Class. fjl^ Rnnk - WW F 7 MjVlSrtJ^L OF THi: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. IN AVEST BOYLSTON; MASS, "file House of God which is tlie Church of the Livhig God, tlie inllar aiul ground (he truth." -I TJ. III. 15. rKKl'ARED IJY JAMES H. FITTS, Pastor. CLINTON: PRINTED BY W. J. COULTER, COURANT OFFICE. M A X L^ A L CONrTEEGATIONAL CHURCH WEST ]50YLST0A', MASS. " The house of Gofl, wliich !:= the Church of the Living,' God, the i)illar and ground of the trutli."— 1 Tl. ill. 15. rni:rAKKi) nv JAMES H. FITTS, Pastor CLINTON : PRINTED BY W. J. COULTER. CUUKANT OFFICE. 1870. F7f In Bx-chauge 25 il 1907 OBIGINAL CONSTITUTION, " Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generation.-^."— Dr. xxxii. 7. A number of persons in the Second Precinct of Boylston, Sterling and Holden, met August 18, 1796, with "the design of forming and uniting in a Church." A committee was chosen to draft a Covenant, which was accepted August 2oth. Their proceedings were recognized by a Council which met September 15th, and "the Church was formed by the male members signing the Covenant, and the females giving their assent to it." There were thirty-three covenanting members — fourteen males and nineteen females. CONFESSION AND COVENANT. "Come and h4 u-; join ourselves to the Lord iita perpetual covenant that i^liall not l)e forgotten."— jKFw. L. 5. We who have hereunto subscribed our names, apprehending ourselves called upon in the gospel to unite in a Church state, do, under a lively sense of duty and obligation to God for his unmerited favors to us, con- fess our sins before Him and humbly ask His forgiveness through Jesus Christ His son, our all-sufficient Savior; and relying on the aid of that rich and sovereign grace promised in the gospel to help our infirmities-, do look unto Him for all we need, both in time and eternity, thankfully receiving all His covenant mercies. 1st. AVe declare our serious belief in the Christian religion, as con- tained in the sacred Scriptures, and with such a view thereof as the Con- fession of Faith in our Churches has exhibit(;d, heartily resolving to con- form our lives to the rules of that holy religion so long as we live. 2d. We give up ourselves unto the Lord Jehovah, avouching Him this day to be our God and Father, and receive Him as our portion for- ever. 3d. We give up ourselves to the blessed Jesus who is the Lord our righteousness, and adhere to ITim as the head of (lis Church in the Cov- enant of ({race, relying on Him as our prophet, priest and king, to bring us to fvorhistiiig happiness. 4th. We acknowledge our everlasting and indispensable obligation to glorify God in all the duties of a godly and sober life ; in the observance of allthe ordinances of the gospel; and depend on the gracious assis- tance of Ilis holy spirit, that we may acceptably perform our whole duty. oth. Witli humble dependence on God we engage to walk too-ether as a Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the faith and order of the gospel so far as we shall have the same made known to us ; conseientiouslv at- tending public worship and the Sacraments of the New Testament • promising to dedicate our children to the Lord, and assisted by Him to give them a pious education; living in communion with each other watchfully avoiding all contentions, ever rebuking with meekness as be- comes brethren in love. ' ARTICLES OF FAITH AND COVENANT, Adopfrd March ?, /.S'.'J.V. <* Stand fast in the tUitU."-! Cor. xvi. 13. CONFESSION. " Hold fast tlK' form of souud words."— 1 Tl. 1. 13. I. We believe in the existence of one God, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the Universe ; possessed of every possible perfection ; infinite in wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth ; the eternal, self-existent, independent, and unchangeable fountain of all good. II. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and Ncav Testaments were given by inspiration of God, and contain a complete and perfect rule of faith and practice. III. We believe that Jehovah, the only living and true God, exists as Father, Son and Eohj Ghost ; and that these three are in essence one, and in all divine attributes, equal. IV. We believe that (iOD made all things for Himself; that known unto Him are all His works from the beginning ; and that He governs all things according to the counsel of His own will. y. We believe that God created man in His own nnage, holy and up- right, and that he fell from this state by transgressing the divine com- mand. VI. We believe that in conseijuence of the apostacy, all mankind are by nature children of disobedience ; and till renewed by the agency of the Holy Spirit, are averse to God and holiness, and justly exposed to eter- nal punishment. VII. We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Word, became man, and by His obedience, sufterings, and death, made an atonement for the sins of the world. VIII. We believe that although the invitations of the Gospel are so extensive, that all who will, may come and take the water of life freely, yet the wickedness of the human heart is such that none will come, un- less drawn by the special inrtuences of the Holy Spirit. IX. We believe that those who embrace tiie Gospel were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world : and tliat tbev are sj^ved, not 6 by works of righteousness which they have done, but by the mercy of God through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. X. We believe that those who cordially embrace Christ, though they may be left to commit sin, will never be left finally to fall away and per- ish, but will be kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto sal- vation. XI. We believe that watchfulness over the heart and life, holy medi- tations, and concientious attendance uipon jiublic, famili/, and secret wor- ship, together with the steady practice of a-ighteousness, truth, sincerity, and charity towards men, and of sobriety, chastity, and temperance, towards ourselves, are indispensable duties of every Christian. XII. We ])elievo that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the insti- tuted Sacraments of the New Testament, and that it is the indispensa- ble duty of all professing Christians to attend on these ordinances ; that Baptism is to be administered only to believers, and their households, and the Supper only to believers in regular church standing. XIII. We believe that God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by Jesus Christ : — when there will be a resurrection oi" the dead, and when the righteous will enter on eternal hapinness, and the' wicked Avill be sentenced to eternal inisery. Such are the leading doctrines believed by this Church. Do you cor- dially assent to them ? COVENANT. *' My covonant will I not Ijroak, nor altor tl\o thing that is gone out of My lips."— Ps. Lxxxix. 