3|||^ F144 .A8H4 Copy 2 ILLUSTMMEB. 'v_^-', -A^ .46 i^ ra ILLUSTRATED J. D. SOUTHWICK, MANAGER. DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH ..Cbc Sbelburne MICHIGAN AVENUE REMAINS OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. EVERY CONVENIENCE, INCLUDING HOT AND COLD SEA-WATER BATHS, AND PASSENGER ELEVATOR. THE A. B. ROBERTS CO. HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT Has Enlarged to Double its Former Capacity The Travinore has long been recognized as one of Atlantic City's most popular and famous beach-front hotels ; and the extensive alterations and additions just completed make it a model of comfort and elegance. Rooms en Suite, Baths attached. Etc., Etc. Capacity, 450 D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner and Proprietor. 'Phone 27 K Hotel Luray 'Phone 109 Large Rooms, Single and En Suite, with Private Sea and Fresh Water Baths Piazza joined to the Boardwalk. Heated Sun Parlor and Pavilion on the Ocean Write for Illustrated ,r^ci A M \\/HITPr C CniV Open every month Booklet to JOSIAH WHITE & SON i„ the Year HOTEL DEHMIS Centrally Located. . . . Capacity^ 450. Open the Entire Year. Modern and Complete. Luxuriously Furnished. Booklets upon Application. THONE 10. JOSEPH H. BORTON See view on opposite page. 'Phone 22. ACCOMMODATIONS Pennsylvania Avenue, Ocean Front. Overlooking the Ocean -:$;2^ Enlarged and Refurnished throughout. FOR 300 GUESTS. Sun Gallery. Elevators. Hot and Cold Salt-Water Baths in the House. Enclosed vi^alk of glass from Hotel to Beach. Billiard room and all the appointments of a first-class house. Coach meets all trains. Ocean parlor on the beach, free to guests. Telegraph and Long Distance Tele- phone in the house. CHARLES EVANS & SON. See view opposite i)age 25. '^ •••Open all the Year. ii HOTEL 5T. CHARLE5. ^^ ^be Xatest Conception ^^ 4v ot a Scasborc il •^.. tbotel. M Directly on the Ocean Front, at the foot of St. Charles Place, Two Hundred Feet from the Breakers. /IIb06t Brtistic JBuUDing in Atlantic Cit^. ^boroucibl^ /llboDern in all its appointments. jforts IRooms en Snite, witb private JBatb. An ever-flowing artesian well on the premises, bringing the water crystal pure, from a depth of 1000 feet. Ball and music room, 60 x 75 feet, large dining room, seating 500. Reception Halls, etc. See view opposite page 32. '^^^'^' '''''' 3amCB B» IRCUllJ* Hotel Morton Vir§:inia Ave. near the Beach* T HE CUISINE RECEIVES Accommodations for THE PERSONAL j// 250 Guests. ATTENTION OF THE 'M\ Elevator from Street Level. ^^\y Sun Parlor. OWNER AND MANAGER 1' g^jj^^ MRS. N. R. HAINES, FOR- |. Shuffle Boards MERLY MANAGER OF i THE CHALFONTE. \ Long Distance Telephone. Ocean View. For Terms and Full Particulars, Address MRS. N. R. HAINES, Telephone 407. Owner and Proprietress. See view opposite page 42. HOTEL I5LE5W0RTH ^ VIRGINIA AVENUE, ^W9f Directly on the Beach. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. A Modern Hotel in Every Respect. Fresh and Salt Water in all Bath Rooms. ^ HALE & SCULL, Managers. See view opposite page 52. THONE 163. ORCHESTRA. MILITARY BAND. ^f Rooms en Suite, with Sea and Fresh Water tf Baths. Elevator from Street Level and com- plete Electric Plant. Steam Heat. Sun Par- lor. A Table d'Hote Luncheon and Dinner served in Cafe. ****************** ***** Hotel Rudolf On Beach Front. Terms, $3.00 to $5.00 per day. Special Rates for May, June and September. Accommodations for 600 Guests. W. E. COCHRAN, ChARLES R. MyERS, Cliief Clerk. 'Phone 111. Proprietor. See view opposite page 62. iv : H 3 3 S * S £ rt E c 2J iU 3 O £ <« 83 U U3 S2 u « ^ - s s « — — ^2^r- ., ?3 bfi P lU « ^ S d ^ == ^0.2 3 f« ^ •^ = rt > Ji .> L. +J U a u p. C cn J J o lU _ 3 (U C 1) (U IJ 0) ^ t5 = ^t; > HJ^.ti CI o to ■D CD d r 1 ^ ■£h ^ : rt t « I . distance of the centre of amusement, OOOKiei. will find the Royal Palace the place they seek. F. N. PIKE, Proprietor. Also Proprietor of the HYQEIA HOTEL. Old Point Comfort, Va. The Jackson. Directly on the Beach at Virginia Avenue» Full Ocean View. New, handsome fire-proof hotel, built of brick and stone; complete with every modern appointment. Rooms en-suite with private bath. Elevator from level of street. Capacity 200. Open all yean Illustrated booklet^ show- ing plan of rooms, mailed SENSOR St IMEL upon application Entirely New Hotel with Full Ocean View from Every Room. Rotel Piempom, Ocean end of new Jersey Jfuenue. Buffet and Grotto— Ground Floor. Convenient to Golf Links. CONDUCTED IN THE MOST LIBERAL AND APPROVED MANNER. .• .■ .• .• .• •• HANDSOMELY FURNISHED. CAPACITY 30 0. Thoroughly Steam Heated. Elevator from Street Level. Electric Lights. Rooms en Suite, with Bath. Write for Booklet. €bannell Bros. 'Phone 47=? , RooFiNc^rr'' ""'''' Steam and Hot-Water Heating, METAL WORK. wt,v,u O^ 817 ATLANTIC AVENUE. 'Phone 130. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. ESTABLISH ED 1878 . TELE PH O N E No 1 75. OUi:^ER H. GWXTRIDGE. GENERAL. CONTRACTOR, Dealer in Mard\A/are, M ou sef u rn ish i n g Goods, WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS, PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, WINDOW GLASS, W. L. RiDGWAY, MANAGER. 1326 ATLANTIC AVENUE. T^^LBERTSON St YOVyiSG CO. HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND STEAM HEATING, Stoves^ Heaters^ Ranges^ and Housefurnishing Goods, TELEPHONE 47. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. L. E, FREEMAN, 1022 Atlantic Avenue, Practical Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter. Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage a Specialty. Constantly on hand a full line of Gas Fixtures and Globes. TELEPHONE 192 WILLIAM HEALT) CO. ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL, Flour, Feed and Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt, Soap, Corn Meal, Etc. Telephone No. 93. BALTIC AND CONNECTICUT AVENUES. RICHARD McAllister, BALTIC AND Dealer in COAL and WOOD KENTUCKY AVES. Telephone No. 606. ALLEN B, ENDICOTT Counselor-at-Law UNION NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Rooms I, 2 and 3 Carlton Godfrey B. C. Godfrey GODFREY & GODFREY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ...MASTERS IN CHANCERY AND NOTARIES PUBLIC... Rooms 13 and 15 Real Estate and Law Building ROBERT E. STEPHANY Counselor-at-Law Office^ 17 and 19 Real Estate and Law Building HAROLD F. ADAMS ARCHITECT Telephone 348 Rooms 30-32 Law Building S. HUDSON VAUGHN ARCHITECT 'Phone 178 Rooms 45 and 47 Law Building MECCA OF THE VISITORS The Ocean Pier Nearly 3000 Feet Long JOHN L. YOUNQ, Owner and Proprietor ..FOOT OF TENNESSEE AVENUE.. Admission, 10 cents; Children under 12 years of age, and Baby Coaches and attendant, 5 cents The best equipped and most popular amusement resort in Atlantic City. Continuous chain of exclusive features from morning till night. THP RTP NPT HA TIT ^^^ '"''** interesting sight along the coast. inC Diyj JMZl IIAUL ^„ ^j^jg ^j curious fish are caught in the great sea net at end of the Pier. Hauls will be made daily at 11 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. GOOD FISHING ON THE OUTER DECK ... Band Concerts Mornings, Afternoons and Evenings ... Finest Dancing Pavilion on the Coast Special Attractions Daily in the New Theatre. Irvin's Dry Goods Store— Union National Rank Building. THOMPSON IRVIN^S 2>r^ (3oob6 IDouee of Htlantic Ut\)t\0t& auD mt} ^aitl0* prophesied that it would stand pre-eminent as a resort. Doubt- less it is to-day the queen of American watering places and health resorts. There is a sort of freedom about the place that pleases all who come here. It is no uncommon sight, even in winter, to see men eminent in their callings busily engaged in scooping up bucketfuls of sand for children whom they chance to meet on the beach, or aiding them in their search for shells after a receding tide. Young men and maid- ens, sedate bachelors and prudish old maids not infrequently take part in such diversions, and one can not help thinking that the intellects and the characters thus unbent appear to greater advantage by the relaxation. n Yachtins Scene at the Inlet. €)?ont off tl^c ^ctan. EVERAL elements combine to produce the tonic and resting effects of the Atlantic City air, the first of which is the presence of a large amount of ozone — the stimulating, vitalizing principle of the atmos- phere. Ozone has a tonic, healing and purifying power, that increases as the air is taken into the lungs. It strengthens the respiratory organs, and in stimulating them helps the whole system. It follows naturally that the blood is cleansed and revivified, tone is given to the stomach, the liver is excited into healthful action, and the whole body feels the benefit. For some persons the air alone is sufficient, while others get along famously with the air and the aid of judicious bath- ing. Of course, during the cooler months of the year the bath must be elsewhere than in the surf. For all seasons of the year there are the hot sea-water baths and the natato- riums, with large pools of tepid sea-water. For some only the briefest dip in the ocean is all that is necessary or safe; others should refrain altogether from ocean bathing, and con- fine their ablutions to the hot baths; exercising in these, how- ever, proper care as to time and temperature of the water. Delicate persons can not safely bear a prolonged soak in hot water, whether salt or fresh. As to diseases of the respiratory organs, a physician says : " I have had personal knowledge of many patients suffering from various forms of such affections who have made trials of the climate of Atlantic City in winter. The cases have, as a rule, improved, some of them very decidedly, though there have been exceptions. Consumptives in the incipient stage, and even those in the advanced stages of the disease, where the destructive process has advanced slowly, have often ex- perienced marked improvement and, in some cases, have been cured." ^11 ^t WtRV^ anU Sufferers from autumnal catarrh, which Jt)eat3r ilaUen* ^^ essentially a form of hay fever, enjoy ^ great relief by coming to Atlantic City. The late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and the late Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes had a witty correspondence on the subject of hay fever some years ago, in which the latter declared that there was no cure for the disease "but six feet of gravel." Atlantic City, however, has answered back that if it can not be cured, it can at least be alleviated. Come then, ye disconsolate consumptive ; come, thou wheezing, sneezing victim of hay fever ; come, all ye weary and heavy laden, ye who seek health, rest or pleasure ; come and fill your lungs with ozone ; come and promenade on the broad Boardwalk, planted within reach of the sea ; come and take a mid-winter sun-bask ; come while ye may ; come ?iow. Take no heed of the chronic fault-fmder who may be here, enjoying to the full all the benefits and advantages of Atlantic City, and who still carps and grumbles because the town, perhaps, lacks a few pretty curves and graces. A Morning Promenade in Mid-Winter. lo o "i— Rummer ^cati^cv 'ncatl) l^mtcr ^fitCiS. HE fame of Atlantic City is grounded not alone upon those qualities which give it prominence as a sum- mer resort. It is a great seaside city, where, throughout the year, people from every State crowd its hotels and lounge on its famous beach. In summer time the visiting population exceeds one hundred thousand. It is a great democratic crowd, good-natured, rollicking and happy, bent on the pursuit of amusement and enjoying the quest with unalloyed pleasure. The witching charms of autumn sea and sky hold many a summer visitor, even until the ides of Novem- ber. Indeed, not a few linger until December, and ere the holiday festivities are fairly over at home, the first company of winter visitors has arrived, harbingers of that larger company whose appearance marks the advent of February. Excepting an occasional " nor'easter," which is a treat in itself, by way of contrast, the weather at this season is usually all that one could desire. The winter and spring or Lenten season is the swellest of the year. The resort then becomes the abode of a distinguished company who seek to escape the rigor of northern climes. The great hotels, which remain open through- out the year, are filled in the earlier months by the best repre- sentatives of society from the East, the West, the North and the South. There are days in February and March suggestive of May and June in cities farther north or remote from the sea. Indeed, the visitor is sometimes wont to say, " Truly this is summer weather 'neath winter skies." In point of accessibility, Atlantic City possesses advantages unequaled by any other resort on the coast. With Philadel- phia and all the railroads centering there, it is connected by numerous through trains, while with New York and the East there is ample communication by through trains, which make the run from New York to Atlantic City in but little more than three hours. tEI^onic for 31^^^l^^S( The air here is so dry and mild, as a anD ConMc0CnTt0» ^^^^^ ^^^^ convalescents who are able to be about may enjoy at least a brief walk on the famous Boardwalk, even in winter. Then again there are miles of drives, either upon the hard, smooth beach, the finely paved streets of the city, the Speedway down the beach, or across the meadows to the grounds of the Country Club on the mainland. Visitors from all parts of the country have found in the equable climate and invigorating air of Atlantic City their only means of restoration to health. Hundreds and thousands who have been thus benefited will bear willing testimony to the tonic effects of its bracing atmosphere. Confirmed inva- lids are often materially benefited, and existences that would be utterly miserable at home are here made not only tolerable, but enjoyable. Hi ill III A Relic of the Revolution — Cabin ot General Doughty, on the Mainland. Lenten anD pojst Lenten l^ajstimeg* N mid-winter, when the majority of the guests are invalids, any but the mildest forms of dissipation are out of the question, but during Lent, when the more extravagant gayeties of the rest of the world are temporarily suspended, Atlantic City becomes the scene of genuine fun and frolic. Upon the advent of Lent some good-natured married lady, of unimpeachable social standing, in one of the larger cities, organizes a party of a dozen or more young people, and chap- erons them to Atlantic City. They come for ten days, often staying longer, and while they are here the heretofore quiet halls ring with the sounds of their music, dancing and merry laughter. The more sober-minded invalids gaze with a mild surprise, not unmixed with pleasure, at these jolly parties, and by force of example are inclined to forget their ailments. Equestrianism is an every-day recreation during the Lenten season. The brisk sea breezes, which sing and whistle around the cottage gables and through the bare branches of the trees, inspire the visitors with longings for the vigorous exercise of long walks and horseback rides. From these they return with such glowing cheeks, sparkling eyes and keen appetites that the mere sight of them is a better advertisement of Atlantic City air as a tonic, t'han all the hand-books that might be written. There is never any dearth of amusement for those who pass any portion of the fashionable spring season in Atlantic City. The opportunities for enjoyment at the Casino are varied, and include private theatricals, readings, musicales, orchestral and other entertainments. The visitors, of course, are the elite of other cities, refugees from the demands of social life, drawing new vigor from the pure air, and pleasure seekers whiling away their time 'neath the bright skies of this new-born rival to Southern Europe. 13 Contjenient tlounging The ocean parlors and pavilions are ]3lact0 for ^IL convenient lounging places, when one is not inclined to sit on the sand and take a sun-bask. Here he may behold the many strange and beautiful aspects of the sea. Sometimes it is as calm and placid as a lake, with only a line of breakers laving the shore. On another day it reflects all the delicate hues of the setting sun. Then again, under a serene sky, it is beautifully blue, while under heavy clouds it assumes the sombre green. When the wind prevails it heaves in heavy swells and dashes its breakers furiously on the gently shelving beach, sending up a roar like that of thunder. So, day by day, one may watch the changed and ever-changing conditions of the sea ; or, if not so inclined; whatever may be his tastes, he can find in the wonderful resources of the town an inexhaustible means for their gratification. Central M. E. Church. 