωμχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a web. Κχίτοί, {κχΐ and τοί) and κ,χίτοιγί, {και, τοί, ys) though truly, though indeed. Κχίύ), f. κ,χυσω, p. κίκχυκ,χ, 1 f. pass. κ,χυύ^σομ,χι, p. pass. χ,ίκ,χυ[Λχι, 1 a. pass. ίκ,χύύϊΐν, 2 a. pass, εκ,χγιν; κ,χυύνίσωμ,χι, 1 Cor. xiii. 3. either for κχυθνισο^^χι, or κ,χυ- ύγ, 3 sing. sub. of 1 a. pass. See Wetstein and Griesbach. / burn, light. KxKXyys7\ia, (from κχκός and a,yyίλλω) I bring evil tidings. Kxκ,xyγί7^oς, or κχκ,χγγζ?\.τος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) announcing evil. Κχκ,χυ^ξίχ, -χς, vj, (from κ,χκος and xw^^) umnanliness, cowardice. Kxx.e7, (for κ,χΐ eKsl) and there. KxKsloeu, (for κ,χϊ IkuUsu) and thence^ and from that time. Κχκ,ίΊνος, (from κ,χι and έκ,ίΐνος) and he. KxKrj, -rig, ij, same as κχκ,ίχ. Κ.χκ.ϊΐγοζίω, (from κ,χκος and χγοζίω) I defame. Kxx,7iyoQlx, -χς, vj, x.xκ,riy6ξlou, -ου, το, (from preced.) calumny, defamation. Κχκτιγοζος, -ου, ο, ^, (irom same) a de- famer. Κχκίχ, -χς, 7], (from κ,χχ,ός^ malice, wick- edness, evil, affliction, calamity. Κχκίξω, f. -Ιίσω, (from same) I charge luith evil, vilify, upbi^aid: κ,χκ,Ιζο^ιχί, I am evil, vilify or disgrace myself. Κχκιστχ, (from superl. of κ,χκός) ivorst, in the basest manner, most wretchedly. Κχκιστίον, (from κ,χκίζω) ive must dis- grace. Κχκκ,χβχω, or κχκκχβίζω, (from next) / cry as a partridge ; hoot as an owl. Κχκκχβγι, -της, or κ,χκ,κχβις, -βος, v], a partridge, the cry of a partridge. Κχκκχω, or κχκχω, I case myself. Κακχ,ίίω. A GREEK LEXICON. Κοικκζίω, for κ,οίτακίίω, (from κοίτοί and κίο) I desire to sleep, am about to sleep. KuKKi^ocXij;, for κ.χτΰί κ,ίφαΐ^γις, against the head, on the head, headlong. Κάκκγι, -Υΐς, ij, (from κ,ί^κκόιω) dnng. Κχκκόζυύα, for κατά κ.όξνύχ, see κόξν;. Kccκκ.oζvφ'^ήu, for κ,α,τά. κοουφνιν, on the forehead. Κόίκόαίος, -ου, ο, v}, (from κα-Λος and βίος) living a wretched life. Κΰκ,ο'^ουλενω, (from same and βουΆ'ή) I plan evil, plot against. Κάκοζουλίχ, -cic, 7], (from same) evil counsel. KuKotovT^og, -ου, 6, vi, (from same) ill ad- vised. Έ.όίκο'/ά,ΐί/Λξύ:, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from κα,'/,ος and yet^e^oV) having a wretched son or brother in law, unhappy in connections by marriage. Κόίκογίίτωι/, -ovoc, o, vj, (from same and yi(Tau) having bad neighbours. Κΰίκ.ύγλύ)σσος, -ου, 6, τ), (from same and γΤ^ωσσοί) having an evil tongue, abusive, ill- boding. Κ.όίκο'/υωμ,ο)]/, -όνος, ο, v], (from same and yuafiti)!/) malignant. 'ΚόίκοοαιίΛονά,ω, (from κ,οίκο^αίμων) I am ivretched, mad. Κακο^οίίμονίω, (from same) I am unfor- tunate, miserable. KxKohaifioyix, -ας, ij, (from next) misery, madness. KccKohocif/Mu, -όνος, 6, tj, (from κακός and Ιχί/ίίω!/, which see) affiicted by an evil de- mon, ivretched, insane, infatuated : x,ccko^cx,i- μ,όνως, wretchedly, unhappily. Κόίκο^οζίύ), (from same and δόξα) / have a bad naine, am inglorious, or infamous. Κόίκοοο^ίοί, -α,ς, '/], (from same) infamy. ΚόίκύΙο^ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) infa- mous. Κάκόδο^λοί, -ου, 6, vj, (from κοίκος and ύου'Κος) a bad servant. KocKGst/^suu, -ouog, 6, ij, (from same and εΐμχ) ill clad. Κάκοίξίχ, -ας, yj, (from same and 'ί^ις) a bad habit of body, mind, or life ; vice, de- pravity. Κάκοίζγίω, (from same and 'i^yov) I do evil, make mischief. KoiKoepyix, -ας, τ}. Ion. KaKosQyel•^, (from same) evil doing, mischief making. Kΰίκoζξyός, or κακονξ'^ος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same) mischief making, malefactor. ΚάκοζγιλΙα, -ας, τ], (from κακό; and ξ'ί]. λος) evil emulation, envy. Κακόζγιλος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) zealous in evil, cherishing evil affections, depraved: κακόζη'Κον, -ου, το, an insipid composition, arising from an excessive desire of elegance. Καχόξίνος. Κακοζωΐα, or κακοζοία, -ας, vj, (from κα- κός and ζύ}'η) wretchedness of life, misery. Κακο'/ίθίΐα, -ας, vj, (from same and ήθος) evil manners or morals, malignity. Κακο'ήύ'/ις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same) of evil habits, depraved, malignant. Κακόύξοος, contr. κακόθξους, -ου, ό, vj, (from κακός and ^^L•)) uttered from ill will. Κακούυ/ϋία, -ας, 'ή, (from same and ^ν^ί,ός) bad teinper. Υ^ακοϊ'Κιος, -o'j, (from same and ΊλΙον) unhappy or wicked Ilium. Κάκοκίξοεία, -ας, 'ή. Ion. κακοκεζ^ίγι, (from same and κίξίος) base gain. Κακόκ^άμος, -ου, 6, y^, (from same and KUTjyyri) having bad legs. Κακοκξίσία, -ας, tj, (from same and κζΐ- σις) an unjust decision. KaKo\oyiuj, -ω, f. -'ήσω, (from same and λόyoς) I speak evil of, revile, abuse. KaK,o^oyia, -ας, v}, (from same) defama- tion. Kάκoλύyoς, -ου, 6, (from same) a defamer. Ι^ακό^αντις, -εως, 6, tj, (from κακός and μάντις) an evil prophet, evil boding. Κακοΐί^αχίω, f. -τ^σω, (from same and /αά- χγΐ) I fight ill, unfairly or timidly. Κακο/ίίίλετος, -ou, (from same and μίλος) doleful, ill boding. Κα-Λομ,ίτζίω, f. -'•ήσύ), (from same and μί- τζον) I give bad measure. Κάκομίτξος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same) giving bad measure ; inharmonious. Κακόμπης, -ιος, ό, τ], (from κακός and μ^τ/ς) evil designing, insidious. Κακομγιχαράω, (from same and μ^χαν^) I plot evil. Κακομγ,χαϋΙα, -ας, τ], (from same) an evil contrivance, machination. Κακομτιχαΐ/ος, -ου, ο, τι, (from same) evil planning, evil working. Κακό μούσ ιος, -ov, (from κακός and μούσα) influenced by evil songs. Κακόμοχθος, -ου, 6, (from same and μοχ- θος) labouring wickedly. Κακόν, -ου, τό, (from κακός) evil. Κακόνοια, -ας, yj, (from same and νους) ill will. Κακονομία, -ας, vi, (from same and νόμος) a bad system of laws. Κακόνομος, -ου, ό, 9], (from same) having bad laws. Κάκόνοος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from κακός and νους) evil minded. Κακόνυμφος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and νύμφ-ή) unhappy or wicked in the marriage state. Κακοξενία, -ας, τι, (from next) treachery to guests. Κακόζενος, or κακόζανος, -ου, ο, sj, (from 503 Κακβ*ά^ε/α. A GREEK LEXICON. Κάκτανζ. \\l ' ' κ^κ,ος and ζ,ίϋος) using guests ill ; having vile guests. KoiKOTroikiut, -ccg, 7}, (from next) a suffer- ing of evil, a bearing of affliction. Κοίκο'ττΰΐβίύ), -ω, f. -τισω, p. κ,5κ,χκ,ο-7Γάύγιχ,οί, 1 a. ζκίχ,κ,οττάύ'/ισΰί, (from κ,ακος and έ'ττοίύον, 2 aor. of 'ττάσγ,ω) I siffer evil or afflictions, am afflicted, sustain afflictions. 'Κά,κό'ττα,τξΐς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and TTUT'^^) born of a base father. Κοίκοττίνής, 4ος, 6, vi, (from same and ΐΐΊνος) sordid, wicked. Κοίκ,ο'ττοιίω, -ω, (from same and 'ττοάω) I do evil, ill treat. 'Κοίκο'ΤΓοίτησις, Ίος, Attic -ζως, 'ή, (from same and -ττοΊτ,σις) an evil deed, injury. Κοίκοττοιος, -ov, 6, v], (from same and ■ττοάω) an evil doer, malefactor, mischievous. Κάκοττοτ^ο?, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and •τΐότμ,ος) ill fated. ■ KecKOTTovg, -οίος, ό, v}, (from same and -τΓους^ having bad feet. ΚοίκοτΓζόίγίω, f. -7]σω, (from same and perf. mid. of ττξόίσσω) I siffer evil, am un- fortunate. Κοίκ,οττξΐχ,'/Ίοί, -etg, % (from same) evil dealing ; misfortune. Κ.οίκοττζίχ.γμ,ον&ω, f. -ν}σω, (from κ,οικ,ος and 7ΐτξοίγ(Λοί)Ι act wickedly ov perfidiously. 'Koix.o'Tir^ciyf/.OGvuYi, -γις, ^, (from same) malevolent offlciousness, perfidy. 'Κακ.ο'τνξύγμ,ων, -όνος, 6, τ], (from same) perfidious, engaged in pernicious measures. 'Κοίχ,ό'ττπζος, -ου, 6, i], (from κ,Λκ,ος and orrggov) ill winged, flying ill. 'Κ(χ,κορροίφί(χ., -α,ς, vj, (from same and ρά,τι-τω) an evil contrivance, machination. Κοίκορρημ,οσννη, -rig, ^, (from next) afotd discourse. Έ.οίκορρ'ηροων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from κ,α,κος and pi^fioc) evil speaking, evil boding. Κα,κ,ορροθίω, f. -νίσω, (from next and ρούίω) I raise an uproar against, abuse, slander. Κΰίκ,ος, -vj, -6v, (from χάζο), which from ens, to fail) cowardly, dastardly, faint hearted ; evil, wicked ; evil, afflictive, sore. 'Κοίκοσκ^Κ'^ς, -ίος, 6, % (from preced. and σκίλοί) having bad legs. Κοίκ,οσμος, -ou, (from same and όσμ,νι) yielding a bad smell. Κόίκ.όσ'ττΤίΰίγχνος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and σττλχγχνον) timid, fearful, coivardly. Κάκοστιτοζίχ, -οίς, vj, (from same and σττίίξω) bad sowing. Κοίκ,οστομίω, (from same and στόμα,) I use a bad mouth, reproach. Κοίκ,όστομος, -ου, ο, ί], (from same) foid mouthed, abusive ; of disagreeable sound, Κόίκ,όστξωτος, -ο;/, (from κ,χκ-ός and στ^οω) 504 ill furnished with beds, incommodious to re- pose in. Κοίκ,οσύνύέτος, -ou, (from same and συντί• βημι) ill composed, put together, or arranged. Έ^ΰίκοσχολΐω, f. -'ί^σω, (from same and Gyjih'/i) I have ill timed leisure. Κοίκ,οσχ,ολία., -Λς, % (from same) idle leisure. Κάκοσρ^ολο^•, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) caus- ing vexatious delay. Κα.κοτίχ,νίύΰ, (from κ,χκ,ος and τίχ,ν^) I contrive mischief. Κιχ,κ,ύτίχνίοι,{ΐΐΌΐη same) evil art, treach- ery. ^ ^ Κοίκότεχ,νος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same) given to evil arts, malicious. Κόίκότϊΐς,' -τητος, v}, (from κΛκός) vicious- ness, baseness, cowardice. 'Κακ,οτξοτηύομοίΐ, (from same and τξόττος) I deal treacherously ivith. Κόίκ,οτνχνις, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and τύχ,γι) happening ill, unfortunate. Κοίκ,ουζγίω, (from κ,οίκουζγος) I dq^evil. Κοίκ,ούο^γνίμα., -α,τος, το, (from preced.) a mischievous cunning deed. Κΰί}οουξγίΰί, -ocg, vj, (from next) mischief. Κΰίκ,ουξγος, -ου, ό, τ], (for κοίκ,όεξγος, from κακ,ός and ίξγον) an evil doer, malefactor. Κακ,ουχίύ}, -ω, f. -τ^σω, p. }θβκ,ΰίκούχγ}κ,χ, 1 a. pass, εκ,οίκονχ,νιύην, (from κακός and ίχοή I treat ill, maltreat, harass, afflict. Κίζκουχίΰί, -χς, τ], (from preced.) ill treat- ment, abuse ; evil possession, violation ; a bad state of body. Κοίκόφοίτίς, -ιίος, vj, (from κοίκός and φ^μι) ill spoken, ill boding. Κΰίκοφξόί^'ής, -ίος, ό, v), (from same and φ^ύ,ζω) evil designing or speaking. Κΰίκοφξονίύ), (from κχκόφξων) I am evil minded. Κ/ζκοφζοσννγι, -Υΐς, ^, (from next) malice, insanity. Κά,κ,όφξων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from κακός and φξ'ήν) having an evil mind, malicious, insane. Κα,κοφων'ΐΰί, -ας, ij, (from next) caco- phony, djisagreeaUe sound. Κακόφωνος, -ου, ό, v}, (from κακός and φωντΐ) having a bad voice or a disagreeable sound. Κακόχαξτος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and χαίζω) rejoicing in evil. Κακοχςτισμων, -όνος, ό, 5?, (from same and χςάύ)) accustomed to evil, depraved. Κακό-ψογος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and •ψίγω) opprobrious, insidtijig. Κακού), -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. ίκάκωσα, (from κακός) I evil entreat, abuse, hurt, disaffect, make disaffected or ill affected. Κάκτανί, for κατάκτανί, 3 sing. 2 a. of κατακηίνύ). Κα'λύνω. A GREEK LEXICON. Καλλ/ε?να/οί. KdKv'joj, f. -£/>&;, (from κχκ,ο;) I render base, debase: Kei:ταί, " they shall be called (i. e. shall be confessed or announced before an assembled universe) sons of God," Mat. v. 9. See also 1 John iii. 1, 2. ΚχλΥ}.τωξ, -οξος, ο, (from preced.) a caller. Κά,λϊά, -ας, τ], (from κα7ιον) a nest, cabin, cot. 'ΚαΤκ.Τάς, -ά^ος, v}, (from preced.) a cottage. Καλ/ί'δέώ), same as κυΆίν^ίω. Kάλhός, -vj, 'OV, (from y.ahoTj) wooden. Κάλλίί/δί, -.λΐ£ξ•^κ,οί, (from same and ίεξός) I sacrifice auspiciously ; mid. / make an acceptable offering for my- self Κοίλλίζνγ'^ς, -ig, (from same and ξνγος) fairly yoked. 'Koίλ7^ίζω'Joς, -oy,^, (from same and ζώνη) fair girdled Κοίλλ'ίβξ:ξ, -τξίχ,ος, 6, vj, (from same and 5^ίϋ, (from κάλλος) I excel in beauty or strength. Καλλίστέφόίνος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and στέφανος) adorned with beautiful garlands. Κχλλίστος, -ij, -ov, (superl. of κ,χλος) most beautiful, fair, excellent: κάλλιστα, adv. very well, best, most excellently. Κα,λλίσφνξος, -ου, 6, {}, (from same and σφυζά) having beautiful ankles. Κχλλίίτοξος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and τόξον) having a fine bow, excelling in ar- chery. Έ.α,λλ^ιφίΎγν\ς, -koc, o, '^, (from same and φ^yyoς^ beaidifidly bright. ΚοίλλΙφόογγος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and φύόγγος) sounding sweetly, melodious. Καλλ7φλοξ, -ογος, ό, τι, (from same and φλοζ) shining ivith a bright flame, consuming favourably. Κα,λλίφυλλος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and φύλλον) having beautifid leaves. Κοίλλιφωνία, -οίς, v], sweetness of voice, melody. From Καλλίφωνος, -ov, 6, vj, (from καλός and φωνή) having a fine voice. Καλλϊχ,οξος, -ov, 6, v), (from same and χ,ο- ξός) holding elegant assemblies, festive ; an elegant dance. Κχλλϊων, or καλλ'ίων, ov, (comp. of κα- λός, see p. 20} better, fairer, more beautiful. 'Καλλονή, καλλοσννγι, -ης, v], and κάλλος, -εος, -ονς, τό, beauty, comeliness, gracefid- ness. Κάλλννύ^ον, or κάλλνντξον, -ov, το, (from next) a7i ornament ; a branch. Καλλνυω, f. -ΰνω, (from κάλλος) I adorn. Καλλωττίζω, f. -Ίσω, 1 a. raid, ίκαλλωττι- σάι^ην, p. pass. κίκαλλω-πισίΛΛί, (from same and ώ5ψ) / adorn, embellish. 1 ^mmgm Καλλωνίΰμος. A GREEK LEXICON. Καν Καλλο)'7ησμ6ς, -ου, ο, (from preced.) ele- gance, embellishment. ΚοίΆΆωτηστΥις, -ου, ο, (from same) one fond of adorning his person, a fop. ΚοίΧΚωτιτίστξΐχ, -ας, 7), (from same) a woman too fond of dress. Καλο^ίΟίάσκίχλος, -ου, ό, (from κχΆος and οί'^άσκ,ιχ.τ^ος) a teacher of what is good, or a good teacher. 'Ka'hoyic&ycc&ioi, -Λς, v}, (from κ,αλός, x,ui and dyccuog) honour and probity. KetT^oKucyotuiiKOg, •% -oi/, (from same) fair and honourable. Κχλον, -ου, το, dined ivood, timber. ΚάλοτΓέδίλον, -ου, το, (from preced. and 'TFihi'KQ'j) fetters, shoes, or clogs of wood. Κοί'Αοττοίΐο), -ω, (from next and ττοίίω) I do ivell, act honourably. Καλός, -71, -6u, (from κάλλος) good, fair, beautiful, useful, convenient. Κάλος, -ου, and χ,ά,λως, -oi, ό, (see p. 7) a cable. ΚάλτΓΥι, -Υις, κ,άλ^τΐΐς, -ί6ος, τ), (for κ,α?^ΰ- '7ΐ'/\) α covering of shin, an urn, bucket. Κόίλΰβη, -yig, h, (from καλύτΐτω) a cover- ing, shelter, hut: -/,α-λύβιον, -ου, το, a small cot. Καλύκωσίς, -£ως, vj, a small flower, rose. Κά,λυμμ,Λ, -α,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of καλύτιττύ)) a covering, veil. This word is understood (in some copies it is added) in 1 Cor. xi. 4. [κ,άλυ[Λ^.α] χ,οι,τοί κζφοίλτίς sxuju; a similar ellipsis occurs in Esth. vi. 12. Κΰίλυ^, -νκ,ος, ^, (from κα^^ύτττω) a flower not yet opened, a bud, that in which any thing is covered and hid, a shell. ΚαλυτΓΤ'ήξ, -ϊΐζος, 6, (from next) a cover- ing. Κόίλυ'τττός, -'/ι, -ou, (from καλύτιττω) co- vered. Κά,λΰτ: TQC ■ας, or καλυτττζίη, --ης, vj, (from next) a covering, a veil. Καλυ'τζτύ), f. -"^ω, p. κ,ίχ,άλυφα, 1 a. ίκ,ά- λυ-^α, 2 a. εκάλυβον, 1 a. pass, ίκαλύφβνιν, p. pass. KZKctKvy.ij.ai, I cover, hide, shade, cover with shame, reproach. Kaλ■^ciί•Jύ), f. -auu, I plan, forge, am cm- ployed about, am deep in thought. KaAUoiO'j, -ου, το, (from χ.άλο? or κ,άλύίς) a little cable, a rope, a cord. Καλώς, (from κάλος) well, right, let it be so. Κα/χακ1ι/ός, -% -ou, (from next) inade of a stake. Κώ,46α|, -οίκος, τ], a stake on which vines ivere trained, pole, shaft, staff, spear. Καμ,ά^α, -ας, 7), an arch or vault: the rounded roof of any walled space, though not constructed on the principle of the arch. Κα/ίίασϊίΐ/ξς, -ων, oi, fishes. ΚαΐΛάτΎΐζος, -a, -ov, (from next) weari- some ; fatigued. Κάματος, -ου, ό, (from κάμυω) labour, fatigue ; pain, distress. Καματόύο-ης, -so?, 6, 7j, (from same) caus- ing weariness, harassing. KayJ, (for και ϊμί) and me, me also. Κάμ•^λο7τά,(}οαλις, -ίως, τ], (from next and 'ττάοίαλίς) the giraffe or camelopard. Καμνιλος, -ου, 6, (b?33) a camel. Καμιναίος, -aia, -alou, (from κάμινος) belonging to afoirnace. Κάμ,ϊι/έυττίξ, -'ΚζΟζ, καμιυζυτνις, -ου, 6, (from next) a man who works at a furnace. Καμϊυος, -ου, ό, τι, (for καύμινος from Kaioj) a furnace, forge, kiln. ΚαμΤνω, -όος, -ους, tj, (from preced.) a woman that luatches a kiln : γς•/-ίί /,αμ,ιυοΐ, " a withered hag begrimmed with smoke/' Od. 2', 27. Cowper. Καμμ,0!/1α, -ας. Ion. καμμ.οι/Γ/ι, -της, Vi, (from καταμ,ον'ή) perseverance, victory by perseverance. Κάμμοξος, -ου, ό, τ], for κακόμ,Οξος, un- fortunate. Καμ,μύω, f. -ύσω, p. κζκάμμυκα, 1 a. ίκάμμ.υσα, (for καταμΰύ)) I shut, close the eyes. Κάμνω, f. καμ,Ζ), p. κίκά-μνικα, contr. κίκμγικα, 2 a. ίκάμου, 2 a. sub. κάμω, I labour, am fatigued, am sick. Καμ^οΙ, (for καΐ ϊμοί) and to me, to me also. Καμττίσϊγυιος, -ov, (from κάμ.'τΐτω and yυ'iov) bending the limbs, fatiguing. Καμ'ΤΓΤΐ, -τις, τι, (from κάμτ^τοή a bending, a corner, a joint. Κάμ'π-η, -γις, 7j, (from same) a caterpillar, palmerivorm. Κάμττ'ίμ.ος, -vi, -ov, (from same) bending. Καμττττι^, -τ^ξος, 6, (from same) a turn- ing, goal. Καμτττός, -ου, 6, τ], (from next) flexible. Κάμτττω, f. -•ψω, p. κίκαμ,φα, 1 a. εκαμ,- \pci, 1 a. pass. Ικάμφύην, I bend. Καμ,ττυλοίΐΜς, -ίς, (from next and ίϊοος) curved. ΚαμτΓύλος, -ή, -ou, (from κάμ.νττω) bent, arched. Καμ-ψάκγις, and κα-ψάκης, -ου, ό, (from κάμ.-ψα or κ.ά-ψα, a case, chest, box, or bag; which from κάμτττω) an oil vessel, a cruse. Κίΐμ\Ρ'ί7τους, -οοος, 7j, (from κάμ'τττω and ττους) bending the feet, quick, i-apld, rapa- cious, an ejnthet of the Furies implying their eager pursuit of prey. Κάμ^Ρίς, -ί'^ς, τ], (from κάμ-πτω) a bend- ing. K4v, (for και iau) and if, also if, even if, if but, at least, even though, although. 507 Κανανίτης. A GREEK LEXICON. Kuhjxv/ttis, 'OVy 0, Canaamte seems not the proper English of this word, which, if derived ^ from Xavfitai^, should be ^iccvoiv- α.7ος; neither does it import, as some think, a native of Cajia in Galilee, for then it should have been Κα,^ίτης, or Kaualog; it is most likely derived from KDp, and used by Matthew and Mark as of the same im- port with ξηλατ'^ις, a zealot; the word ap- plied by Luke to the same person. Com p. Mat. X. 4. and Mark iii. 18. with Luke vi. lb. and Acts i. 13. Κα,νόίχίω, f. -'ήσο), and Άανοίγ,ίζω, (from next) I resound, ring, rustle, patter, clash. Κα,^όίχγι, -ης, h, (iVom Dor. άχγι for νιχνι, with a prefixed repetition, such as άχαχτι, xaccxYj, -ΛΛΆχν,, and at last with ν inserted between the vowels) an echoing, clanging, clashing, gnashing, trampling, rustling, any Κα'ττξάω. Κα,νΰίχγιΟιχ, κ,οίνα,χγ^ου, (from preced.' aloud. ' Υ^ά,νΙΰΤ,ος, -ov, o, a preparation of oil, milk, cheese and honey. Kcivlvg, -vog, o, a scarlet coat tuorn hy the Persian nobles. Kcc'ysoi^, κα,ναο]), contr. χοίνουυ, -ου, το, and :caur.g, -τ.τος,^ 6, a basket, plate, dish. Κκ^ηφοοίω, (from preccd. and φίοω) I carry a basket. Κών/ιφόξος, -ου, 6, vj, Dor. Άοίνο^φόρος, (from preced.) bearing a basket. Κάΐ'ύίΖξος, -ου, 6, τίοιυύοίξίς, ^ίίος, i], a beetle, the scarabceus ; a cantharus or goblet. Και^ό'ήΤ^ια., -uu, τ a, panniers ; and ^ocvUTiKiov, 'ου, το, the skin of an ass ; from ΚαϋύγιΤ,ζος, -cc, -ov, (from χά,νύων) of a beast of burden. Koiuuog, -ου, 6, the corner of the eye, the iron ivhich bounds a ivheel, felloe. Κάνύων, -uuog, o, a beast of burden; a great ass. Kauv^, or y.auun, -Yig, i (from Π3ρ) a reed, cane, mat. K^vuafihog, -Yi, ou, (from next)^a^-£'w. Kauuxfiig, -ihog, OV -log, v], hemp, flax. Κχνί'χβξον, κά,νβίθξον, -ου, το, Kduau^oc, -ag, Vi, a wicker cart. Koίuouίξω, f. -/ffij, (from kccuco:^) I regulate, direct. KavouUog, -τ,, -ou, (from same) canonical, qualified to officiate. Kauoulg, -ilog, yj, (from same) a rule to lorite by. Υ^αυον ιστίου, (from Άοι,ϋουΊζω) it is neces- sary to regulate. Kocuovu, -ου, το, see jcecuso:/. Kccvau, -ovog, 6, (from Kcii/ucc) a rod, or any iking straight used as a ruk or standard 508 for measuring, adjusting, or weighing; a measure, a rule of conduct, a boundary: me- taphorically applied to christian doctrine. Gal. VI. 16. Phil. iii. 16. Hence, canon, tor the acknowledged catalogue of the holy scriptures. Kocjoiviug, -iωg, or -ijog, poet. -e7og, or -^jog, 0, Capaneus: KoiTrccuyi'ioihc, -ου, 6, son ofCapaneus: Kiz'Trocuvihg, -ov, of Capaneus. Κάττε/τΛί, adv. for χ,χΐ sWrci, and then, next,in the second place. Kή^£τog, -ου, ο, (from σκχτττω) a ditch. ΚάτΓΥ], and KoiTrccwn, -r.g, i,, (from κά,τττύ}) a manger, fodder. KuTrn-Kilog, -as, -ou, (from ^aTrrfhog) of a victualler or vintner: kgcttvi^sU, -otg, ^, the business of a victualler or vintner: κα,ττνί^Η- Qu, -ου, το, a place where provisions are sold. Κα-πηΤ^ίνω, f. -ξύσω, (from same) / sell victuals, keep a tavern; I make again of any thing, especially by adulterating it with heterogeneous mixtures, as vintners their wmes; I corrupt, 2 Cor. ii. 17; / retail, Msch. Theb. 541. ού κ,α,τΓ-η-Κίύσίΐν μ,ά,χγιν, he will fight not by retail, but by wholesale. Others understand it, he will not make war a gainful trade: as Ennius, in Cic. de Offic. L 1£. "Nee cauponantes helium, sed belli- gerantes.'* ^ci'TtYiKUog, -Vi, -ov, (from next) of a vint- ner: Kccnr-fiT^iKoig, like a vintner. Y^oiTViriKog, -ου, 6, an innkeeper, victualler, vintner, huckster. KccTTi, for Kcci iTTi, and upon. Κάτι-Μξίος, for fcxt hTTililiog, and skilful. Κα,ττίύη, -Yig, % (from Trieog) a Persian measure containing two Attic chcenices. Κα,ττυιάω, f. -ά,σω, (from icocrrvog) I fume with anger. Koί^uίζύ), f. -"ίσω, 1 f. pass. KotTruiaOmo- μ,οίί, κ,οίτιτνίύ), and x.cx.Trviloj, (from same) / smoke. Κΰί-^υοΙόχη, and xci'?ryr„ -ng, ij, (from next and Ιίχομ,οίΐ) a receiver of smoke, a chimney. KoiTTvog, -ου, 6, (from κ^αίω and cri/ojj) smoke ; a trifle. KtzTTuoti), f. -άσω, (from preced.) 1 turn to smoke, reduce to ashes. ^ KoiTrucul-zig, -iog, 6, 5j, and KOiT^vrikog, -tj, -ou, (from preced.) smoky. KxTi-og, -ω, e. Dor. for ■A,~r,'7i;og, a garden. KUTTTrciqig, -sag, vj, the caper bush or fruit. 'Koi'TT'TiiViou, for κατά '^tliov, through the plain. KtzTTTreaou, 2Eol. for κοίτέττεσον, 2 a. and KM7Γ^sσίτγlu, Ion. for κχτξττίσάτην, 3 dual 2 a. of κ,οί,τχτΓίι,-τω. Κοί-π-ξάω, or κα•χ^ίζομα.ί, (from κά-,τζοξ) I act like a boar, play the wanton. KacTP/og. A GREEK LEXICON. ■7:i y-oio^ for έττ; χ,οι,- Κά'ΤΓξίος^ -Si, -ου, (from next) of a boar. Κύττζος, -ου, ο, a boar ; Lat. aper. Κάίττώ,ί. -4'ώ.•, I eat, bite; also, I breathe, blow. Κοί-ττυζίζω, (from next) 7 crackle. KoiTrupoc, -cc, -0!/, for κ.Λ'Ρτττνοός, and this for KniTccTrvoo;, burning, parched; bright, clear, cheerful. Κα^, -Aooc, 6, a small piece of money : a kouri. Kdocc, TO, also κ,άοα, -οις, or κΰίξνι, -τ,ς, '/], the head, top, summit: ζΛ, on the head, headlong Κάξΰίβος, -ου, 6, a lobster, cr ay fish. Καοαοοκίω, -ω, f. -7}acu, p. -r,Kcc, (from κ,άοΛ and δοκάω) / expect or look for, as with stretched out neck and raised head. ΚχοαΙοκία^ -α,ς, vj, (from preced.) expec- tation. Τία,ζοί,νιστνίζ, -^οος, κ,ιχ,ρκυιστνις, -ου, 6, (from κάοηνου) a headsman, executioner. Κά.ξΰϊυον, Dor. for κ,^ζηνον. Κάξόίνος, -ου, 6, for κοίζά,νος. KccQocuoa, f. -άσύ}, (from κ.άοα) I bring to a head, fulfil, terminate. Kcc^ocToyAa, f. -'-5176;, (from same and τί/ίο- νω) I behead. Kci2oir6f/.og, -ου, 6, % (from same) cutting off the head: καξάτο/κ,ος, having the head cut off. Κύξβάνος, -ου, ο, 'ή, barbarous. Κχζβιχ,σχ, or κ,χζτϊόίσχ, -ων, τά,, thin linen sail. Κΰίζβατ^αι, -a'j, oil, coarse clumsy shoes. Κοίζοχ^ίογλΰφος, -ου, ο, τ], (from next and "/^,ΰφω) one who scrapes cresses, niggardly, avaricious. Ka,^ooif/^o!/, -ου, TO, and Kccphdiiioc, cresses. KccQOxua^uov, -ου, ro, (from preced. and όίμύ)/ϋον) cardamomum, grains of paradise. Koi^'icc, -ας, or κ,οχ^ίτί, -r,g, 7}, (from Kiccp) the heart or mind including un- derstanding, will, memory, intention, affec- tion, desire, conscience ; the middle or inner piart of a man including the stomach and bowels, as well as the heart ; the middle or inner part of any thing ; as, καοοίχ ττ,ς γτ^ς. Mat. xii. 40. Kci^^ioyjojcrrig, -ου, &', (from preced. and '/νωστγις) one who knoiveth the hearts. Κχξ^ίουΤ'.κ.ίύ}, f. -τισω, (from same and £λ- κω) I draw or tear out the heart. ΚχξΟίοφύτ^Άξ, -ά,Άος, ό, (from same and φΰλΛ^) a breastplate. KccQOioa, 1 a. eKSi^^lcuacc, (from κοίζΖίοί) I move or affect the heart. ΚάξΟο'ΤΓος, -ου, 6, a kneading tub. ΚύξΥί, -//f, 7], see χ,ά,ξοί. Κά,ξπχς, K»o7]XToc, contr. κχζίητος, το, the head. Καξ^ο^οιΙς. Κχζτηβχξίω, (from preced. and βάξος) I am heavy headed. Κχοηβχζίχ, -χς, 7], (from same) stupor, dizziness. Κχβ-^κο/ίίχω, (from κχξΐη and χόμη} I have long hair : nom. pi. pres, part, kxqyi- Kcf/.xouTsg, contr, κ,χξ/ικομ,Ζντίς, whence Kx^rr/coi^ooiurig, the long haired Greeks. KxfjY^uou, -ου, το, a head, top, summit. Κχξίοχοιον, -ου, το, (from κχζϊς) a little shrimp. ΚχΡίοόω, f. -ωσω, (from next) / tiuist the body like a shrimp. ΚχοΙς, -βος, 7], (from κχξγι) a shrimp. Κχοκ,χίζύ), (from κχξχχξος) I make a harsh noise like a saw, or a hollow sound like that of the trampling of horses on dry ground, sound, crack. Κχξκϊΐ/ος, -ου, 6, a crab, the sign cancer, a pair of pincers, a trap or snare. Κχξκίνωμχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) the cancer. Κχξ^.ΥιΆος, -ου, ο, (bnis) Carmel, a fruit- ful field. Κχξ!/β7ο;, -ου, ό, an epithet of Apollo, from Carneus a Trojan, or from Carneus the son of Jupiter and Europa : x,x^!χ, -χς, tj, (from same) fruit- bearing. Κχξττοττοίός, -ου, ο, ''7τωσοΐ!,, 1 a. mid. SKoi^TTaadf^Yju, (from κ,/ζξττός) I render fruitful; I pluck the fruit ; I offer the fruit or inc7'ease in sacrifice. Ka^TTiy^oi, -α.τος, το, and Λάζ7Γύ}σις, -ίως, 7], (from preced.) an oblation, victim, sacri- fice, enjoyment of fruit, sacrifice for off- spring. Κοίζ'ΤΓατός, -% -ou, (from κοίξ-π-ος) dyed with fruit, of divers colours, embroidered ; also, made so as to reach the wrist or ankle, viz. a robe. Καρρΐξω, for κ,χτχβρίζω, or κ,οίΤΰίζέζω. Κάβρον, -ου, το, a car, cart, chaise. "Κάρρωί/, -όνος, 6, 7j, Dor. for κ,ξίίσσωι/. Έ.άξσιος, -ex,, -ov, oblique. Κάζτα, for xccQTSoc, (from κ,άξτος) forci- bly, very, greatly. ΚοίξταίτΓους,-οΙος, o,(from same and ττους) strong footed. Κά,ξΤΰίΤ^λος, -ου, ο, (from κ,άξτος) a basket. Κχςτίξχίχμγις, -ου, 6, (from κα,ζτίζος and ou%yA) brave in war. ΚοίξΤίξίύ), -ω, f. -^σύ), p. κίχ,ίΧ,ζτίζτίΛα,, 1 a. Ικ,ΜΡτίξΥΐσχ, and καζτε^όω, (from κ,χξτί- ςος) I endure, persevere, persist with strength and courage. Κοίξτίζίχ, -χς, h, (from same) perseve- rance, fortitude, patience. Κΰίξτίξίκ,ός, -VI, -ov, (from same) capable of enduring or persevering, patient. Καζτίξοβξόντγις, -ου, ό, (from same and βζονττι) loudly thundering. Υ,.ο(,(ταοούϋμ.ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and ^υμός) strong in mind, resolute. Κοίζτίξός, -χ, •6ν, (from κάζτος) strong, b?'ave. 510 Κοίξτζξόχίΐξ, -ος, ό, ΐη, (from preced. and %ίΙζ) strong handed, powerful. Κ.ά.ξτιστος, -τη, -ov, for κ,ξά,τιστος. Κα,ξτός, -yj, -ov, (from κ,ίίξύή shorn, sha- ven, split. Κάξτος, -£ος, το, (from κ,ξχτος) strength, courage. Κοίξτϋνο), f. -ύνω, (from preced.) / strengthen, confirm; enforce, urge, L•unch with firm hand ; fence, protect. Κΰίξύοί, -ΰίς, V], (from Ka.oc&) any fruit with a hard shell, a walnut tree or fruit, a nut, almond, chesnut. Κχζυά,τίς, -ί^ος, v], a festival in honour of Diana, called Caryatis, from Caryum in Laconia : κ,α-ξυχτίζω, I dance, in celebrat- ing this festival. Κα^υΐνος, -τι, -oi/, (from x-ccrjox) of walnut, nut or almond. Κοίξυί'σκ,ος, -ου, ο, (from same) a little nut, an almond. Κΰΐξυκ,ζύω, (from next) / season, sweeten. Καξϋκγι, -ης, vj, xoc^Okov, -ου, το, κ,χξυκείχ, -Άς, Υί, minced meat, seasoning, sauce. Κοίζυκ,ίνός, a colour supposed to be deep red. Κοί,ξυζο'ΤΓΟίύύ), (from κ,χξύκ,Ύΐ and ττοιία} I make sauce, season with fair words. Κχξυκοττοίός, -ου, ο, ^, (from preced.) one who makes sauce or sweetmeats. ΚΰξυΒ, -υκος, ο. Dor. for κτίξυζ.' Κίίξυον, -ου, το, the same as χ,οίξύχ. Ίίίζρΰσσω, for κ,-ηξύσσω. ΚαξφόίΆίοζ, -cc, -ou, (from next) dry, hol- low, husky, making a harsh or hollow sound. Κάξφγι, -γις, vj, (from κ,ά^φω) chaff, wi- thered grass, hay, straw. Κχ^φηξος, -ά, -oV, (from preced.) o/" cAq/f", hay, straw. Κχξφολογίύ), (from next and Τ,ίγω) I pick chaff, or a7iy thing d7y a7id light. Κά,ξφος, -εος, -ους, το, (from next) a7iy thing d?y a7id light, straw, stubble, chaff, a spli7itcr, a mote, a sjnall fragment plucked off. Κά,ζφω, f. --ipo), I d7n/, cause to shrivel or wT-inkle : κά^φο^ί^οιι, I ivither. Κοίζχύίλίος, -ci, -ov, for κ,οίζφ ούριος. Έ^χ^χόίξοοους, -οντος, 6, '/}, (from next and ο^ούς) having sharp teeth like a saw. Κχξχόίξος, -ου, ό, Vj, (from χοίξάσσο)) ι rough, sha7p, fierce. I Υ^α.ογ;ϊ]^ονίάζω, (from next) I favour the \ Ca7'thaginians. i ΚοίξχηΙόνιος, -ου, ό, v), (from next) Car- thagi7iian. Y^ocQ^y^oiv, -όνος, 6, Ca7'thage. Κΰίζχ,τισίον, -ου, το, a hole ov pulley in the mast of a ship ; also a sailya7'd. Κάξωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, η, (from kccqo;) a deep sleep, d?-owsiness, lethai'gy. Κα^ωπκλί A GREEK LEXICON. Κα,τοίβξύχω, ΚϋΡύΐτϊκόζ, -'ή, -oV, (from same) soporific. Κ<χ,σΛΆβχζω, (from next) / assail or re- vile like a strumpet, Κα,σαΆβχς, -άοος, ΟΓ κασάλ/Β/?, --/ις, and KaaaoCy Ύις, i], (from κ,άίζύ)) a harlot. Κάσας, -ου, 6, a cloak used in riding. Κασχνξίο:^, or κα,σα,υζζϊον, -ου, το, (from κάξίύ) a brothel. Koiaioc, and κοίσσίχ, -α,ς, τι, cassia. Kaaiyu'/jTYi, --ής, vj, an own sister. From Κασίγν/ΐτος, -ου, 6, (from next and ytuo- μχή an own brother. Κάσίζ, -ίος, 6, 71, (for yaaig from yuo)) a brother or sister. Κάσσα, -Ύΐς, 'ή, a harlot. Κασσίτβζος, -ου, ό, (from preced. in allu- sion to its meretricious or false appearance of silver) tin, white lead. Κασταλία, -ας, '/;, Castalia, a fountain sacred to the Muses at Delphi: Καστάλις, -ίοος, vi, of Castalia : Καστακί^%ς, αϊ, the Muses. Καστόζίον, or καστό^ίΐοί/, -ου, το, a drug: τα καστόζίΐα, odoriferous glands in the groin of the beaver. From Κάστωρ, -οζος, ό, the beaver. Κάσχίύί, for κ,ατίσχίθ^, 3 sing, imperf. of χ,ατασχ,ίύύ). ΚασωζΙς, -ίοος, τ], (from κάζω) a courtezan. Κατά, for }cat sItx, and thus, and then. Κατά, (probably from yAo) or κ,άο), I lay or /ay dow7i) primarily signifies place where an object is hjing or laid down; line of direction along which a thing tends or is situated ; along, against, according to, down. See p. 107. Although κ,ατά when it go- verns the genitive, is generally said to sig- nify against, yet it sometimes has merely the signification of the genitive, viz. of or concerning, whether it be for or against ; as Ύαυτα μ,ϊν Sjj κατά TrauTOju Τίίξσων εχ;ο- fAVj T^iyiiv, These things, indeed, we have to say of all the Persians. Κυζουτταί^. A'. "Or; Ιμ,αζτυοΫΐσαμ,ίϋ κατά του &ίου. Because we have testified of God. 1 Cor. xv. 15. Καταβαο -^u, in or while descending. From ΚαταβαΙνύ), {κατά and βαίι/ω) I come down, descend. Καταβακχίόο{Λαι, (from same and Βάκ- γ,ος^ I perform the orgies of Bacchus, am frantic. Καταβάχκω, (same and βάχκω^ I cast or th?Ow down; mid. I lay down, lay as a foundation. ΚαταβάτΓτα, (same and βά'τττω) I dip, tinge, imbue. Καταβϋξ^, -0), (same and βαοίο)) I weigh doivn, burden, opjjress. Καταβαονί/ω, (same and βαζΰνύή the same as preced. Καταβάσιος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from next) de- Κατάβάσις, -ζως, '/ι, and καταβασμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from καταβαίνω) descent, lower part. Καταβατέον, (from same) it is necessary to descend. Καταβάτγις, -ου, ο, (from same) a de- scender. Καταβ^ίλύσσοιίίαι, {κατά and β^ζΚύσσο- μ,αι) I subject to abowAnable or abhorred servitude. Καταβφαίωσις, 'Sag, vj, (same and βφαί- ύ)σις) confirmation. ΚαταβββλακΒυμ,ίνως,{ΪΓθΐη same and βλχ- . Ksoa) sluggishly. Κατάβγ,μ,ί, (same and β^ι^ί) I come down. Καταβιάζύ), (same and βιάζω) I compel by force. Καταβιβάζω, (same and βι^άζω) I cause to come down, bring down. Καταβιβξωσκω, καταβοόω, (same and βίβζωσκω) I swallow down, devour. Καταβίόω, -ω, (same and βίόω) I pass my life. Κάταβλάτττω, (same and βλάτττω) I injure, hurt, cause loss or damage. Καταβλίττω, (same and βλίττω) I look down, look back, look upmi. ΚαταβΤκηχ,άοΐΛαι, (same and βλγιχ^άο(Λαί) I bleat. Κάταβλωσκω, (same and βλωσκω) I come down to, pass through. Καταβοάύ), -ω, (same and βοάω) I cry, cry against. Καταβο'/ι, -νις, καταβό•/ισις, -ίως, Vj, (from preced.) a crying, a clamour against. Κάτάβολ'/ι, -τις, 'ή, (from καταβάλλω) a casting or laying down, a foundation. Καταβασκίύ), -ω, {κατά and βοσκίω) I feed upon, eat up, consume. Καταβόστζΰχος, -ου, ο, tj, (same and /3οσ- τ(ΐυγβς) having pendent locks, hairy. Καταβζαβίϋύ), (same and βξαβεύω) I de- fraud or deprive of the prize in a public game, I judge against, or condemn unjustly, I unjustly assume the power of judging against another. Col. ii. 18. Καταβραχ,ύ, (from same and β^αγ,υς) by degrees, after a little. Κάταβ()ίχ^ω, (same and βφχω) I wet, shower down upon. Κάταβζϊθω, (same and βξίύω) I weigh down. Καταβ(ίοχ,'η, -τις, vj, (same and β^^οχ,'ή) ir- rigation, moistening. Καταβζό-χ,ο), καταβζοχ,ύΐζω, (from same and βζόχθος) I swallow down, devour. ΚάτάβζΰκΜ, (same and βούκω) I de~ vour. 511 Κατάβξωμα, A GREEK LEXICON. Καταδί^,ς. Κοίτάβξωμΰί, -ecToc, το, (same and βξω /ica) meat, food. Κα-τά.βζωσις, -ιος, Attic -sag, tj, (same and βζωσις)/οοά, a feeding upon, devouring. 'Κα,τα,βζ^ύίσκ,ω, and κ,ίχ,τοίβζ^όω, (same and βξωσκ,ω) I feed upon, devour. Κοίταβυύίζω, (same and βυύίζω) I im- merse, drown. 'Κοίτά.γοί,ίος, or •Λ(Χ,τά.γΐΐος, (from same and yeiifit) towards the ground, lower, under ground. KciTciyyiT^ivg, -iog, 6, (from xoircjyysAAiy) a proclaimer, publisher, preacher. ,- KarotyysTCia, -Λς, ί], announcing, pro- claiming. From 'Kaτc■',γyk7Chω, (from κ,οίτά, and άγγζΚΚω) I declare plainly, openly, or aloud, proclaim, publish, preach. Κ.οίτά,γγί7^τος, (from same) announced. ΚατχγέλΆστος, -ου, 6, τι, (from next) ri- diculous: κ,οίτίΛγίλά,στω;, ridicidously. }ζ.ατιχ,γί7\.<χω, -u, (κχτά, and ye'hao}) I laugh at, deride. Κόίτά,γίλως, -ωτος, ό, (from preced.) de- rision, a laughingstocJc. Κατχγέμω, {xccto. and yif^cd) I fill, am full. Κΰίτόίγγΐζάσκ.ω, (same and ' γνιοχσκύ)) I groiu old. Κΰίταγιγοί^τίζύ), (from same and γίγαξ- τον) I squeeze out the grape stone. Κίϋτα-γίζω, Ion. for κ,οίύΰίγίζω, f. -'ίσω, Attic κ,χτοίγία, (from κ,α,τά, and άγίζω) I consecrate. Κόίτα,'^ϊνίω, Att. form of κ,οίτύγω, 1 bring or carry doiun. Υ.οιταγΊνο[^α.ι, κείτα,γίγνομ,α,ι, {χ,α,τά and yii/oy.Ki) I am,, abide, dwell upon. Καταγίυύίσκ,ω, (same and γί^σκ,ω) I de- cide against, condemn, blame. Κκταγ'Κχΐζω, (from same and άγΆα'ίζύή I shed doiun lustre upon. Κόίτκγ7^ωττίζύ),{ΐγοτΏ same and γΤ^ωττχ) I use the tongue against, talk down ; also, gloze over with the tongue, lusciously compose. Κατα^λώττ/σ^ί», -οίτος, το, (from pre- ced.) a luscious kiss, delicate morsel. Κόίτχγ'λωττος, -ou, (from same) luscious. KctTiiy^ot, -οιτος, το, (from κ,οίτάγω) a thing torn or clipped off, a lock of τυοοί. 'Καταγνά'πτο), (κ,οίτά, and γνάτττω) I card wool, dress cloth ; form, cherish. Καταγράφω, (same and γνάφω) Ipierce, tear. Κοίτάγνωσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ^, (from χ.οίτοί'/ίνωσκ,ω) condemnation. 'Κατα,γογγνζω, (κατά. and γογγύξω) I murmur against. Κΰίτχγο-ίητίνω, (same and γοητίνω) I charm down, deceive. 512 ΚΛτάγοίΛος, -oi',(same and γόμος) loaded. Κατοίγοςάζω, (from same and χγοςάξω) I buy. Κόίτόίγοξέω, κ,ατόίγοξενω, (from same and άγοζί&)) I speak against, impeach. Κίχ,τχγξΰίφ'•^, -rjg, ^, description, roll, levy. And 'Κι^τά,'γΡΰί,φος, -ου, 6, vj, written down or upon, painted, marked. From Υ^ά,ταίγξά,φω, {κ,οίτά and γζάφω) I write down, describe, enroll. Κά,τα.γζόμ,ίυος, -r\, -ou, (from same and κ.γίίξομ,ιζι, by sync, οίγξομ,ιχ,ι) recollecting or rousing one's self. Κοιταγυμ^νάζο}, (same and γυ^ι.υά,ζω) I exercise thoroughly, bring up in severe dis- cipline. Κα,τιζγχω, (from same and οίγχω) I strangle. Κιχ,τά.γω, κ,χτάγνυμ,ί, and κχτοίγ^ΰύ), f. κ,οίτάξω, Attic κοίτίοίζω, 1 a. Attic κατίαζοι, 1 a. pass, κατεάχβγιν, (from same and dye», όίγνυμ,ι, or άγνύω) I break in pieces, break ; I bring down, bring a vessel to land. See auaya. 'Καταγωγή), -τΐς, vj, κ,οίτοίγωγιον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a place to bring ships doivn to, harbour, dock ; a place to bring stran- gers to, an inn ; conveyance, carriage ; re- storation. 'Κα,τοίγωνίζομ,οίΐ, 1 a. mid. κ,οιτγιγωνισά- μ,' /iu, (from same and άγωυίζομ,οίΐ) I subdue in war or battle. Κόίτόί^αίζομ,ΰα, (same and ^άξα) I dis- tribute for consumption, consume. Κοίτα,οοίίω, (same and ^ούω) I feast upon, devour. Κόίτα-οάζιιω, (same and ^ΰίκ-μω) I bite. Κΰίτά,^ίζκ.ξΰχ,ίω, (same and ^ΛΚξυχ;ίω) I pour down tears. Κΰίτχ^χζξύύ), (ssme and ^οίκ,ξύω) I shed tears. ΚοίτtuToiiyi- ξομοίΐ, I am stormy. ΚοίταιγΙς, -ίίος, ί], (from same and uiylg) a storm, a descending storm. Κΰίτοίΐγ:σμ6ς, -ov, 6, (from κα,τα,ιγίζω) a violent storm. Καται^ίομαι, (from κ,οίτά. and αιΐίομαί) I revere. Κά.τα.ίβΰίλύύ), (from same and α,ΐύχκόύ)) I reduce to ashes, burn to blacknesb. 514 ΚχτΆίύύσσω, (from same and ΛΪύύσσω) ΐ flash down ιφ on as lightning. Κόίταίβω, (irom same and ui'L•) I burn down, inflame. Κόίτΰίίκ,ίζω, (from same and χΐκίζω) I treat with contumely and injustice, disfigure, abuse, pollute. Καταίι/εσίς, -ζως, Yj, assent, espousal. From Κόίτοανεω, (from χίχτά and χίι/ίω) I approve, consent, betroth. Καταιονοίω, (from same and χίονοίω) I soak, bathe. Κιχταίξέόΰ, Ion. for Kccuui^ia, (from same and οίΐξύω) I pidl down, demolish. Κα,ταίζύ), (from same and αϊξω^ I spring down, descend, light upon, arrive in port, execute, finish. Έ,οι,τοίΐσύίζνομαι, κ,ΰΐτοιίσθομα.ι, (from same and ulaucivo^oci) I understand, perceive. 'KocT αίσιος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and ouaci) agreeable to fate. Κχτχΐσσω, (from same and ui'aacS) I rush down. Κατχίσχ,υμμος, -ου, 6, (from κα,χαιαγ,ΰνω) shame, Κοί,τΰασχ,υντ'ήξ, -ν)ξος, 6, one who disgraces. From Έ,ώτοιισχ,ϋνω, (from κοίτοί and α,Ισγ,ΰνω) I shame, confound, dishonour. 'ΚΆτα.ΐσχω, for κατίχ,ω, I hold, occupy. Κοίτιχίτΐΰίομχι, (from κχτ» and α,Ιτιά,ο- μοίΐ) I accuse. Καταιιτίόίσις, -£ύ)ς, yj, (from preced.) ac- cusation. Κα,ταΊτυζ, -i>yog, 7}, a helmet iviihout a cone and flat on the top, KccTccx-cciua, (zatTcc and κούυω) I kill. Κά,τΰίκαίξίος, -ou, (same and Kuiptog) deadly. Κόίτόίκαίω, (same and κκίω) I burn zip, burn doivn, entirely consume. Κχτοίκαλέύ), (same and καΚίω) I call upon, summon, invite. 'ΚοίΤΰίκ,άΤ^νμμ,οί, -ctrog, το, (same and κ»- 'Κυμροοί) a veil, a covering. 'Κοίτόίχ,οί'κύτΓτω, (same and κοίΚύτιττω) I cover, veil, conceal. Κί»τοίκ.άλυ\Ρίς, -εως, v), (from preced.) the act of covering, concealment. Κα,τά,κ,ά,μτίττω, (κατά and κάμτττω) I bend down, turn, alter. Κατάκαζτος, -ου, 6, vi, (same and καζτιτος) fertile, rich. Κατακάζττωσις, -log, Attic -mg, yj, (same and κάοττωσίς) the consumed remains, the ashes of a sacrifice. Κάτάκάξφομαι, (same and χ,άξφω) I am withered. Κ,ατάκαυ^ίία, -arog, to, (from κατακαίω) a burning, parching up by heat. 11 Κατακαιι^αο,αα/. A GREEK LEXICON. Κα,τακοατίω, Κΰίτακχνχά,ομχι, -ωμ-α,ι, {kxtcc and κχν- χάομ-οίί) I glory or boast against. Κόίτόίκίί/^χί^ and xcctccksicj, (same and χ,εΊμίϋ) I lie or a7n laid doivn on a bed as one sick; I lie down; I recline to meat. Κόίτόίκ.ίίξω, (same and κ,ίίξω) I crop down, browse ujyon, consume. Υ.ά,τά,κίΚίϋω, (same and κίΚίύω) I exhort, encourage, command. Κχτακ,ί'^όω, (same and κΐ^όω) I empty or l^our out. ^α,τ(χ,•/Λντίω, -ω, (same and Kivrkoy) I prick, stab, wound. KxToiKiooiV!/oa, (same and ksqxvuOm) I strike down ivith a thunderbolt. Κχτχκ,ίο^χίί^ω, (same and κίξΖχΙνω) I make gain of. Κχτχκίρμ,χτίζω, (same and κεξ^.χτίζω) I breoL down into small pieces. KxTdKSQTouJoj, (same and κίοτοι/Λο)) I cut U'ith reproachful words. Κόίτόίκγιλίω, (same and κτ,λίοή I soothe, heal, charm. Κχτχκγιζόω, (same and κ,γ,ζόω) I enclose in wax. • ΚχτΛκγιούσσω, (same and κ/ΐξόσσα) I j^ro- claim. 'Κχτχκιουύω, κ,χτΛκίζί/Υι^Λΐ, κχτχκίξνόί- μχί, (same and κΐζΐ/άω) I blend. Κχτά.κίσσο;, -o'j, (same and κισσός) ivy. KxTXK'Aciico, (same and κλχίω) I weep ore?'. Κόίτχκ7.άω, -ω, and χ,χτχκλά,ζω, (same and κλχω or χ,7\.χζω) I break in pieces. Κχτχκλίίστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next) shut up. Κατοίκλε/ώΐ, (κχτχ and κΤ^είω) I shut up. ΚχτχχΛτηςο^οτίω, -ω, (i. e. κ,χτχ κλτίξον οόω or o^coici) I distribute according to lot, or for an inheritance. KxTXKT^riOouoyAa, -ω, (κχτχ and yJhri^o'jo- yJd)) I ])ossess as an inheritance ; distribute by lot, give to ptossess as an inheritance. ΚχτχκΚΥιηόο), (same and κ,\/ιξ6ύ}) I distri- bute by lot: κχτχκ7^τιοόο[Λχι, -ον/Λχι, I re- ceive by lot. KxrxKAljYig, Λος, 6, v], (from next) laid down, confined. Κχτχκ>^ϊνω, κχτχκ,λίι/τημ.ί, (κχτχ and Kkiuu) I cause to lie down or to recline: KXTxyJAiuof^ixi, I lie, recline at table. ΚχτχκΤ^ισ/ς, -εως, ij, (from preced.) re- clining, sitting. Κχτάκ'Κίτχ, -ωι/, τχ, (from s?^ne) couches, or cushions or coverings belonging to cou- ches; in Isa.iii. 21. perhaps ϊονκχτχκΚείστχ. Κχτοίκ'κύζύ), (κχτχ and κΆνζω) I inun- date, deluge. Κχτχκλυσ/^,ος, -ov, 6, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a deluge. ΚχτχχλΖύες, -ων, αί, (from next) the Fates, represented as spinning the thread of life, Κχτχκλωβω, {κχτά, and yJhojuo)) I spin. 'ΚχτΆκνχω, κχτχκν'ήθω, (same and κνχω or Ku'/iuoj) I scratch, rub down. Κχτχκνίξω, (same and κ^νίζο)} I ηώ or ciit doivn, twitch, pinch, prick, use cruelly. Κχτχχ,ι/ύοσσο}, (same and κνωσσω) I lie doivn to sleep, snore. KxTxKOifixu, (same and Koiy^xa) I lie down to sleep, sleep out, spend in sleeping. KXTXKC (same and (ζω) I cause to sleep, lull to sleep : κχτχκοι^Αζο»• Τις, οι, chamberlains. Κχτχκοί/ΐίίστνίς, -ov, ο, (from preced.) a chamberlain. KxrccKorjojyio}, {κ,χτχ and κοινωνάω) I di- vide with, impart to. Κχτχκοίξχνεω, (same and κ,οιοχνεω) I have power over; marshal. ΚχτχκοΤ^ονβίω, -ω, (from same and xkq- λονύεω) I follow after, obey. ΚχτχκοΆούω, (same and κολούω) I muti- late. Κχτχκολττίζω, (from same and κΟΆτ•ος) I anchor in a bay, take in the measure of a bay. Τίχτχκο'Κυμ,βάω, (same and κολυ^^βχω) I dive. KxTXKoiii^lvi, -Tjc, 71, a conveyance home: from Κχτχκομ^ίζύ), (κχτχ and κομίζω) I con- vey home. Κχτχκομος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and κ6- f/yfi) having hair hanging down, lojig hair. 'Κχτχκονχω, (from same and χκονά,ω) I grind down. Κχτχκον^υ7^'ζω, (same and κον^υλίζω) I strike with my fists, tread upon with my feet. Κχτχκοντίξω, (from same and ακοντίζω) I smite through luilh a javelin or dart. Κχτχκοττος, -ου, ο, τι, (from next) fa- tigued, worn out with labour. Κχτχκότττω, (κχτχ and κότττω) I cut down, cut, beat, or wound much. ΚχτχκοξΥίς, -εος, κχτχκοοος, -ου, ό, νι, (from same and κοοεω) greedy, insatiable; or satiating, disgusting: κχτχκόζως, abun- dantly, to satiety, extravagantly, luantonly. Κχτχκοσμεω, -ω, (same and κοσμεω) I adorn, arrange. Κχτχκούω, (from same and χχ,ούω) I lis- ten to, comjuy with, obey. Κόίτχκζχζω, (same and κξχζω) I cry down, prevail in bawling. Κχτχκοχς, for KXT όίκζχς, from the ex- tremity, βοηι top to bottom, entirely. Κχτχκζχτίω, -ω, (same and κζχτίω) I holdfast, prevail, overcome. 515 Κατα'/,ξάτος. A GREEK LEXICON. KaraXTj-rr^i. Κοιταχ.ξοίτος, (for χ,οίτοί κζχτος) power- fully. Κχτχκζεουξγίύ), (from κοίτοί, Αξίας and sQyou) I cut piecemeal, mangle. KocTccx,QSfi>aa, (χ,ΰίτχ and κ,ζξμ,οίω) I hang doiun, suspend from. KocTxK^ijusvy (for κ,α,τακοίζγιύίν) over head; headlong. Κΰίτχκ,ξΥΐ/ΐΛϋάύ), κ,όίτοίχ,ζνιμ,νόίμοίί, (from κ,χτΰί and κζπμ,νος) I hang over or down from a precipice. Κίζτοίκ.ξϊΐ/^ι/ίζύ), (same and κ,ξγιμι/ίζω) I throw or cast headlong down, precipitate. Κΰίτάκ,ξϊμοί, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass. of next) condemnation. KxTocK^iua, (koctoc and κ,ξίνά)) I condem,n, punish. Κοιτάκξίσίς, -εως, vj, (from preced.) con- demnation; accusation, blame. Κχτίζκξίτος, -ου, ό, jj, (from same) coji- demned. Κα,τα,κ,ξοτίίιύ, -oj, κ,χτχκξοτχλίζω, (xoctoc. and κ,ζοτίω) I make a rattling noise, sound as a trumpet, en/ as an eagle, celebrate, ap- plaud loudly. Κοίτχκ,ζοΰω, (same and κ,ξούύ)) I knock down. ΚατΛκξύ'π'τω, (same and κ,ξύτττω) I hide, conceal. Κίχ,τχκ,ξνφ-η, --ης, 5j, (from preced.) con- cealment. Κόίτΰκτάο/χοΐί, -ωμα,ι, κ,ά,τόίκ,τζά,τίζο^^ΰκ, {κα,τοί and κτάο^Λο,ι) I acquire, possess, sub- due. Κΰίτοικ,τίΐνύ), (same and κηίνω) I kill. 'Κ.ατάκ,τησις, ~£ύ)ς, v], (from κοίτοίκτάο- μΛΐ) acquisition, obtaining. Κατοίκτίξω, {κοίτά. and κτίζω) I lay the foundation, build. Κοίτχκ,νκ,λόω, -ω, (same and χνκ,λόα) I enclose all around. Κοίτοίκ,νλϊω, (same and κυλίω) I roll down. ΚοίΤΰίκύτττω, (same and κύτττω) I be7id or look down. Κοίτχκυζίίΰω, (same and κυζίβύω) I rule imperiously, lord it over, get the mastery, subdue. K«Tei»ygOiy, (same and κυξόύ)) I sajiction, confirm, or enforce, against. Κόίτόίκω'λϋω, (same and κωλύω) I hinder, detain, forbid. Κά,τόίκωμ,άζω, (same and κωμ,άζω) I re- vel in. Κ&ίτοίκωχ^<Λος, -on, for κοίτόχ,ϊιίίος. 'Κατχλαζο^ίύο^<.χι, (from kxtsc and άλα- ζοιιεύω) I boast against, insult. Κα,τα,λίίλάζω, (from same and αλαλά- ζω) I shout against; shout aloud, cele- brate. 5.16 Κόίτΰίλόίλίω, -ω, (same and λοίλεω) I speak against, defame. Κχτοίλαιλίΰί, -ccg, v}, (from next) a speak- ing against, evil speaking, obloquy, re- proach. Κατά,λόίλος, -ου, ο, ^, (from κατχλα.λίω) a speaker against, a speaker of evil, a de- tractor. Κάτά,λχμ,βοίνω, (κχτχ and λαμ,βάΰοί) I seize, lay hold on, take, come upon, overtake, attain, obtain, apprehend, perceive. Υ^ατΛλάμ,ττω, (same and λά,^ττω) I illu- minate. Κατχλγίω, (from same and άλγίω) I grieve at. Κχτχλεχίι/ω, (same and λεχίΐ/ω) I bridse down,^ break to pieces. Κχτχλεγ/ίίΧί -χτος, το, (from next) a lamentation for the dead, a dirge. Κχτχλεγω, (κχτχ and ?.ίγω) I choose, select, receive into a number, put upon a list, enroll, relate, tell. Κχτχλβίβω, (same and λείβω) I pour or drop down. Κχτχλειμ,μ,χ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of κχτχλίί'Τί'ω) a remnant. Rom. ix. 27• το κχτχλειμ,μ,χ σωβνισετχι, the remnant shall be saved: i. e. the remnant or portion of the Israelites reserved by the Almighty for the purposes of his promises. Corap. Isa. x. 22. and see Middleton on the place. }ζ.χτόίλεί7ΐτος, -ou, (from κχτχλείφω) anointed. Κχτχλίίττω, {κχτχ and λεί-πω) I leave, depart from, forsake, reserve, leave behind. Κχτχλειτουζγεω, (same and λείτουξγέω) I expend in the public service. Κχτχλίίψω, (from same and αλείφω) I anoint. Κχτχλει-ψίς, -εως, 4 (from κχτχλείττω) remains, remnant. Κχτχλί'τττολογεω, (from κχτχ, λε'τττος and λόγος) I reason minutely or with sub- tlety. Κχτχλεύω, {κχτχ and λεύω) I stone down, stone to death. Κχτχλεω, (from same and χλίω) I grind down, bruise with a sto7ie. Κχτχλνιβω. See κχτχλχμ•βχι/ω, and p. 70. Κχτχλτιγω, (κχτχ and λτ^γω) I end, cease. Κχτχλ7]ύο^χί, (same and λ'ηβω) I foi^get. Κχτχλνιξίς, -εως, ί], (from κχτχλ'ήγω) cessation, pause. Κχτχλϊ}7Γτ^κός, -ij, -6v, (from κχτχλχμ- βχυύ)) capable of restraiiiing ; capable of comprehending. Κά,τχλ-η'τττος, -'ή, -ou, (from same) seized, comprehensible. um Κατάλη-^ις. A GREEK LEXICON. Καταμόνας, ΚΰίτάίΤιΥΐ-φίζ, -ΐως, 'ή, (from same) a takings seizing upon, comprehension. Κα,τοίΚιύάξο), κ,οίταΤ^ιθόω, and κοι,τοίΤ,ιύο- ζολίω, (from κατά, "κίύος and βά,Χλύ)) I stone, overwhelm with stones. ΚατοίΚ'ίθος, -ov, (from same) inlaid with precious stones. ΚατΰίΤ^ιμ,'τιτα,νω, Ionic for Kctrcthi'iTra. }LciCTciKi'7rctoio), {κα,τά and Τ^ι-τΐΛ^ίω) I en- treat earnestly^ urge. Κοίτχ7\.ίσΛω, (from same and ακίστί,ω) I convict. KaTsiAAccy'/j, -τις, τ], (from y^XTTj^'Koiyci, perf. mid. of next) a reconciliation. ΚόίτοίΤΟ^άσσω or -άττω, (from κατά, and άΧΚάσσω) I change, reconcile, restore to favour. ΚΰίτάλΤ^-ήΤ^ος, --/ι, -ov, (from same and «λ- 7<γρ\ων) even ivith, corresponding, parallel, synchronous. KccTccT^oxa, (from same and άλοάω) I tread down, bruise. KocToiT^oyuihriu, (from KarccT^iyoj} by choice; also, in plain narrative, in prose. KoiTccT^oylci, -ας, τ], (from κ,ατά'Αογος) an enumeration, genealogy. 'ΚαταΆογίζομ,αι, (^κατά and Τ^ογίζοίΛαϊ) I rank, class, am numbered or reckoned. Kara'hoyiay.og, -ov, 6, (from preced.) an enumeration, genealogy. Κατάλογος, -ov, o, (from καταλίγω) a catalogue; rate, tax. Κατάλοίττος, -ου, ο, vj, (from perf. mid. of καταλείττω) remaining, the rest. ΚαταΧοκίζύ), (from κατά and άλοκίζω) I draw down a furrow. Κάταλούω, (same and λονοή I wash doiun. ΚατάλΟ/ίία, -ατός, το, (from καταΆύω) an inn, a lodging, guest-chamber, dining- room. Καταλν^ΛαΙνω, {κατά and λν^Λαίνω) I de- file, soil, corrujn, waste, ruin. Κάτά7ίνσ'ίί<,ος, -ou, (from καταΚνω) capa- ble of being released from, expiable. ΚάτάΙΛσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, 7j, (from same) dissolution, relaxation, an inn. ΚαταλΟτ/ις, -ov, o, (from next) a guest. Καταλύω, (κατά and λύω) I loose ; I loose my girdle and sandals, refresh myself, bait, am a guest, lodge; I dissolve, demolish, destroy, subvert, throw down, abrogate. Κατάλωβά,ω, (same and λωβάω) I muti- late. Κάτάλωφάω, (same and λωφάω) I take down a burden from the shoulders, I am dis- burdened. Καταμαγίύω, (same and μαγίύω^ I be- witch. Καταμαλακίζομαι, (same and (Λα7^ακΙ- ζομαή I become effeminate. ΚατΛμ,αλάττω, (same and μαλάττω) I soften. Κάτάμαΐ/θάνύ), (same and μαΰύάνω) I learn, consider, contemplate. Καταμαντίύομαι, (same and μαντζύω) I augur, guess. ΚαταμαοαΊυω, (same and μαοαΙ^ω) I cause to wither or waste away. Κάταμάζτττο), (same and μάζ'τττύ)) I seize, overtake, carp at, devour. Καταμαξτνζίω, -ω, (same and μαξτυξίω) I witness against. Καταμαχ,ίομαι, (same and μαχεομαι^ I overcome. Κάτάμάω, (from same and άμάω) I reap, gather. Καταμβλϋυω, (from same and αμβλύνω) I blunt ; I wound. Καταμ,ζγαλύνομ^αί, (same and μζγαλ.ύ- νω) I magnify myself against. Καταμξθύω, (same and μ,ίύνω) I cause to get drunk. Καταμίί^ω, (same and μίίξω) I distribute, destine. Κάτάμίλίω, (same and μελίω) I neglect, am remiss. Κάτάμίλ'ιτόω, (same and μξλ:τόω) I sweeten ivith honey. ΚαταμΛλλω, (same and μίλλύή I delay. Κάτάμ^μτττος, -ou, to be blamed. From ΚάταμΛμφομαι, {κατά and μέμφομαι) I find fault wiih, blame. Κατάμεμ-ψίς, -εως, 'αλίίχω, (from same, auci and λέ/- χω) I lick up as fire, / consume. ΚοίΤΰίΐ/αΤ^ίσκ,ω, (from κοίτά, and a-voihia- χ,ω) I consume, devour. Kcx.Tcc.ua?iaais, -eag, % (from preced.) ■waste, consumption. ΚατΆΐ/α,ξκ,άω, -Ζ, {κ,οίτά and ναξκ,ά,ω) I am idle to another s damage, burden. Κοίτοίυαυμ,οίχ,ίω, (same and υα.υμοι,χίω) I obtain a naval victory. KoiTuivsfyiio/icci{, 1 a. mid. KocTeue/icyiaa^Yiu, Psal. Ixxx. 13. (from same and ι/ψ.ω) I feed upon, devour. Κχτοίΐ/ίμω, (from same) I divide into parts, assign a part or portion, distribide. 'Κά,τά,νίομοίΐ, {κ,α,τά, and νίω) I return. Κόίτοίνίύω, (same and t/evu) I nod, beckon, assent to, promise. 'Κοίτοι,νίφόω, f. -ωσω, ΛΟ,ΤΛνί^ω, f. --^ω, (same and νίφω) I shower down snow. KocToiuUQoiKOu, (from same and άνύξαχ,όω) I burn down to ashes. KxrsiulaT^jici, (from same and άνίστγιμι) I rise up against. KoiTuuoL•}, -ω, (same and uoL•) I observe, remark, consider, contemplate. KoiTdvowig, -ίως, v], (from preced.) con- templation, gazing upon. KocTocuoaTia, (KocToi and νοστίω) I re- turn. ΚΰΐτοίνοτΙζω, (same and νοτίζω) I shed down moisture upon. Κοίτα,ντά,ύ), -ω, (from same and ά,ϋτύω) I come doivn to, arrive afj attain. 518 Κατά,ντγιμοι, 'χτος, το, (from same) a meeting, occurre7ice. Κοίτάντγΐζ, -ίς, pi. KXTa'jToc, for Kucra.i/~ TSfli, (from same) sloping downward. Κοίτά,ντ/ιστί, (from same) opjwsite to. KxToiuTlKQU, (from κοίτοί and duT(K^v) directly opposite. KacToiuTiou, (from same and ccvtIou) op- posite, before. Κά,ταυτΆέω, (from same and duT'hU)) I potir down upon. Κα,τά,νυ^,ις, -loc, Attic -sag, vi, (from next) compunction of mind, stupor or astonishment of mind, deep sleep, insensibility. KoiTciuvaaa, or -ύττω, (^κοίτοί and νύσσω) I prick, pierce, stab; affect with grief; pass. / am reduced to astonishment and silence through grief , anxiety, or fear; I am over- come luith sleep. Κοίτχνΰτύ}, xocToiuva, (from same and α,νύτω, or άνύω) I finish, complete. Κχτοινωτίζω, (same and νωτίζω) I bear or carry on my back. Κχταξ,ΰίίνω, f. -ξόίνω, p. κατίζχ'/κ,ΰί, 2 a. KocTi^ocvou, (same and ζα,ίι/ω) I lacerate, tear, Jud. viii. 7- (Alex, copy) κ,οιτα,ζ,οίυω τά,ς σάζκα,ς ίμωυ ku ταΐς aKOcudocig, and λ^ 16. κ,ΛΤίζ,οίνίΡ su ccvTolg οίν^ξοίς 'Σοκ,χ,ωύ, (the word in the Vat. copy is ά'Κονισω, — rfKO-zioiv) a capital punishment, as may be inferred from the similar case, verse 17. Biel gives the following illustration of it, from what Hesychius and Plutarch have said of Croe- sus. Thus the former, Έίτί κ,νά,φου ίλκωι/ ^ιίφύα^ζ. το ya.^ -τΓζότεζοι/ οι γναφϋς «.κοίν- ύων σύ)ζθϋ σνστξί-ψαντβς τοί Ίμ.ά.τιοί έττι τον σωξου έκνχτττον. 6 δέ σω^ος ίΆίγετο γνάφος [κνάφος]. ο οΰν ΚξοΊσος τον ίχύξόν ττίζΐί^Λίνί τοίϊς άκ,άνύαις, και ούτως 'ΐφθίΐξί. " He killed him by drawing him over a heap of thistles ; for, anciently, fullers rolling toge- ther a heap of thistles fulled their cloth upon the heap ; and that heap was called γνάφος; Crcesus, therefore, tore his enemy with thistles, and so destroyed him." And Plutarch lib. de Malign. Herod, p. 858. Toy ovu Ίίρύΐσον, ως dg tvju βασι\ύα,ν κ,ατίσ- τγι, των ίταίξων κα\ φίλων των ΤΙανταλίον- τος svcc των γνωρίμων ΙττΙ κνάφου ^ια,φθίίξχι κατα^αινόμίνον. " That Croesus, therefore, as soon as he was settled in his kingdom, put to death one of the companions and friends of Pantaleon, one of the nobles, by tearing him on a heap of thistles." Κόίταξενόω, (same and ξίνόω) I receive as a guest, entertain. Κχτχξτίξιχίνω, (same and ξηξχίνω) I dry up. Κχτύ.ζνΐξ(ς, -ov, 6, v}, (same and ^Υΐζος) very dry. m % Καταξ/ A GREEK LEXICON. KardrrXri^ig, Κΰίτύξίος, -ou, (from next) worthy, fit: κόίτχξ,ΐίως, worthily. Κά,τΰίξιόω, -ω, (from koctx and ά^ίόω) I count or esteem worthy or fit. Κατα,ζ,ίωσις, -to;, '^, (from preced.) esti- mation. KscTXcva, χ.ατχξίω, {κ,ατχ and ξύω) I shave down, polish. KccTocooo;, -o'j, for κοίτγοοος, (from same and aiiocu) hanging down, waving. KccTciTrcahva, (same and Trcctosvcj) I in- struct, educate. Κάτΰίτταίξύ), (same and ταίξω) I mock. Κα.τα'ττακτύς, -6v, (from same and 'ΤΓτίγω) fastened together, well fastened. Κόίταί7τά7.χίω, (same and -τταλα/ω) I pre- vail over in wrestling. KxTsi'Trctuovpyivcj, (same ahd Trsivovoysvco) I act cunningly against. Έ.οίτά.7τάσσω, or -άττω, (same and ιτά,οσω) I sprinkle, besprinkle. Κχτά,ττΆστος, -ov, (from preced.) he- sprinkled, party-coloured. Κχτόίττΰίτίω, -ω, (κοίτοί and ττα,τίω) I tread or trample upon, tread under foot, treat with contempt. Ι^οίτοίττάτγ,οίχ, -ccrog, το, and κατΛττά.-ΥΓ σις, -ίως, τ], (from preced.) a trampling under foot, contempt. Κάτώ^Γίίΐ/_«ά, -οίτος, το, and κ,ατοίτταυσις, -ίως, 71, (from next) a rest, dwelling. Κάτόίτταύω, (κατά and 'πα,ΰω) I cause to rest, give rest,restrain; I rest entirely, rest. Κοίτοίτηοάω, (same and ττίύά,ω) I fetter down. Κατοιττίίύτίς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and τίΐύω) obedient, subservient. ΚάτόίτΓΒίλάω, (from same and ΰττείλΐω) I threaten. ΚοιτΛ-τΓζίζχ, -χς, 7j, (from next) an at- tempt. ΚχτΛ'τηΐζύζω, {κχτά, and -ττ'/^άζ'ω) / at- tempt. ΚχτΛ-ττείξτητνιοί/ι, -ης, vj, (from preced.) a sounding lead. Κχτα7:-Βίοοο(,χί, (χίίτα and 7:ίίοω) I am pierced through. ΥίχτΜ7:ίΚ[Λχτόω, f. -ωσω, p. καταττίττελ- f^xTUKXfP.pass. κχτΛ'ττί'τΐεΚ^ά.τοίμ,αι, (from κχτά, and -τίλ^α) / clout the soles of my shoes. Josh. ix. 5. Κά.τά,'ττί'Κτάζομ,χι, (from next) I over- whelm with a shower of arroivs. ΚατΆττίΆττίς, -ου, 6, (from κχτχ and ττίλτιη) a catapidt, an engine for throwing arrows. ΚχτχτΓεΤ^τΊκός, -ou, (from preced.) of the catapult ; thrown from the catapult. Κχτα,7τί(Λ~ω, (κΰίτά and ττίίΛττω) I send down. Κά,τόί'ΤΓίνθίω, -ω, (same and -ττενθίω) I mourn over. Κόίτά.'ζί'τττύ), (same and 9Γ£•π-τ<«) / boil down, digest, restrain, manage. Έ.χτόί'τηζ, see κχύά^ττίο. Κόίτόί'ττίοοω, {κχτχ and -yrioocd) I treat ivith contempt. Κχτά,τητάζω, χ,χτχ'ΤΓίτά.ο), -ω, (same and •τητά,ω) I stretch down, fly doivn. Έ,α,τχττίτοίσ^/.Λ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a veil. Κχτχ'ττετξόύ), {κ,Λτά, and 'ττετξόω) I throw down from a rock, I stone. Κχτχ'ΤΓίτω. See κχτχτ-ίτττω. Καίτόί'ΤΓΓφνω, {κ,χτά, and ττίφνω) I slay. Κχτχττεφοονη^Ότως, (from κα,τχφοοΆύ)) contemptuously. 'Κχτχ'τττιγνΰμ,ι,ΟΥ -y'jvo),OV -ττ'ή'/ω, (κχτχ and ττνιγνυμί) I fix down. Κχτχττ/ιΙχω, -ω, (same and ■ττ-^'^χω) I leap down. Κχτχττγ^ζ, -τίγος, ό, (from κχτχ'ττψ/νυμ,ί) a pile or stake fixed down into the ground. Κχτχττικζος, -χ, -οι/, (same and ττιχ,ρος) bitter, embittered, chaffed. Κχτχτίίΐύ), (same and ττίι/ίο) I drink or swallow down, devour. Κχτχττίτττω, (same and 'ττίτττω) I fall down, am cast down in mind, am grieved. 'Κ.χτχττίστίύο), (same and ττιστεύω)! trust. ΚχτχτΓίττόο), (same and ττιττόύ)) I daub over with pitch, blacken, torture. Κχτχτ-λχγ'ής, -ίος, 6, vj, (from κχτχ- 'Τΐ'ϊ^'ήσσω) terrified. 'Κχτχ'ττΤ^χσμ,χ, -οίτος, το, (from next) a poultice OT plaster. 'Κχτχ'ΤΓΤ^άσσύ}, οτ-χττω,(κχτχ and πλάσ- σω) I form, conform to, I apply a cataplasm, poultice or plaster. Κχτχττλχστός, -τι, -6u, (from preced.) plastered over ; feigned. Κχτχττ'Κχστύς, -νος, 6, (from same) a plaster. Κχτχττλίκύ), (κχτχ and ττΑίκω) I entwine, fold down, fold up, close. Κχτχττλίοζ, -X, -ou, (from κχτχττ'Κ'/ιθω) full. Κχτχττλεο), -ω. Ion. κχτχ'ττ'λωω, (same and 7rA£, 6, (from perf. pass, of same) a perfecting, finishing, compacting. Κχτχξτίστνίξ, -νίζος, 6, (from same) a re- storer of peace, an intercessor. U 521 Καταξτϋζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Καταα•ηύ(^ίω, Κοίτοίξτύζύ), ΚΛΤοίξτύω^ (from χ,οίτά, and κ^τύω) I instruct, train ; govern, break in ; persuade. Κατοίξτνσίς, -sag, % (from preced.) train- ing, discipline. Κατΰίξχ,οαζίσιείζω, (from koctcx, and κζ- χχίζΒσίοίξω) I binbe, corrupt. Κα,ταζχάς, (ft'om same and άξχνι) at first. ΚΰίΤΰίξχ'η, -ijg, vj, (from same) beginning. Κόίτάξχω, (from κ,ΰΐτά and οίξχω) I rule, govern, begin. Kocrenafis'juua, -uvfii, or χα,τα,σβίω, (same and σβζυνύύ) or σβενννμι) I extinguish. Κίέτώσε/ώ), (same and σείω) I shalce, dis- tu7'b, move, move downwards : x,ccTcx,aiiu) τγι χίίξΐ, or TOjy xs'iQce, I give a sign by moving my hand, beckon. Ιζ,ατοισζνω, (same and σίύω) I mish or tumble down. KoiTxaYi^cciua,{same and ση^αίνοϊ) I seal doivn. 'ΚχτοίσΥί[Λοΐί/τ'ίκ,ος, (fi'om same) significant. 'Κάτοίσνιττω, (^κ,οίτοί and στ^ττω) I cause or sufer to rot. Κόίτΰΐσύμοίίνύ), (ft'om same and ά,σύμ,οίΐνύ)) I snort at as a spirited horse, champ the bridle. Έ,ιχ,τΛσιγάω, -ω, (same and σιγάω) IJceep silence. Κΰίτόίσΐκ,ίλίζω, (fi'om same and Ί,ίκελός) I sicilianize down, devour like a Sicilian. 'Κοίτοίσίνά,ζω, (ft'om same and σίνω) I greatly injure. ΚοίΤΰίσιτίο/ι/,Λί, (same and σιτίω) I feed upon, eat. Κατχσΐίο'π-άύ), -Ζ, (same and σιω-πΆω) I am silent, make to be silent. Ιία,τοίσΆά,τττω, (same and σκά,τττο)) I dig doivn or up, demolish by digging, overthroiv, undermine, destroy. Κά,τα,σκ,όίφΎΐ, -ν,ς, 9], (ft'om preced.) an un- dermining, demolition ί also, a place dug out, a cave, a tomb. Κα,τχσκ,οίφνις, -iog, 6, vj, (from same) un- dermined. Υίάτα,σκζ^ιχζω, f. -οίσω, 1 a. κοίΤίσκ,ί^Λσα, and κ,οιτ€ίσκ.ε^οίυί/ύω, (kcitoc and σχί^άζω} I sprinkle, scatter down. Κόίτοίσκί7^λο^4,οίί, κ,ατοίσκ,ίΆετενομοίί, (same and σκίΚΚω) I become a skeleton, pine, waste away. Κοίτχσκ,ί'τττομαι, (same and σκ,ετττομ,Λΐ) I look doivn upon, consider, spy out, search. Κοίταοκ,ενΰίζω, (same and σκίνάξω) I prepare, make ready, build, adjust, furnish. ¥..οίτοί.σ>(.ί.ύασ{Αθί, -xrog, το, and κ,οίτοι,σχίυ- aa^og, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a preparation, co7itinvance, plot. 'Κατοίσχευοίατος, -6i/, (from same) made by art. 5.22 KocTuoKSv^, 'Vig, 'ή, (from same) a build- ing, apparatus, composition, preparation. Κατχσκ,ίω, (ft'om kcctoc and άσκίω) I train, discipline. "Κα,τα,σκΎΐνόω, -Ζ), (same and σκ,ιηνόω) I pitch my tent, dwell, lodge, harbour, rest. Ka,ruaK7]) I dazzle. Κχτχφεξ'ήζ, -ίος, ό, τί, (from next) de- scending, sloping. Κχτχφΐξω, (κ,χτχ and φεξα) I carry or bring down, oppress, overpower: χχτχφέζίία ■^τιφον, to give one^s vote or voice or consent against. Κχτχφίνγω, (same and φ$ύγω) I flee for refuge or shelter. Κχτχφ5νξ{ζ, -$ως, ή, (from same) refuge, shelter. Κχτα,φη/^ίζι^}, («■fltrfls and φη/αίζω) I di- Κχτχφύάνω, (same and φβχυω) I cmne down, come down suddenly. Κχτχφύχτίο,χχι, (from same and φύχύ>) I come down upon, surprise, reach. Κχτχφύίίξύ), (same and φύίί^ω) I corrupt utterly, utterly destroy. Κχτχφύϊνω, κ,χτχφύΎω, {κ,χτχ and φύίνω) I pine, waste away, consume, .perish. Κχτχφύοξχ, -χς, 'h, (same and φύοζχ) corruption, destruction. Κχτχφίλίω, -ω, (same and φιΤ^ίω) I kiss eagerly, affectionately or repeatedly. Κχτχφλίγω, (same and φλίγω) I burn doivn, devour. ΚχτχφλογοαΙ'^ς, -ες, (same and (pAoyos/- ovjg) burning with flames. ΚχΎχφΤ^υχζίω, (same and φλυχξίω) I pour down tricing or reproachful words. Κχτχφοβίώ, (same and φοβέω) I frighten. Κχτχφοβος, •ου, 6, ^, (same and φόβος) greatly afraid. Κχτχφοίτχω, Ion. κχτχφοιτίω, (same and φοιτχω) I waiider, rove about. Κχτχφονίύω, (same and φονεύω) I slay. Κχτχφοζχ, -χς, 71, (from same and perf. mid. of φί^ω) something that brings down and overpowers, a fall, a blow, deep sleep. Κχτχφο^ίω, -ω, (same and φοξίω) I be- come torpid, fall into a deep sleep. Κοίτάφοα,γμα, A GREEK LEXICON. Καταχωνίύω, Κα,τά,φζΛγμΛ^ -Λτος, το, (from κοί,τοί- φζάσσω) α fence, α deck. Κχτοίφζόιζο/αοα, (xccToi and φ^άζω) Ι ob- serve, notice, consider. Καταψξακ,τος, -ον, ό, ν], (from next) fenced, fortified with armour on all sides. Κχτχφξχσσω, or -άττω, (κ,χτχΆηά φξΐίσ- σω) I fence ον fortify with armour on all sides. Κατχφξονίύΐ, -Ζ, (same and φ^ο]/ίω) I de- spise, scorn, contemn, think against, conceive an ill opinion of; I act deceitfully against, lay wait for. ΚοίταφΡύί/Τι/ίΛα, -ατός, το, κ,χταφξό^ησίζ, -ίως, 7}, (from preced.y cojitejnpt. Κατχφξον/ΐτ'ης, -ov^ 6, (from same) a de- spiser, scorner ; betrayer, impostor. ΚαταφξΟ'^τίζω, {κατά. and φξορτίζω) I expend my thoughts or care upon. ΚΛτάφζνγω, or καταφξύσσώ, (same and φξύγύ), or φζύσσω) I broil, roast. Κατχφνγγαι/ω, (same and φνγγάι/ω} I fly to, seek shelter. Καταφΰγ'^, -ν}ς, oj, (same and φυγνι) a refuge. ΚαταφνΆχΙον, (from same and φνλορ) by tribes. Καταφν^άσσύ), (same and φυλάσσω) I watch, observe. ΚόίτόίφνΆλοξίω, (from same, φυΤΟ^ου and pio)) I shed my leaves. Κχτοίφυτϊύο), {κατά. and φυτίύω) I plant. Κατάφυτος, -ον, (from same and φυτον) planted. Καταφωζάύ), (same and φωζάω) I detect a thief, discover, expose. Κατάφωρος, -ον, 6, τ], (from same and φωξ) detected. ϊίαταχαί()ύ), 2 f. mid. καταχ,αζουι/,αι, (same and χαίξω) I rejoice against, mock. ΚαταχαΆαζάω, (^κατά and χ,αλαζάω) I pour down hail. Καταχ,αλάζω, (same and μαλάζω) I let down. Κατάχα'Κκος, -ου, (from next) cased in brass, shining like brass. Καταχ;αΆκύω, f. -ωσω, p. -ωκα, p. pass, part. κατακίχ,αΆκωμ,ίυος, (from κατά and γ,α'Κκος) I cover with brass. Καταγ^αζίζο^Λαί, {κατά and ^^αξίζομαι) I bestow as a favour or gratuitously. Ιζ,ατάχ,αξμ,α, -ατός, το, (from καταχ,αίξω) a sport, laughing-stock. Καταχέζω, (κ,ατά and χ,ίζω) I pour down excrements. Κατάχ,ίίζίος, -ον, (from same and ^sig) fit for the hand, convenient. Καταχίίζοτο!/ίω, (same and χ,ίίξοτονίω) I give my suffrage against, pass the sentence of death upon ; express by a public vote, resolve. Καταχείζοτονία, -ας, yj, (same and χ£(ζο- τοι/ία) a vote or resolution passed by the people against an accused 'person. Κατάχ,έύ), -ω, καταχ,ίύω, and καταχύω, (same and χίω) I pour down. Κάτάχ'/ιν/ι, -της, yj, (from same and χαίνω) a gaping in derision. Καταχγίζίνω, (same and χνίζζύω) I live a widow, live solitary or destitute. Κατάχ'ής, -ίς, (from same and 7)χω) soundijig by flowing downwards or headlong. Κατάχύομαι, (from same and άχ^ο^αΐ) I am weighed down with grief. Καταχθόνιος, -ον, 6, τ}, (from same and χβώυ) being under the earth, subterraneous. ΚαταχοξΙίύω, (same and χοξ^ίνω) I put into small strings or pieces. Καταχοζπγίω, (same and χο^τιγίω) I sup- ply the chorus with the necessary expenses. Καταχόω, (same and χόω) I pile or heap upon, overwhelm, bury. Καταχζάω, (same and χζάω) I use com- pletely, use to my wish, inf. καταχξόίν, to be sufficient, pres. ind. oi καταχτά, it is suffi- cient for Ιώη, he is satisfied; χ,αταχξάομ,αι, I use much or intently; in a bad sense, / use immoderately or perversely, abuse, Ep. of Jer. 28, 1 Cor. vii. 31. ix. 18; in a good sense, / use or avail myself of, 3 Mace. v. 22; thus abutor is applied in Lat. Liv. xxvii. 46. *'abutenduraque errore hostium.'* Cic. pro Ligar. I. " ut ignoratione tua ad hominis miseri salutem abuterer." De nat. Deor. ii. 60. " nos elephantorum acutissi- mis sensibus, nos sagacitate canum, ad uti- litatem nostram abutimur." 'Κατ'οίχ(^ίμ,'πτο^^αί, (same and χρΐμτττο- (Λαΐ) I spit upon. Κατάχοίος, and κατάχζεως, -ω, 6, (same and χ(^ίος) oppi^essed with debt, liable. ΚατάχξΥίσίς, -εως, v}, (from καταχοάω) an abuse; a cataclwesis. ΚαταχζΙω, {κατά and χζίω) I aiioint, be- smear. Κάταχοϋσος, -ον, (same and χζνσος) gilded, golden. Καταχζϋσόω, (same and χονσόω) I over- lay with gold. Καταχζύνννμι, καταχζωω, f. -ωσω, (same and χοωνννμ.ΐ) I discolour. ΚαταχΰΟϊΐν, (from καταχνω) profusely, greedily. Κατάχύσις, -ίως, vi, (from κατά and χΰω) a jjouring down or out. Κάτάχνσμ,ά, -ατός, το, (from same) aii effusion: καταχνσμ,ατα, sweetmeats poui'cd on the head of a slave wiien first carried home. Καταχύύ), see καταχίω. Καταχο)νίνω, {κατά and χωνεύω) I melt doivn, cast.^ 525 KaT-ocp/wn/Liw. A GREEK LEXICON Kaxsc αγω. KoiTccxo}uvvco, same as καταχ,οω. Κα.τΰίχ,ύ)^ίζύ}, {κ,ϋίτα, and χωξίζω) I scpa- I'ttie, arrange: κ.ζχ.τΛχωζίζομοίί, I retire to, settle in. Ιίοίτοι,-ψκΚΚω, (same and ψάλλω)) I play upon an instrument. Κόίτα-ψάω, (same and -ψκω) I stroIce,pat, soothe. Κΰίται.-ψεκ.άίζω, (same and -ψίκύζω) I drop down. Κχτοί-ψίύ^ο/ίοοίί^ (same and -ψίύΐω) I lie against, calumniate. Κατα\Ρίυ^ο/:Λοΐξτνξίω, (same and xj/sv^o- μοίςτυςβύ)) I bear false luitness against. 'Κα,τΛ-ψίυσμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from κοίτΰί-φίν^α- μοίΐ) a false accusation. ΚΆτύ-ψίνστος, -ou, (from same) false. Κοίτα,-ψγιφίζω, (κατοί and -ψηφίζω) I vote against, condemn, make a deo-ee against: κ,cίrcc^ψvlφίστkou, it is necessary to condemn. Κόίτΰί-ψνιχω, (same and ψνιχ,ω) I rub down, dress, comb, orumhle. Κατχ-ψιβυζίξω, (same and -ψίόνξίζω) I whisper against. Κχτά-ψυ^ις,-ζως, tj, (from next)coo/, wind. ΚοίτοίΦνχω, (κχτά and -ψύχοο) I cool, refresh. Κόίτεγγνύω, (from same and ίγγνάω) I promise in maniage, betrothe ; I pledge, de- liver as a security. KoiTgyyyji, -γις, v}, (from ^ecea.) a pledge, bojid. KecTSyxotiua, (from κ,οίτά and Ιγγ,οίίυω) I gape upon, deride. Κχτβγχ,ίΐζίω, (from same and ίγχ,ζίξίίϋ) I undertake. Κατίγχίο), (from same and βγ^ίω) I pour doivn into. ΚόίτίΙω, KecTslico, (from same and sL•) I eat up, consume. Κόίτείζω, (from same and d'Qa) I shed, drop dovjn. Κόίτίβω, (from same and ula) I look down, look, behold. ΚοίΤίβωΤ^,ος, -ου, 6, γ}, (from same and ii'^aihoii) fidl of idols. Κοίτείκ,ά,ζύ), (from same and ίΐκ,άξα) I conjecture, imagine, assimilate. ΚοίτίΐΚίΟ), (from same and &ΐ7^ίω) I coil up. Κατίί?\.γι/Λμίνος, (p. part. pass, of koitcc- 'hotf^QoivM} seized, intercepted. Kctre{7\.iaaa, Ion. for χα,ύίΐκίσσω, (from χ,οίτά. and ίίλΙσσω) I roll in, im^apin, swathe, envelop. ΚαίΤίίΚυστιτά,ομ^Λΐ, (from same, ύτ^ίω and σττάομοίί) I drag myself or crawl along. ΚοίτειΤ^ΰω, (from same and ύλύω) I roll in, cover, hide. Κά,τζίμ,ί, Kccria, or κοίηΐω, (from same and ίϊμι) i come or go doiun. 526 KoiTilvdi, Ion. for κ,α,ύύναι, 2 a. infm. of κ,οίβίΥΐμί, to let down. Κχτίί'ττύ}, same as κοίτΐττω. Κατ$ίξγνυ/:Λί, κ,χ.τείξγόίόω, κοίτέίξγω, or ροοίτεξγω, (from κατά, and ίΐ'ξγω) I enclose, shut up, restrain, bury. KoiTsiQsiiia, or χαπξ^ίίτοω, (from same and Ιξίίκ,ω) 1 break, briase, grind, rend. 'Κα,τίίξωνίύομ,α,ι, (from same and diiu)- ηύομ,οιι) I speak of ironically, cavil, sneer at . Kc&rizijs, 3 sing. 1 a. of κ,ατακ,χίω. Ka.Ti>cTocusu, for κ,χτίκ,τάύ-ζισοί!', 3 pi. 1 a. of κατχκ,τίίνω. ΚίΆΤΒκψίΰγω, (from χατοί and ίκ,φίύγύ•) I escape. ΚόίτίΆχΰ^ω, (from same and iAoivua) I drive down, smite, seize. Κΰΐτελίγχύ), (from same and ίλίγχω) I find fault ivith, detect, convict, disgrace. ΚοίπΤ^ύω, (from same and Ιτ^ύω) I have pity upon. Κατί7.ίσσω, lon. for κ,ιχ,θίΚίσσω, (from same and ϊχίσσω) I ivrap about, bind up. ΚατΒ7\.'7η'ζω, (from same and ίλντίξω) I fondly hope. Κα,πΆ'π-ίσμ,ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) con- fident expectation. ΚοίτέΧω, Ion. for κ.α.ύ&7\.ύ), (from κοίτά. and Ι'λώ)) / take down, demolish. ΚΰίΤΒ/ΐύβλίτΓω, (from same and ίμβλίττω) I look downwards upon. KaTSf/.ia, (from same and ίμ,ίω) I vomit. 'Κά,τξμτν^'ήύω, (from same and Ιμ'ττζ'ηύω) I consume luithfire. 1<.ά,τίνοίίξθ}, (from same and evxiQu) I slay. KxrevocuTi, and KccrevocvTtou, (from same and suocvTi, or iyocvriou) over against, before, in the p7'esence or sight of. 'Καηνόίζίζω, (from same and ίΐ/αξίζω) I slay. Έ.ΛΤίΑγκω, see χαταφίζω. KoiT£!/7]vouoi, p. mid. of κ,οίτοίνύίω, (from Kccra. and duuia) I be/lower, besprinkle. ΚοίΤζί/τζυχ,τΥις, -ου, 6, (from same and h'j- τυγχάνω) a pleader against, an accuser. KocT£vo)7irci, or KocriuuTiru, for χ,Ληνωτηα.. KcnTiuu-Triog, -ou, (from κοίτχ and ίνωστιος) placed before the face : κ,α,πρωτηον, before, in the presence of. Κοίτίξοα/ύστόίσίς, -ίως, ^, (from same and i^ccuaarccaig') resistance. KccTe^oii/iarajucii, (from same and ίξχι/ίσ- τνιμ,ί) I raise myself against, resist. ΚΰίΤζξ,ουσίάζύ), (from same and εξουσιά- ζω) I exercise or use excessive harsh or ar- bitrary authority. , Κα,ηττΆγγΐ.Τ^Τ^ομ,οίΐ, (from same and t7rίιcyyίλλω) I p>rofess, promise. Κάτί-ττόίγω, (from same and ίττύγοι) I suj^eradd. ΚατίΛαδω, A GREEK LEXICON. Κατροξος, Κίΐτ-'τοί,Ιω, (from same and siru^a) I en- chain. KoiTS7rciiQo,ux{, (from same and ΙτταίΙ^ω) I lift lip v.iyself against. Υ^α.ητνΛΚίΛϊΐιος, for κΛΤίφοίΚΚόμ,ζ^ος, from ■Λ{Χ,τίφοί7\.'Κομ.ΐχ,ι. Κχτίτηίγω, (from kcctm and sTrsiyu) I iirge against, distress. Κχτί'ττίύίσίς, -sag, tj, (from same and ίττί- ύίσις) an imposture, deceit. KuTS'Trlduj^og, -ov, 6, h, (fi'om same and sTTidvyJoi) greatly desirous. Υ^Λπτΐΐ'Κϋί,μ,βά,υο), (from same, Ιτί and T^.ct^liauo)) I take hold of, embrace. Κατίτηοζκίύ), (from same and ΙτΐΐοξκΛο)) I forswear myself. Κΰίτάττύ), (from same and sttcu) I speak against. ΚοίτΒξγοίξομχί, (from same and ξξγόί- ζο[Λα,ι) I work, work out, fatigue. KxTS^yxL•, see κχτίίζγυνμί. KccTSQyotaicc, -οίς, ^, and KccTs^yxa,uoc, -ατός, το, and κάτβξγο^, -ου, το, (from κοίτά. and eoyccaici, έογχσμχ, or 'i^you) tvork, sei^- vice. Κόίτεζεί'π-ω, (from same and Ι^βίττω) I fall down. KccTSQevyoj, (from same and ίξίύγω) I belch upon. Κΰίτίξίφω, (from same and ίξίφω) I cover, jii'otect. ΚΰίτΒοίύ), (from same and Ιξίω) I declare, complain against. Κά,τίζΥιτΰο), (from same and Ι^νιτύω) I detain, j^r event. Κχτίξίκ,τος, -ou, (from same and ζξίίκω) bruised, shelled. ΚΛΤίζϋχ,ύ), and κ,όίτ£ζνκ,ΰίκ.ύ}, (from same and ίζύκ,ω) I kee23 back, withhold, detain. Κόίτΐξίιω, or κοίτερρύω, (from same and ίρΰω) I draw or haul down. Κόίτί()γ,ο[ΛΛΐ, (from same and έζχοιαχί) I come or go down, descend, come to; go ashore, land. Acts xviii. 22. κατελβώ» dg Κχίσύξείχν, having landed at Ccesarea ; see άνοίβα-ίνω. Κ/χ,τεσύίω, (from same and εσθίω) I eat up, devour. Κατεστεως, -ωτος. Ion. for κΛ&εστΎΐκως, perf. part, of κ,αύιστύω, having stood, stand- ing, being. Κόίτευγμόί, -ατός, το, (from κχτενχ,ο/ίί,αί) a prayer, curse. Κχτευόίκτεύ), -ω, 1 a. part, κατευθικτ'ή- σ»ς, (from kxtcc, ευ, and Biyu) I direct a hloiu well. >. 'Κοίτευ^ϋνω, (from same and ευύΰυω) I direct ivcll or frospcrously. Κάτευκ,ιηΤ,ίω, (from same and εΰκ-ήΚος) I make calm, tranqiaUize. ΚατενΤ^ογεω, -ώί, (from same and εύλογίοή I bless. Κχτενί/Λσμός, -ου, 6, (from κα,τευνάξο)) repose. Κΰίτευι/χστ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a cham- berlain; an epithet of Mercury, who was said to put to rest departed souls. Ιίχτευνά,ω, and κ,ϊίτευνχζω, (from χ,χτά. and εϋνάω) I cause to sleep, compose to rest ; mid. / lay myself down to sleep ; pass. / Κχτευο^όύ), (from same and gyoSoiy) / make prospei^ous. Κα,τευτεΤνίξω, (from same and ευτεΤ^ίζω) I vilify. ΚχτευτξετΓίζω, (from same and ευτζεττίζω) I dress, adjust, rectify. Κχτευτυχεω, (from same and εϋτυχεω) I succeed, prosper. Κχτευφ'/ιμ,εω, (from same and εύφημέύ)) I accost with auspicious words, congratulate. Κχτευφξχίνύ), (f^om same and εύφξχίνω) I delight, charm. Έ^χτευγ/^ι, -^ί"? ^» « wish, prayer. From Υ^.ά.τεΰγ^ο[Λαι, (from Λχτά, and εΰχομ,χί) I pray for, luish, entreat ; boast. Κχτεφά,λΤ^ομχί, (from same and Ιφά,λλο- fixi) I jump down upon. Κχτεφίσττιμ,ι, (from same and εφίσττιμί) I make an assaidt iqjon. Κέίτεχύ), (from same and εχω) I hold down, cover, hold fast, possess, take posses- sion of, take, detain, restrain: κχτ'εχειν εις, to bring a ship down towards the shore, to make for the shore. Acts xxvii. 40. KciT>]y£^iyy, -όνος, 6, (from same and '/iy£yMu) a leader, guide. Κχττιγεομχί, (from same and vjyio/xoii) I relate, explain, lead. Κόίτ/ιγοξέω, -ω, (from same and dyo^io) or άγοζεύω) I speak against, accuse. Κχτγιγ6ξϊΐ/:ΛΧ, -χτος, το, and •Λχτ-/ιγοζίχ, -χς, 7), (from preced.) an accusation. Κχτϊίγοζϊκός, -'ή, -ov, (from same) cen- sorious. Κχτί]γοξος, -ου, 6, or κ,χτνιγωζ, -Οζος, 6, (from same) an accuser. Κόίττικοος, -ου, 6, ί], (from κχτχκούύ)) obedient. Κχτνιχ,ύ), Ion. for χ,χύ^κω, I belong to. Κχτ7)λί-ψ, -iTsrog or -ιφος, vi, a phnk, lad- der. ΚχτγϊΚογεω, f. -'ήσω, (from κχτχ and Άόγος) I despise, undervalue, set aside. ΚχτγιΚυσίχ,-χς, ^,(from same and εΤ^εύύω) a descent, coming doiun, 7'eturn. Κχτΐίμχι, Ion. for Kxo^f^xi, I sit down. Κχτημύύ), (from κ,χτχ and ν}μ.ύω) I bend down, incline to. Κχττηοζος, -ou, see κχτχοζος. 527 KarTjcr/ccw. A GREEK LEXICON. Κατονόω. ΚχτΥΐ'τηάω, κ5ίτ>!Τ/οώ)ί^το, poet, for χ,ο,ττγ •πιωντο^ from κ,α,τγΐ'τιηάοντο, 3 pi. imperf. pass, (from κοίτα and νιττιάω) I soften. Κΰίτγι^ίμίο), κοίτγίξε^Λίζω, (from same and ίίζεμίω) I quiet, tranquillize, lull. Κοίτηζεφγις, κ,ατίζίφ'ης, -ίος, ο, v], (from same and βςίφω) covered with a roof, over- arched, shaded, overspreading. 'Κά,τνίξπς, -ig, (from same and α,^ω) equip- ped, suitable, agreeable. Κοίτψραζΰίν, 3 pi. 1 a. of Ά/χ,τα,ρρά,σσω. Κΰίτϊ]οτ7ΐμί:^οζ, part. p. pass, of κ,οίτοίξτάω. Κά,τγιφΒίοί, -ας, % (from κοίτα and φάος) a dejection of countenance, looking down, whether from grief or shame, or both. 'Κοίτγιφϊω, f. -νισύ), — κοίτ•/ιφιά,ω, f. -ΰ,σω, (from same) / keep down my face through shame or sadness, am dejected. Κοίττιφ^ς, -ίος, ο, vj, (from same) of a downcast countenance through sadness or shame, dejected. 'Κοίτγιφων, -ouog, o, 'ή, (from same) cow- ardly, spiritless. Κοίτ^χίω, -ύ), (from κ,α,τοί and νιχίω) I sound, sozind aloud, instruct one by words, sound instruction in his ears. Κοίτϊ)χ7ίς, Λος, 6, ^, το -ίζ, (from same) echoing, murmimng. KUTUccu, for κ,οι,τξύοίυε, Mol. sync. 3 sing. 2 a. of κ,οι,τοίθ^ήσκο). Κατ'ίά.'τττω, (from κοίτα, and ιχτττω) I beat down ; tear, disfigure, through grief. Κΰίτιζύ), Ion. for κοίύίζύ). Κοίτίύύ, (from next) straight before. Κόίτϊύννω, (from ««era and Ίύύι/ω) I make straight, direct. }ζ.οιτίκΐτ£νω. Ion. for κοίύίκετίνω. Κατιλνω, (from κοι,τοο and ιλνς) I cover with mud, overload with soil. Κοίτίόω, f. -ό)σω, p. κοίτίωκοί, p. pass, κοίτ- ίωμοίί, (from same and ιΌς) I cover with rust; am rusted, cankered with rust ox filth. Κοίτίττ'ττοίζού, for κοίύΐ'ττ'πά.ζω, see κοίόιτν- Κοίτίζόω, Ion. for κα,ύΐζξόω. Κοίτίστόίτοΐί, (3 sing. pass, of καύίστγι/α,ί) is fixed, stands, is. Κάτιστε, or κά,τισ&\ for κατίσόίτε, (from κοιτά, and ισγι(Λΐ) ye know. Κοίτιστεοίτο, Ion. for κοούίστοιντο, (3 pi. imperf. pass, of κοίύίστγι[Λΐ) were fixed in, overwhelmed with. 'Κοίτισχ,ίω, Ionic for κα,τοίσχίω. See ΆΒΧ,τεγβ). Κόίτίσχνοί(!/ω, κΛτισχούυω, κοίτισχ,νεω, kol- τισχ,νόο), (from κοίτά and Ισχνοίίνω) I make slender, cause to pine or waste away. 'Κά.τισγ,νος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) slender. Κούτίσχ,υξίύομοΐί, (from κα,τοί and (σχυζος) I am very strong. 528 Κόίτισχνω, (from same and . Ισχ,ύω) I prevail against, prevail,'make to prevail. Κοότίσχ,ω, Ion. for κΛτά,σχω. Κάτοδο?, -ου, τ], for κάύο^ος. ΚατόΙυι/ος. See κα,τω^υυος. Κοίτοίκεσίοί, -οίς, ij, (from next) dwelling. Κόότοίκίύι), -ω, (from κοί,τα, and οΐκίω) I dwell in, inhabit. ΚατοΙκ-ί^σις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from pre- ced.) a dwelling, habitation. Κοίτοίκτιτ'/ΐξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a place of dwelling, a habitation. Κοιτοίκίοί, -Οίς, vj, (from same) a dwelling, habitation. ΚοίτοίκΙ'^ίος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) a retired domestic. ΚόίτοικΙζω, (from κοίτοί and οΐκίζω) I make to dwell, introduce as an inhabitant. ΚοίτοίΚίσ/ίΛος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an establishing of a colony. Κα,τοικο'^ομ.εω, -ω, (from κοίτοί and οϊκο- ^ομεω) I build a house. Κάτοικος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and οΐκος) a dweller, inhabitant. Κόίτοίκτείξω, (from same and οικτείξω) I have compassion upon, commiserate. Κοίτοικτίξο), (from same and οικτίζω) I lament over. ΚοίτοΙκτϊσίς, -εως, vj, (from preced.) pity. Κοίτο(^ύωζύ), (from κοίτοί and οΊμ,ωζω) I deplore. Κάτοίνος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and ohog) intoxicated. Κοίτοίο/ί^οα, (from same and οιομοίή I think arrogantly concerning myself. Κοίτοίχομοίί, (from same and οιχομχι) I depart, die. Κοίτοίω, (from same and οΐω) see κοίτοί- Κόίτοκνεω, (from same and όκνεω) I am reluctant, hesitate. Κοίτολίγωξεω, (from same and όλίγωξεω} I neglect, despise. ΚοίτοΤνίσύοίίυω, (from same and ολισθαίνω) I slip or fall down. Κοοτολολύζω, (from same and ολολύζω) I howl, implore aloud. Κόίτολοφνζο^οίΐ, (from same and οϊ^οφύ- ζο^ιοίΐ) I lament over. Κοίτο^ιβζεω, (from same and ο/ι^β^εω) I shower upon. Κατο/^νύω, κοίτομόω, (from same and οι^νΰοί) I solemnly swear. KoiTOuYiy.(, (from same, and οννιμι) I ben- efit, gratify: κοίτόνα^αι, I gratify or enjoy myself. Κοίτονομάξω, (from same and ονομάζω) I name, designate, appoint. Κοίτονόω, (from same and όνόω) I re- proach. Κάτοζυς, A GREEK LEXICON. Κοίτωνακη. Κόίτοξΰζ, -ilcc, -y, (from same and οξύ;) very sharp, jJiercing. Κοίτοττάζω, (from same and οττάζω) I succeed to. Κχτόττίΐ/, χ,όίτό'ττισύζ^ or -auiu, (from same and οτΓίσύί) behind, after. Κάτοττηνο, κ,χτύτΓτομχί, (from same and οτττομ,αί) I see before me, witness, perceive, Κόίτοτττ'/ίζ, -vjQo;, and •/,α,'τό'τντης, -ov, 6, (from same) a looker down, an observer, a spy. Κάτο-ττύ?, -ου, ο, vj, (from same) con- spicuous, obvious. Κοίτοτττξίζω, f. -ϊσύ),{ίΐ'0ΤΏ. next) I repre- sent any thing as in a mirror to another ; mid. / reflect as a mirror ; pass. / be- hold as in a mirror. The Greek fathers prefer the second of these interpretations in 2 Cor. iii. 18. r/ os ϊστί, t'^u ^όξα,ν Κυ- ξίον κ,ατο'τττξ/ζόμενοί ; — όμ.ου τί yoco βα,τττι- ζόμ,ζθοί, κ,οιΐ ύχεζ τον viKiOU τ} ^νχ,Τί 'Κά,μ.ττίί, τω τιτνίύμ,α,τι κ,αβοϋξομίΐΎΐ' και ου μ,όνον όξΖ- μίν ύς τνιν oo^xu του Θεού, αλλά κ,χί ίκύθίν όίχ,όμ,ίθά, τιυΆ οίΐγ'ΚΥιν. ωσ-τηζ ocu si α,ζγυξος χοίβοίζος ΤΓζος τά,ς ακτίνας κ,βίμίνος, και α,υτος ακτίνας ζκ7ΐί[Λ•ψζΐεν, ουκ άττο τν}ς οικ- είας φύσεως μόνον, αΚΚα καΐ ά-^ό tjj; Τ^αμ- τττη^όνος τν,ς νβ.ιακ7ΐς' ούτω και jj "φυ-χ,'Α »ίί- βαίξομεντι, καΐ αζγύξου Τ^αμττ^οτεζα γινό- μενοι, δέχεται ακτίνα ά,'ττο τί]ς "^όξ-ης του ττνευματος, και ταΰτνιν άντιττεμττει. " But what is, reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord ? — when we are baptized, the soul purified by the spirit shines brighter than the sun ; and we not only behold the glory of God, but thence derive a certain splendour. As pure silver exposed to the rays of the sun, will itself send forth rays, not from its own nature alone, but also from the brightness of the sun ; so also the soul purified, and clothed with a lustre above that of silver, receives a ray from the glory of the spirit, and again sends it forth." Chrysost. on the passage. ΚάτοτΓτ^ον, -ου, το, and κά,τοτττξίς, -Ίοος, vj, (from κατά and οτττομαι) a mirror; hence catoptricks. Κατοξγιάζω, (from same and οργιάζω) I initiate into the orgies. Κατοξύόω, (from same and όζβόω) 1 raise lip, reneiu, direct, make right, accomplish happily or successfully. Κατόξθωμα, -ατός, το, and κατόζύωσις, -εως, ij, (from prcccd.) an illustrious or worthy deed happily or successfully accom- plished, a correction, resLitution, support, establishment. ΚατοξύωτΊκός, -vj, -ov, (from same) right, successful. ΚατορρωΙεω, see καταρβωΖεω. 'Κοίτοζύσσω, (from κατά and οξΰσσύ)) I dig down, treasure zip, bury. Κατοξχ^ομαι, (from same and άζ^ζ^ομαι) I dance, dance down or subjugate; leap, skip, or bound against: κατωξχνισαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. used Zech. xii. 10, Jerome thinks, from transposing i*ip-i into ττρη, others say the word is here used in the sense of insidting foi piercing or stabbing. But Ig- natius, Justin Martyr, and the Pacho- mian MS. read εζ,εκευτηιΐΛν, from εκκεντεω. Κατότι, καύότι, as, since. Κατουλόω, f. -ωσω, (from κατά and ούλνι) I cover with a scar. Κόίτουξίω, (from same and ούξεω) I make water upon. Κατουξεω, κατουξίζω, and κατουξόω,{^ΌϊΏ. same and ουςος) I sail with the wind. Κατοφζυόομαι, (from same and οφ^υόο- μαι) I am supercilious. Κατοχεύς, -εως, ο, a fastener, bar. From Κατοχεύω, (from κατχ and όχεύω) I allow to gender, couple zvith. Κατοχνι, -^ς, i], (*from κατεχ,ω^ detenfiofi, seizure, demoniacal possession. Κατόχ,'ίμος, -ου, ο, ^, (i. e. κατεχόμενος. See κατέχω) possessed, a person or thing possessed ; held in bondage. Lev. xxv. 4G. Κάτοχος, -ου, 6, vj, (from κατέχω) re tained, fastened, held. Κατο-ψιος, -ov, (from κατότττομαί) ex- posed, obvious to the view. Κάττϋμα, -ατός, το, for κάσσυμα, or κατάσυμα, (from next) a thing sewed: καττύματα, shoes or sandals. Κ,αττϋω, Att. for κασσύω, or κατασύω, I sew, patch, mend. Κατύττεούε, Ion. for καύΰ-τΐεξθε. Κατυττε^τε^ος, (from preced.) higher, upper, above. Κατυττνόω, Ion. for καύυ'ττνόω. Κάτω, (from κατά) down, downwards, beneath, below. Κατωγαιος, and κατύγιος. See κατά- γαιος. Κατω^υνάω, -ω, (from κοίτα and ό^υνάω) I afflict. Κατωοΰνος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and όΐύν/ι) sad, afflicted. Κάτωθεν, (from κάτω) from below. Κάτωκάζά, (same and κάζα) headlong. ΚάτωμάΙ'ίος, -ov, (from same and ωμός) shoulder high: κάτωμά^ον, across the shoul- ders. Κατωμοσίϊΐ, -γις, ij, (from κατομόω) an oath. Κατωνάκγ}, -γις, vj, (from κάτω and νάκο;) a garment bordered with sheep skin, worn by a slave. X ΰ2ί) Karwguf. A GREEK LEXICON, Ksovhg. Κατώγι»!, -vyogy ^, (from κατοξύσσύ)} a place dug down, a 'pit ; a thing dug dotvn or hid, a treasure. Κόίτωξνχ''^ξ, -εος, ο, (from same) deep dug, deep sunk, massy. Κοίτωτατος, -η, -ov; (siiperlat. of κ,άτω) lowest* Κατωτεξος, -α, -ov, (comparative from same) lower : κοίτωτίζύ), under. KcfTdycpfiiyag-, -cc, o, (from κ,ά,τύ) and φύγίύ) a glutton. Κατωφίξνίς, 'ίος, ο, i], (from same and φίξομ,Λΐ) carried downwards, prone, steep. Κΰίτωχξχύ), and χχτωχξΐάω, (from κατά and ώχζίύω) I turn pale at. Κανύξω, f. -ύξω, (from κ,αίω) I split or open with heat, break. Κα,ν»ζ, χα,νζ,, κοίύϊΐζ, κΥιξ, --ηκος, 6, α sea gull. KoivT^rjog, '<η, -ου, (from next) made of stalks. KuvT^og, -ov, 6, the stem or stalk of an herb, shaft of a spear or that part of it which is fixed into the iron, a stake. Κανμχ, -οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of καίω) heat, scorching heat, biirning. Ιίκυμα,τίζω, f, -ίσώί, 1 a. iKUVf^ariaoi, 1 a. pass, εκαυματίσύπι/, (from preced.) I scorch, Κΰίυσίη, ->75•, ^, (from καίω) a sort of hel- met made of skin parched with heat οχ made so as to protect from the heat. Kciva^,tiog,-Yi,-oy,({voTn same) combustible. Έίΰΐίνσίς, -εως, vj, (from κ,ίκαυσοίΐ, 2 sing. perf. pass, of καίω) a burning, being burned. Κΰίνσος, -ου, 4, (from καίω) heat, a burning fever. Κχυσόω, -ω, (from same) I set en fire, burn. Κανστϋξος, -«, -6u, (from same) burning. Κανστος, -J?, -oV, (from same) burned. Καυσω^νίς, -εος,ό, ^,(from same) scorching. Κΐίνσων, -ωΐ/ος, 6, (from same) fervent scorching heat, a hot or burning ivind. In Hebrew D-np, the east, which the ο some- times render χ,χύσων, and sometimes νότος, iJte south, because parching, burning, op- pressive, or destructive winds generally come from the east, or from the south. Jer. xviii. 17- Ezek. xvii. 10. xix. 12. Hos. xii. 1. Jonah iv. 8. — also Exod. x. 13. xiv. 21. Comp. Matth. xx. 12. Luke xii, 55. Jam, i. 11. Καυτνίξ, -νΐζος, ο, (from same) a burner. Κα,νττιξίχζω, f. -όίσω, p. κζκχυτηζίχκα, p. pass, κεκχυτηξίασι^χι, (from next) / brand tvith a hot iron. Κα,υτνίξίον, -ου, το, (from καίω) a searing iron. Κοίυχάο/^^οίΐ, -o),ueci, 1 f. mid. κχυχ,'•/}σο- 530 /Λχ{, 1 a. mid. ίκχυχιησΛμ,γιν ; κχυχΑσχι, 2 sing. pres. decHned like 'ίστοίμ,α,ι, -σα/, p. 35. I glory, boast, exult. Kuu^yi, -της, VI, κχύχ,ημα, -χτος, το, and κχύχησις, -εως, vj, (from preced.) a boast, glory ; a boasting, glorying. Κχνων, nom. pi. κχυωνες, oc χχυων, (sia) a cake, offered to the moon under the title οι the queen of heaven. Jer. vii. 18. Κχφχ, Dor. for κχΐ httx, and I said. Κχφίω, f. -yjaa, I pant, gasp. Κχχ,χζω, f. -ξω, for κχγχάζω. Κχχ,ίκτίω, (from next) I am in a disor- dered state. Κχχίκτνίζ, -ου, 6, (from κχκός and ίχω) a disordered person. Κχχ,ίξΐχ, -χς, 71, (from same) a cachexy : a bad habit of body. ΚχχίτχζίίΧ, -χς, Τ}, (fia?m κ,χκ,ος and ϊτχΐ- ξος^ bad society. Κχχλχζω,ί. 'Χσω, Ion. χαρ^λαζ'έσχώ), (from next) I rattle, as pebbles carried downward by a retreating wave, resoimd as the waves of the sea, hence applied to the tumult occasioned by an army before a besieged dty. ^ Κχχλγ]ζ, -Υί-λ,ος, 6, a little stone or pebble. Κχχξνς, -υος, τ], roasted or parched bar- ley ; pulse, such as peas, beans. Κχχΰττοτοττέομχι, (from κ,χκος and ύττο- το-ττίω) I suspect evil, am suspicious. Κχ•ψχκ.•/]ς. See κ,χμ-ψχκ,γις. Ki, — κ before a vowel, — χ 3 before an aspirate, — κ,ί•/, before a vowel, or for the metre (p) of similar meaning in poetry, with xu potential in prose, indeed, certainly, but, yet, perhaps. Ίίίχζω, f. -χσω, κίχσσε, 3 sing. 1 a. for SKSxas, I split, cleave. Κίχξ, contr. κ,τίξ, το, the heart. KiXTX{,Tpoet. for κίίχτχι. Ion. for κ,ίϊι/τχι. Κΐβλγι, -τις, 7], (from κζψχλ'ή) the head. ΚεβΆ'ήττΰξίς, -ίως, τ], (from preced. and 'ττΐ/ζ) a red headed bird. KsβξίόurJς, -ου, 6, (lii) a strong man, a giant, a giant bird. Κίγχξξων, -ωνος, ο, a shop or of^ce where metals luere gramdated. ΚεγχξίχΊος, -ou, (from κίγχξος) of the size of millet. Κίγχξίντι, -γις, τι, a water snake. Ύίίγχξος, -ου, 6, millet. Κεγχξίομχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) mil- let woi^, studs like millet seeds on the rim of a shield ; also, holes in the rim of a shield through which the enemy could be seen. Κί^χζω, for σκί^χζω, I scatter. Kihuog, -'4, -ou, (from κ^δο?) worthy of care, venerable ; cared for, dear ; careful, anxious, faithful. Κεδξίνος, A GREEK LEXICON. Κίλλω. ΚίΙξίνος, or κΐ^ζί»6ος, -γι^ -αν, (from κεδ^οί) of cedar. Κ^δ^ί?, -/δοί, 07, (from same) ίΛω) / shout, scream, bark, howl. ΚίκλοίΛχι, imp. ζκνΛλόμ,γΐν, (by redupl. for Ki'Koy.ai, by sync. κ'Κόμ.Λΐ) I command, encourage, summon, call. ΚΓκζοίγμοί, -scTog, to, — χ,$κζ<ζγ/ίίός, -ου, ο, (from next) a scream, bawling. Κίκοά,γω, f. -ζύ), 1 a. ίκίκξοίζχ, (from KiKoxycc, p. m. of κοά,ζω) I cry. ΚΤκζοίκτ/ις, -ου, ό, (from κξύζω) a bawler. Κεχ.ξχξ,ίύοίμος, -ου, ο, (from same and See- Ι^χω) one who outbawls others. ΚίκζυίΛμ,ίνως, (from κζύτττω) secretly. Κίκξύφαίλο;, -ου, ο, (trom same and φχ- λο?) a covering for the head used by women ; a thong for fastening the bridle on a horse's head ; a net. Κελάδει/νον, or χ,ϊΚοιΖίΐυος, -•ίι, -ou, (from next) clamorous, shouting, ringing, loud, noisy, tuneful. Κίλάδέώί, f. -νισα, (from «ελαδο;) / ring, resound, shout, roar, sing, celebrate. Ke'kccQ/i/iix, -ecTo;, το, (from preced.) a ringing, murmur, whispering. Κελάδίτ /f, ./δοί, ij, (from same) warbling, celebrating. Κελβίδο?, -ου, 6, a ringing noise, shouting, clamour, crowing, musical smind. Κελαίνεγχ,νις, -ίος, ο, vj, (from κίλαινοζ and 'ίγχος) having a black spear. Κί'ΑΛίι/ξφνις, -ίος, 6, v}, (from same and νίφος) black clouded. Κ.ί'Καινο'β^ωτος, -ov, (from next and βςωσκω) black-eaten. KiXfli/yoV, -vj, -oy, black, dark. Κί'λΰίί'^οφόί'/ις, -ίος, 6, VJ, (from preced. and φχος) black eyed. ΚεΤ^οίίνο'φξων, -ουος, 6, {], (from same and φξ'ήν) black minded, cruel. ΙίεΚαινοχ,ζως, -urog, 6, 7}, (from same and χρως) dark skinned. Y^ihccivL•, f. -ωσω, (from xjAct/i/oV) / make black. ΚεΤ^χινωττγις, -ου, κελαίΙνω-ψ, -ω'ττος, ο, νι, κΐΤ^Λίνωττις, -ι^ος, τ], (from same and ω-ψ) black faced, dark, cruel, insidious. Κελοίξΰζύ), Dor. κελχζύσ^ω, I murmur, purl, trickle. Κελίβ-η, -ης, vj. Dor. κίλίβ», -Λς, a round wooden bowl. Κε7^ευύ7]τγις, -ov, 6, (from κ,ίλευύος) a way- faring man. Κελευύο'ΤΓΟίος, -ov, 6, (from same and ττοιίω) way making, a pioneer, Κελευάοττόξος, -ου, ο, (from next and 'ττόξος) a passenger. 'Κ.ί'Κευύος, -ov, ij, and κ,ίλευύον, -ου, το, a way, path, course, style of ivriting. Κίλευμχ, or κ,ίλευσ/ΐΛχ, -χτος, το, κεΧευσ- μος, -ου, ο, κίλενσίς, -εως, ί}, (from perf. pass, of κεΆεύω) a command, the word of command usually given with a loud voice, a shout, of rowers regulating and encouraging the united exertion, of soldiers charging their enemies, or of a general giving the order to assemble to march or to join battle, Prov. XXX. 27. 1 Thess. iv. 16. Κελευσμοσΰι/γ], -της, v}, (from same) a com- mand, Κελευστ'^ς, -ov, ό, (from same) one who gives command or signal to the rowers, Κελευστός, -vj, -ov, (from same) comma?id- ed, done at command, ΚεΆευτϊχω, (from next) / command with a loud voice. Κελεύω, f. -εύσω, p. κεκίλευκΛ, 1 a. ίκελεν- σα., p. pass. κεκίλενσ^Λχι, (from κίλω) I order, command, request, advise. Κελης, --/ιτος, ο, a riding horse, courser, swift boat. Κελητίξω, (from preced.) / ride fast, ride well. ΚεΆ^τίον, -ου, το, (from same) a swift sailing vessel. Κελλω, f. κίλσω, I drive, urge, propel, hasten, 531 Κελω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΚεξαμΒΤον, Κέλώί, κελο^Λ/, and κ,εκίω, same as κίΚίϋω. Κδλω^, -οξο?, ο, (from preced.) one ιυΐιο is commanded hy an oracle, a delegate. Κίμόίς, -άδοί, i}, afaiun or young deer. Ksuccyy^g, -ίος, 6, 9], (from κ,ίνός and dyyog) skip-exhausting. ΚερΰίνΙξίχ, -atg, vj, (from same and di /'^ξ) a loss of men. Κευχνχ'^ς, -έος, ο, v], (from same and «y- χίω) a vain boaster. ΊίίΑβξΐΰί, -aif, Toc, carrion. Ksusos, for fcei/ogy empty. Ι^ίνίοφζων, -ouog, 6, r„ (from Kii^og and φξ<^ν) empty minded, foolish. Ksffscju, -Zuog, 0, (from Kevog} the belly, a place left empty by the bones ; any empty space. Ksi /^ζίον, -ov, TO, (from same and ij^ioi/) an empty tomb. Kivolo^lcc, -ug, 57, (from same and ^e^u) vainglory. Ksvolo^og, -ov, 6, {}, (from same) vain- glorious. Κίνολογίύ), -ω, (from next and Agyw) / speak vain things. Ksuog, Ksiuog, or xsusog, -^, -6u, empty, vain, fruitless, false. KeuocTiTovhog, -oy, 0, vj, (from preced. and (ί'τιτου^'ίί) frivolously employed. 'Κίνοτα,φίύύ, (from next) / raise a monu- ment in honour of one ivho is lost, or is buried elsewhere. Έ^ίνοτάφιον, -ου, το, (from ^gi/oV and τά- φος) a cenotaph, an empty sepidchre, an honorary monument for one buried else- where : perhaps images made to represent the dead, and to adorn the monuments e- rected to their memoiy, 1 Kings xix. 13, 16. KsuoτofΛίω, (from same and Te^ua) I plan or engage in vain pursuits. Κενοφξοσν^Υΐ, vig, 'hi vain opinion. From Κει^όφξωι/, -όνος, ο, vj, (from Kivog and φζνιν) aiming at vain objects. Κίνοφωνίχ, -ccg, vi, (from same and φύ)ννΐ) vain, empty oy fruitless, babbling or noise. Κ.εν6ύ), -ω, f. -ύύσω, 1 a. Ικενωσχ, 1 a. pass. ίκει/ωύγιν, p. pass. κεΆενωμ,Λΐ, (from κ,ενος) I empty ; make vain, useless, void, or 7ndl ; I vacate, desert ; pass. / am made void, in- validated. Kiuffoci, from κ,έντω. which for κεντεω. Κεντανζίοι/, -ου, το, the herb centaury. 'Κ.ίϋτοί,υξος, -ου, 6, a Centaur: Κενταύξείος, -oc, -ov, Centaurean : Κεντχνξίκ,ως, like a Centaur, violejitly: Κενταυςί^ας, -ov, 6, hav- ing the form of a Centaur: ΚεντΛυζοττΆγι- ^iJi» •ίος, 0, ί], full of Centaurs : Κενταυξο- μαχ,ίχ, -ug, v}, a battle of the Centaurs. Κεντέω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. κεκευτΎΐκα,, and χίΐ^τξίζω, f. -ΊσΘ, I spur, goad, prick, sting. 532 Κεντημοί, -ccTog, το, and xivTQOu, -ov, το, (from preced.) a goad, pr,ick, or spike, a sting: Acts ix, 5. and xxvi. 14. — οΰκ,ονν, εμοίγε γ^^ωμ,ενος δ/δασκάλω, π^ος κ,ει/τςχ κω- \ou εχ,τει/είς, "You shall not, therefore, learn from me, to stretch out your intestines to- wards the goads." Αίσχνλ. ΤΙξομ. Ιεσμ,ωτ. V. 353. Κεντνίξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a bodkin, awl. KiuT'/}aig, -sag, tj, (from same) an instru- ment of torture. 'Κεντ^γιυεκ'/ις, -iog, 6, vj, (from χ,εντξοί/ and εΆγκ,ω) stimidated by the spur. Κεντξο^'/;λγΐτος, or κ,εΐ/Τξούά,'^Υίτος, -ou, (from next and ίτιΚεω) injured by the goad. KiuTQOu, -ov, TO, see κ,εντημ,χ. Κεντζοτύτιτνις, -εος, ό, ί], (from preced. and τύτΓτω) goad-smitten, spurred. Κεντξόύ), ί.-ωσω, (from χ,εΐ/τξον)Ι arm with bristles or horns. Κεΐ/τξωι/, -ωνος, ο, (from same) a rogue who was pricked tuith a goad to make him confess ; also a quilted coverlet used in ivar as a fence. Ιίευτξωτος, -Vj, -6u, (from κ,εντξόω) pierced ivith bristles ; armed imth bristles. Κεντυςίω!/, -ojuog, 6, (Latin) a centurion. Κεντόύξ, -οξος, ό, (from κ,εντεω) a driver. Υίευωμοί, -c&Tog, το, (from -/csuoa) empti- ness, an empty space. Κενως, (from χ,ενος) in vain, to no pur- pose. Κίυωσις, -εως, {], (from ζενόω) evacuation. Κεττφόομ,Άί, (from next) I fly lightly or quickly, or without resistance, Prov. vii. 22. Έ.ί'Τΐφος, -ov, 6, (from κουφός) a very light sea bird, which is easily driven about by the wind, a sea mew, a pewit ; a silly fellow. Κεζοί, Dor. for κίζα,τα., see κε^ας. Κεξχίχ, -ocg, τ], (from κ,εξας) the tip of a horn, a curvature or flourish at the ex- tremity of a letter. 'Κεξοί'ιζω, f. -^ισω, (from same) / use my horns, ravage, destroy. Κεξχίξω, (from κεζάω) I mix. 'Κεξο,ί'ς, -ί^ος, '/}, κεξα'ισττ^ς, ov, 6, (from same) a ravager. Κεξΰίμείζος, κ.εξχμΐκός, -ij, -ou, — κ,εξά,μεος, κεζά,μ,ειος. Ion. κ,εξχμ'/ιϊος, — κεζάμ,ίος, χεζοί- (ΛΟΛος, -m, -ou, (from κ,εζο,μος) made of pot- ter s clay, earthen. Κεξχμείκ,οι, -uu, oi, (from same) two places at Athens, one within, the other without the walls, each called the Cerami- cus, doubtless from potters working there. In the Ceramiais, on the outside, were buried those who died in war. Comp. Matth. xxvii. 7- Kεζoί,yΛhu, -ov, το, (from same) a pottery. 7 Κεξαμΐυς, A GREEK LEXICON. Κέξόβοας, Κεοόί/χίύ;, -ίως, 6, (from κίοοίμ,ος) a potter. Ki^ay.iVT"iKa;, ->j, -ov, (from same) skilled in pottery ; of οτ belonging to the Cer amicus. Κίξόί/^,ίύω, f. -ίύσω, (from same) / work as in clay, work in clay. ■ Kζξά,μrJoς, -ri, -ou, (from same) earthen. Κίξοί,ίαον, -ου, το, (from same) an earthen vessel, Jar. Έ.ζΡΐχ.(Λΐς, -ίοοζ, 7], (from next) a tile. Κύξαμος, -ου, 6, potter's clay, a brick, a tile, a potter'' s vessel; a place of confine- ment where malefactors and slaves were obliged to work in clay, or to hew stones, a jjrison. KiouyvToc, -6u, (from preced.) covered with tiles. ΚίΡΰίύ^όος, -ου, ο, τ], (from κίξας and Ιίω) a polisher of horns, a bow maker. Κίζν,ος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from next) horned. Κέξόίς, -ccTo;, -ceo;, -ω:, ro, (See p. 44) a horn ; a boio, trumpet, pipe or cup ; the wing of an army ; strength, power. Κίξασα,χ, -χτος, το, (from kboxco) a mix- ture. Κζξύστ/ΐζ, -ου, β, and κ-ρύστις, -ιος, tj, (from κίζχς) horned ; a horned serpent, ce- rastes. Κίοχσφύοο;, and κίοΰ,τοψόοος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and φίοω) bearing horns, horned. ΚίοατΙζω, f. -7σω, Attic κίξχτίω, p. ksks- ςάτικ,χ, (from κίοα;) I push or strike with the horn, overcome. ΚίξάτΊνος, -η, -ov, (from same) made of horn ; κ.εξχτΙ^/ι, with ffaA7r/y| understood, a cornet. 'Κίζά,τιον, 'ου, το, (from same) a little cup made of horn, shell, husk. Κζ^Λτιστχς, -ου, 6, (from same) a striker with the horn. ΚίΡατωο-ης, -ζος, 6, v], (from same) having cliffs like two horns. Κ€ρχύ>./;ς, -ου, ό, (from same and χυλίω) a horn blower, trumpeter. Κίξχύνίος, -oi, -ou, (from κζζχυνος) of thunder ; struck by thunder. Κίζχυ^οβο'/.ίω, (from same and βόύ.'Κω) I dart the thunder. ΚζξαυνόβοΆο;, -ου, 6, i], (from preced.) thunderstruck. ΚίΡΛυνο βοόίΐτ-ης, -ου, ό, (from next and βζοι/τή) thunder -roaring. Κίρχυνος, -ου, 6, lightning, thunder, a thunderbolt. Κζζχυνοφά,γις, -^ος, ό, vi, (from preced. and φάω) thunder-blazing. Κίζχυνόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from κίζχυ•^6ς) I thunder, strike with thunder. ΚζξΛυνωσις, -εως, vj, (from preced.) a striking by thunder. Κίξάω, f. .χσύ), by sync. κζχΜ, κοχσω, p. κέκ.ξχκχ, — κ,ζρχίςω, κίρχυι/ΰω, f. -ΰσω, — ks- ^χ)/νϋ^ί, (from -Δζ^χς) I pour in properly into cups of horn, I mix, season, dilute, or enrich luith spices. Έ^ε^χ'^^ύ), or κί^ίω, -ω, f. KSp'havZ, or κερο'ήσω, p. κ,νΑ^γ^χ,χ, 1 a. εκίζΟΥισχ, 1 f. pass. y.i^riumofAxi, 1 a. pass. 1•Λεοο'ή6ην, (from κί^οος) I gain ; in Acts xxvii. 21. κίΡ^^σχί τ£ T'/j;/ υβρί^ τχύτ-/ιν y^ccl Tsjy ζ-ζι- yJx'j, the negative [Λ'ή may be borrowed from the preceding clause, and κε^Ινισχί rendered "not to have received;" or "to SAVE a loss," may be interpreted " to pre- vent, avoid, or escape" any thing hurtful or disagreeable. Κ£οδάλίο$•, -X, -o'j, (from same) gainful, greedy of gain, rapacious, cunning : κεζοχ- ~Αίύ)ς, profitably, greedily, cunningly. Κεξοχλίόψοω^, -o'jo;, o, 7}, (from preced. and (pfj'^'j) greedy. Κίξοίων, -OP, and κ.ερ'^:στος, -r„ -ov, comp. and superl. from next. 'Kkf^og, -ίος, -ους, το, (perhaps from κείξω, as denoting the little clippings or cidtings off of money gained by trading) gain, ad- vantage, profit, lucre. Κεξ^οσΰυ-/ι, -ης, '/], (from preced.) craft, sagacity. Υίε^ω, -ωος, 'ή, (from same) a fox. KiPGav, -oj'jog, 6, (from same) a sordid slave, menial ; hence Lat. cerdo, -onis. Kffio&JOi•, -ου, 6, (from same) an epithet of Mercury as the patron of gain. YLs^Huog, (from κ,ίξχς) of horn, horny. "Κερ-Λί;, -ί^ος, '/}, a shidtle. ΚίΡ:<.ος, -ου, v}, and χ,βζκίο:/, -ου, το, a tail. Κεοκϋοχ, -χ;, 'η, Corcyra, an island in the Ionian sea, anciently Phceacia, now Corfu : ΚεΡκϋρχ7ο{, -uu, oi, the Corcyreans. Κέρκυζος, or κίξκουξο;, -ου, 6, a sort of barge. Κίξκ,ύ}•ψ, -otto;, 6, (from κίρκος and ώ!ψ) afox; a canning, insinuating, deceitful, ma- licious person. 1ζ.ίξ/αχ, -χτος, το, and κερμ,χτίο]/, -ου, το, (from Kii'ooj) a small juecc of money, so called, because, in the rude state of the ancient money, small pieces were often clipped off from larger pieces to make weight ; it is a collective word for small money, like our word change. John ii. 15. Κερμχτίζω, (from preced.) / divide into small money. Κίζμ,χτιστ'/ις, -ου, ο, (from prcced.) a dealer in small money, a moneychanger for profit. Κεζοοχτ-^ς, -ου, 6, (from κίξχς and /3oi/t/6j) horn-footed. Κε^ό^οχς, -ov, 6, (from same and /Soaw) horn-sounding. 533 K£§6dirog, A GREEK LEXICON. Κηκ/ω, i' KigoSgTo?, (from same and Sgίλ'^δώ;>, -όνος, ο, vj, κγ[Κίστγις, -ου, 6, χ,η- 7^7!τωξ, -Οζος, ο, (from κτ{Κίω) α soother, charmer, siren. Κ-/ί7^-/ιθΐίός, -ου, 6, yy/fh-/iy-'Ci,-»roc, το, •Λ'ήΚ/ι- σις, -ίως, τ}, (from same} the soothing effect of music, blandishment, allurement. ΚγίΚΥιτ-ήζίος, -u, -ou, (from same) fltted to soothe : κγ^Κγ^τ'/ΐΡίον, or κ'ήΚΥιΤΡον, -ου, το, a means of charming, an alhwement. Κγι'ΚΫίτΥις, -ου, 6, (from κ'/,λη) one who la- bours under a rupture. ΚγιλίΟύί), -ω, f. -ωσο), p. τακγ^ιοωκΛ, (from κγίκίς) I stain, pollute. ΚηΤ^ί^ωτος, -vj, -ou, (from preced.) stained, spotted. ΚγιλΙς, -ίοος, VI, a spot or stain, ulcer, a scar, disgrace. Kyj7iOi/, -ου, το, same as kScKov. Kj^XoV, -vj, -ou, (from κχίω) dry. Κ'ήλων, -ωΐ/ος, ο, (from same) libidinous. Κγιλωνίίον, Ion. κγιλονγμον, -ου, το, a ma- chine for drawing water. KYif4,s, for Kiel iyA, and me. K'/j^uoV, -ου, 6, (from κ,ά,ίΛτττοί) a kind of fetter or chain, a bit or bridle; perhaps ra- ther, a muzzle, which was put upon mis- chievous horses or mules, to hinder them from biting. Xenophon says it allowed them to breathe, but kept the mouth shut : also, a basket, or a cover of basket work. Κγιΐϋόύ), (from preced.) / bridle, curb. K'<|i/, Dor. for Kcit L•, but yJ vju, for κλ\ yju. Κίινσος, -ου, 6, (from Latin census) an as- sessment, a tax, a poll-tax. K'/jI, -^κος, 6, or κγιϋζ, a diving bird, coot, sea-meiv. Υί'ήτΐίυμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from κ,ή'ττεΰω) a place kejjt as a garden. Κγ,τΓίύς, -ίως, ο, (from next) a gardener. Κγ,-τΓζύω, f. -ίύσο), (from κνιττος) I cultivate a garden, raise in a garden, cherish, adorn, preserve, keep. K'/j'^-iou, and κγιττίοιον, -ου, το, (from next) a little garden. ΚΫιτΓος, -ου, ό, a garden. Κγιττουζος, -ου, 6, (from pfeced. and οΰρος, a keeper) a gardener, a garden-keeper or watch. Koj^, -ζος, VI, (from κγιοος) a thing mingled in one's cup, lot, fate, death : x5J^£f, ccl, the Farces or Fates. Kijf, contr. for χ,ίοίζ, το, the heart. Κγ,ξχινω, f. -sίuω, (from kvjo) I mix, con- found, debase ; pass, become ''subject to de- cay or fate. Κγ,ξίσσϋφόζτητος, -ou, (from same and Huoς, -v„ -ou, (from κ/ιοος) ivaxen. 'K/iOiou, -ου, το, (from same) a honey. comb^ wax, wax candle. Κ-ήξί'τξεφ'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from κ'ήζ and rgs- φω) nourished for death, mortal. Kyi^Uiu, -(ύuoς, Ό, (from κ,γίζος) wax candles. Κ'/ΐζο^ίτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and δέω) fastened with wax. KYiooooyJa, (from same and osuo}) I build of wax. Κγ}ο6ύϊ, (from KTJo^from the heart. 'Κγιοο'ττ'Κα,στος, -ου, ο, ^, (from next and ττΤ^ύσσω) formed with wax. Κ'/ίξος, -ου, 6, bees wax. Kγ,ρoτΐχ,uYlς, -ου, 6, (from preced. and T^X'-^'fi) ο,η artist in wax. Κγιξουλχός, -ou, (from κ'ήζ and ί'λ^ώ;) dragging to death. K-/iqo^;nau, -ωνος, ο, vj, (from κ•/}ξος and χίτύJu) coated with wax. Κγίοοχ^ΰτίω, (from same and χ;ύύ)) I melt wax, model in wax. Κ-ηζόχΰτος, -ou, (from preced.) cast of wax. Κιηοόω, f. -ωσω, (from χ,Υιξος) I cover with wax. Κτίξυγ/ίία, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of κγίξύσσω) a proclamation, proclaiming, pub- lishing. KYjoOKctiuoi, --/ις, {], (from κνιςυζ) a female ciner. ΚΥίουκζίΰί, -οίς, κγ,ουκγι'ί'η, -γις, v], (from same) the office of a herald. Kyi^Oksiou, -ου, το, (from same) a wand carried by a herald. Κγίξϋκίυμχ, -ατός, το, (from same) a proclamation. ΚγίζϋκΒυω, f. -ίύσω, (from same) / officiate as a herald, proclaim. Κγ)ον'Αος, or κει^ΰλος, -ου, ο, the king*s flsher. Κνίζυ^, -ϋκος, 6, (from next) a j)roclaimcr, publisher, a herald or crier, a preacher. Κγιξύσσω, or -ύττω, imperf. ίκν;ξυσσον, f. -ΰξω, p. κ,£κ'/;ρυχ,α, 1 a. ίκ'/ΐξυξα, 1 f. pass. κ-γ,ξυχ,ύ'/ισομαί, p. pass, κξχ.'ήζυ'/μ,α,ι, 1 a. pass. iKYi^iy^unu, I publish, proclaim as a herald, proclaim aloud, preach. See ίύαγγίλίζω. Κτίζω f<,oc, -οίτος, το, (from χ,γίζος) wax- work, ointment. Κν]τίίος, -a, -ou, (from χ,^τος^ of ox like a whale. Κγ^το^οζ-τΐος, -ou, (from next and δο^ττο?) whale-eaten, 535^ Knroif A GREEK LEXICON. Κινεω, Κ^τος, -ζος, -ους, ro, a whale, a great fish or sea monster ; Matth. xii. 40. hu rrj κοι- Tiix rov K'/jTovg, in the camty of the ivhale. This is Bp. Jebb's rendering, of which he gives the following account : " A safe and practicable asylum is afforded, not, indeed, in the stomach, but in another cavity of the whale ; the throat is large, and pro- vided with a bag, or intestine, so consider- able in size, that whales frequently take into it two of their young, v^hen weak, especially during a tempest. In this vessel there are two vents, which serve for in- spiration and respiration ; and here in all probability, Jonas was preserved ; not, in- deed, without miracle, but with that econ- omy} of miracle so frequently exemplified in scripture. This receptacle may be accounted a sort of air vessel, and suffi- ciently answers to the term χ,οϊκΊλ in St. Matthew, which I have rendered cavityT Sacred Literature, p. 178. Κ>5Τώ)δ>9$•, -ff, and K'/irim;, -ίσσοί, -gy, (from preced.) having whales, whak-Uke, large. Κ'ίφά?, -ά, ο, (Syro-Chald. Ks-a) Cephas, a stone or rocJc ; the same as -ττίτζος. Κηφ'ήν, 'Vivog, 0, a drone, wasp ; a pla- giarist, ■'Κτ,ύί^Ύΐς, -εοζ, ο, ^, χιηωίίς, -εσσχ, -su, (from κα/ω) perfumed, fragrant. ΚίβΙηΤ^εύύ), f. -εύσω, (from κ,ΙβΙϊ}7,ος) I corrupt, adidterate, counterfeit ; falsify, dis- guise. ΚφΙ'ήΤκ'κχ,, -α,ς, VI, (from next) dross. Κίβογ[Κος, -ου, ο, ^, (from next) mixed with dross, counterfeit, adulterated, not pure, applied to a mixed garment. Deut. xxii. 11. ΚίβΙης, clay, dross, the refuse of metal. ΚΊβισίς, or κνβ7σις, -εως, {}, a collection, a bag, pouch or wallet, in which things are collected. Κιβωτιοι/, -ου, το, (from next) a small chest, a casket, a desk, wardrobe. Κιβωτός, -ov, i], (from κφός the same) a hollow vessel, a chest, an ark. ΙίιγΆΚΐ^ωτος, -ou, (from KiyyJhig) of lat- tice work. Κιγκλίζω, f. -Ιίσω, (from χ,ίγκΚος) I move like a wagtail, I nutter about with restless inconstancy. Κιγκλις, -ΙίΙος, v}, (from κ,λείω) a lattice, keyhole, porch, inclosure, rail. Κίγκ,λος, -ov, 6, a wagtail. Υίίϊόίζΐς, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, a tiara, turban, crown. 'Κι^ννίμί, or cKihuvifAi, I spread: χ,ίν^όίμ,οίί, I spread myself over, disperse, diffuse. ΚΊβόίζά, -χς, i], a harp, lyre, lute. 536 Κιίύΰίζίζω, Dor. κ,έύΰίξίσ^ω, f. -Ισω, (from preced.) / harp, play upon a harp, strike the lyre. Κίύαίοις, -εως, 'ή, (from same) the art of playing on the harp. Κίύόίζ^σίς, -εως, v], (from same) the action of playing on the harp. Κϊθά,ξίσ/ϋος, -ov, 6, (from same) the sound of the harp, or the playing on it. 'Κ'ίθά.ζίστ'^ς, -ov, 6, (from same) a harper. ΚίύΰΐξίστΓ^.ός, -tj, -ov, (from same) of or belonging to the harp, skilful in playing on the harp : κιύοίζίσηκως, after the manner of a harp. Κίύΰίξίστνς, -νος, vj, (from same) the art of playing on the harp. Κΐύΰίξωοός, or ζιίύόίζοίοι^ος, -ov, o, (from same and ω'^ος) one luho sings to the harp on which he plays : κιβχξω^εω, I sing to the harp : κ,ιύΰίξωΐία, -ας, τ}, singing to the sound of the harp : χ,ιύοίξω^Γικ,ος, -vi, -6u, fitted to the harp, Κ.ίύωιι, -ω νος, ο. Ion. for γ,ιτων, a coat, robe, garment, covering. Κίκ,ί, -εως, ro, a sort of Egyptian oil. ΈΛχ,ιννος, -ov, 6, a curl, lock. Κίζζχβαν, the hooting of an owl. Κικλτισχω, another form of κχλέω. Κϊκ.υς, -νος, vj, strength, foi'ce. Κίλεντιάω, poet, for κ,ελεντίάω, same as χ,ελενω. Κ/λλο$•, -ov, 6, an ass : κ/λλ/05•, -at, -ov, of an ass : χιΤΟαβοίντες, -ων, ο/, a luooden frame on which soldiers when weary rested their shields, so called perhaps from κίλλος, as we call a frame of this sort a horse. Κΐ^βϊΐξ, or κ.ίμ•βίζ, -κος, ο, stingy. Κίνάβξχ, -χς, V), the stink of goats, stench. Κϊυχβξάω, f. -9ΐσω, (from preced.) / stink. ΚίναΙος, -ov, 6, a fox, a crafty fellow. ΚΛνά,ύίσ^Λαί, -ατός, το, (from κ,ίνχβίζω, same as κ,ινεω) a rustling οτ fluttering. Kivoiil'tuc, -χς, VI, sodomy. From }ζ.Ινχιοος, -ov, 0, (from κ,^uεω and χι^ως or xl^olou) a catamite ; Lat. cincedus, ΚΊνόίμωμον, and χ,ιννχμωμον, -ov, το, cin- namon. Κίν'^νι/ενμχ, -χτος, το, (from κινδυνεύω) risk, attempt. ΚινΙννεντίον, (from next) it is necessary to risk or attempt. 'Κιν^ϊινενω, f. -ivaa, p. κεκιν^ύνενκχ, 1 a. εχ,ιυΐννευσχ, (from next) / am in dan- ger, expose to danger, risk. Κίνδυνος, -ov, 6, (from κιυεω and δεο? or oMvYi) danger, peril, enterprize. Κιν^ννω^νις, -ες, (from preced.) dangerous. Κϊνίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. κεχ,ίνγιχχ, 1 a. εκιννι- σα, 1 f. pass, κινιηύησομχι, 1 a. pass. Ικινψ Κινΐ]&ιύς. A GREEK LEXICON. i^ αΰΐς. ό/ιν, also κονω, and κίνυμί, (from χύω and <Αω) I move, remove, agitate, excite. Κϊνγι^μόζ, 'ov, 0, (from preced.) agitation. KTuYifAU, -ατός, το, (from κ/νίω) a move- ment, tumult. Κϊνησις, -ίος, Attic -ίύ)ς, ί], (from same) a moving, motion, commotion. Κϊ^γιτ'ήξ, -νίξος, and -/Αν/ιτνις, -αν, 6, (from same) a mover. Κϊι/-^τ'/]ξίος, -a, -o'j, and χίνητικός, -% -ou, (from same) moveable, capable of momng. Kiuvyiiici, -Λτος, το, (from κα/ύσσύ)) a thing swinging in the air. KivvQx, -ας, τ], ("iiis) a harp. Κϊννοο(/,οίΐ, (from preced.) I lament in a plaintive tone ; ^Esch. Theb. 116. Kiuv^ou- Tcct φονον, they bode slaughter in their sound. Κίνν^ος, -ά., -Ο!/, (from same) doleful. Κζΐ/ύσσω, (from χ,ρΑω) I move to and fro, swing. Κϊΐ/ωττίτχ, -oju, τ», (from same and ^έδο) reptiles, wild beasts, Κίονοκξάνον, -ου, το, (from κΐω]/ and κί- QYivou) the head of a pillar. Κΐξχ,γιΤκοίτος, -ou, (from next and k^occj) chased by the hawk. Κίξκος, -ου, 6, a ring, circle, circus; a fal- con, hawk, kite ; so called from moving round when marking his prey. KipyJcj, f. -ύ)σω, (from preced.) / bind with lings. Κίονύω, -Ζ, imperf. sk/^vocov, -uv, and Kiqur,y.i, (from κί^άω) I mix. Κίβόός, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from κα,ίω) yellow. Κΐς, κιος, 6, α small worm. ΚΊστιοις, or κ,ίσσπζΐς, -ίως, ν], (from pre- ced.) pumice stone, which looks woryn eaten. Κίσσά, or κίττ», --/ig, 7], squeamishness ; also, a magpie, a chatteiing woman. Κιασά,ω, or χ,ιττά,ύ), -Ζ, i. -vjacj, 1 a. εκ,ίσ- σήσα, (from preced.) / long for, conceive. Κίσσγ}ξνις, -eg, κισσοφόζος, -ou, (from κισσός) abounding with ivy, bearing ivy. Κισσγιοωαο'ης, -ίος, 6, vj, (from κίσπζΐς) like the pumice stone. Κισσίνοβΰίφνις, -log, 6, v), (from κισσός and βά,χ-τω) tinged with ivy colour. Κίσσϊνος, -/?, -οι/, (from κισσός) of ivy. Κισσοκόμ,γις, -ου, 6, (from same and KOyri) having ivy curls. ΚισσοτΓοίγιτος, -o'j, (from next and ττοιίω) made of ivy. Κισσός, Attic κιττός, -ου, ο, ivy. Κισσοστίφνις, -ίος, ο, ij, (from preced. and στίφω) ivy-crowned^ ΚισσόφυΧΚον, -ου, το, (from same and φύλλο») a leaf of ivy. Κισσόω, f. -6}σω, (from κισσός) I cover with ivy. 3 Κισσύβιον, -ου, τό, (from same) a bowl. Κίσσωτος, -ov, (from same) curling like ivy, shaggy. Κίστιη, -Υις, κιστίς, -ι^ος, τ], α chest, box, basket. Κιστοφόξος, -ου, 6, «j, (from preced. and φίζω) a basket bearer. Κίτόίξΐς, -scjc, v;, same with κβοίξίς. Κίττχ, -Υις, vi, see κισσοί. Κιχ,οίω, κίχ,ά.ί/ω, κιγβ,ω, κιγ,ίΐω, κ(χ-/ιμ.ι, (from γ,ά.ω or χούνω) Ι gape after, desire, seek ; find, overtake, catch. ΚΤχ,^^γΐ, --/ις, VI, a thrush, Κ'ίχ;λίξύ}, f. -Ίσω, (from preced.) I feed on thrushes, feast delicately ; laugh exces- sively^ giggle. Κίχλισ^,ός, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a de- licious feast, mirth, hilarity. Κϊγ,ούω, -ω, and κΊχ,ζΥΐ[Λΐ, same as χ,^άω. Κ'ίω, imp. κίζ, for 'έκΐί, (by transp. from IKCd) I go. * KTcju, -όνος, 6, a pillar. Κ.Άχγγοίΐνω, κλοίγγόίνω, ySKocyyka, κλάγ- γω, and κλάζω, f. κλά-γξω, and by rediipl. κίκλά,γζύ), 1 a. ίκλα,γζ,οί, I clash, clang ; cry, bawl, shout, scream; cackle, bark, howl. KKuyy^, -τις, % (from preced.) a clash, clang, or twang ; a clamour, shout. YShctyyr^o'j, (from preced.) with clang, or loud cackling. 'Kλά,yίpός, -oi, -ov, (from same) clamorous. Κλάδ«^&ν, -«, -oV, (from κλάδος) like a branch, slender, brittle, moving, glancing. Κλά^ίυσις, -ιος, Attic -£ως, tj, (from same) a priming of branches. ΚλαΙευ-'ήξ, -'^ζος, 6, a pruner. And ΚλαίΙευτ'ήζΐθ!/,-ου, τό, api'uninghook. And Κλύ^ισκος, -ου, ό, a little branch. From Κλώδοί, -ου, ό, (from 2 aor. of κλάξο)) a branch, a bough. Κλα,ΙωΙΐΐς, -Βος, ό, vj, (from preced.) branchy. Κ,λύζω, or κλύω, f. κλάσω, p. κίκλακχ, 1 a. ίκλΰίσχ, 2 a. ίκλχ^ον, 1 a. pass, ίκλά,σ- ύϊΐν, p. pass. κίκλοίσ{Λαι, I break. Κλα,ίοισύοί, jEoI. for κλούοις, 2 sing. pres. opt. of κλοί,ίύ). ■ Κλοίϊστζον, -ου, τό, (from κλίΐω) an in- closure, Lat. claustrum ; the eyelids. Κλα,ίω, imperf. ϊκλαιον, f. κλα,ϋσω, p. κί- κλΛυκοί, 1 a. ίκλοίυσχ, (from κλάω) I weep, lament. Κλάνιο», -ου, τό, a bracelet. Κλάξ, Dor. for κλείς, a key. Κλάζος, -ου, ο, Dor. for κλνιρος. Κλοίξος, -ου, vj, a city of Ionia, celebrated for an oracle of Apollo, hence called Κλά,σις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, i), (from κλύξω)α breaking. Υ 537 Κλάΰμόί. A GREEK LEXICON. Κλ^^Οί. Κλύσμα, -ατος^ το, (from perf. pass, of same) a fragment. ΚΆαστύω, (from κ,λάω) I shatter, crush. Κλοίυύμος, -ov, o, and κ,λαυύμωι/, -άνος, ο, (from χ,λΰίίω) a weeping. See βξνγμός. Κλΰίνύμυξίξω, f. -'ΐσω, (from preced. and μυξίζω) I cry, bathe myself with tears. Κτ^ά,υύμυ^ισμος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) loud crying, the crying of a child. Κλχυσ/άω, (from κλαίω) I am prone to weep. Κλανσιγίλως, -ωτοζ, ό, (from same and y'ihug)joy mixed with tears. Κλαντος, -5ί, -6v, (from -ΛΚί^'κο) deplorable. Κλχύ). See κλά,ζω. ΚλειΙίΟ!/, -ov, TO, (from κλίΐς) a little key. Κλεί^ονχ,ος, -ov, and κλ£/δο<ρ^λοί|, -οίκος, ο, ^, (from same and 'ίχω, or φυλάσσω) a key keeper. Κλίίβξίοί, •οίς, ί}, (from κλειώ) lattice, crevice. Κλείβξον, -ov, το, (from same) a bar. Κλεϊζ, κλεινός, ^, ace. κλεϊΐοί, or κλε7u, (from same) a key. Κλείσιοίς, -ά.'^ος, tj, and κλεισίχι, -o)u, xi, (from same) large double doors. Κλειστός, -5ί, -op, (from same) shut, in- closed. Κλεϊστξον, -ου, το, (from same) a shutter. Κλειτος, κλεινός, κλεεννος, (from next) celebrated, illustrious. Κλε'ιω, κλεω, κ,λεί'ζω, κλ-ηί'ζω, κλγζω, f. -Ίσω, or -ί^ω, ρ. κεκλεικχ, 1 a. εκλεισχ, 1 f. pass, κλεισύ'ήσομχι, ρ. pass, κεκλεισμχι, and κεκλειμχι, 1 a. pass, εκλείσύην, Ι shut, shut up, restrain, repress ; also, / celebrate, make mention of. Κλεμμχ, -χτος, and κλεττος, -εος, το, (from perf. pass, of κλί'τττω) a theft. Κλέος, and κλεϊος, -εος, -ους, το, (from κλεω or κλείω) glory , fame, good report. Κλε'τττης, -ου, 6, (from κλεττύ)) a thief. ΚλεπτΊ,κος, -v\, -ου, (from same) clan- destine. 'Κλε'τττοσνυνι, -•ί\ς, vt, (from next) skill in stealing. Κλετττω, f. --ψω, p. κεκλεφχ, 1 a. εκλε-ψχ, 2 a. έκλχχον, p. mid. κεκλο-ττχ, 2 a. pass. ίκλχ'ΧΥΐϋ, p. pass, κεκλεμμχι, (derived by some from κχλύτττω) I steal. Κλε-ψιμχίος, -χ, -ov, (from preced.) stolen. Κλε-ψϊνοος, -ου, κλε-ψΓφξων, -όνος, ό, ij, (from κλε'τττω and νόος or φ^νιν) one ivho conceals his meaning by a cunning use of words, crafty. Κλε-ψίννμφος, ό, (from same and νύμφη) a wife stealer. Κλε-ψύΙξχ, -χς, 7}, (from same and νΐωξ) an instrument for measuring time by the fall of a certain quantity of loater. 538 Κλ'ί^γω, p. m. κίκλήγχ, same as κλχγγω, Κλνιϊηυ, (from κχλεω) by name. Κλιη^ονίζω, κλ-η^ονίζομχι, f. -ίσομχι, (from κλνι^ων) I augur, divine by looking up to the clouds. ΚλιηΙόνισμχ, -χτος, το, and κλνι^ονισμος, -ov, ο, (from preced.) augury. Κλγ)^ου-)ζ,ίω, (from κλ-ήϊς and εχω) I have the keys. Κλ'^'^ουχος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) having the keys. Κλνι^ων, -όνος, ij, (from κλνΐί'ζω) glory, a good report, a good omen. Κλν}ύζ7ϊ, -mj h. Ion. for κ,λ^ιύξχ, an alder tree. » Κλίίύξον, -ου, το, for κλε7βξον. Κλγι'ί'ζω, see κλειώ. Κλγ[ϊς, -ι'^ος, Vj, Ion. for κλείς. Κλνιμχ, -χτος, το, (from κλχω) α small branch, twig or shoot. Κλγιμχτ^όζ, -oj, -ov, (from preced.) tnade of small branches. Κλνιμχτις, -ίίος, v], (from same) a small branch, twig or shoot. Κλγίξο^οσίχ, -χς, vj, (from next) a distri- bution by lot, a hereditary possession. Κλγιζ^ο^οτεω, -ω, f. -νισω, 1 a. εκλ-^ξο'^ότγισχ, (from κλνίξος and ^Ί^ωμι) I distribute by lot, give for inheritance. Κλϊίξοόεσμούετεω, (from same and ^εσμο- ύετης) I appoint magistrates by lot. Κλιηοονομεω, -ω, f. -/ήσω, p. κεκλγίξονόμγικα, 1 a. εκλΎ\οονόμ^Ύ\σχ, 1 a. pass. Ικλγι^ονομνιβνιν, (from κλγίξονόμος) I inherit, obtain for an inheritance, properlj'^ by lot. Κλγίξονομίχ, -χς, v}, (from next) an in- heritance, properly by lot. Κληρονόμος, -ου, ο, (from next and νέμω) an heir, properly of an inheritance divided by lot : κλνίζονόμος, and the cognate words, refer to possession generally, and are not restricted to the meaning of possession by descent. The Latin hceres has a similar extent of signification. Κλγι^οττάλνις, -εος, 6, τ], (from next and •ττχλλω) distribided by lot. • Κλίίξος, -ου, ο, a pebble used in casting lots, a lot : an allotment, part, or share ; a portion, properly by lot, an inheritance: the inheritance or church of God, Dent, ix, 29. 1 Pet, V. 3. μ^^ ώς κχτχκυξίεύοντες των κλνίξων, " neither as exercising dominion over the lots," i. e. the portions of the flock of God (the particular churches be- longing to the one church) which are com- mitted by the providence of God to your care. Compare Acts xx. 28. Also, divi- nation tablets, upon which the Augurs noted their observations. Eurip. Phoen. 852 — 854. KληξO•JχJa,. A GREEK LEXICON. Κλυτο2ξγί)ς, Κλγ,ξουχίοί, -ας, vj, (fiOni next) a posses- sion obtained hy lot, a colonisfs allotment. Κ'Κ-/]Ρουχ,ος, -ου, 6, tj, (from κ7.7}οος and ίχ,ύ)) a colonist, a veteran, aged ; a leader of a colony. Κλ>5^οώί, -Ζ), f. -moi, p. ΆζχΎ.νι^ωχ,οί, 1 a. pass. eKAYioojdriu, (from κλΐίζοζ) I give, take or cJioose by lot; pass. / ain taken or chosen by lot, chosen as an inheintance. Κλ'ήξωσί;, -εως, vj, (from preced.) allot- ment, lot. Κλγ,οωτ^ξων, -ov, το, (from same) a place for drawing lots. Κτ^-ηοωτι, or χΤ^,-^ξαταΙ, (from same) by lot. Κλγίξωτοζ, -'ή, -6jtjj^, -^ξΐοί-, -Λλνιτωζ, -οξο;, ό, (from same) a summoner, apparitor, invoher. Κλ•/3τον, -Τι, -o'j, (from /ΛκΎ^ύιτλι, 3 sing, perf. pass, of same) called. Κλίβανος, -ov, 0, (or κ,οίβανος, from κζΐύ'ή and βχυνος) an oven to bake bread in, a farnace. Kx/jfcise, -οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of κλίνω) a climate, region or tract of coun- try, differing from another by its declination from the equator, and the temperature of the air ; a declivity. Κλί^/^χκίον, -ου, το, and κ7^^^όίκις, -βος, vj, (from κ,λίααζ) a small ladder, steps ; κλι- μοίκΐ^ες, women who assisted ladies of quali- ty to mount their chariots. Κλΐμάκόείς, -ετσχ, -sv, (from same) mark- ed ivith steps, rising in a climax. ΚλΙΐίίοικ,τνίΡ, -τίξος, ο, (from next) the steps of a ladder or stair. Κλ/,ΜαΙ, -οίκος, 71, (from κλίνω) a ladder, stair, ascent ; a climax, Κλίνά,ζίου, -ου, το, (from κλίνη) a little bed or couch. Κλίνείος, -χ, -ov, (from some) fit for beds. Κλϊνγι, --/ις, 71, (from perf. mid. of κλίνο>) a bed or coux:h. Κλίντίξ/ις, 9j, (from preced.) bed- ridden. Κλίνβίον, -ου, το, and κλίνϊς, -ί^ος, ij, (diminutive from same) a little bed, a couch. Κλυοττετ'ής, -εος, 6, τι, (from same and ττί'τττω) i)rostrate on a bed. ΚλίνοτΓΟίός, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and '/Γο.'ίώ)) a bed-maker. ΚλΊνογ,όίονις, Αος, ο, τ?, (from same and yccciou) a sluggard. K^.ivT'iiny ■ijo'y;, 6, (from next] chai) litter, covered cai-riage, on which one may recline. Κλίνω, f. κλίνω, p. Ki/JaKx, 1 f. pass. κλιύ'ήσο[Λοίΐ, p. pass, κεκλι^χι, 1 a. act. εκλΤνχ, p. mid. κέκλινχ, I bend, recline, lay, lay down, bow down, decline ; I make to bend, cause to give way, discomfit, put to flight, rout. Κλίσ^χ, -χς, Ion, κλισίή, -ης, 'h, (from κέκλισχι, 2 sing. perf. pass, of preced.) a place where men recline, a tent ; a com- pyany of persons reclining : κλκτίηι^^ε, to the tent ; κλισίτισφι, for εν κ,λισίχις, in the tents. Κλισιοβες, -ων, αί, for κλεισιάοες, see κλείσιάς. Κλϊσ'ίον, -ου, το, (from κλισίχ) α hut, stall, sheepfold. Κλίσις, -εως, τ}, (from κλίαω) α bending or inclining. Κ7^ισΐΛος, -ου, 6, (from same) a chair in which one might recline. Κ?<ϊτος, -εος, -ους, το, (from κεκλιτχι, 3 sing. perf. pass, of κλίνω) a side, space, cor- ner, extremity. Κλϊτύς, -ύος, 7j, (from same) a declivity. Κλοιός, -ου, 6, contr. κλωος, (from κλείω) a chain surrounding the neck, a yoke, a col- lar, a fetter or shackle. Κλονεω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, (from κ7^όνος) I dis- turb, make turbulent. Κ7.όνησίς, -ιο'ς, Attic -εως, τ}, (from next) a commotion, disturbance, Κλόνος, -ου, ό, a crowd, tumult, disturb- ance. Κλο-ττχΊος, -X, -ov, -κλό-π^ΐΛος, and κλο'ττι- ΙΛχΙος, (from p. m. of κ7Λ'7ττω) obtained by theft. Κλο'Τΐεύς, -εως, and κ7^ο'7τος, -ου, 6, (from same) a thief. Κλοττ'η, -τις, ij, (from same) theft. Κλοττοφοζίω, -ω, 1 a. εκλοττοψόξησχ, (from preced. and φοζίω) I carry away by stealth. Κλοτοττεύω, I waste time in talking, %ise high sounding words. Κλΰ^ων, -ωνος, ό, κλυοωνιον, -ου, το, (from 2 aor. of κλύζω) the raging of the sea ,- a tempest, wave, surge, billow. Κ.λΰ^ωνίζο/:<,χ(, 1 f. mid. -ίσομ,χι, 1 f. pass. κλυθων{σύί]σο,ϋχί, (from preced.) / am agi- tated, tossed to and fro as by the waves of the sea. Κλύζω, f. -ύσω, imp. κλΰζεσκον, for εκλυ- ζον, 2 a. εκλυ'^ον, I wash, wash away, inun- date, make a noise like the waves of the sea. Κλΰσμχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) the fiu^ of the sea, tide, shore ; an injection. Κλυστ'ήζ, -7)ζος, 6, (from same,) a clyster, or the instrument f(n• giving one. Κ7Λτοίζ'/ος, -ου, ο, ij, (from /.λυτός and ί^γην) celebrated for skill in art. 539 Κλντόκαξ'ττος, A GREEK LEXICON. Κννζόω, Κλυτόκ,αξ'ΤίΌζ, -ου, ό, νι, (from same and κοίζ'ΤΓος) producing illustrious fruit. ΚΆντό^τ,τίς, -/Of, Oj(from same and ^&6^τ/?) famous in counsel. ΚΤ^ντό^οχύος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same and μόχθος) famous for lahours. Κλΰτότταις, -α/δο?, ο, vj, (from same and -ττχΐς) having illustrious children. KAi/ToViuXo?, -oy, 6, ^, (from next and ττωΚος) having famous horses, Κλίτο?, -ίί, -ou, (from κ,Άύω) heard, talked of, celebrated. Κλντοτίχργίζ, -ου, ό, (from preced. and 'τίχνγΐ) celebrated in art. Κλντότοξος, -ου, 6, ή, (from same and To^ou) celebrated in archery. Υ^κΰω, imperf. ίχ,'Κΰον, — κΚυμι, imperat. yChvQi, or yAyCh^^t, I hear, listen to, comply ivith, obey : K'hviiu χ,α,χ,ωζ, to be evil spo- ken of. Κλφός, -ov, 6, a birdcage, trap cage. ΚΧωγμος, -ου, 6, (from next) a ducking, croaking, hissing. Κτ^ωζύ), for κξωζω, I cluck, cackle, crow, hiss. Κλώ^ώ), f. -ojacj, perf. pass. γΛ•ΛΚωσμοίΐ, and part. χ,ζκΚωα (Αίνος, I spin, twist. Κλωύω, -όοζ, -ους, η, (from preced.) Clotho, one of the three Fates. ΚΤνωμοίκόας, -eaaoi, 'Sv, (from next)abound- ing with hills, craggy. Κλώ)^«|, -χκ,ος, ο, roughness, a steep craggy hill, a cliff. Κλων, -ωνος, ό, a branch ; χΚωνίς ττο^ωυ, the soles of the feet. Κ'λωνίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a small branch. ΥΟ^.ω'ττίύω, (from κ,λω-ψ) I pilfer, attack clandestinely. Κ'Κωττ'ίκ,ος, κ.'λωττγι'ΐός, -vj, -6v, (from same) disposed to steal, concealed. Κλίόσις, -εως, ij, (from κ,Χωβω) spinning. Κλωσμοί, -οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of κ?^ύ:ύω) hemp or βα,ν, put on a distaff ίο spin, a thread. Κλασμος, -ου, ό, (from κΆωζω) a croak- ing ; a sound made by a driver to urge on his horse. "Κ'Κωστ'^ζ, -τίζος, ©, (from -ΛΚωύο)) a spin- dle, thread, destiny. Κ'λωστός, -oj, -ou, (from same) spun, twisted. ΚΆωψ, -ωτος, ο, (from κκί'τττω) a thief, robber.. ΚρΆτι-Τύΰ, or κνάφω, κνοίφίύς, κ,ϋΛφικος, see under γνά,τττω, &c. Κι/άώί, Άΐκχ,ίω, κΑω, κ,ν^μι, Ι gnaw, cut, shave, scrape, scratch, rub off: imperf. κννι for tx,u&. Κνίφάζω, f. -άσο/•, (from κΆφ^ς) I darken, involve in ruin. 540 Κνξφα.7ος, -oc, -ou, (from next) dark: κνί- φχίως, darkly, secretly. Κνίφχς,-οίτος,Β,ηά κνίφος,-ίος, τ©, darkness. KuTjua, f. κνΫισω, p. κ,ίτίνπΛχ, (from κυκω) I scratch, rub, tickle, make to itch. ΚϋΤίκίυος, -yj, -ou^ (from next) mude of the κννικος, said of oil. 'Κνγικος, -ου, 6, a seed or plant of a yellow colour, bastard saffron. Κννικός, -'η, -ou. Dor, xu οίκος, — ku^koju, or Kua,x,uv, -ωνος, 6, v}, (from preced.) yellow, tawny : aiso, the name of a he-goat, from having this colour. Kw /ιμΛζγος, -ου, ό, (from next and ά^γ^ς) ivkite-legged. Kuvj^n, -ης, hi the leg, from the knee to the foot, see σκ,ΐλος : also the spoke of a wheel ; the arm of a chair. Υ^υημί^οφόζος, -ου, ό, % (from next and φίξω) wearing greaves. Κντημις, -ϊ^ος, ^, (from kuvj/^yi) greaves, coverings for the legs. Κν/ιμός, -ου, ό, (from same) the part of a hill above the foot, height, summit. Κννισίχω, (from x,usat) I feel an itching. Κντισις, -ΐως, τ}, κunσμός, -ου, 6, κν^σμχ, -ατός, το, (from same) rubbing, irritation, itching, prurience. Κννιστις, -ιος, {], also κ,νήστπζ, KumTViQtov, KuvjaTQou, (from same) a scraper, grater, ra- zor, carving knife, cleaver. Κνν}φη, -ης, 7], (from same) the itch. Kuth, -τις, h, (from next) a nettle, a thorn, a prickle. Kui^u, Dor. Kvlohu, (from kuUch) I cut, scrape, plueh prick, sting like a nettle. Kyi^, κϋί^ος, (from preced.) a nettle. KuTax, or κ,νίσσχ, -γις, {]> ^ strong scent, savour, fat. Κνισσχω, (from preced.) / fumigate. Κνισσνια-ς, -ίσσχ, -iu^ (from same) strong or well scented, savoury. Kuiaaoco, f. -mcj, (from same) / render fat or greasy. Κρίσσω^ιης, -εος, ο, 5j, (from same) ful^ of savour, like incense. Κνισσωτός, -ij, -ou, (from zuiaaoay smoking with fat. Kul -ψ, -ίττος, ό, (from tcuxo) winged insects such as gnats or musquitas. See σκνί-ψ. Κνύζχ, -ης, 7}y (from TcuiiCd) a scratch, scab, the plant fieahane. Κϋυζχω, χνυζέω, χ,νύζομχι, I yelp, wJiine, hoivl bitterly. Κνυζηθμοζ,-ου, 6, (from preced.) the whin- ing or yell of a dog when greatly terrified. Κυόζημχ, -χτος, το, (from same) the cry of a babe. Κνυζόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / disfigure by scratching, cause the eye to inflame. Kvjca. A GREEK LEXICON. Komo). Κνύω, f. -ύσω, I scrape, scratch. Κνώδάλον, -Qv, TO, a beast ; cattle. Κί/ώδώ^ν, -ouTog, 6, the point of a sword, pi'ong of a hunting pole. Κνωσσω, f. -ξ,ω, I sleep, snore. Ko!i?vSfio;, -ου, ό, stujnd. Kost|, the noise of frogs. Κοάω, same as κούω. Κόβάλο;, or κόβαλΆοζ, -ου, 6, ij, insidious, sMle, deceiving: κ,οβα,Τ^ίϋω, κοβοίΤ^ίκϊύω, I oven-each, supplant, cajole : κ,οβοίΤ^ίία, Ό,ς, 71, κοβχλίκίυμΛ, -ctrog, το, crajt, cajolery, adulation. Κόγχγι, -ης, 7i, a shell, conch. Κόγχος, -ου, ό, a shell, a shellfish. lLoyYJJ'h/i, -'/};, y}, (from κόγγ,η) the purple fish. 'Κογχ,υ7^οίτγ,ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a hard stone in shape of a shell. 'Koyyf/hioy, -ου, το, (from same) a shell fish. ^ ^ Κοοξά^της, -ου, ο, (Latin) a fourth pa7'f, a Roman coin, equal to about three-fourths of our farthing. Koioj, same as uoiu. Κόθοξί/ος, -ου, 6, a buskin; Lat. cothur- nus. Κόύουξος^ -ου, ό, tj, (from ksOL• and ou^oi) hiding the tail, a droiie, sluggish. Koi', grunting : κοΐξω, f. -ξο), I grunt. Κοίκΰλλω, I look about, roll my eyes. Κθ{ΆαΙι/ω, f. -όίι/ω, (from κοίλο;) I make hollow, scoop, excavate, carve or engrave. Κοίλάζ, -ά^ος, ί], (froxn same) a valley, a holloiu p)lace. Κοίλίχ, -ctg, '/;, (from same) the belly, the womb, a cavity. See κν^τος. ΚοιΆιά,κ,ος, -7j, -ov, (from preced.) of the belly or bowels. Υ^.οίϊ.ίο'τΐωλης, -ου, 6, (from same and 'π-ω- λίω) a seller of tripes or offal. Κοιλογύστωζ, -o^og, 6, (from κοίλος and ystffTijo) hollow-bellied, spacious. Κοίλον, -ου, το, (from κοίλος) a cavity, the pit of a theatre. Κοιλο-π-άΙος, -ov, (from next and -rsSo^) having a pL•in surrounded by hills. Κοίλος, κοίλγ,^ κοίλον, hollow, concave, de- pressed: κοιλότζζος, -cc, -ov, deeper, more hollow: κο'ιλγσιν, dat. pi. Ion. for κοίλΛίς. ΚοίλοστχΟΐίίίω, -u, f. -yjaa, 1 a. ίκοίλοστύύ- μγισα, (from next) I ceil. Κοιλόστχθμ,ος, -ου, 6, 'c, (from κοίλος and στα,ύμ,ος) ceiled. Κοίλότιης, -ητος, το, (from κοίλος) hoUoiu- ?iess. Κοίλόφύοίλμος, -ου, 6, vj, (ii'oni same and όφύοίλμος) hollow-eyed. Κοίλαμ,Λ, -ccTog, το, (from κοιλόύ), I hollow, Mhich from jio6jvyikoc, 1 a. iKoiuuiUYia», (from κοινωνός) I communicate, distribute, impart, partaJce, make an alliance with. Κοίρωννιμοί, -ocroc, το, (from preced.) a treaty, communication ivith. 'Κοινωνία., -etc, v], (from κοινωνός) a par- taking, participation ; communion, fellow- ship, society; communication, distribution, almsgiving. Κοινωνικός, -vi, -ov, (from preced.) ready or lailling to communicate or iynpart, liber- al: κοινωνικώς, in a friendly manner. Κοινωνός, -ου, 6, τι, (from κοινόω) a par- faker, partner, companion. Κοινώς, (from κοινός) in common, together. Κοινωφελείς, Λος, 6, τ), (from same and ωφζΚίω) useful to the community, beneficent, patriotic. Κοίος, Ion. for ττοίος, of what sort? κοίνι, for 'TToiec, by ivhat means ? how ? Κοίξόίνεω, I command, marshal. And Κοίζόίν^Ιης, -ov, 6, a governor. And ΚοίξόίνΡ/ι, -τις, 71, sovereignty. From Κοί^όίνος, -ου, ο, (from κνξος) a prince, lord. Κοιτάζω, f. -όίσω, 1 f. pass, κοιτασύτίσομαι, (from κοίτη) I make to lie down. Κοιταίος, -ct, -ov, (from same) disposed to lie down : κοιτχΊον, -ov, το, a den. Κοιτασία, -ας, v}, (from κοιτάζω) a lying ivith. Κοίτη, -ης, h, (from κίίτα,ι, 3 sing, of K{if/,cii) a bed, bedchamber, a marriage-bed, copidation, whoredom, seed. ΚοιτΙς, -ί^ος, vj, (from preced.) a small bed, a chest, wardrobe. Κοίτος, -ου, 6, same as κοίτη. Κοιτών, -ωνος, ό, (from κοίτη) a bed- chamber. Κόκκινος, -η, -ov, (from next) scarlet, of a scarlet colour. Κόκκος, -ου, 6, a grain ; the g7'ain with which scarlet is dyed. Κοκκύξω, Dor. κοκκνσ^ω, (from next) / cri/ cuckoo : I crow as a cock. Κόκκυζ,-ϋγος, 6, a cuckoo ; a sort offish; a green fig ; a bone at the bottom- of the os sacrum; a tuft, crest; a hill or cRff: κοκκυ, the cry of the cuckoo. Κολοίβξίξω, f. -ίσω, (from κόλαβξος, a pig) I dance in a wanton maimer, I humble, op- press. Κολάζω, f. -όίσω, p. kskq^uckcc, 1 f. pass. κο'Αίχ.σ07}σομΰΐι, p. pass. KSKO^ccaf-icci, 1 a. act. ίκόλοίσα, 1 a. mid. Ικολοίσάμ,ην, 1 a. pass. έκολάσότην, also κολάω, I ptmish, chastise. 542 Κολοίκίίοί, -οίς, 7], (from KO'hetKSva^fiattery, adidation. Κολάκίυμχ, -χτος, το, (from same) a compliment, blandishment. Κολχκίυτ'ίκός, -% -ov, (from next) dis- posed to flatter. Κολά,κζύύ), f. -εϋσω, p. ksko^Uksvku, (from κόλαζ,) I flatter. Κολα,κΙς, -ίίος, 'ή, (from next) a female flatterer. Κολ«|, -ιχ,κος, 6, a flatterer, a parasite. Κολά-π-ται, -ων, cci, a knop, carved work like flowers not yet opened, according to some, in the shape of wild gourds. And Κολοίτΐτνίξ, -ίίξος, 6, an axe, plane, mallet. From Κολά'τττω, f. --^ω, p. pass. κζκοΚαμμ,Λΐ, (from κοίλος) I carve, engrave, excavate, knock, pound, bruise. Κόλέίσις, -ιος, or -εως, tj, (from κολάζω) punishment, torment. Κόλα,σμόί, -Ατός, το, κο7^α,σμ.ος, -ου, 6, (from same) chastisement, punishment, an instrument of punishment. Κολα,στεον, (from same) it is necessary to punish. Κολασττίζίον, -ου, το, (from same) a place of punishment, a house of correction. Κολαστνις, -ου, ο, (from same) a punisher. Κολοίστίκος, -"ή, -ov, (from same) disposed to punish, fitted to correct. Κολχψίζω, f. -'taoj, p. κεκολάφικ», (from κόλαφος, a blow) I buffet, strike with the double fist, afflict, depress. Κολεός, -ου, 6, (from κοίλος) a scabbard or sheath. Κολϊτξάω, -ω, I trample upon. Κόλιξ, -ίκος, ο, (from κόλον) a tiipe, a sort of cake. Κόλλά,βος, -ου, ό, (from same) a sort of cake. Κολλάω, -ω, f. '7]σω, p. κεκόλληκα, 1 f. pass, κολλη^'ήσο/ίία.ι, p. pass, κεκόλλη/ί^χι, 1 a. pass, εκολλ'ηύην, (from next) / ghie to- gether ; pass. / cleave, or adho^e to, am joined, join myself to, associate with. Κόλλγι, or κόλλα, -νις, τι, glue; also, a pair of compasses. Κολλνιεις, -εσσα, -εν, (from -κολ^^άω) glued. Κόλλησις, -εως, ij, (from same) a gluing. Κολλητός, -'^j -ov, (from same) glued, sol- dered. Κολλΐκοφαγος, (from next ai]d φάγω) a cake devourer. Κόλλιξ, -ϊκος, ό, a sort of cake. Κόλλο-ψ, -οτΓος, ό, the hard skin about the necks of cattle ; a key or so'ew for tuning the sti'ings of the lyre. Κολλυβιστ'ήζ, -ου, 6, (irom κόλλνβος, a small coin) a moneychanger. MU Κολλύ^α. A GREEK LEXICON. Κο^-ψε/α, Κολλύ^α, -Λς^ 9], a small cake. ΚολΆνζίζω, f. -Uti), (from preced.) / bake cakes. KoAAt^g/oi/, or κ,ύλλούξίον, -ov, ro, or κολ- 'λνζίς, -ί^ος, % or κ,οΆΤινξίτγις, -ov, 6, (from same) a small cake ; also, (either from same, or from κωΤ^ύω and poii;) a collyrium, a topical remedy applied to the eyes, to repel sharp humours. ΚοΤίοβόκίξκ,ος, -ov, o, ij, (from κολοβός and κίξχ,ος) having the tail cut off. KoTiofioppiu, -luog, ^, (from next and p\u) having the nose cut off. Κολοβός, -)j, -ov, (from κολονω) maimed, cut off, blunted, broken. Κολοβότγις, 'Τϊΐτος, τ], (from preced.) a maim, defect. Κολοβόχ,είξ, -ος, sj, (from same and γ,ξΐξ) having a hand cut off. 'Κολοβού), -ω, f. -ωσύ), p. κ,εκ,ολόβακ,ΰί, 1 f. pass, κολοβωβ'ήσομχί, 1 a. pass. Ικολοβω^-ηυ, (from κολοβός) I cut off, cut short, shorten. Κολοίός, -ov, 6, a jay, jackdaw. Κολοίά^τις, -ov, 0, (from preced.) like a jackdaw. Κολόκνμ», -χτος, το, (from κόλος and κνμΛ) a silent or i^estrained wave. Κολοκνυύγι, -νις, τ], a gourd. Κόλον, -ov, το, meat ; an intestine. Κόλος, -Yi, -ov, same as κολοβός. Κολοσσ'ίκός, -ij, -oy, colossal. From Κολοσσός, -ov, o, a colossus, immense statue. Κολοσνζτός, -ov, 6, (from perhaps κόλον or κολοίός and σν^ω) sweeping with the noise of a torrent, a tumultuous concourse, rabble. Κολονω, f. -ova ω,' I cut short, curtail, cut off, amputate, maim, cut to pieces, punish. Κολοφων, -ωνος, ό, the finishing stroke. Κολτήοίς, -ov, 6, (from next) a robe that covers the bosom. Κύλτος, -ov, 6, (from κο7λος or κα,λντΓτω) the belly, the womb ; the bosom, the breast ; the lap ; a bay, creek, or gulf of the sea. Κολτί-ω^ης, -£ος, ο, ij, (from preced.) wind- ing like a bay. Κόλ'πω^Λο,, -χτος, το, same as κόλ•πος. Κολπωτός, -% -ov, (from same) folded, full of folds. Κολυ(Λβά,ω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. κίκολνμβγικχ, I swim, dive. Κολν/ίίβ'ΐηύξίί, -οίς, k, (from preced.) a pilace to swim and dive in, a pool, a bath. Κολνμβ'ήτνίξ, -ΐίζος, and κολν/^β/ιτ'ής, -όν, 6, (from same) a diver. Κολνμ,βΙς, -βος, ί], (from same) a diving bird, didapper. Κόλνμβος, -ov, 6, (from same) a diver. Κολωύύ), (from κολοιός) I chatter, gabble, •aise a disturbance. 10 Κολών/}, -γις, vj, and κολώνας, -ov, o, a heap, mount, hillock, tumulus. Κολωνία,, -οίς, vj, (Latin) a colony. Κολωός, -ov, 6, (from κολοιός) a tumult, disturbance. Κόμοίζος, -ov, 6, or ^, (from κο/^)?) a hairy shrub, the strawberry h^ee, arbutus. Κομόίξοφόίγος, -ov, n, % (from preced. and φάγω) a strawberry eater. Κο[Λά,ω, -ω, f. -ν^σο), p. κζκόμ,Υίκχ, (from κόμη) I have long hair. Κομβόω, I gather, tie in a knot. Κόμβωμ,οί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) ele- gant dress. Κομίω, f. -'ίισω, imp. κόμεσκε, for ίκόμ,ίΐ, (from next) / take care of my hair, dress horses, comb, curry ; take care of, have the care of, maintain. Κόμη, -νις, VI, (from κότττω) the hair of the head ; leaves, grass. Κομτιτης, -ov, 6, (from κομύω) hairy, grassy ; a hairy man, a hairy star, a comet. Κομβ'η, -'^ί, 3j, (from next) conveyance, care, maintenance, recovery, restoration : Ko^th^, carefully, diligently, vehemently, al- together, wholly. Κομίζω, f. -ϊσω, or -ίζω, Att. κομίω, p. κίκόμικα, 1 a. Ικόμισοί, iraperf. mid. έκομι- ζόμην, 1 f. mid. κομίσομοίΐ, Attic κομιονμαι, 1 a. mid. ίκομισάμην, (from κομίο)) I bring as in the hand, take care of; mid. / receive to myself or into my hand, receive. Κομιστ'ηξ, ^ϊ^ζος, κομιστ'ής, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a carrier, bearer, conductor. Κόμιστζον, -ov, το, (from same) a fare, " freightage, offering for a saje conveyance. Κόμμα,, -ατός, το, (from κότιττω) a j}iece cut off, money. Κομμ,ατνΑος, -Vj, -ov, (from preced.) di- vided into short sentences, concise, laconic. Κόμμι, TO, gum arabic. Κομμός, -ov, 6, (from κομίω or κοσμϊω) nicety i?i dress, paint, finery. Κομττάζω, (from κόμττος) I boast, vaunt. Κο^αοϊ-ίίσ^ί^ίίί, -ατός, το, (from preced,) vaunting, insolence. Κομ'παστ'ής, -ov, 6, (from same) a boaster. Κομττίω, (from κόμττος) I resound, vaunt. ΚομτΓολάκίύ), (from same and λακίω) I make a high sounding boast. ΚομτΓολάκνύης, ov, 6, (from next and λ%κνθος) an empty boaster. ΚόμτΓος, -ov, o, a noise of striking, a boast- ing noise: κομττός, -^, -ov, boastful. Κομττοφακίλορρίιμων, -όνος, 6, (from pre- ced. φάκίλος, and ρν^μα) using vain swell- ing words. Κομ'7Γω^ν]ς,•ίος,ό,^,{^ϊ^θΏ\ κόμττος) boastful. Κομ-ψίίχ, -ας, ^, (from κομ-ψενω) plea- santry, fun. 54;} Κομ-^ζυξ/τ/χως, A GREEK LEXICON. Κοξβαν. II Κομ•ψίυζί'7Γ'ίκωζ,(ΐΐ'οηΊ κομ-ψος and Έύςι- ττΐ^γίς) with the elegance of Euripides. Τιίομ,-^ίύω, f. -ίύσω, (from κ,ο/ι/^-ψός) I affect elegance, display ostentatiously , descant upon. Κο/ίί-φοζ-ξίττγ/ς, -έος, ό, ^, (from next and 'π-ξίττα) neat and elegant, facetious. Κομ-ψος, -'η, -οι/, elegant, well, pompous : κομ-ψως, elegantly, pompously. Ko/it,^OTyjg,-yiTos,7],{fromipreced.)neainess. Κουά-βίω, f. -"ήσω, κουόίβίζω, (from next) / ring, make a hollow confused noise. 'Κόνοίβος, -ου, 6, a ringing, or a hollow confused noise. KovBi/, -υος, το, a cup. 'ΚονΙυΤ^Ίζω, (from κ,ο'Λύ7\.ος) I strike with the fist or knuckles. Κοι/ΙνΤνισμός, -ου, 6, (from preced.)a blovj with the fist, an insult. Koi /δί/λοί, -ου-} 6, (from κ,όΛυ) a knuckle, joint of a finger, the fist, a stroke with the fist. Κοΰίω, I hasten, minister. Jioutisi, -ccg, Ion. Kouiyj, -γις, vj, (from κ,όνις) dust, sand, ashes, lime, chalk, ley to wash with. Κορίύξομχί, (from preced.) / spiinkle or cover with dust. Κονίΰϊμΰί, -οίτος, το, (from κον ι oioi) pilaster, whitewashing. Κονίίζτόζ, -6u, (from neKt) plastered. Κοι/ίάω, -ύ), f. -ά,σω, p. Άίκ,οΐ/ίοικ,Ά, p. pass. yciKoulcc^cti, (from koviol) I sprinkle with dust, whiten, whiteivash. Κονιοξτοζ, -ου, ό, (i. e. κόι/ις ό^τ^^, which from Οξύ)) dust. ΚονΊττους, -οΙος, τι, (from next and ττους) a sandal ; a dusty-foot, a peasant. Kouig, -log, Attic -ίωg, vj, (from Άΐ/ά,ω or κήω) dust: >tQuig, -ihog, ^, a nit. 'KonaoiXog, or KOtnaaoiT^og, -ου, 6, (from preced. and a,Xho^oii)dust in motion, Scotch, stour. 'Kouta, f. -Ίσω, κ,οϋίζω, f. -^σω, (from Kouig) I cover or soil ivith dust ; I hasten. Kouvsa, I know, i'ecognise. Kovuog, -ου, ό, the beard, Κοι/τος, -ου, ό, (from κεντίω) a long pole, spear, arrow. Κοντοφόξος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and φίζω) one carrying a pike. Κόνύζα, -Yig, oj, a thorn or briar, the plant Κοοζτις, vi, a cohort, troop^ Κο-ΤΓχζω, f. "οίσω, p. κ,ίκό'ττΰΐκ,οι, (from κ,ό- leog) I am spent with labour, cease through extreme fatigue, cease. Κοττϋίνίζω, f. -ϋσω, p. pass, κίκο'πύνίσμ,οι.ι, (from κόπτω) I pound, beat with repeated ■strokes. KQTTciuou, -ov, TO, (from same) a battle- &xe, a pestle. 544 KoTTfiToV, -ου, 6, (from same) vehement lamentation, properly such as is accompa- nied with beating the breast. KoTTiog, -sag, o, (from same) a carving tool, a chisel. KoTT'/j, -T^g, -9], (from perf. mid» of κόίττώ)) a smiting, slaughter. ΚοτΓΐάω, -ω, f. -oit;a, p. κ,ίκ,ο'τιτίοίκ,οί, 1 a. ίκοττίασα, (from κ,όττος) I toil, am fatigued, am spent with labour. KoTTig, -i^og, v), or 6, (from κό-τΐτω) a carv- ing knife, falchion, coulter ; a cutting orator ; a festival at Sparta in which the share of each was carved for him : hence κοττίζω, I share in such a feast. Κόττος, -ου, ό, (from perf. mid. of κότττω) a blow, labour, travail, trouble, disturbance, uneasiness. Κο'Τϊόω, f. -ωσω, p. pass. κΒκό'ττωμΰίί, (from preced.) / fatigue, weary. Κό'ΤΓττόί, a figure signifying 90, see p. 23. KoTTTrocTiocg, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a horse marked with a xoV-rci. Ko7!■'7!■oίφόζog, -ου, 6, (from same and φίζο)) bearing the mark of a υΛίτ-κλ. Κο'π-ξόίγωγίω, (from κοττξός and όίγω) Τ carry dung. ^o'Tk^iuiog, -ου, ο, (from KOTir^og) a dung- man. Κοττξίω, f. -7}σω, (from same) I manure. Έ.ο'ττξίοί, -oig, Τι,Β-ϊΐάκ,ό'ΤΓξίου, -ου, το, (from same) filth, dung, a dunghill, manui^e, clay, dust. KcTTT^iog, rather KOTsr^siog, -ot, -ou, (from same) of dung. Κ'ο'ττξολόγος, -ου, ο, (from next and hiya) a scavenger. KoV^of, -ου, 6, filth, dung, a dunghill, man- ure, clay, dust. ΚοτΓξοφοξέύ), f. -τίσα, (from preced. and φίζω) I carry dung. Yio'KQo(pQQog, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) a dung carrier. Κοττξων, -Zuog, 6, (from κ,όττξος) a dung* hill, a stall. Κότι-τω, f. κό-ψύ), p. κ,ίκ,οφοί, 1 a. SKOtpot, 1 a. mid. Ικ,ο-^^ά,μ,Ύΐν, p. mid. Kix.o'Tru, 2 f. pass, κοτττ^σομοα, I cut off or down, strike, beat or pound; mid. I strike or beat myself, particularly my breast, in lamentation; I lament, wail. Ko'^alvig, 'iog, 6, vj, (from κοτόω) labo- rious, fatiguing, fatigued. KoVojff;?, '■tog, Attic -sag, ij, (from same) fatigue, weariness. KopoiKlvog, -ου, 6, a shell-fish which smells disagreeably. KogfliI, -oix,og, 6, a raven or crow. Kopciaiov, -ου, το, (from κόξος) a daviseL• Κοξβΰν, (p^p) a gift. Κοξβανας, A GREEK LEXICON. Κοΰων/άω. Κοφοι,νοίς^ -ά, ο, (from preced.) the sa- cred treasure. Κοξ^αχισμοζ, -ov, 6, (from κοο^οικ,ίζω, which from next) the practice of dancing the Ko^ct^. Κό^δαΙ, -ά,κος, ά,α kind of lascivious dance. Κο^δ^λ-/7, -της, i], a hood ; a club ; κο^υ- βο^ΚΚω^νις, -ίος, ο, yj, sti^ewed ivith cl^ώs. Κόξ£ν/^^α, -ατός, το, (from next) virginity/. Κοξεύω, f. -ξύσω, (from κ,όξτι) I defloiuer a virgin : xo^svof/^cci, I live a virgin. Κοξίύ), κοξίνΰυ/ίΛί, and κ,οξενι/ύω, f. κοξτισω and κοξίσω, p. kskoqsksc, p. pass, κεκόςεσ/ϋοα, 1 a. pass. Ικοζίσύνιν, I satiate, satisfy ; also, I take care of, purify, sweep clean, adorn. Κόζή, -γιξ, 17, Ion. κοΰ^η, Dor. κ,ωρΛ, (from preced.) a young girl, also, the pupil of the eye ; also, a handcuff. ΚόξϊΐβξΟ!/, -ου, KO^Yjficc, -ecTo;, το, (from same) a besom, broom, brush. Κόξθΰς, -νοζ, 7], a heap. Κοζβύω, and κοξθύι/ύ), (from preced.) / gather into a heap. ΚοζΪΛ, or κοξίίϋ, -ας, τ}, (from κό^τή) vir- ginity. ^ Ko^ixvou, Ko^iocu'jou, and κόξίοι/, (from κόξΐς) coriander; for κόξίον, Deut. xxviii. 57, see χόξίΟ!/. Κοξίζο^ΛΛί, (from κ.όζ-/ι) I caress. Κόρινθος, Corinth, whence ΚοζΙνύΓ/,ος, Koξ{uύίxκoς, Κοζίνύιος, -οί, -ou, of Corinth ; and χ,οξίνθιάζω, I act the Corinthian, in- dulge in sensuality. Ko^io'j, -ov, το, (from κόζ-/ί) a damsel. Κόξίς, -ίως, ο or jj, (from ksi'^cj) St. JohrCs wort or the ground pine; also, a bug. Κόςκοςος, -ου, ό, the herb pimpernel. Κοζκοζυγίω, f. -7]σω, (from next) / jna/ce a rumbling noise, murmur, roar. Κοζκοξύγτι, -'ής, 9], a rumbling noise in the bowels ; any noise ; the din of war. Κοξκοζυγμός, -ου, ο, (from κο^κοζυγύω) a rumbling of the bowels. Κοξ/αός, -ου, 6, (from κείξω) the trunk, stock, or body of a tree. Κόζον, -ου, το, (from κόξη) the pupil of the eye. ΚοξοτΓλοίύος, -ου, ο, ij, (from next and ττλάσσω) a puppet maker. "Κόζος, -ου, 6, Ion. κουλός. Dor. κάξος, an infant not yet born, a boy, a mature youth, the young of any creature ; satiety, abun- dance, the insolence sometimes produced by abundance ; also (13) a cor, the largest measure of capacity among the Jews, whether for solids or liquids, the same as the homer, Ezek. xlv. 14. and so equal to 10 baths, or to 75 gallons, 5 pints English, Luke xvi. 7- Yi.o^(jTf\y κόρρη, -τ,ς, rj, κόξσος, -εος, το, (from κείζω) a lock of hair; the head, temples, cheek, face. Κορσωτος, -ij, -ou, same as κζοσσωτό; Κοζνβοίντίοίσ/ι,οός, -ου, 6, a frenzy. From Κοζνβχρτίάω, f. -άσω, (from κοξΰβοις) I imitate or act the part of the Corybantes. Κοξΰβοί!/τίξω, f. -'ίσω, (from same) I ini- tiate in the sacred rites of the Corybantes. Κοξΰβα^τίκος, or κοξυβαΐ/τειος, -oc, -6v, (from same) of the Corybantes. Κοζυβύΐντύ}θΥΐς, -ες, (from next) Coryban•' tes-Uke, frantic. Κοξνβας, -Λντος, 6, a priest of Cybele. 'Κο^ύ^ος, κοζυ^χΆος, or κο^ί^δοίλλο?, -ου, 6, κοζυ^οίλΐς, -ί'6ος, vj, the lark. Κόξυζοί, -γις, »;, the mucus of the nose ; nauseous stupidity, smut, drivelling. Κοουξύύ), (from preced.) / am smutty, am a driveller. Κοξΰβύϊζ, -ϊκος, ό, (from κόξυς and dtaacS) one who shakes the helmet, a warnor. Κοξνύαίολος, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and χΐόλος) briskly turning his helmettedhead first one way and then another, fierce in arms, impetuous. Κοξνθεα, (from κοξύσσω) I arm with a helmet. Κοζύύω, by transp. κοζόΰα, (from κόξύυς) I draw or raise to a head ; mid. / swell. Κόξυμβος, -ου, ο, or κόζυ^Λβον, -ου, το, the top, extremity, or point of any thing : κ,ό- ζυ^/,βοι, -ων, τα,, the prominent parts of a ship which were cut off by the victors and hung in the temple. Κοξϋι/γι, --ης, {], (from κάζχ) a club, baton, sword, any such weapon having a head or handle. Κύξν^'/ιτγις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) armed with a clvh. Κοζΰνγιψόζος, -ov, 0, (from same and ψεξω) a club-bearer. Κοζύτττω, I strike with the horn. ^ Κόξΰς, -ύύος, ij, (from κχζο.) a helmet, a horn. Κοξΰσσω or -ττω, f. -νσω, (from preced.) / stinke with the horn ; I put on a helmet, arm. Ko^fffT'/jf, -01)^ 0, ^from preced.) a tuari'ior. ΚοζΰφχΊος, -χίοί, -cdo'j, (from next) placed 071 the top, chief. Kogi/ip'^, -τις, Vi, (from κχζχ) the head, top, ov highest part, the principal, chief or noblest of any thing. Κοζΰφόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / draw to a head or point ; raid. / raise my head, swell. Κοζωνεως, -ω, i}, (from next) the crow- coloui'ed fig-tree. Κο(^ωυγι, -rig, i], a crow, a knocker, a croiun, a ring, a round knob. Κοζωι/ίάω, (from preced.) I put forth my Ζ 545 ')ζωνιζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Koyg?j5. if horns, behave insolently ; I am bent like horns. 'ΚοξωνΙς, . -/δο?, ijy d. pi. κοξωνίσι, (from same) curved like horns ; having bent or cur- lijig horns ; having curved extremities, orna• ments of a ship, which victors cut off when it was conquered, hence, συν ντ,υσϊ κ,οξωι/ίσίν, II. A-', 170, " with ships not dishonoured by defeat ;" others understand the word to signify, black like a crow ; thus Cowper renders the above phrase, " I and my sable barks." Κόξωνον, -ου, το, (from same) the point of the lower jaw v)hen prodtwed above the upper. Κοσκινίύο), and κοσκινίζω, (from κόσκινοι/) I sift. KoaKivYjZou, (from same) like a sieve. Κοσκίνομχντείχ, -ocg, '^, (from same and μοίντξίοί) divination by a sieve. 'Κοσκ.'ίνομ,ά,ντις, -ιος, 6, 7ί, (from next and (Λύντις) one who divines by a sieve. "Κόσκίνον, -ου, and κοσκ,ίνω^^,χ, -ατός, το, a sieve. Κοσκνλ^άτ/ίί, -au, τα., pairings of leather. Κοσ/^ίω, -ω, f. -τ^σω, p. κίκόσμγικοί, 1 a. Ικόσμ,γισοί, 1 a. pass. Ικοσμ>νίθ•/]ν. p. pass. >ακόσ- μη^Λΐ, (from κόσ(Λος) I set in order, adorn, garnish, trim. Koay^nf^oi, -uTog, το, (from preced.) orna- ment, dress, embellishment. Κόσ[ΛΥΐσΐζί -i^Si% (from same) an adorning. Κοσμτιτ'^ς, -ου, and κοσμνιτωξ, -οξος, 6, (from same) one who sets in order, adorns or dresses, a commander, chief. Κοσ^ητος, -vj, -ov, (from same) arranged. Kocy^KOu, -ου, το, (from next) ornament, splendour, beauty. See Middleton on Heb. ix. 1. - Κοσ/^ΐκ,οζ, -^, -6u, (from κ,όσμ,ος) worldly, belonging to the mundane system. Κόσμιοι/, 'Ου, το, same as κόσμος,. Κόσ^Λίος, -ου, ο, vj, or -ίος, -ίχ, -ιον, (from κόσμ,ος) orderly, decent : κ,οσμ,ίως, orderly. Κοσ^ίότΎΐς, -τητος, ij, (from same) orderly conduct, decorum, modc.ty. KoajLcoyovioc, -χς, τ], (from same and y/j/o- μαί) an account of the origin of the world, cosmogony. 'Κοσμο'χ.ζοίτωζ, -οξος, 6, (from same and κξάτος) a rider of this world, Eph. vi. 12. Κοσ/ϋοτΓΟίίω, (from same and cro/snj) / create the world. Κοσμο•7Γθ{6ς, -ov, 0, (from same) the maker of the world. Κοσμό'ττολίζ, (from next and 'ποκις) a prefect of a city. Κόσμος, -ου, ο, order, regularity, orna- ment ; that great example of all these, the world, a decorated ov adornedwhole ov system. 546 Κόσος, Ion. for 'ττόσος, how great ? Κόσσύφος, -ου, 6, or χ,όττΰψος, a blackbird. Κόσυμβος, and κ,όσσυμβος, -ου, ό, (from κόμβος the same) a knot, chain, clasp or btcckle. Κοσυμβωτός, -ου, ο, (from preced.) tied or ornamented ivith knots, chains, clasps or buckles. KoT£, Ion. for 'ττότζ ; kOtsqcc, for -ttotsqu. Κοτίω, f. -<ί}σω, or scoTct'iua, (from κ,ότος) I- am angry with, incensed at. Κοτ'ήίΐς, -moot, -iu, (from same) enraged. Κοτϊυνιφόξος, -ου, ο, jj, (from next and φέξω) bearing wild olive. Κότινος, -ου, oj, a wild olive tree. Κοτίυοτξοίγος, -ου, 6, v], (from preced. and 2 a. of τξωγύ)) feeding on wild olives. Κότος, -ου, ο, inveterate anger, grudge, rancour, indignation, revenge. Κοττόίβίζω, (from χόττοίβος) I play at the cottabus. Κοττχβίσις, -εως, tj, (from next) a playing at the cottabus. Κότταβος, -ου, ο, the cottabus, a game played in various ways, chiefly by throwing wine dexterously out of cups in the hand, into scales suspended over water in a ves- sel or phials floating in it. Κοτί/λ)7, --ής, 71, or χότΰλος, -ου, ο, a mea- sure of liquids containing three-fourths of a pint ; a cup, bucket, saucer; the cavity of the hip bone, the hollow of the hand. 'Κ.οτΰ'Κνι^ων, -όνος, 6, (from preced.) the cavity of the knuckle bone ; the contraction of the claius, viz. of the polypus, Od. E', 433, κ,οτυλγι^ονόφίν, for κ,οτυ'Κτη^όνων. Κοτύλί]ξΰτος, -ov, (from same and βύω) what may be taken up in the hollow of the hand, copious. Κότυς, -υος, or Έ,οτϋτω, -οος, vj, Cotys or Cotytto, the goddess of wantomiess ; her or- gies were called κ,οτύττιχ, or κοτυττίς, and her priests βχτττχι, from βύτττίΐν, to paint. Κου, κου. Ion. ττου, aboid, nearly. ΚουΤ^ίός, -ου, 6, the same as κο7\ίός. Κουμι, όηΐρ) arise. Κουξ», -α,ς, i], (from κ,είζω) a clipjnng, shaving, shearing, cutting: shears,a razor ; a lock of hair, a fleece. Κουζεακός, -57, -ov, (from κονζεύς) of a barber. Κουξε7ον, -ου, το, (from next) a barber s shop. , Κουξεύς, -ίος, 6, (from χ,ίίζω) a barber. Κουξεωτις, -ί^ος, v), (from same) the day in which young men shaved themselves before marriage. Κούζτι, -Μ, v\, see y.OQTi. Kov^>?c, Ion, for κόο-ης, -τήτος, ο, a youth c 10 Κουξ/ας, A GREEK LEXICON. Κράνοτοήω, Κουξίχς^ -ovy β, (from next) needing to be shaved. KovPixcjy (from kov^oc) I shave, wish to be shaved. Kov^^moc, -ci, -ou, (from κουλός) one ma?'- ried in youth, youthful, blooming. Κονξίξω, f. -7σ&), Dor. -Ιξω, (from same) / ai?i young, am in the vigour of life, feed, invigorate ; raid, κουξίζο/χχί, same as κοξί- ζο,αχί. Κονξϊκο;, -5?, -oV, (from kovqoc) belonging to a barber., Κονξίμός, -7i, -ou, (from same) βί for shaving. ΚουξΙξ, (from κ,ουξος) with youthful vi- gour. Κονζίς, -ί'^ος, 9], a spear. Kui/^oj-, -ου, 6, same as κόξος. Κουξοτόκος, -ov, ο, (from preced. and τίκτω) bearing a male. Κονςο'τξοφος, -ov, 6, % (from same and τζίφω) rearing young men. ΚονστωΙίχ, -ας, v), (from Lat. custodia) one who stands upon guard, a keeper, a sentinel, a ivatch or guard of soldiers. Κουφίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. κίκ&ύφικΛ, 1 a. Ικού- φισοί, 1 a. pass, εκ,ουφίσύ-/}^, (from κουφός) I lighten, mahe light, alleviate. Κουφισ^ΛΧ, -χτος, το, κουφίσμος, -ov, ο, κούφισις, -ζως, ^, (from preced.) alleviation, solace. Κουφο7,ο'/ία, -οίς, v), (from κουφός and λόγος) light conversation. Κουφό νοος, contr. -ους, -ov, ο, vj, (from same and νους) having a light mind, simple minded. Κουφότττερος, -ov, (from next and rrTkoov) light winged. Κουφός, -Yi, -ov, light, swift : κοΰφως, lightly, swiftly. Κουφότ-ης, --ητος, v^, (from preced.) levity. ΚόφΊνος, -ου, 6, (either ά'τΐο τ7}ς κουφότγι- τος, from lightness, or from κότττο), because made οι cut twigs) a wicker basket. Κόχ,Τίαζ, -Οίκος, ο, a small stone ov pebble. Κο'χ,λίχς, and κόχ,λος, -ου, 6, a cockle. Κοχ,λΙς, -βος, i], a shell-fish from which purple is obtained. Κόχος, -ου, 6, (from κογ,ΰω) copious dew. Κόχυ, (from preced.) abundantly. Κοχΰω, imp. κο'^ύεσκί, for ξκόχυί, (by re- dupl. from χύω) I ooze, drop as the dew, perspire copiously, trickle. Ko)cuvYi, -ης, VI, the joining of the haunch with the buttocks. Κό-ψ'ίχος, -ου, 6, a blackbird. Κξΰά,ς, -ατός, το, a horn, the head. Κξάββόίτος, -ου, 6, a couch, small bed. Κξάγίτγις, ov, 6, vj, (from y -ζάζο)) rfa- vwrons. Κζά,^άύ), or κξόίύοίίνύ*, (from next) I shake ; pass. I am shaken, I quiver. 'Κζά.^Υι, -•ης, ί], or κςά^ος, -ov, 6, a braiich of the fig tree; a dried fig; a branch. Κ^οίδ>7σ/τ)75•, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a man who carried figs about his neck in the ^αξ- y/fhia. Κ^«δ/ί£, for KU^ia, the heart. Κξάζύ), imperf. ίκ^αζον, f. κξά,^,ω, 1 a. ίκξχξα, and by reduplication, ίκίκξοίζα, 2 a. έκξέίγον, 1 f. mid. κςάζομαί, and by re- dupl. κζκ^ά,^ομ,αί, p. mid. κίκξΰγα, I cry, cry aloud, exclaim. ΚζαΙνω, f. -ανω, also κζοιοίίνω, or κ^α,ια,ίνκ, f. κζαά,νω, 1 a. Ικζ'/ιγινα, imperat. κξγηνον, 1 a. pass, ίκζάνύην, (from κξάας) I bring to a head, execute, accomplish, fulfil. ΚξΧί'ττόίλάο), -Z,f. -χσω, p. κίκςαίττά'Κγικχ, 1 a. ϊκζα,ιτ-αΚησα, (from next) I am drunk, am agitated, exult. Κξοίί'ττόί'ΑΥΐ, --ης, '/}, (from κάζα and 'πά.'Κ'Κω) a headache arising from intemperance, sur- feiting, excessive drinking or eating. Κο^αιτΐοκόκοψος, -ov, 6, vi, (from preced. and κώμος) one who gets drunk in a feast, revelling. ΚξοίίτΓνοττόζος, -ου, ό, v}, (from next and 'ττείζω) rapid. Κξΐχ,ί'ΤΓνος, -52, -ov, swift, rapid, furious : κξΛίττνά, and κζαίττνως, rapidly. Κξαίττνόσΰτος, -ov, and κξοιί'ττνοφόξος^ -ου, ο, ί], (from preced. and σύω, or φίζοή quickly moving, quickly carrying, rapid, fleet. Κξοίξα, -ας, tj, (from κάζα) the head. Κξάκττης, -ου, 6, (from κ^άζω) a bawler. ΚξακτΗος, -'/i, -ου, (from same) given to bawl. Κςαμα, -ατός, το, (from κεζάννυμί) a mixture, liquor. Κ^άμφη, -ης, 7], cabbage. Κξαμβίοιον, -ου, το, (from preced.) small cabbage, colewort. Κξάμβος, -η, -ov, dry, sweet. Κζάνα, -ας, v}, Dor. for κζτιυη- Κξάναός, -jj, -ov, (from κάξηνον) craggy, rugged. Κζανίία, -ας, τ], the wild cherry tree; a spear made of it. Κζάνείος, and κζάνιος, -a, -ov, (from pre- ced.) 7nade of the cherry tree, hard. Κζάνιον, -ου, το, (from κάξηνον) a head, top, summit ; a cup ; a skull, hence used Luke xxiii. 33, as the name of the place where Christ was crucified, and rendered in English, Calvary, from the Vulgate, ca/- varia, a skull ', comp. yot^yoQa. Κζάνον, -ου, το, (from same) the head. Κζάνο'ττο/ίω, (from κράνος and ττοιίω) I make helmet.^. :ri7 Κξαν.ό'^οιοζ, Κζέίνόττοίος, -oy, 6, (from same) a helmet make7\ Κξόίι/ος, -£0f, 70, (from κζάνον) a helmet. KgavT^^, -τΐζος, Άρά,ντνις, -oy, κ,ξάντωξ, -οζος, ο, (from χζαίνω) an executor. ΚξόΙς, or κξά,α,ς, -οίτος, το, (from κίζο,ς) ■ α horn, the head. Κζοίσίς, -£&>$, 71, (from κξζάω} a mix- ture. Κ^άσττεδοζ/, -oy, το, (i. e. κ,()ζμ,ά,μ,ζνου εις 'z-shov, hanging down to the ground) a tassel or tuft, border, extremiti/, of the Jewish mantle or upper garment. Κξχσττί^όω, (from preced.) / he7n. Κξατΰίβόλος, or κξοίτφοΚος, -ou, (from κ,ξχτος and βήχκω) cast with force. }ζ.ζΜτΰί{γνόίλος, -ov, 6, {}, (from κ,ξχτοίίος and yvcihov) having a strong cavity. Έ.Ρΰΐτίΐα'λίως, -ω, (from next and Τροίας} rendered strong with stones, paved. Κξΰίτα.ί6ς, -ά,-ον, (from κζάτος) strong, mighty, powerful, vehement: κ,ξοίταιΖς, strongly, vehemently. Κςοίτΰκότνις, -'^τος, ί}, (from preced.) strength, fortitude. ΊίξΜτχίόω, "cj, f. -ύσω, p. κ,ίκ,^οίτοίίωκοί, 1 a. εκξατοίίωσοί, imperf. pass. k>c^oiTociri6fA/iu, •OVfiYju, 1 a. pass. εκξοιτΛίωθγιν, p. pass, ksk- ςχτΰίίωμοίί, (from same) I strengthen: pass. / am strengthened, am or grow strong. Κ^άτα/τΓίδο^, -ov, (from same and -^reSoy) paved. KpotTul'Trovc, -ο^ος, 6, sj, (from same and •τΓους) strong-footed. KQctToiiQiuog, -ov, 6, ^, (from same and piuog) having a hard skin or covering. Κξο,τχίωμχ, -»τος, ro, (from p. pass, of χ,ζΛταίόω) strength, the principle of strength. Κ^ΰίταίωσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, '/], (from 2 sing. perf. pass, of same) strength. ίζ.ξοίτεζοί,ίχμ'^ζ, -ov, 6, (from κ,ξοίτεξος and αιχμ>νΐ) mighty in battle. K.QocTSQouv/ico;, κ,οίξτεξόύνμος, -ov, 6, (from next and ^νμος} strong in mind, resolute. Κξόίτεξος, or καξτεξος, -d, -ou, the same as κξχτχίός. Κξόίτεξόφξων, -χ,οι,ζτεζόφξων, -ouog, ό, ij, (from preced. and φ^ψ) strong in mind, re- solute. Κξόίτεξωννζ, -νχος, 6, γι, (from same and ouv^) having strong hoofs. ΚξόίτεντοίΙ, -oiu, oi, (from κζοίτενω, same as κ,ξοίτεω) the iron bars on each side of the fire which supported the spit. Έ,ζΛτεω,-ω, f. -'/ισω, p. χ,εκζΐχ.τηκο!,, .1 a. εκ- QKTYiaoc, 1 a. mid. εχ,ζΛτγισά,μ,την, 1 a. pass. εκξΛΤ'ηύτιν, p. pass. χ,εκξά.τημοί,/, (from κρά- τος) I lay strong or fast hold on, take, ob- tain, maintain, retain, restrain, govern^ pos- sess. 548 Λ GREEK LEXICON. Κξίμάω, Κ^οί,τγίζ, 'ΐή^ος, 6, (from κε^άννυμ,ΐ) a cup, goblet or bason ; crater. Κξχτγίξίζω, (from preced.) I pour tvater upon, a piece of menial service when ini- tiating a person, Dem. 313. 16. - Κξΰΐτγισ^/^οίχος, -ov, 6, (from κζατεω and μχχο/ΛΧί) victorious. 'ΚξχτΥΐσ'ί'τΐ'ους, -ο^ος, 6, (from same and mrovg) strong-footed. 'Κξόίττισί'τΐ'τιτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and 'ί'ητ'ττος) having victorious horses. Υίζά,τνισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, ij, (from kqcc- ϊ τίω) power, government, empire. Κξάτίστεύω, f. -ενσω, (from next) I excel. Κξχηστος, -ύι, -ου, (superlative of κ.ξόίτνς, see p. 20) most strong or powerful, most excellent, bravest, best. Κςάτος, -εος, -ονς, το, (from κέζοίς) strength, power, government, glory. K^ctTvva, f. -vui), (from next)! strengthen, establish, enforce. Κξόίτνς, -είοι, -ν, (from κζ»τος) strong, powerful, crafty. }ίξ(Χ,νγάζω, f. -όίσω, p. κεκξ»νγ»χχ, 1 a, εκξοίνγχσ», (from K^ocvyvj) I cry, cry out. KQocvyu,uof4>oci, (from next) / cry. Κζο,νγνι, -νις, i], (from p. mid. of κξάζω) a cry, crying out, clamour. Κξΰίνξος, -Λ, -ov, dry, crusty. Hence Κξοίνρόω, I make dry, harden. Κςεύγζχ, -ccg, {], (from κ,^εοίς and οί^ζο.) a flesh-hook. Κ^£«δ/ον, -ου, το, (from χ-ξεοίς) a morsel of meat. Κζεαυο/^εω, -ω, f. -^σω, 1 a, ^κ,ξεΰίυόμ,γισ», (from next and ui,ua) I divide the flesh. Κξεχς, -εχτος, -εχος, -εως, το, gen. pi. κ,ζείων, for κ,ζεχτων, (contracted like icsQotc, p. 44:) flesh, flesh-meat. Κξεγ/ίίος, -ov, 6, (from χ^εχω) a shrill karsh sound, ttvang. Κξείσσοτϊχϋος, -ov, 6, η, (from next and τεκι/ον) better than children. Κζίίσσωυ, or κ,ζείττων, -όνος, 6, 9j, το -oy, (comparative of κ,ζχτνς. See p. 20) strong- er, better. Κξείων, -οντος, 6, a ruler, a king. Κξεκ,χ^ίον, -ov, το, an echo. And Κξεχ,τός, -05, -ov, shrill, sharp. From Κζεκω, f. -ζω, I make a sharp or harsh sound, creak, croak. Κξεμώζω, the same as κξεμάω. Κξε/χοίβξχ, -Λς, i}, (from same) a basket or cupboard hung up to keep provisions in. Κζε^Λοίστος, -% -ou, (from next) hanging. Ιίζεμ,ά,ω, χ,^εξΛα,νυνω, and χ,ζΖ(Αά,ννυ(Λΐ, f. -ά,σω, 1 a. εκ,ξίμχσχ, pres. pass, χ,φμ,οίμχι, pres. part, κ,ζεμ,ύμ,ευος, 1 a. pass. εκξεμ>χσ6/ιν, I cause to hang, suspend : pass. / hang, am suspended. Κξψβαλιαατυς. ΚζεμβόίΤ,ίαστύς, -νος, τι, (from κξβ^ίβχ- λον) the sound of a tambourine. Κ^=α/3ίέλ/ζ'ω, I play on the tamhounne. From Κοίμ,βά,Τ,ον, -ου, το, a tambourine. K^sl, -έκος, 7], an Egyptian bird with a sharp serrated bill, the sight of which was held to be ominous to persons newly mariied. Κζίο'βξοτος, κξίοβότος, or χ^εοβόξος, -ου, 6, ii, (from χ,ζίοίς and βζόύ)) feeding on flesh. KpsoTOfiia, f. "Υ/σω, 1 a. Ικζζοτ6(Λνισοί, (from same and τίμ,υω) I cut the flesh, divide. Κζίύίκο'ττίω, (froDi same and χ,ότττω) I cut the flesh, mangle. Κξψ/ΰοζ, -oil, (from κ,γΐξ and 'ήΐυς) plea- sant to the heart, agreeable. K^'/ihifcuov, -ov, TO, (from κάξχ and Ιίω) a bandage for the head, a fillet, nightcap ; coping, battlements. Κο'ί}θμος, -ου, 6, an oyster. Κξ-ημ,υίζω, f. -'ίσα, 1 a. ίκξ'ήίΛνισα,, (from κζ/ι/ίύνός) I cast down headlong. Κξ'/ί^ΐΛϋοβόίτγις, -ου, 6, (ft'om same and βαίνω) walking on rocks. Κξ-ήμ,νοττοίος, -ου, 6, (from next and ττοίίύ)) using a lofty style. Κξ-ημι/ός, -ου, 6, (from κ,ξ£//>οίμε^ος, hang- ing) a steep place, a precipice. Κζγι^ϋ,ι/ότγ,ς, -τ•ητος, 9], (from preced.) steepness. Κξγι/κ,νω^ής, -ίς, (from same) craggy. K^-/ivouog, -ot, -ov, (from next) of a foun- tain. Kqvjpyi, -τ,ς, 7], (from kOc^yiuov) a fountain : aquae caput, Hor. Od. I. 1. Κξ-ζινιόί^ίς, or κξγινί^ίς, -ων, α,ί, (from i^i'ecea.) fountain nymphs. Yi.(y/in;, -ύος, vj, (from same) a little foun- tain. Κς-ή»όω, f. -ωσο), (from same) I cause to flow, fill. ^ Κξΐη-ττί^ω/χΛ, -οίτος, το, (from next) a basis, foundation. Κςνιττϊς, -Ίύος, ij, a basis, foundation. K^'^f, κ,ξ7}τος, TO, (for κξίας) flesh. Κζ'^ς, Kfl^rof, 0, (from Kq9}tyi) a Cretan : Κζ7}τ£ς, or Κζγιτα.£ες, οι, Cretans. Κξγισίζά, -ας, vj, a sieve, bolting-chth, co- vering or wrapper. Κξ•/ισφΰγ£τον, -ου, το, (from Κζ'ής and φεύγω) a refuge from Cretan severity ; an asylum. ΚξΥίτχΊος, Κξτισίος, Κζ^σσος, ΚξΥίτ'ίκος, -τή, -ον, (from next) Cretan: Κζτ,τΧκον, -ου, το, α Cretan robe, thin and transparent like gauze : Κζγιτ'ίκ.ως, Cretan-like. Κξ7}τγι, -γις, 7], Crete, one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean, probably peopled from Palestine, the inhabitants of A GREEK LEXICON. Κξίνον, the sea coast of which were called by the Hebrews, a-ma, Zeph. ii. 5. Ezek. xxv. 16. and named among the warriors of Da- vid, -ms, Cherethites. They derived their name from a verb, which signifies to cut ofl^, as appears by the allusive expression in Ezek. xxv. 16. js^mD nx ''η•Ί3Γη, and I will cut ofl^the cutters off. In the island, to which they seem to have given their own name, they continued to be famous Ar- chers. Their moral character is fixed by the united testimony of Epimenides and Paul, Tit. i. 12. Cowper says, " Homer dates all the fictions of Ulysses from Crete, as if he meant to pass a similar censure on the Cretans." Note 10, on Od. xiii. [N', 256.] Ι^ζτιτΎΐ^ευ, (from preced.) /rom Crete. K^>7T'/5^, -~/ι^ος, ί. Ion. for k^^cctvj^. ΚζΥίτίζύ), f. -"ίσω, (from Κς'ίης) I imitate the Cretans, I lie. Κξί^τίσμό;, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a stra- tagem. ΚξΙ, or κζϊ, TO, barley. Κξϊβΰίνϊτ^ς, and κξΐβάι/ωτος, -ου, ο, (from next) baked in an oven. Κξϊβοίνος, -ου, 6, same as κΚίβ»υος. K^/yij, -vjg, 7i, κ,ζίγ/χοζ, or ϋξίσμός, -ου, ο, (from next) a shriek, squall, squeaking noise. Κζίζω, or kqIkh), f. -ίξω, I squeak, creaky crack, gnash with the teeth. ΚζΤθά.ω, or κ,ξίύίχω, (from next) / feed or fatten with barley ; labour tender indiges- tion, am broken winded. Κξϊό'η, -τις, '/ι, barley. Κξΐύίΰίσις, -εως, % (from κ,ξίβίύύ}) the being broken winded. KQlulhiou, -ου, TO, (from κξΐύνί) small bar- Icy, or a little barley. Κξϊύίνοζ, -fi, -ου, (from same) made of barley. Κξϊύο'λόγος, -ου, ο, (from same and λέγω) a collector of barley. Κξΐύο'τζόίγος, κζΐύοφοίγος, -ου, ό, (from same and τ(ίό}γω or φά,γω) a barley cater. Κζϊύοφχγίχ, -οίς, ij, (from same) eating barley. KqUy], -γις, 5j, same as κζόκη. ΚζίκοεΙΙ'/ΐς, or κ,ζίκω^ής, -ες, (from next) annular. Κζίκος, or Η,ίζκος, -ου, ο, a circle, a ring. K^/^iie, or K(Hfyi,cc, -ccTog, το, (from κςίνω) a judgment, decision, rule of decision. Judi- cial trial, sentence, condemnation. KQifivou, -ου, TO, (from κξΊ) coarse barley meal. Κζίμνάοηζ, -ε?, (from preced.) like barley meal. Κζίνϊί/ο:, -'/}, -oV, (from next) of lilies. Kftr^ou, -ου, and κζ'ίνος, -ίος, το, a lily. 54ί) Kj/ A GREEK LEXICON. KgoD/xa. Κ^Γνω, f. κ,ξιίνΖ, p. κίκζίκ», 1 a. SKi^ivcc, 1 f. pass. χξΐύί}σομοί(, p. pass, κίκξίμαί, 1 a. pass. Βκξΐύγΐ!/, I distinguish f discern; I Judge, try in a solemn judicial manner ; I judge, regulate, rule, appoint, choose, II. A', 309 ; 1 judge, pass sentence or give my opinion in a private manner ; I judge, discern, form a mental judgment ; I judge, think, esteem ; I judge proper, determine ; I adjudge to pun- ishment, condemn : mid. / engage or am en- gaged in strife, I contend, dispute in per- sonal voluntary striving or argumentation, without any appeal to law, 2 Sam. xix. 9, and comp. Jer. xv. 10. pass. I am judged, am brought or called into judgment, am called in question; I am judged, enter into a judicial contest with, implead, sue. Κξίοκοττίω, (from κξίός and κότττω} I batter. > Κζίο'ττξόσω'ττος, ov, 6, vj, (from next and ττςόσωττο!^) having the face of a ram. 'Κ.ζΊος, -ου, 6, (perhaps from χ,ί^οίς, because horned) a ram; a battering ram ; the sign Aries ; a chief, Ezek. xxxiv. 22. Κζίσις, -ιος, Attic -sag, y;, (from κίκξίσκ,ι, 2 sing. perf. pass, of κξίνω) a distinguishing or discerning ; judgment, justice ; judgment, opinion; judgment, lawsuit, trial; divine revelation or law ; judgment, sentence, con- demnatio7i ; Matth. v. 21. ϊνοχος 'ίστχί τγ χςίσίΐ, to some cow^t of judicature, but not the Sanhedrim ; Matth. xii. 20. sag au εκ,- βά,Τ^γΐ εις νΊκος τ'ην κρίσιν, till he make his gospel tnumphant. See Middleton on the place. Κξίσκ,ζα,να, -ων, rot, a desk. Lat. scrinium. Κζίσσός, for κ,ΐζσος, or σκιρρος, -ου, 6, a hard swelling in the joints. K^iTVi^iov, 'ου, TO, (from κεκ,^ιτοίΐ, 3 sing. perf. pass, of κ,^ίι/ω) judgment, the act or au- thority or means of judging or determining ; a judicial contest or controversy, a law suit ; a judgment seat, a tribunal, a court of judi- cature. KgiT'/yi, -ου, 6, (from same) a judge. Κξίτίκ,ος, -'/J, -6u, (from same) able to dis- cern, a discerner, a critic, a censurer, a judge. Υ.ζίτος, -?j, -o;/,(from same) tried, excellent. Κςίωμχ, -οιτος, το, (from κ,ξίος) an orna- ment on the capital of a column. Κζοαίυω, (from κξούω) I stamp, prance. Κξοκίος, -cc, -ov, KQpyCimg, -v\, -ov, κ,ζοκόείς, -εσσχ, -εν, (from χ,ξοΆος) of saffron, of saffron colour, yellow. 'Κζόκ,γι, -Ύΐς, χ,ζοκις, -ihog, and κ^ο|, -όκος, il, the woof of a web ; a piece of wool used in libations,. Soph. (Ed. C. 474. Κζοκίοίς, -ου, ο, (from κρόκος) yellow. Κζοκόβα'^τος, -ov, or κξοκοβοίφ'ής, -ίς, (from same and βά%τω) dyed with saffron. 55a 'K^ox.ohii'hog, -ου, 6, a crocodile : χ,ξοκό^ει- λος χεξσιζίος, the land tortoise. Κζοκό'πε-τΓ'Κος, -ov, (from next and is-s'r- Άος) saffron-robed. Κξόκος, -ου, 6, the crocus or saffron. Κξοκύφοίντος, -ου, ο, (from κξοκιη and ύφοίίνω) a thin-woven cloth, gauze or net- work. Κζοκ,ωτοζ, -ij, -ov, (from κξόκος) dyed with saffron. Κξοκωτοψόζος, 'ου,• 6, vj, (from preced. and φε^ω) wearing a saffron robe. Κ.ςόμ.μΰον or χ,ξόμύον, -ου, το, (from κχξχ) an onion. Κζο/ίίμυο^υζεγμίχ, -χς, i], (from preced. όζύς and εξυγ'ή) a sharp belch caused by onions, the smell of onions. Κξονύιης, -ου, Ίζ.ξονϊων, gen. Κ.ςονΐονος, or Κξονίωνος, 6, (from K^o'vo?) the son of Sa- turn, Jupiter. Έ.ξον'ίκοζ, -ij, -ov, and κξόνίος, -χ, -ov, (from same) of Saturn, antiquated, of a do- tard. 'Κξόνιττ'ττος, -ου, 6, (from same and Ίν'ΤΓος) on old stallion. Κξονόλϊΐζος, -ου, 6, (from next and T^vj^og) an old dotard. K^oVoc, -ου, 6, (same as χξόνος) Saturn ; the olden time, eternity a parte ante ; a su- perannuated fool. Κζόσσχ, -Yjg, vj, (from κο'^σ»?) a lock of hair, the temples or head, the top or coping of a wall ; κ,ξόσσχ{, ladders, pinnacles. Κξοσσος, χ,ξοσσωτον, κ,^οσσωτός. See χ,ξωσ- σος, χξωσσωτόν, κ,ρωσσωτός. Κξοτχλίξα, f. -ίσω, (from next) / clatter, make a rattling noise, convey withnoisy speed. ΚξότχΤίον, -ου, το, a clatter, rattle. Κξότχ?^ος, -ου, 6, a rattler. Κξότχφος, -ου, ο, (from next and όίτττω} the temple or upper part of the sides of the head where the pulse is felt. Κξοτεω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. κεκζότγικχ, 1 a. εκςότγισχ, (from κ,ξότος) J beat, strike, clap as the hands, applaud, drag ivith rattling noise. Κξότγιμχ, -xTog, TO, (from preced.) a rat- tler. Κζοτγισμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a beat' ingi banging. K^oTYir^g, -'ή, -ov, (from same) beaten, banged. Κ^οτοβόξνβος, -ου,'ό, (from next and So'gy- βος) a tumult of applause. Κρότος, -ου, 6, (from κ,ζοΰω) a beating, i^attling, applause. Κξότων, -o)vog, 6, a tick or dog-louse. Κξουμχ, -XTog, το, (from κξούω) the strik- ing of an instrument, the sound of it ivhen struck. ΚξουναΤοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Κτήνος» Κζουνχϊος, -u, -ou, see κζγ,να,ίος. Kpuvvrioov, (from κρουνός) like a fountain. Κρουι^ίζω, (from same) / spout as from a fountain. Κξον>ίσ/Λος, -ov, o, (from preced.) a foun- tain. Κξον>6ς, -οί, ο, (from κςνιι^γι) a spring or fountai?!. Ιίζουΐ/ογ,υτ^οΤ^Υΐηοίΐον^ -ου, το, (from pre- ced. χΰτξοί and 7^γ,οος) a bubbling pitcher, a trifler. Κξού'^ω/^αα, -α,τος, το, (from κξουι/ος} a stream of life, the veins. Κρουσί^ημ,ίω, (from κοοϋω and oijfAo;) I stun the people, Ί. e. deceive them. Κοονσίς, -ίως, τ], (from κςούω) a deceiving by noise, the blustering of false eloquence ; musical notes. Κζύνσ,αχ; -οί,τος, το, (from same) a stroJce. ΚξουστΧκο;, -vi, -6u, (from next) capable of sinking, a deceitful blusto'ing orator. Κξονω, f. κξούσω, p. κίκ,ξον/.χ, 1 a. ίχ,ξουσοί, 1 a. mid. Ικζονσάμγιν, I knock. Κούβ^οί, Kooj3or,'j, and κ,ρυβψ, (from κ,^ΰττ- rui) privately, secretly. Κξΰίξό;, '», -o'j, (from κ,ζύος) cold, shi- vering. Κξϋ^/^οττόίγ'/ίζ, 'ίς, (from same and Trijyvy- (Λί) frost-binding. 'Κ.ζϋ^.ος, -ov, 0, (from κ,ούο;) cold, frost, ice. Κςυ/^/.ό)θνις, -ε;, (from same) icy. Kpvosig, -gyffsij-£v, (from next) cold, fright- ful. Κξνος, -50ζ, το, cold, frost, ice. Κξντττά,οιος, -οί, -οι/, (from κρύ'τττύ)) secret, Κ.ζντττχσκ,ω, (from same) I conceal. ΚξυτΓτίΰύ), (from same) / hide; pass. I am secretly caught, am ensnared, Κρύτττίος, -ot, -ov, and κ,ουτττος, -'/?, -ov, (from next) hidden, secret: χ,ρντττως, se- cretly. 'Κξύτττω, f. -ψω, p. κίκ,ζΰφΰί, 1 a. ίκζνψΰΐ, 1 f. pass, κουφύνισομ,οί,ί, p. pass. •/Λ•/.ξυμμ.Λΐ, 1 a. pass. \KP-jq)QriV, 2 f. act. χ,ζύβω, 2 a. act. ίκρΰβον, 2 t. pass. κ^υβ'/^σομ,Λΐ, 2 a. pass. Ιχ,^νβην, infin. κ^υβ'^νΛΐ, I hide, conceal, con- ceal from, lay up, reserve. Υ^ρυστα,'Κκίζω, (from κρύστοίΚλος) I shine like crystal. Κξυστα?.λ1ν6ς, -% -ου, (from same) of crystal, crystalline. Κξυστχλλο£ίΖ'/}ς, 6, tj, το -Ις, (from same and iliuog) having the appearance of crystal. ΚξυστΰίΤ^λότΓΥίκτος, -ov, or κρυατοίλΆο'ΤΓνιζ, -v\yog, (from next and 'τττ,γνυμ,ι) fixed by frost, frozen. ΚξύστοίλΤ^ος, -ov, 6, (from κζΰος and στίλ- λο/6«/) ice, crystal. Κονφά, (from κοντττω} in secret. ΚξΰφαΊος, -xla, -ulov, (from iduoie) secret : κξνφα'ιως, secretly. Κρυφ'^ή, -vi;, ij, (from same) coiwealmenf. Κρυφνί, and κξυφιη^ον, the same as κξυφύ. Κρυφίΰίστ'^ς, -ov, 6, (from κ^ϋτττω) an in- terpreter of secret things, a pretender to oc- cult science. Κξύφίοζ, -IX, -lov, (from same) secret. Έ.ζνφος, -ov, 6, (from same) a secret pL•ce, a concealment. ΚρνφΊνονς, -ov, 6, (from next and νονς} one who conceals his mind, a dissemble?'. Κζύ-ψίς, -ζω;, 'ή, (from same) a hiding. Κξύ)βύ7^οζ, -ου, 6, hair-braided, a lock or curl. ΚξωβνΤ^ωοής, -εος, 6, ίη, (from preced.) braided, curling like hair. Κξωγμός, -ov, 6, (from next) croaking, cawing. Κξωξω, f. -|ίϋ, (from κόξοί^) I croak, crow, or caw. Κξωσσοζ, -ov, 6, the hem, welt, or border of a garment, a selvage, a fringe ; any thing twisted together, or wreathen : a cruse, a pitcher. Κξωσσύ}τ6ν, -ov, το, (from preced.) a chain. Κξωσσωτός, -ov, (from same) fringed, fenced. Κτοίω, f. -7}σω, also κτ?ί/α,ι, I kill, slay: κτά,ομ^οίΐ, -ω{Λ»ι, f. κτ^σο^ΛΛί, p. κίκτ-/ιμ,οίί, also 'ίκτΥιμ,Λΐ, 1 a. mid. ίκτγισά,μ,ην, 1 a. pass. iKT'/jdnVi I seize the property of a person slain, acquire, purchase, provide, possess, preserve. Κτίάνον, -ου, κτίχξ, -ατός, το, (from pre- ced.) possession, property. Κτίόίτίίξόί, -ας, ί], (from same) a mis- tiness, queen. Κτεόίτίζω, f. -'ίσω, 1 a. κτεύτισσα, for Ικ- τίά,τισα, (from same) / secure. Τίτίΐνύ), f. κτίνω, p. ϊκτοίκοί, 1 a. 'ίκτανχ, 2 f. κτάνω, 2 a. 'ίκτοίνον, 1 f. pass, χ,τανθν}- σομ,Λΐ, p. pass, 'ίκτά,μ,οίί, 1 a. pass, ίκτύν^γιν, p. mid. 'ίκτονοί ; κτίΐνίσκί, imp. Ion. for ίκ- τεινε, I stretch out, I kill, ΚτεΙς, -ενός, 6, a comb. ΚτενΙζω, f. -^σω, (from preced.) I comb. Κτενιον, -ov, το, (from same) a small comb. ΚτεζΧζ, -τοζ, το, (from γ,τά,οΐΛίχ,ι) a pos- session : also a gift. ΚτερεΛ, -ων, τχ, ("lup) incense burnt in honour of the dead, funeral honours. Κτεςίζω, f. -Ισω, Att. κτβζίω, or κτε^εΐζω, f. -Ιξ,ω, (from same) I perform the rites of burial. Κτΐήμχ, -ατός, το, (from perf. of κ.τΛ0(Λαι) a possession ; plur. goods. See χξΤί^Λα. Κτ'ή^ίί, same as κτεΐνω. Κττίνος, -εος, -ονς, το, (from κτάομα/) α beast of burden; phir. cattle. 551 ΚτψοτξοφΙα, A GREEK LEXICON. Κυβίβτγΐΰίζ. Κτ-ήνοτζοφίΛ, -λ;, i}y (from next) the feed- ing of cattle. Κτγιι/οτξόφος, -of, o, ij, (from κ,τ^ι/ος and τξίψω) a feeder of cattle. Κτγιυάι^Ύΐζ, -sog, 6, '^, (from same and ίϊ^ος) like a beast. Κτν;σίος, -ου, 6, (from κτάο^Λχι) belonging to one property ; Jupiter as the disposer of property. Κτί^σις, -ίος, Attic -εω?, ^, (from same) a possession, riches. Kr>7ToV, -vj, -ου, (from same) possessed, that may be possessed, j^rocicrable. Κτι!]τωξ, -οξος, 6, (from εκ,τηται, 3 sing. perf. pass, of same) a possessor. Krihog, for ΊκτίΙίος, (from ικτίς} of a ferret: κτι^ίτη κννίη, a helmet covered with a ferret-skin. ^Κτίζύ), f. κ,τίσω, p. 'ίκτια/ζ, 1 a. ίκτισιχ,, 1 f. pass. KTsau'^cofAUi, p. pass. sKTia/Lccm, 1 a. pass, ίκ,τίσύγιυ, I create, make, compose, form, build, repair, make up for: του ts ζη/ίύίοί!/ fceycc^r.u ίχ,τίσοίί, both to make up for a great loss, Isocr. tt^oV AvifioutKov. Κτ'ίλος, -ου, 6, a ram, the leader of a flock, any leader, a prince, a priest. Κτίλόω, I act as a ram, cover* Κτ'ίσίς, -ιος, Attic -βως, vi, (from κ,τίζω) a creation, formation, structure, institution, creature, human creature, the rational crea- tion: -τΓοίσΛ 9] κτΊσις, the whole creation, Mark xvi. 15. Rom. viii. 22. ττάσδί κτίσις^ every creature, Col. i. 15» See Middleton on the Article, part I. chap. vii. § 1. Κτίσ^Λ, -οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of same) a creature, Κτίστ'^ς, -ου, κτίστωζ, -οξός, 6, (from same) a founder, builder, creator. Κτίστύζ, -νος, τ], (from same) a build- ing. Κτίτνις, ■^ov, 0, same as κτισττις. Κτίχέώ», f. -9]σω, (from τ^ττ-ται) / make a sound. Κτΰττος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a noise. Κνχύίξο), (from next) I dnnk, furnish with drink, pour upon. Κύοίύος, -ου, 6, a cup ; a measure con- taining nearly two ounces avoirdupois. 'Κ.υαμ.ΐυτος, and χ,υιΐί[Λ ιστός, -'η, -ov, (from next) appointed by the bean, balloted. Έ.υοίμ>ίνω, f. -ίϋσύ), (from κύοΐμος) Ζ choose by ballot. Kvotfcicctog, -ot, -ou, (from next) of the size of a bean. Υϋύα,μος, -ου, 6, a bean ; a vote, ballot. ΚνόίΐΛοτξω^,, -ωγος, 6, (from preced. and τ^ωγω) one who lives on beans, or who lives by the votes he gives. Κυοί^ΛοφαγΙχ, -ας, τ}, (from same and φύγω) bean-eating. 552 Kvxi^oiiyic, -ίΐοζ, h, (from κ,ύοίνοζ and χιγίς) having a black shield. Κναίυϋίυγ'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and uiiy^) cerulean, sky-colour. Κΰΰίυύιχβο'λος, -ου, ο, V}, (from same and ίμ,βοΤ,ος) having a blue forecastle. Κϋοίνίος, or κυάus(oς, -a,, -ov,(from κνχρος) glossy, blue, dusky, dark. Κυοίΐ/Ιζω, (from same) / am sky blue. Κνόίνοίί^'^ς, -ζος, 6, ί], (from same and είδοί) sky -like, azure, dark. Κϋόίι/ό'π-ξζόί, -ης, τ], (from same and ττους) having blue or black feet. ΚνόίυότΓζωξος, or κύοίνο'τΐζύίζίίος, -ou, (from same and -ττξωξα) dark-blue or black prowed. 'Κυα,νό-τττζζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and τΓΤίξον^ raven winged. Κύΰίνος, -ου, 6, a species of metal, pro- bably black lead. Κυα,υόστοΤ^ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced. and στολ^) black robed. Κυανόφ^υς, -υος, ό, vj, (from same and όψξύς) having dark eyebrows. KυΰtίJoχcιίτYlς, -ου, ό, voc. κυ»νοχ,οίϊτα,, (from same and χούτγΐ) azure or black haired. Κυοίνόχξοος, Όί/ς, -ου,Άπά κυχυόχξως, -ωτος, 6, vj, (from same and χ^όος) dark skinned, black. Κυχνω'της, -ίίος, vi, (from same and ωχ//) black eyed. Έ^ύβ^όί, (from κ,ύτττω) with the head bent downwards. Κυβίίοί, -οίς, 7), (from κυβζύω) a playing at dice, sleight, cheating, artifice. ΚΰβίΤ^οί, -ων, τα, (biS) « chain of moun- tains. ΚΰβΒζνάω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, I govern. 'Κνβίξϋτησις, -tog, Attic -&ως, ij, (from pre- ced.) goveimment. Κΰββξνίητ'^ξ, -ίίςος, 6, κύβίζ^νηττις, -ου, 6, (from same) the pilot or master of a ship). Κΰβίξντητϊκ,ός, -% -ov, (from same) of a pilot or governor, skilful in piloting or go- verning. Κυβεξνισμός, -ου, ό, (from same) govern- ment. Κυβίυττίξίον, -ου, το (from next) a gam- ing house. Κνββυτ'ής, -ου, ό, (from next) a gambler. Κΰβίΰω, f. -=ύσω, (from κύβος)• I play at dice, gamble, cheat. Κύβϊ^, -ν}ς, V}, the head. Κΰβ'ήβνι, -ης, Vi, (from preced.) the earth, or a mountain, Cybele or Rhea. ΚυβΗος, -vi, -ov, (from κύβος) of a culye, cubic: κυβικως, like a cube. Κνβ:στάω, f. -^σώ>, (from same) I tumble, dive. ΚυβίστΎίσις, -sag, tj, (from same) a tum- bling, diving. Μ Κ ΚυβίβτΥιτΤιξ, A GREEK LEXICONS Κύλ/(?/.-. Κΰβίστ^,τ'/ις, -yjQog, ο, (from next) a tum- bler, diver. Κΰβος, -ov, 6, a cube, a die : a place of gambling or infamy, a stew, a brothel. Κυοχξω, f. -ά,σο), (from Kvho;) I reproach. Κΰύχίι^ω, f. -άνω, (from κνοος) I honour, extol, celebrate. Κνο»7αμ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) glorious. Κνοά,νω, (from same) I signalize, glory, exult. Κυοίάνείοος, -cc, -ov, (from same and dwijo) if distinguished men. Κυοιά,ω, -ω, and -όω, (from κν^ος) I pride, exult in. Kvoi uoc, Kvduo;, κνόοος, -7j, -o>,(from same) glorious, illustrious, noble. Κϋοιστος, -r„ -ou, (from same) most glo- rious, most renowned. Κυοίων, -o'jog, 6, tj, (from same) more glo- rious. Κΰοοίοοττύω, (from same and "^ονττος) I make a bustling noise, raise a disturbance. KoooiuJd), f. -νισω, (from next) / raise a tumult, disturb, alarm. Kvloi/Lioc, -OV, 6, a crowd, a tumult. Kiioog, -io;, το, glory. K^Oor, -ov, 6, reproach. Κνίω, f. -7]σω, (from κ,ύύύ) I am pregnant, conceive. ΚυζίκΥινος, -ου, 6, a gold coin worth twenty eight Attic drachmce. KvYj/icx, -ciTog, TO, embryo. Κΰγ,σις, -ιος, Attic a conception. Κνθίύ), see κίύθω. Κνθ'ήΡζίοί, (from next) Cytherea, Venus. Κνβγ,οια, -xc, vj, or Κί^/^βά, -o)u, τχ, Cy- there, Cerigo: Kv6r,^ouzu,from Cy there. Κύθζχ, Ion. for -χ,ύτξχ. ΚυθζόγχυΤ^ος. See 'Κυτζόγχυ^.οζ. Κύκχνύω, I prepare a potion. From. Κνκχύ), -ω, f. 'Υ,σω, I mix, confuse, distu7'b. Κνκεω!/, -ωνος, ο, acc. χ,υκίΐω, for κυκ,ζωνχ, (from preced.) a mixture, potion, refresh- ment. Kv>cr,u^o'j, -ου, το, (from same) a mixer, a ladle, a turbulent fellow. Κύκ-ζισ/ς, wioc, Attic -:ως, 'η, (from same) a tumidt, commotion. Κνκ7]σ^εφοος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and τίφςχ) a mixer of ashes, a quack, a scavenger. ΚνκλχΙες, -ων, ai, (from κνκΚος) the Cy- dades, so called from bein^ circular. Κνχ,?Αύ), f. -7}σω, κυκλευω, f. -ενσω, the same as κυκλόω. Κνκ,Μ^όν, κυχ^κόσε, (from x.vyJKog) in a circle, around, on all sides. Κυκ7.ίοοϊούσκχλος, -ου, 6, (from same and C /Ιάσκχλο;) a master of the cyclic or dithy- (from κυίύή a fetus, -εως, vj, (from same) rambic poetry, a strolling poet ; scriptor cy- clicus, Hor. de Art. Poet. 136. Κί;;ίλ/θί•, -X, -ov, κ,υχΧίκος, -sj, -ov, κυκ'Κό- εις, -εσσχ, -iu, (from κύκλος) circular, circling, strolling: κύκλιοι, or κυκλικοί, choral miui- cians, or dithyrambic poets. ΥίνκλΙς. See κΐ'/κλίς. Κυκλοβοξίω, (from next) / declaim as a juggler ; roar as a torrent. Κνκλοβόοος, -ov, 6, (from κύκλος and βοξά) one who feeds upon circles, who lives by sor- cery or juggling, in which circles are much used. Κνκ7.