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THE EARLY HISTORY OF MORRIS COUNTY.* ^ It is not my design to write an elaborate his- ^^ tory of the County of Morris, but rather to ^\ff make a few statements concerning it which seem to me to be interesting and important, since every community has a hi.story which, if properly related, must be interesting and even important, at least to those who belong to it. In its beginnings and progress it may have borne a very humble part in the grand drama which the world is acting, and yet humble as that part may be, it was grand to those who acted it. There is not an old community or church in any old county in our State whose history has not a very considerable interest to the local antiquary and historian. It may nev- er have held a very prominent position as re- lated to the general commonwealth. It may be neither aWittenburg or a Geneva, the cen- ter of moral revolution, a Runymede or Phila- adelphia, rendered famous by some immortal scene, the birth of a Magna Charta or the pub- lication of a Declaration of Independence. Its history spread out on the pages of general his- tory might seem out of place or be eclipsed by the more distinguished deeds recorded on the same pages, and yet that humble history has the merit (/f being in a sense personal to our- selves. Here the fathers of such a community -fought the battle of life, wrestled with the problems of moral responsibility, loved the loving, pitied the sorrowful, helped the weak, wept over the dying ; here they laid the foun- dation s of the social fabric as best they could, often in a very blind yet honest method, lived life as we now hve it, and they died leaving their graves to us as silent monitors not to per- mit them to sink into forgetfulness. Although *Read before the N. May 20th, 1869. J. Historical {Society, not as great as many who have hved, they are our forefathers, and the work they did for us merits a grateful record at our hands. The beginners of society in Morris Coimty were plain people, many of whom had very lit- tle education. The records of the county and of several churches which date back far toward the first settlement on the Whippany River, prove this. I have spent not a httlo time and effort to fix a precise date to the foundation of society in the county, but with no marked suc- cess. In the year 1767, the Rev. Jacob Green, th e third ))astor of the Hancver Church, wrote what ha called a "History of the Hanover Pres- byterian Church." This is copied from a book in which Mr. Green recorded baptisms. In a preface to this manuscript record Mr. Green writes that "about the year 1710 a few familicK removed from Newark and Elizabeth, &c., and settled on the west side of the Pessaick River in that which is now Morris County. Not long after the settlers erected an house for the publick worship of God on the bank of the Whippenung River (about three miles west of the Pessaick River), about one hundred rods below the Forge which is and has long been known by the name of The Old Iron Works. There was a church gathered in the year 17—. Mr. Na- thaniel Hubbel was ordained and settled by the Presbytery of New York. About this time this place obtained the name of Hanover and be- came a township, but the place was most com- monly known by the Indian name Whippenung. Mr. Hubbel continued to minister here till , when for some uneasiness between him and the people he was dismissed. This church then had no proper book of Records. And if Mr. Hubbel kept a/iy church records of his own they were not left to those who came after." Mr. Green began his ministry in 1746, when some of his pioneers were still living, and he could have easily found the date of settlement ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. and given the names of the settlers and many facts of interest, but it is too often true that to those who are near the facts of which history is composed, thost.! facts do not seem of fjreat Talue, at least not enough to caase them to be carefully preserved. By way of extenuatinR "Parson Green' for not secunug in permanent form these un-merchautable statements as to who the eurly settlers were and when they cameand what they did, all of which were then within his easy reach, it may be alleged th..t he was a man of many callings, a very busy man. His salary was small, and he says this "led him to take more worldly cares and hu.sinoss than he could nare chosen." His people encourag- ed him in this course, assuring him "that country congregations could not have ministers unliss ministers would take some care to pro- vide and help support their own famiUos." He studied and practiced medicine, he had a school under his care, often wrote and executed wills for his patients and had a share both in a grist mill and a distillery. Some wag is said to have directed a letter to him with this somewhat comprehensive superscription : "To the llev. Jacob Green, Preacher, And the Kev. Jacob Green, Teacher ; To the Rev. Jacob Green, Doctor, And t..e Kev. Jacob Green, Proctor ; To the Rev. Jacob Green, Miller, And the Kev. Jacob Green, Distiller." In regard to his numerous avocations, he said in his autobiography : "When I entered upon worldly scheme 3 I found them in general a plague, a vexation, and a snare. If I some- what incieased my worldly estate, I also in- creased sorrow and incurred blame in all things except the practice of physick."* It is not hard to account tor such a man's regiect to collect and record history which was then too recent to seem of much import- ance, and yet it is very annoying that the good man who an pastor and physician wa.>> constant- ly meeting those who could have told him the very facts we b acres, besides the usual allowance for highways, also in the same year it tract of 1,2-54 acres bounded on the southwest- erly line of the flrst tract. The JSnccasunnii Mine lot was located in 171G, by John Reading, and sold the same year to Joseph Kirkbride, containing 5.58 acres,* and after his death th( tract was ilivided ijetween his three sons, Jo- seph, John and Mihloa Kirkbride, except the mine lot, which was held by them in comuioii until such time as the same should be sold.f Mr. Richard Brotherton further states that the home-farm of Hartshorn Fitz Randolph was located July 30, 1713 (the .survey being made by John Beadijig), and by him conveyed to Jo- seph Latham, who conveyed the same to John Jackson in 1722. The Executors of Edwani Fitz Randolph (Nathan and Hartshorn Fit/ Randol])h), obtained a judgment against Jack- son, and on the 1.5th of August, 17.53, John Ford, the Sheriff of Morris Couiity, sold the land which was purchased by Hartshorn Fitz Randolph, who occupied it until his death, which occurred in 1807. He bought other lands adjoining until his farm containe I 80f> acres, This Hartshorn Fitz Randolph is said to have been a devout Friend, and to have had in hii-' employ a man who was a singalar charactw and allowed by his master almost as many lib- erties as "the King's fool."' Tradition has pre- served the following anecdote relating to tjit; two, of the truth of which as much belief ma> be entertaineil as the ci'cnmst.anccs may seem to warrant. It is said that on a ccrt.'in Suiida> morning Mr. Fitz Rauduiph wished to go to th« Quaker Meeting House on the opposite hill, but the brook was so swollen with rain as noi to l)e very easily crossed. The man offered . t<. cairy him across on his back. When in iln midst of the stream he stopped and said to Mi'. FitzR. "Will thee give me a quart of apple- jack if I take thee saf<^ly -over ?" "No, I wili not ; go on," said Mr. FitzR. "But Hay, will thee give it nie? for if thee does not, I will let thee down into the water!" "I must not giv« thee that which will do thee liaini."' •'But I ^:a.^ thee >fi;sT gi ;e it roe or I will let theedown infe the water quickly !"■ was the reply of tile impu- dent fellow, whos(: motions indicated that hi *Bt)undod on tb<; northwest line and coruer.s at the north corners of the said tract ot 4,52S acres, making together (!.3.?7 acres, besides the usual allowance lor liighways. which b -longed 111 the said Jo.soph Kirkbride. tin 1744 Henry Brotherton, the grandfather of RichanI— my tntorniant — bimght 12.5 acr< sol one of the Kirkbride heirs, and in 1753 hih brotjier, James Brotlurti.n, l)onghf 'HW cr 30!/ acres on Mill'- Hill of the sauM esiate ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. meaut what lit' Faid, "Well I pnmiiEo it, to give thee the appk-jark! now proon,"«aiJ t lit- Quaker. ••But swEAi! that !l)ee will give it me!" persi.-it- . This farm is east of the villagi- of Dover nfarly a mile, and south of the point of Pine Hill. In 1757 JosiahBeaman. the brother-in-law of Clen. Winds, purchased l(i7 ai^res where Dover now is, and principally (iu the north aide of the Roekaway River. The tract of land south of tiie river where Dover ntands, and including the water power which drives the Iron Mills at that place, was located and pnreliased in the year 1743. In 1739 one Daniel (Jarrell pur/haHcd a tract (jf the Kirkhride estate in the vicinity of Dover, and n part of it is still occupied by his descendants. It is said that during the hard winter of 1740. when the snow was very deep, thisDaniti C'anel was obliged to carry hay on his back two miles and a half to kwp his cattle and horses alive.* *RivjKrd Brotbcrluu'H Mh. lu bauda of Uer. It has already been stated that m 1713 Johu Reading surveyed a titict of land which was conveyed to Josepli Latham, who, in 172'2, sold it to one John Jackson, who built a foige on tho littti.' stream which puts into the Roekaway near the lesidence of Mr. Jacob Hurd. The forge was nearly in front of Mr. Hurd s house. The first forge in Mori is county was ist Whip- pany, and this one, buili by Jackson, a mile west of Dover, was probably the second. The wood for charcoal was abundant, and the mine on the hill not far distant. For some reason Jackson did not succeed iu bis iron mannfrvc- ture, and was sold out by the Sheriff in 1753. I am not sure as to Ibis John Jackson. James Jackson, of Newtown, L. I., the grrat-grand- father of the late Col. Joseph Jackson of Roeka- way, had a son John am»ng his twenty children, He was born March 9th, 1701. Joseph Jackson, sou of the aforesaid James, was a resident near Dover, and with his son Stephen, was joint owner of what was " commonly known as .Schooley's Forge," the beginning corner of which was "about one chain from Josiah Bea- man's house. " When John Jackson was sold out by tne yiuriff, Josiah Bcanian bought the forge, and it seems very probable that John Jacksoa's brother and nephew wciv the pur- cba.sers of a part of the forge built by John. This purchase was made in 1768, and the next year Joseph sold bis right in that forge to "Steplun Jackson of Mendom, Bloomer." Slephei) Jackson thus began his fortune in this bumble way, and aft?r a few years became the owner of the fine mill prt>perty at Roekaway with large tracts of valuable lands. Ho once had th'^ honor of et;tertaining Gen. Washiiigtou at his house, and was a man of great energy. He died iu 1H12. My attempts to retch the earliest Doct'JiFNT- auv dates concerning Rockawav have not beiii sucecssfnl ; but from careful examination 1 am led to conjet!ture that theseltlemeni began not long a Iter that at Dover, about 1725 oi{«>ssil)ly as iat»' as 1730, at which time a small iron forge was built near whi'ro the upper forge now stands in Roekaway. 'I'hisstatemint embodies the o])inion of sonie very aged men whcse fa- thers had livetl in tho reirion from an early pe- riod. Among the men wb(( worked that forge (whether the earliest is not known) were Aimer Beach, grandfather ol the late Col. S. S. Beach, and Isaac Beach, a nephew of his. The latter told his son Isaac, who died about twenty years ago, that be remembered to have seen an en- campment of the Roekaway Indians a half mile south of the present village. The savages dis- appeared from the region a few years after the whites began to settle here, and were said to have been merged in the tribe of Dclawarcs . B7C.~Megiin ANNALS OF MORKIS COUNTY. There was the remaant of an encampment also near whore the JSteel Furnace stands. Among tlie early settlers in the vicinity of Iiorkaway and Dover, in addition to xhose named, may be mentioned Gilbert Hudden, spoken of in one deed as "a citizen of North <^"arolina," who built the first grist mill about half a mile below the Itolling Mill; David Bea- inan, a dtacon in the church, cliorister, niilier, forgenian and a very busy man, who loft prop ortT and numerous descendants, but whose •Jtraveis without a monument ; t'apt. Job Allen, a carpenter, a very public spirited man and good citizen, whose influence in founding the <-.liurch was very marKed ; Dcaion John Clarke a most (Icvout man, universally honored and "po rerl'ul in prayer ," and some others. There are two men who d( serve special mention; Wo- •ies Tuttlc of Mount Pleasant, and John Jacob Fiesch of Mount Hope. Moses TuUle was the son of Col. Joseph Tattle, of Hanover, and was born in 1732. His death c>ccurred in 1819. He married Jane, the daughter of Col. Jacob Ford, .sen., a great land holder in Morris county. About the time of hii marriage, in 17oC, he re- moved to Mount Pleasant, three miles west of Uockaway, for the purpose of managing his fatner-iii-law's iron works. By inheritance and prudence lie become possessed of a tine tract of land, on which several valuable mines were discovered. He was a justice of the peace and a leader in society. Anecdotes are told which ^bow his shrcwcuess. A very athletic young woman made oath that a young man had com- mitted an atrocious assault upon her. Squire Tnttle advised the younj, man to settle with her by offering her a turn of money tied up in .v bag, which she at once received. The squire (hen directed the young man to take the bag from her by force, but she at once tlnng him from her as if he were a child, proving the fal- sity of the charge. Sht; was at once arrested ..Hiid punished for peijury.* Mr. Tuttle as tue thrifty manager of a largi: Torgc property and real estate, once ft)un(l himself to be a creditor to a considerable amount when tire State Leg- iHiature made its worthh.ss bills of credit a le- jjal tender. This act of course reversed the • ourse c.f nature, so that the strange sight was to be si-en of debtor'-: chasing down their ered- U>rs. Mr. Tuttle left the country as if he were jv criminal fleeing justice, and spent two years in the wilderness State of Kentucky to escape his too willing debtors! He has left many descendants who are among our most estimable people. John Jacob Fasch Avas a native of Hesse Cas- sel, and came to this country in the service of the London Company, who owned extensive tracts of land at Riugwood, Long Pond and ♦Statement of Richard Brotherton. Charlottenburgh, at each of which places thej: erei.ted furnaces and forges. These were built and for a time managed by a German, whote name was Hasenclever, who brought over a nuinber of Germans and among them Mr. Fa;seh, who for a time assisted and then super- seded him about 176G. His successor, early in 1772 and possibly in 1771, was another remark- able man, Mr. Itobert Erskine, of Scotland, a large number of whose papers have been de- posited with the New Jersey Historical Society. In passing it may be stated that Hasenclever is said to have gone to Mount Hope with Fasch, and died there. It has been currently reported that he left thirty pounds to the Kockaway church, on condition that his body should be buricid under the pulpit, but I can find no rec- ord of any such money having been paid to tho trustees, nor of lus having been buried at Roekaway, although I suppose from the state- ments ot old people, that he was buried there. Tlie London Company, as it was called, seems not to have been very successful pecuniarily, in the manutaeture of iron. It could only make the crude iron and send it to England, all rollr ing and slitting mills in America being prohib- ited by the mother country, so that the busi- ness was conducted to the worst advantage. To cart the blooms and pigs thirty miles to New York, and then ship tliem tlirey thousand miles, for conversion, was too heavy a cost for profit. The reputation of Mr. Ftesch in the commun- ity was good, both as a man of business and in- tegrity. That Mr. Erskino had no confidence in him, in either respect, is evident from his private letters and from t'..e fact that as the Lon- don Company's agent he sued bim to compel him to refund property alleged tt> he retained unlawfully by him. In his letter to Corllandt Skinner, Esq., in reference to "the hills in Chancery, filed against Mr. F.-esch," he names £400 as the sum in litigatinn. In his correspon- dence yvith his employers, in 1772 and '73, he criticises his predecessor mercilessly as luie who "without the consequence your business givt-s, any man will be a ciphi^r ; if he has conducted it dishonestly will be less than one. * * * » I cannot say I have observed in him. or any of his works, tho least spark of genius. * * * » It is a criterion of genius I think, to be com- municative from inclination, of which Mr. Fajsch is the reverse." In one of these ietlors he sajs that "the farmers iu the invirons have been spoilt by Hasenclever." The Scotchman probably underrated the Qermau's integrity, but as to his abilities as a business man we know that ne finally canu- to bankruptcy, or nearly so, although the Mount Hope estate wan a very productive one durin;,; the war, through government contracts. Facsch's reputation, in Morris county, as a man of honor was very high, ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. and his mistakes at Rina;woo(l wore probably not tbe n'siiltH of disboncsty bnt puch as any man in '^uch a place might easily and without blami' make. It was a popular and widely believed tradi- tion, that the English government, believing that the Americans were mainly dependent on the London Compxny 's works for iron, made an arrangement with t'lat (^ompany to dcstioy them, in order to injure the Colonies in the dif- ficulties which were evidently approaching. It is very possible that some such proposition may have been made, bnt the only evidence I cjn find at any attempt to carry it out is in tbede- Btruotion of the works at Charlottenburgb, and the fact, stated to me by some old men, that in the forests about those works, they have often seen coal-pits which seen to have been burned down many years before, bnt the coal was not ased, shoeing a violent saspeusion of business at some time. These works were destroyed and the common belief is that it was done by direc- tion of the Home Com jany. Still it must be, admitted that the basis of the rumor is quite shadowy. For an iron mill to burn up is not very extraordinary, certainly not so extraordi- nary, as for a conspiracy to burn several mills to have esc ped tUe notice and record of such a vigilant manager and patriot as Mr. Erskine. Anmpaiiy "a tract of lain! scituale lying and being at Ringwood, near the Old Forge and dwelling bonne of Wal- ter Erwin." The tract was of the same size and pnce us the previous one. July 5th, I7(i4, The Ringwood Company sell to "Peter Hascn- claver, I lie of liondon, Merchant," for 5,000 pounds, all the company's lands at Ringwood, in Rergeti now I'assaic— County. The deed states that on the property Ihoro are "ereetc^d and standing a Furnace, two forges, and sever- al dwilling houses." It Hpeaks of "Timothy Waid's forge," also of the "Old Forge at Ring- wood." The deed is signed hy David Ogden. 8en., David Ogden, Jr., Samuel (JnHverneiir and Nicholas (Jouvorneur. John and Uzal Og- den deed their share to Hasenclcvor on the same day, but in a sfjparate conveyance. Hai*- enclevcr also bought laud in the vicinity of Ringwdoil of Joseph Wilcox and Walter Erwin the same year, also a tract of sixty-eight acref of David Ogden, "lying in the mountains be- tween the two rivers, Romapock on the eas' and Wanqiie River on thi west at a pUt-e cslled Rotten I'ond, in the County of IJeigen." He also bought of one Delancy and others 10,(>0(» acres, three miles from Ringwood, at 30 poiftid*- per 100 acres. October 28, 17G5, Hasenclever bongbt ninety-eight acres and also some other lands of Lord Stirling.! The extent ol thf company's estates may be inferred from these scanty notes, and at tlie same time the date of the London ConTi)any's organization may be fixed as in 17G4, when Peter Hason clever, their agent, began the purchase of those forges and tracts of land at Pompton, Riugwood, Long Pond and CharloHenburg, all in Bergen Coun- ty as then constituted. From some intimations in the letters of Joseph Hofif at the Hil)ernia Works with Lord Stirling, I infer that the com- pany claimed some right in the minewat Hiber- nia. Hasenclever at once began to enlarge the old works and build new ones at each of the placen just named. After a time, as already stated. Mr. Faesch became the manager in place oJ Hasenclever, who probalily was not equal to the tasli on account of ill health. Almost flu only knowledge we have of Faesch's stewaril- ship at Ringwood anery and cornjption. I have never disguised my thoughts to Tou on any subject since I came to this country. Yon will therefore excuse my freedom on political concerns.'" The rhetoric of the last letter was more forci- ble than elegant, but the writer is evidently in earnest ia his attempt to arrest the unwise measures of ibe home Oiivernmunt. In Octo- ber 1775 he thus writes : "The cemmauicatiun witli my native country may soon be cut off. The prospect ia very gloomy and av Inl. (ttttl in his providence seems to have determined the fate of the British Empire, which is likely to be rt-nt in piec«'s. I do not believe, however, that there i» a man of sense on this continent who desires such a disjunction provided they are not drove to it by absolute necessity, bnt if forcible mecanres arc persisted in tlie dire event must take place, which mas God in his mercy yet prevent." In the same month he writcR again ; ''The situation of this eonntrj- and my own makes me truly anxious. • • • • I shall add that the generality of people at home are totally wrong in their ideas of this conntry and its inbabitants. who being now in arma m jst by next spring be looked np«jn as equal to the same nHinl>er of regular troops not only to do them justice, but that their op-' ponenta may have proper ideas of the business they go upon if the enterprise of subduing them bepe-rtisted in, which, however, I hope in God will not Im' the case. Perhaps the p«'ti- lion of Congress may afford a prcper op«-ning for a negotiation. Should that Ik; rejected as the laiit, then God have ro< iry on us all. All tunity to hear iu a regular way again." May 3, 1775, from New York, Mr. Erskine writes : "The people, as I have said before iu private letters, are sincerely in earnest every- where. I have even been applied to for gun- powder by the principal people of the County of Bergen in the Jerseys, in which your Iron Works are situated, where tbey, who till new hardly thought anything of the matter, are forming into regular disciplined bodies as fast as possible, which is the only business attend- ed to at present anywhere. Gen. Gage is shut up upon salt provisii ns in Boston, from whence it is allowed he could not ?tir ten miles had he 10.(100 men ; for 20,0t0 men who now beyond donbl can fight, are intrenched without the town, and .^('.fl-O more were sent home ngimi as supcrtlui-ns at present. But I leave paitic- nlars to thetewspapeis, and am stnry the limes have furnish* d a subject so foreign to my far- mer correspondence. The present subject I have adopted from the general voice which helrt it necessary that all who correspeinded. with England should be explicit in declaring the sit- uation of this country, which is beyond dispute indissolubly unitedagainst the British Ministry and their ads, to which the Americans will never subscribe bnt in characters of blood ; nor since blood has been shed do I believe a hearty reconciliatioa can again take piace unless BLOOD seals the contract." A week afterward he writes : "Nothing now is attended to but arms and discipline. Even the Quakers of Phil- adelphia have taken arms, and two companies of that persuasion were formed last week. * • * The seaport towns may be beaten down if the ministry think proper, but no force they can send will be able to penetrate ten miles inland. 'Tis perfectly astonishing they have carried things so far. The fishMy bill, the alle- gations of cowardice, Ac, have exasperated the ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 9 wbole eoDtiutnt lo the last degree." Again of rhelOtJi of June, Le writes- "I beg leave to ;,'ive yon my sentiments respeeting an accconi- rnodation, wliicb tbere is not the least prospect •>f being ofifected by force of £irm.s, soon if at all, for the universal diligence in learning and apphcatioD given to military affairs naist soon .•(.invert the people of this continent into reg- ular troops. * * * * They have tbeir eyes about them and are determined to be free or die. There is no doubt, bowLver, that a hearty recoct iliation would immediately take place were they put on the game footing as in "(KJand the right of taxation given up, for iudependen- cy is uot tbeir aim. Such a wish was never ex- pressed or hinted at either in the last or pres- ent Congress."' In a letter May 23, 1775, he exclaims: "My heart bleeds for my nativi; country." In Au- gust he writes, that "had the ministry design- «:d to render the opposition to their measures as effectual as possible, they could not have hit upon a better met'jod than the steps they have pursued." "Sept. 5. The people are in gen- eral longing for intelligence from England, but however ardtuf and sincere their desires are for a happy and amicable reconciliation, they are in general prepared and preparing for the worst.' Dec. atl), he tells his employers that whatever takes place "I shall continue to act for your interests and the' preservation of your property as well as I can." Dec. 6th, he is in great trouble about protested bills in conse- • (uence of the troubles of the country, and then lie exclaims : "Ob! my country! lo what art I hou driving? This gives me piquaut distress ind»ed. How long will madness and infatua- tion continue V Oh God, justice and judgment are the habitation of tby throne; mercy and truth shall go belore tby face. Excuse me, it is neither treason nor rebellioH to wish the kings of the earth would imitate the Sovereign of the Universe. Civil war, subjects and kin- ilred blood shed, and for what? Becau: great mercy if you conld think of doing something hear lor I am afrayil you will get some offers to go to Jeaiueky Gi'- brealter or some of the colonys abroad which would be very disagreeable lo me. You mav be sure I would be very glad to see you lieir for I almost desper of ever seeing you and if you go lather abroad it will ccrteanly be thi case I hope you will take care not to niedle wit b Lotry'tickets their being few gets anything thai way Garvok give out KM) pouudsster for tickets and they came out all blanks. I will be glad to hear if you get anything that way and what yon payed for your ticket. I hope it will be as you say that the people you stay with are religenss sober folk but I thought it best to let you se*- my Brothers letter that you mii^ht be on yonr gaird— I hope the Lord himself will keep liis hand about you and keep you oul. ot evel com- pany for to be sure their are many temtationti in and about London and oUmost in every place I am Dear Robie your loving and affectuat Mother Makoaret Ebsinf..'" Dunferm (date torn off). As already said, it was in 1772 that Mr. Faesch was superceded in the management of til" London CompanyV Works by Mr. Erskiiic I'rcvious to 1770, Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., of Mor- ristown — his widow was Washington's hostci<> during hh second winter in Morristown— k- said to hrve purchased some 2,000 acres of tin land which afterward constituted a eonsideiji- blc part i)( the large tract bought by Mr. Faeseb. Col. Ford built a forge some thn i miles north of the Mount Hope mansion, Jhcu known as Buvnt Meadow, but subseqnciilK Denmark. He there built a hoiit-e and lived a year or two. Col. Foid was at Denmark «v early as 17GH, because that year he is mention- ed in the Rockaway Trustee book as occupying "I'ue No. 5," in the first meeting house. For some reapon he was dissatisfied with Denmark as a residence, and in 1770 built tliC' stone maii- 8K/U at Mount Hope. This is still standing, and I may add that I saw a pane of glass in one of its windows on which was the diamond-cut autograph of Samuel Ogden, of Boon ton, with a date w'.ich I have forgotten. This relic way lost on repairs being made on the house. In 1772 Mr. Faesch removed to Mt. Hope.* * I have not seen the deed for lands purchas- ed from Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., but the fact is ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 11 aud the late Col. Joseph Jackson, of Rockaway, say* that Faesch built the Moiiut Hope Fur- nace in that year, and fjradually cidargcd hia purcliatits until he was said to own ten thous- ane maiden uame was Leonard, her mother being a K(\ariiey.* There were no children by this marriage. In liis day John .Jacob Faesch was one of the great men of Morris C .~)ounds. East .lersey Records, Liber G. 3 pp. 06; 237, ». and 200. *Whiteh 'ad's Amboy, p. !)2. greatest iron-master, one of its richest men and one of its most loyal citiz^-ns. The robbers Moody and Claudius Smith several times at- tempted to rob his house, but provided with arms by the Government and surrounded with his own men, he was not a very pleasant ob- ject of attack by the bandits. As mention has been made of Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., as one of the early settlers of the upper part of Morris (bounty, I may add that he was the son of Col. Jacob Ford, Sen., aud that after his sale ot Mount Hope to Mr. Faes h, he returned to Morristown. He he'd 3 commission in the American army, built a pow- der mill at Morristown, and saw some service, but shortly after Washington led his army into winter quarters, early in January, 1777, Col. Ford died of pneumonia, Jan. 11, aged thirty- nine. Eight days afterward— Jan. 19 — his fa- ther. Col. Jacob Fjrd, Sen., died of fever aged seventy-three years.* By order of Gen. Wash- ington, the son was honored with a military funeral. His descendants are among the most honored citizens of the County. Not far from Mount Hope is Hibernia, at tho head of the "Horse Pound" Valley, and situa- ted between two steep mountains about four miles north of Rockaway. At one time no lit- tle iutersst was connected with this place and f^ome men who figured there. The land was taken up and the works built earlier than either at Denmark or Mount Hope. 1 am not able to give the precise date, only it was prior to Oc- tober 28, 1765.t It will be noticed that in 1705 John Johnson had iron works at "Horse Pound,'' as Beach Glen was then called, from the fact that near ♦ Morristown Bill of Mortality, 29. t At this time Samuel Ford and his wife Grace — daughter of Abraham Kitcliel -fi>th Lindslcy, moth- er of Col. Jacob Ford, was born in the city of Axford, in Old England, came to Philadelphia when there was but one lions in it, and into this Province —New Jer.sey— when she was bnt one and a half yeart old. Decea.sed April 21st, 1772, aged 01 years and one month." Samuel Ford was the grandson ot this esliniable la5. >Ir. Whitehead intimates that Ford we'-.t to Ireland in 176y, "for imjirove ment in the profession,"! bit Kivington'> New York ()azraham Kitchel, ot Hauov«-r, and sister of Aarun the Congresbman. Her great-grandfather was the Rev. Abraham Pierson. sen., of Newark. Her niece Mrs. Eu- nice Pierson, of Rockaway, who lived to the ex- uaordinary ageof ninety-three years, once told ine that, Samuel Ford was a handsome man but "he was a great grief to his friends." 9 I'roceedings N. J. Historical Society, V, 53. of Privy Council of New Jersey, that the Gov- ernor . igned a warrant on the Treasury "to the Hon. John Stevens, Esq., for sending an express into this Colony to inform the inhabi- tants of a large sum of Jersey bills of credit being arrived in a vesKcl from England." There can be httic doubt that this was the fruit of Ford'.s professional visit to Ireland, then repuu'd to furnish the most skillful coun- terfeiters in the win-ld. "Whilst in Ireland he married an interesting young Irish gir!, with whom he i< said to have received some money. On reaching this country she was well nigh ciiized on linding that Ford had a wife and children. This was one of the worst acts ol his wicked life."* In the letter which Ford wrote to Cooper, after his own escape fioiu the Morris jail, he berates Cooper for his "attiooioiis falsehood" in charging on him th',- robbery of the Treas- ury at Perth Aiuboy, and then speaks m terms of virtuous indignation because in the confes- sion "You describe me as being the chiefest promote^' anl tirst introducer of the money making aflfair," as he pleasiuitly denominates connterfeitiug. He then adds this sentence, "Did you not in the time of our distressed cir- cumstances at the furnace [Hibernia] liral move such a seheUiC to me?" From the deed of two-thirds of the Hibernia property in 1765, it is fair to infer that he then sold out all his interest there, and in connection with his own letter just quoted, it seems to me clear that •'the inoney-makiiig affair" was in progress as early as that t m '. Further it seems probable that he sold his property in order to go to Ire- land that very fall or the next spring, and that his return wa". made known by the arrival in June, 1766, of a ship with "a large sum ol counterfeit Jorsey^bdls of credit." With this harmoni.ses the fact that in 1707 he was r a religious lite, which must have been sonn- wliat weak in its nature, as it did not lead him to abandon his adulterous relations and do ju>- tice to the excellent woman in New Jersi>. whom he left to sustain her family wilhoui u tarthing's aid from him. Probably about the time of Cooper's arrc'sl. or previous to it, he sold his iute'est at Hibei- nia to Lord Stirling, who was already a joint owner, and his arrest was at Hibernia in 17/3. I have seen no deed of sale by either Coopei or Henderson, but can only say that Lord Stir- ling was reported to be the sole owner of tht works when he rented them to Mr. Faescli. This must have been subseiiuent to Julv IC 1778, a«, which dale I tiud c lett.u- to Lord Stir- ling, from Cliarles Hofl', his manager at Hibrr- uia, repi>rling to him what he was doing. Jo- seph Hoff, the son of Charles Hoff, Sen., of Hunterdon County, was for some time tho man- ager of the Hibernia Works."* The letteis of which I have copies from the brothers Josepli and Charles HotT, reach from May 17, 1775, l<' July 10, 1778. From these wo learn that pow- der was scarce, that "the weathor is so ver^ '* I have copies of several letters from him to Robert Erskine, Lord Stirling, "Jlessis. itobt. and Jno. Murray," C(d. Moylaii, Murray, Sam- son & Co., and "Col. Knox, at Fort Washing- ton, in the State of New York ;" also sotne froui his younger brother. Charles Hoff, who at hip death succeeded him in the management. Tlie original book is in tho possession of Joseph 'J'. Hoff, Esq., of Mfiuut Pleasant— P. (). address. Dover, N.J. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 15 warm (August 25,1775) that if I do uot have iiiiu for the people I fy Protestant Geiniantf, somu time about the year 174t). This settlement of (Jer- uiaub, together with others in Hunterdon and Sussex counties, was visited as earlv as the year 1745, by the llev. H. M. MnblenberKh, CD., so justly distinguished 'or his learning, piety and patriotism. With his name, and the | names o/' his sons, the early history of these! Cierman settlements, as well as the history of I the entire Amtriean Lutheran church, is rich- ly interwoven. The Lutiierau chHrch, of Ger- man Valley, was originally incorporated witli Lutheran churches in the above named coun- ties, tiie principal one ot which was located at New Gemiantown, Hunterdon county. The more distinct history of these churches com- menced with the year 1767, at which time, through the agency of the Uev. H. Muhlen- l»ergh, those churches obtained :; charter of in- corpfiration from George III, King of Great liritain, executed by William Franklin, Esq., Captain General and Governor of the Colony of New Jersey, "at his office in Burlington." The iirst church built at German Valley was a 1'>r house 01 verj' rude construction, whidi, iu 1775 gave plaje to the Union church owned by the Presbyterians and Lutherans."* In the north-eastern part of the county set- tlements were made very early. Dr. iSehenck, for several years the pastor of the liefonned church at Pompton Plains, says that the firs^ settlements in .hat region were made on the east side of the Pompton river, in what is now Passaic county. ''At the opening of the year 1700, it is probable that there were but five or six white families in this valley- that is on the east side — and probably none on the l'lain>, or west side of the river. The first families came from New Y(»rk, and were, some ot them at least, members of the Dutch church, or their falheiB were. A few families also settled in 1700 in the vicinity of the Ponds. The ear- liest notice we have of preaching, in this region of country, was at the Ponds, in 1710. The first house of worship was built in 1735-6, and dedicated April 7th, 173(). Thi« was also on the east bank of the Pompton river, a little be- low where what was then called the Pompton river empties into the I'ecpianac, and on hinds formerly belonging to the Schuyler family. It was probably taken down in 1770." The first church erection at I'ompton Plains was planned in 17(i9, and fini.-'hed, so far as to be used, in 1771. Its pews were not made until aft<;r- w»rd».t Dr. Scbenck says, the first purchase ♦MS sketch of German Vallev Lutheran ehuich, by lU'V.E. D. tCopy of Dr. Schenek's Paper in Minutes of Pompton I'lains Church. of lands in ihe Pompton valley, from Indians and proprietors, included the great body of tlx' land in t)ie valley. If some lover of local his- tory would spend a few days- among the Ityer- son, and other old families, of Pompton, lling- wood, and Dloomingdale, in the examination of deeds, and compare these with the Records at AnibdV and Trenton, the date of settlement in that region could probably be kittled, since these families art' s:!id to have been among the first in that ri\^ion, and their descendants still live ther •. The NAMK of the county and its shlrjtown has elicited some inquiry. A few paragraphs C(.ncerning tlie genealogv and name o\ the county will close this paper. In 170!l the Pim- vincial Legislature passed an act dehniug and naming several counties. The county of I5ur- lingten then inelndc'd all the present counties of Hunterd(m, Meieer, Morris, Snssi'X and War- ren. In 1713 the same authority divided Hnr- lington county so as to set off by itself tin- county of Hunterdon, in honor of llobert Hun- ter, the Governor of New York and New Jer. se.v. Hunterdon llieii included the piesent counties of Hunterdon, Mercer, Morris, War- ren and Sussex. On the 15th of March, 1738-9. the Provincial Lcigislature passed an act whirli set off from Hunterdon the territory included in Morris, Sussex and Warren, and named it Mois- Ris, evidently in honor of Us Governor, Lewis Morris, who about a month previous had been appointed the first Governor of New Jersey as a Province distiiiCt from New York.* For sev- eral years, according to Allinsou, the most of the citizens of Morris county must have been practically disfranchised, since it appear-* thai until tli{ tbe Gcnrernor also ; but tbe first ifJieial use of it, tbat I have discovered, is two years after ilie oiganizatiou of tlie county. Tbe following record in tbe tirst volume of minutes of tbe <'ourt of Common Pleas, tor Morri.'< county, is uii important addition t<» tbe history of tbe •MHiuty and is given entin*. •■Makch -ioTH, MIX* 'XL. Gkneual, Sessions of the Peace. ''The Court taking into (consideration the necessity of dividing the county of Morris into Proper Townships or Districts, for having proper officers within every such Township or District, and more especially lor such officers as are to act in concert with other Townships, we therefore order and Determine that from lieiioetortb a certain Township, bounded on Pissaic river, Poquanock riv^r, to the lower end of the great pond at the head thereof, and by Kockaway river and the west branch thereof, to tbe head thireof, and thence cro.ays, up to tbe Place where f'e same road passes between l{enjamiii_and Abraham Pierson's, and thence up tbe same roa lUSriNOlJl.SHEl) BV THK NAMK OF MoKRIS Town." '"The court adjourned till nine o'clock to- nuuTow evening."* It seems probable that the court acted thus in view of [jetitious from the peo]>le ; but, how- ever tbat may bo, this settles detinitely the name of the town and, as I think, disposes of a suggesti<»n of a different origin for tbe name made by myself on a previous occaaion.f It IS worth while here to state that the First Piesbytei'ian church of Morristown was actu- ally organized tbe same ^ear with the county of Morns, 17;)8, a' though its organization was attempted three years previous ; but, as is stated in a deed made by tbe trustees ol that church to the Justices and Freeholders of tbe county, September 7th, 1771, "on the 8th day of SeptemV)er, A, D. 1756, bis late Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq., Captain General, Gov- ernor and Comniander-in-Cliief in, and t)ver. the Province of New Jersey, Ac, did make and grant, under the great seal of said province, unto Benjamin Hathaway, Charles Howell, Heni'v Primrose, Benjamin Boyles, Tliomas Kent, Benjamin Cox and Samuel Roberts (by I he name oi the 'I'rustees of Presbytei-jaii church of Morristown), a Chauteu, investing them and their successors with full powers to receive, and give grants of lauds tor the U8(' and benefit of said I'resbyterian church, &c.'" The object of this conditional convftyance, in 1771, was to lurnish tbe Justices and Freeludd- ers of the county with right to " a certain I^ot of Land, commonly called the Gully," "con- taining one acre, strict measure," " for tho sole use and purposes of a Court House, Gaol, and other necessary uses, for the Court House. Gaol, iVc, as long as the said Court House shall remain on said lot, or tbe said county ap- plies the same to those purposes only, and no louger." Tbe consideration was '' tbe sum ol £5, (current moiuy of th.' Pr?>vince aforesaid. * Minutes of Court of Common Pleas for Morris county, N. J., Book No. 1, p. 2. In July of same year John Kinney was proclaimed Sheriff, and licensed to keep lavuru lu Hano- ver. t Pres. Quar. Rev., vol. VL 2«9, April, 1808. 18 ANNALS OF MOIIRIS COUNTY- at eight sbilliugs tlie oudcc, to tbem iu Land paid, &c., and also that said Justiuus aud Free- holders, do constantly and ooutinually keep full aud iu pafBablti icpaa-, that part of the hcroaJter mentioned lot of land corimonjy called the Gully." ,The names of the church trustees in September, 1771, were Henry Prim- rose, Uenjamm Bayles, Benjamin Cox, Samuel Roberts, Joseph Stiles, Samuel Tuthill, Ste- phen Conkling. The name of Benjamin Bayles is signed with "his mark." The Justices aud Freeholders of Morris county, at the same date, were Robert Goold, Lemuel Bowers and Josiah Broadwell, Esquires, Justices ; and Freeholders, Matthew Lum, Mat- thias Buruct, Noah Beach, Jacob Gould, Jacob Ford, jr., hartzhorm Fitz llandolph, Jacob Drake, Jabesh Bell aud John Stark. The sub- scribing witnesses to the deed Were Timothy .Mills, jr., and Joseph King, and it was ac- knowledged before Jacob Ford, sen.* The court boost! and jail were on the northwest corner of the square. On the 1st of April, 1816, the Trustees of the church, for the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, made over their reserved rights iH what is now the public square, to cer- tain t^eutlemeu named in certaiu condi- tions that the ground might be orna- mented and improved, but not built on " ex- cept for a meeting hous •, a court housci and jail, and a market house ;" aud if " at any time thereafter the county of Morris sliould cease to use the land now occupied for a court house and lot, fur that purpose, the same should be tronsidered a part of the green or common, subject to the conditions a'foresaid." This paper, already too long, mu^t be eon- iluded. I regret that it cannot l>e madi: fuller and more explicit. The older members of the Society, who may have tried their hand at writ- ing local history, will appreciate uiy difficul- ties, and the young members will do so as soon as they attempt the same thing for any local- ity east of the Delaware, or west u{ the Hud- son. Let me then sum up the facts ascertained with more or less certainty. The earliest purchasers of lands in the Coun- ty of Morris, so far as I can hraru, were iu Pe- quaunock Township, in the vietinity of Pomp- ton Plains, on the west side of the river, from the I'roprietors and Indians, as p.arly as " the • I regret not to be able to give my authori- ty for these fatfts. By some mistake, at the lime I mad^ the quotations, I neglected to note the reference, but from the tact that thest; deeds, alluded to, are among notes which were laken when examining the tast Jersey Records at Trenton, I infer that I found these also in Liber F, 3, East Jersey Records, but am not sure. I am totj far from Tautiiii to vtrify my inference. opening of 1700," when there "weie live or SIX families'' on the opposite side of the river. The first settlers were from New York, Long Island, and probably Bergen ('ounty, New Jer- sey, as then constituted. The church there date.s back to 1735 or '6. The uext i*uob>.bi.k date is that at Hanover, near Whippany Presbyterian Chuieh, at the Old Iron Works, and is "about 1710." Theeai- iest ACTU.\L I'ate is the deed to James Bollen, " near a place called Whippeuung," la the County of Hunterdon, in tin: month of May. ni.!." The same year we tind a tract surveyeeen coiitiscated during the Revo- lution. German Valley was settled by Gerrnaiis about 1740, visited by Dr. Muhlenberg in 1745, aixl its church aclui'lly buili in 1747. '^^ Tlur Rockaway Presbyterian Church datrs back to 175H, some thirty years after the tirsi settlement. The Coi-NTV OF JIoKKis was organized in 1738, and its first Township of Hanover a re- gion of country of indetinite extent, previous to this date, while it belonged to Hunterdon. MoKKisTowN received its name in 1740 from the C(mrt of Cot'umi^u Pleas, and three town- ships deferred, viz., Hanover, Morris and Pe- quannock. Pompton Plains, indeed, we may say Peqnan- nock, as a section, was settled by Holland Dutch ; Hanover, Morristown aud (jhathaiu. by people from Newark, Elizabeth and New England : Meudhiiui and Chester, from Long AL,o Vb MORRIS COUNTS. and and New j^n, ,f collecting the early history of this beautiful bounty to our yorxo historians. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF GEN. WILLIAM WINDS* Much of thy early history of Morris County I loHt beyond recovery, and with it the char- ter and deeds of many who figured largely in at history have faded from the memory of man. In gathering the materials for this pa- lter, my mind ha.s been agitated with regret that 80 little can now be known concerning the uien and the events connected even with our Revolution, and with indignation at the crimi- nal negligence wbich has permitted the loss. j'.y way of esteiiualion it miy be said, however, that Morris County was settled by a plain and mpreteuding people, who caicd but little for 'le honors of ancestry, and who judged that ■iteiity would be able to care for themselves, •ked by great integrity of character, and al for the cause ot religion, honored with a competence which their simple habits convert- ed into abunilance, and little thinking thaf losterity would look back so far into the past vitli a real desire to know its history, they ept but few records to wliich we may now rc- ;r, and these generally pertaining to the titles ^ their lands, and the common transactio^is of eii churches. As for any extended records men distinguished among them as civilians, ists, or patriots, or of the origin, progress success ot any expeditions in defence ot rights as a community, or in aid of the ■j"y at large, there are scarcely any in ex- e. It is certainly not a little strange, county, the patriotism of which furnish- ny men and large supplies to our army I the war for Independence, and which ^e honored as containing the winter s of the American army, a county which theatre of bold exploits, and the anx- belore the New Jersey Historical Soci- K'th. 1853. ious consultations of Washington .. men who constantly attended him, able to furnisb so few authentic mai history. The last of her Revoluti(mar. through whom we are able to enibrac triots of 1776, arc only just departing; when we attempt even a meagre histoi •county, or of any prominent individur we are compelled to resort to "unwritten lions of the elders," with a full hnowleaj, their probable uncertainties and exagg(!ratio. But it is too late to enter complaints, sin they cannot no,v be redressed. The fathers Morris County are dead, and although we mnt regiet that they left so little from which thei children might construct a fitting memorial ti their virtues as citizens, and as patriots we cai only say, "Peace to their ashes." When the Revolutionary war l>egan, the peo- ple.of Morris County generally sympathized witl it, and in proijortion to tbeir means, did ar much to sustain it as any other section of tl state. Here, as elsewhere, there were tories wh showed their hostility to the Patriots by deed, of violence and robliery, which were sometimes even marked with bloodshed; but the masses of the people, tracing tbeir ancestral lines back to Now England, were thrilled with a patriot- ism which sf-rupled at no sacrifice for an end es- teemed so desirable. In many cases, all the male members of the family old enough to car- ry a musket were enrolled either in the rcgula'- army or among the "minute men." The mothers, tbe wives and the daughters tilled the soil, while their sons, husbands and fathers contended v.'ith tbe enemy. One woman wpf urged to get a "protection" from the Britis and she asked, "Would it be right or woman for me to secure a protection froHi the Britisl when I have a husband, a father, and five bio thers fighting the British ? I think not, and therefore I will not do it." For the safety o her family she was urged to that course, bui with the magnanimity of a Spirtan and 4,he faith of a Christian, she replied, "I will not get a "protection' from the British : if the God oi battles will not take care of us, then we will fare with the rest !" She was not alone in her resolve. Morris County could boast of hun- dreds of women who would endure any hard- ship and encounter any danger, rather than sanction by a word the presence of an invader, and the impertinence of a foe. As for the men. the first alarm sent them to the rescue, leaving the plough and reaping- hook to the women, wliiKst they should repel the enemy. One man was .stacking his grain when he heard the sound of the alarm cannon booming over the hills. In an instant, he sprang down with the exclamation, "I can stand this 1" seized his gun and Imn-ied lo V ANNALS OF MORItlS GOU:>rA Tlie Kilobils, tbe Condicts, tbo >he Dicliiusoiis, tlin Howolla, the De- 10 Jacksoiis, the Tuttlcs, and other like stuff, threw themselves with aui- ato the contest, to shai-e its daiif;er8 les. , if not all the townships in the county, 1 pntriotic associations, both to Ruard jst toriea and to furtber tbe general inter- s of tbe Amet lean cause. The original paper ;ned by one hundred and seventy-seven citi- ■ns of "Pequanoc" towu; enemy to make th delineate the man as he lives in the tradi- tidus of Morris County. William Winds was born in Southhold, Long island, in the year 1727 or 8. The Hon. Mah- lou Dickerson informs me that a few years siuce he saw the house in which Winds was boni ; but so careless or ignorant are those who ought to know these things, that I am "uly able to guess the year of his birth from thd record on his monument that he died "Oc- tober 12th, 1769, inthe6-2d year of his age." From "a list of the names of old and young. Christians and heathens, Freemen and ser- vants, white and black, 3.) William re- r 'oved to New Jersey when he was a young n an, and purchased a part of the Burroughs tnict of land, on Pigeon Hill." After improv- iu;; severai acres of his purchase, he ascertain- '•d that the title, under which liQjheld it, was not reliable, and with a frank statement of the ^^(t he sold his right, giving a quit-claim deed. He then bought a large tract of land only a ■< h 't distance from the village of Dover. Here ' ■ '.ed until his death. The barn which he - stili standing, and the foundations of use are vet to be seen. Ho sold from igiual purchase several farms, retaining s own use what is still known as "the 3 farm." For these facts I am iudeb;ed to Jacob Lose\, . 4., u . ..j agt . still living. His wealth as a landholder, and his nat^ force of character, gave Winds great influenc in the community, at a time when the savages yet infested New Jersey, and the whole coun- try was agitated with the contest between Eng- land and France. At such a period a leader, who might be looked up to for counsel, would bo in great demand. Besides this. Winds was so chivalric in his bravery, and so decided in his views, and withal there was in him such a blending of courage with great physical pow- ers, that his fellow citizens naturally tnrued to him in times whore ordinary gifts were insuffi- ci ent to meet the emergencies which were con- stantly arising. In conversing with an aged native of Kocka- way, I was informed by her of a tradition which bad been currently reported ever since she was a child, which seems worthy of being sifted, as she was twenty-three years old when Gen. Winds died, and she had lived a neighbor to him all that time. Her father. Deacon John Clarke, was intimate with Winds, and in this way she received the story. As Mrs. Anderson related the tradition,* it was without dates or places. In the old French war a brigade was raised in New Jersey to aid in the conquest of Canada, and in this brigade Winds was commissioned as an officer. On their march, a great way north of Albany, the New Jersey troops were exposed to the enemy, and whilst being attacked were forbidden by their own commander to tire again, or ofTer any resistance. Winds, although a subordinate, ran up to the general officer, and remonstrated with him, but he drew his sword on him. The vvarm blooded Winds seconded by the enraged troops made such an answer to this, that the commander put spur to his horse and fled for his life. Winds now assumed the command and brought off the troops with honor. Such IS the statement of an old lady, who re- tained the cheerfulness and vivacity of youth, until she nearly attained ninety years of age. In consulting Mr. Losey, the aged man already alluded to, I ascertained that a battallion was raised in New Jersey in 1758, the term of en- listment being for one year, and Winds received a royal commission in this battallion as a ma- jor, but Mr. Losey is mistaken in the rank he assigns Winds at that period, since in the rec- ords of the Presbyterian Parish of Rockaway on Jan. 29th, 1771, he is called Captain Winds, * There is so much that is improbable in this tradition, that the Committee on Publications are unwilling to allow it to be printed und their direction without stating their belief th it is not in any way confirmed by contempc aueous records. FY. jt given ti .. . . . ji April —ai, 17, „ He was a eap- .n that war. The name of tbedeliuquent .nmaiulcr he is not able to state, nor the ;>lace at which tlio scene describL'd by Mrs. AnderiOD occtirred, but he has no doabt that Ronie Buch incident did occur, since it was a common talk when be was a yonng man. He was acquainted with Winds, baving lived sever- al years in his neighborhood. In compannp his version of this incident with that of ray other informant. I t5nd a very great correspon- dence Ixjtween the testimony of the two wit- nesses, but Mr. liOsey further states that Winds was not present at the capture of Que- bec by Wolfe, in 1759, the term for which the New Jersey troops were enlisted having expired. Yet Winds was present in many siiirmishes. and assisted in taking many prisoners. His treat- ment ot these was so generous, that several ac- companied him baik to New Jersey, and set- tled there. Among these was a man named Cubboy, whom Mr. Lo.sey knew, and to whom Gen. Winds became so attached, as to present hira with a deed for twelve acres of laud in the ficinity of Dover. This man acted as a sort of body servant to Gen. Wind.i ''or many years. The conduct of Winds m this campaign was favorably reported by his soldiers, and he be- c«mo more than ever a plish and bloody defeat. U is conduct was neverely reprobated by the survivors of his Array, and by tbo authorities at bome.f • See Bancroft's U. S., vol. iv. pp. 299, 304. t Bancroft's U . S. vol. iv., pp. :J00-307. Jdere is the seed out of which grev in Brobability tbo Morris county tradition, home Winds was not merely a brave man,, "the bravest of the brave." In some res^ be was the most noted man in the county, j ho held there a relative position which was n| so obvious in an army made up of brave men" from England and Scotland, and the New Eng- land Colonies who, among other noted spirits, had sent W'olfe, Putnam, and 3IoIly Stark's man. With communities as with individuals, there is a natural tendency to vanity, and with the former this is gratified by dilating to tl\oir utmost dimensions the heroic deeds of their ropresentative men. Thus it was not un- natural tor the good people of Morris county to discuss, by blazing hickory fires, and over mugs of oder, the deeds of their soldiers in that bloodv campaign. Among these reuiini.sences, under the general inspira- tion of such occn.sions, the important share which such an eccentric, brave, and popular man as Winds, took in those scenes, would ro- leive a large allowance, for thus not only did toey find the theme of good fireside storie.