}5' - V* ^ 1^" ■NX '♦ '*«0' - o » o ^ X^-^- > /^. w ^\> %/ ^^^^'^'^ \,^ o " • , '^' •<^ 5* ^0 ?^^ V " ? » r' « < .? •. r-v !<. 'n r. ■ -- --^ • •^--', I'm,' /\ ., y<» o ■.f»fl •' <*^ - o , » '^' •M#.- o V '^ 7 o « ■ ^ V . ' • o -*/ J /-> 4 o "^-..^^ :. tt 9 ■\ <. 'A. ^ I ' » ^^'. ^ .-h ^oV^ C^ />^ "V ' ^p-^^ -^^0^ '*^ o > . 0' ^ V /\ -l-^i^:- ,»"•% ^ ' '^t^yiJ-' » / -l ."^^x. •r ■^0 » r , rt * o * '' x^-n^ . o • • « v"^ V ^'^ 1 '-. c V. THE KING FAMILY F THE KING FAMILY OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1595- 1 90 1, COMPILED FROM PUBLIC RECORDS, FAMILY PAPERS AND THE MANUSCRIPT KING GENEALOGY OF MR. RUFUS KING OF YONKERS, N. Y. BY LUCY DUBOIS AKERLY, NEWBURGH, N. Y. EDITION OF ONE HUNDRED COPIES. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 1901. No.. / -^^ PRESS OF T. A. WRIGHT, 150 BLEECKER STREET, N. V. WATER MARK IN PAGES OF KING BOOK. WW ■■^ 4M" 1^1 7- k I, iTJ.''-' \'-/ ■ ^7 7 <" ^/ /■ 'Ui 1'-^ l/.-^ ^.^L < ff < / Y,. ,'^- '..1 THK HOOK roNTAININC TIIK KINO I AMILV KF-COKD. Reprinted from the New York Genfalogical and Biografliical Record for April, 1401. RECORDS OF THE KING FAMILY OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Communicated by Mr. Rufus King of Yonkers, New York. ^'i- pmej^y'tms' In the quiet and pictur- esque old town of Southold, on the eastern end of Long Island, a little book has been drifting around from one resting place to another, for more than two hundred years, and is now, in an ex- cellent state of preservation, in the possession of a de- scendant of the family whose record it contains. The book is about seven inches long and three inches wide, bound in black leather and had originally two brass clasps; the handwriting is clear and very legible. On the first page is the inscription: "Samuel King Owner of this Book, 1674." The records following relate to the descendants of this Samuel King who was born in England about 1633, and died in Southold 29 Nov., 172 1 ; he was the second son of William Kinge, born about 1595, who with his wife Dorothy and five children sailed from Weymouth, Dorsetshire, England, 20 March, 1635, and settled at Salem, Mass., the same year. Samuel King just mentioned was at Southold as early as 1650; the account of his posterity is given in the book in quaint and characteristic style and is herein repeated verbatim et literatim. In reading these records, it should be remembered that, previous to 1752, the legal year began on 25 March, which was called the first month, April the second month, etc., January the eleventh month, and February the twelfth month. Therefore, before 1752 an entry reading, say March 12, 1636 or 1636-7 would mean March 12, 1637, and so on of any date between January 1 and March 25. The Record begins: "Samuel King his booke written in the 10 mon Ano 1674 On the next page is a cure for the gout and then follow these entries: Samuell King married about the 27*'' yeare of his age, October the lo'*" Ano Dom. 1660. My first childe William was borne ye 10"' of January 1661. My second childe Dorothy borne ye eleventh of July 1664. "My third childe Hanah borne ye 26th of January 1666." '^ Records of the King Family of Sotithold, Suffolk Co., N. V. ^,^^z^ T^zazzz^d bom July ye 15"' Anno // ^ /f Jf C\ Domini 1699 on Saturday. ///—*• U^f '^ y iL Zebulon my Third son ij' * ^/ ^^^ -T - — was born ye 7"' of Septem- y ff^^-^ ff ber anno Domini 170- on I U\ >>' j . y^ Monday Li-zi^v ^C^^^^y^'-^ faa'^ Absolom my fourth son \J/ was born ye 6*'' of January //^ f\/ anno Domini 1703/4 on th^ 2?rf Saturday. &. Nathanaell, my fifth son was born ye 27''' of Feb- ruary anno Domini 1706/7 on Fryday — Ephraim my sixth son was bom ye 14*'' of May anno Domini 1 709 on Satur- day. Hannah my seventh child was born ye 18''' of May anno Domini 17 12. Sunday about sunrise. My Loving- Wife Han- nah departed her life ye 1 7*"^ of August anno Domini 17 1 2 in the 39^*" year of her Handwriting of Samuel King. Jr., b. 23 March, 1675. ^ .< (Here follows in another handwriting nine entries, the first seven are doubtless those of the births of children named Booth and probably the offspring of Hannah King and Captain William Booth; on this point see Moore's hidexcs of the Towtt of Southold, under Booth.) "My First son Will"" was born the 25*'' of May 1689. 