οειο'^ς, -ες, (from same and εΤίος) circular. Κυκλό^εν, (from κύκλος) around. ΚυκλοτΓοιεω, (from next and ττοιίω) I make a circle. Κύκλος, -ov, 6, plur. κύκ7^θί, and κύκλχ, a circle. ΚυκλοτερΥις, -ες, (from preced. and τεξίω) circular, rounded. Κυκ7.οφοξίομχι, (from same and φεοω) I turn round. Κυκ7.οφοοτ,τίκ6ς, -vi, -ov, (from preced.) carried round : κυκλοψοξγιτ'ίκως, and κυκλο- φοζίκως, in a circle. ΚυκλοΧοοίχ, -ας, v], (from same) revolu- tion, rotation. Κυκ7.οω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. κεκύκλωκχ, 1 a. εκύκλύ)σχ, 1 a. pass, εκυκλωθ-ην, (from Κύκ- λος) I encircle, surround, wheel, turn round. Κύκλω, (for ευ κύκλφ) in a circle, around, on all hands. ΚυκλωΐΛΧ, -Λτος, το, and κύκλωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ}, (from κυκλόω) α circuity α going about ; rotation, a drum. Κΰκλωτός, -ν;, -ov, (from same) circidar. Κύκ7.ωφ, -ωττος, 6, (from κύκλος and ω-ψ) a one-eyed monster, a Cyclops : Κνκλωττιον, -ov, το, a little Cyclops : Κνκλωττιος, or Κνκ- 7.07:ειος, -a, -ov, Cyclopean : Κνκ7.ω'7τϊς, -/Soj, {], viz. yij, the country of the Cyclops. Κύκνειος, -χ, -ov, (from next) of a swan. Κύκνος, -ου, 6, a swan : Lat. cycnus. Κύλχ, -ων, τχ, the hollow under the eye- lids. Κυλΐοεω, κΰλίν^ω, and κνλιι>Ζεω. See κυλίω. Κυλικείον, -ου, το, (from κύλι^) α cup- board. Κυλίκιον or κνλίσκιον,-ου, το, (from same) a little cup. ΚνλίνΖγΐσίς,-εως,νι,{ΪΓθτη κυλινΖεω)α rolling. Κυλινοζοειονις, -ες, (from next and ε7οος) cylindncal. Κίλ/:;ο^θί•, -ου, 6, (from κυλίν^ω) a cy- linder : κνλινΟζίκως, like a cylinder. Κίλ/ξ, -Ίκος, 5j, (from κυλίω) a cup. Κύλινις, -ίως, η, κύλια ux, -χτος, το, and A 5ό3 Kv7J^vv}. A GREEK LEXICON. Κυνοδξομίο), κυΆισμοζ^ -ov, ο, (from perf. pass, of χ,υλίω) a rolling, walloiving. KvTCixuYi, -'ής, ij, or κυλΙχι>ιον, -ov, το, (from -Λύλίζ) a cup or little box of ointment. Κι/λΓ<«, f. -Τσύ), p. κ,ίκύτ^ικ,οι, 1 a. ϊκΰ'Κισα,, 1 f. pass. Kv'hiau'JiGOfcon, p. pass, κίκΰτ^ίσ^οίΐ, I roll, tumble. Kv7^7i7]viog, (from KyAAsjz/vj) CyUenius, an epithet of Mercury, from a mountain of Arcadia where he was born. Κϋλλοττοδι^ίΓ, -ου, κ,υΤΟ^ο'ττο^Ίων, -όνος, ό, (from next and 'π-ονς) maimed in the feet, lame. Κνλλοζ, -'/}, -ou, having any or all the limbs crooJcedy distorted, luxated, contracted, lame, maimed. Κΰλοι^ίύω, f. -α,σω, (from kvXcx. and οίΖίω) I have my eyes swollen with grief or desire. Kvf^cc, -οίτος, TO, for xvxj/xoc, a fetus. Kv/icx, -ocrog, το, (oip) β wave, a billow. Kvf^oiivo), f. -izuZ, p. κί>ον/ϋίΧ.γκ,χ, (from preced.) / sivell, am tossed, make a noise, or rage as a wave. 'Κν/:^ΰίη'α.ζ, Ion. KVfioirivjg, -ov, 6, (from same) swelling with waves ; causing the luaves to sivell. Κνμ,άτιοι/, -ου, ro, (from same) a little wave. KD/iiotTouy^g, -sg, (from same and α,γω) wave-breafcing. KijWaToz-A'/jl, -Tiyog, 6, ^, (from same and ττΤ^νισσω) beaten by the waves. 'Κ.υμ.α,τόω, (from TcZf^ci) I cause to swell. Κυ/χατωγ'η, -τις, vj, (from same and οί'/ω) the shore, where the ivaves break. Κυ^ιβίΐίλίζω, (from next) I strike or phy with cymbals. Κυ^βά,λον, -ου, το, (from κόμβος) a cymbal. Κΰμβόίχος, -ου, ό, ^, (from next) head, long ; the crown of the head. Κύμ,βος, -v\, -ov, hollow: κύμβη, -Υις, tj, a boat, Lat. cymba; a shell, salt-cellar : χύμ- βον, -ου, το, a cruet: κ,ύμβιον, or κυμβοαον, -ου, το, α cup. Κνμιν'^ίς, -ίος, τ], the Cymindis. " The Cymindis, according to Aristotle, dwells in the mountains ; its feathers are black, but seen obliquely reflect the colour of brass ; it has the size of a hawk, and, like the hawk, preys on pigeons. It is particularly fond of concealment, and always perches where its head may be hidden by leaves or branches." Cowper's note 17. H. xiv. or S', 291. Κυμινίύύ), (from next) / sprinkle or season ivith cummin. Kvfilvov, -ου, TO, cummin. 'ΚυμΤνοττξίστνις, -ου, ό, (from preced. and 'ττρίύή one who saws cummin, a viiser. 554 ΚυμΐνοτΓξίστοκοίξ^οί/χογΤ^νφος, -ου, ό, ν;, (from same, κάξ^χμον, and γλύφω) a cum- min sawyer, cardamum scraper, a miser, a skinflint. Κϋμο^ίγμων, -ovog, ό, (from κυμχ and δέχομαι) a receiver of the waves, the shore. Ιίυνοι,γωγος, -ου, 6, (from κύων and uyuyv^ a trainer of dogs. Kyi/aBgg-, -o)v, ui, viz. ^μίξ»ι, (from Λύων) the dog-days. Κυνόίλω'ττγιζ, -SKog, ό, (from same and άΤιάττγ]^,) a fox-dog, an impudent impostor. Κυνάξίον, -ου, το, (from kvuv) a little dog, a cur, a whelp. Κυνάω, (from same) / benave as a Cynic. Κύνίτι, contr. κ,ΰντ;, -νις, vj, (from same) a helmet, so called because helmets were originally made or covered with dog-skin. Kvveog, or χύνίίος, -u, -ov, (from same) canine, audacious, disgracefid. Κννίω, (from κύοή I kiss. Κυνηγύσίον, -ου, το, (from next) a hunt- ing pole, hunting pack, a place for hunting, a chase ; prey, game : κ,υνηγίσια, τχ, the pursuit or practice of hunting. Κυνγιγίσίος, -a,, -ov, (from jcuvfiyog) of or belonging to hunting. KvvviysTia, and Kvvviyea, f. -7;σω, (from same) I hunt. KvvYiyiTYig, -ov, o, (from preced.) a hunter. Κυνγ}γ£τ1κ6ς, -τι, -ov, (from same) of hunting, fond of hunting. 'Κνννιγίτις,-ί^ος, ^,(from s^vne) a huntress. Κυνηγίχ, -ag, τ], κυν'ήγιον, -ου, το, (from κ,ύύίν and όίγω) hunting. Κυνγιγος, -ου, ό. Dor. κννΰγος, (from same) a hunter. KvvYihov, κυνηγά, Kvul•», (from κύων} like a dog, impudently. ΚΰνγιΚόίσ'ϊοί, 'Oig, vj, (from same and Ιλαν- νω) a hunting ivith dogs, a setting on of dogs. Κΰν/ιλόίτίω, f. -'/ισω, (from same) I urge on dogs, chase. ΚυννιττοΙίς, -ων, ol, (from κύων and ττους) a horse' s fetlock joints. Y^vvihiov, -ου, το, ^ΰνισκος, -ου, 6, and κυν- ισκγι, -τις, ί], (from κύων) α little ^og 6ΐ bitch, a ivhelp. Κυνίξω, (from same) I become or live a Cynic. ΚύνίκΤ^ος, -ου, ο, a coney, rabbit. ΚυνΙκός, -5?, -ov, (from κύων) of or belong- ing to a dog, impudent, cynical. Κνν6}ίους, -οντος, ό, (from same and όΐονς) a dog-tooth. ΚυνοΙξομίω, f. -τισω, (from same and ^ξύ- μω) I run with the speed of a dog, run with the dogs, chase. f Κυνοδξομία. A GREEK LEXICON. Κΰξ/ος, KvvolQo/iiiu, -a;, v}, (from preced.) a chase. Κννούχξσ^ς^ and κί/νο^ξάσΰς, -fioi, -v, (from κνω> and ^χξσος) having the impu- dence of a dog. Κυι/οκίφάΧος, ~ον, ο, τ], (from same and κίφχλνι) having the head of a dog. ΚύνοχΤ^όττος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κλίτττω) a dog stealer. KvuoKOTria), f. -τισω, (from same and κόττ- τω) I lash a person as a dog, flog. 'Κύ!/6μ>υιοί, or χ,υϋά,ι^υιοί^ -χς, τ}, (from same and μ,υΐα,) a dog-fly, or a mixed swarm of flies: a clamorous, importunate, audacious person. Κυνο-π-ζόσωττος, -ov, 6, yj, (from same and τΓζοσωτΓύν) dogfaced. Kvuoficihrr,g, -ov, 6, (from same and poclai) a tick. Κνι/όσχξγίζ, -ίος, το, (from same and doyog) the name of a gymnasium at A- thens. Κύνόσβαίτος, -Of, 6, (from same and βχ,τος) the dog-thorn, Κΰΐ/οσττα^χκτοζ, -oy, (from same and στα- ξάσσω) torn by dogs. Κυνο^/^ος, -ου, ο, (from same and έ';ι^ώ>) a collar, a leash. Κνι/οφξων, -όνος, ο, τ}, (from same and φζ'ήν) having the disposition of a dog, impu- dent, rapiacious. Κύνπξος, -X, -o'j, for κυονάτίξος, (from Kvcju) more impudent, baser: κ,ΰντοίτος, most impudent, basest. Κύνύτηης, -ου, ό, (from same and ω-ψ) having a dog's face, impudent, insolent, see avxihiix: κυνωτης, -/Bo?, vj, an impudent woman, fierce, raging. Ki/o?, -sof, το, (from κύο)) a fetus. Κυοφοζίύ), -ω, (from preced. and φοζίω) I am pregnant. ΚΰττάζίσσΊνος, -iuvi, -luov, (from next) of or belonging to cypress. ΚΰτΓΧξίσσος, -ου, 'ή, the cypress. ΚυτΓίίζοί/, -ου, το, and κυττειςος, -ου, ό, τ], α sort of rush. Κ£/9Γ£λλο:/, -ου, το, α cup. ΚυτΓξΐάξγ,Υις, -ου, 6, (from Κύττςος and άζχνι) α governor of Cyprus. Κ^τ^/ζω, (from κΐ/7Γ^ο?) I sprout, flourish. Κύττζίνοζ, -τη, -ου, (from same} of or belonging to cypress. Κϋ'ΤΓξίος, -ου, 6, an inliabitant of Cyprus. ΚντΓζίς,-ίΟος,κυτΓζογίνειχ,-χς,κυττζογΒν'/ι;, -tog, V), (from Κύττζο; and yiyuo/icxi) Venus. Κυττξίσ/ϋός, -ου, ο, (from κυττζίζω) a sprouting, flourishing. ΚυτΓξος, -ου, ό, the island of Cyprus. KfX(?of, -Of, ii, the cypress tree or Al-hcn- nah, Song i. 14. iv. Id. Κυττύζίύ, (from αντττω) I stand bending, loiter. Κυτττόω, (from next) / cause to bend. ΚίίτΓΤώ», f. κύ•ψω, 1 a. ίκυ•ψχ, 1 a. part. κύφχς, J bend, stoop down. Κύ^βίς, -εως, ί}, a triangular board on which the laws were written, the laws them- selves, a tablet, map or chai't. Κυξίίχ, and κυξίχ, -χς, v}, (from κυ(>ος^ dominion. Κύξίω, f. -νισω, same as κύ^ω. Κυξίχ, -χς, 7}, (from κυξος) a lady or mistress, Gen. xvi. 4. 3 Kings xvii. 17. 4 Kings V. 3. Psal. cxxiii. 2. and Prov. XXX. 23. Isa. xxiv. 2. and according to Sym. Jer. xiii. 18. 2 John 1. ο ττζεσβντβξος εκλεκτή κυξίχ, " the elder to an elect lady," or, understanding it as a proper name, Cyna. Κυξίχκός, -% -01/, (from same) of or re- lating to the Lord, the Lord's ; Rev. i. 10. iu Trj κυζίχκ/ί ij/ici^x, on the Lord's day ; 1 Cor. xi. 20. κυξίχκον ^ειττνον, the Lord's Supper. " The article," says Middleton, " may here be omitted by the same license by which it is so frequently wanting before Κύζίος : in the same manner as national appellations partake of the license which is allowed to proper names." He then quotes with approbation a passage from Michaelis, Introd. vol. iv. p. 61, of which the following is a part. " The expression κυξίχκόν hlTTuov, 1 Cor. xi. 20, may be translated, as in the Syriac version, ' a meal which is proper for the Lord's day,' or * a Sunday meal.' In the controversy relative to the celebration of Sunday, it is extraordinary that this translation of κυ- ζΐχκον 'Ιεΐ-πνον in so ancient a version as the Syriac, should never have been quot- ed.'' I add, it is equally applicable on the question relative to the due frequency of the celebration of the Lord's supper. Mi- chaelis accordingly adds, " on Sunday, therefore, it was the practice of the primi- tive christians to celebrate the Lord's sup- per." On this subject, see Orme on the Lord's Supper, particularly chap. x. The Sabbatical observance of the Ordinance. Kf^/ft/ij, f. -εύαω, p. κεκυ(^ίευκχ, 1 a. εκυ- ^/gyffa, (from κύζίος) I rule over, lord it over. Κυ^ίολογίχ, -χς, i), (from next and λό- γος) a direct plain manner of speaking. Κϋξίος,-ου, ο, (from κυξο;) a lord, master; vocative, lord, sir. This term may be given to any person, in whom is vested, (or in courtesy supposed to be vested) pro- perty, authority, ov right of any kind But when employed in Scripture in an inferior signification, it is accompanied by sonic 555 Κνξίος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΚωΙ αχξε adjunct, qualifying and defining the rela- tion. In other cases it ordinarily denotes the Supreme Being. In the LXX it is used to translate -ί^τκ and Γηπ••, and in the N. T. it is applied to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is thus applied, not merely in the form of an unqualified pre-eminence, but with circumstances evidently mani- festing divine glory. See particularly Acts ix. 5. and xxvi. 13 — 15. How astonishing is it, when Saul saw, at mid-day, a light from Heaven above the brightness of the sun, and when he and his followers, all fallen to the earth, heard a voice saying; "why persecu- test thou me ?" that Newcome should re- present him (as if he had been accosted by some straggler on the road) telling us, " I said, who art thou, Sir?" Κν^ιος, -01, -0!/, (from same) having power or authority, sanctioned, confirmed, decisive, appointed, legal: κϋζίως, with proper au- thority, solemnly, properly. Κνξίότιης, 'Τίτος, v], (from κ,ύςιος) dominion, power, authority ; plur. powers, an order of angels. Κυζίσσύ), or -ίττω, (from κίζοις) I strike with my horn, goad. Κύξ^Λοί, 'ccrog, ro, (from κ,ύ^ύ.)) a thing fallen upon, a booty, promptitude. Κνξος, -ίος, το, authority, sanction, con- firmation, sovereign power. Κϋξόύ), -a, f. -άσω, p. κεκ,ύξωκ,α, 1 f. pass. χ.υ^θ)&ν)σομ,οίΐ, p. pass. κϊκ,ΰ^ωΐΛα,ι, 1 a. pass. Ικυζωύη]>, (from preced.) / confirm, ratify or appoint with authority. Κύξτη, -ης, vi, a net. Κνξτος, -ij, -6v, crooked, gibbous. Κόξτος, -ον,ό, (from preced.) a fish-hook, a net. Kv^TOTi^, -ητος, V}, (from same) crooked- ness, convexity. Κνζτόα,ΐ. -ωαω, (from same) 1 bend, curve. Κύζτω^.ΐΛ, -ΰίτος, το, (from preced.) cur- vature, winding. Κϋρω, f. κ,ύξσα, κνξίω, f. -vjau, I meet with, come upon, encounter, strike against ; κϋξο- μοί{, I light upon, meet with. Κύξωσίς, -ζως, vj, (from κνζόω) sanction, ratification. Κύσθος, -Qv, 6, (from κ,ύω) pudendum muli- ebre. KwffS, poet, for 'ΐκυσί, 1 a. of κ,υίω. κύστη, -ης, h, (from κΰω) the ivomb. Κύστις, -εως, i], (from same) the bladder. Kir ίσο?, -ου, ί], the cytisus, a shrub, the trefoil flower, thought to promote fecundity ; Florentem cytisum sequitur lasciva capella. Vivg. Buc. Eel. 2. Κυτ(Λ\ς, -ίίος, vj, an ointment to allay pain in the side. 556 Κντος, -ίΟξ, το, (from κίΐτοίή where any thing lies, breadth, depth, capacity ; the cavity of a shield, the hold of a vessel. KvT^ot, Dor. for χύτξχ. Κύττόίζος, -ου, ό, (from κ,υτος} a cell, cavity, cup. Κυφάγωγος, -ου, ό, (from »y (po; and «y«) bendiiig, stooping. Κϋψαλίος, -at, -ov, and κϋφος, -τ„ -ou, (from κ.ϋ'τττω^ bent, bowing. Κϋφωυ, -ωνος, ο, (from same) a collar for the neck of a criminal which caused him to bend his head. Κυφύ)νίσ{Λ6ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the punishment of the collar. Κυ-ψίλη, -ης, 4 « bee-hive; also, a corn- measure, a chest. Κυ-ψίλΙς, -/δο?, V], the filth or wax in the ear. Κυ-ψεΤ^όβυστος, -ou, (from κυ-ψί'Αη and βύω} stiifed lOith wax. Κύω, f. κ,ϋσω, p. κΐκυκχ, I kiss, I conceive, am pregnant. Kvcju, κ,ύοι/ος, or κΰυος, dat. plur. κυσ), ο, 'ή, (from preced.) a dog ; a male prostitute. Deut. xxiii. 18. Κω, for -κω, (always with a negative) ου χ,ω, never, no ivhere, not yet. Κωοίς, -stTog, or κωος, -Βος, το (from κως) a sheep's skin or fleece. Κωβίός, -ου, ο, a whiting or gudgeon. Κωβιωοης,-ίς, (from preced.) like a whiting or gudgeon. Kcdhoi^iou, -ου, το, (from KCihiou) a little skin, a small bag. KciihlcA, or κύ^ίία, -ας, tj, the head of a poppy. ΚωΙιου, -ου, το, (from χως^ a sheep-skin. ΚωΙύ)υ, -ωνος, 6, a bell, any brazen instru- ment for making a ringing noise, a trumpet. Κω'^ωνίζω, (from preced.) I rijig a bell. ΚωΖανόκξοτος, -ou, (from same and κρότος) rattling. Κω^ω^οφαλΰίξό'ΤΓωλος, 6, vj^ (from same, φΰίΚοί^οί, and 'π-ωλος) having bells in the trap- pings of the horses. Κω^ωυοφοζίομ.οιι, (from same and φίζω^ I carry a bell. Κωύων, -ωυος, 6, a cup, a drinking or feasting together. ΚωθωνιξοίΛοίΐ, imperf. ίκωβωι/ίξομη!', (from preced.) / drink or feast with. Κωκϋτος, -ου, ο, κ,ώκϋΐΛΛ, -Λτος, το, (from ■Αωχ,ΰω) wailing, lamentation. Κωίίϋτος, -ου, ο, (from next) the river of waiUng,oneoftheinfernalrivei's, Lat. Cocytus. Κωκ,ύω, in Homer, κωκϋω, in later writers, f. -ϋσω, I lament, wail, shriek. ΚωΤ^χκ,ζίτία, rather κωλecyξίτuί, -ων, οί, (from κωλον and χγίίζω) quccsiors in holy things. KoiXscc. A GREEK LEXICON. Κωφόω, Κωλία, κω'Κ'ί), .ijg, and KuXuict, -χς, τι, (from χ,ωΚου) a leg, a fore-leg, a limb. ΚωΆη-ψ, -ηττος, ό, and vj, the bend of ike knee. ΚίολΙόίς, -ΛΟΟζ, χ,ωλωτίς, -ι'^ος, ^, Venus. ΚωΆ'ίκ,ός, -νι, -ον, (from κ,ω'κίοί) of the intes- tines ; κ,ωΤ^ι-Λ'ή νόσος, α colic. ΚωΆον, -ον, 70, α large Ιίηώ or bone of the human body, hence, the bodi/ itself, the carcase ; also, the name of one of the large intestines, and of a large member of a sen- tence. Κωλν,αα, -οίτος, το, κω7ώσις, -ίως, 9], (from ■λ,ω'κϋω) α restraint, hindrance, stocks. Κωλν /iir;, -ης, 7], (from same) a prohibitiiig. ΚωλυσίΒξγίω, (from same and s^you) I cause an obstacle. Κω'λντνις, -ov, d, (from κωΤ^ύύ)) a hinderer, stopper. ΚωΑυτϊκ.ός, -}j, -o>, (from next) able to hinder. Κωλύω, f. -ύσο), p. ■/Λζω'Κυκ,ια,, 1 a. ζκωλυσχ, ] a. pass, έκωλύθτην, I restrain, hinder, forbid. Κω^Λοί, -ατός, το, (for κοί(Λ7ΐΐΛϋί) sleep, re- pose. Κωμάζω, f. 'όίσω, (from κώμος) I feast, revel. Κωμύξχγις, -ου, 6, (from κύ)μγι and άργ,'/ΐ) a governor of a town. Κωμχστνις, -ov, ό, (from κώμος) afeaster, reveller. Κωμαυλος, -ov, 6, (from next and ανλν}) a peasant. Κύ)μη, -τ,ς, VI, a town, village. Κωμ,'ήττ,ς, -ov, 6, κωμ,τιτις, -ι^ος, 'ή, (from preced.) a villager. Κομικίύω, (from same) / speak as a co- median. Κωμ'ίκος, -'/j, -ov, (from same) comic. ΚωμόττοΤ^ίς, -ιος, Attic -ζως, τ], (from pre- ced. and ττόλίς) a country toivn. Κώμος, -ov, 6, Comus, the god of feasting and revelling ; revelling, lascivious feasting with songs and music. Κωμνς, -νύος, vj, a laurel, a bundle of straw or hay, fodder. ΚωμφΙίω, f. -τισω, (from κωμ,ωοός) I act in comedy, Κύ)μω'^ίοί, -ας, i], (from same) comedy. Κωμω^ικ,ος, same as κωμικός. Κωμω^οΖϊ^χσκΰίλϊχ, •οίς, v], the comic art. From Κωμω^οΖί^άσκόί'λος, and κωμω^οτΐοηητ'ής, -ov, 6, (from κωμφ^ός and Οιοχσκχλος or -ro/z/Tii?) a comic poet. Ku}y.(f)lo^e(xoju, (from same and λείχ,ω) a parasite. Κωμω^οττοίΐχ, -χς^ vj, a making of come- dies. From Κωμω^οπ-οιός, -ου, ό, (from next and το/ίώ») a comic writer. Κύ)μω^ός, -ου, 6, (from χ,ωμγι and ωδ:^) a singer, buffoon, comic actor. Κωνχξίού or χωι/ί^ιον, -ου, το, (from κώνος) a little cone. Κωνχζος, ~ου, ό, (from same) a he-goat, so called from his tapering horns. Κωναχζομχι, (from next) / poison my- self Kio'jsiov, 'OV, το, hemlock. Κωνίκός, -Vi, -ov, and κωνοζι^Ύ^ς, -Ις, (from next and ποος) conical: κωνοα^ως, in the form of a cone. Κώνος, -ου, ό, a cone. Κωνωττείον, and κωνω'ταον, -ου, το, (from next) a canopy, a veil to keep off gnats, a mosquito net. Κύι}νω•ψ, -ωτΓος, 6, vj, a gnat. Κωος, -ιος, τό, a fleecy skin. Κωττίύς, -ίως, ό, (from next) a rower. Κό)7ί-/ι, -ης, 7], (from κόπ-τω) a hilt, an oar : or a mosquito. Κωττ'ηίΐς, -iaax, -sv, (from preced.) having a fine handle. Κωττη'λχτίω, f. -ίΐσω, (from next) / i-ow. Κω'^τη'λχτης, -ου, ο, (from κόίττη and ίλχύνω) a rower. Κωττν^ξης, -ίος, 6, yj, (from κωττη) furnished with oars ; handling the oar. ΚωτΓίον, -ου, τό, (from same) a little han- dle, an oar. KojQn, Dor. for κούξη, -ης, vj> ^ virgin. Κύ}θος, -ου, ο, for κοϋξος, a young man. Κωζοσύνχ, Dor. for χονζοσννη,-ης,'Κ} youth. Κω^νκιον, -ov, τό,α little wallet, a purse. From Κω^νκος, -ov, o, a wallet. Κως, Κόως, Κέως, -ω, tj, the island of Cos ; as it abounded with flocks, it was perhaps named from Κως, -όος, τό, a sheep's skin or fleece. Κως, Ion. for ττως, how, somehow, by chance. Κύ)τΤΑοίς, -χ^ος, 'ή, (from next) a swallow. Κωτί'λ'λω, I chatter, prate. ΚωτΊΤ^ος, -η, -ov, (from preced.) gaj^ulous, prattling. Κωφίύω, f. -ίύσω, 1 a. ίκωφίνσχ, (from next) / am deaf and dumb ; am silent. Κωφός, -vi, -ov, deaf and dumb, making dunu : senseless, lifeless ; indistinct, uncer- tain, vague. Κωφόω, -ω, f. -ύ)σω, 1 a. pass, ίκωφωύ/ιν, (from preced.) I make deaf and dumb. 557 Α. A GREEK LEXICON. Λα^^οβο'λοί. Λ Λ, the eleventh of the more modern Greek letters, but the twelfth of the an- cient, in which it corresponded to the He- brew or Phenician Lamed, in name, order, power, and form. Λ is sometimes changed by the Dorians into υ : as φίντα-τος, for φίΤιτατος : from ξΐΆετο, and omitting the augment, ίλετο, by syncope, 'ίλτο, comes hro, and changing the aspirate into γ, yhro, he took, 3 sing. 2 aor. mid. of ocIqL•. Λοί, an adverbial particle, increasing the signification of words to which it is pre- fixed. Αόίοίς, gen. λάχος, contr. Άαος, 6, also λ«ί, Άοίός, and λόίος, -ου, a large stone, a rock. Αα,βΐο), see 7^α.μ.βά,νω. Λ«/3>?, -ης, Tj, (from τ^α,^βάυω) a handle. ΑοίβΙς, -βος, vj, (from same) a handle, a pair of tongs or pincers. Ααβξά,γόζ^α,ς, -ου, 6, (from λά/3ζο? and άγοζάω) a vehement speaker. Ααβξύζω, (from Τ^άβρος) I talk furiously. Λ(ά/3^οί|, -όίκ,ος, 6, (from same) a pike or sturgeon. Ααβζίΰομ,οίΐ, same as Άχβξά.ζω. Αχβζοττοτίω, (from next and tto'uj) / d7^nk greedily. Αα,βρος, -a, -ou, (from Act and βόξος, vo- racious) very voracious, vehement : Άάβξας, violently. Αϋίβξόσσντος, -ου, ό, v], (from preced. and σεύω) vehemently rushing. Αχβζοσννη, -Τις, ^, (from Άάβξο;) vora- ciousness, veheme7ice. Αχβζύζ, -ύος, 7i, (from same) a hatchet. Αόίβυζ/ΐ'ύος, -ου, ό, a labyrinth, a maze. Aocyoivoi), -ου, ro, a kind of cake. Αοίγοίξίζομ,χι, I become slack. From Αοίγοίρος, -ά., -ou, (from Tioiyau) slack, re- laxed, empty, slender, pliant. Hence Accyoiqao), I render slack or empty. Αΰγίττης, -ου, 6, (from 7\.otog and άγίτγι;) a leader of the people, a chief Aaynvog, 7\.ά,γϋνος, -ου, 6, and Τ,κ,γϋνΙς, -Hoc, vj, Lat. lagena, a cup, a flagon. Aaylvoq, -ij, -ov, (from λοίγός) of a hare. Aayiov, -ου, ro, (from same) a little hare Aayvi'iot,, -ας, sj, lechery. And Accyvivo), I am lecherous. From 558 Αάγνος, -yj, -ου, lecherous. Αα,γο^ΰύτγΐζ, -ου, 6, (from 'huyog and δ^/ώ)) one who feasts on a hare. Axyounqku, or 'hcx.yωύΎlξά.ω, f. -γ,σω, (.from same and %ξάω) I hunt hares. AciyoUTj^Yig, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a haie hunter. AccyoKTVjka, f. -ν^αω, (from next and κ,τίίι/ω) Σ kill a hare. Aoiyog, -ου-, ό, a hare. AxyoGCpay^ia,, -α,ς, tj, (from preced. and aCpctyi]) the killing of hares. Axyx^vo), 1 f. mid. Τ^'ή^ομ,αι, p. πΆπγ^Οί, for τ,ίΥ.Ύίχοί, 2 a. i\a,%ov, p. mid. 'heT^oyxx, 1 a. mid. infin. 'Κ'ήζ^α.σύα.ι, ρ, pass. uMyf-coii, and part, si^ny/xii/og, (from λτιχω. See p. 70) / obtain, attain, reach, obtain by lot, cast lots. Aά,yύ)βo'hίΰt,, -ccg, 7], (from "hoiyug and βάλλω) the shooting of hares. AAyuv, -όνος, % the small guts properly of the hare, the loins. Aayaog, -ου, and λccyως, -ω, 6, a hare. Aoc.yu>og,-cuui,,-cuoui, (from ^Yecea.)ofahare. ΑάίζΤίά^γΐς, -ου, ό, (from Αΰίζτγις) the son of Laertes, Ulysses. Αά,ζομοίΐ, λά.ζυμ,οί.1, I lay hold, grasp, embrace ; with ττάλιν, resume, retract. Αάύχ, -ας. Dor. for λ'/ιύ-ζι. Aoiuxqyog, -ου, 6, τι, (from preced. and ίξγον) clajidestinely luoi'king, backbiting. AoitiKvi^'^g, -έος, 6, ^, (from same and κτί- δοί) causing grief to be forgotten. Αΰ.ύί'πουος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and 'τό- νος) forgetful of pain. Aa,&i(^doyyogy -ου, 6, τ], (from same and φύόγyog) causing forgetfulness of speech, i. e. silence. Αά,ύιφ^οσΰνη, -yig, h, (from samp and ψξνιν) forgetfulness of mind. Αοίύοσΰνγι, -'ίΐς, {], λά,ύος, -eog, τό^ (from λάβχ) forgetfidness, oblivion. Αάύξά, λάύςη, λχύξγιΐοί, and λχύξτηΐόν, (from λάύω. See λανόά-νω) in oblivion, pri- vately, secretly. » Αοίύξχίος, -xicc, -x7ov, (from preced.) ^irf- den, clandestine : λχύοχίως, same as λχύξχ. Axd^ihiog, -X, -ov, λχύξίος, -ίχ, -ίον, the same as preced. Αχύζοβόλος, -ου, ο, '^, (from λχύξχ and βάλλω) striking secretly. 16 Aa^ooduKvo;. A GREEK LEXICON Ααχ,τΐϋττις, Aotd^olxKuog, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and οόίκνο)) biting secretly, Αχύζόνυμφος, -ov, ^, (from same and νν/αφ-/)) having secretly marj'ied. Αάϊγξ, -'ΐγγος, τι, (from 7^»χς) a pebble. Αύίΐκάζω, f. -οίσω, (from "Κοίος) I expose to the people, make common, prostitute. ΑοίίκΛσττις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a whoremonger. Αοίϊκος, -'ή, -6u, (from λαός) of or belong- ing to the jjsople ; common, p)rofane. Aquila, 1 Kings xxi. 4. Sym. and Theod. Ezek. xlviii. 15. 0/ ovu τοις 'ττ^οσητοίγ^Λνοις kui- ξοίς ττοιουντξζ τχ; 'ττξοσφοξοίς χύτωι/ έύττξόσ- οεκ,τοί TS κ,αΐ (ΐ^χκ,ύξίοι' τοΊς γάζ υο[Α,ιμ,ο:ς του ^ίσ'ττότου άκοΤ^ουθουντίς ου ^ιοιμ,α^τά,ν- ουσιν. τω γά,ο άοχ^ΐίζίϊ ihicti Τ^ίΐτουξγία,ι δί- QOfii'Joii ilalu, καΐ τοί; ίίξίυσιν ι^ιος 6 τόττος ττ^οστίτακταί, κλΙ Τ^ίυΐτοί,ις ΊΙΊλι ^iciKOuiui Ι'ττίκίΐντΛί. ό ΛΑΙΚ02 όίνύξωττος τοΙς ΛΑΪ- ΚΟ F2 -Λξοστάγ,^χσιν δίδετα/. " They, therefore, who present their offerings at the appointed times, are accepted and blessed. For they who follow the laws of the Lord do not go astray. For his proper services are given to the high priest, and the priests have their proper place ap- pointed them; and their proper services are incumbent upon the Levites. He who belongs to the people is bound by the pre- cepts given to the people." Clement, 40. The modern phrase " clergy and laity" is obviously erroneous, because, all who are^ the λίί&ν are also the κΚτίξος of God, Deut. ix. 29 ; but this does not militate against the distinction between office-bearers and the other members of the church ; and it appears from the foregoing quotation, that the word "Καίκος was early used to mark that distinction. See Campbell on Eccles. Hist. Lect. ix. Ααϊκόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. h^cc'/'KuaO; (from preced.) I profane. Αα,ίΚα.'τΐί.ο), and Τ^χιΤ^οίτΙζω, (from λα/- λα-ψ) I agitate with storms. Αχίλαττύϋ/ις, ο, ^, το -sg, (from next) stormy. Λα/λαψ, -οίτΓο;, τι, (perhaps from λ/αν and λά-^τω) a irhwlwind, hurricane, violent sto7'm. Axlfzot, -οι,τος, το, and Τ^χιμός, -ου, ό, (from Τ^χίω) the throat ; greediness. Aoctf/,oi(^yici, -xg, 9], (from nexl) voracious•- ness. Aui/iccc^yog, -ου, ο, ^, (from λα/ώί and fici^yog) voracious. ΑΜί/ίίάσσω,{{τοιη7,χίμ6ς) I devour greedily. Αοίΐμ,^τομ,ος, or 'Κα,ιμ.ότομ.ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and τίμυω) throat cutting, mur- derous ; having the throat cut, murdered. Α(χ,ίμο}^ά,κνις, -iog, o, tj, (from same and ^ά,κνω) biting the throat. Αχιμ,ο'π-ίΙϊΐ, -γ,ς, v], (from same and ττέδ»;) a collar. Ααιμόβρΰτος, -ou, (from same and ρΐω) flowing from the throat. Αα,ιι^ότμ,γιτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and τί/ϋνω) having the throat cut : 'Καιι^ότίΛ-ζιτον κάι^α., the head severed fi^om the body. Aciif /.οτοΐΛίω, (from same) I cut the throat. Aoii'jog, or 7\.ctiuiog, -η, -ou, (from 'hSictg) made of stone, stony, Aouov, -ου, το, (for T^vfiov) a corn fields crop. Auiog, -a, -ou, left, left-handed. Ααιοτομ,ίω, (from Act/oj/ and τίμϋω) I cut corn. Aoiiovjiou, -ου, το, (from next) a shield covered ivith raw hide. Αούσιος, -fit, -o'j, hairy, Αοίϊτ(Λχ, -ατός, το, lor Χα,ΐσμ,α, or Tvocli^a,. Αα,ίφτι, ->??, 'h, or Τ^αΊφος, -εος, το, a gar- ment, a sail. Αχί-ψ/ίξόΙξομος, -ου, ό, '/}, (from y^uixpi^Qog and Zξό/ίcoς) very swiftly runni7ig. Αΰΐί•ψγ!ξοκ.ίλΒυθος, -ου, ό, '/}, (from next and κίλίυύος) very swiftly despatching the way. Acci\pn^6g, -a, -ou, (from T^cc and ul-J/YjQog) very swift. Adio), 1 destine, Αά,κ,ά,ζω, f. -ά,σω, I raise a clamour, shrieh. Αόίκίξυξχ, -ης, v}, a chattering. Αακίω, and 7^/ίχίω, -ω, f. -'/;σω, 1 a. Ιλά- κτησίί, or 7^9] κω, 2 a. i'hxKou, I crash, break or burst with noise. Αακίζω, f. -'ίσω, (from next) I rend, tear. Αά,κΙς, -ί^ος, ί], (from 7.ακίω) a shred, a rejit. Αόίκίσμχ, -ατός, το, (from λχκίζω) a rent. Αχκίστοζ, -'/?, -ou, (from same) )'C7it. Αοίκκό'7:7^ουτος, -ου, 6, (from Τ^άκ,χ,ος and -ττλουτος) one who conceals his luealth in a pit, a rich miser. Αοίκ•λ,ο'7:•ξωκτος, -ου, 'hoί>cox.oίτόί7rϋyωu, -ωνος, and 'Κοίκκοσχία.ς, -ου, 6, a catamite. Αάκκος, -ου, ο, α pit, ditch, cistern, ivell, lake. Αχκττόίτγίτος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from λάξ and ττΛτίύ)) to be trodden underfoot. Αοίκτίζύ), f. -Ισω, p. Τ^ίΆύκτικα,, (from ?^α|) I kick, kick up. See x,iu~oou. ΑοίκτΙς, -ΙΙος, % (from preced.) a 2>rick, spur. Αάκτισ(Λοΐ, -οίτος, το, (from same) a^iic^•, insidt. Αχκτιστ'^ς, -ου, ό, (from same) one who kicks. 059 Λάκυ^οί. A GREEK LEXICON. Λαξεύω;, Αάκ,νύο;, -ου, v}, Dor. for λτικνύος, Αιχκ,ωυ, Ό)ϋος, ό, α Lacedemonian. Αοίκωήζο), (from preced.) I favour the Lacedemonians; use the Lacedemonian dialect. Αα,χ,ωιηκος, -'^, -ou, (from same) Lacede- monian, Spartan, laconic, hardy, brave. Αα,κ,ωυισμ,ος, -ου, 4, (from Sixme) a favour- ing of the Spartans. Αόίκωνισττις, -ου, 6, (from ?>^me) a favourer of the Spiartans. AaKuvof^oivLd), (from same and μ,α,Ίνω) I am mad for the Spartans. ΑΛΚα,Ύζω, f. -'kao), 3 pi. pres. 'koiKa.yiiivri, Dor. for \ού:οίγουσι, part. T^ccT^ctyiluTig for XuKccyoOvng, I talk much and loud, rattle, chatter, prattle, sing : ^.ctT^uy^, -yjg, tj, prat- tling, a prattler. Dulce ridentem Lalagen amabo, Dulce loquentem. Hor. Od. I. 22. AoiKayvif^oi, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a rattle. Α»λίω, -ω, f. -7]σό), p. XsT^xT^yiKsc, 1 a. Ιλά- 7ir,acc, 1 f. pass. "ΚαΚΎΐ&'ήαομ,α,ι, p. pass, λελά- T^Yi^oLi, 1 a. pass. iXoihTiSnu, I speak, talk. Aoc7^^u^og,-oi,-ou,{{rompreced.)loquacious. AahYiy.a, -α,τος, το, (from p. pass, of same) a speech, talk. ΑκΤ^γιτίος, -a., -ou, (from same) that must be talked of, to be celebrated. Αα,Ύ.Ύΐτίχ,ος, -% -ov, (from same) talkative. AoiK-fiTog, -57, -oV, (from same) having the faculty of speech. ΑοίΚητ(ις, -ίοος, ν, (from same) a talka- tive woman. AaXici, -α,ς, v\, (from TsoChicS) speech, talk, prate, prattle. Ααίλίος, and λάλος, -ov, 6, τι, (from same) garrulous. Aocy^oi, or Ααμ-μ,Ά, {x\'C2^)for what? why? Ααμβοίνω, 1 f. mid. λν^-^ο^^οίί, p. λίλτιφα, Attic, ίΐλγ,φα, with the infinitive ζίλτ,φίνοίΐ, and partic. λίλτιφώς, Attic ζίληφως, 2 a. act. ίλά,βον, and ίλλα,βον, with the imperat. λόίβί, infinit. λα-βϋν and partic. λαβών, 1 a. pass. Ιλ'/^φ^)?:/, with infin. λνιφύίινοα, and par- tic. λνιφύίΐς, p. pass, ίΐλημμχι, and partic. λίληίΛμίνος, (from λ'/ιβο). See p. 70) / take, seize, assume, receive, accept, obtain, comprehend. Αά,μιιχ,, -ας, ί], (from λαιμός) some kind of animal, so called from having a large throat ; a hag, hobgoblin. Ααμμα. See Ααμά. Ααμ'πα^'/ιφοζίτ], -γις, or λαμ'ττα^ουχία, -ας, 7], (from λ.αμ'^ας and φίξω or 'ίχω) torch- Ααμ'τταύΥίφοζος,ον λαμτταοουχ,ος, -ου, ο, 'η, (from same) one ivho bears a torch. Aa^'KoMoi), -ου, το, (from next) a little lamp or torch. 5C0 Ααμ'ττάς, -α^ος, tj, (from λάμ'ττω) a lamp, a torch. Ααμ'τητάω, (from same) / burn as a torch. Ααμ'ττ'ή, -ίις, ^, (from same) the foam, of new wine. ΑαμτΓΎΐΙωυ, -όνος, 6, (from same) a blaze, Ααμττ'/ινΎΐ, -ης, f], (from same) a royal couch, litter, sedan, p)alanquin, or carriage. ΑαμτΐΥΐΗχ,ος, -yi,-ou, (from preced.) of ov belonging to a royal or princely carriage, or to a covered waggon. Ααμ-ττουξΙς, -Ιοος, vj, a fox. From Αάμττουξος, -ου, ό, ^, (from λάμττω and ουξά) flash - tailed. Ααμ^ΐζος, -a, -ov, (from λάμττω) shining, dazzling, splendid, white. Ααμττξότγις, -ττιτος, i], (from preced.) splendour, brightness. Ααμττξοφωνί'/ί, -τις, 9], (from next) clear- ness of voice. Ααμττξόφωυος, •ου, ό, τ], (from λαμττξό; and φωννι) having a clear voice. Ααμττξϋνω, f. -ΰνω, 1 a. Ιλάμτξυν», (from λαμ'ττξός) I make splendid or clear. Ααμ'ττξως, (from same) splendidly. Ααμτΐτνίζ, -^ξος, 6, (from λάμ'πω) a light, a shining lamp or torch. ΑαμτΓτγίζοκλίτττγις, -ου, 6, (from preced. and κλί-π-τω} a Ιαιτψ or torch stealer. Ααμχτγι^ουχ,ία, -ας, τ], (from same and 'ίχ,ω) a beacon. Αάμ-πω, f. -ψώ>, 1 a. βλαμ-ψα, (i. e. λάμ,φω, from λίαν φω, for φάω^ I shine. Ααμυξία, -ας, v), (from next) petulance. Ααμΰξος, -a, -ov, facetious, sprightly, gay, wanton, impudent : λαμνξως, facetiously, wanto7ily. Αάμ,^^ις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, 'ή, (from λά,μ^ω) a shining. Aauuavo), (from λάύω or λν}ύω. See p. 70, has) f. λ'ήσύ), 2 a. ίλαύον, and infin. λαύύν, 1 a. pass, ελνισύγιν, and Ιλτιύτην, p. pass. λίλγισμαι, p. mid. λί7^•/ιθα, I am hid, hidden, unknown to: λανύάνομ,αι, or λνιόομαι, I have a thing hidden from myself, I forget. See further, in p. 96. ΛίέΙ, λάγ^Ύΐν, with the extremity of the foot, with the heel, with the sole, or with the fore-part of the foot. Αάξευμά, -ατός, το, (from λαζίΰω} a pavement. Ααξίυττίξίον, -ου, το, (from same) an iron instrument for cutting stone, or a sharp stone used as an axe, or other instrument for cutting. Ααξευτ'^ς,-ου, ό, {n'omsiime) a stonecutter. Ααζίυτος, -5j, -ov, (from next) hetmi out of a 7'ock. AstfsyoJ, f. -ίΰσο), 1 a. Ι7^ά^ΐνσα, p. pass. Ar/>/ t,. A GREEK LEXICON. Λα^υ^Όζ. 'Κίκόί^βυΐΑΟ,ι, (from λάα? or λββ? and |s6g, -ου, 6, (from preced.) crofl^. ing. Αάςυγζ, -υγγος, 6, the throat, larynx or upper part of the luind-pipe. Α»ς, see T^ococg. Aoioccuou, -ου, το, a chamber-pot. Αχσανοφόζος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and φίςω) one who brings a 'haactvov. AutjQui'jo), (from next) / deride, despise. Αάσΰγι, -Yig, v}, derision, contempt. Αά,αίΛΰγ/ην, -i'Jog, d, v}, (from next and (Χ,ΰγ,Ύΐν) having a hairy neck. Aoiaiog, -a, -ou, hairy, robust. AoitxiooTiQuog, -ου, ο, (from preced. and στέζ!/ον) having a hairy breast. Αάσκω, I tell, blab. Αάστοίυζος, -ου, ο, immodest. Αα,τα,γίω, (from next) I play at the cot- tabus. Αόίτοίζ, -ciyog, vj, the noise of liquor pour- ed from a cup, as in playing at the cottabus. Αχτοι^ίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. 'ΚζΚλτοιλύιχ,λ, 1 a. ΙΤκοίτόμ,ησα,, p. pass. τ^ίΚατόμ,γΐμ,οίί, (from λ«ί and perf, mid. of τίμ,νω) I cut or heiu stones. AdTOf/^yiTog, -vj, 'dv, (from preced.) cut in stone, cut out of stone, hewed stone. Αα,τομΊα,, -a,g, % (from same) the hewing of stones. Αά,τόμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a hewer or cutter of stones. AxT^iiu, -cx,g, 71, (from ΆοίΤξεΰω) service, religious service, worship : applied to reli- gious duty in general, whether in direct acts of worship, or in any other service which the will of God may require, Exod. xii. 25, 26. Rom. ix. 4. and xii. 1. Αοίτζζυμχ, -ατός., το, (from same) servi- tude. Αατξζύς,- ύως, ο, a servant, minister : also, a robber, Lat. latro. Αατζίυτος, -Yi, -6v, (from next) se?'vile. ΑαίτξΒύω, f. -σω, p. λίλάτζΒυκχ, 1 a. Ιλά- τζίυσα, (from "λάτζίς) I serve, worship. Αατξίος, -a, -ou, (from next) of a servant. Αάτξΐς, -tog, 6, ij, (from 7\.α and τξίω) a servant. Αατξον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a servants wages. Α&τζος, -ου, ο, (from same) a servant ; a robber. Αίϋτνττίω, (from λάς and τΰτττω) I heu- stone, build. Αατΰτΐ•/], -Yig, sj, (from same) stone-chips, saw-dust, filings. Αατΰ'Τΐος, -ου, ό, (from same) a hewer of stones. Αα,υκοίηΛ, -ας, ij, the throat. Αοίυξα, -ας, ί], (from next) a broad way, street ; a monastery, cloister, monk's cell. Ααυξος, -a, -ou, broad, wide, copiojis. Ααυζοστο^Αω, (from preced. and στόαα^ I speak with wide mouth, bawl. Ααύω, I eye with desire, gape at, devour, enjoy. Ααφυγ{Λος, -ου, 6, (from 'Καφϋασω) glut- tony. Ααφΰκτ-ης, -ου, ο, (from same) a glutton. Ααφϋοα, -o)v, τα, (from same) spoils. R 5()Ί Κ&ι^φυξαγωγζω, Λ GREEK LEXICON. As/Vw. Καφυ^οίγωγίω^ (from preced. and ayuyvi) I spoil. Αΰίφνξίω^ -co, f. -yjaa, 1 a. ΐΆαφύξίησοι,, (from next) I spoil. ΑάφύξΟ!^, -ου, το, (from τ^οίφύσσω) spoil. Ααφνξο'τι'ω'λέω, (from preced. and ττωΤ^ίω) I sell spoils. ΑοίφνξΟ'ΤΓωλΥίς, -ου, ό, (from same) a vend- er of sjioils. Αά,φύσσο), or -ττω, f. -|ώ), (from 'Κά'πτω) I greedily swallow down. Αά,χαίυύ), I dig up vegetables, dig. Αοί-χ,α,ΐίίίοί, -χς, ^, (from 'huxauov) pot- herbs. ΑίΧ,χοίηυω, una Τ^α,χ,α,νίζω, (from same) / gather vegetables. Ααγ,α,υισμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) «5 gai/^- ering of vegetables, forage. Αώχχνον, -ου, το, (from Χα,γ,α,ίνω) an herb. Αά,χά,νο'π-ωΤ^Ύίς, -ου, 6, (from preced. and lecShka) a seller of herbs. Αα,γ,Λνό'ΤΐύίΚις, -/Boi,and 'Κοίχοίνο'τΐωΤ^ίτξία., -ΰίς, ^, (from same) a female seller of herbs. Αοίχίίος, -ci, -ov, (from 'Κα,χα,ιν^) easy to be dug, soft, grassy. Αά,χζσις, -ξως, vj, (from next) Lachesis, one of the three Fates. Αά,χγι, -ης, 71, Τ^οίχ/ιζός, -ου, 6, and 'Κά,χος, -ξος, το, (from 'hccyxccycS) a lot, an allotment. Αά,χμ^ος, -ου, ο, thickness of hair or wool. ΑΜχυτϊ, -y\g, ^i, down, or soft hair. Αοίχι/νιεις, -tauoc, -iu, (from preced.) hairy. A&xuoa, (from same) I shade with down. Αα,χνω^ης, -sog, 6, v], (from same) shaggy, grisly, Aoccu, imp. λάί for ελβίε, same as "λοίύω. Αοίάι^ης, -εος, ό, tj, {ΐΐοτη Τ^αός) popular. Asoiiuoc, -ης, V}, (from λίωΐ/^ a lioness. Αίο,ίνο), or "hiioiiua, f. -oivo), 1 a. ΙλΙαζ/βί, (from T^fiog) I make smooth, level, polish ; also, I bruise. Αίά,'^τίΐζοο, -Λς, vj, (from preced.) a polish- er, pumice-stone. Αίβης, -Τίτος, 6, (from "Κείβο)) a cauldron or kettle, a pot, a basin. Αφητίζω, (from preced.) / boil. Azyiuu, -ωνος, ο, (Lat. legio) a legion. Akyyov, -ου, το, a fringe. Asyi /ωτός, -6u, (from preced.) fiinged. Akyovτι, Dor. for \kyoυσι. Asyω, f, λί^, p. λέλεχα, 1 a. 'ίλεζα, 2 a. sTisyov, p. pass, 'hihiyy^oii, p. mid. T^k'hoyu, I gather, collect, choose ; I gather the char- acters of words, I read; I gather the sounds of words, I say, speak, command, call ; I gather, make to lie down, lie down, sleep. Ain'hoiaicx., -ug, i], (from "hsioi and Vha-ma) plundering. Λε>5λ«τ£6ί, -ω, (from same) I plunder. 562 AfMx,, (-|nb) a, measure of capacity con- taining half an homer or cor. Αίίοί, -(χ,ς. Ion. Aji/)7, -ης, ^, (from ίλάω) a thing driven away, plunder, booty. Αΐίούυω, see τρίαινα. Αίίβω, Attic ίί'βο), f. --^ύ), imperf. λεΓβε, for ίλεφε, I pour out, make a libation ; "hii- βομ,χι, I flow, distil. Αεί'ζομ,ίχ,ι, (from As/ct) I plunder for my- self. Αειμ,οίκ,ις, -ίοος, vi, (from next) of a mea- dow. Αείμοίζ, -Λ'Μς, ο, Τ^ειμοίς, -ahoc, v], (from λ£/^44ων) a meadow. ΑεΙίΛμ,Λ, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of λείττω) a remnant, residue, remainder. Αίίμ,ος, -ου, and "Κζίμ,ωυ, -ο^υος, ο, a mea- dow : 'Κειμ.ωνό&εν, from the meadow. Αειμ,ωνια,ς, -οί^ος, Τ^ειμ,ωυϊς, -βος, v], and λεί^ύ^^ίος, -χ, -ov, (from "ΚειίΑων) of a mea- dow. Aεtoyεvειoς, -ου, 6, (from λε7ος and yiuειou) smooth-chinned. Aε^6y'hωσσoς, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and γλωσσοί) smooth-tongued, of flattering speech. Αειοκϋ^Λων,, -όνος, ο, vj, (from same and Ki>i^ct) smooth-waved. Αειοντομ,οίχης, -ου, 6, (from 7\.ξίων for Τ^εων and μ,ά,χομ,α,ι) one who flghts with a lion. ΑεΊος, -ex,, -ov, smooth, even, level, plain. Αειότης, -nrog, i], (from preced.) smooth- ness. Αείοτξφεω, (from same and τξίβω) I bruise, wear down so as to make smooth. Αειόω, -ω, f. -ωσο), (from "λείος) I make smooth, polish, level. Aεt'7rόyόi[^0'ς, -ου, 6, vj, (from Τ^εί'ττω and yά,yoς) abandoning the marriage-bed, faith- less. ΑειττούυίΛεω, (from same and ^υμός) I fail in mind, faint. Αειτΐοθυμ,ία, -α,ς, h, (from preced.) faint- heartedness. ΑειτΓομ,οίζτύζ^ιον, -ου, το, (from 'Κε'ΐ'πω and μ,χ^τύξίον) failing to give evidence. Αειττόναυς, -οίος, or λειττόνεως, -ω, 6, (from same and νοίυς) a deserter from one's ship. Αείττοστξχτία, -ας, 5j, (from same and στξοί,τι») desertion. Αεί'ΤΓοτΜκτεω, (from same and τάσσω) I desert my post. Αειττοτχκτης, -ου, 6, (from same) one who deserts his post. Αεί'ΤΓοταζ,ίοί, -Λς, vj, (from same) the de- serting of one's post. Αεί'ττο-φυχεω, (from λειττω and -ι^υχνι) I faint. ΑείΤΓο-ψυχΙοί, -Λς, i}, (from same) fainti7ig. Αεί'ττω, f. --tpa, p. λεΚειφΛ, 1 a. έ'λε/ψβί, 2 a. εΧίτΓον, p. pass. 'ΚεΚείξ.ι^,Λΐ, part, λελε/^α- 18 Α&ϊξίον. A GREEK LEXICON. Αί'^ττολογεω, ^si/o;, p. mid. λίλο/^Λ, / leave, fail, am waiiting; pass, am deficient in or destitute of. Αίίξίον, -QVy TO, a lily. Αζίζίος, -Λ, -ou, λίίξΊνος, -η, -ou, λίΐξ'ίόίίς, -ίσα Λ, -£i/, (from preced.) of a lily, like a lily, sweet. Απατος, -% -ou, (from Άύ'ζω) to be plun- dered. Aiirog, -^, -ov, (from Τ^οίος) public. Αξίτουζγίύ), ~ω, f. -'ήσο), p. 7^ίΚατονξγ7ΐκ.α., 1 a. &7^ίίτοΰζ^γ•/ισοί, (from 7\.ίΐτουξγος) I min- ister publicly in sacred offices. Αξίτούξγγι^Λ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) service. Αειτουξγ'ία, -ας, yj, (from Άίΐτουργος) a public ministration, ministry or service; hence liturgy. Αζίτουξγίκ,ος, -vj, -ov, (from next) per- forming public service, ministering publicly. Αΐΐτουζίγος, -ov, 6, (from Af/roV and s^you) a public officer or minister ; a person called upon to supply the necessities of the state at his own expense. AiiYj/^y, -τίνος, 6, the lichen ; a tetter or ring-worm, an obstinate eruption or scab- biness, scabs like lichens. Αύγ^ω, f. -|ώ), p. 7^ί\%ιγ,Λ, I lick. Αζίψα,ν/ιΚόγος, -ov, o, ij, (from next and λ«7ώ>) a collector of remains. Αίί-ψΰίνο!/, -ov, το, (from Άίίττύ)) remains. ΑίΊ-ψίς, -ία ς, γ,, (from same) a failure. As{\pvooiν}) slender-voiced. AsTTTvi/ig, -log, vi, (from next) the soul, Proserpine. ΑετΓτΰνύ), f. -vucj, 1 a. ΙλΙτττ^ζ/οί, 1 a. pass. ελίΤΓτύνύ^ν, (from λε-τΓτος) I bi-eak into small pieces, bruise ; I make slender or thin, exten- uate : λεττύνομοΐί, I become slender or thin. ΑεττύξίΟ!/, -ov, το, (from next) a little shell or bark. Αεττνξον, -ου, το, (from λέ'ττω) the bark, the shell. Αε'ττνξός, -oc, -ov, λετΐόί^Ύΐς, -ες, (from same) covered with bark or scales, scaly. Αεττύχοίνον, -ov, το, (from next) the husk of corn, hard coat of fruit, shell. Αεττω, f. --ύ^ω, I take off the bark, skin or shell; peel, flay, pare. ΑεζυοΛος, 'cc, -ov, (from next) of herna, Lerncean. Αεξνη, -vig, v}, Lerna, a lake near Argos. ΑεσβΙζύ), f. -'ίσω, (from Αεσβος) I imitate the Lesbians, am. debauched. Αεσβίος, -a,, -ov, (from same) Lesbian. ΑεσβΧς, -ihog, vj, or Αεσβιοίς, -όί^ος, a Les- bian woman. From Λ£σ/3ο5•, -ου, vj, Lesbos, an island in the ^gean sea, now called Metelin, ft'om Μιτυ'Κ'ήν'ίί, its chief city. Αεσχόίζω, (from next) I prate, chat. Αέσχ-ζί, --ης, % (from λέχος) a place to lie, a place provided at Athens for the entertain- ment of poor strangers ; hence, any place of assembly ; the assembly itself ; talk, con- versation. Αενγοίλεος, -oc, -ov, (from λόγος} mourn- ful,calamitous, pernicious: λευγοίλεως, mourn- fully. Αενϊαύΰίν, (in"«*ib) Leviathan, a name given to a large serpent, and also to an ■ aquatic monster, particularly to the croco- dile, and the whale. 564 Αευί'τγις, -ov, 6, (from Αενί) a Levite. Αευϊτ'ίκύς, -<ίί, -ov, (from T^iecea.)Levitical. Αευκ,ά,Ιίοί, -ων, oi, inhabitants of the white rock. See Αευκάς. Αευκ,χίνω, f. -οίνω, 1 a. ελευκχνα, 1 f. pass. λευκ,οί.νύ7}σομ.χι, (from λευκός) I am white, I make white. Αευκαυύνις, -εος, ο, vi, (from same and oiv- ύος) having white flowers; hence, having white hair, hoary. Αευκοινθίζω, f. -"ισω, p. pass, λελευκ,ά,υβισ' μ,α,ι, (from same) I am or grow white. Αευχ,α,ηΛ, -χς, vj, the throat. Αευκά,ς, -ή^ος, vj, (from λευκός) the white rock, a place in Epirus, afterwards called Actium. ΑεύκχστΓίς, -tlog, o, ^, (from same and α,στΓΪς) having a white shield. The white shield, having no device, was that borne by the common, soldier. Thus, \\vg. Mn. ix. 548, parmaque i7igloriiis alba ; on the contrary, the picta scuta, Mr\. vii. 797, were those of the chiefs. Αίύκ,-η, --/ig, 7], (from λευκός) the white poplar. ΑευκτίξίτίΛος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and εζετf>ίός) having white oars. Αευκ'/]ξγις, -εος, ο, '/], (from λευκός) white, hoary. ΑεύκιτΓττος, -ου, 6, v), (from same and iV-TOi) riding white handsome horses ; trod by white horses. • Αενκϊτγις, -ov, ό, (from λενκός) streaked with white. Αενκο'βξίζ, -Τζίρος, ό, τ„ (from same and Sgif) white-hai7'ed, white -maned. Αευκούωξχξ, -ΰ,κος, 6, (from same and θώ^δΰξ) having a white breastplate. Αευκοκϋμ,ων, -όνος, 6, ί], (from same and Kii^cc) having white ivaves, breakers. Αευκόλινον, -ov, το, (from same and λίνον) white flax. Αευκόλοφος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and λό- φος) having a ivhite crest. Αευκοτΐά,ζειος, or λευκοπ-χξί^ος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and '7rxξείci)fair cheeked. Αευκοττάξυφος, -ov, (from same and 'ttu- ζυφ'ή) bordered with white. ΑευκότΓίτξον, -ου, τό, (from same and tts- τξος) ivhite or baj^e rock. Αενκό'ττγιχυς, -εος, 6, 'ή, (from same and 'ττνιχυς) having white arms. Αευκο'τΐλ-ηύνις, -εος, tj, (from same and '7lrλyjύoς)full of the fair. Αευκόττους, -o'tog, 6, vj, (from same and 'ΤΓοι^ς) white-footed. • Αευκό'?ττεξος, -ov, o, v}, (from same and τΓτεζόν) luhite-winged. Αενκόττωλος, -ου, ό, '/;, (from next and ττωλος) draivn by white horses. Λευκό?. Λ GREEK LEXICON. Α'/}ζυόίξω. AsvKog, -;}, -ον, (from "Κίύσσω) white, bright, fair, splendid; what is in Mark xvi. 0. ο•τολ43ΐ/ T^svKTj'j' is in Luke xxiv. 4. Ισύ'ήσί- σίν άστξχ'τττούσχίς, a white of a dazzling brightness and splendour, such as arrays an- gelic beings, and is promised, Rev. iii. 5, to beHevers in Christ, when they have overcome. Αξυκοστίφτις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from preced. and στίφύ)) crowned or covered with white wool. Αίυκόστίκτος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and στικτός) white-spotted. Αίυκόσφΰξος, -ου, ό, τ), (from same and σφύξΰί) white-ankled. Αζυχ,ότγις, -τητος, τι, (from 7^ζυκ6ς) white- ness. Αίυκοτζόφος, -ον, (from same and τζίφο)) bearing white berries. Αίυκοφόίτις, -iog, 6, vj, (from same and φύύ)) sparkling. Αίύκοφζυς, -υος, ό, vj, (from same and όφξύς) having a white front. Αίυκόχζοια,, -οίς, v], (from same and χξόχ) white colour. Αίυκόχξο}ς, -ωτος, ό, vj, (from same) white coloured. Αζυκόω, f. -ωσω, (from Αζυκος) I whiten. Αίυκύί'Κίυος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and ω'Κίνη) ivhite-Ui-med. Αίύχ,ωΐΛΛ, -οίτος, το, (from 7^ίυκόο)) an album or public register ; a white speck on the eye. Agf^oVj -flC) -oV, (from Tislo;) smooth, level, polished. Aeoaluog, -ου, ό, τ], (from λει/ίϋ) aimed at, stoned. Αίυσμός, -ου, 6, (from same) stoning. Αίΰσσω, f. 'Κίϋσύί, (from same) / see, view, descry ; see the light, i. e. live. Αίυστ'ήΡ, -yjoog, ό, (from next) one that stones ; one that is stoned. Αίύω, f. Άίϋσο), I aim at with a stone, stone. Αίχ,οίίος, -u, -ov, (from τ,ίχος) an epithet of Neptune, as holding his bed or temple at LechcBum, Αίχ,ζττοίτις, -ου, 6, 'η, (from same and r/rox) producing grass for beds. Αίχ'/ΐξγις, -ίος, ό, yj, (from next) confined to bed. Αίχος, -ίος, το, (from λίγω) a bed. Αΐχζίος, -cc, -OS/, oblique, bent : Τ,ίχ,ζίς, '^ίχζ'ίφίς, obliquely. Αζχω, -όος, -ους, '/}, (from Άίχο;) a woman in child-bed. Αίχωίαζ, -u,, -ov, (from preced.) of a wo- man in child.bed: Άεχωϊο!/, a place for bear- ing, child-bed. Aiuu, 'Οντος, ο, (from λίύσσω) η lion. Αίωτητ^ία, α.ς, ij, for 'λαοττετζία, -χς, τ], (from λίίος and -τετ^α) α smooth rock. Αεο}ξγός, -ου, ό, (from next and £^7°'') « maker of men; an epithet of Prometheus, bold, rash, cunning. Αίως, -ω, 6, Att. for "hciog, a people. Αίασφίτίξοζ, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced. and σφέτεξοζ) one of their peoj^le, a citizen. Αίωφόζος, -ου, (from same and φεοω) bear- ing the people ; a livhlic way. Αγβω. See Τ^α,μ,βά,νω. Ατιγω, f. -|ω, 1 a. βλ-ηζχ, pres. inf. Dor. 7.7jyi,usuce,i, for λ' /jys/v, / cease, make to cease. Ay^u,'jo α,ος) a court of the people, popxdacc. Ατηκεύ), sec λοίκεω, or h'/jKO), p. 'λεΚακα, or hi'hYiKu, I sou7id ; hence, / speak. ΑΎ^^.υ^ίζω, (from κτ,κυ^ς) I study by the Α'ήΧ,ΰύιον. A GREEK LEXICON. Αιβανωτξΐς, u lamp^ supplied with oil from the XvjKvuog; compose in an elaborate manner. ' Αηκϋθίον, -ovy TO, (from same) a small cruet. Αγικυθίσμ•ος, -oy, o, (from "Κτιχ,υθΊζω) high- swelling sound. Ανικΰύος, -ου, vi, an oil-cruet, a jar with a large belly, Α^ΙΛΛ, -ατός, το, (from λάά)) a purpose, intention ; martial spirit ; violence ; pride, haughtiness, impudence. ΑΎί[Λ(χ,τίάω, (from preced.) / am bold. Αημάω, (from next) / am blear-eyed. Ayjf^n, -ης, 71, (from "Κάω) an obstruction in the eye, a sore eye. Ανιμ,μ,οι., -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of Τ^οίμ,βά,ϋω) something 7'eceived or assumed; as a prophecy, that is a discourse received from God ; an office, power or dignity, an argument, a lemma Οΐ proposition previously assumed. Ανιμ,ι/ιος, -a,, -ov, (from Aij^yo?) ofLemnes, Lsmnian, daring, cruel, mischievous. ΑγιμνΙς, -βος, vj, (from same) a Lemnian woman, i. e. a ci'uel murderous one, the women there having once murdered their husbands. Αγιμ,νΊσκ,ος, -ου, ο, a ribbon, bunch of rib- bons hangi?7g fnwi a chaplet ; a plaget of lint. , AYif/,vousv,from Lemnos. Αγιμ^νος, '-ου, tj, Lemnos, an island in the jiEgean sea, celebrated for its wine, and its subterraneous j'irei, where Vulcan was prin- cipally worshipped, and the inhabitants of which were daring and cruel. Anvuloi, -oc, -oy, (from "Κνινος) of the ivine press; Lenceus, a title of Bacchus : T^Yjuoilcc, -Cuu, τα, rites of Bacchus. ΑγιναΊτνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a dance sacred to Bacchus. Avi'jocicdv, -ωνος, 6, (from same) the month inivhich the rites sacred to Lenceus were performed. ΑγιΑς, -ί^ος, ^, (from same) a female de- votee of Bacchus. Ανινοβατίω, (from next and βαίνω) I tread the wine-press. Α-ίΐνος, -ου, τ], a wine-press, the lake or cavity under the wine press, Matth. xxi. 33. a ditch, vat or trough. Gen. xxx. 38. Αιώνος, -εος, το, ιυοοί. Αηξίαξχοί, -ciiu. Οι, (from next and οίξχων) officers appointed to impose taxes on those who neglected to attend the public assem- blies: Τ^η^ιαξχικον, -ου, το, a register kept by them of those who entered on their pater- nal inheritance. Λί?|/ί, -ίως, i], (from λ'>]χω) a portion, in- heritance ; (from λ9}γω) a pause, cessation, 56(> Αγιτίτίος, -a, -ov, (from λίιβω) to be take?i. Αγί'τττ'ϊκ,ός, -^, -ov, (from same) disposed to take or receive, covetous. Απ'τττος, -ij, -ov, (from same) received, taken, susceptible. Ay\^aivo), (from λ'^^ο?) / am doting. Α/ΐξίω, (from same) I tell an idle taie,trifle. Ανίζγισις, -ζως, τ], (from preced.) trifling talk. Ανίξος, -ου, ο, (from λα and βίω) an idle tale. Ανίξά'^γις, -£ος, 6, τ], (from preced.) trifling. Am^uoavuYi, -ης, V], (from λνιύω) forgetful- ness. Ανιστάξχης, -ου, 6, (from λγιστνις and ^ξΧ/ι) ct captain of robbers. Αν^στίία, -ας, τ], robbery. From Αί^στίύύ), (from λί^στ7}ς) 1 rob, plunder. Ανιστνίζίον, -ου, το, (from next) a den of robbers, a band of robbers. Ανιστ^ς, -ου, ο, for ληϊστ'^ς, (from λελνι'ίσ- ται, 3 sing. perf. pass, of λψ'ζω) a robber. ΑνιστΗος, or λτιστξίκος, -vi, -ov, (from preced.) predatory, piratical. ΑγιστζΙς, -βος, ^, (from same) a female robber, a predatory ship. Αητογίνίΐα, -ας, Αητώί'ας, -α^ος, Αητοης, -βος, Vi, the daughter of Latona. And Αγιτογίνης, Αητοί^ης, -ου, ο, the son of La- tona. From Αητώ, -όος, contr. -ους, vj, (from λι^ύη) night, Latona, mother of Apollo and Diana, or of the sun and moon. Αητωος, -a, -ov, (from preced.) of Latona. Αψχω. See 'hayxavo). Αί^•ψ{ς, -ίος, Attic -εως, v}, (from λίλη-ψαί, 2 sing. perf. pass, of λαμτβάνω) a receiving, taking. . Αϊάζω, f. -ασω, λίασύεν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, for Βλιάσύησαν^ I separate hastily, untie : λιά- ζο/χχι, I separate myself hastily, withdraw, move hastily. Arciy, Άϋαν, Ion. 7Jnv, very much, exceed- ingly, very. Αιαξός, -a, -ov, for χλίαξος, warm, genial, refreshing. Αίάω, f. -7]σω, p. part. pass, λελιη/^ίνος, I eagerly desire, am bent upon. Α'ιβα, ace. sing, of λ/ψ. Αιβα^ίον, -ου, το, (from λίβας) a little rill. Α^βάζω, (from same) / distil. ΑΧβανος, -ου, 6, the frankincense-shrub, frankincense. Αίβανωτος, -ου, 6, or Χίβανωτον, -ου, το, (from pvecea.) frankincense, a vessel tofxume incense in, an incense vessel, a censer. Αιβανωτοφόξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and φέξύ)) producing frankincense. Αφανωτξΐς, -βος, '^, (from λφανωτός) a sack or chest of frankincense. Α,βάς. A GREEK LEXICON. Αικμοφόζος" Αφάς, -όίΐο;, V}, (from AsZ/Siu) a dripping, a fluid, rill or stream. ΑφζΡτΊνοι, -o)v, oi. Libertines, probably inhabitants of Libertina, -a town or district in Libya, Acts vi. 9. Αίβος, -ίος, το, (from Άείβω) a drop, a tear. Αφύοί, -ug, VI, or Αφν-/ι, Libya. Αφύκος, Αφΰς, Αφυστ^Λος, of Libya, Libyan: ΑφυστΙς, -ίοος, τ}, a Libyan woman. ΑφυοΆς, -ίίος, τ), a galley or ship of war, so called, because first used by the Libur- nians, a people of Illyria. ΑΊγαίνω, f. -ccuZ, (from λιγύς) I proclaim with a loud voice ; I complain, utter lamen- tations. Alyyu, f. λ<ν|ί«, I ring, twang. Aiy%-/\v, (from λίίχύή slightly. Αιγι/νς, -ύος, vj, smoke, soot. Αίγν,αύύος, -ov, 6, '/], (from Ά{γύς and μύθος} loud or shrill voiced. Α'ίγυ7τ<^ύων, -ouro;, 6, (fi'ora same and "TTvslcu, for 'ττ'Αω) loud blowing. Αιγυρίζω, (from Τ^ιγνς) I whistle. Aiyv^iov, -ου, το, (from 'Kiyvg) a ligure, a precious stone. Α'ί'/νξο;, -u,, -ou, (from 7^γί>ς) loud whistl- ing: "Kiyvfio);, loudly, shrilly. AV /υζ, -νος, 6, yj, same as λιγνζίο;/. ΑΊγύς, -sice, -ν, sonorous, clear-voiced, dis- tinct, fluent, loud, shrill: xiya, for T^iyict, and ΆιγΗος, loudly, distinctly, fluently. Aiyv(p6oy/oc, -ου, ό, tj, (from preced. and φθόγγος) and Αιγΰφωνος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and φω^/ι) loud or clear-voiced. At ζω, f. -^c), I tear, scratch, rend. A'tYiy, Ion. for T^ictu. Αίύΰίζω, f. -ΰίσύ), p. 7^i\iuccKU, 1 a. iJUUci- σχ, 1 a. pass, ίΐ^ιθά,σθτιν, p. pass. T^iT^idcca^cti, (from \ίθύς) I stone. Αίύχξ, -ccKog, 6, 7], (from same) stony, rugged. Αιθά,ζίοιι, λίθύΐξβιο!/, -ου, το, (from same) a small stone, a pebble. Αιύάς, -ά,ύος, 'ή, (from same) a shower of stones. Aioiu, probably accus. οΐ^,ιθίύ;, the same as τ^ίθος. Αιθεος, -ot, -o'j, Υαθίυος, -τη, -ou, (from same) m^de of stone, stony: 7Λθ'ίνως, like a stone, withflxed eyes. Αιθοβο>Λω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. Τ^ίκιθοβόίΚΥικοί, 1 a. ίλίύοβόΤ^Υισοί, 1 f. pass, λίθοβολγιθνισο /^ca, (from same and perf mid. of /Βάλλω) I stone. Αίθοβολίχ, -οίς, Yi, (from same) a stoning. ΑΊθοβόλος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same) throwing stones; pelted with stones; dashed on the rocks. Αίθογ'Κύφος, 0, (from Άιθος and γ'κϋφω) a sculptor. A^idoKoWog, 7iXdoKoh7^Y,Tog, -ου, ο, ν;, (from same and κο'κκύ,ω) inlaid, set with stones, strong. AiuoKOToc, -ου, 6, (from same and κόττοή a stone cidter. ΑίθοΚευστος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and \ιΰω) aimed at with stones ; stoned to death. Αιύο7.ογίω, (from same and Τ-ίγω) I pile stones : 'kiuo'hoyioy.cci, I am reduced to a heap of stones. AtuoAOyny.cx,, -οίτος, το, (from same) a stone wall. AiuoTioyix, -Οίς, vj, (from same) a collec- tion of stones. Aiuo7.oyog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) a collec- tor of stones, a stone mason. Αίύοξόος, -ου, 6, (from λίύο; and ξίω) a stone polisher. Αιθοττοιος, -ου, 6, y^, (from same and ττοιίω) a turning into stone. Αιθόρρϊυος, or T-.iuoppiuvog, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and ρινός) covered vAth a skin of stone, I. e. with a shell. AUog, -ου, 6, ij, (from Άίοίν and ^ω, I place) a stone, ΑΧθοσ'7ΓόίΙ'/ις, -s^, (from preced. and σττΆω) torn from a rock. ΑΊύόστξωτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, το -o'j, (from same and στζόω) paved with stojie, stony ; the neut. with 'ίο^φος understood, a stone pave- ment, mosaic work. See γχββχύά. Αίύοτο /iiicc, -ας, v), (from same and τίμ,νω) the cutting of stones, a quarry, stones cut from a quarry ; cutting for the stone, litho- tomy. Αιθοτόμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a cidter of stones ; a cutter for the stone : 7.ιθ6το(Λος, cut in stone. Αιθουξγίω, and Τ^ίύουξγίξω, (from "Κιθουζ- γος) I cut stones. Αιθου ζωικός, -% -ov,(from next) belonging to the art of cutting stones. Αίθουξγός, -ου, 6, vj, (from λ /^oj and s^you) a stone cutter, lapidary. Αιθοφόζος, -ου, 6, (from same and φίξω) stone carrying. Αιύΰ^ιου, -ου, το, (from λίθος) a heap of stones. Αιθωογις, -$ος, 6, ί], (from same) stony. AiKfAUa, -ω, f. -vjao), p. \i>Jix,ufix.o(,, 1 a. ίλίχμ/ΐσχ, 1 a. pass. ελίκ.α'/;θγιν, p. pass, λί- "hiK/^cYi/iixi, (from λ/αζ/ Kotf^siv, toiling much) I winnow corn, grind to powder, dissipate, scatter, Αίκ^ΛΥίτ'ήξ, 'ΐϊςος, and λικμ'ητωζ, -οξος, ό, (from preced.) a winnower, scatterer. Αικμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a van for winnowing corn. Αίκμ,οφόζος, or λικ'^οφόξος, -ου, ο, ij, (from preced. and φίούή one that carries the λίκμός. 567 Auvirrig. A GREEK LEXICON. Αί'τταξό^^ξοος. Αίκνϊτ/ις, -ου, ο, (from next) he that is ivorshipped hy the hearers of the \ixvov, Bacchus. Αίκνου, and Τ^ίϊχ,υον^ -ου, ro, (same as 'ΚίχζΛος) the mystic van of Bacchus, a shallow osier basket in which oiFerings were borne in religious processions ; a cradle. ΑΐΆ^^ίφϊς, same as λίχξίος. ΑίΚΛίω, 7^ι7^οίίο(Λΐχ,ί, (from λα/ω) / ear- nestly desire^ long for ^ strive to obtain. Αιμ,οίγχβω, and Τκίμ,αγγ,οΑω^ -ω,ΐ. -νίσω, 1 a. ihi^.ayYflv'fi'Juc,^ (from 7\ίμ.ος and a.yyflvia, the same as oiyxui) I afflict with famine. - Αι^Λίνύ), f. -ανω, 1 a. ίΚί^,Ύΐυα,^ (from A/.t4oV) I suffer from hunger. Αιμ,ίυ-ήόχ,ος, -ου, ο, % (from next and ίχω) that has a harbour : 7^ιι/^ζΐιν}οχος, held within a harbour, shut up in harbour. Αιμ,'ήν, -ίνος, ο, (from λ/ίίΐ/ /xeusii^, remain- ing very quiet) a port, haven. A(f/y/i^og, -», -OK, (from λ/^αοί) hungry, fa- mished. Αίμμκ, -α.τος, το, for 'Κίίμμ,ζχ,. Αΐ(Λυά.ξω, (from Τ^,Ί^νη) I turn into a lake. Αιμυοίϊος, -οί, -ou, (from same) marshy. Αιμ.υΟίκ.ις, -ίύος, 'Κιμ,νά,ς, -ά,^ος, τι, and 7\ι(λ- ν^Ύΐς, -ι^ος, η, Dor. λίμν/ϋτίς, (from next) a lake nymph. AifAun, -r,g, ^, (from λ/δίν μίι/α, viz. vIujq, where water remains very quietly) a lake, a pool, an estuary, the sea, II. Ω', 79 ; a sta- tion, repository ; metaphorically, a ivife, (Ed. Ϊ. 1207. Ai^wJ]TY]g, -ου, 6, (from preced.) same as Τ^ιμι/οίϊος, or, (from 'κΊ^λ^λι, -ων, α,Ι, a place near Athens where was a temple of Bac- chus) a name of Bacchus. Αίμ.νοφΰ'ίίς, 4ος, ο, 'ή, (from >.ΐ[Λνγ^ and φύύ)) produced in a lake or marsh. Αιι^νόχόίζΐς, (from same and χοιί^ω) one that delights in a lake or marsh. Αιμ.υω^Ύ\ς, -tog, 6, τ], (from Τ^ίμ,^/ΐ) resemb- ling a lake ; full of pools; marshy. Αΐ(Λνο)ζ2ίοι, -οίζ, h, (from same) one of the Nereids. Αιμ,ούϋ'ής, -ητος, ο, vi, (from λ /^oV and ^uvjayM) dying. ov that has died of hunger. Αιμ^οκ,τοΑω, -o), f. -ν^σω, (from next and χ,τύνω) I kill with famine. Aifiog, -ου, ρ, (from perf. pass, of Ag/Vnj) hunger, famine. Αιμά-^ωζος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and '^ύύζοί) a scab or sore from luant of food. Αιμ,ωοΎΐζ, -εος, ο, τ], (from λ /^oV) hungry, famished. Αΐ(Λωσσω, or -ττω, (from same) / am hungry. ΑιυΛγφτ-ίΐς, -ου, ο, (from T^ivov and ay- ^ιϋω) caught in a net. Aiusiog, ■'λίνίος, -sx, -sou, contracted λ/^- 568 ους, -vj, -ουυ, (from T^iuov) made of βαχ or linen. Atui^yvig, Λος, 6, 'ή, (from same and s^you) 77iade of βαχ. Αίνο^ισξΛος, and Τ^ιυο^ζτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and Ss^y) bound with βaxen ropes. Αιυούωζοί^, Ion. Άιυούωζγι^, -ηκος, ο, (from same and Βάξοίξ) wearing a flaxen breast- plate. Αινοκ,οί\ύ.μ,γι, -γις, τ], (from next and κ^λά- μιη) a stalk of βαχ. Aluov, -ου, TO, βαχ, /mew, any thing made οι βαχ or linen ; as thread, net, line, cord, sail. Αινο'Τΐό^ος, 'ου, 6, ^, (from preced. and -π-όξος) that passes thi^ough linen or canvass. Αινοτΐτίζος, -ου, 6, "/], (from same and 'TTTs^ou) linen-iuinged, havi?ig sails. Αα/ό'ΤΓτ^ς, -ου, ο, (from same and^oVro- μοίί) a net watcher. Αιι/ορροίφν]ς, -sV, (from same and ρά,τΐτω) sewed or bound with βαχ. AiyooTo'hicx,, -ccg, v], (from same and στοΤ^'ή) linen-wearing, a linen di^ess. Αινοφύό^ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and φύείζω) linen-desiroying. AIttcc, before a vowel λ/ττ', (by apocope for T^iTToL^ix. from Az-rci^oV) neatly, soft, sleek, shining. ΑΧττάζω, and λίττοίί^ύ), f. -duoj, 1 a. Ιλ/- 7τ•ηΰα, and ίλιττόϊνα; 1 a. pass. ίΚισ^άί/ύ'/ιυ, (from ΤκίτΓος) I make fat. Αΐ'ττοίζά.μ,'πυ^, -ΰκ,ος, ο, vi, (from Τ^ιττα,ζος and οίμ,ττυ^) richly crowned, full. Aiiroi^ka, f. -7ΐαω, (from next) / contend like a wrestler, persevere earnestly, urge, intreat. Αί'ττα.^'ής, -ίος, 6, 'ή, anointed so as to be fit for ivrestling, ready, earnest, diligent, persevering : Τκίττοίζίως, or Τ^ίττκ,ξως, earnest- ly, assiduously. Αίττοί^ητίος, -οί, -ov, (from Χι-ττοίξίω) to be eaimestly sought. Αιττοίξίοί,-οίς, VI, Ion. λ/ττίί^/ι^, (from same) diligence, perseverance. Αίττΰΐξόξωνος, -ου, ο, ^, (from λίΤΛξος and ζώνη) having a splendid belt or girdle. Αίττΰίξόύζονος, -ov, (from same and Βξόνος) having splendid seats. ΑίΤΓΧζοκξνι^μνος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and aξ'/}^ίfi,vov) having a splendid fillet or veil. Αιττΰί^ο'ττΆόκοίμ,ος, -ου, 6, τ), (from next and '7Γ\όκ,οί(Λος) that has shining hair. Αίττόίξος, -Of, -ov, (from λίττος) anointed, fat, daiiity ; tender, delicate ; sleek, shining ; calm, placid, cheerful, neat ; costly, rich : λί-ττοίξως, neatly, sprucely, calmly. Αί'π-οίξότγις, -ητος, {], (from preced.) bright- ness. Αίτοίξόχξοος, contr, λιτοίζό^ξους, -ου, and Αί'ττας. A GREEK LEXICON. AoY0,(ia.y4(a» Τ^ί'ΤΓΛζόχζως, -ωτο?, 6, v], (from Bame and χξόχ) that has a fair complexion, bright. ΚΙττοίς^ -χτοζ, -Λύς, TOy same as λιττος. Αίττχσ/ίίΰί, -ΰίτος, το, (from λίττοίίνω) fat- ness, ointment, unction. "* AiTuvy^g, -ίος, 6, v}, (from AgiVw and eeyyi?) blind, Αιττύω, contr. Τ^Ιττω, poet. y^fTrou, (from Τ^ίττος) I am fat, plump, sleeh, greasy. Airnri, for λίττχζος, or λ/ττύί^ον. Αίττόγυίος, -ου, 6, yj, (from "Κύττω and yvlov) lame. Αί'ττό,ίΛΛστος, -ου, ο, Vi, (from same and μαστός) weaned. Αΐ'ττομ'ήτύ)^, -οξος, 6, 7j, (from same and μ'ήτ'ήο) leaving one's mother. AiTfouoivr-iig, -ου, "Κιττόνίως, -ύ), ο, vj, (from same and uuvg) one who leaves his ship, a deserter. Αίττος, -ίος, ro,fat, tallow, grease, oil. Αί'ΤΓοφίγ'/'ής, -ίος, 6, tj, (from "ΐ.ίίττω and φίγγος) one whose light or sight has failed ; dark, blind. ΑΐΊττω, f. --^ω, and "κίτΐτομ-Λί, perf. part, pass. Τ^ί'ΚψψΛυος, I desire eagerly, wish for, covet, Αίξος, -ου, 6, yj, shameless, impudent. Αίς, poet, for 'κίύ)ν, ace. Tdu, a lion. Αίς, dat. λ/τί, ace. jCitx, fine linen, or smooth, without embroidery. From Α]ς, -ίτος, (for T^siat or 'k(aavi)fne, smooth. Αίσσοίς, -ά^ος, vj, smooth. Αίσσομ,Λΐ, 3 s, imp. έλ/σσίτο, Ion. Τ^,ισσίσ- Ksro, (perhaps same as λίτΓτομοίή I supjdi- cate, pray, beseech. Αίσσος, -ij, -ou, (same as Τ^ύος) smooth. ΑιστζΛίνω, or "Κίστζίύω, I dig, weed, smooth. From Αίστξον, -ου, το, (from 7.ίσσός) a hoe, shovel, roller. ΑιτάΙ^ομΛΐ, λϊτΛίνύ), same as λ/σσο,αα/. AiTocuiioc, -ας, v], (from "κίσσομαι) suppli- cation ; hence litany. Αΐτόίνίΰω, f. -ίύσω, same with "κίσσομαι. Aίτΰcuoς, -η, -oy,(from same) supplicatory. Αίτοίξγίζω, (from "hiau and αξγος) I has- ten. AtTVjy -γ,ς, ή, (from x\e\t) prayer, supplica- tion, entreaty: λίταΐ, -Zv, ai, 'personifica- tions of prayers, daughters of Jupiter. Αίτο(Λαί, same as λ/σσο^α/. AiToV, -'/I, -ου, simple, plain, naked, slen- der, little, mean, vile, rude. Αιτ6τ•/\ς, --/ιτος,'ή, (from preced.) simplicity, plainness, smallness, thinness, meanness, ex- tenuation ; hence, litotes. Ai^TQu, -ας, vi, a pou7id- weight. Ai τζον, Attic for νίτζον. Αίχανός, -ου, ό, the fore-finger. Αιχ-ην, -7}νος, 6, same as λαχν}». Αίχμάζω, Άιχμάω, (from Τ^ίΙχ,ω) Ι lick. Αίχνεία, -ας, τι, (from next) gluttony. Αιχ,υίϋοί, I lick, am a glutton. From ΑΛχνος, ->?, -o'j, (from "Κίίχω) gluttonous. Αϊφ, λΙβός," ο, (from "Ksifiu) the south- loest wind, so called from its pouring out rain ; the point whence that wind proceeds, the south-west; also, the south. Gen. xiii. 14. See κ,αικ,Ιας. Αιφουξία, -ας, vj, (from ΆΐΙττω and ου^α) a difficulty in passing water, Ao , for λο«, imperat. of 'κόω, for ^.οϋα. Αοβος, -ου, 6, (from "Κτιβω) the skin, hull, capsule or pod of grains, especially, of pulse ; the lowest part of the ear, or liver, the part which can be taken hold of, a lobe, a division. Αογάζίου, -ου, το, (from Τζόγος) a short saying, a paltry saying, a small account. Αογάς, -αΖος, ο, '^, (from same) select: 'koyahri'j, by choice. Aoyiiov, -ου, το, (from same) the part of the stage from which the actors spoke ; a rostrum, pidpit ; a word, oracle, revelation ; the Jewish high-priesi s breastplate, Exod. xxviii. 4, 23— 2G. Αογίύς, -ίως, 6, (from same) an orator. Aoyia, -ας, «j, (from pcrf. mid. of λίγω) a gathering, collection. Αογίζομ,αι, imperf. ίλογίζόμγιι/, 1 f. mid. λογϊσομαί, 1 a. mid. kKoyiaa^fiv, 1 f. pass. 'Koyiu&Yiao(x.ai, p. pass. "Kihoyia^ai, 1 a. pass. iy^oyiaUYiu, (from 'hόyoς) I reason, infer, think, reckon, account, impute, intend; 1 Cor. xiii. 5. ου 7\oylζiτai το κακόν, '* in- tendeth" or " meditateth no mischief," corap. in LXX. — Ps. xxxv. 4. and xli. 7• Αογίκος, -'/j, -ou, (from same) rational, reasonable, of or belongmg to the ivord, spi- ritual, Rom. xii. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 2. A6yίμoς, -Yi, -ou, (from same) estimable, renowned. Aoyioy, -ου, το, (from same) a?i oracle, a revelation, a word. Aόyιoς, -a, -ou, (frpm same) eloquent ; it implies both eloquence and learning or sense. AoyίσfΛός, -ου, ο, (from λoyίζoμaί) a rea- soning whether in thought or in speech; reason ; the art of calculation. AoyioTiou, (from same) must consider. Aoyιστ'ής, -ου, ό, (from same) a reasoncr, an accountant, an ingenious person. AoyιστHός, -vi, -6v, (from same) expert in reasoning or in calculation, considerate. Aoyoγ|iaφiω, (from ^κόyoς and yζάφω) I write a discourse or history, write prose. Aoy^y^aφoς, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a wri- ter in prose, an orator, or historian. Aoyoi^ay^ico, -ω, (from "hoyoc and y.a-^'j- μαι) I co)ilcud about words. C r.()!J Αογϋμ,Γχγία, A GREEK LEXICON. Αοζ/ας. Αογο^ίχχΙα, -χς, ^, (from same) a con- tention about words. AoyoTToiio}, (from y\oyog and νοάω) I make words or accounts: generally, / compose fableSy spread evil or false reports. Αογοττοιος, -οϊί, ο, (from same) a composer of speeches, histories, ov fables ; a lying talk- er, fabricator of falsehoods. Αόγος, -ov, o, (from perf. mid. of "Κίγω) a word ; a saying, speech, discoui^se, con- versation ; idle talk, as opposed to truth and fact ; a command, precept ; a report, rumour ; a saying, common saying, proverb ; the word of God, whether of the law, or of the gospel ; speech, eloquence ; liberty of speech, utterance ; reason, the faculty of reasoning or discoursing; a discourse in writing, a treatise ; an account rendered to a superior; an account, a computation of debts arid expenses •' account, value, re- gard ; an account, cause ; show, appearance, pretence ; an affair, matter, thing ; the divine word, John i. 1. Ί,ύ δέ, α,γχτηητί, λ6γο<> άκ,ούσας, μτι^ί'κοη άνά,σχγι των T^iyovTCou 'ίξγον αυτόν siuctt, «λλ« μιη^ί των άττΆως Τ^όγον OrVTOv elvcii νϋμ,ιζόντων. 'ττοΤ^'Κοι μεν γάζ ο! του θίον 7\.όγοί, ους kcci ciyyihoi τΓοιοΐισιν, άΧΚ ουΗύς ίκίίνων των l\oyuv &ίος. άΤΟ^ Ικίϊνοί μίν ol'TrciVTsg 'ττξοφτιτίία,ί χ,α,Ι •πζύατΰίγμΛΤΛ {οΰτω γοίξ ϊύος τγι γξοίφνί κ,χ- Τ^ύν τους νόμους του θεον κ,οιι τά, S'^-iTocy- μα,τα. κοίΐ τά,ς ττξοψνιτίίΰίς. δ/ο κ,αΐ l-Trayn 7\.iyaif 'ττίξΐ to)V ayyi'hoiv. Αυνατοι Ισχυϊ, στοιουντίς τον λόγον χυτού) ούτος δε ο Τζόγος οϋαίχ τις εστίν ενυττόστχτος, If χυτού ττξοελ- βονσχ ά'ΤΓχύως του σΐ'χτζός. " But thou, beloved, having heard of the word, never bear with those who say that he is a crea- ture, or with those who suppose him to be merely a word. For many indeed are the words of God, which even angels perform, but none of those words is God ; for all of them are prophecies and commandments (for so it is customary in Scripture to call the laws of God, and the precepts, and the prophecies, as when it is said of the angels, (Psal. ciii. 20.) * mighty in strength, that do his word') but this word is a cer- tain substantial essence coming forth im- passible from the Father himself." Chry- sost. 4th homily on the passage. Άχξονος viv, κχΊχνιτος, εν ocpp'/iro) λόγος αξχγ, Ίσ-οφυίΐί yivir^eog όμγίλιχοί, ν'ιοί ΰίμτιτΜξ, lice,) λόγοζ αντΰφύτΰΐο Β-ίου, φως ίχ, φαίος <ρω;. Πατξοί 'i'/iv α,μίξΐιττος, α,τίξμονι σύνθξονος 'ih^'/j, Κα} 5-εβί ύ-φιγίνίθλος ίν\ν λόγος, ούτος k-r af%vji Άίνά,ω (Τυήλ»μ^ί 3-£<ίί, 7(χνίιμονι χόιτμον, ξίσ-βυτίςο; κό<τμ.οιη, " Etfnial, incomprehensible, Λνπ« the Avord in the imntterabh; beginuini;, 570 Of same essence Avith his coeval Father, a son without mother, And the word of the self-existent God, light of light. From the Father he was inseparable, seated tog-ether with him on the boundless throne, And God, begotten on high, was the word. He from the beginning Shone together with the everlasting God, the creator of the world, More ancient than the world." Nonnus's paraphrase. Αόγχη, -γις, vj, (from perf. mid of "Kxy- χάνω) a lance or spear ; head of a spear. Aoyxi^og, -Y„ -ov, (from preced.) with lances. AoyxoTToiog, -ου, 6, (from same and 'π-οήω) a lance-maker. Aoyχoφόξoς, -ου, 6, (from same and φίξω} beaming a lance. Αογχόω, f. -ό)σω, (from ^oyxri) I arm ivith a lance, I point. A6i, imperat. of "Κόω, for 7\.οΰω. Αοετξόν, -ου, το, see Χουτξον. Αο'ίω, f. "Κοίσω, see λονώί. Αοφχω, same as Τ^είβω. Αοιβείον, -ου, το, (from λϊίβω) α vase. Αοιβχ, -ν)ς, 7), (from same) a libation. Aoiyιoς, -a, -ov, (from next) destructive. Aoiyog, -ου, ο, destruction, pestilejice. Αοι^ο^εω, -ω, f. -^σω, p. \ε7^οι^ό^Υΐκχ, 1 a. εΜι^όξΥισχ, 1 a. pass. εΚοί^οξνι&νιν, (from "hoi- ^οξος) I revile, reproach. Αοί^όξΥιμχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a reproach. Αοί^όζΎίσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ}, λο /c -ov, ο, (from same) a reviling, railing. ΑοιΙοξίχ, -χς, Vj, (from next) a reviling, 7'ailitig, raillery. Αοβοζος, -ου, 6, (from perf. mid. of λε>6; and Ιόξυ. See Prov. xii. 18.) a railer. Αοιμεΰομ,χι, (from λοιμός) I huj't, de- stroy. ΑοιμΛκος, -ij, -ov, (from next) pestilential. Αοιμος, -ου, 6, a plague, pestilence ; a mischievous fellow, a pest. Αοιμω^ης, -εος, 6, vj, (from preced.) i7ifec- tious. ΑοιμΜττω, (from same) lam affected with the plague. Αοι-πος, -vi, -ov, (from perf. mid. οι λεί'π-ω) remaining, the rest. Αοισύείον, Ion. λοισθνι'ΐον, -ου, το, (from λοίσθιος) a prize given to the vanquished per- son in public games. Αοισθεύς, λοίσθιος, and λοίσθος, the last. Αοξίχς, -ου, ο, (from λο^ος) an epithet of Apollo or the sun, from the obliquity (i. e. obscurity) of his oracles, or from the obli- quity of his course. Αύέ/«$•, -αδο<•, 'ή, (from next) the "Zodiac. Αο^ος, A GREEK LEXICON. Ay^ oi Αη^ος, -^, -oy, oblique, slanting^ cautious : 'Ao^oi, ohiiquelij, askance. AoTTo^io'j, -ov, TO, (from next) a little dish or pan. Αοττόίς, -ά,οος, ij, (from λόττο?) a disJi, pan, Αοττϊς, -ioog, 7j, same as Αίττίς. Αο/ΓΟί, -ου, 6, (from Άίττωί) bark, peel. Αουτνίζ, -ϊίζος, 6, (from \οϋω) a basin, a vessel for washing; applied to signify the laver made for the priests to wash their hands and feet in, Exod. xxx. 18, 28. Ζ Chron. iv. 3. Αουτιά,ω, (from same) / desire to bathe. Αουτ(ίο^α.'ικτής, (from next and ^α,'ί'ζύ)) shin in a bath. Αουτξον, -ου, το, (from Αούω) water for tvashing or bathing, a laver, a bath or place in a bath appropriated for washing, used for ivashing, in Song iv. 2. and vi. 6. in which it is used for rran'i, also in Eph. v. 2G. and Tit. iii. 5. which com p. with John iii. 5. Acts xxii. 16. Heb. x. 23. See under βα,τττΊζω, 7 and 8. With the circumflex Άουτξον, signifies water which has been used in washing. Αουτζοφόοος, -ου, 6, v}, (from preced. and φίού)) one who brings water, who brings wa- ter for bathing ; a vessel in which water is b)-oughtfor bathing; one who brought water and poured it on the grave of an unmarried person, Dem. 108G, 15. a vessel containing ivater, and placed on such grave. Αουτξθ)^όος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and χ,ίω) one who jiours out water for bathing : λοε- τ(/οχ,όος τοί'ττους, a tripod, in which water is v/armed, and from which it is poured out ibr bathing. Αουτ(>ώ!/, -ωνος, 6, (from next) a bath, bathing house or chamber ; a sink, drain, draught-house. Aoycuou, -ου, TO, the LyccBum at Athens, sac7'ed to Apollo. Αύκ,ίίος,οτ λύκ,ξος, -a, -ov, (from Τ^ΰκος) Lyccean ; of or belonging to a wolf. Αυκ,^, -τις, τι, (for λυκ,ίη, viz. δο^α) a wolfs shin. Αύκη, -τις, 7ί, the early dawn, the morning tivilight. Αυκ,γιγίν'ής, -ίος, 6, (from λύκος and γίνω) an epithet of Apollo as the producer of light. Αυκ,τι^ον, (from λύκ,ος) like a wolf. ■*Αΰ•Λί^ξύς, -ίως, ο, (from same) a wolf's whelp. Αυκ,όβξωτος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and βξωσκ,ω) bitten or devoured by wolves. Αΰκύττο^ες, -ων, οί, (from next and ττονς) that have the feet of wolves. Ανκος, -ου, ό, (from λίύσσω or λύκ,τϊ) a ivolf ; also, a kind of fish, a kind of spider, a severe mouthpiece in the bridle of a horse, afiesh hook, hook of a well-rope, knocker of a door ; and an ancient name for the sun. Αυχ,οφόνγις, -ov, 6, a sort of thistle. Αυκο φξων, -όνος, ό, vj, (from "λύκος and φ^'/ΐν) wolf-minded, bold, malevolent. Αυκόφως, -ωτος, το, (from same and φως) the daion, morning twilight. Awco-^ia, -oic, 71, (from same and ο-^/ις) (wilight. Αυκόω, f. -ωσω, (from λύκος^ I tear as a ivolf mangle. Αυμ,οί, -ά,τος, το, (from λύω) what requires to be removed, filth, ablution ; moral pollu- tion^ a disgrace, a vile outcast, an infamous ivretch. Αϋμ,αίυω, f. -α,νω, 1 a, ίλύμ,γινΰΐ., pres. mid. and pass, λυμ,α,ίνο^.αα, 1 f. mid. λυμ,α,νον^ιαι, 1 a. mid. Ιλυμ,Υινάμ,'/ιν, (from λυμχ or λύμ,τ{) I befoul, violate, i^avage, waste, make havock, empty out ; mid. / cleanse myself from im- purities ; pass. / am injured. Αΰμ,α.νττ,ξ, -νίξος, or λϋμ,αντνις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a polhder, a destroyer. Αϋμοίνττίζίος, -cc, -ov, (from preced.) de- structive. Αύμ,α,ΰΐς, -εως, vi, (from λύμγ^) rapine, violence. Αυμ,ζων, -ωνος, 6, (from next) a destroyer. Αϋμ.τ„ -της, τ], (from λύω) outrage, injury, destruction, filth . Αϋττίω, •ω, f. -νισω, p. λίλύ'ττηκοι,, 1 a. Ιλύ- ■TTwoc., 1 f. pass, λυττφήαο^α,ι, p. pass. λ£- λύττγιμ,οίΐ, 1 a. pass, ίλυ^χνιθην, (from next) / grieve, cause to grieve, make sorrowful, make angry. AuTT'/i, -',ις, V], grief, sorrow. ΑϋτΓ-ήζος, and λνττξος, -^ά,, -ξον, (from preced.) sad, grieving, bitter. Αυττιητίον, (from λνττίω) must grieve. Αΰ^ά, -ας. Ion. λύξγι, yj, a lyre, a harp. Av^ccoihog, -ου, 6, (from preced. and άοι- δο,) a singer ivho accompanies himself on the lyre. Αϋξίζω, f. -ho), (from λύξ/χ.) I play on the lyre. Αΰζίκος, -^, -ov, (from same) lyric, adapted to or accompanied by the lyre. ΑνζΟίξγος, λυξοτττιγός, λυξο'ττοιος, -ου, 6, (from same and s^yov, 'rrviyvvf^i, or το/ίω) a maker of lyres. Αυξοκ,τΰττνις, -ov, 6, '^, (from same and κ,τυττίω) that strikes the lyre. Αϋσίζωνοζ, -ου, ο, τ], (from λύω and ζωννι) one that looses the girdle. Αϋσίκά,κος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and xcc- κος} that delivers from evil. Αϋσίμ,οίχος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and μ^χχ,η) that dissolves contention. Αΰσί^ίλΎΐς, -ίος, 6, jj, (from same and μ,ίλος) that relaxes the limbs. ΑυσιμίξΐίΛνος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and μίξί/ίΐνχ) that delivers front care. Αύσιος, -ct, -ov, (from λύω^ that looses or delivers. Αυσί'ττα.ίγίΛων, -όνος, 6, (from same and 'π-χίζω) relaxing into sport. Αυσί'ττονος, -ου, 6, '/}, (from same and ^roi/o?) that dcli/uersfrom or alleviates labour or sor- roiv. * A-joic, A GREEK LEXICON. Αωω9. Ανσίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, rj, (from λύω) a loosening, a being loosed, a release, a solution, an interpretation. Αυσιτί -huoc,, -Λς, h, (from next) profit. Ai/airzhka, -a, f. -'/;σω, (from next) / am advantageous, profitable : λυσίτβΤ^ίΙ, it is profitable, it is worth while. Αυσιτίλ'ής, -so;, 6, v], (from λύω and τίΆος) profitable, useful. ΑνσιηΤ^ούντως, (from same) profitably. Αύσσϋ, Att. J.vrrot, -Ύις, vi, frenzy, rage. Αυσσοίίνω, (from preced.) I am mad at. Αυσαά,νιος, -ov, 6, (from same) a madman. Αυσσά,οί, Att. Ύ.υττά,ω, (from same) / am mad, furious, rave. Αΰσσ-ημ,α, -ατο;, το, (from same) fury. Avaar,ryjo, -tjoo;, 6, (from same) mad. Αυσσό}0Υί;, -so;, c, r„ (from same) furious. Αντνίζίος, -Λ, 'OV, and Ύ.υτικος, -Vi, -ov, (from λύω) belonging to or qualified for loosing, delivering, or setting at liberty, ca- pable of dissolving or cancelling. Αντξον, -ου, το, (from same) an equiva- lent, a ransovi, a price paid for redeeming captives, loosing them from their bonds, and setting them at liberty. Αυτροω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. λίΚύτούίκοί, 1 f. pass. 7.υτ^ωθ'/ισομ,α,ι, p. pass. λίλύτζο/ΛΛί, 1 a. mid. Ιλυτζύ)σά.^.Υιν, 1 a. pass. Ιλυτξό)θ-ην, (from preced.) I ransom, redeem, deliver by paying a price, deliver. Αύτρύ)σις, -ιος, Attic -ζω;, vj, (from pre- ced.) redemption, deliverance. Αυτοωτγ,ς, -ov, ό, (from 3 sing. perf. pass, of same) a redeemer, deliverer. Avy^viiov, -ου, το, λυχνίων, -ωνος, ο, and 'f.vyjjid, -etc, 7}, (from λύχ,νος) a candlestick, a lamp-sconce or stand or bearer. Αυχνύιον, -ου, το, (from same) a small lamp. Α\υγ,νοχ.ΰ'ίΌί,, -u,:. Ion. λυχνοχ,α,'ί'γι, --η:, '/}, (from same and κούω) the burning of lamps, a festival. Αυχ,νοτΓοιο;, -ου, o,-(from same and ττοιίω) a lamp-maker. Κνχνο-τΐόίλτ,ς, -ου, ό, (from next and ττω- λίύ)) a lamp-seller. Ανχνος, -ου, ό, (from λύω and νύχος, the same as uv'^) a lamp. Ανχνουχ,ος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and ϊχω) a lamp-holder. Αυχνοφορίύ), λυχνοφοοιύω, (from same and φίξω) I carry a lamp. Αυχνοφόοος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) that carries a lamp. Αύω, f. 7.ϋσω, p. λίλυκ», 1 a. έλυσχ, 1 f. pass, λυβ'ήσομ,οίΐ, p. pass. λΐλυίΛοίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ιλύύ-ην, I loose, set at liberty, dissolve, vio- late, break, destroy, break up, dismiss. Αω, λτ}:, λτ). Dor. for ^ίλω, or for λά,ω. Αωβ)ά,ο(Λο(,ι, f. -'ήσομ,Λΐ, and 7νωβϊύω, f. -ίύσω, (from next) / injure, plunder, insult, mock. Αωβ-ή, -ης, 7j, injurious or ignominious treatment, injury, insidt, destruction. Αωβηττίξ, -^ξος, λωβ^ττις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a reviler, a destroyer, a. pest. Αωβητος, -ri, -ov, (from same) injured, in- sulted ; liable to be injured or insulted, des- picable. Αόηστος, or Τ,ωστος, •γ}, -ov, (superl. of next) most desirable, best. Αωΐτεξος, for λωϊωτίζος, -cc, -ov, and 7^ωΐων, -όνος, ό, 4 (from λ ω) more desii'able, bet- ter. Αωμχ, -Λτος, το, a fringe, a border. Αωντι, Dor. for λύ)σι, 3 pi. of λά,ω. Αύίος, -ου, 6, the month of August. Αωττά,ς, -α^ος, λό^ττη, -ης, V), λω'Τΐος, -ίος, το, (from Ύάττοΐ) α hide or pelt, sheep s skin, dress of sheep s skin or luool, coat, covering, garment. Αωτΐίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a small coat. Αωττο^ύτίω, -ω, f. -'/^σω, (from λωττος and ^ύω) I steal garments, I steal or rob. Αωττοοντης, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a stealer or robber of garments, a thief or robber. Αωτ'ιζω, f. -Ισω, (from λωτός) I gather the lotus, gather the fiowers or the flower or choice, or the fruit of the lotus. ΑωτΧνος, -η, -oy, (from same) of the lotus. Αωτίυ^^Λ, -Λτος, το, (from λωτιζω) that which is chosen of the lotus, the flower. Αωτόίΐς, -ίσσχ, -sv, (from next) abounding with the lotus, blooming. Ασωτος, -ου, 6, the lotus; a flute commonly made of lotus wood. Αωτοτοόφος, -ου, ό, //, (from preced. and τξίφω) that p)roduces lotus. Αωτοψχγος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and φάγω) one ivho eats the fruit of the lotus. Αωφά,ω, -ω, and 7^ύ)φίω, f. -Ϋισω, 1 a. ίλω- φησα,, (from λόφος) I rest, lay down the yoke from my neck, remit exertion, cease, loose, release, set free. ΑωφίΊος, Ion. λωφγμος, -λ, -ov, (from pre- ced.) calculated to set free, expiatory. Αωων, for λωΐων, see λωΐτίζος. 573 Μ. A GREEK LEXICON. Μαύ7}Τίυω, Μ Μ,, the twelfth of the more modern Greek letters, but the thirteenth of the ancient, answering to the Hebrew and Phenician Mem, in name, order, and pow- er, but having, in form, a much greater resemblance to the Phenician than to the Hebrew letter. Μά, expresses denial or negation, like μ')ι, and is generally used in swearing, as μ,ΰί του Aloe, no, by Jupiter; when vocl, yes, goes before, then μά, loses its proper signi- fication; as vocl ΐΛοί Tohi aKij-^TQou, II. A', 234. yes, by this sceptre. Mce, Dor. for μχτβζ, voc. of fiocrviQ. Mccyaliov, OV, ro, (from μχγάς) the bridge of a lyre. MayaS/^-, -ίος, ί], a Magadis, a musical instrument of twenty strings, also, a kind of fiute. Μάγα,ζον, see μίγοίξου. ΜοίγοΙς, -ahog, τι, same as jiioiyahiou. Mxyyxusi'cc, -α,ς, τ], (from μαγγοίνεύω) sorcery, enchantment, jugglery. Isluyycaviv^a,, -Λτος, ro, (from next) a charm, philtre, trick, illusion. Mciyyocusva, f. -evaa, (from next) I prac- tise magic or jugglery. Mocyyciuov, -ov, το, a means of deception, by magical charms, p>hiltres, drugs, or by mechanical contrivances and dexterity ; a machine for throwing missile weapons ; a hunting net. Moiyloi'hicc, -χς, ij, (from f /,άσσω) a crumb of bread used for wiping the hands at table. MccyluT^ov, -ov, TO, (b"naD) a tower. Moiyelcc, -cic, 'ή, (from f^ccyiva) magic ; the religious doctrine and rites of the Persian Magi. Mccy£/^£?o>, -ov, TO, (from /iiaysiQog} a kitchen, cook-shop, vessel used in cooking. yioiysi^ivo), f. -ίύσω, 1 a. sfiocysi^svau, (from same) / cook. Mxyei^^pcog, -^, -oy, (from same) belojig- ing to cooks or cookery: /icaysiQix,'^, viz. τέχ- νη, the art of cookery. Mccysi^iaaci, Ύΐς, τ], (from next) a female cook. Mosys/^Oi•, -ov, 0, (from μ,άσσω) a cook. MocyiVfAO., -οίτος, το, (from (.cxyiVcS) a magical charm or opjcration. Mayivg, -io)c, 6, (from μάσσω) a baker. 574 Mscyeou), f. -ίύσω, (from f^ayog) I use magical arts. MoiyHog, -^, -oi/, (from same) magical. MSiyig, -ί'^ος, τ}, (from μύσσω) a cake. MayuYig, -yjTog, 6, ^ocyuYiaaa, -rig, and ^ayuTjTtg, -i^og, '/], found near the city of Magnesia, a magnet or loadstone. Moiyog, -ov, 6, (Persic) a mage, a Gentile philosopher or sage of the magian religion ; also, a kind of astrologer or pretended con- jurer. Mctyoφouίoί, -ag, i], (from preced. and φόuog) a festival to cojninemorate the slaugh- ter of the magi. Moihx^og, -a,, -ov, (from next) wet, putrid, bald. ISlcihcc^oa, -ω, f. -άσω, 1 a. Ιμ,οιΖά.ξωσοι,, (from next) I cause the hair to fall off. Μόί^χω, -ω, (from ^oC^og^ I make smooth or bai^e ; am bald ; am zuet. ΜχΙίξω, f. -'ίσω, (from same) / make bald, I am bald, lose my hair through weakness. IS/Icch/icci^iTig, μοί^βχζίτίς, and μοίβ^οίξίτίς, ('ίίίώ) a desert. Maiog, -v}, -ov, whose hair falls off, bald, smooth. Moihuv, (ΐ^τη) extension, great stature. Mcce^iu, (nbnn) either a musical instru- ment or the beginning of a song. Μ'ά,ζίχ,, -Yig, 7], (from μάσσω) a cake, flum- mery. Μ(χ,ξοιλωύ, {T\r)M:i) the planets. Μχζίον, -ov, TO, and μαξίσκ,η, -ng, h•» (irom μάζα) a little cake or pudding. Moίζ6g, -ov, 6, the breast. . Μα,ζονζωύ, (m'^7Ώ) Mazzaroth, a name for certain stars. Μάζύ), same as μήσσω. Μά,βΰίνχ, (rrann) a gift. Μχύέω, -ω, I learn. See μανύά-νω. Μύίύγιμα., -ocTog, το, (from preced.) lea)'n- ing: μΆύ'ηματο!,, mathematics. Moiuyiy.oiTrycog, -ij, -ov, (from same) of learning, apt for or desirous of learning ; mathematical, versed in mathematics, or in astrology. MoiUwig, -iog, Attic -zag, τ}, (from same) the act or the effect of learning, knowledge. MoiUYjTsog, -Oi, -ov, (from same) necessary to be Icamied. Μοίύϊΐτίύο), f. -ίύσω, p. μίμ»ύ'ί}τίυκοί, 1 a. Μαύητης., A GREEK LEXICON. Μαχξονιμίξζυω . k^ux&viTsvaUf 1 a. pass, luuhnvu/i-j, (from next) / am a disciple to ; I make a dis- cijile, instncct. 'Μαθητ'ής, -ου, ό, (from μ,αύίω) a disciple. John xviii. 15. "And Simon Peter fol- lowed Jesus, and so did 6 oiWog μιχ,ύγιττις' the other disciple," John never names himself, or uses the first person, in his gospel ; but when he has occasion to refer to himself, after mentioning Peter, he uses this definite phrase, in which the article ought to be translated, which implies the remaining one of two jjersons, who appear to have had a peculiarly close connection with each other, and which would, in the earliest period of Christianity, be readily understood to signify John. That such a peculiar relation did subsist be- tween Peter and John, may be seen from Luke xxii. 8. John xviii. 15, 16, 17• xx• 2, 3, 4, 8. xxi. 7, 20, 21. Acts iii. 1. viii. 14. Μόίύγ,τίά.(ϋ, (from same) / luish to learn. Μϋίθτ,τΊκο;, -'■/<, -6u, (from same) pertaining to learning, fond of learning. Muhrog, -jj, -oV, (from same) susceptible of being learned. Μοίθν}Τζΐοί, -ας, vj, (from (Λοιύητ'ής) a fe- male disciple. Μάβος, 'ίος, ro, (from y.oiuiu^ that luhich has been learned. Mcclx, -ας, vj, a midwife, nurse, mother. Μαΐζύω, μ,α,ΐίύομ,χί, (from preced.) I act as a midwife. 'Μαιμάζο), μχιιι/.άσσω, f. -ζα, and μ,χιμ,άω, -ω, f. -άσύ), 1 a. if/.ciit^otuct, (from ^^ά,ω) I very earnestly desire, loug^ am agitated. Mccii/ac, -ΰίίος, Vj, (from μαίνω) a frantic woman: f/.ccivochg, jjriestcsses of Bacchus. MociuYj, -Τις, and μαιΆς, -ίοος, 9], (from same) a small fish like the anchovy, a mcEua, so called, because supposed, when eaten, to produce madness. Manuihov, -ου, το, (from preced.) a little mcBna. ΜχινόλΥις, -ου, ο, (Λοίΐί/ο'κΙς, -ίίος, 'ή, (from ?,?ίΤί)&) frenzied ; causing frenzy. 'Mcci'ju, f. f/.oiuo), I produce madness: y.oci- uop^ut, .1 f. mid. f^oivouf/.oci, p. mid. ^if^viuct, I am mad, furious, inspired. See οιφί^αίνω. Μαίομ,α,ι, (from μ,ά,ύ)) I desire, seek. Mociocj, μα,ιόο/ίΛΧί, -ovy.cti, 1 f. pass, (.tciia- θ'ήσομοι,ι, (from f^uia) I act as midivife, pass, am assisted by a midwife, am delivered, am born. ΙΜαίωσις, -ίως, τ], (from same) the office of a midwife ; the birth. 'Μαιωτ'ίκος, ->j, -ov, (from same) of a mid- ivife. MctUiTPO'j, -ου, TO, (from same) a mid- ivife' s fee. MccKcco, -οίξΟζ, 0, ίί, το, and μχκχζς, /αά,- καΐζοί, happy, blessed; opulent, rich: οί μ,ά,- κ,α,οζς, the gods : the departed residing in Elysium. Μαχ,χξία, -χς, vj, (from preced.) happi- ness ; a state of happiness ; the abode of the happy after death. Ί^ίχκ,χξίζω, f. -ϊσω, Attic μ,χκ.χζΐω, p. f^i- μ,χκ,ά,ξΐ-ΛΧ., 1 a. ί/ίίχκχξίσχ, p. pass. μ,ί(Λχκχ- ξΐσμ,χι, (from next) / pronounce or call happy. ΜχκχΡίος, -ίχ, -lov, (from μ,χκχζ) happy, blessed: μ,χκχΐΗας, happily. Μχκχζ^ισίΛος, -ου, ο, (from perf. pass, of μχκ,χξίζω) a calling or pronouncing happy, felicitation, happiness, felicity, blessedness. 'Μχκ,Άξίστος, •τ„ -ou, (from same) happy, to be called happy. Μ χχ,χζίτ/ις, -ου, ο. and /χχκχξίπς. ι^ος, 71, (from same) one departed who is thought to be in a state of happiness. '^Ιχκ,χζτος, -"ή, -o'j, same as μχκ,χξίος. ΜχκίΙϊς, -'ίίος, '^,(from MxksIcoi/) a Mace- donian woman. 'Μχκί^^ος, -'ή, -ov, (from μϊ^κος) long, tall. Μχκβ^ονίζω, (from MxKs^iJu) I iinitate the Macedonians ; favour the Macedonianparty. ΙΜχκίλεΊον, μ,χκ^Κον, or μ,χκίΚΚον, -ου, το, (Lat. macellum) a market-place for flesh, fish, and all manner of provisions, a shambles. ^Ιχκ,ίλγ}, or /ϋχκελλχ, -ης, 'ή, (from κίλλω) a pick-axe, hoe, spade. Μχκίστ'ήξ, -'ϊ^οος, ο, same as μχκ,ξός. Μχκκοχω, (from μ^] and κοχω) lam stupid. Μχκξά^ξομος, -ου, ό, '/], (from ^atxgoV and δ^ο'4405•) that runs far. Μχκζχίων, -o)'jo;, 6, 71, (from same and χΐωυ^ long-lived. Μχκ,ξχι/, (from μχκξος) far off. 'Μχκ.ξχΰχ•/ΐ'^, -ίνος, 6, ί], (from same and χύχτιν) long-necked. Μχκζτηγοξύω, (from same and χγοξίω) I speak long. MxKQYiyooix, Dor. μχκ(>χγοζίχ, -χς, τ], (from preced.) lojig speaking. ΜχκξΙς, -ΙΙος, 71, (from μχχ,^ος) Macris, the long island, viz. Ειώοβα : 'Μχκξΐίίς, -ίων, οί, the inhabitants of Euboea, the Abantes : Μχκζί'^ίος, -X, -ou, belonging to Macris. 'Μχκξόβίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and βίος) long-lived, aged. Μχκξοβίοτος, -ου, ο, sj, (from same) that has lived long. Μχκςοβίωσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ίη, (from same) length of life, longevity. Μχκ,^ογιμίζίυσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ij, (from next) length of days, longevity. ^Ιχκροτιμίζίύω, f. -ίΰσω, 1 a. ί{ΛΧΚ(^ογ.μίο- ίυσχ, (from next) I prolong my days. 575 Μακξύτιμζξος, A GREEK LEXICON. 'Μαλοτξόφο Μα.κζΟ'ήμ,ζξος, -oy, ο, ^, (from μακρός and vifii^oc) long-lived, old. Μα,κζόόίν, (from ^ct^go?) from afar, at a distance. Μχχ,ζοθνμίω, -ω, f. -'/}σω, p. μξμακ,^οβν- [ΛΥίκα, 1 a. Ιμ,Λκ^οθύμ,γισοί, (from (Λο,-Λζό- βυίΛος) I suffer long, have patience, forbear, tarry, delay, I delay to punish, delay to help, Luke xviii. 7• ΜχκξοβνμΐΛ, -etc, ^, (from next) forbear- ance, long- SI ffering, patience. See ύττομ-οννι. Μ'^κςόύνμος, -ου, 6, vi, (from μχκξος and βνμος) long-siiffering, forbearing, patient: μχκζούνμως, patiently. ΜΰΐχζοΤ^ογίω, (from same and λίγω) I speak long. McixQO'Truovi, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and 'ττΑω) long-winded. Μοίκ,ξΟ'πό^ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and 'ττεζάω) passing with long steps. Μχκ,ζος, -X, -ov, (from μτικ,ος, or from ΡΓΤΊώ) /β^, long: μ,οίχζως, far, at a dis- tance ; long, by sloiu degrees. Μοίκξότ'ής, -Τίτος, 'ή, (from preced.) length. Μακ,ξοτόνος, -ou, (from same and nivco) far stretching. Μα,κ,ξοτξά,χΎΐΚος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and τζά,χγιΚος) long-necked. Μακζοφόίξυγξ, -υγγος, 6, τι, (from same and (pa^yyl) having a long throat. ΜακξοφΤ^υόϊ^τίτγις, -ου, ό, (from same and φτ^υαζίω) a tedious trifler. Ή.οίΛξογ,ξονίω, -ω, f. -νισω, and μΛχ,^οχζο- νίζω, f. -ίσω, (from same and χξόυος) I en- dure a long time, am aged. ΜΜκξοχξόι/ιος, -ου, ό, v], (from same) en- during a long time. Μάκξϋμοί, -οίτος, το, (from next) elonga- tion, distance, defection. Μ.ΰίκ,ξϋνω, f. -ννω, p. μεμύκ,ξυγκ,ιζ, 1 a. εμάκξυι/οί, 1 f. pass, μχκο^υνύνισομαι, 1 a. pass, ίμοίκ,ξύνβγιν, (from μοίκζός) I prolong, extend, remove to a distance. Μοίκζυσμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) pro- hngation, distance. 'Μ.ά.χ.ξωσίζ, -ea;, vj, (from μ,οίκζος) the act of lengthening, dwelling on a s^ώject, ampli- fication. ΊΑά,κτξοί, -χς, vj, or μχΗ,ττί^ιον, -ου, το, (from μ,άσσω) a kneading-trough. 'Νίά,κ,ωυ, moaning, part, of 2 a. οι μ,νιχ,άω. Μάλά, much, very much. 'Μ.χΚΛγμχ, -χτος, το, (from μ,χΚύσσω) a mollifying application. Μχλχγμχτίξω, f. -Ισω, (from preced.) I apply somewhat mollifying, heal a wound. Μΰίλόίκ,χί'^ους, -ohog, 6, 7], (from μα^Κχκος and 'πους) soft-footed. ΊΛοίΤ^ά,κ,αΰγητος, -οί/, (from same and χϋγνι) producing soft lustre on the eyes. 576^ ΜχΚχκίχ, -»ς, V], (from μχΚχχ,ος) soft- ness, effeminacy, an indisposition, infirmity. "ΝίχΚΛκ,ίά,ω, f. -ΰσω, (from same) / am soft, delicate, effeminate, or ailing ; I am timorous, or inactive. ΜχΆχκ,ίξω, f. -ϊσω, (from same) / make soft or delicate: μχλχκίξομχί, 1 f. pass. μχΚχκίσύνισομχι, p. pass. μεμοίΚάκισμοιι, 1 a. pass. ΙμχΚχκ,ίσύΎΐν, (from next) / relent, am feeble, am sick. ΜαΚα,κίωυ, -ωνος, 6, (from same) a soft or effeminate person. ΊήέίΤκΰίκογ νώμων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from next and γνωμνΐ) soft-minded, gentle. Μΰίλόίκός, -vj, -6v, (from μχλύσσω) soft, delicate ; an effeminate person, a catamite : μχΚοίχως, softly. ΜχΚα,κόττις, -πτος, v], (from preced.) soft- ness, effeminacy. Μ.οίλόίκ,ό^ξίξ, -εΐζος, 6, 9], (from same and χείξ) soft-handed. 'ΜχΚχκ,τ^ιχ,ος, -5j, -6v, (from μχΚχκος) softening. Μ.χΚχκ.ϋνω,ϊ. -ΰνω, 1 a. ίμχλόίκυνχ,{ΐτθϊΏ. same) / make soft, or languid. Μάλχξις, -εως, i], (from next) a soften- ing. Μαλάσσω), or -ττω, f. -^ω, I soften, miti- gate, enervate; I mollify, appease. ΜχΤ^χφοζεω, (from μά,λον, Dor. for^^Xov and φίξω) I carry apples. Μά.'Κοίχγι, and μοΆόχ,νι, -της, i], (from μχ- Τ^χσσω) a plant of emollient properties, a mal- low. ΜχΤ^εζος, -χ, -όν, (from μχΤ^ός) that burns brightly ; burned. Mxh-/i, -Ύΐς, % the arm-pit: v'tto μχΚ-^ις, under the arm, clandestinely. ΜχΚύχ, or μχΚ&η, -ης, τ], (from μχλβα- κος) a compound of pitch and wax, for calk- ing ships ; soft wax laid over writing tablets. 'M.x'hdxKix, same as μχλχκ,ίχ. Μχλύχκ-Ιζομχί, same as μχλχκίζομχ/. 'Μχ'κύχχΛνος, and μχΤ^ύχκος, same as μχ- "Κχκ,ός. Μχλύχκόφωνος, -ου, ό, vj, (from preced. and φωντί) having a soft voice. Μχλύχσ(Τω, (same as μχΤ^χσσω) I soothe with deceitful words. MxT^iov, -ου, το, (from μχλλος) long hair. ΜχΤ^ιστχ, (superlative of μχλχ) most of all, chiefly, especially. MaXhov, (comparative of same) more, rather. Μχλλος, -ου, ό, a fleece, a lock of hair. Mxhov, Dor. for μ'φ^ον, -ου, το, the fe- male breast, Μ «λ Of, -Tj, -6v, tender, white. Μχλοτζόφος, -ου, ο, oj, (from μί)λον and τζίφω) feeding sheep. 10 Μύίλοφί A GREEK LEXICON. ΜΓλ\ίη•7:όλύί Μαλο^ίίλαξ, -οί^ος^ ο, vj, (from same and φυΤ^άσσω) one who watches sheej). Μάιχεξσχ, -ας, 9}, Minerva. Μά/ίίίξτος, -ου, ο. Mars. μΐχ, -α,ς, 9i, an infantile name for a mother, a viavima, used for a grandmother, 2 Tim. i. 5. Μχμ/α,οίκουύος, 0Γ μοί/^Α^αάκνθοζ, -ov, ο, a blockhead, a dunce. Μαμ^ί,ΰί!/, the cry of a hungry child. Μ.χμ,μόύζί'πτος, -ου, 6, τι, (from (Αά,μ,ξΑζχ. and τζάφύ)) brought ujJ by a grandmother, a spoiled child. '^Ια,μ,μωνας, or μα,^ΐΛωί/χς, -A, 6, (κ31Τ3?3 Syr. perhaps from px, to trust, because men are apt to trust in riches) Mammon, the god of riches, gain, riches, Luke xvi. 9. μχμωνάί τΐης χοικ,Ια,ς, " false riches;" such as the riches of this world are (in comparison with the " true riches," v. 11.) on account of their uncertain nature. See οίΐ/κος and d^iKtcc, used for false and falsehood, Deut. xix. 18. Jer. v. 31. John vii. 18. Rom. ii. 8. 2 Thess. ii. 10, 12. " Non verberat^ grandine vineae, fundusque mendax.'' Hor. Od. III. 1. Mdv, Dor. for /urtu, indeed, certainly. Mdi/, TO, (^72) manna, Exod. xvi. 15, 31, 33, 35. " And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, r/ Ιση τούτο ; what is this ? for they knew not what it was." Moses answers, " this is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat." From v. 31, we learn that it was afterwards called μάν ; probably in com- memoration of the question they had asked, in their surprise and joy, on its first ap- pearance. Καλουσι hi 'Έβοαίοι το βξωμα τούτο μάννα, το γοίξ μχν 1'7ηζό}τ•ησις κατά, τγ,ν ί]μ£Τ£ξαν Ιιάτ^εκτον, τί τουτ ίστιν άνα- κ(Ιινουσα. και οί μίν χαίςοντες ίττΐ τοΙς άττ οϋζανου ττίμφθίϊσιν αϋτοΊς ^ΐίτίλουν. " Now the Hebrews call this food manna; for μάν is, in our language, a question ask- ing what is this? And they indeed con- tinued to rejoice at what was sent them from neaven.'' Jos. Antiq. iii. 1, 6. Mfl£;/cia, (ηπ3η} an offering, a gift. MavhahuTov, -ου, το, (from next andaA/V- κω) that might take an heiress ; a lewd kiss. Mav'hr,, -vjg, ^, an heiress. Μάνόζα, -ας, i], an ox-stall, sheep-cote, bee-hive, roost for fowls ; a den, place of refuge, shelter, or retreat. ΜαυΙξαγόξας, -ου, 6, the mandrake, a spe- cies of melon. Gen. xxx. 14—16. Song vii. 13. Both among the orientals and Greeks this plant was believed to possess prolific qualities. It is still found in the 4. Holy Land with its fruit hanging ripe on ihe stem, in the ivheat harvest which is in May. Ίάί^Λύας, -ου, 6, μανΖΰγι, ^Υις, μανούς, -ΰος, 'ή, an upper garment ; military cloak or coat ; a breastplate or corslet ; a military jacket intended for a coat of mail. Μ.άνίομαι, perf. μ.?μάν/ιμαι, same as μ.αί- νομ,αι. Mai/'/j?, -ου, ο, a slave. Μανθάνω, (from μαύίω, has) 1 f. mid. μα&τίσομαι, 2 a. εμαθον, ip. act. μίμάύηκα, p. pass, μεμάβγιμαι, Ileai^n, understand, knoiv ; also / teach. MavHa, -ας, v], (from μαίνομ,αί) madness, distraction ; also a female slave. 'Μανιακής, -ου, 6, (from μανία^, a circle) a collar or chain worn about the neck. Ίήαυιάς, -ahog, 0, yi, (from μαίνομαι) furious. Μάνίκος, -i?, -ov, and μανιώδης, -ες, (from same) mad, furious ; μανΗως, furiously. Mavto), Dor. for μ,γινίω, I am angry with. Μάννα, το, {]12) manna. See μάν. Μάννα, sometimes for μαναά. Μάννος, or μάνος, -ου, 6. same as μ,ανι- ^ΚΎΐς. Μαννοφόξος, -ου, ο, '^, (from preced. and φίξω) that ivears a chain or necklace. Μάνος, -'^, -ov, thin, loose, slack ; sparing, rare, thinly scattered, in small quantity. Μανότγις, -ητος, τι, (from preced.) thin- ness, rarity. Mavoo), (from same) / render thin or i-are. Μαντεία, -ας, 'ή, and μαντείον, -ου, το, (from μαντεϋομαι) α 'prophecy, divination, soothsaying, an oracle. , Μαντείος, -a, -ov, (from • preced.) per- taining to prophecy or divination, oracular. Μάντευμα, -ατός, το, (from next) an oracular response, a predictio7i. Μαντεύομ,αι, f. mid. μαντεΰσομαι, 1 a. mid. εμαντευσάμγιν, (from μάντις) I pro- phesy, divine ; consult an oracle. MavT£UTiov,{irom\)ve,cea.)mustpro2Uesy. Μαντευτνις, -ου, 6, same as μάντις. Μαντευτός, -Vj, -ov, (from μαντεϋομαι) predicted or commanded by an oracle. Μαντίη, -τις, vj, (from μάντις) an oracle. Μαντικός, -'ή, -ov, (from same) of or be- long Ing to divination or prophecy, inclined to divifiation, prophetical: μαντ'ίκ'ή, viz. τέχνη, the art of divination, the gift of pro- phecy : μαντΗω;, prophetically, 2}rophet- like. Μαντϊλτ), -Υΐς, τ}, a towel. Lat. mantile. Μαντί'ΤΓοΤ^εω, (from μ,άντις and ητοκεω) I tell or deliver oracles. Μαντίττόλος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) on£ conversant with oracles or predictions, a di- viner. D 577 Μάνης, A GREEK LEXICON. Μάΰβω. MsiiuTig, -ιος, Attic •ίως, 6, (from μ,αίνο- μα,ΐ) a soothsayer, a diviner, a prophet. Mduroavuog, -'/?, -op, and /α,αυτω^τις,^βΓΟτη preced.) oracular, prophetical: fjiocuroavrii, viz. τίχνϊ], the art of divination. Μχντωος, -a, -ou, same as μ,αντζϊος. Μύνυσις, μ,χνντ'ίις, (ζοα/ύω, for (Λψυσίς, μγίνυτνις, and μ,γινυω. Μά,νωσις, -ιος, ν^, (from μ, dvocS)raref action, Ma^iStySoi-, for ajiia^iJiySof. Ma^oiyi/iJi, •'f\q, ^, a ivhip, scourge. Μ-Ωίξοίύο'^, or μ,χξοίύξον, -ου, το, fennel. Μά.ζοίύωυοι,ίά.χ,να, -ου, 6, (from Ί^Ια,ξοι,ύων and μΊχχ,ω) a soldier who fought at Marathon. 'MocQxiyoc, -■/■;, v], same as /iiu^ccyuoc. Μαίξαί^ύ), f. -oivoj, p. μίμχξΐχγκ,χ, 1 f. pass, μαξχνύνισοίίίοίί, p. pass. μ.ίμά.ξο(.μ.ΐΛ(χ,ι, Attic (Λί[Λάξ»σ[ΛΛΐ, 1 a. pass. Ι^ΛΧξύι/ύγιν, I cause to decay or fade, wither, destroy. Mex-^oiu cteoc, (Syriac) the or our Lord Cometh. ΜΰίξαυγΒύ), (from μοίοοίίνω and αυγ'η) I dazzle the eyes. Μχξγχξϊτης, /αάξγόίζος, -ου, 6, or μ,ύζγόί- ξον, -ου, το, α pearl, the pearl-oyster, a pre- cious stone. Μχζγιχω, μχζγχίνω, (from /ίίχξγος) I am mad ivith desire, roll or wallow in, rave. 'Wcx,qy'irng, -ου, ό, (from next) a driveller. Μχξγο;, -Yi, -ou, impelled by fierce desire, foolish, greedy, voluptuous, furious. Mocqyoavr/i, -της, and [/,κ^γότης, -Υΐτος, % (from preced.) fierceness of desire, lechery, fury. Μχξγόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I render furious ; I am furious. ΜοίξΓΚΰίΙγις, -ov, 0, (from next) a dealer in cinders. Μχξϊλν], -ης, vj, cinders, hot ashes, sparJis of iron when heated arid worhed. ΜοίζίΤ^οττόττης, -ου, ό, (from preced. and τιτότης^ a drinker of cinders, epithet of a smith. Μχζμ,α,ίζω, f. -οίξω, I shine, glitter. Μχζμκξίίος, or μοίξμόίζεος, -χ, -on, {ΛΧζ- μόίξίνος, --η, -ou, and [ΛΧζμά,ξόίΐς, -ζσσχ, -su, (from next) of marble ; like marble in co- lour, smoothness or brilliancy ; shining, bril- liant, 'Μ.άξ/ϋ,όί2ος, -ου, 6, τ}, το -ou, (from /icctp- μχίξύ}) bright, shining, white ; a white stone, marble, "λίθος being understood. Μχξμ,οίζόω, (from same) / convert into marble. M«^,44u6^i/yo7, -5j?, vi, (as if from μχξΐ^χ- ξΰσσω, same as μχζμαίξω) splendour, glan- cing, twinJdifig. Μαξμόίξωτης, -ί^ος, v], (from μα^μ,χίζω and ώΐψ) having brilliant eyes or a brilliant countenance. 578 Μχξνχμαι, imperf. ϊμ,Λ^ϋύμγιν, (from ^dc^atux) I fight, wrangle, foil. Μχξττω, or μχξτττω, f. -•ψω, p. μίμχξφχ, 1 a. εμχζ-ψχ, 2 a. s^xqttou, I seize, lay hold of, grasp. ΜχρσίΤΓος, μ,χξσΐ'τττ-ος, μοίξαυ-ττος, -ου, 6, also, μχξσί'π-τηοη, or -Ottttiou, -ιτιτ'τη'Ίορ, or -υτΓίϊοη, -ου, το, α purse, α bag. Lat. mar- supium. Μχζτϋξ, -νξος, 6, 7], a witness, martyr. ^Ιχζτΰξίω, -ω, imperf. Ιμ,χζτΰξζορ, -ουη, f. -ν;σω, p. μί/χχξτύξγικχ, 1 a. ζμχξτύξγισχ, 1 a. pass, ίμχζτυξ'/ιθγιν, p. pass, μ,ζμχζτύξγιμ,χι, (from preced.) I witness, bear witness, tes- tify ; pass. / implore, beseech, charge, 1 Thess. ii. 12; with a dative, I bear witness to or concerning. Mat. xxiii. 31. sometimes implying approbation, Luke xi. 48. some- times blame, Luke iv. 22. 'τΐχητζς εμχξτΰ- ρουη χύτω, χ,χΐ Ιύχύμχζορ ίττι το7ς λόγο/ς ττις χχξίτος, " all bare witness to him, and wondered at the gracious words;" his words are called gracious by Luke, though not so in the opinion of his hearers. See the context and comp. Mat. xiii. 54, 57. Mark vi. 2, 3. though the Jews were as- tonished at Jesus, yet they were offended at him. Μχζτϋζημχ, -χτος, το, (fron> preced.) evidence. Μχξτυξίχ, -χς, τ], (from same) a bearing luitness, a testimony. Μχξτύξίοη, -ου, το, (from same) a testi- mony, proof, 1 Tim. ii. 6. το μχξτΰςίοη κχίζοίς ϊΐ'ίοις. " I know nothing better," says Middleton, " on this abrupt and diffi- cult passage, if the received reading be ge- nuine, than to put the clause into a paren- thesis : * the proof of it in due season.' " Μχξτϋζομ,χι, (from same) I testify, bear witness to, beseech, charge. Μά,ξτυς, -υος, 6, 5j, acc. μ,χζτυν, dat. plur. μχξτυσι, same as μχζτυξ. Μχσχομχί, or μχσσχομχι, -ωμ,χί, imperf. ϊμ,χσσχ6μΎ\ν, -ωμγιη, (from μ,χσσω) I chew, champ, eat, devour. Mxohx, Dor. for μ,χζχ. ΜχσΙος, Dor. for μχξός. Mxai)c, or μχσίκ, (ίι^ώ) motion, running : υιός μχσίχ, " the son of him who runs" about my house, and so superintends, Gen. XV. 2. Μχσνιμχ, -χτος, το, (from μχσχομχί) food. ΜχσύλΥΐ, -γις, vj, (Λχσύλν)ς, -'ήτος, 6, same as ίμ,χσθλτι, (from μχσσω) leather, a thong, a shoe of untanned leather; a cunning, cringing, dastardly character. Ί^Ιχσύός, -ου, ο, same as μχστός. Μά,σσο), or -ττω, f, -ζω, p. μίμοίχχ, I Μασσων. A GREEK LEXICON. Marrua. bake^ knead; wipe off ; also, when it has fut. in -σω, I touchy handle, feel, exaviine. Μά,σσωι/, ο, vj, το -ο>, same as μ,ίίζων. Ί^Ιοίστύζο), same as ^α,σίομ,α,ι. Μύστχξ, -οίκος, β, (from preced.) a chop ; the jaws, lips, mouth ; the hair on the upper lip, inust aches. Μΰίστόίζύζύ), f. -νσω, (from μχσσω) I such, chew with difficult^/, mumble, mutter. Μάστειρχ, -α,ς, '%, (from μ,α,στΥίΐί) viz. f/.vj- υις, rage that seelcs its victim. Μοίσηυτ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from next) a searcher. MaaTeucj, f. -svaa, (from μ,ά,σσω) I seek, inquire, explore. Μδίστ'^^, -7}ξος, 6, (from same) a seeker, a person sent in quest of am/ thing. Μαστ'ήΡίος, -u, -ou, (from same) qualified for investigation, a detector. Μχσηγίύς, -έως, ο, (from μάστίζ) a whipper. MctarJy^iccc, -ου, ο, (from same) one that lias been or ought to be flogged, a vile wretch. Μοι,στιγορόι/.ος, -ου, 6, (from same and 'Af/..ίγω) a vain talker. Μάταιος, -a, -ov, and μάταιος, -ov, o, '/}, (from μ,ατάω) vain, useless, unprofitable, false, lying, Ps. xii. 2. Ezek.xiii. 6 — 9. Zeph. iii, 13. So vanus and vanitas are used in La- tin. Cic. Rose. Am. 40. turpia quid referam vanae mendacia linguae? Plin. 28. 6. Mago- rum artes generis vanissirai. See also ^n.ii. 80. Cic. Off. i. 42. Hence μ.άταιος is ap- plied to idols or false gods, Lev. xvii. 7. Isa. ii. 20. Hos. v. 11. Acts xiv. 15. Ματαιόττις, --/ιτος, vi, (from preced.) va- nity, uselessness, unprofitableness, falsehood. Ματαιόω, -ω, f. -ύ)σω, p. μΐμ,αταίωκ,α, 1 f. pass. ματαιωύ'/ισομ>αι,ΐρ. pass, μεματαίωμαι, 1 a. pass. Ιματαιωύτ,ν^ (from same) / make vain. Ματαίως, (from same) in vain. Μάτάω, -ω, f. -τισω, I loiter, waste time, delay; am indolent or inactive; do something ineffectually or unprofitably ; miss, fail. Μάτίΰο), f. -ίύσω, and ματίω, f. -νισω, same as μαστίΰω. Μάτην, Dor. μάταν, in vain. Μάτπζ, Dor. for μγ/Ττηζ. Ματθία, -ας. Ion. ματίτη, -ης, 4 (from ματάω) levity, vanity, folly, a fault, an omission. Ματζύκτονος, -ov, (from μ'ήΤΥίζ and κτέίνω) of a slain mother. Ματτύα, -ας, τι, and ματτΰης, -ου, ο, α highly seasoned dish ; plur. dainties, sweet- meats. 57i) Ματτυα.ι A GREEK LEXICON. Μζγαλψωξ. Ματτνάζύ), f. -όίσύ), (from preced.) / eat of the dish called μοίττύα^ indulge in deli- cacies. Μίζττυολοιχος, -ov, o, (from same and λίίχω) a licJcer of dainties; others read μ,α.- ΤΛκίΚοιχος^ or (Λα.τίθ7\.οιχος. Μώττω, see (Λά,σσω. Μχνξόω, f. -ύύσο), same as άμχνξόω, Μαίχχίξΰί, -ας, v}, (from (Λά.χ,ο(Λΰίΐ) a sword or sabre, a knife, a razor. Μ,οίχ,αίξί^ιον, and /ι/,ΰίχ,αίςίον, -ου, το, and (^(χ,χιζίξϊς, -ΊΙος, oy, (from preced.) a small sword, a dagger, a small razor. Μα,χαίξοτΓοιεΊοΐ', -ου, το, (from same and τΓΟίύω) a place where swords are made. Μαχαίξοττοίος, -ου, ό, (from same) a sword- maker. Μόίχοίίξοφόζος, -ου, ο, (from μάχοίίξοί and φίξω) one that cariies a sword. Μαχάω, (from μ,άχνΐ) I wish to fight. Μαχβχξ, and μ,αχεβοίξ, ('-man) a fine cloth, 4 Kings viii. 15. Ήίά,χΎΐ, -yig, '^, (from μόι,χομ,Λΐ) a battle, strife, contention, dispute. Ήίαχ'-ήΐΛωϋ, -ouog, 6, i], (from same) eager to fight. Μά.χητνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a fighter, warrior. Μόίχγιτίίκός, -'ή, -6u, (from same) qualified for or addicted to fighting. ΉΙά,χν,τος, -'/), -6u, (from same) that may be contended with or resisted. '^Ια.χίμ,ος, -ίμ'ίΐ, -i^.ou, or (Λαχι^Λος, -ου, ο, VI, (from sam e)ybrec? of fighting, warlike. Μα.χ7^οίς, -ά,ΐϊος, (Α,αχΚίς, -ύος, ij, (from next) a lewd woman. Μ,α,χΚος, 6, vi, (from μοίλοίκος) lewd. ΜαχΆοσΰνγι, -ης, h, (from preced.) lewd- ness. Μα,χοίοίτο, Ion. for μά,χοιυτο, 3 pi. opt. of Μάχομαι, 1 f. mid. μαχτισομαι, or -ίσο- μοίΐ, 2 f. mid. μα,χουμχί, imperf. mid. Ιμα- χόμγιν, 1 a. mid. ΙμΆχΎΐσά,μην, or -ίσά,μγιν, p. pass, μίμάχημαι, I fight, strive. Μαψ, in vain, without effect; rashly, with- out reason. Μά-ψαυραι, -m, α,ί, (from preced. and uSqoc) light ivinds, breezes. Μά-ψαυξος, -c&, -ou, (from same) hollow- sounding. Μοί-ψϊΙΐίος, -οί, -ou, (from ^«ψ) vain, un- profitable : μχ-ψ'ίΐ'ίως, in vain, rashly, un- foundedly, disoj'derly. Μίύψ/λάκ>35•, Dor. μοί•ψί7\.όίκ,οίς, -ου, 6, (from same and Τ^ακϊω) an idle talker. Μίχ,\Ρ'ίλόγος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and λίγω) whose voice or fiight is observed or uttered in vain. iSlua, μω, perf. μίμακα, 1 pi. μξμάζα- ,«iy, 3 pi. μ•μ^ά•Λθζσι, part, μίμ.ακως, l\V o80 contr. μίμαα, μίμα,μιν, μζμάΰ,βι, part. μ&- μαως, f. μίμαυία, pi. μιμαωτίς, and μεμχό- τες, plup. 3 pi. μεμχσαν, for Ιμεμάκεισαν, I desire, am eager afler, seek, study, plan, contrive. Mx&iif, (]lirn) a dwelling. Μαωσίϊμ, (n^tjjo) strengths or forces, protectors, guardians, Dan. xi. 38, 39. Μίγαβξεμίτγις, -ου, ό, (from μίγχς and βζίμω) loudly roaring. Msyadcc^a'/jg, -iog, o, ij, (from same and ^χξσος) of great bravery. Μίγχύος, -ίος. Ion. for μίγεβος. Μεγχβϋμος, -ου, ό, ij, (from μεγχς and ^υμός) magrumimous. Μεγχίξχ, -χς, vi, (from next) one of the three Furies. Μεγχίξω, f. -χξω, (from μεγχ and χΐ'ξω) I magnify a thing, grudge a Ihing, envy, am jealous, take amiss, am indignant at, deny, refuse ; also, (from με'/χζον) I manage a house, have the care of, am solicitous for, superintend, protect. Miyxmr -ης, -εος, 6, vi, (from same and κίίτος) as big as a whale, large, vast. Μεγχ'Κχυχεω, -ω, f. -τισω, 1 a. εμεγχ'Κχΰ- XWci, (from μεγχΚος and χυχεω) I boast great things ; or, (from μεγχΤ^-ος and χυχ'/ιν) I work mightily, an allusion, probably, to the proud bearing of a horse's neck, when he puts forth all his power. ΜεγχΚχυχνις, -εος, μεγόίΚχυχος, -ου, ό, 'η, (from preced.) boastful, proud, haughty ; magnificent, glorious, triumphant. Μεγχ'ΚχυχΙχ, -χς, vj, (from same) boasi- fidness, haughtiness ; elation of mind. ΜεγχΤ^ειον, -ου, το, (from next) greatness. ΜεγχΤ^εΙος, -είχ, -εlou, (from μΛγxς)great, magnificent, glorious, illustrioics. Μεγχλειότϊΐς, -τνιτος, h, (from preced.) majesty, magnificence, mighty or glorious power. ΜεγχΤ^είωμχ, -χτος, το, (from same) the same. ΜεγχΆπνοζίω, f. -'ί^σω, (from same and χγοζεύω) I speak of magnificent things, or in a magnificent manner ; I exult, boast, gloiy. Μεγχλγιγοξίχ, -χς, ί], (from preced.) niag- nificent language, gi^andeur, sublimity. Μεγχλϊΐγόζος, -ου, ό, h, (from same) that speaks on great subjects, sublime ; that uses high-sounding language, boasts in pompous terms. Μεγχλγιυοζίχ, -χς, ο?, (from μεγχς and xuvjq) great manliness, high-mindedness, ex- ' alted courage. ΜεγχΤ^'ίΐ^ωζ, Dor. μεγχ'Κχνωζ, -οζος, ό, (from same) manly, high-minded, hmighty ; making a man great. Μίγοίλητωξ, A GREEK LEXICON. Μίγάλωμοί, Μ.ί'/ά,Τ^'ήτύίζ, -ορος, ο, 9], (from μ,ίγοίς and 7•τοζ) great-hearted, magnanimous. Μίγχλίξω, f. -Ίσα, (from μέγας) I make great, extol: (/Λ-/ού\Ίζύμ.(χ.ι, I magnify my- self, boast, am proud. Ί^Ιίγα.'Κογυωμ,οσΰν-ή, -'ης, vi, (from next) greatness of mind, greatness of thought. '^Ιξ'•/χΚογνύ)μ,ωυ, -οι/ος, 6, τ}, (from μίγα,ς and γυωμτη) that has greatness of mind, or of thought. MsyaAoSofoi•, -ου, 6, v], (from same and Oufct) that has great glory, that brings great glory. MsyotAoSfy^sot, -ϋς, μίγοίΚο^ωξία, -ας, sj, (from same and οωξον) great bounty, munifi- cence. ΜίγόίΤ^όοαζος, -ου, 6, '/j, (from same) mu- nificent. Μεγ^λοίζγίύί, -ας, τ], (from μύγας and ίογον) greatness of achievement. Μ£γα?ιύύϋμος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and ^υμός) magnaiiimous, high-minded. Μεγαλοίτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and οΐτος) very luihaj^y. Μεγα'Αύκενύος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and κευθος) of great capaciousness. 'Μεγα'Κοκί'Λΰϋος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and κίuhυuoς) that encounters great dangers, en- terpnsing, 'Μίγα'Κ^-Λζατ'/ις, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from same and κζάτος) greatly riding, very powerful. ΜίγαΤ^ομ,'ήτις, -ιος, 6, vj, (from same and μν)τις) meditating great designs, high-minded. Μίγαλόμίσβος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and μισθός) having great wages, 7'eceiving great reward. Μεγά'Κομμα, -ατός, T&,(from μέγας) mag- nificence. Μεγαλονοια, -ας, i}, (from same and νόος) greatness of mind, greatness or elevation of thought or irdelUgence, pride. ^Ιίγα>^όΐ/οος, -όου, 6, 7), (from same) high- minded, of sublime intellect. Μίγα'λο'ΤΓοιεω, -Ζ, (from μέγας and 'Tcoim) I do great things. ΜεγαΆάττοΆίς, -ιος, tj, (from same and 'κοΚις) a great city. Μεγα'Αοττ^αγμ.οσΰύτη, --/ις, i], (from next) fitness and inclination for great entcrjirises. Μεγαλο'7Τζάγμύ)ν, -όνος, 6, tj, (from μέγας and 'ττηά,σσο)) that contains great projects, that undertakes great enterprises. Μεγα'Κο'ττζί'ΤΓεια, (from same and -r^^Vij) magnificence, splendour, glory. Μεγαλο'ττζε'π-νις, -ίος, -ους, ό, v}, το -ες, (from same) magnificent, glorious, very excellent : μεγα'Κο'τιτζε'ττως, magnificently. ΜεγαΆοτττε^νγος, -ου, ό, yj, (from μέγας and -τττίζυξ) having great wings. Μ(γαλορργιμο•Αι>>, -o>, f. .5; 0,7^.7,» y/j eg ΰττίφοΤ^'ήυ, "to drink freely, but not to excess ;" / am filled, am plentifully fed, Ps. xxxvi. 8. IVIs^yff^flc, -ctroq, το, (from preced.) A-iro/2^/ dri?ik. 'Μίθΰσοκόττοίβος, -ου, 6, ίη, (from next and κόττοίβος) intoxicated and playing at the cottabus. Μξύύσος, -ου, 6, 7j, (from ysdvu) drunken. 'Μβύύστίζος, -at, -ov, (from μίτ» and ϋστί- Qog) later, posterior : μ.ί6ύστίηον, afterwards: ου ^ίθύστίζον, not afterwards, i. e. imme- diately. Μίθυστ^ίκος, -')i, -ou, (from next) intoxi- cating ; given to drunkenness. Μίύύο), (from /ΐίίθυ) see the tenses under μίβΰσκω, I drink wine, make drunk ; pass. / drink wine or strong drink freely, either to drimkenness, or only to cheerfulness ; I am filled, am plentifully fed, 1 Cor. xi. 21. where the opposite word is ττίΐνα, ; (Λίύΰίΐν, according to some, is properly to eat and drink μίτά το ^ύαν, after sacrificing. Μίίόίγωγίω, (from yuov and οίγω^ I bring the yelou, or offering to Diana. Μαάίγωγό;, -ου, ο, (from same) he who brought the above offering. Μίί^χω, or ysi^io), f. -'/]σω, or y,iihia,a, f. -άσύ), I smile. Msilioiyx, and fiSiltxaycc, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a smile. Μβίζότίξος, -Λ, -ov, (from next) greater. Μ6ίζων, •θ!/ος, 6, 'ή, το -ον, (comparative οι μ,ίγοίς. See ρ. 21) greater, mo7'e. MsiAr/yci, -ατός, το, (from μΒίλΙσσώ) that ivhich is used to soothe, appease, or please, an atonement. MiiTCiuog, -7}, -0!/, (from yAXt) honeyed, soothing : (from yfAia) of ash, ashen. MsfXiou, -ου, το, (from f/A7.i) any thing agreeable or acceptable, a present, a douceur, IsUihiauo), and μΟ^ίσσω, pres. imperat. μ,ζίΤ,ίσσίίΟ, poet, for yuT^iaaso, μίίλίσσου, f. -ίξο), (from same) / sweeten, render agree- able ; please or gratify ; appease, soothe, pacify, propitiate; soften, palliate, extenuate. '^liiTuyCicc, -ccg, lon. ynT^iyjivi, -rig, ij, (from preced.) softness, gentleness, lenity, tardiness. ΜίίΤ.'ίχ,'ίος, -οί, -ou, and μ,ίίλ'ίχ^οζ, -yif -ou, (from same) sweet, soothing, conciliatory, propitiatory. Μίΐ7,ιχ,όγ/ΐξυς,-υος, 6, τ], (from preced. and γ7]ξυς) that has a soft voice, or uses gentle language. ISlHoy, Ovog, το, (from ystuu) inferior ; a name given to the ewe or she-goat offered to Diana by the parents of a young man when his name was enrolled in his tribe. Μίΐονίκτβω, f. -τισω, (from same and εχω) I have less, am of inferior condition, am poor, abstain from, opp. to στλεοι/ίχ-τίω. Msiove^icc, -xg, i}, (from preced.)iz having less, inferiority of condition. Msioa, -ω, f. •ύσ(β), p. μ,εμε'κύΚΛ, 1 f. pass. (Λζΐύ)6'/^σομ,οίί,\). pass. yiyeio)yct.i, (from μ,ξίων. See p. 21) I lessen, diminish, render inferior. 'Msi^ocKiooycn, or (Λεΐξ(χ,κιεΰο{Λθίΐ, (from ysi^cc^) I act like a boy, or with the ardour of youth. Μίίξόίκ,ίΟ!/, -ου, το, (diminutive from μεί- ζοί^) a boy, a young man or woman. Μίίζχκίοομχί, -ουμοίί, (from same) / be- come or am a youth. ΜίΐζΛκίσκ/ι, --/ig, vj, (from same) a young woman. Μίίζχκίσκ,ος, -ου, ό, (from same) a youth. Μίίοακίωύ-ής, -sog, 6, 'ή, (from same) like a yoidh, puerile, vehement : μα^Λκιωοως, like a youth. ΜίίζΛκύλλιον, -ου, το, (from next) a little boy. Μίίξχξ, -ecKog, ό and vi, (from ίίξω) a boy or girl, a youjig man or woman. 583 Mi/gw. A GREEK LEXICON. Μίλίδων, ΜΐίζΟ), 2 f. μίξω, p. μ,ίμ.α.ζκοι. or ίϊμα,ζκοί, p. raid, 'ίμμοξχ, for μίμοξοί, p. pass, μέμοίξ' ^ee/, Attic Βί'μχξμΰίί, I divide, provide^ share, apportion. Μίΐς, Ion. and ^tciji, Dor. for ^vju, μγινός, 0, a month. Μίίωμοι, -α,τος, το, (from μίίόω) a dimi- nution, deficiency. Με/ώίν, -όνος, 6, τ], ro -ou, (see μίκξος, p. 21) less, smaller, inferior. Μίίωσις, -iug, v}, (from μζιόω) a lessening, decrease. ΜβιωτΗος, -ij, -ov, (from same) calcidated to lessen. 'ΜίΚάγγοίίος, μ-ζΚύ,γγζίος, -oi, -ov, Att. μ^κά,γγίως, -ω, (from μίλοίς and yotloc) that has a black or iich soil. Μ-ίΚάγΚΐζΟζ, -ου, Att. μΐΚά.'/χ,ζζύίς, -ω, 6, i], (from same and χ,ίξοίς) black-horned. ΜζΚΛγκ,όζύφος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and χοξυφνί) having a black head or crest. Μίλύγχ,ζοκος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κςόχιη) having black sails. Μίλοίγχχίτιης, -ου, ο, 7], (from same and Xulrvi) having black hair ; dark with leaves, leafy. Μελάγχειμος, and μβλάγχίμος, -oi/, (from same and χύμα) black, dark : μίλάγχίίμχ, ra, dark spots amidst snow. 'Μ.ζ'Κοί'/χιτωι/, -ωνος, 6, yj, (from same and χίτωι/) shrouded in black, sorrowful. ΜίΤ^οίγχοΤ^άω, f. -'yjaa, (from same and χοΤίγι) I am affected ivith black bile, or with melancholy. MiT^cc'/xo'hioc., -ctg, v], (from preced.) black bile, melancholy. Μελοίγχολίκ,ος, -05, -ou, (from same} me- lancholic, mad. ΜζΚά,γχοΤ^ος, -ov, (from same) tinged with black bile. MihctyX^Vig, μζΤ^Λγχζονις, μί>^(Χ.γχζθΙης, -εος, μίΚά,γχζ^οος, contr. ^ους, and μεΤ^άγχ^ως, -οος, or -ωτος, 6, v}, (from μί'Κα,ς and x^occ) that has a black skin, swarthy, rustic. 'M.s7\. οίθξον, -ου, το, μεΚοίΰ^όφιυ, poet, for μίΆάύξου, (from μΑλας) a roof-tree, the cross-beam of the ceiling, the ceiling of a hou^e, a cell, chamber, house, palace, court. Μί'Κίζύξόομαί, p. pass. part. μξμεΚχ,ύ^ω- μίυος, (from preced.) 1 form into a cell or chamber. 3 Kings vii. 5. ΉΙίΚοίίνω, f. -oiyZ), (from μίλχς) I make black ; pass. I grow black. ΜίΚαμβά,θνις, -ίζ, (from same and βάθος) black or dark on account of depth. Μβλχμ'ττόίγ'^ς, -ig. Dor. for μεΤ^αμττγιγ'ης, (from same and ττηγνύω) black and clot- ted. Μίλοίμ'ττΓ'ττλος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and -τΓίΤΓλος) weari?ig a black robe or veil. 584 Mi^.»μφx,vιg, -i'g, (from same and φά,ω) shining or appearing black. Μέλά,μφυΤ^λος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and φΰλλον) having black leaves, darkened by thick foliage. ΜίΤ^αμ-ψηφϊς, -?δο?, 6, vj, (from same and ■ψϊ^φος) having black pebbles. Μ.ΐ'Κα,ν, -ciuog, το, (from μί\ΰίς) ink. Mihoiuciiylg, -ίδο?, ^, (from same and alylg) having ablack cegis, an epith. of Bac- chus ; tempest-clad, an epith. of the Fu- ries. Μί'Κχνοίυγνις, -ίος, ό, tj, (from same and oii/y^) of a shining black colour. Μίλάι/δετο?, -ou, (from same and ^ίω) black-hound, iron-bound. MsT^xulOKog, -ou, (from μίλοίν and Ιίχο- μοίΐ) for holding ink. ΜίΤ^οίνειμο'Λω, (from μί^.»ς and ίϊμοι) I dress in black. ΜίΤ^ά,υύμωι/,-ονος, 6, vj, (from same) clothed in black. ΉίίΧάι/βιον, -ου, ro, (from ',αέλί«? and aj/^oj) a black flower, the black poppy. Μ&Κίχ,νίοί, -cx.g, Yi, (from μίτ^χς) blackness, black spot, black cloud. M-ihcivo^oxilov, -ου, το, (from μίλχρ and ^ίχομοίί) an ink-horn. ΜίΤ^αι^όξυξ, -vyog, (from μί'Κοίς and ζiΰy- νυμι) black-yoked. Μθ\.οίνοχ.ά^ιος, -ου, 6, 5j, (from same and x,»^hiix) black-hearted, deep-caverned, cruel, terrible. Μ.εΚοίνονζκ,ΰζΙμων, -ouog, 6, l•,, (from same, νίκυς and εϊμοί) dressed in deep mourning. ΉίίΚΛνόομαι, -ουμα,ι, p. pass. μεμεΚάνοί- μοίΐ, (from μίτ^κς) I grow black. Μίλόίνό'τττΒζος, μβλχνο'τττίξυγος, -ου, and μελοίνοτττίξυζ, -vyog, 6, {], (from same and •τΐτζζον or ττέ^^ΐ) black-winged, ill-boding. Μί'Κοίνουζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and οϋξΐϋ) that has a black tail. ΜίΤ^όίνοχξνίς, -sog, μελόίνο'χζοος,-όου, contr. μίΆοίΐ/όχζους, -ου, and μϊΚα,υόχ^ως, -ωτος, or -oog, same as μ^7^cx,yχqyιg. Μίλαύτίΐχ'^ς, 4og, 6, tj, (from μί'λας and τείχος) black-walled. 'Μ.ζΚαυτ'/ΐξίοί, -ocg, ij, (from μίλοίς) black- ing, ink, rust, verdigris. Με-κάυυΙξος, -ου, 6, ί], (from next and υ'^ωξ) having black water, deep. Μίλας, -οίίνχ, -otv, (from μν^ and ?7λ)7 or thn) black, dark, obscure. MgA^iJ, I melt, consume. M&7\.i(x,y^U, -ΊΙος, v), the guinea-fowl. MiT^iloihcu, f. -όίνω, (from μεΤ^ω) I tale care of, care for. ΜεΤ^ε^ημοί, -α,τος, το, and μελε^ωνιη, -ης, 7}, (from same) care, anxiety, sorrow. ΜεΤ^ε^άρ, -ωνος, μελε^ωνευς,-ίοις, μελε^ωνος. MsXiu A GREEK LEXICON. MsXirsiov. -ου, 0, (from same) a gtuirdian, inspector, steward. Μέλε/, (See p. 42) it is a care, or con- cern ; Kca (ivhiv τούτων τω VccKhiuvi if^iKsv, Acts xviii. 17. " Gallio gave himself no concern about these things;" i. e. the riot, and the battery of Sosthenes. He wisely considered, that to judge in religious ques- tions was not the province of the civil magistrate, and that the ill-treatment which Sosthenes, the chief amongst the accusers, had received, would tend to prevent such accusations in time to come. Μίλίίντί, (from /^ίλος) hy pieces, limb by limb. Ms'hiOTraiuvig, -ίος, ό, v}, (from f /Λ'Αίος and 7.-Λθίω) suffering wretchedly. 'islihiOTToyoq, -ov, 6, ij, (fi'om next and τΐόνος) labouring with affliction. Μξλζοζ, -oc, -o'j, vain, ineffectual, void, idle, unprofftable ; foolish, miserable: f^ihs, or ώ μίτ^ξ, for ω (AiKii, wretch, fool ; but some- times a friendly Attic form of address equi- valent to my luorthy Sir. ΜίΚίοφ^ων, -οι/ος, ο, vj, (from preced. and φ^'ή!/) distressed in mind, wretched, Μίλετάω, -ω, f. -■ί^σω, p. (Λίμ>ζ\ίτηΛΛ, 1 a. ί/ίίελίτγισοί, (from next) / take care of, me- ditate, premeditate, exercise myself in. ΙΛίΚίτη, -τις, vi, (from {^i'hu) care, medita- tion, diligent practice. ΜίΆίτ-ζιμα, -οίτος, το, (from μ,ίΚίτά,ω) study, exercise. Μίλίτνίζίον, -ου, το, (from same) a place for study or practice, a school, a cell. ΜζΚζτγίΡος, -oi, -ou, (from same) studious of, exercised in. Μίλετ/ιτ'ίκος, or μίΤ^ίτΊκος, -oj, -o'j, (from μί7\.ίτγ]) given to meditation, exercise or di- ligent practice. MsXer'/jroV, -^, -01/, (from same) to be ac- quired by diligent j^ractice. Μί'κίτο)ζ, -οζος, 6, ί}, (from same) one who takes care of, or attends to any thing. Μελέω, same as (^ΐΆω. Μελ/ίδων, -ouog, vj, (from (Λίτ^ω) care, an- xiety. Μελ»7^«, -ατός, το, (from same) an ob- ject of care, a favourite. ΜίΤκησίμ'βζοτος, -ου, 6, ^, (from 'same and βοοτός) an object of care to men, a favourite. Μελί, ''irog, το, honey. Μελ/α, .{ί,ς. Ion. f^ff^in, -ης, ί], the ash- tree, an ashen spear. Μελίαδιι?, Dor. for μίλίϊίο'ής, -ου, ο, vj, (from μίΤίί and 'ήΐύς) sweet as honey. ΜέλΤβξο,οίος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and βζί/χω) sweetly murmuring. Μίλίγ^ου'^ος, -ov, (from same and δον- ^oc) sweet -sounding. Μίλίγ•/ίξυς, -υος. Dor. μ.ϊ'κίγόίξυς, 6, i), (same and γΐίζυς) sweetly speaking. ΜελίγΆωσσος, -ου, ο, »;, (from same and γ7\.Ζσσχ) honey-tongued. Μ&κίζω, f. -ίσω, 2 f. μ€Κίω, p. ,α,ζμ.ί'Κικοί, 1 a. ε^ε'λ/σοί, (from μίλος) I dismember, cut in pieces ; also, / modulate, regulate the sound of sing or play. Μελ/)7δ555•, see /^ύελια^τις. ΜεΧ'ίύζίττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from μεΚι and τξίφω) fed ivith honey. Μελ/ϊ^οί, -)7, -oy, see μεΚίνος. Μίλίκτίξοι, -χς, 7], μελίκ,γίξον, and με7\.ίκ7]- ξΐον, -ου, το, (from ^ελ; and κ'/ΐζος) α honey- comb. ΜεΤ^ϊκομτΓος, -ον, (same and χ,όμ,'ττος) honey -sounding. M8>JxoV> -'/J, -υν, (from (/Λ'Κος) tuneful, lyric. ΜεΆίκζιχ,τος, Ion. με'κίχ,ζητος, -of, 0, ^, (from μ,εΚι and xggacj) mixed with honey. ΜεΆικ,ττις, -ου. Dor. μ.ε'Κικτοίς, 6, (from μεΤ^ίζα) a singer. Με^.ι'Κύίτ'ίνος, -jj, -ou, (from next) of the melilote. Μελ/λωτοί/, -ου, το, (from μεΤ^ι and λώ>- ToV) the herb melilote, said to have the fra- grance of honey. Μελίτη, -ης) 7}) panic or millet ; panicum miliaceum. Μετανος, -yi, -ou, (from μ,ε'λ.ίαι) ashen. Μελ^ττνοος, -όου, contr. μεΆίττνους, -ου, ο, vj, (from ^ελ/ and Tiruio)^ sweetly breathing. Μελ/σ^ίϋί, -οίτος, and μεΚισίΛά,τιου, -ου, το, (from μελί ζω) α song. ΜεΆι'σττο'Λος, -ου, ο, tj, (from μίλι and σ^νΐω) with which libations of honey are made. Μέλισσα,, or -ιττοί, -ης, tj, (from μίλι) a bee ; a priestess. Μελίσσιος, -ου, ο, ij, το -ou, (from preced.) of or belonging to bees or honey. Μελισσόβοτος, -ου, ο, «j, (from same and βόσχ,ύ}) fed on by bees. Μελισσοκόμος, -ου, ο, % (from same and κομεω) that kee]JS bees. Μελισσονόμος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and νέμω) that feeds bees. Μελισσόξΰτος^ -ou, (from same and ρύω) flowing from, or produced by, bees. Μελισσοτόκος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and τίκτω) producing bees : μελισσότοκος, pro- duced by bees. Μελισσών, -ωuoς,ό,{ϊiΌTC\μελισσoc)abee-hive. Μελιστοίγνις, -εος, and μελίστακτος, -ot/, ο, 07, (from same and στάζω) honey-dropping. Μελίταινα, -ης, μελϊτειοί, -ας, v}, (from μέλισσα) the babn gentle ΟΥ mint, ajriastrum. Μελίτειον, and μίλίτιον, -ov, το, (from same) metheglin. 4 Ε 585 ΜίλιΤίξ'^ΓΤις, A GREEK LEXICON. Msvsdatoc MeXm^T^i•, -εος, ο, 3?, (from μίλ{ and τΙρτΓώ)) delighting with its honey sweetness. Μίλίτγι, -γις, yjf Melita, probably Malta. MiKirosig^ -ζσσα,^ -£>, (from μιΚι) honeyed^ sweetened : μβλιτόεσσχ, -jjg•, v], a sweet cake. 'MiTCiTQ'Troi'hYig, -oy, o, (from same and ττω- λίω) a seller of honey. ΜελίτόωΧΐγοτΏ μίλι) Isweeten luith honey. ΜξΚίττιον, -ου, ro, (from μεΚιττοί) a lit- tle bee. ΜίλίτωΙνίζ, -foj-, o, i], (from same) resem- bling bees. Μελϊτωμχ, -ατός, το, (from μίλι) a honey- ed cake. Μεκίφύογγος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and φύογγνι) that has a sweet voice or sound. Μελϊφξων, -ουος, ο, v), (from same and φξ^u) sweet to the mind. Μεκίφυζτος, -ou, (from same and φύξω) mixed with honey. Μίλϊψωιιοζ, -ου, ο, {], (from same and φωι/'ή) sweetly sounding. ΜεΚΤχΚωξος, -ου, (same and χΚω^ος) yel- Ιοιυ like honey. ΜελΤχξοος, -όου, contr. μελίχξους, or μ,ελι- τόχξους, -ου, (from ^ame and χξόοί) of the colour of honey, yellow. ΜεκΎχζος, -ά, -6u, (from (Λελι) sweetened with honey. Μελλέώί, f. •'ησω, μίλλω, imperf. ϊμεΧΚον, Kit. ^μελλοι/, lam about to be or do, I delay. ΜίλλΥιμοί, -α,τος, ro, μίλλγισίζ, -£<^Sy hi (from preced.) delay. ΜεΚΚ-ήτίον, (from same) must delay. ΉίίΚκόγα,μος, μεΚλάνυμφος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and γοιμεω, or υύμφγι) about to be mar- ried. ΜεΧΚονΊκ,ικω, (from same and Ήιχ,Ιοίς) I delay like Nicias. ΜεΤίο'γξόίφος, -ου, 6, (from μΛλος and γο^ά,φω) a writer of songs. 'Μ.εΚοκ,Ο'πίοι, -ας, μ^ελοκόττγ^σις, -εως, ^, (from same and τίότιττω) dismembering, cut- ting to pieces. . ΜελοτΓοάω, (from same and ττοιεω) I make a song, set to inusic. ΜεΆο'ττοίτητ'^ς, or μελοττοιος, -ου, 6, (from same) a maker of songs, a lyric poet. Μελο'ττοίΐα, -ας, vj, (from same) lyric poe- try. ^ Μίλο?, -εος, -ους, το, a member or part of the body ; also, a song, a song set to music, an air, a melody. Μ.ε'Κοτυ'π'εω, (from preced. and rv^roi) I sing. ΜελτΓΤιβζον, -ου, το, (from next) dancing and singing, sport, play. ΉΙεΚ-ττω, μεΚ-πομαι, (from μεΚος and εττ^) I dictate a song, sing in chorus, sing arid dance. 58β ΜεΤαιΙξίον, -ου, το, (from μέλος) a little song. ΜελχισεΙεκ, ό, (see the etymology explain- ed, Heb. vii. 2.) Heb. vii. 1. ούτος γά,ζ ό Μελχισε^κ,. *' Some doubt has arisen, whether these words are to be taken in immediate concord : the article appears to me to prove that they are." Middleton. Μελω, or μελίω, f. -Tjaa, I am a care or concern to any one. See μέλει : μελομ^αι, I have a care of, mind. 'Μελω^εω, -ω, f. -νισω, (from μελωδός) I sing or play. ΜελωΙ'/ιμα,, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a song. Μελωδία, -ας, τ}, (from next) melody. Μελωδό?, -ου, 6, ^, (from μέλος and ωΐνΐ) a singer or player. Μεματον, by sync, for μεμν^κατου, from μεμνικα, perf. of μάω. Μεμβλομαι, (for μελομαι) I have a care of, mind. Μεμβράνα, -ης, % (Latin) a skin, mem- brane, parchment, vellum. See φαιλόυτης^ Μεμβξάς, -α^ος, ^, a kind of anchovy. Μεμελίτγικότως, and μεμελτιμευως, (from μελεω) carefully. Μεμιηλως, part, of perf. m. of μελω, an- xious, eager for; trained, versed, expert in. Μεμγιχανημενως, (from perf. part. pass. of μ•ηχα]>άοί) artfully. Μεμι/εφτο, poet, for μεμνωτο, 3 sing, pres. opt. of μνάομαι, he might be mind- ful of. Μεμυα, Ion. for μεμννισο, 2 sing, imperat. perf. pass, of the same, remember. Μεμττος, -ij, -ov, (from next) blamed, to be blamed. Μέμφομαι, 1 f. mid. μέμ-ψομαι, 1 a. mid. εμεμ-ψάμνιυ, p. mid. μεμομφα, p. pass, με- μεμμαι, (from μωμος and φάύί) I find fault, blame. Μεμφιμοίζίω, -ω, f. -νισω, (from μίμ-ψις and μοίξα) I complain of my lot, am discon- tented. Μεμ-ψιμοίξία, -ας, vj, (from same) discon- tent. Μεμ-ψίμοίξος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same) dis- co7itented, querulous. Μέμ-ψις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from μέμ- φομαι) a finding fault. Miu, truly, irideed. See p. 78. Μέυ^γίς, -ου, ό, a buck-goat ; the god Pan. Μ,ευεαίΰω, f. -aua, infin. pres. μενεαινεμεν. Ion. for μενεαίνειν, 1 a. εμενεγινα, and με- νενινα, (from μΛυος) I long earnestly for, strive to obtain, am eager, am angry with. Μενε^αίος, or μευε^νί'ΐος, -ου, ο, vi, (from μίυω and ^vfiog) daring an enemy, brave. M£^s•rroλε/AO?, A GREEK LEXICON. ΜεΰαΙλ'η. MeusTTo^efiog, -ov, o, τ], (from same and ττύλεμος) βττη in battle. Μίΐ/ίτός, -^, -ou, (from f4,ii/a) that awaits or remains. Μευεχάς/^Υΐς, or /ίίενίχαίξμος, -ov, o, (from same and χάξμγι}β7'ηι in battle, intrepid. Msui, Att. for ^iu' μίυ wp, Ion. for f^h ovu. Mei/osDc^Sj 'ίος, ό, vj, (from f^hog and £Ϊκω) that gratifies desire^ sufficient, abun- dant. 'M.suoivaa, -ω, f. -νισω, /zsi/oiusa, or f^suoima, (from μ,ίυος) I wish earnestly, long for, strive to obtain ; I reflect upon, purpose. Mivoiu'/i, -is", hi (from next) eager desire, impetuosity. Μίνας, -iog, το, the mind, ardour of mind, anger ; also, force, strength, vigour. Msvovuj {fiiu and oh) and indeed, further, moreover, forasmuch as, since then. Msvovuys, (preced. and ye) yea rather, yea verily, nay but. MiuTOi, {μ,ίν and Toi)yet indeed, yet truly. MevToiys, (preced. and ye} surely, yet, however. Miuo), imperf. &μ.ενον, f. f/,ev&}, p. fie/xi' VYiKX, pluperf. ΐμεμίντικείν, 3 plur, Ionic ^g- ^ei>'/}Keiaoiu, 1 a. 'ifieivcc, subj. f^e'iua, imperat. μίϊνον, -άτο), infin. ^eluui, and partic. μ,είνοίς, -uau, -dv ; p. mid. μ,ίμ,οροί, I re7nain, abide, sustain, persevere, ivait for. Μί^ιΙά,ζχ^-ης, -OV, 6, (from feeing and ά,ζχ'ή) a partaJcer of a government, a governor of a province. ΜίξΐΙαξγ,ίοί, -»ς, vj, (from preced.) a par- ticipation of government, the office or pro- vince of a governor. Μεςίξύ), f. -ha, p. μ,εμ,ίρίκχ, 1 a. ίμ,ίζίσοί, 1 a. mid. If^e^iaayy/iv, 1 f. pass, μ,ί^ισθτισο- μ'χι, 1 a. pass, l/ns^iadyiu, p. pass, μ,ίμ,ίζίσμ,α,ι, (from μ>ζζ\ς) I divide, share, partake. Μίζίμ,νοί, -γις, ί], (from μεζίξίίν τον νουν, dividing or distimcting the mind) care, an- xiety. Μζζίμνύω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. μεμεξί^ίν/ιχχ, 1 Ά. e^i(iifzvmcc, (from preced.) / care, am careful, anxious. Μεζίμνημοί, -χτος, το, (from preced.) an- xiety. Μίξί/ανγιττις, -ov, 6, (from same) an anxious scrupulous person. Μίξίμνοτόκος, -ov, (from same and τίκτο)) care-produdng. Μζ()ΐιχ,νοφζονηστ7ΐς,-ον, 6, (from same and φροντίζω) an anxious thinker. Mi^if, -ihoc, 7]y (from μ,ίίξω) a share, part, portion, division. ΐνΐέ^/σ^α, -οίτος, το, μ,ΐζίσί^ος, -ου, ό, (from [)erf. pass, of μεξίζύή a dividing, distribution, gift distributed. Μίξίστ'ίης, -ov, ό, (from same) a divider. Μεζ/στός, -vj, -ou, (from same) divided, divisible. Μεξίτενο/ίΐα,ί, (from (^εξίς) I divide. Μεξϊτνις, -ov, 6, (from same) a partaker. Μεξμοίίξω, (Λεξμεζω, μ,εζ(Λ'ήζω, see μεξμνι- Μίξμεςοζ, -ov, 6, vj) 'ϊ'ο -οί'» (from μείξω) distracting the mind, troublesome, injurious, destructive; great, surprising, stupendous, laborious. Μίξμ-ηξχ, -ας, ij, (from same) anxiety. Μεξμγίξίζω, f. -ίσω, and -ίξω, (from same) / fl7/^ divided in mind, am doubtful, anxious ; I deliberate, contrive, pL•n. Μεξμίς, -ϊθος, 7]y and μεζμιθος, -ov, 6, a cord, string, or thong. Μεζοττψος, -ου, 6, {jy (from μίζο-ψ) of man, human. Μεζος, -εος, -ους, το, (from μ,είζω) a part, piece, course, respect, share, lot, faction, Ήίέξο-ψ, -ο'ττος, ό, vjt (from μίξω and οψ) having divided voice, articulate speaking : μεζο'πτες, an epithet of m-en, as having the faculty of articuhte speech. Also, Μί^οψ, -ο'τΐος, 7], the name of a bird. Μεξω, poet, for μείξω. Μεσοίβον, μεσοίβοίον, -ov, το, and μεσά- βος, -ου, 6, (from μέσος and βονς) α strap in the harness of an ox, by which the yoke was fastened to the beam of the plough or wag- gon. Μεσχβόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) I fasten the μεσοίβον, I yoke. Μεσιζγκτος, -ov, (from μίσος and όίγχω) the middle of the neck or throat. Μεσά,γκ,νΤ^.ον, -ov, το, (from same and ay- κύλγι) a javelin having a thong in the middle by which it is held. Μεσχζω, (from μίσος) I am in the middle. ΜεσχΊος, -ου, ο, h- (from same) of or be- longing to the middle, in the midst. Μεσχίττόλιος, -ου, ό, 5j, (from same and τΓολίός) nearly gray. Μεσοίίτοίτος, (superl. of μίσχιτος, which same as μίσος) most in the middle, inner- most : comp. μεσχίτεξος, more in the middle. Μεσχίχμίον, -ου, το, (from μίσος and χιχ- μτί) the space between tiuo armies drawn out for battle. Μεσχκτιος, -ου, (from same and άκτ^) in the middle oj the shore, or between two shores. Μεσχντιον, -ου, το, (from same and άν- τίον) a weaver^s beam. Μίσχτος, or μίσσχτος, for μεσχίτχτος. Μεσχϋτ^-η, --/ις, h, (from μέσος and ανΆ'ή) a gallery, hall, or passage between two apart- ments in a house, as between tiiat of the men and women. 587 Μζΰαυλιος, A GREEK LEXICON, Μίΰουξάνημα. ΜζσοίύΆίΟζ, -ov, ο, sj, same as μίσανΆος : also, as a subst. an in-door slave, one who attends to the oxen in the stalls in the court of a building. Μεσαι/λο^,ΟΓ f/.iaaoiv'hov, -ου, το, (from μί- σος and οίύλ'^) a farm-house with a stable atid fold, the dwelling of the Cyclops, Od. K', 435. Μίσαυλος, Att. μίτανΆος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) that occupies the middle space be- tween two apartments; subst. a hall or court between the apartinent of the men and women ; a court-yard in a building where the stalls for oxen are ; a middle door or gate between the hall and the interior of the house, applied by similitude to the epiglottis. Μεσίγγυύω, (from μίσος and ίγγυχω} I deposite a pledge in the hands of a mediator or um^nre. Μεσεγγύνιμα, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a pledge or deposit money. Μεσίγγυος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) the um- pire with whom a pledge is deposited. Μεσεύω, (from μίσος) I act as a mediator. Μεστηγύ, or μεσσηνυ, μεσνιγύς, and μεσσνι- γύς, (ft'om same) in the middle. Μεσ'/ιεις, -εσσοί, -ei/, (from same) holding a middle rank. Μεστημβξίοί, -»ς, τι, (from μίση and νιμί^α,) the middle of the day, mid-day, the south. Μεσημβξίι/ος, -jj, -ου, (from preced.) of or belonging to noon. Μεσύά,Λ7\., (rrnnb») the wardrobe. ΜεσΙ^ιος, -cc, -ov, (from μίσος) impartial. Μεσίτευα, f. -εύσω, p. μεμεσίτευκ,Λ, 1 a. ίμεσίτευσα, (from next) / mediate, inteipose. Heb. vi. 17. εμεσίτευσεν οξκω, *' mediated by an oath." Vulg. interposuit jusjuran- dum. See Ιια,τίύγιμι. Μεσίτης, -ου, ο, (from μίσος) a mediator, Gal. iii. 20. δε μεσίτης, εΐ/ός ουκ, εστίν' 6 δε Θεο?, εις εστίν, *'but the mediator is not [the friend] of one [party, but of two or more :] but God is one [of the parties, in the giving of the Law."] The first clause is an objection ; the second an answer. The occasion of appointing a mediator is an offence, and the object, is reconciliation. In ordinary cases, a mediator is commonly obliged to propose a compromise, which may involve a change of plan and of mea- sures among all parties. According to this view of mediation, the law might have been supposed to have disannulled the promise. But when it is considered that the unchangeable God who gave the pro- mises, is one of the parties in the giving of the Law, the supposition is inadmissible. " Is the Law then [of God] against the promises of God ? God forbid !" verse 21. 088 Μεσίτις, -ιίος, vi, (from same) in the mid- dle, common to all around, acting as a me- diator. Μεσόγοίίος, -ου, 6, τ], and μεσόγειος, -ot, -ov, (from same and yoiloi) Mediterranean, midland. Μεσό^μη, -ης, vj, for μεσο^όμη, (from same and "^όμος) a cross-beam, the middle beam of a house, the middle beam of a ship in which the mast is fixed. Μεσοζύγιος, -ου, 6, (from same and ζυγός) a rower who holds the middle bank in a ship; called also ξυγίτης. Μεσόκοίλοζ, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and κοίλος) hollow in the middle; μεσόκ,οιλον, -ου, το, the socket to hold the mast in the middle of tJie ship. Μεσολχβίύ), f. -νισω, (from same and λαμ- βάνω) I take or hold by the middle, tie up, interrupt, stop. Μεσολα,β'ης, -εος, ο, τι, (from preced.) hold- iiig or held by the middle. Μεσόλευκος, -ov, (from μίσος and λευκός) white in the middle, streaked with white. Μεσομφάλίος, and μεσόμ,φχλος, -ου, 6, {], το -ov, (from same and ομφοίλός) in the midst of the navel, central: (Ed. T. 480. τα, μεσόμφα,λοί γα,ς μχντίΐοί, the prophecies from the middle of the earth, the Delphic prophecies. The oracle at Delphi was supposed to be situated precisely in the centre of the earth, Ovid. Met. x. 167, 168. Μεσονύκτιον, -ου, τό, (from same and νύ^) midnight. Μεσονύκτιος, -ov, (from same) pertaining to midnight, at midnight. Μεσοττόίγ'ης, -ίος, ό, {], (from μίσος and Ίΐνιγω) fixed to the middle. Μεσοττοξίω, (from same and ττοξεύω) I pass through the midst. Μεσοττόξος, -ου, o,^,(from same) that passes through the middle: μεσ67roζoς,passed through the middle. Μεσο'ττόζφυξον, -ου, το, (from next and ττοζφύζοι) interwoven with purple. Μίσος, -η, -ο ν, middle, i7itermediate, the middle, midst, in the midst, in common, public. Μεσάτης, -ητος, ij, (from preced.) /A^ midst, the mean between extremes. Μεσότοιχον, -ου, το, (from same and τοίχος) a middle wall, Μεσοτομίω, (from same and τίμυω) I cut in the middle, halve. Μεσουξιχ,νίω, (from same and ούξχνος) I am in the midst of the heavens, am at the meridian. Μεσουξύνημοί, -ατός, το, (from same and ούζχνος) the mid-heaven, the yniddlc jiart of the heavens, Ike meridian. Μίΰόφξοον» A GREEK LEXICON. Μ&ταδξομγι . Μίσόψξνορ, -Of, το, (from same and όψξύς) the space between the eye-brows. Mtaoa, -ω, f. -ωσω, pres. part, μ,ίσόωυ, -όουσχ, -όου, contract. -Zu, -ουσοί, -ovu, (from ,αίσος) I am in the middle or midst, or half. Μίσ-ττιΆγΐ, -γις, ^, the medlar tree : μ,ίσ'τιτί- "hou, -ου, TO, the fruit of the Tnedlar tree. 'Μεσσοίβ, (aii») a military station or gar- rison. Msaaoii, or μασσοίχ, {nOO)from being de- molished, destimction. ΙΜέσσοίτος, or μ,ίσ»τος, for [ΛζσοίίτΛτος. Μεσσ'^ξΥΐς, or {ΛίσνίΡΥΐς, same as μ,ίσος. Μεσσίχς, -ου, 6, (n-tt'Q) the Messias, the Christ, one anointed or institided to a cer- tain office or offices by unction. Μίσσόύϊ, (from fckaog) in the middle. Μεσσος, for fiiaoc, -v\, -ou. MgffToV, -i), -ou,fidl, replete, satiated. Μεστόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. μεμέστωκιχ, p. pass. (Λεμ,εσχωίΛΛί, (from preced.) I fill, satiate. Μεσφόί, until, while. Μεσως, (from μίσος) middling, moderately. Μετά,, (from μ,εω, I go) with, among, after. See p. 108. The ^olians and Do- rians say ττε^ά, far ^ετά, see μεταυγάζω. Μετΰίβχινω, (preced. and βαίνο)) I go, pass, go away, depart. Μετχβύ'λλω, (same and /Βάλλω) / change, transfer, turn back. Μετοίβά'π-τω, (same and βύτ^^τω) I change the colour of any thing by dying ; alter the colour. Μετύβόίσίς, -εως, τι, (from μετχβχίνω) transition, transmigration, departure. 'Μετχβχτϊκοζ, -% -ov, (from same) capable of OT inclined to change of place; transitive. Μίτοίβγιμι, (μετχ and β^μί) I pass, go away. ΜετΛβΙβύζίύ, f. -όίσω, (same and βιβάξω) I cause to change place, transfer, remove, convey. Μετοίβίόω, (same and βιόω') I survive. Μεταβλεττύ), (same and βλί'ττω) I turn my ^y^^ from one to another, fix my eyes upon. 'ΜετχβΤ^τητος, -vj, -oi/, (from μετφάλΆω) changed, liable to be changed, changeable. ΜετΛβο'Κεύς, -εως, 6, (from same) one who exchanges or barters, a dealer, a trafficker. Μετα/Βολ^, -~ής, yj, μεταβολίχ, -Λς, vj, and μετύβλγιμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from same) a change, transfer, removal, departure. ΜετάβοΜς, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) change- able ; one luho exchanges or barters, a mer- chant. Μετα,βοϋ'Κίυμοί, -utoc, to, (μίτχ and βον- λίυμοί) a changed design. Μετχβονλενω, (same and βονλίύω) I change my plan or my purpose . Μετόίβουλίά, -χς, vj, (from same) a change of purpose, repentance. ΜετοίβουΜς, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) one who changes his plan or purpose. Μετχγγελοζ, -ου, ο or ij, (from μετά and άγγελος) a messenger between two parties. Μετχγεν^ς, -έος, 6, τ), (from next) born or made after, posterior, younger. νίεταγίϋομχι, {μετά and γίνομΆΐ) I am after, am carried away, 'Μ.ετχγΤνωσκω, μ^εταγίγυωσ^,ο), μετΛγνόω, μετάγνωμι, (same and γιγυωσκω) I know after or too late, change my sentiments, re- pent, regret. Μετάγι/ωσις, -εως, 'ή, (from same) a change of sentiments, repentance, regret. Μετχγοξεύω, (from μετά and άγοξεύω) I in the midst of, announce to. Μετχγςχψεω, (from same and γξάψύ)) I transfer from one list to another. Μετχγζάφ'ή, -^ς, vj, (from next) a tran• script, copy. Μετχγξάψω, f. -•ψω, {μετά and γοάφω) I change a writing, transciibe, copy ; I change a thing written, repeal a law, revoke in writing, interpolate, forge ; I translate ; I transfer from one list to another. Μετάγύ), (from same and άγω) I lead or car7y away ; mid. bring about. 'Μ.ετχ^χίυύμχι, μετχ^χίομχι, f. -χίσομχι, (same and ^χίνυμα,ι or Ιχίομχή I paj'take of a feast with, associate with, am one of the party. Μετοί^ετεου, (from μετα,^εω) it is iieces- sary to remove from bonds. Μετχ^'ήμιος, -ου, 6, v}, (μετά and ^ν]μιος) among one's people, at home; among the people, affecting the people in general, pre- valent. ΜετχΙίχιτάω, (same and '^(χιτάω) I change a mode of life. Μετχ^ί^χσκω, (same and δ;δάσχίϋ) I give after-instruction, teach different docti'ine, unteach, correct. ΜετχΙί^ωμι, (same and "^ιίωμι) I impart, communicate, transfer. ΜετχΙίομχί, (same and ^ίω) I run to, assail. Μετχ^ιωκω, (same and Ιιωκω) I follow after, pursue, retrace, recollect. Μετχ'^οκεω, -ω, (same and Ιοκεω) I change an opinion : impersonally, μετχ^οκεΐ μοι, I have changed my opinion. Μετχ'όόξττίος, -ov, (from same and ^o^ttou) that which is after supper, a dessert. Μίτάδοσ/ί, -ίίος, v], (from μετχ^'ι^ωμι) an impaiiing, giving a share or help to. Μετχ}>ζομχ^τ,ν, (from μετά antl 'hvόμoς) tvhile running after. 'Μίτχόρημγι, -^c, '<;, (from same) a running fficr, pursuit, •589 Μίτάδξομοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Μίταμ,αίομαι, ΜετάΙξομοζ^ -ου, 6, tj, (from same) that runs after, that pursues, a revenger. ΜίΤΰίζίύγνυμ,ί, (μετά and ζίύγνυμ,ι) I change' the horses, yoke in a different man- ner, MsToiusaigy -/o?, Attic -ίως, ij, (from /jcstoc- τίότημι) a translation^ removal, change, abro- gation. MsTxdeTog, -oy,(from same) changed, chan- geable. Μετΰΐύίω, (^μετά and ^ίω) I rim after. MsTxi'y^yju, (from μ'ετοίΐσσω) jnishing after. Μίτχΐζύ), f. -ϊσω, (from μετοί and 'ίζω) I sit luith. Μετχίξω, (from same and oiiQa) I transfer, transfer myself, remove, depart. Μετχΐσσω, f. -ξω, (from same and ά'ί'σσω) I rush after, folloiv up. MsTXiTscd, (from same and α,Ιτ&ω) I ash to share with, entreat, beg. Μετχιτνις, and μίτοΐίτος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a beggar. Μετοίίτίος, -ου, 6, yj, (from μετά. and ou- τιος) sharing with as a cause, an accomplice. Μετούχμιόΰ, -ου, το, (from same and αϊχμνι) the space between two lines of battle, an interval, afield. Μετούχ,μίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ^''Χμ'Κ) between two armies, intermediate. Μετχκοίβίζύ^^ (same and κα,θίζω) I remove from one seat to another. Μετοίκϋίλεω, -ω, (same and καΤ^εω) I call or send for, invite ; call to, call bach, call from one place to another. '^Ιετοι-κ,εζΆυνυμί, and μετακε^ύω, (same and κεζά,ω) I mix with. Μετοίκιάύω, see μετακ,ίω. '^ίετοίκ,ινεω, -ω, {μετικ, and κ-ινεω} I move away, remove, change, supersede. Μ.ετα,τύυΎΐαίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, Vi, (from same) a removal, exchange, commotion. Μετοίκ,ίντιτόζ, -'ή, -6 ν, (from same) re- moved, removeable. ^Ιετακίζνά,ω, -co, {μετά and κ,ΐξνάω) I mix together, convert into, change. Μετακ,ίύ), μετοίκϊόίύω, (same and κ,Ιω^ I go after, pursue. ΜετοίκΤ^χίω, (same and κ.λοίίω) I weep after, deplore. Μετοίκλάύ), -ω, (same and ί^κάω) I break to pieces. Μετοίχ,^.είω, and μετα,κΊκύ'ζω, (same and κλέ/ώ) or τοκύ'ζύί) I call by a different name. Μ.ετα,τΧ'ιυω, (same and κ\Ίνω) I bend down, decline, change the inclination. Μετάκ-οίνος, -ou, (same and tcoivog) com- mon, participated. Μετακ,ομίξύ), (same and κ-ομίζύ)} I carry aivay, transfer, carry from one to another, spread. ' 590 Μετΰίκοσμεω, (same and κοσμεω) I change the order, arrangement, dress oi» ornament ; transform. Μετοίκόσμησίζί -sag, ij, (from same) a change of arraiigement or dress ; a trans- formation. Μετ&χ,νλιι/Ιεω, {μετά and κυλα/Ζεω) I roll from one place to another. Μετχκ,ϋμιος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and κ,νμα) that removes the waves, that produces calm after a storm : μετΛκύμιον, το, the space between waves. Μετού\.α.γ%6ίνω, (same and λαγγ,άυω) I obtain by exchanging lots, share with a friend, share in common with others. ΜετοίΤ^Λμβα,νω, (same and Τ^αμβάνω) I partake zuith,get, obtain; change, exchange; adopt ; use the figure metalepsis, transpose, take in an allegorical sense. Μετοίλγεω, ί\ -νισω, (from same and «?.- γεω) I feel reluctance or compunction, I re- gret. ΜετΛΚνίγω, (same and A^yn») / cease, de- sist from. Μ.ετα,7\Υΐ'7!•τ"ικος, -vi, -ov, (from μετα,'Κοι,μ- βά,νω) capable of or qualified for partiapa- tion with; pertaining to the figure metalepsis. Μετάλη-ψις, -ιος, Attic -εως,νι,{ΐϊοτη same) a partaking or being partaken of; exchange, explanation, paraphrase, the figure of speech metalepsis, transposition, allegory. ΜετχΤκΆόίγγ,, -ν^ς, and μετάΧλοί^ις, -εως, vj, (from μετοίΧκά,σσω) a change, exchange. Μετάλλακτο?, -ov, (from next) changed, susceptible of change. ΜεταιΧκύσσω, or -άττω, (from μετά and «λλάσσώ)) / change one thing for or into another, exchange, die. ΜετοίΧΚά,τος, -ου, (from next) to be ob- tained by searching, accessible. ΉίεταΧκάω, f. -ijffiy,(from μετά and oiXhog) I seek, inquire after, question. ΜεταλΤνείοί, -ctg, 7], (from μΛτ»70\.εΰω) mining, a mine. Μ£τοίλλ£7ον, -ου, το, (from same) a place for working metals, a mint. Μετά'ΚΤ^ευσις, -εως, ij, (from next) a dig- ging for metal, a searching out, an investiga- tion. ΜετιχΤ^Τ^εΰω, f. -εΰσω, (from μετχ'Κλον) I dig up metal, search out., transform. ΜετοίΚΤακος, -vi, -ou, (from preced.) metal- lic. Μετοι7\.?\.ομ»ί, and μετάλμενος, see μεύά'Κ- Τ^ομα,ι. ΜετοίΤΟ^ον, -ου, το, α mine, ore, metal. Μετιζμάζίος, -ον, (from μετά and μ,χζος) between the breasts. Μετοίμούομοίί, (from same and μάω) I desire or seek after. Μζ7αμ.(χ.νύάνω, A GREEK LEXICON, Μετα•/Γλάσ<ίω. MeTciucc!/d(xu£j, (same and f^ctvuaua^ I learn after, learn something new, repent. MsTciiiisiea), f. -ψώ), (from same and df<,s!- βω) I exchange, change, transform. MsToiiiiXsi, see μ,ζτα,μ,ίΚίω. Μίτα,μ,ίλίία, -οίς. Ion. fisToc^skiYi, -γις, yj, (from next) repentance, dissatisfaction with ones self for what one has done. ΜϊΤοί^£λ£<Μ, f^srci[^ihiof/.cci, and y^TctyA- "hoyoii, f. -τϊσω, imperf. yiriy.ihoy/\y, and -ίόμ,-ήν, -ovyifi'j, 1 f. pass, yir cty.ihriuyiaoy.cti, p. pass. yiToiyiyA'hr,y.ui, 1 a. pass, ysnys- Άτίθην, 1 a. part, ysroiyihriuug, {yzroi and yihia or ^sAuj) / am concerned after something sai4 or done, / repent. See y.iT:ci!.]>, oti, (from μ,ίσος} middle- aged sheep. Μετάστόίσις, -sojg, vj, (from next) transpo- sition, removal, revolution ; change, compli- ance, transition, departure, death. Μετοίστάω, same as μεύίσττιμ:. Μετχστεί^ω, (^ετα and στείχ,ω) I follow after, pursue. Μετιχ.στε7\.λω, (same and στέλλω) I send for. Μετχστει/ω, and μ^ετοίστονοίχίζύ), (same and στευω or στουοιχίζω) I groan afterwai^ds, rue, regret, deplore ; lament with, sympa- thize ; pass from one subject of lamentation to another. Μετοίστοιχει, (from same and στοίχος) in one line. 'Μετα,στζο,τοτΓ^εύω, (same and στξατοττε- "^ενω) I remove my camp. Μετοοστξεφω, (same and στζίφω) Iturn, change, pervert, turn towards. Μεταστζοφ^, -^ς, vj, (from preced.) a turn- ing, change, perversion, Μξτχσχγι/ΛοίτΙζω, f, -ίσο, 1 a. μετεσχ,τιμά- 592 τισΛ, p. (ΛετεσχγιμοίΤίΚΛ, {μετχ and σχγιμοί- τίξω) I transfigure, transform, transfer figu- ratively. ΙΑετα,σχ-ίΐίΛΛΤίσμος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) transfiguration, change of dress οΐ form. 'Μετάσχω, μετχσχγιμί, imperat. μετχσχες, same as μετέχω. Μετατάσσω, {μετά, and τάσσω) I change the order, change my ground, pass over to the enemy, desert, revolt. Μετοίτίζ'ττομα,ι, (same and τε^'^τω) I de- light myself with. Μετα,τίύ'/ιμι, (same and τίόγιμή I trans- fer, remove, change, turn, Μετοίτξεττω, (same and Τξετί'ω) I turn back, or in a different direction ; mid. / turn myself round, change ; turn a thing round in my mind, care for, pay attention to. Μετχτζεφω, f. -Οςεφω, (same and Τξίψω) I bring up with or among. Μετχτζεχω, f. -ύξίζω, (same and τζεχω) I run after, run in a different direction, run away. ΜετοιτξΟ'π'όίλΙζομχι, (same and τξοττχλί- ζομοα) I turn myself round, or to the other side. Μετχτξοττνι, -^ς, and μετα,τ γονιοί, -χς, vj, (from μετχτξί'ΤΓω) conversion, change, revo- lution. ΜετάτξοτΓος, -ovj (from same) turned back, changed. ΜετοίΤζωττάω, (from same) / change. Μετχτξωχάω, same as μετχτξεχω. Μετχτνπ'όω, {μετά and τνττόω) I trans- form. Μετχυγάζω, jiEol. and Dor. 'ττε^χυγάζω, (from same and χύγάζω) I look back on a thing from a distance, descry. Μετ»υ}ίάω,{ίτοτο. same and χυ^άω)! speak with, address, accost. Μετχυλος, Attic for μεσχυλος. Μετχύξίον, (from μετά and av^iov) after to-morrow. Μετχυτίκχ, (from same and χυτίκχ) immediately after. Μετχυτις, (from same and χυτις) after- wards, thereupon. Μετάφίξω, (same and φέξω) I transfer, carry away, speak metaphorically, Μετάφτημι, (same and φνιμι) I speak with, accost. Μετχφοξά, -χς, oj, (from μετχφε^ω) a translation, a transference, a metaphor. Μετχφξάξω, f. -χσω, {μετά and φξάξω) I translate, interpret : μετχφξχζομχί, I dis- cuss with myself, deliberate; I discuss after- luards, reconsider. Μετάφξχσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vi, (from preced.) a change of phrase, translation., into'pretation, exposition. 10 ■i Μετάφξενον. A GREEK LEXICON. ΜετύΙχ,ίον. 'Μ.ζτίφξενον^ -ov, το, (from same and φξί- i/gf. See φξνιρ) the part of the back adjacent to the reins. Μετόίφξων, -ouog, ^o\. στί^ά,φζων^ (from (Λζτοί and φζ'^ν) ivise after, slowly wise. ΜετΛψντεύω, (same and φυτεύω) I trans- plant. ΜετΛφωυεω, (same and φωu6ω) I call after or back, address again, reply to. Μετοίχα.βΙ/:Λ, (θ'<ί<ηπηΏ) were hiding or hid themselves, 1 Chron. xxi. 20. in some copies eiToneously written f/.sff άχοίβίυ. Μετοίχείζίζω, f. -7σω, {(Λετά. and ■χ,ξίζίζω) I give into the hands ; I taJce in hand, ma- nage, administer, attend to. Μετα,χύόνιος, -ou, (from same and χύων) supernatural. Μετοίχζόι^ίος, -ou, (from same and χξόι^ος) after time, posterior, subsequent; on high\ in heaven. Μξτχχξόω, (from same and χζως or χξόα,) I change the skin ; or the colour. Μίτχχωξίω, (same and χοίξεω) I go to another place, change place or party. ΜετΛ-ψοίίξω, (same and -ψαΐζω) I brush with, strike against, remove to another place. Μετεεξγω, plup. pass, μ,ετεε^το, for (Λετέ- εξκτο, (from same and εί'ζγω) I inclose with, set in or with. Μετειμι, (from ^gra and ειμί) I am with or among, am present; I partake with, share in. Μετει /ici, (from same and gl^/) I go after, follow, pursue; I go back, go to another place or state, change, die. Μετείττω, see μ,ετεχύ). Μετεκφίξω, (from μετά, and εκφίζω) I carry out after. Μετε/χ,βχίι/ω, (from same and εμβαίνω) I embark across ; embark in a different vessel. Μετεμ\1/ύχο)σις, -εως, vj, (from same and εμ-φυχόω) the metempsychosis or transmigra- tion of souls. ΜετΒ'Λύύ), μ,ετίν^υμ,ι, μετεν^ΰομοα, (from same and iuovu) I put on one dress after another, change my dress, change my colour. Μετεννί'ζω, (from same and ευνεττω) 1 speak with, or teU ; speak with, or call to, those behind. Μετεντίύγιμι, (from same and ίντίθημι) I remove what has been 2>ut into one ship into another. Μετεζχίξεω, f. -ί}σω, 2 a. m. μετεζείλό- fAviu, (from same and εξχίζίω) I transfer, re- move a cargo. 'Μ.ίτε^Λνίστημι, (from same and i^ocula- τγιμ,ι) I remove and settle in another place, banish to another country : μετίζ,α,νίστάΐΛοι,ι, I rise np to go out of one place into another. Μΐτε^ίτΐξος, -oi, -ou, (from same, εκ, and ετεξος) OTie after another ; plur. some other persons. Mgrg-rg/Tfli, (from same and eVg/ra) aftei^- wards. Μετεττω, 2 a. μετεΊ'ττου, Ion. ^srgg/xo;/, (from same and ε-τ^ω) I speak to, address. Μετεβρος, JEoil. for μετξίος. Μετέςχομοίΐ, (from μετχ and ίζχομ,α,ί) I come with, among; or to ; go from one to another; desire earnestly, solicit, entreat, supplicate. '^Ί.εχεΰγβμΛΐ, (from same and εύχομαι) I change my wishes, retract my prayer. Μετέχω, (from same and Ίχω) I partake. Μετεω, for μετω, pres. subj. of μετειμι. Μετεωξίζω, f. -ϊσω, 1 f. pass, μετεωζίσθ'ή- σομα,ι, 1 a. pass, εμετεωςίσθrιu, (from μετεω- ςος) I lift up on high, put out to sea ; pass. am agitated, am in anxious suspense; am uncertain or wavering, am of an inconstant unsteady character. Μετεωξίσις, -ιος, vi, (from preced.) a lifting up on high, elevation. Μετεωξίσμος, -ου, ο, (from same) some- thing lifted up, a wave ; elation, pride. Μετεωξοκ,οττεω, (from μετεωξος and κό-τττω) I labour in high speculations, beat the air with wings, flutter, labour in vain. ΜετεωζοΚεσγ,εω, or μετεωξοΧογεω, (from same and "Κεσ-χ/ΐ) I prate about the stars, or about sublime, celestial, supernatural things. ΜετεωξοΤ^εσχνις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a vain talker about things above the human faculties. Μετέωρος, or μεττιοξος, -ου, 6, v], (from μετά and αι'ξω) high, susjiended, floating ; agitated with hopes and fears, anxious, in an- xious suspense: μετεω^ως, aloft, in suspense. Μετεωξοσοφιστνίς, -ου, ο, (from preced. and σοφιστ'ής) a sophist ivho affects to dis- cuss sublime doctrines, or to treat of the phe- nomena of the heavens. Μετεωξοφίροίξ, -ά,κος, 6, (from same and (pgi/af) one who imposes on people by an affectation of abstruse science. Μετιγιμι, Ion. for μεθίνιμι. Μετοικ,εσ^ιά., -ας, ί), (from μετά and οικίω) a migration, or removing from one habita- tion or country to another, a transportation or transplantation, exile ; a soft term used both by the LXX and by Matthew, for the Babylonish Captivity. Μετοίκεο), (from same) / make to remove. Μξτοίκτησις, -εως, and μετοικϊά, -χς, ^, (from μέτοικος) migration, exile. Μετοικίζω, (from μετά, and οίκίζω) I cause to change the habUalion, remove from one habitation to another. MiToUiou, -ου, το, (from same and οίκος) a tax paid by strangers for the piivilege of F 593 Μίτωκίΰτής. A GREEK LEXICON. Μί5. residing at Athens: μίτοΐκια, -ων, τ«, a festival in the month ίχχτο/ίοβοίίωι/^ at Athens, in commemoration of the union of the citizens of Attica, and their settlement in fixed habitations. Μβτοικ,/στ'ής, -ov, o, (from /ίατοίκΙζω) a founder of a colony. 'Μ.ζτοΐΆ^6(Λθζ^ -ου, ο, (from μ,ξτά, and οίκο^ομ,ίω) one who changes his house; an inmate. Μίτοικ,ος, -ου, 6, % (from same and οίκος) an emigrant, stranger, exile. Μίτοίκοφύλαξ, -α,κος, ο, (from preced. and φυ'κύσσω) a superintendent and protector of strangers residing in Attica. '^Ιίτοίχομ,α,ι, (from (Λίτά, and οΐχο[Λ»ι) I go with or afte?\ accompany, follow, go for or in search of, pursue, call back ; I go to another place, depart. ΜίτοκΚάζο, (from same and οκκά,ζω) I fall, sink upon my Icnee, cower. Μετονομάζω, (from same and ονομάζω) I call by a different name ; use one word for another. Μζτοττάζω, (from same and οτιτάζω') I bestow upon. Mstottyi, -ης, h, (from same and oV'^) a metope, the space between triglyphs. MsToV/y, (from same and οτιτις) and μί- τόττίσΟε, (from same and οτησύβ) from be- hind, afterward. MsTOTTCjQcCi -ας, τ}, and μζτό'ττωξον, -ου, το, (from same and οττω^α,) the time after har- vest, autumn. Μζτοττωζίνος, -vj, -ov, (from preced.) au- tumnal. Μ.ίτοξμίζομΆΐ, for μεβοξμίζομαί. Μετόξχ,ίον, -ου, το, (from μετά and οξχος) the space between the rows of vines in a vineyard. Μετουσίά, -χς, τ], (from μ&τειμι) a pai't- nership, communication with. Μετοχ,ετεΰύ), (from μετά. and οχετός) I draw off QY convey from one place to another by canals. Μετοχ,τι, -νις, vj, (from μετέχω) a partaking, participation, agreement. Μετο'χΚίζο), (from μετά and όχλίξω) I remove by means of a lever, or by force. Μέτοχος, -ου, 6, (from μετέχω) apartaker, assoaate, partner. Με'τζεω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. μεμετ^τηκα,. 1 a. εμετξτησχ, 1 f. pass, μετ^νιθ'ήσομα,ί, p. pass. μεμετζπμοίΐ, (from μετξον) I measure, mete. Με'τ^7]μοι, -ατός, το, (from preced.) that which is measured, a certain quantity, a cer- tain allowance, a stipend. Μετ(ΐΎΐσις, -εως, τ], (from same) measure- ment, valuation. Μετ^ιητ'ής, -ου, ο, (from ρ, pass, of same) 594 a measurer ; a measure. In LXX, this word is used once, 3 Kings xviii. 32. for the Hebrew seah, equal to about two gal- lons and a half English ; but as the seah is mentioned in Scripture only as a mea- sure of things dry, it is thought more pro- bable that μετζγιτνις, in John ii. 6. means the bath, for which also it is once used, 2 Chron. iv. 5. and which is generally reck- oned equal to seven gallons and a half English, some say but four and a half. The precise quantity, however, is very uncer- tain. Με'τξΥίτος, -tj, -ov, (from same) measured, that may be measured. Μϊτξίάξω, (from μετςίος) lam middling, am sick ; I act with moderation. Μετξίοττάύεία, -ας, v}, (from next) a go- vernment of the passions. Μετ^ιοτιταύεω, -ω, (from'next and -ττάύος) I moderate my anger, pardon, treat with mildness or gentleness ; have a right measure of sympathy with or compassion for. Με'τξίος, -a, -ov, (from μίτξον) middling, moderate, just : μίτξίως, moderately, scan- tily, a little, sufficiently. Μετζίότης, -ητος, v}, (from preced.) mo- deration, frugality, temperance, mediocrity. Μΐτξον, -ου, το, a measure, moderation : John iii. 34. εκ. μετςου, by a measure, i. e. sparingly, with limitation, Μετωνυμία, -ας, vj, (from μετά and όνομα) a change of name, the use of a word in a different sense, metonymy. Μετωΐί-Ϋ^ον, (from μετο)'7Γον) in front. ΜετάτΓίον, -ου, το, (from next) the front. Μετωττον, -ου, το, (from μετά and ώίψ) the forehead, the front, the face. Μευ, Dor. and Ion. for μου, gen. of Ιγω. Με'χζί, and μίχξίς, unto, even to, iintil: μίχςις ου, how long ? Μεχωνωθ, (m3l3n) bases, 3 Kings vii. 27- M% not, lest, what? whether? In gene- ral μ^ prohibits, ου denies, but, where an affirmation immediately precedes it, μ'ή also denies : ου is a direct and definite ne- gative, mostly used in propositions which are independent of others, as ου φτημι, I say no, I deny, also with single substantives, when they and the negative make a whole, as, ^ ου ττεξίτεΙχίσις, the not blockading : μνι, on the contrary, is used with conjunctions, which are chiefly used in dependent proposi- tions, such as εάν, ει, ha, &c. hence its use as a conjunction, like the Latin ne, in pro- hibitions, or entreaties, or where any thing is to be prevented. Again after verbs, some such phrase as, I fear, is expressed or understood, thus, aXha τούτο μνι ου θε- μιτού ri, this ca?inof be rigid, for, I fear Μηγε, Λ GRERK LEXICON. that this catmot be right. With relatives, if the relative refers to a definite person or thing, of which any thing is distinctly de- nied, ov is put ; if it refers to an indefinite person or thing which is only understood, μ'ή is put. Hence, ού is used when the principal verb of the proposition, and to- gether with it, the whole proposition is to be negatived; f/y/j, when the negation is con- fined to one word only of the proposition. Mjjyg, (preced. and ye) not tridy^ not in- deed. Μ>5δά^^, Ion. yy/iha,y,oi^ and poet, f/y/ihoc- μ,ά,, (from /ατη^χμος) never, no ivhere; hy no means, not at all. M'/iooifAOUiu, (from next) not from any l)L•ce : μ-ή^ώμόύι, μϊ}θόίμο7, and /^-/i^ocfiov, no where. 'Μη^οίμ,ος, ->?, -01/, (from μτι, δδ, and ά,μος) no one: (Λη^οίμ,ως^ by no means. MyjSs, {{/.'ή and Bi) nor, neither, not even. M'/jSsic, μηΐ^μ,ίοί, y.r^su, (from preced. and itg) not one, no one, none. M/iBiVoTg, (same and -τΐοτί) never. Μ/ίδΙχίϋ, (same and τιτω) not yet. ΜΎΐΙίτζζος, -a, -ov, (from same and Ire^oV) neither : μ,ιη^ζτίξοίς, neither way. Μτη^ίτίξωσί, (from preced.) on neither side. Μγ^Ιζω, f. -Χσύ), (from Μ'^δο?) 1 imitate or favour the Medes. M/jBi'/ioV, -'hi -ov, (from same) of the Medes. M^jSc^at^, or μ,'ήθοίΛΧί, f. y.r,Qoy^a.i, (Ion. for μΛΙομ,αι) I meditate, design, plan ; exe- cide with great art and skill ; take care of, concern myself about. Μ^δο?, -Of, 0, a Mede. Μνΐ^ος, -εος, το, care, counsel, deliberation, design, plan, wisdom, prudence. Islr^oriovv, (from f/,-ii^i on ovv) nothing rvhatever, not by any means. Μγιύύς, same as yri^elg. Μ-ήκχς, -ΰίίος, 'ή, (from next) a bleating she-goat or sheep. Μγικάύ), f. -<ί}σω, p. μεμτικ,τικχ, by sync. μί/^71κοί, 2 a. 'ϊμ,Λκον, — μ,Υικά,ζω, f. -οίσο), p. μ.ί(Λά,κ»•, hence Ion. μ,ίμ,'/ικω, imperf. ίμ,ί- μ,Υίκον, I bleat, make a helpless cry, moan. Μϊΐκίτί, (ji45? and 'in) no more, no longer. Μϊ^κ,ος, -eog, -ους, το, (from μίγοίς) length. Μτηκννύ), f. -vua, 1 a. ίμ,'ήκυυοί, (from pre- ced.) / lengthen, prolong, delay. Μνικων, -ύ)υος, vj, the wild poppy ; the cultivated species is f^vjfcav ί^μ,ίζος. MriKCiviou, -ov, TO, the inspissated juice of the poppy, opium. ΜγικωνΙς, -ϊδο?, ^, a kind of lettuce, thought to have, like the poppy, soporific virtues. ΜήΤ'ίκ, -χς, vi, an apple tree. MsjXs/o?, -ot, -OV, (from μ.Ϋί'Κον) of or be- longing to sheep. Μ^λ>7, ->??, vi, a surgeons probe, Μ•/{κ1ΰα)ύμ.ος, -ov, 6, (from jCi'^Aoi/ and iuv6- μ,ος) a sheepfold. Μ//λΓτ>3?, -ου, 6, (from y^riKou) made of the juice of apples. Μγι'Κοβοτ'-ήζ, -^ζος, [/,γιΚοβότγις, -ov, 6, (from same and βόσκω) a shepherd. Μηλόβοτοζ, -ov, (from same) pastured by sheep. Μϊΐ7,ο'^6κος, -ov, 0, 9}, (from μ^τ,ον and U- χοίΛΛί) receiving sheep. Μγιλούντγις, -ov, 0, (from same and Άνω) a sacrificer of cattle, a priest. Μγιτ,ολόνύγι, ^YiTiQ^avh, -ης, h, y^riho'^ov- θγις, -ov, 0, (from next and οίνθος) a beetle or golden fly. Mvi'hov, -ov, TO, (from y.fihkct) an apple; the cheek, the temple of the head, the female breast : wealth, sheep, cattle. Μ.γ}7\.ονομίνζ, -ίως, yyi7^ovo,u/ig, Dor. μγιΚον- όμοίς, and fAYihovoyog, -ου, 6, (from preced. and viya) a shepherd. Μγμκο'ττάζίίος, Dor. μ,οίΚοττόίζαος, and y/i- Τ^οττάζ'^ος, -ov, 6, 71, (from same and 'πα,οίΐά) having cheeks round and blooming like apples. Μ-η'λόσττοζος, -ov, (from same and αττείξοή planted with apple trees. ΜηΤ,οσφκγίω, (from same and σφάξω) I sacrifice sheep. 'Μ-/ι?.Οτξόφος, -ov, 0, y}, (from same and τξίψω) that feeds sheep. Μ-/ι?^οφόνος, -ov, (from same and φένω) that slaughters sheep. ΜγιΆοφοζΒω, {irom same and φsξω)Icarry or bear apples. MjiAiJT'/?, -ij;, vi, (from ^^Aoj/) a sheep's skin luith the wool on, Heb. xi. 37• Μ'ήΤ,ωφ, -ωττος, ο, (from same and ω^p) having the yellow colour of a ripe apple. Mijv, μγινός, 0, (from y7]v/i) a month. Μ'ήν, Dor. yav, but, truly, verily, surely. Μ-ηνά,ς, -οίίος, and ywYi, -γις, vi> the moon. MYiViotlog, -λΊ», -oilov, (from fcviu) monthly, of a month. MYiviccya, -ecTo;, το, (from yviv ι ς) indigna- tion, anger. Μγινίύω, f. -ύσω, (from same) I am angry. Μΐ}ν{γξ, -ίγγος, τ], a skin or mevibranc, the membrane of the brain; the lees of wine. Μγινιθμος, -ov, 0, (from μ.-ήνίω) wrath. Umyoc, -ατός, το, (from same) a burst of anger; a subject of anger ; a consequence of anger, murder. Μνινις, -ιος, ace. yviviv, v], (from //Ανω) con- firmed or j)ermanent anger. Μγινίσχ,ος, -ov, o, (from /utivy)) a little moon, an ornament, Mylvtωy or μγινίω, f. •Τσω, same as μπριάω. 595 Μψοϋδης, A GREEK LEXICON. Μ^ιχανοξξαφίύ). M/iuosiZ'^g, -sVj (from fcvju-^ and siZog^ lu- nated. WifivD^,», -ezTog, ro, (from μγ]ΰύω) an indi- cation, a sign, information, discovery. Μν^νϋσίς, -ίως, ^, (ft'om same) indication, discovery, denunciation. Μ'/ΐΰύτνίζ, -νΐζος, ι^γινυτ^ς, -ου, μ,-^νύτω^, -οξος, 6, (from same) an informer, an accuser. MviuuT^ov, -Of, TO, (from next) a reward for informing. Mjji/iiy, Dor. μ,α,υΰω, f. -ϋσω, p. μ,ζι^νινυχ,Λ, 1 a. iy,v}vvao(,, 1 a. pass, sfi-^vvuviu, (perhaps from f^'/iUYi) I indicate, show, signify, declare, inform against. Myi'ttots, (jC6)9 and tots) lest at any time, lest, whether, if so be, if perhaps, perhaps. Μνιττω, (same and πω) not yet. ΙΆΫιττως, (same and •πως) lest by any means, lest peradventure. Μνΐζΐι/βος, -ου, 6, (prob. for μ,ιίίξυνύος, from (ΛΠ^νω) a cord, a string. Μιηξίον, -ου, το, and μτηξός, -ου, 6, (from μίίξω) the thigh, the side ; plur. [ΛτηξοΙ, and Μγιςοβρχφ'^ς, -ίος, ο, (from preced. and ρύτίτω) sewed up in a thigh, an epithet of Bacchus. Μγ}ξυκ,{σμ6ς, -ου, 6, (from next) rumina- tion, the chewing of the cud. Ί\)ίγΐξύκ,ω, μ,νίξυΛά,ζω, and μιη^υκάομοα, (from next) / chew the cud, ruminate. Μ^ξϋω, f. -ύσω, p. -κ,χ, I revolve, roll or wind up, draw out into a thread, spin. Mvial, dat. pkn*. of μ,νιν. Μ,'ήστωζ, -ωζος, 6, (from /63}δο^α/) an ad- viser, counsellor, planner. MojTs, (^55 and τέ) neither, nor. M^r>3g, Dor. μ,ά,τ-ήζ, -τεξος, contr. -τξος, 7], a mother. Mijr/, {μ'η and τι) what? whether? is not ? what not ? far from it, much less. Mijr/, for μ,'ήτι'ί, dat. of ^'^r^?. 'Μ.γ^τίά.ω, -ω, (from μτ^τις) I deliberate, consult, plan, plot, contrive, determine. Μ.γιτ'ίίτ'ης, JE,o\. μ•ητίίτχ, -ου, 6, (from same) an adviser, a counsellor ; an epithet of Jupiter, the source of all good counsel. ΉίΎΐτίζο(Λ»ι, and μϊ)τΙομ»ί, same as μ,τί^ο- Μητιόείς, -saaot, -eu, (from next) wise, inventive, skilfully prepared. M'^T/f, -ihog, or -ιος, τ], acc. μ,τίτιν, same as f^^i^og. MjjT/g•, -τίνος, {(Λ<^ and τις) any one? Mijrga, -α,ς, vj, (from /^vjtviq) the womb, matrix. Μνιτ^οί'/υζτίω, (from same and a,yii(Ha) I go about collecting money for Cybele. Μ-ητίΐά.γϋξτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a men- dicant priest of Cybele. 596 Μ-ητξόί'^Βλφος, or μγιτζοί^ελφεος, -ου, 6 and oj, (from jwijrji^ and άΐε'λφος) a mother*s brother, or a mother s sister. ΜητςοίΤίΟίχς, Attic μ,τ,ΤξοίΤ^ωνις, -ου, 6, (from same and άΤ^οιάω or άλοάώ») a mur- derer, or rather, a striker, of his mother. Μητξίχ,ος, -VI, -6u, (from /ίΐ'/]Τ'ηξ) maternal. Μϊ}Τξό^οκος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and Μχο/ΧΛ() received by the mother. Μγιτξόύεν, (from μ7Jτylξ)from the mother, from the mother'* s side. Μ,γιτζοκόίσίγνϊΐτος, -ου, ό, (from same and κΛσίγνγιτος) a maternal uncle. Μϊΐτξο/^ΰΙτωξ, Dor. /ίίΰίτζομόίτωζ, -Οξος, μοίτξομ,άτγΐζ, •£ξος, 5j, (from μ'ητνίξ) a mo- ther s mother. ΜγιτζοτΓοίτωζ, -οξος, 6, (from same and ttu- τ'ήξ) a mother's father. Μνιτζόττολίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, 9], (from same and 'ττόλις) a mother city, a metropolis, a chief city. Μ'/ιτξο'πό'Κος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and 'ΤΓο'Κεω) one who assists mothers in child- birth. Μγιτξοφόνος, and μτιΤ^οφόντγις, -ου, ό, v], (from same and φει/ω) one who has slain his mother: (ΛΥίτξόφονος, slain by his mother. ϋΛπτζυιοί, 'όίς, ifi, (from μνιτη^ a step- mother. Μ-ητζωος, -ct, -ov, (from same) maternal; belonging to Cybele mother of the gods : f^yj- τξωου, -ου, το, the temple of Cybele: fcn- τζψοί, -ων, Tcc, the sacred rites of Cybele.' 'Μ.7]τξως, -ωος, 6, (from same) a maternal uncle ; a maternal grandfather ; plur. an- cestors by the mother s side. Μνιχόίνοίω, -ω, f. -7]σω, used mostly in the middle, (Λ•ϊ\γ^Λνά.ομ,οι,ι, (from (ΛΥΐγ,Λνή) I con- trive, plan, plot against; bring about by skill or management; construct by mechani- cal means, fabricate, execute with skill; per- form, accomplish. ΉΙηχ,οί,νεύω,ί. -εΰσω, p. pass, μ,εμ,τηχ,άνευμ,χι, (from next) / invent machines, build, fabri- cate. Μγιχ,ά,ννι, -τίς, vj, a machine, engine ; the means of bringing about an effect, an expe- dient, stratagem, artifice. M.yix,oiv^/icx, and /ί(,•η^άνωμχ, -ecTog, το, (from μγιχχνάω) the same as the preceding. Μιηχάννίσίζ, -ί^ς, 9], (from same) the em- ployment of a ?nachine or of an artifice. Myix»vUog, -o?, -ov, (from same) mechani- cal, ingenious. 'Μνιχικ,νο^ϊφνις, -ου, ο, (from μ,γιχοίννί and ^ιφύω) an inventor of machines. Μηχ,α.νο'ττοιος, -ου, 6, (from same and ττοιεω) a machine maker, an engineer. Μϊΐχχνορβοίφεω, (from same and ρά,τΐτω) I plot, contrive, intrigue. wmmm Μ-ηχανοξξάφος. A GREEK LEXICON. Μιμίομαι* Μγιχοίΐ/ορβ^φος, -ου, ο, τ], (from prececl.} that employs artifices, an intriguer. Μνιχ,όίζ, -ΰίτος, το, (poet, for fiyixccu'^) a remedy. Mij)cos, -ζος, το, poet, for f^nx^wi}. Μ/α. See under iig. Μίΰίίνω, f. -όίνω, p. μ,ζμ,ία,γκα,, 1 a. Ιμ,ίγιυοι,, 1 f. pass. ιΐΛίοίυύνισομοι,ί, p. pass. μ^ζμ'κχ,μ,^ΛΛί, Attic [Λεμ,ίχσ(Λ(χ.ί, 1 a. pass. s//,ioiuUYiu, I stain, pollute, defile. Μαιαφο!/£ύ}, (from preced. and φόι/ος) I pollute with slaughter ; I murder. Μίχιφονίόί, -χς, 71, (from same) murder. Μίΰίίφόνος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same) polluted with slaughter, a murderer. ^Ιία,μ,μ,α^ -χτος, το, same as yJccaf^ci, some interpret it as equivalent to βάμ,μ,α,. Miccuatg, -ιος, Attic -εως, jj, (from y^ixiuu) staining, pollution. ΜίΜζίοί, -α,ς, τ}, (from next) defilement, villany. Μΐόίζος, -ξά, -ξον, (from μ,ια,ίυω) polluted: ΙΛίΛζως, basely. ΜΙχσμ,Λ, -α,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of same) a pollution, defilement. Μιχσμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a pollution, defiling. Μϊάστωξ, -οξο;, ό, (from same) 07ic who is polluted. Miyoc, μ.ιγα^Ύ\ν, μ,ίγ^α,, ^iyhviv, (from yAyoi) promiscuously, confusedly, mutually blended. Μίγύζομ,οίΐ, (from same) / mix with, lie luith. Μίγάς, -ochog, 6, τι, (from same) mixed. Miyeu, for εμ,ίγησχν, 3 pi. 2 a. pass, of μίγνυ,ΐΛί. M/y^ot, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of next) a mixture. Μίγϋυ/ϋί, (Λΐ^νΰω, or ^iya, (from fΛiyω, has) f. μ,ί'ί,ο), p. μ,ίμ,ίχα,, 1 a. ϊμι^Λ, 2 a. pass. i-l^iynu, 1 a. pass. iy,i-^Q/\u, p. pass. [/AfAiyfAoti, I mix, mingL• : f/,iyuvf/.oit, I have intercourse with. Μιτηφόνος, Ion. for μιχίφόνος. Μίβζχς, -ου, ο, a Persian divinity, the sun. Μίκκός, and /αικκ,ύλος, Dor. for μ,ικ^ός. Μίκςοκίΐ/Ιϋι/ος, -ου, 6, vi, (from [Λίκζος and κίνΙυνος) that exposes himself to danger on trifling occasions ; little exposed to danger, cautious. Μίκξολογίομχί, (from μ,ικζο'Κόγος) I ga- ther for myself little things, attend to trifles, calculate with minute accuracy, am parsi- monious ; take offence at trifles, am addicted to cavilling : /aiKQo^oyyiriou, must be 2)arn- monious. Μίκζο'Κογί», -ας, ij, (from next) minute calcidation or discussion; parsimony, sordid- ness ; small talk, insignificant diction. MίκoQ■κόyoς, -ου, 6, ij, (from /ιακ,ξός and Άόyoς) attentive to little things, mean, parsi- monious, cavilling. Μίκξοττοίίω, (from same and ττοίίω) I make little, diminish, degrade. Μίκ,ξοττοίός, -ου, 6, v], (from same) that lessens, degrading, mean. ΉΙικζΟ'ττο'ΚΤτης, -ου, ό, (from μικ,ζος and τιτοΤ^ίτγις) a citizen of a small state. Μίκζοττρζτηιχ, -χς, v], (from same and ττξίττω) meanness, parsimony. Μικξοττζζτιτνις, -ίος, ό, τ], (from same) mean, parsimonious, illiberal. Μικ,ζος, -χ, -6u, Attic σμικ^ρς, small, lit- tle: ΐΛίκξου, for ωστί μ,ικ,^ου 'πQ^xy(Λxτoς "hiiv, so that a little matter was wanting, it might have easily or readily happened that, Μικ,ξόστομ,ος, -ου, 6, 7], (from preced. and στόμχ) having a small mouth or aperture. 'Μικξότης, -ττήτος, τ], (from μίκξός) little- ness, insignificaiice. ΜικζοχχξΥις, -Βος, ό, ί], (from same and χ,αίζω) i^ejoicing in little things, fond of mi- nute beauties. Μίκξο-ψυχίχ, -χς, γ„ (from next) pusilla- nimity. Μίκξό-ψϋχος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from μίκ,βος and ■ψυχτ}) pusillanimous. Μίκξϋνω, (from μικ,ξος) I diminish. Μίκζως, (from sam.e) in a little degree. Μικ,τός, -jj, -ou, (from μίyuυμι) mixed. Μ7λχζ„ for σμίΆχζ,, -χκος, ;j, the yew tree ; a kind of ivy. ΜίΆτητος, -ου, τι, and Μίλγιτοι/, -ου, το, Mi- letus, an ancient maritime city of the Io7i- ians in Caria in Asia Minor : Μίλ'/ισίος, -χ, -ου, belonging to Miletus : oi ΜιΤ^ν^σιοι, the Milesians. Μίλιχξω, (from next)/wa;'A• a road with mile-stones. Μιλίου, -ου, το, (from Lat. niille) a mile. Μίλτείος, -χ, -ou, (from μίλτος) of ver- milion. ΜίλτγιΚιφγ,ς, -ες, (from same and χκύφω) painted with vermilion. ΜίλτΊυος, -γι, -ou, (from μίλτος) marked with vermilion. Μίλτο7Γχξ9]ος, -ου, ό, vj, (from next and 'ΤΓΧζίΐχ) having the cheeks painted red ; hav- ing the prow painted red, crimson pi owed. Μίλτος, -ου, ί], vermilion, red lead, red ochre, rust, mildew, the red blight of corn, Μιλτόω, f. -ώΐσώί, (from T^recea.) I make of a red colour. Μίλτό)θΥΐς, -ες, (from same) red. Μίμχξκίς, -ίως, sj, ΟΓ μίμχ(^κυς, -υος, 7], a dish made of hare's ficsh hashed and mixed with the blood, Μϊμίομχί, -ουμχί, f. mid. μίμ'ησομχί, p. 597 Μίμ^'ήμ^α, A GREEK LEXICON. Μιούοφοζψζος, pass. μζμίμ,γΐ(Λοίΐ, (from μίμος) I imitate, follow, co'py after. ΜΤμημοί^ -otrog, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) imitation, representation, copy. Μίμησις, -εως, vj, (from same) imitation, mimickry. Μϊμτητίος, -«, -ou, (from same) necessary to be imitated : ^t^viTeou, must imitate. Ίήιμγιτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) an imitator, a follower. Μιμνιτΐκος, -^, -ov, (from same) qualified for or inclined to imitation, imitative: μιμη- τίκως, by imitation. Μιμνιτος, -v}, -oV,-(from same) imitated, that may be imitated. Μιμνάζο), from μίμνω. Μιμνήσκ,ω, (from μνά,ω, has) f. μνησω, p. μ'ίμυηκΰ!,, 1 a. mid. ΙμϋΥΐσάμγιν, 1 f. pass. μΐ'ΥίσΗ'^ομοίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ιμ^^σύγιν, p. pass. μίμ^ννίμκι, I cause to remember, remind; pass. / am mindful, remember. ΊΑιμνω, poet, for μένω ; μιμνόνησσι, poet, dat. pi. of pres. part, for μίμυονσι. Μίμος, -ου, 6, an imitator, mimic, actor. Μίμω, -6ος, contr. -ους, τ], an ape. Μιμω^ος, -ου, 6, (from μίμ^ος and ωδι)} a singer of obscene songs, a buffoon. M/V, a poetic indecl. pron. ace. for abroy, α,υττιν, αυτό, him, her, it: also for the ace. pi. αυτούς ; sometimes for αυτού, and αύττις. Mhvuo), Ton. imperf. μινύύεσκ,ον, (from μιυυος) I diminish, waste, consume. Mhuuda, (from same) a little, for a short time. Μΐυυνύα,^ίος, -a, ov, (from next) short- lived. Μινυός, -sH, -ov, same as μικρός. Μ7ι/ΰζίζω^ f, -Ιίσω, μινυ^ίζομα,ι, and μίνϋ- ξομαι, (from μιυυζος) I sing with a low voice, warble plaintively ; used nearly in the same sense as κ,ινΰξομαι. Μίϋύζίσμοί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a low-toned song, warbling, chirping. M'ίuΰξ^ς, -a, -ou, (from μ(νυος) little, slen- der, tiny; singing or speaking in a low or plaintive tone, querulous, whining, chirping. Μ'ΐυνωζίος, or μίννωξος, -ou, (^from same and ύ)ξα) short-lived, of short duration. Mil, same as μίγία, Μίξίς, -εως, vj, (from μίγνυμι) a mixing, commerce ; mixture, composition. Μίξοβάξβΰίξος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and βάξβαςος) half barbarian. Μίξοβόας, -ου, 6, τ], (from μίξίς and βοάω) sending forth a confused cry, vociferous. Μι^ό&πζ, -νίξος, ο, y], (from same and ^vjq) half bride. ψ Μίί,όύζοος, 'ου, ό, η, (fiom same and ^ξ^ύ)) tittering confused sounds. 598 Μιξόμβξοτος, -ου, 6, ij, (ΐτοφ same and βξοτός) half human. Μιζ,ονόμος, -ου, 6, ^,(from same and νέμω) feeding promiscuously. Μι^οττάζύενος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ττα^ύενος) partly a virgin. "^ Μ-ΐσαγαόΙα, -ας, v}, (from μισεω and αγα- θός) a hatred of goodness. Μϊσάι/ύξωτΓος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and άι^ύζωττος) a misanthrope, a man-hater. M/ffyec, same as μίγ^α. Μισγάγκεια, ^ας, vj, (from next and οίγκ,ος) a narrow valley. Μίσγω, (from μ,ίγω) I mix. Μίσελλγιι/, -ηνος, 6, 'ή, (from next and^EA- "Κην) one who hates the Greeks. Μϊσεω, -ω, f. --ήσω, p. μεμΙσΠ'Λα, 1 a. εμίσ•/;- σα, 1 f. pass, μισνιύνισομαι, p. pass, μεμίσϊ]- μαι, (from μίσος) I hate, love less than. Miand^ou, -ου, το, (from preced.) a medi- cine or charm to produce hatred ; opp. to φί7\.τζου. Μίσνιμα, -ατός, το, (from same) an object of hatred or dislike, a hatred. Μ-Τσιητεία, or μισητία, -ας, vj, (from same) hateful practice, lewdness. Μίσνιτίος, -a, -ou, (from same) to be hated: μίσyιτίou, must hate. M<"o-HToV, -vi, -ou, (from same) hated ; to be hated, odious ; opp. to άγα'ττγιτός. Μ-ΐσύοίττο^οσία, and μισύο^οσια, -ας, ij, (from μισύός and άττοίβωμή a recompense, pay. ΜισύατιτοΙότης, -ου, 6, (from same) a re- compenser, a rewarder. MiGUa^iou, -ου, το, (from μισύός) a small Μ,ίσθαζϋίω, -ω, f. -Vjoa, 1 a. Ιμισύάξϋτησα, (from same and aξuυμa:) I receive wages, earn, work for hire. Μισόαξϋία, -ας, h, (from same) a working for hire. ΜίσβαςχίΙνις^ -ου, ό, (from μίσύός and αξ- χ'/ΐ) a mercenary officer. Μίσθιος, -ία, -lou, or μίσθιος, -ου, ο, vj, (from μισθός, with auθqω'7ΐoς or ^όιίκος under- stood) a hired servant, a hireling. ΜισθοΙοτεω, (from same and Ιόω} I give wages, keep in pay. ΜισθοΙότης, -ου, 6, (from same) a pay- master. Μισθός, -ου, 6, hire, ivages, reward, recom- pense, retribution. Μισθοφοξα, -ας, 5j, (from preced. and ος, -τι, -ov, (from same) that may be hired, mercenary, venal. Μίσύωσις, -εως, tj, (from same) the act of hiring, of lettijig out, or of engaging for hire. Μισθωτ'ής, -ου, β, (from same) a merce- nary. Μίσβωτος, -'ή, -ου, (from same) hired, a hired servant, a hireling. Μ.ίσοβύξβάζος, -ου, ο, τ], (from μ,ισίω and βοίςβχξος) one who hates a barbarian or stranger ; one who hates barbarisms in style. Μίσοβχσί7\.ζύς, -ίως, 6, (from same and βοι- ϋΐΚίυς) a king-hater. Mjao^-^fiog, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and Sjj- ^0?) hostile to the people, or to democracy. Μϊσόβεος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and ^eog) a hater of God, or of the gods; hated by the gods. Μισόύήοος, -ου, 6, "/], (from same and ^jj^) hating wild beasts, averse to hunting. ΜΓσολακώ»!/, -ωνος, ο, τ}, (from same and Αά,κων^ hostile to the Lacedcemonians. ΜϊσοΤ,άμόίχος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and Αάμ,Λχ,ος) a hater of Lamachus, i. e. of one eager for war. Μΐσόι/ούοζ, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and ι/όύος) a hater of spurious children. ΜΊσόνυ(Λφος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and υύμ,φ-/]) averse to rnarriage. Μ/σο|έΐ//δ6, -οίς, i], (from same and ζίι/ος) inhospitableness. Μισόττοΐίς, -τταιίος, 6, τι, (from same and τΓύίϊς) one who hates children. Μισοτΐοάω, -ω, (from same and 'Tirodoj) I act in a hostile manner. ΜίσοτΓοιος, -ου, 6, (from same) a7i enemy. ΜϊσότΓολίς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from f/,iaeu} and ττό- λις) an enemy to the city or state. MiaQTrou/iQic), -ω, f. -'ήσω, (from next) I hate wickedness. Μίσοττοννίζίχ, -ug, i], (from julr/og and ττο- uYiQiec) hatred of wickedness. Mi σο'ΤΓονπξος, -ου. (from same and τΓονγίζος) one who hates the wicked and wick- edness, severe : f^(ao'7rov7iQO)g, severely. Μίσο-πονΊοί, -ccg, vj, (from same and 'ττόνος) aversion to labour. Μισοττόζ'ττΛ^, -ctKog, 6, 73, (from next and ττόξταζ) one who is averse to war. Μίσος, -εος, το, hatred, aversion. Μίσοτίκ,ι/ίΰΐ, -ccg, γ,, (from μ,ισίω and τίκ- uou) hatred of children. IS/liaorOQxuuog, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and τύξχι/υος} one who hates tyrants. Μίσότϋφος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and rυφoςy one who hates pride. Μίσόχξγιστος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and XQylστ6ζ) a hater of what is useful, of the good, or of the nobles. Μισόχζίστος, -ου, 6, 5j, (fi'om same and 'Χ.ξίστος) a hater of Christ. Μισο^^ίυΐνις, •ίος, 6, v}, (from same and •ψίυ^ος^ an enemy to lies. Μ/στίλάο^οί;, -ωμοίΐ, (ft'om next) I feast on small pieces or scantily ; I make use of a piece of bread as a spoon. ΜίστύλΧω, I cut into small pieces. Μϊτοβροίφ^ς, -iog, 6, v], (from next and βάτττω) sewed with thread. MiTog, -ου, 6, a thread, a string. Μιτόω, f. '■ύ)σω, (from preced.)/ w^e thread, iveave, string a musical instrument. Μ^τ^α, -Λς, Ion. (λΊτ^ύι, -Υΐς, oj, a band, mitre, turban, girdle, belt, zone. MiTQOj^yig, -eog, 6, '^, (from preced.) like a mitre or girdle. WiTvT^og, -n, -ov, maimed, mutilated, want- ing the horns. Muxcc, μνοί, gen. μυχοίς, f^voi;. Ion. f^vsoc, 7], a mina, a pound; a weight, and a coin, equal to one hundred Attic drachms ; also, a time or repetition of any thing, plur. times ; see under ά,μ>υά.ς, and dfiuog. Μιιασί^ωζίω, (from f4,u^atg and ^ωφω) I am mindfid of gifts to be offered. Mv«6j, / remind. See [Λψ^νησκω ; μνά.