€>i ti)t Citj) of Baltimore j {|fe)pecial Commissioners) 1782^707 '.;% x^^' % \f o 0^ ',0^ "b 0^" .^^^^ -^.^ .-^^ ^- " » 1 » ,♦- "°^ ' ■- " . W. . ^ o '. C- './ ,. ' •x*- •> .<^- ■0- J' .0' 'go' x'^ .'^• v^' s"" -^^ .\ \' -CvV ^\^ :,.'?•• ^A ^ o^ ^^A v^' ,c> -'^^ vV -5'. \.<> % .^v %.A .^^•% "^ V^" .-6 " '^ j*:'^^"^ ~VS a .Ts -Av o-^T-e^ RECORDS OF THE CITY OF BALTIMORE (SPECIAL COMMISSIONERS) 1782 to 1797 ISSUED BY Wilbur F. Coyle City Librarian 1909 ^ 1 - ^ , 6'"^ 1^ PRESS OF Meyer & Thalheimer, baltimore. n OF n. cr S3 "500 EXPLANATORY PREFACE. This volume contains all the data now at the City Library concerning the Special Commissioners, who were au- thorized, by an Act of Assembly, 1782, to designate streets to be paved, pass regulations, etc. These Special Commis- sioners, however, should not be confused with (temporary) special commissions which laid out certain streets during the same period. Legislative Acts show that sundry com- missioners of this latter character were authorized, but their records are very meager. Neither had the Special Commissioners anything in com- mon with the Town or City Commissioners of that time, whose records have been published heretofore. Where the powers of the Town or City Commissioners ended and those of the Special Commissioners began is not clear, but they appear seldom to have interfered. This printed copy has been made to conform to the original in every possible detail. From the original record book the first page is missing; hence this printed copy is incomplete to that extent. W. F. C. (See note referring to marginal numbers, page 7.) ACT OF ASSEMBLY RELATING TO SPECIAL COMMISSIONERS. An Act for the speedy application of monies appropriated for repairing the streets in Baltimore Town, in Bal- timore county and for other purposes. — April, 1782 — c. 39. [By this act certain persons were appointed special com- missioners, with full power to direct and superintend the leveling, pitching, paving and repairing the streets, and the building and repairing the bridges within the said town, and to devise and do all and everything necessary to pro- mote this end, which they may judge for the benefit or ad- vantage of the said town and its inhabitants. The Com- missioners of Baltimore Town were also directed by this act to pay over to the special commissioners all monies paid to them or in their hands, by virtue of their powers for repairing the streets of said town ; and also, that all and every fine and forfeiture heretofore appropriated for the repair of said streets, or for the use and benefit of said town, be collected by or paid to the special commissioners, or to their treasurer, to be applied according to the inten- tion" of this act ; and in case the appropriations aforesaid should prove inadequate, the special commissioners were empowered to borrow to the amount of five thousand pounds from the inhabitants of said town, pledging for the discharge thereof the whole or any part of the above appropriations, the money so borrowed to be applied as aforesaid ; also, by the said act it was provided that Bal- timore street be first paved, and that those streets which are most essential to the welfare and trade of the town ACT OF ASSEMBLY. be paved in succession, till the whole be completed, or such parts of them as appear necessary to be paved by the said special commissioners. And that the special commission- ers render annually an account of the receipts and expendi- tures of all monies to the Commissioners of Baltimore Town, and publish in the Baltimore newspapers, in the first month of every year, a copy of the said account; and the said special commissioners, or any four or more of them, were authoried to execute the trust and duties reposed in them by this act; and in case of the death, resignation or removal from the said town by either of them, the residue or a majority of them might fill up the vacancy.] [NoTS.— This act was to continue for five years; it was continued, revived and continued by several acts to the year 1799 — expired.] (From "Boundaries of Baltimore, Acts of Assembly— 1729-1830.") The first page is missing from original book, hence item 8 is the initial transaction recorded below. • t. u The marginal numerals following will assist in tracing a given transaction through the records, they being utilized as a cross reference.— Editor. October 23rd, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present : ,, , T^ ^ Mich L Diffendaffer. Gkorge Franciscus. John Hammond. Joshua Barney. David Stoddfr. Robert Walsh. 1 Resolved that we Immediately Advertise for Buildfng two Bridges over Jones's Falls, in Goddard's & Hayes's Papers — and that a Subscription Loan be set on foot Im- mediately, in order to raise money for said Purpose (see 9). Adjourned 'till Wednesday 3 o'clock P. M. October 25th, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: -r-. o ^ David Stoddkr. John Hammond. Joshua Barney. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendafeer. Robert Waesh. Adjourned 'till Monday next 9 o'Clock — October 30th, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present : -r T> ^ ^ Joshua Barney. David Stodder. Mich'l Diffendafeer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. ■ 9 Appointed the Architects to bring in their Proposals for Building a Bridge, Tomorrow at 3 o'Clock P. M. (see 11). Adjourned 'till Tomorrow b RECORDS OF October 31st, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Mich'e Diffendaffer. David Stodder. Joshua Barney. 10 Resolved that John Juliand be appointed to Erect a foot Bridge on two Scows at Peters's Brewery — Also that Messrs. Diffendaffer and Franciscus Superintend the Paving of the lower end of Market Street (see 146). Adjourned 'till November 2nd. Baltimore, November 2nd, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present : John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'e Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. David Stodder. 11 Received the Estimates from Sundry Persons for Build- ing the Bridges — and Application from several persons in Pratt Street to remedy the Water Courses (see 13). 12 Resolved that the Clerk be directed to Summon the different Collectors to Appear before this Board with theii respective Accts. — on the day of our next Meeting — 13 Resolved that Joshua Barney and William Aisquith be Appointed to Superintend the lower end of Pitt and Wapping Streets (see 164), and the Arch of said Streets — also that Mr. Hammond and Harbaugh be Appointed to regulate Pratt Street. Adjourned 'till Monday 9 o'Clock. \ BAI^TIMORE) CITY November 6, 178^^ At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourix- ment were present : . \ David Stodder. V, John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'Iv Difeendaefer. Joshua Barney. 14 Appointed Mr. Jacob Keeports to Purchase such Tools as are Immediately wanted for Labourers, &c. (see 45). Adjourned 'till 8th Inst., 6 o'Clock P. M. November 8th, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Mich'e Diffendafeer. 15 Resolved that Harrison Street, from Market Street to the Centre Market House be Immediately Paved, and that Notice thereof be given in the Maryland Gazette agreeable to Law. Agreed with Peter Shepherd to do the Above Paving at 9d. per square yard. Messrs. Michl. Diffendafifer and Geo. Franciscus are appointed to Purchase Stone and Posts for said Pavement, and to Superintend the Work, ig Jacob Keeports is appointed to fill up the Street way on the lower part of the Centre Market House so as to secure the Foundation thereof. 17 Resolved that the Collectors in future be made to give Security for the Amount given them to Collect. 18 George Bugh is appointed to Collect the 12/6 Taxes on the lower end of South Street (see 28). 19 Resolved that unless Bryan Philpott open a Street and have it regularly Condemned for the use of the Public, from where the Old Bridge Stood to Plowman's Corner, 10 RECORDS OF th;it the Commissioners cannot Build a Bridge where it formerly stood. Ordered that the Clk. Immediately fur- / nish Mr. Philpott with a Copy of this resolve and request his answer next Monday Morning. Adjourned till Monday 13th Inst— 9 o'Clock A. M. November 13th, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: Robert Walsh, David Stodder. Joshua Barney. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. 20 Resolved that Hezekiah Waters is Appointed as Clerk to the Special Commissioners with a Certain Salary of Thirty five Pounds per Annum, and that Mr. Barkley be directed to deliver up all the Books and Papers in his Custody Immediately (see 104). 21 Resolved that the Clerk and Collectors be directed to meet on Wednesday Evening 6 o'Clock — Also that Jacob Small be Immediately Contracted with to build a Bridge over Jones's Falls ; and that Leonard Harbaugh, David Stoddar, and Mich'l Diffendaffer be a Committee to Article with him, and to Superintend the Work (see 58). Adjourned 'till November 15th, A. M. November 15th. 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. 22 Mr. Walter Roc appeared before the Board, and in be- half of himself and Mr. James Jaffray, requested permis- BALTIMORE CITY sion to pave, at their expense, such part of Harrison Street as front on their Lotts. Ordered that the said Walter Roe and James Jaffray have Permission to pave such part of Harrison Street as front their Lotts, agreeable to the direction of the Board. Adjourned 'till Monday 20th. Inst. 9 o Clock A. M. November 20th. 1785. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: Joshua Barney David StoddER John Hammond. George Franciscus. MiCh'l DiFEENDAFFER. 23 Resolved that John A. Hamilton be, and is hereby Appointed Collector. 24 Ordered that Notice be given in the public papers Immediately to the Inhabitants of Baltimore Town; that, a person will be appointed to take up the Swme which may be found going at large in the Streets, &c.-after the first day Dec. next (see 76). Also cautioning those Inhabitants who are still continu- ino- their Narrow Wheel Carriages to desist Immediately. Likewise to give information that the Commissioners will receive Proposals from Persons who may think proper to undertake the Business of Scavengers in the Streets- Adjourned 'till Wednesday 22nd. Inst-4 o'Clock P. M. November 22nd, 1785. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present : David StoddEr. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. 27 Resolved that Messrs. John Hammond and Geo. Francis- cus wait upon George Walsh Immediately and demand the 25 26 12 RECORDS OF list and other Papers put into his care by this Board, as Collector, and that a final Settlement be made with him Immediately (see 29). Adjourned 'till Tomorrow the 23rd. Inst, at 4 o'Clock November 23rd, 1786. At a Meeting- of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. 28 George Bugh appeared before this Board, and gave Bond for his Performance as Collector in lower end South Street and gave George Franciscus & Michl. Diffendaffer as Suyts * (see 30). This Bond given to Mr. James Sterett, Treasurer. Mr. Franciscus & Mr. Dififendaffer, is appointed to take George Welshe's Obligation Tomorrow, as Collector of Pubhc Taxes for the present Year (see 49). Resolved that Public Notice be given the Inhabitants of that part of South Street lately Paved, that George Bugh IS appointed to Collect the Twelve & sixpence Tax for paving the same— and the Markett Space (see 50). Adjourned 'till Monday 27th. Inst, to meet at 4 o'Clock P. M. Monday 27th, November 1786. At a Meeting of the Special Commissioners agreeable to Adjournment were present : George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh, David Stodder. *Means surety. 29 30 BALTIMORE CITY 13 Sundry Entries having heretofore been Omitted, which is now made below to Wit : 31 George Hehns Presented an Acct. 6th Inst, for 2900 Bricks @ 35/, 5..1..6 (see 33). 32 Joshua Wilds Overseer Presented an Acct. of Labourers Wages, 11..8..0; Amount of his own Wages, 12..0..0; total, 23..8..0 (see 33). 33 The above Acct, the Commissioners gave orders on the Treasurer for. 34 Peter Hoffman Presented an Acct. 15th. Inst, for Twenty- five Tons Stone for Paving, which was delivered the former Commissioners by Samuel Ricketts, @ 5/8 per Ton, £7..!.. 8 (see 35). 35 Ordered that the said Peter Hoffman have a draft given him on the Treasurer for the above Seven Pounds one Shilling & 8d. 36 Aron Levering Presented an Acct, for Sixty three Tons Stone @ 5/, 15..15..0; 1 log 48 feet, 6d,, L.4..0 (see 129). 3'^ Paving Water Street, and part Commerce Street 1760 1-9 Yds.— lOd— 73..7..3. 38 Paving South Street 1023 5-9 Yds., lOd. 42..12..11; Total, £132..19..2 (see 74). 39 Hugh Swords presented on Acct. dated October 19th. for Paving 70 Yds. Stone Pavement, which was Washed down by the Flood, @ lOd, 2..18..4; Labouring Work Ditto, 0..10..4; total, 3..8..4 (see 41). 40 Luke Davis presented an Acct. dated Sept. 29th. — for dressing 57 Posts, @ 6d., 1..8..6; 3 Pick Handles, 1/, 3..0; Sharping and heading 5 Piles, 1..0, ; total, 1..12..6 (see 41). 41 Ordered. That drafts be given on the Treasurer for the Amount of the two last mentioned Accts. 42 Certificates were Presented to the board by Messrs. Jacob Keeports and Hugh Jeffry, Overseers of the labourers, — of One hundred and Twenty and one half days Work of Labourers on the Streets since the first day of October last 'till the Eleventh Instant. Amounting to Twenty three Pounds eleven Shillings and Sixpence, £23. .11. .6 (see 43 and 47). 14 RECORDS OF 43 A draft was therefore given for that Sum to Mr. Jacob Keeports on the Treasurer, for the Purpose of paying the labourers to the said Eleventh Inst, (see 52). Sundry Persons Presented Accts. 20th. Inst, to Wit. : 44 (See 47.) James Dixon, for Paving at Jonathan Hud- son's 46 Yds., @ lOd, 1..18..4. 45 (See 47.) Jacob Keeports, for Tools for labourer's &c., 1..5..6 46 (See 4-7.) Hugh Jeffry — for his attendance 38 days as Overseer of the Labourers on the Streets, 8/4, 15. .16.. 8. 47 Drafts were given on the Treasurer for the three last mentioned Accounts. Estate of Jonathan Hudson, to be charged for 46 Yds. Pavement @ lOd 1..18..4; 1200 Bricks furnished for the same, @ 35/ per M, 2..2..0 ; total, £4..0..4. 48 Chimneys on fire — (See 108.) Mrs. Clifton 9th November John Drain 9th November William Davis Fells Point 15th. 49 George Welsh, appeared before this Board, and gave Bond for his Performance as Collector, and gave David Evans & David Armstrong Suyts — This Bond given in the care of Treasurer (see 83). 50 Delivered George Bugh Collecter a list of the Moneys to be Collected by him in the lower end of South Street, which was lately Paved. Amount £234.. 13. .11. 51 Mr. Peter Shepherd Presented an Acct. for the Paving of the lower end of Market Street, which was destroyed by the flood— 1229 Square Yards— @ 6d — 30..14..6; Labourers 10/2 days, 4/— 2..2..0; total, 32..16..6 (see 53). 52 Mr. Jacob Keeports Presented an Acct. for his own Wages 22 days— to this date, 8/4, 9..3..4 (see 53). 53 Orders were drawn upon the Treasurer for the two Accts. above (see 80). 54 Mr. George Franciscus presented an Acct. for 30 Posts Purchased by him from Smith and Lindenberger amount- ing to (see 55), (352), £3..15..0. BALTIMORE CITY 15 I 55 Order drawn on the Treasurer for this Acct. 56 Mr. Jacob Myers Presented two Accounts for Bricks for Paving- (see 57). Amount one, 2..6..10; one, 4..7..6; total, £6..14..4. 57 Orders were drawn on the Treasurer for the above Accts. 58 Obligations Passed this day between this Board and Jacob Small, for Building a Bridge over Jones's Falls at the lower end Market Street (see 64). Adjourned 'till Wednesday 29th Inst. 5 o'Clock. Wednesday 29th, November, 1786. At a Meeting of the Special Commissioners of Baltimore Town agreeable to adjournment, were present: Mich'l DiFFENDAFFER. David Stodder. George Franciscus. ' John Hammond, Amos Rogroves Presented an Acct. for gathering the ^^ Stones on the lower end Market Street after the Flood (see 61) ; 5 days work, 4/, £1..0..0. go Isiah Jackson Presented an Acct. for Erecting a Tem- porary Bridge over Jone's Falls after the Flood (see 61), £9..7..6. Orders were given on the Treasurer for these two Accts. Adam Welsh Presented an Acct. for 300 Bricks for Paving ^'@ 3/6, 0..10..6; 2 Posts, 2/6, 0..5..0; Digging Post holes, 0..2..0;'Triming Posts, 0..1..6; total, £0..19..0. „, Orders given on the Treasurer for this Acct. Four Drafts of this date drawn on the Treasurer in favor (see 174) Jacob Small, for One Hundred Dollars each, £150..0..0." Frederick Develsbiss Presented an Acct. for 300 Bricks, 3/6, 0..10..6; 2 Posts & Trimg. do., 0..6..6; Digging Post Holes, 0..2..0; total, £0..19..0 (see 66). gg Order given on Treasurer for this Acct. Adjourned till Wednesday the 6th day December, 1786. 64 65 16 RECORDS OF Baltimore, December 6th, 1786. _ At a Aleeting of the Commissioners, agreeable to :^c^ journment of the 26th November were present : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. IvEONARD HaRBAUGH. George Franciscus. Joshua Barney. " thTtf' ? f'!'''''''r '''"^"^'^^ ^" ^^^°""^ f°^ filing up the Street before the.r own door, Amounting to 111 68 This Acct. Objected to and put to vote by this Board and Passed in the Negative. ' 69 James Dugan Presented an Amount Certified by Jacob £0T9!'.6. '"° ^'""'' '"' °"' ^'''''' Amounting to 70 James Gray Presented an Acct. for IVA days work in the Markett Space, 4/, 2..6..0. '\/f " Campbell Presented an Acct. for 17 days work in Markett Space, 4/, 3..8..0. 72 James McGaw Presented an Acct. for 17 days work in same place (see 314) 4/, 3..8..0. "4/-a!ir0.'^'"'" ^'''"'''^ '" ^'''- '"^ ^^^ ^^^^ -°^^' 74 Aron Levering's Acct. passed the 6th day November last now Presented £132..19..2. i^ovemoer last 75 Hugh Jeffrys Presented an Acct. for 6 days Services as Overseer of Carts &c., @ 8/4, £2..10..0. Orders drawn on the Treasurer for the above Accounts 76 Frederick Fair is Appointed to take up the Swine which may be found in the Streets (see 131). Adjourned till Monday 11th Instant. BALTIMORE) CITY 17 Monday 11th, December, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 77 WilHam Ensor Presented an Acct Certified by Joshua Wilds for 5 days Work his Cart and Horses, @ 12/6, £3..2..6 (see 90). Ordered drawn on Treasurer for this Acct. 78 Jacob Keeports Presented two Accounts, one for himself for 7 days wages as Overseer in Streets, 8/4, 2..18..4; 1 Pick, 0..5..0; total, 3..3..4. Michl. McMahons Account for 11^ days work in the Streets, 4/, 2..6..0; grand total, £5..9..4 (see 79). 79 One Order given Jacob Keeports for these two last men- tioned Accts. 80 Order drawn on Treasurer in favor Peter Shepherd on Account Paving in Markett Space, £10..0..0 (see 84). 81 Gabriel P. VanHorn, Presented an Account, for repairing and Opening Smith Street, and raising the Streets on the Marsh adjoining Mr. Sterett's Lotts (see 82), £6..6..0. 82 Order drawn for this Account. 83 Resolved that the Clerk give Notice To George Welsh & Hugh Bukley, to Settle with the Treasurer before the next Meeting of this Board — on failure of which they will be treated as the Law Directs. 84 Resolved that Peter Shepherd be Allowed for his Serv- ices in Leveling &c., £7..10..0 (see 102). Adjourned 'till Monday 18th, December, 18 RECORDS OF Baltimore, December 18th, 1786. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment were present : Leonard Harbaugh. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. Mich'l Diffendaffkr. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Joshua Barney. 85 John Kipps Presented a Certificate from Joshua Wilds Overseer, Certifying that he worked lO^/^ days with his Cart & Horses (see 93, 95), @ 12/6, 6..11..3. 86 David McCausland Presented a Certificate, also (see 91, 95) Certified by Joshua Wilds 12>4 days, 12/6, 7..16..3. 87 Jacob Rather, Presented a Certificate (see 95). Certified by Joshua Wilds, /j^ days, 12/6, 4..13..9. 88 Wm. Lively Presented a Certificate from Joshua Wilds Overseer for 7 days work Cart & Horses, 12/6, 4..7..6 (see 95). Also an Acct. for 24 days, 12/6, 15..0..0; total, 19..7..6. 89 David Poe Presented an Act. for 89 days (see 95) Cart & Horses, (796) 12/6, 55..12..6. 90 William Ensor Presented an Acct. for 173^ days (see 95), Cart Hire, 12/6, 10..10..9. 91 David McCausland Presented an Acct. (see 95 & 312), 20 days Cartage Oct. & Nov. last, 12/6, 12..10..0. 92 Peter Rider Presented an Acct. 4^ days (see 95), Cart Hire, 12/(^-2.. 13..2. 93 Jno. Kipps Presented an Account for 19^/2 days (see 95, 115), Cartage, 12/6, £12..3..9. 94 Martin Bowers Presented an Acct. 4 days (see 95), Cart- age, 12/6, 2..10..0. 95 Orders drawn, on Treasurer, for all the Accts Presented of this date. Adjourned 'till Friday 29th Inst. BALTIMORE CITY 19 Baltimore, Friday 29th, December, 1786. At a Meeting of tl]^ Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : Gkorge Franciscus. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'i. Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. 96 William Dowel presented an Acct. for 1 days Cartage on Streets (see 98), £0..12..6. 97 Thomas Dixon Presented an Acct. for 37 Cedar Posts (see 98 & 669), for use of the Streets, @ 2/, 3..14..0. 98 Orders on Treasurer for these two last Accts. Adjourned 'till Wednesday the 3rd, January, 1787. Baltimore, January 3rd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment of the 29th December last were present. Leonard Harbaugh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Baltimore, January 3rd, 1787. 99 James Hughes Presented an Account for IS days work his Cart and Horses in Oct. last (1354), 12/6, £9..7..6. Order given on Treasurer for this Acct. Adjourned 'till Monday 8th Inst. Baltimore, January 8th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners, agreeable to adjourn- ment were present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Adjourned 'till Wednesday 10th. Inst. 20 RDCORDS OF Baltimore, January 10th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. Adjourned 'till Monday 15th. Inst. Baltimore, Alonday, January 15th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present: Joshua Barney. Mich'Iv Dieeendaffer. John Hammond. George Franciscus. 100 Plenry Cain Presented an Account for 3 days labour in the Streets, 4/, £0..12..0. 101 James Roads Presented an Acct. for 3 days work done on Streets per Acct. filed, 4/, £0..12..0. 102 . Peter Shepherd Presented an Acct. for leveling Streets in the year 1786 — for former Commissioners (262), £15..0..0. 103 Issued Warrant against George Welsh for £1302.. 2.. 3. (See 106), Ditto; (see 342), ditto, Hugh Barkley, 78..6..5. Resolved that Suits be Immediately Commenced against David Evans & David Armstrong, Suys. for George Welsh Collector — Luther Martin Apply'd to bring the Suits — (see 109). Adjourned till Monday 22nd. Inst. Baltimore, January 18th, 1787. At a Special Meeting of the Commissioners were present: Joshua Barney. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'e Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. BAIvTlMORE) CITY 21 104 Resolved that Hezekiah Waters be and is hereby ap- pointed Assessor, of Horses, Carriages, &c &c — as directed by Law to be Assessed — for this Present Year {see 263). 105 Resolved that George Bugh be and is hereby Appointed to inspect into and examine the Wheels of all carriages &c — which may Pass on the Streets of Baltimore Town and to Seize upon all such as are not agreeable to Law. Baltimore, January 22nd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment of 15th. were Present: Leonard Harbaugh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffe;r. Gkorgd Franciscus. 106 Mr. Hugh Barkley Presented an Acct. for his Services as Clk {see 112) from first Oct. last 'till Nov. 13th, £4..13..9. Adjourned till Thursday evening the 25th. Inst. Baltimore, January 25th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were present: Leonard Harbaugh. John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. Georgd Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. Adjourned 'till Monday the 29th. Instant. Baltimore, January 29th. 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. 22 RECORDS OF 107 Joseph Minks* Presented an Acct, for 4^^ days work done on Streets in November last 4/, £0..18..0. 108 Fine, Mrs. Sanderson for Chimney catching Fire 27th. Inst, (see 110). Adjourned 'till Wednesday the 31st. Inst. Baltimore, January 31st, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment were present : Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendafeer. 109 Mr. George Welsh, Appeared before this Board in order to Settle his Acct. as Collector, this Business refered to a Committee of this Board to be done Tomorrow. Adjourned 'till Monday the 5th day February. Baltimore, Monday, Feby. 5th. 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners for Baltimore Town agreeable to Adjournment were present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 110 Mr. Cabel Hall's chimney on fire 2nd. Inst. — Witnesses — Robert Walsh, & James Tibbitt (see 113). Adjourned 'Till Wednesday the 7th. Instant. Baltimore, February 7th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment were present: John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Monday the 12th. Instant. *Minks or Mints. Baltimore; city 23 Baltimore, Feby. 12th, 17S7. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment were present : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. George Franciscus. 111 Resolved that William Jeffries be and is hereby Ap- pointed Collector of the arrearages of the Taxes for the Year 1785 — gave Bond for his Performance (see 147). 112 Mr. Hugh Berkley presented an Account, his Commis- sions as Collector, Insolvencies allowed him, £28..!.. 5. 113 Chimneys on Fire : (See 114.) Colo. Ballard's chimney on fire 7th. Inst. — Witness — Philip W^aner. 1J4 (See 141.) William Staylor's chimney on fire some time ago — W^itness — Elisha Tyson. Adjourned 'till Monday the 19th. Inst. Baltimore, Feby. 19th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment were present : Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. An order which was drawn the 18th. day December >ast in favor John Kipper, is this day taken up, and two seperate orders, 10..18..9 & 1..5..0, given him in lieu thereof. Amount £12..3..9 (277). George Lightner Presented an Account for Six pieces Timber which is to be Apply'd for the use of a Temporary Bridge, which Mr Lightner is Appointed to errct, £3..15..0. Adjourned 'till Monday the 2r)th. Instant. 115 116 24 REJCORDS OF Baltimore, Feby. 26th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Ad- journment were present: John Hammond. MiCH'Iv DlFFl^NDAFFlER. Gforgf Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. 117 Mr. Amos Loney Presented an Acct. for Z7 Ton. Stone {see 241) delivered for the use of Streets, @ 5/ per Ton. Amt, £9..5..0. 118 Mr. William Goddard Presented an Acct. for Printing from May 1784 'till November 10th, 1786 (1073). Balance of which Account is 3..5..0. 119 John Simmering Presented an Acct. for 9 days Hauling in Hanover & Camden Streets (698), £0..12..6. 120 Philip Amey Presented an Acct. for 4 days work Hauling (^see A\()) in Hanover & Camden Streets, 12/6, £2..10..0. 121 Michael Buzzard, Presented an Acct. for Plauling 2 days in Hanover & Pratt Streets (697), £1..5..0. Adjourned 'till Monday March 5th. Baltimore, March 5th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners were present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. 122 Mrs. Agnes Thompson, presented an Account for the Hire of a Scow from the first November last, 'till the first of this Month — this Scow under the direction of John Jalland, 35/, £7..0..0. 2 orders given for this Acct. {see 148). Baltimore, March 5th, 1787. 123 Mr. Edmund Hogan Presented an Account which he is allowed, and an order on Treasurer given him, £0..10..0 {see 279). bai^timore; city 25 124 James Mitchell Presented an Account, for 2 days Work of his Cart and Horses Certified by Hugh Jefifrys, 12/6, £1..5..0 (^^^287). Adjourned 'till Monday the i2th.. Instant. Baltimore, March 12th, 1787. At a Meeting' of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : John Hammond. David Stodder. George Franciscus. Mich'e Diffendafeer. 125 Wm. Thomas Dew Presented an Account for 3 days work of his Cart and Horses, @ 12/6, & 6^ days work of labourer, 4/; total, £3. .3. .6. 126 Mr. James Calhoun presented an Account for his Serv- ices as Comptroller, for the last Year, 1..0..0. 127 Mr. George McCandless, presented an Acct. for 9 days work done in Fredk. Street, 4/, 1..16..0. 128 Mr. George Lightner Presented an Account for 3 logs furnished by him, £1..15..0 (see 138). Adjourned 'till Friday the 16th. Inst. Baltimore, March 19th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present: T-> C" ^ ^ David Stodder. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. 129 Mr. Aaron Levering Presented an Account for Twenty Six Tons Stone — Amounting to £6..15..0. Adjourned 'till Monday the 26th. Instant. Baltimore, March 26th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present : ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 2^^ RECORDS OP 130 Frederick Delaport Presented an Account for a Cable purchased of him, for the use of the Temporary Brid-e £7..10..0. " ' 131 Resolved that Thomas Brown is Appointed to take up and Secure all Hogs which may be found going at large in the Streets Lanes, or Alleys in Baltimore Town, accord- ing to the directions of an Act of Assembly in that case made and Provided (see 159). Adjourned 'till Thursday 29th. Instant. Baltimore, April 2nd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners were present : •^ John Hammond. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. Mich'l Difeendaffer. George Franciscus. 132 Resolved that the Bottom of the Gutter in East Street be level with the top of the Cill of Thomas Russell's Stable door at the North West Corner— and that this Street have an ascent of 6 inches in every 10 feet, until it has a descent iy2 Inches in every 10 feet, to Calvert Street (sec 157). 133 Resolved that the Center of the Surface of Calvert Street be I9y2 feet from the Brick Work of the Court House. 134 Resolved, that Public Ally have one regular descent from Markett Street to the Top of the Stone Work of Mr. Wm. Smiths House, at the N. W. Corner, in Bank Street (see 175). Adjourned 'till Monday 9th. Instant. Baltimore, April 9th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment, were present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. BALTIMORE CITY 27 135 In Consequence of Notice given in the Public Papers, that a Petition would be Presented to the General As- sembly by the Special Commissioners and Other Inhabit- ants of this Town, for a Law to empower the said Com- missioners to regulate the Water Courses and high ways in the Precincts ; and to levy the same tax on Horses and Car- riages in the Precincts as is levied on them in Town — The following Petition was agreed to and Signed Viz. : To the Honble. The General Assembly of Maryland : The Petition of the Special Commissioners, and other In- habitants of Baltimore Town — Humbly Showeth, That in the Precincts of said Town there are in many Places very high Grounds which in wet weather Often Occasion the Water to run in such directions as to create loss and dam- age to many of the Inhabitants; and in Other Places there are Considerable low Grounds that Contain Stagnated" Water, very Prejudical to the Health of said Town and Precincts thereof — that a great Number of the Inhabitants of the said Precincts have Horses and Carriages that are continually employed in said Town, and receive consider- able sup^port and benefit from the same, and are not burthened with any Tax for the Streets — That the funds raised by the said Street Taxes are inadequate to repair the same and Build Bridges in said Town. They therefore, pray your Honors to take the Case into Consideration, and enlarge the Powers of said Special Com- missioners to extend over the Precincts of said Town ; and that a Tax may be imposed in the said Precincts on Horses and Carriages Similar to that in Town ; and the money to be applyed to making and repairing the Streets and Sewers &c — in said Precincts and Town. 136 Resolved that Messrs. John Hammond. Leonard Ilar- baugh, George Franciscus. and Michael Diffendaffer. are appointed a Committee to level Lombard Street, at 3 o'Clock P. M. Tomorrow (sec 137). Adjourp.ed 'till Tomorrow Evening the lOlli. 28 RECORDS OF Baltimore, April 10th, 1787. Agreeable to the above Resolve the Committee met in Lombard Street, Present : Mich'l Diffendaffer. Gforgf Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. John Hammond. 137 Resolved that Lombard Street have an Ascent of Six Inches in every ten feet or thereabouts, from Hanover Street until it intersects Sharpe Street, and from thence to Howard Street, with as much descent as Possible, that Sharpe Street is to have a regular descent from Lombard Street, to Baltimore Street and from Lombard Street to Pratt Street with the like descent. Adjourned 'till Monday the 16th. Inst. Baltimore, April 16th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: Mich'l Difffndafffr. David Stodder. John Hammond. Geqrge Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. 138 George Lightner Presented Accts. for Sundries per Accts. filed— Amt., £17..5..0 (see 196). 139 John Jones Presented an Acct. for Hauling Timber &c. per acct., £1..5..0 (see 306). 140 Resolved that Mr. John Hammond have Permission to level Hanover Street, from Baltimore Street to Pratt Street, and to have it filled up so as not to exceed Twenty or Thirty Pounds expenses, for which he is not to expect Payment until the Necessary Bridges are Built and paid for. Adjourned 'till Monday 23rd. Inst. BALTIMORE CITY 29 Baltimore, April 23rd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to Adjourn- ment were Present: Georgia Franciscus. MiCH'l DlFFENDAFFHR. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. David StoddLR. Leonard Harbaugh. 141 Fine, Peter Frick, Chimney on fire, 40/ (1108). 142 Mr Walter Roe Presented an Account for 2400 feet Scantling delivered George Lightner, for the Temporary Bridge, @ 12/6, £15..0..0. 143 Mr Stephen Bahan, Presented an Account, for Smith s Work done in the year 1784, by order the former Commis- sioners— Amt. per Acct, 4..6..9. , , • 144 George G. Presbury Eq. Presented an Account for making out a plat of Baltimore Town, 20..0..0. Adjourned 'till Monday 30th. Instant. Baltimore, April 30th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment, were present: John Hammond. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diefendaeeer. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. 145 Robert Conway Presented an order from David Stodder, for work done on the Temporary Bridges Amt, £2.T8..6. 146 Resolved that Messrs. Cumberland Dugan, Thomas Peters & Andrew VanBibber be Permitted to Erect a Tem- porary Bridge over Jones's Falls near Peter's Brewery-. upon which Bridge they are not to expend more than Thirty Pounds; to be refunded them When the debts already Con- tracted by the Commissioners are paid {see 156). 147 Resolved, that William Jefifries Collect the Taxes on the Billiard Tables Immediately (see 160). Adjourned 'till Monday the 7th. May. 30 RECORDS OF 150 A. a Meeting of the Commissioners were^'pfes' nt' : "'"■ Robert Walsh. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder, Mich'l Diffendafper. John Hammond. " Hif/A ""^"^ ^'""P^°" ^^^^^"^^^^ -^ '^— t for Scow Hire Amounting to £3..10..0 (.r^^' 166) a PenTr ^r" "^",'"'4' '" ^^^^°""^ ^^ ^^^^^--Is to make a Pen for peeping the Hogs Seized in the Streets. £1. 16 0- and likewise an Account for Sales of Sundry Hogs taken up in the Streets, Amounting to ^ 17 10 H9 Resolved that the Amount of Sales be allowed to Samuel Swan as Payment for the above Pen, and his trouble o Catching and Selling the Hogs Conrad Bates reed, an order on the Treasurer for Five Pounds, in Consequence of his having Sworn that he lost a former order given him by the Commissioners-before he had Presented it to the Treasurer ^Ad^ourned 'till the 11th. Instant, to meet at the Court May 11th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. 151 Application being made by Mr. John Stark for the purpose of establishing the breadth of the foot Pavement in Han- over Street. Resolved that the breadth of the foot Pavement on Han- over Street where the Street is 66 feet wide, is to be twelve feet from the line of the Street to the Posts, on the Out- side of the Gutter. Adjourned till 16th. Instant, to meet at Dewits Coffee House. BAIvTlMORE CITY 31 Baltimore, May 16th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Adjourned 'till Monday the 21st. Instant, 5 o'Clock P. M. Baltimore, May 23rd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to ad- journment were Present: John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'e Diffendaffer. Adjourned 'till Tomorrow 2 o'Clock, to meet at Charles Deal's in Howard Street. Baltimore, May, 24th, 1787. At a Special Meeting of the Commissioners, were present: John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. 152 Resolved that the Bottom of the Water Courses in Howard Street be level with the top of the Stone Work of Ludwick Millers House at the N. West Corner — also that Howard Street have a regular descent from the Top of the Stone Work of Frederick Deeckers House in Fayette Street at the South West Corner, to the N. West Corner of Ludwick Millers House in Lexington & Howard Streets, and also, to have a regular descent from the North Side of Fayette Street to the level of Markett Street (see 153). 153 Resolved that the Bottom of the Gutter in Howard Street, on the West Side — from Fayette to Lexington Street, be level with the Top of the Stone Work of Capt. Winchester's House, and to have the same descent as the Opposite Side. Adjourned till Monday 28th. Instant. 32 RECORDS OF Baltimore, May 28th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to ad- journment were Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'Iv Difeendaffer. David Stodder. 154 Resolved that John Hammond be Permitted to expend a Sum not exceeding Ten Dollars, in repairing the Bridge in Wilks Street, between Philpotts Hill and Fells Point. 155 Resolved that James Sterett have an order on the Sheriff of Baltimore County for Four Hundred Pounds, money allowed by the County to be applyed to the Building of two Bridges in Baltimore Town £400. 156 Resolved that Cumberland Dugan be Permitted to em- ploy a Person to take Care of the lower Temporary Bridges on Jones's Falls, for which he shall be allowed a reasonable Compensation (see 350). Adjourned till Monday the 4th June. Monday, June 4th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners, agreeable to Ad- journment, were present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. Adjourned 'till Tomorrow 9 o'Clock to meet at East Street, Opposite the Presbyterian Meeting House. Thursday, June 5th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners, agreeable to Ad- journment of Yesterday were Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Joshua Barney. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. BAIvTlMORE CITY 33 157 Resolved that the Bottom of the Water Course in East Street, be level with the top of the Cill of Tho. Russell's Stable door at the North West Corner ; and that this Street have an asscent of Seven Inches and ^4 of an Inch in every ten feet, from the said Corner of Tho. Russell's Stable until it has a descent of 1^ Inches in every ten feet to Calvert Street (see 162). 158 Resolved that Frederick Street have a descent of 1^ Inches in every 10 feet from Baltimore Street to Water Street— (1451).' Adjourned 'till Alonday the 11th. Instant. Baltimore, June 11th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Le;onard Harbaugh. George; Franciscus. 159 Samuel Swan, paid to William Jefifries £5.. 19.. 10, being so much reed, from the Sale of Hogs, which w^ere taken up' in the Streets, Mr. Jeffries to be charged with this (sec 169),, £5..19..10. 160 Charge William Jeffries with the Collection of the Tax on the Billiard Tables in Town, delivered him the list the 2nd. May last, Viz. : (See 180) Thomas Dewitt 1 Table 15..0..0 John Compario 2 ditto 30.. 0..0 Zacha. I\Ian 1 ditto 13..0..0 David Hellen 1 ditto 15..0..0 John Bernard 1 ditto 15..0..Q John Thompson 1 ditto 15..0..0 Daniel Peters 1 ditto 15..0..0 Louis Roussell 1 ditto 15..0..0 £135..0..O John Warran, at Fells Point, 1 15..0..0 £150..0..0 161 Resolved that Andrew Robinson, be permitted to Cutt a Gutter, on the West Side of St. Pauls Lane, in order to 34 RECORDS OF Convey the VV^ater, which runs down said Lane, across Markett Street ; the expense of which to be repaid him on a future day — this Business to be done under the direction of Air. Leonard Harbaugh — (1452). 162 Application being made by Messrs. Geo. Prestman, Doct. Jno. Ijoyd and Thomas Burland & WiUiam Baker for Per- mission to Cutt down East Street. Resolved therefore, that these Persons be Permitted im- mediately to Cut down the same, agreeable to the level lately ascertained & that these Gentlemen be appointed to Superintend the same (see 165). Adjourned 'till Monday the IStli. Inst. Baltimore, June 18th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: Leonard Harbaugh. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Adjourned 'till Monday the 25th. Instant. Baltimore, June 25th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Adjourned 'till Tomorrow 26th. Instant, to meet at 5 o'clock. Baltimore, June 26th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment, were Present : Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David Stodder. Baltimore; city 35 162 Application being made by Benjamin Griffith, Englehard Yeiser, James Edwards, Philip Yeiser, Girard Hopkins, & Others, to Build a Bridge over Jones's Falls at Gay Street, they to pay the Expense Immediately and to be repaid by this Board — Therefore Resolved that this Board is satisfied that the aforesaid persons or such of them as may Contract with this Board have Permission to build a Bridge agree- able to the directions of the board ; and that the expense thereof shall be paid them out of the Funds allowed by law. Resolved that the said Bridge shall extend One Hundred feet in length — beginning at the Buttment of the former Bridge on the East Side and extending over the Falls in the direction of the Street the said distance of one Hundred Feet to the Other Butment ; and that the breadth of the said Bridge shall be Twenty five feet to be divided as follows, Viz.: Eighteen feet for a waggon or Cart way in the Center, and three and one half Feet on each Side for a foot way to be posted and railed, with turnpikes at the end of each foot way {see 247). 163 Resolved that George Lightner be appointed to take of, and keep the Temporary Bridge in order, which was lately Erected across Jones's Falls at Bridge Street, where Grif- fith's Bridge formerly stood {see 198). 164 Mr. William Asquith Presented an Account for repairing Pitt Street, by Permission of the Board, Amounting to £18..5..1. Two orders given for this Acct. 1..0..0, 17-1-5. Adjourned 'till February the 28th Instant, to meet at 5 o'clock. Baltimore, 28th June, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment, were present: Robert Wai.sh, John Hammond. Joshua Barne;y. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. 36 RLXORDS OI'* 165 Resolved that East Lane, from North Alley to Calvert vStreet be paved forthwith agreeable to the level heretofore directed by this board — that the Tax for the same be col- lected immediately by William Jefferis — and that notice thereof be given in the news-paper of the first publication (see 359). Adjourned 'till Monday the 2nd. day July. Baltimore, July 2nd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present : Le:onard Harbaugh. MiCH'i. DlFFENDAFFKR. John Hammond. George; Franciscus. 166 Mrs. Agnes Thompson Presented an Account for two Months Scow Hire— Amount £3..10..0 (see 208). 167 Philip Moser Presented an Account for Bolts Spikes &c used at the Temporary Bridges Amt., £3..0..0 (see 695). 168 William Morris Presented an Account for 3 days work of his Horses & Cart, Amt., £1..17..6 (see 186). Adjourned till Thursday 5th. Instant. Baltimore, July 5th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present : „ ,,. Robert Walsh. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendafeer. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Monday the 9th. Instant. Baltimore, July 9th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: y tt John Hammond. Mich'l Diffexdaffer. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. BAIvTlMORE CITY 37 169 Samuel Swan Produced an Acct. of Sales of Sundry Hogs, which was taken in the Streets, and Sold at Vendue, Amt., £10..17..4, half which sum is allowed him for his Trouble, the Balance to be charged to William Jefferis, Collector, it being paid into his hand, £5. .8.. 8. 170 Mr. George Keeports Presented an Account, for the Book Containing the Law respecting the Special Commissioners duty, and Power for which an Allowance of Fifteen Shil- lings is made him £0..15..0 (see 790). Adjourned till Wednesday the 11th. Instant. Baltimore, July 11th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present : John Hammond. Joshua Barney. Mich'i. Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Robert Walsh. 171 Mr. John Hammond having Presented an Account for Filling up Wilks Street, for which there appears a Balance due him of Fifty Pounds Fifteen Shillings and one penny — which Balance appears to this Board to be Just, it is there- fore Passed, and an order on the Treasury given him for the same, £50..15..1 (see 172). Adjourned 'till Monday the 16th. Instant. Baltimore, July 16th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: MiCH'e DiEFENDAEEER. Joshua Barney. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. 172 Mr. John Hammond Presented an vXccount for repairing the Bridge and Cause way in Wilks Street. Amounting to 38 RECORDS OF £20..10..1 (sec 211). For this Account two orders were given, one for 11. .4.. 3, and one for 9.. 5. .10. 173 Application having been made by a Number of the In- habitants of Light Street, to have the same Paved. Resolved, therefore that the same be immediately Paved, and that the Tax for the same be Immediately Collected by William Jefiferis, who is appointed for that Purpose (see 207). 174 Gave Jacob Small an order on the Treasurer for £ 37.. 10. .0 (see 195). 175 Application having been made by a Number of the In- habitants of Public Alley to have the same Paved. Resolved therefore that the said alley be Immediately Paved and that William Jefferis is appointed to Collect the Tax for the same (see 359). Adjourned 'till Wednesday the 18th. Inst. Baltimore, 18th July, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: John Hammond. George Fr.a.nciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. Adjourned 'till Friday the 23rd. Instant, to meet in Har- rison,* for the Purpose of levelling the same. Present : Joshua Barney. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. .„. Resolved that Harrison Street have a Fall of one inch in every ten feet Northward, begining at the distance of Twenty feet from the Water Course in Baltimore Street, which Twenty feet is to have the same rise at Baltimore Street, at the intersection of Harrison Street. Adjourned 'till Monday 25th, Instant. *Street is omitted on original. BALTIMORE CITY 39 Baltimore, July 25th, 1787. Agreeable to Adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. 1'^'^ Messrs Townsend and Patton Presented an Account for two blank books furnished for the use of this Board — Amt. per Acct., 0..17..6. I'^s The former Board of Commissioners having brought Suit against William Jacob and Others for Taxes due them, the Cost of which Suits, through Mistake, has been charged to John A. Hamilton Collector for said Commissioners, — This Board therefore, think it necessary to take up the matter, and release Mr. Hamilton, and in order to do this, have given M. William M.* Laughlin (the Sheriff at the time those Suits were brought), an order on the Treasurer for the Amount of said Costs of Suit, £22..6..0. 179 Mr. John Jalland presented an Account for 8^/2 Months Scow Hire, at the lower Temporary Bridge on Jones' Falls — Amt., £14.. 17. .6. Two orders given for Amt. this Acct., 12..12..6, 2..5..0 (see 708). 180 Application being made by Monsieur — .. — .. — for liberty to exhibit on the Slack W" ire &c. &c. — Resolved, that he be permitted to exhibit for the Space of twelve Months from this date, provided he pays to Mr. William Jefferis, Col- lector, the Sum of Ten Pounds (see 189). 181 Resolved that, John A. Plamilton be and is hereby ap- pointed to overlook the Carters, Labourers, &c., employed to work in the Streets; and that he be allowed Six Shillings per day for his Services (see 205). Adjourned 'till Monday the 30th. Instant. * Indistinct, may be McLauglilin. 49 r;:corls Or Baltimore, July 30th, \787. At a Meeting- of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : ,^ Koi!iiRT Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 182 j\Ir. Andrew Grubb Presented an Amount for making a Box for Measuring Stones, £0..15..0. 183 Mr. John Omensetter, Overseer of Carts &c., applyd this afternoon for an order on Treasurer, for which an order for £8..15..0 was given, on Monday next he is to exhibit the Whole of his Acct. and then he is to receive another order for the Balance (see 187). Adjourned 'till Monday the 6th day of August. Baltimore, August 13th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 184 John Packney Presented an Acct. for Twelve Tons Pav- ing Stone, @ 3/9 per Ton, £2..5..0. 185 Isaac Uuowatson* presented an Acct. for Twenty Tons paving Stone. @ 3/9 per Ton. £3..15..0 (see 192). 186 William Morriss Presented an Acct. for Nine Tons paving Stone, and Hauling 3 Loads in October last — Amt., £2..6..6. 187 Drew an order in favor of John Omensetter, overseer, for so much, to pay Labourers and Carters, see Omensetter rects. from William Jefferis, 6..0..0, 6..0..0; total, 12..0..0 (see 188). 188 Drew three Several orders in favor John Omensetter for use of Labourers and his own Wages for work done in East Lane, Viz.: One for 10..0..0; one for 10..1..11 ; one for 7..4..0: total. 27.. 15.. 11 (sec 204). 189 Charge William Jefferis with so much reed, of Scnor Carl for his Permission to exhibit on Wire &c £10..0..0 (197). *See foot note in index. bai^timore; city 41 190 William Button Presented an Acct. Certified by Mr. Benjamin Griffith, a former Commissioner, to be right, this Acct. is for a hog furnished the former Commissioners, £1..0..0. Adjourned 'till Monday the 20th. Instant. Baltimore, August 27th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners were present : John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 191 Mr. Robert Harwood Presented an Acct. for 14 Ton Stone, @ 3/9, £2..12..6 (see 261). 192 Mr. Isaac Duowatson* presented an Acct. for 20 Tons Stone, @ 3/9, and 3 locust Posts, @ 2/ (all), £4..1..0 (see 193). 193 Ditto — presented another account for Twenty Tons of Stone more, @ 3/9 per Ton, £3..15..0 (see 209). 194 Mr. John Fickney Presented an Acct. for Twelve Tons Stones, @ 3/9, £2..5..0. 195 Drew an order on Treasurer the 18th. Instant, in favor Jacob Small for £75..0..0 (see 210). 1% Mr. George Lightner Presented an Acct. for his Services &c in keeping the Temporary Bridges in repair, Amt. £25. .14.. 4, for which three orders were given on Treasurer Viz— 7-1.2, £6-0-0, 12..13..2 (see 232). 197 Application having been made to this Board by Messrs. Henry & Hallam, Proprietors of the Theatre in this Town, to exhibit on the Stage. Ordered that they have Permission to exhibit for twelve Months from the date hereof, provided they pay to our Collector the Sum of Fifty Pounds Immediately (see 216). 198 Resolved that George Lightner be and is hereby Ap- pointed to keep the Temporary Bridges in order, for which he is to receive Three pounds for one Month, for his Ser- vices, and he is directed to bring in an Acct. for all Ma- terials he may Purchase at the end of the month. *See foot note in index. 42 RECORDS OF Adjourned 'till Tomorrow 5 o'Clock, to meet at the Court House. August 28th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'e Diffendaffer. David Stodder. Adjourned 'till Tomorrow the 29th. August 29th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. Mich'e Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 199 John Bittle Presented an Acct. for 7 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £1..6..3 (.y^^221). 200 Joseph Gutro, Presented an Acct. for 16 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £3..0..0 (see 394). 201 Asa Swift, Presented an Acct. for 10 tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £1..17..6. 202 Capt. John A. Hamilton having made Application to this board for the Appointment of Master Paver, for this Sea- son. Resolved, that he be, and is hereby Appointed to Superin- tend the said Business of Master Paver, for this Season, and that he pay j^articular attention to the leveling. Sitting the Posts, laying the Gutters, and receiving the Paving Stone ; and as a Compensation for his Services, he is to receive Eight pence per Square Yard for all such Paving as may be done under his direction (see 212). Adjourned 'till Monday the 3rd. day September. BALTIMORE CITY 43 Baltimore, September 3rd, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present : David Stodder. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 203 Mr. Charles Bailey Presented two Accts, for 15. Tons of Stone, each, all 30 Tons, @ 3/9, £5..12..6 (see 224). 204 Drew three orders in favor John Omensetter, to wit : One for £10..0..0; one for £10..0..0; one for £5..0..0; total £25..0..0 (see 218). 20 5 Capt. John Hamilton Presented an Account for his Serv- ices 8 days receiving Paving Stones, @ 6/, £2..8..0 (1376). 206 Ordered that the Markett Space at the Centre Markett, be Immediately Paved, from Baltimore Street to Second Street, and that the same be Advertised in the Maryland Journal Notifying that, William Jefifris is Appointed to Col- lect the Tax for the same. Adjourned 'till Monday the 10th. Instant. Baltimore, September 5th, 1787. At a Special Meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. 207 Resolved, that Light Street be cut down immediately (see 233). Adjourned 'till Monday the 10th. Baltimore, September 10th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. George Franciscus. Micii'l Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. 208 Mrs. Agnes Thompson Presented an Acct. for 2 Months Scow Hire, due the 1st. of this Instant, £3..10..0 (see 258). 44 RECORDS OF 209 Isaac Dcvvatson'" Presented an Account for Twenty Tons paving Stone @ 3/9 & Eleven locust Posts @ 2/, all, £4..17..0. Isaac Dewatson Presented an Account for Twenty Tons Paving Stone, @ 3/9, £3..15..0 (see 222). One order given for both these Accts. 210 Drew an order in favor Jacob Small for £37-|-..10..0 {see 227). 211 Mr. John Hammond Presented an Account for Cash, advanced by him to hands working in light Street, 1..3..3; Cash, paid for 2 Copies from the Town records, 0..5..0; total, £1..8..3 {sec2A2). Adjourned 'till Monday 17th. this Instant. Baltimore, September 17th. 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present : John Hammond. George; Franciscus. Mich'l Diefendaefer. Robert Waesii. David Stodder. 212 Drew an order in favor Capt. Hamilton, for Work done in Pratt Street, £4..15..0 {see 219). 213 Benjamin Gorsuch presented an Acct for 2)4 Months Scow Hire, at the Temporary Bridges, 35/, £4..7..6. 2 orders given for this Acct. 214 Abram McCann Presented an Acct. for 19 Ton paving Stone, 3/9, £3..11..3 {see 223). 215 James Smith Presented an Acct for 2y2 days work his Cart in East Lane, 10/, £1..5..0. Adjourned 'till Monday 24th. Instant. September 24th, 1787. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. *See foot note in index. tindistinct, see original. Baltimore; city 45 216 Charge William Jefferis with the Money reed, from Messrs. Henry & Hallam. being the License Money, for their Permission to Exhibit on the Stage in this Town, £50..0..0 (see 297). 217 Messrs. John AIcFeron & Michl. McCarty Presented an Account for 6 days Cart Hire, 10/, £3..0..0 (509). 218 Drew an order in favor John Omensetter for £11. .13. .9 (see 220). 219 Drew an order in favor John A. Hamilton for £7..10..0 (see 231). 220 Drew 3 orders in favor John Omensetter, 10..0..0, 7..10..0, 6..0..0, total, £23..10..0 (see 251). Adjourned 'till Monday, October 1st., 1787. October 8th, 1787. At a Meeting of the Commissioners were Present: David Stodder. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'Iv Diffendafeer. Leonard Harbaugh. The following Persons Presented the following Accounts, Viz. : 221 John Bittle, for 10 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £1..17..6 (see 237). 222 Isaac Duowatson* 20 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £3..15..0 (see 243). 223 Francis Bruisbanks 7 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £1..6..3 (see 260). 224 Charles Bailey 28>4 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £5.. 5.. 11 (see 230). 225 Abraham McCoun 38 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £7..2..6 (see 229). 226 Augustine Battle 9 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £1..13..9 (see 235). 227 Drew an order in favor Jacob Small for £125 (see 372). *See foot note in index. 46 RECORDS OF The following' persons presented the following Accounts Viz.: 228 Col. Thomas Dorsey 2500 Bricks, @ 30/, £3..15..0. 229 Abraham McCoun, 19 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 3..11..3 (see 236). 230 Charles Bailey, 15 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 2.. 16.. 3; 7 Locust Posts, 2/, 0..14..0. 231 John A. Hamilton — for paving in Pratt Street, per Acct. Balance due him, 25..7..4 (see 246). 232 George Lightner, for Keeping the Bridges in order, 5..18..2 (see 245). Adjourned 'till Monday the 15th. this Instant. 233 Mr. Leonard Harbaugh is Appointed to Superintend the Paving of Light Street, and that he see the people paid for doing the same. October 15th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. GEORGE Franciscus. David Stodder. 234 Ordered that, an order be given to Shepherd Church, for goods advanced John Lewis, a labourer, who worked three days in light Street, £0..11..3. Sundry Persons Presented Account as follows. Viz. : Augustus Biddle, 22 Tons Stone, 3/9, £4..2..6. Abraham McCoun, 19 Tons Stone, 3/9, 3.. 11. .3 (see 238). John Biddle. 18 Tons Stone. 3/9, 3..7..6 (see 590). Adjourned 'till Monday the 22nd. Instant. Baltimore, October 22nd, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were present: Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Hammond. George Franciscus. David Stodder Robert Walsh 235 236 237 BALTIMORE CITY 47 238 Mr. Abraham McCoun, presented an Account for Nine- teen Tons paving Stone, @ 3/9, £3..11..3. 239 Mr. Benjamin Wills presented an Account, for Cartage &c, Amt, £4..18..4 (see 328). 240 Mr. Jacob Bull, presented an Acct. for Dressing Posts. £2..16..0. 241 Mr. Amos Loney, presented an Account for 44 Locust Posts, 2/, 4..8..0. 242 Mr. John Hammond Presented an Account for 1500 Brick, 27/6, £2..1..3 (see 293). 243 Mr. Isaac Duowatson,* Presented an Account for 82 Locust Posts, @ 2/6, and 2 Ton paving Stone, @ 3/9, £10..12..6 (see 259). Adjourned 'till Tomorrow Evening the 23rd. Inst. October 23rd, 1787. At a Special Meeting of the Commissioners were present : Joshua Barney. Leonard Harbaugh. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Hammond. David Stodder. George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Monday the 29th. Inst. Baltimore, October 29th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Joshua Barney. David Stodder. *See foot note in index. 48 RFXORDS OF 244 Ordered that Charles Deal expend the Sum of Six pounds in repairing Howard and Fayette Streets, and that he bring in an Account of the same (see 275 and 308). 245 ]\Ir. George Lightner, Presented an Account for his Serv- ices in Keeping the Temporary Bridges in Repair, for one Month, and for Scantling furnished by him per Acct, £4..13..9; two orders given for this, 1..18..11, 2.. 14.. 10; 4..13..9 (see 266). 246 Drew an order in favor John A. Hamilton for £27.. 10 (sec 252). 247 Agreed with the following Persons to Wit, Lavaller Barry, John Brown, Philip Yeiser, John Thompson, John Miller, James Edwards, and Robinson Jones, to Build a Bridge over Jones' Falls, where Griffiths Bridge form- erly Stood, of the following dimensions Viz. — from But- ment to butment. Eighty four feet more or less. Eigh- teen feet wide, to be compleated in a workmanlike manner, engaging the Same to Stand for the term of Seven Years, after being compleated, for which they are to receive the Sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds — said Bridge to be Compleated in three Months from this date (see 249). 248 Charles Bruisbanks Presented an Account for 98 Locust Posts, @ 2/, £9..16..0; two orders drawn for this Account, Adjourned 'till Tomorrow the 30th. Instant. October 30th, 1787. At a Special meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. MiCII'l DiFFENDAFfER. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. George Franciscus. Joshua Barnev. 249 Drew the following orders in favor the following Persons Viz. : Philip Sindale for 200-0-0 ; James Edwards 20-0-0. Adjourned 'till Monday the Monday the 5th November. BALTIMORE CITY 49 Baltimore, November 5th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were present: MiCh'l DiFFENDAFl'ER. Robert Walsh. Leonard Harbaugh. John Hammond. David StoddEr. Joshua Barney. 250 Resolved that Michael Shepherd be and is hereby Ap- pointed Overseer of the Carts & Labourers working on the Streets, &c — John Hammond, Security (see 253). 251 Drew an order in favor John Omensetter, Overseer, for £28..15..0. 252 Drew an order in favor John A. Hamilton for £11..5..0 (sec 267). 253 Drew an order in favor Michl. Shepherd for £7..10..0 (sec 264). 254 A Number of the Inhabitants on the East Side of Jones Falls in Baltimore Town, having requested this board to view and regulate Sundry Streets and Water Courses in that part of said Town, — therefore. Resolved, that a Canal be cut immediately, from the North East Corner of Peter Shepherds Land, where a Canal was begun by the former Board of Commissioners for the purpose of Preventing the water from runing into Town from the Precincts, and that this said Canal be continued along the Old Post Road, South West ward until it comes to an old Framed building Opposite to Delcher's, the Stock- ing Weaver's House ; said Canal is intended to Convey the waters which at present comes down the back of Haywards Tan Yard, and that which comes down along the York Road, into the Falls — Mr. Francis Davis, Doctor Darling, George Matthews, Capt. Joshua Barney & John Brown, is Ap- pointed and directed by this board to Superintend the dig- ging and opening said Canal — agreeable to the above re- solve, and that this Board pay the Expense thereof out of the Public Fund (see 671). 50 RECORDS OF Resolved that Francis Davis be Appointed to fill up a hole in the Street Opposite his House, and to make the same Passable for Waggons &c — this Board to pay the expense thereof. 255 Resolved that Bridge Street, from the begining thereof to the Corner of Francis Do\yers Tan Yard be regulated and Paved immediately after those Streets, already ad- vertised to be Paved are done, that is to say, Light Street, and the Markett Space (see 452). Baltimore. November 13th. 