34. You do notv, in the presence of the heart-searching God, before angels and men, choose the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to be your God, the supreme object of your affection, and your portion for- ever. You acknowledge Jesus Christ as your only {Savior and final Judge ; and the Holy Spirit as your Sandijier, Comforter and Guide. You humbly and cheerfully dedicate yourself to God in the everlasting covenant of grace, and consecrate all your powers and faculties to His service and glory ;- You promise to take the Holy Scriptures as the rule of your life and conversation ; that you will give diligent attention to His word and ordinances, to family, and secret prayer, and to the consci- entious observance of the Sabbath ; that you will seek the honor of His name and the interests of His kingdom ; and that henceforth, denying all ungodliness and every worldly lust, you will live soberly, righteously and godly in the present w^orld. You do now cordially unite yourself to this Chur(!h of Christ, promis- ing to submit to its discipline, so far as conformable to the rules of the Gospel ; to seek its edification, purity and peace ; and to walk with its members in christian love, watchfulness, and meekness — humbly relying on the grace of God, Avith an affecting belief that }'Our vows are record- ed on high, and will be reviewed in the day of final judgment. — Thus in the strengtii of your Lord and Savior, you solenndy covenant and prom- ise. (KKSl-ONSi; OF TllIO CHLKCll.) Wc do then receive you into our counnuuiou and fellowship, and we promise to watch over you with christian allection and tenderness, ever treating you in love as a member of the body of C/tri.sf, who is Head over all tilings to. His Church. You have now assumed solenui obligations, from which you can never escape. Wherever you go in life, these vows will be upon you ; at death they will follow you to the bar of God, and abide witli you through eter- nity. Hereafter the eyes of the world will be upon you ; and as you de- mean yourself, so religion will be honored or disgraced. ^ Wewelcome you to this fellowship with us in the blessings of the Gos- pel, earnestly in'iploring the great Shepherd of Israel, our Lord and Re- deemer, that both I/O a and we may have wisdom and grace to be faithful in His covenant, to glorify Him in holiness, and at last to be received to His everlasting mansions of bliss. Amen. RULES OF ORDER. " Lft all things be done decently, and in order.' —1 Co. xiv. iO. L The Church holds an annual meeting on the third Tlmrsdav in January lor the transaction of business, and the election of the folloAving and all necessary officers, namely: a Clerk, a Treasurer, a Church Com- mittee, a Sabbath School Committee, and a Singing Committee. 2. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper is administered on the first Sabbath in January, March, May, July, September, and November. On the Thursday afternoon preceding there is a preparatory lecture. 3. There is a meeting for conference and prayer every Sabbath and every Thursday evening. The meeting on the first Sabbath in the month is the concert of prayer for missions. Business may be introduced at the preparatory lecture, and the prayer meeting precedhig the first Sabbath of each alternate month. 4:. The Church Committee consists of three members, who, with the pastor and deacons, are to take general counsel for the Interests of the Church, to confer with, examine, "and in their discretion recommend can- didates for admission to its membership, their doings being always sub- ject to the revision of the Church. 0. The Sabbath School Committee, in connection with the Superin- tendent, who is chosen by the school, haVe the general supervision of the affairs of the Sabbath School. 6. The Singing Committee are to take charge of the public exercises of song, in connection with the chorister and others the choir may select. 7. The Deacons of this Church may retain their office three years from the time of election. 8. It is the duty of every male member to contribute his due propor- tion toward supporting the preaching of the gospel in this Church and Society. 9. Persons wishing to unite with the Church on profession of their faith, must give satisfactory evidence of regeneration, assent to the arti- cles of fliith and covenant, stand propounded at least one week, and be admitted bv vote of the Church. 10. Mciubc'r:5 of tlii.s Church, ruinoviug I'roiu us, arc to apply lor let- ters of admission and recommendation to some regular Church in com- munion with us, where they reside, within one year from the time of their removal, unless good reasons can be given ibr the longer continuance of their'particular relation to us. 11. Members of sister Churches, residing among us, arc not expected to connnune with us more than one year, without producing letters of reconnnendation and uniting with us as members, excepting in cases where the Church, being recpiested, shall grant a longer term of occa- sional communion. 12. The directions in Matt, xviii., and 1 Cor. v., govern the Church in cases of discipline. The following offences have been subject of ex- communication : heresy, infidelity, intemperance, unchastity, dishonesty, contention, profane and abusive language, countenancing and upholding dancing parties, neglect of duty and disregard of censure, forsaking pub- lic worship and the sacrament, withdrawing connection and fellowship. 13. Collections are taken up at every conmuuiion for the support ol" the table and relief of indigent memljcrs ; on the first Sabbath of each month for missions — one month for the American Board, and the alter- nate month for the American Missionary Association ; also on the third Sabbath in alternate months, as follows : February, for Tract Society; April, for Congregational Union ; June, lor Home JNlissions ; August, lor Bible Cause ; October, for Sabbath Schools ; December, for Seamen. OFFICERS Aii'l f;a\o Him to ho tlie lioad over all tliiii'^s to tlio Cliiirch."— KfH. I. 2'2. TASTORS. "And He gave sonip, pastors and teachers,"— Ei»i[. iv. II. Willia:m X.vsii (48), from Williamsburo-. Ho fitted for college with Dr. Strong of Xortliaiiipton ; graduated at Yale in 1791 ; studied theol- ogy undt.'r Dr. Lothrop of West Springfield ; was ordained and installed Oct. 11, 171)7, and dismissed Dec. h'>, 1814. lie died at West Boylston, March 2o, 1829, aged 60 yrs. 7 ms. 20 dys. John BoARDMAX (141), ordained and installed Feb. 28, 1821; dis- missed April 80, 1834. He was a native of Newburyport ; graduated at Dartmouth College 1817, and at Andover Seminary 1820. After leaving West Boylston, he was settled at Plast Douglass from 1835 onward, where he died Nov, 8, 1841, aged 4G. Elijah Paixe, installed Nov. 13, 1834, and died pastor of the church, Sept. 14, 1836, aged 38. He was born at Ashfield, graduated at Am- herst College 1823, studied divinity with Rev. Heman Humphrey, D.D., and had been previously settled at Claremont, N. H, (See 406.) Browx E.MERSOx (432) , ordained and installed Aug. 3, 1837; dis- missed Nov. 6, 1839. He graduated at Yale College and studied theol- og}' with Rev. Dr. Fisher of Harvard, and at Andover Seiuinary. After leaving West Boylston, he was settled at Torringford, Conn,, and was acting pastor at several other places, Joseph Warrkx Cross (480), installed March 11, 1840; dismissed iMarch 16, 1859, and was afterward without pastoral charge. He had been previously settled atBoxboro', Avhere he was ordained Oct. 1. 1834, and continued pastor to 1840. He was a native of East Bridgewater, a graduate of Harvard College 1828, and a member of the class which graduated at Andover Seminary 1835. James Hill FiTTS (758), installed Sept. 3, 1862; dismissed Dec. 3, 1870. Previously acting pastor at Boxboro' ; graduated at Bangor The- ological Semlnarv 1858, ordained an Evangelist at Candia, N. H., Nov. 2, 1859. 2 10 DEACONS. '•They that have ustfl the otticc ol' a deacon well, i)urchase to thoinselveiJ a good de- uree."