~ ομ,οίΐ, i^y ω faciei, f. μ,υ'ήσομ,οίΐ, p. μίμυγιμ,χι, 1 a. p. €μ) having an impediment in speech, a stam- merer. Μόγίς, (from next) scarcely, hardly, with difficulty. Μάγος, -ου, 6, hard labour, toil, pain, dis- tress, battle, tumult. Μογοστόκος, -ov, (from preced. and τίκτω) 600 bringing forth with difficulty ; aiding wome7t in labour. Μο^ιος, -ov, 6, a bushel, or rather a peck. Ήίόθος, -ου, 6, labour, tumult, battle. Μόβων, -ωνος, 6, a home-born slave, an in- solent, malicious person. MoIqcc, -Λς, Ion. μοΙ^η, ij, (from μείξω) a part, portion, share ; rank, station, lot, des- tiny, fate, death : κατά μοϊξοίν, justly, pro- perly : Μοίξοίί, -ων, ocl, the Fates. Μοίξάω, and μοιράζω, f. -ά,σω, (from pre- ced.) / divide by lot, share, allot : μοίζύομαι, perf. μεμοίξαμοίΐ, I receive by lot or by fate, I divide. Μοίξτηγενής, -ίος, 6, tj, (from same and γίνω) appointed at birth to happiness, for- tunate. ΜοίζίΙϊος, -oc, -ov, (from μοίξΐχ) allotted, fated,fatal, divine, happy. Μοίξόκξκντος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and κ,ζοίίνω) determined or accomplished by the Fates. 'Μοιχά,γζίοί, -ων, τά, (from μοιχός and οίγξοί) damages paid by the detected adulterer to the husband of the seduced. ΜοίχοίλΙς, -ί^ος, V}, (from next) an adul- teress. Μοίχ,άω, f. -τισω, and μοιχάομαι, -ωμοίί, f. -7]σομοα, p. pass, μεμοίχνιμοιι, (from μοίχβς) I commit or am guilty of adultery. Μοιχεία, -ας, v], (from same) adultery. Μοιχευτος, -ov, (from next) polluted with adultery. Μοιχεύω, f. -εύσω, p. μεμοίχευκα, 1 a. εμοίχευσα, (from μοιχός) I commit or am, guilty of adultery. ΜοιχίΙιος, -a, -ov, (from same) bor?i of adultery. Μοιχίκ,ος, -vi, -ov, or μοΊχιος, -a, -ov, (from next) given to adultery. Μοιχός, -ου, 6, an adulterer. Μοιχότζο'κος, -ου, (from preced. and τ^ό- -πος) having the character, or conduct, of an adulteress. MoAyoV, -ου, 6, a saclc made of ox-hide; a public peculator ; a bad man ; a cully, a dupe. Μο7\.εω, f. -jjffjy, p. μεμ67\.Υίχ,α, poet. μεμ~ βΚωκα, I go, come, arrive. Μοταβαχύ'^ς, -ες, (from μοΚφος and αχ- βος) loaded with lead, heavy as lead. ΜολίβΙαινα, -ης, ^, (from μόλιβίος) a ball or mass of lead. ΜολίβΙ^ος, -τη, -ov, (from same) leaden. ΜοΤ^ίβΙις, -ί^ος, % same as μοΆίβ^αινα. ΜόΆιβΙος, or μόλυβδος, (and the same variety of spelling occurs in the deriva- tives) also μόλίβος, -ου, ό, lead. Μολιβ'^οχοέω, (from preced. and χεω) I melt or pour out melted lead, I cast of lead. Μόλις, A GREFK LEXICON. Μονύγΐνης» MoTCig, same as μό^ις, (from μό'Κος) scar cell/, hardly^ with difficulty. Μολοβξός, -01/, 0, (from ^ο'λω and βοζά) a beggar, glutton, parasite ; hence, μολο- βξϊτγι;, -ου, viz. υς, a greedy boar or sow, and /ϋοΤ^όβξίχ, -ωι», τα,, a litter of young pigs. ^ ΜοΆος, -ου, 6, same as ι/,όγος. ΜοΤίόχγι, -7}ς, 'η, mallows ; same as μα,- ΜοΤ^'Τΐύζύ), (from (^ο'Κττ'ή) I sing. Μολττάτ/^•, -thog, τ], (from next) a whiz- zing. Μολ-τί), 'ί}ς, ij, (from ^sA-r^j) a song. Μολ9Γ>7δο!/, (from preced.) with singing, in a singing manner. MoT^vuo'TT^cc'/^oyiofyioii, (from (Λο'κϋνύ) and ττζ&γμ,οί) I meddle in a disgraceful affair. Μό7\υ!/σι;, -tog, Attic -ίως, τι, (from next) pollution. MoTiDua, f. -vuZ, p. μεμόλυγκχ, 1 a. act. ίμόλϋ^ΰί, 1 a. pass. Ιμ.ο'κύνύηΐ', p. pass, μζ- f^o'huf^y.oit, Attic ι/Λ(ΑοΚυσ(Αα,ι. This verb, like fiocTrro), signifies / tinge or stei«, but like [Aictiuo), it is used in a bad sense, 7 pollute, defile, contaminate ; in the follow- ing passages, it evidently signifies to stain by aspersion or affusion, Gen. xxxvii. 31. \»fiouTig Ss TO!/ χιτώνα, του Ίωσ'/ιφ, 'ύσφα^αν ίζίφον a,iyZv, και ξ^/^ότ^-υναν τόα χ,ίτωι/α τωα'ί- ματι. " And taking the coat of Joseph, they killed a kid of the goats, and stained the coat with its blood." Had they dip- p>ed the coat in the blood, as our trans- lation says, it would have been but a bad imitation of the appearance of a person's garment, who had been torn by a wild beast. Kev. iii. 4. '' Thou hast a few names in Sardis, a, ουκ, ϊ^οΚυναν τα, ίμ,ά- τΐΛ ανι'Ίν, who have not stained or defiled their garments ; an expression similar to Jude 23, μ,ισoυuτig κχϊ τον ά,ΐΐο τϊ^g oat^-Aog ίστηΤ^ωμ,ίυου χ,ιτο)νχ. " Hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." Sirach xxii. 13. '* Talk not much with a fool, and go not to him that hath no under- standing; beware of him lest thou have trouble, κ,αΐ ού [Λνι μοΚυυ&γ\ς iv τφ Ιντιναγ- μω [ίκτιναγμ,ω] αυτόυ, and that you may by no means be defiled or bespattered when he shakes off his filth. M.o'hυσμog, -ού, ο, (from perf. pass, of pre- ced.) pollution, defilement. Μόλω, 2 a. μόλον, for εμολον, same as μοΤ^εύ). Μολωχ, ("ibn) Moloch, a king. Mo^ipoj, -Tig, ij, (from perf. mid. of μέμ- φομαι) complaint, cause of complaint, quar- rel. MovuhHog, yj, -6v, (from μόνος) single. alone, solitary, belonging to one: το μονά- '^Ικόν, that which is one, a unit. Μονάζω, (from same) I am alone or soli- tary. Μοναμττΰχία, -ag, τ}, (from next) the head ornament of a single horse, one horse. Movάμ'7Γυκog, -ου, and μονάμττυξ, -UKOg, 6, 7], (from yJvog and αμττυξ) having a sin- gle rein or a single cord or fiUet, a single horse, a riding horse, a race-horse. Μοναζχεω, -ω, (from same_^and άξχ'ή) I ride alone : μ,ονα,ξ^χίομαι,Ι am ruled by one. Μονά,ζχ,πΐ, and μόναι^χος, -ου, ο, (from same) a monarch, a sole or a supreme ruler. Μοναρχία, -ag. Ion. μουναζχΊ-η, -ng, τ], (from same) monarchy, a kingdom, a country ruled by one chief. Mova^xi-Aog, -vj, -6v, (from same) monar- chical. Movag, -ahog, tj, (from μόvog) a monade, a unit, unity ; as an adj. solitary, alone. Μονασττ,ξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a monas- tery. Movaστvlg, -ου, 6, (from same) o?ie who leads a solitary life, a monk. Mόvaυλog, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and αυλός) one ivho plays on the flute alone. Mova,%og, -ij, -ov, (from μόvog) solitary, fitted to receive one, having one shape or form: μovaχόg, -ου, 6,amonk : μοναχγί and μovaχωg, in one way ov form, alone, singly. Μοναχόω, (from preced.) / make soli- tary. Movvj, -Tjg, 7j, (from perf. mid. of μένω) a mansion, abode ; a tarrying, delay. Μον'ήχ,οιτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from μόvog and κοίτη) that lies or lives alone. Movij^ng, -£og, 6, vi, (from same and aqo)) alone, solitary, that has but one bench of rowers. Moviy^og, -ου, 6, ί], (from μ,ενω) abiding, stable, durable, constant, firm. Moviog, -ου, 6, (from μόνος) solitary ; a name given to a wild beast, Psal. Ixxx. 13. ΜόνιτΓΤΓος, -ου, 6, (from same and "ιττ^τος) a single horse ; or adj. ivith a single horse. Μονογενής, -iog, -ους, ό,νι, (from same and γενώ) only -begotten. This word is used in Ps. xxi. (xxii.) 21. xxiv. (xxv.) 17• xxxiv. (xxxv.) 17. for "τ-Π" darling or only one, de- noting an object of the highest and most singular affection, such as an only son usually is; in Tobit iii. 15. vi. 9. viii. 12. to denote only children, and, in a metapho- rical sense, Wisd. Sol. vii. 22, to express the unrivalled excellence of Wisdom ; in Luke vii. 12. viii. 42. ix. 38. for only chil- dren ; in Heb. xi. 17- it is an epithet of Isaac; and in John i. 14, 18. iii. 16, 18. 1 John iv. 9. it is an appellation of Jesus G 601 Μύνργλψος. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Μονόξξνύμοζ, Christ. These examples applied to eluci- date the sense of the term in reference to the Saviour, represent him as possessing unrivalled excellence, being the object of a 'peculiar and unparalleled divine love, and being the Son of God in a sense absolutely his οιυη, and which no other being can share with him. Dr. Pye Smith's Script. Test, of the Messiah. Vol. ii. 4, 2. IslouoyT^nvog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and yTiVj'jyi) one-eyed. Μονϋ'/ξάίΛμά,τος, -ou, (from same and γξάμμοί) that consists of but one letter, marked with a single letter. Movohoix.rv'hog, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same and ^άκτνλος) that has but one finger or toe. M.uvohiQytTYig, -ου, 6, (from same and δΙ^- κ,ομα,ι) that sees ivith but one eye. ΙΑουό^ους, -ourog, 6, tj, (from same and όloύg) that has but one tooth. Μοζ/ο^δ^οτΓΟί•, -ou, (from same and SgsVo») having one stock, made of one stock. Movonl')ig, -ig, (from same and sUog) having one shape, uniform. Mo!/Qξvγ'^g, -iog, or μονόζυζ, -vyog, 6, ij, (from same and ζ^ύγνυμι) drawn by one horse ; alone in the yoke, a widow. 'M.op6ζύ)uog, -ου, ο, yj, (from same and ζάντ}) having one girdle, light-armed, ready for war, luarlike. Μον6ζύ)ος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and ζω'/ϊ) living solitarily. M.o])07i(A%Qog, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and ί]μ£ξο6) ephemeral, of one day. MovoUviTog, -ου, ο, ί], (from same and oU&a} inhabited by one only ; divelling alone. 'Moyoκίqωg, -arog, 6, vj, (from same and ici^ccg) an animal having one horn, thought by some to be the rhinoceros, by others the wild bidl. The former opinion, viz. that it is the rhinoceros or reem, seems to be the more probable one. See Num. xxiii. 22. xxiv. 8. Deut. xxxiii. 17. Job xxxix. 9 — 12. Psal. xxii. 21. xxix. 6. xcii. 10. " When we consider," says the Editor of Calmet, " that a wild bull having only one horn, would be contrary to the nature of the beeve kind, and indeed would be a mon- ster ; whereas a Unicorn, or single-horned Rhinoceros, would suit some passages of Scripture, and be perfectly well known to their readers; while another species of Rhinoceros having two horns, woiild suit other passages of Scripture, where a similar animal is meant, and this also was known to their readers ; we cannot but approve of the choice they [viz. the LXX] made in preferring the Rhinoceros to the Urus, [or wild Bull,] as the animal intended by the Hebrew Reem. We consider also 602 tliis choice, and this opinion, of the Egyp- tian translators, (who certainly knew full as well as modern writers can know the animal most likely to be described by the sacred poet [Job]) as no despicable authority on this side of the question.'* Nat. Hist, of Script. Mr. Barrow, in his Travels in Southern Africa, has given a drawing of the head of the Unicorn, " a beast with a single horn projecting from the forehead," accompanied with such details as, he thinks, offer strong arguments for the existence of such animals in the country of the Bosjes- mans. Mr. Campbell brought home a skull of one of these animals, which is in the Museum of the London Missionary So- ciety. See the account of his second Journey to Africa. Vol. I. p. 294. MouoΆ7^oίυτog, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and κ,λχίω) lamented by one only. Mouox,^y]'7rig, -Ihg, o, oj, (from same and KQyi'Trlg) that wears but one shoe or slipper. Mouo}CQOTog, -ou, (from same and κξοτίύ)) moved by but one impulsion, single oared, with one bank of oars. MouoKaT^og, -ou, (from same and χ,ωλον} that has but one member, or o?ie story. Mouόκ,ω'7rog, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and κά'ττ'ή) that has but one oar, rowing alone. Mouo'hi-x^'^g, -iog, 6, ^, (from same and λίχος) having a separate bed. MouoXiuog, -ou, (from same and T^iUog) that consists of a single stone. Mouo^izTUQ, -o^og, 9], Dor. for ^ouo^'i^ro)^, (from same and μ,τιτγΐζ) having only a mo- ther; bereft of a mother. Mouo^ctxio), -0), f. -'ήσω, (from same and [Λάχομα,ι) I fight in single combat. Mouo^oixog, -ου, ο, (from preced.) one who fights in single combat. Mouo/x^oiTog, -ου, ο, 9], (froin μόuΰg and ομμοί) one-eyed. Mouou, (from μόuog^ only, alone: μόι/οι/ ου, only not, almost, nearly, just: μόuov si, only if, provided that. Mouo^OXog, -ou, (from same and ^o^ou) made of one piece of ivood ; made of ivood only. MouOTTocig, -oiilog, o, {], (from same and 'TToclg) an only child, having but one child. MouOTri'TT^og, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and ■π-έττλοί) clad in a robe alone. Mouo'xaT^ia, (from same and ττωκίω) I monopolize, am the only seller. Mouo'TrciT^ng, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the sole vender of any thing, a monopolist. Mouo'!ru?\.og, -ου, ό, i], (from μόuog and -ττωΤίΟς) di^awn by one horse. Μονόρρνύμος, -ou, (from same and ρυύμος) fitted to contain one only. Μόνοξχ^ΐζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Μοξφη, Μόι^οζχις, -ίος, Attic -ίως, ο, (from next and οζχ,ις) having only one testicle. Μόνος, or y.oii'jo;, Ion. μωυας, -η, -ου, (from perf. mid. of ju.iuco) alone, only, single, soli- tary : μόνως, alone, in the only way, on no other terms. Μοροσΐτίω, (from preced. and σίτος) I eat alone ; eat one meal only in a day. 'ΜοΰόσκΎΐτΓΤζος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and σκΐ^ττξον) that alone holds the sceptre, a mo- narch. Μθ!/οστ'ϊβ7}ς, -ίος, 6, τ}, (from same and ατίίβω) going alone. Μονόστ^ιχος, -ou, (from same and στίγ^ος) consisting of one line, verse, rank or I'ow. Μονύ'στολοί•, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and στολί}} clad in a robe alone ; or (from στί.'Κ- λω) sent alone. Μοι/οστξοφΙ/.ός, -yi, -ov, (from next) mo- nostrophic. Μονοατζοφος, -ου, 6, τ;, (from μ,όΐΌς and στζοψν)) consisting of one strophe. ΜονότΓκι/ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and TiKifOu) that has but one child. Μονόττης, -νιτος, τ], (from μόνος) ujiify. Μονοτόκος, 'ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and τίκ- τω) prodtccing one child only. Μονότονος, -ov, (from same and tuvo)) monotonous, uniforni or single in tone : μ,ονο- τόνως, monotonously, in a uniform tone. Μονοτζόίττίζος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and τζά,τΓζζ^) seated at table alone ; having one table or one course. Μονότζοττος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same and τςότΓος) solitary, or of one manner of life. Μονοφά,γος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and φά-γω) that eats alone: μονοφχγιστοίτος, most apt to eat alone, most voracious, ΜονόφύοίΚμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from sam.e and οφ- ^οίλμός) having but one eye. Μονοφξουζος, -ov, (from same and φξουζχ) watched by one ; alone guarding. Μονοφζων, -όνος, ο, '^, (from same and φξΐήν) thinking singidarly, that keeps his opi- nion to himself. Μονόχ,ήΚος, -ov, (from same and χγίΚ'ή) having a single hoof, not cloven footed. Μονοχίτων, -ωνος, 6, yj, (from same and χιτών) clad in a tunic alone. Μονό-ψ-^φος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and ■ψνιφος) depending on one's own judgment ; to be used according to one's οιυη will. Μονού), -ύ), f. -ωσω, p. μζμόνωχ,α,, 1 a. pass. Ιμονωύην, p. pass, μίμόνοίμαι, (from μόνος) I leave alone ; pass. / am left alone, am des- titute. ΜονφΙίύ), (from same and ωδ^) / sing alone, or / sing a monody. Μονφοίοί, -Λς, 5}, (from prefed.) a singing alone; a monody. Μονωδοί, -ου, 6 or ^, (from same) one who sings alone: a poet who introduces but one character into his piece. Μόνωσις, -βως, yj, (from μονόω) a leaving alone, dereliction : a being left alone, desti- tidion, solitariness. Μοι/ό)τα,τος, -η, -ov, superlative οι μόνος. Μονωτγις, -ου, 6, μονωτις, -ϊ^ος, 'ή, (from μ,ονόω) that is alone, that leads a solitary We. ^ Μόνω-ψ, -ωτΓος, ό, tj, (from μόνος and όί-ψ) one-eyed. Mono,, or μοζία, Όίς, ^, (from μβίξω) a division ; one of the twelve divisions of the Spai'tan citizens, a division of Spartan sol- diers. Μόξγω, μοξγνύύ), μόξγνυμί, I wipe away. Μοξέιχ, -χς, v), the mulberry tree. Mo^la, -α,ς, v), the olive tree sacred to Minerva ; also for μωζίοί, which see. Μόζίμος, and μό^σ^ιμος, -yi, -ov, (from μό- ζος) destined, appointed by fate, fatal, mortal. Μόξίον, -ου, το, and μοζίς, -βος, yj, (from same) a pai^ticle, small part or portion. Μοξμ,ο'Κΰκ.ζιον, or μοξμολυκίίοι/, -ου, το, or μοξμοΤ^ύκη, -ης, τ], (from next) a hideous spectre, a mask. Μοξμο^ύσσο), or -ττω, (from μοζμω) I terrify: μοζμ.ο'κΰττομοίί, I am terrified, frighten myself. Μοξμοζωττός, -ov, (from same and ώΐψ) of terrific aspect, frightful. Μο^μ,ΰΜς, -ου, 6, a sort of sea-fish. Μοζμϋξύ), (from μύζω) I murmur, roar, like the sea or a torrent. Μοξμύσσομαί, (from next) / terrify. Μο^μω, -όος, contr. -ους, jj, a hideous fe- male spectre, a phantom, a bugbear, a fright- fid mask, a cry expressive of terror, as Ο frightful! ^ ^ ^ Μο(ΐμο)τός,-'}ι, -ov, (from preced. )y)•^g/^^^) an initiation into religious mys- teries. Μυύοίςιο!/, and μυθί^ιον, -ου, το, (from μυύος) a little or short fable. Μϋβίομχι, -ουμχι. Ion. μυύίσκομ.χι, (from same) I speak a fable, say, tell, relate. Μύύευμχ, -ατός, το, (from next) a fable. Μυβεύω, f. -εΰσω, same as μυύίομχι. Μϋβητ'ής, -ου, Dor. μυύγιτάς, 6, (from μ,υύίομχι) a speaker, orator. Μυύίζω, f. -ΐίσύ), Dor. -ίξα, (from same) / invent fables. Μυθίχός, -^, -6v, (from pveced.) fabulous. Μυύογξάφος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from μ,υύος and γξάψω) a ivriter of fables. Μυθόλατξίς, -ιος, 6 or yj, (from same and λα,τζεύω) a worshipper of the word, i. e. Christ, John i. 1. μ,υύος, being used for λόγος. Μϋύολογίΰω, f. -εύσο), and μυθολογεω, f. -•ήσω, (from same and λέγω) I relate fables. Μυύύλόγος, -ου, τ], (from same) a relater of fables. Μύύομχί, same as μυύεομχί. Μϋύο'τΐλάστγις, -ου, 6, (from μυύος and τϊλά,σσύ)) an inventor of fables. ΜυύοτΓΟίός, -ου, ο or vi, (from next and ττοιεω) a maker of fables. Μυύος, -ου, ό, (from μ^υ'εω) a word, speech, tale, fable, fiction : also. Ion. for μόύος. Μυύω^Υις, -ες, (from preced.) fabidous. Μυΐχ, -ας, v^, a fly, gnat ; blindmaris buff. Μυιοσόβ-/ι, -ης, τι, (from preced. and σοβεω) a fan to drive away flies. Μυιοσόβος, -ου, 6, (from same) one who drives away flies. Μϋκ,άω, -ω, and μ,υκάομ,αί, -ωμ>αί, I low, bellow, roar, bray, grate harshly, 7'ing. Μυκήύμ,ός, -ου, 6, and μ,ϋχ,τήμα, -ατός, το, (froln preced.) a roaring, bellowing, lowing. Μΰχ-ης, -ϊΐτος or -ου, ό, a mushroom, a snuff on a lamp-ivick of a mushroom like form, the pommel of a hilt, a hilt. Μΰκλος, -ου, 6, a jack-ass. Μυκ,ος, -ου, 6, ij, (from μΰζω) horrible, wicked. Μυκττϊζ, -ΐίζος, τ], (from μ,ΰσσω) the nose, or nostril ; mockery, derision. Μυκ,τγιζίζω, f. -7σω, p. μεμ,υκτιηζίκα, 1 a. εμ,υκττίξίσα, (from preced.) / mock, sneer, show cυnίenψt by looks, by conti'acting the nostrils. Μυκτ'ήζίσμός, -ου, ο, (from preced.) s«cc?•- ing, derision. Μυχ,τπξόκομτΓος, -ου, ό, τ], (from μυκτνκ^ and κομ'ΤΓος) snorting, Μύκ,ω, 2 a. 'ϊμ,ύκον, pcrf. μίμϋκα, part. μεμ,ϋκως, same as μυκάω. Μΰλα'ξ, -άκος, 6, (from ncxt) Λ millstone, a large round stone. 605 Μύλη, A GREEK LEXICON. Μυξθ'?ΐώλ7}ς, Μίλ/7, -γις, 7}, a mill, a%dllstone : μύλαι, -uu, Oil, the double teeth or grinders. ΜΰΆτιφόίτος, -ou, (from preced. and φάω) bruised or ground in a mill. Μί/λ;ά«, (from μ,ΰτ^τι) I use my grinders, gnash the teeth. MvTCiKog, -vij -01/, (from same) belonging to a mill. MvTJ^o), (from same) / grind ; or (from y.vo)) I close or compress the lips, mutter, murmur. Μ£;λθ£/δί?$•, or μυ'ΚωΙγις, -sg, or μυΤ^όίΐς, -iaact, -su, (from μύλν] and silog) like a mill- stone, ponderous. Μΰ'Κος, -ου, 6, same as (^v\y\. See ou/zog. Mv7,au^iK.og, -vj, ^6v, (from μνλιη) pertain- ing to a miller. Μυλωύξος, -ov, 6, (from same) a miller ; or as an adj. of a miller. Μνλων, -ωuog, or μ,νΤ^ων, -ωνος, ο, (from same) a pluce ivhere corn is ground with a hand-mill. M-vuhog, -VI, -ov, (from μύω) dumb. MvvYi, -Yig, 71, (from ά,μ,ΰυω) a pretext. Μύζόί, -Yig, vj, (from μύσσω)- mucus in the nose, a nostril, the beak of a lamp, smut. Mv^^alng, -eg, (from preced.) pituitous, smutty. Μυ^ωτνίξ, -^^og, 6, (from μνσσω) a nose, nostril, pipe. MvohOKog, or f/.vo^o-)C(ig, -ου, (from μ,νς and ^ίχομα-ί) that receives mice, viz. holes. Μυομοίχίοί, -oig, vj, (from same and μχχτι) a battle of mice. Myo|of, -ου, 6, the dormouse. Μυοττύξωυ, -avog, 6, a pirate's pinnace. Μΰξοίΐυοι,, -Yig, vi, a lamprey. ΜυζοίΧοιφίω, (from μνξον and άΤ^οιψνι') I anoint with perfumed oil. Μυ^α,Τ^οιφίοί, -ας, ij, (from preced.) an anointing with perfumed oil. ΜυξΒ•ψ7ΐτ7]ξίθ!/, -ου, το, (from μυξί-ψος) a box of ointment. Μυξί-ψ'ίκος, -vi, -ou, (from same) belonging to ointments ov perfumes. Μυξί-ψίου, -ου, το, (from next) ointment, perfume. Μ-υζί-^^ος, -ου, 6, (from μυξου and Ι'ψώ)) one who makes up and sells ointments and peifumes, a perfumer. MOQioi)cig,{irom μυξίος) ten thousand times. Μϋζΐάμφοζος, -ou, (from same and χμψο- ξΐύς) that contains, or that is worth, ten thou- sand amphorcB ; enormously capacious. Mfg/ctyS^og-, -ou, (from same and ocw^q) that holds ten thousand parsons. Μυξίά^γ/ις, or μυξίχζχος, -ου, ο, (from same and αξχ,'η) a commander of ten thou- sand. ΜϋζίΛς, -ώΒΰ?, 'ή, (from μύριοι) a myriad, 606 ten thousand, a vast or indefinitely great mid- titude. MD^izTYig, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and ίτος^ of ten thousand years, exceedingly old. Μυξίζω, f. -Ισω, (from μυζου) I anoint with aromatic or odoriferous ointment. Μνξυί,Ύΐ, -Yig, ij, a low bushy shrub called tamarisk. Μΰξίζ^ος, -ou, (from preced.) of the ta- marisk. ΜϋξίΟί, -Oil, -oc, (from μυ^ίος) ten thou- sand, a vast number. Μϋξίόυτοίζχ,ος, -ου, 6, same as μυζ^ίοίζχος. Μϋξίοπ-λάσίος, ό, vj, το -ou, (from μύζίοι) twice ten thousand, or rather many times ten thousand. ΜυζίοττΆοίσίως, (from preced.) by many ten thousand tiines. MOQi'og, -01, -ou, manifold, innumerable. Μϋξίοστος, -sj, -ou, (from preced.) a ten thousandth. Μϋξίοτζυχ'ης, -ig, (from same and τεύχη) containing innumerable armed men. 'Μ.υζ^ίότΎΐς, -YiTog, vj, (from μυξίος) a my- riad or an indefinitely great number. Μϋ^ιόφοξτος, -ou, (from same and φόντος) bearing a vast burden. Μ,υζίσμος, -ου, ο, (from μυρίζω) an anoint- ing. Μυξίωυνμος, -ou, (from μυζίος and όνομα) having innumerable names. Μϋζΐο)7Γος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and ω-ψ) having innumerable eyes. Μύξμοίζ, -cix,og^ 6, Dor. for μύζμ^ηζ. Μυξμνϊ^ών, -ouog, 6, (from μυ^μος) a swarm of ants, an ant-hill. Μυζμηκ,ιά,, -a,g, 5j, a swarm of ants, an ant-hill ; a siuarm, crowd. Μυξμγικ,ίάω, -ω, (from μΰ^μγιΈ,) I am troubled with warts. Μυξμγικο7\ίύ)υ, -ouTog, o, (from same and λίωυ) the old lion. Job iv. 11 ; the ant lion. ΜυξμτικωΙγις, -eog, 6, vj, (from next) full of ants ; ant-like. Μύξμηζ, -YiKog, and μυξμος, -ου, ο, an ant, a pismire ; also, a wart or pimple. Ήΐύζηυος, 6, vi, (from μύρροί or σμύξυοί) of or belonging to myrrh. Μυ^οβξβχ'^ς, 4ος, 6, vj, (from next and βξ&•χ,ω) wet with ointment. Μυξου, -ου, το, (from id) an aromatic, odoriferous ointment. Μυζο^ττυους, -oog, 6, vi, (from preced. and crz/iiy) breathing perfume. ΜυζοτΐΌίος, -ου, ό, (from same and τοίίω) a pofumer. Μύξοττωλγις, or μυ^ότΐωΚος, -ου, ο, and μΰξότιτωκίς, -ιος, v}, (from same and ττωλίίο) a vender of perfumes. Μυξόχ^ξίοτος, A GREEK LEXICON. Μωλ^-ψ. MvQo χζ/στος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and χξΊω) anointed with perfumed oil. Mypo'dj, (from ^vqou) I 'perfun.e. Mvppuj -ccg, 7], myrrh, the concrete juice of an Arabian myrtle. Μυβρϊι/γι, or μ,υξσΐίι/γ], -τις, τι, (from pre- ced.) a myrtle, a myrtle branch, a myrtle ■marJcet. Mvppiusau, or μ,υρρίνωυ, μ,υζσιυζωυ, or μυζ- ϋΐνων, -ωνος, 6, (from same) a myrtle grove. ΜυξσΧυοίΐο'ϊΐς, -έος, ο, oj, (from same and ίΤ^ος) like myrtle. Μίί«τοζ/, -ου, το, and μυξτϊς, -βος, 'ή, (from next) tJie myrtle-herry. My^rof, -ου, v^, the myrtle tree. Mygij, / flow, drop : f^i^o^^ctt, I shed tears, weep, lament. 'Μύξω[Λοί, -α,τος, το, (from μυ^όω) oint- ment. Μυς, μυός, 6, a mouse, rat; also, the shell-fish a muscle, and a muscle of the body. Μνσα'/μοί, -κτος, το, (from μυσος) an abomination. Μυσάζω, (from same) I commit wicked- ness, defile, pollute. ■ ΉΙΰσΰ,ο^ος, -ζ^ά,, -qov, (from same) wicJced, impure, detestable. Μυσχξχγις, -ου, ο, (from same and άξχ'^) a detestable governor. Μύσάττω, f. -άζα, same as μυσάζω : μύ- σκττομοίΐ, I hate, loathe, abhor. Moaict, -cju, TO,, a festival in honour of Ceres, surnamed Mysia. Μ,υσος, -ίος, -ους, το, an abomination. Μυσόω, -ω, (from preced.) I pollute. Μυσ'ΤΓο'Κίω, (from μυς and στοΤ^ίω) I run about like a mouse. Μύσσω, or μ,ύττο), I wipe the nose. ΜυστΛ'/ωγίω, (from μΰστγις and όίγύΐ) I initiate in mysteries. Μυστά,γύ^/ος, -ου, 6 or v}, (from same) a mystagogue, one who initiates others in mys- teries : one who shoius strangers the curiosi- ties of a temple or city. Μΰσταξ, -ά,κος, vj, (from μύω) the hair on the upper lip, mustaches ; the upper lip. Μυστ7}ξΐθ!/, -ου, το, (from μύστ•/}ς) a mys- tery, somewhat hidden or secret, until re- vealed ; a spiritual truth couched under an external representation or similitude, and concealed or hidden thereby, unless some explanation be given. 'Μ.υστ'ή(ζΐω}ί-ης, -£?, (from preced.) mysteri- ous, mystical. Μΰσττ,ς, -ου, ο, (from μυίω) η person ini- tialed in sacred mystenes. ΜυστΊκος, -<ή, -ου, (from same) mystic, wonderful. Μυστ/λύομχί, (from next) I use a spoon. Μυστϊλγι, -της, ij, a spoon or ladle vmde of a shell, a turnip or bread; called also μύσ- τξοι/, and μυστζίον. Μύστις, -ϊ^ος, vj, (from μυίω) a female initiated in sacred mystenes. Μυσω^Υΐς, -ου, 6, 'ή, same as μυσαρός. Μυττατ^ΰω, f. -ίύσω, (from next) / bruise or pound a man down into a μυττωτον, dish a man. Μυττωτον, -ου, το, or μυττο)τος, Attic for μυσσωτος, -ου, 6, (from μυσος) a dish flavoured with strong smelling spices and garlick. Μνχοίτος, -■/!, -ou, (contr. for μ^υχόίτοίτος, superl. of μυχ,ος) inmost. Μυχύίξω, f. -Uco, (from μΰζω') I groan, deiide. Μυχύισμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) groan- ing, derision. Μυχια,ίος, and μύχιος, -λ, -ου, (from μυ- χός) interior, inward, remote, secret. Μυχμός, -ου, 6, same as μυγμός. Μνχος, -οι), 6, a recess ΟΥ inmost part of any place, as of a temple, a harbour. Μύχουζος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and ου^ος) a guard of a recess or sanctuary. ΊΑύω, f. -ύσω, 1 a. ίμυσΛ, I shut, shut the lips or the eyes. Μυό)^γις, -ζς, (from μ.υς^) resembling mace ; muscular. Μΰων, -ωυος, 6, (from same) a muscular part of the body. Μυωττάζω, (from μΰω τους ω-ττας, I shut my eyes) I wink, shut the eyes against the light. ΜυωττΙξω, f. -'ίσω, (from μυω-ψ) I sjmr, goad : μυωνίζομΛΐ, I am tormented by the ΜυύΓψ, -ωνος, and μυω'ττος, -ου, ο, ij,'jrom μΰω and ω-ά/) short sighted, closing the eyes to see more distinctly. Μΰω•^, -οίΤΓος, 6, a horse-fly, the gadfly, a spur. Μωκύω, -ω, f. -;jaψ, -ωττος, 6, (from μωλος and ω-ψ) a wound made in war, a wale, the mark made by the stripe of a scourge. 607 Μύϋ/ζάο,αα/, A GREEK LEXICON. Να/. Μωμάο/ΐΛύίΐ^ or μωμίομχι, •ύνμοί{, f. -τισο- μοίί, 1 a. ίμο)μνιθΎΐν, or μωμίΰω, f. -ενσα», (from μωμος) Ι blame, βηά fault ivith, sneer at or ridicule, as Momus was supposed to do. MSjiifli^j -osTOi, TO, (from same) disgrace. "Μωμιημοί, -ex.Tog, το, (from μο)μά,ομα,ι) a reproof, blame, mockery. Μωμτιτος, -ij, -ov, (from same) ivorthy of blame. Μωμος, -ov, 6, a spot, blemish, fault, dis- grace ; hence Momus, the fictitious deity of mirth and ridicule. M.oiu, (from μν^ ουυ) or, whether ? Μωνυζ, -νχος, or μωννχος, -ov, 6, vj, (from μόνος and ouv^) that has solid hoofs, not cloven footed. Μωζοίίνω, f. -οίνω, 1 a. Ιμωξκρχ, Attic ίμωξίηνοί, p. μίμωξίχγκοί, 1 f. pass, μω^χν- θνισομοα, p. pass, μζμω^αμμοι,ι, 1 a. pass. Ιμωξάνύγιυ, (from μωζος) I make foolish, in- fatuate ; pass, lose savour, become insipid. Μωζξ, Matth. v. 22. thou rebel! viz. in reh'gion, or thou apostate! This word seems, in the passage just cited, to be the vocative, not of the Greek μωζος, but of the Hebrew nin, introduced into the Greek Scriptures, as several other Hebrew words are, and as pcocoi is in the same sen- tence. The word ΠΊη signifies a rebel, and is often used in the O. T. to signify one who fell oif from the worship of the true God, into the idolatry of the heathen, Deut. xxxi. 27. Ps. Ixxviii. 8. Jer. v. 23. ΜύίζΙΰί, -α,ς, 7}, (from μωξος) foolishness. Μωξο7\.ογίύ}, (from same and λόγος) I speak foolish things, or in a foolish manner. Μωξο7\.ογίχ, -χς^. vj, (from same) foolish talking. Μω^ολόγος, -ου, ο, 5j, (from same) that speaks in a foolish manner. Μαζός, -a,, -ov, (from ^jj and o^a /6> Q^s Ιγγίνομχι, συγχοίξίω, from Iv and γίνομα,ι, συν and χωζίω \ before λ, ^, σ, it is changed into those letters, as συλλέγω, from συν and λίγο), except 'ττίφα,νσοίΐ, £λ- μινς, ττί'ττχνσίς ; when συν is followed by two consonants, or ζ, the ν is rejected, as σύστημχ, but retained in ττάλ/ν in a similar case, as ττα.λίνσκιος ; the ν in the preposi- tion h remains unchanged before q, σ, ζ. Ν is frequently inserted in words by the Dorians, as, for ^νω, ^υνω. They also use this letter where others use λ, while the Attics do the contrary ; thus, the Dorians have φίντοίτος for φίλτοίτος, and the Attics have TO λίτζον for uirqov, νίογιλόν for νίογζ- νόν and vioyvov. Na/3^i/, (ο•Ί3) bed-chambers. 608 Νά/3λα, -ν\ς, VI, (b22) a stringed musical instrument. Ni5tys/3, (^22) the south. Nay^flc, -ΰίτος, το, (from νχσσω) a stone wall. Ιί^χζχζΰίϊος, ΝχζπξχΊος, Ήχζΐξχίος, Νχζύ)- ξχίος, -χίχ, -χ7ον, ^χξχ^ηνός, ->?, -όν, and Ί>ίχζΐξ, (from "i-Ta) a Nazarene, i. e. a native or inhabitant of the town of Nazareth ; a Nazarite, a person separated by a vow, Judg. xiii. 5. applied to Christ, Matth. ii. 23, where, since nouns after verbs siostan- tive or nuncupative are without the article, we may, with Middleton, translate 'Νχξω- ξχίος κλγιύτισίτχι, he shall be called the N^a- zarene ; especially as the definite article is used in almost all the other instances of its occurrence : applied also to his disci- ples. Acts xxiv. 5. Some allege Luke xxii. 18, as a proof that Christ was not a Nazarite, to which add Matth. xi. 19, and think that though given to Jesus as a term of reproach, from the place of his early re- sidence, it was an accomplishment of Isa. xi. 1, in which he is called ^y3 a branch, Ναί, verily, indeed, yea, yes, I pray or beseech thee, 10 Να/'άί. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Να.ύχληοος, Ncii'stf, -άδο;, and Νά<>, -ΐ^ος, οξ/, (from νύω) a Naiad, a water Nymph. Nflii'S/cy, -ου, TO, (from veto;) a chancel, chapel. Νΰί/ετΰίω, -Ζ, 3 sing, iraperf. νΛΐίτά.Λσ•/Λ, Ion. for ϊυοίήτχί, (from νούω} I dwell, in- habit. Ήχίίτγις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) an inhabi- tant. ^oiio'j, Aldine ed. Gen. xlii. 21, for vct\ o'j, i.*e. i/flti όντως, but the best reading is 'ί^χίχΐ, or vuixi, Att. for uxl. 'Nxla, I dwell, inhabit. Νάκ>7, -■/]:, '/}, and νάκος, -ίος, ro, a skin, hide, sheep s skin with the wool, a fleece. Νακοόί-ψτις, -ου, ο, (from preced. and όύφω) a currier. Noiy.x, -Λτος, το, (from νά,ω, I flow} a stream, juice. ^oif/A^Tiioi, -ug, 7], (from w^ ά^/.χςτίω) certainty. Nuuog, or υά,ννος, -ου, ό, a dwarf. ISioiuoOv'^g, -εος, ό, 'ή, (from preced. and φύω) and ροίνω^ης, -sog, 6, <■/], dwarfish. NaoV, -ου, 6, Attic ί/ίως, see p. 7• (from νάω, or να,ίω) a temple, properly the build- ing where God diuelt, or was permanently present in a peculiar manner, the house of God. 'Ispou comprdiended the whole edi- fice, with all its enclosures, piazzas, and other buildings ; veto; included only what was termed, by way of eminence, the house, consisting of the vestibule, the holy place or sanctuary, and the most holy. ΝάίχρίλαΙ, 'Οί-Λος, 6, (from preced. and φυ'Κάσσω) a keeper or guardian of a temple. 'NuiTroclog, -cc, -ou, (from next) woody. Nc67r>5, -nc, V}, and νοίττος, -sog, το, (from j-sj and φά,ος) a hilly, shaded, woodland country. Naz-y, -υος, το, same as σίνοίττι, mustard. Νά^δίί/ο?, --/ι, -ov, (from next) of spike- nard. Νά^δο?, -ου, 7], spikenard or lavender. Pliny the elder has described the lavender plant under the name of nardus. The blossom he notices as forming a spike. He says, that the most costly and precious ointment was made from the aromatic leaves of the nardus; that the spikes (blos- soms) sold for 100 Roman denarii (£3 : 2s. Qd.) a pound ; that the nardus from Syria was thought the best, and next to that the Gallic nardus; and, after having de- scribed the same ointment mentioned by the Evangelists, he directs it to be kept in pots or vessels of alabaster. See New Monthly Mag. for March, 1822, and Hor. Od. iv. 12. ^ίίζύ•ήκο7Γ'Κ7ΐζωτος, -οι>, (from νάζύϊΐ^ and 'K'h-fi^ooi) filled in a cane. Ήΰίζβτικοφόξος, -ου, ο, (from next and φίςω) that carries a cane or reed. 'Νάξύ-ηζ, -YjKog, 0, a sort of reed or cane; giant fennel; a box for perfumes or drugs. Ναξκάω, -ω, f. -'/ισω, 1 a. ίνοίξκτισα, (from next) I am or become numb, void of feeling or motionless. 'Νά,ξκγι, or νάζκιχ, -v]g, τ), numbness, cramp; the torpedo, which, when touched, pro- duces numbness. Ί^ύξκισσος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) the nar- cissus. ^ Ήαξκωότις, -sog, 6, τι, (from same) stupid, stupifying, benumbing, narcotic. ^a-^og, -ex,, 'OU, (from iriJ) bright, fluid, streaming. Νίί(Γ'/5/3, ροίσΐφ, or νχσίφ, (l"'ii3) a president, a prefect. Yiccay.og, -ου, ό, (from νάω) a stream. Νάσσα, f. >ά|ω, 1 a. htx^m, I heap up, pile, press down firmly, pack up closely. Ναστος, -'/j, -ou, (from preced.) stuffed, full, close, compact : νόστος, -ου, ο, a thick heavy cake. Ύία,υά.γίύ), -ω, f. -'/ίσο, p. υαίΛυά,^'ήχ,Λ, 1 a. VJctυά,yr^uΛ, (from uaZg and oiyo}) I suffer shipwreck, am wrecked, ruined. Νχυΰγίίζ, -ccg, v), (from preced.) ship- wreck, destruction. Ναυαγίου, -ου, το, (from same) a frag- ment or remains of a wreck. 'Ναυαγός, or ναυ-ζιγος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same) ship-wrecked, wrecked, ruined. Ήίχ,υοίοχ,ίω, f. -'ήσω, (from vca>g and οίρχ,ω) I command a ship. NcivccQ)cicc, -ccg, 7], (from same) the com- mand of a ship or fleet. ΝαυοίζχΙς, -ilog, 7], (from same) the com- mander of the fleet's vessel. Να,ύα^χος, -ου, 6, (from same) a naval commander, a captain, an admiral. Ναυά,τ-ής, the same as να,ΰτγις, (from uccijg) and να,υβά,τγις, -ου, 6, (from same and βχίνοή one embarked in a ship, a sailor. Ναύΐίτον, -ου, το, (from same and Ιίω) a ship's rope, a cable. Να,υκΚτιζίύ), f. -τισο), (from same and κλ^- ροί) I am the owner of a ship, am master of a ship, command or ride generally. Ναυκ'Α-/ΐζίχ, -xg, vj, (from preced.) the profession of a ship-master, the steering of a ship, the ship of a commander. Ναυκλ-ηξΊκός, -'/?, -όν, (from same) per- taining to ship-masters, fit for steering. 'Ναυκ,'Κ'/ΐξίον, -ου, το, (from same) the ship orfieet of a commander. ΝχύκΚπζος, -ου, ό, (from same) an oivner of a ship, the master or pilot. Η 609 Ναυκ^α^/α. A GREEK LEXICON, Νεα/^α. 1<ίοιυκξΧξΙα, -ας, ij, (from next) α borough or jurisdiction of the magistrate called ^ίοίνκ^ΰξος, -ου, ο, (from νοίυς) a borough magistrate, so called because each of them was obliged, besides two horsemen, to fur- nish one ship for the public service. '^α,νΆ^α,τίω, (from same and KQ^ocria) I have the superiority by sea. 'Ναυκροίτης, -ξος, ρχυκζΰίτωζ, -Οζος, ο, (from preced.) one who obtains and holds the supe- riority by sea. ISaVKoif or i/fiifAj7, -τις, τ], same as ι/ά/3λ«. Ήα,νλου, -ου, το, or uoiif^og, -ου, 6, (from ναυς) the fare or price of passage in a ship. Ι^αυ'Κοχίω, (from same and Τ^όχ,ος) I lie in harbour, waiting a favourable time for at- tacking an enemy ; I lie in wait for an enemy under cover of the shore. 'Ναύτ^οχος, -ου, ό, vi, (from preced.) fur- nishing a secure station for ships, where they may lie waiting an opportunity to make an attach. NciyAoiy, f. -ωσω, (from υοι,υς) I hire out my ship : vuvT^oo^e&i, I hire a ship. 'Ναυμόίχίω, (from same and μάχτι) I fight by sea. 'ΝΛυ/:ί»χ(οί, -ας, v}, (from preced.) a sea- fight. "Νοίό/^κχος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same) one who fights by sea ; used in sea-fights. 'Νοίυ'π-νιγίτ^ς, -ου, e, same as νχυττνιγόζ. 'ΝχυτΓτηγύω, (from ucivg and 'ττ^ιγνυμι} I build ships. '^αυ'ττηγ^σί^Λος, -ov, or ρα,υ'ττ'^γίκος, -vi, -ov, (from preced.) fit for or skilful in ship- building. 'ίίίοίυ'ττνιγία, -α,ς. Ion. ναυπ-Α'/ί'/ι, --/ις, v], (from same) ship-building. Ήαυττνιγίον, -ου, το, (from same) a dock- yard. 'Ναυττηγος, -ου, ό, (from same) a ship- builder. Ή χύττοξος, -ou, (from next and ττζίξύ)} navigable, frequented by ships. Ναυς, Ion. ντηυς, yj, gen. ναός, Ion. ums, Att. νεως, dat. Ion. and Att. νό^ϊ, ace. vxvu. Ion. uTJa, (from uaa) a ship. Νβίϋσ^λόώ), f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / con- vey in a ship for a fare. Ύ^αυσία, or ναυτία, -ας, {}, (from same) nausea, sea-sickness. Ι^αυσίάο}, or ναυτιάω, (from same) / nauseate, am sea-sick. Ύίαυσίκ.'Κζίτος, or ναυσίκ7\ντος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same, and κκύω, or κΤ^ύο)) famed for ships or for skill in sailing. Ύίaυσι'7Γίhγι, -ιης, v], (from same and ττί^^) a ship's cable, and anchor. ^ αυσϊ'ΤΓομ'ΤΓος, -ov, (from same and ττίμ- •ττω) ship-sending ; ship-sent, 610 'ΝαυσΙστονος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and στίνω) lamentable to ships. Ήαυσιφόζπτος, -ου, 6, sj, (from same and φ&ξύϊ) carried by ships. Ήαύσταύμον, -ου, το, (from same and σταύμός) a harbour or station for ships. Ήαύσταύμος, -ου, ο, (from same) α« as- sembled 7iaval armament. Ήαυστολίω, (from ναυς and στέλλω) / send a ship, or by a ship. 'Ναυστόλνι/ϋ,α, -ατός, το, or ναυστολία, -ας, 57, (from same) a commission by sea, con- veyance or expedition by sea. Ήαυστό'κος, -ου, 6, i}, (from same) sent by sea, fitted out for sea. Ήαύτγις, -ου, ό, (from ναυς) a sailor. NfliyTixoV, -vi, -ov, (from same) naval. Να^τϊλΤώί, -ας, '4, (from ναυτίλος) navi- gation. ^αυτίκκοΐΛαι, (from next) I go as a sailor. Ί^^αυτίλος, -ου, 6, (from ναυς) a sailor; the nautilus. Ήαυτίλοφύόξος, -ov, (from preced. and φύίίξω) destructive to sailors. ΉαυτιωΙγις, -ίος, 6, v}, (from ναυσία) causing nausea ; affected with nausea. ΉαυτοΙίκαί, -ων, οι, (from ναύτης andB/xyj) judges who took cognizance of naval affairs. 'Ναυτοκξατωξ, -οξος, ^, (from same and «gflCTgij) having the superiority at sea. Ήαυφθοζία, -ας, 'ή, (from ναυς and φύίίοω) the destruction of ships. Ήαύφύοξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) ship- wrecked : ναυφθόζος, causing shipwreck. Ήαυψ:, ναυφιν, poet, for ναυσι, dat. pi. of ναυς. Ήαύφξακτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from ναυς and φράσσω) defended by ships. ^αύω, f. ναΰσω, (from νάω) I fiow, I supplicate with tears. Ήάφβα, -ης, ν, or νάφθας, -ου, ό. Naph- tha, bitumen. Ήάχα -h, (bni) a valley, a torrent. Νώώ), f. νάσω, 1 a. νάσσα, for haaa, 1 a. pass. Ινάσθην, for ναίω, (mi) I dwell, in- habit; pass. I fix myself, settle. 'Νάω, f. νάσω, imperf. vaov for svaov, (i?13) I fiow, overflow, move. Necf, poet, for ναυν, ace. of νανς. NiayyshTog, -ov, (from νιος and άγγίΚλω) newly told, recent news. 'Νίαγίν'ής, or νίην^ννις, -ΐος, 6, τ], (from same and γίνω) newly born. Νίάζύ), f. -ασω, (from νίος) I make new, plough up a fallow ; I am young, have the spirit or vigour of youth, act like a young man. 'Νίαίξα, or νείαιςα, -ας, i), (from νιαξός) the lower part of the belly. Νίαίξετοζ A GREEK LEXICON. ΉίκξομσΛΤέ/οιι. Nsci/ggTOi, Όί^, (from νέος and α,ί^ίω) 7i€w- ly talien. Νεΰκόν-ήτος, -ouy (from same and dxovaa) newly whetted. Νεαλ'/ΐί, -ίος, ο, sj, (from viog) youngs vigo- rous. Νέαν^ξος, -oi/y (from same and xw^q) Juve- nile. Νεΰι/ϊΰΐς, Ion. usnuiocg, -ov, o, (from uio;) a young man ; a man of middle age. It is sometimes used for the period older than that in which a man is called υεα,υίσκος. " Pythagoras divided the age of a man's life into four twenties. TLaCig Ηκασι ίπΛ, ι/ί-ηιΐίσκος ξΐκοσι, usriuioig είκοσι, γίζωι/ είκοσι. Α boy twenty, a youth twenty, a man twenty, and an old man twenty." Laert. in Pythag. quoted by Bentley on theEpis- ties of Phalaris, P. 41. Niflsi/i'SoV, -^, -ou, (from same) yoidhful. Nfioizz/gy^oi, 'ccrogy το, (from next) a Ju- venile action. ^εΛ'Jtεύouocι, (from νέος) I act like a young man, act or speak rashly, impetuously, or arrogantly. 'ί^εα.νίκος, -'ή, -ou, (from same) youthful, suited to youth : νεοί,ηκως, ardently. Ίίίεχνίότγις, -τ-ήτος, τ], (from same) youth. Νεχνις, -ίίος, ν;, (from same) a young wo- man, a girl. ^εοι,νισκεύω, f. -εύσω, (from next) / am a young man : νεοίνισκεΰο^Λΐ, I belong to the class of youths, conduct myself like a youth. Νεανίσκος, - ου, ο, (from νέος) a young man. See νεοίν'ίΛς. Nsa^oV, or νείοίξος, -», -6v, (from same) new, young, recent, last. Νέοίτοίί, for νενεοίτχι, which for vivnvTcct, 3 pi. of vivYifAcci, perf. pass, of vio), I build, or Ion. for νά,ω, I inhabit. Nsaros•, -n, -ov, or νεία,τος, (contr. for νεότοίτος superl. of νέοξ) newest, last. θεατός, -ου, ο, (from νεά,ζύ)) the plough- ing of a fallow. Νίάω, f. -α,σω, (from νέος) I make new, plough up a fallow. Ν£/3£λ, (bi3) a bottle or flaggon. Ί^έβξείος, -ου, 6, τί, (from νεβξός) belonging to a fawn. Ίut cattle to graze on the mountains : σε εγωγε νέμω ^sov, I esteem thee as a god: ει ryiv^^ άμχζτίχν νέμεις, if you think it a faidt : νεμειν τιτζοστά,τγιν, to elect a president. Ήενίγιλοζ, -ου, o',i7,(from ne^t)foolish,blind. Ήενος, or νεννος, -ου, 6, 'ή, foolish, blind. 'Νεοάλωτος, -ου, ο, v], (from νέος and άλω- τος) neidy taken. ΉεοοίξΜς, -εος, ό, τ;, (from same and οίξ^ω) newly ivatered. Ί^εόγοίμος, -ου, 6 or ^, (from same and γάμος) newly married. Ήεογενής, νεογέννητος, νεογίΚοΛος, νεογΤΚος, νεόγονος, and νεογνος, -ου, 6, (from same and γενώ) neidy born or produced. Ί^εόγξΰί'τττος, and νεο'γςόίφος, -ov, (from same and γζάφω) newly written or painted. 'Νεόγυιος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and γυΐον) ivith youthful limbs, vigorous. ^εοίχμωίης, -εος, 6, (from same and δά- μ.ος for άτιμος) newly made one of the people. Νεό'^χξτος, -ov, (from same and Ιείζω) newly skinned. Νεοδ/δίίκτο?, -ov, (from same and ^ihύσy,ω) newly taught; newly produced on the stage. 'ΝεοΙμ'^ς, -Τίτος, or νεόδμητος, -ου, 6, -vj, (from same and "^χμύω) newly yoked or married ; neidy subdued or slain. 'Νεο^ςετττίς, -εος, or νεόίξετττος, Όυ, 6, yj, (from same and "^ξετω) newly plucked. Ι^ίεοζυγ'^ς, -εος, or νεόζΰγος, -ου, or νεόξνξ, -υγος, 6, τ}, (from same and ζεύγνυμι) newly yoked or married. ^εοβχλ'^ς, or νεοβπΆ'κς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and θάλλώ) newly springing or flou- rishing. ^εόθεν, (from νέος) anew, over again. 'Νεόβξε'τττος, -ov, (from same and τξέφω) newly fed, newly made. NiC//'/j. A GREEK LEXICON. ^loyjioo). ISisoiytf --/jg, v], (from isoa^oiyY,g, -iog, ό, ij, (from same and σφάξω) newly slaughtered. 'Νεόηυκ,τος, -ou, or uίoτ£υ^)(,τ,g, -ig, (from same and τζΰχ,ύ)) newly wrought. iseoT'^g, -τ-ητος, tj, (from uiog^ neiuness, youth. lSeOTy.riTog, and ueoro^og, -ou, (from same and Tiy.uo)) newly cut, newly inflicted. l^soTOKOc, -ου, 7i, (from same and τίκτω) that has newly brought forth : ucoroKog, 6, Vj, newly brought forth. N£OTf£^'/jr, -ig, and uiότpoφog, -ou, (from same and τoiφω) newly reared, young. 'Νίύττίυο), or usoσσίύω, (from usorrog or uionaog) I nestle, hatch. Nsorr/fit, or uiorruoi, -ccg, tj, (from same} nestling, incubation : usotticc, -»g, 'ή, the nest, the nest and young brood. 'issoTTiou, -ου, το, (from same) a young bird. NsorroTro/io^ct;, (from same and -ττο^ω) I make for myself a nest, nestle. l^eoττoτξoφiω, (from same and τξεφω) I rear young birds or young aniinals. 'Νίουξγός, -ου, or u£oυξγ7lg, -iog, 0, 7], (from uiog and s^you) newly wrought or made. Νίοΰτόίτος, -ou, (from same and ουτάω) newly wounded. Nίόφouog, -ου, ο, v), (from same and φόuog) newly shin. 'Νεόφυτος, ό, τ], το -ou, (from same and φυτός) newly planted, a convert neivly im- planted in the church, 1 Tim. iii. 6. Ν ίοχ,όίοακτος, -ou, {ίΐ'οΐΏ same and ^χξοίσ- σω) newly engraven or imjiressed. Neox/Liog, -ου, 6, τ], same as uiog. Nsopi^o'oj, f. -ωσω, (from prcccd.) / make new, renovate ; I innovate, alter. 613 Niow. A GREEK LEXICON. 1>ίίωτψζω» Νίο'ώ), -ώ5, f. -ώ»σώ>, 1 a. ΐί/ίωσΜ, (from ζ/ίΌ?) / wza^e weii;, renew, plough up fallow ground. NiTToy?, -οδο?, 0, τ}, vsTrohsg, -au, o/, cc/, (from vi rather i/^ and 'ττονς) without feet, with very short feet ; or (from ύω) with feet adapted for swimming like those of seals ; or (from νίος) having new feet, young, vigorous ; offspring, whence the Lat. nepos. Νέξθε, Ρίξύίν, for 'iui^&s, he^dsv. Ήβξτίζίος, -oc, -Qu, (from su e^a,) infernal. Ns^rggo?, -oi, -ou, (for ίνεξτίςος, comp. of si /ίξος, see hs^o{)lower down : υίζΠζοι, oi, the deities or the manes of the infernal regions. 'NiQTog, -ov, 6, a species of bird. Νέσσύί, (rc^•:) plumage, feathers ; the os- trich. ISiev/iioc, -ccrog, το, (from ueva) ά nod. Ngi^ot/, see νίομ,Λΐ. Ngy^ot, -oig, and uiVQicc, -ccg, τ]. Ion. uevQ'•^, vsv^iin, (from i/stJgov} a sineiu or tendoii, string, string of a bow or of a musical in- strument; strength. Νίύξίυος, -71, -ov, (from preced.) made of nerves or sinetvs ; made of the fibres of plants. Ί^ίίν^οκοττίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ρενίνξοκ,όττγικχ, 1 a. βΐ/ευξοκόττγισα, 1 a. pass. ζνενζοκ,β'ΤΓτιύγιν, p. pass. νενενξοκ.ό'τΓ'^μχι, (from next and κό'τττω) I cut the sinews, enervate, disable. Nev^ou, -ov, TO, a nerve, sineiu or tendon, string ; plur. strength. 'Νενςοζίζφίω, or ρευζορραφίύ), (from preced. and ρόίτΐτω) I sew withcords made of sinews ; I sew leather, make shoes. 'Νενζόρροίφος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) one who sews leather, a shoe-maker. Ήενζ^οστιτα^τίς, -ίος, 6, v}, (from vsv^ou and στΓά,ω) drawn, strung, or bent with sifiews. Ι^ξόσττΰίστος, -ou, (from same) drawn by sinews, thongs or strings, a puppet. 'Ήευξοτίνής, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from viv^ou and πίνω) stretched with sinews or strings. Ngygoij, f. -ωσω, (from usvqou) I nerve, strengthen. 'Νίνξω^νις, -εος, 6, τ], (from same) nervous, vigorous. Ί^ίυσίς, -εως, {], (from uia) sivimming, navi- gation ; (from νεύω) nodding, a nod, assent ; bending, bent, inclination. 'Νευστάζω, (from next) I nod, beckon, nod from drowsiness. Ήεΰω, f. -εΰσω, p. -κ,Ά, 1 a. ενευσα, I beckon, nod, assent, make a sign by moving the head or eyes ; bend downwards, decline. ΉεφέΤ^Ύΐ, -γις, h> (from νέφος) a cloud. Luke xii. 54. όταν ι'^ιητε roji/ νεφεΚην ά,να,- τίΚΚουααυ ά.'κο ^νσμ&ιν, wheti ye sec the cloud rising from the luest ; the well-known phenomenon which indicated the approach of rain, 1 [3] Kings xviii. 44. 614 Ι^ίεφεληγεξέτΰί, gen. νεφελιηγεζίτχο, JEol. Dor. and poet, for νεφελγιγε^εττης, -ov, 6, (from preced. and χγείξω) cloud-gathering, cloud-compelling. Ήεφε'ΚνιγεζΥΐς, ov, 6, ij, (from same) cloud- gathering. 'Νεφίλιον, -ov, TO, (from νεφέλη) a little cloud. Ήεφελωτος, -'?<'άδ£$•, or Νίΐ/δε^, Ion, for 'ΝαϊιίΙες. Njji'os-, -ou, (from νηνς) naval : vvfiou, with Ι^λο;/ understood, timber for ship-buildins. -VT— ••> ' ' re \ I ^/ \ ^ JN^ig-, -toog, 0, V), (irom x/'/j and ta-/\{Ai) ig- norant, inexperienced. N>5<"t)7?, -ου, 0, (from ν/ϊύς) naval. N>9«£gS'/ji, -ig, (from υνι and κε^ος) unpro- fitable, injurious. Nijxio-To?, -ou, (from same and άχεα) in- curable: ρ'ήκεστου, incurably. Ι^ίιηκουστεω, (from same and ακούω) I i'efuse to hear, disobey. 'N9]Kovarog,-ou, (from preced.) unheard of. Ny/^roV, -5?, -ou, (from uia, νεύσω) swim- ming, that may be swam in. Ν>3λ£'^?, or υγΙΚεινις, or v^K'/ig, -ες, (from ν'ή and έ'λέοί) merciless^ cruel. Έτι'ΚεόύΰΐΛος, -ου, ό, yj, (from preced. and Βυμος) cruel-minded. N>7AgoVo/:/o?, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and 'Trotuvi) cruel in punishing. '^vfhX'Trog, -ου, or υιηλΊττους, -ohog, 6, yi, (from v^, νι'Κιφ, a shoe, and 'ττους) without shoes, hare-footed. NyjArry??, -ου, 6, (from same and νιλίτγις. Ion. for άλίττης) irreprehensible, faithful. Nij^oi, -etrog, το, (from νέύή a thread. ί^τημεξτειόί, -xc, '/], (from next) certainty, truth. ^η/ίίεξτνις, -sg, (from v^ and «,ί^α^τάι/ώ;) ujierring, true. Ύίγιυεμ,ίχ, -ug, v], (from next) freedom from wind, calmness. Ί:^'/]υε/α,ος, -ου, ο, ij, (from z/'/j and oiusfcog) free from wind, calm. N/5i/£, -ihog. Ion. Ν)7^)5<ί, -ί^ος, ij, (from next) a daughter of Nereus, a Nereid. Νγίξεύς, -έως, ο, Nereus, a sea-god. ^Vi(H&y.og, -ou, (from νή and a(iiQ,uog) innumerable. Ήτίζίστος, and υ'ήξίτος, -ou, (from same and εζίζω) uncontested. l^YjQog, -cc, -ou, (from υύω, or perhaps from "^rc:) fiowing, watery, wet. N/iaxlog, -a, -ou, (from uvjaog) insular. ISiYjaiXQXYig, or ϋΥΐσίΛ^χος, -ου, 6, (from same and όίξχ,ω) a governor of an island. 'Nrjalug, -echog, UYialg, -f^og, i], uyjao^Qiou, and UYiaiou, -ου, το, (from v^aog) a small island. ^■/ίσιωτγις, -ου, 6, and νγισιωτις, -i^og, rj, (from same) an islander. ΝγισιωτΊκός, -vj, -oV,,(from next) belonging to an island. 615 Ν?3ίΤ0ί, A GREEK LEXICON. Noij.aa. Ν^σθί•,-οι>, V}, Dor. uxaog, (from via, I swim) an island. Ν^σσίί, or νί^ττχ, -της, v], (from same) a duck. Νι^σσάζ/ον, or ι^γιττάξίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a ducMing. Ύ^ΥίσπΊοί, -OS?, ^, (from next)fasting, a fast. N>5ffT£:Jiy, f. -ίύσω, p. vsuyiarevKX, 1 a. svvja- Tsvaoc, (from next) I fast. Ήνισης, -tog, Attic -£?ToV, ->?, -oV, (from νίω) spun; heaped. Ύίϊΐτξίχ,νις, -sg, (from νη aug. and ccT^sK'yig) clear, ti^ue, certain : ν^Τζ^ίκως, clearly. N»y.c, Ionic for vcx,i)g. 'Nyi'vTfiog, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from vvi and ctyr^ij) breathless, without smell. 'Nylφόίλεog, or ι/)5φάλ/ο?, -ου, ο, '^, (from next) sober, vigilant. 'Ν7]φω, f. -•ψί«, p. νίυγιφΛ, 1 a. hvixj/x. Dor. νΰ,φω, (from i';^ and 'πίω) I am abstemious, am sober, am vigilant, am attentive. Ιίξ'ήχ,ντος, -ou, (from νή aug. and χύω) that flows in a large stream. Έ-ήχω, and vvj-x,of^oit, (from via) I swim. Νόϊψ^ί, -sag, vi, (from υ'ήφω) abstinence, sobriety. 'Niy^cc^og, -ου, ο, a kind of flute οΐ flfe ; a certain measure or tune in playing it. Ήίζω, JEol. νίσσω, (Dor. for νίτττω) I wash, ivash away : νίζομ,αι, I wash myself. 'Νικάω, -ω, f. -^σω, p. vi'ji>cifix.oi, 1 a. su'ikv]- σοί, also νίκγιμι, (from i^jj and sikcj} I con- quer, overcome, prevail. ΝϊκΎΐ, -vg, VI, (from preced.) victory ; a statue of victory. N'lKYii^u, -oiTog, TO, (from same) victory. ΉΊκ,γίτίον, (from same) it is necessary to triumph. Ήΐκ,γιτν]ξίος, -!cc,-iou, (from same) ofov be- longing to victory : νικΎίτνι^ιον, -ου, το, the reward of victory : νικ,τιτ'/ΐζΐΛ, a festival in honour of victory. Nix,YiTYig, -ου, 6, (from same) a conqueror. NixrtrUog, -vi, -ou, (from same) fit for conquering, victorious. Νίκηφοοίω, (from i^Un and φίξω) I carry away the victory. ΝΐκτιφοζΙοί, -ocg, 7], (from preced.) the gaining of a victory. Νϊκγιφόξος, -ου, ό, v], (from same) that gains the victory. Νϊκ,όβουΤ^ος, -ου, ό, (from uik-^ and βουΤ^τΐ) a victor over the senate. Νϊκ,ο'ττοίίω, -ω, (from ν7κος and ττοιίω) 1 obtain victory. Νικο-ττοιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from priced.) con- f/uering, that conquers. 616 10 Nijco?, -eog, -ους, το, (from νικάω) victory: dg vlKog,for ever. N/y, like f^l'j, for αυτόν, οιύτνιν, αυτό, him, her, it ; in Homer μϊν only occurs, vh in Pindar, and the tragedians. Νι-ττττ,ξ, -^ξος, ο, and uί7Γτξιg, -f^og, sj, (from νί'τττω) a large ewer, or a cistern for washing the hands or feet. Νί-τττξον, -ου, το/ (from next) water for washing the hands. Ν/τΓΤώί, f. -•ψω, p. νίνιφα,, 1 a. svi -ψχ, 1 a. mid. ίνι•φοί[ΛΎΐν, (from νύφω or νίφω) I wet, dash ivith water, vjash; it is spoken of some 2^art of the body, as the hands, feet, face, eyes. Νίσσο^οιι, or νείσσομοα, same as νέομαι. See νίω. Νΐτξον, -ου, το, (ίΠ^) natron, the nitre of the ancients, which is a genuine, native, and pure salt, different from our nitre, and from all other native salts, being a fixed alkali, plainly of the nature of those made by fire from vegetables, yet being capable of a regular crystallization, vi'hich those salts are not. It is found on or very near the surface of the earth, in thin flat cakes, spungy, light, and friable ; and when pure, of a pale brownish white co- lour. In Scripture we find that the salt called nitre would ferment with vinegar, and had an abstersive quality, properties which perfectly agree with this salt, but not with salt-petre, as do many different qualities ascribed to it by the ancients. See Prov. xxv. 20, and Jer. ii. 22. Ήίφα, accus. of νί-ψ. ΝΊφάςγ-ζις, -sg, (from next and agyoV) white with snow. Νΐφάς, -alog, vj, and uίφ£τόg, -ου, ο, (from νΐ-ψ) snow, a fall of snow. N"ιφ^'β7\.'ylg, -7ιτog, v1φόβλyιτog, -ου, or ν'ίφόβοΆος, -ου, ο, % (from νίφος and βάλΆω) shoivered on with snow. Wιφ6ξίg, -ζσσα, -ev, (from next) snoivy. 'Νίφος, -eog, το, (from νίφω) snow. ΝΧφοστψ'ής, -iog, 6, vj, (from preced. and στίίβω) tracked with snow, snowy. ΝΤφω, f. vi'^^/o), infin. νιφίμεν, poet, for νίφειν, I S710W : νίφομαι, I am covered with snow. Νΐ-ψ, νιφός, 7], (from preced.) s7toiv. Niipig, -log, 7], (from νίτττω) ivashing. Nos^og, -a, -όν, (from next) intelligent, ra- tional. Νοίώ, -ω, f. νοτίσω, p. vivovjKoi, 1 a. luowcc, p. pass, νίνότιμαι, (from voog^ I agitate or revolve in my miyid, understand, think, con- ceive. Νόϊΐμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a thought, device, the understanding. Νοημούν, Λ GREEK LEXICON. ^osoym^ovixhg. Novjfcav, -ouog, o, 17, (from preced.) inteUi- gent, wise. Nu'/irr^coV, -i?, -o'j, (from uoia) intellectual; intelligent. )so-/iTog, -17, -O'J, (from same) intelligible; intellectual : uo'/itoj;, imsely. 'Νούάγβντις, -ίος, ο, τ], (from νόύος and ysi /ύ)) illegitimate. l>iouiicc, -ccg, V}, (from vouoi)bastardy, spu- rioiisness. Νύύίίος, -X, -cu, (from same) of or belong- ing to a bastard, spurious. Νο^ένώ), (irom next) I adulterate. Ήύύος, -ov, 0, 71, (from v/i and Uog) a bas- tard, sp)urious. 'ί^ίομχ^'ίκος, -'ή, -ov, (from uoyAg) pastoral. l^ofiodog, -oc'ioe,, -ciiov, (from νόμος) legal, customary ; belonging to pastures or Jierds of grazing cattle. Ήομχξ^•ης, -ου, 6, (from same and οίζχο^) a governor of a province. ^ομ,ά,ς, -ά,^ος, 6, ij, (from ι/εμω) feeding in a ijasture : ΰομ,ά,^ίς, ^ωρ, οί, leading a pasto^ ral life. ^oy.ivfc»} -ατοζ, το, (from uo,u£va) a herd, flock. Ί^ομενς, -ίος, Attic -ίως, ό, (from same) a shepherd, a distributor, a rib in a ship's side. Έομζυτ'ίκος, -vi, -ou, (from next) pastoral. tsoy.eva, f. -ίύσω, (from νομός) I act as a shepherd. No^iie'fij, -ω, f. -νισω, 1 a. ivo^wct, (from υίμω) I distribute a share, obtain a share. Νο,ίί^, 'Vjg, '/}, (from perf. mid. of same) pasture, a flock that feeds, any thing that de- vours, ?Lsflre, or eats, as an idcer ; division, share, distribution, administration. 'Κομίζύ}, f. -ϊσύ), p. usvo[M-/,ci, 1 a. Ινόμισχ, p. pass, νξυόμίσμ,οίΐ, (from νόμος) I establish by law, think, am of opinion ; pass. / am ac- customed, am allowed by law to be. 1:^6μ^κύς, -71, -όν, (from same) of or con- cerning the law, legal, lawful, just. Ύ^ομΧκός, -ου, ο, (from same) a lawyer, person who professed to be skilful in the law of Moses. Κόμϊμ.ος, -τη, -ov, (from same) legal, law- fid : νομίμ,ως, lawfully. 'Νόμιος, -ioc, -lov, (from νομός)ο/ shepherds, that protects shepherds. ^όμισμ.χ, -α,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of νομίζω) a nte, custom ; m.oney, coin whose value is settled by law, lawfid money, stand- ard measure. ^ομ.ιστίον, το, (from same) that which is to be thought. Νομογζόίφος, -ου, 6, vj, (from νόμος and "/^άφύ)) a writer of laws. ^ομοΐί^ύσ κάλος, -ου, 6, (from same and δίδάσκαλοί) a doctor or teacher of the law of Moses. Ι^ομοοότϊΐς, -ου, ο, (from same and δ/δά»^;) a law-giver. Νομούεσίχ, -ας, τ], (from same and Μσ{ς) an appointment or ordaining of a law. Ήομούίσμο)ς, (from same and δεσμός) legally. ^ομ,ούετεω, -ω, f. -τισο), p. νενομούεττικχ, 1 a. ενομ,ούϊτγισχ, p. pass, νενομ,ούετγιμχί, (from same and τίύτ,μ,ι) I make a law, ordain by law ; pass. / receive or am instructed in a law. Ήομ.ο&ετ•/ις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a legis- lator: νομούίται, οί, magistrates for revising the laws. 'Νομο^τίκός, -'η, -όν, (from same) qualified to legislate, Νόμος, -ου, 6, (from perf. mid. of νέμω) partition, distribidion, allotment, arrange- ment ; an established law, usage or custom; in Scrip, the divine law ; with the article, the law of Moses, or the whole O. T. Scrip- tures uniformly in the Gospels and Acts ; and for the most part, though not without exception, in the Epistles; in music, a measure, an air or tune : νομός, -ου, 6, pas- ture, pasture ground, an abode, dwelling place; a nome, a prefecture, a certain dimsion of land in Egypt, Isa. xix. 2. 'Νομοφνλχξ, -οίκος, 6, (from preced. and φυλάσσω) a guardian of the laws. Nooi, contracted νους, 6, gen. νόου, νου, dat. νόω, νω, ace. νόον, νουν, and vox, voc. νόε, νου, in Ν. Τ. gen. νοός, dat. vol, the mind, understanding, judgment, prudence, thought, meaning, pui^ose. 'Νοσίζός, -ξ», -ξόν, (from νόσος) diseased. Noσ£6J, -ω, f. -^σω, p. νενόσνιχ,χ, 1 a. ενό- σ•/;σχ, (from same) / am diseased, am sick, am infirm, dote; am in distressed circum- stances. Νοσ/ίλε/δί, -χς, τ], (from same) the care of the sick ; sickness requiring care. 'Νοστιλείχ, -ων, τχ, (from next) the diet, medicines, and treatment of the sick. 'ί^βστιλεύύ), f. -εύσω, (from νόσος) I attend a sick person : νοσγιΚεύομχι, I am sick and require attendance. Ί^ίόσγιμχ, -χτος, το, (from same) a disease, sickness. ^^οσ-ημχτΊκός, -tj, -ov, (from same) sickly. Νοσγιμχτό)1-/ις, -εος, ό, τι, (from same) mor- bid, produced by disease : νοσ-^μχτω'^ως, in a diseased state. Ύζοσογνωμ,ου'ίκός, -τι, -όν, (from same and ^ινωσκω) belonging to the knowledge of dis- eases J'rom their symptoms ; skiljid in disco- vering the nature of diseases from their symptoms. 4 1 617 NoiTiwro/£w. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Νυχτοτοξεω, Ήοσοτοίίω, (from next and ττοιΐω) I pro- duce disease. NoVoi, or uovaogt -ου, vj, (from vvi and σόος) a disease J distemper ; disease of the mind; affliction, 'NoaaevMy f. -ενσω, 1 a. ενόσσίνσα, (from νίοσσος} I build a nest. 'Νοσσίχ, Att. ι/οττιχ, -Αζ, vj, (from same) a nest or brood of young birds ; a cell. Νοσσ/οί/, -oy, ro, (from same) a ckicke7i. 'ΝοσσοτΓοιίω, -ω, (from next and ττοιίύ)) I make a nest. 'Νοσσος, contracted for νεοσσός. ^οσσοτζοφίω, (from preced. and τ^ίφω) I rear a brood of chickens, feed my yoiing. Νοστίώ), f. -νισω, (from nU)) 1 go, return. 'Νόστιμος, -ou, (from preced.) belonging to return, profitable, agreeable, welcome. 'Νόστος, -ου, ό, (from same) a return, a journey ; sweetness, agreeableness. Νόσφί, apart, asunder, far off. Νοσφίζω, f. -7σω, 1 f. τηϊά.-ίσομοίί, 1 a. mid. ένοσφίσύμτιν,{ϋΐθΐη preced.) I separate ; mid. / sepai^ate myself from, revolt; steal part of a thing, seci^ete, purloin, steal, embezzle. Νοσφίσμός, -ov, 6, (from preced.) separa- tion, peculation, embezzlement. Νοτζζός, -cc, -ov, (from νότος) humid, wet, rainy, dripping, fidl of tears. Νοτίώ», (from same) I am moist or luet. Νοτίοί, -ας, 'ή, (from same) wetness. 'Νοτίζω, f. -Ισω, (from same) / moisten, mahe luet ; I am southerly. Νότιος, -cc, -ov, (from same) soidherly, moist, wet, rainy. Νοτις, -βος, vj, (from next) wetness. Νότος, -ου, ό, the south, a southern countiy or the southern part of the earth, the sotUh ivind; Lat. notus. Νουβυστίκ,ός, -vi, -ov, (from νους and βΰω) stuffed with shrewdness, very sagacious; νου- βυστ'ίκ,^ς, providently. Νουύίσία, or νουύίτύα,, -α,ς, ^, (from same and '^'ίσις) a regulating of the mind, instruc- tion, admonition, reproof; that which pids mind or wisdom into the person admo- nished. Νουύίτίω, -ω, f. -'ί^σω, p. νενουύβτ^κοί, 1 a. Ινουθίτησοί, (from same and τίύϊϊμι) I regu- late the mind, instruct, warn, admonish, re- prove. Νουύίτγιμχ, -α,τος, το, and νουύίτνισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, the same as νουύεσίχ. Νουύετγιτίος, (from νουύετεω) to be admo- nished. Νουύετίκός, -ij, -ov, (from same) ftted to admonish, didactic. Νουμγινία, or νεομηνία, -ας, h, (from νίος and μνινη) the new meon. Νουνεχ;ε{», -ug, hi (from next) prudence. 618 Νουνξ•)(;)ις, -εος, ο, ij, (from next and εχο)) having mind, prudent, intelligent : νουνί%ως, wisely, discreetly, sensibly. Νους, νου or νοός, vof, 6, (from νόος) the mind, understanding, judgment. Νουσος, see νόσος. Νυ, or νυν, (x3) now, pray. Νύγμχ, -οίτος, το, (from νύσσω) a pricl; puncture. Νυκτελίος, -ου, 6, '^, (from νύξ) performed by night. Νυκ-τέξευμοί, -Λτος, το, (from νυκτεξεύω) a passing of the night, a night quarter. Νυκ,τεξευτίκός, -vj, -ov, (from next) fitted for the performance of any action by night. Νυκ,τεζεύω, (from νύ^) I pass the night, bivouac. Νυκ,τεξίνός, -γι, -όν, (from same) nocturnal. ΝυκτεξΙς, -ίίος, vi, (from same) a bat. Νυκ,τεξος, -», -ov, (from same) nocturnal, nightly. Νυκ,τεξόφοίτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and φοιτύω) wandering by night. Νυκτεξω-ττός, -ov, (from same and ω -ip) seen by night. Νυκτνιγοζίω, (from same and αγο^εω) I proclaim by night; hold a council, deliberate by night. Νυκ,τγιγοξία, -ας, v], (from preced.) a noc- turnal harangue ; a nocturnal assembly. Νυκ,τηςεφνίς, -ες, (from νύξ and εξεφω) covered in night, dark, gloomy. Νυκ,τφςόμος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and βξίμύή sounding by night. ΝυκτΤίξόμος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and Ιξόμος) that rims by night. Νυκτ^κόζοίζ, -Οίκος, ό, (from same and κόζο,ζ) an owl. Νυκτίίλόίλος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and 'ΚίζΚεω) that speaks by night. Νυκ,τΤττΆαγκτος, -ου, νυκτΤ'7Γ7\.ά,ν)}ς, -εος, 6, Vi, (from same and 'τ'κά,ζομοίΐ or 'τν'κα,νά.ω) that wanders by night. Νυκ,τίσεμνος, -ov, (from same and σεμνός) solemnized in the night. ΝυκτΧφοιτος, -ου, 6, 9j, (from same and φοιτά,ω) 7iight-iuandering. Νυκ,τΓφξούζΥίτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and φζουξέω) ivatchiiig by night; watched by night. Νυκ,τούνίζΐχς, -ου, ό, (from same and S^j^ot) a hunter in the night. Νυκτομοίχίω, (from same and μάχομαι) I fight by night. ΝυκτομοίχΐΛ, -α,ς. Ion. νυκτομαχίη, -rig, VI, (from same) a battle by night. Νυκ,το7τεζ'ι''7Γλΐχνγιτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from , νύξ, τεξϊ, and 'κΤ^ανά,ω) wandering aboid by night. Νυκ,το-πΌξίω, (from νύξ and -^όξος) I tra- vel by night. 'Νυχτο^οξία. A GREEK LEXICON. 'SoiToSciTsu. '^νκτοττοξίοί, -a;, r], (from preced.) tra- velling hy night. 'Νυκτοττότίον, -ου, το, (from ιινζ, and t/uoj) a nocturnal cup. Ι^υκτοφυΤ^οίκΐω, (from same and φυ'κά,σ- σω) I guard or watch hy night. Νυκτοψύλοίξ, -Οίκος, 6, (from preced.) one who watches by night. Νυκτωττος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from νύ^ and ώίψ} seeing by night, nocturnal. Ήΰκταζ, (from νύζ) by night. Ήύμφοί, Ion. Ny,i4^>7, which see. 'Νυμφχγωγίύ), (from νύμψ/ι and oiyo)) I lead a bride from the house of her parents to the bridegroom ; arrange a marriage. Ύ^υμ,φίχ,γωγΙίί, -ccg, % (from preced.) the conducting of a bride. 'ί^υμ,φόί'/ωγος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) the bride's conductor, Ήυ[/,φΗος, -six, -iiou, (from νύμ,φ•/]) belong- ing to a bride or ivife, nuptial, bridal: νυμ- Oilo'j, -ου, το. Ion. νυ^^φτι'ΐου, (from same) a bridal chamber. Ny,i« tt daughter-in-law, any fe- male connected by marriage. 'Νύσσχ, -ης, τ], (from next) the goal. Ήύσσω, Attic νυττω, f. -ζω, p. νίνυχΛ, 1 a. ίνυξ,ΰί, 2 a. ίνυγον, 1 a. p. eίυστάζύ), f. -ζ,ω, p. νζνΰστχγ,χ, 1 a. Ινίισ- Tx^oc, (from νζυστύζω) I slumber, delay, linger. Ί^υστχκτνίς, -ου', 6, (from preced.) a slum- berer. Ι^ύττύ). See υϋασω. Ι^νγ,ίυμχ, -χτος, το, (from next) a night- watch. Ύίύχ,ίΰύ), f. -=ΰσω, (from νύζ) I pass the night watching. Ny;^^i7(i«£^0!/, -ου, το, (from i/y| and ^^ε^α) the space of a day and a night, a day of twenty-four hours; an expression similar to *ipi 3*11; Dan. viii. 14. Νώ;δθ5•, -'ή, -6u, (from >») and ο^ούς) tooth- less ; or (from νή and xUhvi) speechless, stupid. Noihunx, -χς, v), (from same and otoun) freedom from pain. Ήω^ύνος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same) f'ee from pain or sorrow. Ήωύειχ, -χς, vj, (from next) sluggishness. Ήωύ'ής, -ίος, ό, ί}, (from wn and ώύίύ)) slug- gish, heavy, dull, stupid. 'Νωύξοκχξ^ιος, -ου, ό, v}, (from next and κχξ^ίχ) slow of heart, stupid. 'Νωβξος, -X, -6v, (from νωύ'^ς) slothful, sluggish, slow, dull. 'Νωΐτζξος, -X, -o'j, (from νωί dual of lyoi) of or belonging to us both. 1<^ωκ'ήΙ, dpi) a sheep-master. 'Νω'Λίμ'^ς, -ίος, ο, τ), (for νωλίττ'^ς, from νη and Χείττω) continual, incessant: ι/ω?.εμίς, νωλεμίως, and νύ)λεμως, continually, inces- santly. Νω^άω, -Ζ, f. -7;σω, I move here and there, direct; move in the mind, observe, consider. Νό)νϋμος, 0Γ νωνύμος, -ου, 6, ij, (from u^ and ονομχ) without name or celebrity. Ί^ωξο-ψ, -οτΓος, ό, τ], (from same and ο-ψις) of dazzling brightness. Ί^ωτίζω, f. -ισο), (from νΖτος) I make to turn the back, ])ut to flight ; I turn the back, flee ; I put on or cover the back. Ι^ωτοβχτίω, (trom same and βχίνω) / go on the buck, cover, suid of stallions. 619 Nwroxocrew, 'N&jTox.oTriUf -&>, f. --ησω, (from next and κ,ότττω) I strike the back, cut off" the neck. Ήωτος, -of, o, and ucOTouy -ου, το, the back. 'ΝατοφόξοςΙ -ov, 6, 5j, (from preced, and φίξω) carrying on the back. A GREEK LEXICON. Ηϊνίζω, ^ωχ,€Κύ(Χ,, -ας, 7], (from ναχίλ'ής) sluggish- Ί^ωχ^Κίΰομ,Λΐ, (from next) I am lazy and sloiv at work. ΉόύχίΧ^ς, Λος, 6, ί], (from y^ and οκίΚλω) sluggish, inert, lazy, dull. H, the fourteenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the fifteenth of the an- cient, among which it answered, in order, to the Hebrew Samech D : but whether in power or sound it approached nearer to that letter or to Shin ν may be doubted. Cadmus, or whoever it was that furnished the old Greeks with their alphabet, seems to have strangely confounded the names, forms, and powers, of the four oriental sibi- lant letters, Zain, Samech, Jaddi or Tsad- di, and Shin, with each other. Thus, Zeta corresponds to the Hebrew or Phenician Zain in form, order, and power, but its Greek name is more like Jaddi or Tsaddi ; so I, answers, in order, to Samech, but its name Xi, by dropping the final η (as in the Greek Nil from Hebrew Nun) seems to be fairly deducible from the Hebrew \ΰ, to which letter the small |, if laid down on its side, is very similar in form ; whilst, on the other hand, the Greek Sigma, which in the order of the alphabet corresponds to Shin, is, in name, and in some of its forms, more like the Hebrew Samech. Μ may b^ resolved into κσ, ya, χσ, and is often chaBged^into σ alone. On the other hand, σ is frequently changed into ξ in Homer, and the old Attic writers, as ζύν for σύι/. In Ionic σσ is changed into ξ as §;|oV, τξίζος, for Κισσός, τζίσσός. Ηοίίνω, f. -ά,νω, p. ίζ,Λγκ,οί, 1 a. s^viuct, I teaze, card, or comb wool; pluck, cut, strike. Ηανύίζο), f. -iff;, (from preced. and φνίί) naturally yellow or fair. Ξαι/ύοχίτων, -ωνος, ό, ^, (from same and χιτων) yelloiu-coated. Ηχΐίθόχζοος, -όου, contr. ξοίνόόχξους, -ου, or ξοίνθόχξως, -ωτος, 6, 7>, (from same and X(lQcC) yellow-coloured. Ήύνος, -Ύ\, -ου, the same as ^ίυος. The same variety of spelling is found in the derivatives. 'B,iυά,yίτnς, -ου, 6, (from next) an intro- ducer of guests. Sivΰίyίω, (from ξ,ίυος and oiya) I conduct a stranger, entertain or instruct a stranger; lead strangers, cominand foreign troops. Uίυoιyίΰc, -α,ς, yj, (from preced.) the com- manding of foreign troops. Ή^υa.yός, -ου, ο, (from same) a conductor of strangers ; a commander of foreign troops. S£υxyωysω, and ξeυoιycoy6ς, same as ^suoiysa, and ξsυoίyός. Βίυόίττόίτγις, -ου, ο, (from ζίυος and ccttcc- τύω) one who deceives strangers. Ξευοίξκτίς, -ίος, ο, τ], (from same and άξκεω) snp2)lying strangers, hospitable. ΗευγίΚασίοί, -ας, vj, (from same and ελάώ.) an expelling of strangers. ΗξυηΤ^ά,τίω, f. -τίσο), (from same) / expel strangers. • ΗευΎίκά,-ττις, -ου, ο, (from same) one luho expels strangers. 'Β,ίυια,, -ας. Ion. hvin, or ζ,-ινί•/], -ης, vj, (from ξένος) the condition of a stranger or foreigner, a right or claim, of hospitality; the reception or entertainment of a guest or stranger ; a lodging. Βέυίζω, or ξαυίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ίξίνίκα, 1 a. Siwxo?. A GREEK LEXICON. Ξκρουλκία. Ιζίνισα, 1 a. pass, l^v/iahv, (from same) I receive a stranger into my house, lodge and entertain him ; am a stranger, am entertain- ed ; I am strange ; mid. I procure for viy- self lodgings, I think strange, am amazed. "Bin-Aog, -v), -ou, (from same) of, belonging, or due to strangers, foreigners or guests. Shioi/, -ου, TO, Ion. ^eiuiov, or ^s'jvi'iou, (from same) a present, properly a present given to a stranger ; a hospitable entertain- ment. Hk'jiog, or ζείνιο;, -ice, -lou, (from same) hospitable. ΞίνΊσίς, -εως, τ., (from ^ενίξω) an enter- taining of strangers. 'Biyiuy.oi, -w, 6, (from same) hospitality ; an injury from being strange, as injury from change of diet. Si'jiTilcc, -α,ς, τ], (from ζίνος) a travelling through strange countries, the occupation of an auxiliary. Ξί^ίτίύω, f. -ίύσα, (from same) I lead the life of a stranger ; serve for pay in a fo- reign country. Siuoociix,T7}g, -ου, ό, (from same and ύαΐζω) a murderer of guests or strangers. 'Ξ,ζυο^ούτγις, -ου, 6, (from same and όα,ίο)) one who devours strangers, a cannibal. Hsuo^oKog, or ζενοόο^ος, -ου, ο, 9], (from same and οίχ,ομ,οα) one that receives stran- gers or guests, a host. Ssuooox,i7o'j, -ου, TO, (from same) a place for receiving strangers or guests, an inn. SiuoOo-ycioj, Ion. ^suo^oKsa, -ω, f. -Ϋ,σύ), 1 a. Ι^ίνοοόχ,τιοα,, (from same) / receive and en- tertain strangers, am hospitable. Sivoooyju, -ccg, tj, (from same) a recep- tion and entertainment of strangers or guests. Hiuoii;, -ίσσοί, -sv, (from iivoj) having abundance of guests or strangers. Ξ,ίνοκτονίύ), f. -'/ισω, (from same and χ,τ-ίί/ω) I slay strangers or guests. Ξ,ίνοκτονία,, -ocg, vi, (from preced.) a mur- dering of strajigers or guests. SsuoKToi/og, -ου, 6, v), (from same) tliat murders strangers or guests. Sevo^.oyio), -ω, (from ξίνος and Asy^) I enlist foreigners. "Ei'jo'hoyiov, -ου, το, (from same) a body of foreign troops. Ξίνο'Κόγος, -ου, ό, (from same) one ivho enlists foreigners. Sii/oj, or ξίίνος, -ου, ό, a stranger, a guest, an host : Bii/oc, -n, -ov, strange, foi'cign, wonderftd : ζ,ίνοι, hired troops, mercenaries : Hvu);, in a strange manner, strange, uncom- mon. ΛίΆστα,σις, -ίως, -/}, (from prcceil. and οτύσ{ζ) a place for strangers, a scat of hos- pitality. Ηενοσΰντη, -ης, τ], (from ^suog) the connec- tion and intercourse of hospitality. HivoTi/icog, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and nfc'/i) honouring strangers, hospitable. Ξβνοτξοφέύ}, -ω, ϊ. -7ισω, (fi'om same and τζίφω) I maintain foreign soldiers. Έευόω, f. -ma, (from ζίΐ/ο;) I receive strangers, entertain, lodge. Ηί^ι/λλ/ον, -ου, το, (from same) a paltry guest. Si'joyj, -oyjoc, 6, (from same) an apartment for guests, a guest-chamber, a hall, an inn. Έίοος, -ου, ό, {for χ,ί^σος, by transp. ;s^^£g05• or ζίζος) a shore, beach. 'Ξ,ίσμ.Λ, -ccTog, το, (from ^ίω) a statue of wood. Βίστ-/ι;, -ου, ό, (from the Latin, septus) a sextarius, a pot, a measure of Hquids, equal to about an English pint and a half. Ξίστος, -vi, -ou, (from next) scraped, shaved, polished, carved. HiQ), f. ίίσύ), 1 a. pass. ΙΗσύγ,ν, p. pass. iifitj^^cii, I scrape, plane, polish, carve. 'BtYioa.'rjo), f. -όίνω, p. li'/ioay/ca,, 1 a. I^ij- (iciycc, 1 f. pass. ξ-/]ζα!/ύ'/;σομαί, p. pass. If'/j- Qoifiucti, 1 a. pass. kcYiOoivurii', (from ζτιοό;) I dj^y lip, luither, waste away; pass. / am dry or ripe. Rev. xiv. 15. ΉτιζοίΚοιφία, and IvioctAs/Trriij, (from same and ά'Κζίφύ)) I anoint the dry body with oil without previously bathing ; or I anoint with oil alone without mixing it with water. Svj^ciuaig, -εο)ς, ^Υιοόττ,ς, -Υιτος, and |-/j- ξόίσ'ίχ, -ας, 'h, (from ^-/i^ouucd) a drying 2ip, dryness, drought. Srioog, -Qx, -QO'j, dry, withered : tj ξηρχ, viz. yyj, the dry land. ^-/ίοοφαγία, -ccg, tj, (from preced. and φά,γω) the eating of dry food ; abstinence from flesh-meat, and all succulent food, and living on bread and dried fruits only. Ηϊφ' /iorig, -sog, 6, '/}, (from ζίφος and ccna) armed with a sword. Βίφτιφόοος, -ου, ο, 71, (from same and φί- ζω) carrying a siuord. ΞΊφΊοίς, -ου, 6, (from ^ίφος) the sioo7'd- fish. Έιφ'ϊοίον, -ου, το, (from same) a litllesword. Ξ,ίφισττκ», -Tjoog, and ^(φιστγ^ς, -ου, ό, (from same) a sivord-belt, or a sword-scabbard. Έ'ίφοο'ήΚΥιτος, -ou, (from same and ογιΆίο)) destroyed by a sword. Ξϊφοκτόνος, -ou, (from same and κτίίνο)} that kills with a sword, murderous. 'Ξ,ίφοι/.ά,γ^ζχ,ίοοί,, -ccg, vj, (from next and y.ccY^ctiocc) a cut and thrust sword. Βίφος, -sog, το, a sivord,propcny a straight sword. Ξ,ιφου^.Άΐα, -ocg, v,, (from prcccd. and έλ- κω) the drawing of a sword. G21 ^/φουλχος. A GREEK LEXICON. Μνοαω. 'Ξ,^ιφουΤ^κος, -ov, ο, ^, (from same) that draws the sivojxl. Η'ίφονξγός, -ου, ο, (from ξίφος and 'i^yop) a sivord cutler. Ηίφοφόξος, same as ξίφγιφόζος. . Ηονόότττίξος, -ov, 0, '^> (from next and '^τΒξον) having yelloiu wings. Ήουύος, -jj, -ov, (same as ζ,οίυβος) yelloiu. Ηυά,'Κτη, and |ϋ07λ>7, -ης, vj, (from ξύω) a chisel, plane, a tool for luorking in wood; a falchion, a short crooked sword. Ξ,υ7\.ά,ζΐον, -ου, το, (from Ι^λον) a small piece of wood, a stick, a small log. Ξυλίίχ, -α,ς, vi, (from same) the providing of ivood. SvXviyia, (from same and οίγω} I con- vey wood. ^υΤ^τιγος, -ov, 6, (from same) a timber merchant. ^υλίζομαι, (from ξόλου) I collect luood. Ξντανος, -71, -o'j, (from same) wooden. ^νλοκ,οττίω, (from Same and κ.ό'τττύ)) I cut, hew, or fell timber ; I strike ivith a stick or club. Sv7^ox,o9rioi, -ας, ij, (from preced.) the striking of wood, wood-cutting ; the striking with wood, cudgelling. ΉνΤ^οκ,ότΓος, -ov, 6, (from same) a cidter of wood: a striker with a stick. SvXou, -ov, TO, (from ξύω) ivood, a tree ; a post, a cross, a gibbet ; the stocks. Acts xvi. 24 ; plur. staves, or rather dubs. Mat. xxvi. 47, 55. Luke xxii. 52. ΒυλοττίΙγ], -γις, vj, (from preced. and mln) the stocks, wooden fetters. ΗνΆονζγίω, (from same and e^you) J work in wood. Sv^ov^ylcc, -ας, 'ή, (from preced.) working in wood. Sv'Aovξy'ίκ,oς, -'/j, -ov, (from same) belong- ing to the working of wood ; qualified for the working of wood. Ξΰλovξyoς, -ov, 6, 9], (from same) that luorks in wood. ^υλοφοζίω, (from ξ,νλορΆηά φίζω) I carry wood ; carry a stick. Ηυλοφοξία, -ας, ^, (from next) a candying of wood, an offering of wood, Neh. x. 34. ΗυΆοφόζος, -ου, 6, v], (from ξύλοα and φίξο) a carrier of wood. Βυ7\.οχίζομ.αι, Dor. ζ,υΤ^οχίσΙομ,αι, (from next) / cut wood, fell timber. ΒΰΆοχ,ος, -ου, ο, ij, (from ξύλου and Ιχω) a woody place, thicket, den. Ηνλοω, -ω, f. -ωσο), 1 a. ίξύ'Κωσα, p. pass, part. Ιξν7^ύ)(Λ,ίνος, (from ξύλον) I make of wood, cover ivith wood. ΈνκωΙγις, -εος, ό, v}, (from preced.) woody. Έύ\(,)σις, -%ως, ^, (from same) the wood work of a house, beams, timber. -622 Svfifiaivcj, see συμβαίνω. Bvu, Attic for σύν. Svusvjica, Att. for σννίτ,κα. Ion. for συν- γ^χ,α, 1 a. of συνίϊίμι. Ν. Β. All compounds of ξνν may be looked for under σύν. Ηύνζίος, -iia, -nou. Ion. ξννήίος, -τίί'γι, -ψον, (from ξννος) common, in common. Ξ,ννηων, -όνος, ο, 9], Dor. ξνναων, ace. ξννάονα, contr. ξννανα, (from same) a sharer in conwion, a partaker. Ήύνιον, for σννίεσαν, (3 pi. imperf. ind. of συνίημι) they went ivith, complied with. ^υνος, -"ή, -ov, same as κοινός, belo7iging to all, agreeable to all, comjnon. β,υνόφζοίν, ξννοχ,α,ξ'/ις, same as κοινόφζων, and κ,οινοχα^'ής, titles of Apollo, as delight- ing in society or conviviality. Ξννόω, f. -ωσω, (from ξυνός) I make com- mon, communicate. Ξννωξιίς, Attic for συνωξίς, -βος, ij, (from σννίίζω) a chariot drawn by tivo horses. Ηΰζάω, or ξνζξω, -ω, f. -'/ισω, 1 a. ίξύξγισα, 1 f. mid. ξνζ7]σομοΐί, 1 a. mid. έξνζνισάμ,νιν, 1 f. pass, ξυξγιύιησομαι, p. pass, ίξύζημα:, (from ξυξος) I shear, clip the hair close to the skin ; I shave. Acts xxi. 24. κ,αΐ Ιαττά- ννισον ϊπ αύτοϊς, 'ίνα ξυζ7]σωνταί ttji/ κ,ίφα- Τ^γΐν' " and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads." The four men here referred to appear to have been Nazarites. The Law of the Nazarites is given, Num. vi. 1 — 21. Let the reader observe the numerous offerings prescribed, when they shoidd shave their heads in the day of their cleansing, verses 14 — 17; to- gether with the additions to any amount, which might be due, from the particular engagements of individuals, according to ver. 21. '* This is the law of his oiFering unto the Lord for his separation, besides that that his hand shall get : according to the vow which he hath vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation." When the time for their cleansing came, many were unable to answer all these demands; yet till they were answered, either by them- selves or others, the men who had vowed could not be discharged from their vow. Hence, it became a custom among the Jews, who could afford it, to show their affection at once for the law of God, and for their poorer brethren, by helping Naza- rites in such circumstances. Thus Josephus tells us, Antiq. xix. 6. 1. that Agrippa, on being advanced from a prison to a throne by the Emperor Claudius, came to Jeru- salem, and among other instances of reli- gious thankfulness shown in the temple, )ccc\ Ι^^αζίξαίων ξυ^ασύαι ^ίίταξί μαΆα συχ,- ηυ^κγίς. A GREEK LEXICON. Όβζλίζω. ί/ούς, he also ordered very many Nazarites to be shaved; he, it is understood, furnish- ing them with money for the expenses of that, and of the sacrifices necessarily at- tending it. Bv^'/}x.-/ig, -εος, ο, ί], (from preced.) that shears or shaves : ίνρ-ήκ,τις, shorn^ shaved. Ξ,ύζ-ίίσις, -tog, Attic -siy?, '^, (from 2 sing, perf. pass, of same) shaving; in Isa. xxii. 12. it is mentioned as one of the signs of mourning; compare Lev. xxi. 5. Deut. xiv. 1. Ηΰ^οοόκ-νι, ζνξοίόχ,η, and ^υξοβ^/ικ.•^, •Ύΐς, 'ή, (from next and οέχο/^,χι, or τίύγιμ,ι) a ra- zor-case, Ξνξον, -ov, TO, and ζνξος, -οί, ο, (from ζ,ύω) a razor : ίττϊ ζ,νρου άκμ,γ,ς, II. Κ', 173, on the edge .of a razor, in great danger. Ξ,ΰσμ,α,, -ατός, το, (from same) any thing scraped off, a shaving, chip or shred. Ξυσμ'/], -vjg, vj, (from same) a stroke or punctiire. Ηυστ^ξ, -7)ξος, ο, (from same) a plmie. 3υστ\ς, -i^og, vj, (from same) a curry- comb, a scraper used in baths; also a pur- ple garment, or a garment of fine smooth texture. HvGTou, -01), TO, (from same) the staff of a spear, a spear ; also, a trowel, a rule, used by masons ; also the Roman ccystum, a terrace, or gallery, where gymnastic and. other exercises were practised in winter,• so called from the floor being rendered smooth and level. Β,υστος, -"ή, -ou, (from same) scraped, shaved, planed, polished ; with ίξόμος un- derstood, same as the xystum, see preced. Ήυστοφόζ^ος,-ον, ο, (from ^υστον and cp£^&) a spearman. Βνστζα, -ας, '^, and ζύστξοί/,-ον, το, (from ζ,νω) a curry-comb, a scraper, a plane. Ηυστ^ωτος, -ου, ο, ί], (from ξΰστροί)) planed, polished. Svcj, f. -ύσω, p. ίζνκ,χ, p. pass, e^va/xcii, (from ^ΐω) I scrape, shave, plane, polish, level. Ο Ο y.i/.^ov, i. e. Ο small or short, viz. in sound, so called to distinguish it from Omega. Ο is the fifteenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the sixteenth of the ancient, among which it answered, in order, to the Hebrew or Phenician Oln: whence also its name Ο was probably taken, by dropping the n, as in the Greek names Nu and Xi from Nun and Shin. The old Greeks had but one character for their O, whether pronounced long or short; and the LXX often substitute ο or ω, for the Hebrew j? in proper names, as in 2 Chron. xi. 7- 1 Chron. vii. 39. 4 Kings xxi. 26. 2 Chron. xv. 8. Num. xxxii. 33. in its form, Ο is not so like the Hebrew as the Phenician Oin, which is a kind of irregular triangle, and is sometimes written almost circular. Ο is, in the ^olic dialect, often changed mto V ; as ουΰμ,α,, for ovoi/.cx,, and ονύμαίνω, for ονομα,ίνω ; it is often prefixed to words, as o:/y| from νΰσσω,' ohvun from Ζϋυω, οδάξ from '6ά,κuω, ομό^γο) from μόο^^/ω. Some- times « is changed into ο ; as άστα.φ]ς into όσταφίς, άστοίκος into οστΛχ,ός. Ό, ^, το, the. See p. 24 and 84. "Ο, neut. of rel. pron. og. Όα, interj. of grief, 01 alas! "Occ, -ctg, 'ή, the serince tree ; also, as oia,^ (from o\g) a sheep's skin. "Οαζ, -oiQog, 71, contr. ωξ, ωοος, (by trans, from όίοζ) a luoman, a wife; a tripod; a con- cubine ; II. Γ, 327. οάρων iuvAO, σφίτεξάοι/. On this indignant expression of Achilles's, Dacier observes, " that he pluralizes the one wife of Menelaus through the impetu- osity of his spirit." It might have been added, that, owing to the same cause, he applied to her an appellation of not a very' ceremonious kind. Comp. II. E', 486, and observe the use of very different language, cchoyfiv T£ φίτ^'/ιν, when, in 480, Sarpedon speaks of his own wife. ' Οόίζίζύ), f. -^σω, (from preced.) / converse with familiarly, converse as lovers, caress, woo. Όαξίστ'/ις, -ov, 6, (from preced.) aji inti- mate companion. ' OccQ /στύς, -vog, i}, (from samv) familiar intercourse, amatory converse. "Ooioog, -ου, '/], (from occq) converse. 'θβέλ(ζύ), (from όβίλός) I mark ivith an obelus. 623 ' Οβζλίακοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Όδοντοφυης. Ό/3£λ{Ό•κοί, -ovy ό, (from next) a Utile spit, an obelisJc, ΌβίΚος, -oUf 6, (fiOm βέλος) a spit, spear, dagger ; an obelisk ; a mark of censure affixed to a ivord or passage of a hook. Όβολος, -oy, 0, (from same) aji obelus, a small Greek coin, the sixth part of a drachma. This and the preceding were originally the same word; and the όβολός was in form like a spit of iron or copper, a handful forming a ^ζαχμ,'η. ' ΟβοΤιοστά,ττ,ς, -ου, 6, (from preced. and στά,ω) a weigher of oboli, a sordid usurer. "Οβζία, and οβξίχ.α.'Κα, -m, τχ, the young of luild beasts. ' ΟβξίΐΛΟί^γος, -ου, 6, v}, (from οβζΐ^ος and ίξγοι/) one who does great things, in a bad sense, audacious, furious. Όβ(ΐιμ,όύϋ[/,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ^υμος) furious in mind, stoid-hearted. '0/3^/^640 TTccT^o?, -ου, 6, and όβξψ.οττάτξγι, -7}ς, 7], (from next and 'ττατνίζ) having a ter- rible father. " ΟβξίΐΛος, or ομ,β^^ιμ,ος, -ου,, 6, τ], stro7ig, terrible, impetuous, raging ; huge, iinmense, ponderous. "Οβξύξον, -ου, το, 2'>ure gold. ^ Oyhoouog, -oiid, -cclou, (from ογΟοος) on the eighth day, of eight days. ' Oy^o'/jxovToc, contr. dyhoi^ouru, oi, ai, roi, (from same) eighty. ^ΟγΙοΎΐκ,οντοίίξ, (from preced. and s^) eighty-six. ' Ογ^ο'ήκ,ουταίτΎΐς, COntr. ογ^ΟΎΐχ-οντούτ'/ις, -so ς, 0, 7], (from same and έτος) eighty years old. ^ OyloYiXOvrccTTSuTi, (from same and Trkurs) eighty-five. ΌγΙοτικοστος, -oj, -oj!/,(from next) eightieth. "Όγδοος, -ότι, -oov, or ογΖόά,τος, (from οκτώ) eighth, one of eight, 2 Pet. ii. 5. "Ογί, viyi, τόγί, (from ο and ye) this, he for his part. "Ογκ,α, or ογκ,-ή, -τις, vi, (from όίγχι or hyyi/g) a title of Minerva, as being at hand. 'Oyxaoy^di, -ω^α,ι, f. -νισο^Λοίΐ, I braij, bellow, roar. ' Oyy.vju^ciog, -ου, ο, and oy>cri^itcc, -ocrog, το, (from preced.) braying. 'OyKYi^og, -oi, -on, (from oyx-og) swollen, pompous. "Oy>ciov, -ου, το, (from next) a small box or basket for hooks, or other iron instru- ments ; a quiver. "OyKog, -ου, ο, a tumour, swelling, barb, weight, bulk, heap ; incumbrance ; pomp. ^Oyxoco, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) 1 increase in bulk or height, I swell; 1 inci-ease in dignity, give importance to, magnify, make 624 18 to swell with pride : oyxoofixi, mid. / swell with piide; pass. / am honoured^ ' Oyycuwo), and oy^lxho^-oci, (from same) / am puffed up. ' Oyx.L\-/\g, -iog, o, vi, (from same) swollen, inflated, pampered. Όγμίύω, f. -ζΰσω, (from next) / do something moving in a straight line, plough, mow, drive animals forward in hunting. "Oy^og, -ου, ο, a straight line, furrow, swath, road or track. "Oyxvvi, and οχ,νΎΐ, -vig, v}, the pear-tree, a pear. "Oy.x,og, JEo\. for οχος. ' oioiyf^og, -ου, 6, (from next) a bite. ^Ο^ά,ζύ), f. -^ω, ο^ιχ,κ,τά,ζω, f. -ά,σω, (from next) / bite, sting. ΌδάΙ, adv. (from ^ύχ,νω) biting. 'Οδβίξάω, Ion. οδοίξέώ;, f. -'ήσο), (from pre- ced.) / bite, sting, cause itcJdngs ; I feel 2)ain, 2^^ickling, or itching from a bite, scratch or rub to allay such pain or itching. ΌΙα.ζϊΐσμος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a bit- ing, prickling, or itching, a sensation of it, a scratching to allay it. ' Οΐύω, f. -νισω, (from 6log) I conduct ^ convey. "Oii, vi^i, τόΐί, (from ο and δέ) this, this here ; he, she, it. ^ Oli\6g, Mo\. for οβίΚός. ' Οΐίύύ), f. -&ΰσω, p. ωΐίυκοι, (from ohog) I journey, travel. 'Olγiyίω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. uhyiyyiKcc, (from next) / lead in a way, guide, instruct. ' Ol'/iyog, -ου, ό, (from o'^og and viyiojuxi, or oiyoj} a guide in a way, an instructor. "Oliog, -oc, -ou, (from olog) of the ivay, of good omen for travellers. "Oliaf/.ci, -xTog,• το, (from όοιξω, which from o^og) a ivay, road, bridge. ' O^iTYjg, -ου, ό, (from same) a traveller. Όδ^ίύ'/?, jEoI. for όσ,ϋτ]. Ό'^οί'^όκ.ος, -ου, ο, (from o^og and ^οχύα) one luho luatches the road, a highiuayman. Όδο/7Γλ«;/£ώ>, (from same and ίτλαί/άώ)} / wander, rove. Ό^οί'ΤΓΟζβίχ, the same as ό^οΐ'ττοξία. Ό'^οί'ΤΓΟζίύ), -ύ), (from ohog and ττε/^ώ;) / pass through a luay, travel. ' Ο^οίττοξίχ, -oig, 7], (from preced.) a Jour- 'ney, journeying, march, roide. ''οίοίΤΓΟξ^κός, -5?, -0!/, (from same) fit for travelling. ' OloiTTOQio'j, -ου, TO, (from same) a reward to guides, fare, toll. 'Oloi'TTO^og, -ου, 6, v), (from same) a trav- eller. ' Ο^οντοφΰ'^ς, -ig, (from oloi>g and φύω) teething, prodzicing teeth, produced from teeth. 4 'οδοντωτός. A GREEK LEXICON. Ο/ΒΤ'ης, Όδοί'ΤΛτον, -ί), -01/, (from οΙού ς) furnished with teeth ; denticulated. ΌΙοτΓΟίίω, -ω, (from όοος and ττοιΐω) I make a way. ΌΙο'ττοαοί, -Λς, τι, (from preced.) the mak- ing of a road. ' Ο^οττοίος,-οΰ, ο, (from same) a road maker. Ό^ος, -oil, 9], a way^ road, method, prac- tice : V} oSoVj is often put for the doctrine, faith, and practice of chiistianity. Acts ix. 2. xix. 9, 23. xxiv. 22. " In 'the ivay of the Nazarenes" is still the phrase used by the Jews to express, " according to the manner of the Christians." "Ο'^ονξος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and οδ^ο;) a watcher of the way, a rohber ; also a guard. ^Ο^ούς, -o'jTo;, 6, (i. e. hoovg from t^ci) a tooth. See β^υγίΛος. ' ΟίοΦΰλΆξ, -οίκος, ο, (from ό^ος and φυ- λάσσω) a keeper of the ivay, a highivoyman ; also a guard of the way, a patrol. Όο6ω, -0), f. -Lao), (from Cqo;') 1 show the way, guide, conduct. ^ Ούννάω, -ω, f. -7}σω, 1 f. pass, ο^υν/ιύτισο- μ,Λΐ, (fi'ora next) / afflict with grief; pass. / am grieved, tormented. Όδΐ/»9, ->ΐί", hi (from ^ύν ω) grief, soi-row. ' Οΐυνη^ος, -ξά,, -ξον, (from preced.) grie- vous, painful. ' Ούνν/ίφόίτος, O'j, (from, same and φάω) that destroys or mitigates pain. Όουνοσττάς, -άοος, ο, v], (from same and σττάω) distracted with pain or g7nef. " ΟόυζίίΛα., -ατύς, το, όουρμός, -ου, 6, (from next) a lamentation, luailing. Οοϋζθ(Λοίΐ, f. mid. ούυρουίΛοΐι, p. pass, ω^υξ- y.cii, I lament, mown over. Ό'όυ^τ^ικος, -'ή, -ov, (from preced.) lamen- table. 'OBf^ToV, -5Jj -i>>5 (from same) lamented, lamentable. ' Οδ^σσί/ίί, -α,ς, yj, (from next) the Odyssey. Όουσσίύς, -ίως, 6, Ulysses, the son of Laertes, whence called also Αα,ίζτιάογ,ς. ' Ούύσσο^Λοί/, f. ούΰσομ,Λί, 1 a. ύ)^υσοίΐΛΥΐ», 2 sing, ώοΰσα,σο, eliding the σ, ώ^ύσοίο, Attic contr, ό)θύσω, 3 sing. p. οθύ)όυστοίί, for ωουσ- Tdi, part. ούυσσά{Λίνος, I am angry with, feel enraged. 'OoijjOi?, -ν}ς, 9], (from ύζύ)) a smell. ' Οθύ)Τύς, -I?, -ov, (from οδο?) passable. "Οίσσι, Ion. and τΕοΙ. for οϊσί, dat. pi. of οϊς. "Οζ-ή, -γις, 'ή, (from οζω) a stench. "ΟζΌ?, -ου, 6, a knot of a tree, a branch. Όζόστο(Λος, -ου, ο, h, (from next and στό- μα,) having a stinking mouth. "Οζω, and οζίω, f. οξγ,σω, and Λσω, p. ωζγ,χοί, p. mid. οίοοί, Attic oooocc, p. pass. aay.ai, I smell, emit an odour : Dor. οσ^ω. Ί "Odiu, (from ος and Uiu) whence, ivhere, wherefore. "Ούτι, -r,;, h, (from ούω) care. "OQi, (for oh) and οθι-τηξ, where. Όύνύος, -sU, -uou, (from Uyog or from νό- ύος) foreign. ' Οθ'^ίΐότυμ,βος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced. and τύ/ίοβος) buried in a foreign land. ' Ououri, -ης, 7], CL piece of linen, a sheet, a sail. 'Οθο•Λνος, -i'r/i, -luou, (from preced.) of linen. Όύόνιον, -ου, το, (from same) a linen swathe or roller, lint. "Ούζίξ, οτξϊχ,ος, ό, h, foi* ομόύοίξ, (from ό/ίίος and ^ξΐξ) having hair of the same kind. "Ούω, or ouoy.cii, I feel kindred emotion towards one ; I heed, mind. 0Ί, oh ! woe ! alas ! 0Ϊ, ivhere ; whither. 07, (dat. of pronoun ου) to himself 01, nom. pi. of o, ^, τό. 0Ί, nom. pi. of relative ος. Oix, neut. pi. of οϊος, as. Οϊα,κ'ιζω, f. -1σω, (from ol'd^) I take the helm, govern. Οίοίκύνόΐίίος, -ου, 6, (from same and vif^o)) a steersman, governor. Οίάκοστοοφίω, (from same and στοίφω) I steer, direct, govern. ΟΙακοστζόφος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) one ivho turns the helm ; a pilot, ruler, governor. ΟΊ'α,ζ^-ακος, 6, Ion. or/j^, -τικ,ος, the handle of a rudder, the rudder or helm : οϊ'γ,κζς, the rings in the yoke through which passed the reins which directed the horses, Οΐβος, -ου, 6, the thick brawny part of a bidPs neck. Οί'γω, and ο'ίγνΰω, f. οΐζω, 1 a. ωίζχ, o)^oc, or έωζίζ, I open: oiyuv/iioii, iniperf. a'lyvoy.ny, 1 a. pass, οι'^θτ,ν, for ωγβην, I am opened. OTooi, οϊΐοίς, οΊ^χσθα,, οϊσύχ, perf. mid. of ίί'οω, I know. Οΐϋάω, and οίοίω, f. -νισω, p. ω^ΤίΚΧ ; oi- οούνω, and οίοά,νω, I swell, am inflated: swell with anger or any violent passion ; cause to swell, inflame, ferment, stir. O'i0rif4,a,, oi'/ifyccc, or οΐ^μχ, -χτος, τό, (from preced.) a swell, swelling, cause of sivclling the mind, vanity. Οϊοησις, or οίησις, -ίος, ί], (from same) swelling, turgidity, sclf-conceitcdness. Οί^ΐ'ΤΓοοτ,ς, -ου, and ΟΐοΙττους, -ούος, ο, (from same and τζους) one with swollen feet ; CEdipus. ΟΙίανος, -ου, 6, ^, (from οΊος and ίχυός) having only one garment. ΟΗτης, -ίος, 6, i], for ό{Λθίτγ,ς, (from of/.o; and ϊτος) of the same years. Κ 625 0''ξΗ A GREEK LEXICON. Όιχονόμος, ' Οϊζύξοζ, in Homer ; in Attic writers όϊζΰξός, -ξά, -goV, (from next) luoeful, miser- able, ivretched. Όϊξνς, Attic οΐξνς, -νος, ^, affliction, misery, woe. Όϊξύω, f. -νσω, (from o'i) I lament, am afflicted. ΟΙψον, -ου, το, same as o'l'ctl•,. OVig, -'βος, '/ί, (from οΐς) a eiue. OiKoc^s, Dor. oiKiihsg, (from οικ,ος) towards the house, homewards. Οϊκαόίκος, same as οικιακός. Οικείος, -ac, -ou. Ion. οΙκτ^ΊΌς, -η, -ou, (from οίκος) a pei^son of or belonging to a house, or family ; domestic ; connected with a fa- mily by relationship or by friendly intimacy ; suited to one's self or one's country as opp. to what is foreign ; private as opp. to pub- lic : οίκζίως, familiarly, kindly : οίκξιότοίτοί, most kindly. ΟΊκειόττις, -ΐήτος, vj, (from preced.) kiii- dred, relationship, familiar intimacy. Οϊκειόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / ren- der domestic ; appropriate to myself ; con- ciliate friendship ; make suitable, adapt. Οικείωσις, -εως, y], (from preced.) render- ing domestic or familiar; appropriation, adaptation, conciliation. OiKsreva, (from next) Hive as a domestic, nhabit. ΟΊκίτγις, -ου, 6, (from οΐκίω) a domestic servant, a slave ; som.etimes in the pkn*. a wife and children. OiKSTiuc and οίκετεία, -ας, 5j, (from pre- ced.) the service of a slave ; the household, family servants. Οικίτίς, -ιίος, τ], (from same) a female servant, or slave ; the mistress of a hoicse. ΟΊκίύς, -ίως, and -ίος. Ion. -ϊ^ος, 6, (from οίκος) a domestic. ΟΙκίω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. ωκγικ,οί, 1 a. ω κνίσα, pres. pass. part, οΐκίόμενος, contr. οίκονμενος, -τη, -01/, (from same) I dwell, inhabit : see οικουμί^/ι. Οίκγιμχ, -Λτος, το, (from preced.) a house, a chamber ; a prison ; a brothel, OiKnf^UTiou, -ου, το, (from preced.) a small dwelling, a chamber. Οικνισϊμος, -η, -ov, (from next) habitable. Οΐκγισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from οΐκίω) a setthment, habitation. Οικ^τνίζ, -νίξος, and οικητνις, 'ου, ο, (from same) an inhabitajit. Οικητ9ΐξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a habita- tion, dwelling-house. Οίκγιτός, -5j, -ou, (from same) habitable. Οϊκνιτο}ξ, -οξος, 6, (from same) an inhabi- tant. Οικία, -οίς, 7}, (from οίκος) a house, house- hold, family, 626 ΟΙκιακος, 'VI, -oV, (from preced.) Iivi7ig in the same house, domestic : οικιακός, -ου, 6, a domestic. OUlhiou, -ου, TO, (from same) a small house. Οϊκ'ιζω, f. -^σω, 1 a. ωκισα, 1 f. pass, οίκ,ισ- θ'^ισομαι, 1 a. p. ωκίσύην, (from same) / dwell, cause to dwell ; build a house, establish a colony. OiKiQu, -ου, TO, same as οικία. Οικίσκος, -ου, 6, {(rom οίκος) a small house, a hut, a chamber. Οίκισμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from οΐκίζω) a building, habitation. Οίκίστνι^, -τίζος, and οικιστνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a builder of a house, a founder of a colony. Οικογίννις, •ίος, 6, τ], (from οίκος and γίνω) born in one's house. ΟικοΙίσ-ττοι^α, -ης, hy (from same and Ιίσ- 'ΤΓοινα) the mistress of a family. Οίκο^εσ'ττοτίω, -ω, f. -νίσο), p. ωκο^ίσττόττηκα, (from next) I govern or manage a house- hold or the domestic affairs of a family. ΟΙκοΙεσ'πότης, -ου, 6, (from οίκος and ha- 'ττότΎΐς) the master of a house. OiKo^ofiscu, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ωκο^ό[Ληκα, 1 a. ωκο^ό^ΛΎίσα, 1 f. pass. οΊκο^θ[ΛΥΐθ'ησο(Λαι, p. pass. ωκο^όμ.Ύ\(Ααι, pluperf. pass. ωκο^οΐΛΊ^ι^ηυ, 1 a. pass. ωκοδο^ο?^>5ν, (from same and δο- μίω, the same as ^if /,ω) I build, edify ; build up, or embolden, 1 Cor. viii. 10. Οίκοοομ'^, -m, hi (from same) building, a building, edification. OlKo^afiTif^a, -ατός, το, (from οϊκό^ομίω) a building, house, habitation. ΟΙκοΙομία, -ας, h, (from same) edification, ΟΙκοΙομΤικος, -'^, -ov, (from same) fit for, practised in building : οίκο^ομ.ίκγΐ, viz. τίχ,ν-η, the art of building. ΟΙκοΙόμος, -ov, 6, (from same) a builder. OiKouiu, (from οίκος) from a house, from home ; from one's self ; from the beginning. Οΐκούι, (from same) at home. Οίκοι, (dat. of οίκος) at home, OiKQiihs, (from οίκος) homeivards, within. Οϊκονομ,ίω, -ω, f. -7}σω, p. ωκονόμτηκα, (from οίκονό/ϋος) I am a steward, manage the af- fairs of a family ; manage, regulate. Οικονομία, -ας, h, (from same) a dis- pensation, administration, or management of family affairs, a stewardship; a spiritual dispensation, management, or economy. Οικονομικός, or οικονομ-ητίκος, -«?, -ov, (from next) skilled in managing the affairs of a family or in managing any affairs ; a steward, director, financier. Οικονόμος, -ου, 6, (from οίκος and perf. mid. of νίμύί) a person who manages the domestic affairs of a family, a steward. OiTiontibov, A GREEK LEXICON. Ohdvuf}. OiKOTrehoi/, -ου, το, (from same and ττί'^οι/} the area on which a house has been built. Οϊκοττοίος, 'ου, 6, (from next and mrotioi) made at home. Οίκος, -ov, 0, a house, temple, chamber, dwelling-place, tent ; a household, family ; a race, people, nation : κα,τ oIkou, in a house or in the house, at home. Acts, ii, 46. comp. verse 2. Acts v. 42. : ογι/^.οσίιχ. και κ,ατ οίκους, publicly and privately. Acts xx. 20 : οίκοι, οί, substance belonging to a family, goods, patrimony. Οικόσιτος, -ου, ο or τ}, (from preced. and σίτος) one who eats at home, who lives at his υιυη expense, who does any thing gratis ; dis- interested; domestic. Οίκοτξίβ'/ις, •ίος, or οΙκότξΐ•<Ρ, -ϊβος, 6 and 7], (from same and τξίβω) a slave born and bred in a family. ΟικουίΛίυ-ή, -ης, 'ή, (fem. of pres. part, pass, of οικίω, with yvj understood) the in- habited or habitable earth or world ; a par- ticular empire, or a particular country only, Isa. xiii. 5. κΛταφύίϊξοίΐ ττϋσοίν ttju οΊκου- μ-ίντιν, to destroy the whole land ; to dissolve the Babylonish empire, and to render de- solate the principal seat of that empire, viz. the city and province of Babylon. Luke xxi. 26. MerHs hearts failing them for fear and for looking after tZu ίπ-ίζ^ο^Λνων τγ οίκου μ,ίu7],those things which are coming on the land, viz. of Judea. See also, Isa. xiii. 11. and xiv. 17- and xxi v. 4. Luke ii. 1. : ttju οίκουμίν-ηι^ r^u μίλλουσαα/, Heb. ii. δ. the world that was to come, i. e. the gospel dispensation or kingdom of heaven. So the Messiah is called in LXX, Alexan- drine edition, ΐΐαττίξ του μίλλοντος αιώνος, Isa. ix. 6, '* the father of the age to come," and in Heb. ix. 11. χξχ,ΐΒ^βύς των (^iWovTovj άγοίθων, " a high priest of the good things that were to come." ΟΙκονξγος, -ου, 6, τι, (from οίκος and 'ίζ- yo'j) one who attends to domestic occupations : οικουξγούς, in some MSS. for οίκονζούς, Tit. ii. 5. ΟΙκουζ^ίω, f. -'/]σύ), (from same and οΰζος) J watch or keep the house, am much at home. ' OiKoo(/yif/,ci, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a guai^d of a house, a woman who takes care of a house. ΟΙκουξίΰί, -χς, 71, (from same) a charge of a house ; a domestic life. ΟΊκουζίκος, -'ή, -ov, (from same) fitted to guard a house. Οικούζίος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same) of or be- longing to the watching or guarding of a house, or to staying at home : οίκοΰζίοΐ/, το, wages for watching a house : οΊχ,οΰζΐχ, τα, playthings to amuse children who are lefl at home. Οίκουζος, -ου, ο, ^, (from ο\κος and ούςος} a keeper at home, or one who takes proper care of one's family ; the mistress of a fa- mily. Eurip. Hec. 1261. Οικοψβοξίύ), f. .ν;σω, (from same and φύίίζω) I ruin my family, luaste my fortune. ΟΊκοφύοζίοι, -ας, v}, (from preced.) the ruin, or the corruption, of a family. Οϊκτϊΐζίω, -ω, f. -'/}σω, 1 a. ωκτί'ΐζίισΛ, 1 a. imperat. οικτίίζτισον, (from οίκτος) I com- passionate, have compassion upon, show mercy to. ΟΊκτίίξ•/ΐ!^•Όί, -ατός, το, (from preced. mercy, compassion. OiKTiiQu, f. οΊκτίξω, 1 a. Ijktsiqu, 1 a. im- perat. oiKTsiQou, the same as οίκταξίω. 01 κτίζω, f. -7σω, (from οΊκτος) I move to pity, have pity upon ; mourn over, lament. ΟίκτίΡμός, -ου, ο, (from οίκτίίξω) mercy, compassion, tender mercy. ΟΊκτΊζ[Λύ)ν, -όνος, 6, 7}, (from same) merci- ful, tenderly merciful, compassionate. 0'ΐκτισμ.α,, -ατός, το, and οίκτισμος, -ου, ο, (from οίκ,τίξύ)) lamoitation. Οΐκτιστος, -ίστ•/ι, -ιστον, (superlative ο οίκτζος) very miserable, much to be pitied : ύΐκτίστα, most lamentably. Οίκτος, -ου, 6, compassion, commiseration, lamentation. ΟΙκτξός, -Qoc, -ζον, (from preced.) miser- able, to be p)itied : οΊκτζως, miserably. Οικτξοχοίω, f. -τισω, (from preced. and )ci^) I pour out piteous complaints. Οϊκώς, and οίκος, -ότος. Ion. for ίοίκως, (perf. part, of ίί'κύ)) likely, probable, ju^t. Οίκωφί\Υις, -ίος, 6, vj, (from οίκος and ώφί- "ΚΥις) profitable to a family, industrious. ΟίκωφίΤ^ίΰί, -ας, τ], (from preced.) useful- ness to a family, industry. ΟΙμ,α, for ο'ίμψ.α, -ατός, το, (from οί/^άω) a violent attack, impetuosity. Olf^ai, contr. for οί'ομ,αι. Oif^aa, f. -τισω, in poetry, (same as όξ- f /,άω in prose) / rush upon, rush forward, set out hastily, Oi'f^/i, -ης, 7], same as οΐμος. Οί'μ,οι, (from o'i, and μο\, dat. of iyai) ah me ! alas / Οίμ,ος, -ου, 6 or tj, (from οίω) a place much f'ccjtiented, a way or path. Οίμ.ωγ'η, -τις, τ], and οί'/ι^,ωγ/ϋα, -ατός, το, (from next) wailing, lamentation, complaint. Οιμωζω, f. -ξω, and οίιαωσσω, or -ωττο). (from οϊμοι) I luail, lament, cry οί'μ,οι. Οί(Λωκτ6ς, -71, -6u, (from \^Y(icea.) lamenta- ble. Oivauun, -ης, h, (from οίνος and όίνθος) the flower of the vine, the vine. 627 Οίνάξίον, A GREEK LEXICON. Okg, Oluuq&ou, or oiuct^ov^ -ov, το, (from οίνη) a vine leaf or shoot ; a vine. . 0!ι/όίξΙζω, f. -07rQτyjg, -ου, 6, and oluo-TTOTig, -ihog, t], (from same) a wine-drink- er, one addicted to wine. Oiuog, -ου, ό, the same in Hebrew ^^s^ Greek ΟΓΝ-05•, Latin, viN-um, French, viN, English, wine. This name was given to liquors made from the juices of several fruits, besides that of the grape, as cyiler &c. also to a kind of beer made from wheat. Olud'r^ovog, -ov, (from preced. and τ^ί- TToi) turning into wine, producing wine. Oho^τξόφog, -ov, (from sam.e and τξίφω) producing wine. Oluoiaact, or οίνονττοι, -γις, τ), (from oho- saacc, fem. of ohostg) a cake made with wine and honey. ΟΙνοφΆυγίί•), -ω, f. -9]σω, (from cuuog and φλύω or φλύζω) I am heated with ivine. ΟΊνοφΆυγία, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a being heated luith wine, excess of wine, 1 Pet. iv. 3. ΟΙι/όφλυ^, -vyog, 0, '/j, (from sa,me)foami'ng with wine, dnmken, given to wine. ΟΊι/οχ,οίω, -Ζ, f. -jjffiy, or οίνοχοίύω, (from ohoxoog) I J) our out luine, serve as a cup- bearer. Οινοχόη, -Yig, vi, (from next) a female cup- bearer. Οινοχόος, -ου, ο, (from mvog and χίω) a cup-bearer, Οινόχΰτος, -ov, (from same and χΰω) filled with wine. Oi'vQxp, -OTTog, οίνω-ψ, -ω'ττος, or οίνω-ττος, -ου, ο, γι, (from same and o\p or ω-ψ) wine- coloured, purple, dark-coloured. ΟΙνόω, f. -ωσω, (from oivog) I fill with wine: oivoof^oci, I fill or intoxicate myself with wine, Οϊυ(Λνις, -sg, (from same) vinous, abound- ing in vines or wine, Oivuv, -uvog, 0, (from same) a wine-cellar. Οΐνωσις, -εως, i], (from οΙνόω) drunkenness. Οΐόβόίτος, -ου, 6, vi, (from olog and βούνω) lonely. Οιοβότης, Dor. οϊοβότα,ς, -ου, ο, (from same and βόσκω) one who pastures his cattle alone ; an insane i^erson. ΟΙοβονκόλος, -ου, 6, (from οϋς and βουκ,ό- λος) a shephej'd. Oioyoi^uog, -ου, ό, % (from οίος and yocf^og) once ma7'ried. Οϊόζωνος, -ου, ό, vi> (from same and ζώνη) alone, without attendants. OUUev (from ohg) from one place or side, alone. ΟΙόύι, (from same) alone. ΟιΌμχί, or ol/^coci, pres. imperat. οιΌυ, οίίσθω, imperf. ωό[Λην, contr. ωμ,την, 1 f. mid. oiT^aofioii, p. pass, ψ/ιμαι, 1 a. pass, ωτίθην, (from οΐω) I think, suppose: οιϊτού [λοι, it appears or seems to me. Olov, adv. (neut. of otog) only, alone. Οίον, adv. (neut. of oJog) just as, as ; as if, as though, nearly, about : οϊόντε, jJossible. O'lOTTsllTiog, -ου, c, h, (from next and 'jri- δίλοί/) having only one shoe. Oiog, oi'y], oiov, alone, only. 07og, oiot, oiov, (from alg) such as, as, just as ; like, of such kind, of such kind as ; of what sort : it is a relative answering to το7ος and To/oirog•, expressed or understood, οΐός el μι, or^oUg τ ειμί, with aninfin. is pro- perly τοιουτόζ εϊμι, ώστε, I am of such kind as, i. e. / am luont, I am able. See oiou, οίόντε. Οΐόφξων A GREEK LEXICON. ' Oxouiv. Οίόφξο}!), -01/0?, 6, 7], (from οίος and φ^'^^) self-willed, fond of solitude, lonely. Oloy^iToyj, -ωνος, ό, τ], (from same and χι- -των) that has but one coat ; or (from (j'i{) having a coat of sheep's skin or of luool. Οΐόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from οϊος) I render lonely or destitute, abandon. Οΐ'τΓίζ, (for oJ) where. Οΐς, οίος, or οϊς, οίος, ο or ij, the sheep, a ram or ewe ; dat. plur. οισσι, for okaoi. Οϊσύχ, and poet, οϊσθίχ.;, Attic for οΠα,ς, 2 sing. p. mid. of sth). Οίστίος, -χ, -ov, (from οΐω) necessary to be borne: οιστίοι/, must bear. Όϊστευττίξ, -^οος, and οϊστίυττις, -ου, ό, (from next) an archer. Όϊστεύω, or οίστϊύω, f. -ιϋαω, (from o'iVro;) / shoot arrows, hit or lull with arrows. Oiarooiyf^cuu, -όνος, or οίστο^όχ,Υι, -γις, vi, (from same and οίγ,ομ.Λΐ) a quiver. ΟΙστος, 'Τί, -ou, (from oL•) borne; that may be borne. Όϊστος, Attic οίστος, -ov, 6, plur. οίστΆ, -Zu, ΤΛ, (from same) an arroiu, dart, jave- lin; the rapidity and force of the arrow when shot from the bow. Οίστξά,ω, οίστ^ίύ), and οίστζούύ, (from οϊσ- τξος) I run about furiously like aniuals when stung and tormented by flies, rage, am under the influence of any violent passion ; I sting, render furious or frantic with passion. Οίστξτ,'Κίζτίω, (from same and iTienvua) I drive to fury by the stinging of the gad- fly, render furious by exciting any violent jjassion. ΟΙστζ'/ιλόίτος, -ov, 6, '/j, (from same) c?rft;ew by the gad-fly, furious ; driving to fury. ΟϊστξΥΐΐΛχ, -οίτος, το, (from οίστζά,ω) a fiLing, a stimulus. Οίστξ07τλ'/)ξ, -ΥΐΎος, ό, ij, (from next and 'τ^ΆΫ,σσω) struck by the gad-fly, furious. ΟΙστξος, -ov, o, (from οΙω) the gad-fly, or gad-bee, any violent passion that inflames to frenzy ; Lat. oestrus. 'Vivg. Geor. III. 112. Οϊστξω^-ης, -ίος, 6, τ], (from preced.) fu- rious. Oiava, -/ις, v], the willow, osier. ΟΙσυΐνος, -η, -ou, (from preced.) of osier. ΟίσντΓ/], contr. οίαττ-/}, --/-,ς, tj, and οΐσνττος, -ου, 6, (from οίς and ρύττος) the grease of wool, and dung of sheep. Οισυτττ,ζός, -cc, -o, same as next. Oi'}coucci, and οΐχ,ίομαι, f. mid. o!xvjaof>oeti, p. pass. ωχ;ίι[Λα.ι, 1 a. pass. ωγ^'/ιθ•/ιν, I go away, depart, set out, flee away ; also am dispersed, destroyed, perish. Οΐω, and οΐω, (See p. 74. under φίζω') I bring, carry ; bear in mind, think, suppose. Οίθ)νΊζο(Λθίΐ, f. -ΙσοίΛχι, 1 a. mid. ωωί/ΐσοί- μηυ, (from οΙωνος) I augur, practise augury, pretend to divine by the flight, the feeding, or the chirping of bird^, conjecture, fore- bode. ΟΊωνισ/^ίοί, -ατός, ro, and οιωυισ^οι,ος, -ou, 6, (from preced.) a7i augury. 01ωνίστ7;ζ{ον, -ov, ro, (from same) aplace where augury is exercised, a temple; the object from which a prognostic is taken, an omen. Οϊωνισττις, -ου, 6, (from same) an augur. Οιωνόβξωτος, -ov, ό, τ], (from οΙωνός and βξό)σκω) eaten by birds. ΟΙωυούίτης, -ov, o, (from same and τίύτ}- μ,ζ) an augur, a soothsayer. OUjuoUqooc, -oov, 0, (from same and ^ξοος) the clamorous noise of birds of prey. Οίωνοκ,τόυος, -ov, o, vi, (from same and κ,τίίνύ}) bird-killing. 01ωνό(Λαι/τις, -εως, ό, (from same and /y^av- τις) an augur. Οιωνοπ-οΆος, -ov, o, (from next and -πο- λίύή one versed in augury. Οίωυος, -ov, 6, (from οίος) a bird, a bird of prey, especially an eagle or vulture, which generally fly alone ; an omen or augury. Οίωνοσκ,οττίχ, -Λς, '/i, (from preced. and σκο9Γ£6>) augury. ΟΙωνοσκόττος, -ov, 6, (from same) an au- gur, a diviner by birds. "Okcc or ο-Λκα,, Dor. for org. ΌκίΧΚω, f -εΚω, 1 a. ωκει7.», (same as κελ7^ω) I bring a ship to land, or run it aground. Όκε, or όκεν, (from ος and xgi/) whoso- ever. "Οκκά., (for oKoc Kx) which for οτε ks. ' Οκ'λά.οίχς, -ov, 6, (from 6-ΛΚά,ζω) a folding seat, camp-stool. 'O-Akoiuou, and όκ,τ^άξ, adv. (from next) with bent knees, in a crouching posture. Όκλάξω, f. -όίσω, p. ωκ,λακχ, 1 a. ωκΚχσχ, I fall down on my knees ; cower. Όκι/είω, and ok'Aoj, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ωχ,νΥί- Kx, 1 a. (uKvmx, (from οκνος) I am sloth- ful, delay, am loth, shrink from, am afraid. Όκνγ,ζίχ, -χς, '/}, (from next) slothfulness. ^Οκν-ήζός, -ζχ, -Qou, (from όκι/εω) slothful, idle, tedious, troublesome, slow, timid. "Οκνος, -ου, 6, sloth, tardiness, timidity, reluctance to encounter dipcidty, hesitation. ' Οκόθεν, όκοΊος, όκόσος, όκότε, οκον. Ion. for όττόθεν, ό'πο'ϊος, ό'ΤΐόαΟζ, oVoVi, oVoy. 629 * Οτίότίζος, A GREEK LEXICON. ^ Ολιγάνύξω-ΤΓος, Όκόη^ος, -oc, -ov, for ο'ττόπξος. ^Οκξΐά,ω, -ω, (from οκξΐς) I excite conten- tion : όκξίχομοα, I quarrel. Όκξίβχς, -cc^Tog, o, (from same and βαί- νω) the part of the stage on ichich the actors stood ; a painter'' s easel ; the seat of a chariot; a ladder ; the wild ram. "Οκξίόίΐς, or όκξνόξίς, -εσσχ, -su, (from next) pointed, sharp, rough, rugged; hor- rific, infamous. "Οκ,ξΐς, -log, or -/δο?, ^, (same as όίκ,ζΐς^ the highest point, a summit of a mountain, a promi)ience, a sharp process, a cliff ; adj. pointed, lofty, rugged, sharp. Όκχά.β'ΚωΐΛος, -ov, (from οκ,τω and /3λ6J- ΙΛος) of eight pieces or morsels. " Οκ,τα}>άκ,τΰλος, -ov, (from same and Bce>c- Tvkog) of eight digits. 'OKTasl^og, -ov, (from same and ihQec) of eight sidco. ^ OKToiijfcsQog, -ov, o, o?, (from same and 7]μίξοί) of the eighth day, performed on the eighth day. 'OxToi-ycig, (from οκτώ) eight times. ^ Οκτχκισχίλίοι, -ιοίΐ, -ιοί, (from preced. and χίλιοι) eight thousand. 'OKToi'x.v^uog, -ov, (from οκτώ and κνη- μγΐ) of eight spokes. Όκτΰίκόσίοι, -loii, -loi, (from οκτώ) eight hundred. Όκτοί^.γινίύίϊος, -oi, -ov, (from next) of the eighth month. 'Οκτάμηνος, -^ov, (from οκτώ and ,w^v) of eight months. Όκτά,τιτγιχνς, -iog, 6, 7], (from same and Tri^xvg) of eight cubits. Όκτοίττλόίσιος, -oc, -ov, and οκτοιτν^οΐσίων, -ovog, 0, 7], (from Same and -π-λησίος) eight- fold. Όκτά,τΓλίβξος, -ov, (from same and -ττλίβ- ξον) of eight plethra, or acres. Όκτοίττό^γΐζ) -siv, 6, (from same and ττους) of eight feet. ' Οκτοίτΐους, -ohog, 6, ^, (from same) having eight feet ; having a pair of oxen and a waggon. Όκτύβριζος, -ov, (from οκτώ and ρίζοί) having eight roots. Όκτάξύμος, or οκτά,ρρυμος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and βνμός) having eight poles or beams of waggons or ploughs, viz. eight teams. ΌκτνίξΥΐς, -ζς, (from next and ίξίσσω) having eight banks of oars. ' Οκτώ, ol. Oil, TOO, eight. Όκτωκΰοί^κοο, (preced. κοίΐ, and '^skoc) eighteen. Όκτωκοοι'^ίκοίτος, -ύτγι, -octov, (from pre- ced.) eighteenth. Όκτωκ,αι^ίκίττ^ς, -ίος, 6, όκτωκοίΐΟίκίτίς, 630 -thog, ί], (from οκτωκοίίΐΐκοί and ίτος) eighteen years old. ' Οκχίω, Dor. for οχίω, "Οκχος, Dor. for οχος. "Οκως, Ion. for οττως. ΟλοιΙ, -ων, Oil, for ούλοίΐ, see ούλν;. Όλβίζω, f. -iffς, 7ί, (from same) a drawing or dragging, also a weight. "Ολκί^.ος, -η, -ou, (from same) that which • draivs, or luhich may be drawn, viscous. "Oλκiou, -ου, το, (from same) a ship's rud- der, a basin, an urn. Όλκ,ός, -ου, ο, (from same) a drawing, a draught ; a body that draws or is drawn ; a rope, a pulley ; the track left by a river, by a plough, by a ship, by a snake, by any thing drawn or moving along ; any thing draiun out, a serpent, the trailing motion of a serpent, a species of spider, the rein oj 631 "Ολλυμι, A GREEK LEXICON. Όλυ^9Γ/ακοί. a bridle; the piece of timber by which ships are drawn. "ΟχκυίΛΐ, or 67\.λνω, (from ολίω. See p. 70) f. ολίσω, p. ώίλίκβί, Attic ohisKiica, 2 f. όλΖ, p. mid. ωλα, Attic οΚωΚοί, 2 a. mid. ώΆόμ>Ύ\ν, and infin. 6\iauoti, I destroy ; pass. ο7\.7^νμ,α,ι, I am destroyed, I perish, I am slain. "OTi/icog, -ov, 6, a round stone, a cavity, a mortar, the hollow part of the tripod on which the Pythian prophetess at Delphi sat ; the trunk of the human body ; a drinlnng cup, the mouth-piece of a flute. Όλογξΰίφίω, (from οΆος and γζάφω) I write out fully. Όλόεις, -εσσχ, -su, (from ολλνμ:} destruc- tive. Όλόβζίνσις, -ίος, Attic -εως, {], (from όλο- όζίύω) destruction. Ότ,ούζξυτ'ής, -oy, ο, (from next) a de- stroyer. Όχούζίνω, f. -svauj, p. ωΤ^όόζενκ,α, 1 a. ώΤ^όθξίνσοί, p. pass. ωΤ^οθξίυμοίΐ, (from ολ«- ύξος) I destroy. 'Ολο /oV, -5i, -o\>, (same as οΚαος) pernicious. ΟλοΙτξοχος, see οΤ^οοίτξογ,ος. Ολοκ,αξττόο), -ω, f. -ύ)σω, 1 f. pass. όΆοκ,οίξ- 'Trau'ijao/a.cci, (from όλος and κ,ιζξ'ΤΓόω) I offer a complete offering. ^ Ολοκ,άξ'πω^Λοί, -οίτος, ro, and όλοκ,άξ'ητω- σις, -ίος, Attic -ξύ)ς, τ}, (from preced.) a whole burnt-offering, a complete sacrifice. Ό'Κόκ,οίυστου, -ου, το, (neut, of next) a sacrifice wholly burned, a holocaust. ' όλόκχυστος, and ό'λόκ,οιντος, ό, % (from Ολος and χχίύή wholly burned. Όλοκ,οιντίω, and όλοκ,χυτόύ), (^from same) / offer whole burnt-offerings. Όλοκ,Μντωμοί,-οίτος, το, and όλοχαυτωσις, -ιος, Attic -ίθ}ς, 7), (from preced.) a burnt- offering, the whole of which was burned on the altar. Όλοκ,λπξίΰί, -χς, V), (from next) perfect soundness, completeness. ' Ολόκλγίζος, -ου, 6, v], (from όλος and κ,λί^- ξος) whole, having all its parts, sound, per- fect ; the whole of a thing given by lot ; the whole of any thing, applied to a whole city, a whole empire, the whole frame of our nature, our whole person, 1 Thess. v. 23. Όλολα,ίΛττ'ής,-ζος, 6, ^, (from same and λκμττω) all splendid. Όλολνγ% '7ΐς, VI, (from ολολύζω^ a shout- ing whether from joy or grief, howling, sup- plication. Όλόλυγ(ζοί, -κτος, το, and ολολν/μ.ος, -όν, ό, (from next) a howling, lamentation. 'Ολολύζω, f. -ζω, p. ώλόλνχοί, 1 a. ώλό- λυ^ύί, p. pass, ωλόλυγμ,αι, I howl, yell, la- ment. ' Ολόξ,^ξος, -X, -ou, (from όλος and ζιηζός) completely dry. "Ολοος, -71, -ou, (from ολλνμι) pernicious, destructive, fatal. ' Ολοόφ^ων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from preced. and φζγιυ) cruel-minded, intending destruction: όλοόφξωι/, (comp. of όλος) having a sound mind, intelligent. Όλοττόξφυζος, -ου, 6, tj, (from όλος and τΓΟξφΰξχ) wholly purple. ' ΟλότΓτω, f. -•ψω, I tear or strip off, peel. ' Ολόξίζος, and όλόρριζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and ρίζο^) with the whole root. "Ολος, -Yi, -ou, all, the whole, entire ; Abs- tract nouns joined with όλος want the ar- ticle, where there is not reference, and have it, where there is reference. Όλοσί^γίξος, -ou, (from preced. and σ/δΐί- ξος) wholly of iron. Όλοσφΰξχτος, or όλοσφϋξητος, -ov, 6, V}, (from same and σφνξχ) wholly beaten with a hammer. ' Ολοσχίζ'ης, -ίος, ο, if, (from same and X,il^) entire, complete : όλοσχεζως, perfectly, completely. ' Oλόσχ,oίuoς, -ου, 6, (from same and σχοΐ- uoς) a ivhole rush, a sort of rush. Όλοτίλ^ής, -ίος, -ους, ο, ν;, το -ες, (from same and τίλίω) all, the ivhole, completely, entirely: ολοτίλως, completely. ' Ολοφυγ^ωϋ, -ouog, 6, a pustule, ά blister. ' Oλoφυluός, -7j, -ou, (from next) lamentable, doleful. "Ολοφύζω, f. -|JirJ. Όλνμ,'π•{<χ;, -άδο?, 9j, (from same) a con- test, or α victori/, in the Olympic games; a victory in general ; an Olympiad, a sjpace of four years, the interval between the Olympic games which were celebrated every fifth year. Όλυΐίί,7ηοΆκ.ν;, or όλυ^Λτηόνϊκος, -ου, 6, (from same and υί-Ατι) a conqueror in the Olympic games. Όλ^,κτΓ/οί-, -ου, 6, vj, (from next) Olym- pian, heavenly. " 07',υ ι^τΐος, or Οΰλυμ-ττος, -ου, 6, (from όΆο- "λχ^τΓτις) Olympus, a mountain in Thessaly ; the seat of the gods : Όλυ^αττοι^^ε, to Olym- pus. "Ο'Κυν&ος, -ου, 6, (fiOm ο7\'Κυ(/.α,ι) an early fig, which is apt to fail; the first figs, which easily fall off by the wind. "ΟΤκϋξΛ, -Λς, ^, a kind of grain growing in Egypt and elsewhere, zea, spelt, accord- ing to some, rice, to others, rye. Όλυζϊτγις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) bread made of olyra. Ολωϊος, -ici, -iou, (from ότ^ίο}) destructive. "O'hcoXu,, Attic for ω'Κα, p. m. of όλλόύ). "Ολίύς, (from Ολος) at all, indeed, by all means, wholly, with all my heart. OfioiUo), -co, (from next) / clamour. "Ofix^og, -ου, 6, (from of.c6g) a crowd, the noise and tumidt of a crowd, strife, contest, battle, 0(Λαί^Λΐος, 'όμ,(χ,ιμ.ος, -ου, and oy^ccif^ojv, -όνος, 6, 7j, (from same and ouf^ci) of the same blood, a brother or sister. Όμ,οίΐμ.οσνυ•/ι, -τις, vj, (from same) con- sanguinity. Ό/ϋΰΐ/χ/ϋέω,(ΪΓθϊη o,t4oVand α,Ιγ,!^'^) I fight in company with, aid another in battle, Of^cti-}cf//ioe,, 'dig. Ion. 6fj(,ct,iyc[/Jyi, --/ις, tj, (from preced.) alliance in arms, confederacy. "O μ.α.ίγ^^.ος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same) con- federate, allied, an auxiliary. Ομύίλ'ής. See όμ,οίλός. Ομόίλίζύ), f. -'ίσω, p. pass. ωμ.οίΚισ(ΛΛΐ, (from ό{Λα.-Αος) I make even, smooth or level, make equal. Όμ,αΤ,ίσμος, -ου, 6, (from prcccd.) a levelling, making smooth and even. Ομ,ά.'Κος, -'/J, -6'j, plain, equal, equable, like: 6μ,οί7^.ως, in an even manner, equably. 'Of/.ccT^OTYig, --/ιτος, τι, (from preced.) even- ness, equality, likeness. ' Ο/ϋΰίζτά,ζύ), I luipe frequently. ' O/auQTiu), (from όμ,ος Άπά άοτάο)) I agree with, accompany, follow, act with, equal in speed. 'Of/.xQTTi, (from preced.) evenly, conjoint- ly, together, alike or equally. Ό^ίχυλΊχ, .χς, VI, (from 6(Λϋς and χυΆνΐ) cohabitation. "Ομα,υ'Κος, -ου, 6, ^ (from same) living together, cohabiting; also (from α.ύ'Κος) play- ing or singing together. Ό^ίί,βζίω,ί\-7ΐσ(ο, Άηάομ,βζίξω, f. -^σω, (from 6[(/^βξο;) I rain, rain upon. " Οΐ^βζ'/ιμ,οί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a heavy shower, a storm of rain. ΌμβζΥΐυος, -οί, -oV, and 6[ζυΑτ-/\ς,-ου, 6, of^svyog, -ου, 6 and 'ή, ομ,ζυυίτις, -ihog, τ], (from same and eijuvi) a bed-felloiu, a husband, a wife, a concubine. ' Oy.-.iyiiim, and οίΛΥίγΰζνις, -iog, 6, vj, (from same and dyeiocj) gathered together. Όμηγΰοίξα, f. -'ίσω, (from same) I gather together : όμγιγυςίζομαί, I gather togetht r for myself i. e. in my own favour. O/ii'yjYV(y(g,-iog, and -sag, vi, (from same) α crowd, an assembly. Όμ,τΐύγις, for όμον]ύ•/ις, -ου, ο, ij, (from o/L<,og and ^^o^) of the same morals, manners or character. ' ΟΐΛ/\Κί•λΛ(χ,, -Dig, VI, (from next) equality in age. υμ,'?^λ{ξ, -ϊκος, ο, V], (from όμος and jjA/f) of the same age. ΌΐΛ'/ΐ()ίυμ.οί, -ctToc, το, (from next) a hos- tage, security, pledge. ' 0(/.γΐ()ίύω, f. -ίϋαο), and όμ^ζίω, f. -7}σω, (from o^og and d^c•)) I meet, agree, am a hostage, give a hostage. "O^TiQog, -ου, ο, vj, (from same) Joined to- gether, accordant ; one who lives in a foreign country as a hostage, a pledge : ομπξο!/, -ου, το, a hostage, a pledge ; also ouyi()og, -a,, -ov, blind. "Oyy/iQog, -ου, ο, Homer: Όμ•/ιηΗος, -«, -ov, of Homer, Homeric: oyy/^(HQoci, -ων, οί, descendants or imitators of Homer, those who personate the characters in Homer, or in- tcrprct his writings. ' OfAi'hoihou, or ouaMooi), by troops. From ΌμΙλίω, -ω, impcrf. ύμίλίον, -ουν, f. •ν}σω, p. ujfii^-/iKei, 1 a. ύ)/:ίίλ•/}σα, (from oui- L 633 ' Ομίλγιμα, A GREEK LEXICON, ' ΟμύΐΟΓΤ^ϊ'ΤΓ/,ς. λος) I am in a multitude or assembh/ of peo- ple, am in company witJi^ am conversant vjith, converse^ talk with, have favnliar inter- course ivith ; I am among or in the midst of or in the thickest part of a battle, I fight ; I am versed in^ cultivate, habitually pursue. ΌμΤΚΎ\μ.ΰ!,, -«roc, 10, (from preced.) a place for meeting and conversation ; an ob- ject of affection, converse. '0μ,ι7\.Ύΐτνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a covn- panio7i, a disciple. Όμι'λτιτίίκ,ος, -5?, -ou, (from same) affable, sociable: όμίλϊ}τ'ίκ% viz. rixuri, the art of conversation. ΌμΤλίχ, -ας, 71, (from next) communica- tion, conversation, di^cottrse ; hence, homily. "ΟμΛ'Κος, -w, 6, (from όμον) a mtdtitude, company, crowd, throng of warriors. Όμ^γ^^Ύΐ, Ion. ομ,ίχ,'ΑΥΐ, Ύΐς, v}, a cloud, darkness, mist. Όμ,ιγ,Τκόω, -ω, f. -ό)σ{ύ, 1 f. pass. 6μ.ιγ^ωύ^)- αομα,ι, (from preced.) / cover tvith clouds. ' Ομ,ιχκόίΙης, -:ς, (from preced.) cloudy, misty. "Ομμα., -Urομάζω, "Ονχγζος, -ου, ο, ^, (from όνος and oLy^iog) a wild ass, Lat. orMger. "0>ciQ, TO, (undeclined) a dream : kcct οιιοίζ, or, with the prep, understood, ονοίζ, in a dream: ovo ouao, not a dream, not the slightest appearance : ouup kxI vttccq, sleejJ- ing and waking : ονκ ovcc^ «λλ' υττα,ζ, not a dream, hut a reality. ^O'jKoiou, -ου, TO, (from ουος) a young ass. Ονάω, and 6•Αο), same as ovi,u.i. "Ου-ιά,ζ^, ύΐ^είατος, το, (from 6 'jioi) something useful or profitable, succour, relief, refresh- ment, victuals. "Οι/ε{Χξ, το, a dream. See ousiootQ. ' Ονββίίος, or όνείοίος, -cc, -ov, (from όνειδος) disgracefid. 'Ονίίοίξύ), imperf. ώΐ/είοιζο•/, f. -ϊσω, p. ώνειοικοί, 1 a. ώ'^ξίοισα, p. pass. ώυείηισ[Λα,ι, (from same) / upbraid, reproach, accuse. OuiioiGf^ci, -ατός, το, and ο^εϊοίσμ,ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a reproach. 'Oi/siZiaTVjo, -7}^f>g, 6, (from same) one who reproaches. Όνίϊύιστ'ικος, -i?, -ov, (from same) re- proachful, inclined to reproach. "Oviiiioq, -ίος, -ους, το, (from ovriy.i, or ovUi) something with which we affect others, or are affected ourselves, sometimes taken in a good sense; as, glory, praise; but ge- nerally in a bad sense ; as, shame, reproach, disgrace. "Ονίίος, and ouio:,-oi, -ou, Ion. οΆμος, (from 6ι/ίω) profitable. "Ουίΐοοίζ, -α,τος, το, (from ό';/»^) a dream. Οϋείξίίος, -iicc, -eiov, and ονίΐ^'ήίΐς, -'ήίασα, -9jiu, (from οι/εί(^ος) of or belonging to dreams. Όΐ'είζοκ,^'ίττ^ς, -ου, ο, (from next and κοί' vc)) an interpreter of dreams. "Ouii(joy, -ου, το, and ονα^ος, -ου, ό, (from ouuq) a dream. ΌνείξοτΓοΆίύ), f. .7}σω, (from preced. and 9ro?v£iy) I dream, am versed in the interpreta- tion of dreams, deceive by vain fancies. Όνίκ^οττό'Αος, -ου, ο and vi, (from preced.) a dreamer, an ijiterpreter of dreams, one who receives intimations in dreams. Ousi^o(pce.!/Tog, -ov, (from ονβίζος and ψαι- uo)) having appeared in a dream. ' Οι/ειοόφξων, -όνος, 6, τ], (from same and φρ'/ΐν) one luisc in dreams. Όυίΐζωσσο), or -ύ)ττύ), (from 6usi(>og) I dream. Quia, same as όνάω. Ou7]iog, Ion. for οναος. Οντ^Κά,τνις, -ου, 6, (from όνος and ίκοι,ύνω) an ass-driver. "Ovvt(/.t, and ονίν,ψ.ι, (from ovU)) f. ονγ^σο), 1 a. ωνασοί, p. ων.γΛα, pres. pass, ounf^xt, ονά(Λ(χ,ι, and 6uiuoi[.i.cu, 1 f. mid. οντ^σο,Μ,οα, 1 a. mid. ώυγ,ςά^.γιν, 1 a. mid. optalivc, ovr,- aotif/.Yiv, and contr. 6va,l^u,',yj, I act upon, af- fect whether in a good or bad sense ; hence, / reproach ; but generally, I help, profit, benefit; pass. / receive benefit or joy, Philem. 20. "Οντισις, -ιος, Attic -εο)ς. Dor. ονά,σις, 'choroi,, says of the infamous Theodora, " in every city she carried on that trade, '/jvye ονομ,ά,ξοντι οϊμχί άνΒτξωττω ουκ, civ -Tton "ιΚιως ο 0£oV iir\, which, to the man who should so much as i^ame it, I think God would never be propitious," p. 42. Lugduni, 1623. Όνομ,αίνω, f. -οίνω, Dor. and ^Έοΐ. for preced. Attic ονομ,γνω, Όνο^ί4ι5ί;6λ'^δ>7/>, (from οι/οιλχ and κα,λ&ω} calling by name. ^ Ουομ,α,Λ'Κ'ήτωξ, -οζος, ο, (from same) ano- ■menclator. " Ouof^ocxJKvrog, -ov, 6, '/}, (from οναμ,ιχ, and κκύω) renoivned. ^ OuofAocaioc, -κς, 'ή, (from ονομ,ά,ζω) a nam- ing, nomination, expression. Όνομ,οίστι, (from same) by name. Όνομοίστ'ίκ,ός, -ij, -6i/, (from same) najii- ing, qualified for namijig : ονομ,Λστικ'ή, viz. πτωσις, the nominative case. 'Ot'owfiiffToV, -5i, -oV, (from same) celebra- ted, famous. Όνο/^,άτίο!/, -ov, TO, (from ουομχ) a petty name, a degrading term. 'OzO^otroy^ciip/ii, -ας, 'ή, (from same and γξάφύ)) a writing or catalogue of names. Όνομχτοττοίίο), (from same and ττοίίω) I make a jiame, invent a word, especially a word imitative of the sense. Ονο^οοτοττοίγισίζ) -ε^ζ» and -όνομχτοτοαχ, -ας, 7], (from preced.) a maJdng of names or words, especially words imitative of the sense. "Ονος, -ου, 6, yj, an ass, he or she. ^ Ο νόστος, -'ή, -6u, and όνοτός, ->j, -ov, (from next) blamed, reproached. ^ Ονοτάζύ), same as ονόω. Όνοψοξβός, -ου, ό, (from όνος and φίφω) a feeder of asses. "Ονόω, f. -όσω, ονόσσ^ται, 3 sing. 1 f. for ovGasTcci, 1 a. m. ωνοσαμ^Τιν, (from ονος^ I call a person an ass, reproach, revile, despise. "Οντως, (from ων, οντος, pres. part, of «^44<) really, in reality, in tridh, truly. For a various reading of 2 Pet. ii. 18. see ακΊγοίς. "Ονϋμ^α, jiEol. for ovo^a. "Ονυξ, -ύχος, ο, (from νύσσω) a nail, of the finger or toe, a hoof, a claw ; also, a precious stone, the onyx ; also, a kind of spice, onycha. Όνυχ,ίζω, f. -7σω, p. ώνΰχικ,α, 1 a. mid. ό)νυ•χ,ίσά,[/^/ιν, (from preced.) / divide the hoof, mid. / cut my nails. 638 Όνύγ;ίνος, -r,, -ov, (from same) made of onyx. "Ονΰχ,ίον, -ου, το, (from same) an onyx. Όνυχ,ίστψ^, -τΐζος, 6, (from same) a nail or hoof, a division of the hoof. Όξάλ^ϋΥ}, -ης, 7j, (from οξος and οοΆμ,γι) a picMe made of vinegar and brine. Όξβως, (from όζύς') sharply, quickly, siuiftly. Όξ^ϊΐς, -ov, 6, (from next) sour wine. "Ο^ος, -βος,-ους, το, (from όζύς) vinegar. ' Οζ,νοί, -ας, 7ί, (from same) a sharp spear. Όζνβάφίον, and όζύβχφον, -ου, το, (from same and βάτττω) a saucer for containing vinegar, a shallow cup ; the pan in the Joint of bones ; a measure containing the fourth part of a κ,οτύΆ•/ι, or twenty -four drachms. Όξνβξ'λ'-^ς, -ίος, ό, 7}, (from same and βί- λος) armed with sharp missiles; sharp- painted. Ό^ϋβόας, or όξυβόνα, -ου, ο, (from same and βοάω) crying with a shrill voice. Όξϋγοος,-ου, 6, vj, (from same and yoV) attended ivith piercing cries, mournful. Όξυγζάφος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and γξχφω) swiftly wiiting. ΌζνΙίξχέω, or όξνίοξκίω, (from same and ^ίοκω) I have sharp sight. Όζ,ν^ξζκνίς,-ίος, 6, '/], (from preced.) s/uar/> sighted. 'O^voe^yJa, -ας, 'ή, (from same) sharpness of sight. 'O^vYi, -ης, 7], same as όζύα. ' Οξνηκ,οος, and όζύκοος, -όου, ό, 7j, (from όζύς and ακούω) quick of hearing. Ό^ΰύη^τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same "and ^'/ΐγω) sharp -whetted, shaip-pointed ; mad, delirious. ' Οζνθϋ/ΐύεω, (from same and ^νμός) I am hasty to anger or sharp in anger. Όξνύϋ^ία, -ας, vj, (from preced.) irasci- bility. Όξυύύ^ία, -ων, τα, (from οξύς and ^ύ- ^ος, thyme) filth, properly fragments and sweepings, left after expiatory sacrifices and purifications, collected near the sta- tues of Hecate ; they were commonly burned with branches of thyme. Όζνύΰ,αος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and ^υ- μος) sivift to wrath, irascible. Όζυκάξ^ιος, -ov, 6, ^, (from same and κ,αξ^ί'α) angry, enraged, violent. Όξνκ,ίνητος, -ov, (from same and κίνίω) quickly moved. Όζυκοΐα, -ας, vj, (from same and ακούω) quickiiess of hearing. Όζ,υκωκϋτος, -ov, (from same and κωκύω) loudly lamented, or loudly to be lamented. Όζυλαβίω, (from same and λαμβάνω) I am sha7-p or ^^rompt in taking. Ο^υλάλος, A GliKEK LEXICON. Ό|ίλάλο;, -ου, ο, τ}, (from s;mie and Άα- ?νέύ)) skarp-sjieaking. 'O'ivy.iy.r.g, -ίος, 6, '/}, (from same and μ,ί- 'Κος) shrill-voiced. Όξΰμίξΐ,^'^ο:, -cv, 0, rj, (from same and μ,ίοιμ,νοί) that causes or requires sharp atten- tion. Όζνμτινϊτος, -ou, (from same and μγινίω) sharply contested. 'O^vf^o'K'TTog, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and μύ?.77ν;) shrill-voiced. Όζυντ'ήζ, -7}ζο:, ό, (from όζύ:) one ivho sharpens, a hiife. 'Ο^ϋνω, f. -ύνω, p. α^γκχ, 1 a. ωξυ'^α, p. pass, o)'ivay.cti, (from same) I sharpen, qniclc- en or encourage ; exasperate, enrage ; pro- nounce or "inark ivith an acute accent. Όξυόίίς, -ζσσα, -su, (from same) sharp. ' O'^vTrstvoc, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and '^rsivce.) feeling keen hunger. Όξϋ7Τ£ξο;,ΤΆί\\βΐ• όζ,ΰτΓΤίξος, -ου, ο, '<;,(from same and ^ττε^ο:/) sharp or quick winged. Όίΰττίυκγ,ς, -ίος, ί, τ}, (from same and TTsvyy/i) sharj) and bitter. ' Οφΐιττοωοος, ~ου, ό, v}, (from same and ttpOjooc) having a sharp proiv, or fore -part ; a sharp point. 'Oiufii'TTY,:, c^upk'TTTig, -ίος, and οίΰρροττος, -ου, ο, 'ω) backwards. G3i) I look) ^Ο'!τΐΰύοφΰλακζς. A GREEK LEXICON. ΟίΓ-Οί. Ό'ττισύοφνλΰίκες, -oiu, oif (from same and φνΆιζ^) rear-gtiards. Ότησύοψνλΰίκίω, (from same) / guard the rear, Όπ-ισύοφνΤ^ΰίκ,ία, -ΰίς, '/], (from same) the guarding of the rear. Όττ'ϊσω, and οττίσσω, behind, hack, hack- ivards, after : ό'ττίστατος, the last or hmd- most. Ό^τλίω, same as ό'ττλιξω. ' ΟτΓλ^, -yjg, oj, (from ottT^.ou) a nail, a hoof. ' Ο'ττλίζω, f. -Ίσύ), p. ω'ττΤ^ίκ,α, 1 a. mid. ciiv^iaa^-fiv, (from same) I arm, equip, pre- pare. "OTrTuaig, -ecog, τι, οττλ/σ^α, -χτος, το, and όττλίσμοζ, -ου, ό, (from preced.) an arm- ing, preparation, training, armament. ' O'TT'Kirciyod'yog, -ου, 6, (from όττΤ^ίτγις and α,γω) a transport for heavy armed troops. ' Ο'πΤκίτίϋω, (from next) I serve in the infantry or heavy armed troops, command the infantry. ΌτΓλΐττις, -ov, 6, (from ottT^ou) a7i armed man, a. heavy armed foot-soldier . ΌτΓλιτ^κός, -vj, -ou, (from preced.) be- longing to heavy aj^med troops or infantry : Q7rX(T'i>iou, TO, the heavy armed infantry. Ό'ττΧο^οτίύ), -ω, f. -'/iacd, 1 a. ωττΤ^ο^ότγισοί, (from ottT^ou and '^βωμί) I give arms. ' O'TT'koUTjKn, -Ύΐς, 71, (from same and S-ij;6>i) an armoury. Όττ'λο^.ο'/ίύ), -ω, (from same and λίγω) I collect arms. "0•π7^ο(Λοα, (from oVaov) I arm, prepare, provide. ' Οπΐ'ΚομΛχίω, (from same and yAyfi^.c^i) I fight as a heavy armed soldier. Όττλο/ίίαχία, -ccg, tj, (from same) a fight- ing as a heavy at^med soldier. ' OTT'Ko^oixog, -ov, 0, '/], (from same) 07ie ivho fights with heavy arms. "Ott^ou, -ov, to, or οττλοί, -ων, τα, (from όμου and ητίΚω, I a7n) an instrument, arms, armour, a large shield, mail. ΌττΤ,οττοίίω, -ω, (from preced. and ττοιίω) I make arms. ΌτΓλότεζος, -a, -ov, (from obsol. oir^og^ more fit for arms, younger ; and όττΤ^ότοί- τος, -yi, -ou, youngest. Όχλοφο^έώ;, (from ottT^ou and φίζο)) I bear arms. O7rAo(pogo$•, -ov, 6, V], (from same) an ar- mour-bearer. ΌττοΙαίτΓος, -ί?, -ov, (from όττου and δάττί- 'hov) of what country or place ? 'Ottousv, poet. OTTTrouev, (from όττον) ivhence. "Ottoi, whither, where. Όττοίος, -olu, -οΊον, (from oV^jp and clog) of ivhat sort or manner, as: To/ov-ovg 640 18 όττοΊοζ χ,οίγω si μι, " siich as I also am." Acts xxvi. 29. 'OttoV, -ου, 6, the sap ov juice of plants, the milky juice of the fig-tree used in cm'd- ling milk, rennet ; sap, vigour. ' O'JkOaoiKig, (from oTroaog) as oftcri as, how often. 'O'Troac&TTovg, -o^og, 6, τ], (from same and "TTovg} as many feet, how many feet. ' ΟτΓοσα,χνι, (from next) in or at as many places, as often as. OTToaog, poet. OTT'Troaog, -vi, -ou, (from 'ττό- aog) as much, as great, as numerous; how much, how great, hoiu many. 'O-TroaTog, -y], -ov, (from preced.) of what number, order, place or quality, hoiv many. Όττότα,ν, oVor£, poet, ό'ττττότζ, (from οττως and oTi) when, whenever, since, for as much as. 'OTTOTS^og, poet. o'TrxoTS^og, -ec, -oi/, (from preced.) ivhich of the two, whichever. ' Οττοτίξωύί, (from preced.) on whichever side. "Ottov, (from oViJi-and oi))where,iuhither, whereas : οττον edv or οττον α,ν, ivheresoever, whithersoever: οττον Ικίϊ, where. "OTTTrccTcc, JEol. for ομμχτα, from όμμα. "Οττττγι, Mo\. for oTTYi. Ό'ΤΓτάζω, (from οτττομ,α,ι) I see ; pass. / am seen, I appear. ΌτΓτάλεοί, -οί, -ov, (from ο^ττάω) roasted. ΌτΓτανιον, -ov, το, (from same) a kit- chen. Ότττΰίνω, (from o-tttd^ui) I see, cause to see, show ; pass. / appear. ' ΟτΓτόίσΙόί, -oig, vj, (from preced.) a vision. Ό.τττάω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ωτιττ-ζικα, p. pass. ωτττγιμκ,ί, I roast, broil. ' Ο'τττίύω, f. -ζύσω, (from ο'πτομα,ί) I view. '" Οτττ'ϊ^ξ, -jj^of, 0, (from preced.) an eye- witness, spectator, scout, spy. ΌτΓτΥιξίος, -α,,-ον, (from same) of ov be- longing to seeing ; given for, or on occasion of, seeing. "Οτττησις, -i^g, τι, (from οτττά,ω) roasting or broiling. 'OTTTYiTog, -'/J, -ou, (from same) roasted. 'OTTTix-og, -ij, -ov, (from οτττομ,αί) belong- ing to sight. ' ΟτΓτϊΆοί•, -ου, 6, (from same) the eye. 'O'TToV, -VI, -ov, (from όττάω) roasted, broiled ; boiled, baked; or (from next) see7i ; to be seen, visible. "ΟτΓτω, f. --ψο), p. ωφΰί, ο'τττομοίί, f. mid. ο•φομ,χ{, 1 a. mid. ώ-ψάμνιν, p. mid. ω'ττοι, Attic οττωττχ, plup. oira'mtv, 1 f. pass. οφύΫ- σομοίΐ, 1 a. pass. ωφ&Ύ\ν, p. pass, ωμμοΐι, ώ-ψαι, ώτττοίί, (from ο-ψ, the eye) I see, see to, look to, take care ; see, experience, am made a partaker of. Ό-χυίού. A GREEK LEXICON. Όξίΐτ^ζφης. ΟττυΙω, or όττύω, f. -όσα, I take a loife, have a wife ; pass. / am married. Οττω^γις, -sog, o, '/j, (from otto;} abounding in sap, that has the property of fig juice, viz. curdling milk. "Ο'κω'ττΛ, Attic foriy-ric, perf. mid. of oV- ' Οττύί-πγι, -ij^•, 71, (from perf. m. of οτ-τω) sight, the eye. Οττωρα., -ας, Ion. ο'ττύξ•^, -γις, τ}, (from οττος and ωζ^οί) the autumn or autumnal fruit : puberty. 0'7Γύ)ζ(ξω, τ. -Ίσω, part, ί'τΐωοιϊυ^τζς. Ion. for the Attic i7:o)oioiivriq, and this for oTTOi- ^iao-jTig, (from preced.) I gather autumnal fruits. ' 0'7τό}ζϊνος, -Yi, -ov, (from same) autumnal. ^ Οττοζίσμος, -ου, 6, (from ο'ττωζίξω) the gathering of autumnal fruits. ΟτταοοφυΤ^άκίον, -ου, ro, (from οττάξΆ and φυλάσσω) a place for keejnng autumnal fruits. Όττωοωνης, -ου, ό, (from sam.e and u'A- ομ,Λΐ) a dealer in fruit. "Οττύ};, (from ττως) how, in what manner, by what means ; thai, to the end that, so that, and thus. This word is sometimes intro- duced ellipticall}•, and a previous word must be understood; as, οττως oxJu μ'ή «-τολί? μχστιγοΰμ,ξΐ,ο;, supply σκ.όττίί, οξα, or φυ- 7.ά.ττου, " Take care that 5OU do not get vourself floarged to death." Κυο. ττα,ϊο. A', iii. 18. "0(iuf/.ci, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of όξά,ω) a sight, a vision, an appearance. ' Οξχμχησμός, -ου, ό, (from preced.) the same. "Οξΰσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, '/;, (from όούω) the same. ' Οξοίττ^ς, -ου, ό, (from same) a spectator. ' Οξο,τ'ίχ.ός, -'ή, -ou, (from same) endued with the sense of sight, quick -sighted, acute. ' Οξάτός, -VI, -o}u, f. -άσω, p. u')ocix.cc, Attic ζύ^ΰ,κχ, and perf. infinit. ζωρά,κίυαί, pluperf, active, ^ωι^ά,κίΐν, perf. pass, ωι^αμαι, Attic ζάζο,μοίί, I see, behold, perceive, am aware vf, take heed ; discern, determine. 'Οογάζω, f. -άσύ), (^rom όογάω) J cause to swell, knead, tread; soften by handling, dress leather ; mix, stir, move. ' Ooycii'^co, (same as preced. also) / make angry. j O^yaiy^, -γ\ς, ij, same as ίξγχι/γι. 'O^yciu'iKo;, -vi, -ov, (from next) instru- mental: o^yui^iKcJ;, as instruments. "O^yavov, -ου, το, (i. e. l^yoivov, from Ιξ. you) any instrument or organ, natural or artificial ; among the latter, applied to in- struments of music, and of war. ' Οξγόίς, -ώίος, τί, a fertile piece of ground, a piece of ground consecrated to some divi- nity, and deemed too sacred to be cultivated ; a grove, forest, park. ' Oo^ycco:, f. -άσω or -Ϋ,σω, p. ωζ^ΥΓΛΛ, (from o^yvi) I swell with anger or desire, am under the influence of any ardent passion; swell with growth, ripen ; soften with the hand, soak. ^ OqyiL•, -ωνος, or οζγΐΐυν, -ouog, 6, (from o^yioi) a priest. ' Oξy'^ή, -~/ίς, 'ή, (either from p. m. of 'i^yc-.', or from ookyoy^ui, or from o^o) and u.ya) a luorking of the mi7id, anger, wrath, heat, indignation. See ^υμός. "Oζyιct, -ων, τά, (from preced.) sacrifices with solemn rites and ceremonies, frantic re- vels, the orgies of Bacchus ; used sometimes for the festivals of other gods. ' Oξyiάζω, ΐ.-όίσω, and ooyiao, f. -όίσω, (from preced.) / celebrate orgies, rage furiously. ^ Οο^/ίΛσμος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a cele- bration of orgies. Όξyιc^στ'/lς, -ου, ο, (from same) one who celebi^ates orgies, a devotee. 'O^y/^'iy, f. -Ίσω, p. &^yix,oi, 1 f. pass. 6ζyισύ'■ήσoίccx.ι, 1 a. pass, a^yiauriv, (from 6^- y/i) I provoke to anger, irritate ; pass. / am angry. 'Ooymog, 'ου, 6, 7], (from same) j^'f'one to anger. ' Oξyυ^ά, -α,ς, τ), (from όξίγω and yvlov) the clasp or grasp of a man, when his arms are stretched out ; a fathom^ Acts xxvii. 28. "O^iyyoc, -ατός, το, (from next) a stretch, extension of hand or foot, a step. 'Ogsyiy, ύξίyι/ΰω, ΟΓ 6^ίyuυμι, f. -^ω, p. ωξίγ,α, 1 a. ωζίζ,α, pres. mid. oQkyoy.ai, 1 f» mid. όοίξομαι, 1 a. mid. ώξζζ,άμ/ιν, 1 a. pass. aoi'/Jriv, 3 plm*. perf, p. οζωζίγ,όίται, 3 plur. plup. pass. 6(}ωζίχ,οίτο, for uoiyyAvot ύσ\ or 'ήσαν, I reach or stretch oid ; mid. / stretch out myself or my hands for, desire eagerly, long after, strain after, run, palpitate. ^ Οζίΐβατ•/\ς, -ου, ό, (from ο^ος and βαίνω) a mountaineer, a traverser of the mountains. ' OQiiyauQv, -ου, το, see όξΙγοίνον. Όζίΐοζόμ,ος, -ου, 6, '/}, (from οζος and δ^έ- μω) rmining on the mountains. Όξίΐνόμος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and νέ- μω) that feeds upon the mountains. Όζίίνός, -'ή, -όν, and οζΒίος, -at, -ov, (from οζος) mountainous, hilly, wild. '0^g/or?.flty»Toc, -ου, and 6ζίΐθ'!77,αννίς, -ίος, ό, 'ή, (from same and τ-λανάω) wander- ing among the moitntains. Όξίίτγις, -ου, 6, (from 6ζος)α mountaineer. Όζίίτξίφγις, -tog, 0, τι, (from same and τζζφω) reared on the mountains. 4 Μ 641 Όξζίφοίτγις, A GREEK LEXICON. 'O^r.avTj. ' Οζείψοίτ^ς, or ϋζίσίφοιτοζ, -ου, ο, tj, (from same and φοιτάω) that frequents the moun- tains. ' Οζζίχ,εΟνκος, -ου, 6, (from same and χαλ- κός) mountain brass. Όξίκ,τός^ -)j, -ov, (from όξίγα) stretched out, thrust forivard. "Οξίξίς, -ioc, Attic -sag, i], (from όξίγο- μ,χί) lust, concupiscence. ' Ο^εοττολέώ), (from οζος and ττοΤ^ίω) I fre- quent mountains. Όξίσίγονος, -ου, ό, oj, (from same and γίνος) mountain-horn. ΌζίσΤτξοφος, -ου, same as οξίΐτ^ίφνις. Όξίσκοίος, όξίσκοος, and οξεσκ,ψος, -ου, ό, ij, (from οξος and κ,ίω) inhabiting the moun- tains. Όξζσσίβά,τγ,ς, -ου, ό, vi, same as o^sz/Sar'/j?. ^Οξ&ύς, -έως, ο, a mule. ' Οξβχθίω, f. -vjan), (from όξίγω) Hie stretch- ed, desire earnestly, long for ; low, bellow, roar ; palpitate, am agitated. Όζίύ), Ion. for όξάω, also same as οξω. Όζ6ύ)κ,6μος, and όζεοκ,όμος, -ου, ό, (from όξΒυς and κ,ομ,ίω) a mideteer. Οζύίύω, same as όξβού). *Og^/a^'6),(from Qξύύς)Ispeakinaίo^ιdvoice. Όξβίχσμΰί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) vo- ciferation. "Οξύίος, -ίοί, -lov, (from ο^ύος) right, erect ; steep, high. Όξύόβουλος, -ου, ό, yj, (from same and βουΆ'/]) giving right counsel, just, prudent. Όζθογωνίος, -ou, (from same and γωι/Ια) rectangidar. ' O^uohoivig, -ίος, ό, i], (from same and δάώ>) rightly understanding. ΌξύοΙίκχίος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and Ιίκ.6ίΐος) upright. ΌξύοΙίκτις, Dor. οξύο^ίκας, -ου, ό, (from same and δ/κ)?) an upright Judge. Όξύο^ζομέω, (from same and '^ζόμος) I run straight. Όξύόύξΐζ, -τξίχος, ο, 5j, (from same and θ^/|) having the hair standing on end, causing the hair to stand on end. Όξθόκ,ξοίίξος, -a, -ou, (from same and κ,ζοίΐξα) having straight or upright horns. Όζύόκξά,ϋος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and K^oiuQv) that has the head erect. 'Oouo/xuuTeicc, -χς, ^, (from same and (Λοί^τις) true prophecy. Όξύό/^Λΐ/Τίς, -εως, ό, v}, (from same) pro- phesying truly. ' Οζύονόμ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from όζΰος and νέ- μω) dispensing justly. Όξύοττόίγνίς, -ίος, 6, v}, (from same and 'π-νιγνυμι) fixed upright. Όξβοττόί'λγις, -ου, 6, (from same and ττάτκγι) one who wrestles standing upright. 642 ΌξύοττοΙίω, -ω, (from same and 'ττους) I walk uprightly, go in a straight road. Όξβό'ττολίς, -εως, ό, % (from next and 'τΐοΚίς) directing the state. Όξβός, -07, -6v, (from ορω) right, upright, straight, just, true. Όξύοστόί^γ]!/, (from preced. and 'ίσττιμ,ι) in an upright posture. Οξύοστόί^ίΰίς, and όξύοστοι^ίος, -ου, ό, (from same) viz. χιτωι/, a garment hanging straight down round the body, not girded. Όξύοστΰίτγις, -ου, ό, (from same) a person or thing standing upright. ' ΟξθότΎΐς, -νιτος, i„ (from οζύός) straightness, iqmghtness, rectitude. Όζύοτομίω, -ω, (from same and perf. mid. of τέμνω) I cut aright or straight, carve aright, handle aright, 2 Tim. ii. 15. ' Οξύοτζίχεω, -ω, (from same and ^ξΐζ) I have my hair standing on end. ' Οξύόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. ωξύωκ,χ, 1 f. pass. 6ζύωύν}σομαί, 1 a. pass, ώζύωύην, p. pass. ωξύωμοίΐ, and part, ώξύωμενος, (from οξύος) I raise up, erect ; direct, make right, cause to succeed ; go straight, prove faithful. ^ Οο^&ζεΰω, f. -εύσω, and 6ξύζίζω,\ϊΐ\\)&\'ΐ. ωζ- ύξίζον, f. -"ισω, p. ωξύξίκ,χ, 1 a. ωξύξίσχ, (from οξόξίος) I iise early. ' Οξύ^ΐνός, or ό^ύξίρος, -% -6u, (from οζύζος) of or belonging to the morning, early. "Οξύζίος, -id, -lov, (from same) early. ' Οζβξίσμός, -ου, ό, (from όζύξίζω) an early search. "Οξύξος, -ου, 6, the day-break, dawn. Όξύως, (from ό^ύος) rightly, well, plainly. ΌξΙγοίνον, -ου, το, and όζϊγόίνος, -ου, ό, wild marjoram. ' Οξίγυάίομοΐί, -ωμοίΐ, and οξίγνα,μαι, (from όξίγνγιμή same as όξίγομαί, see ό^εγω. ' Οζίζω, pres. pass. οζίζομΆΐ, 1 a. pass, ό^ξίσ- ύ-ην, and part, όξίσύείς, -εντός, p. pass, ωξίσ- μαί, and part, ωξίσμευος, (from οξος) I bound, determine, decree, appoint, mark out deter- minately, separate, divide. Όξϊκ,ός, -οί, -6u, (from ορεΰς) belonging to mules. ' Οξϊκός^ -5j, -6v, (from οξος) that pertains to limits. Όξίνός, same as ορεινός. ΌζΤι/ω, f. -ha, (from ο^ω) I move, awak- en, excite. Όξΐούετίω, -ω, (from next and ιίύημι) I set a boundary. "O^^j-oy, TO, (from oi^og) a coast, a boun- dary. "Οξίος, -at, -ov, (from %?im€) of a boundary. "Οξίσμ'α,,-α.τος, το, (from 6ξΙζω)α boundai^y. ' Οζίσμος, -ου, ό, (from same ) a determina- tion, decision, decree. ' Οξχ,όίνϊ], -ϊΐς, '/), (from ε^κος) a hunter's Οξκίζω, A GREEK LEXICON. Όξοφοω, net ; a machine used in a siege to prevent the besieged from escaping. ' Ορκίζω, f. -ϊσύ), p. ujQKiKoc, 1 a. ω^κισα^ (from οζκος} I adjure, conjure, charge so- lemnly ; impose an oath. "OoKio:, -a, -ou, (from same) of an oath, an epithet of Jupiter, as guardia7i of oaths : οοχ,ίον, -ου, το, or οξκ,ίχ, -o)u, τά, the rites of an oath, a compact ratified by an oath. See oiciuyjKYj. ' Οξκισμ,ος, -ov, o, (from όξκ,ίζω) an adju- ration, an oath. "Οζκος, -ου, ο, (from sl'pyu) an oath. ' Οξκόω, (from preced.) I bind hy an oath. ' Οξκωμοσία,, -ας, ί], (from same and όμόω) an oath, the swearing of an oath. Όζκο}μ,οτίο}, (from same) / call upon as witnesses to an oath, adjure, swear. Όζκωτγις, -ου, ό, (from όξκ,ού}) one who swears another, or who exacts an oath. Όομ,ά,θος, -ου, ο, (from ύ'^ω) a row, series, collection of things hanging together, conca- tenation. Όζμ,ά,ύω, same as ό^ιμ,ά,ομ,οίΐ. ' Opf/.cciya, f. -oiuo), same as next. Οξ(Λά,ω, -ω, f. -'ήσο), p. ωζμ,γικ,οί, 1 a. ω{)μ.-/ι- σα, p. pass. ωζ^^/.ψ.Λΐ, (from og^'/j) I rush vio- lently, or impetuously ; I excite, urge, rouse, animate, move forward an army ; make a first movement, begin, undertake, apply to earnestly ; rush violently or impetuously: ίξΐΛάομ.α,ι, I attach, set out, hasten to, de- sire eageriy. "Ορμ,ζ^ος, for οοόμ,ζνος, --/ι, -ου, pres. part, pass, of οζύ). Όξ/κ,ίω, f. -yjaoj, (from οζμος) I am in harbour, at anchor, in security. ' 0(ίμ,'ή^ -ν^ς, V}, (from co^y^cci, perf. pass, of ooi•)) an impetus, force, impetuous motion, assaidt, inclination, will. "O^y.Ytucx,, -οίτος, το, (from όξ^αχω) a vio- lent or impetuous motion, impulse, force. ' Oof/y/iT'/j()iou, -ου, TO, (from same) a means of exciting or urging ; a place from which an attack is made, and to which the assailants may return, a fortress. ' Οξμ,-^ιτ^ικος, -'ή, -ou, (from same) tending to or capable of exciting. ' 0()yAoi, -ά,ς, 7], (from same) a line, rope. Οζμίζω, f. -^σύ), (from o^yo;) I bring a ship to anchor or harbour, render secure : όζμ,ίζομ,αι, I come to anchor. Όξ^ίσκος, -ου, ό, (from next) a small necklace, a collar. "Οξμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from ύ'^ω) a connected series, a ^necklace; a wall; a place for mooring ships, a harbour ; a kind of dance in ivkich the dancers were ranged in circles. ' UQuctTciTio'j, -ου, TO, (from next) a Utile bird. "Oq'jiov, OV, το, (from o^!>:c)abirdy a fowl. ' Οξυεω^γις, -sg, (from preced.) like birds. Όξνϊύχςχ,ος, -ου, ό, (from o^utg and ci^;^/}) a rider of birds. ' O^vlueioi, -χς, v], (from next) bird-catch- ing, bird-observing, an omen. Όζυΐθίίος, -sice, -UQV, (from οζνις) of or belonging to birds. ΌξυΤθίυτνις, -ου, 6, (from next) a bird catcher, fowler. Όξ!/ίύβύω, f. -ζϋαω, (from o^^uig) I catch birds, am a fowler : o^uiusooycn, I observe birds for the purposes of divination. ' O^uiuicic, -ου, ό, (from same) that belongs to birds. ' Οζνίύίου, -ου, το, (from same) a little bird. " ΟξνΤύόγουος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and γίυομ,α,ί) sprung from birds. ' 0ξΐ/ΐύο07/ξοίς, -ου, ό, (from samesLud^Yi^oioj) a bird hunter, fowler. " Οζ^υιθο7\.όχος, -ου, 6, (from same and λο- xaoj) a bird-catcher. " ΟξνΊύομ,ά,νίω, (from same and ycctuoyoti) I am immoderately fond of birds. Όξνίΰοσκ,οττίω, -ω, (from same and σκοττίω) I observe birds, use augury. Ό^υίθόσκ,οτΓος, -ου, ό, (from same) an au- gur ; and as an adj. ό, ^, of or belonging to an augur. "Οξίνίς, -'ίος, also o^uTg, -ϊύος. Dor. -ϊχυς, ace. 6'oi/iuoi and οζΐ/α/, ό, τ], (from οουυμή a bird ; an omen. ΌζυΊχο'λόγ,ος, Dor. for όζ^ιθοΤ^όχος. "Οζΐ/υ /ici, and ό^νΰω, (from οζω which see) / move, excite, rouse, command. ΌζνύΟίΟ!/, same as o^vluiou. "Οςοβος, -ου, ό, pulse, chick-pea. Όζύ^αμυος, -ου, 6, a young branch. ' Οξούίσι», -ας, όη, (from οξος and τΙβ'/}μή a setting of a boundary. ' Οζούετίω, (from same) / set boundaries. ' Οξοθϋί/ω, f. -iiucj, same as oqcj. ' Οζος, -ou, 0, whey, serum. "Οζος, -ίος, -ους, το, (from 6'ζω) a moun- tain, a hill; Matth. v. 1. άυίβη εις το οζος, he went up) into the mountain, i. e. the mountain district, comp. Gen. xix. 17. "Οξος, -ου, ό, (from όζύω) a bouiid, bound- ary, limit. ' Οζοτΰττος, -ου, 6, v}, (from οζος and τυττ- τω) sh-iking against the mountain. Όζούω, f. -οΰσω, p. ω^ουκα., (from o^o)) I rouse, hurry forward, rush. Όζο^'ή, -νις, 7], (from έξίφω) a roof. Όζοφίας, -ου, 6, (from \)χο.ο.ο,ί\..) an animal that lives in the roofs of houses : οζοφίας yAtc, a rat. "Οζοφύς, -ου, ο, (from ΙζΊφω) a covering, a roof a reed used for thatching. \)ζθφύύ), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. ωςόφωκχ, (from preced.) I cover,1haicb. 643 Όξ6 A GREEK LEXICON. Όξχήϋτξα, Όοόφωμοί, -uTo^f το, (from preced.) a covering. ' Οξόων, poet, for ο^ώίί', -ovaoc, -ov, pres. part, of όξάω. "Οζ'ττνιξ, Attic οζ'ττγι^, -τηϋος, 4 a sncA^er, a young shoot, a bough, 'OppoTTvyios', -ου, το, (from ορρός and στυ- γνή) the tail. "Ορρός, or 6ζος, -ου, 6, Ion. ούξός, whey, serum, tar ; a flat piece of wood used in oil or wine presses. "Ορρός, -ου, 6, the rump, the space between the scrotum and anus. ' ΟρρωΜω, f. -τισω, I am terrified. ΌρβωΙϊχ, -ας, h, (from preced.) horror, terror. Όξσίκτνττος, -ου, 6, <■/], (from οξω and κτύ- ■ro?) roar-exciting. Όξσϊυίφ'^ς, Λος, 6, ij, (from same and νί- φος) cloud-raising. Όξσούΰξιη, -ης, vi, (from same and ^y^a) a lofty door, a high-raised door. ' ΟξσοΤ^οττίω, and όξσολοττίΰω, f. -Βυσω, (from same and τ^οττος) I raise the skin as with a lash, lacerate, attach, embroil, throw into confusion. ' Οζσοτξίαίι/Υΐς, -ου, 6, (from same and τξί- ctiuci) one luho moves or excites with a tri- dent. "Οξσω, (from οξω) I move, excite, raise, rouse, encourage : οξσομ,Λΐ, I put myself in motion, arise, become roused. ' Ο^τκΧίχ.ος, -ου, ό, (from same) a young fowl, poultry. Όζτ'ίι, for logTij, -'ης, τι, a feast. Όξτΰγομ7]Τ(}α, -tzc, vj, (from next and μτίτζοί) a mother-quail, a large land of quail; the land rail ; Latona the mother of Apol- lo and Diana, so called because Delos where she had her children was originally called Ortygia, from the quails which abounded in it. "Οζτυ^, 'υγος, 6, the quail. "Οξυγμοί, -ατός, το, (from όξύσσω) a dig- ged place, a ditch, a pit. "Οζυζο; -ης, 7], and ο^υζον, -ου, το, rice. " Οζΰζω, ^ol. for οούσσα. ' 0(>υ•Α,τος, -'/}, -ou, (from όξΰσσω) dug. ' Οξύμαγ^ός, -ου, 6, noise, clamour, tumult, uproar. "Οξυζ,, -ΰγος, 6, (from όζύσσω) an instru- ment for digging, also the oryx, a sort of antelope or wild goat, also a ynole, also a large fish. "Ο^υ^ις, -ίως, vi, (from next) digging. Όξύσσω, or όξύττω, f. -|ώ), p. ωζυχα, 1 a. ωξυζοι, 2 a. ωζυγον, p. pass. ωξυγ^Λΐ, Attic ύξύ)ζυγμ,οιι, I dig. ' O^ypoi -τις, V), (fiOm preced.) a digging instrument, a swine^s snout ; a ditch, 644 Όξφχνίυμ,οί, -α,τος, το, (from next) a7i orphan or destitute state. ' Ο^φοίνϊϋω, f. -ζΰσύι}, (from όζψαρος) I make an orphan, render destitute ; take care of an orphan : όξφοίνίύομοίί, I am an orphan. ' Οξφχννι, -ης» ή} (from same) a female orphan. ' Οζφοίηΰ!,, -ας, ή, (from same) the being without children or parents, want, pupil- Οξφά,νΊζω, f. -'ϊσω, (from same) / render destitute, deprive, separate. Όξφόί^ΐκός, -η, -ou, (from same) of or be- longing to orphans, destitute. Όξφοίνίστνις, -ου, 6, (from next) a guar- dian of orphans. ' Οξφόίνος, -ου, ό, an orphan, bereft or des- titute of parents, bereft or destitute or miser- able in general. Όξφχνοτξοφία, (from preced. and τζί- φω) I maintain an orphan. 'Οξφοί^οφΰτ^,Λ^, -ΛΛος, 6, (from same and φυ'κά,σσω) an orpharLS guardian. Όςφι/οίίος, -ociu, -ouou, and οζφνιος, -ex,, -ου, (from next) dark, black. "Οξφ];η, -ης, vi, darkness, night ; sorrow. "Οξφος, -ου, Attic όζψώς, -ω, ο, a kind of fish. "Οξχκμος, -ου, ό, (from οξχος) a prince, ruler, chief, the first of his order. "Οζχά,τος, -ου, 6, same as οζγ,ος. Όξχίω, f. -ήσω, (from οξχος) I raise, shake, move, in a certain order and measure : όξχί- ομοίί, -ουμ,α,ι, 1 f. mid. -ήσομ,οίΐ, 1 a. mid. ώςχησοίμην, ώξχ&υντο. Ion. for ωξχουυτο, 3 pi. imperf. / dance, dance ivith art, and is thus distinguished from σκιρτάω, which signifies to dance without art, as children or the young of the lower animals do, and from γβξζΰω, which signifies to dance in a circle, as round an altar, and with joined hands. Όζχη^οϋ, (from same) man by man, rank after rank. Όξχηθμος, -ου, 6, οζχησμος, -ου, 6, and οξχησις, -ίως, η, (from ο^χίω) dancing. "ΟξχημΛ, -οίτος, το, (from same) a dance. ' Οξχησττίξ, -ηζος, or όξχηστ^ς, -ου, ό, (from same) a dancer. Όξχηστιίκός, -VI, -ou, (from same) of dan- cing, fond of dancing, skilled in dancing : όξχηστίκη, -ης, ή, viz. τίχνη, the art of dan- cing. ' Οςχηστο^ί'^χσκαΆος, -ου, ο, (from same and '^ίΐχσκ,αλος) a teacher of dancing. Όξχηστομοινίω, (from same and μαίΐ/ο- μχί) I am extravagantly fond of dancing. Όξχήστζχ, -οίς, ή, (from οξχίύ)) the or- chesira, the part of the theatre ivhere the chorus danced. Όρχηατξία. A GREEK LEXICON. Οατξαχόω. Όο'^γ;στξ(οι, -ας, and όζχηστζϊς, -7οος, τ], (from preced.) a female dancer. ' Οοχ,τ,στύς, -ϋος, Tj, (from οοχίο)) dancing. ' Οοχ,'ίΤ^ο:, -ov, tj, i^^^ golden croivn hen. ' Οοχ<7Γ£όο:/, -ου, το, (from next and Trioou) the testicle-binder, the scrotum ; hence οζχι- τη^ά,ω, testicidos attrectare. "Οογ^ις, -ίύ)ς, 6, a testicle ; a plant called from the form of the root the orchis: oo- χ,ις, 71, a large kind of olive. "Οζγ,ος, -ου, 6, a roiu, range, rank. "Οζω, or οονυί/.ι, and 6ο]/ΰω, see p. 67, f. Οξύ), ιΕ,ολ. ο'ζσω, 1 a. ώοσχ, 3 sing. οοσασ-Λί, for ωξσί, p. uoy.cx,, p. pass, u^/iicii, infin. ώο- όχί, and opuui, p. mid. ώοα, Att. ο^ω^οί, and ωροζχ, plup. ύοωοζίν, I move, excite, raise, stir up, rouse, command : ooof^cci, I rise, go, hasten ; pass. / am risen, am roused. Όοούξί'/,ατο, 3 pi. plup. pass. Ion. for οοω- ξζγ{/Λνοζ ν,σχν, from οζίγω. "Oc, "ή, ο, luho, which, what, that which, that; sometimes for to;, his; sometimes, especially in the tragedians, in the sense of mine, thine; often for ούτος, he, this person, Anab. V , iv. 29. κχΐ ος, ά-Λοΰσα,ς ταύτα, and he, having heard these things: ος f/A:/ — ος δί, the one — the other : 'ή δ' ος, but said he ; adverbially ου, for ol• γβοου, where ; or for ου χοόνου, when, as I ξ ob, since: ος, for οτι, Herod, i. 33. ος, sometimes for τις, who ? but only in dependent propositions ; ο for δ;' 0, wherefore. ' Οσόίκί, όσόίκις, (from ό'σο?) as often as. "Oahci, Dor. for οζω. ' OaYtf/Aoxt, (for οσχί ijui^xi) daily. "Οσιος, -it/-,, -lou, abundantly kind, bounti- fid, pure, holy, pious, religious ; sanctioned by divine laws, and so different from οίκαιος, as importing laws established by men ; sanctioned by common consent, public ; (of a place) that may he entered lawfully : ίίξχ Kxl οσιχ, Kxl i'^ix X.XI or,i^oaicc, sacred and prifanc, private and public : όσίχ, -χς. Ion. ooifi, -r,:,'/i,piety towards parents or the gods. ' Οσιότγ^ς, -τγ,τος, 'ή, (from preced.) piety, holiness, integrity. ' Oaiou, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 f. pass. οσιωΟν]σο/αΛί, (from same) / sanctify, purify. ' ΟσΙο>ς, (from same) kindly, holily. ' Οσίωτ' /jf), -Υιζος, 6, (from same) a purifier ; the principal of the jjriests at Delphi ; a vic- tim, sacrificed on the election of a priest. ' Οσμτ,, or oof^Ti, -τις, ί], (from pcrf. pass, of 6ξω) smell, odour. "Οσος, poet, οσσος, -/}, -ov, (from ος) as much as, us long as, how great, how many ; plur. as many as, whosoever or ivhatsocver : /^iKQou ocou 'όσον, a very little quantity, viz. of time, a vcrij little while, h^a. xxvi. 20. Ileb. X. 37. "Οσ'ττξίον, -ου, το, (from στηί^ω) all kind ofpidse, as peas, vetches, (^c. ΌστΓζίω^τις, -ίος, -ους, 6, 'ή, (from preced.) leguminous, like pidse. "Οσσχ, or οσσίή, -Τις, i], a voice, oracle, di- vine intimation, ivarning, prophecy ; a re- port, rumour, fame. ' Οσσχτιος, for όσχτιος, same as όσος. "Οσσί, τω, (for οσσί'έ, dual of οσσος, •ίθς^ the eyes. ' Οσσίγ,ος, -Υι, -on, (from same) as little, how little, as much as. "Οσσομ^χί, iEol. and Ion. form of οτττο- μ,χί, I see, foresee, forebode, foretell, medi- tate, think on. "Οσσος, -ζος, το, and οσσος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) the eye. " Οστχκος, -ου, ό, Att. for χστχκος, the crab fish. ΌστχφΙς, Att. for χστχφις, see στχφις, a raisin. ' Οστίϊνος, -iiur,, -i'iuo'j, (from next) of bone, hard as bone, strong. Όστίον, contr. οστου:^,-ίου, -ου, το, a bone. "Οστικός, -/ι, -ov, same as όστίϊνος. "Οστις, 'ήτις, ότι, ΟΥ ό,τι, (to distinguish it from ότι, because) gen. ούτινος, ^στινο;, ούτινος, (from ος and τις) who, ivhich, ivhat, whosoever, whatsoever. ΟστοοοχεΊον, -ου, το, and όστού' /jyy/i, -γ,ς, 'η, (from όστίον and "hoyceiov or ^'ήκγΐ) a recepta- cle for bones. Όστξχκ,ίζο), f. -Ίσω, (from οστξχκον) I vote with a shell or a tile, banish by osi7'a- cism. ^ ΟστζχκΙν^οί, -γις, vj, viz. τΐχί^ιχ, (from STimc) a juvenile game, played with a frag- ment of earthen ware, having one side iL'hite, the other black ; the residt of the game depended on the side which remained uppermost luhen pitched upon a line marked on the ground : οστζχκίνοχ, adv. viz. /3λ£- 77ίΐν, to threaten ostracism by looks, Equites, 855. \}στζοίκΛνος, -Yi, -ov, (from οστοχκον) of earthen ware, earihen. ^ Οστζχχ,ισ^.ός, -ου, 6, (from όστζχκίζω) os- tracism, voting with shells; banishment of a citizen at Athens whose ptoiver was supposed to be dangerous to the slate. "Οστζχκον, -ου, το, a fisli s shell, a pot made of earthen ware, a jwtsherd, any thing made of clay. * ΌστζχκοφοζΙχ, -ας, v], (from preced. and φίζω) the suffrage or the sentence of the os- tracism. ^ Οστζχκύο), f. -ωσω, (from ό'στηχκον) I form into a tile or earthen ware ; reiider hard as a shell or as earthen ivare ; cover vith π shell. I 645 Όοτξίίογξαφγις. A GREEK LEXICON. Ούύί/ς. ' Oar^sioyQocHprig, Λος, ό, v}, (from next and γζά,φω) painted with purple. "Οστξ^ίΐον, or oar^iou, -oy, ro, an oyster^ a bivalved shell-fisli from which a purple dye was obtained. ^ Οστίι^Υίς, -£o.c, -ονς, 6, v], (from oariou) made of bone, hard, strong. ^ΟσΦξούϋύ), f. -οίυω, (from όσφξκύ), the same} / ejnit an odour : όσφ^/χ^ομαι, 1 f. mid. όσφζ'^ισομοΐί, 2 f. οσφζο,υου^οί,ι, from obs. οσφξομ,ιχ,ι, 2 a. ώσφ^όμ^ην, 1 a. pass. ωσ~ φξά,νύην, p. pass, ύόσφξτι,αχί, I inhale an odour, smell. Όσφξαντ'-^ξίος, -loc, -lov, (from preced.) capable of smelling ; that yields an odour. ' Οσφξοίσία, -οί,ς, τ], (from same) a smell. "Οσφξψις, -ίοζ, Attic -sag, vj, (from same) the sense of smelling. ^ Οσφύς, -ύος, v], the loins, the flanh. "Orciu, (from next and ct;/) ivhen, whilst, as long as, since. "On, when, as, since. "O, n, VI, T£, TO, T£, (the article and ts) and, both, also. "Οτι, and om, (from όστις) for, because, that, seeing that, since,• until, whilst, there- fore. "O τ I, or 0, τι, or ο ττι, (neut. of όστις, which see) o, τι, for δ/ά τι ; wherefore f ' Otiwu, (from ό', τι, and oZv) whatever. "Οτις, gen. ότου, poet, ottso, ion. οτίυ, dat. οτω. Ion. οτζω, gen. pi. οτωυ. Ion. oTsau, dat. οτοισι. Ion. ότέοισι, (for όστις) whoever, whatever. " Οτλίύω, f. -ίϋσο), and οτλίίυ, f. -'^σώ), (from τλάω) / toil, endure, suffer misery. "ΟτΤ^ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) toil, burden, misery. ΌτοτοΊ, or oTTOTol, alas J Ότοτύζω, f. -ξα, (from preced.) / cry oTOTol, lament, wail. Ότοτύξιος, -ου, ό, η, (from preced.) mourn- ΟτξοίΆίος, ~ot, -ou, and ότξτίξός, -eH, -ou, (from otqOhco) quich, active, p?Ompt, diligent: οτξόίΆίως, promptly. "Οτξΐχίς, see ούξΐξ. Ότξυντνς, -ύος, y], Ion. for οτζυνσις, not in use, (from next) instigation, excitement ; summons, order. ' Οτζϋνω,ί. -υυω, also Ion. οτουυίω, im- perf. ωτ^ϋνον. Ion. ότ^ύνβσκ,ον, iniin. ότ^ύ- viiu, or οτξύυί^ίν, 1 a. ωτξϋι^οί, I excite, urge,- instigate, encourage, hasten, dispatch. ' Οττίύω, οττίύοξΛΟ,ι, same as οσα^ύο^^αι, or οσσομ,αι. Όττοββω, f. -ojcr^j, (from next) / 7'attle, resound. "Οττοβος, -ου, 6, a sound, noise, iijjroar. Ου, with a consonant following : ov;c, 646 with a vowel and the smooth aspirate fol- lowing : ούχ, with a vowel and the rough aspirate following, not, no. See μ,'ή. Ου, (properly the genitive of oV) where, ivhither : ου eoiu, whithersoever: εστίν ου, it is somewhere. Ου, or 'io, (gen. of ος, see p. 25) of him- self Ούά,, ah, aha, alas, woe to. Ούα,Ι, woe, alas, woe to; Lat. vcb. Ούχς, -ά,τος, το, written also οχς, contr. ούς, ώτος, Dor. ας, ώτος, an ear, a handle. Ούόίτόεις, -ίσσα, -su, (from preced.) yz (from od'hoig) terrestrial, of the ground, low. Ού^χμόί, ου^Άΐ^νί, poet, ου^οιμ,οί, (from ού^οί/χός) not in any place, no where; not in any way. Οΰ^ΰίμ/ιυος, -v}, -ου, (from same) of no account, contemptible. ΟύΙοίμ,όύζυ, (from same)/rora no place. ΟύΙοίμ,όύι, (from next) no where. Ού^ιχμός, -71, -01/, (from ουδέ and dfiog) not one, none. ΟύΙχμόσε, (from preced.) no where. ΟύΙοί,μ,ού, (from same) not at all, also «o ivhere. 0υΙα[Λ0}ς, (from same) by no means. ΟύΙοίς, TO, nom. and accus. (the other cases from ουίος) the gi-oimd, the earth, a floor, a pavement. Ούδε, (oy and δί) 'neither, nor, not even. Oy^£Β.τίϊθ) profiable. ' Οφύαλ/ϋϊα, -ας, vj, (from όφύαλ/χός) the ophthalmia, an inffammation of the eyes. ' Οφθαλμίας, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) clear- eyed. Όφύαλμιάω, (from same) / have sore eyes ; look with pain on the prosperity of others, am envious. Όφθαλμί^ιον, -ου, TO, (from s?ime) a small eye. ' Οφύαλμ,ο^ουλεία, -ας, ij, (from next and δουλεία) eye-service. 'Οφθαλμός, -ου, 6, (from ο'τττομαι) the eye. Όφύαλμ,όσοφος, -ου, ο, v}, (from preced. and σοφός) an ootulist. Όφύαλμότεγκτος, -ov, 6, v], (from same and τεγγω) droppiiig from the eyes. Όφύαλμοφανως, (from same and φαίνω) evident to the eye. Όφβαλμω^υχος, -ου, ό, '^, (from same and όζύσσω) that digs out the eyes. ' Οφιοβόξος, -ου, ό, v], (from όφις and βοζα) that eats serpents. ΌφιόΙγικτος,-ου, ο, ^, (from same and ^τ,κ- τ6ς) bitten by a serpent. Όφιομαχης, -ου, 6, (from next and μά- χομαι) a serpent fighter, a kind of locust. "Οφις, -ιος, Attic -εως, 6, (from ο'τττομαι) a serpent. ΌφιωΙης, -εος, ο, ij,(frora preced.) αδθΜ?ζί/- ing in serpents. Όφλίω, f. -ί^σω, p. ωφληκ,α, same as οφεί- λω, I am liable to pay a fine or penalty, in- cur, merit, am condemned. "Οφλγιμα, -ατός, το, and οφλνισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from οφείλω) a debt. Όφλισκανω, and όφλίσκω, (from next) / incur, merit. "Οφλω, same as οφλεω. "Οφξα, A GREEK LEXICOX. ' Ο-^αξτυω. "Οφξα, poet, i /ιαί, in order that, until, while, as lo?ig as, as far as. Όφξύοί, -α,ς, or 6α;)οϋ-/ι, -νις, 'ή, (from οφ- ζυς) α brnw, mound, hill. Όφονό-ι;, -ζσσοί, -sv, (from same) situated on the brow of a hill, expressing haughti- ness hy the elevation of the eyebrows, haugh- ty, yroud. Όφονόομχί, (from next) lam supercilious, am high. Όφζύς, -νος, '/], the brow of the human forehead, the arch of hair over the eye, a brow or projection of a hill. "Οχοί, for t^oyyj,, from Ι^όχτ,, by far. Όχ,οίννι, -Τις, τ], and o'xoc'jou, -ου, το, (from οχίω) a handle. Όχίί», -α,ς, 'ή, (from 1-/^ζνω) copulation. Όχ^πύω, (from oyjro;) Ι draiu off or convey water ))y a canal, or channel. ' Oy^rytyoc, -w, 6, τ], (from next and χγω) that conducts water. 'Oyero;, -ου, ό, (from όχ$ύ)} a canal, a ?7- vulet, aqueduct. Όχ,ζύς, -ίως, loD. -Tjog, 6, (from same) an instrument for carrying, securing, oy fasten- ing ; a clasp, strap, bolt or bar. Όχεύω, f. -εύσω, (from next) I cause to be covered, cover, eopidate with. Όχ,ίω, -ω, I carry, convey ; bear, endure, suffer, sustain, practise, follow : oxio^ccxi, I am carried, I ride. Όχ'ή, -7)ς, Yj, (from s'x'A)) food, suUenance. "Οχ,ημ,οί, -ατός, το, (from ορ^έί») a vehicle, means of conveyance. "Οχ,γ,σίζ, -log, Attic -ίθ)ς, vj, (from same) « carriage, conveyance. Όχ,ύίύ), f. -τ-,σω, 1 a. oiyuwot, (from oiyjog) I bear a burden, bear any thing as a bur- den, am grieved or indignant at any thing. "Οχ,θτι, ->7?, h, (so called because the water ξχίτύίί or όχί7τΰί!, is contained or co7i- veyed within it) a bank of a river, a shore. ' Ox,er,po;, -ξχ, -ξον, (from preced.) raised, hilly, steep. "Οχ,θος, -ov, o, same signification as οχβ'/), also a mound, a hill. Όχ7,<χ,•γωγίω, -ω, f. -Ί^σω, (from οχΚος and θίγω) I lead the multitude, raise a tumult. Όχ,>.οι.γωγίχ, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a raising of a tumuli or sedition. Όχλύζω, f. -όίσω, (from όχλο;) I iumid- tuate. Όχ,λΐύς, -ίως, 6, (from next) a lever, bolt or bar. See /αοχλός. Όχλίύω, f. -ίύσω, (from next) / move. Οχ,?,ίύ), -ω, f. -τισω, p. ωχ,λτικα, (from οχ- "hog) I disturb, afflict, agitate : οχΚίυυτΛΐ, Ion. for οχΚουντΛΐ, 3 pi. pres. ind. arc rol- led along with noise and confusion. 4 'Oxy.noirx, -uc, 3i, (from same) turbulence, molestation, oppression. Όχλ /ioog, -ox, -ζον, (from same) turbu- lent, troublesome. "ΟχΧησίς, -ζως, γ„ (from same) molestation, oppression, disorder. \ Ορ^λ/ζ'ω, f. -^ισύ), (from same) / move, raise. 'OxhrAog, -71, -6'j, (from same) of the mid" titude, plebeian : το όχλίκοί/, vulgarity. Όχλοκό-^τος, -ου, 6, γ„ (from same and κ,ότττω) that seeks popidar favour. Οχ'Κοκ,^α.τίοί, -xc, τί, (from same and κοατίω) a government of the multitude. Όχ;λο'7το{ίω, -ω, (from next and 7:oiL•)) I make or raise a mob. "Οχλος, -ου, 6, a multitude, crowd, mob, the popidace ; tumult, uproar, trouble, mo- lestation. See under τζολΰς. ' ΟχλωΙνις, -£og, ό, 'ή, (from preced.) of the nature of or like a midtitude, disorderly, troublesome, vexatious. "Οχμ,χ, -χτος, το, (same as ix{/>ec from sxcd) a clasp, bond, fetter. Όχμ,χζω, f. -χσύ), (from preced.) I hold, hold fast, bind, tame. Όχμ,'/ι, -Tjg, 7}, (from same) a handle. "Οχμος, -ου, ό, (from same) a hold, a tower. "Ox'jYj, -Y,g, 71, same as oyxu-/i. "Οχος, -ου, ό, and οχος, -sog, το, dat. pi. οχίσι, poet, οχίσφι, (from ίχω) something that contains, bears, carries or conveys ; a recep- tacle ; a vehicle, chariot, waggon. Όχυξθ7:-οάο!ΛΧί, (from next and ττοάω) I secure, fortify. ' Οχΰ(ζθς, -ξχ, -Qo'j, (same as Ιχυξος, which from 'ίχω) tenable, strong, fortified. Οχυξόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. ωχϋζ^ωαχ, 1 a. pass. ojxvqUU-^u, p. pass, ωχύξωμχι, (from I preced.) I fortify. I Όχύξύψ.χ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a strong hold. Όχυξύ)μχτίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a little fortification. Όχύξωσίς, -iog, Attic -eojg, τ], (from οχυ- ξόω) a fortification. Όχυζύ)τ£θ!/, (from same) 77iust fortify. "Οψ, οτΐος, 7}, (from ί'ττω) a voice, a song ; (from οτττο}) the eye, the sight. Ό•ψχμχτ-/•ις, Dor. for ό-ψχμτιτγις, -ου, 6, (from o\J/s and χίίχω) one who mows till a late hour. "Ο-ψχνον, -ου, το, same as o'lpig. O\pxo/:ixi, (from o-^ou) I feed on meat. Ό-ψχζίοι/, -ου, το, (from same) a little fish. Όφχζότγις, -ου, 6, (from 6\ps and xqooi} one who ploughs late. Ό-ψχξτυττις, -ου, ό, (from next) a cook. 0-ψχξτύω, (from οψον and χοτύω) I season, piejjarc, and dress meat, Ν CA[\ Ό-ψε. Λ GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙαγγλυΜξος- ' Ο-ψί, (from sVij) after^ late, in the even- ing. 'Oxpsia, (from ο'τττω) I desire to see. "0\pYi/iioi, -ατός, το, same as ο-ψον. ' Οψ/οί, -ccg, 71, (properly the fern, of οφίος, with a^oc understood) evening. "Ο-ψίοίϊος, -a,, -Qv, same as ο-ψίος. ^ Ο'ψ'ίγόί,αος, -ου, 6, vi, (from ο'-ψί and γά,- μος) that has married late in life. ' Ο•\^'ίγονος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and yi~ νος) horn late ; born after, posterity, a re- mote descendant. ' 0-φίζω, f. -tacu, (from o\pi} I come in the evening, do any thing late. Όφ^κοίτος, -ov, 0, % (from same and KOiTYj) late of going to sleep. Ό•ψΐ[Λΐχ.ύίύ), f. -"ήσω, (from same and f^oiu- . 61X.UO)) I learn late. ' ΟιΡί/ίίΜς, 4ος, 6, Yi, (from preced.) that has learned late. Ό-ψί/^χύΙχ, or 6•ψ{/ίίάύείΰΐ, -ας, vj, (from same) late leai-ning. "Ο-ί^Ιμος, -ov, 6, VI, TO -ov, (from o-^s) late, L•tter. , Ό•ψ1νοος, -όου, 6, ^, (from same and νόος^ perceiving or wise too late. "Οψ /oc, -ice, -lou, (ivom ό-ψί) of or belong- ing to the evening, late. "0-ψίς, -ίος, Attic -ίως, ij, (from 2 sing. perf. pass, of οτττομ,α,ι) the act of seeing, sight, the aspect, the appearance, counte- nance, face. Cicero remarks, as a deside- ratum, that the Greeks have no proper term for the human countenance consider- ed as an index to the mind : " — tum spe ciem ita formavit oris, ut in ea penitus re- conditos mores effingeret. Nam et oculi nimis arguti, quemadmodum animo aiFecti simus, loquuntur : et is, qui appellatur vul- tus, qui nuUo in animante esse, praeter ho- minem, potest, indicat mores: cujus vim Graeci norunt, nomen omnino non habent." De Leg. i. 9. ΌφίτίΤ^βστος, -ov, (from ό•ψ$ and τίΚίω) to be fidfilled late, i. e. at a distant period. Ό-φίτίξον, (from ό-ψί) later: ό-ψίτχτον, at the latest. "0-ψον, -ov, TO, (perhaps from εψώ) luhat- ever is eaten ivith bread, called in Scotch, kitchen ; boiled or roasted meat, fish. Ό'ψοττοιίω, (from preced. and 'ττοίίω) I cook victuals : ό-ψο'ττοιίο^ίο.ι, I provide meat for myself. Ό•ψο7τοίγιμί^, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a made disk, dressed meat. Ό'ψο'ττοίτιτ'ίκ,ος, and ό'ψο'ττοΰ'Χ'Ος, -^j, -ov, (from same) belonging to or qualified for cooking victuals. ' O^o'TTouoc, -ας, τ], (from same) cookery. ' Ο•ψθ7τοί6ς, -ov, or v}, (from same) a cook. ' 0•ψο7Τύ)λν]ς, -ov, 6, and ό-ψό-ττωλίς, -ί^ος, jj, (from ο-ψον and ττω'λίω) a vender of dressed victuals, especially offish or delicacies. Ό-ψοψΰίγίύ), (from same and φάγω} I am a glutton. ' Ο-ψοφαγΙοί, -ας, v}, (from preced.) glut- tony. Όφοφΰίγος, -ov, 0, v], (from same) glut- tonous. ' Ο-ψωΆω, (from ο-ψον and ώνέομαι) I buy meat, fish, or other dainties, I cater. ' Ο^ωννις, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a purchaser of meat or fish, a caterer. Ό•ψύ)ν{άζύ), (from same) I furnish with provisions : ό-ψωνιάζομαι, I am furnished with provisions, receive a stipend, am paid. Ό-ψωνιασμός, -ov, 0, (from preced.) a fur- nishing with provisions or pay ; the pay or maintenance of troops. Ό-ψωνιον, -ov, to, (from ό-ψύντις) any thing that is eaten ivith bread, especially fish ; money to buy provisions, wages, reward. Π Π, the sixteenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the seventeenth of tlie ancient, among which it answered to the oriental Fe, in name, order, and power ; but its forms may be better referred to the Hebrew than to the Phenician character. Π is often interchanged with /3, and cp, the corresponding smooth and aspirated letters. 650 Tia, Dor. for νω ; and 'ττά, Dor. for ^ij, and ττως. Uaa, Dor. for 'ττασα, fem. of 'χας. ΤΙαγά, Dor. for ττγιγνϊ, a fountain. or '^αγγ€ν£ΤΥΐς, -ov, 0, (trom 'ττας and ysve- τ'-ήξ) all-producing, parent of all. ΤΙαγγλνκίξός, -cc, -ov, (from same and γλνκίζός) very siueet, all-lovely. ΤΙα,γγλωΰΰία. A GREEK LEXICON. Τίαιγνιη[χων. ΤΙχγγΤ^ωσσίΰί, -ας, 'ή, (from same and "/Τ^ωσσοί) loquacity. Τΐχγετός, -ου, ό, (from 'pryiyvvoj) ice, cold. ΐΐοίγζτύΐΐή;, -ίος, 6, ^,(frora preced.)/ro5. ty^ icy, cold as ice. ΤΙάγη, -ϋζ, 'h, (from τττιγω) a snare, noose, trap. Tloiyi^svcj, f. -ζύσω, p. ττί'ΤΓΧγί^ίνκ,χ, (from ■π-χγΐ;) I ensnare, entrap. ΤΙάγιος, -cc, -ou, (from 'Z7}ya) firm, con- firmed, stiffened: ττα,γίοις, firmly, decisively. ΤΙαγίς, -βος, τ], (from same) a net, snare, Ίϊα,γκοίίι/ ιστός, -ου, 6, τ), (ft'om ττοίς and κΛίνίζω) ever new. ΤΙάγκοίκ,ος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and koc- Kog) completely tvicked; 'τταγκόίκ,ούς, in the most ivretched manner. Τίοί'/κοΐΚΚ'ής, -ίος, and ττχγκ,όίλος, -ου, ό, '/}, (from same and y.aWog or κούκος) very beautiful, or very good: 'ττοί'/κ,όί'Κως, very beautifully. ΤΙχγκάξ'ΤΓίος, or ττάγκ,Χξ'ττος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and κα,^ττος) hearing all fruits. Τίΰίγκ,ΰίτάζχτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and κχτά,ζατος) completely cursed or to be cur- sed, most execrable. ΤΙα,γκίυύΥις, -ίος, ο, i], (from same and χίύύω) all-concealed ; all -concealing. ΊΙύγκ,ΧΜυστο;, and ττάγκλχυτος., -ου, ό, r,, (from same and κλαία) very much L•- mented ; very much to be lamented. TLic/y^YioJcc, -εις, r„ (ft'ora same and x.?».^- ^ος) an entire inheritance. ΤΙάγκΆγ}οοζ, -ου, 6, '^, (from same) that inherits or possesses the entire inheritance. Ί1ά,'/•Λθΐ])ος,-ου, 6, r„ (from ττα,ς and κοο/ος) common to all. ΤίχγκοΙτγις, -ου, ό, (from same and koityi) that lays all to sleep. ΐΐαγκύΐ/ΐτος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and KOuig) all covered ivith dust, having the most violent contest. Τΐαίγκζΰίτνις, -iog, 6, 'ή, (from same and κ,ξοίτίω) omnipotent, all-subduing. Τΐοίγκοατίάζύ), (from Toc/K^UTiou) I practise the pancratium. Τίαγκ,ξατίϋστνις, -ου, ό, (from next) one who practises the pancratium. Τΐχγκξόίτίοΐ/, -ου, το, (from 'ττόίς and κξά,- τος) the pancratium, the exercise of boxing and wrestling united. ΤΙχγκζότως, (from same and κζότο;) with loud noise. TLocyog, -ου, ό, (from ττνιγω) something of ^xed and solid materials, a hill; a mound, village or borough; ice, salt, crystal, sea- salt, the sea. Τΐόίγουοος, -ου, ό, a imngar, a kind of crab. IlxY)coiM'7roc, -ου, ό, v], (from ττ»; and γ,Λ'Κί'ζος) very difficult :- 'Tracy χ,α,'κί'Τΐως, with the greatest diffcidty. Tlccy^a.'hKsog, and ττάγ^Λ'λκος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and χαλκός) all brazen. ΐΐά,γχϋ-ηστος, -ου, 6, 7j, (ft'om same and •χ,^ύομ,α,ι) generally or very useful. Ί1ά.γχζΐστος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and χξί''^) oil over anointed. ΐίαγχξΰσίος, and 'π-άγχ,ζϋσος, -ου, ο, , (fi-om same and χξυσος) all gold. Tlccyxv, (fr)r ττάνυ) altogether. Τΐχ^άω, Dor. for ττ-ζι^άω, I leap. ΤΙΰίύΰίίνω, (from next) / cause emotion : Trccdcci^oy.oii, I am affected with emotion, act effemiiiately or affectedly, affect. ΐΐοίύίω, f. -τ^σω, 2 a. εττόίύον, see under τΐάσχοί, and p. 73, / siffer, experience. Tloiuri, -γις, and 'ττάύησις, -ζως, h, (from pre- ced.) siffering, a calamity, a slaughter. Uau/ifAct, -οίτος, TO, (from same) that which is siffered, a suffering, passion, affection. Τΐαύητ'ίκός, -71, -ou, (from same) that suf- fers or is affected, passive ; of, or belonging to, or susceptible of emotion or suffering ; that produces suffering, passion, or emotion, pathetic. ΤΙαθνιτος, -oj, -ou, (from same) liable to passion or emotion, passible, that can suffer, that shoidd suffer, or having suffered. Τΐάύος, -εος, -ους, το, (from same) that which is suffered, whether mental or bodily; a passion, affection or emotion; an inclination of love, kindness, or hatred ; a disease, a misfortune, an evil accident : an accident or quality not inherent in an object : a mental perturbation.; a passive state of the mind or the body ; a condition, a disposition ; lust, unnatural lust, an enduring or being the sub- ject of the unnatural lust of another, Rom. i. 26, 27. Col. iii. 5. ϋά,θύ). Ion. 'τττίύύ), another form of ττοίβΐω, whence p. -πί'ττοίύοι, part, τηττοίύως, 'ττε-ττα,• θυΐχ. Uxixu, -χνος^ ό, a physician, a deliverer ; a pcean, a hymn addressed to any heathen god, properly to Apollo, or Diana, as the averters of evil, particularly of diseases; any hymn or chant, a dirge, a hymn before bat- tle, the shout of soldiers before an engage- ment, a war-cry ; a hymn of victory, a hymn of invocation in distress. ΤΙχίοίυίξω, f. -ίσω, (from prcced.) / si7ig a pcean. ILctlyfix, -ατός, το, and -τΐΛίγ^Λος, -ου, 6, and TTxiyy.oauu-fi, -ής, vj, (from ταίζοήα play, game, juvenile amusement. Ilxiyuix, -χς, >;, and Trxlyuiou, -ου, το, (from same) a play, sport, scorn. llxtyuivjfccdu, -όνος, ο, ^, (from prcced.) sportive, funny, 651 Τίαίγνίος. Τίχίγνίος, -«, -οι/, (from same) flayful. Ti.fx.iyvicS^'ng, -sog, ό, 4 (from same) spor- t'lve, frolicsome y gay : το 'Troifyuta^igyhilarity, merriment. Um-iluyaysloUf -ου, το, (from τΐοα^οίγω- yo?) a school. tlciiloiycdyia, -ω, f. -7]σω, (from same) I lead, bring up, or instruct children ; I ac- company, attend. ΤΙχίΙάγωγίοί, -oig, Yi, (from same) a bring- ing up of children, rearing, instriictio7i. TloίίlΰcγωγU6g, -^, -ou, (from next) of or . belonging to a tutor or to education. TLcii^ciyayog, -ov, 6, (from 'Ttciig and aya- yog) a pedagogue, schoolmaster, instructor, preceptor, tutor. The "hihaaxxT^og, or teacher, ranks as much above the pedagogue, as an archon or governor, ranks above a steward. The Trcci^oiyayog is an instructor of chil- dren ; the hlxaKoi^og a teacher of men. ϋΰίί'^όίξίΟ!/, -ου, το, (from '^xlg) a little boy, a child. TluiihoL^^iCdhvig, -sog, 6, v], (from same) pue- rile, childish. ΤΙοίβΙω, 'TTUih'hoiK'j, Lacon. for ττιχ,ίζω, and "τταιζουσων. Uoiileia, -o(,g, ^, (from 'ττα^ίΰω) institution, instruction, discipline, correction, chastiseinent- Tlcci'^siog, -ου, ό, v}, (from preced.) puerile. ΤΙοα^ίξαστίω, (from ^rulg and SQUa) I am a pederast. Jlex.^h^^a.oτ'f^g, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a pe- derast. ΤΙχί^εξοοστία, -ας, vj, (from same) peder- asty. ΐΙαι^ίξοίστΙ-Λος, -vi, -ou, (from same) of or belonging to pederasty. ΤΙοίβευμο; -οίτος, το, (from 'Τοίί^ίΰω) in- struction, science, discipline. ηχβευσις, -eag, tj, (from same) instruc- tion, education, subordination. Ποί/δί^τ^ί, -ου, 6, (from same) an in- structor, corrector, chastiser. Ποί;δ£^τ/κοί, -5i, -oV (from next) belong- ing to or adopted for instruction. ΥΙιΛί^ίΰω, f. -ίϋσω, p. ττε'π-αβευκ,ΰί, 1 a. εττοίβίυσοί, 1 a. pass, έττίζί^ίύβνιν, p. pass. στετΐοίΐ^ευίΛοί,ι, (from τταΤις) I inst?'uct, par- ticularly, a child or youth, instruct by chas- tisement, chastise, discipli7ze, train. Udilia, -ocg, 71, (from same) boyhood, childhood; sport, play. HiX.th'iKog, -15, -6u, (from same) pertaining to boys or girls, puerile, childish, jocular. TLociliousu, (from next) from a little child, from infancy. Tloii^ioy, -ov, το, (from τταϊς) an infant, a child ; a young slave ; " Matth. xviii. 3. odg T« TTdiihici, as children generally. Not, however, the general character of children. 652 A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙαίδοκτονίω. * We must not,' says Michaelis, (Atimerk.) * bring together, in illustration of these words, all the properties of children, which may be either good or bad, as is sometimes done in the pulpit effusions of well-dis- posed men : the meaning of the precept, if we attend to the occasion which gave rise to it, can be only, that he, who would enter into the kingdom of heaven, must no more pretend to merit, than can a child with any show of justice ; I purposely say, can with any appearance of justice ; for not seldom are children presumptuous, and entertain high opinions of their own de- serts.' " Middleton on the place. ΤΙα,ί^ίότΎΐς, -τνιτος, vi, (from same) boy- hood, childhood. ΐΐαί^ισκ,ά,ξίου, -ου, το, (from same) a pal- try boy or girl. ΤΙχιΙίσκ,γι, -ης, vj, (from same) a little daughter, a damsel, a female slave ; Mark xiv. 69. κ,ΰίϊ 7} 'ΤΓοίί^ίσχ'ή βουσχ αυτοί/ 'Ticthiv, '* and the maid (viz. the maid recently mentioned) seeing him again.' Matth, xxvi. 71, says ο,ΧΚύι, * another maid^ and Luke xxii. 58, says ίτεξος, ' another man^ These statements have been viewed as con- tradictory, but * the whole contradiction vanishes at once, if we only attend to .John, the quiet spectator of all which past: for he writes, ch. xviii. 25, εί'τΐου. They said to him, wast not thou also one of his disciples ? Whence it appears that there were several, who spake on this oc- casion, and that all, which is said by Mat- thew, Mark, and Luke, may very easily be true : there might probably be more than the three, who are named; but the maid, who had in a former instance recognized Peter, appears to have made the deepest impression on his mind, and hence in dic- tating this Gospel to Mark, he might have said, The maid." Middleton on the place. Πα/δ/σκο?, -ου, 6, (from same) a little boy, son or slave. TLailia'^Yig, -eog, o, ^, (from 'τταί^ια) fond. of play, like a child, puerile, juvenile. Ylaihvog, -Vj, -ou, (from 'τταϊς) childish: 'τταί^νός, -ου, ο, a lad: 'ΤΓαί^νν,, -vjg, vj, a girl. ΤΙαι^οβό^ος, -ου, and τταίΖοβξως, -ωτος, ο, VI, (from same and βο^ά) that devours chil- dren. Haihoyovog, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and yiuof^ai) that begets children. Jlaiho6iu, (from -τταΐς) from childhood. Ίίαι^οχ,ομεω, (from same and κομ,ίω) I take care of children. Τίαίοοκ,τουέω, (from same and xTshea) I slay my children. ΤΙαιδύχ,τόνος. A GREEK LEXICON. Χίαλα/οω, TlathoKrovog, -ov, 6, τ}, (from same) a slayer of one's children^ an infanticide. ΤΙχί^οΤ^ίταζα, and ττΰα^οΆίτζίοί, -ας ij, (from 'ττχΊζ and όλέω) a woman who destroys her children. ΐΙοίΐΙοΤ^ίτ'ήζ, -~/ίζος, ο, (from, same) a man ivho destroys his children. TloiihoT^iruQ, -οξος, ό, τι, (from same) child- destroying. ΤΙοίΐ^οΤκϋίΛΛς, -$ος, and 'Trtii'^o^uo^og, -ov, o, 7j, (from 'Τΐοίΐς and οΚΤ^υμ^ι or μόοος) child- destroying. Τΐαίοομοίύ'ής^ -ίος, ό, ij, (from same and μχθίω} taught from childhood. UcciOouoy.og, -ov, 6, (from same and υίμω) a superintendant of boys, a magistrate at Sparta appointed to act iii this capacity. ϋοϋοοττοιέω^ (from same and %-οιίω) I be- get children. ϋχιΐύττοίΐοι, -Λς, 7}, (from same) the pro- creation of children. Ώ.ΰίί^ο'π-ο/όζ, -ov, 6, 7], (from same) that be- gets or bears children. ΤΙοαοοτξϊβίω, (from -ττχΐς and τζίβύ)) I train boys in gymnastic exercises. ΙίχίΙοτρίβτ,ς, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a teacher of gymnastic exercises to youth. Jlaioo τξίβίκύΐς, (from same) lUie a teach- er of gymnastic exercises. ΤΙαίόοτζοφίω, (from 'τταΐς and τζίφω) I maiiitain or bring up children. ΤΙοίίΙοτοοφίοί, -α,ς, τ], (from preced.) the maintaining or bringing up of children. Τΐοίίοοτξόφος, -ov, 6, ij, (from same) that maintains or brings up children. ΤΙχίΟύτζωτος, -ov, ό, vj, (from σταΐς and τίτζάσκ,ω) wounded by one's children. tlccihovpyio), (from same and £^^702/) / beget children. TLoiihov^y^ix, -ctg, i}, (from preced.) a fa- mily of children. ■Ιίχί^οφ'ίλίω, (from τγλΊ; and (pi'hiu) I love children. ΙΙοίΐοοφονίοί, -Λς, 71, (from same and φά- νω) child-murder. ΐΐχίοοφόνος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same) that murders children. ϋα,ιύωσις, -εώς, τ], (from ττχΐς) the pro- creation of children. ΐΐοίίζω, f. -ξω and -σω, p. 'ττίττΛίγ,Λ, 1 a. έττα/ξα, p. pass. 