14 am erica' js fEccca of Coimjstsi. OURISTS who have visited all parts of the civilized world, men whose word we cannot doubt, and women whose judgment we cannot question, have declared that nowhere is there a resort combining so many points of excellence as Atlantic City. Already it is the Mecca of a considerable number of tourists from coun- tries beyond the Atlantic, as well as from states bordering on the Pacific ; and the time is not far distant when many Euro- peans, who have been in the habit of passing a portion of the year at some over-rated resort on the Mediterranean, will cross the expanse of ocean and spend a month or more in Atlantic City, whose climate combines the bracing qualities of Brighton and Malaga with the sedative virtues of Rome and Venice; and within whose bounds might be placed the Frenchman's highly-prized Trouville and his picturesque and fashionable Etreta without making any appreciable difference in appear- ance or conditions. The visitor here, whether from Europe or the most distant parts of the United States, is charmed by the beauty of the town and the grandeur of the sea. The bright sunshine bronzes the cheeks and aids the bracing breezes to vivify the frame, while the paved avenues and magnificent strand afford ample opportunity to all who wish to indulge in equestrian pleasures. The facilities for sailing are unsurpassed, and yachts go bounding seaward or glide across the bays and estuaries with a speed that is truly entrancing. Here, also, is the perfection of fishing, whereof more is said under the caption of " Hook and Line." All the benefits that can be expected of a sea voyage are obtained by a residence in Atlantic City, with the added comforts and luxuries of a metropolis and the freedom of fast land. In his "Literary Recollections" Thomas Hood says: ** Next to being born a citizen of the world, it must be the best thing to be born a citizen of the world's greatest city." This is stating only half a truth. In this country, next to his home, here in Atlantic City best may he abide, to rest and cheer him by the flowing tide. 15 Agreeable Climate anU The idea that Atlantic City is a Congntial i?nrnD0* "^^re lounging place for the summer idler was long since abandoned. It is an all-the-year-round resort, where one can always fmd an agreeable climate, congenial friends and almost anything to engage his attention or excite his interest. It is without a rival in America in the matter of hotel accommodations, suited to the tastes and the means of every class of people. There are elaborate hotels, equipped with all modern appliances and kept in the best manner ; less pretentious houses, well-kept and comfortably equipped cottages, villas with classic names and an indefinite number of boarding houses. ==1© ^ #^% ii ^ Home of the " Atlantis Club," Illinois Avenue. i6 glimmer ©a^si l^csiitit t])t ^ta. HEN spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil, when hath passed that period of transition from the austere glory of winter to the roseate weather of June, then it is that one's thoughts revert, with fond remembrance, to the delightful scenes, the cool and invigorating breezes and the joyous pastimes of Atlantic City, whose summer day is more than a mere creation of the fancy. The oft-quoted words of George Herbert, the sweet singer of Cherbury — "Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright," are almost meaningless to those who know summer only from the high temperatures, the glaring sun and the hot, parching winds that are its distinguishing characteristics in no inconsiderable portion of the United State^^. The ideal summer presupposes climatic conditions that make physical life, from the highest to the lowest, a perpetual delight and rejoicing ; and if there is any place more favored than another in that regard, it must surely be a matter of concern to the toiling millions to know where it may be found. But, apart from the mere pursuit of pleasure, the mere seeking after enjoyment, and that love of change for its own sake that is inherent in every son of Adam, there is, happily, in this busy, restless age, a just recognition of the importance of relaxing the extreme tension of business and endeavoring to repair the terrible waste of vital force. We are, however, with our pleasures very much what we are in our business, except that while we may not always make a pleasure of our business, we certainly make a business of our pleasure, seeking to obtain, with the least outlay, the largest possible results. 17 01033^ from t\)t f^tUt The accessibility of a summer resort anti J^urllvllBurlvn ^^' ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^' ^ matter of impor- tance, second only to the paramount consideration of health and pleasure ; and herein lies the secret of Atlantic City's wonderful growth and popularity. The solid character of its patrons from the better elements of society, the quiet home-like aspect of the place, the natural scenery and charms peculiar to itself conspire to make Atlantic City the very ideal of a summer resort. Art and design have added to its attractions, beautifying it with broad avenues, walks bordered with trees, and with gardens whose fragrance unites with the cool breeze of the ocean to delight and refresh those who, turning from the heat and hurly-burly of the city, seek the charm and change of seashore life. Easter Sunday, iqoo. i8 TStant^ on ti^t l3oarDtoalfi» TLANTIC CITY invented the Boardwalk, and while other resorts have been content to tamely copy, she has lengthened and strengthened, rebuilt and renewed, until the present structure, erected in 1896, and extended in 1897-98-99, is forty feet wide, twelve feet high, over three miles long, and cost the city $170,000. It has no equal in the world. The life, the light and the color that one sees on this prom- enade during the early evening hours are indescribable. It is an endless dress parade, a grand review, in which everybody is one of the reviewers, as well as one of the reviewed. The animation, the overflowing good nature, the laughter and contagious hilarity of this restless throng are irre- sistible. The lights from the scores of bazaars, the buoyant merriment of the children, the soft, melting colors of the sum- mer dresses of the women, the grace and freshened loveliness of the women themselves, the dizzy whirl of the merry-go- round, and the thousand and one little scraps of life and tone that line the thoroughfare, all blend in a picture that is war- ranted to banquet the eye and rest the mind of any one who is not utterly lost to every sense of enjoyment. Nowhere in the world is there such a kaleidoscope of beauty, such a panorama of wonders, as one sees on this great ocean promenade. An annual visitor said : " 1 have been to every prominent seaside resort and spa in Europe, and I know whereof I speak when I say that nowhere is there a resort that can in any way approach Atlantic City. In addi- tion to the unusual opportunities for enjoyment, it is unques- tionably the healthiest place in America." 19 pleading panorama From the balcony of the lighthouse, of ^Ca anlD tlantl* ^^^^^ ^^^^ eastern end of the prom- enade, a grand panorama of sea and land is presented. Looking north and east, across the ex- tended miles of salt marshes, with their winding bays and estuaries, one sees the pretty buildings and the fertile farms of the mainland. Westward is the beautiful city, with its splendid hotels and extensive boarding-houses, its hundreds of private cottages, and the long line of shade trees skirting the sidewalks ; while beyond, to the east and south, is the great ocean, reaching far out into the distant horizon. The ocean piers usually offer some sort of entertainment aside from the ordinary Boardwalk diversions. Indeed, it is impossible to pass a dull day or evening in Atlantic City, and yet if one does not care for the sprightlier pleasures, he may be as quiet as he please, and fmd delight in meeting and chat- ting with friends on the promenade, or listening idly to the thunderous monotone of the blue, unresting sea. Observing the Dress Parade. 20 ^^^-^ ■-»«— -:T— 5^!f!5;;r ♦ ! ^^ •:ili CQ pitamtt^ of tl^c f&latsiance. HE Plaisance of Atlantic City is the Boardwalk, but, in winter time, on pleasant days, and in summer, when the Boardwalk is literally full of humanity, so S full, indeed, that the crowd surges over on the side, then it is that the Strand, either from choice or necessity, becomes an equally popular promenade. Up on the Boardwalk or down on the. Strand the visitor may pass many delightful, dreamy hours. The long stretch of sandy beach and the roar of the surf may be uninteresting to some upon a gloomy day, but when the sun is shining all dreariness disappears, the ocean sparkles like a huge diamond, and groups of people wander along the Strand or scoop out convenient hollows, in which they lie for hours, enjoying the warm sun-bath and inhaling ozone at every breath. Bevies of girls, dressed in dainty costumes, are scattered about on the sand, and ripples of laughter come to one's ears from every side. Far out upon the horizon a faint trace of smoke may be seen ascending from a passing steamer, while above the horizon and sometimes just beyond the surf the white wings of swift-sailing yachts or other craft lend a charm and a motion to the scene. Nothing could add to the quiet beauty of this scene or heighten the pleasure of those for whom it is created. From morning until evening the beach is a perfect paradise for children. The youngsters take to digging in the sand and paddling in the water by natural instinct, having unlimited opportunities for both. Every day they throw up fortifications, build mounds and excavate subterranean caverns, and every night the tide washes away all of their labor and leaves a soft, smooth surface for another day's toil. ItDopularitV' of t\)t The pleasures of the surf bath bring §)urf 115atll» multitudes to Atlantic City during the summer months, and bathing here attains a popularity unknown to more northern resorts, the near approach of the Gulf Stream to this point increasing the temperature of the water to a delightful degree, and taking from it the bitter chill from which so many would-be bathers shrink. At the fashionable hours of bathing, from eleven to one, the beach is crowded with thousands of merry bathers, whose shouts and laughter mingle with the roar of the surf, while the Strand and Boardwalk are lined with interested spectators and promenaders. The scene at this time is as animated as the streets of a continental city on a fete day. ^^m^ An April Sunday on the Boardwalk. 22 ^lavgrounti of tl)c Countri?. TLANTIC CITY is the nation's health resort, its pleasure spot, its playground. Congress may re- solve and newspaper correspondents may with hasty pen declare that this or that spot, distin- guished by some local phenomena, shall be known as a national park, but neither formal resolution nor the verdict of casual writers can change the geography of the country, the facts of nature, nor the verdict of the people. The public has declared, with an emphasis that cannot be misunderstood, that Atlantic City, though not exactly a park, is the Playground of the Country. This resort long since learned how best to provide for the summer and winter visitors, and it is now the business of the place to set forth its attractions, which are all in the direction of making one's stay delightful. Hard to amuse, indeed, would be the visitor who could not fmd some congenial diver- sion ever close at hand on this interesting island. There is some sort of diversion at every hour of the day, every day in the week, and for those who prefer to do just nothing at all there is always the sublime panorama of sky and sea spread out in perennial magnitude before the most listless eye. For the man or woman who is brain weary, and breaking down under the weight of business, professional, social or domestic cares, there is no better restorative than a season of rest and recreation at Atlantic City. With increased bodil}' vigor, incident to a stay here, comes the gentle ministrations of tired nature's sweet restorer. Many who have been troub- led with insomnia find in a change to this climate the soothing balm that " Upon the high and giddy mast Seals up the ship-boy's eyes and rocks his brains In cradle of the rude, imperious surge." 2\ |Bure 2iit W^^^t^ Persons who could scarcely walk at (Dut t\)t ilung^, ^o"^^' ^^^^^ coming here, stroll long distances on the Strand or Boardwalk, with only a cheerful sense of weariness that is soon succeeded by a sharpened appetite, the reward of agreeable exercise. Few, indeed, who visit Atlantic City fail to experience a marked improvement in appetite, while to many there comes such a feeling of drowsiness that the most exciting story fails to keep them awake. This is a sure sign that the nerves are being well rested. The exercise that one gets here is a tonic in itself. The pure air brightens, rests and strengthens the eyes, purifies the blood, washes out the lungs, flushes the air-passages of the nose and ears, quickens the sluggish circulation, strengthens the weak digestion, brightens the complexion and resists the progress of disease. In the flood of ozone off the sea all poison is driven out of the system. « ^* A Snap Shot. 24 4i K "bJD c O TStac)) BiDtiS^ gacl^ting auD dSimninij* jTLANTIC CITY is so situated that nature provides a constant round of summer pleasures. The sea, of course, is an endless source of delight. Even those who do not bathe find a pleasure in sitting under the big umbrellas and canvass-covered chairs on the beach, and watching the antics of those who are tumbling in the surf. Yachting is another delightful pastime. There isn't a safer, speedier or more comfortable fleet of fishing and sail- ing boats on the seaboard than Atlantic City's squadron, found at the picturesque inlet harbor, with its breezy houses of refreshment by the docks. Those who prefer steam to sails can be accommodated, and the few whose stomachs dread the heaving billows may eschew both and sit and watch the fleet of gaily-decked boats dancing in the distance, their blood meanwhile tingling with the ozone blown from the sea, or the commoner kind which some en- deavor to suck through a straw. The island is ten miles long and the two extremes are united by an electric railway, which is an unfailing source of pleasure to a countless number of visitors. The greater por- tion of the route is within sight of the sea and almost at the water's edge. In some places one may see the original for- mation of the island. There are woods and pleasant retreats among the sand-hills, shaded by umbrella-shaped trees, which have withstood the storms of many years. To those who love nature and who hold communion with her visible forms, a day of pleasure is promised in exploring these ancient sand- hills and sylvan retreats. If the visitor is a sportsman, he will scent the delirium of pursuit in the spray of the billows. With gun and rod, either or both, one is sure of a great day's sport under the guidance of the veteran yachtsmen at the inlet. The succes- sion of game fowl which visits the adjacent beaches, each in its own season, is surprisingly varied ; snipe, plover, marlin, willet, yellow legs, marsh hens, black duck, mallard and teal follow each other, often in such numbers as to provoke the city sportsman to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. 25 2r>0iDU t\)t W>tUtl) The trip down the beach is a most de- bt' a^00nligl)t* Hghtful one, either by day or night, and to afford a view of the ocean by moon- light at least one night train is usually run throughout the year. This train is in great favor with the young people. It passes Sea View ; Ventnor, a quiet place with a fine hotel ; St. Leonard ; Oberon and South Atlantic City, celebrated for its sacred white elephant, which is the largest white elephant in the world. A mile and a half farther down the beach is Longport, where sailing craft or steam pleasure-boats convey passengers across the finest sheet of inland water in the State, to Ocean City or Somers' Point. i^mmmmmmi^ I 26 A Business Block on Atlantic Avenue — Residence on Pacific Avenue- Pennsylvania Avenue corner of Pacific. i^oofi anD Line* ERHAPS there are in this world souls so sordid that they never can rise to the height of enthusiasm over that enticing pastime, fishing. It may be a matter of early training or education — this love of angling — since the man whose boyhood was passed in the country is usually an expert fisherman, and he remembers with pride and pleasure his first fishing outfit. He'd a horse- hair line and an elder stick, with bended pin for a hook, and he fished till noon in the shaded creek, with an angleworm for bait. At the very first nibble, when the cork went under, the rod was thrown swiftly over his head, and the fish, breaking away from the unbarbed hook, went flying through the air, and landed back in the woods, perhaps fifty feet from the edge of the creek. A pretty sight it was, too, that perch or sun-fish, with its silvery sides dappled with gold. Then it was strung by the gills on a crotched stick, and, with three or four others, was carried home in triumph. Ah ! lives there a man with soul so dead that he cannot cherish, with fond recollection, the joy of those youthful sports ? a memory so weak that it cannot recall the long-gone days of boyhood pleasures in the country — days of wishing and of fishing, when he listened to the voice of the rivulet and the language of the winds and woods ? The roar of the ocean was an unknown song in that distant country home, but to him the green aisles of the forest were more than a poetic fiction. In Atlantic City there are no scenes, no pastimes, like those incident to boyhood life in the country. There are no dank grottoes, vine-trellised and luxuriant, with perhaps only a ray of sunlight bursting through the fretted vault of green ; no vistas of glory like those found in hilly and mountainous places ; but, brother anglers, on the veracity of thousands of the fraternity, we assure you that you will find congenial spirits here, and as fine a lot of liars ( fish liars, of course) as can be found in the United States— barring, perhaps, the State of Maine. 27 0. ilanU^tLocfefD True, there are no fresh-water trout here, W^ttt PrC0fr^r» ^^^ ^^ have weak-fish, sea bass, flounders, blue fish, sheepshead and other fish, as good as, yes, better than those which navigate the mountain streams, as active and as gamy as any fish you ever saw. The bays and thoroughfares are a vast water preserve, with Nature for their keeper. From Grassy Bay and Little Egg Harbor on the north to Scull's Bay and Great Egg Harbor on the south, from the wreck of the " Cassandra " to the wreck of the "Diverty," fish of large size are found in abundance. The creeks and sounds teem with millions of the finny tribe at certain seasons of the year, and it is here, also, where agile oysters, mild, serene, on beds of moss recline ; where soft- shell crabs live pinchingly, and pearly sheen of hake and flounder wins the flies. 