F29 .F19 F2 RMINGDALE, MAINE ITAL RECORDS Glass F;?. 1 Book I , VITAL RECORDS OF FARMINGDALE, MAINE, TO THE YEAR 1892. EDITOR, HENRY SEWALL WEBSTER, A. M. COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION, ASBURY COKE STILPHEN. PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. GARDINER THE REPORTER-JOURNAL PRESS 1909 f3 S '09 THIS publication is issued in accordance with the pro- visions of Chapter 203 of the Public Laws of 1903, as follows : Section 1. Whenever the record of the births, marriages, and deaths, previous to the year eighteen hundred and ninety- two, beginning at the very earliest date, of any town in this state, shall be collected from church records, church regis- ters, records of clergymen, family bibles, public records and other available sources, and shall be printed and verified in the manner required by the standing committee of the Maine Historical Society, under the editorship of some 'person se- lected by said committee, whose services shall be rendered free and without any compensation, and the work shall ap- pear to them to have been prepared with accuracy, the sec- retary of state shall purchase five hundred copies of such record at a price not exceeding one cent per page ; provided, that the written copies of the town records shall become the property of the state, and shall be deposited in the office of the state registrar of vital statistics ; and provided, further, that not more than five hundred dollars shall be expended by authority of this act in any one year. Section 2. The volumes purchased as aforesaid shall be distributed by the state registrar aforesaid as follows : one copy to the office of secretary of state ; one copy to the state librarian ; one copy to the free public library of each town and city of the state ; one copy to each state and territorial library in the United States ; one copy to the library of congress ; one copy to each incorporated historical society in the state ; one copy to the library of each college in the state ; and one copy to each registry of deeds. The re- mainder shall be placed in the state library for the purpose of exchange. THE TOWN OF FARMINGDALE, Kennebec County, was incorporated April 3, 1852. Its territory was taken from the cities of Hallowell and Gardiner and the town of West Gardiner. March 19, 1853, a part of the farm of Thomas M. Clark was set off from Farmingdale and annexed to West Gar- diner. March 15, 1870, a part of the farm of Elisha S. Hig-gins was set off from Farmingdale and annexed to Manchester. Population by Census 1860 (U. S.), 896 1870 (U. vS.), 859 1880 (U. S.), 789 1890 (U. S.), 821 1900 (U. S.), 848 1908 (Town), 837. EXPLANATIONS. 1. When places other than Farmingdale and Maine are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all records the original spelling is followed. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings. 4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed. An asterisk after a marriage indicates that the intention was not found recorded, and in many cases this is accounted for by the fact that neither party be- longed in Farmingdale, and consequently publishment was made elsewhere. 5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i. e., any explanation, query, in- ference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used only when they occur in the original text, or to separate clauses found there, such as the birthplace of parents in late marriage records. 6. Where a gravestone inscription gives the birth of a married woman without indicating her maiden name, the latter has been supplied by the editor and the record in- serted under both names. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age abt. — about b. — born ch. — child cl. R. 1. — clerg-yman's record. Record of Mar- riages by Rev. Edwin Manson d. — daughter ; died ; day ; days Dea. — deacon dup. — duplicate entry G. R. 1. — gravestone record, Farmingdale Cemetery, Main Street G. R. 2. — gravestone record, North Street Ceme- tery G. R. 3. — gravestone record, West Farmingdale Cemetery Gar. Rec. — Gardiner Records, records of town and city of Gardiner h. — husband int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior m. — married ; month, months M. R. 1. — magistrate's record, Record of Marriages by Alden Rice, Esquire mar. — marriage Mas. Rec. — masonic record p. R. 1. — private record. Record of Farmingdale Families, now in the possession of H. S. Webster of Gardiner p. R. 2. — private record, from a family register relating to Sandford, Thwing and White families, now in possession of Mrs. Ben- jamin F. Sandford of Farmingdale p. R. 3. — private record, from Bible of James W. Carter of Farmingdale p. R. 4. — private record, from a family register of Crockett family, now in the possession of Mrs. Benjamin N. Welch of Farmingdale ABBREVIATIONS 7 P. R. 5. — private record, from Bible of Samuel Seavey, now in the possession of his heirs p. R. 6. — private record, from Bible of Thomas S. Paul of Farming-dale p, R. 7. — private record, from Bible of Rev. Edwin Manson of Farming-dale p. R. 8. — private record, from Bible of George T. Cox, now in the possession of his heirs p. R. 9. — private record, from Bible of Georg-e G. Russell, now in the possession of Thomas S. Paul of Farmingdale p. R. 10. — private record, from Bible of Benjamin Swan, now in the possession of Frank H. Marshall of Farmingdale p. R. 11. — private record, from record of Lowell family, now in the possession of Frank- lin Lowell of Farmingdale p. R. 12. — private record, from Bible of Edward J. Hodgdon of Farmingdale p. R. 13. — private record, from Bible of Mrs. Chas. A. Seiders, now in the possession of her heirs p. R. 14. — private record, from Bible of Peter Vigoureux, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary E. Vigoureux of Farmingf- dale p. R. 15. — private record, from Bible of Samuel Warren, now in the possession of Mrs. Mary E. Vigoureux of Farming-dale p. R. 16. — private record, from Bible of Albert Call of Farmingdale p. R. 17. — private record, from a family register relating to Harriman family, now in the possession of Mrs. Albert Call of Farm- ingdale p. R. 18. — private record, from Bible of Sumner B. McCausland, now in the possession of Antonio C. McCausland of Farmingdale ABBREVIATIONS P. R. 19. — private record, from diaries of Sumner B. McCausland, now in the possession of Antonio C. McCausland of Farming- dale p. R. 20. — private record, from Bible of Mrs. Clara A. Barnard, now in the possession of Antonio C. McCausland of Farmingdale p. R. 21. — private record, from a family register of Atkins family, now in possession of Jo- seph C. Atkins of Farmingdale p. R. 22. — private record, from Bible of Joseph C. Atkins, Sr., now in the possession of Joseph C. Atkins of Farmingdale p. R. 23. — private record, from Bible of Hiram Averill, now in the possession of Albert H. Averill of Farmingdale p. R. 24. — private record, from Bible of Albert H. Averill of Farmingdale p. R. 25. — private record, from Bible of Mrs. Frances J. Cannon, now in the pos- session of Martin L. Cannon of Farm- ingdale p. R. 26. — private record, from Bible of John Baker, Jr., now in the possession of Martin L. Cannon of Farmingdale p. R. 27. — private record, from a family register relating to Parker family, now in the possession of Zeri S. Parker of Farm- ingdale p. R. 28. — private record, from Bible of Enoch Marshall, now in the possession of Frank H. Marshall of Farmingdale p. R. 29. — private record, from Bible of Augustus Ballard, now in the possession of Miss Theresa M. Ballard, of Farmingdale p. R. 30. — private record, from a family register relating to Reirdan, Spinney and vStin- son families, now in the possession of Miss Theresa M. Ballard of Farming- dale ABBREVIATIONS 9 P. R. 31. — private record, from a family register re- lating- to Ballard family, now in the pos- session of Loring C. Ballard of Gardiner p. R. 32.— private record, from Bible of David Call, now in the possession of Mrs. Bonnell of Hyde Park, Mass. p. R( 33. — private record, from Bible of Daniel Lan- caster, now in the possession of Mrs. Richard C. Plaisted of Gardiner p. R. 34. — private record, from a family register relating to Hamlin family, now in the possession of Asahel W. Hamlin of Farmingdale p. R. 35. — private record, from a family register re- lating to Hodgdon family, now in the possession of Mrs. Laura A. Hodgdon of Farmingdale p. R. 36.— private record, from Bible of Mary E. (Bemis) Johnson, now in the possession of James B. Hayes of Chelsea p. R. 37. — private record, from a family register relating to Atkinson and Bradbury families, now in the possession of Mrs. William H. Curtis of Gardiner p. R. 38. — private record, from Bible of Mrs. Chas. J. Higgins of Augusta, the Rice items being copied from Bible of Alden Rice, now in the possession of Charles T. Rice of Hyde Park, Mass. P. R. 39. — private record, record of Chadwick family now in possession of A. C. Stilphen, Esq., of Farmingdale Pit. Rec— Pittston Records, records of the town of Pittston s. — son Sr. — senior w. — wife ; week, weeks wid. — widow y.— year, years 1st.— first 2d. — second FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. To The Year 1892. ANDREWS, Lucinda Rivers, d, Capt. Dennis R. and Eliza A., Aug. 2, 1867. G. R. 2. ASPINWALL, Charles J., s. Thomas J. and Jane (Hewey), Jan. 13, 1835, in Phillips, p. r. 1. Marilla R., d. Thomas J. and Jane (Hewey), Apr. 18, 1841, in Phillips, p. R. 1. Sarah A., d. Thomas J. and Jane (Hewey), Oct. 28, 1837, in Phillips, p. r. 1. Tho[ma]s J.. Aug". 26, 1801. G. r. 1. [s. Samuel and Sarah (Howland), in Salem, Mass. p. r. 1.] ATHEARN, John H., s. John H. and Alice J., Feb. 24. 1832. G. r. 1. ATKINS, Carrie T., d. Joseph C. and Esther A., July 31 1863. P. R. 22. Eliza B., d. Thomas N. and Patience, Sept. 9, 1834. p. r. 31. Fred R., s. Joseph C. and Esther A., Aug-. 3, 1859. p. r. 22. Harriet A., d. Thomas N. and Patience, May 5, 1826. p. R. 31. Joseph C, s. Joseph C. and Lucy W. (Newell), July 19. 1825, in Gardiner, p. r. 21. Louis B., s. Joseph C. and Esther A., Feb. 1, 1857. p. r. 22. Robert P., s. Joseph C, and Esther A., May 4, 1865. p. r. 22. Thankful H., d. Thomas N. and Patience, Mar. 31, 1828. p. R. 31. ATKINSON, Esther A.,d. Rufus and Elizabeth (Bradbury), [ ], 1829, in Howland. p. R. 37. AVERILL, Albert H., s. Hiram and Mary J., Mar. 27, 1851. p. r. 23. Alverado M., s. Hiram and Clementine E., June 5, 1846. p. R. 23. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 11 AvERiLL, Charles F., s. Hiram and Mary J,, Jan. 24, 1853. p. R. 23. Clementine E., \v. Hiram Averill, Mar. 18, 1817. p. r. 23. Ernest W., s. Albert H. and Alice M., Dec. 5, 1890. p. r. 24. Hiram, Nov. 11, 1808. p. r. 23. Ida E., d. Hiram and Mary J., June 30, 1858. p. r. 23. Theadore F.. s. Hiram and Clementine E., Nov. 13, 1847. p. r. 23. BAKER, Charles P., [ ], 1849. g. r. 2. [s. John Jr. and Esther, Aug. 31. p. r. 26.] Chloe S., w. Samuel Glidden, [ ], 1813. g. r. 1. Emma Augusta, d. John Jr. and Esther, June 20, 1861. p. r. 26. John, [ ] 1788. g. r. 2. John Jr., [ ], 1823. G. r. 2. [June 16. p. r. 26.] Paul H., [s. John Jr. and Esther], [ ], 1857. G. r. 2. Vesta Alnett, d. John Jr. and Esther, Dec. 8, 1853. p. r. 26. BALLARD, Alfred Augustus , s. Augustus and Mary R., Sept. 28, 1844. p. R. 29. Augustus. Oct. 18, 1767, in Charlestown , Mass. p. r. 29. Augustus, s. Augustus and Thankful, Feb. 7, 1805. p. r. 29. Charles L., s. Capt. Loring and Eliza Jane, Mar. 8, 1843. p. R. 31. Edith May, d. L[oring] C. and Susie E., Nov. [— ] , 1881. G. R. 1. [Nov. 16, p. r. 31] Edwin v., s. Capt. Loring and Eliza Jane, Apr. 4, 1855. p. R. 31. Elizabeth A., July 16. 1818. g. r. 1. [Elizabeth Alice, d. Augustus and Thankful, p. r. 29.] Florence, d. Augustus and Mary R., Aug. 26, 1839. p. r. 29. Hannah, w. Benjamin Springer, Apr. 28, 1801. G. r. 1. [d. Augustus and Thankful, p. r. 29.] Harold Bearse, s. Loring C. and Minnie C, Jan 28, 1889. p. R. 31. Henry Bradbury, s. Augustus and Mary R., Jan. 14, 1847. p. R. 29. James Edward, s. Augustus and Mary R., Apr. 29, 1849. p. R. 29. Joseph Merrill, s. Augustus and Mary R., Feb. 18, 1851. p. R. 29. Josie E., d. Capt. Loring and Eliza Jane, June 11, 1839. p. R. 31. 12 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. Ballard, Loring, s. Augustus and Thankful, Sept. 12, 1808. p. R. 29. Loring- Channing, s. Augustus and Mary R., Aug. 17, 1853. p. R. 29. Maria Theresa, d. Augustus and Mary R., Oct. 2, 1842. p. R. 29. Mary Ann, d. Augustus and Thankful, Apr. 9, 1803. p. r. 29. Otis Channing, s. Capt. Loring and Eliza Jane, Feb. 20, 1850. p. r. 31. Patience, d. Augustus and Thankful, Nov. 24, 1798. p. r. 29. Sanford K., s. Augustus and Mary R., Mar. 9, 1841. p. r. 29. Susie E. [Davenport], w. Loring C, Apr. [ — ], 1854. G. R. 1. Theresa G., d. Sanford K. and Annie E., June 15, 1875. p R. 31. William Springer, s. Augustus and Thankful, Oct. 26, 1814 p. R. 29. BARKER, Rebecca S. D[ean], [w. George W.], July 18, 1845. G. R. 1. BARNARD, Augusta A., d. John A., M. D., and Clara A., Feb. 25, 1832. p. r. 20. Calvin B., s. John A., M. D. and Clara A., Aug, 13, 1845. p. R. 20. Eugene, s. John A., M. D. and Clara A., Nov. 25, 1834. p. R. 20. Louisa F., d. John A., M. D. and Clara A., Feb. 18, 1830. p. R. 20. William B., s. John A., M. D. and Clara A., April 11, 1836. p. R. 20. BARNES, Hester A. [McCausland] , [w. Gushing], Sept. 25, 1823. G. R. 2. BEMIS, Charles P., s L[ucius] and V[esta]. Mar. 15, 1879. G. R. 2. Helen Augusta, d. Horace and Mary Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1847, in Charlestown, Mass. p. r. 36. Horace, Mar. 14, 1821. g. r. 2. [s. Elijah and Sarah, in Southborough, Mass. p. r. 36.] Horace Everett, s. Horace and Mary Elizabeth, May 28, 1851, in Boston, Mass. p. r. 36. FARMING DALE BIRTHS. 13 Bemis, Lillie May, d. Horace Everett, Nov. 6, 1878, in Marshalltown, la. p. r. 36. Llovd Evan, s. L[ucius] andV[esta], Sept. 23, 1881. g. r. '2. Lucius E., Feb. 7, 1856. g. r. 2. [Lucius Ebben, s. Horace and Marv Elizabeth, in West Gardiner, p. r. 36]. Paul Eben, s. L[ucius] and V[esta], Sept. 16, 1884. g. r. 2. [s. Lucius E., in Evanstown, Wy. Ter. p. r. 36.] BRANN, Aaron, [ ], 1812. g. r. 1. Alvin, Mar. 27, 1840. g. r. 1. [s. Aaron and Sophia (Littlefield). p. r. 1.] James, s. James and Dorcas (Quint), Mar. 5, 1828, in West Gardiner, p. r. 1. Lewis C, s. James and Nancy A., May 27, 1875. p. r. 1. Mary Ellen, d. William and Sibyl (Towle), Mar. 31, 1853, in West Gardiner, p. r. 1. Olive M., d. James and Nancy A., Apr. 22, 1869. p. r. 1. Sarah J., d. Aaron and Sophia (Littlefield), Feb. 15, 1842, in West Gardiner, p. r. 1. Wallace R., s. James and Nancy A., Dec. 17, 1872. p. r.. 1. BROWN, Alice M., [d. John and Annie (Church)], Mar. 17, 1872, [in Winthrop] . p. r. 24. BUKER, Mary Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Sally (Thompson), Oct. 3, 1831, in Bowdoin. p. r. 34. BURNS, Deborah J., [\v. Dennis S. Partridg-e] , [ ], 1822. g. r. 3. Daniel L., s. James and Betsey (Greely), June 30, 1803, in Hallowell. p. r. 1. Helen M., [d. Daniel L. and Deborah L.] w. W[illia]m P. Haskell, Feb. 16, 1838. G. R. 3. Mary E., d. Daniel L. and Deborah L., Nov. 3, 1848. p. R. 1. Thurston S., s. Daniel L. and Deborah L., Mar. 4, 1851. p. R. 1. CALL, Albert, s. David and Jane, Oct. 8, 1830. p. r. 32. [in Dresden, p. r. 16.] Annabell, d. Albert and Louisa A., Dec. 26, 1856. p. r. 16. David, Capt., Feb. 28, 1789. G. R. 1. [Mar. 20. p. R. 32.] David Jr., Mar. 12, 1826. G. r. 1. [s. David and Jane. p. R. 32.] Georg-e A., s. Albert and Louisa A., Oct. 10, 1854, p. r. 16. Hannah F., d. David and Jane, Sept. 23, 1819. p. R. 32. Helen Maria, d. David and Jane, July 4, 1828. p. r. 32. 14 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. Call, Hiram G., s. David and Jane, Mar. 28, 1814. p. r. 32. Mary Jane, d. David and Jane, Mar. 20, 1812. p. r. 32. Philip, s. David and Jane, Nov. 27, 1823. p. R. 32. Sarah Elizabeth, d. David and Jane, Nov. 20, 1816, p. r. 32. CANNON, Albert P., s. Martin L. and Frances J., June 28, 1865. P. R. 25. Alice H., d. Martin L. and Frances J., Nov. 22, 1875. p. r. 25. Annie R., d. Martin L. and Frances J., Aug-. 11, 1861. p. R. 25. Elizabeth F., d. William W. and Jane W., Dec. 19, 1855. p. R. 1. Henry M., s. Martin L. and Frances J.. Aug. 7, 1872. p. R. 25. James N., s. Martin L. and Frances J., Oct. 10, 1859. p. r. 25. Jane Wilson [Peacock], w. William W., [ ], 1830. g. R. 3. Jennie M., d. William W. and Jane W., Aug. 10, 1861. p. r. 1. Martin L., s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Bates), Apr. 3, 1832, in Rochester, Mass. p. r. 1. Mary N., d. Martin L. and Frances J., Sept 22, 1868. p. r. 25. William W., s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Bates), Jan. 19, 1830, in Rochester, Mass. p. r. 1. William W., s. Martin L. and Frances J., Aug. 11, 1863. p. r. 25. CARTER, Arthur W., s. James W. and Achsa A., June 21, 1877. p. R. 3. Eunice A., d. James W. and Achsa A., Aug-. 21, 1868, in Wilton, p. R. 3. Hiram J., s. James W. and Achsa A., Jan. 6, 1867, in Waterville. p. r. 3. James W., s. Hiram and Virtue (Averill), Sept. 7, 1841, in Carthage, p. r. 3. Martha, w. William Springer, [ ], 1808. G. R. 3. Minnie E., d. James W. and Achsa A., Sept. 16, 1870, in Hallowell. p. r. 3. CASWELL, Sarah J. [Davis], [w. George], May 2, 1825. G. R. 3. CHADWICK, Annie M. U., d. Alexander Scammell and Han- nah (Kimball), Feb. 16, 1837. p. r. 39. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 15 Chadwick, Edmund A., s. Alexander Scammell and Han- nah (Kimball), Jan. 21, 1816. p. r. 39. Elizabeth wS., d. Alexander Scammell and Hannah (Kimball), May 26, 1819. P. R. 39. Gilbert, s. Alexander Scammell and Hannah (Kimball), Sept. 22, 1828. p. R. 39. Harry Alexander, s. Henry K. and Maria (Manning-), June 6, 1866, in Searsport. p. r. 1. Henry K., s. Alexander Scammell and Hannah (Kimball), Nov. 10, 1825. P. R. 39. Julia Elizabeth, d. Henry K. and Maria (Manning), Mar. 4, 1863, in Searsport. p. r. 1. Nathaniel K., s. Alexander Scammell and Hannah (Kim- ball), May 31, 1822. P. R. 39. CEISAJ5, Kenry W., s. [John H. and] Hannah C, June 25, 1852. p. R. 28. CHURCH, Charity, d. Georg-e and Betsey, Jan. 9, 1833. p. R. 36. Cyrus, s. Georg'e and Betsey, June 30, 1820. p. r. 36. Ebenezer, s. Georg-e and Betsey, July 2. 1835. p. R. 36. Georg-e, Aug-. 24, 1795. p. r. 36. George, s. George and Betse3^ May 3, 1822. p. r. 36. Lucy, d. George and Betsey, Mar. 26, 1830. p. r. 36. Lucy Ann, d. George and Betsey, Feb. 18, 1824. p. r. 36. Mary Ann, d. George and Betsey, June 19, 1839. p. r. 36. Mary Elizabeth [dup. omits Mary], d. George and Betsey Idup. Elizabeth] , Feb. 10, 1826. in Gardiner, p. r. 36. Sarah, d. George and Betsey, Mar. 12, 1828. p. r. 36. Stephen, s. George and Betsey, Aug 30, 1818. p. r. 36. CLARK, Allen, s. Hiram and Flora (Allen), h. Bertie A. Moody, Dec. 20, 1879, in Augusta, p. R. 1. COLCORD, Delia F., d. Orin and Sarah W., Apr. 9, 1846. p. R. 1. Joseph L., s. Orin and Sarah W., Sept. 2, 1842. p. r. 1. Juddy P., s. Orin and Sarah W., May 20, 1856. p. r. 1. Lizzie S.. d. Orin and Sarah W., June 28, 1849. p. r. 1. Mary C, d. Orin and Sarah W., Sept. — , 1837. p. r. 1. Orin, s. Capt. Gideon and Sarah (Marson), Apr. 1, 1810, in Hallo well. p. r. 1. COLLINS, Alvin B., [s. James and Betsey T.], Sept. 19, 1827. G. R. 2. Elizabeth, [d. James and Betsey T.] , [ ], 1820. g. r. 2. 16 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. Collins. Isabel, d. George and Lucy (Bush), w. Franklin Lowell, Feb. 8. 1853, in Gardiner, p. r. 11. James, Sept. 23, 1796. g. r. 2. John R., [s. James and Betsey T.] , [ ], 1822. G. R. 2. Joseph, Mar. 23, 1760. G. r. 2. Julia A., [d. James and Betsey T.] , w. Jery Hodg-don, Oct. 6, 1825. G. R. 2. Martha, [d. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1838. g. r. 2. Mary H., [d. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1830. g. r. 2. Sarah W., d. Abijah and Hannah (Wells), Sept. 15, 1814, in Salisbury, Mass. p. r. 1. Wesley, [s. James and Betsey T.], Mar. 15, 1832. g. r. 2. William, [s. James and Betsey T.] , [ ], 1834; G. r. 2. COX, Abby E. [Sargent], w. George T., Feb. 28, 1810. g. R. 1. Abby J., d. George T. and Abigail E., Mar. 2, 1840. p. r. 8. Clarissa, [d. Hugh and Mary (Dunbar)], w. Charles A. Seiders, Jan. 28, 1807. p. r. 13. [Clarissa H., g. r. 1.] George T., [s. Hugh and Mary (Dunbar)], Oct. 16, 1813. G. R. 1. Harriet F., d. George T. and Abigail E., Nov. 9, 1841. p. R. 8. Helen M., d. George T. and Abigail E., July 12, 1843. p. R. 8. Martha A., Apr. 14, 1819. g. r. 1. Mary L., d. George T. and Abigail E., June 4, 1845. p. r. 8. Sarah E., d. George T. and Abigial E., May 30, 1848. p. r. CROCKER, Hannah [Foster], [w. Thomas L.], Dec. 27, 1815. G. R. 1. Herbert L., Sept. 18, 1854. g. r. 1. Thomas L., Feb. 25, 1820. g. r. 1. CROCKETT, Edna L, d. Ellsworth E. and Eunice A., July 4, 1887. P. R. 4. Edward D., s. Ellsworth E. and Eunice A., Mar, 1, 1889, in Chesterville. p. r. 4. Harry M., s. Ellsworth E. and Eunice A., June 20, 1890, in Chesterville. p. r. 4. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 17 CUMMINGS, Geo[rge], Oct. 17, 1824. g. r. 1. Lizzie C, d. G[eorg-e] and M[arg-aret], Apr. 8, 1855. g. r. 1, CUNNINGHAM, Andrew E., s. James and Deborah, Feb. 18, 1842, in Litchfield, p. r. 1. Andrev"/ Willis, s. Andrew E. and Sarah J., Mar. 27, 1864, in Gardiner, p. r. 1. Georgfe Arthur, s. Andrew E. and Sarah J., Mar. 30, 1874. p. R. 1. Jennie G., d. Andrew E. and Sarah J,, June 8, 1869. p. r. 1. DAVENPORT, Susie E., w. Loring C. Ballard, Apr. [— ] , 1854. G. R. 1. DAVIS, Elizabeth B., [d. Thomas J. and Nancy M., w. Charles P. Ladd] , Jan. 8, 1845. G. r. 3. Louise V. [Hinds], [w. Oliver], May 17, 1829. G. r. 1. Nancy M. [vSargent] , [w. Thomas J.], Oct. 10. 1807. G. r. 3. Sarah J., [d. Thomas J. and Nancy M., w. George Caswell], May 2, 1825. G. R. 3. Thomas J., Dec. 1, 1807. G. R. 3. DEAN, Addie B. [Peacock], w. S[imeon] P., May 30, 1859. G. R. 1. Bethuel P., Nov. 27, 1817. G. R. 1. Bethuel W., s. B[ethuel] P. and S[arah] S., May 23, 1840. G. R. 1. Edwin, [ ], 1843. G. r. 1. Ernest Linwood. s. Simeon P. and Abbie B., Aug. 20, 1879. Frank Osborn, s. Simeon P. and Abbie B., Feb. 1, 1888. Marian Hunton, d. Simeon P. and Abbie B., Sept. 12, 1882. Osborn M., s. B[ethuel] P. and S[arah] S., Aug. 12, 1841. G. R. 1. Rebecca S., [d. Bethuel P. and Sarah S., w. George W. Barker], July 18, 1845. G. r. 1. Sarah S. [Smith], w. B[ethuel] P., May 30, 1817. G. R. 1. Walter Pierce, s. Simeon P. and Abbie B., Feb. 23, 1878. DREW, John H., Jan. 1, 1834. g. R. 1. Louisa A. [Lancaster], w. John H., Apr. 22, 1836. G. r. 1. DUDLEY, Everett A., Nov. 12, 1849. G. r. 3. EMERSON, Charles, Aug. 15, 1866. 3 18 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. FOSTER, Angeline, d. DeWitt C. and Abby R, May 6, 1858, in Gardiner, p. r. 1. Arthur, s. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Dec. 3, 1864. p. r. 1. DeWitt C, S. Nathan and Hannah (Fairbanks), July 10, 1832, in Winthrop. p. r. 1. Hannah, [w. Thomas L. Crocker], Dec. 27, 1815. G. r. 1. Harry, s. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Oct. 6, 1873. p. r. 1. Hattie, d. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Dec. 4, 1862. p. r. 1. Mabel, d. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Sept. 21, 1867. p. r. 1. Walter L., s. DeWitt C. and Abby R., June 14, 1860. p. r. 1. GAGE, Caroline, d. Joshua and Julia Ann, [ ], 1828. p. r. 38. Charles, s. Joshua and Julia Ann, [ ], 1830. p. r. 38, Susan E., d. Thomas and Nancy, w. Alden Rice, Feb. 9, 1806. p. R. 38. GETCHELL, Fred A., s. Andrew T. and Mary, Apr. 28, 1847. p. R. 38. Harvey R., s. Andrew T. and Mary, Aug. 1, 1844. p. r. 38. GLASS, Frank Marble, Apr. 1. 1862. GLIDDEN, Chloe S. [Baker], w. Samuel, [ ], 1813. G. R. 1. Harrison E.. [s. Samuel and Chloe S.], Sept. 12, 1850. G. R. 1. vSamuel, [ ], 1797. g. r. 1. Samuel S.. [s. Samuel and Chloe S.], [ ], 1843. G. R. 1. William E., Mar. 9, 1853. G. r. 1. GODFREY, Thankful, w. Augfustus Ballard, Mar. 13, 1775, in Jeboque, N. B. p. r. 29. GRAVES, William, Dec. 25, 1837. g. r. 1. GREELY, Olive, w. Capt. Isaac Smith, [ ], 1792. g. R. 1. GROVER, A. K. P., Aug. 9, 1824. G. r. 3. HAMLIN, Asahel Wellington, s. Isaiah and Temperance (Hallett), Feb. 14, 1824, in Winslow. p. r. 34. Emma Frances Gladys, d. Asahel Wellington and Mary- Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1865. p. r. 34. Ida Ann, d. Asahel Wellington and Mary Ann, July 5, 1851. p. r. 34. Mary Alice, d. Asahel Wellington and Mary Elizabeth, May 22. 1853, in Gardiner, p. r. 34. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 19 HARRIMAN, Cordelia R., w. Stephen Ellis Jr. [and Albert Call], July 27, 1831, in Prospect, p. r. 17. HASKELL, Elizabeth, w. Nathan Dawes, Mar. 2, 1768. p. R. 5. Helen M. [Burns], w. William P., Feb. 16, 1838. G. r. 3. W[illia]m P., May 27, 1828. G. R. 3. W[illia]ra P. Jr., [s. William P. and Helen M] , Feb. 20, 1869. G. R. 3. HAWES, Giles H., [ ], in Wellfleet, Mass. g. r. 3. HAYES, James Arthur, s. James B. and Helen Augusta (Bemis), Dec. 13, 1878, in Pittston. p. r. 36. HEWEY, Jane, w. Tho[ma]s J. Aspinwall, Mar. 13, 1802. G. R. 1. [d. James and Ruth (Whitney), in Topsham. p. R. l]. HIGGIKS, Charles H., s. Cha[rle]s J. and Sarah E., Nov. 18, 1871. p. R. 38. Cha[rle]s J., [s. Jesse and Mary], Jan. 20, 1844. p. r. 38. Dwight L., s. Cha[rle]s J. and Sarah E., Dec. 24, 1876. G. R. 38. E. S. Jr., Oct. 4, 1838. G. r. 1. Henry G., s. Cha[rle]s J. and Sarah E., Feb. 20, 1869. p. R. 38. HILDRETH, Esther, w. John Baker, [ ] , 1820. g. r. 2. [w. John Baker Jr., Sept. 22. p. r. 26]. William Osg-ood, s. Thaddeus and Ann M., Nov. 15, 1865, in Gardiner, p. r. 1. HINDS, Louise V., [d. Ebenezer, w. Oliver Davis], May 17, 1829. G. r. 1. HINKLEY, Keziah, w. Thomas B. Seavey, July 8, 1782. g. R. 3. HODGDON, Alice May, d. Edward J. and Clara A., Mar. 1, 1875. p. R. 12. Amos, s. Jery and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1846. p. r. 35. Betsey, d. Samuel and Allice, Feb. 27, 1805. p. r. 35. David Wilson, s. Samuel and Joanna, Apr. 17, 1839. p. r. 12. Edward Jacob, s. Samuel and Joanna, Nov. 19, 1841. p. r. 12. Elza Edward, s. Edward J. and Clara A,, Nov. 2, 1872. p. p. 12. 20 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. HoDGDON, James Arvington, s. Jery and Hannah, May 23, 1836. P. R. 35. Jery, s. Samuel and Alike, Mar. 7, 1811. p. r. 35. Jery Lee, s. William Alfred and Laura A., Feb. 6, 1876. p. R. 1. Joanna, d. Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 22, 1846. p. r. 12. John, s. Samuel and Allice, Jan. 13, 1804. p. r. 35. John Henry, s. Samuel and Joanna, July 2, 1840. p. r. 12. Lizzie Frost, d. Samuel and Joanna, Apr. 2, 1843. p. r. 12. Mary, d. Samuel and Allice, Oct. 2, 1806. p. r. 35. Myrtle H., d. William Alfred and Laura A., Apr. 18, 1873. p. R. 1. Ray, s. Edward J. and Clara A., May 26, 1877. p. r. 12. Samuel Jr., s. Samuel and Allice, Oct. 2, 1800. p. r. 35. Sullivan, s. Samuel and Allice, Mar. 17, 1808. p. r. 35. William, s. Samuel and Allice, Feb. 20, 1802. p. r. 35. William Alfred, s. Jery and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1839. p. r. 35. William Francis, s. Samuel and Joanna, Oct. 25, 1844. p. R. 12. HORN, Benjamin W., s. William C. and Eva, Jan. 4, 1875. p. R. 1. Kate E., d. William C. and Eva, Mar. 10, 1870, in Hal- lowell. p. R. 1. Sarah V., d. William C. and Eva, June 5, 1881. p. r. 1. WilHam C, s. Archibald and Sarah (Cram), Jan. 21, 1843, in West Gardiner, p. r. 1. INGERSOL, Nancy, Jan. 10, 1767. p. r. 28. JACKSON, Benjamin W., s. James A. and Lucy D., Dec. 14, 1876. p. R. 1. Donald, s. James A. and Lucy D., May 2, 1886. p. r. 1. James R., s. James A. and Lucy D., Sept. 21, 1872. p. r. 1. JEWETT, Arthur, s. James and Thankful H., Jan. 11, 1857. p. R. 31. Charles T., s. Hartley W. and Harriet A., Sept. 8, 1851. p. R. 31. Hartley W., s. James Jr. and Mary A. (Ayer), June 11, 1826, in Alna. p. r. 1. James Jr., s. James Jr. and Mary A. (Ayer), Sept. 25, 1824, in Alna. p. r. 1. Thomas A., s. Hartley W. and Harriet A., Sept. 23, 1861. p. r. 31. JOHNSON, Clara A., d. John and Hannah (Bachelder), Feb. 26, 1843. in Hallowell. p. r. 1. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 21 KEITH, Samantha, w. Joshua Lowell, Sept. 12, 1807, in Sidney, p. r. 11. LADD, Elizabeth B. [Davis], [w. Charles P.], Jan. 8, 1845. G. R. 3. LANCASTER, Ag-nes M., d. Levi M. and Maria, Mar. 1, 1885. P. R. 1. Arthur B., s. Levi M. and Maria, June 11, 1882. p. r. 1. Bertha, d. Levi M. and Maria, Apr. 3, 1877. p. r. 1. Charles C, s. Daniel and Louisa M., Aug-. 22, 1833. p. r. 1. Daniel, Feb. 4, 1772. p. r. 33. D[aniel]. Aug. 22, 1806. G. r. 1. [s. Daniel and Ruhama, Aug. 24. p. R. 33]. Daniel E., s. D[aniel] and Louisa M., July 14, 1838. g. r. 1. Eliza Baker, d. Daniel and Ruhama, Feb. 6, 1816. p. r. 33. Eliza M., d. Daniel and Louisa M., Mar. 30, 1840. p. r. 1. Fred M., s. Levi M. and Maria, Dec. 6, 1878. p. r. 1. LeviM., [ ], 1848. G. R. 1. [s. Daniel and Louisa M., Feb. 24. p. r. l] . Louisa A., w. John H. Drew, Apr. 22, 1836. G. r. 1. [d. Daniel and Louisa M. p. r. 1.] Louisa M. [Mustard], w. D[aniel], June 23, 1805. G. r. 1. Louise M., d. Levi M. and Maria, Apr. 3, 1874. p. r. 1. Sarah M.,d. Daniel and Louisa M., Feb, 26, 1846. p. r. 1. Sarah Parlin, d. Daniel and Ruhama, Feb. 9, 1811. p. r. 33. Sewell, s. Daniel and Ruhama, Feb. 19, 1809. p. r. 33. Susannah Foster, d. Daniel and Ruhama, Feb. 22, 1813. p. R. 33. LEACH, Hepsibeth K., w. Samuel Warren, July 10, 1808, in Jay. p. r. 15. LILLY, Mrs. Mary, w. Levi F. Palmer and George Lilly, Oct. 17, 1782, in Bath. G. r. 1. [See Springer, Mary]. LITTLEFIELD, Joseph Battuel, Sept. 2, 1809, in Kennebunk- port. G. R. 2. LONGFELLOW, Clarence W., s. Walter B. and Henrietta, Feb. 13, 1881. p. r. 1. Leona W., d. Walter B. and Henrietta, Oct. 18, 1878, in Winthrop. p. r. 1. Lester W., s. Walter B. and Henrietta, Mar. 11, 1888. p. R. 1. Walter B., s. George A. and Evaline (Foster), Aug:. 30, 1846, in Winthrop. p. r. 1. 22 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. LORD, Abby R., d. Andrew H. and Harriet, June 8, 1834, in Turner, p. r. 1. Abram, s. Isaac and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1807. p. r. 35. Amos, [twin] s. Isaac and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1825. p. r. 35. Ann, [twin] d. Isaac and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1825. p. r. 35. Hannah, d. Isaac and Hannah. Nov. 30, 1813. p. r. 35. Hiram, s. Isaac and Hannah, Mar. 14, 1805. p. r. 35. Rev. Isaac, "of the Maine Conference," [ ], 1803. G. R. 2. [I^aac Jr., s. Isaac and Hannah, Jan. 28. p. r. 35.] James, s. Isaac and Hannah, May 16, 1812. p, r. 35. Mary A., d. Isaac and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1816. p. r. 35. Nancy, d. Isaac and Hannah, Nov. 24, 1809. p. r. 35. Simeon, s. Isaac and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1819. p. r. 35. Zecheriah, s. Isaac and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1821. p. r. 35. LOWELL, Abner, s. Joshua and Sarah (Mayberry), Oct. 18, 1769, in Falmouth, p. r. 11. Alice, d. Franklin and Isabel, Sept. 7, 1875. p. r. 11. Frank Harold, s. Franklin and Isabel, Mar. 23, 1890. p. r. 11. Franklin, s. Joshua and Samantha, Aug. 12, 1844, in Hal- lo well, p. r 11. Herbert, May 27, 1878. g. r. 2. [s. Franklin and Isabel, p. p. r. 11]. John Wilber, s. Franklin and Isabel, July 11, 1880. p. r. 11. Joshua, s. Abner and Hannah, Apr. 5, 1800, in Hallowell. p. R. 11. LYMAN, Adeline W. [Seiders], [w. John P.], Oct. 24. 1829, G. R. 1. MANSON, Alfred?., s. Edwin and Abbie M., Aug. 5, 1879. p. R. 7. Edwin, s. William and Abigail F. (Goold), Oct. 11, 1832, in Searsmont. p. R. 7. Ralph E., s. Edwin and Abbie M., Aug. 9, 1875, in West Water ville. p. r. 7. Ray H., s. Edwin and Abbie M., Aug. 25, 1877, in Bath. p. R. 7. Walter Blaine, s. Edwin and Abbie M., Apr. 9, 1883. p. r. 7. William Garfield, s. Edwin and Abbie M., Aug. 1, 1881. p. R. 7. MARR, Jane, w. Edmund Stone, Mar. 20, 1806. g. r. 2. MARSHALL, Anna S., July 17, 1746. p. r. 28. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 23 Marshall, Benj[amin], May 6, 1777. p. r. 28. Betsey, July 19, 1787. p. r. 28. Enoch, Ju]y 18, 1783. p. r. 28. Frank Hobbs, s. Samuel E. and Hannah C, Feb. 8, 1865. p. R. 28. Harry Smith, s. Samuel E. and Hannah C, Nov. 26, 1861. p. R. 28. Josephine B., d. Frank H. and Lizzie I., Apr. 5, 1890. p. R. 1. Maria S., d. Enoch and Hannah, Jun. 8, 1820. p. r. 28 Ralph Seavv, s. Frank H. and Lizzie L, Nov. 18, 1885. P. R. 28. Sam[ue]l E., s. Enoch and Hannah, Julv 13, 1822. p. r. 28. W[illia]m, Jan. 1, 1780. p. r. 28, MARSON, Peggy, w. W[illiam] G[ardiner] Warren, May 14, 1769, in Dresden, p. r. 15. McCAUSLAND, Albert, s. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), May 8, 1844. p. r. 1. Alfred B., s. Benjamin U. and Hannah (Hildreth), Sept. 6, 1871. p. R. 1. Alvin L., s. Moses B. and Mercy A., Oct, 27, 1868. Anna Belle, d. Sumner Berry and Augusta Andrews, Apr. 7, 1867. P. R. 18. Antonio Ceballos, s. Sumner Berry and Augusta Andrews, Nov. 12, 1858. P. R. 18. Carrie E., d. Benjamin U. and Emily M., Jan. 2, 1862. p. R. 1. Catherine, [d. Andrew and Mary H. (Bates)], w. Rinaldo Robbins, [ ], 1830. g. r. 2. Charles Henry, [s. John H. and Christiana], Apr 8, 1860. G. R. 1. C[harles] W., [s. Andrew and Mary H. (Bates)], Nov. 25, 1820. G. R. 2. Clara, d. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Apr. 18, 1855. p. R. 1. Clarence Elmer, s. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Oct. 31, 1862. p. R. 1. Daniel Emerson, s. Benjamin U. and Hannah (Hildreth), [ ], 1866. p. R. 1. Delia A., d. John O. and Deliverance (Nash), Feb. 11, 1826, in Augusta, p. r. 1. Dexter M., s. Moses B. and Mercy A., Feb. 26, 1879. [Dexter Miller, g. r. 2.] Edith A., d. Moses B. and Mercy A., Aug. 15, 1881. 24 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. McCausland, Edward C, s. Benjamin U. and Hannah (Hildreth), Feb. 1, 1869. p. r. 1. Emerson, s. Moses B. and i\Iercy A., Sept. 16, 1872. Fred A., s. Moses B. and Mercy A., Feb. 4, 1877. H. Louise, d. Moses B. and Mercy A.. Sept. 17, 1870. Hester A., [d. Andrew and TNIary H. (Bates)], [w\ Gushing Barnes], Sept. 25, 1823. g' r. 2. James Merritt, s. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Feb. 28, 1860. P. R. 1. Laura A., d. James S. and Sarah (Spiague), Dec. 18, 1845. p. R. 1. Margaret C, d. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Feb. 1, 1852. p. R. i. Mary Louisa, d. Sumner Berry and Augusta Andrews, Sept. 3, 1861. p. R. 18. Mattie K., d, Moses B. and Mercy A.. Nov. 11, 1866. May E., d. Moses B. and Mercy A., Oct. 25, 1874. Melvina, d. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Dec. 12, 1849. p. R. 1. Oscar, s. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Dec. 9, 1847. p. R. 1. Ralph E., s. Oscar and Lizzie S., Nov. 29, 1875, in Gar- diner, p. R. 1. Sarah J., d. James S. and Sarah (Sprague), Sept. 19, 1857. p. R. 1. S[umner] B[erry], s. Tho[ma]s H. and Rhoda E., Apr. 18, 1830. p. R. 19. Wallace B., s. Moses B. and Mercy A., Nov. 3, 1863. McGROTY, David H., s. David and Julia A., Oct. 21, 1873. Eben P. D., s. David and Julia A., Nov. 23, 1871. Fred L., s. David and Juha A., Apr. 6, 1870. MERRILL, Dr. Joseph, Dec. 5, 1803. a. r. 1. MOODY, Augusta, d. Jonathan and Harriet (Murphy), Sept. 28, 1857, in Pittston. p. r. 1. Bertie A., d. James H. and Augusta (Moody), Dec. 16, 1875, in Whitefield. P. r. 1. MORGAN, Harry, [ ], 1873. o. r. 1. Reuben D., [ ], 1832. g. r. 1. MUSTARD, Louisa, w. D[aniel] Lancaster, June 23, 1805. G. R. 3. NEAL, Judson B., s. Reuben S. and Elizabeth F., Apr. 15, 1878. P. R. 1. Reuben S., s. Julius and Sarah (Seavey), Mar. 1, 1837, in Hallowell. p. r. 1. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 25 Neal, William J., s. Reuben S, and Elizabeth F., July 10, 1881. p. R. 1. NILES, Willie S., s. Nathan L. and Lilla M., Sept. 14, 1885. p. R. 2. NORTON, Catherine S. Eva, d. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), Sept. 5, 1843. p. r. 25. Frances J., d. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), May 16, 1839. p. r. 25. Georg-e E., s. James A. W. and Charity P., Apr. 8, 1870. p. r. 1. James A. W., s. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), June 22, 1835. p. R. 25. James R., s. James A. \Y. and Charity P., Sept. 24, 1865. p. R. 1. John E., s. James A. W. and Charity P., Mar. 20, 1864. p R. 1. George Robert, s. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), July 19, 1852. p. R. 25. Georgeanna, d. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), Sept. 20, 1841, p. R. 25. Lizzie Gertrude, d. James A. W. and Charity P., Mar. 21, 1867. P. R. 1. Lucy, d. James A. W. and Charity P., Sept. 4, 1872, p. r. 1. Mary Ann, d. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), Oct. 5, 1833. p. r. 25. Olive Clay, d. Simon B. and Nancy (Lord), Oct. 5, 1845. p. R. 25. Simon B., Sept. 23, 1811. p. r. 25. OLIVER, Eben F., Dec. 8, 1827. G. r. 1. PACKARD, Mary Ann, d. Nathan, w. Asahel Wellington Hamlin, [ ], 1827, in Searsmont. P. R. 34. PAINE, Ruhama, \v. Daniel Lancaster, July 16, 1771. p. r. 33. PARKER, Albert Atwood, s. Zeri S. and Anna F., July 21, 1868, in Rangeley PI. p. r. 27. Alice Edith, d. Zeri S. and Anna F., Jan. 16, 1872, in Brunswick, p. r. 27. Hattie Estella, d. Zeri S. and Anna F,, July 11, 1866, in Rangeley PI, p, r, 27. Millard Isambert, s. Zeri S. and Anna F., June 19, 18 76. p. R. 27. 4 26 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. Parker, Myra Vandelia, d. Zeri S. and Anna F., Aug. 24, 1882. p. R. 27. Stephen Zeri or Z. S., s. Thomas Jefferson and Abigrail Handy (Billingfton), May 18, 1841, in Berlin, p. r. 27. Zeri S. [See Parker, Stephen Zeri.] PARLIN, Sarah, \v. Daniel Lancaster, Dec. 28, 1766. p. r. 33. PARTRIDGE, Deborah J. [Burns] , [w. Dennis S.] , [ ] , 1822. G. R. 3. Dennis S., [ ], 1812. G. r. 3. PAUL, Benjamin S., s. William and Rhoda, Jan, 2, 1815. p. R. 6. Edith Mae, d. George W. and Lizzie S., Nov. 24, 1877. p. R. 1. Eliza Coffin, d. William, and Rhoda, Oct. 31, 1827. p. r. 6. Ellen L, d. Thomas S. and Martha A., Dec. 1, 1853. p. r 6. Emma Eliza, d. Thomas S. and Martha A., Sept 21, 1849, in Hallowell. p. r. 6. Esther, d. William and Rhoda, Oct. 23, 1808. p. r. 6. George Delwyn, s. George W. and Lizzie S., Mar. 29, 1880. p. R. 1. George W., s. Oliver and Mary (Neil), Nov. 25, 1847, in Saxonville, Mass. p. r. 1. Hannah, d. William and Rhoda, Mar. 22, 1812. p. r. 6. Hephzibah, d. William and Rhoda, Oct. 26, 1821. p. r. 6. Langdon Gilmore, s. Thomas S. and Martha A., Dec. 22, 1861. P. R. 6. Martha A. [Russell], w. Tho[ma]s S., [ ], 1823. G. R. 1. Raymond Arthur, s. George W. and Lizzie S., Apr. 14, 1882. P. R. 1. Susan, d. WilHam and Rhoda, May 30, 1819. p. r. 6. Tho[ma]s S., [ ], 1824. g. r. 1. [s. William and Rhoda, Oct. 31, in Wiscasset. p. R. 6.] William, Oct. 17, 1784, in Saco. p. r. 6. William Jr., s. William and Rhoda, Mar. 31, 1817. p. R. 6. PEACOCK, Addie B.. w. S[imeon] P. Dean, May 30, 1859. G. R. 1. Jane Wilson, w. William W. Cannon, [ ] , 1830. g. r. 3. [d. Benjamin and Mary (Stevens), Feb. 28, in Gar- diner, p. R. 1.] PEIRCE, (see Pierce), Susan, w. Capt. J. Irish, May 22, 1812. G. R. 1. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 27 PIERCE, (see Peirce). Capt. Eben. [ ], 1817. g. r. 1. PIPER, Betsey, w. George Church, Mar. 27, 1798. p. r. 36. PITCHER, Isabell, Apr. 8, 1888. G. R. 1. Jennie C. [Warren], w. Ira B., Jan. 10, 1856. g. r. 1. REA, Jane, w. David Call, Mar. 20, 1791. p. r. 32. RICE, A.lden, July 18, 1804. g. r. 3. [s. John and Mehita- ble. p. R. 38]. Betsey, d. John and Mehitable, June 17, 1796. p. r. 38. Charles Augustus, s. Alden and Susan E., Aug-. 11, 1840. p. R. 38. Charles Thomas, s. Alden and Susan E., Dec. 2, 1843 p. R. 38. John, Nov. 8, 1741. p. r. 38. Tulia Ann, d. John and Mehitable, Jan, 16, 1807. p. r. 38. Mary, d. John and Mehitable, Oct. 25, 1809. p. r. 38. Ruel, s. John and Mehitable, Sept. 1, 1793. p. r. 38. Rufus. s. John and Mehitable, Feb. 19, 1799. p. r. 38. Sarah E., d. Alden and Susan E., Dec. 6. 1845. p. r. 38. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Alden and Susan E., Sept. 6, 1835. p. R. 38. RICH, Capt. Abraham, Dec. 13, 1793. G. r. 1. Abraham, s. Richard and Alice J., Sept. 10, 1835. G. r. 1. Alice M., [w. William H. Richards], July 19, 1849. G. r. 1. John, s. Richard and Alice J., Mar. 29, 1838. g. r. 1. Capt. Richard, Aug. 7, 1787. g. r. 1. RICHARDS, Alice M. [Rich], [w. William H.], July 19, 1849. G. R. 1. RICHARDSON, Edith C, d. Wilkes W. and Delia A., Jan. 18, 1866. P. R. 1. Edwin, s. Wilkes W. and Delia A., Oct. 16. 1870. p. r. 1. Frank, s. Wilkes W. and Delia A., Dec. 21, 1861. p. r. 1. Mary, d. Wilkes W. and Delia A., May 8, 1854. p. r. 1. Nellie, d. Wilkes W. and Delia A., May 15, 1858. p. r. 1. ROBBINS, Catherine, [McCausland] , w. Rinaldo, [ ], 1830. G. r. 2. Fredeiic McCausland, Feb. 12, 1855. Mary Lizzy, Mar. 17, 1862. Rinaldo, [ ],1828. G. R. 2. Willis Edgar, Aug. 11, 1863. Willis E., [ ], 1864. g. r. 2. 28 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. ROBERTS, Henry D., s. Henry and Mary (Dow), Dec. 25. 1862, in Wiscasset. p. r. 1. William, s. Henry D. and Edith C, Oct. 30, 1887. p. r. 1. ROBINSON, Eunice B., w. Emerson Titcomb, May 26, 1815. G. R. 3. Mary H., w. E[merson] Titcomb, Jan. 14, 1814. o. r. 3. ROLLINS, Eliphalet, Feb. 25, 1792. g, r. 1. RUSSELL, Martha A., w. Tho[ma]s S. Paul, [ ] , 1823. G. R. 1. [d.Georg-e G. and Eleanor (Powers), Dec. 15, p. R. 9.] [in Hallowell, p. r. 6.] SANFORD, Alice M., d. Benjamin F. and Mary M., Aug-. 8, 1872. p. R. 2. Benjamin F., s. Thomas and Esther (Topping) Feb. 7, 1823, in Bowdoinham. p. r. 2. Dawson, s. Benjamin F. and Mary M., Sept. 18, 1865. p. r. 2. George Cortiss, s. Benjamin F. and Mary M., Apr. 12, 1868. p. R. 2. James Thwing, s. Benjamin F. and Mary M., Mar. 12, 1860. p. R. 2. Laura Esther, d. Benjamin F. and Mary M., Mar, 11, 1854, in Boston, Mass., p. r. 2. Lilla Minerva, d. Benjamin F. and Mary M., June 10, 1856. p. R. 2. Vincent G., s. Benjamin F. and Mary M., Sept. 14, 1858. p. R. 2. SARGENT, Abbie E.. w. George T. Cox, Feb. 28, 1810. G. R. 1. [Abigial E. p. r. 8]. Jane C, w. Capt. Tho[ma]s Stevens, Sept. 17, 1840. G. r. 3. Nancy M., [w. Thomas J. Davis], Oct. 10, 1807. g. r. 3. SAWYER, Hannah, d. Jonathan and Mary, [ ], 1770. p. R. 11. Nellie E. [Steward], w. Frank L., June 11, 1853. G. r. 1. SCOTT, Mary J., w. Hiram Averill, Sept. 18, 1818. p. r. 23. SEAVEY, Abbie J., d. Samuel and Elizabeth G., Oct. 28, 1836. p. R. 5. Ann M., d. Samuel and Elizabeth G., Feb. 20, 1829. p. R. 5. Eliza, [d. Thomas B. and Keziah (Hinkley)], w. Rev. A. H. Morrell, [ ], 1817. g. r. 3. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 29 Seavey, Charles L., s. Samuel and Elizabeth G., Apr. 12, 1827. P. R. 5. Edward K., Nov. 28, 1838. G. r. 1. [s. Samuel and Elizabeth G. p. r. 5.] George H., s. Samuel and Elizabeth G., July 19, 1844. p. R. 5. George Robert, s. George H. and Mary A., Mar. 18, 1885. p. R. 1. Hannah N., d. Samuel and Elizabeth G., Dec. 13, 1840. p. R. 5. Harriets., d. Samuel and Elizabeth G,, May 5, 1825. p, R. 5. Louisa, d. Samuel and Elizabeth G., June 10, 1834. p. r. 5. Mabel Harriet, d. George H. and Mary A., Jan. 29, 1878. p. R. 1. Samuel, [ ], 1801. G. r. 1. Sarah, w. Julius Neal, June 13, 1811. g. r. 3. Thurston, s. Samuel and Elizabeth G., Apr. 22, 1846. p. R. 5. Thurston S., s. Samuel and Elizabeth G., June 28, 1831. p. R. 5. Warren W., s. Edward K.and Sarah A., Apr. 5, 1872. p. R. 1. SEIDERS, Adeline W., [w. John P. Lyman], Oct. 24, 1829. G. R. 1. [d. Charles A, and Clarissa, and omits W. p. R. 13]. Charles A., C ], 1804. g. R. 1. [Oct. 29, 1804. p. R. 13.] Clara Ella, d. Charles A. and Clarissa, Mar. 8, 1844. p. r. 13. Clarissa H. [Cox], [w. Charles A.,] [ ], 1807. g. r. 1. Elizabeth H., d. Charles A. and Clarissa, June 6, 1831. p. R. 13. Emily, d. Charles A. and Clarissa, Jan. 26, 1834. p. r. 13. Mary Louisa, d. Charles A. and Clarissa, May 11, 1836. p. R. 13. W[illia]m Henry. Sept. 8, 1840. G. r. 1. [s. Charles A. and Clarissa, p. r. 13.] SEVEY, Hannah, w. Enoch Marshall, Sept. 12, 1794. p. R. 28. SMITH, Bathsheba, W.John Baker, [ ], 1788. g. r. 2. Rhoda, w. William Paul, Aug. 2, 1783, in Litchfield, p. r. 6. Sarah, w. B[ethuel] P. Dean, May 30, 1817. g. r. 1. 30 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. SPRAGUE, Marg^aret Potter, w. Geo[rg:e] Cumming's, July 12. 1828. G. R. 1. SPRINGER, Benjamin, Apr. 16, 1791. o. r. 1. Hannah B. [Ballard], w. Benjamin, Apr. 28, 1801. G. R. 1. Laura Ann, d. Benjamin and Hannah B., Dec. 1, 1831. G. R. 1. Martha [Carter], w. William. [ ], 1808. g. r. 3. Mary, w. Levi F. Palmer, and Georgre Lilly, Oct. 17, 1782, in Bath. G. R. 1. Mary Frances, d. Benjamin and Hannah B., Dec. 6, 1829. G. R. 1. William, [ ], 1811. G. r. 3. STEVENS, Jane C. [Sargent], w. Capt. Tho[ma]s, Sept. 17, 1840. G. R. 3. Tho[ma]s, Capt., Dec. 22, 1833. G. r. 3. STEWARD, Nellie E., w. Frank L. Sawyer, June 11, 1853. G. R. 1. STILPHEN, Annie Elizabeth, d. Asbury Coke and Annie Maria. Feb. 17, 1868. p. r. 1. Asbury Coke, s. Francis and Betsey (Foster), Mar. 21, 1842, in Dresden, p. r. 1. STINSON, Eliza J., d. David and Mehitable (Reirdan), Jan. 11, 1813, in Concord, p. r. 30. Mary R., d. David and Mehitable (Reirdan), Dec. 28, 1810, in Embden. p. r. 30. STONE, Abbie M., w. Edwin Manson, Sept. 28, 1846, in Brunswick. P. R. 7. Edmund, June 8, 1807. G. R. 2. SWAN, Hannah Caroline, d. Benjamin, [w. John H. Chisam and Samuel E. Marshall], May 28, 1832. p. r. 10. SWEETLAND, Elizabeth K., Sept. 1, 1835. G. r. 1. Julias A., Sept. 7, 1831. G. R. 1. THAYER, Herbert Edgar, s. George A. and Louisa, Oct. 2, 1860. p. R. 1. THWING, Mary M., d. David and Mary (White), Jan. 27, 1835, in Bowdoinham. p. R. 2. TITCOMB, Capt. Emerson, May 18, 1808, g. r. 3. Eunice B. [Robinson], w. Emerson, May 26, 1815, G. r. 3. Frederic E., [s. Emerson], Mar. 3. 1848. g. r. 3. FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. 31 TYLER, Betsey, w. Tames Collins, Feb. 23, 1796. g. r. 2. VIGOUREUX, Augustus W., s. Peter and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1824. p. R. 14. Catharine A., d. Peter and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1820. r. r. 14. Cordelia T., d. Peter and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1811. p. r. 14. Edwin S., s. Peter and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1828. p. r. 14. Elbridge E., s. Peter and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1813. p. r. 14. Joseph H., s. Peter and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1815. p. r. 14. Loren L. M., s. Peter and Sarah, July 20, 1839. p. r. 14. Lucy Maria, d. Peter and Sarah, May 27, 1831. p. r. 14. Mason D,, s. Peter and Sarah, July 11, 1826. p. r. 14. Peter H., s. Peter and Sarah, July 6, 1822. p. r. 14. Sarah A., d. Peter and Sarah, July 20, 1818. p. r. 14. WAITE, Helen A., w. Charles L. Ballard, June 24, 1846, [in Freeport]. p. r. 31. WALKER, Eva, d. Capt. Samuel and Sophia (Smith), Nov. 22, 1848, in Hallowell. p. r. 1. WARREN, Ann Sarah, d. Samuel and Cordelia T., May 16, 1842, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. Caroline, d. William Gardiner and Pegg-y, Nov. 12, 1800, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. George, s. William Gardiner and Peggy, Jan. 30, 1807, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. Harriet E., d. William Gardiner and Peggy, Jan. 25, 1812, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. James, s. William Gardiner and Pegg3^ Jan. 10, 1805, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. Jennie C, w. Ira B. Pitcher, Jan. IC, 1856. g. r. 1. John, s. William Gardiner and Peggy, May 15, 1809, in Gardiner, p. r, 15. Osgood William Gardiner, s. Samuel and Cordelia T., Mar. 3j , 1840, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. Samuel, s. William Gardiner and Peggy, Jan. 25, 1803, in Gardiner [dup. in Hallowell]. p. r. 15. William, s. William Gardiner and Peggy, Apr. 8, 1799, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. William Gardiner, Dec. 14, 1774, "in Gardinerstown, now Gardiner." p. r. 15. WATERHOUSE, Lydia Hellen, d. Albert S. and Lydia S., Aug. 11, 1854, in house of Ezekiel Waterhouse. WEBBER, Nancy A., d. Sylvanus and Patience (Pullen), w. Joseph L. Dow and James Brann, Aug. 9, 1834, in China, p. r. 1. 32 FARMINGDALE BIRTHS. WELCH, Achsa A., [d. Jacob and Eunice (Carter)] , Feb. 19, 1848, in Carthag-e. p. r. 3. Jefferson D., Apr. 14, 1854. g. r. 3. WENTWORTH, George R. M., s. Isaac E., laborer, (b. Athens), and Susan W., (b. Richmond), Feb. 16, 1862. WILSON, Henrietta, d. Henry M. and Hannah J. (Header), Sept. 22, 1849, in Lewiston. p. r. 1. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. To The Year 1892. ADAMS, Geo. H. of New York State and Mary Elizabeth Higfgins, int. Sept. 24, 1855. Nelson J. and Kate E. Horn, June 30, 1890. ALLEN, C. W. and Miss O. M. Dodge, int. July 20, 1880. E. G. and Cora J. Whitten, Aug-. 2, 1882.* Eliona of Bowdoinham and Fred S. Morgan, int. Nov. 17, 1886. George P. and Eunice H. Kennedy of Chelsea, int. Sept. 1, 1888. AMES, Martha J. and Daniel W. Starbird of Bowdoin, int. Sept. 29, 1883. ANDREWS, Dennis R. of St. George and Eliza Ann Lowell, int. June 10, 1862. ANNE, Frank B. of Gardiner and Carrie E. Goodwin of Gardiner, Feb. 26, 1876.* ARNO, Carrie G. and James H. Hodgkins of Nobleboro, int. Mar. 30, 1868. [m. Carrie J,, Apr. 8, Gar. Rec.] ARTHUR, George F. and Ada Tuttle of Hallowell, int. Mar. 16, 1882. Martha H., See Athur, Martha H. ASPINWALL, Sarah and [Edward K. Seavey, int. Jan. 8, 1864, [m. Jan. 14. p. R. 5.] Thomas J. and Jane Hewey, Oct. 3, 1833, in Phillips.* p. R. 1. ATHUR, Martha H. and Benjamin C. Heath of Pittston, int. Nov. 20, 1875. [m. Arthur, Dec. 3, Gar. Rec] *Intention not recorded. 5 34 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. ATKINS, Carrie T. and Frank M. Putnam of Gardiner, int. Jan. 2, 1883. [m. Jan. 24. p. r. 1.] Harriet A. and Hartley W. Jewett, Sept. 3, 1850.* p. r. 31. Joseph C. and Esther A. Atkinson, Jan. 6, 1856.* p. r. 22. Thankful [int. Thankfull] H. and lames Jewett [int. adds Jr.], June 6, 1855. Thomas N. and Patience Ballard, Jan. 5, 1824.* p. r. 29. ATKINSON, Esther A. and Joseph C. Atkins, Jan. 6, 1856.* p. R. 22. Lizzie C. and W[illiam] H. Curtis of Gardiner, int. Oct. 26, 1866. [m. Oct. 27, Gar. Rec] AVERILL, Albert H. and Alice M. Brown, Oct. 29, 1888. Clementine Elnory and Hiram Averill, Apr. 28, 1845.* P. R. 23. Hiram and Clementine Elnory Averill, Apr. 28, 1845.* p. R. 23. Hiram and Mary J. Scott, Nov. 9, 1848.* p. r. 23. Hiram 2d. and Mrs. E. P. Lord, Sept. 29, 1885. Ida Ellie and Eugene Batchelder of Gardiner, int. wSept. 27, 1887. [m. Bachelder, Oct. 6, Gar. Rec] AVERY, Mrs, Charity H. and Clarence E. Brann, int. Feb. 13, 1882. Thomas W. of Sidney and Emma V. Pottle, Nov. 4, 1883. AYER, [int. Ay re] Charles of Alna and Nancv T. Libby, July 7, 1859. BACHELDER, (see Batchelder), Nathan of Gardiner and Dora B. Harriman, Dec. 24, 1884. BAILEY, Roselia and Alfred P. Meady of Downieville, Cal., int. Oct. 9, 1860. BAKER, Bertram [int. adds A.] and Isadora Smith, Oct. 26, 1887. Emma A. and James N. Cannon, Oct. 1, 1885. Horace W. and Mrs. Joanna Clarey of Chelsea, int. Aug-. 23, 1856. Jessee A. and Maria Hig-g'ins, int. May 15, 1854. John Jr. and Esther Hildreth. June 1, 1848.* p. r. 26. Johnathan of South Yarmouth aud Emiline Morgan, int. Aug-. 29, 1856. Moses L, and Lucy G. Church, int. Oct. 16, 1854. Susan C. and William H. Huntingfton of Bath, int. Dec. 14, 1863. Vesta A. and L[ucius] E. Bemis, int. Aug. 14, 1877. [m. Aug. 29, Pit. Rec] *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 35 BALLARD, Alfred A. and Annie S. Morton of Wiscasset, May 4, 1872.* p. R. 31. Aug-tistus and Thankfiil Godfrey, Sept. [— ] , 1797.* p. r. 31. Augustus and Mary R. Stinson, June 26, 1838.* p. r. 29. Charles L. and Helen A. Waite of Freeport, int. Apr. 27, 1878. [m. May 4. p. r. 31.] Hannah and Benjamin Springer, Jan. 5, 1829.* p. r. 29,. James E. and Lydia A. Pratt of Lewiston, int. Apr. 7, 1874. [m. Apr. 15. p. r. 31.] J. S. and Robert H. Bowker of Brunswick, int. July 17, 1866. [m. Josie E. and omits H., Aug-. 8. p. r. 31.] Joseph M. and Emily A. Browne of Boston, Mass., Apr. 25, 1883.* p. R. 31. Loring and Eliza J. Stinson, Feb. 19, 1839.* p. r. 29. L[oring] C. and Susie E. Davenport of Gardiner [p. r. 31, of Chelsea] , Dec. 16, 1880. L[oring] C. and Minnie C. Lawrence of Randolph [p. r. 31, of Pittston], June 14, 1887. Mary Ann and Dr. Joseph Merrill, Feb. 16, 1841.* p. r. 29. Patience and Thomas N. Atkins, Jan. 5, 1824.* p. r. 29. Sanford K. and Mrs. Annie E. Ham of Lewiston, Mar. 19, 1873.* p. R. 31. William S. and Sarah E. Call, Sept. 12, 1844.* p. r. 29. BARKER, Addie Frances and Darius Meder of Litchfield, int. Aug. 13, 1870. F[lorence A. of Camden] and John L. Collins, May 16, 1887. George W. Jr. and Rebecca S. Dean, int. Oct. 11, 1867. Mary A. and Gilman P. Garland of Paris, int. July 12, 1858. BARNARD, Augusta Andrews and Sumner Berry McCaus- land, Nov. 28, 1855.* p. r. 18. John A., M. D., and Clara A. Bodfish, June 18, 1828.* p. R. 20. BARNES, Gushing of East Boston, Mass.. and Esther F ,:- [Hester] [int. adds A.] McCausland, July 23, 1870. BARRON, Patrick and Martha Clark, Oct. 29, 1888. BARTLETT, Harriet and Charles L. Seavey, Feb. 29, 1852.* V. r. 5. BATCHELDER, (see Bachelder), Charles E. of Bath and Mattie K. McCausland, Jan. 22, 1889. Eugene of Gardiner and Ida Ella Averill, int. Sept. 27, 1887. [m. Bachelder, Oct. 6, Gar. Rec] *Intention not recorded. 36 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. BATES, Mary P. of Gardiner and George R. Pierce, int. Nov. 29, 1854. BEAL, Samuel B. and Mary Folsam of Hallowell, int. Nov. 29, 1852. BEAN, Charles S. of West Gardiner and Sarah C. Meservey, int. July 7, 1869. Frank and Victoria L. Smith, int. Feb. 21, 1886. Mrs. Victoria L. and Frank Gilpatric of Chelsea, Nov. 2, 1890. BEEDLE, Charles O. and Mrs. Sarah A. Heath, Dec. 24, 1889. BELL, Louis Herbert of Gardiner and Julia Sophia Keniston, June 24, 1891. BEMIS, H. Everett and Elcelia A. Dory, Nov. 26, 1874, in Marshalltown, la.* p. r. 36. Helen G. and James B. Hayes of Chelsea, Dec. 14, 1876, in Pittston. [Helen A. p. r. 36.] Horace and Mary Elizabeth Church, Apr. 30, 1846, in Gar- diner.* p. R. 36. L. E. and Vesta A. Baker, int. Aug. 14, 1877. [m. Lucius E. Aug, 29. p. R. 36.] Mrs. Mary E, and Andrew Johnson of Hallowell, Nov. 23, 1887.' Mrs. Vesta A. and James Jones of Phippsburg, Sept 3, 1888. BENNER, Fredricka [int. Fredereka] F. and Cephus [int. Cephas] K. Waite of Freeport, Dec. 26, 1867. BERRY, Dennis N. of Sidney and Phebe Trask of Sidney, Oct. 20, 1886.* BICKFORD, Stephen M. and Nellie E. White, int. Mar. 19, 1887. BIGELOW, Cora E. of Gardiner and Oscar McCausland, int. May 19, 1877. [m. May 26, Gar. Rec] BILLINGS, John D., 29, teacher, of Litchfield, s. David, farmer, (b. Sedgwick) and Miranda (b. Bowdoinham), and Emily P. Colcord, 25, d. Hiram, farmer, int. Mar. 20, 1865. BLAIR, Charles A. and Lillian E. Whitney of Randolph, Dec. 24, 1890. John C. and Annie E. Blake of Hallowell, int. Dec. 17, 1868. [m. Dec. 24. Gar. Rec] Marcellus and Rachel Townsend of Gardiner, Apr. 16, 1871. ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 37 BLAISDELL, j\Iary A. of Gardiner and J. F. Hodgkins of Gardiner, May 31, 1882.* BLAKE, Annie E. of Hallowell and John C. Blair, int. Dec. 17, 1868. [m. Dec. 24. Gar. Rec] BLINN, Laurane C. of Gardiner and William T. Henderson, Apr. 27, 1878.* BODFISH, Clara A. and John A. Barnard, M. D., June 18, 1828.* p. R. 20. BOSTON, Eliza B. and Austin Bragg" of Augusta, int. Oct. 13, 1868. Sarah T. and Nelson Learned of South Boston, [Mass.] , vSept. 2, 1865. [Sara. m. r. 1.] BOWIE, Dean W. and Jane Hughes of Gardiner, int. Sept. 30, 1878. [m. Oct. 9. Gar. Rec] Frank E. and Annie B. Gove of Newcastle, May 12, 1878. BOWKER, Robert H. of Brunswick and J. S. Ballard, int. July 17, 1866. [m. Capt. Robert and Josie E., A^ig 8. p. r. 31.] BOWMAN, Martha C. A. and Joseph H. Bradstreet of Gar- diner, int. Apr. 27, 1853. BOYNTON, Cyrus E. of Jefferson and Addie E. Dodge, int. Feb. 18, 1876. BRADSTREET, Joseph H. of Gardiner and Martha C. A. Bowman, int. Apr. 27, 1853. BRAGG, Austin of Augusta and Eliza B. Boston, int. Oct. J3, 1868. BRANN, Alice M. and Fred [eric] W. McLaughlin of Au- gusta, int. July 27, 1876. [m. Aug. 3. Gar. Rec] Alvin and Francis [sic] H. Handy, int. Jan. 22, 1867. Augustus A. and Mary A. Murphy, int. June 15, 1867. Augustus E. and Joanna C. Cunningham, int. May 12, 1860. Chandler A. and Hattie E. Dodge, int. Nov. 23, 1866. Clarence E. and Mrs. Charity H. Avery, int. Feb. 13, 1882. Everett S. and Clara P. Tarbox of Gardiner, int. Nov. 18, 1861. [m. Dec. 25. Gar. Rec] George A. and Ellen R. Dill of Gardiner, int. Sept. 25, 1868. [m. Bran, Oct. 3. Gar. Rec] George A. and Lillia Dickinson of Wiscasset, Dec. 25, 1876, in Damariscotta. *Intenlion not recorded. 38 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. Brann, Harriet of Gardiner and Joab J. Harriman of Gar- diner, May 28, 1854.* James and Mrs. Nancy A. Dow, int. May 4, 1868. [m. May 9. Gar. Rec.] Mary L., 22, tailoress, d. Samuel and Charlotte, and William M. Graves, 26, shoemaker, of Bowdoinham, s. vSamuel, farmer, (b. Topsham) and Mary A. (b. Bath), July 17, 1864, in Bowdoinham. Rachel E. and Luther Oliver of Gardiner, int. Dec. 27, 1867. Sarah J. and Andrew E. Cunning'ham, int. JNIar. 14, 1863. [m. Mar. 21. Gar. Rec] William E. [int. Everett] and Estella Dill [int. of Gardiner], July 23, 1870. BRAWN, Georgia [int. Georgie] F. of Gardiner and Edwin Dean, Apr. 26, 1879. BREWER, Cora E. and Albert Keith of Chelsea, int. Aug. 22. 1877. [m. Sept. 9. Pit. Rec] Mary A. and William H. Rice, int. Sept. 30, 1870. BROOKINGS, Ebenezer and Huldah H. Preble, Dec. 2, 1852. Elizabeth P. and John A. Lord, int. Aug. 31, 1852. BROOKS, Abbie M, of Hallowell and John W. Church, Sept. 29, 1873. BROWN, Alice M. and Albert H. Averill, Oct. 29, 1888. Mrs. Annie F. and William A.. Pinkham, int. May 6, 1884. George W., [int. 22, clerk, s. John W., merchant, (b. Vas- salboro) and Mary S., (b. Harpswell),] and Josephine S. Cate [int. omits S. and adds 21, d. James S., mason, (b. Dresden) and Delia, (b. Dresden),] July 25, 1865. Jessie of Gardiner and W. B. Rowland of Gardiner, Feb. 6, 1887.* Julia E. and Josiah E. Chase of East Limington, int. June 7, 1854. "[m. June 7. Gar. Rec] Theodore P. and Mary E. Page, int. Sept. 14, 1876. [m. Oct. 1. Gar. Rec] BROWNE, Emily A. of Boston, [Mass.], and Joseph M. Bal- lard, Apr. 25, 1883.* p. R. 31. BUBIER, Charles H. and Louisa Cotton, int. Dec. 10, 1852. BUKER, Mary Elizabeth and Asahel Wellington Hamlin, June 13, 1852. in Bowdoin.* p. r. 34. BURGESS, C. C. of Lewiston and Ann J. Higgins, May 3, 1853, in Augusta. *Intentions not recorded. FARMIXGDALE MARRIAGES. 39 BURNES, (see Burns), Hartin [Martin] of Gardiner and Mrs. Emma C. Strong of Gardiner, Jan. 18. 1879.* BURNS, (see Burnes), Daniel L. and Deborah L. Titcomb, [ ].