2— Hannah was born February 22—1691. my z"^ Child Samuel was born July ye 16 1682. (.Sic. but doubtless intended for 1692.) George my 3 Child born Aprill ye 28 1696 Mehetabell was bom October ye 8*'' 1698 Constant Born in Janewary ye 9 day 1700. Mary Booth was Born Agust ye 30 day 1703. Martha was born in Agust ye 7*^ 1706. My father Samuel King departed This Life Novem^' the 29— 1721 — In ye 89 year of his age. My brother Samuel King departed this life May the 14 '733 in the 38 year of his age on Monday" (The handwriting now changes and we have the following record of the children of John King, doubtless written by him.) 8 Records of the King Family of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y. 0.& fn^ has ^^ 7^ 2<» t^l f "John King* was married in the 25'^'' year of his age June the 25 Ano. Dom. 1726. My furst child Marey was born Janiiar}^ ye 27 Ano: Dom: 1726: — Thursday: — My second child John Born December ye 18 1727 on Monday My third Child Nath" Born May ye 8 173 1 on vSat- iirday. My loving Wife Mary was Born y'^ 11 of Jane wary year 1707. Our Loving Brother Nath" King Departed This Life May y'^ 12 year 1731 In y^ 25 year of his age. My fourth Child Absalom was Born October 5"^ A D 1733 Monday. My fifth child Mehitable was Born October 2'' Anno Dom: 1736. Saturday. My Sixth Child Abraham wasborn December 13*'' 1741 Sabbath Day. My Seventh Child Mar- garet was born March 6^'^ A. D. 1747. Fryday — " \ Handwriting of Ensign John King, b. 15 July, 1699. (At this point the following entry appears.) " Margaret Corey (who married to Willoby Lindsf) was born June 22""^ 17 14 and She Died the 23 of December 1789." (Another change of handwriting now takes place; it is bold and very legible, knd probably that of John King whose family record it gives as follows.) "March ye 14 day 1754 John King and Abigail Brown were married— and our first Child was born January y*^ 6, 1755 And our second child John was born March ye 14, 1756. Our third child Gilbert was born July ye 16, 1758. Our forth child Rufus was born September ye 3'', 1760. • John King was married, probably, not in 1726 but in 1724, as he was about 25 years old in that year, having been born, as the record has already stated, 15 July, 1699. This last men- tioned date is in hariiioiiv with the inscription on his gravestone, which describes him as Ensign John King, and as having died 28 June, 17J3. '« the ■;4th year of his age. In further conhrniatiou the Salmon Record contains the following entry under marriages: "John King and Mary t VVillougby Lynde was the son of Nathaniel Lynde of Saybrook, Conn., b. 22 Nov., 1659, d. 5 Oct., 1729, and wife Susannah Wilioughby, b. 19 Oct., 1664. . The entry of Margaret Corey's marriage in the King Family Record seems to indicate that ahe was a near relative, perhaps a sister, of Mary Corey who married Ensitjn John King; it is also a suggestive fact that this John King had a great-grandson Lynde King, b. 6 July, 1792: his gravestone at Orient reads : "Capt. Lvndes King, died Oct. 18, i8u, aged 62 vears and 3 months." He was the son of Nathaniel King, Jr., whose wife was Mehitable futhiU, and grandson of Major Nathaniel King whose wife was Experience Young. Records of the King Family of Southold, Suffolk Co., N. Y. g Our fifth Child Abigail was born September ye 5 1762. Our sixth child Joseph was born September ye 23, 1764. Our seventh Child Mehetable was Born January y* i 1767. John King was married the second time to Pliebe Youngs rch 10"' 1770 — And he Died the July 14*'' 1792." March Signature of John King, b. i8 Dec, 1727. Up to this point, everything contained in the book has been given, but later family records follow and also several pages describing boundaries of lands in Southold, owned by Samuel King, Sr. These particulars may be made the subject matter of a future communication to the Record. Il i -"5 _ X I ^ - 2i U4 Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biogtaphical Record for April. 1902. WILLIAM AND DOROTHY KING, OF SALEM, MASS., AND THREE GENERATIONS OF THEIR LONG ISLAND DESCENDANTS. Compiled by Lucy D. Akerly from the Manuscript Genealogy of RuFus King of Yonkers, N. Y. I William ' Kinge of Salem, Mass., was born in England about 1595, and is first traced in a list of io6 passengers entitled " Bound for New England, Waymouth, ye 20 March, 1635."