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present : Robert Walsh. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffexdaffer. 256 Mr. Robert Walsh Presented an Acct. for Labourers Wages, Cart Hire &c &c — done on the Streets at the Point, 5..0.'.0, 5..0..0, 3..17..6; total, £13..17..6* (see 268). 257 Mr. Peter Weary Presented an Acct. for Cart Hire, 6..5..0, 1..7..6; total. 7..12..6 (sec 634). Adjourned "till Monday the 19th Inst. November 19th. 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were present : Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Dan'td Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. 258 Mrs. Agnes Thompson Presented an Acct. for two Months Scow Hire, 35/. £3..10..0 (see 302). The following Persons presented the following Accounts, Viz.: 259 Isaac Duowatsonf. for 19 Locust Posts, 2/. 1..18..0 (see 270). *3 orders. tSee foot note in index. Baltimore; city 51 260 Francis Bruisbanks, for two Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 0..7..6 (sec 503). 261 Robert Harwood, for Twenty Tons Paving Stone, 3/9; and 4 Locnst Posts. 2/, 4..3..0 (see 409). 262 Executors of Peter Shepherd, for Leveling &c, 11. .2.. 6. 263 Hez. Waters, his Acct. for Services as Clerk, 35. .0..0 (see 319). 264 Michl. Shepherd, Overseer. 5..0..0 (see 274). 265 Resolved that Second Street be pitched as follows, Viz. : The extreme height to be at Tripeletts Alley, and from the West Side of said Alley to South Street, to have regular descent, and from the East Side of said Alley to Gay to have a regular descent also. 266 Drew an order on Treasurer in favor George Lightner, for the Purpose of Purchasing Scantling for Temporary Bridges, £3..0..0 (see 307). 267 Drew an order in favor Capt. Hamilton for £4..10..0 (see 269). Adjourned 'till Monday the 26th, 1787. November 27th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'e Diffendaffer. 268 Mr. Robert Walsh Presented an Acct. for a Blank Book, £1..5..0 (see 352). 269 Mr. John A. Hamilton, 17 Tons Stone, 3/9, £3. .3. .9 (see 272). 270 Mr. Isaac DuowatsonJ, 10 Locust Posts, 2/, £1..0..0 (see 436). 271 Mr. Adam Furney, 19>4 Ton Stone, 3/9, £.3..13..1 (see 325). 272 Mr. John A. Hamilton, £15..12..8 (see 299). 273 Mr. James Carey, 19 Tons Stone, 3/9, £3.. 11. .3. 52 RECORDS OP 274 Mr. Michl. Shepherd, £4..10..0 (see 295). 275 Charles Dial, for work done in Hanover Street. Amt., £2..15..0 (^^^677). 276 ]Mr. John Read, for 3 days work at Bank, £0..12..0. 277 Mr. John Kipp, Carter, for Pt. of his Acct. for work done in Light Street &c, £7..10..0 (see 292). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 1st December. Baltimore, December 1st, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners Present: John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Robert Waesh. 27g George Lindenberger, Smith & Co. Presented an Acct. for 107 Cedar Posts, 2/6, £13..7..6. 279 Edmund Hogan Presented an Acct. for 9 days Cartage done in Streets, 10/, £4..10..0; Ditto, 10^ days, 10/, £5..7..6 (see 303). 280 Neal Keating Presented a Certificate, by John Omen- setter, Certifying that there is a Balance due him for work done in East Street, £4..14..6. 281 Richard Berry Presented a Certificate, Certified as above, that there is a Balance due him for work done in Public Streets, £7..11..6. 282 Jeremiah Enny, Same, £3. .12.. 10 (see 78). 283 David James, Same, £5..3..0. 284 Robert Thompson, Same, £6..3..0. 285 John Shaw, Same, £1..4..3. 286 John Nipert, Same, £6..10..1 (see 311). 287 James Mitchell, Same, 15..0..0, 4..16..3; total, £19..16..3 (see 498). 288 Robert Marr, Same, £5. .6.. 6 (see 580). 289 Matthias Sunday, Same, £3..8..1 (see 1009). 290 Walter Burke, Same, £2. .7.. 7. 291 Patrick Mullen, Same, £4.. 2.. 3. 292 John Kipp, Same, £31..17..6 (see 315). 293 John Hammond Presented x\ccts. for 73 days work of his Cart & Horses, £41..15..0 (see 327). BAIvTiMORE CITY 53 294 John Compario Presented an Acct. for 4 Months & 10 days Scow Hire, £7.. 11. .8. 295 Michl. Shepherd, £7..10..0 (see 305). 296 Mr. David Stodder, Presented an Acct. for Scow Hire &c, £212..3..4 (see 352). Adjourned till Saturday the 8th. Inst. 297 Charge Wm. Jefiferis for so much reed, for License from a man Showing a Camel, £3..0..0 (see 330). December 8th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. 298 Jacob Kjimmerley presented a Certificate, from under the hand of John Omensetter that there is a balance due him for work done in public Streets £6..6..1 (see 310). 299 Gave John A. Hamilton an order for 11..5..0 (see 322). 300 Mr. Leonard Harbaugh presented Sundry Accts. in the names of the following persons — Viz. : John Linegar, Nathl. Thompson, Peter Hart, Wm. Hainey, 11..1..3 (see 352). 301 Mr. Thomas Constable presented an Acct. for work at one of the Temporary Bridges, 2..0..0. 302 Mrs. Agnes Thompson Presented an Acct. for 1 months Scow hire, 1..15..0. 303 Mr. Edmund Hogan Presented an Acct. for 1^ days' work of his Cart, 0..17..6. •^04 Mr. Valentine Nelson Presented an Acct. for 6 days work of his Cart, @ 10/, 3..0..0 (see 364). 305 Gave Mr. Michael Shepherd an order for 7..10..0 (see 317). 306 Mr. John Jones Presented an Acct. for Hauling Scant- ling &c., 1..7."0. 307 Mr. George Lightner Presented an Acct. for Keeping the Temporary Bridges in order, 6..1..7 (see 323). 308 Colo. Frederick Decker, and Henry Stover, is permitted to repair a place in Ploward Street, and not to expend more than Eight Dollars upon the same (see 682). Adjourned till Saturday the 15th. Inst. 54 RECORDS OF Baltimore, December 15th, 178/. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Joshua Barney. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Difeendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. 309 Mr. John ElHcott Presented an Acct. for Brick furnished by him, 18..15..0. 310 Jacob Kimmerly Presented an Acct. for Balance due him Certified by Alichl. Shepherd, it being for Work done in Public Streets, 1..5..5 (sec 379). 311 John Kneebert, Same, 1..12..11. 312 David McCausland, ditto, for Bricks, 2 orders, 25/ & 20/; total, 2..5..0 {see 440). 313 Thomas Watson, ditto. Work done in Public Streets, 10..8..11. 314 James McGaw Presented an Acct. for 84 days work done in Public Streets, for which there remains a Balance due him. 11..5..0. 315 John Kipps, Presented an Acct. for a Balance due him per Certificate by John Omensetter, Overseer, 6..6..3, 6..6..3 ; total, 12..12..6 (see 365). 316 Daniel Eddy presented an Acct. for five & >4 days work done in Streets, a Balance of which is due him, 0..9..4 (see 428). 317 Gave Michael Shepherd an order for 5..0..0 (see 329). Adjourned 'till Monday the 17th. Inst, to meet at Mr. Barry's Tavern. December 22nd, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. John Thompson presented an .Account for 3 days Labour ^^^on Public Streets, 3/9, £0..11..3 {see 688). BALTIMORE CITY 55 319 Hezekiah Waters. Presented an Acct. for making a re- turn to Horses, Carriages &c., 13..0..0 {see 345). Adjourned 'till Alonday 24th. Inst. To meet at John Thompson's. December 29th, 1787. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present : David Stodder. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'e Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugii. 320 Edward x\gnew Presented an Acct. Certified by Michl. Shepherd, overseer, for 5 days work of his Cart on the public Streets, 10/. 2..10..0. 321 James Dixon and Others presented an Acct. for Ij/ days work of 4 hands done in Pratt Street. 2..11..10 (see 908). 322 John A. Plamilton, presented an Act. for 25 Ton Paving; Stone. 3/9, 4..13..9 (sec 336). 323 George Lightner, Presented an Acct. for bringing him a Scow that was lost from the Temporary Bridges, and for cleaning the Scows at the Tempy.* Bridges. 3..11..8. 324 Mr. Michael DiffendaiTer is Appointed to Keep the Tem^- porary Bridge in order over the Falls in Markett Street, for which he is to receive Twenty Shillings per Month (see 352). Adjourned till Saturday Evening the 5th. January, 1788. January 5th, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammo.\-;j. George Franciscus. Mich'l- Diffendaffer. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugii. *Temporary. 56 RECORDS OF 325 Adam Furney, Presented an Acct. Certified by Michl. Shepherd for Thirty Seven Tons Stone, 5/, £9..5..0 {see 451). 326 Joseph Barker Presented an Acct. Certified as above, for 5^4 days Cartage in PubHc Streets, 10/, £2..12..6 {see 467). 327 John Hammond, Presented an Acct. 7y^ days Cartage, 10/, £3..15..0 {see 339). 328 Benjamin Wells, Presented an Acct. 1 days work his Cart, 0..10..0 {see 362). 329 Michael Shepherd, for his Services 30 days as overseer of the Carts &c in full, 7..2..3 {see 405). 330 William Jefiferis Dr. To the Estate of Jonathan Hudson For so much, a Balance due Balto. Town, 4..0..4 {see 333). 331 ]\Ir. Benjamin Lamming, Presented an Acct. for 45 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £8..8..9 {see 585). 332 Mr. Harman Stidger, Presented an Acct. for 10 days Cart- age done in September last, 10/, £5..0..0. 333 William Jefferis, Dr. To Streets, for so much money Reed, of Saml. Swan, for Hogs taken in the Streets, and Sold by him, £4..15..0 {see 342). 334 Nero Graves Presented an Acct. for 2^^ days work done by his Cart, at 10/ per day, £1..5..0. 335 John Steel Presented an Acct, for 14 Tons Paving Stone, 4/6, £3..3..0, £2..3..0 & 20/. 336 John A. Hamilton Presented an Acct. for Paving done in Light Street, and a Bala, thereon due him, £20 & £10.. 15. .4, total, 30..15..4. 337 Alessrs. Bankson & Lawson, presented an Acct. for dress- ing Posts, £3..3..0. 33g Mr. David Jones Presented an Acct. for 3^ days Labour in Public Streets, Bala., 0..9..3. 339 Mr. John Hammond Presented an Acct. for Cash, paid Wm. Spear, 9j4 Tons Paving Stone, 2..6..3 {see 352). S40 Mr. Danl. Grant Presented an Acct. 10>< days Cartage Srr.. in light Street, £6.. 11. .3 {see 344). Adjourned till Monday the 7th, 1788. BALTIMORD CITY 57 Baltimore, January 7th, 1788. At a meeting- of the Commissioners agreeable to adjourn- ment were Present: Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Ge;orge; Franciscus. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. 341 Messrs. Saml. & Robert Purviance Presented Accts. for from which deduct an Acct. drawn by the former Com- missioners dated 30th. Sept., 1786, for 18..0..0. This day drawn an order in their favor for £60.. 2.. 6; also an order for 2..1..3; total, 80..3..9. 342 This day Credited George Walsh, former Collector, the Sum of £1192.. 13. .9 — being the Amount of the list put into the hands of William Jefferis, and taken from Welsh (see 343). Error — George Walsh, Dr., To Baltimore Town, for so much paid him by George Louderman & Joseph Jackson which he made no return of, £3..15..0. 343 This day the Commrs. Examined the list returned by Wm. Jefferis as Insolvencies, being included in the list taken from Geo. Welsh, and find that he is to be Credited on Acct. of such Insolvs., £257.. 15. .7^ (see 349). Adjourned 'till Tomorrow 2 o'Clock the 8th. January 8th, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present : Robert Walsh. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. John Hammond. David Stodder. 344 Daniel Grant Presented an Acct. for 2 Tons Paving Stone, &c., £0..13..9.* *The other records of this meeting lost. 58 RECORDS OF Baltimore, January 26th, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 345 Resolved that Hez. Waters be and is hereby Appointed Clerk and Assessor for this Year, and it is ordered that he make a return of the Billiard Tables in Baltimore Town immediately (sec 380). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 2nd. Feby.. 1788. Baltimore, Feby. 2nd, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Comrs. met. Present: John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David Stodder. 346 Ordered that James Sterett reserve in his hands, being the balance of his Commission up to the 14th. Jany. last, £2..0..7 (693). Adjourned till Saturday the 9th. Inst. Feby. 23rd, 1788. At a meeting of the Commrs. were present : Robert Walsh. David Stodder. George Franciscus. IMich'l Diffendaffer. Adjourned till Saturday the 1st day of March. March 1st, 1788. At a meeting of the Commrs. agreeable to adjournment were Present : Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. D.wiD Stodder. BALTIMORE CITY 59 347 Gave James IMooney an order on Treasurer, for a balance due him for work done under John Omensetter last Sum- mer, £0..8..8. 348 Ordered that Calvert Street, from Alarkett Street to the Court House Square be paved the ensuing spring, and that Notice thereof be given in the Maryland Journal (see 351). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 8th. Inst. March 8th, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. George: Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David Stodder. 349 Resolved that A\'illiam Jefferis be and is hereby appointed to Collect all the Taxes due to the Special Commissioners for the present year, and that Public Notice thereof be given in the Maryland Journal (see 360). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 15th. Inst. March 15th. 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh. 350 Mr. Cumberland Dugan Presented an Account for l)uil(l- ing a Temporary Bridge over Jones's Falls in Alay last, and Whereas the expense of said Bridge appears to be Four Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence half penny more than was Resolved to be allowed him for building it, and it appearing that said extra expenditure was absolutely necessary, therefore have Passed his Account, and gave him an order on the Treasurer for the same, payable after all the orders drawn bv the Commissioners i)rior to the 30th. of April last are paid. £34..13..5>4 (see 355). 351 Ordered that Mr. John Hammond be and is licrc])\- cn- powered and directed to Superintend the Paving of Calvert Street, from Markett Street to the Court House S(iuare, and 60 RECORDS or that Public Notice of said Paving be immediately given — in the Maryland Journal. 352 Gave the following orders on the Treasurer, Viz. : One in favor Joshua Barney (sec 801) 6.. 6..4^ David Stodder (see 356) 11.. I..234 Michl. Diffendaffer (see 357) 17..19..5i^ Robt. Walsh (see 722) 13..16..6 John Hammond (see 373) 17.. 15. .6 George Franciscus (see 1062) 17.. 3../}^ Leonard Harbaugh (see 686) 10.. 17.. 3 Adjourned 'till Saturday the 22nd. Inst. March 22nd. 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present : RoBKRT Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Joshua Barney. David Stodder. John Hammond. 353 Resolved that the sum of Five Pounds be allowed Thomas Dewitt, for the use of his House, Candles, Firing, &c., for one year ending the first October last, £5..0..0 (see 699). 354 Adam Fenerdon presented an Acct. for mending Labour- ers Tools, £1..10..6. 355 Whereas the Worshii)fu]l the Levy Court for Baltimore County, taking into Consideration the Great necessity for having a new Bridge erected at the lower end of Jones's Falls in this Town at Water Street, and considering that this board, in consequence of the great difficulty of collect- ing the Taxes and the great expenses to be paid for erecting other Bridges, did on the 21st. of September last. Grant the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, to be paid into the hands of Messrs. William Spear and Cumberland Dugan, to be ap- propriated for the building a Bridge at that place. And whereas it appears to this board by an estimate presented by the said Messrs. Spear & Dugan, that a further Sum of One hundred and Seventy five Pounds will be necessary for the compleating the said bridge agreeable to the plan, BALTIMORE CITY 61 and as Messrs. Spear & Dugan propose advancing the said Sum of One hundred and Seventy five Pounds in order that the said Bridge should be finished and compleated without delay, provided this board will engage that they shall be repaid. Resolved therefore, That should the Bridge to be built under the direction of Messrs. William Spear and Cvmiberland Dugan, over the Falls at Water Street, cost One hundred and Seventy five Pounds more than the said Two hundred Pounds — granted by the Levy Court, this board will pay the same, or such less Sum, if the expense should be less, when the debts already contracted are paid (see 672). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 29th. Inst. March 29th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Pres- ent: Joshua Barney. Mich'l DiffendaffeIr. George Franciscus. David Stodder. John Hammond. 356 Mr. David Stodder presented an Account for the Hire of 5 Scows from the 1st. Dec, 1787, to the 15th. Jany., 1788, @ 35/ per month, 13..2..6 ; for the Hire of 3 Scows from the 15th. Jany. to the 31st. March, 1788, 35/, 13..2..6; total, 26.. 5. .0 (see 493). 5 orders given for this Acct. 357 Mr. Michl. Diffendafifer Presented an Acct. for repairing the Temporary Bridge, 7..4..7 (see 375). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 5th April. April 5th, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissrs. were present : Robert Waesh. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaefer. John Hammond George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 19th. Instant. 02 RECORI.S OF April 19th, 1788. At a meeting" of the Commissioners were Present: John Hammond. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Mich'e Dieeendaffer. 358 Mr. Marcus AlcCausland Presented an Acct. in behalf of Philip Ling-, for 4500 Paving Bricks, ZS/. £7..17..6; 2 orders, 2..10..0, 5..7..6 (see 702). 859 Resolved that the Foot Pavement in East Street, from North Lane to Calvert Street, be Eight feet A\^ide clear of the Posts. Adjourned 'till Monday the 21st. Inst. Monday, 21st April, 1788. At a Special meeting of the Commissioners were Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 359 Resolved that the level of Public Alley from Bank Street to the Dock, be Eighteen Inches higher than at Bank Street {see 528). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 3rd. May, 1788. May 3rd, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus Leonard Harbaugh. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 10th. Inst. May 10th. 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present: Roi;ert Walsh. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer.' John Hammond. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 17th. Baltimore; city 63 May 17th, 1788. At a meeting of the Commissioners were Present : Robert Wai^sh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'e Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 360 Charge WilHam Jefferis, Collector, with the License money received of Israel Rice for Permission to Exhibit to Public view a Moose due £1..15..0 (see 402). 361 Mrs. Catharine Levely Exix. Wm. Levely Presented an Acct. for Syi days work done by her Cart and Horse, 10/, £4..2..6 (see 447). 362 Mr. Benjamin Wells presented an Account for 8^ days work of his Cart, @ 10/, £4..2..6 (see 680). 363 Mr. George Reineker Presented an Account for Services, done bv him per Account, 8.. 13.. & 4.. 5. .8; total, 12..18..8 (see 691). 364 Gave Filty* Nelson an order for a Balance due him for work done in Calvert Street, 3..2..6 (see 443). 365 John Kipp, the same, 3. .2. .6 (see 445). 366 Godfrey Newby, Same, 2.. 12. .6. 367 James Simmons. Same, 1..7..3 (see 501). 368 John Gutro, Same, 1..9..3 (see 925). 369 James Galbraith, Same, 0..3..10. 370 Hugh Neill, Same, 1..7..3. 371 Henry Nash, Same, 1..15..5. 372 Jacob Small, on Acct., 40..0..0 (see 433). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 24th. May 24th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment of the 17th. Inst, the Com- missioners met. Present : Leonard Harbaugh. RoiiERT Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. *Or Valentine. 6i RUCORDS OP ^''^ Gave Mr. John Hammond an order for work done by his Cart and a Labourer in Calvert Street, Amtg. to 5..9..4^ (see 376). ^'^* Gave John A. Hamilton an order for the Amt. his Acct. for work done in Calvert Street, 6.. 3. .6 (see 382). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 31st. Inst. May 31st, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment of the 24th. Inst, the Com- missioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diefendaffer. 375 Michael Diffendaffer presented an Account for repairing the Tempy.fBridges, Scantling, drayage, &c., £2..14..0 (see 504). 376 John Hammond presented an Account for 8 Tons paving Stones, for which he paid the Cash £1..10..0 (see 386). 377 Erasmus Uhler presented an Account for repairs done by him in Hanover Street, per account, 2 orders, £1..18..9, 1..5..0 (see 1042). 378 Jeremiah Eany§, gave him an order for the Balance of his Account, £1..2..6. 379 Jacob Kimmerly, ditto, do., £0..18..9. 380 Gave Hezekiah Waters an order on Account his wages for the present year, 7..10..0 (see 450). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 7th. Inst. Baltimore, June 7th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Pres- ent: Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugh, John Hammond. tTemporary. tAlso spelled Enny. Baltimore; city 65 381 John Pullen presented an Acct. for 18 Tons Stone, @ 3/9, £3..7..6 (sec 420). 382 Jolin A. Hamilton presented an Acct. for 10 days Wages as Overseer of Carts, &c., 6/, 3..0..0 (see 389). 383 John Hoss Presented an Account for Work done on Howard Street, Amounting to £11. .15. .10. 384 Francis Dawes presented an Acct. for Work done on Bridge Street, £11..14..8 (see 994). 38-, Valentine Snyder, presented an Account for Cartage, &c., done in the Streets, 2. .7. .6. 386 Gave John Hammond an order for work done by his Cart and Man on the Streets per Acct., £6. .7. .2 (see 400). 337 Gave Philip Emmy an order for Cartage done on Streets, £4..7..6 (see 439). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 21st. Instant. June 21st, 1788. Agreeable to Adjournment the Commissioners met. Pres- ent : Le;onard Harbaugh Robert Walsh. John Hammond. AIich'l Diffendaffkr. 388 John Vittle Presented an Account for nine Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £1..13.'.9 (see 395). 389 John A. Hamilton Presented an Account, for the Balance of Paving done in light Street, per Acct., 1..17..6, 10.. 8.. 6; total, 12..6..0 (see 399)^. 390 Thomas Coale Presented an Acct. for 4 days work, 0..15..0 (see 405). 391 William Wyley Presented an Acct. for 15 Tons Paving Stone, @ 3/9,'2..15..3 (.y^^476). 392 Mr. Benjamin Beattle presented an Account for five Tons paving Stone. 3/9, 0..18..9. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 28th. Instant. 66 RECORDS 01? June 28th, 1788. The Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment were Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. Leonard Harbaugii. 393 George Forrester Presented an Acct. for ten Tons Paving Stone. 3/9, £1..17..6. 394 Joseph Gutro, Presented an Acct. for 24 Tons paving Stone, 3/9. £4..10..0 (see 410). S95 John Vittle, Presented an Acct. for 18 Tons do., 3/9, £3..7..6 (^^^411). 396 James Allen, do. 3 Tons, 3/9, 0..11..3 (see 408). 397 William Lynch, do. 4 do., 3/9, 0..15..0. 398 James Lynch, do. 12 do., 3/9, 2..5..0. 399 Gave John A. Hamilton an order on Acct. Calvert Street, 4..3..0 (sec 427). 400 John Hammond Presented an Acct. for Work done in Hanover Street, 31..10..0 (see 417). 401 Charge Thomas Yates with so much arising on his Vendue Sales from 20th. Jany., 1786, to the 20th. Jany, 1787. at 2y2 per ct., 299..13..1 ; Do. Arising on Vessels for the year 1785, 2..14..6; total, £302..7..7 (692). 402 Charge William Jefferis for so much reed, for Hogs Sold, £2..4..6 (see 489). 403 Saml. Spuir, presented an Acct. for taking up Hogs, £1..17..6. 404 Mr. Joseph Jines Presented an Acct. for 16 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £3..0..0 (see 423). 405 Mr. Michael Shepherd is hereby Appointed Overseer of the Carts & Labourers for this Season — Captain Hamilton. Suy* (see 419). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 5th. day July next. *Surety. BALTIMORE CITY 67 July 5th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met, Pres- ent: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Georgk Franciscus. MiCH'l DiFFENDAFFER. 406 Mr. Thomas Coale Presented an Acct. for 9j^ days work done in the Streets, 3/9, 1..15..7. 407 John Harrigan, do., for 6 days work, 3/9, 1..2..6 (see 418). 408 James Allen, do., for 7 Tons Stone, 3/9, 1..6..3 (see 683). 409 Robert Harrowood,-|- do., for 8 do. do. 3/9, 1..10..0 (see 422). 410 Joseph Gutro, do., for 16 do. do., 3/9, 3..0..0 (see 431). 4U John Vittle, do., for 10 do. do., 3/9, 1..17..6 (see 430). 412 James Gale, do., for 44 do. do., 3/9, 8..5..0 (see 434). 413 Gustavus Hanson, do., for 20 do. do., 3/9, 3..15..0. 414 George Franciscus Presented an order from John Omen- setter for a Balance due him, 12.. 1.. 2 (see 1339). 416 Philip Amy, for work done in Calvert Street, 8..5..0 (see 426). 417 John Hammond, for work done in Calvert Street, 16.. 3. .1 (.y^^487). 418 John Harrigan presented an Acct. for work done in Cal- vert Street, 1..5..3 (see 581). 419 Gave Wm. Michael Shepherd an order for pt. his wages, 3..0..0 (see 444). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 12th, Inst. July 19th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Pres- ent: John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. 420 John Pullen Presented an Acct. for 22 Tons Paving Stone, @3/9, 4..2..6 (.9^^600). tOr Harwood. 68 RECORDS OF 421 Capt. Mortimore Presented an Acct. for 8 Tons do, 3/9, 1..10..0. 422 Robert Harrowood-j- Presented an Acct. for 24 Tons do., 3/9, 4..10..0 {see 477). 423 Joseph Joines Presented an Acct. for 14 do., 3/9, 2.. 12. .6 (see 464). 424 William Nicholas Presented an Acct. for 10 do, 3/9, 1..7..6. 425 Lemuel Bacon Presented an Acct. for 12 do. 3/9, 2..5..0. 426 Philip Amy Presented an Acct. for 6}i days Cartage, 10/, 3..2..6. 427 Gave Capt. Hamilton 2 orders, in full of all work done by him 'till the begining the Markett Space Pavement, 33..9..4, 17..14..9 (see 449). 428 Danl. Eddy Presented an Acct. for 6-)4 days work done in Streets, 3/9, £1..5..3 (610). 429 John Stoneback presented an Acct. for 16 days Labour, 3/9, 3..0..0 (465). Adjourned 'till Monday 21st. Inst. July 21st, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment of Saturday the Commission- ers met. Present : John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. 430 John Vittle Presented an Account for 10 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 1..17..6 (511). 431 Joseph Gutro Presented an Acct. for 16 Tons do., 3/9, 3..0..0 (512). 432 Resolved that New Church Street have an ascent of one Inch in every ten feet, from St. Pauls Lane to the middle of said Street, being half way between St. Pauls lane & Chas. Street, and from thence to Charles Street to be a regular descent. 433 Gave Jacob Small an order on Treasuer for £50..0..0 (597). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 26th. Instant. i Or Harwood. BALTIMORE CITY 69 July 26th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met, Pres- ent : Robert Waesh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. Mich'e Diffendaeeer. 434 James Gale Presented an Acct. for 63 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £12..18...9. 435 Thomas Guttra, presented a Certificate, from under the hand of Jno. A. Hamilton, for a Balance due him for work in Streets, £1..3..4. 436 Isaac Duowatson, presented an Acct. for 20 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £3..15..0 (513). 437 William Allen, presented an Acct. for 24 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £4..10..0. 438 Thomas Glen presented an Acct. for 6 days Labour on Streets, 3/9, 1..2..6. 439 Philip Emmy, presented an Acct. for 3 days Cartage, 10/, £1..10..0 (454). 440 David McCausland presented an Acct. for work done by his Cart, in Calvert Street and the Markett Space, 15..12..6; 3, orders given for this (453). 441 George Poe, Presented an Acct. for work done by his Cart, 16..7..6; 2 orders given (539). 442 John Flachan, Presented an Acct. for 3^4 days work, 3/9, 0..12..^(456). 443 Valentine Nelson presented an Acct. for 10 days Cartage, 10/, £5..0..0. 444 Gave Michl. Shepherd an order on Acct. for £5..0..0 (488). 445 John Kipps, Presented an Acct. for 22 days work of his Cart, 10/, £11..0..0 (469). 446 David Moaton presented an Acct. for 16 days work, @ 3/9, £3.0..0 (572). 447 Mrs. Catharine Levely presented an Acct. for work done in Streets, £12..5..0 (619). 70 RECORDS Ot' 448 James Dugan Presented an Acct. for 3^ days Labour, 3/9, £0..13..1>4 (655). " " ',' _ Adjourned 'till Saturday the 2nd. Augt. August 2nd, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met, Pres- ent : David StoddEr. Mich'Iv Diffkndaffer. Joshua Barnfy. John Hammond. RoBFRT Walsh. 449 Gave John A. Hamilton 2 orders on Acct. the pavement done in the Markett Space, £5..0..0, 1..10..0; total, 6..10..0 (458). 450 Gave Hez. Waters an order on Acct. his wages this year, £7..10..0 (676). 451 Adam Furney Presented a Certificate for 140 Tons paving Stone, 5/ per Ton, £35..0..4; 2 orders given for this sum, £33 & £2; 35..0..0. 452 Resolved that Mr. Michael Shepherd, overseer of the Carts and Labourers enter upon Bridge Street on ^Monday Morning next and that he dig down and prepare the same for paving immediately, agreeable to a resolve made by the former board of Commissioners, on the 8th. day of April, 1786 — to wit.: That Bridge Street have an even regular descent from where it intersects high Street to Griffith's Bridge (473). 453 David McCausland presented an Acct. for 6 days work done in Streets, 2..16..3 (463). 454 Philip Emmy Presented an Acct. for 3 days work of his Cart and Plorses, £1..10..0. 455 Timothy Sullivan Presented an Acct. for 11 days Labour in Streets, £2..1..3 (471). 466 John Flachan Presented an Acct. for 13>4 days work done in Streets, £2..10..7 (484). 467 The Bridges heretofore built of wood at the Causeway leading to Fells Point being frequently carried away by the Freshets occasioned by heavv rains, and there being at BALTIMORE CITY 71 present no Bridge at that place, which is a great inconveni- ence to the pubHc, Resolved, therefore, that it is the Opinion of this Board that having a stone Bridge built at the Cause- way in the Centre of Harford Street where it crosses VVilks Street will be usefull and finally will be cheaper than the Continuance of Wooden Bridges, and that Robert Walsh and David Stodder, be appointed a Committee immediately to Contract for and Superintend the building and compleat- ing a Stone Bridge at the said place, of the following dimen- sions, Viz. : twenty five feet long, running North and South, and twelve across East and West, and that a part of the money arising from the \"endue Office and now due be applied for that purpose. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 9th. Inst. August 9th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present : David Stodder. Joshua Barney. George Franciscus. Mich'e Diffendaffer. 458 Gave Capt. Hamilton 2 orders on the Treasurer for the Balance due him for paving the West Side of Markett Space, 24..0..0, 24..19..4; total, £48..19..4 (505). 459 Mr. John McDonough presented an Acct. for 9000 Bricks, 14.. 1.. 3 (629). 460 Mr. James Xewell, do. for 24 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 4..10..0. 461 Mr. John W^right, 4 Tons do.. 3/9, 0..15..0 (479). 462 Mr. Southerland for 6 days and ^ work, 3/9, 1..5..3 (670). 463 Mr. David McCausland for 7]/\ days Cartage, 1.6.0*, 2.6.6.*; total, 3..12..6 (480). 464 Mr. Joseph Jines, 12 Tons Stone, 2..5..0 (474). 465 John Stoneback, 10^ days work. 2..0..3 (485). 466 Morris Wade, 6 days, 1..2..6 (468). 467 Joseph Barker, 7>4 days Cart, 3..12..6 (481). 468 Morris Wade, 1..0..7. 469 Mr. John Kipps, 10^ days, 5..5..0 (482). *Two orders. 72 RFXORDS OF 470 Mr. Valentine Nelson, 11 days. 5..10..0 (483). 471 Mr. Timothy Sullivan. 1..2..6 (486). 472 Resolved that the Collector be directed not to receive any orders Granted by the Special Commissioners, for any Taxes he has to collect, unless the said are in the name of the person or persons that are to pay said Taxes. Adjourned 'till Monday the 11th. Inst. August 12th, 1788. The Commissioners met, present : Joshua Barnuy. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffdndaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. 473 Resolved that Bridge Street have a descent of one Inch in every ten feet from the Surface of the Street Opposite the N. E. Corner of Francis Dawe's Tan yard, till it strikes Opposite the Southwest Corner of Mr. Lavallen Barry's House, and from thence to the Bridge commonly called Griffiths Bridge, to have a regular descent. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 16th. Instant. August 16th. 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met, Pres- ent : John Hammond. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. 474 Joseph Joins presented an Acct. for 16 Tons paving Stone, @ 3/9, £3..0..0: for 16 do. @ 3/9, 3..0..0; for 16 do. @ 3/9, 3..0..0 (491). 475 Solomon Kemmy, 10 Tons, 3/9, 1..17..6 (497). 476 William Wiley, 26 Tons, 3/9, 4..17..6 ; 21 Tons, 3/9, 3..18..9 26 Tons, 3/9, 4..17..6. 477 Robert Harrowood, 12 Tons, 3/9, 2..5..0; 12 do, 3/9, 2..5..0; 12 do, 3/9, 2..5..0. BALTIMORE) CITY 73 478 Christian Kuner presented an Acct. for 100 Cedar posts, 1/6, 7..10..0. 479 John Wright Presented an Acct. for Twenty five Tons paving Stone. 3/9, 4..13..9. 480 David McCausland, presented an Acct. f<^r 8 days, 10/, 4..0..0 (496). 480 Jacob Stedger Presented an Acct. for 7000 Bricks, £i0..10..0 (662). 481 Joseph Barker, for 5 days work. 10/, £2..10..0 (494). 482 John Kipps. for 6 days. 10/. 3..0..0 (499). 483 Valentine Nelson, for 4 days. 10/, 2..0..0 (526). 484 John Flachan. for 12 days Labour, 3/9, 2..5..0 (517). 485 John Stoneback, 6 days, 3/9, 1..2..6 (519). 486 Timothy Sullivan, 4^4 days, 3/9, 0..17..9 (495). 487 Mr. John Hammond 2)2 days his Negro man. 3/9, 6..0..0 (534). 488 Gave Mr. Michael Shepherd on Acct. 6..0..0 (562). Adjourned 'till Saturday 23rd. Instant. August 23rd, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Leonard Harbaugh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Georgf Franciscus. D.wm Stoddfr. 489 Charge William Jefferis with a List of Taxables put into his hands 18th. Inst. £550..5..0 (410). 490 John Hackett presented an Account for 10 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £1..17..6. 491 Joseph Joins, for 16 Tons do., 3/9. 3..0..0 (661). 492 Thomas Davis, for 24 do., 3/9, 4..10..0. 493 David Stodder, 5 orders, for Scow Hire. &c., &c., per Acct. filed. 33.12..6 (1063). 494 Joseph Barker, for 3^ days Cartage, 1..15..0 (507). 495 Timothy Sullivan, for 3^ days Labour. 0..14..0 (515). 496 David McCausland, 3 days Cartage, 1..10..0 (516). 497 Solomon Kamy, 20 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, 3..15..0. 498 James Mitchell, 4^ days Cartage, 2..5..0 (508). 499 John K,ipps, A]^ days do., 2..5..0 (525). 74 RECORDS OP 500 Reubin Allen, 6 Tons paving Stone, 1..2..6. 501 James Simmonds, 4^^ days Labour, 0..16..10 (520). 602 Nichl. Coleman, 22 Loads dirt, 1..2..0. 602 Mr. William Newton is Appointed to take notice of the drays and Carts, which he may find working on the Streets in Baltimore Town, and he is directed to Seize all such carriages, which have narrow wheels contrary to Law — And he is also appointed to sell what Hogs Thomas Brown may take up instead of Sam Swan, and he is required to make a return of the same to this Board, every two weeks (1102) Adjourned 'till Saturday the 30th. Inst. August 30th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met, Pres- ent : Robert Waesh. John Hammond. MiCH'l DiFFENDAFFER. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. David Stodder. 503 Mr, Francis Bruisbanks presented an Acct. for 14 Tons paving Stone, @ 3/9, £2..12..6 (514). 504 Mr. Michael Dififendaffer presented an Acct. for work, and Materials at the Temporary Bridge, per Acct., £3. .7. .2 (664). 505 Capt. Hamilton presented an Acct. for 132 Yds. paving done in Light Street, &c., per Acct.. £4..19..3 (551). 506 James Drain, for 22^ days Labour, £4.. 3. .5 (521). 507 Joseph Barker, for 2>4 days Cartage, 10/. £1..5..0 (577). 608 James Mitchell, for 6 days do, 10/, £3..0..0 (522). 509 John AIcFarson, for 9 days, £4..2..6 (527). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 6th. day September. 510 Charge William Jefferis, Collector, with Cash reed, from a man Exhibiting a Tiger in Town, £0..15..0 (529). BAIvTiMORK CITY 75 September 6th, 1788. Agreeable to Adjournment the Commissioners met, Present : George Franciscus. John Hammond. Robert Waesh. Joshua Barney. Mich'e Difeendaffer. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. 511 John Vittle presented an Acct. for 10 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £1..17..6. 512 Joseph Guttro, for 16 Tons do, do.. 3/9. £3..0..0. 513 Isaac Duowatson, for 34 Locust posts, £2..11..0. 514 Francis Brusbank, for 7 Tons Stone. 3/9, £1..6..3 (560). 515 Timothy Sullivan, for 11^ days work, 3/9, £2..4..0 (862). 516 David McCausland, for 17j4 days Cartage, 10/, £8..12..6 (558). 517 John Flachan, for 15>^ days Labour, 3/9, £2..18..1 (530). 518 John Gelt, for 20 days do, 3/9, £3..15..0 (561). 519 John Stoneback, for 13^ days do, 3/9, £2..11..6 (563). 520 James Simmons, for 10 days do., 3/9, £1..17..6 (570). 521 James Drain, for 5 days do., 3/9, £0..18..9 (538). 522 James Mitchell, for 6 days Cartage, 10/, £3..0..0 (550). 523 Richard Bezoa, for 7 days Labour, 3/9, £1..6..3. 524 Catharine Usher, for 15 days Labour, 3/9, £2..18..1 (681). 525 John Kipps, for 10 days Cartage, 10/, £5..0..0 (579). 526 Valentine Nelson, for 10 days do., 10/, £5..0..0 (1035). 527 John McFaron, for 6 days do., 10/, £3..0..0 (546). 528 Application being made by Mr. Marcus McCausland, in behalf of the persons holding property on public Alley for leave to pave said Alley. Resolved that they be allowed to enter upon and pave said Alley as speedy as possible. Adjourn 'till Saturday the 13lh. Inst. 76 RECORDS OF Baltimore, September 20th, 1788. The Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 529 Charj^e William Jefferis, Collector, with Cash, paid him, by William Newton for Hogs taken and Sold at Vendue, £1..18..10 (540). Adjourned 'till Monday next — five o'Clock. Baltimore, September 22nd, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Hammond. MiCh'l DiFFENDAEFER. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. 530 John Flachan presented an Acct. for Labour done in Streets, £1..17..6 (547). 531 James Strong presented an Act. for 35 Tons Stone, 3/9, 6..11..3. 532 James Robinett presented an Acct. for 12 Tons do, 3/9, 2..5..0. 533 John Crosius presented an Act. for 21 days work, 3/9, 3..18..9. 534 John Hammond presented an Acct. for Labour of his negro man & Matthew McConneh, 5..18..9 (535). 635 John Hammond, for Work done by his negro, 3..7..6 (586). 536 John Fatton, for 12 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, 2..5..0. 537 John Farkney. for 12 Tons, do., 3/9, 2..5..0. 538 James Drain for 9 days Labour, @ 3/9, 1..13..9 (544). 539 George Poe Presented an Acct. for Hauling and Labour, 25. .5. .7; 4 orders given for this Acct. (587). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 27th Instant. BAI^TIMORK CITY 77 September 27th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'i, Diffendaffer. David Stodder. 540 Charge William Jefferis with money received of William Newton for Hogs Sold, £1..10..1O (565). Charge do. with ditto, received from Play Actors some time ago, 12..10..0. 541 James Hollingsworth presented an Acct. for 20 Tons paving Stone, @ 3/9, £3..1S..O. 542 Gave John Brown an order on Acct. for Stone for the Sewer, at new Bridge, £3..0..0. 543 Adam Clackner presented an Acct. for 255 yds of Gutter Pavement at the Centre Markett, £8..10..0 (573). 544 James Drain, 6 days Labour. 3/9, 1..2..6. 545 Patrick Tool, 9 do. do., 3/9, 1..13..9. 546 John McFeron, 9 do. Cart, 10/, 4..10..0 (571). 547 John Flachan, 5>4 days Labour, 3/9, 0..19..8. (589). 543 William Lewis, 3 days, 3/9, 0..11..3. 549 Danl. Obrian, 12 days. 3/9, 2..5..0 (578). 550 James Mitchell, for Cartage & Labour, 8..8..9 (569). 551 Capt. John A. Hamilton, for Paving done at Hanover and Markett Street per Act., 2..15..0 (552). 552 Capt. John A. Plamilton for Paving the East Side of the Centre Markett Space, 49..3..4 (583). 553 Edw. Lynch, for mending pavement at Markett Space. 0..3..0 (606). 554 John Merryman, for Services as Comptroller last year, i..b..o. 555 John McTv'm. for do., 1..0..0. 556 John Wcatherburne, do., 1..0..0 (8)0). 557 Ralph Whitaker presented an Act. for Balance due him for Cartage, £3..5..0 (575). Adjourned 'till Monday the 13th. October. 78 RECORDS OF Baltimore, October 13th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaeeer. George Franciscus. 558 Mr. David McCausland presented an Account for S'jA days Cartage, 10/, 60/* & 25/*, £4..5..0 (621). 559 Arthur Cunningham presented an Account for 13 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £2..8..9. 560 Francis Brusbank presented an Acct. for 14 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £2..12..6. 561 John Gelt, presented an Act. for 8^^ days labour done in Streets, 3/9, £1.. 11.10. 562 Mr. Michael Shepherd presented an Account, for a final Settlemt. the Balance of which appears to be, £14..2..0 (596). 563 John Stoneback presented an Acct. for 6 days work, 3/9, £1..2..6. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 18th. Instant. October 18th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present: David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. John Hammond. 564 John Bennett is Permitted to Exhibit on the wire for which he is to pay Seventeen Shillings and Six pence. 565 Charged William Jeffries with the above 17/6 (660). 566 Mr. John Moore presented an Acct. for 66 Yds. brick Pavement done in Markett Street, £2..9..6. 667 Jonah Thomas Presented an Acct. for Work done at the Butmcnt of Philpots Bridge, £0..17..0 (772). ♦Two orders. baIvTimore; city 79 568 William Lou presented an Acct. for 11 days work, @ 3/9, 2..1..3 (612). 569 James Mitchells presented an Acct. for 17^ days Cartage, 4..0..0t, 3..17..6t, 1..0..0t ; total, 8..17..6 (584). 570 James Simmonds presented an Acct. for 14 days work, 2..i2..6 (628). 571 John McFaron, for Cartage per Acct., 1..6..0, 3..11..6; total, 5..7..6 (603). 572 David Moaten, for 4 days work, 0..15..0. 573 Adam Clarkner, for 79 Yds. Brick Gutter, 8d, 2..12..8 (582). 574 Thomas Hatton, for 62 Locust Posts, a 1/10. 5.. 13. .8. 575 Ralph Whitaker, for 16 days Cartage, 6..0..0 (591). 576 Capt. John Smith, work done in the Streets by his Negro men per Accts. 10.. 1.. 6, 22..5..2 (631). 577 Joseph Barker, for 2^^ days Cartage, 1..5..0. 578 Daniel Bryan, for 5 days work, 3/9, 0..18..9 (592). 579 John Kipps. for 5^4 days Cartage, 2..12..6 (605). 580 Robert Marrs, for Labour done in Streets, 1..0..7 (593). 581 John Harragan, presented an Acct. for do, 0..13..1 (594). 582 Xdam Clackner, for 42 Yds. Guttering, 1..8..0 (663). 583 Jno. A. Hamilton for paving done in Bridge Street, 24..11..6 (618). 584 James Mitchell, for 2)^ days Cartage, 10/, 1..5..0 (623). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 25th. Inst. October 25th, 1788. The Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. David Stoddeir. Mich'l Diffendaffdr. Leonard Harbaugh. 585 Mr. Benjamin Lamming Presented an Acct. for 19 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £3..11..3. 586 Mr. John Hammond presented an Acct. for 21^ days Cartage, 4..1..6 (792). tThree orders. 80 RECORDS OF 587 Mr. George Poe, for Cartage and Labour per Acct. filed, 13..17..9 (644). 688 Mr. Jacob Myers, for 15 Ton paving Stone, 3/9, 2..16..3. 689 John Flachan, for 17 days Labour, 3. .3. .9 (608). 690 John Bittall, for 16 Tons Stone, 3/9, 1..2..6. 691 Ralph Whittaker, for 5 days Cartage, 7/6, 1..17..6 (602). 692 Danl. Bryan, for 5 days Labour, 3/9, 0..18..9 (611). 693 Robt. Marr, for 5 days do., 3/9. 0..18..9 (607). 594 John Harragan, 5 do. do., 3/9, 0..18..9 (615). 695 Edw. McCane. 4^ do. do., 3/9, 0..17..9 (616). 696 Michael Shepherd, an order, 3..0..0 (617). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 1st. November. November 1st. 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Leonard Harbaugh. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diefendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 597 Gave an order in favor Jacob Small for £87..10..0 (674). 598 Gave John Bowers an order on Act. for £1..5..1. 599 Captain Matthew Pawson presented ^r\ Act. for 7 Tons Paving Stone, 1..6..3. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 8th. Inst. November 8th. 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : David Stodder. Robert Wai.sh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Micii'l Diffendaffer. 600 John Pullen* Presented an Acct. for 12 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £2..5..0. *Or Pullin. Baltimore; city 81 601 Clarke Hollis, 10 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 1..17..6. 602 Ralph Wittuals, 4^ days Cartage, 1..12..6. 603 John McFarran, for Cartage per Acct., 5..0..0, 2..2..6 ; total, 7..2..6 (665). 604 Thomas Beale, for 26^ days Cartage, 10/, 13..2..6 (717). 605 John Kips, for Cartage, 5..0..0 (622). 606 Edward Lynch, for 8}i days Labour, &c., 2.. 11. .6 (651). 607 Robt. Mans, 6^4 days do., 1..3..5 (650). 608 John Flackan, 10>^ days do., 1..19..4 (769). 609 William Handry, 9^4 do. do., 1..14..8 (614). 610 Danl. Eddy, 5 do. do., 0..18..9 (825). 611 Danl. Bryan, for labour, 2..0..3 (627). 612 William Low, for do, 1..0..7. 613 David Shean, for do.. 1..11..10 (623). 614 Wm. Henry, for do., 0..15..11. 615 John Harrigan, for do.. 1..16..6 (653). 616 Edw. AlcCann, for do., 2..0..3 (626). 617 Mr. Michael Shepherd presented an Acct. for his Services as Overseer of Carts, &c., the Balance due him finally set- tled, £1..17..6. Adjourned "till Saturday the 24th. Instant. November 24th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Sundry persons presented Accts. as follows. Viz. : 618 Gave Capt. Hamilton an order on Acct., 1..13..2 (647). 619 Mrs. Catharine Levely, for Cartage per Acct. filed, 20..15..0 (870). 620 Jesse HolHngsworth, for Iron per Acct., 6..15..0 (738). 621 David McCausland, for 1 days Cartage, 0..10..0. 622 John Kipps, for Cartage per Acct, 4..10..0 (633). 623 James Mitchell, for do., 4..0..0 (630) ; 2 orders 40/ each. 624 David Schean, for Labour in Streets per Acct., 1..17..6 (635). 82 RECORDS OF 625 626 627 Thomas Kean, for do., 1..17..6 (641). Edwd. IMcCann and John Harragan, for do., 2..1..3 (637). Daniel O'liryan, for do., 1..17..6 (638). 628 James Simmons, for do., 1..10..0. 629 John McDonough, for Bricks, 7..1..3 (642). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 29th. Instant. November 29th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present: John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffkr. George Franciscus. David Stodder. Sundry Persons Presented accounts, Viz. : 630 James Mitchell, for Cartage in Streets, 9 days, £3-0.0,-|- 7-iO-Of ; total, £4..10..0 (666). 631 John Smith, for 28^ days labour his man, 5. .7.. 10 (658). 632 John McFarlin for 11>^ days Cartage, 40/f, 68/9f ; total, 5..8..9. 633 John Kipp, 3 days do., 1..10..0 (1111). 634 Peter Weary, for Cartage per Acct.. 10.. 5. .0 (1054). 635 David Shean, 4 days Labour, 3/9, 0..15..0 (643). 636 John Kean, 4 do., 3/9, 0..15..0. 637 Edward McKan, 4 do., 3/9, 0..15..0 (640). 638 Danl. O'Brian, 4>^ do., 3/9, 0..15..11 (645). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 6th, Dec. December 6th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugii. David Stodder. Sundry Persons presented Accts., Viz. : 639 Isaac Baker, for Paving Gutters in the Markett Space, £8..6..8 (1045). tTwo orders. bal,timore: city 83 640 Edward McCane. for 6 days Labour, 1..2..6. 641 Thomas Cane, for 6 days do., 1..2..6. 642 John McDonough, for 17 m. Bricks for Sewer, 23..5..0. 643 David Shean, for 6 days Labour, L.2..6 (648). 644 George Poe. for Cartage 23>4 days, 1L.15..0 (679). 645 Danl. O'Brian, 4^^ days work, &c., per Acct., L.2..10 (649). 646 Saml. Sadler, 3 days Cartage, L.10..0. 647 Gave Capt. Hamilton an order on Act., L.0..0 (659). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 13th. Instant. December 13th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond George Franciscus. Mich'l Diefendaffer. David Stodder. Sundry Persons presented Accts., viz. : 648 David Shean, for 5 days work in Streets, 3/9, £0..18..9 (657). 649 Daniel O'Brian, for 5 days work in Streets, 3/9, £0..18..9 (652). 650 Robert Mars, for 3>^ days Paving, &c., £1..0..3 (654). 651 Edward Lynch, for 3^ days paving, &c., 3/9, £1..0..3 (656). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 20th. Inst. December 20th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Sundry Persons presented an Accts., Viz. : 652 Danl. O'Brian, for 2 days labour, 0..7..6 (730). 653 John Harragan, 5 days labour, 0..18..9 (748). 84 RECORDS OF 654 Robert. Mans, 2 days labour, 0..7..6. 655 James Dngan, Ay^ days Paving, &c., 1..2..6 (930). 656 Edwd. Lynch. 2 days, 0..7..6 (729). 657 David Shean, 2 days, 0..7..6. 658 Capt. John Smith, 28 days his Negro man ; 2 orders, 4..9..1, 0..15..11; total, 5..5..0 (755). 659 John A. Hamilton in full for his wages per Acct., 1.3.9, 6.19.1; total, 8..2..10. 660 Charge William Jefiferis with money paid him for Hogs Sold, £1..5..7 (667). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 27th, Inst. December 27th, 1788. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaefer. George Franciscus. 661 Mr. Joseph Joins Presented an Acct. for 48 Tons Paving Stone;, @ 3/9, 2 orders, £4..0..0, 5..0..0; total, £9..0..0. 662 Mr. Jacob Stidger Presented an Act. for 2500 bricks, 30/, 3..15..0 (696). 663 Adam Clackner, for repairing the Gutter in Gay Street, . 0..6..3. 664 Mr. Michael Dififendaffer, presented an Act. for money advanced in making the Sewers in Markett Street, at the Centre Bridge, the Balance which is 79..10..6>4 (690). 665 Mr. John McFaran Presented an Acct. for 8 days Cartage, 10/, £3..0..0, 1..0..0; total, £4..0..0 (707). 666 James Mitchell, for 4 days Cartage, 10/, 2..0..0 (744). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 3rd. January, 1779. 667 Charge William Jeffries with Sundry lists put into his hands, a Copy whereof in the hands James Sterett, Esq., Treasurer, 1153..12..11. Baltimore; city 85 Baltimore, Jany. 3rd, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present: MiCH'l DlFFENDAFFER. Leonard Harbaugh. Gkorge; Franciscus. David Stodde;r. John Hammond. 668 Joseph Townsend presented an Acct. for Work done in Pitt Street, per Acct., £1..7..6 (732). 669 Thomas Dixon, for 5 days Labour in Augt. last, 0..18..9. 670 Joseph Southerland, 4 days labour in Augt. last, 0..15..0. 671 Whereas George Matthews, Morris Darling, Joshua Barney, and Francis Dawes were Appointed some time ago to Superintend the turning the Water which now runs into Bridge Street and High Street, and they having declined at- tending to the said business, — Therefore hath Appointed Joseph Townsend, James Jefferis, David Wilson, and Hezekiah Waters, to Superintend the turning said Water Course. Adjourned 'till Monday the 12th. Inst. January 12th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Comrs. met. Present: George; Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Robe;rt WaIvSh John Hammond. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugh. g72 Mr. Cumberland Dugan presented an Acct. for the extra expense of building the lower Bridge. Amt., £143..6..9. Adjourned 'till Thursday the 15th. Inst. 86 RECORDS OF Baltimore, January 15th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: George Franciscus. Robert Waesh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David Stodder. Leonard Harbaugii. 673 Charge Wm. Jefferis with Cash Paid Jacob Small, the Vendue Master, the 19th. July last, £12..39..7 (675 and 811). Adjourned till Saturday the 17th. Inst. January 17th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Waesh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. g^ Charge William Jefiferis, Collector, with a list of the pave- ment of Part of Bridge Street. Amount, £190..12..6 (684). g^g Hez. Waters Presented an Acct. for a Balance due him, £33..0..0 (712). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 24th. Inst. January 24th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met Present: George Franciscus. Robert Waesh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David Stodder. Mr. Charles Dehl presented an Account for repairs done 677 by order in Howard Street. Amount per Acct., 7..13..1. BALTIMORE CITY 87 678 George Ruse presented an Acct. for work done in How- ard Street, 1..13..9. 679 George Poe presented an Acct. for 5^ days Cartage, 2..15..0 (771). 680 Benjamin Wills presented an Acct. for Cartage, 4.. 18.. 4. Adjourned 'till Wednesday the 28th. Instant. January 31st, 1789. The Commissioners met. Present : George; Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Leonard Harbaugii. John Hammond, Mich'l Diffendafeer. David Stodder. 681 Mrs. Catharine Usher presented an xA-Cct. for 67^:4 days labour of Negro Jim, £12.. 13. .2. 682 The Commissioners having heretofore Granted Frederick Decker and Harry Stower, leave to repair a place in How- ard Street, and that they might expend Three Pounds ins doing the same, but finding they could not do the repairs for that Sum were obliged to lay out One pound twelve Shillings and nine pence more as will appear by their Acct. filed. £4..12..9. 683 James Allen presented an Acct. for repairs done in Le.x-- ington Street per Acct. filed, £5. .3. .8. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 6th. Feby. February 6th. 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met.. Present : Micii'l Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugii. George Franciscus. D wiD Stodder. 05 RECORDS OF 684 Charge William Jefferis with Cash, paid him for Hogs taken up and Sold, by William Newton, 0..13..1 (703). 685 George Lauderman Presented an Acct. for 2j/4 days Cart- age, @ 10/, £1..5..0 (1131). 686 Leonard Harbaugh presented an Account for repairs done in Pratt Street, and Materials furnished, 9.. 15. .5 (793). 687 John Mackinheimer, presented an Acct. for dressing posts and making Frames for public Sewer, &c., 8.. 6. .3. 688 John Thompson presented an Acct. for Labour of his Negro man 58 days in public Streets, @ 3/9; and Cartage one day, 10/, 11..7..6 (1007). 689 John McDaniel presented an Acct. for 4 days Labour in public Street, @ 3/9, £0..15..0. 690 It appearing that there is deficiency in an Acct. passed which were exhibited some time ago by Michl. Diffendaffer, 0..7..6 (789). 691 George Reinicker Presented an Acct. for 18 days Cartage in public Streets, 9..0..0; and 26 days while Michl. Shepherd was Overseer, 10/, 13..0..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 13th. Inst. February 14th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. MiCH'l DifFDNDAFFER. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stoddfr. Gforgf Franciscus. 692 The Commissioners of Baltimore Town presented an Acct. wherein it appears they have (thro' mistake) received from the Vendue Master, Town duties to the Amount of £302.. 13. .2 for the year 1786, and at the same time presented an order on William McLaughlin. Esq.. in favor the Special Commissioners for £165. .15. .8 as a balance due on said Acct.. for which Balance the Special Commrs. gave James Sterett, Esq., Treas., an order on Mr. McLaughlin which when reed, will be applied to the Credit of the Vendue Mas- Baltimore; city 89 ter who is chargeable with the above Sum of £302.. 13. .2 (693). 693 Gave James Sterett, Esq., an order on Thomas Yates, Vendue Master, for balance of Town duties, due per Acct. rendered the 22nd. Jany. last, £162..19..3 (725). 694 James Helms presented an Acct. for repairing labourers Tools. Amt, £10..10..6. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 21st. Inst. Baltimore, Feby. 21st, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present: Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. Mich'i. Diffendaffdr. George Franciscus. 695 Philip Moser Presented an Acct. for making 2 Grates for the Sewer near the Centre Markett, Balance whereof is £3..9..6 (833). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 28th. Inst. February 28th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Hammond. MiCh'l DiFFENDAFFER. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. 696 Jacob Stidger presented an Acct. for work done in How- ard Street. Amt., £1..0..0. 697 Michael Bussard presented an Acct. for 2 days Cartage in December last, 1..0..0. 698 John Simmering presented an Acct. for 3 days. 1..10..0. 699 Gave Thomas Dewitt an order for the use of his House, Candles, and firing for one year, due the first day of Oct. last, 5..0..0 (1083). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 7th. March. 90 RECORDS OF March 7th. 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Joshua Barney. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh. David Stodder. Mich'l Diffendaffer 700 Peter Sawerwine presented an Acct. for 4 days Cartage, 2..0..0. 701 John Moale presented an Acct. for Sand, taken of his Land for Pavement, 2..0..0 (935). 702 John Moale presented an account for do., 3..15..0. Marcus McCausland presented an Acct. for 14 Tons pav- ing Stone, furnished in Sept. last, 3/9, 2.. 12. .6 (770). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 14th. March 14th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. George Franciscus. Joshua Barney. 703 Charge William Jefiferis with Cash, paid him by William Newton for hogs Sold (pd. per Harbaugh), £0..11..3 (713), Adjourned 'till Saturday the 28th. Inst. March 28th, 1789. Agreement to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present. Ror.ERT Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. David Stodder. Adjourned 'till Saturday the Uth. of April. BAIvTlMORS CITY 91 April 11th, 1789. At a meeting of the Special Commissioners were Present : Robert Wai^sh. MiCHX DiFFENDAFFDR. John Hammond. Gforge; Franciscus. 704 James Morgan appeared and proved that a charge against him for a Tax for a riding Horse in the year 1788 is unjust, he not having K,ept a Horse in Town during that year is therefore discharged therefrom. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 18th. Instant. April 18th, 1789. At a meeting of the Special Commissioners were Present: Robert Walsh. Mich'l Difffndaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. 705 George Wherley having done work at the Centre Bridge, amounting to £6..0..0 (709). Order given for the above amount. 706 Mr. George Crisman presented an Acct. for Hawling done at Lower Bridge. &c. Amt., £9..0..0. Adjourned to Saturday the 25th. Inst. April 25th, 1789. The Special Commissioners met. Present : RonEKT Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. 707 John McFeron presented an Acct. for 2 days Cartage to the Centre Bridge. £0..17..6 (755). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 2n(l. day May next. 92 RECORDS OF May 2nd, 1789. At a meeting of the Special Commrs. were Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. 708 John Jalland presented an Acct. for 18 days Labour of his Negro man, £3. .7.. 6 (875). 709 George Whiley presented an Acct. for work done at the Centre Bridge. Amt, £3..0..0 (733). 710 Elger & Co. presented an Acct. for Mason's work done at the Centre Bridge, £10..16..10. 711 Nathan Griffith presented an Acct. for 56^ days Labour of his negro man, 3/9, £10.. 12. .10. 712 Gave Hezekiah Waters an order on Acct., £15..0..0 (956). 713 Charge WilHam Jefifries, for Cash reed, of a Woman for a Chimney fire; reed, dated 28 April, 1789, 2..0..0 (714). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 9th. Inst, Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Prest. : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Lfonard Harbaugh. 714 Charge William Jefiferis with Cash reed, of a man as a fine for Exhibiting puppet Show without License, 0..15..0. 715 Do. for Cash reed, of same man, for License Granted him this day, to Exhibit puppet Show, 1..10..0; £2..5..0 (719). Adjourned 'till Tuesday the 12th. Inst. May 12th. 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Joshua Barney. BALTIMORK CITY 93 716 The former Board of Commissioners, granted an order to Doctr. Henry Stevenson on James Sterett, Esq., Treas- urer, for the Sum of Two pounds fourteen Shillings, which order, the said Stevenson hath declared upon Oath that he hath lost, and that he never reed, any thing therefor — there- fore hath granted another order in lieu thereof, £2..14..0. Adjourned to Saturday the 16th. Inst. May 13th, 1789. A Special Meeting of the Commrs. were Present: George Franciscus. John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. , Leonard Harbaugh. 717 Resolved that Thos. Beale be and is hereby Appointed overseer of the Labourers while Opening & digging a Water Course along the line of the Town to the Eastward of Jones's Falls, which said Water Course is to be made agree- able to a Resolve of the Special Commrs. made on the 5th. day of November, 1787 (993). 718 Resolved that George Matthews.be and is hereby ap- pointed on behalf of the Special Commissioners, to value and asertain the damages sustained, or that may be sus- tained by the digging and Opening a Water Course (along the line of the Town the Eastward of Jones's Falls) directed to be made agreeably to a resolve of this Board the 5th. day of November 1787 (1019). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 16th. Inst. May 16th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'e Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Leonard Harbaugh, 94 RECORDS OF 719 William Jefferis, Collector, exhibited Sundry Lists of In- solvencies which the Sped. Commissioners examined, and passed, amount, £465. .2.. 2 {72?>). 720 Gave Archibald Shaw an order, on Acct. of Wharfing done at the Bridge in Wilks Street, £11. .7.. 10 (735). 721 Gave Thomas Skipper an order for 2^ days Cartage done in Bridge Street, 10/, £1..5..0 (1034). 722 Robert Walsh is appointed to Examine the Accts. of the Special Comrs. on Tuesday next, and prepare them for publication (726). Adjourned to Wednesday the 20th. Inst. 723 Charge William Jefiferis To George Bugh, for so much reed, by the former, which the latter is charged with, £2..10..0 (731). May 20th, 1789. The Special Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh. Mich'l Diffendaffer 724 This day Examined the Accounts of the Special Com- missioners and put them in order for Publication. 725 Gave James Sterett an order to retain the Amount of his Commission as being Treasurer, in his hands, amounting since 20th. Jany., 1788, to this day to £30.. 19.. 10 (1048). 726 N. B. Mr. Robert Walsh attended the settlement of the above mentioned Account one day, without the rest of the board being present which he must be allowed for (1060). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 13th. June. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Leonard Harbaugh. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Baltimore; city 95 Gave the following orders on the Treasurer, in favor the following Persons. Viz. : 727 Jacob Harp, for 3 days and y^ Cartage at the Water Course in old Town, 10/, 1..13..4. 728 William Leise, Syi days Labor at Water Course in old Town, 3/9, 1..1..3. 729 Edward Lynch, for 3 days Labour at do, 3/9, 0..1L.3 (742). 730 Daniel O'Brian, 6 days, do. at do, 3/9, L.2..6 (903). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 20th. Inst. 731 Charge William Jefferis, Collector, with Cash reed, of a man exhibiting a show on Philpott's Hill, £L.10..0 (747). June 30th, 1789. The Special Commissioners met. Present : Joshua Barney. Mich'l Dif^knoaffrr. Georgf Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Leonard Harbaugh. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 4th. July. July 4th, 1789. Agreeably to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Mich'l Diffendaffer. Joshua Barney. George Franciscus. John Hammond. 732 Joseph Townsend presented an Account for work done under his direction at a Canal in Old Town. Amt., £20..9..5, for which 2 orders were drawn, £12..6..2, 8.. 3. .3. 733 Gave George Wherley an order on Acct. Work done at the Centre Bridge, 10..0..0 (806). 734 Gave Luther Martin an order for so much on Acct. fees due him, 4..10..0. 735 Gave Archibald Shaw an order on Acct. for wharfing done at the Causeway, 15..0..0 (764). 96 RECORDS OF 736 Archibald Campbell Presented an Account for 66 Tons Paving Stone furnished the former board Commrs., 16..10..0. 737 John Hayes Presented an Acct. for Publishing Sundry Notices, 2..8..9 (1018). 738 Jesse Hollingsworth presented an Acct. for 1..2..18; Bar Iron ; total, 2..6..6. 739 Michael Coffer Presented a Certificate for three days Labour done in Public Streets, 0..11..3. 740 John Maden, do. Eight days, 1..10..0 (759). Do. do. 7y2 days, 1..2..8. 741 John Boyl, do. 13 days, 2..8..9 (745). 742 Edmund Lynch, do. 4^ days, 0..17..6 {777). 743 Thomas Sanderson presented an Acct. for 16 days Serv- ices as overseer, 4..16..0 (752). 744 James Mitchell presented an Acct. for 5 days work Plorse & Cart, 1..17..6 (784). Do. do., 5 days do, 2..5..0. 745 Gave John Boyl an order for 5 days Labour at the Canal ' in old Town, 0..18..9 (760). 746 Gave Thomas Blank 3^^ days Labour, 0.. 13. .1^/2. Adjourned 'till Monday the 6th. Inst. Monday, July 6th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Joshua Barney. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 11th. Inst. Saturday. July 11th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Joshua Barney. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Adjourned 'till Tuesday the 14th. Inst. 747 Charge William Jefferis with so much paid him by Wil- liam Newton for Hogs Sold, £2.. 19.. 11 (750). BALTIMORK CITY 97 July 14th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Joshua Barney. Mich'l Diffendaffkr. John Hammond. Georgk Franciscus. 748 John Harragan presented an Acct. for 8 days Labour. @ 3/9, £1..10..0 (803). 749 John A. Hamilton presented an Acct. for paving 40^^ yds. in Pratt Street, @ 8d, and for 5 days overseer for ifilling up, @ 6/ per day, £2..17..0 (836). 750 Resolved that one Month from the date hereof be allowed William Jefiferis, Collector, for the final Settlement of his Account, and full payment for all arrearages be made, and in case of failure. Execution to be issued against him and his Securities, and that Notice of this resolve be given to. his Securities (1027). Adjonrned 'till Saturday the 18th. Instant. July 18th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met- Present : RouERT Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'e Diffendaffer. Joshua Barney. George Franciscus. 751 Robert Xewcome presented a Certificate for 3 days & 7-3 Labour, £1..18..1>4. 752 Thomas Sanderson presented an Acct. for his Services 12 days as Overseer, @ 6/, £3..12..0 (768). 753 John Cummins presented an Account for 3 days Cartage, @ 10/, and 6^ day, @ 7/6. £4..0..0 (813). 764 Resolved that John Leakins be and is hereby appointed Collector to Collect the Taxes due or to become due to this board, for the year 1789 (776). 755 Capt. John Smith Presented Accounts for 37 days labour, @ 3/9, £6..18..9 (827). 98 RECORDS Olf 756 John McFeron presented an Acct. for 1 da3's Cartage, £0..10..0 (761). 757 Andrew Inrito presented an Acct. for 7 days labour, 3/9, £1..6..3. 753 Henry Dukehart presented an Acct. for 6 days Cartage, @ 7/6; 122^ days, @ 10/; total, £8..11..8 (820). 759 John Madden presented an Acct. for 10 days labour, 3/9, £1..17..6 (783). 7(50 John Boyl presented an Acct. for 4 days, 3/9, £0..15..0. 761 John McFeron presented an Acct. for 6 days Cartage, 10/, £3..0..0 (785). 762 Isaac Shenan presented an Acct. for 4 days labou.-, 3/9, "" £0..15..0. 763 Thomas Clark presented an Acct. for 6 days do, 3/9, £1..2..6. 764 Gave Archibald Shaw 2 orders on Acct. Wharfing at the Causway, £22..10..0, £5..0..0 (800). 765 Patt. ]\Ioore presented an Acct. for 1 day Labour, £0..3..9. 766 William Heylon presented an Acct. for 1^ days Labour, £0..6..3. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 25th. Instant. July 25th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Prest. : Robert Walsh. MiCh'l DlFFENDAFFER. George Franciscus. John Hammond. 767 Messrs. Benjamin & John Rumsey presented Accts for \25y2 Tons Paving Stone, @ 3/9, £23..10..7. 76S Thomas Sanderson, presented an Account for 5>^ days work, @ 6/, £1..13..0 (788). 769 John Flachan, do. 28;^ days, 3/9, £5..6..3. 770 David McCausland, do. 3 days Cartage, 10/, £1..10..0. 771 George Poe presented an Acct. 3 days do, @ 10/, £1..10.X); 11 days do, 7/6, 4..2..6; 18>< days Labour, 3/9, 3..9..5; total, 9..1..11 (817). 772 Jonah Thomas presented an Acct. for Mason's Work at the Centre Bridge, 5..0..0, 5..0..0, 10.. 7..7; total, 20..7..7. Baltimore: city 99 773 Isaac Caulk, for- 5^ days work done at Canal, @ 3/9, 1..1..3. 774 Thomas O'Conner presented an Acct. for 5^ half days Labour, @ 3/9, 1..0..7. 775 A Pump having been erected near the South East Corner of Gay and Second Streets by order of this board agreeable to the Act of the General Assembly in that case made, and the assessors' books being Examined, the Property on the Square is found to be assessed, and the Proportion for each, as follows, Viz. : Jacob Myers, to Tho. Yates £3125.. 0..0 6.. 5..0 Daniel Peters 500.. 0..0 1.. 0..1 Baler Benzel 300.. 0..0 0..12..0 Margarett Smith, or F. Prill 200.. 0..0 0.. 8..0 Peter Frick 400.. 0..0 0..16..0 John Fowl, Solm. Allen 300.. 0..0 0..12..0 Chrisr. Hughes 250.. 0..0 0..10..0 Jacob Keeports 450.. 0..0 0..18..0 Thomas Jones, Philip Rogers 937..10..0 1..17..8 £6462..10..0 £12..19..5 776 Ordered that Mr. John Leakins collect the above Sum of Twelve Pounds Nineteen Shillings and five pence, and pay the same agreeable to Law. 777 Gave Edward Lynch an order for sitting 2 posts, and repairing pavement, 7/6; and 2 days Labour, @ 3/9, £0..15..0 (878). 778 Charge John Leakin, Collector, with this Sum being the Amt. of a list of Taxables put into his hands, £421..15..0 (779). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 1st. day Augt. August 1st, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Rop.ert Walsh. Micii'l Diff^ndaffer. Georgk Franciscus. Joshua Barne;y. John Hammond. 100 RECORDS OF 779 Charge John Leakins with Cash, reed, for Hogs Sold, £2..1..3 (810). 780 Peter Steel Presented an Acct. for 163w. Wharf Bolts, for the Causvvay, 4..1..6 (1093). 781 Nathan Griffith Presented an Acct. for 15 days Labour his negro Man, @ 3/9, 2..16..3. 782 Thomas Mortimore Presented an Acct. for 5 Tons paving Stone, @ 3/9, 0..18..9. 783 John Madden presented an Acct. for 5j/^ days Labour, @ 3/9, 1..0..8 (834). 784 James Mitchell Presented an Acct. for 7 days Cartage, @ 10/, 3..10..0 6.1^ days do., @ 7/6, 2..8..9 (797). 785 Isaac Duhane presented an Acct. for 9^ days Labour, S/9, 1..15..8 (818). 786 John McF'eron presented an Acct. for 8^ days Cartage, 10/, 4..6..8: 4y2 days do., 7/6, 1..13..9 (815). 787 Richard Gill, do., for 11 days Labour, 3/9, 2..1..3. 788 Thomas Sanderson presented an Acct. 4^ days Services as Overseer, @ 6/, 1..7..0 (789). 789 Michl. Diffendaffer presented an Acct. for Sundries fur- nished at Centre Bridge, 38.. 19..8 (837). 790 George Keeports presented an Acct. for 3 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, 0..11..3 (824). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 8th. Inst. Baltimore, Augt. 10th, 1789. At a Special Meeting of the Special Commissioners for Baltimore Town, were Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Leonard Harbaugh Joshua Barney. David Stodder. 791 Jacob Butler presented an Acct. for work done in Camden Streets, per Acct., £1..2..6. 792 Gave John Hammond an order for work done at the Causeway on Acct., £20..0..0 (799). 793 Mr. Leonard TTarbaugh having this day resigned his place as Special Commissioner for Baltimore Town, Mr. John BALTIMORE CITY 101 794 Mickle is appointed by the unanimous voice of the Com- missioners present in his stead (799). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 15th. Inst, to meet at 4 o'clock. Baltimore, Augt. 15th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: ^ ,, JOHN Mickle. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. 795 John Hannon presented an Acct. for filling up and re- pairing an Old Well near the play House, £0..7..6 (868). 7% David Poe presented an Acct. for 10^^ days Labour his man, £1..19..5 (816). 797 James Mitchell, do. do. for 11 days Cartage, @ 7/6, 4..2..6; 2 days do., 10/, 1..0..0; total, £5..2..6 (814). 798 Thomas Sanderson presented an Acct. for 10^ days Serv- ices as Overseer of Carters and Labourers, @ 6/, £3..3..0 (829). 799 Resolved that Mr. John Hammond & Mr. John Mickle Superintend the repairing of Markett & Pratt Streets in those places where the late rains hath done Considerable damage (832) (835). 800 Gave Archibald Shaw an order on Acct. work done at the Causeway, £2..2..6 (1015). Adjourned 'till Tuesday the 18th. Inst. August 25th, 1789. At a Special Meeting of the Commissioners were present : Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Mickle. George Franciscus. 801 Capt. Barney presented an Acct. for 13>4 days Labour, @ 3/9, £2..10..7i^ (809). 102 RECORDS OF 802 Samuel Spuir presented an Account for Timber, for Steps at the Centre Bridge, 11..13..9. 803 John Harragan, presented an Acct. for ISj^ days work, @ 3/9, 2..18..2 (842). 804 James McGowan, do, 13 days work, 3/9, 2..8..9 (830). 805 Michl. Cator, do. 15^ days work, 3/9, 2..15..0. 806 Geo, Wearly presented an Acct. for Work done at a Temporary Bridge at the Eastward of the Town, 3..17..6 (1001). 807 Gave William Jacobs an order on Acct. Work done at the Causeway last Summer, 1..0..0. 808 David McMechen presented an Acct. for his services in appearing to Suits agt. the Comrs., 2..0..0. 809 Resolved that Joshua Barney & Francis Daws, be and are hereby appointed to Superintend the digging down & Pav- ing Bridge Street (1065). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 29th. Inst. Augt. 29th, 1789. At a meeting of the Commissioners were present: John Hammond. John MickIvE. Mich'l Dieeendaeeer. George Franciscus. 5*10 Charge with this Sum, being money paid into the hands of John Leaken, Collector, & reed, for Hogs taken and Sold by William Newton, £1..9..3 (882). 811 Gave Jacob Small 10 Orders, Viz. : 5.. 0..0 5.. 0..0 5.. 0..0 5.. 0..0 5.. 0:.0 5.. 0..0 5.. 0..0 5.. 0..0 5.. 0..0 2..10..0 £47..10..0 this Sum being the Balance due him for Building the Centre Bridge. BALrTIMORK CITY 103 812 Daniel Diffendafifer presented an x^cct. for 6 Tons paving Stone, 3/, £0..18..0 (1347). 813 Jno. Cummins presented a Certificate for 10 days Cart- age, @ 10/ per day, £5..0..0 (859). 814 James Mitchell presented a Certificate for 1^ days, @ 7/6; 8 days. 10/; total, £4..12..6 (828). 815 John McFeron presented a Certificate for 14 days, 10/; 1 day, 7/6; total, £7..7..6 (836). 816 David Poe presented a Certificate for 14^ days Labour his man, 3/9, £2..13..9 (839). 817 Geo. Poe presented a Certificate for 8^ days Labour his man. 3/9, £1..12..6 (840). 818 Isaac Duhan, presented a Certificate for 8j/ do., 3/9, £l..ll..ll ; do. 12 do., 3/9, £2..5..0; do. 5 do., 3/9, £0..18..9. 820 Henry Deukhart presented a Certificate for 22 days Cart- age, 10/, £11..0..0 (874). 821 Jacob Harp presented an order for 3^ days, do., 10/, £1..15..0 (831). 822 William Stevenson presented an Acct. for Balance due him for cleaning Streets in Augt., 1785, £1..0..0. 823 Oliver L. Thompson presented an Acct. for 36 Tons Paving Stone delivd. the former Board Commrs., @ 5/, £9..0..0. 824 Geo. Keeports presented an Acct for 6 Tons paving Stone, 3/9, £1..2..6 (1076). 825 Daniel Eddy presented an Acct. for 1^ days Labour, 3/9, 0..6..3 (923). 826 Gave James Runnells an order for mending a Gutter at the Centre Markett, 0..5..0 (924). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 5th. September. September 5th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: David Stodder. John Hammond. John Mickle. Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. Georoe Franciscus. 104 RECORDS OF 827 Capt. Jolm Smith presented an .\cct. for 79^/2 days labour on the pubHc Streets done bv liis Xegro Alan, £14.. 18.. 2 (914). 828 James ]\Iitchell Presented an Acct. for 6 days Cartage, 10/, £3..0..0 (843). 829 Thomas Sanderson presented an Acct. for 17 days Serv- ices as Overseer, £5..2..0 (846). 830 James McGowan presented an Acct. for 11 days Labour, @ 3/9, £2..1..3 (845). 831 Jacob Harp presented an Acct. for 7^ days Cartage. @ 10/. £3..16..8 (881). 832 John Hammond presented an Acct. for Cartage and Labourers Wages at the Causeway, £67.. 13. .8^ ; deduct for an order given some time ago. 20.. 0.. 4; balance, 47. .13. .8/2 (848). 833 Philip Moseir presented an Acct. for mending Labourers Tools. 4..16..3 (973). 834 John Madden presented an /\cct. for 6 days Labour, 3/9, 1..2..6 (876). 835 Gave Mr. John Mickle an order, for this Sum to be ap- plied towards the repairing the Arch Bridge at the West end of Baltimore Street, £15..0..0. Ditto do. on Acct. Work done on Pratt Street, £7..10..0 (847). 836 John McFeron presented an Acct. for 9/^, @ 10/, 4.. 16. .8; 1 day, 0..7..6; total, £5..4..2 (844). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 12th. Inst. Baltimore, September 12th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : David Stodder. John MicklE. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Joshua Barney. 837 Michael Diffendafifer presented an Acct. for Paving done in Markett Street, £23..19..0 (1061). BALTIMORE CITY 105 838 John Dillon presented an Acct. for 29^ days Labour, @ 3/9, £5..10..8 (1248). 839 David Poe, do. for 24 days do. his man, @ 3/9, £4..10..0 (869). 840 George Poe, do. 24 days do, @ 3/9, £4..10..0 (891). 841 Martin Segary, do. /Vz days, 3/9, £1..8..2 (1057). 842 John Harragan, do. 7 days, do, 3/9, £1..6..3 (873). 843 James Mitchell, do. Sj^ days Cartage, 10/, £2..15..0 (858). 844 John McFeron, do. 5 days do, 10/, £2..10..0 (915). 845 James McGowan, do, 6 days Labour, 3/9, £1..2..6 (880). 846 Thomas Sanderson, do. 6 days Oversight, 6/, £1..16..0 (877). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 19th. Instant. 19 September, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Special Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. David Stodder. John Hammond. George: Franciscus. the Clerk being absent, adjourned 'till Saturday next 26th Inst. Saturday, 26 September, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Special Commissioners met. Present: John Mickee. George Franciscus. Mich'u Diffendaffer. John Hammond. the Clerk being absent, adjourned 'till Tuesday 4 o'Clock 29th. Inst. Tuesday, 29th. September, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Special Commissioners met. Present. John Mickle John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David StoddEr. 106 RECORDS OF 847 Mr. John Mickle presented an account for work & Ma- terials found in repaying Pratt Street, and in rebuilding the stone arch across Baltimore Street between Hanover & Sharp Streets, which were injured by the fresh*, £6..11..4 (974). 848 Mr. John Hammond's Negro James for 3^^ days, @ 3/9, 0..13..1>4 (921). 849 John Philips, for 7 days, 3/9, 1..6..3. 850 William Brouny, for 10>4 days, 3/9, 1..18..5. 851 James Flaharty, for 12 days, 3/9, 2..5..0 (884). 852 Patrick Hurley, for 12 days, 3/9, 2..5..0 (883). 853 Richard Fox, for 11^ days, 3/9, 2..2..2 (887). 854 John Matthews, for 12>4 days, 3/9, 2..5..11. 855 Edward Smith, for 3 days, 3/9, 11. .3. 856 Aron Webb, for 6 days, 3/9, 1..2..6. Accts presented. Baltimore, 29 September, 1789. 857 William Toogood, for four days, @ 3/9, £0..15..0. 858 James Mitchell, for 6 days, @ 10/, 3..0..0 (894). 859 John Commings. for 4>^ days, @ 10/, 2..3..4 (867). 860 John Weatherburn's Negro Phillip 3^^ days, 3/9, .IZ.Xy-i. (1075). 861 John Gorman, for 3 days. 3/9, ..11. .3. 862 Timothy Sullivan, for 8M days, 3/9, 1..10..11 (883). 863 John Rogers, 9 days, 3/9, 1..13..9. 864 Henry Cable, 7>4 days, 3/9, 1..8..1>4. 865 James Barton, 4^ days, 3/9, ..I6..IO3/2. 866 John A. Hamilton, 13>^ days, 6/, 4..1..0 (889). Adjourned 'till Saturday 3d. October, next. Oct. 3rd, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commrs. met. Present: David Stodder. Joshua Barney. John Hammond. MiCh'l DiFFENDAFl-ER. John Mickle. 867 John Cummins presented an Acct. for 8 days Cartage, 10/, £4..0..0 (872). *Freshet meant. BALTIMORE CITY 107 868 John Hannan presented an Acct. for Plank, &c., for Bridge, £1..1..6. 869 David Poe, do. do., for 8% days labour his man, £1..12..6. 870 Mrs. Catharine Levely, do. for 24 days Cartage, @ 10/ ; 8 days Cartage, 7/6; total, £15..0..0 (999). 871 James Newell, do. do., for 24 Tons Paving Stone, 3/9, £4..10..0. 872 Jno. Cummins, do. do., for 6 days Cartage, @ 10/, £3..0..0 (898). 873 Jno. Harragan, do. do., for 7^/^ days Labour, 3/9, £1..7..6 (896). 874 Henrv Deukhart, for 19 days Cartage, 10/, £9..10..0 (913). ' 875 John Jolland presented an Acct. for Labour of his Negro Man, £8..7..6 (1097). 876 John Madden, fgr 4>^ days Labour, 3/9, £0..16..3 (895). 877 Thomas Sanderson, for 8yi days as Overseer, 6/, £2..12..0. 878 Edward Lynch, for 2 days Labour, 3/9, £0..7..6 (949). 879 Jonathan Jones, for 8^ days, do., 3/9, £1..11..3. 880 James McGowan, for 8^ days, do., 3/9, £1..12..6. 881 Jacob Harp, for 11>^ days Cartage, @ 10/, £5..13..4 (901). 882 John Leakins, Collector, having resigned his Commis- sion as Collector, — Therefore have Appointed Mr. Saml. Vincent in his room (936). Adjourned till Tuesday the 12th. Inst. October 12th, 1789. The Commissioners met. Present : Joshua Barney. John Hammond. John Mickle. Mich'l Dipfendaffer. 883 Patrick Harley presented an Acct. for Sy? days Labour, @ 3/9, 1..0..7>4 (907). 884 James Flaherty, for 4}i days Labour, @ 3/9, 0..17..9^ (910). 885 Patrick Male, for 4j^ days do, 3/9, 0..16..10>^. 886 Philip Darnal, 3>4 days do., 3/9, O.A3..iy2. 887 Richard Fox, 5 days do., 3/9, 0..18..9 (906). 108 RKCORDS OF 888 Timothy Sullivan, 4 days do., 3/9. 0..15..0. 889 Gave John A. liamilton an order for 5 days attendance as overseer over the above Persons, 6/, 1..10..0 (917). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 17th. Oct. Baltimore, October 17th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioenrs met. Present : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Mickle. George Franciscus. David Stodder. 890 Adam Trumbo presented an Acct. for work done in Mar- kett Street, 2..7..0. 891 George Poe presented an Acct. for lOys days labour, 3/9, 1..18..9 (899). 892 George Walker presented an Acct. for 23 days Cartage, @ 10/. 11..10..0 (1086). 893 John McFaden presented an Acct. for Cartage at Sundr)' times, 3..8..9. 894 James Mitchell presented an Acct. for ISj/^* & ^ days Cartage, 10/. 7..18..4 (929). 895 John Madden Presented an account for lOys days Labour, @ 3/9, 1..18..10 (904). 896 John Harrigan Presented an account for 8^4 days do., 3/9, 1..10..11 (1235). 897 John McOuarran Presented an account for l/j/z days & ^, 3/9, 2..15..5. 898 John Cummins Presented an account for 10 1-6 days Cart- age, @ 10/, 5..1..8 (902). 899 George Poe Presented an account for 17^^ days & y^, 3/9, 3..6..11 (927). 900 Robert Collins Presented an account for -6 days labour, 3/9. 1..2..6. 901 Jacob Harp Presented an account for 5^/2 & /^ days Cart- age, 10/, 3..1..8. *Indistinct. BALTIMORE CITY 109 502 John Cummins Presented an account for 5^ days Cart- age, 2..8..9 (926). 903 Danl. O'Brian Presented an account for 11^4 days Labour, 2..2..2 (934). 904 John Madden Presented an account for 145^ days do., 2..15..8 (916). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 31st, 1789. October 31st, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. John Hammond. David Stodder. 905 John Walkers presented an Acct. for 2 days Cartage, 10/, £i..O..O. 906 Richard Fox. 5 days Labour, 3/9, £0..18..9. 907 Patrick Harley, 4 do. do., 3/9, £0..15..0. 908 James Dixon, 1234 days Paving, 6/, £3..16..6 (942). 909 John Connelly, 6^ days do., 6/, £2..0..6. 910 James Flaherty, 6 days Labour, 3/9, £1..2..6. 911 Henry Cable, 1 day do., £0..3..9. 912 Negro Jack, 1 day do., £0..3..9. 913 Henry Dukhart. 14 1-6 days Cartage, 10/, £7..1..8. 914 John Smith. 79 days Labor. 3/9, £14..14..5 (979). 915 John McFeron, 6 days Cartage, 10/, £3..0..0 (953). 916 John Madan, 6.)4 days Labor, 3/9, £1..5..3 (928). 917 John A. Hamilton, for his Services as Overseer. 14 days, @ 6/, £4..4..0 (952). 918 Abel Thomas, 10>{> days Cartage, 10/. £5..5..0. 919 William Johnson, 6^/2 days, 3/9, £1..4..5. 920 Isaakar. Hibbs, ]2>4 days. 10/, £6..5..0 (972). 921 [ohn Hammond, for work done by his Carts per .\cct.. £32.. 18.. 10/. (947). 922 Michael Thompson, 19 1-6 days Labour, 3/9. £3. .11.10 (962). 923 Danl. Eddv. 10 1-6 davs do., 3/9, £1..18..1 (933). 110 RECORDS OF 924 James Runnels, 9 days & 2^ days, 3/9, £1..16..3 (932). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 7th. November, 1789. To meet at Jacob Rothrock's. November 7th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: MiCH'l DlFFliNDAFi'*E;R. John Micklf. John Hammond. Georgf Franciscus. 925 John Gutteryf presented an Act. for 14^ days Labour, @ 3/9, £2..15.'.3 (945). 926 John Cummins, for 5 days Cartage, @ 10/, £2..10..0 (951). 927 George Poe, for 11 days labour of his negro Man, @ 3/9, £2..1..3 (976). 928 John Madden, for 4 days labour, @ 3/9, £0..15..0 (943). 929 James Mitchell, 11^ days Cartage, 10/, £5..12..6 (965). 930 James Dugan, for work done by him per Acct., £1..8..0 (950). 931 William Alexander, for 11 days Cartage, @ 10/, £5..10..0 (957). 932 James Runnels, for 3j/^ days Labour, @ 3/9, £0..13..2. 933 Daniel Eddy, for 2 days, do, @ 3/9, £0..7..6 (941). 934 Danl. O'Brien, for 11^4 days, do., @ 3/9, £2..2..2 (944). 935 John Moale presented an Acct. for Sand, £9..0..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday 14th. Inst. 936 List of Taxes put into the hands of Samuel Vincent for Collection Amt. per Treasurer's list, £709.. 11. .3 (996). Baltimore, Nov. 14th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present Mich'l Diffexdaffer. John Mickle. George Franciscus. John Hammond. tSee index. Baltimore; city 111 The following persons presented Accts., Viz. : 937 Matthew Taylor, for 2]/^ Tons paving Stone, @ 3/9, 0..9..4. 938 Edward Young, for 2^/2 do. do., @ 3/9, 0..9..4. 939 Caleb Hall, for 10 do. do., 3/9. 1..17..6. 940 Joshua Gutro, for 3 do. do., 3/9, 0..11..3. 941 Danl. Eddy, for 4>4 days Labour, 5/, 1..2..6 (946). 942 James Dixon, for 5>4 days paving, 6/, 1..13..0 (968). 943 John Madden, for 5>4 do. Labour, 3/9, L.0..8 (960). 944 Danl. O'Brian, for 7 days do., 3/9, 1..6..3 (961). 945 John Guttro, for 2 days do., 3/9, 0..7..6 (964). 946 Daniel Eddy, for 4 days do., 5/, 1..0..0 (967). 947 John Hammond, for 2^^ days Cartage, 10/, 1..5..0 (1055). 948 William Turner, for ly^ days labour, 3/9* 0..9..4. 949 Edward Lynch, for 6 days Pavemt,* 6/, 1..16..0. 950 James Dugan, for 6 days do., 6/, 1..16..0. 951 John Cummins, for 5 days Cartage, 10/, 2..10..0. 952 John h. Hamilton, for 6 days as overseer, 6/, 1..16..0 (1098). 953 John McFeron presented 2 Accounts for Cartage, 8..8..4 (977). 954 John Walter & Co. do., for balance of Work done in Markett Street, 30..10..10. 955 Jacob Crommiller, for Smith Work, 0..13..4. 956 ■ Hez. Waters, on Acct., 7..10..0; do. do., 6..12..9 (1004). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 21st. Inst. Baltimore, 21st Nov., 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : MiCH'ly DiFFENDAFFEIR. George Franciscus. John Hammond, John Mickle. The following persons presented Accounts, Viz. : 957 William Alexander, for 5 days Cartage, @ 10/, £2..10..0 (966). 958 Isaac Montgomery, for 17>4 days do., @ 10/, £8..15..0. *i\Ieans Pavemaster. 112 KKCORDS OF 959 Joseph Hughes, for 2>^ days Labour, @ 3/9, £0..9..5. 960 John Madden, for 5 days do., @ 3/9, £0..18..9 (970). 961 banl. O'Brian, for S^^ days do. @ 3/9, £1..0..7>^ (968). 962 Michael Thompson, for 8 days Labor, a 3/9, £1..10..0. 963 John McDonough, 2050 Bricks, £3..4..0. 964 John Gutterv*, 3>4 days Labour, @ 3/9, £0..13..2 (1010). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 28th. Inst. November 28th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Mich'Iv Diffendaffer. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 5th. December, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. George Franciscus. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. The following persons presented the following" Accounts: 965 James Mitchell, for 8 days Cartage.1@ 10/, £4lo..O (1069). 966 William Alexander, 10 days do., @ 10/, £5..0..0 (984). 967 Daniel Eddy, for 5 days Ramming and Labour, £1..3..9. 968 James Dixon, 4 davs Paving and 1 dav Labour. £1..7..9 (991). 969 Daniel O'Brian, 4>4 days Labour, 3/9. £0..16..11 (975). 970 John Madden, 4 days do., 3/9. £0..15..0 (978). 971 Edward Carroll, 2 days do., 3/9, £0..7..6 (986). 972 Isaacker Ilibbs. 15^ davs Cartage, 10/, £7..17..6 (989). 973 rhilip Mosier, for Smith Work, per Acct., £0..15..4. 974 John Mickle presented an Acct. for Sunds. furnished by him, and Labourers Wages, £6.. 11. .4 (1066). 975 Daniel O'Brien, 5>4 days Labour, @ 3/9, £1..0..7 (981). *See index. Baltimore: city 113 976 George Poe, 4 days Labour his Negro Man, 3/9, £0..15..9. 977 John McFarran, 11 days Cartage, @ 10/, £5..10..0. 978 John Madden, 4>^ days Labour, @ 3/9, £0..16..10 (990). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 19th. Inst. Decemr. 19th, 1789. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: MiCh'Iv DlFFENDAFFElR. John Hammond. Georgd Franciscus. Robert Walsh. The following persons presented Accounts, for which orders were given on the Treasurer — viz. : 979 Capt. John Smith, for SOjA days labour of his Negro Man Josiah, @ 3/9, £5..14..4>^ (10/0). 980 David Stansbury, for 22 4-5 Tons Paving Stone, @ 3/, £3..8..0. 981 Daniel O'Brian for Sy. days Labour, @ 3/9, £0..13..1>^ (1292). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 26th. Inst. December 29th, 1789. The Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaeflr. George Franciscus. 982 A Grate having been Stolen from the Mouth of the Com- mon Sewer in Markett Street ; in Consequence an Advertise- ment was put in the public Papers ofifering a reward of Eight dollars for the said Grate and thief — the Grate only being found, the board think fit to pay only four dollars therefor (992). 983 Thomas Fooler Presented an Acct. for 3 1-6 days Labour, @ 3/9, 0..11..11. 984 William Alexander, Cy. days Cartage, @ 10/, 3..5..0 (988). 985 Thomas Brown, for 12 days Labour, @ 3/9, 2..5..0. 114 RECORDS OF 986 Edward Carroll, for 2 days do., 3/9, 0..7..6. 987 Chas. Steward, for 28 days do., 3/9, 5..5..0. 988 William Alexander, for 1 day Labour, 0..3..9. 989 Isaackar Hibbs presented an Acct. for 15 days Labour, @ 3/9, £2..16..3. 990 John Madden, for 8 days Labour, @ 3/9, £1..10..0 (1041). 991 James Dixon, 5^ days Paving, &c.,@ 6/, £1..13..0 (1005). 992 Gave Solomon Hymes an order on Treasurer for his Services in finding the Grate that was Stolen from the Mouth of the Common Sewer near the market, £1..10..0. 993 Thomas Beale presented an Acct. for 70 days Wages, as overseer, @ 6/, £21..0..0 (1040). 994 Francis Dawes presented an Acct. for furnishing Ma- terials, and attendance while paving Bridge Street, 53..7..1, 5..0..0; total, £58..7..1. 995 Application l)eing made by Mr. Denigani for permission to exhibit a Tumbler — Ordered that he have permission on his paying the Sum of Five Pounds. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 2nd. Jany.. 1789. 996 List of Taxes put into the hands of Mr. Samuel \^incent. Collector. Amt, £670..10..8 (1013). Baltimore, January 2nd, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendapeer. Joshua Barney. John Mickle. George Franciscus. 997 Ephraim Robinson presented an Acct. for 3000 bricks, 26/6, £3.. 19.. 6. 998 Thomas & Samuel Hollingsworth presented an Acct. for 5iy4 Tons Stone, 3/, £7..13.'.9. 999 Mrs. Catharine Levely presented an Acct. for 15^ days Cartage. @ 7/6, and 5 days do., @ 10/; total, £8..7..6 (1044). ualtimore; city 115 1000 John Kelly presented an Acct. for -/^ of day Cartage, £0..6..8. 1001 Mr. Georg'eW'herly presented an Account for lowering the Centre Bridge, and putting up hand rails, &c., £21..0..0 (1008). 1002 Mr. Nathaniel Smith presented an Acct. for 20^ Tons Paving Stone, 4/, £4..2..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 9th. Inst. Baltimore, January 9th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffe;ndaff'er. George: Franciscus. John Mickle. 1003 Mr. Christian Myers presented an Account for 1000 bricks furnished by him, £1..15..0. 1004 Gave Hez. Waters an order on Acct. his wages, £3..0..0 (1024). 1005 James Dixon presented an Acct. for three days Paving in bridge Street, @ 6/, £0..18..0 (1084). 1006 John Weispock presented an Acct. for Z-/^ days work of "his Cart. 1..5..0 (1130). 1007 John Thompson presented an Acct. for 8 days labour, @ 3/9, £1..10..0. do. for John Guttro, 8 days, @ 3/9, £1..10..0. 1008 Gave George Wherley an order on Account for work done at the Centre Bridge last Spring, £6.. 10.. 3. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 23rd. Inst. January 23rd, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffunderffer. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. John Mickle. 116 RECORDS OF 1009 Matthias Sunday presented an Acct. for 5 days labour, 3/9, £0..18..9. 1010 John Guttro presented Certificates for 38 days labour, 3/9, £7..2..6 (1036). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 30th. Inst. January 30th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. Robert Walsh. John MickIvE. George Franciscus. 1011 John Rusk presented a Certificate for 7 Tons paving Stone, @ 3/, 1..1..0 (1043). 1012 John Hackett presented a Certificate for 10^ Tons Paving Stone, @ 3/, £1..11..6. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 6th. Feby. Feby. 6th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Joshua Barney. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. David Stodder. John Mickle. George Franciscus. 1013 Charge Samuel Vincent with Cash, paid him for Hogs taken and Sold by Robt. Welmore, £2..0..5; & for Cash 1014 reed, of Mr. Crozier, for Exhibiting a Tiger, 0..17..6; total, £2..17..11 (1021). 1015 Gave Archibald Shaw 3 orders on Acct. Work done at the Causeway in Wilks Street. Viz.: £25..O..0, 15..11..7, 5..0..0; total, £45..11..7 (1022). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 13th Inst. Baltimore: city 117 February 13th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle;. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffenddrff^r. 1016 George Ruse presented an Account for Work and repairs done in Howard Street, £5..6..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 26th. Inst. 1017 Philip Graybill not having settled his Acct. for the addi- tional Tax on persons selling liquor witht. License. Ordered that Mr. John Hammond and Mr. John Mickle wait upon Mr. Graybill and request a Settlement therefor. February 27th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present : Mich'l Difffndfrfffr. John Hammond. John Micklf. Robert Walsh. David Stodder. George Franciscus. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 6th. Inst. March 6th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh, John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. John Mickle. George Franciscus. 1018 Joli" Hayes, Printer, Presented an Account for Publish- ing sundry Notices per account, £2..8..9 (1457). 1019 George Matthews presented an Acct. for wharfing and filling up the lower end of Pitt Street, £33..10..8. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 13th. Inst. 118 RECORDS OF" March 13th, 1790. The Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. Micii'l Diffendaffer. John Mickle. George Franciscus. John Hamimond. David Stodder. Adjourned to Saturday 20th. Inst. Baltimore, March 20th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'Iv Diffende;rffer. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 27th. Inst. March 27th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: John Hammond. John MicklE. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. 1020 George Chesroe presented Certificate for 66 Cedar Posts, @ 1/, £3..6..0. 1021 Jacob Wainwright is permitted to Exhibit a Puppett Show, upon paving Six dollars to Saml. Vincent, Collector (1025). Adjourned 'till Saturday 3rd. April. April 3rd. 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffexderffer. George Franciscus. BAL.TIMORK CITY 119 1022 Gave Archibald Shaw an order for the balance of his Acct. for Wharfing done at the Causeway in Pitt Street, £0..8..8 (1052). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 24th. Inst. April 24th, 1790. Agreeable to adjournment the Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. John Micklk. George Franciscus. 1023 William Underwood presented an Account for work, and Materials furnished at the Bridge over the Canal in old Town, £1..2..6. 1024 Gave Hezekiah Waters 2 orders of this date, in full for his Salary to the 1st day of October, 1789, Viz.: £12..0..0, 3..17..3; total, £15..17..3 (1091). 1025 Charge Samuel Vincent with Cash, paid him bv^ Robert. Wilmore, for Hogs taken & Sold, £1..2..0>4. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 30th. Inst. May 3rd, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Joshua Barney. John Hammond. 1026 Mr. Solomon Plillen Presented an Acct. for Weighing Stone, 10 Loads, @ 2/6, £1..5..0. 1027 Gave William Jefferis an order for balance due him upon settling his Account of Collection of Taxes, £6../.. 7. 1028 Whereas it has been represented by Mr. Samuel Vincent, present Collector, that it has not been in his power to finish his Collection agreeable to the time limited in his obliga- 120 RECORDS OF tion — therefore, Resolved that he be allowed till the first day of June next, finally to complete the said Collection, no longer (1037). May 24th. 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. 1029 Alessrs. Stewart & Plunkett presented a Certificate for 68 Tons, 12..2..0* Paving Stone, @ 3/, 2..0..0f, 8..5..10j/f ; total, £10..5..10>4. 1030 William Lester presented an Account for Paving & Stone Work done in Bridge Street, £5..14..0. 1031 A Alemorial and representation having been presented from a Majority of those persons holding property on that part of Pratt Street between Hanover Street and the West side of Sharp Street, showing that the said Inhabitants labour under the greatest inconvenience from the badness of the said Street ; that it has become impossible to pass and repass with Carts and Waggons, and great difficulty even with a single Horse ; and that, that part of the said Street must be deserted by the Inhabitants, tho. thick set- tled, unless the same is paved. And Whereas a Law has passed at the last Session of the General Assembly of this State, directing that no more than the Sum of Six Shillings and three pence per foot shall be collected for the paving any Street withjn this Towai ; and this board being of Opinion that the paving in that place cannot be done for that Sum per foot, and as there is no money in the hands of the Treasurer for the use of the Streets. Resolved therefore, that the said part of Pratt Street lying between Hanover Street and the West side of Sharp Street may be paved at the expense of these persons holding property on the same and that this board will give orders for Pitching and Level- ing it (1001). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 29th. Inst. *Reads Tons. cwt. stones, lbs. tTwo orders. BALTlMORi: CITY 121 May 29th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present : John Micklk. John Hammond. RoBKRT Walsh. Mich'l Diffendkrf'FER. George Franciscus. 1032 George Bowers presented an Account for Stone, for re- pairing Griffith's Bridge, £2..12..0. 1033 Joseph Bignill Presented a Certificate for 2^^ days Cart- age, @ 10/, 1..5..0. 1034 Thomas Skipper presented a Certificate for ly^. days Cart- age, 10/, £1..5..0. 1035 Valentine Nelson presented a Certificate for 1 days Cart- age, £0..10..0. 1036 John Guttery presented a Certificate for 1^4 days labour in the Street, 3/9, £0..5..7. 1037 Charge Samuel Vincent with Cash, paid him by Robert Welmore, being money reed, for Hogs taken & Sold, £0..19..6>4 (1115). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 5th. June. June 5th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present: John Hammond. George Franciscus. John Mickle. Robert Walsh. 1038 Henry Wilson presented a Certificate for twelve Ton pav^ ing Stone, @ 3/9, £2..5..0. 1039 William Parks presented a Certificate for hauling Sand, £0..15..0 (1348). 1040 Thomas Beal presented an Acct. for Work, &c., done in Bridge Street, £2..6..3. 1041 John Madden presented an Acct. for Work done in Street, £0..16..10. 122 RECORDS OF June 8th, 1790. The Special Commrs. met. Prest. : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffende;rffe;r. RoBKRT Walsh. George Franciscus. Examined the assessmt. Hst, and Adjourned 'till Saturday the 12th. Inst. June 19th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Prest. : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. Robert Walsh. John Mickle. 1042 Erasmus Uhler presented an Account for Materials and work done in repairing Hanover Street, £10. .2. .8 (1279). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 26th. Inst. June 26th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Prest. : Mich'l Diffenderffer. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. John Mickle. Sundry persons presented Accts., Viz. : 1043 John Rusk, for Cartage Yz day, 0..5..0. 1044 Catharine Levely, for do. 7 days, 3..10..0 (1068). 1045 Isaac Baker for Paving Gutter in Bridge Street, 2.. 5. .2. 1046 Abraham Henderson, Labour 2 days, 0..7..6. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 3rd. July. Baltimore, July 3rd. 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Prest. : John Mickle. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. Robert Walsh. BALTIMORE CITY 123 1047 Application having been made by Mr. Alexander W. Davey for permission to erect a Vault Opposite his house in Water Street. Resolved that he be permitted to build said Vault in a substantial manner, so as not to incommode the public ; and that the same shall not extend more than half way across said Street. 1048 Charge James Sterett with the following Cash pd. him 1049 Viz. by Mr. Beaufort for Exhibiting Plays, 3..0,.0; by Per- 1050 mission to Exhibit a Tiger, 2..5..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 10th. Inst. 1050 Charge John Traverse with Cash, paid him by Players exhibiting in old Play House, £5..0..0 (1074). Baltimore, 14th August, 1790. Special Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. Joshua Barney. Robert Walsh. 1051 An account was presented by Henry Peters for Repairing Howard's Street agreeable to the directions of this board for three pounds therefore ordered That an order be given Henry Peters for £3..0..0. 1052 An Account presented by Archibald Shaw for Work on the Cause way for £4..10..0; An order given to Archibald Shaw for that sum, £4..10..0 (1082). 1053 An order was given to Joseph Williams & Joseph Walters for 52 Tons 12 Plund. Paving Stone, at 3/ per Ton — used at Bridge Street, £7..17..6. 1054 An order given to Peter Wery for work done according to Acct. presented, on the Street at the Point, £7..14..4j,4 (1127). 1055 An order given to John Plammond for amount of an Ac- count presented for work done on Wilkes Street, agreeable to the direction of this board for £27..7..1/> (1059). 1056 An order given to Jacob Shriver for One thousand paving brick for the Gutter near the Bridge on Bridge Street. £1..15..0. 124 RECORDS OF Baltimore, 16th Augt., 1790. Special Commissioners met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderefer. John MicklE. Spec. Commrs. 1057 Gave James Sterett an order to retain in his hands the Sum of Twenty one pounds twelve Shillings and four pence, being his Legal Commission on the Sum of £1729.. 8.. 1 reed, by him from the 18th. May, 1789, to 23rd. July, 1790, @ V4 per Ct, £21..12..4. 1058 Francis Douver presented an Account for Materials and work done at the Bridge in Bridge Street. Amt., £8.. 3. .9. Sundry orders drawn favor the Special Commissioners, for their Services from 26th. Jany., 1788, to the 23rd. July, 1790, Viz. : 1059 John Hammond, 108 days & ten days out attendance, 10, total, 118 days, @ 5/, 29..10..0 (1089). 1060 Robt. Walsh, 82 days & twenty five for out attendance & Settling the Accts., total, 107 days, @ 5/, 26..15..0 (1336). 1061 Michael Diffenderffer, 109 days, 5/, 27..5..0 (1090). 1062 George Franciscus, 94 days. 5/, 23..10..0 (1104). 1063 David Stodder, 48 days, 5/, 12..0..0. 1064 Leonard Harbaugh, 41 days, 5/, 10.. 5. .0. 1065 Joshua Barney, 27 days, 5/, 6..15..0. 1066 John Mickle, 37 days, 5/, 9..5..0 (1095). 1067 Alartin Segacer presented an Account for 2^^ half days Labour, @ 3/9. £0..9..4>^. 1068 Chatharine Levely, for Zy'y days Cartage, @ 7/6, £0..18..9. 1069 James Mitchell, for 1 days Hawling, £0..10..0. Adjourned till the 20th. 1790. August 21th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present: Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. BALTIMORE CITY 125 1070 John Smith presented an Account for 4 days Labour of his Negro Man, in April last, 3/9, £0..15..0. 1071 Brittingham Dickinson presented a Certificate for four days Labour of his Negro Man, 3/9, £0..15..0. 1072 Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson presented an Account for 8^4 days Labour of her Man, 3/9, £L.10..n. 1073 Messrs. Goddard & Angel presented an Account for Sun- dry Publications, &c., £9.. 17.. 6. 1074 Charge John Traverse, Collector, with Amount of Tax- ables put into his hands to collect. 2/6, tax, 629. .0. .6; Horse & C.*, 351..5 .0; B.f Tables, 135..0..0; total, £1115.. 5..6. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 28th Inst., 1790. August 28th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendkrffer. Robert Walsh. Gave the following orders on the Treasurer, Viz. : 1075 One favour John Weatherburne for his services as Comp troller, 1..0..0 (1344). 1076 One favour George Keeports for do., 1..0..0 (1343). 107^ One favour Wm. McCrury do., 1..0..0 (1342). 1078 jyji-. David Stodder having resigned, and Mr. Patrick ^^^ Bennett is Elected as a Special Commissioner for Balti- more town in his place (1081). 1080 Charge John Traverse with £50 to collect from the Play House (1085). Baltimore, Sept. 11th, 1790. 1081 The Commissioners met — Mr. Patrick Bennett having produced a Certificate of his Qualification agreeable to Law has attended. Present: John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Patrick Bennett. Joshua Barney, *Carriagcs. tBilliard Tables. 126 records of Mich'l Diffenderffer. 1082 Arclul. Shaw presented an Account for Wharfing clone at the Causway in W'ilks Street. Amt., £43..0..0; 4 orders (1475). 1083 Thomas Dewitt presented an Acct. for 1 years use of his House, fire & Candles per Agreemt., 5..0..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 25th. Inst. October 2nd, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Prest. : Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderffer. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. 1084 James Dixon presented an Account for repairing Pave- ment in Calvert Street, £0..15..0. 1085 Charge John Traverse, Collector, with Cash, paid him by a Man for Exhibiting on the Wire, £0..15..0 (1107). Adjourned to Saturday the 16th. Inst. October 16th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present : George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Patrick Bennett. 1086 George Walker presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway in Wilks Street, in March last, £1..12..6. 1087 In consequence of a request in writing of this date by William Smith, John Merryman, Jesse Hollingsworth, and Nicholas Owings, to have the Gutter for the conveyance of the Water put on the outside of the Posts in Calvert Street ; and this board taking the same into consideration is of Opinion that in consequence of the Foot-way in that part of the Street being too narrow, the request of those Gen- tlemen is reasonable. Resolved therefore, that the Gutter for the conveyance of the Water may be put on the outside of the Posts now BALTIMORK CITY 127 standing" from the South side of Wat-er & Calvert Streets, as far as the line of the Town runs at the expense of the afore- said Gentlemen. The Special Commissioners having called a Special Meet- ing for the purpose of giving some order respecting the paving Rogers's Alley. Present : John Hammond. MiCh'l DlFFE;NDi:RFFliR. George Franciscus. Joshua Barney. 1088 Resolved that liberty be granted to pave the said Alley, after the Commissioners have fixed on the pitch of said Alley at the expense of the Petitioners. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 30th. Inst. Novemr. 3rd, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present: MiCh'l DiFFENDAFFER. John Hammond John Mickle. George Franciscus. 1089 John Hammond presented an Account for work done by his Cart in Wilkes Street, per Agreemt., £15..0..0 (1094). 1090 Michael Diffendaffer pfesented an Account for Materials and painting the Bridge, £7.. 10.. 10. 1091 Gave Hezekiah Waters an order on Acct. his Salary due 1st. Oct. last, £30..19..0 (1099). Adjourned 'till Saturday the 13th. Inst- November 13th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met. Present: Mich'l DiffenderFFER. John Hammond. Robert Waesh. Patrick Bennett. John Micklk. George Franciscus. 128 RECORDS OF 1092 Mr. Caleb Smith presented an Account for repairs done at the lower Bridge, £1..0..8. 1093 Mr. Peter Steels presented an Account for Bolts used at the Causeway Wharf e, £2..3..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday the 4th. December. December 4th, 1790. The Special Commissioners met: Present: Robert Walsh. John Mickle. Patrick Bennett. Mich'l Difeenderffer. 1094 Gave Mr. John Hammond an order for Work done by his Cart at Sundry places, per Acct., 10..6..0. 1095 Gave John Mickle an order for work & Materials, per Acct., 4..7..3 (1113). Adjourned 'till the first Saturday in Jany., 1791. Jany. 9th, 1791. The Special Commissioners met. Prest. : John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. Robert Walsh. John MicklE. 1096 Mr. Peter Detersley presented an Account for repairs done in Howard Street. Amount per Account, £1..4..2. 1097 Mr. John Jalland presented an account for work done at the Causeway in Wilks Street. Amt. per Acct., £3..0..11. Jany. 22nd., 1791. The Special Commissioners met. Prest. : John Mickle. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Difeenderffer. George Franciscus. 1098 John A. Hamilton presented an Account for work done in Pratt Street. Amt., £3..8..3. BALTIMORE) CITY 129 1099 Resolved that Hez. Waters be and is hereby appointed to Assess the Billiard Tables in Balto. Town (1100). 1100 Gave Hezekiah Waters an order for the balance of his Salary due the 1st. October, 1790, £17..1..0 (1105). Adjourned to Saturday 5th. Feby. Baltimore 5th, February, 1791. Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. John Hammond. George Franciscus. Robert W^vesii. 1101 It having been again represented to this ])oard that the part of Pratt Street between Hanover & Sharp Streets is in very bad order, and almost impassable. 'Tis therefore the Opinion of this board that the same ought to be paved. Adjourned to Saturday next. February 13th, 1791. Commissioners met. Prest. : Robert Waesh. John Hammond. John Mickle. Micii'l Diffendereeer.- George Franciscus. 1102 William Newton presented an Account for serving five Warrants & four Summons, 0..17..6. 1103 James Allen presented an Acct. for sundry repairs & Ma- terials, at Howard Street, £1..5..5. 1104 Mr. George Franciscus being charged by the Sheriff of Balto. County & Attorneys, with the Costs of Sundry Suits commenced by the Sped. Commissioners agt.* Jacob Small,, George Welsh, George Wherly & Others. — ordered that Mr. Franciscus have an order for the Amount 878 lb. Tobo.j-, @. 12/6, £5..9..9. Adjourned to Saturday the 19th. Inst. *Against. tTobacco. 130 RECORDS OF Baltimore, 19th February, 1791. Commissioners met, agreeable to Adjournment. Present : John Hammond. John Mickle. Micii'e Diffenderffer. Ror.ERT Walsh. George Franciscus. 1105 It appearing that the business to be transacted by this board hereafter will not require as frequent attendance, or as much business for the Clerk as heretofore — 'tis therefore the unanimous opinion of the members present, that the salary of the Clerk ought to be considerably reduced, — and as it appears to be inconvenient for the present Clerk, Hezekiah Waters, to give the necessary attendance ; and that he is iniwilling to serve for the reduced price in the contempla- tion of the board. — Resolved therefore that another Clerk be appointed (1106). Adjourned to Saturday next. February 26th, 1791. Commissioners met. Present : John Hammond. John Mickle. Mich'l Diffenderffer. George Franciscus. Patrick Bennett. Robert Walsh. 1106 Agreeable to the resolution, at the last meeting, to appoint another Clerk, Mr. John Weatherburn is appointed to trans- act the business of Clerk for this board, for which he is to be allowed Twenty pounds. Current money per Annum (1117, 1355). 1107 Permission being given to Messrs. West and Bignall to exhibit in Public, for which they have paid the Sum of Five pounds — John Traverse the Collector is to be charged with that sum (1108). 1108 John Traverse is also to be charged with the sum of Two pounds whicli he received for John Killen's Chimney being on fire (1109). Baltimore; city 131 Baltimore 26th, February, 1791. 1109 Information is given by John Traverse that the Chimney of Cumberland Dugan, in Water Street, has been on fire the 21st Instant (1110). 1110 Also that the Chimney of Lockwood, at Fells-Point was on Fire about the 22nd instant, Witness, Thomas Long Taylor at Fells-Point and John Lewis (1112) (1116). nil An order on the Treasurer has been given to John Kipp for half days work on Pratt Street for five Shillings £0..5..0. Adjourned to Saturday next. Baltimore, 5th Mar., 1791. Special Commissioners Mett. Present: John Mickle. John Hammond. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. 1112 Permission being given to Mr. Morrison to Exhibit the Magic Lanthorn and Dexterity of Hand for thirty five Shil- lings, and the Collector, John Traverse, is to be charged therewith, £1..15 (1114). 1113 John Mickle presented an Account for work done on Sun- dry Streets. Amount thirteen pounds seven shillings and six pence — for which an order is drawn on the Treasurer, £13..7..6. 1114 Joh" Traverse to be charged with eight pounds five shil- lings which he reed, for seized Hogs per his Accot., £8..5..0. (1116). 1115 Samuel Vincent to be Charged with thirteen pounds ten Shillings which he received from Philip Graybell late Sherifif being fines received of sundry persons for Selling Liquors without License, £13. .10. 1116 John Traverse to be charged with Six pounds received from Catherine Usher, Edward Murry & Adam Fonerden, viz. : two pounds each, being fines for having their Chimnies on fire, £6. Also to be charged with two pounds for Luther Martin's Chimney on fire; two pounds for Jacob Rothrock's 132 RECORDS OF do. ; two pounds for Leigh Masters's do., two pounds lor Samuel Owings's do. ; total, £8. Also to be charged with two pounds for Widow Inloes's do., two pounds for William Dalrymple's do. ; total, £4 (1118). Baltimore, 5 March, 1791. 1117 John Weatherburn the present Clerk is requested to waite on Mr. Hezekiah Waters late Clerk, and receive from him such things as he has in his possession belonging to this Board ; also to provide Six quire of paper for the use of this Board, and to procure a Trunk or Box (with Lock and Key) of size sufificient to contain all the Books and Papers be- longing to this Board, and the expense for said paper & Box or Trunk shall be paid by the Treasurer of this Board (1191). Adjourned 'till Saturday 12th Inst., 1791. Baltimore, 12th. March, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffenderffer. John Mickle. Adjourned untill Saturday 26th. Inst. Baltimore, 26 March, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Mich'l Diffenderffer. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Patrick Bennett. John Mickle. 1118 John Traverse to be charged with forty Shillings, to be collected from Wm. Cowin on Fells point for his Chimney being on fire, witness Wm. Johnson (1121). Adjourned 'till Saturday 9th April, 1791. BALTIMORE CITY 133 Baltimore, 9th April, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Hammond. Patrick Bknnett. Robert Walsh. Gkorge Franciscus. John Mickle;. MiCh'l DiFFUNDERFFER. 1119 Caleb xA.rnest presented an Accot. for work done at the Lower Bridge and at the Upper or Griffith's Bridge Amot., £2..1..6 same time gave an order for the same on the Treas- urer. 1120 Mr. John Bickham having been charged with one year's Tax on a Billiard Table for the year 1789— did on the 26 March, 1791, make oath before George G. Presbury Esquire, that he kept a Billiard Table from some time in July in the said year 1789 and not before. Therefore Resolved that the said John Bickham be chargable with half a year's tax for the said year 1789 and not more. 1121 John Traverse to be charged with forty Shillings to be Collected from Baltzer Shaffer, for his Chimney being on fire — said J. Traverse witness, £2..0..0, the same to be Collected from John Holmes for his Chimney being on fire, John Moale, Esquire, witness, £2..0..0 (1122). Adjourned 'till Saturday 23d, April, 1791. Baltimore 23d April, 1791. Commissioners Met. Present. Mich'l Diffenderfffr. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. John MicklE. Robert Waesh. 1122 Colo. Robert Ballard fined forty Shillings for his Chimney being on fire, which he acknowledges, S. Owings witness. Charge John Traverse, £2..0..0 (1123). 134 RECORDS OF 1123 Doctor Joiner fined forty Shillings for his Chimney being on fire, James Sterett, witness. Charge J. Travcres with £2..0..0 (1124). 1124 John Hickthrop is fined two pounds for his Chimney being on fire, Thomas McElderry, witness. Charge J. Traverse with £2..0..0 (1125). 1125 Daniel Diffenderffer is fined two pounds for his chimney being on fire, witness George Sheafer. Charge J. Traverse with £2..0..0 (1132). 1126 Mr. John Thompson having been charged with one year's Tax for a Billard Table in 1790, he did on the 23d April Inst, before George G. Presbury, Esqu., make oath that his Table was erected on the 16th or 18th June, 1790, and not before. Therefore Resolved that said John Thompson be charged with half a year's tax only for the year 1790. 1127 Peter Weary presented an Accot. for hauling 71 Loads gravel on the Streets at Fels point, @ 9d per Load, and gave an order for the same £2.. 13. .3 (1134). 1128 James Alexander presented an Acct. for 6 days Labour @ fells point, £1..2..6 (1136). 1129 Adam Reese, ditto, for hauling 97 Loads Gravel @ do., 9d, 1..0..3 (1139). 1130 John Wisebaugh, ditto, for hauling 50 Loads do., 9d, 1..17..6 (1135). 1131 George Lauderman, ditto, for hauling 100 Loads do., 9d, 3..15..0 ai37). Orders drawn on the Treasurer for each of those Accts. 1132 Gave John Traverse (1133) an order for money paid Jury on Trial of James Brown at Suit of this Board, one pound four shillings, £1..4..0 (1179). 1133 A List of Tavern Keepers in Baltimore Town who took Licence at September Term 1790 for one year, was made out and laid before the present meeting, Viz.: 68 at £5. each, £340..0..0; also an additional List of 9 who took Licence at March Term 1791, untill Sci)teml)er following is 6 months, @ £2..10 each, 22..10..0; total, £362..10..0. and the said List of Taverns was then addressed to the Treasurer as follows : Sir: Please to charge John Traverse. Collector, with the above sum of three hundred and Sixty two pounds ten shillings in BALTIMORE CITY 135 your accounts for the Special Commssrs.. James Sterett, Esqr, Treasurer. Signed : Robert Walsh, Patrick Bennett. John MickeE. George Franciscus. Special Commissioners. The Clerk was directed to give the said List of Taverns to the Treasurer. Adjourned 'till Saturday 7th, May, 1791. Baltimore, 7th May, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Robert Walsh. John MicklE. Patrick Bennett. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendaffer. George Franciscus. Sundrie persons presented accots. for work done on the Streets, for which they respectively received orders on the Treasurer, Viz. : 1134 Peter Wery, for hauling 158 Loads gravel, @ 9d, £5..11..0 (1142). 1135 John Wisebaugh, for hauling 12 ditto, 9d, ..9..0 (1144). 1136 James Alexander, for 7^/^ days labour, 3/9, 1..8..1^ (1145). 1137 George Lauderman, for hauling 105 Loads, 9d, 3.. 18.. 9 (1143). 1138 Frederick Decker, for Scantling & Hauling used Howard Street, ..12..3. 1139 Adam Reese, for hauling 70 Loads, 9d, 2..12..6. 1140 Resolved that a Small Stone Bridge be built in South Street, near the Rope-Walk, leading into Town from the Philadelphia road, under the Direction of Michael Diffen- derffer, Patrick Bennett & Robert Walsh. 1141 John Traverse is hereby appointed to assess the Car- riages, Plorses, Carts, Waggons, Drays and Billiard Tables, 136 RFXORDS OF & render an Accot. thereof, and of the Tavern Licences in Baltimore-Town, for which he shall be allowed twenty Dol- lars. This assessmt. for the present year, 1791 (1217). Adjourned untill Saturday 21st Inst. Baltimore, 28 Alay, 1791. Special Commissioners Alet. Present: Mich'l Diffendkrffkr. John Mickle. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. Robert Walsh. Sundry persons presented Accounts for work done on the streets, for which they respectively received orders on the Treasurer, Viz. : 1142 Peter Wery, for Hauling 7 Loads Gravel, @ 9d, £0..5..3. 1143 George Louderman, for hauling 59 do., 9d, 2. .4.. 3. 1144 John Wisebaugh, for hauling 12 do., 9d, ..9..0. 1145 James Alexander, for 6 days Labour, 3/9, 1..2..6. 1146 James Fortune, for 150 feet Scantling, 12/6, ..18.. 9. 1147 Ben Jefiferis a Negro, for Carting 3y2 days, 10/. 1..15..0 (1178). 1148 Henry K,rinkle, for do. 2 days, 10/, 1..0..0 (1174). 1149 Ben a Negro, for Labour, 5 days, 3/9, 18..9. 1150 Joseph Osborn, for do. 2 days, 3/9, 7. .6. 1151 Richard Beazo, for do. 3 days, 3/9, 11. .3 (1166). 1152 Jacob Wheeler, for overseeing 1 day. 5/, ..5..0 (1154). 1153 David Stodder; for a Cart 10 days, 7/6, 3..15..0. 1154 Jacob Wheeler, for carting 2 days, 10/, 1..0..0 (1177). Accounts produced for which orders were not drawn, viz. : 1155 Benj. Wells, for 2% days Carting, @ 10/, £1..8..9 (1176). 1156 Negro Adam, 5 days Labour, 3/9, ..18..9 (1157). 1157 Negro Sam, 4>^ days Labour, 3/9, ..16.. 10^4 (1164). 1158 Negro James, 1^ days Labour, 3/9, ..5. .7^ (1165). 1159 Thomas Beal, 2 days overseeing, 5/, ..10..0 (1170). Total, 4..0..0. 1160 Application is made to the Board by Captain David Stod- der for an exclusive privilege to Collect and carry away the dirt from all the paved part of the Streets, from Calvert Baltimore; city 137 Street inclusive, to Jones's Falls for one year and engages to keep them clean and in good order for that consideration. This Board considering that it may save the expense of paying a scavenger for that time, have granted his request, Viz. : Resolved that Captain David Stodder have an ex- clusive privilege to collect and carry away all such dirt or Manure as may be in any or all of tlie paved Streets between Calvert Street inclusive, & Jones's Falls, and east- ward of Jones's Falls, provided he keeps the said streets in such clean and good order as shall be satisfactory to this Board, for one year from the date hereof (1381). 1161 Mr. Hezekiah Waters's Accot. was made out (balance due this board, £26) and inclosed to him, proposing a refer- ence in case of his objecting to the Accot. (1346). Adjourned untill Saturday 4 June, 1791. Baltimore, 11th June, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Patrick Bennett. Mich'e Diffendereeer. John Hammond. George Franciscus. John MickeE. Sundry Persons presented Accounts as follows, Vizt. : 1162 Thomas Skipper, for hauling 23 loads Gravel in Green St., @ 9d, £0..17..3; and 11 Loads do. in Bridge St., 9d ..8..3. 1163 Philip Wehner, for Sundry Carpenter's work & Timber, 6..0..11. 1164 William Asquith, for his Men's Labour, 16 days, 3/9, 4..I5..7/2 (1182). 1165 James Bakei, for his Man, 11 days, 3/9, 2..1..3 (1184). 1166 Richard Beaso, 5 days, 3/9, 18..9 (1181). 1167 Martin Segacy, 7^ days, 3/9, 1..8..9. 1168 William Clarke, 1>4 days, 3/9, 5..7>4. 1169 Robert Willson, 2j^ days, 3/9, 8..9 (1206). 1170 Thomas Beal, overseer, 11 3^ days, 5/, 3..7..6 (1190). 1171 Robert Rice, 4>^ days, 3/9, 16..10><. 1172 John Patrick presented an Accot. for labour, 2^ days, £b..lO..O. 138 RECORDS OF 1173 Carson alias McCausland, for his man, 4 days, ..15..0 (1183). 1174 Henry Krinkle, for Carting, 3>4 days, 10/, 1..15..0 (1175). 1175 ditto, for ditto, S^^ days 10/, 2..15..0 (1189). 1176 Benjamin Wells, for ditto, A]/, days, 10/, 3..13..9 (1198). 1177 Jacob Wheeler, for ditto, 9^ days, 10/, 4..15..0. 1178 Benja. Jefferis, for ditto, 3>4 days, 10/, 1..15..0 (1185). 1179 John Traverse, for fees paid & Serving Warrants, &c., ..5.. 10. 1180 Archibald Shaw, for Wharfing and logs in Albemarle Street, 22..13..0. Last Meeting at Mr. Jacob Rothrock's. Adjourned 'till Saturday 18th. Inst., June, 1791. Baltimore, 25 June, 1791. Special Commissioners Met at the House of Daniel Dif- fenderffer. Present : Robert Walsh. Mich'e Diffendaeeer. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. Sundry persons presented accounts as follows : 1181 Richard Beazer, for 7^ days Labour, @, 3/9, £1..8..1^ (1204). 1182 William Asquith. for his Man, 8 days, 3/9. 1..10..0 (1203). 1183 Andrew Carson, for his Man, 10 days, 3/9, 1..17..6 (1205). 1184 James Baker, his Man, 12 days, 3/9, 2..5..0 (1202). 1185 Ben jefferis, for his Man, 9^4 days, 3/9, 1..15..7^. 1186 James Dawson, 1^ days, 3/9, 5. .7^ (1195). 1187 John Madden, 3^ days, 3/9, 14.. 1 (1200). 1188 Edward Carroll, 2 J/, days, 3/9. 9. Ay. (1210). 1189 Henry Krinkle, 5>4 days Carting, 10/, 2..15..0 (1211). 1190 Thomas Beale, lOj^ days overseeing, 6/, 3..3..0. Ditto — deficient in 13^/^ days some time past when he was allowed only 5/; add 1/ is 13..6, £3..16..6 (1212). 1191 John Weatherburn. for a Trunk, 9/; 5 quire paper, 5/, & one quarter's Salary, 100/: 5..14..0 (1302). 1192 Jacob Rothrock. for the L^se of Room & Light 7 mo., 2..18..4 (1328). BALTIMORE CITY 189 1193 Benjamin Spencer, for Building a Bridge, &c., per Accot., amt., 29..11..5. 1194 David MclVIechen, for Fees per Accot., 2 orders, 20/ ea., 2..0..0. Adjourned to this day two weeks. Baltimore, 9th July, 1791. Special Commrs. Mett. Present: Robert Walsh. John MicklE. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffendlrffer. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. Sundry persons presented Accots. as follows : 1195 James Dawson, for 1 days labour at Bridge Smith Street, £0..3..9. 1196 James Mason, for ^ days do. at do., 2. .9^. 1197 William McCreary, for 40 feet plank, 3. .4. 1198 Benjamin Wells, for work done Sundry places including all he has done, 3.. 5..0 (1349). 