* p. R. 1. Thurston S. and Abbie L. Rogers of Bath, int. Sept. 21, 1874. BUSWELL, Albert S. of Hallowell and Josephine Sweetland, Dec. 30, 1865. CALL, Albert and Louisa A. Dale, Dec. 11, 1853, in Law- rence, i\Iass.* p. R. 16. Albert and Mrs. Cordelia R. Ellis, of Gardiner, Dec. 3, 1889. David and Jane Rea, June 11, 1811, in N. Y. Citv.* p. r. 32. Sarah E. and William S. Ballard, Sept. 12, 1844.* p. r. 29. CAMPBELL, E. R. of Winthrop and Angle Foster, Jan. 1, 1880. Mrs. Orra A. and Henrj- Currier of Hallowell, int. Apr. 3, 1868. [m. Henry L., Apr. 8. Gar. Rec] CANNON, Annie B. and Elmer R. Leavett [int. Leavitt] of Winthrop, Sept. 26, 1882. James N. and Emma A. Baker, Oct. 1, 1885. Joseph B. and Ella D. Church, int. Oct. 31, 1874. Lizzie F. and Reuben S. Neal, Jan, 31, 1877. Martin [int. adds L.] and Francis [sic] J. Norton of West Gardiner, Nov. 24, 1858, in West Gardiner. [Martin L. and Frances J. m. r. 1.] William \V. and Jane W. Peacock of Gardiner, int. Oct. 11, 1853. [m. Oct. 13. Gar. Rec] CAPEN, Elizabeth and Henry H. Elhs of San Francisco, Cal., int. July 5, 1853. [m. July 5. Gar. Rec] CARR, Charles of Boston, [Mass.], and Elisa M. Lancaster, int. Oct. 1, 1860. [m. Oct. 11. p. r. 1.] Mary Jane and Thomas Mitchell of Yarmouth, int. Oct. 1 1855. CARTER, Eunace A. and Ellsworth E. Crockett of Chester- ville, int. May 19, 1885. [m. June 2, in Chesterville, p. r. 4.] Heman B. and Marilla M. Kempton of Hallowell, int. Nov 12, 1854. James W. and Achsa A. Welch, Jan. 7, 1866, in Weld.* p R. 3. Mrs. Louisa F. and William McCausland, Mar. 1, 1853. •Intention not recorded. 40 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. Carter, Olevia A, and William H. Stoddard of Hallowell, int. Sept. 12, 1873. Rodney of Chesterville and Mrs. Hannah Rollins, Nov. 18, 1884. CASTON, Flora H. of Randolph and Geo[rge] A. [int. E.] Clary, Apr. 4, 1889. CASWELL, Georg-e of Hallowell and Sarah J. Davis, int. Oct. 21, 1857. GATE, Josephine S. [int. omits S. and adds, 21, d. James S., mason, (b. Dresden) and Delia, (b. Dresden)], and George W. Brown, [int. 22, clerk, s. John W., mer- chant, (b. Vassalboro) and Mary S., (b. Harpswell)] , July 25, 1865. CHAD WICK, Annie Maria 26, and Asbury Coke Stilphen, 23, int. Aug-. 1, 1865. [m. Aug. 6, in Gardiner, p. r. 1.] Gilbert and Francis [sic] E. Dorr of Gardiner, int. Nov. 20, 1865. [m. Frances, Nov. 24. Gar. Rec] H[enry] K. and Maria Manning of Monmouth, int. Sept. 19, 1857. [m. Oct. 11, in Monmouth, p. r. 1.] Nathaniel K. and Celia S. Halcott of Catskill, N. Y., int. May 21, 1873. Sarah E. and Lucian Gale of N. Y. City, int. Feb. 9, 1853. CHAMBERLAIN, Annie L. of Gardiner and A. Willis Cun- ningham, int. Oct. 14, 1891. [m. Oct. 21. Gar. Rec] CHAPMAN, Daniel W. of Pittston and Nellie M. Lord, Sept. 7. J 875, in Hallowell. CHASE, Mrs. Caroline S. of Litchfield and Isaac S. Cox of Oshkosh, Wis., Nov. 28, 1889.* Eugene N. and Nellie M. Hunt, Sept. 1, 1891. Josiah E. of East Limington and Julia E. Brown, int. June 7, 1854. [m. June 7. Gar. Rec] William S. of Chelsea and Abbie E. Winter, int. May 20, 1878. [m. June 2. Pit. Rec] CHENERY, Mrs. Caroline of Gardiner and James S. Mc- Causland, Dec. 19, 1883. CHISAM, Mrs. Hannah C. of Augusta and Sam[ue]l /E. Marshall, int. Feb. 4, 1861. [m. Feb. 4. p. r. 28.] CHURCH, Abbie H. of Gardiner and George F. Winter, int. Mar. 20, 1871. [m. Abbie F., Mar. 26. Gar. Rec] Charity P. and James A. W. Norton, Feb. 27, 1862. Charles F. and Annie J. Miller, Aug. 1, 1874. j ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 41 Church, Ella D, and Joseph B. Cannon, int. Oct. 31, 1874. George and Betsey Piper, Oct 23, 1817.* p. r. 36. George W. and Harriet [int. Hattie] A. Kimball of Gardiner, Maj^ 13, 1871. John W. and Abbie M. Brooks of Hallowell, Sept. 29, 1873. Lucy G. and Moses L. Baker, int. Oct. 16, 1854. Mary Elizabeth and Horace Bemis, Apr. 30, 1846, in Gar- diner.* p. R. 36. Mary F. and Reuel [int. Ruel] K. Marriner of Hallowellj, Oct. 28, 1873. R. Jennie and Melvin G. Robinson, int. Nov. 12, 1870.. Sarah W. and Oliver M. Johnson, Mar. 10, 1854. CLAREY (see Clary), Mrs. Joanna of Chelsea and Horace W. Baker, int. Aug. 23, 1856. CLARK (see Clarke), Charles F. of Taylors Falls, Minn., and Martha J. Gray, int. Jan. 27, 1869. Martha and Patrick Barron, Oct. 29, 1888. CLARKE, (see Clark), William T. of Gardiner and Mary F. Reed, Jan. 25, 1871. CLARY, (see Clarey), Geo[rge] A. [int. E.] and Flora H. Caston of Randolph, Apr. 4, 1889. CLEAVES, Sanford and Nancy J. Fallum of Washington, int. Sept. 3, 1869. CLEMENT, Joseph F. and Augusta J. Greene of Newport, int. Feb. 5, 1875. COBB, Charles S. of Chelsea and Maria Collins, Aug. 12, 1884. COLBURN, Nelson of Pittston and Etta L. Reed of Pittston, Dec. 31, 1882.* COLBY, Charlott H. of North Whitefield and Thomas F. Davis, int. Oct. 20, 1854. COLCORD, Emily P., 25, d. Hiram, farmer, and John D. Billings, 29, teacher, of Litchfield, s. David, farmer, (b. Sedgwick) and Miranda, (b. Bowdoinham),'^ int. Mar. 20, 1865. Hiram B. and Matilda Titcomb, int. Dec. 4, 1867. Lizzie S. and George W. Paul of Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 17, 1874. Orin and Sarah W. Collins, Sept. 15, 1835, in Hallowell.* p. R. 1. *Intention not recorded. 6 42 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. COLE, Ida F. of West Gardiner and John W. Lawrence of Gardiner, Apr. 2, 1881. '^ COLLINS, C. W. and FJora A. White of Chelsea, int. Oct. 6, 1881. [m. Oct. 15. Gai. Rec] Frances E. and Libeus S. Davis, int. Julv 6, 1859. [m. July 30. Gar. Rec] Fred A. and Ella G. Rhodes of Lynn, Mass., int. Mav 12, 1882. George A. and Delia M. Curtis, Oct. 26, 1862. Isabel and Frank Lowell, int. Dec. 24, 1873. [m. Franklin, Jan. 1, 1874. p. r. 11.] James 2d and Mrs. Betsey Cowing-, int. Nov. 29, 1855. James W. and Eveline W. Luce, Dec. 27, 1852. John L. and F [int. Florence A. Barker of Camden] , May 16, 1887. Julia A., 39, d. James, farmer, (b. New Gloucester) and Betsey E., (b. Westport)and Jery Hodgdon, 53, farmer, 2d mar., s. Samuel, farmer, (b. Elliott) and Alice, (b. Kittery), int. Feb. 1, 1865. [m. Feb. 7. Gar. Rec] Lewis G. and Arvilla S. Keniston, June 30, 1881. Luella and William A. Pinkham, Feb. 1, 1871. Maria and Charles vS. Cobb of Chelsea, Aug. 12, 1884. Mary R., 22, seamstress, d. James, sea captain, (b. Farm- dale) and Martha, (b. Farmingdale), and James R. Wood, 26, provision dealer, of East Boston, [Mass.], s. Lucias, farmer, (b. Vermont), Jan. 23, 1865. Nellie and Frederick J. Danforth, of Gardiner, Oct. 6, 1875, in Gardiner. Sarah W. and Orin Colcord, Sept. 15, 1835, in Hallowell.* p. R. 1. Wesley and Clara J. Stone of Pittston, int. May 29, 1858. COLLISON, Mrs. Clara F. of Gardiner and Edwin Dean, Nov. 11, 1882. COOK, Harry W. of Gardiner and Mrs. Sade O. Ingalls of Gardiner, May 30, 1883.* COOMBS, Rebecca S. of Whitefield and Isaiah Stevens, int. Nov. 6, 1860. COTTON, Louisa and Charles H. Bubier, int. Dec. 10, 1852. COWING, Mrs. Betsey and Tames Collins 2d, int. Nov. 29, 1855. ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 43 COX, Abby J. and T. C. Foss of Leeds, Apr. 16, 1884. George T. and Abigail E. Sargent, Dec. 2, 1838.* p. R. 8. George W. 22, sailor, of Bath, s. Elisha, shipbuilder, (b. Bath), and Olive A. Davis, 18, d. Moses, farmer, (b. Wilton) and Sophronia, (b. Sidney), int. Apr. 6, 1865. H. Jennie of Gardiner and James E. Whitten, int. May. 5, 1883. [m. May 17. Gar. Rec.] Hattie F. and Walter P. Foss of [int. North] Leeds, Dec. 25, 1874. Isaac S. of Oshkosh, Wis., and Mrs. Caroline S. Chase of Litchfield, Nov. 28, 1889.* Sarah E. and Thomas D. Loring Jr., May 1, 1870. CROCKER, Herbert L. and Lncinda F. Merrill of Richmond, Aug. 30, 1877. CROCKETT, Ellsworth E. of Chesterville and Eunace A. Carter, int. May 19, 1885. [m. June 2, in Chesterville. p. R. 4.] CUMMINGS, Georgia of Cambridgeport, Mass., and Albert A, Willis of Exeter, N. H., Apr. 11, 1883.* Nellie M. and John R. Payne of Boston, Mass., Dec. 29, 1883. Susie A. and Frank Russell of Arthur, Dak., Feb. 18, 1885. CUNNINGHAM, A. Willis and Annie L. Chamberlain of Gar- diner, int. Oct. 14, 1891. [m. Oct. 21. Gar. Rec] Andre\Y E. and Sarah J. Brann, int. Mar. 14, 1863. [m. Mar. 21. Gar. Rec] Jennie V. and George R. Sager of Gardiner, Dec. 29, 1891. Joanna C. and Augustus E. Brann, int. May 12, 1860. CURRIER, Henry of Hallowell and Mrs. Orra A. Campbell, int. Apr. 3, 1868. [m. Apr. 8. Gar. Rec] CURTIS, Aroline N. and Frank P. Hopkins of Hallowell, int. Oct. 10, 1876. Chester A. and Mrs. Caroline Duffy of Hallowell, int. June 6. 1877. Delia M. and George A. Collins, Oct. 26, 1862. Elizabeth J. and Charles T. Somes of Damariscotta, Sept. 26, 1852. John W. and Jerusha A. Gilpatrickof West Washington, int. Mar. 1, 1860. John W. and Louisa Hodgdon, int. Apr. 10, 1860. [m. Apr. 14. M. R. 1.] Royal Lee and Mary L. [int. Lizzie] Noyse, Nov. 25, 1875. •Intention not recorded. 44 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. Curtis, W[illiam] H. of Gardiner and Lizzie C. Atkinson, int. Oct. 26, 1866. [m. Oct. 27. Gar. Rec] William H. and Marantha Fog-g- of West Gardiner, int. June 10, 1856. [m. Martha. June 15. Gar. Rec] CUSICK, iNIichael and Catherine Harrington of Gardiner, Oct. 7, 1887. CUTTING, Edward L. of Weston, Mass., and Carrie A. Keniston, Oct. 15, 1879. DALE, Louisa A. and Albert Call, Dec. 11, 1853, in Law- rence, Mass.* p. r. 16. DAMON, Sarah and Peter Vigfoureux, July 4, 1810, in Wis- casset.* p. R. 14. DANFORTH, Frederick J. of Gardiner and Nellie Collins, Oct. 6, 1875, in Gardiner. Helen Meigs and Abraham Rich, int. Apr. 6, 1889. DAVENPORT, Susie E. of Gardiner [of Chelsea, p. r. 31] and L[oring-] C. Ballard, Dec. 16, 1880. DAVIS, Anney, 18, d. Moses, farmer, (b. Fayette) and Olive A., (b. Augusta) and Aaron Johnson, 23, farmer, s. John, farmer, (b. Calais) and Anna int. July 8, 1865. [m. Amy, July 12. Gar. Rec] H. S. and Cha[rle]s H. True of Aug-usta, int. Apr. 3, 1862. [m. Hannah Sargent and Charles Henry, Apr. 10. Gar. Rec] Henry F. and Mary E. Morrison of Phippsburg Center, int. Oct. 16, 1873. Isaac Sargent, 22, carpenter, s. Thomas Jefferson, farmer, (b. Hallowell) and Nancy Merrill, (b. Loudon, N. H.), and Lydia Goddard Stevens, 21, school teacher, d. Isaiah, farmer, (b. Windham) and Mary, (b. Wind- ham), int. Sept. 6, [l864.] Libeus S. and Frances E. Collins, int. July 6, 1859. [m. July 30. Gar. Rec] Lizzie B. and Charles P. Ladd [int. of Brookline, Mass.] Dec. 29, 187C. in Boston, [Mass.] Mrs. Martha A. of Whitefield and Daniel E. Ricker of Som- erville, Apr. 23, 1881.* Nancy and John Hoyt, int. Jan. 25, 1864. Olive A. and William Eastmond, int. Jan. 29, 1864. Olive A., 18, d. Moses, farmer, (b. Wilton) and Sophronia, (b. Sidney), and George W. Cox, 22, sailor, of Bath, s. Elisha, ship builder, (b. Bath), int. Apr. 6, 1865. *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 45 Sarah T. and George Caswell of Hallowell, int. Oct. 21, 1857. Thomas F. and Charlott H. Colby of North Whitefield, int. Oct. 20, 1854. DAWES, Elizabeth G. and Samuel Seavey, May 18, 1824.* p. R. 5. Nathan and Elizabeth Haskell, Sept. [— ] , 1798.* p. r. 5. DAY, Clarence M. of Gardiner and Hattie J. Keniston, int. Dec. 19, 1876. [m. Dec. 20. Gar. Rec] DEAN (see Deane), Edwin and Georgia [int. Georgie] F. Brawn of Gardiner, Apr. 26. 1879. Edwin and Mrs. Clara F. Collison of Gardiner, Nov. 11, 1882. Edwin and ]\Irs. Tamson S. Marson of Gardiner, Dec. 24, 1884. Rebecca S. and Geo. W. Barker. Jr., int. Oct. 11, 1867. Sim [eon] P. and Addie B. Peacock, int. June 4, 1877. [m. June 9. Gar. Rec] DEANE (see Dean), Sarah C. and Albert G. Gilmore of Franklin, Mass., int. Sept. 21, 1866. [m. Oct. 2. Gar. Rec] DICKINSON, Lillia of Wiscasset and George A. Brann, Dec. 25, 1876, in Damariscotta. DILL, Ellen R. of Gardiner and George A. Brann, int. Sept. 25, 1868. [m. Bran, Oct. 3. Gar. Rec] Ernest M. of Gardiner and Lillian J. Weymouth of West Gardiner, Oct. 25, 1879.* Estella [int. of Gardiner] and William E. [int. Everett] Brann, July 23, 1870. Hattie V. of Gardiner and Allen W. Knight of Whitefield, June 6, 1883.* Lizzie L of Gardiner and Frank H. [int. omits H.] Marshall, Aug 14, 1884. Martha of Gardiner and David Page of Gardiner, Dec. 19, 1869.* Mertie I. [int. Isabella] of Gardiner and Walter L. Foster, Apr. 9, 1885. Dingley, Charlotte A. of Hallowell and George H. Smith, int. Mar. 27, 1876. [m. Apr. 1. Gar. Rec] DINSMORE, Bernice of Bowdoinham and Henry M. Neal, int. June 16, 1859. *Intention not recorded. 46 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. DODGE, Addie E. and Cvrus E. Boynton of Jefferson, int. Feb. 18, 1876. Hattie E. and Chandler A. Brann, int. Nov. 23, 1866. Miss O. M. and C. W. Allen, int. July 20, 1880. DONAHUE, Joseph M. of Gardiner and Mary E. Ellis of Gar- diner, Sept. 12, 1885.* DORR, Francis [sic] E. of Gardiner and Gilbert Chadwick, int. Nov. 20, 1865. [m. Frances, Nov. 24. Gar. Rec] DOUGLASS, F. W. and Mary F. [int. T.] Richardson, Oct. 31, 1885. DOW, Floreda M. and J. Merritt McCausland, July 18, 1880. Hannah B. of Palermo and Simon B. Norton, int. May 7, 1870. Mrs. Nancy A. and James Brann, int. Mav 4, 1868. [m. May 9. Gar. Rec] R. A. and Fred E. Webb of Gardiner, Sept. 20, 1886. DOYLE, Katie A. of Winthrop and John W. Rich, int. Dec. 13, 1890. DREW, John H. of Hallowell and Louisa A. Lancaster, int. Nov. 23, 1859. Mary E. and Henry W. Perry of Boston, Mass., June 5, 1890. DUNN, Mattie of Mount Vernon and Clarendon B. Rice, int. Feb. 11, 1874. DUFFY, Mrs. Caroline of Hallowell and Chester A. Curtis, int. June 6, 1877. DUNTON, Cha[rle]s H. of Pittston and Bertha Green of Gardiner, Sept. 11, 1884.* DUTTON, Elbridge A. of Augusta and Lucy E. Whitney, int. Oct. 26, 1852. EASTMOND, William and Olive A. Davis, int. Jan. 29, 1864. EDSON, Mary A. of Hallowell and George H. Seavey, Dec. 24, 1875, in Hallowell. ELDRED, Ann M. of Pittston and Reuben Ladd of Pittston, Dec. 28, 1853.* ELLIS, Mrs. Cordelia R. of Gardiner and Albert Call, Dec. 3, 1889. ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 47 Ellis, Henry H. of San. Francisco, Cal., and Elizabeth Capen, int. July 5, 1853. [m. July 5. Gar. Rec] Joseph Willard of Augusta and Anna Elizabeth Farnham, [Mar.] 6, 1856. Mary E. of Gardiner and Joseph M. Donahue of Gardiner, Sept. 12, 1885.* Stephen Jr. and Cordelia R. Harriman, July 17, 1851."^ p. R. 17. EMERSON, Charles Jr., 26, razor strop maker, of Charles- town, Mass., s. Charles, razor strop maker, (b. Lancas- ter, Mass.) and Sarah B., (b. Centre Harbor, N. H.), and Hannah E. Rackliff, 22, tailoress, d. Alexander, (b. Woolwich), and Eliza (b. Woolwich), int. Dec. 17, 1864. [m. Jan. 2, 1865. Gar. Rec] EMERY, Joseph W. of Manchester and Mrs. Eliza Meady, int. Oct. 15, 1880. EMLAY, Isabella M. of Aug-usta and Cha[rle]s H. Weeks of Augusta, Nov. 12, 1865.* EMMONS, Harry E. of Gardiner and Maria L. Keniston, Sept.' 10, 1888. ESTES, Joseph S. and Mrs. Clara J. Webber, May 21, 1876, in Gardiner. FALLUM, Nancy j. of Washington and Sanford Cleaves, int. Sept. 3, 1869. FARNHAM, Anna Elizabeth and Joseph Willard Ellis of Au- gusta, [Mar.] 6, 1856. FIELD, Maud L. of Hallowell and Osborn L. Raynolds, int. June 29, 1888. FISHER, Asa W. of Webster and Rebecca J. Gray, int. Mar. 1, 1866. FLEWELLING, James E. of Hallowell and Phosa W. Lyon of Hallowell. Dec. 25, 1883.* FLITNER, Ellen of Pittston and Greenleaf W. Rice, int. Jan. 24, 1870. FOGG, Marantha of "West Gardiner and William H. Curtis, int. June 10, 1856. [m. Martha, June 15. Gar. Rec] FOLSAM, Mary of Hallowell and Samuel B. Beal, int. Nov. 29, 1852. "Intention not recorded. 48 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. FOSS, Martha A. of Chelsea and Hermon S. Huntington, int. Mar. 12, 1872. T. C. of Leeds and Abbv J. Cox, Apr. 16, 1884. Walter P. of [int. North] Leeds and Hattie F. Cox, Dec. 25, 1874. FOSTER, Angle and E. R. Campbell of Winthrop, Jan. 1, 1880. Dewitt C. and Abby R. Lord, Feb. 27, 1857, in Winthrop.* p. R. 1. Walter L. and Mertie 1. [int. Isabella] Dill of Gardiner, Apr. 9, 1885. FRENCH, W[illia]m H. and Eva S. Horn, Nov. 11, 1875, in Hallowell. FROST, Joanna and Samuel Hodgdon, June 20, 1838.* p. R. 12. FULLER, Eliza Y. and Levi M. Nelson, int. May 26, 1859. GAGE, Joshua E. and Julia Ann Rice, [ ].* p. r. 38. Susan E. d. Thomas and Nancy, and Alden Rice, s. John and Mehitable, Nov. 6, 1834.* p. r. 38. GALE, Lucian of N. Y. City and Sarah E. Chadwick, int. Feb. 9, 1853. GALLYON, James H. and Lucy J. Hunt of Readfield, int. Dec. 5, 1873. GAMMON, Hannah B. and William B. Peacock of Gardiner, int. May 7, 1870. [m. Anna, May 23. Gar. Rec] GARLAND, Gilman P. of Paris and Mary A. Barker, int. July 12, 1858. GARNET, [int. Garnett] , Jennie and J. T. Stone Jr., Oct. 26, 1885. GETCHELL, Andrew T. and Mary Rice, [ ].* p. r. 38. GIBBS, Pope of Gardiner and Hattie A. Plummer, Oct. 2, 1886. GILMORE, Albert G. of Franklin, Mass., and Sarah C. Deane, int. Sept. 21, 1866. [m. Oct. 2. Gar. Rec] GILPATRIC (see Gilpatiick), Frank of Chelsea and Mrs. Victoria L. Bean, Nov. 2, 1890. *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 49 GILPATRICK (see Gilpatric), Emma of Gardiner and George Harmon of Gardiner, Apr. 22, 1890.* Jerusha A. of West Washington and John W. Curtis, int. Mar. 1. 1860. Thomas and Louise H. Springer, int. Dec. 21, 1861. GILSON, P. H. of Gardiner and Carrie M. Marr of Augusta, Aug. 27, 1887.* GLAZIER, Charles Henry of Salem, Mass., and Ida Lizzie Loud of East Boston, Mass., Nov. 11, 1871.* GLIDDEN, Elizabeth H. and Reuben D. Morgan, Aug. 31, 1861. GODFREY, Thankful and Augustus Ballard, Sept. [— ] » 1797.* p. R. 31. GOODWIN, Carrie E. of Gardiner and Frank B. Anne of Gardiner, Feb. 26, 1876.* GORDON, [int. Gordan], John E. of Gardiner and Sarah J. Kittredge, Dec. 5, 188]. GOULD, Josephine of Freeport and Benjamin S. Hodgdon, int. Feb. 8, 1867. GOVE, Annie B. of Newcastle and Frank E. Bowie, May 12, 1878. GO WELL, Hattie A. and Charles F. Watkins of Augusta, int. Sept. 11, 1880. GRANT, Peter and Anna A. Sturdivant of Portland, int. Oct. 3, 1863. GRAVES, William M., 26, shoemaker, of Bowdoinham, s. Samuel, farmer, (b. Topsham) and Mary A., (b. Bath), and Mary L. Brann, 22, tailoress, d. Samuel and Charlotte, July 17, 1864, in Bowdoinham. GRAY, Edmund F. of China and Lydia Gray, Mar. 20, 1889. Lydia and Edmund F. Gray of China, Mar. 20, 1889. Martha J. and Charles F. Clark of Taylors Falls. Minn., int. Jan. 27, 1869. Rebecca J. and Asa W. Fisher of Webster, int. Mar. 1, 1866. William C. and Mrs. Mary A. Greenleaf, int. Mar. 13, 1862. GREEN (see Greene), Bertha of Gardiner and Cha[rle]s H. Dunton of Pittston, Sept. 11, 1884.* ♦Intention not recorded. 7 50 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. GREENE (see Green), Annie and James W. Russell, Dec. 25, 1883. Augrusta J. of Newport and Joseph F. Clement, int. Feb. 5, 1875. Esther and John Pender, Nov. 26, 1883. GREENLEAF, Mrs. Mary A. and William C. Gray. int. Mar. 13, 1862. GROVER, Benj[amin] F. and Julia A. L. Sargent, int. Oct. 30, 1860. George E. and Matilda W. Haines of Manchester, int. Apr. 15, 1873. Mrs. Julia A. L. and David McGrota, int. Mar. 4, 1869. GROVES, Nancy and John Stantiol of Hallowell, int. Nov. 14, 1859. GULLIFER, Mrs. N. A. of Gardiner and S. E. Strong of Gardiner, June 10, 1880.* HAINES, (see Haynes), Matilda W. of Manchester and George E. Grover, int. Apr. 15, 1873. HALCOTT, Celia S. of Catskill, N. Y., and Nathaniel K. Chadwick, int. May 21, 1873. HALL, Henry W. and Lizzie J. Williams, Dec. 30, 1883. HAM, Mrs. Annie E. of Lewiston and Sanford K. Ballard, Mar. 19, 1873.* p. r. 31. Ivory and Carrie C. Meserve, Apr. 20, 1881. HAMLIN, Asahel Wellington and Mary Ann Packard. June 27, 1850, in Augusta.* p. r. 34. Asahel Wellington and Mary Elizabeth Buker, June 13, 1852. in Bowdoin.* p. r". 