*, bpt food for their vanity as a community. "i But be this as it may, there can be littfle doubt that Winds was a commissicned captain, in active service, in the severe campaign at t\K north in 1758, and that he there gained himself the reputation of being a bold and trusty olfi- cer. I have not been able to learn whether Winds engaged in military service at any time during tbo ptnod intervening between the French War and the Revolution. Meanwhile be re- ceived a commission from the Eiifjlish ant) or- ities as one of the King's Justices of tbo Peace for the county of Morns. This wa.s- previoo? to 1765, a year famou.s in American history for the passage of the odious Stamp Act. In c(U;i- mon with the masses of his countrymen, he re- garded this act as an intoloraole oppression, and resisted its practical enlorcement, a thing more difficult than common in his case as a Justice f the New England Colonics has found a place n history, and yet the mountains of Morris coun- ty furnished as singular an evasion of the .ct as any on record. To avoid the use of ;he stamped paper. Justice Winds substituted the bark of tho #hite birch. Warrants and writs, bonds and executions were not then ao nnu.er- ou.s as in these days of litigation, and the s m- plicity of the times allowed a brevity iu these legal documents which might now le c > *r-^ cd indi.'corous, but when the constable ed a warrant to arresi "Richard Ro bring him before me, William Winds," was no one bold enough to deny the su' authority. If there be another iustArii '^ ASl^^hif OV '0Ox.. iuthi>rity. ir there be aDother »n8t»Dc« of a .;wor;< Justice of K^nK George DttUifyiog tb<; - taiap Act with \vhite birch bark, it bv) escap- . ;1 III • notice, aad this must thertiforo iie reck- ■xfi one of the eigiiB which marked that .tXyoa ol froenjen. The FreBbjteriaD Chnrch of Itockaway was o-gaiiized about the year 1753, although mca-s- area had been taken Home time provioun to put n-jf a meotiug-house. The first sabacription for iKiiK purpoHC bears t'ate of 17i9, but so far at ftV. oai) now ascertain, the frame was not raised itntii the third year afterward. It retuained mfimshcd for more than half a century. With this congregation Winde was connected, and ut some time, which no record in existence points out, he made a public profession of re- ligion. In all probability it was during the I^istorate of the Bev. James Tuttle, the first ) aster, who held the office from 1768 to 1771. The rocordu of the parish show that Wmds was a^ liberal contribuior to the expenses of the (!bnrch, and also that he assisted largely in l.ailding the first meeting-house, although it iiinst be acknowledged that his warm imperi- «jUB temper betrayed him into some extrava- aucea scarcely consistent with his profession, fc'or iustance, finding his horses one Sabbath morniag to be somewhat fractious, he com- f.elied them to drag his family to meeting in a sleigh on bare ground ; and on another occa- ijon, after the commencement of the Revolu- tion, when the congregation was startled by a •nessvnger ou horseback, bringing the news that the enemy were ou the march to Morris- town, Winds exhibited the most angiy impa- tience because "the minute men" hi-d come to rhurch without their guns. One venerable woman is still living who witnessed the scene, and Rhe says that Wmds never went to church iu those days without his arms, and that on this alarm he was no provoked at the remissness if his fellow soldiers, "that he spoke, or rather bawled, so loud that I should think he might have been heard to the bhort Hills 1" The same old lady tells me that Winds some- times led in prayer when the congregation, for rt-ant of a pastor, held " Deacon's meetings." Sihe says that m his prayers his voice usually Vas gentle and low, until he began to pray for the cause of American freedom, when his excitement became explosive, and his voice was vkised until it sounded like heavy thunder 1 he has heard him suddenly raise his voice rom a low pitch to its highest power when iraying for America, so that the congregatick&«. river interveuittg, s(iyK that she has frequently heard distinctly the various orders which he was issuing to the laborers in hie fields. The anecdote of hia frightening off a detachment of British soldiers, by crying out to the top of his voice, "open to the right ana lett and let the artillery through," is famihar to every Jersey- man. The scone of this anecdote was oi) the Haokensack river, as wag testified by b^pnhen Jackson, Esq., father of Col. Joseph /ucKfjon; who was present when the farce was enacted. There are many anecdotes still related, which show that since the days of Stentoo such a voice has rarely been heard, but its roo«t "lin- gular exhibition was iu church musiit. When he sang, the old people say he no^ merely drowned the voices of the whole congregation, but he seemed to make the veij buitdiug itself shake. At this point it will be in place to glean some facts which show the man as he was at home. Here everything was planned and executed with military precision. He insisted on literal obe- dience to his orders, and this when his own interests suffered by it. From Mrs. Winds to his slave, no one dared vary a hair's breadth from his commands, under penalty of sucb a storm as it was fearful to encounter. His favorite laborer, for this reason, wag a man called Ogdeu, and on one occasion his prompt attention to ordci s was to the cost of his employer. Winds was starting for Morristown one morning, when he saw that his sheep had broken into a grain field. Greatly excited, he roared out, " Ogden, go and kill every one of those sheep I" and springing on his horse, he rode off at full speed, which he did not abate until he had gone more than a mile. Then he bethought himself that his man was a terrible Uteralist, and wheeling his horse, he rode back at a John Gilpin rate, at every leap of his horse roaring out like the report of a brass field-piece, "Ogdeu, hold your hand 1 Ogden, hold your hand !" But Ogden had executed orders so far as to have slaughtered seven of the sheep before he received counter orders. In the greatest good humor, he commended the man for his promptness, but assured him that he had done enough for the present. Anecdotes of a similar character are very nuinero.tP, some ot which do not place the man in a very amiable light. Whilst ho never laid violent bands on his wife, yet it is said that b A.,NALS OF M lufkeU her npio the odtlitics of a man she really loved, and ■ ft'-u shi.ldeA his men from the effects of his isure. Althonjjh feeble, she outlived rl-f had reasou to regrt' a greut while .le ol' his orders, which was to a iiiecf, to whom he was much attached, to execute some errand on thf> horso which ho himself usually rode, and whicli waa as fiery as his master. The yonns woman, not daring to disobey, the General's house, when the following good-natured colloquy healed the rupture : "Molly," said Gen. Winds, "you ought to have known better than to come about with 8uch an annoyance when you saw me out of humor 1" "Yes, yea," replied the woman, "perhaps so ; but mad or not, you ought to liavc known bet- ter than to knock a lady down with your fist !'" This retort raised a hearty laugh, in which the offender joined, and so the difficulty ter- minated. Uncommonly prompt and energetic in all his own movements, laziness was a crime which he punished unsparingly. A man, who was a cooper by trade, had moved into the neighbor- hood, and one day Winds, entering his shop, said : "Next week I am going to kill my hogs, and I want so many meat casks by Friday night; will you malte them?" "Yes, I guess so,' drawled out the lazy fellow. At the appointed time the General was at the shop, but his casks were not done. He demanded the reason, and getting an answer which showed that laziness was the cpuse, he seized a hickory whip, and gave him a sound threshing, all the time roar- ing out, " I'll teach yon to lie, and be lazy tool!" lie then ordered him sharply to work, or he rt(*ild administer some more wholesome cor- rection. It is needless to say that the cooper did not run further risks, but executed the ordur to the letter. But whilst these anecdotes present the man as imperious and harsh, yet there is much ^YilJenre to show that he had a kind heart. When he was killing a sheep or a beef, a part of it was sent to his minister ; and if he'tneiif of any poor family in want, choice bitsiwer*" sent to them also. On one occasiou ai poo)" man tried to buy a cow, but was met wit|i the disheartening^ reply— "A cow indeed! wh»t dji you want of a cow ?" "To keep my family froi^i starving." " Have you got anything to paiy for a cow ?" "No sir, but I hope to have, soiri».i>'' these times." "You can't have a cow of nie, for you will never see the time when you ciu pay tor her!" ' He was annoyed at the time with a tbonsaiid things which he was arranging in order to get in readiness for the army. His horse was then at the door, ^ut a mile's ride had dissipated hi.-t anger, and he rode back to give his man orders to drive a certain new milch cow, with the calf at her side, to the poor man, with the raessagt that he need give himself no trouble about th(e pay! All the survivors of that generation with whom I have conversed, testify to his grejlt generosity to the poor and distressed. He had a rough manner, but a kind heart. Imperious and petulant, yet a little time would displace these uuamiable traits with gentleness and get - erosity. The man is before us as he appeared i i the prime of his manhood, at the commence- ment of the Revolutionary war. Physically h(- was a giant, with a gianfs strength and a Sten- tor's voice ; as a citizen, he was a kind neigh- bor and a warm friend ; as a magistrate, he re- garded equity and not technicalities, and dis^ penscd justice in modes more consonant wit*i martial than civil law ; as a Christian, ho shrunk from no pecuniary obligation to relig- ion, and was as punctilious as a Pharisee iu all religious duties ; as an employer, he suffered no interference with his plans, and those who obeyed him most closely enlisted his kindest regards ; as a military officer, he was always ready for duty, and his soldiers were devoted to him as a father— his very eceentricities endear- ing him to them, for even these wore employee!! in their behalf. We have already seen that the raassea of th^' Morris County people warmly eapoused thf cause of American Indeixiudenee, and led on b^ such men as William Winds, they practical^ pledged their honor, their lives and their for- tunes to the enforcement of the Great Declara- tion of July 4th, 1776. Whilst the towns of tHis county were not harassed like those near*'' New York and Philadelphia, yet they sent m> to defend their suffering brethren. What th< were not obliged to suffer from the hostile 4 predations of the British army, their fields an granaries made up in supples to the America army. Almost the entire male popnlatioi over eighteen years of age, bore arms either oii special occasions or in the regular arm v. Som ■ •i ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. of her sons assiatecl in capturing Burgoyne, and others in capturing Cornwallis. The pulse of liberty beat full and strong in the hearts of the Morris yeomen. Auiong tliese there was no warmer-hearted patriot than the subject of this paper. The date of bis comniissiOH as Lieutenant .j^olonel in the Fu-st New Jersey Battalion was iuesday, November 7, 1775; and by appoiut- iient of the Continental Congres.s. Previous fo this, on October 2Sth, 1775, the First Bat- talion of New Jersey had elected the very offi- cers who were afterward commissioned by vjoogifss. From a letter bearing date "Mend- jhain, Dec. 7th, 1775," we ascertain that Winds was searching the country vigorously for the purchase of arms. The letter is a curiosity, and may be in part transcribed literally, to h.how the education and temper of the man : "Sir — I received yours of Nov. 30tb, and am much obliged to your Honor for your cear (care) in sond- lug my commission. I have had some success iu purchasing arms, but cannot send the number at this time, they being in different places purchased by men implied (employed) by me, but will send the number sune. * « « * Sir, I have heard that you have been desired to recommend Jonathan T. Morris for an ensign. I beg leave to inform the Colonel that it would hurt the Company much if he is commissioned. From your very humble servant, WM. WINDS. "N. B. When I came from Burlington I found Capt. Howell's Company had only twenty-eight, and Capt. Morris's about nineteen guns only."* On December 10th, 1775, Major DeHart wrote to Lord ytiiling that some complaints had been made of "the price and quality of some of the arms purchased by Col. Winds." Among the same manuscripts I find an order under date of November 21st, 1775, from Stirling to Winds to lead three Companies, of which Capt. Mor- ris's and Capt. Howell's were two, to the High- lands, but the order was probably counter- manded. During the contest between Governor Frank- lin and the Assembly, we find Winds at Perth ; Amboy, the seat of Government, in command of a detachment of troops, subject to the order of his Colonel, Lord Stirling. Under date of January 10th, 1776, Stirling writes to the Pres- ident of the Continental Congress that he has ordered Lieutenant Colonel Winds to secure the person of Governor Franklin, and remove him to Elizabfcthtown, where he had "provided good and genteel lodgings" for him. Two days previous to this. Winds wrote the follow- ing letter to the Governor . "B.\RRACKs .\T Perth Abiboy, Jan. 8th, 1776. Sir — I have had hints that you intend to leave the * MSS. in possession of N. J. Historical Soci- etj. Province in case the letters that were interci should be sent to the Continental Congress, t have particular orders concerning the matter, therefore desire you will give me your word an< honor that you will not depart this Province until I know the will and pleasure of the Continenta Congress concerning the matter. I am, &c." Franklin replies the same day : "I have no. the least intention to quit the Province ; ncr shall I, unless compelled by violence." But meanwhile, as the required pledge had not been given, the zealous Winds had stationed his sen- tinels at the Goveror's gate to assist him in keep- ing his resolution. This calls out an indignant letter the next day, January 0th, and it is con- cluded with this significaDt sentence : "How- ever, let the authority or let the pretence be what it may, I do hereby require of you, if these men are sent by your orders, that you do immediately remove them from henoe, as you will answer the contrary at yonr peril." To this letter Winds replied the same day in a strain which shows the stufif he was made of : January 9th, 1776. "Sib — As you in a former letter say you wrote nothing but what was your duty to do as a faithful officer of the Crown ; so I say, touching the senti- nels placed at your gate, I have done nothing but what was my duty to do as a faithful officer of the Congress. lam, &c." The situation ot Franklin was uncomfortable enough, since on the 10th of January Lord Stirling sent a message to him by the outspok- en Winds, "which kindly invited him to dine with me at this place," (Elizabethtown,) and such was the decision of the messenger, that "he at last ordered up his coach to proceed U^ this place." The intervention of Chief Justice Smyth, who prevailed on him to make the promise which Winds demanded, saved the Governor from a 'disagreeable ride, under a guard to Elizabethtown."* Fiom Franklin's second letter to Winds it comes to light incidentally that he was not only a Lieutenant Colonel, but an elected repre- fientative of the people of Morris in the Assem- bly. The jouru al of Timothy Tuttle also shows that from December 2l8t, 1775, to January lith, 1776, Winds's troops were on duty around Perth Amboy and Elizabethtown ; on the 14th of that month they searched Staten Island for tories ; and on the 18th they marched from Bergentown to New York city, thence to Hell gate, Newtown, Jamaica and Rockaway, on Long Island, in pursuit of tories. On the 22d, at Ehzabethtown, he stood sentry over a ship lately taken from the enemy. In February of this year. Winds informed Congress that he was stationed at Perth Am- boy with a part of the Eastern Battalion of th' » Life Lord Stirling, pp. 119-122. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. tinental forces ; that he was destitute of imunition, and that he stood in need of a apply. Congress, by their President, request- ed the Committee of Somerset county to fur- nish him with four quarter-casks of powder, and the Committee of Middlesex ccunty to lur- nsh him with 150 pounds of lead. The journals of Congress show that ou "Thursday, March 7th, 1770, it was ordered that William Winds, Esq., be promoted to be Col- onel of the New Jersey Battahon, and Matthias Ogden, Esq., be appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the same."* The news of his promotion was accompanied with the following letter Irom the President of Congress : Philadelphia, March, 7th, 177G, "Sib — The promotion of my Lord Stirling to the rank of Brigadier General in the Continental Army, having orcasioned a vacancy, the Congress, in con- sideration of yoiar merit and attachment to the American cause, have appointed you to succeed him. I do myself the honor to enclose your commission ; and am. Sir, your humble servant, JOHN HANCOCK, President. "To Col. Wm. Winds, New York."t In a letter to Congress, dated a week after Hancock's, Winds acknowledges the honor con- ferred on himself, hut protests in behalf f.f the Regiment against the appointment of Mr. Og- den as Lieutenant Colonel, and hopes that "this young gentleman's merits might be re- warded in some other way ; and from "Stillwa- ter, May l^'th, 1776,' he writes to President Hancock, stating the extortion and the negli- gence of "Doctor Burnett," and requesting that "Congress will appoint some other person tu serve in that deparlment."J This letter was ' vidently written on the march northward, to which service Winds's Regiment had been or- dered. From the despositions of several soldiers ap- plying for pensions, we gather the fact that • iirly in May, 177G, Col. Winds's Regiment set ut to join the expedition against Canada, in Ahich Montgomery lost his life the previoMS year. The Regiment proceeded as far as the town of Sorell, if not to Three Rivers. The inhabitants of the several towns in the New Hampshire grants wrote to General Sulli- van, asking protection in view of "the retreat of the American army from Canada, and the news of the savages killing several of our men nn the west side of Lake Champlain." They pe- iiion that a guard be sent to Onion river, or Hoine other place judged to be most advanta- geous to the army and the inhabitants. Under •Vol. i, p. 280. t American Archives, 4th Series, vol. 5th, p. 99. I American Archives, 4th Series, vol. (!, p. date of July 2d. 1776, Sullivan writes to General Washington : "I have ordered Col. Winds, with a hundred and fifty men, to take post on the Onion river, to guard there until I could have your Excellency's and General Schuyler's opinion."* That he actually took this post, is evident from a letter which he wrote to Generj- al Gates from — 1 "Shebeouene, July 15th, 1776. ( "Sm— I am here, by leave of Gen. Sullivan, witli 2G men, and have built a stockaded fort for the safe- ty of my men and the inhabitants. I this da> hp.ard that my Regiment is ordered down to Ticoni deroga ; and if so would be glad to receive some or', ders whether to stay here or to go after them. Jj have sent a batteau for provisions, as we are just out. Beg the favor that the Commissary n)ay be ordered to send some by the brave Sergeant Ed- wards. WILLIAM WINDS, Colonel. "To the Commander at Crown Foint."t A general order issued by Gene;'al Sullivai on November 5tb, 1776, at Ticondcroga, is as follows : "Col. Winds is ordered to prepare to embark to-morrow morning for Skeensborough with such officers, non-commissioned ofi&cers. and soldiers of said New Jersey Regiment, whose terms of enlistment are out, who are de- sirous of being iinnicdiately discharged . They will embark at 5 o'clock, five in a boat." The same orders contain a request that these olfi- cers and soldiers remain until the 13th inst.. when "they will be permitted to depart with honor, and shall be allowed pay lor their return home." The general order of the 7th instant expresses the heartv thanks of the General ti the officers and soldiers ot the Ist Jersey Bat- talion who re-uain with the army, "for the hon- or and public spirit they shew in disdaining to follow the infamous example of their Colonel and the deluded soldiers who followed him. The General would inform them that tJie drums were beat by his order in derision of the tew who had the basenosss to quite their po.sts in this time of danger. "i An unpublished journal kept by Yimothy Tut- tle, of Whippany, who was with Winds during this entire campaign, confirms the statemeuti already made, and gives additional light ou th movements of the brigade. "May 28th, 1776— Started from Crowu Point down Dake Champlain. 31st— To St. John's by water, fifteen miles. June 4th— Reached tho town of SoroU, thirty miles down the river, anc^ forty-five below Champlain. 6th— Sick of fa- tigue, working at a battery under Capt. Miller two Pennsylvania regiments started for Thret ♦ Amer. Arch., 4th Senos, vol. vi. p. 1219. tib.vol. i, p. 359. t Journal of Lieut. Elmer, in Proceedings of New Jersey Historical Society, vol. iii, pp. 40, 41. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. Kiveis ; various tidiugs of the strength of the oueiny, 3,000 regulars and 1,700 Hanoverians. 7th -New Euj^Iaml troops embarked for Three Bivers; v^annoo firing heard. 8th— Embarked for Vi'hree Rivers; rowed over the lake ; heard heavy tiring, and soon came in sight of the contest, but could give no assistance, tlie enemy's cannon areventing ; Capt. Morris and a party sent out ijj»batteau were nearly captured, and only I'aved th<^msolves by hard elt'orls with their lars. 9th —Passed otr in batteaux tor SorcU ; when in the lake could see the enemy tiring from their sliifis ; reached Sorell at uoon ; heard our array had been destroyed. Remained four days at Sorell. Hurried off to St, John's ; small pox among the men. 24th— Reached Crown Point, when many men began to sicken with the small pox ; lost Bcvtral men by it ; re- mained at Crown Point some time. July 14th —Left Crown Point, ard reached Ticonderoga on the 15th. Sept. 1st— Col. Winds returned from Jersey, having ))oen absent about a moutli. Oct. 10th— -Col. Winds applied to the General for leave to go home. 13th— Bad news ; our fleet destroyed down the lake ; expect to be at- tacked. "iSth- Enemy in sight ; gave them a few cannon shot. Nov. 5th— Col. Winds and men have permission to return home.. 6th — Left Ticf)uderoga for home." The entry in Mr. Tuttle's journal under Oct. 28tb, shows the reason of Geu. Sullivan's ear- nestness for Col. Wiuds's regiment to remain, but there seems no proof that there was any danger of au attack, for in that case Col. Wimls would not have imiiatci Sir John Falstaft", "fight and run away." That this was the cause for this severe ex- pression iu these general orders I have no doubt, but it is very plain that no go-td ground can be assigned for it. Between Col. Dayton, who lived on Succasuuny Plains, in Mori is county, and Col. Winds, there was a bad stale of feeling, and this may hare had its efloci on Gcu. Sullivan's mind, but that he was not real- ly guilty ot an "iutamous example" is evident from tlie fact that he simply complied with his duty in conducting his soldiers home as he. had promised them. And that nis conduct was ap- proved by his fellow-citizens at home is plain 'rom his promotion on the succeeding year. rho journals of the Provincial Legislature show- hat on 'Feb. 3d, 1777, William Winds, Esq., was, by the joint meeting elected Colonel of the Western Battalion of Militia iu the county of Morris, lately commanded bv Col. Jacob Drake," and that on -March 4th, 1777, Col. Wm. Winds was elected by ballot a Brigadier- General of the Militia of this State." Tbis all joes to prove >hat Winds had not lost the con- idence of the soldiers or people of New Jer- It ia worth}' of remark here, that in Nove ber and December of 1776, Gen. Washingt wrote several letters to Gov. Livingatou, Ne,f Jersey, Gov. Trumbull, of Connectic John Augustine Washington, ami to the Pri dent of Congress, in which he employed the; severe terms : '"Iu short, the conduct of tl. Jerseys has been most infamoiiR. Listead oi turning i.ut to defend their country, and af- fording aid to our army, they are making their submissions as fast as p(jssiblc."* He speak*- also of his having been "cruelly disappointed'' i\v the New Jersey militia. That he spoke hastily, and that he condemned the Jerseys too .severely, is manifest from his subsequent ad- missions, that "hope was beginning to revivt in the breasts of the New Jersey militia," and "the militia are taking spirits, and I am toKl are coming in fast from this State. "f "The mud rounds," as they were named by the sol- diers, were accomplished during these memor- able dark month.H, The roads were intolera- ble, and when frozen, the soldiers m-ght bi traced by the blood pressed on the ruts from their badly piotc^cted feet. The enemy was tri- umphant, and yet no state outdid New Jersey in its devotion to the sinking fortunes of free- dom under such appalling diliicultiei'. Reveral regiments had been scut north of Albany, and thcNewJeisey militia at home- turned out in as large numbers as could be expected, to check the common enemy. Whole companies, as htxt b<;en testilied by witnesses who are recentl\ deceased, followed Washington in his bloodj retreat through the Jerseys, although thoii- terms of eniisttuent had expired. Let posterity honor their memory. We have seen that Coi. Winds left Ticonder- oga on the 6th of NovombcT, 1776, and some of the revolutionary soldiers s-jy that he was wit!) Gon. Washington during ids retreat. If so he must have joined the army immediately ob his return from the north. Although 1 have nu proof of the fact beyond that just given, from the character of the man, I consider it not at all unlikely. However dilatory others might be, he was ever ready to march to his country's aid at an instant's notice. Be this as it may. we know that he wa.s on duty that winter. Tlu British lay at New Brunswick, ami Winds com- manded the troops which guarded the lines. He had several skirmishes with tho enemy dur- ing the winter. His headquarters were at Van Mulinen's, and from thence he made freejueni excursions to Boiiiid Brook, Elizabethtown. and the neighboring region, to hold in check the foraging parties of the tniemy, which great- ly distressed tho people th*t season. Jamet' ' Sparks's Washington, vol- iv. p. 230. t Ib.pp. 2.W-261. ANNALS OF MORRlo COUNTY- jLpI, of Bockaway, a very reliable witucss, posed that early in 1777, ''he was throe •utlis unlaced the loaves of bread in a bag, and throwing it across his hoiss, carried it back to the camp, where ho distributed the bread, not forgetting our wags, who were mak- ing the stone soup I A number of veteran soldiers unite in the testimony that Col. Winds did hia duty in rep- pressing the enemy with the greatest activity. One night a musket-ball struck near his tent, as if womo traitor in the vicinity had intended to shoot bim. During this year, the militia of New Jersey seem to have stood in better credit than when Gen. Washington condemned them so severely, since John Hancock writes to Gov. Livingston, Sept. 5th, 1777, that "by their late conduct against our cruel enemies, they have distin- guished themselves in a manner that does them the greatest honor, and I am persuaded they will continue to merit on all occasions, whcp called upon, the reputation they have so justly acquired."* During this summer, Gen. Winds was sta- tioned somewhere on the North River, so tha. he did not participate in the capture of Bur- goyne's army, which took place Oct. 16th, 1777. t William Patterson writes from Morris town, Oct. 18th, to Gov. Livingston, "Glorious news I glorious news ! General Burgoyne has surrendered himself and his whole army priso- ners of war to Gen. Gates. * * * * Enclos- ed are two letters for your Excellency and a newspaper. One of the letters is from General Winds, and ocmg informed that it was on busi- ness of importance, I have dispatched the messenger sooner than I should have done. I believe our militia will not be wanted up the North Kiver, if so, would it not be best to re- call them ? At all events it would not be im- proper to order Gen. Win'ls, (unless he be al- ready ordered by Gen Dickenson,) to returri the instant the enemy sail down the river."t The last expression of this quotation sho-^s us what duty Gen. Winds was engaged in on the Hudson. The plan of the British Avas to form a junction between Burgoyn<'8?rmy.''ron. the north, and that of *>e.ivVfi-. Tfie"»en<»^rable David Gordon, when ety-one vears old, repeated to me a speech ade by Ger. Winds during this campaign^ hich i8 sufficiently characteristic. They were ,t Aquackanonk, and one Sabbath morning Gen. Winds paraded his troops, and thus ad- dressed fhem : "Brother soldiers, to-day, by the blessing of God, I mean to attack the ene- my. All you that are sick, lame, or afraid, stay behind, for I don't want sick men ; lame men can't run. and cowards won't fight!" The Spaitanic brevity and hearty witot the address ai« quite notable. My venerable informant pronounced the words with the vivacity of a young man, and when he had finished, warmed up with the ftirring recollections of his old commander and the scen«3 through which he had followed him, he exclaimed, "Some say Gen. Winds was a coward, but I tell you he was an old warrior, and I don't believe any such charge. If ho hadn t any thing else to fight with but his voice, he couid scare a regiment out of their wits with that!" And this was a fact during that summer when the amusing anecdote, of his scaring away a datachment of the enemy, by roaring out "open to the right and left and let the artillery through," actually occurred. Here I may appropriately insert a character- istic anecdote of Gen. Winds, which I suppose to bo as reliable as an oft-repeatod anecdote can well be. It sounds very much like the man. Col. Joseph ,TacUs conscience, the monks to the contrary notwitl. standing. It was some time during this year that Wio'. managed an attack on a party of Hessians i adroitly, as to take, according to one witncs fhirty prisoners, and according to anotlie • seventy. This is said to have been near Co) necticut Farms, and our informant says it w.-' in Elizabethtown. In the following yenr he was not much active service so far as I can learu, and ow to the fe(!ling excited against him in connec* with the battle of Monmouth, he losigaod m ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 31 commission as a Brigadier-General. His resig- nation bears date of June lOtli, 1779. From tbis time lie is not to be reckoned as a member of the active army, but he did not desert his country's cause. When tlie battle ol' Spring- tield r-as fought in 1780, lie was present and did good service. In 1781 he was also assisting the cause, as the following well authenticated anecdote shows. It was related to me by Ira Dodd, Esq., of Bloumtield, who bnd it from his lather. When General Washington was driv- ing Cornwallis before him, and had begun the seige at Yorktown, it was de< med of the high- est necessity to keep the Britihh in New York until the arrival of the French fleet in the Chesapeake should cut off Corn w'allis's retreat by water. Accordingly, he says, Lafayette was sent to tiiake a great demonstration on the British in New York. For this purpose he began to collect all the boats in the surround- ing waters, even seizing those above Paterson Falls on .he Passaic. These were carried on wagons to be launched at Elizabethtowu, ap- parently for an attack on Staten Island. On one particular night it rained furiously and some of the wagons broke down at Cranetown. (West Bloomfield.) These inujyances threw Lafayette in a great rage. General Winds was ill command of a detacliment, and his voice vied with the tempest as he cheered and directed his ineu. Mr. Dodd said that Winds roared louder than the thunder. When Latayette was in this country, he met Mr. Dodd, his compan- ion-in-arms, and laughing heartily said, as he grasped his hand, " Oh, how mad I was that night at Cranetown !'" In 1788, General Winds, William Woedhull, and John Jacob Faeseh were elected by Morns i-ounty to the State Convention which ratified the present Constitution of the United States. On the 12th of October, 178U, he died of drop.vy, in the chest. It was remarked as a fact not a little singular, that for many years he had expected to bary his wife, who was in feeble health, but she outlived him several years. In his will, signed the day before his death, he gives the use of all his personal and real estate to nis "dear and well beloved wife, Ruhamah," "lor her sole use and benefit" as long as she should remain his widow, and should she marry "the use and benefit of the third of his whole estate." He inserts the praiseworthy injunc- tion "that she shall at no time, nor on any occasion, uor by any persons whatsoever be obliged to give any account for any waste or damage done by her or her order ou said estate." The last bequest in the will is in these words, "for tb.at great regard I have felt for the inter- est of Christ's kingdom, and for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, I do hereby give and Ijcqueath to the Presbyterian Church at Rock- away all the remainder of my whole estate for a par.sonage, and do hereby further will and order that the said remainder of my estate shall be and remain for ever for that use and purpose only, and that it shall never be disposed of for any other purpose whatever." Mr. David Gordon informed me that General Winds had in his fauiily at the time of his death, one of his soldiers, named Phelps. This man insisted that his old commander shotild be buried with the honors of war, although some opposition was made to it. Accordingly. Capt. Josiah Ball, who had frequently served unuer General Winds, assembled a company of Winds's soldiers, who buried their deceased General rvith the honors of war. Dr. John Darby, of Parsippany, seems to have ofHciated first as General Wiuds's physician, then as his lawyer in writing his will, and lastly as his minister in cheering him with the consolations of religion. In this last capacity he also pronounced the funeral sermon, from Job xxiii : 8-l(i. "Behold I go forward, but he is uot there, &c." His monument of brown free stone is just in the rear of the church, and bears the following inscription, written by Dr. Darby-: "Under ihis monument lies buried the body of Wm. Winds, Esq., w^ho departed this life, Oct. 12th, 1789, in the C2d year of his age. " His natural abilities were considerable, which he improved for the good of his fellow- men. Whenever the cause of his country and liberty called, he ventured his life ou the field of battle. As a civil magistate he acted with integrity, and also sustained the office of Captain, Major, Colonel, and General, with great honor. "He was a provident husband, a kind neigh- bor, a friend to the po(;r, and a good Christian. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." Such .vas William Winds, a man whose name is a fixture in the traditions of Morris county, but the details of whose history have already mnstiy perished from the memory of his coun- tiymeu. Full of genuine courage, yet too hasty and impetuous for great military deeds ; self- reliant as "a self-made man," yet sometimes the dupe of the designing ; truly generous, yet most exacting ; a friend to the poor, yet im- perious as a tyrant ; the patron of morality and religion, yet detracting from these noble virtues by the neglect of gentleness and meekness ; a whole-hearted patriot, holding his life and property at the call of his country, yet doing his country a wrong from heady inconsiderate- ness ; such was this remarkable man, whose memory Morris county has reason to cherish as among the choicest of her revolutionary heroes, and whose name ought to be embalmed in the warmest regrets of the parish in which he spent so much of his life, and to which he finally 32 ANNALS OF MORKIS COUNTY bt-qiieathed half of bis estate. la preparing this niea^'er outhnc of his history. I have felt ready to coraplain of the cruel ilestruGliveuess of lime which has suflferefl so little of him to survive, but imperfect as it is, I dedicate this paper to his memory, with the single reflection that it is somewhat singular the task should have been left to a stranger to collect sufficient oi his hfe to keep safe and sacred among the histori* records of New Jersey the name of William Winds. May it never be forgotten ! THE REVOLUTIONARY FOREFATH- ERS OF MORRIS COUNTY.* The hero and the s'jrine have been severely cciudemned and yet men continue to "worship the one and |bow at the other In so doing they mean no wrong, but merely express the M-nlimeiit of admiration we feel for a great deed and the one who performed it, and the sentiment of reverence which we experience for the place in which a great deed has been performed and a great man has been. We may in our philosophy jeer at Mr. Car- lylc's notion of hero-worship, and feel grieved as we see our fellow men bowing at their shrines of what ever kind. And yet the greatest philosopher uncovers his head at the tomb of Washington and the most devout Protestant is thrilled with rever- ence as he stands under the tree where Luther rested, or at the sepulcHer which holds his dust. Mr. Webster in his speech at Valley Forge said "there is a power in local association. All acknowledge it and all feel it. Those i)lacos naturally inspire us with emotion which in the course of liuraan history have become connected with great and interesting events." On this one hundredth anniversary of our nation we experience sentiments which are among the best ever felt in the human bre.ist. We think of the original colonies, in themselves weak, and this weakness increased by their independence and jealousy of each other ; of the contrast between them and the great power that coerced thoui— they weak, it the strongest on earth ; of the conviction which leading men in England had before the collis- ion that " notwithstanding their boasted affec- tion for Great Britain the Americans will one day set \ip for independence" — a CDiiviction which such men as Franklin regarded as the portentious prf)phecy of bloody battle, and they therefore in all sincerity hastened to assure the people and rulers at home that "Americans can entertain no such idea unless you grossly abuse tbera," and that "a union of the Amori- * All oration dclivorod at Morristown, July 4th,187G, can colonies was impossible uuiess they be driven to it by ihe most grievous tyranny and oitpression ;" of the scenes in many a private home and many a council chamber, as well as in the more public assi'mbly, whether of legis- lators or people, in which with unutterable forebodings and agony and yet with heroic courage the bcit and truest men in this coun- try weighed every principle, determined the character of every act affecting them, and at last announcing their independence fought for it through years of darkness and blood ; of the special incidents of that long struggle and the great men that acted on the conspicuous theatre in the presence of all civilized nations, Concoid, Bunker Hill, Trenton, Yorktown, bat- tles which were ihv offspring of Indopendenc .■ Hall and the Declaration —the Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jeffers-om, and the greatest of them all Washington. I say, we thiuk of these great acts and great men and with more fervent devotion than over we pronounce the words, " Oiat CoiTNTUY," and we yield our homage to the men who gave us a couutry and we devout ly bow as at a shrine at the spots where they achieved the deeds which give them immortal renown. But whilst to'day we indulge iu these remi- niscences of our national glory— these great in- cidents and pel sons that find place in general history— let ours be the humble task of re- counting some inciapers of the late ColonelJoseph Jackson, of Rockaway, I found the original pa- per containing the articles of " the association of Whigs in Pequanac Township, 1776," with •Hie hundred and seventy-seven autograph sig- natures, except a score or so made their "marks." The articles rehearse the veasons for thus associating in the somewhat lofty and intense style of the day, and declare that "we are firmly determined, by all means in our power, to guard against the disorders and con- fusions to which the peculiar circumstances of the times may expose ua. And we do also fur- tlier associate and agree, as far as shall be con- sisftnt with the measures adopted tor the pre- servation of American freedom, to support the magistrates aud other civil officers in the exe- o much to declare that when we consider that with all the reverence in which in those days they were held as God's ambassador!-, and the high character they pos- sessed as men of learning, purity and public spirit, theirappeals carried greater weight with vast multitudes than any words of the mere pol- tician or statesman. In that day far more than in this the minister was clothed with a sort of divine authority, and when the American clergy from the pulpit ienounced the tyranny of Great Britain and commanded their hearers to go to the rescue of their "poor bleeding coun- try," it was in a measure as if God himself had spoken by them. The ministers in Morris County during thai period were chiefly Presbyterian and Dutch lleformed. The leading Presbyterian minis- ters were Johnes at Morristown, Green at Han- over, Kennedy at Baskingridge--a part of which was in this county— Lewis and his suc- cessor Joline at Mendham, Horton, Aaron Richards and Bradford at Bottle Hill, Woo<1- hnll at Chester, and Joseph Grover at Parsijt- pany, David Bajdwin, Congregational, at Ches- ter, and Dominie Myers at Pompton Plains. There were other ministers in the county, bui I have named the principal ones. Of these wh may single out Johnes and Green as fair sam- ples of them all. The eulogy which Albert Barnes pronounced on Dr. Timothy Johnes is fully sustained by the facts. An able ami sometimes a truly eloquent preacher, he was a remarkable pastor, and his ability in that respect was tasked to the utmost during th- two years the American army was in, Morris County. If anyone d )ubts this statement let him examine the "Morristown Bill of Mortali- ty," which IS simply a record of tunorals whi.-l» he himself had attended. In the yar 1777 he attended 2(i.5 funerals, of which more than half were cansed by small pox, putrid sore throat, and malignant dysentery. During a part i>i' the time his church was occupied as a hospiiiil for the sick. The same was tru«' of the churcli - es at Snccasunna and Hanover. The latti r was used for "a small pox hospital for patieni* who took the disease in the natural way."' The fact that the Morristowu church was occu- pied as a hospital accounts for the other oft- lold fact that Washington once received tli.- communion elements from Dr. Johnes at a sacrimental service held in a grove at the rear of the Doctor's own house. The storv has been ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 37 dJBcredited by some, but I have heard it from too many who were hving wheu it occurred to doubt its truth. Dr. Johnes threw himself with the greAt^st ardor into the cause of his countrymen, and his influence was widely felt over the couutrr. The Rev. Jacob Green— "Parson Green" as he was commonly called — was a marked man. One of the most thorough and assiduous pa.a- tiirs he was also an able preacher. Besides this be had au extensive practice as a physician, pnd unable to educate his children otherwise he opened and managed a classical 8cho<^)l with the aid of a tutor. He did not a little also in other kinds of seculai business, such as milling and distilling, and as if these were not enough to use up his energy he drove quite a law busi- ness, wrote articles on political economy for. the newspapers, served in the Legislature, and was for a considerable time Vice President of the College of New Jersey. He was held in the greatest reverence and died in the midst of his labors which had been extended in the one par- ish ever a period of forty-four years. In the pulpit, the houae, the newspaper, and in all phdces Mr. Green espoused the cause of Independence with thegreatestzeal. Such was ins known influence in the parish and county as a citizen, a minister and a physician, that iiefore he issued orders tf) inoculate his soldiers Washington invited this country parson to a consultation about this important measure. (!onvinced by Washington of its necessity, both Green and Johnos— and no doubt Kennedy, W'oodhull and the othei Morns county minis- ters — took the matter in hand to inoculate their own people. They arranged hospitals and dic- tated every plan with a preci:' welcome because you arc fighting for the country ; and it is a good cause you are engaged in!" Brave Hannah Thompson! brave Anon Kitchel! brave women of Morris County! Tli** men fought well for the country and so did the women ! In the New York Observer recently appeared a spirited anecdote of a Mrs. Hannah Arnett of Elizabethtown, who heard her husband and several other dispirited patriots discussing tin- question of giving up the effort to nation.il independence. When she saw the fata! conclu- sion to which they weic Crifting she burst into the room, and in spite of the remonstrances of her husband, rebuked theirweak cowardice and 38 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. said to hiio, "What greater canse could there be than that of country. I married a good man and trne, a failhl'ul tiiend, and loyal ChrisOan gentleman, but it needs no divorce to sever me from a traitor and a coward. If yon take the infamous British protection which a treacherous enemy of your country offers you— yon lose your wife and I— I lose my husband and my home !" Hannah Arnelt spoke for the patriot women of America f and she was as grand as any of them 1 The burdens of the war fell very heavily on Sew Jersey. It was "the battle field of the Revolntion." The presence of the armies in pursuit, retreat or battle, put the counties below the mountains in a chrtnic distress. Indeed such were the hardships endured at the bands of the enemy in these lowland counties, that the people held in the greatest detestation "the Kcd coats and the Hessians," From their presence the Morris County people were free, and yet it should not be forgotten that the almost intolerable burdens, consequent on the presence of the American army two winters, fell on them. Dnring the winter and spring of 1777— the army reached .Worrit town about the 7th of January, 1777— the soldiers were billeted on the families of Morristown or Hanover, Bottle Hill, and other parts of the connty. Twelve men were quartered on Parson Green, sixteen on Anna Kitchets' husband Ural, a score on Aaron Kitchel. and so throughout the farming diistrict. To these families it was al- most ruinous, since all they bad was eaten up m the service, m> that when the army inarched oil it left the region as bare as if it had Jx^en swept by a plague of locusts. To this we must add the almost ineonc^iva- hleti-rror and hardship of the enforced universal inoculation of the people because the soldiers wore inoculated. The late liev. Samuel L. Tutlie, of Madison, so earefnlly investigated this matter in that pari«h that he found out where the small-pox hospitals were and some grave yards where our soldiers were buried. Ur. Asbbel Green in his autobiography says that the Hanover church was a hospital for ihose who had the disease the natural way, and in fearlnlly PK-turesque language he describes the horrors of the scenes he had wiine.ssed m that old church. It is tnie that it was a singu- lar fact that Hiarcely one who was i»m;ulated iliod, whilat scarcely uue who t(juk tliu diwjase ill the natural way g<»t well. But in either »;aso the horrors of this loatbsonke diseasi^ laid i>n our Jlorris county people a burden whoise weight must have been crushing. And thus you see a hungry and sick army in those homes v.r our ancestors the iirst winter. ()t the second winter 1 have already spoken, but refer to it again to rerimd you of the fact that during that almost onpaiulleled winter when gaunt famine hung over the American camps, and when the paths and roads about them were marked with blood from the feet of the ill-shod soldiers, the forests of Morris county gave timber for cabins and wood ft)r fuel, their barns yielded torage to the army horses, the yards furnished meat and the granaries and cellars gave forth food forth*? soldiers. There is no arithmetic or book-keep- ing that can announce the value of these con- tributions at such a crisis, and yet so gener- ously and unselfishly did our fore- fathers respond to this cail of their country that it is said that receipts for the supplies were declined by most and that a very small fraction of tb«' whole value was covered by the receipts. In » word the magnificent fact rises before us to-day that the Morris county people of the Revolution did what they did with such ample charity it> both those dreadful winters substantially witli- ont reward. They gave their men to tight, their women to suffer, and their property to !»•• consumed for country and liberty without money and without price. Nominally what •hey had was worth fabulous prices in a cur- rency rendered worthless by over-issue an make ih^m strong to tight the great light that was to win for them a country. Of course I have not told all that crowds upoiv the memory of those heroic timf s, but it in time to arief.t this discourse alrea.ly pratractcd unduly. We are not to forget ihe move con spicvioQs names and deeds which belong to our Revolntionaiy history and which alter a ceii- tury sbiue ont like stars at night ni the clear sky. Tht'V will not he forgotten. From a thou- sand platforms thkik prai.ses will be rehearsed this day, whilst the booming cannaii and tb( pealing bells, and the glad Khi.nts of our people shall proclaim how we priae the great menTand tleeds of that heroic period. We have followed to-day a humbler inipul)><' and re<-»lled the fore-fathers of our own s'ouHl.y in the Revolution. We have (jvr herrtes, and our shrines are »here they wrought for theii- eountrj-. Each old parish has its heroes, and each old church was the shrine at which brave men ami women bowed in God's fear, consecrat iug »ljf Greek and Roman heroo,«, but by recalling I he names of those who signeil the Declaration, and fought our battles and through great and luiroic sufferings wrought out for us those triumphs which are now emblazoned in results vastly grander than tliey ever dreamed of. Aud in these glories of our Oeuteuniql year let us proudly remember that in the achieve- ment of these gUn-ies the men aud women who a hundred years ago lived in Morris county bore an hoi.'orable part, and see to it that they are forever held in grateful rennMnbrance. Fellow citizens of Morris county, I have thus thrust out mv hand at random aud gathered into a garland a few of the names ai " deeds of the patriot, fathers who a hundred years ago bore their part iu the great struggle for independence among the grand old hills of Morris. Huoh as it is on this Centenuial ith of July in the spirit of a true loyalty both to our common country and to our honored county I briH^^tbts garland from afar as the sign of the love I have both to our county and our country. ,\.nd as the :fore fathers «ere W(uit on all sorts of documents and occasions to say, so let me close these remarus with their oft rej^eated prayer, " God save America I" WASHINGTON IN MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY* The County of Morris, in the State of New Jersey, was settled "about 1710," by families from Newark and Elizabethtown. The main object attracting them thither was the iron ore which had been discovered in a mountain range a few miles West of Mornstown. During the three quarters of a century which preceded the War of the Revolution, the settlements which had been made in Hanover were multiplied, spreading over the territory now occupied by the Townshijs of Chatham, Morris, Mendham, Chester, Ilockaway and Pequannock. Several forges were built on the Whippany and Rocka- way rivers ; and a small "slitting mill," contia- r\ (o the aibitrary laws of the Mother Coun- try, was carrying on a contraband business. As early as about 1770— if not earlier— a blast furnace was built, and named "Hibernia." some twelve miles North of Moriistown. The noted Samuel Feud, a counterfeiter, who "left his country for his country's good," was engaged in this ; and, afterwards, Lord Stirling became its proprietor. In 1772, John Jacob Faesch, a native of Hesse Cassel, bought a small tract, at Mount Hope, of Colonel Jacob Ford, Jr., and a large ."urroucding tract of the heirs of the East Jersey Proprietaries, and built a blast furnace, which became, with the "Hibernia" furnace, a most efficient auxiliary to our army, in furnishing balls and grape. There is some reason to suppose ihatsome canucm were also cast at "Hibernia." Up to the period of the Revolution, the pop- ulation was of New England orisin, couiiug from Newark, Long Island, or, dii-ectly, from the New England States, and entered deeply *In the year 1854, the author of this article, at tl e request of several gentlemen of Moiris- town, prepared two lieetnres on the hi^tory of Washington's two Winters in Morris County. These were afterwards re-writteii, and read be- fore the New Jersey Historical Society. Tiie comnivudation bestowed on the paper, by that Society, led the late Washington living, whilst preparing his Life ok Washington, to ask for the loan of it, which he referred to, in one of bis volumes, in a complimentary manner. Af- terwards, Mr. George Bancrolt sent for the manuscript. Not hearing from the article, I wrote him ; and his answer indicated that it had failed to reach its destination. After- wards, the editor of Harper's Jlonthly solicited a copy lor that Magazine : and, from the orig- inal notes, a condensed sketch was prepared. This was handsomely illustrated anJ published. Some months alter this, the original article was found ; and it is published, in full, in The His- torical Maoazine.— J. F. T. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY- into the I'.^elirjgs and struggles which agitated the Ea^'P'n Celonies. Ii is truo that th.^ east- ern part of Pequannock, on the plains which ijordcrcd the Passaic and Pequannock rivers, and in Wasinngton township, along a hrancii of the Karitan, the Hollanders predominated. Whilst many of these did not share in the opin- ions which produced the Revolution, in faci, were entirely averse to that moveiufnt, the masses of the Dutch were patriots. In 177G, the cultivation of the soil occupied tlie atten- tion of those who resided in the eastern and southern Townships of the County ; whilst, in the remaining Townships, the manafaclure of iron was the main pursuit. The County is one of the niosi varied and heautiful, in its scenery, in the n-holo State. On th'- eastern horders are the Sliort Hills and Long Hill, a range of highlands commanding a magnificent prospect of the country, North, as far almost as to the Orange county line ; East, as far as New York and the Narrows ; and South as far as New Rrunswick. The prospect from these Hills, in a clear afternoon, blending into one charming landscape, woodlands and meadows, hills and mountains, farms, villages, towns and cities, ponds, rivers, and the en- trance to the ocean, is one which can never be forgotten. West of Morristown, there are ran- ges of mountains traversing the County, from North-east to South-west, and containing in- calculable amounts of magnetic iron >,re, and ahouniling in valleys finely adapted to the plough. One thing is observable in the topog- raphy of the County, that its ranges of hills and mountains are so disposed as to make it easy to arrange beacon -fires, which, in a very very short time, would alarm the; whole Coun- ty. This fact, I shall have occasion to mark in another i)lace, as one of good importance, during the War, ?nd as investing these locali- ties with thrilling interest to all succeeding generations. Until within a few years, among the moun- tains of Morns, were living many old men and women who had passtid through the trying pcencs of the Revolution, which had made so deep an impression on their nieniorie-; that, very naturally, it became the delight of their life to repeat the story of tlieir suflorings and victories. In 1845, in the Presbyterian Con- gregation of Rockaway, alone, there were some eighteen persons over eighty years of age. One of these died in 1S.52, in his ninety-third year; another in IS.'jO in his 91st year. Both had served iii the llevolutiouary War. Hevera' women have died within five years, who weru ninety years old or upwards. In 1S54, there were two per he, in elfect, recalls the harsh expressions of the eighteenth of December: "These victo- ries," he said, "have tired the Ristern llcgi- inents with ardor to protract their terms of ser- vice ;" "and the Militia are pouring in from all (juartcrs, and only want veteran troops to lead them on ;" "the enemy have evacuated the ctjuntry bcdow ; they went otf in the greatest hurry and confusion."— (Sparks's Washington, iv., 230, 253, 258. y It will not be out of place to state here, that many of the captured Hessians were sent U> different parts of the country, to be put to woik. Thirty of them were employed by John Jacob Faesch about his furnace, at aiount floiie, in Morris County, the Government hav- ing furnished him with muskets sufQcieut for ANXALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 43 his Amtrioan worUrnen to use ia kecpinp; the piisonors ct tlx-ir duty. Soino of tbfse priso- i iic'is died iiiKl were buried at an old gravo\ai-d on tlie West slope of tlic Mount H.ipc range, half I a mile West of the worko. Several of tlieui i)e- I c.iuie attacbed to tlie countiv and concluded to remain. Their descendants ate found to this day in the vicinity of llockaway. Some suppose, and so state, thai no portion of the Ann'rican AriMV was encamped in the vi- cinity of Morristowu until afier the Battle ol I'rinceton ; lint on the twentieth of Doceiuber, 1776, Washiu;;ton wrote to the PreBideni of Congress that he had "directed the three lle};- iaients from Ticondcrrna tohait at Morrislown, in Jersey (where I uudersfaud about eight hun- dred MilUia had collected), in order to inspi'it the inhabitants, and as far as possible, to cover tbat part of the counrry." These were ''Eapl- ern Ktifcimcuts," led to Moi ristown under tlie command of Colonel Vo.'ie, about the midd.p of Di.'C(.mber. In a letter to Washin<;tcn, dated Decetnb(^r 19th, 1776, General McDougall says he cuiue to Morrislown, the day after Gitu- ated as it is among ranges of mojntains ex- tending from the Delaware to the Hudson. Re- peated trials proved it to be finely adapted to repelling the enemy, who could not approach iu any direction without the movement being de- tected and the invasion communicated to a highly patriotic population by signal-guns ar.il beacon fires. The means of communicating with the posts on the Delaware and Hudson were easy ; and, besides all this, large portions of tho surrounding country were cultivated, afiVirdiUK food and shelter to the soldiers. The fact that Washington wintered the second time at Morristown. proves that he had changed his views of it. The character of the County may be inferred Irom the fact th^t Governor Liv- ingston, of New Jersey, removed his family to Parsippany, a few mile* North-east of Morris- town, tor their greater security ; and, for year.s the house ne rented was known as "The Gov- ernor's House." Gcnernl Washington reached Mornstown on the seventh of January, 1777, and took up his quarteisata tavern owned and kept by Colo- nel Jacob Arnold, the commander of a Squad- ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 45 iMii of Lij,'lit Ho:st', wbicli diJ iflScieut service, 'j'iiis was a Iwu slory house, oa tbe West side of the Monistown Greeu ; and it is still istand- ius, but greatly ohanfjcd. A lull passed tliron.£;b tbe centre of the house ; and on the Si .nth sside of this hall were two rooms, com- municating with oach other by a door. The flout room was occupied by Washington for a general otBce, sitting room i>nd parlor, and the l):ick r- om lor his sleeping apartment. These two rooms have since been thrown into one, which is still used as a store. This old build- ing has been retitttd, and is likely to stand ma- ny years, as a memento of the greatest man <-ver sheltered under its roof. From this house issued the noble letters of Waxbingtoa that Winter, which were so efiScient in promoting the cause of our national independence. ••The Magazine" was on the South side of the <.ireen, on a lot where now stands the Wash- nigfouHall; and tradition says that frequent- ly wagons, apparently loaded with casks ot powder and guarded by soldiers, might be seen piissing from the powder mill to the magazine; buc many of these casks contained sand, in or- iy's Mountain, there wf re no Churches but Presbyterian, with one or two Reformed Dutch. And the Ministers thought them- selves preaching the Gospel, w'jen they taught their people, " out of the Scriptures," what are the rights of men and nations. Thus, Parson Woodhull, of Black River— now 'Chester- preached so discreetly and pungcntly, on these vital points, that the people sent him. for seve- ral years, to the Provincial Congress, to vote for them, there. In Hanover, Parson Green, an extraordinary man, in some doggerel verse of the day, addressed, as "preacher and teacher, "Doctor and Proctor, Miller and Distiller." was exerting a ]>rodigious intluence, in the same direction. This man. Rev. Jacob Green, was, in some respects, the most extraordunry man in the County ; eniiueut, as a preacher and a p'.iysiciaii, and long sighte.l, as a states- man. In Morristown, was the mild, gifted, aud beloved D,)ctor Johnes, most assiduous Pas- tor, most strenuous patriot, and i-nc(.- dispens- ing the Communion elements to George Wash- ington, at a meeting held iu the Grove, be- cause the Church was needed for a hcspiiai. In Bottle Hill -now Madison— was good I'a.-t ir Azariah Hortou, " »vho was not a vvliit L'ehiod the chiefest '' patriots, in his zeal tor America;) liberty. In Mendham. was Pastor Lvwis, soO;( to be called to higher enjoyments ; hut hi' pi'eached and prayed national iiidependoiice, as pait of the Gospel. Iu such Churches as Rocka'"ayand Succasunna. having no Minis- ters, they held "Deacons meetings;'' and it was always noticed, thai when brave Wit. lam Winds prayed, in the old, unplastered Church, at Rockaway, liis voice would become excited, even loud as thnuder, as he implored God ti« brf-ak the arm of the oppressor and give Amer- ica freedom. Eiuiice Kitchel— ut'leiward the venerable Mrs. Piers-ou ot IlocUaway— wan died in her mnety-fourth year, ofteu heard Winds' stormy patriotic prayers ; and knew they sti ick a tender chord in the popular heart. We have not dealt in imagination, but have stated facts, gaihered from anthentio sources, in thus sketching the state of things, in Mor- ris County, when Washington came here in .January, 1777. The people were emburassed witn debt ; but everything tney had, they were willing to share with their country, and also to give her tlieii " men of war able to bear the sword." There were some Tories, but the records of the Court prove thut such were loudly called on to '• repent or perish." The old Jail on the Morristown Green, was lull of Tories and other prisoners. And, looking at the fasilities of detente and communieation, the ardeut patriotism of the people and the Ministers of Morris Connty, we may question the soundness of Washington's oj)iniou, that " the situation is by no melius favorable to our views." It is not an easy, but it is an interesting, task to glean and ■weave together the fac'^s, yet available, showing what was the situation of the Army, during that Winter. The testimony of old people, incidental illusions i.