'Trk'Trocr/f^cti, (from same) / play like a child, jest, mock, sing and dance to the sound of musical instruments ; I fight, 2 Kings [2 Sam.] ii. 14 ; I laugh at, 2)erse- ciite. Gen. xxi. 9. " And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she liad born to Abraham, 'ττα,ίζοντα, [Λίτά Ίσχάκ τον viov Λντγ,ς, PLAYING WITH Isaac her son," i. e. treating him in a contcmjttuous, injurious, hostile manner; accordingly the apostle Paul interprets it, Gal. iv. 29. by ύίωκζ, persecuted. Comp. Heb. xi. 36. Uoiivjoju, -όνος, 6, same as ποίΐά,ν. ΤΙοιί'ΤΓόίΤνΥΐ, -Ύΐς, vj, and 'xcti'rahriy^cx,, -α,τος, το, (from 'ttccJ^yi) fine dust, meal, ox flour ; subtlety, a very artful person. UcccTTOi^osig, -ίσσοί, -iu, (from same) dusty, difficult, steep, lofty, rough, rugged. ΤΙχίτΓοίΤ,ος, -Yi, -ov, (from same) dusty, difficult, steep, lofty, rough, rugged: ίϊλΊ- TTcO^oi, -o)u, τά,, rocky places. TLccJg, TToiioog, poet, 'π-χϊς, στά'ϊ^ος, ο and 71, a child, boy or girl ; a slave, servant, at- tendant. ΐΐαΐσ^ΰί. Dor. for 'zru.'i^oi, ace. of preced. Uccia^a, Dor. for τταίζύ!. ΤΙχίφύσσω, (by redupl. from φύω, or φάσ- σω) I glance, move rapidly around, go about in a restless manner, rush, am insane, palpi- tate. Jlctla, f. -ΰίίσω, and -αιτήσω, p. ττίτΐαιχα,, 1 a. ίτϊο,ισοί, I strike, smite; hence to pay in the sense of to strike. ΤΙαιων, -ωι>οζ, 6, the god of physic, Apollo the healer ; same as 'τταιοίν ; in prosody, a foot of three short and one long syllable. See p. 124. Τΐοίίωνίζύ), f. ''ίσω, same as χαιχνίζω. ΤΙαιωυιος, -ίοί, -iou, (from 'ττοίίών) of Apollo, healing, salutary. Jiuioyjiaf/.og, -ov, 6, (from τΐαιωνίζο)) chant- ing a pcean. ΐΐοίκτος, -Vj, -ov. Dor. for -ττ-ηκ,τος, (from "TfTiyo)) fastened : στοίκ,τά,, -ων, τά,, the bars. ΤΙακτόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / render compact, fasten, join fi?'mly together, stop or fill up, close. YlciKoiUYi, -ng, 7), a ball, cake ; a cluster of dried figs pressed together. ΤΙόίλοίί, of old, formerly, long ago. ΤΙοίΚα,ιγζνΥΐς,-ίος, and ττοίλοίίγονος,-ον,ό,τ}, (from preced. and yivo^cii) born of old, aged^ ΤΙχλα/μονίο), (from ττύΆ-η) I combat. ΙΙά,Άοίίομ,'/ιτωζ, -OQOg, vj, (from ττχλχίος and /ίί'/ιτγ!ζ) an ancient mother. ΙΙχΤ^χίύτι-λοντος, -ου, ό, tj, (from next and TTMvrog) rich from of old, ancient and wealthy. HoiT^xiog, -oi, -ov, (from ricahxi) old, an- cient : το 'Kxhxiov, formerly : oi ττχλχιοί, the ancients. ΙΙά,'Αα,ιότής, -τ-ητος, v), (from prcccd.) old- ness, antiquity, obsoleteness. ΐΐοίλχίύφξων, -ovog, 0, ij, (from same and φζ-^ν) wise from of old. ΙΙα,λχίόω, -0), f. -ωσω, p. TriTrxKxUiKX, 1 f. pass. 'ττα,7\.χΐύ)ύνισομχι, 1 a. pass. Ι'τΐοίΚχιω- &nv, p. pass. 'τηττχΚα,ίύΐμ,αι, (from -τΓχλαίός) I make old, abrogate ; pass. / g7'ow old, be- come obsolete. 653 Παλα/σ/ΛΟί. A GREEK LEXICON. ΊΙαΧινζω'ία» Τί&7\οίίσμχ, -Μτος, το, and ττοί'Κΰίΐσμοσΰυγίί -ης, VI, (from ττάτ^τη) the art of wrestling, a struggle, a conflict. Τΐιζλοίΐστίω, f. -'/]σα, (from same) / wrestle with, buffet. ΐΙα,Άοαστνι, -^ς, ^, (and xotXaiurvig, -ου, 6, in the Alexandrian writers,) a pabn, a hand- breadth. ΤΙόίλοαστ'ης, -ου, ό, (from ττάλη) a wrest- ler. Ιΐα'λχίστιχϊος, -ούα, -οίίον, (from TkOcXdio- -νή) of a hand-breadth. ΐΙαΚοαστίΆος, -τι, -ov, (from craAjj) belong- ing to a wrestling, skilled in ov fond of ivres- tling. ΤΙόίλΰίίστξοι, -ας, τ], (from Trochocio)) a pa- Icsstra, a school for wrestling, any 'place of exercise, the exercise itself. Τ1οί^.ο(,ιστζίκ6ς, -'/), -6u, (from preced.) be- longing to the palcBstra. TLoiha,iaTo)^cc, -ατός, το, (from 'ττα.Τ^αιστ'ή) a palm, a hand-breadth. Τΐΰίλαίφόίτος, -oy,(from σταΤίΧίος and φύω) spoken long since, fabidoiis ; ancient, pre- dicted : 'π α'Καίφ ατού, formerly. Ύ\αΚαί%&ων, -όνος, ό, vj, (ττάλ^ί; and χ,ύων) that has possessed the land long ago. ΤΙάλαίω, imperf. ίττάλαίον, f. -αίσω, (from ■τάλϊΐ) / iv?'estle, have a conflict ivitli. ΤίαΤκαίύίμ,α, -ατός, το, and ■παΧαίύ)σις, -ιος, Attic 'ίύ)ς, 7], (from τταλαιόω) oldness, anti- quity, inveteracy, decay. ΤΙάλαμάο^αί, -ωμ.αι, f. -νισομ,αζ, (from next) / perform with the hand; I con- trive. ΐΙαΚαμ,η, -ης, vj, (from -ττώλλω) the palm of the hand ; the means of effecting any thing, a contrivance, stratagem. Ha'Kaf^va'iog, -aia, -alou, (from preced.) having the hands pollided with murder. ϋαλάσσω, f. -άξ,ω, (from ττάΤίΤιοή I cast lots ; (from ττά^νϊ) I spiinkle with dust or flour, defile, stain, contaminate, moisten, soften. ΤΙαλάτίον, -ov, το, (Lat. palatiuvi) a pa- lace. ΐίαλίύω, f. -ζύσω, (from next) I decoy with chaff, allure itito a snare, entice. TLahYi, -ϊΐς, vj, (from -τάλλω) a wrestling; fine flour, fine dust or sand, chaff, hence Lat. palea; fine snow. TlaT^iyysusaia, -ας, vi, (from craA/v and γίνίσις) a being born again, a new birth, a regeneration, a renovatiori, a complete change for the better ; applied to things as well as persons, in Mat. xix. 28. where the word should be construed with the clause which follows it ; applied to persons at their con- version, in Tit. iii. 5. 'Π.α>άγγ7\.ύ>σσος, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and 654 '■/'Κωσσα) that speaks a foreign tongue ; that gives false intelligence. ΐΙαλίγ-λ,ατΓΥΐΚίύω, f. -ίΰσω, (from same and χ.α'Κ'ίϊΚζϋύ)) I sell again, retail. Τίαλίγκα7Γνι7\.ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a retailer of wine or provisions. ΤΙαλίγκοτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from -τάλιυ and κ,ότος) that renews an old grudge, angry, hostile : 'τταΤ^ιγκ,ότως, with renewed wrath. ΤΙαΤ^ίΆλογίω, (from same and λίγοή I re- peat. ΤΙαλιΆΤ^όγος, -ου, ό, vj, (from preced.) that repeats, retracts, or recants : -τταΤ^-ίλλογος, collected or counted again,' redemanded. ΤΙάΆίμβάμος, -ου, 6, τ], (from ττάλιν and βάω) that goes backward and forward, shift- ing. ΐΙα'Κιμ,βΤ^αστνις, -ίος, and 'πα'κί(Λβ7^αστος, -ου, 6, VI, (from same and βΤ^αστάυω) that grows again. ΤΙαΤ^ίμβολος, -ου, ο, ^ (from same and βάλΧύή changed again, changed often, chan- geable, inconstant. Ι1α\ιμ,μ.''ήκ,γις, -^ος, 6, τ], (from same and μψΛος) doubly long, long protracted. ΎΙαΚι^'τΐζτνίς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from same and ττίτττω) falling back, retrograding: 'TroKiy.- τητίς, backwards. Ί1αΚίΐΛ7Γ'Ααγκ.τος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next} retrograde, wandering up and down. Τ1άλ{μ'π-λάζω, f. -γζα, part.l a. pass, -π-α- λίμ'ττΤ^αγχύεΙς, (from ττάΆ/ι/ and 'ττΎ.άζω) I cause to luander back, repel. Τΐα.λίμ'π-λωτος, -ov, (from same and 'τΐ'κάω^ sailing back or again. Yla'hi^'xoDJOv, -ου, το, (from same and TToivvi) a retribution, recompense. ΙΙα'κίμ.φγιμ,ος, -ov, 6, 7}, (from same and φνίμγί) that contradicts, that becomes slan- derous. τlaλίμφξωu, -όνος, ό, '^, (from same and φξτίν) that changes his mind, ivise, placa- ble. Τία'Κίμ,-φαιστος, and 'τταΤ^Ιμ-ψ^τος, -ου, 6, v), (from next and -^^άω) that has been scraped a second time. ΐΐάτ^ιν, (from ^άλλ -y) back again, again, on the contrary. ΐΙαΤ,ίνάγξίτος, -ου, ο, ^, (from preced. and αγγίζω) that may be called back, revocable. ΤΙα7\.ί^αντόμο'λος, -ov, 6, v], (same and αυτόμολος) a deserter again or back. Πώλ/2/δ/ζ/'/5το5•, -ov, 6, Yi, (from same and ^ivia) rolling back. ΤΙαΆίν^ζομίω, (from same and ^ξίμω) I ru7i back. ΐΐατ^ίυΐζομος, -OV, 6, 57, (from preced.) that runs back. Ι1αλ.ινζ(ύΐα, -ας, vj, (from 'zahiv and ζύ)νί) a renewed life, a resurrection. Ua/jvodl A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙαμμιγγις, TLxAivooid, -ccg, vj, (from same and όοος) a going back, a return. Tlxhii /οξος, and irc&hiyoQaog, -oy, o, '^, (from same and οοω) that rushes back, that returns. Hoc-h'rjaKiog, -ου, 6, yj, (from same and σκ,ίχ) renewing their shade, shady. nacXivaToyJcu, (from same and στόμα) I speak again. Τίόίτ^ιυστρόβητος, ov, 6, 7}, (from same and στζοβίω) that rolls back again. Τΐΰίλίντϊτος, -ou, (from same and rlcS) to be punished again, demanding retribution. Τΐά,λίντοι/ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and Tsiua) bent back again, that may be bent back, elastic. ΐΐά-λίντζάττίλοζ, -ου, ο, '/], (same and rga- ΊΓζΚος) turned back, reversed, opposite. ΤΙόίλιντΡίβτίζ, -Ιο?, and ττχΆιντζί-ψ, -τζί- βας, 6, 57, (from same and τζίβω) worn again, exercised, cunning. Iloi'AiyT^o'Tricc, -ας, τ], (from same and τξί'ττω) a turning back. ΤΙόίλίι/τζοτΓος, -ου, 6, v), (from same) that turns back, that changes. Tlcc7\.iuTv-77'/jg, -ίος, 6, 'ή, (from ττά,'Κιν and τύτττω) beaten back. Τ1χλιντΰχ''ής, -ίος, ο, τ], (from same and τϋγ,-ίΐ) suffering a reverse of fortune. ΎΙα'ΚινωΙίω, (from same and ωύ'•ή) I re- cant. Τ1α?,ΐΰωοία, -ας, i), (from preced.) a re- cantation. ΤΙαλίουξος, and τταΤ^ίνουζος, -ου, v], paliu- rus, the white thorn. ΤΙα'Κιρρόθιος, and 'τταΤ^ίρρούος, -ου, 6, vj, (from -ττάτ^ιν and ρόύος) that flows back, ebbing. ΤΙαλίρροια, -ας, vi, (from same and ρίω) a flowing back, reflux. ΤΙαλίρροος, -οου, contr. -ττα'λίρρους, -ου, ο, {}, (from same) refluent, fickle, inconstant. ΎΙ.ακίρρο'τΐος, -ου, 6, τ], (from 'ττάλίΐ/ and ρετΓύύ) backsliding, leaning back. ΥΙαΚίσσντος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and σΰω) rebounding, retreating. ΤίαΚΤοί^ις, -£ως, ^, (from same and ωκα, for "^ιωκω) a beating back in return, a rally. ΙΙαΚΚαγμα, -ατός, το, (from χαΆΤ^άσσω, which same as -τάλλω) adultery. Παλλώδ/ον, -ου, το, (from Παλλα?) a statue of Minerva. ΐίαΚΚακίΰομαι, (from ττάλλαΙ) with a dat. / am a concubine to ; with an ace. / have as a concubine. Τίαν^λακ'ή, -ν}ς, and πταΚ'καΔς, -ίοος, vj, (from same) a concubine. Ha'KKaKihov, -ου, το, (from next) a little mistress. ΤΙαλΑαζ, -ακος, 'π-άλΤ^γ,^, --/ικος, and -ττάτ^,' λάς, -αντος, ο or ^, (from 'ττάτο^ω) α young man, a maiden. , ΤΙαΚΑας, -αοος, τι, (from same or ττάλ- λίίΙ) Minerva. Ί1α7^7.άσια, -ων, τα, flg-cakes. ΤΙάλλίυκ,ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from 7:ας and AsD- κος) all ivhite. Πάλλω), f. -αΚω, 1 a. ίχν^κα,^. ιτί.'ττα'Κ-Λα, ρ. pass. 'ττίΐταΤ^.μ.αι, -σαι, -ται, Ι shake, move, brandish ; mid. tremble, draw lots for myself. ΤΙάλμα, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a body that is shaken. ΙΙα7\.μ6ς,,-ου, 6, (from same) the act of brandishing ; palpitation, pulsation. TLaMg, -ου, 6, (from same) agitation, the casting of lots, a lot. ΊΙαΤ^τος, -'/}, -ov, (from same) brandished, thrown : τταΤ^τον, -ου, το, a missile iveapon. Τίαλϋνω, f. -vuZ, (from nra'h-fi) I strew with meal or flour, sprinkle, whiten. Ί1αμβασΤΚ%ία, -ας, τ], (from next) queen of all. ϋαμβασιΧίύς, -ίος, ο, (from 'Τΐας and βα• σιΚίυς) king of all. ΤΙαμ^ξΚύοος, -ά, -6u, (from same and βοελυξός) utterly abominable. ΤΙαμβίας, -ου, 6, (from same and βία) ir- resistible. Ή-αμβοτανον, -ου, το, (from same and βοτάνι) herbage of all kinds. Ώάμβοτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and βόσκο)) all-feeding. ΤΙαμβωτις, -ιίος, vj, (from same) that feeds all. ΐΐαμμ,αταιος, -ou, (from στας and μά- ταιος) utterly vain. ΐΐάμ,μάχ,ος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and μάχτη) that fights in every mode, that con- quers all. ϋαμμεγίύγις, -εος, ό, τ], (from same and μίγί&ος) in all respects great. ΥΙαμ,μί'κας, -aiua, -ay, (from same and μίλας) entirely black. ΤίαμμεΚ'ής, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and μίλος) tuneful. Τίαμμ'ήκτης, -εος, ο, y}, (from same and μ^κος) very long. ΤΙάμμιηνις, -ι^ος, vj, (from same and μνιυϊΐ) shining with full moon. ϋάμμτινος, -ou, (from same and μ^ν) of every month. ΙΙαμμ'ήστωο, -οζος, 6, ίη, (from same and μνίστωζ) universally skilful. Τ1αμμ7}τεΐζα, -ας, and 'τταμμ'ητω^), -οξος, 71, (from same and μιηττιξ) a univosal mo- ther, one who is in every sense a mother. Τΐαμμίάζος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and μιαξος) utterly luicked. Ιΐαμμίίγ'ης, -ίος, and ττύμμικτος, -ου, 6^ 655 Τΐάμ,μο^οζ. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙανάξΧζτοί 9), (from same and μίγννμή mixed with all, promiscuous. ΤΙάμ/^ΛΟξος, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and ^6- ξος) completely/ unfortimate. ΤίΜ^^μυΊχ, -χς, % (from same and i^vloc) every sort of fly. Ί1οί(/,μυσά,ζος, -oi, "ou, (from same and fivaxQog) very odious. ΐ1ΰί/χ7τύλοίίος, -ov, (from same and Tci~ λα,ίός) very eld. Uuf/^TToiu, (from 'Τΐοίς) entirely, altogether. ΎΙίίΐΛ'ττίίύτίς, 4ος, 6, ^, (from same and Trsiu&i) all-persuasive. Ώ.χμττ'ηΙγίΰ, (from same and ττάομοίί) wholly. Τΐοίμ,ττγισίοί, -ocg, ^, (from same) complete possession, abundance. nfii^9rA>3^£<,(from next) with all their mid- titude, all at once, all together. Τίοί^Λ'π7\.νΐύ^ς, -ίος, 6, τ], (from 'ττοίς and 'ττΛ^ύος) very many, very much. ΐΙάμ.'πΤ^νιχ,τος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and 'ττΧ'/ισσΰή smitten in every way. ΊΙοί^'ποίχΧκος^ -ου, 6, τ], (from same and 'ζ-οίκίΤνος) all over variegated, of all colours ; assuming all appearances, artful. 'Π.ά/ίί'7Γθ7\.υς, στοί/^ττόλλγι, ττά.^ίττο'λυ, (from same and στοΤ^ύς) very many: 'κά,μ,'πο'Κν, in great abundance, for a long time. ΐίΛμ,ττόνήζος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and τ^ονγιξος) utterly wicked: ττοί-μ-ττοντίξως, most iviclcedly. Ιΐα μ,'π 6 ζφΰξο ς, -ou, (from same and 'ττοξ- φύξοί) all-purple. ΤΙά/ίί'π'ζίτΓος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and 'ττφ'ττω) all-becoming, splendid, venerable, ex- cellent. ΎΙά,μ,'ττξύύτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and TgwTo?) first of all. ΤΙχμφόίγος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and φά,γω) all-devouring. Tlcif /,φά,''/ις, -iog, 6, v}, (from same and φά,ω) all-shining ; all-illuminating. Tlccfipoiiva, and •ττοί/ίί.φΰίυάο), (from same and φούνύ)) I shine clearly, glitter. Τίο[,[Λφοί^.ά.ύ), (from same and φά'Κος) I am all helmet-struck, am astounded. ΤΙοίΐΛφά,ζμ,ά,κ,ος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and φάο^μ,οίκον) skilled in all sorts of drugs or sorcery. ΤΙΰΐ/ίίφίγγ'^ς, Λος, 6, tj, (from same and (pgyyo?) all-shining. ΤΙά,μφύοίξτος, -ου, ο, ν;, (from same and φύίίξύ)) all-destroying, destj-oyed with all. ΤΙάμφΆβκ,τος, -ou, (from same and φλέγω) all-consumed ; on which all burn. ΐΐα/ι/,φόξος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and φέ- ςω) all-producing ; all-carried. ΤΙοίμφυλίοί, -α,ς, τι, (from next) a society of all nations ; Pamphylia. 656 ] ^.^(ΛφυΑος, -ου, 6, tj, (from ττά? and φυλνι) having a mixture of all nations. ΤΙά/χφυζτος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and φύξω) all-mixed, indiscriminate. ΐΐά,μ,φωνος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and φω- w^) all-sounding : full-sounding. ΤΙχμ-ψγιφίϊ, (from same and -ψϊ^φος) by every vote, unanimously. ΤΙάμ-φϋχος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and "^υχνϊ) all-soul, immortal; that rules over all souls. Tloii/, Τίά,υος, 6, (from ττάω) the god Pan. Τΐά,νόίβξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from σιτχ,ς and ύβξος^ completely effeminate. ΤΙαναίγνις, -ίος, ο, i], (from same and όίγος) all-pure. ΐίά,νά,γζος, -ou, (from same and oiypoi) all-collecting. Hxuoiuvjyuiioi, -ων, τα,, (from same and ' Κ&ΎΐνοΛος) a festival of Minerva at Athens, called the Panathenean festival, because all the Athenians assisted at it. ΎΙά,νά,ύ'Κίος, -ex,, -ov, (from same and ά,ύ- λίος) completely 7niserable. Τίχνοαύος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and uWa) all-burning. ΤΙόίνοίΙολος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and cclo- λος) all-variegated. ΐΐά,να,ισγ/ής, -ύος, ό, vj, (from same and αίσχος) all-shameful, all-deformed. Τΐόίνοι,ίτιος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and Λί- πος) that is the cause of all, the supreme disposer, alone culpable. ΤΙόίνα,κίΐά,, -ας, vj, (from same and α,κί- Qf^cci) a panacea, a universal medicine. ΎΙά,νά,ΤκΎΐύν^ς, -ίος, 6, '/], (from same and άλγιύ'^ς) all-true: 'ττα.νοι,'ΚΥιύως, most tridy. ΤΙόίνα,'λκ'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and άλ- KVi) omnipotent. Τΐά,νοίλωτος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and άλίσκω) that captures or conquers all, ΤΙοίνοίμ,ίζ&ΰω, Dor. for τταν^μ,ί^ζύω, ΤΙοίνόί'ΤΓόίλος, -ου, ό, vj, (from τ^οίς and ά,τίοίΚος) all-soft, very delicate. ΐΙοίνοί'7τνΐ(/,ων, -όνος, ό, v], (from same and ΰί'τττιμων) quite harmless. Τίά,νά,τιτγιζνις, -ίος, ό, 7j, (from same and α,-ττ'/ΐξ'/ίς, which from ctneg. and π-ηξός) wholly uninjured. ΤΙκνώ'ΤΓοτμ,ος, -ου, 6, 9], (from same and οίττοτμ,ος) completely wretched. ΤΙιζνάξγϋξος, -ov, (from same and. οίξγυ- ρος) all-silver. Ιΐΰίνάξετος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and άξετ'^) completely virtuous. ΤΙχνοίξίστος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and οίξίστος) altogether the best ; the best of all. Ώ.ιχνά.ζκ,ίτος, -ου, and ττόίνοίξχ'/ίς, -ίος, ο, ^, (from same and άξκίω) all-sufficient, all- ΤΙαναρμόν/ος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙαν&ηρ. Tloiuu^fcouios, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and ά,ξμ,ονίοί) perfectly harmonious. ΙΙοίνοίζχος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and «g- -χ,ω) all-ruling. Τίά,'^οίτζίκ'/ις, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and ccT^SKVj;) entirely true: 'ττοίυΛΤξίκίς, with the utmost truth. Τΐαΐ/Μφϊίλίζ, 4κος, 6, yj, (from same, cc-tto, and ^'λ/|) deprived of all one's equals, for- lorn. ΤΙοα)<χ.φυκτο;, -ou, (from same and όίφυκ- τος) altogether inevitable. Τΐόίι/όίχ,χά;, -ΐίος, 'ή, (from same and Ά- %αάς) all Achaia, all the Grecian land. Ucci/ocx^cciol, -ojv, 01, (from preced.) all the Achceans or Grecians. Ώ-ΰίι/όίωξίος, -ου, 6, ί], (from π-»; and ωζίος) wholly unseasonable, altogether premature. TLuuoxiaix; -ccg, vj. Ion. ττοίνοασί/ι, (from same and ^αίς) a complete feast ; a feast to which all contribute, and which all share in common. ^ Π οί'Λοίκ,ζϋτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and κ,ύ)) all-seeing. ΤΙανοεχνις, -sog, 6, 'ή, (from same a:nd Ιίχ,ο- μχί) that receives or contains all. Hccvh /ιμ,ύ, or '7τοα/1•/ιμ,1, (from 7:άν6•/ιμ,ος) before all the people, publicly ; with all the people, in one body. Hcc-jlfifAjoc, -(χ,ς, 7], (from next) the whole people. Τίοί'Λ'ήΐΛίος, -ου, belonging to the public. Uocvorifiog, -ου, 6, yj, (from 'ττΑς and οτίμ,ος) belonging to all the people, public, common. TLauolKog, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and οίκγι) most just : 'ττανοΊκως, most justly. TLx'jdoKilov, same as ττοί^'^οχΐΐον. ΤΐΛ'Λοκίύς, same as ττοι,υοοχ,ζΰς. IlocuOoKiOTOiot, -ocg, tj, (from preced.) a hostess, a female inn-keeper. ΥΙανοοκίϋύ), and 'ττοι.νύοκίω, (from "ττΰς and oixoy.cci) I receive wholly, I receive all, en- tertain guests as an inn-keeper. Tloci/lOKog, -ου, ί, τ], (from same) that re- ceives all. ΤΙανΙοξ^χ, -ug, 7}, (from Trxg and oo^cc) universal glory. Ilccvloxftou, -ου, το, (from same and οίχ,ο- μ,Λΐ) a public inn. ΙΪΛ'Λοχίύς, -ΐως, ό, (from same) the mas- ter of an inn. ΤΙοίΐ/Ιωζοί, -ug, 'ή, (from τΐά,ς and oa^ou) 0, ij, (from next) of or whole people, common. the giver of all things, an epithet of the earth. Pandora. Tlctus^sode^og, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and sTisodsQog} luholly free. TlduiATiyji/sg, -ων, oi, (from same and "Ελ- λ>5ί/) all the Greeks. lioiuiTriaKOTrog, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and STriaKOTrog) overseeing all things. nMus'TrOTTT'/jg, -ου, ό, (from same and Ιττό'π•- TYig) beholding all things. TlauiQyir/ig, or Travsgyaryjf, -ov, o, (from same and t^you) one loho performs all things. Τίχι/ίξ'ή/ίίος, -0!/, (from same and e^n/u^og) totally wasted, rendered a complete desert. TiciuiaxoiTog, -ou, (from same and 'ύσχχ- rog) the very L•st. Tloiuirng, sog, 6, v], (from same and 'irog) that lasts the ivhole year : Trocving, through- out the ivhole year. ΤΙοίνζυΙούμ,ωΐ/, -ovog, 6, % (from same and £t/lcclf/.oju) quite happy. Tlci!/eυίφolog, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and eύeφol•og) of perfectly easy access. Τίαι/ίύκ,'/ιλος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and iUKYihog) perfectly calm. Tl.a,£- γω) all- desiring. HxuroGi, (from -raj•) to every place, at every side, every where. ΤΙχ^τόσίίΛνος, same as Trayazvcvog. Τίχν-όσύνος, -ου, (from 'τΐΰ,ς) various. TLdiVTOTs, (from same and tots) always. TLx'jto'tpo^o;, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and τ^ίφω) that nourishcth all. Γίχρτουζγό;, same as 'ττοίνουζγος. Τίχυτόφυξτος, -ov, (from ttcc; and φΰζύ)) all-mixed, indiscriminate. ΐΐοίντξό'ττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and τξί- "π-ω) all-turning, complete. TLaurag, (from ττϋς) altogether, by all means, surely, entirely. Tloiuv, (from same) wry much, altogether. ΐΙάνΰττΒίοοχ,ος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same, ΰττΒξ, and εχ,ω) all-excelling. ΙΙά,υύττί^τά,τος, -/!, -ou, (from same and ντ:ί(>τχτος) superior io all, the furthest of nil. ΙΙάνύστόίτο;, -η, -ou, (from same and ϋσ- TUTo:) last of all. ΪΙχνοΤ,εβξίχ, -xg, {f, (from same and ολίθ- οοζ) total destruction. ΙΙχνωλίύζος, and ττχνωΆίύοίο;, -ου, ό, '/;, (from same) totally destroyed or ruined: τΐχνύίΚίύηοίς, with total destruction, utterly. Tlxi /ωΆΥις, -so;, 6, 7], (from ττχ; and ότ^ίω) all-iniined, most abandoned, most wretched. Τίχνωξος, -ov, (from same and ώί^ί*) at every season, in full season. Τΐχξ, an exclamation, generally to im- pose silence. Tlxof/.xi, (from ττχω) J i^ossess ; hence 'τΐχοίΛχι, I taste ; in this sense the first syl- lable is short, and when necessary the poets double a consonant following to make it long, as inf. 1 a. -ττίχ,σσχσβχί. TIxTTxl, TTXTTx, -ττχ-ττχιχξ, ττχττχτ-χττττχζ, wonderful! alas I hence Lat. poyOiS. 'Π.χ'7Γ'7:-χζύ),ί. -χσω,{ΪΥον[ΐ next) I call papa. TlxTTTrxg and ττχττχ;, -ου, 6, (from -ττχ,) a papa. Jlx,7r7:ixg, -ου, 6, and "Τΐχιτιτι^ιον, -ου, το, (dim. of preced. used as terms of endear- ment) dear papa, dear little jJapa. TlxTTT^og, -ου, 6, (from '7rx7r7:xg) a grand- father. HxTTTTuog, -ωχ, -ωον, (from preced.) of a grandfather. ΤΙχττζχξ, -XKog, 0, a sort of fish in the Prasian lake, Herod, s. 16. HxTTTXiva, f. -χνω, 1 a. Ιττχττττ^νχ, I glance or look round, look carefully round, survey, co7isider. ϋχτττχΛχω, (from preced.) I survey, ex- amine. ΤΙχττυζζων, -ojvog, o, (from 'TrxT^u^^og) a place planted with the papyrus. HxTrooiuog, -/j, -ov, (from next) made of the jinpyfus or of 'paper. TlxTrDoog, -ου, ό, 7j, the papyrus, paper. TLxp, poet, for -τΓχξχ, in Horn, and the Dorians : — for -ττχοίστί, and for ττχρειμ,ι, in Aristoph. Tlxox, for ττχοζί^^,ί, or -π-ύζίστί. Tlxpx, at, beside, near. See p. 109. ΙΙχξχβχίνύ), (preced. and βχίνω) I go by the side of or near, go beside, deviate from, transgress, fall by transgression. TlxQxfixKTPog, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and βύκ,τζον) supj^orted by a staff. UxoxfixK-^og, -ου, ο, ί], (same and Βχκ- }Cog} acting as an attendant of Bacchus, en- furiatcd like one of his votaries. ϋχηχβχΧΚο), (same and /3άλλώ)) / cast of put by the side of or near, arrive or touch at, compare, confer. ΙΙχοχβχτττχ, Tx, (from same ίΐηάβχ'π-το;) dyed, ^painted, Ezek. xxiii. 15. and see fixTTTog. Τίχζχβχσίχ, see ττχ^χίβχσίχ. Ιΐχξχβχσιλίύω, {ττχζχ and βχσιλίύω) I abuse sovereign power. ΙΙχοχβχσι:, -tog, Attic -iog, tj, (from xx- 659 ΤΙα^αβαΰχω, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙαξαγωγη. ζοίβούνοΐ) a passing hy, over, or beyond ; a transgression. Τ1χζΐζβάσκ.ω, {ττοίζΐί and βάσκω) I mount, fight by the side of. Τίόίξΐχβόίτγις, or 'π-όίξοίιβόίτνις, -ov, o, (from TTx^ccQccii/a) one who goes beside another in a chariot, the combatant ; a transgressor. ΤΙόίξΰίβόίτός,-'^, -6u, (from same) transgres- sed or violated ; liable to be transgressed or violated, Τίΰίζαβιά,ζομ,α,ι, and 'ττα,ξΛβιά,ομ,Λΐ, {ττα,ζοί and βιάζω) I press, compel, lurest. Τία,ζΰίβιβά,ξω, (same and βφάξω) I car- ry aiuay, remove, force on board. ΤΙοίξχβ'λΛστόίνω, (same and βλαστάνω) I shoot up by the side of. ΤΙόίζΰίβλίττω, (same and β'Κί'ττω) I look askance at ; also / look aside, overlook, de- spise. ϋαζόίβλί-ψίς, -εως, vj, (from preced.) a side look, a glance : a distortion of the sight. ΎΙοίζίχ,β'ΚνΙ^'/ιν, (from ΐΐα,ο^αβάΧΚω) com- paratively; sideways, obliquely, sarcastically. Τ1ίΧ,ξΰίβ7\.ιητ£ος, -cc, -ου, (from same) that must be compared. Ί1οί(Ιοι.β7^.Ύΐτος, -»?, -6u, (from same) com- pared ; to be compared, comparable. Τΐόίξαβ'λω-ψ, -ω•7τος, ό, τ), (from ττα.ζοίβ'λί- ττω) that squints, " slant-eyed,'^ Cowper. Τΐΰίζχβοχύ), {'ΤΓΧζ^- and βοά,ω) 1 shout by the side of, shout aloud. ΐΐοίξαβο'ηύζίοί, -ας, τι, (from next) siiccour. ΐΐίίζοίβοηθίο), {τταξΰί and βοηβεω) I come up to the side of a person to succour him. ΙΙΰίξΐχ.βολόί'^•/}υ, (from τταξΆβάλλο)) side- ways, by the side of, by way of comparison. ΐΙ(χ,ξαβο7\.εύο[/,α,ι, f. -ivaoy^cti, (from irccQ^a- βοΚύς) I expose myself to danger. Ώ.οίζχβο'λΥι, -ίις, 7ί, (from perf. mid. of 'τταξοίβά,Τ^Κω) a putting oj one thing by the side of another, a parable, comjyarison, pro- verb, type, anblem. Τΐΰΐξόίβολος, -ov, (from same) put by the side of, exposed to danger, hazardous, rash ; also, false, counterfeit. Τ1χξΐχ,βον7\.ενο^Λοίί, (^ττοίζά. and βου'Κεύω) I disregard, overlook, neglect. Τΐΰίξαβζαβεύω, (same and βραβεύω) I de- cide unjustly. ΤΙαξάβυστου, -ov, το, (from next) a side- hole, a court of justice, at Athens, so called because situated in a remote part of the city, or because its proceedings were private. Τίοίζ^οίβύω, (τΐΌίζά. and βύω) I cram ΐ7ΐ at the side, thrust out of the way. Ώ.χξο.βωμιος, -ου, ό, '/j, (same and βω/^ιος) attending at the altar. Ώ.α.ξοίγγεΤ^ίίχ, -ας, vi, (from next) a noti- fication, a commandment, a charge. Τ1όίζχγγε7\7\ύ}, (from Trcipci and άγγελλω) 660 / notify, command, charge, give in charge ; I summon ; I solicit, canvass. ΙΙόίζάγγε?\/ίί,χ, -χτος, ro, (from preced.) a commandment, order. ΤΙα,ξόίγεύω, (ttcc^uc and γεύω^ I give to taste by the way or incidentally, cause to relish : 'τηχ,ξαγεύομαί, I taste slightly or fas- tidiously, TLoi^ixyiuof^oii, (same and yii/of^xi) I come to, arrive, come, am present at, assist. Τίΰίξίχγίΐ/ωσκ,ω, (same and γινωσκ,ω) I judge incoi^ectly or unjustly ; I read to or with, as a teacher with his scholars. ΐΙα,ξα,γκ,οίΤ^ισμοι,, -Λτος, ro, (from same and αΙγκχΤ^ίζομοίί^ a thing taken in the arms; hence, a poison embraced. ΐίχρχγκ,ωυίζω, f. -Ισο), (from same and dy- κ,ωνίζο)) I elbow aside, push away with the elbows, reject. ΙΐΛζά,γξοίμ,(Λα, -ατός, το, (from 'π-οίξοί- γξκφω) something written beside or in addi" tion, the putting of a letter or woj^d instead of another, the alteration or falsification of a writing ; a public notice or biU published for discussion under a proposal of enact- ment ; a mark annexed to a name to dis- tinguish it from another. ΤΙίχ,ζαγζοίφγι, -vjg, vj, (from same) a mark placed beside or next to any thing, an anno- tation placed next a word or in the margin ; a mark to note the end of a sentence or pas- sage, hence, a paragraph or distinct part of a discourse ; a comparison ; (in law) a de- mur or exception; (in rhetoric) a short phrase to recapitulate in passing to another subject. ΤΙαξχγξόίφις, -βος, v], (ττΛξο, and γξαφίς) an instrument for writing, or for scraping or cutting off the swrface of wood, a plane or a hatchet, a rider. ΤΙΰίζχγξόίφω, (same and γςύ,φω) I write by the side or in addition, make a marginal mark or annotation ; / wiite badly or un- reasonably ; I write doivn the heads of a proposed law in order to their being discus- sed, bring in a bill ; (in law) / plead a de- mur, repel an action ; I register myself wrongly ; I obliterate. ΤΙοίξοιγνμνόω, -ω, (same and yvyvooi) I make naked by drawing aside a covering, ex- pose, unveil, illustrate. Τΐα,ξο,γϋ), (from same and όίγω) I lead or bring to my side, conduct, produce ; I make to pass, lead away ; with εμα,υτον understood, / pass, pass by, pass away ; (in grammar) derive a luord from its primitive, derive in- correctly. TLxQocyay^, -γ^ς, vi, (from preced.) a lead- ing beside or near to ; a leading by or be- yond ; a leading into error ; conveyance, di- Πα|α^ω7/άζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ή.αξαδξομτι. rection; bringing soldiers from rear to fronts extending the line ; bringing a vessel to land, a side or gentle stroke of the oar; a pretext, evasion, quirl•, cavil, decoy, artifice ; plur. varieties in language, i. e. dialects. Ιΐχξοίγωγιάξω, (from same) / exact a toll for j^assage. ΤΙαξοίγωγίο^, -ου, το, (from same) a tran- sit duty. Τίχςχγωγό;, -οι/, 6, 'ή, (from same) that leads or conveys next to, that leads by or be- yond ; that leads or derives from ; that de- rives incorrectly ; that leads astray, ΐΐχζο,γω'/ως, (from same) by derivation. ΤΙοίζϋγω^ίσκ-ος, -ου, 6, (from ττοΐ,ζά. and ya- •jioc) an angle, also a square or instrument by which workmen measure or form their angles. ΐ1ιχ,ξοίοα.κζϋω, (same and ^οίκο^ΰω) Ζ iveep beside or with another, weep over. ϋόίξόί^χξβΰίιιω, and 'τταζο,^χξύίω, 2 a. 'ττοί- ξίοχξΟο!/, poet, τχξί^ζΰίύον, (same and '^χς- ux'jo) I sleej) beside or with. Tloc^oihsiyfici, -ΰίτος, το, (same and Bg/y^ot) an example, pattern, paradigm.. ΤΐΛζοι,^ξΐ'/μ,ΰίτίζω, (same and '^αγμ,οι,τίζω) 1 make a public example of expose to pyub- lie infamy, Ezek. xxviii. 17. Matth. i. 19. and Heb. vi. 6. ΙΙα,ξ^α,^ίίγμ,χτισ,(/.ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a making of an example, exposure. Tlci^ccosiy/icccTO)o/}g, -so;, 6, tj, (from ττοίξά- Ss/y^a) exemplary, serving for example. ΤΙά,ξά,ΟΒίκι/υμι, ττοί^ΰί^έίκ.ϋύω, 'Trcx-QOihsiKU, (τταζά, and ^ΐίκνυμι) I show, exhibit, demon- strate. Ι1οίζοί6ίΐσος, -ου, 6, (Persic) a garden, 2 Chron. xxxiii. 20. Jer. xxix. 5.; an ex- tensive enclosure planted with trees, stocked with wild beasts, and intersected by rivers, of similar meaning with the word forest in English law, which is defined to be, " a certain territory of woody grounds and fruitful pastures, privileged for wild beasts, and fowls of forest, chase, and warren, to rest and abide in, in the safe protection of the king, for his pleasure." Thus, Xeno- phon, in Anabasis, A', ii. 7. says, 'Έντοίυόοί Κύζύ) fiicai^iicc 9U, KUi Tru^sioiiaog μ,ί'γα,ς, ciyQio)u Si/jmui/ TTA'/jQ/ig, « SKslvog ίύτίξίυβν ά,ττό 'ίτττΓου, όττότί yυμvάσciί βούλοιτο ίαυτοι/ Τ£ κ,οίΐ του; 'ίττττου;. Atai f /Λσου όί του ττοί- ζχοίΐσου pel ο Muiccvooog 'ττοτΜμ,ός' cci Qs tt/j- yctl αϋτου siah Ιλ των βχσιΤ^ίίΟ)^' ρίϊ os kccI δ/α τΥίς Ki'KoLi'jZt) ΐ70\ίως. " Here, (at Ce- laenae) Cyrus had a palace, and a large Paradise full of wild beasts, which he hunted on horseback, when he wished to exercise both himself and his horses. And the river Maeander fiov.s through the midst of the Paradise; the springs of it come out of the palace, and it flows through the city of Celaenae." See li'eh. ii. 8. Eccles. ii. 5. Hence, the word is used for the de- lightful abode prepared by God, the King of the universe, for Adam, the King of the world, the description of which, in Gen. ii. 8 — 19. may be compared with the above quotation from Xenophon, and with Ezek. xxviii. 13. and xlvii. 1.: — for the revival of the work of God in the days of the Mes- siah, Isa. Ii. 3.: — for the peculiar habitation of God, angels, and blessed spirits; the state of saints between death and the resurrection, Luke xxiii. 43. 2 Cor. xii. 4. Rev. ii. 7. with which compare Rev. xxii. 1, 2. Πά^ώδέρ/ο,ίίίί/, {ττΛζ^χ, and "hky^ouui) I re- ceive, admit ; receive, embrace, embrace with peculiar favour, Prov. iii. 12. and Heb. xii. 6. Τ1ΰίζ<Λ^γΐ?^όω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (same and δ>;λοώ>) / show obliquely or indistinctly, give one to understand, explain. Ή.ά,ζά,ο'ίόίκ,ονίύ}, (same and ^ια,κουίω) I serve beside or near one, minister to. Ώ.χξχ^ίί/,τζϊβ'-ή, -τις, Tj, (same and ύκχ,τ^ιβνΐ) a perverse, evil, or unprofitable dispide; un- prafttable occupation. ΤΙόίξόίΙίοωμί, (same and ^βωμ,:) I deliver, deliver over from one to another, yield, give up, betray, commend, reL•te. ΙΙχξΰίΙοξοίξω, (same and Ιο^άζύή I de- prive of glory, render infamous ; also, in an opposite sense, / greatly honour, make wonderful. ΤΙαζο^οζασμ.ος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) greatly honoured or admired, admirable, wonderful. Tiocqocho^o'hoy'ici, -α,ς, τ], (from next and λ^/ω) a strange or incredible account. ΤΙόίξοίΙοζος, -ου, ο, ij, το -ou, (from -τ-α^ώ and δο|α) exceeding one's opinion, wonder- fid, strange, incredible: ττχξχ^όζως, strange- ly, beyond exjjectation, unexpectedly. ΐΙχξα.Ιόσιί,ϋ,ος, -ou, (from 'ττοίζο,οί^ωμί) tra- ditional. ΙΙαζόι^οσις, -ίος, Attic -ξως, 'ή, (from same) a delivering from one to another; a tradition, doctrine, or injunction, delivered f-om one to another, written or oral, divine or human. Τΐόίζχ^ξύω, TrocQXOQYjaKCu, and '7ΓXQcc^ξωύ), {ttx^cc and ^ζοίο) I act by the side of, wait upon as a servant. Ποί^αδ^έ'^^ώ», 2 a. τη&^ί^ξόίμ,ον, (same and ^ζίμω) I run by. Πά^αδξθ(«.άδ/7ν, (from same) luith ra- pidity. Υίχζοί^ζομ,τί, -νίς, τ], (from same) a ruiining beside, a traiii of attendants ; course, lapse of time. oei Ιίαοάδξομον, A GREEK LEXICON. Uaoaic/j^so}, ΤΙοίξά^ξομον, -ου, το, (from same) a place where a wild beast can rim by and escape the net. TLoc^xhDfii and 'ττ^ςαονω, 2 a, ttO-^s^vv, infin. ττχςχ^ν/χΒΐιχί, for 'π-χξχουνα.ι, (ττοίξοί and Ιύω) I go into or under beside, glide in, come in or reach the goal by passing the rest. Τία^άΙϋσις, -ίως, τ], (from preced.) a creeping into ; an entrance by the ivay. ΐΐά,ζά,ίίΐο), (from τταζ^ά. and «g/^ij) / sing by the side of, sing luith or to. ΤΙόίζχείξω, and τταζο-ίξω, (from same and άείζω) I lift up or suspend beside ; mid. / hang at the side of. ΤΙόίξχζάύ), (same and ζχω^ I miss the trice piapose of life, pervert or abuse life ; live ivith as a companion. ΐΙχζοοζίύγνυ/ΐΛί, ττοίξα.ζίυ'/ιινω, and στΛζα- ζζΰ'/ω, (same and ζίύγνυμι) I yohe the horses to a chariot • join side by side to the yoke; yoke or connect together; appoint, enjoin, impose. Τΐχξάξίνξ,ίς, -ίΜς, '/}, (from preced;) a join- ing of one thing to another as wider a yoke. ΙΙαξ(Χ.ζγιΆΟύ), -ω, {-ττΰίξοί and ζ-^κόω) I pro- voke to jealousy, to jealous anger, to emula- tion. ΐΐΛζίΧ,ζ'ή'Κωσις, -ιος, Attic -&ύ)ς, i], (same and ζνι\ωσ ι ς) jealousy ; envy. Τίαξχζωυϊ], -'ής, '■/], (same and ζάντ^) a girdle. Τίοΐξοίζύ)νΐ/ν/ίί>ί, στχξχζί^ί/υύύ), and ττοίξα- ζύύω, (same and ζωι^ννμί) I gird to the side. ΤΙχξχύίΛΆασσβίος, or ττοίξα.ύαΆάσσίος, -οί, -ou, and -ov, 6, vi, (same and ^α,Χά,σσιος) situated near the sea. Ώ.όίζόίύύλ'ΤΓω, (same and ^άλττω) I ivarm h- _ TlxQddoippvua, or 'τταξαόοΐ-ξσνί/ΰ), f. -vuZ, (same and Άχρρν^ω) I embolden, encourage. Τία,ζ^αθ'ϊά.ομ,ιχ.ι, (same and ^idoucii) I view one thing by the side of another, compare. ΤΙοίξοίβίΤ^γω, (same and ^i7\.yco) I soften. TLoiQcieifcoi, -οίτος, το, (from ττχξχτίύγι/ί.ίί) a sieve, an addition, a reiiository ; a dish at table. ΤΙοίξαύΒξμ,Άίνω, (TrxQa. and BeQy.cciua) I make luarm, inflame. Ή-Λζάθξσις, -ιος, Attic -ζο^ς, τι, (from, ττοίζοί- τίύΎΐ[Λί) a placing beside, a comparison, an apparatus, a frame or tray on whicii seve- ral dishes were brought in at once, and set on the table, hence put for a course at meals, a feast ; a storehouse, magazine. Τΐοίζαύέω, f. ^ύσομαί, ('τταζοί and ^sa) I run by the side of run beyond, outrun, run over rapidly ; touch ujwn in a cwsory man- ner. m2 Τΐαςχύεωξίω, -ω, (same and ^ίω^ίω) I compare; overlook. ϋοίξοίύτιγω, (same and ^viyoi) I sharpen, excite by. ϋχξχύτ^κ,νι, -γις, vj, (from 'π'χςοίτίύτ,μ,ί) a deposite. ΤΙαξοίόγιτενω, {-τταςχ and ^γιτεύω) I live with as a hired servant. Τΐχζαύλίβω, (same and ^τ^ίβω) I press against, clash with, oppose. ΤΙαζαβξΙζύ), or 7ηχ-ξιχ.ύ$ξ!ζω, f. -ϊσω, (same and ^βξίζω) I cut, shave off closely. Ή-αζοίύνξος, -ov, '/}> (from same and ^voct) a side door. ΐΐοίξο,ι, poet, for ττχξά. Τίόίξΰίΐβόίσία, -ας, and ττοίξοίΐβΰίσις, -ιος, 9], (from ττοίξοίβοάυω) a trespass, a transgression. ϋόίξχιβΰίτγις, -ov, 6, and ττοίοαιβά,τις, -ι^ος, 7j, (from same) one who goes by the side of another, one ivho accompanies another in a war chariot, who flghts by the side of, or luorks beside another ; also a transgressor. Τΐόίξοίΐύνσσω, f. -ξ,ω, (from 'Trcc^oi and ai- ύνσσω) I rouse, excite ; rush by, emanate from, sparkle. ϋά,ξαίνεσις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, 'ή, (from next) an admonition, exhortation, consolation. Hoigcciuka, -ω, imperf. ττα,ξ^γινίον, -ovu, -seg. f. p. Troc^vjusKoi, 1 a. 9Γ ΧξΥΐνεσοί, (from τηχ-ξχ and χΐνίω) I admonish, exhort, encourage. ΤΙχξχίξβσις, -ιος, "/}, (from next) a taking away, opjiropriating. Τΐχξχΐξίύ), -ω, (from ■raga and xIqL•} I take away, take away clandestinely. Τίχξχίξτίριχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a p)iece taken away from a garment. ΤίχζχισύχνοίΛΧί, (from ττχζχ and χΐσύχ- uof/.xi) I 2^erceive when near, perceive by the side, guess at, undei^stand ; I misunder- siand, am mistaken. ΤΙχξχίσιος, and ττχξχίσψ.ος, -ov, (from same and αίσιος or χΐσιμος) inauspicious. Τίχξχΐσσω, (from same and άίσσω) I rush by the side of, rush by or beyond. ΐΐχ^χιτίομ,χι, (from same and χίτίω) I desire, pray, deprecate, excuse myself, decline, reject, refuse, avoid, shun. ΤΙχξύοΙτ-/}σΐς, -ιος, ί], (from preced.) en- treaty. Τΐχξχίτιος, -ov, o, ij, (from ττχξχ and αίτιος) an author, a cause^ chargeable. ΐίχξχιφχμβνος, for 7τχζχφχ[-<.2νος, by S3'nc ττχζφχι^ί,ενος, (from -ττχξχφγιμ,ι) speaking by the side of, addressing. ΙΙοίξχιφχσΊχ, -ας, τ], (from same) admo- nition. ΐΐαοχιοζίω, (from τΐχζχ and χιωζίω) I fasten to or hang at the side ; mid. / j'aise myself, toiler ; pass. / hang at the side as ΤΙαξαχαύΒΰδο}. A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙαξ(Ικλ7)7ος, a sword, hang downff'om the side as a flow- ing garment. ΤΙοίξο,κα,θίν^ω^ (same and Kcthvha) I sleep beside or near. TlciPoiKxUYi^yOti, {same and κά,θγιμ>Λΐ) I sit or sit down at or beside. ΤΙαζχκ.χύίζω, (same and κ,ιχ,ύΐζω) I sit or sit down at or beside. TLcc^xKxur/jjici, (same and καύίτιμ:} I let dow7i by the side. Tloc^dKuioiog, and ττα,ζάκ,οι,ΐζος, -^ou^ (same and χαΐζος) unseasonable, immoderate. Τΐόίρόίκΰίλίω, -ω, (same and κ«λ£ώ>) I call beside, or wear, send for, summon ; speak by the side of another, beg, entreat, beseech, ex- hort, admonish, console, comfort. TLci^oi.y-.a.'Kvy^l^i/,, -χτος, το, (same and κ,ύ'λν /ii/iicc^ a covering, a veil. ΤΐΆζχκ,οιΤ^ύ'τττα, (same and κοίΤ^ύτττο)) I hide, veil, conceal. ΤΙχξακοίτχβαίνω, (same and καταβαίνω} I descend or alight during a battle or other action. Τίαζακ,αταβάλλίϋ, (same and κ,αταβάλ- λω) I pid down beside, deposite, give in. ΤΙαξακ.αταβολ'^, -~ής, ^, (from preced.) a making of a deposite, deposite money. Τ1αοακ,αταύ'/]ΚΥΐ, -ϊΐς, τ], (τταξα, κ,ατα, and θ^κν?) α deposite entrusted to one. Τίόίξα-Λαταύν'/ισκ,ύ), (same and καταύυνισ- κ,ω) I die by the side of or near. Tla(>ax,aTa;ciiy^ai,{sBme and κατάκ,ίΐ^αι) I lie by, recline next to at table. ΤΙαξακατακΤιϊνω, (same and κ,ατακΤ^ίΐ/ο)) I lay down next to ; mid. I lay myself or I lie down next to. ΤΙαραχαταλίγομαί, (same and κ,αταλί- yo^uai) I lie down by the side of. TlaQaKaraTiryiyi/v/iii, or -ττγιγνύα, (same and κ,ατατττιγνυμ,ί) I fix down by the side of or near. ΤΙαρακαταστάύ), (same and χ,αταστάω) I set down by the side of, station close by. 11α()ακατατ'ίύγΐ[Λΐ, (same and κ,ατατίύϊ]- μι) I lay down beside, enti'ust to one. ΤΙαζακατβχ,ω, (same and κ,ατβχ,ω) I hold down beside, retain. ΐίαζάκ,ίΐμ,αι, (same and κείμαι) I lie near, am at hand, am present with ; recline next to at table. ΐΐαοακ,ίλζνομαί, (same and κ,ζΚίύω) I call out to, encourage, urge on, animate, order ; I solicit and use the assistance of a party and of friends to obtain office. Ώ.αξακί'Κίνσίς, -scog, vj, (from preced.) ex- hortation, encouragement, canvassing. ΐίαξακίλΐυσμα, -ατός, το, (from same) a cheering sound, a call to. Τίαξακ,ίλζνσμός, -ου, ό, (from same) a calling to, encouragement. Τίαξακ,ίλενστος, -ov, (from same) invited, encouraged, elected by means of a party. ΤΙαξακξΤ^ίύω, see τταξακίλεύομαί. ΤΙαζακεΤίΤίτίξω, (τταξά and κεΤ^ητίξω) I ride by the side of, or close to ; I ride past. ΤΙαζακίνόω, (same and κ,ζυόω) I exhaust. Τίαξακί'Λύί/ίνσίς, -iojg, i], a rish. And ΤΙαο^ακνΛυυζυτ^Άος, adventurous. From ΐία^ακ,ιυ^ΰνζύω, {τΐαζ^α and /c/z/Suz/syuj) 1 incur danger rashly, risk, am rash or daring. ΤΙαζακ,ΐΆύ), (sB.me and κι νίω) I move from its place, disturb, shake, agitate violently, de- range ; pass. / am violently affected, have my intellects deranged. HapaKiuYirrKog, -'η, -ou, (from preced.) too susceptible, deranged. ΤΙαξακίύ), {τταξά and κίω) I come or go by. Ϊ1αρακ7\αίω, f. -αύσο), (same and κΤ^αίω) I weep by the side of; I weep without occasion. ΤΙαξακλβίω, Ion. τταξακλ-ηΐα, (same and κλεΐύή I shut up apart, exclude ; I shut up in prison. Ήαξακλίτττω, (same and κλί•ττω) I steal from. ΤΙαξάκ\Υισίς, -iog, Attic -s^jg, 7], (from τταξακαΆίω) entreaty, importunity, admoni- tion, exhortation, comfort. ΤΙαξακλ/ιτΙκός, -vj, 'Ou, (from same) com- fortable, consolatory. Τίαξάκλγιτος, -ου, ο, (from same) one call- ed to be beside us, one who appears for ano- ther, as a patron, a comforter, exhorter, ad- vocate, monitor, instructor, guide ; applied to Christ and to the Holy Spirit, John xiv. 16. 'E^iJTjjffij Tou ΤΙατίξα, και αΚΚον 'πα(ΐάκΚ-/\του ^ύσα ύμϊν, τουτέστιν, αΚΚον ως \(Λί. αίσχ,υνύνιτοίσαυ κα) οι τα ΊΐαβεΆλίου νοσουντες, κα) οί 'ττίξϊ του Τίνεύματος ου τνιυ ττξοστικουσαν δο'Ιαν 'ίχ,οντίς' και γάξ το ^αυ- μ,α του 7\6<γου τούτο 'ΐστιν, οτι τάς Ικ ^ιαμ,ί- τξου εστωσας αίξίσεις μια ττλγιγγί κατ'ήνεγκε. τΖ) μΛν γάζ ίίττύν, αΚΚον, οείκυυσιν αυτού τ^ς ύττοστάσεως τν}ΐ/ ^ιαφοξάυ' τω δέ ειττείν, 7Γαζάκλγ)τον, ττις ουσίας Tvju συγγει/ειαν. " ' Ι will ask the Father, and he shall give you another comforter,' that is, another like me. Let those who dote about the opinions of Sabellius, and those who main- tain not the glory which is due to the Spirit, be ashamed. For it is remarkable in this expression, that at one blow it brings down sects diametrically opposite to each other. For in that he saith, ' ano- ther,' he showeth the difference of his person,* and in that he saith, * comforter,' the sameness of his nature." Chrysost. on the place. * So 1 translate ΰ^όο-τχιηί, as used by Chryso- stoine. G63. ΤΙαξαχλητωξ, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙαξαλζΙφύ}. ^ci^coch'/jTa^f Όξος, ό, (from same) a comfot'ter, one who exhorts, one who sup- plicates, "v Πίί^ακ.λίδο2/, (from next) Z»?/ twriing aside, swerving from. ΤίίΖζακ'λϊι/ω, {'Trci^dand κλί^ω) I lay at the side of or next to, cause to lie next at table ; I bend aside, pervert ; I turn aside or away ; I lean or incline to the side, incline : 'ttoc^oc- ycT^lvofccci, I lie or recline next to at table, I have an incUjiation or propensity to. Ιίαξχκ,'ΚΗγις, -ου, and 'ποίζο.κκίντωξ, -οξος, ό, (from preced.) one ivho reclines next at table. ΤΙοίξο&κ,Άύζω, {τταξά and κ,λύζω) I inun- date. ΤΙχξοέκ,μ,οιζω, (from same and άχμάζω) I pass the flower of my age. Τΐχξχκ,μ'ή, -ijg, oj, (from preced.) the de- cline of life, decrease of vigour. TlxQccKO'^, -τις, vi, (from iracgi» and άκονι) disobedience. TLccoccKoi/^oio^iCi, (same and TcoifAcca) I sleep by the side of, next to, or with. ΤΙοίζχκ,οινά,ω, (same and κοινά,ω, for κο/- νόω^ I communicate, confer with. Τ1ΰίξχκ.οίτίύ), (from same and κοίτη) I sleep beside or 2vith ; I heep watch near. ΤΙΰίξόίΆοίττις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a bed- fellow ; a husband. Τΐΰίξΰίκοίτίς, Ίος, τ], (from same) a bed- fellow ; a wife, a concubine. ΤΙχξχκοιτοζ, -ου, ό, % (from same) lyi7ig beside or near ; with γυνή understood, a concubine. ΐΙοίζοίκοΤ^ουθίο), -ω, (from τιηχ,ζΐΆ and άκο- Τ^ουύίω) I follow close, accompany, trace or search out, attain the knowledge of. ΤΙοίζ^οίκ,οΚούθημ,/ζ,-α,τος, το, (from preced.) an extra or unexpected consequence ; a con- sequence, result. ΙΙα^οι,κ,ομί^νΐ, -vjg, ^, (from next) a con- veyance or passage to, by, or beyond, a place. ΤΙίΖξόίκ,ομίζω, (τίΌίξοί and χο^/ζ'ώ>) I bring to, transport, carry out or away ; mid. / •take charge of a funeral, bury. Τίόίξόίκ,ονοίω, (from same and ά.κ.ονάω) I sharpen, whet, or excite, together with or near. ΐίαζοίκοντίζω, (from same and άκ,οϋτίζω^ I throw darts at, by, or over ; I excel in throiuing darts. ΤΙΰίζοίκ,ο'π'^, -νις, vi, (from 'τΐα^α,κ,ότττω) madness. ΤΙΰί^όίκο'ΤΓος, -ου, ό, 71, (from next) struck badly, mad. Ή-Άξΐχκ,ό'ΤΓτω, (^ττοίξά and κό'πτω) I strike falsely or badly, break in pieces, rautilate, star-ip counterfeit coin, adidterate, deceive ; ^664 1 ττοίζΛκ.ό'τιττομ,Λΐ, I am struck so as to be de- prived of my mind, am mad. Τίοίξά.κουσμ^οί, -α,τος, or 'ττοίξακουσ/^ύτίον, -ου, το, (from next) that which has been ill heard or comprehended ; a misrepresentation. Τΐΰίξόίκ,ούύ), (from 'τταζοί and α,Άοΰω) I ne- glect to hear, hearken to, or obey, I disregard. Tlcc^acx,^s/icxu, Toc^a-zc^s^oiuyocj, and ttocqcx.- χξε/α,ΰί^ΐ/υΐϋΐ, (same and κξζμάω) I hang next, by the side of, or to. ϋοίζά,χζνιμ,νος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) steep at the side, rugged. ΤΙΰίζαίκξΐίΐω, f. -ha, (^ocgot and κ,ξίνω} I place things by the side of one another and judge ; I judge in passing, rashly, super- ficially, ov falsely. UoiQoiKQOTia, (same and κξοτίω^ I strike or clap on the side of, encourage by plaudits. ΤΙοίζΰίκ,ξουσίς, -ζως, ί], (from next) a strik- ing wrong, playing out of tune on a stringed instrument, missing or failing; deception, fraud, imposture; alienation of mind, in- sanity, folly. ΤΙχξοίκξούω, {'TTot^Dc, and κ,ζούω) I strike at the side or near to ; strike improperly ; I repel, in allusion to an artful repelling of a balance, / deceive ; overreach by any trick ; pass. / am struck badly, am become disor- dered in the intellects. ΤΙχξχκ,τάίομοΐΊ, -ωμοίΐ, (same and χ,τά- ομ,Λΐ) I acquire or possess property by the side of or near ; I wrongfully possess my- self of unjustly adopt. ΤΙόίξχκτί^ιος, and 'ττά,ζάκ,τιος, -ioi, -lov, (from same and άκττΐ) situated on or near a shore. ΤΙόίξα,κ,ύ'ΤΓτω, (same and κύτττω) I stoop by the side of, down or forward, look into or at. Τίχξοίκυξόω, (same and κ,υζόω) I rejider vain, disannul. ΐΙοίζά,Άυ-ψις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, ί], (from 'ττχξ- coco'TTTOj) a windoiu. ΐΙχξοίΚαμ,βα,υω, (-retgot and Τ^Λ^βά,υω) I take, take with, receive, obtain, acknowledge, seize. ΤΙοίξΰΐ'λχνβόίι/ω, (same and λχνβχι/ω) I escape the notice of. ΐΐχξχλίγω, (same and λίγω) I speak in- coherently, rave : ττχξχΧίγομ'Χί, I sail be- side or near. Acts xxvii. 8, 1 3 ; I sleep with one; I pluck oid superfluous hairs, particu- larl}^ from the eye-brows. Πδί^οίλ£/7ΓτΙον, (from next) must omit. ΤΙχςχΑεΙτΓύ), (ττχζχ and As/Viy) / leave, pass over, omit: τχ Ί1χζχ7^ίΐ'7Γ0(Λίνχ, " the things omitted," the title given by LXX to the books of Chronicles. ΐΐχζχλείφω, (from same and χλείφω) I anoint. 7 ΤΙαξαληβω, A GREEK• LEXICON. ΎΙαξαμ,υύ'ήτικος. Ώ.ΰΐζΐχ.Τ^'ηβο). See TrecQuT^ocfifiauoj. ΤΙαζοί^τι'τττος, -ij, -ου, (from preced.) to be received, acceptable, comprehensible. ΤΙόοξΰίλΥΐξ$ω, (from τταξοί and Aij^oi) I dote. Τ1ΰί^ά.7^'/ί•ψίς, -ioig, τί, (from 'ττα,ζοί'Κα,μ,βά,νω) a talcing, undei^taking ; receiving, acceptance, possession. TLu^ocT^tfjiuog, -ου, 6, {], (from ttccouc and λί/χ!/γι} near a lake. Τΐοίξόίλίος, -ου, ό, ί], (i. e. 'ττχξά, τγι ώλ<) 7iear the sea ; the sea-coast, χωξίζ being un- derstood, Πάζί4λΛώ7'#ί, -νις, VI, (from '7:Λξ'ή70\.ο(,γοί, perf. mid. of 'παο^α,'Κκά,σσω) change, vari- ableness, James i. 17, τίί^' ω ουκ hi τταξοί?^- Aciyi}, sj τξο'ττγ^ς άτΐοσ'/Αοίσι^χ. Bp. Jebb's translation is, ** with whom is no parallax, neither tropical shadow /' the meaning of which, he explains when remarking the gradation of thought, which the clause contains. " The sun's parallax, or the difference between his place, as viewed from the centre and surface of the earth, is a mere trifle, compared with his tropical shadow ; when for example in our winter, he has declined to the southern tropic, a de- clination, by which our days are consider- ably shortened, and we suffer a great dimi- nution both of light and heat." Sacr. Lit. p. 316. ΙΐΛζχΜ,αγμα, -ατός, το, (from perf. p. of same) a change, variation. ΙΙ<5ίζ>«λλ«| , (from 'τταζοίΚ'Κά,σσο)) alternate- ly, in an alternate situation or series^ i. e. not in a direct line. TLci^ouChct^ig, -ιος, Attic -ίύ)ς, v], (from next) change, variableness, aberration. ΙΙά^χΆλύσσύ), or -arrw, (from ttccq» and άλλύσσω) I change alternately/, I go through or 1)7/, go over, jjass, avoid ; I surpass, ex- eel : I deviate from, change to the worse, degenerate ; I err, become perverted, lose my reason ; I am ambiguous, am different at different times ; (with a gen.) I am differ- ent from ; ττα,ζαΚΤ^ά,σσίΐ, it makes a differ- ence, it impoi^ts, it concerns ; perf. part, pass. 7ra,(i'^Xhoiyf/.iuog, strange, cxtraordi- nary, differing from. ΙΙύίζάΆλγΐλος, -ου, ό, '/), (from same and αλλίίλωζ/) one by the side of another, parallel. ΤΙ<ϋξα.λογίζομΛί, (same and Aoyl^of^cci} I reason erroneously, impose upon by false reasoning, by false accounts, or any how. Τ\ο(.(^Λ'Κογισ[Λ6ς,-ου, ο, (from preccd.)/<2/56' reasoning, or false calculation, deceit. Tla.Qo.TiOyiaT'iKOg, -'ή, -ov, (from same) apt to deceive by false reasoning or calcidation. Πά^άλοί, -ου, ό, 7), (from τΐοίζά, and α!λ$•) situated near the sea : tj ^τά^αλο?, rQrJjqyig \ solaloj-y 4P being understood, a galley always in readi- ness for the public service : οι 'ττύξοίΤ^ο/, the crew of that galley ; the inhabitants of the sea-shore of Attica. ΐΐα.ζχλουξγ'ής, -iog, o, ^, (from same and aAoy^y>5?) having a purple stripe on each side. Τίαξο,λυττίω, (same and "Κυττΐω) I afflict. Ud^a'Kvaig, -iug, i], (from -ττοίζαχύω) a re- laxation usually of one side, a palsy. Tloi^oiXvT^KOg, -5j, -oV, (from next) para- lytic. ΤΙΰίξόίλϋω, {τίΰίζοί and λύω) I unloose, re- lax, enervate, dissolve, destroy; pass, am iveahened, wearied, paralysed ; also in the act. I pay. Gen. iv. 15. ϊτΐπνοί ίχ,Ιικ,ούμί- ucc στα,ζοιΤ^ύσίΐ' shall pay, i. e. shall suffer punishment seven-fold. ΤΙαξχ^χξτοίυω, (from same and afccnQxci- uoi) I fail, miss, insensibly offend. Ώ-ΰίξοί/ϋβλϋνω, (from same and α,μβλύ- νω) I blunt, enfeeble. ΎΙιχ,ζόί^Αξίβω, (from same and ά,μ,ύβω) I change a thing inpassing : 'π'Άζο.μ,ΐίβομ,αι, I change a thing for myself from one form to another, pass on to a place by another, pass, surpass, outstrip. ΤΙόίζοίΜ,ίλύω, (from same and ά/^ελέώ)} I neglect, despise. Τίά,ξόίμ,ίνύ), (same and ^ΛΪνω) I remain with, stay, abide. Τΐόίξαμε'τξίω, (same and μ,ίτοϊω) I mea- sure by, compare, estimate; I deceive in measuring: (with οδο;/ understood) I j^ass near to, or by, pass. Τίά,ζοίμ,ίύο), (from same and ά^αύω) I go beyond, excel. Τίχζοίμ'ηκ/ις, -sg, (from same and μ,νιχ,ος) ΐΐχξχ/ανίξίΐίος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and y^riQog) pertaining to the sides of the thighs, covering the thighs. ΙΪΛζοίμ,Ίγυυμ,ι, 7ΐοί()Οί{/,ΐ'/νΰω, πΛζ^ΛμΤιγο), and τΓοί,ίίοί^/,ίσγω, (same and μίγνυμι) I mix or Join with, intermingle. ΙΙχξχμίλλάομχί, (from same and άμίλ- λχομχή I contend with, rival. ΤΙόίξχμνάομχι, (same and μνάομ,α{} I mention in jMssing, or i?i addition to. Ilaociy.o'hL•), (same and ^oJ^ku) I come by the side of, arrive at, assist. Ilctζά,μoυσog, -ου, 6, % (from same and Μουσΰί) not suiting the Muses, discordant. ΙΙοίζα[Λ'7Γίχω, (from same and ά.μ,ττίχ,ω') I conceal something bad, disguise. Τίά,ιιοίμττύκίζύ), (from same and οίμ,'ττυζ,) I tie ujj ivith a fillet. TlocQOiixvuirj/u.ca, -wfccit, (same and μ,υύί- ομ,α,ι) I speak to, exhort, advise, comfort. \Ιοι,(ΐα(Α,υύητ"ιΧ'θς, ->?, -o", (from same) con- CG5 A GREEK LEXICON. Τίαξο,μυύία. ΙΐΛξαμ.υ6ίίιΐ, ■«?, ^, (from ητιχ,ξοί and μ,υ- θος) comfort given by words. ΐΙχξοί[λΰθίον^ -ου, ro, (from same) comfort given by words. TLoipoi^DKoc.ofiocij {'ττΛζά. aiid μυκύοι^οί,ϊ) I bellow close by. ΤΙα.ξοίνα.βχ(νω, (from same and άνχ,βοίΐ- vo)) I mount close by or with. TLoi^ocvccyiuaaKa, (from same and avccyi- νωσκω) I read beside, prelect ; I read next in order to compare with ; I read i\icorreclly. TLoiQoiuuihvo/xuii, (from same and ducchuu) I come up from by the side of creep out by the side. ΤΙΰΐ,ξανχιετάα, (same and voiisrcia) I dwell near. Τΐχξΰΐι^οίκ,τ^ϊυύ), (from same and άρακ,Τίί- ι/ω) I bow down beside ; same as -ττοίζοίκα,- ΤΙαξοίναλΙσκ,ύ), (from same and άι/αλίσ- κ,ω} I consume unjustly y waste. Ucc^xuccTiOj^oCf -ΰ6Τος, ro, (from preced.) waste. - nc6^£»i/£νι>οά,ω, (same and ΐ/ΐκ,άω) I surpass. ΤΙχζοίνίστημί, (from same and α,υίστΎΐμ,ί) I rise up by the side of rise suddenly. ΐΐα^αιησχω, (from same and ά.υΊσγ/>)) 1 raise up by the side of raise to correspond loith. ΤΙϊίξόίι/οίω, (same and uosa} I think er- roneously, am beside myself Τΐοίξοίνοίόί, -οίς, vi) (from preced.) folly, insanity. ΤΙα,ξοίνοίγω, (from ΤΛξοί and ανοίγω) I open clandestinely. ΤΙαξοίνο,ϋίω, -ώ>, f. -'yjati), p. TroiQoiusuofiyiKCi, (from same and voy^og) I transgress a law, sin, act impiously. υχςΰΐι/όμγ]μα, -οίτος, το, (from preced.} a transgression of a law, a crime, offence. ΤΙίίξχΐΌμίχ, -χς, VI, (from tcx^o, and νό- μος) a breach of law, transgression, im- piety. ΤΙάξοίνομος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) a trans- gressor of a law, an impious pei^son : ivxq^x- νόΐΛως, contrary to a law, impiously. ϋόίξύντης, -£ος, 6, ί], (from 'π'Χξά and duTi) in an oblique direction. ΐΙχζχνυκ,ΤΒξίύω, (same and νυκ,τίξίύω) I pass the night, keep watch beside or near. ΤΙόίζΆξίΐΌς, -ου, ο, ί], (same and ξίνος) a jirctended friendly guest ; nearly a stranger, nearly a citizen ; strange, extraordinary. ΐΐχζαζίφϊς, -ιί^ος, if}, and ττοίζοί^ιφί^ιου, ΤίαξαίΓΚαγιάζω, -ου, το, (from same and ^Ίφος) a dagger, a poniard worn next a sword. Τίόίξχζ,όνιος, -ου, 6, (from same and οίξ,ων) that is next the axle-tree : τΓΧξχζόνίον, -ου, το, a linch-pin. Τίΰίξχξνω, (same and ζΰω) I graze, ap- proach very closely, border upon. ΙΙα,ξα,τΓΧίω, (same and 'ττχίω) I start aside, miss, wander from, lose my reason, am crazed, rave. ΐΐχξά,'τίχν, (from same and τά?) alto- gether, universally, by all means. Ή.χξχτΓοίσσω, (same and 'ττάσσω) I sprin- kle upon. ΤΙόίζα,'π-ά.τάω, (from same and ά'ττχτάω) I lead astray or into error, deceive. Πβ5ζί5ί'7Γίΐίίίί4), (same and ττχύω) I acquiesce. Τΐόίςόί'ττόίφΰίύ), 2 a. -ττχξ^τηζφο!/, same as 'ττχζχτί'χτίία. ΪΙόίξόί'ΤΓΒίβω, 2 a. 3 sing. subj. TrxQXiTs- T/%ff/i/, Ion. for ττχξχττ'ίύί^, a being changed into XI for the sake of the measm-e, and 2 a. part, 'ττχζ'τηττϊύων, Ion. for πτχζ^χ'πί^ων, {jzxq^x and "πίίύω) I completely persuade, induce and guide by persuasion, persuade artfully and unjustly. Hx^xTTii^xoi^xi, (same and ττιΐζχω) I make trial of try to obtain from. ΎΛ.χξΧΊτίμ,'τΐύ), (same and στίμ,ττύ)) I send to, near, or among; send beyond, past or over ; neglect, despise ; mid. send away from one's self, repudiate. ΤΙχζχτητχζω, ττχζχττίτχνυΰω, and '^x^x- 'πίτχ)^νυμ.ι, (same and 'πζτχζύ)) I spread by the side of or close to, or before ; I cover. ϋχζχττίτχμχι, 'ζχζχ'τητάομ,χι, -ωμ,χι, or 'ΤΓΧζχτήτομ,χί, (same and τητάω) I fly to, near, or by, I fly beyond, outfly. Ιίχξχττβτχσμχ, -χτος, το, (from same) an expanded covering, a veil, curtain, pre- text. ΐΐχζχττνιγνυμί, ('ττχξχ and 'ττνιγννρ,ι) I fix to, beside or near, affix. ΙΙχ^χττγι^χω, (same and Tc-yihxa) I leap by, beyond, or over; leap from, bound along. Ή.χρχ'τηκ.ξχίνω, (same and ττίχξχίνω) I provoke to bitter anger, exasperate, I am refractory, rebel. ΤΙχζχπ-ικ,ξχσ^Λος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a bitter provocation, contention, rebellion. Ώ.χζΧ'π-ί/ίί'ΤΓζχ/χχί, (-ττχξχ and 'ττίμ,'π-ξίίμί}: I am inflamed. ΤΙχξΧ'π-ΐ'π-τίο, (same and -ττί'τττω) I fall off or away, revolt, wander from the way, sin, am guilty; fall in the way, occur ; fall upon, drive beyond. Τίχξχττλχγιχζω, (same and -ττλχγίχζω) I turn aside, go round, render sloping at the side. ΙΙαξαιτΧάγ'χω, A GREEK LEXICON. Πα^α^τάω. Τ].ιχ.ζΰ!,7ΐ7\.ά,γγ,ω^ 'Τΐοίζοί'π'κάζω, and Urct^oc- •πΤκο,νάω, (same and σΐΤ^ήγγ,ω, 'ττλχζύ), or 'π'Κα.νά.οϊ) I turn aside from the right way, cause to err. Τία,ξά,'ττ'λασμ,ΰί, -χτος, το, (from next) a bit of coloured wax to mark a doubtful pas- sage in a book. Cic. ad Attic. 15. 14. quae quidem vereor, ne miniata cerida tua pluri- bus locis notandae sint. Πύί^αττλάσσώ), {τΐο,οβϊ, and ττλάσσα)) / plaster y mix up. ΤίοίξοίττΧευξβίχ, -au, rot, (from same and ττλί^^α) coverings for the sides of war horses. ΤΙόίξΰί'ΤΓλίω, -Zy and 'ττοίξΰίττλωω, (same and 'ττλίύ)) I sail by, pass by in sailing. Τ1ΰίζζΛ•^λ7}ύά}, (same and ττλτιύω) I fill near or close by, fill, cover. ΤΙΰίξΛ'ΤΓ'λγιχ,τίύοιίΛοΐί, (from next) / ain mad. ΐΙοίξοίτΓ'Κνικτος, -ου, 6, ^, (from ττοί^ά, and ττΤκνισσοι) mad. ΤΙοίζΧ'ΤΓλ'-^ξ, -ϊ^γος, 6, vj, (from same) sviit- tcn sideways, beaten ; mad, prodigal. ΤΙχζχτλγιξίίχ, -ας, τ}, (from same) mad- ness. ΤΙόίο^τΓλνισίος, -ov, 6, 7], το -ou, {τταξοί and 'ττΤ^νίσιος) near to, like : 'πα^οι,'π'Κ'ησιον, and •TiruoccTrT^Yiaiag, nearly, likewise, in the same manner. ΤίόίξΧ'π-Άτισσω, (same and 'ττΤ^νισσω) I strike near or at the side, strike incorrectly : 'ttcx,- ξα,ττΧ'ήσσομ,Λΐ, I am struck at the side, struck with palsy, or struck senseless, lose my rea- son. Τΐΰίξχ'ττλοος, contr. 'ττοίζά,ττ'Κους, -ου, 6, (from 'ττοίξχττΤ^ίω) a voyage along shore. ΤΙΰί^χ'ΤΓλύω, 'ττχξοίττΧωω, see ττχξίΧ,ττΤκίύ). ΊΙόίξχτη/ίω, (ττχζοί and ttusuj) I breathe out aside, breathe softly, escape insensibly, have a slight odour of. Ώ.αζα,'ττο^ίξύ), (same and ττο^ίζω) I impede. ΙΙχξΛΤΓΟίίω, (same and -ττοάω) I make near or like, but still aside from ; counter- feit, forge, distort, caricature. ΪΙχξοί7Γο7,(χ.ύω, (from same and άττολαύω) I, by the way, or incidentally, receive enjoy- ment or injury from. ΥΙα,ζά,ττότ^^λύΐΛΐ, (from same and οέτολλι/- μι) I destroy unjustly : -ττΛίΐα,τΓόχΚυμ,α,ι, I perish unjustly, or inadvertently, or near, or at. TLoiQuCTroXd, (same and ττολύ) by much, by far. TLecfyocTrof^Tryi, -7}ς, 7i, (same and πομ,'Χ'ή) attendance, conveyance. TlciQoc'7ro//,'7r6g, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) tliat accompanies or guards ; that conveys. ΤΙά,ζόί'τΐόντιος,Όν,^'ΐϊονΆ ^ii^acand TrouTOg) near the sea. ΤίΜξΛΤΓΟξξύομχι, (same and ττο^εΰομοίή I go or walk beside, pass by or through. Τΐόίζΰίττξά,σσω, (same and ττξάσσω) I do wrong. Τ1χξΧ7Γζζσβ&ίοί, -ccg, τ], (from next) an embassy badly or unfaithfully executed. ΤΙοίξοί'ττξίσβίύω, {iiru^oi and 'π^ίσβ&ύω) I discharge the duties of an ambassador badly or unfaithfully. ΤΙόίξΰϊτΓξίσμ,όί, -ctrog, ro, (from same and τΓ^ίύ)) saw-dust. ΊΙα,ζΆΤΓτΰίίω, (same and τι-τοίΐω) I stumble at, fall into a fault, mistake. ΙΙόίξόίΤΓτω, (from same and ίίτττω) ΐ touch at the side, touch in passing, touch by mis- take, or improperly. ΤΙχξΐίτί-τω/ΐΛΰί, -XTog, το, (from 'ττοίξίΑττίττ-^ τωμχί, perf. pass, of 'ΤΓΧξοί'ττίτΓτω) a fall, of- fence, trespass. ΐΐοίξά,τιττωσις, -log, Attic -so)g, ij, (from 2 sing, of same) a fall, fault, mistake. ΐΐοί,ξοίζΐύμ,ίω, (from ττοίζοί and άζίύ/ίίίω} I reckon in besides, or among, cheat in reck- oning. ΤΙοίξΰξος, or 'ττάξχζος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and οίζω, or from TrxQUoQcg, Ion. ττχ- ^'/lOQog) fitted to my side, a mate ; not well fitted, crazy, foolish. ΤΙόίζΧξΤΓοίξύ), (from same and άξττάξω) I snatch or carry away from the side of, snatch beside. ΤΙχξχρρά,τΓτω, (from same and ρά,τττω) 1 sew to the side of. ΤΙχζχρρίίο, 'ττχξχρβΰω, and τΓΧξχρρυίο), -ω, (from same and ρύοή I fiow by, spread, fall off, fall away, tuander from the right way: ττχζχρρύοίΛχι, 1 siffer to glide or slip atvay. Pro v. iii. 21.' ΐΙοίιιχρρ'/}γνυμ,ι, (from same and ρν}γυυ(/,ι) I burst through at the side close to or be- tween, burst forth, rend, break to pieces. ΙΙχξάρργισίς, -io)g, tj, (from same and βίω) an address, an incorrect word or phrase. ΐΙά,.ζχρρΎΐτος, -'η, -ου, (from same) that may be advised or persuaded, that gives advice. ΤΙόίζχρριτττίω, and 'ττχζχρρΙ'ΤΓτω, (from TTXQx and ρίτττω) I throw or cast beside. llxQxppuujiiog, or 'ττχ^χξυύμος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and ρυύ[Λ6ς) out of time or measure, discordant ; also in time or mea- sure. IlxQUppOf^x, or 'ττχ^χζϋμ.χ, -xrog, to, (from same and ρύω) a cable, also a skin, haij'-cloth, or any thing drawn aside or over as a covering, a curtain, an awning. ΤΙχξχρρΰσις, -eug, v), (from same) a cover- ing, the deck or hatches of a ship. ΙΙχξχζτχύ), f. -7]σύ), Ion. τΓΧζχςτίω, (from '^■xQx and χξτχω) I hang at the side, near to or on, get in readiness. 667 ϋα^οίξτνιμα. A GREEK LEXICON. Τίαοαβτάττίί ΤίχξάςτγιΐίΛοί, -ocrog, το, (from preced.) something suspended beside as at the girdle, whatever depends on something else, an ap- pendage of any kind. Τίοίζΰίξτίζω, (from 'ττοίξά. and αςτίζύ)) I get ready, ΤΙοίξοίσόίγγοίς, or 'π-χξχσά,γγνις, -ου, ό, a parasa7ig, a Persian measure of thirty stadia, equal to four English miles. ΤΙοί^οίσά,ττύ), f. -ξώ>, (ττχςχ and σά,ττω) I stuff in at the side, or over and above, cram. ΤΙαξάσβίον, -ου, το, (from Troc^ctasia) a Hag, a top-sail. Τΐΰίξόίσείξος, -ου, ο, tj, (from Trot^ai and σίίζχ) harnessed by the side, a led horse, a yoke-fellow, a companion. Τίχξοίσύω, (same and σύω) I shake at the side, swing my arms, wave or wring my hands. ΤΙΰίξοίσνι/^ΰίίνω, (same and σγιμ^α,Ινω) I make a mark, note or sign by the side of, put my name by the side, sign : I affix a false mark, stamp, or make counterfeit coin : '7ΐταΡοίσνΐ[Λοίίνο(Λοί.ί, I make annotations, ob- serve, express my judgment on. ϋαζασγιμΰίσία., -c /.ς, τ], (from preced.) a mark or annotation placed on or at the side of, distinction, approbation. ΐΐα,ζά,σνιμον, -ου, το, (from 'τιηχ,ζοί and σν}- μα,) a sign or ensign, or signal. ΐΐα,ζόίσγιμ^ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same) marked, remarkable ; wrongly marked, counterfeited, forged, false, base. ΐΐοίξ^ά,σγίζος, -ou, nearly white, whitish. ΤΙόίζόίσϊτίω, -ω, f. -νισύ}, (from ττοίξά and σί- τος)! eat by the side of, live at another'' s table by means of flattery ; partake of a feast at the public expense. Τ1χζχσ:τία, -ecg, 'ή, (from preced.) a fes- tival given at the public expense to such as deserved well of their country ; the act of eating with any one, the conduct of a parasite. Τΐόίξόίσϊτος, -ου, ο and ^, (from same) one who eats with another, one who flatters ano. ther in order to live at his expense, a para- site ; The ττα,ξάσιτοι were at first of great honour, for, by the ancient law, they were reckoned among the chief magistrates. Their office was to gather of the husband- men the corn allotted for public sacrifices. Their charges were defrayed by these pub- lic revenues. The public storehouse where they kept these fruits was called 'π-οίξασί- riov. In every village of the Athenians, they maintained certain τνα,ζά,σιτοι in hon- our of Hercules; but as in former times Hercules had his ττοίξχσιτοι, the rich men of later ages chose likewise theirs, though not χαρίίστατοί, such as Hercules used to have, but such as would flatter them most, 608 Ώ.ΰίξοίσιωτί'χω, -ω, (^να,ζά and σιωττάω^ I keep silence, pass by in silence, pass by, omit. Τ1όίξΰίσκ,3υά.ζω, (same and σκευάζω) I pre- pare, equip), accoutre, attire ; provide, fur- nish ; procure, obtain, acquire, bring about or effect. ΤΙιχ,ξϋΐσκξόΰΐσμοί, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) preparation, training, discipline. ϊletξΰίσκsυcίστίou, (from same) it is ne- cessary to prepare or to procure. ΤΙοίξΰίσκζυχστΙΐίος, -ij, -ou, (from same) ca- pable of, or qualified for preimring, or prociD'ing ; productive. « Ί1όίξοισκ,£υ''ή, -νις, ^, {'ttu^x and σκεΐΊί) a preparation, equipment, ov fittingout ; an ar- mament, hostile array ; a premeditated pre- concerted measure, a faction, cabal, intrigue. ΤΙέίξοίσκγΐϋάω, τ^αιιοίσκ,γινίο), and -πα^α,σκ,η- νόω, (from same and σκγιυνι) I pitch my tent beside or near, defy an enemy ; dwell near, eat with. ϋιζζοισκ,τινίου, -ου, το, (from same) the side entries in a theatre at each side of the orchestra; a dressing-rpom, an apartment near the stage. Ώ.οίζοίσκ,'-ήτττω, (-ττοίζά and οί'^τττύ)} I rush, burst, or force down into, beside or riear^ Π(5ί^ρίσ«/^ raασνγ'/οόίφύω, (from same and σνγ- γραίφτ}) Ι violate a treaty. ΤΙαοΰίσνκοφίζντίω, (same and ανκοψίχν- τίω) I ivatch narroivly ; accuse unjustly. ΤΙαΡΆσν^.βάΤίΆω, (same and σν^^βχλΧύ)} I assimilate, compare. TLa^ccavuUYiy.cc, -Λτος, το, (same and avu- Qfiy.ct) a counter-signal or watchivord. ΐΐαοά,σϊιοο), (same and σνρω) I draw aside or aiuay, distort, wrest. ΐΙαρασφα,7.ίζομ.οίΐ, (from same and άσ- φοί7αζύ)) I fortify, confirm. 'Π.(χ,ηΛσφά,7^^ο),{^ΆΐΛ\& and σφά7<.7^0)) I push at the side, cause to fall, fail or viiss, sup- plani. ΙΙόίξοισχί^ύν, (same and σχ,ίΐον) close be- side, immediately. ΙΙίΧ,οα,σχ,ίω, see 'ττχζίχ,ω. lLcioccTciyv7,ucc, -ατός, το, and 'ττα,ζοιτίχ.ν- υσ^ος, -ου, ό, (from 'τταοατ-ίνω} α tent. Ιΐόίζόίτα.ξ'ίς, -ιος, Attic -ίοίς,τ}, (from next) a forming a line of battle, an army in order of battle, an army, luar. Τίάξάτάίσσω, or -άττω, {ττα,ξά and τάσσω) I prejmre, arrange, form in order of battle, fight, ΙΙά,ροίτίίυω, (same and rs/^w) I stretch out by the side of, cause delay, prolong ; overstretch, weary. Ϊ1α(}(χ.τίίχισ[/.α, -ατός, το, (same and τί/- Yjnyct) a ιυαΙΙ or fortification erected near. ΤΙΰ,οοίτίΆταίνω, (same and τίκταί^ω^ I add to or alter a structure, alter the truth, forge, fabricate ; build near. liuQoiTiAiVTuio;, -aicc, -cclou, and τταρα- τί/^εντος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and rsAsyr'/j) penult'imate. Tlaocirkyyo), (same and τίfΛ'Jω) I cut by the side of, cut from or away. ΐίαρατ'/ιοίω, -ω, (same and τ-ηζίύΐ) I ob- serve narrowly, observe insidiously, ivatch^ keep. ΤΙαοα,τ'ήΡΥισις, -ίος, Attic -εως, τ], (from preced.) observation. Ίΐοίοόίτΐύγιμι, {ττιχ,οά and τίύ,ψ.ι) I place beside, put or set before, lay before ; allege, prove by allegations or citations; commit, commend, intrust to. Πά^ατ/λλίϋ, (same and τΐ70^.ω) I pluck off the hair ; pluck off superfluous hairs. ΤΙχξατολια,άω, (same and τολ^άοή I am too bold ; I am bold. ΤΙαράτολ^ος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same) too bold, fool-hardy, rash. ΐΐαοα,τοι/ος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from 'τταρα.τίίνω^ stretched out at the side, overstretched, ener- vated. ΤΙαζατόζίνσις, -βως, r„ (from 'ttccqcH and τοξ,ίύα) a shooting of arrows near or past, glancing ; a shooting in passing. Ή.αζ'^.τζάγωοος, -ov, 6, τ], (from same and τζαγωοίο}) Over tragic. ΤΙαξατοίττω, (same and τοί'ττύή I turn be- side or aside, overturn ; mid. / turn myself aside, deviate from. Τίαοατρίφω, (same and τξΒψω) I bting Zip by the side of, near or luith ; rear, nou- rish. ΐΐά,ζκτζίχω,' (%2LTCie and τξίγ;,ω^ I run he- side, run past, overreach, cheat; I run along, treat in a cursory manner. TlxoccTQiu, (same and τςίω) I start aside from fear. ΙΙα,οατΡίβγ,, -ν,ς, τι, (from next) friction, collision, altercation. ΤΙάξοίτρίβω, (ττϋ^α and tqIjSu) I rub against, clash luith, contend with. ΤΙόίζατοοττ'^, -7}ς, tj, (from 'τταζατζίττω) a turning aside, deviation, digression, error. Ώ.ά.ξοίτζΟ'ττος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same) turned aside, altered, improjjer, imjust: 7:αρα,τ(^ό- ττος, that twjis aside or averts. Π«ξώτ^ο^ΰί•, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from τταοατξίψω) brought up near or with. ΐΙόί(^οίτ^ό)'/ω, {ττοίζά, and τΛ^ν^υ) / eat of ovfrom, gnaiu. Ήαζατρωττάω, same as τταςατζί'ττω. Υίά,ηοίτυγγ,οίί/ω, (ττα^ώ and τν/γ,άνω^ I hapjyen to be present with, am or come near, I meet ; Acts xvii. 17• A/£A£y£ro /.ciy ovu iu TYi συυαγωγνί τοΙς ' Ιου^ούοις κ,α.1 τοις σίβο- μέ'^οίς, Kfzl iu τγ άγοζοί κοίτά, ττασκν i]f/.i(>ci'j '^οός τους '!7οι.(^Μτυγχ,ά.νουτΛς. Tliis public mode of tcachin•; was customary at Alliens, and was held to be honourabJc in a teach- 0*69 Tlcf^avdaca, A GREEK LEXICON. Ώαξο,^οξζυω• er. It accordingly forms part of the vin- dication of Socrates, that he taught in this way. Άλλοδ ^^31/ €κ,ί7νόζ γε del ^iu tju lu τω ψοίνίξφ. -ττξωΐ rs γχξ ίΐς τους 'Τΐίξΐ'ττά,τους χχΐ τα γυ(λυά.σια, ΐται, κχΐ ττλνιβούσγις άγοζόίς Ικίϊ φΰίνίξός '^Uy X.CCI το T^qit^ou del τν}ς vj/^SQoig ^j/, oVoy "ττΆείστοις ι^εΚΤ^οι συνίσεσθα,ι' κ,χΐ s'hsys i^iu ως το -πολν, τοΙς δε βου?\.ομίνοις Ι|^ν άκονειυ. " But he was always in pub- lic; for, in the morning he went to the walks, and places of exercise, and was pub- licly there till noon, and during the rest of the day, he always was, where he was likely to meet with the greatest numbers ; and for the most part he discoursed, and all that chose might hear." Xenoph. Mem. A', i. 10. Corap. John xviii. 20, 21. ΤίόίξχυΙχω, (from same and χύ^ά,ω) I speak to one standing at his side, address, encourage, advise. ΤΙοίξχυβί, (from same and ocvui) there, in the same place. ΤΙόίΡΰίνλίζω, (from same and α,υΤ^ίζω) I stay or am quartered near. τΐόίζοίυΤ^ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and αυ'Κος) dwelling near, neighbouring; also, discordant, disagreeing. ΤΙά,ζοίυτοί, i. e. τταξ αυτά., τα ττξάγμ,ατα or τα yiyuo/iisua being understood, at the xiery moment, instantly. llccQoivTr^a, (from -τταξα and αϋτίκα) immediately. TLdf^oivyJuiog, -ov, o, vj, or -ος, -a, -o:',(from same and αύχ,τίν) on the neck, hanging from the neck. ΐίαραφαίνω, (same and φαίνω) I show beside or close to, exhibit in passing : 'τταξα- φαίνομαί, I appear near, in passing, or ac- cidentally. Τίαξάφάσίς, or 'ττάζφασις, -ιος, — τϊόίξαφα- aidy or τταζαιφασία, -ας, i}, (from σταξάφτη- μι) speaking by the side of, persuasion, ex- hortation, consolation; or, (from next) hand- ling or touching gently. ΙΙαξαφάσσω, (from 'π-αξα and άφάω) I handle, feel. ΤΙαςαφεξύ), (same and φί^ω) I carry be- side or past, transfer, make to pass ; pass. / am carried or hurried violently away. Τίαξαφενγύ), (same and φεύγω) I escape. ΐΙαζαφηΐΛ'ί, (same and φη[Λ\) I speak by the side of, address, advise, persuade. ΐίαζαφύαίο!/, (from next) preventing. ΤΙαξαφύανω, -τταζαφύάω, and τταζάφύγιμ,ι, {τταξα and φύάυω) I prevent, anticipate, obviate. ΤΙαξαφύεγγομαι, (same and φύΐγγομ,αι) J speak beside the purpose or incorrectly ; I j)roduce a false note in music; I interricpt a speaker; / speak with, give to understand. G70 ΤΙαξαφίΥίμι, (from same and αφίγιΐ^ι) I leave aside, omit, dismiss, pass over lightly ; I send to or beyond. ΤΙαζαφοξα, -ας, vj, (from τταξαφε^ω) trans- lation, transport, insanity in a slight degree. ΤΙαξαφοζέω, {τταξα and φοξεω) I bring to. ΙΙαξαφοξος, -ov, 6, 7], (from 'τταζαφίζω) carried away from ; insane, mad. Τίαξάφξαγμα, -ατός, το, (from next) a fence. Τίαξαφξάσσω, or -άττω, f. -άζω, (-τταζα and φξάσσω) I secure by fences or fortifica- tions. Τίαξαφξονεω, -ω, (same and φζονίω} I think incorrectly, am unwise, foolish, mad. Τίαξαφξόνγισίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, and τταζα- φξουία, -ας, and τταξαφροσνι/γι, -ης, h, (from same) madness, 2 Pet. ii. 16. ΐΐα^αφο^ων, -όνος, 6, τ], (from τταξα τ'ήν φξενα) beside one's self, mad. Ιίαξαφϋας, -α'^ος, τ], (from -τταξα and φύω) a layer, slip, shoot, branch. Τίαξαφνής, -ες, (from same) springing ιψ by the side of, connate ivith. ΐΐα^αφυκ,τος, -ov, (from παο^αφεύγοί) that may be escaped. Ή.αξαφυ'Κακ,^, -τ^ς, ij, (from next) a gar- rison. ΐΙαξαφυΤ^άσσα, (ττα^α and φυλάσσω) I ivatch by the side of keep, observe, defend. ΤΙαξαφυσάω, same as φυσάω. ΤΙαξαφυτεύω, {ττα^α and φυτεύω) I plant at the side of or near. ΤΙαξαφύύ), (same and φύω) I cause to spring up at the side of, near, or on : τταζα- φύομ,αι, I spnng up at the side of, near, or on ; I groiu as an excrescence, supernume- rary, or unnatural production. ΊΙαξαφωνεω, (same and φωνεω) I utter near, or in a low tone, or along with. ΤΙαξάφωνος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) that accompanies or corresponds with certain soimds, whether notes of music, or the enun- ciation of words. ΤΙάξαχαλάω, {'τταξά and γ^αλάω) I loosen at the side, relax, leak. ΙΙαξαχαζάσσύ), (same and χ,αξάσσω) I mark falsely, counterfeit, forge. Τίαξαχ,εί/^άξω, (same and χειμάζω) I winter. ΤΙαξαχείμασία, -ας, ij, (from preced.) a ivintering. ϋαξαχεω, {ταξά and χεω) I pour out, or heap up by the side of. ΤΙάξάχοξΙίζω, (from same and χοξί'κ) I miss the string, touch a wrong chord, mis- take. Τίάξάχοξεύω, (same and χοξεύω) I dance beside, next to, or near: τταζαχοζευόΐΛενος, danced at, surrounded iviih the chorus. A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙαζαγβω, ΤΙοίξχχόω^ (same and χόω) I raise in a heap. ΤΙοίρχχζάομΛΐ, (same and γ,^άομ,Λΐ) I misuse, abiLse, despise^ neglect. Τΐόίοαχοΐίαοί, (same and χξϊί,ίΛοή imme- diatehf, instantly. ΐΐχξάχοοος, 'όον, contr. 'ττα,ξύ,χ^ους, and ττχράχξωίί,οζ, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and χζ^α,) discoloured, ill-coloured, faded. Τίαξχχωςίω, -ω, (same and χαζίω) I come or go to or beside, concede, grant. Τ1ί!ίζχχωζ-/ιτύο!/, (from preced.) it is ne- cessary to concede. TlccQx\poivai;, -εως, τ], (from next) a light touch, IlciQct^pctvujf (τταζοί and \puou)) I touch lightly. ΤΙόίξοί-ψ'/ιχω, (same and -φτιχω) I rub of. ΤΙΰίοχ-ψΰχ'η, -τις, 7], (from next) comfort, solace. ΤΙαΡΰί-ψνχω, (τταοα, and -ψύχω^ I blow by the side of soothe, flatter. Tlcta^ocKog, -vj, -6u, (from ά'^δω) moist, hu- mid. ΤΙχζΖχλίΥΐ, -ί'Αζ, contr. ττδίοδαλ'ί, -^ζ, 'ή, (from ττά^δοί-) a leopard's skin. ΙΙά,ζοαΚις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from same) a female leopard. ΤΙχζοχΤ^ωτός, -v), -ou, (from next) spotted nice a leopard. ϋά,ζ^ος, -ου, 6, a leopard or panther. ΤΙοίξί'/'/ζατττος, -ou, (from ττοίζά and iy- '/ούφω) clandestinely registered. ϋαξίγγζΰίφω, (from same) / clandestine- ly Ί. e. illegally register. ΤΙχξίγγυχω, (from ττχζά and εγγυάω) I pass from one to another, or give the word of command, enjoin, excite, encourage. TLcCQsyyoyi, --/jg, and ττχζί'/γύησίς, -sojg, v], (from preced.) a passing of the word of command, order, exhortation, ejiconragement. TIccζsyeίξω, (from 'ttcc^u. and syiiQco) I raise beside or insensibly. lIci^eyK^Iuij, (from same and sy κλίνω) I bend downwards and sideways, bend. ΙΙχζ^/κλϊσις, -εως, 'ή, (from preced.) iewiZ- ing aside, declination. Τίχξί'^οζίχ, or ττχζίΟζίχ, -χς, v], (from next) the office of an assessor. ΙΙχζίΟζίύύί, f. -ίΰσύ), (from next) / sit be- side or 7iear ; I am an assessor, ΙΙχζίΟζος, -ου, ο, ^, (from ττχζχ and ϊοζχ) one who sits beside, an assessor to an archon, present to or favourable. ΤΙχζίξύ), (from same and ϊζω) I set, place, or 7)ialce to sit by: 'κχφζο^.χι, I seat myself or sit by or near. Ilx^six, -xg, 7), a checlc, chcelc-bonc. ΪΙχξβίχς, -ου, ο, a liarmless serjicnt sacred to iEsculapius. Τίαξεκβαΰΐς* Τ1χο£βύ}, (from -ττχξά and £i%)) I look be- side, overloolc, neglect, despise ; I look near, observe. ΤίχΡίΐ-Λχζο), (from same and εικάζω) I assimilate, liken, compare. Τΐχξεί'κω, and στχοξίκχύω, (from same and εΐ'κω^ J go aside, give way to, concede, yield. TLxQslf^xi, 'ττχοειμ.ενος. See Trx^i^ui. ΤΙχζεψ^ί, (from 'ttxqx and είμϊ) I am pre- sent at, am present: 'π-χξεση, it is at hand, it is easy or lawful, there is, such is : τχ. TTxoourx, py^esent circumstances : εκ των -xx- οβννων, according to existing circumstances. ΤΙχζείμι, (from same and εΤμι) I go or come near, come forward, pass by, excel. ΤΙχζεΊον, Ion. ττχζτι'ίον, -ου, το, same as 7:χξειχ. ΤΙχξεί'ττω, (from ττχξχ and εττω) I speak by the side of, advise, prevail upon, lead, mis- lead. Ιίχζείξω, (from same and εΐξω) I put in beside, or near, interweave, Tlxζs^σxyω, (from same and εισxyω} I brivtg in craftily or privily, introduce by stealth. Τΐχξείσχκτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) brought in privily , Gal. ii. iv. Ilx^£iay(ix(pv), -~ής, 7], (from ττχξχ and εισyξxφω) a surreptitious registering. ΤΙχζείσΙύνω, 'ττχ^είσίν^/.ί, and 'ττχξβίσ^ύω, (from sa me and είσούω) I enter in craftily or priviW, creep in. Τΐχξείΰ^νσις, -εως, τ], (from preced.) a crafty entering. Ίΐχζ-ίσειμί, (from ττχ^χ and εϊσειμ,ι) I enter at the side or privately. Τίχξίΐσελεΰ6ω, See ττχ^εισίζχομ,χι, ΐΙχ^είσει/^/'ί'ω- See ττχζβίσφέζω. Ι1χξεισεζχύ/^<χ,{, (from -ττχζχ and είσεξχο- μ,χι) I enter in by craft or stealth, enter by the by. ΤΙχ^εισο^εϋω ' (from same and είσο^εύω} I introduce next t ο or privately. ΤΙχρείσ-τΐείΛττ ω, (from same and εΙσ'πε(Λ'7τω) I send in privat ely. ΠχςειστΓί'τττω» (from same and ειαττίπ-τω) I fall into private///, fall upon unawares. ΙΙχζείσ'7Γθζεύο}Λχί, ^^^Ό™ same and εϊσττο- ζεϋο(Λχι) I enter private ly• Ιΐχζείσφεζω, (from sa me and εϊσφέζω) I brmg in besides, confer besides, contribute to. ΙΙχζίκ, and ττχζε^, (for 'ττχοχ εκ) out of ivithout, except ; against, next to, near ; <^ e sides, yet. ΙΙχρεκχστχ, (from ττχζχ and εκχστος) every tvhere. ΐϊχξεκβχίνω, (from same and εκβχίνω) I step aside, digress, transgress. ηχξέκβχσις, -εως, τ], (irom preccd.) dcvi- ation, digression, transgression. G71 ΤΙοίοΒχύεω. A GREEK LEXICON. , ΤΙόίξεκ,βίω, (from ττΛξοί and Ικύία) I run out beyondyj^ass by. ΤΙχξβκΤ^ίγω, (from same and &κ7\ίγω) I collect public contributions or taxes secretly for my own use, peculate. Πίί^£κλδ/ίΓώ>, (ft'om same and U^shcu) I fail. ΙΪΛζίκ,ττίτττω, (from same and Ικ'χίττ- τύή I escape from privately, elude ; I pro- ject. ΤΙα^εκ'π-ξοφΒυγω, (from same, Ικ, and οΓΡοφεύγω^ I fly away from secretly, elude, escape, Ί1ΰίξ£κ,τεί:/ω, (from same and εκ,τείνα) I stretch out beside, or beyond, extend, over- stretch, pj'olong. ΐΙά,ζεκ,τεΚεο}, (from same and Ικ,τεΚίω) I fulfil according to my wishes; or I fulfil contrary to my ivishes. ' ΊΙαίζ^εΛτεον, (from 'ττχζίχω) to fiirnish or afford ; to be furnished or afforded. ΤΙΰίρίκτος, (from τταίξ» and εκ,τος^ with- out, except, save, besides, on the oidside. Τΐΰίζεκ,τξίττύ), (fr'om same and εκ,τξίττω) I turn aside or away, divert, pervert : ίτλ^ζ-λ- τ^ί'πομ,ίχ.ι, I deviate, abandon myself. Ίλοίζίκ,χΰσις, -εως, v], (from same and εκ,- χνσίς) a pouring out at the side, diffusion. ΐΙά,^ε'Κίχ,ύνω, (frOm same and εΧανυω) I drive beside ov past, I pass, surpass. τΐχζελεγχω, (fi'om same and εΤ^εγχο)) I reprove, confute. ΐίαξίλεύθω. See ττοίξεξχ,ομοίί. ΤΙΰΐζεΆζΰσίς, -ιος, Attic -εας, τ}, (from next) delay, slowness. Ώ.οί^εΤ^.κύω, or 'ττόί^ελκ,α, (from -rcigot and ίΤ^κ,ύω or ελκ,ύή I protract, delay. ΤΙΰίζεμβαίι/ύ), (from same and εμβοίίνω) I go in beside, plunge beside, go by in a chariot or in a vessel. Τίείζε^βάτ^Τ^ω, (from same and εμβύλ7.ύ)) I cast in beside, ioisert near, put in battle array, place or pitch tents in roivs in pro- per 07'der, and at due distance from one another, encamp. Τΐέίξεμβλεττω, (from same and εμβλί'ττω) I look upon near, or aside. ΙΙοίξεμ.β7^Υΐσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from 'TTCi^SjM./SaAAi.j) a pitching of a camp. ΊΙά,ζείΛβο'ΚΥΐ, -νις, ν\, (from same) a camp, castle, army. τΐοίζίΐζβο'Κίκ,ος, -vi, -ou, (from preced.) of or belonging to a camp. Τ1οί(ΐει^(^βϋω, (from ττοί^ά, and Ιμβύω) I stiff in at the side, or between. 'Τ1αζεμ'^ί'7ττω, (from same and εμ,τΐί'τττω) 1 fall into beside, or by the way, happen in- sensibly. Τίοί'ζεμ'τΓοΙίζω, (from same and ^(Λ'τΐοΙίζω) I impede, hinder. 672 Ila^i'iithTiiJjia, ΤΙόίξεμτιτολάύ), (from same and εμ,'ττοΚά,ω) I traffic unjustly. ΤΙϋΟξεμττόξεν/ίίοι, -οίτος, το, (from next) an additional profit, an overplus. ΤΙοίξεμ-ττοξεύο^αί, (from 'ττοίζά. and s/ii'xo- Οεΰω) I gain besides, bargain for incidentally. ΐΙίχ,ζευΙι^ω^Α, (from same and εΐ/Ιί'^ωμι) I give in or yield improperly. ΤΙΰίξεν^ϋ/ία, 'τΐο,ζευ^ΰνω, 'ΚΛοεν^ΰω, (from same and ivhvoi) I enter unobserved. ΐΐοίζευεγκω, (from same and ει^εγκω) I remove, transfer. ΏόίξενείΙω, (from same and ει/είΐω) I look into from the side, glance at. Ί1ίχ,ζενθ'/}Ά7], -γις, 7], (from same and svrl- urifii) an insertion by the way, a parenthesis. Ώ-ΰίζει/ύνζσος, -ου, ό, (from same, h, and Βνςσος) an excessive transport, inflation of style. ΤΙά,ξευυε'ττω, (from same and huk'za) I admonish. Τίαξενοχ,λεω, -Ζ, (from same and ενοχλεω) I disturb, disquiet, give uneasiness to. ΤΙόίζει/σοίλενω, (from same, L•, and σχ- Άεύύ)) I shake, clatter, dance. ΤΙχξε^τά,σσω, (from same' and εντάσσω) I insert betiveen or over and above. ΤίοίξενζεΊνω, (from same and εντείνω) I stretch beside, superadd, raise insensibly. IToi^sf, or τΐοίζεκ., see τΐαζεκ. Τΐΰίξεξοίγω, (from ttciqcc and ε^ά,γω) I lead out by the side of, lead out against ; lead astray, deceive. ΤΙόίζεζόίμεΙβω, (from same and εξοίμείβύή I pass by. ΙΙΰίξεξίζνΤ^εω, (from same. If, and αύλεω) I am like a wor7i-out pipe, am decayed. ΤΙόί^εζείμι, (from same and ε^ειμ,ι) I go out at the side or near, pass by or beyond, transgress, escape. ϋα^εξείξεσίχ, -ας, 5j, (-τΐΌίξε^ and εϊξεσίοί) the space near the prow or the stern void of rowers. ΤΙχξεζεΆΰίύι/ω, (from τ^οίξά and εζε7\.οιύ!/ω^ I drive on by the side, drive beyond. ΐΐοίξε^εζίω, (from same and εζεξεω) I speak aside from the truth, speak falsely. Ι1α,ξεζεζχ,ομοΐί,{ύ'θΐΏ same and ε^εζχο/ίίΧί) I go out beyond, pass close by, escape notice ; transgj^ess. Ώ.ΰίξεξίστΎιμ'ι, (from same and Ιζ,Ιστγιμ,ι) I remove out of my place ox\state, am trans- ported beyond myself, am beside myself, am mad. Τΐΰίξε'ττί^είκι/νμί, (from same and ετιτί^εΐκ- ννμι) I shoiv, shoiu unnecessarily. Τίοίξε'ΤΓΤογιμ,εω, (from τηχξετιτβγιμος) I so- journ as of a foreign pieople. ΊΙΰίξε%-ιΙϊΐμίαί, -χς, ij, (fr'om next) pilgrini- age, sojourning. Jlaoi--7r'ihriiJjog, Λ GREEK LEXTCON, Hagl^ji, Ή.οίξζτιτΙ^ί-^ροος, -ov, q, t], (from 'KctQo,, ΐττϊ, and "hij/iiog) a sb^ango^ sojourner. ΤΙαζίττομοα, (from same and ίτιτομ,οα) I folloiv closely, attend^ observe, obey. Τΐόίζίξγιχτης, -ov, o, (from same and ίζ- γάτ/ις) one who does more than is necessary. Τίΰίξίςγος, -ου, ο, '/}, το -ou, (from same and έξγον) ivhat is beside one's work, what is ne- glected as a by-job. ΤΐΛζξξεόίξύ), (from same and ΙζίύΙζω) I provoke, irritate, exasperate, harass. ■- ΤΙχζΣξττνξω, (from same and έξτ-ύζω) I creep in at the side or by stealth. Τίοίζί^ΰω, (from same and Ιζύω) I draw near or beside. ΐΐόίζβξχο/ίύΰίί, (from same and 'ίζχομοίή I go or pass by, pass away or fail, come forth, come in, pass by or beyond, transgress, sin, violate, neglect ; surpass, excel. ΐΐόίζίσθ'ίο), (from same and ΙσύΙω) I eat of, bite at ; eat of privately ; eat together luith. ΐΐχξίσίς,-ίος, Atnc-iojg, τ}, (from 'Trx^lvif^i) a remission, forgiveness, relaxation. Τίαζίσκ,ευά^/ζτο, Ion. for '7roc^sax,svciajiiiuoi όσοα/, 3 plur. plup. pass, of 'ττα,^χσκ,ενά.ζω. Τίά,ζίστιος, -ου, 6, jj, (from 'κα.^οί and \a- ricfJ) near the hearth, domestic. ΐΐχζβυΐαίζο/ίύχί, (from same and eC^icc) 1 jjass a tranquil life. ΤΙα,οίυ'^οκψΛύ), (from same and εύ'^οκ,ί/χίω) I surpass others in public estimation. Τ1α.ζΞυβΰ!/ω, (from same and evdoi/a) I turn one aside from the straight way. ΤΙόίρευκνιλίω, (from same and ξΰχ,γ[Κος) I soothe, calm, pacify. 'Π.όίQ€υuoίζoμoii, and ττιχ,ζζυυά,ομ,οίΐ, (from same and εϋν/ΐ) I sleep by the side of, or with. Τία,^ίυνος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) that sleeps with another ; lying near. - ΤΙαξίυξ'ισκ,ω, (from -τταξά and ζύ^ίσκύ)) I invent, feign. ΤΙΰίξΒυτχκτίω, (from same and εύτοίχτία) I keep close by the rank ; I go beside or away from the rank. ΤΙχ()ίυτ()ί'7τΙζο{Λοι,ι, (from same and εύτ^ζ- 'ττίζύ)) I manage or pre])are things ivell. Τίοίζίφόί'τττομ,οι,ι, (from same and ίφά'ττ- TOjLioii) I touch lightly, graze, reach. Τία,ζίφί^ξίύύ), (from same and Ιφεοζεΰω) I sit upon near, watch as a guard, protect. ΙΙόίζ&χύ), (from same and εχω) I have or hold near, exhibit, ojfcr, present, afford, fur- nish, confer : ττοίζί^εί, Luke vii. 4. for 'ttcc- ζε^'/ΐ, 2 sing, indie. 1 f. mid. ΙΊοίξγΐβά,ω, (from same and ^β/ι) I am beyond the age of youth, begin to decline. Τίοίζηγοξίίύ), -ω, (from same and οίγοζεω) I speak by the side of; I exhort, comfort. Hoc^nyo^Tfi^a,, -ατός, το, (from preced.) an exhortation, encouragement ; balm, liniment, Π.α.ξΐηγοξ'ίόΙ, -ocg, v}, (from same) a comfort, consolation. ΤΙχξνίγοζος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same) that exhorts, consoles, or alleviates. TLoi^vjiov, -ου, το. Ion. for tcocqClov, Τία,ζγιί'ς, -Ί'^ος, 'ή. Ion. for σταξειά,. Τΐόίξτικ,α, (from ttoc^cH and ί^κ,ω) I come to, ariive at, extend to, reach ; I lie along side of; I proceed, advance ; I concede, allow. ΪΙά,ζγ,^ύί,ί, (from same and ^f^oct) I sit be- side. ΤΙοΐζν}μ£ζο:, -ou, Dor. 'ττχζύμεζος, (from same and vjfii^ct) daily. ΤΙόίξΥίξις, -εως, τ], (from ττχζνικ,ω) arrival. ΐΐχξί^οζίοι, -ας, 7], (from next) the rein of a led horse. Τΐχξγιοξος, -ου, ο, τι, (from ττοίξοίείξο}) led by the side of, tied at the side, hanging at the side, stretched out near ; loose, disorderly, plunging ; insane, foolish. ΤΙΰίξύενείΰί, and τταζύενϊΰ, -χς, vj, (from ττχξύενος) virginity. ΤΙχξύάνευ/ίίχ, -χτος, το, (from next) an as- sembly of virgins, the condition of a virgin, the work of a virgin. Τΐχξύει/εύω, f. -εύσω, (from ττχζύευος) I bring zip or preserve in a state of virginity : τΓχ^ύεϋεύομ^χι, I live the life of a virgin, I abide with virgins. ΤΙχζύενιχ, -ων, τοί, (from same) the to- kens of virginity. ΤΙχζύίνιος, or ττχ^ύενειος, -cc, -ou, and ττχζ- hu^ix,og, -VI, -ou, (from same) of or belonging to a virgin. ^- Τίχξθεροτί-ϊτηης, -ου, ό, (from next and οτΐπντεΰο)) a gallant. ΤΙχζύευος, -ου, ό, ί], (from 'π'Χζχύείυχί, io set apart) a person in a virgin state, includ- ing oo/A5e,rci; a virgin, a maid. In Matth. i. 23. the definite article should be pre- served in the translation, sj irx^uiuog, the virgin, to correspond with the blessed in- dividual referred to in the quoted prophecy, Isa. vii. 14. nnbi?n. ΙΙχίΐύενόσφχγος, -ου, ο, (from preced. and σφχζω) of an immolated virgin. ΐlxQύεuύJu, -o}uog, o, (from Trx^uiuog) a vir- gin^ s chamber ; the Parthenon, or temple of Minerva at Athens ; a monastery of vir- gins. ΐlxζβεuύ)'π■oς, -ou, o, (from same and ωφ) having the countenance or form of a virgin^ ΐΙχζΧχύύ), (from ττχζχ and Ιχύω) I spend the 7iight beside or near. ΤΙχ^ίζω, Ϊ. -Ίσύ), (from same and Ίζω) I seat or place beside. Tlxfiiyif^i, (from same and 'tyiy.i) I send by, let pass by ; p)(*ss by, neglect, despise, Q 673 ΤΙαξίθΰνω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙαξΟΑίΰθαίνω. remit, relax, yield : 'ττα.ζΐζμ.αι, I place my- self by the side of, conjure^ deprecate. ΤΙχξίβϋι^ω, f. -vua, (from same and ιύύνω) I dii^ect by or beyond. Τίά,ξίυος, -yi, -ou, or ΤΙάξίος, -tec, -ιου, (from Πά^ο?, the name of an island) Pa- rian stone, marble. Τίίχ,ζί'Τί-'ττεύω, (from τταζο, and ίτ^ττενω^ I ride by or beyond ; outstrip, surpass. Ώ.άξί'ττ'π-ος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and iV- cro?) that rides beside ; that keeps pace luith a horse. ΤΙχξίτΓτα^ίΰίί, (from same and "iTrroci^oci) ΤΙχξϊσοζ, -ou, (from same and ίσος) nearly equal. ΐΐοίξίσόω, f. -ωσω, (from same and Ισόω) I make nearly equal, make like, compare. ΐΐίχ,ζίστοίνω, (from same and ίστά,ΰω) I place near, present, offer. Τΐοίξίστγιμί, (from same and "ισΤΎΐμ,ί) I place or stand near, present, offer, com- mend, recommend, afford or furnish for ser- vice, present to the understanding, com- pare, show, prove, demonstrate ; I stand by or near, attend, stand before, standi up, pre- sent myself, assist: 7Γ(Λζίστοίμ.οι,ι, I place myself by, defend ; also, / assail, bring into subjection ; I bring myself to do any thing, carry away or ravish; come to a perfect state of strength and flavour, (viz. wine) ; lose the senses. Τίκζίστοξίω, (from same and ίστοξίω) I investigate or relate incidentally, or in a cursory manner, I misstate. Τίΰΐ,ξίσγ,ω, same as 'ττα,ζίγ,ω. . ΤΙχξίσωσίζ, -εως, tj, (from τοίζίσοω) a mak- ing equal or like, balancing the nwmbers of a sentence. ΤΐΆξίτός, -07, -01/, (from ττύςείμ,ί) that may be approached, of easy access. ΤΙοίξ/ϋί(/.βλωκ,ε, for -τταξχ/ζί/ίίβλωκε, 3 sing, perf. from 7ταςχ/ί<,ολεω. Τΐάξ/ΐύγι, -ης, {], (Lat. parma) a little round shield. Τΐοίξννισοζ, and ΐΐχξνγισσος, -ov, 6, Bceot. Τία,^να,σος, Parnassus, a mountain of Pho- cis sacred to the Muses : TLa^uwoyhi, to Parnassus : Τίοίξυγισίοίς, -ochog, 3j, Τΐχξΰτισίος, -Λ, -ου, of Parnassus. Πίί^οδέΐίώί, (from τταξοε and ο^εΰω) I travel near, pass by, travel along, pierce through. ΤΙοίξό^ιος, -ov, (from 'τνύ,ξο^ος) facing the way, obvious. ΐΙα,ξο^Ίτγις, -ου, 6, (from 'ττοίξοί and ohirvig) a traveller, passenger. Πά^οδοί, -ου, vj, (from same and 61ος) a passing by or through, a way, thoroughfare, entrance : εκ ττΛξό^ου, or l> 'χα,ζο^ω, by the way, in passing, G74 Τίοίξοίγω, (from same and οΐγω) I par- tially open. ΤΙΰίζΟίθε, (from 'ττάξος) befoj^e, previously, formerly. ΤίΰίξοικεσΙΰί, -οίς, vj, (from next) a sojourn- ing, pilgrimage. ΐΐαοοικ,ίύ), -ω, (from 'ττλρλ and οικεω) I am a stranger, sojourn as a stranger ; dwell near or at. ΤΙοίξοίκγισίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], and 'ττοίξοι- kIcc, -Οίς, yj, (from preced.) a sojourning. ϋοίξοίκ,ίξύ), (from 'ττύξοίκος) I cause to dwell near, I fix my abode near, tarry with. ΤΙαξΟίκ,ο^ομεω, (from 'ττχξ» and οίκο^ομεω) I build near, close to, or in addition to. Τΐόίξοικος, -ου, 6, τ], το -ov, (from 'ττοί^οιαεω) a stranger, sojowner. Comp. Ecclesiasticus xxix. 21—28. with Ephes. ii. 19. Τίοι,ζοιμΛΛ, -α,ς, % (from -ret^a and οϊ{Λθς) a by-word, a proverb, a common saying, such as one often hears in the high-ways and streets, a hackneyed expression ; a com- parison, similitude, parable, an obscure say- ing. ΙΙοίξοιμ.ίάζύ), (fi'om preced.) I make a proverb, render proverbial ; mid. I use pro- verbs ; pass. / become proverbial, am re- peated as a proverb. ΤΙχζοίΐχίόίκός, "^, -ov, (from same) pro- verbial. ΐΙοΐζοιρ!.ίοίστνις, -ov, 6, (from same) a speaker of proverbs. ΤΙοίξΟίνίύ), -ω, (from 'ττάξοινος) I say or do something improper in consequence of intoxi- cation, violate, sport, frolic. ΙΙύίξοΊνγ,μ.(χ,, -ατός, το, (from preced.) an insult offered by a drunk person; the per- son receiving such an insult, a laughing- stock. ΤίαξΟίνίοί, -α,ς, v], (from same) insolence, violence, or frolic, offered in drunkenness. ΤΙόίζΟίν'ίκός, -ij, -ov, and 'τταξοίνιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same) given to ivine, intoxicated, wanton, insolent. Τίύξοινος, -ου, 6, ^, (from τΛ^βί and όϊνος) intoxicated, a tippler, one ivho sits long at the wine, whether to dimnkenness or not. ΤΙαξοιστξάω, or τταξοιστ^εω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. 'ττα,ξωστξγικ,οί, (from same and όϊστζος) I goad, am goaded, am stung with the gad-fly, am mad. ΤΙαξοίτεξος, -a, -ov, (from ττάξος) before, earlier, foremost : ττα,^οιτίζο), further . ΤίοίξοΊχομ,αί, (from 'παζοί and οΐχο[Λ(χ,ϊ) I pass by or away. ΤΙχξολίγωξίύ), (from same and όλιγωξίω) I am careless of, neglect, despise. ΐίαζολισβοίίνω, or 'τταξολισβεω, (from same ϋοίΡομαξήω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙαξυφη. and οΚισύοίΊνω) I fall beside or near^fall into inadvertently^ glide into hy stealth. ΤΙχξο/ίίοίξΤίω, (from same and ομ,οίζτίο)) I go beside^ accompany ^ attend, follow. Τίΰίού/α,οίίχξω, (from next} / j-esemble, am like. ' Τίΰίζόμ,οιος, poet, "ττχξο/ίίοίϊοζ, -ίχ, -iou, (from ττχξοί and όμοιος) nearly resembling, similar, like. ΐΐχζομ,οιόω, (from same and όμ,οιόύ)) I render like. Τίχξομ,οίωσις, -mg, % (from preced.) a near assimilation, comparison, resemblance. Τΐαοομ^ολογίω, (from -^χς» and ό,ϋ.ολογέω) I confess. Τΐχξονο/ίίχζω, (from same and 6ι/ο/:Λχζω) I use a name or word with a slight difference Jor the sake of an allusion. ΙΙχξονο{ΛχσΊχ, -χς, v], (from preced.) a paronomasia, a rhetorical ^gure, in which, by the change of a letter or syllable, several tilings are alluded to. Alteram genus est, quod habet parvam verbi immutationem, quod in litera positum, Graeci vocant ττχ- ('ouoy.xaixu. Cic. de Orat. ii. 63. Τίχξο^υντίκος, -% -ov, (from next) be- longing to or qualified for sharpening, &c. as in next. ΤΙχζο'ςύνύ), (from ττχ^χ and ο^ννω) I sharpen, excite, encourage, irritate, exaspe- rate. ΐίχροζυσ/ίίος, -ov, 6, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a paroxysm, a stirring up, an in- citing, a sharp fit of anger. Ή.χζοττ'κίζω, (from Trxf^x and όττ'λίζύ)) I disarm. Τΐχξο-τττχύ), (from same and otttxoj) I roast by, roast slightly, roast. Τΐχξοτττέος, -X, -ou, (from next) to be overlooked ; not to be noticed. Τίχοότττομ,χι, (from ττχζχ and οτγτο^λχι) I look aside or past, I connive, dissemble. ΙΙχζόζχσίς, -ίος, Attic -ίοις, 'ή, (from ττα^- ύ^ά,ο)) a looking aside, overlooking, contempt. 1Ίχοο()χτΊκύ;, -τι, -6u, (from next) inclined to oversight, neglectful. Ιίόίοοζχύ), -ω, (from ττχ/^χ and οζχω) I look aside, see ill, overlook, neglect to see, pretend not to see, connive; I look beside or near, look at, remark, observe. ϊΐχξοργίξύ}, (from same and οργίζω) I provoke to violent or bitter anger, irritate, exasperate: '7ΐχηο(^'/ίζομ.χι, I become angry. liaQOoyia/nx, -χτος, το, and '7ΤΧ(ΐθ(>^-/ισμ.6ς, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a being cxaspei-atcd, wrath, provocation. Υίχοο()Ίζί.), (from 'τ^χζχ and όζίζω) I re- move boundaries. ΤΙχζοξίίΛά,ω, -ω, (from same and 6ζ/^χω) I incite, urge, impel. ΤΙχξοζΙϋξω, (from same and όξμίοή I sta- tion at. ΤΙχζόξ/:ΛΥ]σίς, -sag, 73, (from '7ΐτχ^0ξ(Λά,ω) in ■ citement. Τΐχ^οξμτητίκος, -vi, -ov, (from same) that 0, 5i; (from TCX^, «and op- Οζ- ΤΙχξθζ!/ίς, -Ίθος, uig) inauspicious. Ίΐχζοζχίομ,χι, (from same and οζγ,ζοίΛχι) I dance badly, represent an action incor- rectly in pantomime. Τΐχςος, (a prep. poet, for -ttqo) with a gen. before, in presence of; (as an adv.) be- fore, beforehand, previously, sooner, earlier, already, hitherto. ΐΐχξοτξϋνω, (from ττχζχ and ότξύι/ω) I stir up, excite, push beyond, urge violently. ΤΙχζουχτίος, -ov, 6, '/}, (from same and ovg) with pendant ears. ΤΙχξονσίχ, -xg, vi, (from Trx^siy^i) a being present, presence, a coming to, arrival, ad- vent. ΤΙχξοχ,ίω, (from -TrxQx and όχ,ζω) I convey by the side of or beyond : 'ττχοογβ.οι/,χι, I ride in a vehicle by the side of another. ΐΐχξοχτι, -vig, 7], (from ττχξίχ,ο)) provision, supply, allowance, largess. Τΐχξοχ,λίζω, (from ττχζχ and οχΤ^ιξω) I move or heave aside with a lever. Τίόίζοχος, -ov, 6, (from τιτχζίχύ)) one who furnishes necessaries ; (from ττχζχ and ο-χ,ος) one ivho sits beside another in a chariot. ΙΙχζο-ψ'ίς, -Hog, 71, (from ττχοχ and oipou) a side or additional dish, a dish of delicacies or sweetmeats ; whatever is presented in a dish, a dish itself, a platter. TLx^o-ipauL•, (from same and ό-ψωι/ίω) I buy provisions privately; I provide side, ad- ditional, or delicate dishes. Uxqo-^ujvyi/iix, -xTog, το, (from preced.) a side, additional, or delicate dish. Ιίχξττό^ίος,^ον ττχζχττύ'^ιος, -ov, 0, ^,(from '77XPX and ττοί?) at or before the feet, present. ΙΙχβργισίχ, -xg, 57, (from same, or from TTxi/, and ρτισις) freedom, or freeness in speaking, plainness, confidence, ojJcnness, liberty, pubiicness of speech, a being ptddicly known. ΎΙχρρησιχζ(^[Λ<ΧΊ^ (from preced.) / speak freely, plainly, boldly, I act boldly. Ιίχρρτισίχστ^ς, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a free, bold speaker. ΤίχρρΎ^πιχστίκος, -oj, -ov, (from same) dis- ])osed and (pialified to use freedom of speech. Τίχ!ΐν(ρχίνω, or 'ττχξνφάύ), (from -ττχζχ and ύψχίνω) I tveave at the side, weave a border. ΙΙχζύφνι, -Vi;, yj, (from preced.) a stripe or border, the Roman clavus, or robe bor- dered with purple. 675 ΤΙαξφαίν A GREEK LEXICON. ΊΙατάγ7]μα, ΤΙχξψύΐίνύ), for 'ττΛζοι,φΛίνω. ΐΐά,οφά,σις^ for ττοί,ζά,φιχ,σις. ΤΙα^φυγίω, for ττοίζοίφυγίο). Ί1ά.ζφυκ,τος, for 'ττχξάφυκτος. ΤΙα.ξω^έύ), (from ttccqiH and α-ίβω) I sing beside, I cite the words of a poet in a sense differeiit from that of the author, I parody. Ί1οί^ω%ος, -ου, ο, v], (from preced.) aside from or beside the song, spoken in a disguised manner, that writes parodies. ΤΙοίζωύίω, f. -'/ισω, 7roi(io)ua, f. -όύσω, (from '7rcif>oi and ώύίω) I push aside or aiuay, re- ject : 7Γοίζωύίο[Λοίΐ, I remove, abrogate. Τ1χζωκ,εχι/:ος, -ου, ο, τ;, 'ττοίζωκίο.ι/ίτγις, -ου, 6, and 'π-α.ζύίκίοίηης, -ihog, vj, (from same and ώκ,ίχυός) that dwells or is situated near the ocean. Τίοίζωνΰμ,ος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and ovo- (Λοί) named after : το •7ΐοίούίνυμ.ον, a surname, ΐΐοίξωυυχία,, -οίς, ί], (from same and ονυζ) a whitlow. Τίφ^ωοζίΰί, -χς, 5j, (ft'om same and o^og) the side of a mountain. Τΐοίξωξίσμοζ, -ου, 6, (from same and όξίζω) the proper season or time for any thing. ΐΐα,ζοίζοφίς, ~βος, vj, (from same and 6ζθ- (Pii) the projecting part of a roof, the eaves. ΤΙχρωτΙς, -ίίος, vj, (from same and ους) a gland near the ear, the parotid gland ; a swelling of the parotid gland: τταξωτβες, the ears or their extremities. ΤΙά,ζθ)χζος, -ου, ό, v), (from same and ωχ,- ξος) pallid. Τΐόίς, 'ττοίσχ, στοίυ, gen. τταντος, 'ττά,σνις, TToiUTog, all, the whole, every. When ττα,ς, or α,ΐΐο,ς, in the singular number, is used to signify that the whole of the thing implied by the substantive with which it is joined, is intended, the substantive has the article; but when it is employed to denote that every individual of that species is spoken of, then the substantive is anarthrous. The reason why in the one case the article is used, whilst in the other it is omitted, is obvious : when we speak of the whole of any thing, that thing must be assumed to be known ; but in the other sense of τάί, no particular individual can by the nature of the case be meant. Middleton on the Article, part i. chap. vii. § 1. ΎΙα,σίμ,ί'Κουσοί, -Ύ\ς, τ], (from preced. and μίτ^ω) that is known to all, celebrated. ΤΙαστΓοίλΥΐ, -'/ις, vj, (same and ττύλγ]} some- thing almost impalpable or imperceptible, dust. Τΐασσοίλξυτος, -ov, (from next) staked. Ί1ο(.σσά,7\ίύο}, Attic 'ΚΛηττα'Κίΰω, f, -ζΰσω, (from next) I fix on a stake or peg, ΐΙκσσόί'Κος, -ου, ο, (from 'πά,ααω, for τττ^σσω) a stake, pile, post, pillar. 676 ΤΙχσσχζ, -χκος, ό, (from same) a small stake or peg. ΤΙΰίσσΰ^Ι, ττχσσΰ^Ι, (from ττόίζ and σύο- μ,χι) with all speed or force. Ίΐχσσυ^ίγΐ, -yjg, 'ή, (from same) the utmost speed or force. Έΐά,σσο), Attic ττάττω, f. -ά,σω, irccsai for εττχσε, p. ττίττχκχ, I scatter, sprinkle, adorn ivith embroidered figures ; also, Doric for τΐτισσω, I fix in. ΐΐχστας, -Si^og, >;, (from preced.) a porch, a hall, a nuptial chamber, a nuptial couch. TixaTog, -5j, -oy, (from same) sprinkled, adorned : ττχστος, -ου, ο, a bed-chamber : a small chapel. Τίχστοφοξίίον, or ττχστοφόξίον, -ου, το, (from preced. and φί^ω) a place where there is a bed-chamber, a chamber of any kind ; a small case, representing a chapel, containing the image of an idol. Τΐχστόω, -Ζ, f. -άσω, (from 'π'χστός) I make a bed-chamber, afford shelter, protect. Τΐχσχχ, το, (undeclined, from nos) the passover, the paschal lainb ; sometimes re- fers to the peace-offerings which used to be sacrificed at the feast of the passover, or of unleavened bread, and of which the people afterwards ate. See Deut. xvi. 2. comp. with 2 Chron. xxx. 22. and xxxv. 7, 8, 9, 13. and John xix. 14. and xviii. 28, where we find the Jews, in the morn- ing after the paschal lamb was eaten, ap- prehensive, that their being defiled would prevent their eating το ττά,σχ,χ. Others think that in the days of Jesus, it was thought lawful (because almost unavoid- able on account of the great number of lambs to be killed for the purpose) for the Jews to eat the passover on any hoar between the evening of Thursday and that of Friday; and that this liberty must have been taken by those who had apprehended Jesus, and had been up all night at the house of the High Priest. See Bishop Pearce on Mat. xxvi. 20. Mark xiv. 12. and .John xviii. 28. ΤΙχσχνίτιχο), (from next) I feel minatural lust. ΐΐχσχω, from ττχύω, 2 a. ϊτι-χύον, See p. 73, I am affected with any thing good or bad, I am affected with what is bad, suffer, experience ; I feel, am disposed or affected in a particular manner towards another, or by any event ; sometimes / do luith la- bour and suffering, I toil, II. X', 220. ΤΙχτχγίω, f. -τ^σω, (from στχτχγος) I make a loud noise, like that from collision ; I roar, scream. Τίχτχγνιμ,όί, -χτος, το, (from preced.) a clash, crash, clap, rattle. ΙΙάταγος. A GREEK LEXICON. Τίαυΰτγίξ, Τίχτόίγος, -ov, ο, (from next) a loud noise by collision, a clatter, clash, crash, clap, gnashing. ΤΙΰίτάσσω, f. -|ω, p. '7Τί7τοιταχ;χ, 1 a. k'Trcc- rcc^oi, I smite, afflict. Mil ; i^alpitate, throh ; walk with a hasty loud pace, patter. Hciriocccci, Ion. and poet, (from -τάω) / eat, feed upon. ΤΙόίτβοίξύ), (from TrciTYjo) I call father. TloiTiOiou, -ov, TO, (dim. from same) dear little father. ΤΙόίτίύ), -oj, f. -Τισω, p. tt^ttoct'/ikcc, 1 a. Ι-τΐά,ττ,σχ, 1 a. pass, ϊττα,τ'ήύτιν, (i. e. βατίω, from fiaiuco} I tread, trample upon, have in subjection. ΊΙά,τ-.ημοί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a treading or trampling upon ; a footstep, a vile person. TicirviQ, 'ΤΛτίξος, contracted ττχτρος, ό, a father : ττατίξίς, parents, ancestors. Τίχτγ,σμός, -ov, 6, (from ττατίω) treading. Uurriroc, -'/?, -ov, (from same) trampled upon, trodden; that may be trampled on. Τίΰίτος, -ov, 6, {{rom same) a trodde?i ivay, path, public walk, a haunt ; dirt, filth pro- perly that found on roads. ΥΙν,τοΰ,, -(χ,ς, '/}, Ion. -ττύτξγι, -γις, (from orccTiie) the posterity of a common father, a tribe, race, family, paternal land, one's country. Τ1«.το'/5o) obedient. ΐΐαθα^χ,ίω, -ω, f. -^σί«, p. ΤΓζττίΐθάοχ^'/ικα, 1 a. ΙττζίύάζχΥισοί, (i. e. 'ττύύομ,α,ι όίξχοι^τι) I obey a ruler, I obey. Τ1$ίύ»ξχίΰί, -χς, '/], (from preced.) obe- dience to authority. TLiiucc^y^iKo;, -'/j, -ov, and 'τηιύχξχος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same) subject to authority, obe- dient. Tlsiu'/iuio;, -ου, 6, v], (from ttsIUo) and 7}vicc) obseqidous to the rein, obedient. Τίίΐύος, -'ή, -oy, (from next) persuasive, persuasory, specious, probable. Τΐίίύύ), imperf. ίττίίθον, f. 'τηίσω, p. 'ττζτηιχ,α., 1 a. ίττασοί, 2 a. ίττιύον. Ion. ττίττ'ίύον, pres. mid. ττζίθομ,οίί, imperf. mid. iTrnuouriu, -ου, -STo, p. mid. 'ττί-ττοιύα, Ion. ττεττοίβεα, infin. 'ττί'ττοιύίνοίζ, and partic. ττίττοιθώς, -ότος, plu- perf. mid. Ιττζ-ττοΊύζΐν, 1 f. pass. ττασύν,σοίΛν.ι, 1 a. pass, ίττίίσύγ,ν, p. pass, 'πί'τηισμοίΐ, I bind, bind to any thing, and so /e-ac? people as if bound by a rope wherever I please ; hence, / persuade, seek to p^suade or in- gratiate myself ivith, solicit the favour of, prevail by persuasion ; I assure, make con- fident οτ free from fear or doubt : ττίττοιθα., I am persuaded, trust, and, with a dative, depend upon, trust in, have confidence in ; pass. I am persuaded, assent, believe, obey, comply with. ΙΙίίβω, -όος, contr. -ους, tj, (from preced.) the goddess of persuasion, j^^^suasion, obe- dience. Tiii'jot, Ion. TTshri, -/ig, '/], (from ττίνω) hunger, famine. ΤΙίίΐ/όίλίος, -Λ, -ou, (from preced.) hun- gry- Τΐίίνοίτίκος, or -rf/v/jri'xoV, -vj, -ov, (from same) accustomed to feel hunger, ravenous ; causing hunger. TLsiuccu), and ττίΐνίω, -Ζ, f. -ΰσο), and -^σω, 1 a. iTTsiuccau, (from Trelvce) I hunger, am hungry, desire earnestly, pine. TlfiPoi, -οίς, vj, (from 'ττίίξω) experience, trial: ττειο», -ΰς, a point. ΤΙζίζόίζω, f. -ά,σω, p. τηττίίξοίκχ, 1 a. Ιττίΐ- Quacc, 1 a. pass. Ιττίΐζά,σθηΐ), p. pass, ττεττε/- ()Λσο!,χι, (from preced.) / make trial, try, prove, tempt. Πί/^ίί^, and TTii^ccc, -α,τος, το, (same as τΓίοχ;) the end or extreme boundary ; the extreme height ; the pnncipal point ; the completion, ; a rope or cable ; a tub. Τίίίξχσίζ, -ίύ)ς, 7j, and ττΒίξχσμός, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of τΐ-ΐζάζω) a trying, prov- ing^ trial, temptation. ΤΙίίζΰίτίύω, f. -ίύσα, (from 'ττΒίζχτ'ή;) I act as a pirate oy freebooter, plunder. Tlii^ccTTjoiou, -ου, ro, (from next) of or belonging to pirates or plunderers ; as a neut. adjective, with ttA'^^c?, or σΰστημ,α, or yc^Q^iou, understood, a troop or a haunt of plunderers. ΐΐίίζΰίτ'^ζ, -ου, 6, (from 'ττείξάί^) an adven- turer, plunderer, pirate. Τΐίίοατ'ίκός, -vi, -o>, (from next) piratical. ΤΙϋξάύ}, -ω, f. -χσω, or -τισω, p. tts/Ts/- ξχχ.ΰί, imperf, mid. k-yrsi^uoyy/iv, -ω(Λ•/\ν, -ά,ου, -ω, -ccsro, -ΰτο, 3 plur. -άοντο, -ωι/το, 1 a. pass, ζττίίζόίβτιν, (from TrsH^cc) I try, at- tempt. Usio'^i/Yj, -ης, 7}, Pirene, a fountain near Corinth • whence TLsiQ-zi'^ulog, viz. -τζωΚος^ the PirenoBan horse, i. e. Pegasus. ΤΙίΐξΥίτίζά), f. -ίσω, (from Trsi^xco) I try, attempt, search into, explore. Τΐίί^ί^ς, '7Τίίζ;νύος, τι, a basket, case, or coffer ; a square chest of wicker-work^ or of reeds, which the ancients bound on their carriages when they travelled. Τΐίίξο, f. -ίξω, p. π-ίτηζξκχ, 1 a. ίττξΐ^χ, 2 a. ίττα,ξον, 1 a. pass, ίττά,ξύιην, p. pass, ττί- τταζμαί, p. mid. ττίττοξχ, I pierce, p)ierce through, pass through. ΐΐίϊσα, -γ}ς, τ], (from τηίύω) a cause of obe- dience ; \'j 7ΐύσ'/ι, at rest, tranquilly. ΐΙίΐσ'ίχ,όί'Κΐνος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and χοίΤανος) obedient to the bridle. Uiiafioc, -ccTog, το, (from ττίίύω) a cable, cord, rope. Usiffju.ou'^, -τίς, {], (from perf. pass, of same) a persuasion, confidence, credulity. Τΐίκούλίον, -ου, το, (Lat. peculium) jjri- vate property, particularly of a dej)eudent or slave. Τίίκ,τίω, (from next) / shear. ΐΐίκω, or ττίίκο), f. -\ύ), I pluck off, shear, card, comb, or dress ivool. ΊΙίλαγίζω, f. -ίΊτω, (from ττίλχγος) I make like a sea, overflow ; I am at sea, navigate the sea. Τίελάγίος, -u, -on, (from same) of the sea. Τίί'ΚόίγΤτγις, -ου, 6, and ττίΆόίγΐτ/ς, -ι^ος, '/], (from next) one that traverses the sea. ΤΙί'Λόίγος, -Βος, -ους, το, (either from abs, or so called because ΊτλοΊχ ocyau) the sea; iu τω TTiKciyii ττ/ς ΒχΤκάσσης, " in the depth of the sea, or the main sea/' Mat. xviii. 6. ΤΙελάξω, f. -ΰίσω, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, -ττελασ- hu, for e'7rίλoισβmύlΊ^, (from 'ττίλοίς) I bring near ; I come near. ΤΙεΤ^όίύω, by S3;nc. Tr'huL•, Ion. 'ττλτιύω, (from same) same as 'τηλάζω. Πί'λανο?, -ου, ο, a cake originally of barley meal, offered in sacrifices ; sometimes, at least, not formed into dough, but mixed in 679 ΊΊζλαξγι^ενς, A GREEK LEXICON. Tisvo^orjC. a liquid state, so as to be capable of being poured ; also, thick froth. ΐΙβΤ^ΰίςγύεύς, -ίως, ο, (from ττίλα^γος} a young stork. Τίελχςγίκ,ος, -'#5, -ov, of a stork. From Τίίλα,ξγός, -ou, o, (from 'ττεΆος, black, and άξγος, white) a sto7'k. ΤΙίλόίς, (from 'ττίλω) near : 6 -ττελοίί•, a neighbour. ΤΙίλά,τγις, -ov, 0, (from preced.) a neigh- bour, assistant, client, ΤίίΚάω, ττΤ^άω, and ττλ'ί^/, pass. ττΤ^'ημ,ίΐι, 'κί'π'Κα,ζ^α,ι, imperf. ζτΐΧτ^μ,Υίυ, (from same) / come near to, approach. ΤϋΆίύζον, same as ττΤ^ίύζον. Tli'hsici, -Ό,ς, and TreT^siocg, -ά^ος, jj, (from τΓβλός) a dove of a bluish colour. TLiT^siou^k^f^o)!^, -Ονος, 6, vi, (from preced. and τξίφα)) that rears or feeds doves. ΤΙί.'Κίίος, and στίλιοζ, -ΰ,, -ou, ττίΚί^νος, irt- λος, or ττε^.λος, -;j, -oV, black, dark, brown, livid, envious. UsT^iKoiv, and -τελεκα?, -Siuog, or -α,ντος, 0, (from next) a pelican. ΐίίΚίκ-άο), or 'ττίϊ^ζκ,χ,ά.ω, f. -viucu, (from 'ττί- "Κζκ,υς) I cut ivith an axe. ΤΙίλίκ,ητος, -"/;, -ou, (from preced.) cut with an axe, smoothed. ΤΙεΚζ-Λίζω, f. -Ίσύ), p. 'τηττίΚΐκικα,, p. pass. 'τητΓίΚίχ.ισμ,αι, (from στίτ^ζκυς) I cut with an axe, behead. Rev. xx. 4. τάς -ψνχχς των ττί- 'τηΤ,ζκισμίνων, martyrs who had suffered ca- pital punishment as inflicted by the Roman Lictors. Polyb. I. p. 10. (Λοί,στιγωσοίνης cLiruurccg κ,οίτά το ττοίζ οίντοΊς ίύος Ι'^τελε- κ,ισοίν. Ignominiosius erat securi percuti, quam gladio. Spartianus in Caracallo. Il^KiKiuog, -ου, 6, (from same) a plant, probably Coronilla securidaca ; the pelican, or the shoveller or spoonbill ; the mode of joining called dove-tailing. Τΐίλεχ,οΐ/, or ττίτ,ίκκ,ον, -ου, το, (from next) the handle of an axe. Τΐίλβκυς, -sag, 6, accus. 'ττίλεκ,υν, (from τάλλώ)) an axe. Τίί'λβίϋίζω, f. -|(y, (from same) / 7nove, shake, brandish. Hihihvog, same as -τελε/ο?. Τίίλιόομ,α,ι, -ουμ,χι, 1 a. pass. STCihicou'/jv, \ (from next) I become black and blue, pale or livid. ϋίΆιος, 'ΤΓίΚ'Κος, or ττελος, same as 'ττεΚειος. ΤΙίτ^/ίΛόί, -οίτος, το, (from preced. or from cD^AoV) the sole of the foot. ϋίΤιτοίζύ), f. -ΰίσω, (from ττε'λτι-)) / carry a light shield. ΤΙεΤ^τάξίο!/, -ου, το, (dim. from same) a light shield. ΤΙίΚτοίστνις, -ου, and 'ττζκτα.φόρος, -ου, 6, (from next) armed ivith a shield. 680 Πέλτ>7, ~7ig, vi, (from 'jrxKha) a small light shield. Πελί^Ι, -υκ,ος, ο, (from -τελεκι^ί) an axe. Πέλω, and Ίΐί'κομ.α,ί, εττΑε for ένελε, and ετΓλετο, for Ιττίτ^ετο, 'ττίτ^εν. Ion, for εττελε;/, / am, I become. Τΐύλύ)^, -oQog, and το, a monster; or monstrous. ΐίελάξίος, and Tri'haQ^og, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from preced.) monsti-ous, prodigious, vast, enor- mous. Τϋαμα, -ατός, το, (from ττί'τττω) some- thing boiled or baked, a cake or sweatmeat. Πε^ττε, JEoil. for -ττίντε. Τΐεμτττχΐζοντες, (from next) marshalled by five in a rank. Theod. Exod. xiii. 18. but see under next. Τΐίμ,τττος, -τη, -ou, (from 'πευτε) fifth. See the LXX reading of Exod. xiii. 18. -τε^^ττ- τγ δε ysuioi, instead of 'ττεμ,ΊττΛίζοντες, as above, or κ,οίύωττΤκισ^^ενοι, as in Aqu. and Symm. and comp. Gen. xv. 16. and Num. xiv. 22, 23. ΤΙε^Λτττος, -^, -ov, (from next) sent. υ.εμ,'ττω, f. -ipa, p. ττεττεμ,φοί, 1 a. ϊττεμ,- •φα, p. mid. τή'πομ,'ΚΛ, 1 f. pass. ττε^ΛφθΫ,σο- μα,ι, 1 a. pass, εττεμ,φύ/ιν, I send. ΤΙε/χ'ΤΓύφοΤίον, -ου, το, or '7ϊεuτωβoXou, (from 'πψ-.ιτε and όβοΤ^ός, for οβεΚος) a fiesh fork with five prongs. Ήί^αφιζ, -lyog, τ], a wind, a breath, the soid. ΤΙεμ-ψις, -εως, τ*, (from 'ττεμ,'ττω) a mission. Tlεuεστγ}g, -ου, 6, (from 'ττίι/γις) a slave, la- bourer, poor man. ΙΙενεστΊχ,ος, -jj, -6u, (from preced.) of the class of slaves, labourers, or poor men. ΐίενης, -ητος, 6, (from ττενομ,οιι) a poor man who gets his living by his labour. 2 Cor. ix. 9. Πεζ/^άλε'ο?, -cc, -ou, (from στενύος) mourn- ful, sad. llεuύείoc, -Λς, τ], (from same) sadness. Tlεuύsξcl, -oig, {], (from next) a wife's or husband*s mother, a mother-in-laiv. Τίενβεξός, -ου, 6, a wife's father, a father- in-law. Usuuid), -ω, f. -7]σο), p. ττεττενύτηκα, 1 a. εττενύνισοί, 1 a. mid. ε7Γε;/^)5σά^>ΐ!/, (from 'ttzu- ύος) I lament for the dead, mourn, grieve. TliuUYjjiccc, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a mouiming. Τίενύτί^Λξος, -ou, (from ττευτε and ij^i^ci) of or for five days. TisuUYifiif^i(^vig, -εος, ο, '^,(from same, ^μίσυς, and μ,εζος) of five half metiical feet. Τίενύτιμιτΐό^ιοϋ, -ου, το, (from same, ίημισυς, and ττους) of five half feet. Τίίνόν}(Λων, -όνος, 6, τ}, (from -ττενύεω) mourning. Τίευθν}ξ•/ις, -εος, 6, % (from same) mournful. ΙΙίνύΤιΤΤ,ξ. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙίντ'ηξτ,ς, ΤΙίνβγιΤΥίΟ, -ijoog, ό, and 'r^syUvjT^toi, -st;, vi, (from same) a mourner, a lueeper. TL-vuriTiKo;, and 'ττίΐ^βίκός, -'η, -6'j, (from next) mournful. ΙΙενύος, -so;, -ονς, το, (from perf. mid. of ττάσχύ)) mourning, sorroio, grief. TLi'Ax, -ccc, 71, (from ττίνκι;^ poverty. ΤΙνΜχ,οος, -oc, -ou, (from next) poor, need?/. ΐΐξνομ,α,ι, p. mid. 7Γ£•λ-ο>!», / labour, am poor, am in want. TLsi/rayuuo;, -ου, 6, 7\, (from Trkv-n and yuuice) pentagonal. Tls'jT ctOociy^if,(y,^ -ας, '/), (from same and ϋηοι,γ^μ,Ί]) five drachmcE. TLi'jTctkuy.iou, and Trsi/ras^Aoy, -ου, το, or '7τ•ϋτά,ύ>αον, 'TTi'jToiu'ho'j, (from same and £ύ- λο>) an exercise consisting of the five pub- lic games, ccT^y^oi, οίσκος, οοόμο;, TctJ^fi, and TTvyf^Yi. Τΐίντάεύλο:, or ττευτχύ'λος, -ου, ο, (from same) one who practises, or ivho overcomes in, the five games. ΐΐ-ντχίτΐ,οίκος, -vj, -o'j, (from ττίνη and ϊτος) of five years. TlvjToiSTrtg, -ίος, 6, 7), (from same) the same. Jlivrctfycuog, -ου, 6, τ], (from 'ττίντβ and ul'/;u'/i) having five points. UiurciyJ;, (from ττίντί) five times. ΤΙί^τοίκισι/.ύοιοι, -cci, -oc, (preced. and f^i•- ξίοι) fifty thousand. Ti.s'jTctx,iayJ>.ioi, -cci,-cc, (same and -y^ihioi) five thousand. Τίί^τΛκοσιά,οχΐ,ς, and ττίΰτχχ,οσίοίξχοζ, -ου, ί, a commander of five hundred. And 'Π.;:/τιχκοσίχοχ{'ίχ, -χς, i], (from next and όίοχ,ο)) a company of five hundred. ΐΐίϋτακόσιοί, 'Xi, -», (from ^rsi/rs and iKXTO'j) five hundred. ΤίίντχκοσιουΛοιμ,νος, -ου, 6, ^, (from pre- ced. and f/A^tf^'jo;) of five hundred Attic bushels. Τίίντχκοσιοστος, -τί, -ou, (from τηιιτχκο- atoi) the five hundredth. UsuTxAiKToo;, -ου, ό, v], (from -yriuTe and y^KTcou) that has had five beds or marriages. TlsurxySiroog, -ov, (from same and μ,ίτοον) of five metrical feet, pentayneter. ΙΪΒντχττχ'λχίστος, -ov, (from same and τχλχιστνι) of five palms. ΤΙί^τχ'ΤΓ^χυ:, -υος, ο, vi, (from same and ''^^χνΟ ^f fiv^ cubits. Τ1β!/τχ7τλχσ:ο;, -u, -ov, and τηντχ'ΤΓ'Κχ- σιων, -όνος, 6, ^, (from same and ττΆύσιος) five times as large, five-fold: ττίντα^τλ»- σίως,five times. Τίίντχ'ΤΓλόος, -ους, 6, v), and -όος, -ους, 'on, •vj, -oov, -ουν, (from ttsvts) five-fold. TiiuTXTTohic, -ίος, Attic -ίως, rj, (from same and -ττόλίς) five cities. TIsv -χς, -χΙος, tj, (from -iurs) the num- ber five. ΤΙίντχσ'ΤΓίύχμ,ος, -ov, (from same and aTTiuxyri) of five spans. ΤΙίντχ^^ΰ'ής, -ίος, 6, >;, (from same and φυτ}) springing in five ways. ΐΐίντχ-χχ, and 'ττίντχχως, (from next) in five ways. UivTS, oi, xl, Tx, five. HsvriKxihiKx, (preced. κχ\, and οϊκχ) fifteen. ΐίεντίκ,χιοίκχτος, -% -ov, (same, x,x\j and Οίχ,χτος^ fifteenth. Τ1ίντ£κ.χί^ίκ'^ξΥΐς, -ζος, 'ή, (from Trivnx.xi osKx and Ιοίσσω) furnished with fifteen banks of oars. Τ1:ντϊκ.χί^ίχ>]μζζος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and τι/χίζχ) of fifteen days. Τίίντίσϋξίγ'/ος, -ov, (from 'ttbvts an(J σΰ- ζίγξ) having five apertures ; said of the pil- lory, through which the head, hands, and feet, were passed. ΤΙίντίτχΤ^χντος, -ov, (from same and τά- "Κχντον) of five talents. ΤΙίντίτγ,ς, -ίος, ό, τ], (from same and ϊτος) every five years. UsvT'/jKovTx, oi, xi, τχ, (from Trivrs) fifty. ΤΙίντ/ικοντχετ'ής, -ίος, ο, (from preced. and έτος) of fifty years. ΤΙεντγ,χ,οντχοχίω, I command fifty. And Τίεντηχ,οντχοχίχ, -χς, ^i, a company of fifty, the office of a commander of fifty. From ΤΙενττ,•ΛΟντχοχος, -ου, and "ττεντγικοντχττίζ, or 'TTiVTw-ovTrio, -τίοος, 6, (from ητεντνίκοντχ and χρχύ)) a commander of fifty. ϋενττ,χ,οντόγυος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and γύχ) of fifty acres. ΤΙεντγ,κοντό'ΤΓχις, -όος, 6, v}, (from same and τΓχϊς) that has fifty children. Τίεντγικόντοοος, -ου, ί], (from same and εοέσσω) having fifty oars. ΤΙεντΥικοστεύω, (from next) I pay the duty of the fiftieth part. ΤΙεντΥιΛοστνι, -νις, ί], (fern, of ττεντ-^κοστος, with ko(>T'/i understood) the feast of pente- cost, so called because it began on the fif- tieth day, reckoned from the first day of unleavened bread (/. e. the day after the passover was offered) exclusive. Sec Lev. xxiii. 15. Comp. ver. 11. and 7- Acts ii. 1. and XX. 16. and 1 Cor. xvi. 8 ; also a duty on goods at Athens amounting to a fif- tieth part. Ώ.εντιηκοστο'λόγος, -ου, 6, (from prcced. and Άεγω) a collector of the fiftieth. ΤΙεντγ,κοστος, -•ή, -ov, (from ττί^τ^χοι/τα) fiftieth. ΤΙίντνίζ/};, -εος, and ^τεντπζίκος, -^, -oV, 4R 681 Ιίεντοξϋζ, A GREEK LEXICON. Τίεξίάγω. (from TiriuTs and Ιζίσσω) having five banks of oars. ΐΐίντοζος^ -ου, 6, «j, (from same and όζος) that has five branches, Τΐίντόξγυίος, -ou, (from same and oQyvtoi) of five fathoms. Ήευτωβολος, -ov, o, % (from same and όβολος) of five oboli. Tliua, obsol. see 'ττύνομαι. ΤΙίος, sag, το, the penis. TLsTra-iva, f. -oivoj, (from τίτΐτω) I bring to maturity, ripen, concoct, warm, mollify. Τΐίττοίίξω, (from ττόξω} J supply. JJe'TTciirs^og, and στίττοίίτόίτος, (comp. and super, of 'ττίττων) riper, ripest. ΤϋτΓζχ,νσίς, -sag, 7], (from 'TrsTrctlua) the act of ripening. Πίττί/^ο?, -ov, 6, VI, (from τΐίτΓτω) ripe. ΤΙεττε/σμίνως, (from ττύύω) confidently. Τίάττεξί, -tog, or -εως, το, pepper. Τίεττιβον, Ion. redupl. for ί'πηύον from 'Χίίύω. Ιίεττιστωμ^ως, (from τηστόω) faithfully. ΤΙε'π-Τ,ασμίνως, (from 'ττλχσσω) dissembling, falsely. TW'Tr^.viya, (from perf. m. of τ^Τ^νισσω) I beat, smite. ϋϊτΓλος, -ov, 6, plur. poet, πί'π'κα, τά, a female robe of state, a mantle, a robe ; a car- pet or covering for a seat. ΤΙί-^λωμοί, 'OiTog, το, (from preced.) a robe. ΐΙί'ΤΓυνμ.Βΐι, part, ητε'τίνϋ μένος, see πνυμι. Tls-TroiL•, perf. m. of ττείύω. ΤΙεπΌίύιησίς, -tog, Attic -εως, ^ (from pre- ced.) trust, confidence. ΙΙε'ΤΓοιύότως, (from same) confidently, boldly, safely. ΐίε-ττοσάε, by sync, for πεττόνησ^ί, from τονεω, or rather for 'πε'τΐόν&α.τε, perf. mid. of 'πύσχω. ΤΙε-π-ξαμαί, part, -ττετζωμενος, perf. pass, of τιτξόύ), or ττόξω, or by sync, for 'πεπΐερά.- T ωμοί ι, of τΐεζοίτόω. ΤΙετΐτος, -vi, -ov, (from next) boiled, baited. ΤΙε-τΓτω, f. -"ψω, p. 'π-εττεψοί, 1 f. p. 'ττεφθτ]- ϋομΛΐ, I boil, bake, dress victuals. ϋεττωκ», perf. act. of τΐίνω. Τίέ'πων, -ovog, 6, ij, (from ττε'τττω) baked by the sun, ripe, mellow, tender, mild, gen- tle ; what has been ripened by the sun, a pumkin, cucumber, melon. ΐΐεζ, much, very ; ever, however, soever ; even, though ; truly, indeed ; yet, at least. ΤΙέζόί, (from "ττεζά,α) prep, beyond, above ; adv. besides, further, far beyond, excessively, extraordinarily ; subs, same as ττεξοι,ς. ΐΐε^οίβεν, (from preced.) from the further side. ΤΙεξκΙ/], -Yig, 9j, (from same) a country on the further side of a sea or river. ΤΙεξαινω, f. -όίνω, p. 'π-εττεξοίγκ,ίΛ, 1 a. ε•πεξάνοί, or εττεξπνχ, 2 a. εττίξόίνον, (from ττίξΰίς} I go through, carry through, bring to an end, finish, accomplish, conclude. Τίεξοίίος, -c&ix., -oiiov, (from ττε^α) lying beyond or on the other side. ΤΙεξΧίόω, f. -ωσω, (from same) / convey over or beyond ; mid. I convey myself over, pass over, traverse, Τίεξαίτεξος, -a, -ov, (from same) further beyond, more than. ΐίεξο,ΐτγις, -ov, 6, (from -ττε^άω) a passen- ger, a pilgrim ; an inhabitant of an opposite coast. Τΐέζάν, (from same) beyond, about, 7iear. ΤΙεξοίντΙκ,ος, -vj, -ov, (from τι-εζούνω) belong- ing to, or expert in, going through, accom- plishing, or drawing conclusions. Τΐίξα,ς, -α,τος, το, a bound, limit, end ; a goal, the most important point, the accom- plishment ; adv. lastly, finally. ϋεξάσίμος, -ov, 6, vj, (from -ττεξάω) passable. Τίεξχσίς, -εως, yj, (from same) a passage, termination. Τίεζασμος, -ov, 6, (from same) a passage, boundary, conclusion. Τΐί-ξχτνι, "Πς, hi (from same) an opposite region, an opposite quarter of the heavens, the verge of the horizon, an end, limit, ex- tremity : -π-εξάτγιύεν, on the opposite side. ΤΙεζΰ,τγις, -ov, 6, (from same) a passenger, a pilgrim. ΤΙεξΰίτόω, f. -ωσύ), (from ττεζοίς) I deter- mine, allot ; decree, ordain ; conclude, ter- minate. ΤΙεξάω, f. -ΰσω, and -'ίισω, I pass, cause to pass, transport, convey for sale. Ιίεξγόίμοί, -ων, τά., Ώ.εζγόίμον, -ov, το, or Ώ.εζ'/ιχμος, -ov, 6, the citadel of Troy; hence, any toiver or fortress. Π£^δ;|, -Ίκος, 6, 9], a partridge. ΤΙεξ^ω, f. 7τεξ^ν}σω, 2 a. ετί'Μξ^ον, perf. mid. ττεττοξίοί, I break wind. ΤΙεζύύ), f. -σω, p. στεττεζκ,α, 2 a. ετξόίύον, p. mid. 'π'ετΓοςύΰί, I destroy, waste, lay waste, pull down, burn. ΐίεζί, (a cognate of ττεζοίς) circumference, about, round about, concerning. See p. 79. and 110. ΤΙεξίΧ'/γε'λΤ^ω, (preced. and άγγεΤ^λω) I proclaim around, put in requisition. Τίε^ίοίγνίξω, (same and άγνίξω) I purify by throwing water round about. Τίεξίχγννμι, 'ττεζίά,γννμΛΐ, 'ττεξία,γνύω, (same and α,γννμι or ώγννω) I break round about, break in pieces, re-echo around. ΤΙεζίώγω, (same and ά,γω) I lead or car- ry about, go about, turn about. ϋΐξίαγωγη. A GREEK LEXICON. ΏζξίγξαφτΙ, ΤΙεξίΛγωγ'η, -ijg, ί], (from preced.) a lead- ing about, a being twned about. Ιίεξίχιςίτός, -'/?, -oV, (from next) that may be taken aiuay or removed, destructible. ΤΙίξίϋίρίζϋ, -ω, (τη^ϊ and αίξίω) I take away on all sides, take entirely away, cut off, demolish, remove. Τίίξΐχ'λγίω, (same and άλγίω) I exceed- ingly grieve. ΙΙβξίχλγγις, -ίος, ό, i], (from preced.) very grievous : very grieved. ΐΐΒξίΰίΤ^εΙφω, {ττεξί and οίΚείφω) I anoint all round, or all over. Τΐεοίοίλλόί, adv. (from next) above others, excellently, exceedingly, great. ΤΙί^ία,ΧΚος, -ου, 6, τ], (ττίζΐ and όίλλος) above others, excessive, distinguished, great,. Hs^ioi?.ov^y^g, -ίος, 6, τ}, (same and άλονξ- y/jg) deeply dyed with purple. ΐΙ&ζίίχ,μ.ΰίξτά,υύ), and 'ΤΓίξίχμχξτίζω, (same and ά,^^οίζτά,νω) I exjnate. TLi^ixf^ccPTiGi^og, -ου, ο, (from preced.) an expiation. ΤΙίξίοίΐΛ^όί, -acTog, το, (from ττεξίά-τττω) something bound round, an appendage, an amulet. ΐϊεζίοιμ.'ττί^ίύ, or 'ττζζίχμτιτισγ,^ί, (^ττεξί and άΐΛ'τΐίγ^ύί) I clothe or cover round, veil, dis- guise. Ι1ίξίΰί(Λννω, (same and ά/ίίύι/ω) I protect all round, secure. Τίεξίχτττα, (same and α,τ^τω) I bind round. Τΐίζίύζγΰξος, -ου, ο, τ], (same and όίογυ- qog) covered with silver. ίΐίζίοίξγυςόω, -ω, (from same) / cover loith silver. ΐΐίξίχξμόζω, or ττΐζίοίξμόττω, (ττεζΐ and άξ/ίίόζω, or -όττω) I fit or adjust round about, adapt, accommodate. ΐΐίξίΰίξτύύ^, (same and οίξτχω) I hang round about or on. ΤΙεζίάσίζ, -εως, ί], (from same and α,^ω) a warbling ov flourish of the voice. ΤΙεζίοιστξάτΓτω, (same and α,στζύτττω^ I shine like lightning round, lighten around. ΙΙεξίασχ,οΆεω, (same and ά,σγ/ίκΐο)) I oc- cupy or am occupied busily about. ύε^ιχυγεω, (same and ccOyL•)) I shine round. Ίίεξία,υγνις, -εος, 6, i], (from same and οί'ύγ'^) shining round, resplendent. ΤΙεζίβόί^η», (from next) mounted. ΤΙεζίβαίνω, {ττει^ϊ and βχίνω) I go round about, defend ; I place the feet asunder, bestride. ΙΙειηβά,ΧΚω, (same and βά,ΧΚω) I put or cast round, surround, gird, put about or on, clotJie, enclose, embrace, strive to en\brace, seize ; acquire, obtain ; seek to acquire. take 2)ossession of ; have a design, project ^ or intention. Τίεξίβχρ'ί^ζ, -ων, οΰ, (from same and /3a- ξύς) a sort of shoes or sandals worn by luomen. ΎΙεξίβίβζωσκ,ύ), (same and βφφσ-Λω) I eat all round. Τ1εςιβίό(ο, (same and βιόω) I live, survive; preserve in life. ΤΙεζίβΧετττος, -ου, ό, ί], (from next) con- spicuous, remarkable, illustrious, admira- ble. Π.εζφλί'π-ύ), (ττεξί and βΤ^εττω) I look round, admire. Ί1εζίβ\γ,μ>(Χ,, -ατός, το, (from -ττεζίβάλλω} raiment, a cloak. Ιίεξφλύζω, and 'ττε^ιβΤ^ύω, (ττεοΐ and βλύ- ζω) I spring up, pour out, or flow, round about. ΊΙεζίβό-ήτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and βοά,ω) celebrated, famous, infamous. Τίεξφόλαιον, -ου, το, and ττεζίβοΤ^νι, -ijg, vj, (from ττεξφύλλω) a covering, vesture, cloth- i72g. ΤΙεξφο?ιος, -ου, ο, (from same) any thing that surromids, walls, an enclosure. ΐΐε^φομφεω, (-rsgi and βομ,βέω) I hum or murmur round. Τίεξφόσκω, (same and βόσκω) I pasture cattle round ; mid. / consume around. ΤΙεζφξΰί)ζίόνίον, -ου, το, (from same and βξχχίωυ) a bracelet. ΙΙεξί'βξίμ,ω, or 'ττεξφξομεω, (same and βζεμω) 1 roar around. Τίεζίβοΰ'ής, -εος, ό, i], (from same and βζύω) abounding in bloom or fruit, verdant. Τίεξφξΰχιος, -a, -ou, (same and βξΰ)^ίος) roaring round. Τίεξφϋω, (same and βύω) I stuff round about. Τίεζίβωμ,ιον, -ου, το, (from same and βω- (Λος) the enclosure of an altar, an image. ΐίεζίγενγιτ'ϊκος, -vi, -oy,(from next) capable of overcoming. ΤΙεξΊγίγνο/ίίοα, ττεζίγίι/ομ,χι, {ττεζΐ and yl- uof^oii) I arrive, am present, survive, over- come. ΐΙεξίγΤ^οίγνίς, -εος, 6, '/], (from same and y'hά,yoς^ full of milk. ΙΙεΐ)ΐγ'Κ-/ιυά,ο[Λχι, (from same and y'hviUYi) I glance around. Τίεζ^/λϋφος, ό, i], το -ou, (from same and γ'Κύφω) carved round about. TIεζίyλωσσoς, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and γΤ^ωσσχ) very eloquent. Ilε(>ιy^Kωγ:,ες, -ων, χι, (same and y'huyfig) ears or spikes of corn. Tltζiyvά,fΛ7Γτω, (same and γνά./Λ'ΤΓτω) I bend round, sail round. TL•ζίyξccφ^, -7]ς, v), (same and yζoίφ'ή) 683 ΐίεξίγξάφω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ώίξίζυγά^ circumscriptiGn, circuitj delineation^ circum- ference. ΤΙίξίγζΰίφύ), (same and γξάψω) I circum- scribe, limit, define, delineate. ΐΐίξίγω^ίον, -ου, το, and ττεξ/γωι/ίσκος, -ου, 6, (from same and γωνίίχ^ a rule, angle. ΐίεξϊΐΰίΐω, (same and Ιαίω) I burn round about. Tli^i^svig, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and Ιίος) very timorous : 'ττί^ι^βως, very timidly. Πί^/δί/δίΰ, (same and δε/δ^) / am much afraid. TLzq^ihii'TtviQ, -ω, (same and '^ειτη/ίω) I celebrate a funeral feast. TlsQ'i'^siTruou, -ου, το, (same and ^il'Truou) a funeral feast. Hi^ihs^uo), (same and ^ίμ,ω) I build round. ΐΐζξΐ^ζ^ίου, -ου, το, (from next) an orna- mentfor the right hand, a bracelet. Ώ,ίξί^ίζ,ιος, -ου, 6, v}, {τηζϊ and Ssf/oV) veiy dextrous. Τίζζΐ^ίξΆΐον, or TTSQi^ippxiov, -ου, το, (from same and li^n) a collar. Πε^ίδίσ^ά, -οίτος, το, (from next) a ban- dage. ΐΐζξΐ^ίω, -ω, {'τη^ϊ and ^Ui) I bind about. Tli^i'hiho}(^i, (same and ^ιίωμ,ι) I give round about, give liberally, give a pledge ; mid. pledge myself, wager. Ίΐίξί^ϊνίω, (same and ^ινίω) I turn, whirl or roll round. Jli^ih'iuvig, -kog, c, rj, (from preced.) tiiimed or turning round. TLsQillunaig, -sag, ij, (from same) a turn- ing or ivhirling round. ΐίεξώίττλόω, -id, {'ΤΓβξΙ and ^ίττΤ^όω) I double round, fold up. ΤΙεξίΖίω, (same and Ιίω) I greatly fear. Τίβξί^ξχ.^ίς, -sag, vi, (from next) grasp- ing. ^ Ίίεξί^ζά,σσω, (ttsqi and ^ξάσσω) I grasp, ΙΙίζΐΙξίμω, (same and Ιξεμοή I run about or over. See τ^εχω, p. 74. ΤΙεζΤ^ομ.τι, -7}g, vj, (from preced.) a 7mn- ning round, a circuit, revolution. Hs^^qo^^og, -ου, 6, vi, (from same) run- ning round about, running about, that sur- rounds ; that is or may be surrounded, cir- cular, accessible : 7Γε^ί%ζoμog, -ου, 6, a cir- cumference, any thing that goes round; a corridor, portico, piazza ; a bottom cord for opening or closing a net; opp. to sTvih^of^og. ΐΙεζΤ^ζύοττω, (^-πεζΐ and ^ζϋτι^τω) I tear all round. ΐίεζί^ύο), or 'τ^ε^^ϋνω, (same and ^ύω) I strip off, divest, despoil, plunder. ΤΙεξ(είΙύ), (same and εΐ^ω) I look round about, survey, know concerning, surpass in knowledge ; also, / overlook, neglect, connive ■at, permit. 684 ΤΙε^ιειΤ^εω, -Zi (same and είλεω) I roll round, roll together. Ιίεξίείλτι/ίύοί, -enTog, το, (same and είλημα) a rolling round, a covering. 'n.s^tsi^,hog, and '7Γεξiεσ[Λεvog, p;part. pass. of 'π-εςίύνι/υ/ίίί. ΤΙεξίειμ'ί, (ττε^Ι and εΙ^^,Ι) I survive, re- main, remain over, abound; am superior, overcome, excel. ΐΙεζίεΐ[Λί, (same and εΓ/κ/) I go round about, go about ; I go round and come back to the place whence I set out, I return. Τίεζίείξγνύύ), and ττεζίείζ'/ω, see -ττε^ίεζγω. ΐίεζίίκ,τίκ,ός, -oj, -ou^ (from ττεξίεχω) capable of containing ivithin itself comprehensive^ general. ΤΙεξίελέίσις, -sag, τ;, (from next) a driving round ; a space for driving. Τίεζίελαύνω, f. -ε'Κα,σω, (^rggi and εΚΛυνω) I drive round aboid ; drive round, i. e. col- lect and drive away cattle ; drive round, i. e. circulate the bowl at a feast ; treat with violence, force. ΤΙεξίελεύύω, (same and εΧεύύω) I go about. Τίε^ιί'Κκ,ω, (same and έ'λκω) I drag rounds draw asunder. Τίεξί^νυμΊ, (same and ενι/υμι) I clothe myself, dress. ΤΙεξίέττω, and 'ττεξίεαττω, (same and ετί'ω or εστί-ω) I attend around, wait upon, follow, honour, defend, treat well or ill, behave to. Τίεξίεζγάζο^οίΐ, (same and εξγάζομοα) I am a busy body, am unnecessarily busy, in- dulge cunosity. Τ1εξΐέζγε{α, or '7rεξiεξy'ΐcι, -ocg, yj, (from next) cuinosity, a being over busy. TlεξsεQyog, -ου, ο, ί, (from ttsij} and εζγον) curious, impertinently middling, officious. Τίεξίίξγω, στεζίείζγω, and -τιτεζίείξγνύω, f. -|ώ>, (same and ε^γω) I enclose, draw a wall round. Π£^;£^'/ί<"? (same and ερρω) I wander about. TLsQis^xoy^a-t, (same and εξχο/ίύχί) I go about or round; circumvent, deceive; reach, fall upon. ΐίεζίεσύΐω, (same and εσύίω) I eat roimd, eat greedily. Uεξiεσκ.εμμε!/Cύg, (from 'ττε^ισκέτΐτομ,οίΐ) cii^- cumspectly. TLs^iiaxoiTog, -yj, -ov, {ρΐε(Α and sa^ocTog nearly the last; the very last. Τίεξίεχω, (same and 'i)cc>>} I contain, com- prehend, seize, possess, sui'rou7id, besiege, surpass, excel: 'πεξ^ιεγβμ,Λΐ, I hold with my hands thrown round, hold firmly, attach my- self to, defend, protect. ΐίεξίίω, (same and εω) Iput on, wrap round. Τίεξίζνγοί, -ων, τά,, (same and ζυγον^ harness for the necks of oxen or draught horses. ΙΙΐξΙζωμα, A GREEK LEXICON. TlsoiKSipoiXaia,, ΙΙί^ίζωμχ, -ecrog, το, (from next) a girdle, an outer garment, an apron. Τΐίξίξωνννω, or 'πίξιζό}yyυfΛι, (ττεξϊ and ζύ)!/>ύω or ζω^υυμι) I gird round or about. ΐ1ίζίζύ)στξχ, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a band, girdle, fillet, border. Tli^r/iy&oiioii, (ττίζϊ and viyioficci) I lead about to show or exhibit ; I describe. ϋίξΐΥΓ/'/ίς, -ίος, 6, VI, (from 9r£g/ayα,, -ατός, το, and τη^ΐΆΟίΛμ,ά,- Tiou, -ου, το, (from 'ττεξίκ,ό'τττύ)) something cut all round, beat or bruised to pieces, minced ; a hash. ΐΙίξΐ-Λομ,τϊίύ), -ω, (ττε^ί and κο^α-ττίω) I make a noise all round, boast every ivhere. ΤΙίζίκ,ο,αφος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and κ,ομ-ψός) exceedingly clean, nice, or elegant. Τΐβξΐκ.ο'ττ'-ή, -7}ς, vj, (from next) a cutting or clipping round aboid, midilation. ΤΙίξίκ.ό'ΤΓΤύ), (^-ττίξΐ and κότΓτω) I cut, beat, or bruise round, mutilate, ravage, reduce. UsQiKoaf/Au), -ω, (same and Koaf^m)! adorn all round. ΐΐίζίκζΐίνιος, -a,, -ou, (from same and KPcivlov) surrounding or covering the head. ΤίξζίΛξοίτξω, (same and κξατίω) I get the command of become master of all around, Πί^/κξάτίίί, -ίος, -ους, 6, 'ή, (from same) that hath obtained his desire or purpose, master of. ΐΐίζίκζ^ίμ,άω, {τπζΐ and K^sfcua) I hang round : '7τεξ7κ,()ίμ,όί/χοίί, (from ττεζίκζίμνι/ϋ,ί) J hang or am suspended round. 686 Τίίζΐ-Λζί^τις, -kog, 6, {}, (from preced.) hu7ig round. ΊΙίοίχ,ζϊΐμ,νος, -ou, (ttsqi and K^nfivog) craggy or steej) all round, very craggy or stee^i. Τίίζίκ,ο^ύτττω, (same and Άξΰτΐτο}) I hide round aboid, conceal, live in retirement. ΐΐίζίκτείυω, (same and κ,τΒίνω) I kill round. TLsQiKT'iTYig, -ου, 6, (same and κ,τίττις) a neighbour. Ιΐίζίκ,τ'ϊων, -ouog, 6, ^, (from same and κ,τίζύ)) dwelling round. Τίίξίκυκ.λόύ), -ώ>, (same and κνκλόω) I su?'- round on all sides. ΤΐΒξίκ,ύκ,Άω, (from preced.) about, round about. Τίεξίκ,νλΐω, {'ττίξΐ and κ,υλίω) I roll round. Τίεξ'ϊκ,ϋΐίύω!/, -oyog, 6, ij, (from same and Kv/a,cc) luashed all round by waves. Τίεξίκωμάξύ), (from same and KcoiAog) I revel about. Ιίεξϊκ,ωνεύ), (same and χ,ωνίω) I cover all round with pitch. ϋεζίλόίλεω, (same and λ«λ£ώ>) / speak alt round, talk to excess, prate. ΤΙίξ'ίλΰίμβοίι/ω, (same and Τ^οίμ,βάνύ)) I take round, embrace, surround, gird. ΐΙεξίΤ^ά.μ.'πω, (same and Τ^ά,μ,ττω) I shine round about. ΤΙεζίλίίττω, (same and λείττω) I leave; pass. / am left, I remain. ΐΙίξί'Κείχω, (same and Άείγ^ω) I lick round or all over. liifHT^i^tg, -iug, 5j, (from same and "κίγω) circumlocidion. ϋίξίλίττύ), (same and Τ^ίττω) I take off the TL£ξίλsσ)cί]l/sυτog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and 7\.ίσχνι) much talked about. Τίεξίλγιμμχ, -ccrog, το, (from ττε^/λοβ^/Βά- i/uj) an embi^ace. Πί^/λίτΓΐ??, -iog, 6, vj, (from -ττεξίλείττω) left over and above, remaining, Us^iTux^aa, ('Tigi and Τ^ιχμά,ω) I lick up round about. Τίεξίλοίττος, -ου, 6, i], (same and λοίττός) left, remaining. Τίεζίλούω, (same and 7\ούω) I luash all round. ΤΙζξί'Κΰ'ΤΓος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and Άυ'ΤΓΐη') exceedingly sorrowful. ΤΙεζ^ικϋω, (same and "κΰω) I loose all round, dissolve. Τίεξίμοίΐμ,ά,ω, or τεςίμΰίίμωω, (same and μοιίμύω) I seek round about. Ώ.εζ'ίμ.οίίΐ/ομΰίί, (same and μ,Λίνομοα) I rage around. TLεξιμ.όίung, 'ίος, 6, i}, (from preced.) out- rageous. Ώψμάχ/}Τύς. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙίξΙμύχγιτος, -o'j, (from next) to be con- tended for^ very desireable, pi^ecious. TlsQifiaxof^oii, {ττίξΐ and (Λάγβ^.α,ϊ) I fight around. UeQi/^susccluujj (same and f/.i'jicci'joj) I ear- nestly desire. ΐΙίζΐ{Λίυω, (same and f/Ava) I wait for, expect. Tli^if/.sarog, -o-j, (same and y.sar6;)full all round, quite full. TlsQiu€rQO!/, -ου, το, and ττίοΊΐίϊτζος, -ου, ο, (same and ι/Λτξον)α measure round, a going round, a circuit, a circumference. HifHyJiToog, -ου, ί, '/}, (from same) of great vieasure, immense ; of proper measure or size. ΤΙξξίμ,νιχ,ης, -sog, and ΊΤίζΐμ,^ιΚΐτος, -ου, 6, ij, (from '7Γ€ξϊ and μ.νιχ,ος) extremely long, tall, or high. TLso^a/y/i'/^xuuoinui, (same and μ,γ^γβΐ,Μά.ω') I lay snares for all round. JJsp'i^uUH.aofAeci, (same and (Λυκύο)) I roar around. UioiuetisTxa, (same and ναΐίτάω) I dwell round about. HioiuuiiT-fi;, -ου, ύ, (from preced.) one of those who dwell round about, a neighbour. ΙΙίζί'ΑφζΚος, -ov, (from i7i(A and νίφέλ' /j) clouded all round, completely overcast. TLsoiusu), (same and uicj, ι/ίύσω) I swim, float, OT flow round about ; (same and νίύ), ντισύ)) I heap around. Τ1ζρίΐ)ΐύ)ς, -ω, 6, v), (same and vsog, mug, Att. for j/fliD?) that is on board ship as a passenger or supernumerary. ΤΙίξίΐ/ί'ΤΓΤύ), (same and uItttcj) I wash all round, wash away. UsQrjl'jaojiicci, (same and 'jlaaof/.cci) I go about. T^i^tifoia, -ύ), (same and νοίω) I think all round, consider diligently. UsQii^omig, -sc-jg, tj, and ττίζίνοια, -ας, vi, (from preced.) thoughtfulness, consideration. Τΐίζί^οστίύ), (•τ£ζί and νοστίο)) I come round, return, wander up and down. Τίίζΐζ,, (from ■τίζ^Ι) round about. Tliftiharog, -v}, -6v, (from same and ξίω) polished all round, highly polished. Τΐίζί^υξύύ), or -ζυοίύ), -ω, (same and |y- ξύω) I shave round. ΐΐίζΐ^ΰο, (same and ζ^ύο)) I shave round. ΤΙίζίοοίΰω, (same and coivo)) I go or tra- vel round ; survey or study thoroughly. TLi^iohlKog, -ri, -ου, (from next) periodical. ΤΙζξίοΖος, -ου, 57, {ττεοί and ooog) a way round, a circuit. Γίξζίο/χΑω, -ω, (same and οΐκίω) I dwell round about. Τίζζίοικούομ,ίύ), -0), (same and οικοίομίω) I build rowid about. ϋίξίΤζ/ξύ), Τίϊζίοικος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and ο\κος) a neighbour. Τίεζίοίω, (same and οί'ω) see ττίζΐφίρω. ΤΙίξίοΤ^ίσθχίνύ), or -ττί^ιολισβίω, (same and όλισύαίνύή I slip or fall round about or on. Τΐίζίοιιυχ,ίξω, (same and όνυχ,ίζω) I cut my nails round. Tii^ioTTTiog, -a., -ov, (from next) tobe sur- veyed ; to be neglected. Τΐίζΐύτττομχί, ('?Γ£ζί and ο-τττομ,αι) I look round about, survey ; I overlook, neglect. ΤΙίςίοτΓτος, -ov, (from preced.) seen about, conspicuous. Τ1ίζ{0ζύύ), -ω, (^ττίξΐ and ο^άω) / look round. ΤΙεζίοζγίζομαι, (same and όξγίζω) I am angry about, am very angry, ΐίεξίοξγως, (from same and o^y^) vehe- mently. Τΐεοίοξίζω, f. -Ιίσω, (same and οζΐζω) I set boundaries i^ound, limit, define. Ue^iooiaig, -eag, τ], 7Τίθίοοισ[Λος, -ου, ο, (same and ooiay.og) a boundary, a definition. ΤΙίζίοξ^Λο, (same and o^yAa) I sailround to. ΤΙίξίοζμίζω, (same and όξ^^ίζω) I sail round into harbour. Τΐίξίοςύσσω, -ττω, (same and όξύσσω) I dig round. ΐίεζίουσϊά, -ocg, 7], (same and ουσία) wealth, substance, power, affluence. Τ1ζ()ΐουσιάζύ),{ϊγοΐί\ same) I possess wealth: ττίζίουσιάζο^Λαι, I acquire. Τΐ6ζίουσίασ/^ός, -ου, ό, (from preced.) aji acquisition, peculiar possession, wealth. ΐΐίζίουσιος, -ου, 6, vi, (from ττίζΐ and ουσία) acquired, peculiar, abundant, excellent. ΤΙεξίοχ'^, -iji, 7], (from τηζίοχα, perf. mid. of τΓίζΐίχύ^) a passage or portion ; a citadel, fortification, defence ; a circuit, summary. ΙΙεζ/τταβάω, (ttsqI and 'τταύίω) I am much affected by any emotion. ΤίεζίΊτόίΗς, -iog, 6, v), (from preced.) much affected by any emotion. ΤΙί(Η7Γατίω, -ω, {-rsoi and ττα,τίω) I walk, walk about ; hold philosophical discussions. Τΐ£ζΐ7ΐτάτγ,[Λα, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a walking about. Ώ.ίξί'ΤΓάτγισίς, sug, ^, (from same) a walk, ing about; a pliilosophical discussion held walking about. ΐΐίζίττατγιτ'ίκος, -'^, -ov, (from same) be- longing to, or inclined to walking about; peripatetic. ΐΙί(Η7Γατος, -ου, 6, (from same) a tvalking, j)lacefor lualking, a walk ; a discussion tuhilc walking. HiQiTTihivog, --/I, -ov, (ττίξΐ and '7noivQg)flat or plain all i^ound. Τίεοίτηίξω, (same and ττείςο)) I j^icrce or stab through on all sides or all over. G87 tls^iTs'ACf}. A GREEK LEXICON. Τίεξϊττίλω, ττεξίττίλομα-ι, contr. 'ττεζίττλο- μχί, (same and -ττΒλω) I am or go round abouty surpass, surround, prevail over ; re- volve. ΐΐζ^ί'ττζμ,'τττος, -ov, (from next) sent round. Τΐ5ξί•π-έμ,'7ϊω, {ττεξί and 'ττε^ττω) I send I'ound about. ΐΙξζίτΓίτττοίμοίΐ, and 'ττζξίττ&τοΐΛοίΐ, (same and 'Trirofixi) I fly round about, flutter about. ΤΙζζί'ττίτττω, (same and ττίτττύ)) I soften all round by boiling; soften, palliate; sea- son, saturate. ΊΙίζίτητά,ζύύ, (same and τητόίζω) I stretch all round, spread over, cover. Τίίζ^'τητΰΐστος, -Tj, -o>, (from preced.) stretched round, encompassed, embraced. ΤΙίξίττίτίία, -χς, 'ή, a fall, remarkable in- cident, change, reverse. From Τίζζίττζτνις, -ίος, 6, ν;, (from 'ττίξί'ΤΓίτΓτω) falling upon; fallen upon, changed, reversed, unfortunate. Τίεξίττίτω, (ττε^Ι and ττίτω) I fall into or among. Τίεξίτηνκνις, -ες, (from same and 'ττεύκ,τΐ) pitched round, poisoned, very bitter. Τίεξΐ7Γ7ΐγννμ{, Trsoi'yr'yjyu, (same and -r'^y ό, 71, (from same and ϋεζίτΐγικίζω, (from same and -rijAoV) / bedaub round, cover. Τίεξί'π-ί/ίίττξάα, and 'ττεξίττΙ/ίίττξίημί, (same and 'ττ/μ,τξάύ)) I burn round. Τίεξ'ί'ττίτττω, (same and ττίττύ)) I fall into or among, fall upon, meet with. ΤΙεζίτΓίτΆω, same as preced. ΤΙε^ίτΓΆάζω, and στεξίτ^-'λιχ.νάω, (ττεξί and 'ΤΓ'Κά,ζω or τΐ'Καυά,ω) I cause to wander about, cause to go astray ; mid. / wander about, go astray. ΐΙεξίΤΓλοίν^ς, -εος, ό, vj, (from preced.) wandering about. ΙΙεςίΤΓλάι/νισίς, -ει^^ζ, ^, (from same) a wan- dering about, a going astray. ΐΙει^ιτϊΤ^άσσω, (^ττεξί and 'ΤΐΤ^άσαω) I plaster round, model, fashion. ΐΙε^ιτ^Τ^εγΙτιν, (from next) folded round. Ώ.εζί'π-Άεκ,τοζ, -ou, (from next) twined round, entangled, intricate. ΐΙεξΤ'ττλεκ.ω, (τε^ί and τλεκ,ίύ) I plait round, roll round, i?nplicate, involve, ein- brace. ΤίεζΎττ'λεοζ, -ou, Attic 'Τΐ&ζίτιτΤ^εως, -ω, (same and Ίΐ'κέος) quite fidl. Τίεζ7'7τ'λενςος, -ov, (from same and 'π-λευξοί) about the sides. ΤΙεζίττΤ^.εύ), (same and 'πλέω) I sail about. Τίεζί'ττλτιύ'^ς, -ες, (from same and ττλΐ^βο;) very full. ΤίεξΎ'πλτίύύ), (same and 'ττ'Κ'ήύω) I fill quite fidl ; I am quite full. 688 17 Ίΐίζί'ττλίκ,τος, ττλ/σσώ) moving round. ΙΙεξΐτΓλοκ,τι, -τις, τ], (from 'πεζίττ'Κεκω) a wifiding round, intricacy, perplexity. ΤΙεξ7'7Γ7\οος, contr. 'ττεξίττΆονς, -ου, ό, τί, (•ττεξϊ and ττΆόος) sailing round ; that may be sailed round : πε^ιτΐλους, -ου, 6, a voyage round. ΤΙεξί'ΤΓΤίννω, (same and Ί^λΰνο)) I wash round. Τΐεςίτη/ευ^ίονίχ, -α,ς, ^, (from same and Ίΐυεϋμ.ων) an inflammation of the shin round the lungs. 'Ώ.ε(ίΐ7ί•νευ[/.οι>'ί}<,ος, -vi, -ov, (from preced.) belonging to or suffering from inflammation of the lungs. Τΐεςίττόθητος, -ou, (from ττεξί and στούίω) much desired ; very desirable. ΐΙεζί'ΤΓΟίεω, -ω, (same and -ττοιεω) I mahe^ round, acquire, gain, purchase ; preserve^ preserve in life ; save, deliver. ΠεξίττοΙγισίςτ -ίΟζ, Attic -εως, τ], (from pre- ced.) an acquiring, obtaining, gaining, pur- chasing, saving, preserving; an acquisitio7t, a pecidiar property. ΤΙεξίΤΓΟίκίλλύ), ('ττεξί and στοικ,Ιλλω) I variegate or embroider all round. ΤΙεξίττοίκ'ίλος, -η, -ov, (same and 'ποικίλος) variegated all round. ΤΙεξίτΓολά,ζω, I spread round. ΤΙεζϊτΓολεω, {'ττεξί and Ίτολεο}) I go round, keep guard, perform lustrations. Τίεξίττόλίχ, -αν, roc, (from same and ττό- λίς) neighbouring cities or towns ; rather places round cities, suburbs, villages, cantons. ΤΙεζί'ττόλίον, -ου, το, (from same) a guard- house. Τ1εξ{'7τόλίος, -λ, -ov, (from same) situated round a city. Πε^ίτολοί-, -ου, 6 and ^, (from same) one who goes round a city, one who reconnoitres, a patrole, guard ; a surveyor, a magistrate. Τίεξί'πόννίξος, -a,, -ov, {τΐε^ί and ποντίζος) very iviched. ΤΙεξίτΓοττττύξω, (same and 'ττο'ΤΓ'ττύζύ)) I wheedle, flatter. ΙΙε ξ ί'ττοζεύο fix I, (same and 'ττοξεύομοίΐ) I go t^ound, ti^avel about. Τίεξί'ττόζφνξον, -ου, το, (from same and ττοξφύξο.) a garment purple all round. ΤΙεξίττόξφνξος, -ov, (from same) clothed in purple ; hemmed round tuith picrple. ΤΙεξίττοτάομ,ΰα, {'^,εξί and τΐοτάο/χοΐί) I fly round. Ώ.εξΤ'π-ξοχνω, (same, 'ττζό and χυω) I pour forth all around, overflow. Τίεζί-πταίω, (same and 'πταίίω) I stumble upon. ΤΙεξίιττεξίχ,, -ων, r», (from next) sparks, masses of metal in the furnace ; pinions. Πζξί'^Γτεξος. A GREEK LEXICON. Τίεξί'τττεξος, -ου, ό, vi, (from -ττεξί and 'ttts- ^6u) winged round ; pillared round. ΙΙίζίτττίσσω, (same and τττισσύ)) I remove hulls or huslcs of harley, separate the chaff from the grain, winnow, sift. ΙΙίοί'τττνγμχ, -χτος, το, (from -ττξζίτττνσσω) something wrapt round, a covering. ΐΐίζίτττυζίς^ -ίος, '/}, (from next) a wrap- ping round. Ιΐξξίτττνσσω, (tsoI and 'τττΰασω) I wrap round, infold, embrace. TJi^iTTTi^c'^, •7]ς, 7], (from preced.) an em- bracing, a luinding round, a circuit. Ίΐίξί'τττνχ,'ής, -ίος, 6, i], (from same) wrap- ped round, folded round, enveloped. Ώ.ίζί'τττω^.α, -ατός, το, and 'ττίζίτττωσις, -ίως, 'ή, (from -ττεξίττίτττω) α fall, an accident. Τΐίζϊ'ττνστος, -ον, (from 'tts^I and Tireuuoj) well-known, celebrated. TLs^ippoihco, and ττίοιρρα,ντίξω, (from same and poiii/a, or ρχντίζω) I sprinkle round. ΐΐζζίρρα,ντ'ήοίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a small vessel or basin, a few inches in depth, of stone or brass, or the precious metals, (Herod. I. 51.) placed at the entrance of temples, for sprinkling the worshippers as they entered, similar to the vase for holy water in Roman Catholic places of wor- ship. ΪΙίζίβραι/τίσ/αος, -ου, ο, (from 9Γ£ζ< and ραντισίΛος) aspersion. ΐΙίΡίρρα,τΓίζω, (from same and ραττίζω) I beat about. Τΐε^ίρρίω, (from same and βίω^ I flow round. Τίεξίρργι'/ΐ'ύω, 'ττεξίρρ'/ιγνυμί, or 'ττεζίρρνισσω, (from same and pyjyuvf/.c, or ρ'ήσσω) I break round, tear round or off, strip off from around. ΙΙίοιρρ•/ιΙ'/ΐς, -εος, ο, tj, (from same and ρίω) falling, sliding, or bending down in any direction, weltering; ox flowing down, sprink- ling. UsQtppoiu, -ecg, 7), (from same) a flowing round. Τίεξίρροος, contr. -τηξίρβους, -ου, ο, ί], (from same) flowing round; flooded roiind. Τίίοίρρΰτος, -ου, 6, ^, (from στίζΐ and ρΰω) flowed about. Τίεζίρρωξ, -ωγος, ό, v], (from same and Ρ'ήσσω) abrupt all round. ΤΙεο'ίσοίίνύ), imperf. 'πεοίσσα,ινον, for ττεζίε- σοίΐυον, (same and σχίνω) I wag the tail around, faiun, flatter. Τΐεοίσάμος, Dor. for 7:ε()Ίσ•η(Λος, -ου, 6, {], (from same and στ^μ,α,) very conspticuous, distinguished, or renowned. Τίΐζίσά,ττω, f. -ί,ω, (same and σά,ττω) I stuff all round, stop up. ϊlεQ^σβίvuvfc^f or 'ρηξίσβενννω, (same and Ι1εξία•ζερχγ}ς. σβεννυίΛΐ) I extinguish all round : ττεοίσβεν- vOfioci, I am put out, dried up. ΤΙεξίσείω, (same and σείω) I shake all round. Τίεξίσεμνος, -ου, 6, τ], (same and σεμνός) very venerable, majestic, or stately. ΪΙεξ'ίσετττος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and σεβω) highly to be revered. ΐίεζίσημ,ος, see 'πτεξίσα,μος. ΤΙεξίσθεΆω, (from -ττεζΐ and σύει/ος) I am of supjerior strength, overpower. ΙΙεξίσβε^ής, -ίος, 6, <■/], (from preced.) very Τίεξίσίχλόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. 'τεςισεσιάλωκ», (fi'om ττεξί and σίχΆον, luhat is moved about, which from σείω) I do with various colours all round. Τίε^ισκεΤ^'ής, -ίος, 6, vi, (from same and σκέλος) very hard, obdurate, stubborn : -rg- ξΐσκελες, neut. with ί'Λυμ,οί understood, and 'ττεξίσκίτ,ίον, -ου, το, bandages for covering the thighs, breeches. Τίεζίσκελις, -ί^ος, τι, (from same) an orna- mental ring worn on the leg. ΤΙεξίσχεττ'ής, -εος, 6, vj, (from ττε^] and σκζ- ττόίζω) covered all round. Τίεξίσκετττομχί, (same and σκετττομχί) I look round, survey, examine carefully. ΤΙεοίσκετττος, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced.) conspicuous. ϋε^ισκεττω, (irsgi and σκί'τιτω) I cover all round, shade. ϋεξίσκιά,ζω, (same and σκιάζω) I over- shadow. Τίε^ισκι^τά,ω, (same and σκίξτά,ω) I jump about. Τίεζίσκοτΐίω, -ω, (same and σκοττεο)) Hook round, survey, observe. ΐίεξίσκνθίξω, (from same and Έκύβτις, a Scythian) after the Scythian manner 1 cut off the skin with the hair from the head. ΤΙεζίσκυτΙξω, (from same and σκότος) I excoriate. ΙΙεξίσ,ΐύΧζχγίω, (same and σμαξο^/ίω) I re-echo around. ΤΙεζίσοβίω, (same and σοβίω) I circulate rapidly round. Τΐεοίσοφίζορίχι, (same and σοφίζομ,Λΐ) I deceive by sophistry. Ώ.εξίσ'πτασμος, -ου, ό, (from next) distrac- tion. Τίεξίσττχω, -ω, (^ττε^Ι and σττάω) I draw different ways at the same time, distract with different cares and employments at the same time. ΤΙεξίσττείξάω, (same and σττείξάω) I coil round about. ΤΙεξίσττείξύ), (same and σττείζω) I soiu or scatter round. ϋεξίσττε^χγ,ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from next) driv- ing, urgent, overwhelmingy disastrous. > S G89 ΐΐίξΐΰιτζξχω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙζξΐϋυλάω. Τίεξίσ'ΤΓίξχω, (crsgi and σ'ττίξχω} I drive ahout^ drive, urge or press exceedingly ; I am alarmed or indignant at. ΙΙίξίστΓλχγχνος, -ov, o, % (from same and σ'π-'λύγχϋοι/) magnanimous. ΙΐΒξίσττόξίχ, -ωι/, τα, (from same and σ'ΤΓίΙςω, with Ιω/αοίτα understood) houses scattered round, suburbs. Τίΐξίσ'ττου^άζω, (same and σττου^άζω) I use the greatest diligence, take the greatest pains. ΐΙίξίσ'ΤΓου^αστος, -ov, (from preced.) eager- ly sought or pursued, diligently served by all around. Tls^iaasiix,, -ας, vj, (from -τΐίζ^ίσσίΰω) abun- dance, superfluity, increase, excellence. TLiQiaasv/icui, -ατός, το, (from next) abun- dance, exuberance, overflowing, someivhat re- maining over and above. ΙΙίξίσσίύω, f. -ίύσο, 1 Ά.Ιταζίσσίυσοί,,^ΐνοΐΆ next) / abound, am abundant, remain over and above, increase, am increased, have abundance of, cause to abound, am better, excel. ΤΙζξίσσος, and -π'εξίττος, -sj, -ou, (from ttsqI) remaining, abundant, exceeding, excellent, superfluous: ττίξίσσον, -ου, το, excellence, advantage, privilege: ντεξίσσως, abundantly, exceedingly. Τίεξίσσοτίξως, (from comparative of pre- ced.) moj'e abundantL•/, more earnestly. Ί1&ξΐσσοφζύ)ν, -όνος, 6, vj, (from 'ττεξίσσος and φξ'ίιν) exquisitely wise. Τίεξίστόί^ον, (from 'τπζΐ'ί'στημ,ι) standing round. ΤίζξΙστχσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, jj, (from same) a circumstance, chain of circumstances, ne- cessity, affliction. Τίίξίστοίτίκος, -vj, -ou, (from preced.) cir- cumstantial. ΊΙεξίστΰίνςόω, ('ττεξί and <7τΰΐνξόω} I fence round ivith a palisade. ϋίξίστεγω, (same and στίγω} I cover round. ϋίζίστείχω, (same and στίΐχύ)) I go round. Ή-ίξίστείωσ , poet, for 'ττεξίστίωσι, which Ion. for 'ττεζίστωσι, from 'ττεζίί'στιημ,ι. ΊΙζζίστεΚΚω, (xgg< and στέλλω) / send round, cover all over, adorn, dress ; lay out a corpse in state ; protect, enforce. Τίεξίστενύζω, f. -άζω, and 'ττεξίστεναιχίζω, f. -^σω, (same and στενάζω, or στενοίχίζω) I groan round about, bemoan; I resound all about. Τΐε^ίστενα, (same and στενοί) I groan round about, bemoan ; I stufl^ or cram round as in a place that is narrow. ΤΙίζίστεζΩΪ, -οίς, Vj, (from 'πετεσύα,ι στερρως, ■Hying impetuously, or ττε^ισσως εζο,ν, loving much, because it breeds often, and is re- 690 markable for attachment to its mate, or σιτε^ισσως τζίειν, trembling exceedingly, be- cause it is a very fearful bird) a dove, a pigeon. ΤΙεζίστεζβίον, and "ττεξίστεξίον, -ov, το, (from preced.) a young pigeon. Τ1εξίστεξοεί^7)ς, -εος, 6, 7}, (from same and εϊ'^ος} having the appearance of a dove. ΤΙεξίστεφόίνόύ), {-ττεξί and στεψανόω) I gird or encompass round, make a crown or circle round. Ίΐε^ιστεφτις, -^ος, 6, τ], (from next) croivn- ed round, surrounded. Τίεξίστέφά), (^ττεξϊ and στέψω) I crown around, encompass, cover. ΐ1εξίστ7]ύίον, -ου, το, (from same and στί?- ύος) a breast-plate. ΤΙεξίστιχ, -ων, τα,, (from same and εστία) lustrations of the place of assembly at Athens. Τίεζίστίΰίξχος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and οίξχω) one who offered the sacrifices of -re- ζίστιοί. ΤΙεξίστίζω, (ττεξί and στίζω) I mark, prick or puncture all round; stick up round about. ΤίεξΙστίκτος, -o!/,(from preced.) puncticred, marked, spotted, variegated round. ΤΙεξίστίλβω, ('ττεζΐ and στίλβω) I shine round. ΤΙεξίστΙχίζω, and τιτεζίστοίχίζω, (same and στοιχίζω) I throw round: -ττεί^ιστοιχίζο^Λΐ, I arrange round about, surround. Πί^/στολα^, -τις, ^, (from ττεξίστεΤΟκω) cloth- ing, dress, ornament. Τίεξίστό/ίίΐον, -ου, το, (from 'ττεξί and στό- μ,οί) a mouth, a round hole, an aperture. ΤΙεξίστονοίχίζω, same as ττεξίστενα,χίζο). ΤΙεξίστζΛτοττε^εΰω, and 'π-εξίστξατοττε'^εν- ofioti, {ττεξί and στζ^(χ,το7ΐ^ε^εύω) I pitch a camp round, besiege. ΤΙεξίστςεφω, (same and στξίφω) I timi round, whirl about. ΐίεξίστξοψ'ή, -νις, ^, (from preced.) a turn- ing round, conversion. Τίεξίστξοφος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same) turned round : ττεξίστξοφος, -ov, o, a cord for draw- ing together the neck of a net. ΤΙεξίστξω /xoc, -α,τος, το, (from next) tap- estry, tapestry hangings, a coverlet. Τίεξίστζωννυμ,ι, (ττί^ί and στζ^ωννυμί) I spread or cover round. ϋε^ίστ^ωφάω, same as ττεξίστξίφω ; ττεξί- στξωφάοιχοίί, I go round about. ϋεξίστυλον, -ου, το, and ττεξίστυΤ^ος, ό, tj, {ττεζϊ and στύΧος) a place surrounded with pillars, a peristyle. ΐίεζίστνφω, (same and στύφω) I dry up by an astringent, repress, stop. ΤΙεξίσυΧάω, (same and συλάω) I plunder on all sides, plunder completely. ΤΙίξΐβνξω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙίξίφεξεια, ΤΐΒξίσϋξω, (same and σύζω) I draw round, draw or pull asunder, strip off. Ί1ζζΐσφ»Κ^ς, -tog, 6, tj, (from same and σφάχκω) very slippery. ΤΙίξίσφίγγω, (same and σφίγγω) I bind round or together. 'Π.ίζΐσφ(}Λγίζο!ΛΛΐ, (same and σφζχγίζω) I am sealed or marked round. ΤΙεξίσφΰξίον, -ov, το, (from same and σφυ- Qou) a covering for the ankle, a harder. Τΐίξίσχίύ), ττΒξίσχίβω, and •r£^/ff%o^ci;,(same and σχίώ)! hold around, assist, protect, de- fend. ΐΙίξίσχΊζω, (same and σχίζω) I rend, tear or divide round, sever from. Τίε^ίσχισμός, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a split- ting. Τίξ(}ΐσγ,οίνίζω, f. -'ίσω, (from 'τηζϊ and σχοϊ- νος) I surround or enclose with a rope. Τΐ6ξίσύ)ξω, (same and σώζω) I save, make safe all round, protect. Τΐ£ξ{σωζ£ύω, (same and σωξίύω) I heap up round about, Τΐΐξίτχφξεύω, (same and τοιφξεύω) I sur- round with a ditch. Πε^/τέ/ι/ίϋ, (same and τβίνω) I stretch round, ΐΐζζίτίΐχ,ίζω, (same and ηιχ,ίζω) I wall round. ΤΙίξίΤίίχίσις, -£ως, ^, and ττεζίΠίχ,ίσΜ,ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a walling round, a fortifying.^ Ώ-ίζίτείχισμα, -χτος, το, (tcs^I and rei- χίσμοι.) a fortification all round, a circum- vallation, a fortified p)lace. ΐΐβξίτξίχος^ -ίος, -ους, ro, (same and τεί- χος) a wall round, a walled in place. ΙΙεζϊτελέω, (same and τελεοή I finish. Τίεζίίτελλομοΐί, (same and τελλω) I per- foj^m a circuit, I revolve. Ι1ίξ>ίτί^^νύ), ττί^ιτά,μνοί, or -ττεζίτμεω, (same and τεμ,ϋύ)) I cut round, circumcise ; cut short, abridge ; cut off, intercept. Circum- cision is considered, in Scripture, as signi- fying figuratively the mortification of sin, Deut. X. 16. Rom. ii. 2.9. Col. ii. 11. Rom. iv. 11. It is curious that the correspond- ing word to ττεξίτίμνω, in Lat. should be used by Cicero in a similar acceptation. " Sapiens solus, amputata circumcisa(juc inanitate onini et errore, naturai finibus contentus, sine ajgritudine possit, et sine metu vivere." De finibus I. 1 'λ. Τίίζίτίχνγισις, -ίως, vj, (from same and τεχνάύ)) great art, machinaiion, policy. ί1εξίΤ7}κω, (same and τ'•/]κω) I melt round, consume : ττεξίτ'ηκομχί, I melt away, dis- solve. Τϊεζίτ)ύϊ)μί, (same and τίύγιμ/) I put about or round; j^'^d upon, clothe luith, adorn ; lay upon, impute, attribute ίο. Ώ.εξ'ίτίΆλω, (same and τίλλω) I pluck round, strip off. Τίεξίτίω, (same and τίω) I honour highly. Τίεξίτομτ}, -vjii h, (from perf. mid. of ττε- ξίτέμι^ω) circumcision. ϋεζίτομος, -ov, (from same) cut all round, abrupt. ΤΙεξϊτοζεύω, {'ττεξϊ and τοξεύω) I shoot ar- rows round. ΙΙεζίτξά,νος, -ov, (same and τζοίνος) very distinct. ΤΙεξίτξοίχ'-ήΤ^ίον, -ου, το, (from same and τζά.χ•ηλος) a collar, an ornament for the neck. Τίεξίτξεττω, (same and τ^ε-ττω) I turn about, turn, drive, overturn. ΤΙεξίτξεφω, (same and τξίφω) I feed or nourish round. ΤίεζΤτξεχω, (same and τζίχω) I run about. ΤΙεξΤτζεω, ττεζίτζεσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. for ττε- ξίίτξεσοίν, (same and Τξίω) I fiee in all di- rections. ΤΙεςϊτξΙβίής, -εος, ό, v}, (from next) much rubbed, well exercised in, hardened. ΐΙεζί'τ^Ίβω, (ττεζΐ and τξίβω) I rub about. Τίεζίτζίμμόί, -ΰίτος, το, (from preced.) that which has been much rubbed ; a person well practised ; a crafty, litigious person. Τίεζί'τζομεω, (ττίξί and τξομ,εω) I tremble round. Τίεζί'τ^ο'ΤΓα,^'ην, (from next) by turning round, or turning away. ΐΙεξΤτξοττάω, or -εω, same as 'ττεξίτ^ε'π-ω. ΤΙεζΎτξοτΓ'^, -τις, v}, (from preced.) a turn• ing about, rotation. ΤΙεζίτξόχόίλος, -ov, and 'ττεζί'τξοχος, -ov, (from -ττεξί and τξεχω) running round, cir- cidar, round. ΐίεζί τ^ωγω,{sB.mQΐίnA τζωγω) I eat round. Πε^/ττοί, see 'χεο^ισσος, &c. Υί.ε(>^ιτυγχοίνω, (tts^; and τυγχάνω) I light upon, meet with, fall upon accidentally. Τίεζίτύμβιος, -ov, (from same and τύμ- βος) round or at a tomb. ΤΙεξίτυμ'ττα,νΙζω, (same and τυμ-ττχνίζω) I beat a drum round, stun, astound. ΤΙεξίυβξίζω, (same and υβρίζω) I greatly insidt, reproach or abuse. Τίεζΐφαίνομαι, (same and φαίνω) I appear to all round, am conspicuous, am clearly known. ΤΙεζίφάίναχ, -χς, tj, (from preced.) con- spicuousness, celebrity, splendour. Τΐεοΐφόίνης, -ες, and 'ττεζ'ίφαντος, -ov, (from same) appearing to all round, conspicuous, splendid : ττεζίφχνως, conspicuously, plainly. ΙΙεξίφεγγειχ, -χς, h, (from στε^Ι and φέγ- γος) brilliancy all round, effulgence. ΙΙ-εςΊφείοομαί, (same and φίΐοομα,ί) I spai'c. 11ί()ΐφί(>εια, -ας, v), (from next) a circum. 601 Tls^i A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙ^ξί-^ϋχ^ω, ference, a being carried round, a wandering, an insanity. Ι1ζζΐφ&ξνίς, 4ος, ο, if, (from next) carried round, circular; accompanying, attendant on. Τΐζξίφίξω, (ττε^ϊ and φίξω) I cany, bring, or bear about, drive about ; I disturb, dnve into errors, drive out of his mind. TLsQlCpsvya, (same and φίύγω) I escape, elude, avoid. ΤΙξζίφτ,ίγ^ς, -kg, 0, 7], (from next) burning vehemently, ardent, ϋίξίφλίγω, ('ττεξϊ and φλίγω) I burn all round, blaze about, totally consume. ΐ1.ζξΐφ'Κογισμ>6ζ, -ov, 6, (from same and φλογίζίο) a conflagration, burning. ΊΙίξίφλοίος, -ov, 6, 7}, (same and φλοιός) covered with bark. ΤΙίξίφ'Κϋω, or 'ττεζΤ'φλίύω, (same and φΆυω) I scorch or singe all round. ϋίξίφοβάο/^ίοΐί, (same and φοβίω) I am in great terror and flee, dread, shun. ΤΙίξϊφοβος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) very terrified: 'ττίξίφόβως, in great terror. ΙΙί^Ιφοφά,ω, {'τηξΐ and φοιβά.ω) I purify round about. Τίζ^ίφοζόί, -χς, yj, (from 'ττεζίφίςω) error, folly. Τίεζίφςχγμ,οί, -ατός, το, and 'ττεξίφζάκτίσ- μχ, (from 'ττεζίφξχσσω) a fence, wall, ram- part. Ώ.εζΎφζοίΙ'ίΐς, -εος, 6, τ], (from next) pru- dent, intelligent: -π-εξΤφ^ΰίΙίως, very care- fully. ΤίεξΤ'φξχζω, {ττεξί and φξάξω) I express by circumlocution: 'πεξίφ^άζομ,α,ι, I delibe- rate about, consider, examine. ΤΙεξίφζχκτος, ou, (from ττεξίφ^άσσω} en- closed, fenced round. ΤΙεοίφξόίσις, -εως, vj, (from 'ττεξίφξύζω) a periphrasis, circumlocution. ΤΙεξίφζύσσω, or -άττω, (ττεξϊ and φζά,σσω) I fence round, I guard, keep, ΤΙεξΓφξονίω, -ω, (from 'ττεζίφξων) I turn my mind every ivay, contemplate, inquire ; I think myself very wise in comparison of others, despise, contemn. ΐίεζίφ^όΐίγισις, '^ως, {], (from preced.) con- sideration ; contempt. ΤΙεξίφξύγω, or -φξύσσω, {ττεξί and φξύγω, or φξύσσω) I dry or parch up all round. 'Π.ε^φζωu, -όνος, 6, γ,, (from same and φζ'Αν) very prudent or wise. ΤΙεξίφΟσγΐτος, -ov, (from same and φυσάω) violently panting. ΤΙίξίφϋω, (same and φύω) I groiu round, make to adhere ; pass. / adhere to, embrace. ΤΙεξίφωνίω, (same and φωνεο)) I sound round, re-echo. Τίεξίφωτίξω, (same and φωτίζω) I en- lighten round about. 693 ΤΙεξίχαίνω, (same and χοι,ίνω) I gape wide, swallow. ΤΙεξίχαλχόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from same and χχλκός) I cover with brass. Τίεξίχχξχκ,οω, -ω, (same and )ζοίξΜχόω) I surround with a rampart. Τίεζίχ,χξύσσω, (same and χο^ςάσσω) I cir- cumscribe. ΙΙεξίχ,ίίξειοί, or 'ττεξίχοίξίχ, -ας, vj, (from next) great or excessive joy. 'Π.εξίχόί^'•ής, -εος, 6, ί], (from -ττερι and χαί- ξω) very Joyful. Τίεξίχείλόω, (same and χ,είλόω) I put a lip or rim round, encompass with. Τίεξίχείξα, -ων, toc, (from same and χει ζ) bracelets. ΤΙεξίχευμιΧ; -Λτος, το, (from next) that which has been poured round, a hoop, a ring. ΤΙεξίχεύω, and τεξίχίω, -ω, {-ττεξϊ and χίω) I pour round. ΤΙεξίχβών, -όνος, 6, vj, (same and χύων) round about the earth ; the land around, the neighbouring country. ΐίεζίχο^εύω, (same and χορεύω) I dance round. Τίεξίχξΐ/^τΓΤος, •ον, (from same and xqI^tt- τω) appi^oaching round ; loudly advancing. Τίεξίχξίω, (same and χζίω) I anoint all round. Τίεξίχξνσος, -ov, (same and χξυσός) gilded round, covered with gold. Τΐίξΐχζυσόω, -ω, (same and χξυσόω) I en- chase, surround or cover with gold. Τίεξίχύω, (same and χύω) I pour round. ΤΙεζίχωξίω, (same and χω^εω) I go or come round. ΤΙεζίχωξος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and χωζ») circumjacent, adjacent: 'ττεξίχωξος, -ου, 7i, viz.• yjj, a neighbouring, or rather, a cir- cumjacent country. Τίεξί-ψάω, (same and -ψάω) I wipe, scour, or scrape off all round. Τίεζί-ψτη/ίί,ΰί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) off- scouring, filth scoured off, applied by the heathen to those wretched men who were offered as expiatory sacrifices. See -ττεξίκά,- ύοίζμ,οί ; applied also to any who are con- sidered as abject and vile, Sym. Jer. xxii. 28. 1 Cor. iv. 13. ΙΙεξί-ψιλόω, {'ττε^ϊ and -ψιλόω) I make bare all round. Τίέξί-ψοφίω, (same and •>Ροφεω) I make a loud hollow noise round about. ΤΙεξί-ψόφ^σις, -εως, i], (from preced.) up- roar. ΤΙεζί-φυ^ις, -εο)ς, τ}, (from next) a cooling. ΤΙεξί-ψϋχω, (ττεξί and •ψΰχω) I embrace with affection, greatly love ; expose to cold around, cool. Π&9ΐ'•υδξω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ui ^ξψφης. Πίο/ωδΙώ), -ω, (from same and ώδ^) / charm hy incantations. ΤΙίξίωΙννΊά, -χ;, v], (from next) excessive pain of body or mind. Tl£ζiωlvuoςf -ov, (from ττίξϊ and o^vurj) suffering excessive pain. ΐΐβξίόϋύίω, (same and ώύίω} I push round about. Πί^/ώίίτί?, -ί^ς, 7]y (from same and «ψ) a place for viewing things round, an eminence. TLsQiojaiog, -on, (from 'ττεξίαμι) beyond measure, excessive, enoi^mous : -zs^imiou, and στίζίωσιοί, enormously, greatly; with a gen. beyond, above, surpassing, Τΐίξκά,ζω, f. -όίσύ), p. 'ττεττίζκχκ.α, (from "ττίζκος) I grow black, become ripe. Ιΐίξκγΐ, or 'τνίζκ,α,, and ττξ^κ,Ις, -βος, v}> (from next) a fish with black spots, a perch. TlsoKvo;, or 'ΤΓίζΆος, -η, -ou, black, marked with black spots, variegated. ΤΙζζνά,ω, τπζί/ά,σκω, or -ττίξ^/ι^^ί, (from tts- ζάω) I vend; transport, carry any where for sale : 'Τΐίζνά,μ,α,ι, I sell for myself ; I am carried away and sold. ϋζζονάω, (from next) I fasten with a clasp or buckle, I pierce. ΤΙεξόνγι, -nii and -τη^οΆς, •βος, v}, (from 'ττζίξύ)) the tongue of a buckle, a clasp or buckle for joining or fastening the different parts of a garment ; a linch-pin. TlsQO'jTJTi;, and Trs^ouriTpl;, -ί^οζ, τ]. Dor. τίζονχτζίζ, (from preced.) a robe worn by women, open at the sides, and fastened over the shoulders by clasps. Hi^TTifiivoy^cii, f. mid. -ζΰσοι/,Λΐ, (from next) / vaunt or boast myself. ΤΙίξ'ττεξΟζ, -ου, 6, τ], (from Lat. perperam, or obs. perperus) vain-glorious. The word denotes levity of mind, in the sense of vanity, emptiness, and a weak elation from slight accomplishments or external orna- ments, and a consequent neglect of others. Newcome on 1 Cor. xiii. 4. Τίίζσίτττο'Κίς, -εως, ο, vj, (from ττε^^ώ» and ττόλίς) a destroyer of cities. Τΐίξσίζύ), (from ΙΙίξσγις) I speak Persian, imitate the Persians, favour the Persians. ΐίεζσίκος, -i?^ -ou, (from same) of the Per- sians : ττεζσίκχϊ, -Zu, cci, a sort of slippers : "ττεζαίκοί, -ων, οί, and 'ττε^σικοί, τοί, peaches : /ϋΥίλίΰί ττεζσικ'ή, the lemon tree, and ^ijAoi/ ττεξσικου, the lemon : τά, ΙΊεζσικχ, a history of the Persians, the Persian war. ΤΙίξσίς, -εο)ς, vj, (from ττίζθω} destruction. ΤΙεξσις, -ΐίος, v), (from Ιϋι^σης) viz. yy, Persia ; viz. yvuYi, a Persian woman ; viz. X'Kcchei, a Persian cloak. ΤΙεζσίστΙ, (from same) after the Persian manner ; in the Persian language. Τίεξ(ίονο/ιιίομχί, (from same and ι/ε,αω) I am governed by Persians or by Persian Τίεξσονόμος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) riding Persians. Τίεξΰσι, (from 'π'εξχω) the past year, a year ago. Ιίεξυσίΰίς, -ου, and ττε^υσ^νος, -vj, -ou, (from preced.) of last year. ΐΐεσεεσθχι. Ion. for -ττεσεΐαύαι, from 'κίτΐτα. Τίεσ/ιμοί, -ccrog, and ττεσος, -εος, το, (from 'Τίί'πτω) a fall, an occurrence. ΙΙεσσείοί, or ττεττειχ, -ccg, tj, (from 'ττεσσος) the game of draughts or chess. ΐΐεσσεύω, or ττεττεύω, (from same) I play with στεσσοί ; I move backward andforwardy change. ΤΙεσσονομ,ίύ), f. --ήσω, (from next and vi^.cS) I play ivith ττεσσοί, I arrange, I decide rash- ly or blindly. ΐΐεσσος, or ττεττος, -ου, 6, a stone or other substance used for playing at draughts or chess : οί ττεσσοί, the game of draughts, the place where it is played. Τίεσσω, ^olic for 'ττετΐτο). ΤΙεσωυ, part. 2 a. of 'ττί'τΐτω. Ίίετά,, Nao\. for ^ετά. Τίετάζω, same as ττετά,ω. Τΐέτόίλον, poet. 7Γετ-η7\.ον, -ου, το, (from 'ττετάύή a leaf ΤΙέτχμχί, and 'ττετά,ο^/,οίί. See ττετομχι, and p. 73. ΤΙετάνι/υμι, and -τίετΛννύω, see ττετάω. ΤΙετχσμοί, -χτος, το, (from ττετάω) an ex- pansion, something spread out, a carpet, a curtain. ΤΙίτοίσος, -ου, 6, (from sarne) a covering for the head, like a broad brimmed hat, used on journeys. Τίετοίυζον, or ττέτευ^ον, -ου, το, (from next) a pole, perch, r cost, stage ; something stretch- ed out, a snare. ΥΙετά,ο), -ω, f. -ά,σω, (see p. 73) / open, expand, stretch out ; mid. I fly. Τίετείνόι/, -ου, το, (from οτέτο^βί/) a fowl. Τίετεινος, τΐετεεινος, 'ττετεηι/ός, ττετ-ηνός, -'/j, -6u, (from next) vAnged, flying, swift. Πετο^οίΛ See 'ττετοίω, and p. 73. Ώ.ε'τξα, -ας, τ}, a rock, a rock generally, though sometimes a stone, Hes. Theog. 675. Josh. V. 2. Sec ττέτζος. ΙΐετζαΊος, -χίοί, -cclou, (from preced.) of a rock, rocky, living on a rock, or among rocks. Ίίετζϊΐ^ον, (from same) of the nature of rock or stone, like stones. ϋετζ'/ίεις, -τιεσσχ, -ί)εν, (from same) rocky, stony. ύετξπρεφ'^ς, -εος, ό, i], (from same and (ζεφω) roofed or covered with rocks, craggy. G93 ΎΙίτξΥίξής, A GREEK LEXICON. ΧΙΥΐΧηίος, ΤΙζΤξίΐξΥίζ, -ζος, ο, V}, same as 'τητξ'ί^ζίς. Hir^iuog, -ium, -ινον, (from τιτίτζος) stony^ rocky. Τίίτξοβόλος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and βύλλω) a stone-thrower^ a sling. ΤΙί'τζορρΧφ'ίίς, -ίος, ο, vj, (from next and ρίτττω) thrown down from a rock. ni^r^o^, -ovy 6, (from 'ττίτ^χ') a large stone, a 'piece or fragment of a rock ; Peter. Homer uses it for a large stone, i. e. a piece or fragment of rock, but such as a strong man might throw, II. H', 270, βχ\ων μ,υ- λοεΜι ττίτξω' Comp. Matth. xvi. 18. with 1 Pet. ii. 4, 5.; and, of the former, the clause, β-ττι ταΰτνι τγ -τιτίτξχ, with John ii. 19, Tou uxov TovTouy and both with the ex- planation in V. 21, iKihog δί I'Asyg 'τη^ϊ του νοίου του σω[Λοίτος οίΰτου. Ήετξόά), f. -ωσω, (from same) / change into stone, petrify ; I stone. TisT^cohYig, -eog, -oυg, 6, yj, ro -eg, (from 'ΤΓίτξος) rocky, stony. Τίί'τζωμοί, -ccTog, ro, (from ττίτ^όω) a change into stone ; a stoning. Τΐίττίίχ, see ττίσσίίχ, &c. Τΐίτω, (see p. 73, 'ττίτττω) I fall. TlevUTJu, -^vog, 6, (from next) an inquirer. ΤΙίύβω, (see p. 70) / ask, inquire. UsvUii), -όος, vj, (from preced.) intelligence obtained by inquiry, tidings, news. TliVicoi7Ct[A,og, -ΎΙ, -ov, sharp, acute, intelli- gent. IIsyxsBai/oV, -vi, -ou, (from next) sharp, bitter, pungent, deadly. TLsOkyi, -r,g, τ], a pine tree, a fir tree ; a poisonous gym ; a tablet to write upon. ΙΙίυκΜ'ς, -'yjsaaa,, -'7}ev, and ττίύκ^ος, -ίι/γι, -ivov, (from preced.) made of pine ov fir. Τί£φιΙί]σετοίί, see φζί^ο^Λο,ι. Tlsφι^λΰCfcίuog, Dor. for 'ττΒφιΤ^τι/ίΐίϋος, perf. part. pass, of φιΤ^ίω. Τίίφνα,ίος, -oiicc, -u7ou, (from next) to be slain. Τίίφνύ), imp. ί'τηφυον, (for τηφίνω, a re- dupl. of φίνω) I tdterly slay. ΤΙίφξϊκω, I bristle ivith. Τΐβφυζότες, for ττίφυγότΒς, from φίύγω. ΐΐζφϋχ,ω, (from perf. of φύω) I grow. Tii\pig, -log, Attic -mg, ^, (from στίτττω) a boiling or baking, concoction, digestion. livi, liow, in what maimer, whither, where- fore f -TTTj /Lcev, here — ττγι δέ, there. Π)7, somehoiu, somewhere, in a manner: Ty\hi TTYi, in some such manner. ϋγίγά,ζο), f. -οίσο), (from στιηγν}) I sjmng, flow ; make to spring. Tl/iyulog, -xioc, -oiiov, (from preced.) of a fountain. U'/iyocuov, -ου, το, (from -Ίτνίγω) rue. ΙΙγιγά,ς, -oihoc, vi, (from same) a comj)act 694 mass, ground hardened after rain, water in the state of ice. Τίτιγόίσος, -ου, 6, (from 'τττηγά,ζω) the horse Pegasus, so called from having caused a fountain to spring on mount Helicon by a stroke of his hoof: ΊίΎΐγόίσιος, -a, -ou, of Pegasus. ΤΙτιγίσ'ίμΌίλΤ^ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from -χνιγω and ^ouO\og) that has a thick fleece. TlnysTog, -ου, ό, same as TrccysTog. Tinyvi, -yjg, vi, (from ττη^άω, because ττ-η^οί Ικ, yyjg) a fountain or spring. Tiviyf^cc, -oiTog, το, (from στνιγω) something compacted, fixed or heaped together, a heap ; a structure formed of several parts, a scaf- fold ; something coagulated, or that produces coagulation : a confirmation. Unyog, -ij, -6v, (from same) well formed, compact, massy, vast. TL^yvKig, -ihog, 6, v], (from next) cold, freezing, covered with hoar-frost : '7r^^ιyυ'κ\g, -i^og, Vi, hoar-frost, frost. TL'^yoj, τΓτιγνυω, and TiTjyvufAi, f. -f 7»δί, / leap, skip, dance, stream or gush out, H'^/jlnf^a, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a bound, jump, spring, dance. Hvjlmig, -sag, vj, (from same) palpitation. II'/jS/? Ti^oV, -% -ou, (from same)/m%. TIyi^ou, -ου, το, or ττ^^ος, -ου, ο, an oar. Τί'ήύύ), Ion. for irct&o), see ττύσχ,ω. Τίγικ,τνι, -7}g, Dor. 'τΐΛχ,τοί, -ot,g, 7], (trom •^jj^ToV) a cheese ; also, a bird-trap. TLyiKTig, -/δο?, ί], (from next) a lyre ; a shepherd! s pipe, composed of reeds joined together, — disparibus septem compactn cicutis Fistula. Virg. Eel. II. 36. Ilyj^ToV, -0?, -ου, (from '7r')]yω) composed of pieces joined together; compact, fastened, firm ; coagidated, fixed ; to be fixed or planted. Π'^λ£, for i'TTYiKs, 3 sing. 1 a. of ητά,ΚΚω. TVyiKiih/ig, -ου, 6, (from Π^ίλέύ^•) the son of Peleus, Achilles. Tlfihiiog, -doi, -iiov, (froq same) of or be- longing to Peleus. Jln7\.iiav, -covog, 6, the son of Peleus. Ti/i7i£dg, -sag, o, Peleus, son of jJEacus, husband of Thetis, father of Achilles. Uyj'hYHalrig, and Uyj^yi'ioio/ig, -ου, ο, poet, for TlYiT^e^ng. Υ1ϊΐλ7}ϊος, 'i'oiy -I'ou, poet, for U.Yi'hilog. ϋηΧτιξ, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙ/ζξίδίς. Τίνιλτιξ^ -νικος, 7}f a helmet. ϋ^λίίχ,φόνος, -ου, ij, (from ΤΙτηλΙχζ and φίι/ω) a slayer of Pelias. TlvpCiKog, -Yi, -ou, (from or'/j and νικίκος) of luhat size, how great. Υί'ήΧίνος, -ί>γι, 'iuoi/, (from '7τ/]'λό;) made of clay. ΤΙγιΚοβόίτ-ης, -ου, ό, (from same and βχίι/ύή 07ie that walks in mud. ΐΐηλόγονος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and y/- voicoii) produced from mud or clay. ΤΙγιΚο^όμ,ος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from same and 'hifAO)) that builds of viud or clay : 'ττγιλό^ο- (Λος, that is built of mud or clay. UtjMv, for IV'/jAo!/, 2 a. of ττά,λλω. ΐΙγι'Κο'τΐ'Κοίύος, -ου, 6, (from ττ-ηλός and ττλάσσω) a worker in clay, a potter. Ι1ϊΐλο7το/ίω, (from next and ττοιέω) I make of clay. ΙΙτηΚος, -ου, ο, mire, mud, clay. ΤΙϊΐλουζγός, -ου, 6, (from preced. and 1'^- yo!/) a worker in clay. ίΐηλοφοξέω, (from same and φoζL•) I carry clay or mortar. Τ1γι7\.όο}, f. -ωσύ), (from -ττ-^ιΚος) I turn into mud, cover with mud: iir-ffKOo^cci, I roll in mud. Π>;λώ)ύ>7$•, -εο?, ο, 'ή, (from same) muddy. ΐΙ'/}λύ)σίς, -εως, τ], (from tt-zi^ohj) a turning into, daubing with, or wallowing in, clay or 7nire. TLyif4,cc, -χτος, το, (from τττιύω) a cause of suffering, an injury, damage, calamity. ΤΙγι,ααΙι/ω, f. -ccuu, (from preced.) I injure ; I render injurious; I act injuriously or wickedly. ^"^Sl/jf^ow^, -Tjg, and '^■/ifAoauuvi, -ιης, v], (from preced.) an injury, an affliction; a reproach, an insult. ΤΙγίΆλο-ψ, -οττος, ό, a species of duck, probably, Anas Fenclcpe, Linn. TL'/ju^, -της, 71, yarn woimd on a sjnndle or bobbin, thread, a web, tapestry. ΤΙτηυΙζζβ), and ττ-ζινίζο^^οα. Dor. τταυίσοομ,οι,ί, (from preced.) / draw out the yarn, as in sjnnning or in iveaving. Ti.Yiv'iKu, (from ττγ νιout,sj)ring, gush forth. ΙΙιεζεω, and τηίζω, f. -έσω, p. ττεττίεκχ, p. pass, 'ττεττίεσμχι, I j^rcss, squeeze dotvn, afflict. ΙΙίείζος, -«, -ou, (from ττίων) fat, rich; corptdent, majestic. \lts(Huig, -ων, Oil, (from TliSQtu, a region C95 Ώίγΰύα, A GREEK LEXICON. Τίίνυΰΐς. ■of Thessaly^ the Muses supposed to in- habit the Pierian mountain. TLivjauoty Mo\. for 'ττίνις, 2 sing, 2 a. subj. from ττΐυω. ΤΙίύοίκ,ι/νι, -ης, ί], (from τιτίύος) a hogshead. HiuaKviouy -ου, το, (from preced.) a small cash. Hiuctuo'hoyloi, -οίς, τ], (from next and λό- γος) persuasive speech ; plausible discourse, calculated to persuade, but having no founda- tion in truth. ΤΙιύά,νός, -vj, -6u, (from 'π^ίύω) persuasive. Τΐί&οίΐ/ότιης, -τητος, ^, (from preced.) per- suasiveness, probabiliti/, speciousness. ΐΐιύανόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I ren- der probable. Τΐϊθίω, f. -νισω. Ion. -TriTridYiaa, 1 a. part. 'TTtUYiaecg, same as 'ττείύω. ΤΓιθγικ,ίζω, (from ττίύνικ,ος) I act like an ape, imitate, fawn, flatter. Ιΐίύιηκ,ισμός, -ov, 6, (from preced.) apish- ness, flattery. ΤΙ'ίύγικος, -ov, and ττίθη^, -ηκος, ό, (from 'ΤΓίίύω) an ape. ΐΐίύγικοφαγεα, (from preced. and φίίγω) I feed on apes. ΤΙ'ίθος, -ov, 6, (from ττίω) a cask, a large vessel for liquor. Ώ.Τ'κ,ξΰίίνω, f. -όίΐ/ω, 1 a. ίττίκξΰίΐ/χ, 1 a. pass. £7τίκξχυθ^!/, (from τηκξός) I imbitter, irritate, afflict ; pass. / am bitter, am angry. ΤΙίκζύίσμος, ov, 6, (from preced.) bitter- ness, irritation. ΤΙικξΙΰί, -χς, VI, (from τ^ικ^ος) bitterness, anger, distress. ΊΙικξΙς, -ί^ος, vi, (from same) some bitter herb with which the passover was to be eaten, as cichory or wild lettuce. ΊΤί'κ.ξό'/οίμος, -ov, 6, v], (from same and γάμος) married unhappily. ΤΟ'κ,ζόγλωσσος, -ov, ό, vj, (from same and γλωσσά) bitter -tongue d, malignant. ΤίΤ'κ.ζόκ,οίξ'ττος, -ov, (from next and κ,χζ- 'ττος) having bitter fruit. ΤΏ'κ,ξ^ος, -06, -6t/, bitter, cruel, malignant : 'τΓίκξΖς, bitterly, severely. Ί17κξ6τγις, -ητος, vj, (from preced.) bit- terness. ΤΙίλεος, -ov, 6, (from next) a cap or bon- net, the Rom. pileus. Τΐϊλίω, -ω, f. -ί]σύ), (from ττίλος) I make wool into felt ; J pile, crowd together, con- solidate. ϋίλησίζί-^ως, τ}, (from Tprecea.)compression. ΤΙϊλβιορ, and ττίλιον, -ov, το, and -τηλίσ- χ,ος, -ov, 0, (from ττίλος) a little hat. Ώ-ίλι/χω, and 'ττίλνημι, pass, 'τνίλνα.μοίΐ, (same as 'π-ίΚύζω) I bring near, bring to the ground, fell. ΊΤΐλος, -ov, 0, a7iy thing made of felt, a 696 covering for the head, a hat, caj) or bonnet made of wool consolidated or wrought into one piece. Τΐιλοφοξίκ,ος, -ov, 6, (from preced. and φίξω) wearing a turban. ΤΙίμΒλίομΰΐί, -Qv^oii,{iromnext) Igrowfat- Ή.ϊμελ'η, -^ς, ί], fatness. Ι1ιμίλ''^ς, -ίος, ό, νι, (from preced.) fat. ΤίιμίλωΙης, -εος, 6, ^, (from same) like fat, fat, corpulent. ΙΏμι, obsol. imperat. στΊθι, same as 'χΐνω. Τΐιμττλά,α, ττιμ'ΤΓλοίνω, and 'τΐίμ'Τΐλγιμί, f. 'πλνισω, (from 'Τΐλά,ω or ir^kcS) I fill, fulfil. Τίίμττζάύ), or 'π'ΐμττξγιμι, or ττξ^ύω, f. cr^oj- σω, p. ττίτΓζΎΐκοί, 1 a. ίττξγισχ, pres. pass. '^ίμττξΰίμΰα, and infin. στίμττξοίσύΰίΐ, (from ■ττζάω) I burn, inflame ; inflate, swell. ITiu, for σ^ΐναι, inf. of 'κίμι. ΊΤινά,κη^ορ, (from Trivoc^) like planks, like a tablet. Tiivooiihiov, or Ίτίυα,κιον, -ov, το, -τηνα,χΐς, -ί^ος, oj, and ττΐίι/όίκίσκ.ος, -ov, 6, (from same) a small board ; small or bad writing-tablet ; a small or bad picture ; a small pan, plate or dish. ΤΙ'ίι/όίκ,ο'ττάλγις, -ov, 6, (from next and 'ττα- Αίω) a seller of boards, or of birds carried about on a board for sale. Tliuoc,^, -οίκος, ό, (from 'ττΊνος) a board or plank properly made of pine ; a board or plank of wood, which the ancients used to smear with wax, and then write on it, a writing table or tablet ; a picture ; a large dish, a platter, a charger, in which meat is brought to table. Τΐίυύίζος, -ά., -ou. Ion. -ττα/γίξος, (from ττίνος) greasy, soiled, clotted, squalid. ΤΙίνάω, (from same) I am squalid. Tiluvoi, and 'τίίι/ννι, -νις, ^, a shellfish, the naker, the pearl muscle, Τίίυηνος, or τιτίνίνος, 6, τ], (with λΙβος understood, from preced.) made of shell or pearls. ΐΐιννοτ'ή^γις, -ov, 6, (from same and τη- ςίω) a small crab found in the shell of the Tciuua, and supposed to guard it. ΐΐιΐ/όξΐς, -ίσσα., -su, same as 'τιναξός. Tlluou, -ov, το, (from -π-ίνω) beer. Τίΐνος, -ov, 0, a pine-tree, a tablet of pine, a board, a writing tablet. ΤίΧνος, -ov, 6, squalidiiess, the rust on iron, the blue tinge on grapes, the downy appear- ance of a peach, the rust or mellowed soft- ness of antiquity which is so much admired inivorksof art. See Toup. on Longin. 30. ΤίΛνόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) I befoul, cover with grease and filth. ΤΙίνΰσις, -ίως, 'χινυτ'ή, -ΐ^ς, and τηνντ^ς, -Τίτος, 57, (from πΐΐννω) prudence, art, intelli- gence. TUvyrhg, A GREEK LEXICON. Υΐλαγίαυλοζ. ΙΐΊνΰτός, -07, -oV, (from next) prudent, wise, informed, advised, considerate. Tlivvco, f. -νσω, 3 sing, of 1 a. ί'ττίνυσσίν, for STriuvasy, Ion. 'ττίνύσκω, by sync, τΐνϋω, p. pass. 'ΐΐί'Τΐυϋμ.Λΐ, 2 sing. 'ττί'πνϋαΛί, 2 sing, plup. Ίίίτΐνϋσο, for «ί^τίττι/^σο, inf. 'πίτ^υΰσύαι, part. TTi'Truv/^ivog, I make luise or prudent ; pass. / awi ^fwe or prudent. Π/'2/ώ), (from 5r/iy, see p. 73) / drink, ΐΐί^ωσις, -tog, Attic -εω?, ^, (from Trhvoc) made of shell. Τΐίόΐ/ομος, -ου, ό, ^, (from •ttIcuu and νομ,νϊ) kavmg rick pastures. ΤΙΊος, -sog, ro, (from ττίωι/) fat. UiOTYig, --/iTog, 'ή, (from ^ecea.') fatness. ΤΙίΤΓίςϊς, -/δο?, ί], the pepper-bush, ϋιτίζύ), and ττίττίσκω, f. -τ/σ-ώί, (a redupl. of 'π-ίξο) from ττ/ώί) 7 give to drinh, water. TLiTTog, -ου, τ}, a young bird. ΠίτΓττίξω, f. -'ίσω, (from preced.) I cry nice young birds. ΤίΤ'τζζάσκω, f. 'ττξάσύ), p. ττίττξοίκχ, 1 f. pass. 'ττζζχ,θτ^σομ,Λΐ, p. pass. 'ττίττζχίΛΛί, p. part. 'TTS'^-^xfiiuog, 1 a. pass. e-Tr^adviu, 1 a. infin. 'ττςχθτίμαι, and part, 'ττξοιύύς, (from TT^ai/j, which contracted for ίτε^άω. See p. 71) Ζ'ίί'//. ΠΓτΓ^άω, f. -Ισίϋ, and -'^σώ;, 1 a. pass. Ιττζ'/ισύγιι/, p. pass. ττίτΓζτισμΌίΐ, (a later form of 7Γΐ[Λ7ΐ:ζά,ύ)) I burn. UItttoj, (See p. 73) 7 /a//. ΙΙϊττω, -oog, τ], a species of wood-pecker ; a sea-bird. Tltalii/og, -n, -ou, (from next) of peas. Tliaou, -ου, το, also ττίσος, or ττίσσος, -ου, ό, 2Jeas. TI7aog, -eog, το, (from ττίω) a marsh, a meadoiu. ΤΙίσσΰΐ, or 'χΊττοί, -rig, tj, (from 7Γίτυg} pitch. See under uσφccλτog. Jliaa'/ifj/jg, -sog, ό, ij, (from preced.) of pitch, pitchy. ΤΙίσσΊνος, or 'τΐίττΊvog, -v?, -ou, (from same) jyltchy. ΪΙισαόύ), or ττιττόο), f. -ό)σύ), (from same) 7 cover with pitch, apply pitch to any part of the body to take off the hair. ΙΙισσωτγις, or '7rιττωτ■/ιg, -ου, 6, (from same) one who torments another with scald- ing pilch. Τίίστίυμ,όί, -οίτος, το, (from next) aplcdge. ΤΙιστίύω, f. -ίΰσω, p. 'τηπΊστίυκοί, p. part. '7re'7r^στeυκ,ωg, -υΙοί, -6g, pluperf. ίττίτηστεύ- KSiv, Attic τΓί'τηατίύκζιν, 1 a. act. Ιττίστκυσοί, 1 a. imperat. ττ/στέΐ/σοι/, -ύτο), 1 a. part. τΓίστίΰσα,ς, 1 f. pass. 'Τΐΐστίυύ'ήσοίΛοίΐ, p. pass. τΓί'κΙστίυ^Αοίΐ, 1 a. pass, ίτηστίύύγιν, (from τΓίστις) I believe, trust, have confidence in ; pass. 7 am intrusted. ϋίστΊκος, -^, -6u, (either from ^-ίω) and signifies drinkable liquid ; (or from -ττίστις) and signifies, that may be trusted, genuine, unadulterated, pure. ΤΙίστίος, -ου, ο, (from next) an epithet of Jupiter as the patron of fidelity. 'Π.ίστϊg, -log, Attic -£νιτίς, -ιίος, v}, (from same) a female wanderer. ΊΙλΛΡΥιτος, -Yj, -ov, (from same) ivander- ing ; causing to wander ; liable to wander : τα, 'ΤίΤ^α,νητά,, the planets. ΤΐΚόίνος, 0, ίί, το -ou, (from 'ττλάνγι) wan- dering, causing to wander, deceiving, deceit- fid, seducing ; (as a subst.) a vagrant, an impostor. ΐΐκόίνοστ^φνίς, -εος, ό, v], (from preced. and στύβο}) trod by a vagrant, luandered over. ΤΙ'Κοίνύσσω, or -ττω, (from ητΤ^Άνάω) I wander. 698 Πλί5^|, -όίχός, V], (from "π-Άοίτύς) a tablet, a table or slab of stone, apphed to the heart, 2 Cor. iii. 3. a flat space, a plain. ΤΙλύσις, -£ο)ς, ^, (from 'π-λάσσοή formation, moidd, flgure, representation, fiction. ΙΐΆύσμόί, -οίτος, το, (from perf pass, of •τί-λάσσώ)) something formed or fashioned, an imitation, representation ; something feigned, affected, or dissembled. Τίλχσμιζτίοίς, -ov, ό, (from preced.) viz. λόγος, that has been invented or feigned, one who composes fictions. ΤΙλΰίσμχτωΙ-ης, -£ος, ό, v), (from %2ua\e) fic- titious. Τΐλάσσύ), or -άττω, f. 'ττλοίσω, p. σή'πλα,κ,οί, 1 a. εττΤίΰίσα, 1 f. pass, 'ττλασύ^ισομοίί, 1 a. pass. Ιτΐλάσύγιν, p. pass. 'πί'ττλοίσμ,Λΐ, 1 a. mid. ί'ττλασάμ,γιν, I form, fashion, model as a statuary, or as a potter j I feign, in- vent. ΐΐλά,στγις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a former, modeller, sculptor, statuary. ΐίλχστιγζ, -ίγγος, vj, (from τΓλοίτύς^ a broad plate, the tongue or needle of a balance, the beam of a balance, a yoke, a thong or collar, a whip, a machine for playing at κ,ότ- τοίβος. Τΐλΰίστίκος, -oj, -ov, (from -πλάσσω) having the power to give form, plasticl• : στλαστικ'^, -τις, 71, viz. τίχ,ν'ή, the art of mahing images in clay or plaster. ΤΙλοίστός, -ij, -ov, (from same) formed, fashioned, artificial, artful, 2 Pet. ii. 3. sup- posititious. Ίΐλοίτοίγξω, (from ττλοι,τύσσω) I make a noise by the collision of two bodies, clap the hands, rattle. ΐΐλα,τά,γτι, -ν^ς, vi, (from preced.) a rat- tling, clapping ; a rattle, clapper. Τΐλά,τοί'/•/ΐ[Λοί, -ατός, το, (from same) a clap. ΤΙλατοίγων, -ωνος, 6 and ^, (from same) a clapper. ΐΐλοίτόίγωνιον, -ov, το, (from preced.) a small clapper, a poppy-bell. ΤΙλοιτχνίστα,ς, -ov, 6, (from 'ττλΛτά.