34. HANDREN, Lizzie of New York, N. Y., and William H. Mayo, int. Oct. 27, 1865. HANDY, Francis [stc] H. and Alvin Brann, int. Jan. 22, 1867. HANSON, Hannah M. of Dover, N. H., and Capt. Henry M. Pierce, int. Sept. 29, 1853. HARDING, Moses of Foxboro and Abbie Seavy, int. Aug. 31, 1857. [m. Moses E. Harding and Abbie J. Seavey, Sept. 1. p. R. 5.] HARMON, George of Gardiner and Emma Gilpatric of Gar- diner, Apr. 22, 1890.* ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 51 HARRIMAN, Cordelia R. and Stephen Ellis Jr.. July 17. 1851.* P. R. 17. Dora B. and Nathan Bachelder of Gardiner, Dec. 24, 1884. Joab J. of Gardiner and Harriet Brann of Gardiner, May 28, 1854.* Josiah G. and Mary A. Patterson, Nov. 30, 1852. HARRINGTON, Catherine of Gardiner and Michael Cusick, Oct. 7, 1887. HARWARD, John Thatcher of Richmond and Mary Hunter, d. John P., Sept. 18, 1862. HASKELL, Elizabeth and Nathan Dawes, Sept. [— ] , 1798.* p. R. 5. HATCH, Mrs. Catharine H. and John Shaw of Woolwich, int. May 23, 1863. [m. June 2. Gar. Rec] George H. and Eva F. Morang- of Lisbon, int. Sept. 8, 1873. HAYES, Erastus of Mexico and Harriett L. Herrick, int. Feb. 28, 1866. [m. Mar. 7. Gar. Rec] James B. of Chelsea, and Helen G. Bemis, Dec. 14, 1876, in Pittston. [Helen A. p. r. 36.] HAYNES, (see Haines), Albert L. and Mrs. Jennie Haynes of Hallowell, Dec. 25. 1878. Charlotte B. of Hallowell and Joseph H. Vigoureux, int. Jan. 25, 1855. Mrs. Jennie of Hallowell and Albert L. Haynes, Dec. 25, 1878. Minnie E. of Gardiner and Frank F. Richardson, int. May 16, 1885. HEATH, Annie A. of Gardiner and C. W. Russell, int. Jan. 19, 1877. [m. Jan. 25. Gar. Rec] Benjamin C. of Pittston and ^lartha H. Athur, int. Nov. 20, 1875. [m. Arthur, Dec. 3. Gar. Rec] Mrs. Sarah A. and Charles O. Beedle, Dec. 24, 1889. HENDERSON, William T. and Laurane C. Blinn of Gardiner, Apr. 27, 1878.* HERRICK, Harriett L. and Erastus Hayes of Mexico, int. Feb. 28, 1866. [m. Mar. 7. Gar. Rec] Sarah Jane and John Thomas Magrath, int. Dec. 19, 1863. [m. Dec. 24. Gar. Rec] HEWEY, Jane and Thomas J. Aspinwall, Oct. 3, 1833, in Phillips.* p. R. 1. ^Intention not recorded. 52 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. HIGGINGS (see Hig-gins), Mary Elizabeth and Georg-e H. Adams of N. Y. State, int. Sept. 24, 1855. HIGGINS (see Hig-gings), Alanson of Wales and Lizzie F. Hodgdon, int. Feb. 20, 1871. Ann J. and C. C. Burgess of Lewiston, May 3, 1853, in Au- gusta. Charles J. [int. of Indianapolis, Ind.], and Sarah E. Rice, May 4, 1868. Jesse and Mrs. Mary H. Moody of Belfast, int. Mar. 20, 1862. Maria and Jessee A. Baker, int. May 15, 1854. William H. H., 23, raftsman, s. Elisha S.. raftsman, (b. Webster) and Ruth, (b. Webster), and Henrietta McCausland, 22, of Gardiner, d. W[illia]m Henry, car- penter, (b. Gardiner) and Eliza (b. Litchfield), int. Dec. 21, 1864. [m. Jan. 3, 1865. Gar. Rec] HILDRETH, Esther and John Baker Jr., June 1, 1848.* p. R. 26. Thadeus 2d of Gardiner and Ann M. Seavey, Nov. 15, 1855, in Hallowell. HILL, Sarah M. of Augusta and James Jordan, 23, black- smith, of Augusta, b. Monmouth, s. Abram, Sept. 8, 1855. HINKLEY, Eben [int. Oben Hinkly] and Melissa Paule [int. Paul] of Palermo, May 5, 1858, in Palermo. George G. of Gardiner and Lida B. White of Gardiner, Nov. 23, 1884.* Mrs. Octavia and Moses Rackliff [int. Rackleff] of Augusta, Feb. 27, 1862. [Rackleff. m. r. 1.] HODGDON, Benjamin S. and Josephine Gould of Freeport, int. Feb. 8, 1867. Daniel R. and Olive C. Norton of West Gardiner, int. Mar. 5, 1863. [m. Daniel B., Mar. 15. Gar. Rec] Daniel R. and Mrs. Mary A. Potter of Richmond, int. Nov. 19, 1869. Edwaid J. and Clara A. Johnson, June 15, 1871, in Wal- tham, Mass.* p. R. 12. Henrietta and Hermon S. Huntington, Oct. 14, 1862. Jery and Hannah Lord of Gardiner, Dec. 28, 1834.* p. r. 35. Jery, 53, farmer, 2d mar., s. Samuel, farmer, (b. Elliott) and Alice, (b. Kittery), and Julia A. Collins, 39, d. James, farmer, (b. ^fe^v Gloucester) and Betsey E., (b. Westport), int. Feb. 1, 1865. [m. Feb. 7. Gar. Rec] *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 53 HoDGDON, Lizzie F. and Alanson Higgins of Wales, int. Feb. 20, 1871. Louisa and John W. Curtis, int. Apr. 10, 1860. [m. Apr. 14. M. R. 1.] Samuel and Joanna Frost, June 20, 1838.* p. r. 12. Mrs. Sarah and Robert Littlefield of West Gardiner, Aug". 19, 1855. William A. and Laura A. McCausland, int. June 25, 1872. [m. July 7, in Hallowell. p. r. 1.] HODGES, Daniel and Julia A. Nye of Hallowell, int. Nov. 3, 1854. [m. Nov. 15. Pit. Rec.] HODGKINS, J. F. of Gardiner and Mary A. Blaisdell of Gar- diner, May 31, 1882.* James H. of Nobleboro and Carrie G. Arno, int. Mar. 30, 1868. [m. Carrie J., Apr. 8. Gar. Rec.] HOLDEN, Lydia B. and Horace Rice, Feb. 22, 1864. HOLLAND, Abraham and Martha Whitney, Dec. 24, 1853. HOLMES, George H. of Gardiner and Annie C. Wahlgren, Sept. 1, 1879. HOPKINS, Frank P. of Hallowell and Aroline N. Curtis, int. Oct. 10, 1876. HORN, Eva S. and W[inia]m H. French, Nov. 11, 1875, in Hallowell. Kate E. and Nelson J. Adams, June 30, 1890. William C. and Eva Walker, Dec. 7, 1868, in Hallowell.* p. r. 1. HOWARD, Eunice D. of Gardiner and Darius Marston of Gardiner, Aug. 9, 1890.* HOWLAND, W. B. of Gardiner and Jessie Brown of Gar- diner, Feb. 6, 1887.* HOYT, John and Nancy Davis, int. Jan. 25, 1864. HUGHES, Jane of Gardiner and Dean W. Bowie, int. Sept. 30, 1878. [m. Oct. 9. Gar. Rec] HULL, Mary A. and Elbridgc G. Pert of Richmond, int. Nov. 6, 1876. [m. Nov. 15. Gar. Rec] HUNT, Lucy J. of Readfield and James H. Gallyon, int. Dec 5, 1873. Nellie M. and Eugene N. Chase, Sept. 1, 1891. •Intention not recorded. 54 FARMING DALE MARRIAGES. HUNTER, ^lary, d. John P., and John Thatcher Harward of Richmond, Sept. 18, 1862. HUNTINGDON (see Huntington), Sam[ue]l W. and vSiisanna F. Lancaster, June 30, 1840.* p. r. 33. HUNTINGTON, (see Huntingdon), Hermon S. and Henrietta Hodofdon, Oct. 14, 1862. Hermon S. and Martha A. Foss of Chelsea, int. Mar. 12, 1872. William H. of Bath and Susan C. Baker, int. Dec. 14, 1863. HUNTON, Fred W. of Gardiner and Marion Peacock, Jan. 19, 1886. HUSTON, Mehitable of Gardiner and Benjamin Sprague, int. Jan. 22, 1867. [m. Apr. 14. Gar. Rec] HUTCHINS, Martha and Edward Y. Ward, int. Apr. 14, 1874. HUTCHINSON, Deborah T. and Greenleaf Robinson, int. Nov. 15, 1866. INGALLS, Mrs. Sade O. of Gardiner and Harry W. Cook of Gardiner, May 30, 1883.* JACKSON, James A. of Gardiner and Lucy D. Thompson, Jan. 24*, 1866. JECK, Lizzie S. of Gardiner and Oscar McCausland, int. Nov. 28, 1870. [m. Dec. 6. Gar. Rec] JEWELL [Jewett], Lulu A. of West Gardiner and William H. Newall of West Gardiner, Oct. 3. 1885.* JEWETT, Arthur and Sadie J. McCausland, Jan. 25, 1882, Hartley W. and Harriet A. Atkins, Sept. 3, 1850.* p. r. 31. James [int. adds Jr.] of Gardiner and Thankfull [int. Thank- ful] H. Atkins, Jtme 6, 1855. Lulu A. See Jewell, Lulu A. JOHNSON, Aaron, 23, farmer, s. John, farmer, (b. Calais) and Anna, and Anney Davis, 18, d. Moses, farmer, (b. Fayette) and Olive A., (b. Augusta), int. July 8, 1865. [m. Amy, July 12. Gar. Rec] Alvin M. and Lizzie E. McCausland of Hallowell, int. June 10, 1874. Andrew of Hallowell and Mrs. Mary E. Bemis, Nov. 23, 1887. Clara A. and Edward J. Hodgdon, June 15, 1871, in Wal- tham, Mass.* p. r. 12. ^Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 55 Johnson, Ellen M. and William A. Winter, Nov. 27, 1861. Geneva W. of Gardiner and John W^. Knox of West Gar- diner, Oct. 13, 1886.* Hattie M. and George H. Ray of LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 14, 1880. Oliver M. and Sarah W. Church, Mar. 10, 1854. JONES, Abbie M. [int. omits M.] and Charles C. Lan- caster, Mar. 29, 1856. James of Phippsburg and Mrs. Vesta A. Bemis, Sept. 3, 1888. John B. and Martha A. S. Richards, Oct. 10, 1861. JORDAN, James, 23, blacksmith, of Augfusta, (b. Mon- mouth), s. Abram, and Sarah M. Hill of Augusta, Sept. 8, 1855. KEENAN, Thompson and Marv E. Pollard of Gardiner, int. Sept. 10, 1855. KEITH, Albert of Chelsea and Cora E. Brewer, int. Aug. 22, 1877. [m. Sept. 9. Pit. Rec] Samantha and Joshua Lowell, [ ], in Hallowell.* p. R. 11. KEMP, Clarence C. of Boston, Mass., and Mary E. Robinson, Sept. 1, 1887. KEMPTON, :\Larilla M. of Hallowell and Heman B. Carter, int. Nov. 12, 1854. KENISTON, Arvilla S. and Lewis G. Collins, June 30, 1881. Carrie A, and Edward L. Cutting- of Weston, Mass., Oct. 15, 1879. Hattie J. and Clarence M. Day of Gardiner, int. Dec. 19, 1876. [m. Dec. 20. Gar. Rec] Julia Sophia and Louis Herbert Bell of Gardiner, June 24, 1891. Maria L. and Harry E. Emmons of Gardiner, Sept. 10, 1888. KENNEDY, Eunice H. of Chelsea and George P. Allen, int. Sept. 1, 1888. KIMBALL, Harriet [int. Hattie] A. of Gardiner and George W. Church, May 13, 1871. KITTREDGE, Sarah J. and John E. Gordon [int. Gordan] of Gardiner, Dec. 5, 1881. KNIGHT, Allen W. of Whitefield and Hattie V. Dill of Gar- diner, June 6, 1,883.* ♦Intention not recorded. 56 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. KNOX, John W. of West Gardiner and Geneva W. Johnson of Gardiner, Oct. 13, 1886.* LADD, Charles P. [int. of Brookline, Mass.], and Lizzie B. Davis, Dec. 29, 1870, in Boston, [Mass.] Reuben of Pittston and Ann M. Eldred of Pittston, Dec. 28, 1853.* LAMB, Ruth H. [int. A.] and Sam[ue]l D. Lamb of Water- ville, Mar. 6, 1858. Sam[ue]l D. of Waterville and Ruth H. [int. A.] Lamb, Mar. 6, 1858. LANCASTER, Charles C. and Abbie M. [int. omits M.] Jones, Mar. 29, 1856. Daniel and Sarah Parlin, Nov. 17, 1802.* p. r. 33. Daniel and Ruhama Paine, Jan. 9, 1805.* p. r, 33. Daniel and Louisa Mustard, Nov. 15, 1832.* p. r. 83. Elisa M. and Charles Carr of Boston, [Mass.] int. Oct. 1, 1860. [m. Oct. 11. p. r. 1.] Eliza B. and Levi Mustard, Nov. 21, 1836.* p. r. 33. Levi M. and Maria McCausland, int. June 6, 1873. Louisa A. and John H. Drew of Hallowell, int. Nov. 23, 1859. Sarah P. and Joseph Mustard, Nov. 30, 1834.* p. r. 33. Susanna F. and Sam[ue]l W. Huntingdon, June 30, 1840.* p. R. 33. LARRABEE, Emma C. of Bath and Samuel W. Lombard, int. Dec. 4, 1867. Susan E. and Georg-e Waite of Freeport, Apr. 20, 1862. LAWRENCE, John W. of Gardiner, and Ida F. Cole of West Gardiner, Apr. 2, 1881.* Minnie C. of Randolph [of Pittston, p. r. 31] and L[oring] C. Ballard, June 14, 1887. LEACH, Hepsibeth K. and Samuel Warren, Aug. IC, 1829, in Jay.* p. r. 15. LEARNED, Nelson^of ^South Boston, [Mass.], and Sarah T. Boston, Sept. 2. 1865. [Sara. m. r. 1.] LEAVETT, [int. Leavitt] , Elmer R. of Winthrop and Annie B. Cannon, Sept. 26, 1882. LEMONT, Adam of Brunswick and Caroline Stinson of Bow- doinham, Mar. 10, 1864.* LEWIS, Fannie E. and Horace L. Oliver, July 3, 1886. "Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 57 LIBBY, Mercy A. of Gardiner and Moses B. McCausland, int. Feb. 5, 1862. [m. Feb. 11. Gar. Rec.] Nancy T. and Charles Ayer [int. Ay re] of Alna, July 7, 1859. LILLY, George and Mrs. Mary Palmer, [ ] ,1825.* g. R. 1. LITTLEFIELD, Mrs. Etta B. of Gardiner and Langdon G.. Paul, Oct. 28, 1886. Hattie Augusta and Oris Wilmot Malcolm of Phippsburg, Dec. 25, 1878. Laura A. and William A. Pinkham of West Gardiner, int. Dec. 24, 1868. Robert of West Gardiner and Mrs. Sarah Hodgdon, Aug. 19, 1855. LOMBARD, John and Sylvia Stinson of Boston, Mass., int. Nov. 3, 1868. Samuel W. and Emma C. Larrabee of Bath, int. Dec. 4, 1867. LONGFELLOW, Walter B. and Henrietta Wilson, Sept. 11, 1877, in Lewiston.* p. r. 1. LORD, Abby R. and DeWitt C. Foster, Feb. 27, 1857, in Winthrop.* p. r. 1. Clara A. and Francis H. Watson of Chicopee, Mass., int. Apr. 1, 1867. Mrs. E. P. and Hiram Averill 2d, Sept. 29, 1885. Emily M. and Benjamin U. McCausland, int. Feb. 22, 1861. Hannah of Gardiner and Jery Hodgdon, Dec. 28, 1834.* p. R. 35. John A. and Elizabeth P. Brookings, int. Aug. 31, 1852. Nellie M. and Daniel W. Chapman of Pittston, s'ept. 1, 1875, in Hallowell. LORING, Thomas D. Jr. and Sarah E. Cox, May 1, 1870. Mrs. Sarah E. and Frank D. Perry of Weston, Mass., Apr. 29, 1890. LOUD, Ida Lizzie of East Boston, Mass., and Charles Henry Glazier of Salem, Mass., Nov. 11, 1871.* LOWELL, Abner and Hannah Sawyer of Hallowell, Dec. 29, 1797.* p. R. 11. Eliza Ann and Dennis R. Andrews of St. George, int. June 10, 1862. *Intention not recorded. 8 58 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. Lowell, Frank and Isabel Collins, int. Dec. 24, 1873. [m. Franklin, Jan. 1, 1874. p. r. 11.] Joshua and Eliza Ann Mathews of Hallowell, Oct. 20, 1824, in Hallowell.* p. r. 11. Joshua and Samantha Keith, [ ] , in Hallowell.* p. r. 11. LUCE, Eveline W. and James W. Collins, Dec. 27, 1852. LUNT, Leonora S. of Litchfield and Ruel L. Merrill of West Gardiner, Oct. 21, 1885.* LYON, Phosa W. of Hallowell and James E. Fie welling of Hallowell, Dec. 25, 1883.* MAGRATH, John Thomas and wSarah Jane Herrick, int. Dec. 19, 1863. [m. Dec. 24. Gar. Rec] MALCOLM, Oris Wilmot of Phippsburg- and Hattie Augusta Littlefield. Dec. 25. 1878. MANNING, Maria of Monmouth and H[enry] K. Chadwick, int. Sept. 19, 1857. [m. Oct. 11, in Monmouth, p. r. 1.] MANSON, Edwin and Abbie M. Stone. Sept. 8, 1874.* p. r. 7. MARR, Carrie M, of Augusta and P. H. Gilson of Gardiner, Aug. 27, 1887.* MARRINER, Reuel [int. Ruel] K. of Hallowell and Mary F. Church, Oct. 28, 1873. MARSHALL, Enoch and Hannah Sevey, Sept. 15. 1818.* p. R. 28. Frank H. [int. omits H.] and Lizzie I. Dill of Gardiner, Aug. 14, 1884. Sam[ue]l E. and Mrs. Hannah C. Chisam of Augusta, int. Feb. 4, 1861. [m. Feb. 4. p. r. 28.] MARSON, Peggy and W[illiam] G[ardiner] Warren, Nov. 30, 1797.* Pit. Rec. Mrs. Tamson S. of Gardiner and Edwin Dean, Dec. 24, 1884. MARSTON, Darius of Gardiner and Eunice D. Howard of Gardiner, Aug. 9, 1890.* Frank J. of Randolph and Mrs. Martha Ward, Sept. 29, 1888. MATHEWS, Eliza Ann of Hallowell and Joshua Lowell, Oct. 20, 1824, in Hallowell.* p. r. 11. ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 59 MAYO, William H. and Lizzie Handi^enof New York, N, Y., int. Oct. 27, 1865. McCAUSLAND, Annibelle and Cha[rle]s E. Peacock of Gar- diner, Nov, 24, 1887. Benjamin U. and Emily M. Lord, int. Feb. 22, j861. Carrie E. and Benjamin C. Whitney of Salem, Mass., int. July 24, 1890. [m. July 29. Gar. Rec] Catherine B. and Renaldo Robbins of Damariscotta, int. Jan. 7, 1853. Clara and William A. Stanley of Pittston, May 26, 1880. Delia A. and Wilks W. Richardson, int. Sept. 1, 1852. [m. Wilkes, Sept. 1. Gar. Rec] Esther A. of West Gardiner and Thomas C. McCausland of West Gardiner, Sept. 13, 1852.* Esther [Hester] [int. adds A.] and Gushing Barnes of East Boston, Mass., July 23, 1870. Etta A. [int. omits A.] and Nathaniel F. Trott of Richmond, Oct. 24, 1885. Frederick and Mrs. Leonora Stevens, Dec. 10, 1863. Henrietta, 22, of Gardiner, d. W[illia]m Henry, carpenter, (b. Gardiner), and Eliza, (b. Litchfield), and William H. H. Hig-gfins, 23, raftsman, s. Elisha S., raftsman, (b. Webster) and Ruth, (b. Webster), int. Dec. 21, 1864. [m. Jan. 3, 1865. Gar. Rec] Hester A. (see Esther.) J. Merritt and Floreda M. Dow, July 18, 1880. James S. and Sai'ah Sprag-ue, May 3, 1843.* p. r. 1. James S. and Mrs. Caroline Chenery of Gardiner, Dec. 19, 1883. John H. of Gardiner and Christiana Sweetland, int. Feb. 13, 1860. [m. Feb. 17. Gar. Rec] Laura A. and William A. Hodgdon, int. June 25, 1872. [m. July 7, in Hallowell. p. r. 1.] Lizzie E. of Hallowell and Alvin M. Johnson, int. June 10, 1874. Maggie and Joseph F. Noyes of Gardiner, int. Dec. 19, 1874. Maria and Levi M. Lancaster, int. June 6, 1873. Mrs. Martha and Henry Wakefield of Gardiner, int. May 9, 1866. Mattie K. and Charles E. Batchelder of Bath, Jan. 22, 1889. Melvina and Louis E. Parkhurst of Gardiner, int. Dec. 30, 1871. Moses B. and Mercy A. Libby of Gardiner, int. Feb. 5, 1862. [m. Feb. 11. Gar. Rec] Oscar and Lizzie S. Jeck of Gardiner, int. Nov. 28, 1870. [m. Dec. 6. Gar. Rec] 'Intention not recorded. 60 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. McCausland, Oscar and Cora E. Bigelow of Gardiner, int. May 19, 1877. [m. May 26. Gar. Rec] Sadie J. and Arthur Jewett, Jan. 25, 1882. Sumner Berrv and Augusta Andrews Barnard, Nov. 28, 1855.* p. R. 18. Thomas C. of West Gardiner and Esther A. McCausland of West Gardiner, Sept. 13, 1852.* Wallace B. of Portland and Lizzie G. Norton, Feb. 19, 1890. William and Mrs. Louisa F. Carter, Mar. 1, 1853. McGROTA, David and Mrs. Julia A. L. Grover, int. Mar. 4, 1869. Mclaughlin, Fred [eric] W. of Augusta and Alice M. Brann, int. July 27, 1876. [m. Aug. 3. Gar. Rec] W. C. and Hannah C. Ward, int. Jan. 10, 1877. [in. Jan. 18. Gar. Rec] MEADY, Alfred P. of Downieville, Cal., and Roselia Bailey, int. Oct. 9, 1860. Mrs. Eliza and Joseph W. Emery of Manchester, int. Oct. 15, 1880. Fred H. and Sarah L Sager of Gardiner, Nov. 26. 1879. MEARS, Elijah and Francena Sawyer of Foxboro, Mass., int. Feb. 23, 1881. [m. Mar. 1. Gar. Rec] Ena M. and C. E. Tedford of Topsham, Dec. 10, 1885. [Rev. C. E. Tedford of Limerick. CI. R. 1.] MEDER, Darius of Litchfield and Addie Frances Barker, int- Aug. 13, 1870. MERRILL, George E. of Richmond and Cora L. Polereczky, June 22, 1882. Dr. Joseph and Mary i^nn Ballard, Feb. 16, 1841.* p. r. 29. Lucinda F. of Richmond and Herbert L. Crocker, Aug. 30, 1877. Ruel L. of West Gardiner and Leonora S. Lunt of Litchfield, Oct. 21, 1885.* MESERVE, Carrie C. and Ivory Ham, Apr. 20, 1881.' MESERVEY, Sarah C. and Charles S. Bean of West Gar- diner, int. July 7, 1869. MILLER, Annie J. and Charles F. Church, Aug. 1, 1874. MITCHELL, Jones of Bath and Ann F. Waterhouse, int. July 4, 1856. Thomas of Yarmouth and ]Mary Jane Carr, int. Oct. 1, 1855. ^Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 61 MOODY, Aug-usta and James H. Moodv, Sept. 27, 1873, in Whitefield.* p. r. 1. James H. and Augusta Moody, Sept. 27, 1873, in White- field.* p. R. 1. Mrs. Mary H. of Belfast and Jesse Higgins, int. Mar. 20, 1862. MORANG, Eva F. of Lisbon and George H. Hatch, int. Sept. 8, 1873. MORGAN, Carrie M. and Winfield S. Whitehouse of Gar- diner, Apr. 25, 1888. Mrs. Elizabeth H. and Porter Walbridge, Aug. 10, 1881. Emeline and Johnathan Baker, of South Yarmouth, int. Aug. 29, 1856. Fred S. and Eliona Allen of Bowdoinham, int. Nov. 17, 1886. Reuben D. and Elizabeth H. Glidden, Aug. 31, 1861. MORRISON, Mary E. of Phippsburg- Centre and Henry F. Davis, int. Oct. 16, 1873. MORSE, Edwin E. and Fannie E. Seavy, int. Oct. 29, 1863. MORTON, Annis S. of Wiscasset and Alfred A. Ballard, May 4, 1872.* p. R. 31. MURPHY, Mary A. and Augustus A. Brann, int. June 15, 1867. MUSTARD, Joseph and Sarah P. Lancaster, Nov. 30, 1834.* p. R. 33. Levi and Eliza B. Lancaster, Nov. 21, 1836.* p. r. 33. Louiza and Daniel Lancaster, Nov. 15, 1832.* p. r. 33. NEAL, Henry M. and Bernice Dinsmore of Bowdoinham, int. June 16, 1859. Reuben S. and Lizzie F. Cannon, Jan. 31, 1877. Mrs. Sarah of Hallowell and John Stevens Esq., of Wool- wich, Dec. 9, 1854,* NELSON, Levi M. and Eliza Y. Fuller, int. May 26, 1859. Levi M., 60, farmer, 3d mar., s. David, farmer, (b. Milford, Mass.) and Elisabeth, (b. Milford, Mass.) and Malinda Trask, 60, 2d mar., d. Seth Townsend, manufacturer lumber, (b. Augusta) and Betty, (b. Sidney), int. Sept. 10, 1864. NEWALL, William H. of West Gardiner and Lulu A. Jewell [Jewett] of West Gardiner, Oct. 3, 1885.* *Intention not recorded. 62 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. NILES, Nathan L. of Hallowell and Lilla M. Sandford, Dec. [— ], 1884.* p. R. 2. NORTON, Francis [sic} J. of West Gardiner and Martin [int. adds L.] Cannon, Nov. 24, 1858, in West Gardiner. [Frances J. and Martin L. m. r. 1.] James A. W. and Charity P. Church, Feb. 27, 1862. Katie E. and Samuel L. Tibbetts, int. July 9, 1866. Lizzie G. and Wallace B. McCausland of Portland, Feb. 19, 1890. Lucy G. of West Gardiner and Samuel W. Rice, Nov. 20, 1861. Olive C. of West Gardiner and Daniel R. Hodg'don, int. Mar. 5, 1863. [m. Daniel B., Mar. 15. Gar. Rec] Simon B. and Hannah B. Dow of Palermo, int. May 7, 1870. Simon B. and Caroline A. Taylor of Gardiner, int. June 21, 1873. NOYES (see Noyse), Joseph F. of Gardiner and Magrgfie McCausland, int. Dec. 19. 