-i news- papers and manuscripts of ihat lime, will give us much information. It is, indeed, a singular fact, that in a national work, Sparks' Writings of Washington, the map of '"Military Movements in New Jersey." Bottle Hill is not even put lown, nor any reference made to tlie main en- camphient, that Winter of 1776-7, near Bottle Hill, iu what was called Lowi'iuica Valiey, of late years known as Spring Vail y. Nor is any allusion made to it, in that other greit national ANNALS Ob' M0KK18 OOUNTY. book, L")ssin{;'s Fit 1(1 Book of the Rcvolntion. l).v tVcqucut coiivcisaliouK, with agod pi-oplc, fspociaily soldiers, the writer of this has loug bun acqiiai!itfd with the general fact of the main eneanipnuint beiiifj there; bat the de- tailed account of it has been gathered, with great labor, by llic U«3V. Samuel L. Tulle, at one time the Pastor of (he I'reslivteiiaii ehiirch, in Madison, toritierly Bottle Hill, and, with Ins eiiu-ienf. I quote his manuscript. "The valley to which reference bas been made"— says .\lr. Tnttle iu his Bottle Hill, durini,' the Kt volution— "and which was select- ed as the place of encampment, was called Lo- waniica. whu-h is an Inoinn name, from the brook which runs through il. * * * * Comnienciiig at a point, a litile South of Mcr- ristown, and running in a sontli-easterly direc- tion, for the dirttaiHM! of about five miles, it ic.ses itself in the vicinity of Green Village, in what is commonly known as the Great Swamp. The Lowantica, which runs through tliis valley, is iiii unusually clear ;iud beautitul Btrtam, which is torined from the springs which abound in the valley. ;ind gush forth, in all th<'ir nativi' purily, at almost every step." * » * » "At ihe time of w.lii<'h wi- aii' n 'W siie.tl>iiig. nearly (he ululi- t-.i ihis Ixuntilul valley, not 1 Xeepling ihe pl,iCe of the eiie, lUp.neiit, was covered xMih v hciivy gr-nvih of tim'ier. * * To this Well-chosen s()ut. ;li(i:i, di.l tii.' Xmeri- <-.:n Army lepair, lor ihe puriKHi I'f going into Wiiitei-quarters. Tiie weather, al the rime, was .seeedingly cold. Pitching (heir tents, at tirs'. wherever they c mid timl plao-s for them, (hey contiiiiU'd to occupy them il is believed, for (wo or three Wreks, until they wcie able to cousiruct more -ubsiaetial and comlorlable ac conimodatioiis. The centre of the ground, markidont f(n' ihe en ampment, wa« not far from the preseni m insiun of Mr. A. M. Tread- well. * * * * 'PI,,, location was admirably adapied lo ila libjects for whi< h it was si'locled. The ground, at that point, giad- nally descends towards the ,souili-east, and is shielded, in a great measure, by the crown of hill back of it. from the severe wuids and storms from Northeast, North, and North-west. A little South of it, runs (he L(nv Mr. Treadwell's residence. '''■ * * One piincipul street, between fiuii- and five rods wide, was laid out in the middle, in tlie centre of which stood the t1i'.g-s!aff, which, by fhis time, had come to be called 'the Llberiy P(jle,' from the top of which our national banner floated. This street was kept in excelleut condition, and was used as a parade-ground : allh'iugh thtre is somo reason to believr th.ii 'he tine level space, on (he hill, north of the camp, was used h)r this purposi- on .special occasions, such as general parades and reviews. The general direction of (he main street was North-east and South-west. On this wen; construct! d the cabins of (he officers which were somewhat largcii- than those which weld put up for the soldiers. On either side of this leading avtMiur, were either one or two otlier streets, lunning in the same general di- rection, and about forty feet iu width. On these the cabins of the soldiers were built, in somt; cases single but oftener in blocks of three, four and tivc together ; whilst outside of them. espicially on the northern side, (dhers x re constructed, ''ithout any snecial reference to the streets, but rather in reference to the char- acter of the ground, the side hill there being indented with several deep gullies. The cabins, of which all the aged people in the vicinity agree there wi!re a larg^^ number — probably as many as three hundred in all—where made of unhewn lo^s and coven.'d with rough clap- boards, split out of the forest. * * In one end of each cabin, a rough stone fire-place was thrown up. surmounted by a plaistered stick-ehimuey ; while, in the other end of each siiuclnre, a bunk, or sleepiiig-pli.ce, was ere<'t- ed with elap-ltoards and small pieces of timber, resting on crolclies, whidi wi^e driven into the ground. These hunks reached across the eulire end of (he cabins, and being tilled with straw. Were made toaccoinmodaie (en or twelve soldie s each. * * * Rough clap-board benelu'S answen'd them for seats. Hugo fires were kept com innally blazing day and nig .(. and tliesi: eonslituted the sum-tolal of their (nrniture. •Several verv larg" cabins were erected tor the accommodation of the Commissionaiy De- partment and camp stores ; a d thcKe are be- lieved t) have bueu located on the southern borders of the Camp, in the vicinity of the springs, a'ready referred to. In that part of the Camp, were also the cabins erected and oc- cupied by the Sultlers, who drove on a brisk trade in various groceries, especially good whiskey. * ♦ * * A little farther down, towards '■•he Lowantica, rude sheds were buili for sheUering (he horses belonging to the camp. * * * * Here, too, the baggage ami ai-lillery wagons were drawn up in lines. "On the outermost limitsof Ihe encampuient, (K^veral log guard-houses were budt tor the sentinels, whose dutv it was in regular beats, to pass back and forth, along the lour sides of the camp day and night.'" These lacts were derived from several aged people, who resided, all their lives, in that vicinity, and who had frequently been in the Camp, the Winter and Spring it was 0(;cupied. The writer of this article has frequently eon- 48 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. versed with Mrs. Euiiit'f I'lorsnii, wlioso Ims- liaml, Darius l^ierson, was liviir,' with his fatlier, on tht' farm, a part of which was usid for tht Carip ; and she had the. same jieneral infi>rn)afi«>n from her husband, who has often pointed out to hei , the location and plan of the Camp, so that, in the main, the aliove minute description is donbMess corre.-t. Mr. Tattle nas also p inted oiu th. private honses, in the vicinity, which wore occupied hv Col. Francis Barljonr, Colonel Matthias Ogdeii, Major Eaton, C(.lonel Marsh, Genernl Wayne, and other otticers, in the course of this or other Winters, during the War. The heantifnl Lowantiea Valhy is a place hallowed with patriotic associations ; and never should it be forgotten that, along its gentle slopes, a part of the Army which achieved the victories of Trenton and Princeton, heroically sutli.red great privations : and that, often, the great men of the lievolution, Alexander Ham- ilton, Anthony Wayne, Baron Steui)en, and, above all, pre-eminent, Washington, have here reviewed the brave but thinned ruiks ofllieir .\rmy. Here, too, the martyr, Caldwell, of Elizabethtown, idolized by the soldiers, ha a "held forth the word of life," with sinipio but eflfective eloqucnco, and, with fervent pathos, has supplicated the aid of Him in whose sight "the nations are as grasshoppers,'" in behalf of the defenders of theii Country. N.ir should it be forgotten, that, along the slopes of the Lowantiea Valley and in its immediate vicinity are many nnknowu graves, in which were huried patriot soldiers who died, that Winter, of dise-ascs induced by hardship, or by the small-pox which pivvaiK d. But ot this more in another place. Washington stationed strong deiaclinii-nt>. isptcially of the Militiii, under General Williiim Winds, in the region of Pluekamin and t^iib- bletown, in Somerset (,'ounty, to witi^li thi- enemyr <|"'"'tered in N\ w Bninswiik, atid pro- tect that section of the country. I have the affidavits of soldiers, applying F 'i- pensions feelings of the p<'ople were shocked by si>oiug their Churches desecrated, the enemy flestioy- ing the pews, and often stabling '.heir h(»rses in the Presbvterian and Uefinnied Dutch sanc- tuaries. Chinches l>eloiiging to I he English Establishnii'iit wire exi-nipti-il, since, "as a body, the (Ml rgy, tlie Church of Englaiul, in the Colonies, were either neutral in the con- test - thr- ca>e with the greater niinibi'r— or ranged on tin' >ide of l{oyalty." (Litkis.xuv WoiiLK, Seplemlxr TM, IH-iX.) D was not strange that the ptople should, in lliesi' eir- cunistanees, have bet-omes thoioughly weaned from the i-ause of Royalty. The appeals of such Ministers as IMaeWhni t( i-. of Newark, and Callwell, of Elizabetlitown. and (Ireeii, and Johnes. and liorton and Woodhnll, of Morris county, wire forcibly sustained by the sacrile- gious conduct ol the en'-my. The eonduet ot the Tories and refugees vas so inhuuiau and outrageous, that the lloyal cause was ideii- titied, in the popular esteem, with 'hese vaga- bonds, guilty of treason, robbrry. and murdi'r. During that Wirter, Governor Iage(f letted at private houses, in.tiie townships of in no sinecure business ; and that the too Im petuoiis Winds did very efficient service. The entire season was distinguished by severe skirmishes, in which I'ur Milit ia behaved with great bravery. (ieneral Israel Pntnam was in couiiuand of the troops, in the neiglihorhood of the Dela- ware ; and General Heath, in the Hudson Highlands. Tlie enemy ixhibife;! the most ruthless disregard of the rightseven of Ihoi'' who bad clftiined siitety, under "British Pro- tections ;" and Washington wrote that tlie people "are exceodinglj exasperated at the treatment tli-y have met with, both from Hessian and British Troops."' The religious Morris, Chath.im and Hanover, bv C!ominis- sioners appointed for the purpose. This methid, though i.eeess rily arliitiary, was met by a people of "willing mind." .Varon Kitehel and his lather. Joseidi, ol Hanover, had two houses, and gave up the larger one, on condition that the old people mi:;ht liave the other, required only to take care of ihrie sick English prisoners, of whom there was no danger o! their catching the small-pox. The late llev. Doctor Ashbel Gr*en remembirs t'lat his father's family "consisted of ni.ie individuals ; Mid, as well as can be rtcolkctetl, fourteen officers and soldiers were quartered in tlie sanx- dwelling.' (Dr. Greon, in Thk Chuistian ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 4\ the swor.l of the H( ssians." — (Americun Archives. V., iii., 1429.) Just a week alter Washington rearhed Mornstown, he wrote two noble ep'Stles to Lord Howe, on the same day, (January l:ith,) on the subject of •'the barbarous usage" our soldiers and sailors wore receiving in New York, "which their eina- ciati'd coiintonances confii in." (Sparks's Wash- ington, iv.. -273-277.) liut weiirhtiei matters than this are picssing npoi; liiiii. Thr tei;n ol enh'stnient for large numbers of his men is expiring and most ur- gent letters are sent "to the Council ot Safety of reiMisylvania," "to the President of Con- gress," "to the Governors of llie thiiteer. States." calling for more men and munitions; audit is cheering to find him able to saj, on the twentieth of January, "our affairs here are in a very prosperous tram. Wilhin a month past, in several engagements with thr enemy we have killed wounded and taken prisoners betw( (11 two and Ihree thousand nutti. I am ver.r contideiit that the enemy's loss here will oblige them to recall their force from your State. If I am properly supjiorted, I shall hope to close the campaign gloriously for America.' (Letter to Governor Cook, in Sparks's Wash- ington, iv.. 2oti. ) Hut the coiuageous and over hopetui Washington has yet to pass through som; very distressing, dark scenes— battles of Chad's Ford and Geiniantown for instance— and is yet to be deserted by the Uev. Jacob Duclie, the first Chaplain of Congress, and en- dure the sharp agony of Benedict ArnoUrs trea- son, before he '-closes the ('ani|)aign gloriously for America ;" but "with the smiles of Provi- denci-," he will do it. During this month of January, he has "the satisfaction to say that General Philemon Du-k- mson's behavior, in an action that happened near Somciset Court House, on Mill Stone riv- er, rettected the highest cridit on him ; for though his troops were all raw, he led them through the river, middle deep, and cave tin enemy so severe a charge, that altliough sup- ported by three field-pieces, tlmy gave way and left iheir convoy of forty wagons and upwards of one hundred horses, most of them of the Fiiglish draft breed, and a number of shoe]) and ciitlle which lliey had collecied." (Ibid, •289.) But then it was not all or mainly siin-liglil in the "old Arnold Tavern :" tor on the twentv- siNth of Janiiaiy Washington wrote, -•reinforce- ments come up ^o exiremely slow, that 1 am afuiid I shall be lelt without any men before they arrive. The enemy must hi' ignorant of our numbers, or they have not horses to move their artillery, or they would iioi -utter iis to re- main undisturbed." ( Ibid, ;^(tl. ) At this iioiiil I may intio luce an anecdoti which 1 nad from (i. P. 3IcC(illough, I^sq., t'a- iln r-in-law of the late Hon. J. W. Miller, who had it directiv from (ieiieial Doughty, a Ilevo- lulioiiaiy ( fficer nsiding in .Moriistowii. A man had be;e as the actual force. The coudi- liou of the Magazines was detaile 1 in the same manner. Soon ofter the suspected spy entered the ofiBcc, Colonel Haiuiltou pretended t(j have some errand and excused himself saying he would be back in a few minutes. Apparently, in his baste, he had It ft his report lying on his table , and no sooner wao he gone than thi' fel- low, glancing over its pages, and sure thai he bad an invaluable document, through » most fortunate chance, pocketed it and left for the enemy I General Doughty i-aid that it was Col- Oi.el Hamilton's opinion that this happy stroke did not a little to keep the enemy from Morris- town, at a tine when the American Army was in no condition to receive them. Thus passed the month of January, iti plans to defend the country from its invaders; but alio her invader was approaching dreadful in- deed to contend with. Mr. Lossiiig intimates that while measures were taken to inuoculate the .r>ldiers in the Nortlu ni D'partnieiit, such lueaus were not taken at Morristown. Not havMig hih book at hand, I can o-jly give my impnssion from memory. But this is a mis- take. Ii vvas a common opinion, in this region, at that lime, that tiie suiall-pox .vas wilfully and maliciously iutioduded by the »ni my, liop ing to do us fatal damage by tlie means. But whatever wt:re the means, the "Morristown Bill of Mortality'" shows that on the eleventh ol January, 1777. "Martha, widow of Joshua Ball, died of small-pox.'' '"(lershom Hathaway, on the 2tth," and "Ebeiu zt-r Winds, on the 31st' of the same month, by the same loathsome dis- ease. On the tilth of February, 1777, Washing- ton wrote, "the small-pox h;is made such head in ev«!ry quarter that I find it iiupossible t.> keep it fjom bpieading through the wh.de ar- my III the; natural way. I have theiefere deter- mined not only to iiino<;ulate all the troops now here ihdt have not had it, but shall order Dr. Shippen toinnocnlate the troops as fast as they come to Philadelphia. They will lose no time, because they go through the disorder while tlii'ir clothing, arms and accoutrements are get- ting ready." (Sparks's Washington, iv , 311.) He was compelled to resort to ttiis extreni;- lueahiire by the experience of the previonsyear, especially in the Northdii army, which wuflered greatly from small-pox. ".\n establishnn^nt,' says Sparks, "lor innoculation was j>rovidjd near Morristown loj- the troops in camp; in ■ at riiuadi Ipliia, for IhoKK coming from ihi' South ; aiiutlier iu I'oiiiiecticuf ; another iii Providence." (Ibid, 3(i4.} So far as Morris- town is concerned, it was not so much a plaei . as a series of iiino, ulatiug hospitals in diflerciit places iu the townships of Morris and Hanover. The Bev. Samuel L. Tut tie, in his Sketch >.f Bottle Hill, during the Bi volution, from whieli I have already quoted, renaiks that "sever;il private hospitals, in this vicinity, were used lor the purpose of innoculation. as a means of ai- ri'sting the progrt'ss of the diseas-e. One ol these was the dwelling snl)sequently occupicl by Jonathan Thompson, in the vicinity ol the house belonging to Mr. David C. Miller. At that place an excellent surgeon was stationed : and thithev all classes in and about this village. went to pass through the process of iuocuia- tiop." ".\notlier ulace which was set apart fur the purpose; of inoculation, was the housi which stood at that lime on the farm of the late John Ogdeii,ovei the bill— alH'Ut two miiev South of Morristown- ♦ * ♦ * 'J'hat house wa.-J then owned and occupied by Mr Elijah Pierson ; and for several months it was contin- ually tilled witli both s. had repaired thither in order to guard them- selves, by inoculation, against the i-mall-pox. I have been informed by some of the BrookCei.i tamiiv, residing liut a little distance from the Liiwanti>-a i.-.itup ground, that they received it finni tlnir levoliitionary ancestors, w!u> lived ami dieil on .lie gruund. that .'uiing that sain- WiiitiM', there vvas a sm.ill eucxinpineut or tie hill b.ick of the Bonsall mansion, a short dis- tance North of the place last described ; ami ii has seirmed to me not iinpr bable that tlia; was an airang<'aii>iit also ui:ulo for i .ocul.itinu; the army." '•Another private house that wa^ occupied for a hospital, was an old one whi'-li stood on the spot now oeciipied ov the resi- dence I'f Mr. Bailey, on the road leading by the camp ground acros-j the liowautica valley, and but a little dislaiiee from the road leading from Green Village to Morristown. * * * *^ Phy- sicians and nuiseswerit stationed Iheie alse : and everything was done t; the jioor fellows wbo wert.' carried thither from lime to time on Ittiers from the camp. All tli^ rooms in the house wore iv.inliuually filled wii.i l)atieutM ; and a verv large pioporlioti, of the.ii die'd and were buried in the orchaint the piiiii ipai hospital in tli> vicinity of the camp, was a large hoise wliieii belonged, at that time, to a Gerinaii gentle- man t)f the name o'' Harperee, on the lariu which now belongs to J. J. Scotield, Esq.. in, the old road leading I'loni Bottle Hill to Morris- town. That house sio id aliout a quarter nt a mile Suith of the aoove ilnu-ough are, an^i on grtiuiid wiiicli slope! t.iw.irds the Soinli. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 51 s!0 that it could not be seen I'roQi the road. It was a one and a lialf story house, having four rooms ou the lower floor and a -ireater number on the upper ; about one and a half uiile.s Noi th-west of the centre of the Camp ; and in manj' respects admirably adapted for the object for which it was used. Here, also, many of the doldiers saw tlie last of earth. The place where they were buried, it is said, is siill to be seen in the South-west corner of the Harperee farm. \ triaugular piece of ground, containing -.d least tbree-quarters of an acre, surrounded by an old-fashioned worm fence and tilled with raouuds, as closely as they could be placed in regular rows, was the place where these unfortunate men, unblessed witli the sympathy of wives, sisters, and mothers, were committed to the dust." yuch are the facts which Mr. Tuttle has res- cued trom ohhvion ; but, probabl.v, in reference to the last two places which he desciibes, be is vr. ng in calling them inoculating hospitals. Dr. Asbbel Green, whose father, "I'arstm Gteeti. was a Physician, says, explicitly, that, during that season, the disease by inoculation was ho liglit that there was probably not a day in which till Army ccuid not h:ivi' maiched against the eiKuiy, if it had bet^n nee s.-iarv." (CuuisTiAX Ad.. IX.. 522.) There is other con- clusive lestimonv *o iho same ellect : but I qualiy <:onclusive is the evidence, that those who took the disease i.-. the natural way taififerea a'.vlully, and that a large iiroportion of them (lied. The Bailey and Harperee houses were probably botpitais for those who had the small- pox in the natural way, which accounts for its fatality, at those places. And well might the" author of Bottle Hill, during the llevolution, exclaim, "Very sacred, a^, a consequence, are the' associations which gather around these spots! Very precious r.ngli'. they to bo in the estimatii)n of all true American patriots!" If we now leturn to Hanover, during this memorable season, we find that "Parson Green" is preaching regularly in the olil Presbyterian Meeting-house, not Trom a " Carpenter's bench" as in foi'iner years, but from a real pulpit, built for liim by Car))enfer Ji'didiah Beach, to which good act be had been specially incited, as is said, by tlie Parson's pi caching on the some- what odd subject of '• the Four Carpenters," the main inference of which discourse was, "Why can't I have a pulpit?" That pulpit witnesried the miristrations of its worthy occu- pant until early in February, 1777, when the Oiurch wiis ccmvirted into a temporary hos- pital for those soldiers "who had taken the disease— small-pox— in rue natural way." Ashbel Green, eldest son of tne Parson, was then almost lift ecu years old, and was " train- ing for real battles, in a Company of boys from ten to fiftecH years old ; none I think were admitted under ten, unless an individual or two of nncommoQ growth !" (Life of Dr. A. Green, 55.) It ■was a dismal lime, in the whole region, as we, may well imagine. In a valuable note appended to the autobiography of the Kev. Jacob Green of Hanover, Dr. Ashbel Green makes the following statements of facts, which he himself was witness to, in his boyhood : "After the memorable manoeuvres and Battles at Trenton and Princeton, * » * General Washington quartered his whole army, not a large one, iu Morris-county. The sm;'ll-pox had broken out among the troops, and proved exceedingly fatal. The Church in which the Rev. Jacob (ireen statedly preached was used as an hospital for those who had taken the disease in the natural way : and the present writer can never forget the appalling scenes winch he there witnessed, produced by the ravages of that frightful malady, now so hap- pily disarmed of its terrors by the fortunate discovery of vaccination. The troops were distributed in the dwellings of the inhabitants, and the Surgeons of the Army inoculated both soldiers and citizens— the citizens without charge. The family of the writer's father con- sisted of nine individuals ; and, as well as can be ncoUccted, fourteen officers and soUliers were (piariered in thf same dwelling. All were inoculated together, snd all had the disease in a very favorable manner. Indeed, the disease by inoculation was so slight that there was probably not a day in whu-h the Army' could not have marched against the enemy, if it had been necessary ; but it providentially was not necessary." (Chki«tiin Advocate, ix., 522.) All, however, did not have the disease so lightly. Little Eunice Kitchel, afterwards Mrs. Pitrson, a xoi;o<;enaria>', had the small-pox, which left traces so deep as were not eft'aced as long as she lived. Eiecta Beach, daughter of C iptaiu Enoch Beach, afterwards married to Silas Dickerson, of Stanhope, brother of Gov. Mahlon Dickerson, then to the late Colonel Joseph Jackson, of Rockaway, was apparently " sick unto death," with, the same disease ; and when she was near eigbt^ years old, she told about the lamentation made over her, by friends, and how that the Doctor tried to con- sole ther.* by the somewhat rugged words, " that they should not make such an ado about it, for if she got well, she would be so— ugly !" — prefixing one of his Infernal Majesty's derivatives. No doubt many other families were m ibe same distressing situation, and, perhaps, some of them did not fare as well. The plan for inoculating the Army produced great alarm in the community ; and Doctor Green says, " My father, I well remember, went in a sleigh to Morristown, accompanied by 5-2 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. some of tlie most respectable men of liis eon- gifc;ation, tu c.>nfer with Gcneinl WanbitiK- toti ou tlic snl)ject." Tlio repitsentatioDS made by tliose gentlemen were aiiswei-ecl l>y Wasbiugton witb so mueb force, thai they ''camebaek jjerfectly reconciled to the meas- ure." He incitlentallv Jieutions the fact that "Doctor Bond of Philadel|ibia, then a Snrgeou of some eminence, of rank in the Ainiy." and Doctor Cjchrau, of New Brunswick, were en- gaged in inoculating ami attending the sol- diers and citizens. In this connection, be also adds; '" tor a short time, my father's Church was made a Hospital for the reception of those on whom the natural small-pox bad appeared, before they could be inoculated ; and more fiightful and pitiable human beings I have never seen. The heads of some of them were swellerl to nearly double their natural size; ibeir eyes were closed; an 1 their faces were black as a coal. The most of these died." (Life of Doctor Asbbel ftreen, 88-94.) The private records of Parishes and Ministers of that day, in Morris County, are unfortunately very scanty ; a.ifl, in many cases, not a scrap is to be found. In Hanover, Mr. Green left nothing; audit is oniy through his son that we have anything to enlighten us in that dis- mal p'-riod ol history. From his tes'imouy, it appeals that soldiers wi'ie quaiten d in every bouse ill the Parish ; and that both soldiers and citizens wert? inoculated, at houie, and not in li' spitals. It seems that a dififirent coui>e was jjiirsned in Chatham and Morris Townships, where nartieular houses were set apart as Hos- piials for inucitlitioii, and, as is abundantly I'roved, in the latter place, with results far more dreadful than in Hanover. It evidently would be imijossil'le to inocul.ile a whole com- iiiunuy promptly in hospitals, so that many were exposed, whilst wailing their turn, or, llirough fear or some oiher cau«e, mglected the precaution, entirely. This inlerence may i-u plainly diawii from the records of death in the Morrislown Bdi of .Mortality, for the year 1777. On Ihe twenty- fourth of January, and also on the thirty-tirst, occurred a d -atb IVom small -pox in the Parish of Moiristown. During the month ol^ Febru- ary, Doelor .Tohnes atteudel eleven funerals in his Parifh, eansed by small-pt Moi tnlitv shows that no age, sex, or condition was exempt — the wailing infant, the child just learning to wratlle, the niotheroflittk children, the father, in the strength of manhood, the aged— two men died marly ninety years old— the freeman and bond-seivant, sll were laid under fear of death, in this most awful form. Sixty-eight victims of siwall-pMX did faithful Pastor Johncs attend to " the house ippointed lor all living," in that memorable year of 1777 ; and the most of them bv tween (he seventeenth of February and the first ol August. It was the saddest year the Parish of Morristown ever saw, before or since, during whicn the old bell, ivhieli still toliS the hours, in the steeple of the First Pres- byterian Church, tolled the departure from this life, of two hundred and live persons, residents in that community, which was one death in about e"ery one and a half days, through the- entire year. As already intimated, "Pai'sin Green '" had too much to do to keep bills of mf)rtality, so that we s'lall never know bow many of those poor soldiers— " more trightful and pitiabl" human beings I have never seen" — died in tlie old Hanover Church, their heart-rendini; moans mingling with the cold, vvinter winds; nor shall we know how many families were deci- mated by small-pox, dvsLntery, and putrid fever, the ti-rrible scourges of that yesr. Tlie same was true i>f the Bojtle Hill J'arish, in which llev. Azaiiah. Hps and ihe collec- tiuu of munitions ; now teaching Lord Howe ^omc lessons in humanity, by the law of retali- ation, "altliongb," says he, "'I shall ahvuyt^ l)e liapi)y to mauilcst my disinclination to any iindue severities towards those whom the fortune of War may chance to tbrow into my bauds." His situation is extremely trying, lor. on the sicond of March, he wrote, "Gen. Howe cannot have * * * jess thau ten thousand men in the Jerseys. * * * Our number does not exceed four thousand. His are well-disciplined, well-offlcered, and well- appointed. Our's raw Militia, badly officered, and under no government." The balance- sheet, thu>i strucii, seemed to be against him ; iuit then Robert Morris, the great financier of the Ikvolution, did not express himself too strongly in writing that very Winter to Wash- ingti.n, " Htaven, no doubt for the noblest purposes, has blessed you with a firmness of mind, steadiness of countenance, and patience in siififeriugs, that give you intiiiite advantages o\er other men." To use his own word?, •• there is a multiplicity of business engaging my whole attiution." There is a tradilif>u among the old people of Morris County, which has the semblance of in-obability, aud may therefore be repeated. It is that, whilst Washington was at the "Arnold Tavern," he had a dangerous attack of quinsy sore throat, and, feeling serious apprehensions about bis recovery, some of his friends asked bim to indicate the man whom he considercil the best fitted to succeed him in command of the Army ; and that, without hesitation, he pomted to General Ny.thaniel Green. This is given as it was beard, merely as a tradition. Tradition also states that the anxieties ot the Winter were relieved with a little pleasantry, in a correspondence between the English and American t'ommauders-in-ehiet. Howe is said to have sent to Washington a copy of Watt's version of the one hundred and twentieth I'salm, containmg the following amiable > rises : " Thou God of love, tbou ever blest, Pity my .suffering state ; When wilt them set mv sorl at rest, From lips that love deceit ? Hard lot of mine ! my days are cast Among the sous of strifej Whose never ceasing Ijrawlings waste Mv golden hours of life. O ! might I change my place, How would I choose to dwell In some wide, lonesome wib erness, And leave these gates of hell !" Tc this, the same tradition states, Washing- ton returned Watt's version of the one hundred and first Psalm, entitled The Magistrate's Psalm, containing the following pointed verses : " In vain shall sinners strive to rise, By flattering and malicious lies ; And while the innocent I guard. The bold offender sha'nt be spared. The impious crew, that factious band. Shall hide their heads, or quit the land : And all who break the public rest. Where I have power shall be supprest." This tradition has come to me from two en- tirely distinct sources ; but, of course, it cannot be authenticated. During the Winter, several sharp skirmishes were fought iu the region between the Ameri- can and English lines. One of these is de- scribed in the New Jersey Gazette of March 18th, 1777, by an American Officer, in a very racy manner. The engagoment took place " near Quibble or Squaljbletown;" and the officer com- mandiug two thousand of the enemy " is under arrest, for undertaking, like Don Quixote, to do mipossibihlies. He, instead of marchiug di- rectly to Brunswick, which he might have done, must needs go fourteen miles out of the direct road, to take prisoners Gen. Maxwell and his party at ISparktown, and to make his triumphant entry into Brunswick, leading his captives in chains, lilie an old Roman Gc.eral, in which be found his fatal mistake, when too late to remedy it, for he found that he had surrounded a nest of American hornets, who soon put his whole body to flight." And thus wore away the Winter and Spring. The new levies from Virginia and the Middle States have reached Moiristown ; the small- pox is conquered ; the Powder Mill has been making "good Merchantable Powder," which Beiioai Hatheway has been converting into cartridges ; John Jacob Faesh, of Mount Hope, and Charles Holf, of Hibernia, have sent down many wagon loads of balls aud grape-shot ; and. huzza ! just in tune for the opening Campaign, two vessels from France, arrived in port with twenty-four thousand muskets! And so, about the last of May, Washington, with his Army, left Morristown, to engage in the noble out bloody scenes of the Campaign of 1777 ; prominent among which are the Battles of Chad's Ford and Germantown ! God speed you, noble man ! We take peculiar pride in recalling the facts connected with thj' sojourn among the mountains of Old Morris, during the .sor- rowful, yet glorious. Winter, of 177G-7 1 In order to obtain a more life-Hke view of the facts connected with the sojourn of Wash- 54 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY ingtoD in Moiiis County, during the Winter of 1779-80, let us briefly glance at the events which transpired between May, 1777, and De- cember, 1779. On leaving Morristowu, Washington took a strong position at Middle Brook, about iiiuc miles from New Brunswick, and foiled Sir William Howe, who attempted to bring on a general engagement. The enemy were prefar- ing a fleet, for the transportation of the Army, somewhere ; but where, no one could tell : peihaps, to act in concert with the formidable expedition of Burgoyne, at the North, or, perl aps, to seize riiiladelphia. Convinced that the latter was Howes aim, Washington marched his army to the Delaware ; and, whilst in Thil- adelphia, he had his first imerview with LaFayette. On the eleventh of September, was fought the battle of Chad's Ford, "in a country from which Washington could not de- rive the least intelhgcnce, being, to a man, disafiected." The heavy rains destroyed mneh ammunition— on one occasion, "forty rounds to a man"— and so distressed his ill-protected aud ill-ilothed soldiers, that Washington was compelled, not oulv to withdraw to a stiong position, but to issue peremptory orders to take blankets and clothing, it needs be, by force, from Philadelphia, riieuusly does he say, " if there i;re any hhoes and blauUets to be had in Lancaster, or that part ofthe country, I entieut you to have them taken up fur the use of the Army ;" lor "• our distresses, in the articles ot shoes, stockings, aud blankets, are extremely great.'' Oue of the greatest difticulties he had to corteud with, he says, is "the want of shoes ;" " at least, one thousand men are bare- looted, and have performed the marches in that condition." In tlicire hard circumstances, the Battle of Geimantown was fought, on the fouilh ot October, " a blojdy day," as Washmg- tcin ealhd it, adding "would I could add it were a more fortunate one lor us." He lo^t about one tlii>usaiul men ; and, on the eigh- teenth of December, 1777, he led his troops into Winter quarters, at Valley Forge, whither " they might have been tracked by the bluod of their feet, in marching oviu' the frozen ground." At the North, on the seventh of October, three seven thousand mnskris. w itli six thousand dozen cartridges, besides an ample supply of shot, shells, etc." (Thachei"s Military Journal, li)7-10:).) An aged woman. Mrs. Elizabeth Doluiid, died at Mount Hop*. Morris County, in 1852, more than niuetv-oii' years old, who once told n>e that, when eleven years old, she was living at Walmsy's Tavern, at I'ouipton, when the trophies of Burgoyue's surrender were passing through, on their way to Morris County, where they were to be stored. She had been to a neighbor's house, and, on In r return, foand the house iii a commotion. In the bar rooai, was a heap of curious brass in- struments, which belonged to a German Band, captured with Burgojne's Army. She say^ that, during the three days the Band remained, she had music enough and was glad when it was gone. The altillery and stores were drawn by oxen ; and Mrs. Doland says that some of the cannon required three yokes. The tram passed from Pompton to Morristown, through Montville, Troy and Hanover. It is an inter- esting fact that the Prusbytorian Meeting Houm at Succasnnua Plains, some twelve miles West of Morristown, was used as a place of storag'- for the mufekets, cannon, and other articles- taken at Saratogi. There is now living— 185-1 - a gentleman, in Morristown, the Hon. Li.-wi.- Condict, who, wlien a child, saw these sto'-es at that old churi-li. The largi r cannon wen rangoii and sheltered outside the building ; and the entire chnich was tilled with the capiured munitions. On the roat" fnmi Morristown tn the Plains, just as you are descending the hill, was the house of a Jlr. Jame> Young ; the garic r ol which was fi!le oi a British defeat being stored in Morri^ County, was one of the reasv)is why the enemy hud such a dcsive to pouetrate that region—:! desire which was never graiitied. Without doubt, the unfortunate contra'-i bitween the disasters of the .vrmy on the Dela- ware and tilt: brilliant sueees? of the Army a' the North was ihi- occasion of those insidious camparisons which some lliouglilless or mali- cious person instituted been Washington and Gates, and whie.i reiulteii in i plot to supplant the Crimmaiiiler-in-chii'f. As for the Aiv'iy, at Valle.. Forge, a Freneli- mau thought he iiad siimnu-d up tlr ir hardshiii- and heroism, in saying, ■•no pay. no elo'ln-. no rum." Bu! we must hiisfeu on. The Campaign of 177S made Monmouth a inemoiMble s|iot in history. The morning ' f that day, asDr. Clniles d. McCliesuey once in-, hunieil nu , as Washington \\;is liuiiying on t-. NNALK OF MORllIS COUNTY. 55 'he spot on which his tcirible rebuke was to scathe, as with )if,'htning. the Atheist aad the Traitor. Lee. for his poitroouery, a patrio' wouiaii. Dr. Mc^^hesuey's f^ranflmotlier, ran Ironi tlie hou^e with a enp of retieshnieiit, which she handed to him. Washington took it, and said to her, in a subdued tone of voice, " Madam, God only knows wheMier I shall ever drink another !" Some eight miles Wet-t ofMor- ristown, Jacob Losey, who is still living— 1854— was bathing in a miU-pontl, and, ever and anon, was startled by the long, dull, heavy roar ot cannon, booming, dismally, along the earth. The lion-hearted, hou-voiced, but too hasty, General W'uds, of Morris County, had led a strojig detachment of Militia, as far as Spolts- wood, a fee miles South of New Brunswick, ordered, as is said, to intercept the enemy's baggage-tram and cut off their retreat. He found the bridge al Spottswood was taken up. Loud roared the ca.iuon, showing that there was Warm work about Monmouth tJourt House, that liot Sabbath in June. Imijctuously did he and his men liegin to reiay the bridge, when a sleek, pions-looking Quaker ro,!e up, at full speed, with the intelligence that the enemy, in considerable force, was landing at Elizaheth- towu point, intending no doubt, to penetrate Morris County ' Winds was on tire at the news, and, without thought and without orders, made a forced march back to Elizabethtown, on a f(joi's errand, to iiave it said liy many, that he was a coward, in which assertion there was no truth. But then it was a sad mistake for his repuialion and, (icrliaps, for his country. That Sunday, on wliicli the Battle of Monmouth was fought, was an •'inconceivably distressing one to our troops and horses," killing a few auc] diitber in the mansion, and died at the advanced age of eighty-tive years .\t the present 'ime (1871) liis son, H.ury Ford. Esq., is residing th In March, 1797, Washington, in his reply to the Address of " the Clergy ot diflerent De- nominations residing in and near the city of Philadelphia," uttered the lollowing senti- ment: "Believing, as I do, that Religion and Morality are the essential pillars of society, I view, with unspeakable pleasure, that harmony and brotherly love which characterize the Clergy of different denominations, as well in this, as in other parts of the United Slates; exhititing to the world a new and interesting spectablc,at once the pride of our Country and the surest basis of universal harmony,"— Dr. Green's Autobiography, 615. Doctor Johnes has handed down another anecdote connected with the place already alluded to, which illustrates Washington's genuine politeness. One Sabbath he was in attendance on the Doctor's service, held m the open air, and a chair had been brought in for his use. Jnst before the service began, a woman with a child in her arms came in ; and, as the seats were all occupied. Washiugtoo^ immediately rise from his and placing her in it, remain('d standing the entire service. The other anecdote I received from P. G. MacCuUough, Esq., who received it from the late General Doughty, of Morristown, who saw the incident which he related. The scoue of :-;S ANNALS OF MORKIS COUNTY. the anecdote, General DcmshU fixed as having occured a few rods South of the ruins or the New Jersey Hotel, and where a carpenter's shop now stands. Washington had purchased a young horse of great spirit, activity and power, but not broken to the saddle. A man in the Army, noted for his braggadocio glorification of his own horsemanship, solicited the privi- lege of the General to break his horse to ride. Permission was given ; and the General, with s:>me of his friends, went out to the place already mentioned, to see the horse take his first lesson. After considerable pieparation the m.in leaped on the back of his mettlesouic pupil, who, unaccustomed to that sort of in- cumbrance, be^an a series of frantic ett'orls to unhorse him ; and, in a very few seconds, by a judicious plauting of his fore feet and a skilful uplifting of his hind feet, he succeeded in send- ing his rider clean over his head. As the dis- comfited brag .vas landed so unceremoniously, but unhurt, Washington threw back his head and laughed boisterously, until tlie tears fairly ran down his face. General Doughty was wont to say that he never met a peiboii wlio had ever heard Washington laugh loud, during the two Winters he spent in Morris County, except on this single occasion ! As sucl;, the incident is worthy of memory. A.8 a picture of the times, and a fact with which to compare the present and the past, let me stale that during the Spring of 1780, whilst Washington was in Morristown, Jacob Johnson, father of the vener.ibli' Mahlo.i Johnstui, who gtill survives, died on Morris Plains, three miles North of iloriisiown. He was a tine horseman, and belonging lo Arnold's troop o^ Light Horse, in which service he car.ght the coll of which he finally died. His son, Mahlon, remembeis distictly. that a large concourse of people attended his lather's funeral, and thai there was only one conveyance, on wheels, among them all, Hiis being used to carry the corpw) to the Morristown grave-yard. Hut there was a great cavalcade on horseback. Doctor Johnes, the minister, and the physician, each with a linen scarf on, and on liors.baek, led the pro- cession ; and many a liorhc, that day, carrie■ accessible, and a. so nearer to the more thickly settled Counties along the Hudson. His pr. - dictions, concerning the Commissary, were fulfilled more literally than he himselt dreamc d of. The position actually chosen is one of thi linest localities in Morris Couu'y, and can be reached by two roads. The one principally traveled, that Winter, is the old load to Meii.l- ham, over " Kimbal's^Hill," as it is called, to this day. The cain[>iiig-gr(juud is about four miles South-west from Morristown. yollowiiii; the liasivingridge road, lour miles, tlirongh a region famous lor its I'xcellent soil and t\u< scenery, w th the moiiiitain on your rigtit, vun come to the Kimbal property, now owned Ijv H. A. Hoyt, Esq. IKre you liiin lo the riglii. and ascend the highlands, tor a mile, and you arc on ihe ground wliieii must be considered ;.»; consecrated Oy the niiinr.illeled har.iships on a "riding ciolh," his wile, or mother, or | the American .\rmy. The diftennt cauq sister, or daughter. This was the funeral pro- cession which ulteiided to the grave the re- mains ol a man ol' properly and position, in the Pari.sh of Morristown, in 1780. Certainly, mamur and cusKmis have undergone verv co.isidiraole cliange, since that time; but, whether the change haF been lor the better, vach one must decide for himself— probably, that plain, unoslentaiious proeeH.^ion contained as many «Hrm. svmiiaUiaziiig, uiid uns and bcilei -bred where were quarteie 1 the tro.ips from Niw England, th.,' Mid Ho and the Sou. hern Slati.-. were on i!ie lau.ls which then bjlongeil to Mr. Kimbal and Mr. Wicke, including some on-- thous.md acres. The house on the Wicki' prop- erty, is still standing, very much as it was in that Winter; and ii is worthy of a brief dt s- cription. It is on the crown of the hill., whuiiei you disceiid, wcsiward, to Mendliani. and east- vsard to Morristown. In front of the houfe was an 'lid blaid. loensl - cm down in 1870-i-iit ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 59 least tvfo feet hikI a half in diameter; and at th!^ East end is the 'urgest red cedar I b.ive ever feen. Botli tlirse trees were standiD;^ in 1780. In the immediate vicinity of the house, are several immens.' black chcr-y-lrces, which belong 10 the same period. The house itself is nearly sqnaie, and i* built iu the old style of New England houses, with a famous large chimney-staek, ii> the centre. The very iloor which swung then is there still, hanging ou the same substantial strap-hinges, and ornamented with the same old lion-headed linockec. Pass- ing thtough tbisdoor, which fronts southward, you come into a hall some four feet deep and eight feet wide, us widtli being just the same as the thickness of the chimney. Turning to the right, vou i)ass from the hall into the ordi- iiary family-room, and to the left, into the parlor. A door from the family-room and the parlor leads you into the kitchen, which is about two-thirds the length of the house. The fire-places of these three rooms all belong to the one huge stone stack in the C',intr« ; and every- thing about them remains as it then was. They woiild alarm modern economists, by their capacity to take in wood by the cord. The spaces above the old mantle-trees are filled up with panel-work, and in the parlor, especially, evidently were once quite fine, especially for that day. On the North Side of the parlor, is a door leading into the spare bed-room, with which is connected an amusing incident. Great difficulty was experienced, in the Spring of 1780, in piDcnring teams to remove the army stores, and horses for Cavalry. Mr. Wicke's dangiiter. Tempe, owned a beautiful youu : horse, which slse fio»]Ui!atly rode, and always with skill. She was an admirable and a bold rider. One day, a-i the preparations for removing the Army were piog essing, Miss VVick^" rode her favorite horse to the house of her brother-in-law, Mr. Leddel, on 'he road to Mendham ; and, on her relnru, was accost(!d Ijy some soldiers, who corunianded her to dis- mount and let them take the horse. One ot Iheui had seized the bridal-ieins. Perfectly self-possesssed, she appea.ed to submit to her fate, but not without a vain entreaty not to take ht-r favorite from her. She then told them she was sorry to part with the animal, but as she mu.st, she would ask two favors of them, the one was to return him to her if possible; and the other was, whether they ^returned him or not, to treat him well. The soldiers were com- pletely thrown ofi" their guard, and ihe reins were released, they spuposing she was about to dismount, than which nothing was farther from her intentions, for no soonor was the man's hand Ijose from the bridle than she touched lier .spirited horse with the whip, and he sped from among them like an arrow. As sne was riding away, at full speed, they fired after her, but probably without intending to hit her ; at any rate, she was unharmed. She urged her horse up the hill, at his highest speed, and coming round to the kitchen-door, on the North side of the house, she sprang off and led him into the kitchen, thence into the parlor, and thence into the spare bed-room, which had but one window, and that on the West side. This was secured with a shutter. The soldiers, shortly after, came up, searched the barn and the woods in vain. ]Vti.«s Wicke saved her horse by keeping him iu that bed- room three weeks, until the last troop was fairly off. The incident, which is authentic, shows the adroitness and courage of the young lady, who, afterwards became the wife of William Tuttle, an officer in the Jersey Brigade, during the entire War. The descriptions of the different camps, which are to be given, are quite imperfect, but mteresting ; and, such as they are, are derived fiom the late Captain William Tuttle, who was staticmed wilh the Jersey Troops during that Winter. It cannot be sufficiently regretted that some friendly pen was not ready to record the conversations of this fine old soldier, an officer iu the Third Jersey Kogiment, and per- ff'Ctly acquainted with all the localities of the encampment on Kimbal Hill. He was twenty jeaisoldat the time; and, from the conclu- sion f the War until his death, in 1«3(J, he resi- de(^ most of the »ime either on the Wicke Farm or in the immediate vicinity. Very often would he go over the ground, especially with his young relatives, pointing out the precise spots occupied by the different troopi^, and filling up houis with tiiiilling an cdotes connected with that Winter; hut these conversations no one was at the pains to reoid, and now they are hopt;- lessiy gone. He enlisted in the regular service in 1777, and remained in it until Peace was de- clared. He suffered the -i.'xposures of Winter- quarters, at Middle Brook, Valley Forge, and Kimbal Hill ; was in the battles of Chad's Ford, Genuantown, Brandywine. Monmouth, Springfield, and "others of less note" j was with LaFayetle, in his Virginia Campaign; and was at the suige of York Town, and yet his careless relatives, culpably, have suffered his history to be shrunk into the compass of his own meager but modest affidavit in the Pension Office. As good fortune will have it, a former tenant on the Wicke farm occupied it several years before C;iptain luttle's death; and, in com- pany with the old gentleman, frequently passed over the camp grounds. Under Mr. Mucklow's direction, a small party of us passed over the various points of interest. Taking the old Wicke h;r the ground occupied by the Jersey Brigade. Frequently did Captain Tuttle relate the fact that ho had seen the paths, leading from the Jersey camp to the Wiclie house, marked with hlood from the feet of the soldiers without shoes 1 On the same side of the road, and near to it, is a cleared field. In this tield a spring-brook rises, around which the hill slopes in the form of a horse shoe. On the North side of this was a slaughter-house ; and a little lower down, on the same side, are the remains of the huts built for the Commissary-department, and m the vicinity of a beautil'ul spring. On the opposite side of ths brook, we found several ruins, which, with those jnst mentioned, amounted to twenty-three. On the ground of the sJaughter-house, Mr. llucklow ploughed up an old bayonet. Crossing the road, directly opposite this point we came into a a cleared field which is in the Southern slope of Fo.rt-hill. Along the road fence, is a row of stones which were in the hut fire-places, and which were drawn off to clear the ground for ploughing ; but higher up in the woods are several remains. East of this lot, and lower down the hill, is an open field, in which we saw several rows, in regular order, containing sixty flre-pl.ices; and thence, follow- ing the curve of the hill, in a North-east course, in regular rows, we counted one hun- dred more. We were informed that the re- mains are to be seen around the entire hill ; but want ot time forbade our pursuing the in- quiry farther. We now ascended Fort-hill, around the sides of which we had been walking for some time. It is shaped like a sugar-loaf ; and, from the North-east to the South-east, its sides are very steep, making the ascent not a little ilifiicuit. I was on this point, in the Spring, before the leaves had put out ; and the view from it is surpassingly beautiful. Fort Hill is one of the most commanding points in Morris County. Westward, you can see. the Schooley's Moun- tain range and, as I fancied, the mountains along (he Delaware. Southward, i^ a fine range of highlands, in the midst ot which is Baskin^ridge, (where General Lee was cap- tured) so distinct that, with a glass, ycni can tell what is doing in its streets. South-east of you Long-hill and Plainfield Mountain stretch far in the distance, from the top of which, you may see From New York to N(!W Brunswick, if not to the Delaware, Fast of you, aie the Short-hills, so famous as the watch-tower of freedom, during the Revolutionary War, and on which, night and day, sentinels were ob- serving the country along the Hackensack, Passaic and Raritan, and e/eii to New York and the Narrows. North-east, you can see the two twin mountain in the vicinity of Riugwood ; and, beyond that, the blue-tinged mountains, towards N:-wburgh. Between these prominent points are intirvening landscapes, beautiful as the eye ever rested on. But of this, more in another place. At the East and North-east, on the top of Fort-hill, are S(mie remains not like those we had previously examined. They evidently were not the ruins of breast-works, but seem to have been designed to prepare level places, for the free movemtnts of artillery ; and a close inspection shows that cannon stationed at those two points, on the hill top, would sweep the entire face of the hill, in case of an attack. This, undoubtedly, was the design. . In the immediate viciniiy, are the remains of quite a number of hut-chimneys, probably occupied by a detachment of artillery-men. Passing down the West side of Fort-hill, towards the old house, we came into what has always been called the Jockey Hollow-road, at a place which tradition points out as the spot where Captain Billings was shot, when the Pennsylvania troops mutinied, on New Year's day, 1781. The aged mother of Mr. Robert K. Tuttle of Morristown, pointed out a black oak tree, by the roadside, as near the spot where the unfortunate man was shot down, and buried in the road whore he was killed. Mrs. Tuttle was, at the time, living on a part of the Wicke farm, so that the tradition Is un- doubtedly true. We now returned to the house in order to visit Hospital Field, as it is still called, and ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 61 also tli€ Maryland Field, ko called because the Maryland iioops were there encamped, during the Winter of 1779-'80". These fields are about half a mile North from the house. Hospital Field is on the slopj of a high hill, facing East and South-east ; and at the bottom, is a line spring brock, in the vurinity of which were lulls for the hospitals. Of tnese there are no remains, as the plough has long since obliterated them ; but, uear by. is a most interesting place, marktd by a grove of locust trees, plarted to protect the graves from the plough. Here are two rows of giaves where were buried those who died at the hospitals, that Winter. A granite monument ought to be built, imme- diately, there, to commemorate those unnamed men, who died whilst in the service of their country. Tlie length of space occupied by the graves, ns far as can now be seen, is about one hundred and seventy feet, thus making a single row of graves about three hundred and fortv feet long. The graves evidently are near to- gether, so that quite a large number must havs died in the hospitals, that Winter. Whether there was any other burying-groung used, it is impossible now to determine ; but it is very |.'rol)altle, that the hill-sidts, in the vicinity, contain many graves which will remain un- known until the morning of the resurri^ction. Directly East from Hospital Field, on a hill opposite, the Maryland troops and, perhaps, the Virginia were "hutted;" but we were assured that no remains are left, as the ground .lias all been pi >ughed, so that we did not visit it. In all, we had conuteit three hundred and 8isty-tiv(, chimney foundations, marking the sites of as many huts, besides many which, in- adverti ntly, we ommitted to count. We must have seen more than four hundred m all ; and I am thuf particular in describing their posi- tions, because a few years more may entirely obliterate all traces of the camps on Kimbal- Hill. If we return to the top of Fort-hill, and cast the eye over the prominent points already men- tioned, we shall percei"e how admirably they are adapted for the purpose of spreading alarm by means of beacon-tires. The ranges of the Short and Long-hills and Plainfield Mountain, on the South-east and Ey.st, Schooley's Moun- tain, on the West, the mountains near Ring- wood and along the new York Une, on the Noith and North-east, all are as distinct as light houses. Very early in the War, there was a. beacon-station, on the Short-hills, near the country residence of the late Bishop Hobart ; but, in the Winter of 1778-'9, Washington com- municated to the (iovernor of New Jersey a plan for establishing these beacons throughout the State ; and, in accordance with his request on the ninth of April, 1779, General Philemon Dickeraon, one of the most able Militia oflflcers in the State, was instructed to carry the plan into effect. Hitherto, no traces of a written plan have been found, but there can be no doubt as to some of the locations. That on the Short-hills is remembered by persons still liviHg— 1854— from whom the Rev. Samuel L. Tuttle derived the account he gives of the matter. " On that commanding elevation," writes Mr. Tuttle, in bis Lecture on Bottie Hill during the Revolution, " the means were kept for alarming the inhabitants of the interior, in case of any threatening movement of the enemy, in any direction. A cannon, an eigh- teen-pounder— called in those times 'the old sow' — fired every half hour, answered this object in the daytime and in very stormy and dark nights ; while an immense fire or beacon- light answered the end at all other times. A log-house or two ♦ ♦ * # were erected t here for the use of the sentinels, who, by re- lieving one another, .it definite intervals, kept careful watch, day and night, their eyes contin- ually sweeping over the vast extent of country that lay stretched out like a map before them. The beacon-light was constructed of dry wood, piled around a high pole ; this was filled with combustible mateiials ; and a tar-barrel was placed upon the top of the pole. When the sentinels disco»'cred any movement of the enemy, of a threatening character, or such tidings were brought them by messengers, either the alamgun was tired or the beacon- fire kindled, so that the tidings were q lickly spread over the whole region. There are several persons still living iu this place, who remember to have heard that dismal alarm- gun, and to have seen those beacon-lights sending out their baleful and terrific light from that high point of observalicni ; and who aiso remember to have seen the iuhaln- tants, armed with their muskets, making all possible haste to Chatham-bridge and the Short-hills." That there was a system of beacon-lights, there can be no doubt, although, unfortunately, the most of those are dead who could give us information about it, and there are no docu- ments describing the various points where these lights were kindled. Of one, we have some knowledge. Seven miles North of Mor- ristown, near the present Railroad Depot, at Denville, is a ruonutain which rises abrubtly to a considerable height, from which you can see the Short-hills. On this point, there was a beacon-light, managed by Captain Josiah Hall, whose descendants still reside id the vicinity. A fire from this point would be seen from the top of Green Pond Mountain, several miles farther North ; and a fire on that mountain would probably reach the portion of Susse 62 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. coanty where the brave Colonel Seward, grand- father of Senator Seward, resided. Tradition says, that such was the case ; and that, often, at night, the tongue of fire might be seen leapinginto ihe airon the Short-hilts, soon to be followed by brilliant lights on Fort-hill, on the Denville mountain, the Green Pond Mountain, and on the range of Mountaina on the Orange County line. To many, it has seemed inexplic- able, and It was so to the enemy, that they could not make a movement towards the hills of Morris, without meeting the yoemen of Morris, armed and ready to repel them. I have conversed with several old men who have seen the roads converging on Mornstown and Chat- ham, lined with nun who were hurrying ofl' to the Short-hills, to drive back the invaders. The alarm-gun and the beacon-light explain the mysteiy ; and, as an illustration of scenes frequently witnessed, I may give an incident in the life ol an old soldier, by the name of Bibhop, who was living at Mendham. He was one morning engaged in stacking his wheat, with a hired man, when the alarm-gun pealed out its warning. "I must go," exclaimed Bishop. " You had better take care of vour wheat," said his man. Again they heard the dull, heavy sound of the alarm-gun ; and instantly Bishop shd down from the stack, exclaiming, " I can't stand this. Get along with the grain the best way you can. I'm ofl' to the rescue 1" Hastily, he packed a small budget of provisions ; and, shouldering his musket, in a few minutes, he was on the way to Moiristown. He says that, on his way there, ho found men issuing from every road, equipped just as they left their tii.lds ;ind shops, so that, by the time he reached town, he was one of a large company. Here they were met by a messenger who said the enemy was retreating. It was by such alacrity that it came to be a boast of the Morris County people, that the enemy had never been able to gain a footing am(mg these hills. They fre- quently made the attempt, but never suc- ceeded. Once, as it is said, for purposi ot cx- ohaoging prisoners, a detachment did reach Chatham-bridge, which was guarded by brave General Winds, to whom the braggart Captain sent word that he proposed to dine next day iti Morristown. The message called out th(! some- what expressive reply, that "if he dined in " Morristown, next day, he would sup in „ (the place infernal) " next night 1' So fAr as possible, let us now relate the facts which show the sufferings and heroism of our Boldicrs, on Kimbal-hill, the Winter of 1779-"80. On the ninth of December, General Greene wrote, "Our hutting goes on rapidly, and (he troops will be under cover in a few days. The officers will remain in the open field until the boards (from Trenton) arrive, and as their Bufferings are great, they will be proportion- ably clamorous." The N-w England troops, on the ninth of that month, were at Pomptou ; and Doctor Tbaeher, iu his Military Journal, says. *' On the fourtei'iith, we reached thin wilderness, about three miies Irom Moiristown. ■vliere we arc lo build huts tor Winter quar- ters " The severity of the Winter may be inferred from Doctor Thacher's descriptioj. "The snow on the ground is about two feel deep and the weather extrem-'ly cold ; the so - dieis are destitute of both tt^nls aud blankets, and some of them are actually bare-footed and almost naked. Our only defence against the inclemency of the weather cousists of brus'.i- wood, IhrowL together. Onr lodging, the la' t night, was on the frozen ground. Those otli- eers who have the privilege of a horse can always have a blanket at hand. Having re- moved the snow, we wrapped ourselvis in great ccats, spreaJ our blankets on the ground and lay down by the side of each other, five or six together, with lai'ge fires at Our feel, leav- ing orders with the waiters to keep it well supplied with fuel during the night. We coul-l procure neither shelter nor forage for our horses; and the poor animals were tijd to tli» trees, in the w lods, lor twenty-four hours, without food, except the bark which they peeled from the tries." "The whole Army, iu this depafiment, are to be i^iigaged iu buildiUg log-huts for Winter-quarters. The ground is marked, and the soldiers have comnieucrd cutting down the timber of oak and walnut, of which we have great abuntiaiiee. Our baggngr has, at length, arrived ; the men find U very difficult to pitch their tents, in the froz u ground; and. notwith from freezing. In addition to other suS'erings, the whole Army has beet* seven or eight day entirely destitute of tin- staff of lile; our only food is miserable fresh beef, without bread, salt, or vegetables." (Military Journal, 176, 177.) The general fbct that that Winter was one tit terrible severity is well known ; but we may obtain more vivid ideas of this fact by a few details. In the New Jersey Gazette of Februiuy 0th, 1780, published at Trenton, the edi'or says, "The weather has been so extremely col.l, tor near two months past, that sleighs an- cloThes, and large tires at our f< et, while four or five are ciowded together, preserve ourselves from freezing. But the .sufteriugs of tho poor soldiers can scarcely be described ; while on duty tliev are unavoidably exposed to all the inclemeucv of the storm autl severe cold ; at night, they now have a bed of straw on the ground and a sin- gle blanket to each man ; they are badly chid and some are destituts of dioes. We have contrived a kind of stone chimney, outside, itud an opening at one end of our tents gives us the oenetit of the lire within. The snow is now from lour to six feel deep, whicU so ob- structs the roads as to prevent our receiving a supply of provisions. For the last ten days, we received but two pounds ot meat a man, and we are frequently for six or eight d.ays entirely desMtute of meat and then as long without bread. The couscqaence is, the soldiers are so enfeebled from bungtr and cold, as to be almost unable to perform military duty or labor in constructing their huts. It is well known that General Washington experiences the greatest solicitude for the sufferings of his 63 Army and ie sensible that' they in general con- duct with heroic patience ?ud fortitude." This storm continued for several days, ac- conii)anied with violent winds, which drifted the snow so that the roads were impassable. So deep was the snow, that, in many places, it covered the tops of the fences, and teams couhl be driven over them. Under date of "Janu- ary 22d, 1780," an officer on Kimbal-hill wrote the following livily description of the condition of the Army, in cou.sequencc of this storm : " We had a Fast, lately, in Camp, by general constraint, of the whole Army ; iu which we fasted more sincerely and truly for three days, than we ever did from all the Resolutions of Congress put together. This was occasioned by the severity of the weather and drifting of the snow, whereby the roads were rendered impassable and all supplies of provision cut oflf, until the officers were obiiged to release the soldiers from command, aud permit them to go in great numbers together, to get pro- visions where thi-y could find them. The in- habitautb of this part of the country discovered a noble spirit in feeding the soldiers ; aud. to the honor of the soldiery, they received what they got with thankfulness, and did little or no damage." (New Jersey Gazette, January 26th, 1780.) The manuscript letters of Joseph Lewis, Quarter-master at Morristown, prove this de- scription to be truthful. On the eighth of Jan- uary, he wrote, " We are now as distressed as want of Provision and Cash can make us. The soldiers have been reduced to the neces- sity of lohbing ihv inhabitants, to save their own lives " On the next day, he wrote, " We are. still in distress for want of provisions. Our Magistrates, as well as small detachments from the Army, are busy collecting to relieve our distresses ; and I am told that the troops already experience the good effects of their industry. We are wishing for more plentiful supplies." And, in real distress, he writes under the same date " the sixty million dollars lately collected by tax, must be put into (he hands of the Superintendent for the new pur- chases. You will therefore have but little chance ot getting Cash until more is made. If none comes sooner than by striking new emis- sions, I must run away from Morris and live with you at Trenton or some other place, more remote trom this, to secure me from the already enraged multitudes." On the eighth of January, General Washing- ton wrote from the Ford mausiou, the camforts of which must have made the sufl'erings o.' his soldiers seem the more awful : " The present state of the Army, wi;h respect io provisions, is the most distressing of any we have expen- onced simce the beginning of the War. For a 64 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. fortnight past, the troops, both officers nnd m^D, have been almost perishing for want They have been alternately without bread or meat, the whole tim*, witli a very scanty. al lowance of either, and frequently destitute of both. They have borne their sufferings with a p.itieuce that merits tlie approbation, nnd ought to excite the sympathy, of their coun- trymen. But they are now reduced to an extremity no longer to be supported." (Sparks's Writings of Washington, vi., 439.) Thi.