* This list in- cludes the following names: William Kinge, aged 40,! Dorothy his wife, aged 34, Mary Kinge his daughf, aged 12, Katheryn his daughf, aged 10, Willm Kinge his sonne, aged 8, Hanna Kinge his daughf, aged 6. There was also another son Samuel King, born about 1633, whose name is not included in the ship's list, doubtless on account of his being so young, but his King parentage is clearly set forth in legal papers"^ recorded at Salem relating to the distribution of his father's estate. As William King selected Weymouth for a point of departure, it is conjectured that he may have lived in some place in the south of England for which it was the most convenient port. In the Register of the Abbey Church of St. Mary at Sherborne, Dorset, are many entries of the name King, and among them the following: " 1616-17, Feb. 17, Williami Kinge et Dorothiae Hayne nupt."t This is probably the record of the marriage of William and Dorothy King the emigrants to America, though they do not appear to have lived in Sherborne as we find no further record of them there nor entries of the baptism of their children in the Church Register. William Kinge on reaching New England, settled at Salem, Mass., where he\vas made freeman 2$ March, 1636, and received the same year a grant of 4oacres at Jeffrey's Creek^ now Manches- ter, also in 163S, one of 30 acres at Royall Side^ at the head of Basse River, now Beverly, where the King homestead was pleas- antlv situated. The land rose with a gentle slope to the level of a broad field, and the road turned to the left beyond the house,|| passing over the bridge part way up the hill; the King acres were on both sides of the bridge. In the deposition of John Weston, Sen^, of Reading, dated 24 Feb., 1 699-1 700, may be found some interesting facts relating to * The original list in the Public Record Office in London, in Vol. IX., of Colonial I apers. 1636-8. was examined by Mr. Rufus King in 1S85, and found to agree with the copy printed lu J Camden Holten's Original Lists of Emigrants to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. p. 285. t Or possibly 30, one figure having been written over the other. % See Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, Vol. IV., p. 264. ^ Essex Institute Hist. Coll., \o\%.\\.,yi>.^(i.Mvl\Y..,'p.^o. ^„„ i„,< k.. I The old King house was taken down about sixty years ago and the site is now occupied b> the Asylum and School for Deaf Mutes. I 2 William and Dorothy King of Salem, Mass., the disposal of this land by the widow Dorothy King and her re- moval from Salem to Long Island. Capt. John Dodge of Beverly, aged about 63 years, testified on 28 June, 1700, as to the King property at Royall Side, and de- scribed the boundaries as follows: "On the East upon the river called Basse River, Southerlie on ye cove that runs to a house formerly Batchelor's and Westerly and Northerly with the land of John Green, deceased." * William King's name appears in a list of Salem Grand Jurors in 1637, and also on the roll of members of the First Church of Salem; he took an active part in the religious controversies of the time and in 1637, identified himself with the Antinomians, a step which placed him under the ban of the Salem authorities, he was admonished to sever his connection with the sect, under penalty of being disarmed, and refusing to do so, he was directed to leave his gun with Lieut. Danforth. Mr. Kingdied about 1 650- 1, intestate; his widow Dorothy and son William settled the estate under the direction of the court at Salem, where papers on file mention the following children: William the eldest son, Samuel aged 18, John aged 13, Mary, wife of Mr. Scudder, Katheryn, wife of John Swasy, Mehitable aged 15, and Deliverance aged 9. Dorothy Kinge, widow, of Salem, bought in 1652, of John Swazey of that place, his dwelling house and land, lying between the lands of Richard Hyde and Daniell Rumball on the South River; also a tract of land in the South Field; in 1653, she sold the same to Thomas Johnson, Thomas Reynolds and Thomas Barnes; in 1658, she is mentioned in the Salem Court Records as "Doritha King, widdow and Relict of William King, Sen'.," in the testimony of Michael Shaflin, aged about 80 years; in 1684, she received commonage of one acre at Southold,f where her daugh- ters Hannah, wife of Lieut. Richard Brown, and Deliverance, wife of John Tuthill were then living. This partial history of the King family includes only the early generations descended from Samuel and Frances (Ludlam) King, who were the progenitors of the Long Island branch. The Kings of Massachusetts are the posterity of a younger brother John King of Salem, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Goldthwait of that place and was the ancestor of many of the name who