1199 Matthew McMahon, for SjA days labour, 3/9, 1..0..7>4 (1239). 1200 John Madden, for 9 do., 3/9, 1..13..9 (1225). 1201 Edward Carroll, for 9^ do., 3/9, 1..16..3 (1226); 1202 James Baker's Negro Prime's, 10;^ do., 3/9, 1..19..4i4 (1228). 1203 AVilliam Asquith's negro Adam, 11^4 do., 3/9, 2..3..13/2 (1227). 1204 Richard Beazer. 8 do., 3/9, 1..10..0. 1205 Andrew Carson's negro Watt, 8 do., 3/9, 1..10..0 (1230). 1206 Robert Wilson, 3>4 do., 3/9, 13..1>4 (1237). 1207 Patrick Bryan, 2 do., 3/9, 7..6. 1208 Richard Eves, 1 do., 3. .9. 1209 Thomas Skeets, 6>^ do, 3/9, l.A.AjA (1229). 1210 Jacob Harp, for Carting, 5 do., 10/, 2..10..0 (1256). 1211 Henry Crankle, for do, Sj^ do., 10/, 2..15..0 (1240). 1212 Thomas Beal, for overseeing 11^ days, 6/. 3..9..0 (1242). 1213 John Micklc, for work done Charles Street. 1..1..4 (1214). 140 RKCOUDS OF 1214 J'»lin Mickle, for Earth Carted to the Markett House, 3.. 10./) (1305). 1215 The Coinniissioners now present — resolve to meet in Low Street in that part of Baltimore on the east Side Jones's falls, in order to regulate the Streets in that part of the Town, by perticular request of the Inhabitants pos- sessing property there on Tuesday next the 12th Instant. 1216 And on thursday following to meet in L,ee & Forrest Streets at the Head of the Bason to make regulations in those Streets Complaints having been made by Mr. Christopher Hughes (1223). 1217 Resolved that John Traverse be and is hereby continued collector for this Board, for the present Year 1791 (1218). 1218 Charge John Traverse with 40/ to be collected from Francis De Block for his Chimney being on lire, and witness Jac. Rothrock (1219). 1219 The Same from George Presstman for his Chimney being on fire (1220). Adjourned 'till Saturday 23rd. Inst. 1220 Tuesday morning at the House of Mr. Robert Walsh one of the Board of Special Commissioners, Present Mr. Walsh, the Clerk, & John Traverse, Collector. July 12, 1791. The Account of John Traverse was Settled, Viz. : John Traverse to be charged with Cash reed, for Hogs sold, and heretofore not charged, £7..8..8; also to be charged with Cash received from Felix Kirk, 2..10..0. John Traverse claims the following Credits, Vizt. : Paid the Treasurer as per receipts appears, £923. .6. A. Insolvencies in the Horse & Carriage list of Taxes, 124..0..0. Insolvencies in Billiard Tables do., 22..10..0. Insolvencies in Tavern Licences do., 13..10..0. Insolvencies in Chimney fines, 6.. CO. Property or half Crown Tax still to Colletc, 476.. 1.. 6. Commission on Collecting £923..6..4 (deducting 15.. 13. .8 that much being reed, for hogs), 22.. 13.. 10. Allowance for Assessing in 1791, 7..10..0. 1221 A Memorial and representation having been presented by a Majority of those persons holding property on that part BALTIMORE CITY 141 of Charles Street between Chatham & Pratt Streets, shew- ing that the said Street is very much Cutt by heavy rains, and requesting- that, that part of Charles Street between the said Chatham & Pratt Streets may be paved. And Whereas a Law passed in the General Assembly of this State at November Session 1789, directing that no more than the Sum of Six Shillings and three pence per foot shall be Collected for paving any Street within this Town, and this board being of opinion that the paving in said Charles Street cannot be done for that Sum per foot and that there is no money in the Hands of the Treasurer to make up Said defficiency. which the said Street would require more than what the Law in the Said November Session 1789 has pro- vided. Resolved therefore, that the Said part of Charles Street, between Pratt and Chatham Streets, may be paved at the Expence of those persons holding property on the Same, and that this Board will give orders for Levelling and ascertaining the descent of said Charles Street. Baltimore, 23rd July, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: RoBKRT Walsh. John Hammond. Patrick Bknnett. Mich'l Diffknderi^fer. John Mickle. GijORGK Franciscus. 1222 The Board reported that agreeable to a resolve of Last Meeting, the Board met on Tuesday 12th. Inst, on the east Side of Jones's falls, Vizt. in Low Street &c. — and did Ex- amine the situation of the Same, there being present : Robert 1223 Walsh, Michael Diffenderfifer & Patk. Bennett. Also Met on Thursday 14th Instant on Hill, Lee & Forest Streets and did examine the Situation of said Street their being present Robert Walsh, John Micklc, Michael DiiTcnderffer, John Hammond & Patrick Bennett. Sundrv persons presented Accots. as follows. Vizt. : 1224 John Hammond, for work done on the Causway per Accot.. £13.0..7'/ (1238). 142 RECORDS OF 1225 John Madden, for lOjA days labour on the Streets, @ 3/9, 1..19..4>4 (1244). 1226 Edward Carroll, for 10 days do., 3/9, 1..17..6 (1245). 1227 Wm. Asquith, for 9y2 days do. his man, 3/9, 1.. 15. .7^/2 (1252). 1223 Tames Baker, for 11 J/1 days do. his man, 3/9, 2.. 3. .1^/2 (1251). 1229 Thomas Skeets, for 9>^ & 3^ days do, 3/9, 1..16..10>^ (1250). 1230 Andrew Carson, for 11^ days do., 3/9, 2..3..1^. 1231 Robert Freeman, for 2 days do., 3/9, ..7. .6. 1232 James Collins, for 2 days do., 3/9, ..7. .6. 1233 James Humphreys presented an Accot. for 2^^ days Labr., @3/9, £..9..4i^. 1234 John Conner, do. for 9>4 do., 3/9, 1..15..7>^ (1246). 1235 John Harrig-an do. for 7>^ do., 3/9, 1..8..1>1 (1247). 1236 Patrick Obrien do. for lOy. do., 3/9, 1..19..4>1 (1249). 1237 Robert Wilson do. for 3 do., 3/9, ..11.. 3 (1291). 1238 John Hammond do., his man, 5 do., 3/9, ..18.. 9; do Horse & Cart, 3 do. Carting, @ 7/6, 1..2..6 (1253). 1239 Matthew McMachen do. for 5>^ do. Labour, 3/9, 1..0..7^ (1267). 1240 Henry Krinkle do. Horses & Cart 9^ do. Carting, 10/, 4..15..0 (1255). 1241 John Gwinn do. Horse & Cart 9^ do. Carting 7/6, 3..9.Ay2 (1272). 1242 Thomas Beale, do. for llj/^ days overseeing, 6/, 3..9..0 (1257). 1243 Jacob Stitcker do. for Scantling to make a Bridge Howd.* Street, 1..5..0. Adjourned 'till Saturday next 30th. Inst. Baltimore, 6th August, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Micii'l DiffenderFFER. John Micklf. John Hammond. George Fr.\nciscus. Sundry Persons presented Accounts as Follows: *Howard. Baltimore; city 143 1244 John Aladden for Labour 8j4 days & ^rd day, @ 3/9, £1..10..11 (1259). 1245 Edward Carroll, do. 9^ do., 3/9, 1..16..6 (1260). 3246 John Connor, do. 11 do., 3/9, 2..1..3 (1268). 1247 John Harrigan, do. 11 do., 3/9, 2..1..3 (1261). 1248 John Dillon, do. 8 do., 3/9, 1..10..0 (1264). 1249 Patrick O'Brien, do. 11^4 do., 3/9, 2..2..2 (1262). 1250 Thomas Skeets. do. 11^4 do., 3/9, 2..2..2 (1265). 1251 James Baker, for his man 11>4 do., 3/9, 2..2..2 (1266). 1252 William Asqiiith's man. 2^ do., 3/9, 8.. 5. 1253 1'^ .Alathew Davis, 1^4 do., 3/9, 4..8 (1263). 1253 2'^ John Hammond his man 3^4 do. Labour. 3/9, 12.. 2. 1253 3^ ditto. Horse & Cart 3%, 7/6, 1..4..4. 1254 Henry Mitcheson, l^A do.. 3/9, 5. .7. 1255 Henry Kunkle, Cart & 2 Horses 7^, 10/, 3..17..6 (1350). 1256 Jacob Hart. do. do. 9>4, 10/, 4..15..0 (1352). 1257 Thomas Beale, for overseeing 11^ days, 6/, £3..7..6 (1273). 1258 Hill Savage, for 2)22 feet Oak Plank, @ 20/, for repairing Bridges, £3..4..5. Adjourned untill Saturday 20th. August, Inst. ^No. 1, 2, & 3 included in one order to Mr. Davis. Baltimore, 22nd. Augt., 1791. Special Commissioners Mett. Present: Robe:rt Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffe;nd^rffi3r. John Mickle. George; Franciscus. Sundry persons presented Accounts as follows, Vizt. : 1259 John Madden, for Labouring in Hanover Street 9]/^ days, @ 3/9. £1..14..8 (1288). 1260 Edward Carroll, for do 6^3 do., 3/9. 1..5..0. 1261 John Harrigan, for do. 10^4 do., 3/9, 1..18..5 (1324). 1262 Patrick Obrien, for do, 2^4 .do., 3/9, 8.. 5 (1213). 144 RECORDS OF 1263 Matthew Davis, for do 8 do., 3/9, 1..10..0 (1269). 1264 John Dillon, for do. 6^ do., 3/9, 1..5..3 (1286). 1265 Thomas Skeets, for do, 10 do., 3/9, 1..17..6 (1296). 1266 James Baker, for do. his man 11^ do., 3/9, 2..3..9 (1290). 1267 Matthew McMachen, for Labour, 5 do, 3/9, 18..9. 1268 John Connor, for do. 5 do., 3/9, 18..9 (1285). 1269 John Hammond, for do. his man, 3 do., 3/9, 11. .3 (1270). 1270 Ditto, for Cart & Horse, 11^4 do., 7/6, 4..4..4j/^ (1278). 1271 James Dixon, for do. & 2 Horses, 9^ do. 10/, 4.. 17.. 6 (1298). 1272 John Gwinn, for do., 1 do., 7/6, 7. .6. 1273 Thomas Beale, for Overseeing, 11^ do., 6/, 3..10..0 (1281). 1274 Caleb Ernest, for repairing the Upper & Lower Bridges, 2..16..2. 1275 Phili]:) Sumwalt, for Smith's work sharping Picks. &c., 1..4..8. 1276 Peter Puarea, for work & painting Middle Bridge, 8..1..2. 1277 Frederick PIoss, for repairing a Bridge in Howard Street, 4..0..3. 1278 John Hammond, for repairing Holliday Street, ..15..0 (1287). 1279 Erasmuss Uhler, for timber, &c., to mend the Arch be- tween Hanover & Charles Streets, 2..11..3. 1280 James Labes, for Stone delivered 1785, say 21^ Ton, 5/, 5..6..8. 1281 Thomas Beal Presented an Accot. for Cash paid John Gwinn, whicli was recovered from him by virtue of a war- rant l:)eing additional pay to said Gwinn of 2/6 per day, £1.. 17.. 3 "(1300). John Hammond order included his & Mat Davises Accots. making 7..0..7y2. 1282 Resolved, that a Sum not exceeding twenty pounds be allowed for raising the Arch of the Bridge crossing Charles Street, and that the said work be done under the direction of Mr. John Mickle. and also, that Bridge Street be repaired under the direction or Mr. Robert Walsh (1334). Adjourned untill Saturday. BALTIMORE) CITY 145 Baltimore, 3rd Septr., 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John Mickle. Mich'l Diffenderffer. John Hammond. Patrick Bennett. Snndrie Persons presented Accots. as follows : 1283 Charles Dehl, for 6 pieces Timber, £1.2. 1284 Conrod. Grosh, for Smith's work from 14th July to 2nd Septr., included, 3. .2.. 3. Sundry Labourer's & Carters Accots. presented by T. Beale : 1285 John Connor, for 1 day's Labour on the Streets, 3. .9 (1304). 1286 John Dillon, for 9>4 days do, 3/9, 1..16..6 (1307). Matthew Davis^^, for 3 days do, 3/9, 11..3. 1287 John Hammond's^ Man Bill, for 6 days, 3/9, 1..2..6. John Hammond's'^ Cart & one Horse 1 day, 7/6, 7. .6 (1337). 1288 John Madden, 7>^ day's Labour, 3/9, 1..7..6 (1306). 1289 John Toman, 8><, 3/9, 1..11.10. 1290 James Baker's man Primis lOy., 3/9, 1..19..4 (1308). 1291 Robert Wilson, 5, 3/9, 18..9. 1292 Daniel O'Bryan, 5, 3/9, 18..9 (1309). 1293 John Kern, 5, 3/9, 18..9 (1310). 1294 Roger Ryan, 3, 3/9, 11. .3 (1315). 1295 Robinson's Man Lewis, 10, 3/9, 1..17..6. 1296 Thomas Skeets, for 8 days Labour, 3/9, £1..10..0 (1311). 1297 Markes Foya, for 2^ days do., 3/9, 9..4 (1314). 1298 James Dickson, for 11 days Carting 2 horses, 10/, 5..10..0 (1318). 1299 Samuel Long, for 8^ days do. do., 10/, 4..7..6 (1319). 1300 Thomas Beale, for 11 days overseeing, 6/, 3..6..0 (1323). ''One order drawn for Matthew Davis's, 11/3 ; John Ham- mond's man Bill, 22/6 ; and for John Hammond's Cart, 7/6, making all-together £2..1..3. 1301 Resolved that the space between the upper and Lower Market Houses on the Marsh at the Intersection of Second Street be Paved, that the breadth of the said pavement be the same as the pavement now down in and on each side of 146 RKcoRns OF the Upper Market House, that is to say. from the outside Gutter on the West side, to the outside Gutter on the east side of the said Market House ; and that the said paving be done under the direction of Mr. Michael Diffenderffer 8z Mr. James Long. This board proposes to meet on Monday evening the 5th Inst, to sign the orders for the several Accounts presented and entered this day. Adjourned. Baltimore, 7th. Septr., 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: Robert Walsh. John Hammond George Franciscus. Patrick Bennett. 1302 John Weatherburn presented an Accot. for 3 months Salary due 26th. August last, £5..0..0 (1383). The several orders were signed for the Accounts presented and entered on the 3rd Instant. 1303 Resolved, that ten pounds be allowed to repair Holliday Street and Fish street at their Intersection, under the direc- tion of Messrs. Englehard Yeiser & John Brown, overseers (1400). Baltimore, 10 Septr., 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: Robert Walsh. John MicklE. Patrick Bennett, John Hammond. George Franciscus. Mich'l Diffendafeer. 1304 John Conner presented an Account for 4^4 days work done on the streets in August last, for which he has not received any order, an order was therefore given him, £0..16..10>4 (1313). 1305 Gave John Mickle two orders for forty pounds thirteen Shillings and three pence. Viz.: (1456.) BALTIMORE CITY 147 1305 One for work done in Harrison Street and other places as per bill rendered, £20. .13. .3. 1305 One for opening and raising the arch crossing Charles Street agreeable to a resolve of this Board the 22nd August, £20..0..0 (1338). Adjourned untill Saturday 17th. Inst., Sept. Baltimore, 17th. Septr., 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John Hammond. Patrick Bennett, Mich'Iv Diffknderffer. Robert Walsh. George Franciscus. Sundry Persons presented accounts as follows, Vizt. : 1306 John Madden, for 6% days Labour, 3/9, £1..5..4. 1307 John Dillon, for 10^ days Labour, 3/9, 2..0..4. 1308 James Baker, for his man 9^ & ^ days do., 3/9, 1..19..1. 1309 baniel O'Brian, 3>^ do., 3/9, 13.1. 1310 John Kern, 7% do., 3/9, 1..9..1. 1311 Thomas Skeets, 10 do.. 3/9, 1..17..6. 1312 Patrick O'Brian, 10^^ do., 3/9, 2..0..4. 1313 John Connor, 3 do,, 3/9, 11. .3. 1314 Marcus Foya, 6^ do., 3/9, 1..5..4. 1315 Roger Rien, 4>4 do., 3/9, 16..10. 1316 John Barr, 2^ do., 3/9, 10..0. 1317 William Conningham, for 2 days Labour, 3/9, £7.. 6. 1318 James Dickson, for 10^^ days Carting, 10/, 5..5..0 (1326). 1319 Samuel Long, for 9>4 & ^ days do., 10/, 4..19..2 (1375). 1320 John Brown, for 3^ days, 7/6, 1..6..3 (1331). 1321 John Woods, for 7^ days, 7/6, 2..14..4 (1369). 1322 William Morres, for 2 days, 10/, 1..0..0. 1323 Thomas Beale, for 10;^ days overseeing, 6/, 3. .4.. 6 (1325). 1324 John Harrigan, for two days Labour omitted in the over- seers last return, 7..6. 1325 Thomas Beale, for Posts & Setting one, 7..6 (1359). 1326 James Dickson, for 3 days paving, @ 6/, a Labourer to attend him 3 days, @ 3/9, 3 Loads Sand per Accot., 1..12..3, 148 RECORDS OF 1327 Simon Lawdigen, for Smith's work, ..6..0. N. B. — One order for Thomas Beale's two Accots., viz.: 72/. September 21st, 1791. 1328 At the House of Mr. Robert Walsh, present Air. Robert Walsh, Mr. James Sterett & the Clerks, examining the Books & Treasurer's Accots. it was discovered that an Order had been drawn in favour of Jacob Rothrock for £5..0..0 dated Novembr. 3rd, 1790, and not entered in this book, nor to the credit of the Treasurer. Baltimore, 27th. Sept., 1791. Special Commissioners Mett. Present: John Mickle. Robert Walsh. John Hammond. Mich'l Diffenderfeer. Patrick Bennett. George Franciscus. 1329 An order was drawn authorizing the Treasurer, James Sterett, Esq., to pay Thomas Rutter, Esq., for costs of suit agst. James Brown & Philip Yeiser, £17..18..4. 1330 And also an order to retain his Commission on £1123. .8.. 7 at 1>4 per Cent, is 14..0..10. 1331 John Brown presented an Accot. for £2.. 3.. 11 for which an order was drawn the 17th. Instant for £1..6..3 on Accot. and this evening for the Balance an order was drawn 0..17..8. 1332 John Russell presented an Accot. for Carting done in Liberty Street, £1..5..0. 1333 Information was given that Mrs. Gardner's Chimney was on fire 19th. Sept., 1791, witness John Chessroe — charge J. Traverse. Notice given. 1334 On the representation of Mr. Erasmus Uhler that the West end of the Bridge crossing Charles Street is exposed above ground and that Carriages passing over the same will injure it, Mr. Uhler proposes to cover and secure the said Bridge with earth if this Board will allow him some com- pensation for the same. Resolved that three pounds be allowed Mr. Uhler for so doing. Adjourned until! Thursday at 4 o'Clock P. M. 29th. Inst. BALTIMORE) CITY 149 Baltimore, 29 Sept., 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Robert WaivS^. Patrick Bennett. John Mickee;. John Hammond. Robert Walsh. Mich'l Diffenderffer. Orders were drawn in favour of the following persons, Vizt. : 1335 Mr. Michael Dififenderffer for 33 days attendance, @ 5/, £8..05..0. 1336 Mr. Robert Walsh for 31 do., 5/, 7..15..0. 1337 Mr John Hammond for 31 do., 5/, 7..15..0. 1338 Mr. John Mickle for 28 do., 5/, 7..0..0. 1339 Mr. George Franciscus for 28 do. 5/, 7..0..0. 1340 Mr. Patrick Bennett for 22 do., 5/, 5..10..0. 1341 Mr. Joshua Barney for 3 do., 5/, ..15..0. Special Commissioners 176 days 1342 Mr. William McCreary, for Comptrolling Accots., 1..0..0. 1343 Mr. George P. Keesports for ditto, 1..0..0. 1344 Mr. John Weatherburn for ditto, 1..0..0 (1345). 1345 John Weatherburn presented an Accot. proved, for Money advanced the Board of Commissioners in 1782 twenty five pounds — deducting from said sum the pavement in the front of the House he then occupied in Baltimore street con- taining 22^ feet front at 12/6 per foot, is fourten pounds one shilling & three pence the Balance, for which an order is drawn is £10..18..9 (1346). 1346 Whereas Mr. Hezekiah Waters the late Clerk to this Board has neglected to post the Books and has left undone many things relative to that Office which have since been performed by John Weatherburn the present Clerk. Re- solved that the Sum of three pounds be paid to John Weatherburn for said services and that Mr. H. Waters be charged with the same, and that the Collector have the directions of this Board to collect the same from Mr. H. Waters together with the Balance due by him and that if Mr, Waters should refuse to pay those several sums, that 150 RECORDS OF the Treasurer have orders to bring suit against him. j3^^ An order was drawn in favour of Daniel Diffenderffer for the use of his House and Candle from 25th. Septr., 1791, to this date is three months, @ 100/ per annum, £1..13..4. Sundry Accounts were presented, Vizt. : jg^g William Parks for carting 32 Loads earth, @ 8d, 1..1..8 (1363). J349 Benjamin Wells, 6 do., 8d, 4..0. J350 Henry Krinkle, 45 do., 8d., 1..10..0 (1360). J351 Aquila Milden, 30 do., 8d., 1..0..0 (1364). J3J.2 Isaac Harp, 24 do., 8d, ..16..0 (1361). 1353 John Bivan, 12 do., 8d, ..8.. (1365). 1354 James Hughes, 22 do., 8d, ..14..8 (1362). Baltimore-Town, Saturday, 22nd October, 1791. 1355 Agreeable to notice given by the Clerk in writing the new Elected members to compose the Board of Special Commis- sioners for Baltimore Town, Met at the House of Mr. Wil- liam Evans, and being waited on by George Salmon, Esq., they were Severally qualified by Oath or Affirmation to execute the said office and Duty of Special Commissioners for Baltimore-Town, Vizt. : Paul Bentalou. James Wignall. John HillEn. John Coulter. Joseph Blvys. Qualified by oath. John Mickle. John Brown. Qualified by affirmative. Tames Sterett, Esquire, as Treasurer ; John Weatherburn, as Clerk ; John Traverse, as Collector, were continued in their respective offices (1377). Permission was granted to some young Gentlemen (gratis) to exhibit the Tragedy of "Gustavus Vasta" with a Earce, &c., being ior a Charitable purpose. 1356 The Clerk was requested to procure the original Law for the appointment of the Special Commissioners for Balti- BALTIMORE CITY 151 more Town and the several Supplements relative to the Same. vizt. : Eight Setts (1399). 1357 And also to inform Thomas Dewitt that the Board will meet at his house on Saturday evening next the 29th. Inst, at Candle Lighting. Adjourned untill 29th. Inst, to meet at Thomas Dewitt's. Baltimore Town, Tuesday, 2nd. November, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Hillen. John Brown. James Wignale. John Micklk. John Coulter. Joseph Biays. j35g Resolved that a Bridge near Mr. Hillen's Hay Scales in Stiger's addition to Baltimore Town, be repaired, and that the same be done by the direction of Mr. John Brown. 1359 Sundrie persons presented Accounts for Carting done under Thomas Beale, Overseer, to 30th. September, 1791,. at Market House (1370). j3gQ Henr}' Krinkle for Carting 29 Loads, @ 8d, £0..19..4. " 1361 Jacob Hart 18 do., 8d, 0..12..0. i3g2 James Hughes 110 do. 8d, 3.. 13. .4. '> i3g3 William Parks 104 do., 8d, 3..9..4. 1364 Aquilla Mildue 75 do., 8d, 2..10..0. , 1365 John Bivens 105 do., 8d, 3..10..0. 1366 James Doughty, 17 do., 8d, 11. .4. 1367 Daniel Hughes 44 do., 8d, 1..9..4. 1368 James McFarren, 7 do., 8d, 4..8. 1369 William Wood, say John R. Wood 73 do., 6d, 1..16..6. 1370 Thomas Beale for overseeing 7 days, 6/, 2..2..0. 1371 John Bull for overseeing 5 days, 6/, 1..10.,0; total, £22..7..10. Adjourned untill Saturday 5th. Inst, 152 re:cords of Baltimore Town, 5th. November, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Coulter. Paul Bdntalou. John Hillen. James Wignall. John Mickle. 1372 John Traverse presented a List of Tavern K,eepers in Town as assesed by him amounting in number to 56, @ £5 each is £280, with which Mr. Traverse must be charged. 1373 Thomas Rutter, Esq.. solicited permission to have the privilege of gathering the manure and other dirt off certain Streets in Town. Adjourned untill Saturday 12th. Instant. Baltimore, Monday, 7th. November, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: Paul Bentalou. James Wignall. John Hillen. John Mickle. 1374 It having been proposed that the Clerk should draft a Petition to the Plon'ble the General Assembly. Praying an additional Tax per foot on every foot fronting on the streets. Lanes & Alley's to be paved — and rated in proportion to the different width of the said Streets, Lanes, & Alley's, and the said petition being this day presented to the Board — the same was by the present Board presented to Colo. Sam- nel Smith & David McMechen, Esquires, representatives in General Assembly for the Town of Baltimore requesting their patronage to the said Petition. Baltimore, Saturday 12th November, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John Brown. John MicklE. • John Hillen. James Wignall. BALTIMORE; CITY 153 Sundry Accounts were presented as follows — Vizt. : 1375 Samuel Long for carting 85 Loads dirt to Markett Space. 8d, this was omitted by Theo. Beale in his last return, £2..16..8. 1376 John A. Hamilton for repairing in Markett Street, tor stones, Sand, Labour, &c., 4..1L.0; total, £7..7..8 (1379). 1377 Ordered that the Clerk give notice in the Alaryland Jour- nal & the Maryland Gazette — of John Travers being ap- pointed Collector to this Board, for the year 1791 (1392). 1378 Charge John Traverse with 40/, to be collected from Jacob Echelberger and the same from William Evans, as fines for their Chimneys being on fire, the former on or about the 9th Instant witness John Newton & John Hassel- back — the Latter on this day witness John Brown Currier & William Jenkins — notice given. And also with the same to be collected from Thomas Beale for his Chimney being on fire about the 8th. Instant — notice given (1390). Adjourned till Saturday next, 19th. Inst. Baltimore, Saturday, 19th. November, 1791. Special Commissioners. Present: PauIv Bentalou. John Hillen. John Micki^e;. James Wignai^l. Joseph Biays. 1379 John G. Hamilton presented an Accot. for Sundry paving done in Charles Street leading into Sundry alleys, &c., com- municating with said Street, amounting to £25..6..6. 1380 Ordered that the Clerk give Notice in the Maryland Jour- nal & in the Gazette that proposals will be received on Sat- urday next from any person for cleaning the Streets of this Town (1381). Adjourned till Saturday next 26 Inst. 154 RECORDS OF Baltimore, Saturday, 3rd. December, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : PauIv Bentalou. John Hillen. John Mickle. James Wignall. Joseph Biays. John Brown. 1381 Resolved, That Mr. David Stodder hath forfeited his exclusive right to carry the Manure and Dirt off the Streets, by neglecting to perform his contract in the premises (1382). 1382 Sundry application having been made for Privilege to clean the streets of Baltimore Town pursuent to Notice given 19th Ultio. (No. 1380). The Town was therefore divided into districts as follows, and let to the several persons whose names are thereto annexed for the term of one year com- mencing the First — (Trustees of Poor), As much of Baltimore Street as from the East side of Calvert Street, as far as the pave- ment extends in said Baltimore Street or may hereafter Extend within that period, — all the paved parts of Calvert Street, — Water Street to the westward of Calvert Street, — Public Alley, — Light Street, — Charles Street.- — and Pratt Street — or any other street lane or alley to the westward of said Calvert Street that is or may be paved before the expiration of this agreement is let to the Trustees of the Poor on the personal application of Messrs. Peter Hoffman, George Presstman & David Brown (Potter). Second — (John Gray), That part of Baltimore Street from the east side of Calvert Street to the East side of South Street, — and the paved parts of all the following Streets, &c.. \\z. — The Lane extending North from and Parallel with South Street. — Lovely Lane and Water Street between South and Calvert Streets, and any Street. Lane or Alley, or anv part thereof that may be paved in this district within the period or this agreement. Let to Mr. John Gray on the personal application of his Son. BALTIMORE CITY 155 Third — (Thos. McEMerry), That part of Baltimore Street from the east side of South Street to the east side of Gay Street — and the paved part of all the following Streets, &c., Vizt. — Gay street to the southward of Baltimore Street & Water Street between Gay & South Streets — and any Street Lane or Alley or any part thereof that may be paved in this district within the period of this agreement. Let to Mr. Thomas ^IcElderry on his personal application. Fourth (Thos. Rutter), That part of Baltimore Street, from the east side of Gay Street to the west side of Market Space, and the paved part of all the following Street, &c., V^izt. — Gay street north of Baltimore Street, — Bridge Street, and Frederick Street, and any Street, lane or Alley or any part thereof that may be paved in this District within the period of this Agreement. Let to Thomas Rutter, Esq., on his personal application. Fifth (James Sterling), That part of Baltimore Street, from the west side of Market Space or Harrison Street South to the Centre Bridge and the paved part of the follow- ing Streets, &c., Vizt. — Market Space or Harrison Street South, and Harrison Street North, and any Street, Lane or Alley or any part thereof that may be paved in this District within the period of this Agreement. Let to Mr. James Sterling on his personal application. (Commissioners to Scavengers), Resolved, that each of the contractors for cleaning and carrying away the dirt and Manure off the Streets, Sec, in Baltimore Town, Receive a Commission from the Clerk — naming the particular Streets, Lanes & Alleys let to each of the said Contracting parties respectively — that the said Commission be signed by the Clerk & Sealed with the Seal of this Board. (Scavengers to give Bond). Resolved, that each of the said Contracts for Cleaning said Streets in Baltimore Sign an obligation for the performance of said Contract — and the Clerk is hereby ordered to Draft obligations for that purpose (1384). 156 RECORDS OF 1383 John Weatherbiirn presented an Accot. for 3 months Salary due 26th Ulto. for which he received an Order, £5..0..0 (1430). Adjourned 'till Saturday next 10th. Instant. Baltimore, Saturday, 10th. December, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John HillEn. John Mickle. James Wignele. Paue Bentaeou. Joiix Brown. 1384 The Clerk produced the several Commissions for the respective Contractors for cleaning the Streets, Lanes & Alleys as let to them per their respective Contracts in page 168,* and the several Obligations drafted by him, intended to be signed by the said Contractors respectively — which being read, were approved and orders given to the Clerk to deliver their Commissions and get their Obligations executed by them respectively. 1385 (Nuisances to be Removed), Resolved, that the Clerk give Notice in the Maryland Journal, the Gazette, and the Dayly Paper, of persons being appointed to carry the Dirt and Manure off the Streets, &c., and request all persons having any Lumber, Rubbish or any nuisance whatever lying on the Streets, &c., to remove the said Nuisances by the first day of January next on penalty of having the Law put in force against them ; and to publish such Clauses of the Act, entitled "An Act for the more effectual paving the Streets in Pjaltimore Town, &c.," as relates to the duty of the Scavengers, the penalties imposed on certain neglects and abuses, and the duty of the Citizens in promoting the Cleanliness & Health of the Town. 1386 On the application of John Traverse complaining that Francis De Blocke refuses to pay his Chimney fine : Re- solved that the fine must be paid and all distinction avoided. 1387 On the application of John Traverse relative to a Dray- man who has had a Dray about four months, and refuses to pay the tax untill he has been in possession of his dray for *Page 155 of this book. BAI.TIMORK CITY 157 one whole year. This board is of opinion that any person being in possession of a Dray or any other enumerated Tax- able Article at the time of taking the General assessment which being taken but once per annum, the person so pos- sessed must pay the stipulated tax. 1388 Resolved, That John Traverse be, & he is hereby ap- pointed to detect and point out abuses of every Nature under the cognizance of this board and finable by Law, for which he shall be allowed over and above his Commission two Shillings for each abuse so pointed out by him, on which the penalty shall be recovered. 1389 Mr. John Brown presented an account for Cash paid by him for Seven Copies of the Laws of November, 1782, & Seven Copies of the Laws of November, 1789, being one copy of each Session for each member of this Board, and for which he received an Order on the Treasurer, £5..3..1. John Weatherburn, Clerk. Adjourned. Baltimore, 17th. December, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Hillen. James Wignall. John Mickle. John Brown. Charge John Travers with Sundry fines to be Collected by him, Vizt. : 1390 Christian Wine for his two Chimney's on fire 28. Novr., 1791, witness Martin Fletcher & Jacob Stidger ; John Starck for his Chimney being on fire 13th Instant, witness Gabl. Gill, 40/ each Chimney (1394). 1391 Charge John Traverse with the amount of a Bond given by him to the Board dated 1791 for £489; being the Horse Tax & Carriage tax, £314..0..0; Billiard Table Tax, 175..0..0; total, 489..0..0. 1392 Ordered that the Clerk give Notice that John Traverse is appointed to Collect the Taxes for Paving Charles Street, 1393 Resolved that Mr. Alexander Placide (who was permitted to exhibited Tumbling & Rope Dancing by this Board the 158 RRCORDS OF 26th Ultio. on paying Six Dollars for each performance) pay for each performance after the 10th Instant the Sum of four Dollars and that John Traverse Collect the Same (1396). Adjourned till Saturday 31st. Inst. Baltimore, 31st. December, 1791. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Hille;n. Paul Bentalou. Jamus Wignall. John Mickle. Joseph Biays. 1394 Charge John Traverse with Gibson's (Carpenter) fine for his Chimney being on Fire Instant, witness Andw. Scott & Cath. Butler, 40/. 1395 Thomas Sheppard presented an Accot. for Smith's work done in Septemr., 1791. Amount & order given, 16/. 1396 Mr. Alexander Placide having complained that his Exhi- bitions in Tumbling, &c., was not much encouraged and that Six dollars for each Exhibition was too severe — there- fore resolved that he pay four Dollars for every exhibition from his commencement as long as he may continue to per- form. Charge John Traverse with five Exhibitions of Mr. Placide, @ 30/ each. 1397 Resolved that a Person, Mr. Causey, Exhibiting Scripture pieces at John Millers in Bridge Street be fined four Dollars for Exhibiting without permission, and that he be fined four Dollars for every Exhibition hereafter untill he get legal permission from this Board — or from one of the Special Commissioners untill this Board Meet, and John Traverse is to be charged with the said fine of 4 Dollars (1401). 1398 Resolved that Mr. Bowen who is now Exhibiting Wax- Figures at Mr. John Starck's, have permission for the said Exhibition & that he pay for the same £5 for the time he may continue in Town — charge John Traverse with same £5 (1402). BALTIMORE) CITY 159 1399 Resolved that the Clerk obtain Eight Copies of the Laws of the present Session for the use of this Board. Adjourned untill this day two weeks. John Weatherburn, Clerk. Baltimore, 14th. January, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Joseph Biays. John HillEn. John Brown. Paul Blntalou. Jamls Wignall. 1400 John Brown & Englehard Yeiser received a resolve of the Board 7th September Last — allowing them ten pounds for repairing the Street at the intersection of Holliday & Fish Street, they the said John Brown & Englehard Yeiser — have this evening applyed and exhibited an Account of the Expenses of said repairs and requests a further allowance; the Board therefore resolve that Mr. John Brown of this Board, Mr. Mickle, Mr. Hillen be and are appointed to view the premises before any further allowance be made ; and report to next Meeting (1413). 1401 Mr. Causey, who is Exhibiting Scripture peices in Town having paid four Dollars as a fine for Exhibiting the said peices without permission ; Resolved that he have permis- sion to continue the said Exhibition on paying the further sum of one Dollar. 1402 Mr. Bowen applyed to have his Tax reduced this Board on a further consideration thinks his Tax reasonable, it is therefore continued agreably to Resolve of Last meeting. 1403 Araballa Young is fined 40/ — for her chimney being on fire the 12th Inst., witness, Briscoe. Charge John Traverse with the same, with Bowen's Tax, & with Mr. Causey's further tax of 7/6. John Weatherburn, Clerk. Adjourned till 28th. Inst. 160 RECORDS OF Baltimore, 28 Januar}^ 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present: Paul Bkntalou. John Hillen. James Wignell. John Mickle. 1404 John Traverse having warranted Gibson a Carpenter for his Chimney fine, and for want of Sufficient proof he was non-suited and paid cost 7/5, for which he presented an Accot. & received an order, £0..7..5 (1448). 1405 Charge John Traverse with following Chimney fines, Vizt. : Abraham Stenaman 1 Chimney, witness Dan Breton, 40/, 21st ; Gen. O. H. Williams 1 do., witness John Mowton, 40/ ; with thirty one fines imposed to enforce the removal of nuisances out of the Streets, at 5/ each, £7..15..0; deducting 2/ for each fine his Commission. 3..2..0; balance, 4..13..0. 1406 The Commissioners proceeded to appoint a Committee of three to meet a Committee from the Board of Port Wardens to digest and form a Scheme of a Lottery agreably to an Act of the General Assembly of this State passed last Ses- sion authorizing said Lottery, &c. Messrs. Paul Bentalou, John Hillen & Joseph Biays were appointed on said Committee. 1407 Resolved that the members now present meet at Mr. John Mickle's on some day before next meeting in order to waite on the Attorney General to have his opinion & in- structions relative to the Law setting the assize of Bread (1410). 1408 A Petition was presented to this Board by Mr. James Long signed by sundry Inhabitants residing in Baltimore Street between South & Gay Streets — requesting that a Pum}) be Sett in the said Square. — The said Petition not being signed by a Sufficient Number of Property Holders in the said Square — is returned to Mr. Long in order to obtain the number of Signers being property holders — required by Law (1418). Adjourned untill this night two weeks. John Weatherburn. Clerk. Baltimore: city 161 Baltimore. 11th February. 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Paul Blntalou. John Hillen. James Wignall. John Mickle;. Jose;ph Biays. John Brown. John Coultlr. 1409 John Mickle presented an Accot. for money paid for lining a part of the Plat of Baltimore with Linen including the cost of the Linen, &c.. £0..7..2 (1411). 1410 A Committee having been appointed last Meeting to waite on Luther Martin. Esq., Attorney General, to get his opinion relative to the Law setting the assize of Bread, &;c. — the said Committee report that they have repeatedly waited on Luther Martin, Esq.. but have not yet obtained his opinion thereon (1412), 1411 John Mickle presented an Accot. for filling and Leveling Hanover Street at the Intersection of Cambden Street.. £16..1..9; and also an Account for Paving Stone purchased, to pave between the Centre Market Houses — and for Cart- ing. £18..1..0 (1448). 1412 The Members of this board who waited on Luther Martin,. Esq., are now appointed to draft a petition to the General; Assembly of this state, setting forth the defficiacies of the^ Law for the regulation of the Assize of Bread, and Pray that the said Law may be revised & such compensation granted as to them may appear requisite for obtaining the purpose required by said Law (1420). 1413 The Committee appointed the 14th Instant to view the re- pairs done by John Brown Curryer and Englehard Yeiser at the Intersection of Holliday & Fish Streets. — Do report that they have received the same ; and this Board now re- solve that any further allowance for the said repairs cannot be made by this Board (1422). 1414 Joseph Biays and John Brown (Potter) are appointed to purchase Plank to cover the Lower & upper Bridges, Vizt. : 1G2 RECORDS OF the Brids^e running with Water Street over Jones's falls — and that rung-, with Gay and Bridge Street over said Falls. 1415 Resolved that the fine imposed on Mr. McCaskey for a Billiard Table for 1791 be remitted, he having sold the said Table early in the said year of 1791 (1427). 1416 Mr. John Brown presented an Accot. for repairing dif- ferent Bridges over the Falls and on the east side of the Falls. £4.A..6 (1455). 1417 Air. John Hillen presented an Account for Cutting down a Puni]) in Water Street and paving where said pump stood, £0..4.10. Adjourned untill 25th Inst, to met at four o'Clock P. M. John Weatherburn. Baltimore, 25th Februar^^ 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : PauIv Bentalou. James Wignall. John MickeE. John Coulter. Joseph Biays. John HillEn. 1418 A petition from the Inhabitants & Property Holders in Baltimore Street between South & Gay streets, was pre- sented by Mr. James Long praying that a Pump be Sunk in said District. jNIessrs. John Mickle, James Wignall, Paul Bentalou and John Hillen are appointed a Committee to view the premises and fix on a place for Sinking & erecting said Pump (1423). 1419 Mr. Robert Walsh gave Information that during the Sherifi^alty of Henry Stevenson, the Court of Baltimore County, granted the sum of £200 for the purpose of repair- ing one of the Bridges on Jones's Falls and that the said Stevenson Collected the sum so granted, but as 3'ct has not paid it into the hands of the Special Commissioners. In consequence of this Information — the Board have appointed James Wignall & John Hillen to waite on the County Clerks for Baltimore, and make the necessary Inquiry respecting the premises and report thereon at next meeting (1428). Baltimore: city 163 1420 The Committee appointed last meeting to draft a Petition to the General Assembly for the purpose therein Mentioned are still continued (1443). Charge John Traverse as follows, Vizt. : 1421 With two pounds ten shillings, money received from the sale of Hogs. with two pounds — Marcus McCausland's fine for his Chimney being on fire 23rd Inst., witness James Sloan, and with two pounds, Mr. Richard Curson's fine for his Chimney being on fire, making altogether £6..10..0. The following Plan* of a Lottery is agreed upon by a Com- mittee from this Board — and a Committee from the Board of Port Wardens for Baltimore Town, agreably to appoint- ment of this Board of 28th Ulto., and under the following JManagers, being five members from the Board of Wardens, & four members from this Board, Vizt. : Samuel Smith. George Salmon. Paul Bentalou. Jamijs Calhoun. Joseph Biays. Thomas Johnson. John HillEn. John Stricker. John MicklE. Members of the P. Wardens. Members of this Board. 6000 Tickets at 4 Dollars each are 24,000 Dollars 1 Prize of 3,000 Dollars 1 Ditto of 1,000 Ditto 1 Ditto of 500 Ditto 2 Ditto of 250 dollars ea. are 500 Ditto 5 Ditto of 100 do 500 Ditto 10 Ditto of 50 do 500 Ditto 20 Ditto of 20 do 400 Ditto 30 Ditto of 10 do 300 Ditto 1930 Ditto of 5 do 9,650 Ditto 2000 Prizes 16,350 4000 Blanks Gain 7,650 24,000 6000 Tickets '•'This record relative to the Lottery is erroneous. See it in page 165. 1G4 RECORDS OF Resolved by the Managers of the afores;aid Lotter>^ That each Managers or other person appointed to sell Tickets, present either Cash or notes of hand for all the Tickets sold by him, or be accountable therefore to the Treasurer who shall be appointed by the Managers. 1422 John Brown Currier & Englehard Yeiser — received an Order on the Treasurer agreeably to a resolve of this Board of 7 September, 1791 — for repairs done on Holliday & Fish Streets at their Intersection, say £10. Adjourned 'till Saturday 4 o'Clock 10th. March. John Wkatherburn, Clerk. Baltimore, 27th. February, 1792. A Special Meeting, persuant to appointment on Saturday evening last — Present : John Mickle. James Wignell. PauIv Bentalou. John Hillen. 1423 Met to fix on a Place to erect a Pump in Baltimore Street between South & Gay Streets, having viewed the premises do determine that it be Sunk on the South Side of said Bal- timore Street about two feet westward of an Alley which divides the Houses now occupied by John Hillen & David Williamson, and James Long is appointed to superintend the Sinking the Well & erecting said Pump. 1424 Resolved That Mr. John Mickle Sett his Carts to work to fill up the Space round the Lower part of the Center Market and Mr. Mickle agrees to Superintend the same (1439). Adjourned. John Weatherburn, Clerk. Baltimore, 5 March, 1792. At a Special Meeting of the Special Commissioners at Frederick Decker's in Howard Street. Present: Paul Bentalou. James Wignell. John Mickle. John Brown. John Hillen. BALTIMORE CITY IGo 1425 Mr. Jacob Stidger applied to this Board to know what width the foot pavements are to l)e in Howard Street, in order to know where to sett a Pump in said Street — there- fore Resolved unanimously that the distance from the walls of the Houses, to the Posts, be Fourteen feet (1429). Adjourned. John W^atherburn, Clerk. Baltimore, 25th February, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Paul Bentalou. James Wigneee. John Mickle. John Coulter. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. 1426 The Following Scheme of a Lottery and Plan of Con- ducting the Same agreeably to an Act of the General As- sembly of Maryland being a Supplement to an Act En- titled "An Act for the more Effectual paving the Streets, &c., of Baltimore Town and for other purposes therein men- tioned." Is agreed on by this Board and under the direction of the Following Managers, being five members of the Board of Port Wardens & four Members of the Board of Special Commissioners ; the whole to be Submitted to the Board of Port-Wardens for their approbation. Samuel Smith. George Salmon, James Calhoun. Thomas Johnson. John StrickER. Members of the Port Wardens. Paul Bentalou. Joseph Biays. John HillEn. John MicklE. Members of the Special Coiniuissrs. 166 RECORDS OF 4500 Tickets, @ 5 Dollars each are 22,500 Dollars 1 Prize of 4,000 Dollars 1 Ditto of 1,000 Ditto 2 Ditto of 500 each are. . . . 1,000 Ditto 3 Ditto of 250 each are 750 Ditto 8 Ditto of 100 each are 800 Ditto 10 Ditto of 50 each are 500 Ditto 20 Ditto of 20 each are 400 Ditto 30 Ditto of 10 each are 300 Ditto 1400 Ditto of 6 each are 8.400 Ditto 1475 Prizes 17,150 3025 Blanks Gain 5,350 22,500 4500 Gain as per the above Scheme Dollars 5,350 Prizes of 50 Dollars & upwards subject to a deduc- tion of 121^ per Cent will be on 8050 Dollars 1,0061^ £2383..11..10>^ Dollars 6,356^ Resolved, That each Manager present either Cash or Notes of hand for all Tickets sold by him, or be accountable for the Same to the Treasurer who Shall be appointed by the Managers (1432). John Weatherburn, Clerk. N. B. By the amendment of the Board of Port Wardens for Baltimore Town the above Scheme is adopted, the de- duction on Certain prizes excepted, which will reduce the gain to 5350 Dollars as above stated (1432). Baltimore, 10 March, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : James Wignele. Paul Bentalou. John Mickle. John PIieeEn. 1427 At a meeting of this ]5oard 11th february last a resolve passed, remitting Alexander McCaskey's Tax for a Billiard Baltimore; city 167 Table for 1791 by reason of a Letter from the said Alex- ander McCaskey, setting" forth that his Table was sold on the 9th Day of February, 1791, since which resolve this Board has reason to believe that the said Table was used in his House long after the said 9th february, 1791 ; Resolved therefore that the said x\lexander McCaskey be recjuested to meet this board at their next meeting" the 17th Inst, in order that this Board may be enabled to learn the truth relative to said Table (1433). 1428 Mr. John Hillen & Capt. James Wignell were appointed last meeting" to waite on the County Clerke to know relative to the money Collected by Henry Stevenson, Late Sheriff for Building or repairing a Bridge over Jones's Falls — They not having" made the necessary inquiry, are continued to exe- cute the same. 1429 The Persons possessing property on Howard Street pre- sented a petition praying to have Howard Street paved from Saratoga Street to the intersection of Baltimore Street — the Members of this Board now Present, therefore Resolve that they will meet on the premisses on Saturday 17th. to view the same in order to come to some determination thereon (1431). 1430 John Weatherburn presented an Accot. for three months Salary due 26h Ultimo., for which he reed, an Order on the Treasurer, £5..0..0 (1440). Adjourned untill 17th. Inst, at 4 o'Clock. John Wkatherburn, Clerk. Baltimore, 17th. March, 1792. 1431 Agreeably to a Resolve of this Board on Saturday last 10th. Instant — the Board did meet in Howard Street A. M. Present : James Wignicll. John Brown. John Mickle. Paul Be;ntalou. John Hillen. lt)8 RECORDS OF Rcs^ (1469). 1477 Joseph Biays for repairs done on Wilks Street, 5..5..0. Total, £69..0.7>4 (1470). Baltimore, 19th. May, 1792. At a Special Meeting. Present : Paul Bentalou. John Mickle. John Brown. James Wignell. John HillEn. Joseph Biays. 1478 Resolved that this Board Meet on Saturday 9th. June next on Rogers's Addition to Baltimore Town — in order to take into consideration the request of the Proprietor of a ♦Means John Brown, a Potter by trade. bai,timore: city 177 principal part of said Addition for permission to inclose the same, agreably to an Act of Assembly passed November Session, 1791, and that Notice of said meeting be given by advertisement in Goddard & Angel's — and in David Gra- ham's papers (1479). Baltimore, 9th. June, 1792. Special Commissioners Met, agreeably to Notice given, on Rogers's Addition to Baltimore Town. Present: Joseph Biays. Paul Bentalou. John Brown. John MicklE. 1479 Who having viewed the premises for the purpose of Granting permission to the proprietor to enclose the same under fence. The Board decline for the present coming to any decision on the Business — but agree to resume it at their stated meeting on Saturday the 23rd. Instant (1490). Same day the Commissioners met of course at their usual place of Meeting at 5 o'Clock P. M. Present: John Coulter. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. John Brown. John Mickle. 1480 John Traverse reported to the Clerk that he had received for Plogs sold ten dollars, and that he was also chargable with seven half Tavern Licences, @ 50/ each — the Board refused to take Cognizance of this manner of giving in Ac- counts and request Mr. Traverse will state an Account how many hogs were sold — the prices, & who sold to — and also the Names of the persons who have obtained Tavern Licences at last Court. 1481 A Memorial from the persons holding property on Pratt Street between Hanover & Sharp Streets was presented praying that the same be paved. Therefore Resolved that the said described part of Pratt Street be paved as soon as convenient. 178 RECORDS OP 1482 ^Ii"- Jo^ii^ Mickle presented an Account for repairing Charles Street to the South of Pratt Street, amounting to £45. .3. .3 which Sum Mr. Mickle requires no order for at present as some of the property holders have subscribed to the loan of one Hundred Dollars for one year for the pur- pose of paying the said bill ; the remainder of the Account say £7.. 13. .3, the Holders of property on said Street agree to pay, as the said repairs extending outside the Limits of the Town — it is understood that the said Loaned 100 Dollars shall be paid out of the Treasury of this Board at the Ex- piration of one year as per contract signed for the same clear of Interest (1476). Accounts presented: 1483 John Mickle for repairs in Sundry places, for Sand & 14 Ton Stone, £19..19..3 (1482). 1484 John Weatherburn for 3 months Salary due 26th. last month, £7..10..0, and for drawing a List of Taxables in Town containing 982 names at 7/6 per 100 names is £3..13..8, 11..3..8 (1440). 1485 Joseph Biays for repairs on Fells point, 4..7..6 (1477). 1486 John Brown for repairs on Sundry Streets on the east side of Jones's Falls. 35..15.. 5 (1468). Total, £71..5.. 10. Adjourned untill Saturday 23d. Inst. Baltimore, 16th. June, 1792. At a Meeting by Special appointment. Present : Paul Bi^ntalou. John Mickle;. James Wignlll. John HillEn. 1487 John A. Hamilton presented the Accounts for paving the Space betwen the Centre Market Houses opposite Second Street. Vizt. : 24^ yards, @ 5d, 15.. 1. .9; Carter & Labourers attending the Paviours, 21..5..103^ ; His attendances as Over- seer, Leveling, &c.. 4..17..6; Carting 440 Loads Sand, @ 9d, and 1 Cedar Post, 2/8, 16..12..8; total, £57..17..9>^. 1488 A petition from Wilks's Lane praying that the same be paved. Resolved that it be paved as soon as convenient. 1489 Resolved that the Time allowed for repairing the foot BAIvTiMORi; CITY 179 ways (see No. 1445, pag-e 183)* be prolonged untill the 1st day of August next, and that the Clerk publish this resolve in the News papers, seting forth that the Scarcity of Bricks have been the means of preventing the said footways being paved agreably to the former resolve of this Board. Adjourned untill Saturday 23rd. Inst. Baltimore, 23rd. June, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Jame;s WigneIvI.. John Mickle;. Joseph Biays. John HilIvEn. 1490 Memorials and representations were laid before the Board by Mr. William Patterson & James Calhoun, Esq., praying permission to Enclose Rogers's Addition to Baltimore Town the Board postpone any determination relative to the said representations at present. 1491 John Traverse personally reported the Sale of a Seized Hog to Mr. Bosley for 12/6; deduct his Commission, &c., 6/3, Neat proceeds, 6/3 — Charge John Travers therewith. Adjourned untill 30th. Inst., Saturday. Baltimore, 30 June, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John Micklk. John Brown. James Wignei.Iv. John Hieeen. 1492 Mr. Thomas Harden requested permission to Exhibit a Lion in Baltimore Town. Resolved therefore that the said Thomas Harden have permission to Exhibit his Lion in Bal- timore Town for any time not Exceeding three Months from this date, on paying five pounds Current Money for a License of permission for so doing. John Weatherburn, late Clerk to this Board, having re- signed, the following applications were made to succeed him *Page 171 in this book. 180 RECORDS OF in the said office of Clerk, Vizt. : Jacob Sampson, Hugh Finlay, Mr. Donaldson, Samuel Vincent. The Board proceeded to the choice of a Clerk out of said applicants and Samuel Vincent was unanimously chosen, and he is requested to attend this Board as Clerk at their next Meeting. Adjourned untill Saturday Next, 7 July. Baltimore, 14th July, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John HillFn. James Wignell. Joseph Biays. John MickeE. John Traverse presented an Account for a Judgment ob- tained against the Sped. Commissioners for the Charge of a Chimney fine against Christian Wine, 0..8..6, for which he obtained an Order. John Traverse at same time personally reported the Sale of 3 Hogs, Viz.: 1 sold Dukhart, 1..15..0; 1 sold Cash, 0..11..3; 1 sokKRusk, 1..4..6; commission >^ ; total, 3..10..9; Nt. Proceeds, 1..15..4^. Charge John Traverse therewith. John A. Hamilton presented the following Accounts for Hauling dirt & Gravel to the Centre Market place : To hauling 822 Load, from 16th. June to 29th, @ 9d, 30. 16..6; To hauling 386 Loads, from 30th. June to 7th July, @ 9d, 13..7..0; Orders given for the same, 44.. 3. .6. Agreeable to a Resolve of this Board of the 23d of June, they resume the Consideration of the Propriety of Granting permission to James Calhoun to Enclose part of Rogers's Addition to Baltimore Town according to his Request of 22d of said Month — Do Resolve that the said James Cal- houn have Permission to enclose all that part of the Addi- tion aforesaid contained within the following Bounds & Metes, Vizt.: Beginning at the South East corner of Gist & Bank Streets, running Eastward with the South side of Bank Street to Harris's Creek then with said Creek South- BAIvTlMORK CITY 181 ward to Wilks Street to Gist Street then Northward along the East side of Gist Street to the place of Beginning. Adjourn'd to 28th. Inst. Baltimore, 28th July, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Micklk. Jame;s WigneivIv. John HilIvEn. PauIv Bentalou. John Brown. Joseph Biays. Mr. Jno. Brown presented an Account for Hauling gravel & Dirt to Grunby*, Duke, Bridge and Forrest Streets 749 Loads, @ 6d, 18..14..6; Plank, Labour, &c., repairing upper Bridge, 26.. 3. .9. Order given for the same; total, 44.. 18.. 3. Joseph Bignell presented the following Acct. for which an Order was drawn on the Treasurer, 4 days Labour, @ 3/9, 0..15..0; 1 day hauling dirt & Gravel, 0..10..0; total, 1..5..0. Charge John Traverse with 3/9, received from for Ex- hibiting on the Slack Wire, &c. Mr. C. Paul Bentalou having this day resigned his place as Special Commissioner of Baltimore Town, Mr. George P. Keeports is appointed by the unanimous voice of the Com- missioners present in his stead. Adjourned to the 11th. of August next. Baltimore, 18th. August, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present: John Mickle^. James Wignai^l. John Brown. Joseph Biays. John HillEn. John CouIvTEr. Mr. Joseph Townsend is appointed Commissioner by the Unanimous voice of this Board in the Room of Mr. George *Granby meant. 182 RECORDS OF P. Keeports, who does not accept of the Appointment of the 20th. Ulto. Resolved that the Clerk advertise for the Plat of that part of Baltimore Town to the West of Gay Street. John Traverse is appointed to Collect the Fifteen penny Tax for the present Year. Adjourned to the 1st. September. Baltimore, 22d. August, 1792. A Number of the Inhabitants of Howard Street having Petitioned the Board of Special Commissioners to call a IMeeting in order to consider the Propriety of altering the Resolves of the 17th. March last respecting the Leveling and Breaks of said Street in Consequence of which they have this day Met. Present: John Coulteir. John Brown. John Micklb). James WignelIv. Joseph Biays. John HillEn. Resolved that the pavement Commence According to the Resolve of the 17th March, at the North West corner of George Fisher's House at the corner of Saratoga & How- ard Streets & have one Inch & ^ths of an Inch fall for every ten Feet to the middle of Lexington Street & from thence to the South West corner of Frederick Decker's House to have three Inches & a half Ascent for every ten feet, or thereabout as it may be from thence to the Inter- section of Baltimore Street. Baltimore, 1st Septembr., 1792. Special Commissioners Met agreeable to Adjournment of the Eighteenth Ultimo. Present : Joseph Biays. John Mickle. James Wignell. John Brown. Joseph Townshend. bal,timore; city 183 John Traverse personally reported the Sale of two Hogs, Viz.: 17th. August. 1 Hog for Cash, £2..8..0; 21st August, 1 Do. T. Brown, 2..4..6; total, 4..12..0. Com.f, 2..6..0. Charge John Traverse with Nt. Proceeds, 2..6..0. Resolved that the Collector advertise the Sale of Property Paved by this Board belonging to those who have not Paid for the same. Mr. David Stoddard presented an Acct. for work done in Fleet Street, 8 days Plorse & Cart, @ 7/6, 3..0..0. Gave an Order for the same. Mr. Jno. Weatherburn (late Clk.) presented an Acct. for one Mths. Salary from 26th May to 26th June last, 2..10..0. Gave an Order for the same. Mr. Jno. Traverse is appointed by this Board to take the Assessment for the present Year, for which he is to be al- lowed Twenty Dollars. Adjourned untill Saturday 15th Inst., 4 o'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 22d. Septr., 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : Joseph Biavs. John Hieeen. John Brown. Joseph Townshend. A Memorial from sundry Persons to this Board to Erect a Bridge over the Run at the Intersection of York & Harford Streets into Dulany Street. Resolved that one be built as soon as may be convenient. Hogs Sold per John Traverse as per x-\cct. render'd by him the 15th. Inst., 19..4..4; Com. for Selling, 9..12..2. Nt. Proceeds, £9..12..2. Application of sundry Inhabitants of Liberty Street to have the said Street repair'd. Resolved that the same be done under the Direction of Mr. Jno. Hillen. Adjourn'd to Saturday the 6th. of October next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. tCommission. 184 Ri;CORDS OF Baltimore, 6th. October, 1792: Special Commissioners Met. Present: Joseph Townsend. John MicklE. James WignalE; John HielEn. Joseph Biays. John Coulter. John Brown. John Traverse reported the Sale of 3 Hogs Sold the 18th. Ulto, 2..7..0; Commission on Do., 1..3..6. Nt. Proceeds, 1..3..6. Acct. produced by Jno. Brown for work done at Sundry places as per Acct., 31. .2.. 6. Order given for the above. Another Acct. presented by Joseph Biays for work done at Fells Point, 11..17..2. Order given for the same. Messrs. John Hillen, Jno. Mickle, James Wignall & Joseph Townsend are appointed as a Committee to inspect the Pavement near James Sloans. Saml. Vincent presented his Acct. for 3 Mths Services to 30th Ulto., 7..10..0. Order given for the same. Adjourned to the 13th. Instant. Baltimore, 20th. October, 1792. Special Commissioners Met. Present : John HieeEn. 1 John Coueter. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John MickeE. James Wignale. John Brown, Joseph Townsend & Joseph Biays are ap- pointed to be a Committee to ascertain the Corners of York & Dulany Street at the Intersection of Harford Street in order for fixing the Bridge agreeable to a Resolve of the 22d. Ulto. & to produce a Plan of the same to a future sitting ot this Board. Baltimore: city 185 Charge Jno. Traverse with 7/6 Received from Ben- nett for Exhibiting on the Slack Wire, &c., 0..7..6. Jno. Mickle presented an Acct. for Paving done in St. Pauls Lane, 119.. 1.. 1^1 ; Do. do. for work done in Rogers's Alley, U1..7..2y2 ; Do. do. for work done in Market St. be- tween Liberty & West side of Howard Street, 318.. 15.. 9^4 ; total, 569..4..1>4. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway, 10.. 5. .0. Thos. Dewitt presented an Acct. for the use of his Room, Fire & Candle for one Year due the 29th. Inst., 5..0..0. Goddard & Angel for advertising as per Acct., 5..17..9. Orders drawn for the above Accounts, 590..6..1034- Charge John Traverse with the Amount of Taxes for Paving done in St. Pauls Lane as per List dd.* the Treas- urer, 151. .3. .7; do. for Paving done in Rogers's Alley do. do., 173..9..0; do. for do. in Market Street, do. do., 279..5..0; do. for Amount of fifteen penny Tax on Assessed Property for the present year as per List, 277.. 8.. 3^^ ; do. for Cash Reed, from Thos. Rutter, late Shefif., for Fines Reed, from Persons for Selling Liquors without Licence, 1..10..0. Total, 882..15..11>^. Adjourned to the 3d. November next. Baltimore, 3d. November, 1792. Special Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Biays. " John HillEn. John Mickle. Jamks W^ignaIvL. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Townsend presented an Account for Paving done in Baltimore & Gay Streets, 9..5..2i/<. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway, 8..16..6. Orders given. Resolved that part of Baltimore & York Streets be Graveled & that John Brown & Joseph Townsend superin- tend the same. *Probably means delivered. 186 RECORDS OF" John Traverse is appointed to Collect the Tax for Paving Howard Street. Adjourned to the 17th. Inst. Baltimore, 6th November, 1792. Special Commissioners met. Present : John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. JoHX Brown. John Mickle. James Sterett, Esq., Received an Order from this Board for to retain the Sum of £17.. 18.. 6, being his Commission lyi. per Cent on the Sums of Money received by him from John Traverse, Collector, since last Settlement to this date. John Traverse is allowed by this Board the Sum of ten shillings extraordinary for information & Collecting the fines on Chimnies taking fire, 0..10..0. Ditto Amount of Insolvencies as per List, 153. .8.. 6; do for his Coms. on £ 1316..4..4i/2 Sum Collected exclusive of fifteen penny Tax, Plogs, Seiz'd & Sold & Nuisance Fines, @ 2y2 per Cent, 32.. 18.. 2; do. for his Coms. on £ 134..15..3i/2 Sum Collected in part of 15 penny Tax, @ 8 per Cent, 10.. 15. .7^ ; do. for Balance of 15 penny Tax yet to Collect, 142..13..0; total, 340..5..3>^. Baltimore, 17th. November, 1792. Special Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Biays. John HillEn. James Wignell. John Mickee. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Commissioners attendance to the 16 Inst, from last Set- tlement, Viz. : Jno. Alickle, 39 days, @ 5/. 9..15..0. jno. Ilillen, 38 days, @ 5/, 9..10..0. James Wignell, 38 days, @ 5/, 9..10..0. John Brown. 25 days, @ 5/, 6..5..0. Paul Bentalou. 26 days, @ 5/, 6..10..0. BALTIMORE CITY 187 Joseph Biays, 27 days,-@ 5/, 6..15..0. John Coulter, 11 days, @ 5/, 2..15..0. Joseph Townsend, 6 days, @ 5/, 1..10..0. Total days, 210; total amount, £52..10..0. An Order No. 1 drawn on the Treasurer for that Sum in favor of Joseph Townsend. Stephen Willson for Comptrolling, 1..0..0. Alexander McKim for Ditto. 1..0..0. Saml. Holling-sworth for do., 1..0..0; total, 3..0..0. An Order No. 2 drawn for £3..0..0 in favor of Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway, 6..3..0. An Order No. 3 drawn on the Treasurer. John Hillen presented an Acct. for work done at Peters's Bridge for Repairing Paving in Calvert & Liberty Streets, 9..12..0. An Order No. 4 drawn on the Treasurer for 9..12..0; total, £71..5..0. Charge John Traverse with Garrett Prendeville's Chimney fire (Benj. Baker Evidence), 2..0..0; do. Robert Purviance do. Thos. Donnallen Evidence, 2..0..0; do. Geo. Philpott Evidence, 2..0..0; total, £6..0..0. A Number of the Inhabitants of Wilkes Lane having Peti- tioned this Board for Paving said Lane, it is therefore Re- solved that the same be paved as soon as it may be Con- venient. Adjourned to the 29th. Inst. Baltimore, 29th. November, 1792. Special Commissioners met. Present: John Coulter. James Wignell. Joseph Biavs. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John HillEn. Adjourned to Saturday 15th. December next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 188 re;cords of Baltimore, 22d., December, 1792. Commissioners met. Present : John Hii.le;n. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. James WignelIv. John MicklE. Charge John Traverse with the following Chimney fires to be by him Received, Viz. : Walter Roe, 2..0..0; George Grundy, 2..0..0; James Dey, 2..0..0; Likewise with Nt. Proceeds for Hogs Seiz'd & Sold, 3..0..5; total, 9..0..5. Joseph Townsend presented an Acct. for lowering Front Street & Graveling Baltimore Street, 11..11..2. An Order No. 5 given for the same on the Treasurer. John Brown presented an Acct. for work done in Plow- man Street & the lower Bridge, 70..16..4>^; total, 82..7..6>^. Order No. 6. The Clerk Ordered to advertise for Persons to Contract for cleaning the paved Streets in this Town. Adjourned to the 29th. Inst, for the purpose of laying of the said Streets into Districts for Scavengers the Ensuing Year. Baltimore, 29th. December, 1792. Commissioners agreeable to adjournment. Present: John Hillen. John Coulter. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. James Wignell. An Order No. 7 drawn on the Treasurer in favour of John Traverse for so much allowed him for taking the Assess- ment on Carriages, Horses, Billiard Tables. &c., for the Year 1792 agreeable to a Resolve of the first September last, 7..10..0. BAI^TIMORK CITY 189 Charge John Traverse with a Chimney fine, Mr. Zollikef- fer Witness, House opposite Mr. Gibson in Hanover Street French Family, 2..0..0. Likewise Taxes for property paved in Howard Street, 1149..9..4^; total, 1151. .9..4^. Agreeable to Resolve of last Meeting the paved Streets of this Town were divided into Districts to be reconsidered next Meeting. Adjourned to Saturday next the 5th January, 1793. Baltimore, 5th. January, 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment. Present: John Hii.i.e;n. joskph townsend. Joseph Biays. John Brown. James Wigneee. John Mickle. Sundry Applications made for Privilege to clean the paved Streets of this Town pursuant to Notice Given 26th. Ulto. John Traverse, Collector, having this Day resigned, the following Applications were made to succeed him in his Office : By James Long, William Gordon, George Matthews. The Board proceeded to choose a Collector out of said Applicants and James Long was LTnanimously chosen. Charge James Long with Jesse Dalrymple's Chimney fine (Alex. McCaskey, Witness), 2..0..0. Adjourn'd to 4 O'clock Monday next. Baltimore, 7th, Jany., 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment: Present: John Hileen. John Brown. John Mickle. James Wignele. Joseph Townsend. John C(^uetep 190 RECORDS OF Sainl. X'incent presented an Acct. for 3 Mths. Services as Clk. to 30th. Ult., 7..10..; 3 Quire Paper, 3..4; total, 7..13..4. Order No. 8 on Treasurer. The Town being divided into Districts it was let to the following;" Persons whose names are thereto afifiixed for the term of one Year from the 8th. Inst, for the purpose of cleaning- the same. Viz. : First. To John Brown, to include Bridge Street East of Griffiths Bridge. Second. To James Sterling — To include ^Market space and Plarrison Streets. Third. To Walter Roe— Market Street from Phillpots Bridge to ^^'est side of Frederick Street & Frederick Street North. Fourth. Thomas Rutter. To include Market Street from Frederick Street to Gay Street & all Gay Street South of Griffiths Bridge. Fifth. Thomas McElderry — Market Street from Gay Street to South Street including South Street and North Alley. Sixth. John O'Donnel. The whole of Water Street. Seventh. Joseph Townsend. Market Street from South Street to East side of Calvert Street. Eighth. Trustees of the Poor. The whole of Calvert Street, Lovely Alley, Market Street from Calvert Street to West side of Charles Street and Charles Street with all the intermediate Streets, Lanes and Alleys between Calvert and Charles Street (except the \\'est part of Water Street) and paved part of Pratt Street. Ninth. John Mickle. JNIarket Street from Charles Street to Hanover Street. Tenth. James Wignell. Market Street from East side of Hanover Street to Liberty Street. Eleventh. Daniel Deady. Alarket Street from East side of Liberty Street to West side of Ploward Street. Twelfth. Elisha Tyson. Howard Street North of Mar- ket Street. Adjourn'd to Saturday 19th. Inst. BALTIAIORK CITY 191 Baltimore, 10th. January. 1793. At the request of John Starck the Commissioners met this day in Order to Ascertain the Fall of German Lane. Present : Jamks Wigne;ll. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Micklk. John HillEn. Resolved, that the pavement on said Alley when paved begin at a *Nail drove in a Post at the North West Corner of German Lane or Alley and Hanover Street and run with a regular Descent from said Nail to Charles Street with about one Inch fall in every ten Feet. Charge James Long Amot. of Horse & Carriage Tax, 211..0..0; do. Amt. of Tavern Licence Tax, 275..0..0; do. Amt. of Billiard Tables Tax. 167..10..0; total. 653..10..0. Do. with 7 Chimney fines transfer'd from John Traverse, 14..0..0; grand total, £667..10..0. Baltimore, 19th. January, 1793. Commissioners met. Present: John Hille;n. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. James Wignell. John Mickle. John Coulter. Charge James Long with a Chimney fine to be collected from John Fifer — F. Shafl^er Witness, 2..0..0. Application being made by John Merryman Landlord in behalf of the above Person Tenant on Account of said Chimney being so small that no Chimney Sweep could go up, there being no Provision made in the Law in favour of *N. B. The Nail is about 3 feet & ^4 from top of sd. Post. 192 RECORDS OF such Persons, the Board are of Opinion the Fine cannot be remitted. AppHcation of Peter Mitchell praying that two IVIonths be taken of? the Tax of his Billiard Table having taken it down in November last, This Board are of Opinion it shodf not be remitted it being up the first of the Year until! that time. This Board having met this day on Sharp Street at the request of the Inhabitants — Resolve that said be filled up from Pratt Street to Camden Street — so as to make it pass- able for Carriages. Resolved that this Board meet on Monday 28th. Instant in order to View and fix the Ascent of Baltimore Street West of Howard Street. Joseph Townsend presented an Acct. for work done in Smith Street, Front Street, Baltimore Street Continued & Swan Street, 9.A..3. Order No. 9 drawn on the Treasurer. Adjournal to this day two Weeks. Baltimore, 29th. January, 1793. At the Request of sundry Inhabitants at the upper end of Market Street, the Commissioners met to fix the Level of said Street West of Howard Street. Present: John MicklE. Jami:s WigneIvL. John HielEn. John Brown. Joseph Biays. John Coulter. Joseph Townsend. Whereupon, Resolved that Market Street, have an Ascent of three Inches every ten feet, to the Intersection of Eutaw & Market Streets. On the same Day January 29th., 1793, the same Commis- sioners met on the old Post Road in the Precincts East of Jones's Falls. tAbbreviation for should. BAI.TIMORE CITY 193 Resolved that the body of Water which crosses that part of said Post Road & runs into Baltimore Town, shall be turned down the Road East where it crosses the Run & where formerly the Gallows stood. Baltimore, 2d. February, 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment. Present: John Hillun. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. James Wignael. Agreeable to a Resolve of April 8th, 1786, for regulating. Low & Front Streets & in Consequence of a Memorial from Sundry Inhabitants in said Streets, John Brown and Joseph Townsend are appointed a Committee to superintend the- same. The Clerk directed to advertise respecting the width of Carriage Wheels. Adjourned to the 16th. Inst. Baltimore, 16th. February, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John HileEn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Mickle. James Wignaee. John Coueter. A Memorial presented by Sundry Inhabitants of that part of Bridge Street between the Intersection of Frederick Street & Griffiths Bridge requesting that the same may be Paved. Resolved that the same be done as soon as it may be convenient. A Petition from sundry Inhabitants in Chatham Street, praying that this Board would take into their Consideration the propriety of fixirtg a Mode for Defraying the Expence of a Pump fixed in said Street. 194 RECORDS OF John Mickle and John Hillen are appointed a Committee to superintend the Business. An AppHcation of Mr. Scot in behalf of the Inhab- itants in York Street praying that this Board would have the Pump in said Street repaired. Resolved therefore that the same be done. Permission Granted to John Harris to Exhibit to Public view two P)uffloes for the space of three Months for which he is to pay the Collector 0..12..6. Charge James Long with the same. Permission Granted to Dumolain, to Exhibit on the Slack and Tight Rope, for which he is to pay seven Shillings and sixpence for each nights performance. Charge Robert Gorsuch, Shlf.*, with the Amount of the 15 penny tax to be collected for the present Year, 277.. 8.. 3^^ ; do, for Balance uncollected by John Traverse due for the Year 1792, 110..4..10K ; total, £387..13..2. Adjourned to 2d. March next. Baltimore 2d. March, 1793. An Application of Wainwright to Exhibit a Puppet Show. Permission is Granted until the 20th. of this Month, on his paying 3..0..0. John Traverse represented to this Board that on Account of the Law being imperfect respecting the recovery of Taxes due for Paving the Streets it has not been in his Power to Collect from the following Persons (altho' settled for by him in his last Settlement) — Viz. : Chas. Wells Paving in St. Pauls Lane 52 ft. 4/2. 10..16..8; A. W. Davey, do. do., 21 ft. 4/2, 4..7..6; total, 15..4..2. An Order No. 10 on Treasurer. Charge James Long with the foregoing Acct.. 18..4..2. The following Account presented for work done, Viz. : John Jalland for work done at the Causeway, 2. .1.. 63/2. Order No. 11. *Sheriff. BAI,TlMORK CITY 195 No. 12. John Mickle taking up Gutter & relaying do. in Balto. Street, &c., 4..19..5>^. No. 13. John Brown work done in Granby Strt., High Strt., &c.. 26..I5..2. Total, 27..16..2. Charge John Traverse with Commission which he Reed, last Settlement for the Sum of £15. .4.. 2 now reimbursed him, 0..7..7. A Memorial from Sundry Inhabitants of Fells Point re- questing that, that part of said Point be paved lying be- tween Wills Street and Jesse Hollingsworths Wharf on said Point including the Market Square. Resolved that the same be paved as soon as it may be Convenient and that Joseph Biays, John Coulter & John Mickle superintend the same. Adjourn'd to the 16th. Inst. Baltimore, 16th. March, 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment. Present: John Brown. John Hillein. Joseph Biays. John Mickle. The following Accounts presented, Viz. : James Sterett for Costs of Suit. Action brot, agt* P. Yeiser. Debt countermanded, 223>^ lb. Tob., @ 12/6, 1..7..10y2. John Wheeler, work done at Causeway, &c., 8..11..4. John A. Hamilton, do. in Howard Street, &c., 9..19..2i^. 16. John Traverse for 8 Mths. Sallary weighing Bread, 10..0..0. Total, 29..18..5. An application of Wainwright to Continue his Exhibition a longer space. He is hereby permitted to con- tinue the same on paying 7/6 for each Performance after the 20th. Inst. Adjourn'd to the 30th. Inst. *Against. 196 RECORDS OF Baltimore, 18th. March, 1793. At the request of sundry Inhabitants of Cowpen Alley to regulate the said Alley, the Commissioners met on the Premises. Present: John Mickle:. John Brown. John Hii^len. Joseph Tovvnsend. Whereupon Resolved that the Pitch of said Alley be op- posite Christian Myers Door about seventy feet from How- ard Street & from thence to Howard Street to have 1^ Inch Descent in every ten feet & from the aforesaid Pitch to have a Descent of 5^ Inches in every ten feet to the Intersection of said Alley, & Liberty Street. Baltimore, 30th. March, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. Joseph Biays. John Brown. James Wignall. Joseph Townsend, A Memorial from sundry Persons holders of Property in East Street requesting that said Street be paved. Resolved that the same be done as soon as Convenient, under the Inspection of John Mickle, Joseph Biays and John Hillen. An Application of Christopher Chas. McGrath in behalf of himself & James Verling Goodwin to perform as Play Actors for the space of three Months from this date — Per- mission is therefore Granted to said McGrath & Godwin for that time paying at the rate of £50 per Annum, 12.. 10.. . Charge James Long for Cash Rccd. for Hogs, Seiz'd & Sold, 2. JO.. 2. The following Accounts presented this meeting, viz. : BALTIMORE CITY 197 David Graham for Printing from 14th. Deer., 1791, to 22d. January last, 7..0..4. Joseph Biays for work done at the Causeway, 18. .1.. 4. John Brown, do. in Granby, Frederick, Harrison Strts., &c., 45.. 13.. . Joseph Townsend do. in Front & Frederick Streets, old Post Road, &c., 13..7..3. Saml. Vincent. Clk, for Services to this day 3 Mths, 7.. 10.. ; total, £91. .11. .11. Clerk directed to have the late Law respecting fines, &c., Advertised in Graham's Paper. Adjourn'd to the 13th April next. April 1st, 1793. At the request of sundry Inhabitants of Baltimore Town & Fells Point, the Commissioners met. A. M. at Cow Pen Alley. Present: John Micklk. James Wignall. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. Whereupon Resolv'd that Cowpen Alley have an even regular Descent from Howard Street to Liberty Street. 2d Resolv'd that Christian Myers have the Priviledge of sinking a Well & erecting a Pump at the Intersection of Cow Pen Alley and Howard Street at his own Expence. 3d Resolv'd that Sharp Street have an Ascent of 4^ Inches in every 10 feet from the Intersection of Sharp & Pratt Streets to Lombard Street. 4th Resolv'd that the break in Wilkes Alley be opposite the West corner of Andrew Boyle's Lot of Ground to be taken down about two Inches at the said Break and to have an even regular descent each way to Charles Street & St. Pauls Lane. 198 RECORDS OF P.M. Met on Fell's Point. Present: John Mickle. James Wignall. John HileEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Coulter. Resolved that I^hillpot Street where Wills Street crosses the same be raised in the Centre of said Street two feet three Inches & that Phillpot Street have a Descent each way of one Inch in every ten feet to the Intersection of said Street with Point Street & Thames Street. 2d Rsolv'd that Thames Street opposite the West end of the Johnsons Brick House be raised from the present height 18 Inches & to have a Descent of 1^ Inch in every ten feet each way to the Intersection of said Street wath Phillpot Street & Bond Street. 3d Resolv'd that Fells Street be raised opposite the East end of Fells old Mansion House 21 Inches &: to have an even regular descent each way to the Insection of said Street with Bond Street and Market Street. Baltimore, 13th. April, 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment: Present: Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Joseph Biays. James Wignael. John Mickle. Charge James Long with a fine received by him from Patrick Million his Chimney taking fire, 2..15..0; ditto, do. Mr. Mann's do., 2..15..0; total. 5..10..0. The following Accts. presented for work done in the sev* Streets : John Mickle hauling Gravel to Water Strt. S. end Center Market, 31..17..6. *Several. BALTIMORE CITY 199 Joseph Biays work done at the Causeway, &c., 19.. 12. .9. John Brown do. Harrison Street Front Strt. Old Post Road, &c., 24..9..9. Joseph Townsend. do. on Pitt Street & Old Post Road, 10..13..10>^. John Brown for Stone & Logs for Bridge Dulany Street run, 73..15..0. John H. Hamilton for Services from l^/jth. June, 1792, to 22d. December, 1792. 75..10..0; total, 235..18..10i^. Adjourn'd till Saturday the 27th. Inst. 3 O'clock P. M. April 23d. Notice given to the holders of Property in old Town near the Hay Scales, that the Commissioners will meet on Saturday next ten O'Clock in the forenoon to fix on a suitable place to carry that body of water which now runs adjoining the old Post Road, into Jones's Falls. Baltimore, 27th. April, 1793. Agreeable to the above Notice Commissioners met. P. M. Present: John Mickle. James Wignale. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. Joseph Biays. Resolv'd that the Water which now runs adjoining the Old Post Road be conducted through the Lands of Daniel Bowly, Josias Pennington & Co., Lyde Goodwin, Job Smith & John Sly and be thence Delivered into Jones's Falls & that John Brown and Joseph Townsend be appointed a Committee to superintend the same. Charge James Long with Cash Reed, for Hogs Sciz'd & Sold, do. do. do., Nt.f Proceeds, 1..19..4; Reed, from Mr. Morris Exhibiting Transparencies, 0..7..0; total. 2. .6. .10. tNeat or net. 200 RKCORDS OF Application from sundry Persons Proprietors of Property in that part of Baltimore Town known by the name of Ridgely's Addition to said Town for Permission to inclose sundry Lots, Streets, Lanes and Alleys in said Addition. Clk directed to Advertise a Meeting of this Board on Monday the 6th May next 10 O'Clock in the forenoon on the Premises to consider on the Propriety thereof. Clk ordered to get from the Clerks Office a List of Tavern Licences. Resolv'd by this Board that the Managers of the Annual Lottery for this Town, have 2^/^ per Cent for disposing of the Tickets for said Lottery. The following Acct. presented for work done at sundry parts of this Town and Fells Point — & orders given for same. Joseph Biays for work done Market Strt. Fell's Point, 27..19..2. John Brown do. Harrison Strt. Old Post. Road, &c., 24..n..9. Joseph Townsend do. Front & Pitt Streets, 12.. 5. .2. John Mickle do. in Howard Street, 1226..18..9>4. Reed. Order No. 32 1120.. 14../^. do. 33— 106..4..1>^. James McHenry presented an Acct. for Cash Paid Clk of the Senate for Copy of an Act of Assembly En- creasing the Powers of this Board, 1..10..0. Total, I293..4.TO14. Resolv'd that John Alickle superintend the filling up Sharp Street from Pratt Street to Street Likewise Alley. Adjournal to 11th May next. Sam'i. Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 29th. April, 1793. Special Meeting. In Consequence of a Petition handed in at the last Meet- ing of the Board, from the Inhabitants residing on Second BAI.TIMORK CITY 201 Street, requesting that the said Street might be regulated and paved. Present : John Mickle:. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Whereupon, Resolved that a Pitch be made on second Street opposite a small Alley coming out of Sumalt's Lot & that the Water have an even regular Descent each way to South Street & Tripolet's Alley, and that another Pitch be made opposite the East Corner of Oliver & Thompson's Brick Warehouse and to have an even regular Descent each way to Gay Street and Tripolet's Alley aforesaid. Baltimore, 6th. May, 1793. Special Meeting. Commissioners met in Consequence of Notice being given by Resolve of this Board last meeting to consider the propriety o.f enclosing Ridgelys Addition to Baltimore Town. Present : John MicklE. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Coulter. Who on Examining into the several Circumstances at- tending the same & hearing the Sentiments of the present Proprietors Do Resolve to pospone the business. Baltimore, 11th. May, 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment. Present Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Coueter. John MicklE. John HileEn. 202 RECORDS OF Charge James Long with a Horse & Cart to Lindenber- ger, Smith & Co., 1..5..0; do. James Long difference of a Horse & Chair charged George Lindenberger, now Charged a Horse, 0..5..0; do. James Long, to be Collected from Mrs. Morris Exhibiting Transparencies, 0..7..6 ; do. James Long Another Horse & Cart Tax John Brown, L.5..0; do. James Long, 7 Tavern Licencies taken out August Term 1792, not return'd in Jno. Travers List, 35..0..0; do. James Long 9 half Tavern licenses March Term 1793, @ 50/, 22..10..0; total, £60..12..6. The following Accounts presented for work done in sev- eral parts of this Town and Fells Point, for which Orders were given on the Treasurer. Michael Bussard his Bill for Scantling, &c.. Order No. 35, 2..14..1L John Hillen his Bill for Paving in Water Street, Order No. 36. 66..5..9. Joseph Townsend, work done in Front & Pitt Streets. Order No. Z7 , 13..19..l3^. Joseph Biays do. Market, Wilkes & Bond Streets F.* Pt, No. 38, 15..0..0. John Brown, do. Harrison, Frederick & Bridge Streets, Post Road & Bridge in Dulany Strt, No. 39, 33..5..10i/<. William Lynch do. Hanover Street, No. 40, 19..14..4; total, £15L.0..0. Application of Sundry Inhabitants of Fleet Street, & Apple Alley Fells Point requesting the same may be re- paired. Resolved that the same be done as soon as convenient under the Inspection of Joseph Biays & Jno. Coulter. Adjourn'd to 18th. Inst. g^^^,^ Vincent, Clk. Baltimore. 14th. May, 1793. Commissioners met at the request of sundry Inhal)itants of Bank or Mercer Street to Level and regulate said Street. ^^^^^"^' John Mickle. John PIillen. John Brown. losEPH Townsend. *Fells Point. BALTIMORE CITY 203 Whereupon it was Resolved that said Street have a De- scent of 4 Inches & ^ in every ten feet from Light Street to the Gutter of Pubhc Alley, and that a Pitch in the said Street be at the Centre between Calvert Street and Public Alley and to have an even regular Descent each way to the said Calvert Street and public Alley. Baltimore, 18th. May, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John Hielen. John Coulter. James Wignell. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Adjourned to 25th. Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore. 21st. May, 1793. Commissioners met in Honey Alley South of Christopher Hughes's Dwelling House. Present : John Mickle. James Wignell. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Coulter. Who on Examining said Alley, it appears that some In- dividuals have removed the Dirt and Sand out of said Alley to the Injury thereof. Resolved that the Members of this Bord use their en- deavor to prevent any further encroachments on the said Alley and that all the Sand, &c., that can be spared out of it be disposed of, and the Money arising therefrom be Collected as other Taxes — Resolved also, that the Direction of said Allev be under the Care of John Mickle tSc John Plillen. 204 RECORDS OF Resolved that John Mickle make the necessary repairs in Light Strt. & Water Street adjoining Light Street. Baltimore, 25th. May, 1793. Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Townsend. John Coulter. Joseph Biays. John MicklE. James Wignele. Joseph Townsend presented an Account for work done at the Bridge in Dulany Street — Reed, an Order No. 41, 13..13..11. Adjourn'd to Saturday 8th June next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore. 6th. June, 1793. At the request of David Harris and others Proprietors in East Street, the Commissioners met to fix the Level of said Street, &c. Present : John MicklE. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. Whereupon Resolved that Lemon Street or Alley have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from Market Street half way between Market Street and East Street & from thence to have one Inch fall in every ten feet to the North East side of East Street. Resolved that East Street have an even regular Descent from Holliday Street to Gay Street. Baltimore, 8th. June, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. BALTIMORE CITY 205 Charge James Long with Cash Reed, from John Harris for Exhibiting to view two Buffaloes^ 0..2..6 ; ditto for Cash Reed, for Hogs Seiz'd & Sold, 2..0..4; total, £2..2..10. Applieation of Jaeob Miller of old Town requesting to have Jones's Street regulated. Application of sundry Proprietors holding Property on Harrison's Marsh, requesting that sundry Streets on said Marsh be filled up and regulated. The following accounts presented for work done in the Town and Fells Point — for which Orders were drawn on the Treasurer. Joseph Townsend work done in Front & Pitt Streets, &c., order No. 42, 11. .7..7>4. Joseph Biays for do. at the Point, No. 43, 26.. 2. .9. Ditto do., at Ditto, No. 44, 25..15..0. James Brown do. Bridge in Dulany Streets, &c.. No. 45, 21..5..9. Ditto do., Bridge Ditto On Interest, No. 46, 100..0..0; total, £184..11..1>4. Adjourn'd to 22d. Instant, 4 oO'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincext, Clk. Baltimore, 11th. June, 1793. At the request of sundry Inhabitants residing on the East of Jones's Falls, the Comimssioners met to fix the Level of Jones's Street. Present : John Micki^e. John Hili^En. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Whereupon resolved, that the aforesaid Street have an ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from Bridge Street to the Front Door of Jacob Miller's new Building. P. M. Commissioners met in Consequence of an Appli- cation from sundry Inhabitants of that part of Baltimore 20G RECORDS OF Town called Ridgeleys Addition to enclose the same. Pres- ent : John Mickle. John Million. John Brown. Jose;ph Townsend, \\'hereupon Resolved that in Consequence of said Ap- plication — We the Svibscribers Special Commissioners of the Town aforesaid having taken the subject into Consi- deration and having at divers times viewed the said Addi- tion. Do find that there is and has been for a Number of Years past a Stream of Water running thro' the said Ad- dition which empties into the same out of Howard Street & crosses Timber Neck Lane near Paca Street, which Cir- cumstance the present Proprietors purchased under & we consider that if the said Communication of Water Should by any means be obstructed by the Proprietors it would have a tendency greatly to injure a considerable number of the Inhabitants who reside in the West end of said Town as also the Navigable part of the Bason. Therefore Be it remembered that on the Eleventh day of June Seventeen Hundred & Ninety three, the Special Commissioners of the Town aforesaid, Do Give and Grant full Power & authority to the Proprietors of the said Addi- tion to enclose the same except the following Streets, Viz. : John Street, Charles Street & twenty feet of Hague Street as far to the Eastward as Paca Street and Paca Street, which last mentioned Street is reserved by the Special Com- missioners & their successors for Ever for the express pur- pose of Conveying the aforesaid Stream of Water : Pro- vided it should ever hereafter meet with any Obstruction by the Proprietors of those Lots or Parcels of Land through which it now passes. In Witness whereof We have hereunto set our Hands and affixed our Seal of Office. Signed: Josrpti Townsend. John Hileen. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John Mickle. Sped. Comrs. Baltimore; city 207 Baltimore, 14th. June, 1793. Commissioners met for the purpose of regulating the fol- lowing Streets. Present : John Mickle. John Brown. John Hillen. joskph townsend. Resolved that Kjng George's Street have an ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from the lower part of the Sill of Benjamin Gorsuch's front Door to the Intersection of said Street with Albemarle Street. Also Resolved that Albemarle Street have an ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from King George's Street to the Intersection of Plowman Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 22d. June, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. John Brown. John Mickle. John HileEn. Charge James Long with a fine to be Collected from Gabriel Gill for driving his Waggon on the Pavement con- trary to Law, 2..10..0. Adjourn'd to 6th. July, 1793. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 6th. July, 1793. Commissioners met. Prest. : John MicklE. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. McGrath in behalf of himself & Godwin applied to this Board to renew their Licence for three Months 208 irECORDS OF longer from the expiration of the last 3 Months ending the 30th Ult. ; Permission is Granted accordingly on their pay- ing to James Long, Collector, £12..10..0. Charge James Long with the same, 12..10..0. Ditto with an Account against Jno. McDonagh & Shriver for Clay taken out of Street for making 200 thou- sand Bricks, @ 2/6, 25..0..0. An Advertisement respecting Corpses being improperly interred to be put in Grahams Paper. On Application of sundry Inhabitants in Jones Street to drain said Street — Resolved that the same be done under the inspection of John Brown. James Brown presented an Acct. for work done at the Bridge in Dulany Street, &c.. for which an Order on the Treasurer was given. No. 47, 32.. 16.. 10. James Long do. work done at sd Bridge, &c.. Order No. 48^ 31..16..2. Saml. Vincent do. for 3 Mths. Service to 30th. Ult., Order No. 49, 7..10..0. John Gordon for weighing Bread 4 Months agreeable to Law, Five pounds, Order No. 50, 5..0..0. George Priestman, John Brown & William Trimble being Assessors of Bread for one Year ending 12th May last agreeable -to Law are allowed £20, Order No. 51, 20..0..0; total,, £97..3..0. Adjourn'd to 13th Inst. Baltimore, 13th. July, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle;. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. Adjourn'd to ^londay next 15th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 209 Baltimore, 15th. July, 1793. At a Special Meeting" Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle;. John Hillen. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. The Year rating the Assize of Bread being expired the 12th May last, this Board therefore Resolve, that the former Assessors George Priestman, William Trimble & John Brown be continued in that Office for the space of twelve Months from this date. Adjourn'd to the 27th Instant. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 25th. July, 1793. Special Meeting in East Street, Commissioners met. Present : John MickeE. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Resolved that the footway on the South West side af East Street be seven feet from Gay Street to Calvert Street & that the footway on the North East side from Calvert Street to North Lane be also seven feet — Also Resolved that the footway of said Street from North Lane to Gay Street be the width of nine feet — Resolved, that the footway on each side of Gay Street from the Intersection of Frederick Street to Griffith Brid2:e be ten feet wide. Baltimore, 27th. July, 1793. Commissioners met agreeable to adjournment. Present John HileEn. Joseph Townsend. James Wignele. John Mickle. John Brown. 210 RECORDS OF Charge James Long with Cash Reed, for Hogs Seiz'd & Sold, 0..10..4. Joseph Townscnd presented an Acct. for work done at the Bridge & Dulaney Street, &c., Rec'd. an Order, Xo. 52, 17..14..9. Jolm I'>ro\vn do. work done at sd Bridge, Order Xo. 53, 97.A..0: total, £114..18..9. An Application of Sundry Proprietors holding Property fronting on the Market space, Viz. : Hawk, Swan & Fish Market Streets requesting that the above Streets be filled up. Resolved, that the same be done as soon as Convenient under the Direction of John Mickle, John Brown & Joseph Townsend. Resolved that the Drain in Howard Street be widened & cleaned out Likewise the lover end of Pratt Street be re- paired under the Direction of John Mickle. Resolved that St. Pauls Street be taken down & regulated from Charles Street to the Original Bed of Jones' Falls as soon as Convenient under the Direction of John Mickle, John Brown & Joseph Townsend. James Long is appointed to take the Assessment on Horses, Carriages, Billiard Tables, &c., for the present Year, for which Service he is to be allowed twenty Dollars. Adjournal to 13th August next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 10th. August, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. James Wignell. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. Permission is Granted to Johnson to Exhibit to view a Magot (an Animal) for which he is to pay Jas Long 0..7..6. Adjourn'd to 24th. Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 211 Baltimore, 24th. August, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. James WignelIv. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Adjournal to 7th. September next. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 2d. September, 1793. Commissionet-s met on Bank or Mercer Street. Present: John MickeE. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. An Application of sundry Inhabitants of said Street to have the same Paved — Resolved, that the same be Paved immediately after the Paving of East & Second Streets be finished. Charge James Long with the Amount of Richard Law- sons Acct. for Clay hauled out of Hanover Street, 13. .7.. 8. Baltimore, 12th. September, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Joseph Biays. John Coueter. In Order to prevent the Introduction & spreading of any Pestilential fevers or other raging Disorders amongst the Inhabitants of this Town — Resolved, that they be notified in the Pviblic Papers, that it is the request & Directions of this Board that they keep the Gutters of the several Streets, Lanes & Alleys clean from all Filth & Dirt which may have 212 RECORDS OF a tendency to obstruct the Passage of the AVater running along the same, Otherwise they will be prosecuted against as the Law^ Directs — As Likewise to inform the several Scavengers that due attention be paid to the cleaning of the Streets agreeably to their Contracts — And in Order that the aforesaid Directions be put in Practice, this Board appoint John Mickle, John Hillen, Joseph Townsend, John Brown & Joseph Biays to superintend the same and urge a Com- pliance where any Delinquency appears. Charge James Long with Cash Reed, for Hogs Seiz'd & Sold, £3..11..0. Baltimore, 18th. September, 1793. At the request of sundry Inhabitants on Howard Street and Dutch Alley the Comimssioners met. Present: John Mickle;. John Hillkn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Whereupon Resolved, that Liberty Street from the Inter- section of Cowpen Alley have an Ascent of ^ of an Inch in every ten feet to the Intersection of Dutch Alley — That Dutch Alley have an even regular Ascent from Liberty Street to the near side of the foot pavement East side of Howard Street. Baltimore, 21st. September, 1793. Commissioners met. Present: James Wignell. John HillEn. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Mickle. Charge James Long a Chimney fine to be Collected from Isaac Hall a two Story*, Witness Thos. Trimble, 3..0..0. *Word house omitted. Baltimore: city 213 Sundry Accounts presented, Viz. : John Thompson, Reed, an Order on Treasurer, No. 54, 11.5..3. John Brown do. an Order £67..19..7>^, No. 55, 62..19..7>^. Ditto do. an Order, No. 56, 5..0..0; total, £79..4..10>^. Adjourn'd to 5th October next. Sam'iv Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 5th. October, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. James Wigneee. John HileEn. John Brown. Charge James Long- with Cash Reed, for Hogs Seiz'd & Sold, 4..0..8. Memorial of Sundry Inhabitants residing in Second Street requesting that this Board would Erect a Pump on the East end of Trippoletts Alley in said Street. Application of sundry Inhabitants in Union Street to Examine a Hole in said Street, John Hillen and Joseph Townsend are appointed to superintend the same. Saml. Vincent presented an Acct. for 3 Mths Services to the 30th Ult & 1 quire paper — Reed an Order, No. 58, 7..10..1L Adjourn'd to the 19th Inst. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 8th. October, 1793. At a Special Meeting Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. James Wigneel. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. 214 RECORDS OF Resolved that Frederick Street from ]\Iarket Street to Water Street have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet — Also Resolved that Market space South of Fish Market have an Ascent of one Inch & one eighth in every ten feet from Fish Market to the Intersection of Water Street. Charge James Long with Cash Reed, from Carter Exhibiting a Calf with four Horns, 2 Mouths, &c., 0..7..6. Baltimore, 19th. October, 1793. Commissioners met. Present: John Micki^e. James Wignele. John HileEn. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. A INIemorial presented from sundry Inhabitants on or near Second Street for this Board to have a pump erected in sd Street. Clk directed to render in an Acct. for sundry re- pairs done on Griffith's Bridge to the Levy laying Court. Amot., £23..1..10, which was done, but rejected by said Court. Charge James Long Chimney fine Thos. Bryen (Patk. Bennett Witness), 2 Story*, 3..0..0. do. do. Chimney fine Jno. Brown, 2 Story*, 3..0..0. do. do. do. a Frenchman at the Coffee House, Gay Strt. 2 Story* (J. Dewitt Witness), 3..0..0; total, £9..0..0. Adjourn'd to 2d November, 1793. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 21st. October, 1793. At the request of sundry Inhabitants of Howards Plill North of Market Street, the Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. James Wignkel. Joseph Townsend John Brown. [OIIX ITlLLEN. *Word house omitted. BALTIAIORIC CITY 215 Resolved that Eutaw Street from the Intersection of Lexington Street (agreeably to a Resolve passed day of 1792) have one even regular Descent to Market Street. Resolved that Dutch Alley & Fayette Street have an even regular Descent from Eutaw Street to Howard Street. Also sundry Inhabitants on Second Street between South Street & Trippoletts Alley having petitioned this Board that a Pump be sunk on the side of said Square. Whereupon resolved that one be sunk accordingly & that John Mickle be appointed to superintend the same. Gave James Long written orders to Collect fines accord- ing to Law from all persons who occasion Nuisances in the Streets of this Town by putting out their empty Boxes, Casks, &c. Charge Long with Cash reed, from Carter exhibit- ing to view his Curiosity the second week. 0..7..6. Baltimore, 25th. October, 1793. Commissioners met on Bank or Mercer Street. Present: John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. Resolved that the footway in said Street be 7 feet & a half. Gave John Brown Liberty to take Clay out of Hanover Street at the rate of 8d for one Horse Cartload, & one Shilling for 2 Plorse Cart. Baltimore, 28th. October, 1793. Commissioners met to Consider on the Propriety of mak- ing Application to the next General Assembly of this State respecting several Amendments necessary in the Law relat- ing to the Streets, &c. of Baltimore Town. Present : John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John Brown. 216 RECORDS OF Sundry particulars being produced & concluded on. Re- solved that Joseph Townsend lay the same before Robert Smith, Esq.. for his assistance in bringing them before the House, either by preparing a Memorial to go from this Board or framing a Law for the purpose. Baltimore, 2d November, 1793. Agreeably to adjournment Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle;. John Brown. James Wignele. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend, Charge James Long a Chimney fine from Mr. Dall 3 Story*, 5..0..0; do. do. do. from Joseph Biays under old Act, 2..0..0; do. do. do. from Jno. Bonfield one Story*, 2..15..0; do. do. do. from Isaac Hall do., 2..15..0; do. do. do. from Joe Pilgrim (Rd.f Bare, Witness) One Story*, 2..15..0; do. do. Cash to be Collected from Curtis Room for Exhibiting on Tight & Slack Rope, &c., 4..3..4 ; total, £ 19..8..4. Agreeably to a Resolve of 9th June, 1792 — One Hundred Dollars was borrowed as a Loan for purposes therein men- tioned, for which John Mickle now receives an Order hav- ing paid the same. No. 59, 37.. 10..0. James Long presented an Acct. for work done in sundry Streets, Order No. 60, 37..7..0; total, 74..17..0. Adjourn'd to 16th Instant. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 16th November, 1793, Commissioners met. Present: James Wigneei.. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John MickeE. *Word house or building omitted, t Richard. BAI^TIMORE CITY 217 Charge James Long with a Chimney fine to be Collected from Moses Calhoun, 2 Story*, 3..0..0; do. do. a Frenchman to be Collected from Edward Catere, 1 Story*, 2..15..0; do. do. to be Collected from for Exhibiting" to view a Buffloe, 0..15..0; total, £6..10..0. Adjourn'd to the 30th Instant. Sam'i, Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 7th December, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Micklk. John Hillen. josejph townsend. John Brown. Charge James Long with Chimney fine to be Collected from William Hawkins (Jno. Gordon, Witness), 2 Story*; 3..0..0; do to be Collected from Mr. Solomon performing a Play, 0..15..0; do. do. from Peregrine Fitzluigh for Use Lot- tery Wheels, 1..17..6; total, 5..12..6. Memorial from Sundry Proprietors holding Property ii. Frederick Street requesting the same be paved in the earl} part of the ensuing Spring. Resolved that the same be done agreeably to the request of said Memorial. James Long presented an Acct. for work done in Low, Front, Short & Billingsgate Streets, &c.', Order No. 61, 28.. 1..2>4. Adjourn'd to 21st. Instant. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 21st December, 1793. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. ''Word house omitted. 218 RECORDS OF Charge James Long, a Chimney fine to be Collected from Widow Key (Usher Tracey, Witness), 2 Story*, 3..0..0; do. do. from Widow Hambleton, do., 3..0..0; do. do. from (R. Townsened, Witness), 1 Story*, 2..15..0; do. for Cash reed, for Hogs, Seiz'd & Sold, 12..8..4>4 ; do. Saml. Worthington's Acct. for Paving footway as per Acct. he neglecting to do the same agreeably to Law, n..2..9; total, £32..6..1>4. On Application of Mr. Falconi to Exhibit Philosophical Experiments, &c. — Permission is Granted to Mr. Falconi for the same on paying James Long, Collector, 7/6 for each nights performance. Clerk Directed to advertise for Persons to apply for clean- ing Streets in this Town. Sundry accounts presented viz : — Saml. Messersmith as per Acct. Reed, an Order, Xo. 62, 7..10..0. Joseph Slater do.. Reed, an Order, No. 63, 5..0..0. Wm. Baker do.. Reed, an Order, No. 64, 3..0..0. John Brown do., Reed, an Order, No. 65, 65..10..0. Ditto do.. Reed, an Order, No. 66, 9..2..9. Joseph Biays do.. Reed, an Order, No. 67, 12.. 16.. 2. Total, £102.. 18.. 11. Adjourn'd to 4th January, 1794. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 4th January, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John HillEn. James Wignell. Joseph Biavs. John Brown. On A])i)licati<)n of sundry Persons residing in (!v near Eden Street rcciuesting said Street may be regulated. Re- solved that John Ccmltcr. Joseph Biays & John P.rown inspect the same. *\Vorcl house omitted. BALTIMORE CITY 219 Sundry Persons having applied for Cleaning the Streets agreeably to advertisement ; the Town was accordingly Di- vided into Districts. Charge James Long with a Chimney fine to be collected from Benjamin Gorsuch, 2 story*, 3..0..0; ditto do. from Widow Willson (Peter Pryan, Witness), do., 3..0..0; ditto do. from (Capt. Bulls House), do., 3..0..0; ditto do. from Isaac Griffith (Mr. Harbaughs House), do., 3..0..0; ditto Cash Reed. performing Slight of hand, Tvimb- ling, &c., 4..17..10; total, £16.. 17.. 10. Accounts presented. Viz. : John Weatherburn Cash advanced as per Acct., Order No. 68, 5..0..0. Sam Vincent for 3 Mths Services from 30th Septr. to 30th Ult. & 1 Quire paper. No. 69, 7..11..4; total, £12..11..4. John Mickle, John Hillen & Joseph Townsend are ap- pointed a Committee to examine sundry Accounts to pre- pare for Publication and to meet at William Evans Tavern the 11th Inst. 3 O'Clock P. M. for sd purpose. Adjourn'd to 18th Instant. Sam'l Vinci^nt, Clk. Baltimore, 8th January, 1794. The Town being Divided into Districts it was let to the following Persons whose names are thereunto affixed for the Term of one Year from the date hereof, for the purpose of Cleaning the same, who have engaged to perform the Office of Scavenger in their different Districts as per Con- tract : First. John Brown, To include Bridge Street East of Griffiths Bridge. Second. Henry Stevenson. Gay Street from Frederick Street to the North side of Market Street. Third. James Sterling. To include Market space, Har- rison Street, Market Street from Phillpots Bridge to West side of Gay Street & Gay Street from South side of Market to Water Street & Fcderick Street North. ''Word house omitted. 220 RECORDS OF Fourth. Tliomas McElderry. Market Street from Gay- Street to West side of South Street & North Alley. Fifth. George Priestman & Marcus McCausland. Water Street and the Alleys Southward of said Street. Sixth. Joseph Townsend. Market Street from South Street to East side of Calvert Street. Seventh. Trustees of the Poor, The whole of Calvert Street from the Court House, Lovely Alley, Market Street from Calvert Street to West side of Charles Street, Charles Street with all the intermediate Streets, Lanes & Alleys be- tween Calvert & Charles Streets (except West part of Water Street & Bank Street) & paved part of Pratt Street. Eighth. John Mickle, Market Street from Charles Street to Hanover Street. Ninth. James Wignell, Market Street, from the East side of Hanover Street to Liberty Street. Tenth. Daniel Deady. Market Street, from the East side of Liberty Street to the West Side of Howard Street. Eleventh. William' Gibsen, Howard Street, North of Market Street. . Baltimore, 11th January, 1794. John Mickle, John Hillen & Joseph Biays being appointed last meeting as a Committee to examine xA^ccounts met ac- cordingly for that purpose. Baltimore, 18th January, 1794. Commissioners agreeable to adjournment. Present : John Mickle. John Hillen. Joseph Biays. James Wignell. Joseph Townsend. John Brown, The following Accounts presented & orders drew on the Treasurer for the same, Viz. : Baltimore; city 221 John Hart for Piatt of Ridgely's Addition, Order No. 70, 1..2..6. James Lonu for taking the Assessment for 1793, Order No. 71, 7..10..6. John A. Hamilton for Services as Overseer to this date, do. 72, 99..0..0. John Mickle for Paving in sundry Streets as per Acct., do., 7Z, 1645..1 7..7>^. Ditto for Repairs done in Sundry Streets do., 74, 166..13..10. Joseph Biays for Paving done in Thames & Phillpot Streets Fells Point, do., 75, 889..19..4; total, £2810..3..3>^. Charge James Long with F. Deleportes Chimney fine, 2 Story* (Witness Widow Levely), 3..0..0 ; do. do 2 Story* (Witness Richards or Stewart), 3..0..0; total, £6..0..0. John McDonagh having made Application to this Board for Permission to remove the Clay suitable for making Brick in Hill Street between Forest & Goodman Streets. Resolved that said John McDonagh have leave to re- move the same on the following Conditions, Viz. : that he the said John McDonagh do remove the same of the Breadth of Forty two feet to the whole Depth of the Clay suitable for making Brick as aforesaid, on or before the first day of October next he paying, therefore One Shilling & sixpence for every Thousand Bricks so made therefrom. Estimating one thousand Bricks for every sixty four Cubic Feet, sub- ject to the Direction of John Hillen & Joseph Townsend — See John McDonagh's obligation for the above perform- ance. Resolved that John Brown & Joseph Townsend be & are hereby appointed to secure the Common Sewers near the Market House and to dispose of the Iron Grates- now over the same. In Consequence of an Application last Meeting of sundry Inhabitants in and near Eden Street, the Committee ap- pointed to inspect the same. Do Report that they find it necessary to fill up a Hole & to Level a Bank in said Street. *Word buildins: omitted. 222 RECORDS OF W'hcrctipon Joseph Ijiays & John Jirovvn arc appointed to SuperiiUeiul the same. Adjourn'cl to February the 1st. Baltimore, 20th January. 1794. Special Meeting. At the request of Sundry Inhabitants on Fells Point, the Commissioners met. Present: John Micklk. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. James Wignell. Joseph Biavs. Whereupon Resolved that a Pump be Erected near the Intersection of Phillpot & Thames Streets agreeable to the prayer of said Inhabitants for that purpose and that it be done under the Direction of Joseph Biays. Baltimore, 1 February, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. James Long presented an Account for 2 Judgments ob- tained agt.-f- him in 2 Warrants for Chimney fines — for which an Order No. 76 was drew on the Treasurer, 0..13..8. Adjourn'd this day Week. ^ , ,^ _„ ^ ^ Sam L Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 8th February, 1794. Special meeting. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John Hillen. Joseph Biays. James Wignall. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. ■j-Against, BALTIMORE CITY . 223 John Alickle presented an Acct. for work done in Sharpe Street, Hanover & Liberty Streets & for Smiths work- Order No. 77 on the Treasurer, 134..6..5i4. On Application by Memorial from sundry Inhabitants on the East side of Jones's Falls, requesting that sundry Streets mentioned in said Memorial may be regulated so as to Convey the large Body of Water down said Streets into Jones's Falls — Resolv'd that the same be done as soon as Convenient under the Direction of John Brown & Jos'h Townsend. Charge James Long with the Following Streets Faved, Viz.: Paving in Wilkes's Alley as per List render'd, 135..18..0; ditto in Pratt Street do., 380..4..5 ; ditto in East Street do.. 597.A5..iy2 ; ditto in Gay Street do, 15L.L.6; ditto in Second Street do. 382. .16.. 7; ditto in Bank Street do, 176..0..3i^ ; ditto in Philpot Street Fells Point, 362..0..0; ditto in Thames Street do, 51L.0..0; total, 2696.. 15.. IL Charge Robert Gorsuch with Cash Reed, from Eleven Persons as fine for Selling Liquor without Licence, @ 30/, from Nov., 1791, to Nov., 1793 inclusive, 16.. 10; grand total, £2713..5..11. Sundries to James Long: James Sterett, Paid him at sundry times as per Rect., 3397..15..5y2 ; Baltimore Town — Amt. of Insolvencies as per List, 64. .6. .3 ; By Sundry Accts. for Paving, where no Dis- tress can be laid, not yet Collected, 153..14..11y2 ; By Clay Acct. do., 25..0..0; By Chimney fine do., 3..0..0; total 181. .14. .11^. By Extra allowance Collecting 24 Chimney fines, @ 3/9, 4..10..0; By Commission on £3391..15..8 Col- lected, (a; 2/2 per Ct., 84..15..103^ ; 335..7..1. Grand total, £3733..2..6i^. John Mickle, James Wignell & Joseph Townsend are ap- pointed to call on the Treasurer to Settle his Acct. on Tues- day Next 9 O'clock & to prepare the Accts. for the Year 1792 for the Inspection of the Comptrollers. Adjourn'd to 22d. Inst. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. *Per hundred. 224 RECORDS OF Baltimore 11th February, 1794. James Wignell, John Mickle & Joseph Townsend waited on the Treasurer agreeable to appointment and on Exami- nation find the Money Reed, by him from the Different Col- lectors from 16th Nov., 1792, to this day. Amount to £4771..11..3>4, @ 134 per Ct.*, 59..12..10>^. Gave him an Order to retain that Sum in his Hands, No. 78. James Street to Sundries, Dr. To Jno. Traverse, Reed, of him at Sundry times, 1147..4..4^; To Robt. Gorsuch, Reed, of him do, 226..11..5; total, £1373..15..9%. Robert Gorsuch to be Credited as follows : Amot. of Insolvencies for 15 penny Tax for Yrs. 1792 & 1793, 163..9..7; Commission on £240..6..7 Collected on 15 penny Tax, 13..9..0; do. on £16..10..0, Reed, for fines from Persons Selling Liquor without Licence from Nov., 1791, to Nov., 1793, inclusive, 0..13..2; total, £177.. 11. .9. Balto. Town — to John Traverse for Insolvencies 15 penny Tax for Yr. 1792, 2..5..3 ; for Corns, on £30..2..10>4 Col- lected of sd Tax since last Settlement, 2..8..2^ ; for Ditto on £1152..9..9;k; Collected of Paving Tax, &c., 28..16..3; total, 33..9..8M. James Sterett for the following Orders issued since last Settlemt. but not Paid — Viz. : —No. 33, 106..4..1>4 ; No. 36, 66..5..9; No. 39, 33..5..103^ ; No. 40, 19..14..4; No. 43, 26..2..9; No. 46, 100..0..0; No. 49, 7..10..0; No. 56, 5..0..0; No. 57, 28..10..9; No. 59, 37..10..0; No. 60, 37..7..0; No. 61, 28..1..2i^ ; No. 63, 5..0..0; No. 64, 3..0..0; No. 65, 65..10..0: No. 68, 5..0..0; No. 72. 99..0..0; No. 74, 166..13..10: No. 77, 134..6..5i^ ; total, £974..2..1. Baltimore, 14th February, 1794. Comptrollers met. Examined the Account for 1792 and approv'd. Signed : Sam'l Hollingswortii. Aleix. McK.im. David Williamson. Comptrollers. BAIvTlMORE CITY 225 Commissioners Present : John Micklk. John HillEn. Jose:ph Townsend. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 19th. February, 1794. At the request of sundry Inhabitants in Frederick Street Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John HiIvLEn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Resolv'd that the Gutters in Frederick Street from Balti- more to Second Street be ten feet from the front of the Lots on each side, and that John Mickle, John Hillen & Josh. Townsend be appointed to Superintend paving the same. Baltimore, 1st March, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. John Hillen. James Wignall. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Resolv'd 1st. That Hanover Street have Ij/^ Inch Descent in every ten feet from Pratt Street to the Mouth of Alley North of Erasmus Uhlers Tan Yard & from thence one even regular Ascent to Market Street. 2d Resolved that Lombard Street have an even regular Ascent from Hanover Street to the Intersection of said Street with Sharp Street, Agreeably to the Resolve of Sharp Street on the 1st April last. Charge James Long to be Collected for the Year 1793 as follow.s — Viz.: Amount of Horse & Carriage Tax, 255. . 5. .0; 226 RECORDS OF Ditto r)illiar(l Tables. Do., 158..15..0; Ditto Tavern Licence Do., 385..0..0; total, 799..0..0. Charge Robert Gorsuch, Shefif., for the Present Year with Fifteen Penny Tax to be Collected on the Amot. of Prop- erty in Balto. Town. Viz.: on £560985..6..8 is £350..12..4. Commissioners attendance from last Settlement to 14th Inst., Viz. : John Mickle, 59 days, @ 6/3. 18..8..9. James Wignell, 34 days, @ 6/3, 10..12..6. John Hillen, 54 days, @ 6/3, 16..17..6. John llrown, 54 days, @ 6/3, 16.. 17.. 6. Joseph Townsend, 56 days, @ 6/3, 17..10..0. Joseph Biays, 27 days, @ 6/3, 8..8..9. John Coulter, 12 days, @ 6/3, 3..15..0. Total days, 296; total amount, £92..10..0. An Order drawn on the Treasurer tor the above Sum in favour of Joseph Townsend, No. 1. Permission is granted to Cressen to perform Slight of Hand, &c., on his paying 3/9, for very night he Per- forms — The following is a Scheme of a Lottery, Agreeably to an Act of Assembly, being a Supplement to an Act !f^n- titled "An Act for the more Effectual Paving the Streets, &c., of Baltimore Town & for other purposes therein men- tioned" as Agreed on & approved of by this Board & the Board of Port Wardens and under the Direction of the fol- lowing Managers : James Caehoun. Jeremiah Yeelott. George Salmon. Peter Hoffman. Thomas Johnson. Port JVardens. John Mickle. John Hillen. Joseph Biays. Special Comuiissioncrs. BAL,TlMORi: CITY 227 SCHEME. 10.000 Tickets at 5 Dollars each are 50,000 Dollars. 1 Prize of 10,000 Dollars is 10,000 Dollars 5,000 " 1 ditto " 5,000 2 ditto " 1,000 2 ditto " 500 4 ditto " 200 10 ditto " 100 15 ditto " 50 31 ditto " 20 50 ditto " 10 3,220 ditto " 6 Last Tick 3,336 Prizes 6,664 Blanks. To be rais'd. . 2,000 . 1,000 , 800 . 1,000 . 750 , 620 . 500 . 19,320 , 500 41,490 . 8,510 10,000 Tickets, a 5 Dols. is. Adjourn'd to 15th Instant. ,50,000 Dollars Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore 15th. March, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : Jame;s Wignai^u Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John HieeEn. A Memorial from the Vestry of St. Pauls to regulate & Gravel New Church Street & Charles Street. Resolved that the above Premises be viewed. A Memorial from the Trustees of the Catholic Church to repair Charles Street to the said Church. Resolved that the above Premises be viewed. A Memorial from Sundry Inhabitants residing in Dutch Alley. Resolved that the same be examined. 228 RECORDS OF Cliarge James Long with Cash reed, from Falconi for Exhibiting SHght of Hand, &c., 3..15..0; do. do. reed, from Thos. Crandal exhibiting" a Monster, 0..7..6; total, 4.. 2. .6. Order No. 2. Thos. Dewitt for 1 Yr. rent of his Room ending 29th October last, S..0..0. James Long is appointed to Collect the Taxes due this Board for the Year 1793. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'iv Vince;nt, Clk. Baltimore, 18th. March, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: Jamks Wignai^Iv. John Hillkn. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. Being at the request of Jacob Stidger in Order to ascertain the Level of Dutch Alley, he being about to build on the same. After examining the said Alley, it is Resolved, that it have one even regular Ascent from Howard Street to the Inter- section of Eutaw Street. In Consequence of the Petitions presented at last Meeting from the Vestry of St. Pauls Church, to regulate and im- prove New Church Street and to Gravel and amend Charles Street. Also the Petition from the Roman Catholic Congre- gation to Gravel and improve Charles Street aforesaid, the Board examined the same and appointed Jno. Mickle to superintend the improving of Charles Street — But it appear- ing that the regulation of New Church Street will be at- tended with Considerable expense, and as there arc at present no money in our Treasurers Hands — James Wignall & Jno. Mickle are appointed to inform the said Vestry, tiiat the said Street cannot at this time be regulated except they are willing to advance the Money on Loan, until such time as our funds will admit of returning it. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BAIyTlMOUK CITY 229 Baltimore, 29th March, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : James Wignall. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Mickle. Joseph Biays. A Memorial from Sundr}^ Inhabitants in Dutch Alley was presented requesting this Board to review & alter the Re- solve of the Level of said Alley passed on the 18th Inst. The Board taking the subject into Consideration and care- fully inspected into the same and after hearing the several objections of the said Memorialists, do, after mature de- liberation confirm the said Resolve, having to believe if al- tered would materially injure the Public without benefiting the said Proprietors. Charge James Long with Jesse Jarretts Chimney fine, Isaiah Jackson & Jno. Brown AVitness, 3..0..0; do. do. for Cash reed, from Joseph Townsend for Hogs Seized & Sold, Nt. Proceeds, 6.A..3 ; do. do. for do. reed, from Do. for old Plank which came ofif the Arch Bridge, 2..5..0; do. do. Wen- delkellers Chimney fine, 2 Story, 3..0..0; total, £14..9..3. John Hillen and Joseph Townsend are appointed to fill up the several Blanks in our Records, as also to draw an Ad- vertisement requesting the Inhabitants of this Town to pro- cure Fire Buckets agreeably to the Law of 1787, and inform them of the necessity of applying for Pumps, and if Conven- ient add the necessity of removing all nuisances, par- ticularly Slaughter Houses, &c., and publish the same in the several News Papers. Adjourn'd to 12th. April next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 12th April, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : James Wignael. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John MicklE. 230 RECORDS OF Charge James Long Cash Reed, from James ]\Iack a Chimney fine, 3..0..0; do do. from McWheeler do., 1 Story*, 2..15..0; do. from Nichs. Vreenceaux do., 2 Story*, 3..0..0; do. from Jacob ShafTer, do 1 Story*, 2..15..0; do. from Caleb Smith, do., 2 Story*, 3..0..0; total, £14..10..0. Robt. Smith presented an Acct. for his Services as Attor- ney for the Year 1793. Order No. 3 on Treasurer, 7..10..0. Saml. Vincent do. for 3 Mths Services at Clk from 30th Deer, to 30th March— Order No. 4, 7..10..0; Joseph Town- send do. for work done York & George Streets, Order No. 5 on Treasurer, 26..17..0. Total, 41..17..0. On Application of Jacob Myers for regulating Hill Street, John Mickle, John Hillen. Joseph Tovvnsend and Jno. Brown are appointed a Committee to inspect the same. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 14th April, 1794. The following Commissioners met pursuant to appoint- ment of last Meeting held the 12th Inst., Viz. : John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HileEn. John MicklE. Resolved that a Bridge be Built over the Canal leading down Howard Street opposite to the upper End of Hill Street near Timber Neck Lane — The said Bridge to have four good sufficient sleepers & to be covered with Pine Joists. John Brown is appointed to sui)erintend building the same. *Word building or house omitted. Baltimore; city 231 Baltimore, 26th April, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : JamUS Wignall. joskph tovvnsend. John Brown. JOSIJPH BlAYS. John Mickl^. John HillEn. Charge James Long Cash Reed, from Cresson for performing 5 Nights Slight of Hand, 0..18..9; do. Reed, from Philip Mosheir for 2 Iron Grates Sold him by Jno Brown & Joseph Townsend agreeably to a Resolve of this Board, 4..6..7, Nt., 3..1..5, ©^26/3; total, £5..5..4. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done on Bond Street. Order No. 6 on the Treasurer, 16.. 16. .4. Memorial from Sundry Inhabitants in South Street, be- tween Market & Water Streets requesting four Additional Pumps to be sunk in said Street — Resolved that this Board Examine into the Premises. Resolved that the Law respecting Chimnies, &c., be re- published for three Weeks successively. Memorial from Sundry Inhabitants possess'd of Property in Bank Street to have a Pump sunk in said Street. Re- solved that this Board examine the same. Adjourn'd to the 10th May next. Sam'l Vince;nt, Clk. Baltimore, 28th April, 1794. At a Special Meeting Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. James Wignall. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. Resolved, that High Street from Bridge Street to the old Post Road be regulated in the following manner, Viz. : To be lowered at the upper end at the Intersection of the old 2-]2 RECORDS OF Post Road and with the same Earth raised at the middle op- posite to North Street of a sufficient heii^ht to give the water a Descent each way to Bridge Street and old Post road and to be Graveled on the Top. John P)rown & Joseph Townsend are appointed to Super- intend the doing of the same as soon as our funds will admit. On the Application of the Inhabitants of South Street for Pumps — -Resolved that one be sunk opposite or near the middle of the End of Jno. McFadon's House at the Inter- section of South and Market Streets. Resolved, that one be sunk opposite the division Line be- tween Gustavus Scotts & Philip Roger's present dwelling House. Resolved, that one be sunk opposite the lower Corner of Isaac Caustens Brick House at the Intersection of South & Water Streets — Resolved that Jno. Mickle and Joseph Townsend superintend sinking the same. Baltimore, 10th ^lay, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: John Micki.e. John Brown. Joseph Biavs. James Wignall. John HileEn. Memorial from sundry Inhabitants in Second Street be- tween Gay Street & the Market Space, requesting the same be paved — Resolved that the same be done as soon as Con- venient. A Memorial presented from the Inhabitants residing in Queen Street Fells Point to have said Street paved — Re- solved that the said Street be paved as soon as Convenient. In Consequence of sundry Applications for Pumps to be sunk — Jno. Brown, Jno. Hillen, Jno. Mickle & Jos. Biays are appointed to fix proper places for the same & to meet on Monday next 9 O'Clock A. M. for that purpose. UALTIMORIi CITY 233 Archibald Shaw presented an Acct. for work done in Eden & CarHsle Streets — Order No. 7 on Treasurer, 6..12..6. Adjourn'd to the 24th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 12th May, 1794. Special Meeting — At the request of Sundry Inhabitants of East Lane, the Special Commissioners met to Determine on a proper place to Erect a Pump on said Lane. Present: t -at John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. Whereupon it was Resolved, that a Pump be immediately Erected at the West side of the Break on the South side of said Lane nearly opposite the front Door of Henry Nichols and that Jno. Mickle, Joseph Townsend & John Hillen be appointed a Committee to superintend the same. Resolved — that Charles Street at the Head of the Gully opposite the Roman Catholic Burying Ground be repair'd under the Direction of Jno. Hillen, from which place the said Commissioners in Consequence of a request from the Inhabitants of Fells Point, on Fells Street West thereon, to ascertain a proper place in said Street to Erect a Pump — Resolved that said Pump be erected on the North West side of said Street and opposite the Centre of the Lot of Alex- ander Cummings on said Street under the Direction of Joseph Biays & Jno. Coulter. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 24th May, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: James Wignall. Joseph Townsend John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John HileEn. 234 RECORDS OF A Memorial from sundry Inhabitants holders of Property in Harrison Street requesting to have the same paved. Resolved that the same be done as soon as Convenient. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway — No. 8 on the Treasurer, 37.. 15. .3. Jno. Brown do. for work done in High Street, Front, Har- rison & Low Streets — No. 9, Order on Treasr., 22. .5. .5. Wm. Gordon for Inspecting Bread ending 1st. March last Order No. 10— on the Treasurer, 11..5..0; total, £71..5..8. Charge James Long with Cash reed, for 2 Pigs Sold, 0..11..8.^ Adiourn'd to the 7th June next. ^ , ,^ ^,, Sam h Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 7th June. 1794. Commissioners met. Present : James Wignall. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John HillEn. John MicklE. An Application of Abijah Babcock to show his machine. Resolved that permission be Granted to him on his pay- ing 3/9 for every performance. An application of to perform Tumbling, &c. Resolved that permission be Granted to him for that pur- pose on his paying 7/6 for each performance. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway — Order No. 11 on the Treasurer, 28..7..11^'2. Adiourn'd to the 21st. Inst. ,, -a- r-n. •' Sam l \ incent, Clk. Baltimore. 9th June, 1794. At a Special Meeting Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John HillEn. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Coulter. EALTIMORD CITY 235 Resolved that a Pump be sunk opposite the North End of Margaret Hale's House on Market Street allowing fifteen feet for the footway. Resolved that another Pump be sunk opposite the North end of Joseph Dimelo's new frame Building, the footway to be twelve feet. Resolved that Joseph Biays & Jno. Coulter superintend the same. Gave James Long Orders to apply at every House throughout the Town and Fells Point and examine if they are supplied with Fire Buckets as the Law directs & where neglect appears, Collect the fines accordingly, and that he be paid for his trouble out of the fines so incurred. James Long presented an Acct. for work done on York, Front and Harrison Streets, Order No. 36.. 11. .4^. Baltimore, 11th June, 1794. The Commissioners met in Consequence of an Applica- tion of Sundry Inhabitants on Fells Point. Present: John Mickle;. joskph. townsend. John Hille;n. JOSi;PH BlAYS. John Coulter. Resolved that Bond Street from the North Gutter of Fells Street have an Ascent of one & a quarter Inch in every ten feet to opposite the middle of Shakespears Alley & from thence to have a Descent of one & a quarter Inch in every ten feet to the South Gutter of Allisiana Street — Resolved that Bond Street from the North Gutter of Allisiana Street have an Ascent of one & a quarter Inch in every ten feet to the middle of the Square between Allisiana Street and Fleet Street and from thence to have a Descent of One and a Quarter Inch in every ten feet to the South Gutter of Fleet Street. Resolved that Abijah Babcock have Liberty to Exhibit his new Invented Waggon for one Month for the Sum of 22/6 the lime to commence from his first Exhibition, & the 236 RECORDS OF Money already paid therefor, to be considered & taken a. part of the said 22/6. Baltimore. 21st. June, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. Jonx HiLLEN. John Mickle. John Browx. A Petition from Sundry Inhabitants of the Square front- ing- on Market Street, Fells Street & Shakespears Alley Fells Point for this Board to sink a Pump, &c., was re- ceived. Resolved that the request be Granted & Joseph Biays & John Coulter are appointed to superintend the same. A Petition from Martin Walsh was produced, requesting Hawk Street to be raised, Referred to the Committee here- tofore appointed. Sundry Inhabitants residing on Gay Street applied to this Board to Sink a Pump in said Street. Resolved that the same be done, and Jno. Hillen and Jno. Mickle are appointed to superintend the same. A Memorial from a Number of the Inhabitants of Fells Point & near the Causeway between Town & the said Point was presented, urg^ing the necessity of another Stone Arch adjoining the former over the Stream of Water at the Causeway. Referred to next Meeting. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway — Order No. 12 on the Treasurer. 34.. 17. .6. Charge James Long Cash Reed, for Hogs Sold, Nt. Proceeds, 1..2..0; do. do. for a fine Reed, from Robert Casey for a Nuisance in his Cellar fronting on Market Street, 1..15..0; do. do. for Amount of Paving Tax on Frederick Street South of Market Street, 302..13..4; total, £305..15..4. Adjournal to the 5tli July. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore: city 237 Baltimore, 7th July, 1794. At the request of Sundry Inhabitants East of Jones's Falls the Special Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. John Brown. 1st Resolved that King George's Street from the Inter- tection of said Street and Albemarle Street (lower side agreeably to Resolve of 14th June, 1793, have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet to the Intersection of Granby Street. 2d Resolved that Albemarle & Granby Streets from the South Gutter of King George's Street have an ascent of one Inch in every ten feet to the middle of the Square between King George's Street and Duke Street and from thence to the North Gutter of Duke Street to have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet. 3d Resolved that Albemarle and Granby Streets from the South Gutter of Duke Street have an Ascent of one Inch to the middle of the Square between Duke Street and Queen Street and from thence to the North Gutter of Queens Street to have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet. 4th Resolve that Albemarle and Granby Streets from the South Gutter of Queen Street and Prince Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet & from thence to have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet, to the North Gutter of Prince Street. 5th Resolved that Albemarle & Granby Streets from the South Gutter of Prince Street to the middle of the Square between Prince Street and York Street, have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet, and from thence to have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet to the North Gutter of York Street. 6th Resolved that Granby Street from the South Gutter of York Street to the elbow of the said Street between York Street and Polly Street have an ascent of one Inch in every ten feet & from thence one even regular Descent to the 238 RKCOKDS OF North Gutter of Polly Street, the said Gutter in Polly- Street to be on a level with the South Gutter of York Street. 7th Resolved that iVlbemarle Street from the South Gut- ter of York Street to the middle of the Square between York Street & Polly Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet to the North Gutter of Polly Street. 8th Resolved that Duke Street, Queen Streel. Prince Street, York Street and Polly Street have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet from Granby Street to Jones's Falls. 9th Resolved that Phillpot Street from the South Gutter of Prince Street to the middle of the Square between Prince Street & York Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet and from thence to the North Gutter of York Street to have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet. Permission is hereby Granted to Rickets to perform his Equestrian feats of Plorsemanship for the Term of three Months from this date, provided he Contributes one per- formance as a Benefit to be applied towards the regulating & repairing the Streets. James Long is directed to attend and receive the Collec- tions made at said performance. Baltimore. July 12th, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: James Wignall. John IIiIvLEn. Joseph Townsend, Joseph Biays. John Brown. A Petition from sundry Inhabitants residing on Baltimore Street between the Corner of Howard & Eutaw Streets re- questing that the same be ])aved — Jno. ]\Iickle and John Hillen are appointed to Consult with the supervisor of the Turnpike Road and see if he will engage to unite with this Board to render the said in a i)assable situation provided the same is paved and inform the next Meeting of the Board. The Building another Arch at the Causeway being con- sidered — Resolved that if the Inhabitants there will advance Baltimore; city 239 the Money for the purpose, that the same be built in the course of the present Season — Joseph Biays is directed to inform them thereof. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done at the Causeway & Eden Street an Order issued No. 13, 50..13..0. Joseph Townsend do. for work done in Front Street, King George's Street & Market space, Order No. 14, 4.. 13. .9; total, 55..6..9. Charge James Long Cash reed. Nt. Proceeds of Hogs Sold from Joseph Townsend, 2..4..0. Adjourn'd to Saturday the 20th Inst. Sam'i, Vince;nt, Clk. Baltimore, 14th July, 1794. At a Special Meeting Commissioners met. Present : John Micklk. James Wignali,. John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. Resolved that Queen Street (on Fells Point) have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from Thames Street to the West end of Philip Dorseys Brick dwelling House and from thence to have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet to Wills Street. Resolved also, that the said Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet to the Centre of the Square from Wills Street to Point Street & from thence to have one Inch in every ten feet Descent to Point Street. Resolved that this Board receive on Loan for one Year of Jno. O'Donnell. George Gale, David Harris & Gustavus Scott the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars to be applied to- wards opening and rendering passable Dulany Street from the new Stone Bridge to the West corner of the Presby- terian Burying Ground. Joseph Townsend and John Hillen are appointed to superintend the same and build a Stone Bridge over the Branch crossing the said Street East of Thomas Yates burnt Building. 240 RECORDS OF On the application of Saml. Chase, Esqr., Chief Judge of the Criminal Court of this County, this board examined the Public Square on Fells Point and do approve the proposal of building a Watch House on the said Square provided the Consent of a Majority of the Inhabitants of said Scpiare can be obtained — The said House to be built on such part thereof as may be hereafter agreed on. Baltimore, 24th July, 1794. At a Special Meeting the Commissioners met. Present: John Coulter. Joseph Biavs. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. John Brown. The Board having examined the Injury arising from the large body of Water running through the different Squares of the East end of this Town — Whereupon Resolved that a Canal be cut about Eighteen feet West of the East I^ine of Market Street leading out of Fells Point to be taken out of the present Canal nearly opposite to the Brick House form- erly occupied by Isaac Van Bibber and continued in the aforementioned Direction to the Intersection of Bank Street & from thence to be continued down Bank Street to the Intersection of Ann Street & from thence to be continued down Ann Street untill it empties into a Branch leading into the River. Resolved that Joseph Biays and John Coulter be a Com- mittee to superintend the cutting of said Canal and to pro- ceed to the same as soon as the Money can be procured on Loan for said purpose. r>altimore, 26th July, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John Mickle. John Hillen. John Coultek. bai^timore; city 241 In Consequence of a Resolve of the 12th Instant respect- ing the Building of another Arch at the Causeway, the fol- lowing Persons have agreed to Lend the Sums of Aloney annexed to their Names for one Year, Viz. : Resolved that Joseph Biays, John Hillen & Joseph Town- send superintend the Building of said Arch. Resolved that James Long Call on Heneger & Col- lect a fine from him for a Nuisance, 35/. Charge James Long with the same, 1..15..0; do. do. Cash reed, from Moses Calhoun as Chimney fine last Year super- ceded, 3..0..0; total, 4..L5..0. The Year rating the- Assize of Bread being expired the 15th Inst. — Resolved the present Assessors George Priest- man, \Vm. Trimble and John Brown be continued in that office for 12 Months from the said 15th Inst. Resolved, that Market Street between the Corner of How- ard & Eutaw Street be paved agreeably to the Petition of the 12th Inst. Joseph Biays presented an Acct. for work done in Eden Street — order issued. No. 15 on Treasurer, 31..11..3. Saml. Vincent do. Clk for 3 Months Service to 30th Ult & 1 quire Paper. Order No. 16, 7..11..2. Jno. Brown for Assessors of Bread to 15th Inst. Order No. 17, 20..0..0; total, £59..25..0. Adjourn'd to 9th August next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 28th July, 1794. At a Special Meeting in Consequence of a Petition from Sundry Inhabitants of Conowaga Street for a Pump — the following Commissioners met, Viz. : John Micklk. John Hille:n. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Resolved that one be sunk on the South side of said Street between Charles Street & forest Street, opposite West End of the Academy, between said Streets — under the Direction of John Mickle. 242 RECORDS OF This Hoard havint^ examined the Ground suital^le for the proposed Canal to go through at the North East side of this Town, do Resolve that the same be cut beginning at the North side of the old Post Road at the Intersection of the said Road & the Street leading into Town by Haywards Tan Yard & from thence to run with one Direct course through the Land of Daniel Bowley to the Head of the Canal lately opened near the Spring Head, at the upper side of Job Smith's Meadow. The Clk is Ordered to notify Daniel Bowley of the fore- going Resolve, that he may choose a Man to \''alue the Damages attending, as the Law directs in such Cases. Baltimore, 9th August, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John HileEn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Joseph Biays. Messrs. Gerard Hopkins & James Edwards being called on to value Property belonging to Sundry Persons where the Canal runs North of the old Post Road — The above Gen- tlemen have made the following return, Viz. : We the subscribers being called upon by the Special Com- missioners of Baltimore Town & others Interested, Do give it as our Opinion that Doctor Lloyd Goodwin & Thomas Sligh be allowed and paid at the rate of One Hundred & Sixty pounds per Acre, and that Josias Pen- nington, James Ogleby & Co. be allowed and paid at the rate of One Hundred and twenty Pounds per Acre for all such Land that is taken to cut a Canal ten feet wide from Job Smith's Meadow to Jones's Falls in the same Direction it has been heretofore laid out. And that the said Commis- sions & their successors do for Ever keep such Gates or other means to prevent trespass through the Canal on the above three pieces of Land. And that the said Commission- BALTIMORE CITY 243 ers do Build a sufificient Bridge for the Use of each Lot (if requested by the Owners) eight feet wide. Signed : Genard Hopkins. James Edwards. The Clerk directed to give John Jalland a General Order on the Different subscribers as a Loan towards Building another Arch at the Causeway. James Long presented an Acct. for work done on Dulany Street. Issued an Order No. 18 on Treasurer, 29..n..l0><. John Brown do. for work done on Harrison, Jones's & Dulany Streets, Order No. 19, 29..8..5>^. John Hillen do. for work done, &c., on the North end of Charles Street & building a Bridge across Ellicotts Ditch in Hill Street, Order No. 20, 31..8..6>4 ; total, £90..8..10>4. Adjourn'd to the 23d Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 11th August, 1794. In Consequence of a Petition from sundry Inhabitants on the lower end of Conowaga Street to sink a Well & erect a Pump at the lower end of said Square, the following Com- missioners met, Viz. : John MickeE. Joseph Townsend. John HieeEn. John Brown. Whereupon Resolved that one be sunk in the said Street at, or near the Corner at the Intersection of Liberty Street lower side and that John Mickle & Joseph Townsend super- intend the same. 244 RECORDS OF Baltimore, 12th August, 1794. At a Special Meeting the following Commissioners were Present: ., ,, John JMickle. John Brown. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. James Long, the present Collector, is appointed to take the Assessment of the present Year, on Horses, Carriages, Bil- liard Tables, &c., and to enter on the same immediately, for which he is to have Twenty four Dollars. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. A. M. Baltimore, 23d August. 1794. At the request of Sundry Inhabitants residing on Liberty Street South of Baltimore Street to level the same, the fol- lowing Commissioners met, Viz. : John MicklE. John Brown. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. Whereupon resolved that said Street from Baltimore Street to the Intersection of Howard Street have a Descent of three quarters of an Inch in every ten feet. P. M. same Day. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend John HillEn. John Brown. Charge James Long with Cash Reed, for Hogs, £2..18..1^. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore; city 245 Baltimore, 29th August, 1794. At the Special Instance of Dr. John Coulter, the follow- ing Commissioners met to examine into the situation of Fells Point in order if possible to remove all Nuisances in the Street or otherwise, that may have a tendency to intro- duce any Contageous disorders which at present the In- habitants appear under some alarming apprehensions may take place, Viz. : Joseph Biays. John Mickls. Joseph Townsend. John Hileen. John Coulter. The Board having considered & examined the same do agree that Joseph Biays be appointed to remove sundry small Ponds of Water which stand in several of the Streets on said Point, either by filling them up with Earth or draining them off. It is also recommended that every Member of this Board use all possible endeavours to prevent the Inhabitants of both Town and Point from discharging any foul or Nauseous substance into the Streets which may be injurious to the health of the Inhabitants. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 2d Sept., 1794. At a Special Meeting. Present: John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Hieeen. Resolved, that King George Street from the West side of Granby Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet to the West side of Exeter Street — Also Resolved, that King George Street from the East side of Exeter Street have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet to the West side of Harford Street — Resolved Also, that Harrison Street from the South side of Gay Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet to the South East end of Wm. Cope- 246 RECORDS OF land Gouldsmith's Brick House and from thence one even regular descent to the North side of the Public Wharf front- ing the elbow of said Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 6th Sept., 1794. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. James Wigneel. John Brown. John MicklE. John Hielen. Joseph Townsend. Order No. 21 drawn on Treasurer in favour of Jas. Long for Inspecting Bread from 1st March to 1st Inst., 7..10..0. Application of sundry Inhabitants residing on the East side of High Street East of Jones's Falls to erect a Pump on said Square, Resolved that one be erected as soon as Convenient. Adjourn'd to the 20th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 8th Sept., 1794. At a Special Meeting the following Commissioners met, Viz.: Joseph Biavs. John HieeEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. A Number of the Inhabitants of high Street having ap- plied for a Pump to be erected in the said Street, this Board do now Resolve that as soon as a Majority of the Inhabit- ants of said Street sign the Memorial, that John Brown erect one at or near the elbow on the North East side nearlv opposite to the corner of Isaiah Jackson's Lot. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 247 Balto., 12th Sept., 1794. In Consequence of a Memorial from sundry Inhabitants residing on Hanover Street, South of Pratt Street, the fol- lowing Commissioners met. Viz. : John Mickle. John Brown. John Hileen. Joseph Townsend. Whereupon, resolved that Hanover Street from the South Gutter of Pratt Street have an Ascent of one Inch & a ^ in every ten feet to the middle of the Square between Pratt and Camden Streets & from thence to have a Descent of one Inch & ^ in every ten feet to the North Gutter of Camden Street. Resolved, that Hanover Street from the South Gutter of Camden Street to the middle of the Square between Cam- den & Conway Streets have an Ascent of one Inch & %. in every ten feet & from thence to have a descent of one Inch & 1/4 in every ten feet to the North Gutter of Conway Street. Balto., 13th September, 1794. At the request of John Andrea's & others the Commis- sioners met. Present : Joseph Townsend. John Hileen. John Brown. John MickeE. Resolved, that Street have one even regular Ascent from Liberty Street to Howard Street. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. 248 RECORDS OF *Balto., 18th Sept., 1794. At the recjuest of sundry Inhabitants residing on Howard Street and Alley, the following Commissioners met, Viz. : John Mickle. John Brown. John Hille;n. Joseph Townsend. Whereupon, Resolved, that Liberty Street have an Ascent of ^ of an Inch in every ten feet from Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 20th Sept., 1794. Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. John Brown. John Hillen, Joseph Townsend. Thomas Usher, Junr., attended this Board and gave in- formation that the Vestry of St. Pauls had authorised him to draw out of their Funds any Sum not exceeding One Hundred Pounds on Loan to the Special Commissioners for the Improving of New Church Street in Consequence of their Memorial to the Board last Spring. Resolved that John Mickle, Joseph Townsend & John Hillen be appointed to superintend the regulation of said Street, and that the Amount of the Sum of Money expended thereon be returned them out of our next Collection. Order No. 47 in favour of James Brown for work done at the Canal in old Town. 106. .6. .10. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. *This Entry wrong. See 18th Sept., '93, which is right. Baltimore; city 249 Balto., 23d Sept., 1794. At a special Meeting the following Commissioners met, Viz.: John MickliS. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. John Brown. Resolved, that Holliday Street, have a Descent of one Inch & a half in every ten feet from East Street to Alley. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 4th October, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. John Brown. John HieeEn. Joseph Townsend. Charge James Long with Cash received for Exhibiting to View a Pellican & Panther, 0..15..0. ; do. Amot. of Tavern Licences from Aiigt., 1793, to Augst, 1794, 91..0..10; total, £91..15..10. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 7th October, 1794. On the personal Application of James Calhoun and George Lindenberger on. behalf of the Inhabitants residing on Harris's Creek, Resolved that a small Stone Arch Bridge be immediately built over a Branch of Water Crossing Wilkes Street near the East side of Baltimore Town next to James Calhoun's Rope Walk. Resolved that the Money attending the Expense of the same, be borrowed of Geo. Lindenberger and that Joseph Biays, Joseph Townsend and Jno. Hillen be appointed to superintend the same. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 250 RECORDS OF Balto., 18th October, 1794. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John Brow.n. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. Balto., 20th Oct., 1794. At a Special Meeting Commissioners met. Present: John MickeE. John Brown. John Hileex. Joseph Townsend. Resolved, that a Well be immediately sunk and a Pump be fixed on the North West side of South Street opposite to second Street fronting the upper side of Seth Bartons lower Brick House. John Mickle and John Hillen are appointed to superintend the same. Sam'l A^incent, Clk. Baltimore, 1st Nov., 1794. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. James Wignell. John Hillen. Mr. Wignell, one of the Managers of the Theatre, applies for Permission to perform- — the time to be ascertained for their Beginning. Resolved that Philpots bridge be repaired and that John Brown and Joseph Townsend superintend the same. Order No. 22 in favour of Joseph Biays for work done on Apple Alley. 4..10..0. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE) CITY 251 Balto., 15th November, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle;. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HilIvEn. Order No. 23, in favour of Jas. Brown for work done in Holliday Street opposite Theatre, 12..10..0. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 29th Nov., 1794. Commissioners met. Prest. : Joseph Biays. John Brown. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. Charge Jas. Long with Chimney fine to be Collected from John Coulter, 3..0..0; do. do. from Wm. Jacobs, 2..15..0; do. do. from John Straughan, 3..0..0 ; do. do. from Jas. McCannon, 5..0..0; do. do. from Redmond Barry, 3..0..0; do. do. from AVm. Brown, 2..15..0; total, £19..10..6. Application of sundry Inhabitants of the lower end of Queen Street, to have the same lower'd in order to carry oflf the Water which stands there. John Brown, Jno. Hillen and Josh. Townsend are appointed to examine the same. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 13th Dec, 1794. Commissioners met. Present : John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John MicklE. In Consequence of a Petition from sundry Inhabitants on Fells Point, respecting a Nuisance in Ann Street. 252 RECORDS OF Mr. James Long" is appointed to wait on Mr. Steele to request his removing the same. Charge James Long with a fine reccl. from Thos, Mc- Elclerry, 7..5..0; do. do. from W'm. ]\IcCausland, 1..5..0 do. Cash Reed, from Mr. Rickets for Equestrian Performances, 30..7..6. total, £32..17..6. Order No. 24 in favour of John Hillen for work done on Hillen Street, 52..13..4^. Order No. 25, in favour of John Brown for work done on the Centre Bridge, 40..4..3><. Order No. 26, in favour of Yundt & Brown their Bill for Advertisements to 2d May last, 6..1..9. Order No. 27, in favour of S. Vincent for his Services as Clk to 30th Sept. last, 7..10..0; total, £106..9..5. Adjourn'd to this day Week three O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 20th Deer., 1794. Commissioners met. Present : John Hillen. James Wignall. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John MicklE. Order No. 28 favour of John Hillen, for work done on Hill Street, 1..10..0. Order No. 29 favour of Jas. Long for his Services taking the Assessment, on Horses. Carriages, Billiard Tables, &c., for the present Year, 9..0..0; total, £10..10..0. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 22d Deer.. 1794. At a Special Meeting, the following Commissioners met Viz. : Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. John Mickle. John Brown. BALTIMORE CITY 253 At the request of divers Inhabitants of Street — Whereupon, Resolved that John Mickle make sundry re- pairs on said Street between James Carey's new Building and Pratt Street so as to render the same in a passable situation. Charge James Long with Cash he received from Jacob Shriver for Clay for 366500 Bricks, @ 2/6, 45..16..3. The following Note was sent to Mr. Benjamin Griffith: Sir — The Special Commissioners request that you will have your House on Fells Street removed further back, as it is now on said Street a considerable distance. You will be pleased to have it done by the 20th January next. Balto., 29th deer., 1794. By order of the Board. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 3d January, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Biays. James Wignall. John Hillen. John Brown. Proceeded to dispose of the Different Streets by Lots at Public Sale agreeably to advertisement and were disposed of to the following Persons as Scavengers as per list filed : Trustees of the Poor Lots 1, 2, 3, & 8, 40..2..6. Danl. Deady No. 4, 7, 4..10..0. Jas. Wignell No. 5, 5..0..0. Thos. Rutter, Junr., No. 6, 9, 12..0..0. Jas. Stirling, Nos. 10„ 11, 12, 13, 4..16..3. John Tagart, Nos. 14, 17, 0..15..0. Dr. H. Y. Stevenson, No. 15, 0..7..6. Maximilian Heuisler, No. 16, 3..0..0. George Grundy, Nos. 18, 19, 20, 22, 7..15..0. John Mickle, No. 21, 0..7..6. Charge Jas. Long with the Amot., 78.. 13. .9. Dr. Jno. McDonagh's Acct. for Clay in Addition to his last Account, 0..19..6; total, £79..12..0. 254 RKCORDS OF Order No. 30 in favour of S. Vincent. Clk, to 30th Ult & Paper. 7..11..6. No. 31 in favour Jas. Long Cryer of the above Lots, 1/6, 0..15..0; total, £8..6..6. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto.. 10th January, 1795. In Consequence of a Petition from sundry Inhabitants in Charles Street to the Commissioners, requesting the Water running down said vStreet be directed and Divided in such manner as should afford relief to the Inhabitants thereof — the following Commissioners met. Viz. : John Mickle. John Brown. James Wignell. John Hillen. Wliereupon Resolved after viewing the same that they are of Opinion nothing can be done during the present Sea- son it being now far advanced — from whence they adjourned to Hill Street to ascertain the Quantity of Clay therein to be disposed of. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 17th Jany., 1795. Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Biays. Charge James Long a Chimney fine from R. Riddle, 5..0..0; do. do., Jno. Barnard, 3..0..0; do. do. Wm. Kell, 3..0..0; do. 174 Loads Clay used by Jno Brown out of Hanover Street, @ 8d. 5.16..0; do. 55 ft New England Plank, 0..5..6; total. £17..1..6. jMemorial from Sundry Inhabitants residing on Howard Street between Market and Lombard Street, to have the same Paved, Resolved the same be done as soon as con- venient. BALTIMORE CITY 255 Memorial from Christopher Hughes requesting the level- ing Street, the Board to meet on the Premises as soon as Convenient to examine the same. The Board proceeded to dispose of the Clay in Hill Street which on a Calculation will make 336 M ^ Bricks, Mr. Jno. McDonagh present. Jno. tlillen purchaser, @ 1/. (N. B. Clay not taken.) Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 31st Jany., 1795. Commissioners met. Present : JOSKPH BlAYS. James WigneeIv. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John HieeEn. Memorial presented from sundry Inhabitants of this Town Proprietors of Property in Water Street East of Gay Street to the lower Bridge likewise King George Street 'till it intersects Albemarle Street, to have the same Paved, Re- solved that the same be done as soon as Convenient. Charge James Long as follows : Cash Reed, from Joseph Townsend Nt. Proceeds Hogs Sold, 8..1..9^ ; do. from Joseph Biays for do. Sold on Fells Point, 9.. 18.. 5^ ; do. from do. for Negro Rope Dancer, 1..10..0; do. from do. for 15 Loads Sand, @ 8d, 0..10..0; total, £20..0..3K. Adjourn'd to Thursday 5th Feby. next for the purpose of Examining Accounts. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 3d February, 1795. At a Special Meeting the Commissioners met to examine the situation of Dutch Alley, Present : John Mickee. John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. 266 RECORDS OF Whereupon Resolved, that John Mickle & John Hillen be appointed to secure a Gutter wherein a large body of Water crosses the said Alley so that it may be raised to a proper heighth for Paving and lower Saratoga Street at the lower end so as to convey the said Body of Water into Liberty Street. Also, Resolved, that John Mickle and Jno. Hillen raise Liberty Street opposite to Riddlemosers door so that it may be passable for Carriages. Sam'l Vincent, Clk Balto., 5th February, 1795. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. James Wignall. John Brown. John Hillen. Commissioners proceeded to examine the Accounts: Order No. 32 favour of Jno. A. Hamilton for his Services as Overseer, &c., as per Bill from 5th March, 1794, 117..10..0. No. 33 favour of Josh. Townsend for work done on York, Granby, & King George Streets, also extending Dulany Street & building Bridge on Dulany Street. 131. . 5. .0. No. 34 favour of Do. for do. do.,'44..3..11>4— 175..8..11>^ ; total, £292.. 18.. 1134. Charge James Long with Amount of Paving Tax done in Second Street as per List. 331. .13. .4; do. do. on Lemmon's Alley as per List. 131..17..r); total, £463..10..10. Adjourn'd to the 14th Inst. ^^^^,^ Vincent, Clk. Balto.. 14th February, 1795. At a Special Meeting A. M., the following Commission- ers met. Present: John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. BALTIMORE CITY 257 Resolved, that John Alickle be and he is hereby appointed to lower that part of the Street lately established by the General Assembly lying South of Wm. Goodwin's door and with the same Earth fill up the hollow between the same and Charles Street, in order that the said Street be made in a passable situation. P. AL, the following Commissioners met agreeably to ad- journment, Viz. : John MicklE. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John HielEn. John Brown. James Wignaee. Order No. 35, favour of Joseph Biays for work done on- the Stone Arch at the Causeway & likewise for work done at Stone Arch Wilkes Street near Harris's Creek, 191. .6. .6. Order No. 36, favour of do. work done at Do., 200.. 10.. 9; total, 391..17..3. Order No. 37, favour of do. Timber furnish'd for both Arches, 40..11..6. Order No. 38, favour of do. for work done lower end Bond Street, removing Nuisances during Sickness, 73..3..0. Order No. 39, favour of Jno. Mickle work done Market Space, 55. .15. .7^. Order No. 40, favour of do. work done in Second Street,, 228..14..10i^. Order No. 41, favour of do., 542..18..3. Order No. 42, favour of do. work done in Second Street from East side of Fredk. to Gay Street, 247.. 19.. 11. Order No. 43, favour of do. work done in Frederick Street.. 272..n..2y2. Order No. 44, favour of do. Sundry Accts. Paid by him, 16..14..0>^. Order No. 45, favour of John Brown for work done in Billingsgate Street, Green & Gay Streets & at the Head of the Canal old Town, 37..14..2i^. ' Order No. 46, favour of James Long sundry Judgments obtained against him, 1..3..7. 258 RECORDS OF Order No. 48, favour of Jno. Mickle work done in Lem- mon's Alley, 102..0..6. Total, £2011..3..11>^. Charge Jas. Long' with the following Accts, \'iz. : Reed, from Port Wardens for filling up Dirt in Liberty- Street to Prevent the Sand from Washing into the Bason, 20..0..0; Reed, a Seeond fine from Robt. Casey for a Nuis- ance, 1..15..0; do. a Chimney fine from Jacob Demmill, 1 Story*, 2..15..0; do. do. from Jas. Edwards, 2 Story*. 3..0..0; do. from Managers of the Theatre, 3 Months, 12..10..0; do. trom P)abcock exhibiting Machine Carriage, 1..10..0; total; £4L.10..0. Memorial from Sundry Persons Proprietors in Bond Street Fells Point presented, requesting the said Street be paved, Resolved the same be done, and that Joseph Biays, Jno Coulter & Jos. Tow^nsendf the same. Adjourn'd to the 21st Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk, Balto., 21st Feby.. 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Coulter. Charge Jas. Long as follows : Cash Reed, from for per- forming Tumbling, &c., see application 7th June last. 0..15..0; do. Chimney fine from Wm. Johnson Fells Pt, 2 Story,* 3..0..0: do. do. from Isaiah Jackson, 2 Story,* 3..0..0; do. do. from Richardson Steuart, 2 Story, 3..0..0: do. do. from Lyde Goodwin. 2 Story, 3..0..0; do. Reed, from Jas. Calhoun, Esqr., on Acct. of the Proportion of Profits arising from the last drawn Annual Lotterv, 519..6..0; total, £532..1..0. *Word house or buiUliiii;: nmittcd. tSuperintend omitted. bai^timore: city 259 Charge Robert Gorsuch with Cash reed, for a fine for SelHng Liquor without Licence March last, L.10..0. Adjourn'd to the 24th Inst. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Balto., 24th Feby., 1795. Commissioners met to Settle with the Treasurer & to lay the Acct. before Comptrollers : John Mickle;. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. Joseph Biays. Order No. 51 for Jas. Sterett, Treasurer, to retain his Commission on Cash Reed, from the Different Collectors since last Settlement, £31..12..0; No. 50 in favour of Jno, Mickle Cash per Blksmith, 2..2..0; total, £33.. 14..0. Sundries — Dr. to Jas. Long: James Sterett Paid him at Sundry Times, 2282.. 10.. 7^ ; Baltimore Town Insolvencies on Horse & Carge Tax, &c., 7..10..0; Insolvencies on Tavern Licences out of limits of Town, 36..8..4; do. on Billiard Tables & Exhibitions, 11..0..10; for Commission on £3443..6..9^, @ 2>4 per Ct., 61..8..0; extra allowance for Collecting 22 Chimney fines, 4..2..6 ; total 120..9..8. Amot. of Paving Tax whereon no distress can be made as per List Folio 93, Journal, 153..14..11i/^ ; Balance due from Jacob Shriver for Clay, 27.. 1. .3; total, 301..5..10>4. Grand total, £2583..16..5^. Sundries — Dr. to Robert Gorsuch : James Sterett — Paid him at sundry times, 245..11..1i/2. Baltimore Town — Commission on Sums Collected, 14.. 14.. 8; Balance to Collect including Insolvencies, 91..16..r)>^ ; total, 106.. 11.21^ ; grand total, £352..2..4. Baltimore Town — Dr. to John Traverse : By Balance due 12th feby., 1794, 4..U.A}i. Ji60 RECORDS OF James Sterett Dr. to Baltimore Town for the following Orders issued and passed to his Credit but not yet paid, Viz issued previous to last Settlement unpaid : No. 40 100.. 0..0 No. 59 37..10..0 £137..10..0 Issued since last Settlement : No. 22 4.. 10.. No. 37 4.. 11.. 6 No. 24 52.. 13.. 4>4 38 73.. 3.. 28 1..10.. 39 55.. 15.. 7>4 31 15.. 40 228..14..10>^ 33 131.. 5.. 42 247..19..11 34 44.. 3..II14 44 16.. 14.. 0>4 35 191.. 6.. 6 45 37.. 14.. 2^^ 36 200.. 10.. 9 46 1.. 3.. 7 48 102.. 0.. 6 Total 626..14.. 6^ 50 2.. 2.. Examined and approved 805..19.. 3 137..10.. 626..14.. 6^ by Comptrollers 1570.. 3.. 9)4 Chris Johnston Sharpe Note — sent to Thos. McElderry for to desist taking any more dirt from Philpots Hill — the Note as follows: Sir— The Board of Sped. Commrs. sensible to the Viola- tion of the Grant given by them of removing Gravel from Philpots Hill & also of the presumption manifested in such Conduct conceive it necessary to forward this Notice that a forbearance immediately take place that Compulsory measures may not be enforsed to prevent the same. By order of the Board, Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BAIvTiMORE CITY 261 Balto., 27th February, 1795. Charge James Long with a Chimney fine omitted last Acct. received by him from Edward Pannell, 5..0..0; do. do. Amount of Horse & Carriage Tax, &c., for Yr. 1794, 454.. 5. .0; do. do. Amount of Tavern Licence, Augt. Term last, 470.:0..0; total, £929..5..0. Balto., 7th March, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Joseph Biays. John Mickle. James Wigneee. Resolved that John Brown have the charge of Griffiths Bridge on Jones's Falls, Joseph Townsend the Centre Bridge & Joseph Biays the lower Do. and that they repair the same from time to time as occasion may require. Order No. 1 drawn on the Treasurer for 261 days at- tendance of this Board for last Year, 97.. 17.. 6; No. 2 drawn for 2 davs Comptrollers Examining Acct., 2..0..0 ; total, £99..17..6. Adjourn'd to meet on the 13th Inst, at nine O'Clock in the Morning, in order to level sundry Streets which have been applied for heretofore. Sam'l Vincent. Clk. Balto., 13th March, 1795. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: James Wignele. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. John Hieeen. John Brown. Resolved that Liberty Street from the South Gutter of Baltimore Street have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet to Lombard Street. 262 RECORDS OF Resolved that Hanover Street from the South Gutter of Conway Street to the middle of the Square between Con- way & Barre Streets have an Ascent of 1^ Inch in every ten feet and from thence to have a Descent of 1^ Inch in every ten feet to the North Gutter of Barre Street. Resolved that Barre Street from Hanover Street have a Descent of Inches in every ten feet to Goodman Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st March, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Hillen. James Wignell. Charge James Long with 4^ Months Licence previous to Augst. Term last omitted to be received from Jno. Mof- fitt, L.19..7. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks as usual. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto.. 23d March. 1795. At a Special Meeting the following Commissioners met on Lexington Street, Viz. : John Brown. John MicklE. John Hillen. James Wignell. Resolved, that the Bank of Earth in said Street between Howard & Liberty Streets be removed under. the direction of James Wignell and John Mickle. so as to afford a Passage for the Water that now crosses private Property. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 263 Balto., 1st April, 1795. Commissioners met this day. Present : Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John Hillen. John Brown. Resolved, that Lexington Street from the West Gutter of Howard Street have one even regular Ascent to the bottom of the Sill of Henry Raymonds House at the Intersection of said Street with Eutaw Street, the said Sill being the heighth of two Bricks from the top of the stone wall of the Cellar of said House. N. B. — Whereas a Resolve of the foregoing Street is referred to by a Resolve of Eutaw Street entered into on the day of 1794, which re- solve is mislaid, it is now intended that the Resolve of Lexington Street unite with the Resolve of Eutaw Street. Resolved also, that John Brown wharf across the lower side of the large Gutter which crosses German Lane near the East corner of John Moale's Lot whereon he now lives & produce the expence attending the same to the Board. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 4th April, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: James Wigneee. John Brown. John Hileen. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Memorial from sundry Inhabitants in South Street, Bowley's Wharf, Franklin Lane & other Streets, Lanes & Alleys in the Vicinity of sd Wharf, recjuest the same may be regulated and Paved. Resolved, that the same be done as soon as Convenient. Charge James Long with Cash Reed, from Geo. Saunders Exhibiting on the Slack Wire, Balancing, &c., 0..7..6. Per- mission being granted him. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 264 RECORDS OP Memorial from sundry Inhabitants residing in Hanover Street, requesting the same ma}^ be paved. Resolved — the same be done agreeably to a former Re- solve, as soon as Convenient. Memorial from sundry Proprietors in North Lane re- questing that the said Lane may be opened. Resolved, that the same be done under the Direction of John Brown & Jos. Townsend & dispose of the Dirt taken therefrom. Charge James Long with the following fines to be Col- lected for Breach of the Laws driving Waggons with 4 Horses over the Paved parts of the Stree'ts with narrow Wheels: William Pollock near the Turnpike. 2..10..0; Charles Dheale. Howard Street, 2..10..0; Alexander Madewell, How- ards Hill. 2..10..0: total, £7..10..0. Order No. 3 in favour of Saml. Vincent for 2 Mths Serv- ices as Clk to 30th Ult, 9..7..6; Order No. 4 in favour of Thomas Dewitt for 12 Months use of his Rooms, fire & Candle to 29th Oct. last, 5..0..0; total, £14..7..6. .Adjourn'd to the 18th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 17th April, 1795. At a s])ecial Meeting, requested by the sundry Inhabitants of \'ork Street to level the same, &c., the following Com- missioners met, Viz. : Jamks Wignell. John Hillen. John Brown. John Micki^e. Joseph Townsend. Resolved, that Front Street from the top of the Stone Wall of Charles Torence's new building at the South corner of the Baptist burying Ground have a descent of 7y2 Inches in every ten feet to Plowman Street. Resolved that Baltimore Street continued and York Strt. from the East Gutter of Front Street have an Ascent of 21/2 Inches in every ten feet to the W^est side of Milk Lane, BALTIMORE CITY 265 and York Street from thence to have one even regular descent to Dulany Strt. and Dulany Street to be continued with the same Descent to two feet below the top of the present wall of the Buttment of the Stone Bridge on the said Street. Order No. 5 in favour of John Brown for the purpose of paying the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to the Vestry of St. Pauls, which Sum was borrowed of them in Consequence of the Resolve of 20th of September last, 100..0..0. Reference to Resolve entered into 14th June, 1793. Whereas it was Resolved by this Board on the 14th day of June, 1793, that King George Street should have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from the bottom of the Sill of Benjamin Gorsuch's House's door to the Intersection of Albemarle Street, which aforesaid Sill was established as a boundary and governed the level of all the Streets East of Jones's Falls to Granby Street from Baltimore Street con- tinued to the Causeway, and the Board having discovered that the aforesaid Boundary was removed by the House being taken down & a new one Erecting thereon. It is now Resolved that the same be fixed eight Inches below the Brick Wall at the bottom of the first Door from Jones's Falls of Chas. Carroll of Carrollton's new building, being as near the former as can possibly be come at. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 18th April, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: James Wigneee. John Brown. John Hielen. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John MickeE. Adjourn'd to the 2d May next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 266 RECORDS oif Balto., 21st April, 1795. At a Special Meeting the following Commissioners met, Viz.: James Wignell. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. John Brown. Resolved, that Pratt Street from Charles Street to the line of Baltimore Town have a Descent of 3)^ Inches in every ten feet. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 2d May, 1795 Commissioners met. Present: James Wigneli^ John Brown. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. John Mickle. At the request of this Board, Gerard Hopkins & James Edwards made a second valuation of the ground to convey the Water down a Canal north of this Town who this day produced the following Estimate : We the subscribers being called on by the Special Com- missioners of Baltimore Town and others interested do give it as our opinion that Doctor Lyde Goodwin & Thomas Sligh be allowed and paid at the rate of one Hundred and sixty Pounds per Acre for such quantity as may be agreed on between the Parties and that Josias Pennington and James Ogleby be paid Twenty five Pounds for one and a half Perch wide through their Lands, the present ditch to be the middle of the same, the Direction to be from Job Smith's meadow to Jones's Falls in the same line it har. been laid out on, and that the said Commissioners & their successors do for ever keep such Gates or other means as baIvTimore: city 267 to prevent trespass through the Canal on the above three pieces of Land and that the said Commissioners do build a sufficient Bridge for the use of each Lot (if requested by the Owners) eight feet wide. April, 1795. (Signed) James Edwards. Ge;nard Hopkins. Order No. 42 in favour of Joseph Townsend for work done on Dulany Street & Printers Bill, 10..7..3. No. 43 in favour of Jno. Brown for work done at two Bridges near Jno. McDonagh's Brick Yard and £25 pd J. Pennington & Co. agreeably to the above estimate, 37.. 16. .6. No. 44 in favour of John Mickle for work done in Hill Street, 54.. 10.0. Total, £102..13..9. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 16th May, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John MickIvE. James Wignell. Joseph Biays. John HileEn. John Brown. Charge James Long with 21 half Tavern Licences taken out March Term last, @ 50/, 52..10..0; do. Chimney fine from Thos. Saunderson, 2 Story*, 3..0..0; do. do. John Rose, 2 Story, 3..0..0; do. do. Richd. Culverwell, 1 do., 2..15..0; do. do. Isaiah Johns, 2 do., 3..0..0; do. do. Jonathan Rutter, 2 do., 3..0..0; do. do. John Wooden, 2 do., 3..0..0; do. do. Bloomer, 2 do., 3..0..0; total, £73.. 5..0. Charge Plenry Stevenson with the 15 penny Tax on Amot. of Property in Balto. Town, say £ 557395. .12..10; 348..17..5. Memorial from sundry Proprietors on West side of Mar- ket Space between Second & Water Streets to have the same paved. A Pump to be sunk in Bank Street under the direction of John Mickle and John Hillen. *Building. 268 RECOR] S OF Sundry Proprietors in York Street request by a Me- morial to have a Pump in said Street repaired under the direction of this Board. Order'd that tlie same be done. Adjourn'd to the 30th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 30th May, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: James Wignell. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John HieeEn. Robert Walsh attended in behalf of James Barry for permission to erect Hand rails opposite his Kitchen Door North side of East Street. Resolved that this Board meet on the first day of next Month at nine O'Clock in the Morn- ing to determine on the same. John Burk attended and gave information that he was charged with a Horse & Cart in the last Year's assessment, but that he has had no Cart for some Years past. Resolved that he be charged with one Horse only. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 1st June, 1795. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: John Mickee. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Coulter. Resolved, that James Barry have permission to erect Iron Palisades fronting his new Building on the North side of East Street to accommodate his Kitchen, &c., with light, provided that the said Palisading do not extend further from the front wall than three feet four Inches & ^, the Street being but forty feet. BALTlMORi; CITY ^69 Permission is hereby granted to to Exhibit his performance of representing the Creation in seven Districts, &c. Charge Jas. Long with so much Reed, from sd for said Performance, 0..7..6. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 9th June, 1795. At a Special Meeting the following Commissioners met. Viz.: John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John MicklE. John Brown. Resolved, that Jno. Mickle & Jno. Hillen open Public Alley at the Intersection of Water Street so as to give a Passage for the Water that is now dammed up opposite James Alcock's House door. Resolved that Danl. Grant be notified to remove a Nuisance on Public Alley, which is occasioned by his necessary, Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 13th June, 1795. Commissioners met. Prest. : John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. James Wigneel. John Hieeen. Charge James Long with a Chimney fine from David Moore, 2 Stories*, 3..0..0: do. do. from James Small, 2 Stories*. 3..0..0; total, £6..0..0. Resolved that John Hillen, Joseph Biays and John Mickle be appointed a Committee to wait on Geo. Salmon for in- formation respecting the Lottery and urge the speedy draw- ing of the same. *Building. 270 RECORDS OF Jolin Hillen, John Brown and Joseph Tovvnsend are ap- pointed to give PubHc Notice, cautioning the Inhabitants against burning Shavings in the Streets of this Town, also Carters from scattering dirt along the Streets out of their Carts and such other Nuisances as may prove injurious to the Inhabitants, as also to Public to the Inhabitants the necessity of making Provision for new Bridges over Jones's Falls. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 15th June, 1795. At a Special Meeting requested Ij}- sundry Inhabitants residing on Hanover Street, the following Commissioners met.. Viz. : James Wignele. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John HileEn. John Mickle. Resolved, that John Mickle be appointed to repair a Gulley (occasioned by some of the late rains) at the Inter- section of Hanover & Campden Streets so as to render the same in a passable situation. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 16th June. 1795. Commissioners met at the request of Jesse Hollingsworth who is Building at the Intersection of St. Pauls Lane and Strt. Present: John MicklE. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HieijvX. Resolved that Street have one even regular descent from St. Paul's Lane to Calvert Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore; city 271 Balto., 23d June, 1795. Special Meeting the Commissioners met on Howard Street. Present : Jose:ph Townsend. John Mickle. John Brown. John Hillkn. Resolved that Howard Street from Baltimore Street to Lombard Street have a Descent of SjA Inches in every ten feet. A Memorial from sundry Inhabitants residing on Dutch Alley above Howard Street requesting that the same might be paved the distance of one Hundred & fifty feet from Howard Street. The Board having examined the same are of opinion the paving had best be postponed for the present. Charge James Long with Cash to be Collected from Mr. Rosanville for Exhibiting Fire Works, 0..15..0. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 25th June, 1795. The Inhabitants of South- Street South of Pratt Street requesting a fleeting of the Board to take into considera- tion the Propriety of extending the Gutters of said Street to the distance of three feet from the front of the buildings and that the same be paved with stone for the advantage of Wag- gons, Drays, &c., in Consequence of the above request the following Commissioners met. Present : John MickeE. John HieeEn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Who after viewing the premises are of Opinion that if the same be carried into Effect will be an Improvement. Where- upon Resolved that it be done accordingly. Provided the said Proprietors agree to discharge the additional Expense attending that mode of Paving. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. 272 RECORDS OF Balto., 27th June, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Tovvnsend. Joseph Biavs. John Moale and other Proprietors on German Lane at- tended the Board with an Apphcation to have the same re- paired. Postponed for want of funds. A Petition from the Inhabitants on PubHc Alley South of Water Street, requesting that the same be paved. Resolved that the same be done as soon as convenient. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 6th July, 1795. In Consequence of the Inundation of water which took place yesterday East of Jones's Falls, the Special Commrs. met. Present: John Brown. John Mickle. John Hileen. Joseph Townsend. Resolved that John Brown & Joseph Townsend are ap- pointed to raise a Bank of Earth on the South side of the old Post Road from Bridge Street continued to Forest Street, sufficient to carry off the water into the mouth of the Canal lately opened through the Lands of Daniel Bowly, Job Smith, Syde Goodwin & others. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. r,alto.. 11th July, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : Joiix Brown. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. James Wignell. Joseph Biays. John Mickle. Baltimore; city 273 Resolved, that John Alickle, John Brown and Joseph Townsend be appointed to superintend the Paving of Har- rison Street as Resolved on 24th May, 1794. Resolved that this Board meet on the 13th Inst. 9 O'Clock A. M. to Examine into the Situation of Public Alley in Con- sequence of a Memorial from the Inhabitants to have the same Paved. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 13th July, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : James Wignell. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. John Brow^n. Joseph Townsend. Resolved that Public Alley have a Descent of 1^ Inch in every ten feet from the South Gutter of Bank Street to the extreme end of said Alley on Lindenbergers Wharf, middle of the Alley leading out of said Street between the Resolved that Water Street from Pviblic Alley to the present dwelling House of Job Davidson and the Brick bake House occupied by Job Smith, have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet & from thence to have an even regular Descent to Calvert Street. Resolved that Water Street from Public Alley to the middle of the Square between the said Alley and Light Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet and from thence to have an even regular Descent to Light Lane. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st July, 1795. Commissionrs met. In Consequence of a Petition from the Inhabitants residing on the small Alley next to the 274 RECORDS OF West side of Calvert Street running from Water Street to Street in order to have the same paved. Present : Joseph Biays. John Hii.len. John Brov^n. Joseph Townsexd. John Mickle. Whereupon Resolved, that from the present dangerous situation that the said Alley is in, that it be paved as soon as possible and that Jno. Mickle and John llillen superintend the same & that the level thereof be ascertained & Recorded at a future Meeting. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 25th July, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: James Wigneee. John Hileen. John Brown. John Mickee. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. Order No. 5 in favour of John Mickle for work done in Hill Strt. & Cash pd. Corns* Howard for a Piatt, 77..8..0. Order No. 6 in favour of John Brown for work done in Harrison, Frederick & High Streets & the Wharf the end of Billingsgate Street, 137..9..2i^. Order No. 7 in favour of S. Vincent for 3 Mths Services as Clk to the 30th June, 9..7..6. Total, £224..4..8>^. John Brown. John Hillen & Josh. Townsend are appointed a Committee to make some immediate repairs to the Centre Bridge to prevent the same from falling and to call on the Sheriff for Money to defray the Expenses of the same. Adjourn'd to the 8th August next. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Abbreviation for Cornelius. BALTIMORE CITY 275 Balto., 28th July, 1795. Commissioners met in Consequence of an Application from sundry Inhabitants North side of Bridge Street. Pres- ent : James Wignele. John MicklE. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Hielen. The Board do hereby grant Permission to the Inhabitants therein named to repair at their own Expense the said Street in the following manner, Viz. to raise the middle of Bridge Street continued with good Gravel and open the gutters on each side, so as to cause an equal division of Water. Resolved that the aforesaid repairs be done under the im- mediate direction of John Brown, Josh. Townsend and John Hillen. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Baltimore, 31st July, 1795. In Consequence of the great Inundation of Water occa- sioned by the heavy rains Yesterday the Commissionrs met. Present: John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. This Board having examined the several damages sus- tained Resolved that John Mickle and John Hillen be a Committee to superintend repairing the Gulley at the Inter- section of Lexington & Howard Streets, Also the lower part of Lexington Street by opening the present Water course a sufficient width to carry all Waters into Liberty Street, that they also repair Dutch Alley, Pratt and Camp- den Streets. Resolved that John Brown be appointed to open the Mouth of the Canal lately o])ened North of Moale's Addi- 276 RECORDS OF tion through the Land of Daniel Bowly so as to receive the Body of water coming down the Old Post Road from Bridge Street Continued and that he open the said Post road a sufficient width and depth to carry the water into said Canal coming down the Street from the Red Lyon Tavern, that he Also open the Old Post Road in like man- ner for Anthony Barckman's Brick Yard to the run of Water leading through the Lands of Thomas MeElderry, that he also repair the Wooden shoot which receives the water at the lower end of said Canal into Jones's Falls. And that he Also repair Bridge Street, Low & Billingsgate Street Provided that the Money attending the aforesaid Expences can be obtained on a Loan from the Inhabitants to be returned them in two Years with Interest thereon, for which the Board will give them Orders payable at that Period. Resolved also that Joseph Biays be appointed to repair the several small Bridges on Fells Point to prevent their suffering further. Resolved that Joseph Townsend and Joseph Biays be ap- pointed to endeavour to procure a sufficient Sum of Money on Loan to rebuild the Stone Bridge over the run on Du- lany Street the said Money to be borrowed for two Years with Interest for which the Board do agree to give the Lender their Orders for the same, and if the aforesaid Sum can be procured, to superintend the rebuilding the same and forward it with all Expedition, Charge James Long with Cash to be Collected from Wignell & Reinagle for their first Quarter's Theatrical Per- formance, 12..10..0; do. do. Reed, from Jas. Rogers 25th Inst, exhibiting to view a Camel, sd Rogers to pay 7/6 per Week, 0..7..6; total £12..17..6. Sam'l Vincent, Ok. Balto.. 4th August, 1795. Special Meeting Commissicmers met. Present : John Hillen. Joseph Biays. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Baltimore; city 277 Lewis Pascault having repeatedly stopped up the Gutter at the South West corner of Bahimore & Howard Street in opposition to the Orders of this Board and this day drove away the Hands from working in the Street opposite his Door. Resolved that John Hillen be appointed to notify him that if he persist therein the Board will issue a Writ against him, as the Law directs in such Cases. Resolved that John Mickle and John Brown be allowed the priviledges of taking the Timber which laid the founda- tion of the Stone Bridge on Dulany Street for repair the several small Bridges round this Town. A Petition of the Inhabitants on the lower end of Pratt Street to have the same Paved was presented. Resolved that the Premises be viewed by this Board. Sam'l Vince;nt, Clk. Balto., 6th August, 1795. Commissioners met on Pratt Street agreeably to Resolve of the 4th Inst. Present: John Mickle. John HillEn. Jose;ph Townsend. John Brown. Resolved that Pratt Street East of Charles Street be im- mediately Paved, and that the two Gutters above on said Street be brought together East of Charles Street and from thence down to be paved hollow in the middle so as to convey the body of Water down the same. Resolved that John Mickle and John Hillen superintend the same. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 8th August, 1795. Commissioners met. Present: John HillEn. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. 278 RKCORDS OF Resolved that the present Board examine the Situation whereon the late Bridge in Dulany Street stood, in order to Erect Another. N. B. Orders issued in favour of sundry Persons who lend on Loan a Sum of Money for two Years with Interest thereon agreeably to Resolve of the 31st Ult. Adjourn'd to the 22d Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 11th August, 1795. At a Special Meeting held this day, the following Com- missioners met. Present : Joseph Townsend, Joseph Biays. John Mickee. John Coulter. John HillEn. Resolved that Shakespear Alley have a Descent of one Inch in every ten feet from Bond Street to the West Gutter of Market Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 14th August, 1795. At a Special Meeting in Saratoga Strt. the following Com- missioners rnet. Present: John Brown. John Mickle. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. Resolved that said Street have an Ascent of three Inches in every ten feet from Howard Street to the West side of Liberty Street. Sam'l Vincent. Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 279 Balto., 22d. August, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Hillen. Joseph Biays. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. . James Wignell. John Mickle. Charge James Long with a fine Collected from Jacob Wheeler for a Nuisance burying the Carcass of a Horse in the Public way, 1..10..0. Order No. 45 in favour of John Mickle for work done in Liberty Street, 70.. 4.. 7. Order No. 46 in favour of Joseph Townsend for work done in Granby Street, Dulany Street and repairing Arch Bridge, 70..2..0.^ Total, £140..6..7. Memorial from Sundry Inhabitants residing on Fells-- Point, requesting that the Water which comes across the- Philadelphia Road, &c., may be carried down Smith or Ger- man Street. Resolved that this Board examine the Premises. Resolved that James Long take Assessment on Horses, Carriages, Billiard Tables, &c., for the present Year for which Service he is to be allowed the Sum of Thirty dollars,. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 25th Augst., 1795. Special Meeting in Consequence of a Number of the In- habitants on Fells Point presenting a Petition last Meeting. Present : Joseph Biays. John Hielen. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John Brown. 280 RECORDS OF Resolved that Joseph Biays l)e appointed to open a Gutter down Street from Market Street to the Water of the Cove near the Ship Yard formerly occupied by James Mor- gan, in order to carry off the body of Water which now empties into the said Street and spread through the Prop- erty of a number of the Inhabitants. Resolved that the old Post road from P)ridge Street con- tinued to the Mouth of the Canal running through the Land of Daniel Bowl}^ and others be opened through the middle of the same about the distance of twenty feet wide, so as to convey the body of Water coming- down Bridge Street continued into the said Canal and that the Descent thereof be such, as not to Injure the Cartway along the said Road. Resolved that the Old Post Road from the West Corner of James Sterling's Land be opened in the same manner to the run of Water crossing the Road into the Lands of Thomas McElderry in order that the body of W'ater cross- ing said Road at said Sterling's corner aforesaid may be conveyed down in the said Run. Resolved that John Brown superintend the said work and forward it with all convenient expedition. Resolved, that Richard Lawson be permitted to remove what quantity of Earth he may require to fill up Still House Street out of York Street under the superintendance of Joseph Townsend. James Long order'd to collect a fine from John & Robert Kelso for a Nviisance occasioned by their Slaughter House in High Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 28th Augst., 1795. At a Special Meeting in order to fix the footways in Holliday Street, &c. Present : John HillEn. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Resolved, that the Footway of said Street be the distance of Fourteen feet from the front of the Houses to the Gutter BALTIMORE) CITY 281 & that John IMickle fix the Posts fronting the Theatre ac- cordingly. James Long is directed to call on George Grundy for the fine imposed by Law for his neglect of Duty as Scavenger in South & Water Streets, unless the Dirt be immediately removed. g^^^^^'^ Vincent, Clk. Baltimore., 5th September, 1795. Commissioners met A. M. Present : Joseph Townsend. John Hiit^kn. John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Biays. The Board of Port Wardens of this Town having ap- pointed a Committee to Unite in conveying the body of Water which collects in the Northern part of Town down Liberty Street West of Charles Street, who this day like- wise attended, and on Examining the Premises, it is Resolved, that Liberty Street be from the Intersection of Lombard & Howard Streets to Lexington Street paved ; To be paved Hollowing in the middle so as to carry ofif the whole of the said Water into the Canal opened by John Ellicott which is to be suitably prepared to receive the same ; Provided the Port Wardens agree to pay the extra Expense attending the said Paving & opening said Canal after the legal Tax of the Inhabitants on the said Street is ^o"^^^^^- Sam'e Vincent, Clk. P. M. Balto., 5th Sept., 1795. At a Stated Meeting the following Commissioners met. Viz.: * Joseph Biays. John Hileen. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Mickle. *Error. 282 RECORDS OF The following- is a Contract entered into l)ct\vcen Sundry ProiM-ietors of l^ots in South Street, Viz. : "The Subscribers Proprietors of Stores & Lots in South Street below Pratt Street, severally agree to pay the Com- missioners the additional Expence attending the Paving said Street fifty feet wide in lieu of thirty eight feet, the width for which the Law allows them to receive Payment : Signed by Henry Pay son, Jno. Munnikhuysen, Archibald Stewart, James Ogleby, Wm. Lorman, W. Winchester, David Willson for A. Underbill, Jno. McFaden, John Strieker, Rogers & Owings, Nichols, Haskins & Co., W. Winchester for Ed. Ireland, Josias Pennington for John Tagart, David Moore, Stephen Zacharie, Daniel Bowly, Thorowgood Smith, Hy. Messonnier, Richd. Gittings, Rob- ert Gilmore & Co., Thomas Ramsey, Ames Denyf- Order No. 47 in favour of Joseph Biays for work done repairing Stone Bridge in Wilkes Street & a small Bridge on Alisana Street, IS.A.Ayz. Resolved that John Brown be appointed to repair Jones Street opposite the dwelling House of Jacob Miller, by opening the Gutters on each side and raising the middle with Gravel. Charge James Long with a fine to be Collected from John Newcomer occasioned by his keeping a Slaughter House in the Neighborhood of Fayette Street and Dutch Alley so as to annoy tlie Inhabitants & by them presented,* L.15..0. The following Note sent to Mr. Benjamin Griffiths: Sir. The Special Commissioners being about to compleat the Pavement of TVlls Street find it necessary to have it cleared of every Obstruction to accomplish which they have ordered me to request You to have your House (standing thereon) removed by Tuesday evening ne.xt. r.alto., 9th Sept.. 1795. S.\m'l Vincent, Clk. *Adjourn"d to this day two Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. tindistinct. BALTIMORE CITY 283 Balto., 10th Sept., 1795. At the request of Jno. Hammond the Commissioners met. Viz.: Joseph Townsend. John HielEn. John Brown. John MicklE. Joseph Biays. Resolved that John Hammond be allowed the Priviledge of removing a Quantity of Earth out of Granby Street into Fleet Street, he being about to improve the said Street at his own Expense — the same to be don-e under the super- intendance & direction of Josh. Biays & John Coulter. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Balto., 15th Sept., 1795. At the request of sundry Inhabitants residing at the Head of the Bason, the Commissioners met. Present: John HieeEn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Mickle. A Petition from sundry Inhabitants was received, pray- ing that Camden, Conway, Hanover & Barre Streets may be regulated so as to render the same in a passable situation and a Subscription annexed, to the Amount of fifteen Hun- dred Dollars to be advanced on a Loan to the Board to enable them to carry on the & Accomplish said work. The Premises being examined & the aforesaid Loan con- sidered. Resolved that the subject be resumed and further determined at the next Meeting of the Board. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 17th Spt., 1795. At the request of Peter Wyant the Sped. Comrs. met, ^^^^^"^- John HiELEN. John Mickee. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. 284 RECORDS OF Resolved that Eutaw Street from Market Street to Lom- bard Street have the same descent as Howard Street be- tween the aforesaid Streets. Resolved that Lombard Street from Howard Strt. to Eutaw Street have the same ascent as Baltimore Street has been the said Streets. See. Resolve of Market Street 29th Jany., 1793. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 19th Sept., 1795. Special Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: Joseph Biays. John Micki^e. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John HileEn, The Petition received the 15th Inst, from sundry Inhabit- ants residing near the Head of the Bason being further considered. Resolved that the Loan proposed therein be accepted provided they extend the time to three Years, and that John Mickle, John Hillen & Josh. Townsend super- intend the Business. The Clk is directed to notify Danl. Post & Richd. Law- rence of Fells Point to remove their Houses on Bond Street by the 26th Inst. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 25th Sept., 1795. At a Special Meeting the following Commissioners met, Viz.: John Brown. John Hillen. Joseph " Townsend. John Mickle. BAIvTlMORi: CITY 285 Whereupon, Resolved that King Tammany Street from the East Gutter of Liberty Street have an Ascent of one & a half Inch in every ten feet to McLellan's Alley and from thence to have an even regular descent to Charles Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 3d October, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John MicklE. John HieeEn. John Brown. Memorial from sundry Inhabitants in Bridge Street rep- resenting to this Board that part of the House occupied by John ]\Iiller is standing on said Street. John Hillen, J. Townsend & John Brown are appointed a Committee to examine the Premises & to report thereon. Order Xo. 48 in favour of S. Vincent for 3 Mths Services as Clk to 30th Ult, Paper, &c., 9..10..11>4. Adjourn'd to the 17th Inst. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 5th October, 1795. In Consequence of a Memorial presented to the Board the Zd Inst, respecting the present dwelling House of John Miller fronting on Bridge Street at the Intersection of Short Street the following Commissioners met. Viz. : Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John HielEn. Joseph Biays. The Board after examining the same do Resolve, that John Miller have regular Notice to remove such part of the said House as may be on the Street on or before the 1st day of January next. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. 286 RECORDS OF Balto., 8th October, 1795. At a Special Meeting held tliis day in Hanover Strt. the Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Resolved that John Mickle have the priviledge of taking Sand out of Hanover Street provided he pay for the same lid ^ per Load and fill up the hole occasioned thereby. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 17th October, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Brown. John HielEn. Joseph Townsend. John Mickee. On Application of Jacob Miller for to take dirt from East Street at the East end of this Town, Resolved that said Mil- ler be permitted to take 100 Loads @ 4d per Load under the superintendence of John Brown. Charge James Long with the Amount of Tavern Licences granted out of Court between August, 1794 & 1795, 53.. 1.. 8. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks as usual. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 31st October, 1795. Commissioners at Thos. Dewitt's for the last time. Pres- ent: Joseph Biays. John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Alemorial received from sundry Proprietors on the West side of Bond Street from Thames Street to the corner of BALTIMORE CITY 287 Alisiana Strt to a Pump erected — Resolved that one be erected under the Direction of Joseph Biays and John Coulter. Charge James Long with a Chimney fine to be collected from Erasmus Uhler, 2 Story, 3..0..0. Sam'i, Vincent, Clk. Balto., 2d November, 1795. In Consequence of the Memorial presented at last Meet- ing for the sinking of a Pump in Bond Street, the following Commissioners met : John HillEn. John Coulter. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. Resolved that the said Pump be sunk on the West side of Bond Street at the Intersection of Lancaster Alley. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st November, 1795. Commissioners Met at Anthony Ott's. Present : John HillEn. Joseph Townsend, Joseph Biays. John Mickle. Charge James Long for 1 Qr. Licence reed, from Wignell & Reinagle, 12..10..0; do. Chimney fine reed, from W. L. Nichols, 3..0..0; do. reed, from Exhibiting a Wild Cat, 0..15..0: total, £16..5..0. No. 49 Order in favour of David Moore pa3'able in 3 Years from 2d Inst, with Interest thereon for so much on Loan on Account of work to be done in Hanover Street, 37.. 10..0. No. 50 in favour of John Mickle from 12th Inst, payable in 3 Yrs. with Interest on Loan for Do, 4..10..0; total, £42..0..0. On Application of sundry Inhabitants in Gay Strt. to have three Pumps erected in sd Street, Resolved that this Board ?88 RECORDS OF meet the 24th Inst, on the premises to fix on proper places for the same. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks as usuaL Sam'l Vinxent, Clk. Balto., 24th Nov., 1795. At a Special Meeting in Gay Street at the request of sundry Inhabitants in said Street to erect three Pumps agreeably to Petition presented last Meeting the following Commissioners met: John Mickee. Joseph Biays. John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. Resolved, that one be erected on the West side of said Street opposite the entrance of the Alley between Michl. DifTendcrffer two Houses, Also one on the South side of Francis Duchemans old House on East side of sd Street. Also one on the West side opposite the Centre of Mr. Larsh's Brick House. Resolved that the Gutter which crosses Second Strt. be ex- tended along the South Gutter of said Street Westward to the Centre of an Alley left by Paul Bentalou & Saml. Smith. A Petition or remonstrance sent to the Representatives of this Town, in Answer to one sent them to repeal the Law respecting broad Wheel Waggons. See Copy filed. Balto., 5th Dec, 1795. Stated Meeting Comrs. met. Present: John Mickee. John HillEn. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. Permission is Granted to Wm. Nisbitt a Blk Alan to Exhibit on the Slack Rope, Tumbling, &c., for one Month BALTIMORE CITY 289 from this date on paying 8 Dolls, for the same. Charge Jas. Long with that Sum. 3..0..0. Do. for paving done in Pratt Street, viz : On the South side Jas. Powers 25 ft., @ 10/, 12..10..0. do. Jacob Grafton, 25 ft., @ 10/, 12..10..0. do. Jonaths. Davenport, 25 ft., @ 10/, 12..10..0. North side Philip Rogers, 75 ft., @ 10/, 37..10..0. Total, £78..0..0. Order No. 51 in favor of Melchie Keener on Loan for work done in Hanover Street payable in 3 Yrs. with Inter- est, 75..00..00 Order No. 52 in favour of Erasmus LThler in lieu of one drawn 27th Sep.. 1791, supposed to be lost as it is not yet brought in, 3..0..0: total, £78..0..0. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks as usual. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto.. 9th Dec, 1795. Special Meeting, Present : John Mickee. Joseph Townsend. John HieeEn. John Brown. Resolved that John Brown be appointed to superintend the fixing of a Shoot to convey the Water from the Inter- section of Short and Billingsgate Strts. to the Wharf lately built on Jones's Falls, Provided James Carroll will advance the Sum of Forty five Pounds to defray the Expence thereof. Dec. 14th, l.~95, following orders issued : Order No. 53, in favour of John Stump on Loan for work done in Hanover Street pavable in 3 Yrs. with Interest, 37..10..0. No. 54, in favour of Adrian Nalek on Loan for the same purpose payable in 3 Yrs. with Interest, 75..0..0. Total, £112. 10..0. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. 290 RECORDS OF Balto., 19th Deer., 1795. Stated Meeting, Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. James Wignell, John Brown. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. Order No. 56, in favour of Jno. Brown for Interest on an Order for £100 from 8th June, 1793. to this date, 15..3..7>4. No. 57, in favour of Jas. Long- for taking the Assessment for the present Year on Horses, Carriages, &c., 11..5..0. Total, £26..8..734. Adjourn'd to the 26th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st Deer., 1795. Special Meeting Commissioners met. Present: James WigneIvL. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John HillEn. Resolved, that John Mickle be appointed to repair Public Alley at the Intersection of Water Street in such manner as to render the same in a passable situation either by- Graveling or paving the same as may suit best. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 24th Deer.. 1795. Special ]\Ieeting at request of James Barry the Commis- sioners met. Present : Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. John Brown. John Mickle. BALTIMORE; CITY 291 Resolved that James Barry be permitted to extend a Hand railing fionting- the Yard of his new Building on the North side of East Street to be upon a Direct line with the palisad- ing over his Airy fronting the Building at the Intersection of East & Holliday Streets. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Balto., 26th Deer., 1795. Stated Meeting Commissioners met. Present. Jose;ph Biays. John Hili.e;n. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Charge Jas. Long with Cash reed, from for Ex- hibiting Wax work, 0..7..6; do. Chimney fine from Peter Bend, 2 Story*, 3..0..0; total, £3..7..6. Clerk directed to advertise for Scavengers, &c., to be con- tinued in Edwards & Allen & Yunds & Brown's Papers 4 times in each. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks as usual. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 9th January, 1796. Stated Meeting Commissioners met. Present : John MickeE. John HielEn. John Brown. James- Wignele. Joseph Biays. Proceeded to dispose of the Streets laid off in Lots to the following Persons who accepted of the Office of Scavengers : Trustees of the Poor Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, & 8, 2..1..3. Danil. Deady, Lots Nos. 4 & 7, 1..17..6. Wm. Booth, Nos. 5, 6 & 18, 5..1..3. Maximilian Pleuisler, No. 9, @ 13 & 21, 1..17..6. Henry Stevenson, No. 15, 0..5..0. *Building. 292 RECORDS OF Job. Smith (Baker), No. 19, 0..3..9. Charge Jas. Long with the same, £11. .6.-3. Order No. 58 in favour of John Hillen for work done at the Bridges across EHicott's Ditch, ScantHng, &c., for sun- dry other repairs as per Bill, 17..8..11^. No. 59, in favour of Jno. Mickle for work done in Howard & Conawago Streets, 36.. 16. V/^. No. 60 in favor S. Vincent, Clk, 3 Mths to 30th Ult, 9..7..6, total, £63..12..7. Adjourn'd to the 23d Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 23d January, 1796. Stated Meeting Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. John Hillen. Joseph Biays. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. ]\Iemorials presented for paving Frederick Street between Gay & Markett Streets — Also Fayette Street between How- ard & Eutaw Streets. Order No. 61 in favour of John Brown for Balance of his Account for work done at the Canal in old Town making a Bridge over Ditto, throwing a Bank along the line of the Town between the head of Bridge and Forest Streets, re- pairing upper JBridge, Hauling Dirt to the Bridge in Dulany Street, &c., & sundry Materials, 78..4..4. The following orders reed, by Ditto for the above work for Money on Loan, viz : Order in fav. of Edwards & Stansbury payable in two Years dated 11th August last, 7..10..0. Ditto in fav. of Nathan Griffith, do, 7..10..0. Ditto in fav. of Wm. Askew, 14th Augst., 3..15..0. Ditto in fav. of Joshua Gorsuch, do., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. of John Westwood, 18th Augst., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. of Wm. Scott. 21st Augst., 7..10..0. Ditto in fa\'. Chrisn. Myers, 24th Augst, 3..15..0. BALTlMORIi CITY 293 Ditto in fav. Patrick Mullen, 24th Angst.. 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. Hugh & Robt. Heal. 26th Angst., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. Martin Bower, 15th Sept., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. Jonathan Askew, 16th Sept., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. Wm. Morris, 19th Sept., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. Messersmith & Barry, 22d Sept., 7..10..0. Ditto in fav. Peter & Jno. Mackenheimer, 9th Oct., 7..10..0. Ditto in fav. John Doyle, 21st Oct., 3..15..0. Ditto in fav. Henry Worthington, 31st Oct., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav Richd. Bond, 31st Oct., 3..0..0. Ditto in fav. Ignatius Harker & Co., 11th Deer., 6..0..0. Total, £159..19..4. Charge Jas. Long with a fine reed, from Christopher A'Valker for driving his Waggon with narrow Wheels con- trary to Law, 2..10..0. Fine reed, from A. C. Morris same Offence, 2..10..0. do. John Gorsuch, 2..10..0. do. Benjm. Tracey, 2..10..0. do. Mulatto Nick, 2..10..0. do. Thos. HolHngsworth, twice, 5..0..0. do. Chimney fine from John Miller, 1 Story*, 2..15..0. do. Chimney fine do. Jesse Pherson, 2 do., 3..0..0. do. Chimney fine do. Joseph Rose, do., 3..0..0. do. Chimney fine do. Geo. Presstman & Sweep, 5..0..0. Total, £31..5..0. Adjourn'd to this day 2 Weeks as usual. Sam'l Vince;nt, Clk. Balto., 6th February, 1796. Commissioners met. Present : John HillEn. John Mickle;. josijph townsend. John Brown. Memorial presented from sundry Inhabitants on Howard Street to have the same paved between Lombard & Market Streets. . *BuiIding. 294 RECORDS ov Ditto presented from sundry Inhabitants in Harrison Street to have the same paved. Resolved that the same be done. Memorial presented to have Wood Street paved, Resolved that the same be done as soon as Convenient. Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors in Water Street. Resolved that the Pioard meet on the premises the 9th Inst, to examine the same. John McDonough having applied to this Board for leave to take away the Dirt in the footways in Hill Street — Re- solved that he be permitted to have the same on paying 20 Dollars. Charge Jas. Long with the aforesaid Sum, 7..10..0. do. Chimney fine reed, from Job Smith, 5..0..0. do. 2 Loads Clay Sold from Hanover Strt. to Jno. Kelly, 0..L.4. 29 Loads do. Sold from Hanover Strt. David Brown, 0.19..4. 13 do. do. Sold from Hanover Strt. Thos. Morgan, 0..8..8. 14 do. do. Sold from Hanover Strt. Caleb Floyd, 0..9..4. 38V/2 do. Sand to 2d Ult., Jno. Mickle, 17..17..8. 82 do. Dirt East Strt. East end of the Town to Jacob Miller, 4d, 1..7..4. do. Cash Reed, from Josh. Townsend for Hogs Sold since last Settlement (say Nt. Proceeds), 14..9..0; total, £48..12..8. Charge Hy. Stevenson, Shff., for 3 fines reed, for Selling liquor without Licence. @ 30/, 4..10..0. Order No. 62 in fav. of Jas. Long for Selling Manure & for a Judgmt. agst. him in Pollock's Suit, 1..9..1. Order No. in favour of Jas. Carroll payable in 2 Yrs. with Interest dated 11th Deer, last for Money advanced John Brown for work done in Billingsgate Street, 45..0..0. No. 63 in fav. of John Brown Balance of his Acct. for work done in Billingsgate Strt., 16. .5. .8. No. 64 in fav. of Josh. Townsend Balance of his Acct. for work done at the Bridge on Dulany Street, 110..13..1. The following orders drawn for Money advanced on Acct. of work done at the said Bridge payable in 2 Years with Interest: BALTlMORi; CITY 295 Order in fav. of Jno. O'Donnell dated 11th August last, 56..5..0. do. in fav. of John McKim. 22d August, 18..15..0. do. in fav. of Wm. Slater, 22d August, 11..5..0. do. in fav. of Nichs. Konecke, 27th August, 9..7..6. do. in fav. of Robert Carter, 29th August, 18..15..0. do. in fav. of Robert Courtney, 31st August, 11..5..0. do. in fav. of Richd. Caton, 2d September, 18..15..0. do. in fav. of Archd. Campbell, 12th September, 37..10..0. do. in fav. of Jno. Dalrymple, 16th September, 7..10..0. do. in fav. of Jno. Carreic, 5th October, 37.. 10..0. do. in fav. of Henry Dukehart, 1st October, 7..10..0. Order No. in fav. of Walter Roe payable in 2 Yrs. with Interest Money advanced as before mentioned, 11..5..0. do. Interest Money, Charles Myers dated 25 Nov. last, 15..0..0. do. Interest Money, Robert Walsh, 5th Dec, 7..10..0. do. No. 68, Archd.'Campbell, 22d Dec, 75..0..0. Total, £516..10..4. \ Adjourn'd to the 20th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 9th February, 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to resolve of the 6th Inst. Present : John HilIvEn. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. In Consequence of the Petition presented to this Board the 6th Inst, for the improving Water Street. It is now Resolved as the Opinion of the present Board, that such an anticipation ot the Paving Tax as is proposed in said Peti- tion would be highly improper to be acceded to at the pres- ent. No. 65 Order in fav. of Joseph Biays for Balance of his Acct. for work done at the Bridge Dulany Street, 100..0..0. 296 RKCORDS 01-' No. 66 Order in fav. of Ditto for Balance Ditto. 55. .9. .5;^. No. 67 Order in fav. of Ditto for Balance Ditto, 45..1..10>4. Total. £211..11..4>4. Sam'l, Vincent, Clk. Balto., 20th February, 1796. Stated Meeting Commissioners met. Present: John Hillen. John Brown. John Mickle. " Joseph Townsend. Charge Jas. Long with a Chimney fine reed, from Robert Gorsuch, 2 Story, do., 1 Story. 5..15..0. do. reed, from Jacob Idler for Exhibiting Aristocrat & Democrat for Month from this date, 1..2..6. Charge Jas. Long reed, from the same for Exhibiting the Queen France Guillotined previous to this date, 15..0..0. do. Ml. Manns Chimney fine, 3 Story. 5..0..0. do. Joseph Guttrie, do., 2 Story, 3..0..0. do. James Fletcher, do., 3 Story, 5..0..0. do. Henry Nichols, do.. 2 Story. 3..0..0. do. Richard Howard, do., 2 Story, 3..0..0. do. Jacob Sheredine, do. 1 Story, 2..15..0. do. Lawrence, do., 2 Story, 3..0..0. do. Martin Ruport his Waggon fine, 2..10..0. do. Luke Ensor, do., 2..10..0. do. Greenbury Duhart, do.. 2..10..0. Paving Tax done at Fells Point: do. Fells Street as per List. 485..0..0. do. Bond Street, 898..10..10. do. South Street. 854..4..4. do. Dutch Alley. 195..2..0. Reed, from Joseph Biays Nt. proceeds of Hogs, Seiz'd & Sold since last Settlement. 13..10..4. do. for Sand sold by Ditto. 0..7..6. do. from Nisbitt for Exhibiting on Slack Wire, 2..5..0. Total. £2488..17..6. Adjourn'd to the 27th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE) CITY 297 Balto., 22d February, 1796. Special Meeting. Present : John Brown. John Hillen. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Sundry Inhabitants residing on and near Water Strt. having agreed to Loan the Sum of One thousand Dollars (if that Sum should be required) to raise and repair said Street. This Board taking the subject into (Consideration and ob- serving the necessity there is to have the same in good order, do accept the said proposal and Resolve that John Mickle & Joseph Townsend be a committee to superintend the same. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 27th February, 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: John MickeE. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. Joseph Biays. John Brown. Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors in ten feet Alley between Baltimore & King Tammany Streets to have the same regulated and Paved. Resolved that the same be done as soon as it may be Con- venient. Order No. 69 in favour of Josh. Townsend work done on Dulany Strt. filling up Butments new Stone Bridge, 18..12..9; for Interest on 350$ to Jno. O'Donnel, Geo. Gale & others for 1 Yr. as per Agreement, 7..17..6; Yundt & Brown's Bill, &c.,9..13 10; total, 36..4..1. No. 70 in favour of Jno. A. Hamilton for his Services from 25th May, 1795, to 9th Jany., 1796—174 dys., @ 11/3, 97..17..6. Grand total, £134..1..7. Charge James Long a fine reed, from G. Yates driving Waggon with narrow wheels contra to Law, 2..10..0; Do. 298 RliCORDS OF do. Will. Pollock, a 2d time, do., 2..10..0; Do. do. Chrisr. Walker, do. do., 2..10..0; total, £7..10..0. Adjonrn'd to Wednesday next for the ]iurpose of Ex- amining the Accts for Publication. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 2d March. 1796. Commissioners agreeably to adjournment. Present: John Mickle. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. John Brown. Street, and sundry repairs done at the Causeway, Bridge on Proceeded to examine the Accounts presented. The following orders drawn in favour of Joseph Biays for work done in Bond Street, paving Ditto, Paving Fells Wilks Street, Peters Bridge repairing road near Ellis's, cut- ting Canal on Fleet Street, hauling dirt on Foot ways in Thames Street — do. in Shakespear & Lancaster Alley. Order No. 71 in his favour. £1399..13..8; No. 72 do., 50..0..0; No. 7?^ do., 50..0..0 ; No. 74 do., 327..16..8; No. 75 do., 100..0..0; No. 76 do., 50..0..0 : No. 77 do., 50..0..0; No. 78 do.. 91..18..8^ : total, 2119..9..0^. The following Accts. Presented by Jno. Mickle for work done at sundry places, viz: Amot. of work done in Hanover Street. 675. .12. .6; do. done in South Street, 1014..7..93/^ ; do. done in Guilford Street, 23.. 11. .3; do. done in Dutch Alley. 221. .19. .7; do. done in Pratt Street. 190..12..4>4 ; do. done in North Street. 13..4..0; do done in Sharpe Street, 30..0..6: do. done in Chatham Street. 37..4..0; do. done in Charles Street. 4..3..0: do. done in Lexington Street, 242..6..4; do. done in Water Street, I4..6..3y2 ; do. Sundry repairs sundry Streets, 25. .1. .6; Amot. of 4 Blksmiths Bills. 20..8..4: total. £2512..17..5i^. Jno. Mickle Dr. : To orders reed, on .\cct. of work done in Hanover Street, Amot, 229..10..0: to an Error charg'd in Hill Street, 54..10..0; To do. charged last Acct. see Order, No. 45, 17..16..9; Credit in South Street, 6..0..0: 377 Loads Dirt BALTIMORE CITY 299 Guilford Street, 23..11..3; total, 331..8..0. Balance Due Jno. Mickle. £2181..9..5>4. The following orders drawn in favour of Jno. Mickle, viz: Order No. 79 in his favour, 1142..4..0; No. 80 do., 100..0..0; 81 do., 100..0..0; 82 do., 100..00..0; 83 do., 100..0..0 ; 84 do., 100..0..0: 85 do., 100..0..0; 86 do., 101..15..5>< ; total, 1843.. 19.. 5j^. The following orders drawn for which Jno Mickle is charged as having reed, the Money being advanced on Acct. of work done in Hanover Strt. : One in favour of Garts & Leepold dated 18th Deer, last payable in 3 Years with Interest, £75..0..0. do. in favr. of Hy. Payson, 18th Deer, do., 37.. 10.. 0. do. favr. of John Myers, 1st Jany. do., 37.. 10. .0. do. favr. of Abrahm Vanbibber, 8th Jany., 75..0..0. do. favr. of James Jaffries, 8th Jany., do., 37.. 10.. 0. do. favr. of Jno. E. Howard, 16th Feby., do., 75..0..0. Total. 337..10..0; grand total, 2181..9..5>4. Charge James Long Cash Reed, of Geo. Salmon, Esq., on Acct. of Profits arising from the 2d Annual Lottery, 522..1..1>^. Error in his Commission last Acct., 0..6..4; total, £522..7..5>^. Adjourn'd to the 4th Inst. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 4th March, 1796. Comrs. met agreeably to adjournment for the purpose of examining Treasurers Acct. Present: John HillEn. John Brown. John Mickle. Joseph Townsend. James Sterett, Dr., to the following orders issued, but not paid — Viz : 300 RECORDS OF Orders issued previous to last Settlement but not i)aid : James Loivj; 37.. 10 .00 No. 22 J. ]5iays 4..10..00 No. 35 do 200..10.. 9 No. 37 do 40.. 11.. 6 No. 42 [no. Alickle 247.. 19.. 11 531.. 2.. 2 The following orders issued since last Settlement not pd. : No. 5 Jno. Brown 100..00..00 No. 44 Jno. Mickle 54..10..00 No. 6 Jno. Brown 137.. 9.. 2>^ No. 47 Josh. Biays 15.. 4.. 4>4 No. 49 D. Moore 37..10..00 No. 50 Jno. jNIickle 4..10..00 No. 51 M. Keener 75..00..00 No. 52 E. Uhler 3..00..00 No. 53 Jno. Stump 37..10..00 No. 54 A. Valck 75..00..00 Aug. 11, Edwards & Stansbury 7..10..00 Aug. 11, Nathan Griffith 7..10..00 Aug 14, \Vm. Askew 3..15..00 Aug. 14, J. Gorsuch 3..00..00 Aug. 18, J. Wcstwood 3..00..00 Aug. 21, Wm. Scott 7..10..00 Aug. 24, Chrisn. Myers 3..15..00 Aug. 24, Patrick Mullen 3..00..00 Aug. 26, H. 8c R. Heal 3..00..00 Aug. 11, Jno. O. Donnell 56.. 5..00 Aug 22, John McKim 18..15..0O Aug. 22,\Vm. Slater 11.. 5..00 Aug. 27, N. Konecke 9.. 7.. 6 Aug. 29, Robt. Carter 18..15..00 Aug. 31, Robt. Courtney 11.. 5..00 Sept. 2, Richd. Caton 18..15..00 Sept. 12. A. Campbell 37..10..00 Sept. 16, J. Dalrymple 7..10..00 Sept. 15, M. Bowser 3..00..00 BAIvTiMORE CITY 301 Sept. 16, J. Askew 3..00..00 Sept. 19, W. Morris 3..00..00 Sept. 22, Messersmith & Barry 7..10..00 Oct. 1, H. Dukehart 7..10..00 Oct. 6, Jno. Camere* 37..10..00 Oct. 9. 1'. & I. Mackenheimer 7..10..00 Oct. 21, Jno. Doyle 3..15..00 Oct. 31, H. Worthington 3..00 .00 Richd. Bond 3..00..00 Nov. 21. Walter Roe H- 5..00 Nov. 25, Chas. Myers 15..00..00 Deer. 5, R. Walsh 7..10..00 Deer. 11, Jas. Carroll 45..00..00 Deer. 18. Garts & Leopold 75..00. 00 Hy. Payson 37..10..00 Deer. 11, Ignats. Hearter & Co 6..00..00 Deer. 22. A. Campbell 75..00..0O Jany. 1, Jacob Myer 37..10..00 Jany. 8, jas. Jaffrey 37..10..00 Jany. 8, A. Vanbibber 75..00..00 Feby. 16. J. E. Howard 75..00..00 No. "^59, Jno. Mickle 36.. 16.. 1>^ No. 61, jno. Brown 78.. 4.. 4 No. 63, Ditto ; 16.. 5.. 8 No. 64, J. Townsend 110.. 13.. 1 No. 65, J. Biays 100..00..00 No. 66. ditto 55.. 9.. 5^ No. 69, J. Townsend 36.. 4.. 1 No. 70, J. A. ilamilton 97.. 17.. 6 No. 72, j. Biays 50..00..00 No. 73, Ditto.' 50..00..00 No. 75, ditto 100..00..00 No. 76, ditto 50..00..00 No. 77, ditto 50..00..00 No 78. ditto 91. .18.. 8^ No. 80. Jno. Mickle 100..00..00 No. 81, ditto 100..00..00 No. 82, ditto 100..00..00 tindistinct. 302 RECORDS OF No. 83, ditto 100..00..00 No. 84, ditto 100..00..00 No. 85, ditto 100..00..00 No. 86, ditto 101..15.. 5y2 To James Long Cash Reed, of him at Sundry times 4192.. 8.. 6 To Robt. Gorsueh, Cash Reed, of him 30..00..00 To. Hy. Stevenson Cash, Reed, of him 223.. 2.. 1^ £7948.. 18.. 3^ Balto. Town — Dr : To Sundries — To Jas. Sterett, Order No. 87 in his favour to retain his Commission on £4445. .10.. 7^ reed, of the Dist. Col- leetors since last Settlement, 55..11..4_^. To James Long — for Commission on £4263.. 15. .3^4, 106..11..10>4. Extra allowance on 27 Chimney fines Collected, @ 3/9, 5..1..3. Amount, of Insolvencies per List, 74..9..9. Sundries uncollected, 102..14..11>^ : total, 288.. 17.. 10. To Robt. Gorsueh— Comr., on £30..0..4, 1..16..0. Sundrvs uncollected including Insolvencies. 60..0..6; total, 61..16..6>^. To Henry Stevenson — Commission on £223..2..1i4j 13. .7. .8^2. Sundries uncollected including Insolvencies, 116.. 17.. 7^; total, 130..5..3^; grand total, £536..11..^. Balto., 7th March, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Hillen. John Mickle. John Brown. Joseph Biays. *Chrisr. Johnson, Comptlr. Jciskph TownsEnd. Who examined the Accts. for Publication & approved the same, Sam'l Vincent, Clk. *N. B. Jno. O'Donnell being indispos'd Capt. Sharpe out of Town ihe business was not finished till after Capt. Sharpe retud. BALTIMORE CITY 303 Balto., 9th March, 1796. Mr. Henry Speck undertakes the Office of Scavenger for ten Months from this date part Lot. No. 16, Water Street between South & Calvert Streets and FrankHn Lane for which Privilege he is to pay $1. Charge James Long with the above. Balto., 12th March, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John HielEn. John Brown. Charge James Long for one Quarters Licence granted to the French Comedians to commence the 14th Inst., $33.33. Order No. 1, drawn on the Treasurer for Commissioners attendance to 7th Inst. fav. of Jos. Townsend, £288..0..0. No. 2, do for Comptrollers fav. of Ditto, 5..32..0; total, 2Q3..32..0. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 18th March, 1796. Special Meeting. Present : John MickeE. Joseph Biays. John Hillen. Jos-EPH Townsend. A Petition being presented by sundry Inhabitants on Liberty Street for to have the same Paved. Also a Memo- rial accompanying the same signed by a considerable num- ber of the Inhabitants residing at the West end of the Town, making the same request as it would if carried into effect prevent a great Injury daily arising to the Navigation by filling up the Bason, &c. It is therefore Resolved, That the request of the said Petitioners be granted, and the said Street paved in the early part of the present Season, in such manner as will 304 RECORDS OF remedy the Injun' complained of. by Conveyinf^ the Body of Water down Liberty Street into Ridgely Cove, which now empties into the Head of the Bason. Resolved, that John Mickle, John Hillen, Joseph Town- send and John Brown superintend the said work. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 26th March, 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickee. John HillEn. Joseph Biavs. Joseph Townsend. Charge James Long with Cash reed, from a Frenchman Exhibiting Optical performance, $1.00. Mr. John Mickle, Or. to Cash reed, for the following Orders being on Loan from sundry Proprietors of Lots in Water Street between Frederick Street & Peters's Bridge agreeably to a Resolve, 22 feby. last — and Contract signed payable in four Years with Interest from the date of each order — Viz : Order No. in favour of Richd. Caton payable in four Years from the date with Interest, 100.00. Order No. in favour of Cumberland Dugan payable in four Years with Interest, 100.00. Order No. in favour of Oliver & Thompson payable in 4 Yrs. with Interest, 50.00. Order No. in favour of Edwd. Johnson, Jr.. pavable in 4 Yrs. with Interest, 50.00. Order No. in favour of Thos. McElderry payable in 4 Yrs. with Interest, 100.00; total, $400.00. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 2d April, 1796. Commissioners met. Present. John Mickee. John HileEn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Baltimore: city 305 Application of sundry Proprietors on the North side of Market Street between Frederick & Harrison Street to have a Pump erected on said Scjuare. Resolved that the present one opposite Baltzer Shafifers be repaired, and that John Hillen & Joseph Townsend super- intend the same. xA.pplication of sundry Proprietors of Lots in Water Street being presented to regulate the same between Frederick Street and Peters Bridge, Resolved that the same be done and that John Mickle, Josh. Biays and Josh. Townsend superintend the same. Order No. 11 in favour of Saml. Vincent, Clk, for 3 Months services one 30th Ult & 1 Quire Paper, $25.25. Charge James Long with a Amot. of Horse & Carriage Tax and Billiard Tables, 1459.74. Do. Tavern Licences from Angst. Term 1795, to March Term, 1796, 1522.77; total, $2982.51. Balto., 9th April, 1796. Commissioners met. Present : John Micklk. JosijPH Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Brown. Charge Hy. Stevenson, Shff., with 15 penny Tax to be Collected on £5555.28 the Amount of Property for the Year, 1795, $925.88. Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors in Wolfe Street Fells Point to have the Pump in sd Street repair'd. Resolved that the Board examine the same. Balto., 11th April, 1796. At a Special Meeting. A. M. Present : John Mickle). John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Hieeen. 306 RECORDS OF Resolved, that Chatham Street from the Intersection of Charles Street have an Ascent oi ly^ Inch in every ten feet to the distance of 18 feet from St. Pauls Lane and from thence to have an even regular descent to the aforesaid St. Pauls Lane. P. M. Commissioners met on Fells Point pursuant to the request of Sundry Inhabitants residing thereon. Present: John Brown. JOSIiPH TOV^NSEND. Joseph Biays. John Coulter. Resolved, that a Pump be sunk on the East side of Mar- ket Street between George Street & the Water opposite to the Door of Isaac Grists present dwelling House to be sunk the distance of twelve feet from the line of said Street to the Centre of the Well. Resolved that one be sunk at the West corner of the Intersection of Wolfe and Alisanna Streets. Resolved that Joseph Biays & John Coulter superintend the same. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 23d April, 1795. Commissioners met — agreeably to adjournment. Prest. : John HillEn. John Brown. James Wignell. Joseph Biays. John Mickle. Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors of Prop- erty in Shakespears Alley Fells Point, to have the same paved. Resolved that the same be done under the Inspection of Joseph Biays and John Coulter. Charge James Long with a Chimney fine Collected from Alexr. Mcllvain (Co Wharf), 2 Stories, $8.00. do. from Saml. Plust Fells Point, do., 8.00. baIvTimorE city 307 do. Cash reed, from a Frenchman for continuing his Optical performance, 1.00. do. for 56 Loads Dirt Sold J no. McKini. Sept. 2d, 1.25. do. for 12 half Tavern Licences taken out March Term, 1796 as per List, 80.00; total, $98.25. Adjourn'd to the 7th May next, Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Balto., 5th May, 1796. Special Meeting. Present : John HiIvLe;n. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. James Long, Collector, gave information that the Prop- erty formerly belonging to Charles Wells at the Intersection of St. Pauls Lane & Rogers Alley was now in posession of Mr. Nicholson and as the Paving Tax due on said Lot has not been collected was of Opinion that distraint might be made therefor — The Board after examining the Law are of Opinion that no seizure can be made for the said Tax except there is personal property thereon, the collection is therefore postponed untill the Building is finished and Occupied. James Long is hereby ordered to have the Streets cleared of Boxes, Casks & every other Nuisance as soon as pos- sible. Sam'i. Vincent, Clk. Balto., 7th May, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Hillen. John MickIvE. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. Charge Jam-.s Long with Chimney fine reed, from Jacob Fobble, 1 Story, p.ZZ. 308 RECORDS OF do. do. from Jno. AIcKim, Jr., 2 Story, 8.00; total, $15.33. Order No. 12 in favour of Thos. Deavill for use of his Room ending 29th October last, 13.33. Adjourn'd to 21st Instant. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st May, 1796. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John HileEn. Charge James Long Chimney fine reed, from Wm. Bruff, 2 Story, %^.00. Adjourn'd to 4th June next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 4th June, 1796. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biays. John Brown. John MicklE. In Consequence of the Personal Application of Col. Jno. O'Donnell informing this Board that several Persons are taking away Dirt from Washington & Fleet Streets below its level : It is therefore Resolved that the Board meet on Tuesday Morning next nine O'Clock at Josh. Biays's House Fells Point and from thence proceed to examine the Premises. Memorial presented from sundry Inhabitants in Old Town near the Canal opening into Jones's Falls, requesting that the same may be cleared so that the W'ater may have a free passage into said Falls. Resolved that the same be done under the Direction of John Brown. Adjourn'd to the 18th Inst. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. BAIvTiMORS CITY 309 Balto., 10th June, 1796. Commissioners met at the request of sundry Inhabitants. Present : John Brown. Joseph Biays. John HilliIn. John Mickle. John CoulT]<:r. Joseph Townsend. It appearing that Sundry Persons residing on Fells Point have without the knowledge of the Board, taken away a considerable quantity of sand out of Fleet Street near the Intersection of Washington Street to the Injury thereof. Whereupon Resolved that Joseph Biays & John Coulter pay early at- tention to the subject, and to prevent which in future prosecute the first Person they can discover transgressing in the above particular — And Whereas a large Pond of Water is now lying on Granby Street (between Baltimore Strt. continued & King George Street) and another on the lower end of Frederick Street, which if suffered to continue may Stagnate and injure the health of the Inhabitants — The Board are desirous to remove the same if possible, but there , being no Money in the Hands of the Treasurer nor like to be during the present Season after the Orders already issued and now due are paid. Resolved, that John Brown & Joseph Townsend be ap- pointed to fill up the same so as to remove the Nuisances and render them a passable situation, Provided the In- habitants on said Streets will advance the Money on a Loan of Two Years for wdiich legal Interest will be paid until returned. Ordered that the Inhabitants be Notified of the above Resolution. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. 310 RECORDS OF Baltc, 25th June, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. ( John Brown. Joseph Biavs. John HillEn. Memorial presented from Saml. Smith & Paul Bentalou Proprietors of Property on Exchange Alley to have the same regulated and paved, at the same time Paul Bentalou and Saml. Smith requested that this Board would alter the Gutter that crosses Second Street near Tropolets Alley by extending- the North Gutter of said Street Westward with a Descent untill it comes opposite Exchange Alley and then to extend the Gutter across Second Street to the Mouth of said Alley so as to convey the Water to Water Street. Whereupon Resolved, that said Alley be paved as soon as Convenient & the Alterations in the Gutter as above men- tioned be made at same time. Memorial from sundry Proprietors of Property in Liberty Street, between Lexington & Lombard Streets requesting the same may be paved as soon as Convenient. S.a.m'i. Vincent, Clk. Balto., 30th June, 1796. At the request of sundry Inhabitants (say Magistrates) of the Town, the Special Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Townsend John Hillen. John Brown. Joseph Biays. Resolved, that the several Sections of the Law of 1782 respecting cleaning the Streets and the removal of Nuis- ances be published in the Different News Papers of the Town with a short address to the Inhabitants showing the necessity of their Compliance with the said Law. Josh. Townsend is appointed to have the same Published. BALTIMORE CITY 311 Balto., 5th July, 1796. Special Meeting — Commissioners met. Present: John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. Joseph Biays. John Hielen. Resolved, tliat James Long be allowed one half of the fines which he may Collect for Nuisances in the Streets, &c., which Business he has this day orders to enter ^ipun without respect to Persons agreeably ^o the several Notices given in the Public Papers. The Arch Bridge over Jones's Falls being so much de- cayed that it is unsafe for Carriages to pass and repass over the same. Resolved that Josh. Townsend & Josh. Biays take up a part of the Floor of said Bridge so as to prevent all Com- munication of Carriages over it until Money can be ob- tained on Loan to repair it — the said Money to be taken up on the Faith and Credit of the Money Granted at last Session for the purpose of repairing the Bridges over said. Falls. Order No. in favour of Wm. Trimble for work done at the Buttments of the Bridge on Dulany Street, $30.83. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 11th July, 1796. Charge James Long with Paving Tax done in Howard- Street (South) as per List, $1531.13. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 16th July, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: Joseph Biays. John Brown. Joseph Townsend. John Mickle. John Hileen. 312 RECORDS OP Charge James Long witli one Quarters Licence to be col- lected from the Managers of the New Theatre commencing 18th Instant, $33.33. Order No. 13 in favour of Saml. Vincent for 1 Yr. Servic^"^ as Clk due 30th June last & Edwards & Aliens' Bill for Printing. 32.42. July 25th. Charge James Long with List of Tavern Licences Granted out of Court between Alarch and August Terms, 1796, 227.3. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 30th July. 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Hillen. John MickeE. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. Charge Jas. Long, Cash collected from a Blk Man, Ex- hibiting a Show of the City of London, &c., $1. Order No. 14, in favour of Edward Agnew for work done in Dulany Street as per Acct., 16.00. Order No. 15, in favour of James Brown for work done at the Canal Old Town, Peters Bridge, &c., 12.73. Order No. 16, in favour of John Sligh for 7^ Perches Ground for use of the Canal North of the old Post Road, running through the Lands of said John Sligh, Danl. Bowly, Job Smith & others, 19.33. Balto.. 30th July, 1/96. Reed, of the Sped. Commis- sioners for Baltimore Town an Order on their Treasr. for Nineteen Dollars thirty three cents, being in full for One Hundred & three feet across my Lot between Josias Pen- nington's & Lyde Goodwins Lots & eighteen feet wide con- taining seven perches one quarter for the uses of the Canal North of the old Post Road running through said Lot & the Lots of Dan Bowly, Job Smith and other as valued by Gerrard Hopkins James Edwards, April, 1795, $19.33. (Signed) John Sligh. 5th Angst. Order No. 17 in favr. of Jno. Brown for Inter- est on Order No. 6— dated 29th July, 1795, 22.66; total, $70.72. BALTIMORE CITY 313 Balto., 13th August, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. John Hieekn. Joseph Townsend. John Brown. James Long is appointed to take the Assessment on Horses, Carriages, Billiard Tables, Tavern Licences. &c., for the present Year for which he is to receive $30. Adjourn'd to the 27th Inst. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 18th August, 1796. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. John Hieeen. » Joseph Townsend. John Brown. John Mickee. The Arch Bridge over Jones's Falls having broke down and as but a small part of the Materials of the same will Answer for any Useful purpose for the Public being so much decayed. Resolved that the whole of it be exposed to Public Sale To-Morrow atternoon at 5 O'Clock, and that Notice be given thereof in the Different News papers. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 27th Augst., 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John MicklE. John HileEn. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. Adjourn'd to Liberty Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 314 RECORDS OF Baltc, 2d Seplr., 1796. Commissioners met. Present : Joseph Biays. John Mickle. John HielEn. Joseph Townsend. Resolved, that Thomas Walker, have permission to re- move a sufficient Quantity of Earth out of Saratoga Street, East of his present dwelling House, to fill up a large hole fronting said House, and that he leave the said Street in a passable situation for Carriages from whence he removes the same. Resolved, that the Clerk Notify Robt. Walsh to remove his Cellar Door and steps fronting his Brick Ware house on East Street and contract the same to the distance the Law directs in such Cases. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 10th Sept., 1795. Commissioners met. Present : John Mickle. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John HillEn. It appearing that the lower Bridge on Jones's Falls is much decayed and some of the Principal Timbers broke. Resolved, that Joseph Biays c^ jno. Hillen get the same repaired as soon as possible and produce the expense thereof to the next Meeting of the Board. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto.. 17th Sept., 1796. Commissioners met. Present : John MicklE. John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. Joseph Biavs. BALTIMORE CITY 315 Application from sundry Inhabitants on Franklin Lane requesting that the same be paved. Resolved that their request be Granted and the same paved as soon as Convenient. Permission is Granted to John Carrier to Exhibit an Elephant during the present Season he paying for the same the Sum of Sixty Dollars. Charge Jas. Long with that Sum to be Collected by him, $60.00. Adjourn'd to this day Week. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 24th Septr., 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickee. Joseph Biavs. John HileEn. Joseph Townsend. Charge Jas. Long with Cash reed, from J. Biays for Hogs Sold at the Point Nt. Proceeds, $11.25; do. from Nisbitt performing on Slack Wire, 4.00 ; do. for Paving Tax Shakespears Alley, 867.22; do. for old Timber, &c.. Sold at Peters Bridge, 8.00; total, $890.47. Adjourn'd to Saturday next. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 1st October, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickee. Joseph Biays. Joseph Townsend. John Hillen. John Brown. Order No. issued in favor of Josh. Biays on Acct. of work done at Peters Bridge, $60.00. Order No. in favour of Peter Littig for work done in the Market Space payable in 12 Mths with Interest, 14.91 ; total, $74.91. 316 RECORDS OF Charg-c James Lon£^ with Plank, &c., left at the Stone Bridge on Dulany Street & Sold for the use of the Public, £2..i8..6; Do. for 11 Bushels left & Sold. 1..13..0; Do. 3 do. do.. 0..7..6; Do. Mortar Sold. 0..2..6; Do Old Timber, &c., Sold at Philpots Bridge. 14..14..6>/. ; Do. Iron Sold, 14..r)..10; total, £34..2..l0y2 is $91.05. Do. A Negro turned White as a Show. 1.00; Do. Nt. Proceeds of Hogs Sold reed, by J. T., 25.59; Do. reed, for Nuisance irom Geo. Camaghan Carcase of a Horse laid in the Limits of the Town, 4.00; total, $121.64. Adjournal to Wednesday Evening next to Examine the Accts. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 5th October, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: John Mickle. Joseph Biays. Joseph Towns^nd. John HileEn. John Brown. Proceeded to examine the Accts. Adjournal till To Morrow Evening for the purpose. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 6th Oct., 1796. Commissioners met — A. M. — Present : John MicklE. John Brown. Joseph Biays. John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. Resolved, that John ^Mickle open the Mouth of ElHcotts Drain in a suitable manner to receive the Water emptying out of Liberty Street and repair the Bridges over the same. Adjorn'd to six O'Clock this Evening to Examine Ac- ^°""*^- Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 317 Balto., 6th October, 1796. Commissioners met to Examine the Accounts. Present : John MicklE. John Brown. Jose;ph Biays. John HillEn. Joseph Townsend. Commissioners, Dr., to Josh. Townsend for work done as per Acct. in York & Dulany Streets, &c.. 31..11..11. Do. finishing Stone Bridge on Dulany Street, 40.. 14.. 10^. Do. for work done at Philpots Bridge, 53. .11. .6^; total, £125..18..4 is $335.78. Supra. Cr. By Order No. in favour of Andrew Carson payable in six Months with Interest dated 1st Oct., 1796, 15.66. By Order No. in favour of Amos Loney payable in 12 Mths. with Int., Dated 13th Ult, 20.00. By Order No. in favour of Robt. Smith payable in 12 Months with Interest dated 13th Utl, 30.00. By Order No. in favour of David Brown payable in 12 Mths. with Int. dated 29th Ult., 10.00. By Order No. in favour of Alexander Lawson pay- able in 12 Months with Int., dated 29th Ult., 30.00. By Order No. in favour of himself bearing Int. untill paid dated this day, 40.00. By Order No. in favour of Do. bearing Int., 40.00. By Order No. in fav. of Do. do., 28..48. By Order No. in fav. of Do. without Interest, 121.64. Total, $335.78. By Order No. in fav. of Yundt & Brown for inserting Sundry Advertisements as per Acct., 16.87. Sped. Commissioners, Dr., to Josh. Biays for work done on Shakespears Alley as per Acct., 736.75 ; do. sundry re- pairs on Fells Point, do., 108.40; do. repairing Peters Bridge. 151.65; total, 996.80. By an order 1st October, 60.00. Due, $346.80. 318 RECORDS OF Supra, Cr. : By order No. in his favour for 890.47 ; do. No. do. bearin£^ Int. untill pd. 42.00; do. No. do., 4.33 ; total. 936.80; grand total, $953.67. Sped. Commissioners, Dr., to John Alickle for work done in Howard Street as per Acct., 1225. .1.. 11^ ; do. done in Pratt Street, as per Acct., 9..4..7; do. done in Market Strt., as per Acct., 340.. 5. .10; do. done in Harrison Street, as per Acct., 354.. 15. .4; do. done in Wood Street, as per Acct., 105..0..4; do. done in Water Street, as per Acct., 150..0..0; do done in Lombard Street as per Acct.. 28..7..6; paid Jno, Ingle's P,lk Smith Bill, 4..12..6; paid Conrad Hush, Blk Smith do., 42..2..3; total, £2259..10..3><=r$6025.37 ; for Work done in St. Pauls Street, 627.92 ; grand total, $6653.29. By Sundry Orders Entered 26th Mar. last, 400.00. Bal- ance Due, $6253.29. Orders drawn in favour of Jno. Mickle for the aforesd Balance, Viz : Order No. of this date for 4499.57. do. No. do. bearing Interest until paid, 266.66. do. No. do., 266.67. do. No. do., 266.67. do. No. do., 130.19. do. No. do., 123.53. do. No. in favour of S. Williams payable 2d August, 1801, without Int. being Money advanced on Loan for work done in St. Pauls Street, 1794, 400.00. Order No. in favour of Jno. Smith payable as afore- said being Money advanced for the same purpose, 300.00; total, $6253.29. Charge James Long with the following Accts. Cash reed, from Henry Dukehart Nuisance in the Street one half the fine, 1.33. do. Robt. Casey, .33. do. James Riddle, .33. do. Shields 33/100; Clopper, 33/100, .66. Luke Tiernan, .67; total, 3.32. Do. Cost on A. W. Daveys Judgmt. .73 ; balance, 2.59. do. Chimney fine from Wm. C. Godsmith, 3 Stories, L3..33. Baltimore; city 319 do. fine from Jacob Brown, do., 13. .33. do. Alex. Aladewell fine for Waggoner with narrow Wheels, one-h^lf, 6.66. do. Chris. Walker twice fined, 13.34. do. Sand Sold as follows : David Burke 50 Loads, @ 10 Cents, $5.00. Wm. Trimble 100 do., @ 10 Cents, 10.00. James Biays 50 do., @ 10 Cents, 5.00. Ricd. Jones 50 do., @ 10 Cents, 5.00. Lydia" Reese 30 do., @ 10 Cents, 2.00. Wm. Etchberg 40 do.. @ 10 Cents, 4.00. Jno. Horstman 30 do., @ 10 Cents, 3.00; total 34.00. John Spence's Chimney fine, 3 Stories, 13.33. Capt. White do. Fells pt., 2 Stories, 8.00. Jno. Dovane & Maddox Andrew, do., 16.00. Nt. Proceeds of a Hog Sold reed, from Tom Brown. 4.00. Horse Tax omitted reed, from Jas. Gittings, 2.67. Cart Tax do. reed, from Nichs. Oaler, 3.33. do. do. reed, from Wm. Jessep, 3.33 ; total, $133.91. Also the Balance of the Proportion due this Board of the second drawn Annual Lottery from Geo. Salmon, Esqr., as per Statement rendered, 529.85 ; grand total, $663.76. Order No. in favour of James Long for taking the As- sessment for the present Year, on Carriages, Horses, Tavern Licences. Billiard Tables, &c., 30.00. do. No. in favour of John A. Hamilton for his Serv- ices from 21st March to 4th Inst., as per Acct. render'd, 213.00. do. No. in fav. of Jno. Hillen for Sundry repairs, 22.10. do. No in fav. of Saml. Vincent for his Services, &c., & for closing the Accts. for the present Board, 46.00. do. N'o. in fav. of John Brown for Int. on sundry Orders as per Acct. rendered, 17.21. do. No. in fav. of Jas. Long for Int on order No. 81, dated 2d March, 1796, in favour of Jno. Mickle, 8.51. do. No. in favour of Joseph Biays for Int. on sundry Orders as per Acct., 111.29. do. No. in favour of Anthony Otto for use of his Room from 21st Novr., '95 to 1st Inst, 11.52; total, $459.63. Charge James Long with Paving Tax upper end of Market Street, 907.44. 820 RF.CUKDS OF do. Pavino- Tax in Wood Street, 414.00. do Dittoo — Liberty Street, 1495.00. do. Cash reed, from sundry Persons in Harrison Street North to be allowed out of the Tax when paid Henry Dukehart, $30.00. Win. C. Goldsmith, 40.00. Geo Meltinberger, 30.00. Anthy. Mann, 42.00. Thos. Darrett, 10.00; total, 152.00; grand total, $2968.44. Charge James Long with Balance of Jno. Traverse's Acct. paid by John Plillen, $12.18; Amount brought forward, 663.76 ;\otal, $3644.38. James Sterett. Dr. To Sundries : To Balto. Town for the following Orders issued previous to last Settlement not yet paid : James Long 37. .10.. 00 Joseph Biays, No. 22 4..10..00 Ditto, No. 36 200.. 10.. 9 Ditto, No. 37 40.. 11.. 6 John Brown, No. 5 100..00..00 John Mickle, No. 44 54..10..00 David Moore, No. 49 37..10..00 John Mickle, No. 50 4..10..00 Melchu Keener, No. 51 75..00..00 Erasmus Uhler, No. 52 3..00..00 John Stump. No. 53 37.. 10 .00 Adrian Valek, No. 54 75..00..00 1795 Aug. 11. Edwards & Stansbury 7..10..00 Aug. 11, Xathan Griffith 7..10..00 Aug. 14, William Askew 3..15..0O Aug. 14, J. Gorsuch 3..00..00 Aug. 18, I. Westwood 3..00..00 Aug. 21, \Vm. Scott 7..10..00 Aug. 24, Chrisn. Myers 3.. 15. .00 Aug. 24, P. Mullen 3..00..00 Aug. 26, H. & R Heal 3..00..00 Aug. 11, John O'Donnell 56.. 5. .00 Aug. 22, John McKim 18.. 15. .00 Aug. 22, Wm. Slater 11.. 5..00 Baltimore; city 321 Aug. 27, N. Konecke 9.. 7.. 6 Aug. 29, Robt. Carter 18..15..00 Aug. 31, Robt. Courtnay 11. 5. .00 Sept. 2. Richard Caton 18..15..00 Sept. 12, Archd. Campbell 37.. 10..00 Sept. 16, Jno. Dalrymple 7..10..00 Sept. 15, M. Bower 3..00..00 Sept. 16, J. Askew 3..00..00 Sept. 19, Wm. Morris 3..00..00 Sept. 22, Alessersmith & Barry 7..10..00 Oct. 1, Henry Dukehart 7..10..00 Oct. 5, John Carrere 37.. 10..00' Oct. 9, P. & J. Mackenheimer 7..10..00' Oct. 21, John Doyle 3.".15..00^ Oct. 31, H. Worthington 3..00..00' Oct. 31. Richd. Bond 3..00..00^ Nov. 21, Walter Roe 11.. 5..00' Charles Myers 15..00..00 Dec. 5, Robt. Walsh 7..10..00 Dec. 11, James Carroll 45..00..00 Dec. 18, Garts & Leypold 75..00..00 Henry Payson 37.. 10.. 00 Dec. 11, Ignatius Herter & Co 6..00..00 Dec. 22, Archd. Campbell 75..00..00 Jan. 11, Jacob Myer 37.. 10 .00 Jan. 8. James Jaffray 37..10..00 A. Vanbibber 75..0O..0O Feby. 16, Jno. E. Howard 75..0O..0O John Brown, No. 61 78.. 4.. 4 Josh. Biays, No. 72 50..00..00 Ditto, No. 73 50..00..00 Ditto, No. 76 50..00..00 Ditto, No. 77 50..00..00 Ditto, No. 78 91.. 18.. 8^ John Mickle, No. 82 100..00..00 Ditto, No. 83 100..00..00 Total 2047.. 12..934 =$5460.38 322 RKCORDS OF Tlie following orders issued since last Settlement not yet paid : 1796 Mar. 25, Richard Caton, No $100.00 Mar. 26, Cumberland Dugan 100.00 Mar. 26, Oliver & Thompson 50.00 Mar. 26, Edward Johnson 50.00 ]\Iar. 26, Thomas McElderry 100.00 Saml. Vincent, No. 11 25.25 Thomas Dewitt, No. 12 13.33 July 5, Wm. Trimble 30.83 Oct. 1, Peter Littig _. 14.91 E. Agnew, No. 14 16.00 Oct. 6, A. Carson 1 5.66 Sept. 13, Amos Loney 20.00 Sept. 13, Robt. Smith 30.00 Sept. 29, David Brown 10.00 Sept. 29, A Lawson 30.00 Oct. 6, Joseph Townsend 40.00 Oct. 6, Ditto 40.00 Oct. 6, Ditto ♦. 