ν ιστός) a place shaded by plane trees. ΐΐκατοινίστίο), (from next) / bear or am shaded with plane trees. ΐΐλόίτόίν ιστός, or ττλοίτα,νος, -ου, vj, (from 'πλατύς) a ph^ne tree ; Lat. platanus. ΤΙλατανω^Ύΐς, -εος, 6, vi, (from preced.) of the nature of or like the plane tree ; abound- ing in plane trees. Τίλχτάσσω, (from 'πλάττ}) I make a noise as by the collision of two bodies, I clap or clatter. Τίλατείοί, -ας, τι, (from πλατύς, with ο^ό; or χωζ^α understood) a broad or oj)en pL•ce, a broad street ; the forum, see αγοςά. UXciTs/bv. A GREEK LEXICON. UXsovszTtji IlKcx,TiiQu^ or 'ttT^o.tiouj -ου, το, (from same) a table or tablet. Πλάτίο,ϋίί/, -ovy.u,i, (from same) / am made broad or flat like an oar. Π.?.όίτγ}, -'/ις,'ή, (from same) the bi'oadov flat part of an oar, an oar ; one of the broad ribs. HhciTig, -ihog, τ}, (from 'π-έ'λά.ζω, according to some ; according to others from ττΤ^ύσ- σύ), being formed for the man, βοτιύός ομ,οίος οίύτω, Gen. ii. 20.) a wife. ΤΐΑΰίτοζ, -£ος, -ονς, ro, (from 'πΤ^α,τυς) breadth. Τίτ^ΰίτνάζα, (from same) I speak broadly. ΤΐΆόίτυγίξω, (from next) / roiu, splash ivith the oar, flounce, bluster, clap luith a 'TTAccTuyauiou. ΤΙλάτν/ζ, -νγγος, τ}, same as ττλάτ»?. Ώ.'Κόίτΰλίσχ-/]ς, -ου, ο, (from 'ττλχτύζ and '^ίσχ,-η) α very loquacious jyerson. Τίλχτϋνω, f. 'ΰνω, p. 'ττζττ'^ά,τυγκ,οί, 1 a. ί'π■\άτυucf,, 1 a. pass. Ιχλατι^ν^/ΐν, p. pass. '!7ζ'7ΐ'κά,τυ^μ,α,ι, (from ττ'Κα,τύ;) I make broad, ividen, enlarge: pass. / am dilated, en- larged; mid. I extend myself , boast. ΤΙλόίτΰττους, -ο^ος, ο, tj, (from same and 'ρτου;) having broad feet. Τΐλύίτύβροος, -001/, contr. ιτΤ^οίτύρρους, -ου, 6, 7], (from next and ρίω) having a bi'oad stream. ΤΙλΰίτνς, -iicc, -ύ, broad, ivide, flat, level. ΐΙΤ^ατυσμ,ος,-ου,ό, (from '7r7^ot,r6uo))breadth, enlargement, deliverance, joy ; boasting. Υί'Κα.τυτίΟ)/, (from same) must luiden. ΤΙλόίτΰφυλλος, -ov, (from -π-λχτύς and φΰλΤ^ον) broad-leaved. Ι1λιζτύ\1/υχο;, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and ■ψυχ'^) of wide sold, insatiable. ΙΙλύω, or ττλίω, or ττλ'^,κ/, (See p. GO) IfiU. ^ Ι1\ά.ω, contr. for ΐΓζκά,ω. ΐΐλίχζ, poet, for Tir^eou»;, and this for TTTiSioucc;, from ττλίΐωι/. TLxiy/iicc, -ccTo;, το, (from perf. pass, of πΆίκω) a being plaited or braided, a jjlaiting or braiding ; a net, toil. Ι1λέύζία7ος, -xict, -cc7ou, (from ttas'^^o) of the extent of a plethron. ΙΐΆίθ(>ιον, -ου, το, (from next) a place in the gymnasium allotted for the umpires. Ιΐλέ^ζον, -ου, το, a measure of a hundred feet, the sixth part of a stadium ; a space containing ten thousand square jcel. ΤΙλίίόίς, -άίος, ^, (from ■κ'Κίύ), I sail, be- canse useful to sailors) plcias, a constella• tion, the pleiades. Ιΐλίΐμοί, -Λτος, το, same as ττΤ^'ίήμ.οί. ΙΙλ6?ν, Attic for 'jrT^ftov, or -τλίο^, Ion. •τλίΐ/ί/, more. ΙΐΆίΐόϋως, same as 'ττΤ^ύων. Τϊλίίος, -f/oe, -elov, for 'ττλίος Τίλίίους, Attic for στλίωνες, and TrMiovug, nom. and ace. pi. of TrT^sloyj. ΐΙ'Κίίστόίκι, and 'ττΤ^ξίστοίκ,ις, (from τιτ'Κίϊσ- τος) most frequently, very frequently. Τΐλίίσττίζτ,ς, -sog, 6, 7], (irom same) future, very distant. Τίτ^ίΐστγιζίύζω, (from same) I estimate at the highest or at an excessively high value. Τΐ7ί$ίστ'/ΐζΙξο/χχί, (from same) / vaunt my- self, boast ; I increase. ΐΐλείστό/ίίβξοτος, -ou, (from next and βξοτος) frequented by a very great number. ΤΙλεΙστος, -η, -ou, (superlative of 'ττολύς) most, greatest, very much. Ώχύω, poet, for ττΤ^εω, I sail; Atf. contr. for 7τ7κίίονοί, ace. sing, and nom. and ace. pi. neut. of next : τά. ττλί/ώ), for the most part. ΤΐΆείωυ, -ουος, 6, τ}, το ττλείοι/, and 'ττ'λίον, (comp. of 'ττλίος, but assigned to ττολύς) more, greater : oi ττΤ^είονες, the greater num- ber, also, the dead; for τίΤ^ίονες, and τΐ'κίονΰί, Ion. Ίΐ'Κευυες, τΐ'Κίυνοί,. ΐΐλεκος, -εος, το, (from 'π-λίκ.ω) α basket. Τΐλεκόω, (from same) / copulate. Τΐλεκ,τοίν/ι, -νις, τ], (from same) a volume, a fold, a wreath^alons, net ; intricacy, per- plexity. ΏΧεκτος, -τι, -ov, (from next) plaited, twisted, woven. Τΐλεκ,ω, f. -|ώ>, p. 'π'επ'Κεγ,οι,, p. pass, 'πε- 'ΤΓ'Κεγρ,οιι, 1 a. pass. ε'7Γ'λίχ;ύγΐ!/, p. mid. 'ττί- τγΤ^οκχ, ι plait, knit, weave, twine, entangle. ΤΙΤκεον, same as 'τΐΤ^εΙου, and ττ'Κεόνως, more. Τΐλεονόίζώ, f. -όίσω,. 1 a. εττλεόνχσα, (from ττλεωι/) I abound or increase, cause to abound or increase; 1 am more, am redundant or in excess; carry to excess, push loo far, make an immoderate use of ; act in an assuming, overbearing, or arrogant manner ; have the advantage over one ; magnify, exaggerate. ΤΙλεο>ΰίκ/ς, (from same) oftener, many times. Τ1λεόνχσ/ϋχ, -ατός, το, (from ττΤ^εονχζω) an ovei^lus, redundancy. Τΐλεοιιοίσμός, -ου, ό, (from same) super- abundance, overplus, usury ; a pleonasm. ΙΙλεοί/χστός, -J?, -ou, (from same) abound- ing, increasing, supcj-abundant. ΙΙΤ^εονά,γ,ως, (from same) in more ways, in many ways. ΪΙλεοΐ/εκτεω, -ω, (from <7Γλέοι/ and ιίχ,ύ)) I have more than others, have the advantage of ; desire to have more than others, make a gain or prey of, defraud, get the better of, overreach. 11'ΚεοΆκτ'ήμ,α,, -ατός, το, (irom preccd.) advantage, superiority ; means or tflect of obtaining advantage, gain. ΙΙ'ΜοΑκτΥις, -ου, 6, (from same) dcsiiuus 61)9 Ti7^on%ri7iog, A GREEK LEXICON. Ίίλτιξόω, of having more than his due, covetous^ avar- icious, exorbitantly addicted to carnal desires, a lewd, lascivious libertine, Eph. v. 5. ΉΧίονζκτίκ,ος, -% -6v, (from same) addicted to avarice, desirous of having the advantage: ττλζΟϋίκ,τικ,ως, greedily, overreaching. Tlhsove^toC; -ccg, v), (from 'TrT^kou and 1 f. of 'ΐχω) the state of having more, the desire of having more, covetousness, extortion, 2 Cor. ix. 5.; inordinate lust, Eph. iv. 19. eig k^yu,- oiciu ά.κοίβοίξσί(Χ,ς ττά,σνις \v -π-λεοι/ίζιαί, " to the committing of all uncleanness, even beyond the bounds of natural desires." Τίλέος, -cc, -Qu, (from "ττΤ^ίω^ full. Ίΐλεύμων, -ouog, o, Ion. for '^τυζύμ,ων. Υί7\.ζύυύ)ς, Ion. for ττΆεόνως. Τίλενξά, -α,ς, vj, and ττ'Κίυ^ον, -ου, το, (from ττίλύ) and ενζύς) the side of the human body. Τΐλευξίτίζ, -tlog, vj, (from preced.) a dis- ease of the side, pleurisy. ΤΓΑευζοκ,ο'ΤΓέω, (from same and χό'π-τω) I cut the sides, lash. ΤΙλίω, Att. for ace. sing. ττΆείονα, and nom. ace. and voc. pi. neut. of τλε/ώ^ί/. H^liy, f. -y]aci), 1 fill. ΙΙλ£ί«, f. 'Τΐ'Κίϋσω, p. 'ττίττ'Κζυκ,οί, p. mid. ΊΐεΊτΎ^οοί, I sail, swim ; fluctuate, am in doubt. ΧΙλΙώίν, the same as 'ττΤ^είων. ΊΙλίως, neut. 'π-λίωι/, Att. for ττλίος, 7:7^iou. ΤΙΚηγνι, -^ς, 7], (from perf. mid. of ^τλ^σσώ)) a stroke, bloiv, stripe, wound ; a plague, ca- lamity, affliction. See under ^ί^ω. XlA^y^ee, -(χ,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of same) a blow. XlA^jyiy, 7r7\.viy^^,i, same as 'ττ'Κνισσω. Ti'hijdog, -£ος, -ους, το, (from xAoj^ij) a midtitude : το ττλΐίύος, the populace. ΙΙΚτηύυντ'ίκ,ος, -τ}, -6u, (from next) that midtiplies or increases ; plural: -ττίνηθυντι• κως, in the plural number. ΤΙΚτηθϋ^ω, f. -vuco, p. τρεττ'Κ'ήύυ'/κ,οί, 1 a. STTTi'/iuvux, 1 a. pass. k'TrT^.yiuvuunv, p. pass. •τπ'Τΐ'Κ'^^υίΛμ.ΰίΐ, (from same) / multiply, in- crease, augment, abound, swell. ΐίληύύς, -νος, τ}, same as -τΓΆί^ύος. ΤΐΆτιβω, f. "TrT^vjaa, p. 'τή'πΤ^.Ύίκχ, 1 a. ίττΤ^νι- σοί, 1 a. pass. εττΆτιαύην, p. pass. TriTrXyja/iion, (from ττΑοίω or -π-λίω, I fill) I fill, fulfil, am full. Τΐλγιύάξα, -ας, or Ion. -ττΤ^Υίύάξτη, -της, «j, (from preced.) fulness, repletion, plethora. TlT^viioig, same as 'τΐ'Καά,ς. ΤΙΤ^τικτνις, -ου, 6, (from ττ'Κνισσύ)) vehement, impetuous, quarrelsome ; a striker, a reviler, one who by reproachful and upbraiding language wounds the conscience of his bre- thren. ΤΙλνικτιξομοα, (from Tpreced.) I fight, wres- tle tvith, play the wanton. 700 Τίλτιχτίκ,ος, -»?, -6v, (from preced.) capable of striking or quarrelling; of confounding or intoxicating. ϋλίικ,τξον, -ου, το. Dor. 'ττΤίόίκ,τξον, (from same) an iiistrument for striking, a plec- trum or quill for striking the lyre, a fiddle- stick, a bolt, a long pole for sounding the depth of shallow waters. ΊΙΚτιμ,χ, -ατός, το, see 'π'Κτίσμ,ίΧ,. TThvif^yi, or '7Γ7\.7]ΐΛμ,η, -ης, 71, see 'Tfhviaf^n, ϋ'Κτιμ,ι, same as 7:\ίω, I fill. ΊΙΚτίμ,ι, (from 'κ\ά,ω, contr. fot itiha,a) I bring near : 'π'κτίμ,οιι, I approach. TD\.y}jic^e?5|ί«^ί/ρ«, and 'ττΤ'.Υΐμ,ΰζοί, or <χ7^τημ^υξίχ, -οίς, and 'π-λϊίμυξίς, -ί^ος, ν;, (from -π-λτιμ-η and μύξα) the flow of the sea, full tide, a flood, an inundation or overflow. ΤΙλνιμμυξίω, or -ττλιημυξέω, -ω, (from pre- ced.) / rage, boil, overfioiu, am full. ΐΙ'Κ'ήμϋτή, -τις, V}, (from τιτΆτιύω) the nave of a wheel, the hole in which the axle is put, also, the projecting pari of the nave. Τίλτημοχότι, -Υΐς, vj, (from 'πΤ^νιμγι and χεω) an earthen vessel for wine, used in the last day of the Eleusinian mysteries. IlAijv, (from ττλεον) besides, excej)t, more- over, but, yet, nevertheless. Τ1λ7}ξΐ7Γ'7τος, -ου, 6, (from crAjjffffo» and 'ίτττΓος) that strikes or spurs hoi^ses, a tamer of horses, an accomplished rider, the epithet 0Ϊ an illustnoiis chief. Τΐλο^ζίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, ^, (from στΤ^'ησσω) a striking, a stroke. ΐΙ'Κ'^ξτης, -εος, -ους, 6, vj, το -ες, (from ΐΐ'Κΰω) full, abundant, entire, complete. Ιΐλγίξοφοζείϋ, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ττετΓΤ^ιηξοφόξΥΐκίΧ,, 1 a. ίττλνίξοφόξϊΐσοι, 1 a. imperat. ττλγίξοφό- ζγίσο!/, 1 a. pass. εττΆγίξοφοξνι^Υΐ'^, 1 a. pass. part, ττλγίξοφοξγιύεις, p. pass, 'π-ε'τϊλγίξοφόξγι- μοίΐ, (from preced. and φοζέω) Ifidfil, make full, supply ; pass. / am fully persuaded, have fxdl confidence. Τίλνίξοφοξίΰί, -α,ς, ij, (from preced.) full infiuence or force, full persuasion, convic- tion, assurance. ΙΙλΥΐζόω, -ω, f. -ό}σω, p. τΓί-ττλ'^ξωκχ, 1 a Πλ^^ίο,ο A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙλοΌΤΒω. ίττΤι.^ξωσχ, 1 a. pass, ε'ττ'λγιοωύϊΐν, p. pass, tts- '7Γ7\.νΐξωμ,α,ι^ (from 'ττΤ^ίηξΥΐς) I filly fulfil, ac- covipUsh, comphte. Tl7^7}^co^ct, -χτος, TO, (from preeed.) a fulness or being full, somewhat put in to fill up, a compleme7it, complete number, comple- tion, abundance, perfection. ΤΙΚτίζωσις, -ως, Attic -ίως, '/], (from same) the same, also, the act of filling up or com- pleting. Τ1λ-/ΐζίύτ'•ής, -ου, 6, (from same) one ιυΐιο renders full or complete, a contributor for making up any requisite sum. Τίλ/ισίάζύ}, f. -άσο), (from 'ττ'ΚγισΊος) I ap- proach, converse with, associate with. ΤΐΆγίσίΆΐτίξος, ττλησιαίτόίτοζ, comp. and super. Attic of ττΤ^γισίος. 11λϊ]σιχσ(ΛΟς, -ου, 6, (from ττΤ^γισιόίζύ)) ap- proaching, frequenting, familiar acquain- tance, carnal communication. Τίλτισίον, (from next) ?iear : ο 'Tsr'hYioiou, a neighbour. ΙΙλησίος, -ct, -ov, (from ττίλβί?) near, next, contiguous, neighbouring. ϋλίίσιόχωξος, -ov, 6, vj, (from preeed. and χω^ος) neighbouring, a neighbour. ΐΙ'ΚΎΐσΊοτιος, -ου, 6, ij, (from 'ττ'Κ'ήύω and ίστίον) filling the sails. TlhTja^oi, -ΰίτος, το, (from ττΆ'ήύω^ that which fills or satisfies, coition, conception. ΙΙ\'/ΐσ(Λη, 7Γλ'<5^>7, and π'Κνιμ,^Ύΐ, -Ύΐς, tj, (from same) the flow of the tide, a flood- tide. Τίλτισμίος, -χ, -ov, (from same) ajd to produce satiety, cloying. Πλ)9σ^οί/'/5, -vig, v), (from perf. pass, of same) a repletion, satisfying, satiety. ΙΐΆνίσσω, or -ττύ), f. -^o), p. ττί'ΤΓΤ^νιγ,χ, 1 a. gVAz/lse, 2 a. eVAvjyoy, and 'ΐτ,Άχγον, 2 a. pass. Βττλ'/ιγγιν, and iTrActyyjy, p. pass, tts- 'ΤΓ'λ-ηγμχί, -ζχί, -ktx{, p. mid. ττέττλιηγχ, I smite, strike, wound, slay. ΐΙ'Κίνθίΐχ, -χς, vi, (from ττλίνύος) a making of bricks or tiles ; a drawing up of troops in a square. TLT^tvuiiou, -ου, TO, (from preeed.) a small brick, also, a making of bricks, or a place where Ihey are made, a brick-kiln. ΐίλινύίύύ), f. -evaoj, (from ^τλΐνύος) I make bricks, I make like a brick. HMuU'ix, same as ■x'hivhix. IVhivQ'iou, same as 'ττ'Κιυθύον, also, any square body, an army drawn up in that form. Tl7\tuulg, -ϊδοί, V], (dim. from next) a brick or tile. Ιίλίνύος, -ου, 7], a brick, a tile; a plinth, in architecture, that member, resembling a square tile, which serves as a foundation to the base of a pillar. ΤΙΤιίνύουςγίω, (from preeed. and SQyou) I make bricks. Τΐλίνβουξγίχ, -χς, τ], (from same) a mak- ing of bricks. Τΐλϋ/ύουξγος, -ου, ο, (from same) a brick- maker, or a brick-layer. Τΐλίΐ/όοψοξίω, (from ττλ/ι/^ο? and φίζω) I carry bricks. Τίλίΐ/ύόω, f. -ωσύ), (from ττΆιι/όος) I make into blocks ; make of a square form like bricks ; build with hicks. Π.Αίνύυφ'ης, -ίος, 6, ij, (from same and ύφχ'ινω) constructed of bricks. Ίΐλίνβωτος, -5?,-oi/, (from 'ΤΐΤ^.ινύόω) formed like a brick, oblong, square. Ή.'Κίσσω, f. -ί^ω, and 'ττΤκίσσομ,χι, I stride, step or walk forward, go at a round pace, stand ivith the feet asunder, or one before the other. ΐί\οίχζΐον, -ου, το, (from ττλοΐον) a little ship. ΐΐτ,οί'ζω, and τίτΤ^οιζοίΛχι, (from next) / sail, traffic. Πλο7οζ/, -ου, το, (from perf. mid. of ττλεώ;) a ship, a bark, a trading vessel ; a fishing vessel. In the accounts of our Saviour's voyages in the lake of Gennesareth, we generally have ttJ^oIov with the article, Matth. viii. 23. and xiii. 2. because a par- ticular vessel is specified, which was kept for the use of Jesus and his disciples, Mark iii. 9. and which belonged to Simon, Luke V. 3. In all accounts, indeed, of voyages, the same definite mode of expression na- turally takes place, because the fact of being at sea implies a particular ship in which the voyage is made, Acts xx. 13. Τί'Κοκχμ,Ις, -βος, V), and ττΤ^όκχμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from 777^.ίκύ)) braided or curled hair, a tress, a curled lock; a twisted rope: 'ττ'κόκχ^Λον, -ου, το, a halter. Πλοκί), -νις, 71, (from same) a braiding, twisting or 2}laiting ; Exod. xxviii. 14. ϊζ- yov 7Γλοκ,ΐ]ς, wo7'k of twisting or wreathcn work; an insidious discourse, artifice, deceit. llhoKiov, -ου, TO, (from preeed.) plaited or curled hair ; a fillet or ribband for tying the hair. ϊΐλόκιος, -X, -ou, (from same) plaited, artfully woven, deceitfid. ΐΐΆοκος, -ov, 6, same as 'κ^όχ.χμ,ος. Τίλόος, -ους, gen. -όου, -ου, ο, also 'ττλους, 'ττλοός, (from τ^'Κίω) sailing, α voyage. ΙΐΆουΙοκχω, (from preeed. and '^οχ,χω) I wait for fair weather for sailing. ΤΐΆουθΰγιίίΐχ, -χς, v\, (from ττΜυτος ami Cyiiix) the jwsscssion of riches and health. ΥΐΆοΰσιος, -Ix, -lou, (from ττλουτος) rich : τΐ'Κουσίως, richly. ΙΙλοντέω, -ω, f. --ήσω, p. ττί'πΜϋττήκχ, 1 a. 701 Πλουτίζω» A GREEK LEXICON. Τίνξυματί'/ίος. ΐ-π-Τίούτγισ», (from same) / am or grow rich, am bountiful, abound in. Τίλουτίζω, f. '"ίσω, p. 'ττί'ΤΓΤ^ούτιχοι, 1 a. εττλούτίσχ, 1 a. pass. ΙττΤ^ουτίσθγιν, (from same) I make rich, enrich. TiT^ovriuhnu, (from same) according to one's wealth. Τΐλοντογχύ'^ς, or -^Aoyroy'/j^iji, ~ίος, 6, τ], (from same and γγιύίω) rejoicing in one's wealth. Πλο^τοδοτ'/?^, -ηζος, and ντλουτο^όττις, -ου, 6, and ττΤ^ουτο^ότίΐξίχ,, -etf, ^,(from same and δ/δώί^κ;) a giver of riches. Τΐλουτοκ,ξοίτίχ, -ocg, ij, (from same and κξοίτίω) a government by the rich. ΐΙ'Κοντο'Τϊτοιος, -cv, c, τ], and τιτλουτνίξος, -οί, -Ο!/, (from next and ττοιΐω) that makes rich, lucrative, pertaining to wealth. ΐΙ'Κουτος, -ου, 6, (perhaps from •πο'κύς and 'ίτος, because collected from many years, or ivill suf^ce for many years, Luke xii. 19.) riches, wealth, abundance, felicity. Τΐλουτοφόζος, -ου, ό, ί], (from preced. and φίξύ)) bringing wealth. Τΐλουτόχύων, -ουος, ο, ij, (from same and χ^ωυ) the .rich earth. Τίλύύτωυ, -ωυος, ό, (from •π-'λουτος) Pluto, the god of riches, riches, the infernal re- gions. Ίΐ7\οχμ.ος, -ου, ο, by sync, for 'ττΆοκαμος. ΤΙλόω, Ion. τΓλωω, -ττΆω^:, (another form of 'ττλίω) I sail, float. TllKocSh'fiq, -εος, ό, vj, (from στ'κόος) like a person sailing, floating in uncertahity, un- steady. ΊλΙκυίΛΛ, -ατός, το, (from τίΤ^ύνω) water in which something has been washed. ΙΙλυνίύς, -ίως, 6, same as -πΑυντ^ήζ, or -τιτΤ^ύ- τγις, (from same) one who washes clothes. ΤΙλΰνος, -ου, ό, (from same) a cistern, tub or tank in which foul clothes are washed, a wash: 'ττΤ^υυό^ Tiroisiu τινά,, to make a wash of one, to abuse, scold, or reproach him. ΐΙΧυντ^ΐί, -νίξος, 6, same as ην'Κυυίϋς. ΤίΎ,υντΫι^ιος, -cf, -ov, (from next) of or be- longing to washing: ΊτΤ^υντνίζ^ίοι, -ωυ, τά,, a festival of Minerva at which her statue ivas ivashed. Υί'Κϋυω, f. 'πΤ^υνω, p. 'τΐί'π'ΚυγκΛ, 1 a. ί'π'ΚϋνΛ, 1 a. imperat. ΐΐ'Κυνου, -ά,τω, 1 f. pass. ττΤ^υύνισοίΛοα, p. pass. 'πί'π'Κυμ.α,ι, I wet or soak in water, wash, properly garments, especially linen garments, Ps. li. 2, 7. Rev. vii. 14. Ίΐκΰσις, -ιος, Attic -ζως, ^, (from preced.) a washing. ΤΙΤκύτνις, -ου, 6, same as 'ττΤ^υνζΰς. Τί'Κωαίς, -ά,^ος, {], (from -τΓλάω) that sails, swims or floats. ΤΙ'λωΐζω, and 'π-'λωί'ζο/Λαι, same as τε'Κωω. 702 ΤΙΤ,όύίμ,ος, and 'π'Κωσί^ος, (from ητ'Κωω) na- vigable. Πλώ^τ)^^, -^^ος, 6, (from same) a mariner. ΤίΚωτΙκος, -vi, -ou, (from same) employed in or qualified for sailing. ΤΙλωτός, -sj, -oV, (from next) navigable, that is canned in a ship, that sails. Πλώΐώί, f. -ωσω, and 'ττ'Κωίω, (another form of 'ΤΓλίίύ) I sail, swim, float. ΤΙνΒυμόί, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of •τΓνίω) a blast, breath, wind ; a spiiHt, the principle of animal life, Eccles. iii. 19, 21. ' the human soul. Rev. xi. 11. comp. with Gen. ii. 7. 1 Cor. ii. 11. and distinguished from -ψυχνί, 1 Thess. v. 23. Heb. iv. 12. See also Mat. xxvi. 41. Acts vii. 59. Heb. xii. 23. 1 Pet. iii. 18., applied to the hu- man soul of Christ, Mat. xxvii. 50. Luke xxiii. 46. John xiii. 21. and xix. 30.; a tem- per or disposition of soid, Luke ix. 55. Rom. viii. 15. and xi. 8. 1 Cor. ii. 12. and iv. 21. 1 Pet.-iii. 4.; the new or holy nature which God giveth to his people, Ezek. xi. 19. and xxxvi. 26. John iii. 6.; a good spirit. Acts xxiii. 9. Heb. i. 7? 14. with Ps. civ. 4.; an evil spirit, Mat. viii. 16. Luke ix. 39. and x. 20. and with appropriate epithets. Mat. x. 1 and xii. 43. Mark ix. 25. Luke vii. 21. viii. 2. xiii. 11, 21.; α spiritual substance or being, Luke xxiv. 39. John iv. 24. Acts xxiii. 8.; the Holy Spirit, whose agency is described in Scripture by that of the wind in the natural world, (see John iii. 8. xx. 22. Acts ii. 4) either absolutely, Mat. iv. 1. Mark i. 10. Acts xi. 28. xxi. 4. or with epithets, Holy Spirit, Mat. i. 18,20. iii. 11. xii. 32. xxviii. 19. 2 Cor. xiii. 13. and often elsewhere, Etej^nal Spirit, Heb. ix. 14. Spirit of God, Gen. i. 2. vi. 3. Mat. iii. 16. 1 Cor." ii. 10, 11, 14. iii. 16. vi. 19. Spirit of the Lord, Isa. Ixi. 1. Acts v. 9. Spirit of Christ, Rom. viii. 9. Gal. iv. 6. Phil. i. 19. comp. John xv. 2Q. xvi. 7. Acts ii. 33. Spirit of adoption, Rom. viii. 15. comp. Gal. iv. 4—7. 2 Tim. i. 7. Spirit of grace, Heb. X. 29. comp. Heb. ii. 3, 4. vi. 4, 5. Rom. xii. 6. 1 Cor. xii. 11. Spirit of tridh, John xiv. 17. xvi. 13. Spirit of promise, Eph. i. 13.; Acts xix. 2. αλλ' ovhi, si ΙΙνίυμοί oiyiou ίστι, 7]κούσαμ£ν, " but we have not so much as heard whether the Holy Ghost be," i. e. be yet given or sent upon the disciples of Christ. Comp, a parallel expression, John vii. 39. and the correct supplement in that passage of our translators ; ττνίυμ,α. is also used as the appellation of a teacher pre- tending to divine inspiration, whether truly or falsely, 1 John iv. 1, 2, 3, 6. 1 Tim. iv. 1. Rev. xvi. 13. liuivfcxTUog, -^, -6y, (from preced.) be- ΤΙνευιΐΜτοφοξζομαι, A GREEK LEXICON. longing to breath, respiration or iui7id, spir- itual, belonging to a spirit, or to the spirit, endowed with gifts of the spirit, 1 Cor. xii. 1. xiv. 1, &c. or with graces of the spirit, Eph. i. 3. Col. i. 9.: ττνίυμ,α,τικως, spiritually. Τίνίνμχτοφοξίομαι, -όυ^α,ι, (^from same and φοξέω) I am driven bu the wind. ΐlvίυfΛccroφό(Joς, -ov, 6, (from same) driven by the wind, moved by the spirit, Hos. ix. 7• comp. 2Pet. i. 21. Τίνίν,αοίτύω, f. -ωσω, (from '7rusu,u,cc) I change into wind, inflate. Tluiv^otTuaic, -εως, ')}, (from preced.) in- flation. ΤΙ'^ίυμονί», -ας, τ], ^from next) a disease of the lungs. TlvsuiiiCuu, -o'jog, 6, (from ttusv/^ocJ tbat v,ith which we breathe, the lungs. Τΐι/ενστίάω, (from next) I pant. ΐΙ•Αύ), f. ττνίϋσω, ρ, 7:ί•7ΤΐαυΛΛ, 1 a. 'iTrusvax, p. pass, "ττϊττνίυμχι, p. mid. iri'Tuotx,, I blow, breathe, piijf with pinde or rage. Uvr/svg, -ίύ}ς, 6, (from ττνίγύ)) any thing that confines or shids up, as an oven or Jciln which confines heat, a cover for extinguishing afire, a machine in which air is confined, a muzzle for horses or other animals. Ylnyrioog, -oi, -ou, (from same) stifling, strangling, suffocating, narrow. TLniy/iiui, -χτος, το, and Truiyy^o;, •<λ>, 6, (from same) suffocation. Τίνίγος, -ίος, το, (from next) strangula- tion, suffocation, sultry heat. ΐΐι/ϊγύ), f. -I^j, imperf. 'inrviyoy, p. ττίιτνίγ,Λ, 1 a. ίττνι'^Λ, 2 a. iTrvr/ou, imperf. pass, εττ- viyoy.rii/, -ου, -sro, p. pass, 'ττίττνιγμ,α.ι, -ζαι, -κτχί, 2 a. pass. Ιττνίγγ,ν, 2 f. pass, 'jrviy^ao- μ,ιχ,ι, (from TTvo'/ii- oiyo), I break or interrupt the breath) I choke, suffocate, drown, take by the throat, so as almost to strangle, twist another's neck bchi^id him, as merciless cre- ditors used to do by their debtors, when they dragged them before the magistrates, Mat. xviii. 28. ΥΙυι-ζωύτ,ς, 'ίος, ό, ί], same as iryiy/inog. ΙΙι/ικτός, -71, -ov, (from 3 sing. perf. pass, of TTyiyo)) suffocated, strangkd. Acts xv. 20, 25). xxi. 25. HuQ'/i, poet. TTuoi^ -^ς, ^,(from perf. mid. of -TTuia) a luind, blast of wind, breath ; a breach through wliich the loind jnight blow, Nch. vi. \.•, a sound, the voice. lluvKjTrig, -ov, o, (from next) with ο^μ,ος understood, the people that frequent the TTuu^ ; one of that assembly. ll'jv^, -υκος, i}, (from στυκνος) the Pnyx, a place near the citadel at Athens where assemblies of the people were held ; an assembly of Athenian cUizejis. ΤΙοδίΰττίξ. ΤΙννω, f. -νσα, the only tense used in Hom. is perf. pass, ττέττνυ/ϋχί, part, ttstw- fiiuog, (from ^■Άω') I breathe^, live, make to breathe ; also, / make wise, fill with ge- nius and intelligence ; hence in pass. / am full of ivit and intelligence. Hod, poet. 'TToU, 'χς. Ion. 'ττοΐη, -ης, τ}, (from -τάώ») an herb, grass. Ποδ«/3^ον, -ου, ο, (from Ίτόυς and «/3goV) having delicate feet. Ποδα7^£ί, -α,ς, vi, (from same and oLy^ct) a snare for catching by the feet, a trap ; gout properly in the feet. Τίο^αίγξάύ), or τΓο^χγξίάύ), -ω, (from pre- ced.) I am affected luith gout. υοΐαγξος, -oi, -6u, (from same) gouty. ΤΙοΙιζλγΥις, -ίος, 6, vj, (from 'η-ους and uK- γίω) having pains in the feet, gouty. TLooscviTrTQQs/, -ου, το, (from same and νίττ- τοΐ) water for ivashing the feet, a laver, a foot-bath. ΤΙο^Λ'πος, -vi, -ov, (from 'που and δά-τ^δον) of ivhat country ? Τίο^!Χ-(ΐγος, -ου, 6, 9], (from τ^ους and άξγός) swift-footed. ΤίοΙά,^κτις, -εος, 6, τι, (from same and άξ- κύω) having strong or swift feet. ΤΙο^ίνούτος, -01/, (from same and ένίνω) put on the feet. ΤΙο^ίων, -ωνος, 6, (from ττους) a foot, a lower part of any thing ; a peg or cock Jastened to a cask or wine bag; the narrow 2Jart of a leathern bottle ; a rope for tight- ening the sail of a ship, a sheet-rope ; a slip of land in the shape of a foot. ΤΙοονιγίττ,ς, -ov, o, (from same and ^yi- o/^eti) a leader or guide. Ho^Yiy^ioi, -ας, vj, (from same) guidance. ϋο^γιγος, -ου, 6, same as ττο^ψ/ίτης. Τ1οΙή!/£Κ7ΐς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from ττους and ίνίχω) reaching from the shoulders to the feet. ^^ Ι1ούνΐ!/ε/αος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and oit^s- ^Λος) swift-footed as the luind. ΐΙοονι^Υις, -εος, -ους, ο, τ], Tro'hvjQ•/], acc. contr. for ττο^'/ίξεοί, (from sam.e and ά'^ώ;) reaching down to the feet ; with εσύ'ής understood, a garment or robe reaching down to the feet, like that of the Jewish High Priest. Comp. Exod. xxviii. 4,31. with llev. i. 13: τά ■77 OUT} ^-/i, feet. ΪΙούιαϊος, -ecice., -oc7ov, (from 'ττους) a foot long ; belonging to the rudder of a ship. Ιΐοοίζω, f. -'ίσω, (from same) / measure by the foot ; I fetter ; I jjrovidc with fact. ΪΙοοίσκος, -ου, 6, (from same) a little foot. Ι1οΙ:στνΐξ, -ν)(>ος, 6, (from same) with ττί- ■ττ'Κος miderstood, a robe hanging down to the feet ; a caldron furnished with legs : 'ττο^ιστνίξες, ο/, vessels for washing the feet in. 703 ΤΙο^ίτ'ης. A αΐΙΕΕΚ LEXICON. Uor/.iXoc. lloh'rYis, -ου, ο, (from same) a foot-soldier, or a pedestrian. Τ1ο^οκοίκ,•η, -γις, τ], (from same and χ.οικ.ος) stocks. ΤΙοΙορβωος, ->j, -ou, (from same and ρωω) stroyig or simft-footed. ΤΙο^οστξχ,βγι, -ης, ^, (from same and στ^ε- φω) an instrument of torture to twist the feet. Ποδοψ)7στ^οί/, -ου, το, (from same and -^άω) a mat for wiping the feet, a carpet. TLolaKSioi, -οίς. Ion. 'ττο^ωκίιη, --ης, τ], (from same and ωκύς) siviftness of foot. Τίο^ωκ,'ήίΐς, -ν^ίσσοί, -vjsy, and -ττο^ωκγις, -£ος, ο, {], (from same) swift-footed. ΤΙόνιμχ^ JEol. for ττοίημ.». ΤΙοθ\ when an aspirate follows for -τότε. ΊΙούίΐνος, -VI, -6v, (from 'ττούΐω) desired, desirable; beloved, sought for ; much missed, regretted, lamented. liouiv, (from -ττου and ^h. See p. 77) whence ? Ώ.ούίξ'ττω, Dor. for 'ττςοσίξ'ττω. ΤΙούέστηξοί, Dor. for ττξοσίσ'ττεξίχ, -ας, vi, (-r^of and ssTiri^cx,) the evening. Ίΐόύίυυη, Dor. for στούΐουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ΐΐοθίω, -ω, f. -τίσω, and -ίσω, 1 a. liro^wcc, or sTTousaoc., (from -ττόύος) I desire, seek, love ; feel the absence of, miss, regret, la- ment. ΐΐοθνι, -m, and ττόύησις, -£<«?, ^, (from pre- ced.) a desire, seeking for, loving or regret- ting. Jlourirog, -vi, -ov, (from same) desired, re- gretted. Τΐόύϊ, poet. adv. (same as 'τι'ου) where? whither? 'πούΐ, (same as τιτου) somewhere. ΐΐόύος, -ου, 6, (from perf. mid. of τηίύω) desire, longing for, regret. liol, where ? whither ? Tloix, -α,ς, or TTo/ci, -α,ς, and 'xoiyi, -m-, ^> (from τΓοοί) an herb having a cleansing qua- lity, and used as soap now is, Jer. ii. 22. Mai. iii. 2 ; an herb, grass. Some under- stand this to be the word in Jam. iv. 14. cro/fli yot|0 yj ζω'η νμω'^' άτ/^ϊς γάζ Ιστιν τ; τΓξός ολίγον φΛΐυομίνν], iTVurcn, δε ά,φοίυίζο- fisuYi, for your life is grass ; for it is a va- pour that appeai-eth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. Comp. chap. i. 10, 11. ΐΐοάω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. 'Χί'τνοίηκχ, p. partic. 'πίττοιγικως, 1 a. ίττοίνισοί, 1 a. partic. το/^σοί^, pres. pass, ττοάομ,&,ι, -όυ^α,ι, 1 f. pass, ίϊοιύι- β7ΐσομ.οίΐ, p. pass. 'ττξττοίνι/ίίΜΐ, 1 a. pass, εττο;- 'ijUYiv, 1 a. mid. Ιττοίνισχ/χνιν, -ω, -octo, (from -ττοΊος) I make, do, perform, produce, work. See 'ττξύσσω. Πο/>;, same as 'ττοίχ. 704 8 ΤΙοί^ζΐς, -ijiaaa,, -^eu, and •ποιγι^ος, -ά, -ou, (from preced.) grassy, verdant, blooming. ΙΙοίγιμ,οί, -ιχ,τος, ro, (from perf pass, of ■τΓοά ω) somewhat made, a work, worhnanship ; hence, a poem. ΤίοΙησις, -to;, Attic -scug, i], (from 'ττε'ττοί- νισοίί, 2 sing. perf. pass, of same) an acting, a deed, a work, a performance; hence, poesy. ΤΙοίΥίτίος, -χ, -ου, (from τΐοάω) to be done : -TtoiYiTiov, must do or make. ΎΙοΐΎίΤ'^ς, -ου, ο, (from 'τπ'ΤΓοίητοιι, 3 sing. perf. pass, of same) a doer, performer ; a poet, an author, an actor. ΐίοιητ^ικ,ος, -"ή, -ou, (from same) capable of making or doing ; skilled in poetry, poe- tical .' τΐοΐΥιΤίκνι, viz. τίχνη, the art of poe- try : 'ττοιγιηκ,ως, poetically, with the license of a poet. ΤΙοίτιτός, -^, -ou, (from same) made, done, adopted. TLoivjT^ioi, -us, 37, (fem. of 'ττοινιτν^ς) a ΤΙοΐΥΐφΜγίω, f. -7]σω, (from 'ttoIyi and ψά- ya) I eat grass or vegetables. Τΐοίκ'ίλζί/ϋων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from ττοίκ,ίλος and ίΐμα) dressed in variegated garments. ΐΙοικ^ί'Κνιυιος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and vtvioc) having variegated reins. Ώοίκ,ϊλ'ίχ, -ας, vj, (from 'ττοικίλος) variety, the act of variegating, embroidery, tapestry. Τ1οίκ.ίλλώ, f. -ίλώ), 1 a. pass. Ιττοικίλθην, p. pass. TreTroifciTifiuil, (from same) / variegate, diversify, stain, paint, embroider or weave with different colours. Τΐοίκ,ίλ/^όί, -χτοζ, το, (from preced.) va- riegated ornament, variety. Ιΐοίίοίλόβουλος, -ου, 6, 9], (from -ττοικίλος and βουλτι) having various counsels, artful, cunning, wise. ΙΙοίκ,ΐλόγγίξυς, Dor. -γχ^υς, -υος, 6, i], (from same and γτίξυς) variously toned. Τ1ο{κίλό^εξμ,ος, -ου, or 'ττοικιΤ^ο^ίξμ.ων, -οιιος, ο, 7], (from same and Ζέξμ») having a varie- gated skin. ΐΐοίκΐκούζίξ, 'τ(ηχος, 6, τι, (from same and ^^i|) that has variegated hair or feathers. ΊΙοίκίΧομ,'ήτγις, -ου, and itoiKiho^wri;, -ιος, 0, Vi, same as 'τΐοιχ,ικόβουλος. Tl.oiyuko(^Vi%a.vog, -ου, 6, {], (from 'ττοικίλος and μ,ηχ,α,νή) having various contrivances. Τ1οί}αλόμοζφος, -ου, ο, v], (from same and (Λο^φνΐ) having various forms. Τ1ο{κϊΆόνύ)Τος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and νωτος) having the back variegated. Τΐοίκ.'ίλό'τττεξος, -ου, ο, tj, (from next and 'τΐτε^ον) having variegated tvings. Τΐοίκΐλος, -Yi, -ou, coloured, of divei'S co- lours ; various, different, manifold; hence, cunning, crafty : ττοίκίλως, artfully. Ιίοιχιλόΰτολοζ, A GREEK LEXICON. IloXs^o'jroiscj, Τίοικί7^όστο\ος, -ου, ο, τ], (from preced. and ί7τολ'^) having a variegated dress. ΤΙοίκί'Κοτίζ'ττ'/ις, -ίος, 6, ί}, (from same and ri^TTaj) that gives various delights. Ώ.οιχΛ'κότίυκ,το;, •ου, 6, τ}, (from same and τενχ,α) made with variegated workmanship. Ώ.οικ'ίλοτξοίυΜς, -ov, 6, ^, (frOm same and τςανΆος) variously lisping or sounding. υοίκ^λοφοζίίίΐγξ, -lyyo, 0, iJ: (from and φόζμίγζ) accompanied with the variously sounding lyre. ΤΙοίκ'ίλο'φξων, -ουος, ο, ^, (from same and φξ'^ν) having an artful mind. TloiKiT^TVjg, -ου, ο, (from ττοίκίλλύή a maker of variegated clothes or clothes ornamented with different colours, an embroiderer. ΙΙοίκι'ΚτΙκος., -'^, -6u, (from same) skilled in the art of weaving or working cloth with threads of various colouj-s. ΤΙοίκιΆτος, -)), -ov, (from same) variegated, of various colours. Τΐοίκίλω^ός, -ου, 6, i], (from 'ττοικιΆος and ωΐ^) that sings with variety or artfully, that sings enigmatically or captiously. ΙΙοιμ,αίνω, f. -ά,νω, 1 a. i'TToifAxua,, (from ■Tnjy and μ,ά,ω) I feed or tend a flock, feed, tend, rule, govern. Uoiy.ccuopiou, -ου, το, (from preced. and dvTiQ) a flock or croivd of people. TLoif^a'^coQ, -οξος, 6, (from same) a ruler. Τίοί^ΛίΆκος, -jj, -6u, (from next) pastoral. Uoijic'^u, -ίνος, 0, (from ττοιίΛοι,Ίνω) a shep- herd, pastor, ruler, sovereign. UoifiVYi, ~ης, 9], (from preced.) a flock or ke7'd. Hoty.uviiog, Ion. for TrotfAuiiog, (from same) of or belonging to a flock. Tloi/Lcw^g, -Τίτος, 6, 'ή, (from same) sung by shepherds. TloifiDiou, -oV, TO, (from ττοίμ,ννΐ) a flock, properly a little flock. ΐΙοΐ[Λνίτης, -ου, 6, same as πτοιμ,'-^ικός. ΤΙοζ/ίΛνοτ^όφο;, and 'ττοιμ,νιοτζόφος, -ου, 6, (from iroiyvio'j and τζΐφω) a shepherd. ΤΙοινάζω, (from tto/j/^j) same as 'ττοιυάω. ΤΙοίναΊοζ, -οίίχ, -ulou, (from same) be- hnging to or prescribing punishment, pe- nal, ΤΙοινα,τωζ, -οζος, ο and '/^, (from same) an avenger, punisher. Τίοίΐ/άω, -ω, f. -άσο), and -ν^σω, and ττο/νύ- oucci, (from next) / obtaiji compensation for an injury, avenge, punish, ΤΙοίν'ή, -9]ζ, 7], a compensation for shedding blood, vengeance taken for homicide or any other injury, a retaliation, punishment, j^cn- ally, pain, torture ; price of redemption, re- demption, deliverance: Hotua,], cti, the Fu- ries ; hence, Lat. poena. Tloiuvi^scTscu, -ω, (from preced. and Ιλάώ>) I pursue as the punishment of crime ; pass. / am pursued by the Furies. ϋοίνίμ,ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from Troiwii) that avenges ov punishes. ΤΙοίι/ϊτος, transposed τοίτ'ίυος, 6, 'ή, (from same) recompensing, grateful. Ylorjoiroiog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and τΓοάω) that takes vengeance. ΤΙοιοΤ^ογίω, -ω, (from σιτοΐΛ or 7γ6λ and Agyij) I gather herbs, grass, or weeds. Tloiouo /αος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and Α^Λω) that feeds on herbs. Holog, τΓοία, ttoIqu, (from ί^ίϊ) what, which) of what sort. ΤΙοίότγις, -ητος, τ}, (from preced.) quality. ΤΙοίττι/ΰύ), (by redupl. from ^Γνΰω, same as 'TTuicj) I pant, put myself out of breath by exertion; am diligent, serve. ΐΙοίφυγ[Λα,, -χτος, το, (from next) a violent asjnration, a sigh. ΤΙοιφύσσω, (from φύσσοΐ) I puff , blow hard, as in anger, hence, I terrify. TLoKcc, Dor. for crore. Hoy.ag, -ulog, vj, (from ττζίκω or 'ττίκω) that carries tvool; that has bushy hair. ΤΙοκ,ίζω, f. -ϊσω, (from same) I clip 01* pluck wool. TloKos:l'^g, -iog, 6, sj, (from next and iXhog) reseinbling a wool fleece ; rough, unpolished. ΤΙόκ,ος, -ου, 6, (from 'τηίκω or 'ττίκω) a fleece. Πολε^ίίδοκο?, Dor. for voT^sf^yihOKog. Tlohifjt,aoy^iiog, -ου, 6, vj, (from •ποΚζμος and οί(ΐχω) of or belonging to the polemarch. ΐΐο^.εμιχ,ξχίω, (from same) 7 lead in ivar, act as polemarch. Τίολε/ίίχρχης, in prose generally Tro^i/xxQ- χο;, -ου, ο, (from same) a commander in war, a general ; a minister of war ; a judge of causes affecting foreigners. ■ TloT^sf^icj, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ττζΤΓολΐμ,-ηκχ, 1 a, Ι'ΤΓολί^ίτησοί', 1 a. infin. ττοΤ^ίμ.'ήσχι, (from ttc- λε^ίος) I make war,flght. ΙΙοΤ^ίμ,Ύΐ^όκος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and OiXOf^xt) that undertakes or sustains war; warlike, invincible. ΐίολί/ι/,ίζύ), same as ττοΤ^εμίω. ΤΙολί/ίί'ίκός, -)j, .oV,(from ττόλίμος) warlike: 7ro^s,uix,ug, in a warlike manner. UoXifiiog, -ix, -lou, rfroT^iunog, -ου, 6, τ]. Ion. -TTo'AeuTj'iog, (from same) hostile, warlike. ΙΙολε/χίστνίζ, -"ήζος, or 'Tro'hif^iaTVig, -ου, ό, (from 'ττο'Κζμ.ίζω) a luarrior. TLoAif^iaTVjQiog, -ου, 6, i], (from preced.) fit for war, belonging to war. l'lo'hefA>6x,^xυζ6ν) white-ankled. Τ1ο7\{οϋχ,ος, same as ΊτοΧιν^οχος. Tl.o'hioxmq, -ο)τος, ό, τ], (from ττολ/ός and χζ^^ς) that has a white skin. IIoA/ouj, (from 'ττολίος) I make hoary. Τίολϊττόξβιηζ, -sog, or 'ττολϊττοξόος, -ου, ό, (from next and 'ttsqUcj) a destroyer of cities-. ΤΙόΤας, -ιος, Attic -%ο)ς, ^, (from 'πο'Κυς) a city or village, a state ; the inhabitants of a city, the soldiers of an army, the members of any constituted body, Anab. ii. 6. 2. vii. 3.9. ΎΙοκισ(Λοί, -χτος, roV (from ττοΚίζω) a town. Πολ/σ,ύύάτ^οΐ', -ου, το, (from preced.) a small town. ΤΙολισσοι/όμος, -ου, 6, (from croA/g- and i/gaij) that governs a city or state. Τ1ο7\.ισσόος, -ου, 6, yj, (from same and σύ}ξω) a preserver or protector of a city. 706 ΤΙοΤ^ίτά,ξχνις, -ου, ό, (i. e. ότων ττοΤ^ιτνω όίξχων) a ruler of a city, a magistrate. ΤΙολΙπία, -ας, vj, (from τολ/τίΐίώ») a politi- cal society, state, or commonwealth ; citizen- ship, rights of a citizen ; the administration of a state. ΐΙο'κΙτζυίΛοί, -Άτος, το, (from perf. pass, of next) a state, community, political society ; the rights of citizens or the life and conver- sation of citizens, Phil. iii. 20. ΤΙο7\.Ίτζΰω, f. -ζύσω, p. ττίττο'κΊτζυκα., p. pass. 'πζΊΐοΤ^.ίτζυ^Λΐ, (from next) / manage or govern a city or state; pass. I live in a state or society according to its laws and customs, I converse. ΤίοΤ^Ττγις, Ion. 'ποΜνιτγις, -ου, ο, (from -ro- Άίς) a citizen. Πολ^τΓχ-ον, -iJj -oi'j (from same) of or be- longing to a citizen or to a state, political, patriotic: •ποΤχηίν.ως, with urbanity; with patriotism. lioTCing, or 'ποΤ^ιτ^ης, -{Ιος, ^, (from same) a female citizen. ΐίοΤ^ιτογηοίφίω, (from ττολίτνις and γζύφω) I enroll a citizen; pass. I am enrolled a citi- ze7i. ΤΙολ7χν'/!, -ric, VI, and 'ζο'κίχνιον, -ου, το, (from 'τΐότ^ις) a little town, small city or state. ΤΙο7\.ίωΙγις, -sog, o, 7j, (from ττολιός) hoary. ΤΙο'λίωσίς, -ίθ)ς, v], (from 'π'ο'λίόω) hoariness. Πολλά, (from ττοΧύς) much, often. Πολλάκίί, (from same. See p. 76) many times, often. ΤΙο7\λοί7Γ?^οισίά,ζω, (from next) 1 midtiply. Πολλαττλάσ/οί,-οί, .oj/,and -τολλαττλίβσ/ωί', -ouog, 0, vi, TO -ου, (from same and 'τΐ'ΚΛα'ιων, folf) manifold, manifold more. ΤίοΤΟ^οίχτ}, (from ττο'Κύς) in many places, in many ways, often. ϋολλοίχόύί, and ιτο'Κκα.γρσί, (from same) at or in many places. Τ1ο70\οίχου, and 'ττοΤΟ^οίχως, (from same) in many ways or places, variously, on va- rious occasions. ΤΙολλοΙίκόίχ,ίς, (from same and ^χάκίς) many ten times, diversely, multifariously. Πολλοί, poet, for •ττοΤ^ύ. Πολλον, prim, form of πτοΤ^ΰς. Ι1ο7θ^οσττ,{^όξίον, -ου, το, (from next and μ,όζίον) the smallest portion. Τίολλοστός, -vi, -6v, (from 'ττοΤ^υς) most, very many or much ; one of many, insignifi- cant, the smallest or least. Πο'λοί", -ου, 6, (from ττολίω) a thing that turns, an axis, the axis of the eai^h, the pole ; the heavens, the globe ; a ci)X'idar ornament placed on the heads of the statues of idols; a piece of ground dug or ploughed up. Πο'λτοί", -ου, ο, j)orridge, pottage, pap ; hence, poidtice. πολ•: A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙολΰδύ)ξος. ■ Πΰλν, adv. (from ττοΆνς) muck, large, very, far. Τίο'λνοίγκιστξΟζ, -ou, (from same and οίγ- κ,ίστζον) having many hooks. Τ1ολνα-/ξ''^ς, -sag, or τΐοΚυΛτ/οος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and οίγζχ) that catches much game. ΤΙολνχΙαατος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and uif/.oi) having much blood. Tld'AvouyMu, -ονος,6,7},{ΐΐθτί\ same) stream- ing with blood. TloTiVctlusTog, or ττοΧυχινος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from •ποΎ.υς and Λίνος) much 'praised; much to be praised. Τίολνάϊξ, -άΤκος, ο, τ], (from same and ά'ίσσω) that makes many assaidts. ΊΙο'ΚυΰίνΟζίω, (from same and άν/ιο) I abound in men, am populous. Γίολνχνόοιο!/, -ου, το, (from same) a pub- lic or common place of burial, a sepul- chre, so called because it can contain many. Υ1ο'κϋα,ΰοοτ)ς, -ου, ό, τι, (from same) abound- ing in nien, pojndous ; that has had many husbands. ΥΙο^^υάνθίμ,ος, -ου, and ττολνχνβ'^ς, -ίος, 6, 7], (from '7το7.ύ; and civhy.o^ or α,υθος) hav- ing many flowers, abounding in flowers. ΤΙ.ο'Κυαυ&οο^τΐτισ'κχ., or 'Τΐοϊ^υα,νύζΟί'ττίίΧ,, -ας, 71, (from same and όΐι/ύζοιττος) a great popu- lation. ΙΙολυά,ΰθοΜττος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) thronged with people. 'Π.ο\υα,^ύ)ο, -ο^ος, same as 'ττοΆυοί'Λξος. ΤΙοΤ'.υά.ξΥΐ:^, -si/og, 6, τι, (from ττοΊώς and «Λ'/)!/) having many sheep or lambs. ΤίοΆυχρ/ιτος, -ov, 6, τ}, (from same and cioa.ou,oii) much prayed for ; much to be prayed for, very desirable. ΤΙο'Κυα,ζκ'ής, -ίος, ο, τι, (from same and ά^- κίοί) having sufficient resources for many purposes, abundantly powerful. ΤΙολνάζίαΰίτος, -ov, 6, v], (from same and ΰίξοί,χ) that has many chariots. IhyKvucyJu, -(χ,ς, v}, (from same and όίζχ^) a governmeyit by many. 'Π.ο7,νχστ£οος, or ττολνχστξος, -ov, 6, ij, (from same and όίστξον) having many stars. ΥΙοΤ.νά,σγ,οΆος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and οίσχοΤ^ος) much occupied, ])rctcnding to be much occupied, vain. ΤΙολνβόίφν}ς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from same and βύ'ΤΓτω) much dyed. ΤΙολυβίνβνις, -ίος, 6, v}, (from same and βίι>6ος) having much depth, or many depths. ΤΙο7^ύβοσκος, -ου, [ο, vj, (from same and βόσκω) feeding many. Ιίολυβότίίς», -occ, ij, (from same) that feeds many. ΤΙολνβοτος, -ov, o, ^, (from same) feeding many. Τίο'κΰβ'οτζυς, -νος, ό, τ;, (from τολνς and βύΤζυς) having many grapes. ΤΙολνβονΆος, -ov, 0, ij, (from same and βου7.'/ι) very prude7it. Τίο7.ϊ/βοντγ,ς, -ov, 6, (from same and/Soi;) having much cattle, Τίολνβξοχ,ος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and βζίχ,ύ)) much wetted; (or from βζόχ,ος) having many nooses, much twisted. ΤΙοΤ.νγΥίύ'/ις, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and ••/νΐύος) that causes much Joy. Τ1ο7^ΰ'/λωσσος, Attic -ωττος, -ου, ό, ^,(from same and '/7^ωσσΛ) many-tongued ; speaking many tongues ; spoken by many tongues. ΤίοΤ^ύγναΐΛ'τττος, -ου, ό, v), (from same and yjay^Trra) much bent. Τίολΰγ^ωτος, -ου, ό, 9], (from same and γίνωσκω) much known, i'cnowned. Τίο7.υγοΆοΐΛ(χ,ι, (from same and ypuog) I become prolific. Τίολν/ο^ίχ, -ας, vj, (from ss.me) fecu7idity. Τίολνγοϋος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same) having much offspring, jyroUfic. Τίο7•.υ'/οά,μ,μ.όίτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from τ-ολύς and youuycc) having much learning. Τίο7^υ'•/ό)νιος, or τ^οΤ^υγοίνος, -ov, (from same and γωνίχ) having many angles, poly^ gonal. Πολϊ/δα/δώλο?, •ου, 6, v}, (from same and οοίίΙίχ,7.ος) wrought with much art, curiously made. Πολνδάκ^νοί, -ου, 'ποΤ.υζα,κους, -υος, and ΊΐοΤ^ύοόίχ,^ϋτος, -ου, 6, ?;, (from same and δάκ^ι/) much deplored ; much to be deplored. ΐΙοΆνοχττόίνος, -ου, 6, 7j, (from same and οαττά,'^-/)) very expensive, sumptuous. Τίολυοίγ^ω'^, -όνος, ό, yj, (from same and oi^oyoci) very capacious. Τ1ο7\υ'οίΐοά,ς, -άοος, 6, τ], (from same and Οϋξΰί) having many necks, cliffs, or ridges. ϋολνοίΆζεος, and 'π•ο7^υοίν^ρος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and ύίυΐζον) having many trees. Ι1ο7.νοίζκ'ής, -ίος, 6, 7], (from same and ^ίζκω) that sees much or many things. ΐίολΰοίσ^ος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and ^βσμος) having many bands or fastenings. Ιίολνοίφίος, -ου, 6, >;, (from same and οί-ψα) much thirsted for or desired ; or very thirsty, ill-watered, parched or exhausted. ΤΙο7^νοονος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and hoviu) much whirled about or agitated. Τίολ'υορο^.ος, -ου, ί, tj, (from same and δ^ο- fiog) much running ; causing much running. ΙΙο7^υθω(>ί(χ,, -ug, tj, (from same and δώ^οί*) great munificence. 1\ο\νοωβος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) that gives many j^rescnts ; that has received mavij jncscnts, richly endowed. 707 Ήολνζώ^ίς, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙολύκλυΰτος, ΙίΙΙ Πολνε/δ^?, -ίος, ο, ^, (from 'π•ο7\.νς and έΐ ο/* man^ forms or appearances. Τίολνίλοίίος^ -ου, ό, ^, (from same and ίτ^α,ίοι/) having much oil. Τίολυίλίος, -ου, ο, ^, (fi'om same and Ι'λίο?) iJere/ merciful. Ή.ολυί'λίκ,τος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ελίσσω) rolled in many folds, manifold, mul- tiplied ; insinuating in many ways, insidious. ΤΙολυί'πτχίνος, -ου, ό, 5j, (ft'om same and iTrocivog) much praised, Τίολυίζχστος, -ου, ό, vj, (fr'om same and ϊζά,ω) much beloved. Ilo^yggyiji•, -kog, and στοΚυίρ^γος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same knd s^yov) that performs much work, laborious ; that costs much work, dif- ficult, wearisome. Τίολυξτνις, -ίος, 6, {], (ft'om same and 'ίτος) of many years ; for many years. Τίολύίυκτος, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and ίΰχομ,οίΐ) much wished for ; much to be wish- ed for. ΤίολΰζγιΚος, and 'ττολυζ'ήλωτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ζηΚος) much desired, much to be desired, enviable, Τίολύζνγος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ζυ- γό:^) having many banks of oars, well man- ned. ΤΙο'λυ'/ιγοξος, -ου, ό, v), (fi'om same and άγοζίω) that harangues or talks much. Ώ-ολυν^μεξος, -ου, ο, ί], (from same and 'ήμ,ίξο.) of many days. Τίολυνίζοίτος, -ου, ο, vj, (ft'om same and i^occd) much loved or desired. 'Π.ο>..υγιγ;,'ής, -ίος, '^οΆυ'^χ,τητος, Dor. 'ττο'Κυ- άχ,νιτος, and ινο'κϋηγβς, -ου, ό, vj, (fi'om same and τ^χίω) having many sounds. ΤΙολνύαξσ'^ς, -ίος, 6, 7], (from same and ^άξσος} very bold. Τίολύύεος, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and ^εος) of or belonging to many gods ; holding the doctrine of polytheism. ΐίολΰύε^μ,ος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ^ίζ^ος) very luarm. ΐΙο'Κΰύεστος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and ^ίω, some say for ττολυττόύεστος fl'om -ττοβίω) much run upon, zealously attended, highly prized, " Τίολύύ^ξος, Ou, (from same and θι?^) having many wild beasts. ΤΙολυύξίμμ,ατος, -ου, or -ττοΤνυύξί^ί,μωι/, -όνος, ο, 7ί, (from same and τξίφω) feeding many. ϋο'^βξ'/ινητος, and 'ττοΤίνύξΥΐνος, -ου, ό, vj, (ft'om same and ^^ηι/ίω) much lameiited ; much to be lamented. ΐΙο'Κύύζοος, -όου, contr. -βςους, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ^^όος) mu^h noised abroad. ΤίοΤΆύζύλλΥίτος, -ου, ό, % (frojn same and ^ξυλλίω) much talked of. 708 ΤΙολΰόΰρος, »οί/, ο, vi, (from same and ^ύξοί) that has many doors or apertures. Τίολυύυτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and Βύω) having many sacrifices. ΎΙοΊκύί^^,^ίο,, or 'κολυ'ι^^ΐΛ, -ας, ί}, (from same and il^tioi) much knowledge. Τίολυΐ^ξίς, -ίως, 6, 7j, (from same and 11- ξΐς) having much knowledge. ΤΙολύϊ'ΤΓΤΓος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and iV- ττος) having many hoi'ses. ίίολυιστωξ, -οξος, ό, vj, (from same and Ίστως) having much knowledge, very learned. Τ1ολυκ,οίγκ,'•ής, -ίος, ό, 5j, (fi'om same and ■,ίύγκοίνος) causing to gape much, parch- ing. ΤΙολΰκοίν'ής, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and κίχ,ίνω) very deadly. ΤΙολνκ,οίτιτνος, -ου, ό, % (from same and κ-ΛΤΐνος) very smoky ; much smoked. ΊΙολυκά.ξΥ]νος, -ου, ό, ί), (from same and κ,άξί^νον) many-headed. ίίολυκ,οίξΤΓίαί, -οίς, vj, (from same and κα,^- oroV) abundance of fruit. ΧΙολυκ,ίλΰίΙος, -ου, ό, tj, (fi'om same and χίλοί^ος) making much noise. Τίολύκβνος, -ου, 6, v], (ft'om same and κ,ί- νος) very rare or thin. Πολίχε^δε/ίί, -«j, ij, (fi'om same and κε^- δοί) much craft. ΤΙολυ^ίί^νις, -ίος, 6, τ}, (from same) very lucrative; capable of gaining much, very artful, cunning, or prudent. ΐίολύκζξως, -ωτος, 6, v), (from ττολύς and κ,ίξοίς) having many or having large horns. Τίολΰκ,εστος, -ου, ο, {], (from same and χεστος} much embroidered, curiously lurought. ΐΙοΧνκ,Υΐ^νίς, -ίος, ο, v}, (from same and κ^- οος) causiiig much anxiety ; very anxious. ίίολνκ,τιτϊΐς, -εος, 6, vj, (from same and κί^τος) having many whales or sea-monsters. ΙΙολυκ,ίννιτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κ,ινίω) capable of many motions ; much moved. ΤΙοΆυκ,λχυστος, or 'ττολυκλα,υτος, -ου, ό, Τ], (ft'om same and κλαίω) much wept or lamented. ΐΙολυκ7^ζΐστος, -ου, 6, vj, (fi'om same and κ,λείω) well shut or locked. Τίολ'νκ.λείτος, -ου, ό, % (from same and κ,λείτός) )7iuch celebrated. ΤΙολυκλϊΐϊ'ς, -ϊ^ος, ό, τ}, (from same and κ,λ'/ίΐς) furnished with many banks of oars. ΤΙο7.υκ.λ'^ξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and κλ^ξος) having a very rich lot or inheritance ; very rich. ΤίολνκλΎΐτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and κ,οίλίω) called from many places. ΤΙολνκλυστος, -ου, ό, sj, (from same and κλόξω) ivashing much, very boisterous; much washed by waves ΙΙολύκμ^τος, A GREEK LEXICON. Τίθλυοδία ΊΙοΚυκμ,Υίτος^ -ou, (from same and κά^Λνω) much laboured, ^"a^^J/ finished. ΐίολυχι/γιμος, -ov, 6, i], (from same and κ,νημ,ος) having many ridges or cliffs. ΐΙοΤίΰκ.οινος, -oy, o, i], (from same and κοίΐ/ός) common to many, very common. Yl-cihuKoi^oiul•/}, -ιης, and 7Γο7\.νκοΐξα.υίοί, -οίς, 7], (from same and koIqccuoc) the government of many. ΤΙοΚνκοίζά,νος, -ου, 6, (from same) a com- mander of many. Τΐο'λΰκόλυμβος, -ou, (from 'ττολύς and xo- λνμβάω) much swimming. Τίολ^κζάνοζ, -ov, 6, 7i, (from same and κοάνον) having many heads. Ί1ο7^κ^όίτ'ίίς, -ioc, 6, vj, (from same and κζοίτίω) having much power. ΤΙολυκξϊτοζ, -ov, 6, jj, (ft'om same and K^tucj) micch separated or distinguished, very different. Τίολνκξοτος, -ov, (from same and κξότος) making much noise. IloAvKTeccvog, -ov, and στοΤ^νκ,τ'ημ,ων, -ouog, and τΓοΧύκ,τητος, -ov, 6, v}, (from same and κτύω) having much wealth. ΤΙοΚνκτόνος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and KTslua) that slays many. Ί1ο7κΰκό}κντος, -ov, (from same and χ,ω- κ,νω^ much lamented ; much to be lamented. ΤΙολΰκωμ,ος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and κ,ωμος) holding many revels. ΙΙο>.ΰκο}ττος, -ov, (from same and κωττγ]) having many oars. ΤΙολνλάλος, -ov, 6, 7), (from same and Τ^ΛΑίο)) loquacious. ΐΙολνλ7}'ίος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and λψον) rich in corn fields. ΐΙοΤκΰχκ ιστός, or 7Γθ7^νλλϊτος, -ov, ο, tj, (from same and "κίσσομαι) much prayed for or desired ; much prayed in. Ti.o'Kv'Ko'yioi, -α,ς, τ], (from same and ?,όγο;) miich speaking. ΤΙολν?^όγος, -ov, 6, ij, (from same) that speaks much or long: 'ζοΤ.ν'Κογος, on which much has been or ought to be said. Τίολν,αοίβίίχ, -α,ς, vj, (from 7Γθ7.νς and ιχ,α,νθά,νω) much learning. TloT-vfioio'/ig, -ίος, 6, v], (from same) very learned. ΙΙολνμ,άχητος, -ov, (from 'ττο'λνς and μά- χομοίΐ) that has been much fought for. ΤΙολνμίοίμ,νος, -ov, o, vj, (from same and l^ihifAvog) yielding or giving many bushels. ΪΙολνμίξίίοί, -οίς, 91, (from same and μί- ζος) multiplicity of parts. Τίολνμεξνις, -ίος, 6, ij, (from same) con- sisting of many parts, manifold. TL•λvμίξύjς, (from preced.) by or in many parts or parcels. ΪΙο'Κνμ/ϊτζος, -ov, (from ττο^.νς and μί- τξον) of large measure, extensive ; contain ing many metres. ΤΙολύμηκΆς, -όί^ος, ij, (from same and μγι- κοίς) that bleats much. Τίολνμγιλος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and μ,νΐ'Κον^ having many sheep ; or many ap~ pies. Τίολύμγιτις, -ιος, ο, τ], (from same and μν;τις^ having much counsel, very tvise, ΤΙολνμ,ϊΐχόίν'ίχ, -α,ς, ^, (ft'om same and μΫΐχ,οινΥΐ) much ingenuity, various contrivance, Τ1οΆνμν;)^οίνος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) that is fertile in the invention of machines and expedients, very ingenious. ΤΙολΰμ^γ'/ις, poet, ττονλομίγ^ς, -ίος, 6, τ], and τοΤ-ΰ μικτός, -ov, (from νΐο'Κνς and μίγ- ννμι) much mixed, promiscuous, various. ΤΙοΎ.νμΑ'^/ίοί and •τΐο^νμ,ι^Ίοί, -χ,ς, v], (from same) a mixture of many things. ΊΙοΧνμΤσ'ής, -ίος, 6, vi, (from -ττοΆνς and μίσος) very odious. ΤΙοΤ^ΰμίτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and μ^ί- τος) woven with many threads, curiously wrought. ϋολνμν/ιστεντος, and "ττο'λνμνηστος, -γι, -ov, (from same and μνά,ο)) much remembered, much to be remembered ; much courted. ΐ1ο7^νμν/}στύ>ζ, -οξος, 6, 7], (from same) re- membering many things, having a retentive memory. ΐΙο>.νμ,νΎΐτος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same) much mentioned or remembered, famous. ΤΙολνμοξφία, -χς, τ], (from ττοΤ^νς and μοοφτι) a multiplicity of forms, variety. ΤΙολνμοξφος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same) that has viany fo7'nis. ΙΙο7\νμ,ονσος, -ov, c, '/i, (from ττολνς and Μονσχ) much inspired by the Muses. ΤΙολνμοχύος, -ov, 6, τ], (from same and μό)ζ^ος) doomed to much labour, very luretched. ΙΊοΧνμν&ος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and μν• ύος) of many tvords, talking much, much talked of, about which many fables or narra- tives have been composed. Τίολννχνττης, -ov, o, (from same and vxv- τνις) that has many sailors. ΓίοΤκννίίκης, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and vsi- κος) that has many quarrels, contentious. ΤίοΤ^ννίφελος, -ov, 6, τ], (from same and νεφίλη) very cloudy. ΤΙοΤ^ννΙκης, -ov, 0, (from same and νίκη) that has been often victoi'ious. ΤίοΆννίφτις, -ίος, ό, jj, (from same and νίφω) covered ivith much snow. ΤΙοΑν^ενος, and ττοΤ-.νζ,εινος, -ου, ό, rj, (from same and ζίνος) entertaining many guests. ΐίολύζ,ίστος, -ov, (from same and ξίω) much 2>oUshed. ΤίολυοΙίχ, -χς, η, (from same and οδο?) a great journey. 709 Ήολυοινια. A GREEK LEXICON. Τΐύλύ'ττυξος, TloT^voii^loi, 'Χς, vj, (from same and οϊνος) abundance of wine. TLoT^voiyog, -ov, o, ^, (from same) having much wine. Πολι/ολ/3ϊΌ?, or 7Γθ7\.ύολβος, -ου, ό, v}, (from 'TToTivg and όλβος) very opulent OY prosperous ; bestowing wealth or prosperity. Ώ.ο'ΚυόίΛμ,ατος, -ov, o, vi, (from same and ομμοί) many-eyed. Τίολνοζζος, -ov, 0, vi, (from same and οζ- κος) swearing much. Τίολυόξνϊβος, -ov, and 'π-ολνοξυις, -Τύος, ο, 7], (from same and οξΰίς) abounding in birds. ΤΙολυόφύοίλμος, -ov, o, ^, (from same and οφθοίΚμος) having many eyes. ϋολνοχλίχ, -οίς, '/], (from same and όχλος) a great multitude. ΤΙολύοχλος, -ov, 6, ^^(from same) very popidous. ΐίολνοχος, -ov, o, tj, (from -π-ολύς and 'ίχοή possessing or containing much. ΐίολνο-φίοί, -α,ζ, V), (from same and o-^ou) abundance of victuals, especially οι fish. ΙΙολνο-ψος, -ov, (from same) abomiditig in victuals, fish, or any thing eaten with bread. Τίολντοίίττόίλος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from 'ττολύς and 'ττα,ΐ'τιτά.λη) very crafty. ΐίολΰτιτά^^οίν, or --πά,μ,ων,-ονος, 6, vi, (from same and 'κάω) that has much property. Τίολΰττάμφαος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and '^οίμψανις) very resplendent. Τίολνττάτγιτος, -ou, (from same and ττα-τίω) much trodden. Ώ.ολυ'ττΒίξίοί, -οις, ij, (from next) much ex- perience. ΤΙολΰττίίζος, -ov, 6, vj, (from ττολνς and ■τΓίίξα) having much experience. ΐίολΰττίίξων, -όνος, 6, ^, (from same and 'Χίϊρ^οι,ς) midtifarious. ϋολΰ'τηνθΥις, -ίος, 6, vi, (from same and ττίνύος) grieving much ; very mournful. ϋολΰττνιμ,ων, -όνος, ο, vj^ (from same and Ίΐτίμΰ^) very injurious, very painful. Ώ-ολΰττηνος, -ov, o, v;, (from same and ■TT'^vof) of a thick tissue, costly. ΤΙολντΓϊΙί&ξ, -οίκ-ος, ό, 71, (from same and 'πί'^ΰί^) having many fountaiiis. ΤΙολν7ΓΤκ.ξος, -ov, (from same and τηκ,^ος) very bitter. ϋολντΓ^ίνης, -iog, o, ^, (from same and 'ττίνος) very dirty. ΤΙοΤαιττλαγκ,τος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and 'ττλά.ζω) wandering much ; causing to wander much. ΐίολνττλα,νίις, -ίος, 'πολΰ'πλα,νος, and 'πολν- 'ττλά,υτ,τος, -ov, 6, τ], (from same and ττλοίνά.οή that wanders ynuch; liable to ivander much; exposed to wandering or error. ΙΙολντΓλοίσιάίζύ), f. -όίσο), p. Ίΐί'ττολντΐλα.οκχ.- Kcx,, (from τΓολυτΓλάσίΟζ) I midtiply. 710 Τίολντιτλίίσΐΰίσμος, -ov, c, (from preced.) midtiplication. ΐίολνχλά,σιος, -ov, 6, v}, (from χολνς) ma- nifold. ■ ΤΙοτΆττλίβζος, -ov, (from same and 'ττλί- θξον) consisting of many ττλίύζΛ. ΐίολντιτλ'ηϋίΐίχ,,οΐ 'ΤΓολυτιτλγιθίχ, -Λς, ^,(frQm same and 'ττλνι^ος) a great multitude. ΤΙολν7Γ?.ηύννω, (from same and ττλνιβύνω) I greatly midtiply. ΐ1ολν7Γλ'^ύω,{ΐΐθϊη same and 'χλνιύίο) I fill abundantly. ΤΙολντΓλοκος, -ov, 6, >;, (from same and 'ττλίκ,ω) much plaited, completely interwoven, manifold, deceitful, cunning. ΤΙολνττοΙκίλος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and 'ΤΓοικ,ίλος) greatly diversified, manifold, multi- farious. ΤΙολντίΌνος, -ov, 6, ij, (from same and στόνος) labouring much, very wretched; caus- ing much toil or trouble : 'ττολνττόνως, with much toil or trouble. ΙΤολύττοξος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and ττόςος) having many passages, issues, or pores. ΤΙολντότΰίμος, -ov, 6, v), (from same and 'ττοτΰίμος) having many j'ivers. ΐίολΰττότης, -ov, ό, (from same and -ττίνω) a great drinker. Τίύλΰ'τΓο'τνιος, -ov, 6, τ;, (from same and ττότνιος^ much to be revered. Ίλολΰττονς, -ο'^ος, 6, v}, (from same and πους) many-footed ; as a subs, the polypus. ΐΙοΤίυτΓξχγμονίω, ion. 'πτολντΓζτ^γμ,ονίω, -ω, (from same and ττ^όισσο)) I am a busy body, am meddling and curious. ΤΙοΤ^ττξοί'/μ,οσΰνγι, -'ής, vj, (from same) cu- riosity, over curious inquiry. Τίολί/'ττξάγμων, -όνος, ό, 7], (from same) having much business, a busy body, inquisi- tive. ΐίολντί-ξα,ος, -ov, 6, 7}, (from τϊολνς and 'ΤΓξοίος) exceedingly meek. ΐίολν'ττ^ίμνος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and ΤΓζίμνον) having many trunks of trees. ΐίολνττξόβόίτος, -ov, o, τ], (from same and 'ττξόβχτον) having many sheep. ΧΙολν'τΓζόσω'ΤΓος, -ov, ό, tj, (from same and '7ΐζόσω7:ον) having many faces, characters, or actoi's. ΤΙολυτττοίγίτος, and 'ττολντι'τόνιτος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and •πτοάω) much terrified or agitated. Τίολύτττνχος, -ov, (from same and 'τττύξ) having many folds or windings. ΤίολύτΓτωτος, -ov, (from same and ττί'ΤΓτω) that has many cases ; a figure by which a word is repeated in several cases in the same sentence. ΐΙολνχϋ(ΐος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ΤΙολνξξαίΰττ,ς A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙολντίμητος, "ττυζο;) producing much wheat; or, (from same and ttD^) all on fire, fiery, inflamed. Ί1()Κυρρΰύστης, -ου, ό, (from same and pctid)} that is a great destroyer. ΐίολΰρροίτττος, or ττοΤ^υρρχφ'ής, -ίος, or "ΤΓοΤιύρβΰίφος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ρά,ττ- τω) of many parts sewed together, much sewed. ΐΙο7,υρρ'/ιμ,ων, -όνος, c, v], (from same and pTjfAoi) speaking much, loquacious. TLo'Avpprt'j, -Yi'jog, and 'κο'κϋρργ[νος, -ου, 6, ij, for 'ττοΧυά^ςν}!/. ΤΙοΆύρβίζος, -οι/, (from 'ττοΤ^ύς and ρίζοί) having many roots. ΤΙοΆύρόϊνος, -oi/, (from same and piuog) made or covei'ed with many skins. Τίολΰρροοος, -o'j, (from same and polou) having many roses. ΤΙοΆυρροΰος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same and ρόθος) much sounding, loquacious. Τίολΰρβύτος, -ου, ό, '^, (from next and pioj) floiving copiously. ύολύς, ττολλ'^, 7Γύ?νύ, see p. 19. ^The following cases occur chiefly in the poets, gen. sing. masc. and neut. -ττοΤ^ίος, dat. ttq- Asl, nom. pi. masc. ττο^^ες, and ττολεΓ?, gen. pi. τΓοΆεων, dat. pi. ττολίσί, -ττολίσσίυ, and cro?Jfi7ff/, ace. pi. masc. -TroXiicg, and ατοΎ^ϋς, iieut. 'τνοϊάΰΐ,, much, many, frequent, great, vast, extensive: oi 'zo7J^o\, the many, any numerous body considered as a whole, the vudtitude of the saved, Rom. v. 15, 19. xii. 5. 1 Cor. X. 17,33. Kul ό τ-οΆυς o%?v6i 'ήκ,ουζν (λϋτου ψϊίως, Mark xii. 37. " and the great jnultitude heard him gladl}^, willingly, or Λvith pleasure." The expression seems to refer to " the great multitude '* which at- tended his triumphant entry into Jerusa- lem, ch. xi. 8. and his daily teaching in the temple. Perhaps, also, it may be con- sidered as an allusion to Psalm ex, which Jesus had immediately before applied to himself, and especially to the third verse, imb- bu -|b -[b-n m-n Γτ:ητ3 ιώι? which the evangelist seems to intimate had an incipient accomplishment in the beha- viour of "the great multitude" on this oc- casion. " Et multa turba cum libenter audivit." Vulg. " Et multa ilia turba audie- bat eum libenter." Beza. " Et de grandes troupes prcnoient plaisir a I'entendre." Gcncv. *^Lc pcuplc qui etoit la en grand nombro, prenoit plaisir a Tccouter." Ano- ther Genev. Ed. ΤΙο'κΰσα,θζος, -ου, (from preccd. and octQ- Qog) much corrupted or decayed. ΤΙολυσχζκΐΛ, -oc;, 'ή, (from same and σά^|) fleshiness, plumj)ncss. ΐίοχΰσοίξκος, -ου, (from same) having much flesh, plump. ΙΙοΎ,ΰσίυ'Ας, -ioc, 6, 'ή, (from τολν^ and σίνοΐ) hurting many, very vicious. ΤΙο7^υσίτ7α, -ας, v], (from same and σίτος) abundance of ivheat, corn, or food. ΤΙοΆνσϊτος, -ou, (from same) abounding in wheat, corn, or food. Τίο7\ύσκα,ζύ(Λος, -ου. Ion. -oto, o, yj, (from ττολύς and σκ,αίζύ)) much boJinding, nimble. ΤΙολύσκ,ϊος, -ου, (from same and σκ,ίχ) very Ώ.οΆυσ'ττοίστος, -ου, (from same and σττχω) that can draw much : ττοΤιύσττχστου, -ου, το, a pulley, a crane. ΐΙοΤ,υσττίζ'ής, -ίος, ο, {}, (from same and σττείξω) much sown, widely dispersed, or very numerous. ΊΙο'κύστΓΤ.ιχ.γχυος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and σ^τλάγχυου) abounding in bowels of mercy, very merciful or compassionate, James v. 11. where some read 'ττοΤ.υίΰσ'τιτΤ.α,'/χυος in the same sense. ΤίοΤ.υστά,φΰ'Κος, -ου, ο, '/}, (from same and στχφυλ'^) abounding in grapes. Ή.ο'κΰστα,χ,υς, -υος, ο, τι, (from same and στάχυς) having many ears of corn. Τίολυστίυακτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and στίυάζω) utteriiig many groans ; causing many groans. ΤίοΤ^υστίψ'/ις, -ίος, 6, vj, (from same and στίφύή that has many crowns or wreaths. ΤΙο'κύστοίχ,ος, 'ου, ο, »;, (from same and στοίχος) having many rows. ΐΙοΆυστομ,ίω, (from same and στό^κ,α) I give much mouth. ΐίολύστο,αος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) that mouths much, clamorous, loquacious. ΤΙοΤ-ύστονος, same as 'ττολυστύυοίκ,τος. ΤΙολύατζίβλος, -yj, -ου, (from στολύς and στζφλός) very perverse, very cunning. Τ1ο7^υσύλλόίβος, -ου, (from same and συλ- λοίβνι) of many syllables, poly syllabic al. ΙΙολυσφόυΙΰλος, -ο;/, (from same and σφόυ- δνλοί} that has many vertebrce or Joi?its. ΤΙολύσχιστος, -ου, (from same and σχίζω) split or divided into many p>ai'ts or braitches. ΙΙολυσω/ι^,όίτος, -ου, (from same and σω- μχ) that has many bodies, that has a large body. ΤΙολυτύλοίυτος, -ου, ό, yj, (from same and τύλχυτου) of many talents. ΪΙοΆυηκυίω, (from same and τίκυου) I have many children. ΤΙολντίκυος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same} that begets or bears many children. ΙΙολίτϊ'λε/ά, -Λς, '^,(from ττοΤ.υς and τί7^ος) great expense, suwptuousncss, magnificence. Πύλϋ Τ£λ57ί, -ίος, -ους, 6, yj, το -ίς, (from same) costly, of great value. ΤίοΤ,ύτψ.-^τος, -ου, ο, vj, (from -ττολύς and Tipiv)) much honoured or valued. 711 ΤΙολυτιμος, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙολυ-^ηφ/ς. ΤΙο'Κντΐμος, -ου, ο, ^,(from same) of great price, very precious. ΤΙολντΙίτος, -ov, o, v}, (from ττοκύς and τΊω) much honoured ; much to be honoured. ΤΙοΤΪΰτλχς, -αυτός, 'ποΚυτΚνιμ,ωυ, -όνος, and ■τΓολί/τλίίτοί, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and τλάω) that has endured much ; capable of enduring much; very unfortunate ; very experienced. ΤΙο'λντόκος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and perf. mid. of τίκ,τω) bearing much, fruitful. ΤΙοΤ^ύτολμος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and τόλμοί) very bold or daring. Ιίολύτξετττος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and Ύζί'πω') versatile, changeable. Τ1ο'λυτξ7}ςων, -ωνος, 6, vi, (from same and τζνι^ωυ) that abounds in pigeons. Τίο'ΚυτζΎΐτος, -ou, (from same and τξίω) that has many perforatio§s or pores. IIoAfT^o7r/ci,-£i£i,^,(from same and τ^ί'ττω) versatility, craftiness. ΐΙο'Κυτζοττος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) that has travelled much ; versatile, crafty. Ώ.οΧυτξό'ττως, (from preced.) in various mamiers. ΤΙοΤίυτξοφος, -ου, ο, {], (from 'ττο'λύς and τζζφω) well fed, fat: ττο'Κυτξόφος, that feeds or nourishes ivell. ΤΙοΤ^ϋυμνΥιτος, 0Γ ττοΤ^ύυ^ίΛυος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ύμνίω) much sung or cele- brated. ΤΙοΤ^υφοιγίΰί, -ίβ?, if, (from next) voi^acious- ness. Ί1ο7\.υφοίγος, -ου, 6, 5}, (from ττολύς and φάγω) eating much, voracious. Ώ.οΆυφάυτχστος, -ou, (from same and φαν- τάξω) having many appearances. ΐΙοΆΰφάξμά,κος, -ou, (from same and φά,ξ- μΛκ,ον) having many drugs; skilled in drugs. ΐΙο'Κΰφα,τος, -ou, (from same and φάοί) much spoken of, celebrated. ΤΙολΰφγιμος, -ου, ό, {], (from same and φ'^μγι) much renowned, 7nuch speaking, cla- morous, noisy. ΙΙοΤ^υφύόζος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and φθείζω) destructive to many, murderous: ττο- Τ^ύφύοζος, much destroyed ; much exposed to destruction. Τίολυφίλίοί, -οίς, vi, (from same and φίτ^ος) the having of many friends. ΤΙοΤ^νφ'ίλος, -ου, ό, 7], (from same) having many friends. ΤΙολύφίΤ^τξος, -ου, ο, ί], (from στο'κύς and φίλτξον) that has taken a large love-potion, much enamoured. Τίολύφλοίσβος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and φλοίσβος) much roaring. ΤΙολυφόνος, -ου, ο, {], (from same and φίνω) slaying many, murderous. ΤίοΆνφοζβος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and φίξβω) that feeds many. 712 ΤΙολυφοζΙοί, -ας, 'ή, (from same and φΐ^ω) much fruitfulness. ΤΙολνφόζος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) fruit- ful, fertile. ΤΙολύφοζτος, -ου, ό, τι, (from ττοΐκύς and φόξτος^ much laden. ΤΙοΤ^φςόίΙ'ής, -Βος, and 'ττολυφξά^μων, -Οϋος, ό, hi (from same and φζάζω) having much wisdom, well advised. Tlo7wφξouriς, -βος, ό, % (from same and φζθϋτ\ς)βάΙ of cares. ΤΙολυφζόντιστος, -ου, ο, vi, (from same) very careful. Tίo'hυφ^oσvu<η, -ης, ί], (from ττολύς and φζ'^υ) much intelligence or prudence. Tloλυφξo^u, -ouoς, 6, ij, (from same) very intelligent or prudent; very subtle or crafty. ΤΙοΚΰφυ'ΚΚος, -ou, (from 'πο'Κυς and φυΚ- λοζ/) that has many leaves. ΊΙολυφωυία, -ας, vi, (from same and φωυνί) a multitude of voices or sounds, ΙΙολνφωνος, -ου, ό, ί], (from same) of many voices or sounds, talkative. ΤΙολΰχ,αλκ,ος, -ου, 6, ij, (from %•ο7\.ύς and γ^αλΆος) having much copper or brass or money; rich; well fastened, firm, solid. ΎΙο'Κυγ,αν^'Ϋΐς, -ίος, ο, oj, (from same and χαν^άνω) gaping much, very capacious. ΐίολύχίίζ, -χίίξος, and σΓολύχίίξος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and χί\ζ) of many hands. Ίίολυχζίζία, -ας, vj, (from same) a midti- tude of hands. ΤΙοΆυχοξ^ία, -ας, v], (from 'ττολύς and χοξ- δΐί) a multiplicity of strings. Τίολνχ,οξ^ος, -ου, ο, v], (from same) having many strings. Τΐο'λυχξγιματία, -ας, v), (from 'ττο'λύς and χξ^μα) the possession of much wealth. ΐΙ.ο'Κυχ^νίματος, -oy,and 'ττοΤ^χξ'ήμων,-ουος, 6, VI, (from same) possessing much wealth. ΤΙολυχξουΙξω, (from ττολύς and χζουίζω) I last a long time, delay long. Tlo?^Xξόu^oς, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and χιόνος) lotig-lived, ancient, old. Τίολΰχζοος, -όου, contr. ττολύχξους, -ου, (from same and χξόα) many -coloured. ΤΙοΤ^χξϋσος, -ου, ο, {], (from same and χρυσός) having much gold. ΎΙολύχΰτος, -ου, 6, 7}, (from same and χύω) much poured out, much diffused. ΤΙολνχωστος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and χωυνύω) much heaped up. ΤΙοΆυ-ψαμόίύος, and 'ττολύ-ψαμμος, -ου, 6, Vi, (from same and -ψάμμος) having viuch sand. ΤΙολυ-ψγιφία, -ας, % (from same and -^^ή- φος) a midtitude and diversity of votes, the right of suffrage vested i^i many. Τίολυ-ψ/ιφϊς, -ι%ς, (from same) having many pebbles. 5 ΤΙολ{ι->^ηρος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙοντόΎΟΡΟζ. ΙΙοΤ^ύ-ψτιφος, -ου, ο, yj, (from eame) having viany and different votes. ΠολϋώδίζΌί-, -oy, 0, 'A, (from 'τνοκυς and ooiii/ii) /Λαί causes much pain or gri^/l ΐΙοΤ^υωνΰμ,ία, -ex,;, 'ή, (from same and ouv- μα.)α having of many names, or of celebrity. Ι1ολνύ)νι>μο;, -ου, (from same) having many names, celebrated. ϋοΆυωτΓ'ής, -ίος, and ττύλύύυττος, -ou, 6, tj, (from ττύΆνς and ω-ψ) Jiuving many eyes or apertures. ΤΙοΧυαοζύ), -ω, f. -'Jjaa, 1 a. ίττολυωξ-ησα, (from same and ώξίω) I take great care of, reverence highly. Τίοκύωτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ους) that has many ears. ΤΙολνωφεΤ^'/Ις, -soc, 6, 7j, (from same and ώφΒλίω) of manifold use or profit, very bene- ficial. ΤΙοΧύω-ψ, -ωτος, same as ττο'Κυω'πγ^ς. Tlof4,cc, -ccro;, το, (from perf. pass, of 'ττόω) somewhat that is drunk, drinJc. ΤΙομττΛΪος, -cclcc, -ce.7oi/, or ττομ,ττχΊος, -ου, 6, 7], (from ίΤί,ί^ττώ)) that leads or conducts ; led or conducted: 6 ττομ,ττχΊος, the conductor, an epithet of Mercury. Τίομ,τηία, -ctg, yj, (from same) a conveying, conducting, or accompanying, in a solemn ]3rocession ; a triumphal procession ; an os- tentatious display; a pompous, proud de- meanour ; raillery, sarcastic banter. Jeers, properly such as passed between persons in a procession and the spectators. TLoiiTTslo;, -ou, (from same) fitted for show, magnificent, ΤΙομ,τΓίύς, Λας, Ion. -^og, 6, (from same) one who conducts, accompanies, or escorts, any one in a jyrocession ; the conductor of a procession ; one who goes in a procession. ΣΙο/ϋ'ΤΓίνω, f. -ίύσω, (from next) / go in triumphal p)rocession, I triumph; I behave with pride or ostentation ; I throw out sar- casms at, jeer, deride, reproach, as was cus- tomary with persons who followed a pro- cession on the festivals of Bacchus and Ceres. Xlof/.TT'/], -vi;, 7], (from ττίμττύ)) a mission ; pomp, procession, conveyance. ΐίομ'ττίκ,ος, -'ή, -ov, (from same) belonging to or qualified for solemn processions ; pom- pous, magnificent, ostentatious. ΤΙόμττϊΐίίος, -iyy/], -i,uou, or ττόίΛττ^ιμ,ος, -ou, (from same) conveying, conducting ; that may b& conveyed or conducted. ^ Ώ.ομ'ττος, -ου, ο, (from same) a person sent, a conductor, leader, companion ; one who accomjjanies or escorts. ΤΙομτ-οστολίω, (from same and στόλος) I conduct afieet or ship; I lead in procession. ΤΙομφολυγοτΓίίφλκσ/ΐί», -»το;, το, (from -ζ-ομ^φόλυξ, and τηχ,φλχζω) the bursting of a bubble. ΐίομ^φολνζω, f. -νσω, and ■τ^ομ,φο'κΰσσω, (from next) I throiu up bubbles or blisters, boil up or over, gush forth. Τΐο/^φύλνξ, -vyog, τ], a water-bubble ; a blister ; the boss of a shield. TLo'Aa, -ω, f. -ίσω, or -ί]σω, 1 a. Ι'ττόι/εσχ, and ίττοντισα, p. 'ττίττόν/ικοί, p. pass, ^rs-roz/^- f^cti, (from perf. mid. of ττίυοίίοαή I labour, am in pain, toil, am fatigued. Uou/iincc, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a L•- bour, a worlc, a performance, ΤΙον/ΐζίυ/ίίίΧ; -ΰίτοζ, το, (from next) a wick- ed action. ΤΙον/ιΟίύω,ΐ. -ζΰσω, and -ττοτ/ιοζύομοιι, (from '7::o'j'/ioog) I do mischief, act amiss, envy. Ιίοι/Υίξίχ,^ας, 'λ (from next) wickedness, malignity, mischief, calamity. ΤΙοι/Υίξός, -X, -oy, (from TrouogJ evil,vitious, malicious, malignant, mischievous, calamitous: 6 -ττονηοός, the evil or wicked one, any wicked or injurious pej^son, as Matth. v. 39. μ,'ίι au- T/ffT^yii; τω ττοντιςω, not to retaliate upon the injurer ; also 1 Cor. v. 13.; or the Devil ; the article does not determine whether the expression shall be understood of evil in general, or of the Evil One. But the Syriac translator seems to have every where understood it in the latter accepta- tion. And so in the Lord's prayer, at least, the Fathers almost unanimously un- derstood it, Matth. vi. 13. Luke xi. 4. thus in the ancient prayers of the Jews, " et libera nos a Satana." to -rov/^^ov, that which is evil, Rom. xii. 9. Τίον-ήζόφύαλμ,ος, -ου, ο, 'οφ6ξγιτος, -ου, ο, {], (from preced. and φοξγιτός, which from φοζίω) carried away hy a river or torrent. Uorxofidi, same as 'ττετάομοίί. Ιίοτόίττος, -ij, -ou, (from oroy and δώττεδο:/) of what soil or country ? what manner of? of what sort ? how great ? Τίότί, (from τΓου and ots) when, at what time, at any time; at sometime or other, once, ever : ίως πνόη, till ivhen ? i. e. how long ? μ>νί ττότζ, not ever, never. Τίοτίομοίί, Ion. for 'ττβτά,ομ.οίί. ΤΙότεξος, -Λ, -ov, (from ττοϊος and ίτίζος') whether of two ? στότζ^ον ονχΐ, is it not ? Τίοτίζχομ,οίΐ, Dor. for ττξοσίξχομΰίΐ. ΤΙοτί^ωθι, (from -π-ότε^οί) on which side ? in which place ? ΤΙοτίζως, (from same) in tvhich way f Ήοτίξωσί, (from same) on which side ? Τίοτίχω, Dor. for ττξοσίχω. UOTYi/Lcoc, -ατός, το, (from -ττί-ττοτί^ί, 3 sing. perf. pass, of ττόω) a drinking, drink. ϋοττίξ, -νΐζος, 6, (from same) a drinking- ciip. Uorvj^tov, -ov, το, (from same) a drinking cup, the liquor contained in a drinking cup) ; from the ancient custom of the master of the feast appointing to each of the guests his cup, i. e. his kind and measure of liquor, this word is used for that portion of happi- ness or misery, which God assigns to king- doms or individuals, Psal. xi. 6. xvi. 5. xxiii. 5. hence, used for the appointed suffer- ings of Christ, Mat. xxvi. 39, 42; this sense of ττοτ'ήζίον, and that of βά,'πτισμ^α, (See βά,τΐτισμοι. 5. and βοίτττίζω, 8.) explain the association of these two words, Mat. XX. 22. Ivmaus 'tthIu το ΠΟΤΗ'ΡΙΟΝ, ο kyco (ΛΪ,ϊ.'Κω 'Tiriviiv, κχΐ το BATITISMA, ό' syo) βχτττίζομοί,ί, βχτττισύΐ^ί^ί&ί ; ΤΙοτ'^ς, -νίτος, τι, (from same) drinking. UOTYjg, -ov, 0, (from same) a drunkard. ΤΙοτνιτος, -ij, -ov, (from ηνοτά,ο^οίί) that flies. uori, Dor. for crgoV; hence the com- pounds 'ττοτιά,'τττω, for 'ττξοσάτττω ; ττοτφά.'λ- Άύ), for 'τΓξοσβχ'λλω, &c. which see under ΤΓξός. ΤΙοτίζω, Dor. 'ττοτίσ^ω, f. -ισω, Attic cro- Tia, p. 'Ki'TtoTix,», 1 a. Ι-ττότισοί, 1 a. pass. Ιτνοτίσύνιν, (from ττόω) I give drink to, I lead to water as cattle, / water as plants ; I re- fresh, or feed, or fill abundantly, whether with drink or meat, 1 Cor. iii. 2. See μ,ε- θύσκω, and μεθύω -, 'ττοτίζω is used as nearly synonymous with βα,τΐτίζω, in the sense of pouring out water from the palm of the 716 hand, on the falce of the baptized, that it may not only wet the surface as an emblem of washing, but be drunk into the mouth as an embfem of death to sin, and life to righteousness, (See βα,-τττίζω, 8.) 1 Cor. xii. 1.3. Kot< γά,ζ su ivl ττνίύμ,οι,τι 'ή^^ύς 'Τΐά,ντίς dg h aZi^a, ΈΒΑΠΤΓ2ΘΗΜΕΝ — y.ou 'κάντες [g/?] h 7Γζ/£ΐί^4«ί^ΈΠΟΤΓ2ΘΗΜΕΝ. " For by one Spirit have we all been bap- tized into one body; and have all been made to drink into one Spirit." TLoTiusi, for τΓοτίύες, which for 'ττξόσβες, 2 a. imperat. of 'πζ^οστίύγιμ,ι. ΤΙοτικλαίγα, Dor. for -ττζοσΆλεία). ΤΙοτρίός, -ίί, -ou, (from -ττόω) addicted to drinking. Τ1ότ7μος, '71, -ou, (from same) drinkable, fresh, sweet, agreeable. Τίοτισμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from 'ττοτίζω) a giving to drink,, drinking, diink, ivatering. Ίίοτίστά,τος, -ου, 6, (from superl. of 'ττό- τγις) a very great drunkard. HoTiaT7]Qiou, -ov, το, (from ττοτίζω) a place for watering cattle, a trough or vessel for holding water, a canal. Ί1οτιστ>ής, -ου, 6, (from same) a cup-bear- er, butler, one who gives to drink or who waters. ΐίοτίστζοί, -α,ς, vj, (from same) a trough where cattle are watered. Τΐο'τ/ίύος, -ου, 6, (from στετω) a fall, fate, destiny, death. TIoTuoi, and •πότυια,, -α,ς, τ], (from σϊότυίος) a sovereign or mistress. ΤΙοτυιόί^ες, -c^u, ou, (from next) the Bac- chantes : 7Γoτuιa^ες ^εοιΐ, the Furies. ΙΙοτνίάω, -ω, (from next) / implore, be- seech, supplicate, invoke aid ; complain, la- ment, weep : 'ττοτνίάομ,α.ι, I revere. ΐΐότυιος, -ioc, -lou, and -ττότνος, (from ττετω) venerable. ϋοτόΐ^ω, Lacon. or ττοτόσΐω. Dor. for ■ττξοσόζω. JJoTou, -ου, το, (from ποτίζω) drink. ΤΙότος, -ου, 6, (from same) a compotation, drinking match,feast. ΤΙοτος, -vi, -ou, (from same) potable. TLoTTocu, -ττοττόν. Dor. for 'ττξός toLu, 'ττζος τον, and 'ποττόυ, ττοττω, ττοττώς, for -π-ξός του, ττζος τω, ιτ^ος τους. Πο», where ? whither ? ττου, (without an accent) somewhere, about, near. See Mid- dleton on the article, 1 Cor. i. 20. ΤΙου7\.υ-, words beginning thus to be sought •for under ττοΆυ-. ΤΙους, or 'ττούς, 'ττοΐός, ο, the foot; the lower part; « foot; the rudder of a ship; the rope by which the mainsail of a ship) is let out, or taken in. Πόω, obs. f. ττόσω, (ρ, 73) / drink. ΙΙοω, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξί'^τάηως, UoZ, Attic for τοίω, 'ττοιία, τοιω, ΙΙοωΙης, -£ος, ο, '^, (from 'ttOoc) like grass, abounding in grass. ϋζχγμχ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of -ττοάσσού) a fact, worJc, deed, thing, matter, affair ; pestilence, Ps. xci. 6 : iu τω 'ττξΰίγ- ματί, in the matter, viz. that of which the apostle is speaking, 2 Cor. vii. 11. ] Thes. iv. 6. ΤΙξΛγμ,όίτείχ, -ας, ί], (from 'τ^ξοίγματίνω) an affair, business, occupation, work. Ώ.ζχγμχτβντΥιζ, -ου, ο, (from next) a man in business, a traffcher. ΐΐ^οί'/μ,αηύω, f. -ζύσω, 1 f. mid. τ^ξΐχ,γμοί- 'πύσομ.α,ι, 1 a. mid. Ϊ7:ο^α'•/μα,τίυσά,μ-ην, (from "^ζοίγμ,οι,) I engage another in affairs or busi- ness ; mid. / am occupied or employed in business. Τίζα,γμ,οίτίχ,ος, -Vj, -ou, (from same) occu- pied, busy, attendant ; skilled in the manage- ment of affairs : -ττξαγματίχως, actively, ef- fectually. ΐΐζο,γμ,α,τοοϊφτις, -ου, 6, (from same and δ;^ere the bishops and dea- cons, 1 Tim. iv. 14. including apostles when present, as well as bishops and dea- cons, compare 2 Tim. i. 6. ΙΙ^εσβΰτεζος, -oc, -ov, (comparative of πτζίσβυς) more advanced in years, older, el- der. Job i. 13, 18. Luke xv. 25. John viii. 9; advanced in years, old. Gen. xviii. 11. 718 12. xix. 4, 31 ; oi 'ττξεσβύτεζοι, the elders, ap- plied to the patriarchs and celebrated men among the ancient Israelites, Heb. xi. 2. who are described by Theodoret, on the passage, to be, oi ττάΤνοίΐ γεγεννημ,ενοι, oi -τΓξό του νομ,ου κ,αΐ lu τω vof^a ^{χλάμ-ψαν- τες ccyioi ; — to the members of the Jewish Sanhedrim, Mat. xvi. 21. xxi. 23. xxvi. 3, 47, 57, 59. xxvii. 1, 3, 12, 20, 41, &c.— to the original company of the disciples of Je- sus, and the early converts in the christian churches. Acts xi. 30. hence the apostles call themselves elders, 1 Pet, v. 1. 2 John 1. 3 John 1. From among these the first ordinary office-bearers, including both bish- ops and deacons, were selected. Acts xiv. 23. See quotation from Clement, and the remarks on it under ' Έτησκ,οτΓτι. But the word is not confined to them, nor to offiife at all, as is manifest from the trans- itions made by Paul and Peter from the elder to the younger, and that in reference to both sexes. See 1 Tim. v. 1,2.-1 Pet. V. 1 — 5. See also Macknight's note on 1 Tim. V. 17. He remarks, " that although in the primitive church the offices of the ministry were various, and in large churches more persons than one were appointed to each office, yet in smaller churches, whose members could not afford maintenance to a numerous ministry, all the different sa- cred offices seem to have been performed by the bishops and deacons. Their office, therefore, including all the sacred func- tions, nothing is said in Scripture concern- ing the qualifications necessary to any of these offices, except concerning the qualifi- cations necessary in those who were to be made bishops and deacons." An instance of a church served by one bishop and two deacons, may be seen in Lord Hailes's Re- mains of Christian Antiquity, vol. 2. in " the trial and execution of Fructuosus, bishop of Tarracona in Spain, and of his two deacons, Augiuius and Eulogius,'' supposed to have taken place, A. C. 259. ΐΐο^εσβϋτγις,-ου, 6, (from -ττ^εσβυς) old, aged, an old man, an ambassador, Sym. Isa. xviii. 1. 2 Mace. xi. 34. Philem. 9. ΐΙαυΧος 'ττ^εσ- βΰτ-ης, " Paul an old man." Ί1ζεσβϋτ^ι>(.ος, -oj, -ow, (from same) elderly, of or belonging to elders : π-ςεσβυτικ,ως, unth the gravity or respect due to an old mail. Τίξεσβϋτις, -ilog, vi, (from 'Χζεσβΰτης) an aged woman. Tit. ii. 3. Τίρεσβϋτο^όζος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and tixof^oci) entertaining ambassadors. Τίξευμενείοί, -χς, vi, (from ττξοίος and ευμενής) grace, favour, good-will, benig- nity. ΠξευμΒνγΐς. A GREEK LEXICON. Πξοαλης, Ί1ζζυ(Λξ'^ής, Λος, 6, '/], (from same) Vindly disposedy gracious, benign : τξίν^^ίΐ/ως, mild- Ii/, with benignity. Ήξ^γμχ, -Ίίτοζ, το, Ion. for πζ^α,γμ,Λ. TL^rr/opsoju, -cj'jog, 6, (from τ^ζο and dyzi- ζύ)) the crop of a bird. ΐΐρ'ήύω, f. -σω, p. ττίττοήκα,, I burn, kindle, blow into, blow up, swell. ΐίρτ,κτ'ήζ. Ion. for τΐξακτ'ή^ or ττζάκ,τωρ. ΤΙξηα,αίι/ω, (from ττζτιύω and (Λχίνω) I bloiu violently, blaze out, rage. Ίί^ηνής, -έοζ, -ους, ό, vj, (from ττςο and uvco or νίΰύ)) prone, falling forward on one's face, forward. Τΐξγινίξω, f, -ίξύ), (from preced.) I preci- pitate. ΤΙο'^ζίς, Ion. for -ττξΰίζίς. Ιχοτίσις, for ττζα,σις, -ίως, yj, (from ττξοίω) a sale. ΐίοτ^σις, -ίως, 7j, (from ■νξτιθω) an inflating, swelling, setting on fire, burning. n«'/ ο'ήσσύ). Ion. for 'ττ^άσσύ). ΐΐζγ,στζυω, I give inforination. Τίοηστ'ήΡ, -νιρος, 6, (from 'ττζ'ήθω) a fiery meteor, a flash of lightning, a burning wind ; a venomous serpent : τζ-ζιατνίΡίς, ol, the veins in the neck, which become turgid in fits of anger. ΥΙΡΎΐτ'ήζίον, -ου, το. Ion. for 'πξΛτνίξΐΟ!/, (from TT^itT'/j^) a place for sales, a market. ΙΙζγ,ων, -ωνος, 6, (from tt^'/j:/ which for -π-^Ιυ) a prominent part of a mountain, cliff, summit, peak. TLp'icc/ii.xi, (from ττίζύω) I buy, purchase. ΤΙριζω. See 'ΤΓξίω. ΤΙζίν, (from -ttpo a,u) before: το rr^lv, formerly : 'ττζίντ,, contracted for -ttqIu tj, be- fore. TL^Tvi'hiou, -ου, το, dim. of ττζίνος. ΤΙςΤΆυος, -τη, -ou, (from next) of holm- oak. Τίιηνος, -ου, 6, a holm tree, ilex. Τί(Ηνωύ/ις, -ίος, ο, vj, (from preced.) like a holm-oak ; abounding in holm-oaks. Hp'iatg, -ίως, 'ή, (from w^/iw) a sawiiig, a gnashing of the teeth. ΤΙζίσττίΡ, -ij^o^•, o, (from same) a saw. ΤΙξίστ/ίξοειοτις, and 'ττξίστοει^'ης, -ίος, 6, 5j, (from preced. and ίΤοος) having the ajyj^ear- ance of a saw. ΤίοΙστης, -ου, 6, (from ττζ/ώ») a sawyer, a cutter. ΤΙζίστϊς, -εως, v), (from same) a swift sail- ing ship, a cutter. ΙΙζίστος, -'ή, -6v, (from next) saiued; that may be satved. ΙΙξϊύ), or -ττζίζύ), f. -σύ), p. τΐί'ττζίκα,, p. pass. 'ττ&'ΤΓζίσμ,χι, 1 a. pass. iTTQiad/iu, I saiu, saw asunder, Heb. xi. 37. gnash the teeth. HqIcju, -ouog, 0, (from preced.) a saw. . Προ, (probably from 'ττάξος) before in time or place; in preference to; in defence of ; for, for the benefit of, on account of. See p. 101. ΐΙζοα,γγίτ,'Κω, (preced. and άyyίKhω) I announce beforehand, foretell. ΤΙξοάγ-/£7ιος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from same) that announces beforehand, that acts as a harbin- ger. Τίξοχγγελσίς, -εως, v}, (from same) pre- vious notice. H^occyo^xo, rather ττζΟΛγοξ&ύω, or '^■^o- α,γοοίω, (ττοο and κγοξάω, -ίΰω, or Λω) I speak for, plead the cause of. ΙΙξοοίγω, (same and οίγω) I go before, lead forward, lead or bring out or forth, prefer ; I break before. Τίξοο^/ωγίία, -οίζ, jj, (from preced.) a leading forward or to, conveyance, the act of a bawd ov pimp. ΙΙζοάγωγβύω, (from same) I lead before or to ; I prostitute. Tl^osiyujy^, -'^ς, yj, (from same) promotion ; also, game as vr^ociyaysisc. TlξO(X.yωyός, -ου, ο, '/j, (from same) that furthers or promotes; that acts as a pimp or baiud. TL^Qccyuv, -ωνος, ο, (from same) a pre- lude to a contest, a prelude, a j^reamble. TLζocιyωυίζo[ΛCίι, {ττζο and ά,yciυίζo[Λoiι) I combat before, I combat for. TlQOccyύJ'Jiστ'■/^ς, -ov, o, (from same) ow^ 2i;^o combats before or for another, 'a defender. U^ocihiKia, -ω, (^ττξο and α^ικίω) I injure before, commit the first injury. ΤΙζοοίίΙέομαι, (same and αι^ίομχή I have respect for, whether for the presence of, or for benefits received from ; I feel pi-evious respect. ΤΙξ06ΐίξ$σίς, -tog, Attic -εως, y], (from -z-qo- οίΐοίύή a choice, purpose, ivill, desire ; a sect, party, faction. ΤΙζθίχ,ίζετ7κ.ός, -'ή, -ou, (from same) capable of choosing or resolving, deliberative. ΙΙζοοίίξίτός, .^, -ou, (from next) deter- mined, chosen ; subject to choice. ΤΙζοοϋξίω, -ω, (-r^o and α,ίζίω) I deter- mine ; mid. prefer, choose. ΤΙξοοίίσύίχ,υομ,αί, (same and κισόά,υομ,α,ι) I perceive before. ΤΙζοαίσό/ισίς, -ί^ϋς, vj, (from same) a pre- sentiment. Τ1ΐ)οχίτίοιο/:ΛΛί,-ωμ•Μί,{'7Τξ6 and echixoficci) I accuse, allege, or convict before, liom. iii. 9. Tίooot■κouτiζύ},{s?Lme and οίκουτίξω) I throw javelins before : '7rQOΛΆOuτίζo,uΰC^, I dart forth. Τίζοχκούω, (same and ακούω) I hear be- fore. Col. i. 5. ϋξοόίλ'^ς, -ίος, ό, {}, (from same and ά'λ- 719 ΊΙ^ΰαλίβ^ο), A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξφααχάνιον, 7\.ομ.α.ι) leaping or projecting forward^ steep, headlong, rash, bold. Ή-ξΟίΧ,λίσκ,ύ), (same and οίΚίσκ,ω) I take, catch, destroy beforehand, ΐΙξοοί^ΛΛξτόίνω, (same and ά.μ.αζτά,νω) I sin before. Τίξοοιμ,ύνομχι, (same and d/icvvofceii) I defend myself beforehand, prevent danger, anticipate the designs of an enemy. ΤίξΟΛί/οίβΰίίι/ω, (same and ciuccfiociya) I go up befoi'e. Ί1ζοόίνά,βάχκο{Λα,ι, (same and ava^aKkcS) I prelude, make a preamble, ΤΙξΟΰίΐ^χγω, (same and duaya) I sail be- fore. ΤίζΟΛναιφο), (same and άνα,ιφω) I take away or destroy beforehand. Τίξοοί,νοΐίσιμόω, (same and άνοίίσιμοω) I consume before. ΤΙξοοίνοίλίσζω, (same and άνα,'λίσχ,ω) I ex- pend beforehand; advance money for ex- penses. Ώ.ξοαρχμί'λ'ττύ), (same, avoc, and μίλττω^ I sing before, lead in singing, sing in pre- sence of. ΤΙζοοίνοίζ'ττά,ζω, f. -οίσω, (same and άνοίξ- -π-οίζω) I snatch up or aiuay before, previously take up. ΈΙξΟΰίνατά,σσω, or -rrcj, (same, ανά, and τά,σσω) I prefer, I array in the front. ΤΙξοοα/ατίτ,Τ^ο}, (same and άυα,τίΧΚω) I 7'ise or spring up before. ΐΐζ^οοίνα,φωνίω, (same and άναψω-Αω) I proclaim or announce aloud beforehand, pre- dict ; I call up, summon before. ϋζοοίνα,χωξνίσις, -sag, τ], (same and duce,- χωξΥΐσίζ) a previous return or retreat. ΤΙζοα,νύζω, (same and duuia) I bloom first. ΤΙξύΐχ.ϋύττω, or -ύτω, (same and duurrco) I finish or complete before. Ώ.ξοχ'ττοίγγί'λΤ^ω, (same and άταγγίλΧω^ I tell, announce, or proclaim before, fore- warn. Υίξοοί'ττοί'/οξζνω, (same and άττοίγοξεύω^ I prematurely yield or fail. Π^οατΓοίί/τάω, (same and ά'ττα,ντάω) I go forward to meet. ΐΙξοχ'ΤΓαν^άω, (same and άτοίυ^άω) I re- nounce or yield before. Τϊξοοί'π-ίίμί, (same and ci'Tret^i) I go away before. ΤίξΟΰί'ττίξχομοι:, (same and άττίζχ,ομα,ι) I go away before, die before. ΐΙξοχ'Τί-ίχύάι/ομοίί, (same and άττεχ,βάρο' fioc:) I prematurely engage in hostilities. Ί1ζοοί7ΤΥΐγίομχ{, Ion. for 'π-ζοαφηγίομαι, (same and άφγιγίομχι) I relate or explain beforehand. TL^oocTToheiKvva, (same and άττο^ίίκννο)) I demonstrate before, 720 J Τϊζοα,'ττοΙί^ωμί, (same and αττο^βωμι) I give away or repay before ; I anticipate. Τίζ^οοίττούνήσΆω, (same and ά'ττού^^ισκ,ω^ I die before, die prematurely. ΤΙξοχτΓοκ,ά,μνω, (same and ά'ττοκ,άμνω) I am completely fatigued before another, or prematurely. ΤΙζοοΐ'7:-οκ,τ$ίυω, (same and άττοκ,τύϋω) I kill before. ΐΙξΟΩί'ΤΓοΧοί.μβάίΐ/ω, (same and άττοΤ^χμβχ- uo)) I receive before. ΤΙξοοίΤΓολεί'ττω, (same and άττοΤ^ίΙττω) I abandon, fail, or die before. ΤΙζΟΰί'πότ^Άυμι, (same and άττόΆΤ^νμι) I destroy before : ■χζΟΛ'κό'ΚΚυμιχ,ι, I perish be- fore. ΐΙ^οΛτίοτι^ίμ'πω, (same and άττοττίμτω) I send away before, Jl^oocTToariXha, (same and αττοστίτο^ω) I send away before. Τίζοοίττοσφοίζύ), (same and άττοσφάζω) I slay before. ΐΙζοατΓοτίύημι, (same and άτίοτίθημι) I lay doivji before, premise. Ή.ξοϋ'π-οτζί'ττύ), (same and ά'ΤΓοτξίττω) I turn away before. ΤΙξοίζτΓοφίζίνα, (same and άττοφΰίίνω) I show or declare before. Τίξοοίττοφοίτιζω, (same, «oro, and φοιτά,ω) I depart before or prematurely. Τί^οοίξπ-άξο), (same and ώ^ττάξω) I snatch away before. Ώ.ξοά.ξχομχί, (same and οίξχω) I begin befo7'e or first. ΤΙζοαστΓίζω, (same and dσ'7rίζω) 1 hold a shield before. ΐίξοάσταοι/, -ου, το, (from same and οίστυ) a suburb. ΙΙξΟΰίυΙύω, (same and αί/^οίω) I speak be- fore, proclaim, predict. ΤΙξοΰίύλίΟΰ, -ου, το, (from same and aiih^) a porch or gateway. ΤΙζοοίφίστημι, (same and άφίστ-ημΐ) 1 withdraw before. Π^ο/3«δν)ν, (from 'ττζοβα,ίυω) goingforiuard. ΤίξοβχΙΙζω, (τϊ-ζο and βιζ^ίζω) I walk be- fore. ΐίξοβοίΐι/ω, (same and βούυω) I go for- ward, advance, succeed, excel. Τίξοβΰίκ.χ,7}ϊος, -ου, 6, (same and βοίκχνι'ΐος) that leads the Bacchantes, an epithet of Bacchus. ΤΙξοβάλΤίω, (same and /Βάλλω)) I throw or put forward, put forth, propose, produce, present, expose. Τίξοβχσοίνίζω, (same and βοίσαρίξω) I tor- ture before, Τΐξόβίχ,σις, -tog, Attic -sag, vj, (same and βάσις) advance, increase, ΤΙζοβχσκκνιον, -ου, το, (from same and Πξοβάτειος, A GREEK LEXICON. Ώ-ξόγξΟίμμκ» fiaaKociua) a charm against fascination, a scare-crow. ΤΙζοβάίτειοζ, -fli, -02/, 'ττξοβα,τίυτίκος, and "ττροβατϊκος, -'ή, -ou, (^frora 'ττζόβχτοι^) of or belonging to sheep ; sJcilled in sheep. Τίξοβχτίοι/, -oy, TOj (from same) a little sheep, ΤΙξοβοίτογνωμων,-ουος, ο and yj,(from next and γι/ωμγι) one who is an accurate judge of sheep; a judicious observer. ϋςόβόίτο!/, -ov, το, (from ττςοβχίι/ω) a sheep. ΤΙξοβΰίτο'ττω'λνις, ~ov, 6, (from preced. and 'KOi'hkoi) a seller of sheep. ΤΙξόβτιμόί, -ατός, το, (from next) a step forward, a capering. ΤΙζόβ'ήμι. See ττξοβχίι/ω. Τίξοβφύξύ), {-τΓξό and βιβάζω) I thrust or push forward, hicite ; teach, inculcate. ΤΙζοβίόω, (same and βίόω) I live before. ΤΙζοβΆχατοίνω, (same and β'Κχστά,νω) I bud before, bud prematurely. Τίροβλίττω, (same and βλίττύ)) I foresee, provide. Τΐςόβλνιμχ, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of τΓξοβά,'ΚΚω) somewhat put forward or pro- posed ; a problem, a question; a defence, cover, pretext. TL^oBT^vi^ocTOihyig, -sog, 6, v», (from preced.) problematical, doubtful. Τΐζοβλι^ς, -iJTog, 6, yj, and -ττι^οβλγιτος, -j^, '01/, (from 'π-ξοβά'λλω) put forward, drawn out; cast away, rejected. ΤΙξοβλύΐσκ,ω, (-ττξο and βλωσκ,ω) I go before; come forth, ajipear. ΤΙξοβούίο^ (same and βοά,ο)) I cry before, ΤΙξοβοϊΐύίω, (same and βοτηύίω) I go before to kelp. ΤΙξοβό^οίίον,'ον, TO, (from 'τν^οβά,ΧΚο)) some- thing thrown or put forward, a spear, shield, bidwarJc. Τΐζοβόλίΐαος, -χ, -ou, (from same) projected, held forward. ΤίξοβοΆ'^, -τις, V], (from same) a throiving before, casting, shooting, or pidting forth ; a projection, any thing that projects, a rock, promontory, banlc; a holding forth of spear, shield, bulwark, or rampart, for attack or defence; a skreen, cover, excuse, pretext ; an action against a public offender, after a 2)revious deliberation in an assembly of the people. Τΐζοβόλίον, -ov, το, (from same) a small shield ; a htmting pole or pike. ΤΙζόβολος, -ου, ο, (from same) a fort, bul- wark, projecting rock. Τίζοβοσκις, -βος, vj, (from 'ττζο and βόσκω) a proboscis, snout, or trtmk, of an elephant, an insect, or any other creature that has any I thing like it. ΤΙςόβοσκος, ov, 6, (from same) one who feeds cattle for another, an under -shepherd. ΤΙξοβονΆζυμοί, -ατός, το, (from next) a decree of the senate. Ι1ξοβουλΒνω,{'π'ξο and βουΆενοή I deliberate first. Τ1ζοβον7^6'7ΐ•χ/ς, vi, (from •πξοβούτ^ω and 'τΐα,'ϊς) viz. οίτγις, a child of premeditated crime. Τΐξόβονλος, -ov, 6, (from 'ττζο and βονλενω) a counsellor, senator. ΤΙζοβούλύ), or ττζοβονλομχί, obs. whence perf. mid. 'ττξοβέβον?^», (same and βούλω) I wish before, prefer. Τίξοβϋω, (same and βύω) I trim a'nd bring forward the wick of a lamp. ΤΙξοβωμίΟ!/, -ov, το, (from same and βω- μός) the space before the altar; the foremost altar. ΤΙξογα,ξγαΤ^ίξω, f. -ϊσω, (same and γαρ- γαλίζω) I tickle before. ΤΙξογαστξβιου, -ov, το, (from same and γασττίξ) any thing placed before the belly, to cover it as an apron, or to make it project. ΙΙςογάστωξ, -οξος, ό, τ}, (from same) that has a prominent belly. Τ1ζογ£ίί/ω, or ττξογί^ω, or Τζογίνομαι, {ττοο and γζίνω, or γίνω, or γίνομαι) I am or am done before, I precede, I am past ; I issue, goforth.^ ϋρογίνεύλος, -ov, 6, 5j, (from same and γίνίθλη) begotten before. ΤΙξογίνειος, -ov, 6, (from same and γίνειοΰ) that has a prominent chin or a long beard. ΐΙ(^ογζννις, -ίος, 6, v}, comp. ττξογβι/ύστεςος, sup. τΓξογευίστατος, (from same and γένω) born before, older. ΐίξογενν'ητωξ, -οξος, 6, (from same and γίϋϋάω) a progenitor : 'π-ζογενν^τεί^α, -ας, vi, a progenetrix. ΐΐζογενομαι, (same and γεύομαι) I taste before, as a cup-bearer. ϋζογενστγις, -ov, and ττ^ογεντνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a taster before, a cup-bearer. Τ1ξογν]ξάσκω, (τΓοό and γτηξάσκ,ω) I grow old before or prematurely. Τίξογινωσκω, or ττξόγνωμι, (same and γι- 1/ωσκω, or γνωμι) I know before, foreknow ; resolve or appoint beforehand. Τΐξόγνν, Aquila, Gen. xli. 43. (perhaps for τΓζός γονύ) bow the knee ! Τΐζογνωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, ij, (from -π-ξο- γινωσκω) J'oreknowledge. ΙΙξογοηκός, -vi, -ou, (from next) belonging to progenitors, forefathers, or parents. Τΐξόγονοι, -ωι/, οί, (from "ττζο and γεγουα, perf. mid. of γίνομαι) persons born before us, progenitors, forefathers, parents. ΐΐξόγξαμμα, -ατός, το, (from same and I γζάψύ)) a luriting or bill jJosted up. Υ 721 A GREEK LEXICON. ΊΙξογξαφη. Ώ.ζογ^χφ'η, -3ί$-, 9], (from same) a public notice or advertisement, an edict published, a proscription. Τίξογξΰίφω, (from same) / lurite before- hand, I proclaim or advertise by a ivrit- ten notice; advertise the sale of the property of outlaws ; publish an act of outlawry , pro- scribe ; summons or give notice of an action at law ; I write before or aforetime, Rom. XV. 4.; / desc?'ibe or paint publicly or open- ly. Gal. iii. 1.; I post up publicly, Jude Α.; either the wicked teachers had their pun- ishment before written in the histories of the Sodomites and rebeUious Israehtes, verses 5, 7• or in the prophecy of Enoch, verses 14, 15.; or there may be an alhision to the ancient custom of writing laws on tables, which were hung up in public places that the people might know before- hand the punishment annexed to the breaking of the laws, and the apostle may mean that the wicked teachers were con- demned in the writings of the old cove- nant as well as in those of the new. See Deut. xxviii. xxxii. Τΐο^ογυμ,νοίζο), (ttqo and γυι/,νά,ζω) I disci- pline, practise, or prepare, beforehand. ΙΙξοΙχγι^Λί, (same and δά>ι^/) / know be- fore. Τΐίΐο^οίνίΐζω, (same and ^αι^είζω) I lend at interest before. Τίζο^οί'Τΐ'ΰίυάω, (same and ^ccTroiutkcS) I ex- pend before. ΙΙζοΙζβω, (same and ^siha) I fear before. ΤΙζοΙείελος, -ου, ο, 5j, (same and ^ίίλος) before eve^iing. Τίξο^ίίκ,νΰμι, or -^sc/cuva, or -^ίίκω, f. -^ω, (same and ^eiycwfii) I show before. Τίζο^ίΐτιτνίω, (same and ^αττνίω) I sup be- fore. ΤΙζο^ξχ,τω^, -οξος, ο, for ττζο^&ίκτωζ, (from same and ^ύκνυμ^ι) one that shows before, that prognosticates. ΊΙξο^γιΚίομοΐί, f. -νισομ,οίΐ, (same and ^Yfhia) I infiict an injury before. ΤΙ^ο^ΎΪΚος, -ου, ο, ij, το -ου, (same and Bij- "kog) obviously manifest, publicly, plainly, evi- dently manifest: 'ττ^ο'^'/ιΆως, manrfestly. Ί1ζθ^φ\.όω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (same and ^γι7\.όω) I make manifest before. ΊΙξο^'-ήΚωσίς, -ίως, vi, (same and ^νιΤ^ωσις) previous display, open manifestation. ΐΐζο^ια,βα,ίυω, (same and 'διαβαίνω) I pass through or over before. Tl^ohufiuKka, (same and S/ce/3«AAοΐξτύξομοΐί, (same and ^ίχμ,αξτύ- ζο^α,ί) I protest or bear wit72ess against be- fore. Ή.ζο^ιοίττίμ'π-ω, (same and '^ιαττίμ'ττω) I send through or transmit before. ΤΙξο^ίοίσοίψίω, (same and ^ίχσοίφία) I de- clare plainly ox f idly before. ΤΙξοΙ{οιφβίίξω, (same and Ιίΰΐφό&ίξω)Ι cor- rupt or ruin before. ΐΙξοΙί^Άσκω, (same and δίδασκα;) I teach before, foreiuarn. ΤΙξο}ίί^ύ)μ,ι, (same and δ/δί«^/) / give be- fore OY first, give or deliver up, betray. ΤΙζο^ΐίζέξχ,ομοι,ί, (same and ^{εζίζχομαί) I come or go out thi^ough before. Τ1ξο^{ίξγάξομοίί, (same and ^ΐζζγάζομ,ΰοί) 1 work through or despatch before ; pass. / am formed or wrought before. Τί^ο^ΐζζζυυά,ω, (same and ^ΐί^ευνά,ω) I search through before. ΐίξο^ΐίζευν/ιτνις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a searcher through before, a spy. ΐίξο^ί'^γίομαι, -ουμχί, f. -'y}aojicoii, {'π-ξο and ^i-^yeo,uoc{) I recount or relate before. Π^οδΓκοί•, -ου, 6, (from same and Vi>ty\) an umpire, advocate, counsel; tutor O'c guardian. Π^ΰδ/ο;κ£ί«, f. 'Υιοω, (same and %ioix,ka) I manage or furnish before, arrange before, premise. Tlqohio^oT^oyka, (same and ^loy^oKoyka) I promise or make an agreement before. ΤΙξοοιόζύίύσίς, -?.ως, vj, (same and "^ίό^βωσις) a previous collection or amendment. ΐΐζο^ιωκω, (same and ^ιωκω) I pursue for- ward. H^ohom, -ν^ς, 9], (from same and Ιοκεύω) a place fit for an ambuscade. ϋζο^οι^ος, -ου, 6, (same and ^όμ,ος) a ves- tibule or porch. Π^οδοσ/α, -ΰίς, ί], (from 'π-ξοίί^ω/ζι) treach- ery. Π^οδοσ/ί, -ίως, ^, (from same) a previous paywocnt, bounty money. Πξΐοδοτΐ7$•, -ου, ό, (from same) a betrayer, traitor; deserter. ΤΙξοΙοτΊκος, -ij, -ou, (from same) treach- erous. ΤΙζοΙόης, -;δο$•, tj, (from same) a traitres< Τΐξό^οτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) betrayed Τΐξό^ουλος, -ou, (ττξό and δούλος) that act& in the place of a slave. ΤΙξοΙξίμ,ω, (same and ^ξίμω) I run before. ΙΙζο\ο{Λν), -τις, vj, (from preced.) a run- ning forward, a charge. Τίξο'^ζομος, -ου, ο, ij, (from 'ττζο'^ί^ξομ,οί, perf. mid. of same) a forerunner ; in haste, headlong, precipitate. ΤΙροεγείξω, (-^go and ίγίίξω) I rouse before ΙΙξοεγχΒίξίύ), (same and εγ^^^ίξί^^) I at- tack before. ΤΙξΟζδξζυω» A GREEK LEXICON. ΙΙξΟζξελανί/ύι), ΤΙι^οζ^ζίνω, (from same and Ι'δ^α) I pre- side. ΤΙξοίΙζίχ, -οίζ, 7], (from preced.) prece- denci/, the privilege of sitting inthefii^stseat. ΐΐζόί^^ος, -ov, 05 (from same) a president. Τίζοίίογω, (from ^rgo and d\yuj) I keep off first. Τΐοοίύίξύ), (same and ίύίξω) I accustom to heforehand. ΥΙζΟί^ίω, and -π-ξοίβω, (same and si'^a) I foresee or foreknow ; provide jor, have a concern for. Τΐξόειμι, (same and sifii) I go before, pre- cede ; I come forth, appear. lioofiTiro'j, infin. ιτζοαττΗυ, part, ττ^οαττων, -ovact, -6u, 2 a. (from same and sttoj, see p. 73) / foretell, proclaim, promise, enjoin, command. Τΐζοασόίγο), (same and εισάγω) I bring in before. ΤΙξθ£ίσβάλλύ), (same and εισβάλλω) I rush forwai^d into ; I make a previous attack. Τΐζοείσεξχοια,αί, (same and είσεζχ,ο^,οίΐ) I enter first. ΐίξοείσττε/ίίττω, (same and εϊσ7τί[Λ7τω) I send in before, despatch before. Τΐοοείσφίοω, (same and είσφίξω) I bring in for, pay or contribute for another not able to pay at the time. ΤΙροεισφοζά, -α,ς, τ], (from preced.) a con- tribution in advance, a contribution for ano- tfier not able to pay at the time. Τ1ξύε.κΙίοο)μί, ('ΤΓξό and εχ2ι^ω/^ί) I give out or publish before. Τΐζοίκθεσίς, -εως, ij, (same and εκθεσις) a previous exposition. ΐΐζοεκθίω, (same and εχ,θίο)) I run out be- fore. Τίζοεκκείμχι, (same and ϊκ,κ,ειμ,Λΐ) I lie out before, have been previously explained. ΤΙζοε-Λκο^Λίζο), (same and εκκομίζω) I car- ry out, convey away, before. T1qo£k?J'/uj, (same and εκ,λεγω) I choose out before. ϋζοεκλύύ), (same and εκλύω) I harass before. ΤΙζοεκττε^ΐ'ΤΓω, (same and εκ'τΐεμ.'τνω) I send out before. Π.ζοεκ'ττϊι/ύ}, (same and εκττίι/ω) I drink out before. Τΐζοεκ'ρτί'τττω, (same and εκ.'π-ί'π-τω) I fall out or happen before. Τίξοεκ'π-λεω, (same and εκττλέω) I sail out before. ΤΙζοεκ'ττλ'ήσσύ), or -ττω, f. -ζω, (same and ΐκ'π-λ'ήσσω) I alarm or astonish before. Τίζοεκτίθϊΐ/ίίί, (same and εκτίύ'/)μί) I set out or explain before. ΙΙζοεκτζεγ;,ω, (same and εκτζίχω) I run out before. Τίξοεκφίζω, (same and Ικφεζω) I bring or carry out first, Gen. xxxviii. 28. ΐίξοεκ,φεύγω, (same and εκφεύγω) I flee out or escape before. Τίξοεκφοβεω, (same and εκφοβεω) I terrify before. Τίξοελόίσις, -εοίς, % (from next) a riding or driving forward. ΣΙξοελΛνι/ω, {ττξό and ελχύνω) I ride or drive forward. ΤΙξοελεύύω. See ττξοεξχομ,αί. Τΐζοίλευσίζ, -ίος, Attic -εως, "/j, (from pre- ced.) a going forward, a going out. ΐΐοοίλττίζω, {ττξο and ελττίξω) I hope be- fore others, hope first. Τΐζοε/ϋβχίι^ω, (same and ε^ΛβαΙνο)) I go or enter into before, embark before. ΙΙξοεμ.βύ,7.λω, (same and ψβάλλω) I cast in before, previously infuse. ΤΙζοείϋβιβάζύ}, (same and εμβφάξω) I cause to go or enter in, or put on board he- fore. ΐΙζοε^Λττλτίύω, (same and εμ,'ττλ'ήύο)) I fill in or up before. ΤΙξοε^φοαΊ/ω, (same and εμ,φίζιυω) I shoiu or make known before ; expose to view, ex- hibit, Τ1ςοεμφΰα/ίζο/!Λαί, (same and εμφανίζω) I shoiv myself before. ΤΙξοε/^<,φοξεω, (same and ϊμ,φο^εω) I carry in or fill before. Τίξοενχζχομχι, (same and εϋά,ξ•)(,οΐΛοι.ι) I begin in or among before, begin before or al- ready. ΤΙξοενεχομ.αι, (same and εήχ,ω) I am hold- en or confined in before. Τίξοενι/οέω, (same and εν^οίω) I think upon or consider beforehand. Τΐοοενοίκ,ιησίζ, -εως, τ], (same and ε•!/οίκ,Ύΐσις) a dwelling in before, previous occup)ation. Τίξοει/σεΙω, (same and ει/σείω) I instigate beforehand. Τΐζοει/τυγχ,άι/ω, (same and ευτυγ)^'^υω) I meet or Join before, anticipate. Τ1ζοεζοίγγε?^λω, (same and εξαγγέλλω) I tell out or declare abroad before. ΤΙζοεξόίγω, (same and εξάγω) I lead out forward, lead forth, cause premature death. ΙΙζοεξαΐσσω, (same and ίξχΐσσω) I rush out before. ϋζοεξχνβεω, (same and εξχι/ύίω) I blossom before, j^rotrude. ΤΙζοεζαι/ίστόί/ίίΧί, (same and εξανίστ-ζι/^ή I rise up first or before. Τίζύεξχττοστελλω, (same and εξχττοστελλω) I send out before, despatch hastily. ΤίζοεξεΟζοί, -ας, ij, (same and εξέΐζα) a seat apart befoi^e, a jjrominent seat. Ιΐζοεξελαύνω, (same and εξελαύνω) I ride or drive out before, push forward before. 723 Τίξοφ'^τιβταμαι, A GREEK LEXICON. Πξόβεΰΐς, Ώ.ςοεζί'ΤΓίστόίμχι, (same and είεττ/στοί^α;) I know before, am previously informed of. Τίξοβξίζχομ/ζί, (same and ίξίξχομχί) I go out before. ΤΙζοίζ,ίτά,ζω, (same and Ιζετάξω) I tho- roughly examine beforehand. ϋζοφφίξμχ:, (same and ΙΙεφ/ε^αα/) / send to or oi'der previously. ΤΙξθ5ξοςμύω, (same and Ιξοξμ,κω) I rusk out before. Τίξοετταγγίλλω, (same and βττχγγί'λΤίω) I decla?'e, announce, before : 'ττξΟζ'ΤΓαγγίΆΆο- μοίί, I promise before or aforetime. ΊΙξθ£7τχφίϊΐίί(, (same and h'Trcc^inui) I send forward or beforehand against. Τίξθ£7Γ£'λοίύι/ω, (same and εττελοίύρω^ I ride or drive forward against. Ώ.ζοίτηβά.λ'λω, (same and ίνφά,Χ^ω) I at- tack beforehand. ϋξοίτηβουΤ^ίνω, (same and ΙττφουΤ^ζΰω) I previously lie in ambush, I plot against be- forehand. Tl^osTriuoia, (same and sTriuoicu) I consider before. Τΐ^οίτίξ,ζ^όύ), (same and Ιτηζενόω) I en- tertain or am entertained as a guest before. ΤΙζοεττίττΑύ), (same and εττί-ττΆω) I breathe upon in the face. Ή-ζΟίττισκοττίο), (same and ίτησκ,οτιτίω^ I observe carefidly first. ΤΙζΟϊτι-ίστόίμα,ι, (same and εττίστΰ^μχί} I Jcnoiu before. ΤΙξοίτη^ζίίζίω, (same and ίτιτιγ,ίΐζίω) I stretch forth my hand against ; make an at- tach upon before. Τίξοίττω, (same and gV-jy) / tell before, foretell, predict. ΤΙξοεξ'/ά.ζομοι,ι, (same and εξγύζομοί{^ I work, do, procure, beforehand ; I prepare, ΤΙοοεξίσσω, (same and εξίσσω) I row for- ward. ΤΙζοεζευνάω, (same and ε^εννά,ω) I search or investigate before. ΐΐζοειιεω, -ω, (same and ε^εω) I say, speak , or declare before, foretell. ϋξοεξνύ), (same and εξύω) I draw for- ward. Ιίξοεζχομ,ιχ.!, (same and εζγ^ομαί) I come or go forwards, advance ; I go before, pre- cede. Τίξοεσύίύ), (same and εσύίω) I eat before. Τίζόεσις, -εως, vj, (from τΐζοιγιμι) a Si forth, emission, profusion, spending, Ή-οοετεος, -ία, -iou, cast forth or rejected. ΐίξοετ'ίκος, -vj, -6u, (from same) disposed to squander, wastefid, profuse, careless, in- considerate : 'ττζοετ'ϊκ,ως, with profusion. ΤΙ^οετοίμάζω, {ττξό and ετοιμάζο)) J make ready beforehand^ prepare. 724 (from same) to be Τίξοενοίγγελίζομαα, (same and ενοογγεΤ^ί- ζομοίΐ) I announce good tidings before, preach the gospel b^ore, viz. before the law was given. Gal. iii. 8. Τΐζοευλχβέομΰίί, (same and ενλαβεομχί^ I am cautious previously. ΤΙξοευτΓΟξεομοίί, (same and εύττοζεω) I have supplies befoj^ehand. ΤΙξοεφίστγιμί, (same and εφίστιημι) I set upon beforehand, make previously acquaint- ed with. ΤΙξοεχω, (same and εχω) I have the ad- vantage, excel; hold before, defend; use a pretext ; jut forward, project, am promi- nent. ΤΙζοτιγεμαν, -όνος, 6, (from next) a leader. ΤΙξΟϊίγεομοα, -ονμχί; (ττξό and τιγεομοίΐ) I think or esteem another before, I prefer ; or rather, / go before, lead, or prevent ano- ther/ I precede in example, Rom. xii. 10, τΎ\ τιμγι «λλ^λοι /g• 'Κζοηγοΰμευοι, " in mu- tual respect leading one another onward by example^ Π^θ)57>?το5^, -νι^ρς, and •πού^γν^-της, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a leader, a guide. U^oYiyyAuoi, -ωυ, roc, (neut. pi. perf. part, pass, of 'ΤΓ^οάγω) things that are excellent or preferable. ΤΙςο'^γοξεω, (from next) / speak for, defend. 'Π.ξον]γοζος, -ov, 6, (from ττξο and dyoQcH) one who speaks for, before, or first, a plead- er, a defender. ΐίξογιγουμενως, (from pres. part, of 'ττξο- Υίγεομοίΐ) principally, willingly. Τίξοτίϊομΰίί, (ττξό and ^Ιομοα) I am de- lighted before. ΐίξονικ,ης, -εοζ, 6, >;, (from same and dfc^) pointed, sharp before. Τ1ξ07]κ,ω, (same and "kcj) I go before, pre- cede ; advance, j^roceed. ϋξογίζόσ/οζ, -ioc, -lou, (from same and «^06;) that precedes tillage : tt^oyi^ogicc, or ΊΤζηοόσΐίχ,, (viz. /s^a) sacrifices offered before ploughing to Ceres, who was thence surnamed Ι1ξονΐξοσί(χ,. ϋζοιηττίζω, (same and τ^ττάω) I previous- ly overcome : ττ^ογιττά,ομοίί, I am previously worsted. Τ1ξούίΆυμι/ος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and ^ελνμνον) from the foundation, from the roots. ΤΙζούεξαττεύύ), (same and ^εξοίττενω) I take care of, treat, or prepare beforehand. ΙΙζούεξίζο), (same and ^εξίζω) I reap or gather before. ΤΙξούεξμαίι/ω, (same and ^ξξμχίνω) I warm before. ΐίζόθεσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, ^, (from -π-ςοτί- ύημή a setting before, presentation, prede- ΤΙξούίδμιος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤίξΟΧΜταχξίνω, termination, purpose^ resolution, proposition, proclamation. ΤΙοούέσ,Μ,ίος, -ec, -ov, (from same) before fixed or appointed : 'Tr^odiof^icc, -ccg, 73, a he- fore appointed day or time, ij/ici^oc or ci^oc, being understood. ΤΙξοάΒστη'ζω, (-r^o and Βεσ-ττίζω) I utter an oracle before, prophesy. Τίξοβάω, (same and ^L•) I run before ; also (for 'Kqori^y.i) I place or set before, encourage, warrant. TIpoU7]K-/i, -ης, 7], (from ττξοτίύημ,ί) a pro- position, a sample of workmanship. ΤΙζοθντίσκω, (τ^ο and ^ν/ισχ,ύ)) I die before; I die for. ΤΙζοθοξίω, or 'Τξούόζω, (same and ^οζίω or ^όζύ)) I spring forth or forward. TlqauOf^oc, -χτος, το, (from same and 9{ύω) a prelude to a sacrifice ; an offenng before the victim was slain. Ι1ζθβϋ/:ύίο/ί/^χί, -ovficci, f. -'ήσομοίΐ, (from 'ΤΓ^όθνι^ος) I am of a ready, willing, zealous mind ; am spirited, courageous. Τίξούν^ία, -ας, vj, (from next) readiness of mind, alacnty, courage. Ύΐζό&ϋμ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, το -ou, {ττξο and ^νμ,ος) forward or ready in mind, willing, ready, affectionate, ardent : 'ττρούϋμ.ως, of or with a ready mind, willingly, cheerfully. ΤΙζούύξχίος, -ciici, -ciiou, (from same and ^ύζοί) that is before a door : ττξοβΰζοίίον, -ov, TO, a fore-door, vestibide : Tl^ouvQciicc, the goddess of birth standing at the door. ϋζόύνοον, -ov, TO, (from same) what is be- fore a door, a porch, vestibule. Τίξούύύ), f. -ύσο}. {ττρό and ^νω) I make a previous sacrifice ; I malce a sacrifice for ; I slay before. ΤΙζοΐχΤ^τ^ω, (same and ιάλλω) I send be- fore, forth, or forward. Τίξοϊά'π-τω, (same and ιχτττύ)} I send forth, send prematurely. ΐΐ^οϊζόίνω, ττζοΐζω, ττξοΐζο^/^χι^ (same and ίζάνω, &c.) I sit before, have precedency. T\.QOiny.i, (same and 'i/iy.i) I send before, send forth, throw away, neglect, let go. ΤίξοΊκόί, (from 'ττξοί'ζ,) gratis ; with im- punity. TlQoiKi^iou, -ov, TO, (from same) a small gift• ϋξοικτγις, -ov, 6, (from next) a beggar. n^oi'l, or "ΤΓζοΤζ,, -κος, τ], (from ττ^ο and 'ίκ&)) a gift, a dowry. Ώ.ζοϊτττβύύ), (same and ί'ττ'τηύύ)) I ride be- fore, ride fo)'ward or at the head. ΤΙξοΐστιμ,ί, (same and tanf^i) I know be- forehand. Τΐζοΐστϊιμί, (same and Ίστ-ήΐ/,ί) I place or set before, set over, preside over ; mid. / set myself or stand before, defend, maintain / I phce before me, choose as an advocate or umpire: oi -ττζοίστωτες, the persons at the head of affairs. ΐΐζοΐστοζίω, (same and ίστοξίω) I investi- gate, or / relate previously. Τ1ζθϊσχ,ΰί!/ω, or τιτ^οισχ,ω, (same and ϊσγ,ά- νω) I hold or stretch forth : 'πζοΐσχ,ομ,αι, I hold before me, put foriuard a pretext; I hold before another, present, propose. ΤΙζοΐωζ,ΐζ, -sag, vi, for στξο'^ίωζ,ις, (from same and %ιωκω) further pursuit. Τΐξύκΰί, or τΓζοκ,ΰίτε, insta?itly, suddenly. ΤΙξοκ,οίύίνΙύ), (ττξό and κ,χθίύ^ω) I sleep before. TlQOKoiU7]yio^ci{, -ουμ,οίΐ, (from same, χ,χ- τα, and τιγίομχή I go before, lead, pre- side ; advise. Τίζοκά.θτη[Λοίί, Ion. Tr^oKXTTif/^oii, (same and κά,ύη^Λα,ι) I preside, sit before, watch over, protect. Τίξοκόίβίζω, (same and κοι,θίζω) I settle ; cause to sit down before, to preside, to watch over or guard. H^oKocu'r/iy-'i, (same and κ,χύίημή I send or let down beforehand, I previously em- broil, plunge, precipitate. ΤΙζοκοίύίστϊΐμί, (same and κ,αύίστγιμί) I appoint over, place before. ΤΙξοκούω, (same and κ,χίω) I burn before. Τΐζοκ,ά,κ,οττόίύίω, (same and κ,χκοτταθέω) I suffer evil before ; I am openly abused. Υί^όκόίκ,ος, -ov, o, vj, (same and x56;4oV)yo/'- ward to evil, very base. ΤΙξοκ,όίλύο^Λΰίί, -ouf^tzi, and 'ττ^οκ,οίΚίζομ,οι,ζ, (same and άο,'Κζο)) I call forth, provoke, irritate. ΐίζοκοίλΐϋΙίομ,Λΐ, same as Tr^oKvMuQioy^oii. Ί1ξοκ,οί7\.υ^μ,(ζ, -α,τος, το, (from next) a veil. ΐΙξοχ,οί'ΚντΓΤύ), (cr^o and ■ΛΛ'κΰ'τΐτω) I place before to conceal or to protect ; I use a pretext. ΤΙζοκχμνω, (same and κ,ά,μ,νω) I toil be- forehand, iveary beforehand ; toil for others. UQOKocTxyyiy^Ka, (same and καταγγίλ- λω) I declare or speak before or beforehand. Ι1ξοκχτοίγίνό)σκ,ω, (same and κχτχγίυωσ- κω) I judge or condemn before. Τίξοκχτόίγω, (same and κχτάγω) I lead down or back before ; mid. / return before. ΤΙζοκ,χτχύίω, (same and κχτχθίω) I run down before. Τίξοκχτχκχίω, (same and kxtcckx'icS) I burn down before, send forward to burn. ϋζοκ,οίτχκ'Κίνω, (same and κχτΛχΧίνω') I cause to recline at table before others : 'ττ^ο- KocTo.K'hluoyoii, I recline at table before others. Ί1οοκχτχκ(Ηυω, (same and κχτχκζίνω) I prejudge, condemn beforehand. 725 Τίξοκαταλαμβάνω. A GREEK LEXICON. * Ώξολαγγ^άνω, ΤΙξοκχταλϋΐμ,βόίνω, (same and καταλαμ- βάνω) J lay hold on before, 'pre-occupy, anti- cipate, 'prevent. ΐίξοκχταλτ^γω, (same and κατχ?.7]γω) I ^cease be/ore. Τίξοκα,τΰίλνύύ, (same and χ,ατΰίλνω) I loose or terminate or halt before. ΤΙξοκαταττίτΓτω, (same and κατα.'ττί'τττω) I fall down before. ΐίξοκ,αιτοίττλίύ), (same and κ,χταττΤ^ίύ)) I sail to before. ΤΙξοκαταξχ,τΊκος, -oj, -ov, (from ττξοκ,ατάο- Yfii) pre-existing, preceding. Τίξοκ,ιχ,τοίξτίζω, (^ττξο and χ,οίτα,ζτίζο)) I prepare, make ready or complete beforehand. ΙΙροκ,ατοίξτνω, (same and κοίταζτνω) I season, temper, train, beforehand. Τίξοκατάξχύ), (same and κατάζχο)) I be- gin first, pre-exist, precede. ΤΙξοκ,ατασκξνάζω, (same and κατασκίνά- ζω) I prepare. υξοκατοίσκ,ίνη, -ijg, vj, (from preced.) pre- paration. ΤΙξοκατχσκ,ιβρόομαί, {ττζο, κατά, and σκιρ- ρόω) I am grown hard before, am inveterate. Ή.ξοκ.χτοίτίύβμαί, (same and κατατίύημί) I put down before, mahe a pi^evious deposite, confer by anticipation. Ί1ροκ,ΐζτοίχ(>άομοιι, (same and καταχζά- ομαή I make use of completely, abuse, or expend beforehand. Τίξοκατεξγάζομαί, (same and κ,ατ$^γά- ζομαι) I work out or acquire beforehand. Τΐζοκΰίτίχ,ύ), (same and κ,χτ£χ('>>) I take possession of and keep beforehand, pre-oc- cupy, preclude. ΐΐζύκ,ατνιγοξίω, (same and κατγιγοζίω) I accuse beforehand. ΐίξοκ,ατίζω, for -ττξοκ,οίύΐζω. ΤΙζοκ,ατό'ΤΓτομχί, (■rgo and κ,ατότττομαϊ) I previously explore or survey. Σΐξόκ,ίίμιζί, (same and κ,Ημαι) I am set or present first or before, am proposed or set forth, am published, properly in refer- ence to the promulgation of a law ; also, lie down as a dead body. n^o^i£i/Oiy,(same and κ,ζυόω) I empty before. ΙΙξοκ,'/ι^ομαί, (same and κ,τ^ομαί) I take care for. ΐΐ^οκ,γίζΰσσω, (same and κ,πζύσσω) I an- nounce, preach before or first ; proclaim publicly. Jl^o-Aiuhvuiva, (sam6 and κιυ^υυίύω) I ex- pose myself to danger for, or in behalf of; •—before, or among the foremost. Τίξοκ,ινίύ), {same and κ,ι^ίω) I move for- ward, cause to move forward ; mid. / ap- proach, advance. Τίξοκ,Τϋζίω, (same and κλαίω) I lueep be- forehand. 726 ΤΙξόκΚΥίσίς, -tog, Attic -ίως, vj, (from ττ^ο- καλίομαί) a calling forth, challenge ; an invitation, a proposal ; a proposal for sub- mitting a cause to ai'bitration ; a summons, security, deed, bond. ΤΙζόκλντος, -0!/, (from next) heard before. Τΐζοκλνω, {'ττζό and κλνω) I hear before, know from previous report. ΤΙξοκ,!/νιμΐς, -llog, 7], (same and κνημίς) a gi-eave, boot, or gaiter. ΤΙξοκοίτεία, or 'ττξοκ,οιτία, -ας, ij, (from same and koItyi) a guard, a ivatching. Τΐξόκοίτος, -ου, ο, (from same) 07ie that 'S, or that keeps watch, before a house or camp. Τίξοκολακίύω, (xgo and κολακεύω) I flat- ter before. ΤΙξοκόλ'τηον, -ου, το, (from same and κόλ- "ττος) a robe or mantle folded on the breast. ΐΐζοκόμιον, -ου, το, (from same and κ6- μνΐ) the hair on the fore part of the head. ΤΙξοκο'ττ'^, -7}ς, VI, (from ττξοκίκο'ττα,'' perf. mid. of next) promotion, furtherance, ad- vancement, improvement; Phil. i. 25. dg TViv ύμων ττξοκο'ττνι^ και χα^άν TVjg ττιστίως, " for your advancement and joy in the faith." ΤΙζοκότττω, {τΓζο and κότττω) I cut or go forwards, proceed, advance, make progress. Τίξοκόσμγιμα, -aTog, το, (same and κόσ- μγιμ,α) an ornament placed before or added to another ; an artificial ornament. Τίξοκόσμίος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and,xoV- μος) moi^e ancient than the world ; or added as an ornament on the fore-part : τα -π-ξο- κόσμια, ornaments. ΤΙζόκξϊμ^α, -aTog, το, (from perf. pass, of next) preference, or rather prejudice. Π ζο. (-ττ^ό and κξίνω) I prefer. Ώ.ξο'κξοσσος, -ov, (from same and κξόσσαι) placed one before the other. ϋοοκξούω. Dor. ττζοκ^όω, (same and κζούω) I beat out, stretch or lengthen by hammering or striking, hence, ΐίξο κ^ούστϊΐς ; I attack, prccagito. ΤΙζοκυλιν^ίω, and ττ^οκνλί'Λω, (same and κυλινίίω) I roll or prostrate myself before any one. Ώ.ζοκύ'ΤΓΤω, (same and κύ'τττω} I stoop forward. Τίξοκυξόω, -ω, (same and κυξόω) I confirm or ratify before. Gal. iii. 17• ΤΙζοκωμιον, -ου, το, (from same and κώ- μος) a prelude. Τΐξόκωττος, -ου, ο, (from same and κωττγί) a rower in the foremost bank aiid nearest the prow; adj. held by the handle, held ready. Τίξολαγχάνύ), (same and λαγχ,άνω) I am drawn by lot first. ΤίΡοΚάζομαι. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξομοΚίω. ϋρύλά,ξύμοίί, or ττξο-κάζνμΰίΐ, (same and Τ^ύζομοίί) I grasp before, anticipate, Ιίζο'λοί,αβόί^ύ), (same and λα,4ύ/3άνα)) I take before another, anticipate, do somewhat be- forehand ; pass. I am overtaken, surprised. ΤΙζολίγω, (same and τ,ίγω) I tell before, forewarn, proclaim ; I choose or esteem as the first. ΐΐοοτ^ζΐ'ττω, (same and λί/ττώ^) Heave, aban- don, desert, forsake, faint before accomplish- ing something. Jϊoo7,^σχrrJίΰω, (from same and Τ^ίσχ,τί) I discourse before. Τΐζόλίσχος, ~ov, 6, 7], (from srnne) forward to talk. ΤΙοοΚίύσσω, {-ττζο and 1\ίΰσσω) I foresee. Τΐοόλτιίί,μα, -οίτος, το, (from ττοολδί^/Βάζ/ώ)) something taken beforehand, privilege, private property. U^oXyjuiO!/, -ου, ro, (from ττζο and "Κτ,υος) a luine-press, the cavity under the wine-press, Isa. V. 2. ΤΙΡο'Κ-ή'τττίκος, -τι, -ov, (from 7ΤζοΚοίμ,βά.νω) capable of or qualified for taking before- hand, that anticipates, that is conducive. ΤΙξολΥι-ψίζ, -εως, vj, (from same) an antici- pation, a previous conception, an innate no- tion or idea; in rhetoric, a figure according to ivhich, objections likely to be advanced are answered beforehand; in music, a beginning by low notes and passing to the high. ΤΙξύλοβος, -ου, ο, (from ττζο and 'Κ'ήβω) the crop or craw of birds, into which their food IS first taken. Τΐοόλογος, -ου, 6, (same and Τζόγος) a pro- logue, preface , preamble, ΤΙςοΆϋχίζω, (same and λοχίξω) I lie in wait for, place in ambush for. ΤΙξολυ^.χίνο^^αί, (same and Kvfcoituofccci) I tvaste, corrupt, destroy, before. ΐίξολνττέω, (same and λυττίω) I grieve be- fore. ΤΙζο/α,α,'λάσσω, or -ττω, (same and /ncc- 7^όίσσω) I molUfy or soften beforehand. ΎΙοόμ.οί'Κος, -ου, τ], a sort of shrub or ivithy. Tlooi^ctuSoiua, {'ττζο and fAoivuoiua) I learn before ; advance in learning. Tlooy^scvTiici, -χς. Ion. ττξομχ^^τγί'ί'/ι, -rig, 9], (from next) prophecy ; the j)rivilege of being the first to consult the oracle at Delphi. ΙΙ^ομ,ανηΰο^Λοίΐ, {'tq^o and μ,οι,νηύω) I di- vine beforehand, prophesy. Τ1ζό/^ί<χ.!/τϊ;,-ίως, 6 and '» Τίοο'ττα,'/'ίις, -ίος, ο, η, (from τ-ζο and ■jrjjy- uv^i) hard and pj^ominent. Tioo'vauiici, -Λς^ ^, (from same and ττάσ- χω) previous suffering, first symptoins of dis- ease, 'n.oo7:ciihi'ju, (same and 'ττιχ,ϊ^ίύω) 1 give preparatory instruction. ΪΙοό'ΤΓΛλοίΐ, (same and ττλΚ^ϊ) long before. ΐΐαόττοίττ—ος, -ου, 6, (same and τ^όίττ-ττος) a great-grandfather, a forefather. TioQ'Trcto, poet, (from 7:^0) before, whether in time or place. Υ\.ξ^η'77θ(,οΰίσ•/Λυά,ζω, (same and 'ττοίξα^κίνά,- ζω) I prepare. Ώοοττΰίξίχ,ω, (same and χα^ίχω) I offer or furnish before. Τίοοττόίοοιύί, same as 'τ^οόττα,ζ. Τίοότηχ;, -ά,σά, -ά,ν, ('^ζ,ο and ^s*?} ^^^ whole, altogether. ΐΐοοττά,σ-χ,ω, (same and ττύσχρ) I suffer before. ΤΙοοτΓΰίτωξ, Όξος, ό, (from same and ττοί- τ•-ί«) a grandfather, progenitor, Τίοότηίξοί, -οί,ς, 'ή, (from next) a previous trial. ΤΙοο7Γ£ίοάω, and 'ττζΟ'ττίίζά.ο^/^ίΖί, {ττξο and 'Ζζΐζά,ω) I try or experience before. TioOTrifiTTTcc, (from same and Treyrs) on the fifth day before. TloOTrey.TrTo;, -ou, (from next) sent for- ward, attended. Tloo'^if4,7ra, (ττοο and τΓΒμττω) I send be- fore, send or briiig forward with respect, conduct, attend ; lead a funeral procession. ΙΙροττίρνσί^ (same and ττίουσί) the year before last or two years according to others, p7'ior to tivo years ago, three years ogo. Τίηοττίτά.ζω, 'TToo'TTiTci'j'jui), ττοοτητύνΐ'υμι, (same and -ττίτάζω, &c.) / spread before, 2)rotect. UooTreTiix, -α,ς, i], (from next) rashness. TlooTreTYig, -ίος, -ους, 6, 9], το -ίς, (from '77 ζο and '77ίτω) falling forwards, j)recipitate, rash : 77ζθ'77ίτως, rashly. Hoo77i(px'jTu,i, 3 sing. perf. pass, of ττ^ο- φούνω, same as 'ΤΓ^οφανη ίστίν, II. S', 332. See φούνω. Π^07Γ/5όάώί, (ττΛο and ττγ^Λω) I spring be- fore; spring forward. Τ1ζ0777ι7.όίκίξύ), f. -<7ίϋ, (from same and '77•η>,ό;) I defile with clay or mud, treat with contumely. ΎΙ()θ77γ,7.οί•/,ίσ(Λος, -ov, 0, (from preced.) re- proach, gross abuse. ΤΙηοττηΧα,κισηκω:, (from same) reproach- fully. Τΐζο'ττϊνω, {too and 7r/:/i.j) / drinlc before ; drink first from a cup arid pass it to another; I so pass the cup to another ^ making him a 4 present of the cup; I make a present on the occasion of drinking ; I drink to any one ; I betray or deliver up to gratify another, ΤΙοοττΙττΎω, (same and 77177x0) I fall down before, fall down flat^ fall forward, am pre- cipitate. Τΐοοτηστίύα, (same and ττιστενω) I be- lieve or trust before. Tl^oTrT^ooc, contr. ττζόττλονς,-ον, 6, 'ή, (same and 77λόος) sailing before. Τίοοττλωω, for ττξοττλίω, (same and ττλίω) I sail before. n^oTToo/iyoV, -oy, o,](from same, τΐόυς, and a,yoi) a guide. Τίξθ77οΙίζω, (same and ττο^Ιζω) I walk or go forwards. ΐΙζθ7τοάω, (same and ττούω) I do first ; I do for. Τ1οο77ο?^ε,αίω, (same and 77ο7^ψΛω) I make war first ; I make war for. Ι1οο770λίν,ί/.α,, -α,τος, το, (from same and ττο'Κζϋω) service. ΙΙρο77ο7^ιτίύομ,οίΐ, (same and ττο'Κιτίύομ,α,ί) I conduct political measures before or for. Tloo'TroTio:, -ov, and ^, (from same and 77ο?.έω) a servant who goes before, a j)riest or priestess. TIooTTocccc, -χτο:, το, (same and Troy^a) a previous draught. Τίοοττομ,ττίΙοί, or 7r^o7Tou,77in, -ccg, jj, (from next) the act of preceding, conducldng, or escorting, in solemn procession. Τίξθ7:ο[Λ77ίνύ}, (τΓ^ο and 7τομ,7ΐίΰω) I lead the way in a solemn procession. Τ1οο77ομ.77'•^, -7j;, 'ή, (from 77ζ077ίμ.77ω) at- tendance, a retinue. Τ1ζ077ύμ770ς, -ov, 6, 7j, (from same) con- ducfwg a funeral procession ; a conductor, attendant. 'Π.ηο77οΆω, {77P0 and ττοι/ίω) I labour or ain in distress before or for. Iloo77ooiioc, -χς, 7j, (from next) a going before, a van-guard. Tloo7rooevof4,xi, (ττξο and ττοξενομαή I go before. Υίζόττοσις, -εως, τ], (from ττξοττίνύ)) a drink- ing before, d}i7ilci}ig to, compotation. ΤΙοοττότ/ις, -ov, 0, (from same) one who pledges another, who drinks deep. ΤΙηόττονς, -ύύος, 6, {7700 and 77ονς) an ad- vancing basis or foot of a mountain: 77^0x0- }>ίς, the fore -feet ; small cords or clew-lines below the 770V:;, which were ropes fastening the mast. ΐΐζοττοά,σσω, or -ττο), (same and 77οά,ττω) I do before. 'n.Q077(i£0)v, -Z)'jo;, 0, '/}, (from same and 77οων) j^rompt, 'willnig. 11(^077 ηγ,νΥις, same as 7rQ-/iuyi;. Uoo77QO, (from ;r^o) totally, entirely. : 7^9 ΤΙξΟ'π'οοκΆτσίγδτϊν, A GREEK LEXICON, 'ΠξΟΰα.να'^λίΙοαω, TliiO'Tr^QKoiroi'i'yhnvy (from preced. and xur- rcJ'aacS) rushing forwards very rapidly. Υίξοττζ^οκυ'κίυ^οίΛΛί, (same and y,v7\.ivho^uoii) I roll forward still further, luaiider from one place to another. ϋξόττ^ν^ανόί, (from next) altogether. ΤΙζόττξνμνος, -ου, 6, sj, {τιτξο and ττξυμνος) at the stern. Τΐοοπ-τύω, (same and 'τττνω) I spit before OY forth. Τίξό'τττωσις, -ιος, Attic -sag, tj, (from 'ττξο- 'ττίτττω) falling doivn, prostration. ΐίξοττΰΤ^οίίον, and 'πζό-πυΚου, -ου, το, (from •πζο and ττ^λ)?) a porch or vestibule. ΐΙξοτΓυνύύι/ο/ί/,Λί, and ττξο'π-ΰύομΰΐι, (same and 7Γυνύά,νο[Λο(,ι) I Jcnow from previous in- quiry. ΤΙξόττυξγος, -ου, 6, (same and 'ττύζγός) a hulwarh, an advanced work in defence of the city; performed for the city, viz. a sacri- fice. ΐΐζοφω, and ττξοβρίω, (same and pico) I flow or rush forwards ; I speak before, pro- claim, foretell. ΤΙξόρργισ'ίς, -£iyj,5J,(from preced.) proclama- tion, prediction, previous warning. ϋζόρρητος, -ov, (from same) proclaimed, foretold. Τΐζόρβίζος, -ου, (from ττξο and ρίζα,) from the roots. n^oV, (from -rs^flcj•) termination or ter- minating in, before, to, towards. See p. 111. Ύΐοοσάββοίτον, -ου, το, (ττξο and σύββχτου) the day before the sabbath. ΤΙξοσαγγ-λΙχ, -χς, τ], (from ττξος and ay- yiTCha) a telling of a message to ; a message told, news. Tl2oaocyyi'h\a, (from same) I tell or de- liver a message to ; inform against, denounce. Τίροσόίγόξβυσίς, -sag, 7], (from next) ad- dress, salutation. Ίίξοσχγοζεΰω, (τ^ο- and α,γοξίύω) I speak to, call, denominate, salute. ΐΐ/^οσαγρυττρίω, (same and α,γξυττυΐύ)) I watch over. TL^oaoiya, Dor. -TroToiya, (same and oiya) I bring to, biing, offer; come to or towards, approach. Tl^oaocyaysdg, -sag, 6, (from preced.) one who brings to or introduces, a, mediator ; a procurer, a pimp ; also, an informer. TL^OGOiyayvi, -Tig, vi, (from ^scme) approach, access or rather introduction. U^oaayauiaTYig, -ου, 6, {-rr^og and dyavia- To5i) an assistant, helper. ΐίξοσοί'^ω. Dor. 'π-οτοαί^ομ,α,ι, (same and οβω) I sing to, chime or agree with. ΤΙξοσχίξίο,αίΐι, (same and αίξίω) I choose besides or iji addition to. ΐίξοσαΐσσω, (same and ά'ί'σσω) I rush to. 730 ΤΙξοσοίΐτίο), -ω, (same and xItsuj) I ask besides, ask eaimesfly, beg. ΐΐζοσχϊ'της, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a beggar. ΤΙζοσακούω, {'Tr^og and ακούω) I hear be- sides. ΤΙζοσόί'λίίφω, (same and ά'Κζίφω) I apply an ointment. ΤΙζοσείλΙσκ,ω, (same and ά.'λίσκω) I take or consume besides. ΐΙζοσάχκοΐΑοίΐ, (same and ciKhoy.cti) I spring to, welcome. Ώ-ξοσχμζίβομοίΐ, (same and ά^ϋίίβω) I an- swer to. li^QuoiyA'Kyuj, Dor. 'roTii«^i'Ay«,(same and df/A'hya) I milk besides or over. Τίζοσά,^ϋνω, (same and άμ,ύι/ω) I come to the aid of further defend or assist. Ήξοσα^ιφίξω, (from same, α,μ,φΐ, and ίΐ/υυ- f^i) I put on over or besides. ΤΙξοσΰίυχβχΙνω, or '7rQoσciuάβv]f^s,{same and άι/οίβοΐί^ω or -Yj/at) I go up to a place, ascend in addition to. li^oaccvafixatg, or 'π■ζoσύ(/.βόίσιg, -sag, r„ (from preced.) a going up, ascent. Τίζοσχι/αγαοίζα, (TTQog and α,υΰίγ}οά•ζα) I force in addition or besides, comjjel. Tlξoσΰιyctyξόίφω, (same and dι/ctyξόίφa) I write again besides, describe in addition to. li^oaocvxya, (same and dvekya) I lead or bring up to, approach. ΤίξοσχνοώΒχομΰίί, (same and duxhi^o^xi) I exjject besides, ivaitfor. ΤΙζοσχνχ^Ι^ω^ί, (same and χυχ^ίΖαμι) I give in addition to or besides. ϋξοσχνχίξία, (same and xux/^la) I take up or away besides; I give a further an- swer. ΤΙξοσχυχκ,ξΐνω, (same and χνχκ,ξίνα) I examine or inquire further. ΐΙζοσχυχΤ^χμ,βόίνω, (same and άυχΚχι^- βχυα) I take up in addition to, receive back more. H^ouxux'hiyoi^xi, (same and duxT^iya) I recite again, relate further. Ή.ξοσχνχ'κίσκ,ο}, or ττζοσίίί'ίίλοώί, (same and duxT^iGKO), or duxT^oa. See p. 69, under x'hoa) I spend entirely. 'Π.ζoσxvx7^oyίζofΛXί, (same and dux'Koyl- ζο^χι) I consider further or besides. Uooaxvx/icif^i/Tiaxa, (same and dvx^ui/^^uY.G- κα) I put in mind again further. Τΐοοσχνχττχΰα, (same and χνχττχύω) I give rest again to : '^τξοσχνχτΓχύο,αχί, I rest again. ΤίξοσχναττΙμ,'ΤΓ'ΚΥιμ,ι, (same and duxxiy.- 'Τΐ'ΚΎΐμ,ι) I fill up further. Υί.ζοσχυχ'πίτντω, (same and χνχ'ΤΐΊ'πτα) I recline ov feast with. ΐΙξοσχνχ7Γ\χσσα, (same and άνχτ-Τ^άσσω) I form or feig7i in addition to. TlPoCava^Xrjooca, A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξοφάλλίο, ΤΙξοσοα/χ'π-λγΐξόα, -ω, (same and ά,υΛ'7ΐ1\Ύ\- ξόα) I supply ahundanthj. Ti^oaauapp'/jyuvi^t, (same and ductppTiyuv• μι) I tear or rip up in addition. Τ1ξοσχνΰίξτά.ω, (same and ά,νοίζτά,ω) I suspend to. Τίξοσαα/ασίίω, (same and άνα,σύω) I move or stir up further. Ίΐζοσιχ,νοι,στίτο^ύ)^ (same and ά,νοίστίχΚύ)) I send back oi• restrain still more. TlQ07oivciTeiya, (same and dt/oireiua) I ex- tend or hold forth in addition. ΐΙζοσίχ,να,τίύγ]μ,ι, (same and ά,υατίύημι) I impose; mid. / communicate^ confer^ con- sult with^ add in conference. Tl(ioactuciToi7:o), (same and ά,νίχ,τζΐτΓω) I subvert, overthrow more completely. ΤΙξοσαι/ατξέχω, (same and ά,να,τξίχ,ω) I run back further. ΙΙξοσχι>χφέξω, (same and α,^Λφίζω) I offer, bring again. Τ[(7ύσαι/οίχοοΜ/νύω, or -χξόίΐ/ι/νμί, (same, cci/Xf and -^ζ^ω^νύω) I give colour to, infect : '^Qoaoivoixoauuvfiui, I communicate myself to, present under false colours ; I acquire a colour, am impressed. ΙΙζοσχι/£ί7τω, or 7ΓPoσciuί'7rω, (from same, di/cc, and ίττοή I say further. ΤΙοοσα,Άχ,ω, (same and cit /ίχ,ω) I hold on further, luait for. Τΐζοσανοίγω, (same and ανοίγω) I open further. ΤΙξοσανοίκύΙοι/Αω, -ω, (from same, άνά, and oiKohoyAo)) I build up in addition to. Τίξοσοίνοί/ίίωζύ), (same and άνοιμ,ωζω) I bewail moreover. TL^oactuTiXKoj, for 7Τζοσύίυο(.τί7\.'Κύ), (same and ά.να,τΐχκύ)) I rise up besides, or / rise tofvards. Τίζοσα.ΐ/τίγ,ύ), (same and aurix,o)) I ivith- stand still fu? ther. ΤΙζνσοίντγις, -eog, 6, yj, (from same and oiv- T a,) bending iowat^ds, steep, arduous, adverse, ΐΐοοσαξιόύ), (same and άζ,ιόω) I claim or demand besides. ΐΙζοσατηχγγί-κ-Αω, (same and α,ττχγγίλ^ Aίαί} I want besides or more, stand in need of something more. Τ1ξοσ^εξκο/:ίΰίί, or 'π-οτίίεζκο/^,χι, (same and ϊίζκ,ω) I look at, behold. 732 Πζοσδετοί, -ou, (same and ^ετός) bound to. ΐΐζοσ^εχομ,οίΐ•, Ion. ττ^οσδέκο^κα;, (same and ^έχομ,α,ι) I receive, accept, submit to, expect whether with hope or fear. Π^οσδ/ι5ί/3άλλ«, (same and ^κχ,βχΚΚω) I calumniate further. ΤΙξοσ'^ίοί^Αγομαι, (same and '^ίαλεγω) I hold a dialogue with. ΤΙςοσΖίίί/ίίΩίζτύζομαίί, (same and ^ίοί/ίίχξ- τύξομοί:) I cite by a solemn appeal, engage by a protest. TlQoa^iccvi/iia,(scime and '^tccui/ica) I distri- bute to ; mid. / allot to myself appropriate, ϋ^οσ^ίοί'ττξά,σσω, (same and δ/δίττ^άσσω) / effect ov procure in addition. ΐΙξοσ^ΐΛξ'ττάζω, (same and ^ιοι,ζτιτόίζω) I plunder besides. Τΐζοσ^ίοισΰΐ,φεω, (same and ^ίχσα.φεω) I ex- plain further. ΤΙ^οσ^ια,στ^εφο), (same and "^ιχατζεψω) I pervert in addition or besides. ΐίξοσίιιχ,φύείζω, (same and ^ιαφύείζύ)) I corrupt or destroy besides. ΤΙξοσΙί'^ωμί, (same and Ιβω/ζή I give in addition to, impart. ΤίξοσΙίεζχομοα, (same and ^ιε^χομοα^ I go through or discuss in addition. Τίξοσ^ίχ,άζομχί, (same and "^ίκύζώ) I de- cide or award in addition. ϋξοσίιοξίξω, (same and δ /og/^-a) I define further. Προσδοκάω, -ω, (same and ^οχ,ά,ω) I look for, expect, wait for. Ύΐζοο^ό-Λ'ίΐτας, see 'ττ^οσ^όκιμος. ΤΙξοσ^οκΊχ, •είς, vi, (from ττξοσ^οκάω) a looking for, an expectation. ΤίζοσΙόκίμος, -ου, 6, ί], (from same) ex- pected ; to be expected. Προσδοκώ;, {"TTQ^og and δοκώ)) / appear fur- ther. Τίξοσ^οζ,ο'ττοίεομΰίΐ, (from same, Ιόξοι, and ττοιεω) I am captivated with false appear- ances. ΐΐ^οσίοζττίος, Dor. τ^οτΐ^όζτιηος, -ov, (from same and ^o^tcov) fit for supper. ΎΙζοσ^ζεμ-ω. See "ττ^οστ^ίχω. ΤΙζοσΙυσκ,οΤ^α,ίυω, {ττ^ος and Ινσκολχίνύ)) I molest or chafe further. Τίξοσεύω, -ω, (same and εχω} I peinnit or suffer moreover, I permit. ϋξοσεγγίξω, (same and εγγίζω) I ap- proach, come near to. ΤΙξοσεγγνάομχί, (same and εγγνχύή I pledge myself besides. Τίξοσεγκ,χλεω, (same and εγκαΚεω) I ac- cuse besides or further. ΤΙξοσεγκίΤ^εύο), (same and εγχ,εΤ^εΰω) I ex- hort further. ΤΙξοσεγχέω, (same and εγχέω) I pour in upon. ΠξΟΰίόαφΙξω, A GREEK LEXICON. ΉξΟΰεζίΰτημί, ΤΙ^οσίΙΰίφίζύ), (same and ί^αφίζω) I am paved; I am embossed or inlaid; I dash on the ground, fasten to the ground. ΤΙροσίοοίύύ), f. -ξύσω, (from same and Ι'δ- ^£β) / sit by, attend upon assiduously, 1 Cor. ix. 13. ΙΙοοσϊ^Ιοί, -α,ς, vj, (from same) attendance. ΤΙοόσί^ζος, -ου, 6, '/], (from same} that sits by, that dwells at or near. ΙΙζοσίύίζω, (ττζό; and ξύίζω) I accustom to ; mid. accustom or inure myself to. Uooas^Cfjy (same and f.i'oa) I look at. ΤΙζοσίΓ/^ύζω, (same and είκ,άζω) I liken to ; suspect, guess. ΤΙοοσίίκ,Βλος, -ov, o, 7}, or ~og, -τη, -ou, (same and £Ϊκ£λος) like to, resembling. ΤΙζοαίΙκύ), (same and ύ'•/.ύ)) I am like to. ΤΙζοσίίλίω, poet, 'ττζοτίβίλίω, (same and «/λέώ) / roll on. ΐΙζόσζψΑ, (same and dyA) I am at οτ near, added to, joined to, or ivith. ΤΙρόσαμ,ι, (same and i\u,i^ I go or coine towards, approach. Τίζοσίίττω, (from same and 'ΐττω) I speak to, accost, address. ΤΙζοσΒίσ'ττξοιττω, (same and ίΐσττζάσσύ)) I exact in addition. ΤΙξοσείω, (ττξο and σείο)) I shake before, or in front, shake or wave at ; induce, entice. ΤΙοοσίκβάλ'λύ), {ττζος and ϊκβύΧΚω) I cast out besides or in addition to. ΐΐζοσζκκοίΐύ), (same and ϊκ,κούω) I kindle, burn out further. Τίξοσίκλίγω, (same and ίκλζγω) I select further. Τ1ζοσ£κλύω, (same and ex^T^vo) I dissolve or render weak, besides or further. ΤΙζύσεκ'7Γέ/χ7Γύ),{&Άϊηβ and ίκ,ττέμττύ}) I send out besides. 'n.^o7£K'7rouia, (same and eKTrouea) I labour out further. ΤΙζοσεκτα•7Τί(υόύ), (same, sk, and ταττεί- νόωϊ) I moreover humble. Ιΐοοσίκτίχ,ζχσσύ), (same and ίκταζύσσω^ I throw into still greater confusion. ϋζοσεκ,τΊκός, -Tj, -ου, (from 'ττζοσεγ,ώ) at- tentive, observant. ΙΙξοσεκτίλΆω, {ττζός and εκ,τί'λλύ)) I pluck out besides. ΙΙζοσεκτίω, (same and εκτίω) I pay out besides. Ιϊζοσεκτυφ'Κόύ), (same and εΆτυφΙ.όω) I render moreover totally blind. Τίξοσεκφίζω, (same and ίχ,φεζω) I bring out besides. Τίξοσεκχεω, -ω, (same and εκχεοή I pour out before, ΤΙξοσεκχ,λενύζω, (same and εκχλευά,ζω) 1 mock at besides. ΤΙζοσελ^ύνω, (same and iAiivuo) I jnish, march, ride, or drive towards, ivhether for, or against. Τίζοσε'Κεύύύ). See ττξοσερχ,ο^Χί. Τίοοσελευσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, tj, (ττζος and εΆευσις) an approach to, access, arrival. ΤΙζοσελεω, (same and ελέω for ελάω) I ti-eat ignominiously, abuse. ΤΙξοσελ-^νος, (from ττξό and σελτ;»-^) before the moon. ΤΙξοσεΆκΰω, and ττζοσίτ^κ,ω, {'^-ζος and ελ- κνω or έλκω) I draiv to or towards, attract. Τΐζοσε^βοίίνύ), (same and ε^βχίι^ω) I go into or embark ; I trample upon, insult. Τίξοσεμβξί/ϋύύ^,χί, (same and ε/κ,βρί^,οί- of^xi) I moreover threaten. Τίροσε/ίίτηκ^αίυο^αι, (from same, h, and τηκξο,ίυω) I am still further exasperated against . Τίξοσεμ,ττξ'/ίθω, (same and ε^'ττζ'ήύύ)) I more- over set on fire, infiame still further. Ίΐζοσεμφεξτίζ, -έος, 6, τ], (same and είίφε- ξ'^ς) like to. ΤΙοοσενχγχ,ος, (same and εΐ/άγχο:) very lately. Τίζοσερίγκω. See 'τΤξοσφεξω. Τίξοσευεττω, and ττζοσεΐ/υεττω, {'ττζο; and ενεττω) I accost, address. Τίροσενεγ^υζά,ζύ), (same and ίνεχ,υρά,ζω') I moreover secure or arrest. ΤΙζοσεντείυω, (same and εκτείνω) I bend, stretch, aim at, inflict upon, still further. ΤΙ^οσίΐ/τελλω, (same and ει/τεΚΚω) I charge, command ox^ enjoin further. ΤΙζοσεΐ/νβζίζω, (same and εννβζΐζω) I in- sult still further. ΐίξοσί^οίίρεομ,α,ι, (same and ε^χίζεω) I take out further. ΐ1ζοσεί,α.μχζΤΰί>/ω, (sameand Ι^χμοίΡτχνύ)) I err still further. Τΐζοσεζχν^ξα.ττο^ίζο^ιχ.ί, (same and l^ccv- '^ξοίττοοίζω) I reduce moreover to be my slaves. Ώ.ζοσεξ,α'ΤΓοστελλω, (same and εζχττοστελ- λω) I send away out to. Υίζοσε^ασκεω, (same and ε^χακεω) I more- over 2)ractise thoroughly. ΤΙζοσεξ,ελίσσω, (same and ΙζίλΙσσω) I un- fold, disengage, detach J'rom, still further. ΙΙροσεζεξ''/ά.ζο^χί, (same and εξβζγχξο- fioii) I woi'k out still further, I do to one. ΐΐζοσεζερείού), (same, εξ, and ε^εβω) I press, lean upon; τη\(\. I support myself upon. 11()οσεζ,ευζίσκω,{%ΆηΛθ. and έςίΐ/^/σκω) I find out or invent further. ΤΙζοσεξ-^γεο/^.χί, (same and εξηγεο/αχι) I tell besides. 11ζοσεζΙστΥι/ϋί, (same and είΐστημ,ι) I more- over rc»ioue out of my place or state, disor- der, or am disordered or astounded, am trails- ported, am beside myself. 733 Ώ.ροΰί'πάγω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξούτιγοξία, TlooasTroiya), (same and έττάγω^ I bring upon in addition. ΐΙξ^οσίττα,ιτιά,ομ,Λΐ^ (same and Ιτηχ,ιτιά,ο- μχί) I blame for or accuse besides. Ώ.ξοσί'ττείττω, (same and Ιττείττω) I say still further. Π.ξοσε'ΤΓείσφίξύ}, (same and Ι-ττείσφίξω) I bring in upon or introduce furtJier. Ώ-ζοσετηβά-Χλίο^ (same and ίττφάλλω) I throw over besides, superadd. ΤΙξοσ£7Γίζν]τί(ί}, (same and ίττιζητίω) I seek still further. ΤΙζοσίττίύίά,ομ,οίΐ, (same, lx<, and ^suo^ui) I contemplate further. TlQ0G£'7riKSif<'CCi,isame and ε'ττίκ,ίΐμαί) Hie upon, insist, or urge, further. Π^oσ£•;r/λίί^,βά:/ίy,(same and Ιττι'Κίχ,μ,βάνω) I take hold on in addition or along with, assist in. n^offSTTAsyii), (same and ΙττιΤ^ίγω) I speak upon further. ΙΙξοσϊττί/ϋετζία, (same and &χ:μζτξίω) I measure out besides. UpoasTriuoL•}, (same and Ιτηνοίω) I con- trive farther, invent something new. ϋ^οσε'ΤΓίοζχίω, (same and ί-τηοξκίω) I per- jure mysef further. ΤΙξοσίτησίτίζο/ίύΰίί, (same and ϊτησιτίζύ)^ I gather more supplies. 'Π.ξοσ£'7ησκ,ύ)7ττω, (same and Ιττισκ,ωτττω) I scoff upon father. ΤΙξοσίττίστίΆλύ), (same and Ιττίστίλλω) I enjoin further. Ώ.^οσί'πισφά.ττω, (same and Ιτνισφάττω) I slay besides. ΐΙξοσετΓίσφξΰίγίζομαι, (same and Ιττισφζα,- γίζω) I moi^eover set my seal upon, confirm still further. Τίξοσετητάττω, (same and Ιττίτάσσω) I command further ; mid. station myself next ; pass, am ranked after. ΤΙζοσετητίίι/ω, (same and εττίτείι^ύ)) I strain or co7itend still further. ΤΙζοσεττίτέξΤΓΟ/αοίί, (same and ε-ττιτεξπ-ω) I am still more delighted. ΤίξοσετΓίτίύγι^ί, (same and ετητίβγι/^,ή I put or lay on further, superadd, inflict upon. ΤΙξοσετητί/ίίύω, -ω, (same and ετ^ιτιμάω) I moreover accuse ot^ upbraid. ΐΙροσε'ττίτζΟ'ΤΓενω, (same and εττιτξο'π'ενω) I act as a guardian still longer. ϋξοσεττίφεξω, (same and εττίφεξω) I bring to or supply still further. ΙΙξοσε'π-ίφύεγγομΛΐ, (same and εττιφόεγγο- μοίΐ) I say further. ΐΙοοσετΓίχχζίζο/ίαχι, (same and ε-τηχ,οίξίζο- μοίΐ) I gratify further. ΐΙξοσί'ΤΓω, (same and εττω) I speak to. ΐίξοσεξγύζομαί, (same and ί^γάζο^α,ί) I 734 work over and above, gain moreover in trade, Luke xix. 16. Tlξoσεξsβc>J, (same and ε^εί^ω) I make firm towards, place for support agaiyist. ΐΐζοσεξεΰγοι^,ιχ,ι, (same and εζεΰγω) I belch or vomit forth upon, desk against. ΤΙξοσεξέω, (same and ε^εω) I speak to^ ac- cost. ΤΙζοσε^ίξα, (same and εοίζω) I contend with, provoke to anger. ΙΙζοσε^ίστγις, -ου, 6, (same and Ιξίστ'/ις) a contentious person. ΤΙξοσίξομαί, (same and £^o,i««/) / ask or inquii^e further. Τΐζοσε^τ^ύζύ), and "ττ^οσε^ττω, (same and ε^'π-νζω or εζττω) I creep or go along towards. ΐίξοσί^χ,ομ,ίχ,ι, (same and 'iqxo(Acx,i) I come to, approach, accede, assent to. ΤΙξοσεξωτάω, (same and ίζωτάω) I ask further. ΤΙξοσεσ-ττεζίος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and "Έσ'7Γ£(ΐας) western. Τίξοσετχίζίζύ), (same and εταίξίζω) I give one to another as a friend or companion : ττξοσετοίίζίζομ,οίί, J attach to myself as a friend, conciliate. ΤΙξοσίΤί, (same and 'in) yet, still, besides, moreover. ΐίξοσευκ,χίζίω, (same and εύκχίξεω) I have opportunity or leisure for, occupy myself with any thing. Τίξοσευττοξέύ), (same and εύττοξεω^ I am able to afiOrd further, supply in addition. ΤΙζοσευχΥι, -vjg, vj, (same and εϋγ,νι) a prayer to ; an oratory or pilace built to pray in, a prayer-house. ΙΙξοσεύχ,ο^Λοίΐ, (same and εΰχ,ο^-Ό,ι) I pray to. ΐίξοσεχ,'-ήζ, •εος, 6, vj, (from ττζοσεχω^ con- nected with, contiguous, keeping close to ; attached to, attentive, intelligent : ττ^οσεχως, closely by. Ίίξοσεχ,όυτως, (from next) attentively. ΐΐζοσεχω, {'π-ξος and εχύή I hold or keep to, apply, apply to, bring to or towards; at- tend to, am addicted to, take heed to, believe, assent to, follow as a disciple. ΤΙζοσζευγνΰω, or -ζεΰγω, (same and ζευγ- υύω) I yoke with, join to^ fasten a yoke upon. ΐΐζόσφος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and '^βη) that is near the age of puberty. Τίζοσγιγοζίω, (from same and χγρζεΰω) I speak to, accost, address. ϋξοσγιγόξγΐ^ζόί, -χτος, το, (from preced.) something addressed to another, an address, a salutation. Τΐζοσγιγοξίοί, -ας, % (from same) an ac- costing or addressing, an address, name, title. ΠξΟΰ'^γοξος, A GREEK LEXICON. ΊΊοοαχαταλίίτω, ΤΙξοστιγοζος, -ov, ο, τ], (from same) capable of addressing, able to converse with; worthy of being addressed. ϋξοστικον, TO, (from τΓξοστίκω) that which is becoming or proper. Τίζοστικόντως, (from next) in a becoming manner, fill/. ΐΙζοσψΛύ), f. -τ,^ω, often used impersonally, ΤΓξοσ'/ικίΐ, ("π-ξο; and ί^κω) I reach to ; lam or it is convenient or pertinent or pro- fitable, it isfdting, it behoves. Τίξοσ'-ήλίος, -ov, o, τ], or 'ττξόσίί'λος, (same and '/jT^iog) exposed to the sun. Π^οσ}?λο<υ, -ώ), (same and vp\oo)) I nail to, and particularly to a cross. Col. ii. 14. Τίξοσγιλύτενσις, -(ος, Attic -sag, v}, (from next) pilgrimage, sojourning. U^oaYiTiVTeva, f. -ίύσω, (from next) / so- journ. ΤΙζοστιλΰτος, -ov, o, ^, (from 'ττξοσίλίύύω) a stranger, one who comes from- his oivn people to another, a proselyte, a convert. ίΐξόσγιμ,(χ,ι, {'ττ^ος and τ^μοα) I sit near, be- siege ; sit at, rest on. ΐΐ^οσημ,α,ίνω, {ττζο and στιμ,αίνω) 1 signify, intiynate, or declare, beforehand. U^oariusioa, (same and σγΐΐΛίΐόω^ I mark out, denote, forebode. HQoa7]usf<,og, -ov, 6, ij, (from -rgoV and a,vi- y.og) exposed to the wind. TlQoayjv/ig, -iog, o, 7], (from same and ijvg) good to others, mild, kind, liberal : -ττξοσίΐνως, mildly. Τίξοσγι^ία, -xg, i], (from preced.) gentle- ness, kindness. ΤΙζοστιφος, -cc, -ov, Dor. TCOTccZog, (_7Τξ6; and τίωος) eastward, oriental. Τΐζοσύακίω, (same and Βχκ,ίω) I sit near or upon. ΤΙζόσ&ΐ, and 'ττξόσύίν, Mo\. 'ΤΓξόσθοί, (from 'ττξό) before. ΤΙξόσθί(Α,όί, -ocTog, το, (from -ττξοστίύ-,η/ι^ί) an addition. ΎΙζοαθίτΐον, (from same) it is necessary to adjoin. υ^όσθετος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same) put to, near, or on ; adjoined, afβxed ; adjudged. ΤΙζοσύίύ), (.TTQcg and Άίω) I run to. Τίξοσθνικγι, --/!?, Yj, (from 'π-ζοστίθτιμι) an addition, accession, aid. ΤΙξόσόη/ίΛΧ, same as ττζόσόΒμ,χ. Τίξοούίγγοίνύ), or ττζοσθίγύ), (ττζο; and ^ιγ- γάνύ) or Βίγύή I touch upon, feel, handle. ΐΐζοσύΐ^ιος, and Tv^oahog, -oc, -ov, (from 7r(>OGdi)fore, anterior. ΤΙζοσθ7.ϊβα, {τΓζός and ^λΙβύή I press ιφοη, affile t, oppress. Tl(iOGUoloiA,og, -ov, 6, v], (from 'TTQOaus and lof^og) that is the forejxirt of a house ; that formerly inhabited the house. Τίζοσύξοίω, (τΓζος and Βξοίω) I accost, ad- dress. ΐίξοσιζά,νω, τιτξοσιζΐω, ττξοσίζ-.ι/^ίΐ, and -ττξοσ- ίξω, (same and 'ίξύ)) I sit, rest, or stay at, or near. Τίξοσίημι, (same and r/7^i«/) / send forth : ττξοσίί,αχί, I admit, receive, allow, ajjprove. ΐίξοσιχ,υίομ^ΰίΐ, (same and iituioy^oii) I go or come to, reach, arrive. ΤΙξοσίκτωξ, -o^og, 6, (from same and ίκ,ζ- τι/,ζ) a sujjpliant to. ΐΐζοσίτττγιμ,ι, and '7ΐ^οσΊ'πτ&,(Λθ(,ι, (same and 'iTCToificii) I fly to. ΤΙζοσιστ-ή^Λΐ, (same and 'ίστνιμ,ι) I set or place to or against, adjoin, restrain. : -πζοσίσ- τόίμ,ιχ,ι, I stand near, am present; withstand, oppose, offend. Τίζοσιστοζίω, (same and ίστοξίω) I inquire or I relate further. Ίλζοσίσγ,ο), same as ττ^οσίχ,ω. ΤΙζοσκ,α,ύε^.κ,ύω, (ττξος and xe&ueXKVu^ I draw down, launch, or equip with, or be- sides. Τίζοσκ,ιχ.ύν}κω, (same and kuUvjku) I am convenient orflt. ΐίξοσκ,άύ'-ή^οίΐ, (same and κχύνιμ,αί) I sit down at or before, besiege. ΤΙξοσκ,χύίζω, (same and κχύίζω) I sit down at or near, rest at, lay siege to. HQoapcatiaig, -εως, ί], (same and KUUiatg) a sitting at or beside. ΐΙξοσκ,αύίστϊΐ/ίί.ί, (same and καύίστγιμί^ I appoint in addition. TL^oaKociQog, -ov, o, 9], ro -ov, (same and KctiQog) temporary, transient. ΐΐζοσκοίίύ), (same and κχίω) I burn, kin- dle ; pass, am kindled, become warm. ΤίζοσκοίΚίο^Λοίΐ, -ονμ,οίΐ, (same and κοίΚίω) I call to ov for ; call to myself, invite ; sum- mon ; pass, am called to, am appointed. ΠξοσκάξΙίος, -ov, Dor. ττοτικά^ιος, (from same and κ,αςίίοί) at the heart. ϋροσκαςτεξίω, -ω, (same and κα,ζτίξίω) I attend constantly to or on. Τίζοσκιχζτίίζίησίς, -tog, Attic -sag, 7}, (from \)Ye.cea.)-2)ersevcrance, invincible constancy, Ephcs. vi. 18. ΤΙξοσκΰίτχβ'ΑΥί/αχ, -ccrog, το, (from Tr^og and κατοίβύλλύ)) a deposite or contribution in addition. ϋζοσκαταγίνωσκω, (same and κ,οίταγιν- ύ)σκύ)) I condemn besides ; I adjudge. ΙΙξοσκ,α.τχκ7^ύζί>), (same and y.ccτa,>iλvζω^ I inundate or deluge still fur/her. IlQoaKoiTccKTscofcui, (same and κ.α.τακ,τΰί- o^oit) I acquire besides. Τίξοσκοίτοίλέγω, (same and κοίταλίγω) I choose to, add besides. ΙΙξοσκχτοί'λίίτΓα, (same and κχτχλζίττω) I moreover leave. 735 » ΤΙξΟΰχατανίμω. Tl^oaxocr6iuif/.o), (same and χ,α,τοίΐΐίμω) I Jurther share, I distribute to. Τίξοσχ,α,τα^αίνω, (same and κ,ατα,ζ,ούνω) I further lacerate, ivear by rubbing against. Τίροσκαταζίύμίύ), (same and κοίταριύ^αίω) I number with besides. Τ1ζοσ>οοίτχσΆ5υόίζω, (same and κ,οιτχσκ,ζυ- ά-ζω) I prepare or furnish in addition, or still more. ΤΙξοσκοίτοίσνζω, (same and κΰίτοισύζω) I drag or siveep doivn with. ΐίξοσχ,οίτα,τάττο), (same and χίΛΤοίχάσσω) I arrange still further. ΤΙζοσκάτόίτίύ-/ιμ,{, (same and κ,οίπχ,τίύγι,^ή I lay doiun or up, deposite or pay besides. TlQoaKccToi-ipsvQOficii, (same and κ,οίτοί-ψίύ- Ιομοιι^ I lie against besides. Τίξοσκ,ΰ(.τ^γοζίύ), (same and κατγιγοξίω) I accuse further. ΙΙξόσκ.οίν/:ί,ΐχ, -ατός, ro, and ττξόσχ,οί,υσις, -ιος, VI, (from ττξοσκ,χίω) that which has bee7i burned, a burning upon. Τίξόσ-Λίΐ^αι, {'ττξος and κβΊμαι) I am adja- cent to, join myself to, adhere to, favour. HQoaKSTTTOficii, {ττξο and σκίτττο/^,χί) I de- liberate befoi-ehand, or in behalf of. ϋξοσ-Λίφαί^ω, (crgoj and }(,i^huiueu) I gain still further. Π^οσκίφώλδί/ο//, -ου, το, and ττζοσκ,ζφοίΚγι, .^ς, 71, (from same and κ.ϊφού\.''ή) a pillow for the head, a bolster or pillow ', also a cushion to lean or sit on ; Ezek. xiii. 1 8, 20. Mark iv. 38. Π^οσκίίδί^ί, Λος, 6, vj, (from same and ;iij- δο^•) having affinity with, allied ; careful for. ΐΙοοσκ.7ΐίομχί, (from same) / am related to ; am carefid, anxious, or grieved for. Ti^oaKTjuiou, -ου, το, (from 'ττζο and σχ,γιν'ή) a porch of a tent ; the forepart of a stage, Lat. proscenium. Τίροσκ.•ηξΰσσω, {'ττξος and κ,Υίξύσσω) I pro- claim to, I further proclcdm, I summon to. ΤΙξοσκΐνίω, (same and xiuia) I viove to- wards. ϋξοσκ,Άχίω, (same and κ,λχίω) I weep over ; or iveep yet more. Τίξοσκ,λάύ), (same and κλάί«) / break against. HooaKKyiQOco, -^i,(same and κ,7\.ηξόω) I asso- ciate or add to by lot, associate tvith. ΤΙξόσκΤ^γίσις^ -^ως, v}, (from same and fcx- Τ,ίύ)) a calling to, summons, invitation. ΐίζοσκ,Τ^τίτΓ^ος, -vi, -ou, (from same) calling to ; capable of calling to. ΤΙροσκ,ΧΤνω, {-π-ζος and κ,λίι/ω) I lean or bend towards, rest against; I am inclined towards, am partial to. ΤΙζόσζ'λΙσις, -ιος, Attic -£ως, 'ή, (from same) inclination of mind towards, partiality, 1 Tim. V. 21. 736 A GREEK LEXICON. TlooGKvvsca, ΤΙξοσκ,λύξα, (-ττξος and κλύζω) I wash with, wash to or towards. Τίξοσκ,λύω, (same and κλύω) I listen to, hear. Τίζοσκ,νάω, and -κναίω, (same and kvoicj or κ,νούύύ) I rub upon or against. ΙΙ^οσκ,ννιύω, (same and κ,νήύω) I cause to itch by rubbing. U^oax.Qiucuuico, (same and κοινωνίω) I com- municate ivith, impart to. ΤΙξοσκο7\.Χύύ), -ω, (same and κολλάω;) / glue to ; attach to ; pass. lam joined, cleave closely to. Ιίξοσκομ,ίζω, (same and κο{Λίζω) I convey or carry to. Τίξόσκομ,ιζιχ,, -ατός, το, (from ττζοσκ.ίκο/χμαι, perf. pass, of ττξοσκ,ότττω) a stumbling-block. ΤΙξοσκ.ο'ττζύω, and 'ττξοσκ,οττίω, {ττξό and σχ,οΐΐίϋω or σχ.ο'π'ίω) I look to ov forward, foresee, provide for beforehand. ΤΙζοσκο'ττνι, -τις, τ], (from ττζοσκ,ότττω) a stumbling block, ojferice. Τίξοσκ,οττγι, -^j, and ττζοσκ.ό'τν/ισις, -ιος, At- tic -εως, τί, (from ττξοσκοττίω) a looking for- ward, a provision. Τίξόσ^.οτΓος, -ου, ό, (from same) a scout, a spy sent before to reconnoitre, a sentinel be- fore a camp. Τϊξοσκ,ότττω, {'ττζος and xoVt^j) / strike or dash against, stumble at or against, stumble, offend any one, am scandalized at. ΤΙξοσκ,οξίω, (same and κ,οξίω) I cause sa- tiety to. Τίξοσκοξνίς, -ίος, and 'ττξόσζοζος, -ου, ό, v], (from preced.) that causes satiety to. ΐΐζοσκ,οτόϋ), {-π-ξο and οκοτόω) I cover with darkness. ΤΙξόσκ-ζάι^ο!/, -ου, το, ('ττξος and κξόίνον) a pillow. Τΐςοσκ,ξζμάύ), (same and κζίμ,άω) I hang upon. Τΐξόσχξου /icoi, or 'ττξόσκ.ζουσμα, -ατός, το, (from same and κζούω) that which one strikes against, an offence, a misunderstanding, a scandal. Τϊξόσχζουσις, -ιος, Attic -Siyj, '^, (from next) a dashing against, a striking upon, collision, enmity, scandal. Ώ-ζοσκξούω, {ττξος and χζούω) I knock or strike upon, dash against ; hurt, offend. Τίζοσκτάομ,αι, (same and κ,τάομ,αι) I ac- quire still more. ϋξοσκύΆϊω, (same and κ,υλίω) I roll to. ΐΙζοσκΰ'Λω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. 'τιτζοσκζκύν'/ικ,α, 1 a. τΓ^οσίκ,ΰνγισα, (same and κ,υν&ω) I pros- trate myself to, I adore, I salute towards ; according to eastern manners, prosti-ation was the posture both of civil reverence or homage, and of religious worship. Whether the former or the latter is intended must 10 Τίροΰκΰν'ήδ/;. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξΟΰοίγω. be determined by the circumstances of the case. Herodot. I. 134. '^Jv oi ■7το?,λω γ οϊ- rsQo; KyvjuiGTS^o;, 'ττζοσττί'τττύ)» 'ΤΓξοσκν^ίει TO'j sTSPou. Corn, Nepos, vitae Conon. cap. 3. " necesse est, si in conspectum (regis Persarum) veneris, venerari regem, quod ττζοσκννίϊν iJli vocant." Comp. Gen. xviii. 2. xxiv. 26, 52. Exod. iv. 31. xxxiv. 8. 2 Chron. xx. 19.— 1 [3] Kings xix. 18. This was probably saluting towards, viz. by put- ting the hand to the mouth in the act of ado- ration, Plin. Lib. xxviii. c. 2. " in adorando dextram ad osculum referimus," comp. Job xxxi. 27. ΤΙροσκΰν^ις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, % (from pre- ced.) 2yrostratio7i, adoration. Τίοοσκυνγ,τγις, -ου, 6, (from same) a wor- shipper. ΤΙξοσκντττω, (ττί^ο; and xv-tttuj) I bend or stoo]:> doivn towards. Ιϊοοσκΰζίο), same as ττξοσκύξω. Τΐξύσκυξύω, -ω, ("rgoV and ^υξόω) I confirm to, approach to. Τΐοοσκύοω, (same and kvqoj) I arrive at, happen to. Τίζοσκνω, (same and κύο)) I salute by a kiss, salute humbly ; worship ; see ττ^οσκ,υ- ΤΙξόσκωτΓος, -ου, 6, (from same and κω- 'π-γ]) one that rows. ΤΙοοσ'Αοίγχαίι/ύ), (same and 'Κα,^γ^ά.υο)) I moreover allot. ΙΙοοσ'Κά.ζομ,ΰίΐ, or 7Τζοσ7^ά,ζΰμ,οίί, (same and -κά,ζοίΛΟίΐ) I take hold of. ΙΙζοσΆΛλίύ), -ω, (same and λχλίώ) I speak to. Τίξοσλχμβόίϋύ}, (same and λα,αβύι/ω) I take to, take, admit, receive. Τ1ζοσ?^ύμ7Τω, (same and 'κά,μ,τΓω) I shine upon, enlighten further. Τίξοσλέγω, (same and λίγω) I say besides: 7Γ^θ£7λ£7ο,ί«α/, / S2}eak to ; also / recline be- side. Ιΐοοσλεύσσω, (same and λίύσσω) I look at, behold. ΤΙζοσΆτιβύ), see ττζοσΆχ/^ίβάϋω. Τΐζόσλ-^φις, -ιος, Attic -ίως,ν),{{ΐθτϊ\ 'ττζοσ- 'Κα,μ,βά,'^ω) α receiving, recepiion, assumption. Τ1ζύσλ(7Γχοίύ), (ττι^ό; and Άίττα,ςίύ)) Ι per- severe diligently in any pursuit, listen atten- tively. ΤΙζοσλΐ'π-οίζ-ήσίςζ -ίως, ί], (from prcced.) assiduity. ΐΙζοσλογίζομ.χ(, (ττζος and Άο'/ίζομ,Λΐ) I reason ivith myself, impute to, reckon to, as-, cribe to, compute. ΤΙξοσλογίστίος, -ice, -iou, (from preccd.) that must be added to the number. ΪΙξοσ'Κυσσύ.ύ), (ττζος and λυσσύο)) I ap- proach in a frantic manner. ΤΙοοσ/^.άύγισίς, -ίως, jj, (from next) addi- tional learning. Τίξοσ/χα,νύόίνω, ('ττξος and /zcivuxuu) J learn besides. ΐΐζοσμ^αξτυζίύ), (same and ^ciprvcU)) I bear luitness to, confirm still further. ΤΙςοσμόισσω, or -ττω, (same and μ,ύσσω) I knead to or together with, rub or wipe upon, stick to or upon. Hooay.a)(,oy.ai, (same and ^ay^oy^cti) I fight with. ΐΙξοσ/ϋίίΟίάω, (same and ^ίίίΟίά,ω) I smile to. Τίξοσμίϋύ), (same and /icivo)) I remain, stay at, continue with, adhere to, pjersevere in. Ώ-οοσ^Λεοίζύ), (same and ^/.ίξίζω) I distri- bute besides. ΤΙροσμΥιγ,οίνά,ω, or ττξοσ/ΐίτιχόίΰένύ), (same and μγιχ,αυύύ), or -sou) I affix skilfully. TL^oaf/^iyuD/^i, '7Γ^οσ{Λΐγι/ΰω, or -Tr-^oaf^Jyo), (same and f/Jyyv,ui) I mix luith, join ivith, engage. Tlpoay^iaico, (same and μισίο)) I hate be- sides. ΐίξοσμισύόω, (same and μ,ίσύόω) I also let for hire ; mid. / hire in addition. Τίξοσ/ϋολίω, and ττξοσμολω, (same and yo- "Κίω or μ,ότ^ο)) I advance. ΤΙξόσμοξος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (same and μόοος^ having the same fate. ΐΐζοσμυόίομοΐί, (same and μυύίομαί) I speak to, address, accost. ΤΙξοσμϋύεύύ), (same and μυύίύω) I add fiction. Tίξoσι^otυ'7rYtyίω, (same and ρcίυ7rϊ]yίω) I build more shijjs. ΤΙξοσι/ίμω, (same and νίμω) I attribute, ascribe, destine, or dedicate to ; I drive tO' wards or near. ΐΐοοσνίϋύ), (same and ν^ύω) I bend to- wards, nod to, approve. ΤΙ^οσΆω, f. '7]σω, (same and uiaj) I pile, heap upon. ΤΙζοσντιχύ), (same and v'/jyc^)) I swim or fi,oiu to. Π, (ΐοσνισσο'. y.oci, (same and νίσσομαή I ap- proach. TiPoauoieu, -ω, (same and voko)) I attend to, advert to, consider, contemplate. ΤΙροσνο/χύω, (same and νωμά,ω) I move to. Tl^oaoutoiJ, -ου, το, (from same and ο66ς, with μίΧος understood) a hymn sung in a solemn procession or public thanksgiving. ΙΙζόσούος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same) access, forthcoming, increase. ΙΙζοσο^ιύρομοίί, (ττ^ο; and όούζομχι) I mourn, lament. ΙΙζοσόζω, (same and οζω) I smell of, stink. ll^oaoiyco, f. 'ζω, p. Attic -ττζοσίωχοί, 1 a. 5 A 737 ΤΙξΟΰΟΓΜίοω. A OREEK LEXICON. ΤΙξοο'τ^'ίξίβάλλω. •^ζοσύωζα?,, (same and οίγω) 1 open to, Gen. xix. 6. rather Tr^oasct^iu, from τΐ^οσάγω, ϋροσοίκ,βίόα, (same and οΐχ,αόω) I appro- priate or assign to ; mid. / appropriate or conciliate to myself; am ahin to. Τίξοσοίκ,εω, (same and οικίω) I dwell beside or near. ΐίξοσοίκ,ο^ομ,ίύ), (same and οίκ,ϋ^ομίω) I build in addition. ΊΙ^όσοικος, -ου, ο, sj, (same and οίκος) that dwells next to, neighbouring. Τίξοσοιστίος, -a, -ou, (from same and oL•)) that must be brought to, presented, supplied, offered. ΐΐζοσοίχ,ομ,αι, (^ame and οϊχομ,αι) I go to, approach, proceed still further. Τΐζοσοκ,ίλλω, (same and οκίλλω) I drive to. ΤΙξοσολοφύζομοα, (same and όλοφύξοι^,αί) I lament at, mourn over. ΤΙξοσομΐΤ^ίω, (same and όμιΤ^ίω) I converse or have intercourse ivith. Tl^oaofiuv/iii, (same and ομ,νν^,ι) I swear too. ΤΙξοσό/χοίος, -ov, (same and όμοιος) closely resembling, like to. Τίξοσομοίόω, (same and ομοιόω) I assimi- late. Τίξοσομολογίω, (same and ό/χολογίω) I agree to. ΐΙζοσομοΚογίίζ, -α,ς, τ], (from same) agree- ment. Τίξοσομόζγννμι, {'ττξος and όμόζγυνμή I wipe or squeeze upon, fix a stain upo7i, brand with. Τίξοσόμουξος, -ov, o, 'ή. Ion, for 'ττξοσόμο- ξος, (same and ομοζος) neighbouring. Τίζοσορομ,άζω, (same and όueμάζeϋ^ I call or name, give an additional name. Τίζοσό'ΤΓτομύίΐ, (same and οτττομα,ι) I look to, behold. ΤΙζοσόξόίτος, -ou, (from next) to be seen, visible. ΤΙξοσοξύύ), (-rgoV and όξάω) I behold. ΤΙξοσοξ'/ίζομαι, (same and οργίζω) I am ewaged at. ΤΙξοσοζίγομοίί, (same and όξίγω) I stretch myself to, seek more, use additional argu- ments. ΤΙξοσοζίω, (from same and οςος) I bor- der on. Ιίξοσοξίζομαι, (same and οζίζω) lvalue at. Τίξοσοξμάω, (same and όξμάύ)) I rush or hasten towards. ΤΙξοσοξμίζω, (same and όζμίζω) I biing a ship to her station or moorings or to land, Mark vi. 53. ΤΙξόσοξος, Ion. 'ττζόσονξος, -ou, (same and οζος) that borders on. . Τίζοσοξχ,ίομοι,ι, (same and ο^χίομα,ι) I dance to, rejoice at. 738 ΐίξοσουΐίζο), f. -Ίσω, (from same and ου- Ια,ς) I dash on the ground. ΤΙζοσουξίω, I prosper. Τίξοσοφίίλύ), {7ί•ξ6ς and όφίίλύή I owe be- sides or moreover, Philem, 19. ΤΙξοσοφλισΆχνω, and ττζοσόφλω, (same and οφτ^ισκάνω or οφτ^ω) I owe besides ; am guil- ty of, iiicur, merit, besides. ΤΙξοσογ,νι, -7}ς, vi, (from 'ττξοσίχ,ω) attention. Τΐζοσοχύίω, -ω, and -ττξοσοχύίζω, {'ττξος and όχ,ύίω or -ίζοή I am grieved or offended at, am disgusted with, am indignant, abhor. ΤΙξοσόχύίσμοί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a7i offence, an abomination, applied to idols. Τίξ^οσογ,υξόω, -ω, (/ττζος and όχ,νξόω) I for- tify in addition to. Τίξόσο-ψίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, gj, (same and ο•ψίς)^αη appearance, face, countenance. Τΐζοσττάύίία, -χς, vi, (from same and -τάσ- χ,ω) a languor previous to some disorder ; a passion for, an inclination toiuards. υζοστοίίζω, (same and -πΌ,ίζω) I play or sport with, mock at. Τΐξόσ'ττΰαος, ^ov, 6, ^, (from next) striking against, sudden, recent, fresh. ϋζοσττα ίω,{7Γξ6ς and 'ττχίω) I strike against, offend against. ΐΙζοσ'ΤΓοί'Κιχ,ίω, (same and ττοίΚα,ίω) I wres- tle luith. Τίζοσττα,ζΰίγ^οίφω, (same and ττΆ^οίγξά- φω) I annex in writing besides, write in ad- dition. Τ1ξοσ7τοίξοίκα,7\.ίω, -ω, (same and 'ττοίζο.- κ,αλίω) I exhort further. Τίξοσ'τηίίζοίσκ,ίυύίζω, (same and ΐίΛξ^Ά- σκ,ίνύζω) I prepare besides. Τίξοσττοίζίχ,σχίω, (same and πΌίξοίσχίω) I also furnish. Τίζοστταζχτίύγιμί, (same and 9rciPctriu-/i- μι) I put before, delineate. ΤίξοστΓοίξοΒ,ννω, (same and -τΓοίξοξύνύή I exasperate still further. 'Π.ξοσ7Γασσΰί?ί5ν&), or -'7iroirrct'hsv&), (same and Ίΐο,σσοίΚίνω) I hang on a peg or stake, nail on. ΙΙξοσ'ττάσσω, (same and ττύσσο)) I sprin- kle on. Ιϊζύσττάσχω, (same and 'χάσχω),! have a passion, love, or inclination for. Τΐξόσττίϋ/ος, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and TTsiua) very hungry. ΤΙζοστΐίΚάζω, (same and τα'κά,ζω) I bring near to, put into ; I come nigh, approach. ΤΙζοσ'ΤΓίμττύ), (same and ττίμτΓω) I send to, send in addition. Τίξοσττί^ω, (same and ττίβδώ)) / break wind at, treat contemptuously. ΤΙξοσ'ΤΓίζΐβά'λ'Κω, (same and ττεζίβαίλλω) I ejicompass still further, entangle all around, add, insert. ΙΙξΟΰ -τΤίΡίγίγνομαι. Λ GREEK LEXICON. Πξοαΰυμ'ττλίχομα/, Τίζοσ'ττίζΐ'/ίγνο^^οίΐ, (same and ττεξίγίγ-ίίο- μ,α,ϊ) Ι remain over, am supplied besides. ΠίΌσ7Γ£^Α5ί,α/3Αίζ/ώ>, (same and 7ηζΐ\ΰ(,μ,- βάνω) I comprehend together with, take up by the way. ΐΙοοσττΒξίοοίζω, (same and 'τπξίοξίζω) I embrace, include besides. Ώ.ζοσ'ττεζί'π-οίίω, (same and τίζίττοιίύ)) I acquire, secure, or claim, over and above. ΤΙξοσττεξοι/άύ), (same and TrsQonoiCj) I fas- ten on luith a clasp or buckle. JJ^oaTreTOf^oii, (same and Trsro/icoii) I fly to. ΤΙζοστΓβτω. See 'ττξοσττί'ΤΓτω. Τ1ηοσ7Γ7]γω, or '7ΐξοσ'7Γ'•ήγυϋμ,ι, {'ΤΤζος and ■7Τ7]γύ)) I fix to, affix to a cross, crucify. TlooaT^'Yjxvuof/^cci, Doric ττοτιττγιγ,ύϋοΐΛα,ι, (from same and τττι-^υς) I take in the arms. ΐΐροστηίξω, (sLme and 'τηίζύ)) I press still more. Τ1ξοσ'π-{λ!/χ,α!ΐα,{3Άϊηβ and Ίνι'Κνά,ω) I bring near to, put into. Tl^otxTrlTrrcfj, (same and 'ττΐ'τττύ)) I fall doivn to ; fall, rush or beat upon or against ; occur to, befall any one, happen, arrive or reach. ΤίοοσττΎτι^ίω, same as 'ττξοσ'ττίτττύ), or ττξοσ- κνί/ίω. Τίξοσ'πΤ^ά,ζο), by sync, for ττξοσττίΤ^άζύ). ΤΙζοσττΤ^άσσύ), or -ττο), {'ττοός and τΐ'κά,σσο)) I form or make upon, glue or paste upon, fill up, accumulate. ΐΐξόσττλχστος, -ου, 6, vi, (from preced.) formed upon, glued upon, annexed; (from ττζοσσπΆά,ζω) accessible. ΐΐζοσττλάκω, (τ-ξό; and π'Κίκύ)) I tie to, i?itivine with, entangle, apply. ΤΙροσττλίω, (same and ττλίω) I sail to. ϋζοσ'ττλνίζύύ), (same and ττΤ^γΐζόω) I fill up or complete, add to the ordinary complement. ΐ1ροσ7Γλύ)ύ), (same and ττΆωο}) I sail, float, or swim to, arrive at. ϋζοστη/εο), (same and τιτνίω) I breathe or blow upon. ΐΙξοσ7:-οίίω, (same and Troac•)) I make my own, acquire ; mid. I add, join to ; pretend OT feign, assume or claim or add somewhat to myself. ΐΙ(^οσ'7Γοίγίμ,α,, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) pretension, fiction. Τίξοσ'π-ύίΥΐσί?;, -£6j?, i], (from same) jirctence, affectation, arrogance. ΐ1ζοσ'ποΐΥΐτ"ι•Λ6ς, -τι, -ou, (from same) apt to use pretences or make false claims, arrogant. ΤίζοαττοΐΥίτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, or -6;, -'ή, -ou, (from same) pretended, feigned. ΤΙξοσ7ΓοΆεμ.ίύ), or ττξοσττολί,κ,όω, {ττζος and 7Γολ£^£ίϋ or ττο'ΑΒμόύ)) I make war upon, fight with ; excite still greater hostility. ΤΙξοστΓολίω, (same and 7:οΐάω) I come to- wards, wait upon. 8 n^oWoAog•, -ου, 6, 71, (from preced.) an attendant, a servant. ΙΙξοσ'ττοζίύο^αί, {-ττζος and iro^iioi^cti) I come to, adhere to, proceed to. ΐίξοσττοξίζύ), (same and -ττοξίξω) I provide or procure besides, provide anew, assume a proposition from aforegoing demonstration. ϋξοσττοζτΓίζτος, -vj, -ou, (from same and ττοξίτάω) fastened on with nails or with a clasp. Τ1ξόσ7τηζίσμίίί,-ατος,το,{$αϊη& and ττίίί'σ- μοί) a stumbling-block, a snare ; a hurt by a stumble. UQOff-TTTdioj, (same and 'ττταίύ)) I strike against, stumble up on, fail, offend. ΐΐξόστττνγ,ίοζ, -οίτος, το, (from next) an embrace. ΤΙξοσ'ΤΓτύσσα, {ττξος and -π-τύσσω) I fold to myself, embrace. Τίξοσ'π-τνω, (same and τττύω) I spit upon. Τίξοσττυνύχνομαιι, (same and 'τνυυθά.υομ,οίΐ^ ■ / ask besides ov further. Τίζοσττυζόω, -ω, (same and ττυξόω) I incense more. ΤΙζοσζχίΐ/ω, (same and pxiua) I sprinkle towards or on. Τίξοσζά'τΓτω, (same and ρά,τττω) I sew to or on. ΤΙξοσζίύ), (same and ρίω) f. -ζύσω, I flow to or towards, flow abundantly; f. -τισο), I speak to, address. ΤΙξοσξνιγι/ϋίΐί, OV ττζοσζτισσω, (same and ρνίγΐ/υμ,ι, or pyjaaoi) I break or dash against. TL^ojQTif^oc, -ατός, το, (from 'ΤΓξοσρίω) an address, appellation. ΐ1ξόσς-/!^£ς, -lo;, Attic -sag, y), (from 'ττροσ- ξνίγνυμ,ι) a breaking or dashing against, an inundation. ΐΐ^όσζγισίς, sac, '/}, (from ττξοσξίω) an ac- costing, saluting, address. Ώ.ζοσζί'ΤΓτω, {ττξός and ρίττο)) I throw to, cast upon. ϋξοσζυίω, (same and ρνίω) I glide or slip to. ΐΙζοσσαΊϋύ), (same and σα,ίνω) I fawn upon, flatter. ΙΙξοσσΛίζύ), (same and σαίξω) I ivrinkle, shrivel. Ιΐζοσσίβω, (same and σίβω) I show honour to. ΤΙξοσσιχλίζω, or τΐ^οσσίζΆίζω, f. -ίσω, (from same and aU'hog) I sjyit upon. ΐΐζόσσούίν, (from ττ^ο) Infore, forward, ΐΐ^σσττοίίξο), (-ττοό; and σπ-α,ίξω) I shake or struggle still, glow or spaj'k/c even yet. ΙΙζοσστξχτο-τΓί^ίύω, (same and στζοίτοττί- Οέύω) I pitch my camp at. ΙΙζοσσυρίττΆίκ.ομα,ί, (same and συρί,7-7\ίκί•)) I stick together ; I am implicated or en- gaged with. 739 Προσσυνίστ'/]//;/. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙ^οΰυ'ταογάζομ,αι, ΎΙ^οσσυνίστγι^Λΐ, (same and συυίστγιμ,ί) I recommend further. n^offffi?)«TT&,(same and σφά,ττω) I slay on. ΤΙ(^όσσύ)^ poet, for 'ττζόσω. U^oaTOiyvjf -ϊ^ςΓ ^, (from 'τΓξοστύσσίο) a commanding or ordering. Τΐξόσταγμοί, -ατός, το, {ττ^ος and τά,γμοί) a precejjt, commaiidment, edict, statute. Τΐξόστΰίκ,τος, -ov, (from τζοστάσσω) hy ad- ditional or particidar command, extraor- dinary. Τ1ξοστΰίλαΐ7Τύ)ξίω, {'ττξος and τχλχί'^ωξίω) I endure still longer, suffer on account of or on occasion of. Τίξόστα,ξις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, 'ή, (same and τά,^ις) an order, an addition to an order. ΤΙξοστα,ζ^ύσσω, (same and τοίξάσσω^ I trouble more. ΐίξοστοίξγοίνόω, (same and τοίζγοίνόο)) I hind to. ΐίξοστάς, -άδο?, vj, (from ττξοί'στγι/ίΐί^ a porch or vestibule, an antechamber ; a pub- lic prostitute. Τίξοστόίσίά, -οις, vj, (from same) a presi- dency, power, command; pomp, magnifi- cence ; protection, support, patronage. Τίξοστχτείχ, -α,ς, v^, (from τιτζοστάτγις) su- perintendence, protection, patronage. ΤΙξοστόίτίω, -ω, and ττζοστατίύύ), (from ττξοΐστγιΐΛΐ) I am over as president, leader, or governor ; I protect. ΤΙξοσταίτ7]ζίος, -of, -oy, (from same) afford- ing protection, tutelar. ΤΙξοστοίτΎΐς, -ου, 6, (from same} a leader, ruler, director, patron ; a defender, protec- tor ; an assistant ; a suppliant. Ήξοστα-τϊκ,ος, -4 -ov, (from same) dis- posed or able to protect; worthy of a leader or protector. ΤΙξοστόίτίς, -ίίος, 'Jj, (from same) a patro- ness, protectress, Rom. xvi. 2, ΤΙξοστά,ττύ), or -σσω, ('ττςος and τάττω) I order, command; command further. Τΐζοστίγίον, -ου, and 7Τξοστίγισ[Λθί, -ccTog, TO, (from irgo and στίγος) a space before the door of a chamber. n^OffTg/pijiy, (same and στίΐχ,ω) I go before; (comp. with -π^ος) I go or come to. ΤΙξοστΒκ,τα,ίνύ), {τί-ζός and τίκ,τοίίνω) I fur- ther plan. Τίξοστίλίω, (same and τελίω} I pay be- sides. ΤΙξοστίλλω, (ττξο and στίΆΆω) I send for- ward, impel, incite ; (comp. with 'ττξος) I send t(f, protect, cover. ΐίξοστζυά,ζω, or ττζοστί^ύ), (same and στί- υάζω or στίνω) I groan before or prema- turely. H^oaTiQvihiov, -ου, το., (from same and (ίτίξνον) a breastplate. 740 ΐΐξόστίξυος, -ov, (from same) before the breast. Τίξοστίχνάίομοίΐ, {'Τΐ'ξος and τεχ^ύω) I con- trive further. ΐΐζοστγιύίΐιου, -ου, το, (from 'ττξο and σττ}- ύος) something placed before the breast as an ornament or protectioii. Τίξοστ'ήκ,ο), {"ττ^ος and tyjtcu) I melt on or pour in a melted state into ; I stick to, am devoted to. ΤΙξόσττιξίς, -εως, vj, (from preced.) a fixed attachment to. Π ξοστίΰΥιμί, {τΓξος and τίβγιαι) I put to or besides, add, add over and above, increase, come over to one's side or join one's party, repeat, conti?iue. Τίξοστϊλάω, (same and τιλκύ)) I discharge the excrements upon. ΤΙξοστί/ϋοίω, (same and τιμ,χω) I adjudge a further fine or punishment. Ή-^οστίμ,γιΐΛοί, -ατός, ττ^οστίμ,ιον, and itQOa- τιμ,ον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a fine, pun- ishment, additional fine. ΤΙξοστόμιον, -ου, το, (from τι-ξό and στόμ,α') a mouth or entrance. Τίξοστς/χ,γω^ίω, (ττξος and τζαγω^ίω) I add to or magnify with tragic strains. ΤΙξοστξίττο), (same and τξίττω) I turn to, supplicate, entreat. ΙΙζοστζίφω, (same and τφφω) I nurse tn. Τίροστζίχ,ω, (same and τξέχω) I run to. Τϊ^οστξϊβω, (same and τζίβω) I rub upon, break to, speak with. Τ1ξ6στζ{/ίίμόί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) something rubbed or fastened upon, colour or enamel; a stai?i, injury, disgrace, reproach. ΤΙξρστξότταιος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from next) that turns to, that supplicates ; supplicatory, humble ; that adverts to a crime to punish it, that avenges. JJ ξοσ τ ζό Try], -γις, ν;, (from 'ττξοστςίττω) a supplication, a petition, an imprecation. ΐΐξόστξοττος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) sup- pliant, actifig as priest or attendant. ΤΙξοστυγχανω, {'ττ^ος and τυγχάνω) I hap- pen to meet with, come upon, reach; I push against or attack. ^ ΤΙξόστωον, -ου, το, (from ττ^ο and στοά) a vestibule, porch ; a gallery in front of a house. ΤΙζοσυβξίζύ}, ('ΤΓξος and ύβξίξω) I insult still further. ΊΪξοσυμμίσγω, {ττξο and συμ^^Ιαγω) I mix with before. ΐΐ^οσυνίστημ,ι, (same and συυίστημ,ι) I re- commend before. Ιίξοσυνοίκ,ίύ), (same and συνοικίω) I cohabit with before. Ώ.ξοσυ'ΤΓεςγάζομβίΐ, ('ττξος, ύττο, and ίξγά- ξοααι) I am serviceable to. A GREEK LEXICON. ΐΙξΟον^ΤΒχ^ω. ΤΙζοσνττίχω, (from same and εχ,ω) I sics- tain, submit besides, further engage, ΐΙζοσυττισχνίοΐΛα,ί, (same and ύττισγ,νίομ,οι,ι) I promise still further. ϋοοσνττοβόίΤ^Κω, (same and ύ'ττοβάΧΚω) I put under, submit, besides. ΤΙξοσυττογ^οίφύ}, (same, C'xo, and γξάψω) I moreover paint, delineate, or imagine. Jl^oav7:o^uiu,uy}Gy,a, (same, ύττο, and μ>ιμ.- vvjaxo) I moreover put in mind. ΤΙξοσνστίΧΑο/^οίί, (from ττζο, συν, and στίλ- Τ'.ω) I contract, diminish, deprive of. 'Άξοσυφόα, (ττξός and ύ-ψόω) I lift up, extol. ΤΙςοσφάγιον, -ου, το, (from same and φά- γύή any thing that is eaten besides or with bread, victuals. Τΐζόσφοίγμ», -tzTog, το, (from next) a jirevious slaughter or sacrifice, a victim. ΐΐζοσφόίζω, or -ά-ττύ), {'ττξος and σφύζω or σφόοττω) I slay before. ϋοοσφαίνα, (same and φχίι/ω) I show to: ττξοσφχίι/οΐϋοίί, I slioiu myself, I appear. Τ1()όσφόίτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and φάω, or TT^Q and σφά,ζω) newly said or newly kil- led, new in general, newly or lately made or done: -ττροσφόίτως, newly, lately. Τίοοσφζιιτις, -ίος, ο, 'η, (from next) resem- useful, advantageous. ΤΙοοσφίξω, ('ΤΓζος and φίζω^ I bring to or before, offer, jjresent : τΓξοσφίξομα,ι, I pre- sent myself, apjjyroach, meet, have intercourse with, assault, act towards. ΤΙοοσφίύγω, (same and φ^ύγο)) I flee to. ΤΙζοσφύεγγοίίίοίί, (same and φύίγγοίΛοίΐ) I speak to, address, salute, accost. ΤΙοόσφύεγκ,τος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) ad- dressed, saluted, accosted; worthy to be sa- luted. ΐΐζόσφύίγμ,α,, -ατός, το, (from same) an address, greeting, salutation. ΙΙζοσφύίίςω, (ττξος and φύείζύ)) I go to, approach or reach, to the injury or destruc- tion of another or of myself. ΐΐοόσφύογγος, -ου, ο, ^, (from ττζοσφύίγ- you.cii) that accosts or salutes. ΤΙζοσφβοΆω, (-T^oVand Φύονίύ)) I also envy. ΤΙοοσφίλίίΰί, -α,ς, 'η, (from next) friend- ship. ΤΙροσφίλνις, -ίος, -ους, ο, 'ή, το -eg, (from 'ττζός and φίλος) friendly towards, amiable : ■7Τ(ΐοσφι\ως, in a friendly manner. Π^οσφ/λ/ίί, -«?,'<;, (same and φιλία) friend- ship. ΎΙ()οσφιλονίΐκϊω, (same and φίλοι/ίΐκίω) I contend or earnestly endeavour still further. ΙΙοοσφίλοσοφίω, (same and φίΆοσοφίω) I study ivisdom still further. ΙΙζοσφοιτά,ω, (same and φοιτχω) Τ go to, frequent the society of, attend. ΤΙξΟΰχωνννμ^ι, Τίξοσφοξά, -Ας, 'ή, (from τξοσττύφοξχ, p. mid. of ττζοσφίξω) an offering. Σίξοσφοξίω, same as ττξοσφίξω. Ή,ζοσφόζνίΐΛκ, -Λτος, το, (from ττζοσφέζω) a thing brought to or presented, a dish, a mess. ΤΙξόσφοξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) that brings to, that is profitable, advantageous, suitable, convenient. ΤΙζοσφύγίον, -ου, το, (from ■ττξος and φεύ- γω) a refuge. ΤΙξοσφύτις, -ίος, ό, 'νυύ), same as 7:(^ίσχόο). 741 ΤΙξΟΰ^ωξεω, A GREEK LEXICON. Τίξότξξος. Τίξοσχωξίω, -ω, (^'ττξος and χωξίω} Ι go or come to, adhere to ; surrender, agree with. ΤΙξόσχωζος, -ov, o, {], (from same and χάξίχ,) that is near or at a place, adjacent, contiguous, neighbouring. Τίξοσ-ψοίύω, (same and ι^α,ΰω) I touch lightly OT gently, feel, handle. Τίξοσ'ψίύΰζΙξω, (same and -ψίύνξίξω) I whisper to. Τίξόσω, poet, ττξόσσω, (from ττξό) forward, before; far before, beyond, far ft^om, wide of ΤΙξοσω^ίοί, -au, toc, (from ττξός and ^δι;) sacred hymns. Τίξοσω^ίοί, "Otg, vj, (from same) accentua- tion; prosody. Τίξοσω^ος, -ου, 6, "/], (from same) in har- mony with, agreeable with. Tiooaadsu, (from 'ττ^όσω) from far. ΤΙξοσωύέω, -ω, {ττ^ος and ώύίω) I thrust forth, impel. ΐΐζοσωυίομ,οίΐ, (same and uvio(/ο7ίΥΐ, -^ς, v], (from same) incitation, encouragement. ΙΙζοτυγχόίνω, (ττ^ο and τν/χύνω) I am be- forehand, precede, attain before others. ΐΐζοτντί-όο), (same and τνττόω) I form be- fore, delineate before, prefigure. ΤΙξοτύτττω, (same and τύτττω) I strike beforehand, strike or push forward, burst forth, charge. ΤΙζοΰύνικ,ίν, for 'ΤΓζοίύϊΐκξν, from τΐζοτίθϊΐμ,ι. ΐΐζονπά,γύ), (τΓ^ο and ύττά,γω) I bring under previously. IT^oyTiSii/Tii^y, (same and ΰτΆυτάω^ I come forward to meet, I meet first. ΙΙζοϋττόίςχ,ω, (same and ύ'ττοίξχω) I am before. Ή.ξοϋ'ττεζοξμάύ), (from same, ύττο and εζ,οξ- μ,ά,ω) I sally out by stealth previously. ϋζοϋ'τησχνίομχί, (same and ύτασ'/,υίομα,ι) I promise before. Τίξουττοβΰίλλω, (same and ύττοβά,ΧΚω) I lay as a foundation beforehand. ΐΙξουτΓοΙίίκ,υυμ,ί, (same and ύττο^εΐκ,υυμι) I point Old before. Ώ.ξούττόκ.ίίμχί, (same and ύπόκεί^Λΐ) I lie or am placed under previously, I serve as a foundation, pre-exist, presuppose. ΐίξουττοτίύϊίμι, (same and ύττοτ'ιύγιμι) I presuppose, premise. Τίζου'χοφοίίυω, (same and ύττοφα,Ιυω) I pre-signify. ΐΙ()ου7ΐττος, Ion. 'τν^όο'κτος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and οτττω) before the eyes, maiiifest, evident, certain. Τίξούξγΐιχ,ίτεζος, -ξχ, -ξου, (from next) mo7^e useful, more advantageous or impor- tant. ΙΙξονζ'/ου, for ττζο ίζγου, useful, for the advantage of, to the purpose, worth while. ϋζουφείλω, for ττ^οοφείλύ), {ττξό and οφεί- λω) I previously owe. Τίζούφίστημι, (same and ύφίστγιμή I pro- duce befoj^e : -ττξοϋφίστόίμα/, I stand or ex- ist before. ΤΙζοφόίγω, (same and φάγω) I eat before. ΙΙξοφα,ίνω, 3 sing, imperf. ντζούφαίνετ for ττί^οεφα,ίυετο, (same and φαίυω) I show be- fore : ττζοφαίνομΰίί, I show myself, appear before. Ι1ζοφόίυ'/]ς, -ες, (from same) apj)caring before, bright, consjncuous, manifest : ττξο- φά,υως, clearly, perspicuously, readily. Ί1(^όφοίυτος, -ου, (from same) shown be- fore, predicted : 'ττζόφα,υτου, -ου, τό, a pre- diction. ΤΙζοφοίσίξω, (from next) / seek a pretext or occasion : τΓζοφασίζομ,χι, I use as a pre- text. Τΐξόφόίσίς, -ίος, Attic -εως, τ}, {7Τ(^ο and φχ- σις) α speech put before something to pal- 74.Ί Ήξοφαΰΐΰτ/'Δς, A GREEK LEXICON. ηξοχξίω. Hate iif a pretext, excuse, outward show or appearance. ΤΙξοφοίσίστ^κτος, ''ή, -ου, (from preced.) hav- hig a pretext, conveying an insinuation, plau- sible, deceitful. ΙΙξόφΰίτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from ττξο and φνι/ϋΐ) unnounced before, proclaimed, glorious. Τίζοφίξ'•^ς, -eog, 6, v„ (from next) carried foriuard, that shoidd he carried forward, preferable, surpassing, excellent. Τίξοφέξω, (ττξό and φίξω) I bring before or forward, proffer, propose ; I bring forth or out, produce, manifest ; I inci'ease, im- prove, excel. Ήζοφίύ'^ω, (same and cpsuy^j) I ^ee be- fore, flee forwards, escape, avoid. ΤΙξοφγιτόίναξ,, -ccKTog, 6, (from ττξοφτιτγις and oiuoi^) the royal prophet. ΙΙζοφητίίχ, -ίζς, Vj, (from ττ^οφγιηνω) pro- phecy. ΤΙξόφνιτίΊον, -ου, το, (from next) «j^j/aceo/* worship called after a prophet. Τίξοφγίτεύω, imperf. ττξοίφτιτβυον, f. -εύσω, 1 a. 'ττρ^οίφ'ήτζυσοί, 1 a. imperat. -τΓξοφ^τζνσου, -άτω, (from next) I prophesy. 11^οφ7ΐτγις,•ου,6,{ίνοτί\ Tr^oand φ'^/|[Λl)apro- phet, a poet. Tit. i. 12. 1 Cor. xiv. 32. κ,α,Ι TTysu^otroc 'ττξοφγιτων ττζοφ'ήτοίΐς ΰτΐοτά,οσί- Tui, and spirits of prophets to prophets are subject. " They who are divinely inspired, are bound at proper seasons to give place to others, v^^ho have been gifted with the same inspiration." See Middleton on the place. ϋζοφ'/ιτ^ικ,ος, -'/j, -ou, (from preced.) pro- jjhetic, prophetical. 'Π.ξοφνίτις,-ί^ος,νι,{ΐνοπί^^ΐίΐο)α prophetess. Τίροφύοίνω, (τί'ο^ο and φθάνω) I prevent, anticipate. ΤΙξοφοβίω, (same and φοβία) I terrify beforehand: ττξοφοβίο^Λοίΐ, I fear before- hand, dread, shun. ΤΙξοφοιτάω, (same and φοιτάω) I wander abroad. ΤΙζοφοξά, -ΰς, V], (from τΓξοφίξύ}) a bring- ing before or foriuard, delivery, expression, rep>roof, reproach. Τΐζοφοζίομχί, (from same) I carry my- self forivard, run here and there. ΤΙξοφοζίκ,ός, -'η, -6u, (from same) enuncia- ted, pronounced, delivered. Π^οφοωσδε, ('ττξο, φόως for φως, and δέ) forward to the light. ΤΙζόφξοίγ,αΛ, -οίτος, το, (from ττξό and φξύσσύ)) a fence, a rampart, an advanced work of a fortification. Τίξοφξοίζω, (same and φξάζω) I declare before, foretell. Ι1ζοφζα.σσοί, -γις, tj, (from ττ^όφοων) wil- ling, well-disposed, ready. 744 ΐίξο'φζονίως, and ττζοφξόνως, (from next) willingly, cheerfidly, promptly. ΐίξοφ^ων, -όνος, 6, vi, (from ττζο and φζ'ήυ) of a ferivard ΟΥ ready mind, willing, prompt, resolute ; provident, considerate. Τ1ζθφυλά.κ,νι, -νις, ^, (same and φυ?.ίΆκ.νι) an advanced post^ an observatio?i, a watch, a guard. ΤΙζοφυΤ^α,κις, -ι%ς, vi, (from preced.) a guard ship. ΤΙξοφΰ?.αξ„ -Οίκος, 6, (from next) a guard in front, a watch. ΤΙξοφνΤ^ύσσω, or -ύττω, {'ττξο and φυ'Κάσ- σω) I am stationed in advance, I keep, p)re- serve, guard, make cautious. Τΐξόφνμ,ί, 3 sing, imperf. τιτζοΰφυ, for -ττ^οί- φυ, (same and φυμ,ι) I am or exist before. ΐΐζοφϋζάω, (same and φυ^άω) I mix up, knead or prepare before. Ίΐζ^οφυτίΰω, (same and φυΊζΰω^ I pre- viously plant, prepare beforehand. ΤΙζοφύω, same as ττ^όφυμ,ι. Ιίςοφωνίω, {'ττξο and φωνίω) I declare be- forehand,. ΤΙξοχοίίξω, (same and χαΊ(>ω) 3 sing, im- perat. 'Κζ^ογ,α,ιφ.τω, far be it from me. Τίξοχόίντι, -τις, 7}, (from same and γ,οίίι/ω) a pretext. ΤΙξοχείλ'-^ς, -ίος, and 'ττξόχΒίλος, -ου, ο, "/j, (same and χείλος) that has projecting lips. Τ1ξοχέ{ζίζω, f. -'ίσω, 1 a. infin. act. -ttqo- χείξίσχι, pres. mid. ττξοχείξίζομχί, 1 f. mid, -ίσομχί, 1 a. mid. 'π^οεχζίο^ισά,μ-ίΐν, -a,, -α,το, and infin. ττξοχείζίσχσύοίί, (from next) / make any thing be at hand, bring out, pro- duce, choose out, appoint beforehand. ΤΙξόχειςος, -ου, ο, '■/}, (from τι-ξό and χείξ) at hand, prepared, easy. ΙΙζοχείξοτονίω, -ω, (same and χείξοτονίω) I choose or appoint before, fore-appoint ; I vote onebefore another, give the precedence to. Τίξόχευμόί, -ατός, το, (from next) some- thing poured forth, a libation, a torrent, an alluvial accumidation. Τίξοχεύω, or -π-ζοχίω, (ττζό and χεύω or χεω) I pour before, pour forth. ΐΐζόχνΰ, (from -rgo γόνυ) foriuard on the knees, kneeling. ΐΐ^οχονι, -ίις, ί], (from ττξοχεω) an issuing stream, moidh of a ?iver, ground washed by water in floods ; a ewer for water. Τίο^οχοίς, -fhog, jj, (from same) a chamber pot. Τΐξόχοος, -όου, contr. ττξόχους, -ου, 'ή, (from same) a pouring vessel, pitcher, ewer. ΐίξοχοζεύω, {ττζο and χοζίύω) I dance be- fore, lead on a dance. Τ1ξοχξΰίο/ίί.ιχ.ί, (same and χζάω) I use. ΙΊξο'χξΙω, (same and χξΐω) I anoint pre- viously. Ιϊξόχυΰΐς, A GREEK LEXICON. Τίξοτάγγελος, Τΐζόχνσΐζ, -sijc, i], (from same and χ/^ω^ a pouring forth. ΤΙοοχντγις, -ov, o, (from same) a ewer; also the jJoicred forth consecrated meal on the heads of victims ; or fruits and flowers sti-ewed before persons as a mark of respect. ΎΙοόγ^ωΧος, -ov, 6, 'ή, {'ττοο and χωλός) lame in the fore foot ; very lame. Tlooxafici, -arog, το, (same and χω^>οί) a bulwark, a mound. ΤΙούχαζίω, (same and χωξίω) I go forivai'd. Ύίοοχό^ζγ,μα, -ccTog, το, (from same} ex- crement, dung. Τίοόχωσίζ, -ίως, v], (from ττζο and χόω) a pile, a mound. Τίρόω, f. -ωσω, p. pass, τίττ^ω^/^χι, plup. pass, ττβττξύ^.ϊ^ν, (by transp. for ttooco) I allot. ΤΙζοωύΐω, (τΓξΐο and ώύίω) I push forward, propel, urge. flnooj'AY;g, -ίος, ο, 'ή, (from same and οκίω) destroyed before, prematurely, or publicly. Τϊούύ)ρος, 'OV, 6, 7], (from same and uqx) premature. ΤΙζν7^ες, -iuvj, οι, according to some, heavy armed infantry, or infantry as op- posed to cavalry ; according to others, an armed host standing in close ranks. Tlov'Kig, -ίύ)ς, '/], a martial dance performed by armed men. Υίονμ,νόί, -jjr, r,, (from ττ^νίΛνός) the hin- der part of a ship, the poop, the stern, the helm or rudder: xuQsh 'τΐζύμ.υΛν, to put back ivithout turning ; to retreat without turning the back. Ύΐουμ,νχίος, -ulcc, -ctio'j, (from preced.) of or belonging to the stern. TL^vii'/Yiuiu, (from same) from the stern. Tl(ivf/.u9}aio;, -ice, -lou, (from same) of or belonging to the stern: 'Tr^vf/.y/iatct, rcc, (οίσ- μά. understood) the cables of a ship by which it was fastened to the anchors, which were cast from the stern. Acts xxvii. 29. or carried thence to the shore, II. Λ', 436, 476. TIovfzvYiTv;;, -ov, 6, (from same) a ])ilot, a ruler ; a helm-rojye, a cable. n^vy.vous'j, (from same)/?Om the stern, from the foundation, see 7r^iy,v6ui'j. Ho'jy.'jog, -S5, -q'j, (contr. of TTSiivy.'jog, which from '7Τί(^νω same as ττε^άώ;) exti-eme, last, outermost. Τίζνμΐιονχο;, -ov, o, (from ττξύμ,ν» and 'ΐχω) holding the stern, containing ships. Ti^vf/.uu(tiiu, -οίς, 71, (from τι^ν/ανος and &W;f) the lower part or bottom of a mountain. IlovTotusIx, -ας, τ}, (from '^τζντανίς) the office of Prytanis ; the time of the Prytanis in office. Jl^vroi'Jiiu,, -ων, τά., (from same) money deposited in the Prytaneum by parties on commencing a law-suit, the party losing to forfeit his part, which went to pay costs. τιύίνοίΐ 'TTovTct.'jiia, τιν:, to challenge to a trial by depositing the customary sum. Tl^vrauiiov, -ov, ro, (from same) a Pry- taneum, a public building and temp)le of Vesta, \vhere the sacred fire was kept, am- bassadors were entertained, and citizens deserving well of the country maintained at the public expense. At Athens, the Prytaneum had adjoining to it the hall or court of the Prytanes. Uourcivsvcj, f. -svaoj, (from next) / exer- cise the office of Prytanis, act as a presi- dent, rule, administer or direct, propose for deliberation. ΐΙοντοίΆς, 'ίως, ο, (from 'ττξΖτος, or from 'ττνζότα,ΐΛΐς, a person set over corn) a Pry- ' tanis, a chief magistrate, a high-priest^ a ruler, a sovereign, a chief ; At Athens, one of fifty members of the council of five hun- dred, who presided in the assemblies of the people, and exercised various important func- tions, φ ΤΙ^ω or '77ζω, see ττ^ωΐ. ΤΙζύ:γιν, (from ττζωί) the day before yester- day, lately, recently, formerly. Τίξωύτ^βγις, and 'ττζωύγ,βος, -ov, 6 and '/}, (from τΓζωτος and '^';3>i) one entering on the age of puberty. ΤΙξώϊ, ττοφ, 'ΤΓζωϊ, 'ττξω, and τοττζύϊι, and 'TT^ouhu, (from 'ττξο) early in the morning : cly.oe, 'ΤΓξωί', together with the daiun. ΤΙξόηζος, -ov, 0, τ], (from preced.) eay^ly : '7Τξύ)ϊζον, and ττξωϊξα, neut. sing, and plur. used adverbially, early. ΐίξωίμος, -γ;, -οι/, (from same) early, for- mer. ΤΙζωΊνός, -'yj, -ov, (from same) belonging to the morning, morning. ΤΙζωϊύύί!/, (from same) i?i the morning. ΙΊξύΗος, -ICC, -iov, (from same) early in the moinmig. Τίοωκτος, -ου, ο, the rumj), the posteriors. ΤΙζωκ,τοτγίζίω, from preced. and tyiqL•. ΤΙζοιν, -ωυός, ο, (from ττξό) a hill, summit, peak, promontory. Τίοωξ,, -ωκός, ο, (from ττ^ωϊ, or βζίχω) dew, rain. ΤΙ^ωος, contr. for ττζό.'ΊΌς. TLpioQU,, -ας, vj, (from ττ^ο) the pi'ow or forepart of a ship: τ^ύοάύϊν, from the ]jrow. ΙΙζωζάτίνω, (from next) / direct at the proiu. Ώζωξάττης, -ov, and τζωζίύς, -ύος, 6, (from ττξω^α) the governor of the pro\u or ship. Uqcjtoc, (irom ττζωτος} first. ΤΙζοτάγγίλος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and oiyyiT^og^ that first announces. Β 745 Τίξωτάγξίον. A GREEK LEXICON, ΤΙτάω, 'Πζθ)τάγξίοι>, -Όν, TOy (from same and οίγ- ξοί) the first game or ^;r.ΰφος, -ov, 6, (from 'τττίζνοί, for TTi^'jci, a ham, and '/Τ^ύφω) the ham-scraper. Τίτίοί/ο'τ^ύί-Λτγ,ς, -ov, 6, (from same and T^uyeo) and ΤΙτζΡΐ/οφα,'/ος, -ου, ο, (from same and φά,- yo)) a ham-eater . ΤΙτίοοοόν/ίτος, -ou, (from τττζζον and οοΆω) moved about by wings or sails. ΤΙτεζόέΐς, -εσσα., -su, (from next) luinged. ΤΙτίζον, -ου, το, (i. e. -ttsts^ov, from ττίτχ- μχι) a iving, a feather ; a bird, an augury; also, a ridged or pointed roof of a temple ; the transverse section or gable end of suck a roof. ΤΙτεοο'ττοΙ-Λί^.