have filled positions of honor and trust in the community. Issue of William and Dorothy King: Mary,' b. in England about 1623-4; m. about 1642, John'-' Scudder, b. in England about 1619, son of Thomas' and Elizabeth (Lowers?) Scudder of Salem, Mass., and afterwards of Long Island. Issue: Samuel," John, Mary, Elizabeth and Hannah. J Katherine, b. in England about 1625-6; m. before 3.12, 1650, John Swazey (Swasie, Sweezey), of Salem, Mass., • Salem Deeds, Vol. XIII., pp. 246, 298. t Sou t hold Town Rec, Vol. I., p. 406. \ Kikcr's Hist, of Newt ova n, L. I. / I ■ ^i*;«' GKAVESTONK OF SAMUEL KI\(i. I\ TFIE OLD BURIAL GKOUXO. AT ORIENT, L. I. and Three Generations of their Long Island Descendants. 1 3 and Southold, L. I., who d. 10 June, 1692. Issue: John,' Joseph, Samuel, Abigail, m. John Hallock, Mehitable, m. Peter Aldrich, Sarah, and Mary, all of whom are mentioned in their father's will * The late William H. Seward, Secretary of State, de- scends from John Swazey. William of Salem was b. about 1628, in England. In the settlement of his father's estate he received a double portion as eldest son and heir; he m. about 1642, Kath- erine, dau. of Michael Shaflin or Shefflyn of Salem. See Mr. Shaflin's deposition touching this marriage, in Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., Vol. XVI., p. 144. William King was grand juror in 1657; in 1659, hav- ing attached himself to the sect known as Quakers, he was sentenced by the Court to be imprisoned, fined, to receive 15 lashes, and to be banished from the Colony under penalty of death. The inventory of his estate amounting to ^260, ^s., was returned by his widow Katherine, sole executrix, and allowed in Salem Court, 25 Nov., 1684. Katherine King's will made 11 Jan., 1708-9, was proved i Jan., 1718-19.! Hannah, b. in England about 1629; m. Lieut. Richard' Brown; he was of Southold, L. I., as early as 1658, and one of the largest land owners there. Two of the children of Lieut.' Brown, Ensign Rich- ard' Brown, and Abigail' Brown, m. respectively Dorothy,' and William' King, children of Samuel' King, see beyond. J yu^-^ 2 Samuel, b. in England about 1^3-3, see beyond. Mehitable. bap. at Salem, 25.10, 1636. John of Salem, bap. there, 11.9, 1638; m. in Sept. 1660, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Goldthwait of Salem, and bap. 20 Nov., 1642. John King and wife were living 9 SepL, 17 14. The names of their children appear in the Goldthtvait Genealogy. DeUverance, bap. at Salem, 31.8, 164 1 ; d. at Southold, L. I., 25 Jan., 1688-9, having m. there 17 Feb., 1657, John Tuthill, b. 16 July, 1635, d. 12 Oct., 1717- Among the many deeds recorded to him at Southold is one men- tioning a lot of commonage given him by his mother Dorety King.§ The Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, D. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y., and the late President Benjamin Harrison de- scend from John and Deliverance (King) Tuthill. f 2 Samuel' King (William'), of Southold, L. I., b. in England about 1633, d. 29 Nov., 1721, and is buried in the old grave-yard at Orient, where a well preserved stone marks his grave. * Pelletreau's Early L. I. Wills. t Salem Court Records. % Record, April and July 1900. § Southold Town Records. Vol. II., p. 43- II Record, July and Oct.. 1898- J A William and Dorothy King of Salem, Mass., Samuel King and his brother-in-law John Swazey removed from Salem to Southold, where Mr. King became the owner of nearly one thousand acres of land; much of this he gave to his sons during his lifetime. He also inherited a fourth share of the lands of his deceased brother AVilliam King, J""., of Salem; this property was deeded to Samuel's son Capt. John King in 1710, although the estate of William King was not settled till 17 19.* The Documentary History of New York shows that in 1675, Samuel King was rated on ^^169, loj., and in 1683, on ^150. He evidently shared the extreme views of his father William King, as he was brought before the Court in 1663, for not paying his church rates, accused of not attending public worship, and threatened with a fine of five shillings for every future offence. f Samuel King m. 10 Oct., 1660, when about 27 j^ears of age, Frances Ludlam, erroneously called Abigail in the Pedigree of King, of Salem. Frances was the dau. of William and Clemence Ludlam of Southampton, L. I., formerly of Mattock, England, and d. 14 Jan., 1692, aged about 53 years.J Issue: 3 William,' b. 10 Jan., 1661, old style, see beyond. Dorothy, b. 11 July, 1664; d. 22 March, 1750; She m. (i) 8 May, 1683, Ensign Richard' Brown, son of Lieut. Richard' and Hannah (King) Brown, who d. 11 July, 1701; Dorothy m. (2) 21 Aug., 1705, Samuel' Dayton, (Robert,' Ralph'), of East Hampton, L. L, b. 1665; d. 30 Jan., 1746. She had 8 children by her ist hus- band; her son Samuel Dayton d. 23 April, 1726, in his 20th year.