— I'Tl. ill. 1.".. IsHAKL Moore (16), elected Oct. Vo, ITfMJ, and died in otfice Nov. 17, 1807, aged 73. JosiAH Be.uiax (20), elected Oct. l;}, 179G ; resigned and removed to Shutesbury in 1805. Amariah Sawyer (oO), elected July 2o, ISOo. He formally accepted the office June lo, 1808. Asa Lovell, (56), elected June 13, 1808, accepted Mav 24, 1809, and died in offi(!e Oct. 18, 1814, aged 63. Lemuel Fairbaxk (IS), elected Jiuie 13, 1808, declined the office Xov. 10, 18U, and died Jidy 3, 1819, aged 68. Artemas Murdoch (117), elected Aug. 6, 1812, accepted Nov. 10, 1814, resigned March 1, 1835, and died June 21, 1855, aged 78. Silas Dinsmore (115), elected Nov. 10, 1814, resigned May 6, 1820, and died Sept. 22, 1824, aged 46. Abel Goodale (120), elected May 6, 1820, "released from his duties as Deacon so soon as others shall be in office to fill the vacancy," March 1, 1835, and died Nov. 8, 1853, aged 68. Samuel Griggs (309), elected March 1, 1835, accepted July 3, 1835, resigned Feb. 20, 1845, dismissed to Salem St. Church, Worcester, May 18, 1848. Benjamin Franklin Keyes (133), "unanimously invited to hold and exercise the office of Deacon,"' March 1, 1835. He never assumed its active duties. Joseph B. Parker (280), elected July 3, 1835, accepted Sept. 3, 1835. He was dismissed to Higli St. Church, Providence, R. I., July 26, 1840. Moses Brigham (413), elected Jan. 5, 1838, dismissed to Fourth St. Cong. Church, New Bedford, Feb. 6, 1818. Waldo Winter (144), elected Jan. 5, 1838, resigned April 17, 1851, and was dismissed to Clinton, Nov. 20, 1851. James Fiske (212), elected March 20, 1845, accepted April 17, 1845, and continued in office till his death, July 24, 1868, aged 63. Asa Keyks (276), elected June 19, l'851, resigned March 15, 1855, and was dismissed to Sterling, July 1I>, 1855. Washburn Lombard (690), elected Oct. 11, 1855, accepted Nov. 1, 1h55, resigned and was dismissed to O.xford, March 16, 1865. Joseph Clap.k IiO^■ELL (351), elected Feb. 2, 1865, resigiKKl and was re-elected .Ian. 20, 1870. Amos Flagg Knight (225), elected Feb. 2. ls»;5. CLERKS. •' We hear record, ;ind ye Icnou that our reconl i« iriu-." — :{ .Jo. Iv.'. John White (7), Aug. 18, 1796, to Oct. 11, 1797. William Nash (48), Oct. 11, 1797. to Dec. 14, 1814. Alexander Lovell (108), Jan, 26, 1815, to Mav 23, 1815. 11 Samuel FL.ufG (119), xMay l'o, 1815, to :Mav 6, 1>^20. Br-x.TAMiN F. Kkye,s (loo), Mav (J, l&2{), to Feb. 28, 1821. John Boakj)Max (141), Feb. 28, 1821, to April 'M), 1H:U. Aakon E. Winter (188), May 22. 18:U, to Nov. lo, 18;M. Elijah Paine, Xov. 1;}, 1834, to .Se})t. 14, 18,'5(j. Benjamin F. Keve.s, (1.13), Sept. 27, 183G, to Aii«x. :>, 1837 Bkown Emerson (432), Aii;,^ 3, 1837, to Nov. (i, 183t"n. 17'J(i. September 1.3. 1. Joseph Big]:lon\-j united -with the second eluireh in 81irew>.l)ury. now Boyl^ton, March ol, 17'J3. lie •was t^on ot" Joseph^ and Martha (Brighani) ot^ Shrewsbury, and grandson of John^ and Jerusha (Gai- tiekl) of Marlboro". Jo/tn'-^ was son of Stn/iner- and ^lary (Flagg) of Watertown, and grandson of -/o/^/ji and his tirst wife, Mary (Warren) of Watertown, who came li-om England, and were the ancestors of the Bigelow families iu Xew England. Joseph Bigelow^ m. Olive Beaman (2), andd. Xov. 30, 1801, a. 7o. 2. Olivk Bkjelow, dau. of Jabez Beaman, and sister of Ezra and Ephraim (62 and G9), was a member ot the church at Boylston, July 20, 1787. She was the wife of Capt. Joseph Biaelow (1), and d. June 20, 1810, a. 76. 3. JosErii Muii. October 21. 51. A.Mus Gates, m. Susannah Pike of Worcester (52) ; came to town about 1790, and moved away in 1801. 52. SusAXXAH CtATEs, wife of Amos (51) ; m. at Sterling, Oct. 20, 1780. December 30. ijl). Daxiel FnoiJTY, bap. Dec. 30, 1798, m. Sarah froodale (54), Sept. 27, 1803, and was dis. to Zanesville, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1819. 1799. April 28. 54. Sally (toodale, dau. of Aaron and Eunice Goodale (28 and 29) ; m. Daniel Prouty (53), and was dis. to Zanesville, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1819. June 30. O''!. Sally White, dau. of Tilla Moore and wife of Peter White, who settled here in 1797. They moved to Springfield, Vt., in 1813, where they died. A son became a clergyman in Maine. 1800. February 10. 50. Asa [-.ovell, son of Joiuithan from Medlield, who d. Oct. 7, 1817, a. 73, by his lirst wile, and brother of Amos (95) ; m. Betsey Ray- mond (57) ; elected deacon of the church, June 13, 1808, and d. in office Oct. 18, 1814, a. 03. 57. Betsfa' Lovell, dau. of William Raymond; m., lirst, Dea. Asa Lovell (56) ; m., second, Paul ( roodale (59), April 28, 1S25. and d. Aug. 5, 1837, a. 84. April 27. 58. Sarah Ooodxow, wife of Elmer. June 22. 59. Paul Goodale, son of Edward and Sarah (10) ; m., first, Eunice Lovell (00) ; m., second, Betsev (Ravmond) Lovell (57), April 28, 1825, and d. Dec. 4, 1828, a. 81,^ 60. fcuNiCE Goodale, dau. of Jonathan, and sister of Dea. Asa Lovell (50) ; first wife of Paul (59), and d. Aug. 13, 1824, a. 77. August 31. 01. Sniox Davls, son of Dea. David and Abigail Davis of Paxton; m., first, Persis Xewton (50), Feb. 25, 1789: m., second, Persis (Tem- ple) Seaver, Feb. 8, 1803. He moved to Boston in 1803, and d. in Fal- mouth, :\re., March 17, 1810, a. 44. 1801. December 27. 02. Ezra Beamax. Es(|. Beaman was the eldest .-^on of Capt. Jabez 17 Beainan from Bolton, avIio il. Sept. 22, 1757, a. 53, and of Dinah his wife who d. Dec. 5, 1774, a. 60 yrs. 11 ms. 5 dys. He m,, first, Persis, dau, of Dea. Cyprian Keyes, in 1758, who was a member of the church in Boylston, and d. Nov. 7, 1788, a. 50 yrs. 9 ms. 5 dys. ; m., second, Alary Boylston (03), and d. June 4, 1811, a. 74 yrs. 7 ms. 19 dys. 63. Mary Beaman, dau. of Richard Boylston of Charlestowii, and second Avife of Ezra Beaman, Esq. (02). She d. June 0, 1813, a, 62. 1802. April 25. 64. Jason Glazier, by letter from Heath. He Avas the son of John of Boylston, and m., first, Nov. 9, 1790, Sarah Dinsmore (Go), with Avhom he was received to the church at Boylston, Sept. 28, 1774, and dismissed to Heath, Jan. 1797. He m., second, Polly, dau. of Jona- than Gerry of Sterling, April 23, 1818, Avho d. Oct. 4, 1859, a. 85 yrs. 5 ms. 3 dys. He d. May 18, 1859, a. 91 yrs. 10 ms. 25 dys. 65. Sarah Glazier, by letter from Heath. She Avas the dau. of John and Sarah Dinsmore (11), the first Avife of Jason Glazier (64) ; rec. and dis. with him to the churches at Boylston and Heath, and d. May 13, 1817, a. 49. June 6. 6Q. Jesse Dana, probably by letter from Boylston, Avhere he and his Avife Tamer (67) united with the church June 8, 1794. He Avas m. June 24, 1792, and dis. to Sterhng, Dec. 23, 1810, where he d. Sept. 24, 1831. 67. Tamer Dana, dau. of Ephraim and Tamer Beaman (69 and 13) ; Avife of Jesse Dana (GQ), m. June 24, 1792; dis. to Sterling, Dec. 23, 1810, and d. at Leicester. 1803. April 22. 68. Rebecca Fairbank, bap. April 22, 1803, dau. of Capt. William and Kezia (Houghton) Fairbank, Avho d. Feb. 14, 1811, a. 52, and granddaughter of Jonathan (37) . She became the first wife of Davis, the youngest son of Jabez Fairbank (40), June 1, 1801, and d. Mav 14, 1803. Sally (Holt), second wife of Davis Fairbank, m. Nov. 29, 1804, d. Feb. 15,'l852, a. 76. September 11. 69. Erhraim Beaman, son of Jabez and brother of Ezra (62), m. Tamer HoAve (13), and d. March 25, 1805, a. 62. 1805. May 26. 70. Elizabeth Nash, dau. of John Doubleday of StoAv, Avife of Rev. William Nash (48), m. June 14, 1803; dis. to Second Church, Worces- ter, Dec. 4, 1829, and d. at Bolton, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 78. 71. Moses Goodale, eldest son of EdAvard and Sarah Goodale (10), m. Silence Goodnow of Boylston (72), Nov. 16, 1797, and d. March 28, 1815, a. 75 yrs. 6 ms. 72. Silence Goodale, wife of Moses (71) ; d. in 1836, a. 80. 