28 O '" O w ^ b/j c b/j place of perennial pieagiure* |N the charms of novelty and ever-shifting variety, Atlantic City surpasses the most celebrated of Euro- pean resorts. Surrounded on all sides by the waters of the ocean and blessed with a climate of rare equability, its physical advantages are superb. Seaward the waste of waters stretches almost three thousand miles, kissing the shores of another hemisphere ; while landward is a wide estuary as smooth as a mountain lake, and beyond that an expanse of salt meadows, reaching out to meet the pine forests, whose breezes mingle with Neptune's briny breath. The geological peculiarities of the island are one of the agents that contribute to its remarkable healthfulness. There is no indigenous or spontaneous vegetation on the island. The only growths are the arboreal embellishments of the ave- nues and lawns — sylvan contributions from the forests and fields of the mainland. No stagnant pools or sloughs disfigure the facial lineaments of the island, and there is no malarial or miasmatic emanation to offend the senses or affect its perfect hygiene. Indeed, it is believed by many scientists that the air of Atlantic City is ''hostile to physical debility." All other attractions, of course, are secondary or subservi- ent to the charms of the sea, whose sunny waters break upon the strand and whose keen breezes drive all burdens from the heart, all weary thoughts away. The famous promenade, which follows the contour of the beach, is wide enough to accommodate 100,000 visitors, without crowding or discomfort. Here, at eventide, the city pours its countless thousands out, and a great procession marches and countermarches the entire length of the four-mile promenade, under the brilliant glare of the electric lights, lighted the year round, and the strains of music from the numerous places of amusement that line the landward side. 29 3f|0^ ant) pleasure ^tjrougl) The current of humanity on tl)e artDelt3e.-£ponti)0* ^^^ Boardwalk moves con- stantly on, the rule of the road — keep to the right — being strictly observed. As a study of some of the most unique phases of human character, a stroll along this crowded thoroughfare in spring or summer is worth a year of ordinary life. Year after year this commingling of the young and the old, the high and the low, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, goes on in Atlantic City ; and so until the end of time, generation after generation, the charmed voice of the sea will draw man to its sands and to its surf. From the plains of the South, from the wide expanse of the West, from the bleak, gray rim of the North, men, women and children will come and go, girdling our coast with joy and pleasure through the twelve- months. Perhaps You Know Them. 30 Wl}tvtin Atlantic Citi? cBrccliS* FEW of the advantages of Atlantic City over other resorts may be thus stated : There are excellent schools and churches, good society, good order, good government, good drainage, good water and good living. The underground sewage system has worked so successfully that Atlantic City is admitted to be the only properly drained resort on the coast. The waves that beat on the beach here are not required to act as scavengers for the city. The surf is absolutely free from refuse or defilement of any kind. The water supply from artesian wells, some of them looo feet deep, and from natural springs on the mainland, is inex- haustible. There is no purer or clearer water anywhere in America. This is conceded by scientists and recognized by thousands of critical visitors. For the promenader, a broad Boardwalk, without equal in the world, is built along the entire ocean front of the city, forty feet wide and over three miles long. It is at all times a centre of attraction and thousands of visitors from every corner of the United States there enjoy the delicious exhil- aration of the vitalizing ozone off the sea. There is an absence of formality, the bane of European resorts, that renders a sojourn in Atlantic City refreshing as well as fashionable. The city is admirably lighted with electricity. The authori- ties spend nearly $40,000 a year for lighting. The ocean promenade and all the principal avenues are lit with brilliant electric lights the year round. Notwithstanding the fact that hundreds of thousands of people visit the city annually, many of them afflicted with severe illness, statistics are not wanting to show that Atlantic City's death-rate is almost the lowest in the country. The national mortuary table averages the deaths among the resi- dent population at 12.05 to the 1000, or second only to one other place in the country. 31 epilogue. King Lear - " May be he is not well ; Infirmity doth still neglect all office, Whereto our health is bound." — Shakspeare. Pilgrim.— Not well, my lord? Methinks thou knowest not what the matter is. Send thou and tell him I would speak with him. King. — Nay! I will not command his presence, seeing he doth yet suffer. We are not ourselves when nature, being oppressed, commands the mind to suffer with the body. But what is this thou revealest? What kind offices hast thou for the indisposed and sickly? Pilgrim.— 'Tis this, my lord. These many summers have 1 wan- toned with the breakers at Atlantic City, and there, also, on many a win- ter day, have I found delightful outing by the sea and much ease in mine inn. There, my lord, once 1 sat upon a pier and heard a mermaid, on a dolphin's back, uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath that the rude sea grew civil at her song. At this place, whereof much praise hath been spoken by most learned men, in winter time, ere yet the inns at other places have their portals opened, I durst lay my hand upon the Ocean's mane and play familiar with his hoary locks. King. — 1 perceive, pilgrim, that thou art no fool, nor art thou abste- mious of pleasure, seeing that thy countenance is round and good-natured and that thy nose doth already wear the livery of good living. This word of thine persuades me that it behooves us all to go and linger yet a while at thy fair city which thou callest Atlantic City. Give me my serv- ant forth ! Nay ! go thou thyself and summon up the retinue. Command them to attend'to-morrow at nine, for at that hour we go to this place of rest and pleasure ; and so may this be our custom hereafter. Resolve, also, with all modest haste, whichsoever way thou mayest please, that this be our usage thrice every twelvemonth. Write it down and post it by every path we tread, and let it shine with such a lustre that he who runs may read. 32 p PART II Indian Stories and Traditions — Tales of the Olden Time- Settlement of Eyre Haxen — Atlantic County Reminiscences — Origin and History of Atlantic City. (33) INTRODUCTOI^q. ODWIN'S once-famous story of " Caleb Williams" is said to have been written backwards. That is, the hero was first in- volved in a web of difficulties, forming the second volume ; and then, for the first, the author cast about for some mode of accounting for what was already done. In like manner, this Histo'ry and Hand-Book has been written backwards. In the first part is presented an Imperfect pen picture of Atlantic City, "Queen of the Coast," within whose bounds are cen- tralized all the forces and features necessary for a complete health and pleasure resort. In the second part is an account of the beginning of seaside pleasures, when the aborigines made periodical visits to the sea- shore, eating enormous quantities of baked shell-fish (soquanock and sickissuog), making belts of poquanhock and luckahouk, bathing in the surf, and making merry in other ways. After the Indians came the first settlers, with their old-time diversions. Then came the generations of revolutionary and post-revolutionary times. In those days, at the seashore, it has been said, when men Old-Time went fishing in the morning, they rolled up their trousers to Diversions, the knees; when they "dressed for dinner," they simply rolled them down again. By degrees the methods of sea- shore recreation have changed. The sea laves the beach the same as of yore, but modern ways have made surf bathing a luxurv, instead of a penance; and there are just as good fish in the sea now as there were then, but they are caught with less trouble— some with a silver hook. What co'uld have been more perfect than the conception of this great seaside resort? Its founders prophesied that it would stand pre-eminent among its kind, and looking at it to-day, as described in the first part of this Hand-Book, who will deny its pre-eminence? Undoubtedly, Atlantic City is " Queen of the Coast." •d d d In issuing this souvenir edition of the Hand-Book, I shall offer no excuse, other than this : the demand has been made and the field is open for a work of this character— historical and descriptive— com- Labor of memorating the closing and signalizing the opening centurv. Love. Nothing in the nature of a reliable historv and sketch-book of Atlantic County has been heretofore attempted, and I have therefore prepared these desultory chapters, hoping that thev will merit the perusal of all into whose hands a copy of the book mav chance to fall. I need scarcely add that their preparation has been entirely a labor of love. It is not presumed that the book is faultless, but to approximate a degree of completeness has been my endeavor. The historical chapters will answer the end for which they were written, if thev but awaken in the people of Atlantic County an interest in the oft-neglected subject of local history, to the study of which pride and patriotism should alike impel us. True knowledge, like true charity, should begin at home, and he who fails to study the history of the locality wherein he lives commences the 135) 36 Heston' s Hand-Rook. fabric of his education at the summit, instead of at the base; wherefore, should these chapters direct any native or adopted son of ancient Absegami to the path of TRUE knowledge, the author's labors will have been abun- dantly requited. d d d In a work of this size and character, it would be impossible to embody a complete history in one volume ; hence, to preserve the annual feature of the Hand-Book and at the same time to offer a history that is reasonably compact and complete, 1 have deemed it wise to publish only a few of the historical chapters in this volume, reserving the rest for later editions of the Hand-Book. It is hoped, and I now make the suggestion to the future Mayor, City Council and other officials, that the year ic)04 be made a jubilee year, com'- memorative of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Atlantic Year of City. One or two months in that year may well be given over Jubilee, to festivity, including a week of carnival — possibly a " Carnival of Atlantis," similar to that which was proposed for the year igco. To perfect and direct this proposed semi-centennial, there should be a committee of fifty representative citizens — one for each year of history — appointed by the Mayor a year or so in advance of the festival. Doubt- less, this committee, in the fertility of its resources, will show to the country and to the world that in push, progress and popularity Atlantic City has no peer. Succeeding editions of the Hand-Book will contain chapters on the history of the county and growth of the city, the whole to be united in one grand souvenir edition, published in the year of Jubilee, 1904. A. M. H. ATLANTIC City, July i, igco. ^^^m^ i'>/ ' \ r: i 'Tis the pearly shell, That murmurs of the far-off murmuring- sea ; A precious jewel, carved most curiously— It is a little picture painted well. — R. W. Gilder. DQ f© Indian Stories and Traditions. Circa 500 to Circa 1500, A. D. AR back in the annals of time, ere the foot of white man had trod the soil of Scheyichbi, the region of country east of the Lenape-Whittuck was a paradise for the Indians. Here the untutored child of the forest flourished in his glory ; here, un- molested, he wooed his mate beneath the greenwood boughs and traversed the forests at will in quest of game. Living in the country of Scheyichbi, the inhabitants were of course Scheyichbians. In our time those living in the same country are called Jerseymen. The Scheyichbians belonged to a nation of A Tribe of Indians called Lenni-Lenape, meaning original people, but Manly Men. the very name suggests a falsehood. There are witnesses in the stones to the probable existence of an entirely different people anterior to the Lenapes. The Scheyichbians may have been the descendants of those Chinese navigators who are said to have penetrated the forests of North America in the year 4:58 A. D.-^ The tradition of the Lenni-Lenapes was that the name meant "Original Men." As the central, largest and at one time the stronjjest division of the Algonquin race of Indians, which comprised all the Eastern tribes, they assumed, and for a long time held, the leadership among the Atlantic coast tribes. Orthographical research in the Indian lan- guage, however, indicates that the original meaning of the name was "manly men," the race name for man being " lenape," and " lenni " being another form of " illini," as seen in "Illinois." Other traditions indicate that the tribe was once located west of the Missis- sippi, whence it migrated eastward to the valleys of the Susquehanna and Delaware. The " histories" of these so called original people consisted entirely of stories handed down through the centuries, from generation to generation, until they finally reached the Indians who were in possession Illoslons of of the country when the white man came among them. The History. red man's history, therefore, was simply his-story.t A missionary'^and scribe (Rev. John Heckwelder) has given us some account of what the Indians believed concerning their origin. They assured him that their earliest ancestors were animals and that they lived in caves under the earth. One of their number discovered a hole, through which he climbed, and once upon the surface he found the air and country so delightful that he hastened back to tell the other animals. They came forth from their subterranean highways and by-ways, and beheld, indeed, a country that was very fair to look upon ; an Island beside the sea, it may * M. de Guignes, 1753 ; Smith, p. 13, 1765 t One of the greatest men of Europe once said that history is a combination of lies, which men agree to call truth. Few of us will ever know exactly the extent of the legends, the myths and the falsehoods which have been incorporated into history. When we think of the histories of our wars and the biographies of our heroes, we can truly appreciate the cynicism of Frederick the Great, who, desiring his secretary to read history to him, said, " Bring down from the shelves one of my liars." In days of old there were liistorians who avowedly wrote as they were bribed. It was said of Paolo Giovio that he kept a bank of lies. To those who paid him liberally he assigned a noble pedigree and illustrious deeds ; those who gave nothing he vilified and blackened. Who is not familiar with the despair- ing exclamation of Sir Walter Raleigh, on vainlv trying to get at the facts of a quarrel which he had witnessed in the courtyard of the Tower, in which he was imprisoned. Two gentlemen had entered the room and given him contlicting. and, as he thought, untrue accounts of the brawl. "Here am I." he cried, " employed in writing a history of the world— trying to give a just account of transactions many of which occurred three thousand years ago— when I cannot ascertain the truth of what happens under my window." (37) 38 Heston s Hand-Book. be, with the wine of life in its pleasant air. The effect was marvelous, for straightway they saw that they were no longer animals, but men and women. Two of the animals, however, the ground-hog and the rabbit, refused to leave their underground homes when bidden, and consequently they remained unchanged ; wherefore, some of the tribes of Scheyichbi would not eat of these animals, lest they be accused of eating their own family relations ! MYTHS OF PRIMITIVE AMERICANS. Described briefly, and by an Indian, the American myth system is as follows: There was a world before this one in which we are living at present; that was the world of the first people, who were different from us altogether. Those people were very numerous, so numerous that if a count could be made of all the stars in the sky, all the feathers on birds, all the hairs and furs on animals, all the hairs of our own heads^ they would not be so numerous as the first people. These people lived very long in peace, in concord, in harmony, in happiness. No man knows, no man can tell, how long they lived in that way. At last the minds of alt except a very small number were changed; they fell into conflict— one offended another consciously and unconsciously, one injured anotfier with or without intention, one wanted some special thing, another wanted that very thing also. Conflict set in, and because of this came a time of activity and struggle, to which there was no end or stop, till the great majority of the first people— that is, all except a small number— were turned into the various kinds of living creatures that are on earth now or have ever been on earth, except man — that is, all kinds of beasts, birds, reptiles, fish, worms, and insects, as well as trees, plants, grass and rocks, and some mountains ; they were turned into everything that we see on the earth or in the sky. That small number of the former people who did not quarrel, those great first people of the old time who remained of one mind and harmonious, left the earth, sailed away west- ward, passed that line where the sky comes down to the earth, and sailed to places beyond. Jeremiah Curtin, in his work on " Creation Myths of Primitive Americans," published in 1899, gives us the result of close personal communication with the American Indian in the nineteenth century. Mr. Curtin considers that "the treasure saved to science by the primitive race of America is unique in value and significance." Among the more note- worthy of the myths is "Olelbis," containing an account of the creation of the heavenly house in the Central Blue, the highest point in the sky above us. In this myth is described the great World Fire which was extinguished by a flood ; and next a reconstruction of the race in the form now existing. d d d William Nelson, an authority on Indian history, says the Lenapes had their origin in the neighborhood of Hudson's Bay, and began migrating southward probably three or four thousand years before the Christian era. This statement is based partly upon their traditions and Origin of partly upon the kitchen middens or kitchen leavings, traces the Lenapes. of which are found in the shell-heaps of New Jersey. These shell-heaps are the production not only of the Indians living along the coast, but of tribes living along the shores of the Lenape-Whit- tuck, who made periodical journeys to the seashore for the triple purpose of fishing, fowling and bathing. These journeys were always made afoot, as the horse was then unknown on this continent.'" One of the largest of these shell-heaps was found on the marsh skirt- ing what is now known as Great Bay, about a mile from the mainland. It has been conjectured that this mound marks the site of an ancient pile- dwelling settlement, similar to the settlement of twenty huts found by * Until quite recently it was believed that the horse originated in Asia, but late dis- coveries, says a recent writer (E. L. Anderson, London, 1898), show that " at a period long anterior to the earliest records of Asia, horses were known to mankind in various parts of Europe. The remains of the horse of our times are found with those of the extinct mammals of the quarternary period ; and, as far as 1 can discover, our horse has an antiquity as great as that of any existing quadruped. The primitive man who dwelt in rock-shelters and caves, and who is supposed to have flourished in that division of the world's history called the "reindeer period," certainly used the horse for food. In the caves of France, Switzerland and other countries great quantities of the bones of horses have been found under circum- stances which prove that they were put there long before the times of which we have any historical knowledge, and that their presence was due to a primitive race of man. PROMINENT ATLANTIC CITY PHYSICIANS. I. Dr. Thomas K. Reed. 3. Dr. William M. Powell. 