§ Hannah, b. 26 Jan., 1666; d. 22 Dec, 1742; m. in 1688, Capt. William' Booth (Ensign John '), of Southold, who d. II March, 1723, in his 63d year. Lieut. Constant Booth their son, m. Mary," dau. of Capt. John ' King, 7 Oct., 1725.11 Mary, b. 7 Aug., 1669; m.in 1691, John' Gardiner (David,' Lion'), third proprietor of the Manor of Gardiner's Island, b. 19 April, 1661; d. 25 June, 1738; he was m. four times. Mary King his ist wife was the mother of 8 children; her oldest son David" Gardiner was fourth proprietor of the Island. Mary. d. 4 July, 1707, and is buried at Easthampton, where an altar tomb marks her last resting place. 1^ 4 Samuel, b. 23 of ist mo., 1675, see beyond. 5 Capt. John, b. 26 Jan., 1677, see beyond. Abigail, b. 19 Dec, 1682. She was probably unmarried in 1698, and living with her father Samuel King. ( Census of i6g8.) 3 William' King (Samuel,' William'), of Southold, b. 10 Jan., • Southold Town Rcc, II., 477, and Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., XVI., 144. t Souihamiton Toivn Nee, II., 31. I Record, April, 1901, and Ludlam Genealogy. 8 Record, April and July, 1900. I Record, .^pril and Oct., iqoi. ii Lion Gardiner and His Descendants. and three Generations of their Long Island Descendants. \ c 1 66 1, old style; d. 12 May, 1740; he m. (i) 17 Jan., 1686-7, Abigail ' Brown (Lieut. Richard'), who d. 27 May, 1716, in her 50th year; m. (2) 21 Jan., 1717, Susannah Crook, who d. 10 May, 1741, in her 63d year, and is buried at Orient. William King was Collector for Southold in 17 10, his lands are described in the Town Records; his will dated 29 Feb., 1740, proved 11 June the same year, mentions wife Susannah, two grandsons, and all the children below except Hannah and Bez- aleel. Issue of William and Abigail (Brown) King: 6 William,* b. 14 Feb., 1687-8, see beyond. Hannah, b. i Jan., 1691; is mentioned in the Census of i6g8, but as she is not named in her father's will, made 29 Feb., 1740, she is supposed to have died before that date. 7 David, b. 22 Oct., 1693, see beyond. Daniel, b. 13 April, 1697. A Daniel King d. suddenly 20 Dec, 1768. {Salmon Record.) Jonathan, b. 10 April, r^99, he was probably that Jonathan King who m. Eliza Petty in Feb., 1722, and d. 29 Aug., 1753. Jonathan King, probably their son, m. 29 Feb., 1752, Lydia Glover who d. in 1828, in her 95th year. John, b. 27 Aug., 1702; d. 17 March, 1740; he was known as John King, J^, and m. Ann Edwards of East Hamp- ton, 30 Aug., 1727. John Edwards, S^, calls her " ^ly daughter Anne King," in his will dated 31 Aug., 1728. {Neiu York Wills.) John King appointed by his father William King as one of his executors, died before him, intestate. Let- ters of administration on John King's estate were issued to his widow Ann, 11 June, 1740, the same day on which his father's will was proved. William King mentions without naming them, two grandsons, sons of his son John King. Could one of these sons have been the Daniel King who m. Edwards, at Easthampton, 21 March, 175 1-2? Susan, dau. of John King, d. 19 June, 1753. {Salmon Record.) Washerfather John J^, above? {East Hampton Town Records, and Lib. XIII., pp. 415, and 422, N. V. Wills.) Bezaleel, b. 23 Jan., 1703-4; d. 12 Feb., 1725. Abner, b. 22 March, 1705-6; d. unmarried about 1780. Abigail, b. 6 June, 1709. She is believed to have been that Abigail King who received a deed of land from her intended husband Richard Shaw, 22 March, 174 '-2. {Southold Town Records.) She probably d. 10 Feb., 1 749-* * Richard Shaw d. lo Oct., 1755- aged 60 or 70. His non-cupative will names his oldest son Richard, son Daniel, heir to his deceased mother, and daus. .Abigail and Hannah William King as next of kin to Richard Shaw administered his estate 10 Dec. i755- (Lib. MX., p. 261. N. Y. H-'iiis.) 1 5 William and Dorothy King of Salem, Mass., 4 Samuel' King, J^ (Samuel,' William'), of Southold, b. 23 of ist mo., alias March, 1675; d. 6 May, 1725; he m. i Jan., 1697, Hannah , in her 23d year; she d. 17 Aug. 17 12, m her 39th year. Her maiden name is not known and the Pedigree of King of Salem confuses her