73. Dolly Fames, by letter from Dover, m. n. Dorr, the second wife of Wdliam Fames, Avho m. Jan. 24, 1804, and d. in 1814, a. 65. She d. June 3, 1808. William Earnest Avas son of Daniel and Silence (Leland) Fames, Avho lived in Ilolliston and Hopkinton. Daniel^ was b. March 20, 1712, the son of Nathaniel and Anne Eames of Framingham. Natlianiel- Avas b. Dec. 30, 1668, the son of Thomas and Mary Eames, Avho lived at Dedham, Sudbury and Framingham. He d. Jan. 1, 1746, 18 and Anne his wife d. Marcli 12, 1743. Thotnas Earnest, after the death of his first wife Margaret, ni. Mary (Blanford), widow of Jonathan Pad- elford of Cambridge, about 1662, who in the absence of her husband in Boston, Feb. 1, 1676, was killed, the house burned and the entire family of nine children captured by the Indians under Xetus. Thomas Eames d. Jan. 2o, 1680, a. about 62. November 17. 7-k. Eunice Holt, dau. of Dea. Asa Lovell (56) ; m. May 30, 1800, James, who d. April, 1855, a. 80 yrs. 4 ms., the son of Barzilia Holt, Jr., and Lucy (Williams) Holt. She d. May 2, 1821. 1806. November 30. 75. Persis Sawyer, sister of Dea. Amariah Sawyer (30) ; bap. Nov. 3, 1799, second wife of Capt. William Fairbank, who d. March 5, 1840, a. 81, the son of Jonathan (37). She was m. Julv 5, 1812, and d. Feb. 9, 1851, a. 71 yrs. 9 ms. 9 dys. (See 68.) 70. Olive 'Moore, dau. of Hugh Moore and sister of Sarah (31). She d. unmarried. 1808. January 24. 77. Alyan Howe came from Shrewsbury about 1802; m. Marv Wellington (78), and d. May 17, 1820, a. 66. * 78. Mary Howe, wife of Alvan (77), m. n. Wellington. She after- ward m. Isaac Knight, May 31, 1826, and d. at Boylston, July 5, 1851, a. 83. May 22. 79. Aaron Tho.mas, son of William and Hester, and younger broth- er of Robert B. Thomas, Esq., author of the Fanner s Almanac. He was bap. Aug. 22, 1808; m. Lydia Mason (80), Jan. 3, 1805, and d. March 22, 1833, a. 64. 80. Lydia Thomas, wife of Aaron (79), dau. of Dea. Jonas Mason of Sterling, who d. May 16, 1828, a. 90. She d. Nov. 10, 1833, a. 64. 81. Stephen Brigham, by letter from Boylston. His son Edmund (see 491) m., first, 1795, Marv Brooks from Worcester; m., second, Wid. Plympton. Sfejjhen^, h. Oct. 15, 1741, d. in 1812; m., first, Jemima Snow; m., second, Wilder, who d. Sept. 1787, and was son of Joseph^ of Marlboro'. Joseph"^ m., first, Aug. 26, 1728, Comfort, dau. of John Bigelow, d. 1755, a. 48; m., second, in 1757, Ruth Ward, widow of Elijah, d. Feb. 1, 1786, a. 74. He was b. April 21, 1706, d. July 29, 1786, son of Gershom^ of Marlboro'. Gershom^, b. Feb. 23, 1680, m, :Mehitable , and d. Jan. 3, 1749, son of Thomas^ of Marl- boro'. Thomas^ m., first, Mary, dau. of Henry and Elisabeth Rice ; m., second, Susanna (Shattuck) Morse of Watertown. He was son of Thomas' of Cambridge. Thomas^ embarked for New England, April 18, 1635, was at Watertown in 1737, and m. Mercy Hurd. 82. Simon Stone, by letter from Bolton. Hewas twice m., and dis. with his wife Lydia (90) to Princeton, May 16, 1839. June 26. 83. Ephr.vim Headly, son of Josiah of Sterling. He m. Prudence Dinsmore (84), June 13, 1799, and d. Oct. 2, 1814, a. 40. 84. Prudence He.\di.y, wife of Ephraim (83) and dau. of John and 19 Sarah Dinsmorc (11). She afterward ni. Jonathan Nichols, and was dis. to Holden, Aug. 26, 1824, where she d. Sept. 4, 1856, a. 74 yrs. 2 ms. 85. John Smith, by letter from Princeton. He was the son of John P. and Hepsibcth Smith of Ashburnham, and m., tirst, Nov. 5, 17'J5, Annis, dau. of Artemas Maynard ; m., second, Aug. 11, 1803, Martha, dau. of Stephen and Martha (Walker) Hastings, who d. Aug. 10, 1862, a. 48 yrs. 4 ms. 1 dy. He d. April 19, 1855, a. 81 yrs. 8 ms. 8 dys. October 2. 86. JoxAS Holt, son of Abel and Eunice (Keyes) Holt, and grand- son of Barzilia and Elisabeth (Goss) Holt. He m. Anna Rand (87), April 17, 1802, and d. April 9, 1853, a. 73 yrs. 5 ms. 18 dys. 87. Anna Holt, wife of Jonas (86), dau. of Simeon and Anna E. Rand; d. Aug. 6, 1845, a. 65 yrs. 5 ms. 10 dys. 88. Lydia Paink, first wife of Ebenezer Paine, who d. Aug. 27, 1847, a. 70 yrs. 1 m. 19 dys. (See 139.) She was from Shrewsbury, and d. Feb. 25, 1825, a. 49 yrs. 1 m. 4 dys. 1809. April 9. 89. Rachel Flagg, widow of Rufus Flagg, who d. in 1805. She was bap. April 9, 1809; m., second, Peter Goodale (5), July 3, 1809, and d. Sept. 14, 1828, a. 62. 90. Lydia Stone, second wife of Simon Stone (82) ; dis. to Prince- ton, May 16, 1839. October 22. 91. Barnabas Davis, son of Dea. David and brother of Simon and Elias (61 and 359). Esq. Davis m., Nov. 27, 1800. Mercy Bellows (92) of Holden; was dis. to Holden, April 22, 1841, and d. at Paxton, June 15, 1851, a. 73. 92. Mercy Davis, wife of Esq. Barnabas (91), dau. of Lieut. Ezekiel and Mercy Bellows, who d. July 30, 1811, a. 66 yrs. 1 m. 13 dys. ; dis. to Holden, April 22, 1841, and d. at Paxton. December 3. 93. Hannah Goodale, first wife of Jason, who d. Oct. 29, 1852, a. 72, the son of Peter Goodale (5). She was the dau. of Dea. Asa Lov- ell (56), m. Feb. 3, 1807, and d. Nov. 29, 1812, a. 30. Mr. Goodale m. in 1814, Sally Raymond of Ashby. 94. Asa Lovell, Jr., son of Dea. Asa (b6), m. Hannah Raymond in 1812, and d. at Hinsdale, oSIass. 1810. May 27. 95. Amos Lovell, son of Jonathan and bro. of Dea. Asa (o6), m. Mary Ball (96), and d. Nov. 6, 1815, a. 62. 96. Mary Loa'ell, wife of Amos (95) ; m. n. Ball, from Concord; d. Feb. 13, 1833, a. 76 yrs. 10 ms. 97. Asa Moore, son of Dea. Israel and Catherine (16 and 17) ; bap. at Sterling in 1786; m., first. May 31, 1804, Sabra Lovell of Holden (98) ; m., second, , and was dis. to Westminster, Aug. 18, 1816. 98. Sabra Moore, first wife of Asa (97), m. Mav 31, 1804, dau. of 20 Dea. Asa Lovell (.36) ; dis. to Westminster, Aug. 18, 1816, and d. in 1854, a. 68. 99. Peksls Ball, .si.ster of Mary (96), unm., d. Jan. 9, 1821, a. 67. 100. Lois Boyxtox, dau. of" William and sister of Betsey Raymond (57) ; m., first, Abiel Boynton, who d. Dec. 17, 1810; m., second, Eph- raini Boynton, Xov. 27, 1811; dis. to Cambridge, Vt., Dec. 20, 1818. 101. Jonathan Bigelow, son of Andrew and Sarah (Fassett) Big- elow of Boylston, bro. of Rev. Asahel and half bro. of Rev. Dr. Andrew Bigelow, m. Eliza, sister of AVilliam B. Tappan the poet. He gradua- ted at B. U., 1817, and xindover Seminarv, 1820; ordained and settled, July 11, 1821, at Lu])ec, Me., till 1826 ; at Rochester, Mass., from 1827 to 1849, and at Euclid, Ohio, 1850, where he d. Jan. 26, 1854, a. 61. He delivered a sermon which was printed, at the ordination of Rev. Piummer Chase and Solon Adams as Evangelists, at West Falls, Ma- chias, Me., March 1, 1825. August oO. 102. MxRY WiLDLK, dau. of Asa and Lydia (39), and sister of Reu- ben (32). She was unm., and d. Sept. 25, 1825, a. do yrs. 6 ms. 18 dys. October 7. 103. Sally Pierce, m. n. Fiske, wdfe of James Pierce," who was m. April 1, 1807, and d. Sept. 28, 1844, a. 6o yrs. 8 ms. 104. Lucy Houghton, bap. Oct. 7, 1810; m., Nov. 30, 1813, Amos, eldest son of Seth Fairbank (42) ; d. Xov. 23, 1841, a. 47. December 23. 105. Dolly Child, bap. Dec. 23, 1810, dau. of Zachariah and grand- daughter of David and Mehitablc (12). She d. unm., Nov. 11, 1811, a. 23 yrs. 8 ms. 1811. February 3. 106. Silas Newton, son of Dea. Silas of Paxton. Capt. Silas Newton m., July 30, 1793, Eunice, youngest dau. of Ezra Beaman, Esq. (62) ; afterward became a prominent member of the Baptist church, and d. Feb. 3, 1836, a. 66. 107. Mary Boylston Newton, dau. of Capt. Silas (107), m. David Waite, July 17, 1817, and d. at Oxford. 108. Alexander Lovell, son of Amos and Mary (95 and 96), m. Clarinda Bush of Boylston, June 15, 1819. He graduated, D. C, 1813, Andover Seminary, 1816 ; was ordained and settled, Oct. 22, 1817, at Vergennes, Vt., till Nov. 10, 1835 ; at Philipston, Mass., from Dec. 1835 to 1844, and d. at Nashua, N. H., July 2, 1855, a. 68. "He was a man highly respected for his talents, piety, and ministerial excellencies." — Conr/. Year Book, 1857. 109. John Lovell, son of Amos and Mary (95 and 96) . Hem. Maria Lyman in 1822, and was dis. to Holden, June 2, 1822, where he was deacon for manv years. He afterward moved to Ware, and d. at the West. 110. HoPESTiLL Lovell, dau. of Dea. Asa (56), m. Simeon Lesure, Nov. 28, 1816. 