ος, -ου, ο, v}, (from preced. and Ίζοικ'ιΚος) having variegated wings or feathers. ΤΙτίζοβροίω, or 7ττΐΡύβρυ£ω,(ΪΓ0ϊη same and ρέω) I shed my feathers, moult, am plucked. ΤΙτεζοφύί^ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and φί()ύ)) ivinged. ΐΐτεζοφυεω, -S,(from same and φύω) I pro- duce or cause zvings to grow, rise on wiiigs. Τίτίζύύ), -ω, (from tt^pou) I furnish ivith wings, sails, or oars ; animate, roime. ΤΙτεούγιζω, f. -Ίσω, (from 'π'τΐζυξ) J wing, gutter, try in vain. ΤΙτεοΰγίον, -ου, το, (from same) a little wing, a wing or appendage to a building, a spire. Mat. iv. 5. Luke iv. 9. The precise part of the temple intended by this word is uncertain. It is evident that a place of 10 great height is spoken of, and that is suffi- cient for our understanding the narrative• Middleton thinks that the article shows τΐτίζύγιο» to be something monadic, and that it cannot, therefore, be a jnnnacle. Since it is derived from tttsoov, and is a diminutive, he supposes it may signify a small ridged or pointed roof, such as the roof of the great eastern porch of the temple, according to the conjecture of Lightfoot; or of the royal pjorch, which overlooked the precipice to the east and south of the tem- ple, according to that of Wetstein and Michaelis. Τ1τζ(ΐν^ω•/Α,ς, -ίος, ο, τ], (from next and ώκ,ύς) wingy sivift. Τίτίξυζ, -νγοζ, τ], (from τττεοον) a wing; a sail. ΙΙτίζΰσσο^α,ι, (from preced.) I move my ivings, flutter and clap the wings. Τίτίξωμχ,-ατος, ro,(from τττίζοω) a wing- ed arrow ; the fin of a fish ; a battlement ; a range of pillars round the cella of a temple. Τίτί^ωσις, -εο)ς, τ}, (from same) afurnish- ingtivifh feathers, plumage. ΙΙτίξωτος, -05, -ov, (from same) winged ; furnished or adorned with feathers. TlTTiyi, same as ^τάο). TLt-ziuo:, -'ή, -ου, Dor. τέτανος, (from -τετάώ)) winged, flying, swift ; τττγ,νου, -cv, το, a fly- ing creature, a bird, a fowl. Πτ'^|/ί•, -ιος, Attic -iO)g, v], (from 'τττ^σσω) consternation, fear. ΤΙττισις, -εως, tj, (from 'τττά.ύ)) flying, flight. Τίτ'ήσσύ), f. -|ώ), 1 a. 'ΐτττΥι^οί, (from ^ττοέο)) I fear, tremble with fear, hide myself from fear ; strUce luith awe or amazement. ΙΙτίλον, -ου, το, (from next) a plume, wing, oar. ΤΙτίλος, or -τττίλλος, -ου, 6, tj, soft, smooth, bald. Lev. xxi. 20. ^ττίτο^ος τους οφύα,Τ^μούς, bald in the eye-brows, blear-eyed. ΐΐτισόίυϊ], or τττισσόίυνι, -γ,ς, τι, (from next) barley unhusked and boiled, barley -broth. Τίτίσσω, or τττίττω, f. -ίσω, I hull barley or other grain, bruise, beat, pound. TLtosc), -ύ), f. -τίσο), p. ϊτττόγ,κα., 1 a. pass. i-TTTO'^ufiu, of which subj. τττοΥιύύ), and part. τττογιθύς, I affright, terrify, astonish, affect with any strong passion, transport with lust. ΪΙτόγισις, -ιος, Attic -ζύ)ς, v], (fi'om preced.) terror, consternation, perturbation caused by any strong passion, vehement desire or lusf^ 1 Pet. iii. G. comp. verse 2, Rom. i. 26. Gen. xxxix. 7• and 2 Tim. iii. G. Sec under φοβίω. ΤΙτοία, -ecc, '/), and τττοχ, (from same) same as the preceding. Πτ ολΒ^ίζύ), τττο'λί^,ίστνίς, and '7ΤΤθλίμό:/ύί, &c. same as τίο'κψ.ίζω^ &c. 74/ ΤίτοΤ^ζβξον. A GREEK LEXICON. Πι/^ιαή. ΤίτοΤ^ίίβξον, -ου, το, (from •πτότ^ις) α city. ΤΙτο7^{7τόξβης, and τττολίττοξύος, -ου, ο and '^, (from next and 'πξξύω) a destroyer of cities ; also, -τττοΤ^ιτιτό^ύιος, -ου, 6, η, that de- stroys cities. Τ1τόλ(ς, and τττόλισ^ύίζ, for ττόλίς, and ΙΙτόζύος, -ου, ό, (from ττετάω) a shoot, scion, branch. ΤΙτόω, (obsolete. See p. 73, under 'πΐ'ττ- τω) I fall. Tiroyi^oi, -α,τος, το, (from 'πτύσσω) a fold. ΤΙτύίλου, -ου, το, and τττύβλος, -ου, ο, (from τττύω) saliva, spittle. Τίτυκτός, -^, -ou, (from 'πτύσσω) folded. ΙΙτύξ, -ΰχος, 7], (from same) a fold. ΤΙτύξις, -ίος, Attic -ίως, vj, (from preced.) a fold, TLtvov, Att. 'TTTiou, -ου, το, (from τττύω) a winnoiving shovel, whence corn is thrown or spit out as it were against the wind, to separate it from the chaiF, Mat. iii. 12. Luke iii. 17. ΤΙτύξύ), (from 'τττοίω) I affright, terrify : 'πτύξομ,οα, I am terrified. ΤΙτύσμ,χ, -οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of 'πτύω) spittle. ΤΙτυσσω, f. -ζω, p. 'πίτττυχ,οί, 1 a. 'ί'πτυζ,οί, I roll up a scroll or volume of a book, Luke iv. 20.; I fold or double up ; contract into a fold, fold or clasp : 'πτύσσο^ίο.ί, I be- come bent, bend as a spear pushed against an object ; I fold around me, put on. Πτ£/;^ί7, -ijg, τ], (from preced,) a fold, a iviiiding, a ynaze, a labyrinth ; the part of a ship on which the name is marlced: 'πτυχαΐ, -coy. Oil, wi7idings ; folds of the sky, regions ; folding doors. Τίτϋω, f. -πτύσω, 1 a. 'ίπτΰσοί, p. pass, -πίπ- τυσμχί, I spit, spit out, contemn, reject. Τίτωκάζο), or 'πτωσκ,άζω, same as -πτόίσσο). ΤΙτωκ,ά,ς, -α^ος, vj, (from πτωζ) timid,fleet: Τίτωκά^βς, some interpret the Harpies. ΤΙτωμ,οί, -α,τος, το, (from 'πίπτω^α,ι, perf. pass, of 'πί'πτω) a fall, ruin, desti'uction ; a dead body fallen to the ground, a carcase. ΤΙτωμοίτίζω, f. -"ισω, (from preced.) I make to fall. Τίτωζ, "ωκος, ο, vi, (from πτωσσω) timid. Τ1τωσ1/:^ος, -»?, -ou, (from πί'πτω) liable to fall, fallen. Τίτωσίς, -ίως, v], (from πτόω) a fall, falling, ruin, slaughter, destruction. Τίτωσσω, f. -ζω, same as πτ'ησσω. ΤΙτωχίΙα, -χς, τ], (from next) poverty, beggary. ^ ΤΙτωχίύω, f. -ίύσω, p. πίπτύ)χζυγ,α,, 1 a. Ιπτόίχίυσοί, (from πτωχός) I am or become poor, am in a state of beggary. Τίτωχίζω, (from same) / make poor. 748 ΙΙτωχΚκος, -'η, -gu, (from next) beggarly, miserable, mean. Τίτωχος, -'/j, -ou, (from πίπτωχοί,, perf. of πτωσσω) that begs from door to door, poor, indigent, beggarly. Ώ.τωχοφόίι/'^ς, ο, ij, (from preced. and φαί ι/ω) appearing p^oor, feigning poverty. Τΐυίχ,νί^^ιιχ,, -ων, rx, a festival at Athens, so called ά,πο του ί-ψειν πύxux,from boiling pidse, which was usual on that day. See Ή^ΐξίσιωνγι. ΤΙύα,νος, -ου, ο, or 'πύχνον, -ου, το, (perhaps same as κ,ύχμ,ος) a bean or pulse in general; wheat boiled with the grains entire ; a por- ridge made of a mixture of beans or of pulse and corn. Τΐύχξ, -χτος, το, (from πυος) the first milk after bringing forth ; runnet of the first milk ; cream. ΤΙυχξϊτγις, -ου, ο, (from preced.) the same. ΤΙϋγχξγος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from next and άξ- γος) that has white buttocks or a white tail ; impotent, weak, timid. ΤΙύγτί, -ijg, vj, the bidtocks. Hbyi^iov, -6υ, το, (from preced.) a small or thin bidtock. ΙΙϋγΙζω, f -1σω, (from same) / strike on the buttocks, pcedico. ΤίυγίΛχΙος, -xlx, -x7ov, (from πυγ /ii'iji) measitring a cubit ; or that may be carried in the fist : π-υγμοίΐοί, -ων, οι, pygmies, little men. ΤΙυγμχχίω, (from same and μχχγι) I fight with the clenched fist, box, am a pu- gilist. Τΐυγμοίχίΰί, -χς, ί], (from same) boxing. ΐΐυγμ,χχος, -ου, 6, (from same) a pugilist. ΙΙυγ'Λ'•^, -'ής, vj, (from πύζ) boxing, the fist, the doubled fist, the length from the elbow to the fist or a cubit. Mark vii. 3. hxu ^w'^ πυγ- f^Yi νί-ψωντχι τχς χίΊξχς. It is not agreed in what sense the word πυγμγί should be here understood. Griesbach says it is read in the Camb. MS. πυκ,μτί, perhaps for Tr^y- /icvi, or for πυκ,νγί, i. e. πυκνά. The Syriac renders it Ajl;::i.A^O diligently, carefidly ; the Vulg. crebro, frequently. Luther, Eras- mus, and our authorized version follow the Vulg. " except they wash their hands oft." Wetstein thinks it means with the fist, i. e. with a handfid of ivater. Parkhurst renders it, to wash the hands with the fist, i. e. by rubbing water on the palm of one hand with the doubled fist of the other. Schleus- ner makes the nearest approach to proba- bility^ in adhering to this interpretation of πυγμ,Ύΐ, when he says, " satis autem constat, Judaeos inter lavandum consuevisse alte- Τίνγουΰίος. A GREEK LEXICON. Τΐυλαγοοίύ). ram raanum m pngnum componere eara- que altera manu lavasse usque ad junctu- ram lacerti." According to him, then, the meaning is, up to the wrist. For aught I can find, the rendering followed by our translators is, after all, the best. Ώ-ϋγύόσίος, -ov, 6, 7], (from next) of a cubit. Tlvycou, -όνος, ο, (from ττύξ) a cubit. ΤΙύβλος, -ov, 0, a trough, pail, pan ; a la- ver, bathing-tub ; coffin. Uut ^ciyooiiog,-ov, , and TLvuciyoor/.o:, -'/j, ov. (from Uvucc/ooccr) of or belonging to Py thagoras, Pythagorean. Πίί(^ά7θζ^/^ώί, (from same) I am a follower of Pythagoras. Uvuccyo^iaT'/;;, Dor. IIy^d)iyo^;^T'/9i•, -ov, 6, (from same) a follower of Pythagoras. Tlvuisc, -ug, 7], (from ττνύως) the Pytho- nissa, the priestess of the Pythian Apollo. ΙΙύύιοί, -ίων, τά, (from same, with is^oi or άγοινίσμ,α,τα, understood) the Pythian solemnities and games. ΤΙνύίχς, -ά,οος, '<;, (from same) the priestess of Apollo, Pythian; a Pythiad, the interval between the celebration of the Pythian games. UvtiKog, -Y„ -6'j, (from same) Pythian. TLvuiGulKog, -ov, 0, (from next and vUyi) a victor in the Pythian games. Tlvuiog, -cc, -ov, (from -ττνύών) belonging to Python, Pythian, that acts as a diviner or augur, that is deputed to consult the Pythian oracle. Τίνθ/χ'/]!/, -iuog, 6, a root, trunlc, stalk, shoot, branch ; also the bottom or extremity of any thing. IlvuoKQoi!/Tog,-oy, (from ττνύων and κ,ζοιινω) confirvied by Ajjollo. Uvuoy.oL'jrig, -scjg, 6 and tj, (from same and μάνη;)α soothsayer, prophet, OY prophetess, of the Pythian Ajwllo. l'lvuo}c(imrog, -ov, (from same and χζάύ)) declared or commanded by the Pythian oracle. ΤΙνύω, f. ττνσύ), (from 'ttvu) I putrefy : ττν- eof/.cci, I become putrefied, rot, decay. Tlvucj, -ovg, VI, (from next) a city of Pho- cis, named also Delphi, famous lor the temple and oracle of Pythian Apollo. 'Π.νθο)ν, -ωνος, 6, (from ]nfl, a species of serpent, or ττννύά,νίσύοι,ι, or 'πνθίσθα,ι, to in- terrogate, consult, from the questions to which answers were said to be given) in profane writers. Python is the name of that monstrous serpent said to have been killed by Apollo, whence he was called ΐΐύύίος, and the priestess who uttered his pretended oracles nrvQicc; in the plural, -τΐύύωνίς, οί, diviners who were ventriloquists to aid the deceptions which they practised; hence, in Acts xvi. 16. a divining demon, where ττνύωνος means the demon himself, for the expression -rvst/^i^ct 'π-νύωνος seems parallel to that of the same writer in Luke iv. 33. TTViVf^oi "bxiy^oviov άκαύά,ξτον, " a spirit of an unclean demon." TlvKU., 'TrvKivd, 'ττνχ,νά, στνκ-ινως, 'Τΐνκνως, closely,close together. frequently, firmly, care- fully, tenderly, skilfully, prudently, accurately. Τίνκ,ά.ζύ), f. -άίσύ), Dor. 'ττνκάσοω, (from preced.) / thicken, make thick or close, strengthen ; darken, sadden, overcast, shut up closely, conceal. JlvKuay.a,, -ατός, zo, (from preced.) any thing thick or close, as thickets of branches, shaded or closely shid up. TLvKjuyio'^g, -iog, 6, τ}, (from τ^τνκχ and fi^Gog) close in counsel, prudent, wise. HvKivog, see TTVKvog. ΤΙνκνόκαξ'ΤΓος, -ov, 6, tj, (from ττνκνος and κχξ'ττος) thickly covered ivith fruit. ΐίνκνότττίζος, -ov, 6, vi, (from next and τττίοον) having thick or closely feathered,\.e. strong wings; some understand it in the sense of τΐν/,νος simply. ΐίνκ,νος, -'η, -ov, (properly ττνκινος from TTvy.cc) frequent, thick, crowded, numerous ; strong, firm ; subtle, wise. TLvKvoffTiKTog, -ov, 6, vj, (from preced. and στίζο)) thickly marked with spots. TLvKvOTSQog, -a, -ov, (from Trvpcuog^ more frequent ; in the neut. as an adverb, more frequently. Τΐνκνότ/ις, Ύιτος, τ], (from same) thickness, firmness ; prudence, tvisdom. ΐΥνκνόύ), f. -ύ)σω, (from same) / thicken, make close, compact, or firm, cram, fill ; collect all the poicers of my mind to, do fre- quently, make myself expert. TlvKVM/xcc, -ctrog, το, (from preced.) that which thickens or is thickened, a thick bidky garment ; pomp. ΥΙνχ,νωσις, -sag, vj, (from same) a thicken- ing, making firm, accumulation. Ιίνκ,τίόύ), f. -ivao), p. 'KiTrvy.zivx.a,, and '7τνκ,τίχ,7\ίζω, (from next) / box, βη^^^ with the fist. llvKTTig, -ov, 6, (from ττνζ.) a pugilist. ΪΙνκτ'ίκ,ός, -sj, -ov, (from siimc) pugilistic. UvktIov, -ov, ro, and ττνκτΊς, -i^og, tj, (for τττνκτίον and τττνκτϊς, from τττνσσω) a folding writing tablet. UvXccyooccg, -ov, 6, (from ττνλχίχ and ciyiiQO)) a deputy to the council of the Am- phyctyons or general council of Greece, held near Thermopylcc. ILvXccyoQUM, (from preced.) / avi a de- puty, or / spea/c in the council of the Am- phyctyons. 740 , XlvXou. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙνξγωης, ΙΙύλοα, -ων, α/, (plur. of vvm) the pas- sage from Phocis into Thessaly, Thermo- Uv'hoiioCy -ας, Ion. -a/jj, ->5g•, oj, σννοοος being understood, (from preced.) the coun- cil of the Amphyctyons, which assembled near Thermopylae; probably the name of the place where the assembly sat. ϋυΤ^ύύ'κός, -77, -oy, and ττνλιζ'ϊοζ, -ούα^ -ulou, (from 'ττύλ'•/]) of or at the gate, trivial, vulgar. HvT^ccQTT.g, -ου, 6, (from same and οίζω) fitted ivith strong doors. TlvT^ciu^og, same as τΐνΤ^ωζός. Πι/λ>7, -γ\ς, 7], a gate, entrance, defile. TlvTCig, -ίίος, ί], (from preced.) a small door. ΊΊνλόω, -ω, f. -ύ)σω, (from same) I secure ivith gates. Τΐΰλωμίχ., -χτος, το, (from preced.) same as next. ΤίνΆω!/, -ωνος, 6, (from 'ττυλγι) a gate, a gate-way, a p>orch, an antechamber. ΎνυΚαζος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ούζ^ος or ωζο) a keeper of a gate, door, or passage. ΎΙνμ.ά,τος, -ocrri, -octou, (from ττυό^/^ν^ν) at the bottom, last, extreme. Ί1υυύόίνο(Λοίί, or 7ri6uoy.oc,i, 1 f. mid. -ττί^- σομ,Λΐ, 2 a. mid. Ι'ττυύόίΛΥΐυ, -ου, -ετο, iniin. ττνύίσύαί, p. pass, ττίττυσμοα, (from ττεύύω, see p. 70) / ask, inquire, learn on inquiry. Πύ|, (from 'ttOkoc) with the doubled fist. Τΐύξ,'ΐνος, -li/Yi, -iuou, or 'Trv^lusog, (from 'π'ύ^ος) made of box. Τίυ^ίου, -ου, το, (from same) a small box, a writing table, so called from having been made of box. ΤΙυξ,ϊς, -ίίος, vj, (from next) a box. Τΐΰ^ος, -ου, vj, the box tree or wood. Hiioy, -ου, ro, (from ττύω) purulent matter. Ήνος, -ου, or ττϋος, -ου, ο, (from same) purulent matter ; also, the first 7?zz7/i, whe- ther of women or animals, after giving birth. Πί^, 'ζΰζος, το, (from ^V^, to burn, or 1*13, to break, shatter as fire doth fuel) j'ir^; a burning fever ; 1 Cor. iii. 15. ο'ύτως hi ύ)ς δ;« ττυο^ος, '^ yet so as by fire ;" i. e. the salvation of the teacher, who shall suffer loss, must depend on the revelation which fire shall make of his own character. It is a warning, that, if his personal character be no better than that of his work as a builder, which is burned, he shall not be saved. On the other hand, builders are not threatened with perdition, because they may have committed mistakes, con- trary to their principles, their endeavours, and their design. I have purposely quoted this passage without altering the transla- tion, although I think it might be rendered, 750 " yet so as by the fire ;" this being an ex- ample of the frequent case, remarked by Middleton on the Article, chap. vi. ^ 1, in which nouns become anarthrous after pre- positions. Τΐΰξά,, -α,ς, v}, (from preced.) a heap of fuel collected to be set on fire, or actually burning. Acts xxviii. 2, 3. a funeral pile. ΐΐϋζίζγξα, -οίξ, 'ή, (from same and oiy^ci) a pair of tongs. ΤΙυξο,ίΰω, (same and oiiuoi) I kindle or keep up afire. ΐΐνζοίκ,τέω, and 'ττυξοίκ,τόα, (from same and oiya) I tmii in the fire, make hot in the fire. Τΐϋξόί/ίίιίς, -βος, τι, (from -κυ^) a pyramid, so called because it rises to a point like a flame of fire. ΐίυοοίμ,ους, -ουντος, 6, (from 'ττνξος) a wheaten cake baked with honey. Tli/^ucuy/jg, -ig, (from same and ccuy^y shining like fire, brilliant, red. ΊΙυζ^Ύ^ο!/, (from icvQyog) in the form of a tower, in a square. Ι1υξγγ}ζίύ}, (from same) I enclose with towers, besiege. Τ1ύ(^γϊνος, -iuvi, -iuov, (from same) of or belonging to towers or cities, secured as with a tower, or belonging to the state. ΤΙυζ'/ίον, -ου, το, (from same) a turret. Τΐυξγόβόίζίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, 'η, (from same and βάξΐς) a tower, palace, fortification. ΙΙυζγοΙά'ΐκ,τος, -ου, ο, vi, (from same and ^Λ'ί'ζύ)) that destroys towers. ΤΙυξγομΜχ,ίίί), (from next and μάχομίΆΐ) I attack or defend a tower. ΐΐύζγος, -ου, ο, (from τΓυζ^μ,Ις) a tower^ castle, wall with battlem.ents, a city ; engine used in a siege ; a body of troops formed into a square ; a turret on a lofty part of a building ; a place where female slaves were lodged ; a dice-box. ΤΙυξγουχος, -ου, ο, (from preced. and εχα) a tower holder : the support, stand, or basis of a tower. Τίυζγοφοξίω, (from same and ψοξίω) I carry a toiver or towers. ΤΙυξγοφόξΟζ, -ου, 6, ^, (from same) that bears a tower or towers. Τίυογοφύλοίζ,, -άκ,ος, 6, (fYom ττύξγος and φυΤ^άσσω) a guardian of a tower ; a tower- like guardian, a bulwark. ΤΙυξγόύ), f. -άσύ), (from τί-ύξγος) I furnish with towers, fortify ; raise like a tower, ex- alt, magnify, exaggerate. nygy, (from ττΐ/ζ and yiuoy^oci) fire-formed. ϋνζί^χ'ΤΓτος, -ov, (from same and Ιάτττω) devoured by fire. Τΐυζβιο!/, -ου, το, (from 'ττνξ) a small fire ; (from ττυοος) a small wheaten cake. ΥΙν^ιτ^ΛΎΐς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from'^rS^ and d'yc/ij sharpened or heated in the fire. Τίΰξ^ύχλτττις, -ίος, ο, % (fi'om same and βύΆττω) warmed by fire. ΤΙυξίκοιυστος, and ττυξίκ,ίχ,υτος, 6, tj, (from same and καίω) burned with fire. ΤΙΰξϊκ,,αγιτος, -ou, (from same and κά^νο)) wrought by fire, boiled, roasted or any way •prepared by means of fire. tlvQi/Lcccuioj, (from same and y^oihoi^aci) I rage -with fire. Τίό^'ίιχος, same as -τΐύζίνος. ΤΙυξίνίον, -ου, ro, (from ττί^) a brothel. ΙΙνζίνος, -η, -ou, (from same) of fire, fie- ry : πΰοίνος, (from τιτυζος) of or belonging to wheat, wheat. Τΐυζίον, same as ττυζεϊοι/. ΧΙυζί'ττνίυστος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from next) breathing fire. ΤΙΰζίττΆο), poet, 'ττυζίτΐυίίο), (from τιτυζ and ττνίύ)) I breathe fire. ΤΙΰ(Η'7Γνοος, -6ου, contr. ΐΐυ(ή'Τ7νους, -ου, ό, 7], (from same) that breathes fire, fiery. Τΐΰξίστακτος, -ου, ό, i], (from ττί^ and στάζο) that drops or pours down fire. ΤΙνζίφατος, -ου, ό, % (from same and φά,οή destroyed by fire. Ϊ1υζΐφ7.ίγίΰ'/ις, or rather Τί.ν^ι'φΤ^ίγ'/ΐς, -ίος, ττΰ^ΎφΤ^ίγων, -οντος, '7Γύζ7φλίκ,τος, -ου, ό, τ), (from ττυο and φ?<.ίγω) burning with fire, flaming, raging. ΎΙύζίφτ^ίγίύο)», -οντος, ο, (from same) that burns with fire. ΤΙνξκχϊώ, -χς, Ion. 'ττυζκ.χϊ'ή, -τ};, ij, (from 'ττυζ and κχιΌ)) a burning fire, funeral pile, fire of love, conflagration. ϋυξνχϊος, -alx, -xiou, (ft'om next, or from crDio) ruddy, ripe, eatable. Τΐύρνος, -ου, 6, or τϊύξνον, roV (from -πυ^ος) wheaten bread, a loaf or morsel of bread. Τίυξόβολο!/, -ου, το, (from ττΐΐξ and βοίΧλοϊ) a fiery missile iveapon. ΤίυξοίίΙνίς, -ίος, 6, ί], (from same and si- Ιος) like fire ; (from ττυξος &c.) like wheat. Τ1νξ05ίς, -saax,-su, (from 'ττυξ) fiery, blazing. Τΐυξόι^, -ου, το, (from same) a luatch fire. ΤίυξΟ'ΤΓω'λίω, (from ττυζος and nroJaoi) I sell wheat. ΤΙύξορρχγνις, -ίος, ό, ί], (from τιτυζ and ρ^ίσσο)) cracked by fire. Τΐϋρος, -ου, ό, (i. e. σττυζος, fr)r σττοζος, fr'om perf. mid. οΐ σττβίζα) corn, grain, wheat or barley. ΤΙυ^οφόζος, -ου, ό, τ], (from preced. and φίξω) bearing or producing corn, fertile. Σΐύξόω, -ω, f. -άσω, p. 'ττζττύξωκχ, 1 a. ίτιτύ- ξθ}σχ, p. pass. ττ^'π-ύξω^ΛΧί, (fr-om "π-υξ) I set on fire, burn, melt, purify. ΣίυζΤΓχΧα,^ίά,ο/χχί, (same and ττχΤ^χμχ- ομχι) I have the activity of fire in cunning and wickedness. ΊΙυζΤΓα,'Κοίμ,ος, -ov, (from same atid ττακά,- ^Ύ\) turned with the hand in the fire, red-hot. Ίΐυξττνόος, ό, 'ή, (ft'om same and -πΑω) breathing fire. ΤΙυ^ττοΤ^έω, (same and ττολίω) I kindle or keep up a fire ; lay waste by fire. Τ1υς'7ΓΟΆγ]μχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) de- vastation by fire ; a watch-fire. ΐΙ,υζττόΆος, -ου, ό, (from same) one ivho lights up or keejJS icp a fire ; or loho lays waste by fire : ιτϋ^τΐο^ος, turned in the fire. ΐΐυρρά,ζύ), -πυρριά,ω, ττυρρίζω, and -ττυρρόο- μαι, (from -ττυρρός) I am or look red. ΐΙνρρα,•Λ-/ις, -ου, 6, (from same) red, of a fiery colour. ΤΙνρρΙχιη, -της, 'ή, (from Τΐύρρος the name of the inventor) the Pyrrhic dance, a dance performed by armed men ; the song sung in dancing the Pyrrhic dance. Ι1υρρί%ίζω, (from preced.) / dance the Pyrrhic dance. ϋυρρίχ,ίος, -ου, 6, v), (from same) belong- ing to the Pyrrhic dance or measure ; afoot of two short syllables. Sec p. 1 24. ΤΙυρριχ,ιστ'ής, -ου, 6, (from same) a dancer of the Pyrrhic dance. ΙΙυρρόύζίξ, -τξΓ/,ος, ο, /?, (from ττνρροςΐίηΛ Ά^Ιζ) red-haired. ΙΙυρρο'ΤΓΊτΓΥΐς, -ου, ο, (fi'om next and oV- τύ)) one who admires yellow haired ivomen ; cui flavam rcligas coniam, Hor. Od. i. 5, 4. ΤΙυρρός, -d, -ov, (from 'ttvq) red, of a fiery colour. 751 ϋΰξοοχξους. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤΙωϋ, Τίνββόχςονς, -π-υββόχξως, -ωτος, ό, vj, (from preced. and χξάς) red-coloured. ΐΐυρρόω, (from ττνρρός) I redden. Τίνξσοιίυω, f. -όίι/ω, (from -ττυξαος) I maJ^e ruddy. ΤΙνξσεΙα, -α,ς, ^, (from same) the giving of a signal bt/ torches. Τίυξσίύύ), f. -ίύσω, (from same) I kindle, excite, give signal with a torch. Τίνξσόνωτος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from ττνξσος and vZrou) that has a red back. Τίυξσος, -ου, 6, (from 'πϊ/ζ) a torch, signal. ΤΙνξσόζ, -Tj, -ov, (from same} red. Τΐυζσοτόκος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and τίκ,τω) that prodiwes fire. Τίνξσόα, (from ττνςσός) I illuminate, light with fire. ΤΙνζσωΙϊΐς, -εος, ο, '^, (from same) ruddy. ΙΙνςφοζίω, ('τ^ν^ and φο^ίω) I carry fire. ΤΙυζφόξος, 'OV, 6, 7}, (from same and φί- ξω) fire-carryings an epithet of a spear or a missile weapon, Job xli. 29 ; a destroyer ; one who in the army bore the sacred fire, and whose person ivas most sacred ; a fire engine. ΤΙΰξω^νις, -sog, 6, tj, (from ττί^} fiery. ΤΙν^ωττος, -ov, 6, v}, (from same and ω-ψ) that has a fiery aspect or appearance, red- hot. ΤΙνοωσις, -iog, Attic -εως, tj, (from ττνξόύ)) a burning, a fiery tiial, trial as of metals by fire.^ Ίΐνξωτγις, -ov, 6, (from same) a smith. ϋνξίοτός, -71, -ov, (from same) fiery, red. ΤΙνς, Dor. for -^o?. ΎΙναηά,ομ,α,ί^ (from next) / consult. Τίνστις, -εως, τ}, (from σηνύω) report, ru- mour, information, inquiry, hearing, noise. Uvricic, -xg, tj, (from ■ττύβω) stench. TlvTliuoilog, -aiu, -cilou, (from next) made of tivigs. TLvtIuyi, -Tig, 71, a wine bottle, made of 2)laited barh of trees or osier ^ or of leather covered loith bark or osier. TLva, f. -νσω, obs. in pres. see ττόύω. ΤΙύ), (from TTog an obs. pron.) so7nehow, from some place or other, yet ; sometimes, but rarely, affirmative. ΤΙωγων, -avog, 6, the beard; a fiame ; the point of a spear ; the tail of a comet. Ilayujuiccg, -ov, ό, (from preced.) a comet. ΙΙωγανοτζοφΙοί, -ag, 'ή, (from same and τοεφω) a nourishing of the beard. UaTisicc, -Dcg, and ττωΆενσις, -εως, vi, (from 'ΤΐύίΚος) a breeding and training of hoj'ses. ΤίωΧενω, f. -ενσω, (from same) / b7'eak or train a horse ; instruct. ΤΙωλεύ), -ω, f. -'^σω, p. 'ττεττάλτηζα, (from 'ττολεω) I go about and barter or sell goods, sell : 'πωΊ\.εομ.οι,ι, I go about, turn about, re- turn frequently, frequent. Πώ)λ>7ί, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a seller. llc,)l\Yiaig, -εως, τι, (from same) a sale. ΤΙωΤ,'πττίξίου, -ου, το, (from same) a place for selling in, a sJiop, stall, warehouse, or οβο^ ΤΙωΤ^Υιτνις, -ov, 6, (from same) β seller, auc- tioneer, one of ten magistrates who let cer- tain revenues. ΤΙωΤακος, -τι, -ov, (from ττωλος) of or be- longing to colts, fillies, or young horses. Τΐωλο^ΰί/^,ϋίω, (from same and δοί^αάώ)) I break or t7'ain young horses. Πωλοδ«/^>*7ί-, -ov, 0, (from preced.) a breaker or trainer of horses. ΐΙωΆος, -ov, 6, τ], (i. e. TiroocKog, which from ττόα, and a,7O\0^ui) a foal, a colt, a filly, a young horse or mare ; a youth or maiden. ΤΙω/ΐΛοι, -ccTog, το, (from ττίνω^ a drink, a drinking cup. Tloj^ucc, -οίτος, το, a cover, lid, stopper. ΤΙωμάζω, f. -όίσω, (from pyeced.) / cover with a lid, cover, stop up. Τΐω/ίίχλα., {ττω and (λοΚλ) not at all, not in the least, by no means. Τίωμί, see τΓίνω, and p. 73. ΙΙω'ΤΓΟτε, {ττω and 'ττότε) ever yet, at any time, at some time or other, somehow, some- luhere. Τίωξίαος, -η, -ov, (from next) of ov belong- ing to the stone porus, or to a common stone. ΐΐω^ος, -ov, 6, points, a kind of stoiie like Parian marble in whiteness and hardness ; a calculous or chalky concretion formed by disease in the human body ; the callus or hard substance, by which broken bones are united ; a^iy thing spongy. ΤΙωξόω, -ω, f. -ύ}σω, p. 'πεττάξωχ.α, 1 a. pass. Ιτ6;^<ί)^<7^, p. pass, 'πεττω^ωι/.α,ι, (from preced.) 1 harden, make hard like a stone, make cal- lous or insensible like the calculous concre- tions of the human body, or like the callus or osseous cement of broken bones ; applied to the eyes, / make blind. Job xvii. 7- ΤΙωρωσις, -log, Attic -εως, τι, (from pre- ced.) the callus or cement of broken bones, hard7iess, callousness. Πώ)ί, (from '7τ•/ι, how, and ώς) how? by what 7neans ? in what maimer ? what ? by any 7neans. ΐίωτά,ομ,χί, (from ττετχω^ I fiil' ΎΙωττ,^α,, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a fiight. Τίων, -εος, το, (from 'τίά,ω) a fiock. 752 p. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Fail/ CO. P, the seventeenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the twentieth of the ancient ; in which it answered to the He- brew or Phenician Eesh, in order and power. Its forms, P, ξ, though plainly related to the Hebrew letter, approach 'Ροίγάζ, -oihog,7], and ρά,γμ», -ocrog, το, (from ρηγυύω) a breach. 'F/xyloilog, -ctioi, -ouov, (from preced.) brealcing, impetuous. 'Fay^Yi'j, (from same) ahruptly^ suddenly. 'Ραγίζω, f. -ϊσω, (from βαίξ) I gather still nearer to that of the Phenician. The j grapes or pick the stones of grapes. name Eho is an evident corruption of I 'ΡάΙχμι^ος, -ου, 6, a sprout, a tender JResh, the sh being dropped, as the Greek seem never to have used that sound. - Ρ is often used for σ ; as μόίςτυξ, for μ,άοτν;. Pec, contr. for ccqx, which see. 'Ρα,ββΙ, ("Si) rabbi, master, or teacher, or VI1/ master or teacher, John i. 39. 'Ρα,ββοΆ, or ροί,ββονΆ, (Chaldee, -Din-)) rabboni, my master or teacher, Mark x. 51. John XX. 16. 'Ροίβοτιφόξος, see ραβοοφόζος. Ρίΐβ^ίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. Ιρράβ^ικα,, 1 a. Ιρράβ- ΙισΛ, 1 a. pass, ίρροίβΐίσύ/ιν, p. pass. ίρρ<ίβ- oscf/.xi, (from ράβδος) I beat with rods, scourge. 'Ράβ^ίον, -ου, το, (from same) a little rod. 'Ραβ^ορίΛχίοί, -etc, {], (from same and F-^xn) a combat with rods or cudgels. 'Ροίβ'^οι/ορίίω, (from same and uif<,cu) I act as judge in a contest. ' ΡαβΙο'^όμος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a Judge in a contest. ' Ράβδος, -ου, vj, a staff, rod, sceptre. 'Ρα,βΙουχίύ), (from preced. and ίχω) I carry a rod, wand, or staff; act as a judge at the public games ; act as a lictor : ρχβ- Οουχίομ,Λί, I am attoided by lictors. 'Ρχβοουχίοί, -α,ς, v\, (from same) the act of carrying a rod, wand, or staff ; the office of lictor ; the privilege of having the fasces canned before one. 'Ραβδούχος, -ου, 6, (ΐτοτη same) a beadle or Serjeant, a lictor, a judge. 'Ροίβ'6οφοοίω,{ϊτο\\Λ ράβοος and φοζίω) I carry a rod, wand, or sta//^". 'ΡαβΙοψόξος, -ου, 6, (from same) a bearer of a rod or staff, a lictor. 'Ράβ'^ωσίς, -ίως, τ], (properly from ρχβόόο), not in use) the fluting of a pillar, a measur- ing with a rod. 'Ρα,βΙωτος, -tj, -ou, (from same) made of rods, ff 71 fed, striped. branch. 'Ροί^Ϊ!/όζ, -27, -6v, pliant, thin, delicate, sivift. 'Ptzli^, ρχ^ίκος, V}, a branch. 'Ροί^ιος, -/«, ~iou, easy ; for the compari- son of this word, see p. 20 : ροβ'ιως, Ion. and poet. pYjioiojc, easily. 'Ρχ^'ίουζγίω, (from preced. and 'iqyou) I act with ease, facility, dexterity, levity ; I am ready for the perpetration of any wick- edness, I commit it readily and craftily. 'ΡοβιούζγΎΐμ,οι., -οίτοζ, το, (from same) a thoughtless action; villany, wickedness, de- pravity, deceit. 'Ριχ^ίουζγίοί, -α,ς, ^, (from same) idleness, ivickedness, mischief, craftiness. 'Ροβίου^γος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) that is ready or thoughtless in action ; a crafty knave. Ροίζο), f. -ώσω, same as ρχΊ^ω. 'PauxyAy^, -lyyog, and ροίύοίμΐς, -Ι^ος, ij, (from pociua) a drop. 'Ραύοίττϋγίζύ), (from ρύσσω and 'ττυγίζύ)} I strike the buttocks. 'Ροίύμ,ίΐ/, (θη*ΐ) the genista or Spanish broom ; according to others, the juniper tree. 'Ρΰΐ,θυμ,ίύ), -ω, (from pxhiog and ^υ^ος) I am of an easy mind, am remiss, indoloit, slothful. 'Px&v/iciec, -ccg, 7], (from preced.) easiness of mind, carelessness, indolence, case, con- tentment, enjoyment, voluptuousness. 'Ρά,θϋ[Λθς^ -ου, ο, i], (from same) that has an easy mind, remiss, addicted to jyleasiire. ' Ραιβος, -VI, -ou, bandy-legged. 'Ρίχ,ίβόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / make crooked. 'Ραΐζω, f. -οίίσω, (from obs. poiog or ρά,- Οίος) I become easier, recover, rest in ease. 'Ραίνω, f. ρχνω, p. eppxyKX, (from ρίω, 2 flow) I sprmklc, besprinkle, jjour down as rain. 5C 753 Τα/ΰτ^ξ, A GREEK LEXICON. Ρεύος. 'Fcciar'KQf -νίξος, and ροαστ^ς, -ov, ο, (from ραίω) a hammer, breaker, destroyer. 'ΈΛίστνίζίος, -la, -;oz/, (from next) destruc- tive. 'VotU), f. ροίίσο), I break in 'pieces, shatter, ruin, afflict. 'FotKoi, (Chald. κρ^"ι from Heb. ρ^•η or p^)-^) Raka, a vain, empty, worthless fellow : κ,οί- τά,τττνστος. 'FciKiou, -Of, TO, (from ράκος) a rag. 'Έοίκο^ντος, -ov, (from same and Ιΰω) clothed in rags. "Ρα,κόομ,οίΐ, (fi-om next) / am ragged or torn. 'V οίκος, -εος, -ους, το, (from 2 aor. pass. of ρνισσω) a torn garment, a piece of cloth cut off, a rag. 'νά,κτος, -ου, 6, (from ρά,σσω) a preapi- tous rock, a hill, a clift. 'Ϋάκω^γις, •&ος, 6, ij, (from ράκ,ος^ torn, worn, ragged. 'Pcixiy^cc, -ατός, το, (from ρακόομ,αι) same as ράκος. 'νάι^,μα, -ατός, το, (from ρά,'τττω) a sav- ing or stitching, a seam. 'νάμνος,-ου, 6, the white thorn or bramble. 'Έα,κ,φνϊ, -νις, τι, a knife, coulter. 'Ρά/ϋ,φος, -£ος, το, the beak of a bird. 'Ράνις, -ίδο?, ij, (from ραίνω) a drop, rain. "Ραντνίζίος, -a, -ov, (from same) of ov be- longing to wetting or sprinkling; wet or sprinkled. 'Ραντίζω, f. -/σώ), Attic -ιω, -ιϊΊς, -/εΓ, p. Ιρ'ράντικα, 1 a. ip ράντισα, 1 a. pass. Ippav- τίσθγιν, p. pass. Ιρράντισμ-αι, (fi'Om ραντος) I sprinkle, besprinkle, Ps. li. 7• ραντίίϊς ^£ ύσσωττω καϊ καύαζίσβ'^ισομαί, "thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop and I shall be clean." Comp. Lev. xiv. 4 — 7• Num. xix. 18. 'Ραντίσμός, -ου, ό, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a being sprinkled, a sprinkling. ' Ρ αυτός, -57, -ov, (from ραίνω) besprinkled. Ράζ, ραγός, 'ή, same as ρωζ,. 'Ράον, (from ράων, compar. of ράΐίος) more easily. 'Ρόίττίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ερράττίκα, 1 a. eppa- 'ττισα, p. pass, ίρρά-π-ισμαι;, (from ραττίς, a rod) I strike with a rod or stick, strike on the face with the palm of the hand, give a slap on the face. 'Ρόί'τησμα, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a blow on the face luith the palm of the hand, a slap on the face. 'Ρατηστος, -vi, -ov, (from same) struck, buffeted. 'ΡατΓτος, -vi, -ov, (from next) seWed: ραττ- Tov, -ου, TO, a cushion, pillow. ' Ρά'τττω, f. -φύ), p. Βρράφα, I sew, sew to- gether. ' ΡασΙμ, (ο'Ίί'ΐ) runners, attendants. 754 'Ράσσω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, I dash against, throw down. ' Ρ αστός, -η, -ον,ον ρά'ϊστος, (superl. οι ρά- Ιίος) most easy. ' Ραστωνίύω, (from same) same as ρχβνμίω. 'Ραστωννι, -ης, v}, (from preced.) same as ρΰί.ύυμίΰί. 'ΡαφαίΙμ, (ο'Ήϊί'^) giants. Ραφάντη, -ης, ραφάνϊς, -ί^ος, ράφανος, •ον, 71, α radish. ' Ρα,φανίΙόω, (from preced.) I force a ra- dish into the fundament, a punishment for adultery called ραφανϊ^ωσις. 'Ραφίύς, -ίως, ό, (from ράττω) a sewer, a plotter. 'Ραφή, -ης, h, (from same) β seam, suture. 'ΡαφίΙβνς, -ίως, or ραφι^ευτνίς, -ου, 6, (from next) a sewer, an embroiderer. 'Ράφϊς, -Ι^ος, ή, (from perf. of βά'π-τω) a needle. Ρόίχιά., -ας, τ], (from ράσσω) a rocky shore, a beach, a swell or heavy sea. ' Ρα,χίζω, f. -Ισω, (from next) I cut through the back bone, split in two, slay ; vaunt false- ly, boast. 'Ρά,χ,ις, -ίος, Attic -ζως, ί], (from ράσσω) the spine or back-bone. 'Ράχος, -ου, oj, (from same) a thorn, a young shoot of the vine: ράχος, -ζος, το, same as ράκος. 'Ρα-ψωΙίω, (from ράττω and ω^η) I com- pose verses, sing or recite verses, repeat by rote, talk idly. ' Ρα-ψωΙίΰί, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a singing or reciting of verses, especially those of Homer; a book of the Iliad or Odyssey; scraps of poetry joined or repeated together, a rhapsody. 'Ρα-ψωΙός, -ου, ό, (from same) a rhapso- dist, a reciter of the poems of Homer, a com- poser of songs, a poetaster, an idle de~ claimer. 'Ράων, or ραίων, -ov, (comp. of ραύιος) more easy. 'Pea, and psla, same as ραβίως. 'Plist, or 'Ptla, -ας, vj, (from pia) the god- dess Rhea, wife of Saturn, and mother of Jupiter. 'Ρίγος, or ρηνος, -ίος, το, the covering of a bed, seat, or cushion. 'Ρίγκω, or ρίγχω, f. -ζω, I snore or snort. 'Pihoc, or p&bn, -της, h, a coach, a chariot. 'Ρίί&ξον, -ου, το, same as ρίϊθξον. 'Ρίζω, Dor. ρί'^ω, imp. 'ίζίζον. Ion. Ιξίξζβ- κον, f. -ζ,ω, 1 a. SQi^a, inf. ρίζαι, and ίζζ,αι, part. 1 a. p. ρζχύίΐς, p. mid. h^ya, I do, perform, immolate a victim, offer a sacrifice. See ίξΐω, and ί^γω, and p. 73. 'Ρΐύος, -ξος, το, any member of the body, a limb, more commonly the face. 'ΡίΤύξον. A GREEK LEXICON. 'ΡιζόΜ. Ύϋθζον, -ov, TO, (from βίω, I flow) the channel of a river, a river, a stream. Ρίκ,τ'^ξ, -iJQog, and ρίκτγις, -ου, 6, (from ρίζω) one that is active or efficient, a doer. 'Ρί/ίΐβχς, -ύ^ος, 7], (from ρίμβω) a strolling zuoman, a strumpet. ' Ρε/ϋβασ/ί^ός, -ου, 0, (n'om ρζμ,βά,ξω, same as ρίμ,βω) a driving round, ivandering, incon- stancy. 'Ρίμ,βίϋύ), f. -ξύσω, p. Ιρρίμ,βίυκ,χ, (from next) / drive about, wander, fluctuate. ' Ρίμβω, I luhirl or drive round in a circle, I brandish ; mid. ρίμ,βομ,οίΐ, I wander about. 'Ρ9.μ,βό)\/ις, -iog, 6, v„ (from preced.) wan- dering, giddy, distracted, unsteady. 'Ps^(pflsy, 'Ροίίφχν, 'Ρ€φχ'^, or 'Ρτιψοίν, Remphan, the name of an idol. See Amos V. 26. Acts vii. 43. Ρίος, -ίος, το, (from ρίω) a stream. 'Ρί'ΤΓΟ), f. --φω, p. ερρίφχ, or ρίζίφοί, p. pass. tppififAoci, or ρίο^ιμ,μ,α,ι, by transp. Iq- 'ττω, I creep, bend, incline, turn the scale, preponderate, have a tendency. Pevy.oi, -χτος, το, (from ρέω} a stream; a flux ; a rheum, a watery humour. Ρίυμ,α,τΙ^,ος, -»?, -ου, (from preced.} run- ning ; also rheumatic. 'Ρίυμ,οίτ^ιου, -ου, το, (from same) a little stream. ' Ρέυστίχος, -jj, -ou, (from same) capable of flowing, fluid. ' Ρευστός, -vi, -ov, (from next) that flows, fluid. 'Ρίω, or ρζΰω, f. ρζΰσο), 1 a. ίρρίυσα, p. 'ίρβίυκχ, p. pass, 'ίβρευμαι, I flow. Ρέω, f. ρτισω, p. sppyjKcc, Attic s'i'^yikcc, and partic. ίί^τηκως, -υΐα,, -ο;, pliiperf. siQ'/jicsii/, -ίΐζ, -u, 1 f. pass. βϊΐύ'/ισοίΛοίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ιρβί- uvjy, and ϊβρνιύην, and partic. ρνιύύς, -iiaa,, -h, p. pass. εϊζϊΐμ,ΐΛΐ, -acci, -τα,ι, and partic. ίΐζ-ήρύυος, -Yj, -ov, see p. 73. (from ί^έω, or from preced.) / say, speak, speak of 'Ρ'ήγμχ, -α,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of priyyvo)) a breaking down, ruin, rupture. 'P-fiyiMv, -hog, i], (from next) a broken rock, the shore; the surge, the sea. Ρ/ΐγι/ύύ), or ρ7}γνϋμι, (from ρνισσω) I break, burst, dash down. 'Pijyogy -iog, το, same as piyog. ^Ρη'βιος, -ex., -ov. Ion. for pa'i'hiog, or βά,ύίος. 'Ρτΐ'ΐστος, and βτΐ'ιτΛτος, superl. and p-fi'iTi- ^og, comp. of preced. PyiKTog, -^, -ov, (from βτισσω) 7'ent. Pijfioij -ciTog, TO, andpv}aig,-{og, Attic -£ως, vj, (from perf. pass, of ρίω) a word, speech, i-eport ; thing, matter. Gen. xviii. 4. Luke i.37. ^ 'Ργΐμάτιον, or βημ,οίτίσχ.ιον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a little ivord. ' Pyjixav, -όνος, ο, (from same) a speaker. ' Ργιζ,ηνοζίχ., -Bcg, 7], (from pyjaau and άί^'ηξ) bravery, might. 'Ργιξ'/ΐνωξ, -οςος, 6, (from same) a breaker of ranks. 'Pvi^ig, -εως, v], (from βνισσω) a breaking^ bursting, rending, rupture. 'Ρ^ί/^ίΤξίω, (from next and μίτζίω) I measure my words. Pijvig, see βνιμ,οί. 'Ρνίσσω, f. -|ώ>, p. 'ΐρβηχα,, 1 a. sppnicc, 2 a. ίββόίγον, p. mid; ερρ-ηγχ, 2 a. pass, ίββόί- yvjv, p. pass, sppyiyf^cci, I break, burst, i^ent, tear, dash against, break forth. PrtTVj^, -TJQog, 6, same as βν]τωζ. 'P/iTivY!, -ης, vi, (from βίω) resin, a gummy substance exuding from trees. 'Ργΐτοξ£ίοί, -ας, vi, (from βτιτωζ) oratory. 'Ρητοξεύω, f. -εύσύ), (from same) I am an 07'ator, harangue, teach rheto7nc. 'Ρητο^Ίκος, -vi, -ov, (from same) rhetorical. 'Ρητός, -71, -ov, (from βεω) said, spoken, expressed, any thing which can be said. 'Ρητζεΰω, (from next) / pronounce sen- tence. 'Ρ'ήτξη, -^ις, hi (from βίω) authority to speak, a speech, a judicial sentence, the re- sponse or dictate of an oracle, a convention or agreement. 'P'/jTap, -οςος, 6, (from same) a7i orator. 'Ρητώς, (from βητος) expressly. 'Ρψ/ιη, -ng, h, Ion. for ραχία. 'Ρϊΐχ;ός, -ου, 6, (from βν^σσο)) a breaker, a rampart. 'Piya.'Kiog, -a,, -ov, (from p1yoς) stijf luith cold. ' Plyihoivog, -vi, -ov, (from same) stiff ivith cold ; causing horror, horrible, odious. PiyL•, f. -7]σω, 1 a. kpolymce., omitting the aug. βίynσc6, p. mid. 'ipplycx., 3 sing. p. sub. ippiymi for Ipplyvj, 3 sing, plup, έpβϊyεί, (from same) 1 become stiff with cold, I be- come stiff with horror, I shudder. 'Piyn^^og, -VI, -ov, (from same) causing horror. 'Piyiov, (neut. οι βιγίων, comp. of plyoς) colder, more horrible, worse. 'PiyioTov, (neut. of piy ιστός superl. of same) the most horrible, the worst thing. ' Piyog, -sog, το, vehement cold ; rigour ; shivering, shuddei'ing ; Lat. frigiis. 'Piyoo),L -ωσα, (from preced.) / suffer from cold, shiver, shudder. 'Ρίζόί, -ης, 57, a root ; a slock, a stem. ' Ριζίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a small root. 'Ρίζοτό(Λος,-ου, d, h, (from preced. and τέμνω) that cuts I'ools ; that extirpates. 'Ρίζόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. ϊρρίζωκα, 1 a. ίρ ρίζ- ωσα., 1 a. pass, έρριζωθη^, ρ• pass, ίβρίζωμα,ι^ (from ρίζοί) I cause to take i-oot, fix with roofs, jilant ; I render firm, establish. 755 Ύ/ζώδτις, A GREEK LEXICON. 'ΐοβίω. 'ΡίζωΙϊΐζ, 'εος, 6, ij, (from preced.) like a root. 'νΐζω,αχ, -Λτος, το, Cfrom perf. pass, of same} that which has taken root, a root ; a fixed principle, ' Έ ιζωζυχ,ίω, (from ρίζα. and όξύσσω) I dig up roots, eradicate, 'Έΐζωσις, -εας, ^, (from ριζόω) a causing to take root ; a taking root. 'ViKuvjiig, and βικρόίίς, -εσσα, -su, (from ρι-ζ,ϋος) winnkledy aged. 'Ί^ϊκνόομαί, -ονμχί, (from next) Ibecovie stiffs with cold, curl, become ivrinkled or shri- velled. 'Ytxvog, -ij, -oi/, (from piyog) contracted from cold, ivrinkled, shrivelled, bent, crooked, thin, wasted. ' ¥ίμφόί,{ήΌΐΏ βί'ΤΓτω) with afling,prompt- ly, swiftly, easily. '^{[Λφάξμ,όίτος, -ου, 6, 7], (from preced. and οίξμ,Λ) dinving rapidly in a chariot, 'V\v, or ρ\ς, ρινός, vj, (from psa, I fiow')the nose. ' Fiuotvariij, (from preced. and άνω) I breathe strong through the nose from anger, Viuaa, (from next) I file. '"PTuyi, -ης, V], a file. ' ΈΐνΎϊκά,τίω, (from ph and ihoivvcS) I hunt by the nose, 'Έ'ινήροα, -ατός, το, (from ρ ιυάω) filings. 'Έινόκ,εξως, -ωτος, 6, ^, (from pl'j and κίζας) a rhinoceros, an animal having one horn in its nose. See μ,ονοχ,ίζως. 'Έινόκ,ουξοί, 'Fh/okOqovqoc, or 'P/vo^oAoygct, -ας, 7], the river ivhich divided Egypt from Palestine, ' V ιυο'ττνΤ,η, -ης, v}, (from next and ττνλγι) a gate made of skin, an inlet by a curtain, a side or postern door. 'Έϊνος, -ου, 6 or vj, a skin, leather, leathern shield. Ύίΰόσίμος, -ου, 6, vj, (from p\u and σιμός) not-nosed, 'ΐϊΐ/οτόξος, -ου, 6, (from ρινός and τοξΐω) that pierces leather, that pierces shields. 'P/ov, -ου, TO, (from plv) the nose or peak of a hill, a promontory. 'TT-Trrj, -νις, i}, (from perf. mid. of ρ^τω) the force, impetus, or quick motion of some- what cast or thrown: ριτιττι οφβα'Κμου, twink- ling of the eye, 1 Cor. χ v. 52. 'Ρΐττίξω, f. -ha, (from same) I fan or agitate ivith the wind. ' νίτιτίς, -ίδο?, i}, (from same) a fan. ' ΐ ITT ιστός, -vj, -6v, (from same) fanned, ventilated. 'ΤίτΓος,-ον,ό, or ρίττος,-εος, το, same as ρί-ψ. 'νΐ'τττάζω, f. -άσω, (from ρΊτΓτω) I fling often to and fro, toss. 756 'Έΐ'ΤΓτάσχ.ω, same as ρΙτΓτω. 'Ριτττίω,-ω, (Attic for ρίττω) least of or away ; perhaps / shake as an expression of rage, Acts xxii. 23. 'ΐιτττος, -^, -6v, (from next) cast, thrown down. 'Ft7rTu)y f. --ψω, p. ερριφα, 1 f. pass, ριφ- &ν\σομαι, p. pass, ερριμ,μαι, 1 a. act. εβρι-ψα, 2 f. pass, ριφτισομαι, 2 a. pass. Ιρρίφγιν, p. mid. eppiTra, I cast, throiv, cast out, away, or down, abandon, expose. 'νίς. See plu. ' ΡΓ(ρ^, -ϊ^ς, 9j, (from ρίτττω) same as ρί-ψίζ- ' 'Ρϊψ, ριττος, ο, a reed, withy, hurdle. 'ΐί-ψαστης, -ιίος, ο, (from ρί'τττύ) and άσ- 'ΤΓίς) that throws away his shield, a runaway ; see άστΓΐΙα'τίοβτ^'ής. See also Tacit, de mor. Germ. 6. 'Vi -^αύχην, -ενός, 6, 7j, (from same and avx'^u) tossing the neck. 'Ρίφις, -εως, 'η, (from ρίτττω) throwing, hurling. 'νι-^οκ,ΐνΐϋϋος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and κίϋΐυνος) that throws himself into danger, rash. 'Τί-ψότι-λος, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and oV- λον) that casts away his ainns. ' Foa, or poia, -ας, ί], a pomegranate^ 'νογ-^άζο), same as ρεγχο). 'F άγχος, -ου, 6, (from pky%cS) snoring, 'Fo^ai/Yl, -ης, vj, a woof, yarn. 'ΡοΙάνύειος, -ου, (from pohou and αΐ/ύος) rose-blooming, 'ΡοΙάνός, -ij, -ou, for ρόύιος, rapid; or (from po^ou) like a rose, rosy. 'Folka, -ας, contr. polv}, -ν^ς, i], (from same) the rose-tree. 'Ρόδίοί, -ia, -εον, ρο^ειος, -εΐα, -ειον,ροΐΐΐ/ος, -<η, -ου, and ροΐόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (from same) of roses, rosy. 'Ροδοδώ»τίλο?, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and Ιάκτυλος) rosy-fingered. ' Ροδο£/δ^)ί, -εος, ό, vj, (from same and εΠος) like a rose. ' ΡοΙόκισσος, -ου, 6, (from same and χ,ισσος) rose-ivy. 'Folo^n'hov, -ου, το, (from next and ^vj- Tiov) a mixture of the rose and quince. 'Fohov, -ov, TO, a rose. 'Po^oVsTTAof, -ου, ό, 7], (from preced. and ττεττΆος) having a rose-coloured robe. 'ΡοΙότΐηχυς, -εος, 6, ή, (from same and "ΤΓΪ^χυς) having rosy arms. 'ΐοίοχξοος, -6ου, contT. ρο^όχζους, -ου, and ροίοχζώς, -ωτος, ό, τ], (from same and χξως} rose-coloured. 'Folauix, -ας, vi, (from pomu) a bed or thicket of roses. . ' Fov, -JJs, 'yj, (from ρεω) a stream, 'Fouia, and ρούιάζω^ (from ρόύος) I make a loud rushing dashing tumultuous noise. *Fo&iac. A GREEK LEXICON. ' PuTow. 'Fodioig, -όίίος, 0, vi, (from same) that rushes^ or dashes. 'Έόύίος, -Xf -ov, (from next) that rushes^ dashes, resounds: ρόύιον, -ου, το, the surge of the sea, a torrent, impetuosity, vehemence. 'Fouog, -ου, 6, (from ρΐω) the sound of flow- ing, or of any thing that stiikes a fluid so as to cause noise. 'Foici, -ά,ς, >], same as pooc. 'ΡοίβΙίύ», f. -ί;σίϋ, (from ροΐβοος) I absorb or swallow with noise. ' νοίβίησις, -ίθ}ς, 'η, (from preced.) a rush- ing noise. 'ΡοΊβ^ος, -ου, ο, same as ροΊζος. 'Ροίξίω, f. -7]σύ), (from ροΊξο;) I make a whizzing or luhistling noise. 'Έοιζ-ή^οί, or ροιζ/ί^ον, (from preced.) «;i7/z a noise or sound as of a great storm. 'Έοίξημ,όί, -ατός, το, (from same) the noise of a body moving violently. ' νοίζησις, -ιος, Attic -eo)g, v], (from same) a whizzing, whistling, or roaring noise. 'Ροίζομ,Λΐ, f. poi'aoiicxi, same as ροιξίω. 'Ροιζος, -ου, ο, (from psn)) a sound as of flowing water, the noise or the force of any body moving rapidly. ' FoiKog, -vj, -ov, same as ραιβός. ' Fo'iKog, -ij, -6u, (from ρΐω) fluid, affected luith a flux. 'νοί'σκ,ος, -ου, 6, (dimin. of po») a figure of a pomegranate. 'Ροίίχστζΰί, -χς, 7], properly σίίξο^/.χσττ,ς, a spear. 'νόρίβος, -ου, 6, (from βί/^,βω) a whirling motion, a top ; a rapid motion, impetuosity ; a rhomb, a quadrangular figure, having its four sides equal, and consisting of parallel lines, with two opposite angles acute, and two obtuse. 'Έορί,φχίχ, -χς, 71, (from same) a large sword, a javelin, a spear. ' 'Po'oi, -όου, same as poitg. 'Ροττάλοι/, -ου, το, (from ρίττω) a club, stick, rod, sceptre. 'Voirvj, -vjg, v}, (from same) a bending, in- clination, motion, impulse, fall. Ύότττζου, -ου, το, (from ρίροβω) a club, mace, pestle, knocker. Vovg, poog, 6, (from ρίω) a stream, cur- rent. 'Ροψχω, or ροφίύ), I sup up, swallow. 'νοχθίω, (from ρούίω) I utter a hoarse sound. 'Fo)cuog, -ου, 6, (from podog) a noise as of the sea. 'FocuOng, -£og, o, r„ (from poog) having a strong current. 'Foco'j, -cuiiog, 6, (from pox) a garden of pomegranates. νύχξ, -xKog, 6, (from ρυίω) a brook, riv- ulet, canal: ρΰχχ,ζς ττυξος, the torrents of fire luhich issue from volcanos. 'Fuy)ciou, -ου, το, (from next) a little snout. 'Fvyyfig, -sog, το, a snout, a muzzle, a beak. 'PyB>2i/, (from next) fiowingly, abundant- ly, vehemently. 'Fvenj, -ω, f. ρυ'ήσω, p. ϊρόϋπΆχ, (from picS) I flow. See p. 69. 'Ρύζγιν. See ρύ^τ,ν. 'Ρύζω, and ρυζίω, I grin and snarl, I bark. 'ΡυγιφίναΧί or ρυ'/ιφνΛχ, -xg, ij, (from ρύω and oίφsuog) afiiuejice. 'Ρυθι/Αζω, f. -Χσω, Attic -ΐω, p. ερρύύρακ,χ, (from puuuog) I compose in time and mea- sure, I fit, form according to a rule, scan, conjecture. 'ΡυύΐΛοττοίί'χ, -xg, sj, (from same and τΓοιίω) the art of composing with harmony, metrical composition. 'Puu^icoTroiog, -ου, 6, (from same) a com- poser of harmony, a musical composer, a metrical composer. 'Pυύμ,og, -ου, ο, harmony, consonance, fit- ness, proportion, rule. 'Ρυύμ,όω, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. Ιξΰύμ,ωσχ, same as ρυύμίζω. 'Ρυΐσκω, (from ρΰω) I flow, am affected with diarrhoea. 'Ρύμ,χ, -xτog, το, same as peVfcx ; also ρυ /iix, same as pύσig ; also a draught, a rope for drawing. POf/y/i, --fig, 'ή, (from ρΰύ)) a draught, force ; a street or tract in a city. 'Ρΰμ^ι^χ, -xτog, το, (from ρύτίτω) what is removed in cleaning, filth ; what is u^ed for cleatiing, soap. 'Pvfiuog, -vj, -6'j, (from ρύω) fortified. 'FDuog, -ου, ό, (from same) the draught beam or pole of a carriage. 'νυ(Λοτο[Λίχ, -xg, tj, (from ρϋρ(,γι and τί',κ- vo)) a cutting of a street or way. 'Ρυττχίνο, (from puirog) I befoul, 'ΡυτΓΧξίύω, see ρυττόω. 'Ρυττχξίχ, -xg, '/}, (from next) filth, j^ol- lution, sordid avarice. ΡυτΓχζός,-χ, -oy,(from pvTrog) sordid, dirty ' Ρΰττάω, (froni next) / am filthy. 'PvTTog, -ου, ό, filth, dirt, wax, 1 Pet. iii. 21. Ρυττόω, -ω, f, -ωσω, 1 a. imperat. ρύττωσον, -χτω, (from preced.) / render filthy, I am filthy, I act filthily, Rev^ xxii. 1 1 . Instead oi, ρυτΓων ρυττωσχτω, Griesbach reads this passage, ο ρυττχξος ρυττχζίυύνιτύ), but the reading is objected to by Schleusner because βυπ-χξίύω is not found in any Greek writer, and by Jebb, because it would disfigure the j)arallclisms, which appear iu the passage, Sacr. lit. .'330. 757 FviiTixoc A GREEK LEXICON. 'ΡντττΊκος, -ij, -op, (from next) βέ for cleaning. 'νύτΓτω, {ϊγοχη^ρϋ'τος) I cleanse from filth. 'Ρνσιάζω, f. -ά,σω, (from ρνσιου) I take away as a hostage ov pledge, take away for- cibly, take away in general. ''Ρϋσ'ίβωμ,ος, -ου, 6, v}, (from ρύομ.χι and βωμός) thatldefends thelaltar. ' Ρύσ'ίΙ'ΐφξος, -ov, 6, '/j, (fr-om same and ^ίψξοζ) that guides or defends a chariot. 'Έϋσιον, -ov, το, (ft'om ρύω) a price of re- demption, a ransom, a thing drawn or carried away as an equivalent or pledge ; a hostage ; η thank-offering to the gods for deliverance ; a suppliant. 'Έύσιος, -let, -lov, (from same) that saves, delivers, or protects. 'FvoiTTolKig, or ρνσΐ'τττολις, -sag, o, i], (from same and -ττόλίς) a deliverer or defender of a city. Ύΰσίς, -ίύ)ς, vj, (from pviu) a current, a flux. And ρνσίς, -&ως, '/), (ft'om ρύω) deliver- ance, redemption ; protection, defence. 'Τνσός, or ρυσσος, -vj, -ov, (from same) wrinkled, shrivelled. 'Ρνσσότγις, -nrog, 7j, (from same) a wrin- kled or shrivelled state. 'ΐνσσόω, (from same) / make wrinkled, shrivelled, or old. 'FvaTocyf<>cc, -ecrog, το, (from next) a pul- ling, an act of violence. 'ννστά,ζω, f. -^ω, 3 sing, imperf. ρυστά- ζίσχ,ίρ, for Ιξύστοίζίν, (from ρύο)) I pull, force, violate. 'FvoTocKTvg, -vog, 73, same as ρνστοίγμχ. 'FvaTYig, -ov, ρντ'ήξ, -vj^og, ρύτωζ, -o^og, 6, (from ρνω) one who draws, or who shoots ; a guardian, protector, deliverer. 'VvTccyayivg, -tag, 6, (from same and θίγω) the rope of a halter, a rein. 'VvTvi, -ng, vj, rue. 'PfT/Boiy, (from next) I cause to wrinkle. 'YvT^ig, -Hog, '/], (from ρνω) a wrinkle, cor- rugation of the skin. ''PvTov, -ov, to, (from ρνω, I flow) a sort of goblet ; but pvrou, (from ρνω, I draw) the rope of a halter, rein of a bridle. 'Vvrog, -VI, -ov, (from βνω) that flows or has flowed ; ρϋτος, that has been drawn. 'Ϋνω, I flow, see ρνίω -, 2iXi^ ρνω, or pvo- (Λο,ι, and ρνσκομαι, 1 f. m\a. pvao^oci, I draw, draw out of danger or calamity, deliver, protect. 'ΐωγόίλέος, -ice, -iov, (ft'Om ρ'ησσω) split, rent. 'Ρωγχς, -a'^og, 0, ^, (from same) split, rent, burst : βωγχς, -άδο?, τ], a split, cleft, rent, fissure. 'Pojyfc•^, -vjg, vi, pωyμ,og, and ρωχμος, -ov, 6, (from same) a chink, a crevice^ a fissure, a gutter. 'Ρωμχ, -oiTog, το\ (from ρωνννω) force, vi- gour, strength. 'Ρωμχίκός, -vj, -ov, (from next) Roman, Latin. ''Ρωμοίίος, -ouct, -cciov, (from 'Ρωμγι) Ro- man, one who has the privileges of a Roman citizen. 'Έ'ωμοίϊστϊ, (from preced.) in the Roman language, 'Pcj^oiTiiog, -ice, -iov, (from perf. pass, of ρύ)νννμ,ι) stro7ig, brave. 'Ρωμνι, -vig, v], (from perf. pass, of next) Rome ; also, force, vigour, strength. Ρωνννω, or ρωνννμι, f. ρωσω, p. ίβρωκα, 1 a. 'ίρρωσοί, I strengthen ; p. pass, 'ύρρωμ,α,ι, I am well, hence the imperative Ιρρωσο, fare- well, and plur. ϊρρωσύί, fare ye well. 'Ρωξ, ρωγος, 6, '/], (for ροίξ from ρ^ισσω) a rock, a step, a fissure, a stone, the stone of fruit, a berry. 'Ρωττ/ηίον, -ov, το, (from |όωψ) a place where bushes grow, a thicket. 'PuTrHog, -vj, -ov, (from ρωττος) of little va- lue, vile. 'Pω'7Γoyςΰίφog, -ov, 6, (from same and γςά,- φω) a painter of tinfling low subjects. 'Ρω7ί-ο7ΓΟ}7^ης, -ov, 6, (from next and -πω- λίο)) a seller of small wares. 'PcoTTog, -ov, 6, small wares, trinkets. 'Ρως, {ρ^Λ) the head. 'Ρω-ψ, paTTog, 6, (from ρίττω) a shrub, a little tree, an osier. 2, the eighteenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the twenty-first of the ancient. It has been already remarked, 758 under H, that the author of the old Greek alphabet greatly confounded the names, forms, and powers, of the four oriental Λ GREEK LEXICON. 'ΣαδδουχαΤος, sibilant letters. Thus, Sigma among the ancient letters, answered, in order, to the Hebrew or Phenician S/mi or Sin, and, ac- cordingly, the Dorians called it San ; but the name Sigma seems a corruption of Samech. The forms 2 and f, seem plainly taken from V) laid on one side, but σ is little different from D turned to the right hand, to which C and Q bear also a mani- fest resemblance. The power of sigma is the same as that of the Homan or Enghsh'S. 2 is sometimes changed, Attically, for r ; as T/iy^oou for ατίμ^ζ^ο]), τνρβτη for σύξβγι. The Comic poets prefer the r, the Tragic poets the σ. The Dorians are accustomed to omit the σ; as, Ύχνγίτον αύτ e^uvfou £τ•λ{7τΖοί. Maiot, for εκλίττονσα Μουσχ, Arist. Lys. 1299. On the other hand they use σ instead of ^; as, σιος for ^sog, 'Aaxuccioc, for " A&rivdicc, a-vj for ^fiv, oiivcti for ^sJucci, ΐΆσων for Ι'Κύων, and σίτο) for ^ίτω ; also, instead of τ ; as, σα,τίς for ττιης, and σ\ for r/. The lonians use σσ instead of θ ; thus, βυσσος for βυύός. Hence Dor. and Ion. εσλοί for ϊσύ'Κός. The iEolians often prefix σ ; as σμ>υς for yJvg, σ(/^ογίζ^6ς for y^o- ys^ogit They use σ for v, in the 1 pi. ind. act. as τΰ'τττομ,ίς for τύ'τττο^ξυ ; in infini- tives in ccuv and ouv, rejecting ε, as γίΚάϊς, for yihauy, and in other words, as «c/ssj i^'Vj for ouhj, piu. They also use σσ for -rr ; as οσσω, τήσσω, for οττω, ττέτττω. Instead of σσ and στ, the Dorians and Boeotians use tt; as, ^άλχττχ for ^άλοίσσοί; ξ is also used, ^ol. for σσ ; as ττ/αζώί, i/Z^'ij, for •π-Άάσσω, νίσσο). When between two vowels, the Lacedaemonians, and other Dorians, frequently reject σ, and substitute the as- pirate ; as, ίνίος for ίϋσίος, μ,ωίκά. for μου- σικά,, and ττοιγ,άι for ττοιτίσοίΐ. '2ec, Dor. for rtvcc, or Tiuci, ace. of τις. Ίοίβά,ζιος, -ου, 6, a name of Bacchus, or of a similar Phrygian deity. "Σοίβύζω, f. -χσω, I shout σαβοϊ, in honour of Bacchus. Ί,α,βακος, -ij, -6u, Bacchanalian. Ι,α,βΛγ,ά.^ (rrsniy) a small net. ^αβοίχθοίΆ, (Chald. ^inpniy) thou hast or hast thou forsaken me. Ί.χβοίωύ, or σαββχωύ, (mxau.) hosts, as an epithet of God, equivalent to 'ttccuto- κοάτωζ, and refers particularly to the heav- enly bodies, and the angels, the heavenly spirits, including, however, the whole uni- verse, Rom. ix. 29. Jam. v. 4. "Σάββόί;, -ccTog, τό. See σύββΛτον. 'Σχββΰίτίζω, f. -ϊσύ), Attic -/5, 1 a. ίσχβ- βά,τισα, (from σύββχτον) I keep or enjoy a Sabbath or rest. 'Σχββα,τισμ.ος, -ου, ό, (from prcced.) a sabbatism, a keeping of a Sabbath, a rest as on the Sabbath, a complete holy and happy rest. Έΰίββοίτον, -ου, το, or Ί,ά,ββας, -χτος, το, (nnu') the Sabbath-day, a week ; σά,ββα,τΛ, Tuc, comprehends all the Jewish Sabbaths or times of sacred rest appointed by Moses, as well as that of the seventh day. Col. ii. 16. In Exod. xvi. 23, σά,ββοίτοί ά,νύ'ΤΓοίυ- σις άγιοι, τω Κυζίω α,ΰζίον, and ν. 25, &c., the word σά,ββχ,τοί is used as a singular, probably from following the Chaldee pro- nunciation, Knnu'. Tr,y γά,ξ 'φ^όμ,ην '/jf/A^xv Ί,ά,ββχτίχ. κ,αλουμ,ίν, Jos. Ant. III. vi. 6. and X. 1. Έοιβεΐξ, σαβύ, or σα,βΐ, (^iy) glory. Ί,οίβίκ, (l^C) an intertexture of bushes or branches of trees crossing and intwined with each other, a thicket. Ίΰίβοί, (perhaps from σχβίΐ) a cry used by the votaries of Ί,^βάζιος, like the cry of ίϋοΊ, or siioiv, whence &υϊος. 'Σόίγά,ζΐς, -ιος, vj, a double edged battle-axe, or Persian sword / Lat. securis. 2ay»7, -Υις, or σά,γ'^, -'ης, τ}, (from perf. mid. of σά,ττω) a covering, armour, accoutrements, harness, trappings. 'Σΰίγγινα,Ίος, -cc'ici, -ouov, (from σα,γνιν'ή) of or belonging to a seine. locyYi'jsioe,, -ας, τ), (from same) a fishing with a seine. loi γ-ηνευς, -ίως, σα,γγινίυτνιρ, -νι^ος. and γ■/iuίυτ'/ις, -ου, 6, (from same) a fisher with the seine. loiynvivu, (from next) I fish with the seine; I make all the inhabitarits of an island slaves. Herod, vi. 31. ol βά,ζβοί,ξοι Ισαγν}- τ^ιυον τους ά.νύζύ)7τους. loiykm, -ης, h, (from perf. mid. of σάττω) a seine, a large fishing net, a drag net, Hab. i. 15. Mat. xiii. 47. l^ccyycc, -ατός, το, (from same) a load for a beast of burden, the saddle ov furniture on which the load is carried ; the case of a shield. Ί,ά,γος, -ου, 6, or -εος, το, (Lat. sagum) a soldier's cloak or cassock, a military robe. SitBci'i', or aciooccl', ("Tiy) allsufficient, all- bountiful, omnipotent. Ί,χοοουκίχ.ίος, -ου, ο, a Sadducee. The Sadducees, a sect among the Jews, were so called, according to the Talnnulical writers, from one Sadoc its founder, who lived about 260 years before Christ ; but, according to others, they were thus named from p7i:, righteous, just, either as pretend- ing to inherent righteousness by their obser- vation of the law, or as affecting to be great friends to distributive justice, particu- larly in punishing offences. See .Tosephus, 759 ΙαΙγιμιω&. A GREEK LEXICON. Ία'ττξος, Ant. Book XX. chap. viii. ξ 1. For their other opinions, see Mat. xXii. 23. Acts iv. 1, 2. xxiii. 6, 7, 8. Έα,^-^/ί^ωβ, (mnTiz;) fields^ considered as parched or burned up with heat. Ί,οί^γίζωύ, (m"i*TU') ranges or roivs of pillars. Ί^ά,θη, -γΐς, ^, the male organ of generation. ^χύξός, -ccy -6u, (same as σοίττζός} old, rot- ten, bad, corrupt, evil: σαύξως, unsteadily/. "Σαύξόω, -ω, f. -Ι^σω, 1 a. ίσάβζωσχ, (from preced.) I corrupt, destrot/, oppress. "Σχίΐ^ύ), f. σόίρύϋ, 1 a. eaoiuct, (from csla) I shake, move, ivag as a dog does his tail, faivn upon; am moved by flattery, and hence, am moved by any means, waver, 1 Thess. iii. 3. Έοίίξω, f. σοίξω, 1 a. saviQoc, p. m. σίσΰζα, I ga^ie, gi'in, snarl ; also, / siueep, brush, or clean, 'Ex.xuu^^oi, -ου, 6, TO yvvoiix,iiov oiloolou. Ί,ακάζΖως, -ωτος, 6, v], (Lat. sacerdos) a priest or priestess. Ί,οίκίστΓαΧος, -ου, ο, (from σάκ,ος and ττά,λ- λύ)) a shield-brandishcr, a warrior. Ίιΰίκ,εσφόξος, -ου, 6, (from same and φίζω) ' -bearer, a warrior. Ί,χκ,ίτης, Dor. for σγιχίτιης. 'Σΰίκκίύω, f. -εύσί), or σοίκ,κ,ία, or σοικίω, f. -τ^σύ), (ρτ or ρρ^) I strain off, strain off tho- roughly, refine wine from its lees. Ιά,-χ,κιον, -ου, το, (from next) a small straining-bag. Ί,χκ,χ,ος, and σοίκος, -ου, 6, (ρίΣ') a sack, sack- cloth, properly that made of goat's hair; a coarse dress, a straining-bag, a bushy beard; a covering, a shield. 'Σακός, for σΎΐ'Λος, a fold. 'Σάκτοίς, -ου, and σβίκτΐ}^, •ϊίζος, ο, (from σά-κκος) a bag. Έάκτωξ, -οζος, ο, (from σά.ττω) one who loads ov fills. Σά,κχ,χζ, -ο^ξος, also σά,χ,γ,α,^ι, and σά,χ,γ,ζχ.- QQU, -ου, ro, sugar. Ί,χκ,χυφχντγις, -ου, ο, (from σάκκ,ος and υφαίνω) a weaver of sackcloth or haircloth. Σοί'Κάκ,αν, -ωνος, ό, (from acchog) wanton, ostentatious ; Lat. salax. ΣοίΚύμ,βΎΐ, -τις, 5j, a door, windoiv, ape)'- ture: σοίΤ^ά,μ,βα,ι, -uu, oti, (obiy) images at the door to be saluted by visiters. Ίο^κάασω, f. -|ώ), (from σάλδ?) / move, shake, toss, agitate, play the wanton with, revel. 2ώλε^«, f. -ίύσω, p. σίσόολξυκοί, 1 a. Ισά- 'Κζυσοί, 1 f. pass. σΰΐΚζυόνίσομ,οίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ισαλίύύγιν, p. pass, σεσάΤ^ίυμοί:, (from same) / shake, toss as the sea, am tempest-beaten ; cause to shake or tremble, stir up, raise a storm or disturbance ; pass. I am shaken mentally. 760 § Έοίλίσίΰί. See σ£λ/σ/«. "Σόίλος, -ου, ό, (from σίίω) the agitation of the sea ; the sea ; commotion, perturbation. ΣοίΚ'π-ιγγοΤ^ογχυ'ΤΓΥίνά,'^α.ι, -ων, oi, (from σά'Κ'ττιγ^, "Κόγ-χ,-ή, and VTry^uri) having trum- pets, spears, and beards. Σοί,'Κ'ττΊ'γ'/ω, f. -/ylijy, same as οοίΚ'πΊζω. Ί,οίΤ^.'τηγκ,τ'^ς, or σοίλττικ,τ'ης, same as σοίλ- ΣάΤ^-ττιγξ, -iyyog, τ}, (from σκλος or σάλι? and ίττος) a trumpet. Έοίλ-ττίζω, f. -Ισω, Attic -ΐω, 1 a. βσά,Τ^ττίσα, (from preced.) I sound a trumpet. Ί,οίΤίΤΓίσμός, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a blow- ing or sounding of trumpets. 'Σχλ'τηστ'-ής, -ου, ό, (from same) a trumpeter. Έοίμ, Dor. for σίγμ,ιχ,. Έαμαίνω, Dor. for σ-ημ,α,'ινω. Σοίμά,ζίΐα,, -ccg, ί], Samaria. Ί,ΰίμοίζείτγις, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a Sa- maritan. ^ct^ciQiiriq, -ίίτιίος, vi, (from preced.) a Samaritan woman. Σα,ι^βύκνι, -ης, jj, the sackbut, a kind of pipe or trumpet. Σο^μ,φό^οίς, -ου, ό, (from σά^ί* and φίξω} a horse having the letter σ brandy on him as a mark of his race. Ί,οίν, Dor. for ciyf^x. 2£ΐίζ/δάλ;οί/, and σύν^οίλον, -ου, ro, a san• dal, a slipper. Έοίν'^α,'λίσκ,ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a small sandal. 'Σχνίχξά,κίνος, or -ξοίχϊυος, -ivyj,-tvQU,{irom σοίν^οίζάκ,γι, arsenic) a bright red. 'Σχνι^'ϊοι/, -ου, TO, (from σανίς) a little table. "Σοίνβωμ,χ, -ocrog, το, (from same) a covei^- ing or floor of boards, hatches, deck. 2οα/ίΙωτός, -ij, -ov, (from next) made or covered with planks or boards. ΈόίνΙς, -ίίος, 3j, (i. e. τχνϊς, from τείνω) a plank, board, door ; a tablet ; a pillory. Σόίος, σά,γι, σά,ον, contr. σως, σά, σων, comp. σχωτεξος, which see, (same as σόος) safe, sound, unhurt, whole, entire. 'Σχο'φξοσννη, same as σωφζοσΰν/ι. Έχόφ^ων, same as σωφξων. Έαόω, same as σωω, and σώζω. Σάπ-ες^γις, -ου, ό, a fish brought from the Black Sea and salted. Being, like our herring, in very common use, act%i^iov became a contemptuous name for a cour- tezan. 'Σχττζίιϋ, -Λς, 7}, (from accTTQog) rottenn£SS, stink the smell of rottenness. Ί,οίττξίζω, f. -ϊσω, Attic -ιω, p. σεσά.'Χξίχοί, and σοίτΓξΐόω, f. -ό)σω, (from next) I putrefy, cause to stifik. Έχττξος, -oc, -ov, (from σ'^-ττώ)) old, rotten, bad, corrupt, evil. ΣατΓξΰω, A GREEK LEXICON. ΣατΓ^οώ», -ω, f. -ώσύ), (from preced.) / groiv putrid J rot. ΣΛ•7ΓφίΙο, or ΈονφΒΐξ, for ('T'Six) Ophir. Έχττφείξο;, -ου, ο, (Τ-δΟ) a sapphire. The sapphire is a pelkicid gem. In its finest state it is extremely beautifnl and valuable, and second only to the diamond in lustre, hardness, aifd value. Its proper colour is pure blue; in the choicest specimens it is of the deepest azure ; and in others, varies into paleness, in shades of all degrees, be- tween that and a pure crj^stal brightness and water, without the least tinge of colour, but with a lustre much superior to the crystal. The oriental sapphire is the most beautiful and valuable. It is transparent, of a fine sky colour, sometimes variegated with veins of a white sparry substance, and distinct separate spots of a gold colour. Observe now the following appropriate allusions: Exod. xxiv. 10. xxviii. 18. Job xxviii. 6, 16. Song v. 14. Isa. liv. 11, 12. Ezek. i. 26. x. 1. xxviii. 13. Rev. xxi. 18—21. In Ezek. ix. 2, ζωυγι σΛττφίί^ον is given, by mistake, as the translation of isDrr riDp, a scribe's ink-horn, which was worn in the girdle, and was used in sealing, as well as in writing ; for to this day the inhabitants of the east have nothing on their seals, ex- cept an inscription or cypher, and they do not make an impression on wax, but stamp letters of ink on the paper. Comp. 2 Tim. ii. 19. Ί.α,ττφωύ, basins. See ά,μ.φό)&. 25ί^ά/3ίί^ίί, or σαοά.βοίΚΚα., τά, (Chaldee, rbs*iD) a Jcijid of garment^ a covering for the legs, breeches. Iccfiycirfi, -γ,ς, τ), a wicker basket, 2 Cor. xi. 33. Siie^yoj, -ov, or ccc^yog, ov, 6, a kind of mullet. ^xQOoiuio;, see σχζ^όνιος. 'Σίχ,ρύιοι.νίχ.ος, -ij, -ov, (from Soc^os/g•} of a red colour, scarlet, purple. "Σύζόινος, -ov, 0, acc(^iou, -ov, το, oi" σάζ- ^ίος, -ov, 6, (from Σαζ^ω or 2ccqooJ!/, Sar- dinia, where tiie best of these stones are said to be found) a Sardiiis, Sardine, or cor- nelian stone; a precious stone of a red colour. ^uQOOi^iov, -ov, TO, (from same) snrdon, a kind οι croiv s foot, ranunculus 2>hilonotis, a plant grooving abundantly in Sardinia, which is a deadly poison, producing a con- vulsive movement of the muscles of the face, resembling laughter. Σοί^ύί/ιος, -tx, -/o>,(froni same) Sardinian, sardonic : σχζοόι/ίος yi'hojc, a forced, bitter, angry or scornful laugh : σ^ί^^όϋΐον, sarcas- tically. Sa?f. Έ,ΰίζΙύννζ, -νχος, ο, and ^ot^hovvx,{ou, -ov. TO, (from same and οι/νξ) a sardonyx, a species of onyx, found chiefly in Sardinia ; or having its name, from its resemblance partly to the sardius, and partly to the onyx. It is generally tinged with black and blood colour, which are distinguished from each other by circles or rows, so dis- tinct, that they appear to be the eifect of art. Ί.χζίσσχ, -ης, τ], a Macedonian lance, of extraordinary length. Ί,αζίσσοφόξος, -ov, 6, (from preced. and φίςω) one who candies the sa?issa. "Σϋζκόίζω, f. -ώσώί, (from σ«^|) I tear away flesh ivith my teeth, bite; deride in a sarcas- tic manner. Ί>οι,ξκα.σμ,θ7:ιτνο•Λά.μ.'π•τ-ή;, -ov, 6, (from pre- ced. ττίτνς, and κχ/ΐύτττω) a flesh-devoimng pine-bender, a devouring marauder. 'Σχζκχσι^ο;, -ov, 6, (from σαΐζκ,άζο)) a sar- casm, a keen reproach. ΈχζχίΙ md σχζκιοι/, -ου, το, (from σχξξ) a small piece of flesh. ΈίΖξκ,ίζω, same as σα,ξκ,οίζω. Ί^αζκ,ΐκ,ος,'-η, -ou, (from σα,^^ fleshly, carnal. "Σάζ-κίνος, -ί!/γι, -luoy, (from same) carnal, fleshly, made or consisting of flesh, fleshy. Σχζκ,οβόζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and βξόω) carnivorous. Σοίζχ,οξΐ^'ής,-ίος, 6, 7], (from same and si^o;) like flesh. 2αξκο7τοιίύ), (from same and τοίίω) I make flesh, convert into flesh ; pass. / am made flesh, become incaimate. Σοίζ-Λοττοιοζ, -OV, 6, (from preced.) that makes flesh. "Σχξκ,οφΰίγίω, (from σχξζ and φχγύ)) I eat flesh, am carnivorous. Ί,χζκοφχγος, -ov, 6, vj, (from preced.) that cats flesh : Τκίύος σχ^κοφά,γος, a calcareous stone, used for cojfins, having the property of quickly destroying the flesh of dead bodies: σχξκ,ύφοίγοζ, -ov, 6, with σο!ΐος understood a coffin, properly of the above stone, but sometimes in general, a coffin. IxQKOo, (from σ«(5|) / make flesh, make fleshy or corpulent : σχζκόομχί, I am made flesh, become incarnate. Έχξκω^γις, -sog, o, i], (from precei].) fleshy. Σάξκο)σί;, -ίως, vj, (from same) corpulence. Σάζξ, -κός, V), flesh, the human body; man. Gen. vi. 12. Mat. xxiv. 22. John i. 14 ; the infirmity of human nature, Psal. ivi. 4. Ixxviii. 39. lleb. v. 7. comp. Mat. xxvi. 41. Col. i. 22; X\\Q^corrupt nature of man, subject to fleshly appetites and passions, John iii. C. Rom. vii. ]. pass. σεσεβχσμ>χι, -σχι, -τχί, 1 a. pass, εσεβχσύνιυ, (from σέβω) I worship religiously. Έίβχς, TO, wonder, astonishment, reverence, adoration, an object of adoration. ■/φοίΰμα. A GREEK LEXICON. Σε-τττΙς, 2ίβχσ/:/.χ, -ατός, το, (from σεβχζο/ίίχί) an object or an institution of religious worship, any thing held sacred. Wisdom xiv. 20. Acts xvii. 23. 2 Thess. ii. 4. 2ί/3άσ,«/οί•, -ί«> -o'j, (from same) venerable. Ί.ίβοίσμ,ος, -οί», ο, (from same) ivorship, 'Σφοίστος, -7j, -oV, (from same) venerable, august, Augustus, augustan, Acts xxv. 21, 'Hb. xxvii. 1. ΊίβΊζο), (from same) 7 admire. Ί,ίβύ}, and σίβομ,α,ι, I worship, adore, fear : o[ σίβόι^ίνοι. Gentile proselytes. Acts xiii. 43, 50. xvi. 14. xvii. 4, 17. xviii. 7. 2£^ry, ^ol. for σοί, gen. of σΰ. 2f<,i«, (D-'y) ships. 2s7o, and σ'ο, Ion. for σοΰ, gen. of σύ. '2ίΐος, in tlie Laconian dialect for ύίίος. 2£/^fls, -aj-, '^j a chain, rope, snare, plait- ing. 'Σε{ξΰί7ο;, -ocix, -ulou, (from preced.) fas- tened or led by a rope. Σί/ξχσφόξΟζ, and σέίξα,φόρος, -ου, ο, tj, (from same and φίξω) going in harness, led by a rope. Σί/ξ'^^, -vjuog, 7], (from ceiox, or from ^"U') a siren; a name by which the LXX denominate the ostrich, the dragon, or some unknown hideous and howling monster. Job xxx. 29. Isa. xiii. 21. xxxiv, 13. xliii. 20. Jer. 1. 39. Mich. i. 8. 'Σίΐζ'ήνιος, -ου, 6, v), (from preced.) nren- like, charming, seductive. Ί.ζΐηιύ,ο), (perhaps from mt) / shine. Ί.ΐΐ()ΐόκαυτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from next and καίω) burnt by the dog-star, or the sun. Σίίζίοζ, -ου, 6, (from σίΐοίά,ω) Sirius, the dog-star, a shining star, the sun. 2siolg, -ίύος, '/}, (from chqx) a small band or rope. Ί.ίίζομ,ά.στής, -ου, 6, (from same and (Λχσ- τίύω) a sjjear, a rod to sound with. 'Σείξός, -ου, ο, (from σείζά) a pit for keep- ing corn. 'Σείζοφόζος, same as σείςχφόξος. Ί.εΐ(>όω, -ω, f. -ύ}σω, p. σίσείζωκχ, (from σίΐζχ) I empty out, drain, draw up. Έί/ξωτός, -<■/], -ou, (from same) chained. Ί,ίΐσίγ,θων, -ouog, 6, (from σείω and χ,θων) the earth-shaker, epithet of Neptune. Έ,εισ/ίίχ, -ccrog, το, and σεισμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of σείω) a shalcing, agita- tion, earthquake. "Σειστός, -rj, -6v, (from same) shaken. Σεΐστξον, -ου, το,^ (from next) an instru- ment that rattles by shaking, a timbrel ; Lat. sistrum. Σείω, f. σείσω, p. σεσεικχ, 1 a. 'ϊσεισΛ, 1 f. pass, σεισθγ,σομ,οίΐ, 1 a. pass, εσείσθην, p. pass. σεσεισίΛΛί, I move, shake, cause to sliakc or tremble. ΣεΤκόίγεύ}, or σελαγίζω, (from next) I flash, shine, irradiate, illuminate. Σελάς, -ά,τος, or -αος, το, light, lustre^ blaze, lightning. Σελάχιον, -ου, and σίλόίχ,ος, -εος, το, (from preced.) a tribe of fishes, which, like the skate, have cartilages instead of bones. Σελ-^νοΛος, -dice, -xlou, (from next) of or belonging to the moon, lunar, like the moon, round. Σελτιτ/ι, -ης, v}, (from σέλας νέου, new light, because of its new phases) the moon. Σελτιυιάξομ,αι,{ΐΐθΏΐ preced.) I amlunatic. Σελ-ηνιακος, -τι, -6u, (from same) belong- ing to the moon, lunar, lunatic. Σελγ,Άς, -ΐίος, τ}, (from same) a little moon, a crescent, any thing shaped like a moon. ΣελίΙίΟ!/, -ου, το, (from σελϊς) a little page. Σέλϊι/ον, -ου, το, parsley. Σελϊς, -Ιοος, or -ι'^ος, ij, ο- po^g^y tke space between lines in writing. Σελισία, vj, (rT''U'''b'^) of three years old. Σελλοί, -ων, oi, priests of Jupiter. Σέλμ,α, -ατός, το, a bench on which the rowers sate, a plank. Σελω, Dor. for ^ίλω. Σεμ,ύαλις, -ιος, Attic -εως, '^, flour, flne flour, Σεμ,νηγοζία, -ας, ί], (from σεμνός and αγοξεύω) grave, solemn, or pompous dis- course. Σεμνολογέομαι, (from same and λέγω) I speak with gravity and dignity, or with pomp. Σεμϋολογία, -ας, τ], (from same) pompous speaking. Σεμνολόγος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same) a so- lemn, grave, or pompous talker. Σεμνόμαντις, -εως, ό, (from σεμνός and μάντις) affecting the solemnity^of a prophet or soothsayer. Σεμνομΰθεω, (from same and μυύος) I speak with pompous solemnity. Σεμνό 17 ζοσω'πεω, (from next and ττζοσω- TTov) I assume a grave look. Σεμνός, -'ή, -όν, (i. e. σεβνός, from σεβω^ venerable, gj^ave, seiious, decent ; pomjjous, haughty: σεμναί ΰεαϊ, the Furies. Σεμνόστομ,ος, -ου, 6, τ), (from preced. and στόμα) solemn-mouthed. Σεμνότης, -τ-ητος, τ}, (ii'om σεμνός) gravity ^ seriousness, decency, solemnity. Σεμνότΐμος, -ου, ό, ή, (fi'om same and τι- μνή venerable, august. Σεμ,νόω, (from σεμνός) I render venerable, embellish, magnify : σεμνόομαι, I solemnize. Σεμνϋνω, (trom same) / render venerable : σεμνύνομαι, I affect pom]), boast of. Σετττός, -'/j, -ov, (i. e. σεβτός, from σίβω) venerable, hoiiourable. 763 Ί.ίξ(&φ}μ, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,^ξΐκος, ΈεζχφΙμ, (D"»9niy) Seraphim or Seraphsy so named from their burbling brightness or radiancy ; or perhaps from tt', in the sense of a particle of likeness, as 3, and ni, and so equivalent to mi3, comp. Ezek. i. and X. with Isa. vi. 2, 6. comp. Rev. iv. Ί,ζξσεξωύ, (nityity) chains. Ί,ίξφος, -ov, 6, a gnat. ^ίσίζμοίίος, -ου, 6, or amcc^>ciiog, (from amoc/^'^) a, cake made of Indian corn. ■ Σεσοφισμί^ως, (from perf. part. pass, of σοφίξω) sophistically. 'Σίσωφζύυιαμίνως, (from same of σωφ^ονί- ζω) wisely, with sobriety. Σεν, Dor. for σον, gen. of σν. Σενς, -£ος, ο, (see σ-^ς) a moth. ΣεντλχΊος, -ov, ο, (from next) a feeder on beet. ΣζυτΤ^ίον, or aivzT^ou, or rsvr'hiou, or τ£Ϊ/τ- T^ov, -ou, TO, beet. Isij. li. 20. asvr'kiou vif^i- ίφύοϋ, a beet half boiled or half ripened, or, as some understand it, half faded. Thus, Catullus, LXV. 21. says, languidior beta, " more flaccid than a beet,'* and Suetonius tells us (chap. 87. vit. Aug.) that Augustus used alw^ays to put betissare * to fade like a beet'* for langnere ' to fade,' which says he, " is commonly called lachanissare,^^ which from τ^άχ,οίυον. See Poole's Synop- sis on the place. Σ&ύύ), f. -ζύσω, 1 a. sasvct, 1 a. m. Ισίυάμ,ην, p. pass, σίσυμ,α,ι, by trans, saav^sti, 3 sing. plup, εσσντο, for σεσντο, 1 a. pass, εσύύγ]!/, 2 a. hvYiUy and εσσύγιν, from obs. σύω, (another form of σείω) I move, shake : σενομχί, I hasten, rush, urge forward. Έεφτη'λοί, (rrbsu?) a plain. Σεωντεον, Ion, for σεχυτον. 25j^, (ns'u?) a rising or swelling. Σγικάζω, and σνικίζω, (from σηκος) I en- close. Στηκ,Ις, -ίίος, 7}, (from same) a domestic fe- male slave. Σγικ,ϊτιης, -ου, ο, (from same) «w animal brought up in the house, a house fed lamb. Στηκοκόξος, -ου, ο, (from next and κ,οξίω) one luho attends the fold or stable ; one who takes care of the interior of a temple. Σγικος, -ov, 6, an inclosure, a fold, pen, or stable ; a temple, especially the chancel or shrine; an enclosed sepulchre ; aho, a weight, a balance. Σγιζόω, f. -ύ)σω, (from preced.) I keep en- closed, weigh, balance, suspend. Σνιχ,ω[/.α,, -α,τος, το, (from same) a weight, what is put in the scales to make equal weight, counterjioise, compensation ; enclosure, tem- ple, chapel, shrine. Στιμ,οί, -α,τος, το, a sign, mark ; omen or prodigy ; a tomb, a seal. 764 Σγι/^α,ίΰί, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a military ensign, a standard. ΣγιΐΛοίίνω, f. -xua, 1 a. lo'^/^ocuct, or εστιμνί'• uct, p. aiaa.f^Ky>coi, p. pass. σεστι^Λίχ,μ.μ,οίΐ, At- tic αεσνι^α,σι^ιχ,ι, (from same) / express by signs, signify, give a sign, irkimate, declare, mark, seal ; direct, command. Στημ'Λντνίξίον, -ov, το, (from same) a mark or seal, a stamp or impress ; a place where money is coined, a mint. Σγιμ,αντ'ίΆος, -"/ι, -6τζον, -ov, TO, (from same) a mark, a seal. Σγιμάϋτωξ, -οξος, or σΥι^,^Λντ^ζ, -ΐίξος, ο, (from same) a director, instructor, corn- mander. Σϊίμιχ,σία, -α,ς, v\, (from same) an intima- tion, a giving of a signal, a sign. Στημάτουζγος, -ου, ο, (from same and εξ- yoi/} one tvho engraves devices or armorial bearings on shields. Σγιμείογξοίφος, -ov, 6, i], (from next and γζά,φω) that writes in ciphers or in short hand. Στη/χείοι/, Ion. σγΐμ<'ήΐον, ov, to, (from cij^oi) a mark, signal, sign, portent, prodigy, mira- culous sigyi, proof, seal, flag. Σνιμ,εζοσκ,οτ^έομ,αί, (from preced. and σκο,- •ττεω) I observe signs, divine. Σγιμ,ειοσΛοττος, -ov, o, (from preced.) an ob- server of signs, a diviner. Σγιμ,είοφόξος, and ση/ίίοκοφόξος, -ov, o, τ], (from σημε7θ!/ and φέξω) a standard-bearer. Σγι/^εωω, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. pass, εσνιμ,ειωύγιν, (from σνι,αεΊοι/) I sign, lift up as a sign or standard, Psal. iv. 6. / war^, 2 Thess. iii. 14. Σημ,εΐύ)1'ίις, -εος, 6, vj, (from preced.) por- tentous. Σημ.εΙωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, tj, (from same) a sign, standard, mark, signal. Σ'ή^εξου, Attic τνΐ[Λίξον, (i. e. τίϊδε h(^i^oc) to-day, this day. Σιημίκ,ίνύίον. See σιΐΛίκίυύιοί/. Σγΐ'ττε^ων, -όνος, v], and σν^τΐγι, -Ύΐς, τ], (from σίίττω) rottenness, worms. Σγιττία, -ας, τ], sepia, the cuttle-fish. ΣτιτΓΐΙιον, -ov, το, (from preced.) a little cidtlefish. Σ'ί^'πω, f. --^ω, p. σεσϊίφα, p. mid. σ&σπ'Τΐΐχ,, 2 f. pass. σα,•7:7}σομ>Λΐ, 2 a. pass, saoi'Tryiu, I make rotten, corrupt ; pass. / become rotten. Σ'ήζ, σγίζος, 6, the silk-iuorm. Σν]ζαγγύ)^γις, 'εος, 6, yj, (from next) ca- vernous. Σ^ίξαγξ, -αγγος, ό and % (from σαίξω) a cleft, hollow, cave, a hollow rock under the sea. Σγκηκ,ος, -% -h, (from σ^^, mpi'iu;, or from Ση^ες, the Seres who first used silk) siUcen ; 2?3?. A GREEK LEXICON. Σίδιορ, σ/ιοίκον, -oV, το, with ei/ovf^oc or if^ariou un- derstood, silk; cotton, or fine flax. 2ojc, σητος, 6, (from dd) α moth. ^,7]aacyy/], -rig, vj, a'/jaa^f^ou, -ov, ro, ΟΓ aij- σά^ί,ος, -Of, 6, sesame, Indian corn. Ί-^σάΐΛΐι/ος, -yi, -o'j, (from preced.) of se- same. 'Σ•ήσίΧ,(ΛΪς, -ίοος, i?, and σ-ήσοι,μ,ους, -ovuTOc, 6, contr. from σΥισα,^όας, (from same) a cake made of sesame, ^■/iTcDiiiog, -ου, ov σΥιτάνιος, -ίοί,-ιον, {ϊΐοχη σ'ήύω, I sft) made of fine fiour that has been well sifted ; or (from σ~/)ης, in the pre- sent ye ai-) made of flour of a kind of sum- mer wheat ripening three months, or of wJieat cut down before complete maturity. 'Σγίτόβζύίτοζ, -ου, 6, 7], το -01/, (from σ'^? and βιδωτός) moth-eaten. Job xiii. 28. James V. 2. Ί.-ήτόκο'ττος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same and κόττ- Toj) moth-eaten. Έ^ττϋ, (iiOU^) the shittah tree. Ί,τί-ψίς, -tog, Attic -iO)g, 'ή, (from σ'ήτ^ω) rottenness, corruption. ^.uiyoi^og, -ά., -ov, (from next) strong. Ί,βίυος, -sag, το, (from σύίι/ω) strength, power. Σθίΐ/όω^ -ω, f. -όJσω, p. kaueuuKX, 1 a. Ισύί- νωσα, (from preced.) I strengthen. Ί,ύίΐ/ω, I am strong or mighty. Eiccyouicc, -o)cx,ci'yKoi, 1 a. iaiKxocucc, (from σικχός) I am weary or sick of, loathe. lU^ri, -au, T», (from next) things weari- some, disgusting or abominable. Ίίκχος, -'/?, -6u, sick, weary of. 'Σί'λί, and ff/AA/xt^Tr^/ov, -ου, ro, a shrub yielding an oil called by the Egyptians kiki. Ίι^Τ^α,Ινω, f. -άνω, (from next) / sneer at, mock, deride. » Ί.ίλλος, -ου, and σ/λο?, -ου, ό, vj, goggle- eyed, or having a cocked nose flattened to- wards the root, satirical. ΈιΆφγι, -ης, VI) a bug, beetle, silk-worm. 2/λφ;ον, -ου, το, asafcetida. Ί.ί/χβΆ7ΐ, -ης, VI, and σψβΆος, -ου, ό, poet. ρ1. σ/|66/3λοί, α bee-hive. Ιιΐ^βτ^ψος, -CX,, -ον, and σιι/^β'ΚηΙ'ς, -ι^ος, ό, 9], (from preced.) of or belonging to a bee- hive, honeyed. Ί.ΐ[Λΐ>ίίνύιον, -ου, το, (Lat. semicinctium) an apron. Acts xix. 12. Ί.Ίμ,6ς, -7j, -ou, flat-nosed, Lat. simus ; flat, depressed, hollow, steep : σψ-ά, with turned up nose, jeeringly. Ιιμ,όττις, -ητος, tj, (from ipreced.)flatjiess. ^'ϊνοίμ,ωξίω, (from σίνω and μ,ωξία,) I in- jure, waste, ruin, debauch. Ί•ινα[Λύ)ξία., -ας, vi, (from same) mischie- vousness, lasciviousness. Ί,ινόίζΑ,ωζος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same) given to what is injurious folly, lecherous. luuai'Tjri, or aiun'^i, -ιος, Attic -εως, το, mus- tard. 'Σίνοων, -όνος, τι, a linen cloth, a sheet or wrapper of linen. Ί,ΐΰΐά,ζω, f. -οίσω, p. σίσινίοικ,οί, (from ai- viov, a sieve, which from σίίω) I sift, shake or agitate as corn in a sieve, Luke xxii. 3L Ι^Ιρις, -ι^ος, 6, (from aivoi) an injurious person, a robber, a rapacious animal. ΊΓινος, -eog, το, (from same) a hurt, pest, disaster. 766 Έί'ντγις, -ου, σΙυτίς, -ιος, and σίντωξ, -Οξος, ό, (from next) a robber. Έίΐ/ω, and aiuof^oci, I hurt, injure, harass, plunder, roh, steal. ΣϊΌ^, -ου, το, water parsley or cress. 2;oV, -ου, 6, Dor for ^ίος, God. Ί,ϊ'Τϊυγι, σΐ'πϋα,, -ης, σίττνί'ς, -ί%ος, and σιττύς, -ΰος, 7], α bag, or a bin, for meal, flour, or bread. 'Σ'ΐξύίΐον, -ου, το, or σίζοίίος οΊρος, the must of wine boiled. ' "Σίξός, -ου, ό, a pit OV cellar for keeping corn. 'ΣίξΖυες, -au, oi, (D'<3Tnnu;) a little moon, an ornament. ΊΛσά,^Ις, -"ΐ^ος, τ), see σγισοί/ίΛίς. Έίσόγι, -ης, h, β lock or circidar portion of hair left unshaven, and consecrated to an idol. 2Γί7^^/3^/οι/, or σίσυ(Λβζον, -ου, το, water- mint. Ί.'ίσΰ()κ, -οίς, and σίσυ^νχ, -ης, vj, a goafs skin garment with the hair on. 'Σισυξοφόζος, and σίσυζνοΐύτης^ -ου, ό, ij, (from preced. and ψίξω or Ιΰω) that wears a σισύζοι. ^iTccyajyL•, (from σίτος and οίγω) 1 con- vey corn. Ί^ιτοιγωγίαί, -α,ς, τ], (from preced.) a con- veying of corn OY provisions. Ί^ιταγωγός, -ου, 6, i], (from same) that conveys corn or provisions. 'Σίτά^κ,αα, or σίτα^κία, or σίταζχ,ία, -ας, '/], (from σΊτος and ccqkL•)) provisions^ a fur- nishing of provisions. Ιίτίυτνις, -ου, 6, (from GiTivoi) afattener. Σιτευτός, -oj, -ou, (from next) fatted. Luke XV. 23. Σίτεύύ), (from σίτος) I feed or fatten with corn. Σίτίύ), (from same) I feed: σιτίομαί, I feed myself, I eat. Έιτηγα, or σιταγωγα, -ων, τα, (from same and θίγω) vessels for conveying corn. 2;rj7y£6/, (from same) I convey corn. "Σιτηγία, -ας, vi, (from same) a conveying of corn, Έίτηξίσιοΰ, -ου, το, (from next) a supply of provisions. Σίτηζός, -a, -ov, (from σίτος) of or be- longing to corn: σιτηζόν, with dyysJov or μίτζον understood^ a corn measure. Ί,ϊτησϊς, -ιος, Attic -εως, v}, (from same) food, maintenance. Σιτίζω, f. -Ίσω, p. σεσίτικα, p. pass, σεσί- τισμαι, (from same) I feed. ΣιτΙκος, -oj, -6v, (from same) of or belong- ing to corn or provisions. Σιτίον, -ου, το, (from same) meat, food. Σιτιστος, -ij, -ov, (from σιτίζω) fed: σιτισ- τα, τα, fed cattle, failings. Mat. xxii. 4. I A GIIEEK LEXICON. Έιτοβόλιον. 2;το/3ολ/θ!/, -ov, το, (from σίτος and /Βάλ- λω)) a granary. ^noliU, -χς, 71, Ion. σίτο'^ηΐν, (from same and Μω) want of corn or j^rovisions, famine. Ί,ιτοΙοσίχ, or σιτοίοτία, -χς, ί], (from same and Ιβω/^ή a giving or distributing of corn. ΈιτοΙοτίω, (from same) / give corn. 'Σίτολογίω, (from σίτος and λίγω) I collect corn. ΈίτοΤ,ογΙχ, -χς, h, (from ^ecea.)foraging. Ί,ιτομ,ίτιΐίύ), -ω, (from σίτος and μβτξίω) I measure corn, supply with corn. Σ:το/:Λίτξ•/ις, -ov, o, (from preced.) a corn measurer. Ί,ιτο^ίτ^ιον,-ου, το, (from next and (Αξτ^ον) a certain measure of corn, which used to be distributed at set times, to the slaves of a family for their subsistence. Ιΐτον, -ου, το, or σίτος, -ου, 6, wheat, corn: σίτοί, τοί, bread, food. 'Σίτονόμ,ος, -ου, ό, v], (from preced. and ρ£/χω) that distributes corn : σιτον6[Λον, το, a portion of corn or provisions. Ί.Ιτο'π-οΐίω, (from same and 'ττοιεω) I make bread. Ί,ίτοτΓΟίΐΛ, -χς, τ], (from preced.) a malcing of bread. Ί,ιτοττοίϊκ,ος, -'^, -ov, (from same) adapted for making bread. Ί,ιτοττοιος, -ου, ο, (from same) a baker. InoTvof^Trux, -χς, τ], (from σ'ϊτος and 'TTif^Tro)) a sending of corn. 'Σϊτοφχγος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and (^x- yo) that eats wheat or bread. Ί,ίτοφύ()ος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and φίζω) that carries corn or provisions. Ίιτοφυκχ-Λίς, -ων, οί, (from same and φύ- ΆχΟ superintendents of corn. "Σίτων, -ωνος, 6, (from Σιτω, Ceres') afield of ivheat. Σιτων-ής, -ου, 6, (from σίτος and ώνίο)) a purchaser of corn. Σίτωνίχ, -χς, i], (from preced.) a purchas- ing of cor 71. Σίφλός, -V], -ov, (contr. οι σιττχ'Κος) maim- ed, lame, weak, deformed ; having some defect : reproached on account of some de- fect. Ίιφ'κόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / injure ; I insult. "Σίφων, -ωνος, ό, a siphon, a pipe through which liquors are conveyed. ΣΤφωνίζω, (from preced.) I suck through a tube, draw liquor with a siphon. Σιων, (r'ii) a dry place. ^icuvojv, for σΐζωνων, see σίξωνζς. ΣΊωττύω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. σ£σ;ώ•Τ)5«Λ, 1 a. Ισι- ύ'ΤΓπσχ, (from σιγχω and ό'ψ) / am silent, am still. 'Ixd'TTTOj, Attic 2/ώ)7Γ57, -νις, 71, and σιω-ττησις, -ιος, -ζως, 7], (from preced.) silence. Σιωτιτνίζός, -χ, -ov, (from same) taciturn. Σκ,χζω, f. -χσω, p. ίσκ,χκ,χ, I am lame, halt ; fail, am deficient. Σχ,χιος, -X, -ov, (from preced.) left, on the left side ; unlucky, inauspicious, adverse ; awkward, not dexterous; western or north- western : σχ,χίως, awkwardly, absurdly. Σκ,χιοσΰντη, -ης, and σκχιότγις, -ητος, Vj, (from preced,) left-handedriess, awkwardness, untowardness ; evil disposition, malice. ΣκχΙξω, f. -θίξω, I leap, jump, bound, frisk, dance. Σκ,χΤ^χύυζ^^χ, -χτος, or σκχ'Κχύυζΐ/>χτ:ον, -ου, το, (from next) a childish play. Σκχλχύϋξω, (from σχ,χλίύω and ά,ύύξω) I sport with. ΣκχΤ,ξύς, -ίως, ό, (from next) a weeder. Σχ,χ'Κίΰω, f. -ίύσω, 1 a. Ισ^,χΚίυσχ, and σ•ΛχΧΚω, I scratch, scrape, dig, weed, inves- tigate, search out diligently. Σκ,χ'ΚΎίνίχ, -χς, % (from next) inequality. Έκχλιηνός, -ij, -ov, (from σκ,χζω) unequal. Σκ,χλΆω, see σκ,χλεύω. Σκ,χλμ,ός, -ου, ό, a piece of wood on ivhicli the rower rests his oar, a bench or range. Σκχλο-ψ, -οτΓος, ο, a mole. Σκ,χ(Λβ6ς, -57, -ov, (from σκ,χζω) crooked, perverse. Σκ,χ[Λμ,χ, -ατός, το, (from σκ,χτττω) a ditch or pit, entrance of the amphitheatre. Σκχν^χΤ^Ύΐύξον, -ου, το, (from σκ,χζω) a stick in a trap to which the bait is fastened, and which, when touched, the trap falls; a snare. Σκχν^χλίζω, f. -ίσο), 1 a. Ισκ,χν^χ'Κισχ, p. Ισκ,χνΙχ7\.ικχ, 1 f. pass. σκχνΙχΤ^ίσύνισομ,χι, 1 a. pass. ΙσκχνΙχλίσύγιν, (from next) / cause any one to fall or stumble by laying a stum- bling-block or snare iM his way ; cause one to fall into sin or ruin, insnare; pass. I stum- ble, fall. Σκχν^χΚον, -ου, το, (from σκχζω) a scan- dal, offence or injury given by the faults of others ; a snare, toil, stumbling-block, obsta- cle, whatever proves the occasion of the com- mission of sin, or exposes to danger, ruin, or misery. Matth. xviii. 7• Ovxl τω κ,όσμ,ω ά,'πο των σκχν^^χΚων' κ. τ. λ. woe to the world be- cause of the offences, viz. which arc to come. Comp. Luke xvii. 1. 2κάζ/δ/ξ, -Ίκος, ο, scandix, a sort of herb. ΣκχτΓχνίύς, -ίως, ό, (from σκχτττο)) a digger. ΣκχτΓχνγι, -γις, v}, (from same) a spade. Σκχττττίζ, -τΐζος, ο, same as σκχττχνίύς. Σκχτττος, -'/?, -ov, (from σκχ'τζτω) dug; that may be dug. Σκόίτττζον, Dor. for σκτιτττζον. Σκχτττύ), f. --i^o), p. 'ίσκχφχ, 1 a, 'ίσκχ-ψα, 2 a. ϊσκ,χφον, I dig. > 767 ^'/.αξδαμυχτίω. A GREEK LEXICON. ζκίυος. Έκχξ^χμνκτίω, and σκοίο^α-μύσσα, Att. -ύττω, f. -|(y, I ivinJc, twinhle, glance tipon. Έκοίξβμόζ, -ου, 6, (from σκηίίξύ)) a leap. Έκ,χζίζω, f. -huj, I jump, shake. Έκχξίφίσμ,ός, -ου, ό, a rough draught. Σκ,άξϊφος, -ου, ο, a style, pencil. Έκ,όίξος, -ου, ο, (from σκ,α,ίξω) the scar or char, this fish being remarkable for its efforts to bm'st the net when taken. Έκασμος, -ου, ό, (from σκά,ζω) a halting. "Σκάτου, -ου, ro, and σκ,χτος, -ου, ό, (from σκωξ) excitement, filth. Έκόίτοψοίγος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and φχγύ)) an eater of dirt, a miser. "Σκ,χφείον, -ου, το, (from σκ,άτττω^ a dig- ging instrument, a spade, or mattock. "Σκΰίφιη, -γις, vj, σκάφβιον, -ου, το, σκοίφίς, -ίίος, 7], and σκΑφος, -eog, το, (from same) a holloiv oblong vessel, a bowl, a canoe, a boat, a skiff. Έκί^άζω, or σκ,ί^άυνυμι, or σκί^Λννύο), f. -ά,σω, p. ioKshocKoc, I scatter, disperse, put tofiight. 'ΣκίΙόίσ/ς, -sag, ^,(from preced.) dispe7'sio7i. ΈκΒ^άω, f. -α,σω, same as σκζ^ύζω. 'Σχίύζος, -ά., -6u, exact, distinct, careful: σκίύξΖς, clearly. Σκ,ίΐ^οίφίϊον, -ου, το, a gambling house. '2κξίζθ)υ, -ωνος, 6, the name at Athens of the north-west luind, so called from moun- tains near Corinth, from which direction it blows. See κ,οίΐκΊοίς. 2«iA£ToV, -VI, -6u, (from σκίλλω) dried up, withered: ax-ihSTov, το, with σωμ» under- stood, a body dried and embalmed, a mum- my ; hence, skeleton. Ί,κίλίζύύ, f. -'ίσω, p. Ισκ,ίτ^ικα, (from σχϊΚος) I supplant, pervert. Ί,κί'κΙς, "ihg, τι, (from same) the haunch, ham, thigh, or leg. 2κ£λ/σχ;οζ/, -ου, το, (from preced.) a small ieg. 2λί£?«.λ(«, f. σκ,ίΚω, 1 a. 'ΐσ'ΛΥΪΚα., p. ίσκΚΎΐ-λ,Λ, I dry, cause to shrink or split, wither, make lean, ivaste. Ί,κίτ^ος, -eog, -ους, το, the leg and thigh, the leg, the foot. See κ,νήμγι. Έκεμμα, -Λτοζ, το, (from perf. pass, of σχ,ίτττω) a thought, subject of deliberation, question. Έκε-ττάζω, f. -όίσα, 1 a. ζσκί'ττχσα, 1 f. pass. σκε-ΤΓοίσ&'ήσομοίΐ, 1 a. pass, έσκεττύσύγιν, p. ea- κ,ί'ττχσμοίί, (from σκίντω) I cover, conceal, protect. Σκ,ίττχξνο^, -ου, το, an axe, hatchet. Έκίττόίσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, 'ή, (from σκ-εττά- ζω) a covering, protection, habitation. 'ΣκίτΓοίσμα, -ατός, το, (from same) a cov- ering, a veil. Ί.κ,ζ'ποίστ'^ς,-ου, 6, (from ?>^me) a protector. 768 Ί.ζίΤί'οίστος, -vj, -ou, (from same) covered. Ί.κίΤΓχστξΟΡ, contr. for σκεττχστνίξίοι/, -ου, το, (from same) a covering, concealment, veil, lurapper. "Σκεττάύ), same as αζεττάζω» Ί.Λεττεινος. See σκ,ε'ττ-ήνός. Ί,κ,ε-ττγ], -γις, vj, (from σκεττω) a covering, a shelter, a tent, a pretext, a subterfuge. 'Σχεττγΐϋός, -55, -6i/, (from same) covered, protected. 'Σχ.εττόύ), same as σ>οε7:άζω. Έκετττέοι/, (from σκε^ττω) must consider. Ίκ,ετΓτΧ-Λος, -'/j, -oif, (from next) belonging to or qualified for consideration, deliberative, sceptical. 'Σκετττω, and σκίτττομχί, f. mid. --ψομΰίί, p. pass, εσκεμ,μ,οίΐ, --ψιχι, -τττα,ί, p. mid. εσ- KOTTcc, I look, look about, look out, select, con- sider, specidate. Έκεττω, I cover, veil, conceal. 2κ£^/3ολ£6;, and σκ£^/3όλλώ;, (from σχωζ and βάτ^λω) I throw dung, cast reproach. 'ΣκευΛγωγος, -ου, ό, v], (from σκ,ευος and όίγύή that conveys baggage, as a carrier or a sumpter horse. Σκευάζω, f. -όίσω, p. εσκ,εύοίχ,οί, 1 a. εσκ,εύ- aaoi, 1 a. pass, εσκευύσύτιυ, p. pass, εσχ,εύχσ- μοίΐ, (from σκ,ευος) I prepare, make ready, pack up, ado7m. Σκευοίξίοι/, -ου, τό, dim. of σκ.ευοζ. Σκ,ευόίσίοί, -χς, τ], (from σκευάζω) α pre- paration, α composition, α seasoning. Σκεύοίσμοί, -οίτος, το, (from same) appa- ratus, furniture. Σκευοίστος, -vj, -ou, (from same) prepared. Σκευνι, -τις, % (from σκεύος) apparatus, equipment, fu7miture. Acts xxvii. 19. Σκευούτικ'ή, -Ύΐς, vi, (from same and τί6•ήμι) a magazine. Σκευοτοίίω, (from same and 'ττοιεω) Iinake preparations of clothes, utensils, arms, &c.; I fabricate, forge, falsify : σκευο'ττοιεοΜ.Λί, I dress inyselffuiniish for myself idensils, &c. ΣκευοτΓοίημοι, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) a stage dress, a mask, a fabrication, a trick. Σκευοτΐοιος, -ου, ό, (from same) one who makes iZre^ijC^c. especially decorations, masks, ^c.for the stage. Σκεύος, -εος, -ους, το, a vessel, utensil, in- strument, arms, furniture, baggage, clothing; used for the human body, 2 Cor. iv. 7• 1 Thess. iv. 4. 1 Pet. iii. 7 ; Lucretius, iii.44] , uses vas in the same sense, because the body contains the soul, and is its instrument. " Quippe etenira corpus, quod vas quasi constitit ejus^(animas scilicet)." And Cic. Tuscul. Ques't. I. 22, " nam corpus quidem quasi vas est aut aliquod animi receptacu- lum ;" used also for a human j)erson, Acts ix. 15. Rom. ix. 21—24. 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21. Ιχζυοφοξεω, A GREEK LEXICON. Σκιάζω, Έ,κ,βνοφοοίίύ, (from preced. and φίζύή I carry baggage. Ί,κίνοφοΡΪκός, -17, -ov, (from same) capable of, or used for, carrying baggage. Ί,κίυοφόζος, -ου, ο, τί, (from same) that carries baggage : σκίυοψόξΛ, rcc, oxen for carrying baggage. Ί,κ.Βνοφυλα,χΑω, (from next) / guard ves- sels, fmiiiture, or baggage. Ί.κίυοφν'Κα,^, -ά,κος, 6, τι, (from σκίνος and φΰ^.cc^) a keeper of vessels, furniture, or baggage. ^ 'Σκευωξίω, more commonly σκ,ίυω^ίομ,αι, (from same and oj^u.) I take a charge of vessels, S^c; look after, spy, or luatch; treat of, discuss; gain by artfid means, plot, forge. ^.Ksva^ijuai, -α-τος, το, (from preced.) a machination, an artfid trick. iKivoj^icc, -οίς, 7], (from same) care, dili- gence ; artifice, machination. Ί,κί-ψις, -ίως, 7], (from σκ.ίτττομοα) consi- deration, deliberation, scepticism ; design, pretext. ^KYiuxa, (from σκ-^/'ή) I pitch a tent. 'Σκ,ηνίυτ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a scenite, dweller in a tent ; an actor of plays. Ί.Άγ,'Αω, (from next) / dwell in a tent. Έκην/ι, 'ΐ]ζ, 7], a tent, tabernacle, mansion, scene; cover or awning of a chariot or luaggon. ^^KVjVYiucc, -ΰίτοζ, TO, (from σκ-ζιΆω) a tent, a nest. Έκ/ινίς, -βος, 7], same as gk^ut}. 'Σκ,τιΐ/Ττη;, -ου, 6, (from σκ-/ί:/7ί) living in a tent, belonging to the stage. 'Σκτινογξαφίχ, -ας, tj, (from same and γξάφύ)) scene painting. Ί.χ,γΐϋοτΓγ,γία,, -ας, vi, (from σκνινος and TT'/jy- νυμ,ι) a fixing or setting up of tabernacles or booths, the feast of tabernacles . Ί,κγϋ/οτΓύίίω, (from same and -ττοίίω) I make a tent. ^.yy/iuoTrouec, -χς, τι, (from same) a tent- making, feast of tabernacles. ΊκΥινοττοιος, -ου, 6, (from same) a tent- maker. Έ,κ'^νος, -ζος, -ους, το, Dor. σκα,νος, (from σκ•/ιννΐ) a tent or tabernacle; the human body, 2 Cor. V. 1, ^ ίττίγαος 'ή[/,ων οικία, του σκ'ήΐ/ους κατα-κυύγι, " our earthly house of the tent, i. e. the body, were taken down ;'' comp. verse 4 with verse G. Έκγ}ϋοφϋλαζ, -αζος, 6 or τ], (from same and φυλαξ) one that guards or takes care of a tent. "Σκγινού), -ω, f. -άσύ), p. eaK'/juuKa, 1 a, ίσ- κγίνύ)σα, (from σκτίνος) I pitch a tent or ta- bernacle, dwell as in a tent ; dwell: σκ^,νόω Β-π'Ι, I abide over or upon, overshadow, pro- tect. John i. 14. hx,^^vmiv iv vj^h, "He fixed his tabernacle among us," denotes a gracious, condescending, and familiar dwell- ing with men, and indulging them with the most beneficial intercourse ; and if it does not necessarily carry the implication, it goes very far towards doing so, of a pre- existent state in him who thus condes- cends to dwell with men. The similarity of phrase suggests a similarity of idea to the passages of the same apostle : Rev. vii. 15. xii. 12. xiii. 6. xxi. 3; the only other places of the N. T. in which the word oc- curs ; but iT^ivKYi'JOa, in 2 Cor. xii. 9, has the same signification." Dr. Pye Smith on the Messiah, iv. ii. 531. Ίκ-ηνυόξίον, -ου, το, (from same) a little tent, a booth. Ικ'/ΐνωμ,α, -ατός, το, (from σκτ,νόω) a tent, tabernacle, place for a habitation. Ί,κγ,'ττάνιον, or σκητ^τι^ιον, -ου, το, same as σκτ^τται/. Σκ•/]'7ΐττος, -ου, 6, (from σκ,τιτττω) a thun- derbolt, a whirlwind. 'Σκγ,τττουχ,ία, -ας, τι, (from ayJriTCTOv, same as σκτίτΐτζον, and 'ύχο}) the holding of a scep- tre, the authority OY office of a σκγΐ'πτουγβς. Ί.κγι'τττουγ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a holder of a sceptre, staff, or mace, a sovereign, one who held an office of dignity at the Persian court, a satrap or governor of a province. 1•Λ7Ί'77τζον, -ου, το, (from next) a staff, a rod, a sceptre. Ί.κ'ή'τΐτω, f. -ψώ>, 1 a. ίσκτίφα, I place or fix a staff to sup2J0)'t something; I lean upon something, let the weight rest upon; I fall heavily or violently upon, let fall upon ; I drive as a whirlwind, rage against, rush or burst upon: σκΫ,τττομ,αι, I rest myself upoUy avail myself of, defend myself by ; I dissem- ble, make use of pretexts, excuse myself by alleging something. Ί.κ'/ι7Γων, -ύ)ΐ/ος, ο, (from preced.) a staff, sceptre. Έκ-ζίζΙπ-τω, f. --^/ω, (from same) I j^rop : σκγίζίτττομαι, I prop myself, lean upo7i. Ί.κ7}•ψις, -ζως, 7j, (from same) a /jrc/c.r/, excuse, evasion. Ίκια, -ας, τ], Ion. σκί'ή, a covering, shade, shadow ; an uninvited guest who accompa- nied a great man, so Lat. umbra. Ί,κιαγζαφος, or σκιογξαφος, -ου, ο, (from preced. and γζάφω) he who sketches the shadow or likeness, a painter. lKiaouoί?, '^, (from same) a little shade. Ί,κιάζω, f. -aau, p. ίσχ,ίακα, ^ind σκιάω, (trom same) / cover with a shade, oversha- dow, veil. 5 Ε 7G9 2Λ/α]0Μ)5. A GREEK' LEXICON. Σχολυβξ/α, Σχ,ίαμΛ,'Οίτος, το, (from preced.) a shadoiv. 'Σκιοίμΰίχίω, (from σκι» and μ»χγ]) I fight in the shade; I fight with a shadow, practise the attitudes and modes of fighting alone. Έκ,ίΧξόκ,ομος,-ου, o,^,(fiOm same and κόμη) shaded with hair or leaves, shady, leafy. Έκίοίζος, Dor. for σκίίξος, -«, -ov, (from σκ,ιχ) shaded, shady. Ίκ,ιοίς, -άδο?, τί, (from same) a shed, arbour, parasol, umbel of a plant, name of a theatre at LacedcEmon. 'Σκίχτξΰΐ,φίω, (from same and τζΐφοή I rear in the shade or within doors : σκιατξο- φίομ-οα. Ion. σκίΥίτςοφίο/ΐίχι, I lead an effem- inate life. Ί,κ,ίΛΤζαφίΰί, -»ς, 'ή, (from same) an effem- inate, retired, or obscure education. Έκβι/ω, σκϊΐνίω, σκί^ι/'^μΐ, and aKihuocf/^oci, same as σκ,ί^ά,ζο). "Σκιερός, see σκιοίζός. "Σκίλλχ, -γις, 7}, a squill or sea-07iion. "ΣκίμάίΆίζύ), f. -'ίσύ), I strike a blow on the face, kick ; I point out any one by the middle finger, or hold up the middle finger to any one, I insult ; I feel for eggs in the bodies of hens. '2.•Λΐμ.'καΛος, -ov, 6, ij, (from σκίμ'ττωι/) lean- ing on a staff. 'Έ.κιμττο^ίον, -ου, το, and σκίμ,ττονς, -ohog, 6, (from same and 'ττους) a small bed or couch. Έκίμτττω, f. -•ψω, (from σκ'ήτττω) I lean upon. Έχίμ-ττων, -όνος, 6, same as σκτί^ττ^ον. Ίκιν^ά,'Κοίμ,ος, -ου, 6, a chip, paring, trifle. Ί.κ,ιν^ΰί'Κιχ,μ,οφζά,στ-/ις, -ου, 6, (from preced. and φξάζω) an explainer of trifles. 'Σκ,ιοίί^τίς, -sog, 6, vj, (from σκιά. and u'hog^ like a shadow, shadowy, shady. Ί.κ,ιόζις, -ζσσα, -su, (from σκιά) shaded, shady. 'Σκί'ούγίξχ, -α,ς, τι, (from same and ^tj^oc) a quadrant, a sun-dial. 'Ί.χΛ'ζωυ, -όνος, 6, same as σκνίντ^ον. Έκίξος, or σκϊξος, and σκίβρος, -ου, 6, a chip of marble struck off by the chisel in working ; a die, a chess, or draughts-man ; white potter s earth, gypsum, plaster, stucco, cement; a cheese paring, the rind of cheese; a hard body, a hard swelling. Σκ,ιβράω, σκ,ιρρόω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / harden into a swelling, harden a swelling, render scirrhous: σκίρρόομ,α,ι, I grow hard, become scirrhous. Έκίρρος, -u,, -oUf (from same) scirrhous, hard, indurated. 2κ./^τάώ), -ω, f. -y}ao), p. ξσκ,Ιςτγικ,α, 1 a. εσκ,ίξτγιοίί, (from σκοιίζω) I skip, leap, bound, leap for joy, dance. Compare 6ξχίο(Λαι. Ί,κίζτγιθμο;, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a skip- ping, &c. 770 ΈκΙ^τψ.», "οιτος, το, (from same) a leap, struggle. Έκ,ίξτγιτίκος, -vj, -6u, (from same) frolic- some, frisky, wanton. 'Σκίζτο'ΤΓοιίω, -ω, (from same and 'Troaoi) I make to dance. 'Σκ,ίξτόω, same as σκίζτάω. "ΣκηοίΧος, -ου, 6, a ivorthless fellow. 'Ί,χ,ιίύ^-ης, -ίος, 6, vi, (from σκιά,) shady, dusky, dark. Έκλίω, or σκλτιμ,ι, f. -νισο), p. ίσκΚγικα,, part. ίσκΤ^-ηκως, poet. ΙσκΤ^τιως, 1 a. 'iuKviKci, 2 a. ίσκλγίϋ, (from σκίτΟκω) I harden by drying, I become dried or hard. '2κ\Υίζίχ.γωγίω, (from σκΤ^τ,ζος and ocycu) I educate with severity. 'ΣκΤ^γίζοίύχ,ην, -s'jog, 6, v}, (from same and οίύχ,'ήν) stiff-necked, untractable. Ί.κ7\.τ,ξίοί, -Λς, V], (from σκΤ^Υΐζος) hardness. Ί,κ'λγίξοκΰίξΙΙχ, -Λς, τ;, (from same and κοι^ίοί) hardness of heart. Ί.κλ•/ΐζοκάξΙιος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) hard in heart, hard-hearted. ΈκΆτίξο-ττοιος, -ου, 6, ^, (from σκ'Κπζος and ττοΐίύ)) that hardens. 'ΣκΤ^-η^οτΓ^όσωττος, -ου, 6, ί], (from next and ττζόσωττον) hard in face, impudent. Ί,κλγίξος, -oi, -ου, (from σκίΧΚω) hard, cruel, difficult, distressing ; appearing more youth- ful than one is. Ί,κΜζότ-ής, 'ΤΎΐτος, ί], (from preced.) hard- ness. Ί.κ'Κνΐζοτζά,χ,•/ι'Κος, -ου, ό, (from same and τξύχ,ιηλος) hai'd or stiff-necked, obstinate, Exod. xxxiii. 3, 5. xxxiv. 9. Prov. xxix. 1. Acts vii. 51. 'ΣκΤ^Ύΐζϋνω, f. -v'jo), 1 a. ΙσκΤ^νίΡυνΛ, 1 a. pass. ξσκΤ^Ύΐζύνύτ^υ, (from σκΤ^η^ος) I harden. ΙκΚπξως, (from same) hardly, with diffi- culty. Ί,κλτιφξος, -sc, -6u, (from same) appearing younger than the real age. Ί,κι/Ιφ, -ιττος, or -ίψος, 6, (same as Kul\p) it is disputed whether this word signifies, a louse, or winged insects, such as gnats or musquitos. '2κο7^οίξ&), (from next) / walk in a crook- ed manner, act perversely. Ί,κολιος, -fit, -6u, crooked, perverse. 2κολ/οτ/7ί, -Υιτος, ij, (from preced.) per- verseness, depravity. Ί,κοΤ^ιως, (from same) perversely. 'Σκολο'ττίν'^ζΰί, -ας, '^, the scolopendra or centipede. "ΣκόΤ^,ο-ψ, σκωλο-ψ, or σκόλω•ψ, -όνος, 6, (from σκω'Κος and οψ) « stake, a sharp point- ed stake driven into the ground to prevent the approach of an enemy ; a sharp splinter ^ a thorn. Num. xxxiii. 55. 2 Cor. xii. 7. 'Σκολυύζίχ, -otg, v}, a low seat or stool. 2κ6λνμος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΣχυύΙξω Ίκόΐ^νμ,ος, -ου, ο, α thistle^ α sort of thistle eaten as an artichoke. Έκόΐίύβζος^ -ου, ο, mackerel, 'Σκοττάξχης, -ου, 6, (from σκο'ττος and αίξ- }C<•)) a commander of scouts or of the watch. 'ΣκύΤΓΒλον, -ου, το, and σκ,ότηλος, -ου, ο, (from σκοτΐίύ)) α high place, ahigh rocJc, Lat. scopulus. ^κότηυσις, •ιως, Attic -ίως, sj, (from σκ,ο- 'τηύω) an observing, watching. Ικοττζυτ'ής, -ου, 6, (from next) an observer, watchmctn. Ί.κο-τΐίύω, f. -ζύσο), (from next) / looJc at, observe, consider, see, take heed. 'Σκ,οττϊο), -ω, f. -7;σω, p. Ισ-Λοττ-ήκοι, (from perf, mid. of σκίτ-το^ίαι) I look at, observe, consider, see, take heed, aim at, look at a mark which I wish to hit or at an object which I wish to lay hold on ; endeavour to obtain ; inquire into, investigate. Ί,κοττ'/!, -γ,ς, and σκοττ^ιόί, -ccg, τ], (from pre- ced.) a reviewing, a watching, a watch-tower, a beacon. S^oTT/ciC'ijj, (from same) I behold from a high jiosition, spy, watch, observe. Ί.κο7:ιωζίο(Λα,ί, (from σκοτταχ. and ουξος) I keep watch or observe from a toiuer. Ί,-Λοττος, -ου, ο, (from σκ,οττίύ}) a mark or butt to shoot arrows at, Job xvi. 12. Lam. iii. 12. α mark at the goal or end of a race, Phil. iii. 14. α watchman, 1 Kings xiv. 16. Έκοζοικίζω, (from κόζαξ) I order one off to the crows, dismiss or reject angrily or con- temptuously. ^.Kooctx,iay.dg, -ου, ο, (from preced.) dis- graceful rebuke or repulse. 'Σκύξοϊίΐάο/ίίαί, Ion. σκο^ινίο(/>αί, f. -ο^σο- [Aut, (from σ-Λοοούον and ^rjU)) I stretch and yawn, am agitated as in anger or discontent. "Σκ,οξίΰΐ. See σκωοίοί. ^Kooooa'Kf /,-η, -Υΐς, ^, (from gkOqouov and «λ^/ί) garlick pickle. 2y.o«oo/^6j, f. -<(7ij, (from σκο^οδο;/) I feed or season ivith garlick. ^.KOfiouiou, -ου, το, (from next) a small pdant of garlick, a garlick stalk. 1kO(IOoou, -ου, TO, (from σκώ)^ and οζω, on account of its strong smell) garlick. Ί,κοΐίττίοιον, -ου, τό, (from next) a war- like macliine for scattering or shooting arrows. 'Σκοζττίζω, f. '^σω, p. ίσκόξττίκχ, 1 a. βσκόζ- ττίσα, 1 a. pass, ίσχ,οζττίσθνίν, p. pass, ϊσκόζ- "Τΐΐσμ,οίΐ, I disperse, scatter abroad, distribiUe. Ί.κοοττίος, -ου, ο, (from preced. on ac- count of scattering its venom) a scorjnon. ^κοο'ττισμ,ος, -ου, 6, (fi'om same) a scatter- ing, dispersion. Έκύτά,ξω, f. -όίσω, p. ίσκότοίκχ, 1 a. ίσκο- τοίσχ, (from σκότος) I darken. 'Σκοτίίχ, -α,ς, ij, (from same) darkness. Ί,κοτίΐνος, -'/j, -ou, (from same) rfa;•^, i/ar^- some. ΊιχοτΊόί, -ctg, 7], (from same) dat'kness. Έκοτίζω, f. -iffij, p. ίσκότίκοί, 1 f. pass. σκοτίσύ'/ισο[Λαι, 1 a. pass. ΙσκοτΊσθγιν, p. pass. Ισκ6τισ[Λ0ίί, (from same) / darken. 'Σκότιος, -χ, -ov, (from same) dark, ob- scure, clandestine, spurious. Σκοτο^ίΆο), and σκοτοΖϊ^ιχα, (from same and ^ί^ίω) I am affected with vertigo or diz- ziness. ^KOTOfCT}!/'/], -ης, and σκοτο/:ηηρίοί, -α,ς, 'η, (from same and fC7]!//i) dark-moon, a moon- less night. ΣκοτοΐΛ'ήυιος, -ou, (from preced.) moonless. Σκότος, -ου, 6, and -ίος, -ους, τό, darkness. ύς τό σκότος τό ίζ,ωτεξίκόν, Matth. viii. 12. xxii. 13. XXV. 30. In all these passages there is an allusion to a royal palace lighted up at night ; whether for feasting or for judgment. The expelled person is, there- fore, driven from the comfort and splendour within, to all the horrors of the outer dark- ness. The phrase is evidently to be under- stood of the place of punishment after death, which our Lord's hearers had heard of previously j hence the emphatic use of the definite article, both in it, and in the strong accompanying phrase, Ικύ 'ϊσται ο κ'Καυΰ^Λς κα,Ι ο βξυγι/.ός των ooo'JTau. Σκοτόύ), -Ο), f. -όίσω, ρ. Ισκότωκοι,, 1 a. ίσ^ κότωσοί, 1 a. pass, ίσκοτωύν]!/, ρ. pass, ίσκό- Tay.cci, (from preced.) / darken, strike with blindness, or dizziness. Rev. xvi. 10. ΣκοτωΙης, -ίος, ό, tj, (from same) dark. Σκότωμχ, -οίτος, τό, (from same) a ver- tigo, a dizziness. Σκότωσις, -ίως, vj, (from same) a darkening^ dizziness. ΣκυβοίΚίζω, f. -1σω, (from σκΰβιχ.'Κο'/) I re- gard as dung, despise. ΣκυβύίΚισμ,ός, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a throwing away as dung, rejecting as worth- less. ΣκυβοίΚον, -ου, τό, (from κΰων and /3άλλώ>, from its being thrown to the dogs or rather rejected by the dogs) the offal or refuse of any thing, dung. Σκυομ,οίίυω, f. -oiuco, (from next) / am an- gry with, grumble at. Σκΰζο), f. -ΰσω, I rage like an angry lion, am angry with, grumble at ; also bark gently or mimnur, like a dog in his sleep or cares- sing his master. Σκύθγις, -ου, ό, a Scythian, a rude man, at Athens, a name for the public executioner. Σκνΰίζω, f. -1σω, (from preced.) 7 am a Scythian, imitate the Scythians «s to Ian- guage or manners, drink deep, clip the hair, mourn. in 'S'Tiuuaog, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,μα^άγδινος, Έχυύίχος, or iKvuhog, -07, -ov, (from same) Scythian : Ικυύικως^ after the manner of the Scythians. Ί,κυύιστ], (from same) in the Scythian language. 'Σκ,υβοτοζότ^ς, -oy, 0, (from same and το- ξότγις) a Scythian archer. 'Σκ,νύξά,ζω, (from next) / look sullen. Έκ,υύξός, -cH, -oy, (from σκ,ύζω) crabbed, sour, gloomy, sad. Ί.κυύξωΐΐά.ζω, f. -ά,σω, (from next) I am of a gloomy, sour, morose, or sorrowful coun- tenance. 'Σκυύξύ)'7τος, -'/j, -ou, or -ov, 0, 3^, (from σκυθξος and οψ) of a gloomy, sour, morose, sorrowfid countenance ; σΆυθ^ωττως, sadly, with a sorrowful countenance. ^Kvu^uTroTTjg, -Τίτος, ij, (from preced.) mo- roseness. 'Σκυ7\.οίχ,ίύω, (from σκύτ^οί^) I bear pups. ^κνλόίκ,γι, -γις, tj, (from same) a bitch. 'Ί,κυΤ^.ά,κ,ιον, -ου, το, (from same) a little dog. Ί,κνλοίκ,ω^γίς, -ες, (from next) like a dog, insolent, fawning. Ί,κνΆχζ,, -όίκ,ος, 6, τ}, (from ύ'κά,ο)) a young animal, a dog, a whelp ; also a collar. 'Σκ,υΑύύ), (same as σκ,νλίύω) I violate. Έκνλείχ, -ccg, '/}, (from same) prey, spoil. '2Άύ7\.ζυσ(ς, -tog, Attic -εως, vj, (from same) a spoiling, plundering. Έκ,νΤ^Βυτνις, -ου, ό, (from next) a spoiler, plunderer. Έκϋλίύύ), f. -εΰσω, 1 a. ϊσΆύΆίναοί, (same as συ'Κίΰω, or συ\ά.ύ)) I spoil, rob, plunder. Έκύλλω, f. -νλω, p. pass. ίσκ,υΤ^μ,α,ι, part. &σκ,υ1\μ.ίνος, I pull, pluck off SiS the hair; / trouble, fatigue, tire. "Σκυλμος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) vexation. Έκ,υλον, -ου, το, (from same) spoil, j)lunder. 'Σκ,ύμ,νος, -ου, 6, (from χ,ϋων) a whelp, a lion's whelp. 'SKvu'iou, -ου, το, the eyebrow. Ί,κ,υξωτός, -Yj, -61/, (from σκ,ίξος) paved with stone ; or (for ^υ^ωτος) levelled. Ί,κ,ΰτόίλγι, -τις, τ], (from σκ,ύτος) a smooth round staff, a club ; a scytala, a white roll of parchment wrapped round a black stick about four cubits long. When the magis- trates of the Lacedaemonians commissioned a commander, they took two round pieces of wood, equal in size ; one of these they kept, the other was delivered to the com- mander, to whom when they had any thing of importance to communicate, they cut a long narrow roll of parchment, and rolling it upon their own staiF, one fold close upon another, they wrote their business upon it. Then taking it oiF they despatched it to the commander, who, applying it to his own staff, the folds exactly corresponded, as at the writing, and the characters which be- fore were confused and unintelligible, ap- peared plain, and attested the authenticity of the communication. "Σκυτάλίον, and σκΰτόίλοί^, -ου, το, (from preced.) a staff. "Σκϋτεύς, -ίως, ό, (from σκυτος) a cui^ier, shoe-maker. Ί.κυτεύω, (from same) / dress leather, am a tanner or a shoe-maker. Ί^χ,ϋτίνος, -im, -luou, (from same) of skin. Ί,κ,ϋτοΙί-ψίω, (from same and Ιίφύ)) Id7'ess leather. Σκ,υτοΙί-ψνις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a cur- rier. Έκυτος, -εος, το, skiji, hide, leather, bark ; Lat. cutis. Ί.κ,ύτοτομ,£ω, (from preced. and τεμΰω) I cut leather, am a shoe-maker, ΙκϋτοτομΛΜς, -% -ov, (from preced.) of or belonging to leather cutting. Έ-λ,υτοτόμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a shoe- maker. Ικυτοο), f. -ό>αο), (from σταιτος) I furnish or cover with skin or leather. 'Σκ,νφος, -ου, ο, and -εος, το, (either from •Λυφος, or σχ,ά,τιττω, because excavated) a cup. Ί.•/.ω\'/ϊΛΊΝ.σις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from σκ,ω- λ3ί|) a bi^eeding of ivorms. Έκο)λΥΐκόβζωτος, -ου, ό, h, (from next and βξωτός) eaten by worms. 2κ&»λ}ί|, -ΥΐΆος, ο, (from σκάλλώ>) a worm. 'Σκω'Αον, -ου, το, (from azofhog) a stumbling- block, a snare. Ί,κύίΚόομ,ΟΆ, 1 a. pass. εσκ,αΚωύγιν, p. pass. Ιο-κώλίγ^α;, (from preced.) I stumble, am en- snared. Ί,κωΤ^ος, -ου, 6, a thorn, or a staff sharp- ened to a point and hardened in the fire to be used as a weapon. 'Σκ,ύι)λοφ, see σκ-όλοφ. . • 'Σκ,Ζ/χμοί, -ατός, το, (from σκωτττω) a gibe, scoff, raillery. 1.κ,ύ)^ΛΐΛά.τιον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a jest. Ί,κωτττγις, or σκωτττόλνις, -ου, ο, (from next) a scoffer, jester. Ικ,ωτττω, f. -^ij, / deride by an imitation of the voice or gesture, gibe, banter, jest. 'Σκ.ωζ, σκ,ά,τος, το, dung. 'Σκωξΰί,ιιις, -ίίος, ί], (from preced. and «^ij) a close-stool. Ί.κ,ύ}^ί:Λ, and σκ,οξίχ, -ας, ί], (from σκ,ωξ) dmig, dregs, sediment, dross or refuse of metal. "Σκω-ψ, -ωττός, ό, (from σκωτττω) an owl. Σκ,ω-ψις, -εως, vj, (from same) mockery, de- rision, raillery, jesting. ^fcaquylluog, -ti/vi, "luov, (from σμ,»^»γ• ^^μαξαγδίττις. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,ου-χινα, δο?) e77ierald : σμ-οίζάγ^ινος, -ου, 6, an eme- rald, "κίύος being understood. 'Σ^οίζοίγ^ίτ-/ις, -ου, ό, (from next) an eme- rald, λ/^οί being understood. Ιμ,όίοοίγ^ο;, -ου, 6, an emerald, a green precious stone, Exod. xxviii. 17. Rev. xxi. 19. "^ΐΛόίζοίγίύ), -ω, f. -'ήσω, I roar, resound as the sea or as thunder, ^αs/^ or shine as light- ning. Ί.ι^άζοί'/ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a roar. 'Σΐϋά,ύ), or σμ-ίύ), f. -7]σω, I wijjc, cleanse. 'Σμεζ^ίίλέος, -sec, -iou, or af^io^uog, -jj, -6u, (from σμ,ί^οζ, force, violence) of terrible as- pect, awful: Ό(Λί^(ΛΚίου, oy^^cO^kcc, σ^Λξ- ^ΰίλύας, ίe?ΎiblJ/. Έ,μτ^γμχ, and ainijiicx, -ατός, το, (from σμ'ήχύή any thing ,used for scouring and cleaning, a wash-ball, means of purification, soap. 'ΣίΛ-ηκτνΛος, -'^, -oV, (from same) fitted for cleansing. Ί.μ,7ϊδ4, p. Ισ- yAKpyyKci, 1 f. pass, σ^.ίκ,ουνθτισομ,οα, 1 a. pass. hy.iKovuUYiv, (from preced.) 1 diminish. "Σμΐλίζ^, -ccKog, ij, a yew tree ; bind-weed. 'Σμ,ΊΧίυμ,οΐ,, -ατός, το, (from next) a paring. Ί,μ,α.ίΰω, (from next) I pare, cut. Ί,μ,ΤΑπ, --/ι;, vj, a knife, chisel, style. ^(Ai'h'iou, -ου, το, (fro)n preced.) a scalpel, '^{/,ινύίύς, -ίω;, ό, and 2,t4/:/^/o.c,(from next) the Sminthian, an epithet of Apollo as being supposed to liave been a destroyer of mice or rats. ^.y/iudog, -ου, 6, a mouse or rat. Ί.μΛ))ϋγι, -Yig, and σμ,ινύς, -ϋος, poet. -υοΊο, ΰ), an axe, hatchet, ^jjade, hoe. '2ci,uysQOg, -u,, -ou, (same as f.7, σον, (from συ) thy, thine. ΊουχζύΐΛ, (αηΐ;^') rotten figs. "ΣουοΛζίον, -ου, το, (Lat. sudarium) a nap- kin. Ί.οϋχ,ινοί,, probably a corruption for ττίύ- KlUX. 773 A GREEK LEXICON. 'Σ'ττατίλγι . Ί,οφεΙζ, ΈοχφίΙξ, and ΙονφΙζ^ ("ι-Βΐκ) Ophir. Έοφιίί», -ας, v}, (from σοφός) wisdom. Έοφίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. σίσόφικ,χ, 1 a. έσόφισχ, 1 a. mid. εσοφισάμγιυ, 1 f. pass, σοφίσύνισο/κ,ΰα, 1 a. pass, ίσοφίσύνιν, p. pass, σίσόφίσμοΐί, (from same) / w2«/i^ w>e, instruct; pass. / invent, contrive ingeniously, contrive or devise cunningly, artfully, or deceitfully. Ίόφισμ,οί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) α« «n- genious contrivance, an artifice ; a sophism, a fallacious argument. 'Σοφισμ.ά,ηον, -ου, το, (from same) a trich. Ι,οφισμος, -ου, 6, (from same) a fallacious interpretation. Έοφίστείχ, -ας, yj, (from next) sophistry. Ί,οφιστίύω, (from next) / teach philosophy or rhetoric ; act the part of a soj)hist. Ί,οφιστνις, -ου, 6, (from σοφός) a wise or learned man ; a pretender to wisdom, a so- phist. Ί^φιστιάο), (from preced.) / speah lihe a sophist. Ιοφιστί^ος, -oj, -oV, (from same) ostenta- tious, captious, deceitful: σοφίστίκ,ως, with subtlety. Ί,οφός, -55, -ou, wise, skilful, expe?'t : σοφως, wisely. 'Σοφόα, -Ζ, (from preced.) I make wise. 'Σόω, f. σωσώ, same as σάο) and σόιζω, I save, preserve ; also, same as σεύω, I hasten, drive. 27ταΙίξω, (from σττάω) I draw or tear off. y^TTohi^,, -ικ,ος, tj, (from preced.) a branch pidled off, a branch of the palm. ^^Tiratiov, Dor. for arahiov. 2ίτ«δώ.';/, -wvo?, and -οντος, 6, (from σττάω) a eunuch ; Lat. spado. ^τταβάξίσκ,ος, -ου, ο, (from same) a veil. 'Στταύάω, (from ne^it) I insert more threads into the ivarp, by moving the σ'ττάύγι, and thence, I spend extravagantly oy luxuriously. "Σ'ττάύγι, -γ]ς, vi, a weaver's reed for striking the threads together in weaving ; a spatida ; the broad end of an oar ; a sword ; a broad rib, the shoidder -blade ; a rod or twig, the stalk of the flowers of the male palm, the sheath or spatha of palms. 'Σ'π-αΙςω, f. -άιοω, I struggle with hands and feet, writhe ivith pain, am convulsed in the ag07iies of death. Στΐαυία, -ας, vi, (from σ^τανος) ivant, scar- city, rarity. 'Σττανιάκ,ίς, (from same) scarcely, seldom. Έ'ΤΓάι/ίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. Ισττάνικ,α, 1 a. pass. ίστταυίσύγιν, p. pass, ίσττάνισμ,αι, (from same) / become rare, diminish, fail. Ί.'ττανιος,-Ία, -tov, (from same) rare, scarce, precious. Σπάυις, -ιας, Attic -ίως, sj, (from same) rarity, scarceness, tvant. 174: 'Σ'ΤΓαΐ/ ιστός, -jj, -6v, (from σττανίζω) scanty, wanting. Έττανος, -i), -oV, rare, infrequent, lacking. Ί,'ττάξ, σττακ,ος, ο or ^, given by Herodo^ tus as Persian for a dog. Έτταζαγμα, -ατός, το, (from στταξάσσω) a piece torn off, a fragment. Στΐαζαγμ,ατίύ^Υις, -ξος, 6, vj, (from same) capable of rending or bursting, convidsive, distressing. Ίττα^αγίΛος, -ου, 6, (from next) a lacera- tion. Στταζάσσο}, or -άττω, f. -^ω, p. εσπ-άξαχ,α, 1 a. ίσττά^αζα, 1 a. pass, ίστταξάχ,ύγι», p. pass, ίσττάξαγμαί, (from σ'ττάω and α,ξάσσω) I tear, lacerate, convulse, greatly agitate, or disturb. 'Σ'ττάζγανον, -ου, το, a swaddling band. ^Tira^yauoa, -ω, ΐ.-ύ)σα,ΐρ. Ισ'τνα^γάνωκα, 1 a. Ιστταξγάυωσα, 1 a. pass, ίστταζγανόίύγίυ, p. pass. Ισ'ττα^γάνωμ,αι, (from preced.) I swathe, lurap in swaddling clothes. Στταξ'/άο), f. -'ήσω, I swell, am distended with milk, with young, with desire or any passion. Σττάζγι», f. -|ις, ί?, excrement, parings. 5 A GREEK LEXICON. Ι^οδεω, Σ'ττύω, -ω, f. σττάσω, p. ίσττοίκχ^ 1 a. έσ- τΓοίσΛ^ 1 a. mid. ΙσΊΤΛαΛμ^τιν^ 1 f. pass, σττοίσ- 6'/)ao[x.ccif p. pass, 'ίστηχ,σμ,α,ι^ I draw, draw out ; 1 twist. ΈττβΊο, Ion. for σττον, 2 sing. 2 a. m. im- perat. from σττόμαι, for Ι'σττο,^ίί/, or ϊ'ττο^.αι. ^.TreJ^Uf -acg, 5j, (from σττέω, cognate with σττύω) a fold ; a twisted rope or band ; a military corps, probably a cohort or regi- me7it, consisting of about 600. 'ΣτΓίίξΰϊί:/,!», Dor. foi' σττίίξτι/ίίχ, -οίτος, το, (from next) a fold, coil, wreath ; a winding movement. 'Σττζίζάω, f. 'άσω, {from aTrfi^cc) I coil round. Ί.7Γίΐο-ήΙον, (from preced.) in spiral folds; by bands. 'Σ'π-ίίξίον, and σττίϊζον, ov, to, (from a'Tirsi- ζάω) a covering, garment, wrapper ; a veil; a sail. Ίιττείζύ), f. στΓίξω, 2 f. σττά,οω, p. ί^ττα,ζκοί, 1 a. ίστηίξοί, 2 a. 'ίσ-ττοίζον, p. pass, ξαττας- [Λο,ι, 2 a. pass, ίσ^τοίρ'/ιν, p. mid. 'ίαττοοα, I sow, scatter as seed in sowing. "Στηκουλοίταζ, -οζος, 6, (Lat. specidator^ a spy, a soldier, a sentinel ; a soldier of a guard, an executioner, particidarly such as were employed in beheading. "Σττίλίύος, -ov, 6, dung. 'Σ'ττί'Λω, from obsolete σ'ττείΐύ), has, f. σττζίσω, 1 a. εσττείσχ, p. mid. έσττοι/δίί, I pour out as a libation or drinJc offering, sacrifice, offer, make a treaty: aTriyZoy^oci, I am jjoured out, am offered. 'Σ'ττέοζ, gen. σττίεος, or σττεΊος, gen. σ'^τείους, dat. σ'ττεϊί, or σττνιϊ, dat. pi. σττεεσσι, σττέσσ/, and στ-'/ιεσσι, a cave, a grotto. Ί^ττέρμ.», -ctrog, το, (from perf pass, of σττείζύ)) seed for sowing, offspring, posterity. "ΣτΓκζμ,οι,ίνύ), (from preced.) / produce seed, propagate. Ί.7τεζμ,οίτίχ, -α,ς, vi, (from same) something sown, co7'n. Σττεζ/ίίχτί'ξύ), f. ."ίσω, (from same) I yield, produce, or emit seed; pass. / receive or conceive seed. Ί,ττεζί^.οίτϊκός, -vi, -ou, (from same) yielding seed, fructifying ; coyitaining first principles, elementary. Σ'ττεζμ,οΚόγος, -ου, 6, (from same and perf. mid. of Xiyu) a small bird, so called from gathering seeds to iced on ; one who spc7it his time in the market places, collecting the refuse he met with there; a babbling fellow. Σττεζγ,ω, f. -^ω, I cause to hasten, drive, urge : QTriQ-^oyoit, I hasten, am. instigated to rage, rage. Σττεύύω, f στΐεύσο), 1 a. εσττευσοί, I urge, press forward, hasten, make haste, wish ear- nestly for. Έττευστζον, (from preced.) must hasten. Ί,ττενστΊκσς, -'ή, -oj, (from same) that has- tens, prompt, earnest, tirgent. Σττεω, -ω, and σ'πεο^α,ι, for εστ-ομαι, I follow, or εσττω, I say, or same as aTraoj. Σ'π'ήΚίΧ.ίον, -ov, TO, and crr^jAyy^, -γγος, τ}, (from σττέος) a cave, a den ; Lat. spelunca. ^T^iuciycciog, and σ'τηύχ^ια'ϊος, -ocioc, -oCiov, (from next) measuring a span. Ίττ'ίύύίμ,γι, -7j;, '/}, a span. Σπ-Ίλοίς, -α,^ος, τ], (rrbsu^) a loiu, hidden, or sunken rocJc ; a concealed cause of danger. Ί,ττίλος, -ου, 6, a spot, blot, stain. Σ'ΤΓίΤ^.όω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. εσττίτ^ωκα, p. pass. εστΓίΆαμ,χι, (from preced.) / spot, defile. See under yoT^^wjo. Σ'7Τ{7νύ)'^ης, -εος, 6, tj, (from στηλοίς) roclcy^ full of rocks. Στν'ιΚύίμ,Λ, -α,τος, το, (from σττιΚόω) a spot, a stain. Ί.'ττινύ'ήζ, -vjfiog, 6, a spark of fire. Ί,ττί'^ύ/ΐξίξω, (from preced.) I sparkle. Έττίϋύξχζ, or σ7ϊ-/ντ^«|, -α,χ,ος, ό, (from same) a spark of fire. iTrhog, -ου, 6, a small bird, a chaffinch ; a kind of stone, an aluminous slate. ΣττΤ^οίγχ^εύω, (from σ'π'κά,γχυο•^) I feed upon entrails ; I partake of the entrails of victims. Έττλαγχνίξύ), (from same) I sacrifice the entrails, invite to or partake of entrails offered in sacrifice : σττΤ^οίγχνίξο^α,ι, 1 a. pass. εσ'7τλΰίγχ,νίσύ-/ιν, I am moved with ten- der pity or comjiyassion, have my bowels yearn with pity. ^Tr'hci'yx'jia^og, -ov, 6, (from preced.) an offering of entrails, a p)artaking of the en- trails of victims after the manner of heathens ; commiseration, compassion'. ΣτΓ'λά,'/χ^νον, -ov, TO, a bowel or intestine of any animal body ; plur. the bowels denote tender affection, whether of love or of pity, mercy or compassion. Ί.7Γ>.α.γγ,νοφόί'/ος, -ov, 6, vj, (from preced. and (payu))an eater of entrails, as partaking of heathen sacrifices. ΣτΓ'Κνιν, -Yjuog, 6, the spleen. Ί.τΓ'Α-ηί'ίά,ω, (from preced.) I have the spleen. ^.Troy/la,, -xg, vj, same as aitoyyog. Στ-ογγίζω, (from next) / ivipc luith a spujige. 'S.TToyyog, -ov, ό, Att. a^oyyog, (from σ'χά,ω and vyQov) a spunge. iTroyyuh-f^g, -£0?, o, v\, (from preced.) spongy. Ίτΐού'εω, (from a'7:o(iog) I burn to ashes ; burn, roast, or bake, in or under ashes ; I beat to ashes or dust ; I sprinkle or pojvder luith ashes or dust; I brush off ashes or dust. 775 'oh'ia. A GREEK LEXICON. Έτοίύμίζί Ί,τΓοΙίοί, -ας, τ], (from same) a heap of ashes. 2 TToS/^^j, (from same) I διΐ)Ίΐ to ashes, roast or bake under ashes, I am ash-coloured. iTTohoiihYtg, -^ος, ο, τ}, (from same and ulog) having the appearance of ashes. 27Γθδοο^2ί/, 1 a. mid. ζαττο^ασά/α,/ιι/, (from next) / sprinJde myself iv'ith ashes. Ιτΐο^ος, -oy, o, (i. e. σ/Βεδοί, from σβ>ίω) ashes, dust, metallic dross. Ί,ττο'Κοίς, -άδοί, '^, a hide, leather, a dress 7nade of leather. 'Σττον'^οίξχίΰί, -Άζ, V}, (from στΐον^'^ and ά^χτί) a pouring out of the first libations ; the office of one ivho is σττόν'^χζχοζ, i. e. en- titled to preside at making libations. iTrouhsiccKog, -vi, -ou, (from στονδ;)) spon- daic. ^^Trouhiioi), -ov, το, (from same) a libation vessel. 'Σ'ττοι/^ίϊος, -sloi, -fiou, (from next) of or be- longing' to libations, spondaic, suited to be used on occasion of libations. iTzoy^Tl, -ijg, 7j, (from perf. mid. of σττεν'^ω) a libation : σττοΆχϊ, αί, treaties, truces, co- venants. 'Σ'7rou^oφόξog, -ov, 6, (from preced. and φίξύ)) a truce-bearer, a herald. Scroi/^i/Aof, Att. σφόν^υ7\ος, -ου, ο, a joint of the back-bone, one of the vertebrcB of the back ; a small knob or ball used in giving votes. ΈτΓΟξά, -Sig, vi, (from perf. mid. of σττείξοή sowing, seed sown, 1 Pet. i. 23. seed, off- spring. '2'7Γ0ξα^Ύΐν,{{γοπ\ same) scattered,copiously. Έ-ττοξάς, -oilog, vj, (from same) scattered, dispersed. 'Σττύζζύς, -iag, 6, (from same) a sower. Ί,τΓΟξΥίτος, -o^, -ov, (from same) sown: σττο- QYjTog, -ov, 6, the sowing-time. ^.Tfooif^og, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) that is or used to be soivn, fit for solving : σττόξίμχ, -o)u, TcH, sown places, cornfields. Irrro^og, -ov, 6, (from same) seed soivn, sowing season. 'Σττον'^ύζω, f. -οίσο), p. eaTrovhcixoi, 1 a. koTirovhoiaci, (from αττον^'ή) I use diligence, take pains, endeavour earnestly, hasten; also, make to hasten, urge, disturb. Ί.ττονΙα.ιο'Κογίω, (from next and χίγω) I speak on grave subjects; speak with zeal and gravity. ^TTov^oilog, -Clio,, -caou, (from στίον'^'/ί) dili- gent, earnest; grave, good, worthy: σττον- "hoiiug, diligently, earnestly, with seriousness or gravity. liTTOv^oitOTi^og, -ζοί, -qou, (comp. of pre- ced.) more diligent or earnest: σ-ττον^αιοτί- ξύ)ς, more diligently, earnestly, or hastily. 776 '2'7rov'^ocioryig, -nrog, v), (from a'xov^ouog) diligence, seriousness, gravity, probity. lATiOv^aq^Xj-fig, and G'7Tovhcx,Qjj(f^-i\g, -ov, 6, (from σ'ττον'^'^ and α.ξχν}) one ivho is fond of places of authority and dignity, a candidate for office. Ί,ττονΙΰίστβος, -a, -ov, (from σ'πουΐά,ζύ)) ear- nestly to be sought or attempted. Ί,^ΓονΙαστΙκός, -5j, -on, (from same) earnest, prompt, diligent. Ί^ττονίνι, -^g, 7], (from σ'ττεύΐω) haste, dili- gence, earnestness, perturbation, trepidation, care, carefulness: σττο^δί?, earnestly, care- fully, quickly. . ^ ' ^ Ί,ττνξοίύίοί, -ccg, vj, and aTrv^oiuog, -ov, 6, (from α-πν^ω, an obs. form of σ'τηίξω) the dung of goats and sheep, a round ball of dung, a heap of dung. Ί,ττνξβίον, -ov, 70, (from next) a small wicker basket. ^^TTv^ig, -i^og, vj, a maund, a hand-basket. 'STo.ysTog, -ov, 6, and σταγων, -ovog, vi, (from στύζω) a ώ•ορ, a dropper, applied to one who drops the word of the Lord, or prophesies, Micah ii. 11. Ί,τά,γμοί, -ocrog, to, (from same) a drop, a liquor. '2Toihicuog, -ciicc, -αΤο;/, (from στά,^ιοί)) that measures a stadium; a pitched battle by mutual consent, and in which the comba- tants kept unmoved in their stations, as if it had been fought in the stadium. Sra^/gy^, -iag, 6, same as arochio'^^ofiog. Έτά,^ίο^ζο/^,ίω, (from στχ^ίοι/ and δ^έ,αώ») / run in the stadium. ^iTci^id'^^of^og, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a runner in the stadium. 2τίέδ;ον, -ov, ro, or crcthiog, -ov, 6, a sta- dium, a place where men ran on foot in the Grecian games, the course or race-ground ; a measure of length, nearly equal to Ά fur- long or the eighth part of an English mile. Ί,τά,ξω, f. -|iJ, 1 a. saToc^oc, I drop or trickle down; let fall in drops, instill. ^iTOiueu, jiEol. for Βστάύϊΐσοίΐ/, 3 pi. 1 a. pass. οΐ'ίσΤΎΐμ,ι. ^.Toi&i^og, -ξά,, -ξον, (from 'ίστγ}μ{} stand- ing firm, fixed, constant, at the highest point. IroiuiVTog, -;?, -ou, (from next) warmed, parched, burned. '2τοίύζνω, f. -ζύσω, I warm, singe, roast. "Σταύμ^άω, and στοιύμ,ά.οΐΛοίί, 1 a. mid. is- tccu^uTiaaf^Yiv, (from next) / measure by a rule, lueigh, estimate, compute, conjecture. Έτα,ύ /icyi, -ng, 'ή, (from "ιστημ,ι) a line cover- ed with chalk or ochi^e to mark straight lines, a plumb-line, a measuring line, a rule ; the line or mark from which racers start. Ί,τΰΐύμίζω, f. -ϊσω, 1 a. ζστά.ύ(Λΐσοι>, (from QTxuf^vi) the same as στοίύ(/.ά,ω. l^ra^lim. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,ηι^όω. 'Στά,θμ,ιο^, -ov, το, (from same) a weight. Ί.τοίθ[ΛοΙότ•/ις, -ου, ο, (from next and δίδώ)- μί) one who gives a stand or lodging, an inn- keeper ; one who distributes quarters for troops or for the attendants on a court. ^.Tx6f/.6;, -ov, '6, pi. arccuf^cc, ra,, (from 'ίστ-^μ,ί) a station, a stage, anij standing dwelling or resting place, a stable; a ba- hnce, a weight; a door-post, a boundary, an intervening space. ^Tccufcov^cog, -ov, 6, (from preced. and s^a) one who has a station, inn, or lodging, a host, one who gives entertainment to others. Ιτα,Ις, or στοίϊς, arccirog, το, Att. στχς, dough. 2TuitThog, -τη, -oy,(from preced.) o/" ifoMg^. Έτύίκτ'ή, -Tjg, '/], (from στάζω) somewhat dropped, the oil of cinnamon or myrrh ; myrrh distilling from the tree of its own accord. Ίταχ,τος, -vi, -ou, (from same) dropping. l.TOi'hciyfAct, -ctTog, το, and στοί'Καγι/.ος, -ου, 6, (from next) a drop, distillation. 'Στά.Τ^όίζω, στΛΤ^ά,σσύΐ, and oTcthxa, f. -ύσο), or -ύ,'ξ,ύ), 1 a. £στάλ£ύ|54, (from στάξω) I drop, applied to one who drops the word of the Lord or prophesies, Mich. ii. 11.; / bedew, moisten. ΊτόίΚιζ,, -ίκ,ος, and στα,τύς, -ί^ος, vj, (from 'ίστηΐΛΐ) a pole for supporting any thing, as hunting nets ; a perch for hawks ; a small pillar. iTxyAv, -7uog, 'Jj, (from same) a pirop: oTcif/Sivig, the ribs or timbers of a ship. 2τά^ί/ο?, -ov, or vt, (probably from στύω) an urn, pot, oy jar. iToiu, for ίστοίν, Mo\. for 'ίστγ^σχν. 2τά|, στοίγος, vi, (from στά,ζω) a drop. Έτΰίσίύξω, f. -όίσύ), 1 a. ίστοίσιασ», (from στύσις) 1 make an insurrection or sedition, make a disturbance, excite to contention. Ίτά,σίάοχγις, and στασΙαοχος, -ov, 6, (from same and α,οχω) a leader of a faction. Ίτα,σια,σμ,ο;, -ου, ό, (from στασιάζω) a riot. Ίτα,σιοίστίΛος,-'/ι, -ο;/, (from 'i.2imQ) seditious. Ίτάσ'ίμ^ος, -ov, 6, ii, (from 'ίστ^ΐ^ι) ft for making steady ; standing, stationary ; stable, constant. Ιτάσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, τ}, (from same) a standing, statute ; insurrection, sedition, con- tention, Ί.τΛσιωθης, -ίος,ό, i;,(from same) seditious. ΣτασΙωζο», -ov, το, (from same and opog) a shepherd's cot on a hill. 'Στχσίωτ•/)ς, -ov, 6, (from 'ίστγιμή a man of the same faction. 2tut'^q, -^Qog, 6, (from same) a stater, a Grecian silver coin, equal in value to four Attic or two Alexandrian drachms, and to about half-a-crown English, Mat. xvii. 27. Έτάτίζομοίί, (from same) / stand at. ^TXTog, -'η, -ou, (from same) standing, stagnant, straight. ^.Txv^og, -ov, 0, (from same) a stake fixed into and standing up in the ground, a cross. Ί,τχνξόω, -ω, f. -ωσω^ p. ΙστχνξωΆΧ, 1 a. ίστα,ύζωσχ, 1 a. pass, ίστα,υ^ωύην, p. pass. ϊστχϋξωμ,χι, -σχι, -τχι, (from preced.) I fix pales, crucify, fix or nail to a cross, mortify. Ί,τχνζωίΛχ, -ccTog, το, (from preced.) a palisade. Ί,τάφϊς, -i%g, V], (from στάξω) a dried grape. Ί,τάφνλν}, -ijg, and στxφvλίg,-βoς, ii,(from preced.) a grape, a bunch of grapes. ΊτάγΡς, -ΰος, ό, (from στϊξ) an ear of corn. Ί,τάω, see ίστάω, and "ιστημι, Έτίάζω, f. -άσω, (from next) I fatten. Ίτίοίο, -ocTog, το, fat, suet, tallow; also, dough. Έτεχτοομοίί, p. pass, ίστεάτωμαι, (from preced.) I grow fat. 'Στεγάζω, f. -ά,σω, p. εστεγχκχ, I a. εστε- γχσχ, (from στεγω) I sustain, bear, cover, "Στεγχνόμος, -ov, ο or tj, (from στέγ-η and νύμω) a host or hostess. '2τεγxu6g, see στεγι^ός. ^TkyxQ^og, -ov, o, same as στεγχνόμος. Στεγχσμχ, -XTog, το, (from στεγάξω) a covering, clothing, chamber, roof, house, shel- ter. Στεγχστξΐς, -f^og, tj, and στίγχστζο•^, -ου, το, (from same) a covering, a, shelter, a litter. Έτέγ•^, -Yig, {], (from στεγω) a cover, a fiat roof of a house, a house, a deck of a ship, a story, a shade, a covering of any kind. 'Στεγuog, -'^, -ou, contracted for στεγανός, (from same) covered, connected, continual, frequent, close, secret. Στεγνότγις, -nTog, '/j, (from preced.) con- striction ; taciturnity. Στεγος, -εος, το, the same as στέγ/ι. Στεγω, f. -|w, 1 a. εστεζ,χ, p. εστεχχ, p. mid. Ιστεγχ, I cover, conceal ; endure, sus- tain, bear. Στείβω, f. -•ψω, p. mid, εστοφχ, I tread, trample upon, thicken. Στείνόττοζος, see στενόττοηος. Στεινός, Ion. for στενός. Στε1νος,-εος,τ6,{ΐΐθΐϊ\ στενός) a narrow pas- sage, a strait,narrowncss, oppression,d\siress. Στείνω, Ion. for στενω. Στεινωττός, for στενωττος. ΣτείΤΓτός, -"ή, -όν, (from στείβω) trodden. Στείζχ, -χς. Ion. στείζ/ι,-Υΐς,τ}, (from next) the keel of a shij). Στε72ος, -χ, -ov, (from στεoεω)hard, ban-en, not having or not bearing children. .τείζοω, ■ω, f. 5F a, ίστίΐζωσχ, p. εσ- 777 "ΣτεΙχ^ω, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,τζξΟ'^ηγζ^ετ'ης, τίίξωκ,Λ, (from preced.) / make harreuy am barren. Έτβίχω, f. -ίίζω, p. ίστειχοι^ 2 a. 'έστ"ιχον, p. m. εστοιχΰί, I go in a row, move in order y marchy proceed, ascend. 'Ί,τ'ίΚ'γισ^Λ, and στΤκί'/γισμ,οί, -ατός, το, (see στΆίγγΙς) lukat is scraped from the body. SrsAsflf, -οίς, στίΚανι, -ij?, τι, arsXsou, •ον, το, and στίΚίος, -ου, 6, a socket, a handle. Ί,τίΚίγ,ος, -εος, το, (from next) what is sent from the root, the trunk or stem of a tree, a branch, a shoot. ΈτίλΆω,ΐ. στε7\.ω, 2 f. στά,Τ^ω, 1 a. 'iaTnT^ci, p. βστχΤ^κ,ΰί, p. mid. ίστο7\.€&, 2 a. pass, ξστόί- T^nv, I send, equip, adorn, arrange; mid./ send myself away, avoid, withdraiv. Έτίλμονίοί, -ας, vj, a collar or covering to protect dogs from luild beasts. Ί.τΐ(Λ(Λόί, -ccTog, TO, (from perf. pass, of στίψω) a croivn, a garland : a fillet used in supplication. Ί,τζμ,μ,ά,τοω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) I crown with a garland, bind with a fillet. 'Στε/χφΐιΤϋΧ, -au, Tct, (from σταψίς) the re- fuse of pressed grapes or olives. "Στέΐ/αγμ,», -οίτος, το, and στίρο,'/μ,ος, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of next) a groaning, a groan. Ί,τζνάζω, f. -ά,^ω, 1 a. Ιστίνα-^α, p. pass. iaTsyciyf^cti, (from oTSuog) I groan, sigh. ^^TsvccKTsou, (from preced.) must lament. Ί,τζνοίκ,τος, -vi, -ου, (from same) groaning much, lamentable. Ί^τξυοίχίύ), στενόίχΊζω, and στϊνόίχω, same as στ&νά,ζω. Ί,τευίω, -ω, f. -5?σώ>, 1 a. iaTiumot, (from στενός) I straiten. ΈτΒΐ/οκάκ,ϋτος, -ου, ο, {], (from same and κωκ,ϋύϊ) that causes groans or siφs. ΊτίνοΤ^εσχεω, f. -τ^σω, (from same and λέσ- χ-ί^ I trifle. Έτενοπ-οξύμΐς, -Ί^ος, v}, or στενο-πΌξύ/χος, -ου, 6, (from same and ττο^ύμός) that is in a narrow passage. 'Στίνό'ΤΓΟζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from next and 'ττόξος) that has a narrow pass. Srsi^V, -5j, 'ov, narrow, strait, close. ΈτΒΰότγις, -Υΐτος, vi, (from preced.) narroiu- ness^ straitness ; penury, parsimony. 'Στίνοχωξίω, -ω, f. -'/ισω, p. Ιστίνοχω^νικα,, (from same and χωζίω) I straiten, press to- gether in a narrow place; pass. / ajn strait- ened, distressed. Ί,τΒυοχωξΙα, -ας, τ], (from same and χωζος) a narrow place, straits, great distress. See under ^τ,ίφις. Ί,τίΐ/όω, -ω, f. -ό)σω, p. Ιστίνωκ,χ, 1 f. pass. στζνύ)&νισομοίί, (from στίνός) I straiten, re- duce to straits. "Στίνω, f. aTsua, (from same) I make nar- 778 row; I groan, sigh deeply ; a stronger ex- pression than οΐμ,ύίζω. Ιτίνωττος, -ου, 6, Tj, (from same and ωφ) of narroiu view, contracted, narrow ; with ο^ος understood, it is used as a sub. a nar- I'ow way. Ί,τίνως, (from στευος) hardly, straitly, in a distressed ivay. Έτίνωσις, -ιος, Attic -ioyg, τ], (from στ$υ6ω) a straitening, distress. 'Στίξγνιθξου, -ου, and στίξγγι^ίοχ, -ατός, το, (from στίξγω) an excitement, charm, or philtre, to provoke love, an attraction; natu- ral propensity, love. Έτίξγο^ννευνος, -ου, 6, (from next and σύν- ίυνος) that loves his luife. Στίξγω, f. -ζω, p. 'ίστεξχχ, p. raid, εστοξ- ysi, I embrace with natural affection, love ; I bear ivith patience, acquiesce ; I entreat, supplicate. Ίτε^εμ,νιος, -a, -ov, (from ατεοεος) solid, strong, robust, hard. Ί,τίξεοκ,άξ^ίος, -ου, 6, vi, (from next and Koc^'icc) hard-hearted. 2r£^£oV, -a, -bv, firm, stable, steadfast, solid, hard, impenetrable, barren. Ί,τεξεότγις, -γιτος, τι, (from preced.) hard- ness, firmness. 'Στερεού), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. Ιστεξεωκα, 1 a. Ισ- τεξεωσΛ, 1 a. pass, ίστε^εωύην, p. pass, εστε- ξίωμ^αι, (from same) I strengthen, render firm, confirm. Έτεξέω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. εστίξνιχοι, 1 a. εσ- τεζΥίσα, 1 a. pass, εστε^νιύϊΐν, p. pass, εστεξτι- μχί, I deprive of, bereave. 'Στεξίωμοί, -οίτος, το, (from στε^εοω} that which has been rendered firm, firmness, stead- fastness ; the firmament. 'Στεξίωσις; -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from same) a consolidating, confirming, firmness. Ί,τεξγισις,-εως, ^, (from στέφω) deprivation. Στεξίσζω, same as στεξεω. See p. 69. 'Στεξ'ίφός, -% -ov, (from στερρός) sterile. "Στεξκ,τος, -ν, -ου, (from στεξγω) loved; to be loved, lovely, amiable. Ί,τεξυου, -ου. Ion. -oio, το, (from στεξεος) the breast, the bosom. 'Στίξυοτυ7Γεομ,ΰίΐ,-ουμ,οίΐ,{ϊνοτΆ preced. and τύ'7:•τω) I strike my breast. Στε^υοτΰ'ττνις,-εος, 6, τ), (from preced.) that strikes the breast ; impressed on the breast. Ί,τεςνοτυττίοί, -α,ς, '^, (from same) beating the breast, lamentation. Έτεξυουχος, -ου, ό, vj, (from στέρνου and εχω) having a breast or bosom ; prolific, fruitful ; holding in the bosom. Έτεξοττ'ή, -7)ς, V), (same as άστεξΟ'^^ or άσ- τξοίτι-νί) lightning. 'ΣτεξΟ'ττ'/ιγεζίτϊΐς, -oy,o,(from preced. and x- γείξω oΐeγείξω)thunder -gathering οτ exciting. Στΐ£>ο•ψ, A GREEK LEXICON. ήζω. Στ£ξο•ψ, -οτΓος, 6, lightning; or as an adj. flashing. 'SrsppoTroiia, (from next and 'ττοίίω) I make firm^ strengthen. l^Tsppog, -px, -pou, or στξζος, another form of στβζεός. 'Στί(>φος, -εος, το, a sJcin, leather. Στίςα, f. ^ol. στίοσω, and στέξο^αα/, same as στεοίω. 2τ£ί/ο,465ί/, 3 sing. pres. σπυτοίί, for στεύε- Tfli/, 3 sing. imp. στβυτο, for ίστβύίτο, (from στά,ω) I place myself, pledge myself promise, engage, declare, confidently affirm. 'Στίφα,ννι, -^ζ, 'hi (from στίφω) a crown, a border, a parapet or hreast-worlc. Έτεφα^τιφοζίο}, -Ζ, (from preced. and φί- Qci) I wear a croimi, or a garland. Ί,τεφχνγιφοζία,, -ccg, tj, (from preced.) the zvearing of a crown. 'ΣτΒφοίνγιφόζος, Ov, 6, 'a, (from same) that luears, or that brings, a crown; said of games in which a crown was conferred on the victor. Ί,τζφα,νίζω, (from στίφανος) I crown, ^τεφα.ι/ϊτ•/ις, -ov, 6, (from same) that be- longs to a crown, that is a conqueror; a combat in which the prize is a crown. 'Στζφΰα/07Τύ}λ7]ς, -ov, o, σηφοι,νότΐύίΚις, -ί^ος, 7], and στίφα,ϋΟ'πο^τιτζία, -α,ς, tj, (from next and ττωλίω) a vender of crowns ov garlands. Ιτίφχ.νος, -ου, 6, (from στίφύή a ci'own or garland, an ornament, honour. ^τεφα,νοτξία,, viz. βίβτ,ιι^ος, (from preced.) a crown of jJapyi'us. 'Στζφοί,νόύ), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. ίστίφά,νύ)κα,, 1 a. ίσηφά,ρύίΐΐΛ, (from same) / crown, enci?'cle, cover, adorn, honour. 2τΒφ!ζνύ)ο/]ς, -ες, (from same) like alcrown or garland. Στεφάι^ωιχχ, -οίτος, το, (from στεφανόω) a crown, garland, battlement. "Στίφος, -εος, το, (from next) a crown, a garland used in suj)plication. "Στίφύ), f. -ψώί, p. έστεφα, p. pass, 'ίστεμ- μ,Λΐ, I crown, encircle, cover, adorn, ho- nour. ^τγιύοοίσμ,ΐς, -ίΟος, vj, (from next and ^εω) a bandage or o7'nament for the breast. Σττιύος, -εος, -ους, το, (from "ι^τύ^ιλι) the breast. ^TYiuv'jiou, -ου, το, (from preced.) a little breast. Ί.τ7ΐΆύ), f. -^ύ), (for εστηκω) I stand, stand firm, 2)crsevere. Στ'ή'Κτη, -γις, γι, (from "ιστημ,ι) a stone stand- ing up out of the ground phiccd as a signal or means of defence, a pillar, a palisade, a statue. Ιτνίκιτεΰω, (from preced.) / affix to a pillar, publish the infamy of any one. Ί.τϊΐΚΊτγις, -ου, 6, (from same) posted up to infamy Ί.τγ[Κογρα,φΊα, -ocg, yj, (from same and γξάφω) an inscription on a pillar. ^TYiXooj, -ω, f. -όίσω, 1 a. εστν}7\ωσα,, 1 a. pass. εστγι7,ύ)β7]!/, p. pass, εστγιλω^.αι, (from στ'^λ-/;) / set up a pillar or statue, place, fix^ establish. "Σ-τιλωμίζ, -Λτος, το, (from preced.) apiV/er. Στ'ήΤ^ωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, 'ή, (from same) a standing, fixing. Ί.τ-/ιμονωθΥίς, -εος, 6, cj, (from στ'ημ,ωιί) like a warp. 'ET/jcioppayia, (from next and ρ'ηγνυμ,ι^ I tear the warp. Στ'ί^μ,ω]), -όνος, 6, (from 'ίστγίμ,ϊ) thread, the warp of a web. "Stv/vicc, -ωι/, τ», a festival of Ceres in which the tvomen made gross Jests on one another. Hence ^TYiuiaa, I use gross jests, deride, calum- niate, ι 2T5j^;y^fit. -ύίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of στ■ήζ^ζύJ) firmness, steadfastness, stability ; a confirmation, support. Στήξίγμ,ος, -ο'ϋ, 6, (from same) steadfast- ness, stability, a confirmation, support. Στ'^ξίγζ, -ίγγος, v], (from same) aprop. "Στγίξίζω, f. -|&, or -<σω, 1 a. εσττι^ί^χ, p. εστ7}ξίχ,α, 1 a. pass, εστγιοί-^ύγι», p. pass. Ισ- TYiQ^f/^cii, (from στε^εος^ I fi'X, strengthen, confirm, support. Στια, ~χς, sj, and στίον, -ου, το, a pebble. Στφόί^ιον, -ου, το, (from στφχς) a little couch. Ί.τφχ^οκοιτεω, (from same and ζοίττη) I lie on a bed of straw, leaves, or rushes. Στίβϋ^ος, -ζοί, -oou, (from στείβω) thick, gross, heavy, firm : στφΰCQως,firmly, heavily, vehcmenlly. Στφχς, -όί^ος, {], (from same) a bed of straw, leaves, or rushes ; a paved way. 2τΓ/3/7, -ης, 'ή, (from same) hoar-frost; stibium or antimony, a powder or paint which was used to make the eyes look black. Στφίζομ,χι, (from preced.) / paint or tinge with stibium or antimony. "Στίβος, -ου, 6, (from στείβω) a track. Στίγμ,ά,, -όίτος, το, (from εστιγ/αχί, perf. pass, of στίξω) a mark or brand with a hot iron, a stigma. Στιγμ.χτ•ηφο(ΐεω, (from preced. and φε^ω) I bear a mark. Στίγ/ίίοίτίχς, -ου, ό, (from στίγμ,Λ) a branded slave. 2T/y,w'4 -'^?, ^,(from 'ioTiyfAo(.i,Y)Q\'t pass, of στίζύ)) a point:, moment, instant. ΣτΓ/ΐΛίοίϊος, -uix, -aiou, (from i)rcccd.) of the size of a point, minute, momentary. Στίζω, f. -ί^ω, p. ίστιχ», I make a punc- 779 \Τ17ί70ς, A GREEK LEXICON. Ιτολίΰτϊΐς, ture or marh, properly with a hot iron ; I brand. "Στίκτός, -yj, -ou, (from εσηκ,τΰΐί, 3 sing. of sauyfcocij perf. pass, of preced.) punc- tured, impri7ited, Lev. xix. 28. 2τ;λ/3)7, -'ίί•, ^, and στίΚβη^ων, -όνος, νι, (from στίΤίβω) α shining. 'Στίλβός, ~^j -0U, (from same) shining, white. ΣτιΤ^βόω, 'ω, f. -άσω, (from next) / make to shine or glister ; brandish. Στίλβω, f. στιΆ-ψω, p. έστιΆψοί, I shine, glister, flash. ΣτιΆβωσίς, -ιος, Attic -ΐως, τι, (from pre- ced.) a shining, glittering. 'Στ'ΐλϊΐ, -m, ^i a drop, the smallest possible portion, the very least ; a small coin, a mite. '2η7\.7η/6ς, -»j, -ou, (from στίλβω) shilling, bright. ΣτιΤ^τη/ότ/ις, -νιτος, ij, (from same) a shin- ing, glittering, brightness. Στίμ,^ι, TO, also, στίμι, στίμις, and στίμ- f^iQi hi antimony. Στιμ,μ,ιζομ,χι, f. -Ίσομ^Λΐ, 1 a. iariy^i^iaa.- (Λν\ν, (from preced.) / paint or tinge my eyes with stU)ium or antimony. Sri I, -^ιχος, v], (from στίΐχω) a rank, row, line, order. Στίττ'ττνϊνος, 6, V], (from next) made of flax, linen. Στιτ^πΰο]/, -ov, το, (from στνττη) flax, linen. Στίτττος, -ij, -ou, (from στίίβω) pressed closely, close, thick. Στίφος, -ίος, το, (from same) a dense body of people, a cohort, a band or troop of soldiers. Στίφξος, -qoi, -goV, (from same) closely placed, packed, or pressed^ together ; dense, firm, tough, strong. Στϊχάω, f. -(ησω, 3 pi. imperf. saTixoMUTo, poet, for έστίχύόντο, contr. for $στιχάοι^το, (from στίίχω) I go in order, march. ΣτίχβίΟ!/, -ov, TO, (from στίχος) a little verse. '^'^ιχίζ^ί f• -^σώ), p. pass, ίστίχίσμχί, (from next) I place in oi^der, arrange in lines, write verses. Στοίχος, -ου, 6, (from στύχω) an order, a rowif a line or verse. ΣτΆζγγ^ις, and στί7\.γ\ς, -ΙΙος, v}, a curry- comb, a scrubbing-brush ; a thin plate of gold worn by females in their head-dresses, also, by persons deputed to consult oracles ; a band for the head of gilt leather. Στο», -οίς, v„ (from στάώ)) a portico, porch, cloister, covered walk. See στωικός. Στόοίζ, -οίκος, ο, (from preced.) a stoic philosopher, used as a term of derision. Στοιά,, 'Ο,ς, 'ή, for ΰτοκ> 780 Στοίβοίζύ), f. -χσω, 1 a. εστοΐβχσχ, p. pass. Ιστοίβα.σμχ{, (from next) / gather together straw or leaves, collect, heap up, condense. Στοίβας, -ά,Ιος, v}, (from perf. mid. of στίΐ- βω) a kind of bed composed of boughs of trees trampled together; plur. the boughs themselves, Mark xi. 8. Στοίβοίσις, -ιος, Attic -ξως, vj, (from στοι- βάξω) a heap. . Στοιβνι, -^ς, i;,(from perf. mid. oi στύβω) a heap ; also, a kind of prickly herb or plant. Στοιχϋον, -ου, το, (from στοιχίω) τα στοι- χ€ΐΛ, the elements or first principles of any work, art, science, or religion, whence sub- sequent parts proceed in order, applied to the elements of the universe ; of the Mo- saic law, Gal. iv. 3 ; of learning, such as letters, andnumbers; of heath en philosophy, Col. ii. 8, 20 ; and of the gospel, Heb. v. 12; uso, certain images, believed to be the safe-guards of cities, like the celebrated Palladium. Στοιχξΐόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from preced.) / deliver or form the rudiments of any thing ; I set doivn in letters, record. Στοιχειώδης, -εος, ό, vj, (from same) ele- mentary. Στοιχίίωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v], (from στοι- χίΐόω) a formation of the rudiments or ele- ments. Στοιχίω, -ω, f. -ν^σω, p. ίστοΊχτήκα, (from εστοιχα, perf. mid. of στύχω) I walk, pro- ceed in order. Στοιχίζω, f. -Τσώ>, p. pass. ίστοίχισμ>οι,ι, (from same) I place in order, ari^ange. Στοίχος, -ου, 6, (from same) a row, line, rank, a stake or row of stakes to support hunter's nets. Στο'Κοίς, -οίίος, vj, (from στίτ^^ω) a long leathern cloak luorn by soldiers. Στο-κγ,, -νις, VJ, (from perf. mid. of same) dress, accoutrement, arms ; a robe properly such an one as reaches down to the foot, a long garment. 2τολ>7τΐ5ί, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one who has the charge of a vestry or ivardrobe. Στολ7ΐόω, -ω, ί.-ωσω, {from στολι ς) I clothe, dress, adorn ; I fold, wrinkle. ΣτολιΙωτός, -5?, -ou, (from preced.) clothed, dressed ; folded, tvrinkled. Στολίζω, f. -ϊσω, 1 a. ϊστόλισΛ, p. pass. Ιστότ^-ΐσ^Λΐ, (from στοΤ^νΐ) I put on robes^ dress. ΣτόΤ^ισμ,οί, -ατός, το, and στοΤ^ισμός, -ov, 6, (from preced.) garments, dress, arms. ΣτοΤ,ιστνίζίον, -ου, το, (from same) a ward- robe. ΣτοΤ^ιστνις, -ov, o, (from same) one who has the charge of a vestry or ivardrohe. 'ΣτολμΙζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,τξο,τηγημα» Στολμος, -ov, ο, same as στολισ/^,ός. ΣτοΆΰς, -ov, ό, (from στίΚΚω) forces sent any where, a military or naval expedition, a fleet ; any assembled multitude, hence, a people. "Στύ/κ,χ, -ατός, το, the mouth, a mouth, an aperture; an edge ; a face, front, forepart. 2το,ί«άλ/,44]/>7, --/ις, 'ή, and στα^.ά.'Κιμ.υου, -ου, το, (from preced. and "κ'ψ.νη) a lake formed by an irruption of the sea, a mouth of a lake. 'ΣτύίίΛΧξγος, -ov, 6, v}, (from same and dQ- yog) using idle words, idly boasting. 'Στομ,ώτου^γος, -ov, 6, (from same and sq- yo'j) working with the mouth. Έτό/ίίόίχ,ος, -ov, o, (from same and ίχού) the stomach, the orifice of the stomach, the throat. Ί,τομΙζομχι, p. pass. Ιστ6μ,ισ(Λα,ι, (from aro.ucc) I receive into the mouth. Irof^tov, -ov, TO, (from same) a little mouth, an aperture, mouth-piece of a bridle. Ί.τομ,όω, f. -ώσω, (from same) I form into a mouth, open ; form into an edge, sharpen. Ί,τομ.φάξύ), (from στόμ,φος) I mouth, speak pompously, boast. Ί,τόμ,φα^, -ά,κος, '6, (from next) one who uses bombastic exj^ressions. Έτόίοφος, -ου, 6, 'ή, or στόμ,βος, or στόβος, (from aroua) high-sounding, bombastic; as a sub. abuse, insult. 'Στό^Λωμ,Λ, -οί,τος, το,{ΐΐθΓηστοι/,οω)αη edge. "Στόμωσις, -sag, τ], (from same) a temper- ing, giving an edge ; mouthing, clamour. Ί.τονοίχίω, στοι/χχίζίύ,{ή'θΐΏ next) I deeply groan, sigh, am indignant. "Στονόίχ;'/!, -Tjg, 7], (from στίνω) a groan. ^.Tovoiig, -ίσσοί, -iv, (from next) causing groans, mournful ; uttering groans. ^.Touog, 'OV, 0, (from στίνω) a groan, a roaring. Έτόννξ, -vyfig, 6, (from same) something brought to a narrow edge or point, point of a spear, sharp or rugged rock. 'Στοογ'ή, -vig, v], (from στί^γω) natural af- fection, love. ^To^iuuvfci, στοξξνννω, and στόξΐ^νμ,ί, στοξ- ρνω, from στοζίο, whence f. στοζίσω, 1 a. Ιστόζίσχ, I strew, spi^ead, lay down any thing flat, lay prostrate, beat down, humble, comp. στ^ωνννω. Ί,τόζύ-/!, -rig, 7}, and στο'ζίΊ/νΙ, -vyyog, ij, the point of a lucapon, a tusk, the point of a rock, a promontory. "Στόξντ], -rig, '/}, a girdle. Ί,τοχάζο^/.α,ι, 1 f. mid. -ά,αομα,ι, p. pass. ίστ6γ,ασ{Λ0ίΐ, (from στίΐγ,οή I aim at a mark, conjecture, exploi'e, search out ; do ivhat is agreeable to another, consult for, pity. '2τόγ,%σμΛ, -uTog, το, (from preced.) an aim. Έτοχασ/ίίος, -ov, 6, (from same) an aim- ing, conjecturing. '2.τo)cxστ'ήg, -ov, 6, (from same) one who aims right at the mark, a conjecturer, a pru- dent person. ^^Toy^ctaTiKog, -% -ov, (from same) expert in taking aim, capable of conjecturing. ^,TOx,og, -ov, 6, (from στίίγ,ω) a mark, aim^ conjecture. ^τροίβων, -a)Vog, 6, one that squints, iT^ccyyahYi, ->??, ^, (from aT^oiyyog, wind' ing or turning many ways) a cord, rope, strangulation. iT^ix.yyu'hici, -a,g, 'ή, (from same) a cable, a tiuisted or intricate knot ; fraud, guile. 'iT^ccyyotT.ia.ui, (from same) lam captious. Σrζccyyscλίζω, (from same) / strangle. 2T^ciyyoi^.lg, -Hog, vj, (from same) a little chain, a necklace, a collar, a noose, a snare. '2T^ix,yyoc'hio)hrig, -eog, 6, 7], (from στξχ^ ycihioi) twisted, perverse, captious. '^.Tq^ccyyoiKOa, -ω, f. -ύίσω, p. pass. IffTgety- ycchoiiAoii, (from same) / strangle. iTQ^ccyyivo^cci, (from ffr^^ayl) I press out by drops ; delay. 'Στζciyyίξω, f. -ϊσω, Attic -iZ, 1 a. soT^oiy- yiacc, (from same) I press out by drops, squeeze out. '^T^ccyyov^iot, -ccg, τ], (from same and ov- Qov) the strangury. liT^ccyyov^ioca, (from preced.) I have the strangury. 'Στξccyyoυξίκog, -oj, -ou, (from same) sub- ject to strangury. "ET^ccy^, aT^ctyyog, tj, a drop. 1t()cituo{^ui, (from ar^uixoV) / pitch my camp. 2r^i»ra^P(j>7;, -ου, 6, (from same and «g- X'/i) a commander of an army. ΈτξόίτΒίοί, -ecg. Ion. στξατ-ηι/ι, -vig, hi (from στζζχ,τίύω) an army, warfare. ^.TPMTiuf^x, -ctTog, το, (from same) an army, an armed or military force. 'ETQctTsoa'i^uog, -ov, 6, ^, (from same) be- longing to or used for military service, iT^ocTivaig, -sag, vj, (from same) an ar- my, an army in battle-array, military ser- vice. Ίτξοίτίντίον, (from next) must march against. Ίτοόίτίνύ), f. -ίΰσω, p. Ιστι^ά,τίνκοί, 1 a. ϊσ- TPUTiVGoc, 1 f. pass, στζο,τίνύνίσομοίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ιστζχτίύΰηι/, (from aT^ctTOg) I lead an army, wage luar ; mid. / perform military duty, serve as a soldier, fight. iTtioiTnyio), -ω, (from same and ^^έ'ύ,αα/) / lead an army, am commander ox governor ; pass. / am overcome or deluded by stratagem . ^TQccTvjy/ijiici, -ccTog, το, (from preccd.) stratagem, militari/ policy. 781 Ί,'Τζατγιγία. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,τρόβιλοζ, '^ΤξΜΤϊΐγ'ίιχ, -ας, ^, (from στζΰ&τγιγος} α military command^ the office of a general. Ί.τζΛΤΥΐγι»ω, (from same) / desire to be a general. Έτξοιτγιγίκος, -ij, -ou, (from same) belong- ing to, or qualified for, military command : στζοίΤΥίγικως, with the skill of a general. Ί.τζά.τ'ήγιον, -ου, το, (from same) the gene- raVs tent. Έτξόίτγιγ'ίς, -Ι^ος, vj, (from next) a female commander; pi^ceiorianband; admirals ship. Έτξόίτγιγός, -ou, 6, (from στξc&τoς and τίγίομ,α,ι) a leader of an army, commander, captain, ruler, prince. Έτξχτγιλασία, -ug, 7], (from same and Ixoivua) a military expedition. Ί,τςόίτγιλοίτίω, (from same) / command an army. 2r^£iTJ7Accr57?, -ου, 6, (from same) a com- mander of troops. Έτζόίτίχ, -ΰΐς, τ}, (from στζα,τος) an army. '2τξczτιά,ξχYiς,2^ϊ\άστξc&'τicίξχoς,-oυ,6,{ΐvom. same and όίζχ,ω) a leader of an army, or of a corps in an army, a chief Έτζάηος, -oi,-ou, {ivom στζοίτος) military, warlike. ^τζ^ά,τιωτΎΐς, -ου, 6, (from στ^οί,τία,) a sol- dier, Ί,τζΛπωτίκος, -vi, -ou, (from same) of or belonging to, or fit for a soldier, military: στ^οίτιωτικ,ως, like a soldier. Στξατοκνίξυζ, -υκος, 6, (from στζίχ,τος and >ον}ζν^) a herald of an army. ^τζοίτολογίω, -ω, f. -"/^σω, (from same and perf. mid. of Τ^ίγω) I collect or levy an ar- my, enlist; I review an army. 'Στζατοττ&^ά.ζχγις, -ου, 6, (from στξΰίτότι'ε- δον and α.ξχων) the commander of a camp; in the New Testament, the prcefect or co7n- mander of the PrcEtorian cohorts, which were then kept in a fortified camp near the city, Acts xxviii. 1 6. "Στξΰΐτοττί^είοί, -χς, τ], (from στ^χτοτη^βύω) a measuring out of ground for a camp, an encamping, a camp. ^τζοί,τοττε^ίυσίς, -ίως, v}, (from same) a pitching of a camp. Έτξΰίτοτι-ί^ίυτΪΆός, -'/j, -ου, (from next) be- longing to or fit for a camp, Sr^ciTOTiSsviy, f. -ίϋαω, p. Ιστ^ΰίτοττδδί^κ/κ, (from next) I measure out ground for a camp, encamp. 'ΣτζόίτότΓί^ον, -ου, ro, (from next and ττε- δον) an encampment, an army, Luke xxi. 20. 2τςώτον,-οζ), 6,acamp, anarmy, the people. ^τζα,των^^γις, -ου, 6, (from preced. and ωνίομοίί) one who sells himself to be a sol- dier. 2τ^Ι/3λ£ΐ»^ί)ί, -οίτος, το, (from στξεβλος) perverseness. 782 Έτξίβλγι, -γις, vj, (from same) torture, an instrument of torture, a screw. Έτζεβλοκχζ^ιος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next and Ku^hiec) of perverse heart. "ϊτζεβλός, -jj, -ou, (from στρίψω) distoi'ted, crooked, perverse, cunning. 'Στ^εβλότγις, -νιτος, 'η, (from preced.) per- verseness. Έτξεβλόα, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. εστξεβλύύκοί, 1 f. pass. στξεβ7\ωύ7ΐσο[Λοίΐ, (from same) I put to the rack, rack, pervert, wrest, torture, 2 Pet. iii. 16; pass. I am froward or pjerverse, I am opposed to, 2 Kings xxii. 27• Ί,τξίβλωσίς, -εως, ί;, (from preced.) distor- tion, the application of torture. Έτζεβλωτί^ξίου, -ου, το, (from same) an in- strument of torture, the stocks, a rack. Ι.τφ^μ,ΰ'., -Λτος, το, (from perf. pass, of στζίφω) that which has been twisted, a thread, a dislocation. Ί.τξε'ΤΓταίγλος, -ου, 6, % (from next and αΐγ'Κγϊ) averting brightness. Ί,τξετττος, -vj, -ou, (from ατζεφω) turned or twisted, that may be turned or twisted, flexi- ble, versatile: στξετττος, -ου, 6, a necklace. Ί,τξετττοφόξος, -ου, ό or 5j, (from preced, and φίξύ}) one who wears a necklace. ^τζεύγομΛΐ, (same as στξα,γγεύο^^Άί) I linger, suffer misery or pain, perish by sloiu degrees. Έτ^εφεΙϊυεω, (from next and ^tuka) I turn round in a circle, I ivhirl. Έτ^εφω, f. στζί-ψα, p. έστρεφα, 1 a. εστξε- ■ψχ, 1 a. pass, εστξίφύγιυ, 2 a. pass, εστξά,φ^ν, p. pass. εστζοίίΛμ,οίΐ, p. mid. εστξοφΰί, (from τξετΓύ)} I turn, convert, change, turn back, turn away, twist, torture ; meditate. Ί,τ^ε-ψοΙϊκ,έω, (from preced. and lUn) I pervert Justice. 'Στξε-φο^'ίκ,ο'ττΰίυουξγ'ίΰϊ, -ας, 9], (from pre- ced. and TToiuou^yict) dexterity in perverting justice. Ί.τξγιυνις, -εος, 6, vj, and στζηνος, -'η, -ou, harsh, rough, loud, shrill, tumultuous. Ί,τζΎΐϋΐά,ω, -ω, f. -ά,σο), p. εστζγιυΐχίΐΐα, (from next) / live an abandoned profligate lux- urious life, I live in insolent luxury. Έτξΐ^υος, -εος, -ους, το, (from στεξεα and Tjulec) profligate luxury, insolence, pride, the hfe of men who have shaken off every rein or resti'aint. Ί,τζίβιλίκϊγζ, (from στζίβος, a chirp, and λίκ,Ιγξ, a little bird) the smallest squeak, the smallest possible thing, a jot, an atom. Έτρϊφυός, -vj, -ou, (from στξεφω) lean, lank, thin, firm : στξίφυος, -ου, 6, gristly flesh. 'Στξοβεο}, -ω, f. -jjira), (from same) / drive about, turn about, disturb, terrify. Ί,τξόβίλος, -ου, 6, (from same) a body turn- ing on its own axis, a top, a cone, a luhirlwind. A GREEK LEXICON. '2τξοβιλος, Ί.τζοβίΤ'.ος, -57, -oV, (from same) turned round. 'Στξοβίλω^/ις, sog, o, '/}, (from same) co7ii- cal, round. Ί,τζόβος, •ον, ο, (from same) a whirl, vor- tex ; a belt, girdle. 'ΣτζΟ'/γυΤ^οίίνω, (fi-om σΎζογγΰτ^ος) I make round or compact. Ι.τ^ο'/γυ'ΚοζίοΥις, -sV, (from same) round. 'ΣτζΟ'/'/υΤ^όομ,ίχ,ι, (from next) / am round. 2rgoyyt/AOf, -Yi, -ou, round, circular, glo- bular ; well rounded, terse. 2τοο77^λ£/'ω, -ω, (from preced.) I make round. 2T^oy7:^Aτοογγύ>,ωσις, -tog, Attic -so)g, v], (from same) roundness, a circuit, a line or trench. 'Στζό^.βος, ~ov, 0, (same as στξόβος) a spin- dle, top, round shell, a cone. Ί.τξουβίξω, (from arpovuog) I peep, cry as a yoimg sparrow. l.TPovuiox,a,fAriKog, -ου, 6, (from next and y,a,yyf[hog) an ostrich. "Ετζουθίο, -ου, το, (from στζουβος) a little sparrow. '2τξoυύoκ,ά,μ,Yihog, same as σχοου&ιο•/,ά,^^/\Κος. Ί,τζουθος, -ου, 6, (from στίρρως ^siu, run- ning vehemently) a sparrow ; also, an os- trich. Στξoφcc7og, -ου, ο, (from aT^o(pibg) a title of Mercury, from his statue being placed at the door-post ; a cunning j^erson. Ί,τζοφόίλΐ'/ξ, -r/yog, ij, (from στξίφω) a ivhirlwind, a whirling cloud of dust. Ί.τζοφά.'κίζο), (from same) / turn, whirl. 'Στζoφaig, -oihog, 'ή, (from same) that turns round, ivinding. Έτζοφύω, (from same) / turn about, wan- der. Έτζοφίίοι/, -ου-, το, (from same) a pulley, twist or cord. Έτ^οφέύς, -sojg, o, (from same) a hinge. Ί.τξοφ'ή, -7;g, τ], (from same) a turning, a subtlety, a strophe, a turning of the chorus from left to right. Ί,τζόφιγζ,, -yyog, 6, (from same) a hinge; the thong of a shield. Ιτοόφιον, -ου, το, (from same) a kind of band, zone, or kerchief. Έτζόφίς, -ίύ)ς, ό, (from same) an artful man. 'Στξοφο^ϊνίω, same as στζίφί^ινίύ). 'Στζύφog, -ου, 6, (from στ^ίφω) a rojje, any thing twisted, a twisting of the bowels. ^τζοφωτος, -τι, -ou, (from same) turning, that can be turned. Ί.τ(^6ω, ( obsolete) I stroiu or strew. '2.τζυφuog, -oj, -ou, (from στύφω) stiff, sour; harsh, austere. Ίτύλόύ Ί,τςυφvότιηg, -γιτος, τ], (from preced.) harsh- ness, severity. Ίτ^υφνόω, f. -ωσύ), (from same) I stiffen. Ί,τζωί-ίοί, 'Ccτog, το, (from στ^όο)) a couch, any thing spread or streiued on the ground for resting on, a covering for a couch. Ί.τζc■)f/.ccτohίσμog, -ου, ο, (from preced. and osaf/.og) a bag to carry bed-clothes, a mattress ox feather-bed. 2τ^ω,ί4ίΐίτο(ρίλα|,-«κο5•, 6 or '^, (from same and φυΆά,σσω) a keeper of bed-clothes, an upholsterer. Ιτζωμ,νίι, -^g, '/}, (from στξόω) a couch, bed, mattress, covering, Ί,τ^ύ)υυύω, or στζων])ϋμ.α (from στζόω, has) f. στφσω, 1 a. 'iar^aacc, p. ίατξωκ,οί, p. pass. ίστζοί^.α,ι, I strow, smooth or make a bed; pass, am furnished, strowed with carpets over the couches. Ί.τ^ωτ'ήζ, -vjoog, 6, (from same) a transverse beam: στξωτvjζeg, the Joists ; the laths which support the tiles of roofs. Ί,τξωτγις, -ου, ό, (from same) one who makes beds or couches, and spreads bed- clothes or carpets, &c. Ί,τζωτος, -'/j, -ou, (from same) spread, laid flat. Ί,τξωφά,ω, (from στζίφω) I turn, spin ; tarry, dwell. '^TvyiQog, -ξΰί, -Qou, (from στυyίω) odious, hatefid ; sad, dismal ; horrible, terrific: στυ- ysQcOg, hideously, ghastly, frightfully, horribly. ^,rvyi^o)'7r-ng, -sog, 6, 7], (from preced. and ω-ψ) that has an odious or teinnflc aspect. 'Στvyiω, -ω, f. στυy7lσω, and στύξω, from obsolete στύyo), 1 a. ίστυ'ί,Λ, οτρί.στύξαί/:/./, 2 a. έστυyou, see p. 6Q, I shudder with horror, hale, dread. '^τύy■/ιμ>oc, -α,τος, το, (from preced.) an object of hatred. Ixvy/jua^, -o^og, o, '/], (from same and άν'ή^) that hates men. ^τυyγ]τog, -7J, -ou, (from στυyiω) hated, hateful, to be abhorred. 1τύyίog, -u, -ou, (from 2τί)|) hateful, hor- rible, abominable, infernal, Stygian. Ί.τυyuxζω, f. -όίσω, 1 a. hxuyuxaci, (from next) / am of a disgusted, sad, or sorrowful countenance, I lower, am astonished or con- founded. 1τυy'Jog, -')}, -ou, (from στυyeω) odious ; sorrowful, producing sadness. 'Στυyuότrιg, -Yiτog, 7}, (from same) sadness, inclemency. 'Στυλig,-f^og, tj, and στυl^iσxΛg, -ου, t^from next) a little pillar. "SxDXog, -ου, ό, a pillar; a pen, hence, style, 'Στΰλόω, -ω, f. -uaco, 1 a. Ιστυκωσχ, (from preced.) / raise a pillar, support with pil- lars. 783 2τΰξ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,υγγογγυλίζω, 2ry|, Ί.τν/ος, ^, (from στυγΐω} the Stijx, the river of hatred, a river of Hades. Ί,τύ^χί/ίίΐ, see στυγίω. Ί,τύτΓΥΐ, or στύττ'τΓΥΐ, -της, jj, tow of βαχ or hemp, Lat. stupa. ΈτντΓος, -£ος, το, a stem, stalk, trunk, club. 'ΣτυτττΓΒΐϊνος, same as σηττ'ττνϊνος. "ΣτυτττΓίΙου, or arvTrslou, and στυττττίου, -ου, 70, (from στύττγι)βαχ, linen. Ί^τυττ'ττειο'ττωλγις, or στυτττηο'ττωλνις, -ου, 6, (from preced. and ττω'κίω) a seller of tow or ropes. 'Στνπ-τνίξίχ, -ocg, oj, (from στύφω) alum, vitriol. Ί.τντττ'ίχ,ος, -τι, -ov, (from same) astringent, styptic. Στυξάκ^οζ, -iUYi, -iuou, (from next} of the styrax. Ίτΰξοί^,, -Οίκος, 7], the styrax, an odorife- rous tree. Έτνφίλίζω, f. -ξω, (from στύφω) I beat, push away, strike violently; drive away, dis- perse, thrust out ignominiously ; treat harshly, abuse by scu7^ilous language. 'Στνφίλίσ/^ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) ill- usage, 'Στυφί'λος, contr. στνφλος, -jj, -ov, (from same) thick, hard, rough, rugged. 'Στνφοκόμ,τί'ος, or στυφοκόττος, -ου, 6, one fond ofnghting, one that strikes quails, or a game quail. Ί,τυφότϊΐς, -ητος, vi, (from next) density. Στύφω, f. -ψώ), / have a sour taste, I act as an astringent, constrict, condense, congeal. Ί,τύ^Ρις, -εως, vj, (from preced.) astrin- gency. Έτϋω, f. -ύσω, I erect, swell with lust. Στοηκος, -ί?, -6u, (from στοχ) a Stoic. The Stoics were a sect of philosophers, so called from στοά, a portico at Athens, where their founder, Zeno, walked and philosophised, about 260 years before Christ. They were materialists and idolaters, held fate and predestination, highly commended apathy or freedom from all passions, entertained very austere notions of moral virtue, which they endeavoured to enforce by high and shocking pretensions to self-sufficiency. Acts xvii. 18. Στωμΰλίω, and στωμ,ύ'ΚΤ^ω, (from στόμα,) I chatter, prate. Στωμν7\.ίοί, -οίς, vi, (from same) prating. ΣτωμυλίοσυΆΤ^ίκτΆ^Υΐς, -ου, ο, (from pre- ced. and συΤ^Τ^ίγω) a collector of prattle. ΈτωμυΤίμοί, -α,τος, το, same as στωμυ7\.1ιζ. ΣτωμυΤ^ος, -ου, 6, V], (from στόμα) talka- tive, facetious, petidant. Ίύ, σου, (froni Dor. τύ, the same) thou. Συα^ξω^γ^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from συς and oiy^ct) that is like a wild boar. 784 Ί,υβχξίξω, (from next) I live like the Sybarites a voluptuous life. Σύβαξίς, -ίος, or -ί^ς, τ;, a city of Italy, famous for the luxury of its inhabitants. ΈΰβόίςΤτγις, or Έΰβάξτγις, -ου, ο, (from pre- ced.) a Sybaiite, a voluptuous person. Έΰβαζϊτ^κός, -^, -ou, (from same) Sybaritic, luxurious. Συβ'ηνη, or συβΐι /v], -ης, τ], (from συς) a case made of ho^s skin. Ί,υβόσιον, -ου, το, (from same and βόω) a herd of swine, Ιΰβωττ^ς, -ου, ο, (from same) a swine-herd. ΊυβωτΗός, -vi, -ov, (from preced.) of a swhie-herd. Σύγγοίμος, -ου, 6, oj, {συν and γάμος) a spouse. Συγγίίτων, -όνος, 6, τ], (same and γε'ιτων) neighbouring with, near to. ΣυγγίΚάω, -ω, (same and γ&κύω) I laugh with. Ί,υγγίνίία, -ας, ^,(from συγyivvις^kindred. 'Συγγεήτείξα, -ας, i], and συγγενετίς, -ίίος, 7j, (from same) a cojnmon mother or sister. Συγγει/ετνις, -ου, 6, (from next) a common father. Συγγενές, -ίος, -ους, 6, 'ή, (from συν and γείίος) a kinsman or kinswoman, a relation : συγγενως, from his birth. Συγγενί-Δς, -5?, -όυ, (from same) of or be- longing to relations: συγγευικ,ως, like kindred. ΈυγγενΙς, -βος, ^, (from same) a female relation. Συγγενί/άω, {συν and γεννάω) I engender with, beget together, bring forth at the same time. Συγγεωξγός, -ου, 6, (same and γεωργός) a fellow labourer. Έυγγγιύέω, -ω, and συγγνίύω, (same and γγΐύεω) I j^ejoice with, congratidate, Ίυγγγίξάσκ,ο), (same and γγίζάσκω) I grow old with. Έυγγίνομαι, (same and γίνομαι) I am or go tvith, associate with, cohabit with. Συγγινωσκω, (same and γινωσκ,ω) I k7iow, agree with, acknowledge, am conscious of, forgive, pardon, excuse. Σύγγνοίά, -ας, v], (from preced.) pardon. Ιυγγνόίμη, -ης, vj, {συν and γνώμη) advice, forgiveness, concession, permission, leave. Συγγνωμον'ίκός, -sj, -ou, (from same) dis- posed to forgive. Συγγνωμοσΰνη^ -J7?j ^> same as συγγνώμη. Συγγνώμων, Όνος, 6, vi, (from συν and γνώμη) having a fellow feeling with, forgiv- ing, merciful. Συγγνωστός, -vi, -ou, (same and γνωστός) that ought to be forgiven. Συγγογγυκίζω, (same and γογγυΤ^ίζω) I tuni round together. 'Συγγομφόω, A GREEK LEXICON. 'Συγκατα/νεω. Ί,υγγομ,φόω^ (sarae and γομ-φοω^ I fasten together with luedges or nails. ^uyy^cif/.fAoi, -ocro;, το, (from συγ'/ξά,φω) a composition, treatise. 1νγγΡοί^.μ,άτίοι>, -ου, ro, (from preced.) a little t?'eatise. Ίυγγζόίφίύς, -ίος, 6, (from συγγζ^ά,φω) a writer, historian. Ί,νγγοΰίφ'ή, -νις, '^, (from same) a com- position, a history. 'Σνγγξχφίκοζ, -'-Λα\ΰ'7Γτω, (same and υ.ο,τλκλ- λίί^Γτω) 7 cover together with. Ί,υγκοίτοίΆζί^/,οίΐ, (same and χιχ,τά,κ,αμ,οίΐ) I lie down with at table or in bed. 'Συγκόίτίύκ7\.€ίω, (same and κχτακ'λίίω) I shut up with. Ί^ν/ΆΛταχ.'λΎΐζονομίω^ -&), (same and κ,Λτα,- κ,Τ^γιςοι/ομίω) I possess an inheritance toge- ther with. Ί,υγκ,ΰίταίκλίΐ'ύ), (same and xotrocK^Iua) I lie down, recline, with. Ένγκ,οίτάκλίσΐζ, -sc-jg, v], (from preced.) a lying doiun with at table or in bed. ΈνγκίΑτα,κ,τύομχι, (^συν and κ,οίτοίκ,τοίο- μοίΐ) I possess myself with, assist in investing. Ί^υγκατά,Λτνιμ,ί, (same, /.ατοί, and κτ^μ,ι) I slay together with. '2υ'/κ,(Χ,τα7\ΰί(Λβοίνω, (same and kolxolKci^- βάι^ω} I seize together ivith. Ένγκα,τοίλίγω, (same and κ,οίτοίλέγω) I rank, nurnber, review with. 'ΣνγκέίτόίΤκνω, (same and κατοίΤ^ϋω) I stay at the same inn with, lodge with. 'Σνγκ.ατα.μοίξτυξίω, (same and κατχαοίξ- τυξίω) I witness against at the same time. 'Σνγκ.όίτΰίμ,ίγι^νμ.ί, (same and xoiTccfiiy- ννμ,ι) 1 7nix together with. 'Ιν/κα-τοίτΐΤνίκω, (same and κ,α,τιζ'τΐΤ^ίκύ)) I entivine with, iiiterweave. ^vy!cciTci7r^ix.aaa,(same and κ,ύΐ,τοι,τΓζάσσω) I despatch ivith, assist. Έυγκχτα,ξίύμίω, (same and κχτοίξΐύμίω) I number with. 'Συγκΰίταβρίτττω, (same and κχτοιββίτττω} I throw down together. Ένγκοίτοίσβει/ννμί, (same and κ,οίτοίσβίυ- νυμ>ι) I extinguish tvith. 'Συγκ,όίτΰσκ,ά'π-τω, (same and κΛΤοίσκ,άτί'- Toi) I dig down with. 'Σν/κ,ατοι.σκί^όίζω, (same and Kurotaicshu- ζω) I sprinkle or pour down with, drink bumpers tuith. Ί,υγκ,οίτχσκ.ίνάζω, (same and κ,ατχσκεν- άζω) I prepare or furnish with or toge- ther. 'Σί/γκοίτασκτήνόω, (same and κ,Λτα,σκ,Ύΐνόω) I place in a tent or in tents together. ^vyKocTccaKVjTrrafisame and κ,χτΰίσκ'ίΐ'ΤΓτω) I rusk upon together with. 'Σνγκοΐ'Τοίσ'ΤΓά,ύ), (same and κ,ρίτοίσττάω^ I draw down with or together. ^νγκα.τχστξίφύ), (same and κχτΰίστζίφω) 786 I turn doivn together, assist in overthrowing;^ mid. die at the same time. 'Συγκοίτοίτάσσω, (same and κ,χτατχσσω) I appoint, set in order, station with or toge- ther. Ί,υγκΛτατίύΐΐμί, (same and κ,χτοίτίύ^μί) I put down together with, vote with, consent. 'Συγκοίτοίτξύύ'γω, (same and χοίΎοΐ>τφγ<ύ) I eat up together with. 'Ί^υγκ,οίΤίχ.φοίγω, (same and }(,ο(,τα.φά,γω) I devour together tvith. Ένγκ,χταφίζω, (same and κ,χτίζφίξω) I bring or bear down together, with: συγΆΛτοί' φίρο{Λοίΐ, I descend together, fall with. Ί,υγ>ίΰ(,τ(χ,φ7,ίγω, (same and χ,Λταφτ^ίγω) I burn down together with. Ένγκατοί-ψγιφίζω, (same and κα.τα•ψγιφί- ζω) I choose by a common or a united vote : σνγκοίτοί-ίΡνιφίζομοίί, 1 a. pass, συγκοίτε-ψη- φίσύτιν, 1 am voted, reckoned, or numbered with, received into the number of. Acts i. 26. Ί,νγκ,οι,τί^ω, (same and κατίδω) / eat up together. Ιυγκ,ά,πίμ^ι, (same and x^rsi^i) I come or go down together. ^υγκ,οίτξξγύζο/ίί,ΰίΐ,^^ηϊηβ and κ,οίΤίξγύζο- ,ucci) I woi^k out together with, bring into subjection ivith. 'Συγκοι.τίζχ,ομ,οι,ι, (same and κ,οι,τίξχο/ί^χί^ I come or go down or land together tvith. Ένγκ,ατίνύϋι^ω, (same and κ,(χ,ηυύΰνω) I regidate with, direct my course by. ^υγκά,τίΰχ,ομ,οίί, (same and κοίπύγ^ομ,αι) I wish or pi^ay at the same time. 2yyxciTi5yo^£iu, (same and }coi,rYiyo^icu) I accuse with or together. Ιυγχ,όίτηξίφτίς, -ig, (same and }<,(χ.τγΐζίφ'ής) covered with. 'Σνγκόίτοικίω, and συγκ,α,τοικ,ίζω, (same and κκ,τοικ,ΐω or -ίζω) I divell with. 'Συγκ,ΰίτοίκ.τΙζομοα, (same and κ,οίτοίχ,τίζω) I condole with, complain, lament. 'Συγκα,τοξύόω, (same and κοίτοζύόω) I di- rect or accomplish my duty with or together. 'Σνγκχτοξόσσω, (same and χ,ατοζύσσω) I dig down, treasure up, bury with or toge- ther. Ί,νγκ,ΰίττνο), (same and kucttUo)) I sew together. Ί,ύγκίίμοίΐ, (same and κείμαή I am placed beside, lie beside, have made an agreement with, have conspired. Ί,νγκ,ελεόω, (same and κελεύω) I order, command, or encourage with or together, Ί^υγκεντεω, -ω, (same and κεϋτεω) I pierce or stab together. 'Συγκεζά,ννϋμι. See συγκεξάω. Έυγκεςατίζο/ί^χί, (avu and κεζατίζοί) I fight with another with horns, Dan. xi. 40. 'ΣυγκεζΛυνόω, (same and κ,ερκνι/όω) Ithun- Ίυγχ,ζξάω, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,νγκξοι,τύνω , der together with, strike as with a thunder- holt at the same time. 'Σν/κεξύω, or σνγκ,ίξχννυμι, {same and κ,ξξάω or Ki^ocuuvf/.i) I mix with, compoimd together, temper, attemper, Heb. iv. 2. Ί,υγκίφχΚαιόω, (same and κξφίχ,Τ^Λΐόω^ I bring together under one head, recapitidate, sum. up, maJce up the total. Ί.υγκ,ίφοι,'Κα,ίωσις, -ζ(ύς, vj, (from preced.) a recapitulation, a summing up. ^vyKiy^vf^iuoyg, (from part. perf. pass, of σν/χ,ύω) in a confused manner. "Σνγκ-ήΟίστ'ή;, -ou, 6, {σύι/ and κτ^ίσττις) a ivifes sister's husband, a brother-in-law. ^νγχ,-/ι6ίύω, (same and κγ^ξύω) I discharge the duty of a relative with or tog:tuer, on the occasion of marriage as / adorn a bride, or on the occasion of death as / bury, with or together. ^υγχ,ΐ'Λνΐίίΰύ), (same and κ,ι•Λυνζύω) I ex- pose to danger with, share in danger. 'Σν/κί'Αω, -0), (same and κινίω) I move together, put into commotion, stir up. Ivy/Avmig, -£ως, 5j, (from preced.) com- motion. 'Συγ-ΛΚα,ίω, (σύι/ and yJKci'ioi) I v.)eep with. Ί.ύγκΤ^οίσίς, -ιος, Attic -sag, tj, and avy- y-'huay.o;, -ου, 6, (from next) a contusion, a breaking in pieces. 2υ'/•κ^.ά.ω, -ω, {συν and •ΛΚάύ)) I break to- gether, break to pieces. Ίνγκ,Άζίσζς, -ζω;, yj, (from συγκλίΐω) a clo- sing together, a narrow valley. 2i/y;iA£/a,i45t, -ατός, το, (from same) a joining, band ; carved or inlaid work. 1υ•γ•Α'ΚζισίΛος, -ου, ο, (from same) ashutting up, a siege, a prison, a cell, a little mansion. ΊυγκΚίΐστος, -'ή, -o'j, (from next) shut up, to be shut up ; connected by joinings or joints. ^υ'/κ,'ΚίΊω, {συν and κ^.ύω) I inclose to- gether, join, shut up, conclude, include. '2.υ'•/κ7.ΤιθουοΐΛίύ), -ω, (same and k7,7iqquo- μίύ}) I inherit along with. "Συγκληοονόι/.ο;, -ου, ο, (same and κΤ^γίζονό- μ,ος) a joint heir. liyyShYtQ^o;, -ου, ό, τ}, (same and κλ'^^ο?) having the same lot with, a colleague, asso- ciate, coheir. ^υγκ^γ,ούο), (from preced.) / have the same lot with ; I allot. Ί.υγκ\-Λτ'ίκος, -ij, -ou, (from next) qualified for being convoked ; senatorial. ^ΰγκ'Κ-ζιτος, -ου, 6, τι, {συν and κκγιτος) cal- led together : σύγ>Ο.ΥιΤοι βουλτ^ς, ciders, mem- bers of council. Num. xvi. 2. ^υγκ'Κΐν'ής, -ίος, 6, vj, (from συγκ'κΙνω)1]ιαΙ reclines with, that is inclined toivards another. '^υyκκti)ιcι, -α.ς, vi, (from next) an inclined position, a defile, a cavern. '2.υyκ7auω, (συν and κΚίι/ω) I recline with at table or in bed, cohabit ivith. 'ΣυyκXίτ•/ις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) one who reclines with. 'ΣυyκhoΆύ}, {συν and yJhoviu) I throtu into confusion together. Ί,υyκ?^.ύξo), (same and κΤ^ύζω) I inundate, drow7i, overwhelm. Ί.ύyκ^.υς, -υοος, 6, {], (from preced.) con- fluent, crowded together. Ί,υyκoiμά,cύ, •ω, {συν and χ,οιμάύή I sleep with. ^.uyKoiuyj/iicc, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a bed-fellow. Ί.υyκoί[Λfισις, -ίως, 'ή, (from same) a sleep- ing with. l^vyKoivavicj, -αϊ, (from next) I am a joint partaker. Συyκoivωuoς, -ου, 6, vj, (συν and κοινωνός) that is a partaker together with. '2υyκoιτάζo[Λa,ι, (from next) I lie with. loyKoiTog, -ου, 6, τ], (from συν and κοίτγ]) that is a bed-fellow, a concubine. 'ΣυyκoXάξω, (same and κολάζω) I punish with or together. 'ΣυyκύλάΊrτω, (same and κοΤ^ά,'τττω) I beat or bruise together. '2υyy.o'h'hάω, -ω, (same and κο70\ά,ω) I glue together. Ί.υyκoXhYiτ'/,ς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one who glues, or joins, together. Ί.υyκoKl•.ως, (from same) fitting. 1υyκoμΛh'ή, -τις, v}, (from next) a collec- tion, a gathering in, harvest. 'Συyκo,uίζω, {συν and κο,^,ίζω) I carry or gather together, applied to gathering in corn, and carrying the dead to burial, Job V. 26. Acts viii. 2. 'Συyκovί6ofΛccι, (from same and κόνις) Iroll myself in the dust with, fight with, or in company luith. Ί.υyκo'7ΐri, -τις, 'ή, (from next) a cut- ting short ; syncope or the cutting off of a syllable in the middle of a word ; a fainting fit. '2υyκό'7rτω, {συν and κότΓτω) I cut down, smite, beat together, cut to pieces. 1υyκoζυφόω, (same and κοξυφοω) I draw together into a head, compress. 'Συyκoσ{Λίύ), (same and κοσι^ίω) I adorn with or together. 'Συyκύυφίξω,{sameίlnάκoυφtζω') I buoyup. 'Σΰyκζΰσ^ς, -ίος, Attic -ζως, τι, (from same and κίζάω) a mixing together, mixture. Ί.υyκoo(.τίω, -ω, (same and κ^ατέω) / hold together, vmintain, rule. ^ύyκnciτoς, -O'J, (from samc and κίξά,ω) mixed, ivell matched. lίυyκζcίτΰvω, (same and κζΛτύνω) I strengthen. 787 Ί,ΰγχξίμα, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,ύγκ,ξϊ/χ», -ατός, το, (same and κ,οΐμοί) a decree, decision, interpretation, concert, har- mony. Ί,ν/κ,ζΐυύ), (same and κ,^Ιυω) I judge to- gether with, confound or join with, opposed to ^ίοίκζίι/ω ; compare tvith, compare ; inter- pret, explain, 1 Cor. ii. 13, ri δε Ιστ\, 'ττνζυ- (/,οίτικοίς 'ττνζυμ,οίπκά σνγχ,ξΐυοι/ης ; otccu "TrusvudTiKOV κ,οιΐ οίττοξον γ, άπο tuu 'ttuw- μα-τίκω^ τάς f^cc^TV^iccg αγομ,ίν οίον "Κίγω, dusaTYj ο 'Κζίστός, οτ/ ά'ζο 'Troc^uiuov syevwyiuri' Tcocptkyoi μχζτνξίχς, κοίϊ τύττονς, κχϊ dTrohel- ζ,ίΐς, του ' Ιωνοί rviu su τω xjjrs/ Ζιχτξίβνιι/, κ,χΐ τν^ν μ,ξτά. τοίυτοί anruXKoiyiiu, των στείξων τους τοκετούς, τνις 'Σάβροίς, τ'ης ' Τεβίκκοίς και των 7\.οΐ'7των, κ. τ. λ. " What is the mean- ing of comparing spiritual things with spi- ritual?'* When any spiritual truth is in question, we bring testimonies of it from spiritual things; for instance, I say that Christ rose again, that he was born of a virgin. I then produce testimonies, and types, and proofs, such as the continuance of Jonah in the whale and his subsequent deliverance, the child-bearing of barren women, of Sarah, Rebekkah, and others," &c. Chrysost. on the place. Έύγ-ζ,^^ισίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, i}, (from pre- ced.) a comparison, interpretation ; what is according to law or religion, custom, man- ner. Έυγκ.ξίτ'ίκος, -jj, -ou, (from same} com- parative. 'Σύγκζ'ίτος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same) com- pared ; comparable. 'Σνγκ,ξοτίω, -ω, (^σύν and κζοτεω^ I smite together, clap, applaud; hammer, harden, train. Ί.ΰγκ,ξονσις, -ίος, Attic -εως, v], and συγ- κζουσμοζ, -ου, ό, (from next) a concussion, a collision. 'Συγκρούω, {συν and κξούω) I knock, dash, or beat together. Έυγκ,ξύ'τττω, (same and κξύ'π-τω) I hide together, hide. Έυγκ,τίξω, (same and κ,τίξο)) I create or build together, concur in establishing. Συγ-λ,τίσττης, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a build- er or a colonist together with. Συγκυβεύω, {συν and κυβεΰω) I play at dice or gamble together. Έυγκ,ΰκύω, (same and κ,υκά,ω) I stir up or mix together. Συγκ,υ'Κιν^εω, (same and κ.υ'Κιν'^εω) I roll with or together. "Συγκννηγετεω, Άηάσυγκυντηγίω, (same and ίίυνγιγετεω &c.) I hunt together. Συγκυνηγετης, -ου, and συγκΰνηγος, Dor. συγχ-υνίχ,γος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a com- panion in hunting. 788 I bend or Συγκύ^ττω, (συν and κύ-τίτω) bozv together, am bent together. Έυγκυξεω, -ω, (same and κυ^εω) I meet, fall in with, encounter ; I am near, am bor- deinng on, coincide, happen. Συγκ,ύζγιμοί, -οίτος, το, and συγκ,ύζγισ/ς, -εως, yj, (from preced.) an accident, occur- rence, meeting. Συγχ,υ^ίΰί,, -ας, ί], (from same) a concur- rence or coincidence of circumstances, an accident, Luke x. 31. Συγκ,ϋξω, same as συγκυξεω. Έυγκύφίον, -ου, το, (from next) a chance, an accident. Έυγκ,ϋφω, (from συν and κ,ύτττω) I bend together, beiid or bow. Ί,ύγκ,ωλος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and κω- λον) standing close together. Συγχ,ωμ,ά,ζω, (same and κ,ωμάζω) I feast or revel with. Έύγκω^ιος, -ου, ό, (same and κω/ι^ος) a com- panion in revels. Συγ^αίνω, (same and ξχίνω) I card to- gether. Συγχαίρω, (same and χαίξω) I rejoice with, congratulate. Ί,υγχχξίζο/ίίχί, (same and χαρίζομαι) I gratify with or together. Συγχειμάζω, (same and χειμάζω) I wjin- ter with. Συγχείζοττονίω, (from same, χείζ and tq- νος) I labour with my hands with or toge- ther. Συγχίω, -ω, (same and χεο)) I pour to- gether, throw into confusion, disturb, con- found, amaze, demolish, destroy, frustrate. Συγχο^ευττις, -ου, 6, and συγγοζεύτζία, -α,ς, v}, (from next) a partner in dancing. Συγχ,ο^εύω, (συν and χοξεύω} I dance with others. Συγχοξγιγεω, (same and χ,οζγιγίω) I exer- cise the office of χοζΥίγος along with another, I assist in bearing expenses. Συγχοξπγος, -ου, ο, (same and χο^ηγος^ a colleague in the office of χορηγός ; one who helps another in bearing expenses. Σύγχο^τος, -ου, ο, tj, (same and χόρτος) that borders on. Συγχόω, -ω, (same and χόω) 1 bury, co- ver with earth heaped up, make a mound. Συγχζάομοίί, -ωμαι, (same and χξάω) I use any thing together with another or others, use the cooperation of any one ;I borrow, accept of favours from, hold familiar inter- course with, John iv. 9. Συγχξονίζω, (same and χξ(ίνίξοί) I delay together with, am of equal age with. Σΰγχξοος, -όου, contr. σύγχζους, -ου, ο, iy, (from same and χζόα) of the same colour^ Συγχϋνω. See συγχΰω. ^υγχυΰΐς. A GREEK LEXICON. ΊυΤΧαμβάνΜ. '^.ύγχνσις, -ιος, Attic -f) same as συγχίω. ^υγχωνίύω, (same and χ,ωνίύω) I cast or melt together. 1vyxo)Qiu, -oi, (same and χ^ξίω) I grant, concede, remit. 'Συγχόίξ-,ψ.οί, '«.τος, το, and συγχω^νισις, "io)g, 71, (from preced.) a grant, concession. 'Συγχαζ-ζιτίος, -cc, -ou, (from same) what is to be granted, or conceded. ^vciog, -eloc, -siou, (from συς) of or belong- ing to swine. Ί,νξάω, -co, (ii'om avu and ξά,ω) I live to- gether with. ^υζίΰγνϋμ,ι, συζίν/νύω, or συζ^ΰγύ), (from same and ξίύγΐ/υμι, ζίνγνΰω, or ζ^ΰγω) I yoke or join together. ^νζγιτέω, -ω, (from same and ζγιτίω) I inquire together or with othei^s, question or dispute with. ^υξνιτγίσ!;, -tog, Attic -mg, {], (from pre- ced.) a disputing. Ί.υζγ,ττιτ7ΐς, -ου, 6, (from same) a disputer. Ί.υζύγγ,ς, -ου, or σύζυγος, -ου, and σνξυ^, -υγος, ο, ^, (from συν and ζυγός) α yoke- fellow. "Συζΰγΐίχ, -ας, ν}, (from same) a union un- der the same yoke, copulation, conjunction, conjugation. '^υζΰγιος, -cc, -ou, (from same) yoked to- gether, that unites, copulative. Ί,ύζωμ,α, -α,τος, το, (from next) a girdle, a plait or fold of a girdle. '2υζύ)νΐ/ϋ(Λΐ, and συζων^ΰω, (from συν and ζωυνύω) I gird together with. 'ΣυζύίύΤΓοιίω, -co, (from same and ζωοττοίίω) I make alive together with. "Συγινιοί, -οίς, vj, (from next) the state of swine, gross behaviour. Έυτ/ϋος, συϊυός, or συ'ι'κος, -'/j, -ov, (from συς) of or belonging to a pig or swine, gross, stu- 2nd, brutal. Έϋκά,ζύ), (from συκ,οι/) I gather, pick, or press figs. Ί,ϋκ,ά/^,ϊι/ον, -ου, το, (from next) the fruit of the sycamine or sycamore tree. 'Σϋκά,μ.Ίνος, -ου, 7j, a sycamine or sycamore tree, Luke xvii. G. Ί.υκΐη 'Vi, -ing -^ς, h, « fig tree. ^υκίών, or σύκων, -ωνος, 6, (from preced.) a place planted with fig trees. 2ίχ/δ/οί/, -ου, το, (from συκοι/) a little fig- ΊϋχΛνος, -7], -ou, (from same) of or be- iongiiig to a fig tree, or to figs. ΣϋκΙς, -βος, τ], (from same) a slip from a fig t7'ee. Ι^ϋ-Λο'Κογίω, (from same and "kkya) I gather figs- Έυκομωξοαχ, or συκομωξίχ, -χς, or συκό- /^Λωξος, -ου, ij, (from συκίγι and μ,ωξος, a mul- berry tree) a sycamore tree, Luke xix. 4. ΊΛ)κον, -ου, το, (from συ^ιη) a fig. Mark XI. 13. oh γά,η 'ήυ κοαςός σύκων, " for the time οί gathering figs was not yet come.*^ This is the reason why figs might then be expected to be found on the tree. As the fruit of the fig tree comes before the leaves. (Plin. H. N. xvi. 49) and as the time of gathering was not yet ; a fig tree, at that time, with leaves, but without fruit, was evidently barren. The words *' and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves," are a parenthesis. That καίξός signifies " the time of gathering,'' see Job v. 26. Ps. i. 3. Matth. xxi. 34. Mark xii. 2. 'ΣυκοττίΙϊλος, -ου, ο, a comic word used in the sense of συκοφά,νττ,ς ; literally sig- nifying fig-shod, having slippers made of the fig tree. Ί.ϋκοφχντίω, -ω, (from next) / inform against those who exported figs contrary to law, / wrong any one by false or frivolous accusation, I opjjress especially under pre- tence of law, I take any tiling 'from one by false or frivolous accusation, I extort espe- cially under pretence of law, Luke xix. 8. "Συκοφΰ,ντ-ίΐς, -ου, 6, (from συκον and φαί- νω) an informer against those who exported figs contrary to law, a false or frivolous accuser, an oppressor, a sycophant. 'ΣϋκοφχντΙοι,, -ccg, '/}, (from preced.) calum- ny, false or frivolous accusation, oppression. Ί,υκοφοίντίίκός, -ί?, -6v, (from same) be- longing to a calumniator, disposed to calum- niate. Ί,υκοφχντξίοί, -ας, v}, (from same) a fe- male informer. "Συλαγωγίω, -ω, (from σύλη and όίγω) I spoil, rob. 'Έ.ΰΤ^ά,ύ), or συλεω, -ω, f. -τισω, 1 a. εσύλγι- σχ, and συλίύω, (from next) / spoil, rob, plunder, 2 Cor. xi. 8. Ίύ'Κη, and σύτ^χ, -rig, i), a prey. 'Έ.ϋ'ΚνίτΥίζ, -ν^ζος, συλ7)τγις, -ου, συλ'ήτωζ, -Οζος, 6, and συ'Κ'ήταζχ, or συ'Κ'ήτ^ια, -χς, ij, (from preced.) a plunderer, a robber. Ί,υλλχβ'η, -τις, τ], (from συλΤ^χ/^^βάνω) a syllable. Ί.υ'Κ'Κχβίζω, (from preced.) / spell. ^υ'ΚΧχγγ,χνω, {συν and Τ^χγχχνω) I share with by lot, have the same lot, am assigned by lot. Ί,υλΤ^χΆίω, -ω, (same and λχλΐω) I talk or speak ivith. Ί,υΚ^^χμ,βχνω, (same and Άχμ,βχνω) I take together, seize, apprehend, catch, conceive ; 789 'Συλλατξίύο), A GREEK LEXICON. 2υμβολ7ΐ, mid. I help, assist, i. e. take a burden or the like together with. Ί,υλλΰΐτξίύω, (same and λατ^ίύω) I serve or wo7'ship with or together. Ί,υΧΚαφΰσσω, (same and Τ^οίφνσσω) I de- vour together. Ί,υλΤ^ίγω, (same and λέγω) I collect, ga- ther together, unite. Ένλλείβω, (same and λΒίβω) I let drop, pour, or flow together. Ί,ύλΤ^ίκ,τζος, -ου, 6 or 'ή, (from same and ^eKTQou) one who partakes of the same bed iiith another, a spouse. Ί.ύΧλζ'ξις, 'ίως, yj, (from σνλΆίγω) a col- lecting, a uniting together. 2υλΆ7]βΙγΐν, (from σν-λλαμβύνω) briefly, summarily. Ί,ύλΤ^τηξίς, -sag, 'ή, (from cvTChctyy^avci) a casting of lots together, a getting of the same lot. 'Σν7^7\.γΐ'7ΓΤ7ίξ, -τίξος, or σνΤ^Τ^'η-τττωξ, -οοος, 6, and συΤ^Τ^τ^τττξίίχ., -χζ, tj, (from συλλαμβάυω) a helper, an assistant. IvTs.Xrt'^ig, -log, Attic -ίως, vj, (from same) a taking together, apprehension, concep- tion. ΈυΤ^Άογτ,, -vjg, vj, (from σνλ'λίγω) a collec- tion, congregation, levy. 'ΣυΤ^Τ^ογίζο/^,οίί, {σνυ and Άογίζοί^αι) I lay reasons together, reason, discourse, compide, reckon, count, recapitulate, draw a conclu- sion. '2v7\.7\.oyi[^cuog, -otioc, -ouoy, (from συΤκ- Τ^ίγω) assembled at random. ΈνΤίλογισ/χος, -ov, 6, (from συ70.ογΙζομοίΐ)α reasoning, computation, calcidation, number, syllogism. 'ΣύλΤ^.ογος, -ov, 6, (from συλΤ^ίγω) a con- gregation, assembly, council. ΣνλΆοί'^οξίω, -ω, {avu and λο;δο^£ώ;) I re- vile or reproach together. ΈνΤίλούω, (same and Άούω) I wash with or together. 'ΣνλΜχά.ω, -ω, (same and λοχάω) I col- lect forces. ΈυλΤ^οχίξα, (from same and Τ^όχος) I class ivith others into bands, arrange in military order. ΊυΤ^ΚοχΊτγις, -ov, 6, (from preced.) one of the same band. Ί.υΤΟ^νπίομ,οίΐ, -ονμ,α,ι, {σνν and λνττέομοίή I am greatly grieved. Ί,νλΆνο), (same and λύω) I loose from another, end a diference, conciliate, reconcile. Έυμβαίνω, (same and βαίνο)) I come to- gether, meet, happen, befall. 'Σνμβοοοχ'νω, (same and βοίκχίνω) I am in- spired iviih, revel, act the Bacchanal ivith. Σύμβίίκχ,ος, -ov, 6, (same and "Βάκχος) a felloiv Bacchanal. 790 Ί.νμβά.ΧΚω, (same and /3άλλ6>) / cast or throw together, conjecture, understand or apprehend by conjectwe ; come to, come up tvith, encounter, engage luith ; confer ivith controversially, dispute, constdt with; mid. help, assist, profit. Ένμβά,μΰί, -οίτος, το, (from σνμβα,Ίνω) an event, accident ; a predicate. 'Συμβασιλζύύ), {avu and βοίσιλζϋω) I reign together ivith. 'Σνμβόίσις, -sag, ^ή, (from σνμβοίίΰω) a com- ing together, convention, reconciliation. Ένμβοίστάζω, {avu and βαστάζω) I carry together, compare, equal to. Ένμβοίτ'ικός, -χ, -ou, (from σνμ,βοίίνω) pa- cific : σνμ,βοίτιχ,ως, pacifically. Ινμ,βοίτος, -ov, (from same) coinciding with one's power, practicable. Ί^νμβίΚνίς,'-ίος, 6, vi, (from avu and βέ- λος) shot luith many darts. Ένμβίάξω, (same and βιάζω) I force to- gether. Ινμβιβά,ζω, f. -βόίσω, and -βω, σνμβιβοί, Isa. xl. 13. 3 sing. f. Attic for αναβι- βάσει, 1 Cor. ii. 16. (same and βιβάξω) I cause to come or go together, reco7icile, unite, compact, knit together, prove by laying ar- guments together, conclude from laying cir- cumstances together, instruct, teach. Ί,νμβίβοίστ'ίκ,ός, -'η, -6u, (from preced.) con- ciliatory, pacific. Ί^νμβιος, -ov, 6, vj, (avu and βίος) that lives with another or others. 