with a certain Hannah Havens who mar- ried another Samuel King, 19 Feb., 1761, {Salmon Record); this may have been that Samuel King mentioned in Henry H. Terry's note-book as having d. i March, 1803, aged 72 years and about 2 mos. Samuel King, J^, was Collector for Southold in 1708; various deeds of land from his father may be found in the Southold Town Records. Issue: Samuel,* b. 20 Sept., 1697, d. 14 May 1733; he was prob- ably that Samuel King whom. 12 Sept., 1723, Elizabeth Osman. A dau. of the widow Elizabeth King d. 23 Oct., 1739. Elizabeth, dau. of Mrs. Elizabeth King is said to have m. Benjamin,* son of Capt. John' King, and to have d. 23 June, 1749, aged 71 yrs. and 5 mos. Allowing for the difference between the old and the new style of reckoning, it seems probable that Eliz- abeth, wife of Benjamin King, was dau. of Samuel above. She died about 1780, aged 81 years. 8 Ensign John, b. 15 July, 1699, see beyond. 9 Zebulon, b. 7 Sept., 1702, see beyond. Absalom, b. 6 Jan., 1703-4; he was doubtless that Absalom King of Long Island, who m. Hannah Waterman, 11 Aug., 1730, and d. at sea, 3 Sept., 1732. {Norwich, Conn., Town Rec, Vol. I., p. 134) Nathaniel, b. 27 Feb., 1705-6; d. 12 May, 1731. Ephraim, b. 11 May, 1709, was perhaps that Ephraim King who m. Elizabeth Vail in Feb., 1732. We have no authentic list of his children, but he is said to have been the father of Jeremiah King, who is known to have been the son of an Ephraim King, and who d. 28 Sept., 1786, in his 48th year. This Jeremiah King m. Hannah Young, who d. 15 Oct., 1833, in her 80th year, (gravestone), and was the father of Rev. Ezra King, of Brookhaven, L. I., b. 24 July, 1784; d. at Miller's Place, L. I., 7 Feb., 1867. {Will at Riverhead.) Hannah, b. 18 May, 17 12; m. (i) (doubtless) Nathaniel Tuthill, drowned i March, 1732; m. (2) Jonathan Rackett of Rocky Point, L. I., and left issue by both husbands.* 5 Capt. John ' King (Samuel,* William '), of Southold, b. 26 Jan., 1677; d. 19 Jan., 1741-2, having m. 22 Aug., 1704, Katherine Osborn, b. 22 Aug., 1684; d. 20 July, 1752; both are buried in the old graveyard at Orient. Capt. King received from his father lands at Southold and Salem; his will dated 24 Feb., 1736-7, proved 17 March, 1742, names his wife Katherine, his daughters Mary Booth and Eliz- » The Census o/zfip* mentions a Zacharias King at Soutliold in connection with the house- hold of Samuel King. Jr., but he has not been identified. He may have belonged to the Salem branch ol the family as nothing more concerning him is found at Southold. and three Generations of their Long Island Descendants. \ *] abeth Hopkins, and all the sons mentioned below except Joseph (Lib. XIV., p. 269, N. V. Wills.) Issue: Mary," b. 22 July, 1705 d. 30 Aug., 1769; m. 7 Oct., 1725, Lieut. Constant' Booth (Capt. William,' Ensign John '), b. 8 Jan., 1701; d. 27 March, 1774. 8 children.* Joseph, b. 27 Dec, 1705-6; m. Mary* Chatfield, (Judge Thomas,' Capt. Thomas,' Thomas'), at East Hampton, 29 Sept., 1731, and died there 6 Nov., 1732; his will is recorded in Lib. XL, p. 510, N. Y. Wills; the widow Mary became successively the 2"^ wife of Francis' Pelletreau (Elie') and the 2'' wife of Judge Hugh Gelston, both of Southampton; she d. i Sept., 1775. Henry, b. 19 Dec, 1708; was probably that Henry King who m. Elizabeth Beebe, 20 Nov., 1746. Constant, b. 19 Feb., 1712; m. 13 Feb., 1735, Phoebe* Horton (David,' Caleb,' Barnabas'), b. 3 June, 1715; d. 19 May, 1789. Constant d. at his home at Black River, now Chester, N. J., 15 March, 1780. For his children see the New England Hist, and Gen. Register., Oct., 1857. The late William Lewis King, the Rev. Frederick La Rue King, both of Morristown, N. J., and the late George Parsons King of Boston, are descendants of Constant King, as set forth in the Pedigree of King, of Salem. Alexander, b. 18 Sept., 1713; m. 15 Dec, 1737, Sarah* Havens (Jonathan,' George,' William '). Joseph Havens deeded land at Southampton to Alexander King, 20 May, 1769. Alexander King gave a deed to Alexander King, J^, 26 May, 1769. The will of Joseph Havens dated 20 Nov., 1771, men- tions his sister Sarah, and her husband Alexander King as then living. Mrs. Sarah King was buried in the New Yard at Middleton, Conn., 13 May, 1790, aged 71 years. In a Mss. list of those who attended her funeral we find mentioned among the mourners Mr. King and Miss Abigail King, presumably the husband and daughter of the deceased. Elizabeth, b. 17 April, 1715; m. 26 Dec, 1734, Abijah* Hopkins, (William,' Stephen,' Giles'.) Prosperous, b. 14 June, 1717; he was perhaps that Prosper King rated at Brookhaven, L. I., in 1749 with Edward and John King. Prosper King enlisted 15 April, 1758, in the Suffolk Co. Militia.f 10 Benjamin, b. 26 June, 1722, see beyond. 