28.48 Oct. 6. Yundt & Brown 16.87 Oct. 6, Joseph Biays 42.00 Ditto 4.33 Oct. 6, John Mickle 266.66 Oct. 6, Ditto 266.67 Oct. 6, Ditto 266.67 Oct. 6, Ditto 130.19 Oct. 6, Saml. Williams 400.00 Oct. 6, John Smith 300.00 Oct. 6. James Long 30.00 Oct. 6, John A. Hamilton 213.00 Oct. 6, James Long 8.51 Oct. 6, Joseph Biays 1 1 1.29 Oct. 6, Anthony Otto 11.52 Total $8242.55 BALTIMORE CITY 323 To James Long — for Cash paid Yon at Snndry times, 9278.77. To Robert Gorsuch — for Cash paid Yon, 67.95. To Henry Stevenson — for Cash paid You, 899.85 ; total, $18489.12. Baltimore Town — Dr. Sundries — To James Sterett — for an order Dated 28th October, 1796, in his favour to retain his Commission on $10,246.57 Reed, from the dif- ferent Collectors since last Settlement, $128.07. To James Long — Amot. of Insolvencies per List, 186.36. Commission on Collections exclusive of fines, 2Z7.2)7. Extra Allowance on 11 Chimney fines, 5.50; total, $429.23. Sundries uncollected — viz : Alex. W. Davey for Paving Yr., 1792, in St. Pauls Lane, 4..7..6. Chas. Wells, do., 10..16..8. Jno. Bickliam, do. Wilkes's Alley, 6. .6.. 8. Philip Rogers, do. East Strt, 7..19..4i4. do. an Alley do., 0..18..9. Peter McCurdy, Pratt Strt., 16..10..0. George Steyers Estate, do., 11..0..0. Danl. Fisher — an Alley, 5..0..0. Lot in Second Strt. owner not known, 6..4..0. Balance Due from Jacob Shriver, 11..5..0. Total, £80..7..1li^ is $214.09; grand total, $643.62. To Robt. Gorsuch — Amt. of Insolvencies, 84.97. Com. on Collections, 7.15; total, 92.12. To Henry Stevenson — Commission on Collections, 53.99. Balance to Collect for 1795 & 96, Insolvencies included, 2d,2>.72\ total, ?>Z7.7\\ grand total. $2101.52. Accounts Settled for the Year 1795 & published the 28th Oct. 1796. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 824 RECORDS OF Balto., 14th October, 1796. At an Election held in this Town, the following Gentle- men were appointed Special Commissioners for the said Town by the Election chosen for that purpose, viz : Robert Stuart, Gabriel Gii.Iv. Jacob Myers. Wm. Trimble. John Lee. Baltzer Shaeeer. Caleb Hewitt. Balto., 15th October, 1796. In Consequence of the above appointment the following Persons met at the House of Mr. Abraham Kaufman's, Viz : „ ^ Robert Stuart, Gabriel Gill. Jacob Myers. John Lee. Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. After having Qualified agreeably to Law before Geo. G. Presbury, Esqr., they proceeded to the choice of Clerk & Collector, when Samuel Vincent was appointed Clk and James Eong Collector. Mr. Wm. Trimble sent in his resignation which was accepted. Adjourn'd to Anthony Ott's Monday next 9 O'Clock in the forenoon. „ , , ^ ^ Sam l Vincent, Clk. Balto.. 17th October, 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present : Robert Stuart. Baltzer Shaffer. John Lee. Caleb Hewitt. Jacob Myers. Adjourned to Liberty Street. bai^timore: city 325 Balto., 18th October, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: Robert Stuart. Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. Gabriel Gill. Jacob Myers. John Lee. Resolved, that Robert Stuart and Caleb Hewitt be ap- pointed a Committee to wait on Saml. Johnson to consult him on the Propriety of an Application to the Chancellor for taking ofif the Injunction laid on the late Board respect- ing the Paving Market Street where Liberty Street crosses the same. Adjourn'd to Thursday Evening next four O'Clock Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 20th October, 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: Robert Stuart. Gabriel Gill. John Lee. Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. Jacob Myers. Henry Stevenson, Sheriff, for this County having ap- plied verbally for a Passage to be cut from St. Pauls Lane to the Jail for the purpose of conveying Wood, &c., to the same. Gabriel Gill and Caleb Hewitt are appointed a Commit- tee to examine the Premises and to act as they may judge necessary in the business. Baltzer Shafifer & Jacob Myers are appointed to superin- tend the Diging of three Wells and erecting three Pumps in Gay Street between Market & second Streets agreeably to Resolve of November 24, 1795. Baltzer Schaefiferis appointed to superintend the repairing of some Paving and Brick Gutter on the West side of the Market Space between Market and Second Streets. 326 RECORDS 01< The Board proceeded to the choice of another member in the room of Mr, Wm. Trimble Fells Point (resigned) when Mr. Joshua Ennis was unanimously Elected. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Adjourn'd to Saturday evening next 4 O'Clock. Balto., 22d October, 1796. Commissioners agreeably to adjournment. Present: Caleb Hewitt. John Lee. Robert Stuart. Joshua Ennis. BaIvTzer Shaeffer. Mr. Joshua Ennis was Qualified agreeably to Law before Geo. G. Presbury the 21st Inst. Charge James Long with the Amount of One Quarters Licence to be Collected from the Managers of the New Theatre, commencing 18th Inst., $33.33. John Lee and Joshua Ennis are appointed to superintend the repairing the Lower Bridge otherwise called Peters Bridge and another small Bridge near Mr. Vanbibbers. Thomas Brown is appointed and directed to seize all Hogs he may find running at large within the Limits of Baltimore Town and Fells Point — those he may catch at the Point under the Direction of the Commissioners at that place & those catch'd in the Town to be Sold under the Direction of some one of the Commissioners in the Town. The Clk is hereby directed to apply to the late Board for all Books and Papers relative to the Board, and also to make inquiry respecting the Tools in their Possession and to get a List of the same. He is likewise directed to make out a List of Taxables for the Year 1796. Adjourn'd to Friday next 5 O'Clock. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTIMORE CITY 327 Balto., 27th October, 1796. Special Meeting. Present : Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. Robert Stuart. Gabriel Gill. Jacob Myers. At Hclliday Street for the purpose of procuring Gravel to fill up Frederick Street, but on Examination it could not be spared, it was therefore Resolved, that Alley on the South side of the Jail be dug down in such a manner as to have a Passage for a Cart thereto from St. Pauls Lane and the Dirt to be taken to Frederick Street. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 28th October. 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: Robert Stuart. Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Jacob Myers. Order No. 1 issued by this Board in favour of John Hil- len for late Boards attendance as per Settlement by Them this day, $127.00. Order No. 2 do. in favour of John Brown for the Comp- troller last Settlemt. Do.. 8.00; total, $135.00. John Hillen applied in behalf of himself and others Pro- prietors in Franklin Lane, requesting the Priviledge to Pave the said Lane themselves at their own Expense from Water Street to the Dock — Resolved, that John Hillen with the other Proprietors, have the Priviledge, Provided, they ex- tend the pavement of said Lane across Pratt Street to the Dock as aforesaid, under the superintendance of Robert Stuart and Jacob Myers. Adjourn'd to this day Week four O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 328 RECORDS OF Balto., 4th Novr., 1796. Commissioners met agreeal^ly to adjournment. TVesent: Caleb Hewitt. Robert Stuart. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Jacob Myers. Baetzer Shaffer. Order No. 3 issued in favour of Jacob Barnard for work done at Phillpots foot bridge, $1. Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors in Alisana Street to have the same paved between Bond and Market Streets. Resolved that a Board meet in Monday next 9 O'Clock in the forenoon for the purpose of leveling the same. INIemorial presented by sundry Proprietors in Lexington and Liberty Streets respecting the washing of Gulleys, &c., in said Streets as by memorial set forth. Caleb Hewitt and Gabriel Gill are appointed to examine the same and do what they may think necessary to prevent any Injury to the Inhabitants. Personal application of James Fishwick and Jas. Beemer in behalf of themselves & others, Proprietors in Ann Street Fells Point to have the same regulated, so as to be made in a passable situation — laid over for further Consideration. Mr. Paul Bentalou applies to this Board to have a Gutter in 2d Street opposite Tripolets Alle}' altered. Robert Stuart, Jacob Myers and Baltzer Shaffer are ap- pointed a Committee to examine the propriety of said Ap- plication. Charge James Long with Amot. of Horse, Carriage and Billiard Table Tax for Year 1796, $1724.92. Do. for Tavern Licences for August Term last, 1253.02; total, $2977.94. Adjourn'd to Monday Week four O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BAL,TlMORI<: CITY 329 Balto., 5th Nov., 1796. Special Meeting Commissioners met at the Intersection of Market and Liberty Streets. Present : Calub HliVViTT. Gabriel Gill. Jacob Myers. Baltzer Shaffer. who waited on the Gentlemen that laid the Injunction on the late Board of Commissioners in order to consult with them about taking ofif the same, but as they did not agree the Board concluded it proper to file an Answer to said Injunc- tion. „ . TT ^,7 Sam l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 7th Nov. 1796. Special Meeting in Alisana for the purpose of leveling the same. Commissioners met. Present : Robert Stuart. Jacob Myers. John Lee. Baltzer Shaffer. Resolved, that said Street have an Ascent of one Inch in every ten feet from the Intersection or Gutter of Bond Street to the Intersection of Market Street. November 9th, 1796. Charge James Long with Amot. of Tavern Licences, Granted by Geo. Salmon & Geo. G. Presbury, Esqrs., since Augst. Term to 1st Inst., $345.16. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 14th Novr., 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment: Present: Jacob Myers. Caleb Hewitt. Robert Stuart. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Baltzer Shaffer. 330 RECORDS OF Charge James Long a Nuisance reed, from Thos. Shep- herd laying Carcase in the Street, $2.00. do. Chimney fine from Jacob Miller, 2 Story, 8.00. do. reed, from Negro (Robt. Wilson) for Exhibiting a Show to 1st Jany next, 1.00. do. Chimney fine from Richd. Ovvings, Howard Strt., 8.00; total, $19.00. Memorial from sundry Proprietors of Lots on the West side of the Market space between Second & Water Streets to have the same regulated and paved. Resolved that the same be paved, Provided the Proprie- tors will pay 12/6 for every foot fronting their Property and that the same be regulated and the Gutter Paved and Posts put in as soon as convenient this Season, each Proprietor advancing their Proportion of the Expence. Mr. Baltzer ShaefTer is appointed Treasurer to this Board in the room of Mr. James Sterett deceased. Adjourn'd to Monday next as usual. Sam'i, Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st Novr., 1796. Commissioners met. Present: Caleb Hewitt. Gabriel Gill. John Lee. Baltzer Shaffer. Robert Stuart. Joshua Ennis. A Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors on the West side of the Market space between second and Water Streets in Consequence of a Resolve of this Board last Meeting — to have sundry holes filled up and the Gutter made so as to carry oft" the Water, they agreeing to pay the Expence thereof. BALTIMORE CITY 331 Resolved that the same be done, and that Baltzer Shaffer and Robert Stuart superintend the work. Resolved that Joshua Ennis make some necessary repairs on Griliiths Bridge. Charge James Long with Mr. Sweeney's Chimney fine, 2 Story, $8.0b : do. Chimney fine from Gabl. Wood, 3 Story, 13.33; do. do fine from John Welsh, 3 Story, 13.33; do. do. Jas. Burnsides Fells pt, 2 Story, 8.00; total, $42.66. Adjournal to Monday next 3 O'Clock. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., Nov. 28th, 1796. Commissioners met. Present: Caleb Hewitt. Gabriel Gill. John Lee. Baltzer Shaffer. Robert Stuart. Joshua Ennis. Jacob Myers. Charge Jas. Long Chimney fine from Jas Stirling, 3 Story, $13.33. Memorial presented from sundry Proprietors in Liberty Street requesting this Board to proceed with the Paving said Street. This Board are of Opinion that the same must lay over for the present on Account of the Injunction on the late Board. Adjourn'd to Market Street where Liberty Street crosses the same 9 O'Clock To-Morrow morning. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 29th Novr., 1796. Special Meeting — Commissioners met agreeably to ad- journment, at the Intersection of Baltimore and Liberty Streets to ascertain the Level across Baltimore Street for 332 RliCORDS OF the purpose of Answering Lewis I'ascault & others Bill of Complanit agst. the late Board. Present : Roukrt Stuart. Gabriel Gill. Caleb Hewitt. Jacob Myers. Baltzer Shaffer. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Adjourn'd. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Clk directed to Copy Answer to the Injunction. Balto., 2d Deer., 1796. At a Special Meeting called in order to examine the Ansr. alluded to the 29th Ult., which was read and approved and after qualifying thereunto it was Signed by the following Commissioners. Present: Robert Stuart. Gabriel Gill. Caleb Hewitt. Joshua Ennis. John Lee. Jacob Myers. Baltzer Shaffer. The Memorial presented the 28th Ult from sundry Pro- prietors in Liberty Street — was also annexed to said Bill. Adjourn'd to Monday 5th Inst. 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 5th Deer., 1796. Commissioners met. Present: Caleb Hewitt. Gabriel Gill. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Order No. 4 issued in favour of Conrad Huss for sharpen- ing Picks, &c., time of last Board not returned, $7.27. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. BALTlMORli CITY 333 Balto., 19th Dec, 1796. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. Jacob Myers. Robert Stuart. John LEE. Gabriel Gill. Joshua Ennis. Order No. 5 issued in favour of Jno. A. Hamilton for his Acct. Leveling, $7.50; for Conrad Miller's Acct. Paving oji West side Marsh Market between 2d & Market Strts, 18.67 ; total, $26.17. do No. 6 in fav. Jno. Mickle for work done in Fredk. Strt. Liberty Strt. and Marsh Market, 168.02. do. No. 7 in fav. Jno. Lee work done in Lancaster & Mar- ket Strts. Fells Point, 34.75. Order No. 8 issued in favour of Joshua Ennis for work done at Peters & Griffiths Bridge & Materials, 55.63 ; total $284.57. Resolved that Caleb Hewitt & Gabriel Gill superintend the sinking of Wells and erecting Pumps in Baltimore Street between Hanover and Liberty Streets, Also a Pump in Hanover Street, between Pratt and Lombard Streets, agreeably to Petitions presented this day & filed. Memorial from David Geddis and others representing a Stack of Chimnies in the Plouse belonging to Mr. Thomas Harrison in Ann Street Fells Point being built contrary to Law so as to render it impossible to be swept by a Chimney Sweep which renders it dangerous to the Houses adjoining. Order'd that he be Notified to pull said Stack of Chimnies down and to build them as the Law Directs. Adjourn'd to this day two Weeks as usual. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. 334 RECORDS OF Notice given to Mr. Thomas Harrison to pull down the aforesaid Stack of Chimnies within three Months from the date agreeably to Law passed November Session, 1792, Chap. 21. § 6 Deer., 20th, 1796. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Special Meeting in High Street respecting regulating the same. Present : Robert Stuart. Gabriee Gile. John Lee. Jacob Myers. Baetzer Shaffer. After examining the Premises, it is Resolved, that the Business lay over for further Consideration. Adjourn'd till To-Morrow 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 21st Deer., 1796 Special Meeting. Present: Robert Stuart. Caleb Hewitt. Baetzer Shaffer. Jacob Myers. Gabriel Gill. John Lee. The Clk is directed to Publish sundry Extracts from the Law for the information of the Public, to be printed in the Federal Gazette and Telegraphe once a Week for three Weeks. Charge James Long with the following Chimney fines: Engelhard Yeiser, 3 Story, $13.33. John Murphy, 2 do.. 8.00. John Morgan Fells Point, 1 do.. 7.33. A Nuisance Geo. Culloden in Street. 2.33. Total. $30.99. Adjourn'd to Monday the 2d January next. Sam'l Vincent, Clk BALTIMORE CITY 3o5 Balto., 2d January, 1797. Commissioners met. Present : BaIvTzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Jacob Myers. Adjourn'd to this day Week 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. Balto., 9th January, 1797. Commissioners met. Present: Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. John Lee. Jacob Myers. Joshua Ennis. Order Xo. 9 issued in favour of Jno. Mickle for work done in Liberty Street across Lombard Street, $216.32. Adjourn'd to Monday next 3 O'Clock in the Afternoon. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 16th Jany., 1797. On Acct. of the Election for the first Branch of the City Council the Meeting is postponed till To-Morrow 3 O'Clock P. M. Charge Jas. Long with a Chimney fine from David Stew- art, 3 Story, $13.33. do. Thomas Hollingsworth's fine for the breach of the Law driving his Waggon with narrow wheels, 6.67. do. do for a Second fine, 6.66. Total, $26.66. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 17th Jany, 1797. Commissioners met. Present : Jacob Myers. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Baltzer Shaffer. 336 RliCORDS OF Resolved that the Clk notify the Collectcr Jas. Long to deliver to the Treasurer at their next Meeting what Money he may have on Hand and that he Collect all in his powei from that day and make report and lodge it with the Treasurer at every Meeting thereafter for the purpose of paying off all the Accounts contracted by this Board. Adjourn'd to Monday Week 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. N. B. Jan. 21st, 1797, an Order was drawn in favor of Peter Littig for $14.91 payable 12 Months with Interest trom 1st of October last in lieu of one drawn of that date which appears to have been lost or mislaid. Balto., 23d Jany., 1797. Commissioners met. Present : Baltzer Shaffer. Caleb Hewitt. Jacob Myers. Robert Stuart. Gabriel Gill. Joshua Ennis. Charge James Long with the following Chimney fines: Charles P. Polk, 3 Story, $13.33. Chimney fine Gilbert Bigger, 3 Story, $13.33. do. fine Joseph Crowdy, 1 do., $7.33. do. fine Job Davis, 1 do., $7.33. do. fine Wm. McFadon, 2 do., 8.00. Total, $49.32. Adjourn'd to this day Week 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 30th Jany.. 1797. Meeting postponed till To Morrow usual hour. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Baltimore; city 337 Balto., 31st Jany., 1797. Commissioners met. Present: Baltzer Shaffer. Jacob Myfrs. Joshua Ennis. John Lff. Robert Stuart. Gabriei. Gill. Order No. 10 issued in favour of Gabl. Gill for 3 M Bricks (and pileing- them) for use of the Gutter on West side of Market Space between Second and Water Streets, $25.00. Adjourn'd to Monday next 3 O'Clock P. M. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 6th Feby., 1797. Commissioners met. Present : Gabriel Gill. Baltzer Shaffer. Jacob Myers. John Lee. Joshua Ennis! Caleb Hewitt. The Bridge at the Causeway being liable to injury from the rains washing ofif the Gravel from the Stone work of the Arches, Resolved that the same be Gravel'd under the superintendance of John Lee. An Acct. was presented by Jno. Boyer for work done in Apple Alley Fells Point during the time of the late Board, 16..0..6. Do. Ys part for the footways included in the above & being private property, 5. .6.. 10; total, £10..13..6=$28.49. Ordei No. 11 in favour of Jno. Boyer issued. Order No. 12 in favour of Gabriel Gill paid Labourer for clearing away Sand from Engine House Liberty Strt., 2.00; grand total $30.49. 338 RECORDS OF Saml. Dean a Lame Man applies for Permission to Ex- hibit an Animal called a Bison. Permission is Granted to said Dean for one Month from this Date on paying for the same two Dollars. Charge James Long with the same, $2.00. Adjourn'd to this Day week as usual. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 13th Feby., 1797. Commissioners met. Present: BaetzER SHA.FEER. Robert Stuart. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Gabriel Gill. Caleb Hewitt. Resolved that Frederick Street between Market and Gay Streets, be paved as soon as the Weather will permit. Also, that the West side of the Market space between Water & Second Streets, be paved as soon as the Weather will permit. Adjourn'd to Friday next 2 O'Clock P. ]VL Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 17th Feby., 1797. Commissioners met agreeably to adjournment. Present: Gabriel Gill. Joshua Ennis. Baltzer Shaffer. Jacob Myers. John Lee. Robert Stuart. Order No. 13 in favour of John Lee for work done in Apple Alley Fells Point and at the Causeway, $17.75. Do. No. 14 in favour of John Mickle for Interest on sun- drv orders. Viz : BALTIMORE CITY 339 for one Dated 5th Oct., 96, Amot., $28.48; for one same Date foi 30$, is $1.27.; for one Dated 2d Apl., 96, for $25.25—1.32 ; total, 2.59 ; grand total, $20.34. Baltzer Schaffer, Josa. Ennis & Caleb Hewitt are ap- pointed a Committee to examine the Accounts for work done in Liberty & Howard Streets, and to meet on Wed- nesday next three O'Clock P. M. for that purpose. Sam'Iv Vincent, Clk. Balto., 22d Feby., 1797. The Committee appointed last Meeting to examine into the Accounts of John Mickle — Alet. Present : Caleb Hewitt. Baltzer Shaffer. Joshua Ennis. proceeded into the Examination of said Accounts but did not finally close. Charge James Long with the following Chimney fines : Coi. John Strieker, 3 Story, 13.33. David Stewart, do., 13.33. John Holmes, do., 13.33. Roger Gwyne, do., 13.33 Thornburgh for Fletcher, do., 13.33. Richd. Clayton's Chimney fine, 2 Story, 8.00. Saml. Hollingsworth do., do., 8.00. Ephriam Robinson Carriage Tax for 1795 omitted, 4.00. Alexr. Turnwall Chimney fine, 2 Story., 8.00. Total $94.65. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 27th Feby., 1797. Commissioners met. Present : Baltzer Shaffer. Jacob Myers. Robert Stuart. John Lee. Caleb Hewitt, Joshua Ennis. 340 RECORDS OF Order No. 15 in favour of James Long for Interest on an Order for £50 dated 2d March, 1796, 2.00; for Int. on an order for $40 dated 6th Oct.. 96, .60; total, $2.60. Order No. 16 in favour of Robt. Stuart for Leveling & attending filling up on the West side of the Market Space between Second & Water Streets, 4.00 ; total, $6.60. Charge James Long with 146 Loads of Sand Sold to Sundry Persons from Chatham Strt., @ 1/, £7..6..0= 19.47. Do. John Chapman's line Waggon with narrow Wheels, 6.67; total, $26.14. Adjourn'd till To Morrow Afternoon three O'Clock. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 28th Feby., 1797. Commissioners met. Present : Baetzer SchaEFFER. Joshua Ennis. Robert Stuart. John Lee. Jacob Myers. Caleb Hewitt. Baltzer Schaefifer, Treasurer, Dr., for Money advanced as a Donation in part by the Port Wardens for the purpose of Conveying the Water from the upper End of the Town thro' Liberty Street into Ridgely Cove, $1500.00. Charge James Long with Cash reed, from Erasmus Uhler as a Donation for work to be done on Liberty Street Pro- vided the Water from the upper end of the Town is con- veyed that way into Ridgely's Cove, 50.00. do. reed, from John E. Reese for the above purpose and upon the same Conditions, 50.00. do. for Bricks now laying in the Market Space for the Gutter, a Number being already destroy'd or lost, it is pre- sumed the paving will not be done for some time and of course a Considerable loss would arise to the Public if not disposed of. Total, $120.00. BAIvTlMORE CITY 341 John Mickle presented the following Accounts for work done in Liberty Street at the time of the late Board and for hauling Dirt, &c., from said Street into sundry other Streets as per Accts. rendered, Viz : Amot. of Acct. for Liberty Street hauling Dirt, &c., 638..10..4. do. of Acct. for Paving do., 595.. 13. .4. do. of Acct. for work done at the Ditch & bridges in How- ard Street, 105..12..1>4. do. of Acct. in said Street below Lombard Street, 52.. 8.. 0. do. of Acct. in Pratt & Campden Streets, 51. .3. .4. do. of Acct. in Charles, German, Lexington & Sharpe Streets, 25..1..0. do. of Acct. in King Tammany Street, 19.. 17.. 8. do. of Acct. in North Street, 76..9..4. do. of Acct. in Baltimore Street, 4..10..8. do. of Acct. in Hanover Street, 10.. 5. .0. do. of Acct. in Bottle Alley, 34..4..0. do. of Acct. in Chatham Street, 1..13..9. do. in Acct. in the Market Space on the West side thereof between 2d & Water Strts., 83..12..6; total, £1699..1..0^ is $4530.80. The following Orders issued in favour of John Mickle for the aforesaid work : Order No. 17 in his Favour bearing Interest from Date $1400.00 No. 18 do. Favour bearing Ditto 400.00 No. 19 do. Favour bearing Ditto 400.00 No. 20 do. Favour bearing Ditto 400.00 No. 21 do. Favour bearing Ditto 400.00 No. 22 do. Favour bearing Ditto 300.00 No. 23 do. Favour bearing Ditto 300.00 No. 24 do. Favour bearing Ditto 200.00 No. 25 do. Favour bearing Ditto 200.00 No. 26 do. Favour bearing Ditto 100.00 • No. 27 do. Favour bearing Ditto 50.00 No. 28 do. Favour bearing Ditto 50.00 No. 29 do. Favour bearing Ditto 50.00 No. 30 do. Favour bearing Ditto 50.00 342 RECORDS OF No. 31 do. Favour bearing Ditto 7.80 No. 33 do. Favour bearing Ditto 123.00 No. 34 do. Favour bearing Ditto 100.00 $4530.80 Order No. 32 in favour of Baltzer Schaefifer, for at- tendance paving & repairing part of the Market space & attendance in Frederick Street 6.00 No. 35 in favour of James Long for Judg- ments obtained agst. him in Warrants for Chimney fines, &c., as per Acct 3.89 No. 36 in favour of Anthony Otto for the Use of his room, fire & Candle 13.33 No. 37 in favour of Saml. Vincent for his Services 100.00 $4654.02 Petition of Job Smith of Fells Point in behalf of him- self and John Lee presented the 17th Ult being considered — Resolved that permission be Granted to Job Smith & John Lee proprietors of Property on Bond Street between Shakespear & Lancaster Streets, to lower, or cut away the Gutter Plank two Inches agreeably to prayer of said Peti- tion in Bond Street. Adjourn'd to Monday next 2 O'Clock in the Afternoon. The Clerk is Directed in the mean time to prepare the Accunts of this Board for Publication. Sam'l Vincent. Clk. Balto.. 4th March, 1797. Charge James Long with the following Accts. : Chimney fine from McDonald & Co.. 2 Story. S8.00. do. fine from John Montgomery. 1 Story, 7.33. do. fine from Samuel Jacobs, 3 Story. 13.33. do. fine from Robert Martin. 2 Story Fells Pt. reed, only, 5.33. David McMechin, Esqr., Horse Tax, 2.67. Baltimore; city ^^43 Abraham Kaufman, do., 2.67. The following Tavern Licences were Granted out of Court Since August Term, 1796, to March, 1797: Henry Weidner, 1 Novr., $5.38. Bryan O'Laherty, 1 Novr., 5.38. John Brazil, 1 Novr., 5.38. James Simpson, 11th, 4.66. Lazarus Mitchell, 2d Deer., 4.00. Joseph Chamling. 20 Sept., 7.00; total, 31.80; grand total, 7L13. William Smallwood Horse Tax, 2.67; grand total, $73.80. Balto., 6th March, 1797. Commissioners met. Present: Baltzer Shaffer. Jacob Myers. Joshua Ennis. John Lee. Caleb Hewitt. Robert Stuart. Charge James Long with Chimney fine reed, from Mrs. Nochee, 2 Story, 8.00; Charge James Long with do. from Lewis Dashiel, do., 8.00 ; total, $16.00. Order No. 38 in favour of Saml. Johnston for drawing the Answers of the Commissioners & preparing the Argu- ments to dissolve Injunction, &c., $33.33. No. 39 in favour of Clayland, Dobbin & Co. for Printing as per Bill, 16.00. No. 40 in favour of Yundt & Brown for Do. as per Bill,. 43.00; total, $92.33. Jacob Myers, Robert Steuart and Joshua Ennis are ap- pointed a Committee to Settle the Treasurers Accouhts and also to meet the Comptrollers to Settle the Accounts of this Board. Sam'e Vincent, Clk. 344 RECORDS OF Balto., 11th March. 1797. Committee met agreeably to appointment last Meeting. Present: Joshua Ennis. Jacob Myers. Robert Stuart. John Lee. Order No. 41 in favour of Caleb Hewitt for Commission- ers attendance from 14th Octobr. to this date, $177.00. Order 42 in favour of Baltzer Schaeffer to retain his Com- mission for Cash received, 50.54; total, $227.54. Adjourn'd till Tuesday morning 9 O'Clock to meet the Comptrollers. Sam'l Vincent, Clk. Balto., 14th March, 1797. Commissioners met the Comptrollers to examine the Accts. which were approved and passed by Jno. Merryman, Jas. Carey and Alexr. McKim. Present : Baltzer Shaffer. John Lee. Joshua Ennis. Baltzer Schaefifer, Dr. to Sundries : To Baltimore Town for the following Orders issued pre- vious to last Settlement not yet paid : Joseph Biays, pd., No. 36 £200.. 10.. 9 John Brown, pd.. No. 5 100..00..00 John Mickle, pd.. No. 44 54..10..00 David Moore, pd., No. 49 37..10..00 Jno. Mickle, paid. No. 50 4..10..00 Melcher Keener, paid No. 51 75..00..00 John Stump, paid. No. 53 37..10..0O Adrian Valck, pd.. No. 54 75..0O..00 1795. Aug. 11. Edwards & Stansbury, pd 7..10..00 Aug. 11, Nathan Griffith, pd. .' 7..10..00 Aug. 15, William Askew, paid 3..15..00 BALTIMORE CITY. 345 Aug. 14, J. Gorsuch Aug. 18, I. Westwood, paid 7 1 n m Aug. 21, Wm. Scott, paid V 1^'m Aug. 24, Chrisn. Myers, paid Vnn m Aug. 24, P. Mullen, paid 3..00..UU Aug. 26, H. & R. Heal, paid c7 ^'m Aug.ll,Jno.O'Donnell.. 6.. 5"^ . Aug. 22, Jno. McKim, paid ^^-^^ "^ Aug. 22 Wm. Slater, paid ^^■- ^j-^^ Aug. 27, N. Konecke, paid io"i -"no Aug. 29, Robert Carter, paid i t m Aug. 31, Robert Courtnay, paid !q 'irm Sept 2 Richard Caton, paid 18..15..UU Sept. 12, A. Campbell, paid %"]n'm Sept. 16, Jno. Dalrymple, paid. . , ^m m Sept. 15, M. Bower 300..00 Sept. 16, I. Askew, paid 300..00 Sept. 19, Wm. Morris, pd ^' in m Sept. 22, Messersmith & Barry, pd ■• . • • /..10..UU Oct. 1, Hy. Dukehart 7..10..00 Oct. 5, John Carrere, paid ^Mn m Oct. 9, P. V. I. Mackinheimer, pd 1/..1U..UU Oct. 21, Jno. Doyle ^"^^"m Oct. 31, H. Worthington, paid 3..00..00 Richd. Bond, paid ^"^.'^r^n Nov. 21, Walter Roe, paid H- 5. .00 Charles Myers, paid ^l"^^aTn Dec 5, Robt. Walsh, paid 7..10. UU Dec. 11, James Carroll, paid 45..00..00 Dec. 18, Garts & Leypold, paid 75..00..00 Henry Payson, paid 37..10 .00 Dec. 11, Ignatius Harter & Co., paid 6..00..00 Dec. 22, A. Campbell, paid 75..10..00 1796. Jany. 1, Jacob Myer, paid 37..10..00 Jany. 8, James Jafifrey, paid 37..10..00 A. Vanbibber, paid 75..0O..0O Feby. 16, Jno. E. Howard, paid 75..00..00 Jno.' Brown, No. 61, pd 78.. 4.. 4 Joseph Biays, pd., No. 73 50..00..00 346 RECORDS OF ditto, pel, Xo. 76 50..00..00 ditto, pd., No. 77 50..00..(X) ditto, pd., No. 78 91..18.. 8^ John Mickle, pd., No. 82 100..00..00 ditto, pd., No. 83 100..00..00 £1912.. 1.. 3^ is Dollars $5098.85 Richd. Caton, paid 100.00 Cumberland Dngan, paid 100.00 Oliver & Thompson, paid 50.00 Edward Johnson, paid 50.00 Thomas McEklerry, paid 100.00 Peter Littig, paid 14.91 A Carson, paid 15.66 A Loney, paid 20.00 Robert Smith, paid 30.00 David Brown, paid 10.00 A. Lawson, paid 30.00 Joseph Biays, paid 4.33 John Mickle, paid 266.66 ditto, paid 266.67 ditto, paid 266.67 Saml. Williams, paid 400.00 John Smith, paid 300.00 Jno. A. Hamilton, paid 213.00 $7336.75 The following orders issued since last Settlement not yet paid. \^iz : .\(). IS John Mickle. i)aid 400.00 19 ditto, paid 400.00 20 ^■\■^^ Acci'yp'^ of bread... 160, 161, Assizes^ot ^br^e ^^^^ ^^^^ ^09, 241 (See also bread weighers.) Attorney 230 B 46 Bailey, Chas 43, 45 Baker, Isaac ■ • «^' ^^^ " 's James, negro (bee " " wharfing Alcock, Jas., house Alexander, Jas \-^/: Wm 110 Alice Ann St. or Alisana St., ^^^ A.i« inn S.Vc; AHsana's.:, ^^^^^Xcol , 22, .03 fade ...^. /,v:::-c;' Baltimore Annual Lottery.. 1/1 (See also Lotteries). Bi,?i„,o,e S.., 28. 33, 38. J04. ^^^ " " bridge in west 104 "bridge betw. Hanover and Sharp Sts... 106 " grade 192, 264 " " graveled ..185, 188 328 Alice Ann St. or Alisana St., paving • • ■ • • • • • • • ■ y Allen, James, 66, 67, 69, 87, ^^^ Alley, Apple (See Apple Alley). ^ " left by P. Bentalou and Sam Smith.. 288 from St. Paul's Lane to the Jail.... 325, 327 " from Sumwalt's lot l(n sundry, paved.. .. •• 153 west of Calvert St., paved ^(^ Amendments to Street Laws 215 Amey or Amy. P1|'1'P- f. 67, 68 Angel & Goddard..l25, 177, 185 Ann St _ ^.p, " " Canal in .• • ■ • • 240 " Trunk (sewer) in. . . 1/U paving 185, 238, 328, 329, 331, 332 " pumps (See Pumps). " work done in. J4i " (See also Mar- ket St.) Town plat adver- tised for 13^ 11 INDEX. NAMK PAGE NAME PAGE Bank Street 26, 62. 180 Rowley, Dan'l. 199, 272. 276, 312 " or Mercer St. grade " wharf, paving near. 263 202, 203 Boyl, John 96, 98 St.. paving 211,223 Boyle. Andrew, lot 197 Barker, Jos.... 56, 71, 17^, 74, 79 Bread, assessors appointed Barney, Joshua.... 7, 49. 85. 174. 176. 208. 209, 241 102, 124, 149 " law on assizes of, Barre Street 283 160, 161, 163, 171 " grade 262 " weighers. . . . 195, 208, Barry, Laveller 48 234,246 " Lavellyn, house 72 Brewery, Peters 8, 29 Barry's Tavern 54 Brick, footway pavements . . 179 Bason, head of 140 " gutters 79,123 Beale, Thos., 81, 93, 114. 121. " pavements 78 136. 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, " paving 62 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 151. " yard, McDonagh's. . . 267 152, 153 " " Anthony Barck- Beazoa or Beasoa, Rich'd man's 276 75,136,137 Bricks 13,46, 71 Bennett, Patrick 125, 149 Bridge, advertisement for Bentalou, Paul 150, 186, 288 two 7 " " resigns 181 " architects 7 Biays, Jos., 150, 173, 175. 176, " arch in Balto. St... 4. 144 178, 184, 185, 186, 197, 200, " arch. over Jones' 202, 319 Falls 311, 313 Bignall, Jos 121, 181 " at Alice Anna St.... 282 " and West, permis- " at Dulany St 183, sion to exhibit... 130 184, 256 Billiard Tables 29, Z2> " at Harford and York " Tax (See Sts 183, 184 Taxes). " at Market St 15 " " Tax remitted " at Peters' Brewery. . 8 162, 167, 168 " at Water St. or lower Billingsgate St, repairs 276 bridge 60, 162 " " wharf at.... 274 " broke down 313 " "work done " caretakers 261 in, ...217, " Centre. 91, 92. 95, 98, 257, 294 100, 102, 144, 115, 252 Bittle, John 42,45, 80 " Centre, sewer 84 Bivan, John 150, 151 " estimate for 8 Board of Port Wardens. 165, 226 " eastward of the Bond 14 Town.. ....102 " of lottery managers " Gay St. dimensions 166, '171, 175 of 35, 48 " of scavengers or St. " Griffith bridge (See cleaners 155 Gay St. bridge or Bond Street, grade 235 upper bridge). " ^ " gutter 342 " Gay St. or Griffths, houses on, re- or upper, 35, 48, moved 284 70^ 72, 121, 124, " paving ....258, 298 133,214,331,333 ". ^^-^ -uv 296 " in Bridge Street.... 124 repairs 1/0, 202 » i„ Causeway 70, 71 work done in ,, • t-, 1 c^ mo 211 ■^57 298 '" Dulany bt 199, Books examined... .148,' 149^ 202, 204, 205. 208, 260 326 327 344 277, 278, 292, 294, Bottle Alley, work done in.' 341 295, 297, 311, 316, 317 Ill INDEX. PAGE PAGE NAME NAME ^ ..^^"-^ B,own John, 48, 49, 75. 146, BHdge in Harford .t....^71. ^^^ ^7 148 10, 159, in Hill St.. ^....230,243 1 86', 1 90', 197', 200 oward St.... 142, 144 ^02, 208, 209, 215, H Smith St ., ; • • • \f. 230, 241 312 3 9 in Stigar's Addition^ 151 ,. 26, 64, 13 in West Baltimore .. g^ ^undt . . .. ■ -252, 317 Street ..•••;• l"'^' ^^^ R r u i s b a n k or Brusbank, '" ^t.Ji^"Z^ I '^ rg„;-v -'^ '': 'n. Ik 8? inW[lk'St....,32,j7, vVilk St.....3A ^'^' Rnffaloes (See Exhibitions). log or wharf 176 ^^ ,. Roman Catholic 233 '""^ateT s't'l'sf 9t Bussard or Bu..a,-cl, M.|tecl. ^^^ i?8 133 144, 161, /^^' 162, 165, 188, 3U ^ near Hayscales . ...... 151 ^ 106, 109 " ^McU,'l-°°""'" 267 S'aSoV,,,. Jas. , . .25, .65, .79, ^^^ Sr- IS^^M Z ''"'"' "■• '' -: «• '^' ''■ 11^6 243, 292, 316 ^, ,, 126 over canal in Old ., . ;^^„g ••■59-60,126 Town ^^"^ u " reoairs 1^' over Jones' Falls, 10 g^ ? T^.^ lO^: 283. 341 166, 311, ,5^^ ^^^^^^j ^g^^ E^l^'bmonsK painted ... ■ ^^^^ • ■ • • ^.^^^j EUicott's . (See ElU- Peters, 197, 298 304, ^^^^,^ j^.^ch). 305, 315, 666 ^_ .^^ Fells Point 240 Peters, repan^ - • ■ 187; ^^^ ,, So war'd St" •■■.■.■.■. : 230 phiipots ,..315, 316 :: '^,^,7roit:n9,m Philpots, repairs..... ^5U 247, 257, 266, Stonl in Dulany St. 316 24^; 275^ 28O, 292 temporary, 15, ^J, ^^' 308, 6iZ 29, 32. 35 36, 39, „ ^^ ^^ qi^^ post Rd 48, 51, 53, 55, 6L ^^^ ^g^^ ^,^„^^1 ,„ Old "^{^rm^l''^292 " oJe^^'side of jones'^^ ^^■•l2fi3fl5Vl8t,l90 (Sef also water 121, 1-^/' ^^^' '° ' 94 courses.) ^. f '^""LVn 70 102 Candle lighting. • ■ • ^^^ dug down /u, 1^^ ^^ j^ea,!^ Thos 82, 8,5 funer •.■.■.•.■.■.■.■.122: 123 Carlisle St.. work done^m, ^^^ l^o"^^ Z ^86 Carriage tax (See Taxes). pavement ._^....2 Carriage, narrow wheels^ 1, 193 naving, •'*J, '"' ' ' r^ ^11 TTz-lwird 112, 1 1't, ^115,^20, 123, 193, Carroll, ^dward.^.^. .^^^^, ^^^_ ^^3 144 173 Carson, Andrew '' ''"^flS \42 repairs... 144, 1/^, ^^^ 139. 14Z IV INDEX. NAME PAGE Causeway, 95. 100. 102, 104 123, 141, 185,' 187, 194, 195, 197, 234, 239 at lower bridge. . 171 bridges in 70, 71, 2,37 in Pitt St 119 in VVilk St Z7, 116. 126, 128 loan for buildin,^, .. 239, 241, 243 stone arch in 236, 239. 257 stone bridge, dimensions of.. 71 Cemeteries (See Burying Ground). Centre Bridge, 91, 92, 95 98 100, 102, 115! 155, 252 repairs 274 sewer 84 -r., -, ( S e e a 1 s o Philpot's Bridge). Centre Market, 43, 164, 169 178, 180,' 198 gutter p a V e- ment 77, 325 "^ gutter 103 house 9, 43 /' , " paving 78,' 178 (bee also Market Space) Charles St. (Fremont Av.). 206 Charles St....... 68, 139, 154, 254 bridge crossing. PAGE NAME Clackner or Clarkner, Adam ri , , ^ 79,' 84 Cl^y sold 208, 211, 221, 253 Clerk appointed 10, 130, 150, 180.' 324 resigns 130, 179 salary.... 10, 129, 130, ^, , 169, 183, 190 Clerks 132, 140, 149 Coaie, Thomas 65 67 Collectors, 8, 12, 71, 107, 119, ' 123,' 140 appointed, 10, 97 107, 140, 150, 153, 189, 324 of fifteen penny tax 170, 172 of taxes (See tax Collectors). ." resign 107, 189 time extended. 97, 119 Collections 335 Commerce St., paving....".'.' 13 Commings or Cummings, ^John 106, 110 Commission for scavengers ^ . . 155, 156 Commissioners, Special (See Special Commission- ers). Commissioners, Town 175 Cauimittee on Lottery ap- - ^^ pointed 160 on Law of As- size of Bread. work ,, .144, 147 Comptroller.... 77. 125, 149' g r a d e, petition is7 , 259. 261, 327, 344 " pavlnc^' 'mi' ■ 'rqV r?7 ^°"^^^''i§^? St., work done in 292 paving, 141, 153. 157 Conner, John, 142 143 144 repairs, 178, 227. > J , 4., 143, 144, ^^^ Conway Street 283 Coulter, John 150, 186 Court House 26 " " Square 29 Court, Levy 60, 61. 214 Cowpen Alley 212 ," 1; grade 'l'96, 197 pump (See . Pumps). Cummings or Cummins, John 97, 103. 106 228, 233 done in, rx n c 243, 298, 341 Chatham St., grade 306 pump (See << „ Pumps). work done in p, . ^ 298, 340. 341 Chimney fires and fines 14 22. 23. 29. 92, 130. 131, i32' 13.3, 134, 140, 148, 153, 156 157, 158, 159, 160. 172. 173 176, 180, 187, 189, 191 198' 212. 214, 216, 217, 218,' 219' 221, 222, 229, 230, 261, 267' 269. 287, 291, 293. 296. 306* 308, 330, 331, 334, 335, 336,' 339, 342 D Darnages due to canal... 242, 266 ]] ][ Ij rain 101 "water- courses .. 93 INDEX. NAME PAGE NAME PAGE Davey, Alexander W. . . . 123, 194 Dulany St., grade 265 Davidson, Job, house 273 " " near the bridge. 239 Davis, Dr. Francis 49, 50 " " stone bridge 317 Matthew 143, 144, 145 " " work done in. 243, Dawes or Daws, Francis, 256, 267, 279, 312 62, 85, 102, 104 " " a n d York St., Tan Yard 72 bridge at . 183. Dawson, James 138,139 184 317 Deady. Dan'l 190, 220, 291 *Duowatson, Isaac... 40, 41 Deal or Dial, Charles ... .48, 52 45, 47, 50, 69, 75 Decker or Decker, Freder- Dutch Alley 227 229 256 ick.... 31, 87, 135, 164, 168, 182 " " grade. .212, 215,228 Decker or Decker, Col. " " paving 271 Fred 53 " " paving tax 296 Dehl, Charles 86,145 " " repairs 275 Delaport, Frederick 26 *Dewatson, Isaac 44 *Diiowatson or Dewatson. Dewitt, Thos 60. 89, 126, E Dial or Deal, Chas 48, 52 150,185,264 East Lane 40, 44 paved 36 Diffendaffer or Diffenderfer. " Street ... 26, ' 32", ■34,' 52", 314 Michael, 7, 55, 61, 64, 84, " •• r u t t i n o- Hnwn 100, 104, 127, 149 cutting dovvn ^^^ Dififenderfer, Dan'l 134, 150 " " f„f,(. navpmpnf ' fO Dillon,John...l05.143. 145, 147 •< « footway: wTdVh Districts, Street Cleanin of 208 , , , 154, 188, 219 " .. grade" :::::. v. 33; 204 Dirt and Sand, removal of, " " hand rails on 203, 260 268' 291 Dixon, Jas., 55, 109, 111, 114, " " paving.. 196, 223' 126, 144 323, 268 Thos 19, 85 " " width of 268 Dock 62 Etldy, Daniel, 54, 68, 81, 103, Donaldson, Mr 180 t? , c. •■ 109,110,111,112 T\ ^- t \\T . -jAf^ i-den St., petition to resrulate 218 Donation for Watercourse. 340 .< . 'regulating ..^ 221 Dorsey, Col. Thomas 46 " " ^ork done in . .234, Dowell, Francis, Tan Yard. 50 239 241 Wm 19 Edwards, James.. 35, 48, 242i Drain, James 74, 76. 17 266,' 312' Dugan, Cuml)erland, 29, 32, Election of Commissioners 59, 60. 85 „„. , , 150, 324 James... 70, 84, 110, 111 ^ r °"; -^"tI'"-,' ^^ Duhan or Duhane, Isaac, Ellicott s Ditch "^'^^"^^^ ^^^ n„, o, ^"°- ;Sf Emmy, Philip 6'5, b! 70 ^V.*^^ ^^ 1<^1 Engine house on Liberty " grade 238 St ZZ7 "repairs 174 Ennis, Joshua 326 " work done in 298 Enny, Jeremiah 52, 64 Dukehart or Deukhart or Ensor, William 17, 18 Dukhart, Henry.. 98 103 Ernest, Caleb ]44 ' 107" 100 Eutaw St., grade 215, 284 Dulany St., bridge in 199' i?^"'""'- ^^ilHam ISO, 153 202, V 205. 20.s! 210. 256 Examiners of Accounts.^94, 265, 276, 294, 295, 297 Exchange Alley, paving. . . .' 310 vi INDEX. NAME PAGE F Exhibitions, of a Bison 338 name I'agh of P.uffalocs 194 Fair, Frederick 16 of Calf with four Farkney or Fickney, John horns 214 41, 76 of Camel 250,276 Fatton, John 76 dexterity of hand Fayette St 31, 48 131,226,227,231 " "grade 215 of an Elephant. ... 315 " " paving 292 " by French Come- Federal, Gazette 334 dians 303 Fees 95 " of Heads and trans- Fells, old mansion 198 parent Paintings 171 Fells Point 7>2, 70, 134, 245 " of hand, dexterity " " Streets 169 of, 131, 226. 227, 231 " " " repairs of a Lion.... 179 173, 178, 184 Machine Carriage Fells St., grade 198 235, 258 " " house on, removed Magic Lantern. 131, 253, 282 226,227,231 ^." " paving 296,298 " Magot 210 Fickney or Farkney, Jolin of a Monster 228 41, 76 Moose 63 Fifteen penny tax (See Optical Perform- Taxes). ances 306 Fines (See Chimney Fines). Paintings 174 Firebuckets 229.235 Panther 249 Fish St., filling 210 Pelican 249 " " repairs ... 145. 159, Philosophical Ex- 161, 164 periments 218 Fisher, Geo 168, 182 Plays 123,196,207 Flachan or Flaikan, John " Play Actors. . ..11, ^6?- 70, li, 75 76, 11, 80, 81, 98 lor 90'' iMaharty or FIahertj% James •p , Q, 09 106, 107, 109 Puppet Show... 92, Fleet St 308, 309 118, 194, 195 " •' canal 298 " Queen of France " " filling up 283 guillotined 296 " " repairs 183, 203 representing the Flood 13, 15 Creation 269 Footway, pavement 178 << c • .^ • t Pootway (See also Scripture pictures r^. f s vwv.v ic;-^ i=;q Streets). « ^, f T 1 in Forrest St 181 Show of London.. 311 Forrest and Lee Sts....l40, 141 Tragedy 150 Forrester, Geo 65 Tumbler 114,219 Fox, Rich'd 106,107,109 Wax figures... 158, 291 Foya, Markes 145,147 " Wild Cat 287 Franciscus, Geo., 7, 67. 124. on PhilpoVt's Hili 95 ,. , ,. , . l^'^- '^'^^ " Slack Wire, 39, 40, l'--a"l" Lane, paving, 263. 78, 126, 181, 184, 194 Frederick St.... 25, 155. 2(12, Slack Wire by 225. 304 309 negro 288.295 •* "grade, 33,212 " in Theatres. 41, 45, " " paving, 217, 225, 250. 276 236, 292. 342 " I)y a negro 330 " " work in.. . . 197, of a negro turned 202, 257. 274, ?,?,?> wliite 316 Freshets 70, 106 INDEX. Vll NAME PAGE Frick, Peter 99 Front St., 192, 197, 199, 200, 202, 205 " " grade 264 " " lowered 188 " " petition to regulate 193 " work in... 234, 235, 239 Furney, Adam 51, 55, 70 G Gale, Jas 67, 69 Gallows 193 Gardiner, Mrs 148 Gay St 35, 51, 84, 154 " bridge 35, 48 " " bridge, dimensions of 35, 48 " " footway, width of... 209 " " paving 185, 223 " " pump on 99 " work done in 257 Gelt, John 75, 78 George St., work in 230 German Lane, grade 191 " " raised and re- paired .174. 272 St 341 Gill, Gabriel 207, 324 " Rich'd 100 Gist St 180, 181 Glen, Thos 69 Goddard and Angel, 125, 177, 185 " 's Paper 7 Wm 24 Goodwin, Jas. Vernig. . . 196, 207 " Dr. Lloyd or Lyde, 199, 242, 266, 272, 312 Gorman, John 106 Gorsuch, Benj 44 " " house . . . .207, 265 Robt 170, 172 GRADE. Albemarle St 207, 237, 238 Alice Ann St 329 Baltimore St 192, 264 (See also Market St.) Bank St. or Mercer St... 202, 203 Barre St 262 Bond St 235 Bridge St 70, 72 Calvert St 26 Chatham St 306 Cowpen Alley 196, 197 Duke St 238 Dulany St 265 Dutch Alley 212. 215, 228 East St 26, 33, 204 NAME PAGE Eutaw St 215, 284 Fayette St 215 Fells St 198 Frederick St 33, 212 Front St 264 German Lane or Alley 191 Granby St 237 Hanover St 225, 247, 262 Harrison St il , 245 High St 231 Holliday St 249 Howard St 168, 182, 194, 271 " altered 182, 194 Jones St 205 King George St 207, 237, 245, 265 King Tammany St 285 Lexington St 262 Liberty St 212, 244, 247, 261 Light St 43 Lombard St 27, 28, 225, 284 Market Space 212 Mercer St. or Bank St., 202, 203 New Church St 68 Philpott St 198, 238 Polly St 238 Pratt St 266 Prince St 238 Public Alley 26, 62, 273 Queen St 17, 18, 25, 238 239 Saratoga St 278 Second St 51, 201 Sharpe St 27, 197 Shakespeare Alley 278 Street from St. Paul's Lane to Calvert St 270 Street from Market St. to Water 280 Thames St 198 Union St 19 Water St 273 Wilkes Alley 197 York St 238, 265 Graham, David 197 's paper 177, 208 Granby St 181, 195, 197, 283, 309 " " grade 237 " repairs, 170, 174, 175, 256, 279 Grant. Dan'l 56. 57 Grate at sewer 113, 114 Gravel 134, 137, 169 Graves. Nero 56 Graybill, Philip 117, 131 Green St 137 " "work done in 257 vni INDEX. NAME PAGE Griffith, Bcnj 35, 41 " " house 253 " Bridge (See Bridges). Nathan 92, 100 Guilford St., work done in 298, 299 Gutter 84 bricks 79 Gutro, Joseph 42, 66, 68, 75 Guttro or Guttery, John, 65, 67, 110, 112, 115, 116, 121 Gwinn, John 142, 144 H Hackett, John 11, 116 Hague St 206 Hall. Caleb 22, 111 Hallam & Henry 41, 45 Hamilton, John A. or Capt., 11, 39, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, n. 79, 81, 83, 97, 106, 108, 109, 111, 128, 152, 178, 180, 199, 297, 319, 333 Hammond, John. ..7, 28, 32, Zl, 47, 52. 64, 65, 67, 73, 74, 76. 79, 84, 100, 101, 104, 106, 109, 110, 111, 117, 123, 124, 127, 128, 141, 142, 145, 149, 244 Hanover St. 24, 27, 28, 52, 64, 66, 106, 120, 283 " "clay, removed, 211, 254, 294 " " foot pavement.. 30 " grade ..225, 247, 262 " " paving n , 264 " " repairing . . . 122, 143, 270 " " sand removed... 286 " " work done in, 287, 290. 298, 341 Harbaugh, Leonard.. 8, 46, 53, 88, 124 " " resigns.. 100 Harford St., bridge in 71 Harley. Patrick 107. 109 Harp or Hart, Jacob .... 104, 107, 108. 143, 151 " " " John, 95, 103. 139 Harragan or Harrigan, John 67, 79, 80, 81. 82. ^2>. 97. 102. 105. 107, 147 Harris. Creek 180. 257 John 194. 205 NAME PAGE Harrison's, Marsh, Streets in 205 Harrison St.... 147, 155, 190, 197, 199 " " grade 37, 245 " " paving ... .9, 10, 234, 273, 294 "tax 320 " " wharf at elbow.. 245 " "work done in 199, 200, 202, 234, 235, 243, 274, 318 Harrowood or Piarwood, Robt ..41, 51, 67, 68, 72 Hawk St., petition to raise.. 236 " filling up 210 Hayes, John 96, 117, 173 " paper 7 Hay scales, Hillen's 151 " in Old Town... 199 Hay ward's Tan Yard.... 49, 242 Health, notices 211 Henry & Hallam 41, 45 Hibbs, Isakaar 109, 112, 114 High St 70, 334 " grade 231 " repairs .. ..170, 173. 195 " work in 234, 274 Hill St., bridge 230, 243 " " cutting down... 221, 254, 255 " " footways 294 " " regulating 230 " " width 221 " " work done in 298 Hillen, Hay Scales 151 John ..150, 164, 202. 319 " Solomon 119 " St., work done in... 252 Hoffman, Peter 13, 154, 226 riogan, Rdmund 24, 52, 53 Hog Catchers— 11, 16, 26, 30, i1, 56, 66, 84, 426 Holliday St 327 " " footways 280 " " grade 249 " " repairs. 144, 145, 159. 161, 164, 251 Hollingsworth, Jas 11, 114 Jesse .. ..81, 93 Sam'l 187 wharf 195 Honcv Alley 203 Hopkins. Gerard 35, 242. 266. 312 Horse Tax (See Taxes). Hoss, John 65, 144 INDEX. NAME PAGE Houses, Barry, Jas 291 Carrol, Charles, of Carrolton 265 Decker, Fred... 164, 168, 182 Dewitt, Thos 85, 126, 150 Dieffenderfer, Dan'l 150 Fisher, Geo 168, 182 Gorsuch, Benj..207, 265 Griffith, Benj 253 Hillen, John.. ..164, 186 " Hughes, Christopher 203 " Johnson's house.... 198 Oliver & Thompson 201 " Raymond, Henry... 262 Rothrock, Jac 138 Smith, Job 175 " Torrence, Chas 264 " Weatherburne, John 149 " Williamson, David. 164 Howard, Cornelius 274 Howard St 27. 48. 53. 65. 89, 164, 200, 277, 341 " bridge .142, 144, 341 " drain 210, 341 " " foot pavements, width of 165 " grade ..168, 182, 194, 271 " " grade, petition to alter 182 " " paving. . 167, 168, 169, 254, 293, 339 " " paving tax... 186, 189, 311 " " repairs . . . .86, 87, 117, 123, 128, 129, 135, 174, 275, 318 Hudson, Jonathan 14, 56 Hughes, Christopher.. ..140, 203 Jas 19, 99, 150, 151 • NAME PAGE Jack, a negro (See negroes). Jail 325, 327 Jalland (See Juliand). JetTrics, Wm. 23. 36, il , 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 66, 71, 74 76, 77, 78, 84. 92, 97, 119 Jines, Jos 66, 71 John St 206 Johnson, brick house 198 Thos 165, 226 Wm 109, 132 Joines, Jos 67, 68, 72, 72,, 84 Jolland (See Juliand). Jones St., drainage 208 " " grade 205 " " repairs 282 " " work done in.... 243 Jones' Falls 35 " " , Streets east of, repaired 158 Messrs, 28, 48, 56, 99, 107 Juliand or Jalland or Jol- land ....8, 24, 39, 91, 107, 128 K Keeport, Jacob. 9, 13, 17, 99, 103 Keeports, Geo., 2>7 , 100, 125, 149 Geo. P 181, 182 Kimmerly, Jacob 53, 54, 64 King George St., grade. 207, 237, 245, 265 " " " paving ... 255 " " " work done in ..239, 256 " Tammany St 341 " " " grade. . . 285 Kip, Kipp or Kipps, John, 18-, 52, 54, 69, 71, 72,, 75, 79, 81 Kipper, John 23, 63 Kunkle or Krinkle, Henry, 136, 137, 142, 143, 150, 151 Injunction, against paving Market St 325, 329, 332 Insolvencies, list and amount of 94 Inspector of carriage wheels 74 Interest on loans... 290, 295, 297, 312, 319 on orders.. 338, 3.39, 340, 341 L Lancaster Alley, footway... 298 Lancaster Street, work done in m Larkins, John 97, 99 " " resigns 107 Lauderman, Geo... 134. 135, 136 Law, appointing Special Commissioners ..5, 6, 150, 157 Law, assizes of ])read . . . 160, 171 " S t r e e.t, petition to change 152 INDEX. NAME PAGE NAME PAGE Lee St 140, 141 Lovely Lane 154 Lemon Alley, paving tax. . . 256 Low St 140,141 work done in 258 " " petition to regulate 193 Levering. Aaron 13, 16, 25 " " repairs 276 Levy, Court 60, 61, 214 " " work done in... 217, 234 Lexington St 31 Lower bridge (See Bridges). " bank, removed 262 Lyncli, Edw. or Edmund, 81, " grade 262 83, 84, 95, 96, 99, 107, 111 " " repairs ... .87, 275 "work done in. 298 ,, Liberty St 148, ^^^ 256, 281, 325, 328, 337. 3.39, 340 McCane or McCann, Edw. L,ibcrty St., grade.. 212, 244, gQ gj g2 on, ofn ^^^ McCausland, David. 18.' 54^ pavmg, 303. 310, gg^ 70, 71, 73, 75. 78, 98 ^^^' ^>5L ^^2 « Marcus. 62. 90, 220 ^^ paving tax. .320 McConn, Abraham. . .45. 46, 47 « repairs ... 183, 187 McCreary. Wm 139, 149 '''° 970 ?.",^ ,^"' ,,, McDonough, John.... 71. 82, z/9, 67)?), 335, 341 g3 \\2 Licenses.. 117, 134, 152, 177, 261 McElderry. Thos...l55, 19b; Light St 44, 52 220, 276 ^^ grading 43 McFern or McFarron or paving.. 38, 46, 56, MacFarron. John. ..45. 57, 65, 74 yy^ 79^ gi_ g2. 91. 98. 100, repairs 204 io3. 104, 109, 111, 113 Lightner Geo.22, 25, 27, 29. McGowan. James.. 102, 104. 35. 41, 46, 48, 51. 53. 55 105 107 Lindenberger, Geo 52. 202, 249 McMechcn, David 102! 152 wharf 273 Mathew .. ..139. Liquor, selling without li- 142' 144 - ""se; 131, 185. 223. 259 Madden or Madan. John. 96,' Log bridges ■Vn-H^ ^^^ 98, 100, 104. 107. 108. 109, Loans and notes... 248. 265. iin 112 111 114 121 276, 278, 284. 289, 292. 293, Magic lantern c^xhibition 294, 295 297, 299, 304, 317, 318 '\^s?e Exhibitions) Loans, subscription 7 Managers of Lottery (See for bridges 239,241 Lottery) Lombard St.. grade . .27, 28, ^j^nn. Mans, Marr or Marrs. , , 225,284 Robt 79.80.81,83.84,198 work done in Market. Centre (See Centre T . ^i°' ^^.i Market or Market Space). Loney Amos .•••••••24. 47 Market, Alarsh, (See Centre Long, James, appointed. 189, Market) " c M ???' ?!^' "H^ Market, Space.... 16. 17. 69, Sam'l 145, 147, 152 155 190 Lots, owners of (See « « hvk\^Q near.'.' 15 , P"mps)- " " grade 212 Lottery 269 " - gutters ...77, committee on 160 325 337 34O ;; managers 166 " " pavement. 68^ 70 bond, 169, » •' paving 12. 43, 1/1, 175 71 7j g2 salaries .. 200 178. 267", 325', profits 163. 168, 33O, 331. 333 227. 258, 299. 319 " •' work done in, scheme.... 163, 165,,315, 166. 168. 226. 227 340. 341 INDEX. ^1 NAME PAGE NAME PAGE Market St., filling up 210 Newton, Wm. 74, 76. 77, footways 235 88, 90, 96, 102, 129 " paving mjunc- North Alley ■ ■ ■ 36 tion..325, 329, 332 " Lane 62, 154 " work done 333 " Lane, openmg of.... 264 (See also Baltimore St.) ' ^^''^^^ ' '^ ' r ' i " " ' 9Q^ Ma^sh. Street in, raised 7 " Street work done m 298 Martin, Luther. .20, 95, 131, 161 Notes (See Loans). Maryland Gazette ... .9, 152, 153 Notices 96- 1^ Maryland Journal. . . .43, J9. ^^^ ^----„;,3; 2i5,-258; 3lY, 318 Matthews, Geo... 49, 85, 93', 117 Mercer St., grade 202, 203 O paving 211 IMever, Christian 196 O'Brian or O'Bryan, Dan 1, Mickle John.. 101, 104, 106, 77, 82, 83, 95, 109, 110. 112, 112, 117, 124, 128, 139, 140, 113, 145, 147 146 149, 150. 175, 176, 186, O'Brien, Patrick 142, 143 190, 200, 220 Ogleby, Jas. & Co 242. 266 Miller Jacob, new building 205 Old Post Road.. 49, 192, 193, Mitchell, Jas.. 25, 52, 73, 74, 197, 199, 200, 202, 231, 272. 75 77 79, 81, 82, 84, 103, 2/6, 280 105. 106, 108, 110, 112 Old Post Road, canal near.. 242 Mitchells, Jas.. ..79, 96, 100, Old Town, canal in (See 101. 104, 124 Watercourses). Moale's addition 276 Oliver & Thompson, brick John 90,110 house -201 Moaton, David 69, 79 Ommensetter, John . .40, 43, Moose on exhibition (See 45, 49, 52, 59, 67 Exhibitions). Otto, Anthony 319,342 Morgan's Shipyard 280 Overseer of carts and labor- Moser or Moseir, Philip, ers 66, 70. 81, 93, 96, 36, 89, 104, 112 97, 100, 101, 104, 105. 108, Myers, Jac 80, 99, 324 109, 136, 137, 138. 139, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 151, 220 N P Narrow Wheels, fine for ^^^ using 264. 293, 339, 340 Paca St -^ • • • ■ • • fOO Negrofs ...65,73,76,79,84, Parks, Wm 121. 150, 5 87 88, 92, 100, 101, 103, Paving law . ., •• i^i 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, " " , p e t 1 1 i o n to 113, 125, 136, 137, 138, 139, ^^„ ., ^^^^^^ change^^^. .^.^.^. 152 Negro, exhibiting ' on slack " stones^^ . . U. 40, 44. N^^o rope-dancer.:::::;:: 255 ^^•^0'^^-SS:i23 :: S^-b^ii^l^^'&e-Ex:'^' :: tax .. is;: m 2% hibitions) collector l«o Nelson, Valentine.'. . .53, 63, Pennington, Jo|';i_s • - v; "^^9, 69, 72, 73, 75, 121 242, 26 j, 2j7, 31Z New Church St., grade 68 Peter, Dan 1 ^^ Henry i^^ ^^o Thomas 29 247 Peter's Brewery • ^^ " grading peti- tion ..227,228 " Thomas 29 ,,,,.,.,^ 247 Peter's Brewery...^.......- Newell, James.. ....71,107 " Bridge (See Bridges). paving R XU INDEX. NAME PACK Q Philadelphia Road 135, 279 name page Philpott, Bryan 9 Queen St., grade . .17, 18, 25, Philpott's Bridge, abutments 78 238, 239 "repairs, " " part lowered.... 251 250, 328 " " paving 232 Hill 32, 95, 260 (?) Street 9 St., grade.. ..198, 238 St.. paving... 221, 223 Raymond, Henry, house.... 262 Pitt St.... 8, 35,85, 117, 119, Records, blanks in 229 200, 202, 204 Reese, Adam 134, 135 Play, Actors 77 Reineker, Geo 63, 88 Plays (See Exhibitions). Ridgely's Addition. 200, 201, Plowman's Corner 9 206,221 St., work done " Charles 173 in 188 " Cove 304, 340 Poe, David, 18, 101. 103. 105, 107 Roe, Walter 188, 190 " Geo 69, 76, 80, 82, Roger's Addition. .. 176, 177, 87, 98, 103, 108, 110, 113 179, 180 Point, Streets in 50, 123, " Alley, paving. .. 127, 175, 205 172. 173. 185 " Street, paving 195 " John 106 Polk, Charles Peale 174 " Philip 174 Polly St., grade 238 Roma n Catliolic Burying Poor, Trustees of.. 154, 190, 220 Ground .233 Port Wardens. 163, 165, 226, 281 Room rent.. 60. 89. 126. 138. Post Road (See Old Post 150, 185, 227, 264, 308. 319, 342 Road). Ropewalk, near South St... 135 Posts 15, 47, 147 " near Wilkes St.. 249 Pratt St 8, 24, 28. 44. 55, Rothrock, Jacob 131, 138 104, 154, 314 Runnell, James 103, 110 " "grade 266 Ruse, Geo 87,117 " " paving 97, 106, 120. Rusk. John 116. 122 129, 177, 223, 277, Russell. Thos, stable 26, 33 289, 323 Rutter, Thos.. 148, 152, 155, " " repairs 88, 101, 275 158, 150 " " watercourses in.... 8 " " work done in... 128, S 298, 318 Presbury, Geo. . .29, 133, 134, 324 St. Paul's Lane 68 Presbyterian Meeting " " " gutter 33 House 32 " " " paving, 173, Prestman or Priestman. 185. 194 Geo.. 34, 140. 154, 174, 208, " " " paving peti- 220. 241 tion 173 Primes, James Baker's negro " " " paving tax. (See negroes). 185, 307, 323 Prince St., grade 2.38 " " St., taken down . 210 Public Alley, grade .. .26, 62, 273 " " " work done " opening 269 in 318 " paving.. 38, 75, Salmon, Geo.. 150, 165. 226. 272, 273 269. 299, 319 " " repairs 290 Sam (See negroes). Pumps 99, 160, 162. 164, Sampson, Jacob 180 174. 193. 213. 214. 215. 222. Sanderson, Thos.. 96. 97. 98. 231, 232. 233. 235. 2.36. 241, 100, 101, 104, 105 243, 246, 250, 267. 268. 287, Saratoga St 256, 314 289,305,306,333 " "grade 278 INDEX. XIU NAME PAGE Scavengers (See Street Cleaners). Schaeffer, Baltzer . . 133, 324, 330 SCOWS...24, 30, 36, 39, 43, 44, 50, 55, 61 Second St., grade.. .....51, 201 " " gutter altered... o^o " " paving.. 223, 232, 256 " " work done on... 257 Segary, Martin 105, 124, 137 Sewer, at Center Bridge 84 " at new bridge ii " frames °° grates ..89, 113, 114, 221 near Centre Market, 89, 221 in Market St 84, 113 in Old Town 199 Shakespeare Alley, footways 298 " " grade . . . 278 " " paving, 306, 315 " " work done in 317 Sharpe St 106, 120 " " filling up 192, 200 " grade 27, 197 " " work done in, 223, 298 Shaw, Archibald.. 94, 95, 98, 101, 116, 123 Shepard, Michael.. 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 66, 67, 69, 70, 12^, 78, 80, 81 Shepard, Peter. 9, 17, 20, 49, 51 Sheriff 131, 166, 172, 185 Shipyard, Morgan's 280 Shows (See Exhibitions). Short St 289 " " work done in 217 Skeets, Thomas.. ..139, 142, 143, 144, 145 Skipper, Thomas ... .94, 121, 137 Sligh or Sly, John 199, 312 Sligh, Thomas 242, 266 Small, Jacob.. 10, 41, 44, 45, 63, 68, 80, 86, 102, 129 Smith, Job.... 175, 199, 242, 266, 272, 292, 312 Capt. John....79, 82, 84, 97, 104, 109, 113, 125 a n d Lindenbcrger, 14, 52 " St 192 NAME PAGE South St... 9, 12, 14, 51, 154, 155 " " bridge in 135 " " gutter 288 " " paving 13, 271, 282, 289, 296 " " work in 298 Spear, William 60, 61 Special Commissioners ap- pointed 10, 125, 181, 182 Special Commissioners, de- cline 181 Special Commissioners, elected 150, 324, 326 Special Commissioners, qualify l^-' Special Commissioner, re- signs 100, 326 Special Commissioners, room rent 60, 89, 126 Stark, John 30, 157, 158, ^^^ Sterett, James 12, 32, 58, 84, 93, 148, 150, 186, 259 " Lot 17 Stevenson, Henry... 93, 219, 291 Stidger, Jacob n, 84, 89 Stigars Addition 151 Stifling, Jas 155, 190, 219 Stockingweaver, Delcher... 49 Stodder, David 7, 53, 71, IZ, 124, 137, 183 " " resigns 125 Stone.. 13, 24, 25, 41, 43, 46, 65, 67, 76, 114, 115, 144, 173 " (See also Paving Stone). " arch in Baltimore St., near Sharp St 106 " bridge in Causeway, dimensions of 71 " pavement 13 « • 1 11Q weighers ^^^ Still House St 280 Stream in Ridgely Addition 206 near Paca St. and Timberneck Lane 206 Street Cleaners or Scaven- gers. 11, 103, 129, 136, 137, 148, 152, 154, 155, 189, 190, 219, 253, 281, 291, 303 Subscription loan 7 Sullivan, Timothy.... 70, 72, 73, 75, 106, 107 bridge'in;:.';;;;; 139 SumwaU, lot 201 . 17 " T31iiln-> . \'\'\ opening i' PhiHp 144 XIV INDEX. NAME PAGE Street, south of Wm. Good- win's door 25/ " grade of, from St. Paul's Lane to Calvert St 270 " from Market St. to Water St 280 Swan, Samuel. .. .30, 33, 37, 56, 74 Swan St., filling up 210 " " work done in.... -192 T Tanyards, Dawes' 72 Dowell's 50 Hay ward's ...49, 242 " Uhler's, Erasmus 225 Tavern licenses. ... 117, 134, 152, 177, 191, 202. 249, 259, 267, 286, 287, 301, 311, 328, 329, 342 Ta.xes..9, 29. 33, 72. 99, lio! 114, 125, 140, 157. 169, 170, 173, 182, 185, 188, 194, 210, 225. 226, 228. 244, 252, 259, 260, 279, 305, 313, 319. 328, 342 Tax collector. ..9, 23, 72, 97, 110, 114, 119, 125, 129, 157, 182, 188, 210, 225, 228, 244. 252, 279, 313, 319 Ta.x on iMlIiard tables (See Ta.xcs ). Tax on carriages (See Taxes). Tax on horses (See Taxes). Tax, fifteen penny tax (See Taxes). Tax on exhibitions (See Ex- hibitions). T e m p o r a r y bridges (See Bridges). Ten feet Alley, paving 297 Thames St., footway 298 " grade 198 " " paving . . . .221, 223 Theatre, exhibition in.... 41, 45, 250, 258 in Holliday St. 251, 281 New 312, 426 Thompson, Agnes, I\Irs., 24, 30, 36, 43, 50, 53 John 115, 134 Michael ...109, 112 " and O 1 i V e r's brick house . . 201 Tiger on exhibition (See Exhil)ition). NAME PAGE Torrence, Chas., new build- ing 264 Town, duties 88, 89 line 127 Townsend, Jos.. 85, 182, 187, 200, 202, 220 Traverse, John. 123, 135, 140, 150, 152, 153, 157, 183, 189 Treasurer. 12. 84, 94, 124, 148, 150, 186, 257, 259, 299, 302, 330, 344 Trimble, Wm 174, 208,' 209, 241, 324, 326 Tripoletts' Alley 328 U Uhler, Erasmus 64, 122, 144 Underbill, Amos... 8, 14, 48, 49 Union St 50 " " grade 19 " " repairs 213 Upper bridge (See Bridges). Usher, Catherine 75, 87, 131 V Van Horn. Gabriel P.... 17, 173 Vault, in Water St 123 Vendue 37, 66, 76 Master 86, 88 Ofifice 71 Vessels, Money from 66 Vincent, Sam'1.107, 110, 114, 119, 131, 180. 184, 190, 208, 213, 241, 252. 254. 274, 285. 292, 305. 311, 319, 342 W Walker, Geo 108. 126 Walsh or Welsh, Geo... 11, 12. 14, 17, 20, 22, 57, 129, 140 Walsh or Welsh, Robt....7, 22, 50, 71, 94. 124, 149, 314 Wapping St 8 Washington St 308. 309 Watch House, in Fells Pt. . . 240 Watercourses: " east of Jones' Falls 93 " in Bridge and High Sts 85 in Howard St 281 in Lil>crty St.. 316, 340 in Old Town. ..95, 96, 223 in Pratt St 8 " in Precincts 27 Ridgely's Addition 206 " (See also Canals). INDEX. XV NAME PAGE Water St 33, 154, 155, 304 "bridge 60 "filling 198 " " grade 273, 305 "paving. 13, 202, 255, 295, 297 "repairs.... 173, 174, 204 " " vault in * 123 " "work done in.. 298, 318 Waters, Hezekiah. . . .10, 12, 55, 58, 64, 70, 85, 86, 92, 111, 115, 117, 127, 129, 130, 132, 137, 149 Waters, Hezekiah, ap- pointed 10, 129 Wear ley (See Wherley, Geo.) Weary or Wery, Peter.. 50, 82, 123, 134, 135, 136 Weatherburne, John. 77, 106, 125, 130, 132, 138, 146, 149, 150. 156, 166, 172, 183 Weatherburne's house 149 Welsh, Geo. (See Walsh, Geo.) Wells, Benjamin (See Wills, Benj.) Wells, Chas 194, 307 Wharf at BilHngsgate St... 274 " Bowley's 263 " at foot of Public Alley 273 " Lindenberger's ..... 273 " near bend in Harri- son St 245 Wheeler, Jacob 136, 138 Wherley or Whiley or Wearly, Geo....90, 92, 95, 102, 115 Whiley, Geo. (See Wherley, Whi^taker, Ralph 11, 79, 80 NAME PAGE Wignall, James 150, 186, ^^^ Wilds, Joshua 13, 17, 18 Wilks Alley, grade 197 " " pavmg ....ZZj, 616 " " repairs 174 St 181, 202 " bridge.37. 94, 170, 173, 183, 184, 282 " " causeway. 37, 116, 126, 128 " filling up 37 " repairs.. 170, 174, 176 " " stone arch in. . .. 257 " " work done in. 123, 127 Wills or Wells, Benj. 47, 56, 63, 87, 136, 138, 139, 150 Wilson, Robt 139, 142, 145 Wooden, bridges m cause- way Wood St., paving .294, 320 " " work done in. . . 318 Wright, John 71, 73 Yates, Thos 66, 68, 89, 99 Yearly Accounts, examma- tionof 224 317, 344 Yeiser, Englehard ... .25, 46, 59 Philip 35, 48 " P., suit against 195 York, Road 49 " St. and D u 1 a n y, bridge at. 183, 184, 317 "grade 238, 265 " " gravelled 185 " "pump in (See Pumps). " "work in... 230, 235, 256, 280 / •/>, '■ •'•>. .^^^ "^. '>'^ ,\N'' '.>. ,V^ ^^-^ '^ x^o,. .-^^ .^~^ -n^. ". 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