2. Dr. B. C. Pennington. 4. Dr. John R Fleming. Indian Stories and Traditions 39 Columbus on the north coast of South America, to which he gave the sug- gestive name of Venezuela, or Little Venice. In place of a shallow layer of shells scattered over a considerable area (a characteristic of all aboriginal village sites on the seacoast) at Great Bay there was found a single mound of extraordinary height and proportions. This significant feature, coupled with the fact that the marsh was once an integral part of the bay, naturally suggested a pile-dwelling settlement. Several Indian graves were uncovered on the slope opposite the mound, from which were taken thirty-two skeletons of adults. Doubtless the curling smoke from Indian wigwams once ascended above the hill-tops and red cedars which marked the present site of Atlantic City. Traces of these remained until recent vears in Indian Mounds the shell-mounds in the vicinity of Hill's Creek, above and Shell-Heaps. Chelsea, where Indian implements of a very archaic character were also found. Another of these shell- mounds was found at what is now Missouri avenue, between Arctic and Baltic, Atlantic City. Thousands of bushels were taken from this mound and used in the building of the Higbee road. Dr. Thomas K. Reed, of Atlantic City, has a collection of Indian relics that is unsurpassed by any other private collection in the country. To him, also, the writer is indebted for much information concerning the early his- tory of Atlantic City and Absecon Beach. Dr. Reed has been an active participant in the various movements tending to the Dr. T. K. Reed, advancement of Atlantic City, and during the three decades, i860 to i8go, he was the leading spirit in every such movement. He is the Nestor of Atlantic City physicians, is univer- sally respected as a model professional gentleman and highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends in Atlantic City and elsewhere. The soul of honor, courageous, educated, studious and refined, he is, literally and exactly, in the best conceivable meaning of that hackneyed phrase, a gentleman and a scholar. INDIAN RELICS ON THE LEEDS HOMESTEAD. While working: in the rear of a house on Division street. Atlantic City, on April 2, igoo, a plumber discovered a box containing human bones. The house was at one time the home of Andrew Leeds, who died in 1867, and was buried in a vault on the premises, his being the only grave on the island, so far as known. This property remained in the possession of Andrew's widow, familiarly known as " Aunt Ellen " Leeds, until about 1897, when it passed into other hands, and the bones of Andrew were removed to Absecon. The finding of the bones of a human being in the rear of the old Leeds homestead caused some speculation, but the mystery was explained by Mrs. Abbie Leeds, widow of James Leeds, a son of Andrew and grandson of Jeremiah Leeds, the first settler. Mrs. Leeds said the bones found in the box were no doubt the same bones which Andrew Leeds had unearthed about 1850, near the present entrance to the turnpike bridge, at Baltic and Georgia avenues. At one time there were Indian shell-mounds at this point, the shells being used in the building of the Higbee road in the early history of the city. Near these shell-mounds the skeletons of a number of Indians were dug up out of the sand by Andrew Leeds, who sent them to Dr. Pitnev at Absecon. Many years ago, after the death of Dr. Pitnev, the bones were returned to Mr. Leeds, and after the death of the latter his widow kept them about the premises. At this writing (igoo) "Aunt Ellen " is still living, aged eighty-six. Indian mounds have been found in other parts of Atlantic Countv. In opening a new street at Pleasantville, in February, iSgo, workmen dis- covered the skeletons of twenty-one Indians. The bones were found about three feet under-ground, and with them several flints, many arrows, one stone knife, two flakes and a stone mill, used for cracking corn. The latter had been worn nearly in two by use. These Indian skeletons revived afresh the finding of human skeletons laid bare by the March winds, in the sandy hills of Chestnut Neck, a few years previous. Two skeletons were found beneath the branches of a large cedar, with the head of one encased in a turtle-shell, indicating that it was 40 Heston' s Hand-Book. that of an Indian who had belonged to the Unamis, or Turtle Indians, a tribe of the Lenapes, whose emblem was a turtle. Many other mementoes of the aborigines have been found at different times' in the vicinity of Chestnut Neck and places farther inland. d d d Very early in their history the Indians living along the Lenape- Whittuck instituted summer excursions to the seashore. Summering at When the warm days of June had come, the squaws Absegami. having previously planted the maize, the tribe was 1500101650 ready for the march to the chosen spot by the sea. Two or three days suftked to bring them to their place of summer encampment at Absegami, whose oyster beds were ever a delight. --?««fei ORIGIN OF THE WORD ABSECON. Absecon is a corruption of tlie real Indian name, Absegami. The name originally designated the bay or salt-water lake inside the sand-bar, above what is now Atlantic City, and should be spelled Absegam, or, if the original form be used, Absegami. Aps or abse is the common Algonkin name for small or little, and is used in relation to inanimate objects. Gami, kami, kam or gom all mean across or on the other side of. In one sense they are particles, but more frequently they are used as nouns or adjectival suffixes, referring to a wide and level extant of land or water. Thus, Lake Superior, in the Indian tongue, is Kitchi-gami, the great wat»r. In his song of Hiawatha, Longfellow calls it Gitchi-gumi, the big sea-water, but the Bureau of Ethnology, at Washington, uses the former spelling. The true Indian etymology of our local name is therefore Absegami, meaning " little sea-water," and the original spelling has been corrupted to Absecam, Absecum, Absecom and finally Absecon. It must be admitted that the last is the most euphonious. On a map of New Jersey, published by William Faden, in 1777, it is spelled Absecum. In any form, it signifies little water or water of limited extent, implying that the other shore is in sight. In some of the early deeds the name of this beach or island was spelled " Absequan." Since we have Manasquan, farther up the coast, there is some excuse for the use of Absequan. Indian Stories and Traditions. 41 We do not find Absegami nor any of its various derivatives in William Nelson's work on the New Jersey Indians, nor is it found in Pilling's bibliography of the Algonquian languages; nevertheless, with the assistance of the Bureau of Ethnology, at Washington, the author found that the modern name of Absecon is derived from the two Algonquian words, abse and gami. Arriving at the seashore, the Indians prepared for a sojourn of many weel transient, it may be, at first, but permanent about the year 1800. On April i, 1816, he leased to John Bryant a lot of land on the north side of the island, " with the privilege of erecting a dwelling house and salt-works, and of pasturing two cows and team for the works." These salt-works were in operation more than twenty-five vears, and the average yield of salt, when properlv attended, was eight hundred bushels per annum. At this time Leeds doubtless owned all the land east- ward of Dry Inlet. The " Chamberlin tract "of 131 acres was owned by James Ireland, Thomas Latham and Christian Holscom [Holdzkom] in the latter part of the eighteenth century, when they conveyed it to Thomas Chamberlin, and 56 Hesto7i ' >? Ha nd-Book. the heirs of the latter sold it to Francis McManus in 1852. With the exception of this tract, Jeremiah Leeds owned the whole island (claiming it and being in possession) as early as the beginning of the nineteenth century. Leeds' home was originally in the vicinity of Missouri and Arctic avenues, but he afterwards built a house at the eastern end of the island. Here he raised corn and rye, and the harvests were so abundant that it was a common saying among the shallop-men, who came here for grain, that they were "going down into Egypt to buy corn." He gave considerable attention to the raising of stock and made willing sales of three-year-old steers at eight dollars each. As late as 1835 he paid only thirty cents a day ^"^ ^ ^^' HOW THE "OLD TIMERS" LIVED. At a bank dinner held in Atlantic City in January, i88q, Peter Boice. aged about eighty-four, of Absecon, gave a description of Absecon beach, as he knew it when a young man of eighteen or twenty. He used to come here to help Jeremiah Leeds reap and harvest his grain. "In those days," said he, "the greater portion of the island was sand-hills, duci<-ponds, swamps, brier thickets and nesting places for the wild fowl. Many of these wild fowl could be killed with clubs, and it is said that they were so numerous at times that in lighting upon trees the branches would break. Very few people had guns in those days, consequently they resorted to other means of capturing game. They would creep up under Talcs of the Oldcu Time 57 a tree and pull down a few fat squawks or white heron with long poles having hooks on the ends. People nowadays have no idea of the great abundance of game in those days A family by the name of Wilson brought a lot of wild rabbits to the island and set them free In a few years they became so numerous as to be a nuisance. Foxes were plentiful and sometimes killed the little lambs, besides doing much harm in other ways. During the war of 1812 coasting vessels used to stop here for supplies of beef. The captains would help themselves to Leeds' cattle and pay him theirown price, which was generallv liberal enough The whole island could have been bought very cheap then— much less than the price of a single cottage lot to-day. Leeds' occupation was the raising of cattle and Rrain. and though he lived a lonely life, he generally had an abundance. He took his grain to mill on the mainland in boats." Mr. Boice died in 1892. His son Henrv Boice was also a resident of Absecon. and a gentleman of wide influence. He died on March iq, iSqg. Previous to 1854, says another "old timer," immense flocks of snipe and ducks settled in the ponds, especially in the vicinity of Arctic and North Carolina avenues. The district between Maryland and South Carolina avenues, from Atlantic to the meadows, was known as " Squawktown," on account of the large number of squawks which nightly roosted there. The land was low and swampv, and was covered with an undergrowth of bushes, vines and briers. About i8;i5 Jeremiah Leeds fired into a flock of these birds at this point and killed forty-eight. Besides quail, rabbits and foxes, there were, at that time, minks, muskrats, loggerheads, terrapins and snakes— black snakes, garter snakes and adders. Strange to say. there were no lizards or bull-frogs. The frogs made their appearance after the founding of the city. Jeremiah Leeds' first home on the island was a log-house, built where the Reading railroad tracks now cross Arctic avenue. Till the narrow-gauge road was built a cedar-tree 58 Hcston ' s Ha nd-Book. Old-time Home of John Leeds. marked the site of the old fireplace of this log-house. This log-hut was torn down after Leeds had built a new and better one near the Inlet, at the intersection of Baltic and Massachusetts avenues. It was built of good cedar logs, shingled on the out- side and sealed with plowed and 1^% .--.^ grooved boards inside. It had »" ~^ "'^~^~-~ ' two rooms below and plenty of W4 chamber rooms above. This house was used as a shed and storeroom when a larger frame house was built at a later date. It was finally torn down in 1853, ^ and the cedar logs were convert- fe I f ^•f"' j ~^ ed into shingles. ^ \ ^ ? The third house was built about 1815. It was the home of Andrew Leeds, son of Jeremiah, and is still standing near the Drawbridge as a part of the Island House property. A view of this old house is shown opposite page 35. The fourth house was built at the old salt-works, where the Inlet now flows. It was occupied by John Bryant until John Horner came to this island from Tucker- ton and operated ihe salt-works, Bryant going to Absecon. This house is now a part of the home of the late Irving Lee on Pennsylvania avenue. Ryan Adams was the next to build a house on theChamberlin tract, at Delaware and Arctic avenues. It is still standing, but not on the old site. The fust city election was held at this house. The sixth house was built by John Leeds, son of Andrew, near Arctic and Indiana Aves. The sev- enth house was built by James, a brother of John Leeds. It was near Michigan and Arctic avenues. The eighth and ninth houses were built by Robert B. Leeds above Baltic, between Rhode Island and Massachusetts avenues, about 1852. These were all the houses on this island when the city was incorporated and the railroad finished in 1854. In 1838 Jeremiah Leeds died and his lands descended to his children : Rubanna Conover, Rachel Steelman, Andrew Leeds, Judith Leeds, after- wards Judith Hackett, Chalkley S. Leeds and Robert B. Leeds. The mother of the Leeds progeny at this tinie kept the old Atlantic House as a tavern for oystermen and traders, it stood near Baltic and Massachusetts avenues. Less than fifty years ago the island was so uninviting that when the project to make a summer resort was instituted, the idea was ridiculed as being utterly impracticable. Said a conserva- tive old capitalist: "Callitasand- patch, a desolation, a swamp, a mosquito territory, but do not talk to me about any city in such a place as that. In the first place, you can't build a city there, and, in the second place, if you did, you couldn't get anybody to go there." The conservative old capitalist was in due time gath- ered unto his fathers, and the enterprising men who set to work to plant a city have had the sat- isfaction of seeing more than their most sanguine expectations realized. Old-time Home of James Leeds. -Xi '^„ * ^^^ ~^.; Queen of the Coast. BSE CON ISLAND experienced so few changes during the first half of the nine- teenth century, the few inhabitants were so staid in their ways, and the trade was so limited that there is but little which the histo- rian can amplify into importance. During that period little progress was made on the island in improvements. No matter if the sun rose and set along the glistening beach, giving out its beauty and geniality from dawn to dark, to pioneer Leeds it gave no hint of healthfulness nor promise of a future city. In time the mainland became more populous and the beach more inviting in the summer time. Instead of a sportsman's cabin there came a dwelling house or two, then more houses, and by and by a city was born. She grew in beauty and pro- portions, and, like a beautiful woman, was admired of men. The island began to awaken from its slumbering obscurity in the early part of 1852, when Samuel Richards, a glass manufacturer of New Jersey, laboring under the difficulties produced by almost impassable roads and consequent delays in transportation of goods to Philadelphia, conceived the "idea of starting a rail- Building of road. Besides this plan for increasing his own business the City, facilities, he also proposed to make the new road an outlet from Philadelphia to the sea. His associates were Dr. Jona- than Pitney, Hon. Andrew K. Hay, Stephen Colwell, John C. DaCosta, Joseph Porter, William Coffm and Enoch Doughty. HOW THE PROJECT STARTED. Thomas Richards, father of Samuel Richards, as early as 1829, became the owner of a larfje tract of land at a place then called Jackson, a small villasje on the Camden & Atlantic Railroad. On this land Thomas