59 .B5B5 :*>^J,^; ■ ' (' '*-'' r, rr:? .-^^^^.vo >-^ ^>-4 '^''\^^-3^¥l - SZ/w • S;^^^^ •/^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shell i raoT©' ALBERTYPE COMPANY, NEW YORK. 9 Copyright, 1894, Aua. H. Leibkrt, Bookseller, Betlilehein, Pa. rhsBs i a sd town. .KTHLKHEM, South Bethlehem and West Bethleheni, a trio of thrivmg boroughs wkh separate and distinct municipal governments, are situated on both sides of the Lehigh River, at its junction with the Monocacy. . ., , • . ^ Ko^v t^ t-^t The first mentioned, the oldest of the three towns, carries its history back to I/41. when the first house was erected and occupied and its name was given to the prospective The settlers were Moravians who came hither from Georgia, where under the patronage of General ffglSho^rthev had joined his colony with the chief object of bringing the U ord of the Cross to the aborigines of that region. 1 f..«ct i^nrl in Pennsvl- This motive, too, actuated them to purchase the tracts of prmieval ^^ fff.. fJ^f.-^^-f^^.f "'^ vania, in the forks of the Lehigh ; and for the furtherance^ of this ^york the ^l3"^\YiSm wL the red men who here had their ancestral seats, the rapidly growing town of Bethlehem \^a^ maiiiSired as an economv, where all labored for a common cause. This quasi-conimunal system wS abolished hi 1762. .X^'ith the exception of the first two houses, f-^^^ -/Ifj^f^^^'JgL dav' built of heavv masonrv and, clustered more or less closely on Church Street remain to this da) a spot of unfaimig interest to the visitor, buttressed and gambrel-roofed. veritable ensamples of the architectural style of Saxon-Germany, of the seventeenth century. ^..,,^^^ Besides The superiority of its educational facilities has ever been the P^^^^^ ^^ ^|^$Xool a sem- its excellent public schools, the Moravian Church maintains '-^ l^f^%^X,^^\^i, f^^^^^^^^ inarv for vouii<^ ladies and a Theological Seminary and College. South Bethlehem is the ^eat rShigh University with its numerous elegant and massive buildings, splendidly arranged and equipped for students in the scientific and technical branches. .tnT.f.nf1n,m The manufacturing industries of the Bethlehems are not very numerous ; yet the stnpendous plant of the Bethlehem^ Iron Companv. situated in South Bethlehem represents as much capital and is of as great commercial importance as a score of smaller e/tabhshments^ The works of the Lehi^^ TTV ■ ' v'.'J i$>- The Schnitz Haus. Moravian Church and Young Ladies' Seminary- Hear View. The Juliana Nitschmann Tokb. Old Moravian Cemetery l^k^^hValley ^aT\]^, (^out}\Vja\r\(f)ireet~' Penn School. South Main Street and Post Office. Person & Riegel's. Main Street— View East. Eagle Hotel. Sun Inn. American House. %-<^ m^ The Cutter Silk Mill and West Bethlehem. %i>-%^^ ^ hW^^\ Manocacy Bridge. General Offices-Lehigh Valley R. R. » . ■■•I, "^■^^r^i^ /_ The Water Works. F?^ w '' ^ - P P* ^ ^'<- L.EHIGH Valley h. R. station. View down the Lehigh— New Street Bridge. Moravian Parochial School. Webster Public School. Neisser School. BiSHOPTHORPE school. South Bethlehem High School. »-. M Bethlehem Iron Works, from New Street Bridge. 2 O c: w X n U QQ I I Lehigh Zinx Works. Church of the Nativity— South Bethlehem. p ^^^^ St Luke's Hospital. < Railroad Bridge and Boat Landing. Fountain Hill Residences— South Bethlehem. Moravian Theological Seminary. Packer Memorial Church. Lehigh Gap. Bethlehem and South Bethlehem, from Lehigh University. w > z X o X w J I : J w u < 0. .^y, ,:Mm Campus— Lehigh University. UJ > D GUADENHUETTEiX MONUMENT ON THE MaHONING. ^ f^ y fe- 1* ^- W^'^:^ •^ n ii ^«*/ : ^, " ^^ ^\ v> -^-x > . ^'?>*6^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00143133102