111. Dolly Fairbank Boynton, dau. of Abiel and Dolly (Fair, bank) Holt, and sister of Parkman and Sophia (475 and 112). ' She m '^1 Asa Boynton, May 30, 1809, who was the son of Abiol and Lois (100), and d. March 2o,*1843, a. 56. She Avas bap. Fcl). o, 1811, and d. Dec. 15, 1841, a. 55. 112. Soriir.v Holt, dau. of Abicl and sister of" Tarkman, Dolly F., Clarissa and Eliza Holt (475, 111, :]7;) and 211). She was bap. Feb. o, 1811, unni. 113. Axxis LovKLL, dau. of Amos and Mary ('Jo and DO), ni. Wil- liam Davis, iMay 29, 1823, and was dis. to Dublin, N. H., Sept. 3, 1810, where she died. May 5. lU. EuxicK liHowN, l)y letter from Sterling. She was the widow of Timothy Brown, and eonnnitted suicide Sept. 20, 1825, a. 69, as did also her son, Capt. .Fosiah P. Brown, Dec. 26, 1830, being about 50 yrs, of age. 1812. April 5. 115. Silas Dixsmoke, son of John and Sarah (11), m. Polly Lovell (116), May 6, 1802; Avas deacon ol" the church from Nov. 10, 18U, to May 6, 1820, and d. Sept. 22, 1824, a. 46. 116. Polly Dixsmoke, dau. of Amos and Mary Lovell (95 and 96), m. Dea. Silas Dinsmore (115), May 6, 1802, and d. June 9, 1842, a. 64. 117. Artemas JMukdock, eldest son of William of Westminster. He was deacon of the church from Nov. 10, 1814, to the removal of his church relation to Rutland, March 1, 1835. With his wife (118), he was again received by letter from Rutland, July 6, 1845. He d. June 21, 1855. a. 78 yrs. 10 ms. 14 dys. 118. Keziaii Murdock. wife of Dea. Artemas (117), m. n. Clark, of Medfield. She d. July 24, 1848, a. 68 yrs. 7 ms. 14 dys. 119. Samuel Flagg, son of Jonathan and Margaret of Holden. He settled here in 1808, was bap. April 5, 1812, m. Margaret Kennon (366) of Rutland, pub. April 4, 1807, and with his wife was dis. to the Union church, Worcester, May 20, 1841, where he d. Sept. 18, 1865. 120. Abel Goodale, son of Aaron and Eunice (28 and 29). He was deacon of the church from May 6, 1820, to near the time of his death, Nov. 8, 1853, at the age of 68 yrs. 9 ms. 21 dys. He m., first, Dec. 13, 1804, Grace, dau. of Asaph and Mercy Merrifield (36), who d. Dec. 26, 1819, a. 34 yrs. 8 ms., and second, Mehitablc (Haskell) Hubbard (181), May 31, 1821, Avho d. March 23, 1867, a. 85. 121. Mary Ciiexey Moore, dau. of Paul and Eunice Goodale (59 and 60). She m., first, Israel Moore, May 27, 1801, the son of Dea. Israel and Catherine (16 and 17), Avho d. Aug. 26, 1811, a. 33; m., sec- ond, Nathan Rogers, ]May 22, 1816, and was dis. to Holden, Jan. 24, 1819, where she d. Mr. Rogers m., first, Phebc Boynton, April 16, 1801 ; m., third, Lucretia Bennett, Nov. 28, 1827. 122. SusAXXAii Moore, wife of Joel, son of Dea. Israel and Cath- erine Moore (16 and 17), who was bap. in 1782, pub. in 1805, and d. at Holden, Oct, 19, 1856, a. 74 yrs. 8 ms. 19 dys. She was a sister of Ephraim and Margaret Kennon (286 and 366) , and afterward a member of Rev. Dr. Paine's church in Holden, where she died. 123. Betsey Shattuck, wifi- of Walter of Sterling, who d. in 1843, a. 64, the son of Thaddeus and Susanna (Waite) Shattuck. She was dau. of Jeremiah and sister of Simon i\[orse*(425) ; pub. Sept. 1, 1805; became a Baptist, and d. at Leominster in 1867. 22 124. TiKZAii GoODALE, (lau. of Paul and Eunice Goodalc (59 and 60), unm., d. Oct. 28, 1814, a. 24. A biography was written by her cousin, Rev. Alexander Lovell (108). August 6. 125. Olive Holme.s, by letter from Hubbardston ; wife of Col. Peter (152), dau. of Reuben and Hannah (Kimball) Graves from Chesterfield, N. H., and dis. to Amherst, N. H., Jan. 1, 1820. October 5 126. Olia'ER Gale, son of Jonas, m. Esther Wellington (127), and d. Nov. 25, 1824, a. 58. 127. Esther Gale, Avife of Oliver (126), and dau. of Ebenezer Wellington of Worcester, who d. April 21, 1835, a. 67, and of his wife Susanna (Gale), who d. July '25, 1833, a. 64. She was m, four times, and dis. to Millbury as the wife of Dea. Pierce, Nov. 30, 1828. 1813. March 24. 128. Sally Tucker, wife of Tucker, bap. March 24, 1813; probably died same day. . 1815. June 18. 129. Joseph Dwelly, son of Joseph of Worcester, m., first, Mary Stearns in 1791, who d. Sept. 29, 1832, a. 72 vrs. 10 ms. 14 dys. ; m., second, Ruth Clark, June 23, 1833 ; dis. to Holden, Aug. 28, 1835, and d. at Oakham in 1840, a. 75. 1818. December 27. 130. Sally Fairbaxk, dau. of Amos and Mary Lovell (95 and 96), m. Dec. 8, 1803, Capt. Baruck B. Fairbank, the son of Dea. Lemuel and Phebe (18 and 19), who was bap. at Sterling in 1779, and d. Jan. 9, 1824, a. 45 yrs. 5 ms. She d. Feb. 8, 1847, a. 67 yrs. 9 ms. 21 dys. 131. Bexoni Baker, with his wife (135), came into town from Cape Cod; d. at Sterling, May 1, 1838, a. 73. 132. Joshua Barer came from Cape Cod. 133. Benjamin Franklin Keyes, son of Thomas and Lydia (Har- than) Keyes (447), m. Lois Nichols of Holden (163), Dec. 10, 1822, and d. Dec. 7, 1870. 134. Betsey Iveyes, dau. of Thomas (447) and sister of Benjamin F. (133), unm., d. May 11, 1839, a. 42 yrs. 5 ms. 25 dys. 1819. January 24. 135. Reliance Baker, by letter from Orleans. She was the wife of Benoni (131). June 4. 136. Ruth Pierce, wife of Ezekiel, who was the son of Jonathan and Mary (Goodale) Pierce of Sutton, and d. Aug. 13, 1865, a. 77 yrs. 9 ms. 13 dys. She was the dau. of Moses and Hannah Perry (180) ; m. in 1811, and d. Sept. 10, 1869, a. 77 yrs. 19 dys. 137. SiLVANUS Morse, son of Joseph and Sophia (3 and 4), bap. April 22, 1798 ; graduated at Brown University ; a teacher at Groveland and Middleboro' ; m. Harriet N., dau. of Dr. Nicholas Jenks, Nov. 26, 1838, and was dis. to Middleboro' May 25, 1854. 138. Polly Dinsmore, bap. June 2, 1812, dau. of Reuben and Pollv (508), granddaughter of John and Sarah (11) ; m. Aaron Tilton (203), Jan. 22, 1824, and d. June 10, 1830, a. 29. 23 1820. September 17. 139. Cyxthia Hauthan, dau, of Setli and Keliel' Fairbank (42 and 43), m., first, March 13, 1810, Antipas Smith Harthan, son of David and Prudence (49), who d. March 17, 1815, a. 26 yrs. 5 ms. lo dys. ; m., second, Ebcnezer Paine, Oct. 7, 1827. (See 88.) She d. June 13, 1849, a. 64 yrs. 11 ms. 5 dys. 140. Almira Murdock, dau. of Dea. Artemas and Kezia (117 and 118), bap. June 21, 1812, m. Dea. Cyrus Perry, April 10, 1827, was dis. to Holden, April 6, 1828, and d. April 10, 1870, a 67. 1821. February 28. 141. JoHX BoARDMAN, by letter from the Seminary at Andover, where he graduated in 1820. He was a native of Newburyport, gradu- ated at D. C, 1817, m. Harriet Braman (164), pub. June 3, 1821 ; was pastor of the church from Feb. 28, 1821, to April 30, 1834; was dis. to Second church, Rowley, April 22, 1834, and d. at East Douglass, Nov. 8, 1841, a. 46. August 23. 142. Charles Goulding, m. Roxalena Learned (143), March 16, 1821, and was dis. to Webster, May 27, 1838. 143. Roxalena Goulding, m. n. Learned, sister of Mary and Sybil (190 and 191); bap. Aug. 23, 1821, m. Charles Goulding (142), and was dis. to Webster, May 27, 1838. 144. Waldo Winter, son of Calvin and Lucy (704), bro. of Aaron E. (188); bap. Aug. 23, 1821; m., first, Mercy H. Holt of Holden (193), Oct. 18, 1827; m., second, Abigail Russell of Wayland; was deacon of the church from Jan. 5, 1838, to April 17, 1851, and dis. to Clinton, Nov. 20, 1851. 145. Eunice Fairbank, dau. of Seth and Relief (42 and 43) ; bap. May 12, 1793, second wife of Lemuel Nichols, m. Nov. 30, 1826, dis. to Holden Sept. 2, 1838. Mr. Nichols was son of Jonathan, who d. Oct. 22, 1837, a. 87 (see 84), and his first wife was Rebecca, dau. of Oliver Moore, m. March 9, 1812. 