founded a glass-works, in which his son Samuel became a partner some time before 1850. The manufacture of glass at that place required manv teams to do the heavy hauling to and from the works, at a very considerable expense. Mr. Richards was anxious to increase his facilities and reduce the expense of making and delivering glass. About 1850 he began to talk of having a railroad built from Camden to Jackson. Joseph Porter was then making glass at Waterford and was the owner of some 6000 acres of land at that place. William Coffin and Andrew K. Hay were making glass at Wins- low, and owned a tract of land. W. W. Fleming was active at Atsion and owned the half of about 60,000 acres. William Coffin and John Hammonton Coffin had been, not long before that, interested in the old glass-works at Hammonton and owned a considerable tract of land at that place. Jesse Richards was making glass and iron at Batsto and owned some 50,000 acres. Stephen Colwell and Walter D. Bell were owners of nearly 100,000 acres of land and were making iron pipes at Weymouth. General Enoch Doughty owned some 20,000 to 30,000 acres of land near Absecon. "Mr. Doughty owned saw-mills and was interested in lumber- ing. Jonathan Pitney was a practicing physician at Absecon and owned a tract of 500 acres at what was then called "Sailor Boy," near the station now called Elwood. As a (59) 6o //t'sfivi's Hand-Book. physician of large practice on the mainland from English Creek to Port Republic, Dr. Pitney \vas a gentleman of large intluence in that region. Mr. Richards was a gentleman of tireless energy. In emergencies he was known to have worked twenty consecutive hours per day for days in succession. His perseverance accomplished results that most people would have regarded as impossible. His project was pushed with so much energy that all the gentlemen aoove mentioned became interested and in the earlv part of 1S52 resolved to build a railroad to Absecon beach. Richard Osborne was the engineer who laid out and built the road. From a letter written by Mr. Osborne under date of January iS, 1S06, we quote : " Having been con- nected with the incorporators before the organization of the railroad company, and having acted from the first as their engineer and contractor until after the completion of the road and laying out of Atlantic City, I ought to be able to give the earliest and fullest statement, based on personal knowledge. " The late Samuel Richards gave to me the first intimation of any intention to con- struct a railroad to the sea, in a letter dated May 22, 1852, to which I replied in person, bv going from Tamaqua to Philadelphia, and after conferring with Mr. Richards I accom- panied him on the 24th of the same month and was introduced to several other interested gentlemen. According to Mr. Richards' previous arrangement with me, a preliminary sur- vey of the lines was ordered by the incorporators. This survey was completed on the i8th of June and submitted to Mr. Richards and his friends: after which the railroad company was organized and the location of the railroad ordered to be made by the directors. '"Mr. Richards made the first estimate of the probable business of the projected road and used it as an argument in favor of the organization of the company and construction of the railroad. Someof the objects Mr. Richards had in view in urging the building of this road were: First, to secure the advantage of railroad transportation for his Jackson Glass Works; second, to con%ert large tracts of waste land, of which he and other branches of the family were owners, into a productive area ; and, third, to open up Southern New Jersey, by establishing an attractive terminal at the sea for bathing and general recreation." The first projecting visit to the solitary marshes and sand-hills of what is now Atlantic Citv was made in the early part of i8;2 : an act of incor- poration was obtained and in September o'f the same year a contract was awarded for the construction of a railroad between the Delaware river and Absecon beach. The engineer was Richard B. Osborne. NAMING THE CITY'S STREETS. The streets of At'antic City, as originally laid out, were dedicated to public use by deed and map dated April 15. 185:;. The deed is signed by the principal land-owners, namelv, Chalkley S. Leeds, Robert B. Leeds, William Neleigli, Daniel L. Collins, Richard Hackett, John Leeds, Steelman Leeds, D. D. Rhodes, J. N. Michener and William Coffin, the last named representing the Camden & Atlantic Railroad Company. The railroad companv wished to have Atlantic avenue 150 feet wide and the cross avenues 75 feet, but the land-owners objected, and finally, against their own judgment, and in spite of the pro- tests of their engineer, Mr. Osborne, the company yielded to the demands of the land- owners. The width of .Atlantic avenue was reduced to 100 feet and most of the other ave- nues to 50 and 60 feet. At the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the city, in June, iStq, Mr. Osborne was called upon, as 'the only man li\ing who was actively connected with both the building of the railroad and the laying out of the city," to give a'historv of the resort. That history was published at the time in full or part by the Philadelphia papers. In his work of laying out the citv, Mr. Osborne was assisted by a Mr. Stack and Daniel Morris. The latter subsequently became the first surveyor of Atlantic Citv. He invested largelv in real estate and amassed a considerable fortune. He died in December, 1808, leaving $50,000 to a Catholic orphanage which he had previously founded at Hopewell, near Trenton. He also bequeathed many thousands of dollars to va- rious Catholic institutions in Philadelphia. To the surprise of many persons, no individuals, churches or institutions in Atlantic City were beneficiaries under his will. The railroad to Absecon Island was completed and passenger trains were run on it for the first time on Julv i, 1854- Meanwhile, Bedloe's Hotel and a little house called the Cottage Retreat had been erected, and the United States Hotel was so nearly completed that the first excursion- ists, numbering about six hundred, were given dinner there. The next vear the Surf House, Congress Hall, and two cottages on Tennessee ave- nue went up. These were followed bv the Mansion House and Schaufler's Hotel. FA.MOLS OLD-TIME HOTELS. The Surf House occupied the square bounded by Kentucky, Illinois, Atlantic and Pacific avenues. It was torn down in 1880. Congress Hall was located at the corner of Pacific and .Massachusetts avenues, extending towards Connecticut and Atlantic avenues. Uid- Time Iron Forge on the Mainland. Queen of the Coast. 6i It disappeared in 1898. The United States Hotel and lawn was bounded by Atlantic and Pacific, Maryland and Delaware avenues. About 1890 the hotel was removed to the Pacific avenue front and much of the land converted into buildinjr lots. The building was finally razed in 1900. Schaufler's Hotel site was bounded by North Carolina, South Carolina, Arc- tic and Railroad avenues fronting on the last named. It was torn down in 1900. The Man- sion House occupied what was at one time considered a very eligible hotel site at the corner of Atlantic and Pennsylvania avenues. The property was purchased by the Atlantic City National Bank and torn down in 1899. As an adjunct to, and arising out of the railroad company, the Cam- den & Atlantic Land Company was organized and chartered. This company purchased the land of the Leeds family for seventeen dollars and fifty cents per acre. The money was paid over"^in old Aunt Hannah Shil- lingworth's Hotel in Absecon. Then began the rise in values that has made so many people rich, though, with the usual irony of fate, the de- scendants of the original owners and settlers are still poor. Most of the land is now valued at over one hundred dollars per lineal foot, and some of it at over one thousand dollars a lineal foot. The same land was purchased by Jeremiah Leeds at forty cents an acre. The city was incorporated on March 3, 1854, but the Forty Years of name " Atlantic City " was adopted more than a year Rapid Progress, previous. The names of "Ocean City," " Seabeach," 1854 to 1894 " Surfing," " Strand," and " Bath " had been suggested, but when a map of the proposed resort was unrolled at a meeting of the railroad company in January, 1853, it was found that the engineer, Mr. Osborne, had lettered it "Atlantic City," and this title was at once approved by the board. BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY. The act of 1854 fixed the western boundary of the city at California avenue. The present boundaries were fixed by the act of April 2. 1869, and are as follows : " Beginning at a point in the Atlantic Ocean, as far as the jurisdiction of the State extends, and on a line with the east side of Dry Inlet; thence easterly along the boundary line of the State to a line at right angles witti the east side of Absecom Inlet, at high'water; thence westerly along the east side of said inlet to a point opposite and at right angles with the west bank of Clam Thoroughfare ; thence southerly along the west bank of said Thoroughfare, to its intersection with Beach Thoroughfare ; thence southerly along the east bank of said Beach Thoroughfare to the intersection of the aforesaid line on the east side of Dry Inlet; and thence along said line to the place of beginning." This description includes within the city limits the tract now known as Chelsea Heights, between Beach Thoroughfare and Inside Thoroughfare. It will be noticed that the sou'hern boundary is in the Atlantic Ocean " as far as the jurisdiction of the State extends," which means at least three miles seaward from the Boardwalk. By the modern law of nations, the territorial waters extend to such distance as is capable of command from the shore, or the presumed range of a cannon, which, for the purpose of certainty, is regarded as a marine league, or three miles. According to some writers, a state or nation may extend its jurisdiction seaward with the increased range of a cannon (now about ten miles), and from their standpoint we may assume that the southern boundary of Atlantic City is ten miles seaward from the Boardwalk. This question of boundary was settled in 1887 bv Vice-Chancellor Alfred Reed, who was then a Judge of the Supreme Court. Several mechanics' liens were filed against the Howard Pier, which then extended into the ocean from the foot of Kentucky avenue. The defense set up that the State's jurisdiction did not extend below low-water mark, and there- fore the courts could not pass upon the case or enforce the authority of a decree. Judge Reed, in a very lengthy opinion, quoted copiously from English and American authorities bearing on the subject, and said : — " My conclusion is that the State of New Jersey holds the land and water with all the rights appertaining thereto to a line at least three miles distant from the low-water mark of the ocean." This decision has been quoted since in other cases and is the accepted law of the State. It is evident, therefore, that the city has authority beyond the low-water mark, and control of the land underwater at least three miles from the shore. The federal government exercises jurisdiction in so far as navigation and fisheries are concerned over the marine league, but all other rights are reserved by the State. The beach front of Atlantic City has under,gone a considerable change since the time of the first survey in 1852. The Ligfithouse was for years threatened with destruction by the encroaching waters of the Inlet, until the Government built a series of jetties in 1876, thereby diverting the currents. S-nce then other jetties have been built and considerable 62 Hcston' s Hand -Book. land reclaimed. A conservative estimate of what would be the present value of lands in the vicinity of the Inlet— lands that were once high and dry and covered with a thick growth of cedars, but now washed by the tides, is a million and a quarter of dollars. In other words, building sites which to-day would sell for $1,250,000, have been washed away by the currents of Absecon Inlet. But while abrasion has taken place at one point, accretion has gone on at another, so that, to some extent at least, what has been one man's loss has been another man's gain. The present site of the Sea Side House, at the foot of Pennsylvania avenue, was washed by the tides as recently as 1870, and farther down the beach the sea covers the site of lots for which deeds were riecorded as late as 1876. From New Jersey avenue down to Chelsea the present value of the accretions— the lands "thrown up" by the sea or the gift of Prov- idence — is seven and a quarter millions of dollars. Deducting the $1,250,000 loss from the $7,250,000 gain, and we have a net gain of $6,000,000. id d ^ The first election was held on May i, 1854, when eighteen votes were cast in a cigar-box, secured with yellow tape. A small hole had been cut in the lid of the box, and through this the ballots were dropped. The city government then consisted of a mayor, recorder, aldermen, six councilmen, tax collector, treasurer, constable and marshal. Chalkley S. Leeds was elected the first mayor. At one of the first meetings of City Council it was ordered " that a seal, with appropriate design, be obtained for Atlantic City." For a num- ber of months, at every meeting of Council, the committee appointed to secure the seal reported "progress." Finally, on December 11, 1855, the long-expected seal was reported to have arrived— at Absecon. The com- mittee was continued, but there is no further trace of the seal in the record. Just how or when it " arrived " in Atlantic City is not known, but it was of very ordinary design. At the suggestion of the writer, in a communica- tion to City Council, the present seal was adopted by a resolution of that body, February i, 1897. it was used for the first time on the City Improve- ment Bonds, dated January 15, 1897, and issued shortly after the adoption of the new seal.* in November, 1855, Chalkley S. Leeds was re-elected mayor, but becoming weary of the honors of office, he resigned six months later, and * The Atlantic City Daily Press of January 13, 1897, said : " Comptroller A. M. Heston says the present city seal is a disgrace to Atlantic City. ' The man who made it mistook his calling,' said he yesterday. ' He ought to have been a potato-digger or a charcoal-burner.' Queen of the Coast. 63 in April, iSqC, Council elected John G. W. Avery to fill the unexpired term. The city authorities struggled bravely with the difficulties before them, and before the close of the year they had effected a noticeable Ante-Bellum change in the topography of the' island, especially in the Days. vicinity of Absecon Inlet. Hills were cut down, ponds filled, ditches dug, and streets built, it is said that about this time one man contracted to cut down a hill and another was engaged to fill up a hollow. By a clever arrangement, the former fulfilled his contract by permitting the latter to cut away the hill and deposit the sand in his hole. To pay for these improvements city scrip was issued to the amount of $1500, dated February 15, 1856. Several vears elapsed before the city began to attract attention, even in Philadelphia. Some who had become interested despaired of success and abandoned further efforts to build up the resort. The railroad com- pany struggled through adversities, hoping for that success which was sure to come in later years. In 1857 the excursion house was located on Atlantic avenue between New York and Kentucky, north side, and it remained here until a building at the foot of Missouri avenue was erected in 1870. A long platform was The Comptroller showed an impression of the sea! on a piece of paper, and the reporter read : ATLANTIC CITY. Incorporated March, i8. 1854. NEW. JERSEY. 'Such punctuation as that,' continued the Comptroller, 'would be discreditable to the lowest grade of our Atlantic City public schools. When I showed it to a gentleman the other day, he said it reflected the intelligence of the men who once governed Atlantic City, but it is difficult to believe that the voters of Atlantic City ever elected to office a man so utterly ignorant of the first principles of punctuation. No matter who is at fault in the punctuation, the important fact is that every official document issued by the city of Atlantic City is an advertisement of somebody's ignorance. The city ought to have a new seal at once, and in the center should be the coat of arms. Around this coat of arms should be encircled the usual lettering— "City of Atlantic City— Incorporated March i8, 1854." On the new issue of Boardwalk bonds you will see a design for a city seal in line with what I have suggested, and adapted to Atlantic City.' " Two weeks later, at a meeting of City Council, on February i, 1897, Councilman Edward S. Lee introduced a resolution adopting the new design as the seal of Atlantic City. Subsequently it was discovered that this new seal, as well as the old one, bore a date that was historically incorrect. The Atlantic City Daily Press of October 25, 1898, said : " The man who designed the present seal of Atlantic City, whoever he was. made a curious mistake. He inscribed on the seal the date, March 18, 1854, as the date of the city's incor- poration ; but as a matter of fact the proper date should be March ^, 1854. Just how the mistake occurred no one knows, but the fact remains that for nearly half a century every legal document has been stamped with a seal that is historically incorrect. The discovery was made a short time ago by City Comptroller Heston, and was brought to the attention of Council last night in the following communication : "'Atlantic City, October 17. 