^ letter, which was addressed to " the Magistrates of New Jersey," is one of the noblest productions of his pen: and right nobly did those, thus feelingly addressed, respond to the appeal. And in this, none were superior to the people of Morris-county, on whom, of necessity, fell the burden o*" affording immediate relief, and wbcse efforts did not cease when tins was effected. On the twentieth ot January, Wash- ington wrote to Doctor Jo'br' \Vithers|)ooii. that "all the Countus i,f this .State that I have heard trcni, have attended to my reqiiii-ilion for provisions, with the most ciitcrlul and cummeiidable zeal ;" and to " Elbridge Geiry. in Congress," he wrote " tlie exertions of the Magistrates and inhabiiants ot this Stale were great and cheerful for our relief." (Sparhs's Writings of Washington, vi., 448, 456.) In his Military Journal (page 182), Doctor Thacher speaks, with enthusiasm, ol " the ample sup- plv" of iood furniihed by " the Magistrates and people of Jersey ;" and Isaac CoUiiis, Editor of the New Jersey Gasette, on the nineteenth of January, says, " With pleasure, we inform our readers, that our Army, which the unexpected inclemency of the season and the roads becom- ing almost impassable, had suffered a few days for want of provisions, are, from the spirited exertions now making, likely to be well sup- plied." It was during this season ot distress, that Hannah Carey, wife of Captain David Thomp- son, of Mendham, one day fed troop after troop o hungry soldiers ; and as Jhey told her they had no means of paying her, she said to thern, " Eat what you want ; you are engaged in a good cause; and we are willing to shar<^ with you, what we have, as long as it lasts 1' and Hannah Carey Thompson was only one ofga great company of women, hke-minded with herself. It is true, she gave an impudent Tory such a reception of scalding water, on u cer- tain occasion, -"s made hi.ii roar with pain and In future, abstain from such acts; but then her heart was large towards the suffering defenders of her country. In Whinpaiiy, the potatoe-bin, the meat-bag, and the granary of Uzal and Anna Kitchel always liad some com- fort for the patriotic solniers ; and the ample farm of old General Winds, ot Rockaway, had not borne harvests too good for him to bestow on his hiethien-in-arms. Often, the soldiers, goaded by hunger, would go several miles to beg or steal a little food ; and, in some such excursion, it happened that Elizabeth I'ierson. second wife ol Parson Green, of Hanover, '•particularly lamented the .oss of a fat turkey that had bi.en reservi-d for a Christmas din- ner ;" but her husband, although his son, Aslj- bel, never remen^bered to have seen him smile, perpetrated quite a scriptural joke, *' when he rather excused what the soldiers had done, by quoting these words from the Book of Pro- verbs, 'Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy bis- soul when he is hungry!'" Pro- visions came, with a right hearty good will, from the farmers in Mendham, Chathaii), Han- over, Morris, and Pequannock; and not only priivisions, out stockings and shoes, e<>atb un I blankets. Over on Smith''i Hammock, as it was called, beyond Hanover Neck, Ralph Smith's mothii ;issimbicd the patriot womcj to sew and knit ii.r the suldiers. In Whip- pany, Anna Kiti hel and hi r ueighboisare at the same g is yet a« delightful as the "smell of a tield which the Lord hath blessed 1" and this tribute to their worth is not woven up of tietious, but of facta, gatliered from living lips, and, therefore, nevfu* may those women perish inmi the memory of their admiring and grateful Jtscendauls. The generosity of wuich we have spoken is much enhanced by the fact, that the people supposed themselves to be giving, and not sell- ing, llu^ir provisions. According to the prices — Continental Currency— afhxed to various ar- ticles, l)y the Magistrates of Morris-couuty, in January, 1780, tliey gave away thousands ot dollars to soldiers at their tables; and as for provisions, nominally sold, they were paid for either in Coniinenlal bills or certiticates, both ol which they considered as nearly worthless. Their opinion of the bills was not wrong, since, after the War, hundreds of thousands of dollars weie left on their hands, which were never redeemed ; but many of them made a serious mistake in their estimate of the certifi- cates which were redeemed with interest. Yet many of these men threw these certiticates away, as worthless, and esteemed themselves as doing an unpaid duty to their country. It is intercsting^to ascertain the prices of various articles used in the Camp, that Winter. On the twenty-seventh of January, Quarter- master Lewis wrote : " The Justices, at their meeting, established the following prices to bo ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 65 ^'ivcn for Hay and Grain 'throughout the i;ounty [of Morris], from the Ist of Daccmber, 1779, to the 1st of February next, or until the ItefTulatinj; Act taUe place. '• For Hay, 1st Quality, jEIOO per ton. '• '• -Ad " ■ £80 •' " " 3(i " £oO " " for one horse, 24 hours, 6 dollars. " " " per night, 4 " Wheat, per bushel, 50 " Rye, " <' 35 " Corn, " " 30 " Buckwheat and Oats, 20 '"' This, certainly, is rather a startling " Price Carrent ;"but it was only in keeping with such significant advertisements as frequently ap- jieared in the papers of that day : "One Thou- sand Dollars Reward" for the recovery of'' my negro man, Toney ; or "Thirty Spanish Milled Dollars," for the recovery of my runaway '■.\luiarto tclldw, Jack." '-Forty paper doUais were worth only one in specie ;" and the fact increases our wonder, alike at the patriotism nf the people :ind s ildiirs, which was sufficient to keep the Xruiy trom open mutiny or l)eing entirely disbanded. To leave this glojiuy side of the picture, a little while, it is well to record the fact that, on the twenty-eighth of December, 1779, whilst the snow " storm was raging," Martha Wa^^b- iagton passed through Trenton, on her wa> to .Morristown ; and that a troop of gallant Vir- ^'lnians, stationed there, were paraded to do her honor, being very proud to own her as a Virginian, and h<:r husband also. She spent New Year's Day in Morr.stown ; and now, in the Ford mansion, you may see the very mirror in which her dignified form has often lieen reflected. The wife of the American Com- mander-in-chief leceived her company, did the honors of her family, and even appeared, occa- sionally, at the '• Assembly Balls,"' that Winter dressed in American stulfs. It is a pleasing ; be loaded with wounded British rri8<.)nei'-. About 3000 troops are gone, under the com- mand of Lord Stirling, with a detennination tn remove all Slaten Island, bag and baggage, to Morristown I" ( MS. Letter of .Joseph Lewis. ) This expedition failed of realizing it.s object, because the enemy, by some means, had been put on his guard. Still, Collins of the New Jersey Gazelle, was sure it would "shew tin- British mercenaries with what Zealand alacrity the American* will embrace every opportunity, even in a very inclement season, to promot»- the interest of the country by harassing the enemies to their freedom and independence.'" (New Jersey Gazette, January 19th, 1780.) And. on the twenty-second of that January. Quarter- master Lewis wrote in quite a subdued tone. " I suppose you have heard of the success of our late expedition to Staten Island. It wa^ expensive but answered no valuable purpos< . It shewed the inclination ot our inliMbitants to plunder." (MS. Letter J. Lewis.) Thisexpi- dition was ai a time when "the ct>ld was iii- ten.se ;" and about five hundred of thi- soldiers had tlieir feet froz'ii. The eremy. by the way of retaliation, on lln- twenty-fifth of January, crossed to Elizibetli- town and burnt the Town-house and Presbyte- rian Church. They also " plundered the hou5t of Jecaniah Smith." The sanii night, anothei party "made an exc irsion to Newark, surpristd the guard there, took Mr. Justice He dden out of his bed, and would not suffer him to dress : they also took Mr. Robert Ni<'l. burnt tli<- Academy, anu went off with precipitation." Ilivington's Royal Gazette speaks of this Jus- tice eiden as "a rebel magistrate remarkable for his persecuting spirit." (Now Jersey Ga- zette, February 2d and 16th, 17H0.) It was marvellous that Hedden survived that march, in such weather, from Newark to New York : but the tough man was nerved thereto by hi"- brutal emptors. But have the troops enongh to eat? General Grteue's latter to " the Colonel of the Morn-- ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 67 own Militia" gives ns a nio.^t suriDwtul aiiswir. "'Tlif Arniv,'' writes Gi''H.rit'. in .Tan- u:irv. " IS upon tli<' point revent the little stotrk from coming foiwaid, which is in readiness, at the distant Magnzines. This is, therefore, to request you to call upon the Militia-oflicers and men of your Uattailion to turn oit their teams and lireaii tin' roads, from between this and Haek- ittstown, there l)eing a small quantity of pro- vi!;i(in>--, there, that cannot come until that is done. The roads must be lept open bv the inhabitants, or the Army cannot Iji- subsisted. And, unless the good people immediately lend tbur assistance to tV^rward supplies, the Army must (lisbinil. Tijc dire ul consequences of -ilcii ail ivimI . will ri )l t'uTuro y.iu.' IV'cli'gs wit.i a disi-riptioi ( f : bul r.nieiiib.'r the sur- rniin'biig lull diiiauti- will i xpjii uc- the (i'.st njchiii ho'y ( tt\v-ts of such a raging evil." ( ii)li!is;:H. we drive over the lops of the fences. "' He then describes the sufferings of the soldiers, and ailds. " tiiey have displayed a degree of , niaguatiimity, under their su9' :riiigs, which does tht'Hi the highest honor." (Ibid, US.) On the tenth of March, Joseph L wis tells his superior officer, "• I should be happv to receive about tilty thousand ( oLars to persuade the wagoiiciK to stay in ("amp until May. which will |)reveut the troops from suffering." And ou (lie twenty-light of tile same month, he again writes, '• I am m) longer aid(s to procure a single team to rel'ev(! the distresses of our Army, to biiiig in a upply of v,o in the cam;), b'gaii on the third lif .Tanuaiy. 1780. The famine which threatencl the .\rmy. caused Washington to write a letter "to the Magistrate.-^ o;*Ne,v Jersey," which ispu'jiished in Spark's editions oi' the Writings of Washmg- lon. A copy oJ that letter was inclosed in thi' letter which is now published for the first time. It i.s a valuable letter, as showing that Wasli- ingiou's "integrity was Kn»i i tire, his justice most inflexible." He.\d Qi'AUTKUs, MoKniMMWx, January 8. 17>(». •• SiK,— The present distresses ot the .Vrmy. with which you are well acquainted, have cU- termined me to call upon 'hi^ respective Coun- ties of the State for a proportion of grain and caUle, according to the abilities of each. '• For this purpose, I liave addressed tht Magistrates of every County, to induce them to undertake the business. This mode I hav. preferred as the one lea.st inconvenient to the inhabitants ; but, incase the requisition shoulvi from a )»erf. ct confidence in your prudence, zeal, and respect for the rights of citizens. Wiiile your measures arc adapted to the emergency, and yoa consult what you owe to the service, I am persuaded you will not forget that, as we are compelled by necessity to take the propm ty of i-itirens for the support of the Army, on whom their safety depends, yon should be careful to manifest that we have a respect for their rights, and wish not to do any thing which that necessity, and even theii own good, do not absolutely require. ,1 ,am, Sir, with great respect and esteem, '• Your most obeflient servant, " Go. Washinoton. " r. S. After reading the letti r to tlir .Tns- tices you will seal it. " Lt. Col. De Haut.' HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ROCK AW AY. PKEF.\CK. The principal portions of this History were delivered in fivk lkctukes to tliC church and congregation of IlockawHy. The circumstances which led to the delivery of the first discourse were remarkable and they arc described in the opening paragraphs of the discourse itself. It is now nearly eighteen years since that occa- sion, and yet the history of he church was on- ly brought down in a third lecture to the close of the s.cond pastor's term of ottice. The Cen- tennial year has led s(mie of the people tr) de- sire this history to be coni))leted. This re- quest is so far liecded as now to bring the nar- rative to the close of Dr. King's ministry. This was delivered in two discourses Ji]l\ 3ltth, 1876. For obvious reasons only a bare refer- ence IS made to his colleague who was with him trom November, 1847, to April, 1862. The task of writing the history of thi; church as connect- ed with thtj pastors who have occupied its pul- pit but are still living, is left for some other pen. Let me add that lam greatly indebted to my friend, E. 1). H;dsey, for valuable aid espe- cially in fixing some of the earlier dates. Nor is this the first help I have had from him in tracing the history of Morris County. August '29th, 1876. THE UlSToRV. The circunistar.ces under which we liave come together are not a little extraordinary. This church has to-flay enjoyed the rare privilege of listening to the memorial discourse in which y(mr veni'rable pastor has tracea the history of God's providence as seen in his ministry of more than fifty yens to one people. His otfi- cial relations during that period in several ca^esbave been with five generations *of the same family. It has been an eventful period to this church, determining its character and position in this conimuuity perhaps for ages to come. A great work lias been accomplished by the simple agency not of a flash preacher, a famous orator, but by the divinely blessed preaching of a man gifted with good sense, piety and industry. To say he has been lead- ing us over that period, and as he announced his text, "The Lord hath blesscid thee since my coining," our minds flashed over the pros- trate condition of things here in 1807, the signs of ne*v and vigorous life which were dis- played in the revivals of 1808, 1818 and 1831, thehundreil converted and the vast good done, and we involuntarily said in our hearts, "it is truly so, the Lord hath blessed us since his servant came here!" ANNALS OF MORKIS COUNTY. G9 That occasion was as deliglittnJ as it is rare, :uid all its thea]es illustrate; tlic yriu-c of God. It is not very likely that this church will again liave the privilege of hearing a half-cciitury sfrmnn from one of its pastors. To-night I shall invite you to accoiiiitaiiy me into a more remote field than that to-ilay dis- cussed hy the pastor, and whilsi to nic if is full .if interest, I shall have to claim your it.dul- gt-uce and patience, whilst endeavoring to bring np from the past the people who Hrst dwcJt and acted here, the manner in which they lived, jnd especially all the tac's coiuuicted with the most important work they did- that of founJ.- ing this church— which is now so veuerable in nureyes, with the toils and honors of her tirst hundred years. Efery community has a history which, -if properly related, must be interistiiig to those who are members of that commuuity. In its tieginuings and iis progress it may have borne a VL-ry humble i)art iu the grand drama which The world is acting, and yet huinhle as is that part it IS both interesting and imporiaut to those who acted it. This is my apology, if any be needed, for attempting to writt; the history of this church. It has never ocu-npied a very prominent position except iu this community and vicinity. It is neither a VVitienburgh nor a Geneva, the center of religious icvolntion, and the famous scene of great deeds. Nor yet has it the notoriety which someiiim s is given ro a community by great weahh. Gur histo- ry spread out on the pages of treueral lnstor% would seem out of place, and it would sufler ' chpte from the more distinguis In d transactions rc(-urded on the same pages. Dut tor i:s the history of this church has mure attractions ihan many deeds sufficiently inipiuianl to oc- «-upy the pen of the general hixriiiiaii. Here our lathers loiight out the brttlt; of lilc against real difficulties ; here tLty felt ihe wants which j)i-e..sedon them as the moral creatures of God; here they wrestled with principalitii-s and pow- <.:rs ; here they laid the foundations of the i-hurch ; and here they -lit d, leaving the work lo their successors, and their sipulchrcs are with us to this day. They were i.ot as great men ad many who have lived, nor was the en- terprise they set on foot as distinguished as many others ; yet iu them and in tht-ir work we cannot but feel a very peculiar interest. To write this history is no easy task, owing to the want of records and other materials from which to weave the narrative. For some yvars my attention has beeu turned to this subject, and whenever opportunity has beeu given 1 have been gathering the materials for this his- tory. The records of the Paiish in the form of a book quite worn and perishing, and also many loose papers have been copied tor me by two young gentlemen of the congregation. Thif: alone cost the copying of four hundred pages of letter sheet. Besides this I have been at great labor in examining the records of neighboring churc'hes, f)ur early county records, rare books and manuscripts iu the Libraries of the Histor.cal Societies of New York and New Jersey, the State Library at Trenton, the Re> Olds of Deeds and Wills for East and West Jer- sey Ui the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton, and also in looking for facts by cor- responding with gentlen,en whose investiga- tions would be likely to tit them to aid me iu my search. The beginners of society here were plain people, the most of whom were unedu- cated. The records of the church prove this, and yel though they left uo voluminous details of their doings, and their position was one se eluded ai>iong th<; mountains, I have been grat- ified and surprised to find many facts which belong to that history, sufficient to make it in- teresting lo us if not sufficiout to make tnat history con)plete. I have spent not a little effort to fix a date to the beginiiings of the settlement in this parish, but without as much success as I ex- pected. The oi'iginal settlement at Hanover was '"about A. D., 1710." (Rev. Jacob Green, Hist. Hanover Church.) I have seen one deed which indicated that in 1715 a tiact of land had been conveyed in the present township of Mor- ris. (East .Jersey Records, Liber F, 3, p. 'iS.) And I think it likely that the settlement in Moiristowii was begun as early as t'jat date. In 1713 Jatues Wills made the first purchase of land in Mendham. (Hastiug's His. Sermon MS.) '"The tract of land now constituting the township of Chester was surveyed and run into lots in nii and 1714, and began to be settled sr.on after by emitrrants from Southold, Long Island." (Kcc )rds of Chester Cong. Churcli, containing Rev. Abner Morse' Historical Ser- mon.) In 1713 one Joseph Kirkbride located two tracts of land in the township of Randolph amounting to near fi.OOO acres. In the same year one Hartshorn Fitz Randolph located 527 acres in sann- vicinity. Wm. Schooky, son of Ihe William Schooley who settled on Schooley's Mountain, bought 600 acres, including Mill Brook, and built the first grist mill in this re- gion. His broth^r-in-law, Richard Dell, moved on the Dell farm, now owned by Miller Smith, in 1759, a mile East of Dover on the lower road to Rockaway. Gen. Winds made his purchase of Thomas and Richard Pcnn lu 17oG. One John Jackson— probably brother of the grand- father of the late Col. Joseph Jackson— bought of one Latham, who bought of Hartshorne Fitz Randolph 527 acres, which included the water privileges at Dover. This was iu 1722 when Jackson built the first torge. In 1757 the 7{» ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. mill property passed into the bauds of Josiah Bemaii. (P.iebaid Biotbcrton's statemeut.) Tbrse facts give me conlideuee in the opinimi that not long after the t-ettlemeut of what is now called Riuidolpb township, in which Dover is, the settlers began to come into this region. It will he safe for the present to assume this, at least until further examinations give us detin- itc knowledge. The late Mr. Jacob Losey, whose acquain- taneo with this section and its original s'-itlers wa8 Ttry extousive, once told me that the set- tlement at Dovv^-r was commenced about ll'il, when a forge for making iron was bnilt not far from the present residence of Jacob llurd, west of the village. He also said that there were a few settlers in the immediate vicinity of Koek- away as early as 1730, when a small bioomery fnrge was built near the site of ihe present upper loj'gc now owned by S. B. Halsey, Esq. In this opinion the late Col. Joseph Jackson, a very inlelligeiit judge, coincided. Experience had led me to suspect any merely trafbtiocary evidence in decichns; dales, but it, could not have been fai out of the way in tins instance. The P(.'nn Tract of 1,250 acres was located on •' West Jersey liiglit ' in 171.">. and iu be next yeai the P.iddle .t Bellars Inuts, nlsn ut 1,250 acres each, and on \Yest Jersey llijilit were tak- en up. These tracts joined each other. The Penn tract reacbini; from the top of the moun- tain, back of Mr. King's former residence, to beyond the Franklin road. The Beliars tract extending from it to the neighlunhood of Den- ville, ai;d t'Je Biddle tract extended from mar Denvillu to and beyond the liockaway river, north of the road leading to llockawny. These large tracts were located probably to secure the land for after sale to actual settlei>. In 1740, March 25th, at a meelinj; of the ■'Geneial ^Sessions of the Peace" the ('ourt di- vided "the County of Morris into Proper Town- ships or Districts," not includin}; the territory now embraced in Sussex and Warren Counties, wliicb then belonged to Morris. Exclusive of that territory Morns county wat divided into three townships, Hanover, Morris and Pequm- ock. That order of the Court also lixe-< the da e of the time when Mori istown received its present name in place of "West Hanover," or, '•New Hanover," by which It was known previ- ous to that time. A certain district was '"or- dered by ihe Court" to bo "called and Distin^ guishi-d by the name of MouuisTOWN." Pecjuaiiock Township, as the records of the Court show, was bounded on Ihe south-east by "the Pissaick, ' on the East and North-east by •'the Pequanock rivor to the Lower end of the Gnat Pond at the head therjof," and on the South and Wi^st by the Rockaway rivi-r fiom its junction with the Passaic, following "the West branch thereof to the head thereof, and thence cross to the Lower End of the said Pond." This "Great Pond" I think must U "Long Pond," and the boundary line followi il the Ringwiiod branch of the Pequanock. Tlie greater portion of this parish was in the town- ship of Pequaiinock. The remainder was in Hanover. The b(/undary dividing Hanover and Morri-i began at Chatham, thence to "ihc OM Iron Works," at •'Wbippaning." thence across the mountain to "Succasunning," and "thence to the Great Pond on the head of the Muscfii.- necung." Hanocer then included all of liock- away and Ranilolph townships South of tin Rockaway river. The minuteness with which these boniida.i( s aie described convinces up- that settlers were scattered throu;;h this region previous to the date of that order of the Court. (Oldest Book of Records of Morris Count> Courts, in Clerk's office at MorristDwn.) But as yet I find no deeds even as eaily as 1740, al- though there is no •■ to the. times when the lands in this region be- gan t knowledge some earlier settlers. Having thus laid before you a few meager re- sults of my investigations into the early settli - meiit of this region I now invito your atteution to the history of the church. A careful exmn- iiii'tion of the earliest subscription papers (da- ted ^larch, 175H, J shows us that the materials for the (H)ngregation were gathered from an extensive but spjrsely .settled region, includur.^ Denvilli-, Rocka vay Valley, Horse Pound, ]Heii- deii, Mount ll Mount Freedom in one di- rt etion and Litth ton in another. From several sourct;s I learn that there were not more th-^n three houses in the villa^o West of the river /NNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 71 ;i..«l only two on tlie East «ide, and the tamilios ill lliL' difi>'tent di' fctiuns from Ihis place- were l«;w and si.'iitttK.il. O.dv a small pi;.>i>oition of tbvKf wii-f iu t'omiortable cinnmHlanres. The hiiid wiiM poo.' and agiuat part of it wats cov- ered with fort-sts. Iron, the only cash article produced here, w«t< m u'e with the serious dis- iidvantatje of beiu,^ far from Uiarlict. which could only bo reachi.-d over very br.d highways. Af that time no small amount oi iron bars was carried to Elzabethtowii Point on pack hoises, the bars beinfj beut so as to til the saddle. As i.s very common in regions where iron is tht! priu ipal article of nnnufacture, what little wealth thcie was in thi.s section was in the hiinds <,f a few persons. Many of the pef»ple Were not freehoklors. These facts must be borne in mind as we attt^mpt to trace the good work these men did in founding this church. If wo look at the church privileges they en- j'>u.'J previous to the foiiuding of this church We shall appreciate their rea.-ions for beginning so difficult an (enterprise. P;irsippany then had a church building eiclosed, but it had no uiinisierof its own. Hanover t'hurch undci tiie pastoral care if Riv. Jacob Green was 'wilve miles distant ; Morristown Church un- der the care ot Rev.' Timothy Johnes was nine mijcs distant ; .Viendham Church under (he eire ol Jtcv. John I'ierson was twelve inilesdis- lanl ; and the Congicgatioual and Presbyterian Cliujches at Chester were also at very iiicoii- vtuieut distuncies. Mr. Abner Eeach, grand- lath. rof Cul. S. .S. Beach, and a workman in the foigt at l-'ockaway, usually on th( Sabbath ro..e ou horseback to Morristown to eliurch These tacts show us why these ptoiile took h-ld of this difficult euterj^rise of founding a chuich notwithsiaiiding theii' small number, scattered condition, and their poverty. JJecessity drove them to it. I may here reniark that the name of our stream, tf)WUhhip and church is said to be de- rived from a tribe of Indians called the Rock- awack.'. Isaac lirjch, the father of Isaac re- itently deceased, told Col. Samuel Serrin Beach that he remembered an encampment of this tribe on the river a i-hort distance above tlie village. There was another encampment a lit- I le below the Rolling Mill. This was more than a huudred years ago. Mr. Beach described the Indians as lazy and iuoli'ensive. They 8 3on re- moved West of the DeUware, and were morg^id in some more powerful tribe. M.\KCH THE Second, ix the YEAKOForR Lokd ONE TH.JU8\ND SEVEN HXTM)U::n AND FIFTY -ElOHT, MAY BE BEOAKDED AS THE BIRTHDAY OF THIS 1 HUK(.'U. On that day two papers were drawn up and signed by the princi[>al men in this re- gion, th(e one signed by twenty-nine persons, and the oih.r l.-y lorty. The literary preten- sions of these pspcrs arc ijuite humhie, bur their ain) is towards an object of the highest ost importance. These fundumeulal papers I will transcribe literally as curiosities and also for their importance : "Mirch 2d, 1758. We th. subscribers do by these mannefest It to In- our d- sier to Joyn with i)asipauey to call and settel a miniiester to have the one half of the preachcii at posipaney and the other half at rockaway and each part to be eakwol in uaj en a minucs lor. Job Allen Seth iMeliuran david beiiian gihiert hedr Aiidrii .\iorreson Isak ogden J >liil ))ipe-i Samuel Shipman .lolin minton Sainnel wnithed Juu Joseph bnrrel wilyam wines ncihatiel michel .fames losev tienery stag John Harriman Jonah Huston Samuel Burwell, John gobbel abraham Johnson John Cogswi'll John Huntington Oershom Gard John Kent anios Kilonrn wiilam iJanels .losiah beman altraliam uiasacra Samuel Moore. 'J"hi!? docuriiont in in the handwriting of Job Allen, as is ovide it by comparing the writing with .Vlr. Aliens autograph in the next paper. In the s;im'.^ handwriting we have the .-^eeonil l)a})rr whiL-h I also copy literally. " March 2 17.>8 Wo the Iiihab.'tenc of rockaway pigeiilnl and upper mhabeteuc at the colonals forges aiul pUlc(^s agesant being met together In order to consult together about a place to set a met- ing hous and being all well agread that the most sutal'le place for the hoi fetelmenls Is upon the small plain a letel above bemans foig which IS below the tirsi small biok upon that rode up to Samuel Johnson and we the subscribers a blig ourselves lu pay toward building a house at that placi the sums to our names atixed. Job >llen Andrew Moreson Gilbert Hi-den David Beman Isaac Ogden John Pipes Samuel Shipman Se'h Mehureii John Mint horn Samuel W hi led J(jseph Burwcl Jun William Winds Nathanel mitchel Josiah Beman James losey Abraham Masacra henery stag John Harriman John Johnson samnel burrel Jonah Huston John gobel abraham Johnson John Cogswell John Huntington Gershom Gard £.1 ^ 5 5 1 10 10 2 10 2 10 (I 2 10 2 10 10 3 1 10 2 10 7 15 3 3 10 4 10 5 10 2 10 72 ANNALS OF MOIJEIS COUNTY. John Kent AmoK Ktlbun heuery tuttol JoHopii B(>acli John stii^j Wiliani Danels Samuel .M)(ii-e JjC(il) Gairif;ne Jiimcs Milegu bil waltdu ilacob W tharp Obadiah Luni lienjarain Carey 10 2 3 (I 5 15 1 10 1(1 1 -> 1 2 10 3 G (5 6 2 4 0" A caretul i-xatniuatioii uT the above fiibsofip- lion shows that it is also in Job Allen's hand- writing, but tho nanus avo antogi-apli signa- tures. I infer from the fact that these earliest papers are in the handwriting of Job Allen, hit be kads both sub^^cripiions, that he is. onii of the largetit contributors, and further that he sub- K'.quently bears a conspicuous part in the atf irs of the church, that he was ono of the must active in beginning the cnteipriae. He was a hous« carpenter and for many yi'ars he resided at Deiiville on what is now call ;d the "' Glovet Place." During tho Ue;olutio!iaiy War he rais(vd and commanded a company, and was frequently in actua' service. Probably Capt. Alien built the tirst meeting house. We know that at a later date hn built the galleries in tliat house and tinishec'. the houi-e with walls and seats. Ho was very nipch esteemed iu the community. (Copu>d records p. Hi.) It is possible that the Job Allen who signed the subscript icu paper in 1758 may have been the father of the Job Allen whose name occurs in the record aftcrwaids, and who resided at Denville as above staled. In a return of the lands in Uockaway covering the water power, made in 1748 to Jacob F jrd, Jr., the premises are said to include "Job Allen's Iron Works," and in Nov. 16, 1707, Utters of acniini»tration_ of the estate of Job Allen were issued to Jacob Ford, Jr., who was his principal creditor. Another prominenr man in tho movement was Gilbert Hedden who as I was told by the late Col. Joseph Jackson, built the first grist null in this vicinity "about the year 1700." This was a short distance below the Rolling mill. The frame of that first mill is now used as a carriage house by Mr. Halse.y. What be- came of Mr. Hedden I have not learned. This date (17G0) for tho erection of the first gri.st mill is probably too late a one. April 20, 1762, Hamuei Munn a blacksmith conveyed to David Bcman " onc-lialf of a grist mill stand- ing on Eockawuy river about half a mile down Htream of said lieman's Iron Works." Dec. 17, 1703, J(jhn Lewis yeimiaii sells to Wyllis Pier- son, blacksmith, one-half the same grist mill " which mill he the sd person is to nioove of from wheir it now stands from of Lewises land to be taken of by the first day of April next." In C(d. Jackson's handwritins;- is a iit)te to the Munn deed made in 18(11 as folinws : " Mr. U. (Bi man) says he built the mill where it now stands about the time he received this deed, made u' e of the old mill stones and irons to build the new one with." From which it aji- pears that Pierson and Beman liPJiving become joint owners of the mill (then an old mill) about 1763 they moved it up to a place near the fuge on the race bank. By deed dated January 2, 1765, Wvllis Pierson conveyed the uiidividid half of tho grist mill "standing on lockaway river just below the bridge that crosses the river by David Bemans hones with one acre of land," to David Beman evidently after the building was in its new place. Here it stood proltnbly till rt moved for a wagon house. As a mill it was probably supplanted oy the one. now standing opposite Dr. Jackson's home which is spoken ot in a road return in 1785, as Steplnn Jack oil's new mill. Tliis was dlsusnl alter the erection of th ) present null by .Judgi; II. il- sey in 1854-5. Another leading man in the movcuieni was- David Beman. He was an early settler in the place, and becurae the owner of the upjiei forge, the grist mill, an 1 saw mill; he owned also other ))roperty in the neighlxuhood. He was a man of uncommon energy in everything he undertook, and it was a common saying among his neighbors " that Deacim Beman had not walked a step in seven years!" He would lill the hopper of his grist mill and then kun (o his saw mill to put that in motion ; then hi: would KUN to his forge to hammer out a loop. Thus he was constantly rxinnino iu his haste to keep upwithall the branches of his business. He was chorister, se.'cton, and deacon. Fre- quently he waited on the Presbytery for si p- plics for the pulpit. When \w had set the tunes for many years in the church he was to his own disgust supplanted by soihu jouiig men who introduced the novelty of singing the psalm without reading the line. This was in the pastorate of the Kev. David Baldwin in 1786 and was finished under Uev. John Carl as late as 1707. He was a very useful man, and an examination of the subscription papers for nearly tifty years shows that he was not a whit behind his neighbors in devising liberal things for the church. He was buried in this church yard, and his descendants ought to jut nj) a stone to mark his grave.* *Mr. William J.ickson in a paper he wrote for me says that he, Bcman, when he first kiKiw liim livecl in Franklin on the property after- wards liought for a i» soiiago for Mr. Carle. From there be moved to Rockaway and lived where the "Henry Berry house" is, near the Mt. Hope ore docks west of the village- He after- ward sold this jiropi'rty t.) Mr. Carle and removed to Guinea Forge, where the old road ANNALS OF MOIIKIS COUNTY. 73 Of Andrew Morgau (or Morreuon; and Aljra- liara Johnson cacli of whom giiv(; five pounds to Imild the first mwtins Iioukc I know notliii)<{. The five men jnst nienliomd signed five puuiids each. Williiim Winds was a signer of eaeh of these papers, and he was the most noud man in the eonimunity. He was famous in his praetieal njfusal to use the hated stamped paper in his business as a Justice of the Peace. He served as Captain in a Jersey regiment one year at the North dniing the French war, and in some of «'ur early clinr.'h recrords he hears tliat military tille. Concerning the strength and clearness (if bis voice many cut ions traditions exist .-unong us. Dr. Asliliel Green, who served un- ((■•r Winds, s[)CHks ni iiis "stt ntoi'ophonic voice" whicli ''exceeded in power i-.nd efticiiaicy, for it was articulate as well as l(;ud, every other liuinan voice that I ever heard." (Life of Dr. t> bung without cerem')ny, vrrVi- obaracterislic of the man. Hia service in the ;irmydid not tend lo correct his hot and im- j»eriou8 temper. Our venerable Mrs. Eiiniee llerson remembers him as he appearoil when bis anger was excited, and he was wont to make a somewhat curious y Wm. Dixson. ihe latter statement is probably a mistake. Mr, Jackson says that Deacon Beman was a great stutterer and sputterer, very impulsive and as smart as a squiirel and as shrewd as a fox, full of mother wit. He was always on hand upon any discussion respecting church matters :ind particularly singing, of which he claimed l>reeminence. Although at last worsted on his Hgiiiing-war with Benjamin Jackson he yielded with pretty good grace. He was always cheer- ful and full ot good humor. I may add that I think Mr. Jackson is mis- taken as to the Parish having bought the I'Vanklin parsonage for Mr. Carle from David Beman. The records show that the P.irish i'ought of Jacob Shotwell, through Wm. Ross :is agent, that pro|)ertv. (See records Julv 30, 1792. und February •21,"l703.) was genuine kindness, which led him to deeds which are presirved in the traditions which come to us from those days. A true patriot, a kind neighbor, a friend to those in distress, a singular but sincere christian, such was one of the founders of this church, manifesting his attachment to it by his liberality during his lite time, aud making it his principal iieir in the will 1 e signed just before his iltath.* John Huntington whose manly signature is affixed to both these papers resided about one mile south of the Union Schotil House, and I suspect thst he w^s cf)nueeted with "the Colo- nel's forges" as Ninkie and Shauugum were then called on account of Col. Jacob Ford's interest in then>. It is possible that the place spoken of as " the Colonel's Forges" may have been Ml. Pleasant or Denmark as Col. FonI had forges there at work limy b.;fore 175S. The late Mr. Andeison and also the late Mr. David Guidon have often told me that he was a man of most venerable aspect an I dev nit piety. The unme ot Deacon Obadia'" Lum i." not on the first paper, but it is on the second, and for several years is usually on all the subscrip- tions for the church. He resided in Franklin just l)elow th old Palmer house, and ttadiiion •speaks of him as a ver.. good man. I may here mention also Deacon Jacob Aller- ton although his name does not appear among those who founded the church. In 1767 he was a prominent man. (Copied records of church p. 29) and t')r many ytjirs he filled the oflice of Ruhng Elder in a mannrtr that im- pressed his acquaintances with tlie conviction of his sincerity as a christian. He resided on the property half wayl)et-'een Rockaway and Denville recently sold by 3Ir. David .\nderson. He was noted for his exact regard to truth ami his deferring the p'lnishmenl of his children until the excitement of theocca&iou had passMJ away. Of these four early Elders I have been told by old people that Deacons Allerton and Lum sat under the pulpit during the service, that Deacon Beman led in singing, and Deacon Huntington or one of t he other Deacons read *In bis last illness General Winds was at- tended by Dr. John Darbe of Parcippany who acted as" his physician, then as his minister, and finally as his lawyer. He prescribed for his disease, censoled him in his dying hour, drew up his will, preached his funeral sermon, and wrote bis epitaph. His gra"e is in the rear of the old church and the mimument bears this inscription : 'Under this monument lies buried the body of Wm. Winds, Esq., who departed Oct. I2th, 1789, in the 62d year of his a";e, &c." (See article ir these annals "William Wind.s.") John Darbe was graduated at Yale 1748. licensed by Suffolk Piesbyteiy 1749. ordained hv the sanie 1757, settled at Connecticut Farms 1758, staid two years, removed after 17(!8 to Parcippany, withdrew from New Y^rk Pres- bvterv 177:1. 7t ANNALS OF MOKRIS COX'NTY. tlio Pnalm line by lino. Tbev we'e veucrablo, pious, effifioct men. at.d wurtLy first to hotel office in the church which was to hvc long after they bad asccncUd to their rrut. The iiauies of Moses Tiittle, Jacob Ford, Jr., Stejjhcn Jackson, Benj:iaiin Beach, Al)raliani Kitchel, und many other important m mbers of the congregation do not appear in the records until soaie years afterward. The inference is that they were not then hving here or too yiMinji to take a part in it. By detd dated September 17th, 1759, WiUiam Winds and l(nh'nvey to .Jostph Jackson, fathei of Stephen, a tract of 1(!2 C-10 acres, part of Peun's tract of r2oO acres, whi< h lay in whole or in part between the Dover road and the Korkaway river. In 1769 after the i eAth of Joseph Jacki-on, this tract of l(i2 acres is mon- !ion2 the name of Mosis Tnttle is on siibst'i ipijon papers, and in I7G7 lie wss one ofh commute' I" agree 00 tlie terms of settle- iiKiiit wiln his brothtr the IJev. Juioes Tuttlc, tne H.st pas. or of the dinrcb. He prohal)ly came to Mount Pleasant about 17.')(i to manajje llie lurue propel tv at that place foi bis lather- in-law. Col. Jacob Fori'., Sen., who was the original builder of that forge. He (Col. Ford) look up Irom the proprietors the land 7 -how much earlier 1 cannot learn - Mr. Tut tie's bruther-io-'aw Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., Imilt a forge at Denmark and liveil thereuntil 1770 when he built the large , stone house at Mt. Hope. In 1772 he sold his -Mount Hope property (o John Jacob Fwsch. The books of the church sh iw tliat Col. Ford was an active member ()f thecongregblion dur- ing the few years he was here. The name of Benjanun Beach T do not find on our records until 17119 whore he is named as oiu! of the pari-.h Collictors. He was the son of Abler lit acli wli"se name Ireijueutly occurs on the records of the Mornst:,wn cliurch, and w;ih when chosen Colledor but 24 years of age. II was noted lor his prcci8ene>s in business, an '. the exact uiaiiagenient of everything about him. His rule was "a |)lace lor everything aii.l eveiything in its place." and the transgicsset- of tbit rule leceived no quarter Irom him. Although not a member of the church mil II he WHS an old m n, be freqncnily acted a- Trustee and in other capacities b.y appoiuimcnt of the congret.''ation, and bore' his snaio in iIk- peeiiniary burdens ot the chun-h. In April, 1773, Abraham Kitcbel is mentioin d as MiKlerat«u' of tlie parish meeting, in wliic'.i capacity, and a» Trustee, Committeeman, aiel Collector, he frequently served tlio parii-h. His brother, Aaron Kitcbel, was out of the mo.-r iuielligent men in iht county, taking a proni- iiK ut |)art iu the ICevolution, and frequentl.v .serving the State in the Provincial and the Contiui'iital Congress, Abraham was a man n!' better education than was cmuniou in his d.iy among men wlio had not been trained id tin- higher schools and co'loges. From the time he came into tue Parish uiilil he left it in tlo Fail of 17'J2 be w;is a leading man, wliose fiini- uess sometinu's anioui.led to obstin;icy. H;- was a mau of some unmor, gjoai inaepeiiden»> lud p lysieal streiiijth. He was iu the employ of Beiij iiuiii (.'ooper at Hibeniia with his team. On oneoceasKm liappenug lo mt et Cooper try a very bail mud bole be asked hi n to have i; rtxe'il. t3 il liiiu and threw him into the niii i bole s lying, •• wet., then, I will m<;ud it wiJ.i you I" Havmg '•neither poverty nor riclie.- ' he was libend i^ec Kitcliil. In 17. (i James wa.s in tljc army jnd was brought to Hanovei sick of "Vanii) disn lu- pi r." His mother. Charity Ford, in nuisin- liiin caught the dis(;a>e and dieil October 7. h. ITiG, the very day that the Kitehel house w;i-. raised. I have been tolil that Abraham Kitcbel once owned tbi' place now held by Col. S. s. Beach, which he- exchanged with Francis Me- Carty for the White Mer, 1792, when he sold it to Bernaiu Smith. He died at Parsipywuiy Jan. lltb, 1H(I7. To thif list I must add one more, althongli he did not remove into our boumls until 177-'. I refer to John Jacob F.iese^h, for many yeai> a leading man iu this region. H<' was a (lorniin. u native of H 'se-C^assel, and was sent to t'lih eouiiMy by '• tile L ludo:) Ooaipiuy '' as t'l. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. niaoager of tbcir estoasiv3 iron works in IJerguu County aw it then was, but in Passaic an it now iu. In April, 1710, one Cornelius Board sold a tract ol" land to Josiab Ogden, John Offden, Jr., David Ojrdcn, Sr., David Ogdtn, Jr., and Ui^al ()s;dtn, all of Newark, and associated to; was lionored even wlien a young man ; hut his chief merit was his love of sscred music. The old people of a few years ago were wout to describe the clearness, sweetness and compass ol his voice, very mnch as the atten- dents on the modern opera describe the voices of the world-noted tenors. He had no equal in this region as a singer of sacied music. It is not difficult lo imagin.:; the process by which he and his young friends wore led to think that the " lining the Psalm " by one Deacon, and " the setting of the tune " by another, were t» be borne no longer than circumstances would permit. Concerning this collision so famous in our history 1 may have more to say in another ylace. There are other names belonging to the early period of our history which deserve mention, such for instance as Willys Pierson, one of the tr^.^tee8 in 17UJ, Jacob Garigues, the grand- lather of onr Elder, the Burwells, one family of whom removed to Canada and there attained wealth an(l social position, Goorge Stickle, tla- sou of a G.ninaii. and after Gt-orge Harris— who taught he first school in Uockaway— one of the earliest and most thorough school teachers. There is not a teacher in New Jersey who can excel the penman-hip of either Harris or Suckle which 1 have now in mv possession. To these names I might add the names of Kobort .Vvres, Joseph Beaian of Dover, brother of David, William Iloss who for a time was an officer in the church, Chiliou Ford, Robert Giiston. Bernard Smith, John JIcGibbons and Henry Tuttle, able to build pews for themselves in the old church, Benjamin Piuddeu of whom the church lot and burying grounJ vere bought, James Pufl' Loacy, Eliakim Anderson, Frederic Miller, Deacon John Clarke, Josiali Hard, Amos Lindsley, Silas Haines, Isaac Southard, and soma others who either assisted in founding the church or bore a part in sustain- ing n during the first year of its exisleuco.* I have endeavored thus to place before you some of the men who assisted to found our church or to support it during its infancy. A very cursory examination otourchurch records show us that they were none of them educated to any greater extent than in the common branches, and the most of them very imper- ♦The Kitchel, Beach and Tuttle families came from Hanover. The Jacksons, Beuians, Winds, from Long Island, the Palme-s from New England, the Ford* and Hotfs from Hunterdon Count V. fectly even ir these. Some of them signed their names by proxy ; and the most of those who could write show that their hands were more accustomed to the axe-helve, crowbar, or forge-tongs than to the pen. It is very rare to find a single subscription paper, or petition, or entry made by them iu which there are not ludicrous errors in spelling and grammar. This is not to be wonderrid at for I had been told by Dr. Lewis Condict that in his boyhood the children ancl young people in this country had few cdncaiional privileges beyond the occasional night school in winte/, and the scanty instruction in the chimney corner. Col. Jackson once informed me that George Hums taught the first si-hool ever opened in this parish in 1784. This was near the house now occupied by Dr. J. D. Jackson. All Mr. Harris' scholars that quarter came from thirteen families and were in number twenty- eight. What people then acquired was princi- pally by their own efforts with very little as.>-is- tance. The wonder is not that the literary performances of our pioneers were so faulty, but rather that they are so good as to express the ides of the authors, an excellence not always attained byediicated men. Our father.'* were plain, sensible, and hard-working men. They lived in very plain ilwellings, with very plain furuituie, and on verv plain food. The luxuries .vhicb are on the tables of our pcoicst pc-ople were rarely seen on the tables of their richest. In the Spring the children had their only confectionery in the delicious sugur made from the maple. The silks ami broadcloths of our day have succeeded the home-made linens and woolens of their day. The only " hel|i " the women had in those days were their «wn hard hands and th( ir maiden daughters who \fere trained from dvldhood in the mysteries of the wash tub, the kneading bowl, the spin- ning wheel and the loom. Their hiuids may not have been so white as young ladies have no T, but their cheeks were more ruddy and their step more elastic. The men occasionally indulged in the luxury of apple whiskey, but it was not adulterated, and their plain diet and abundant woi'k promoted robust health and long life until this region has become famou.s for the numbers of its very aged peopb. That was not the age of baby jumpers, tiglit sto''e rooms, and paper shoe-solos. The men did inanlv work in a manly way, and the women aspired after Solomon's " virtuous woman " as their beau ideal of excellence. (Prov. 31. 10— 31.) The simplicity of their times is seen in the facts stated to mo by more than one, that young woman have been known on 6undav to walk barefooted until they reached the vicinity of the meeting-house before Ihey put on tbo carefully preserved shoes which were so haul ANNALS OF MORRLS COUNIT. 77 to procure. Tbe 8lioe inakor watt an itenerant from liouse to hoiiso aud his wire " like aoRels" visits, lew and far between." Tliiy bad no f-ii ors. Tbe good honse-wife and her daugh- ters were able to naake the clothes of the men who had too much hrrd work in hand to in- dulge in the Inxury of a " close fit." We might •say of the man ot those times : •For him light labor spread her wholesome store — Jnst gave what lite required, but gave no more ; His bist companions, innocence and health ; Aud his Irfest rich'.-a, ignorance of weath." From this picture of tbe people in early times b.t us now tuin to the principal work which they be, 'an. You will undoistaud me as not roferring now to the fields which th«iy cleared, the houses and mills they bnill, the roads they laid out and mines they opened, but to the ChuicU which they founded and sustained in theifaee of very extraordinary difficulties. I have already stated that on the 2d of March, 1758, tbe tirttt step was taken towards building a meetiDg-house and securing iu connection . with the cbureh at Varsippauy the ser- vices ol a raiiii!-tcr. The parish iecords furnish no evidence that the atti mpt to settle a niinistir w.is sui-ctssful at that time. A subscription dated St ptcniber 24th. 1760, renews the attempt, but with what success we are not int'ormi-d. The fact that iu 1762 another subscription Slates that a sum of luouey is needed ■' to pay the arrearages of minister's rate, togellier wiih the cost of the parsonage lands supoosed to be thirty or forty pounds in the whole" shows that the infant congregation had had more preaching than was paid for. Who preacbeJ' here IJrst is entirely matter of conjecture. It is very likely that Green of Hanover, Johnes of .Morrisowu, and Pier:(on of Mendham may have oreacbed here occasionally and that the Pres- bytery of New York may have sent occasional supplies. I know nothing beyond the fact that they had some preaching. So far as I have been able to disc(»ver there is no record in exis- tence showing just where the Presbytery took action in the organization of the church and who were the ministers officiating. The names of the first members cannot be found, except ns some of them may be interrtd from certain documents and traditions. We know that it was a Presbyterian church from the beginning, because the founders assessed their " rate " " to pay a Prespetenng minister." We know siso that it never swerved from its original prefer;*ncc8, except for a year when one of its pastors joined the semi-Congiegatioual body known as the "Associated Presbytery of Morris County." (Howe's His. Moiris Co. Pres. MSB.— See Ch. Manual p. 7 ) It is a matter of interest to ascertain some of tbe names of the original members of this church. Among them were Job Allen and his wife Mary, David Beman and his wife Mary, Mrs. Huldah Benian, wife of Josiah who joined in 1794, William Ross and his wife, William Winds and his wife Ruhamah, John Hunting- ton and his wi^e Elizabeth, Obadiah Lutu aud bia wito, Jacob Allerton and his wife, Jacob Garri- gus and his wife, Lois, wife of John Harrimau, the wife of John Stag, I think it safe to take it for gaanted that these were all original mem- bers of the church, and there may have been others. In the manual of this church published in 1833 it is stated that " the Presbyterian Church at lloclcaway may be said to have been founded about the year 1766, although the first meet- ing-house (of wood) was raised in September, 1752." I suspfct that " 1752 " is an error of the printer for " 1762," there is some reason for questioning the accuracy of both these statements. Although the original subscrip- tions of Mnrch 2d, 1758, do not say iu so many words that a I'rusbyteriau society was either formed or was about to be, it is clearly implied in their wishing to unite with the Prc!«!'yit riaa church iu Parsippany in hiring a minister. Tbe subscription of 17C0 mentions the kinn the whole of tho Laborer." \i the same meeting it was " voted to sweap tl^e meelin^; lioust: once a fortuite :ind keep the doors shnt, for tho term of one ye .ir next insniug." Tlii'i valuable office of ''door keeper in the house ol The Lord " " being set iii) at ven.lue was '"ouglit l>y John for ten Kijillitigs." .