146. Phebe Prouty, dau. of Dea. Lemuel and Phebe Fairbank (18 and 19), m. Joshua Prouty, July 20, 1805, who d. April 27, 1853, a. 71 yrs. 10 ms. She d. Sept 29, 1870, a. 85 yrs. 2 ms. 22 dys. 147. Mary Ann Pierce, dau. of Hollis and Lucinda (jMerrifield) Pierce, and sister of J. Warren (479) ; bap. Aug. 23, 1821, ; m. Cheney, and was dis. to Warwick, Sept. 15, 1830. 148. Ly'dia Walker, dau. of David and Susanna (159), unm. She afterward joined the Baptist church in West Boylston. 149. Mercy Baker, dau. of Benoni and Reliance (131 and 135). 150. Phebe Baker, dau. of Benoni and sister of Mercy (131 and 149) ; m. Martin Rice, Feb. 27, 1823. 1822. February 24. 151. Nancy Holt, by letter from Framingham ; dau. of Jonathan and Lydia (Bowman) Pierce, m. Asa, son of Abel and bro. of Jonas Holt (86), who d. Aug. 10, 1847, a. 72. She d. Sept. 10, 1863, a. 80 yrs. 2 ms. 10 dys. April 7. 152. Peter Holmes, son of Thomas and Margaret (Patterson) 24 Holmes of Londonderry, N. II. ; ni. Olive Graves (125), pub. Sept. 2, 1809, and was dis. to First ohuirli, Amherst, N. II., Jan. 1, 182G. 153. Thomas Holmes, son of Thomas and bro. of Col. Peter (152) ; m. Sarah Graves (154), pub. Jan. 21, 1815. and d. Aug. 3, 1848, a. 59 yrs. 8 ms. 154. Sakah Holmes, wife of Thomas (153) ; m. n. Graves, sister of Olive (125) and Hannah (740), and d. Aug. 27, 1857, a. 72. 155. Sally Pierce, dau. of Oliver and sister of James (see 103) ; bap. April 7, 1822, and d. unm. 156. Abigail Lovell, dau. of Jonathan, unm. ; connnitted .suicide, Sept. 12, 1842, a. 46. July 14. 157. Sauah Sawye, m. Nov. 2, 1824, Peter Parker of Royalston. December 8. 158. Dehouaii Ijaxcroft, sister of Sarali (^UO), unm., d. Aug. 17, 1826, a. 28. 1823. October 19. 159. Susannah Walker, wife of David, who d. Fel). 26, 1842, a. 76. She d. Feb. 1, 1826, a. 53. December 4. 160. Sylvia Smith, by letter from Peru, m. n. Haskell, wife of Dr. John jVI. Smith, pub. Jan. 26, 1822, and dis. to Spencer, May 22, 1828. 1824. May 23. 161. Paul Goodale, Jr., son of Paul and Eunice (59 and 60), bro. of Col. Levi (168), m. Azuba Xewton (162), pub. Feb. 28, 1803. With his wife he was received from the First church, Worcester, and was dis. to the Calvanist church, Worcester, Dec. 28, 1828, and again received by letter, March 3, 1844. He d. Oct. 19, 1847, a. 69. 162. AzuRA X. Goodale, wife of Paul (161), and dau. oi David Goodale of Oakham, received and dismissed with her husband, and d. April 11, 1849, a. G(^. 163. Lois Keyes, by letter from Holden. She was the dau. of Thaddeus and Eunice (Glazier) Xichols, and wife of Benjamin F, Keyes (133). Thaddeus Nichols d. Nov. 2, 1851, a, 85 yrs, 5 ms. 5 dys„ the son of William and Mirriam. December 5. 164. Harriet Boardmax, wife of Rev. John Boardman (141), dau, of Rev, Isaac Braman, and dis. to the Second church, Rowley, April 22, 1834. 165. Hannah Cleaveland, dau. of Capt. John and Hannah (Dwellv) Read, and sister of Olive J. (284), bap. Dec. 5. 1824; first wife of' Lotan Cleaveland (483), m. March 27, 1823, and d. Oct. 17, 1840, a. 38 yrs. 19 dys. 166. Phebe Worcester, dau. of Sampson and Phebe, and sister of Sampson and Emily (279 and 372), bap. Dec. 5, 1814; third wile of Aaron Tilton (203), m. jNIarch 24, 1853. 167. Elvira Davis, dau. of Esq. Barnabas and Mercy (91 and 92), bap. Oct. 22, 1809, unm,, dis. to Holden, April 22, 1841, 25 1825. April;}. 108. Levi Goodale, sou of Paul and Eunice (o!) and 60), and bro. of Paul (161). Col. Levi Goodale m., first, June 29, 1803, Abigail Crosby of Holden, who d. Mav 2, 1810, a. 27 ; m., second, Eunice H. Brimhall of Oakham (169), in 1811, who d. Oct. 10, 1826, a. 38 ; m., third, Orinda Cleavcland of Mcdiield (228), April 25, 1827, who d. in 1845, a. 59 ; m., fourth, Sarah Ann Nelson of Medfield (559), Nov. 27, 1845. He d. Nov. 2, 1854, a. 70 yrs. 8 ms. 17 dys. ' ^ 169. Eunice Humphrey Goodale, second wife of Col. Levi (168), m. n. Brimhall, bap. April 3, 1825, and d. Oct. 10, 1826, a. 38. 170. LuTiiEii WiXTEii, bap. April 3, 1825, the son of John, who was admitted to the church in lloylston, May 8, 1810, and Lydia (Eames), m. Aug. 5, 1805. He m. Abigail B. Holt (333), April 8, 1828, and d, Oct. 31, 1847, a, 48 yrs. 3 ms. 2 dys. 171. Sauaii Taft, bap. April 3, 1825, the wife of Andre Taft from Uxbridge ; dis. to Calvanist church, Worcester, Dec. 19, 1850. 172. Eunice Child, lirst Avife of Amos (460), dau. of Capt. Elijah and Eunice Goodnow (195) ; bap. April 3, 1825, m. Jan. 27, 1825, and d. Feb. 10, 1849, a. 47 yrs. 26 dys. 173. Sabrina Benthall, wife of John O. (202), m. n. Wood, bap. April 3, 1825, m. Feb. 19, 1824, and dis. to the Second church, Lowell, Aug. 19, 1838. 174. Vina Robbins, dau. of Jonathan and sister of Nancy Pierce (151), dis. to Union church, Worcester, Dec. 1836, and d. in 1868. 175. Rebecca Cook, dau. of Joseph and Tamer (Winn) Cook, and sister of Miranda and Hannah (421 and 229); bap. April 3, 1825, ra. James Coxen (185), Jan. 3, 1833, dis. to Ashland, Sept. 19, 1850. 176. Mary M. King, dau. of Peres and Polly (220) ; m,, first, Isaac W. Avery, June 2, 1835; m., second, Dr. Elisha Parsons, Aug. 21, 1845. 177. Polly Bascom, dau. of John and Persis, who d. Oct. 21, 1833, a. 81, m. Lesure ; dis. to John St. church, Lowell, Dec. 6, 1840. May 19. 178. Oliver Glazier, by letter from Boylston, where he and his wife (179) miited with the church. May 13, 1792. ' He was bro. of Jason (64), m. in 1785, and d. at Northboro' in 1855, a. 92. 179. Rachel Glazier, by letter from Boylston. She was the eldest dau. of Stephen Hastings of Boylston, wife of Oliver Glazier (178), and d. Aug. 1, 1841, a. 77." 1826. March 26. 180. Hannah Perry, by letter from Temple, Me. She m. in 1779, ]Moses, the son of Abner and Marv Perry from Hopkinton, who d. Dec. 7, 1843, a. Sr> yrs. 4 ms., and d. March 22, 1843, a. 84. Hay 18. 181. ^NIeihtahli: (it>oi)ALE, by letter from Holden. She was the second wife of Dea. Abel Goodale (120), and had been previously m., Jan. 17, 1805, to Eli Hubbard. She was the dau. of Ebenezer and Martha Haskell, and d. March 23. 1807, a, 85. 26 October 10. 18l'. I^ydia Bigelow ('irn.D, dan. oC Zacluiriah and Lvdia Child (274), bap. Oct. 20, 182G. 183. LucRETiA Child, dau. ofZachariah and Lydia (274) ; bap. Oct. 1.), 182G, m. Robert llaskins, May 7, bS8.^), and d. June lo, 1848, a. 43 yrs. 2 ms. 1827. January 7. 184. Jo^'A8 Bellows, bap. Jan. 7, 1827; ni. Eliza Holt (211), and (lis, to Second church, Medlield, March 14, 1830. 185. James Coxex, bro. of William (237), m. Rebecca Cook (175), Jan. 3, 1833. He Avas son of George and ^lary (Gladwin) Coxen of Derby, Eng. 18G. John Gill, bap. Jan. 7, 1827, buried Pollv, hi.s wife, March 21, 1826. a. 38 yrs. 3 ms., and d. Feb. 22, 1839, a. 62.' 187. Ja:mes IIaryey MooPwE, son of Israel and Mary Cheney Moore (121), bap. May 24, 1812; m., first, Jane Delano (216) in 1829; m., second, Elisabeth Wilcox (705), ^lay 15, 1853, and d. April 3, 1867, a. do yrs. 3 ms. 3 dys. 188. Aaron PIvmes Winteh, bap. Jan. 7, 1827, the son of Calvin and Lucv (704) ; m., first, Eliza Pierce (198), Dec. 3. 1829 ; m., second, Dorinda'Dinsmore (233), Oct. 24, 1833. 189. Elvijia Worcester, dau. of Oliver and Rachel Glazier (178 and 179) ; m. Willard, the son of Sampson and Phebe Worcester (see 279), May 22, 1823, and was dis. to Shirley, March 29, 1832. 190. iNlAiiY Learned, bap. Jan. 7, 1827, sister of Roxanna and Syljil (143 and 191) ; m. Day, and was dis. to Xorthbridge, Xov. 1836. 191. Sybil Worcester,' bap. Jan. 7, 1827, m. n. Learned, sister to Roxanna and Mary (143 and 190)^; m., March 30, 1819, William, the son of Sampson and Phebe Worcester, avIio d. at Barre, Dec. 19, 1845, a. 48 yrs. 7 ms. 27 dys. 192*. Lucy Walker Huduard, dau. of Eli ami Meliitable (181), bap. -Ian. 7, 1827 ; dis. to the Second church, Lowell, Fel). 