1874. NOYSE (see Noyes), Mary L. [int. Lizzie] and Royal Lee Curtis, Nov. 25, 1875. NYE, Julia A. of Hallowell and Daniel Hodg-es, int. Nov. 3, 1854. OLIVER, Horace L. and Fannie E. Lewis, July 3. 1886. Lizzie A. and H[arry] J. Stone of Gardiner, int. Mar. 30, 1882. [m. Apr. 10." Gar. Rec] Luther of Gardiner and Rachel E. Brann, int. Dec. 27, 1867. PACKARD, Mary Ann and Asahel Wellington Hamlin, June 27, 1850, in Aug'usta.* p. r. 34. Mehitable, d. Joshua of Readfield, and John Rice, abt. 1789.* p. R. 38. PAGE, David of Gardiner and Martha Dill of Gardiner, Dec. 19, 1869.* Mary E. and Theodore P. Brown, int. Sept. 14, 1876. [m. Oct. 1. Gar. Rec] PAINE, Ruhama and Daniel Lancaster, Jan. 9, 1805.* p. r. 33. PALMER, Levi F. and Mary Spring-er, [ ], 1805.* o. R. 1. PARKER, Zeri S. and Anna F. Simpson, Apr. 18, 1865, in Weld.* p. R. 27. *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 63 PARKHURST, Louis E. of Gardiner and Melvina McCaus- land, int. Dec. 30, 1871. PARLIN, Sarah and Daniel Lancaster, Nov. 17, 1802.* p. r. 33. PARTRIDGE, Gertrude A. and Henry H. Williams of Bow- doin, June 9, 1886. PATTERSON, Edmund D. and Mrs. Lizzie A. Ramsdell, Nov. 1, 1880. Mary A. and Josiah G. Harriman, Nov. 30, 1852. PAUL, (see Paule), Ellen L and Llovd A. Rouse of Amenia, Dak., Nov. 22, 1887. George W. of Pittsburg-, Penn., and Lizzie S. Colcord, Dec. 17, 1874. Lang-don G. and Mrs. Etta B. Littlefield of Gardiner, Oct. 28, 1886. Thomas S. of Hallowell and Martha A. Russell of Hallowell, Dec. 10. 1848, in Hallowell.* p. r. 6. William and Rhoda Smith, Jan. 22, 1807.* p. r. 6. PAULE, (see Paul), [int. Paul], Melissa of [int. North] Pa- lermo and Eben Hinkley [int. Oben Hinkly] , May 5, 1858, in Palermo. PAYNE, John R. of Boston, Mass., and Nellie M. Cum- mings, Dec. 29, 1883. PEACOCK, Addie B. and Sim [eon] P. Dean, int. June 4, 1877. [m. June 9. Gar. Rec] Cha[rle]s E. of Gardiner and Annibelle McCausland, Nov. 24, 1887. Jane W. of Gardiner, and William W. Cannon, int. Oct. 11, 1853. [m. Oct. 13. Gar. Rec] Marian and Fred W. Hunton of Gardiner, Jan. 19, 1886. Minnie E. of Gardiner and Walter R. Wakefield of Gardiner, Apr. 28, 1883.* [Gar. Rec. has Walter K.] William B. of Gardiner and Hannah B. Gammon, int. May 7, 1870. [m. Anna, May 23. Gar. Rec] PEAKE, WilHam E. of New Bedford, Mass., and Emma N. Peaslee, int. Aug-. 3, 1884. PEASLEE, Emma N. and William E. Peake of New Bed- ford, Mass., int. Aug:. 3, 1884. PEIRCE, (see Pierce), Edwin and Martha White of Canton. Conn., int. Dec. 1, 1856. Mrs. Mary T. of Gardiner and James Stone, Oct. 26, 1882. [Gar. Rec. has Pierce.] ^Intention not recorded. 64 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. PENDER, John and Esther Greene, Nov. 26, 1883. PERKINS, Mrs. Sarah D. and George W. Potter, Oct. 23, 1878. PERRY, Frank D. of Weston, Mass., and Mrs. Sarah E. Loring-, Apr. 29, 1890. Henry W. of Boston, Mass., and Marj^ E. Drew, June 5, 1890. PERT, Elbridge G. of Richmond and Mary A. Hull, int. Nov. 6, 1876. [m. Nov. 15. Gar. Rec] PHILLIPS, Edward H. of Brookline, Mass., and Lizzie P. Robinson, Apr. 19. 1879. PIERCE, (see Peirce), George R. and Mary P. Bates of Gardiner, int. Nov. 29, 1854. Capt. Henry M. and Hannah M. Hanson of Dover, N. H., int. Sept. 29, 1853. PINKHAM, Naham M. of West Gardiner and Lucy E. Win- ter, int. Dec. 2, 1871. William A. of West Gardiner and Laura A. Littlefield, int. Dec. 24, 1868. William A. and Luella Collins, Feb. 1, 1871. William A. and Mrs. Annie F. Brown, int. May 6, 1884. PIPER, Betsey and George Church, Oct. 23, 1817.* p. r. 36. Simon of Starks and Mrs. Betsey Walker, Mar. 13, 1861. PLUMMER, Hattie A. and Pope Gibbs of Gardiner, Oct. 2, 1886. POLERECZKY, Cora L. and George E. Merrill of Richmond, Jime 22, 1882. POLLARD, Mary E. of Gardiner and Thompson Keenen, int. Sept. 10, 1855. POTTER, George W. and Mrs. Sarah D. Perkins, Oct. 23, 1878. Mrs. Mary A. of Richmond and Daniel R. Hodgdon, int. Nov. 19, 1869. POTTLE, Emma Y. and Thomas W. Avery of Sidney, Nov. 4, 1883. PRATT, Lydia A. of Lewiston and James E. Ballard, int. Apr. 7, 1874. [m. Apr. 15. p. R. 31.] PREBLE, Huldah H. and Ebenezer Brookings, Dec. 2, 1852. *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 65 PURDY, Theresa E. and Herbert H. Ring of Gardiner, Dec. 28, 1881. PUTNAM, Frank M. of Gardiner and Carrie T. Atkins, int. Jan. 2, 1883. [m. Jan. 24. p. r. 1.] QUINBY, Mary F. and Sandford P. Smith of Aiigfusta, July 4, 1871. RACKLIFF, Hannah E., 22, tailoress, d. Alexander, (b. Woolwich) and Eliza, (b. Woolwich), and Charles Emerson Jr., 26, razor strop maker, of Charlestown, Mass., s. Charles, razor strop maker, (b. Lancaster, Mass.) and Sarah B., (b. Centre Harbor, N. H.,), int. Dec. 17, 1864. [m. Rockliife, Jan. 2, 1865. Gar. Rec] Moses [int. Rackleff] of Angfusta and Mrs. Octavia Hinkley^ Feb. 27, 1862. [Rackleff. m. r. 1.] RAMSDELL, Mrs. Lizzie A. and Edmund D. Patterson, Nov. I, 1880. RAPPE (see Roppe.) RAY, George H. of LaCrosse, Wis., and Hattie M. Johnson, Oct. 14, 1880. RAYNOLDS, Osborn L. and Maud L. Field of Hallowell, int. June 29, 1888. REA, Jane and David Call, June 11, 1811, in N. Y. City.* p. R. 32. REED, Etta L. of Pittston and Nelson Colburn of Pittston, Dec. 31, 1882.* George E. of Gardiner and Arcadia L. Walbridge, Sept. 21, 1876. Mary F. and William T. Clarke of Gardiner, Jan. 25. 1871. Thomas D. of Georgetown and Nellie T. Smith, Feb. 13, 1886. RHODES, Ella G. of Lynn, Mass., and Fred A. Collins, int. May 12, 1882. RICE, Alden, s. John and Mehitable, and Susan E. Gage, d. Thomas and Nancy, Nov. 6, 1834.* p. r. 38. Carrie J. and Millard F. Smith of Hallowell, int. July 27, 1872. Clarendon B. and Mattie Dunn of Moimt Vernon, int. Feb. II, 1874. Etta L. and Jefferson D. Welch of Hallowell. int. Aug. 7, 1881. •Intention not recorded. 9 66 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. Rice, Greenlief W. and Ellen Flitner of Pittston, int. Jan. 24, 1870. Horace and Lydia B. Holden, Feb. 22, 1864. John and Mehitable Packard, d. Joshua of Readfield, abt. 1789.* p. R. 38. Julia Ann and Joshua E. Gage, [ ].* p. r. 38. Mary and Andrew T. Getchell, [ ].* p. r. 38. Samuel W. and Lucv G. Norton of West Gardiner, Nov. 20, 1861. Sarah E. and Charles J. Higg-ins [int. of Indianapolis, Ind.] May 4, 1868. William H. and Mary A. Brewer, int. Sept. 30, 1870. RICH, Abraham and Helen Meigs Danforth, int. Apr. 6, 1889. Alice M. and William H. Richards, Feb. 28, 1885. Tohn W. and Katie A. Dovle of Winthrop, int. Dec. 13, 1890. Richard and Abby C. Thompson, Jan. 20, 1880. RICHARDS, Martha A. S. and John B. Jones, Oct. 10, 1861. William H. and Alice M. Rich, Feb. 28, 1885. RICHARDSON, Edith C. and Henry D. Roberts, Jan. 5, 1888. Frank F. and Minnie E. Haynes of Gardiner, int. May 16, 1885. Mary F. [int. T.] and F. W. Douglass, Oct. 31, 1885. Wilks W. and Delia A. McCausland, int. Sept. 1, 1852. [m. Wilkes, Sept. 1. Gar. Rec] RICKER, Daniel E. of Somerville and Mrs. Martha A. Davis of Whitefield, Apr. 23, 1881.* RING, Herbert H. of Gardiner and Theresa E. Purdy, Dec. 28, 1881. ROBBINS, Renaldo of Damariscotta and Catherine B. Mc- Causland, int. Jan. 7, 1853. ROBERTS, Henry D. and Edith C. Richardson, Jan. 5, 1888. ROBINSON, Andrew S. of Gardiner and Mary E. Ward of Gardiner, Sept. 8, 1872.* Eunice B. and Emerson Titcomb, int. Feb. 24, 1864. Greenleaf and Deborah T. Hutchinson, int. Nov. 15. 1866. Hermon E. of St. Louis, Mo., and Emma L. Shepard, Feb. 13, 1890. ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 67 Robinson, Lizzie P. and Edward H. Phillips of Brookline, Mass., Apr. 19, 1879. Mary E. and Clarence C. Kemp of Boston, Mass., Sept. 1, 1887. Melvin G. and R. Jennie Church, int. Nov. 12, 1870, ROCKWOOD, Aldora F. of Augusta and Charles H. Wills of Aug-usta, Nov. 3, 1867.* ROGERS, Abbie L. of Bath and Thurston S. Burns, int. Sept. 21, 1874. George D. of West Gardiner and Sarah E. Sinclair of West Gardiner, Apr. 18, 1885.* ROLLINS, Mrs. Hannah and Rodney Carter of Chesterville, Nov. 18, 1884. James R. of Gardiner and Nellie M. Russell, int. Nov. 11, 1875. [m. Nov. 17. Gar. Rec] Oscar F. of Gardiner and Lizzie White, int. June 21, 1862. ROPPE, John G. of Boston, Mass., and Mary L. Seiders, int. Jan. 28, 1856. [m. Rappe, Jan. 31. p. r. 13.] ROUSE, Lloyd A. of Amenia, Dak., and Ellen L Paul, Nov. 22, 1887. RUSSELL, C. W. and Annie A. Heath of Gardiner, int. Jan. 19, 1877. [m. Jan. 25. Gar. Rec] Frank of Arthur, Dak., and Susie A. Cummings, Feb. 18, 1885. James W. and Annie Greene, Dec. 25, 1883. Martha A. of Hallowell and Thomas S. Paul of Hallowell, Dec. 10, 1848. in Hallowell.* p. r. 6. Nellie M. and James R. Rollins of Gardiner, int. Nov. 11, 1875. [m. Nov. 17. Gar. Rec] SAGER, George R. of Gardiner and Jennie V. Cunningham, Dec. 29, 1891. Sarah I. of Gardiner and Fred H. Meady, Nov. 26, 1879. SANDFORD, Benjamin F. and Mary M. Thwing, Aug. 18, 1852, in Boston, Mass.* p. r. 2. Lilla M. and Nathan L. Niles of Hallowell, Dec. [— ] , 1884.* p. r. 2. SARGENT, Abigail E. and George T. Cox, Dec. 2. 1838.* p. R. 8. Jane C. and Thomas Stevens, int. May 26, 1874. Julia A. L. and Benj[amin] F. Grover, int. Oct. 30, 1860. *Intention not recorded. 68 FARMESTGDALE MARRIAGES. SAWYER, Francena of Foxboro, ]\Iass., and Elijah Mears, int. Feb. 23, 1881. [m. Mar. 1. Gar. Rec] Hannah of Hallowell and Abner Lowell, Dec. 29, 1797.* p. R. 11. SCOTT, Laura H. of Pittston and Sumner Smiley Jr., int. June 25, 1863. Mary J. and Hiram Averill, Nov 9, 1848.* p. r. 23. SEAVEY, (see Seavy), Ann M. and Thadeus Hildreth 2d of Gardiner, Nov. 15, 1855, in Hallowell. Charles L. and Harriet Bartlett, Feb. 29, 1852.* p. r. 5. Edward K. and Sarah Aspinwall, int. Jan. 8, 1864. [m. Jan. 14. p. R. 5.] George H. and Mary A. Edson of Hallowell, Dec. 24, 1875, in Hallowell. Louisa and George A. Thayer, Nov. 25, 1856.* p. r. 5. Samuel and Elizabeth G. Dawes. May 18, 1824.* p. r. 5. SEAVY (see Seavey), Abbie and Moses Harding of Foxboro, int. Aug. 31, 1857. [m. Abbie J. Seavey and Moses E. Harding, Sept. 1. p. r. 5.] Fannie E. and Edwin E. Morse, int. Oct. 29, 1863. SEIDERS, Mary L. and John G. Roppe of Boston, Mass., int. Jan. 28, 1856. [m. Rappe, Jan. 31. p. r. 13.] SEVEY, Hannah and Enoch Marshall, Sept. 15, 1818.* p. r. 28. SHAW, John of Woolwich and Mrs. Catharine H. Hatch, int. May 23, 1863. [m. June 2. Gar. Rec] SHEPARD, Emma L. and Hermon E. Robinson of St. Louis, Mo., Feb, 13, 1890. SIMPSON, Anna F. and Zeri S. Parker, Apr. 18, 1865, in Weld.* p. R. 27. SINCLAIR, Sarah E. of West Gardiner and George D. Rogers of W>st Gardiner, Apr. 18, 1885.* SMALL, Edwin R. of Lisbon and Lizzie A. Smith, June 24, 1873. SMILEY, Sumner Jr. and Laura H. Scott of Pittston, int. June 25, 1863. SMITH, George H. and Charlotte A. Dingley of Hallowell, int. Mar. 27, 1876. [m. Apr. 1. Gar. Rec] Isadora and Bertram [int. adds A.] Baker, Oct. 26, 1887. Lizzie A. and Edwin R. Small of Lisbon, June 24, 1873. *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 69 Smith, Millard F. of Hallowell and Carrie J. Rice, int. July 27, 1872. Nellie T. and Thomas D. Reed of Georgetown, Feb. 13, 1886. Rhoda and William Paul, Jan. 22, 1807.* p. r. 6. Sanford P. of Augusta and Mary E. Quinby, July 4, 1871. Victoria L. and Frank Bean, int. Feb. 21, 1886. SOMES, Charles T. of Damariscotta and Elizabeth J. Curtis, Sept. 26, 1852. SOTHEARD, Ed. A, of Gardiner and Cora M. Whitten, int. May 10, 1883. [ni. May 17. Gar. Rec] SPAULDING, Mrs. Sylvia of Hallowell and William Winter, int. Sept. 10, 1888. SPEAR, John A. of West Gardiner and Sarah Tyler, int. June 3, 1881. SPRAGUE, Benjamin and Mehitable Huston of Gardiner, int. Jan. 22, 1867. [m. Apr. 14. Gar. Rec] SPRINGER, Benjamin and Hannah Ballard, Jan. 5, 1829.* p. R. 29. Louise H. and Thomas Gilpatrick, int. Dec. 21, 1861. STANLEY, William A. of Pittston and Clara McCausland, May 26, 1880. STANTIOL, John of Hallowell and Nancy Groves, int. Nov. 14, 1859. STAPLES, Coburn L. of Augusta and Gustie L. White, int. Nov. 15, 1884. STARBIRD, Daniel W. of Bowdoin and Martha J. Ames, int. Sept. 29, 1883. STEVENS, Isaiah and Rebecca S. Coombs of Whitefield, int. Nov. 6, 1860. John, Esq. of Woolwich and Mrs. Sarah Neal of Hallowell, Dec. 9, 1854.* Mrs. Leonora and Frederick McCausland, Dec. 10, 1863. Lydia Goddard, 21, school-teacher, d. Isaiah, farmer, (b. Windham) and Mary, (b. Windham,) and Isaac Sar- gent Davis, 22, carpenter, s. Thomas Jefferson, farmer, (b. Hallowell) and Nancy Merrill, (b. Loudon, N. H.), int. Sept. 6, [l864]. Thomas and Jane C. Sargent, int. May 26, 1874. 'Intention not recorded. 70 FARMIXGDALE MARRIAGES. STILPHEN, Asbury Coke, 23, and Annie Maria Chadwick, 26, int. Aug-. 1, 1865. [m. Aug. 6, in Gardiner, p. r. 1.] STINSON, Caroline of Bowdoinham and Adam Lemont of Brunswick, Mar. 10, 1864.* Eliza J. and Loring Ballard, Feb. 19, 1839.* p. r. 29. Mary R. and Aug-ustus Ballard, June 26, 1838.* p. r. 29. Sylvia of Boston, Mass., and John Lombard, int. Nov. 3, 1868. STODDARD, William H. of Hallowell and Olevia A. Carter, int. Sept. 12, 1873. STONE, Abbie M. and Edwin :Manson, Sept. 8, 1874.* p. R. 7. Clara J. of Pittston and Wesley Collins, int. May 29, 1858. Delia T. and Uriah T. Stone of Boston, Mass., int. Xov. 22, 1868. Everett and Georgia E. Tucker of Gardiner, int. Apr. 21, 1879. George H. and Mary L. Whitmore of Gardiner, int. May 16, 1867. [m. May 24. Gar. Rec] H[arry] J. of Gardiner and Lizzie A. Oliver, int. Mar. 30, 18"82. [m. Apr. 10. Gar. Rec] J. T. Jr. and Jennie Garnet [int. Garnett] , Oct. 26, 1885. James and Mary T. Peirce of Gardiner, Oct. 26, 1882. [Gar. Rec. has Pierce.] Lottie T. and Fernando Swain, Sept. 10, 1872. Uriah T. of Boston, Mass.. and Delia T. Stone, int. Nov. 22, 1868. STRONG, Mrs. Emma C. of Gardiner and Hartin Burnes [^Lirtin Burns] of Gardiner, Jan. 18. 1879.* S. E. of Gardiner and Mrs. N. A. Gullifer of Gardiner, June 10, 1880.* STURDIVANT, Anna A. of Portland and Peter Grant, int. Oct. 3, 1863. SWAIN, Fernando and Lottie T. Stone, Sept. 10, j872. SWEETLAND, Christiana and John H. McCausland of Gar- diner, int. Feb. 13, 1860. [m. Feb. 17. Gar. Rec] Josephine and Albert S. Buswell of Hallowell, Dec. 30, 1865. TARBOX, Clara P. of Gardiner and Everett S. Brann, int. Nov. 18, 1861. [m. Dec. 25. Gar. Rec] TAYLOR, Caroline A. of Gardiner and Simon B. Norton, int. June 21, 1873. •Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 71 TEDFORD, C. E. of Topsham and Ena M. Mears, Dec. 10, 1885. [Rev. C. E. Tedford of Limerick. CI. R. 1.] THAYER, George A. and Louisa Seavey, Nov. 25, 1856.* p. R. 5. THOMPSON, Abby C. and Richard Rich, Jan. 20, 1880. Lucy D. and James A. Jackson of Gardiner, Jan. 24, 1866. THWIKG, Mary M. and Benjamin F. Sandford Aug. 18, 1852, in Boston, Mass.* p. r. 2. TIBBETTS, Samuel L. and Katie E. Norton, int. July 9, 1866. TITCOMB, Deborah L. and Daniel L. Burns, [ ].* p. R. 1. Emerson and Eunice B. Robinson, int. Feb. 24, 1864. Matilda and Hiram B. Colcord, int. Dec. 4, 1867. TOLMAN, Aaron and Delia A. Upham, Nov. 28, 1852. TOWNSEND, Rachel of Gardiner and Marcellus Blair, Apr. 16, 1871. TRASK, Malinda, 60, 2d mar., d. Seth Townsend, manu- facturer lumber, (b. Augusta) and Betty, (b. Sidney), and Levi M. Nelson, 60, farmer, 3d mar., s. David, farmer, (b, Milford, Mass.) and Elizabeth, (b. Milford, Mass.), int. Sept. 10, 1864. Phoebe of Sidney and Dennis N. Berry of Sidney, Oct. 20, 1886.* TROTT, Nathaniel F. of Richmond and Etta A. [int. omits A.] McCausland, Oct. 24, 1885. TRUE, Cha[rle]s H. of Augusta and H. S. Davis, int. Apr. 3, 1862. [m. Charles Henry, Hannah Sargent, Apr. 10. Gar. Rec] TUCKER, Georgia E. of Gardiner and Everett Stone, int. Apr. 21, 1879. TUTTLE, Ada of Hallowell and George F. Arthur, int. Mar. 16, 1882. TYLER, Sarah and John A. Spear, of West Gardiner, int. June 3, 1881. UPHAM, Delia A. and Aaron Tolman, Nov. 28, 1852. *Intention not recorded. 72 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. VIGOUREUX, Cordelia T. and Samuel Warren, Apr. 18, 1839, in Gardiner.* p. r. 15. Joseph H. and Charlotte B. Haj^nes of Hallowell, int. Jan. 25, 1855. Peter and Sarah Damon, July 4, 1810, in Wiscasset.* p. r. 14. WAHLGREN, Annie C. and George H. Holmes of Gardiner, Sept. 1, 1879. WAITE, Cephus [int. Cephas] K. of Freeport and Fredricka [int. Fredereka] F. Benner, Dee. 26, 1867. George of Freeport and Susan E. Larrabee, Apr. 20, 1862. Helen A. of Freeport and Charles L. Ballard, int. Apr. 27, 1878. [m. May 4. p. r. 31.] WAKEFIELD, Edgar C. of Gardiner and Flora B. Wight, int. Mar. 3, 1888. [m. Mar. 13. Gar. Rec.] Henry of Gardiner and Mrs. Martha McCausland, int. May 9, 1866. Walter R. of Gardiner and Minnie E. Peacock of Gardiner, Apr. 28, 1883.* [Gar. Rec. has Walter K.] WALBRIDGE, Arcadia L. and George E. Reed of Gardiner, Sept. 21, 1876. Ida A. and Frank W. Ward of Gardiner, July 17, 1881. Porter and Mrs. Elizabeth H, Morgan, Aug. 10, 1881. WALKER, Mrs. Betsey and Simon Piper of Starks, Mar. 13, 1861. Eva and William C. Horn, Dec. 7, 1868, in Hallowell.* p. R. 1. WARD, Edward Y. and Martha Hutchins, int. Apr. 14, 1874. Frank W. of Gardiner and Ida A. Walbridge, July 17, 1881. Hannah C. and W. C. McLaughlin, int. Jan. 10, 1877. [m. Jan. 18. Gar. Rec] Mrs. Martha and Frank J. Marston of Randolph. Sept. 29, 1888. Mary E. of Gardiner and Andrew S. Robinson of Gardiner, Sept. 8, 1872.* WARREN, Samuel and Hepsibeth K. Leach, Aug. 10, 1829, in Jay.* p. r. 15. Samuel and Cordelia T. Vigoureux, Apr. 18, "1839, in Gar- diner.* p. R. 15. W[illiam] G[ardiner] and Peggy Marson, Nov. 30, 1797.* Pit. Rec. *Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. 73 WATERHOUSE, Ann F. and Jones Mitchell of Bath, int. July 4, 1856. Warren C. and Se villa W. Wood of Vassalboro, int. May 24, 1860. WATKINS, Charles F. of Augnsta and Hattie A. Gowell, int. Sept. 11, li "WATSON, Francis H. of Chicopee, Mass., and Clara A. Lord, int. Apr. 1, 1867. WEBB, Fred E. of Gardiner and R. A. Dow, Sept. 20, 1886. WEBBER, Mrs. Clara J. and Joseph S. Estes, May 21, 1876, in Gardiner. WEEKS, Cha[rle]s H. of Augusta and Isabella M. Emlay of Augusta, Nov. 12, 1865.* WELCH, Achsa A. and James W. Carter, Jan. 7, 1866, in Weld.* p. R. 3. Jefferson D. of Hallowell and Etta L. Rice, int. Aug. 7, 1881. WEYMOUTH, Lillian J. of West Gardiner and Ernest M. Dill of Gardiner, Oct. 25, 1879.* WHITE, Flora A. of Chelsea and C. W. Collins, int. Oct. 6, 1881. [m. Oct. 15. Gar. Rec] Gustie L. and Coburn L. Staples of Augusta, int. Nov. 15, 1884. Lida B. of Gardiner and George G. Hinkley of Gardiner, Nov. 23, 1884.* Lizzie and Oscar F. Rollins of Gardiner, int. June 21, 1862. Martha of Canton, Conn., and Edwin Peirce, int. Dec. 1, 1856. Nelle E. and Stephen M. Bickford, int. Mar. 19, 1887. WHITEHOUSE, Winfield S. of Gardiner and Carrie M. Mor- gan, Apr. 25, 1888. WHITMORE, Mary L. of Gardiner and George H. Stone, int. May 16, 1867. [m. May 24. Gar. Rec] WHITNEY, Benjamin C. of Salem, Mass., and Carrie E. McCausland, int. July 24, 1890. [m. Julv 29. Gar. Reel Lillian E. of Randolph and Charles A. Blair, Dec. 24, 1890. Martha and Abraham Holland, Dec. 24, 1853. •Intention not recorded. 10 74 FARMINGDALE MARRIAGES. WHITTEN, Cora J. and E. G. Allen, Aug. 2, 1882.* Cora M. and Ed. A. Sotheard of Gardiner, int. May 10, 1883. [m. May 17. Gar. Rec.] James E. and H. Jennie Cox of Gardiner, int. May 5, 1883. [m. May 17. Gar. Rec.] Lucy E. and Elbridge A. Button of Augfusta, int. Oct. 26, 1852. WIGHT, Flora B. and Edgar C. Wakefield of Gardiner, int. Mar. 3, 1888. [m. Mar. 13. Gar. Rec] WILLIAMS, Henry H. of Bowdoin and Gertrude A. Part- ridge, June 9, 1886. Lizzie J. and Henry W. Hall, Dec. 30, 1883. WILLIS, Albert A. of Exeter, N. H., and Georgia Cum- mings of Cambridgeport, Mass., Apr. 11, 1883.