\lso "voti'J Mr. Daved Bcman, Chomsier and Mr. Ja.ot- Vlhngton to li %-ivl ihc psal ..." (tJopied ParisJ lU'cords p. 33. ) Ap])ar('iitly in the same p( rimJ at a parish meeting it was ''proposed whether a stove may i)e allowed in tlie Meeting Hou-- . Resolved, That a siove be allowed, and that -o did others. The slips were not crowded with people, because there were very few people in the region. I suspect it was in one of these slips that the misehievious boy was that Sunday morning when Gen. Winds got sight of him, and rose instantly to bring his wagon whip on the culprit's bacK, punishment more summary than welcome, i^igh over all hung the pulpit with its ominous .sounding board nearer the swallows nest than we in our day approve. Yet that plain pulpit had in it three powerful agencies, an English Bible, a Watts' Hymn Book, and a good man. The pews and slips were not crowded with persons of wealth and fashion and learning, but all the accounts agree in saying that those meu and woman were full of self-reliant energy, and that many of them were distinguished for their pietj% They prayed at home, taught the Bible and Catechism to their children, had very few books but these were generally of tbe solid kind and. well read, overcame the real difficulties of long distances 8) ANNALS OF MOKRIS COUNTY. and a comfortless meeting-house to hear the gospel, and in })roporlion to their means made sacrifices to sustan the church which lose nothinq; by comparison with the sacTiticcs of their successor^ of the present time. I have dwelt en these little things concerning the mectinji-hoHso and the people who wor- shipped God in it, a« they appeared in 1768, m oraer that you viiay be able to compare that past time with the present, and thank God that your fathers had enough piety and perscjvcr- ance to carry the infant enterprise through difflculries which were really formidable. Let us now retrace our steps to describe another event of great importance to the church. There is a mutilated recordota parish meeting the design of which was to take meas- ures tj secure a ministt^r in connection with Parsippany. Although the date is worn off, Col. Jackson puts it down as Dec 23d 1766. (Church Manna) p. 3.) March 2d 1767 a meeting was held at which the name, of Mr. James Tuttle was mentioned as a candidate for the joint-pastorate of the two churches at Rod' away and Paisippany, and the suggestion resulted in the appointment of " a com:nittee to agree with the .said Mr. Tuttle." On the 11th of May following the parish resolved to call Mr. Tuttle. Job Allen and Obadiah Lum were chosen as a committee to see about his ordination. Deacon Beman was sent to the Presbytery " to carre the call and get an answer." Later in the year— the date is thumbed off— at another meeting "Jub Allen and Jacob Allerton were chosen a comite to agree with Mr. James Tuttle, and with Pcrsip- ening to heir (hire) a parsonage uot to buy one," The minute of a meeting in Dacember 1767, shows the matter was .^till in negotiation, but on the 13th of April, 1763, the arrange- ments were eo far completed that William Winds, Obadiah Lum, Jacob Allerton, Divid Bet.ian, and Benjamin Prnddtn were appointed a co-.jmittec to rccsive Mr. Tuttle "for our society" at the oidination and installation services which were to take place at Parsip- pany. (Copied Records pp. 29-30. ) He was or- dained and installed in April 1768, the tirst minister of two feeble churches. The Rev. James Tuttle was the son of Col. Joseph Tuttle and his second wife Abigail Nutman. He was bom May 7th, 1742, so tliat he was twenty-Nix years old when lie was in- stalled. His father was a prominent man in the Hanover Churcn of which ho was an Elder for many years. The mother of our minister was a sister of Rev. Joliii Nutman. He was fitted for college in the 8cho( 1 of his pastor, the Rev. Jacob Green, and was graduated at Nassau Hall in 1764. He also studied theology with his pastor and prubably assisted in his school. In 1767 he was licensed to preach by the Presbytery ot New York, and on the 2d ot Fob. 1767 he was married to Auna, daughter of Rev. Jacob Green. The same year, probably attracted by the fact that his brother Moses Tuttle was a prominent mi>n in this congrega- tion, he preached in Rockaway as a candidate and in the .\piil following became the pastor ot the chnrch. Concerning him as a scholar, u preacher, and a pasior, I have learned very little. His ministry here was only during a period of two years and seven months. Before the close of his second year he became so ill ay; to be unable to pieaeh, and in March 1770 " it was voted whether Mr. Tuttle shall be allowed six months' pay over his yearly salary; on payment of which be is willing to discharge the congregation from all other expenses and charges, providing his illness continues and increases so as not to be able to perform in his oflice. Voted immediately he shall." (Copied Records p. 38.) This vote in connection with the increase in " the rate lists " indicates that the minister was esteemed by his people. On the nth of October, 1770, the Parish "voted clear' that we are to sue for a dismission of Mr. James Tuttle when the Presbytery sitts." On the 23d (jf the same month a similar resolution was passed, and a committee consisting of Obadiah Lnm, William Winds and John Hunt- ington appointed "to represent our parrish in ausweriiig any Questions askt by the comitee from the presbitery." It was also voted that Mr. Tuttle "shall be allowed a consideration in . case we are dismissed." The consideration was " twenty shillings lite money per month to be continued as he continues unfit for service." (Copied Records pp. 43-45 ) The good man who was the object of so much solicitude died at Hanover on the 25th of December 1770. It is eighty-eight years since his short ministry was closed, and no doubt he was cheered Ijv the truths which he had as much commended to his flock by his devoted life as by his deliv- erances from the pulpit. In the graveyard at Hanover is the headstone of Mr. Tuttle, an upright, brown free stone slab, embellished with the usual Death heatown preached and baptizerl Donzie, infant daughter of William Ross, Susannah and Josiah twin infants of Josiah Beinan, and " Catharine, Dennis Harty's wife, one girl." In .September and October of that year at the parish meetiivg " the Reverend Mr. Lewis of Mendbam preached a lecture." (Copied Records p. 43.) Except < ccasionally the pnlpit was not occupied for some months, "the Deacons' Meeting" be'ing the unfailing substitute. On the last Sabbath of January the Rev. Mr. Chapman of Orange "preach here and cristened Nathan'l Morris' child Abijah." On the 9th of April 1771 the parish meeting was opened with a sermon by the Rev. Mr- Horton of Bottle Hill. On the lith of July 1771 the Rev. Mr. Kennedy ofBas- kingridge supplied the pulpit, and on the 25tli of July 1771 "Mr. Simson preach a lector." (Copied Records, 47-49-50.) Things moved heavily with the temporalities and the spiritu- alities of the church, and yet the fathers " held on their way," for in their weakness and poverty they sent a petition " to the Reverend Prysbitery " " to send a candidate if they can : if not, to grant us Liberty to hire a minister that shall be judged of good standing b\' some persons thoy shall appoint if such niiuister can be found, and that we don't desire suplies sent to us in maner as usual." That ^hey kept up their services regulailyis evident because the records say, "David Beman agrees to swec)) the meeting Louse the year next Insuing, Twice a month for which he is to have Elleveii shillings." (p. 48.) These items may seem insignificant, but they show us what " the day of small things" was tt them. They had a great work in hand and they met its resp0!>i- bihties with I'ath and energy. I have detained you a long time and yet tlu task I proposed to myself is not accomplished. I shall have to beg your indulgence for another spportunity to complete the narrative. But meanwhile what thoughts press upon our minds as we recall the fact it is now a hundred years since Job Allen and his neighbors drew up the papers which proved the germ of this church I This morning we were thrilled to think of the changes which have been wrought since the senior pastor, a young man, came to this place, and yet there is one man who re- members the first sermon Father K. preached, the text, the circumstances ! But where is the witness to stand before us and relate what those men said in 1758 as they began our church, an enterprise of such difficulties that we have wondered why it did not come to naught? ^\^lcn the senior pastor was born this church was 32 years old, and who but God knew that among the hills of old Berkshire a child was born who was heaven's consecrited and foreordained and most precious blessing to the little struggling church here among th(^ 82 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. the bills of old Morris. Did those noble men in tbai day of darkness oHer prayers ior a pastor to guide and defend ibis flock ; prayer registered and to be signally answered in due time? Even when the blessing caMie. most of the fathers bad fallen asleep, but God is faithful. A hundred years ago! oh, what havoc these years have made among those who founded this church and bore it up in the face of un- usual difficulties! Job Allen, the Beuians, Winds, Lum, Huntington, Allerton, HeJden, the Burnwells, Losey, Pierson, Mitchel, Tuttle, Ford, Kitchel, Faescb, Jackson, Bi.ach, and their coteniporaries are all gone. The waves of time have washed away the foot prints in ihe sand upon its shore : Where, where are all the birds that sang, A hundred years ago? The flowers that all in beauty spranj? A hundred years ago ? The lips that smiled, The eyes that wild In flashes .shone Soft eyes upon,- Where, O where are lips and eves The maiden smiles the lover sighs That lived so long ag.i? Who peopled all the city streets, A hundred years ago? Who tilled the church with faces meek A Imndrcd years a^o? The sneering tale Of sister frail, The plot that work'd A brother's hurt— WliL-re, O ivhere, are plots and sneers. The poor man's hopes, the rich man s feais, That hved so long ago ? Where arc the graves where dead men slept, A hundrtul years ago ? Who when they were living, wept A hundred years ago ? By other men That kn<;w not them. Their lands are tilled. Their graves are filled, Vet nature then was just us f;ay \.\ be entered on the book. It amounted to £16:18:10; and Jacob Allerton, David B.m.iii and John Huntington were appointed " a com- mittee to Inspect into the work doue by Lapt. person to the parsonage House and determine what part there of shall be allowed." (Copied Records, pp. 37-i7.) The whole account was paid. This parsonage was built on what is now known as the " Tom Mann Ljt " owned by Joseph Jackson, Jr., near the depot. The house was on the hill and its site near an ( lil pear tree still standing. It was occupied \:y Mr. Baldwin during the earlier part of his min- istry until he purchased the property at the Southeast corner of the ri.ad to Franklin leav- ing the main rond below Mr. Dav.'d AinUrsun. When the Rev. Jtr. Call came (o R )ckaway in 1792 " a committee was appointed to estimate how much every man's part in tlu! P.irish is t'l Pay towards Building New Parson tge hous." Arrangements were also m:ide to sell part of •' the old parsonage lands " to pay for the '"uiw parsonage lands" bought ol Nathan Shot .veil. This is the property now occupied by Mr. Sul- livan in Franklin, next to Mr. Seely Tomjikins place. The congregation buiit that house with great embarrassment, and Mr. Carl lived there not more than two years, when " the trustees Reported that by and with the consent of Mr. Carl they have soald the parsonage whare Mr. Carl now lives and tbat Mr. Carl proposes ti; find his own parsonage and fire wood and that the parish pay him a yearly salary of£200son;ige ANNALS OF MOREIS COUNTY. 83 houses. No one can blame the people for selling the land iu order to get out of debt. They undoubtedly did the best they could under the circ inistances. Let us now go back to the close of the first minister's pastorate to glean a few items char- acteristic of the times. Thus in March, 1770, a parish meeting voted that, " David Beman is tn sweep the meeting house one year for eleven shillings." (Copied Records p. 38.) The clerk closes the record of a meeting in April of tho same year with the words, "this lieiug the ninth Parish mooting in Mr. Tattle's reign." (lb. p. 30.) It will be remembered that Bockaway and Parsippany had the same miuister, and on the 20th of Oct. 1770, it was voted that " we still continue to request (of the Presbytery) a dismission from pocipaney." (lb. p. io.) This dismission came in the form of the pastor's death on the succeeding Christ- mas Day. The books show that the people had considerable difficulty in collecting money to pay what was due Mr. Tuttle. On January 17, 1771, a parish meeting divided ;eiO:G:7 among six collectors. These were Jacob Alier- ton, ilobert Gaston, B. Cooper, Esq., Wm. Walton, Levi Ayres, and Isaac Southard. A memorandum in 1771 says, "Last Sunday the Rev. Mr. Cliapmau (of Orange) preaeht here and cristend Nathau'l Morris' child Abijah. (pp. 46-7.) The fact shows that the church had occasional preaching after Mr. Tut tie's death. In the same year the parish allowed Col. Ford to build the minister's pew " on the Eastt End of the meeting house at his own proper cost" on condition that " Robert Gaston and his family have full Liberty to sit in it until such times as it may be wanted for a minister's family in this society." (lb. 49.) On the 25lh of July, 1771, the record, states that *' Mr. Simpson preaeht a lector " at the opening of the parish meeting, and it was resolved that " Mr. Robert Gaston's house be appointed '' " to receive and keep any minister that shall be cald here to preach until such Time as the pai'sonage House is prepared for his house, aud that such person be allowed for his soport." It was also " voted to give a minister Eighty-five pounds litT money per annum together witn use of the parsonage aud to Git him his fire wood." The next Saobath after service, " it being put to a vote whether we shjuld give Mr. Simson a call to preach for us During the space of six monts or a year next ensuing, aud it being put to vote it was carried in the atiirmativc that we should give him a call as above." (Copied Records, 50-51.) On the 25lh of January 1772, Dea. Lum, Dea. Allerton aud Moses Tuttle were instructed " to agree with Mr. Simpson about his preaching here the Time be is now appointed to soply U'i." (lb. 52.) On tho 1st of Aprd the parish voted to " give Mr. Simpson a call to a settle- ment and it waa agreed to a man that we do give him a call as above," and that "Deacon^ Allerton and Lum and Justice Wind.-' be a comiteee to enforce ard Confer with Mr. Simp- sou relating to said call." The parish also appointed Jacob Ford, Jun., t, is a tradition that a log meeting bouse was Iniilt on that land about that time. (Statement of Mrs. Dr. Fnirchild, Sen.) In 1755 by direction of Presbytery the llev. Jacob Green the pastor of the Hanover Church or- ganized a new congregation. A new meeting liouse for the parent church was built at Han- over Neck and another one at Parsippauy. '■ Mr. Gi'Cen was ordered by the Presbytery to preach at both these places ; which he con- tinued to do till the year 1760, when Precipin- ing were allowed by the Presbytery to sack a ministry for themselves." (MS. His. of Han- over Church by Rev. Jacob Green.) The effort was not successful, and probably Mr. Green continued to officiate at Parcippany part of hie time. The earliest subscription paper in the Piockaway church, that of March '2d 1758 shows that there was a desire to unite with Parsip- pauy in settling a minister, but this desire was not gra'ified until in 1768 the Ref. James Tuttle was settled ovei both churches. I have blreaJy described the efforts made at Rocka- way to find a pastor after the death of Mr. Tuttle. It is to be presumed that the Parsip- pauy congregation were engaged in the same search. On the 1st of April, 1773, at an irregu- lar parish meeting at Parcippany it was "unan- imously agreed after sum Dispute about a niinnister wether wee should trie to git a Presbyterian or Congregational that this Mesure should be taken, that a Short Instru- ment sb.ould be Written and offered to the Soviety to mennifest thire Choys in manner as folloeth, Whereas wee are abont to Send for a Minerster this is to Desire every Member of this Society to Declare what one t'aay chose by writing thoire Names under the woords Pris- byterian or Congregational." On " April 7th at a Parish Meeting the Instrument was re- turned and fild up as folloeth." Sixteen names were written under " Prisbyterian" and fifty- seven under " Congregational." Notwith- Ftauding so decided a vota for Cougregational- ism, the church the same year applied to the Presbytery of New York for supplies, which .«hov\8 that their preferences were not very de- cided. At the meeting on the 7th of April it was '• voted to send for a minnester," that "Isaac Sergeant go into New England after a minnes- ter," and " that if the man that go for a Min- nester cannot git a Congregational (he) is to use bis Indiver to git a Prisbyterian." The persons present immediately started a sub- scription which finally amounted to £10:6:6. (Copied Records Parcippany ) An entry In the same records which were kept by Isaac Sergeant as Parish "Clark" show? us what success he had in his mission. " May 17th Sot out for New lugland for a Minister and Returned the 27th of June without one." That jonrney shows us the times and the people, and is worthy of special note. If we now recur to the records of our own church we find that on the 20th of April 1773 it was " voted to send by Isaac Sargent to new England for a minister," " to Rnse money to Boare said Sargent's Expenses," and that " Deacon Allerton go to Mr. Sargent to Give him Letters and Direction in the above matters and Bisfness." Some money was immediately raised but the fact is added, " agreed that the money Raised for going to New England be returned to those who paid it," showing that after all it was concluded not to send by Ser- geant to New England. The records of April 2Gth shows that Dr^ Johnes of Morristown advised the people against tho course, giving " it as his opinion that it was best Not to send to New England for a Minister as thera wa^ several Now to be Licensed soon." In place of sending to New England it was "voted that wee will Jlake application for Mr. Burnet for to be a Candidate to supply in this Parish." and " Mr. David Beman go and talk and con- sult Mr. Jones and bring his approbation of the Matter by Nest Sabbath Day." The nest Sabbath Mr. Beman reported Mr. Johnes' advice " to send our petition to the C'omitee of minister appointed for vacant congregations respecting lugaging Young Mr. Burnet to serve with us as a candidate." This advice was followed. In addition to this they sent a simi- lar petition to the Synod. This brings us to another fruitless attempt tj seltle a pastor. (Copied Records, 61-64.) During this Summer and Fall the pulpit was occupied by several ministers. Rev. Messrs. Murdock, Thomas Lewis, Timothy Johnes, Jacob Green, Cloce, Lion, Burnet, and Joseph Grover. Between June and September Mr. Mathias Burnet preached three Sabbaths with very great ac- ceptance. On the 3d of September the Par- sippany church "voted that we offer to join Rockaway in applying to the PresbUery for a Minister " and that Benjamin Howell and John Stiles bo a committee to go to Rockaway to conclude the agreement, (Copied Records, Parcippany ) On the 27th of the same month the parish meeting at Rockaway in answer to the inquiry '' whether we comply with Persipany proposat voted not to comply with it " and to " sjnd Posipany the miuit of of our note with some reasons annexed there- unto, voted to send it and Job Allen do it with the reasons thereof." (Copied Records, 65.) From one fact it would seem that Parcippany 8) ANNALS OF MORKIS COUNTY. cougratioa was tbcii either richer or more liberal thau this, since for many years the sexton received eleven shillings a year in llock- away, whilst the seslon al P.irsippany received twelve. December 8tb, 1773, the pirish meeting "voted that Deacons Allcrton and C.)bb should go to Mr. John Jacob Fash and Euvit him to Join with our Parish," and that -'Mr. Fash s'.iould have the yusc of Jacob Ford, Jan., Pew Whenever he need it as Lo-jg as it rcui.iins the property of our Parish." It was also " voted that David Be nan for the future should Ktceiv th2 several Callections of our Parish as they are maid and Dispose of the same according to the order of the Parish," which shows that good man with a new office in addition to tlie former ones. (Copied llecords, 07.) On the 16th of January, 1774, Mr. Burnet supplied the pulpit. On the 24th of that month after " the Ilev. Mr. Johncs had preached a Lector " it it was concluded to give Mr. Burnet a call, also that "wc shal now proceed to provide itutf sutable and snacient with what is already provided to Lay the fire place and seat the Gallery and finish the pulpit in Our Meeting House." The same record speaks of a resolu- tion " to fix in the Gallery tire." This mint of good things in tht form of fire-places in the meeting house did not even go far enough to 'end in smoke." In Februaiy, 1774, the p Irish again resolved to call Mr. JIatluas Bur- net* who was preaching occasionally for them, und this time it was "voted to give Mr. Burnet in case ot his excepting our call the sum of one hundred pounds per \ear sallary, the use of the parsonage and his firewood." In addition It was "voted to find Mr. Burnet a convenient room and his Board until we can prepare the parsonage for his use, and allso his Housckoep- iug. Voted that if Mr. Burnet excepts our call wc are emedlately to proceed to prepare the parsonage house fit lor him." And as if haunted will) the tear of hiiving money what they might not know what to do with, they guarded against snch a contingency by voting " that all money that is Overplus if any there should be in our several subscriptions iov pai-raish use, (it) shall be aphed to the repair of the pirsonago House." It was afso resolved to finish " the p rt of the gallery all round Aith banister," and also "to Invite Mr. Green to aford us part of his labour untill the sitting of the Spring prysbitry." *The Rev. Matthias Burnet was settled as an ordained n)iiiistir over some other chu'chin the New York Pri sbytery, as appears from "a list of the uicUibeis of the Synod of New York and Philadelphia I'rr.m 17r)H to 1788 inclu- sive." In 1775, with the Rev. Joseph Grover of Parsippany, he represen'e 1 the N(!»v York Pres- bvterv in" tlie S', n.d. (.lotlge, I'res. Ch. II, 511. The ')usiues3 of preparing the call for Mr. Biir- ue: and in case of his refusal, " to petition to the prysbitry for a candidate to serve with us constantly six months," was committed to Moses Tuttle, Wm. RjSs, and H.-ury Howe!. On the 17th of May. the call was roa.l and ap- proved by the people. It thanks " the Rever- cLd Pry.sbytery of New York" "for all the favorable notice" taken of them, and " 'o'- such a number of soplies fr.'in lime to time granted to us" "since wo have 1 1 happily bin Destitute of the stated Gospel Ministry." The petition then speaks of the fact t'ut "we havo lately bin favored with the Lalmars of Mr. Mathias Burnet and that with such satisfaciiu-.j and we hoi>e .spiritual edification as oxcitci U3 to desire his sottlem nit anmagst us in the gospel ministry." In presenting the call the fact is added that the parish includes " about one hundred families." Until the parsonage is completed " we further engage to find him a Convenient Rjom, his diet, and keeping f.>r his horse, with our Promise ol' submitting to his holy ministration attending to the G )sp, I while he shall continue In ch.u'a.;ter among>t us." (Copied Records, G9-73. ) The o.d parsonage house was a wriicheil affair and in June of this year an attempt was made to purchase " the dwelling house of Doet. Hunting and lot of land it stands on for a par- sonage," but nothing was accjiupli.^hed. Dr. Hunting's house was near the large willuw tree cu the north side of the road leading to Denville. The property is now m the hauls nf Mr. Francis Stick lo. It was " voted the cano;)y o>er the pulpit :o be now built." Alter so-iiC time had passed the call of the congregation was declined by Mr. Burnet, anJ then we find them endeavoring to make ar- rangement with Parsippany church for one- third of Mr. Joseph Grover's time. That church would not permit their minister to be called as joint pastor, but they seem to have allowed him to preach here as a supph' part of his time. As this good man pleached in tliis place a great deal previous to Mr. Baldwin's settlement I may state the fact that in tht^ Parsippany Records Mr. Grover's name is men- tioned the first time November 22d, 1773, and the clerk adds, " this Mi. Grover was a candi- date that Job Baldwin brought from N. Ing- land." He was recently — comineucement — 1772 graduated at Dartmouth College. He was hired by that congrcgatitm until the 1st of May 1774, and record is made that Job Baldwin " is to be paid for his trouble." April 3Jth, 1774, a regular call was made out, and sent to "the Reverend Presb; tery of New York" requesting them to "app(jint a time for and afl">rd assis- tance in ordaiiiirr,' Mr. Grover ovi-r us." Ht ANNALS OF MOKKIS COX'NTY, >v,i8 Dot oiuaiiicil ami hislalled until 1775. Ho is «aid ti) liavo Ijwii a p'vaelier of few prcteii- hions, but sincere ami useful. After the con- giegation of Rocka«ay became involved in ti)5ir nm.sical difficnjti. s, tradition Hays that Mr. Grover prenche.d here on a certain occ;:- Kion, and said very sternly to the leaders in thai quarrel, " I bel'eve this chuich is a vine of I lie L jril's planting, and tbat it will yet flourish and Iriog t(/rih fruit ; but this will not be until the L ird t.ik( s o.l the heals o" you who a. e leading in these nnh.ippy divisions." He I I inained pastor of the Parsippany churcli until .august, ITO"*, when the congregation sum- msiiily disniissi d him by a vote of thirty-four lo titty-four. Soon after this be removed to '• the Genesee country." After Mr. Burnet in 1773 declined the call of tins congregation, the pulpit was supplied oc- casionally fH the records show by Kev. Messrs. Joseph Grover, Ebei.ezar Bradford (then preaching at Suceasunna and Chester,) Young, John Davenport, Elliott, Thaddeus Dodd, .\ckley, Derondy, (a Dutch minister) and 'Galaiig," (this name quite illegible.) The entries of preaching are in Mr. Bcman's hand- writing .•'ud are not as weM written and spelt as if his son-in-law George Stickle had held the pen. To show what ^:,riviloges they had I may state tha*. in 1774 the pulpit was supplied thir- teen times, or on an average oace in four weeks; in 1775 the entries indicate that no ore preached here but Mr. Grover, and ho only onee ; in 1776 the Rev. Thaddeus Dodd '" pratched" two Sab- baths receiving nine and ninepence, and a Mr. Ackley two Sabbaths, receiving one pound nine shillings. Mr. Johnes of Morristown, opened a par.sh meeting in January of this year with a sermon. In 1777 a Mr. Gaiang (if that be the name,) in April " pratched a month, pad him " three pounds and three pence, in May and July he preached one Sabbath each, concerning the payment for which service the entry is, " the abough one pound ten and ninepence pad to Joab Allan." " Mr. Amzey Lewis pratched " one Sabbath in May, for which he received one pound one and cue pence. In May of this year an attempt was made to hire the Rev. John Jo- line, afterwards of Mendham, three months "'Descretionery Time alowed him by prysbi- try." Moses Tuttle and Deacon AUerton were instructed to confer with him, but no conclu- sion was reached. In September Messrs. Moses Tuttie, Abrm. Kitchel, Stephen Jackson. John Cobb, Sr., and David Broadwell, we/e ap- pointed a committee " to confer with Mr. Joline .\hether he will be content lo settle in this palish.,' The comniiitcc was "impowered by the parish tb'make a positive agie •uent with Mr. Joline in r. gaid to his sall-uv an. I settlemiMil." In Oc- tober the committee reported '* that Lhey have confered with Mr. Joline and have agreed witii him to stay with us till next May Presbetry if the Rev'd Presbetry will Permit him, and Like- wise have agreed to give Mr. Joline lor his sji- vices till that time the yuse of a Comfortauie house and two loads of hay and tlad him lire- wood and give him one hundred pounds Prock." For some reason this agreemeiu was not ful- filled, and in April, 1778, the same committee were instructed to call Mr. Joline fur si.t months and •• to profer him one hundred ponnl, paster for one horse, two cows, tiiewood at tlie doorol a comfortable House to Live in." Our Manual of 1833 fays, that Mr. Juline " had preachei as a eauaiaate six months," but after a caiefui e.'i- aminalion of the recjriis 1 tind no evidence that Vir. Joline preached thai or any other staled period. Hu preached a few limes, and the igreement failed, probably because the pari-jh was unable lo provide the means for his sup- port in the first agreement, and in the last at- tempt they failed necause about that time Mi. Joiiue Was settled in Meiidbaiu. (Copied Un- cords 7y— 93 and Hastings' M. S. His. of Mend • ham.) Having failed to secure Mr. Joiine, thepaiisli invited a young Dulen minister from Haekeu- sack lo supply their pulpit, and in November it was voted to give Mr. Deronde (Djvondv oi- Devonde) " lour Pounds Prock per Sabath tor his Past services with us, and to pay Capt. Stephen Jackson for his entertaining xVlr. iJc- vonde when he comes to Preach to Us." It Wi.^ further voted that Messrs. Moses L''aitle, Allen- ton, Beman, lloss and Allen, Oo a co.uuuitoe "for to enquire into the truth of Sertaiu Crimes aledged agrinst Mr.Doroad»' viz. Steal- ing, Ly-ng, getting DiuuK, and Swairing.'' Soon after the com.niitee reported that taey have made "strick enquiry into I e facus al- edged against Mr. Deron..e above mentioLed. and that tuey tinJ no truth in the Reports * * ♦ (which are) onely Raised by Prejusted Persons." Mr. Deronde seems to have contin- ued his sei vices from some timj previous to November in this year until the following iMarch, when the parish instructed " Job Allen to go Down to Persipany togive a sertam young niiuiater that Mr. Grover has Recommended to us and now at.Mr. Grover's (an invitation) to come up and Preach to us next Sabath." David broadwell was " to go to Mr. Deronde and ac- quaint him with it that he may not come to Prtach to us on that Day." On the 12th of April VVm. Winds, Job Aden, Benj. Beach, David firoadwell, Abraham Kitchel, Eleazer Lamson, Josiah Beman, William Ross and Stephen Jack- son, in behalf of the congregation, signed au agreement with Mr. Noble Everett to supply the pulpit six months, agreeing to "give him thi; 88 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUN'J suru 3f Fifty pnuiuls Proc, anense per pnund, and that wo, will pay in thi I'.bove articlfS if we please bnt if we ehose we will pay in ni'iney and the above articles shal ho a standard, aijd the va'ue of money shall be R-agnlated by the everig (aveingcj prise of the articles above mentioned when the six months sliall be expired." Having fulfilled thi.s agree- ment in September, Mr. Everett declined the congregation again '■ to come and preach to us as a supply." (Copied R cord 9.5. 81— S4.1 Soon after Mr. Everett began to preach here, Mr. Derondy asked the congregation " a sar- tificate from his Discharge from us"' and David Broadwell, Joshua Winget and Job Allen were, appointed a committee " to sign a sertificate for Mr. Derondc." "Voted that William Ross and Jolin Hun- tington be appointed to go to Mr. (Lemuel) Fordham to conmlt with and envite him to come and supply us onse a month for the Win- ter enswing and to go to Mr. (Timothy) Jones to eit his approbation in the matter and make report to the pari.ih." There is no evidence that Mr. Foidham preached here regularly that winter of 1779-SO. but on the 19th of April, 1780, Eleazer Lampson and Josiah Beman were sent to invite him " to preach to us one Sabath or more belore the Next Seting of Prisbetefy " •' and in case he cant come to preach upon the S bath to com"; and preach a Lecture for us npiiii a Weak day and make Report to the Parish Next Sabath after service." A week later the p Irish voted to pay (or " sending abroad fo! a candidate to preach in this place as a probation< r to settle with us if the presbytery cant supply us with one." Abraham Kitchel was appointed to tlraw up a petition to the Presbytery a. king for a candidate, or if that body could not send one, to "give us leave to .Tpply to any C)f the neighboring piisbytiries lor a candidate." "Mr. I'm man, Capt. Allen, and Mr. Kitchel were to inspect and sign the petition," and "William Ross, Esq., and David Broadwell were to wait on »he presbytery with said petition and make report to the parish of the answer from presbytery w..en called upon." The Presbytery of New York met that Spring in Morristown, and the petition of this church "humbly sheweth that being Destitute of a settled Gfjspel Minister although our frequent attempts to procure one have in some instances Raised our hopes yet bave ended a Disappoint- ment for which we dosiiv to eye the hand ot Ood and be humbled under a sense of our un- worlhynoBB of HO great a f;ivour and pray that .ve mity be Prepi.n.i and have a si-nse ot the vorth and value of a (lospil I'reHciif-r an 1 th;it ine may be sent to us that nny come in the "ullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Ji^n^ '.'lirist, wherefore we piav the R v'd Presbe- ;ery that if their is a. ci'fidid;ile under theii Direction that can be sunired and would giv<' us any Encouragement we might be Indulged with his Labours such a sp;ice of lime as woni 1 be conveniant," etc. "To which the Pret-br- tery granted us the following enpplie* viz. ^li'. Fordliam the first R;ibbatb^ in June. Auiinst and October, Mr. Johiies the third in Jiim'. Mr. Elmer the third in July. Mr. Orover »h ■ third in August and Mr. riicen the third in September." It was resolved "to send by IMr. Cbnpnviii (of Orange) into New England fo trv to git ;i candidate for us to preuch upon probation." Job Allen Wds " to dra<\' and sign the letter." The records show that Gen. Winds an I Dea. Huntington "by request of some members of the Parish" "hiive treated and agread with the Parish at Suckasoney and Mr. Fordhrni that Mr Fordham supply us three sabbaths over and above what Uie presbitery has ap- pointed him here and that we pay him for them sabbaths after the Rate of one Hundred pounds per year oald way as we Paid Mr. Everitt." The parish ratified this agreement, and voted fuilher fo " apploy for the Labours of Mr. Gilbert among us what time Mr. Fordham is not to supply us until the siting of Next Pres- beteiy." At same meeting it was " voted th:)l the Parish be at the Expense to make a Ladder to go up Galeryes and Lay Down boards on the galery Beams and make seates to set on and that Benjamin Jackson and Ebenezer Ijiidsley do the same." Hen; I may also introduce a little item showing the state of the currencv For many years Dea. Beman agreed to sweep the meeting house twice a month for eleven shillings a year, but in 1779 it was voted to give him "nix pounds" for the ensuing year and in 1780 he was to have "the price of three Bushel of wheat for taking cair and sweap the meeting hous the year ensuing." From a sub- sequent entry I infer that tiie sexton's salary was not paid promptly, an cximple which has imitators in our own time. The congregation refused to "join vith the Parish at Suckasoney in giving Mr. Fordham a call as a candidate" and aiipointed a committee to see whether that minister m>ght not be secured for the congregation alone. Mr. Ford- ham gave thera encouragement to apply by petition to the Presliytery. or fo use tht< words of the com"Mttee, "Mr. Fordham *ays Notliiiig as appears to them Discouraging to our piiting in a call for him as Probationer." "Votid that if our Petition Do not surci^ed with Mr ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 89 F'Mclliani that we will Potition tlio Piosbftory f"'- sii])|)Iyfs as nsal." Tbo pnrisli rpsolvcd to -'raiz the sum of one hntiflrp.l pont)fls in spocv " •' by rate and Hiih- -t-riptioD." Job Al'eii waf^ (li>-(cted to •' asses^s :iik1 levy the aforesaid tax agroable to the P'esent T'lX bill now in Line" EbenezT Lindsley, Zrnas Conger and Josiah Bigelow "Vie appointed collectors. The parish " voted to petition the presbetery tliat Mr. Fyrdham be continued among us as a candidate nnon Probation the space oV six nronthsensning,' Job Allen was to draw and s:gn the petition, and Joshnal Winget and David Broadwell to carry it to Presbytery. • The Parish meeting adjonrned to sp bath after next at Noon Entermition " "Voted that Mr. Fordham may Preach the sam? sermons at Rockawnv that he Preaelies at Snckasoney as he shall think proper." •' After a sermon Pr. ached by Mr. Fordham" the records thns stale a fact; "By reason of the DepriM'dtion of the Money Issued upon the faith of the State and a former Rate being assess^^d and Levyed in the aforesaid cnrrency for the use of the Parish which makes a great IiifH"Uity" it was "voted that we rais<» onely "lie half of the sum assessed to be in Iron »» •i4s. per hundred, or in wheat at fis. per bnshel and rye and Indian corn at 4s. per bushel or in money to the value thereof." A pe.ition to the Prtsbytery speaks of the people's satisfaction in " the labours of Mr. Fordham for sometime past for which we Uctnrn our Most hearty thanks hoping that liis labour has not been in vain, but to our great Mortefycation when we were all united to put in our call to the Presbetery for Mr. Foidham to be ordained over us Mr. Fordham Declined to Settle." Mr. Fordham preached part of the time in this church. "Voted that we immediately Levy a Tax on this parish to pay Mr. Fordham for his Labours amongst us," the tax to amount to •' the sum of tifty nounds prock. money in silver or goald by Rate and subscription." An clfort was made this year to sell " the oald parsonage" and to "purchase David P.eman's Plantation for theuse of a Pdvs:)nage." During this year besides the regular services of Mr. Fordham the Presbetery sent Rev. Messrs. Jedediah Chapman, Timothy Johnes and Fish to preach one Sabbath each. (Copied Records 85-87 96-109.) This brings us so fai as the ministry is con- lerned to the period when the church begin to negotiate with the Rev. David Ba 1.1 win who became its second pastor in 178+. In looking over the history of the church from the death of its first pastor in 1770 to 1783 we find several n(\v urni's in our reoids. In 1770 Robert Gaston, who lived in the old house where Mr. Freeman Wood resided a few years si.nce, begins to bear a oonsi)ienous part in the pans'), frequently acting as Moderator, Clerk or Co . mitteeman. The name of Benjamin Cooner appears abont the same time.* In 1771 we find the name of '-Edward Lewis, P>sq," and subse- quently that of Samuel Lewis, who resided on flie property now owned by Rev. Barnabas Kmg. In 1772 tor the first time we find the name of David Broadw. II who resided where Mr. David Menagh's tavern is, and followed his trade as a blacksmith. Several times be was sent to Presbytery to ask for a minister and seems to have been an active and useful man. For several years after 1772 during this perio'. John Monson " a strong man who built and occupied a house in the vicinity of where M-. Hnbi)ard Stickle now lives. I have been told that he built Guinea forge. He w:is an active man in this parish, and when the Revolnionarv war began be eommanoed a companv a'^ Cap- tain, andfinallv became the Colonel ot a mili'ia regiment. He subsequently removed to P.r- sippany. In 1777 we find ihc nnine of .Tohn Hoflf, a yonnger brother of Charles, whoafier- wards- removed to Pennsylvania. The name of Capl. Joaiah Hall appears occasionally. Durincr the Revolution he was often in tlie service of his country. He resided near Mr. J. B. Bas- singer's place, and is said to have k"pt tlu; materials for a beacon li^-ht on the point .)f the mountain south-west of the Denville Depot. The nimes of Josiah and Aaron Big<'lcw appear in the records during this period. Both weiv militia captains during the Revolution ami were freqiientiy in active service. In 1779 I find for the first time the name of Elea r Lampson as one of the comtnittee to agree with Mr. Everett. I also find the name'^ of ♦Benj.\min Coopeu. Oct 25th. 1765. S:imuel Ford and Grace his wife of Morris! own, in the County of Morris, sold to Benjamin Cooper of Newton, Sussex Countv for 3266:13:4 "one equal and undivided third part of all and ev.rv of the Respective five following lotts of land hereinafter mentioned and described seiluate in the township of I'equanack in the countv of Morris afores'd alv>ut one mile and a half aliove John Johnson's Iron VVnrks. to wit. tie " F Jersey Record.s. Liber. D. 3.. p. 46. 90 ANNALS OF MOlllilS COUNTY. Joseph and Zenas Conger; also the iiannH o^ Thonias OrsboriiP, Josliua Wiiiget aud Si'tli Gregory. In 1781 this Grei^ory liad " Liberty to dear the loer end of tlie meeting house lot next joining to his land on th ; Ti'ast sule of llie Mount H )ne road * ♦ ♦ » and to have lh>- use of tlie land tour years for clearing and tensing it."' (Copied Records, lOi.) It will be a matter of interest to know that so far as can now be learned Dr. Jonathan Hnut- ing* was the tirst physician who was actually settled in this parish. He lived by the willow tree on the left of the road to Denville. On the 1st of June 1774 " Dea. Cobb and Capt. Munson were appointed a comitte toTr.at with Doct. Hunting his Heirs, Executor, Adminis- trators, or Either respecting hisDwehng House and lot of laud it stands on for the use of the Darraish for a parsonage house." (Copied Records, 74.) This Doctor Hunting purchased Tew No. 8 built by John McOibbons and Nov. 7th, 1774, the parish voted that Matthew Hunt- ing should have the same pew which his father had occupied. (lb. 77.) Dr. John Darby of Parsippany, lor a short time minister in that church, practiced medicme in this region. He was an excellent man and had many friends hereabouts. Occasionallv Dr. Darcy of Hano- ver was called hitlier professionally, and perhaps the Morriritown physicians, of whom Dr. Johnes, son of the minister was one. So tar as I am able to leain there was no physician residing in the parish after Dr. Hunting's ueath in 1774 until Dr. Ebenezer H. Pierson b laght tli(^ last parsonage owned by the parish, and which is now (18.)8) owned by Mr. loiter Sullivan in the Franklin ueighborho)d. I Copied Records, 265.) ,\.s lor the appearance of the meeting house it was uot improved during tliis period. The liiimo had nothing to cover its inner naked- ness with. In 1780 the frame work of " the gahrys'' stood out in the old house adding to its anatomical ghust'iness. (Ibid 97.) Th«' good ple passed a re.-folution " to make a Ladder to go up Galerys and Lay Down boards on tlie galerj beams, m.ike seats to set on'' but the resolutions did not bring about the good things intended. Until 1791 the old meeting house was as comfortless an edifice !»s ever held a comfortl«ss congregation. Almost the only sign of improvement during the *rhis Dr. Hunting, April 6, 1774, »old to John Cobl) ^ix acres of a certain pond nieutlow m lV(pianiuck, "formerly the grist mill pond •"Uieh John Lew puichased ot Gilbnrt Hedden and liom thence conv-iyed to VVm. I'ieison, aiKl fro.ij 'vheiice to lienjaiiiin Prudden July 28(1 1704 an 1 from thence to Dani(rl Talmadge, and tiuui llience to Jonathin Hunting.'' ThisisM'.S. b. ll,ils<_\'s meadow opposite the Roil iiii Mill. thirteen vepis now under n view wks the clear- ing off the lot now occupied as a graveyar.l. .-Vnd yet the unflagging determination of these men to s:istain the church aul enjoy the mui- istrations of a pastor, is very evident. One disappointment trod on the heels of another, but instead of yielding to discourgement th.'V iay " we Desire to Eye the hand of God an ph Jackson resided in a bouse which stood near the r. ver nearly in front of the Jabee Esiile house uuw owned b\ Mr. Joseph Hyler. Major Benjamin Jackson lived in a bouse which stood in rbe tiold nearly opposite Mr. Hylers iKJUse jnsi alluded to. In J)enville ju-it west of Mr. iSiephen \i. CJooper's bouse stood a rickety frame house, the first built in the parish. David Broadwell's house and blacksmith shop were where tbc tavern now is. Job Allen's house was uot far from the site of the Glover House. Relow that along the valley were the dwellings of Samuel I'oer, Husk, John P. Cook, David Peer, Peter Hyler, Adam Miiler-, and Joseph Scott, the later a hot-headed, powerful but thrifty Irishman who gathered together a fine prop- erly. On the property now held by Mr. Wm. M. Dixon resided Mr. Frederic Miller with his wife, a clear-minded woman who loved the cause of her country and greatly aided it in her neighborhood which was not quite free from Toryism. Part of the Miller house is yet standing. In that neighborhood was also Wm. Dixon the son-in-law of Miller. Farther down the valley was the noble farm ot Frederic Demouth, who owned acres, livestock and slaves, jiiid lived in considerable style. At Old Boon- Ion shrewd, sharp-witted Samuel Ogdeii before the war was oatmsibly managing a little grift mill, bnt really a contraband rolling and slitting mill. On a window pane at Mt. Hope written in a beautiful hand with a diamond is still to be seen th« seuience "Samuel Ogdeii .\ug. 1778." At Mt. Hope for Iwoyears resided Col. Jacol Ford, Jr., and after him John Jacob Faesch, surrounded with many workmen among whom were thirty of the Hessian prisoners taken at Trenton. At •' Hoise Pound " resided Benjamin Beach in the house just east of that now occupied by his grandson Dr. Columbus Beach.* Not far from the place where htood the house of Col. S. S. Bjach burned in 185«. stood a dwelling owned and occupied by Capt. Aaron Bigclow. At Hiliernia in a house, the foundations of which are yet to be seen, resided first Mr. Joseph Hofil', and afterward Mr. Charles H(tfland his wife Hannah daughter of Moses Tuttle. Mr. Joseph Hoft was manager of the iron works in 1776, in which year he died and was succeeded by his brother Charles who was surrounded by a retinue of miners, colliers, choppers, and furnace men. He remained there until 1781. (Johue's Letter in my Scrap Book.) Deacon Jacob AUerton lived whei«j Mr. David Anderson now does. Deacon O adiah Lum resided in a house just below t'le olU Palmer house at Franklin, and I presnmj'h^- was the owner either of the Franklin Forge '>v the Citlvrain Forge on the .xaino strt^am oppi - sit ; where the Union School House stands. Ricnard Dell lived where Miller Smith now does. Gen. Winds on the farm which still bears his name, Wm. Ross where John Dickerson now lives, and Josiah Benian at Dover. The farm houses were plain affairs, not designed lo be airtight, and the cabins were not very com- fortable, but all the houses had great tire places in which were burnt fabulous amounts of wood. In these humble homes our father's lived, and lo/ed, and enjoyed, and died, and perhaps their share of real enjoyment in their homes was not less than we claim to have in our more pretentious way of living. In those houses men and women lived till many of them were pear a hundred years old. They did many things well and suffered many things nobly, but their toils and sufferings were well *HoR8E Pound. Col. Beach tells me the origin of this singular name to have been this. In eaily times the people of this region, as also those in Parsippany and Hanover were accus- tomed in the Spring to turn their young cattle and horses into the wood above ilockaway to tind pasture durimer the Summer. In the Fall the horses were driven into a Pound built at the upper end of the Glen Forge Pond. This was made of logs and spread out wide and was contracted to a small space in whicn the horses were easily caught. Hence the name of Horse Pound which preceded the more elegant one by which now it is called Beach Glen. '.(•J ANNALS OF MOUllIS (•()UNTY. rewarded ill the lirson, is the mother mine in this county. That property was returned in 1716 by John Ueading and sold bv him the same year to foseph Kirkbride, and it remained in the pos- !«essi')n of his sons. Joseph, John and Mahlon, until the late Governor Mahlon Dickerson's father Jonathan Dick'^rson and Minard LaFever bought it. The ore was very rich and very ac- cessible. As early as 1710 the mine was worked und ore packed in leather bags to the first forge built in the county, that at Whippany, and afterwards to another forge on the small stream between Mr. Edward Howell's farm and the Morri.s Plains station. The ore was so abun- dant and the means of transportation so small that Gov. Dickerson once told mo that the mine was not regarded as very valuable even as late as 1807 wheu he bought it. I think it probable that this mine furnished the ore for the forges at Dover, Ninkie an 1 Shaungum, and {ierhaps some for those at Franklin and Kockaway. How early the Mount Hope veins i>t iron ore were worked I am not able to say. I have heard Col. .Jackson say that when a boy he has assisted to cart ore from Mt. Hope and that it was so accessible that the cart could be be backed up to the vein which then cropped out of the side of the hill. Col. Jacob Ford, •Jr., bought the property in 1770 but no doubt ore had been dug there a long lime previous. The real development of the mines at Mt. Hope was begun by Mr. Faesch. Previous to 1760 ore was dug at Mt. Pleasant and Col. ,lacob Ford, Hr., had built a forge at the place. Pre- vious to 1758 the same enterprising man had built forges at Ninkie and Shaungum. It is poBsible that he built the Colerain Forge also. The mines at Hibernia and the Glen were worked previous to 1765. I have been told by Col. Joseph Jackson that the works at Hibernia were built by Lord Sterling and Samuel Ford but when I am unable to determine. In 1765 Samuel Ford and Grace his wife conveyed to Benjamin Cooper of Newtown, Sussex County ■' one equal and undivided third part of all and every of the Respective five following lotis of land hereinafter mentioned and des- cribed Bcituato ia the township of Pequanack in the Connty of Morris aforcisaid about one mile and a half a!)ovc John Johnnon's Iron works." These trsicts are described as in the vicinity of '• the H irse Pound Mine." (E. .Jersey Records Liber. D. 3 p. 46.) Some deeds in possession of Dr. Columbus Beach show that Samuel Ford was a partner in certaiu mine lots at,Hibei-nia, so tli;it it appears prob- ably that he did help start the Hibernia works previous to 1765. Col. Jackson set the date down as 1770 or '72. The upper forge in this village was built previous to 17.58, and is called "Bemaii's Forge" in the cailiest subscription paper of this parish. Col. Jackson savs that it was built by It^aac Beach. As before stated in 1748, it was called " Job Allen's Iron Works." Thf lower forge was not built until after Stf'phen Jackson had erected the old grist mill in 178.S which is yet standing. Denmark forge was built in 1768 by Col. Jacob Ford, Jr. The facts about other torges and mines belonging to that early period I am looking for and hope to find. You have noticed the fact that in .several instances in hiring a minister, the parish re- served to itself the right to pay in iron in one case at 20s. per cwt. and m another at 24s., that is at $.50 and 160 per ton. As a contrast between the forges of that day and either the forges or rolling mills which are in the same territory, let me stare a fact which I have from William .Jackson. Esq. Col Ford once boasted in Morristown "that in his forge at Denmark he had made and shingled a loop that day which weighed twenty-eight pounds." As another contrast between the business in that day and this, take the pack horse of 1758 or the li.>a /y vagon of a later period taking fr im two to f(>ur days to reach Elizabetbtown Point and com pare it with the facilities for freii;hting now furnish; d by the canal and railway. The pack- horse may have carried from two to three hun- dred pounds, and the team aided over "Pinch Hill ' by an extra team may have carried a tflii. One horse ou the canal will draw fifty tons, and the " Delaware " freight engine in four hours will move a load of four hundred tons to Newark surmounting the heavy grades of the Short Hills. That one engine will take at oii» load as many pounds as 2000 pack horses could carry, or as many as 200 teams could draw. The small forge of that day contrasted with our blast furnaces and rolling mills, the pack horse of that day contrasted with our frcighl locomotive.", these show that something Ims been accomplished in our region since the first ore was dug at Mine Hill. This sketch would bo incomplete were T to omit the facts of onr Revolutionary history. Here too I must of necessity be brief. From the very beginning of the contest between this ofjnntry and Great Britain t>ie people of this region took n very decided stand in favor of ANNALS OF MOKIilS COUNTY. 93 tiieir eonntry. I li«ve doI yet beard of one l»roDiinpiit man in the pntish of Rocknway as conatitntefl during the Revolution who sympa- thized with the enemy. In 1761: William Winds, one of his Majesty's Justices of the I'eace, bad puch a dis<;ust for the stamp a-t that rather than use the stumped piper, trudi- t ion say ho used white birelj bark for hi.^ legal boHiness. and when Great Britain enforced the sftvafje Boston Port Bill, the feelinfts of the j>ebp'e were well expressed by the father of .f(>seph and Charles Hotf when in a letter to one of Them on business he bef„'s him to let hmi know " how the poor Bostonians are coming • •n?"' Onr parish in 1775-6 lurnished in Col. Wm. Winds one of the most efficient officeis in the patriot army, and Col. John Munson* i»lso .^erring with honor, and at different periods of the war Captains Bigelow, Jackson, Hall and other officers. As for our men there were very f( w who were not enlis-ted in the service of the eountry at some time during the war, and many of them were in bittle. Among the members of •' the Assoeiated Whigs " in Pe- qnanoc Township in 1776 are to be found nearly all the men known to have been in this region. The Committee of Safety was com- :>c8ed of Robert Gaston, Moses Tuttle, Stephen ■Jackson, Abram Kitchel, and Job Allen, all of whom were members of this congregation. The articles ot the Association and the names '.f the signers are publisned in Revolufionary Fragments, Morris County, No. 8. There was such a public sentiment in this ^immunity at I bat time that nothing was so odious as a Tory or the finspieion of a leaning in »hat direction. When the war began th<^ American Congress made contracts with Mr. Faesch at Ml. Hope Mild Lord Stirling at Hiberniii for large quanti- ties of cannon balls. At tb( hitter place some small cannon were cast in 1776. (Jos. HofiTs letter, Sept. 2d, 1776.) After the battle of Trenton, Faesch took into his employ thirtv of the Hessian prisoners, and the government fnrnished him with arms to keep them in sub- jection. An attempt was made by Moody's party to burn down the Mount Hopj Furnace, (Col. Jackson's statement in my Scrap Book) and in the year 1777 or 8 Mr. Charles HoflF, the manager of Hibcrnia, had his house robbed by a party led by the notorioaa Claudius Smith. Many of the men were enrolled " as minute men " and it was no unusual occurrence for some of these men to come to the church on *Col. John Munson built Guinea Forge, on the stream north of Hubbard Stickle's house. H(!pt. 12th, 1778, Minutes of Privv Council show that "one class from Col. Munson's Regi- ment of Morris was with others to guard the froritiers to the northward from the incursitins of the Indians and disafft cted person.s. Sabbath armed and ready for instaiit m'ftrch ift- case of alarm. In 1778 a part of Gen. Sullivan's armv en- camped opposite Mr. Halsey's residence and some of the officers lodged with Capt. Jackson. They were on the way to avenge the horrible massacre at Wyoming. Once our illn.sliioiis Washington passed through the place ort his way to Mount Hope where he and his suite dined with Mr. Faesch. On his Way up he honored Capt. Jackson by alighting and paf tak- ing of some refreshments in his house.* To the general period now iindor cOnsidcfii"- tion belongs a series of very interesting events which are parts both of our parisli and onr county history. For many years previous to the Revolutionary War the currency of New Jersey was in a greatly d<"rangcd condition. As in all new countries the people had more land than money, population was sparse, and products of the country abi)ve what was needed for home consumption were small in amount, and less still in their actnal sale for cash. New York and Philadelphia were then small towns, and not the great maikets they now are. To render this state of things worse the British government had laid destructive restrictions on all manufactures in this country which should 'n any manner compete with the same pt-Odnc- tions at home. Iron, one of our greate''t natural resources, we could have made to gfeirt advantage if we bad been permitted to do Ao. Our immense forests wonld yield the coal, our mines the ore, our streams the power, and our people the enterprise of making iron in all forms and quantities profitablv. So severe were these res'.nctions on this manufacture of iron that a small slitting mill at Old Boonton for making railroads and that kind ot iron was concealed beneath a grist mill. The manager and joint owner of the establishment was Col. Samuel Ogdeu, who was a man of considorab'e tact. On one occasion he received an unex- pected visit from Gov. William F.iauKlin and his suite, in order to investigite the rumors which hinted that there wa.=i a contraband iron establishment at Boonton. Col. Ogdcn re- ceived his visitors wi;h great cordiality, and according to the customs of the day brought out the liquors from his well-stocked cellar. Dinner was also forthcoming and the visitors did justice to their host's good meats and his good drinks also. Meanwhile Ogden's men had closed up the slitting-mill carefully aiid started the mill-stones above. After so good a dinner it is said Col. Ogden's visitors were in no mood to make a very critical examination of the prem - ♦One of General Washington's letters on file in the 8lat»i Library and published scmie few years since by order of the Loj. islature i?- d.-.itd from Rock a V. ay. 94 ANNAIS OF MOimiS CUIiK'lY. ines, and the Goyemon seeiDg' tlie mili-»tonbB ai work, said, •• be knew there wa« uiithing in tbe rumor abunt a coutrabsind iron milll" I uiay add tliat auotber rumor says that Gov. FrankUu was a sileut partner in the mill and itHoliisjudgmcQi in th«;t'a»e)sua!silTaoci)ui)lud for. It JB a somewhat aiagular fact that nearly all the moi'u pretentious iron establislinients of ibatday failed. The London Coiiipuny, Faesch at Mt. Hope, the Hibcruia Con>|):ioy, and otherii became embarrassed and in aome eason failed. Many '>f i\\e forge ownea's working at their own fires and anviiH, were able to make money, bnt even then it was only by extraor- (Unary effort and economy. The result was a very great scarcity ot money. To meet this difiScnlty the Legislature occasiouallj' issued limited amounts of paper currency. These bills were printed on very common paper and were easily couulorloited. On every bill as is said it was distinctly printed ""Tis death to counterfeit," and yet the death penalty was not sutficient to deter many persons from making and circulating counterfeit coins and bills. As confirming what has been said about the em- barrassments of people in this State I may quote a paragraph from the address of Gov. t rauklin to the General Assembly iu April 17ft8. •• There is at tins time a consideiable number of ilebtors eoiitined in the diti'erenl Guois in this Province. The condition of nian.\ of ihem IS deplorable." The cotempoianeous lecords of the Morris County Courts show the s.nie fact. 1 have already mentioned that previous to 17()5 Samuel Ford of Morristowu was the owut-r of the property at Hibornia. On the 28th of October, 1765, he and his wife Grace executed iwu deeds, in the tirst of which tluy conveyed io " Benjamin Cooper of Newtown, Susses t>mnty. New .Jersey" -'one equal and undi- vided tliird part of all and o'cry of the Ues- peclive nve following lots of laud hereinafter mentioned aud seituate in the Township of Feqiiauack in the County of Morris aforesaid about one mile and a balf above John John- sou's Iron Works, A-c"* Four of these lots contained " ten acres strict measure " each, aurgc is built where Johnson's urks were. nacea, mineSj and miueraJs" as among the ac^ ticlvs included in the conveyances. Fruiu these deeds it is evident that iron work* ba>l been built both at Horse Pound ( .eaah Gleii) and at Hibcruia as early as 176.). Who tin ow-,.er of iJie •other third part o1 the proporty at Hibcruia was I aru nut able to state. Lor>. alleged to perf;;ct " themselves in their pro- fession." Mr. VVnjteh(.a previous to 1773 he is named as an Orerseer of Highways. He owned a farm of 130 acre* known as " the Hammock " between Columbia and Morristowu. Records of Morris Co. (Jourts vol. 1.) Ford's workshop "was in the miilst of an almoijt impenetrable swamp about A mile distant from his residence at Hanover, in which the water for the greater part of th«' year was a foot deep and Ihrough wl ich tlw; operator was obliged to creep on his hands anper, Dr. Bern Budd, Samuel Haynes, and David Keyuolds, and one of Sussex County named Ayres, livere indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to death.