1898. " 'To THE President and Members of City Council. '" Gentlemen:— \r\ view of the fact that the city of Atlantic City is about issuing Paving and Crematory bonds, permit me to suggest the advisability of procuring a new city seal, with the correct date of incorporation engraved thereon. " ' The present and all former seals of Atlantic City give the date of incorporation as March 18, 1854, whereas the correct date is March ^di. I made this discovery in going over the records at Trenton, and have a letter from Hon. George Wurts, Secretary of State, in confirmation of my statement, in which he says : " In reply to your request 1 have to say that the act to incorporate Atlantic City was approved March 3, 1854, and went into effect immediately." " 'The fact that all legal documents heretofore issued by Atlantic City have been stamped with a seal bearing the wrong date of incorporation should not be accepted as a sufficient excuse for continuing the error, and I therefore suggest a new city seal.' "Council immediately took steps to rectify the mistake by authorizing the Comp- troller to have a new seal made bearing the correct date of incorporation." 64 Hcston' s Hand-Book. built along Atlantic avenue, for the convenience of day excursionists. The railroad track at that time did not extend below Illinois avenue. The plat- form referred to was the cause of the first difficulty between the railroad officials and the city authorities. The former claimed that they had full control of the avenue. Litigation followed and was continued until 1881, when the difficulties were adjusted by the passage of an ordinance on June 13th of that year. This ordinance provided that the company should con- struct and maintain two tracks on Atlantic avenue the whole length of the same, in consideration of which the company should keep the avenue clean and in good repair and furnish a suftkient"^ quantity of sand and gravel, free of cost to Atlantic City, to build Atlantic avenue to grade from curb to curb wheresoever the company's tracks should be extended, from Georgia avenue southwestward. ENCROACHMENTS OF THE SEA. Between 1855 and 1865 the lower end of Brig:antine beach, now low and flat and swept by nearly every high tide, was hi.8:h and hilly. The sea and Inlet currents together began to play havoc with the beach at the head of Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific avenues, and at one time the security of the Lighthouse was seriously imperiled, the waves at high water curl- ing around its foundation stones. Then it was that the Government built jetties extending into the Inlet at different angles. Immense cribs of solid timber were built, lowered into the Inlet and filled with great masses of rock that sank and formed a foundation about which the sand gathered. The Camden & Atlantic Railroad built an elevated structure just south of what is now Gram- mercy Place, on which to run the cars loaded with rock to where the jetties were in course of construction. This elevated structure is now almost covered with sand, and fully two blocks of valuable real estate, beautified with handsome cottages, lie between the Light- house and the Inlet currents, marking the place where at one time the tides ebbed and flowed. The summer of i8!;8 witnessed a plague of green-head flies, gnats and mosquitoes, and hundreds of persons who would have remained here returned home, unable to endure the torment of these insects. The Civil The breaking out of the civil war in i86[ retarded the "War Period, growth of Atlantic City. Progressive and patriotic people were resolved to save the nation rather than build a city. During the early part of the civil war the Republicans living on the island formed a secret organization, called the Union League, of which Lewis Evans was chosen president. It was principally a literary association. The Union League retained its organization until 1869, when it was superseded by the Atlantic City Literary Association. "This society," says A. L. English, "was non-part izan, and all persons, including ladies, were invited to join. * * * Among those most prominent in the debates were Newton Keim, John J. Gardner (afterwards mayor, state senator and congressman). Dr. Thomas K. Reed, Jacob Keim (assemblyman), Levi C. Albertson (postmaster and county collector), D. W. Belisle (mayor), S. R. Morse (school-teacher and county superintendent). Gideon Grill and others. The winter days were chiefly spent in preparation for these mental contests. * * * Another interesting and profitable feature was the journal read at each meeting. The editorship, which lasted a week only, was assigned to any person the president might select. Commu- nications were solicited, and that the modest beginner might be encouraged, the name of the author, if desired, was kept secret. The association held winter sessions of varying interest and success until 1880, when, to the misfortune of the community, it was permitted to disband." WEBSTER-HAYNE LITERARY SOCIETY. Not until i8q7 was there an organization in Atlantic City similar to the Atlantic Citv Literary Association of 1862-1880. On January 22, 1897. the " Webster-Hayne Literary Society" was organized by the pupils of the Atlantic City High School. This society meets on the last Friday afternoon of each month during the school >ear, for the discussion of questions of public interest by pupils of the High School, the girls having equal part with the boys in these debates. The meetings are largely attended by friends of the pupils and the debates are usually very interesting and profitable to old as well as young. The members of the society have had tlie encouragement and assistance of Mr. H. P. Miller, the principal of the High School. The present membership is 150. Among the more active members, since the organization of the society in 1897, have been : Presidents. — Messrs. Leon Albertson, Frederick Reid. William Alcorn, Benj. Z. Hann, Norwood Griscom and Eugene Wiltbank. Leaders of Glee Oud.— Misses Carrie Turner, Nan Scull and Amanda Rothholz. lliiih-School Quartette.— Messrs. Eugene Schwinghammer, Lewis Mathis, Norwood Griscom and Howard North. i rv- r. r- .^ .' r#' ^* |_, Queen of the Coast. 65 In addition to the above the foliowin? have been active in the debates, etc. : Homer Silvers Harriet Armstrong;. George Muller. Caroline Giltinan, Leira Conover. Andrew Steelman Ida Tavlor, Chester Brown, Ordelle Conover, Herman Sorin, John Ries, Richard Bew, Lillian Scull, Carrie Cramer. Adele Giltinan. Marion Mundy. William Haupt, Henry Philo, James Hayes, Mildred Rundall and Mary Leyman. d <5 d No seaside resort in the world has grown as rapidly as Atlantic City, and none stands on a more secure foundation for future prosperity. In the development of the resort the railroads have played a very important part. In T876 the increasing importance of the place made another railroad desir- able, and the Philadelphia & Atlantic City Railroad Company was incorporated. The construction was commenced in April, 1877, and the first through train was run on July 25th of the same year. It is now oper- ated bv what is commonly known as the Reading Company, of Philadel- phia. The competing facilities offered by this road have been of the greatest benefit to the citv, and have aided materiallv in the development of the place. Earlv in the spring of 1880 the West Jersey Division of the Penn- sylvania Railroad extended its line to Atlantic City. The opening of the West Jersey was of exceptional benefit to the city, since a direct route to New York Citv, without change of cars, was thereby afforded. Some years afterwards the Pennsylvania Railroad Company built a bridge across the Delaware above Camden and began running through trains to Phila- delphia and the West, by this route, on April 19, 1896. The advancement of Atlantic City during the last decade has been unprecedented in the history of watering places and health resorts, and as the citv has grown, literally as well as figuratively. The Boardwalk— its in actual size as well as population, as a place of Inception and History, permanent residence as well as a resort for winter 1870-1900 and summer, the accommodations for the entertain- ment of visitors have increased correspondingly, so that now there are over six hundred hotels and boarding places in Atlantic Citv. , , , ^ ^ ^, 1 Skirting the ocean for a distance of four miles, from the Inlet to Chel- sea, is a magnificent Boardwalk, with steel girders and columns, twelve feet in height and forty feet wide most of the distance. The first " Boardwalk " in Atlantic City— the first, indeed, in the world —was built in 1870, five thousand dollars being raised for that purpose. The venture was regarded in an unfavorable light by many of the con- servative citizens, some of whom were large owners of real estate, but the younger men carried the project through. There was no way at that time for the city to pay for this proposed improvement, but citv scrip was issued and held bv Brown & Woelpper, owners of the United States Hotel, and lumber merchants in Philadelphia. The agreement was that they were to use the scrip for the payment of their taxes and license. Subsequently ^qooo of city bonds were sold at a discount of 10 per cent., and with this^nonev a Boardwalk was paid for. The bonds were redeemed by the city about three years later. This walk was eight feet wide, and was completed on June 26, 1870.* * On the completion of this Boardwalk City Council passed the following: ordinance : "Be it ordained that no building whatever shall be built within thirty feet of said walk and none upon the ocean side of said walk unless by permission of City Council, under penaltv of $10 for the first offense, and if not removed within three days a second fine of $50 or impris- onment for not more than thirty days or both at the discretion of the magistrate before whom the case shall be brought." 66 Heston' s Hand- Book. The second walk was built by authority of a resolution passed by City Council in September, 1879. On October 2d the contract for its erection was awarded to Henry Disston & Sons, of Philadelphia, and it was com- pleted the following spring. It was sixteen feet wide. This walk was destroyed by severe storms in the winter of 1883-4, but was rebuilt in a more substantial manner in the spring of 1884, at a cost of less than ten thousand dollars. Five years later (September 10, 1889), another storm made almost a complete wreck of the walk, but before another summer it was rebuilt wider, higher and stronger than ever, with an unobstructed view on the seaward side. The completion of this fourth walk was celebrated with a grand torchlight and fireworks procession of citizens, secret societies, militia and firemen, on the night of May 10, 1890, just eight months, to the day, after its destruction. The total cost of this improvement, including the purchase of land and buildings by condemnation, lawyers' fees, etc., was $53,928.50. THE BOARDWALK OF TO-DAY. \ In February, 1896, the act of 1889, by authority of which the last Boardwalk had been erected, was amended. It authorized a much greater expenditure and provided for a structure of steel, iron or wood. The walk then in use being too narrow and practically worn out, Council decided to erect a new one of steel. The contract was awarded to the Phcenix Bridge Company, of Philadelphia, and work was begun on April 24, 1896. The formality of a public dedication of this new walk was observed on July 8, i8g6, when the golden nail was driven by Mrs. Stoy, wife of the Mayor. There was a "grand rally" on the lawn or park opposite the Hotel Brighton, with speeches by Congressman Gardner and others. In the evening there was a parade of citizens, military com- panies and fire companies, on the Boardwalk, and fire- works galore. The walk was not entirely completed until the following September, having a temporary railing during most of the summer. The entire cost, including legal expenses, was $143,986.38. The Chelsea exten- sion of this walk was built in the spring of 1898, at a cost of about $17,000. The old walk from the foot of Vermont avenue north- ward was torn down and an improved one was built nearer the beach, in 1899-1900, at a cost of about $10,000. By a resolution passed August 17, 1896, the name of " Boardwalk " was officially given to the present elevated structure on the beach ifront of Atlantic City. There is no authority for the word "esplanade," some- times used by uninformed persons in referring to this promenade. The word is a misnomer. Mention the Boardwalk anywhere in the world " from China to Peru," and every one knows you mean Atlantic City. There is only one Boardwalk on the globe. But mention Esplanade or Promenade, and what significance has it? It may mean one at Brighton or at Ostend, at Mosquito Beach or at Mummychug-super-Mars. Parade Badge The Boardwalk is the distinctive feature of Atlantic City. It follows the contour of the beach just above the line of high water, and is lighted with electric lights its entire length of three and one-third miles. In summer time, when the beach is crowded and the Boardwalk thronged with pedes- trians, Atlantic City presents a scene of gayety unequaled anywhere else in the country. o o SI 5' o" Around and About. Condensed Historical and General Information about Atlantic City, Alphabetically Arranged. Atlantis Club.— This social club of gentlemen was organized on March 4, 1899. The club house is on Illinois avenue between Atlantic and Pacific. The membership is limited to two hundred. Amusements.— Young's Pier, foot of Tennessee avenue ; Academy of Music, Boardwalk near New York avenue ; Empire Theatre, Atlantic avenue near Kentucky ; Japanese Tea Garden, Boardwalk near Massa- chusetts avenue. Banks.— In Atlantic City there are three national banks where letters of credit may be made payable— the Atlantic Citv National Bank, the Second National Bank and the Union National Bank. There are also two safe deposit and trust companies. Baptist Church.— This edifice, on Pacific avenue, was completed in July, 1882, and enlarged and improved in 1893. It is a neat structure, capable of seating about five hundred. The seats are arranged in amphi- theatre style. The Bethany Mission, on Atlantic avenue near Georgia, was recently organized as a church. Brigantine.— On the opposite shore of the Inlet is Brigantine Beach. It is reached by yachts and by steamers operated bv the Brigantine Trans- portation Company. The trolley road follows the contour of the beach to Little Egg Harbor Inlet, a distance of seven miles. The cars are double- decked and run swiftly. The road passes the treacherous Brigantine Shoals, upon which hundreds of vessels of all kinds have been wrecked, accompanied by great loss of life. The charge for the round trip is twenty-five cents. The thought of going to Brigantine [via the Brigantine Transportation Co.] is a pleasure in itself, and to those who have gone it is a pleasant and life-long recollection. The bathing is absolutely safe, while the angle at which the beach extends into the ocean and its distance from the main- land make it peculiarly open to the prevailing winds of summer. Cool breezes always favor the island from some quarter, and the facilities for boating, sailing and fishing are unsurpassed. Brigantine is the summer home of a number of prominent gentlemen and their families. This beach, at one time, was one of the choicest places along the coast for sportsmen. Blue-fish, flounders, porgies, bass and weak-fish are caught in abundance. The adjacent meadows and marshes are alive with snipe, curlew, marlin and the whole family of wading birds. Wild geese, duck, brants and teal are to be had in large quantities in season. The crabbing is exceptionally good, and the bathing superb. The upper end of this beach was for many years the breeding place for sea-gulls. Mxriads of these birds would congregate there. The eggs were laid in the"sand, the nest being a mere hollow, with sometimes a few twigs and leaves. Casino.— The Casino is located on the Boardwalk, overlooking the sea, near the foot of Indiana avenue. It affords various kinds of amuse- ments for adults and all reasonable attractions for the little folks. The sun parlors are especially adapted for the use of the many invalids and con- valescents who find new life in our health-giving ozone during the spring months. On all sides of the assembly room are sun parlors, reading and smoking rooms. (67) Lighthouse and Life Saving Station. Around and About. 69 In the one-story extension at the rear are well-lighted and well-ventilated dressing rooms for surf-bathing, luxuriously furnished, hot and cold sea- water baths, and also well-appointed dressing rooms for the patrons of the adjoining natatorium. This large swimming pool is built of brick, with concrete bottom and white-marble sides, and is the finest on this continent. Bevond the pool are bowling alleys and shuffle-board parlors. The Casino is conducted on the club plan, but admission is by tickets, instead of introduction, and the proprietor reserves the right to exclude any one for any cause. This is done to make it as select as possible for visitors. The subscription is 50 cents a day, or $2.50 a week. This includes admisson, day and evening, to the daily concerts and to the dances. The cost of the Casino was S?6o,oco. Catholic Church.— St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church was built in 1856, on Atlantic avenue near Tennessee, in the spring of 1887 the building was removed to its present location on Pacific avenue near Tennessee. Many changes and improvements were made, and it is now a large and verv comfortable church edifice. St. Mary's Church edifice, at the corner of Atlantic and Texas avenues, was dedicated in 1897. This church was formerly known as St. Monica's, and was destroyed by fire December 2, i8q6. Children's Seashore House.