'Σνμ,βιόω, and σνμβιόομοίΐ, (same and βιόω) I live together with, cohabit. Ί^υμβΙωσις, -tog, Attic -£ω?, v], (from pre- ced.) a living together ivith, cohabitation. Ί.νμβίύίττις, -ov, 6, (from same) ojie ivho lives together with another. Ί.ύμβ7.•ημ,ΰί, -α,τος, το, (from σνμβάΧΚω) a Joi7iing together, a union. 2νμβλ7]μι, same as σνμβάλλω. Ένμβλγισίς, 'ίως, yj, same as σνμβλτημ,χ, also, a casting together, a conjecture, an in- teiyretaiion. Ένμ,βλγιτοζ, ->5, -6u,{{lΌmJfvμβάλλωycom- pared, to be compared. Ί,νμβοάω, {avu and βοάω) I shout ivith or together, encourage by united acclamation. Ί,νμβο-^ύίω, (same and βοτ,ύίω) I help to- gether with others. Ίνμβογιύος, -ov, ό, (same and βονιύός) a helper together with. Ένμ,βόλΰίΐον, -ου, το, (from σνμ,βάΚΚο)) commerce, traffic, a money transaction, such as a loan; a contract, agreement, document; plur. marks, tokens, symptoms. Ί,νμβολίω, (from same) / meetlwith, I give the sign or watch-ivord. Ί,νμβολ'η, 'ijg, yj, (from same) a casting ^υμ^ολ/κίς. A GREEK LEXICON. ζυμμιχτος. or throwing^ together, confi'ict, conjecture, joining, society ^ share of a reckoning. Ί.υ^.βο7ακος, -'/?, -6u, (from σύίΛβοΤ^ον) sig- nificant^ symbolical: σν/^ίβολίκως, symboli- cally. Ί.υμ.βοΚοκο'ΤΓίω, -ω, (from συμβοΧ'ή or σϋμ,- βύΆον and κόιτος) I am a companion in feasts, give signals for feasts, am addicted to feast- ing. Ί.υμ,βύ'Κο-Λό'ττύς, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one given to feasting. Ί.ύίίβο7^θ]>, -ου, το, (from συμ,βά,Τ^Κω) a symbol^ sign, omen, token ; a contnbution, earnest money; an abridgment of a religious doctrine, a collection of the chief articles of faith, a creed ; plur. aof/^o'Kct,, ra,, treaties. Ί.ΰ^Λβο'Κος, -ου, 6, (from same) oiie ivho meets another; also, a token, counter, omen, presage. Ίυ^φόσκω, {gi/'j and βόσκω) I feed together with. '^υ^Λβουκίυ^-.α,, -α,'ΐύς, το, (from συ^^βου- λ£ΐ/ω) a counsel given, advice. 'Συμβουλβυτ'ης, -ου, 6, (from same) a coun- sellor. Ί.υμ.βου7.ξυτνΛΟς, -'/j, -6v, (from next) one who giveth counsel. '^υμ,βου'Κίΰω, {συν and βουλίΰω) I counsel, exhort earnestly ; I consult together with. 'Συι^ί,βονλν}, -γ}ς, i], (same and βουΆνι) coun- sel together with. Ιυ^/^βουΆΐχ, -χς, τ], (from same) consulta- tion with. '2.νΐΛβοΰ'Κιον, -ου, το, (from same) joint counsel, a council, considtation. ^υμ,βοΰχομ,οΐι, {συν and βοΰλομχή I have the same will ivith, consent. ΊϋζΛβου^ος, -ου, ο, (from same Άπάβουλν}) a counsellor, Isa. xl. 13. Rom. xi. 34. 'Συ/ίίβζχβίύω, (same and βοοίβεύω) I act as an arbiter together with. 'Συ^ιβξάξομχί. See συνεκβ^άζομαί. Έυμβύω, {σύι/ and βύω) I stuff together. Έύ/ίΛβω/ίΛο;, -ου, 6, ^, (same and βωμ,ος) having the same altar. Έ,υμμόίθητΥις, -ου, 6, (same and μ^θηττ,;) a fcllow-discijile. 'Συμμχι/ύόίνω,{5ηΐΏ0 and fAocudaua) I learn with, am disciplined with ; also, I teach. "Συμμάζτ-τω, (sanje and ^άβ^ττώ») / seize, lay hold of, grasp. Ί,υμ,μύξτυξ, -ύ^ος, and συμμάξτυζος, -ου, ό, 71, (same and μάζτυ^) that bears witness with, that is a joint witness. 'ΣυμμοίΡτΰξίω, -ω, (same and μα,ζτυ^ίΟ)) I bear witness also, together, or at the same time. ^υμμαζτΰ(^ομα,ι, (same and μχζτύζομχή I testify together. "Συμμόίχίω, -ω, (from same and μ.Λχ,ο[/,αι) I fight along with, am a companion in war, defend, help. Ίυμμά,γ,ίόί, -α,ς, tj, (from preced.) asso- ciatio7i in war, help, alliance. Ί^υμμ,όίχίχ,ός, -7\,-ou,{ivom same) auxiliary, belonging to alliances. Ί,υμ,μόίχΐς, -ίίος, τι, (from same) viz. να,υς, or 'πό'Κις, allied. '^υμμά,γ^ομα,ι, same as συμμ,χχ,ίω. Ί,ύμ,μ,οίγ,ος, -ου, ό, Vj, (flOm συμ,μα,χ,ίω) a companion in ivar, fellow-soldier, ally. 'Συμμ,ίύίστ-^μ,ι, (συν and μεύίστνιμι) I re- move from its place with or together : συμ- μεύίστόίμαι, I remove from one place to another luith, accommodate myself to. Συμμίνω, (same gnd μί^ω) I remain with, continue, last. Έυμμεςίζύ), (same and μερίζω) I share with: συμμεξίζομοίί, I partake ivith. 'ΣυμμΛτα,βα,'ίνω, (same and μ,εταβίχ,ίιίύ)) I go away with. Ί,υμ,μετΛβόίΚΤ^ύ), (same and μετοίβάκΚύή I change with. 'Συμ,μ,ετοίκοσμίω, (same and μ^ετΆκοσμίω] I change the order, arrangement, or d7'ess with. 'Συμμετοίτιτί'τττω, (same and μετχ'πί'κτω) I fall with, change ivith, coincide with. Ί,υμ,μετοίφεοω, (same and μεταψίζω) I transfer ivith. Ί,υμμετεχ,ω, συμμετάσχω, or συμμ,ετίσχω, (same and μετεχ,ω) I partake together ivith. Ί,υμ.μ,ετοικίω, (same and μετοικέω) I re- move with or together. Ί,υμ,μετοχ,ος, -ου, 6, yi, το -ou, (same and μέτοχο;) a joint partaker. Έυμμ,ετξεομοα, (same and μετξίω) I mea- sure one thing by another, compute. Έυμμετζίχ, -ocg, v), (from next) a propor- tion, suitable comjjosition, symmetry. Έύμ.μετςος, -ου, ό, vi, (from συ» and μετξον) measured together ivith, filled to a measure, well projiortioned, commensurate, equal. Συμμνιστωζ, -οξος, ό, (same and μ'ήστωζ) an adviser with, one who aids another by his counsel. Ί.υμμ•/\τιά,ομο(,ι, (same and μγιτιύω) I con- sult with. Ί,υμμηχ,Λνά,ομαι, (same and μγιχανάω) I contrive, plan, or plot against, together with. "Συμμ,ίχίνύ), (same and μ,ίχίνω) I jiollute with or together. 'Σύμμ^/οι, and συμμίγοιην, (from συμμίγ- νυμι) mingling together, confusedly. Συμμ'ίγγις, -£o?> ό, τ], (from next) mixed together ivith. ΣυμμίγνϋμΚ, (συν and μίγι/υμ,ί) Τ mix to- gether with, associate with, converse with. "Σΰμμικτος, -ου, ό, yj, (from preced.) mixed together with, confused, promiscuous. 8 791 "Συμμιμγιτηζ. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Συμζαξείαεξχρμαι. Σν/αμιμγιτνις, -ου, ο, (σνι/ and μιμητ'-ήζ) α johit im'dato7\ 'Σνμμίξίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, τ}, (from σνμ- μίγνυμϊ) α mixture with, intermixture. "^υμμίαγο), same as συμμΛ^υυμι. "^υμμισΐω, {συν and μισίω) Ι hate with or together. Ένμμισο'ΤΓοννίξίο), -ω, (same and μισοττουγι- ρϊω) I hate wickedness together luith. ί,υμμνύομχι, (same and μνύ,ομα,ι) I re- member with. Ί,νμμυτ,μονίΰω^ (same and μνγιμονίύω) I record together luith. '^νμμο'Κ'πος, -Of, o, if, (from same and μπΆτ^Τί) harmonizing with. Ίυμμο^.ννω, (same aryi μο7\.ύυω) I defile with. Έυμμον^, -5J?, '/}, (from συμμίνω) a remaiyi- ing or living ivith or together. Έυμμοζίά, -χς, τ], (from σν> and μΛξος) a class. Ί^ΰμ.μ.ο()φος, -ου, ο, vj, το -ον, (from same and μοξφν}) conformable. Έυμμ,οξφόω, -ω, (same and μο(ΐφόω) I conform to, make like. 'Συμμοχ,ύίω, (same and μοχ,ύίω) I labour with. Ί,υμμυίύ), (same and μυΐα)) I initiate in sacred mysteries with or together. ^υμμύύ), (same and μ.ύω) I close together. ΙυμΊνά.ύίΐΛ, -α,ς, ^, (from neri.t') sympathy , fellow feeling, mutual sensibility. Ένμτηχ,ύίύ), -ω, (συν and τηχ,ύΐω) I sympa- thise with. 1υμ'7ΐα.&7ίς, -sog, -ους, 6, τ], (from preced.) sympathising, compassionate, agreeing in feel- ings and inclinations : συμττοίύως, sympathe- tically, with feeling. Έυμ'τταίχνίζο}, {συν and 'ΤΓΧίοίνίζω) I sing a poean, or / howl together with. 2y,i«'rct/§g:/iy,(same and τταϊ^ζύω) I instruct or train with or together. Ένμτηχίξο}, (same and 'πα,ίζω) I play to- gether with. 'Συμ-τΓχίκ,τωξ, .συμ,ττοίΐστωξ, -οξος, 6, and συμ,τΐούστ^ΐΛ, -χς, ί], (from preced.) a play- fellow. 'ΣυμτΓαίίω, {συν and 'τηχ.ίω) 1 strike together. 'Συμττοΐίωνίζω, same as συμ-τταιοίνίζύ). ■ 'Συμ'7Γοί?\.αιω, {συν and -ταλοί/ώ^) / wrestle with. 'Συμ'ΤΓχννιγυξίζα, (same and "ττοινηγυξίζω) I celebrate a festival together with. 'Συμ'ττοίνουργίύ), (same and ττχνουξγεω) I act cunningly or deceitfully together with. Ί,υμ-τΓΧξχβΰω, (same and ττα^οίβύω) I cram in with, thrust in among a crowd. '2υμ'7rcx,ζoιγγί.7\.>.ω, (same and τηχ,ζα,γγίΤ^- λω) I canvass together with, aid in soliciting for office. 792 Έυμ'τταξχγΙνομΰα, (same and 'Trcc^ctyivo- μοί,ί) I come together with, am present with, stand by. Ί^υμττοίξοίγω, (same and 'κοι,ξά,γω) I make- to pass by together. Έ,υμττΰίξχβίύ), (same and τηχξΰίύίω) I run together with. ΊυμττόίξοαΑο), (same and 'zna^cciuio) I en- courage together, recommend. Ί,υμτιτοι,ζοίκ,α,όίζομοίί, (same and Trcc^ocKU,- βίζύή 1 2)lace myself together with. Ί,υμττοι,ζχχα,Τ^ίω, (same and ττχ^ακχλίω) I invite, encourage with or together : συμ- 'ΤΓοίζοίκαΚίομοίΐ, -ουμα,ι, I am comforted to- gether. 'Συμτταζ^οίκ,οΤ^ουύίω, (same and xcc^ccko- λουύίύ)} I accompany. Έυμ'π-Άζο,κΰτττω, (same and 'ττα,^χκύτττω) I stoop by the side of with. 'Συμ,'τταζοί^.α,μβοίνύ), (same and 7r«^aiA«/4- βά,νο)) I take or seize together, consume, take or receive together with. ^υμ.Ίϊΰί,ο^Λμίνω, (same and 'πΛζ^α.μϊνω) I remain or continue with, Phil. i. 25. Έυμ'ττοίζόίμιγννω, (same and "ττοίζαμιγ- vloi) I mix luith. 'ΣυμτΓοίξύΐτϊτίμτΓω, (same and 'ττχξοί'ττίμ'τΐ'ω) I send or send away together with, conduct. Ί,υμτϊΛζοιττΤ^ίω, (same and 'ζοί,ξΛ'π-'Κΐω) I sail luith, sail closely together. 'ΣυμτΓαξχττόλΤ^.ΰμχι, (same and σΤΛζ^ατΐζίΚ- 'Κυμοιι) 1 perish ivith. Ί,υμ-ττχζΰίσκ,ίυύζύ}, (same and τχξχσκ,ίυ- χζύ)) I prepare ov fwnish with, cooperate. ^υμ7τά.ζχστόίτίω, (same and 'ττοίζΛστοι,τίω) I stand by with, assist. "ΣυμτΓοίξα,στοίτγις, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a helper, defender. 'Συμττα^ίχ,τά.σσομοίΐ, {συν and '^αξοίτά,σσύ^) I place myself by the side of in battle array. 'Συμττε&ξΐχ,τγίζίω, (same and TrciQ^otryi^ka) I narrowly watch together with others. Ιυμ'ΤΓΧξοίτΙύημι, (same and σιτοίζοίτίθημι) I place at the side with, succour. 'Συμττχζοίτξίψω, (same and 'ττχζοοτξίφω) I rear together with. 'Συμ'ΤΓοίξα,τ^ίχ,ω, or συμ'ττΛζοι,τξοχάζω, (same and 7i;cx.^cir^sx,oi) I run together by the side of. 2yj4i7rfli^i5f, (same and ttsoL•)) I fetter to- gether, impede. 'Συμττίίύω, (same and στύύω) I persuade together with, or persuade at the same time. Ί.ϋξ^'ττίΐοος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and 'ττίΐζχ) that has the same experience. Ί.υμ,'π-ίμ,ττω, (same and te^tuj) I send to- gether with. Ί.νμ.'τηνύίω, (same and τΐνΜω) 1 mourn with. Ιυμ,τιτζξαίνω, (same and ttsqxIvuj) I finish together, consume, cut off, close : σνμτεξχί- νομχι, I conclude: σν/ατπζχινετχί, it follows from. Ί,υμτΓίξχσ/ϋχ, -χτος, το, (from prcced.) a consequence or conclusion. Ί.υμ.7:ζζΐά,γω, {σνι/ and ττίξίχγω) I go about with. 'Evu'TrsQisif/.i, (same and -Tn^Ui^i) I go about with. "Σνι^ττεζίλχ/^βχνω, (same and ττίξίλχμβχ- νω) I fold round together, embrace at the same time, Ezek. v. 3. Acts xx. 10. r "Συμ,τΓζζίνοστίω, (same and 'ττίζίνοστίω^ I go about ivith. l.vf^Tri^i'TrxTiO), (same and 7Γ£(5/τί«τ£ώ>) / walk about with. Ί,υμ.'τη^ΐ'τΐΤ^ίκω, (same and -TreQiTr^sKu) I fold round together, grasp. ^υμ,'τη^ΐ'ΰ'Κοκγι, -vig, vi, (from preced.) an embracing, a connection. '^νμ.τπξίστί'Κ'λω, (avu and ττε^/στίλλώ;) / fold uj) together, conceal. Ένμ7Τ€^:τ£ίχίξύ), (same and 'ττζξίτξΐχ,Ιζω) I enclose with or at the same time. Ί.υμ,'7Γζζίτίύ-/ιΐΛ[, (same and 'ττίξίτίόη^^ι) I put round about with or at once. '2vy^7:i^iTvy)(,^uu),{saxae. and -ι^ί^ιτυγχ,χνω) I meet with. Ί.υμ,'ττίζΐφΐρ^ω, (same and ττΐζΐφί^ω) I cari'y about with: συμττεξίφίξομχι, I am carried about together with, walk with, cojwerse with. Ί,υμ,'τηξίφύίίζω, (same and 'τΐζ^ιφύ^Ιζω) I corrupt with. Σν,ΐύ'τιτΒξίφοξχ, -χς, τ], (from συμττζ^ιφί^ω') a carrying about together, keeping company with, intercourse, attendance. '2υμ.'7Τζζ_ονάω, {συν and 'Τϊί^ονχω) I fasten with a clasp : συμ.'7ΐίξονχο(Λχι, I am piei'ced or galled with. Ί,νμτΓτ^γΐ/ϋ/ίίί, σν/ζ^-ττηγνύω, and συμ,'ττ'ηγα, (same and 'ττνιγ^υμ,ι) I fix or glue together, join, cause to fix, curdle, compose, construct. Ένμ'τττη^χω, (same and -ττη^χα) I spring with. 'Σν/ϋ'τττιχτος,-οι/, (from συ μ,'ττ'ίιγνυίΛΐ) glued, fastened together. Έύμττγιξίς, -sag, '^, (from same) a joining together, compactness, fixedness, u7iion. Έυ/ίίτηίζω, (σύι/ and -τηίζα) I press toge- ther, oppress. '2υυ.'7:ιΚίω, (same and -πικΐζύ) I pile or press together. Ί^υζΛτΐΐΚ-ί^σις, -ίως, tj, (from preced.) a pressing together, coagulation, condensation. Ί.υμ,τΓ'ϊνο), or συμ.τζίω, {συν and 'ττίυω or 'πιω) I drink with. 'Συ/ίΐ'ττί'τττω, {same and ττίτττω) I fall to- gether with, fall in with, light or happen upon. Ί,υι^'ττ'Κχυχομ,χι, -ωμ-χι, (same and τλα- υάω) I wander together with. '^υμ.'77\χσσω, (same and 'π'Κχσαω) I fabri- cate, form, feign. 'Συ^Λ'^τλχτχγίω, (same and ττλατχγίω) I rattle, clap the hands, with or together. Ιυμ.'ΤΐΤ^ζκτος, -'/ι, -6u, (from next) folded together, connected. Ί.υίΛ'ΤΓ'Κίκω, {συν and τΐΤ^ίκω) I fold toge- ther, join together withy implicate, connect. Έυμ,ττ'Κίύ), or συ/ίί'ΤΓ'λωω, (same and ττλίω or ττλωω) I sail with. Συμττλγιγχς, -χΖος, '/}, (from same and '7Γλ'ί]σσω) a collision. Ί.υμ,'ττΤκ'ή'/^'ήΐ/, (from preced.) dashing to- gether. Ί.υμ,ττ'ΚΥίθϋνω,ΐιηά -βύω,{σύν and 'ττ'Κη&ύνω) I cause to overflow, augment. 'Συμ'7Γλylμμ£7^iω,-ω,(sΐ\.mc and τ-λτ/ΐίίμξλίω) I sin together with. 'Συ,^τΓλ/ΐζόύ), -co, (same and ττληξόω) J fill full ; pass. / am fulfilled , am fully come. 5 Η 793 Ίνμττλ'ηξΟίίίις, A GREEK LEXICON. Ιυμ.'πυ^ςί Attic -£6Ji, v)y (from preced.) a completion. Ί.υμ.ΐΐ'Κο'ΐχ,ος, -^, -ov, (from συ^.ττ'Κίω) of fellow sailors, ΈνμτΓλοκ'^, 'Vjg, ^, (from σνμ'ττλίκ,ω) a folding together, connection, conflict. '^νμ,'Τΐ'λοος, -όου, contr. σΰμ,'π'Καυς, -oy, ο, ^, (from avy.'K'hka) a fellow sailor or 2^assenger ; a sharer, a partaker. 'Σν[Λ7Γ7\.ωμ,ι, υυ^'κΤ^ωω, see ΰυμ,'Ττ'Κίω. 'Σνμττρίύ), (avu and ττνίω) I breathe luith, conspire, agree, unite. Ί.υ^Λττυ'ϊγω, (same and ννίγω) I choke, suffocate, throng. 'ΣνμτΓο^ίω, -ω, f. -yjgo), (from same and νους) I bind together the feet, bind, prohibit, supplant. Ί.υμ,'ττοΙίζω, f. -ίσω, Attic -ίω, (from same) the same. ^uf^TTOiico, {aiiu and τι-οιίω) I make toge- ther with, assist. Ένμτϊοιμοίίΐ/ομοΐί, (same and Troi^oiiuu) I feed with, Ένμττο'λεμίω, -ω, {same and ττολεμίω') I fight together with, join in a war. ^υμ-ττοΚιοζ^κίω, (same and 'ττοΚιοξκ.ίω) I join or assist in a siege. Ένμ'π-ολίτξΙίζ, -ας, 7j, (from same and -ττό- Τκίς) a union of states. Ί.υμ'Κο'Κί'ΐζΰω, (same and 'χο'Κιηΰω) I am a fellow citizen; I join in the administra- tion, use the same laws. 'Συμ-ττοΆΐτνις, -ου, ο, (same and ττοΤ^ίτνις) a fellow-citizen. 'Συμ,'ττομ'ττζύύ), (same and 'πομητίΰο)) I join in a procession. Έυμττονίύ), -ω, (same and ττοι/ίω^ I labour together with. 'Συμ,'ττουγίζίύομ,οίί, (same and τιτοννίζίύομοίΐ) I act wickedly, treat ill, with or together. 'Συμ,τΐοξζύομοίΐ, (same and οΐοζίϋομαί) I come together with, assemble: go together ivith, accompany. Ίυμ.'ττοηύίω, (same and mro^uio)) I help in luasting. Ιυμ'τΐΟξ^ίζω, (same and 'ττοξίζω) I supply together. Έυμ,'ττοξ'^οια, -ω, p. pass, partic. συμτΓΟζ- τΐγιμίνος, (from same and -ττόζτΓ^) I bind to- gether with a clasp or buckle. ΈυμτΐΌσίοί,-α,ς, '^,(from συμτιτόσίον) a drink- ing or banqueting together. Έυμτοσιοίζω, (from same) I drink together with, am given to drinking in company. 'Συμ'ΤΓοσιοίχ,ος, and ουμ'κοτΊ-Λος, -jj, -o;/, (from same) convivial. "ΣνμτΓοσίΰίξχίω, (from same and οίζχ,ο)) I preside at a feast. Ί,υμ,'ΤΓοσίΰίξχγις, -ov, 6, (from same) the master of the feast. • 794 Έυμ-ττοσίΛξχ,ία, -ocg, tj, (from same) the office of master of a feast. 'Συμ'ΤΓόσίον, -ου, το, (from συν and 'ποαίς) a drinking together, a feast, a company eating together, Mark vi. 39. Ίιυμττότΐίΐς, -ου, 6, (from same and -r/i/o)) a fellow- drinker or guest. Ί,υμ'ττζα.γμοι,τζνομΆΐ, (same and 'ττζχγμ.οι- ηΰομοα) I have business or intercourse with, converse luith. 'Συμτΐ'ξοίκτωξ, -OQog, 6, (from συμ'ττξάσσύ)) a fellow ivorker, an assistant, a comjJanion. Ιύμ-^ξοίζ,ίζ, -ίως, τ], (from next) coopera- tion. "Συμττζκσσω, {adu and 'ττξά.σσω) I act toge- ther ivith, second, assikt. 2^^6ύΤ(9£9Γ'/5ί, -ίος, 6, 71, (from same and 'ΤΓζί'ττύ)) becoming. Έυμ,ττξΐσβίΰω, (same and ττξζσβίύω) I join with in an embassy. ΈύμτΓξεσβυς, -ίως, 6, (same and στξίσβυς) a fellow -ambassador or deputy. 'Συμττξβσβντεζος, -ου, ό, (same and TirQsa- βύτεζος) a fellow -elder, 1 Pet. v. 1. 'ΣυμτΓξοά,γω, (same and 'ττζοά,γω) 1 lead with, proceed together. '2v^'7r(iouuf/,eof^cii,{^2ime and 'ττξο&υμ,εομοιι) I partake the ardoiir of others, earnestly strive together. Ί.υμ,'7ΐζQ^ίuίω, (same and TrQo^iuicJ) I hos- pitably assist. 'Συ/χ'7Τζ07Γ£μ'7Γω, (same and 'ττζοττίμ'πω) I send forward with, accompany together with. Iv^'KqoTci'KTu, (same and '^τςοττίττω) I fall or lean forward, proceed, with. ^υμ'ποόσειμι, (same and ττ^όσειμι) I am present together with, adhere to. Ί,υμττζοσίχύ}, or συμτξοσίσχω, (same and ττξοσίχω) I adhere to with. 'Συμττξοσ'ττ'ήλιχ.κ,ίομ,α.ί, (from same, 'ττξος, and τΓΥΐ'λος) I harass. Συμττζοσ'ττλίκω, (same, 'ττοος, and ττΤ^ίκω) I engage with in close combat. Ίυμ'ττξοφητεΰύ), (same and ττζοφη'^εΰω) I prophesy together ivitJi. Ίυμ'τττίζόω, (same and τιττεξόω) I fly to- gether ivith. Ίυμ,'Τΐτύσσα, (same and 'τττΰσσω) I fold up together. ΣύμτΐτωίΛΒί, -ατός, το, (from συμ-ττίτττω- μχι, perf. pass, of συμττίτττω) an accident, a misfortune, a symptom, Ps. xci. 6. ^ύμ^τασις, -ζύ}ς, τι, (from 2 sing, of same) a meeting together, junction, collapse. Ίιύμ-ττυκ,^ος, -ou, (συν and 7τυ>ονός) com- pact. Έυμττυνύόίνομχί, (saine and ττυνύχρομχί) I enquire ivith, hear with. Ί,υμίΐυζ^όω, (same and Ίνυορω) I burn to- Ίυμ^φάγζΛ. A GREEK LEXICON. Έυμφωτ/ζω, Ί,υμφόίγύ), (same and ψχγω) I eat ivith. 'Ιυμ,φα,ίνω, (same and ψχ^ω) I shine to- gether with. Ί^υμ,φά,νής, -ίος, 6, i], (from preced.) con- sjnciious, manifest. Ί.υμφζζόυτως, (from σνμφίξύή in a 'profit- able or useful manner. Ένμφίξτός, -Vj, 'Ov, and συμ,φζζτξξος, -ά., -Qu, for συμφεξοτεζος, (from next) brought together y useful, availing. 2ν^.φίξω, {av'j and φίζ^ω) I bear or bring together, collect, accumulate, contribute, hap- pen, conduce, am profitable to ; impersonal- ly, συ^Λφί^ίί, it profits, it is advantageous, το σνΐί(,φίξο>/, that ivhich is profitable or useful, and in the plur. τα συ[Λφίροντοι. 'Συμ,φεΰγο), (same and φεύγω) I fiee tor gether luith. Ί,ύμφ-ήμ,ι, (same and φτ,(/Λ) I speak toge- ther with, assent, consent to. Ί.υ[Λφθεγ'/ο^/.οίΐ, (same and φ6ίγγο[Λοίί) I speak together with, agree with. Ί^υμφύείοω, (same and φύείξω) I corrupt or destroy together. Ί.ύ^^φθογγος, -ou and φι'κίω) 1 love toge- ther. 1υ{Λφι7^οκοίΚεω, (same and φι^.οκοίΚεω) I join with in loving probity and honour. Ί.υ^/.φι'ΚονεικΛω, (same and φιλουειζίω) I debate with. Ένΐίίφίλοσοφίω, (same and φίλοσοφεω) I study philosophy with. Έν/ϋφλέγύ), (same and φλέγω) I burn to- gether, burn up. 'Συμφλογίζύ), (same and φλογίζω) I burn together, burn up. 'Σν/ϋ.φοξχ, -οίς, yj, (from συμ,φεζω) an acci- dent, calamity, misfortune ; event, result. Ί,υμ,φοζά,ζο}, f. -ά,σύ), (from preced.J / de- plore a calamity, condole. ^υμ,φοοοίίι/ω, (from same) / lament a mis- fortune. "Συμφοζενς, -εως, 6, (from next) one who attended the general, aid-de-camp. 'Συμ^φο^εω, same as συμ,φεζω. 'Συμ.φό^τιμ,οί, -ατός, το, συμ,φοξ•/ισις, -εως, 7], (from preced.) a bringing together, a col- lection, heap, accumulation, contribution. Συμφοζ-ήτό;, -% -L•, (from same) brought together, collected, contributed. Σνμ,φοζος^ -ου, 6, vj, (from same) that is brought together zvith, that usually occurs ivith ; conducive, useful, suitable, p7'ofitable : συ/ϋφύζως, advantageously, profitably. ΣυμφζκγΙζύ), {avu and φζοίγίξω, which from φξύσσω) I set in together with. 'Συ[Λφζά'^(Λωυ, -όνος, 6, vj, (from next) a counsellor. Συμ,φ^ά,ζω, {σνι/ and φξχζω) I say with: συμ,φζά,ξομ,χι, I consult with. Συμ.φζ^ά.σσω, or -ττω, (same and φ^ά,σσω) I shut up together, shut up, obstruct ; press closely together, condense. Συμφξονεω, (same and φξονίω) I think, with, agree in opinion, am of the same party, consent, approve. Συ^Λφζόνησίζ, -εως, tj, (from preced.) agree- ment in opinion, concord. Ί,νμφξοντίξω, {σύυ and φροντίζω) I think of or care for with or together. Σν/ίίφζονζος, -ου, 6, (same and φζονξος) a guardian with others. Ιυμφζυγ^Λος, -ου, 6, (from next) burning. Έυμ,φξύγω, and συμφξόσσω, {συν and φ^ΰ- γύ) or φζΰσαο)) I burn together, burn up, toast, parch. ΊυμφύΥις, -εος, ο, '^, (from συμ,φύω) grown together, united by nature, congenial. Συμ.φυΐχ, -ας, τι, (from same) congeni- ality. Συ^Λφΰλΰί^, -οί-Λος, 6, (from next) one luho keeps guard along with others. ΣυΐΛφυλά.σσω, Att. -tt6j, [ρυυ and φυλάσ- σω) I keep guard with or together. "Συμφυλετγις, -ου, 6, (same and φυλετιης) one of the same tribe, cguntry, or state with another, a countryman, a fellow -citizen. Σύι^φύλος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and φυ- λΥι) belonging to the same tribe. Ιυμ,φΰομ.α,ι, (same and φΰω) I spring up together, groiu thick or close together. Συι^^φυζμος, -ου, 6, (from συ^^φΰξω) a mix- ture. Ί,ύμ,φυξτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from next) mixed up luith. Συμ,φϋζω, and συμ,φυζά,ω, (σύι/ and φύξOJ) I mix together ivith, defile with. 'Συι^.φϋσά,ω, (same and φυσάω) I breathe or blow ivith or together, conspire ; blow in- tensely. Συι^φΰτεΰω, (same and φυτεύω) I plant with or together ; am an accomplice in. Ιύμ,φΰτος, -ου, 6, v}, (from next) planted together, grooving together, coalescing. Ί,υμφύω, (σύι/ and φύω) J grow together, coalesce, unite. Ί,υμ,φωΐ/εω, -ω, (same and φωνεω) I speak a thing together with another, concur with in speaking, agree, harmonize with, Ί.υμ,φω»ησις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from pre- ced.) agreement, concord, 2 Cor. vi. 15. Συ(Λφύ)νίοί, -Οίς, VI, (from συν and φωνή) agreement or harmony of sounds, symphony, a concert of music, Luke xv. 25. Σύμφωνος, -ου, 6, τ], το -ον, (from same) agreeing in sound, concordant, agreeing, con- senting. Συμφωτίζο), (συν and φωτίζο)) I enlight- 795 2υ/Λ•ψαύΛ>. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,υναλγεω. en together : σν^φωτίξο^αοα, I shine toge- ther. Ί,υμ-ψΰίνίΰ, (same and -ψαύω) I touch to- gether, kiss ; am contiguous to, coincide ivith. Ένμ-ψύω, -ω, (same and -φύω) I scrape together, render even hy scra^nng, diminish together, take away. Ί.υίΛ-^ίυ^οίΛΛί, (same and ■<^ίυ^ω) I con- cur in a falsehood, dissemble with. Ένμ-ψ^φίζω, (same and -ψηφίζω) I cal- cidate or compide together, cast up, vote ivith. Έύμ,φγιφος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same) of the same vote or opinion, unanimous. Έν/^ί-φίάυξίζο), (σνι/ and -ψίύυξίζω) I luhis- per together with. Ένμ-ψοφίω, (same and -ψοφίω) I knock or rattle with. Ί.ύμ-ψνχος, -ου, ό, yj, (from next and \pv- χγί) Joined together in soul, unanimous. 2vu, Attic ξύι/, (from σύω, I sew or join together) joined, objector circumstance join- ed, with, together with. See p. 102. ^vuciyoiuccKrL•, (preced. and ayauaKTeo) I feel indignation together with. Ιυνοι,γχ'ττάω, (same and άγχ'π^άω) I join in loving. Ί,υΰάγγξΚος, -of, 0, (same and oiyyiXog) a fellow -messenger. Ένυάγείξω, (same and άγείξω) I gather together, collect, assemble. Ένυα,γί:7\.ά,ξω, (same and άγε\άζω) I bring into a herd or crowd ; raid. / herd together, Ί.υϋ(Χ,γίλα,σμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from preced,) a col- lecting into a herd, a crowding together. liuuayKiioi, -α,ς, τ}, (from σύι^ and οίγχ,ος) a meeting together of two valleys. Ί'ΰυαγμ,οι, -οίτος, το, (from avuciyii)) a collection, sediment. '2υvΰίyoζiΰω, {συυ and oiyo^iiiu") I speak with another, support his opinion^ ^vvayy^of/^oii, (same and oLy^a) I am suf- focated, pressed, distressed. '^uva.ya, (same and cίyω) I lead or bring together, reconcile, receive with hospitality ; pass. / meet or come together. 'Συvόiyω, (from same) / break together, break in pieces. ^iuuxyoiyii, -^St ^, (from συvΰίyω) a collec- tion, congregation, assembly, synagogue. 'Συucty&)yoς, -6u, (from same) that which collects or unites. Ί,υua,yωuiάω, (σύυ and eiyωuicίω) I am in distress along with. 'Συυoίyωulζoμcιίι, (same and αγωνίζονται) I strive together ivith, second, aid. , Συναγωνισμοί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) coojjeration, help, succour. '2υναγωνίστ''ής, -ου, 6, (from same) a fellow- combatant, second, auxiliary. 796 Ί,υνα^εΚφος, -ου, 6, {σύυ and ά^Τ^φος) a joint-brother, 2νν(5ίδ/κ£ώ>, (same and α^ικ,ίω) I join in acting injuriously. Ί,υναΙοξ,ίω, (same and αίο^ίω) I am dis- graced luith. Ί,υνα^ύΐ, (from same and aeihoi) I sing to- gether or in concert ; JTagree, correspond. "Συναίίζω, same as συναίζω. Ί,υναύλίω, -ω, (συν and αβλίω) I strive to- gether for or 2vith, Ί,υναΰξοίξω, (same and αθροίζω) I gather or heap together, collect. Έύνόίβϋξω, (same and αθΰζω) I play, sport with. Έΰναιμος, -ου, and συναίμων, -όνος, ό, 4 (from same and αϊμα) consanguineous. Έυναινίω, (same and αΐνίω) 1 praise with, assent to, approve of, consent. Ί,υναίννμαί, (same and αΐνυμαι) I take or lay hold of together. Ιυναίζίσις, -ίως, ν\, (from next) a taking together, contraction, synceresis. Έυναΐζίω, (συν and αίξίω) I take together, contract, compress, utterly destroy. "Σΰναίξω, (same and αι^ω) I take or take up together with, lift up with, join with, yoke together. Ί,υναισύάνομ,αι, (same and αισύάνομαι) I perceive or feel with. Σΰναί'σσω, (same and αΐσσω) I rush with or together. Έυναιτία, -ας, ^, and αυναΐτιον, -ου, το, (same and αιτία) a cause producing ejfects together ivith another. Ένναίτιος, -ου, ό, yj, (from same) that ojoe- rates as a cause conjointly with another, equally culpable. ΊυναιχμίίίΚωτος, -ου, ό, 5j, iaifv and αϊχ- μαΚωτος) a fellow-captive. Έυναιωξεω, (same and αιωξίω) I suspend ' er ; pass. / fluctuate, am uncertain about. ΊυναΛμάζω, (same and ακμάζω) I am come to maturity or flourish at the same time. Ί,ΰνακ,οΤ^ουόίω, -ω, (same and ακ,οΆουύίοή I follow together with, accompany in following. Έυνακοντίζω, (same and ακοντίζω) I shoot with. Συνακούω, (same and ακούω) I hear with another, hear mutually. Ίυνακτ^ικος, -^, -ov, (from συνάγω) capa- ble of attracting and leading along with, im- pressive, irresistible. ΊυναΤ^άΤ^αγμα, same as αΚά'Καγμα. 'Σΰνάλάλάζω, {συν and αλαλάζω) I shout with. Σΰναλγίω, -ω, (same and αλγίω) I am in pain together with, condole. Ιυνα,λεγω. A GREEK LEXICON. Έυνα^αχ^ξώί'νυμ/, Συνόίλίγύ), (same and d'Aeyoj) I care for, \m'ind, lu'ith others. ΙννοίΤ^ζίφω, (same and ά7.ίίφω) I anoint \together, gloss over, join together, mix up or \blend, 'ΣυνοίΚγ,ύζύω, (same and ά7\.-/ιθώω) I speak I or maintain truth luith. Ίνι/οίΚΊζω, (same and άΤ^Ιζω) I gather together, assemble, Acts i. 4. ^.u'joLh'ha.yTi, -^;, '/], (same and άλλοίγ'ή) a conjunction, convei^sation, commerce; a reconciliation, contract ; interposition, inter- vention. l^v'jaKhocy^/.ex,, -ατός, το, (same and «λ- ?.ci'/,uuc) a conjunction, a yoke, an agreement. 1ύ>ΛΧΚά.σσύ), (same and άΤ^Τ^ύσσω) I make an exchange with, reconcile together, have in- tercourse with. '2vja'h>.ou.u,i, (same and cbo^oy.ai) I leap or exult together. Ί.υνο[ίΚοάω, and ovucc'hoiaci, (same and άΤ^οάω^ I grind ov bruise together ov at once. Ί.υι/οί'Κϋω, (same and άχύω) I rove, ιυαη- der with. Iv'joif^a,, (same and oif/.ci) together with. 'Σννόίιΐύόίύύι/α, (same and ά,[Λοίθύνω) I re- duce at once to ashes. Ivuc&f/^oi^Toiuo), (same and ά,μ,α,ζτά,υω) I err or sin with. Ίννόίμάω, (same and ά,{Λά.ω) I gather to- gether. Ίνυίίμ.ι'Κ'Κά,ομ,Λΐ, (same and ά,^.ίΚ'κά.ύμ.Λΐ) 1 contend with. 'ΣύνοίίΛμ,οί, -ατός, το, (same and ΐίμμα) a knot. 'Σνναμ,'ττίχ,ω, (same and df/^Tri^a) I wrap round with, conceal. Έννά/αννω, (same and αμ,ύνω) I help to- gether. Ί.ΰϋα[Λφοτίζθς, -a, -ov, (same and ay^(p6- τίζος) both together. Ί,υναναβαίνω, (same and αναβαίνοι) I go up ivith. Έυϋαναβίβάζύ), (same and οί'^αβφάζω) I make to go up with. "Συναναβοάύ), (same and άναβούω) I join in a cry. Ί,νναραβόσ'/,οΐΛαι, (same, dud, and βόσκω) I feed with, groiu up with. Ιυναναγινωσκω, (same and duayiumKOi) I read with. Ί.ύνανα'/κάζω, (same and dvecyκάζω) I force together luith, comjicl. 'Συνανάγνωσις, -ίως, v], (from avuoe.vctyi• ΐ/ύσκω) a reading with, a discussion. Ί,υναναγυ[Λνόω, {oifv, dud, and yvf^voai) I make bare luith. ^.vvaudyu, {avu and dudyui) I embark with. 'Συναναοίχ,ομαι, (same and αναοί-^ομαι) I undertake with. 'Σνναι/α^ίοωμι, (same and dual•i^ωμί) I give up, present, ivith or at the same time. 'Συuavaζsύyvυμ(, (same and dl/aζίύyuvμ^) I set out with. 'Συναναιοίω, (same and duai^kcS) I take aivay or destroy together. Ί.υνανακάμ.'7:ττύ), (same and dua,)CΛμ'7Frω) I bend back or draw up together ; I return with. Ί,υνανάκζΐΐΛαι, (same and duaKSifAui) I recline with at meat. ^ννανακΆΙυω, (same and dvayShiya) I re- cline with. "Σννανακομίζύ}, (same and duaκ.of^ίζω) I carry back or up with, assist in restoring. ^υ\)αυα7^αμβανύ), (same and dva'Kai /,βά- υω) I take or receive again with. Ί^υναυα^Ίσκω, (same and dva'hiaxM) I consume with, spend together. ^vvaua/iclyuOy^i, (same and dvay^lyuvy^i) I mix together ivith ; pass. 1 am mixed with, associate, converse, or keep company ivith. 'Συνανάμ^ι^ις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, v), (from preced.} mixture together ivith, association. ^vya'jaTravay.ai, (σϊ/ν and dvaTravoyai) I rest together with, am refreshed together with, Isa. xi. 6. Rom. xv. 32. Iv'jauaTrdL•, (same and άνατιηίθω) Icon- cur in persuading. Ί,υνανατΓίμ,ττω, (same and duaTriyTTuj) I send back or up, with or together. Ί.υναναττ'λίκύ}, (same, dux, and ττ^νίκο)) I plait up together, interweave. '2υuaua'7ΐ'h■ί^(>όω, (same and dua1ΐ'h^^6ω) I fill up together, complete. Ί.υναυαττζάσσω, (same and dua7ΐξάσσω) I help in exacting. 'Συναναστΐάω, (same and «ζ/ασττίίίυ) I draw up or back again with. "Σνυαναστξέφω, (same and dvaστζsφω) I turn back together ivith ; mid. / converse with, am conversant with. Ιυυαναστζοφ'ή, -τις, vj, (from preced.) C07i- versation. 'Συϋανασωζω, {avu and duaσωζω) I save with, assist in i^ecovering or prese7'ving. ^.vt/audTTjKCj, (same, dud, and τί^κω) I melt together with. ^•vuauaTQe)cci), (same and duxT^ijc'^) I run up with. 2yvfle:/fl6(p«/;/ω, (same and duaφiξO)) I carry or bring up together with, I offer up together. Ί.υuauaφύίyyoyoίι, (same and duaφ6iy- yoyxi) I call out aloud with. Ί,υναναφύ()ομ,αι, (same, dud, and φΰ^ω) 1 mix together ivith. '^.vuauaycouuuvy.i, (same, dud, and xqUuvv- ,«/) / help in giving a colour to : awaua- 707 1.Όνοι,\)(Λ•)(^ζωΰΐς, A GREEK LEXICON. Ιυνά'πτω, Xf>o}vuvfAa.i^ I have the same colour ivith, am infected ivith. Ί,νι^χΰχχξωσίς, -ssog, oj, (from preced.) i?i- fection, contagion. '2ννοίνίξχ,ο(Λοιι, {συν and άνίξχομοα) J go up ivith. Ί,υυοίνύίω, (same andduueu) I flourish ivith. ΊιννΛνθξωττίω, (from same and ανύξω-ττος) I live on equal and finendlij terms ivith ; ap» plied to animals, live with in a state of do- mestication. 'Συνανίστ-ήμ,ι, (same and άνίστ-η/^ι) I rise with, cause to rise ivith. 'Σνυαντάύ), •ω, (same and άντά,ω) I meet with, meet, happen to, befall. 'SvuauTYificc, 'Οίτος, το, and σϋνχντγισις, Ίος, Attic 'ίως, τ], (from preced.) a meeting, accident, event, calamity. Ί,υνοίντιάζω, {συν and άντιάζω) same as συνοίντχω. 'Συναντίλαμβά,νομ,α.ι, (same and άντίΤ^αμ- βά,νομ,χι) I support or help together, assist jointly. Έυνχντλίω, (same and dvr7\.icS) I endure toil. 'Συνά,νΰτο), or συνα,νΰο), (same and ά,νϋ-τω) I finish or accomplish with or together. Ί,υυα,^ιόω, (same and ά^ιόω) I esteem wor- thy ivith or together, consent, concur in de- manding. 'Σννοίοίοος, 'W, o, ^, (same and doihog) one that joins in singing. "ΣΰνοΙοξος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and α,οζ) a yokefelloiv, spouse, paiiner. "Συνα-ττόίγω, (same and ΰττόίγύ)) I lead or carry away together : συνΛττά,γο^οίΐ, I am canned away ivith, suffer myself to be in- fluenced by, condescend to. '2υuciτrDίίocύ,{βΆme and άττούξο)) I depart ivith. Έυναττχξτίζύ), (same and άττοίξτίζω) I perfect or finish together. 'Σΰνόίττκζ, -'ΤΓχσα, -ttccv, (same and οίττα;) altogether. IvvocTruT^ia, (same and ά'τηικίω) I threa- ten also. Ί,υνάττεί^ίί, (same and οίττξίμί) I go away ivith. 'Συνα,τιτεζγάζομ,α,ι, (same and άτη^γάζο- μΰίί) I accomplish together with. 'ΣυνατΓίξ-χ,^μ,αι, (same and άττύξ^ο/^οίΐ) I go away with. Ί.υυα'ττζυύϋνω, (from same, άττο, and si/do- νω) I help to direct or steer. Έυνίχ.7Γξχ,ύύνομ.οα,{8Άτηβο.Ώάά.7ηχ,ύΰίνο^ία,ή I am hated with. 'Συνοίττογξόίφομοίί, (same and χ-ττογξάφο- μαι} I ejiroll myself with others. Ί,υνΆττο^ΥίΙ^ίω, (same and άττο^νιμίω) I go abroad with. 798 'Συναττοοοκ,ιμιζζω, (same and α,ττο^οκιμ,ά- ζ(ό) I unite with in disapproving. 'Σύνα.τϊο^^άω, and -δ^ι^,ί*/, (same and άττο^ ^ξάύ)) I fly or escape along with. 'Συνιχ.'ΤΓο^ύω, (same and «ττοδι/ώ) / stiip off with ; pass, undergo with. Ί,υνα,τΓούν^σκω, (same and ά,'^οθνήσκω) I die together with. 'ΣυνΛ'ΤίΟΐκ,'ιζω, (same and άττοικίζω) I cause to remove with. 'Σΰνοίτ^'οκ,άμ,υύ), (same and ά'ρτοχ,οίμνω^ I am exhausted with or together. Ί,ΰναττόκ.ειμΰϋ, (same and άττόκειμαι) I am laid up together with. 'Συνα'τϊοχ,ιν^υνζύω, (same, άττο, and κινδυ- νεύω) I am in danger with. 'Συνοί'ΤΓοκότττω, (same and ά,ττοχ,ό'Τΐτω) I cut off with or together. 'Συνοί'Τϊοκ,ξΰτϊτω, (same and ά.ττοκξΰ'τττω) I hide together. Ί,υνοι,τΓοΤ^οίμ,βοίνω, (same and ά,ΐΐύΚΛ^βά- νω) I receive with or together. Ίυνίχ.'ποΚά,^'ΤΓω, (same and ά,'πύ'Κά,(Λΐΐω) I shine from or fo7'th with. Ί.υνίχ.7:-ο7<.οίύ<>), (same and άττο'Κοίύο)) I en- joy with. 1υνΛ'κο7άω, and συνοί7ΐόΧκϋ(Μ, (same and ά'ττοκίω, or ά,'7Γ070\.υμι) I destroy together with ; mid. and pass. / perish together with. '^υνοί'7Γο\ογίομ>ο(,ι, (same unadTroT^cyeoy^oii) I defend myself with or together. ^υνΛ'7το[/,ο(,ξθί{νομ.οίΐ, (same and ά,'ττομ.α,- Qcnivof-icci^ I wither away or die with. Ί^υν(Ά7Γονεΰω, (same and ά.'ΤΓονεΰω) I refuse, turn myself away, together with. Ίυνοίτίτο'πίμ.ττω, (same and ά,'πο%ί[Λ'7τω) I send away with. Έυνα'ΤΓορρίω, (same and χπ-οβρίω) I flow away with. Ί.υυοίΤΓορρ'ήσσω, (same and ά.'ττορρ'ήσσω) I break or tear off with. Ί,υνχ'ττοσβεω, or -σβη/ίϋ, (same and cctto- σβεω) I put out with. 'Συνοί'ττοστίΤΟ^ω, (same and άττοστέλ'λω) I send together with, send away together. Ίυνα,'ττοστεξίώ, (same and άττοστίξΐω) I deprive with or together. Ί^υνοί'ΤΓοτίύ',ψί, (same and άττοτίόπΐ^ί) I put from me or lay aside with or toge- ther. 'ΣυνοίττοφαΙνω, (same and ά'ττοφα,Ίυω) I show, declare, or maintain, with ; approve, assent. 'Συνα.'ττοφίξω, (same and κ-ττοφίξω) I carry away with. Ίυνα,'ττογ/ύφ.ω, (same and ά'χογ,ωφω) I revolt with. Ί.ΰνοί'ΤΓτος, -vj, -ov, (from next) bound or joined together. '2ν.//Χ7ττω, (συν and οίτιττω) I bind or 1υνα•7Τωύίθ). A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,ΰνδτιλύς, join together w'liJt, cojiulate with, collect, β t together, reach or extend. Ίυνοί,ττωύίω, (same and xttuUL•) I thrust away together. "Σΰνόίξάσσω, or -ττω, (same and άοχσσω^ I beat together, break to pieces. 'Σΰνόίξίσκ,ω, (same and χζέσκω) I jjlease. Έΰνχοθοος, -ov, (from same and x^Uqou) conjoint, connected ; joined with the article. ^v'jci^iuyAo), -ω, (same and d^idyAa^ I number together with. 'Σννΰζίστύω, (same and α,ζίστάω) I mess together. 'Συ:/αίοίστενύ}, (same and aoioracS) I dis- tinguish myself or fight bravely with. Ιννύοιστος, -ov, 6, (from same and οίοίσ- TO'j) a messmate. Ί.υι/οί^μ,ο"/'^, -vjg, tj, (same and άζ^^ογ'ή) conjunction, mutual adaptation. "Συ^χζ/ίΛύζύ), or ~όττω, (same and άζ/ζόζω) I join, construct, fit, adjust, govern, har- monize with. '2vucioy.(iKo'/iu, -0), (same and ao^^cihoyia, same as ύξμόζύ)) I frame fitly together, compact harmoniously together. 'Σννχο^/,οατ'/!;, -ov, 6, (from σνροίξ/ι^,όζω) a setter of precious stones; a governor. 1vvtx.Q77a,yri, -ίί, 'A, (from next) a plun- dering. 'Σΐινχξ'ττάζω, {συν and ά,^ττάζο)) I seize with force or violence, take or drag by force or violence ; persuade, comprehend. Ί.ννΛζτάω, (same and άξτύ,ύ)) I hang up with, join together. "Σνι/άζτ-ζισίς, -εως, h> (from preced.) connec- tion. Ίννοίζτϋνω, (^σύυ and άζτύνω) I 2)7Ovide with. 'Συνοίζ'χ,α,ΐζξ.σ ιάζύ), (same and άζ^χ,^ι^εσιά- ζοϊ) I canvass for or suppoi't one as a candi- date for office. Ί,υνά,ογ^ύ), (same and άογ^ω) I govern with. Έυνάοχ^ων, -οι/το;, ο, (from preced.) a joint ruler, a colleague in office. "Συνάζω, {συν and άζύή same as lUCCQf/.C Συνχσκίύ), (same and άσκίω^ I exercise tvith or together. ΣννόίσοΦίύ), (from same and οίσοφος) I act unwisely together with. Ί,υι/α.σττίξω, (same and α,σττίζω') I fight with shield to shield, fight in close combat. Ί.ύνασχ,όί'Κά.ύ), (same and ά,σχ,οίΚάω) I grieve with or together. Ί,υνασχγιμ,ονίύ), (same and άσχρηι^ονεω) I behave indecently with or together. ^.vvocayj.'Kioy.oct, (same and άηγ/ίίΛομ.α.ι) I am busy with or together. Σνν{χ,-ΐ[Λκζομ,οίΐ, (same and άτιμ,ύζύ)) I am dishonoured, treated with indignity, with or together. ΣννΛυα.Ιι>ω, (same and α,υχίυω) I dry up with or together, dry thoroughly. Σΰναυ^άω, (same and a,vhuo)) I speak to- gether, agree ivith. Ivvav'kicf,, -οίς, '/], (from same and χϋλος) a concoct of two flutes ; a confldct. ΣυναυΤ^ίζομ-αι, (same and α,υ'λΙζο{Λοίΐ) I lodge or live with. Έύνοίνλος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and ccvT^vj) living together; (iiOra ανλος) concordant, agreeing luith. 'Σννανζχνύ), (same and cci/^avo) I make to grow together; mid. and pass. I groiu to- gether. Ί,υναύ^γ,σις, -scj;, '/}, (from preced.) a grow- ing together, simidtaneous increase. 'Σνυάφ-ίχ, -ας, and σννοίφ-η, -γ^ς, τ], (from σννάτττω) a joining together, connection. ΈννχφοίίΛΟίόω, (σνν and άφοι^οίοω) Τ ren- der like, assimilate. Ένι/αφοζΙζω, (same and ά,φοζίξο)) I sepa- rate at the same time. '2vuux,uoy.oii, (same and ύίχ^ΰομ,α,ί) I am grieved with or together. "Σνι/χ-ψίζ, -ιος, Attic -εως, tj, (from σννά,ττ- τώ») a joining together, connection. ΣνΆαΐζω, {σύυ and οοιί'ζω) I kill with or together. 'Σν'ΛχΙτω^, -οζοζ, ο, (from next) a fellow- guest. Έννοαίο), {av'j and ooiio}) I feast luith ; learn or know with. Έννούκνω, (same and δάχ^ώΐ) I bite ivith, tear in pieces with the teeth. Ί.ν'Λΰίκζϋω, (same and ^ακ^νω) I loeep with. 'Συν'^εί'ΤΓνεω, -ω, (same and οείτη/εω) I sup or eat with. ^.vuOiiTTuov, -ov, TO, (same and ϋεΊττνοι/) a joint supper, an entertainment. Σνυοειττνος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same) a guest. Ί,νι/Ιεκ,άζύ), (σύυ and Ψεκάζω) I bribe with or together. Ί,ΰ'Λεσις, -εως, vj, (from σννίεω) a binding together. "Συνοεσ^εΰω, and σννοεσμίω, (^cvu and δ^σ- μ,ενω) I bind together. "Σννοεσμος, -ov, 6, (from συνόεω^ a binding together, connection, bundle, tic, bond, knot, combination,conspiracy : σΰνοεσ^οί, τ», joints. Ί.υνόετεος, -λ, -ov, (from same) to be bound. 'Σνν^ετΙκος, -5j, -ov, (from same) binding, copulative. Σύνθετο;, -ov, (from next) bound together, connected. Ί.ννοέω, -ω, {συν and οεο)) I bind together with, bind together, connect, conjoin. Σνν'^-ηΚος, -ov, (same and οτί'Κος) perfectly manifest. 790 ινδημαγωγίω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,ννδιώκω, 2y;/^j?^i5iyiS)y£iy, (same and Ζγιμχγαγίω) I conciliate the people. Ί,νι^^ίχβί^Ιι/ω, (same and ^ιχβοίίνα) I pass through with. 2^!/δ;δί/3άλλώ), (same and ^^κ/φάτ^^ω) I ca- lumniate luith or together. Ί,υνΙια,βοί'τττίζομ,οΐ,ι, (same, δ/ί», and βοίττ- τίζύ)) an example of βα,τττίξω applied figu- ratively in the sense of affusion or asper- sion. Dr. Jones renders it, I bespatter one tvho bespatters me, and quotes the instance of its occurrence, in Dem. 782. 25. ούτοι yoi^ e-TrlaTOiUToii τούτω συν^ίοίβιχ,τιττίζζσύοίΐ, for they Jcnow how to bespatter him in re- turn. Reiske explains this to be, " par pari referre, injurias alias aliis repellere.'' He then explains the figure thus : " simile ductum de lavantibus, quorum alii alios per jocum et risus gratia situlis aquae mu- tuo in ora ingestis perfundunt." Index Gr^ecitatis Demosthene^e. I have often joined in this sport with the companions of my youth, but the only *' situlus" we ever thought of was the palm of the hand. 'Σννίΐΰίβίβόίζω, (same and ^αχ,βιβά,ξύ)) I help in making to come or go through. ΈνΛίόίγω, (same and Ιιάγω) I lead or pass through life together. Ί,υν^ιιχ.ΐξίω, (same and ^ιιχ,ΐζίω) I divide with. 'Συu^icιίίτάoμxι, (same and ^{οατείομ,ΰΐί) I diet or live together with. ΊνΛίοίίτνισίς, -sag, oj, (from preced.) a living together luith. livuhtcctmr'^g, -ου, ο, (from same) one who lives with another. ^vuhtoix^ocia, (^σνν and ^ίοι,κ,οί,ίω) I burn through with or together. '2vu'hioί>cίu^υι/svω^ (same and "hicuKiu^vusva^ I pass through danger with. Ί,υν^ίΐζκ,ομίζω, (same and Ιίο,κ,ομίζω) I carry through with or together. 'Συν^κχ,-Λοσμ.ίω, (same and ^ιοίκοσμίω^ I adorn or set in becoming order with. 'Συνίίύκ,τοζοζ, -ov, 6, (same and ^ιάκτοζος) a fellow agent or minister. "^vuhicikva, (same and ^ιοίΧύοή I dissolve or cancel together with. Ί,νι/^ίοιμίνύ), (same and Ζίαμίι/ω) I abide with. '2υυΙ(Λμ,νημ>οι/ίΰω, (same and ^{αίμννιμο- vsva) I bring to mind with or together. '2νν'^ίΰ&Άμύ}, (same and Οίοίνΐμω) I distri- bute with or together. 2yvB/iiz/gyiy,(same 2ίΆά^ΐ(Χ,νώω) I nod with, assent to. l.vy^iciuoso^oii, (same and ^loivoko^oci) I think luith or together. Ί,υυΙΐΛ'ΤΓ^.ίω, (same and ^toiTir'hka) I sail through with. 800 5 Ί^υν^ια.'ποζ^ίω, (same and ^ιοιτΐοφω) I am in doubt or perplexity together with. Ί.υνΙκχ,'ΤΓζά,σσω, or -ττω, (same and hoc- τνζά,σσω) I perform or despatch together luith. ^υν^ίΰίστξίφω, (same and ^ίοίστζίφω^ I turn out of the way with. ^υΛιοίσωζω, (same and "^ιιχ,σωζω) I save along luith. Ί,υυ^ιιχ,τοίξ^ά,σσω, (same and ZiotTccQoiaaa) I disturb with. 'Σνι^^ιχτείνω, (same and '^κχ,τξίνω) I stretch out with. Ί,υυ^ιοίτίΚίω, (same and δ;5£Τ£λ£ώ>) / con- timie with. Ί,υνίιιζτηζίω, (same and Ιιατνίξίω) I keep carefidly ivith or together. ^vu^iXTiuyifii, (same and ^ιατίύ-ημι) I dis- pose with or together. "Συν^ιοίτζΐπ-ω, (same and δ;ατ^£'τ<«) / turn away, dissuade, pervert, with or together. 'Συυ'Ιιαίτξϊβω, (same and ^ιαι,τ^Ιβω) I tarry with. Συν^ιαφίξω, (same and '^ίχφίξω) I carry through with. ΈυυΙκχ,φύίΙξΟ), (same and Ιίοι,φβείξω) I destroy ivith: σνι/^ίχψύίίςομχί, I perish with. Ί,υ'Λίοίφοζίω, (same and '^ίοίψοξίω) I spoil together or at once ; also, same as σνι/δ/δβ- φίζω. Ι^υΛιοίφυ'κά,σσο), (same and Ιιαφυλύσσύ)) I Join in preserving. \ Ί^υν^ίΆχαμάζω, (same and Ιιαχειμάζω) I pass the winter with. Έυι^Ιίχχζίξίξω, (same and ^αχείζίζω) I slay with or together. 'ΣννΙίίκ,'ττί'ΤΓτω, (from same, liot, and Ικ- 'ττίτττω) I fall out through or escape with others. ΈννΙίέξίίμι, (from same, ha, and 'ίξείμή I go through with or together. Ί,υνΙΐ'^μ,ίζξνσις, "ζως, ^, (from next) a pas- sing the whole day luith, daily converse. Ί^υν^ιημ,ίζζύω, {σνι/ and hnfcsQSva) I spend the whole day with. '2υι*'^7κύ.ξω, (same and hκ,cίξω) I judge with or together. ΈνΰΐΊκ,Λστ'ης, -ov, o, (from preced.) a fel- low-judge, ^vulixJa, (from avu and δ/»)?) / act with as an advocate or defender. Έύν'^ϊκος, -ου, 6, (from same) one who ad- vocates a cause, luho defends, who is con- scious, or a witness; a syndick : συν^Ηως, ivith justice, acting as an advocate, de- fending. 'Συυ^ιοικίω,^ (σύν and ^iouico) I govern with or together. Συ!/1ίύ)κ,ύ), (same and '^ιωκω) I pursue or prosecute together ivith. Ί,ννδοχίω. A GREEK LEXICON. 1ννεκδ>]μοζ. Ivi/'hoyJco, (same and δοκεώ) I thinh lu'ith, approve, consent. 'ΣυΛοκίΐΛά,ζύ), (same and ^οκιμ,άζω) I try tpith, bring to the test together. Ένι^οοξύξω, (same and Ιοζχξω) I glorify together. Έύι/οονΤ^ος, -oy, o, vj, (same and οονλο;) a fellow-servant or slave. Σνι/'^οά,ω, (same and Ιζάω) I act luith. 'Συ'Λοί(Λω. See συ:/τξί^ω. Syvo^o^'ii, -^;, 7), (from uvuhihnof/.ot,, perf. mid. of preced.) a concourse. Acts xxi. 30. 2ΰ•Λξθ[Λος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same) that rims with or together, accompanying ; concurring, concordant ; that meets together, encounter- ing : συ'Λο6μ.ως, with equal speed; concisely. Ί.υυ^υύ.ζω, f. -ά,σω, (from av'j and δίίο) / act together with, am joined with, converse with. Ί.υ'Λυα,σμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) copula- tion. Ί,υι^βγγίζω, {σύυ and $γγ(ζω) I approach together. Συΰίγγζάψω, (same and Ιγγζάφύ)) I en- roll with. Συνίγγυάω, (same and gyyyaiy) I give a pledge or pawn with or together ; Ibetrothe. ^vuiy/vg, (same and εγγύς) near toge- ther, next. 'Συνίγίίιοω, (same and ίγεί^ω) I i^aise toge- ther or together with ; mid. and pass. / rise together or together luith. 'ΣυνίοξΒΐ'α, and auvehoicc, -ocg, i}, (from same and s^qcc) a council. Ί,υ^ίΟξίύω, f. -ίϋσο), (from same) / sit to- gether ivith. 'ΣυνΒΟξίά.ξω, same as preced. Ί,υνίοοίο!/, -ου, ro, (from next) an assembly of counsellors or judges, or the place ivhere they assembled, the sanhedrim, the senate. In Matth. x. 17. the word denotes the les- ser tribunals established in all Jewish towns. 'S.iuiOoog, -ου, 6, (from σύ^ and suqcc) a counsellor, senator, judge. Ί.υυίύί7.ω, (same and idiho)) I join in luish- ing. 'Συι/ίβίζύ), (same and ΐ&ίζύ)) I accustom. Ί.υνείθ£ω, -ω, (same and tioioj) I know to- gether with another, am conscious, am pj-ivy to, am informed of, am made acquainted with, consider, sec, know. Ούδει/ γοί^ Ιμαυτω σύΐ/- ο/δα• / am not conscious to myself of any thing; i. e. of any unfaithfulness. Thus Job xxvii. G. ου γχο auuoiocc ί[Λο(.υτω ϋτοττα. 'TTQci.^ug. Comp. Xen. Anab. A', 111. 10. and Hor. Epist. I. 1. 61. Ivuiihmtg, -iog, Attic -ίως, k, (from pre- ced.) the conscience or mind itself, consider- ed as privy to, or conscious of, the actions or thoughts of the man ; the conscience or mind considered as passing a judgment on a man's own ivords or actions, according to some rule ; consciousness, knowledge. t-* Ιυνίί^ω. See συνίίΐίω. Ί.υuiίκ,ω, (συν and eiKco) I yield simul- taneously. 'Συνίΐλίύ}, (same and elyJoj) I roll together, drive to sti^aits, compel. 1υνίΐ'κ•ψ.μ,'ε)ίος, (same and perf. part. pass, of λ'^/3ώ)) comprehended with, see αυ'ΚΚΛ^- βάνύ). Ί,ΰνίίμι, (same and ίΙμ,Ι) 1 am with, or present. Ί,ύυίΐμ,ι, (same and εΓ,ί*/) / come together, assemble, go with, accompany, meet, encounter. 2yj/£/V=44/3άλλώ;, (same and ίμ,βά,Χ>^ω) I dash into or attack luith or together. Έννεμβολ'/ι, -τ,ς, 'ή, or ovvky^oKu'jy -ου, το, (from preced.) a conjoint attack ; a casting in together. 'Συνίμ.ττίμ.'ττζ'ήμ,ι or συι/εΐ{,7τί'7Τξϊ]μι,{σύν and Ιμ,τΓίμ.-ττ^ημ,ί) I set on fire together. 'Σννεμττίτττω, (same and kfiTri-TrTO)) I fall in with or together. Ί.υνεμ.'τ^'Κίκω, (same and εμ.7:7κίκω) I en- tangle with, implicate. 'Σννε,ατπ/ίύ), (same and ίί^ττ^ίω) I blow in luith, kindle together. Σν!/ίί^7τοξθζ, -ου, 6, τ}, (same and ε/αττοξος} that ti'avels iuith,that trades ov partakes with. 'Συνεμττςγ/ύω, same as συ'^εμ,7τ!(Λ'7Τζ^ι/:Λ(. 'Συι/ε/ίίφοίίΐ'ω, (συν and εμ,φοίίΐ/ω) I show, indicate, at the same time. 'Συνενοβωμι, (same and ^^βω/^^,ί) I give in or 7/ield together. "Σζ/ΐιενεγκύ}, see συ^^φεξα. Έυνενύουσίάζω, or -άύ), {συΐ/ and ενθουσιά- ζω) I am inspired with or together, concur enthusiastically. Ίύνε^χίζέύ), (same and ε^οίίξεω) I take out or out of, plunder, also, deliver, rescue, luith or together. 2y!/£|i6/«6j, (same and εζαίξοή I take awai/ together, remove, dejjart with. Ί,υΐ/ε^ακ,ολουύεω, (same and εζακ,ολουύεω) I follow out ivith or together. \6ί•Λθϋω. distinctly together. Ί,υι/ε^οΟ^είφω, (same and ε^χλείφω) I wipe off ov abolish with. "Συνε^αΐϋχξτΰίνω, (same and εζαμΛζτύνίο) I offend, sin, with. Syyefsi^/AAao^si/, (same and i^ccfci'h'hcco- μχή I contend with as rivals. Ί,υνε^χνίστ-ήμ,ι, (same and ε^χνιστ-ήΐΛΐ) I raise up or rouse together ; mid. rise with, accompany, stand or support myself with. Συνε^χυντω, or -ΰω, (same and ε^χνύτω, or -ύω) I finish work with or together. Ίυνεί,χτΓχτχω, (same and ε^χ'ττχτύ.ω) I deceive with or together. 'Συνεζ,χ'ττοστίλλο}, (same and ΐ^ΜττοστεΤ^λω) I send away out with. Συνεί,χ'τττω, (same and ΙΙάτΓτω) I kindle, burn up, together. Συι/εξχτοΆω, (same and ε'ξχτονίύ)) I be- come relaxed with. Σΰνε^χκύύω, (same and εζχχονω) I hear Έυνεξεγείξω, (same and εξεγείξα) I raise tip together. "Συι/έξε/,αί,^ (same and εζει/αή I go out with. 'Σύνεξελχΰν&), (same and εξελχύνω) I drive out or away with. Συνεξεζ'^ο/ίίχί, (same and εξεζχ,ομχή I go out together. Ί.υνε'ξετά,ζο}, (same and εξετάζω) I ex- amine with: συνε^,ετχζο(ΛΧί, I am numbered, ranked, with; I rank myself with, cooperate, assist. 'Συι/ε^υτΓΟζίζω, (same and εζευτοξίζα)) I supply with. 'Σΰνεζευξίσκω, (same and εζευξίσκω) I find out with. 'Συνεζγι/ίίεζόα, (same and εζη^/^εξόω) I ren- der tame, civilize, with. 1υυε^,οχ,ε\\ω, (same and Ι|οκέλλω) I drive out or exceed with. Ί,υί/εξοξ/ι/.ύύ), -ω, (same and l^0Q,uaa} I rush violently out together. Συνε^,αύεω, (same and εξ,ωύεω) I expel with. 'Συνεοζτάξω, (same and εορτάζω) I cele- brate a festival together with. Συνεοχμ.ος, -ου, ό, (from same and εχο)) a joining with, a joint. 'ΣυνετΓχεβω, (same and ε~χείοω) I use a charm with ; celebrate together. Έΰΐ/ε-ττχνΑω, (same and εττχίνεω) I bestow praise upon with or together. Συνετταίνο;, -ου, ο, ij, (same and ε7rxιyoςy that ai^proves of or agrees with. Ί,υ^εττχίξω, (same and εττχίζω} I lift up with, exalt together. Συνετΐχιτιάομχι, (same and l'7rxmaou,xi) I accuse or impeach with or together. Ί.υνε7Γχΐύ)ζέο(/.χι, (same and εττχιωξεο,αχί) I hover upon with. ΣυνετΓχκ,ολουύεω, -Ζ, (same and εττχκο- 7<ουύίω) I follow together, accompany. 'Συνεττχι/οξύόω, (same and εττχνοζβόω) I correct with or together. 'Συνε7τε(σφίξθ(^χι, (same and εττείσφίξω) I bring myself in upon ivith, open a pas- sage, 'Συ])ε'7ΐε'Κχφ^ϋ)/ω, (fr'om same, εΐΐΐ, and Ιλα- φούνω) I make light or alleviate with or to- gether. Ί,υνεττείΛβχΊνω, (same and ε'πε^Λβχίυω) I trample upon or insult with. Ί,υνεττεοειοω, (same and ΙίΤϊ^ί/δω) / j^rcss upon with. Συνεττευύϋνω, (same and εττευθύνω) I direct with. Ί.υυε7τεΰχ,ομ.χι, (same and Ιχεΰγ,ομ,χϊ) I pray for, make a vow upon, ivith. Συνεττ-^ιχεω, (same and Ι'ττγ,γβο)) I sound upon, shout, re-echo, ivith or together. Ί,υνετιηβΛίυω, (same and ετηβχίυω^ I go upon, mount, ivith. 803 'Συη'^ι^άλλω, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί.υνζ'πΊφύεγγομαί, ΈννίΤΓφύλλω, (same and Ι'ττφά,Τ^Τ,ω) I co- incide w'lth^fall in with, happen in. "Συνί-ττίβόίτΛί, -ων, οι, (from same and l-r;- βά,ττ,ς) charioteer's. Έυνί'π'ίβουΤ^εύω, (same and ίττίβονΤ^εύω) I consult upon or against with. 'Συ^ίτηγζόίφω, (same and ίτηγξάφα} I write upon with, inscribe as a Joint pa- iron. 'Συνξττί^ζίκνυίΛΐ, (same and Β'ττί^ίίκ,ννμ,ι) I exhibit with. ΈυρετΓΐΙίω, (same and Β'τηΙίω) I bind with or together. '2vu£'7ri'^lhu}/xi, (same and ξττιΐίΐω/^ί) I give over and above tvith, concur ivith. Ί.υυί'τηύίΐά,ζω, (same and ϊτηθίΐάζω) I as- cribe what is done to divine authority. Ί,ννξττίύεσίς, -iog, Attic -εως, v}, (same and ίττίύεσίς) imposition, deceit. Ί.υνί'τίΐθξπΑα, (same and Ιττ/^^ν^ι/ε^) I la- ment over with. Ί,ν^ετ^ίύνμεω, (same and s-TriuvfcL•)) I desire with. Έυνε'ττιύώυσσω, (same and εττίθώυσσω) I urge on by shouts together. 'Σΰνετϊ^ικ.Ηΐ^οί.ι, (same and ε'ττίκειμχί) I press upon, assail, together. Ί,ννετηκοσμέω, (same and ετηκοσμ,ίω) I adorn together tvith. Ί,υνετηκονξίύ.', (same and ίττικονζεω) I succour together with. Ί,ννετηκονφίζω, (same and ΙττίκουφΊζύ)) I buoy up with or together. 'Συνε'ΤΓίκ,ζοίοα,ίυω, (same and εττίκξ^^οίίνω or ΐτΓίκζοί^χύ)) I shake upon or braiidish over ivith. 'Ί,υνεττικ,^Ίνω, (same and ε'ττικζΊνω) I criti- cise upon with. Έυι/ετηκξοτέω, (same and ε'ζτίκζοτεω) I clap hands together with at. 'Συνετΐΐκζύτΐτω, (same and εττικξύτττω) I conceal with, aid in hiding. ΈυϋίΤΓίκ,υξόω, (same and εττίκνξόω) I con- firm, ratify, tvith or together. Ί^υνεττι'ΚαίΛβα.υω, (same and ε7:τ{7\.α,μ,βά.νίύ^ I lay hold of together, assist. '2vus7ri,uciQTVQia, -ω, (same and ετίτιμ,ίζξ- τνξίω) I bear witness together tvith. Έυνε'7Τί/:<,ελεομοΐί, (same and ε•^ί/^,ε'Κεομΰα) I take care of tvith or together. Έυι/ε'τημεΤ^-ητ'ής, -ου, 6, (same and εΊτιμ.ε'ΚΎΐ- T'/jj•) a superintendent tvith. Ί,ννε'τηνεύω, (same and εττινεύω) I nod assent with, incline with, consent to. Έν^ε'ττίΐοίω, (same and ε7τ:νοεύ)) I contrive with or together. '2υνε'7Γΐοζ-/Λί'}, (same and ετηοξκεω) I per- jure wystlf iviih: 2ί;ν£χ;97λ£ώ>, (same and εττί'^λίοή I sail against with. 804 'Συνε'ττί'πΌΐ/εω, (same and ί'ττιττοϋίω) I labour with. 'Συνετίβρΐττα, (same and ε'ττιρρί'ΤΓω) I in- cline towards, hang over, with. ^νυε-ττιρρεω, (same and εττιρρεω) Ifioiu in or upon together tvith. Ί.υνε'τηρρωννυ^ι, (same and εχιρρωι^ΐ/υμ,ι) I strengthen with, corroborate, reinforce. "Σνι/ετηστιρίαΐί/ω, (same and εττισπίΛούνω) I put a mark upon with, stigmatize at the same time. ^υνετΓίσχ,ε'τττο^οίί,^β^.χη^&ηβίε'πισχ,ί'τΐτομ.α,ί) I regard, visit, review, or number, together. Ίυνε'ττισκ,ο'ΤΓεύ}, (same and ε'ττισκοττεω) I oversee, examine, survey, consider, with or together. 'Συνεττίσκν^ξωττάξω, (same and Ιττίσχ,νύξω- ττάξω) I look sulky or grieved tvith or toge- ther. 'Συνεττίσ'ττχω, (same and ε-ττισ'ττύω) I draw over, attract, with or together. Ί.υνετησΊτευ^ω, (same and Ιητισ'τιτευ^ύϊ) I hasten tvith or together. Ί,ννεττίσ'ΤΓο^ΛΧί, (same and εττΊσ'ττω) Ifolloiv or attend on with or together. 1υuε77iστcίfΛcx,ί, (same and εττίστα,μ,ίΛί) 1 am conscious : I know in common with. 2ι/^£^/στ£λλώ), (same and ετηστίΧΚω) I send with. Ίυνε'τιηστενω, (same and ε'τΐΐστενω) I groan with. Ίννεττιατζοιτεΰω, (same and ε'ΤΐΐστζΛΤίύω) I take the field against with. Σνι/ετΓίστςεφω, (same and ϊτηστξεφω) I turn to or towards, revolve or return, with or together. Ίννεττισχϋω, (same and ε-ττισχύω) I join my strength together with, assist, Ί.υνεττίτα,γ^ϋνω, (same and WiT^yJiva) I hasten with. Ί.υνί'τητε'Κεω, (same and ετΓίτίΤ.εω) I per- form with. Ί.υϋε7ητίύγιμ>ι, (same and ετητίύπίΛΐ) I put or lay on together, impose on or lay snares for together, attack or fall upon together. Συνετιτίτί^.ά,ύί, (same and ε-τΐίπμ,όι,ω) I re- buke with or together. Ί,ννετητξΤβύ), (same and εττιτζίβω) I break, cinish, destroy, with or together. 'Συι/εττίτζο'ττος, -ου, ό, (from same and ετη- τξέττω) a joint guardian or tutor. Ί^υϋε'ττίτυφόω, (same, ετΐΐ, and τυφόω) I flatter pride, or inflame rage, tvith or toge- therx Ί.υνε'τηφύσκω, (same, εττ), and φά,σκω) I assert, premise, or assent to, tvith. Ί,υνετηφεξω, (same and ετηφε^ύ)) I bring upon with, contribute. ΈυνετΓίφβεγγομχί, (same and ετηφύίγγο• (Λοίΐ) I shout with. Ίννί^φοξτίζω. A GREEK LEXICON. 2υνζ<ρζ6ξίνω, 'Σννξτηφοξτίζω^ (same, stti, and φορτίζω) I assist in candying. Έΰνξτη-ψίΰοο/Λοίί, (same and k7rr>p£voo/iccci) I falsify with. 'Σνι/Βτη-ψηφΙζω, (same and ί-τη-ψ-ζιφίξω) J vote ivitk. 1v'ji'77ox,iK'hoi, (same and ΙττοκίΧλω) I drive upon, put on shore, together. ^vvBTTOfion, (same and 'ίττο/ίίχί) I attend, accompany. Ίϋι/ίτΐόμ,νυίΛί, (same and k7:o{Avvy^t) I swear to something together with. Ί,ΰι/ίττο'τοΰνω, (same and ίττοτζύ^ω) I hasten with, excite the more. 1υν-7Τύ)ύίω, (from same, Ιττί, and ό^ύίω) I push forward with. 'Σννίοΰίνίξοιαχ,ί, (same and εζανίζο,ααή I raise a collection, obtain a contribution. Ί.υνίοοι.νίσ(/.ος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a col- lection, contribution. Ί,ννίοα,στ'ής, -ου, 6, (from next) a rival in love. Έ,ΰνίζάω, {aii'j and l^uoj) I love together with, am a rival in love. Έννίξγίύ), -ω, (from συι^εζγός) I work to- gether or together with, I assist. 'Συ<Αργ•/)^αχ, -χτος, το, (from preced.) as- sistance, cooperatio?i. Ίυυίο'/Ίοι, -ccg, 7), (from next) coopera- tion, conspiracy. "Σΰνίξγός, -ου, ό, 9], σΰνίζ^οίτης, -ου, 6, αυυ- ξζ'/όίτις, -ι^ος, 9}, (from συν and soyou) a fellow -ivorlzer or labourer. Ί.υι^ίζ'/ο), same as συνίΐζγω. Ί.υνίζίΐοω, {σύίΐ and Ιοζίύω) I support toge- ther, act tvith united strength. 'Συι/Β^ίω, (same and έζ^έω) / speak on the same side with, second. 'ΣΰΆξΐΰος, -ου, 6, (same and ίοιθος) a fellow- worker. "Σΰι/ζρκτ^κός, -'/^, -ou, (from συνίξγω) capable of confining, binding, or connecting, together. ^ύυίογ,οί/,οίί, {συν and 'έζχ,ομχί) I come to- gether with, assemble with, live with, meet, engage with in battle. 2t'>£^ijjra6^, (same and ίού)τά.ω) I ask ques- tions, discuss, with ; refute by interrogation. Ί,υ^ίσύίω, (same and ίσύίο)) I eat with. Ιύνίσις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, v], (from avul/i/y^i) understanding. 'Συΐ/ίσκίυχσ,αίΐ/ως, (from συσκίυάζω) promptly. Ί.ΰνίαττί'τττύ), sec συυίΐσττΊτττω. 'ΣυΆσ'ΤΓο/ίίχί, see σνΆττοΐΛ^ί. 'Συνεσταλμίνως, (from συστίλλύ)^ by con- tract io n, fr ugally. "Συι/ίσ-ΐίοι,, -α,ς. Ion. συνεστί/ι, -r,c, 'ή, (from next) a feastiiig together, catijig at the same hearth. Σύνίστίά,ω, {oifu and ίστιάω) I entertain a guest: συνεστίΆομχί, I live together, feast together. Ί^νΆστίος, -ου, 6, v), (from preced.) that lives in the same house ivith, that is a fellow guest. Ί,υυετά,ζω, {ai/u and ετάζω} I inquire or explore together. 2^ν£Τί*/ο/ζΌ,ί«5ί/, (same and ετοίίξίζοοίΰα) I am in friendly habits with ; or, in a bad sense, I practise whoredom with. Ί,ύνετα,ίοΙς, -ίοος, τ], (same and ετΛίζΙς) a female companion, a harlot. Έυνετχίξος, -ου, ό, (same and εταΐζος) a companion, associate. Ιυνετά,φτι]), 2 a. pass, of συνύά,τττω. Ί,υνετίξύ), (from next) / render intelligent, teach, instruct. IwjiTog, -57, -ov, (from αυνίημ,ι) intelligent, prudent, luise: συνετώς, intelligently. "Συνευόί^ω, (συν, ευ, and α,οω) I am de- lighted with ; prove agreeable to. 'Συνευ^Λΐ/Λονέω, (same and εϋοαι/Λονεω) I am happy together luith. Ί-υνευόύκίω, -ω, (same and ευ^οκεω) I think well together with another, consent, agree, approve of, am well pleased with, take com- placency in. Έΰνεύ^ω, (same and ευ'^ω) I sleep with. 'Ιυνευ-ψ^εζίω, (same and εύ/]μεζεω) I spend happy days with. Ί,ύνευνάζω, or συ!/ευ!^άω,{5ατη6 and εϋι/ά,ύ)) I place in bed with ; mid. / sleep with. Σΰνευι/ετγις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a bed- fellow, a spouse. Ί,ΰιιευνος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) that is a bed-fellow or spouse. Ί.υνευ'π'ά,σχ,ύ), {συν, ευ, and -ττά,σγ,ω) I receive good treatmejit with. 'Συνευττοξίω, (same and ευττοοεοΐ)! furnish a fair opportunity with, supply an ample sum. ΈυνευζΙσκω, (same and εύζίσκω) I find to- gether. Ί.υνευσχγΐ(Λονεύ), (same and εϋσχ/ΐί^ονεω} I behave decorously with. Ιύνευτΰγβ,ω, (same and ευτυγ^εω) I am prosperous with. Ί,υνευφη[Λεω, (same and εύφγι/ίί,εω) I use ausjncious words with, accompany with bless- ings. Συνευφξχίνο^κ,χί, (same and εύφζχίνω) I rejoice ivith. Ίύνεΰγ/ί^Λΐ, (same and εϋχο(Λοα) I pray with. 'Συνευύ)χεομχί, -ου^Λΐ, (same and ευωγ,εω') I feast together with. 'Σύνεφοίτττο,κ,οΐί, (same and εφά,τττοΐΛοίΐ} I fasten myself ujyon unth, come in contact with; touch upon, address ; help, benefit. Ί,υνεφεοοίύω, (same and ίφεΟζίύω) I lie in wait with, ivatch with. 805 ^υνεφίλχομαι. A GREEK LEXICON. ^υνύιαΰώττις. 'Συνεφί'Κκ,ο/αχί, or συνίφί:'Κκύο(ΛΛΐ, (same and ΙφίΆκω) I ayn drawn away with or to- gether. Ένι/$φί'7τομαι, or συυξφίσ'π-ομιχ,ι, (same and ίφύ'ττω) I follow with or together. Ιυνίφηβ^ϋω, (from next) I spend my youth with. Έΰνίφφοζ^ -ου, ό, {avu and ίφ-φος) a com- panion of one s youth. 'Συνζφίστοίνω, or συνίφίστ-η/^ι, (same and ίφίστημι) I come upon or assaidt together, Acts xvi. 22. Ί,υν&χ,ίΐίΛ, -οις, vj, (from συυίγ,ω) continuity, coherence; persevering labour ; continuance, tmintej'rupted indulgence. ^vuex'^g, -ίος, ό, "/], (from same) held toge- ther, firm, coherent ; uninterrupted, contin- uous ; continual, habitual, lastiiig : το avui- γ).ς, that which is consequent upon, ivithout interruption, immediately i συ^ίγ,ως, continu- ally, assiduously. 'Σύυξγ,^α,Ιξο), and σννίχ,θω,{σνι/ and ίχ,ύαίξω) I hate ivith or together. ΙύΑχω, (same and ίγ,ο)) I hold, holdfast, seize, embrace, straiten, confine, urge, dis- tress. 'Συνί-ψω, (same and e -ψω) 1 cook together. Ί,ννφά,ω, (same and ^φά,ω) I pass the period of youth together. Ί,ύνΎΐβος, -ov, 6, vj, (from preced.) that is a youth of the same age with another. 'Σννγιγοξίω, (from avu and άγοξίω) I speak together with, plead for, defend. Ένν/ιγοζίκος, -% -ov, (from preced.) of an advocate : το συνηγοζίχ,ον, his fee. Ivv/jyo^og, -ου, 6, (from same) an advocate. Ένν'ή^ο/ίίοίί, {ai"j and ^^ομ,χι) I am pleased or delighted with, delight in, Rom. vii. 22 ; congratulate. 'Συννι^ϋυω, (same and ^S^z/iy) I sweeten with, make pleasant. 'Συντιύίίοί, -α,ς, ί], (from next) a custom. Ίιυν'ήθϊΐς, -ίος, ό, vj, (from συν and ^ύος) ac- customed, familiar : συνήύως, habitually, fa- miliarly. 'Συι/τίκ,ω, (same and 'ήκω) I go or come to- gether. Ί,υνγιΤ^ίκιωτγις, -ου, 6, and συν^\ι^„ -ικ,ος, 6, VJ, (same and νβ.ικ,ιό)Τ7ΐς or ijA/|) one of the same age with another. Gal. i. 14. ΊυννβΛΆος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and ^Άικ,ος) of the same age with, Dan. i. 10. Ί,ΰυτ:κυς,'υΙος,6, vj, (from same and Ιλίύύύή that comes with or together. Έυντι/ϋίξίύω, (same and 7]μζξβύω) I spend the day with, tarry with, have daily inter- course with. "Σΰνημοσΰνη, -Άζ^ hi (from next) relation- ship ; an agreement, a treaty. Ιινννιμ,ων, -όνος, 6 or ij, (from συν and 806 ?j/xxi} one who dwells imth, a companion, friend, ally. "Σύν/ιοζος, -ου. Ion. for συνάοζος. 'Σνυ-ίΐ'τη^οτίίύω, (συν and ^'^βξΟ'τηύω') 1 de- ceive, charm, with or together. Ί,ύνπζίτμ,ίω, (from same and Ιοζτμ,ος) I row with, help. Ί^ΰνγίξίφνις, -ίος, 6, t], (from same and Igl- φω) covered, shaded. Έυννιττάω, (same and ^rraty) / subdue together with. 'Σννηχίω, -ω, (same and νιχ^οή I sound or roar together, echo or hai^monize with. Ιυνήχνισις, -s^g, h, (from preced.) conso- nance, resounding, accord, harmony. 2υνύιχκ,£ύ), (from συν and ^ά,κ,ος) 1 sit with or together, plan with. Ί,ύνύΰκ,ος, -ου, ό, vjy (from same) that is seated with, that is an associate. 'Συνύΰίλ'7Γύ},{σύν and ^άλττω) I warm,cheer, with. Ιυνύά,'τττω, (same and ^χτττω) I bury to- gether with. Ίυνύζά,ομ,οί,ί, (same and Γεύομαι) I see with ; see at one view, survey. Έυνύίλω, (same and ^ίλω) I am willing together with, consent, acquiesce. 'Σύνύίμόί, -ccrog, το, (from συντίύγιαι) a sign given according to agreement, a tally, a watch-word. Σννύίξίζο), {συν and ^ίξίζω) I reap with. Ί.υνύίσϊιζ, -χς, yj, (from συντίβημι) a com- pact. Ί,ύνύίσίς, -ιος, Attic -sug, ^, (from same) a composition ; hence Synthesis. Ί,υνύέτΐίκός, -4 -ov, (from same) synthetic, capable of comj^osing or selecting. 'Σΰνύετος, -ου, 6, ^, or συνύίτος, -vj, -ov, (from same) pid together, compounded, com- posed. Έυνύνιγί), (συν and ^ψ/ω) I whet with. Ί,υνύνικ,γι, -ng, vj, (from συντιύ'/ιμ,ί) an agree-, ment, contract, covenant. Ί^ύνύημά,, -ΰίτος, το, (from same) an agree- ment, contract, covenant, sign, a token, a pledge, watch-iuord. Ί.υν&ημα,τίΰ'Λος, -cucx,, -otiov, (from preced.) bargained for at a fixed price. Ί,υνύγιματ'ίκ,ός, -'ή, -ov, (from same) be- longing to characters of writing, secretly agreed on with. Ί^υνύγιζά,τνις, and συνθτιζίυτνις, -ου, 6, (from next) a companion in hunting. Συνύη^ά,ω, and συνύνίξίΰω, (συν and ^τΐξάω or ^ιηξίΰω) I hunt together. Σύνύπξος, -ου, ο, ο;, (from same) that hunts with. Ί,υνύίοίσωτγις, -ου, ό, (συν and ^ΐΛσωτης^ a felloiv member of the society or college of Bacchanals. Έ,ννύλάω. A GREEK LEXICON. ^ννοδος. Ί,υνθτ^άω, -ω, (same and ΐί'κύω) I breaJc to- gether, break, break in ]?ieces, crush, sorely bruise. Ίνι/ύ'ΚΤβω, (same and ^ίλΙβοή I press upon together with others, throng, Mark v. 24. '^υναυ'ήσκω, (same and '^ν/ισκω) I die with. 'Σννβοινιχταξ, Dor. for συυύοινήτωξ, -ορος, ο, (same and ^οινήτωρ) one who feasts with, a fellow guest. ^υρύζοίΰω, and συνύζΰ,νόο}, (same and ^ζο,ϋω^ I break in pieces. "ΣύνύξΥΐϋος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (same and '^^γ^ιιας) that laments with or together. 'Συνύζίαμ,βίύω, (same and BoiXfifisvoj) I celebrate a triumph with. Ί^ύνθοονος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and θρόνος) that sits with on the throne. Ivu^fruTTTO), (same and θ^ίίτττώ^) / break, enfeeble. Acts xxi. 13. Ί,υνύΰω, (same and '^ύω) I offer sacrifice with or together. Ί.υναρ»ύ), (from same and k^og) I officiate with in the priesthood. Ί,υνίίζζύς, -iojg, 6, (from preced.) a joint jmest. "Σννίβζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) held sacred or worshipped together with. ^υυιεοουζγίω, {συν arid ίεζουξγίω) I am employed in a sacred offi.ce together ivith. Έ,νι/ίίω, see συνίνι/ι/,ί. Σΰ!//ζόί!/ω, or συΐ/ΐζΐω, (συν and ίζάνο)) I set on a seat with ; I sit down with, sink to- gether, sink or settle to the bottom. ^υνίζγισίς, -eag, vi, (from συνίζίω) a sitting together, a falling or sinking together. 'Συί/ίζύ), [ai>u and 'ίζω) I hold a session or council. 'Σννίγι/α,ί, (same and 7/7^/) I send or put together, cause to figjd ; attend to, under- stand, am skilful, act wisely : συνίζ^,οίΐ, I make an ag7'eement. Ιυνικίτίύύ), (same and ίχ,ζπύω) I suppli- cate with. Ί,υι/ίττττοίζομαί, (same and ίττττχζο/ίίχί) I ride or drive ivith. Έυνίττ'τηύς, -ίως, ο, (same and ίτττηύς) a fellow rider. Ιυυίσημ,ι, (same and ϊσγ}μι)Ι am conscious. Ιυνιστά.νω, συνιστάο), -ω, and σύ'^Ιστ-ίΐμ,ι, (same and Ίηττ,μι or iarccfu) I set or place to- gether ivith, bind ; stand together with, stand, consist, subsist ; commend, recommend, show, prove, approve, manifest ; constitute, create. ^ύυίστύ)ζ, -οζος, 6, (same and 'ίστύ)^) one that knowcth or is conscious, a witness, one equally cidpable. 'Σΰνίσχ,χίι/ω, and σννισγ,ά,ι/ύ), (same and ισ- XU.luu or Ισγ,ά,νο)) I hold, bind, restrain. Έυν/σχυζίζω, (same and 'σχ,νξίζύ)) I strengthen or fortify with or together. 5 Συνκτίςβΐξύ), (same and κτεΡίΐζω) I per- form the rites of burial with. 'Συι/νχίω, (same and uxiij) I dwell with. 'Σύυνοίκτος, -ou, (from συι/νάσσω) compres- sed, firmly piled. Έύνι/χος, -ου, 6, '/], (συν and z/eeoV) dwell- ing with ; worshipped in the same temple. Ίυνυύσσω, (same and ν άσσω) I press firmly together, heap up together. 1υννοίυβόίτ-/ΐζ, -ου, ο, (from same, νοίύς, and βΛίι/ω) same as συννα,ΰτΎΐς. '2υννα,ΰ•ΛΚ-/ΐζος, -ου, 6, (same and vut,ux,7\.y[- ξος) a joint oiuner or master of a ship. Ί,υννοι,υίΛοίγβω, (same and υοίυμ,οί,γβω) I am a fellow combatant by sea. 'Συννοίύτ'/ις, -ου, 6, (same and νοίύτ•ης) a fellow sailor. Συνι/ψ^ω, (same and ι/ίμω) I feed together, distribute among, cause to j^artake ivith. Ί,υννίύω, (same and ueoco) I bend or incline with or together, mutually promise, agree. 'Συννίφβία, -α,ς, ί], (from συι/νεφ'-^ς) a col- lection or gathering of clouds, cloudy sky. Ί,υννεφίω, -ω, (from next) I collect clouds; assume a dark aspect. 'Ί.υυυίφΥίς, -ίος, ό, v], (from σύυ and νίφος) covei^ed with clouds, cloudy, obscure; sad, gloomy. '2v'juU), or Gvuviju, (same and νΐω) I heap together, amass. Ί^υνη-Λοίω, (same and νικ,χω) I conquer together with. 'Ί^υννοίω, -ω, (same and uoicu) I know, am privy to ; I think with myself, consider. Ί,ύννοίόί, -χς, 7], (from preced.) knowledge of, reflection ; thoughtfulness, sadyiess. '2υν»ομ,οθξτίω,{σύυ and ι/ομ,οβζτίω) 1 ordain by laiv together with. Ι.ΰννομ.ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and ui/aa) feeding in the same pasture; sharing the same lot. Έυννοσίύ), (same and νοσβω) I am sick at the same time or ivith the same malady. Ιύνυους, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and uoogj thoughtful. 'Συuυυμφoκόi^og, -ου, 6, ij, (same and νυμ- φoκύf<>og) that waits on a bride together with others. Ί.ύuuυfΛφog, -ου, vj, (from same and νΰ/^ίφη) a sister-in-law, a brother'*s wife, a husband^s brother^ s wife. ΣυνοΖίΰω, (same and ό^ίύω) I journey to- gether ivith, accompany. Ί,ννοΙίχ, -xg, 7], (from same and o^og) a company of persons travelling together, a family.^ 'Συι^ο'^οί'ττοζίω, (same and ό^ί-ττοζίω) I jour- ney with. ^vuohog, -ου, vj, (same and οδο?) a meeting together, assembly, synod, conflict, conjunction. 807 Ί,ύνοδΰς, A GREEK LEXICON. 2ΰνοξος. Ένι/οί^ος, -ov, ο, ^, (from same) that accom- panies. '2υνο^υνά,ομ.οίΐ, -ω/^ΰί{, {συυ and ο^υυόίω) I am grieved together with, condole. Έννο^ΰ^αμοίΐ, (same and ο^ϋξομ,Λί) I la- ment with. '2vuoi'^oc, perf. mid. of σννίΐ'^έω. Ένι^οίκειόω, {συν and οικ,ζΐόω) I render do- mestic or familiar with, appropriate, con- ciliate friendship with, assimilate, make suit- able to, adapt. Ί^ννοικίω, -ω, (same and οικίω) I divell or cohabit ivith, 1 Pet. iii. 7 ; I marry ; Deut. xxiv. 1. Isa. Ixii. 5; p. part. feni. avuc>)}CYi- Kvlcc, a person cohabiting with a man, a man^s wife. Gen. xx. 3. Έυνοίκγιμοί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a dtuelling,chamber ; persons dwelling together, a democratical state. 'Συυοικγΐτ'•ήξ, -ϊ^ζος, or -'^ς, -ov, and avuoi- κτιτωξ, -οξος, ο, (from same) 07ie who dwells with, an inmate, a spouse. Ί^ννοικία, -ας, ri, (from same) a dwelling together, a collection of houses close together , a villa with its dependencies. Ί,νΐ/οίκιχ, -ων, τχ, with isQoi understood, a festival at Athens in commemoration of the union of the Attic burghs into a city by Theseus. Έυνοίκιζα, (σνι^ and οίκ,ίζω) I cause to divell tvith or together: συνοικ,ίζομ,αι, I dwell with ; also, / am inhabited. Ί,υνοίκ,ισίς, -sag, vj, (from preced.) a fur- nishing ivith inhabitants, forming a colony. "Σνι/οίκίσ,αός, -ου, ο, (from siime) a dwelling together, cohabitation, marriage ; a building of a city. Ί,ΰνοικιστ'ήζ, -vj^og, or -vig, -ου, ο, (from same) a fellow colonist. Ιυυοίκ,ο^ο/ϋίω, -ω, (συν and οικο^ομίω^ I build or build up together, Eph. ii. 22. 'Σύνοίκ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and οίκος) one who dwells in the same house with, an in- mate, a spouse. 'Συνοικ,ουξ^ίω, (same and οϊκου^ίω) I watch or Jceep the house with, live with another at home in a retired tranquil manner. Έΰνοίκουξός, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) that is a fellow guardian or inmate of the house ; that lives with quietly, or in a retired man- ner, in the same house. ^ιυνοικτ/ξύ}, (σύΐ/ and οίκτίζα) I take com- passion on, commiserate. Ί,ΰυοί^Λίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and otf^vi) same as σύμφωνος. Έ,υνοίω, see συμφίξω. Συνολίω, (συν and oAgij) / destroy with ; pass, perish with. Ί^υνο'Κισθούνω, (same and όλίσύαίνω) I fall, slip, or stumble, with. 808 ΙυυοΤ^κνι, -ijg, ij, (same and όλκ'ή) a draw- ing together, contraction. ^υνοΆολύζω, (same and ολολύξω) I howl with. Join with in singing. 'Σύνολον, (from same and όλος) altogether, wholly. Σΰνόμοαμ,ος, -ov, and συνομοίίμων^ -όνος, 6, {], (same and ομα,ιμος) of the same blood with, in the relation of brother and sister. Ί^υνομαλϋνω, (same and όμ,οίλύνω which same as όμχλίζω) I make even with, level. Ί,υνομχξτίω, (same and όμχξτίω) I attend upon, accompany. Ί^υνομνιλι\, -Χκος, 6, vj, (from same, όμ,ου, and τίλικ,ίοί) of the same age with. 'Σΰνομίλίω, -ω, (same and ομιλίω) I talk with, converse. Ί^υνόμιλος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced.) a com- panion, 07ie ivith whom we converse. 'Σΰνόμνϋμί, συνομνύω, and συνομόω, (συν and ομνυμί, όμνύο), or όμόω) I swear with, agree, conspire by oath. Έυνομοίοτταύίω, and συνομοναύίω, (same and όμοίοττοίβίω, or όμου and "ττοίύέω) I feel alike, suffer with. 'Συνομολογίω, (same and όμολογίω) I say with, agree with, concede, pi^omise, covenant. Ί,υνομοζίω, -ω, (from same, όμου, and οξος) I adjoin, am adjoining to. Acts xviii. 7. 'Συνομοσίοί, -ccg, vj, (from same and ομνύω) a conspiracy. Έυνοζ,ϋνύ), (same and οζύνω) I shaipenwith. 'Συνοττΰί^ός, or συνοττγι^ός, -ου, ό, v], (same and ότΓχ^ός) that attends or accompanies. Συνότττομοα, (same and οτττομοα) I see together, see at once, see thoroughly. Έννοτττος, -ου, ό, vi, (from preced.) seen together, that may be seen together ; conspi- cuous, intelligible. Έυνοξχω, -ω, (same and οξά,ω) I see at once, see, consider, take care. 'Συνοξγίοίζω, (same and όξγίχζω) I cele- brate orgies, perforin sacred rites, together with. 'Σννοξ')'!ζομΰίΐ, (same and όξγίζω) I am angry with. Ί,υνοξίω, (from same and οξος) I am con- tiguous to, border upon. Ί,ΰνοξΤνω, (same and όξίνω) I move, affect, or rouse, ivith or together. Έύνοζκ,ος, -ου, ό, vj, (same and οζκος) con- federate. Ί,υνόξμενος,ίοΥ συνοξόμίνος,{ΪΓθΥΏ same and ο'οομχί) that hastens or marches ivith. Ί^υνοζμίω, (same and όξμίω) I anchor or moor together. Έυνοξμίξύ), (same and όςμίξω) I arrive with in port, Έύνοζος, -ου, ο, ^, (same and οξος) conti~ guous to, neighbouring. 2ννοξθ(ρ6ύ) , Α GREEK LEXICON. Ιοντηγμα. Σννοξοφόω, (same and όξοφόω) Ι over- shadow. Ιυνο^γ^ομ,α,ί, (same and όξχίομοίΐ) Ι dance with. 'Σνι/ούλασίζ, -ιος, Attic -£ζίύ), {συν and ταΤ^αΐ'πτωζίω) 1 am miserable with or together. Συντάνύύ), same as συυτίίνω. Σΰνταξίς, -ιος, Attic -ίος, ij, (from συντάσ- σο)) an appointed order or method, a line of battle, a prescribed task, an enjoined work, an appointed salary or stipend, an impost, a book, a history ; construction, syntax. Συντάζαξ,ις, -ίύ)ς, v), (from next) total cofi- tision, disordt-r. 'Συνται^άσσω, OV -άττω,{συν and ταζάσσο)') I disturb together, trouble greatly, throw into total co7ifiision. 'Συντάσσω, or -άττω, (same and τάσσω) I charge, order, command, appoint, enjoin, give a charge or commission to ; draw up troops in order of battle, collect or levy an army. Συνταχϋνω, (same and ταχΰνω) I hasten with. Συντείνω, (same and τείνω) I stretch with or together ; strain, brace, put to the highest pitch, bend a bow ; make every effort, has- ten with, urge. Έυντειχίζω, (same and τίΐχίζω) I wall or fortify with or together. Συντε-Λ^^αίοομ,αι, (same and τεκμα^'^ω) I conjecture, compute. Συντεκνοτΐοάω, (same and τεκνο'ττοιία} I beget or produce childi^eji with. Συντελεύω, same as συντελεω. Συντέλεια, -ας, ί], (from συντε7ίεω^ a finishing, perfecting, consummation, end, death ; an association, a communion of states who pay tribute together ; an assembly oj the gods. Συντέλεια seems to be used sometimes as denoting the boundary which closes one period and begins another. Job xxvi. 10. μέχξΐ συντέλειας φωτός μετά σκό- τους, unto the boundary which divides the light β'οηι darkness. Heb. ix. 26. νυν δε «7ra| εττϊ συντέλεια των α'ιωνων, but now once at the boundary of the ages, i. e. at the conclusion of the Mosaic and the com- mencement of the christian dispensation. Συντέλεσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τι, (from same) a consummation. Συντελεσμα, -ατός, το, (from next) zvhat is paid together with others, tribute, collec- tion, contribidion. Συντελεω, -ω, {συν and τε7κεω) I finish en- tirely, accomplish, perform, perfect, fidfil, cotfect ; end, destroy, determine ; I p>ay tn- hute with others, contribute, belong to a class or confederation liable to pay tribute. Συντελνίς, •ίος, ό, vj, (from same and τέλος) that pays tribute with, tributary. Συντέμνω, (same and τέμνω) I cut short, execute speedily, decide, determine. Συντεταγμίνως, (from συντάσσω) in an orderly manner. Σνντεταμένως,{ΐγοτη συντείνω) strenuously. Συντεύχο). Sec συντυγχάνω. Συντεχνάζω, or -άω, {συν and τεχνάζω) I woi'k luith artisans, work ivith, plot with. Σύντε χνος, -ου, 6, (from i)rcced.) η fellow artist. Σύντ-ηγμα, -ατο?, το, (from συντ'ήκύ)) that which has been melted ivith, a melting away, wasting, consumption, Κ 809 f Συντήκω, A GREEK LEXICON. Ί,υνωνυμος. ^υντιηζύ), (avu and TTjxa) I cause to melt with ; melt together, am wasted, consume. "Συυτνίξίω, -ω, (same and τ^ξίω) I preserve safely, Jceep carefully, observe. 1υϋτ"ιύγιμ.ί, (same and riuyi/xi) I put to- gether, compose ; mid. agree together, agree, bargain, assent to, determine on, observe, re- mark. 'Συντιμ.άω, (same and τιμ,άω) I make an estimate or valuation, raise the price. Ί,νΐ/τίμτισίς, -ιος, Attic -ίως, v], (from pre- ced.) estimation, valuation, price. 'Συνταράσσω, {συν and τινάσσω) I shake with, agitate. 'Συνητξ^ωσκ.ω,{%ΐ\ϊηβ?ί\\άτιτ(^ωσκ,θ)) I ivoiind. together or at the same time. 'Συυτο/ίίνί, -^ς, and σνντο/α,ίχ, -ας, τ], (from συντίτο/αα, perf. mid. of συντίμ,νω) a deci- sion, decree, curtailment, abbreviation. Έύντο/ι^ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) concise, brief, compendious. liVVTQf/,o)g, (from preced.) concisely, brief- ly, a short time, Acts xxiv. 4. "Σύντονος, -ου, 6, vj, (from συντείνω) con- tinual, unremitting: συντόνως, incessantly. "ΣυντξΰίγωΙίω, (συν and τξχγωύίω) I act tragedy with. Ί,υντξόίτΓεξος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and τζύ'ττεζΰί) that sits at the same table with. Έΰντξίΐς, oi, oti, σΰντζίχ, τχ, (same and τξείς) three together, three and three. Συντζίτ^ω, (same and τζίτ^-ω) I turn toge- ther, conspire. Ί,υντξίφω, (same and τξίφω) I nourish, bring or bi^eed up together. Σνντξίχύ), (same and τξίχα) I run toge- ther with, concur. Έυντξίω, and συντΤτζαίνα, (same and r^io) or τιτξοίίνω) I bore luith, penetrate. Ί,υντξίβνί, -^ς, τ}, (from next} a breaking in pieces, breaking, destriiction, contrition. Συντρίβω, {συν and τξίβω) I break iti pieces, bruise, shake, agitate, Mark xi^ 3. rub together, afflict, wound. Συντξίνίζΰίζχοζ, -ου, ό, (from same, τξΐ'ί}ξγις and οίζχω) one who is a trierarch with. Συντζ^ιμ,μ,οί, -ατός, το, and συντ^ιμ,μ,ος, -ov, 6, (from perf. pass, of συντρίβω) a break- ing to pieces, luounding, destruction, Rom. iii. 16. Σΰντζί-ψίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ], (from same) destruction, slaughter. Έυντξοφίόί, -οίς, tj, (from perf, mid. of συν- τζίφω) a being bred up or educated together. Σύντροφος, ■ of, c, (from same) bred tip or educated together with. Συντξοχ,οίζω, (συν and τξοχύζω) I rim to- gether or together with, meet, come to. Συντυγχανω, (same and τυγχάνω) I am iviih, meet with, get to or at, fall out, happen. 810 Συντυμ,βω^υχίω, (from same, τύ/χβος, and όξύσσω) I dig a grave with ; J dig into graves or tombs with in order to steal. Συντυξιοοννοκτονίω, (from same, τύραννος, and κ,τίίνω) I slay a tyrant together with. Συντύξχννος, -ου, ό, (same and τύξοιννος) a colleague in poiver. Συντυξόω, (same and τυξόω) I make into cheese ; I stir uj) together. Συντΰχίά, -ccg, 7}, (from συντυγχάνω) a meeting, occurrence, event. Συνυ/ΐύενχιόω, {συν and ύμενχιόω) I sing a nuptial so7ig together with. Συνυττακ,ούω, (same and ύ-ττχκοόω) I listen to or obey luith or together. Συνυττά^χω, (same and ύτ^-άζχω) I am luith, exist tvith, coexist. ΣυνυτΓοίτεύω, (same and ύτ^ιχ,τίύω) I am consid with. Συνυ-πεφάΤ^Κω, (same and υ'ΧεφάΊΟ^.ω) I excel or overcome with. Συνυτΐο^ϋοι^αι, (same and ΰ'Τΐοοΰω) I go under with, undertake with, subject myself with. ΣυνυττοΆζίνοί^Λΐ, (same and ύτϊοκ.ζίνομα,ι) I dissemble or rather feign together ivith. Συνυνονοεω, (same and ύττονοίω) I sus- pect, suppose, or perceive, with or toge- ther. ΣυνυτΓου^γίω, -ω, (same and ύ'ττου^γεω) I help together, 2 Cor. i. 1 1 . ΣυνυτΓοφυομ,ΐχ,ι, (same and υττοφυο/^αι) I grow from under with. Συνυ'ττοχωξίω, (same and ύττοχωξίω) I re- tire ivith. Συνυφαίνω, (same and υφαίνω) I weave together, interweave, connect. Συννφ'^, -νις, 57, (same and ύφνι) a web. Συνυφίσταψ.αι, (same and ύφίστ-ζιμι) I subsist ivith, undertake with or together. Συνυ-ψόω, -ω, (same and ύφόω) J lift up or snntch away together. ΣυνοΛ^Τνω, (same and ιΜνω) I travail in pain together ΣΰνωΙος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and φίν) that sing or play together, harmonizing, agreeing with. Συνωύεω, and συνωύοί, (same and ωύεω or ωύω) I force together, collect, compel. Συνωμεύα, 1 pi. 2 a. subj. raid, οϊ συνίνΐ[Λΐ. Συνοψοσ^ιά,, -ας, % (from συνομ,όω) a con- spiracy confirmed by oath. Σΰνωι^ότγις, -ου, 6, (from same) one sivorn together ivith, a confederate. ^ Συνω^^οτίχος, -vi, -ov, (from same) o/ or belonging to a conspiracy: συνωμ^οτ^κως, under an oath. Συνωνεομαι, (συν and ωνεομαι) J buy with or together. Συνώνυμος, -ου, 6, yj, (from same and 6'νυ- ΣυνωξίοίΰΤ'ης, A GREEK LEXICON. ■^OG'/iiaG'MjC. [Λχ) synonymous : σννωνύμως^ by the same name. Ιυνωοίΰΐστ'ής, -ov, 6, (frem συνω^Ις) one iL'ho drioes a two-horsed chariot^ or a team of two horses or oxen, Ivvojoi^cj, (from next) / yoke two horses, unite two together. Έύνωοϊ;, -βος, γ,, (from αννάοοος) a pair of horses, any pair. Έύνωφ-Τ^έω, {συ -j and ωφ^^Αω) I benefit or help with. ^υοκτόνος, -ου, ο, 'ή, (from σν; and κ,τίίνω) that slaughters swine. Ί,νοφόϋτις, -iooc, ή, (from same and (^ίρω) a slayer of swine or ivild hoars. Ί.νοφοοβίω, (from same and φίζβω) I feed swine. Σνοφοοβος, -ov, 6, (from same) a feeder of swine. ^.v^hriu, (from σνούή by dragging along. 2ί/οίίέ, -ας, 'ή, Syria. luoiyuoi, -χτος, το, and av^tyf^og, -οΰ, 6, (from συξίσσύή a hiss, hissing or luhistling, the sound of a flute. Σϋοίγξ, -yyoc, tj, (from next) a pipe or flute ; also, as being of a fistular shape, the nave of a wheel. Ίνοίζω, συοίσσω, or -ττω. Dor. συοίσ^ω, f. -Ί^ω, and -Ίσο), Attic -ιω, p. σίσν()ΐκα., 1 a. Ισύζΐισα,, p. pass. σίϋϋ^ιυίΛΛί, I hiss; also, play on the flute, "Ινι^ιος, -α, -o'j, (fropi Ίυ^ίοί) Syriac. Ί^ύζίσμ,οι., -α,τος, το, and av^iaf^og, -ου, ο, same as aior/f^u, and συζίγ^Λος. ΣυζίστΙ, (from 'Συξία) in the Syi'iac lan- guage. Συζμαία, -ccg. Ion. συζίΛού'ή, -τις, 'ή, (from συρίΑοίϊος) a jiurgative or emetic potion ; the radish, the juice of which, with salt and water, is said to have been used as an emetic. "Συζίίί,χί'ξύ}, (from next) I j)urge. ^υοΐΛ'χίος, -χίχ, -xlov, (from σύ^ω) purga- tive or emetic. Συομος, -ου, ό, (from same) a drawing, track, trail of a serpent ; a vomit. 2ύζ^|, iEol. for σά,οξ,. ^ΰζος, -ου, 6, (from ^t/^/st) a Syrian. ΊυΡοφοίνισσΛ, -ng, v], or '2.v(j»(poiuiKiaax, (from ^υζοφο7ΐ/ίζ, which from Σΰξος and Φοΐ!/(ζ) a Syrophenician woman, Mark vii. 2G; the Syrophenicians had this name ^iven them, to distinguish them from the Libo- phenicians or Cartliaginians. '2υρρ»1)ιουο'•/ίύ), (ai/u and ^ato/oywyHw) I join in the craft or wickedness of others. Έύόβχζι;, or σϋρργιί,ις, -£!og, '/j, and avpor]y- ust, -ατός, το, (from συρράσσω) a clash, col- lision, conflict, onset, battle. 'Σ.υρρά,7^τω,{'7ύν and βχ'τττω)! sew together. Ίυρράσσω, and συρρ'ησσύ), (same and ρίσαω) I dash together, conflict. 'Συρόίίί,βομα:, (same and ρίοίβω^ I wander aboid together with. 'Συρρίττω, (same and δίττω) I creep with or together, go to. 2υρρίω, (same and pL•) I flow together, collect, crowd. 'Συρόίζόω, (same and ριζόύ)) I cause to take root with. Συρρο'ή, -rjg, and σΰρβοια, -xg, '/], (from συβ- βίύή a flowing together, a confluence, a tor- rent. Ίύρβοος, -6ου, contr. σύβρους, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same) that flow together, that meety conflu- ent, connected. Σύρρυσις, -ίως, τ], same as συρβον}. Σύοτις, -tog, Attic -ίως, tj, (from σν^ω) a quick-sand, so called, because when ships run upon it, it draws them in. 2yoroc, -'/?, -6v, (from same) drawn, drifted. Έύ^φαξ:, -ciKog, and συζφίτός, -ου, 6, (from same) that which has been drawn or drifted together, mud, filth, dregs, scum. ΣυηφιτίΛ-ίΐς, -sog, o, ij, (from next) full of dregs, consisting of dregs. "Σϋρο), f. 1 a. saOocc, p. σΒσυξκ,χ, p. pass, σίσυομ^οιι, I draiu, drag, sweep, trail. Συς, συος, 6 or tj, a boar, sow ; Lat. sus. Ιυσκ,ί^ά,ζύ), -ύννυμ,ι, -α^νύω, or -άο), (συν and (σύι a) I scatter with or together, scatter completely, disperse, dissipate. Συο-ζΑτΐτομ^Λΐ, (same and ακίτΐτοίΛΛί) I del^erate or consult together with. Ί.υσ•/.ζυά.ζω, (same and σχ,ίυά,ζω) I prepare together, make up into a bundle, compile ; prepare for a journey ; equip or arm troops; plot, contrive fraudulently . Ί.νσ•Λίυ(χ,σίχ, -cig, τι, (from preced.) fire- paration, equipment, machination. Συσκίυοφοηίύ), (from ai/u, σκ,ίυος, and (po• (iiai) I carry baggage together with. 'Συσκ.ίυωοίο^ί,χι, (same and σκίυω^^ίω) I get ready vessels. ΣύσκΒ'ψίς, -tog, Attic -iug, vj, (from συσ- κίτττο,αχή counsel. Συσκγ\νά,ω, συσκΎΐΆω, and συσκν,νύω, (from auu and σκ-ηντ}) I live in the same tent with. 'Συσκ-/ίν'/}τζίχ,-Λς,7ΐ, (from preced.) a mate, Συσκγινίχ, -xg, vj, (from same) a living to- gether as comrades or as messmates. Συσκ-ηνίχ, -ων, τχ, (from same) a common meal. Συσκτι^ίος, and σύσκγιι /og, -ου, 6, yj, (from same) one ivho dwells in the same tent with, a comrade. Συσκιχζω, (συν and σκιοίζω) I oversha. doiv, cover. Ί,υσκίχσμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) α shade, a shady place. 811 2fuGKio;* A GREEK LEXICON, ^υβφιγκτος. 'Σνσκιος, -ου, ο, ij, (fiOm συν and σκιοί) shady, opaque. Ί,υσκοτάζω, (same and σκοτάζω) I darTcen together ; am obscure. '2νσ}α>ύζύ)7τχζω, (same and σκυ&ξωττάζω) I put on a sad countenance with or together. 'Συσ-τΐ'οίζάσσω, (same and στταζά,σσω) I convulse violently^ throw into violent convul- sions, tear to pieces. Ί^υστΐάω, -oj, (same and στΐάω) I draiu to- gether, contract, bind up. 'Σνσττξίξχω, (same and σ'τηΐξάω) I coil round together. Σνσττίιι'^ω, (same and στε^/δώ;) I join in libations. Ί,νστΓΒνυω, (same and σττίόΐω) I hasten, earnestly endeavour, luith or together. '2va7!:'hcx.yxviva, (same and σ'^'ΚΛγγ,υίύω) I eat the entrails luith. 'Συσ'ττου^ά,ζω, (same and σ'ττου^ά.ζω) I ear- nestly endeavo7ir with, cooperate. Ί,νσσείσμος, -ov, o, (from next) a concus- sion, earthquake, whirlwind, violent storrn. Ί^υσσύύ), {avu and add) I shake or move together, agitate greatly, alarm. '^υσσΎ\^(Χ.Ίυω, (same and σΥίμ,οίίϋω) I seal with. Έΰσσγι/ίίοι^, -ov, το, (from same and ffy,f^x) a sign agreed upon luith or communicated to others, signal» token, elevation or pillar, en- sign. "Συσσϊτίω, (same and σίτίω) I eat bread with. Ί,υσσίτγ,σις, -sag, {], (from preced.) eating together. ΈυσσίτΙα, -ας, τ), (from same) a fraternity or t7ibe which ate together. 'Συσσϊτίοϋ, -ου, το, (from same) a public entertainment at Sparta in luhich a whole fraternity partook, a meal eaten in common, a place where meals are eaten in common. 'Συσσϋξω, {σνν and αύξω) I draw or drag together, handle. 'Συσσό)ζω, (same and σάξο)) I save with, preserve from ruin, help to keep or main- tain. ^ΰσαω^ος, •ου, ό, ί], το -ou, (from same and ocdf^cc) united in the same body. "Συστάί^'/ιν, (from same and στύω) stand- ing together, in a dense body. Ί,υστασίάζω, (same and στασιάζω) I join in a sedition with. Ί,υστασια,στνις, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a partner in sedition or insurrection, Mark XV. 7. Ι^νστά,σ'ίς, -ιος, Attic -iO)g, v}, (σνυ and στά.- σις) a standing together, constitution, assem- bly, party, faction, alliance. 'Συστατ'ίκ,ός, -■>?, -ou, (from ουνίστημι) com- mendatory, recommendatory, 2 Cor. iii. 1. 813 Ί,υστχνξόω, -ω, (συν and στα,ν^όο)) I cru- cify together ivith. Ί,υστίγάζω, (sajyie and στεγάζω) I cover with or together, cover over or completely. Ί,νστίλλω, (same and στέλλω) I contract, restrain, overcome, swathe or wind up a dead body for burial -, pass. / am contract- ed, am short, am depressed or humbled. 2ϋστ£(4«ί», same as σύστγΐ(Λοί. Ί,vστsuΰiζω, {σύι/ and στενάζω) I groan to- gether. 'Σύστγ]^κ,ά, -ατός, το, (from σνί/ίστ'/ιΐΛΐ) some- thing set or jjlaced together, a system, a com- position, a congregation, a troop, a multitude, a collection. Ίυστοιγ,ίω, -ω, {συν and στοιχίω) I go to- gether in the same order or file, agree, cor- respond with. Gal. iv. 25. Ένστοίχίΰΐ, -ας, vj, (from preced.) a going together in the sajiie rank, series or order with, an affinity or correspondence arising from such a state. Έύστοιχος, -ov, 6, '^, (from same) coordi- nate, relevant, fit. ΈνστοΤ^Ίζω, same as συστέλλω. "Συστομάω, (^avu and στομ,όω) I close the moidh, narrow an aperture, contract into or form a mouth. Ένστζατεία, -ας, v}, (from next) a joint campaign. "Συστο^ατεύύ}, {σύϋ and στρατεύω) I make a campaign with, serve ivith in an army. Ί,υστ^ατΎίγεω, (same and στξατιηγίω) I join with in the command of an army. 'Συστζάτγιγός, -ov, ό, (same and στζατγι- γός) a colleague in the command of an army. 'Συστξατιωττ,ς, -ου, ό, (same and στ^ατιω- ττις} a fellow-soldier. 'Συστζατοττε^εύομαί, (same and στξατο'^ε- ^ίύω) I encamp with or together. 'Σνστξε/ίύ/ΐΛα, -ατός, το, (from next) a con- federacy, a midtitiide, a tumultuous, seditious, or hostile band. 'Σνστξίφω, (συν and στξίφω) I turn, roll, or gather together. Acts xxviii. 3 ; pass. / conspire. Ινστ,ζοφτ!, -vjg, 7}, (from perf. mid. of pre- ced.) a tumultuous concourse, uproar, con- spiracy; a tvhirlwind, tempest. Ίυστι^οφΐφ, -ας, y„ (from same) a combina- tion against. Ί^υσφαΐΡίζω, {συν and σφαίξίζω) I play at ball with. Ί,νσφίγγω, (same and σφίγγω^ I hind or draw together, gird about, shut up. Ί^νσφιγκτ'ήξ, -ί}ξος, ό, (from preced.) a garment girding the body together or round. Ί,ΰσφιγκτος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) bound or drawn together. m Συαφίγκτον, A GREEK LEXICON. ^φίδανίίζ. "Συσφίγκτόν^ -ov, το, (from same) a hook, clasp. 'Σύσφ/γ/^ΛΧ, -ctTog, το, and σύσφί'/ζίς, -ιος, Attic -ζύ}ς, 91, (from same) a girdle, a bind- ing together^ a chain. Συσφ^Λγίζω, {σύι/ and σψξχγίζω) I seal together. Συσχτημ,α,τίζω, (same and σχ-ή[Λθίτίζω) I conform to, fashion alike. Συσχ'ίΚάζύ), (same and σγβΚά,ζω) I attend school with. Συσχο'Κοίστ'ίις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a school-fellow. ΣϋφοίΡ, TO, the cast skin of a serpent or insect, or cast shell of a fish, exuvicc of ani- mals; the pellicle on boiled milk; a shrivelled skin, old. Ίυφίίος, σνφεος, or συφετος, -ου, and συ- φ)εύ)!/, -u'jog, ό, (from συς) a hogsty. Σΰφοζβός, -ου, ό, (from same and φΐζβω') a swine-feeder. Ίυγ,υα,Λΐς, (from next) frequently. 2υχι/ο;, -'/J, -0!/, (from συι/εχνις) thick, fre- quent, many, continual. Ιύω, (not in use in the pres.) σΰομ,αι, συμ,ι, and συμ,χι, p. pass, εσσυμαι, pluperf. ίσσΰμ,γιυ, part, ϊσσυμ,ίνος, 1 a. pass, ίσσύύηι/, part, εσσυύίΐς, I shake, move rapidly, rush, eagerly desire. 1υωο•ης, -ίος, 6, ί?, (from συς) like a pig, swinish, gross, brutal. "Σφόίγείο^, -ου, το, (from σφά,ζύ)) a vessel for receiving the blood of a victim ; a victim offered in sacrifice. ' Σφόίγεύς, -ίως, 6, (from same) a butcher, a murderer, a sword. ΣφΑγΥί, -ijr, 7], (from perf. mid. of same) slaughter, sacrifice, feast. Jam. v. 5. εύξί'ψιχ,τε τά,ς xcci^biug ύιαων ύ)ς su 'yjiis^cf, σφΛγγις' ye have nourished your hearts as [victims fat- tened] in the day of slaughter. Jer. xii. 3. XXV. 34. Anthol. I. 37- 2. ΐΐά^τες τω ^x- υά,τω τγιοούμ,ίθοί, κοίΐ τξεφόμίύχ, ώς aythvi Xoiquiu σφχζομ,ίνων d'hoy ως. YhWemon. Στ^α,- TiCJToc, κ ουκ όίυΟζωτΓί, κοίΐ σιτοΰμ,ίΐ/ε ως τα, y ίίζίΐ, "I'j , όττότ oiu ■/) y.cciQog, τυύγι. 2φctyίci, -otg, 9}, (from same, fern, οί' σφά- yioς, Λνίΐΐι v}usocc understood) a day on which victims are sacrificed. 'Σφά.γίά,ξύ), (from same) / immohle vic- tims ; I sacrifice. 'Σφccyιoίσf<,6:, -ου, 6, (from SOxae) slaughter, sacrifice. Σφόίyιou, -ου, το, (from same) slaughter, sacrifice, a victim slaughtered, Amos v. i:35. Acts vii. 42 ; a vessel for receiving the blood of a victim. Ί.φΛyιoς, -Λ, -ου, (from same) that slaughters, sacrifices, or murders; bloody, deadly. Σφόίγίς, -'ίίος, V}, {ΐΐοτα. snme) a knife for immolating victims ; a butcher's knife. Ίφχ^ά,ζω, f. -ά,σο}, 1 am agitated by any violent emotion, shake with pain, am con- vulsed, palpitate ; kick, plunge. Σφάζω, or σφάττω, f. -ξω, p. ΙσφΛγ,», 1 a. ίσφοί^Ά, 2 a. εσφΰγον, p. pass, εσφαγ/ίοχί, I kill by cutting the throat, slay, smite or wound moi'tally, sacrifice. Σφαΐοχ, -χς, tj, a sphere, globe, ball; a kind of muffles fastened on the hands of boxers. ΣφύϋογΡΐοι/, (from preced.) in a spherical form. ΣφχίζΙζω, f. -'ίσω, (from, same) / play at ball. Σφχίζίκος, -jj, -oj/, (from same) spherical, globular : σφχίξίκ,ως, like a sphere. Σφχίζίσττίζίον, -ου, το, and σφχΐξίστξχ, -ας, 9], (from same) a place for playing at ball. Σφχιροζΐ^νις, 'ίος, ο, vj, (from same) like a ball. ΣφχίξοίΛχγ,ίω, (from same and (Λύ,χομ,χί) I contend at ball, or in boxing with the σφχ7ξχ. Σφχίζοττοίίω, (from same and ττοιίω) I make ijito a ball. Σφχίξόω, (from same) / make round. Σφαίζωτ'ήζ, -9ίζος, 9], (from same) a little globe or sphere, a k7iop or knob ; a thong, a latchet of a shoe. Σφχίζωτος, -'ή, -o'j, (from same) rounded, blunted with a ball on the point, as a foil. Σφχχ,ίλίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. ίσφχκίλίκα, (from next) / consume with infiammation or mor- tification, mortfy. Σφά,κίΤ^ος, -ου, ό, acute pain, infiammatio?i, gangrene, mortification. Σφύκος, -ου, ό, a species οι sage. Σφχκτός, -91, -6u, (trom σφύζω) slaughter- ed, sacrificed. ΣφόίΆεοος, -χ, -6'j, (from next) luavering, ready to fall, slippery, deceitful, dangerous. Σφχλλω, f. -χλω, p. 'ϊσφχΆκχ, 1 a. εσφη- λ«, 2 a. εσφχ7^ον, I trip up the heels, throiv down, supplant, deceive ; pass. / err, tvan- dcr, toller, fall, sin. Σίρχ'Α(ΛΧ, -χτος, το, and σφχλ/ι^ος, -ου, ο, (from j)rcced.) an ei'ror,fall, snare. Σφχκμ,χω, (from same) I stumble. ΣφχΆτνις, -ου, ό, (irom same) a supplanter. Σφχοΰγεω, I hiss, whiz, make a noise like that of fire, or of the rushing of water. Σφx(^xyQς, (llom. xσφxQxyoς) the throat. Σφάττω. See σφχξω. Σφχυζωτ'/ιο. iSee σφχι^ωτ'ήζ. Σφεχ, for χυτχ, ace. [)1. ncut. them. Σφίχς, Ion. for σφχς, ace. οϊ σφίϊς. ΣφίΟΰίνος, -'ή, -6u, (Irom στΐεϋύω) impetU' 813 ^φζΐς. A GREEK LEXICON. j^a. oils, rapid, violent, terrible : σφξ^όίνον, fu- riously. 2φ£??, see p. 25. 2(p£iW, poet, and Ion. for σ^ωυ, gen. of Ί,φί7\&ς, -όίτος, r 6, a footstool, form, bench. 'ΣψΒνΙχ,αΗνος, -η, -ov, (from next) ofrnople. ^φίν^α,μ,νος, -ov, vi, the maple tree. 'ΣφξνΙουά.ύ), or -ίω, -ω, f. -'ί^σω, 1 a. la(piu- ^ouwoc, (from next) I slmg, throw out as from a sling. ΣφΒ'Λό'^ιη, •Υΐς, V], a sli?ig. Ί^φίνΙονητης, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a slinger. ΐφίτίζίζομ,οίί, (from next) I make my own of appropriate, peculate. Ί,φΒτεξος, -cc, -ov, (p. 26) their; used also by Homer and the Attics for your in the plur. and by poets in the sing, for mijie, thine, his. See σφαιη^ος. Ίφγικία,, -κς, h, (from σφνι^) a wasp, a hornet, a nest of wasps. 'ΣφνίκίσΛος, -ου, 6, (from same) something formed like a wasp, a long pointed piece of wood. Ί^φΎΐχ,όω, f. -ωσω, or σφγικάω, (from same) I ynake to appear narrow like a wasp ; I hind, tie fast ; fasten, shut to or close ; con- tract. 2φ>7κ(ί)δ/;$•, -εος, 6, vj, (from same) resem- bling a wasp, narrow in the middle, slender. '2φ7]κω/χόί, -ccrog, το, (from σφγικόω) some- thing tied fast, a band, bandage, the part of a helmet where the iDlume is fixed. 'Σφ'ήΐ/, σφνίϋοζ, 6, a wedge ; an instrument of toi'ture. 'Σφγΐνόω, -ω, ϊ, •ωσω, p. ίσφ'ήυωκα, 1 a. Ισ- φ-ήνωσοί, (from preced.) 7 shut, bar or bolt, insert wedges, torture. Ί.φ'ήνωσις, -ίως, vi, (from preced.) a wedg- ing, confinement, obstruction. Ί,φγιζ,, -ΥιΆος, 6, a luasp, a hornet. Ίφιγγίοί,-ας, '^,(from σφίγγω) 2^ ar simony . 'Σφίγγίον, -ου, το, (from σφίγ^) a little sphinx. Ίφίγγω, f. -ίγζω, 1 a. &σφίγζχ, I grasp, hold fast, bind, collect, constrain, restrain, pinch, squeeze. 'Σφίγκ.τνίζ, -viQog, 6, (from preced.) some- ivhat that grasps, a clasp, a hook; the sphincter muscle. 'Σφιγζ, σφίγγος,ί], (from same) the Sphinx, a monster said to puzzle by its riddles; an engine of torture, an oppressor. ^φΐι/, for σφίσί, dat. of σφίΊς. Ί,φόΙζα., (from next) exceedingly, very much, vehemently. 'ΣφοΙζΟζ, -ζχ, -ξόι/, moving impetuously, vehement, violent, strong : σφο^ζως, vehe- mently, violently. 814 'Ιφούζότης, -Υΐτος, τ], (from preced.) vehe- mence, ardour, impetuosity. Ί,φο^ζϋνω, (from same) / render vehe- ment, violent, ardent: σφο^ξύνομχί, I become vehement. Ί,φονΙϋλτη, -της, 7], some species of beetle. 'Σφοί/^ύτ^ίος, and σφου^υΆίωι^, ό, sj, (from σφόΐ/'^υ'λος) spinal. 'Σφoulvλoίϊuylroς, -ου, ό, ί], (from next and ^{!/ίω) rolled on the spindle by the ring or whirl. Ί,φόν^ν'Κος, -ου, 6, (from σ'ττόυΙυΤ^ος) the neck, back of the neck, a joint of the back- bone ; the spine; the ring or whirl of a spindle, a large round stone. 'Σφός, -ΐί, -ov, Dor. for σφίπξος, his, her, their. Page 27, note. Σφζΰ,γύίον, -ου, το, (from σφξΛγϊς) a little seal. Σφ()o(,γίhouυ■)cu,ζγoκ,o^^τu,ι, -ων, oi, (from same, ονυζ, α,ξγος, and κ.ομίω} persons adorning themselves with- seal-rings down to the ivhite part of the nails. Σφξΰγίζω, f. -ίσω, p. ίσφξ^γικ,χ, 1 a. ίσ- φξάγισοί, 1 a. mid. ίσφζοίγίσοίμγ]!/, 1 a. pass. ξσφζΰίγίσύγιν, p. fiass. εσφζάγισ/ίοαί, (from next) / seal, mark, confirm, secure, close up, deposit, consign. Σφζά,γΙς, Ion. σφξπγίς, -βος, τ], (i. e. φξοί- γϊς, from perf. mid. of φξάττω) a seal, the impression, the instrument by which the im- pressio7i is made, or the insci^iption or en- graving upon that instrument. In the frag- meni called Clement's Second Epistle, which, though not his, is undoubtedly an- cient, written in the third century at the latest, the word σφροί,γΐ; seems to be used as synonymous with βά,π-τισμ,Λ, Chap. vi. Viueig kau μ,γι τνίξ'-^σω/χίν το βά-πτισ^^οί άγνον και άμίχι/τον. — Chap. νϋ. των γα,ξ ^ij τγι- ογισάντων τ'ήν σφ^αγί^α. — Chap. viii. τγίζΖ- aocTS τ'ήν σΆξκοι, ά,γννιυ kccI ttjv σφξχγΙ^οί ά'στΓ/λοι•', ha τ'ήν α,ίωνίον ζωτιν ά7Τθ7^.άβ•/]Τζ. Έφζάγισμ,χ, -ατός, το, (from σφξαγίζω) the impression of a seal, the seal affixed, sig- nature. _ Σφοίχ,γίστγις, -ov, 6, (from same) one whose office it is to keep and apply the seal. Ί.φξίγάω, f. -7}σω, I swell, as udders with milk, as plants with sap, as men with health and vigour ; swell with desire, anger, or pride. Ίφυγμ,ατόίΙγις, -εος, ό, 7], (from next} causing to throb. Σφυγμός, -ov, o, (from next) the pidsation of the arteries, the j)uhe ; accelerated and strong palpitation, pidsatio7i, throbbing. Σφύζω, Dor. σφvσhω, f. -ύζ^ω, I throb with pain or any violent emotion. Σφν^α, -ας, ij, a hammer, mallet. 3 Ιφυξας, A GREEK LEXICON. "Σφνξχς, -όίοος^τ], the dung of sheep or goats. 'Σφνο'/]-κόίτος, -oy, o, 5?, (from σφϋ^α and s'hoiV'jo)) beaten with a hammer, forged, solid, massive. Ί,φνοοκοττίχ, -ας, τ], (from next) a)i arti- ficer s art, the action of hammering. ..-^ Έφυξοκό-ττος, -ου, ό, (from σφύξα and κό- ττος) a worker luith the hammer, a smith, an artificer. ΐιφυζον, -ου, το, (from σφνζοί) the ancle, ancle-bone. Acts iii. 7 ; the heel, the foot. Ίφυ^^οττ^-ησιττΰξα, -χς, vj, (from preced. '7ϊζ'/)θω, and ττυ^) she that destroys feet with fire. Έφυζωτνιο, -7}ζος, 6, (from σφυςο:^) the latchet of a shoe, Gen. xiv. 23. the correct reading is σφεαρωχνίζ. Ί,φωΐτεζΟζ, -cc, -ou, (page 26) your when spoken of two persons ; also his, hers, theirs, and 7nine, thine, like σφίηοος. Έ-^ΰίΖύ)!/, -όνος, ij, (from next) the cells in which the young of bees and ivasps are de- posited ; a honey-comb. 'Έ.χ,ά,ζω, or σγ,άω, f. -α,σω, 1 a. Ισγ^α,σα, 1 f. pass. σχ,ί^σύ'/ισοίΛαι, (from γ,άω or χ,ούνω) I cause to gape, lay open, make holes in, pierce and open, scarify ; open a vein and let blood, open an abscess or tumour ; I open as buds ; / separate, put asunder, divide ; I relax, loose, slacken, let go, let fall, let d'iwn, give up or cast to ; draw back suddenly, dislocate a joint, straiii a muscle, also reduce a luxation, draiu back the hand suddenly and return it to its former ^position ; I hold, stop, keep back. Ίγ,ΛΤάς, -ioog, tj, (from preced.) a stake for supporting hunting nets. 'Σχ,αστ/ιοίχ, -ccg, 7], (from same) a rope as a barrier in a course drawn back when the horses were about to start ; the rope of a windlass. "Σ^έογιν, (from a^yciu) slowly, softly. Ί.χ,ίθ(χ, .χς, Vj, (from aycioou) a raft, afioat, a scaffold, a ship quickly made. Ί-χεοϊά-ξύ), f.-aίσμ,ος, -oi), 6, (from same) a measure- ment by li7ie, a portion ; a torture by cords, a rack. Ί,^ζοιί/ϋβόίτγις, -ου, 6, (from next ^ncl βα,ίνω) a rope walker or dancer. ^.XoiuQg, -ου, ο, and sometimes tj, (from σχίω, because^i for tying or holding) a rush, a bulrush, a reed, a pen made of reed ; a rope, a measure of a way or journey, a mea- sure of land. Ί,χ,οίνοστξόφος, -ου, 6, (from preced. and στφφω)α rope-maker. Έρ^οίνοτίν^ς, -ίος, ο, vj, (from same and τζίνω) stretched out like a rope, lined with rope, marked out ivith a line. ^χo7^ccζύJ, f. -όίσω, p. ϊσγβΚα,κΛ, p. pass. \σ- ρ,ίόλασ,αα/, (from σχοΤ^.'ή) I am unemployed, am at leisure, am at leisure for, enjoy ease and tranquillity, am empty or unoccupied, give myself to, tarry ivith, am a disciple of, delay, Ί,χοΤ,οίϊος, -ccloc, -diov, (from preced.) un- occupied, at leisure : slow, tardy, indolent. Ί,χο'λχστνις, -ου, ο, (from same) an idle person, or 07ie at leisui^e. '^χοΚα.σ'ΐίκος, -v\, -ov, (from same} at lei- Sure, unoccupied, idle; silly, ignoi^ant of the world, that is a novice ; — that devotes him- self to any occupation, especially to study, studious ; pedantic. 2%ολ07, -τις, 7], ease, leisure; a school, a place where persons, at leisure from bodily labour and business, attend to the improve- ment of their minds, Acts xix. 9. Έχολίκοζ, -^, -6u, (from preced.) belo7iging to schools or scholars ; childish. 'Ί,χόΧιοϋ, -ου, το, (from same) a scholium, explanatory note, commentary. Ί.ωζ^ω, or σωω, f. -ωσω, p. σίσωκ,οί, 1 a. 'ϊσω- GU, 1 f. pass, σωύτισομοίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ισωύνιν, p. pass, σίσωμ,οίί, or σίσωσ/^χί, hence part. σζσωσμ,ίνος, (from σώος) I save, deliver. Acts ii. 47. δε Τ^.ύξΐος ττζοσβτίύίΐ τους σωζομ.ί- νους y,ct& T^f^SQoiy τύ\ Ικ•Λ7\.Υΐσίΰ^. . And the Lord added to the church daily such as luere saved, Bp. Pearce says truly, that τους σωζομ,ίρους may be rendered such as are saved, or such as were saved, but cannot with any propriety be rendered, such as should be saved. Of the first meaning we have an example, Deut. xxxiii. 29. In Acts ii. 47. the meaning is such as were saved, because the time infixed to the past, by the leading verbs in the narrative, which are all preterite and from verse 44 to the end of the chapter, uniformly in the preter-im- 816 perfect tense; and therefore σωζόμ,ζνος, which in point of form may be the present or the preter-im perfect participle is here determined by the connection to be the preter-imperfect. — Ύούς σωξο/αίΰους may, in- deed, be illustrated by σωύητε in verse 40 ; but the meaning of that term is not, " Save yourselves;'' but " Be ye saved" — and the Apostle's exhortation (when taken in the connection from verse 38) is exactly parallel to that of Isa. xlv. 22. where the Messiah is introduced as saying, " Look unto me, and be ye saved." Έωκίω, (from next) / move, stir ; I have power, am able. Έωκος, -ου, 6, a title of Mercury, as one that moves about, that is strong and power- ful, that preserves houses. Ί^ωκ,ζά,τίω, or σωκζίχ,τίζω, (from Ί.ωκξόίτγις) I imitate or follow Socrates. Έωκξοίτ'ίκ,ός, -yj, -ou, (from same) of So- crates, in the manner of Socrates, Socratic. Ί,ωΤ^νΐν, -Tjifog, 6, a canal, channel, pipe, gut- ter tile or roof tile, a razor fish. "Σωμ,ίΖ, -Λτος, το, a body, the human body : σωμα.τΛ, τα,, the bodies of men taken in war and reduced to slavery, slaves. Rev. xviii. 13. Έωμ,ασκ,ίω, (from preced. and ΰσκ,ίω) I exercise the body, train myself. 'Σω/ίίχσκ,ίΰί, -ας, vj, (from preced.) exer- cise, t?'aini7ig, discipline. 'Σωμ,α,τίκ,ος, -vj, -61/, (from aZy.cc) bodily, co7poreal, material. Έωματικως, (from preced.) bodily ; i. e. in the body of Christ, as opposed to the Jewish Tabernacle or Temple; truly and really, in opposition to types and figures; not only effectually as God dwells in good men, but substantially. Col. ii. 9. 'Σω/α,χτιο!/, or σωμ,οίτίίον, -ου, το, (dim. of σωμχ) a S7nall body ; a corpuscle ; a corps, college or society ; a book or volume ; the dress of an actor. Έωματοίί^'^ς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from σώμα, and ίϊΖος) like a body, corpo7'eal, inaterial, of re- gular paints, fo7^ming a regular system. 'Σωμ,Λτοκά,'ΤΓΎΐΚος, -ου, ο, (from same and χ,άΐΐΎΐΚος) a slave-dealer. ^ωμχτοττοιίω, -ω, 1 a. saa/icaTovoimet, (from same and -ττοάω) I repair or reneiu the strength of the body, form into one body, combi7ie, consolidate. 'Σο)μχτοφύοξίύ), (from same and ψύείξω) I destroy 7ny body. '2ωμ>ατοφυ7\ά.κιον, -ου, το, (from same and φυΤ^άσσω) the quarters or guard-house of body guards : a place ivhere dead bodies are deposited, a vault or g7^ave yard. 'Σύΐμα.τοφι/ΚΛ^, -οίκος, ο, (from same and A GREEK LEXICON. φύΤίχξ) a keeper or guard of the body, at- tendant. Έωος, -Of, 0, vj, or σώος, -ωα, -ωον, or σόος, safe, sound. "Σωζίίχ, -ας, 71, (from σωξίύω) a heaping up. Έωζίίτϊ};, -ov, 6, (from same) m form of a heap, a sorites, a syllogism, so called because it consists of many jjropositions piled one on another. iLoiv^cc, 'CCTog, το, (from next) a pile, a heap. 'Σωζίύω, f. -ίύσω, p. σζσωοζυχ,Λ, 1 a. pass. Ισωοζύύ/ίν, p. pass. σίσωοζυίΛΛί, (from σωοος) I heap, heap up ; pass, am laden. 2uj^>5G&v, (from same) by heaps. Έωοιηκ, or σωοτ,χ, (p'la?) a hind of excellent vine. Ί,ωοο;, -ου, 6, a heap, pile, sepulchre, comp. σοζός. Ιως, gen. σώος, and 2 decl. Attic σω, same as σάος, or σώος. Ί,οίσ'ΐ'ΰο'Κις, -εως, ο or vj, (from σώζω and τΓολ/;) one who preserves or saves a city or state. Ί,ωστξο!/, -ου, το, (from σώζω) money paid for preserving or saving, a physiciai^sfee, a votive offering, a reward for restoring a fu- gitive slave. Ί,ωτνίξ, -τίξος, ο, (from σωω) a saviour, de- liverer, preserver. " Hoc quantum est ? ita magnum, ut Latino uno verbo exprimi non possit. Is est nimirum soter, qui salutera dedit.'' Cic. in Verrem, Act. II. Liber Se- cnndus 63. For the meaning of σωτ'/ιο in Tit. ii. 13. &c., see p. 145. On Tit. iii. 4. ^ φίλα,νύξωττίχ του σωτ^οος ί]μω'> θίου, jNIid- dlcton says, " this, and some other similar passages, ought in strictness to be render- ed, ' of our Saviour God,' as if σωτ'^ξ had been an adjective ; the common rendering would require του Θίου του σωττίξος tjucj'j. It may be questioned whether in this place, as well as chap. i. 3. ii. 10. and 1 Tim. ii. 3. the * Saviour God ' be not Christ, though usually understood of the Father. The nouns which severally govern these genitives, more especially ΙϊίχσκχΤ^ίχ, ii. 10. strongly support this conjecture." 1o)T'/]oicc, -Λς, VI, (from preced.) salvation, deliverance, preservation, safety. Ί,ωτ'ήοίον, -ου, το, (from same) salvation. Ί,ωτνίζίος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same) saving, affording salvation. Έωφίΐζ, Ί,ωφίΐζχ, or Ί,ωφίξοί, (l-SIX) Ophir. 'Σωφίζ, or σωφχο, ("IBIU') a trumpet. 'Σωφξονβω, -ω, f. -7;σω, p. σίσωφξό^Υΐκχ, 1 a. εσωφξόν/}σΰ6, (from σώφρων) I am of a sound mind, am of a sober mind, am of a modest humble mind. Observe in Rom. xii. 3. the verbal allusions, ύ'7;ηζφ^ονύν, φξονύυ, and σωφοοί)ίϊ<^. Ί,ωφξοι/ιητΙκος,Β,ηά. σύίφξονίκος, -oj, -οχ/, (from same) ivise, prudent, moderate, discreet, tem- perate, continent. 'Σωφξο:/ίζω, f. -ίσω, p. σίσωφοόνικοί, p. pass. σίσωφοόνισ^/^χι, (from same) / make one wise, instruct, teach. Tit. ii. 4. Έωφξό^ίσίία, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a wise maxim, salutary precept. 'Σώφρον ίσμ.ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a sound recollected mind, 2 Tim. i. 7• Ί^ωφξονισττ,ς, -ου, ο, (from same) one ivho admonishes, a censor, a magistrate who had a charge of the behaviour of the young. "Σωφζόνως, (from σωφοων^ soberly. Tit. ii. 12. 'Σωφξοσΰ^η, -ης, ii, (from next) soundness of mind, as opposed to madness. Acts xx\n. 25 ; sobriety, as opposed to levity and irre- gularity of behaviour, 1 Tim. ii. 9, 15 ; tem- perance, modesty. 'Σώφρων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from σόος or σώος and φζ'ήν) of a sound mind, as opposed to folly or madness ; of a sober mind, sober, modest, recollected, regular, discreet, as opposed to intemperate, indecent, light, irreguhr or foolish in behaviour, 1 Tim. iii. 2. Tit. i. 8. ii. 2, 5. "Σωω, see σώζω. Τ Τ, the nineteenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the twenty-second and last of the ancient alphabet, in which it answered to the Hebrew or Phenician Tau, in name, order, and power. In its forms T, T, (of which 7 seems a corrup- tion) it approaches nearer to the Pheni- cian Tau, when written, as it sometimes is, in the form of a cross -j-, than to the He- brew n. 5L 817 τ*. A GREEK LEXICON. Ταλλα. In the Doric and ^olic dialects, τ was often substituted for σ and ζ; as τύ for σν, τϊικ,ον for σνκον^ νίττω for νίζύ), χλάττο^ί^/ for 'τιτ'Κόίζομ,οι.ι ; ψατί. Dor. for φ/χ,σι, and Ιβωτι for lίL•σ^. The later Attics often substituted r for σ ; as rvjf^i^ou for σ^^ε^ον, μίτοίυΤ^ος for μ,ίσοίυΤ^ος ; and changed ffij-iw, the final syllable of certain verbs, into ττω. In some words the Dorians substituted κ for τ ; as ττόκ,» for -rorg, οκ,α for or?. T' for τω, dat. masc. of the article, be- fore a vowel, as r άΐ^τ^φω; also, for τ£ and Toi ; as tizu for το< «y ; οντ όίξοί for oyrs a^iic ; roiu Dor. for τά Iv. T«, Dor. for τ>ί, dat. fern, of the article. Ύαβέξυα^ -ης^ vj, (Lat. taberna) a tavern, an 11171, Acts xxviii. 15. Ταβίύά, 5j, (Syriac, ^^n^nυ) Tabitha, see Titys/iSi, -flig•, »;, (from τάσσω») ί/ί^ chief command. Ύα,γίΰω, and Tccyloj, (from same) I am a leader or commander ; I station or appoint. ΎόίγΥ{, -vig, vi, same as τά,^ις. ToiyYiuouy same as τψ/οίνον. ΎύγμίΖ) -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of τάσσω) an order, regidar method, a band, co- hort, legion, appointed, siwcession. Ύύγος, -ου, ο, (from same) a- chief, general. Ύα,γονγ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same and ίχ,<α) the same. Ύάζω, f. -|6j,2 f. TOLyZ), 2 a. ίτοίγον, I seize. Ύοίύεις, -ίΐσοί., -iu, part. 1 a. pass, of τίίνα. Tut, for Oil, pi. of i], the article, or the relative. Totiuioi, 'Λς, VI, (from Tsiva) a woollen fillet or ribband, a crown, ornament, border, cha- piter ; a tongue of land, a sand bank, the tape luorm. Ύαινιό'πωΚις, -ζως, vj, (from preced. and ττωΤ.ίω) a seller cf ribbands. Toiiuioa, (from Toiiu'ict) 1 bind or adorn with a fillet, band, or garland. Ύόίκ,ίξος, -ξ<χ, ~ξ6ν, (from τν^κω) melting. Ύα,κ,τίος, -oc, -ou, (from τάσσω) to be or- dered, appointed, stationed. Ύχκ,τ'ίκος, -^, -ov, (from τίτοίκτοίΐ, 3 sing. perf. pass, of same) j^i or appointed to pre- side, Dan. vi. 2 ; sJcilfid in arranging t?Oops, belonging to tactics. Ύΰίκτός, -οί, -6u, (from same) appointed, set, prescribed. Ύάκ,ω, Dor. for τί]κ.ω. Ύΰολΰίεξγοζ, -ου, ο, vj, (from ταίΚα,ος and i^yov) patient of toil. Ύάλχίτι'ωξέω, -ω, f. -ν;σω, 1 a. ίτοίλχίττω- ζτ,σα, p. τίτα.λΜ:'7τωξ^κ,χ, (from τοιΚΛίττω- ^ος) I endure that kind of suffering which arises from sustaining the weight of a pro- 818 digious stone ; I endure the oppressive and stunning sensation arising from a heavy load of sorrow ; I am astonied ; I endure hard labour, am miserable, am afflicted. ΎΛ^α,ιτΓωξΊοί, -χς, vj, (from same) hard la- bour, misery, distress, calamity. ΎοίΆχίττωξίξω, (from preced.) / make miserable. ΎχλχΙπ-ωζΟζ,-ον,ό, vj, (from τού\άω and irZ)- Qog) oppressed with labour, miserable, afflicted: τοιΚΛίπωζ^ως, miserably, with difficulty. Ύάλχίφοωι/, -όνος, 6, {], (from same and (pQ'^u) and ΎΰίΆοοίάξ^ίος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and καζίίοί) that has an enduring mind or heart; that is wretched or broken-hearted. Ύοί\α,ντξύω, (from τάλαντο») I iveigh, balance, hold in suspense; examine, try, prove, determine, decide: τοίΚα,υτίΰοζΛΰίΐ, I am iveighed, preponderate, verge to. ΎαΤ^χυτιχΙος, -uici, -cclov, (from next) of a talent weight. ΎάΤ^αντον, -ου, το, (from ταλάω) balance, scales ; a talent ; see ίξός. ΎοίΤ^ΰίντουχ,ος, -ου, ό, 5i,(from preced. and έχύ)) that holds the balance, that acts as umpire. ΎοίΚάος, -71, -6u, same as τάτ^α,ς. ΎοίΚοί'ΤίΙξίος, -ου, 6, v}, (from τΛΚάω and Trsidoi) that experiences distress, that is a beggar ajid a vagrant. Ύάτ^άτιτίνθνις, -sog, 6, 'ή, (from same and ττίνύοζ) that suffers grief. Ύάλάζίον, -ου, το, τόίλχξΐς, -ίίος, νι, τάλα- ^ίσ•Λος, -ου, 6, and τοίλάξος, -ου, 6, α basket. ΎοίΚάς, τάτ^Λΐυοί, τά'Κοΐ,ν, (from τα,Τ^άω) that endures pain or labour, miserable. Ύάλάσίίος, Tohoiaviiog, and τά,'Κάσιος-, -ου, ο, 7ί, (from next) that spins or works in wool, of wool. Ύοι7\ασίοί, -ας, ή, (perhaps from τα.'κάω) a weighing out of wool for sjyinning ; a work- ing of ivool. ΎοίΚοίσιου^γίω, (from preced. and ί^γον) I work in luool. ΎοΩ^ασιουζγ'ίκ.ος, -vi, -6u, (from preced.) belonging to, adapted for, or skilful in work- ing in wool. Ύχλχσίουξγος, -ου, ο, i], (from same) that luorks in wool. Ύά'Κοι,ύζΊνος, -ου, 6, νι, (from τοίΚάω and ρινός) tough-skinned, patient, hardy. ΎοίΚάφ^ων, and τοίΚχσίφξων, -όνος, 6, 'ή, (from next and φζτ,ν) hardy, r€solute,patient. ΎάΆάω, f. -άσω, (by sync, τλάοή I sustain, bear, suffer, dai-e, brave. Ύίζ7\.{θά, (xn-'biD) Talitha, a damsel, Mark V. 41. Ύα,'Κις, -ιίος, τ}, a marriageabL• virgin. Ύΰίλλα, for τά ί»λλ«, as for the rest, be- sides, finally. Ταμίίον, A GREEK LEXICON. ΎαξοιγμΙς. Tuf^siou, -ου, το, same as τα,μ.ΐίΐον. Ύά,ι/Λοΐχοως, -ωτος, 6, 'ή, (from τίμνω and χρως) that cuts the skin or bodjf. ΤάμΪΜ, -xc, '/}, (from τίμ,νω) a dispenser, female steward, house-keeper. Tctuiccg, -ov, 6, (from same) a dispenser, steward, keeper of stores, manager; a priest; a receiver, treasurer, qucestor. Tauisioc, -x;, τι, (from same) stewardship. Toiy.iiio)j, or roi^siov, -ου, το, (frorii Τ54- μίχς) a secret place, private chamber or closet, storehouse, magazine. Job ix. 9. τβί^ίίί/ίβ Noroy, *' the secret places of the south," i. e. the southern constellations, which are secreted from our hemisphere. Ύχμίίυμ,ίΐ, -ΰίτοζ, το, (from τοίμαύω) dis- tribution, store, management. Ύαμ,ίίυτ^ίκος, -jj, -ov, (from next) of a steward or governor. Ύόί(Λΐίύω, f. -ίύσύ), (from τχμ,Ίοι,ς) I am a dispenser,! distribute, manage: τοί^ίΐίύομ,χι, I receive as a steward or treasurer, collect as a qucBstor, manage as a housekeeper. Tuuiog, -ου, ij, (from same) Ceres as a dispenser of corn. Ύά,ΐΛΪσος, -ου, 7j, runnet. Ύά,μνω, Ion. for τί{Λνύ). Tct!/, for ω τά,ν, (voc. of ϊτγις) Ο friend : τά,ν for yj'j, whom : τχν for τοίΰτηι/, this : τά,ν for τ'ήν, the : τΰ,ΐ/ for r&iv, of the : τόϊν for ων, of which. Ύά,ναιμ,ϋκγις, -ίος, ό, v„ (from τχι/χ6; and μυκύω) far-lowing. Tccuxohi^o;, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from next and ^ίΐξά) long-necked. Ύαίνόίύ;, -ij, -6u, (from τχνΰω) stretched, extended, lengthened. TocuctuTTig, -do;, 7], (from preced. and ύ)φ) that sees far. Toci/^T^syr,;, -eog, o, ^, (from same and Άίγο)) that produces long sleep. Ύχντόίλίζω, and τχντχλόύ}, (from Τάν- ταλος) 1 tantalize, disappoint, shake, move, agitate. Ύόίνύγ'Κύ)σσος, -ου, 6, '/}, (from τα,νΰω and '/'κΖσσοί) that has a stretched or long tongue. Ta, (from same and ά'κόω) easily taken. Τάχνβάτγις, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and βάω) that goes quickly. ΤαχύβουΤ^.ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and βονλοί) quick of counsel, rash, fickle. ΤαχύΙακζυς, -υος, ο, tj, (from same and οάκξυ) quick to shed tears. Τα^οζόμος, -ov, o, ij, (from same and Zqs- μ,ω) fleet. Ταχυίζ^^/Ία, -ας, tj, (from same and ίςγον) quickness in work. Τάχυνι^ης, -ίος, ο, (from same and ίξίσσω) that rows quickly. Τάχΰμ,οοος, -ου, 6, 9], (from same and μό- ξος) having a short portion of life. Ταχυναυτίω, or ταχυττλοίύ), (from same and ναύτης or -π-λίω) I sail quickly. Ταχΰνός, -'^, -ou, (from ταχύς) quick or siuift. Τάχϋνω, f. -νυω, 1 a. ϊτάχυυα,, (from pre- ced.) / hasten. Τάχΰτηιύ'ής, -ίος, 6, vjy (from ταχύς and 'ΤΓίίθω) easily persuaded, credidous. Τάχΰτνομ,τΓος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and 'ττίμ-ττύ)) that sends rapidly. Τάχύττόζος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and π-είξω) quick-passing, Ταχύτΐοτμος, -ου, ό, v)> (from same and ττότμ,ος) short-lived. ΤάχΰτΓους, -ττο^ος, ό, 7]> (from Fame and τΓούς) swift-footed. ΤάχύτΓτίξος, -ου, ο, {}, (frofn same and TTTepJu) swft-winged. ΤάχΰττωΤ^ος, -ου, ο, ν;, (from same and ττύόλος) that has fleet horses. Ταχύρροθος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and ρό- βος) tumultuous, rapid, quickly promidgated. Τάχύρροίστος, -ου, ό, '/}> (from next and ρωομαι) that goes or flies rapidly. Τά,χύς, -fia, -ύ, swift, quick, rapid. Τάχΰτγις, -'/ιτος, τ), (from preced.) speed. Τάω,ί. -άσω, I stretch out the hand to take hold of any thing ; imper. τάε contr. τα. Ion. Tvi, take. Tacou, -ωνος, or ταως, -ω, 6, a peacock. Ταωι/ιος, -a, -ou, (from preced.) ofapeacock. Ti, and, both, also. It cannot always be translated, but it is connected with the preceding word and renders it more or less emphatic. Τέ, Doric for as, Τίγγω, f. τέγ^ω, I moisten, loet, soften, or mollify ; I colour, stain ; Lat. tingo, Nem. X. 141. Tiyyuu ^άκζυα στοναχαΐς, shed- ding tears mingled with groans. Olym. iv. 28. ού -ψεύ^ίϊ Tty^a 7<.oyou, 1 will not slain my narrative with falsehood. Tέy£Qς, -a, -ou, (trom next) 7iext the roof, attic. Τ^/ος, -εος, το, (from aTiyo)) the covering of a tent or house, a roof a house. Τΐθα'ΚυΙα, fern. part. p. mid. of Βάλλω. Τέύαρριηκότως, (ii*om part. p. of Βαοόίω) boldly. Ti θμιος, -la, -lou, same as Άίσμιο/. Τί'θμος, -ού, 6, same as Βίσμός. Tidur/KO), (from p. of Stur/aKCj) J lie dead. 821 TiovyjfM A GREEK LEXICON. TsKog, ΎϊθνγιΐΛί, same as ^νγ,σκω. Ύίβοξνβημ,ίΐ/ως, (from ^οξνβίω) with noise or tumult, Ύέύξχμμοίί, p. pass, of τξίφω. Ύϊύξίττττοβΰϊμωΐ/, -ουος, or τεύζίττ'ΤΓοβόίτγις, -ου, ο, (from next and βά,ω} one ivho rides m a chariot and four. ΎΤύξίττττος, -ou, (from τίσσοί^ες and 'ίττ'π-ος) draiun by four horses. Tg^^/7rxor^o^£6j,(from preced.and ζζίφω) I keep a chajnot and four. Ύξύζί'ττττοτξόφος, -Of, 0, (from preced.) one tvho keeps a chariot and four. Τεύξυμ,/^,ίνως, (from ^ίξύτττω) effeminately. Tau, Dor. for το\, σοι, to thee. Tetua, f. Tsuoj, p. τίτοίκοί; 1 a. ereiva, p. mid. TiTOi/cx., 1 f. pass, τα,ύτισομαι, ] a. pass. iroiUYiV, perf. pass, τίτοίμ,α,ι, pluperf. pass. STerx^T^u, I stretch, stretch out, extend, dis- tend, strain or endeavour, tend to. ΎέΊξος, -sog, το, same as τίξχς; in plur. Tiiqsx, the stars. Ύίίξω, f. τίζύ), and πίζίω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, I bruise, rub, luear, tire, vex, harass. Ύ£ί)^£σΐ'π•λ'•/]κ,τγις, -ου, ό, (from τίΐχ,ος and ττλ'^σσώ)) a smiier of walls. Ύξ{χζσί7ΓΆ'/]της, -ου, ό, (from same and -rs- λάω) one who approaches a wall. Ύίΐχίύ), same as τίΐχ,Ιζω. Ύζίχ7]ξ/ις, -ίος, ό, τι, (from τίϊχ,ος and α,ζω) ivalled. Ύαγ,ίζω, f. -1σω, ρ. ητζίχ,ίκ,χ, 1 a. ξτείχισχ, ρ. pass. τίΤΒίχισμχι, (from τίϊχ,ος) Ι wall, surrowid with a ιυ all, fortify. Τίΐχίόίίς, -ίσσχ, -sy, (from same) walled. Tuxiov, -ου, TO, (from same) a little wall, Ύίίχισμοί, -χτος, το, (from τίί-χ,'ιζού) a for- tification. ΎίΙχ,'ίσίς, -ίως, sj, (from same) a fortifying. Τίΐγ,ιστν,ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a builder of ivalls, a mason. Tuxo^of/,io), (from same and Ιίμ,ω) I build a wall. Ύειχο^ο,αίχ, -χς, ij, (from preced.) the building of a wall. ^ ΎειχοΤίίτγις, -ου, ο, and τείχολίτις, -ί^ος, νι, (from τΐϊγ,^ς and ολλυ/^,ή α destroyer of walls. Ύαχομ,χγ,ίω, (from same and [^χγ,γΐ) I attack a wall. ΎίΓ^ομ,χγ,ίχ, -χς, vj, (from preced.) a siege. Ύαγ,οι^χχ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) a be- sieger. ΎείχοτΓΟίος, -ου, ό, (from next and croda) one who builds or rej^airs a wall. Τε/%0?, -ίος, το, (from τίϋγ/ύ) a wall, for- tification. Ύίίχοφΰ'Αχξ, -χχ,ος, 6, (from preced. and φυ'Κχσσω) a guard of a ivall. Ύείχύ^ξίον, -ου, το, (from τείχος) a small wall or fort. Ύείως, for τέως, in the mean time, until. , Ύεκε, for ετεκε, 3 sing. 2 a. of τίκτω. TfKf^xi^a, f. -χζω, (from next) I fix a limit or term, determine, tei^minate, accom- plish ; I note, distinguish, confirm by a sign, betoken, show. Ύίκ,μχξ, -χτος, poet, τεκ^^ωξ, -οξος, το, a limit, end, term ; an aim, scope, object ; a sign, token. Ύεκμχζσις, -εως, vj, (from preced.) a con- clusion drawn from signs, inference, presage. Ύεκμ'ή^ιον, -ου, το, (from same) a sign, token, proof. Ύε•/(,[ΛΥΐζΐόω, f. -ωσο), (from ^Tecea.)I prove. Ύεκνβίοι^, and τ'εκ,νίον, -ου, το, (diminutive of τεκ,νου) a little child, used as a term of great affection and tenderness: τεκ>ίχ, lit- tle children, i. e. dear children. Ts κνογονεω, -a, (from τεκ,νον and γεγονχ, perf. mid. of γείνο)) I beget or bear children. Ύεκνογονίχ, -χς, 'ή, (from preced.) child- bearing ; 1 Tim. ii. 15. σωύνισετχι δε hx τ^ς τεκ,νογονίχς, she shall be saved through the child-beaiing, i. e. through the child- bearing of the woman mentioned in the foregoing verse, viz. Eve. This interpre- tation is confirmed by what follows, if they continue in faith, S^c. Comp. Gen. iii. 15. Ύεκνοκ,τονίχ, -χς, vj, (from τεκϋοΰ and κτεί- ρω) a murdering of child re Ji. Ύεκ,νοκτόϋος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same) children- slaying. Ύεκ,νο'Κετείοχ, -χς, τι, (from next and ολ- Τ^υμ,ι) destroying or losing her children. Ύε κ,νου, -ου, το, (from τίκτω) a child, a son ; plur. τέκνχ τχ, children. Ύεκ'^οττοίίω, -ω, (from preced. and ττοήω) I beget or produce children. Ύεκνοττοίΐχ, -χς, τ], (from same) the be- getting or bj'inging forth of children. Ύεκνότΐοινος, -ou, (from τεκ^ον and Troiw/j) that wreaks his vengeance on children. Ύεχ,υοχοίος, -ου, ό, ^,(from same and -ττοιεω) prolific. Τί'κνοσ'7τοξίχ,-χς,{],(ΐνοτη same and σ'ττοζχ) the begetting of children. Ύεκνοτζοφεω,-ω, 1 a. ετεκνοτζόφΥισοι., (from same and τξεφο)) I bring up or educate children. Ύεκνοτξοφίχ, -χς, τ], (from preced.) the maintaining of a family. Ύεκνοφχγίχ, -χς, vj, (from τίκ,νον and φχ- 7ώ>) a devouring of children. Τεκι/οφόνος, -ου, ό, ή, (from same and φό- νος) a murderer of children. Ύε'κνοω, -ω, (from τεκνον) I beget or bear children. Ύεκος, -εος, το, (from τίκτω) a child. Ύίχνωΰΐς. A GREEK LEXICON. Τελ/χα. TiKUojaii, -ίως, yj, (from tskuOcj) the pro- creation of children. Ύίκταίνω, f. -oiuZi (from τίκτων) I fabri- cate, contrive, work, TsKTovUog, -0?, -oV, (from same) of or be- longing to a worJcman or viechanic. TiKToav'j•/), ->5?, ^, (from next) the art of fabricating or contriving. Ύίκτων, -όνος, ο, (from τ&ΰγ,ύ}) a worltman in wood, iron, or stone, but especially in wood, a carpenter. Ύίκω, (obsolete) see η'κτο. ΎίΚά,μ,ωυ, -ωνος, ο, (from τοιλάω) a ban- dage, veil, a thong by which the shield was suspended from the shoulder. ΎΒ7^€άξ•/^•/ΐς, -ου, 6, (from τΐΤ^ος and όίζχ,ω) a commajider of a body of troops ; a magis- trate at Thebes. Ύελίαξχ,ία, -α,ς, 'ή, (from preced.) the rank or office of TiT^sccoy^rig. Ύί'Κίύω, (from τίλλω) I exist, am, spring up, flourish, reign. Τίλίίος, -sice, -eiou, (from τ&κίω) complete, perfect, initiated ; entire, sound, adidt, full grown, of full age ; dvTiQ τί'λίίος, Cyrop. I. ii. 4. Eph. iv. 13. Heb. v. 14. Ύ:λίίύτ-/ις, -τγιτος, ή, (from preced.) per- fection, perfectness. ΎίΤ^ξΐόω, -ω, f. -ωσύ), p. τετίλί/ωκα, 1 a. €ΤΒλείύ)σα, 1 a. pass. ϊη'Καωύήν, p. pass, rs- τϊ'Αίίωμ.οίΐ, (from same) I complete, finish, accomplish, pofect, consecrate. Because the filling of the hands of Aaron and his sons with the sacrifices, completed the ceremony of their consecration, the follow- ing phrases are used*, EKod. xxix. 9 : τελα- ωσίΐς ' Kccoo)u τα,; χϋ^ας cci/TCV, κλΪ τάς χβΐ- Qccg των viZ'j αυτού, " thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons," and ver. 33, τιΚαω- σοίί τάς χ,ίΊζχς αυτών, ayixaai αυτούς, " to consecrate, to sanctify them." τίΚίΐόω is used in tlie same sense, and is connected in the same manner with αγιάζω, in Heb. ii. 10, 11. comp. Heb. v. 9. ΎίΚζΊω, poet, for τζϊάω. Ύί'λίίω/ίία, -ατός, το, (from τίΚίΐόω) per- fection, consummation, death. ΎίΆίίως, (from τΐΜίος) perfectly, con- stantly, to the end. Ύί'Κίίοίσις, -ιος, Attic •ιως, ^,(from τίλε/ο'ώ;) a completion, accomplishment, perfection, consecration. Lev. viii. 22, 28, 33. Ύί'Κίίωτν^ς, -ου, ο, (from same) a finisher, perfecter. Some think that this word, like βξαβίύς, and άγωνούίτ^,ς, signifies the judge of a public game, who assigns the ])}'izc, and translate Heb. xii. 2. τίλίίωτνις ττις 'ρτίστεως, "the rewarder of our faith." Com- pare the context and Piiil. iii. 14. Ύίλίό/ίογινος, -ου, ο, vj, (from τίλΞος and l^viv) that has the complete number of months. Τίλίον, -ου, το, (from τίλος) that which is perfect, an end. ΎίΆίος, -a, -ov, same as τίλίίος ; τίλεον, adv. completely, entirely, perfectly. Ύϊλίόω, same as τίλίίοω. Τίλίσίουξγίω, (from rsAgiy and εξγον) I complete a luorh, perfect' Ύ^Κεσίοϋζ^ημ-α, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a work completed. Ύίλζσίουξγός, -ου, ο, (from same) one who completes a ivork, an author. Ύ'ίΧίσμ,α, -ατός, το, (from τ£λϊω) an end, extremity ; a tribute, tax, impost or toll ; an expense. Ύε'Κίσσ'ίΙωτίίξά, -ας, v], (from τίλος and δ/δώί,ί*/) that gives the eiid or accomplishment. Ύίλβσσίφζων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from same and ψξ'Κν) that minds the end. ΎίΚεστ'ήζία, -ων, τα, (from τί'Κος^ sacn- fices of thanksgiving for the accomplishment of a work. Ύύ^ίστ'ίκος, -vi, -ov, (from same) capable of or qualified for accomplishing or per- fecting, initiatory, mystic. Ύί'Αίσφοοίω, -ω, (from same and ψοςίω) I bring to perfection, pay a tribute. ΎίΧίσΦόρος, -ov, o, '/}, (from preced.) that accomplishes ; accomplished, perfected ; tri- butary ; initiated, used for a prostitute mate or female initiated by prostitution into the sacred mysteries of idols. TgAsTij, -τις, 7], (from τίλος) an end, issue, consummation: τίλεταΐ, αϊ, sacrifices, sa- cred mysteries, impure rites of initiation. Ύβ7^£υτα7ος, -αία, -aiov, (from τίΚίυτ'/ι) final, last, extreme : τίΚίυταΙον, finally. ΎεΚίυτάω, -ω, f. -'ήσω, p. τ£Τ£Λ£ΐίτ>ιχα, 1 a. ϊτελεΰτ-ζισα, (from next) / end, finishy ac- complish, die. Τίλευτ'/ί, -^ς, τ], (from next) an end, ac- complishment, death, Matth. ii. 15. ΎίΚίω, -ω, f. -έσω, p. τετΐλίκα, 1 a. Ιτελί- σα, 1 f. pass. τΐΚεσΰνισομαι, 1 a. pass, έτίλεσ- θην, p. pass, τίτίλϊσμαί, (from τίλος) I end, finish, fulfil, accojnplish, go over, pay ; ini- tiate into the mysteries of idols by pt'ostitu- tion. Τί'λ», pi. of τίλος, sacred rites, mysteries. Τίλ9ΐ£ΐς, -ίσσα, -ev, (from τίλος) perfected, excellent, choice. ΤέλΙσκομαι, (from same) / ain perfected or initiated into idol mysteries by prostitu- tion. Ύίλλω, f. τίλω, 1 a. 'ΐτίΐλα, I make, cause to exist, jnoduce, cause to appear in its i)ro- per nature, accomplish, jjcrfcct. 'Γίλ/χά, -otToc, TO, a miry or marshy place. 823 ΎίλμοίΨώδγΐζ, A GREEK LEXlCOir. Ύεξατάδης, Ύέ7^μχτό)1νις, -sog, ό, {], (from preced.) marshy, miry, TsTiog, -sag, -ov;, το, an end, accomplish- ment, event, scope, aim, consequence, death ; a sum, number, census, impost or tax on goods or merchandise, custom ; ^ an office, a magistracy ; a certain number of troops, a hand ; initiation in religious mysteries : s!g τίτλος, to the utmost, 2 Chron. xii. 12. Amos ix. 8. John xiii. 1. 1 Thess. ii. 16. for the philosophical meaning, see Cicero de Fini- bus, I. 12. ad fin. Ύίλσοι/, -ov, TO, (from preced.) end, extre- mity. Ti^xlu, -hog, 6, (from ^ί'Κγω) an enchan- ter, a malicious envious man. Ύέλωι/ίω, (from next) / collect taxes : ts- jiuusofioti, I am tributary. Texaung, -ου, ό, (from τέλο^ and ωι/ίομοιι) a farmer and collector of the taxes or pub- lic revenues, a publican. There were two classes of Publicans, the one farmers of the customs ; the other tax-collectors. The former were, as might be expected, the more respectable, and are complimented by Cicero, in a defensive oration, though evidently contending against public re- proach. " Adjungam, si vis, id, quod tu etiam huic obesse putas, patrem publica- num : qui ordo quanto adjumento sit in ho- iiore, quis nescit ? flos enim equitum Ro- manorum, ornamentum civitatis, firmamen- tum reipublicae, pubUcanorum ordine con- tinetur." Pro Plancio, 9. The Historian's testimony is less favourable. See Livy, XXV. 3, 4 ; in xlv. 18. he says the farming of the taxes was abolished in Macedonia, by a decree of the Senate ; " nam neque sine publicano exerceri posse ; et, ubi pub- licanus est, ibi aut jus publicum vanum, aut libertatem sociis nuUam esse." With the exception of Zaccheus who is called άζχι- Tihlivng, Luke xix. 2. the publicans men- tioned in the Gospels appear to have been of the lower class, and odious not only to the Jews, but even to the Gentiles. Tiho)uioi, -ccg, 5j, (from preced.) the office of a tax-gatherer. Te^cuuUog, -'η, -ov, (from same) of or be- longing to the revenue. Tikmiov, -ov, TO, (from same) a place for receiving custom, a custom-house, toll-office ; a toll or tax. Ύιμχχίζω, (from next) I cut in pieces and salt ; separate into parts. Ti^,a.)cog, -£og, το, (from τίμ,νω) apiece or slice, especially of salted or pickled fish. Ύίμβνος, -eog, το, (from next) a space cut of or separated, a sacred place, a temple. Ύίμνω, f. τίμω, J), τίτμ,νικοί, 2 a, act. 824 sToifcou, p. mid. τίτομΛ, 1 a. pass, ετμ^ύην, I cut. See '^{ccuvjx.vi. Ti/iCTrecc, contr. Ύίμχγι, -ων, τ ά., the vale of Tempe between Olympus and Ossa; any pleasant valley. Ύίναγίζω, (from next) I stagnate. Tivdyog, -eog, το, (from τίίνω) a shallow, swamp, stagnant muddy ivater. Ύίνοίγω^γΐζ, -sog, 6, τι, (from preced.) that has shallow water, swampy, marshy. T£i/§, -ccg, ij, (from same and £g- γον) a working of wonders, jugglery. Ti^ciTL^Yig, -iog, 6, vj, (from Tt^ag) prodi- gious, miraculous, ominous, mojistrous. Ύξξφίνύινος. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤδΓ^ακ/σχ/λ/ο/. Ύζξζβίνύίνος, ->7, -ov, (from next) of the turpentine tree. Ύίοίβίΐ/βος, or τίρίμ,ινύος, or rs^/^iudog, -oy, 0, i^e turpentine tree ; used also in th e Septuagint for the oak^ and the pistachio - nut tree. Ύίξί[Λΐ/ος^ and τίξοίμνος^ -ov, o, jj, hard, firm ; as a subs, τί^ίμ,υος, -ου, ο, and rsQsu- vovy also ri^oif/^uouy -ου, το, iAe roo/" o/" α house, a house or mansion. ΎίξετΙζω, I squeak, chirj), twitter, warble. Ύίξίτίσμοί, -oiTo;, το, (from preced.} a squeaking, chirping, clattering noise. T'iPs'T^o'j, -ου, TO, (from n^L•), I pierce) a piercer, a wimble, auger, gimlet. Τες/ι^ων, -οι/ος, vj, (from same) the teredo or borer, an insect that preys on wood, a zvorm ; an army extended in a line. Τέξ-/ιν, -siUDi, -vj, (from τύξω) rubbed, ten- der, soft, delicate. Ύεξύζίίχ, -ocg, 7], (from re^ccTstoi) jugglery , subtlety. Ύίζθζίύομ,αί, (from preced.) / deceive by juggling tricks, use subtle arguments, dazzle by a false glare. Ύίξ /iccc, -χτος, TO, (from τίίξω) a term, boundary, end, goali Ύζομιόξίζ, -ίσσχ, -iu, (from preced.) that reaches to the extremities. Τίρ/Λίος, and τζρμ,όνιος,-(/,, -ov,(fiOm same) the last. ΤίξΊτίκίξοίυνος, •ου, ο, (from τίξττω and κίξχυνος) that delights in thunder. Τίοττ^όζ, -'ή, -6'j, (from τίζττω) delightful, pleasant. Ύίζ'τη/ότ-ής, -ητος, 'ή, (from preced.) plea- santness, delight ΎίξτΓύ), f. τίζ-ψα, p. τίτε^φοί, 2 a. 'ϊτχζττον, 1 f. pass. τε^φύΫισομ,οίΐ, 1 a. pass. Ιτίξφθ/ιν, I delight, afford pleasure, cause to rejoice ; pass. / am delighted, rejoice. ΎίζττωΤ,'/ι, -τις, vi, poet, for τίξ-ψίς. Ύεζσίχ.ίΐ/ύ), f. -όίνω, 1 a. ίτέξα/ΐί/χ, and τεξσω, (from τείζύ)) I wipe, dry. ΎεζχΡί/ϋβζοτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from τίςτ-ο) and βξοτοζ) that delights mortals. Ύίζφις, -ιος, Attic -εω;, oj, (from τεζτω) delight, pleasure, gratification. ΤεξφΊχόογι, .'/};, 7i, (from preced. and χο- ζος) Terpsichore one of the Muses, that delights in dancing, or delights by her dancing. Ύίζώ, same as τείζω. Ύεσσόίξόίβοίος, -ου, ό, τ], (from τέσσαρες and βου;) worth four oxen; made of the hides of four oxen. Τεσσοίςόίζοντά, oi, eti, τχ, (from τεσσχξες) forty. Ύεσσχζάκοντχετττκ, oi, ui, τχ, (preced. and kxTx) forty-seven. Ύεσσχοοίχ,οι/τχετνίς, -εος, -ους, ό, v), (from same and έτος) consisting of forty years. Ύεσσχζχκ,οντχ'ττευτε, oi, »i, τ», (same and nrvjTi) forty-five. Ύεσσχξόίκοστός, -γι, -6u, (from τεσσχζάκον- Tx^ fortieth. Τεσσχξες, -ωι/, oi, xi, τχ -χ, four. Ύεσσχζεσκχβεκ,χ, (preced. κχϊ, and οεκχ) fourteen, Ύεσσχξεσκχί^ίκχτος, -η, -O'j, (same, κχϊ, and οΐκχτοζ) fourteenth. Ύετχγμίνο};, (from perf. pass, of τχσσο)) in order, in an orderly manner. Ύετχξτχΐζύ), (from next) I have a quar- tan ague. Ύετχοτχίος, -χίχ, -xlov, (from τετχξτος) being four days or the fourth day in a cer- tain state, John xi. 39. Comp. Anab. VI. iv. 6. τζεμ,τττχίοι, persons j^ye days dead, we are told, were buried where they fell, be- cause they could not be taken away. ΎετχζτγιΐΛοζίον, -ου, το, (from next and (ΛΟξίΟϋ} a fourth part. Ύετχξτος, and τε'τξχτος, -η, -ou, (from τεσσχζες, Attic τετ τ χ^ες) fourth. Ύετοχβα,'/^ύίν, -όνος, 6, ij, (from τετξχς and βχω) quadruped. Ύετξχγυον, -ου, το, (from same and γύχ) the quantity of land which a man can plough in a day. Ύέ'τζχγΰος, -ου, 6, τι, (from preced.) of four '/υχϊ, or acres. Ύετζχγωνεύ), (from τετζχς and γωυίχ) I have four angles ; I square ivith. ΎετζΧ'/ωϋο-τΓ^όσωτΐος, -oα'χτ&ζυΧΑ\ς, -ΐίος, ij, (from same and ■7rτζξ6u) afour-ivinged insect, a grasshopper. 826 Ύΐτζά'τττ'ίλος, -ou, (from same and ττί- "hov) four-winged. Ύίτςχ'ΤΓυζγίΰί, -α,ς, τ], (from same and 'ττύζγος) a place fortified with four towers. Ύίτξόίξϋ/ϋος, and τετζά,ρρυμ,ος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and ρυμος^ that has four poles and eight horses. Ύίτξοίςχίω, -ω, (from next) 7 «w a tetrarcL• Τετξάζχ,γις, -ου, ο, (from τετξά,ς and οίζχ'-ή) a tetrarch, a king or governor who reigns over the fourth part of a kingdom reduced into a province. This word had its origin in Galatia, which was governed by four » princes. Thence the appellation passed to others who ruled over any portion of a country. Ύίτζ^α,^χΙα,, or τετ^ΰ^ΰίζ)(,ί(/., -ας, vj, (from same) a tetrarchy. Ύίτξόίς, -oihog, vf, (from τίσσοίξίς, Attic τίττοίξες) four, a quaternion, i. e. a four, as we say, a dozen, a score, &c. Ύΐτξασκί'ΑΎΐς, -iog, 6, 73, (from preced. and σκέλος) four-legged. ΎΤτξοιστόίττ^ξος, -ου, 6, «j, (from same and στα,τνιρ) of four staters. ΎετξάστΊχος, -ου, ό, τ}, (from same and στίχος) arranged in four rows. Ύετξχτζΰφος, -ου, ο, ij, (from same and Βζύτττύ)) broken or that may be broken into four parts. Ύετζο,φά,Τ^Υΐζος, or τετ^όίφαΚος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and φκλος) having four cones or plumes. Τετξάφατο, Ion. for τετζίχ,μ^^ίνοι νισα,ν, 3 pi. plup. pass, of τφ.'πω. Ύετζ^ά,χο^ος, -oy, (from same and χο^ν\) that has four strings : τετξύχοξ^ου, -ου, το, an instrument of four strings. Ύετξχχως, τετξχχγί, and τετςχχύ», (from τετζάς) in four ways. ΎίτξεμΛίνω,{ΐΐ'θϊη τ^εμ,ω) I tremble great- Ύετζίγωτας, poet, for τετζίγότοίς, from τ ξι ζω. Ύετξό^γυίος, -ou, (from τετξοίς and o^yvix) of four fathoms, ΎετξωβοΆος, -ou, (from same and όβολος) of four oboli. Ύετξωζος, for τετξοίο^ος. Ύεττόί, same as ά,ττοί, father, sir. Τεττΐγοφόζος, -ου, ό, v], (from τεττιξ and φίζύ)) that bears or wears a grasshopper. ΎεττίγωΙτις, -εος, 6, τ], (from next) like a grasshopper. Τεττιξ, -ΐγος,. oj, a grasshopper, a figure of a grasshopper worn as an ornament. Ύευ, for τεο, or του, also for τινός, Τευβϊς, -Ιοος, tj, the cuttlefish. Ύευκτίκος, -^, -ou, (from τεΰχω) calculated to attain. m Ύίίΐτάζω. A GREEK LEXICON. T'/jXw-^i. Ύίυτά,ζω, I occupy myself with. Τίύτλιον, or τίντλον, -ου, το, a beet. See σίντΆίον. Ύίυγ,ίσφόρο;, -ου, 6, ν;, (from τίυχος and φίξω) that bears arms. Τευχέω, (from ηύχύ)) I arm. Ύίυχγ,σττίΡ, -vjoog, τίυγ,Ύ,ΰτν^;, -ου, and ηυ- Xy^r/i;, -ου, ό, (from same) a?i armed man. Ύίυχος, -ίος, το, (from next) a vessel, a tool, a weapon, a roll, volume or book : ts'j- χίοί, Tfls, arms. Ύίύχω, f. -^ω, p. τίτευχ,οί, 2 a. ετΰχοι/, 1 a. pass. iTsvxur,v, or Ιτύχύτ,^, p. pass. τίτ=υγ- /ncci, or τίτυγ^.χι, plup. iriroyjicr.u, ίτίτυξο; also, τυχίω, f. --/;σ6,•, / έζίζ/ί^, frame, make, prepare; happen, am, obtain. See τυγχά,νω. Τϊφοχ, -χς, 7], (from τύΧω) ashes. Ύίφοόύ), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τ-τίφοωκΛ, 1 a. IrJ^^ijffsi, (from preced.) / reduce to ashes. Ύέψζωοτις, -eo;, 6, tj, (from same) full of ashes, Ts χυά.ζομ,!Χ.ι, 1 f. mid. -ά,σομ,Λΐ, and τί;^;- ι/άω, f. -'/ισω, (from τέ^^νί?) I work ingeniously, make like, ivork artfully. Tix'juafA», or τίχ,'/γ,ΐΛοί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a luork of art, a machine, contri- vatice, stratagem. Ύί^χν/], -r,c, r„ (for τευχά.ντι, from τίόχα) art, an art, craft, trade, artifice. Τΐχντίβίς, -ίσσα, -iΊκ6ς, -Tj, -ov, (from τίχυτι) technical. Ύέ'χΆτης, -ου, ό, (from same) an artist, artificer, workman, mechanic. Ύί'χ'Λτις, -ιοος, v], (from same) a female artist or artificer. Ύεχι/ο'/ζόίφο;, -ου, ό, (from same and yga- φω) a writer on an art. Τίχνο^-ογίχ, -ccg, 'ή, (from same and ^ίγω) a discourse on an art. Ύίως, poet, η'ιως, (from ϊως) until then, until, u'hilst, before, in the mean time. T^, for Tois, (imperat. of τάω) take. Tyj, dat. sing. fern, of o, r,, ro, to her. Ύτίβίνΐ/χ, -Υίζ, T/iQeuvlg, -ίοος, and ττιβεννος, -ου, 7}, a Greek dress used by the wealthy, the lioman toga. Ύγ^/ανίζυ, (from T'/;yoe.'JOy) I fry. Ύγιγχνίστνι;, -ου, ό, (from [)reced.) one who fries. T^yoti/o;/,-oy,rd,(from Τ7;κύ)) a frying-pan. T'ijil/j, -ης, yj, a nurse ; a grandmother. ΎηθΙς, -ίοος, i], an aunt. Ύνίθος, -ίος, ro, an oyster. Ύ-ηκίΙων, -όνος, τ], (from τ'^κω) a melting or luasting away, consumption. Ύγίκτος, -VI, 'όν, (from next) melted, apt to melt. Ύιηκω, f. -ξω, p. τίτηχοί, p. mid. τίτα,κ,χ. f. pass. τχκν}σομχί, pass, ίτχχ,τιν, I dissolve, melt, waste away. ^YiXx'jyrjy.x, -xrog, ro, (from ττιΚΛυγίω, I shine afar, which from nest) a brightness appearing at a distance. Ύγ^χυ^'/,ς, -ίος, ό, Vj, ro -Ις, (from τί^λε and α,υγ'ή) shining afar, very bright. Ύγ^Κχύγγισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, τ}, same as Τ^Τίχυγως, (from τγιΤ^χυ^ής^ clearly, plainly. TijAf, rYi7^ou, τγιλόσε, rr^hihy, τγ^κόθι, afar, from afar. Ύγι'Κεβό'Κος, -ου, ο, v], (from preced. and ^x'h7.a)far shooting; far shot or hurled. TYtT'.ihx'TTog, -Vi,-o'j, (from same and "oxTrt- ^oy) from a distant land, foreign. Ύγ;?.ίθχω, poet, for ^χΚΚω, ^ίχλίω, ^χλί- ύω, ^γ,λεύω, Ι bloom, am vei^dant, grow. Ύγι^^-ΛΎΛΐτός, -ου, or τγ[κί•ΛΚΰτος, -ου, ο, 'Υΐ, (τ'^λ£ and κΚείτός or -κλυτος) far-famed. Ύγι7^ίκ7^Υιτος, -ου, 6, τ}, (same and κΤ^/ιτος) invited from far. Τγιλ£//^χχος, -ου, ο, 7}, (from same and μ,χ- XO,uxi) that fights from a distance. Ύγιλί'ττλχγκτος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and "ΑτΤ^άζοή far-wandering. Ύγ^άττομ,ττος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and 'ττίΐΛ'ττω) far-sent. Τγιλίττοξος, -ου, 6, vj, (same and τζόζος) that extends to a distance, deep. Ύγ,ΎΛ'ττν'Κος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and ττύ- λ//) that has gates far from one another. Ύγ;Κία•Α07ΐος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and GKi'jrroy^xi) far-surveying ; seen from far. Τγ,λζφχν'ής, -ίος, 6, τ], (from same and φχίνω) far-appearing, conspicuous. T/;?j5c, -χς, 71, a sieve, the wooden circum- ference of a sieve, a table, board, trough. ΎγιΚίκος, -'ή, -by, and τγ,'λ'ίκύσοε, (from ^λ/- κος) of such a size or age ; of that size or age ; such, so large, so old. ΎγιΚικουτος, -xur/\, -ουτο, (from preced. and oiroc) so great or little, so old or young. Ύγ/Κο^ος, or τΥιΆουζός, -ου, ό, τ], (from τ'^λέ and ύζος) that has distant boundaries, re- mote. Ύγ,Άν'/ίτος, -γι, -o>, (from same and γχω) begotten in old age, born when a parent is advanced in life, an oilly child, the boy born last of all his father s children, wlio, being supposed to be generally puny, requires a more tender treatment, and is seldom, in maturer years, well qualified for great ex- ploits. II. N', 470, "a nursling boy," Cowper. Ύγι'Αοττος, -ου, ο, τΥιλωτης, -ίΟος, τ], (froU) same and &ίψ) seeing ίο a distance ; seen at a distance. 827 Ύημξλζ(α, A GREEK LEXICON. Τιμιώτξξος, Τιημελίω, -^, f. -5?σώ), (from τάω and μί'λεί) I take care, attend to, superintend. TvifiiQoif or τ'/]μεξθ!/, (Attic for στιμεξο») to-day, this day. Ύγιμος, τί^μόσΐί, or ηημουτος, (from ^μος) then. Ύγινά,ΤΟ^ως, (^τνιν and οίΧΚως) by another way, in vain. Tiji/gAAoi, -ης, VI, a shout of victory, TvjviTJ^og, -ου, ο, (from preced.) one who shouts victory. Ύηηκχ, rriUiKo^s, and τηνικαυτοί^ (from T^j and vivUoc) at that time, then. Tijuog, Dor. for κ,ίΐνος, or iKsiuog. Ύτίξέύ), -&), imperf. srvj^ioy, -ovv, f. -'ήσω, p. ητ'/ίζηκοί, 1 a. iTvj^riaot, 1 a. pass. Ιτγίζνι&^ν, p. pass, τζτνι^ημιχ,ι, I keep, watch, guard, reserve, preserve, observe either with a good intent to pay regard to, or with an ill in- tent to accuse for. In Gen. iii. 16. instead of τγιζτίσίΐ, and τγίξ^σας, read vvath the Com- plut. TSi^Tjasi, and rsi^yjaeig, from τίΐ^ίω. Ύ'ήξΎίσΙς, Ίος, Attic -ζως, tj, (from preced.) custody, hold, a prison, a keejmig or obser- vation, preservation, protection. Ύγίζος, -ου, 6, (from same) one who watches. TyjTeco, (from rvjTYi, penury^ I bereave: τκιτά,ομΛΐ, I am in want. TyjTsg, Dor. cijreg, and σόίτες, (from τω iTSc) in the year, this year. T'ijTivog, -VI, -ou, (from preced.) of this year. Trivaiog, -a, -ov, vain,fruiiL•ss, ineffectual. Ύ\, and τ/, see rig. Ύίόίξοί, -ocg, vj, a tiara, an ornament for the head among the Persians, and other eastern nations. Ύιβ'■ήu, -vivog, 6, a tripod. Ύϊίω, f. -τισύ), (from η'ω) I punish, tor- ment, render sad. Ύ'ίγι, Ion. for τί ; ivhy? wherefore? Ύ^ιθοίίβωσσω, (from ^ίβγι) I store up as in an ark or chest. Ύϊβόίσός, or τίύα,σσος, -ου, 6, 5j, tame. Ύΐύασσίυτ'ής, -ου, 6, (from next) a tamer. Ύιύοίσσίύω, (from τιύιχ,σσος) I render tame. Ύ^ιύνιμί, (from obsolete ^ia, has) f. ^yjou), p. TsUsiKoi, 1 a. Uyizoc, 1 a. pass. stsUtju, p. pass. τίύίίμαί, pluperf. pass. ϊτ=ύύμΎΐυ, 1 a. raid. ίβηκάμπ!/. See also p. 36, 37. I place, put, lay, lay down, lay by, lay aside, appoint, as- sign, constitute, ordain, render, purpose, pro- pose, design, give. T'iumuia, -ω, f. -'ίίσω, (from τιτύος) I give suck, nurse, nourish. Ύ'ϊύ'ήυη, -Yig, {], (from preced.) a nurse. Ύιύηνος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same) a nurse, nourisher male or female. Ύ'ίύΰμΛ'Κος, and τΐόΰμαλλος, -ου, ο, poet. ηύΰμοίΧλκ, Td, spurge. 828 . ^ Τίκτύ), (from rtxa, the same. See p. 71, has) f. τίξω, p. τίτίχα, 2 a. act. trsKou, 1 f. pass. τίγ,θ'•/ίσομοίΐ, 1 a. pass. tTixunny 1 f• mid. τί^ομοίΐ, p. mid. riroKu, I beget, bring forth. ΎίΤ^άω, I discharge the excrements in a fluid state. Ύΐκκω, imperf. ίτίΤΟ^ον, f. τ/λώ), p. τ£τ/λ- Kcc, 1 a. Ι'τ/λΰί, p. pass, τίτίλμοίί, I pull, pluck, pluck off. Ύίλμχ, -ccTog, ro, (from preced.) a fleece. Ύβ,μος, -ου, 6, (from same) a pulling or plucking of the hair. Ύίλσις, -sag, vj, (from same) a plucking. Ύΐλψτι, -ng, VI, same as σίλφγ}. ΎΤμΰίΆφίίύ, {ivom τιμ^ and οίκφύ}) I ho- nour, value, venerate. Ύϊμαλφνις, -iog, 6, v], (from same) that is honoured, valued, valuable. Ύϊμοίοζος, and ημν}οξος, -ου, τιμύωζ, -οξος, 6, (from T/^w Ji and oi^oi) that honours ; that avenges. Ύϊμάω, -ω, f. -vjffco, p. τίτίμγικα, 1 a. Ir/- μγισοί, 1 f. pass, ημηθ'ησομα,ι, 1 a. pass. In- μν,^ν, p. pass, ητίμτιμοίΐ, 1 f. mid. τιμνι- σομχι, 1 a. mid. &τιμγισά.μΎΐν, (from perf, pass, of τίω) I honour, respect, value; I pay as a fee or honorary reward, Anab. V. viii. II : VII. iii. 5. 1 Tim. v. 3; I avenge, punish. iEsch. Theb. 713. Ύτμνι, -Tjg, vj, (from same) honour, honour- able reward or maintenance, price, precious- ness ; retribution, punishment. Τΐμνιας, -£σσα, -iu, (from same) honoured, esteemed; precious. Τίμημα, -xTog, το, (from perf. pass, of ημύω) estimation, valuation, things valued ; a penalty. Ύίμησις, -mg, v}, (from same) estimate, valuation, property, imposition of a fine. Tiy.nrda,, or τιμητίχ, -ug, v}, (from n- μηηύοί) a censorship. Ύίμητίο!/, (from τιμάω) it is necessary to honour. Ύιμητίϋω, (from next) / am censor. Ύιμητγ,ς, -ου, ο, (from τιμάω) one who es- timates or values, a Roman censor. ΎιμητΗος, -sj, -oV, (from same) disposed and qualified to honour, belonging to the of- fice of a censor. Ύιμητός, -vj, -ov, (from same) estimated, honoured, honourable. Τίμιος, -ioc, -lov, (from τιμ^) honoured, honourable, precious, dear. Τιμιότης, -rvirog, 93, (from preced.) wealth, costliness. Τιμιουλκίω, -ω, (from same and ίλκω) I increase the price. Τιμιωτατος, -n-> 'Qf, superlative of τίμ{ος. Τιμιωτίζος, -a, -ou, comparative of same. Τιμογ^αφεω, A GREEK LEXICON. Τ,α^/χα, Ύ4μογζχφέω, •α>, f. -νισω, 1 a. $τίμογζά.φγι- σα, (from t/^jj and γξάψω) I fix a price, impose a tax, fix the rate of taxes. Ύΐ[Λοκ.ξΐχ,τί(χ., -ccg, 7], (from same and κ,ξχ- τίω) a timocracy, a government in which power IS distributed according, to rank and wealth. TifiOK^eiriKo;, -57, -ov, (from preced.} be- longing to a TifAOK^ccricc. Τίμ,ος, -oy, 0, (from τ;,«-'^) a price. Ύί/αωξίω, -ω, f. -vjaa, p. τίτιμω^ϊΐκοί, 1 a. Ιτίμωξγισα, 1 a. pass, ίτιμ,ω^'ήΰήν, 1 f. mid. ri[ycoj^'/jaoy>oiif 1 a. mid. sny^aQnaa^uYjUy (from τίμ,ύ)ζ6ς) I punish^ avenge, torture ; I avenge another, assist, defend. 'Τιμ.ύ}(ΐΥΐμ,οί, -ocTog, το, (from preced.) i-e- venge, punishnent ; succour, aid. Ύίμωζίηττίζ, -^ζος, and η/α,ωξγιτ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from same) an avenger, punisher ; a suc- courer. Τίμωξτ,τ'ίκος, -'/j, -01/, (from same) vengeful. Ύίμωξία, -ας, ij, (from same) j^^inishment, retribution ; succour, aid. Ύί^ίωξός, -ου, 6, (contr. for τιμ,ά.οζος) a punisher, avenger, executioner. Ύιυ, ru'u, Dor. for aol, rol, to thee. TiuccYfcoi,-oiTog,TO,{irom πλάσσω) a shak- ing, concussion. Ύϊι/χκτνίξ, -γ,ρος, τινύκτ•/ις, -ov, and τινάκ- τωζ, ΌξΟζ, 6, (from next) a shaker. Ύίυάσσω, f. -|ω, p. ητίνα,χ,χ, p. pass. TixiuccyfAcci, (for σινάσσω, which from σ^ίω) I shake, cause to shake or tremble. Ύίΐ/ϊΐ, (from Ti!/) Dor. for σοΙ, to thee. T'iuvOy,i, ηνυΰύ), τιυύω, and τί^ω, (from τίω) I pay, expiate, recompense : riyvf^ui, 1 avenge, punish. Τίος, τιους, rlojg, τίω, and τίούς. Dor. for T£o, or σου, of thee. Ύίττοτί, and τίτ-τε, (τί and 'ττότε) why 9 wherefore. Ύΐς, τίνος, 6, 71, το τΐ, any one, some one : TIC, τίνος, 6, 7], TO τί, who ? ivhich ? what ? See p. 26 : τί ό^μ,Ίν κχί σοι, Matth. viii. 29. what hast thou to do luith us ? τί sfiol kcci σοι, John ii. 4. what hast thou to do ivith me ? The phrase is eUiptical, and may be completed thus, τϊ ϊμ,οΐ καΐ σο\ TT^oiyf/.oi, KOiuQu ; thus, in Longinus's 7th fragment, τί ya.^ KOivov ύΤ^ως α,υα,ύυμιΰσίί kolI -ψυχί] ; for what has the soul to do with exhala- tion ? and in Dem. pro Cor. οιομ,νύμ,ίνος uifihiu eJvoci σο\ και Φιλίττττω Tr^ayfAa, viz. κ,οινόν, jirotesting that Philip had nothing to do with thee. In LXX, we meet with the phrase, Josh. xxii. 24. Judges xi. 12. and 2 Sam. xvi. lO.xix. 22. and 1 [3] Kings xvii. 18. and 2 Chron. xxxv. 21. In all these places the last dative is the first in sense, and is to be translated accordingly. John ii. 4. is to be understood as a mild admonition. Jesus had been subject to his mother in his youth, and showed filial at- tachment in his last hour upon earth ,• but, (in opposition to those who would teach us to apply to Mary as an intercessor) he now declared to her, that in what con- cerned his mediatorial office, an earthly parent had no authority over him. ΎΜς, -εως, ί], (from τίω) retribution, pe- nalty, vengeance. Ύΐσίφόντι, -Ύΐς^ '4, (from preced. and φόνος) Tisiphone, one of the Furies who avenged murder. Τίταίνω, f. -ανω, (from τείνω) I stretch, extend, draw up ; (from τίω) I revenge. Τϊτάν, -ανος, ο, (from preced.) a giant, the Titan, the Sun. Τίτας, -ου, 6, (from same) an avenger. Ύίτβεία, -ας, oj, (from τιτθνΐ) nursing. Ύιτύίύω, (from next) / am a nurse, suckle. Ύιτύνι, -^ς, 7], (from τιτύος) a nurse, Τίτβί^ιον, and τιτύίον, -ου, το, (from next) a little breast or teat. Τιτύος, -ου, ο, a teat, nipple, breast. Τίτλος, -ου, ό, (Lat. titulus) a title, in- scription, a board with an inscription. Τίτξάω, -ω, τίτξγιμι, and τίτξαίνω, f. τξ"/;- σω, p. pass, τέτζπμαι, (from τξάω, the same) I perforate, bore, pierce. ΤΤτζωσκ,ω, (from τζόω, the same. See p. /I, has) f. τοωσω, 1 a. £Τζύ)σα, 1 a. pass. ίτξωύγιν, p. pass, τετζωμαι, I wound, hurt. Τίτύσκω, I i^repare, make : τιτΰσκο^,α/, I aim at, threaten. Τίφ-η, -τις, 7], a kind of corn ; a kind of insect that runs on the surface of stagnant water. Τίφ§ , for τίτττε or τίττοτε, why. Τίω, f. -ϊσύ), p. τετίκα, 1 a. ετϊσα, p. pass. τετιμ,αι, I pay, pay honour, pay justice, avenge, infiict punishment: Ιίκγιν τίειν, to pay, i, e. to suffer punishnent. Τίω, and τίως. Dor. for τεο, σου. Τλάω, -ω, f. -τισω, and τλ'^^/, 2 a. 'ΐτΆτ,ν, (from ταλάύ)) I sustain, bear, suffer. Τ'ΚνίύΰΐΛος, -ου, 6, ij, (from preced. and Βυ/χός) cndoived with foj'iitude, coiwageous. Τλ'ήμων, -όνος, ο, ij, (from τ\άω) endu- ring, bold; silvering, miserable: τλγι/ίίύνως, boldly, patiently. Τλητός, -jj, -ov, (from same) endured; that may be endured ; capable of enduring. Τμέω, f. -'ησω, I cut. Τ(Λ'/}γω, f. τμ,Τί'^ω, 1 a. eTfir,^ec, 2 a. ίτμ,α• you, I cut. TfAyjhnv, (from τμ,εω) by cutting, with a slight cut. Τ/χί^μα, -fliTo.c, το, (from same) a section, portion. 829 Ύμ,ψις, A GREEK LEXICON. Τΰζοοννη, Ύ/ίί^σίζ, -sag, % (from same) a cutting or separating. Ύμ,γιτος, -vi, -01/, (from τίμι/ω) cut, hewn ; that may he cut, divisible. Tols, (from oh) here, hither. Ύόβει/, hence, whence. Ύόύί, there, where. ΎοΙ, Dor. for σοΙ, Ion. for oi. Tof, truly, indeed, therefore, commonly joined with other conjunctions; as, Ύοίγάζ, wherefore : TOiyxQovu, wherefore truly : roiuvu, therefore now. ΤοΓο?, and το/οσδε, rotcihs, ro/ovBs, (from οΓο? and δδ) such, so remain/cable. Τοιούτος, τοιαντνι, τοιούτο, Attic roiovrou, (from preced. and ούτος) such, such like, so great. ΤοιοντότξοτΓος, -ov, c, v], (from preced. and τρόττος) of this or like manner, or sort. ΎοΊχ,ος, 'OV, 6, (from T£?;)(;off) a wall ; the side of a ship, &c. Ύοιχωρύχίύ), (from preced. and οξΰσαω) I am a house-breaker. Τοιχωζνχίοι, 'Οίς, vj, (from preced.) house- breaking. , Τοιχ,ωξν^^ος, -ov, 6, (from same) a house- breaker. ΎόκΛ, Dor. for tots, then. Ύοκ,άς, -οίίος, jj, (from perf. mid. of τίκτω) breeding, one who has brought forth. Τοκ,ίτος, -ov, 6, (from same) birth, bear- ing. Ύοκ,ίνς, -ίως, or -τ,ος, 6, (from same) a pa- rent. Ύοκ,Ίζύ), f. -"ισω, (from τόκος) I lend at in- terest. Ύοκισμ,ος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) usury. Ύοκιστνις, -ov, 6, (from same) a usurer. ΎοκογΆνφΐω, (from τόκος and γΤ^ύφω) I inscribe on tablets the sums lejit by me on in- terest ; exact iisimous profits. ΎοκογΤ^ΰφος, -ov, o, (from preced.) a usurer. Τόκος, -ov, 6, (from perf. mid. of τίκτω) a bringing forth, offspi^ing brought forth, interest, the produce or offspring of money lent. Τοκοφοξίω, (from preced. and φίξο)) I bear interest, pay interest. To'h^a.o), -ω, imperf. ΙτόΤ^μ,οίον, -ων, f. -'ήσω, p. τίτότ^μ,Ύΐκο!,, 1 a. iT07^[^-iiacc, (from next) / bear, sustain, dare,venture, care, endure, will, think proper, Jiide 9. Τότ^μ,γι, or τολ^οί, -ης, ί], (from ταλάω) boldness, audacity, courage, fortitude. ToT^^vjiig, -iaaot, -su, (from preced.) en- dowed with fortitude, intrepid, courageous. ΤοΧμγίξός, -ά, -ou, (from same) bold. Το'Αμτίξότίζος, -οί, -ov, (comparative of pre- ced.) bolder. 830 Τολμνιτ'ης, -ov, 6, (from τολμάω) daring, presumptuous. ΤοΆμγιτός, -"ή, -6u, (fr'om same) dared ; to be dared. Το'κΰπΐίνω, (from next) / wind up into a ball, use artifice, bring a laborious work to a close. Τολνττγι, -ης, vi, a ball of wool prepared for spinning ; a kind of wild gourd of poi- sonous quality. Τομ,οΛος, -cc, -ov, (from perf. mid. of τίμ.- voi) adapted for cutting ; cut, clipped. Τόμοίζος, or τομόνζος, -ov, 6, a priest of Jupiter at Dodona ; a prophet. Τομά,ω, (from τομν}) I require cutting. Τομίνς, -ίως, 6, (from next) a cutter, in- strument for cutting ; a section, a segment. Τομνΐ, -^ς, hi (from perf. mid. of τίμνω) a cidting, incision, amputation, trunk. Τόμιον, -ov, TO, (from• same) a piece cut off, a portion : τόμια, τά,, entrails cut out. Τομίς, -ίίος, h, (from same) a knife. Τόμος, -ov, 6, (from same) a slice, section, tome, volume. Τομός, -5}, -ov, (from same) cutting, sharp. Τομωτβξος, -οί, -ο ν, (comparative of pre- ced.) more cutting, sharper. Touύoξίζω, or τονύο^νζω, contr. τονβξύζω, I tvhisper, mutter, murmur. Τονύ^νστνις, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a whis- perer, murmurer. Τόνος, -ov, 6, (from τίίνω) tension, tone, accent, measure, intonation, vehemence; a cable, rope, sinew. Τοζάζύ), (from τόζον) I shoot with a bow. To^ccQiliov, and το^άξίον, -ov, το, (from same) a small bow. Τόξίνμοί, -οίτος, 'το, (from τοζ,ίύο)) an ar- row ; a bow ; a bow-shot. Τοζ,εντ'^ξ, -ΐ^οος, or τοζ,ίντ^ης, -ov, ο, (from same) an archer. Τοξίντός, -ly, -ov, (from next) shot. Τοζίύω, f. -ίνσω, 1 a. iTo^ivacc, (from τό- ξον) I shoot with bow and arrows. ΤοξνίξΥΐς, -ίος, ό, τ], (from same and οίξω) furnished with a bow. ΤοξΊκός, -'/?, -ov, (from τόξον) arched; also, belonging to archery, adapted to or skilled in archery. Τοξοβόλος, -ov, 6, //I, (from same and βύλ- λω) bow- shooting. ΤοξοΙόίμχς, -αντος, and τόξο'^οίμνος, -ov, 6, (from next and Ιοίμάω) that subdues by the boiu. Τόξον, -ov, TO, (from τάξω or τύω) a bow, Kev. vi. 2 ; an arch. Τοζοττοιέω, (from preced. and ττοιΐω) I make boius and arrows, bend, form into a arch. Τοξοσννγ], -γις, gj, (from τόξον) archery. Ύοξοτευχης. A GREEK LEXICON. ΤξαγωδΒω, Ύοξοτίνχνις, -ίος, 6, i}, (from same and ηϋχω) furnished with boiu and arrows. Ύοίόττις, -ου, 6, (from το|ον) an archer. Ύοξότΐί;, -Ίίος, τ], (from preced.) a female archer ; a loop-hole or an engine for shoot- ing arrows. Ύοζου7\.κος, -ου, ο, (from ro^ou and Ϊ7\κ,ω) one that draws the bow, an archer. Ύοζοψόξος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and φί- ρω) that bears a bow and arrows. Ύο'τνά.ζ'.ον, -ου, το, and τοττόίζιος, -ου, 6, a topaze, a precious stone of a pale green with a mixture of yellow, and sometimes of fine yellow like gold ; the topaz of Pliny was opaque and green, probably some spe- cies ΟΪ jasper or agate. See χουσοΚί&ος. Ύοττάζω, (from τόττος) I place, conjecture, guess. Ύοχχ^οίΐ, {το and -τάλδί;) long ago, for- merly. Ύοτιταντά,'ττά,σιν, (same and "ττα,^τά,ττοίσι) at all. ToTTccpci'Tra.!/, (same and ττ ce• ο ύττοί,ιι) altoge- ther, on the ivhole. Ύοττοίξχυτίκιχ, (from same, ττοιρά, and οίυτίχ,α,) immediately, then, at the time. Ύοττά,ξ'/,'ής, -ου, 6, (from τόττος and άξχγ!) a toparch, a governor of a district. ToTToi^yJic, -c&;, '/}, (from preced.) a top- archy, a government of a district. Ύοττ-ζίγο^ίοΐ, -ας, ^, (from τόττος and άγο- ξ6ΰω) a stating of a jjlain subject, a manage- ment of common places in rhetoric. ΎοττοκΤ^ισίχ, -ας, 'ή, (from same and κΚι- σία) a place to recline, the order of reclining at table. ΎοτΓομΛχίω, (from next and μ>ά.χγι) I fight for a place. Ύόττος, -ου, 6, a place, site, station ; a to- pic. Ύο'ττξόσόεν, (το and ττξόσύεν) before^ pre- viously. Ύοττρότίζοΰ, (same and ττξότίζΟ!/) before, sooner. ΎοττρΖτον, (same and 'ttqZtou) at first, first, in the first place. Ύοζίίχ, -ας, yj, (from τοζζύω) turning. Ύύζίυιαα, -ατός, το, (from same) carving. Ύοζίυτής, -ου, 6, (from same) a turner, carver, engraver. Ύοζξυτος, -ij, -ou, (from next) turned, carved, or engraved. , Ύορίΰύ), and τοζίω, (from τέ'^ω) / turn, carve, engrave, pierce, ivnund. Ύοζτι'τός, -'/?, -ou, (from τοζίω) pierced ; liable to be pierced. Ύόρμ,γι, -της, vj, and τό^μος, -ου, ό, (from το- ξω) the nave of a wheel, a hole in a log of wood. Ύο^νίΰω, (from next) / turn at a lathe. Ύόξΰος, -ου, 6, a turner's instrument, a lathe. Ύοξ!/όύ), f. -άσύ), (from preced.) 7 turn ivith a lathe, make round, draw a circle, con- struct, form, mark out. Ύοζϋυη, -γις, 'ή, a ladle. Τοξϋνύ), (from preced.) I stir with a ladle Ύοσοίκις, τοσχυτακις, (from τοσούτος) so often. Ύόσος, τοσοσδδ, τόσσος, τοσσνίνος, -η, -ον, so great, such. Τοσουτΰίζ7ύμος, -ou, (from next and άξΐύ- μος) of so great a number. Τοσούτος, τοσαΰτ-^, τοσούτο, (from τόσο^ and ούτος) so greaf^ so much, so long ; pluF; so many. To'ts, (for TO oTs, the when) then, at that time : τότε, once, sometimes. Towjccut'iou, (for το kuctuTtou) on the con- trary, 2 Cor. ii. 7• Toi}uou,oc, (for το ouo^a} by name, kcctoc being understood. Τουτόίκις, (from τούτο) then. Ύουτίστι, or τουτ 'ίστι, or -ioTiu, (for τούτο Ιστ\) that is. Ύοφεύ, see τα,φίθ. Ύο'ψοα, (from οψξα) as\ long as, until, in the mean time. Ύζαγάκανύοί, -ης, vj, (from τράγος and oiKoiuda). goats-thorn, a kind of thoi-n, with very sharp prickles. Ύζά,γαΚίζω, (from τ^ωγω) I eat, munch, Ύζαγασαιος, voracious. Ύζάγίίος, -a, -ou, (from τζάγος) of a goat. Ύςοίγίλαφος, -ου, 6, (from same and ελα- φος) a goat-stag, a beast with a beard and shaggy hair like a goat, but in other re- spects like a stag. Τξάγ-ή/ίίχ, -ατός, το, (from 2 a. of τξωγω) a dessert, sweetmeats. Ύξοίγ-ψΛτίζω, (from preced.) I cat a des- sert or sweetmeats. Ύξαγϊκος, -'/?, -ou, (from τζάγος) belonging to or fit for tragedy, lofty, pompous ; tra- gical. ΎζαγΙσκ,ος, -ου, ό, (from same) a little goat Ύζάγoκτύuoς, -ου, ο', (from same and κτεί- νω) that slays goats. Ύζόί'/οΐίίάσχ,αλος, -ου, 6, τ], (from next and /ΐΛασχάλ/ι) having arm-pits stinking like a goat. Ύζόίγος, -ου, 6, (either from 2 a. of T^έί, -ατός, το, (for r^Zfioc, from perf. pass, of τιτξωσκ,ω) a ivound, slaughter. Ύζα.νμ.α,τία,ς, -ov, 6, (from preced.) wound- ed, a wounded man. Ύξΰίνμόίτιζω, f. -ίσω, 1 a. ίτζοίνμύτισοί, p. ητξοίνμάτίκοί, 1 a. pass. ΙτξΛνμ,α,τΙσθγιν, p. pass. τίΤζούνμύτίσ/Λοίί, (from same) I wound. ΎξΆφίξος, -», -01/, (from τξίφω) that nou- rishes, that is nourished, fat ; or (from τάζ- φος) compact, solid, firm, 832 5 Ύξόίφγιξ, -ηχΌς, 6, or τξάναξ,, (from r^i- 7Γ6)) a beam, plank, keel of a ship, spear ; basket to carry food. Ύξχχεία, -ας, {], (from τξοίχνς) the tra- chea or wind-pipe. Ύζά,χ^'ήΚια,, -ων, roi, (from τζάχ,ηΤ^ος) pie- ces cut from the neck and of little value, Ύο^αγ,τΐΚιά,ω, -ω, f. -ά,σω, p. τίτ^αχνιΚίοιχοί, 1 a. Ιτξ<χ,χγ;κίασ(Ά, (from same) / lift up the neck, behave proudly, strive against. ΎξοίχγιΚίζω,ΐ. -1σω, p. τίτζοίγ,νβ,ιχοί, p. pass. τζτζο,γ/ήΚίσμ^Λΐ, (from same) I bend back the neck, as in wrestling, or when a victim is going to be sacrificed ; or drag with the neck bent back, as wrestlers used to do by their antagonists ; pass. I am manifested and open to the eyes of the beholder, as a person would be whose neck was bent back and his face exposed, Heb. iv. 13. Ύρ(χ,γ;^'Κισ(Λος, -ov, 6, (from preced.) a bending of the neck backwards. Ύ ξοίχγιλοκοτΓεω, -ω, f. -νισω, (from next and κότΐτω) I cut off the neck, behead ; cut the neck or throat. Τξχχγιλος, -ov, 6, (from τξοίχνς and ^?^ο?) the neck so called from its seven vertebral bones, whose ha)'d projections somewhat re- semble the heads of nails. Τξχχύνω, (from next) / make rough, ex- asperate. Ύξάχί/ς, -sloi, -v, rough, rugged, hard and uneven. Ύξχχντγις, -ητος, vj, (from preced.) rough- ness, disturba7ice. Ύρ(χ,•χ,νφύ)νος, -ov, 6, {], (from same and φω- vvi) that has a rough voice. Τςαχων, -oiuoc, 6, (from τζΛχνς) a rough p)lace. • Ύοά,οί,ί. -ν)σω, p. rir^riKoc, I bore. 'ΐξείς, oi, cci, roi τζίοί, three. T^uaKoiiheica, (preced. καΙ, and δέκβί) thirteen. Ύζίμ,ω, f. -μ,ω, p. mid. τίτξομ», (from τξΒύ)) I tremble, am afraid. Ύξί'ττω, f. τξί-ψω, p. τετξεφχ, 2 a. ϊτ^οΐ'πον, 1 a. mid. ίτζε-ψάμγΐ!', p. mid. τίτξΟ'ττοί, 2 a, pass, ίτξάττιην, p. pass, τετζχμμαι, I turn; τξοίφείς. Gen. xv. 15. ought to be read τα- φίίς, Complut. Ύξίφω, f. ^ξί-ψω, see p. 52, p. τίτζεφα, 1 a. εύξε-ψα, p. pass, τίύ^αμμαι, -φαι, -τι-ται, p. mid. τετζοφα, I feed, nourish, bring up, thicken; pass. / am nourished, sometimes simply, / am. ΎρεχεΙεί'πνος,-ον,ό, ^, (from next and δείττ- vov) that runs to a feast. Ύ^εχο), f. ^ζβω, see p. 52 and 74. 2 a. ί^ξαμον, p. mid. τΐτξοχα, I run. Ύξίύ), f. τζίσύ), p. τετξεκα, I tremble ; also, τξεω, f. τξήοω, I bore, vierce. T^rj^ot,, A GREEK LEXICON. T?''^f. T^vif^cty -urogy το, also, t^j?^)?, ->??, ^,(from τοάω) a perforation, a hole. Ύζ'ή^ωΐ/, -ojuog, o, i], (from τξίω) trembling, timid: rpvjpai^, ^, a dove. Ύζ/ιτος, .'/J, -Qv, (from same) perforated. Ύξ'ήχ,ω, (from r^oiyyg) I am rough. Τζίά,ζύ), (from τρΙς) I am thrice victorious. Τξίοανα, -γις, τ], (from same) a trident. T(Huiv6a, f. -ωσύί, (from preced.) I turn up ground ivith a three-pronged instrument, I shake ivith a trident. Τ()ίοίκαίθζκόί, (from TQSig, kccI, and δίκα) thirteen. Ύριΰκίϋς, -ά,^ος, vj, (from τριάκοντα,) the number thirty, the thirtieth day. Τξίχκοι^ΰοί/χμιχτος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and οίμ,^,α) that has thirty knots. T^iccKovd'/ifAs^og, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from next and viyA^oi) of thirty days. Τζίχκοι/τοί, (from τξείς) thirty. Ύξίακοντοίξ^, (preced. and If) thirty -six. Ύοιχκ,οντοατ'ής, -sog, τξίοίκουτοΰτγις, -sog, 0, VI, and τξίχκοι/τχίτις, -<δο?, '/}, (from same and STog) of thirty years. Ύζιc^κoyτά,κω7rog, -ov, (from same and χ,ω- 'Τΐ-ίΐ) of thirty oars. ΎξιotκouτccfΛvcuog, -ocix, -ouou, (from same and f^ucc) of thirty mince or pounds. Τρίοίκονταττΐντί, (same and -ττίντε) thirty- five. Τξ/χκ,οι/τχζχ,ίχ, -cig, χ, (from same and οίζγ,ω) a govermnent of thirty. Τ QioiKovTocTUaaoiQsg, (same and τίσσχζίς) thirty-four. Ύζίcc}coμτόξγυ{og, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and όζγυίά.) of thirty fathoms. T^iezKoi^To^og, (from same and ί^ίσσω) that has thirty oai's. ' 'ΐζία,κόσιοι, -cci, -a,, (from x^fig and ϊχ,α.- τον) three hundred. T^ictKoaTog, -;j, -ou, (from τ/^ιάκο^τχ) thirtieth. Ύρ /afty.iuog, -ου, tj, (from TQig and oiQuj) that has three masts. '^(>iag, -ocoog, v), (from TQig) a triad, the number three. Τοιαΰχ,-/!!/, -suog, o, v], (from same and ui- X'/ju) that has thi-ee necks. T^'ifiocKog, -'/j, -ov, (from τζίβω) worn, hack- neyed, practised. Ύζίβχνόω, -ω, f. -ωσύ), 1 a. pass, ίτζφοίνω- Qyiu, (from same) / wear aivay, grow old. Τ^//3ά^/3α^ο$•, -ου, 6, vj, (from T(Ag and fia^fict^og) very barbarous. Τξφ'η, -vjg, 71, (from τζίβω) a rubbing, bruising, wear and tear, practice, experience. Ύξ{βoλ£}ίTξόί7reλog, (from next and εκτζχ- TTsXog) most trifling, T^ifioXog, -ου, 6, (from T(>\g, signifying in composition an indefinite number, and βο- 5 T^vj) a thistle, so called from its numerous prickles. Ύξϊβος, 'ου, τ], (from next) a worn way, path, road. Τξΐβω, f. τζί-φω, p. τίτ^'ίφΰΐ, p. pass, τί- τξί/ί^,μαί, p. mid. τίτζίβα, I break, break in pieces, wear away, rub, exercise or prac- tise. Τζίβων, -o)uog, 6, (from preced.) a worn threadbare cloak used chiefly by philoso- phers : τζίβωνιον, -ου, το, η small cloak. ΎξίβωΆκύίς, (from preced.) after the man- ner of a cloak. Ύζίβωνοφοζίω, (from same and φο^έω) I wear a cloak. Ύζίβωυοφοζίοί, -cig, vj, (from preced.) a wearing of the cloak. T^iyay.og, -ου, 6, ί], (from TQig and γύ- fcog) thrice maryned. Τξίγίζων, -ovTog, 6, vj, (from same and yeQuu) very old. Ύζίγλνι, -yig, h, o- mullet, a spear. T^iy'hfivog, -ov, 6, ^, (from T^lg and yX^* VYi) that has three eyes or drops. ΎQiγλoβόλog, -ου, 6, τ}, (from τξίγ'Κγι and βΰ,'ΚΚοί) that catches mullets. Ύξίyλΰφog, -ov, (from τξΐς and γ'Κνφω) that is excellently carved : τζίyλυφog, -ου, τ], or τξίyλυφov, -ου, το, a triglyph. T(ity7\.o)xiv, -Tvog, 6, i], .(from same and yT^axlv) that has thi^ee spikes or prongs. Tqiyouog, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and γόνος) three-born. ΎξΤγωνίζω, (from next) I make a triangle; play on the triangle. T^iycovog, -ov, (from T^ig and γωνίοί) tri- angular ; as a subs, a musical instr?iment of a triangular form. ΎξίΙείξος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and δί/^ί?) that has three necks. Ύζί^ου'λος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and δοίί- λοί) trebly a slave ; a slave of three genera- tions, i. e. whose father and grandfather were slaves. Ύζίού^.οί, -ων, ol, Oil, (from same and δ/- ουμος) three at a birth. Τζίίμβολος, -ov, (from same and 'ίμβολος) that has three beaks. Τζίΐσ'7Γ€ξος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and tV- "TTiQog) of three evenings. T^iSTyiQiKog,-'•/!, -ov, and τζίίτγίζϊς, -t^og, i], (from same and έτοίτ) triennial. T()iiTr,g, -tog, 6, ^, (from same) of three years. ΎζίετίΛ, -xg, i], (from same) three years. Τζίετίζύ), (from ii^me) I am of three years, or i?i my third year. Τζίζέύ), same as τζίζω. Ύζίζυξ, -vyoc, τξίζυγος, -ου, ο, τ}, (from τξΐς and ζυγόν) three yoked together. Ν 833 Τ^ίζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ύξ!<ΰτυχ^ο{. Ύ^ίζω, f. r^;W and Τξ'/|ώί, p. mid. τίτ^ιγοί, I creak^shrieli: rg/^s/v τους ohouTxg,to malce a creaking sound with the teeth, to grind the teeth together, murmur, mourn. ΎξίΥιμξξίοί, -ccg, % (from τξίΐζ and Tj^i^et) the space of three days. Τξίτη/χί7ΓΟΐίο>, -Of, TO, (from same, ij^iavg, and τΓονς) afoot and a half. ΎξΐΥΐ(Λΐωβ67^ιον, -ov, το, (from same and ύβολός) an obohis and a half ΤξΓ/}ζοίξχίω, (from τξίτ^ξτις and οίξχω) I command a iriremis. Τξίτ,ξύξχγΐζ, or τζί'/ΐξχξχ,ος, -ου, 6, (from same) a commaiider of a triremis ; one ivJio at his oivn expense or conjointly with others has fitted out a tiiremis. Ύζίτιζχξχία-, -οίς, 'ή, (from same) the office of a trierarch, whether as to commanding or fitting out a triremis. Τξΐιηξχξχίκ,ός, -v}, -6v, (from same) of a tri- erorch. ΤξίΥΐζΰίύλ^ζ, -ου, 6, (from next and oA'hied) a flute-player on board a triremis. Ύξίγι^νίς, -soc, ^, (from τξίΐ; and εζίσσω) a triremis, a galley with three banks of oars, a ship ofivar. Τζί-ζ-ιζοττοίος, -ου, ό, (from preced. and "ΤΓΟίίοή a builder of a triremis, a ship-carpen- ter. ΎζίκΰίξΥΐνος,τξίκ,ξιαι^ος, and τξΐκϊφοί'Κος,-ου, 6, 7}, (from τξείς and kx^yjuou or κίφοίΧνΐ) that has three heads. Ύζΐκόζνθος, -ου, and τζίχ,οζυς, -ΰύος, 6, (from same and κό^υς) that has a helmet with three cones or tifts on the crest. Ύξίκ,ότΰ'λος, -ου, 6, τ;, (from same and κό- τυΤ^ος) containing three κ,ότυλοί. Ύξίκ,ϋμίχ, -ας, v}, (from same and κυμχ) a triple ivave. Ύξίλλιστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and λ/σ- σομ,αί) thrice prayed for, much desired. Ύζίλοφίά, -ας, v], (from same and Τ^όψος) a triple crest. Ύςίμεζίξω, f. -'ίσω, Attic -:ω, (from same and μέξος) I divide into three parts. Ύ^ΪΙ^ϊτζος, -ου, (from same and /^ιετζον) trimeter, consisting of a triple measure, i. e. of six feet, two feet being taken together in scanning in Greek prosody. ΎζΙμγινου, -ου, το, (from same and μ'ήυ) the space of three months. Ύζί(Λτηνος, -ou, (from same) of three months. Ύζίμ,μ,χ, -άτος, το, (from τξίβω) that which has been rubbed or worn ; a practised or hackneyed speaker, or subtle man in business. Ύξίμμος, -ου, ό, (from same) a path. Ύξίμοξφος, -ou, (from τ^εΊς and μο^φ'/ί} that has three forms. ΎξίόβοΤ^ον, -όν., το, (from same and οβοΤ^ος) a coin equal to three oboli. 834 Ύξίοϊος, -ου, h, (from same and οίος) a place when three ways meet, a place of public resort. Ύζίο^ούς, -όντος, 6, (from same and ο^ούς) having three teeth, a tjident. Ύξίόξγυιος, -ου, ό, r,, (from same and o^- yvioi) if three fathoms. Ύξίόξοφου. See τ^ιω^οφον, Τξίόξχης, and τξίοξχος, -ου, 6, (from τ^είς and οξχίς) that has three testicles; a lecherous person ; a buzzard. ΎξΐόφύαΚμος, -ου, 6, v], (from same and 6φύχ\μος) that has three eyes. ΎξΙίτΓΰίλαί, (from same and ττά,Τ,αί) very long ago. Ύ(Η7Γ(χΧτος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and τάχ- λύή thrice brandished, as a spear that it may be hurled with greater force, hence very piercing. ΎςίττεΙος, -ov, (from same 'and ττους) of three feet. Ύξίττεμ'π-ε'^ος, -ου, 6, ^, (from same and 'κέμ'πεΤ^ος, very old) that is decrepit, that is a dotard. Ύξΐ'τττιχυς, -εος, ό, vj, (from same and ttjj- χυς) of three cubits. Τ^Γ-τΓλάζ/'/)?, -εος, ο, v], (from same and ττλοίυάω) that wanders in various ways. ΎξΤ'ΤΓΤ^οίξ, -οίκ,ος, ο, vi, (from same and 'κ'Κεχ.ω) triple. Ύ^ΐ'ΤΓ'Κά,σιος, -a, -ou, (from same and -^λά- σιoς,fold) threefold, triple : τξΐ'π-λασίως, tre- bly, three-fold or times more, ΎξΙ'ττΤ,εβξος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same and 'ττΤ^ε- ύζου) of three ττΤ^εβξχ, or 300 feet. Ύζί'Τΐϋευξος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same and ττΤ^ευζά,) that has three sides, trilateral. Ύ^ΐοΐΤ^οος -ους, -on -ΐ], -6ου -ουυ, (from τζείς) threefold. Ύζί'ττλόύ), -ω, f. -ωσω, ρ. pass, τετξίτΐλω- μοί!, (from preced.) / treble. Ύζ'ίττο^ΊΌς, -οί, -ου, (from next) of the tripod. Ύξΐ'τΐοΙης, -ου, 6, (from τ^ί'πους) that is three-footed. Ύξίττόύγιτος, -ου, ό, τ]. Dor. τζίττόθα,τος, (from τ(Ας and -ττού^τος) thrice desired or regretted. Ύ^ίτΐοΜς, -εως, τι, (from same and ττολ/?) a triple city, a territory that has three cities. Ύξί'ΤΓόλίστος, -ου, ο, ί], (from same and ττοΤ^ύς) threefold, excessive. Ύξίττολος, -ου, (from same and -ττοΤ^εω) thrice turned or ploughed. Ύζί'ΤΓους, -ο^ος, ό, ^,(from same and 'ττους) that has three feet ; a tripod, a table, seat, cauldron, or vase, ivith three feet. Ύζΐ'ΤΐΤ'ήζ, -τΐζος, 6, (from τ^ίβω) a pestle. Ύξί'τττΰχος, -ου, (from τζίς and τττνσσω) of th-ee folds. Τξ^ωλοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. ' Ύζΐφάαιοζ, ΎζίττωΚος, -ov, (from same and 'TtZiho^j) drawn by three horses. Ύςΐίρόϋμ,ος, -ou, (from next and pvfAo;) that has three poles, i. e. fitted for six horses. Τξΐς, (from τξίΐς) thrice. Ύζ'ΐσάύλιος^ -a, -O!/, (preced. and οίύλίος) very miserable. ΎζίσχΆιτνιοιος, -ου, 6, (same and χλίτνιςιος) a very sinful or flagitious person. Tpiaocoidy.og, -ov, (same and ά,ζίθμ,ος) tripled. Toiaa.cy.iuog, -y], ou, (same and dia/icsuog} most luilUng. Τοισίτ^ηνος, -ου, 6, jj, (from same and σί- y^yiTfi) of three moons, oj three nights. Τζίσίνοχι\ϋ,ων, -όνος, 6, 7], (same and ev- ^Λίμω'^) thrice happy. Ύ otaKocihiKoi, (same, ku], and όίκοί) thir- teen. Τζίσκχιοίκΰίτος, -άτ/ι, -ctrov, (from pre- ced.) thirteenth. ΎζίσκαιΙίκοίφόζος, .Q'j, (from same and (ps- ρω) bearing fruit thirteen times. Ύ^ζακΛίύζκνιογ,ς, -ίος, 6, τι, (from same and Ιοεσσω) t/iat has thirteen benches of rowers. Ύ ζΐσ-Λο,κ,ο^οίίίΛων, -οι/ος, 6, ij, (t^^(οι, -α,ι, -cc, (same and χ,ίλιοι) three thousand. Ύζίσω{Λοίτος, τζίσωμ,ος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and σω'/.Λ) that hath three bodies. Ύοιτα,γοίνιστΥις, -ου, 6, (from τρίτος and άγωνίσττίς) an actor luho plays third parts. Ύ^'ίτοιΊος, -ccicc, -cciou, (from, τ^ίΓ^•) of three days, on the third day. ΎζίτοίΤ^οι,ι/τιοίϊος, -aiu, -oCiou, (from same and τάΧαντον) that weighs three talents. ΤζΙίτΜλχι/τος, -ου, (from same) of three talents. Ύξίτόίλάς, -ΛΐυΛ, -«.υ, (from τζϊΊς and τάλχς) thince wretched. Ύζίτοίτος, -yj, -ου, for τξίτος. Ύζίτϊΐ/^ίοΙζίος, or τζΐτ-ημάξίος, -cc, -ου, (from τζίτος and ^o7qcc) that consists of a third part : τζίτ/ζι/^όξίου, -ου, το, a third part. Ύοίτ•/ιμοξΙς, -ίοος, vj, (from same) a third part. Ύ(Ητοβόίμω7, -νις, h, (from next) a hole, a ca- vern, a cavity made by erosion. Ύφγω, f. τξωξω, p. τίτξωχ», 2 a. stqoc- you, I eat. ' Ύζωκτης, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a glutton; or (from τζωγ,άω) a rover, a knave. Ύρωκ,τος, -^, -ov, (from τζωγω) eaten, that may be eaten : τζακτοί, τοί, same as τξωγοί- "hicc. Ύξωμχ, or τζωνμ^Λ, "ccrag, ro, or τξωμτ], -ϊΐς, V], same as t^xv^uoc. Ύξωμ,Λτίχς, same as τξχνμαίτίχς. Ύξωμ^οίτίξω, same as τξοίνμοίτίζω. Ύξω^ϊμος, -ov, (from τξάγω) eatable. Ύξωξίς, -eag, v], (ft'om same) eating. Ύζωττύω, or t^ottsw, same as τζίττω. Ύ^ωσις, -ιος, Attic -&ως, tj, (from τξωω) a tuound. Ύξωτος, -55, -oy, (from same) wounded, vul- nerable. Ύξαχά,ω, for τζοχύω. Ύξάω, f. τζό)σω, I hurt, wound. Ύύ, Dor. for σν, thou. Ύυγχοί^ύ), (from τεύχω, which see for the tenses, see also p. 70 and 96) I am, happen, obtain, enjoy : κατά το tvx,6u, according to what may be, perhaps : τυγ,ων, common, or- dinary, I. e. such as is every where. Acts xix. 1 1 . xxviii. 2. Ύνκίζω, or τνχίξω, (from τνκος) I ham- mer. Ύύκισμ>Λ, -α,τος, ro, (from preced.) a fa- bric, building. Ύνκος, or ,τνχος, -ου, 6, a hammer. Ύυκ,τος, -vj, -ou, (from next) made, fabri- cated, prepared. Ύΰκω, same as πίχω. Ύΰλΰί, --ης, 7], or τίλο?, -ου, ο, α callosity produced by labour. Ύν'Κόω, -ω, f. -ύσύ), 1 a. pass. &τυ7\.άύκν, p. pass. τ£τνλω/ΐΛχί, (from preced.) I make hard or callous ; pass. / am callous. Ύυ'ΚωΙνις, -eog, 6, tj, (from same) callous. ΎυΤ^ωτός, -ij, -ou, (from same) knotty. Ύύμβίυμοί, -ατός, το, (from next) a corpse. Ύυι^βζΰω, (from τύμβος) I bury. Ύυμ,βτί^Ύΐς, -eg, (from same) entombed. Ύυμ'βοξνχ,ος, -ου, 6, (from next and οζϋσσω) u grave-digger. Τύμβος, -ου, 6, a tomb, sepulchral mound, grave, a place where a corpse has been burned, a tomb having a statue. " Si quis bustum (nam id puto appellari τύμβου) aut monumentum, inquit, aut columnam violarit, dejecerit,fregerit.^* Cic. de Legibus, ii. 26. ' Ύυμβοχοίω, -ω, and -γ,ίύω, (from preced. and χόω) I raise a tomb. Ύυμβοχόος, -ου, 6, '^,(from preced.) raising a tomb. 838 Ύυμβόχωστος, -ov, (from same) raised for a tomb. Ύύμμώ, -ocTog, το, or τύμμγι, -yjg, i], (from τύτΓτω) a stroke, blow, wound. ΎυμτΐοίνΊζω, f. -taa, p. τετυμττχνικ,χ, 1 a. pass. ίτυμτΓοίνΙσθγιν, (from τύμ'ΚΛνον) I bas- tinade, torture or kill by beating with sticks or batoons, Heb. xi. 35; also, beat as a drum, 1 Kings xxi. 13. Ύυμττάυισμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) bas- tinading ; the beating of a drum. Ύυμ'ττχνίστζίχ, -ocg, vj, (from same) a fe- male performer on the tympanum or drum. ΎύμΊΐάυου, -ου, το, (for τύ'κχυον, from τύτΐτω) a timbrel, tabor or drum, or other similar musical instrument beat with a stick ; also, a stick or batoon. Ύυvhόίζ^ωuv^, -rig, vj, a daughter of Tyn• dams. Ύυι/ΙχξίΙχί, -ων, οι, the sons of Tyndarus, i. e. Castor and Pollux. Ύυννός, or τυνος. Dor. little. Ύυννουτος, or τυυουτος, (from preced. and ούτος) so little, such. ΎυντΧά,ζύ), (from next) / break the clods, besmear with clay, abuse, revile, Τύι/τΆος, -ου, ο, mitd, clay. Ύύτ^ή, -ν^ς, {], (from perf. mid. of τύ'τττω) a stroke. Ύν'ΤΓίς, -βος, 9], (from same) a hammer. Ύνττος, -ου, 6, (from same) an impression njade by stinking, a mark, form, figure, image, pattern, model, example, emblem, type. See p. 150. ΎΰΊΐόω, -0), f. -ίασω, 1 a. Ιτύ'πωσΛ, (from preced.) I form, mark, stamp, make an im- pression. ΎύτΓτω, (see p. 29 — 34) I strike, smite, beat, wound. Τύττωμοί, -οίτος, το, (from τυχόω) a thing formed, an urn. Ύύττωσις, -ίως, ij, (from same) an impres- sion. Ύυξοίνι/ίίοι/, -ου, το, (from τύζχννος) the palace of a tyrant. Ύνζχι^^ίύω, and τυζο,νήω, -ω, (from same) / rule, commaiid, govei'n ; rule without con- trol or despotically. Ύυ^χυνΙχ, -α,ς, v}^ (from same) a king- dom, government. ΎυξχννΙξύΛ, (from same) / tyrannize, fa- vour tyranny. Ύΰξχνι^ϊκ,ός, -sj, -ou, (from same) of a king, royal ; of a tyrant, tyrannical: τυ^χνυικως, like a tyrant., cruelly. Ύύξχννίς, -i'So?,^,(from τύq^Λuuoς)arbitra7^y power, sovereignty, a kingdom, government ; also, a queen, wife of a frince or governor. Ύυξxuuoκ.τόuog, -ου, 6, ^, (from next and KTiiua) a regicide, a tyrant-slayer. Ύυξανιος. A GREEK LEXICON. Ύΰξοα/Ρύ;^ -ov, ο, tj, a king or queen, with- out any reference to despotic power; so Lat. tyrannus; a sovereign, an arbitrary monarch, one who has acquired power over a state which had been free, a despot, a ty- rant, Τνοχι,μος, -o'j, (from preced.) royal. Ύνξβύξύ), (from next) / raise a tumuU, disturb, Luke x. 41. ΤύοιΙ-ζι, -rig, vj, a tumult, Lat. turba. Tvpivucc, 'OCTog, το, (from next) fresh cheese. Ύυξίύω, f. -svacu, same as τνοόω. Ύυζογλνφος, -ου, 6, (from τυ^ος and yT^v- (pci) a gnaiver of cheese. Ύυζόίΐς, -ίσσα, -iv, (from τυρρς) of cheese. Τυξό-Α^ηστις, -ίως, v}, (from same and κνοιω) a cheese-knife or grater. Ύν^ο-τΓΟίΤνίύ), (from same and 'πωΤ^ίω) I sell cheese, sell like a cheesemonger. Τυροττύλης, -ου, ο, (from preced.) a cheese- monger. Τύξό;, -ου, 6, cheese, curd. Ύϋξόω, -ω, f. -ιύσω, 1 a. Ιτύζασχ, 1 a. pass. ίτυξωύ-/ιν, p. pass, τίτύ^αμαίΐ, (from preced.) / coagulate, make into cheese, harden ; hence also, / stir up, disturb. Ύύρρις, or τϋ^σις, -ιος, '/}, ("ilio) a tower. Ύυούοης, -ζς, (from τυξος) caseous, curdled. Ύυτύος, -vj, -6u, little, youiig : τυτύον,ηβηί. sing, and τυτβχ, neut. pi. adv. a little. Ύύφί^οίνος, -ου, ο, (from τΰφώ) a smoking old fellow. Ύυφλόττους, -οίος, ο, '^, (from next and -TTfjug) that has blind or erring feet. ^Γίφλος, -^, -ov, blind. Ύυφλότγις, -ητος, 'ή, (from preced.) blind- ness. Τυφλού), -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τίτΰφλωκΛ, 1 a. ίτΰφλωσοί, 1 a. pass, ίτυφλωθ-^ν, (from same) / blind. Τυφλύ)ττω, (from same) / am blind. Ύΰφο'/ί^ω», -ouToc, 6, (from τόφω and γί- ξων) a vain old man. Ύυφο(/,ανΊοί, -χς, '/], (from same and μαίί:/ί^) extravagant or insane pride. Ύϋφος, -ου, 6, (from τύφω) smoke, pride, haughtiness, insolence, infatuation. Ύυφόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τίτύφο,ικοί, 1 a. pass. ΐτυφύ)9γιν,^. pass. τίτΰφω[/.χι,{(τθϊΏ preced.) / raise or make a smoke ; pass. / ajn inso- lent, elated or puffed up with pride and in- solence. TO φα, f. ^ΰ•φύ),^ 1 a. ίύυ-ψα, I raise a smoke, groiu loarm, burn. Τϋφών, -Z'jog, or τϋφως, -ω, 6, (from pre- ced.) a typhon, a whirlwiiid. ΤυφωΆ-ΛΟζ, -ij, -6•/, (from preced.) tem- pestuous, violent, luhirling. Acts xxvii. 14. Τυχ,χΊοζ, -oclct, -cilou, (from τύχτι) fortui- tous, fortunate. Τυχ,ίω, f. -γ,σω, see ηΰγ/,). Τΰγ;/ι, -Υις, τ], (from τυ'/γ,ά,νω) fortune, suc- cess, chance, luck, mishap. Τνγ,Υιζος, -06, -ou, same as τυχχΊος. ΤυχΊκος, -'^, -όν, same as τυχ,χίος. Τνχο!/, (neut. of τυχών, part. 2 a. of τυγ- χάνω) pei'haps. Τυ-χ,όντως, (from gen. of same) at hazard, rashly. Τύχος, -ου, 6, for τίυχος, a tool, chisel, battle-axe. Τω, and τω κί, for τιΑ, and Tivi,for this reason, therefore, then, in that case. Τω, Dor. for του. ΤωγοιΚμο/!,, for το oiyoi\uoi. Τωύύζω, Dor. τωύύσ^ω, I scoff, mock. ΤώλΥιύίς, for TO ύλ-^ύίς. Τώς, for ως, and τ ως. Dor. for ούτως, thus, and for ου, where. Τώυτο, gen. τώυτίου, for το χυτό, του αυτού, the same. Τωφζθ, see τΛφΐύ. T,'ipi-h6u,\.e. υ small or slender, ashewg'.ced as a vowel. Its sound or power is generally slender or short in sound; so ' called, perhaps, to distinguish it from the diphthong ου, which was pronounced long. It is the twentieth of the more modern Greek letters, and the first of the five ail- ditional ones. Its name seems to be taken from that of the Hebrew τ (vau) pronoun- likewise the vowel sound of the Hebrew ; Vaji, but before an / followed by another I vowel, it is pronounced almost like the I English w, or, on account of the aspirate j breathing, like wh as in ύίος, whios. The I form Τ (of which the small υ seems a cor- I ruption) approaches to that of the Phe- 839 ''τ. A GREiJK LEXICON. "Ύδψζ, nician Vau, as sometimes written, and no doubt was taken from it. "T y, i) υ, the sound made by a person smelling strongly to any thing. 'Tdhg, -ων, oci, (from νω) the Hyades, the coincidence of whose rising with sun- rise was supposed to indicate rain. "Ύοιιι/α., --/ις, τ], (from ν ς) a hycBna, 'Ύά,χ,ιυ^νφα,φνις, -ig, (from vxKiuuog and βχφ'ί]) dyed of a hyacinth colour. 'Τόίκ,ίνβίνος, -Yi, -ou, (from next) of the colour of a hyacinth, hyacinthine, 'purplish, blue, or black. In Rev. ix. 17- ττυζίϋους κοίϊ CuKiudii/ovg Koii ^ξίωΐίΐς, may be explain- ed by -ττυξ Kocl KocTcuog koc\ ^ilov, in the end of the verse. The burnished armour of the riders shone like fire, became tinged with a black and blue smoky colour, and be- came encrusted with sulphur, from the fire, smoke, and brimstone, which issued from the horses' mouths. 