6 William* King, J^ (William,* Samuel,' William '), of Southold, b. 14 Feb., 1687-8; he received 11 Nov., 17 14, deeds of land from his father William King, and his father-in-law Samuel Beebe. One of the deeds of William King, J^, to his children in 1767, • Record, April and Oct., 1901. t Brookhaven Town Rec, and Hasting's Annual Report of New York State, 1896, p. 858. 1 8 William and Dorothy King of Salem, Mass., mentions his daus. Hannah Baxter and Bathshua Sheffield, and his son James King.* William King was on the list of freeholders in 1737, and d. 23 April, 1775. Letters of Administration on his estate were issued to Thomas Youngs, 3 Aug., 1775. His wife Bathshua, or Bathsheba, Beebe, b. 16 April, 1688; d. 7 May, 1764, aged 76 years. The birthdates of the children and grandchildren of William King are all recorded in Liber E. Mss. Southold Town Records. The Epitaphs of many of them are to be found in Harris's Early Burial Grounds of L. I. Issue of William and Bathsheba King: William,' b. 6 April, 17 10; m. Elizabeth Beebe, 26 July, 1738; 8 children. Richard, b. 5 Nov., 171 1; d. 20 May, 1735. Hannah, b. 29 July, 1715; d. 12 March, 1811; m. Richard Baxter, 29 June, 1740; he d. 23 Nov., 1751; 4 children. James, b. 16 July, 17 18; m. Katherine Sheffield of South Kingston, R. L, 30 Oct., 1751; 6 children. Bathshua, b. 18 Dec, 1721, no further trace. Susannah, b. 29 May, 1723; d. i May, 1766; m. Robert Sheffield, 22 June, 1749; 4 children. Bezaleel, b. 31 March, 1727; d. 24 April, 1735. Paul, b. 2 May, 1731; d. 26 Nov., 1750. 7 David' King (William,' Samuel,^ William'), of Southold, b. 22 Oct., 1693; m. 15 Sept., 1715, Hannah Beebe, b. 4.5, 1695; d. 11 Jan., 1728-9.1 David King was in the Southold Militia in 17 15; he m. (2) 10 Oct., 1731, Deborah* Glover (William,' Lieut. Samuel," Charles'), b. 15 March, 17 15-6. David King was drowned 26 Sept., 1749. Issue of David and Hannah (Beebe) King: David,' d. 7 Sept., 1729, in his 13th year, gravestone at Orient. Hannah, called the dau. of David and Hannah King, and granddaughter of Samuel Beebe, in the will of the latter, dated 1741. (Lib. XIV., p. 294, A^. Y. Wills). Issue of David and DelDorah (Glover) King: Joseph (perhaps), who d. in 1818. He is said to have m. Hannah, dau. of Zebulon King, and to have had a large family of sons and daughters. Two of these appear to have been Joseph King, of Lyme, Conn., and Zebulon King. Perhaps Sibyl King, who m. Thomas Terry in May, 1748, and Elizabeth King who m. Daniel Y. Brown, 28 Aug., 1750, were also children of Joseph King, but no record of his family has been preserved. Jeremiah, b. in Sept., 1737; d. 8 Jan., 1819. He doubtless enlisted 15 April, 1758, under Lieut. Barnabas Tuthill • Southold Town Rec, Vol. II., p. 192. t Hannah, who m. David King, and Bathshua, who m. William King, were daus. of Samuel Beebe of Plum Island, N. Y., son of Samuel Beebe of New London, Conn., son of John Beebe, sometime of Broutrhton. Northamptonshire, Eng., whose ^'randfather, Alexander Beebe d. at Great AddiuKton, Northamptonshire in 1623. Probate Rec. Hartford, Conn., in Secretary of State's Office. and Three Generations of their Long Island Descendants. \ n in the N. Y. Militia, and served for a short time during the French and Indian War.* Jeremiah m. in 1763 Deborah, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Ayres) Dominy, of East Hampton, b. 16 May, 1744; d. 20 May, 1806. From Jeremiah King descends Charles Goodhue* King, in the line of Hon. Elisha William ' and Margaret (Vandervoort) King, Peter Vandervoort,' and Eliza Antonia (Lentilhon) King, and Percy Rivington' and Sarah Chandler (Goodhue) King. 8 Ensign John* King (Samuel,' Samuel,' William'), of Southold, b. 15 July, 1699; d. 28 June, 1753; m. 25 June, 1724, Mary Corey,! b. II Jan., 1707. His wife Mary was living 2 March, 1756. John King's gravestone and the Southold Town Records describe him as Ensign; his will dated 14 June, 1753, proved 8 Jan., 1756, disposes of lands in Southold and Brookhaven, men- tions his wife Mary, and all the children below except Absalom. (Lib. XIV., p. 378, A^. Y. Wills). Issue: Mary,' b. 27 Jan., 1726; d. 9 April, 1766; she m. (i) in May, 1746, Peter Brown, M.D., b. 11 Sept., 1719; d. 4 June, 1747; m. (2) John Wiggins, J^, 6 March, 1754, and left issue by both husbands. J John, b. 18 Dec, 1727; d. 14 July, 1792; m. (i) 13 March, 1754, Abigail Brown, doubtless dau. of Joseph Brown; m. (2) 10 March, 1770, Phoebe Young, not Phoebe King, as stated in the Pedigree of King, of Sale?n. {Record, April, 1901, p. 93.) From this John King descend Rufus King, of Yonkers, N. Y., and the late Tuthill King of Chicago.