— This institution was opened in its pres- ent location, at the sea end of Ohio avenue, occupying what is now the main building, in 1883. Fourteen smaller buildings have since been erected within the grounds by visitors at the different hotels, each bearing the name of the house by which it was erected. There are now accommoda- tions for over one hundred children and about thirty mothers. The object of the corporation is to maintain at the seashore an institution in which children of the poorer classes, suffering from non-contageous diseases, or from debility, incident to the hot weather and a crowded city, may have good nursing and medical care, without regard to creed, color or nationality. The house is open to visitors Tuesday and Friday mornings from half-past nine to half-past ten o'clock, and every afternoon from three to five o'clock. Chelsea.— A few blocks below the built-up portion of Atlantic City is a select suburb, called Chelsea. It is laid out on a comprehensive scale with wide streets and large lots, those fronting on Pacific avenue being sixty feet wide, and the corner ones sixty five feet. Restrictions embodied in the deeds require all houses to be set back a good distance from the street, and prevent them also from being crowded closely together. Only one build- ing for dwelling-house purposes is permitted oh each lot. No liquor saloon or other undesirable places are allowed in the place, and stringent regula- tions govern the drainage arrangements. The Pennsylvania Railroad has a station at Chelsea, and both the electric cars and omnibuses convey pas- sengers to and from the city proper. Country Club House.— The golf links are on the mainland overlook- ing Lake's Bay. The city is but twentv minutes distant by motor car. Adjoining the links is the shore road, a beautiful highway running amid quaint little villages and fine residences. This road extends along the entire New Jersey coast from near Sandv Hook to Cape May. A visit to the Club House and the Golf Links will appeal not only to those inter- ested in the Club, but to those who seek the enjoyment of country club life in connection with the charms of the seashore. Death-Rate.— The death-rate among residents is less than 10 in 1000, which is probably lower than that of any other city in the country. In relation to the resident death-rate Dr. M. D. Youngman says : *' Thirty per cent, of the number are buried either in remote parts of the 70 Heston' s Hand-Book. State or in other States, showing that they or their friends were only temporary residents, and yet claimed residence here and intended living here while the boarding-house business paid, or while they found employ- ment as waiters, or as long as their health was conserved. A considerable percentage of these waiters are colored, the majority being children. Colored people come here for the purpose of doing laundry work and waiting, and their children are bottle-fed and neglected. Many of the permanent residents are impaired lives, persons who maintain a permanency of residence here because they can not live elsewhere on account of some impairment of health. The local death-rate from acute diseases is very St. James' Episcopal Church. low. Of the non-residents the great majority are chronic invalids, many of them being in the city but a few days or even hours when they die. This is the case with children very frequently in the hot season." Episcopal Church. — St. James' Episcopal Church, corner Pacific and North Carolina avenues, was the first of this denomination erected in Atlantic City. It was finished in i86g and enlarged in February, 1874. The Church of the Ascension, originally a frame building, was completed in 1879, and stood on Pacific avenue, below Michigan, t)ut was removed in 1886 to its present location on Kentucky avenue, corner Pacific. The present brick edifice was completed in 1893. Around and About. 7^ "Everybody Goes to Brigantine."— This is a by-expression in Atlantic City, and it is literally true. Anybody is nobody if he does not go, because everybody goes. Friends' Meeting-house.— This place of worship was built in 1872, previous to which the meetings of the Society of Friends were held in the school-house on Pennsylvania avenue for four consecutive summers. Fire Department.— The present equipment of this excellent branch of the citv government includes thirtv-seven employees, thirty-seven pieces of apparatus, and thirty-nine horses. The apparatus is as follows: Eight engines, three chemical engines, three combination chemical and hose wagons, six hose wagons, two aerial trucks, one combination chemical truck and hose wagon, two patrol wagons, six supply wagons, one hand carriage, three parade wagons, one crab and one chief's wagon. Besides these there are one life net, seventeen hand extinguishers, i7,7=;o feet of tire hose, 2550 feet of chemical hose and 1 50 feet of rope for use of tire wardens. No city in the country of equal population has a fire department as well equipped as that of Atlantic City. Garbage.— The garbage of Atlantic Citv, which amounts to 10,500 tons annually, is collected in sanitary carts and taken to the crematory, at the extreme northwestern side of the city, and there cremated. The crema- tory is a model plant and cost $58,000. The city pays the contractor $io,coo a year for collecting the garbage. Hospital.— About the year 1892 an effort was made to establish a public hospital in Atlantic Citv. A number of ladies and gentlemen organ- ized what was then known as the "Atlantic Citv Hospital Association, and they collected a fund of about $1200. After a time most of those iden- tified with the movement lost interest in it, and finally the fund was turned over to a private sanatorium, and applied toward the founding of a ''free bed " in that institution. Through the efforts of Mayor Franklin P. Stoy, the city contracted with the institution referred to, known as the Atlantic City Sanatorium, of which J. J. Rochford was Superintendent, and for a few' years all sick or injured persons, who became charges upon the city, were" provided for at the Sanatorium. In this arrangement Mr. Stoy was the careful guardian of the city's interests, and to him and Mr. Rochford— the one for the city and the other for the sanatorium association— belongs the credit of providing hospital facilities in Atlantic City during the years The present hospital corporation had its beginning when the following notice was published in the Atlantic City morning papers of February 12, 1807 : ^ HOSPITAL MEETING. All who are interested in the hospital movement in Atlantic City are invited to meet at the Atlantic City Sanatorium this evenins,^ at eight o'clock. ^ ^ HESTON. The following is from the hospital minutes : Pursuant to the above call, the following persons met at the Sanatorium this evening : A. M. Heston and J. J. Rochford. Notwithstanding the small attendance, it was decided to organize the meeting and carry out the purpose of the call. . Mr Heston nominated Mr. Rochford as temporary president, and he was unanimously elected. Mr. Rochford nominated Mr. Heston as temporary secretary, and he was unani- '"""On motion', it was decided to elect a board of nine governors. Mr. Heston nominated Franklin P. Stov, Stewart R. McShea, M. A. Devine, John F. Hall, M. V. B. Scull H S. Scull, and J. Leonard Baier, Jr. Mr. Rochford nominated Lewis Evaiis and A. M. Heston. There being no other nominees, bv special request. Miss Josephine O Brien, clerk of tne Sanatorium, cast the ballot and the above-mentioned persons were declared duly elected. The Secretary was directed to notify the gentlemen of their election and request them to meet at the Sanatorium on Wednesday evening. February 24, 1897, to perfect arrangements for organizing the Atlantic City Hospital Association. 72 Heston' s Hand-Book. The gentlemen selected as a Board of Governors were duly notified and met on the evening appointed. Extracts from minutes of February 24, 1897: Resolved, That this board elect six additional members, making a board of fifteen, and a solicitor. Mr. Stoy nominated Louis Kuehnle; Mr. H. S. Scull nominated William G. Hoopes ; Mr. Heston nominated Charles Evans. H. H. Deakyne, James D. Southwick and Isaac Bacharach. They were duly elected. Alien B. Endicott was elected solicitor of the Board, to serve without salary. Subsequently, at a meeting held on April 9, 1897, the constitution and by-laws were adopted and permanent officers elected as follows : President, F. P. Stoy ; Secretary, A. M. Heston ; Treasurer, Lewis Evans. The Woman's Auxiliary was organized at the Hotel Dennis, on November 27, 1897, and the money collected by the ladies, amounting to $616.71, was set aside toward the furnishing of the hospital, when built. The officers are : President, Mrs. John F. Hall ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Shreve; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Carl Voelker; Treasurer, Mrs. M. A. Devine. The property on Ohio avenue near Pacific was purchased of Henry J. White, of New York, on August 20, 1898. The purchase price was $16,000, on account of which the Board of Governors paid $2000 in cash, and executed a second mortgage of $6000. The property was purchased subject to a first mortgage of $8000. It included a frame building contain- ing ten rooms. The formal opening of this temporary hospital building took place on November 30, 1898, on which occasion there were many visitors and gen- erous welcome to all friends of the institution. In the early part of April, 1899, Miss Elizabeth C. Boice, of Absecon, signified her desire to erect a bricl< annex to the hospital building, as a Around and About. 73 memorial to her father, Henry Boice, and her generous offer was accepted bv the Board of Governors. , , ... d • It was suggested that the proposed building be known as the Boice Annex and that it be constructed of brick, with stone trimmings, to which she readily assented. Plans for this building were drawn by Architect Harold F. 'Adams, and work thereon begun immediately. It was learned that the marriage of Miss Boice to Mr. Clarence Doughtv Nourse was to take place on June yth, at the home of a relative in West Philadelphia, and the Secretary of the Hospital deemed it appro- priate to celebrate this happy occasion by breaking ground for the new building to be erected bv the bride-elect. Accordingly, at the hour of the ceremony in West Philadelphia, he removed the first soil for the foundation of the Boice Annex in Atlantic City. The work on this building progressed satisfactorily, the Board of Governors suggesting some changes and improvements during its progress, t^ which Mrs Nourse readily assented. The building being hnally com- pleted, at a cost of nearly $10,000, announcement was made of the formal opening on Thanksgiving Day, November 30th exactly ^^^ year after he opening of what is now known as the " main" building, but whiJi nmII be razed or moved at some future time, to make room for an imposing main building, thoroughly modern in appointments and architecturally in keeping with the Boice Annex. 4 . -.1 ;.1o„h Inlet.-This is a large body of water at the upper end of the island, where sailing and fishing boats' in charge of experienced captains can he hired by the day or by the hour. The sail through the bays or ou to sea through the Inlet outlet, is delightful, and the fishing is generally very good. The rates per hour for parties is twenty-five cents a-piece. 1 ne yachtsmen are prohibited by law from taking more than thirty passengers 74 Heston' s Hand-Book. at one time. Yachts can be chartered by the day for from five to ten dollars. Jewish Synagogue. — This unique building is situated on Pennsyl- vania avenue above Pacific. The corner-stone was laid and the edifice completed in 1892. Kechemeches. — This was the name of a tribe of Indians that once inhabited the country south of the Great Egg Harbor river, and made occasional visits to Absegami (Absecon Island) in quest of oysters and game, and perhaps to visit friendly Indians who came here from Coa- quanock (Philadelphia), Chicl3 miles. Erection of Boardwalk begun April 24th, 1896 Boardwalk dedicated to public use July 8th, 1896 Cost of Boardwalk $171,248 Cost of City Water Works $934-993 Number of Fire Hydrants in use, 468 Newspapers in Atlantic City (3 daily and 5 weekly), 8 Number of Police Officers and Patrolmen, summer, 46 " " " " " winter 36 Life Guards, 28 " active P'iremen 37 Height of Lighthouse 167 feet. Distance visible at sea, 19 miles. Number of Steps to Lighthou.se, 228 Cost of Lighthouse ?52.i87 Bricks in Lighthou.se Tower 59^.634 Highest curb elevation in Atlantic City above mean low water 13^2 feet Lowest " " " " '■ " " " 6 " :Meadow surface in Atlantic City above mean low water 4 Number of Arc l^lectric Street Lights, 260 Gas Street Lights, 160 Assets of Atlantic City $1,934,660 Liabilities of Atlantic City, including Water Bonds $1,294,831 Expenditures during Fiscal Year, excepting Permanent Improvements, . . $491,317 for Permanent Improvements during Year, • . $i57,798 Total Fire Loss during Year $35,Soi Number of Pieces of Fire Apparatus, 37 Horses owned by Fire Department 39 " P'ire Companies 8 (83) Atlantic City's Pioneer Editor. OD made the editors, the editors made the papers, and the papers made Atlantic City." Thus wrote the author of the Hand-Book ten years ago, and he again asserts that the newspapers, more than any other one agency, have earned for Atlantic City her unique position as the greatest winter and summer sanitarium in the world, and the leading pleasure resort of the country. A. L. ENGLISH. Ph()t().iiraphed by John T. Irving, May, 1900. Atlantic County was not without newspapers previous to 1872, but they were published in Hammonton, Mays Landing and Egg Harbor City. in that year A. L. English, a native of the county, established the Atlantic City Daily Reviezv. The first issue was dated July i, 1872, and it ap- peared regularly every week-day until the following September ist, when it was suspended. (84) Atlantic City's Pioneer Editor. 85 The publication of the Daily Review was resumed on the first of the following July, and the paper again suspended on September ist. The weekly edition was begun on the nth of the following October, and has been continued without interruption ever since. Mr. English was a wide-awake editor and an energetic citizen. Much credit is due him for the part he took in the building of the city during the transition period— the time when Atlantic City was changing from a mere summer resort to a permanent city by the sea.^ He disposed of the Review to Alfred M, Heston and John G. Shreve on March i, 1884, when it was published under the firm name of Heston & Shreve. Mr. Heston sold his interest to Mr. Shreve three years later. The daily issue was revived every summer until 1888, when, beginning on July ist, it was issued bv Mr. Shreve as an all-the-year daily, and has remained such ever since— a credit to its proprietor and a testimony of the work so well begun by Atlantic City's pioneer editor. iiJ 4 d The newspapers of Atlantic City will be considered in a later edition of the Hand-Book. Old Catawba Church, below Mays Landing. aiI(is in Atl heir cla Many capacity ar " are « o ft a< S « 5^« r * s «a5«- > C rt ^ t: >>•- O Xi _ i/l 3 •^>/>S go - tfl > Ex: — r O) — ■c ^,rt wo ^ , 1- '-t- ^ x: « O "1 CQ'5i >- 2 E E . ^ = ^= a.< a; rt U^ a; ;->- E^ E- 3 — t/5< E. x: E- r^ biS oi bf 'JJ OOOOOCNOOOOO o o o c o o O Pi O M o o ooooocoooococoooooocoooocoo ooinooo^oO^Ocooooo-ooooocopjoomO^o i/~0000 tuc aj S-^ i.__i _*.^— 3>cwc— «ij --2^002: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I O r 1 1 '"% wo w < 5^ O u WD 1^ o o 1/) U' 3 3 o o I ^ ^;5 !i2 E x: — H ■^a >.i^ £c>^ CQOi J^oi •^' § c ^' = 1/1 ^ > ?:; o aj 01 ,■ c = b .'^^ 1 •ci^^ •n o i = ^ • 1 a, !« 4i 1 ^ 53X, 1 r a; D rt = yix: O rt O — ti E -2 .- o « C u y) c E o ri ^ £. 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THE ONLY ALL=RAIL LINE CONNECTING THE DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE ROUTE nROAl Broad Street Station, Pliiladelphia, fast express trains run to Atlantic City, couiiectiiiij with all the through trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad's vast svstem coming into Philatielphia, from the South, Southwest, West and Northwest. I'nder the comprehensive arrangement of through cars used by the Pennsylvania Railroad, it is possible tor a visitor tlestined to Atlantic City to travel from any of the large cities included in the territory above mentioned with only one change of cars, and without transfer through Philadelphia. From New PIngland and the North but one change is necessary. THE NEW YORK AND ATLANTIC CITY THROUGH FAST EXPRESS TRAINS AND THE NEW TWENTY-THIRD STREET FERRY establish a direct connection between the great hotels of New York and those of Atlantic City. These trains leave New York at convenient hours in the morning and early afternoon every week-dav during the year, and run through to Atlantic City without change. Ample Cab Service at the New York End of the New Ferry. The local service of fast express trains between Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City is unsurpassed. The Pennsylvania Railroad has been closely identified with the material development of this great seaside resort, to which end nothing has contributed more than the matchless railroad facilities always provided by this company. Any ticket agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad or its connections can give information as to routes and rates, or, should more detailed knowledge be desired, address J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Gtni'l Manager. C'li'l Pass. Ai:t. Assf. Ge>i' i Pass. A^t. Carpets Called for and Delivered Free of Charge. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Atlantic City Carpet Cleaning Co. I. R. BISHOP, Manager. Office and Works, No. 1822 Baltic Avenue. 'Phone 417. Carpets thoroughly Cleaned, 4 cents per yard. WILLIAM SABATH, Dealer in Imported and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS No. 1608 ATLANTIC AVE., Pet. Kentucky and Mt. \ernon Aves. BUCKEYE LAUNDRY AND CARPET STEAMING CO. 221, 223, 225, 227 N. Vermont Avenue. ONE DAY LAUNDRY. 