* All except Reynolds were persons respectably connected, and Coopei and aaynts were Justices of the Peace. Benjamin Cooper at the time of his criminal conduct was a prominent man in this community, and one oi the judges who tried him was his own father Daniel Cooper. From the tact that he passed somt; spurious bms as? early as 176.) (I'roceed. N. J. His. Soe. V. p. 5j. note) 1 su.s|)ect mat ine sale ot lau> lormer mislortue. One woman thought to Oe dying revived at signt of ihe Doctor and said, "Dr. Budd, how did you kind a' feel when you was going to be hanged?" In a letter to E. Atkinson his London correspondent. Robert Erskiue of Kingwood, under date of Oct. 6th, 1773, writes, "1 have been sworn in and acted as a justice of the peace in the Jerseys for some time past which as justices turn out is no great honour. One man has been hanged and several are under seu'euce ol death for counterfeiting paper currency as you will see by the papers, among whom are two justices of the peace. Cooper, one Justice, I uad a slight acquaintance oi, being partner in riibeinia with Lord Stiibng." been in progress several years befcne it wi>« arrested. The letter of Cooper to Lord Stir- ling after the conviction is a curious alfaLi-. In It he traces his crime back to 1771 at which time " Ford called me to Morri.stown. There he told me first of the villainous scheme of passing bad money. My necessities distressed to distraction led me into it." This was not true as to time since there is now a counterfeit bill in existence which Cooper passed in 176'.). Of course he p-its the best lace on his conduct, and further intimates to StirUng that he can be ot great service to him in case he is pardon- ed. His lettf-r concludes in these words. "But God's will be done. 1 am endeavoring to pre- pare in- the worst to come. It is my chiei aim. Now I believe it is time, I fear I am to depart. I have no ote but your Lordship to place the least dependance ou, and this only from your natural human bencvolentdisposition toward all mankind. Here only I hope for your interest which if properly obtained and applied would no doubt lengthen my days. Many things in the course of my perplexity I could say more concerning your interest as also my present situation. Now I pray you my good Lord if you can possibly do me any service in this present situation of mine, grant me your aid for God's sake." On the morning of the day on which he was to be hung, Cooper was reprieved, as were also Hayues and Budd,* and It is said that all of them in view of the gallows made confessions which pointed to Ford as the mysterious loboer of the Treasury in 1768, but aside from the confessions of thase dishonest confederates, no proof was found lo susiaui ihc charge. Pievious to his .iiTCst Cooper hs>d left Hiber- niaandwas living in Hunterdon County, but his arrest took place at Hiberuia. What be- came of him afterwards I cannot learn, except that in 1774 he with Haynes, Budd and others were summoned as witnesses by Lord Stirling to charges which he made in the Privy Couudl against Col. Samuel Ogden, and Samuel Tuthill, Esq's, Justices of the Peace, for unfair dealings in the taking of afladavils and confessions " in the county of Morris in or about the months of August, September and October last, relative to the counterfeiting of the paper bills of credit *The minutes of Privy Council Dec. 3d, 1773, show that an attempt was made "to send for and examine the convicts in Morris County Gaol " in reference to their alleged knowledge of the robbery •{ the Treasury, but the House of Assembly being of the opinion that sueh a course is not proper, " the Council advised his Excellency to issue his Majesty's Royal pardon to said convicts, Benjamin Cooper, Bern Budd, and Samuel Haines." Dr. Bern Budd died of putrid fever Dec. 14th, 1777, aged thirty- nine years. (Morristowu Bill of Mortalitv p. 41.) 96 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. of this province and to the Robbery of the Eastern Treasury of this Province." The minutes of the Privy Council show that in the trial just mentioned, " William De Hart, Esq., is to bring with hnn the aflidavits of Bndd and Haines taKen after they were released from Gaol and the original paper wrote by Haires in Gaol which he, De Hart, received from Haines' wife," and a letter from Ford himself to Cooper fehows tliat the latter also had made confessions, all of which charged Ford as having robbed the Treasury. As for the man who was thus named as the leader in all these crimes, after his escape from prison he was for sometime concealed in a rude hut in a "coaling-job " between Hibernia and Mo.unt Hope. The name is preserved to this day as " Smultz's cabin," It was the popular belief of the day that Sheriff Thomas Kinney had connived at his escape. His Deputy Sherifl', John King— Ford's confederate as is said— in February 1774 charged Kinney before the Privy Council with allowing Ford to escape. The charge was dismissed as " not supported. But it appearing to the Board that the said Thomas Kinney may nevertheless be blameablo for negligence in his office respecting the escape of the said Samuel Ford, the Attorney Geneial was called in and examined touching that matter, who informed the Board that a Bill of 11 diftment was found against the said Sheriff ly the Grand Inquest of this swid C'ounty of Morris for Misbehaviour respecting the paid escape ; whereupon the Council advised his Excellency to order the Attorney General to prosecute the said indictment at the next court." It was also the popular opinion that Kinney did not wish to re-captoro Ford, becbUfc hiul he used proper diligence he could have taken him. It was on a certain Sabbath shortly after Ford'h escape that Sheriff Kinney and a posse rode up to the old Rockaway meet- ing house during service and took Abraham Kitehel out of meeting for the purpose of com- pelling liim to act as guide to Ford's place of concealment. James, the oldest son of Abra- ham Kitehel, then about fourteeen years old, greatly excited at seeing his father arrested, started for home by the road which led by where is the house of the late Matthias Kitehel, Esq. On the opposite side of the valley re- sided one Herriman, and James rushed into his house to toll him the occurence at the meeting liouso. A stranger sitting in the house heard his story and without further delay started on a full run across the meadows for Hibernia. James on foot had gone to Her- riman's, and the stranger on foot started for Smultz's cabin, but the Sheriff's party on horse- back had a direct road to follow either by While Mendow or Mount Hope. ,\s they left the church Kitehel told the Sheriff " I know where Sam Ford has been concealed and I will take you to the spot, but you know very well that ^ou would rather give vour li. rse, saddle, and bridle than to tind Sam Ford." ThR mounted pa i ty moved along leisurely and in due time ivached Sniultz'scabin, but of course Sam Ford was not there, the footman whr)m James Kitehel saw starting from Herriman's house, undoubtedly having notified him of his danger. There is o\,e little circum^tarce additird had a heavy load to ANNALS OF MOKRIS XJOUNTY. <'arry, but aided by tier friends she carried it liravt-ly. She lived to l>e an old woman and (lied some years ago in Wliippuny. In his pajKr on the robl>ery of t' e Treasnry Mr. Whitehead savs tliat while the trial of the eount^rfeiter and its attending circumstances " were transpiring Ford, Richardson and Kin?;, the prime movers and concoctera of the mischief were seeking safety in the wilds of the Wist with prices set upon their heads. They were traced along the Susquehanna and Juniata rivers, were joined by another accomplice, and all, well armed, proceeded towards the Miss- issippi. Ford boldly paid bis way with his spurious Jersey bills, thus leaving bis mark behind him as he fled, and after reaching the Indian country his course was traced some dis- tance by the counterreit coin found in possess- ion of the uninitiated lords of the forest. Emissaries were dispatched down the Ohio after the fugitives hut they succeeded in eflect- ing tbeir escape." (Proceed. N. J. His. !Soc. v p5G.) I suspect this description is not literally furrect, for "John King, late under sheriff of Morris County," who undoubtedly is the person named as Foi'd's confederate, was in New Jersey in February 1774 making statements to the Privy Council concerning Kinney's conni- vance at Ford's escape. And a letter from Sam Fve ahisdy felt the >niart too keen t believe it a dream and shall therefore proceed as though it were reility, good earnest. Did you ever in the jaws of death depose that Ham Ford .vas the person that robbed the Treasury ? (>ue would expect that what was then delivered (^ould be nothing but the truth. Or was it a I urn of thought which you expected to get a reprieve for. Well if that was the case was I the worst enemy you had in the world that the notorious scandal must be fixed on me and on my family ? Or had you inducers to persuade yon to lay such a charge on me to defame my family and a reprieve should be had for you. I have various conjectures who should induce you to brand me with such atrocious false- hoods, but I cannot get the least reason why I shonid be the unfortunate person. Have not 1 rr allv enough to struggle under without that false accusation, ah, I say nolorions falsehood without the least ground whatever, which you m vour own conscience know.'" Having thus berated Cooper for his " atrocious falsehood " about robbing the Treasury, Ford addresses him about "the money making afiair"as he ingeniously calls the counterfeiting, and is quite indignant " that you describe me as being the chiefest promoter and first introducer of that " He denies this and asks "did not you in the time of our distressed circunjstances at the furnace first move such a scheme to me." He then seeks to make it appear that David Koyn- olds who was hung was the main agent in the business first, hut he did his work so rouchly that some money passed at tlie Chariotten- burgh Iron Works to a Mr. Gordon made a great " noyse." " When you found this mone\ would not pass did you not press me continually to try my ingenuity, that you believed I could soon do it to perfection if I would on.'y begin. ♦ * * * * It :?ever entered my mind to fall in to such a scheme nor I am sure it never would had not you a pekst me to it, nor did I dream I should ever comply for a long time, but a continual dropping wares a stone. • * * * * However not to dwell so long on this but to come to the mane point! am at is this. It is known amongst some of my friends where 1 am .ffiSr that I am the person that is ac^u>«•d of robbing the Treasury, which I conceit they think the worst of mi , for they dont mind the money making cha'ge- That they look upon only as a piece of EKOENrirv. Therefore I want from under your hand a clearance and the reason why you thus falsely accused nie. This I want you to write and give to my brother on yonr receiving this. Dont fail compl^nng to my request, and let my brother see your letter to me before you seal it, and let it be drawn to his liking. It cant do you no hurt au r horn this and other eircumrftances that Ford was eou- c»;aled in Nvw Jersey some uuniths before he started on his Journey. What route he pur- sued I do not know, but I learn that he made his way to the Green Briar Country among the mountains of Virginia, that there he formed a partnership with another man and followed the calling of a silver BUiith. It was commonly reported that after the war began he st^nt word to Washington that if he would secure his pardon and permission to rfturu that he wouid engrave bills which could not be counterieited. The proposition was either not received, or if received was not noticed. .. In his new home he was very sick, and supposing his end to be near, he confessed his past history to his part- ner's wife. Contrary to expectation he recov- ered, and not long after his partner died leaving considerable property to his widow, whom Ford married, she beiBg his third living Aife. lu Virginia he dropped the name of Furd and assumed his mother's name which was Bald- win. Alter the war, William, his oldest son, and Stephen Hilsey (son of Ananias Halsey) made a jouruev to Virginia to see him. They toiiud him with "a great property" and surroumled by svv- eial promi.-i- g yeuiig Baldwins. They asked his Virginia wife if he had not deceived her, but she knew all wbont his past history anil she did not think he would daie to leave her to go to New Jersey. His Jirsey visitors described hini as a •• most melancholy man." Ho professed to be iicuiteut and to have become a religious man, wliich profession is not couttrmeil by his con- liuuiug his pecnliar family relationti in Virginia, aud utn rly negltctiog bis wife CJrace, whom he lilt in so distressed a situation with her little ones. I may add that his desceudants in New Jerst^y are most woithy people whose virtues are not in the least dimmed by his misdeeds. Xh for the Baldwins of Virginia I learn from good authority that in that Green briar region ;ire men of that name who stand high in the community for wealth and talent, and it is not unlikely that they are the lineal descendants ofthonian Sam Ford who complacently said that his friends looked on hia " money-making charge," his counterfeiting "ouly as a piece of engenuity." He is discribeJ to me as a fine looking man, who had a remarkable dimple m fathers of this church through their struggles his chin. His talentu were never >ii. Blgelow, the Kitcltels, Allen, Allerlun, Lilui. Huntington, Ford, Faesch. tlie Huft'i, i'uitle, they are all gone. Among us siili lives oti«; person now uiuety-two years old, wi»o was only four years old when our tirst pastor died, luii she is nearly alone. Those brave, failhful, strong intn, loving one church, luving uii< country, and laboring nobly for botli chureli and country, are all gone. Nay most of tlieir chiidren are gone also, and now the thud gen- eration is made up ol the gray hea .s. " Eighty years have rolled away Since that high, heroic day. When our father's m the fray Struck the conquering blow ! Praise to them— the bold who spoke : — Praise to thoin— the brave who broke Stern oppression's galling yoke, Eighty years ago. TUIllD SERMON. Having thus gathered up thos-e incidental facts in our early history which are of sufficient interest to be preserved, I now resume tin thread of my narrative. We have followed the and disappointments as late as the beginning of 1783. On the I7lh ot March, 1783, we lind ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 99 meDtion for the first time in onr record of the Rev. David Baldwin, who w:is af that time preacbins as a candidate in ''the Parish of Black River," as Chester, iu tliis county, was then called. It was resolved " to treat with Mr. BaL;win to preac) for us in e;iHe he should not -■ettle at Black River." William Ross waited on Mr. Baldwin and " reported that Mr. Bald- win can give us but little encoiiraKcment." In Septcmler we find Ihcni writing to "Mr. .Johnes and Mr. Grover to apply for supplies for us," and in Deceniljer they " voted to give Mr. Baldwin a call for eettlenieat by twenty- seven votts lor it and five voles contra." He was to receive eighty pounds a year, the use of a parsonage, and his fire wood. In the fol- lowing February the committee reported that '* Ml'. Baldwin exceptid our call and proposal, and that he i-houldbe rodvtocon.e tons with his Isniily by the first of May next." A com- mittee was appointed "to view the parsonage bous and s-ee what wants to be Done to make it fit for Mr. Baldwin to move into." The commit lee were instructed "to put out the repairs of suid House at publick auction in parcells or in whole as they should Judge best." Tiny also voted that "we will beat the expense of the parish to move Mr. Bald- win, "and " that we will make a garden in good order for Mr. Baldwin it be should not find i' convenient to move in two weeks lime." The Rev. Richard Webster gays Mr. Baldwin was installed pastor of this church in April, 1784. ( MS. Letter of E. W. to roe) and I see noth- ing in our records inconsistent witli that statement. As there is no mention made of Mr. Baldwin in the records either of the Pres- bytery or Synod of New York, the presump- tion is that the church had united with the Morns County Presbytery, which body eflfected the installation. Of Mr. Baldwin's early history I have been able to discover nothing as yet, not oven the place of his graduation. Mr. Webster con- founds our second p:istor. Duvid Baldwin, with Moi-es Baldnio, i^ho nas graduated at Prince- ton in 1757, and licensed to preach by the .Suffolk Presbytery iu 1759. The earliest traces of our minister I find in a historical t-keteh of th>» Dongiegational Church at Chester, pre- pared by the Rev. Abner Mcuse, and copied into the Recordsxif that Church. "The Amer- ican War," says Mr. Morse, "came on soon after the removal of Mr.Kweasey, and during the year of 1777-8 the Coiigiegational Meeting Eouse was used as a hospital for disabled sol- diers, regular woisliipwas suspended, and the csoral ar,d religious hnbils of the people suf- fered greatly. A union of the twoehurehe-* — the Congregational and the Pre»l)yteiian — was 60on after attempted under theliev. David Bald jfin who had been ordained about 1779 in t be merting house u|.on the hii! west of Black River— Presbyterian— and received a tr>CE3ber of the Morris County Presbytery and Congre- gational body. The mtnibers of the two churches were foirned into one church adopt- ing, it is believed, the Congregationul mode of goveinmeiit. Mr. Baldwin ministered to them alternately at their two houtes ol worship for six years, bnt disappointed in his hopes of a cimented union be left his chureh, which was soon after by the Rev. Mr. Lewis, ot Florida, lirononnced dissolved." If Mr. Worse is cor- rect in saying that Mr. Baldwin preached in Chester churches six years he must have come into that region in 1777-8, as he left there early iu 1784. 1 he testimony of witnessep in this congre- gation concerning Mr. Baldwin is quite uni- form. "He was an oidinaiy man, a very moderate preacher, bnt a good man." (MS. ot Rev. Peter Kanouse.) The late Col Joseph Jackson and oth'^rs, both living and dead, have often expressed themselves in terms very sim- ilar to these just quoted. In the church records there is a copy of a letter trom him to the corgregstion which manilests a most excellent spirit, and at the same time leaves • he impression on the mind of the reader that ht was rimarkable neither lor natural taleut nor lor education. When he came to RocU- away he occupied the parsonage house which stood on the Tom Mann lot, (where Mr. Oscar L. Cortright new lives,) but suUsequculIy he purchased land and lived on the properiv now occupied by Wm. Dayton, on the south side of the road to Denville. The conclnding sentence of his letter to the "church and parish at Rockaway," shows that his own hands ministered to his necessiiies and that it was not easy for him to meet his expenses during the eight years of his jjastoiate. "You cannot be insensible, gentlemen," he writes, " that my ministerial labors have been much impeaded bv a constant evocation to my tem- poial Business for the support of my family and still must continue to be without a more regular way for my relief from worldly incum- brances."* The state of society in all this region when Mr. Baldwin came to Rockawav and for a *The late Col. Joseph Jackson once told mo that whilst Mr. Baldwin ciccuDied the parsoQ- age Mis. Baldwin came to ISquire Jackson's and asked Mis. Jackson if she would not let Mr. Baldwin have the loan of one of the ISquire's linen shirts to wear to Presbyteiy, as his were too much worn to be respectable. Tlie Squire's wife represented the case to herhns- liaiid who declined to lend the shirt, bnt in ))la<.e ot it gave Mrs. Baldwin the materials lor two new ones for her husband. 100 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY, quarter cf a century afterwarvU has been de- scribed by the Rev, Peter Kanouse, who is old enough to remember the events he delineates so vividly.* His father resided in the vicinitv of Poworville acd was a member of the Re" formed Dutch Cliurch at Old Booutou, which has since been merged into the Refornn-d Dutch Church at Montville. In a manuscript whirh Mr. Kanouse has drawn up at my request he uses the toilowinj,' language : "At that time the region where we lived was true missionary ground, * * * * It is true, pi.>na parents watchfd ovfr my wayward steps ; they had a powerful hold upon my better feelings. But every other influence with \\hich I was con- stantly surrounded tended mcst powerfully to counteract both their precept und example. Immorality of every kind abounded. Fish- ing, swimming, hunting, horse-racing, playing ball, pitching quoits, card playing, visiting and pleasure parties furnished the sports of the young ptople on the Sabbath ; and balls and rustic dances, shooting matches, gamb- ling, and regular horse races on a larger s-cale the amusements of the times on other days. No one will doubt that profanity, wranglings, fightings, debauchery, drunUenness and every other evil sprang up in rank luxuriance, * « « « • » There was then no Sabbath Bchool to throw around my path a sacred enclosure— no tracts to warn— no lectures to yoalh to instruc';- no revivals of r.Iigion turning night into day, and a dreary moral winter into spring. No, there were other agencies abroad. It was Tom Paine's Age of Reason, an age of infidels, of Jacobins, of suicides, and drunsenness— an age of necro- mancy and heathenish superstition. when men were prepared to be ciuped by puch impostor.^ as the •' JTorrist(^wn Ghost." Witchcraft and fori UPC telling were in vogue, and elf shooting was practiced in a manner worthy of Egypt or ♦Peter Kanouse was born in R^ckaway Val- lev, Morris (Jouulv, Aug. 20th, 1784, aud iliou nt*D. J., May 30) n, 1H64. When Mr. King begin his labors at Jtockaway Mr. Kaiioiist.- was w lictpsed in 1821 oy the Jersey Presbytny, orUaiiied in 1K22, and was p.i.-tor at ^!llec.l- sunna, NewaiK, N, Y.,oft!ie three churches oi Waiitige. including Deckerluwu, Newark, N. J., lluionviile and Pouglikeepsir, N. Y. He was aUo a .4ume Missiouary in iVisconsiu several years. He was a man of Hue natural and acquired gills, excelling in eoaversaiioii, always .ihio in ihe pulpit and soiiietiines reach ■ ing i^reut eloqueiiet. His iiiini-iry was abund- ant in tiarts and at the age of UO he descended to the grave in great honor. Babylon, and some obscure, yet honest, ignor- ant, kind-hearted matron, bowsd with age and face furrowed over with year.<, wai regarded with terror, and her oracles estremed as if uttered bv a very Pythoness. Spooks anrl Wil-o-the-wisp were often seen and were fre- (juently made the sober theme ot the domestic circle before the good old fas'iioned fire on a cold wintry niglit. There ware some astrolo- gers, and uow and lli*^n one who used divina- tion and professed to be able to detect rogues and thieves and find stolen property. The wonderful old Almanac with the water man, or water bearer surrounded by the twelve signs, was full of curious art*), and ofiener read than the Bible, Indeed something like this veneration for this family relic was proba- bly the foundation of a prophecy uttered by a distingiiislied statesman and disciple of Vol- taire, "That soon Mie Bible would be n-i more regarded than an old almanac." Could it only have been distributed as widely and read as eagerly, and believed as firmly, those dark days of infidelity, suicides, counterfeiting, thieving and superstition would have ended and at once been succeeded by the dawn of a better, brighter period." Mr. Kanouse says further, "whoever willinqairc into the period referred to will find that these debasing evils were not confined lo the locality of my birsh. They were rife throughout the country. The French had rendered us important aid in the Revolution, but they also infected ns with the same spirit that finally produced " the Reigo of Terror'" in France and proclaimed that " De\th io an eternal sleep." Associations were formed to give eclat and currency to blind infidelity. These societies embraced many who affucted to give type to public sen- t'n}ent. The period from 1780 to 1800 pro- duced a generation many of whom have lelt a tragical history that might well be written in blood. Their giant footsteps have but just been washed out of this region by the miyhty showers ol divine grace," In ano:her very interesting letter Mr, Kan- ouse writes still further cuuceruing this region as it was sixty and seventy years ago. " Bev- erwick or Beveihaut, a French Gentleman, fled from Guadeloup when his king tell. He located a liUle east of Parcippany church, aud was one of the cousistory of tho Old Boonton Reformed Dutch Church. Ou a time "hen ihey were destitute of a Domiue one oft'ored himself. Beverwick was absent but the other members of the consistory engaged him. When the brethren informed him what they had done inhis absence, the following colloquy look place. Jieverwiok. What credentials of his regular iiuliietiou into the ministry ilid tlio Doiuint show you ? ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 101 Elders. None. B. With what body is he conrecfed ! Elders. We do not kuow. B. What paper did ho ofler to shovv that he was in s>30mpany's estalilish- nient, shows that the building was tired but the lire was put mit. The, supposed incendiary was arrestuil and ijut in jaU. Eiskiue lurtuer iiilimates that John Jacob Faesch — a man whom he hated heartily— had i>'stigated the man to att< mpi the dtstiuction of an estab- hshment which was a rival to lus own funiaco at Mt. Hope. There is nothing in Mr. F.'s claractur so tar iis I h;ivc d scovered to war- rant the harsh charge. From many aged people who were living twelve years ago, and from other sources I iiavo heard very sim.lar descriptions of this re- gion. Throughout this region even in com- munities favored with churches, religion was in a low condition, and irreligion was active and predominant. The Age ol Reason was popular among large and infiuenlial classes, and a combination of bad inUuenees bjre down pow- erlully against Christianity as a practical and authentic scheme of religion. The largo re- gion whence this congregation was then gath- ered, reaching over PowerviUe, Rockaway Valley, Denvtlle, Dover, Mount Pleasant, Franklin, Ninkie, Shauogum, and the moun- tain region north and west of this place was no exception to the rule. Weie the names of those men given who in this county gave t<»ne and retipectability t) the intidel doctrines of Paine and the French Encyclopedists, they would excite astonishment. Mr. Kanoase as- serts of his own knowledge that what the late Israel Crane once related to him, is true to some extent of Morris County. "'Mr. Israel Crane of Bloomfield related to me more than thirty years since that he was extensively ac- quainted with gentlemen who had imbibed French infidelity, residing in Newark, New York, Philadelphia, Balumore, Albany, New Haven, B'iston, and many other |)laces, who were combined to overthrow the christian re- ligion, and instal in its place the corrupt and debasing philosophy that brought on the Rev- olution in France. In an unblushing manner they afiSrmed that the altar and the Uirone must share the same fate— that the tolerant measures secured lo the clergy among us was impolitic and ought to be reversed, and that such an ambitions class of men ought to be suppressed. These were the Hamans of that (lay. And he— Cianc— liad seen the eflfects of their efl'orts ana he had also seen their end. He believed that a large prouortion of these deluded pi.'rsons had gone down to an untimely grave — many of them self-murdered- and such of them as survived had sunk down from afllu- ence and respectability to a stale of depen- dence and .lisgrace." To these sad reminis- cences Mr. Kanouse adds, "full well I remem- ber the hisses of the viper that sprang from these dens of iniquity formed in Morris, Esses, Sussex and Orange counties. And were tt proper to give names and narratives of pri- vate individuals, a long and black catalogue could be recorded that would make the ears of the living tingle."— (Rev. P. Kanouse's MS. Discourse before Presbvtery," pp. 9-11.) From these des3riptions you will receive a distinct impression of the moral condition of this region when our second pastor was in- stalled in 1784. This church was composed of 102 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUXTY. only a few members, the coasregation heii Jackson and B.-riiiird Smilh. The necoiul teaelie'- in that tiri-t sclmol Ikhiho was George ^tickle, tho father of Hubbarl 8. Stickle. tuted for the promotion of h arniug and relig- ion." Among Its trustees were the Rev. Da'. id Baldwin and William Ross of Rockaway. I may add that when in 1790 Mr. Green, the fo inder of this Morris County Presbytery died, it began to languish and the very next year hi.s successor was installed by ihe Presbytery of New York. In 1793 our church returned from its short wanderings to the oM paths iind n joined the Presbytery of New York. — (MS. His. Morris Co. Pres., by Rev. Dr. N. S. Periue, HanovT Church Records, and First Session Book of RocUaway.) We arc now prepared to gather up such de- tails of the Baldwin niiniKtiy, and facts con- nected with it as we may find in the Parish records and other places. The sum to be paid him annually was eighty pounds to bo "raided bv way of rate and subscription as formerly." a parsonage and fire wood at the door. The laiter was done in a way which was much reck- oned on bv the people. It was in the time of good sledding that the chopper and teamster gatherc-d to cut and load in one dav, the min- ister's wood. Some liberal man usually offered the use of hia woods for that day, and merrily did the axes f.f the woodmen ring in the frozen trees, merrily did nimble footed teams flv over the road, and merrily did laugh and good cheer answer to laugh and good cheer, for both in woods and at the minister's house wns the bot- tle of pure apple whiskey, not then as now taken behind the door but in open day. It made them cheery, and witty, and fooll^h, and senertus, and soirietimes drunk. Aside from this hospitable provision »)f whiskey, tbe min- ister's wife had the famous pot-pie to prep.uo, without which in thote days the wood troiio would have been incomplete. And so many wonid turn out and so would they work that by night fall there would be in the parsonage yard aimost fabulous amounts of wood sufli- cient to keep tiiose alinoft f.ibiilous old fire places supplied a ve;ir, and after supper iha men went home happy, peihaps in tome cases too happy. That tbe pecuniary expenses were not v.n'y promptly nut may be inferred from the hii>- tory of the parsonage well. Firct it was voted tiiat we will dig a well on the parsonage, and second it was "voted that we will dig a well ou tho Parsonage and that David Broadwcll and Stephen Jaelison gii tho same done and bring the account into the parish who shall pay tho same." A ycai after this it wan ■* voted that we Rais the snm of fifteen pouncLs by way of subscription to be paid to Mr. Baldwin to dig a well on tho Parsonage." How the well was dug docs not appear. Frnm variou.-i entries in the records it is evident tlie parish had no burplus of means. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 108 and that in spite of their Rate lists, subscrip- tions, assessors and collectors they were coa- itantly in arrears. Still their hearts wore right for " ai a Parish meeting held tnis 29 day of December, 1785, being legally called," it was " voted that we find Mr. B.ildwin in fire tons of Good hay yearly nntil otherwise or- dered " At the same time it was ■' voted that this oarish m'eating thinks it is necessary for the owners of the pewes to Give them up to the parish and that thay be sold to pay the minister.'' Also, " voted th..t Job Allen pay David Beaman for sweaping the meating house out of his Rait into Mr. B.ildwing the sum of four po'inds nine shillings and two pence." We now reach an important point, and as the eager traveller traces some river step by step until he reaches its source, rejoicing to look upon the very founlsin vn hence issues the lit- tle brook which as it flows on swelled into a river, so we feel in looking upon the fountain head of a stream which has barely ceased to flow as the years have passed away. The rec- ord of April 28th, 1786, will explain itself. " Voted that Benjamin Jackson, Franse McCar- thy and Jacob Lyon be appointed Quoristers that they sing the latter part of the day with- out Reading the Psalm line by line and David Beaman to sing the fore part of the day unlesc otherwise agreed on by Mr. Beaman and the other QuorislerB : that they sing any tuues that is sung in the neighboring churches as they shall judge proper ; that the persons who chose to sing have the Liberty to set as con- vonieut as Possible in seals near the Centre of the Meting hous ; that their be two Dozen ol Psalm books purcliased as soon as conveniant and that they be Left in the meting house lor the use of those persons that Dcire to make use of them ; that oontrabusions l)e set on foot to Rais the money to pay fur said Books ; and that if any persons have any objections to any of the above Propositions they are Desired to make the same known to the Rev. Mr. BalUwia and if not satisfied to be altered so as to have as Liitl3 Prejudice or uneasiness as possible." (Copied Records IIS.) These characteristic minutes imply that "the young folks," and possibly some of the old ones also, were longing for a change in thn musical department. For twenty-six years bad Deacon Beaman set the tunes and for as long s time had either Drjacon Lum or Deacon Huntington o' Deacon Allertou or someb )dy else read tha psalms one line at a time. What the tunes were we are not told, but tradition assures us that the singing was susceptible of improvement. Benjamin Jackson aud his Bvmpatl izers ihougbt they could improve it, and lo, a vote ot the parish, not to oust Deacou Beman, but to give Benjamin Jackson, Francis McCarthy and Facob Lvoa liberty to sign the tune without reading the liueit at the after- noon service. It was a triumph of the young folks, and Deacon Beman and some other good people thought a triumph of the wicked. How ungrateful in the parish even to dream that any better singing was possible than they had without expense for many yeais! And then what a dangerous conformity to the world it was to yield a time honored custom of having tha clerk read the psalm lino by line and the chorister to set the tune a sacrifice to the mod- ern folly of a choir setting as " convamant Possible in seats near the centre of the met- ing houi-e!" ana the modern wickedness of singing without reading the line. I have no difficulty imagining the feeling of the good man as he heard "those wicked quoristers" for the first lime singing their new fangled tunes without the Godly seasoning of reading tlie lines 1 Deacon Beman and his friends were grieved but tbev had too much piety to leave the church " shaking the dust off their feet ! " From the time of the vote just record- ed to April 23d, 1789, three years, there is not a line t > indicate how the change in singing was regarded, but on that day it was " voted to haVe the Psalm read Line by Line or by Two Liucis in our singing in the futer except on Particular occasions," (Copied Records 127) which seen-s to indicate that in this musical wrestling match Deacou Beman has turned hia antagonist and was triumphant. If so, the triumph was short for his younger and tougher opponents soon stirred up the matter so thor- oughly that William Ross, a warm sympathizer with Beman felt constrained to resign his ofldco as elder, and more significant still Deacon Be- m m himself not oniy resigned bis office as an elder but akso as "chorister to set the Psalms." The very cool manner of the parish under the circumstances is seen in the following reord, " The Parish excepts of Mr. Beman's Resigna- tion and Returus him their thanks for his past services as an elder of the church auu ctioris- ler for the Parish."— (Copied Rec!*r Js 127, 128.) Hut the end was not yet, fi)r on the 14th of July followiuir "Mr. Benjamin Jackson haveiug seivedthis parisn as a cliurister to net the Psalm lor some time pa.stUesires to Resign his office as chorister. The P.trisU excepts of his Kesignati )u aud thanks him for his past ser- vices as a chorister."* And so the church had ♦Benjamin J ackson was the son ot Joseph and brother of "Stephen Jackson." He lived wheie his father had, directly below Wiiliam Kitile's, that is east oi it. He was born March 5th, 17.J2, removed to Knox County. Ohio, and died ai Belleville in that county June 6th, 1812, aged 93. He loft numerous and highly respect- aule desceudan'siu iliai region, idis son Ben- jamin Was a leading man in that region aud irequently honoied with places o'' trust by hia fellow citizens who highly appreciated hira. 101 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. no chorister, a situation often realized since that diiy. Now see the wisdom of our ancestors in such an emergency. •' Wharoaa the Parish is Destitute of a chorister to set the Psalm and bnt 10 members Present at this nietinj; they think it not proper to appoint a standing Chor- ester at this time; but that Mr. Baldwin, Josiah Hurd, Benj. Beach and Jos. Allen con- fer togeather and Desire some Peisons to set the psaln) from Time to Time Temp"rary nn- till the Parish shall think fit to appnint some Other mode couservvini; sin^^inj;." Except two yery slight hiucs the records say nothing fur- ther conct rning this musical war during Mr. Baldvin's ministry. On the 29ih of Sept., 1791, the Records sta'.e, "Whereas Mr. Bem in presented A Naritive to be Head, voted that it shall he Read," a paper which I would rather see than any President's Message and on the 20th of October following we have this record : "alter Sundry Altrications with hard words the Parish meeting BroaK up m Con fusion. "- (Copied Records, 132.) In a word the congre- gregation was divided into two parties and very unhappy differences had grown cut of that part ot public worship which draws its chief charm from harmony of voices aud har- mony of hearts. As I have traced these facts I have compared them with more modern oc- currences, and have exclaim'ul, " is there any- thing whereof it may b-) said, "See, this is new ? it hath been already of old time which was be- fore ns." (Eocles. 1, 10.) Let us now retrace our steps to gather up other facts of interest in this history. In 1786 we find the first trace of renting the pews and slips. The first movement was an expression of opinion that those who owned pews should give ibem to tiie parish to be "sold to pay the minister," and in May, 1T8C. it was vcted thxt Mr. Baldwin's salary of eighty pounds " shall be raised by a Rate affixed ou the several seats and Pe»8 that tlmse peisons that choose the seats so rated sl.all have them, and if two or more persons choose the same seat or Pew that person who will bid a larger sum than any other shall have it." Another minute shows the eoudiiiim of the church building. "Voted to Lay the gallery flower*, make stairs and some seals in the galleryes." — (Copied Ricord«, 120, 121 ) This entry implies that the congjegation was increasing in numbers, or they would not have made an eflort get more ro m. However, the thing was not done, end foi several years afterwards the Meeting House stood very nearly as it was at fir?t, a comloriless vhell, a sanctuary where the swal- lows made their nes-ts in tins Summer, and a colder place in Winter than decent peo,..le fur- nished to their hor.ses. In 1787 the records show that Mr. Baldwin had purchased a farm of his own, and that he made several propositions to the parish, all of which remind us of the words, '• 'Tis but a poor relief we gain, To change the place but keep the pain." The pain in this case consisted mainly in this, Mr. Baldwin's salary at best was insufficient. To relieve himself he bought a farm and asked the congregation to give him one hundred pounds " to assist me in pnr( basing a small settlement where I may be better "iceommo- dated for the support ot myself and family." As an ofiFset Mr. Baldwin ifiF.rs to relin- quish twenty pounds a yei^r of his salary, re- taining his claim on the parsonage and the annual wood frolic, "myself continu- ing in the ministry with this Parish until Death, Sickness, or the choice of the Society or seme other Providence prevent me." The parish acceded to this proposal and subscribed £106, 6s, 6d, of which abuut £91 were paid to Mr. Baldwin.— (Copied Records, p. 172.) At this meeting on the 20th of February, 1787, it was " voted that we would encorporate this Parish agreeable to an act of Assembly passed March 16th, 1786," and on the 6th of March. 17S7, the incorporation of the parish was completed under the name of " the First Presbyterian Congregation at Rockawayin the County of Morris." William Winds, Stephen Jackson, Abraham Kitchc^ll, Benjamin Btacu, Job Allen, David Beanian and David Baker were elected trus-tees.— (Copied Records, 14 and 123.) In Jniy, 1788, the parish not merely voted to ront the pews in order to raise the salary but to " give notice that any Person who wants to lakfe Seats do apply to Mr. Baldwin for the same. He was (urnishcd with a list of the seats and pews already sold and the prices as- sessed on all. There were accor'ling to this schedule twelve pews, eight o) which were sold to Bernard Smith, William Winds, John O'Hara, Silas Hathewav, Stephen Jackson, David Beman, Siim'l Moore, Jr., and Job All«n at prices ranging Irom three pounds to four pound five shillings. There were 32 seats or slips of which 17 were so:d at prices ranging from twelve shillings to one pound five shil- lings. The buyers named on tlie schedule in their order are Dav"d Broadwell, John Cory, Benjamin Jackson Thomas Orsborn, Fraucis McOarty, Eliakim Ar-derson, David Hurd, Da- vid Gurrigus, Jaiob Kent, Joshua Moore, Moses Lampson, John Herrimau, Abraham L>on, Moses Lampson, Frances Moore, Samuel Mer- iit. Joseph Casterline. Either Mr B.ildwiu was a sharp collector or the people were l.o oming unusually prompt, for in April a committee appointed to settle with Mr. Baldwin reported that they " find ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY, 105 due Mr. Biildwin from the parish the sum of thrue ponads s^ixteeu shitliugs which will be Due the first of June tiext." It is a matter of interest to mark the fact that in 1789, five years after Mr. Baldwin's settlement, William Ross and David Beniaii are boih called Eldeis of the church, showing elear.'y that up to this tinic the church was in reality Preshyterian, alfchongh in connection with a congregational body. As I am not able to find the names of Deacons Lum, Hunting- ton and Allerton on our records during Mr. Baldwin's pastorate, I infer that they were either dead or had removed from the parish. In the records of this year occurs a single sentence which indicates that the people wore not unwilling to part with their minister. " Voted that it is the consent of the members present at this meeting that Mr. Baldwin go to Pleach a Tower amongst vacant congrega- tions as Perposed by Presbitery," (Copied Records, 125-129.) In the record of September 29ih, 1791, we find the pari«h " set ting on fool an obligation to pay our equal dividend accord- ing to our rateable estate for the support of a Prisbeterian Minister of the Gospel that shall or may be called hereafter by the majority of our society to settle in this place." On the 4th ol January, 1792, "a oroposition of Mr. Baldwin Being presented to the Parish and Read Imparting his willingness to be Dismissed or to continue to Preach for us as the Parish should think proper ;" therefore it was voted " to pay Mr. Baldwin the full of his saliery and all arrearages up to the first of June next at which time the Parish consider Mr. Baldwin under no further obligation to this Parish nor the Parish to Mr. Baldwin." The liberty was also jiaimed if it were necessary even before . tl e 1st of June " to call and settle any other minister to preach witl in the above mentioned time by gi- ing Mr. Baldwin Tinit.'y notice thereof, but still to pay Mr. Baldwin up his saliery as first rated." (Copied Records, 133. ) On the l-lth of May a committee reported the parish as owing "Mr. Baldwin by reasoning his salleiy up to the 1st of Jane next the sum of £99, 18s, 0, and that this parish how consider thems'^lves at full Liberty to Treate and agrea with any minister to preach for them which they may Think B' st, thirty-four for it and one contra." .At the same meeting it was also voted to " apply to Mr. John Carl for to sup- ply us as a candidate, 35 for it 1 contra." The committee to wait on Mr. Carl consisted oJ Moses Tnttle, David Beman, William Ross, Stephen Jackson. The same meeting further 'oted that " Benj. Jackson, Rosel Davis and Dan Hurd be the Constors to set the psalm for this parish, and that untiil further orders the Choresters act Dcseretional what part of the Time to Read the Psalm when sung and one of them to read it or apply to some other to Read it for them." (Copied Records 134. 135.) Thus we reach the end of our second pastor's ministry. There was one man, Abraham Kitchel, who considered Mr. Baldwin as abused bv the congregation, and further that the pood man's dismissal was brought about by inf.uences outside the church. A letter from Mr, Kitchel to the parish meeting, dated " White Meadow 18 of June, 1792," is copied into our records. He resigns his ofiBce of trus- tee, and then writes, " With regard to giving a call to Mr. Cari I can see no impropriety in the parrish excluding the churcli, and as a member of the parrish I shall not object, but as a member of the church I shall, for I don't know what right the parrish has to appoint a minister or president over the church. Nor can 1 think it right for any of the members of this church to be aiding or assisting in calling and settling one till Mr, Baldwin is settled with and Legally Dismissed, and for my part shall object Nothing till the church seitles with and Does Justice to Mr. Baldwin," (Copied Records, 15.) January 7th, 1806, thirteen years after Mr. Baldwin's ministry was closed, we have a rf^cord that it was " voted to allow James Kitchel for the last two dollars which he has collected on old subscription and paid to the Rev. Mr. David Baldwin." And I may add that Mr. Hubbard S. Stickle told me that Mr. Baldwin spent one Sabbath at Rockaway, and that he seemed very poor. As yet I learn no more of him. The spirit of Mr. Baldwin as shown in a let- ter irom him to the Parish meeting January 4th, l';92, at the very time the subject of his dismissal was up, is altogether to his credit. As characteristic of the man and furnishing a f.icture of the state of things at the close of his ministry, I will quote the whole letter : " To THE Church and Parish at Rockaway : BuETHUEN : — I have been with you these seven years past in which time I have expe- rienced many very singular favors from indi- viduals of your fraternity, which have very sensably obliged me. But there has been an unhappy disunion which has caused me much grief and concern for your welfare and the prosperity of religion. I had it in my mind to have asked a dismission from preaching with you last parish meeting. But taking into con- sideration the state, both of the church and society, could not think it my duty to leave the society in so scattered and broken a situ- ation. Concluded to try everything posable to remove these obstacles out of the way, which under the guidance of the good Pruvidenceof 106 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. Qod and the kiod aRBibtance of some of my brethren in the ministry I trust is in a good measare eflft-cled. I mean btili to coutiuue mv labours nnd influence to compleate a union even to indwiduals within the bounitp of rea- son and religion, aad then ieave it with your candid and senout) coU8ider>ii um wlicilier you Bee fit to dismiss me from preachinfj with you ■sycnr miuiBter. I give it up to Providence, but hope that you will do nothing hastily and fall not out by the way. N. B.— You cannot be insensable, gpntlemen, thsit my ministerial labors have boen much impeadcd by a constant evocation to mv tem- poral business for the support of ray family and still must continue to be the same with- out a more regular way for my relief from worldly incumbrances. I subscribe myself in the Boada of the Gos- pel, your minister and servant, for Christ's take, Da7id Baldwin." Rockaway, January 4th, 1792. I have no means of ascertaining the actual fruits of Mr. Baldwin's ministry of eight years but in two verv interesting papers written at my request by the Rev. Peter Kanouse, men- tion IS made of a revival of roligiou which af- fected this region chiefly under Mr. Baldwin's ministry. As this is the first revival of which we have any record in this parish I will quote all that Mr. Kanouse says on the subject merely remarKing that th'i dates in hi> letter are too late. It was probably in the year of 1790-91 that this revival occurred, for in 1790 there was "a season of unusual excitement on the subject of religion" in Morristowu. (Barnes' Manual of Pres. Ch.Morrislowu, p. 7.) " The first revival" says Mr. Kanouse " I remember witnessing was in Rockaway Valley and it wae, no doubt, the fiidt special work ol grace ever enjoyed in that region. I would venture to give it date as far back as 1794. A Dutch minister called Mireneus itineiats'd through the vallev, over Green Pond Moun- tain, and Newfoundland. I often huard it said, that he frequently indulged a little too freely with the fashionable dram, and sometimes made his apology by saying to the people, ^'Do as I say and not as I do, and inina zeal ver jela steal, my soul for your soul you will be safe." A Rev. Mr. Duryea used also lo preach in some hou.-te or barn ; school houses were almost unknown in those days. A Mr. Gideon Bostedo, a preacher of the Congregational or- der — a pious man, used to labor in the same ptrts. But the favorite o! that day was a Rev. Mr. Baldwin, a good man, who at an early 'late of all the good (lone used to preach at Rocka- way, Rockaway Valley, Hibernia, Charlotlen- buigh, Stony Brook and the O^vlkill. Tlie work of grace to which 1 refer was for that time a great and good work. Rockawa'", P.irsippany, Hanover, Morristown, Mendham, and no doubt other churches of which I then knew nothing were refreshed. Soon after this the Rev. Messrs. Armstrong, Griflfen and Finley. held meetings, in various places, somewhat like protrac'ed meetings, sometimes in the open heavens or some pleasant grove." fKanouse's His. Discourse before Prosbytpry MS. pp 14-16. ) In a letter to me Mr. Kanouse refers to the same scenes. "The Rev. Mr. BaMwin of the Rockaway congregation was the first minister of that place that I have any knowledge of. He was an or- dinary man. a verj moderate preacher, but a good man. I went to school to his sou, an excel- lent young man. How long Mr. Baldwin preach- ed in Rockaway it is impossible for me to say. He preached in Rockaway ValJey at my father's house, say 1796, and my own impression is that he labored in this region under review soin<» years before this date and probably was in- strumental in the revival of 1793 or 1794. I incline to the latter date. *♦***» Tne Methodists camo in about this time and made a stand at Mr. Jacob De Mott's, or as we pronounced it Temonl's, and for a tune they seemed to absorb every otber denomination. Alter a little while tliey dwindled into a cypher. Amongst them occurred some of the most sin- gular scenes I ever met with. It was not " the Jerks " nor the " Knock Down " but the "fall down "of two very wicked women who continued to practice their dccepticma for years until a third one joined them who also fell and never rose again. But I pass it all. The Rev. Mr. Baldwin was the chief means of the awakening, though Grover, Keyper. and a good old man on Green Pond Mountain whose name was Gideon Bostedo were great helps in the work. Some of the subjects of that work I can name: Mr. Jacob Kanouse and four" o' my Bisters, ail in their graves now, Samuel Miller, Peter Stickle and wife, George Stickle and wife, David Peer an Elder in your church (Rotkawav), John Peer, wi.e, sou and daugh- ter, John Cook, wife, sou and daugtiier, Ihumas and Samuel Peer, and three sifters and one son, Ephraim and George Taylor and their wives, and some of their sisters. Jacob Dermott and wife, Aflara Miller and wife, James Shaw and wik, Frederick Hopler. Mr. Lasvsou and Mr. Vanliouten, also about five members of the family, Mr. Mikle Cook, ihese were mainly in and about the valley, and several others whose names I have lost. How many of them united with the church in Rock- away I am uniole to say. The valley at that time was regarded as belonging to Boouton. Thereviv.l afieded DeuviUe, Rockaway. and Parcippany, but my acquaintance was too lim- ited to say who were the sul'jects. Several ol ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 107 tbf converts went to Boimion. s mie to the Methodists, and D. Peer and wife and I tbiiil; a dHUKhter. Jubu Peer and wile and dau.c^litcr, Juhn Couk, wife and dausbter, Samuel Mille;' and wie, Peier and George SticUle and tlieir wives united with your chuicli at Rookawa y and I sbou'd Ihink under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Baldwin."— (MS. Letter of Rev. P. Kau- ouse ) Very fortunately one sermon of our second pastor has been preserved in a mutilated con- dition, but enough of the old and well worn manufcri|K. has been kept to indicate to us what Kind of ministrations wera here dispensed by a man who has long since passed from the eartli. H. was preached in the old church on a wint.ei's day more than twenty years apo at the luneral of Deacon David Beamau'ij wife, who was reputed to bo a very pious womui.* Mr. Baldwin's text on that occasion was Job 31. 4. 1 will quote a few sentences fr-mi this dis- course remiudins you of the fact that be who preached it and all who that day were gathered ia the old meeting house, are dead, except a very f-w who were then children. Mr. Hub- baid S. Stickle was in the house but be was less than three years old. The firt^t part of this manuscript sermon as it lies before me clearly '■ets loiththe nature of God's law, the sinntr's coDdemnatiou by that law, and the nature of saving faiiii. An- ticipating the solemn scenes of tbe judgment, the preacher then said, '• There all our conlro- vercies in point nf lUligion together the high- est attainments of knoliilg will be forever swal- lowed uj) in the iutinile wisdcmi of Gud. There the sinner will be convinced ot his lolly lu op- posing the gospel and his guilty conscience roze out against him. Noihing can screen thecn Ir.im the j)iercing eyes ol Jehovah, who will bring them to the bar of justice, and maintain the Rights ot the godhead lu the view ol all, when every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the lather. "But Thirdly we are to make some reflec- tions on a prepaiation for these two great events, Diath and Judgment. Death con- cludes our probaiiouary state and what we do preparatory for the judgment is done before Death, lor in tbe grave ihereisr.o repentance. Judgment is an eieinal sanction of god upon what; we have done whither it be good or whither It be bad. *♦****»#* ***-** ***o sinner, the law of *1 aai told Mr». Beainaii was very Ijappy on her death Led. When (lying she a^ked these abouiherio sing " VVbeo 1 can reail mv title Clear." After her speech tailed her husband asKed her il bur faiili leiii.uued uiijh.ikeu, and she bowed her bind in assent. God and thy o.vn consienc witness against thee, thv sins are pointed out by the pure and Holy Ccmm.uid of god. You are destitue of that Rghtionsness which yon will have great- e'.t nead of in the Hour of Death iind especially at the bar of judgment, when all thy crimes will be brougiit to light iud aoear in all their aggrivated CMCumstances. Death to uncon- veited will instcd of loosing its terrours apear more and more terrible. The nearer its ap- proach the more of its gloomy horrors it wa.-eth. You. my hearers, are witnesses to the truth. When Death comes near to us by removing any of our fellow cretures into the Eternal world it is al.irin:ug iudced. But more especially when we are cmediately ap- p heusive of it-* nearapproach to our own per- sona, then we are often scared and at our wits end. Then the sinner will cry out lor help yet this will soon be over whiu death withdraws a little behind the Curtain. But consider tbe Curtain will soon be drawn and Expos Death to vour view, and your bodys to its cold em- braces. But if living and dying impennent or unconverted, you must feall thit a.viul sting of sin with barded (barued) anguish in your hearts the thoughts of death and judgment will till the soul with amazement and their apprehensions of eternal death and Darkness listug to its highest tide and the poor Dis- tre.-sed soul sinking into eternal flimes where the worm dieth not and tae fire is not quenched." Let me quote a very cheerful p.issage. " Lst us choose what is good among ourselves. T.iis sentence, among ourselves seams to carry in it a Iriendly corresponding titness. The laniily of heaven it united in one and what is tor the interest ol one individu.il is for the interes-t of the hull family. We are to imitate heaven in this friendly connection. We profess to have heaven on earth, but some may say what good can one do another in btiaveu whin thoy are all peifect and lull of deiight. I answer they delight in one anotiier, ami as one star helps tiU up thj tiruiament with spangled glory, so the saints help each oLUer in filling beaveu with joy and delight. Angells rejoice at tbe return of a sinner to god and the number helps make their happiness compleac and Saints, Angela rejoice together in the glory of that world." Here is another impressive passigo which is illustrxted by the havoc death has made among those who heard ihis funeral discourse. '•Tuis IS a changable state in which there is nothing stable and stexdtast. This is not our Home ; we con.e and go ; the place in which We are now conversant and make members of society delighted with a variety of company and agreuble conversation of IVtuaJs will soon 108 Annals of moreis county. know ns DO more. Oar seats and places are emptied and filled by others. Families betjin, increas, and prosper for a wliile and then scatter and are gone, and others cume in their stead." With one more quotation I will elose this digcourse. Looliing forward to the time when tbe believer is assured ot his interest in Cbrist. Mr. Baldwin says with touching simplicity. " their (aiih in Christ loolis death out of coun- tenance and disarms it oT its soul killiut; an 1 heart tormeDtiu*^ weapon, tuins all those awlui featers (features) of the Kuifj of tenors into the more mild aspect of a Welcome mes- senger. ***** * * iliis opens to our view 1 he prospect of futer glory in Heaven where the souls cf the Believirs are made perlecl and all tears shall be wiped away from their eyes. Then the wicked sease from troubtling and the weary are at rest. Jud{,'- ment is no terror to the soul that is prepared to die, but an inlinite satisfaction that the day of their Redemption draws nigh when they shall shak of their prison garments and be cloathed with immor'ality and a crown of glory given unto them which faideth not away."* After Mr. Baldwin was dismissed he con- tinued to reside on his f;irm, near Denville, for several years. Whilst ther« his wife died and 1 e married again. He afterward removed but where I hav^ not learned. Some years afterward, as Jlr. HuL>l)ard S. htickle remem- bers, Mr. Baldwin spent a Sabbath in the par- ish, and preached. He had then become quite intirm. Of his substq-ient history I knows nothing § Upon the whole you will agree with me that all we see of <>ur i-ceonri pastor as a Christian man and minister, deepens onr rcspt c tor his memory. Since making 'his careJul search into liis ministry in this ccmimunity my heait has felt the r xpression. I have heard from the lips of so many old people when talking about Mr. Baldwin, " he was a good roan," and no doubt he is now enjoying those heavenly felicities which he described so pleasingly at the fnreial(fone who lived the life and died tlie death «jf the righteous. Mr. Williim Jaek^cn says that Mr. Baldwin was aloi t hix fiet in stature, very erect and »itli bioad 6li< niders. He was very "slow ol speech and of conise spent a full Sabbath in *This maiinseript liagmenlis in the po.sses- sion of Mr. Heman blickle, a grand^on ot the po"d woman tor whose liineral it was pre- pared. Tlie spilling is |)ie>cived as in the manuneripl wliiuh ib in Mr. Baldwin's liaud- writing, §Mr. Hubbard H. Slieule tells me that Major Muiiuii, who ri sidts above Dover, is a grand son of Mr. Baldwin. the delivery of what he had to say, whilst many slept soundly. 1 recollect 'li.