* WILLS, Charles H. of Augusta and Aldora F. Rockwood of Augusta, Nov. 3, 1867.* WILSON, Henrietta and Walter B. Longfellow, Sept. 11, 1877, in Lewiston.* p. r. 1. WINTER, Abbie E. and William S. Chase of Chelsea, int. May 20, 1878. [m. June 2. Pit. Rec] George F. and Abbie H. Church of Gardiner, int. Mar. 20, 1871. [m. Abbie F., Mar. 26. Gar. Rec] Lucy E. and Naham M. Pinkham of West Gardiner, int. Dec. 2, 1871. William and Mrs. Sj^lvia Spaulding of Hallowell, int. Sept. 10, 1888. William A. and Ellen M. Johnson, Nov. 27, 1861. WOOD, James R. 26, provision dealer, of East Boston, [Mass.], s. Lucias, farmer, (b. Vermont), and Mary R. Collins, 22, seamstress, d. James, sea captain, (b. Farm- ingdale) and Martha, (b. Farmingdale), Jan. 23, 1865. Se villa W. of Vassalboro and Warren C. Waterhouse, int. May 24, 1860. ♦Intention not recorded. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. To The Year 1892. ALLEN, Mary E., w. Cyrus H., Mar. 29, 1865, a. 34 y. 7 m. G. R. 1. , s. Cyrus H. and Mary E., Aug. 7, 1858, infant. G. R. 1, ANDREWS, Capt. Dennis R., Jan. 4, 1879, a. 43 y. 7 m. 25 d., "washed overboard at sea, second day out from St. Georges, Bermuda." g. r. 2. Lucinda Rivers, d. Capt. Dennis R. and Eliza A., July 23, 1868. g. r. 2. ASPINWALL, Charles J., s. Thomas J. and Jane, Mar. 23, 1835. in Phillips, p. r. 1. Jane Hewey, w. Tho[ma]s J., Jan. 31, 1885. g. r. 1. Tho[ma]s J., July 26, 1886. g. r. 1. ATHEARN, John H., s. John H. and Alice J., Apr. 5, 1848. g. r. 1. ATKINS, Fred R., s. Joseph C. and Esther A., June 14, 1864. p. R. 22. Louis B., s. Joseph C. and Esther A., Aug". 23, 1857. p. r. 22. Robert P., s. Joseph C. and Esther A., Dec. 10, 1880. p. r. 22. Thomas N., Dec. 16, 1861. p. r. 31. AVERILL, Addie, d. Hiram and Nancy, Sept. 16, 1875, a. 26. G. r. 3. Charles F., s. Hiram and Mary J., Dec. 2, 1861, a. 9. G. r. 2. [Dec. 9, 1862. p. R. 23.] Clementine E., \v. Hiram, June 27, 1848. p. r. 23. Hiram, Mar. 20, 1890, a. 82 y. 5 m. G. r. 2. Mary J., w. Hiram, Mar. 7, 1884, a. 66 y. 5 m. g. r. 2, Nancy, w. Hiram, July 12, 1884, a. 72. g. r. 3. 76 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. BAKER, Alice S., d. Horace and Joan, Nov. 13, 1865, a. 3 y. 2 m. 18 d. G. r. 1. Bathsheba, w. John, Dec. 22, 1867, a. 79. g. r. 2. Brown, May 8, 1878, a. 85 y. 5 m. g. r. 2. Charles P., [s. John Jr. and Esther H.], [ ], 1873. g. R. 2. Eugene, s. John N. and Mary A., May 25, 1862, a. 8 m. G. R. 2. Eunice A., d. Horace and Joan, Jan. 11, 1866, a. 8 y. 4 m. G. R. 1. James W., s. Horace and Joan, Feb. 7, 1862, a. 1 y. 10 m. G. R. 1. John, Sept. 8, 1862, a. 74. G. r. 2. Josiah, Oct. 8, 1878, a. 59. G. R. 3. Julia, [d. Brown and Phebe] , July 25, 1862. G. r. 2. Lizzie M., d. J [esse] A. and Maria, Mar. 14, 1858, a. 2. G. R. 1. Lucy G., d. Horace and Joan, Dec. 6, 1865, a. 1 y. 7 m. 12 d. G. R. 1. Maria W., w. Jesse A., May 13, 1886, a. 49. g. r. 1. Paul H., [ ], 1858. g. r. 2. [little son, s. John Jr. and Esther H., Sept. 26. p. r. 26.] Phebe, w. Brown, Nov. 10, 1889, a. 91 y. 10 m. g. r. 2. Warren L., Jan. 12, 1890, a. 60. g. r. 2. BALLARD, Augustus, Mar. 18, 1829, a. 62. g. r. 1. Augustus, Aug. 21, 1860, a. 55 y. 6 ra. G. R. 1. [Augustus Jr., s. Augustus and Thankful, p. r. 31.] Capt. Calvin of Hallowell, July 10, 1823, a. 50. in New Or- leans. G. R. 1. Daniel B., Apr. 5, 1832, a. 27. G. R. 1. Edith May, d. L[oring] C. and Susie E., Oct. [— ] , 1882. G. R. 1. [Oct. 7. p. R. 31.] Eliza J., w. Loring, Mar. 11. 1861. p. r. 31. Florence [Florance, p. r. 29], d. Augustus and Mary [p. r. 29 adds R.] , Dec. 18, 1841, a. 2 y. 4 m. G. R. 1. Hannah, w. Capt. Calvin, Oct. 9, 1842, a. 65. g. r. 1. Henry B.. s. Augustus and Mary, Dec. 26, 1872, a. 25 y. 11 m. G. R. 1. [Mary R., lost at sea off ship Peruvian on Cape Cod. p. r. 31] Laura Ann, Nov. 7, 1834, a. 23 y. 10 m. G. R. 1. Miss Lucy W., July 10, 1847, a. 27. G. R. 1. Otis Channing, s. Capt. Loring and Eliza Jane, Mar. 20, 1851. p. R. 31. Sanford K. Esq., Nov. 15, 1841, a. 26. g. r. 1. Stacy B., s. Calvin and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1832, a. 18, in New Orleans. G. r. 1. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 77 Ballard, Susie E., w. Loring-C, Dec. [ — ], 1881. g. r. 1. [Dec. 14. p. R. 31.] Thankful, w. Augustus, Mar. 21, 1866, a. 93. G. r. 1. W[illia]m S., s. Augustus and Thankful, Oct. 8, 1848. p. r. 29. BARKER, George W., Apr. 11, 1881. a. 69. G. r. 1. James F. July 15, 1869, a. 26, in California, g. r. 1. BARNARD, Clara A., w. John A., May 6, 1878, a. 71 y. 6 m. G. R. 1. Eugene, Nov. 21, 1877, a. 43, in Green River, Wyoming Territory. G. r. 1. [s. John A. and Clara A. p. r. 20.] Dr. John A., Dec. 8, 1862, a. 62 y. 3 m., in Livermore. G. R. 1. Louisa F., d. John A., M. D., and Clara A., Nov. 15, 1856. p. R. 20. William B., s. John A. and Clara A., Mar. 1, 1842, a. 5, in Strong. G. R. 1. [Mar. 11. p. r. 20.] BECK, Mary A. w. Albert, d. Isaac Lord and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1842, in Canterbury, N. H. p. r. 35. BEMIS, Charles P., s. L[ucius] and V[esta], Mar. 17, 1879. G. R. 2. Horace, Mar. 18, 1884. g. r. 2. [s. Elijah and Sarah, a. 63. p. R. 36.] Lloyd Evan, s. L[ucius] and V[esta], Feb. 16, 1882. G. r. 2. [in Ogden, Utah Ter. p. r. 36.] Lucius E., Feb. 2, 1887, "killed at Echo, Utah." g. r. 2. [s. Horace and Mary Elizabeth, a. 31, killed on U. P. R. R. p. R. 36.] Paul Eben, s. L[ucius] and V[esta], July 19, 1885. G. r. 2. [in Evanstown, Wyoming Ter., a. 10 m. 3 d. p. r. 36.] BIRD, Edward, Aug. 15, 1889, a. 60. BLAKE, Ann W., d. Jacob and Abigail, June 1, 1854, a. 42. G. R. 1. Arthur J., s. John and Anna H., Feb. 29 [sic], 1877, infant. G. R. 1. Charles, twin s. Ezekiel and Nancy E., May 29, 1849, a. 9 m. G. R. 1. Daniel G., [twin] s. Ezekiel and Nancy E., July 15, 1857, a. 8 y. 3 m. 21 d. G. r. 1. Ezekiel, Apr. 30, 1874, a. 68 y. 11 m. g. r. 1. 78 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. Blake, Katie A., d. Ezekiel and Nancy E., Apr. 18, 1848, a. 3 y. 11 m. g. r. 1. Maria S. d. Ezekiel and Nancy E., June 19, 1842, a. 1 y. 10 m. G. R. 1. Nancy E., w. Ezekiel, Sept. 6, 1876, a. 69 y. 10 m. g. r. 1. BODFISH, Frederick A., s. David P. and Delia, July 29, 1846. a. 1 y. 2 d. g. r. 1. BRANN, Aaron, [ J, 1888. g. r. 1. Aug-ustus E., Mar. 12, 1880, a. 42 y. 6 m. G. R. 1. Chandler A., Jan. 27, 1873, a. 28 y, 7 m. g. r. 1. Charlotte, w. Samuel E., May 16, 1876, a. 74 y. 5 m., in Gardiner. G. r. 1. Everett S., Apr. 16, 1868, a. 33. G. r. 1. Samuel E., Dec. 8, 1885, a. 83. G. R. 1. Valentine, July 8, 1861, a. 30, in California. G. R. 1. BROWN, Annie, [d. Stephen and Marj^], Feb. 28, 1852, a. 5 y. 6 m. g. r. 1. Lucy Maria, d. Stephen and Mary, Aug. 7, 1841, a. 14 m. G. R. 1. Mary, w. Stephen, Oct. 25, 1848, a. 40 y. 9 m., in Gardiner. G. R. 1. BUGNON, Susan, Nov. 24, 1849, a. 79. G. r. 3. BULLEN, Nathan W., s, John R. and Sarah, Apr. 30, 1834, a. 6 y. 4. m. G. R. 3. Sarah, w. John R., Oct. 3, 1871, a. 82 y. 8 m. G. r. 3. BURNS, Adiline R., d. James and Betsey, July 12, 1842, a. J7. G. R. 3. Betsey, w. James, Apr. 1, 1872, a. 92 y. 4 m. g. r. 3. Charlotte A., d. James and Betsey, Feb. 14, 1860 a. 40 y. 5 m. G. R. 3. Daniel L., Oct. 6, 1878, a. 75. g. r. 3. Elizabeth H., d. James and Betsey. Nov. 15, 1890, a. 85. G.' R. 3. Eugene D., [s. Daniel L. and Deborah L.], Nov. 18. 1862, a. 19 y. 6 m. g. r. 3. Frances S., [d. Daniel L. and Deborah L.], May 16, 1864, a. 23. G. r. 3. James, Sept. 13, 1838, a. 67. g. r. 3. William F., s. James and Betsey, May 6, 1870, a. 56 y. 8 m. G. R. 3. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 79 BUSH, Martha M.. Sept. 8, 1853; a. 17 y. 10 m. g. r. 2. Olive. May 3, 1886, a. 86 y. 8 m. G. R. 2. Rev. Samuel, May 30, 1875, a. 78. G. r. 2. Samuel Jr., Aug:. 22, 1850, a. 22 y. 28 d., at sea. g. r. 2. BUTMAN, Betsey, Mar. 7, 1874, a. 78. p. r. 38. F[rederic] A., Feb. 12, 1861, a. 70. p. r. 38. CALL, Annabell, d. Albert and Louisa A., May 10, 1861. p. r. 16. Capt. David, July 21, 1871. g. r. 1. [Drowned at Black Rock, mouth of Kennebec River, p. r. 32.] David Jr., Jan. 17, 1867, in California, g. r. 1. [s. David and Jane, Jan. 16. p. r. 32.] George A., s. Albert and Louisa A., Tulv 12, 1879. p. r. 16. Hannah F., Nov. 21, 1842, a. 23. G. r. 1. [d. David and Jane, Nov. 2. p. r. 32.] Hiram G.,s. Davidand Jane, Dec. 2, 1887, in Richmond, p. R. 32. Jane Rea, v/. David, Oct. 24, 1873, a. 82 y. 7 m. g. r. 1. [Oct. 17, in Hallowell. p. r. 32.] Louisa A., w. Albert, Nov. 29, 1887, a. 51 y. 7 m. 15 d. p. r. 16. CANNON, Ebenezer, Oct. 5, 1867, a. 69. g. r. 3. Eliakim, [s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth], Aug. 4, 1874, a. 48. G. R. 3. Elizabeth, w. Ebenezer, Oct. 31, )87l, a. 75. g. r. 3. Jennie M., d. WLilliam] W. and J [ane] W., May 20, 1878, a. 16 y. 9 m. g. r. 3. Joseph B., [s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth], Jan. 20, 1890, a. 54 y. 20 d. G. R. 3. CARR, Benj[amin] M., Sept. 22, 1871, a. 47 y. 8 m. 5 d. G. R. 2. CARTER, Albert J., s. Bradford J. and Louisa F., Jan. 27, 1845, a. 10 m. g. r. 3. Arthur W., s. James W. and Achsa A., June 23, 1881. p. R. 3. Bradford J., Sept. 14, 1844, a. 29. G. r. 3. Eugene B., [s. Bradford J. and Louisa F.],. Oct. 29, 1862, a. 19. G. R. 3. Josiah, May 11, 1808, a. 37. g. r. 3. Josiah A., s. Josiah and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1862, a.i54. G. R. 3. Minnie E., d. James W. and Achsa A., Mar. 21, 1873, in Hallowell. p. r. 3. Ollie J., s. John and Mary, Apr. 17, 1862, a. 12 y. 7 m. g. R. 3. 80 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. CASWELL, Sarah J., [w. George, d. Thomas J. Davis and Nancy M.], May 7, 1873. G. r. 3. CEBALLOS, Louisa F. de, w. Antonio Fernandez, d. T[ohn] A. Barnard and C[lara] A., Nov. 15, 1856, a. 26, in Havanna, Cuba. g. r. 1. CHADWICK, E[dmund] A., [ ]. g. r. 1. [Apr. 20. 1875. Mas. Rec.] CHANEY, Betsey, w. Isaac, Feb. 2, 1848, a. 39. g. r. 1. Sarah Jane, d. Isaac and Betsey, Oct. 27, 1836, a. 9 m. 27 d. G. R. 1. Susan Leavitt, w. Isaac, July 16, 1868, a. 51. G. r. 1. CHAPMAN, ElHe M., June 6, 1886, a. 47. g. r. 2. CHISAM, Henry W., Sept. 24, 1886, a. 32. G. r. 1. [s. [John H. and] Hannah C, a. 31. p. r. 28.] CHURCH, Betsey V., w. George, May 23, 1889, a. 91 y. 2 m. G. R. 2. [Betsey (Piper), p. r. 36.] George, June 24, 1879, a. 83 y. 10 m. g. r. 2. [June 23. p. R. 36.] George, s. George and Betsey, May 21, 1891. p. r. 36. Lucy Ann, d. George and Betsey, Oct. 15, 1825. p. r. 36. Mary A. [Ann. p. r. 36], d. George and B[etsey], Feb. 4, 1847, a. 7 y. 7 m. g. r. 2. Stephen, s. George and Betsey, Mar. 5, 1881. p. r. 36. CLARK, James, s. T. and M. A., Nov. 8, 1856, a. 6. G. R. 2. CLARRY, E]]a C., d. James and Joan, Oct. 9, 1865, a. 12 y. 8 m. 18 d. G. R. 1. COLBURN, Mary Jane, d. David Call and Jane, Feb. 15, 1886, in Hyde Park, Mass. p. r. 32. COLCORD, Delia F., d. Orin and Sarah W., Mar. 16, 1852, a. 6 y. 11 m. G. R. 3. Capt. Gideon, Mar. 27, 1816, a. 38, at sea. g. r. 3. Joseph, s. Capt. Gideon and Sally, Sept. 6, 1816, a. 2. g. R. 3. Juddy P.. s. Orin and Sarah W., July 17, 1857, a. 14 m. g. R. 3. Julia A., w. Hiram B., Jan. 5, 1855, a. 41. g. r. 3. Mary C, d. Orin and Sarah W., Nov. 27, 1856, a. 19. g. r. 3. Nathaniel, s. Capt. Gideon and Sally, Jime 5, 1831, a. 19, drowned, g. r. 3. Orin, s. Capt. Gideon and Sarah (Marson), Dec. 21, 1890. p. r. 1. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 81 COLLINS, Alvin B., [s. James and Betsey T.], July 22, 1876. G. R. 2. Betsey, w. j[oseph], Apr. 17, 1854, a. 72. g. r. 2. Betsey, Apr. 20, 1883, a. 68. g. r. 2. Betsey Tyler, w. James, Mar. 20, 1856. G. R.2. Charles S., Aug. 6, 1873, a. 52 y. 6 m. 2 d. g. r. 2. Charles W., Feb. 5. 1885, a. 29. g. r. 2. Elizabeth, [d. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1891. g. r. 2. "Little Flora," [d. James and Betsey T.], [ ]. g. r. 2. Frank, s. G[eorg:e] and L[ucy] A., Mar. 25, 1853, a. 2 y. 4 m. g. r. 2. Ina May, d. GeoErge] and Lucy A., Mar. 18, 1890, a. 18. g» R. 2. James, Apr. 17, 1862. g. r. 2. Capt. J[ames] 2d, Sept. 1, 1861, a. 46. g. r. 2. Capt. John, July 1, 1841, a. 41. g. r. 2. John R., [s. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1822. g. r. 2. Joseph, Dec, 6, 1848, "A Soldier of the Revolutionary War." G. R. 2. M. Alice, Dec. 11, 1873, a. 17 y. 3. m. g. r. 2. Martha, w. James 2d, July 5, 1855, a. 40. G. R. 2. Martha, [d. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1859. g. r. 2. Mary H., [d. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1852. g. r. 2. Matilda, w. Capt. John, Nov. 29, 1860, a. 59. g. r. 2. Samuel, Mar. 3, 1833, a. 52. g. r. 2. Sophia, w. Samuel B,, Mar. 14, 1872, a. 81 y. 11 m. g. r. 2. Wesley, [s. James and Betsey T.] wSept. 2, 1877. g. r. 2. William, [s. James and Betsey T.], [ ], 1838. g. r. 2. , s. Capt. John and Matilda, Aug. 24, 1835, infant. G. r. 2. , s. Geo[rge] and Lucy A., [ ], infant, g. r. 2. COX, Abby E., w. George T., Jan. 22, 1889. G. r. 1. [Abigail, p. r. 8.] Hugh, Nov. 17, 1835, a. 76. g. r. 1. Lucinda W., w. William, Mar. 12, 1889, a. 84 y. 1 m. 3 d. g. r. 1. Martha A., Dec. 11, 1883. G. r. 1. Mary B., w. Hugh, Apr. 5, 1866, a. 87 y. 6 m. g. r. 1. Mary L., d. George T. and Abigail, June 4, 1846, a. 1. G. R. 1. [June 2. p. R. 8.] 82 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. CROCKER, Thomas L., Aug. 10, 1875. g. r. 1. CRUMETT, Rachel, Dec. 19, 1884, a. 75. g.r. 2. CUMMINGS, Lizzie C, d. GLeorgre] and M[argaret], Sept. 9, 1857. G. R. 1. DAVIS, Jane, w. Thomas, Nov. 16, 1823, a. 56. G. R. 3. Lydia, w. Isaac S., Nov. 14, 1865, a. 22. g. r. 3. Moses, Mar. 6, 1866, a. 68. g. r. 1. Nancy M., w. Thomas J., Mar. 17, 1877. G. r. 3. Thomas, Nov. 16, 1844, a. 85. g. r. 3. Thomas J., July 4, 1873. g. r. 3. DAWES, Elizabeth, w. Nathan, Jan. 3, 1860. p. r. 5. Nathan, Dec. 4, 1862. p. r. 5. DEAN, Addie B., \v. Simeon P., May 9, 1888, a. 28 y. 11 m. 11 d. Bethuel P., July 24, 1855. g. r. 1. Bethuel W., s. B[ethuel] P. and S[arah] S., Nov. 3, 1840. G. R. 1. Nancy J., w. Abial, Jime 24, 1881, a. 69. G. R. 1. Osborn M., s. B[ethuel] P. and S[arah] S., Oct. 17, 1874. G. R. 1. vSarah S., w. B[ethuel] P., Jan. 12, 1891. G. r. 1. DeCEBALLOS, (see Ceballos.) DEVENS, Catherine, July 25, 1866, a. 61. g. r. 2. DILL, Freddie, Oct. 25, 1888, a. 1 y. 7 m. g. r. 2. Mrs. Mary B., May 24, 1888, a. 68 y. 7 m. DREW, John H., Dec. 11, 1890. g. r. 1. William Pierce, Oct. [ — ], 1852, a. 15, lost at sea. G. r. 1. DUDLEY, Everett A., Apr. 20, 1881. G. r. 3. James, Feb. 14, 1883, a. 85 y. 5 m. 4 d. G. r. 3. John Algfernon, s. John S. and Elizabeth M., Sept. 19, 1848, a. 1 y. 29 d. g. r. 3. Lucinda Whittier, w. James, June 11, 1882, a. 81 y. 10 m. 26 d. G. R. 3. DURGIN, Huldah J., June 13, 18[--]8, a. 39 y. 7 m. g. r. 2. FOSS, Abby J., [w. T. C], d. George T. Cox and Abigail E., Oct. 25, 1891. p. R. 8. FOSTER, Arthur, [ ], 1866. g. r. 1. [s. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Feb. — . p. r. 1.] Harrv, s. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Mar. — , 1874. p. r. 1. Hattie, [ ], 1864. g. r. 1. [d. DeWitt C. and Abby R., Feb. — . p. R. 1.] FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 83 FREEMAN, Charles S., Jan. 27, 1872, at residence of Dr. J. D. Young-. GAGE, Charles H., s. Joshua E. and Julia A., July 13, 1844, a. 14, in New York. g. r. 3. J. T. E., Apr. 4, 1850, a. 42, in San Francisco, p. r. 38. Joshua E., Oct. 5, 1836, in Dixmont. G. r. 3. [a. 34. p. R. 38.] GALLAHAR, Sophia L., w. Tames, July 26, 1864, a. 62. G. R. 3. GATCHELL (see Getchell), Andrew T., Apr. 14, 1889, a. 83. G. R. 3. GAY, Harvey, Mar. 16, 1860, a. 73. G. r. 1. Julia, w. Harvey, Sept. 10, 1866, a. 66. G. R. 1. GETCHELL (see Gatchell), Mary, w. Andrew, d. John and M[ehitable] Rice, Nov. 20, 1847, a. 38. G. R. 3. GILMAN, Helen Maria, d. David Call and Jane, Dec. 16, 1886, in Hallowell. p. r. 32. GILMORE, Hephzibah Paul, [w. Langdon], d. William Paul and Rhoda, Feb. 14, 1851. p. r. 6. GILPATRICK, David, [s. Robert and Temperance], July 15, 1853, a. 23. G. r, 3. Lorenda, [d. Robert and Temperance], Dec. 8, 1882, a. 50. G. R. 3. Robert, Mar. 9, 1871, a. 72. g. r. 3. Rosanna, [d. Robert and Temperance], Nov. 23, 1852, a. 24. G. R. 3. Temperance, w. Robert, July 22, 1872, a. 67 y. 9 m. G. r. 3. GLIDDEN, Helen L., d. J. A. and E. J., Jan. 7, 1864, a. 9 y. 9 m. G. R. 2. Mary A., d. J. A. and E. J., Oct. 16, 1856, a. 2. g. r. 2. Samuel, [ ], 1877. g. r. 1. Samuel S., Co. B, 16 Regt. Me. Vols., Sept. 1, 1888, a. 45 y. 7m, G. R. 1. William E., Dec. 4, 1890. g. r. 1. , ch. J. A. and E. J., [ ], infant. G. R. 2. , ch. J, A. and E. J., [ ], infant. G. r. 2. GOTHAM, Mrs. Jane, Sept. 2, 1837, a. 54. g. r. 1. 84 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. GOULD, George A., Feb. 25, 1847, a. 25, at sea. g. r. 1. Rebecca S., w. Robert, Feb. 17. 1873, a. 75. g. r. 1. Robert, Dec. 2, 1835, a. 39 y. 10 m. g. r. 1. Robert Edward, s. Robert and Rebecca, Dec. 29, 1834, a. 3 y. 7 m. 19 d. G. r. 1. GOVE, Nettie A., Dec. 24, 1873, a. 20. G. r. 1. GREELY, Abig-ail, w. Samuel, May 17, 1847, a. 69. G. r. 3. Miss Hannah, Sept. 14, 1830, a. 80. g. r. 1. Isaac, [s. Samuel and Abigail], Jan. 11, 1841, a. 34. G. r. 3. Samuel, Dec. 25, 1845, a. 73. g. r. 3. GROVER, Frankie, s. B[enjamin] F. and J[ulia] A. L., Dec. 6, 1866, a. 5 y. 7 m. g. r. 3. Ruth, \v. Benjamin, July 8, 1843, a. 63. G. r. 3. Simon, Apr. 17, 1843, a. 25 y. 10 m. g. r. 3. HAMLIN, Ida Ann, d. Asahel Wellington and ]\Iary Ann, Sept. 18, 1851. p. R. 34. Mary A., w. A. W., Sept. 1, 1851, a. 24. g. r. 1. [Mary Ann, w. Asahel Wellington, in Gardiner, p. r. 34.] Mary Alice, d. Asahel Wellington and Mary Elizabeth, May 30, 1871. p. R. 34. HASKELL, Helen M., vv. W[illia]m P., June 23, 1890. G- R. 3. W[illia]m P. Jr., Apr. 28, 1871. G. r. 3. HATCH, Catharine H., w. Jabez, Aug. 6. 1887, a. 82. G. r. 2. Jabez, Mar. 19, 1860, a. 65 y. 4 m. G. R. 2. Mary J., d. Jabez and Catharine, July 12, 1835, a. 1 y. 3 m. G. R. 2. HAWES, Giles H., June 2, 1875, a. 73 y. 8 m. 20 d., in New Gloucester, g. r. 3. Mary Jane, w. Giles H., Sept. 20, 1862, a. 53 y. 8 m. g. r. 3. Thomas H.. s. Giles H. and Mary J., Sept. 23, 1847, a. 14. G. R. 3. HERRICK, Capt. Daniel, Oct. 19, 1845, a. 38. g. r. 1. Emily, w. Capt. Daniel, Apr. 18, 1852, a. 39 y. 7 m. G. r. 1. Emily A., d. Capt. Daniel and Emily, Aug. 31, 1849, a. 5. G. R. 1. George D., s. Capt. Daniel and Emily, May 16, 1845, a. 3 m. G. R. 1. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 85 HIGGINS, Henry, s. Jesse and Mary, Mar. 27, 1861, a. 35. G. R. 3. Jesse, Sept. 11, 1863, a. 64. G. r. 3. Lizzie F., [w. Alanson of Wales], d. Samuel Hodgdon and Joanna. Apr. 29, 1885. p. r. 12. Mary, w. Jesse, d. Dea. James Hinkley, Mar. 25, 1861, a. 64. G. R. 3. Mary M., d. E. S. and R., Mar. 21, 1858, a. 9. G. r. 1. HINDS, Louisa V., w. Ebenezer, Sept. 5, 1829, a. 25. G. r- 1. HINKLEY, Dea. James, Apr. 8, 1840, a. 70. G. r. 3. Joanna, w. Dea. James, June 20, 1842, in 68tli y. G. r. 3. HODGDON (see Hodgfedon), Alice, w. S[amuel], Sept. 23, 1852, a. 79 y. 11 m. G. r. 2. Amos, s. Jery and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1848, a. 2 y. 6 m. g. R. 2. Betsey, d. S. and A., Nov. 7, 1853, a. 48. g. r. 2. [Betsey, d. Samuel and Allice. p. r. 35.] Betsey, w. John, Feb. 9, 1886, a. 72. g. r. 2. Bradford, s. John and B[etsey], Nov. 23, 1852, a. 4 y. 6 m. G. r. 2. David W., s. Samuel Jr. and Joanna, Sept. 10, 1840, a. 17 m. G. R. 2. [David Wilson, and omits Jr. p. r. 12.] Eliza, w. Sullivan, Sept. 2, 1836, a. 28 y. 6 m. G. r. 2. [Eliza T. p. R. 35]. Hannah, w. Jery, Feb. 13, 1862, a. 48. G. r. 2. James Arvingdon, s. Jery and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1854, a. 18. G. R. 2. [Arvington. p. r. 35.] Jery, Dec. 4, 1888, a. 77 y. 10 m. g. r. 2. Joanna, w. S. Jr., Oct. 7, 1846, a. 34, G. r. 2. [Joanna Frost, w. Samuel, a. 34 y. 21 d. p. r. 12.] Joanna, d. S. and J. Jr., Apr. 28, 1847, a. 8 m. G. r. 2. [d. Samuel and Joanna, p. r. 12.] John, Apr. 1, 1879, a, 75. G. r. 2. John H., s. S. and J. Jr., Oct. 3, 1845, a. 5. g. r. 2. [John Henry, s. Samuel and Joanna, p. r. 12.] Olive C, w. Daniel R., Mar. 18. 