'Phonr 4S0. We wash everything washable. Rugs and Fine Carpets Cleaned, and Nape raised to its original softness, the colors at the same time being restored in brightness. J. ROSENBAUM, ••T"=-Auc.io„eerJor^M,a.,.cCi.,a„dCo„u.,. MAMMOrH Ni:\V STORAGE HOISE, OFFICE AND SALESROOM, MARYLAND AVENUE BELOW ATLANTIC. Furniture and Household C.oods Rented b\ the season. The only Storage House in Atlantic City. Advances made on Storages. I a ADAMS & CO., 11^. Real Estate and I ^ QY f t^^ 'fT/^^ Money to Loan on XllOvil CtilwC'^ First-Class Mortgages. Rooms 2, 4, 6 and 8 Real Estate and Law Building. For Sale or Rent Valuable Properties in all parts of the City. The Largest Fire Insurance Agency in the State. Notaries Public and Commissioners of Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsj'lvania and New York. ,_,, 'Phone 71. J. P. CRAMER & CO. S^^fcrf^*^'' ^'^'^ .NSUR.NCE r' »«^:»o- Money to Loan on Mortgages in amounts from $500 to $100,000. conveyancing-. interest as low as Five Per Cent. Telephone 67. No. 1328 ATLANTIC AVENUE. C. C. SHINN, Real Estate, Insurance, Conveyancing, Mortgage Loans. Rooms 7 and 9 Law Building. P. O. Box 357. Long Distance 'Phone 287. THE A. H. PHILLIPS CO. Insurance and Real Estate. Money to Loan on Mortgage. Conveyancing. 'Phone 138. No. 1315 ATLANTIC AVENUE. WM. R KEATES, real estate and insurance, 1208 Atlantic Avenue. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds. Mortgages Negotiated and Sold. Hotels, Boarding Houses, Cottages and Stores foi Rent or Sale. Choice Building Sites for Sale. Business Opportunities. 'Phone 578. DAVID GILTINAN, Real Estate, Insurance and Mortgages. 'Phone 612. Room 314 Rothschild Building, 1302 ATLANTIC Avenue. 14 south Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA. HARRY R. YOUNG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Offices, 6 States Avenue. WARNER, ALLEN & CO, "^iSl^^ifSiSS^ns" REAL ESTATE BROKERS phone 832. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. No. 4 STATES AVENUE. E. H, COOK & CO, Real Esta te, I ns urance and Mortgages. Philadelphia Office: Room 803 Real Estate Trust Co., No. 8 STATES AVENUE. 'Phone 464. S. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut Sts. xviii >r A Indiana Avenue School House, North View— Hospital for Insane, Smith's Landing. M. A. DEVINE. HARRY WOOTTON. DEFINE ^ iA^OOTTON. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Rooms 10 and 11, First Floor, Real Estate and Law Building. Cottages and Hotels for Rent and Sale. Building Lots for Sale. Agents for Chelsea, Ventnor and Longport. Mortgage Loans Negotiated. General Collections. Law and Conveyancing Bureau. 'Phone 190. J. C. RISLEY. W. K. CAVILLER. RISLEY & CAVILEER, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, CONVEYANCING, Telephone 274. ^S" ATLANTIC AVENUE. p. q. Box 305. DOWN & SHEDAKER, ^^^^ Estate investors. Conveyancing and Insurance. Monev to Loan, anv Amount, on Mortgage, ^li per cent, to 6 per cent. Choice Hotels and Cottages for Sale or Rent. Lots and Blocks for Sale. 1436 ATLANTIC AVENUE, Opposite Real Estate and Law Building. CoNVEVANCiNG ^pj^g 5. E. CROWLEY CO., Collections. Incorporated, Real Estate, Insurance and Mortgages. U33 Atlantic Avenue. Hotels and Cottages for Sale or Rent. Lots for Sale. 'Phone 230. F. W. WYLD, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND MORTGAGES, 'Phone 24S. 1900 Atlantic Avenue. JAMES B. SPRINGER, real estate and insurance. Money Loaned on Mortgage. Conveyancing. Interest and Rents Collected. No. JJ S. NEW YORK AVENUE. Agent for Columbia Wagon Co.'s Wagons, Carriages and Harness. 'Phone 825. WILSON SENSEMAN, Commissioner of Deeds for New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Real Estate and Insur- ance, Notarv Public, No. 1026 ATLANTIC AVE, MATHIS & WELLS, c.' k. w^^l"" Real Estate and Insurance, Cottages and 43 South Virginia Ave. Boarding Houses for Sale or Rent. Rents Collected. First Mortgage Loans. T B FOWLER. ^^^^ ^^ta^t^ and J. O* jrwWl^i:.IV, Insurance. 1208 Atlantic Avenue. Money to Loan at 5 per cent. Cottages for Sale or Rent. J. H. BARTLETT & SON, Real Estate, no South Carolina Ave. Conveyancing, Mortgages and Insurance. V. C. BRUCKMANN, Real Estate and Insurance Broker. Property for Sale, Rent or Exchange. UNION BANK BUILDING. BARBER & JENNINGS, LLat^nin,. Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgages a Specialty. A full list of fur- 1125 Atlantic Avk. nished Hotels atid Cottages. Telephone4o6. S. E. REILY & CO., Peal Estate, Insurance and Mortgages. Room 10 Union Bank Bldg. IRELAN & CO., Real Estate and Insurance, 'Phone 64S. 1009 Atlantic Ave. D. B. EDWARDS, FLORAL HALL. 107 South Carolina Avenue. Beautiful Foliage and Bedding Plants. Fresh Cut Flowers of the finest quality received daily from our own Nurseries at Bridgeton, N.J. Jardinieres, Floral Deco- rations for weddings, parties, funerals, etc. Open all the year. Charles Evans, Joseph H. Rorton, Francis P. (Juigley, President. Vice-President. Cashier. ATLANTIC CITY NATIONAL BANK, Atlantic City, N. J. CAPITAL $50,000, SURPLUS, $150,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $50,000, I 88 I. ^900. DIRECTORS Charles Evans Frederick Hehiisley, Dr. Thos. K. Reed, Elisha Roberts, George Allen Joseph H, Borton. John B. Champion, J. Hanies Lippmcott, 'PHONE 23 Geo. W. Croshv, M. D. CAPITAL, $500,000.00 FULL PAID. GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY, North Carolina and Atlantic Aves. This Company conducts a General Banking Business. Receives deposits subject to check at sight. Pays three per cent, interest on Saving Fund and time deposits. Executes trusts of every description, and becomes surety on contractors' bonds. Acts as executor, administrator and trustee. Rents safe deposit boxts at J5 and upwards. Wills safely kept by this Company without charge. OFFICERS— CARLTdN Godfrey, President. Charles H. Jeffries, Treasurer. Louis KuEHNLE, Vice-President. A. H. Phillips, Trust Officer. DIRECTORS— John J. Gardner, Carlton Godfrey, Louis Kuehnle, A. H. Phillips, Wm. A Faunce Clifton C. Shinn, O. T- Hammell, Hubert Somers, Wm. F. Wahl, Heulings Lippincott Dr. Nelson Ingram.M. S. McCullough. Dr. Wm. M. Pollard, S. R. Morse, George P. Eldredge, Henry W. Leeds, VV. E. Edge, James B. Reilly, L. G. Salmon, James Parker. Interest alloieed on Special a7id Time Deposits. 'Phone 453. Allen B. Endicott, Smith Conover, James M. Aikman, President. Vice-President. Cashier. UNION NATIONAL BANK. CAPITAL, $100,000. SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $60,000. DIRECTORS Allen B. Endicott, James Flaherty, A. W. Bailv, Lucien B. Corson Smith Conover, Thompson Irvin, G. Jason Waters, Clarence M. Busch, C.J.Adams, Thomas J. Dickerson, Lewis P. Scott, (ieo. W. Jackson. George F. Currie, Levi C. Ai.bkrtson, Rohert B. MacMullin, President. Vice-President. Cashier. SECOND NATIONAL BANK. CAPITAL, $100,000. SURPLUS, $70,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $18,000. DIRECTORS George F. Currie, Louis Kuehnle, James H. Mason, E. V. Corson, LeviC. Albertson, Enoch B. Scull, Joseph Scull, Lewis Evans, Joseph Thompson, Israel G. Adams, Absalom Cordery. Warren Somers, Samuel K. Marshall. ATLANTIC SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. CAPITAL, $100,000. SURPLUS, $25,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $15,000. Pays three per cent, interest on deposits. Loans money on collateral or mortgage. Safe ' Deposit Boxes for rent in burglar-proof vaults, 55 per annum and upwards. Becotties Suretv. Acts as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, trustee for corporation mortgages, and executes trusts of every description. Private rooms for convenience of customers. Invites accounts. Every banking facility ottered and courteous and careful attention given to all business. ^ ,, ^ , Directors— Geo. F. Currie, John C. Fitield, M. D. Youngman, Enoch B. Scull, Samuel K. Marshall, Levi C. Albertson, Alfred C. McOellan, Warren Somers, Jos. Thompson, Israel G. Adams, C. L. Cole, Jas. H. Mason. Officer.s— Geo. F. Currie, President. Thompson & Cole, Solicitors. Joseph Tho mpson, Vicr-I'ies. Robt. H. MacMullin. .Si-c. fl>/rf Treas. G£0. C. FEIvKER, House and Sign Painter. Paper Hanging and Decorating. Paints, Oils and Window Class. No. 9 «C3UTH IvKNTUCKY AVKNUE. I I .1 -^m -' ^ ii \ New Jersey Avenue School— Chelsea School. Souvenirs of Atlantic City... BATES & CO., Successors to Wii-I.iams 8; I'lmhr, Ltd., 926 ATLANTIC AVENUE, Silversmiths, VVatcliniakers, Jewelers. Special Attention given to Repairing. J, R WRIGHT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Graduate of the V. S. College of Embalming. lU Pennsylvania Ave., North. Telephone No. 222- H. N. BOLTE, Practical VVatchmakhr and Jeweler, IN HIS NEW r.RlCK STORE, No. 912 ATLANTIC AVENUE. Watches, Jewelry and Diamonds. Repairing of Watches a Specialt\ . ESTABLISHED 1S64. FRED. MYERS, ...Columbia Bakery, JSn ATLANTIC AVE. D. L SEIFERT, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler For 33 Years, 920 ATLANTIC AVE. Repairing Done and Guaranteed. Engraving. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. August Generotzky, Successor to WILLIAM GENEROTZKY^S NATIONAL BAKERY. All kinds of Bread. RYE BREAD a Specialty. No. 127 North Indiana Ave. WILBERT BEAUMONT, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 12 South Tennessee Ave. Hardwood Finishing a Specialty. Buildings Superintended. Plans and Estimates Fur- nished. Jobbing Attended to 'Phone43i. NASSANO'S CHOICE Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery, 1212 Atlantic Avenue. 'Phone 73. A. HIRSCH, Clothier and Gents* Furnisher. A Full Line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. 1603-05 Atlantic Ave. BACHARACH & SONS, Men*s Outfitters, NEW YORK AND ATLANTIC AVES. and Atlantic and Pennsylvania Aves. 'Phone 42S. SAMUEL ROTHHOLZ, Leading: Hatter and Furnisher, 1210 ATLANTIC AVE. Bathing Robes, Trunks, i:tc. FITTON^S WATCHES and JEWELRY, 1709 ATLANTIC AVE. Repairing a Specialty. E. A. McGUIRE, Ship Chandlery^ Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods. Hardware, House-Furnishing Goods, Tools and Cutler\ . No. 807 ATLANTIC AVENUE. LOUIS LOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1310 Atlantic Avenue. H. D. BROWN, Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, 2411 Atlantic Avenue. 'Phone 740. Stove Repairing a Specialty. B. HEIL •'•"■'"^■''V ^^'^'^ H. Schultz. BARBER SHOP, Elks Building:, Cor. Atlantic and Maryland Aves. MYERS' Union Market 1513 ATLANTIC AVENUE. The leading house for the sale of all kinds of meats and country produce. Fresh and Salt Meats, Etc. CHICAGO TENDERLOINS Truck Fresh from Farms Daily. A SPECIALTY. The only slaughtering establishment on the island. CHARLES ROESCH & SONS, Central Market, ^°'^- ^^^^Teiepho„^l™j:° ^'"^^^^^ City Dressed Meats. Refrigerator Salesrooms, Slaughtering Department, 834, 836, S38 N. Second Street, Phi1a. Abbatoir Stock Yards, West Phila. Headquarters for Finest Print Butter. Hotels and Restaurants Supplied. Rolls and Tenderloins a Specialty. KESSLER'S ATLANTIC MARKET, No. 1913 Atlantic Avenue. Phone 129. A good supply of all kinds of Meats, Provisions and Vegetables constantly on hand. Goods delivered free of char,e:e. WALL & HOLDZKOM, Telephone 223. 1202 Atlantic Avenue. DEALERS IN HIQH=GRADE GROCERIES. Specialties: P. E. Sharpless and Br ownback Butter ; Mocha and Java Coffees ; Fine Teas. W. R. LEWIS, BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY, Telephone 171. No. Q16 Atlantic Avenue. F. Stadler's Bakery and IceCream Parlor, Corner Atlantic and Virginia Avenues. Open all the Year. Telephone 99. The Cream of the Island. All Materials 5,^^^^ ^^^.^^ O,.^^^^ ICE CREAM, absolutely WATER ICES, Pure and Fresh, Promptly Filled. pj^^^EN FRUIT. RAYMOND COMPANY, Office, 17 S. Tennessee Avenue. TELEPHONE 382. DRUGGISTS. BICKEL'S PHARMACY, Full line of first-class Drugs, 'Phone 511. ^"pr'eSiVtSnsIsptiaU^^ Atlantic and lUinois Avenues. C. J. BROWNLEY, Successor to M. S. GALBREATH, as Proprietor of THE GALBREATH APOTHECARY, New York and Pacific Avenues. 0^<^a^c/^^ DRUGGIST, Atlantic and Michigan Aves. Morris Avenue an d Boardwa lk. JOHN S. INGRAM'S CENTRAL PHARMACY, New York and Philadelphia Prices. g Atlantic AvCHUe. We sell loicrr than any one ni Atlantic City. '♦ Prescriptions called for and delivered to all parts of the City in shortest time possible. 'Phone 607. ^-^ . . Everything First-Class. Prescriptions a Specialty. ,JNAAi3iAAHX\J^ Q^^j.^ Pennsylvania and Atlantic APOTHECARY, Avenucs. 'Phone 106. Established 1871. '^"O^^ ^^■ WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE, Popular Prices. Cor. Virginia and Atlantic Aves. U. S. Postal Prescriptions a Specialty. Sub-Station, No. 2. _ , „, ^ „, F W. COTTON, Ph. G., Manager. DENTISTS. J. F. CRANDALL, D. D. S., Offices, Union National Bank Building. W. F. SEEDS. Cor. Kentucky and Atlantic Avenues. DR. E. M. PACKARD, Entrance on Cor. Pennsvlvania and Atlantic Avenues. Pennsylvania Avenue. ^ DR. CHARLES C. RAITH, BACHARACH BUILDING. Ncw York and Atlantic Avenues. PHYSICIANS. OKKxcKHouKs: M. D. YOUNGMAN, M. D. I \l '° ''•^- 1618 Pacific Avenue. 7 to 8 p! m. Telephone 64. A. W. WESTNEY, M. D. Formerly Senior House Physician and ^ 302 PacitlC Avenue. Surgeon, Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia. Telephone 413. DR. WALTER C. SOOY, f 8 to 10 A. M. "^"'"iy fo 1 1: m: Telephone 3:7. ^921 Pacific Avenue. J. BART WEBSTER, M. D. Telephone No. 303. 1 32 Soutli Maryland Avenue. MARY MILLER, M. D. VENTNOR. HoiTRq- /Until 10 A. M. . j^ I to 3 and 6 to 8 p. M. Longport Cars pass the door. Pleasure Trips . . . BY . . . RAIL AND BOAT BETWEEN ATLANTIC CITY, LONGPORT, SOMERS' POINT, OCEAN CITY, SEA ISLE CITY, AVALON and STONE HARBOR, via West Jersey & Seashore Railroad. Delightful Excursions Along the Coast and Across Great Egg Harbor Bay. Time Tables may be procured at all ticket offices. ! Kaod-Book of fttiaDtle Gity. i I Brief Extracts from So.wE OF THE Press Comments. ^-n One of the best advertisemenis Atlantic City ever had.— A^-^t^' I or^ ^Trttunc. ^ I Much valuable informauon i> given by Mr. Heslon in this liule vomrae.— /«^./tr J^ i Lcd.tr, Fhiiadhhia. , '. . i ^ a" meritorious compendium of information about one of the most popular ^ i; American seaside r^^^vnis.— Baltimore American. ^ ^ A capital guide book.— AV7ty.7r/^£/^rr/"/>^r. -^ , ^-t- , , . '4 ^ It contains ju.t ^vhaL people wish to know, told in a ^gtt^^d breezy, yet con- ^ li c\semzimcr.—IhweJ'un2ol,Mwycrk. Z.?^^ F . y ^ , d..,^ Sl ^. One of the most valuable and attractive works of lis Kmd puMj.she<..— i^^.-/^ JJ^ 'I Tt\'rfilled with valuable irJormation.—/'Z%7^.^.V^V.7 7-^.V«^^^ ^ ^ The %vork contaiiis a vasi amount, oi 'nforn-:oi.n: calouial.w to au. the toui.st J^ I and summer waterini:, place hurtcr. — .V/, .:.•<;, •,://'.^ (/7a.,; /"?-'.?/. ^ 5 Contains ju.t what^every visitor ou-Lt to Knoxv concerning the ^I'^^t watering ^. '>■ place in the counir\'. — Philad.'f-hln Cuu. '■" '^ ^ A complete de>r;ipiion of the i^mou= watt nn- place.— Jr^O;/^"^^/^r. ^ An excellent account of Atlantic City's many anract]c.n^.—/'//^^-^//';r^' thromcce- g i 'itVi'^vcs s reino.:k.'^.tle and interesting amount of iuformaHon about that place .^ '• of v-.r-.- ■< utrnv L-'r.s. — jyrntcn State Gazette. __ "J" j^ • It uiii !'.- ^;uiu:i oJ" g:\.ui value to all pci-on^ ^'ho cuiitt:mj;,ate visUm^ the *r ■":' fam(ni> res-^'i't. — /i','? ; ,-,-/c'?r7; /^ ;•;.;/'.', v ^ iS It i= an ir.tcr.-,-.- guide to tlv: attractions of the hmous summer leHirt on the f '^ 'Se\v ]eri,e\ roasi.—St>ri;ic/:c'-/ ./is7/:^''iran. ■ ■> , * ^' ^ It deliL'hts evervboh- by lt= tiiorough description of ever>-thmg in and al)out ^ i- AtlanticCity.— /%ov;' 6>v .V//W,/. „ , ^ , -ri. .. r ' a ± i The volume i"s sr>n"cvhii:g Piore than a mere Hand-Book. Jt has att^ons and J '^y features which render it a valuable acjui.ition to the home or the ofigK^^.d s^ a ^ Z compendium of i..it\,nr.ation on seaside topics it is the complete>t^|^eai;on Oi A ^ the kind of w.'nch we lii've anv knr.vs ledge.— C<7w./c'« J^o:t. .^H ^ V It has a gr:uL dea! of valuable and useful infonnation between iW^covcrs.— ^ ^ Doy/fst.Ko^! \Fa:\ InicUii^enccr. rr i, i x- t \- % ^ A verv inlf . e-lin-j aid .inn-,e,.-ir. IHtle volume.— J/m/«/ //^//>- ( A • J- : A "t'i. J - of special value lo all who vi^it the seashore.— Jf ;-.>/ C^^.^/.v- ( /V/. • A:./u,on,an. ^ - It i^ i-iofu-elv ;]:v .;:••-- 1 aJid vomains a mass of in-.oimation ol special interest A ^■- to the visitors lo Ati^nt-- Cltv.-.iy>>;r..^«M (A'. /) D mocrat. ^ | ^ It is replete with <^-X> and informotion respecting the most pi>pu.ar watering J ;^ place inllieeuviniv'..~-c;7A'../r// (A'y.i /A'w^r;Y7A , , . ,. . 2 Vv It i. brimful of i'l.i-'C-img facts about the City V>y the Sea— its history, various Jj ^^ poinr^ of interest, tlie rates of different hotels, and maps showing the enure plan T % of ti.e city and tlie location of all the resorts along the Jersey coa.st.- // est Jersey -^ j A beautiful and interesting Hand-Book of Atlantic City —5.7/,^^ {X. J.) Sun- | ;4; beam. , . ^ .^^^^ . jT v> It i'. .vlnirabb- '.vrhtcn, r.nd the author apparently covers everytaing of l^^^ ^ "^ pertai..m- to Atiantu City.— /r.W^-^^Sea Girt < Ml; IWitmir &S«well ( CasUa *v7:^o. ^arnegatK \. jjanaha Cpra ^inslow Junction ^^ f,^^^^ , sHanmonton , / ^ T..ALarTnn /^ irvey Cedars I ,g Beach City ala«a k==^ GoU^AO^''" \.u,.„,^ Hook ."X^ T, '*X3^m9low Junction creek/ ^v^^/ya^"?^''^ ^^ :blan/*"'»,5S^^'r \L.auaiDK 1'^-,;; ^-s^:^-^^-;^/ fefguri^ntlnc Beach'' -BAY TV ;«. ■* /vlayton , j^ ^ / , \ Dover ¥ ;r. i Portryuencvv.^^; lorris^T Sea s ^ccanCity a ls|e\ '-'- '-'iJ.-'' -""^ '''■^ JunctidnA*^4 %4 ,SLE ClTY c:!P^^- "^'"" V ^ \ /, .f^Doverf> \,:V^>>:^-'^r¥^ "u^"'- 4^ #Maoacl f ' f ;1 > cape May CourtHius^^.M^^^^ ^ J^.naersor^fc7^^% Angles/. Xc^A^;^- .' j\^Vl^ ^InA /Greensboro gi v° W. ^ P.^nyU- /^.^MolW B"''' Va^Nm^'^'^^ iUgl ^ Harrington lordora Fai\nlngton , ?J^y ^ ^CAPrjAY^' la 272 93 HECKMAN lil I ■''C^o^ .'^^: ^OV*^ Z-^^''. ''^A B,NDERV INC. PI ^O ^W"*" o^^"** l^P-' .*'" •MfeP^ N. MANCHESTER, ^^^^ INDIANA 46962 iSiiiiiiiiiilii IWiiltSP LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iifliiPliiiiii