-erty to Trf ate anda;reawith any minister to preach tor thrm which th'V may Tbii k best," and further that they voted " to apply to Mr. John tarl to supjJy us as a candidate, 25 lor it 1 contra." The dissenting Vote was cast by Abram Kitcht 1. A comm-ttee consii-ling of Messrs. Tnttle, Beaman, Koss and Jackson was appointed to carry out the wii-h(s ff the palish, and irom an item in the Purish Books it is evident that Mr Carl liad preachid the day lielore the meeting, that is. May 13ih, 1792. The item is this, in the ac- count dated September 16th, 1793. " To Mr. Carl's supplying the 15 8abbathstrom the 13th of May to the 16th ol September in the year 1792 at 50?. per Sabbath." This marks the beginning of Mr. Carl's ministr"- in Rockaway. On the 5th of July, 1792, Ihe Trustees record the fact tha* "as per vote on Parish book wc th IS day signed a call for Mr. John Carl tor settlement in this parish." The pciniancnt baigain with him bears the date ot Stptf mber 16ih, 1192, as is plain from an Item in the account ot Sc[)tember IGth, 1793, " To Mr. Carl for one year's sallriy from Sept. IGth, 179^ to the present date, £100." The Pi.rish evidently agreed to furnish the n( w minister in addition to the £100, his par- sonage, hay and wood, and also to move bis good.'! and f; mily. The Parish is crtdited with '• an ouni cf lax imd subscriptions to rais Mr. Call's talkiy, nio\e liim, and hay the year past.L137, 10,7." He must have removed his lamily in October as I'avid Broadwell 15ih Oeteber, 1792, brings in his account against the parish lor" leiching 2 loads ol goods firm Binnswiek for Mr. Carl," and 27ih NovemLer a third load. His bill lor the three loads was £2, 14, ! The first " Parish obligation and subscrip- tions " in Ml . Carle's time was dated June 20tli, 1792, tlic si.bscribers agreeing to pay the sums severally i.fiixed to onr names yearly and every year unto one of tlic Ciias King, John Benwell, -Josiah Bi man, James Clarke, John Hall, M.tith'W Luke, Edward Wells, John Kincf )re April 15th for L38 poundn in Bloomey iron at L21 per tun, or refund iron at L28." There is no record of its redempticu that I find. Sept. 5, 1792, Lem- uel Cobb surveyed the lands into four parcels, reserving about thirty acres of wood land for the new parsonage. Jan. 7, 1793, all the lots woie struck ofif to David Garrigus who refused afterwards to take them, and on March 4rth " the house lot was struck of to Johu Shong at I.,75. 10. The lot next the house to David Con- ger at LIS. 0. 0. The mountain lot to Peter Hiler L-27. 18. 6. The Goose lot to Chilioa Ford at L12. Amounting in all t» L163. 8. 5. Stephen Jackson took the goose lot ofif Ford's bands. In 1792 "a legacy was left by Deacon Aller- ton ot LSO." Including the last t^o items — the sale of lands and the Ipgacy- the parish the first year of Mr. Carle's ministry raised L050. 10. 21. Fro.a the accounts it also ap. pears that the "new Parsonage lands were bought for L239. U. 10. This did not include "feuse." The " new parsonage" is ptiU stand- ing (1846 not in 1882) and is in the Franklin neighborhood, tho house formerly occupied by Mr. Peter Sullivan, and next to Mr. Seely Tompkins. It has a beautiful prospect but a very poor soil. On the 30th of July 1792 we learn that the Trustees " agread with (Villiam Boss tor the Purchase of a house and about Fifiy acres of land Laying on the Boad that leads from Bockaway to Franklin forge lor which we have agreed to give him L230." Feb. 31, 1793 it is said that William Boss attended and execjted a deed lor the New Parsonage lands and the Trustees exe- cuted a Bond of security to William B )ss and Mjses Tuttle on account of their giving their bonds to Jacob Shotwell for tue purchase of the New Parsonage Lands." This shows that 88 names one of which is that of a woman '•Sarah Kent." In a list of names March 1794 (or " monies due and unpaid, and what may yet be collected lor miuisler's sallery and parsonage uouse," are some names not on the former one. Among tliese I note the following : Matthias Zeig, Aaron Bic;elo\v, Newton Bussell, David Esiler, David Hill, Nath. Bend, Thomas Maun, Matthew Uuntins David Gerdon, Nathaniel Boger, George Sbawger, David Pier, Jno. Smith, Saih Hall. Isaac Osborn, Matthias Zeek, 110 ANNALS OF MORIUS COUNTY. Rnfs acted as tiie aKent of Shotwell. Ami as I suppose in 1793 Mr. Carle nio/td into this hon>e and oDcupied it unlil he pureliased a bouse of Lis own in Rocliaway. In tlie LiiUs! for the |)arsonage kum is painl'nllv Ireqnent as an Item of expense. Butts, nails, hinges, and BUM are mixed up as if tliere were is rainy " quarts ami pails of rum " as pnuuds ol' nails. In an account headed " 1792 Trnsteos Rockaway parish to Messrs Sticlde and G.nri- gues Dr," and one hundred and fourteen items with dates there are only thirty-nine items which are not rum. Among these seventy-five charges in one bill ior rum for < he parsonage we have " l.J Gills, rum for raising parsonage house 12s" and "David Broadwel' far mm he had lor the use of the parsonage 9s." The original of this remarkable bill I have bound up in the copy I nave had m;ide of the Parish recorde. It is in Ihe handwriting of George Stickle and is very btau'ilul. On the first page "two bars of iron" make the only excep- tion to the " ram" i turns, and on the second we have a pewter tea, pot, a plug of tobacco aud a few pounds of nails to relieve the monot- ony of the rum ! The Rev. John J. Carle was the son of John Carle, of Baskingridge, The father was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at that place, was a Judge of the Court at diflerent times, a member cifboih Hcmses of the Legislature. He was a man of iuflueLice and property. His son, John J. Carle, was aiaduated at Queen's Col- lege, as Rutger'd College, at N'^w Brunswick was then Cdllid, iu 1789. He was licensed to prf-ach by (he Presbytery of New Brunswick at P^-nnington, N. J., Septemher 2lst, 1731. vSep- tcraber 18ih, 179?, having received a call to Rockaway, he was dismissed to be under the care of the Presbyterj* of New York. He re- ceived his second academic degree of A. M. in 1'92, from llie College of New Jersey. In the fall of tliis year he removed his family to Rock- away, aud in January, 1793, ho was ordained to the gospel ministry, the first ordination ever witnessed in this place. He is described as a youMg man of fine ap- pearance and talents. One who knew liiru speaks ol hiiu as " a fluent pulpit orator, orect aud of eas-y address ami manners, a moft jovial companion wheu out of tlie pulpit, fond ofajoke.ind good company. He never held any weekly lectures or piavcr meetin;,s. His seimous were short and such us not to di&tuib bis bearerb' con!^clL'Uces. He ouce said that ht never knew but one perton who traced his conversion to his preaching." The vice of the times was inleuperance as might be iiilerrid lium thu hisiory of "the new paisoiidtie." and whilst he w.is pastor hero Mr. Carle so-^ms \o have somewhat indulged his appetite in this respect, and although he did not here so to great excesses the habit impaired his influence aud causpJthe "church to dwindle under his ministry." Many anec dotes ar« "till relati;d as to his neglect of study and the duti's ot his oftice. as also of his habit jast referred to. lu the Manual of 1«33 Col. Jackson says " Mr. Carle added a goodly num- l)er to the church," and Mr.King in hisDedica- tion sermon, Sep'einber, 1J>32, says that "dur- ing Mr. Carle's ministry, a period of eight years, eleven f)ers.)as were received into the commuuiou of tl>e church on examiaation and thiee by certificate," The same charitable critic in his " Fortieth Anuivcrsaiy Sermon"— December, 1848— wrote ihat his owu ministry "had been preceded bv the ministrations of one who had more taients than pietv— more learuing than humility— and seemed to take more satisfaction la the pleas- ures of sense than in endeavoring to feed the people with knowledge and understanding. You may well conclude tlat religion was at a low ebl), almost as low as it could be and not become extinct." Tlie one great fault of Mr. Carle was very common in that day, aud not a few cicrgyiueu fell into it. There is no reason so far as I can see why ho sboulj not have become an able " minister of the word," and a gooil man in all the relations of lift, but this one. This led to the unhanpiuess which overtook him as a minister and a citiz"u. For this he was de- posed from the niini.^try in Connecticut, and suffered greatly in the relations he sustained to his lather and his family. After his return U) Baskingridge in consequence of an uncle's death who had left him his principal heir, he became very intemperate, subjected his lanuly to such suffering that their only relief w»s a resurt to the law, and fiualiy died " about 180S." Mr. Jacoh Collyer, who gave me these and other facts, also pointed out to me Ml. Carle's grave in the B.iskingridge church yard, aud which was tlieu unmarked bv a monument. He lias lett descendants who are highly It spectabie aud whilst scarcely less could be saiu of him, we are to charge the fault which led to the disasters of his career to the char- acter of the times lu which he lived, aud to cast over it the mantle of charity. Let us now retrace our stejjs to learn what the Parish did during 'the ministry of Mr. Carle. The earlier i>art of it seems to have becD marked by such ability on the part of the minister as to attract the attention of the people and inspire them with some ambition tj mike the meeting house decent and coui- loriaule. In February, 1791, tho Pari.^h re- fcolvnd "to raise three hundred uounds for repairing and tiuishiug the meeting hous." It ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. Ill ie cliffi:;n!l to rcvilize tliu i-onditioii of ihe house tLriy-lour .vcais iilicr it was raised and en- closed, ll bad seviTtil ai'.stooratic pews in it, but u was nvitliT ceded nor plastcreJ. Tbo birds aud ibe air liad Fr_e admissioa, and lu that Ci^mfortless pkice all Lie meutm^js of the cLiurcli lj;id been attended, and tbcre Mr. Carle bad been ordair.ed ou a January dav, as in tbo barne room fioihbod, I'Ut al.so without tire, lus Buccossor was ordained fifteen years afterward on a cold Djcember da.'. In April, 179i, '• three hundred and upward gub.-cribfrs." were reported Tor the meetiu^ buuse, and ou the 10th ot June " the Trustees Arlieled with Job Allen to tiaish the Meting bons tor £3G0." On the lOib of Deeeuiber a committee appoinied by the rrustee.s '" to in- spect the uieiing bou>! reported that they have viewed ibe hou" aud cannot agree upon the gojdntss of the work.'' On the 2Htb of the same month the Trustees met and with them Job Baldwin aud Jotiatliau Brown, "Two Joiners." These gentlemen weie invited to "delHrraine couserning tbe work and to settle with Job Allen," and after viewing tbe bouse gave it as '• their opmiou that tlie hous was finished .-.ometbing better by more work done to it than agreement by the amount of one pound and eighteen t'bfllings." It being de- cided that " the west stairs had not been done in a workmanlike manner, .4llen rclinqnested bis claim to And gave it to the Parish ■" Upon the adding of a few liit'e '.hiugs lo the galltiy " the Parish voted to receive clie bouse now finished." In January, 1795, it appeared that of the L312 subscribed to repair the church Allen had only collected L230 The Trustees threatened to proscute thedelinqueais, aud as I find no lurther lueDtiou of Ihe matter I infer that Allen received bis pay. In September 1791, Mr. Carle asked the con- gregation to raise Ins salary to£l5l) per year wiih the use uf tiic parsonage and firewood, aud I suppose it was so arranged, since there was so good an understanding hetweeu the minister and parish rbat " the Bnird in December gave Mr. Carl leav to Build a Smoak buuse ou the Parsonage and bring the account against the Trustees." In the bume mouth we ha\e Mr. Carle's receipt lu full for salary and repairs of tbe Parsonage up to 16ih of fSeptembcr. December 7, 1795, Mr. Cai lo "' in.ormed tbe Trustees that be had oneluded to buy a plase ofliiso«naud that the Trustees might have full libirty to selj the Parsonage" ami in Vpril following, 1796, '• Mr. Gail inlormetl the B lard that be liad purchnsed himself a plase viz. of David Beemau." This bouse was ou tb.' we.'-t side of the village near the llighter Foundry, aud was a Iter ward knr)\^n as tbe " Berry House. At the sauie time .Mr. Carle purchase 1 a remnant of the "oild Parsonage at three piuinds carrent money per acte." The amount named was £55, 10s, Gd. At a subsequent meeting Mi. Carle's salary was fixed at £180 per year "'and to tind himself and fire wood." There is cidence in the records that it was not easy to raise muuey for him, and at last some of the permanent funds were appropriated to make up tbe defieiency. Indeed without know- irg It certainly I infer that the money realized for the sale of the parsonage properties was used lo pay Aullen his balance Jor repairing the church and Mr Carle's f u' silary. Tbe " new parsonage " in Franklin wa^ sold to Dr. Ebenezer U. Pierson in Deoeiuber, 1795. for eleven biiudred dollars, '•$375 of which was to be paid on the 1st of May next aud the re- mainder in one year from that t;mrf with in- terest." How long Dr. P.ersou was a citizen of Rockaway I have no means of knowing. He was generally esteemed and bad au extensive practice. Tlie enterprising people now took in hand "' the feiising .Vletiug hous" and " the clearing and fensiug the Meting hous Lot auu likewise a Dear yard. An agreenieni was made lu 1796 whith IStephen Jackson '• lor clearing tiie whole of the Mit ng bouse Lot in fiont of the bous said Jacksou lo clear it off well by cutting tbe stumps low aud all the underbruslj aud Buru It all for the wouil aud oald Rails." Aud yet in 1797 the parish '* agreed to make a fVolick to c ear ofift le Brush in liout of the Meiing hous and heap tUe wood anil sell it at Vaudue." At that time it was resolved •' to paint the in- side of the Meiiug lious," •' Jot> Alien to fur- uiah tbe paint and oil and superinleud the work.' The record of April 2d, 179S, shows that tiiat faiihlul aud gooil man to whom the church owed so much, Capt. Job Alleo, bad re- ceu;ly died. May 7tb, 1798, the uame of a iiiau to wiioai the euurcdi owej a debt tiiat can never be paid, appears ou the records for the first time, when '"Joseph Jack-(iN was appointed clerk of the Board." lu 1800 the question is rai.ic I " tbe Trustees shall uieak upou the I anus lo pay Mr. Carle's salary, and whether the Trustees shall have leave to ask a .separation with Mr. Carl." In 1301 Mr. Carle's miuislry was close^l m Rocka- way and in Hay of that year bis family was re- moved to Elizibethtown Poiut. I ain tild he went to I'oniieciicut lo be the pastor of a church. His accounts with the Parish were not balanceil until October. 1801. Tbe only discourse of any sort which we have Irom Mr. Carle's pen is bis "Funeral Sermon on the Death ol General George VVafb ,ngioii." It was delivered in tbo old church at liockaway. Very considerable loimalily • was 112 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. observed in liaviu.q tbe mililaiy pii tbe cppusiie side of llie road then rccupie d by Col. Cbilian Ford. Tbis was ou tbe east side of tbe river in Iroiit of tbe residence occnpitd by ie of the graveyard. Tbe b'er is describsd carefully as " to be niac'e of white oak timber, heart sluflf. 10 feet hmg with le a morticed into tbe side pieces to reab.sh even on both sides with an Inch sbouKlei lengthways with 4 ttlats across with brads iu and to be painted black." In 1804, there were in tbe treasury "sixty. six clo.lars and twenly and a ball cents" and the same was ordered to be put cut at interest rud'Mo take landed security for tbe same." In 1807, Joseph Jackson was permitted " to enclose in a fence twenty eight feet square in the grave giound at the meet- ing hnuse wheie his wife is buried for a bury- ing gio'ind for bis family and such ot bis Fatliei's lamilj as may choose to bury their dead tliere." Among ilie ministers who supplied the Rork- • way pulpit jifier Mr. Caile kfl it is the Itev. L«-wis Williams <\bo was credited with " six months services in preaching the gospel in Rockaway Meeting House " tor wbiub be was paid $180. This was in IhOO*. During the years 1802-3 and 4 the congregatiuu paid five dollars a iSalbath lor the occasional supply of tbe pulpit. The Rev. Wes.-is. Lemuel Ford- bani, Crane. James Richards, Amzi .Armstrong, Aarou Coiidit, Mathms iJuriiet and Keys are *Mr. Jaiki-on sp< aiis of Mr. Williams '' as an Eu( lihbmaii jus' fr?m over the water who fnr six miiDilis was hire ; to i)reacli half bis time a' Roek.iway and ihe balance a> Suck 'Siinna. He was a baril preacher, mcire nf a Jew than a Gentile ax be l.'aci a j)eriect ablmrence (jf I'ork or Lard in ai:\ t-lrpc or combination iu bis lood. He boarded at my uncle llenjumiu Jackson, and my annt was not slow in piep r- ing bis lo< d with a good protioriion of swine's flesh in Kome form or other 1" uamtd on tne books as paid f pe has tailed and moved away, and the iurnaces tbeio and at Hiber- nia under new hands are doing an unprofit- able bumiess. Moi-es Tutlle, Stephen Jack- son and Benjamui Beach have become ricb.f The population has inert ased, and yet then as ever since there was tbat disparity in Wt-alth among tbe )>ei>ple which is common in com- m unities which depend ou the maiuitacture of iron. Within the bounds of the paiish there were seveial iiou mines that were worked. Among these were those at Mount Hope. Hil>erma, Mount Pleasant, and the Swede's Mine, eear Dovtr, which "was discovered about 1792 or 1794." 1 here were blast furnaci^s at Mount Kopo and Hibernia, and loigcs at R(>ckaway, Horse Pond, Denmark, Dovtr, Frauklin, Niu- kie, Sbauuguiu, and some other places. The iron was still taken to New Y'urk by way of Ebzubelbtown Point. As for the moral condition o. the community wlieu Mr. t arle was dismissed and until tbe lourtb pastor came there is bat one testimony . Not nieiel\ was rclit;lou at a very low condition, but irreligion was iu great power. Within tbe bouiidsoftbe palish there »*'as not a leading man who made a pr(.fe>si'in of religion. Some were open scoflTers, and tbe masses were negiecters of religion. One of tbe old men who has recently passed away oi>ce wiote to me of one part o( the par- ish at this time that "during the reign of Israel Cautield & Co., Dover, was uotoiious for its infidelity and wicktduesH of all kinds aud was considered a second Sodom. All the Pro- prietors as well as their Agents and Managers bad tmljiaced the sentiments of Toni Paino and they gloried iLdii-stminatiug themselves. The club included a great number of influen- tial men iu tbe cuunty. * ♦ » ♦ » Israel Cai-firld waBeon\eiied in the great revival under Rev. Albert Barnes at Moiristown, but tbe lest ol the club persisted in their opposi- tion." He speaks in the warmest admiration ♦One who often beard Mr. Fortlbam, says " he was longer winded than Mr. Baldwin, uiaU- ing tbe Sabbath a day ot pain rather than one or eibtication to tbo.xo Compelled lo ride those oUi stats Without cu.'bioiis to relieve I heir suf- hriUKs." Tlie tree and litsy peu of my old fiiind Mr. Jackpoii is discernible lu tbe sen- tence but all I hear of .Mr. Fordham from otljer sources is of iho same import. fStepben Jackson filed March 28:h, 1812. BMij..niin Beaeli, May 17lli, 1«27. aged 82 \eais, lidin Jaeob Faescli, Mav 2GLh, 1799, and Moses Tut tie, July lOtb, 1819." AliNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 113 ofMrH. Jacub Losey as a woman ot extraor- dinary pietv ami goodness, who w;is a KtMillc but powerful refuUtiou iu herself of the blas- pheniit'S «bicli ilifso nieu were nttering even when (le. It was no donbl of Mrs. Losey that Mr. King f-pcaUs in his de- ncription of Dover. " >he was one of the first fruits of my ministry, and her consistent and boly life ex'rted an impoitant ii flntnce. Her deat h whuli uld offer a prayer in publi: or at the bed side of the dying. This fas Deacon John Clark. Pro- fanencss, clrunkenress, Sabbath desecration, and other foims of immorality were gener.il, and. as Mr. King remarks in his Foitieth An- niversaiy sermon, "rehgion was at a low ebb, almost as low as it could be and not become extinct." And yet in this dreary survey there is one cheering fact that the people were determined to keep the church alive so far as tbe\ could do it by their contributions and attentions. We cannot doubt tliere had been from the very first some devout Christian people who bad carried this cbuich on their hearts, and the life of the churcli was in tbem hid ill Christ and therefore safe.* *The lollowing list of members of the church Ereviiius to ibe settlement of the Rev. B.irna- as King. I have nceived irom Hubbaid S. Stickle, Esq , who is now (1858) about seventy- three yeai> olil. All or most ol these persons are not nieniumed iu our other catalogues. CFFICEUS OF THE CHUECH. David Beaman, Wiliiam Ross, Jiibu Humiugton, Jacob Alliiiglon, John Cybb, JobAiluu, Obadiab (V) Lum. US' Mr. Stickle thinks he has heard that Abraliam Kilcliel and William Winds were ofiBoers MEMBERS. William "''inds, Rulianiah Winds, Josiah Bi-ainau, Huldab Beaman, John Oook, Jane Cook, John i'ecr, Beiiy Pier, Elizabeth Sticlile, (wife of Peter) Peter SSi.ckle. (son ot Elizibeth and brother of Giorge, Hubbiril's lather) Mary Allen, (Job) Mrs. CastLrhne, (Daniel's mother) Mrs. PIk be Ross, (Moses) Mrs. Patience Matthews, (James) Mis. Eliz;ibetb Lausaw, (Francis Lausaw) Daniel Tnttle, Eleanor Tattle, We now turn our attention to the new era in tins church's history. Among the accounts of the Trustees appears this item which was the first l)tam of a brighter day to Rockaway. " 1806, Jan. 2Gtb, cash paid Mr. King for preaching one i^abbath $4.50.' Although lie supplied the church occasionally during that year a nd the nest he was not permanently employed until in October, 1807. From that time until bis death, April lOlli, 1862, u period of almost fifty-five years, the history ot the church and his biography would be, if not the same, it'intical in many impoitaut particulars. A sketch of his life previous to his appearance in this pulpit will be pertinent to this history. Barnabas King, son of Amos Kirg, and bis wile Lucy Peikins, was born at New Marl- borough, Mass.. June 2d, 1780. He received a careful ekmentary education iu the public school, and there arrested the notice of his minister. Dr. Jacob Catliu, by his pioficiency as a scholar and bis admirable manners. Dr. Catlin offered to take him into his family and for bis services on the farm prepare him for the FresLman Class of Williams' College. He spent about two jears iu the paster's family winning his estetm, and in the fall of 1800 was admitted to Freshman standing at Williams. He was giaduated in 1804, and spent the year following in teaching and in the study of the- ology with Dr. Catlin, who, December 2l8t, Jlrs. Stagg. (mother of Eleanor Tuttle) Mrs. Slary Beaman, (David) Mrs. Ross. (William) Abraham Kitchel, Mre. Kiicbel, Mrs. Elizabeth Huntington, (Dea. John) Mrs. Williams, (at Ninkie) Mrs. Betsey Stiles, (wife of David Stiles and daughter of Abraham Kitchel) Mr. Stephen Beach, Mrs. Biach, Mrs. Anderson, (Eleakim) David Garngus, Sr., Abigail Garngus, Mrs. Innjc. (John) (ask Mrs. David Hamilton) Mrs. Lois Heiriman, (wjfj of John Herriman and sisier of Gapt. Job Allen) Mr. George Briukerhoff, Mrs. Brinkerhofl, Ml 8. Hannah Kitchel, (wife of James) Mrs. Tea bo, (wife of Nicholas and j^rand- nioi her of Jacob Powers) Mrs. Dency Hatheway (Silas) Absalom Lyou, Catharine Lyon, Samuel Beaman, Coon rod Esiler, Maigaret Estler, Euos Lymas, Mrs. Lymas, Enos Lymas, Jr., William Ray, Mrs. Rav, John Strong, Joslua W njret, James Lockwood, Charily Lockwood, Hi ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. ISOn, in a letter of comm 'mlatio'j speaks of him as "possei«.ing an amiable and hopelally Chiistiau cliaracler, who was RrnJuarcfl at Williams' CdIIoko and licensed by tlie Associa- tion of BiT!iet.hire Cninty to preach ilie k"S- pel as a caudid.ite for tbe Christian ministry. He has preaclied acceptably for a mimbor ol moutiispasf, and I feel increasing confidence to recommer-d bim to the further improve- ment and service o.'' Uie cimrcbes " Haviuj; during bis collese course spent a part of one winter in teaching at Little Falls, NY., be bad packed bis saddle bigs in De- cember, l'C5, to start tor Central Nev York in ■search of a field of labor. Tbe day belore he was to start his classmate Beach retnrnfd from New Jerse'- with reports of "an open door" in that region. Mr. King at once set oat on horseback, crossing the HmlFon at Newbiirg, and the line bi tweeen New York and Ne«- Jer- Bey atVernoQ. He spent Cbristmis eve at a country tavern at which there Wa3 a noisy oall Tbe next day be made his way to Sparta wheie Robert Ogden, a distinguished lawyer — father ol Col. Josep Jackson's first wi'e— received him into his family. He soon began to preach statedly at Sparta and Berkshire Valiey. He was in this position when he came to llocka- \iay on Friday the 21lh of January, 18(16, and preached at a private house bis first ser- Boon in the parish from tbe words '' To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under tbe heaven."- (Eccles. 3, I.) "On tbe 5ih of Oct., 1807, the trustees voted to oflfer thi' Rev. B.'.rnabas King two hundred liud eiglit dollars as a salary lor preaching in oui'nieeling houi-e f>r one half of tbe time for • o.ne year from and after tbe setting of the New Yurk Prerbytery in tbe present month" Mr. King was warmly commended t» tlie Itojkaw.iy people in a letter from Uobert Ogden o* .Spuria, aiiers that attended church and a pro- found religious interest in the congregation. In l^Og. there was a remarkable revival adding eighty-l'onr to the church. Tiiis revival was in progress when Mr. King'soidinitiou and in- stallation took place. The larger part of the converts were received into the chuicli by Dr. lliehaids of Morristown, as Mr. King could not ytt ailininister the ordinances. Tbe Presbytery of New York ordained and installed Mr. Kmg p.'.stor of the church on the •27th of December, 1808. Alihough the Meet, ing House hid l)"pn finished it w.is a rndc affiir. and very cold. It. had no stive in it un- til 1820. The day of the ordination was a cold Peter Kiuiome, niiu. Penina Searing, Mays Kanonsf, A'ligail Conliling, Itiitii (-iam'i) Williams, Saiiiuel Palmer, Susan Schidmori', Hei hmd Cue. PhPbe ( r inies) Shores, Thankful La'opson, S;imuel Beam tu, Hannah M ntou. Prudence Hathaway, Sarah Beaeli, Absiilom Lyon, Margaret Arnold, ('ailierme Lyon. Rachel Biiant, John Conk, Enos Squres, •lacob Pi<'r, Hionali Sqnres, Jo.inna Peer, Jacob Sqnres, R isanna Teabo, liiiza.ieth Hyler, .James Ferris and wife Cbaxity, 'J'beie lire 30 names in place ot 35. One of liies(! wlio were received 'ii ISiV^ wau Mrs Eliz.i'.ieih Cony:er, widow of Cam. Davi.l Conger- sii« was the in itlier of thirt 'tn chil- dren. S'Je is described as a woman ot groat eiier^v and e.xc.uknce. She was received into the cbnreli April lOlh, 1808. Snrrouutled by a lar^e laniily she taught ih"m (o wo: k and thus lo lie srll-snp->ortin:jr, and souglit. to le.id t'lem to Ciirist. With ihe uimosi puncuiahry she Lonttucte.! fiinily wor.sbip and livtd to sue bei so IS living nobly. Abjili wont South on a mission to the Indiins, and settled in Giorgia leaving a numerous and excellent bodv of de- Kceiid lilts. Joiin rimo»'od to New York and pas>ed a useful lile, ama-sed pionerty. was an hoiiori d older in the chureh, .ml a grand man every Way. St-pin-n di> the church and so- ciety a large number of people wlio largely ■jarry the moral impns." of th>! eljristi.in ances- iiees whose nmn^ liealsllns note. Her de- cid"-d pieiy dc cided the chirncter of herde-ien- (lants. She was marrii'seph and Wilii;im Jackson was ' the eeccnd— the first in New Jersey. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 117 Miss Mary DcCamp, a grand clau<^liter of Moses Tuttk', and it was a fact of singular interest that they and tlieir attendants with Mr. King wtre presents at the golden wedding. To this It may ho added as an almost unparalleled fact Guy M. Hincbman, a cousin ol J(jhii R. on the 21st November, 1816 was married to iSusan De- Camp, a younger sister of Mary. The Uev. Eamabas King perlormeil the ceremony. This couple also lived to celehrate the fiftieth anni- versary ot their marriage. Two cousins mar- rying two iristers, and both couple reaching t he '' golden wedding " male a uotahle fact. Kar ely have pertons in this relation lived more happily, a fact sufBciently accounted for by ge nial and manly character ot the husbands and by the beautiful and womanly character ot the \\i\ts. 1 may add that Cornelia DeCamp a sister of the two ladies just releired to \»a8 married to Chilion Beach and left several chil- dren, Dr. Columbus Btach is the oldest of these. Chilion F. DtCamp is a brother of the three ladies named. Indeed Jane Tuttle who married Jcpcph DeCamp has a following ot most estimable descendants. The same is true of the other daughters of Moses Tuttle. As an iuteiestmg factitmay be stated that several couples in the parish since 1859 attained the tiftietli anniversary of their marriage. Among thes'e are Col. S. y. Beach and Jane Hoff his wife, (the latter being a grand- daughter ot Moses Tuttle and cousin of Mary and Susan Hinchman.) John B. Kelsey and Delia Conger his wife, and John Garrigus and Folly Hall.* One couple, Mr. David Gordon and his wife were separated by her death Feb. 19, 1851 alter having lived together in the mar- ried relation nearly seventy years! The houses in the parish were plain struc- tures, even those occupied by the more vealthy. The villages of Kockaway and *0n the 8lh of April 1813, John Garrigus, Jr., long an elder ot the Rcckaway Church, and Folly Ball were united in niariiage by Mr. King and on the 7ih ot Aiiril 1821, John B. Kelsey and Delia Conger by same minister. At this present writing— April 26, 1876— both these venerabli" and excellent pairs are unbroken by death. Hie tiist over 63 years and the second fifty-live years of married l.fe ! Col. S. S. Beach was married to Jane Hoff on June 27th, 1805, and the relation was termi- nated by the Colonel's death January 19th, 1859. alter nearly 54 years of mairied life. Mrs. Beach survived her husband some filteen years, [so far as I know Samuel Garrigus and his wife Marv Ann Cring married by Mr. King Oct. 13th 1825- still are living. Undoubtedly Jerenii«h Baker and Mary his wile, Francis McCarty and his wile. Asa Berry anil Sally hie wife, William Ccoper and Hannah Ins wite, all of them belonging to the period of Mr. King's ministry lived in the marriage relation at least fifty years and some of them more. In all eleven " golden marriages" in one pastorate and in one parish 1 Dover were very small. The manners of peo- ple were for the most part very plain. I have heard more than one speak of \ouug ladies walking barefoot to church with their shoes in their hand until thev reached the little stream below the church where they washed their feet and put on their shoes 1 The singing school the apple-paring, and even the dance were among the amusements of the ycung people. For years the services of Simeon Van Winkle the tiddler were in great demand throughout the region, and at least one of my venerable in- formants told me he loved to dance to Sim's fiddling. The people had their stone Irolics and on all occasions made Iree use of applejack. There were few school privileges. Ihe books of the Parish also show that the more recent devel- opments of slow payment for minister's salary were only the repetition of a similar slowness years ago. The people began to repair their church soon after Mr. King came, and this continued at intervals until the building was succeeded by the present edifice in 1832. Perhaps it may not be beneath the dignity of history to recall the history of attempts to warm the church. As already named lu 1768 the parish voted to have a stove "if not pornitious," and in Mr. Carle's time there was a vain effort to have a fire place made in the church. Mr. King hael been preaching twelve years in the unwarmed church before the box stove bought at Mt. Hope of McQueen & Co. was placed on the experiment ot reducing the savage tempera- tui e of the old house. And even then so rude and inoperkct were the pipes that Mr. Gordon said they often had more smoke than heat, and that sometimes ihe house began to be comfort- able when the benediction was pronounced. Daviei Beaman who for years had swept the church at eleven shillings a year " once a for- tnate," set the tunes, and attends Presbytery and done many other good things le)r the church died in 1802. and David Gordon was his successor in the sexton- ship, an office he held so long that the schoolchildren supposii^g that of course be was to bury everybody were wont to wonder who would bury the old sexton. An attempt was once made to allow the aristo- cratic owners of the pews to build " cannipy's" over them, but it was voteel down. In due time the sounding board was placed over the pulpit, the main use of which seems to have been to excite the fear in the minds of the children that it might drop down and extin- quish the preacher. The singing was usually by a choir but sometimes by a precentor. From time to time changes took place by death, and removal. Such men as Faescb, Bernard Smith Abraham Kitchel, William Ross, David Bea- 118 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. man, Stephen Jackson, Moses Tattle, Benja- min Bcaclj anfl others were gone. In 1813 the Mount Hope Ftirnace alter beiu;? "blowed out" fourteen years was again set at work by Robert McQueen & Co. who rented the property of Henry W. and Lewis Phillips. This company operated the furnace until 1822 when the in- flux of Britixh iron broke it diwn. With this company came one of our excellent families that of the late Col. Thomas Muir, whose genial qualiti-s as the hospitable host and compan- ion arc remembered. Mrs. Muir and her sis- ter Ml a. Agnes Walker, were among the most devoted and public spirited members of the church.* By untiring industry and frugality Moses Tuttlc and Jeremiah Baker, of Mt. Pleasant, have become independent, and both lived to old age. Mr. Baker died August 11th, 1861, lacking a few days of 9i years. The iron interests of the parish are aflVcted by the tariff regulations, and not a few reverses are numbered in its history. Mt. Hope, Hibernia and some smaller establishments gradually fade out. The mines at Mt. Hope, Hibernia, Mt. Pleasant, and Mine Hill, begin to show promise of future values, when the prediction of Gov. Dickerson's father should be fulfilled, that the time would come when water would cairy boats over the mountains of Morris and Sussex. The Morris Canal was dng just in tinief to become the agent of the iron mines of N(!W Jersey and the coal mines of Pennsylvania. The first half of Mr. King's ministry was full of these changes in the physical conditions of the region in all the business by which the people lived. In the introduction of anthracite coal as a fuel for the house and for rolling mills was the prediction of the use of it for the blast furnace. Of course the railwav must also cooie to eS^ct its changes everywhere, but in no regions greater than in this. I am interested in the growth of values in mines. The Mt. Hope property which cost a mcie trifle in passing trom one embarassed owner to another, at last was sold for $80,000, *Col, Thomas Muir died Sept. 28th, 1855, in the G4th ytar of bis ago. Mth. Susan Muir his wife, died Oct 13tli, 18G0, and Mrs. Agues Walker, Feb. 22d, 184'.). +The Morris Canal was surveyed in 1828, although the question had been agitated sev- eral years earlier. In 1830 the first Inclined Plants was finished at Montville, and in the Spring of 1832 the canal was ready for boats. As a reininiscoiice it may be stated that the digging of tlie canal through llockaway was attended witii a great many cases of chills and fever, an incoaveiiienco only exceeded by the liard class of men who wer- brought together i>v tiie work. (Stuart's Civil Engineer, p. p. 202 8.) and now is worth hundred of thousands. The Hibernia mines were valued at a few thousand dollars at the beginning of this period, but now a million could not buy them. The same is true of Mine Hill and a score of other local- ities. But whilst the mines have steadily appre- ciated the forge properties have been aban- doned. All the (orges Irom Shongum to Franklin, those in the neighborhood of Do^er, Erckaway and in other parts of the county have succumbed to the cheaper methods em- ployed by the great estabiishnodnts at Boo n- ton, Dover and on the Lehigh. In the parish great changes have taken place. In 1832 the old church was abindoned tor tfce new one. In 1834 the Dover Church was set off. A Methodis't and an Epi.scoDal Church had also been organized in Dover. In Rockaway a Methodist Church had sprung up in 1833 ; also one at Denville, another at Hock- away Valley and still another at Boonton, as also a Presbyterian Church at the latter place, and one at Mount Freedom. In 1848 Mr. King said " five Presbyterian and five Methodist Churches have been formed m our bounds." Indeed the face of the entire field over which Mr. King extended his labors almost without competition for the first twenty-five years of his ministry, has undergone surprising changes. Rockaway in 11^08 had scarce a dozen houses, and now it has become a town with several adjacent villages. The same is true of Dover. At the principal mines are thriving villages. The locomotive now visits Hibernia, Mount Hope, Mount Pleasant and Mine Hill. The ores of these mountains go to Pennsylvania and the coal of Pennsylvania comes in vast quantities to this region. The old school house in which Harris and^Stickle taught, and its successor the " old R*d school house" Oy the church have been succeeded by the coinmodious school houses which afford education to all ihe children about them. Mr. Edmund D. Halsey in his account of the schools of Rockaway, isays the first school house in the village is ninied in a deed October 29th, 1774, and "it stood about where the kitchen of Dr. Jackson's house now stands. It was removed about 1800." The second school house " was on the Glen road on the hill where William Gustennow lives." In these houses George Harris and Geor,'e Stickle both tauglit. The third school room was in the upper part of the store room that once stood directly opposite Col. Jackson's house now occupied by E. D. Halsey. In 1807-8— or possibly a year later- the late Rev. John Foril taught school whilst he recited to Mr. King in preparing for college. Mr. F. was indefatigable, sometimes actually spciidiug the whole niglil at his books. ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 119 He ivas graduated with the second honor at Priucetun in 1812, and was for many years the pastor at Parsippuny. He was a scholar of large attainments, keeping up his acquaint ance with the ancient ciassicf!, a proficient in French, and when three-score mastering the G'irman. He died at Parsippany Dec. Slst, 1872, aged 85. He was in his mental power, history and religious life an extraordinary man, What became of Geoige Harris, the first teacher, "Old Hariis" as his pupils often called him at a later day, I never heard, (jeo. Stickle became a merchant, married a daugh- ter of David Benman, and died ■A'ithin thg bounds of the congregation. He was a store keeper and as some accounts snow the firm was "Stickle and Garrigus." The latter was David Garrigus, who was appointed an Elder in the church 1798. This is not the place nor is this the time to write a minute history of this parish. It has had remarkable men, and the history of the community is one of great interest, but it must be reserved for another pen at a later day. The history Oi the mother church is the thread of «ilver which runs through the whole and for tliat period as already intimated that history is to a very wonderful degree identified with the life of itt remarkable pastor, Mr. King. The chronic infirmity of the parish in regard to its finances never seemed to disturb him or to move his purpose to live and die for its interests. The people not merely rever- enced but they loved him, and with a fidelity rarely excelled he ministered to their genera- tions in the holy rites of baptism and the Lord's supper, and in the contrasted scenes of marriage and of death. In several cases as in the families of Muses Tuttle aud Stephen Jackson he had ministered to five generations of the same family, and in one case he held in his arn.s 'had Isid his hands on) a child of the sixth generation. He had comforted and bulled one generation, led their children into the church, marritd them baptised their chil- dren, and then ofliciated for their children and their children's children in the same way generatum alter generation, and surely it was no wonder that he was held in much honor. And here let me quote the words of one who knew him throughout his entire ministry and who for several years previous lo his own ordination was an Eider at Ruckaway. In a discourse prepared for the Piesbytery of Rock- away in 1858. the Rev. Peter Kanouse said, " may I mention the Rev. Barnabas King, of Rockaway, the oldest and longest settled pas- tor in the same church within our Synodicai bouuds. He entertd upon his ministry in that church in 1807 when it eonsist'd of tlurty-flve members where he has laboreil with ereat acceptance and success for fifty years. Dur- ing this period the Lord has poured out his spirit upon his congregation several times in a powerful manner. Hundreds have been ho|)efully converted to God under his minis- try. Under God he has turned many to right" eousness. Wiiat a crown awaits him in heaven ! He still lives amid a halo of glory he has drawn around him which will haug over his grave when his body returns to dust and his spirit to God who gave it. It is good to find such an object in this changing world on which the eye can fix with delight. It also spoaiss volumes of praise concerning his con- gregation whose stability, love, and liberality have sustiiiued, comfitted and adhered to him even down to old age, and who I doubt not will continue to minister to his necessities 'till he shall want no more.' I may not say more of him as a preacher, pastor, couuseller and friend, but an anecdote will be acceptable. I often heard men preach for Mr. King who were popular m the desk and celebrated m the church, and yet after such an one had preached in Rockaway aud the people questioned among themselves how they liked him. nothing was more common than to hear one and another speak approvingly of the stranger, but adding 'after all I would rather hear my own dear minister !" He was noted for nis wisdom in times of ex- citement and Mr. Kanouse says that he once set several politicians right who faucied they had some cause of complaint by saying to them one day, "I njtice, gentlemen, from Sabbath to Sabbath your seats are empty. I thiuk you must have taken oflfeose at our Meeting House I" It was a true "Pain Killer." The same kindly pen relates a fact often told in the parish that a passionate neighbor of Mr. King had killed one of his sheep, expecting to excite his anger by the. act, but a year afterward when not a word or act had given sign that the pastor had any knowledge of the injury his neighbor aked his pardon and repaid the wrong. The Rev. Richard Webster once wrote me that "Joshua, son of Mo-gan Edwards who wrote the History of the Baptists in New Jer- sey, lived many years at Morristovvn and held Mr. King in great reverence. He said that in public prayer he seemed to be under the espe- cial guidance of the Swirit, more particularly on days of fasting. He said fast day sermous unsettled both Dr. Richards and Dr. Fisher. Politics were so vehement that sermons aud prayers were watched fo- unwise words." That most cautious observer of men, the late Judge Samuel B. Halsey, passed a high eulogy when h" declared that "he had never heard Mr. King say a fuoiisii thiug," The Rev. 120 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. Albert Barnes odcc remarked " that, he kuew of no miinster whose walk, labor and success barl been so adairable as those of Mr. Kinj? of Rockaway." For the record of Mr. King's labors the reader is referred to b\s own nindosr account of them in his "Fortieth Aniiiver>:arT Sermon" delivered at Rockaway ou the 31st of Decem- ber, 1818. [ trust that this discourse will be republished in the " Annals of Morris Counly," but from it we ma\ take this summary of his method of lab'T and the results. He says, "I have preached about 12,000 times. My object has been to write jne sermou a week, and for a number of years wrote auothtr in part ; but for many years pas-t have written one only and pave what time I had to spaie to study the the other witliout writing. I hive, however, been obliged to preach sometimes with very liitlt time to premeditate what I should say. I have missed but few Sabbaths except when by sickness I was confined to my bed. I have never staid from the house of God on account of the traveling or weather, but once to my remembrance. "In my parochial visits 1 have endeavored to call on every family however r< tired or ob- scure within our bounds. From long exper- ience I am gatif-fied that no labor wiiich a mmister can perform is more hkely to be blessed. " During my ministrations here there have been added to the church 680. Of this number four became ministers of the gospel. 1 have baptized 547, children solemnized 417 marriages and atiended 681 funerals." Among the greatest awakening in the church vrere those of 1808, 1818, and 1832,* but from *Mr. King in his fortieth anniversary sermon says of ihc revival of 1832 tliat "during the summer of 1831 a number of persons had ob taincd peace in believing. But early in the tall sicknuss pu'vailtd iu tho cougrcgatiou to iUL-b au eiicnl that the muetii.gs couid not generally be atiended. For a time your pastor was confined to his sickchambrr sntl it seemed as il tl'.i-ro Would be no mori; inquirers. .\t the time, however, when we seemed in the greatest need the steps of a young liceniat'; were di- rected toward us. Mr. Haitield, who is still held in graitiul remembrance, sutiit three nionihM with UK, laboring with great Zealand unwearried perhevurance. As soon hh his labors commenced and tho sickness had so abated that the people could go to hear the word preache'l, it wi.s evident tliatthe Spirit ol God was with us. Nor did it depart oiiliis de paituj'c. No revival since 1818 was so general or continued so long. During this revival, which continued lor nioie tlian a year, 143 persouf were received to the tomniuuion of the church." 'ihe Rev. Edwin F. Hatfield, D.D., who is lelerred to in the above quotation wax graduated at Middlebury Ci>!legt, 1829, was settled at St. Louis for a time, hucceedi'tl Dr. Elisha W. Baldwin in the Seventh church of 1807 to 1862 there was not a year when some wer'' not added to the church, and there were several years in which many were added, al- though the work was not so extensive as in the years just nam d. Of the original elders when Mr. King came to this place John Clark. William Ross, David Peer (Mr. Peer died in April, 1824,) and David Garrigus were living. Mi. Ross had received Ills letter of disnli^sIou some years before. He died in 1807, jiint as the signs of a revival showed then.selvfS under Mr. King's preach- ing. It is said thr^t lie >hon ed pain in ncalling what Mr. Grover had said about those who had engaged in the singing difficulties, as if that pri diction vere to be fulfilled in his own speedv death. He was a good and public spirited man and his great-grandson, the Rev. Samuel P. Halsey was the sixth paster of the church. Of Deacon Clark I have already spoken. He was a remarkable man and died in 1824. Of David Peer, David Garrigus and some other members of the session I have not the means of speaking much. John Garrigus, Sr., was elected in 1809, and his son iu 1824, and both faithfully served the Ghurch for many years. Of Peter Kanouse elected in 1809, and serving until 1818, I have already spoken, as alse of the brothers, Joseph and William Jack- son. David Peer lived in Rockaway Valley, Benjamin Lampson. Samuel Hicks, and Josiah Hurd near Dover. Thomas Conger and Silas Hamilton were devout nr.en and elders. Of those who were living in 1847, 1 may men- tion Henry Beach, a most beautiful and noble christian man, whose memory is still cherished in the church, and John Mott who was elected to the eldership at tho same time. The latter was a carpcLter, a native of Long Island, who came to Rockaway when he was a boy tQ learn his trade. His conversion was striking and thorough in 1818. At once he devoted himself to christian work in every way within his reach. He studied the English scriptures with the utmost zest and committed to memory large portions, which he was wont to repeat to his Bible classes, and iu the weekly prayer meeting. He was possessed of a rare elo- quence, and both in prayer and public address ♦ Ins gift was conspicuous. Very timid by na- New York, thence was transferred to the North church in tho same city. Since leaving that ehurch he has been actively connected with the Union Theoiomciil Soniina.ry. For many years he was stalled cl?rk of the G'ueral As- sembly (U. S.), aid at the union of the two churciiLs he was elected stated clerk of tho (ieneral Assembly again. Ho was honored with the doctorate by Mariietta College in 1850. His name is favorably and widely known ihroughiiut tlie chiireh as a successlul preacher and with no superior as a stated clerk of th» General Asseniblv. ANNALS OF MOREIS COUNTY. 121 ture be was by tbo fitrength of hi? convictions as bold as ft lion wben the cause of truth re- quired it. For Ids n-nrh n tes-'^hin;^ the young out of the scriptures, superiuteuiling the sab- bath school, ruling well in the c'hurch, and his Dart in every good work he will bo long re- membered. Elected an elder in 1832 he filled the office vsilb great acceptance mure than thirty years. He died 18G6. Capt. George Rowland was one of the more recent elders, a man of a sweet christian spirit who ha\ing served the Master in his day and generation with great fidelity past to his rest greatly i-egretted. He died Jane 16 Ji, 1854. Col. Samuel S. Beach was a remarkable man and for many years a member of the session. He became a member of the church io 1818. He and his brother Chiiion divided the farm of their father who has been named in these pages. They were both of them excellent men in their enterprise, integrity, public spirit and worth in both public and private. Both were devoted Iriends of the church and aided to carry its burdens. They passed away leav- ing "a good name which is better than great riches." Chileon died in September, 1842, and Samuel S. Jan. 19th, 1859. I will mention but one more elder, Samuel Beach Halsey. He was born in Dutchess county, New York, in 179G, graduated at Union College, 1815, admitted to the bar 1818, was twice a member of the lower house of the New York Legislature, practised his profession in New York State until 1834 when he moved to Rock- awap ,and whilst his opinions on questions of law were eagerly sought his main business was the manufacture of iron. He was elected twice to the lower house of N.J. Legislature. In March, 1836, after a season of distressing conviction he became a chi-istian and was received into the church. In September, 1841, he was elected to the eldership, an oftice which he filled with distinguished fidelity until his death on tlie 15lh of September, 1871. This is a bare outline of his life. The details of that life could not be supplied by this pen without ex- citing the fuspicion of an undue partiality in him «ho holds it. His mind was one of rare power. It scrutinized each clement that passed before it as if analyzing a mathemat- ical proposition, aiid'where his judgment was rendered on the facts before him it needed rarely to be reversed. His mmd was of a ju- dicial cast, and held the scales with an even hand. Endowed with a wonderful afiBuence of the choicest words with which to convey his thoughts, and full of the richest thought on every subject he had examined, he was a de- lightful companiou, and the more so because of the humor and wit which constantly lighted up his t-peech and added delight to his com- panionship. And yet with all these rare gifts he was unable to conquer his aversion to ad- dress people in public assembly, whether at the bar, the political gatheiiug, or in the church. His feeling was such that ho aban- doned the bar for which he had such eminent fitness rather than be compelled to practice at the sacrifice of his feeling in this respect. His moral peiceptions were very acute and ho seemed to det( ct by instinct the presence of evil and no inducement could lead hitn to do an act which his conscience pronounced wrong. Not making a display of his feelings nor the reasons of his acts he was sometimes censured by those who did not comprehend him, but his fidelity to principle was a chief virtue. Between him and his pastor Mr. King, there existed a beautiful friendship that was only terminated by death. The rare and sa- gacious pastor appreciated the great gifts of his elder and his "spiritual son" and he m turn rated his pastor as a man of the purest worth, of a wisdom "that uevcr spoke a foolish thing," and a faithfulness in his calling that mar'icd him an extraordinary man. Among the remarkable men wbo had been in that ses- sion in some respects Judge Ilalsev had no peer. Of the physicians who practiced in this par- ish several are recalled. Dr. John Darbe, of Parsippany, and Dr. John Darcy, of Hanover, were often called and were held in great favor. Amoug these actually resident here I now re- call the names of four. The first was Dr. Mat- thew Hunting who removed here about the time Mr. Baldwin left, and who purchased x^Ir. Baldwin's farm near Savage Corner, on the way to Denville. The honse was near the great willow tree that stood by the road side. Dr. Hunting died June 4th, 1810. Dr. Ebentzer H. Pierson came here from Morristown and bought the parsonage built at Franklin for Mr. Carle. Dr. P. made this pur- chase in 1795, and resided here several years. The old people described him as a large man and very exteiisively employed throughout the region. It is said that he was involved in the failuare of Canfield & Losey at Dover, and reiBOved to Morristown p hero he continued his practice. Dr. Ira Crittenden was a native of Lennox, Mass., and came to this region in 1811. In 1812 he married Harriet daughter of Stephen Jackson, a most attractive and estimable lady. Ho taught school for a year at Denville and Hurdiown. He studied medicine with Dr. Eberezer H. Pierson, of Morristown, the phy- sician who purchased and occupied the par- sonage at Franklin. Dr. Crittenden soon made a great reputation by his devotion to his pro- fession and his success in its practice. He was 122 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. fond of books and was at Rreat pains to keep himself fully up to his profession, and at the same time he was a detci-min'.'d but cautious experimenter in search of light not found in the books. He was a delishttul comp.inioii. and if he had any fault it showed itself in his lingering at places where he found congenial companions with whom to discuss questions pertaining to literature, politics, meaicine or religion. Ho became a member of this church in 1818 with his wife, and both retained their connection until their death, although for sev- eral years they attended the church in Dover, fciome years before his death Dr. Crittenden Lad a stroke of paralysis, and died December 6th, 1848, aged 65 years. Mr. King preached his funeral sermon froja tho words " Mark the perfect man and behold the upright ; for the end of that man is peace." (Psalm 37:37.) Mrs. Crittenden survived him several years. He left several children, and two of his sons William H. and Thomas followed him in his profession. Dr. Wm. H. Crittendeu died Jan- uary 2Gth, 186iaged 49. Dr. John Darbe Jackson was tbe young-jst 6v.n of Stephen and was born in 1794. . He died November 17th, 1859, aged sixty- five years. He had practised medicine in Rock- away forty-four years, and was greatly esteemed in the community for his carctulness and attention to his patients. His practice ox- tended tar in every direction and he was most assiduous in his labors. He was noted for the gentleness of his manners in the sick room, and his presence tor that reason as also for his skill was welcomed by tlie sick. He never made a profession of faith in Christ j.ublicly by uniting with the church. For some years he bad been skeptical as to the divine claims of the christian rciigion, but as ho reached a point in life whence ho must of utcessity aclicipate the approach of death no gave his mind to the serious examination of the claims of religion, and in the end not merely ad- mitted its authority but yielded himself to it. Had he lived he would undoubtedly have joined himself with some church. He died suddenly. He was married to Miss Agnes Doughtv who still survives him. He left sev- eral children, one of whom, Dr. Johu W. Jackson, first shared and then succeeded to his father's practice. Among the lending men of Mr. King's period not yet mentioned were Charles Hoff, tho son- in-law ot Moses Tuttle, first manager at Hiber- nia, and then in business at Mt Pieasiant, and who died July 17tli, 1811, Mr. Stolcsbnry who managed at Uibernia, and was the father-in- law (if Gov. Philemon Dickersou, Col. John H. Glover, of Denville, and Thomas B. Segur, of Dover. Col. Glover formed a somewhat romantic marriage with a young lady in New York, whose wealth was in her unblemished name and great personal attractions. After his marriage he placed his wife ?t school where she might have the advantages ot edu cation, and be meanwhile purchased several hundred acres at Denville and built what has been known as the Glover House and resided there several years. Tnere his children— de- scribed as elegant people— were born and there he died September 20tl , 1832. He was a native of South Carolina '"here ho had large posses- sions. After his death his widow and children removed to South Carolina. Col. Glover is remembered for the only censurable act of hi8 life in New Jersey, the whipping of Mr. Jacob Maun, the editor of "The Palladium of Lib- erty," for some offensive article in its columns. Col. Glover was a liberal supporter of the church, holding a pe.v in the north-east cor- ner ol' the old church, and in many ways show- ing great esteem for Mr. King, who oificiated at his funeral. Of Mr. Thomas B . Segur a few words may be said for the sane of himself as no ordinary man, and also foi his relations to the community, both as a bank officer and a temperance reformer. He was sent by Anson <}. Phelps, ot New York, to Dover to manage the Union Bank as its Cashier. Of this part of his life 1 need not speak at any length, although his career in the bank was full of stiriing inci- dents. No man ever guarded a trust with more untiring fidelity than he did his. Nor was it an easy task lor a strangei to »elect from the multitudes who appeared at his coun- ter tho mcu whom he might trust, nor for a man of his decided convictions in all moral questions to lay them aside so far as to doter- luinc as a bank officer his duty in certaiii cases lather than as one who abhoied all intoxicat- ing liquors aud all wh.i dealt in them. And yet when one of them veu\ured to tuuut him as he discounted his paper he said to him sternly, '"I do this act uoi because you deal m whisney, but because as a busiuess man you are sound 1" Several times wild aud falue stories were started to the injury of tho bank causing several '"runs" to he made on it, and twice at least New York brokers sought to break it down by the prescutaliou of such an amount of the Uniou bauk notes as they sup- posed to be beyond its power to meet. In one case Col. Scott, the President, nearly fainted, but Mr. Sogur met and vanquished the diffi- culty with the utmost, coolness. His ability and fidd.ty in that tiust are well shown in the spi( ndid assets of the bauk when it was closed 11 nd its nu-aus put in other forms. Both in Dover and the -.t.tte at large Mr. •Segur was rccnguized as a most thovougu ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 123 temperance reformer. He came from Central New York, and was converted in the sireai re- vival wbich swept over that region fifty years ago. He had fo it was said been a great per- sonal sufferer from the intemperance of those closely allied to him, and for this reason, hs well as from both the hatred ol so hateful a thing as drunkenness and its causes, aud also/rom his sharp religious convictions, he never abatea his efforts to arrest the evil. His vaults were no fuller of money than his shelves of temper- ance literature. Speaking of all that pertained to his butiiness with the greatest care and zeal, he readily went from that to a theme that was nearer bin heart than money, the rescue of the community from rum. To many he seemed an extremist but if he did not. others have lived to see some of his most violent opponents adopt; his views. At one time some angry men with cannon sought to break up a meeting he had appointed. He was threatened with the withdravvmeut of business from the bank, and in various ways his enemies sought to force him to be still on this subject: But lie was as immoveable as a rock. At times so violent in his feelings and expressions as to -seem rude, he was in truth a gentle and loving man, who would sometimes give way to tears like a child when some object of suffering presented itself, or some of the more delicate themes of religiou were discussed. He lived a very ear- nest life and when at last he yielded to disease his highest eulogy was that he had plead the cause o) the druukard and had been a devoted friend of Him who had said •' Woe unto them by whom the otten^e cometh !" After a long and painful illnes-i he died October 9tli, 1851, To show the longevity of people in this re- gion it may be stated that trom 1847 to 1862 out of 383 persons whose funerals were at- tended within the field once solely occuped by this' church, 35 WL-re b(;t\veen 60 and 70 years, 35 between 70 and SO, 19 between 80 and 90, 10 between 90 and 91 and one said to have been 115 years uld. TLie last one was Juliet lijbbins a native of Africa, brouglit^to South Caroliua, and thence to New Jersey. Slie was received into this church in 1809. Probably the oldest couple who have died in the parish was Francis McCany and his wife who died respectively in 1839 and 1840. Mrs. McCarty was 93 years and as her husband died the year before I inter he was at least as old. Among the very aged people who have died in this parish were the '• Widow Hiucliinau," aged 90, David Hill, 76, Joseph Casterliut^ 87, Mi"s. Kannaii Hoff, nearly 90, Mr. Noah Estile, 81, Mrs. Chloe Hall, 78, Mrs. Ross, 80, John Garrigus, Sr., 60, Mrs. Wig ;ens, 86, Mrs Dav- enport, mother in-law uf John Earles, 91, 3Irs. Nancy Gordon, who ilied Feb. 19, 1851, ajjed 90, David Gordon, who died July 23d, 1852, aged 92 years and 10 months, Mrs. Smith, of Pigeon Hill, 88, Mrs. Naomi Palmer, 76, Mrs. Mary Baker, 73, Jeremiah Baker, 91, Mrs. Betsey Doland, of Mt. Hope, 91, Mr,4. Elizabeth Vail, over 80, Mrs. Electa Jackson, 85, Col. Joseph Jackson, 81, Mrs. Hannah Kitchel, 83, Mrs.Eliz^ibeth Kitchel, 75. Mrs. Lyon, (mother of Isaac) 84, Mrs. Margaret Miller, 85, Caspar Zeeke, 71, V/iUiani Cooper, 79, Mrs. Hannah Cooper, 79, Mrs. Jane Vandroof, over 90, Tim- othy Douglas, 76, Dame! Ayers, 79, Mrs. Polly Avers. 