1869. a. 23. G. r. 2. Orin, s. S[ullivan] and R[achel], Mar. 15, 1850, a. 1. G. R. 2. Samuel, Oct. 9, 1861, a. 89 y. 3 m. G. r. 2. Samuel Jr., Jan. 31, 1855, a. 55. G. r. 2. [s. Samuel and Allice, and omits Jr. p. r. 35.] Sophronia, Nov. 28, 1865, a. 64. p. r. 25. Sullivan, Feb. 17, 1851, a. 42. G. r. 2. [James Sullivan, s. Samuel and Allice. p. r. 35.] 86 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. HoDGDON, William, s. Samuel and Allice, Aug. 20, 1803. p. R. 35. William F., s. S. and J. Jr., Sept. 28, 1845, a. 11 m. G. r. 2. [William Francis, s. Samuel and Joanna, p. r. 12.] HODGEDON (see Hodgdon), Eliza R., d. Sullivan and Rachel, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 1 y. 7. m. 10 d. g. r. 2. James S., s. Sullivan, Feb. 20, 1846. a. 3 m. g. r. 2. HUNTINGDON, Susanna Foster, d. Daniel Lancaster and Ruhama, May 23. 1841. p. r. 33. HUNTINGTON, Clara B., [d. Vv^illiam H. and Susan C], [ ], a. 4. G. R. 2. Mary E., [d. William H. and Susan C], [ ], a. 2. G. R. 2. Susan C, w. W[illia]m H., vSept. 3, 1875, a. 31. G. r. 2. W[illia]m H., Sept. 19, 1883, a. 44. g. r. 2. HUTCHINS, Bithiah S., Dec. 12, 1875, a. 80. G. r. 1. HUTCHINSON, Israel, June 12, 1850, a. 85. g. r. 3. Jane, w. Israel, Jan. 12, 1861, a. 92 y. 12 d. G. r. 3. IRISH, Susan Peirce, w. Capt. J., Feb. 21, 1890. G. R. 1. JEWETT, Charles T., s. Hartley W. and Harriet A., Aug. 14, 1862. p. R. 1. James, s. James and Mary A. (Ayer), Jan. 31, 1887. p. r. 31. JOHNSON, Georgianna S., d. John and Hannah H., Oct. 19, 1850, a. 4 y. 10 m. 17 d. G. r. 2. John, Mar. 29, 1864, a. 52. G. R. 2. Jonathan, Nov. 6, 1858, a. 63. g. r. 1. JOY, Reuben, s. Stephen and [ ], Dec. 21, 1831, a 14. G. R. 3. KELLEY, Algernon M., s. Daniel C. and Martha J.. Jan. 14, 1853, a. 2 y. 4 m. g. r. 1. Amos, July 20, 1838, a. 50. G. r. 1. KENISTON (see Kiniston), Eliza, w. Nath[anie]l, Apr. 27, 1858, a. 60. G. r. 1. Nathaniel, Dec. 6, 1855, a. 61. G. r. 1. KING, Harriet N., w. Jacob, Dec. 31, 1881, a. 60. G. r. 3. KINISTON (see Keniston), Caroline, d. Nath[anie]l and Eliza, Sept. 20, 1841, a. 8. G. R. 1. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 87 LADD, Elizabeth B., [\v. Charles P., d. Thomas J. Davis and Nancy M.], Oct. 10, 1878. g. r. 3. LAKEMAN, Julia Ann, w. D. D., d. John Rice and Mehita- ble, wid. Joshua E. Gage, Apr. 26, 1843, a. 36. a. r. 3. LANCASTER, D[aniel], May 19, 1877. G. r. 1. [s. Daniel and Ruhama, May [ — ], 1876. p. r. 33.] Daniel, [h. Ruhama], Mar. 21, 1861. p. r. 33. Daniel E., s. D[aniel] and Louisa M., Sept. 22, 1841. g. R. 1. Levi M., [s. Daniel and Louisa M.] [ ], 1887. g. r. 1. Louisa M., vv. D[aniel], June 9, 1866. G. r. 1. Ruhama, \v. Daniel, Jan. 28, 1855. p. r. 33. Sarah, w. Daniel, Nov. 13, 1803. p. r. 33. Sewell, s. Daniel and Ruhama, Aug. [ — ], 1810. p. r. 33. LANDERS, George L, s. Isaac and Sophronia, Aug 12, 1848, a. 1 y. 5 m. 12 d. G. r. 2. LANE, Martha, w. Benjamin, Aug. 28, 1857, a. 38. g. r. 1. LEAIRD, Georgeanna, d. James and Lydia, Dec. 19, 1856, a. 10 y. 5 m. G. R. 2. James, Aug. 4, 1861. a. 62. G. R. 2. LILLY, Mary, w. George, Oct. 2, 1839, in Gardiner, g. r. 1. LITCHFIELD, Sarah A., w. Cha[rle]s D., Nov. 7, 1853, a. 30 y. 5 m. g. r. 1. LITTLEFIELD, Elcie S., d. Joseph B. and Mary, Aug. 31, 1866, a. 22 y. 8 m. G. r. 2. Marietta, d. j[oseph] B. and Mary, Sept. 26, 1852. a. 5. G. R. 2. Mary, w. Joseph B., Jan. 20, 1873, a. 66 y. 4 m. G. R. 2. LORD, Capt. A., Apr. 26, 1865, a. 58. g. r. 2. Clarissa, w. Hiram, Dec. 2, 1867, a. 60. g. r. 2. Hannah, d. Hiram and Clarissa, Jan. 2, 1844, a. 3. g. r. 2. Hannah, w. Isaac, Mar. 23, 1855, a. 75. g. r. 2. [in Gardiner, p. r. 25.] Hiram, July 7, 1883, a. 77 y. 4 m. G. r. 2. [s. Isaac and Hannah, p. r. 35.] Isaac, Apr. 25, 1852, a. 73. g. r. 2. [73 y. 3 m. p. r. 22, 73 y. 3 m. 25 d. p. r. 25.] Rev. Isaac, "of the Maine Conference," [ ], 1885. G. R. 2. 88 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. Lord, James, s. Isaac and Hannah, May 5, 1814, a. 27. p. R. 25. Mary C, w. Capt. A., May 10, 1877, a. 58. g. r. 2. Sophronia, w. Rev. Isaac, Nov. 28, 1865, a. 64. g. r. 2. , d. Hiram and Clarissa, Jan. 18, 1841, infant, g. r. R. 2. LORING, Tho[ma]s B. Jr., Apr. 13, 1876, a. 27 y. 6 m. G. R. 1. LOUD, C. Ella, d. Isaac B. and Martha A., Mar. 27, 1856, a. 3 y. 9 m. g. r. 2. LOWELL, Abner, s. Joshua and Sarah (Mayberry), Sept. 18 ^ 1858. p. r. 11. Ann M., w. Henry, July 18. 1859, a. 47. g. r. 3. Charles E., Sept. 14, 1831. g. r. 1. Eliza Ann., w. Joshua, June 12, 1832, in Hallowell. p. r. 11. Hannah (Sawyer), w. Abner, Oct. 12, 1822. p. r. 11. Henry, Jan. 30, 1842, a. 34. g. r. 3. Herbert, Mar. 14, 1879. g. r. 2. [s. Franklin and Isabel. p. R. 11.] James, Feb. 21, 1849, a. 83. g. r. 1. Joshua, s. Abner and Hannah, July 23, 1886. p. r. 11. Nancy, d. James and Olive, Oct. 28, 1806, a. 5. g. r. 1. Olive, w. James, July 4, 1874, a. 95. g. r. 1. Samantha, w. Joshua, May 29, 1879. p. r. 11. Warren, July, 9, 1821, a. 7. G. r. 1. MARSHALL, Anna, Feb. 15, 1819, a. 74. g. r. 1. Betsey, May 22, 1872, a. 85. G. r. 1. Enoch, Nov. 7, 1859, a. 76. g. r. 1. Hannah, w. Enoch, Apr. 13, 1863, a. 68. g. r. 1. Harry Smith, s. Samuel E. and Hannah C, Apr. 29, 1863, a. 17 m. p. R. 28. Lucy, w. W[illia]m, July 25, 1872, a. 81 y. 10 m. G. r. 1. Maria S., June 12, 1844, a. 24. g. r. 1. [d. Enoch and Hannah, p. r. 28.] Ralph Seavy, s. Frank H. and Lizzie I., May 28, 1886, a.?6 m. p. R. 28. William, Dec. 10, 1857, a. 77 y. 11 m. g. r. 1. MARSTON, Benjamin, July 26, 1880, a. 80. G. r. 2. Hannah, w. Benjamin, Feb. 4, 1878, a. 92. G. r. 2. Jane, w. Nathaniel, Dec. 21, 1841, a. 96. g. r. 2, FARMINGDALE DEATHS, 89 McCAUSLAND, Abiali, w. Henry, Mar. 27, 1S43, a. 78. G. R. 2. Andrew, Jul}- 17, 1872, a. 80 y. 1 m. g. r. 2. Andrew B,, Feb. 9, 1870, a. 51 y. 3 m. G. r. 2. Charles F., s. C. W. and Margaret, Mar. 24, 1858, a. 4 y. 6 m. G. R. 2. Cora E.. w. Oscar, June 5, 1889, a 39. Gar. Rec. Edward C, s. Benj[amin] U. and Hannah A., Sept. 18, 1890, a. 21 y. 7 m. g. r. 2. Elisabeth F., d. John and Jane, May 5, 1841, a. 16. g. r, 2. Eliza A., w. W[illia]m H., Jan. 19, 1874, a. 55. g. r. 2. Emily M., w. Benj[amin] U., Apr. 22, 1863, a. 28 y. 9 m, 29 d, G. r. 2. Hannah, w. Montg-omery, July 7, 1818, a. 38. g. r. 3. Hannah A., d. John and Jane, [stone broken.] g. r. 2. James, Nov. 3, 1846, a. 55. g. r. 2. Jane, w. John, Jan. 12, 1832, a. 38. g. r. 2. John, s. James and Sally, Mar. 8, 1841, a. 16. G. r. 2. John, Sept. 1, 1855, a. 70 y. 9 m. g. r. 2. John H., Aug. 4, 1890, a. 53. g. r. 1. Libbeus, s. A[ndrew] and M[ary], Aug. 1, 1832, a. 1 y. 2 m. g. r. 2. Lizzie, w. Oscar, Dec. 3, 1875, a. 26 y. 2 m. p. r. 1. Mary H., w. Andrew, Mar. 6, 1885, a. 92 y. 6 m. g. r. 2. Mary L., d. C. W. and Margaret, Mar. 30, 1858, a. 2 y. 1 m. G. R. 2. Mary Louise, d. Sumner B. and Augusta A., Dec. 14, 1873, a, 12 y. 3 m. 11 d. G. R. 1. [Mary Louisa, p. r. 18.] Montgomery, July 14, 1842, a. 58. g. r. 3. Montgomery Jr., Dec. 13, 1825, a. 10 m. 12 d. g. r. 3. Percy, s. Arthur B, and Amanda M., May 12, 1879, a. 17 y. 10 m. G. R. 2. Sally, w. J[ames], Mar. 2, 1832, a. 32. G. r. 2. Sally S., d. A[ndrew] and M[ary], Apr. 30, 1836. a. 9 y. 4 m. G. R. 2. Samuel, Oct. 28. 1860, a. 39 y. 7 m. G. r. 3. Sarah, w. Mont[gomery] , May 27, 1867, a, 81. g. r. 3. Sarah Jane, d. John and Jane, July 29, 1833, a. 14 y. 6 m. G. R. 2. William. Dec. 23, 1859, a. 49. g. r. 3. William Francis, s. Samuel and A. E., Mar. 1, 1852, a. 5. G. R. 3. , s. Benjamin and Hannah, Aug. 29, 1866, a. 9 m. G. R. 2. [Daniel Emerson, s. Benjamin U. p. r. 1.] 90 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. McCURDY, Abig-ail, w. J[ames], Mar. 2, 1853, a. 78 y. 8 m. G. R. 1. Ariel, s. James and Abig-ail, Dec. 17, 1814, a. 1 y. 6 m. g. R. 1. Esther, Jan. 3, 1823, a. 18. g. r. 1. James, July 22, 1843, a. 77. G. r. 1. Martha Ann, Jan. 16, 1839, a. 24. g. r. 1. Procter S.. Mar. 2, 1827. a. 26. G. r. 1. MEARS, Lovina P., w. Elijah, Sept. 27, 1880, a. 54. G. R. 2. MELLUS, Sarah, w. H., May — , 1828, a. 29. G. r. 1. Washington, s. Sarah [ ]. g. r. 1. MERRILL, Dr. Joseph, Oct. 29, 1863. G. r. 1. Mary A., w. Dr. Joseph, Jan. 6, 1846. p. r. 29. MILLER, Mary, w. Geo[rge] B., Aug. 6, 1861, a. 34. g, r. 1. MORGAN, Florence E., d. Geo[rge] W. and Malvina J., Sept. 20, 1857, a. 11 m. 23 d. G. R. 2. Georgiana, d. Geo[rge] W. and Malvina J., Dec. 27, 1861, a. 6 m. 11 d. g. r. 2. Harry, [ ], 1879. g. r. 1. Reuben D., [ ], 1880. g. r. 1. MUSTARD, Sarah Parlin, d. Daniel Lancaster and Ruhama, July 28, 1873. p. r. 33. NEAL, Deborah A., w. Joshua, Apr. 3, 1887, a. 87. G. r. 3. Joshua, July 14, 1867, a. 67 y. 2 m. g. r 3. Josie E., s. Henry M. and Bernice D., Sept. 23, 1863, a. 3 y. 1 m. 4 d. G. R, 3. Juhus, Mar. 26, 1842, a. 38. g. r. 3. NILES, Willie S., s. Nathan L. and Lilla M., Apr. 12, 1890, in Hallowell. p. r. 2. NORTON, Nancy, w. Simon B., vSept. 14, 1890, a. 80 y. 9 m. 10 d. p. R. 25. vSimon B., Sept. 25, 1874, a. 63 y. 2 d. p. r. 25. OLIVER, Eben, s. Eben F. Jr. and Eliza C, July 15, 1862', a. 1 y. 2 m. g. r. 1. Eben F., Dec. 23, 1885. g. r. 1. Eben[eze]r F., Mar. 3, 1876, a. 76 y. 10 m. g. r. 1. Eliza C, w. Eben F. Jr., Oct. 17, 1864, a. 30. g. r. 1. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 91 Oliver, Ezra, s. Eben[eze]r F. and Nancy A., May 12, 1831, a. 9 y. 1 m. G. r. 1. Luther, Sept. J 6, 1878, a. 38. G. R. 1. Nancy A., w. Eben[eze]r F., Sept. 7, 1873, a. 75 y. 6 m. G. R. 1. PARKER, Albert A., s. Zeri S. and Anna F., Dec. 13, 1868, in Rang-eley PI. p. r. 27. Hattie E., d. Zeri S. and Anna F., June 8, 1868, in Rangeley PI. p. R. 27. PARTRIDGE, Deborah J., [w. Dennis S.]. [ ], 1886. G. R. 3. Dennis S., [ ], 1886. g. r. 3. PAUL, Benjamin S., s. William and Rhoda, Oct. 5, 1836, a. 21 y. 9 m. 3 d. G. r. 1. Eliza Coffin, d. William and Rhoda, Dec. 24, 1882. p. r. 6. Emma E., d. Thomas S. and Martha A., Nov. 21, 1849, a. 2 m. G. R. 1. [Emma Eliza, in Hallowell. p. r. 6.] Esther, d. William and Rhoda, Sept. 6, 1860. p. r. 6. Hannah, d. William and Rhoda, Sept. 27, 1836. p. r. 6. Rhoda, w. William, Apr. 30, 1848, a. 64 y. 8 m. 27 d. G. r. 1. Susan, d. William and Rhoda, Sept. — , 1857. p. r. 6. William, May 1, 1851, a. 66 y. 6 m. 14 d. G. r. 1. William Jr.. s. William and Rhoda, July 18, 1818. p. r. 6. PEIRCE, (see Pierce), Charity, w. Ebenezer, June 1, 1842, a. 62. G. R. 1. Charles William, s. E[benezer] and C [harity] , May 28, 1842, a. 26, in Otaehite. g. r. 1. PERRY, Otis, s. Gideon and Eliza, June 27, 1846, a. 18. g. r. 1. PIERCE, (see Peirce), Charles C, Oct. [— ] , 1852, a. 21, "lost at sea." g. r. 1. Eben[eze]r, Dec. 5, 1851, a. 75. G. r. 1. George E., s. Capt. Henry M. and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1854, infant. G. r. 1. Job, "Master of schooner Lively," Oct. [ — ], 1852, a. 42, lost at sea, G. r. 1. WilHam C, s. Elbridg-e G. and Sarah, June 29, 1848, a. 1 y. 7 m. G. r. 1. Little Willie, s. Elbridge G. and Sarah. Oct. 27, 1848. g. R. 1. PITCHER, Isabell, July 9, 1889. G. r. 1. 92 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. PLAISTED, Ebenezer, s. Ichabod and Charity, Augf. 27, 1817, a. 14. G. R. 1. PUTNAM, Carrie T., w. Frank M., d. Joseph C. Atkins and Esther A,, Apr. 26, 1888. p. r. 1 and 22. RICE, Alden, Dec. 31, 1881, a. 77. g. r. 3. [s. John and Mehitable. p. r. 38.] Betsey, w. Riifus, May 11, 1862, a. 66. G. R. 3, Carrie I., d. j[ohn] H. and M[arg-aret] B., Oct. 7, 1874, a. 19 y. 4 m. G. r. 3. Charles A., s. Alden and Susan, Dec. 22, 1842, a. 2 y. 4 m. lid. G. R. 3. [Charles Augustus, s. Alden 'and Su- san E. p. R. 38.] Greenleaf W., [s. John Jr.], May 16, 1878, a. 48. g. r. 3. John, May 29, 1835, a. 76. G. r. 3. [a. 7b. p. r. 38.] John Jr., Sept. 4, 1876, a. 84. g. r. 3. John W., s. Rufus and Betsey, Nov. 8, 1846, a. 23 y. 5 m. G. r. 3. Lucy S., w. John Jr., July 14, 1891, a. 93 y. 10 m. g. r. 3. Margaret B., w. John H., Apr. 15, 1847, a. 20 y. 8 m. G. R. 3. Mehitable, w. John, Feb. 14, 1839, a. 70. g. r. 3. [a. 71. p. R. 38.] Peleg", s. John, Aug. 5, 1804, a. 2 y. 11 m. G. R. 3. Ruel, s. John and Mehitable, Aug. 24, 1876, a. 83. p. r. 38. Ruel G., s. j[ohn] H. and M[argaret] B., Sept. 4, 1848, a. 1 y. 7 m. G. R. 3. Rufus, June 8, 1848, a. 49. G. r. 3. [s. John and Mehita- ble. p. R. 38.] Sarah Elizabeth, d. Alden and Susan, Dec. 16, 1841, a, 6 y. 3 m. G. R. 3. [d. Alden and Susan E., a. 6 y. 3 m. 10 d. p. R. 38.] Susan E., w. Alden, May 22, 1876. a. 70. G. R. 3. RICH, Abraham, s. Richard and Alice J., Nov. 2, 1836. G. R. 1. Capt. Abraham, Feb. 22, 1879. g. r. 1. John, s. Richard and Alice J., Nov. 14, 1863. G. R. 1. Capt. Richard, Feb. 5, 1841. G. R. 1. RICHARDS, Alice M., [w. William H.], Dec. 13, 1890. G. R. 1. RICHARDSON, Edwin, s. Wilkes W. and Delia A., June 4, 1888. p. R. 1. Nellie, d. Wilkes W, and Delia A., Apr. 5, 1860. p. r. 1. ROBBINS, Willis E., [s. Rinaldo and Catherine], [ ]. 1886. G. R. 2. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 93 ROBERTS, William, s. Henry D. and Edith C, May ~, 1888. p. R. 1. ROLLINS, Capt. E. W., Feb. 16, 1863, a. 66. g. r. 1. Eliphalet, Aug. 4, 1872. o. k. 1. Nathaniel, Feb. 8, 1826, a. 67. G. r. 1. Nathan [ie]l Jr., May 5, 1836, a. 36, "drowned in River Kennebec." g. r. 1. Nellie M. Russell. \v. James R., Dec. 31, 1876, a. 20. g. r. 2. Mrs. Olive, Mar. 4, 1841, a. 84. g. r. 1. RUSSELL, Deborah G., w. John W., Oct. 27, 1846, a. 24. g. r. 2. J. Wesley, Sept. 12, 1872, a. 50, at Brooklyn City Hospital. G. R. 2. John, Jan. 3, 1871, a. 82 y. 6. m. g. r. 2. Lizzie, d. James W. and Hannah D., Aug. 18, 1859, a. 1 y. 10 m. G. r. 2. Martha, \v. John, Sept. 5, 1868, a. 81. g. r. 2. W[illia]m A., May 17, 1878, a. 49. G. r. 1. , d. James W. and Hannah D., Oct. 18, 1857, infant. G. r. 2. SANBORN, Edmund, Nov. 30, 1858, a. 73. g. r. 3. . SANDFORD, J. I. Dawson, s. B. F. and M. M., Nov. 30, 1866, a. 1 y. 2 m, 12 d. G. r. 3. [s. Benjamin F. and Mary M., omits J. I. p. r. 2.] James T., s. B. F. and M. M., Dec. 6, 1866, a. 6 y. 8 m. 24 d. G. R. 3. [James Thwing, s. Benjamin F. and Mary M. p. r. 2.] Laura E., d. B. F. and M. M., Nov. 30, 1866, a. 12 y. 8 m. 19 d. G. R. 3. [Laura Esther, d. Benjamin F. and Mary M. p. r. 2.] Vincent G., s. B. F. and M. M., Nov. 27. 1866, a. 8 y. 2 m. 13 d. G. R. 3. [s. Benjamin F. and Mary M. p. r. 2.] SEAVEY, Albert H., [s. Reuben and Hannah N.], Sept. 23, 1862, a. 8 y. 2 m. G. R. 3. Charles L., s. Samuel and Elizabeth G., Sept. [ — ], 1880, a. 53. p. R. 5. Edward K., May 23, 1883. G. r. 1. [s. Samuel and EHza- beth G., a. 43. p. r. 5.] Harriet E., d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1852, a. 27. G. R. 1. [Elizabeth G. p. r. 5.] Keziah Hinkley, w. Thomas B., May 11, 1870. g. r. 3. Lieut. Reuben, Apr. 23, 1864, a. 49, "killed in battle at Cane river, La." g. r. 3. 94 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. Seavey, Samuel, [ ], 1878. g. r. 1. [Apr. 10, 1878, a. 76. p. R. 5.] Thomas B., Sept. 2, 1875, a. 92 y. 6 m. g. r. 3. Thurston, s. Samuel and EHzabeth, Feb. 23, 1853, a. 6. G. R. 1. Thurston S., s. Samuel and Elizabeth, May 21, 1841, a. 9. G. R. 1. W[ilHa]m J., [s. Reuben and Hannah N.], Jan. 4, 1862, a. 19 y. 8 m. G. r. 3. SEIDERS, Charles A., [ ], 1870. g. r. 1. W[illia]m Henry, Oct. 24, 1871. G. r. 1. SINCLAIR, Charles, s. W[illia]m T. and Eunice, Feb. 22, 1864, a. 16 y. 7 m. SMALL, Mehitable, w. A. H., Sept. 5, 1872. a. 54. g. r. 3. SMITH, Olive Greeley, w. Capt. Isaac, [ ], 1883. G. R. 1. SOPER, Caroline, d. Joshua and Julia Ann Gage, Mar. 8, 1855, a. 27, in Dixmont. P. R. 38. SPRAGUE, Sarah, w. Marvel, Jan. 17, 1851, a. 53. G. r. 2. SPRINGER, Benjamin, Mar. 5, 1833. G. r. 1. Miss Hannah, June 14, 1825, a. 25. G. r. 1. John, s. Moses and Susan, Aug. 11, 1825, in 13th y. g. r. 1. Laura Ann, d. Benjamin and Hannah B., Mar. 19, 1890. G. R. 1. Mary, w. W[illia]m, Feb. 8, 1808, a. 45. G. r. 1. Mary Frances, d. Benjamin and Hannah B., Aug. 12, 1863, G. R. 1. Moses, Oct. 24, 1832, a. 65 y. 15 d. G. r. 1. Rachel, d. James and Mary, June 8, 1806, a. 18 y. 9 m. G. R. 1. Sarah, d. James and Mary, June 4, 1807, a 13 y. 5 m. g. R. 1. Susan, Sept. 8, 1834. in 47th y., in Hallowell. G. r. 1. Susan, w. Moses, Oct. 3. 1842, a. 73. G. r. 1. W[illia]m, Oct. 12, 1856, a. 63. G. r. 1. William, [ ], 1886. g. r. 3. STEVENS, Mary H., w. Isaiah, June 3, 1859, a. 44. ' g. r. 3. Susan, Feb 16, 1814, a. 87. G. r. 1.. STONE, Edmund, Sept. 15, 1850, in Sacramento, Cal. G. R. 2. Jane Marr, w. Edmund, May 30, 1851. g. r. 2. FARMINGDALE DEATHS. 95 SWEETLAND, Frank, of Co. E. 3d Regt. Maine Vols., May 12, 1S64, a. 21 y. 8 m., "Killed at the Battle of the Wilderness." G. r. 1. Ida May, d. Nathan and Sarah, July 25, 1858, a. 3. G. r. 1. Mary A., w. Seth, Feb. 16. 1857, a. 52 y. 10 m. g. r. 1. Nathan, Mar. 1, 1872, a. 61 y. 7 m. G. r. 1. Sarah, w. Nathan, Feb. 24, 1871, a. 62. g. r. 1. Sarah, w. Seth, Apr. 26, 1824, a. 38 y. 9 m. 19 d. G. r. 1. Seth, Oct, 30, 1861, a. 71. g. r. 1. TEBBETS, (see Tibbetts), Ellen E., d. Samuel and Mehita- ble, Jan. 6, 1852, a. 7 y. 11 m. 6 d. G. r. 3. Lucy A., d. Samuel and Mehitable, Apr. 11, 1852, a. 4 y. 8 m. G. R. 3. TIBBETTS, (see Tebbets), Catherine S. E., Sept. 30, 1869, a. 26 y. 21 d. G. R. 2. S. L., member Co. B., 17th Regt. Me. Vols., Aug. 19, 1871, a. 30. G. R. 3. Samuel, Nov. 3, 1852, a. 42. g. r. 3. TITCOMB, Capt. Emerson, Jan. 21, 1869. g. r. 3. Frederick E., [s. Emerson and Mary H.], Sept. 25, 1871. G. R. 3. Maria A., w. Samuel, Dec. 1, 1857, a. 87 y. 3 m. G. R. 3. Marv H., w. E[merson], Feb. 20, 1863. G. R. 3. Samuel, Mar. 6, 1851, a. 79. g. r. 3. Seth S., s. Ammi M. and Melinda, Sept. 29, 1840, a. 1 y. 2 m. G. R. 3. UPHAM, James T., Aug. 10, 1859, a. 38 y. 6 m. g. r. 1. Joseph T., Aug. 2, 1847, a. 29 y. 3 m. 13 d., at sea. G. r. 1. VIGOUREUX, Edwin S., Oct. 10, 1853, a. 22. g. r. 1. Lucv Maria, d. Peter and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1831. p. r. 14. Peter, July 30, 1870. Mas. Rec. Sarah, w. Peter, Nov. 15. 1862, a. 68. Gar. Rec. WAKEFIELD, Martha Dill, w. Henry, July 6, 1884, a. 82 y. 9 m. G. R. 2. WARD, Edward Y., Sept. 3, 1887, a. 35 y. 6 m. g. r. 1. Ellen J.. Nov. 17, 1879, a. 50. G. r. 1. WARREN, Ann S., d. Sam[ue]l and Cordelia, May 16, 1842, a. 1. G. R. 1. [Ann Sarah, d. Samuel and Cordelia T., May 21, 1842, a. 1 y. 5 d. p. r. 15.] Caroline, d. William Gardiner and Peggy, Mar. 12, 1802, in Gardiner, p. r. 15. 96 FARMINGDALE DEATHS. Warren, H[epsibeth] K., w. Samuel, Mar. 21, 1838, a 29 y. 8 m., in Gardiner, p. r. 15. James, s. William Gardiner and Pegfgy, Feb. 2, 1858, in Gorham. p. r. 15. Marg-aret, w. W[illia]m G., Apr. 20, 1845, a. 75 y 4 m. g. R. 1. [Peg-g-y or Marg'aret, w. William Gardiner, a. 75 y. 11 m., in Gardiner, p. r. 15.] Samuel, Aug-. 9, 1870, a. 66. o. r. 1. W[illia]m G., Dec. 23, 1838, a. 64. G. r. 1. [W[illia]m Gardiner, in Gardiner, p. r. 15.] WEEKS, Lucy A., d. William and Mary, Nov. 3, 1846, a. 19. G. R. 3. William, July 27, 1836, a. 45. G. R. 3. WELCH, Gracie M., d. Jefferson D. and Etta, June 28, 1889, infant. G. r. 3. WHIDDEN, Asa, Jan. 14, 1858, a. 71. g. r. 3. Margaret, w. Asa, Oct. 18, 1869, a. 75. G. r. 3. WHITE, Ellen H., d. Isaiah Stevens and Mary H., Apr. 22, 1870, a. 31 y. 5 m. G. R. 3. WOODS, Sarah W. B., w. N[oah] Esq., May 11, 1845, a 26. G. R. 1. ERRATA. Page 17, lines 28, 29 and 30. For Abbie read Addie. Page 56, line 15. For 83 read 33. Page 65, line 5. For F. read's,.