§ Major Nathaniel, b. 8 May, 1731; d. i Oct., 1822; he doubt- less enlisted in Capt. Thomas Terry's Co., in Suffolk Co., 15 April, 1758, and saw active service during the French and Indian War;|| he m. 17 Dec, 1761, new style. Experience' Young (Gideon,' Lieut. Gideon,* Gideon,' Capt. Joseph"), b. 2 March, 1738, old style; d. 5 Aug., 1809. Absalom, b. 5 Oct., 1733; d. 15 Oct., 1752. Mehitable, b. 2 Oct., 1736; living in June, 1753. Abraham, b. 13 Dec, 1741; d. 31 Aug., 1782; m. Mehitable Tuthill, 13 Oct., 1763.1 \ • Record, April, 1895, p. 74. t Griffin's Journal savs that Ensign John King m. Mary, dau. of Joseph and Dorothy (Tuthill) Brown, and this statement is copied in the /'ifa'j£'r(r- ... It is barely possible that Ensign King mav have had two wives, as above, but his own tam- ilv record, and the Salmon Record seem to indicate that he was married but once, and that to Mary Corey, 25 June, 1724. (Record, April, 1901, p. 92). i Rev. James Selden Spencer, Rector Emeritus of Christ Church, Tarrvtow'n, N. Y.. is a descendant of Ensign John King, through lohn and Mary » (King) Wiggins, Jared \\ ilson and Margaret' (Wiggins) Spencer, and Jared Wilson' and Charlotte (Hillings) Spencer, Jr. Rev. Mr. Spencer has seven sons now living. § N. E. Register, July, 1886. II A^. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1 891, p. 202. TI Mailman's Hist, of Shelter Island, N. Y. 20 William and Dorothy King of Salem, Mass., Margaret, b. 6 March, 1747; m. Calvin Moore, 27 Aug,. 1767. 9 Zebulon" King (Samuel,' Samuel,' William'), of Southold, b. 7 Sept., 1702; d. 6 Nov., 1776. He is said to have m. Amy Hawk, who d. 21 Sept., 1774. Issue: Asa,' b. about 1724; d. 16 Sept., 1796 or 1797. Hannah, b. about 1733; d. in 1833, aged 80 years. Amy, m. Major Barnabas Tuthill, 20 Feb., 1780. Lydia, m. Major Barnabas Tuthill, 8 March, 1759, and d. 18 Sept., 1779. Submit, b. 14 May, 1739; d. 13 June, 1824; m. 24 Nov., 1753) Joseph Terry; ancestors of the poet John Orville Terry. Patience, m. (Nathan?) Tuthill. Samuel, m. Elizabeth Brown, of Rocky Point.* 10 Benjamin* King (Capt. John,' SamueP, William'), of Southold, b. 26 June, 1722; d. 3 Sept., 1793; is said to have m. Elizabeth, dau. of Mrs. Elizabeth King, who d. 23 June, 1794, aged 71 years and 5 mos. She was probably dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Osman) King, but perhaps dau. of Jonathan and Eliza (Petty) King. Issue: Capt. Benjamin," b. 23 Sept., 1750; d. 19 April, 1780, at Lyme, Conn. He is said to have m. Abigail, dau. of Col. Thomas Terry, and to have commanded a Privateer during the Revolutionary War. Ancestor of the late Mr. Edward Conkling King, of New Berne, N. C Capt. Henry, d. in Philadelphia, Pa., about 1800, leaving a widow Mary, who d. 26 Nov., 1830, aged 74 years. (Will Liber B., p. 96, Suffolk Co. Wills.) A son of Benjamin King d. 15 Nov., 1754. {Salmon Record). The limit of space assigned by the Record to contributions of this character has now been reached, but it is hoped that enough has been set forth in these pages to aid readers related to the King family who may desire to complete their line of descent. The compiler, a King descendant, will be glad to communicate with those interested as to the history of the family in England, and also in reference to any unpublished early records and other genealogical material in private hands relating to the Long Island Branch. Attention is called to the change of address from Newburgh, N. Y., to 550 Park Avenue, New York City. * Mss. Rec. of Henry H. Terry. ^6 ^. \' ED 54 ' ^. « * o. ■■,>.. "^A 0^ '^b -^ •a? -<> O » • o. .^ / '•^^o^ ^.; ^*^ 0^ o ■^o V*' f% ,/ ^•Jv , o « o O. '9 ' V M *^ ^0 , • • "^ •^^s^ .V , o « , *V 0^ 0^ *'^.jr^>,\ ^ ^o "V%I ♦ o « /^■c, ^>^^ ^^ ^^^. % ^ -J^ O y ■" ,Q > , y ' V • .^>^ \i- .■f ,s o. • » 1 ■• ^ I ' J ' ' 0^"% '^^^'- /^o ^ .^X ^PV •o ^^ •" • •^. V^ clV^ » • ^'K'"„ "^ ^^ • <, <^^ t • ^0-; ."t.. \ DOBBS BROS. 'tp. * , , . * O,^ O. ♦ » , - ' . ^^ ST. AUGUSTINE ^ « "^^ ^32084 A *>- aV O • k < • .<^