91, Mis« Rhoda Lampson, 93, Asa Berry, 75, Mrs. Sall\ Berry, 72, Mrs. Margaret Arnold, 79, Charles Sliawger, 89, Joseph Lyon, 74, Col. Samuel S. Beach, 77, Mrs. Jane Beach, 88, Mrs. Jane Johnson, 77, Phineas Ward, 75, Alexander Hill. 70, J..hn Earies, 76, Re?. Barnabas King, 82, Mrs. Clarissa King, 78, John Sanders, 71, Mrs. Sarah Tompkins, 87, John Conipton, 80, Mrs. Penmah Casterliue, 85, Daniel Casterline, 87, Elizabeth Casterliue, 85, Mrs. Eartice Pier- son, 94, Jacob Loscy, over 90 The list includ- ing Francis McCarty and his wife, and Juliet Rubbins, has sixteen persons over 90 years of age, and 19 between 80 and 90. It Mr. King hal carefglly noted the ages ot these whose funerals he attended, these figures would un-^loubtedly be greatly enlarged, no doubt doubled, as the most of these have died since 1847. Ill order to give this narrative some com- pleteness it may here be stated that the Rev. Joseph P. Tuttle in September, 1847, was called as colleague pastor with Mr. King. Mr. Tuttle received his preparatory education at tlie Newark (N. J.) Academy and at the Gran- ville (O.) Academy, was graduated at Marietta College in 1841, Lane Theological Seaiinary in 1846, was licensed by Marion Presiiytery, April 4th, 1844, was ordained and installed by the same Presbytery as pastor of the second church in Delaware, Oliio, April 2l8t. 1846, removed to Rocnaway and began labor there in November, 1847, and on the 26th of April, 1848, was in- stalled colleagne pastor by the Presbytery of of Rockaway. The Rev. Samuel L. Tuttle, of Caldwell, preaciied the sermon from 2 Cor. 2, 16. " Who is Kuffieient for these things ?" The Rev. Barnabas King presided and jmt the con- stitutional questions, the Rev. Daniel H.John- son of Mendham delivered the charge to the pastor and the Rev. Sylvester Cook of Wan- tage 1st, the charge fo the people. The in- stalling priyer was offered by the Rev, Jacob Tuttle, the pastor's father. Having made this statement it remains to give a succinct account of the closing years of Mr. King's life and relations 'o the church. Tlie burden of the, labor was snared by him to the close of his lite, and his judgment as to its 124 ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. V ants was. admirable ap his interest was un- faltering?. As already stated hiB first sermon was preached here in January, 180G, bis stated labor bepan in October, 1807, bis ordination and installation took place December 27th, 1808. Ou the 31st of December, 1848, he preached bis 40tb anniversary sermon, which was published. He also preached his 45tl) auniverssaiy on the words, "And now behold the LDrd hath Uept me alive, as be said these forty and tive years, &c." (Joshua 14:10) At its close he read in a tcne of great tenderness one of Watt-i' versions of the 71st Psalm : "God of my childhood and my voulh, The jriiide of .ill my days, I hsve declared thy heavenly truth, And told thy wondrous wavs. Wilt tliou forsake uiy hoaiy hiiirs, And leave my I'aiiitius liearl ? Wiio shall sustain my sinkinjr years, It God my strength depart? Ac " (Watts' Psalms, 71st. 3d'p. C. M.) It WHS an occasion that was both rare and grand, and one that reflected the highest honor both on the pastor and his people. On the 24th of December, 1854, Dr. King again preached an anniversary sermon, being the forty-sixth of bis pastorate, and the forty-ninth of his ministry in the one church, since he preached his first discourse in Rockaway on the 21th of January, 180(5.* The text in the circumstances was very thrilling. " The night is far spent, theday isat hand." (Rom. 13:12.) This discourse contained many pleasant rem- iniscences, but its author was unwilling to give it to the press. On the 12th of December, 1858, the Session of the Presbyterian Church at Rockaway adopted a minute and directed a copy of it to be sent to Dr. King, its senior pastor, in view of tlie fact that the fiftieth anniversary of his installation, as the pastor of the church, was at hand. In this minute the Session speak in terms expressive of gnitifude to God for send ing such a faithful man to be their pastor, and for the abundant rt suits of his ministiy. Its second and third resolutions are in these wordf : " Rtsolved 2d, TliHt we congratulate our venerable Pastor on the approach of so interesting an anniversary, and that we earn- estly desire him on the Lord's Day previous to that occasion to preach a memorial sermon of his ministry among tins people. Resolved 3d, That we l^rTcntly pray God to continue our beloved Pastor to us many years more, and that his latter days may be blessed with rich and numerous proofs of the Lord's faithful- ness and love." In accordance with thiri re- quest the venerable man pieached his fiftieth anniversary seimon, from the words "The Lord bath blesfcd thee since mv coming," ♦Entered in the old Rockaway Trustte Book. (Gen. 30:30.)* The sermon was not given to the press, but was heard wi'h profound inter- est by the large audience that crowded the old church. Let it be added that Dr. King was spared to his people more than three years after the occasion just referred to. He sometimes preached, but ot«ener exhorted and always with acceptance. His mental faculties re- mained unimpaired, and his interest in every- thing pertaining to his fiit-nds, the church and the country, was as warm as in early man- hood. The Monday night the news of the Bull Run i^isaster gave such hoiiible unrest to vast multitudes in the loyal Slates, was spent by him in sleep as trustful and s.weetasan infant ; and he said "Children, it cost us seven vears of dreadful war to give us a nation ; it will cost us years of moredreadfnl war to save that nation ; but you need not fear as 'fit were not to be saved. It shall live and not die." In the spring of 1862 it was thought best by himself that he tender bis resignation formally to the parish, but his faithful people to their honor reiused to receive i(, prolessing to him an unabated atlachment. He had now been in ihat lelation fifty-three years and several months. On the second Sabbath in Maich, 1862, ke had performed his last official act in public, wit h a singular fitness, it being on the GCCHSion of his last communion with the church, at the close of which he stretched forth his hands and with such pathos and beauty pronounced the apostolical benediction recorded in the thirteenth chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, twentieth and twenty fii St verses, that many were moved to tears, and some even said they had never heard the woids before! More than fitty-six years be- fore he had preached for the first lime in that congregation, and more than filty-forir years - from October, 1807— he had been preaching there regularly, and lacked only less than a year of being their pastor during that long pericd. During that time he ministered in several instances to five generations of the same family, aud in one case to six genera- tions. j His honorable career was drawing to *By a pleasant coincidence, too marked to be neglected, that very year was the one hun- dredth anniversary of the Church's organiza- tion. Thus two interesting facts were asso- ciated in the same services. A series of dis- courses was conscqueniiy prepared by the Junior Pastor, the author ot this sketch, Ihu first of which was delivered on the evening of the day that Dr King preached his fiftieth anniversary sermon. These circumstances furnished, in fact, the substance of the paper on "The early history of Morris County," sub- mitted to the N. J. Historical Society in Mav, 18G9. ^When Dr. King began to preach in Rock- ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 125 its close ; not a dog wagged his tongue against liim ; the entire commnnity regarded him wi+h niiabiited veneration ; and now he placed on such a public carter the Ijeautilul crowning act of that benediction. People are wont to note coin^idcnrep, and it was noted as singular that the very day that Dr. King's resignation was laid before the parish, and declined as already stated, he be- came ill. The parish meeting called to con- sider the resignation of Dr. King and his colleague occurnd March 20th, and was large- ly attended. The people resolved unpnimously not to accept Dr. K.'s resignation, affection- ately expressing their will that he should con- tinue their pastor until death should termin- ate the relation. Whet this fact was commu- nicated to him the morning alter its occur- rence he ex])ressed the most lively pleasure saying as the tears ran down his cheeks "They have always been a kind pe<'ple!" Probably in the long period of his ofiBcial connection witii the church he had never a happier mo- ment than that in which saw his congregation clinging to him as if indeed he were a father. After a sickness of several days he passed from earth as peacefully as a little child passes into sleep. He res»ed from his labors on the 10th of April, 1862, and on the 13th his remains were consigned to the grave, in the midst of such a concourse of peop'e as was never before gathered in that old yard! At his own request the funeral sermon was preached by his colleague in the pastorate of the church, who away, he boarded in the family of Moses Tut- tle, Esq., the sixth child and fifth son of Col. Joseph Tnttle, of Hanover, and his wife Abigail Ogden. C'^l. Tuttle and his brother Timothy settled in Hanover, in Morris County, about 1733 or 4. Col. T's second wife was Abigail Nutman, a sister of the Rev. James Nutman, the second pastor of the Hanover church. Their sou, the Rev. James I'uttle, was the first pastor of the churclies at Rock- away and Parsippany. Dr. Kinp; was the pas- tor of Moses Tuttle ; of the daughter of Moses, Mrs. Hannah Hotf, widnw of Charles Hoft" ; of her daughter Mrs. Jane Beach, widow of Col. "^amuel Serrin Beach ; of her daughter Mrs. Delia Hazzard, the widow of the Rev. Silas H, Hazzard; and he lived to see Mrp. Hazzard's daughter and grand child on a visit to Mrs. Beach, the venerable great-grandmother, who at the time was still living I Making six gen- erations of one family who lived in the period of his ministry. The late Matthias Kitchel, Esq., also married Caroline Beach, the great- granddaughter of Mcses Tnttle, and Dr. King lived to see her grand children. He ministered to five generations of Capt. Stephen Jackson's family, viz : Capt. Stephen Jackson, his son Col. Joseph Jarkson, his daughter Mrs. Sarah Dubois Halsev, and her children and grand children. The same was true in other in- stances. The whole constitutes a singular and perhaps not very easily paralleled state- ment of permanence and longevity in his pas- toral ofiBce. selected for his text on the occasion the words 'By the grace of God I am what I am ; and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain ; but I labored more abundantly than they all ; yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me." (1 Cor. 15:10.) This dis- course was published. In his able and interesting nistory of the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Gillett thus de- scribes Dr. King, of Rockaway, in language which does not seem extravagant to those who knew him. " Frail and feeble in appearance, and supposed by all to be consumptive, he was spared to the discharge of a long and useful pastorate. * * * ♦ But while faithful to his special charge, he did not neglect the mis- sionary field around him. With the best men of the Jersey Presbytery he bore his full share in Itinerant evangelization, going trom Powles Hook to the Delaware, to tell the destitute of Christ. The monuments of his success were scattered around him fiir and near. One of the most eminent of his contemporaries— the Rev. Albert Barnes— remarked that he knew 'of no minister who'-e walk and labor and success had been so admirable as those of Mr. King of Rockaway.' His great ambition was to win souls. His one book was the Bible. As a preacher, he was simple and scriptural ; and his whole course was characterized by good sense, consummate judgment, earnestness of purpose and devotion to his rork. Usctulness he preferred to eloquence or learning. Yet his utterance was always manly, and at times fervent. One of his most critical hearers re- marked ' that he never said a Ibolish thing.' Amid fragrant memories and the rich harvests of the usefulness he coveted, he descended to the grave in a ripe and beautiful old age. The wrinkles of more than fourscore years were on his brow, but there were no wrinkles on his heart. His ' closing hours were marked by peace and cheerful hope, and when called to depart he was ready for the summons." He lacked only two months of being eighty-two years of age. TO TBE CONOKEGATION OF THE FIK8T PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH IN ROCKAWAY, N. J., ASSEMBLED IN PARISH MEETING. Dear Brethren : — The undersigned associ- ated as the colleague pastors of this church and congregation, desire to tender to you the resignation of our office and to ask you to unite with us in requesting the Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation which now sub- sists between you and us. It would be unjust to you and to our own feelings were we to refrain Irom expressing to you our unalterable attachment and confi- dence. " For what is our hope, or joy, or 126 ANNALS OF MOREIS COUNTY. crown of rejoicing ? Are not even ye in the prppence ol'onr Lord Jesus Cbrist at his com- ing? For ye are our gloi'v and onr joy." The lact, as it has hpeo stated to us, that our love lor yon is reciprocated by you W!th no dissenting voice, is one that both cnobar- asses and dchgbts us. Had yc u been less than unanimous in you) expressions of attachment we could less reluctantlv take this step, and yet the oneness of yowr afl'ection we esteem as among the sweetest fruits of our pastorate among you. It is more than fifty-six years sinco the Senior Pastor preached his first sermon here, and more than fifty-three since he was ordained and installed as the pastor of this church. Very few are now living who witnessed that scene. Great changes have taken place since that time, and yet amid all these changes this church has never varied in its attachment to one selected and placed over it by a generation, the most of which have long since "fallen asleep." It is compared with this, a recent event, the settlement ot the colleague pastor. Nearly nineteen year* ago he first preached in this place. Fifteen years ago he supplied vour pulpit a few Sabbaths during the dangerous illness ot your pastor. Early in November, 1847, having accepted your call, he began nis labors among you, although not lormallv in- stalled until the following April. This brief perio'l has bc^eu fu'l of changes in the congregation and community. Some of the standard bearers have fallen, and others have taken their places. It is our belief that God has placd his seal on the act of this con- gregation, in consequence of which we became ciilleague pastors of the church. It is not necessary to enter into any det.iiled statements of the reasons which have led us to s-eek a dissolution of a relation thus far sn happy and fruitful. The step has been taken alter earnest, prayer to the head of the church for his guidance, and after a protracted and carelnl (Xanmiatiou of thi; field to which tlie Junior i*a^tllr has been called. We ate to pli-asc not ourselves, butCbiisl m this mattKr, and although we cannot make this cliange wilhuut eiquisiie pain to ouriJelvcs, it seems to be our d'uiy. \\v may have erred in our judgmtut ol the duty required of us, but if so. It has not been an error intentionally com- mitted. VVioUiug and praying that grac?, mercy and peace liom God the Father, aud the Lord Jesus Christ ma\ be with you and this entire flock. We are, uear brethren, Yours in the Lord, (Signed in behalf of the pastors.) JOSKPH F. TUTTLE. llockaway, M. J., March 19th. 1862. It was Die intention lor the Senior Pastor to oign this paper, but sicktieis prevented him. EocKAWAY, March IDth, 18G2. Dr. Be.\ch : Dear Sir : — I suppose from present appear- ances, in case of my release from the pastoral care of the church, that I shall not be able to arrange my business to leave soonf r than th» last Sabhath in April. If it be doomed best I can snpplv the pulpit until that time, but I leave this entirely to the judgment of the church. It will greatly facilitate my arrange- ments to liave the Trustees enabled to settle with mc whatever balance may be due. Any accounts against mc by pew holders can be turned on the books. Truly yours, Joseph F. Tuttle. EocKAwl^Y, March 15th. 1862. Having learned that a parish meeting is to be held on Wednesday, the 19th inst., that the people may have opportunity to express their views in regard t>) the continuance or discon- tinuance of the relation between them and their pastor, Kev. J. F. Tuttle, D. D. Sup- posin'^r this may result in calling the Presby- tery to act on the subject. I wish to say, thai in case his dismission shDukl be effected, I shall request the Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation between me and this people which has subsisted nearly 54 years. Th's request originates from no unkind feelings, Irom no want of attention, but simply from the fact that from age and infirmity I can no longer be of service and might be considered in the way of the settlement of another pastor. Should the dissolution take place I shall take leave of this people with a deep sense of grat- itude for the many and long coutinued kind- nesses which tlif-y have manifested and the forbearance which they have exercised in re- gard to my frailties. My prayer will be that God would soon give to this people a-pastor after liis o^n heart and one in whom all shall be harmoniously united. Whatever may be the result reached bv th« Pr(>sbytery, I trust that pastors and people will acunowledge and feel that it is ot the Lord. Baunabas Kino. FATHER KING, OF ROCKAW^Y. (From tue New Yoke Obsekveu.) On Thursday, April 10th, 1862, the aged and beloved man whose name stands at the head of this article, entered into rest. On the Sabbath afternoon following, a vast throng of people from the neighboring congregations met with the bereaved church at Rockaway, to pay a trilmte of love to the departed pas- tor. Hundreds were not able to gel into the church, which wis draped in deep mourning. The exercises were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Magic, of Dover, Johnson, of Hanover, aud Ford, of Parsippany. Tlje sermon was ANNALS OF MORRIS COUNTY. 127 preached by the Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle. D. D., fourteen years colleague pastor with the de- ceased, in compliance with whose wish the arrangement was made. The sermon set forth "the giaceofGod as manifested in the character and labors of the successful minister ot Christ," and was found- ed on 1 Cor. 15:10, " By the grace of God I am whai I am ; and his grace, which was bestowed on me, was not in vain, but I labored more abundantly than they all : yet not 1, but the grace of God which was with me." The personal statements made by the preacher, concerning the character and labors of the deceased, were very simple. The flev. Barnabas King, D. D., was boru in New Marl- borougn, Mass., June '2d, 1780; at the age of fourteen was prevented from becoming a cabinet-maker by the sagacity of his pastor. Dr. Catlin, who offered to tit him for college in four years, in consideration of his laboring for him during the summer mouths. \t tlie age of eighteen be was converted. He then taught school to get the mu-ans of entering college, and in the spring of 1802, he entered the Sophomore class of Williams College, half advanced. lu the fall ol 1804, lie was grad- uated, after which he spent a year teaching, and studying theology. October 15ih, 1805, he was licensed by the Berkshire Association, and having in vaiu sought a settlemtnt near home, he was about to start for Westeru New YorK, then a new countiy, when a letter from his class-mate, Beach, turned liis steps to New Jersey. He preached in Rockaway the drat time January 25th, 1806, from Eccl. 2 : 1, 2, "'A time to be born and a time lo die ;" bui for a year and a half labored at Sparta and Berk- shire. In October, 1807, he becau his labors statedly in Rockaway, dividing his time be- tween this place and Sparta. Very soon there began a revival, which added to the church eighty converts, and in the midst of such scenes, he was oraained and installed the pas- tor of the church, December 27tli, 1608, the eermon being preachedby Dr. John McDowell, the only one who participated in the transac- tion who now survives him. During the entire lime of his sole ministry, that is from 1807 to 1847, there was only one year without addi- tions to the church from the vvoild. That exceptional year was 1817, in the fall ot Avhich began " the great revival of 1818," which brought 151 converts into the church. The next greatest work was in 1831-2, Avh^n he was aided by Rev. Dr. Hatfield in a manner greatly endearing him to the people. In his 40th anniversary sermon, preached Dec. 31, 1848, Father King stated that he had attended 681 funerals, baptized 547 children, solemnized 417 marriages, and received into the church 680 persons. For many years his labors were spread over a territory which now includes five Presbyterian and five Methodist churches. He had regular appointments at Powerville, Rockaway Valley, Lyonvillc, Green- ville, the Glen, Mt. Hope, Denmark, Berkshire Valiev, Dover, Miue Hill, Shoregrove, Union, Fianklin, Harrison ville, besides those at the centre. For weeks together he preached ten times a week. He was indefatigable in his pastoral labors, being assisted by an admir- ably constituted Session. He was dignified and serious in his manners and so consistent that no one questioned liis piety. His style of preaching was very sim- pie, but scriptural, au'l usually very earnest. His heart was lull of sympathy, and in all respects he was a model pastor, to whom his flock was perfectly devoted. In several in- stances he has ministered to five generations of the same family, and in one instance to six. His thoughtluliiess, generous forbearance and helpfulness in the delicate and often unpleasant relation of the colleague pastor- ate, were only needed to round out his admir- able 3haracter. It is a fact that is honorable to both the senior and junior colleague in that church, that they should have been associated fourteen years with not merely harmony, but with a devoted affection well fitting that of father and son. The very day he was stricken with bis last thickness, his resignation was offered to the church of which he had so long been pastor. This was on account of his colleague's accept- ance of the Presidency of Wabash College, and he did not wisb to be in the way of settling a successor. But the church, with a noble spirit, refused to accept his resignation, alleging as a reason their wish, if it were God's will, that he should die their pastor, and be buried among his own people. His mind was in perfect peace, unclouded with a doubt, aud he passed to his home amid the teara of as loving and devoted a people as ever cheered the declining years of a minister of Christ. Many men have shone more bril- liantly in the Church and State, but very few have lived so as to make a brighter mark or leave a more enviable reputation than Father King, of Rockaway. -*-LLF.<>K. lMJi.'.N.\. Jn.v iTH, 187r.. BEN J. II. VOGT, riilNTER— THE IIION ElU OFFICE. noVEIl. N. ,T. BMH^O- THE ORATION. — « f -.-O^^fT^O — t -- The hero and the s'iiiae have been severely condemned and yet men continue to worship the one and bow at thtt other. In so doing they mean no wrong, but merely express the sentiment of admiration we feel for a great deed and the one who performed it, and the sentiment of reverence which we experience for the place in which a great deed has been performed and a great man has Ijeen. We may in our philosophy jeer at Mr. Car- lyle's notion of hero-worship, and feel grieved as we see our fellow men bowing at their shrines of what ever kind. And yet the greatest philosopher uncovers his head at the tumb of Washingtoa and the most devout Protestant is thrilled with rever- ence as be stands under the tree where Luther rested, or at the sej'uleher which holds his dust. Mr. Webster in his speech at Valley Forge said "there is a power in local association. All acknowledge it and all foci it. Those places uatarally inspire us with emotion which in the course of Human history have become connected with great and interesting events." On this one hundredth anniversary of our nation we experience sentiments which are among the best ever felt in the human bre.ist. We think of the original colonies, in. themselves weak, and this weakness increased by their independence and jealousy of each other ; of the contrast between them ind the great power that coerced them— they weak, it the strongest on earth ; of the conviction which leading men in England had before the collis- ion that " notwithstanding their boasted affec- tion for Great Britain the Americans will one day set up for independence" — a conviction which such men as, Franklin regarded as the port«ntiouB prophecy of bloody battle, and they therefore in all sincerity hastened to assure the people and rulers at home that "Americans can encertain no such idea unless you grossly abuse them," and that "a union of the Ameri- can colonies was impossible unless they be driven to it by the most grievous tyranny and oppression ;" of the scenes in many a private home and many a council chamber, as well as in the more public assembly, whether of legis- lators or people, in which with unutterable forebodings and agony and yet with heroic courage the best and truest men in this coun- try weighed every principle, determined the character of every act affecting them, and at last announcing their independence fought for it through years of darkn^s and blood ; of the special incidents of that long struggle and the great men that acted on the conspicuous theatre in the presence of all civilized nations, Concord, Bunker Hill, Trenton, Yorktowu, bat- tles which were the offspiing of Independenc** Hall and the Declaration —the Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jeffergom, and the greatest of them all Washington. I say, wo think of these great acts and great men and with more fervent devotion than ever we pronounce the words, " OuK CoujfTKY," and we yield our homage to the men who gave us acountry and we devout ly bow as at a shrine at the spots where they achieved the deeds which give them immortal renown. But whilst today we indulge in these remi- niscences of our national glory — these great in- cidents and persons that find place in general history— let ours be the humble task of re- counting some incidents which are part of the history of Morris county during that period which to-day is in every thought. And here I find myself beset with a peculiar embarrassment which is both like and unlike that of the great French pulpit orator when he preached in the cathedral of the French capi- tal. Like him when he preached sermons al- ready printed and in the hands of dis hearers, all that I know of our local history has beon in your hands for years ; and unlike him in the. eloquence with which he sv ept away the em- barrassment, I in my humble gift of speech mu6t yield to it with an appeal to my hearers for their indulgence. In former years gather- ing many a fact ot our Revolutionary hittory from lips that are now dead, and from sources so scattered in archives, libraries and garrets that many of them now are beyond my own reach, I have not hoarded them, but without money and without price have given them free- ly to the press, the historian and the orator. Some of these facts, so precious to me as their preserver, in one case with no recognition of their source, are found in a general history of this country ; in another a graceful pen so pre- sented them on his glowing pages, and so kindly defined their source that in their new REVOLUTIONARY FOREFATHERS bttputy I almost forgot they werci CYer mine ; and in still another case the tongue of the Sen- ator repeater! th*:n so eloquently and with such generous commendation— I crave pardon for the weakness — that though a thousand miles away as I read his words, ray blood tingled as with wine. Thanks to the historian, the journalist and the Senator for their appre- ciation of this incomplete, yet genuine, labor of loTe amid the reminiscences of men and things a handred years ago in this goodly county of Morns! And yet this does not help mo to-day and here very much, for \^Jicther I speak of our own heroic men and women, or of those patriots who dwelt here during two winters in house, oabiu or tent, or of the things grave, or the thingB not so grave, that were done among these hills so long ago, a hundred of my hearers will either nod or shake their heads in approval or dissent as if they knew these things a great deal better than the speaker himself, which no doubt they do since they have his knowledge »nd their 6wn ! You see, my friends, how much I need your forbearance, and how kind it will be in the wisest of you to look as though you nevtr had beard of these things as I repeat them to-day ! And, moreover, even if you do hear these things for the hundredth time, pray remember that Yankee Doodle, Hail Columbia, and the Declara- tion are quite old and familiar, and yet old as thev are how they cau^e the blood to leap I Though they had seen the old flag a thousand times, "the boys in blue" wept and shouted as they saw it run up at Fort Donaldson and Port Royal ! How different the Morris County of 1776 and the Morris County of 1870 ! It is true its moun- tains then as now were grand to look at, the conspicuous watch-towers whence our fathers ■aw the enemy and gave the alarm, and yet these mountains then stood in the midst of a sparsely settled wilderness in which were scat- ttired a few towns and villages with far fewer acres under cultivation than in our day. Its churches were few, the principal being the Presbyterian churches at Morristown, Hano- T«r, Bottle Hill, Rockaway, Mendham, Black Biver (or Chester), Parsippany, Succasunna, thn Congregational Church at Chester, the Baptist church at Morristown, and the Dutch churches and OldBoonton andPomptonl'lains. Its schools were few. The late Dr. Condit says that the majority of those who learned the most common English branches did so in night schools taught either by the preacher or some itinerant Irish scholar. The roads wore bad and the wheeled vehicles so scarce that at the funeral of a light horseman on Morris Plains after the war, as an eye witness onco told me, there was only a single wagon of any sort pres- ent, that being the one that earned the re- mains to the grave. Dr. Johnes the pastor, the attending pbysician, the bearers, the mourn- ers, and the friends were either afoot or on horse back. Nor in this respect was this funer- al of the light horseman very different from the more pretentions funeral of the Spanish Am- bassador who died at Morristown the second winter the army was in this pla e. The manners and oecnpations of the people were simple. The fleece, the flax, the spinning wheel and the house-loom were found in every mansion, and the most eloquent men at the bar and in the pulpit, as also the most beauti- ful women, and brave men who made this coun- ty so glorious in those days, wore garments which the women had made of cloth which themselves had manufactured. They were hardy, simple, frugal, brave and good, and when the conflict came it required as little to keep both men and women in fightirg condi- tion as it did the soldiers of the Great Froderic. The contrasts between the beginning and the end of the century in these as also in many other respects are remarkable, and one cannot but bo inspired by it not only to glory in the splendor of our county as it now is, but in the stunty simplicity o f the people of our county as it then was. The strength of the county as a military po- sition has often been noted. On the south, not far beyond the Morris boundary line, is Wasii- ington Rock, on a bold range of mountains well adapted for observing the movements of the enemy in the direction of New Brunswick, a» also for repelling an attack. Coming north- ward we have Long Hill, the Short Hills, and Newark Mountain, on which are many points which on a clear day com- mand a wide view of the Passaic and Hack- ensack valleys, together with that sweep of countiy which includes the Bloomfield, New- ark, Elieabeth, Rahway, Amboy, Bergen, the Neversink Highlands, the Narrows, and, but for Bergen Hill, New York itself. One does not need to be a Jerseymau to admire such a view as he gets from the Short Hills, Eagle Rock, or the rugged ledges of rock just north of the toll-gato on the mountain back of Montclair. But it is not of the beauty of this regio», but its strength, that I now speak. An enemy ob- served is half vanquished; and from these watch towers, which guarded the approaches to Moiris county, especially the one on the Short Hills, near " the Hobart Notch," night and day se ntinels were casting jealous glances to de- tect the slightest sign of an enemy. It is also sure that loyal men, scattered over every part of the country between these Highlands and New York, were on the alert, and their courier* OF MORRIS COUNTY. always ready to ride .swiftly westward to the hillH of Morris to carry the alarm. Ou these elevated places were signal guns and the bea- ei>u8 ready to be kindled. On Kimball Monn- rain, Denville Mountain, Green Pond Mouu- Sain, and even on the spur of the Catukill rauge dividing Orange county from New Jer- sey were other stations like that on the Short Hills; so that, let the enemy never so secretly cross to Staten Island, and thence to Eliza- hetbtown Point, or in the winter cross the tueadowa to Newark, as they often did, the eye of «ome sentinel, either ou the hills or the plains, detected the movement, which the flying cou- rier, the loud-montbcd cannon or the ominous beacon flaming its warning from mountain to mountain, conveyed to a patriotic people, who themselves were ever on the watch and ready to respond. On several occasions the enemy moved across the river from New Brunswick, or, crossing the Raritan, reached Elizabeth- town, Lyou's Farm, Connecticut Farms, and twice Springfield, within canncn shot of "the Old Sow," as the signal gun was called, and tlic beacon on the Short Hills. But such were the advantages for watching the enemy and alarming the people, and such also the natural strength of its mountain ram- parts, that the enemy were always met by large bodies of as brave men as ever bore a firelock to the defence of altar and home. The enemy supposed himself unobserved, but invariably found himself confronted by a foe that seemed to him to spring out of the very ground or to dro p down from the clouds. There were sev- eral inducements which led the enemy greatly to desire the possession of, or at least a closer acquaintance with, the county of Morris. It was well known that Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., whose widow was Washington's hostess the second winter, had built a powder mill ou the Whip- pany river, which was making considerable amounts of "good merchantable powdtr," the amoont of which Col. Benoui Halhaivay was careful to exaggerate by what might be called " Quaker powder kegs," that were filled, not with powder, but with sand, and these, under careful guard, were conveyed to the magazine ! There was not only the well-guarded Powder Magazine in some safe place, but the general m agaziue on the south side of Morris Green, W hose treasures of food and clothing and other articles for the army were in fact never enough to be of any great value, yet Colonel Hatha- way so managed the deposits made there that they seemed to a'l but the initiated very form- idable. A dozen miles north of Morristowu were sev- • ral forges that were furnishing iron for the army for horse shoes, wagon tire and other pufposes. And at Mt. Hope and Hibernia, each about four miles Trom the village of Rockaway, were two blast furnaces. The former was the property of John Ja- cob Faesch, a patriotic German, and the other belonged to General Lord Stirling, and under the management first of Jos. HoflT, and after his death of his brothei Charles, sons of Charles Hoflf, of Hunterdon. At both these furnaces large quantities of shot and shell were cast for the army, and at Hibernia Hoff made repeated attempts to cast cannon, and in one of bis letters to Lord Stirling says ho "did cast one very good one, only it was slightly de- fective at the breech." These manufactories of army mnnitiona wore supplemented by large lireadths of arablclaud, a considerable part of which was of excellent quality, and wnich all together produced an immense amount of the provisions needed by armies. And not only so, but the acres of Mor- ris were the key to the richer acres of Sussex. Indeed, it is diflScult to exaggerate the impor- tance of our county in all these respects, and when we add the fact that it was a perpetual th reatcning to the enemy who made New York their base, we can see why so many attempts were made by the enemy to penetrate it. Some of the attempts were by Tories, led by Claudius Smith, who once threatened Mt.Hope and who actually robbed Robert Ogden be- tween Sparta and Hamburg, Charles Hoflf at Hibernia, and Robert Erskino at Ringwood. The most imposing attempt to visit Morris county was in 1780, under Kuyphausen, and he reached Springfield, where he was suddenly confronted by a part of Washington's army then in motion for the Hudson and great num- bers of the Morris minute men. Dr. Ashbel Green says his father. Parson Green, witnessed the fight from the adjoining hills, and rumor says Parson Caldwell did not stick to the hills, but mingled in the fray, which gains some no- toriety from his distributing the hymn books of the neighboring church, accompanied with thb exhortation to "put Watts into them," be- lieving that the best hymn of Walts would make a good wad in a patriotic gun 1 Here, too, it was that Benoui Hathaway's wrath was so excited because his commander ordered his troops to the top of " a Hy Mountain" ii stead of against the enemy. It was here also that Timothy Tuttle, with a company of men, making their way through a rye field, poured a deadly volley into a detach- ment of the enemT taking dinner. The pepper made their soup too hot for comfort, and they left it in a hurry. And here, too, it was that an American officer was badly wounded, and one of his men, named Mitchell, ran in be- tween the confronting armies and on his own strong shoulders carried his captain to a place REVOLUTIONARY FOREFATHERS ot safety. As his act wa,B perceived the enemy fired a volley at hun, concerning which he aft- urwards remarked, wjth amu»ing sirapUcify, "I TOW I was skeared 1" And here I may qaote a conple of verses from an old newspaper of the day to show how I he Tarn eftort of Kayphausen to roach Morris county was regarded by the men who drove bim back : " Old Knip And old Clip Went to the Jersey shore The rebel rogues to beat ; But at Yankee Farms They took the alarms At little harms, And quickly did retreat . Then after two days' wonder Marched boldly to Springfield town, And sure they'd knock the rebels down; But as their foes Gave them some blows, They, like the wind, Boon changed their mind, And in a crack Returned back From not one third their number 1" The remarkable fact remains that the enemy never reached our county, except now and then a marauding party from Orange county, like those led by Claudius Smith and the Babcocks. 1 have mentioned the rapidity with which the alarms of invasion were cir.ulatcd through the county, and the readiness with which Mor- ris couuty men hurried to the place of danger. There wure two oiganizatioiis in the county which had much to do with this splendid fact. The first of these was what was known as the "asBOciation of Whigs." Among the papers of the late ColouolJosepb Jaekson, ot Rockaway, I found the original pa- per containing the articles of " the asHociation ef Whigs in roquanac Township, 1776," with one hundred and seventy-seven autograph sig- natures, except a score or so made their "marks." The articles rehearse the reasons for thus associating in the somewhat lofty and intense style of the day, and declare that " we are firmly determined, by all means in our p«wer, to guard against the disorders and con- fusions to which the peculiar circnmstances uf the times may expose us. And we do also fur- ther associate and agree, as far as shall be con- sistent with the measures adopted lor the pre- servation of American freedom, to support the magistrates and other civil officers in the exe- cution of their duty, agreeable to the laws of this colony, and to observe the directions of our committee acting." The Committee of Safety for Pcquanoc can- sisted of Robert Gaston, Moses Tuttlc, Ste- phen Jackson, Abram Kitchel and Job Allen. Each of these had a paper like the one quoted, and circulated it. The one here referred to was in the hands of istephen Jackson, and pei>- haps as many more names were on the papers held by the other members of the committee. In each township of the county this organi- zation existed in such strength as to include most of the loyal men. Busides this there was an organization known as " the minute men," who were I'cgularly en- roUea and officered, and they wers pledged to be always ready to assemble at some precon - certed rendezvous. In critical times the min- ute men took their guns and ammunition with them everywhere, even to the church. This little fact is the hinge of an anecdote I hatl from Mrs. Eunice Pierson. She described Gen . Wm. Winds as a powerful and imperious man. a devout Christian, who took his part in tne lay services of the old church at Rockaway when there was no minister, uttering all oi"d»- nary petitions in quiet tones; but when nc prayed tor the country raising his voice till it sounded like thunder. Although he had been a leading officer in the army, after his rctire- ment ho became a minute man, always cirr>- ing bis wagon whip and his gun into the church. One Sunday during sermon he ap- plied the whip to an unruly boy, and on another Sunday a courier daslied up to the church door> shouting the alarm that the e'ie- my was marching towards the Short Hills. Of course in a trice the meeting adjourned in confusion, not waiting for & btJiicdictiou. Gen Winds seized his gun, and rushing out of the house ordered the miuute men into line ; but, lo and behold! not a man had his gun 1 "Then," said Mis.Pierson, "Gen. Winds rav< »l *nd stormed at the men so loud that you might have heard him at the Short Hills!" liou may remember that Dr. Ashbel Green speaks ot Winds' voice as " stentoiophoric. It was ar- ticulate as well as loud, and it exceeded in power and efficiency every other humau voice that 1 ever heard." And yet, caught unarmed that time, the general rule was the contrary. Whenever the signal gun was heard or the om- inous tongue of flame shot up fi\)m the beacon hills, or the clattering hoofs of the courier's horse over the roads by day or by night to tell the people of the invading eu-. emy, these minute men were in an incredibly short time ou their way to the appointed places of meeting. I recall an illustration which may show this whole iDOvemcnt of the minute men in a beau- tiful manner. In Mcndham there was a minute man named Bishop. The battle of Springfield OF MORHIS COUInTY. occarrod June 23, 1680. Tlie harvest was uuu- saally early that sutimifr, aud tbia man that raoriiing was harvostiug his wheat wlien the sound of the sigual gnu was luintiy hoard. Tbcy hsteued, ind agaiQ the souud came booin- iag over the hills. "I must go," said Iho far- mer. "You had better ta1;e care of your wheat," said his farm haud. Again the sound of the sjuu pealed out clear iu the air, aud Bishop exclaimed, " I can't stand it. Take care of the grain the best way you can. I ara ofif to the reacue !" And in a few minutes was on his way to Morriston-n. And be says that as lie went there was not a road or lane or path along which he did not find troops of men who. liijo himself, were hurrying to the front. We hare only to recall " the association of Whigs," with their committees of safety," and the organization of "minute men," which were formed in every part of the county, to un- der».Und how it was that our Morris yeomen were always ready to resist any attempt of the f-nemy to invade the county. In fact, they were resolved that the enemy should never reach the county if they could prevent it. Their spirit was expressed iu the familiar reply of Winds to th«s youn^ English officei who came toCh;it- ham bridfi-e to exchange some prir.oners. Said the young Englishman, " We mean to dina in Morristown some day." " If you do dine in Morristowu some day," retorted Winds in not th« most reftoed language, "you will sup in hell the same evening!" We cannot understand the remarkable effect- ivenees of the people of this county during that long war without recalling the fact that all the resources of the county were conceatrated aud handled by the "Association ot Whigs," aud the "Minute Men." There is another iufluenco to be added and in the grouping I certainly mean no disrespect to either party. I now refer to the women aud the clergy of Morris County. In the wars of civil- ized nations both these will be found a power- ful agency, but in some wars their influence has been very positive and direct. It was so iu the war of the Revolution and pre-eminently so in this county. At the very beginuing of the conflict Mr.Jefferson asserted the necessity of enlisting the rehgious sentiment of the coun- try by appointing fast days and inducing the ministers to preach on the great issues of the day. He admitted that he could see no other way to break up the apathy and hopelessness which were destroying the popular courage so aecessrry at such a crisis. It is a very interesting fact tha-t a sk.ptical statesman should have sagaciously perceived and recommended such an agency. At once the force thus invoked did that which it was ab-eadv doing, but now with the authoritativo endorsement of the highest character. The ministers of the several chureees— preeminent among them— it is not invidious to say Congre- gational and Presbytorian— on fast days, aud in tlieir oidiuary services dwelt on the very themes which had evoked the oloqueuce of Jeflferson iu the Declaration, of Henry, aud Leo, and Adams, and ilutledge in legislative halls, and of others not less Uiighty iu their appeals to the peo- ple. It is not saying too much to declare that when we consider that with all the reverence in which in those days they were held as God's ambassadors, and the high character they pos- sessed as men of learning, purity wid public spirit, their appeals carried greater weight with vast multitudes than any words of the mere pol- tician or statesman. In that day far more than in this the minister was clothed with a sort of divine authority, and when the American clergy from the pulpit -lenounced the tyranny of Groat Britain and commanded theii; hearers to go to the rescue of their "poor bleeding coun- try," it was in a measure as if God himself had spoken by them. The ministers in Morris County during thai period were chiefly Presbyterian and Dutch Reformed. The leading Presbyterian iniais- ters were Johues at Morristowu, Gi'oen at Han- over, Kennedy at Baskingridge--a part of which was iu this county -Lewis and bis suc- cessor Johue at Mendham, Horton, Aarou Iticbards and Bradford at Bottle Hill, Wood- hull at Chester, and Joseph Grover at Parsip- pany, David Baldwin, C!ongrega,tional, at Ches- ter, and Dominie Myers at Ponipton Plains. There were other ministers in the county, but I have named the principal ones. Of these we ujay single out Johnn.s and Green as fair sam- ples of them all. The eulogy which Albert Bariie;^ prouounci;d on Dr. Timothy Johues 's fully sustained by the facts. An able and nometimes a truly eloquent preacher, he was a remarkable pastor, and his ability in that respect was tasked to the utmost daring the two years the American array was in Morris County. If anyone diubts this statement let bim examine the "Morristowu Bill of Mortali- ty," which is simply a record of funerals which he himself had attended. In the year 1777 he attended 2(t5 funerals, of which more than half were caused by small pox, putrid sore throat, and malignant dysentery. During a part of the time his church was occupied as a hospital for the sick. The same was true of the church- es at Succasunna and Hanover. The latter was used for "a small pox hospital for patients who took the disease iu the natural way.' The fact that the Morristown church Avas occu- pied as a hospitnl accounts for the other oft- lold fact that Washington once received the communion elements from Dr. Johues at a REVOLUTIONARY F OREFATHERS Hacrimental service Lold iu a {?rove at the rear of the Doctor's own house. The story has l>oen liiseredited by sonio, but I have heard it from too many who were liviug whfu it occurred to doubt its truth. Dr. Johnes threw himseir with the greatest ardor into the cause of his countrymen, and liis influence was widely felt over the country. The Rev. Jacob Green — ''Parson Green" as he was commonly called— was a marked man. One of the most thorough and assiduous pas- tors he was also an able preacher. Besides this he had an extensiw practice asa physician, r jid unable to educate his children otherwise he opened and managed a classical school with the aid of a tutor. He did not a little alno in other kinds of secular business, such as milling and distilling, and as if these were not enough to use up his energy be drove quite a law busi- ness, wrote articles on political economy for tho DeT>spapers, served in the Legislature, aud was for a considerable! time "Vice President of the College of New Jersey. He was held in the greatest reverence and died in the midst of his labors which bad been extended in the one par- ish ever a period of forty-four years. In the pulpit, the bouae, the newspaper, aud in all places Mr. Green espoused the cause ol Independence with the greatest zeal. >Such was his known influence in the parish aud county as a citizen, a minister and a physician, that tiefore he issued orders to inoculate his soldiers Washington invited this country parson to a consultation about this impoitant measure. (oDVinccd by Washington of its necessity, both Green and Johnes— and no doubt Kennedy, Woodhull and tho othei Morris county minis- ters — took the matter in hand to inoculate tlieir own people. They arranged hospitals and dic- tated every plan witli a preui.-.ion and positive- uesB that was not to be disobeyed by their |)ar- iehioners, and such was the weight of this au- thority that it is said very few of the members of these churches disregarded it, and that few of them died of the foul disease. Of the C8 funerali from this disease attended by Dr. Johnes only six were members of his church, and these died before the local arrangements for inoculation were perfected. I mention this as a sign of the authority of these ministers, and to show what an influence they exerted in favor of the cause of American Independence. How they wrought in the good cause is matter of record. The Associated Whigs and the Minute Men of Morris heard many "a powerful prayer and discourse" from these ministers to make them of good courage. With these men we must associate the women of Moms County. There were some torics in the county. Thomas Millege, the bherifi elect, was one, and ho was not the only one. There were some in Rockaway Valley who impudent- ly declared their expectation that the British would triumph, in which event they had ar- ranged which of the farms belonging to tho Whigs they would take as their share of tho spoils! But so shrewdly and bravely did Mrs. Miller concentrate the Whigs of that region through meetings held in her own house a.s to defeat the r?s:als and clear them out. So often has the story of the Morris County women been told that Hear any reference to it may seem tedious to you. It was no uncom- mon thing for these women to cultivate the fields and harvest the crops whilst the men were away to the war. On mere than one occa- sion not 8 dozen men, old or young, were lett in the Whippany neighborhood. The same was true in many other neighborhoods. Anna Kitcliel was a fair rf prcscntative of all the Mor- ris County women, in both scorning "a British protection" when her husband and four broth- ers were in the American army, and in keeping the great p(it full of food for the patriot sol- diers. Yes, she spoke for a thousand like herself when she said so proudly to the Deacon who urged her to get a protection, "If the God of battles will not take care of us we will fare with the rest!" Brave Anna Kitchel! and ovor in Mendhara the second winter the army was repeatedly reduced to the very verge of starva- tion, and with roads blocked up with snow for milts, so that at one time a correspondent of a Philadelphia paper says there was "an enforced fast of three days in the camp." Th( poor fellows were only saved by their own personal appeals to the farmers of the county. Cf>l. Drake once told me that for months that wmter not a roostrr was heard to crow in the region so closely iiad they been killed and the balance were only kept sr.fe in the cellars! And the hungry, bare-footed and thinly clad sojdiers went to the Morris County kitchens, and Hannah Carey, the wife of David Thompson, - she once scalded an impudent tory— spoke for all the women who presided over these Morris County kitchens, as she ladled out the food fr om her great pot, " Eat away, men, yon are welcome because you are fighting for the country ; and it is a good cause you are engaged in!" Brave Hannah Thompson! brave Anna Kitchel! brave women of Morris County I The men fought well for the country and -so did the women I In the Now York 01>server recently appeared a spirited anecdote of a Mrs. Hannah Arnctt of Elizabethtown, who hoard h(T luisband and several other dispirited patriots discussing the question of giving up the effort to national independence. When she saw the fatal conclu- sion to which they were drifting she burst into OF MORRIS COUNTY. t,h<' loom, and in spite of the renaonatrances of h(*r husband, rebukeJ their weak i-owardiee aud j4a;d to hjni, "What greater o»u>e could there he. vhnn that of country. I married a good man and liue, a faithful Iricnd, and loyyl Christian gentleman, but it needs no divorce to sever me from a traitor and a coward. If you take the i nfan.OHS British protoctiou which a trcacheroUH t'UcHiy of yonr couuti-y offers you— you lose your wife and I— I lose my husband aud my home I" Hauuah Arnett spoke for the patriot women of America ! and she was as grand an any of them ! The burdens of the war fell very heavily on New Jersey. It was " the battle ticld of the Revolution." The presence of the armies in {•ursuit, retreat or battle, put the counties below the mountains in a chrcnic distress. ludeed such were the hardships endured at the bauds of the entmy in these lowland counties, that tlio people held in the greatest detestation "the !ted coats and the Hessians." From their presence the Morris County people were free, «nd yet it should not, be forgotten that the almost intolerable burdens, consequent on the presence of the American army two winters, fell on them. During the winter aud spring of 1777 — th0 army reached Morri^town about the 7th of January, 1777— the soldiers were billeted (»u the families of Morristown or Hanover, lUittle Hill, and other parts of the county. Twelve men %vere quartered on Parson Green, sixteen on Anna Kitchels' husband Ural, a jicon? on Aaron Kitt hel, and so throughout the immiDg district, lo these families it was al- most ruinous, since all they bad svas etrarted unduly. We are not to forget the more con- spicucus names and deeds which belong to our Revolutionary history and which after a' cen- tury shine out like stars at night m tho clear sky. They will not be forgotten. Prom a thou- sand platforms THEin praises will be reliearsed this day, whilst the booming cannon and the pealing bells, and the glad shouts of our people shall proclaim how we prize the great men and deeds of that heroic period. Wo have followed today a humbler impulse and recalled the fore-fathers of our own coutity in the Eevolution. We have ouu herots, and our shrines are where they wrought for their country. Each old parish has its heroes, and each old church was the shrine at which brave men aud women bowed in God's fear, consccrat • iug their all to their country. And surely no descendant of them can stand on the Short Hills at the point where the unsleeping sen- tinels of the old county stood a hundred years ago, nor wander along the Loantica Valley, or over Kimball Mountain where American sol- diers sntTertd and Morris county men and REVOLITTIONAKY FOREFATHERS women sastained them, nor tread the )aw ils that envirou the old Ford mansion aud enter its honored hallu where ouee dwelt Washington j iu the midst of a circle of illnstrioiis men with- j out profound emotion. j These are our shrines, aud as liom these j points we look over the magnificent county of i which we are so proud, we are not to forget i that our ancestors did what they could to save j it from the euemy and make it a place iu his- , tory. But this picture of the patriotism, the j trials aud the triumphs of oar Morris county ajicefitors fairly represents the people in other counties ot New Jersey and the other States of the Union. It was the people who asserted the principles ot the Declaration. If they had not felt as thev did, and labored aud suflfered as they did, if they had not laid themselves and their children, their estates, the increase of their herds and their flocks, the golden wealth of their fields and grauaiies, indeed their all on the altar of their couutry, if from thousauds of family altars, closets and pulpits, the people had not sent their cries to God lor their coun- try, even Washington could not have gained as what we now have, a cocntbt ! We love our country and it iQ worthy of our love. Let us not ceaso to jiraise God who gave the men of 76 wisdom, courage and fortitude which led to results that are so conspicuous to-day. The liepublic has survived a huudred years. It has passed through some tremendous perils, and I fear the perils are not all past. I speak not as a partisan to-Jay, bat ar; au American as I assert the eonvicti:>a that amidst the shak- ing foundations of systems and beliefs and nations in every part or the eivilizod world it will be well for every American patriot lo fortify his heart, not by referring to the examples of Greek aud Rinnan hcrofls. but by rt calling the names of those who signed the Declaratioh, and fought our battles and through great and heroic sufferings wrought ont for us those triumphs which arc now emblazoned in rwsuli* vastly grander than tacy ever dreamed of. And iu these glories of our Centennial year let us proudly remember that in the schievc- ment of these glories the meu and women who a hnndifd years .ago lived in .Morris county bore an lior^oiable part, and see to it that tiny are forever held in grateful remembrance. Fellow citizens of Morris county, I have thus thrust out my hand at random and gathered into a garland a few of the naiucs aud deeds of the patriot fathers who a hundred years ago bore their part in the great struggle foe independence among the grand old hills 7->^%r^X^ ■<,"> X^^"' ■^ -i x^^^- ^^ ' , X -* aV^ , 9?, ^ , X ^ aV^ 9?, ^ ^ ^ * o /• -% V ^ ^ * / -% V . * i L" CJ-< ^ » ). °