'Tax-ii/uog, -ov, 0, a flower, the hyacinth ; a precious stone, the jacinth, a gem of a violet colour. The hyacinth of Pliny is now thought to be the amethyst of the moderns ; and the amethysts of the ancients are now called garnets. In LXX, this word is used for nban Exod. xxv. 4. 2 Chron. ii. 7, 14. and iii. 14, in our vei'sion rendered blue ; and for ir^nn " badgers' skins," Ezek. xvi. 10 ; and in both instances a colour or tincture is intended. It occurs as the name of a precious stone. Rev. xxi. 20. By the laws of Gratian, Valerian, and Theodosius, the use of the hyacinthine dye was prohi- bited to private persons. 'Ύά,Τανος, -luvi, -ivou, (from ί/οίλο?) of glass, or crystal, crystalline ; hence Milton's ex- pression, P. L. vii. 619. " On the clear hyaline, the glassy sea." denoting the splendid appearance of the surface of the sea in calm weather,• and Rev. XV. 2. ^cu\ex.aauu iicChiviiv (Λίμ,ιγμίνν,ίΐ -ττυξΐ, ** a sea of glass mingled with fire:" the same splendid appearance heightened by the reflected rays of the sun; an emblem of rest, and purity, and glory. 'Τ<κλο£;δ)5ί, -sog, 6, vi, (from same and gf- δο?) resembling crystal or glass, trans- parent. 'Txhoug, -ίσσοί, -su, same as υάλινος. "ToiTiog, or veT^og, -ου, vj, (from ίλτη, splen- dour) glass, crystal, Job xxviii. 17• Rev. xxi. 18. Virg. Georg. iv. 335. Aristoph. Νίφ. 768. 'Ύββά,ΚΚω, for ύ'κοβάΧΚω. '~T/3oV, -y\, -ou, hump-backed, gibbous. '^Ύβζίζω, f. -7σύ), p. υβξΐκ,α,, 1 a. νβξίσοί, 1 f. pass, νβζίσύτίσομοίί, 1 a. pass, νβζ'ισΰγιν, 840 p. pass, υβζίσμ,α,ί, (from next) / treat with insolent or contumelious injury, I reproach, I am petidant or lewd. "Ύβξίς, -tog, Attic -iag, 9], insolent, or con- tumelious treatment, abuse, injury, damage, petulance, insolence, pride ; immodesty, lewd- ness, fornication, adultery. "Ύβξίσι^ιχ,, -uTog, το, (from νβξίξω) an in- sult, outrage, injury. 'Ύβξίστνίξ, -vi^og, and νβξίστγ,ς, -ου, ο, (from same) one who is insolently injurious, de- spitefid, proud ; a lewd, wanton, luxurious person. 'Ύβξίστ'ϊκ,og,-yι, -oV, (from ^ame) prone to hijure, insolent, oidrageous, luxurious, 'Ύβζiστόg, -ij, -6u, (from same) treated with insolence or contumely. 'Ύβξίστζίοί, -oig, tj, (from ύβζίστ'^ζ) ά proud, reproachful, despitefid, or injurious woman. 'Tyslx, contracted for {jyUioc. 'Ύγιά,ξω, f. -όίσω, p. ύγίακα., 1 a. pass. ύγιά,σθγιι/, (from vyivig) I make sound, heal. '^Tyioiiya, f. -οίνω, (from same) / am in health, am well, am sound, am sincere; I conduce to health, make and keep well, am salidary, am wholesome. '^Tyieicx., -Oig, vj, (from same) health; the goddess of health, Hygeia. '^Tytiiuog, -ij, '6v, (from same) healthy, saluby^ious : vyisiuag, healthily. '^TyiYi^og, -a, -6v, (from next) robust, wholesome. ' Tyiyjg, -eog, -oiig, 6, ij, το -ες, sound, whole, in health, wholesome, right : vyiag, soundly, rightly. "^Ty^xiva, (from vy^og^ I make wet. ' Ty^ocaioi, -ccg, 7}, (from preced.) wetness, moisture, water. 'Ty^ofiikTig, -iog, 6, {j, (from next and μύ- λος) that has weak, flexible, supple limbs. '^Ty^og, -a,, -ov, (from υω) wet, moist, green; flexible, weak: vy(>Zyg,pliantly, easily. 'TyQOTvig, -■ητος, τ], (from preced.) mois- ture, humidity ; flexibility, agility, incon- stancy. '''^Ty^aao), (from same) / am watery. 'T^ce^oj?, -ϊς, (from ί/δω^) watery, fluid, tender, feeble. 'Ύ^ά,τίνος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) watery, fit for the uiater. 'Ύΐοίτόίΐς, -εσσα,,-εν, (from %?οα\ο) watery . ' Ύ'^ατόκΆυστος, -ov, (from same and κ,7\.ύ• ζω) washed with water. ' Ύ'^ά,το'τξζφ'ής, -iog, 6, i], (from same and τζίφω) nouiished by water. 'Τδίίτώδίΐί, -eg, (from ΰΖωξ) watery, of a water colour. 'Ύΐξξίκος, -VI, -ov, (from next) dropsical. "Ύ^ίζος, -ου, 6, (from υ^ω^) dropsy. 'rdm. A GREEK LEXICON T/ii. "Τδνον, -ov, TO, a swelling, mushroom, truffle. "Ύοζϋ, -χ;, 'ή, (from v'huo)a hydra, water- serpent. ' T'oPu.ycuyiuv,-ov, το, (from same and οίγω) a leading or conducting of luater, a conduit. '^Ύοζά,γωγος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) a conductor of water, an aqueduct. T^pstivo), f. -«>ώ5, 1 a. raid. v^orjuSiyy/ii/, (from ϋ^ύ)ο) I luater, moisten, wash. 'Ύίξεία, -χ;, vj, (from same) a drawing rf water, a place to draw water. 'Ύοξ•7ον, Ion. v'^^'/jl'ou, -ου, το, (from same) a pitcher, bucket, cistern, well. "Ύοξζυμ,χ, -ατός, το, (from next) a water- ing, a well. Τ'6ζίύομ,χί, f. -ίύσο^χι, 1 a. ύοζζυσχι/^/ιν, (from υΐωο) I draw or fetch water. Τδ^//λον, ->?> -o'j, (from same) watery, wet, tuell-watered. ''^^ξ'Ίχόος, -ov, (from same and χίω) that 2)ours water. ΎοΡίϋ, -χς, 7], (from ν'^ωο) a vessel to hold water, a water-pot, a pitcher, a jar. 'Ύΐζίΰίφόζος,-ου, ό, τ], (from preced. and φίοω) that carries a water-pitcher. 'Ύοξίσκη, -της, ij, (from ύΙξίχ)α little ivater- pot, pitcher or jar. 'Τδ^ο£/δ'«ί5•, -£?> (from υΙύ}ο and ίϊ^ος^ re- sembling water. ' Ύΐζοκ-/ΪΚίχ, -χς, 'ή, (from same and x'^Ajj) a swelling of water. 'Ύ'^ΡΟ'ΤΓοσίχ, -χς, v), (from same and tt'iuo)) luater-drinJcing. 'Ύΐρο'ΤΓοτίω, -ω, (from same and ττόο)) I drink water. ' Ύορο'τΐόττ,ς, -ου, ο, (from preced,)» water- drinker. Ύ^ξοζόχ, and ύ^ξοββόχ, -χς, τ}, (from ΰ^ωρ and ρίω) a water channel or gutter. "Ύ^^ος, -ου, 6, (from υθύ)ο) a water-snake. 'Ύοζοφόβος, -ου, ό, 7], (from same and φό- βος) that supers under hydrophobia. 'Τοζοφοζίω, (from same and φίςω) I carry water. ' Ύοζοφοζίχ, -χς, ή, (from same) Me carry- ing of water. ' Ύ^ξοφόξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) a carrier of luater. Ύοζόγ,ύτος, -ου, ο, τι, (from ϋοωζ and χίω) that pours water ; that on which tvater is j)oured. 'Ύύζύίτηχω, (from υθ(>ω•ύ/) I am dropsical. 'Ύΐ)ζω7τΧ)(,6ς, -Yi, -6u, (from next) dropsical. "Ύΐζωφ, -ωτΓος, ό, (from ϋοω(^) the dropsy. "Ύόύ), ύΐίω, ύόίίω, (same as xdm) I sing, praise, celebrate, relate, name. "Ύ^ωζ, υοχτος, το, water, John iii. 23. or; ΰ^χτχ τΓολλχ Tjv Ικύ, " because there were many waters there." Probably it was a place abounding in springs. Bishop Pearce on the place. It seems from verses 22, 23, that Jesus and John were at that time in the same place, or Jesus was in Salim, and John in Enon, which are said to be near each other ; and the " many waters there" are mentioned to show that the two dis- tinct bodies of disciples might, in that neighbourhood, attend their respective masters, and observe apart the ordinance of baptism. Griesb. mentions one MS. which in verse 22 reads ίβχτττιζοι/. So also Euthymius andChrys. 8. 164. D. as quoted by Bloomfield on the place. "Ύϊίος, -iix, -iio'j, (from υ ς) of or belong- ing to swine. "Ύξλος, -ου, tj, same as ΰχλος. 'Ύίτίζω, f. -Ίσω, p. ύίτίκχ, (from ύετος) I rain. 'Ύίτιος, -χ, -ou, (from next) rainy. 'Ύετός, -ου, ό, (from υω) rain, properly a shower, as distinguished from 6[α,βξος, con- tinued rai?i. 'Ύ'ή^ής, -ίος, ο, 'η, (from νς) swinish, brutal, stupid. 'Ύγΐ'Αχ, -χς, vj, (from same) grossness, stupidity. ^ 'Ύύλίά), (from next) I talk idly, trifie. "Ύ^'Κος, -ου, 6, idle talk, babble. Ύβίον, -ου, το, (from υιός) a little son, a little child; (from υ ς) a little pig. Ύίίύς, -ίως, and -έος, ace. υίίχ, contr. υίχ, dat. pi. υίίσσι, (from υΙος) a son. Ti'ioiou, -ου, To,'(same as υ'βίθ!/)α little son. 'Ύϊκος, -55, -0!/, (from υς) swinish. Ύίοθίσίχ, -χς, 'ή, (i. e. υίου Βίσις, the mak- ing or constituting of a son) adoption. Ύίοττοίίομχί, (from next and 5ro/gω) that runs in the woods. 'Ύλομανίω, -ω, (from same and μ,ίχ,ίυο- (Λοίΐ) I grow wildly luxuriant ivith wood or leaves. 'Ύ'λοτόμ^ος, -ου, ό, ί?, (from same and ts/h- νω) a wood-cutter, a feller of timber. 'Ύλουξγος, -ου, 6, (from same and 'i^you) a worker in wood, a corj)enter. ' Ύλοφοζβός, -ου, ό, (from same and φίζβω) that feeds in a forest. ' Ύ'Κογ,ΛΟίύ), -ω, f. -νισω, (from same and γ,(Χ.Ιοω) I shoot forth branches luxuriantly. 'Ύ'Κω'^Υϊς, -iog, 6, ij, (from ίίλι?) woody, abounding in matter or substance, rich. 'T^sBccttoV, -vi, -ou, (from next and δά- •TTsBoz/) of yqur country. 842 'Ύμείς, Ion. νμ,ίζς, iUol. υμ,ες, or ν/^ίμες, dat. ΰμ,μι, acc. υμμε, you. 'T[/,i;, (from same and άφ- goV) rheumy. 'Ύττάφζων, -ovog, 6, vi, (from same and όίφζων) rather foolish or stupid. 'Ύ'κίyyυog, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and ly- yt/4j) under a pledge, pawned ; under bail, answerable, obnoxious. 'Ύτηγχίω, (from same and tyxioy) I sup- ply with drinh. 'TTcilliiaoiu, poet, for ύτίίΐασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. of ύτΓο'^ίΐ^ω. 'Ύττίβομαί, (from υττό and εΐΐω) I observe from under, suspect. 'Ύττίίκω, VTroiUa, and ντ^ζίκοίύω, (from same and ύ'κω) I submit myself, obey with submissive respect. "Ύτηιμ,Ι, (from same and ζΐμΐ) I am un- der ; or (si/if'{} I go under. "Ύττίίξις, -sag, Vj, (from iTtiUa) submission. 'T'TvuTtiiu, (inf. 2 a. of ύτΐί'τΐω) to reply, to speak after another, to confirm ; to say in a low voice or by stealth. ίτΐίΐ^, poet, tor υτπζ. ' Ύτιηίξοχος, poet, for oiri^oxog. 'Τ'τηίσΙυμ.ί, or ύττείσΐύω, (from ύ-ττό and ίί'σ^υ/ΐίή I go into privately. 'ΎτΓίίσέξχομοίΐ, (from same and ίΐσίξχο- μοίί) I enter secretly. 'Ύΐΐζισφω, (from samie and ίΐαφω) Ifiow into privately. 'Ύ'^ζκοΐ^ξά.σκ,ο), (from same and ί•/2ί^ξάσ- κ,ω) Ifiee out privately. 'Ύ'τΐί^ϋμ/ι, -Ιϋυω, or -^ϊϋω, (from same and 'ύ^Ιυ^Λΐ, &c.) / draw off privately, with- draiv. 'Ύττεκβίω, (from same and εκύέύ)) I run out j)rivately. 'Ττηκ,κ,αίο), f. -α,ύσω, (from same and U- κ,οίΐ'ω) I burn out by little and liitlc. 'Ύττίκκα,υμα, -xrog, to, (from, preced.) an incentive. ' Ύτέκ.κ.ίίμαι, i^rom ύττο and εκαείμαή I expose pinvately. ' Ύτ^ίκ^ΎΛυο), (from same and ΐΆκκίναϊ) I decline, avoid. 'Ύτηκκομ,ίζοί, (from same and Ικχ,ο^.ίζο}) I carry out by stealth. I 'Ύ'^ίχλαμζ,άνω, A GREEK LEXICON. 'ΎττζκΚχμ,βόίνω, (from same and Ιχλα,<*- βάνω) 1 take out secretly , withdraw from danger, rescue. 'ΎΊΤίκ^ϋω, (from same and ly.'hva) I re- lease 'privately, relax. 'ΎτΐίκττίίΛΤΓύ), (from same and ly.T^kf^'Troi) I send away by stealth. ' Τ'τΐίκ'π^.ίω, (from same and Ικ'ττΤ^.ίω) I sail out privately, withdraw. 'Ύπ-εκ,ττξοβίω, (from same, sk, tt^o, and ^ίω) I run out from, outrun. 'Ύ'τηκ,τΓζοΤ^ύω, (from same, ϊκ, -r^o, and 7^0)) I loosen from under. ' Ύτεκττξοζίω, (from same, ΐκ, '^qo, and βίύ)) I flow out from under. 't'7:iK'77(i(j(piiiya, (from same, l«, '^τζο, and φζϋ'/ω) I escape privately. 'Ύ'ττεκξίω, -6j, (from same and Ικζίο)) I flow out jjrivately, withdraw. 'Ύττεκξ'/ιγνυμι, (from same, ίκ, and /sjjy- uvfci) I burst out from under. 'Ύ-τηκζίτΓτω, (from same and Ικζίτττα) I cast out. 'Τ7Τ£κσχύ)ζο), or ύ'ττίκ,σόίζύ), (from same and ίκσοίύζω) I save from, deliver out of. 'Ύ'τζΐκτ'ίθϊΐμ,'ί, (from same and ίκτίύημ,ί) I remove and place in safety. ' Ύττε-ΛΤζίττα, (from same and £κτξί'7rύJ) I put aside ; mid. / turn aside from, neglect. 'Ύττίκ,τξί'/^ύ)^ (from same and Ικ,τξέ^ω) I run away out of; mid. / elude, shun. 'Ύττεκφίζω, (from same and £•/.φίζύ)) I carry out from under or privately, carry out from danger. 'Ύ'π£χ,(ρίΰ^ω, (from same and \•/,φ•ΰγύ)) I escape privately, oy flee away, from. 'Ύτηχ-χίο), or ύτηκ,γ,ύω, (from same and ίκχ,ίω) I pour out under, privately, or softly. 'Ύ'7Τ£κχ,ύ)ξβύ), (from same and Βκχ,ωζίύ;) I I'ctire gradually or privately. 'ΎτίίΚαι,ύνύ), (fronj same and thaijuo)) I drive or ride undev or towards, drive gently. 'TTrvjavTioof^ai, (from same and iuccuTio- oy^cci) I oppose. 'Ύ'ΤΓίναΐίτίος, -ice, -iou, (from same and iu- άυτιος) contrary, adverse; plnr. adversaries. 'Ύ7ΐ£υα,ντΊο)σις, -eug, vi, (from s^nc and kycturi^aig) opposition, contradiction. 'Τττενοί'όω^.ί, (from same and iuoiOa^.t) I yield. 'ΎτΓί'^ούύ), (from same and iuovo)) I put on under, pjit on. ' Ύτΐί'Αγκύ), see ύττοφίζω. 'Ύ'πενίίκω, (from ύττο, iu, and ti'^u) I withdi'aiu insensibly, convey away. ' Ύ-π-ί'^ί^θί, (from same and 'ΐι/ίζύή under, beneath. 'Ύ'τηζ,οίγω, (from same and lc,a,yQ) I lead out or convey away privately. 'Ύττίζοιίοίσίς, -iO)c, 'νίάω) I am in extreme distress or fear. ' Ύττεζάνις, -ίος, ό, vj, (from same and ά'ω) blowing from above or violently. ' Ύττεξχύετέω, -ω, (same and άύετίω) I despise. 'Ύττεξαίνετο;, -jj, -ov, (same and ult/erog) very praise-worthy. ' ΎτΓίζοίίζω, (same and αϊ^ω) I lift up above, lift up exceedingly ; puss. I excel. ' Ύ'ττέξο.ισχζος, -ου, 6, ί], (same and ci/V- pc^^of) very base. 'Ύττεζαιωοίομοοί, (same and ctlaqia) I hang, float, hover, over. ' ΎτΓέζχκ/^οί, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and 84ϋ ' Ύ'τηζ^α,χοντΙζω, A GREEK LEXICON. ηζ. «x^oj) beyond or past the fiower of ones age. See 1 Cor. vii. 36, where the prefer- able reading is γχίΜίτο)^ and corap. Sirach xlii. 9. ' Τττβζόίκ,οντίζω, (same and α,χοντίζω) I throw a javelin over or beyond^ outdo, excel. 'Ύτιτεοιζκζϊβνίς, -ίος, ο, ^, (same and άκξΐ- βνίς) over-exact or scrupulous, very accurate. ' ΎττέξΜκξίζω, (from same and όίκξος) I go over the top, mount over. ' ΎτΓβξάίκξίος, -ου, ο, % (from same) over the top. 'Ύττζζΰ,κζως, (from same) in the extreme, in the highest rank, extravagantly. ' ΎττίζοίΤ^γίω, [v'TTS^ and ά,'Κγΐω) I am ex- ceedingly grieved. ' TiTi^a'hyvig, Λος, 6, v], (from same) suf- fering excessive pain or grief. 'Ύτπζ^οίΤικ,ν,ς, -ίος, 6, vi, (from ύττξζ and ά,7\.κ'}\) exceedingly strong. 'Τ-τΓί^άλλο^δί/, (same and α,'κ'Κομ,Λί) I leap ov jump over, excel. 'Ύττίξχλλος, -ov, 0, oj, (same and οίλλος) that is above others, superior. 'TTTs^oiucciUofiioci, (from same and duxi- Zsicc) I am sutpas singly impudent; or Jam surpassed in impudence. 'ΎτΓζο^Λυούσχ,υι/τος, -ου, 6, h, (same and ά,ΐ/ούνχυντος} exceedingly impudent. 'Ύ-ττί^άΐ/ύξωττος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (same and oiu- θ^ωττος) super-human. 'Ττπροίΐ/ίστγ,μί, (same and άνίστ-η^ζί} I stand up above ; mid. / rise abQve. 'TiTSguii/TgAAiy, (same and ά,ντίτΟκΟ)) I rise over. 'Τ-τΙ^δίντλοί, -ov, (same and α,ντΤ^ος) wa- ter-logged. 'Ύ'ΤΓίξά,νω,Άτϊά ύτϊίξά,νωύίν, (same and oiua or oiuu)uiv) up above, far above. 'Ύ'ΤΓζ^ιχ,υωζ, -οζος, 6, "/j, (from same and α,^κξ) above man, extravagant. ' Ύτπζοί'πούν'ήσκ,ω, (same and α,'κο^ν^σχ.ω) I die for or instead of. ' Ύ'τΤζζζχ,'ποκ,ξΊνο^Λοίΐ, (same and ά,'ττοκ,^ίνο- u,oii) I answer for, defend. ' Ύττίζοί.'ττο'Κο'/ίο^Λοα, (same and άττοΤ^ογίο- fioii) I plead in behalf of , defend. 'ΎττΒξοίρρω^ίω, (same and ά,ρρωύίω) I fear excessively; I fear for. 'ΎτΓέξχξσίς, -sag, 7], (same and όίξαις) a lifting up above, an overflow, an inunda- tion. 'ΎτΓεξάζχω, (same and όίξχω) I predomin- ate. 'Ύττίζΰίσύμ,ος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and uaufccc) breathing heavily, panting. 'Ύ'ττίξΰίσ'ττάζο/ζοίί, (same and χσ-ττάζο^χή I embrace with great affection. 'ΎπίζΛσττίζω, f. -Ίσύ), Attic -ιω, (from 846 same and ά.σ'τιτϊς) I protect with a shield^, protect, defend. 'Ύ7Γίζα.σ7^ισ{Λ6ς, -ov, 6, (from preced.) de- fence, protection as with a shield. Ύ'ττεξχσ'τηστ'^ζ, -νΐζος, and ύττίξοίσ'τηστ'ης, -ου, 6, (from same) a jjrotector as with a shield, a defender. ' Ύ'7ΐτξ^ίχ,σχγΐ(/,ουίω, (ύ'ττίζ and άσχηι/,ονίω) I behave with extreme indecorum. ' 'ΎτΓίξάτοττος, -ou, (same and όίτοττος) ex- tremely absurd. ' Ύ'ττεζχττ'ίκός, -ou, (same and Άτηκος) affecting more than Attic elegance : ύτηξχτ- τίχας, luith more than Attic elegance. ' ΎτΓΒξαίυγτίς, -ίος, ο, ί], (from same and ayyij) extremely brilliant. 'Τ7Γ=^αί/|άνίϋ, (same and κύζχνω) I grow or increase exceedingly, 2 Thess. i. 3. 'Ύ'ΤΓΒζχυχ'ης, -ίος, or ύτιτίίίχυχος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and χυγβ.ω) boastful, haughty, arrogant. 'Ύ'τπζχχύνις, -ίς, (from same and οίχ,θος) over-burthened. 'T7ri^a,-x,uof^xt, (from same) I am extreme- hj giieved or indignant at. ' Ύ-τΐίφχίνω, {υπ^ and βχίυω) I go beyond, transgress, go beyond bounds. ' ΎστίφχΧκόντύίς, (from next) exceedingly above or more than others, 2 Cor. xi. 23. 'ΎτΓίφόίΚ'Κω, {ύττίξ and βά,7\'Κω) I throw over or beyond ; I exceed, excel. ' Ύ'π-ίζβόίξ'^ς, -ες, (from same and βύξος) exceedingly heavy. 'Ύτΐεφά,σις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v}, and ύττεξ- βχσΊχ, -χς, 7}, (from ύττεφΛίνω) a passing over, transgression. 'Ύττεξβχτος, -% -ou, (from same) passed over, that may be passed over or surpassed ; that surpasses or excels ; transposed or in- vei^ted. 'Ύ'ττεξβίά.ξομχ/, (ύττεξ and βίχξα) I am over-violent, overcome, oppress. ' Ύ'ττεξβφάζω, (same and βιβά,ζύή I force or convey over. 'Ύ'ττίξβίος, -ov, 0, 71, (from same and βίχ that has surpassing strength, vehement, inso- lent, haughty ; hence Lat. superbus. 'Ύ'ΤΓεζβολ':^, -τις, vj, (from ύττεφεβοΤ^χ, perf. mid. of ύτΐεφόύ^Κω) abundance, exuberance, excess, concession, delay, excellence, hence hyperbole, κ,χύ' ύττεξβολ'ήν, exceedingly, ex- cessively ; 2 Cor. iv. 17. ^i«^' ύττεξβολνιν tig ύττεφο'Κτιν, excessively exceeding. ' Ύττεφοτακος, -vi, -ou, (from preced.) hy- perbolical, excessive. 'Ύττεφόζεος, and ύχεφό^ειος, -ου, 6, ij, (from νπ-εξ and Βοξεχς) hyperborean, be- yond Boreas, in the extreme north. ' Ύ'ττεφζϊύ^ς, -ες, (from same and βζΐόύς exceedingly heavy. Ττεξβρυί A GREEK LEXICON. ' 'Ύ'ΤΤζοεμ/ττί/ιΐ'ΤΓλ'/',μί, ' Ύ'ττεξβςύω, (same and βονω) I teem with, superabound. ' ΎτΓξ^γόίζοι/.οίί, (from ύττο and ί^γάζο- (Λΰίΐ) I work urderhand, do privately ; worJc under y subdue; work, turn up, prepare ground for seed. 'Ύττεογίλοίος, -o>, (ύττεξ and yeXolog) very ridiculous. 'ΎττΒξγεμίζω, and vTrs^yifco), (same and yijua) I overfill, overload. 'Ύττΐογγίζως, -oj, 0, 'ή, (from same and yyipctg) superannuated. Ύττί^όίσυς, -sioi, -υ, (same and ΟΛσνς) excessively hairy, shaggy, or rough. 'Ύττί^ζ'/ΐς, Λος, 6, 7], (from same and οίος) that is above fear, intrepid. 'ΎτπζΟίί^ω, (same and δί/δω) I fear ex- ceedingly, or I fear for. 'Ύτΐίο^αμ,Λίνω, (same and οίΐμ^οΐ,ίνω) I fear exceedingly. 'ΎττΐζΟϋί/ος, -ov, (same and "hicjog) very terrible. 'ΎτΓΒξ^έξίος, -ov, (same and Sg| il. (from same and κχΤίλος) exti^emely beautiful. 'ΐ'ΤΓίξχχμι/ω, (same and χχμνω} I labour for. Ύττίξκΰίτχβχίνύ), (same and κχτχβχίνω) I step down over, go over. ΤτΓεξΚΛταγίΤίαστος, -eu, (same and kcctcc- yiXctarog) very ridiculous. ' Ύ'ττεοο/χος, 'ΎτΓίςΤϋίμττζΟζ, -ov, 6, 9}, (same and λαμ" '^ξο;) exceedingly brilliant. ' Ύ'τπξΚα,^^τΓζύνομ,Λΐ, (same and "Κοίμπξύ- uai) I am overjoyed, 'Ύ'τπζΚίχΐ), (same and T^locv) very exceed^ ingly : των ύ'ττέξ "κίοίν ά,'ττοστολων, ** the very chief est apostles/' 2 Cor. xi. 5. xii. 11. and comp. Gal. ii. 7 — 9. ' ΎτΓίςλντΓίο/ΐΛαι, (same and Χνττίω) I am excessively sorry. ' Ύ'ττεξ^ύοίζάύ), (from same and μ.ά.σσω) I swell with too much haven, become proud. 'Ττηζμ,χ,ίνομοι,ι, (same and (Λούνω) I rage violently. TiriQ^y.a.yfio), -ω, f. -ν^σω^ 1 a. νττεζζ/Λάχιησ», and ύττίζ^^ά,χο,ίίαί, (from same and μά.γβ•' l^cci) I fight for. 'ΎτηζΐΛά,χ,-ζισις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from preced.) a fighting for, defence of. ' Ύ'ΤΓεξμ,Λχ,ητΙχ.ος, •'η, -όν, (from same) apt to defend. Ύττζζκατάκεψ^ΰίί, (same and κχτχκεί- l 'Ύττίξ/ίίόίχος, -ov, 6, (from same) a fighter ,iicci) I recline in a higher place than others \for, a defender. at table, 'Ύττεξκχτηφ'ής, -ίος, 6, ί], (same and kxtyj- φ'^ς) much dejected. 'Ύ7τεξκχχ7\.άζω, (same and κχχ,λάζω) I boil over. 'Ύττεξκείμ,χί, (same and κ,εΊ/ζχί) I lie above, excel, surpass, have a higher place at table. ' Ύττεξκ,εξόίσ/ς, -εο)ς,'ή, (from next) outfi,ank~ ing. Ύ'ττεζκεζάω, -ω, (from νττε^ and κίξχς) I outrank and thereby overcome an enemy. 'Ύττε^-κΥι^Αύ), (same and κτιΚεω) I charm. Ύτ-εξκοΆχκεύω, (same and xo7\.xx,svia) I flatter greatly. 'Ύττίζκο^Λττος, -ου, 6, 'ή, (same and KoiCTrog) over-boasting. Ύττέζκοττο;, -ov, o, τ], (from same and κόττ- Toj) proud, haughty. ' Ύ'ττεξκ,οξίω, (same and κοζίω) I overfill, satiate. Ύ'ττίξχ,οτος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (same and κοτος) exceedingly angjy. Ύττεζκρχτεω, -ω, (same and κι^χτίω) I further Ύττεξί^εγχς^-μ,ζγά,Τ^-η, -μ,εγχ, and ύττεξ/^,ε- "/ε^τ,ς, -εος, 6, 'ή, {ύττεξ ΌΧίά μ,εγχς) very great. 'TTrs^jiiiys^oi•, -εος, -ους, το, (same and μέ- γεθος) eminent greatness, glory, majesty. ' Ύττεξμ,εΆω, (from same and μ,ίνος^ I am of superior might or prowess. ' Ύ'ττε^μ,εν'ής, -εος, 6, v], (from same) supe- rior in might or proiuess. 'Ύ'^ίξ/α,ετξος, -ov, (from ύττεο and μετξον) that is above measure, excessive. 'Ύττεξμ,τικ,Υίς, -εος, ο, τι, (from same and μνίκος) very long. ' Ύ7Γεζ(Λθζος, -ov, (same and μό^ος) that is above fate : ύττεξμοξον or νττέζμοξα, prema- turely. 'Ύ'τΐεζνεο'Κκεω, (from same, ναυς, and ε'Κκω) I draw a ship up or over. Ύττεξνεφελος, -ου, ο, ί], (from same and νεφέλγι) that is above the clouds. ' Ύ'ττερνίκύω, -ω, (same and νικάω) I more than conquer, am more than conqueror, con- quer eminently, obtain a great victory. 'Ύττεξνοεω, (same and νοεω) I consider overcome, prevail over. ' Ύ'7Γεζκ,2εμόίω, (same and κ,ξεμχω) I hang 'Ύττεζχ,ζίνω, (same and kpJvu) I judge preferable : νττεζχ,ζίνομΛΐ, I overcome in judging or judgment. Ύ•7τεξχ.τύομχί, (same and κ,τύομχί^ I j)ossess more than, possess abundantly. 'ΎττεζκνΙάείς, -εσσχ, -εν, (from same and κυΖος) very glorious, illustrious. ' Ύττεοκντττω, {same and κύ-τττω) I stoop over to look, overlook, ;^:>ro;>ci over, ex- ceed. ΎτΓεςνότιος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same and νό- τος) situated beyond the south. Ύττέζογκος, -ov, 6, 7}, το -ov, (same and όγκος) excessively or over and above tumid, swelling, or pojnpous ; great, hard, difii- cult : ύχεξόγκως, very vehemently, with great pomp. ΎττεξοιΙάω, (same and οίούω) I over- swell. ' Ύτ•εζο:κίω, (same and οΊκίω) I diuell above or beyond, Ύττεςοίκος, -ου, ό, ij, (same and οΐκος)ίΙιαί dwells above. ,5 Ρ 849 A GREEK LEXICON. "Tm^ov. "T'TTiQO'j, 'Ov, TO, or υ-τΐζζος, -ου, ο, a pestle. 'Τ-τΓέ^ό^τΓλΓίί, -α,ς, vi, (from ύττίξ and oV- "λον) the pride of arms, pride, insolence. 'Ύ'Κί^^'Τΐ'κίζομΰίΐ, (from same) / prevail »ver hy arms, act with pride or insolence. 'Ύ'ττίξο'ΤΓ'λος, -ου, ο, {ζι, (from same) jarowcf, insolent ; violent, excessive. 'Ύ'ΤΓΒξότΓΤΥΐς, -ου, ό, vj, see ύττίξοτντος. 'ΤττεξΟ'τττΙίκός, -'λ -6u, (from next) super- cilious: ύττΒζΟ'τττίκ,ως, insolently. ' Ύτπζότττομ,κι, {ύττίξ and οηττομ,α,ι) lover- hoJc, despise, contemn, neglect. 'Ύττίζοτιττος, -ου, ό, τ;, (from preced.) over- looked ; that overlooks, proud, insolent: vitkooTrrcx., insolently. ιττεξόζχσ/ς, -ιος, Attic -εως, v], (from next) an overlooking, contempt. 'Ύ'ΤΓίξΟξοίύ), -ω, (ύ'ΤΓίζ and οζύω) I over- look, despise, contemn, neglect. 'Ύττίξοξίχ, -ας, ij, (from same and oQ{ou)a country beyond the boundaries of our own, a foi^eign country. 'Ύ'ττεζόξίος, -a, -ov, (from same) foreign. 'Ύ'ττεζορρω^ίω, (^ύττίξ and 6ρρύ)^ίω) I mani- fest fear like animals by the movement of the tail, tremble for. "Ύττίξος, see νττίζον. ' ΎτΓξζοχ,Υΐ, •νις, τ], (from ύττεζίχω} high or eminent station, authority, excellence. 'Ύ'ττεξόχ,γισίζ, -ιος, Attic -εως, ^, (from pre- ced.) eminence. 'Ύττεξοχος, -ου, 6, % (from same) eminent. 'Ύττεζο-ψΐχ, -οίς, and ύττε^οφίς, -εως, tj, (from ύ7τεξ07ττο(/,χί) contempt, disdain. 'Ύ'ττεξτΓΆ'/'^ς, -ες, (from ύττεξ and στνιγύ/) frozen ov freezing over; exceedingly frozen. 'Ύτεξ'ττόίύίω, (same and ττα,ύεω) I am deeply affected. 'ΎττεξτΓΰίίω, (same and 'τταίω) 1 strike over, exceed, surpass, excel. 'Ύτιτεζττίχ.χ,υς, -εος, ό, tj, (same and ττοίχ,ύς) very thick. 'Ύττεζττί'Κομ,οιι, (same and -πεΚω) I am above, surpass. 'Ύττεξπ-εζίσσεύω, (same and 'ττεξίσσεΰω) I abound more, superabound, abound exceed- ingly, overflow. 'Ύ'ττεξττε^ισσως, (same and τι-ε^ισσως) most exceedingly, superabundantly, above measure. 'Ύττε^ττεττις, -εος, ό, vj, (from next) that flies over or beyond, high. 'Ύ'πε^τΐετομ.οίΐ, {ύττεξ and -ττετομοΐί) I fly over. 'Τττε^τΓϊίδάώ), (same and -π-νϊ^άω) I leap over. 'Ύ'ττεξ'ΤΓΤίΙησίς, -εως, vj, (from preced.) an over-leaping. 'Ύ'ττίξ'ΤΓίκ,ζος, -ου, ο, 3j, {ύττεξ and 'τηκζος) very bitter, ' Τ'ττεΡ'πΤϋω, (same and χ/ι/ώί) I drink to excess. 850 'Ύ'ττΒξτιμάω, ' Ύ'π-εξ'ττΙ'ΤΓτω, (same ana -ττίττω) I fall over or beyond, I exceed. 'ΎττεξττΤ^εονοιζω, (same and 'ττ'Κεονά,ζω) I abound or superabound exceedingly. 'Ύττεξ'π-Άτίύω, (same and ττλ'ηΰω) I over- fill. ' ΎτιτερτΓΤ^ϊΐξόω, (same and τλιηξόω) I over- fill. 'Ύττεζ^τΤ^νισσομοΐί, or -rrof^m, (same and •πΤινισσω) I am- exceedingly struck. ' Ύτι-εξΤΓλουτεω, (same and 'π-λουτίω) I am over or ve7y rich. 'Ύ'ττεζΤΓ'λουτο;, -ου, ό, i], (from Siime)ve7-y rich. 'Ύττίξ'ττοΤ^υς, -ττολλι?, -ττολυ, {ύττεζ and -ττοΆυς) too much, excessive ; very much, very many. 'ΎτΓεξ'πΌνεω, (from same and ττόνος) I over-labour, harass myself; labour for. ' Ύττίξ-ττουος, -ου, ό, vi, (from same) that labours excessively. 'Τττεξττόντίος, -ου, ό, ij, (from ύ-^εξ and ττόντος) that is over or beyond sea. 'Ύττεξτττηρα, 2 a. ύττεξε'π-τ/ιν, (from same and 7:T7jf^i) I fly over. 'Ύττεζττυ'ττ'ΤΓάζω, (same and •πυτττιτά,ζω, I cry στύττοίζ,, an exclamation of wonder or admiration) I vehemently applaud. 'Ύ'ττεςττυρρίάξω, or -άω, (same and οτυβ- βίά,ω) I become very red. ' Ύττεζσει/,νύνομ,οίΐ, (same and σεμ^υΰυω^ I affect great pomp. 'Ύ-π-έξσοφος^ -ου, ό, v], (same and σοφός) over wise, very wise. 'Ύ'ττεξσ'ττουΙά,ζω, (same and αττου^άζω) I am over or very diligent. 'Ύττερστόίτεω, same as ύττεζίστοομ,οίΐ. ' Ύττε^στεϋύ), (ύττίξ and στενω^ I groan for. 'Τττερσχεύω, or -σχεω, (same and σχέω) I hold over, protect, rise above, have the upper hand. 'ΎττεξΤΰίτος, -η, -ou, (from ύττες) the highest. ' Ύστε^τείυω, (same and reivo)) I stretch be- yond, surpass ; I over-strain. ' Ύ'ττεξτελειος, and ύττεξτελεος, -ου, and ύτνεξτεΤ^νίς, -εος, 6, "/], (from same and τέλος) that has been completely flnished, that goes over, that rises above. 'Ύ'ττεζτε'λέω, (same and τελεοή I go over, rise above. 'ΎττεξτεΧΚω, (same and τελλω) I rise above. 'Ύττεζτεξίΰί, -ας, 5j, (from ύ'τιτεζ) the upper part or body of a waggon. 'Ύτί-εξτε^ος, -χ, -ov, (from same) higher. ' Ύ'ττεξτ'ίύγιμ'ϊ, (same and τίβϊΐμ,ι) I put or place over, intrust, commit: ύ7τεξτίύεμ.»ί, I am placed above, differ, excel. ' Ύντεζτΐμύω, (same and τιμοίω^ I highly honour. * Τ'ττίξτολμος, A GREEK LEXICON. * Ύ'!ΓψΒμιος» 'Ύττίζτολμος, -ov, 6, VI, (from same and ToKf^cc) very bold. 'ΎτΓίξτονος, -O'j, (from ύττίξτίίνω) over- strained. TTTSQTo^soai/^og, -ou, (from ύ'ΤΓίξ and τό- ξθ2/) that may he shot over or surpassed. 'ΎτηζΤί^ίχ,ω, (same and τξίχ,ω) I overrun, transgress, surpass, vanquish. 'Ύττίξυύζος, -ου, (^■ro and Ιξυθ^ος) reddish. Τττεξυ/αυγιτο;, -'/j, -ow, {v^-e^ and ύ^αν'ήτός) very much to be praised. 'Ύ-π-Β^ύφγιλος, -ου, (same and ύφη/,ος) very high. 'Ύττβζνψόω, -ω, (same and ύ-ψόύή I exalt exceedingly or very highly. 'ΎτΓίζφχίυο^Λΰα, (same and φούνω) I ap- pear above. ' Ύττε/^ψιζλχγγίω, (from same and (paAayl) / outflank. 'Ττί-ίξφοίτος, -ov, (from same and φάύ)) eminent. Tir£^(pl^iici, -(χ,ς, 7], (from ύτηξφίξα) pride, an overbearing disposition. ' Ύ'ττεζφίξνις, -iog, 6, vj, (from next) excel- ling, elated, proud. ' Ύτί-ζζφίξω, (νττεξ and φίζω) I am supe- rior, better, or more excellent. Ύ'ττίξφίυ, (from ύττίζφυτίς) above measure, immoderately. 'Τττίζφύίί», {ΰ'ττίζ and φύΐο)) I destroy for. 'Ύ'ττεξφίόίλος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and φίύ7\.γΐ) that is over his cups, violent, haughty, arrogant ; excessive, superabu7idant, intem- perate ; enormous, vast, giant-sized, of su- perior rank, illustrious : ύχε^φιόίΚοίς, exces- sively. 'Ύττεζφ^λέω, (same and φίλεω) I love ex- cessively. 'Ύττε^φοβεο/ίζχί, (same and φοβεοή I am very much afraid. 'ΎτΓεζφοβος, -ου, ό, v], (same and φόβος) ex- tremely timorous. ' Ύ7lrε()φo(^εω,{^2Lme and φοξίω) I carry over. 'ΤττεζφξΙσσύ), or -ττω, (same and φξίσσω) I shudder excessively. 'Ύττεξφξοι/εω, -ω, (same and φξοΆύ)) I think of myself above what, or moix' highly than I ought, arrogate too much to myself, Rom. xii. 3, despise. 'Ύ'π-εζφζοσΰυνι, -ης, {}, (from preccd.)2?ni/e, scorn, arrogance. 'ΎτΓί^φζύΐυ, -ουος, 6, v], (from ύττεξ and φξ'^υ) high-minded. ' Ύ-π-ε^φύνις, -έος, ο, vj, (from same and φυνι) supernatural, eminent : ύττε^φυως, ex- ceedingly. 'ΎττεξφυσχομΛΐ, (same and φυσύοή I am greatly puffed up. 'Ύττεζφωυεα, -ω, (same and φωνίοή I sing or speak with loud voice. ΤτΓεξχαίζύ), (same and χχίξα) I rejoice exceedingly. 'Τττεζχ,όίζνις, -ίος, ο, η, (from same and χοίξχ) overjoyed, very joyful. 'Ύ'ττε^γβ.οΐΛΰί,ι, (same and χίω) I over- flow. ' ΎττεξχλίΙύω, (same and χλι^άω) I i-iot in luxury, am arrogant or insolent. 'ΎττεξχοΤ^ά,ω, (same, and γρκά,ω) I am ex- cessively angry. 'Ύΐΐεο^χομ.Λΐ,^(^'ίθ\Ά ύτΐο 2Λ\ά. ε^χομ,α,ϊ) I come privately, supplant, cringe to. 'Ύτΐ^ίτχϋο^οι,ι, {ΰ'τιτεζ and χΰω) I am poured over, flow out. ' Ύτ^έξ-ψυχξος, -ου, (same and •ψυχξος) very cold. 'Ύττεξφα, -α,ς, τ], (from ύττέ^) the palate. 'ΎτΓίξωεύ), (from ύτίο and εξω&ω) I flou) under, retire, start back. 'Ύ7ί•εξύ)ΐΛίοί, -οίς, v], {ύττεξ and oj/icloc) what is above the shoulders, the head and neck. 'Ύτι-εξωου, -ου, το, (contracted for v'Tce- ξωϊον, from ύττεξ, with οίκημα understood} an upper room or chamber ; an additional or back-house, according to Dr. Shaw, in which the women resided, and particularly the upper apartment of it, which luas a fa- mily room to which they retired, and also, a guest chamber where they were permitted to see their friends. In Homer it is usual to speak of Penelope, as going up thither with her female attendants. ' Ες ϊ ύττεξω άυο^βάσχ. σύυ άι^φιττότ^οισι γυυοίίξΐ, Odyss. Α'. 363. Δ'. 760. Ρ' 49. with which comp. Acts i. 13, 14. ix. ^7— 39. xx. 8. See also «,υωγεον, and χ.α,τιχ,'ΚυίΛοι,, — Τ-ττεξωου is also used for an upper chamber of a temple, Ezek. xli. 7. which some think to be its meaning in Acts i. 13, 14. comp. Luke xxiv. 53. Acts ii. 1, 2, 44 — 47. ' Τ'ττεζοίος, -ου, 6, v}, (contracted for ύττε- ξωΐος, from ντιτεξ) upper, higher. ' Ύ'ττεύ'^ιος, -ου, (from ύττό and εϋ^(ος) some- what calm. 'Ύττεύθΰυος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and εύ- βύς) liable to, accused. 'Τ-ττέχω, (from same and εχω) I put un- der, have or hold under, undergo, suffer, sustain, bear reproach or sin, Ps. Ixxxix. 50. Lam. v. 7 ί / hold up, afford, supply, protect. 'Ύττ-ηεζίος, -ου, (from same and άνκ») that is under the sky, high. 'ΎτΐΤίκοος, -ου, ο, vi, (from ύ'ττνικοου, 2 aor. of ύτΓοίκούύ)) obedient, submissively or humbly obedient. ' Tx >7^νω, f. -ϋσω,\). ύττΫιμ,υκοί, Attic ύττε- (^Ύΐι^υχ,Λ, j)oct. t'7r£^:/}jjC6t/;ci«, (from ϋ'Τΐο and νιμΰω) I look down, am ashamed or dejected. 'ΎτΓϊΐυί/ίαος, and ύττ'ήυείΛος^ -ου, 6, 'ή, (from 851 V 'Tir^wj. A GREEK LEXICON. 'Ύ'ΐΐογξάφω, same and οίΐ/ίμ,οξ) under the wind, exposed to the wind ; or sheltered from the wind. 'Ύ-πνίνη, 'Υΐς, oj, the beard. 'Y'TrYiuvjTvjg, -ov, o, (from preced.) one who has a beard ; a he-goat, 'Ύνγιοίος, -οίοι, -οίον, contr. ύττνιωος, -ωα,, -uiQUy (from v'TTo and νιως) toivards morning. 'ΎτΓ^^εσ/ΰΐ, -χς, vj, (from same and ϊξίσσω or -ίττω) a service, household of servants, a crew of rowers, hard duty. ' Ύττγίζίτία, -ω, f. -ο^σώ), p. ύτηηζίτγικ,οί, 1 a. ύτι^ζίτγισχ, (from same) / serve, minister to, assist. 'Ύ'ττνίζίτγι,αι», -α,τος, το, (from preced.) service. 'ΎττΎΐξίτης, -ου, ο, (from same) one who rows under the command of another, a subordinate assistant, servant, attendant, officer. 'Ύ'ττγίζίτίχ,ος, -% -ov, (from same) fit to serve or assist. 'Ύττνίζίτί;, -ί^ος, ^, (from same) a female servant or attendant. 'ΎττΎΐγβ^ω, (from v'tto and τιχίω) I produce a faint sound. 'Ύ-ττίλλω, or ί'Ζίΐκίω, (from same and <'λ- λώ) or ύ\ίω) I turn under or wag the tail like a fawning dog ; I fold under ox fold up as a letter, seal. 'Ύ'πισχνίομοίΐ, -ουμ,Λΐ, 1 f. mid. ύττοσχνισο- μ,Λΐ, 2 a. mid. vTeaxo/icviu, 1 a. pass, ύτι-ίσχ- uviu, p. pass, νττίσχγιμ,οίΐ, (from ύττίσχομΰίΐ, the same, which from ύττό and Ι'σχω, I hold, which from 'ίχω) I promise, hold myself under, engage. 'Ύστυάω, Ion. ύ'πνίω, -ω, (from i/orz/o?) I sleep. 'TTTvohOTU^x, -ας, ή, (from next) a giver of sleep. 'Ύττνο^οτνι^, -νΐζος, and VTcvohor-zig, -ov, 6, (from v'TTuog and Ιβωμι) a giver of sleep. 'Ύττνομ,οίχίω, (from next and μάχη) I resist sleep. "Ύ'ΤΓνος, -ου, ο, sleep. ' Ύ-πνόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. υ'ττυωσα, (from preced.) / sleep. 'Ύ'πνόϊ^Ύΐς, -£ος, 6, v}, (from same) sleepy, drowsy. 'Ύτΐο, (from υ'τιτος, high. See p. 113, 114) by, under. 'Ύ'ττοβοίβξχ, -α,ς, 9], (from next) a foot- stool, a carpet. ' Ύ'7roβccbύJ, (v'tto and βχίνω) I go under or down, ebb, sink. 'ΎτΐοβόίΚΚύ), (same and βάΧΚω) I put un- der or below, I suborn, I interrupt ; I ad- monish, suggest, put in mind of. 'Ύτιτόβασις, -ίως, v], (from ύττοβαίι^ω) a descent, diminution ; a walk, step ; a basis, pedestal, foundation. 853 'Ύττοβαστάζω, {ύττο and βαστάξω) I bear wider, bear, endure. 'Ύ'ττοβτισσω, or -ττω, (same and β^σσω) I cough gently, have a slight cough. ' Ύνοβφά,ζω, (same and βιβάζο)) I cause to come or go down ; mid. / bend myself down, stoop. ' Ύ'τΐ'οβΤιί'ττω, (same and β'Κίπτω) I look tin- der or askance-, look with observant suspi- cious eyes, suspect. ' ΤττοβλτίΙνιν, (from ύ-ττοβάλλω) by way of interruption. 'Ύττοβτ^γιτίος, -cc, -ov, (from same) to be planted. 'Ύ'πόβ'Κ/ιτος, -ου, 6, ^,(from ^2Lme) suborn- ed, deceitful, false. 'Ύττοβο^.ίύς, -ίως, ο, (from same) a'promp- ter. 'Ύ'ττοβοΧνι, -^ς,τί, (from same) a suborn- ing, counterfeiting, introducing surreptitious- ly ; a warning, admonition, suggestion. ' Ύ'κοβο'ΚίμαΛος, -aia, -aiov, (from same) introduced surreptitiously, spurious. 'Ύττοβζίμω, (ιίττο and βζί/χω) 1 7Oar un- derneath, rumble. 'ΎτΓοβξίχω, (same and βφχω) I moisten a little ; pass. / am somewhat moistened or intoxicated. 'Ύ'ΤΓοβξύξ, -νχος, ο, ^, (from preced.) that is under water. ' Ύτΐοβ^νχιος, -a, -ov, (from same) sunk; {υ'Τΐο and βζΰχιος) bellowing in an under tone. ^ 'Ύ'7Γθβζνχο[Λαι, {vTTo and βξνχύ)) I roar. 'Ύττόβξνχος, -ov, (from same and βξίχο)) that is under water : ύττόβξνχα, under water. ' Ύττόγοίίοζ, and ύ'τΐόγζιος, -ov, o, ^, (from same and yaAoC) subterraneous. 'Ύ'πογά.στ^ιος, -ov, (from same and γασ- τνΐζ) of or belonging to the lower belly, an animal that is sucking. ' Tntoyiyvo^ai, or -γίνομαι, (same and γίγνομα:) J grow under, spring from, coine after, subsist, supply. ' Ύττόγλανκος, -ov, (same and γλανκος) greyish, somewhat cerulean. 'Ύ7Γογ7\.ανσσω, Ion. V'7roy^avaaia>cco,{same and γΆανσσω) I shine under, gleam faint iy, glance obliquely. 'Ύττογλίικ,αίνύ), (same and γλυκαίνω) I sweeten sometvhat, cajole. 'Ύτογξαμμός, -ov, 6, (from ύ'ΤΓογξάφω) a copy, example, pattern, 1 Pet. ii. 21. 'Ύ-ττογξαφίνς, -εως, ο, (from same) an un- derwriter, subscriber, notary, amanuensis. ' Τ'ΤΓογξοίφγι, -ης, sj, (from next) a writing or painting under; a desciiption, sketch, minute or short note of any thing done or to be do7ie ; the 2^ainting of the eye-lids. 'Ύ'ττο'γξόίφω, (νττό and γξάψω) I set a ' Ύ'ττόγυιος, A GREEK LEXICON. 'Ύ'ΤΓύύίζμοι,ίνΜ. copy in writing, write under, 'prescribe ; I make a sketch, describe, 'paint under the eyes, or the eye-brows ; mid. / make or sub- scribe an accusation; I pledge or mortgage, 'Ύτΐόγυιος, and ύτΐό^υος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and yvlou) what is at hand, near, 'Ύ'ττο^αίω, (same and ^Λΐω) I put fire under. 'ΎτΓο^οίκ,^νω, (same and ^ακζΰω) I weep a little, weep secretly. 'Τ-^Γοδα,ίίώίϋ, or -haf^i/o), (same and οα,μ,άω) I bring under the yoke, subdue. 'Ύττοοίτις, -£θί"> ό, i], (from same and Ua) zuanting someivhat, deficient, inferior ; or (from ^iihcu) somewhat timid. 'TTTohityf^ci, -α,τος, Td,(from ύτΐο^ίοαγ^ΛΟίΐ, perf. pass, of ύττο^βίκνυμ,ι) an example or pattern shown or exhibited for imitation in acting, a typical exhibition or representation, an example of disobedience ov punishment, 'ΎτΓο^ί'ιού), and ύττοΟίΐύίζω, {ύιτο and os/- δώ;) / have some fear ; or I fear. 'TTTooilK'jvf/A, (same and '6iix.uvyA) I show plainly, set under or before the eyes, teach or instruct p)lainly. 'Ύ'ΤΓοοακ,τίο;, -λ, -ου, (from preced.) to be pointed out. 'Ύττο^ίΊκτ-ής, -ου, 6, (from same) one ivho shoivs plainly. 'ΎτΓοόίΐΚιά,ω, {ύττο and ^ζΐΤ^ιχω) I have a secret dread of, shrink from through fear, ' Ύ7:οόζί(Λθίίνω, (same and "hsif/^otii/o)) I have some fear for, shudder at. ' Τ'ττο^ί'ττνέω, (same and ZiCTrviu) I par- take of an entertainment instead of another guest. 'Ύττοόί^ία, -Λς, Ion. Oxouiii'f\,-'fiz,'A, (from next) a preparation for receiving guests, abundance, the receiving of a guest. ' Ύττοοί^ιος, -a, -ou, (from ύ-π-οΐί^ομαι) that receives. 'T'z-ooio/Lccci, {ύ'ττο and όίω) I pray with humility and earnestness. 'ΎττύΟίσις, and ύ'ττόο-ήσις, -ίως, 'ή, (from ύτΓούίο)) shoes or sandals. 'Ticohkyjjy.cfA, {υτζο and ύίχ,ο(>(,αι) I receive under my roof, receive hospitably and kind- ly ; I undei-take, engage. 'ΎτΓοοίύ), -ω, (same and ύίο)) I bind under; mid. I put on shoes or sandals ; pass. / am shod. ' t'Trohrihoo), (same and δι^λοώί) I give to be understood ; make known or manifest. 'TTTohvif^ci, -ατός, το, (from ύττοοίω) a san- dal, shoe, or sole, bound under. ΎττοΖί^άσκο), (ύττό and όίοάσκω^ I teach, instruct. 'Ύττόόί-Λος, -ου, 6, oj, (from same and οϊκ/ϊ) guilty before, liable to punishment from. ' Ύττο^Ιυίω, (same and 'htviu) I whirl round. ' Ύττο^ίτΓλωσίς, -ιος, Attic -sag, 9], (from same and δ/ττλοίο) a doubling, duplicity. 'Ύττο^ίφθεοος, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and Ιίφύίζοί) that is under a skin, clothed in skins. 'Ύ'ττοΙίψίος, or ύττόΐί-ψος, -ov, (from same and δ/ψ«) that produces thirst ; somewhat thirsty. 'ΎτΓο^ίίώς, -ωος, 6, (same and δ,ίύω^) a subject, servant, or slave. 'Ύτΐο^οχ,'ή, -7jc, vj, (from ύττοοίχομΰΐί) a re- ception, entertainment ; assmnjjtion, opinion; guarantee or pledge ; a place of reception, dock, harbour, bay. 'Τ'το'δ^ίί, (from ύ'πο and ^ίξχ,ω) with an angry threatening look. ' ΎτΓο^ξαμ.ατουζ'/ίω, (from same and o^a- μχτουζγίΰΐ) I act an under part in a play. 'ΎτίΟύξάσσο^ΑΛί, or -UTTOf/.cci, (same and δ^άσσίϋ) / endeavour by underhand means to get possession of. ' ΤτΓύ^ξάα, (same and '^ρχω) I serve under. 'T'TTOOQi^oi, see ύ'ΤΓοτ^ίγ^ω. ' Ύττο'Οξ-,ιστΤ/ζ, -νίξος, 6, (from νττοοζάο)) an attendant. 'Ύ-ττο^ζομίω, (from same and ^ζίμω) I run under, thrill ivithin, spread through. 'ΤτΓοΙζομ,ος, -ov, (from samej that runs under, into, or within. 'ΎτΓο^ζωω, same as ύττο'^ζάω, ΎτΓοόυμ,ί, and ύττο'^ύυω, see ύττο^νω. 'ΎτιτόΙύσίς, -ίως, vj, (from preced.) a going under, immersion, ebbing, retreat, protection, asylum. 'Ύ'ΤΓο'^ύτγις, -ου, 6, (from next) a waistcoat, an inner coat or vest. 'ΤτΓοδι^ί^, (ύττό and ουω) I go or come un- der, put on under, put on shoes or sandals ; I sink, creep under, come forth from under. 'ΎτΓοζίκω, same as νττείκ.ω. ' Τττοξάκοςος, -ου, ο, ij, (from v'^ro, ξχ, and κοξίώ) an inferior priest, an under attendant in a temple. 'Ύ'Τΐοζίΰ'/ω, ύττοζίν/νύω, or ύττοζυγόο), (same and ζίύγω) I put under a yoke, sub- due. 'Ύττοζΰγιος, -ου, 6, τ}, ro -ot/, (from same and ζυγός) that is under the yoke : ύττοζύ- yiov, TO, with κτ~ήνος understood, an animal subject to the yoke, particularly an ass. 'Ύττόζΰγος, -ου, 6, '^,(from same) the same. Ύτιτοζωνυυύ), ύττοζωο), and ύ'ττοζωννϋμ,ζ, (^ν-ττό and ζύ}υνυμ{) I undergird. 'Ύ'7Τύζύ)σμ,ο6, -ατός, το, (from preced.) a hoop, bracer. 'Ύτ-οβάΆττω, {ύττο and ^ύΆττω) I inflame. 'Ύττόθίμ,α, -ατός, το, (from ύττοτΊύψ,ι) somewhat put under, a prop, buttress. 'T'^oU£(>,ucciuo), {ύττό antl ^έζμαίι/ω) I warm slightly or by slow degrees. > 853 ' Ύ'^όύεξμος, A GREEK LEXICON. * Ύνοκξίτηζ. 'Ύττόύίξμ,ος, -ov, (same and ^ξ^μος) slightly warm, beginning to grow ivaj^m. 'Ύ'π-όθίσις, -ίως,τ], (from same and riuni^i) a placing under, base, foundation, bottom; a fundamental principle or element ; a condi- tion, supposition, hypothesis or system found- ed on a principle not proved. 'Ύττοβύω, (same and ^soj) I run under. 'Ύττούίωξίω, (same and ^sa^ia) I contem- plate. 'Ύστοθνικ,γι,-γι:, ^, (from νττοτίύϊΐμ,ι) a basis, foundation, support ; a principle en ivhich an argument is founded ; a pledge, pawn ; a suggestimi, instruction, admonition. ' Ύτίούγι^Λοσύνή, -ης, vi, (from same) sugges- tion. * 'Ύ'ττοβζάσσω, (ύττό and ^ζχσσω, contr. for τΛζ^ά,ΰσω) I trouble somewhat. 'T'7roU^oivofic6i,isame and ^ζο,ύύ)) I am se- cretly broken or bruised. 'Ύ'ττούνμ,ίά.ω, (same and ^νμίοίω) I burn incense or perfume slightly. 'ΎτΓούϋΐΛΐς, -ί^ος, {], (from same and ^ν/χος, thyme) a bird that lays in the thyme. 'Ύττόύν-φις, -ζως, ■/:, (from same and τύψω) fuel. ' Ύΐΐύύω'τΐζϋω, (same and '^ω7:ίϋω) I flatter somewhat, fawn upon. 'TTToua^i'^aoofxcci, (same and ^ω^νισσοί) I arm myself secretly. 'ΎττοΙγω, (from same and οίγω) I open tecretly. ' Ύ'7ΓοικοΗομ,ίω,{ΐνοϊΆ same and οίκοΐο/χίω) I build under, patch up a breach. 'T-TTOiKov^soj, (from same and oUov^L•) I lie concealed ^?^ a house, lurk within, plot, contiive secretly. 'Ύ'κοιμύίζω, (from same and οιμωζο)^ I utter low groans. 'Ύττοκχθΰίίξω, (same and κ,α,ύαίξύ)} I cleanse, purge. '^Ύτΐοκ,ά,ύγιμ,χι, (same and Kaurii^cci) I sit under, sit concealed. 'Ύττοκ,χόίζω, (same and κ,χύίζω) I cause to sit down under, place in ambuscade. 'Ύ'Τϊοκ/ζύίγιμί, (same and κ,χύίϊίμι) I let down under. 'Ύττοκ,ούω, (same and κ,οίίω) I burn, in- flame, set on fire, kindle. 'ΎτΓοκ.οίΚύτττω, (same and κ,είΚύ'πτω) I cover under, conceal. 'Ύττοκάμ,τττω, (same and κά^α•ττώ>) / bend under, evade by a subterfuge. 'ΎτΓοκάζΙίος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and xc&^hioi) that is under or in the heart. 'Ύ'ττοκοίτα.βοί! ι/ω, (same and κατοίβαίΐ/ω) I descend somewhat or privately. 'ΎτΓοκ,οίτοίκΛϊνω, (same and κ,χτακλίι/ω) I bend down under, lay or sit down under, sink under, give way. 854 'Ύ'τΐοτί,α,τχ,μίυω, (same and κατί&μίϋύ}) I remain behind. 'Ύττοκ,ΰίτω, (same and κάτω) underneath, under. 'Ύτιτοκά,τωύζν, (from preced.} from be- neath. 'Ύΐΐόκαμα,ι, {υτΐο and κύμαα) I lie under, subsist, am placed instead of, am subjected to, am laid down or admitted. ' ΤτΓοχίλίΐ^ώ^, (same and κ,ζΚίΰω) I order underhand, suggest, instigate. 'Ύ'ΤΓοκΤνίω, (same and κ,ινίω^ I move or afiect slightly. 'Ύ'τιτο'κλάζω, (same and κλάζω) I break down. 'Ύ-ττοκΆοάω, (same and κλαίω) I weep a little. ' ΎτΓοκλίτττω, (same and κλίτττω) I steal privately, conceal. ' Ύ-τΓοκΤ^-ηί'ζω, (same and κλνΐίζω) I divulge privately. ' ΎττοκΤΰνω, (same and κΎ,Ίνω) I bend or lay doiun or under. 'ΎτΓοκλονίω, (same and κΧοι/ίω) I rout. ' Ύ'?το'κλνζω,{5ΆΏϊβΆΏί\ κλνζω) I wash down. ΎτΐοκΚυσμος, purge, a clyster. Τ'ΤΓοκνίζω, (vTTo and κνίζω) I pinch or tickle a little. 'ΎτΓοκόλτηος, -ο;/, (from same and κόλ'π-ος) in the bosom. 'Τττοκονίω, (from same and κόνις) I co- ver ivith dust. 'Ύ'ττόκο'ζος, -ου, 6, v}, (same and κό'ττος) somewhat fatigued. 'Ύ'ΤΓοκοξίζομχι, (same and κοξίζομχί) I caress in some degree, name fondly, or vilify by gentle names, in a bad sense. 'Ύττοκόζίσμά,, -ocTog, ro, or ύττοκοξίσίΛος, -ου, Ό, (from preced.) flattery. 'Ύττοκουξίζομαί, (ύττό and κου^ίζω) I sport with. 'Ύττόκουφος, -ou, (same and κουφός) some- what light. 'Ύ•7τοκξίκω, (same and κζίκω) I sound gently. ' Ύ'ττοκξΥίττίζί^ίον, -ου, το, (from same and κζ-ζιτ'-ηζ) a saucer, a stand, oxsupporter of a goblet or bason. 'TTTOKQjuo^cii, {same and κξί» ω) I repre- sent another person by acting, as the ancient players did, under a mask; / pretend, counterfeit, feign; I answer, explain, or interpret. ' Ύ-ττόκζϊσίς, -tog, Attic -£ως, v}, (from pre- ced.) /«/^ocm^/; answer. 'Ύττοκξίτ'ής, -ου, 6, (from same) a player, a hypocrite ; according to some, a conjee- turer, guesser, diviner in Mat. xvi. 3. Luke xii. 56. T-oKPmTt'hg, A GREEK LEXICON. Ύ^ομονη, ' Ύ-ττοκζίτϊκος, -vj, -ov, (from same) belong- ing to or qualified for theatrical representa- tion ; hypocritical, 'Ύ'ττο'κοονω, {vTTo and κοούω) I stinke gent- ly, strike wider. ' Ύ'ττο'κ,ξντττύ), (same and κούτττω) I con- ceal under. 'ΤττύΛξΰφοζ, -ov, (from preced.) clandes- tine •• ύττοκζΰφα,, by stealth. Ύ'ττοκοωζω, (^ύ-ττό and κοωζω) I croak faintly. Ύν7&κνκλθί•, -oy, (same and κ,ύκΚος) round under. Ύττο^.ύομχί, (same and y.vio) I conceive. 'Ύττοκύττζω, (same and κντττω) I stoop tinder. 'Ύ~ύκνξτο;, -o'j, (same and Άυοτος) gib- bous. Ύ-το-ζΜ^ΐΛ, -ων, r», (from same and χ,ω- >.o'j) the loiver parts of the thighs. ' Ύ-τΓοκωΐΛωοίω, (same and κωίίωοίω) I act an under part in comedy, turn into ridicule. 'Ύττόκωφος^ -ov, 0, Yi, (same and κωφό;) somewhat deaf or dumb. 'ΎττοΆα.μ,βά,νω, (same and T^cty.&cojd}) I take under, receive ; take np, answer ; take it, apprehend, suppose, think. ' Ύ'ττοΚΛί/.'τΐτ,ς, -e:, (from next) faintly shilling. 'TTToy.au'Tra, (ύ'ζ-ό and 7.xu'7ru) I shine faintly. 'T-TTohAya, (same and xJyoj) / dictate. 'TTToXs/Siy, (same and Τ,ίίβω) I pour out a libation. 'Ύττόλείμ,αοί, -ατός, το, (from perf. pass, of next) the residue, remains. ' ΤτΓολε/τΓώί, {ύττό and T.sha) I leave, re- serve ; pass. / am left, remain. 'Ύττό'Αίτττος, -ov, 6, tj, (same and y^iTrrog) slender. ' ΎττοΚίνκαί^ω, (same and Άίυκοίίι/ω) I am or make someivhat white. 'Ύττο^.χβω. See ύττο'λϋίτμβχνω. Ύττό^^Υιΐίί,μΰί, -ιχ,τος, το, (from same) a con- ception. 'TTroy.Tji/io:^, -ov, το, (i. e. ύττο ro'j "Κτ,νον) the lake or large cavity under the wine-vat. 'ΎττοΙ^Υι'Ας, -ίοος, τ], (from same) a trough. Ύττόλ'/ί-ψί;, -ίος, Attic -ιως, 'ή, (from ύττο- 'Καμ.βά.νω) a supposition, opinion ; a retort. 'ΎττονΑζων, -o'jo;, 6, i], {ν'τΐο and όλίζω») someivhat less, smaller. ' Ύ ~oy.t/ii7ruyc),(same and λιμττάνω, I leave, which from Άβίττω) I leave, 1 Pet. ii. 21. 'Ύ7το?^ισθχί»ω, (same and οΚισύχίνω) I slip or slide under. ^ Ύ'κοΚιο'Τΐος, Attic ύττοΚισφος, -ου, ο, τ], (same and λίσ'ττος, from λε/οί) somewhat smooth or woi'n. ' Ύ7!το>.ογίζομοίΐ, (same and λογίζο/Λχι) I set down in accou7it, count up ; subtract ; have consideration for, regard. 'Ύττ 07^.0"/ ος, -ov, 6, (same and y.oyog) con- sideration, regard, calculation ; as an adj. estimable, worthy of notice, answerable. ' Ύ'ττό'Κοιττος, -ov, or ύττοΤάττ'}];, -ίος, ό, τ], (from ύ-οΤίίίττω) left, remaining. 'T-roXo^^ayoV, -ov, 6, {ύττο and T^oy^ayog) that is second in commanding a Τ^όχ,ος. 'ΎττοΊ.νττος, (from same and Ay^rj?) griev- ing for want of. 'Ύ7το>.νοιο:, -ov, (from same and Ay^a) that is put under the lyre. 'ΎττόΤ^νσις, -ιος, Attic -ξως, vj, (from next) a loosening, dissolution. 'ΎττοΤ^ύύ), [ντΐό and "κϋο)) I loose from. ' Ύ'ττόμ,χκοος, -ov, (same and (Λα,-Λ(•ος) some- what long. 'Ύιτομ^'ΧΪ^ΛΆΊζοίΛίΧ,ι, or ύττο^ΛΟ,'λ.άσσοίΛΛί, (same and ί/,αΤ/.Άκίζω or ^αλάσσώί) I soften a little, grow soft. ' T'TToiiccioccivouix.i, (same and f/.oiocciva) I fade away, decay gradually. 'T'TToy^cipyoc, -ov, 6, '^, (same and yά.oyoς) somewhat foolish, or silly. 'Ύττομά,σσύ), (same and μάσσω) I knead a little, handle gently. "ΎτΓομ,βζος, -ov, (from same and 6[αβζος) rainy. 'Ύττο^/Λΐ^ιάω, (same awa ysioixoi) 1 smile gently, 'Ύττοί/Λμφομαι, (same and {/Λμ,φομ,αι) I blame somewhat. 'Ύττο^ίν^τίκος, -'ή, -ov, (from next) having fortitude or patient courage. 'Ύττομίνω, (νττο and μίνω) I remain un- der, endure, sustain, undertake, remain pri- vately, stay behind, delay: ύ-οαΒνετέος, to be endured. 'ΎτΓομ,ιμ,ντισκω, (same and μιμννισκω) I put in mind, bring to remembrance, reOiind, sug- gest ; I remember. 'Ύ'ΤΓομνάω, -ω, (same and μνά,ω) I remind, suggest. ' Ύτ-όμνη^Λ, -χτος, το, (from ύττομΑμνΥβ- κω) a monument, record. ' Ύττομνγ,μα,Ύίζομοίί, (from preced.) I re- cord, write memoirs, lurite a commentary. 'ΎτΓομνημά,τισμα, -ctrog, το, and vTToyvrr μ,οίτισμος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) a record. ' Ύ'7roμvr,μxτoyζόίφoς, -ov, o, (from ύττόμ- uYif^ce, and yoa(pu) a recorder, writer of re- cords. 'Ύ-ττόμνησις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, ί}, (from v'x-o- μ,νύω) revwmbrance, a putting in remem- brance, a register. ' Ύττομον/ι, -%ς, 'ή, (from ν τ: ο μίμο ν a,, perf. mid. of υ7:ομΛνοΐ) a patient sustaining or en- during, patience under, 'patient continuance, perseverance, delay, expectation, hope : ύττο- 855 ' Tirou^oo.Ujai, A GREEK LEXICON. ' Ύ<7:οξξ5ω μ,ονίί is exercised towards those who are out of the church : ^olkqo^v^^'kx,, towards those who are in it. 'ΎτΐΌμ,όοίΛΛί^ (from utco and 6μ>6ω) I in- terpose an oath. 'Ύττομ,ό'χ,ύπζος, -ov, 6, ί;, (same and μο)ζ- ύνίζος) somewhat vexatious. 'Ύ-πόμ^ωζος, -ov, o, ^, (same and μ,οί^ος) somewhat foolish, silly, or stupid. 'Ύττονίψί'λος, -ou, (from same and νίφΐτ^νΐ) under the clouds. 'T'TTQuviioq, -ou, (from same and Nsiiov) si- tuated under mount Nijiuz/. ' TitovviYfi^uii, (same and i/^;^^)) / swim under, dive. 'TttovoL•, -ω, (same and νοίω) I suppose, suspect, think. 'Ύ'ττονόγιμοί, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a supposition, suspicion, thought. 'Ύτουοόίόύ), (ύτΓο and ΰούεύω) I privately adulterate or corrupt. 'Ύ'ττόυοιοί, -ccg, tj, (from ύττονοίω) a suspi- cion, surmise. 'Ύττόνομος, -ov, 6, (from νττό and νίμω) a subterraneous channel, a mine ; adj. under- mined, cavernous. 'Ύτοϋοσίω, (same and νοσίω) I am indis- Ύττονοστίω, (same and νοστίω) I go back, degenerate, decay. 'ΎτΓονύσσύ), (same and νύσσω) I goad, sting, afflict. 'Ύ'τίουυστά,ζω, (same and νυστάζω) 1 slumber a little. 'Ύνο^ίνίζω, (same and ζ,ζνίζω) I have or am somewhat foreign. 'Ύ'ττόζγίζος, -ov, 6, 71, (same and ζ,νίζος) rather dry. ' Ύ-ττόζνλοζ, -ov, (from same and Ι^λον) wooden under, counterfeit. 'Ύστοζ,υξάω, (same and ^υζχο)) I clip, shear, or shave, a little. 'Ύ'ττο'ττοι,λαίω, (same and ττΰίλοίίω) I am worsted in wrestling. 'Ύ'ττο'πάσσω, (same and τηχσσω) I scatter under. 'Ύ'ττό'ΤΓΰίχ,νς, -sog, 6, τ}, (same and 7Γ(χ,χυς) that is somewhat thick. ' Ύ'πο'τηινάω, (same and •πανά.ω) I am rather hungry. 'ΎτΓοττίμττω, (same and 'ττεμ,τω) I send privately. 'Τττοττίξ^ομοίΐ, (same and '^ίζ^ω) I break wind gently. 'ΎτΓοτΓξξκ,ύζω, (same and 'ττΒζκ,ά.ζω) I groiu black, ripen. 'ΎττοτΓίτοίζω, or -χω, (same and -πετάω) I stretch out under. ' ΎΉίίΓετοος, -ov, (same and 'πετζος) stony. ' Ύττοττίίζω, (same and ττιεζω) I press a little. 856 ΎττοτΓΐύγικ,ίζω, (same and τΐΐύηκίζω) I act somewhat like an ape. 'Ύ'τΐΟ'πίμττ'Κημι, or ύ'ττοττ'Κ'ήύω, (same and ττΙμ-πΆγΐμί} I almost fill. 'Ύττο'ττίμ'ττ^Υίμ,ι, or υπο-π^νι^ω, (same and τιτίμ'τΐζγίμι) I set on fire under. 'ΎτίΟττΊνω, (same and -ττίνω) I drink a little^ get tipsy. 'Ύστο'τήτΓτω, (same and ττί-π-τω) I fall tinder, submit, yield ; happen, occur. 'Ύττοττισσάω, or -ττόο), (same and 'ττισσόω) > I slightly cover with pitch. Ύτΐο'π'κάΆίος, -Λ, -ov, and ύ'ττό'ττλχκ,ος, -ov, 6, ii, (from same and •τλα|) that is situated in a low plain. 'ΎτΐοπΐΤ^ύσσω, (same and 'π'Κάσσω) I plas- ter under. 'Ύττο^-π-λεω, -ω, (same and ττΤ^ίω) I sail un- der or near. 'Ύ-π-όπλεως, -ω, Attic for ύ'πό'ΤΓλεοζ, (same and τΓλεος) almost full, brimfull. 'Ύ'ττοττνεω, -ω, (same and 'πνίο)) I breathe or blow gently or softly. Acts xxvii. 13. 'Ύ'ΤΓοτνΙγομχί, (same and τι-νίγω) I am suffocated. 'T'TTO'Trohiov, -ov, το, (from same and ττονς) somewhat put under the foot, a footstool. 'Ύ-ττο-ποιεω, (same and 'ποιεω) I make or do under, dissemble, adopt ; mid. seek to acquire by stealth, attach to myself. ' Ύ-ποποΤ^ιος, -ov, 6, vi, (same and •πο'Κιος) that is someivhat hoary. ' Ύτΐο'πο^ενομΛΐ, (same and πτο^ενω) I go under. 'Ύτοττόξφνξος, -ou, (from same and ττοξ- φύζοί) that is nearly purple. ' Ύ'τΐο-πόζενσις^ -εως, % (from ν-πο-ποζενομο^ί) a going under or by stealth. ' Ύ'ττο'ΤΓζϊω, (^ύτίο and 'ττξΐω) I gnash the teeth secretly. 'Τττό'τττεξος, -ov, 6, vi, (from same and τττεξόν) that is under wing, winged. 'Ύ'ΡΓο•7ττενω,{ΪΓθΐη νττο'^ίτος) I suspect, fear. ' Ύττότττγις, -ov, 6, (from same) one who is suspicious, shy, or timorous. Ύτίοοΐτνισσω, {υ-πο and τΐτ-ήσσω) I stand in awe, am so^newhat afraid of. ' Ύτίτότιττομαι, (from same and οτττομοα) I look up from below, suspect. "ΎτΓοτττος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same) sus- pected, suspicious. 'ΎτΓοτΓτνχΙς, -βος, ί], (from ύττο and πτύσ- σω) a Joining under. 'Ύττοξύόω, -ω, (same and όξύόω) I correct. 'Ύττόξοφος, -ou, (same and οξοφος) under roofed, that is of a smothered low tone'. ' Ύττορράπτω, (from same and ρά,'πτω) I sew under, patch, repair. 'Ύτί-ορρεω, (from same and pL•)) I flow under or gently. ' Τ-ποόΙηγνυμι, A GREEK LEXICON. * Υ'ττοταξτάο/ος. ' T'K(jf)f)'iriyuvyA, or -ί/ώ>, (from same and o^y- )/υμ.ι) I burst under, break out gently. 'Ύττόρργι-ι/ος, -ovy 6, 71, (from same and «^551/) that has a lamb under ; that suckles a lamb. 'ΎτΓορβοιζίω, (from same and βοιζίω) I whistle or murmur gently. 'Ύ-ττοζύσσω, or -rny, (from same and 6ούσ- σω) I dig under, undermine. 'Ύ'Τΐοζχίομ,οίί, (from same and ooyJ^cS) I dance to music, act in 'pantomime. 'Ύτιτόζύ), (from same and οοω) I move. 'Ύττόσιχ,ύξος, -ου, (same and σχύ^ος) that is becoming rotten. 'Ύποσαίνω, (same and ccciuo)^ I faiun under. 'Ύττοσ-Ιω, (same and σίίω) I shake under. 'ΎτΓοσίΰομ,αι, (same and asuo)^ I hasten under, rush on. ΎτΐοοΎϊμ,α,'ιυύ), (same and σΥΐμ.(χ.Ίυω) I in- timate, signify to. 'Ύττοσκ,χζύ), (same and σκάζοή I am some- what lame. Ύ'ΤΓοσκοίλξύω, (same and σκοίΚίύω) I poke as the fire. Ύ'ΤΓοσκά,τττω, (same and σκ,ά,τιττύ)) I dig tinder. 'Ύττοσκίλίζω, (same and σκίΚίξω) I sup- plant, trip up, throw down. 'Ύττοσ-ΛίΤ^ισμ,οί, -χτος, το, (from preced.} a supplanting, a fall. 'Ύ-τΐ^σ-Λ,ιος, -ou, (from ύττο and σκ,ιά) shaded. ' Ύττόσκλγίζος, -ου, (same and σκλ-ηξός) some- what hard. 'ΎτΓοσμ,νχ,ζΰ, (same and oy^v^fii) I burn by a slow fire. 'Ύτΐοσττα,υΙζω, (same and σττανίζω) I am somewhat in want, begin to want. Ύ-τΓοσττχσ,ϋός, -ου, ο, (from next) a taking away, subtraction. 'Ύττοαττάω, -ω, {ντιτο and στ-άω) I subtract, take away, withdraw. Ύ'ττοστά,ΰμ.'/ι, -της, vj, (same and στόί&μ,/^) sediment. 'Ύ'τνόστοίσις, -ιος, Attic -eo)g, vj, (from ύψίσ- τγιμι) someiuhat put under, a basis or foun- dation ; substance or essence of any existing thing. Job xxii. 20. Psal. cxxxix. 15. Hcb. i. 3 ; firm confidence, constancy, 2 Cor. ix. 4. xi. 17. Heb. iii. 14 ; confident or assured expectation, Hcb. xi. 1 ; patient expecta- tion, Psal. xxxix. 7; earnest expectation, Ruth i. 12. Ezek. xix. 5. 'ΎτΓοστά,τ-ης, -ου, ο, (from same) a prop. Ύ'^όστοίτος, -ou, (from same) that can be supported. 'Ύ'ττοστοίχϋύ), (from ύτΐο and στύχ,υς) I grow up, multiply. 'Ύτ-όστΐγος, -ou, (from next) that is under cover. 'Ύττοστίγω, (ύ'ττο and στίγο)^ I conceal under, hide. 'Ύ'ΤΓοστίΧΚω, (same and στίΧΚω) I with- draw, draw back ; mid. decline, shun ; keep back, suppress. 'Ύττοστει/ώζω, and ύττοστευω, (same and σηνάζύ) or στίνοί) I groan or sigh gently or deeply. ' Τττοστίζνίζα, (from same and art^uou) I put under my breast. 'Ύ'7ΐόστ-/\μ.Λ, -Λτος, το, (from ύφίστημ>ι) a i station, camp, assembly. 'Τ'ΤΓοστ'ήΡίγμ,οί, -χτος, το, (from next) a suppo7^t, foundation, strength. 'Ύττοστγιοίζω, (^ύττο and στγιοίζω) I sup- port, sustain. 'Τττοστί'Κβω, (same and στίλβω) I shine a little. 'ΎττοστοΤ^'ή, -ijc, tj, (from ύτΐϊστο'Κα,, perf. mid. of ύτΓοστίΤκΚύ)) a withdrawing, a draw- ing back ; a lowering, fear, anxiety. ' ΎττοστοΤ^ίζω, (from preced.) I loiver. 'Ύττοστοναχίζω, same as ύττοστίνά,ζω. 'Ύ'ττοστο^ίω, see ύττοστζω^υύω. ' Ύ7τοστζ!χ,τ•/ίγία, (from next) I command under, am second in command. 'ΎτΓοστζά,τ'/ιγος, -ου, 6, (Jj'ko and στ^Λτι/ι- γός) an under leader or commander of an army : one second in command. 'Ύ'ΤΓοστζίφύ}, (same and στζίφω) I return. 'Ύττοστξοβίύ), (same and στζοβϊω) I tor- ture. 'Ύ'^οστζοφ'^, -^ς, v}, (from νττοστζίφω) a return. 'Ύ'7ΓΟστξύ)μ.οί, -α,τος, το, (from Xi^yX) some- what strowed or laid under, a bed, litter. ' ΎτΓοστ^ωΐ/υύύί, or -ωυνυμ,ι, {ΰττο and στ^ων- uio)) I strow, spread, or lay under, subject. 'Ύττόστϋφύς, -oi>, (from same and στύφω) astringent. ' Ύττοσυγχζω, (same and συγγ,ίω) I some- what confound. ' Ύττοσύοίξύ), (same and συ^ίζύή I gently whiz. 'Ύττοσϋί^ω, (sama and σΰξω) I draw tinder. ' Ύ-τΓοσχύζύ), (same and σχχξο)) I sui)- plant. 'Ύ'ττοσγ,ίύύ), same as ύ-ίγ,ω. 'Τ'ττόσχ,ίσις, -εύ)ς, or ύττοσχίσιγι, -της, 'ή, (from ΰτΐΙσγβίΛΰίΐ. See ύττισχ,νίομ,αι) α promise. 'Ύ-τΓοσγ,ίζω, (^ύ'ττο and σχίζω) Ι rend, tear, or cleave, below or under. 'Ύ'ττοτχγ'η, -τις, τ}, (from ύτοτίτοι,γα, pcrf. mid. of next) subjection, submission. ' ΎτΓοτά,ζάσσω, {ύ'ττο and τχζύσσω) I some- what disturb. ' Ύ'π-οτίχ.ξβίω, (same and τοίζβέω) I am somewhat afraid. ' ΎτΓοτχξτόίζίύς, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and Ύάρτχζος) infernal, Q ^ 857 Tf^kaaig. A GREEK LEXICON. * Ύιταφύίγγομαί . 'Ύττότόίσις, -εαος, oj, (from ύτΐοτϊίνω) a stretching under. 'Ύ'ΤΓοτά,σσω^ or -άττύ), (^ύττο and τχσσω^ I set or place under, subject, subdue ; mid. / submit, yield, obey. See under -τ^οφί^Τ/ίί•. 'Ύ-ττοηίϋω, or ύττοτά-ννω, (same and niucS) . I stretch or extend under, subtend; hold forth, offer, promise. 'TTToriKiu, (same and τίΚίω) I pay tri- bute, 'Τ•τοτ£λ'^ί•, -ίοζ, 6, '^, (from preced.) ίηδίί- tary, hired. 'Ύ'ΤΓοτίΤ^Τνομ,α,ί, {ύτίο and τίλλω)! rise un- der, begin to appear. 'Ύ'ττοτίμ,νω, (same and τίμνω) I cut un- der, intei'cept, cut off. 'Ύττοτ^ίύ-ήμ,ι, (same and τίύ'/ιμ,ι) I put un- der, supply ; mid. / exhort, pei^suade, ad- vise, suggest. 'ΎτΓοτίμάω, (same and τιμ,ά,ω) I estimate after or in opposition to another: ύτιτοτιμ,ά- o^uoti, I estimate a penalty for myself, and obtain thus a mitigation of punishment ; see 'Ύ'ΤΓοτΙίΛΥίσις, -ίως, tj, (from preced.) a mitigation of punishment by estimating a penalty for oneself. 'ΎτΓοτίτύίος, and ύττότιτύος, -ου, 6, jj, το -ou, {ύ-ττό and ητύος) on the breast, suck- ing- 'Ύ'ΤΓοτομ,ΐύς, -sog, 6, (from same and τίμ- νω) a cidting instrtiment, a saiu, a knife. 'Ύττοτονύοζίξω, or -ύζω, (same and tou- ύοξ!*ζω) I murmur, hum in a Ιοιυ tone. 'Ύττοτοττίω, and ν-ττοτοτϊίομοίΐ, (from same and τύττο;) I figure to myself, suspect, sup- pose. 'Ύ'ΤΓοτξϋΐν'λίζύ), (same and τξαν'λίζύ)) I stammer a little, falter. 'Ύττοτξίμω, (same and τ ^ίμω) I tremble a little, tremble under. 'ΎτϊΌτξ^ίτΓομαι, (same and τοίττω) I tiir?i back or doivn, tumble. 'ΎτΓοτξίφύ), (same and τ^εφω) I rear un- der or privately. 'Ύ'Τΐοτφχοί, (same and τξίγ,ω) I run under. 'Ύττοτξίω, (same and τξέω) I tremble a little, flee. 'Ύ'ποτζίμμοί, -ΰίτος, το, (from same and τζΊβω) a dish of several things pounded to- gether. 'Ύτΐοτζομ,ίω, same as ύττοτ^ίμ,ύ). 'ΎτΓο'τζομος, -ου, 6,7j, (from preced.) that trembles a little, timid, tremidous. 'Ύ'Τΐοτ^οτΓ^, -ijg, vi, (from ύτΐοτφ'τΐομοίΐ) a return. 'Ύτΐοχζο'πία, -ocg, "/j, (from same) vicissi- tude. 'Ύ'π■^'rξ07rog, -ου, 6, τ], (from same) that returns. 858 'ΤτΓοτξοχάω, same as ύττοτ^ί^^^). 'T-TTOr^oxog, -ou, (from ύττοτ^ίχω) having ivheels under. 'T'KOTQOuyQ, {υ^ΐο and τζίύγω) I eat under or secretly. 'Ύττυττοβίω, (from same and όττοβίω) I deeply murmur. 'Ύτΐοτυγχαυο), (same and τυγχ,ά,νω) I turn upon, reply. . 'ΎτΓοτυττόο), (from same and τύττος^ I draw a sketch. ' Ύΐΐοτΰ'πτω, (same and τϋτττω) I strike under. 'Ύττοτύττωσις, -tog, Attic -sag, i], (from ύ'ττοτυ'ΤΓόω) a delineation, sketch, concise re- presentation or form, pattern, example. 'Ττοτϋφλοί, -ου, 6, VI, {ύ-τΐο and τυφλ6g) purblind. 'Ύ'ΤΓοτϋφω, (same and τύφω) I kindle, in- flame. ' ΎτΓουΙχΊος, -ecicc, -cclou, (from same and oSlccg) subterraneous. ''Ύ■7τoυ'λog, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and oyA'/j) that is under the scar, cicatrized on the sur- face but ujisound at bottom ; deceitfid, trea- cherously concealing, rancorous: vTro^T^ug, rancorously. 'Ύ'7Γoυξόίvίog, -ov, (from same and oh^ciuog) that is under the heavens. 'Τττουξγίω, -ω, (from same and i^you) I work under another, help, serve, perform. 'Ύ'ΤΓούξγγιμ,α, -ocTog, το, (from preced.) service. 'Ύττοΰζγγισις, -sag, and ύττουξγ^χ, -ag, i], (from same) service. ' ΎτΓοφα,Ίυύ), {ύττο and φ oc I u ω) I show ob- scurely, begin to shine, disclose. 'Ύττοφα^μάσσω, or -άττω, (same and φuξ- μάσσω) I mix secretly or slightly with drugs. 'Τ'ΤΓοφάίτίς, -iog, 'ή, (from same and φάω) a report clandestinely circulated. 'Ύ'7τόφχυσ{ς, -ίος, Attic -£ώί?, •>], (same and φοίυσις) a dim light or shining. 'Ύ-τϊοφίίοομαί, (same and φείδομαι) I spai^e in some degree. ' ΎτΓοφβιΙομίι/ο);, (from preced.) sparingly. 'Τπ-όφίζ£ΰ, {ύτΓΟ and φέξω) I suffer, un- dergo, sustain, endure, bear, carry; bear un- der ; pass, am carined down, sink under. 'Ύ'τιτοφίύγω, (same and φίύγω} I flee un- der, steal away, escape. ' Ύ'ποφ'/ίτίύω, (from same and φημί) I at- tend as pj'iest on an oracle, interpret. ' T'7To(P'yiT-/\g, -ου, 6, and ύ■7Γoφ7jτίg, -i^og, vj, (from preced.) a priest or priestess who delivers oracidar answers ; an interpreter. ' Ύ-ττοφύόίνω, (ύτΓο and φόχνω) I prevent anticipate quickly. 'Ύττοφύίγγομαι, (same and φύίγγω) I speak in a low to7ie, idler an oracle. Ύ'Χύφ6ονζω. A GREEK LEXICON. 'YctsdL•), 'ΎττοφύοΆω, (same and φύονίω) I feel some degree of envy. 'Ύ'7Γοφθόνύ)ς, (from preced.) in a somewhat envious manner. 'Ύττόφοζος, -ύν, 6, 7], (from νττοφίοω) fri- bidayy, subjected to tribute. ' Ύ-ύφζΛ^μοσννί,^ -νίς, τ}, (from next) sug- gestion. 'ΎτΓο'ψξύζομαι, (ύττο and φ^άζω) I sug- gest. 'Ύττο'φξίσσύ), or -ττο), (same and φρίσσω) I shudder. Ύττοφύο^.χί, (same and φϋοΐ) I groiv from wider, groiv vp. 'Ύ'ττύφωΆω, (same and φωΆω) 1 respond. ' Ύ'7:οφό)νγ,σις, -soig, '/}, (from preced.) en- couragement, admonition. ' Ύ'ΤΓοχόίζύμαί, {C'^ro and }^<ίζύ)) I recede a little. Τ ττο-χ,οίΚινιοίχ, -fiic, Ti, (from same and γ^Λ7.ινος) the under part of a bridle, 'ΎττόχοίΤ^κος, -o'j, (same and γ,α'κκο;) that is brass under, counterfeit. Ύττοχ^ν,οο'ττος, -ou, (same and γ^Λοοτΐος) somewhat ruddy, yellowish. 'Ύττοχάσκω, (same and χ,άσκο}) I gape a little. TTTcy^ccvvoo), (same and χ,αυνόο)) I render swollen or haughty. ΎτΓοχίίξίος, -ου, 6, i], (from same and χ,ίΐζ) under the hand of another, subdued, sub- ject. Ύττόχίυ/ϋχ, -ατός, ro, (from next) an effusion. ' Ύ':τ(ιγ^ϋο>, [ΰττο and γ,ίύω) I pour out, spread under. Ύττοχύόνιος, -ου, ο, 4 (from same and γ,ύων) subterraneous. 'TTToyc^fjog, -oi/, (same and ychoog) that is somewhat green. "ΎτΓοχ^ς, -ου, ό, ί], (from same and έχ,ω) subject to. Ύττόχξίως, -ω, 6, tj, (from same and χ,οίος) a debtor. 'Ύτοχζϊο), (same and xqIoj) I anoint or paint tinder. 'Ύττόχ,οϋσος, -ov, (same and χουσος) that is gold under. 'ΎτΓογ^υττ,ο, -vjoog, 6, (from same and γ,ΰω) a vessel j or supplying a lamp with oil. ' Ύ'7τοχύ)ζίύ), -ώ, (same and -//Ίζίο) I with- draw, retire, give way, submit. 'Ύτΐογβζ^/,σις, -ίως, vj, (from preced.) a retreat. 'ΎτΓο-^οί'κά,σσο), {ύ'Τΐο and -ψοίλύσσο)) I feel gently.^ T'TTOxpx./Lt.fiog, -ou, (same and speififAo;) sandy. 'Ύττο-ψΊά, -χί, 7], (from same and ο-ψις) suspicion. Ύττοψύφύω, (same and -ψοφέω) I make a slight noise. 'Ύττο-ά/ωΆω, (from same and ο-,^ωήω) I cheat in buying victuals. 'Ύττηά,ζύ), (from ΰτττιος) I lay up, turn back, stretch out; lie on the back, am supine. Ύ'ρττία,σμ,χ, -χτος, ro, (from preced.) a lifting or turning up or bach. 'Ύτττιχστίου, (from same) must keep up the head. "Ύτττιος, -ίχ, -lo'j, (from υττος, higli) high, upward, lying on the back. 'Ύσττιόω, (from preced.) I turn with the \face up, overset. 'T-TTUiioaix, -χς, vj, (from νττο and ouiu) an application for tlie prolongation of a term fixed by law, or some similar indul- gence, for reasons adduced under the sanc- tion of an oath. 'Τττωττίχζύ), (from next) / strike an anta- gonist tinder the eye, give a black eye, bruise, buffet, mortify, stun, iveary by continual im- portunities. 'Ύττω-ττιοΐ/,-ου, το, (from ντζο and ω-ά/) that part jof the face which is under the eyes, a livid tumour under the eye, a black eye. 'Ύ'ττόίΐηιχ, -χς, 7}, (from same and oQog) a tract situated under a mountain. Τττωοόφίος, and ύ'ττωοοφος, -ov, o, '/), (from same and ο'οοφος) that is under the roof ov under cover. "Ύττωχζος, -ou, (from same and ώχοο:) palish. "Τοχτι, -ης, 7}, a j?ickling vessel. ' Ύς, ύος, 6, 7], (from συ:) a hog, boar or sow. 'Ύσγινοβχφτις, -ίος, 6, '/j, (from υσγινου, a dye stuff, made from the insect found on a shrub or tree called vayrt, between scarlet and purple, nearly crimson, and βχτττω) dyed scarlet. 'ΎσμΊνγί, -r,c, or ύσμ,Ιν, -Ινος, τ}, a battle. "ΎστΓλ-ζί'Ά, -γ,γγος, and ίίσττλ•/;!, -ηγος, s;. Dor. ϋστΓλχγ^,ΛΏά υσ'7τ7\χ^, a goad or whip, a starting-place, a trap or snare. Ύσ'ζ'Κγ,ης, -^ος, τ], a starting place. Ύσσός, -ου, 6, a javelin. "Υσσωττος, -ov, Vi, (sTtx) hyssop. 'Ύστχτιος, -χ, -ou, and υστχτος, ->?, -ou, (from ϋστιοος) the last. Ύστίοχ, -χς, τ;, (from same) the ivomb. Ύστίοχιος, -xsx, -alov, (from same) be- longing to the next or following. Ύστίοίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. ύστί^ίγικχ, 1 a. ΰσ- τίογίσχ, prcs. pass, vanoiof/^xi, -ovyixi, ] a. pass. ύστίζΥ,&Τίϋ, p. pass. ύστί(ζτ,υ.χι, (from same) / am too late, come or fall behind or short, fail of altaining, fall short tf, am infc^ rior to or tvorsc, am behind, fail, am exhaust" cd or tvanting. 859 '' Ίΰτεοημα, A GREEK LEXICON. "Ύ'^ι. 'Ύστί^ημοί, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) what is wanting, deficiency, defect, want, penury. ' ΎστίζΥ}σΐζ, -ιος, Attic sag, 'ή, (from same) want, penury, poverty. 'Ύστζ^ίζω, (from ύσηζίω) I am later or too late ; I am short of or inferior to. ' Ύστίξοβονλία-, -ας, ij, (from same and βονΆ'η) an after counsel, change of purpose or design, repentance. ' Ύστίξό'ττοινος, -ov, 6, oj, (from same and 'n:otvri) tliat punishes after. 'ΎστίξότΓοτμος, -ov, 6, tj, (from same and TO τ μ,ο ς) found alive after being supposed to be dead. ' Τστεξό'ττονς, -ohog, o, «j, (from next and 'ΤΓονς) slow-footed. "Ύστίξος, -ου, 6, ii, το -ou, falling short in general, in Scripture applied only to time, latter, posterior : υστίξον, after, afterwards, at length, last of all. 'Τστ£ζοφ>;,46/ί)ί, -ot?, ij, (from preced. and φ'/Ι^ίί-ή) slow or posthumous fame. 'Ύστίξοφύόξος, -ov, o, y), (from same and φύέΐζύ)} idtimately destroying. 'Ύστ^^χίς, -ίίος, 'ή, (from νς and ^ξΐξ) a whip ofhog^s bristles. "Ύφαί(Λος, -oy, (from ύ'ττό and αίμίχ.) that has extravasated blood. 'Ύφΰίίι/ω, f. -dua, p. υφαγκοι, p. pass, ΰφ- α-μμ,α,ι, Attic ύφασμα:, (from νφάω) I weave. 'Ύφαίξέσις, -eag, r,, (from next) a taking aivay, subtraction, stealing. 'Ύφαΐζίύ), -ω, (from ύττο and ou^bu) I with- draw, take away, steal. "Ύφαλος, -ou, (from same and άλς) that is under the sea. "Ύφαμμος, -ou, (from same and άμμος) sandy. 'Ύφάϋτγις, -ου, ο, (from υφαίνω) a weaver. ' Ύφαντονιννιτος, -ou, (from, same and liyka) twisted and woven. 'Υφαντός, -"ή, -όν, (from υφαίνω) woven. 'Ύφά7Γτω,{ΐτοιη ύττο and ατ^τω) I Mndle. 'Ύφαξττάζω, (from same and ά^τ^-άζω) I snatch away clandestinely. "Ύφασμα, -ατός, το, (from υφαίνω) a web. 'Ύφάω, same as υφαίνω. 'Ύφίϊ, and ύφϊ, (rτ^''^5) an epha. 'Ύφζκ,τίου, (from ύτιτίγ,ο)) to be borne. 'Ύφίλκ,ω, (from ύ'^τό and ίλχω) I draw under, take gently or clandestinely. 'Ύφίξ'ττω, (from same and 'ίξ^ι-ω) I creep tinder. 'Ύφ% -vig, Tj, (from ύφάύή weaving. ' Ύφπ'/ίομ.αι, (from ύτΐο and νιγ^ομαι) I go before, lead, instruct. 'Ύφτιγγίοις, -ίως, vj, (from preced.) gui- dance, instruction. 860 ' Ύφγιγτιτνις, -ου, 6, (from same) « leader, instructor. 'Ύφπϋίοχίο), (from ύ'/το, v}via, and ίχω) I drive the chariot under the direction of the warrior. 'Ύφνινίοχος, -ου, ο, (from preced.) « chario- teer under the warrior's direction. 'Ύφ'/ισσων, (from ύττο and 'ήσσων) that is somewhat less. 'Ύφίξανω, (from same and ίζάνω) I cause to sit under ; I sit down, subside, sink. 'Ύφίνιμι, (from same and 'ίνιμι) I send under, submit, lower, yield, relax. 'Ύφίστημι, (from same and 'ίσττιμι) I place or stand under, substitute; mid. sustain, bear, subsist, promise, undertake. 'Ύφοξατίον, (from next) must suspect. 'Ύφοξάω, -ω, (from νπο and ό^άω) I sus- pect, ' Ύφοφος, -ου, 6, (from υς and φίξβοή a feeder of swine. 'Ύφοξμίω, (from ύττο and όξμέω) I lie concealed in'harbour. 'Ύφοξμίξομαι, (from preced.) / run into harbour, moor under. "Ύφος, -sog, το, (from υφαίνω) a web. 'Ύ-ψαγόζτις, -ου, ο, (from νχΡος and αγοξα) a lofty or pompous speaker. 'Ύ^αυχζνίω, -ω, (from same and ah%Viv) I lift high the neck, act proudly. 'Ύ-φ'αύχ;ην, -ενός, ό, ί], (from preced.) that has a high neck, proud. ■ 'Ύ-φίξζφτις, -iog, 6, hi (from vt^i and Ιξίφω) that has a high roof, lofty. 'Ύ-ψγιλαυχΐνζία, -ας, η, (from ύ-φτηΚος and ανγ/ήν) a holding of the neck high, haugJdi- ness. 'Ύ-ψνιλοΆάξ^ίος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and καξίία) of a high or proud heart. 'Ύ-φγιλοζξν.μνος, -ου, ό, τι, (from same and κξγιμνος) that has lofty banks. ' Ύ-ψηλόττοίος, -ov, (from next and -π-οάω) elevating. 'Ύφτηλός, -Τι, -ou, (from υ-^ος) high, lofty, exalted, highly esteemed. 'Ύ-ύ/τΜτατος, -γι, -ov, (superl. of preced. highest. 'ΎχΡνιλότίξος, -a, -ov, (comp. of same) higher, more elevated or exalted above. ' Ύ-ψϊΐλύφαν^ήςί -ίος, 6, ii, (from same and φαίνω) causirig to appear high. 'Ύ-φηλοφζονίω, -ω, (from same and φξονίω) I am high-minded, proud, a7^ogant. ' Ύ\^/γιλύφξων, -όνος, 6, vi, (from same and φξ^ιν) high-minded, proud. 'Ύ-ψ'-^ινωξ, -οξος, ό, vi, (from υ-^ί and avvip) that renders men elevated or proud. 'Ύ-ψηχ'ης, -iog, 6, vj, (from next and ξχος) high-sounding. "r^r,(from v4oi)high, above, on high,aloft. 'Τ-ψ//3α5•οί. A GREEK LEXICON. Φαανοζί 'Ύ-ψ7βόίτος, -ου, ο, t], (from preced. and βοίίνω) towering. 'τφΐ'βςί/ί/Λτης, -ου, 6, (from same and βζίμω) that roars loudly. 'T-i^r/hviirog, .o;/,(fiOm same and ysvyua) of high descent. 'Τφίγυίος, -ov, (from same and γυΐον) that has lofty limbs. 'Ύ-ψίξνγος, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and ζυ- γός) that occupies the pilot's, i. e. the gover- nor's seat, or the high throne, 'Ύψϊύξονος, -ου, ο, ί], (same and B^ouog) high-throned. ' Ύ•\^'ίκΰίο-/ινος, -ου, 6, 7], (from same and κά,ζν}!/0!/) that has a lofty head or top. ' Τ-ψ'ίκΒοχς, ύ-ψίκ,ίξατος, and ύ-ψίκίξως, -ω, ο, ^, (from same and κ,ίζοί,ς) that has lofty horns. ' Ύ-ψϊκ,ομος, -ου, ό, i], (from same and κό- μ,Ύΐ) that has a large head of hair, that is leafy at top. ' Ύ-ψΓΛομ'ττως, (from same and •Α.όμ.'ποζ) with a lofty tone. 'Ύ'ψ"^λοφος, -ου, ό, τ}, (same and λόφος) that has a lofty crest, pompous, 'Τψί,αέδων, -οντος, 6, (same and (Λ^^ων) that rules on high. ' Ύ-ψΙ/^ίίλ&βξος, -ου, ό, 'Jj, (from same and /^ίλοίύζο») that has a lofty mansion or palaoe. ' Ύ-ψ^υίφτις, -ίος, ό, 'ή, (from same and ue~ φος) that dwells on high in the clouds. 'Ύ-ψΊτη^ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and tts- δο;/) placed on high. 'Τ-ψΊττίττιΆος, -ov, (from same and Trsra- λοι/^ having high leaves. ' Ύ•φ"ΐ'Χίτης, -ου, or ΰ\^ΐ7Τ•ϊτ7ΐίΐς, -ioau, -ev, (from same and 'ττίτομ,χί) high-flying. 'Ύ-ψΐττολίς, -ίίος, ο, ^, (same and ττόλις ) that elevates a state ; that is elevated i?i a state. 'Τ^ΡιίτΓους, -ο^ος, ό, ^, (same and -ττους) that has exalted feet, lofty, sublime, excellent, 'Ύ-ί^ίττύλος, -ou, (from same and -ττύλγι) that has lofty gates, 'Ύ-ψ'ίττυξγος, -ou, (same and ττΰζγος) that has lofty towers. 'Ύ'ψίξεφ'-ής, same as ύ-ψΒξβφτ^ς. "Ύ-ψιστος, -τι, -ou, (a superl. from υ-φι) highest, most high. ' Ύ-ψ'ίτΒξος, -οί, -ou, (from υ-ψος) higher. 'Ύ-ψΤφζω!/, -όνος, ό, ^^, (from ΰφί and φζ'^ν) high-minded, ' Ύ-φ'ϊγ^οίίτνις, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from same and χοίίτγι) having high or lo7ig hair, 'T-^ouiu, (from υ-ψος) fro?n above: ύ-ψόύϊ, above, on high, 'Ύ-ψόζοφος, -ου, ό, η, (from υ-ψι and οξοφος) that has a lofty roof; lofty. "Ύ-ψος, -ζος, -ους, το, height, exaltation, dignity, the sublime. 'Ύ-ψόσί, (from preced.) upward, 'Ύ-ψου, (from same) aloft, on high, Ύ-φόω, -OS, f. -ίύσω, p. υ-ψωκχ, 1 a. υι^ωσοί, 1 f. pass. ύ•>Ρωύν}σομ.οίΐ, 1 a. pass. C-^Jj/aunu, p. [)ass. ΰφωμοα, (from same) / Ift up, set or place on high, elevate, exalt, raise up to a more happy and glorious condition, lift up or exalt myself, i. e, with pride and seli- conceit. "Ύ-ψωμοί, -ccTog, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) height, elevation, high thing, "Υ•ψύ)σ{ς, -ιος, Attic -&ως, v}, (from same) exaltation, praise. "Ύύ), f. υσω, p. ΰκοί, (from χΰω) I lain, asperse, make wet, water, ' Ύω'^γίς, -ζος, ό, '4, (from υς) swinii>h,fdthy, obscene, stup)id. Φ Φ, the tvvcnt} -first of the more modern Greek letters, and tiie second of the five additional ones. Its name seems to be taken from that of the Greek II, to which in sound also it is the correspondent aspi- rate. Its more modern form Φ, bears a manifest resemblance to the Hebrew s or 5) ; but its ancient one Φ ajjpears to come still nearer to s. In Greek derivatives from the Hebrew, Φ frequently corres- 5 ponds to s, as in many of the following words. Φά, Ion. and Dor. for 'ΐφχ, and ίφγι, 3 sing. 2 a. of (p*?^/. Φχάθ, (nxs) rt corner. Φά,α,νθζυ, for φά,υύίν, which for ίφύνβνι- nuu, 'Λ pi. 1 a. pass, of φοίίυω, Φαα,νος, for φα,ϋος, which see ; superl. φα,ανότχτος, by sync, φχάντίκ^τος, compar. φΜ,άνη^ος, 8G1 Φαγεδαινα. A GREEK LEXICON. Φάλα,ξον, Φχγί^οίίΐ/χ, -γις, ij, (from φύγω) an eating or consuming or pestilential disease. ΦχγίΖοανά.ύ}, -ω, f. -v)ao), 1 a. Ιφζχ,γξ^αΙι/'^- Gccy (from same) I labour under a pestilen- tial disease. ΦΰίγίΙα,ιν^ικος^ -τι, -oV, (from same) waste- ful Φ(χ.γζ^Λίν6ω, -ω, (from same) / consume^ destroy, cut off by disease. Φά,γιΤ^ος, -ου, ό, (from same) a lamb or Md. Φά,γος, -ov, o, (from same) gluttonous, a glutton. Φαγξος, -ου, 6, a ivhetstone ; also, a kind offish. Φχγω, see p. 74. I eat, corrode, consume, devour. Φΰίίχ, -oju, ra, (from φάω} the eyes. Φαίθω, poet, for φαίνω, — φα,ί^ονχι, by day. Φοίζινος, or φοαννος, -ν,, -ou, (from φα,ίνω) shining, splendid, bright. ΦοίίΙυω, poet, for φαίνω. Φχεσίμβξοτος, -ου, 6, tj, (from φάω and βξοτός) that gives light to mortals. Φοίίσφοξίά, -ocg, 7}, (from φάος and φίζω) a bringing or carrying of light. Φα,ίσφόζος, -ου, 6, (irom same) that brings light. Φοίΐ^ιμ,όίΐς, 'ϊσσα,, -ev, and φχίΙ'ί^ΛΟζ, -τι, -ov, (from φα,ίνω) shining, handsome, illus- trious. ΦαίΙξόνους, -ου, ό, ^, (from next and νους) that has a cheerful mind. Φαι}>ζος, 'ά., -6u, (from φάω) splendid, cheerful: φαϊ^ρως, cheerfully. Φαι^ξότγις, -nrog, 7i, (from preced.) hila- rity. ΦαίΙξόω, -ω, (from same) / render bright or clean ; render cheerful, exhilarate. ΦαιΙξύντ^ια, -ας, vi, (from next) a washer- woman. Φαί^ξ^ϋνω, (from φαί^^ος) I mahe to shine, make joyful: φαί^ζύνομ,αι, I wash or puri- fy; I am gay^ cheerfid, delighted. Φαί^ρωτΐος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same and ώ)ψ) that has a cheerful countenance. Φαιχ,άσιον, -ου, το, (from φάω) a kind of tvhite shoe worn by Egyptian and by Athenian priests. ΦαίΆόννις, φαίλό)νγις, φαλωνης, φαινόλγις, φίλόνγις, or φίΤ^ωντις, -ου, 6, some render it a coat or cloak ; others, a portmanteau or case into which books were put, 2 Tim. iv. 13, When this epistle was written, Paul was a prisoner the second time at Rome. He had been tenacious of the privilege of Roman citizenship, and it had proved of much advantage to him. Acts xvi. 37 — 39. xxii. 25 — 29. xxiii. 27. Perhaps he might 862 be required to prove himself a citizen of Rome, when he should make his final de- fence before Nero. Φαι'κόνης, is a corrup- tion for φαινοΚης, which is probably a graecised word from the Latin jotereei/a. The pceiiida was a garment worn only by Ro- mans, and Paul might wish, as a corrobo- ration of his claim, to show what was his customary dress. Paul says he left it be- hind at Troas, and it was a vestment which a Roman generally wore in a jour- ney. See Cic. pro Milone, 10. — The parchments might contain documents, or be a deed or diploma, of consequence to the matter in question. Φαινο^Υιζϊς, -ίίος, vj, (from next and μ,νι- ζος) one who exposes the thighs. Φα,ίνω, f. φάνω, p. ττίφαγκ,α, 1 a. ίφν}να, 2 a. εφά,νον, 1 f. mid. φανοϋμ,αι, 2 f. pass. φαντισομαί, 2 a. pass, ίφάννιν, p. pass, -rs- φαμμαί, Attic ττίφασμ,αί, (from φάύ)) I shine, give light, show ; pass, appear, am seen, seem, am thought. See ^οχ,ΐω. Φαιός, -a, -ov, brown, tawny, dark colour- ed, blackish. Φαιωχίτων, -όνος, ό, 'ή, (from preced. and χιτων) that has a dai^k coloured coat or gar- ment. Φάκίλλο?, or φά•Λ€Κος, -ου, 6, a bundle. Φάκ,'ή, -ί}ς, 7], (from φάγω) lentils, pidse. Φαχ,οεί^τ,ς, -ίος, 6, vi, (from next) like a lentil. Φάκος, -ου, 6, (from φα^) lentils, pidse ; also, a vessel for holding water, shaped like a lentil ; a freckle. Φά7\.αγγν]Ιον, (from φάτ^αγ^) in form of a phalanx ; in phalanxes. Φάλάγγίον, -ου, το, (from same) a spider. Φαλαγγίτης, -ου, 6, (from same) a pha- lanx soldier. Φαλαγγομ,αχίω, (from next and μάχη) I f. gilt in a phalanx, serve in the infantry ; I engage the phalanx or infantry. Φάλαγξ, -αγγος, ij, a phalanx, a troop of men closely embodied; a roller; a kind of spider. Φάλαινα, -ης-, h, ο, whale, balcEna. Φάλακζος, -a, -ov, (from φαλος and α,κ,ξον) bald. Φαλακξόω, -ω, f. -άσω, (from preced.) I make bald, I shave. Φαλάκ^ωμα, -ατός, το, and φαλάκ,ξωσις, -ιος, Attic -εως, vj, (from preced.) baldness. Φάλά^δί, -ων, τα, (from φαλαξος) white or bright ornaments, feathers, cones, studs, trappings ; Lat. phalercB. Φάλαξίς, and φάληξίς, -ι^ος, ν;, a coot. Φάλαξον, -ου, το, (from next) the orna- ment of a tiara, of a helmet, or of a horsed bridle. ΦύίλαοΙς. A GREEK LEXICON. ΦαομΜΧΟζ, ΦχΤ,όίςος, -ac, -6v, (from φοίλο;) shining, clear, bright, white. ΦΛΚ'ήοιά,ω, (from same) I am white, grow white with foam, foam. Φχλ-/ίζ, -YiTo;, 6, same as φοϋ-.'κός. Φάλ/οί, -a,, -ου, same as φ^λός. ΦοίΚΚος, -ου, 6, the male organ of gene- ration ; usually a phallus or representation of that organ. ΦοίΚίΛουΑ, see φΟ-.μ,ουνι. Φαλον, -ίί, -ou, (from φ χω) shining, clear, hnght, ivhite. ΦώΆός, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a cone or plmne. Φα,νοίϊος, -ΛίΛ, -oiiou, (from φανός) that enlightens. Φοί^-οόι/Ασος, -ου, 6, τ), (from next and ^Λ- σος) that openly hates. Φόίνίξός, -χ, -o'j, (from Qctl-ja) clear, ap- parent, seeming, manifest, plain, known, pub- lic, open, notorious, famous. Φχ^ξοόφΊ'λοξ, -ου, 6, 7], (from preced. and φί7.ο;) that openly loves or is friendly. Φαυΐοόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, p. τηφα,υίξωκα, 1 a. ϊφοίνίζωσοί, 1 a. imperat. φΛ^ίοωσον, 1 a. pass. ϊφοί,νίΡύΐθγ,υ, p. pass. ττίφα,Άοωμ,α,ι, (from φοίνζ^ος) I make manifest or known, show forth, show, Φα,^ζοωζ, (from same) apparently, mani- festly, plainly, openly. ΦΛ'Αρωσις, -to:, Attic -ία;, '/j, (from φΛνί- QOu) a manifestation, a making or a being made manifest. Φχί/'/Ι, -vjg, 7], (from φύω) a light ; plur. orgies of Bacchus celebrated by torch light. Φά,ΰΥιφόοο;, -ου, 6, (from preced. and φί- ζω) a torch bearer ; a priest of Apollo or the Sun. Φανίον, -ου, το, (from φχνο;) a small torch or lantern. Φοί!/6ς, -ί?, -6u, (from φχίνω) shining, lucid, apparent, clear, memorable. Φΰνος, -ου, ό, (from same) a light, torch, lantern, John xviii. 3. Φΰί!/τοίζω, f. -όίσω, p. 'ττίφχντχκοί,ρ. pass. ττΒφύι^τχσμχι, (from ττίφχυται, 3 sing. perf. pass, of φχίνω) I cause or niake to appear ; pass. / appear, seem, am accused ; φχυ- τχζό^Λίνον, το, pres. part. pass. neut. that which- appears or appeared, the appearance, the sight, Heb. xii. 21. ΦχντχσΙχ, •χς, vj, (from preced.) an ap- pearance, vision, imagination ; show, pomp, j)ompous show, parade. Φχντχσιοκ,οτΓέύ}, -ω, (from preced. and KOTTo;) I am disordered in my imagination, am frantic. Φύντασ/^χ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of φχντύζω) an apparition, a spectre, a phan- tom, an image or representation. Φανταστός, -ij, -6v, (from same) imagin- able. Φαντϊ, Dor. for φασί, 3 pi. of

)d.'' From his youth he addicted him- self to the sect of the Pharisees, but God had separated him from the very beginning to the service of the gospel, Gal. i. 15. and comp. Jer. i. 5. Φαζμ,ακϊία, -ας, τι, (from φάζΐ/,ακον) sor- cery, luitchcraft, pharmaceutic enchantment, magical incantation with drugs, whether ani- mr.I, vegetable, or mineral, tricks practised in support of idolatry, and often with a murderous or malicious design ; pharmacy. Φαζ^^άκίύς, -ίος, 6, (from same) a pre- parer of drugs, an enchanter luith drugs, medicines or poisons ; a sorcerer. ΦαζΟί,ακΒυω, f. -ίύσω, (from same) 7 give poison ; mid. / ust poison, use magical tricks or incantations with drugs. Φαζίϋάκ,Ις, -ί^ος, 7j, (from next) a sor- ceress. Φάζ(Λοίκον, -ου, το, (from φΐ^ων οίκος, bringing relief, or φΐ^ων άχ,ος, bri7igi7ig grief or ])ain) a drug, a medicine, a ptoison. Φαζί^ακο'ττοσία, -ας, vj, (from preced. and Tiua) a drinking of medicine or of j^oi son. Φαρμ,ακο7τω7Αω, (from same and ττωλέ'ω) / vend drugs. Φχξμακο77ωλ•/ις, -ου, ό, (from same) a vender of drugs. Φαξμ,ακός, -ου, ό, same as φχρ(Αχχ,ίύς. 863 Φαξμακοτξίβγ)ς, Λ GREEK LEXICON. Φενάκτ}. ■ Φοίξ/ίίΰίκοτξΐβγις, •ον, 6, (from φοίζΐίΐ»κ.οϋ and τζίβω) α pounder of drugs. Φοίζ^Λοίκόω, -ω, same as φοίζίΛα,κΐυύ). Φιχ,ξ/^χκύ)^γΐς^ -£0?, ο, ^, (from φά^μακοι^) like poison ^ bitter ; poisonous. Φοί^μοί^ις, -εως, vj, same as φχζμοικ,ξίΰ^. Φχξμάσσω^ Attic -ttuj, f. -|, p. 'ττίφί^φα, p. mid. 'ττίφοξ- βχ, I feed, rear, produce. ΦίΡίγγΰος, -ov, o, 7], (from φίζω and ly- yii/i) trust-worthy, adequate. Φεζέκόίκος, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and κ.α- κ,ός) that brings evil ; that bears evil. Φίρίκα,ξτΓος, -ou, (from same and χχοττο;) that bears fruit. Φίζΐ'Μχ,ος, -ου, 6, 7], (from same and uUri) that hnngs victory. Φίξΐοικος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and οίκος) that carries his house. Φίξίττονος, -ου, ό, 'ή, (from same and 'ττό- uo;) that bears labour. Φίξίσσα,-ΛΥις, -ίο;, ο, 7), (from same and σά,κ,ος) that bears a shield. Φίξίτ^ζύω, f. -ξύσω, (from next) / carry on a bier. ΦίζετζΟ!/, -ου, το, (from φίζω) a bier. Φίοίφχττχ, ΦίζσίφοίττίΖ, or Φεζαίφόν/ι, -γις, Tj, Proserpine. Φίζεφύ,τηο'^, -ου, το, (from preced.) a temple of Proserpine : φίζίφάττία, -ωι>, τά, a festival of Proserpine. Φίζίστος, -/j, -ov, (from φΐξω) most pro- ductive, most excellent or best. Φίξμχ, -οίτος, το, (from same) produce. Φεζ^ή, -7i;, 7]. (from same) a dowry which a wife brings along with her. Φίζνίζω, f. -Ισω, Attic φζζυιω, (from pre- ced.) / endow. Φίζτά,τος, -η, -ou, same as φίζίστος. Φίρτίζος, -Λ, -ου, (comp. of next) more excellent, better. Φίοτό;, -71, -o'j, (from next) borne, to be borne. Φύξύ), (see most of the tenses in p. 74) p. mid. ττίφοζχ, I bear, bring, carry ; carry away, take ; sustain, support, uphold; go- vern, regulate, am able to bear or endure ; bear with ; pass. / am carried, brought, rush ; am driven, am borne, borne away or actuated by the Holy Spirit, 2 Pet. i. 21 ; / am carried, proceed or hasten, Heb. vi. 1 ; / «7» brought, produced, proved or made ap- parent, as in a court of justice, Heb. ix. 16. Φίξύννμ,ος, -ου, 6, τ], (from preced. and 6vo,uu) that bears the name. Φευ, alas J Φίύγω, f. -ζω, p. a. 'ττίφίυγχ, for ττΒφευχχ, to avoid the concurrence of two aspirates, 1 f. mid. φίΰξοίίίχ/, 2 a. act. εφνγον, p. mid. 'ττίφυγχ, I flee, escape. Φζυκτίον, (from preced.) must avoid. Φευκτος, -oj, -ov, (from same) to be avoided. ΦεύξΊμος, -■/], -ov, (from same) that may be fled from ; that may be fled to. Φευξ,ις, -εω;, τ], (from same) escape, flight, Φίψώλοί, -ου, or φίφχΆυξ, -υγο;, 6, a spark, smoke, soot. Φε^'ΰίλόω, f. -άσω, (from preced.) I re- duce to ashes. Φτιγιίνος, -71, -ov, (from next) of ok be- longing to oak or beech. Φτΐ'γος, -ου, τ], (from φχγω) a tree that bears mast, the oak or the beech; Lat. fagus. Φτί'ΚΎΐζ, -Υικος, ο, a wild or an unripe fig. Φήλ-ζιτ'^ς, -ου, 6, (from next) a deceiver, thief, robber. Φ^λοί, -ου, 6, 7], deceitful. φγιΚόω, f. -όίσω, (from preced.) I deceive. Φτίμ,τι, -γ,ς, and φΫι^Λΐς, -ιος, τ], (from next) a saying, repoi't, rumour, fame, oracle. Φ/ιαϊ, f. φτισω, 2 a. εφϊΐν, (from φάω) I say, afi?'m, tell, relate. Φγιμ,Ιζύ), f. -Χσω, Dor. -Γξ,ω, (from preced.) / promulgate, spread a I'umour, express, name. Φτίν/ι, -ης, 71, an eagle, osprey ov sea-eagle. Φτι^, φγιρος, ό, ^ol. for Soj^, a wild beast. Φνίτξγι, -ης, r„ a tribe. Φύχνω, or φθχω, -ω, f. φθχσω, p. εφύχκχ, 1 a. εφύχσχ, 2 a. εφύήν,{ύΌΏ\ φύ'ήαι)2Ά. mid. εφύά,μ,γιν, I come, come suddenly or sooner than expected; I come already, come before, prevent, anticipate, am before ; I attain to, come to or as far as. See p. 96. Φύχζ/ϋχ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of φθείρω) corruption, something corrupted or ruined. Φβχξτϊκος, -71, -ov, (from sa.vae) pernicious. Φύχξτός, -71, -ov, (from εφθχζτχι, 3 sing. of same) corruptible, penshable, destructive. Φθε'/'/ομ,χι, f. mid. φβίγξομχί, 1 a. mid. εφύεγξάμην, p. pass. 'εφθεγ[/,χί, p. mid. εφ- &oyyx, I speak, sound aloud, tdter, shout. Φύεγκτος, -τι, -ov, (from preced.) that sounds or utters; that is capable of sounding. Φθίγμχ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of same) a voice, eloquence, speech, discourse, language. Φβεΐξ, -ζός, 6, (from φθείξω) a louse. Φθεΐ(^Ίΰσις, -εως, i], (from next) a lousy disease. Φθείζΐχύ), f. -χσω, (from φύίΙ(>) I labour under the lousy disease. Φύείζΐζω, f. -Ίσω, Attic -ιω, (from same) / louse. ΦβείζοτΓΟίος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and ττοιίω) that produces lice. 5R 865 Φύίίξοτξαγίω, A GREEK LEXICON. Φύίίξοτξχ'/ίω, (from same and τ^ωγω) I eat lice. Φύίίξα, f. φύεξω, JEiOl. φύίξσω^ p. ίφθα,ζκ,χ., 1 a. 'ίφύίίξοί, 2 a. έφύΰίζοι/, 2 a. pass. Ιφθά,ξγιυ, p. pass. ίφθΛζμ>οι,ι, -σαι, -toci, p. mid. 'ίφύοξχ, (from φύίω) I corrupt, destroy, punish with destruction, spoil, vitiate, seduce, deceive; pass. 1 wander. ΦύίξσΊγευνίς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from preced. and γΐνος) destructive to a family, race-destroying. Φύίω, I corrupt, destroy. Φύ'ί(ΛΒνος, -71, -ou, for Ιφύιμ,&νος, part, of έφύψ.ύίΐ, perf. pass, of φύίω, see φύίΐ'ω. ΦύΊνοίς, -άδοί, '/], (from φύίνω) that de- clines, is perishing ; that consumes, destroys. Φβίϋΰίσμα, -ατοζ, το, (from φθινάζω, ano- ther form of φύίνω) a decline, the setting of the sun, consumption, destruction. Φύϊνόκ,ΰΐζ'ττος, -ου, 6, ί], (from φύίνω and κΰίξΤΓός) that loses its fruit. Φύινοτω^ινος, -vj, -ου, (from same and ο'ττωζοί) whose fruit withers or decays, Jude \2', autumnal. Φύίΐ/ο-ττωξίς,-βος, τ], (from same) autumnal.- Φύιυό'ττω^ον, -ου, το, (from same) the au- tumn. Φύ'ίυνθω, same as φύίι/ω. ΦύΙυυΆΆχ, -γις, 7], (from next) a tvithered hag. Φύϊι/ύ^,ΟΥ φύίω, f. φΰίσω,{^ΐθϊΏ φύίω) I de- stroy, am corrupted, decay, wither, perish, die. Φύισνινωζ, -οζος, ό, τ}, (from φύίσις and ά,υνίζ) destructive to men, fatal. Φύίσίβξοτος, or φθισίμ.βξοτος,-ου, 6, 7], (from same and βοοτος) destructive to mortals. Φύ'ίσ^ός, -^, -6u, (from φύίω) phthisical, wasting, consumptive. Φύ'ισις, -sag, i], (from same) phthisis, con- sumption, decay, decline. Φύιίτός, -ij, -6u, (from same) decayed, liable to decay. Φύιτόύ), same as φύίω, see φύίνω, Φύογγνι, -τις, 'h, (ind φύόγγος, -ου, ό, (from perf. mid. of φύίγ'/ο^α,ι) a voice, sound; hence, tongue. Φύόη, -Yig, hi (from φύίω) a phthisis, con- sumption. Φύοίς, -ihoc, 6 or i], (from ζφύάο) a sort of round cake. Φύονεξος, -a,, -ου, (from φύόυος) envious : φύουζξως, enviously.^ Φύονίω, -ω, f. -νισύ), p. Ιφθόυηκ,οί, 1 a. ϊφύό- νησίΛ, (from same) I envy, Gal. v. 26. Φύόυησις^ -^ούς, % (from preced.) envying. Φύουνιτίκ,ος, -'^, -ου, (from same) envious : φύουηηκ,ως, enviously. Φύόυος, -ου, 6, (perhaps from φύίυω) envy, malice, malignity, jealousy. Φθοξά,, -Ας, Ion. φύοο'η, -^ς, vj, (from perf. mid. of φύίίζω) a being destroyed, corrup- 866 the^ violation or ruin of tion, destruction a maiden. Φύοξίύς, -ίως, 6, (from same) a destroyer^ corrupter. Φύόξίος, -ou, and φύοξοτοίος, -6u, (from same and -ττοιεω) destructive, pernicious. Φύόζος, -ου, ό, same as φύοξά. Φι, or φιυ, a particle added by the lo- nians, and poets, to datives and sometimes genitives of nouns. ΦΐΰίΚίω, (from next) / ofer ivith a boiul. Φ/άλ)?, -ης, h, (i• e. τηόύ^η, from ττίαυ αΚις, to drinh enough) a bowl or basin, phial. ΦιοίΤ^γιφόζος, -ου, β, h, (from preced. and φίζω) that catties a boivl or basin, a cup- bearer, a priest. ΦΤΚοί'γά,ύος, -ου, ο, (from (p /λοί and ayoiuog) a friend or lover of good men or of goodness. ΦΤκά.'γ'Κοίος, -ου 6, {}> (from same and άγΆοίος) that loves splendour. Φίλΰίγξος, -ου, 6, h, (from samo and dy^og) that loves the country. ΦίλαΙίΆφίοί, -χς, 5j, (from next) brotherly love. Φ'ίλόίΙίλφος, -ου, ή, (from φίτ^ος and ά^εΚφος) fidl of brotherly love or kindness. ΦΊλχϊύλος, and φιΆχύΧος, -ου, ό, yj, (from same and α,ύτ^ος) that loves combats. Φίλάξω, (from φιΤ^εω) I love. Φ^ιλόίύν/υχίος, -ου, (from φίτ^ος and 'Aurr υχίος) that loves Athenians. ΦίΤ^χύλ^τ'ης, -ου, c, same as φίΤ,χεύλος. ΦίλχΙαζτος, -ου, ό, v}> (from φίλος and χΐά,ζω) that loves to complain, doleful. Φίλχίμ,οίτος, -ου, 6, h, (from same and xIjLcx) that loves blood, blood-thirsty. Φ^λχίτεξος, -X, -ου, more loving or dear ; and φΐίλχίτχτος, most loving or dear, from φίλχΊος, same as φίλος. Φίλχίτιος, -ου, 6, vjy (from φίλος and xlrix) that loves accusing, censorious. Φιλχκ,όλχστος, -ου, 6, h> (from same and άζόλχστος) that loves intemperance. ΦΚλχκ,όλουύος, -ου, ό, ^, (from same and χκ,όλουύος) that loves tofolloiv. Φ'ίλχλτιύ'/ις, -εος, ό, ^, (from same and χλτι- β'/ϊς) that loves truth. ΦιλχλλΎΐλος, -ου, 6, ij, (from same and ά,λλ'ήλωυ) loving midually. Φίλχμ,χ, Dor. for φί7^ιημ,χ. Φίλχμχξτ'/ιμ,ωυ, -ουος, 6, i}> (from φιλίω and άμχξτημχ) loving sins. Φίλχμ,τΐελος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and χμ,'Τΐίλος) that loves vines. Φιλχυχγυό)στγις, -ου, ό, (from same and χυχγυωστ'/ις) a lover of readiJig. ΦίλχυΙξίχ, -χς, h, (from next) love to a husband. ΦίλχυΙζος, -ου, oj, (from φίλος and χυνίζ) lovins one's husband. Φίλανόροίκζνζ. Λ GREEK LEXICON. Φιληξίτμος, Φι7.ανύξοίκ,ίυς, -sag, ο, (from same and άΐ/ύζοίκίύς) a friend to colliers, ΦίΤ^χι/ύξίύττίύο^αχί, (from same and οίνύξω- τΓος) I behave or entertain politely. Φι7\.α,νύξω'7Γίω) -ω, f. -ν}σύ),,\ a. ίφιΆχνβζω- ττ/-σα, (from same) Hove men, act humanely or kindly. Φιλΰονύξω-ττίχ, -χς, 'η, (from same) philan- ihropy, love of man, humanity, ΦίΆά^ύξωτΓος, -ου, ο, '^j (from same) loving men, humane : φι\α.νύΡύ)'7Γως, humanely, with humanity or henevvlence. ΦίλαοίΙός, 'Qv, 6, (from φίλο; and dei^a) a lover of song, Φίλΰίττεχ,βτ,/ίΛοσν^/ι, -τ.ς, τι, (from next) a love of hostility, animosity, rancour. Φίλοί7ηχύ7}[Λύ)ν, -όνος, 6, τί, (from φίλος, α,ττο, and ί-χ,ύος^ that loves enmity: φιλοί-τηχ,- θγ\^ιόνύ)ς, with enmity, malignantly. ΦιλΛ'τηχθτις, -iog, ό, i;, (from preced.) /o«c? of quarrelling, spiteful: φιλοίτηχύως, mali- ciously. ΦίΚχ'τιτλοΐκ,ος, -ο), -ou, (from φίλος and ά'ΤΓλόος) that loves simplicity. Φ/?ιδί9Γ&δ-/5,αοί, -ov, 6, '^, (from same, ά,ττο, and ^'ίιμ,ος) that is fond of travelling. Φίλα,ξγνζίω, -ω, f. -vjgu), (from φιλά,ζγυξος) I love money, am covetous. Φίλα,ξ'/νζί», 'Οίς, 71, (from next) love of money, covetousness, 1 Tim. vi. 10. Φ'ίλύ^yυQoς, -ov, o, Tj, (from φίλος and χξγνζος) loving money, covetous. Φίλά,ξίτος, -ov, 6, 71, (from same and άζίττι} that loves virtue. ΦΏ^άζμόίτος, -ov, 6, oj, (from same and όίξμκ) that loves chariots. Φιλαρχ,ίω, (from same and άξχ,τ}) I love power. Φιλαξχ,Ιΰί, -οίς, 7,, (from preced.) love of power. ■Φίλχξχος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from same) that loves power or rule. Φιλάς, 'άίος, τ], (from φιλίω) a joint, a coupling. ΦίΑοιυβό^.αιμος, -ov, 6, 7j, (from φίλος, α,ϋτος, 6y.ov, and α,ίμ,α) that loves one^s own blood, i. c. ones blood relations. Φίλαντίΰί, -ας, τ], (from next) self-love. Φίλΰίντος, -ov, 0, 7], (from φίλος and χύτος) loving one^s self, cither only, or more than one ought, selfish. To os φίλχντον uuxt -ψί- ysTcci οικχΐύΐς' ovK 'ϊστι ύί τούτο το φι7^ζϊν exvTou, άλλα, το μ,άλλοί} tj os7 φιλίίυ, κχθά- 'ττεξ Kccl το φίλο•χ,(ΐ7ΐ(Λχτον. " But to be a lover of one's self is justly reproved ; this, however, is not merely loving one's self, but doing so more than one ought, as in the case of loving money." Aristotcles de Kepubl. II. 5: φιλχντύΐς, with selfish love. Φιλξλζτιμ,ωυ, -οΰος, ό, % (from same and Ιλί'ήμων) loving mercy. Φιλίλζνύίζος, -ov, 6, vjy (from same and ίλξύύίςοζ) that loves freedom. ΦίλίλλΎΐΐ/, -γινος,'ο, 7j, (from same and "Ελ- λγιν) that loves the Greehs. Φιλίοξτος, -ov, 6, 7], (from same and log-'/j) that loves feasts, Φίλίζχστος, -ov, 6, τι, (from same and Ιξάύ)) prone to love, agreeable to lovers. Φ(λίξγίύ), (from same and e^you) I love ivork, Φιλξξγία, -χς, 71, (from preced.) love of work, Φίλζξγός, -ov, 0, 71, (from same) that loves work, Φΐλίζύ}ς, -ωτος, ο, τΐί (from φίλος and £ζύ•)ς) devoted to love. Φίλετχίξίίχ, or -ξίχ, -χς, tj, (from same and ΒτχΊοοζ) love of companions or friends. Φϊλίτχίζος, -ov, ό, τι, (from same) that loves companions oy friends, Φϊλευυος, -ov, 6, τι, (from φίλος and ίνυ'ή) fond of bed. Φί7.£χΰζίω, -0), (from same and ίχύος) I love enmity, Φιλίω, -0), imperf. Ιφίλεον, -ovu, f. -τισω, p. ττεφίλτικχ, 1 a. εφίλνισχ, p. pass. στεφίλΥΐμ,χι, p. mid. ητεφιλχ, I love, like, kiss ; I am wont, am in the habit of doing, love to do, Φίλ/ι, -νις, ίι, (from φίλος) a female friend, Luke XV. 9. ΦΤαυΜο), (from same and τΐ^νς) I love pleasure, Φ/λ//δ^ί, -ίος, ο, ^,(from preced.) that loves pleasure. ΦϊλΥιοίχ, -χς, 71, (from same) love ofjdea- sure. Φιλ-ήΙονιχ, -χς, 7}, (from next) love of pleasure, ΦΤλ'ή^ονος, -ov, 6, 'ή, (from φίλος and τι^οντι) loving pleasure, a lover of f)leasure, Φιλιη-Λοεο), (from same and ά-Λοΰω) I am fond of hearing or of learning, ΦιλΎιΛοίχ, -χς, 71, (from preced.) love of hearing or of learning. Φίλγικόος, -όον, 6, 7}, (from same) fond of hearing, attentive. Φ'ίληλιχστ7ΐς,-ου,6,{ΐΐ•θ\Χ\ φίλος ΐχηά τιλιχσ- τ7,ς) fond of or accustomed to litigation. ΦΏ^ήμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of φιλεω) a hiss, a token of love and friend- ship. ΦΊλτινε/^ίος, -ou, (from φίλος and χυει^ος^ that loves wind ; that is used to the ivind. Φ'ίλνιυιος, -χ, -ou, (from same and Tiuix) that loves or that is used to the rein. Φϊλ'/ιυωξ, -οζος, same as φίλχνίζος. Φϊλνι^έ'τ/^ος, -ov, ό, 71, (from φίλο; and εζίσσο) /hat loves the oar. 867 Φιλ^Ιΰ/μολ'^ο^ A GREEK LEXICON. ΦΑοκΐΰ6οφ6ζος, ΦΐΚΎΐσί^^οΤ^-ττος, -oy, ο, sj, (from same and μίτ.'πω) that loves song. ΦιΧγΐηΰω, I steal. Φ/λΐίτ^?, -οϊ5, ο, (from φίλος) a lover, one wJio kisses : φιλν^της, a thief. ΦιλΥίτΊκος, -V, -ou, (from same) belonging to love or kissing. Φ'ίλγιζος, -ij, -ov, (from same) loved; to be loved, lovely. ΦΤκνίτω^, -οξοζ, ο, 7], (from same) that loves. Φ/λ<«, -οίς, vi, (from same) friendship, love. Φιλίάζω, f. -ϋσύ), p. 'ττίφιΚίΛΛχ, 1 a. Ιφ/~ λ/βίσοί, (from preced.) I form a friendship with, become a friend to, declare love. ΦιΚιοίΤζίω, (from φίλος and Ιάομχι) Hove the medical art. Φϋλίκός, -57, -oV, (from φίλος) friendly : φιλικ,ως, in a friendly manner. Φιλιόομ,α,ί, 1 a. pass. Ιφιλιωύην, (from φιλί») I become a friend. Φίλιος, -Λ, -Qv, (from same) friendly. ΦιλιτΓΤΓίζω, f. Ίσω, (from Φίλιττ-ττος) I favour the interest of Philip. ΦϊλιτΓ'ττος, -ου, 6, 4 (from φίλος and ά'•/μ.ω!/, -όνος, ο, 'ή, (from φίλος and '7Τζάσσω)ΙΙιαΙ loves business, that is a busy-body. Φίλοττζοσ'/ιγοξος, -ου, ό, ij, (from same and ττςοστιγοζος) easy of access, qfabL•'. Φιλο'ττζωτεΰο), (from same and 'τΐζωτος) I love to be first or chief of, love to have or to affect the preeminence over. Φιλοζνιύία, -ας, ^, (from same and ό'ζνίς) a love for birds. ΦΊ7,οονις, -ϊθος, ό, vj, (from same) that loves birds ; loved or frequented by birds. Φίλούβωξ, -ωγος, ο, tj, (from next and ρωζ) that loves grapes. Φίλο?, -η, -ov, (from φί7άω) loving or be- loved with peculiar and distinguishing regard. Φίλος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a friend. 3 869 \ Φ/λόό/τοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Φ/λο-ψ/α, Φίλόσϊτοζ, -oy, ο, ij, (from φίλος and σΓ- τοί) /Λαί loves corn. Φιλοσκύ}μ,[Λων, -όνος, and φιλοσκ,ωτττης, -ον, ο, 07, (from same and σκωτττω) that loves ridicule. Φιλοσοφία, (from φιλόσοφος) I philoso- phize, love science, study. Φίλοσόφγιι^οί, -ατός, το, (from preced.) an investigation, the result of an investiga- tion. Φιλοσοφία, -α,ς, vi, (from ne^aX) philosophy , the love of unsdom, the doctrine or tenets of the heathen jjhilosophers, or the theories of those who wished to graft these on revealed religion. Col. ii. 8. Φ^ιλόσοφος, -ου, 6, (i. e. φίλος σοφίας, a lover of ivisdom) a philosopher. Acts xvii. 18 : φιλοσόφως, philosophically, wisely. Φ^λόσττου^ος, -ου, 6, 7i, (from same and σ'τΐίνΐίό) that loves libations ; used in making libations. Φιλοστεφανίω, (from next) / love a croiun, contend for a croivn. Φϊλοστίφόίί/ος, -ου, 6, yj, (from φίλος and στίφχνος) that loves a crown. Φιλόστουος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and στί- ρύή that loves to groan : φ'ίλοστόνοίς, with the groans which you love. Φιλοστοξγίω, (from φιλόστοργος) I love with natural affection. Φιλοστοργία,, -ας, ^, (from next) natural affection. ΦΓΑΟστοξγος,-ου,ό, ^,(from φίλος ^ηάστοζ- γ'ή) loving luith that tender affection which is natural between parents and children, or other near relations, affectionate : φιλοστόζ- γως, affectionately. Φιλοστξατιωτης, -ου, ό, (from same and στρατιωτγις) one that loves his soldiers. Φιλόσϋζος, -ου, ο, τ), (from same an^ συ- Kou) that loves figs. Φιλοσυυτιύγις, -£ος, ό, τ], (from same -and συντιβϊΐς) that loves society. Φιλοσωματος, -ου, ό, v], (from same and σώμα) that loves his own person. Φιλοτίκνία, -ας, τ}, (from next) love for children, Φ^ιλότίκυος, -ου, ό, ί], (from φίλος and τίκ- νον) loving one's children. Tit. ii. 4. Φιλοτίχνίω, (from same and τίγ,νγι) Hove an art ; love artifice. Φιλότεχνος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same) that loves an art or the arts ; artful. ΦΤλότΎΐς, -γιτος, τι, (from φίλος) love, friendship. Φ^λοττισιος, -ία, -tov, (from same) that be- longs to love or friendsldp : φ'ίλοτϊΐσία, viz. στόσις, a friendly drink. Φίλοτϊμίομαι, -ουμ,αι,- (from same and Ti[.t7i) I am ambitious, malce it my ambition, 870 esteem it an honour, am extremely desi- rous. Φιλοτίμ,Υιμα, -ατός, τό, (from same) a proof of ambition ; a reward of honour. Φιλοτιμγιτίον, (from same) must seek glory. Φ^ιλοτΊμίά, -ας, τ], (from same) love of honour, ambition, emidation. Φ'ίλότΐμος, -ου, ο, v}, (from same) desirous of honour, ambitious ; honourable, magnifi- cent : φιλοτίμως, ambitiously, zealously, dili- gently. Φιλοτοιοϋτος, -ου, 6, yj, (from same and τοιούτος) that loves such. Φιλοτξοφίω, (from same and τξίφω) I love to rear. Φιλοττάξιον, and φιλοτάξίον, -ου, τό, (from φίλος) a little friend. Φιλοτύζαννος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and τΰζαννος) that loves a tyrant. Φιλόφύονος, -ου, ο, 5?, (from same and φύόνος) that loves envy. ΦιλόφΊλος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and φίλος) that loves a friend. Φίλοφόξ•μιγζ, -ιγγος, ό, ί], (from same and φό^μιγξ) that loves the lyre. Φ'ίλο'φζονίω, -ω, (from same and φςονίω) I think in a friendly manner, am benevolent, zealous, or diligent : φιλοφξονίομαι, I re- ceive or treat with friendship or kindness. Φιλοφζόννισις, -^ως, vi, (from preced.) friendly or affectionate reception or treat- ment. Φ'ίλοφξόνως, (from φιλόφξων) in a friendly, kind, or hospitable manner. ΦΊλ'δ'φζοσΰννι, -Ύΐς, ^, (from next) a kind reception, benignity, hilarity. Φϊλο'φζων, -όνος, ό, τ], (from φίλος and φ ζγ^ν) friendly-minded, friendly, benign. Φ^λοχοζίυτ'/ις, -ου, or φΐλόχοξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and χοζός) that loves to dance in choirs. ΦιλοχζΎΐματίω, (from same and χξτιμα) I love wealth. Φιλοχρηματία, -ας, vj, (from preced.) the love of ivealth. Φιλοχζτιματος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same) that loves money, avaricious. Φιλοχξγιμοσΰντι, -γις, τ), (from same) an avar-icious disposition. Φίλ'οχο^ϊΐστος, -ου, 6, vj, (from φίλος and χζ^^στός) that loves goodness. Φϊλοχωξίω, (from same and χωζα) I love a place. Φίλοχωξία, -ας, τ], (from same) love of a place. Φϊ^ο-ψίυΙ'^ς, -ίος, ό, τ}, (from φίλος and •^ίυ^ω) that loves to tell lies. Φιλο-ψία, -ας, vj, (from same and o-^ov) an excessive love for meat, or fish. Φίλό-^ογο;^ A GREEK LEXICON. Φλυόάω. ΦΊλόχΡογος, -ovy ο, ^, (from same and ■φί- γω) censorious. Φίλο-ψος, -oy, ο, τ], (from same and ο-ψο^) that is fond of meat or fish. ΦΊλο-ψϋχίω, (from same and -ψν-^ν) I love my life, am cowardly. Φι'Κο-φυχίχ, -ot?, vj, (from same) love of life, coiuardice. Φίλό-ψνχοζ, -ου, 6, 7}, (from same) a lover of souls ; that loves life, is timid. ΦίΤ^όφϋχ,ζος, -ου, 6, vi, (from φίΧος and "ψυχζός) that loves coolness. ΦίΆτόίτος, -7j, -ou, for ψίλότατος, (superl. of φίλος) most beloved or dear. Φίλτξον, -ου, το, (from φίλος) love, a love charm or drug to cause love, a philtre. Φίλυοζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ν^αζ) that loves water. ΦιλυτΓ'ήκ,οος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and ν-7Τ7}κ,οος} that loves subjects. Φίλύξόί, -ας, VI, a lindeyi or lime tree ; the inner bark of the tree of which mats were made, Lat. philyra. ΦΌώζίνος, -y], -ou, (from preced.) of lime tree. Φϊ7ίω^6ς, -ου, ό, τ], (from φίλος and ^Ivj) fond of singing. Φίλος, (from φίλος) in a friendly manner. Φϊ^ίός, -ου, ό, a muzzle, a halter or bridle. Φιμόω, 'uj, f. -ωσύ), p. ττίφί/ίίοικ,α, 1 a. $φί- μ,ωσα, 1 a. pass. &φί,αωβ/ιν, and imperat. φι- /ίύύύγιτι, p. pass, 'ττίφί,α,ωμχί, and imperat. -ττίφί^/.ωσο, -ωσθω, (from preced.) / muzzle, stop the mouth, reduce to silence, make quiet or still. Φιτ^ος, -ου, 6, a stem, log, club. Φίτυ, -υος, and φίτϋμ,α,, -ατός, το, (from φιτύύί) a shoot, scion, plant, bud; a child. ΦΤτΰ'ΤΓοίίΛΎΐν, -ίνος, 6, (from preced. and TToif^^u) a feeder of plains, a gardener. Φίτυς, -υος, ο, (from next) a planter, a begetter. Φϊτύω, (same as φυτίύω) I sow, 2:>lant, beget. Φλάζύ), (from φλάω) I boil up, swell ; I stammer. Φλαυζίζω, same as φαυλίξύκ Φλαύζος, -a, -ov, same as φαύλος. Φλαυ(ζότϊ\ς, for φαυλότγις. Φλάύ), -ω, I bruise, crush, burst. Φλίβοτόμον, -ου, το, (from φλίφ and τέ,α- ua) a vein-cutter, lancet. Φλεγίύω, same as φλίγο). Φλίγμ,α, -ατός, το, (from φλίγω) flame, burning, inflammation ; phlegm, gall. Φλί'-ζμ,αίυω, f. -ανω, 1 a. ίφλίγμ,ανα, (from same) / am inflamed, swell. Φλίγμ,ον'ή, -τις, 'ή, (from same) inflammation. Φλξγύας, -ου, Μο\. -ao, 6, (ixom same) an eagle of a flame colour. * Φλίγΰζος, -ά, -6'j, (from next) burning, blazing ; brilliant, famous. Φλίγω, f. φλί^ω, p. 'π-ίφλ^χ,α, p. pass. 'ΤΓίφλζγμ,αι, p. mid. ΐΐ'ίφλογα, I burn, kin- dle, inflame, shine ; render famous. Φλί^ων, -όνος, or (ρλεδων, -ωνος, 6, (from φλίω) an idle talker, loquacity. Φλίξ{ς, -ίως, vi, (from φλίγω) a biaming, flaming ; a kind of bird. Φλέ-ψ, φλεβός, VI, a vein. Φλίω, I flow, abound, pour out, blab. Φλίως, -ω, 6, (from preced.) a plant grow- . ing in moist places, the papyrus. Φληναφάω, (from same) I pirate. Φλτίναφος, -ου, 6, % (from preced.) lo- quacious. Φλϊα, -ας, v], the post of a gate or door, a threshold, the transom or lintel over a door. Φλίβω, JEo\. for 5τλίβω. Φλύάω, and φ?,ίΙά^ω, (from φλίω) lover- flow with moisture, am flaccid or wrinkled. Φλόγζος, -a, -ou, and φλογίζος, -a, -oV, (from next) burning, flaming, blazing. Φλογίζω, f. -1σω, Attic -ιω, 1 a. ίφλόγισα, 1 a. pass. Ιφλογίσύτιν, (from φλόξ) I set in a flame, set on fire, infi.ame, burn. Φλόγίυος, -ίνη, -luov, (from ?,cime) flaming. Φλόγιου, -ου, το, (from same) a little flame, a reddish lack or gum. Φλογίστός, -sj, -ou, (from same) burnt up. Φλογμ,ος, -ου, ό, (from same) flame, heat, inflammation. Φλογοα}ί•)ις, -£0?, o, ij, (from same and h- δοί) like flame. Φλογοιοίο^αι, (from same and οΙΙίω) I swell with heat, burn. ΦλογωτΓος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and ώΐψ) flaming. Φλοιός, -ου, 6, the bark of a tree. Φλοίσβος, -ου, 6, the noise of waves ; the noise of battle. Φλοώ^ϊΐς, -£ος, ό, ν„ (from φλοιός) like bark, full of bark, husky, spongy, ivorthless, mean. Φλ&Ι, φλογός, VI, (from perf. mid. of φλί- γω) a bright burning flre, aflame. Φλόος, -όου, contr. φλους, -ου, also -οός, same as φλοιός. Φλυάζίω, -Ο), (from φλΰαζος) I prate, chatter, talk in an idle trifling manner against any one, 3 John 10. idter jests. Φλυαζία, -ας, v], (from next) idle silly talk. Φλύάζος, -ου, 6, vj, (from φλύω) a prater, a tattler, an idle or trifling talker, one who boils over as it were with impertinent talk, 1 Tim. V. 13. Φλυα(ΐω^ης, -ίος, ό, ij, (from preced.) fond of silly Jests, trifling. Φλυ^άω, same as φλιοάω. 871 Φλΰζω. A GREEK LEXICON. ΦοΤτος. Φλνξω, or φλύσσω, f. -ζω, same as βλόζω. ΦΤ^ύκτοίΐυόί^ -Ύΐς, ^, and φλυκτις, -/δο?, τ], (from next) a boil, a blister frovi a burn or inflammation^ an inflamed pustule, Φ'κύω, same as φτ^ίω, I boil, bubble as with heat. Φοβ^ξίζω, f. -Ισω, I a. ίφοβίξίσοί, (from φο- βίξος) I terrify. ΦοβΒξίσίΛος, -οίί, ο, (from preced.) terror. Φοβζξος, -α, -ouy (from φόβος) dreadful, terrible, hoimd : φοβίζως, terriblj/. Φοββύ), -ω, ΐ. •'yjacj, p. 'ττβφόβ'/ικχ, pres. pass. φοβΐομ,οίΐ, -ovf^oti, and imperat. φοβίον, -ου, imperf. Ιφοβζόι/,Ύΐυ, -ούμ^τιν, 1 f. pass. φοβηΗ- σομ>οίΐ, 1 a. pass, ίφοβτιβϊΐν, and imperat. φο- βνΐύγιτι, and partic. φοβηβύς,^ (from same) / put to flight, terrify, affright ; pass. / am terrified, affrighted, afraid ; I fear, re- verence. Φόβη, -ης, v}, the mane of a horse; the hair ; the leaves of trees ; in the same sense the Lat. coma. Φόβγι,αόί, -χτος, το, (from φοβεω) fear. Φοβητός, -'/?, -ou, (from same) to be feared. Φόβητζον, -ου, το, (from same) a dreadful or terrible sight or appearance, an object of terror. Φόβος, -ου, 6, (from ττίφοβχ, perf. mid. of φίβω) a fleeing or running away through fear, fear, terror, affright, object of fear, re- verential fear, reverence. Φογωζ, (tips) Peor. See βίζΚφϊγωζ. Φοιβόίζω, f. -όίσω, and φοιβά,ω, -ω, f. -νισω, (from φοΙβος) I purify, I prophesy ; rage like a priestess of Apollo, am enfuriated. Φοίβά,ς, -α^ος, vj, (from same) a priestess of Apollo. Φοιβοί,στίκος, -vi, -ou, (from same) inspired, frantic. Φοίβίίος, -oc, -ou, φοιβ'ήίος, -τι, -ou, or φο{- βνμς, -ί'^ος, 6, τ], (from same) of or belonging to Phcebus. Φοίβόλγι-τττος, Ion. φοφόλαμτΓτος, -ου, 6, 5J, (from next and \u|Λβά,uω) seized or in- spired by Phcebus. Φοίβος, -71, -ou, (from φάω) shining, clear, pure, chaste, prophetic ; Phcebus a name of Apollo : Φοίβγι, -ης, ^}, a name of Oiana. Φο/ν^, -ης, ή, ^ol. or Dor. for ^oiun- Φoιu'y]s^ς, -ίσσχ, -su, (from φοίϋΐξ) blood red, bloody ; of a flame or bright gold co- lour. Φo{u^κ,άuύ^μoς, -ου, ο, τ], (from same and οίϋύος) that produces purple or red flowers. Φοί^ικ,έος, -ους, 6, vj, (from Φoιuiκ,n) Pheni- ciari^ colour, purple, red. Φοίυϊκζς, -ων, oi, (from next) Phenicians. ΦοίνΤκ-η, -ης, h, Phenicia. Φoιuι>ύζω, (from preced.) I imitate the Phenicians. S72 Φοινικικός, -% -ou, (from same) Phenician, Punic, perfidious, bloody. Φotu!κίuoς, -n,-ou, φoιuικ■vlϊoς,'aΏd φoιuίκιoς, -oc, -ou, (from same) of or belonging to the palm-tree ; purple, dark red. Φο^κϊς, -ιίος, «j, (from same) a purple garment, carpet, coverlet, flag or tablet. Φοινικ,ιστ^ς, -ου, τ], (from same) a dyer of purple, a wearer of purple, a Phenician. Φoιuικ,ιστι, (from same) in the Phenician language or manner. Φoιutκ,oβ(χ'hoίuoς, -ου, τι, (from same and βά.\u,uoς) date of the palm. Φoιuίκόβoc7rroς, -ou, (from same and βά'ττ- τω) dyed red or jiurple. Φoιuικ,oβccrίω, (from same and βα,ίνω) I climb palm trees. ΦoιuΊκQ κροκός, -ου, 6, vi, (from same and κζόκτ]) having a purple woof. Φotuϊκόλoφoς, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and "λόφος) that has a purple crest. Φορ^ιχ,οττόίξγος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and TTuc^sicc) that has rosy cheeks or red sides. ΦoιuTκό'7riζot, -ης, h, (from same and "ττίζα) that is rosy footed. ΦορΑκότΓτεξος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and τττεζόν) that has red wings. Φοινϊκοσκ,ελ'-ής, -ίος, ο, ^, (from same and σκίΚος) that has red legs. Φomκ.oστi^ό'πnς, -ου, 6, (from same and ffTs^oTij) one who hurls red lightning. Φοιυΐχ,όστολος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and στίλλω) equipped after the Phenician man- ner, wearing a purple robe. ΦορΑκοφόί'^ς, -ίος, 6, % (from same and φάο)) dark red or purple colour. ΦoιuTκωu, -ωuoς, 6, (from next) a place planted with palm trees. Φο^ι^,, -ΐκος, 6, (perhaps from Φοινίκη, where the Greeks first became acquainted with this species of trees) a palm tree, a palm branch, palm fruit, a date ; a Pheni- cian ; the Phenix ; the colour of purple or dark red introduced into Greece by the Phenicians. ΦoΊuισσoi, -ης, h, (from preced.) a Pheni- cian woman ; red. Φοιυίσσω, f. -ξω, (from next) / make red or purple. Φoίuός, -vj, -ou, (from φίυω) bloody. ΦοιτοίΚίος, -οί, -ou, (from φοιτά,ω) wander- ing, mad ; causing to wander, maddening. "φοιτα,ς, -οίίος, oj, (from next) a frantic or vagrant female. Φοιτύω, Ion. φοιτεω, f. -τισω, and φοίτηΐ^ι^ I come or go, frequent, wander, rave. Φοίτησις, -ίως, 5j, (from preced.) a fre- quenting. Φοίτος^ -oy, o, (from same) rage, viadnfss, raving. Φολιδωτίς. A GREEK LEXICON. Φξαγζλκιον. Φύλίδίϋτοί, -ϊ), -ou, (from next) made with scales or plates, scaly. ΦοΤάς, -ihog, 'hi β scale, Φολχον, -oS, 0, o?z^ who squints. Φονάω, or ;, (from φξίκη) horrible : φζίκ,ύ,ιίες, horribly. Φξίμχγμος, -ου, 6, (from next) neighing, insolence. Φζίμχσσομχί,ί. "^ομχί,Ι a. ίφξίμχ^χμην, I snort, neigh. ΦξΙ ηκος, vj, (from φξίσσοή the rough- ening of the sea by a breeze, a breeze ; a shuddering, shivering, horror. Φξίζχύχνιν, -svog, o, 7], (preced. and χύχ'^ν) that has the neck rough from the mane or bristles standing erect. Φ(>Ίσσω, or -ίττο), f. φξί^ω, p. τίφξΐχχ, 1 a. έφξίξ,χ, p. pass. '7Γ£φζ<γμχί, (from φζϊ^) 1 7nurmur and have the surface ruffled by a breeze ; I stand an end as the hair, I have the hair stand an end, I bristle, I shudder through fear or horror. Φξοιμίχζομχί, for ττζοοιμιχζομχι. Φζοίμιον, -ου, το, for 'ττξοοίμίον. Φζϋρίω, -CJ, f. -'^ισω, p. 'ττίφξόνγι^οχ, 1 a. ζφξόνγι&χ, ρ. pass, τηφξόνημχι, (i. e. φξενίω, from φξίνίς, plur. of φζνιν) I mind, relish, affect, set the affections on ; know, under- stand, think, am of a mind or opinion ; mind, am careful or solicitous for or on ac- count of; heed, mind or regard. Φζόΐ'τημχ, -otTog, to, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a minding, including both the φ56ν??,ααΓ/αί. A GREEK LEXICON. Φνζα. understanding and the luill ; kigh-minded- 7iess. Φοοι/ήίίχτΙας, -ov, 6, (from preced.) one that is ingh-minded, jnagnanimous, insolent. ΦξονΥι(/.οίτίζω^ (from same) / render high- minded: φ^'^υr,y.u.τiζrJy^u,(^ J become high- minded, am emboldened. Φοό^,',σις, -ioc, Attic -sco;, '/}, (from perf. pass, of φξονίω) ivisdom, prudence. Φξονητέο^, (from same) vnist think, must be high-minded. Φoύ•J~ίu,oς, -ου, 6, 'ή, (from φξονεω) wise, prudent, j^rovident: (ρούνί(Λως, wisely, pru- dently, providently. Φζονΐ(Λωτατος, -η, -ov, (superl. of preced.) most or very ivise, prudent or provident. Φοονιι/,ωτξοος, -cc^ -ou, (compar. of same) more ivise, prudent or provident. Φξόνις, -ζως, τ], (from φοονέω) wisdom, sense, intelligence, prudence. ΦιirJ•JQΰ'Jτως,{S'ίom same) wisely, prudently, luith intelligence. Φξοντίζω,ί. -Γσ^, Attic -iZ, p. '^rs^ooi/riKcc, 1 a. ϊφοόντίσα, (from next) / take care, am careful, am solicitous, study, think of. } ΦροντΙς, -βος, vj, thought, care^ anxiety. Φζόντίσ,^,όί, -uroc, ro, (from φροντίζω) a matter of thought, care or anxiety. ΦξΟ'^ηστΒον, το, (from same) what is to be cared for or attended to. Φοοντιστγ,οιον, -ov, το, (from same) a study, laboratory , school, ofice. Φξοντί'/τ'/;;, -ov, 6, (from same) a careful accurate thinker or inquirer ; a guardian, a trustee. Φοοντιστϊκός, -'η, -ov, (from same) thought- ful, solicitous : φ^οντιστικως, anxiously, ear- liest ly. Φζονοος, -οΰο'ή, -ovhou, (from -ττζο and o^og) that is 071 before, evanescent, vanished. Φρονξά, -α,ς, τι, (from φοονζος) a guard, fortress. ΦζονοοίΙ, corrupted for φον^ίΐμ,, (Hebrew or Persic, oms) purim or the lots. Φζονοίχξ•/,Υι;, -ov, 0, (from φ^ονζά, and όίζ- yjS) a commander of a garrison. Φξονοίω, -ω, f. -νισω, p. -ττίφοούζτ,κα, (from φοουζός) I guard, keep with a military guard. φ$ ; one who is p>roud or that snorts or neii insolent. Φουάσσω, or -ττα, f. -ξω, p. τΐζφζνχγ,α., 1 a. Ιφηνν,ξοί, I make a noise as high-spirited horses, snorting, neighing, and exidting; I am tumultuous, noisy, fierce, insolent, I rage. Φηνγα,νισμος, -ot, 6, (from φον/Λ'^ίζω, which from φούγω) a gatherifig ofivood. Φοϋγόίνον, -ov, το, (from φού^ω) a stick proper for burning, a faggot-stick. Φον/ι^ος, -ov, 6, a chajjinch. Φονγίον, -ov, TO, (from φούγω) tuood pro- per for burning, dry wood. Φονγ[/^ΰί, -ccTOi TO, (from next) what is p. pass. keep, preserve. Φηούζ/ιμ^α., -ατο?, το, (from prccccl.) that which is guarded. Φ^ονζία, -α,ς, v], (from same) a guard. Φοονοίύ!/, -ov, TO, (from φοονζός) a guard, defence. Φοουζίς, -ίοος, Ϋ,, (from next) a guard-ship. Φοονοος, -ov, 6, (from '^TQO and ονζος) a sentinel, guard. Φηνχ'/μ,όί, -α,τος, το, (from φ ην άσσω) snort- ing, j)ride, insolence, boasting, ostcnlaUon. Φηνα,ΎίΛχτίύζ,ς, -ov, o, (from next) a horse burned or dried. Φζνγω, φονσσω, or -ττύ), f. 'ττίφρνγ/ϋΛΐ, I burn, parch, dry. Φονκτος, -'ή, -oy, (from preced.) buimed, parched, dried. Φονκ,τος, -ov, o, (from preced.) a burning torch used as a beacon. Φονκτύ)οίχ, -δίί, 'ή, (from preced. and ωζχ) a watching of a signal fire. Φονκ,τωζ^ος, or φρνκτυωοος, -ov, 6, (from same) a beacon-watch. Φξύν/ϊ, -ftc, '4, and φ(ηίνος, -ov, 6, a toad. Φν, same as φίν. Φν, for ίφν, 3 sing. 2 a. of φν^ι, see φΰοί. ΦνγοίΟίία,, -α,ς, v}, (from φvyct,oivω)fiightf exile: φν/ο^ύχι, αί, fugitives. Φν/α,Οίϊοι/, or φν/χοίυτΫιξίον, -ϋν, το, (from next) a refuge, an asylum. Φΰγά,Οίνω, f. -ξύσω, (from φvyάς) I fly, I put to flight. Φυγοίοίκός, -yj, -ou, (from same) of exile : φνγαοικως, like exiles. Φνγα,^οΰΥιοας, -ov, 6, (from same and ^'/j^cc) one who pursues fugitives. Φύγοίί-/,μ,7,ς, -ov, 6, (from φίύγω and oiiyj- (Λ'ή) one ivho flices from a spear. Φύγόίς, -άίος, ο, i}, (from perf. mid. of φίύγω) a fugitive, an exile. Φνγγάνω, same as φίόγω. Φύγοχ, contr. of φύγοί,Οί, and φύγό/ιΐ^, to, in, or by flight. Φΰγ'ή, -7}ς, 71, (from perf. mid. of^ φ=ύγω) a fleeing or flight. Φν/ο^ικϊο), (from φιϋγω and Vi/.ri) I de- cline a law-suit or trial ; suffer an action to go by default. Φν/ομ-οί-^ίω, (from same and (Λα,χ,γ,) I decline battle. Φνγόζίνο;, -ov, 6, ij, (from same and ^ivo;) that avoids strangers, inhospitable. Φν/οττονίχ, -occ, vi, (from same and ττο'νο;) an avoiding of or aversion to labour. Φνγοτΐτό'/^ίμος, -ov, 6, v), (from same and 'ττό'Αΐμ.ο;) that shuns luar, cowardly. Φύγω, f. φνγίσω, same as φίύγω. Φύζχ, -ής, 'ή, poet, for φυγ•/}. 87ό ΦνζανίΜς, A GREEK LEXICON. Φνξδψ. Φυζ&ν^κος, -ΐί, -6ν, (from preced.) timid. Φυζάο),'^. part. nom. pi. 'τηφυζότίς, contr. for ττεφνζτικ,ότες ; also φνζω^ and φύζγιΐΛΐ^ same as φεύγω. Φννι, 'Tig, '}], (from φύω) nature, disposition, size or magnitude, a stem. Φϋκιόίΐς, -εσσοί, -eu, (from φνκος^ abound- ing in sea-weed. Φυκίον, or φύχ,ιον, -ου, το, same as next. Φυκ,ο;, -εος, το, sea-moss; a dye or paint. Φνκοω, (from preced.) I paint red; paint the face red ; paint. Oy;cToV, -vi, -ou, (from φύγω) avoided ; to be avoided. Φύλκγμα, -Λτος, το, (from perf. pass, of φυ'κάσσω) a charge. Φν'λοίκ'ίί, -vjg, 7], (from perf. act. of same) a keeping, guarding, or watching ; a watch or charge ; a guard, a number of sentinels or men upon guard ; a prison, a place of custody; a hold, a dwelling or lurMng place ; a cage of birds ; as a division of time, a ivatch of the night. The ancient Jews appear to have divided the night into three watches, see Exod. xiv. 24. Judg. vii. 19. Lam. ii. 19. In our Sa- viour's time, it was divided by the Jews, agreeably to the Roman custom, mio four watches, Mat. xiv. 25. Mark vi. 48. Φυλχκ,ίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. τιτεφυ'Κάκ,ικοί, (from preced.) I imprison. Acts xxii. 19. ΦυΤ^α,κίκ,ος, or φυλχκτ'ίκόζ, -'ή, -ou, (from ξ,2ίΤΆθ) fitted for guarding. ΦυΤ^ύχ,ισσοί, -ης, ij, (from same) a female keeper. Song i. 6. Φν'Κά.κ,ος, Ov, or φνλαχ.τ'^ζ, -TjQog, 6, (from same) a watchman. ΦνΑοικτίος, -cc, -ou, (from same) to be guarded, to beware of ΦυΤ^οι,κ,τνίζΐο!; -ων, τχ, (from φυλάσσω) phylacteries. Mat. xxiii. 5. These were bits or slips of parchment, on which the Jews, according to Deut. vi. 8. xi. 18. wrote certain portions of the law, and bound them on their foreheads, and on their wrists. The Grecizing Jews seem to have called these bits of parchment φυ- λοικ,τνίξία, originally, because they remind- ed them to keep the law. But, perhaps, some in our Saviour's time regarded their phylacteries as amidets or charms which would keep or preserve them from evil. At any rate, they regarded the making of them broad as a proof of zeal for the law. ΦυλΰίχτΫι^ιοϋ, and φυλχκ,ειο!/, -ου, το, (from same) a guard-house, fort, ganison. φ:ίλ«|, -οίκος, ο, (from same) a keeper, guard, sentinel. 876 ΦυΆάξ,Χμος, -r„ -ov, (from same) capable of guarding, or of being guarded, Φύλχξις, -ίος, Attic -εως, vi, (from same) the same as φυλοίκ,'ή. Φϋλΰίζχίω, (from φνλ'ή and χζχω) I am chief of a tribe, command the cavalry fur- nished by a tribe. Φύλχζχος, -ου, ο, (from same) a prince of a tribe, commander of the cavalry of a tribe. Φυλάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζ,ω, p. ΐΐεφύλΛχΛ, - 1 a. ΙφύλΛ^,Λ, 1 a. raid, εφυλχξάμην, p. pass. 'ΤΓεφύλχγ,αοΐί, I keep, guard, watch, preserve, preserve from, observe; mid. / keep myself, am aware. Φυλετγις, -ου, ο, (from next) one of the same tribe, a horseman of the same tribe. Φυλ'ή, -τις. Τ), (from φύω) a tribe, division, distinct part of a people, a nation, a race. Φυλλοίς, -όίίος, τ}, (from φύχκο») a heap of leaves, a branch covered with leaves. Φυλλείον, -ου, το, (from same) foliage. Φύλλ^ος, -fi, -ov, (from same) leafy. Φυλλύβολέω, (from same and βά,λλω) I cast my leaves, cast leaves. ΦυΧκόκομος, -ου, 6, τ], (from next and κ,ό- μγι) covered with foliage. Φύ'Αλον, -ου, το, (from φύω) a leaf. Φυλλορροεω, (from preced. and βίω) I shed my leaves. Φυλλοστξως, -ωτος, and φυΧλόστζωτος, -ov, (from same and στξωω) strewed with leaves. Φυλλοφόζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and φε^ω) that bears leaves. Φυλον, -ου, το, same as φυλτι. ΦϋλοτΓΪς, -ιίος, τι, (from preced. and ό'ψ) a war-cry of a tribe, an army in battle ar- raij, battle. Φυ^ίχ, -ατός, το, (from φύω) a plant, shoot, sucker, bud or germ; or for φύσγι- μχ, (from φύσχω) a swelling, inflammation. Φϋξχνωζ, -οξος, 6, τι, (from φεύγω and ά,υτίξ) that avoids men, Φύζ,γ,λις, -ιίος, or -ιος, ο, h, (from φεύγω) that is apt to flee, timid. Φύζ,ίμος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same) able to avoid. Φύζχμχ, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of φυ^χω) a mass of clay macerated, kneaded, and so prepared for use by the potter, Rom. ix. 21 ; a mass or lump of dough macerated and kneaded, Exod. xii. 34. 1 Cor. V. 6. Φυζχσις, -ίος, Attic -εως, tj, (from same) a mixture, a kneading. Φϋζχω, -ω, f. -χσω, p. 'ττεφύξχκχ, 1 a. εφύξχσχ, p. pass, 'πεφύξχμ,χι, (from φύ^ω) I break, dissolve, mix, macerate, knead. Φύ^ην, (from same) in a mingled man- ner, confusedly. b Φνρμος. A GREEK LEXICON. Φωλίώδης, Φυζμος^ -ου, ο, (from next) a mixture, a disturbance^ a confusion. Φυ^ω, f. φνζω, p. "ττίφνξκχ, p. pass, ij-g- φνζμ,οίΐ, I mix, Jcnead ; 'pollute, defile. Φνσχ, or φύσσχ, -ης, τ], (from φνσιίω) wind, a blast, a pair of bellows ; the throat, the craw or crop of a bird. ΦυσΛΚίς, or φνσσχλίς, -/δο.ί, if, (from same) a bubble, vesicle ; pipe or flute. ΦύσοίΑος, or φύσσοίΚος, -ου, 6, (from same) a toad. Φυσοίτ'/ΐζίον, -ου, το, (from next) a pipe. Φυσάω, -ω, or φυσσύο), f. -'ησω, I breathe, blow, blow up, puff up, whisper in one's ear. Φϋσ/ιι^ίζ, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a breath, a blast, swelling, jn-ide. ΦυσΥιτίου, (from same) must blow. Φυστηττίξ, -ΐ^ζος, ό, (from same) a fan, a pair of bellows. Φυσίαμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from next) a breath, blast. Φυσιάύ), same as φυσύο). Φϋσιγγόο/ΛΛί, -oiificct, (from φυσάω) I am siuollen, inflated, ptff, swell. Φϋσίγνοίθος, -ου, 6, (from same and γνχ- θος) that piffs out his cheeks. Φΰσιγ^, -tyyog, 7j, (from φυσάω) the peel of gai^lic, a blister. Φυσίζοος, and φυσίζωος, -ου, ο, τ], {from φύω, and ξογι or ξω'ή ) that bestows life. Φΰσϊκος, -'ή, -ου, (from φύσις) natural, agreeable to the constitution of God in na- ture ; natural, led or governed by natural or mei^e animal instinct : φυσικ.ως, naturally. Φυσιθ'γυω[/Μν, and φνσιγι/ωμων, -όνος, 6, vj, (from same and γνω^Λων) that judges of character by external appearance, that is a physiognomist. Φυσιολογίω, (from same and λίγω) I discourse concerning nature. Φυσίολογίχ, -α,ς, 'ή, (from preced.) physi- ology, the doctrine of the constitution of the productions of nature. Φυσιο'κόγος, -ου, 6, i}, (from same) that is a physiologist, or an inquirer into the laws of nature. Φυσιόύ), -ω, f. -ύJσC'), p. τίίφυσίωκχ, 1 a. ρ<ι^&.4φυσίωύτ,ν, p. pass, 'ττίφυσίω/χαι, (from φυσάω) I inflate, blow or pi ff up, hiss ; puff- up with pride. Φΰσ'ις, -ιος, Attic -ίως, 'c2y^fio7.og, -oy, (from χοίΚκος, h, and βά,ΧΚω) that has a brazen beak. XctT.y.iuT'/ig, -iog, o, 5j, (from same and euTog) ai'med with brass. Χαλκθούάξοίξ, -ΰκ,ος, 6, (from same and ^ωοχξ) that has a brazen breastplate, or armour. Χχλκεο^ατξ-.ις, or -og, -ου, or χοι,λκ,ίοι^ϊ- τΜζ, -oQog, 0, Vj, (from same and /^α'τςχ) having a brazen mitre. ΧίίΚ-Δο'ττΤ.ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and ottT^ou) that has h^azen armour. Χά,Τ,κίος -ους, -£τι -ij, -tou -ουν, (from χχ7ί- κός) made of copjjer or native brass. Χα7.κίόφωυος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and φο)ννί) having a voice like the sound of a brazen insti^ument. ΧάΧχ,ίυμ,α., -ατός, το, (from χζίλκίΰω) any thing made of brass. Χα,Χκ,ίύς, -iog, 6, (from χαΤ-κος) a copper- smith or brasier. ΧοίΚκευτ^ικος, -ij, -ov, (from preced.) skil- led in working in copper or brass. Χοί7.κίύω, (from same) / work as a cop- per-smith, or brasier. Xoi7^Kio} s)csiu Ti'ji, to thank, return thanks to any one in luords, 1 Tim. i. 12. 2 Tim. i. 3. to have gratitude- to any one, i. e. a grateful seme of favours received from him, to think oneself obliged to him, Luke xvii. 9 : χύ^ιν ε^ίί!/ 'ΤΓξός Ti'ju, to have or be in favour with any one. Acts ii. 47 : 'hioouxi χά^ιν τιν\, to give or show favour or kindness to any one^ James iv. 6. 1 Pet. v. 5. ^ihouxi χάξΐν τινί iuxuTioii Τίνος, to give any one favour in the sight of another. Gen. xxxix. 21. Exod. iii. 21. xi. 3. Acts vii. 10. The accusative χάξίν is used for κχτχ χάζΐν, o)i account of, because of, \. e. in favour of; Luke vii. 47. Gal. iii. 19, &c. Χάζίσμχ, -α,τος, το, (from perf. pass, of χχξίξο,ϋχί) a free gift, a favour, a miracu- lous gift of the Holy Spirit. Χα,ξίστ'/ιηιον, -ου, το, (from same) a free gift, a gratuitous reward: χχζίστνίζΐχ, -ων, τα, sacrifices of thanksgiving for favours. Χχζίστίκος, -vj, -ov, (from same) gra- cious. ΧαζίτΙα, -χς, vj, (from same) sportiveness, gaiety. Χχζ1τογ?^ωσσίύ),{ύ'θΓη χχζΐς and ^λ^σσα) I flatter luith the tongue. Χχζίτοόύτ-/ίς, -ου, ο, (from same and o/- δώί^κ/) a giver of blessings. Χχξίτόω, -ω, f. -urjcu, [). κεχοίξίτί)κχ, p. pass. κεχχζίτω(/,χί, (from χύ^^ις) I gratui- tously make accepted or acceptable : χχζΐτό- oy.xi, I am acccpiahlc, favoured, highly fa- voured, Τ 881 Χάξμα, A GREEK LEXICON. 'ΧίΐξώωτΙζ. Χά^,κα, -οίτος, το, (from χ,χΐξόο) joy, a cause ofj,oy, a charm. Χάξΐ,κ}?, -"/7ί•, hi (from same) joy, battle, (the warrior's Jqz/) victory, pleasure. XdQ/iiow^, -τις, V), and χ,οι,ξμ.οσνυη, -ης, «ί, (from same) Joj/, gladness. Ύ^Λ^μόσννος, -ov, o, 7], (from same) that delights, Joyous. Χΰΐξρίοφοαν, -όνος, ό, vj, (from χύζμ,οί and φξτίν) that gladdens, joyful. Χαξοττοίίύ), -ω, (from χν.ζοί and ττοιΐω) I make joyful. X«^o7ro/oV, -ου, 6, 7], (from same) making or causing joy. Χόίξοττός, or χαςαττος, -ov, o, ^,(from χχίξω and okp) of a joyful countenance, cerulean, blue, riiddy. Χα.ξ07τοτγις, -ητος, ί], (from preced.) clear blue, azure. Χχξτ'ήζίος, -a,, -ου, (from next) of or he- longing to pajjcr. Χχξτνις, -ου, 6, (from χοίζά,σσω) paper. Χχξτίον, -ου, ro, (from preced.) a bit of paper, a volume or roll of paper. Χα,ζτος, -vj, -ov, (from χα,ίξω) rejoiced in; to be rejoiced in. Χόί^υβΙίζω, (from Χά,ζυβΙις) I ingidf. Χάιοων, -ωνος, ό, a lion ; Charon. Χχζωυϊτης, -ου, 6, (from preced.) one who comes from Charon, one luho is made free by the ivill of his deceased master. XccasXiv, (lbD3) Chisleu, the ninth month, answering to part of our November and December. Χΰυσκοίζύ}, (from next) I gape after. Χάσκ-ω, (from xaoj) I gape, yawn, open. Χάσμόί, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of χαίυω) a gaping, a gulf, a hiatus, a chasm. Χοίσ^Μχ,ομίχ,ι, (from preced.) I yawn. Χάσμ-η, -Ύΐς, τ], (from same) a yawning, gaping, vast aperture. ΧάσμγιμίΛ, -οίτος, το, (from same') a yaw)i. Χχσμω^γις, -soc, o, '^, (from same) yawning. Χοίτεύω, χόίτέω, and χοίτίζο), (from χύω^ I gape after, desire, stand in need of, luant. Χα,υ'Κιο^ους, -οντος, 6, vj, (from χοικάω or from χίί'Κος and ο^ους) that has lorominent teeth. Χαυνοττολΐτνις, -ου, ο, (from next and -ττο- λίτ•,ις) a proud, vain, citizen. Χαϊ/υος, -y\, -ου, (from χ,α,ίνω) hollow, re- laxed, expanded, soft, thin; indolent, effemi- nate, inflated with pride. Χοίυυότ/ις, -νιτος, 7j, (from preced.) hoUow- ness, softness, inanity. Xccvuaa, -a, f. -ωσω, (from same) / render hollow, relax, dissolve, soften ; I fill with vanity, puff up. Χΰΐύυωσίς, -ϊως^ '^,(frora preced.)ij;7i empty- ing or softening, rendering of a charge hol- low, vain or harmless. Χχυνωτ'ίκός, -'^, -oV, (from same) fitted to render soft, spongy or loose. Χάνων, -ωνος, ό, a cake, see x,ctvuu. Χοίφουξοι, or χο(,φου(τη, ('•'inEiD) cups, bowls, or basins. Χά,ω, obs. I gape, stand open, am empty, receive, take, contain. Χίδ^οψ, or χί^ζ^ω-ψ, -οτΐος, 6, or γ^'^ρ^οττα^ •ων, τά,, (from χύξ and ^ζίτί^ω) pulse, such as peas or beans, usually plucked with the hand, in contradistinction to grain which is cut down. Χίζητιάω, (from next) / desire to go to stool. Χίζω, f. χίσω, (from χίω) I go to stool. Xsioi, 'ά,ς. Ion. γβίΎΐ, -τις, 7], (from χάω) a hole, fissure, deyi, obscure retreat. ΧίϊΆος, -ζος, -ους, το, the lip. ΧζιΚωμα, -οίτος, το, (from preced.) a lip, border, crown. Χΐϊμοί, -ά,τος, το, (from χίω) ivinter, cold, tempest. Χ'.ίμ,άΙίον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a win- ter residence: xii^oChicx,, •ων, τά, winter quarters. Χζΐμά,ξω, f. -ά,σω, (from same) 1 winter, spend the winter ; I toss ivith a storm or tempest, afflict, terrify. Χίίμαρβος, and χειμάβροος, -ους, -ov, ο, (from same and ρόος) a stream, brook or tor- rent, properly such an one as runs only in the wiiiter or when swollen with raiiis ; as an adj. swelled into a torrent, fiooded, rapid. Χ^μόί(ΐος, -ου, 6, (from same) the water thatfiows into a vessel in a storm. Χίΐμβζ'ίνός, -V}, -ov, and χαμίξίος, -ov, 6, i], (from xslicci) of or belonging to winter, stormy. Χαμών, -ωνος, 6, (from same, or imme- diately from χίω) the winter, when in the eastern countries rains are poured forth upon the earth, a storm, tempest, foul stormy weather ; Lat. hiems. Χίίμωνοτυτίος, -ov, (from preced. and τϋ-τΐ- τίϋ) that strikes with storms. Χύξ, χ2ΐηος, poet, χζζος, vi, dat. plur. χζ^- σΐ, poet, χίίζίσί, and χ$ίξ5σσί, (from χάω, or from χίύ) or χίίω) the hand. Χϊίξΰίγωγίω, -5,f. -ί]σω, p. κίχείξαγωγ/ΐίίΰί, (from next) / lead by the hand. Χξίζα,γω'/ος, -ου, 6, ί]. (from χΒΐζ and οίγω- γος) that leads by the hand. Acts xiii. 11. ΧίίΟ^Λ'τΐτά.ζω, (from same and όίτί-τω) I touch with the hands, handle. Χίίζοί'^ίοι, -α,ς, 57, (from same) a grappling, Χ'ίζί^οτός, -'^, -ov, (from χίΐζ) reaching to the hands, havi7ig sleeves. I Χίΐξίζω, A GREEK LEXICON. Χεΐξθ7ονεο&, ΧειοΙζω, (from χύ^) I have in handy han- dle, treat, manage, train. XeiQ{og, -Xy -ov, (from same) that can he handled, imder the hand, subject. ΧίίξΙς, -Ιοος, 7j, (from same) a covering for the hands, a glove. Χζίζΐσμ.ο;, -ov, 6, (from χ,ζίζΐζύή a handiing, treatment, management. Χξ(Ρίστ'/}ς, -ov, o, (from same} one who handles or manages. Χίίξίστος, -r,, -ov, (superlative of κ/χ,κος, see p. 21, from χ,Ρίίοί) tuorst, very bad or wicked: χί(ζίστί»ς, in a very had or iviched manner. Xs/flo/SoAsij, (from χύο and βάλΆω) I throw from the hand. X£;^oV(^«?Oy, -oy, TO, (from same and γζά,φω) a hand-iuriti7ig, a note of hand, a note under a man^s hand, by which he obliges himself to the payment of any debt ; a bond, a written law. Χζίξόοίίκτος, -ov, ό,~ {], (from same and '^ΐίκννμ,ι) pointed out by the hand, persjncu- ous, clear, manifest. Χϋζούξάκων, -οιιτος, ό, 'η, (from same and Ιζάκωι/) that has serpents for hands. Χίΐΐ^ονιύγις, -5ος, ό, tj, (from same and τίύος) accustomed to the hand, tame, gentle. Χίΐ(ΐόμ,ακτ!^οϋ, -ου, το, (from same and μάσσο)) a hand-wiper, a towel. Xii^oy.vK-n, -τις, τ}, (from same and μνλη) a hand-mill. Xii^oyof^io), (from same and ue^co) I move the hands according to rule, as in boxing, dancing, or pantomime. Χίίζονομία, -χς, 'ή, (from same) a pugi- listic combat, dancing, pantomimic gesticida- tion. Χίΐζόομ,χι, -ovy.ui^ (from pi£) / subdue by strength of hand, tame, handle, manage. XeiQOTre^cci, -ων, ού, (from same and ^τέδϊ?) manacles, hand-cuffs, fetters. Χζΐζο'πΤ^-ίΐύ'ής, -ες, (from same and 'ττΆτ^ύω) that fills the hand. Χίΐζοττοιίω, (from same and ττοιίω) I make with my hands, manufacture. Χίίζοττούιτος, -ov, ό, '/], (from same and τΓΟίϊίτός) made with hands : χίίζοττοΐ'/ιτως, by human art or power. Χίΐζοτίχνγις, -ου, ό, (from same and τίχνη) a mechanic. Xii^nnxuXKog, -15, .oX(from preccd.)5/«7/c^i/ in manual or mechanical operations. ΧείζοτοΆω, -ω, f. -Υίσο), p. κίχίίζοτόνήκα., 1 a. Ιχζΐζοτόνησα, 1 a. pass. Ιχίΐ^οτοΐ/'ήθγ^/, (from χύζ and pcrf. mid. of τίίνω) I ex- tend, stretch out, or lift up, the hand ; I elect or choose to an office by I fling up of hands ; I nominate or appoint to an ojfice, though without suifraires or votes. In Acts xiv. 23. the expression is elliptical, and the reader is supposed to understand what those elders were ordained to be. The persons ordained were elders before : they were now ordained to be bishops and deacons to the disciples in every church. See the quotation from Clemens Romanus, under άττοστοΤκος, and κχόίστημί. The word, χείξοτοντισαντίς, rendered " ordain- ed," seems to relate to the choice of the people, (i. e. of the members of the churches) which was previously signified, at the suggestion, and no doubt under the direction, of Paul and Barnabas, their in- spired teachers, by the lifting up of their hands. No one denies that χείξοτονίο) may be found, in some writers, in the sense of appointment in any way, or even of nomi- nation by an individual. What word has not undergone similar changes from its original meaning? But there is no reason to prefer the deviation to the original meaning, in the passage before us. The Greeks were perfectly familiar with this mode of giving their judgment. Hence the use of an equivalent phrase in the Anaba- sis, F, ii. 5. After making a proposal, in a speech, to the army which had passed through the very country where Paul and Barnabas were now labouring, and where the Greeks established many colonies, Xenophon concluded thus : κχϊ οτω Ιοκίϊ TciVT , 'ΐφγι, auureiuikrco T'Jju χίίξοί. Κχϊ ai/sTSivcc'j όίτΓχντζς. " And let every one, said he, who is of this opinion, lift up his hand. And they all lifted them up." See also Γ, ii. 22, 26 ; from which this appears to have been their usual way of proceeding in all public bodies. But, which is much more directly to the purpose, the original mean- ing of xeiQOTouscj is precisely in the spirit, and according to the tenor, of the narra- tive in Acts vi. 2 — G. respecting the ordi- nation of deacons ; and in the only other instance in which this word occurs in the sacred Scriptures, viz. 2 Cor. viii. 19. it evidently signifies the suffrage of the churches in their choice of' an individual for a particular service, — "who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us." Dr. Campbell alleges that if the word has this meaning in Acts xiv. 2'ό. " the χίίζοτο- •jTjaui/Tsg, or electors, were no more than Paul and Barnabas." Diss. x. Part v. § 7- lie might as well have alleged tliat the '7rQoaevi,XiUsi'o( μ,ίτχ ντ,σηιων, or those that " prayed with fasting," were no more than Paul and Barnabas. These two were the proposers of the elders to be elected, as in the first passage, quoted above, from the 883 ΧβίξοτονήΤΒον, A GREEK LEXICON. XsD /αα, Anabasis, Xenophon was the proposer of the measures to which he obtained unani- mous consent. But this remark does not make χ,ξίξοτονίω signify the appointing of those whom others have elected. Their pro- posal was not giving a list of candidates, but recommending individuals ; and there- fore implied joining in the election, or rather consenting to the election, which they and the people united in believing to be agreeable to the will of the Lord. The time of Xenophon was considerably ear- lier than that of the apostles ; but com- pare a similar use οϊχίίξοτουίω^ and χείξοτο• v'loc, in Josephus's account of the anointing of Saul, Antiqu. vi. 5. § 3, and 4. which comp. with chap. 4. ^ 6. and with 1 Sam. X. 24, 27. xi. 12—15. Xu^oTQi/YiTsou, (from preced.) we must vote. Xsi^orouYiTo;, -ij, -oV, (from same) elected. XsiQOToul», -ocgy ii, (from same) a stretch- ing forth of the handy suffrage y election. Χϋξοτόυος, -ov, o, ^, (from same) with stretched out hands. Χίίξουξγίω, (from χίΐξ and s^you) I work with my handsj execute ; perform a surgical operation. XsiQovQylx, 'ocg, ^, (from preced.) manual operation ; surgery. Χίίξονζγίκος, -'^, -ou, (from same) opera- tive; surgical. Χίίξουξγος^ -ov, o, (from same) an opera- tor ; a surgeon. ΧίΙζωμοί, -ctrog, το, (from χίΐξόομ,α.ι) a manual operation, an attach, the perfor- mance of a religious rite. Χίίξων, -όνος, ο, ij, το -ov, (comparative of κΛκ,ος, see p. 21. from χξίίχ) inferior, worse, less powerful. Χζΐξωι/αξ, -ccKTo;, 6, (from χύζ^ and oivu,^) a handicraftsman. Χίίξωι/Λξίά, -οίς, τι, (from same) a hand- craft. Χύω, see χίω. XiKUouiQu, -ov, TO, (from next) a broad leaved plant of the colour of a swallow, the blue celandine. ΧδλΓδώ)^, -όυος, τ], a swallow ; the flying fish. XiTaih^og, -ov, 6, (from γβ'Κυς and ΰ^ωζ) a kind of water tortoise. XsT^vuetou, YfiKvitiov, -ov, το, and γ /Kvmi (from xfi'Kog) a lip ; a jaw-bone. Xikvg, -vog, v}, a tortoise ; a testudo ; a lyre ; the breast. ΧίΚνσσω, (from preced.) I cough, expec- torate. ΧίΚωυΎΐ, -'ής, % (from same) a tortoise ; a mound, a testiido or warlike engine, made of boards and covered with raw hides, 884 under which, as a penthouse, the besiegers of a town got up close to the walls. Xihuvio]/, same as γρ^ΰνιον. ΧζΚωυ\ς, -Hog, v}, (from %ihvg) a kind of lyre, the threshold of a door, a footstool. XsQcioog, -sog, το, and x^Qoig, -a^og, ij, (from χ,ίΐξ, or from χοίξάΐζοί) a pebble, a heap of pebbles rolled up on the shore by the waves. Χζζίύ, or χζυίύ, (ητ-^π) cabins, cells, Jer. xxxvii. 16. or xliv. 16. Xi^yi^Tfig, and xipi^^vig, -ov. Dor. -ώ, ο, (from χ,ίΐζ and οΐ^ω) handy, expert. Χζζμ,ά,^ιον, -ov, το, ^s^i^Kg, -ahog, vj, (from χεξάς) a stone which can be held in the hand; a handfid of stones. Xi^vvig, -r^τog, and γβζννί'^Άς', -ov, 6, (from χύζ) a man ivho lives by the labour of his hands, a labourer ; as an Sia], poor, mean. Χζ^νΐήτί;, -ibog, vj, (from preced.) a spin- ster. Χίζν'ΐβον, or χίζνιτττζον, -ov, το, (from next) a basin for washing the hands. Χζ^νίτττω, (from χύζ^ and νί'Τΐτω) I wash the hands. Χβζΐ/ί-ψ, -Xfiog, 71, (from same) water for washing the hands, ov for- purification ; at the time of sacrifice it was usual for the priest to sprinkle the victim, and those who were present, with holy water, taking a torch from the altar or a branch of laurel. This water was called χίξνί-ψ, and the act of sprinkling, xsQuificcg vif^eiv Soph. CEd. T. 240. Xs^oKiuag, (from χείξ and Ksvog) empty- handed, without a present. Χβζονβ, and plur. χξζονβίΐμ, or -βεΐ/α, -βΐ,ϋ, -βίίν, -βύν, -βϊν, (m"i3) a cherub, che- rubim or cherubs, Heb. ix. 5. and see Έξξχψίμ,. XiQaulog, -aicc, -cclou, (from χίζσος) of or belonging to the earth or land, uncultivated. Χζζσίύω, (from same) I lie waste or barren. Xiguokv, (from same)/rom land, from the shore. XsQaouYiaog, or χεββόννισος, -ov, vj, (from next and uijaog) a peninsula ; Chersonesus. Xi^aog, or xeppog, -ov, 6, 'ή, desolate, un- cultivated ; unmarried; as a subs, barren land, a continent. Χζ^σόω, (from preced.) I render barren : χζξσόομ,οι,ι, 1 f. pass. χεζσωύ'^σοίΛΛί, p. pass. Άεχί^σύίΐΛοίΐ, I lie or am desolate and uncul- tivated. XsQvl^iou, -ov, το, (from χείζ) a little hand. Χίσίίω, (from χίσω, f. of χίζω) I have an inclination to go to stool. Χίττιψ, (d'^tid) hangings, vestments. Χίνμχ, -ciTog, το, (from χίύ)) a pouring out, effusion, production. Χζίρουξοί, A GREEK LEXICON. XTo^. Χίφονξοι, (^"insa) some kind of vessel with a cove)\ a covered basin. X£7?5 h, (from same) widowhood. X'^QSiog, -cc, -ov, same as x^i^og. Χϊΐζίύύ), f. -ίόσύ}, 1 a. ίχτίξευσχ, (from next) / aj}i a widow, am solitary. ΧΜ^ς> χ'^ζΟ', χ^}ζον, (from χωζΐς) bereft, deprived, left alone. Χπζόω, (from preced.) / make a widow, deprive of a husband, render desolate. ΧιηξωστχΙ, -ων, οι, (from same) the near- est relatives of a deceased person, who suc- ceed to his property in default of children, or who are the guardians of his orj)hans. Χγίτίύ), χ-ήτίζω, same as χοι,τίύ), χχτίζω. Χ^τ-ής, --ήτος, xYjTig, -iug, 'ή, and xviTog, -iog, TO, (from χάω) want, indigence. X9ci/aoc^dg, -vi, -ov, and ;ΐ(^^Λ(ί«άλ£ζο$•, (from χοκ,μ,οιΧ) on the ground, loiu. Xuig or χθιζοί, yesterday, time past, for- merly. ΧθζοΧνος, and χ6ιζog, -vi, -ov, (from pre- ced.) of or belonging to yesterday. Xβovtstφύ(Jog, a wrong reading in iEschyl. Eum. 781 for χύονϊ όίφοζος. Xdoviog, -Λ, -ov, (from χ^ων) terrestrial, infernal. Χθονοστ'ίβ'ης, -iog, 6, ή, (from same and στίίβο)) treading the ground, earthly. Χύονοτζξφνις, -iog, 6, '/], (from next and τφφω) nourished by the earth. Χ&ων, xuovog, τι, the earth ov land or ground. Χ'ι^ξον, -ου, το, an ear of corn, corn it- self. ΧιΤ^ΐΛζχίω, (from χιΤ^ίχζχος) I am a mili- tary tribune. ΧιΚια.ζχίχ, -ccg, tj, (from next) a com- mand of a thousand. XlT^iu^x'/ig, or χίλίαξχος, -ου, ό, (from χί- λιοι and oi^xog) a commander of a thousand, a military tribune. Xi^iccg, -aoog, 9}, (from next) a thousand. Χίλιοι, -xi, -cc, a thousand. XΊ'htόvoίυg, -soig, 6, 'ή, (from preced. and vcx.i>g) that has a thousand ships. XiT^iovavTYig, -ου, 6, 7), (from same and vctir-^g) of a thousand sailoi^s. ΧίΑίοττλΰίσίων, ο, 7], (from χίλιοι) a thou- sand times better. Xihio'77y.uiuio)g, (from same) a thousand times more. Xi\iog, -a, -ov, (properly sing, of χίλιοι) a thousand, 2 Chron. i. 6. Xιλιύστόg, -'/j, •ον, (from preced.) a thou- sandth. Χιλιοστύ;, -log, 'ή, (from same) consisting of a thousand. Xϊλόg, -ου, ό, food, fodder, grass. Χ;λόί«, (from preced.) I feed. X7,uxiQoi, -ccg, 7], (from next) a female kid, or goat : the fabulous animal, the chi- mcera. XXf^di^og, xifA.oi^og, and xiicoippog, -ου, ό, (from χίΊμ,οί) a kid or goat. Χϊμε'βλον, or χίμ,ίτλον,-ου, το, (from same) a chilblain. XToviog, -oc, -ov, (from χιών) snoivy. Χιονίζω, and χιονόω, -ω, (from same) / snow : χιονίζο,αχί, and χιονόο/αχι, I am white with snow, I shine like snow. Xiovofi7cr,Tog, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and βά,λλοί) snow-struck or covered. Xιovoβόλog, -ου, ό, i], (from same) that strikes or covers with snow. Xιovόβoσκog, -ov, (from χιών and βόσκύ}) fed with snow. Χιονούι^ίμ,^/,ων, -ovog, and χιονότξοφος, -ov, 6, '/], (from same and τζίφω) snow-nourished. Χιονόκτΰττος, -ου, ό, '/j, (from same and χ,τυττίύ)) struck ivith snow. XUvόχQωg, -ωτος, and xiovoxQovg, -ov, 6, 57, (from same and x^oig) that has a snow- luhite skin, that is white as snow. Χιονόω, see χιονίζω. Χίονωο -^g, -sog, 6, {], (from χΐων) like snow, full of snow. Xtog, -ov, i], the island of Chic. X?o?, -ov, 0, an inhaJntant of Chio ; also the side of a die on ivhich six is marked. 885 Χιτ^ν» A GREEK LEXICON. Χο?ί//ξ. X/Tuiv, -Ζνος, ό, {ins) rt vest, an inner garment ; pliir. garments, clothes in general. Χίτώ^ων, -Of, TO, and ^ιτωνίσκ,ος, -ου, ό, (from preced.) α small tunic. Xiiau, -όνος, ί';, (from γβ,ο) snow. Χλύξω, perf. mid. yJx,^.a.Zoc, Ion. χΚ'/ιζο), χ,ίχλνΐ^ο!,, I swell, rush forth with noise, gur- gle ; I exult, sing aloud. XT^oudoc, -ης, 7], (from xhtcciuco) a coarse frock, a winter garment. Χ7^όί^ανογιφόζος, -ov, o, 07, (from χλχ^οίύς and φίξω) that rvears a cloah or mantle. X'Acifiv^ov^yloi, -ας, τ], (from next and ίζγον) a maUng of cloaks. ΧΤ^όίμ,νς, -νΙος, vi, (from χ,λιχίνω) a thick coarse cloak, a robe, a loose garment, a sol- dier^s cloak, a generates or great man^s robe. XT^ccvihioi/, yJhoiviax,iliov, and χΚοίνΙσ- Kiov, -ου, TO, (from χλοινις) a fine short cloak. XTiocviQOTroi'i'oi, •ας, ν, (from next and τταίω) the making of fine cloaks. Χχόίι/Ις, -ί^ος, ίι, (fi'om χΚιαίνω) a fine thin robe, a cloak of a finer texture than the Χλευάζω, f. -όίσω, p. κίχ,λίύοίκα, 1 a. εχ,- λίύχσχ, p. pass, κ,εχλίύα,σμια, (from χλεΰτι) I mock, scoff, deride, properly in luords. Acts ii. 13. xvii. 32. Χλζυα,σίΰΐ, -Λς, τ], (from preced.) mockcrTj. ΧΧίύα,σ[ΛΛ, -ατός, το, and χλίυοίσμ,ος, -ου, ο, (from perf. pass, of same) a mocking, scofiing, deriding. Χλίυαστνις, -ου, 6, (from same) a mocker, scoffer. Χλεύη, -19?, 'ή, derision, mockeri/. Χλίχίνω, f. -άνω, (from χλίοή I ivarm. Χλίόίξος, -oi, -6χοηυς, or χα^χο^, (idtd) some kind οΐ jnccious stone, so called from its sparkling or flashing, perhaps the pyropus. Χο(ΐχΰλης, -ov, ό, (from χ,όηος and χυλός) a flute player in the chorus. Χόί^Οέυ,αχ, -χτος, το, (from next) an in- testine ; a sausage. Xo^hsva, f. -ίύσω, (from next) I chop, twist ; throw into confusion. XoQhvi, -τις, 'ή, a chord, the string of a mu- sical instrument. Χο^ολογΐο), (from preced. and λίγω) I choose, try, or tune, the strings of a lyre. Χοξοότονος, -ov, 6, ^, (from same and τεί- νω) stringed. Χοξβίχ, -χς, VI, and χό^ενμ,χ, -χτος, το, (from χοζίύύ)) α dance where many dance to- gether. Χοζβυτίον, (from same) must dance. Χοζίυτνις, -ου, ό, (from next) a dancer. Χο(^ίύω,'ϊ. -ίύσω, (from χοζός) I dance along with others, I dance in a circle, as round an altar, and with joined hands. See 6ς- X^oy^xi. Xo^nysloi/, and χοξν]γίοι/,-ου, το, (from next) the place where a chorus are instructed for performing in the theatre ; supplies, provi- sions. Χοξτηγίω, -ω, f. -νισύ), p. κζχο(ΐνιγγικ,χ, 1 a. Ιχο(ί'ήγγισχ, 1 f. pass. χο(^ηγ''ΐθνισομ,χι, p. pass. κίχο^νιγη[/,χι, (from χο(ΐΥΐ70ς) I lead the chorus, I supply the chorus with the orna- ments necessary for their sacred dances ; hence in general / supply, furnish. XoQyjyvi^ux, -χτος, το, (from preced.) the defraying of the expenses of fltting out and preparing the chorus ; a supply, materials, incentives. Χοζτ,γΙχ, -χς, vi, (from χορηγός) a supply, allowance ; also a show or dance exhibited in public ; the office of the χοογιγός. Χοξγιγίίκ,ός, -ij, -ou, (from next) o/ or be- longing to a chorus, choral ; or belonging to leaders of the chorus. Χοοιηγός, -ου, ό, (from χοζός and όίγω or vtyiof^xi) the leader of the ancient chorus; also, he who supplied the chorus at his own expense tvith ornaments and all other neces- saries ; in general one ivho supplies or fur- nishes, a liberal or beneficent person. ΧοοΊκός, -VI, -0!/, (from χο^ός) belonging to the chorus, choral. XOqiou, -ου, TO, (from χω^ίύ)) skin, leather^ the cxlernal membrane round the fectus, the secundine. Χόζίος, -ου, ό, (from χο(ζός) a trochee. Χοροοίοάσκχλος, -ov, ο', (from same and ΟίΟχσκχλος) the teacher of the chorus. Χοηοηνττίχ, -χς, vj, (from same and τΰττ- Tu) a dance of the chorus. ΧοζΟίτύττος, -ου, ό, tj, (from same) that dances in chorus. Χοζοποιός, -ου, 6, (from next and "ττοιΐω) a teacher of dancing. Χοξός, -ου, ό, a dance, a company of dan- cers or of persons both sirging and dancing, a chorus^ band or troop, 887 xoggg;. A GREEK LEXICON. X^iύιοΐ), or -λόντιον, -ου, το, (from same and μ•ήλολόνβ-/ι) a gold chafer. ΧξύσομΤτζΥιζ, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and μίτζχ) that has a golden head-dress or girdle. Χξϋσόνωτοζ, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and u&i- τος) that has a golden back. Χ^υσο'πύου^ος, -ου, 6, r,, (from same and '7::Λ(ΐυ'ρΥί)ϋίαίΙια8 a purplehorder embroidered with gold, ΧρϋσότΓχστοζ, -ou, (from same and ττώσ- σύ)) embroidered with gold. X^OaoTTsoiy^o;, -ου, ο, vj, (from same and ττίοίλον) that has golden sandals. Χ^ϋσό'Τΐί 7:7^ος, -ου, ο, ^, (from same and ττ'ί'Τΐλος) golden-robed. Χψσο'Κ'/ίλγ,^, -Υικος, 6, τι, (from same and 'π-'ήλγι^) that has a golden helmet. Χ(Λίσο''7ΐ7Λ•/,«,μ.ος, -ου, ό, τ], (from same and ττλόκΰίμος) that has golden curls. ΧξυσοτΓΟίός, -ου, ό, (from same and tto/Ioj) (I worker of gold. Χζυηόττους, -οοος, ό, τι, (from same and ττους) that has golden feet. Χςυσόττζασος, -ου, ό, (from same and cr^a- σον) a chrysoprasus or chrysoprase, a pre- cious stone said to resemble the juice of a leek but somewhat inclining to that οι gold. Rev. xxi. 20. ΧουσότΓζυμι/ος, -ov, (from same and 'ττζΰμ- i/oi) that has a gilded stern. ΧζυσότΓΤίζος, -ου, ο, i], (from same and τττίζοι/) that has golden wings. Χουσόζοφος, -ov, (from same and that has a golden roof. ΧζυσόρρατΓίς, -εω;, ό, (from same and ρχ. 'Trig) one who has a golden rod. Χξυσόρρΰτο;, -ου, ό, '/j, (from next and ρύω) flowing with gold, descending in a shower of gold. Χζυσος, -ου, ό, gold, money of gold. Χζυσοστίφάνος, -ου, ο, v}, (from preccd, and στίφΰί!/ος) that has a golden crown. Χξυσόστζοφοζ, -oi',(from same and στξίφω) that is of twisted gold. Χ^υσοτίχ,τύ)ΐ>, -ουος, 6, (from same and τίχτων) a goldsmith. Χξυσότίνκτος, -ou, (from same and ηύχω) made of gold. Χ(ίυσοηυχ,νίζ, -ίος, and χ^υσότευχος, -ου, ο, 7], (from same) that has golden lueapons. Χςυσότοξος, -ου, ό, 7), (from γ,ζυσος and το|οζ/) that has a golden bow. Χρυσοτόξευτος, 6, vj, το -ov, (from same and τοξευτος) turned, carved, .οτ engraved, in gold. Χζυσοτζΐοίίν7ΐς,-ου,6,(ΐνονα same and r^/- cctvcc) that has a golden trident. Χξυσουξγος, -ου, ό, (from same and eoyou) a worker in gold, a goldsmith. Χζυσους, see χξύσεος. Χξυσοφάεΐ/1 /oc, -ου, χρυσοφοί'ης, -εος, and χ^υσόφεγγος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from χουσος and φάω or φέγγος) shining with gold; shining like gold. Χουσοφόίλά,^ος, -ου, 6, τ}, (from same and φαλοίξοί) that has golden trappings. Χξυσοφοζίω, -ω, (from same and φο^ίο) I carry or wear gold, I bring gold. Χουσοφόζος, -ου, ό, jj, (from same) that wears gold. Χξύσοφζυς, -υος, 6, 'ή, (from χρυσός and όφξύς) that has gold-coloured eye-brows ; also, a sort offish. Χξυσοφΰλαξ, -οίκος, ό, v], (from same and φυλάσσω) that guards or keeps gold. Χξυσοχα,ίτ-ης, -ov, 6, vj, (from same and χοίίτγι) that has golden hair. Χουσοχά,λΤνος, -ου, 6, τι, (from same and χαλινός) adorned ivith a golden bridle. Χζυσόχείζ, χείξος, ό, τ;, (from same and χίΐζ) that has the hand adorned zvith gold rings. Χουσοχοεϋον, -ου, ~o, (from χ!^υσοχόος) q. gold foundry. Χ^υσογρεοί, (from same) / melt gold. Χουσοχοϊκός, -v), -ou, (from next) of or belonging to a goldsmith. Χρυσοχόος, -ου, 6, (from same and χέω) a melter of gold, a goldsmith. Χζυσόα, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. εχζύσωσχ, p. pass. κεχζύσωμ,α,ί, (from χουσος) I overlay or adorn luith gold, gild. Χξΰσωμχ, -α,τος, το, (from same) a golden ΧζυσωτΓΥΐς, -ου, ο, χζυσωτίς, -ιόος, ij, and χουσω-ττός, -ου, ο, (from sanie and ω•ψ) thai has golden eyes or a golden face or a golden colour. Χζύσωσις, -εως, ί], (from χουσόω) a covering ivith gold, gilding, Χζυσωτγ,ς, -ου, 6, (from same) a gilder. Χζωζύ), f. -ωσω, (from χοόω) I touch, feel, lay hands on, colour, stain, pollute. 891 ^ωμα. A GREEK LEXICON. "Κξωμχ, 'χτος, το, (from χξωζcύ) colour^ paint, the skin. Χρωματίζω, (from preced.) I colour. IL^auyva, and γ^φυνυμ^ί, (from χ^ίω) I colour^ paint, stain, defile. X^i-jiT, γ,ζ^ωτος, 6, (from χζωζω) the shin, the body of a man, Lev. xiii. 2. Acts xix. 12. colour. Χ.οωτίζύ), same as χρωματίζω. ΧνΙχΊος, -dice, -cclou, (from next) copious, abundant, many, common, vidgar. 'X.vhnv, (from χΰω) copiously. XfAoV, -w, 6, (from S2ime) juice, the juice of any substance procured by expression ; hence chyle. 'Κ.ύμ,κ, or YJu^ct, •»τος, ro, (from same) an effusion, copiousness, multitude. Χνμίξω, f. -Ίσω, (from same) / season tuith juice, sweeten. Χυμός, -ου, ο, (from same) juice, broth, soup, sauce. Χύρω, (from same) / pour, pour forth. Χνσις, -εως, v], (from same) a pouring, effusion. Χυτλάζω, (from next) I wash, bathe, anoint, pour a liquid upon. ΧύτΤ,ον, -ου, το, (from χΰοΐ) a liquid for rubbing the body with after bathing, a mix- ture of oil and water ; a libation in honour of the dead; a laver, a kettle. Χυτ'κόω, -ω, f. -ό)σω, (from preced.) I wash, cleanse, anoint. Χντος, -'ή, -6u, (from γ,ϋω) poured out, melted, fusible ; heaped up. Χύτζχ, -ας, 'ή, (from same) a pot made of earthen ware. ΧντξχΊος, -oiiu, -oiiov, χύτζΐίος, and χϋτ- ξζος, contr. χντξονς, -ου, (from preced.) of earthen ivare, of clay. Χυτξζύς, -εως, ό, (from same) a potter. XvT^i^iou, or χύτζίον, -ου, το, (from same) a small pot or vase of earthen ware. Χυτρόγοι.υ7\.ος, -ου, ο, (from χύτξος and γαυλος) a large pot, a laver. ΧυτζότΓους, -ττο^ος, o,(from same and -τοί?) a pot having feet. Χύτξος, -ου, ο, (from next) a pot of earth- en ware, into which water is poured; a trough, a cistern. Χύω, f. χ,ΰσύ), p. κ,ίχυκ,οί, 1 f. pass, χυύτισο- μα,ι, p. pass, κέχυμαι, phiperf. pass, εκεχΰ- μγιν, -σο, -το, (from χίω) I pour, pour forth, spread, scatter. Χό), for κ,αΐ ο. Χωθάζ, (ίπ^) a chapiter, circidar crown or ornamental border. Χω&αξίύ, plm-al of the preceding. Χωύωνωύ, see χοβανωύ. ΧωΤ^οίΙνω, f. -ciuZ, 1 a. ΙχωΚα,υα,, 1 a. pass.- Ιχω'κά,ν^Π]!, (from ;^Λ)λον) / halt, am lame. 892 Χωξ/ον. Χωλεία, -otg, ^,(from next) limping, lame- ness. ΧωΚεΰω, f. -εύσω, (from χωΤ^ός") I halt, am lame ; I cause lameness, I lame. ΧωΤ^οττοίος, -ου, 6, γ„ (from next and -ποιεο)) that causes lameness. Χω7\.6ς, -ij, -6v, (from χοίκάω) hme in or deprived of the use of the hand or foot, bow- Χύ)ΆΟτνις, -^τος, {], (from preced.) lame- ness. Χώμα, -ατός, το, (from χόω) a mound, bulwark, heap of earth, mole, embankment. Χωμοίζΐμ, (d^DD) certain officers in idola- trous worship, whose business it was to offer by fire, 4 Kings xxiii. 5. Χωμα,τίζομα,ι, p. pass, partic. κεχαματισ- μίνος, (from χώμα') I am fortified. ' ΧωυεΙα, -ας, ί], (from χωνεύω) a pouring together, a melting. Χωνευμα, -ατός, το, (from same) what is melted or fusible. Χωνευαις, -ιος, Attic -εως, v], (from same) a melting. Χωνευτνίζίον, -ου, το, (from same) a melting furnace, melting. Χωνευτές, -ου, ο, (from same) a founder. Χχ>)ήυτ6ς, -vi, -ου, (from next) melted, molten, cast. Χωνεύω, f. -ευσω, p. κεχωυευκα, 1 a. Ιχω- νευσα, 1 a. pass, εχωνεύβ-^ν, p. pass, κ,εχό)- νευμαι, (from next) / cast into a melting furnace, melt, cast. XuJVYi, -γις, 7j, (same as χοάνη) also, (from χεω) an earthen vessel in which metals are melted. Χωννΰω, (from χόω) f. χώσω, 1 a. έχωσα, p. pass. 'Λεχωσμαι, -σαι, -σται, I raise a mound or heap of earth, I bury ; I cause to swell. Χό)ζα, -ας, 'ή, (from χωξος) afield, ground', country, region. Χω^εω, -ω, f. -7;σα, p. κ,εχόίζ-ήκα, 1 a. Ιχω- ζίησα, (from same) I go or come properly to some place ; I proceed successfully, have prosperous success, succeed, increase ; I afford place for, i. e. contain, hold, am capa- ble of containing or holding ; I am capable of receiving, practically, and so candying i?ito execution; I receive, i. e. kindly and affectionately. Χωξβίον, -ου, το, (from χωρίον) a small place. Χωξίζω, f, -"ισω, p. κεχωξίκα, 1 a. εχωςίσα, 1 a. pass, εχωζίσύην, p. pass. κ.εχό)ζΐσμαί, (from χωζΐς) I assign a place, station; sepa- rate, sever; pass. / am separated, I depart. Acts xviii. 1, 2. Χωξίον, -ου, το, (from χω^ος) a field, 1 ground, place. Xwi^/c. A GREEK LEXICON. ^aXT(fj8hg. XcjqI;, separate!!/, hy itself, apart, with- out, besides, except. Χ6)ξ{σ,αός, -ov, 6, (from χωξίξω) a separa- tion. Χ.ωξΤτης, -ov, 6, (from χω^ος) a country- man. ΧαζίτΊκως, (from same) after the manner of the country. Χωξοβχτίύ), -ω, (from same and βχω) I perambulate a region or country. Χωςογξαφίω, -ω, f. -Jjaw, (from same and γξύψω) I describe a region or country. Χωξούεσίχ, -»;, τ„ (from next and τΙ&ημΊ) the situation of places. Χωζος, -ου, 6, a place, region, country ; field, farm; also, the north-west, properly the wind. Χωστός, -^, -oV, (from χόω) heaped up, raised. Χωστξΐζ, -ί^οζ, '/), (from same) that is fit for, or used in, making mounds or entrench- ments. Χωω, f. -ό}σω, (from same) / cause to swell or be angry: χόίοΐΛοίΐ, I swell, am angry. w Ψ, the twenty-third of the more modern I touching, I touch the strings of a musical .-_!_ 1,. ..1 .1.. ρ....Λ. .r .t-_ £.„ instrument with the finger or plectrum, (a quill, bow, or such like thing) and so cause them to soimd or quaver; and because stringed instruments were commonly used both by believers and heathens in singing praises to their respective Gods, hence, / sing, sing praises or psalms to Gorf, whether with or without instruments ; / touch the string of a bow, discharge an arroiu, scrape, pull or pluck. ΙίΛΚμος, -ov, 0, (from perf. pass, of pre- ced.) a touching or playing upon a musical instrument ; the sound of an instrument, the twang of a bow ; a psalm, a sacred song or poem, properly such a one as is sunj; Greek letters, and the fourth of the five additional ones. It seems to have been named Psi, in imitation of the two pre- ceding letters, Phi and Chi; it is a sibilant in sound, and its form appears to have been taken from that of the Hebrew or Phenician Tsaddi or Jaddi. In some dialects, especially the Attic, •ψ is used instead of σ ; as κό-ψίχ,ος, for κ,όσ- σνφος. Ύοίοχζος, ipccuccQOg, and "φοίθνζόζ, -ά., -ou, (from -ψάύ)) that may be crumbled or broken small, friable, brittle, dry, hard. Ύοίύυ^όο), -ω, ί. -ωσω, p. ί-ψοίθνξωκχ, 1 a. pass, ί-ψΰίύνζωύνιΐ/,ρ, pass. l-J/sci/y^^j^iii/, (from preced.) / make dry, friable or brittle. Ίί α,Ιυνθος, --η, -ou, vain, false, deceitful. Ύΰίίζύ), f. -ψόίζω, 1 a. ixj/'/ipcc, (from -ψάω) I touch, rub, stroke ; scrape, graze ; shake, move, emit a whispering or murmuring sound as from a body shaken or moved. Ύα,ιστύν, -ου, το, (from same) a cakebaked with oil and honey, and used as an oblation commonly by the poor. Ύοίκύζω, (from same) I fall in drops, drizzle, shower, wet by a shower. Ύά,κά,ς, -οίοος, τ), same as -ψίκύς. Ύα.'κά,σσω, (from ψάλλύ^) I feel. Ύοί'Κιον, -ου, το, see •ψέλλ/ο>. Ύά,Τ^Ις, -ίόος, νι, (from \pa&)) an arch or vault, a hook or ring, a pair of shears or scissors. ΎοιΚίσσω, f -ξω, (from preced.) I dtp. Ύάλλω, f. ψίέλώ), 1 a. txpxKx, p. mid. s-^rikoi, p. pass, έ'ψαλ^κα/, (from -^λο,) I touch, touch lighily, cause to quaver by 5 to stringed instruments, Eph. v. 19. Col. iii. IG. Ύείλ/χωΙιχ, -ας, τ], (from next) psalmody. Ύαλμωοός, -ου, ο, (from \l/a,\u6g and ωοός) a singer of psalms. Ύα,λττίζ, -iJQog, 6, same as -ψχ^τγ];. ^ Ύοί-Κττίζίορ, -ου, το, (from 'ί-ψχ-Κτχι, 3 sing. perf. pass, of -ψύλλο)) a stringed in- strument, a psaltery, an instrument to be played upon as an accompaniment to the singing of psalms. ΎαΚτ-ζις, -ου, ο, (from same) a singer or player along with the singing of psalms, a harper. Ύχλτός, -09, -0!/, (from same) fit or proj^er to be celebrated in psalms. Ύύλτζίχ, -ας, {], (from same) a female harper. ΥχΆτωΟέύ), -ω, (from next) / dng and play in the performance of psalmody. ΎχΑτφύος, -ου, 6, (from •^ά,'λτγις and φοος) 893 ^άμαύος. A GREEK LEXICON. Ifivhog, a singer and player in the performance of psalmody. "Ψοί^Λαύος, -ου, ό, same as -^afif^og. Ύόίμ,μ,όίθω^Ύΐς, -εοζ, ο, 3j, (from same) sandy. Ύοίμ,μ,α,κόσίοι, (from same) numerous as the grains of sand. Ύά,μ,μνι, -νις, τ], (from same) sajid. Yoc/ic/niog, -a, -ou, (from next) of or be- longing to sand. Ύά,μ,μ,ος^ -ου, i], (from -ψχω) sand, dust. Ύχμ,μ,ωτος, -ij, -ou, (from preced.) sanded, sandy. ΎίΧξ, -ψχξος, ο, a starling. Ύά,ζος, -ξΜ, -Qou, (from -ψαίξω) sivifl, or (from preced.) variegated or coloured like a starling. Ycci/aig, -sag, 7], (from next) a touching, feeling. Υχύω, (from ψάω) I touch, feel. Ύάφόίξός, -d, -6'j, same as ■ψχ^αξός. Ύά,φά,ζο'χζοος, (i'rom preced. and χζόοι) that has a parched, rough or dirty shin. Ύάύ), -ω, f. φ'/ισα, I touch, touch lightly, stroke, ivipe, graze, crush^ lueaJcen, diminish. ΎΙ, Dor. for σφξ, and σφίας, σφόίς. Ύέγίος, -Λ, -ou, (from next) censorius. Ύίγω, f. -ξ,ω, p. ί-ψεχχ, p. mid. si^oycc, I blame, censure. Ύξΐυοκοίξγινοζ, -ου, ο, τ], (from next and xxQYiuoi/) bald-headed. Yehvog, -'ή, -6'j, (from -φίω) bald. ΎεΙύξος, -oc, -ov, (from same) thin, light, airy, fallacious. "Ψίκ,ά,ζω, same as "ψακ,άζω. Ύϊκοίς, -cchog, τ], (from -ψίω^ a drop, dew, dust. Ύίκτος, -;j, -oi/, (from -ψίγω) blamed; to be blamed. Ύίλλίζω, f. -Ισω, (from •ψε7,λ6ς) I stajnmer. ΎίΧΚιου, also -ψΐλίον, and -ψάλίοι/, -ου, το, (from -φάω) a bridle, a hook ; also, a neck- lace, collar, bracelet; plur. handciif^s, fetters. Ύελλισ/ΐίός, -ου, ό, (from -φεΧλίζω) stam- mering. ΎεΚλος, -γ,, -ον, that lisps, stammers or ks indistinctly. ΎίλΤ^ότγις, -'/ιτος, 'ή, (from preced.) stam- mering. ΎίυΙοίγγεκίοί, -ccg, τ], (from -φίυΐοζ and a.yy'ih'hu) false news. ΎίυΙά,γγεΚος, -ου, 6, tj, (from same) that brings false news. Ύev^ά.hΆφoς, -ου, ό, (from -ψίύΐω and «BsAcpoV) a false brother. Υ£νΙιχ.μά,μ.οίέ,νς, -υος, ο, (from same and άίΛΛ^υ^) falsely crackling; vainly boasting. ΨευΙαττόστο'Κος, -ου, ό, (from same and ατΓο'στολο?) a false apostle. ΥίυΙοίτξάφοίξυς, -υος, ij, (from same and 894 άτξχφχζυς, a kind of herb that quickly grows to a great size^fidl of lies. Ύίυ^χυτό,αολος, -ου, ό, (from same and χύ- τόΐίίολο;) that falsely calls himself a deserter. Ύίυ^νϊΙζχ, -χς, 'ή, (from same andli/s^^cc) a pretended ambush. Ύευ^ττΙγξχφος, -ου, 6, % (from same and Ι'τηγζάφω) that has a false inscription or title. ΎίυΙβττίτξοττος, -ου, 6, (from same and ΙτΓ/τ^ετΓώ)) a false guardian. Ύ£υ'hlηγoQίω, (from same and άγοξξύω) I speak falsehood. ΎίυΙγιγόξοζ, -ου, ό, ί], (from preced.) that speaks falsehood. ΎευΙί^ς, -ίος, -ους, 6, τ], το -ες, and -ψευ^ίς, -εως, 6, vj, (from -ψεύ^ύ)) false, lying, a liar. ΎευΙοβο7}ύείχ, -χς, v}, (from same and βο'ήύειχ) jiretended assistance. Υευ'^ογξχφεω, (from same and γξάφω) I write falsehood. Ύευ^ο^ί^χσκχλος, -ου, ό, (from same and ^ί^χσκχλος) a false teacher. Ιίευ^ο^ο'ί,χζα, and ψε^δοδοΙέώ), (from same and δο|«) / entertain false opinions. ΎευΙο^οξίχ, -χς, τ}, (from same) a false opinion. Ύευ'^οκ7}ζυζ, -ϋκος, ό, (from φευίος and κ.7/ξυξ) a lying herald. ΎευΙοκ,Τ,νιτείχ, -χς, τ], (from same and κ,χΤίίω) a false summons or arrest. Ύεν^ολογεω, (from same and perf. mid. of λίγα) I speak lies. ΎευΙολογίχ, -χς, vj, (from same) a lie. ΎευΙολόγος, -ου, ο, '^, (from same) a speaker of lies. ΎευΙόμ,χντις, -εως, 6, vj, (from same and μ,χϋτις) that is a false prophet ov prophetess. ΎευΙοι^,άξτυζ, -υξος, ό, vi, (from same and μχζτυξ) a false witness. Ύευίο/ίίχξτυξίύ}, -ω, (from same and /^χξ- τυξέω) I bear false ivitness. ΎευΙομχζτυξίχ, -χς, τί, (from same and Ι^χζτυζίχ^ false witness. - 'Ψευ%όνΐτζος, -ov, (from same and uItqov) that has been mixed with false nitre. Ύευ^ονύμφευτος, -ου, ο, tj, (from same and νυμφεύω) that has not been regidarly married. Ύευ^οττχζύεΐ/ος, -ου, ό, % (from same and 'ττχζβενος} that falsely pretends to be a virgin. ΎευΙοττχτως, -οξος, ό, (from same and 'ττχτ'ηξ) a false father. ΎευΙοττξοφ'/ιτγις, -ου, ο, (from same and 'ΤΓξοφήτΎΐς) a false prophet. Ύευ^οτΓτωμ,χτίον, -ου, το, (from same and 'ΤΓτωμχ) a false step. ΥευΙοξκύύ), f. -7]σω, (from same and οζκ,ος) I swear falsely. ΎευΙόξκ,ιος, and -φευ^οζκος, -ου, 6, vj, (from preced.) that swears falsely. Ύευ^ος, -εος, το, (from ψενδώ») a lie, a Ύί'οδοατομζω. A GREEK LEXICON. Ιίτιγω, \ fahehoood^ lying in general, an idol, a vain οΐ false idol. Ύίυοοστοι/Λω, (from preced. and στό^χ) I speak falsehoods. Ύίνού:ρ-/ιμος, -ου, 6, τ„ (from same and φν;ίΛΥι) that forbodes falsely. Ύίυοόχ,οιστος, -ov, o, (from same and Χο/σ- τος) a false Chinst. Ύίυοόχ,οϋσος, -ov, (from same and χ,ονσος\ of counterfeit gold. Ύίύοω, f. -J/svaa), p. ί'<^5υκ.οί, pres. mid. and pass, •^ίύοομ.α,ι, 1 f. mid. -ψίύσο,Μ,οίΐ, 1 a. mid. h^ivaxy^YiV, -ω, -ctro, p. pass, 'i-d/sva- y.cti, I deceive; raid. / lie. Ύίυοω:^ΰμος, -ov, o, 7], (from preced. and ovvfii», [or ovoficc) falsely named or called: •d/ivho'jvuag, by a false name. ΎίυΙύίς^ (from ■•I -υ^Ύ,ς) falsely. ΎίυσίΛα, -χτος, το, (from perf. pass, of ψίΐίδώί) a lie, falsehood. Ύίνστίω, f. -'/ισω, (fiOm same) I am a liar, tell lies. Ύίΰστγ,;, -ου, ο, (from 'ΐ-ψίυστοίί, 3 sing, of same) a liar. Ύίφηνος, -^, -01/, (from next) dark, ob- scure. Ψέφο;, -ίος, το, darkness, obscurity. Ύίω, I diminish. Ύγ, for -a/a, contr. for ψάε/, 3 sing. pres. of •ψάω. Ύ'ήγμχ, -Λτος, το, (from -ψίίρίώ;) some- what scraped off, a shaving, chip, fragments, dust, ashes. ΎγΓ/^-ά,τιον, -ου, το, (from preced.) a scrap. Ύγίκτζχ, -α,ς, 7], (from ^Τ/^ω) a curry- comb. Ύ-ηΚόίφά,ω, -Ζ, f. -'/;σύ), 1 a. ίφγιλάφ-ζισα, and iEolic optative, ■^/Υιλα.φτισξίΰί, -α,ς, -?, pres. partic. pass. -d/rt'hciXujyeuog, (from perf. mid. of 'ψάλλω and άφά,ύ)) I touch, feel, handle, feel or grope for or after, endeavour to explore ; Heb. xii. 18. -l/rihci^uyAya ooei, (according to some) ''to a tangible moun- tain, a motintain capable of being handled or touched, but which we should be pro- hibited to approach ; (according to others) " to a mountain touched,'^ viz. of God ; an expression equivalent to a " smoking moun- tain,"' see Exod. xix. 18. and compare Psal. civ. 32. cxliv. 5. The latter ex- planation agrees best with the context. " Ye are not come to a mountain touched [of God], and burned with fire, and to blackness, and darkness, and tempest, &c." On the other hand, the LXX use όίτττω in the passages referred to, and not \lr,- λαφάύ) ; and the former explanation may be considered as contrasting the earthly Sinai with the heavenly and spiritual Sion. Ύτ,λάφγισις, -toe, Attic -ίως, i), (from pre- ced.) a touching, handling, feeling. Ύγιλαφ-ητος, -'ή, -ου, (from same) that may be touched or felt, palpable, Tijy, 'J/Yiu6c, 6, a fig-gnat. Ύ-/]υίξω, (from preced.) / i?itroduce fig- gnats. Ύ'ήξίζ, -sag, 7), (from -ψ'/ιχω) a rubbing, stroking, soothing. 'ΫΥ;0, Ion. for -ψάο. Ύν,σσΛ, Attic -ψ^ττΛ, -γις, vj, a turbot, or a sole. Ύγιφϊοοφόζος, -ου, 6, τ], (from -ψγιφϊς and φίξύ)) that brings his vote. Ύγιφίξω, f. -'ίσω, p. Ιφτιφικ,οι, 1 a. ίφτιφίσχ, (from 'ψΫιφος) I reckon, compute, calcidate. Ύγ,φίον, -ου, το, (from same) a small stone or pebble, such as was used in arithmetical calcidations, or in giving votes. Ύγ,φΙς, -ihog, '/], (from same) the same. Ύ'ήφισμ,οί, -Λτος, το, (from same) a de- cree of the people, a decree of any kind. Ύγ,φισμ,ο(,το7ΓΟ)λ•ης, -ου, 6, (from preced. and τΓωλίύ)) a decree-seller. Ύγιφισμ,οίτωογ,ς, -ζος, ό, τ], (from ■ψ'ήφισμ,α) like a decree, a thing resolved. 'ψγιφολο'/ίω, -ω, f. -Υΐσω, 1 a. Ιψηφολόγγισοί, 1 f. pass. ■ψγ,φολογγιύ'/]σομχι, (from -ψτιφος and λόγος) I pave with little stones, make chequer-work. ψγιφοττοιος, -ου, 6, (from next and 'ττοιίω) one who makes or prepares pebbles. Ύΐ^φος, -ου, ο, a small stone στ pebble, used in mosaic work ; in arithmetical calcidations, and thence a calculation ; used also in giv- ing votes, and thence a vote, suffrage, voice. Acts xxvi. 10. In Rev. ii. IJ, some think there is an allusion to the ancient custom among the Greeks of absolving with a white stone or pebble, and condemn- ing with a bhck one. IMos erat antiquis niveis atrisque lapillis ; His damnare reos, illisabsolvere culpa. Ovid. Metam. xv. 4I. Et potis es nigrum vitio prrefigcre Theta. Persius, iv. \3. others suppose an allusion to the tcsserce hospitales of the Romans, on which two parties wrote their names, and interchanged them for the purpose of preserving friend- ship between themselves and tlicir families ; others again think the reference is to lots on which the names of those using them were inscribed. ΊίΥίφοφοοίύ), f. -νισω, (from preced. and φίζω) I bring my vote. Ύηφοφοο'ΐΛ, -α Γ, ^, (from preced.) voting. Ύ'/Ιχω, f. -Jij, (from •ψά,ω) I handle, rub ; wear by rubbing, attenuate, diminish, reduce ; 895 ^Ίαύοζ. A GREEK LEXICON. Ύυγ^Ο'ττότ'ής. rub down, scrape or clean as a horse ; stroke, sooth, caress, flatter. Ύΐόίύος, Ion. -ψίίβος, -ου, ο and ij, a viat made of rushes or twigs. ΎΊόίς, -άίος, Dor. "ψίχζ, -eacog, τ], same as "ψίχάς. "Ψίύΰξίζω, Dor. \piuvQia^a, f. -ίσω, p. sipi- βύξίκχ, p. pass, sipiuvpta/icoii, -σεχ,ι, -τχι, (from •ψίθνξος) I whisper, mutter, piivately calumniate. ΎΊύνςισμ,όί, -ccTog, το, and -ψίύνξίσμος, -ου, ό, (from perf. pass, of preced.) a whisper- ing, particularly of detraction. Ύίύνξίστ'-ής, -ov, 6, (from 3 sing, of same) a whisperer, a secret detractor, one zvho se- cretly speaks evil of persons when they are present. Ύ^ΰξος, -ov, ό, (from xj/ta) a whisper, particularly of detraction. Ύι>Λκ,6ς, -VI, -oj, (from next) light-armed. ΎϊΧός, -yj, 'O'j, small, thin, slender, light, naked, bare : -ψιλω;, barely, merely. Ύί7,ότ-/ις, -'/ιτος, v], (from preced.) bare- ness, smoothness. Ύ{λόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, (from same) I make small, thin, slender, naked or bare. Ύίμνύίον, -ου, το, and ■φ'ίαυύο;, Όυ, ο, white lead, luhite paint. Ύΐζ,, -Ίχος, φίχ,-/], -ης, vj, and φ{χΙοι^, -ου, το, α crumb of bread, a little crumb, a scrap. Ύίττΰίκος, -ου, ο, a pai^rot. Ύ'ιω, same as -^^άω or ψΐώ). Ψο'δί, -ccg, 71, the loin, haunch, or flank. Ύογϊζος, -ά., -ou, (from next) that blames ; that merits blame. Ύογίύ), -ω, f. -'/ίσω, 1 a. &•ψόγγισχ, (from next) I blame, slander. Ύόγος, -ου, ο, (from \piycu) blame, accusa- tion, reproach. Ύο'κόζΐς, -ζσσα, -sp, (from -ψόλος) smoking. ΎοΤ^οκομττίΰί, -α,ς, τ], (from next and κ,όμτΓος^ vain-boasting. Ύό'Κος, -ου, 6, smoke, soot, flre. Ύονύομφίίννιχ, (Egyptian Π5173 n33ii) Zaphnath^aaneah, a revealer of secrets; Vulg. salvatorem mundi. Gen. xli. 45. Ύοφίύ), -OJ, f. -ί;σίϋ, 1 a. ίφόφ^οι, (from ■φόφος) I make a noise or sound, I stamp with the foot. ΎοφοΙζνίς, -ίος, 6, vj, (from next and Uog) that startles at a noise: -φοφοίίως, fearfidly. Ύόφος, -ου, ό, a noise, sound, an empty sound, vain j^romise. Ύυγ{Λος, -ου, 6, (from perf. pass, of --^ύχω) a drying, cooling. Ύυ'^οος, -ά, -ov, (from t^svhvig) fallacious. ΎνΗς, -ίος, 6, 7], for -ψευ^ς. Ύυκ,τ'-^ξ, -ν}^ος. ο, (from 3 sing, of -ψΰ^ω) a cooling vessel, a basin. Ύύτ^Κχ, -γ,ς, VI, or •φύχΚος, -ου, 6, a flea. 896 ΨυλΆίορ, -ου, το, (from preced. )^[Λοτοι6ς, -ov, 6, (from next and -TraL•) a cook, a carver. Ύω,Μ,οζ, -ov, 0, (from -ψάω) a morsel or piece of food, particularly of bread. Ύωζ^ΰί, -α,ς, 'ή, (from -ψαίξω) a scab, the itch, the mange. Ύωζχγξίάω, -Ζ, pres. part, -ψωξιχγξίάωυ^ contracted -Zu, (from preced. and MyQiog) I am diseased with scurvy or scab. Ύωζΰΐ/κίος, -a,, -ov, (from -φωξα) scabby. Ύωζΐά,ω, (from same) / am full of soi'es. Ύω^Ίκος, -Tj, -6'j, (from same) ulcerous, scabby. 'Ύωχ,ω, I break to pieces, I rub as ears of corn, in order to force out the grains. Ύωω, same as -ψάω. Ω Ω ^iyu, i. c. Ο great or long, namely in sound, so called to distinguish it from μ,ίκζον. the last of the five additional letters, and of the Greek alphabet. It has already been remarked under O, that the old Greeks had but one character for their O, whether pronounced long or short ; and it is well known that the Romans, and the nations who derived their alphabet from them, never had more. Ω seems to be formed from O, and from its form ω seems composed of two o's. "Ω, 0/ Oh! an interjection expressive of wonder or pain ; when used as a mark of the vocative case it is written with a circumflex, ω. "Ω,χ, or <5oc, -ex.;, i„ (for oi'cc from οϊς) a sheep\<} skin with the wool; the border, hem or iiK'lt, of a garment. flocQiou, -ov, TO, (from ojou) a small egg. Γΐόί(Λωυίΐος, -iict, -iiov, (from * Ω.ζίω>) of or belonging to Orion. ' Ω,χς, ύΐοίτος, το. Dor. for ονς, the car. ' Γίβά,ξω, f. -ύ'ξω, (Ironi next) / divide the jieople into tribes. ^β% -^ς, vj, a tribe of the Laccdcemonians. - Clyivog, -ov, 0Γ o)y^o, ayiuog, 6, (for uKt- ανός) the ocean. Ω yvytog, -ct, -ou, (from Ώ yvyri;. the name of a king who reigned at Thebes be- fore the times of authentic history) Ogy- gian, ancient. 'Ωΰάξ/ο!/, -ov, TO, (from ωόγι) a little ode. ^Ώδί, (i. e. iu t&Ss τό'πω, in this place, from ohi. See p. 76) here, hither ; thus. ' rihlou, -ov, TO, (from next) the Odeon, a musical theatre at Athens, but used also for other purposes. 'Ωδ'/?, -τις, 'ή, (from doihvi) an ode or song. ' nil, Attic for ου^οόμος, -ου, 6, τ], (from same and Ιζίμω) swift-running. Ώ,κ,ΰύοος, -6ου, 6, τ}, (from same and ^ίω) that runs swiftly. Ώ,χυ/χοξος, -ου, ό, vj, (from same and μό- ξος) that is swift to die. ' Ώ,κν'ττετγις, -ου, ο, (from same and -ττίτο- μ,οίΐ) one who flies swiftly. ' έΐκΰττοίνος, -ου, ο, tj, (from same and 'TTotu^) quickly punished. ^ Πκΰ'τιτομ,'πος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and 'ττίμ,'ττίύ) that sends or conveys swiftly. Ώ,κ,ΰ'π-όξος,-ου, 6, vj, (from same and ττόξος) swift-passing. Ώ.κν•7Γους, -οοος, and ώκυτό^ιης, -ου, 6, ί], (from same and -^ους) sivift -footed. Ώ,κύ'ΤΓΤίζος, -ου, ο, yj, (from same and 'TTTSQou) swift-winged. ' Ω,κ,ΰξόης, or ώκ,νξοος, -ου, ο, yj, (from next and pL•) that swiftly flows. ' Γίκύς, -slcc, -υ, swift, quich : 'ττόΐοίς ώκύς, viz. όJ>cύς κχτοί 'ττό^χς, swift-footed. ^ Γίκΰτγις, -Υΐτος, τ], (from preced.) swiftness. ' Πκ,ΰτοκ,ος, -ου, 6, vj, (from same and τίκ- τω) causing a speedy delivery, i. e. fertiliz- ing, making fruitful; that speedily brings forth : ώκΰτοκος, speedily brought forth: ώκυτόκον, TO, an easy delivery. ' Π'Κίκ^ΰ,νον, -ου, το, (from next and kqo,- vov) the tip of the elbow. ' ΓΐΤ^ίνη, -y\g, v], the elbow ; the arm; Lat. ulna. 'Πλζρϊττης, -ου, ο, (from preced.) belonging to the elbow. "Ω,λεσίκΰίξ'ττος, -ου, 6, '/}, (from οΚΚυμ,ι and 898 8 Γΐμοφόξίον. KUQTTo;) that destroys fruit ; that loses its fruits. ^'Ω,Άεσίοίκος, -ου, ο, 9], (from same and οϊκος) that ruins a house or family. ^Πλ|, ωΆκος, 9], for αυλχζ, a furrow. ' Ω,^ίΥΐστ'^ξ, -^^05•, and ώμγιστνις, -ου, 6, (from ώμ,ος and Ισθίω) that eats raw flesh, ferocious. 'n^/flt, -ug, 9], (from ωμο;) a shoulder, a corner, a side. ίΐμοβόαος, -Λ, -ου, ώμοβοίυος, -τι, -ou, and ώμοβοίύς, -ίως, 6, ij, (from ώμος and βους') of raw ox-hide. 'Πμοβξώς, -ωτος, 6, ί], (from same and βξάσκω) that eats raw flesh. ^ Ω,μο'βζωτος, -ou, (from same) eaten raw. 'Ω,μόβυρσος, -ou, (from ώμος and βύξσοί) of raw ox-hide. Ήμογί^ωυ, -ouTog, o, oj, (from same and ysQuJu) raw-old ; either fresh and vigorous though old, or prematurely old. 'ΠμοΙοίκνίς, -ίος, ο, ί}, (from same and ^xKua) biting cruelly, keen. 'Πμο'^ςό'ΤΓος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same and δ^έτώ)) plucking unripe fruit. 'Πμούετίω, (from same and τΐύημι) I place raw bits of flesh, from all parts of the vic- tim, on the thighs, wrapped in the fat and caul, to roast on the altar. 'Ω,μούξίξ, -τξίχος, ό, vj, (from same and θ^ί|) that has the hair neglected, grisly, rough. 'Πμόύϋμος, -ου, ό, v}, (from same and Βίυμός) cruel. "ίΐμοι, (for οϊμοι) ah me I alas! Ώμο'κξόίτ^ς, -έος, ό, ij, (from ώμος and κξοίτίω) savage, hardy. ' Πμόταυου, -ου, το, (from same and T^ivou) green or unbleached linen. Ώ,μοττΤ^οίτγι, -ης, ^, (from next and wAflt- τύς) the shoulder-blade. ^Ω,μος, -ου, ο, (from οί'ω} the shoulder, 'Ω,μος, -'^, -ou, raw, crude, immature, sour, cruel, fierce : ώμώς, cruelly. ' ΓΐμόσΊτος, -ου, 6, ί], (from preced. and σίτος) that lives on raw meat, ferocious. ^ Πμοστΐόίξοίκτος, -ou, (from same and σττοί- ξχσσω) torn raw. 'Ώ,μόττις, -γιτος, jj, (from ώμος) cruelty. ' ίΐμοτοκίω, -ώ, f. -^σώ>, 1 a. ώμοτόκτισοί, ^rom same and τίκτω) I produce an im- mature foetus, or an abortion. 'Γίμοτόκος, -ου, 6, (from preced.) that brings forth prematurely. ' Πμοτύξχυυος, -ου, ό, (from ώμος and τύ- ξίχ,νυος) a cruel tyrant. Ώ,μοφχγίχ, -χς, τ], (from same and φοίγω) the eating of raw flesh. ' Ω,μοφίΆγος, -ου, 6, v}, (from same) that eats j^aw flesh. ' Γίμοφίξίου, -ου, το, (from ωμός and φίξω) Ι/Μφξωί. A GREEK LEXICON. Πτ/ί. a piece of dress hung on or supported by the'slioidders, applied to the ephod. ' Πμόφςων, Όνος, ο, τ}, (from ώμος and φξ'ήu) cruel: ωμ^φζόνως, cruelly. 'Ώ:/, Ion. for ου ν, therefore. "ίΐ;;, oyffit, oV, (part, of s/^i) he'mg^ exist- ing: 6 "Hy, He that is, the Existing One, Exod. iii. 14. ^Ωναξ, for ω οίναξ, voc. of duoi^. "CluiKct, Dor. for ovvsku. ^ ίΐΆοΐΛοίΐ, -ονίΛοι,ί., 1 f. mid. ujuyiao/aeti, 1 a. mid. 6ίν•/\αύ,μ.•/\ν, -ω, -ατο, p. pass, au/if/^cti, I buy. 'Ω-νη, -^ς, VI, (from preced.) a purchase. ΏνΥιΤ'^ς, -ου, ο, (from same) a purchaser. Ώ;/>5Τ05•, -')\, -o'j, (from same) bought, that may be bought, venal. "Πνιος, -sc, -o'j, (from same) saleable. ^£ΐ!/ος, -ov, 0, (from same) a price. Ώοί/δ'^ί, -kog, 0, ^, (from next and εΓδο?) ο/" ίΛ^ shape of an egg, oval. Ώο!/, poet, cuio'j, -ov, TO, an egg; Lat. ovum, see p. 3. Ώοτο/ίέω, (from preced. and τίκτω) I produce eggs. Ώ,οτοκίοί, -»ς, i), (from preced.) the lay- ing of eggs. ^ ^ Ποτόκος, -ου, vj, (from same) oviparous. ' Ποφυ'λΛκίύ), (from ώο» and φυλύσσω^ I guard the eggs. 'Hr^, -ijg, i), (from ωψ) a sight, view. "D.QU, -ccc, Ion. uQ-^, -γις, ij, time, season, particular time, a short time, an hour, a moment. fiY ijistant, Matth. viii. 13; age, pe- riod of life ; also, beauty, ornament, grace. "Cl^cc, -α,ς, 71, care, precaution, provision. "Πρόίγος, -ου, ό, (from ούζα and όίγω) one who leads the rear. '^Ω.ξΧί, -ω». Oil, (from ωξχ) the'Hours. ' Γίζαΐζομ,Λΐ, 1 a. pass. ώξχΐσβ/ιν, (from same) I am adorned. ' fLoctioof^oii, -ουμ,οα, (from next) / am beautiful. ' Γΐζαίος, -eiioc, -oiiou, (from ei^oi) ripe, mature, seasonable, beautiful, amiable, de- sirable. 'Πξοαότγις, -γιτος, '^,(frora preced.) beauty, comeliness. ' Ω,ζΧίόω, -ω, f. -ωσω, 1 a. pass. ώ^Λίωθ/^υ, (from same) / make beautiful, I adorn. ' Πξΐχϊσμός, -ου, ό, (from ύζαί'ζο(Λοι.ι) beauty. Γΐζάχ,ιάί), -ω, I faint. ' ίΐξίω,-ω, ί.-'/]σύ}, and ώζΞυω,^. -ίνσω,{ΐτοΐΏ IjQot) I take care of attend to. ' Πζίχός, or ωζίμ,ος, -τι, -ov, 0Γ -ου, 6, vi, (from cuou) seasonable, mature, ripe: ώζΐκώς, opportunely, gracefully. "Ω,οίος, -Λ, -ov, (from same) that is in season, ΏζΤύ)!/, -ωι/ος, 6, the constellation Orion. ' Cl^o'hoyioif, -ου, το, (from ω^Λ and Acyw) an instrument that tells the hours. "ίίξοξχ, poet, for οξωξχ, perf. mid. Att. of Οξω. ^Ω,οος, -ίος, το. Dor. for οζος, a mountain. "^Ω,ξος, -ου, 6, (from ωξχ) time, a year ; ώξος, -ου, 6, sleep. ' εΐ^ϋγ'ή, -νΐζ, ^, 'aQvyfAd, -Λτος, το, and ύίζυγμ,ος, -ου, 6, (from next) a roainng, howling, bellowing. ^ η^ϋω, f. -ύσω, p. ω^υκΛ, 1 a. ωζυσοι, 1 f. mid. ώζΰσομ,Λί, 1 roar, howl, bellow. ' ίϊούωι/,οί, -Λτος, το, (from preced.) a roaring, bellowing. ' Γίς, (from ο ς) as, like as, as it were, how; that, so, when. Comp. John i. 14. with Josh. x. 2 : ώς ΙττΙ, the same as s-Tirl alone, to, towards, upon, Άνά/3. vii. 6. 1. Acts xvii. 14 : ώς, (lor< or -ττξός being understood) Άί/ά/3. i. 2, 4. ii. 3, 14; 6. 1 : ώς βχσίλέοί, to the king. ' Πς, Dor. for ου, where. "^Πς, for οΰτως, thus. ^Ω,ς, ώτος, 6, Dor. for ους, the ear. Ώ,σχν, (ώς and ocv) as, forasmuch, consid- ering ; that, in order that. ' riacAuu, {ώς, xu, si) just as if. ' ΓίσΛννά, (xa-nii^u^nrr. See Ps. cxviii. 25) Hosanna, save now, save we pray thee. ' Ω,σαύτως, {ώς and α,ΰτως) likewise, hi the same or like manner. ' Ω,σίΙ, (same and ε/) as if, as it were, as, about. ' Ωαζίττίξ, same as ασ-ττεξ. Tiff/f, -ξως, vi, (from ώύω) a push, "ίΐσκ,ΐν, how, in what manner? Ο that! "Ωσχεο, (from ώς and 7rs^)as indeed, like as. ' Πσ-π-εζζί, (preced. and s/) as if, as if it ivere, as. "Ω.σσΰί, JEo\. for oo-acc. "Πστε, (ώς and τε) so that, so as, in order to, wherefore, finally, as also. " Πσττ,ς, -ου, 6, (from ώθω) a pusher. ' Γίστίζο(/.χι, (from preced.) I push myself forward. ' Ω,σχοφόζΐχ, -ων, τα, (from οσχη, a branch of vine with grapes, and φίζω) a festival of Bacchus. 'Γίσχοφόζος, -ου, ό, (from same) a title of Bacchus, as bearing a vine branch with grapes. "^ίΐτοί, T«, plur. οι ους, ώτός, το, which see. ' Πτϋκουστεω, (from preced. and ά,κούω) I hear tvith my own ears. ' Πτχκουστνις, -ου, ό, (from preced.) a?i attentive listener. ^il τά,ν, ωτΛυ, and ω τοίν, see τά,ν. ' Πτειλνι, -Ϋ)ς, vj, (from ούτάω) a wound. 'D.t!ou, -ου, το, (from ους) the ear. ^ Ω,τϊς, -ίοος, ^, (from same) a bird remark- able for quick hearing, the bustard. 899 1 ' a-oiig. A GREEK LEXICON. ίΐώόΥ: 'Πτόίίς, -saaec, 'Su, (from same) having ears or handles. 'Ω,τος, -ov, or ωτος, -ου, ό, (from same) the homed owl, ' flTOT/xvjTogy -ovj o,^,(from same and τίμ• vci) having the ears cut, Ώ,τωίίζ, same as ώτόείς. Ώ,ϋτός, Dor. for ο Λυτός. 'Ω,φύΆξίΰί, -χς, Ion. ώφεΆίτ], τί, (from next) profit^ advantage, gain. Ώ,φίΤ^ίω, -ω, f. -^σ&), 1 a. ώφίΚτ,σα, p. οιφί- TiYjKcc, pres. pass. ώφθ\.ίο(ΛΐΛΐ, -Λμ,α,ι, 1 a. pass. ύ)φ&Κνίύν]ν, p. pass. ωφίΚΥίμ,αι, (from οφίΧλω) I profit y advantage, benefit, help. ' Πφί'ΚΎΐμ.οί, 'Οίτος, το, (from perf. pass, of preced.) assistance, profit, iitility. 'ίΙφϊ'Κησις, -5ως, vj, (from same) service, profit. ΉφεΆ^τίος, -oc, -ou, (from same) must he ' benefited: αφίλγιτίον, must benefit. Ώί^έλΓ^οί, and ώφεΚνισ^ιι^ος, ov, 6, τ], το * -61/, (from same) profitable, beneficial, advim• f tageous, usefid : ωφίΚίμ,ως, profitably. '\ "νιφεΚον, {2 aor. of όφίίλω) I wish, '^ "fl)CQ^» and ώχ,ζίοί, -οίς, τι, (from ώχξο:)- paleness, redness, ochre, rust, mildew. ,1 ' Ω,χξά,ω, (from same) / grow pale. ll 'Ω,χ,ξίόίσίς, -ιος, Attic -εως, and a^rr ψ -ϊΐτος, 7], {ίτοπι same) paleness. ί Ώ,χξ{άω, f. -άσω, (from next) / am pate. • " ^χ^ος, -«, -6u,pale red, pale, sallow. "Ωψ, ώττος, 6, the eye, the face, the coun- tenance. ' Ωψ>7λοί•, iEol. for ν-ψγ,λός. ' Ω.άΙγις, -sog, ό, 7}, (from uou) like an egg, oval. I THE END. ANDREW DUNCAN, Printer to the University. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 037 555 5 ■ 1 1 1 ^^^^^H ^ , ^ -Kf '^^1 1 Ρ--^Λ, M|i ' jiT^^^l^^^^^^^l ■ ->^H ϊ||ϋΙ