8, 1829 ; rec. from Lowell, Aug. 1, 1833; was the first wife of D<';v. Asa Iveyes (276), m. April 10, 1833, and d. Sept. 6, 1846, a. 39. 193. Mercy IIuhrard Holt, dau. of Mom-s and Azuba (IIu])l)ard) Holt of Berlin, Vt., and sister of Abigail B. (333), m., Oct. 18, 1827, Dea. AYaldo Winter (144), and w\as dis. to Clinton, Xov. 20, 1851, and d. May 7, 1855, a. 52. 194. Ja)Visa Buss, bap. Jan. 7, 1827, dau. ol" Josiah ^Vhitc and wid- ow of ffonas Buss of Sterling, m. June 7, 1818; dis. to Xorthbridge, June 11, 1843. 195. Eunice Goodnow, widow of Capt. Elijah from Boylston, who was m, Xov. 20, 1795, and d. May 19, 1821, a. 53 yrs. 7 ms. 25 dys. Her parents were jMicah Ilarthan from Marlboro", who d. in 1803, a. 68, and his wife Sarah (Jones) Ilarthan, who d. Jan. 2. 1820, a. 85 yrs. 10 ms. 10 dvs. She d. Aug. 5, 1828, a. 56 yrs. 4 ms. 14 dvs. (Sec 49 and 196. Fidelia Smith, dau. of John and sister of Stephen H. (8/P and S 618) ; bap. Oct. 23, 1808, unm., dis. to East Boston, Feb. 5, 184C). 197. Miranda E. Taylor, sister of Relief S. (392), granddaughter 27 of Setli and Relief Fairbank (12 and io) ; m. Justus Kittridge, Oct. 14, 1830, and was dis. to Shrewsbury, Nov. 2, 1831. 198. Eliza Piekce, dau. of James and Sally (103), sister of Lyman, James R, and Abii^ail V. (379, 31:2 and oil)"; bap. Oct. 7, 1810, first wife of Aaron E. Winter (188), and d. April 2-"), 1830, a. 22 yrs. 3 ms. 199. Isabella Pierce, dau. of Ilollis and Lucinda Pierce, and sister of J. AVarren (479) ; bap. Jan. 7, 1827; m. at Boston. February 4. 200. George W. BiiKiGS, by letter from Sutton; dis. to Fitcliburg, Jan. 27, 1840. 201. Polly Brigg.s, by letter from Sutton, wife of (leorge W. (200). IMarcli 2o. 202. Joiix O. Bexthall, bv letter from Smithfield : m. Sabrina Wood, Feb. 19, 1824. April 8. 203. Aarox Tiltox, son of Joseph and bro. of Xathan R. (544) ; m., first, Polly Dinsmore (138), Jan. 22, 1824; m., second, Harriet Fairbank (303), Oct. lo, 1832; m., third, Phebc AVorcester (IGG), March 24, 1853. 204. Lydia Rice, bap. April 8, 1827, dau. of John and sister of Lucy and Nancy (205 and 484) ; second wife of Jacob Bemis, Avho had pre- viously m. her sister Eunice. She was dis. to Soutliboro", Feb. 2r>, 1836. 205* Lucy Rice, sister of Lydia (204) ; bap. April 8, 1827 ; m. Sel- den Knowles, and was dis. to Ashland, June 14, 184G. 206. Mary R. Metcalf, num., dis. to Union church, Worcester, July 15, 1841. 207. Hanxaii GooI)XO^v, dau. of Nathaniel :uul Lucv, and sister of Harriet (499) ; dis. to Lowell, Feb. 8, 1829, and d. Dec. 21, 1831, a. 28. 208. Lydia Axx Holt, dau. of Asa and Nancv (151), m. ( •vrus L. Knight (252), Nov. 2, 1837. April 20. 209. Thomas Keye.s, sou of Thomas (447) and bro. of Benjamin F. (133) ; m. Eveline Murdock (210), April 10. 1827, and d. Oct. 30, 1831, a. 29 yrs. 6 ms. 10 dys. 210. Evelixe Keyes, dau. of l)ea. Artemas and Keziah Murdock (117 and 118) ; bap. June 21, 1812; m. Thomas Keyes, Jr. (209), and d. Sept. 22, 1«28, a. 24 yrs. 6 ms. July 8. 211. Eliza Bellows, by letter from Oakham; dau. of Abiel and Dolly (Fairbank) Holt; ni., first, Joshua Brimhall; m., second, Jonas BelloAvs (184), and was dis. to Medfield, ALarch 14, 1830. (See 475.) August 26. 212. James Fiske, son of AVilliam and Dolly (Wellington) Fiske ; bap. Aug. 26, 1827; m., first, Louisa Allen of Leomister, pub. March 19, 1828, a member of the Baptist church, who d. Nov. 15, 1832, a. 26 yrs. 7 ms.; m., second, INlaria Nichols (418), April 1, iS'.'i-i:, and was deacon of the church from A])ril 17, 1845, to his death, July 24, 1868, a. 03 yrs. 3 ms. 20 dys. 28 1828. July 30. 213. Mary Davis, bap. July 30, 1828; ra. n. Parmenter; in. Fran- cis Davis (264), and d. vSept. 7,'l828, a. 33 )ts. 5 ms. 17 dys. 1829. May 24. 214. Thankful ^Ii-kdock, dau. of Dea. Artomas and Keziali Mur- dock (117 and 118) ; bap. June 21, 1812: ni. Rev. David Andrews ; was dis. to Peperill, Dec. 31, 1840, and d. at Winona, Minn., June 11, 1868, a. 56 yrs. 10 ms. Ilcr husband wrote her memorial under the title, "The Solace, or Glimpses of Heavenly Thin^is.'' July 12. 210. BF/rsi:v Lovell, by letter from ^'ergenncs, Vt. ; dau. of Amos and Mary Lovell (95 and 96), and d. unm., eJnne 17, 1865, a. 68 yrs. 6 ms. 19 dys. October 18. 216. Jank MooiiE, by letter from Xew Braiutree ; dau. oC Gideon and Nancy (Howe) Delano; m. James H. Moore (187) in 1829. and d. April 10, 1854, a. 47 yrs. 9 ms. 6 dys. 1830. April 4. 217. JosErH Belknap, by letter from Sterling ; m. Eliza (2l8), and was dis. to Meth. Epis. church, Millbury, Sept. 9, 1838. 218. Eliza Belknap, by letter from Sterling; wife of Joseph (217) ; dis. to Meth. Epis. church, *]Mdlbury, July 22, 1838. 219. Lydia Holt, by letter'froni Sterling; dau. of Seth and Relief Fairbank (42 and 43) ; m., first, Henry Keyes Holt, the son of Abel and Eunice (Keyes) Holt, and bro. of Jonas (SQ), Nov. 16, 1813, who d. Sept. 8, 1828, a. 40; m., second, Nathaniel Davenport, Sept. 25, 1844; survived him, and, was dis. to Leominster, July 5, 1867. 220. Polly Kincj, by letter from Princeton ; m. n. Maynard ; wife of Peres King: d. at Geneseo, III., Sept. 12, 1855, a. 72. 221. George Washingto.v Dixsmore, son of Reuben and Pollv (508) ; bap. April 4, 1830; m. Margaret ^Morgan (222), Sept. 23, 1827, and was dis. to Clinton, Nov. 20, 1851. 222. Margaret F. Dinsmore, wife of George W. Dinsraore (221), sister of Hiram Morgan (443) : bap. April 4, 1830 ; dis. to Clinton, Nov. 20, 1851. 223. Horatio Nelson Bigelow, bap. April 4, 1830, son of Eph- raim, Avho d. July 13, 1837, a. 46, and of Polly (265) ; bro. of Erastus B. (319): m. Emily Worcester, (372), Sept. 24, 1834; dis. to Lancaster, May 16, 1839, and d. Jan. 2, 1868, a. dij yrs. 3 ms. 19 dys. 224. Nathaniel Young Oliver, bap. April 4, 1830. '22o. AMas Flagij Kxigiit, bap. April 4, 1830, son of Elijah and Eunice (356 and 283) ; m. Persis Eager Fay (239), March 12, 1835, and was elected deacon, Feb. 2, 1865. 226. Silas Nichols, bap. April 4. 1830, son of Lemuel and Rebecca (Moore) Nichols. (See 145.) 227. Israel Goodale Moore, bap. May 24, 1812, son ol" Israel and Mary C. Moore (121), bro. of James H. (187); m. Abigail H. Par- tridge (278), and was dis. to Calvanist church, Worcester, Oct. 22, 1835. 228. Orixdv C. Goodali:, l)a]). April 4, 1830, dan. of Zimri and 29 Eunice (Clark) Cleaveland, .sii-ter of Lotan (483) ; third Avife of Col. Levi Goodale (168), ni. April 2o, 18l^7, and d. April lU, 1840, a. 58 yrs. 4 ins. 12 dy.s. 229. Haxxah Faii{)?am\, bap. April 4, 18o0, dau. of Joseph Cook and sister of Rebecca and Miranda (175 and 421) ; m. Aretus Fairbank (251), June 1, 1826. 2o0. Olive Wiiitxhv, 2) ; m. Otis Kittridgc of Shrowsl)urv, Oct. 28, 1831, and was dis. to Rutland, Nov, 7, 1841. ;30 May 23. ■J46. Jacob ^Iouke, .son of Jacob; ni. jMary Smith (21:7), pub. Jan. 19, 1828, ; settled in town as a physician, and d. Nov. 29, 1831, a. 30. 247. Mai!Y Mooke. dan. of J)r. John and Rhoda Smith (odd) : m., first, Jacob Moore, M. D. (246) ; second. Rev. David R. Lamson. June 24, 1834. 248. Edmund IIartwell, son of Jonathan and Polly ; m. Olive Lov- ell (249), Xov. 29, 1810, and d. Oct. 25, 185(3, a. 71 yrs. 9 ms. 14 dys. 249. Olive IIartwell, dau. of Jonathan and Mercv (Raymond) Lovell, who d. July 10, 1829, a. 81 ; m. Edmund llartweir(248)', and d. Oct. 4, 1864, a. 82 yrs. 3 dys. 250. Haxxaii Ames, dau. of Silas and Hannah (Reed) Hastings, and wife of Luther Ames, who d. Oct. 24, 1865, a. 79 yrs. 2 ms. U dys. She d. May 2, 1868, a. 78 yrs. 4 ms. 251. Akatus Faihbaxk, son of Seth and Relief (42 and 43) ; m. Hannah Cook (229), June 1, 1826, and d. Jan. 8, 1850, a. d2 yrs. 9 ms. 252. Cyrus Loyell Knight, son of Elijah and Eunice (356 and 283) ; m. Lydia Ann Holt (208), pub. Oct. 14, 1837. 253. Paul Goodale, bap. April 3, 1825, son of Col. Levi and Eunice (168 and 169) ; m. Adeline L. Moore of Worcester, pub. Nov. 5, 1836. 254. Dolly Ann Maxwell, granddaughter of Dr. John and Rhoda Smith (555) ; m. Gay, and was dis. to Lebanon, Ct.. Sept. 5, 1842. 255. William Murdock, son of Dea. Artemas and Keziah (117 and 118), bap. Aug. 8, 1813; m., first, Mary Jemima Read, who d. June 16, 1848, a. 38; second, Caroline Holmes (763), and was dis. to the church at Andover Seminary, Jan. 8, 1838. He was graduated at A. C. in 1837, and at Andover Seminary 1841 ; ordained and settled at Candia, X. H., from 1841 to 1854 ; stated supply at Boylston, Mass., 1857 and 1859, and at Centre Harbor, X. H., in 1862 ; and afterward rt^'sided at West Boyls- ton without charge. 256. Charles William IIartwell, son of Eduumd and Olive (248 and 249) ; m. Margery Ann Taft (385), May 4, 1838. 257. Nancy Winchester IIartwell, dau. of Edmund and Olive (248 and 249) : m. Orrin Fairbank (270), June 9, LS-'U ; dis., rec, and again , 1848 ; dis. to East Douglass, March 24,' 1859. December 2. 271. Abigail R. Gueex, by letter from Ashby ; dau. of Dea. Asa Lovell (56), wife of Isaac Green, m. Mav 28, 1818; dis. to Rutland. May 31, 1846. • December 5. 272. Cyxtiiia Bjgelow, sister of Lewis W. Fletcher (see 570), wife of Dennis, the son of Abel and Martha Bigelow, pub. Dec. 6, 1817, and who d. July 24, 1851, a. 72 yrs. 9 dys. 1831. May 15. 273. Sally Hosmer, by letter from Sterling; dau. of Reuben and Lucy (Everett) Turner; m. Daniel Hosmer, Oct. 3o. 1797, and d. Oct. 15, 1868, a. 86 yrs. 7 ms. 12 dys. " May 22. 274. LvDLv CiiiLi), wife of Zachariah, who d. Sept. 19, 1845, a. 81 yrs. 10 ms., the son of David and Mehitable. She was dau. of David and Deborah Bigelow of Worcester; m. in 1784, and d. Dec. 29, 1849, a. 85 yrs, 2 ms. 275! Adalixe Holmax, dau. of Rufus (438) ; m. Mark Bruce (448), July 25, 1831 ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852; and d. about 1868. 276. Asa Keyes, son of Asa and Sarah (260) ; m., first, Lucy W. Hubbard (192), April 10, 1833, who d. Sept. 6, 1846; m., second, Mrs. Martha J. ^lorse (580), pub. May 1, 1847. He was deacon of the church from June 19, 1851, to March 15, 1855, and dis. to Sterling, July 19, 1855. 277. Thomas Holt, son of Asa and Nancy (151) ; dis, May 8. 1853: unm. 32 July 10. 278. Abigail II. M<)()i:k, by letter from C'alvauist church, Worces- ter; dau. ol" Ezekiel Partridge, wife of Israel G. Moore (227) ; dis. to Calvanist church, ^Yorcester, Oct. 22, 1835. 18:32. April 1. 279. Sampson Wohckstkk, son of Sampson of Harvard and Phebe (Willard) Worcester of Sterling, who were pub. Xov. 29, 1796; m., first, Betsev T., dau. of Dea. Abel Goodale (120), :N"ov. 17, 1827, who d. May 12, "'1839, a. 32 yrs. 5 ms. IG dvs. ; m., second, Marv B. (314), dau. of Elias and Mary (Bigelow) Davis (359 and 371), Dec. 10, 1839, and d. at Clinton, i\lay 19, 1815, a. 11 yrs. 8 ms. 21 dys. 280. Jo.SKiMi B. Pahkek; m. Miwy Ann Morgan (131), Oct. 17, 1833; elected deacon of the church, July 3, 1835; dis. to High St. church. Providence, R. I., July 2(), 1840. He was afterward deacon of the First Evang. church, Clinton. 281. XoKMAX HowakdGood.vli;, son of Edward ; m. Olive J. (281), dau. of Capt. John Read, Nov. 5, 1829. 282. A^ASiiTi Wkllingtox, m. n. Whcelock, wife of John Welling- ton ; m., second, Nourse, and was dis. to Westboi"o\ Xov. 1, 1810. 283. EuxiCK Knight, wife of Elijah (35G), dau. of Jonathan and Mercy Lovell, and d. Dec. 1, 18G5, a. 85 yrs. 4 ms. 10 dys. 281. Omvk Julia Goodalk, wife of Norman H. (281), dau. of Capt. John Read from Rutland, who d. Feb. 8, 1838, a. 67, and sister of Han- nah (1G5). June 3. 285. CiLvitLOTTK Watson Wi:Tiii:ijr. r.K, wife of Luther B. (321) : dis. to Sterling, 111., May 20, 1811. 286. Epin{AiM Klnnon, from Rutland : ul Thankful Ball of Holflen (365), March 18, 1817; dis to Chelmsford, Aug. 25, 1839. 287. Adklink Mukdock, dau. of Peres and Polly King (220) ; m. David C, son of Dea. Artemas Murdock (117), Oct. '6, 1829. 288. Adklink Flagg, dau. of Samuel and Margaret (119 and 366) ; unm. ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, May 20, 1811. August 26. 289. ELi/.Ar.i-Tti Pjkuc'k. Octol)er 7. 290. Hannah FAii;iiANK, wife of Jabez Fairbank, Jr., who d. Feb. 25, 1813, a. 70 yrs. 9 ms., m. Jan. 19, 1803; dau. of Capt. Fortunatus Eager of Sterling, who d. March 21, 1802, a. 6G, and his Avife Tamer, who d. April 5, 1806, a. 68. She d. Oct. 10, 1817, a. 71 vrs. 2 ms. 27 dys. (See 468 and 261.) 291. Abigail LoAHOLL Hartwkll, dau. of Edmund and Olive (248 and 249) ; bap. May 23, 1830; m. Nathan Morse (562), I\Iarch26, 1846. 1833. April 4. 292. FiiANCLS Batks, bv letter from Ware Village ; m. ]Marv Bige- low, May 25, 1812. 293. Sally Goss, bv letter from Sterlimc; dau. of Asa : unm.; d. Sept. 12, 1843, a. 55. 294. Cephas Ml'zzv, by letter from Spencer ; =on of Jonas and Abi- 33 gail (Lamb) Muzzy; m., first, Nancy, dan. oi" William and Ruth Guil- ford, Nov. 9, 1810, who d. June 16, 1855, a. 62 yrs. 11 ms. 11 dys. ; m., second, Mirriam Nichols (737), Jan. 31, 1856, and d. Dec. 11, 1861, a. 76 yrs 2 ms. 12 dys. 295. William G. Muz/a', by letter from Spencer; son of Cephas and Nancy G. (294) ; m., first, Catherine Prouty (315) ; m., second, Rhoda (Cheever) Wilson, and was dis. to Spencer, March 22, 1840. 296. LucRETiA Muzzy, by letter from Spencer; dau. of Cephas (294) ; m. Charles Morse (588), pub. Oct. 27, 1838. 297. Mary Ann Muzzy, by letter from Spencer ; dau. of Cephas (294) ; m. Lotan Cleaveland (483), pub. May 13, 1843, and d. Nov. 10, 1856, a. 42 yrs. 7 ms. 1 dy. 298. Eunice Parmenter, by letter from Old South church, Boston ; sister of Marv (213) ; m. Francis Davis (264) ; dis. to John St. church, Lowell, Sept.' 1, 1842, where she d. Oct. 17, 1861, a, 63 yrs. 1 m. 20 dys. 299. Sarah Angelina Parker; m. John Phelps (304); dis. to Meth. Epis. church, Oakdale, Jan. 4, 1866. 300. Lydia L. Johnson, (see 234) ; dis. May 8, 1835 ; dau. of Eb- enezer and Sally Johnson. November 30. 301. Sally Fairbank, wife of John, dau. of Abishai and Catherine Phelps; dis. to Presb. church, Rushville, N. Y., and d. at West Boyls- ton, Jan. 14, 1859, a. 80 yrs. 7 ms. 11 dys. 302. William Parker, bro. of Dea. Joseph B. (280) ; m. and d. at the West. 303. Harriet Tilton, by letter from Sterling ; dau. of Benjamin and Lois Fairbank, sister of Washington (514) ; m. Aaron Tilton (203), Oct. 15, 1832, and d. July 22, 1850, a. 42 yrs. 2 ms. 15 dys. 1834. April 6. 304. John Phelps, by letter from Concord ; son of Abijah and jNIary ; m. Sarah A. Parker (299), Nov. 10, 1836, and d. March 30, 1859, a. 48 yrs. 9 ms. 7 dys. 1835. January 4. 305. PiERSON CowEE, son of James of Ashby ; m., first, Sarah Gla- zier (306) ; m., second, Catherine (Conant) Wright; m., third, a widow Lee; dis. to Calvinist church, Worcester, April 29, 1841; rec. from Calvinist church, Worcester, March 4, 1852; dis. to Gardner, Sept. 20, 1860. 306. Sarah Cowee, dau. of Dea. Lewis Glazier of Gardner, wife of Pierson (305) ; dis. to Calvinist church, Worcester, April 29, 1841 ; rec. from Worcester, March 4, 1852, and d. at Worcester, March 15, 1854, a. 53. 307. John F. Fay ; m. Charlotte Puffer (308), and was dis. to North- boro\ July 3, 1836. 308. Charlotte Fay, wife of Dea. John F. (307), dau. of Rev. Reuben Puffer, D. D., of Berlin; dis. to Northboro', July 3, 1836, and d. Dec, 10, 1869, a. 82 yrs. 4 ms. 309. Samuel Griggs, by letter from Berlin; m., first, Sarah Ban- croft (310) ; elected deacon of the church, March 1, 1835 ; resigned Feb. 20, 1845 ; dis. to Salem St. Church, Worcester, May 18, 1848. ;3lO. Sakaii GitKiGs, wile oi i)r. Saimicl (o(J'J) ; ui. ii. Bancroft; di?. to Salem St. cluircli, Worcester, May 18, 18-i8. March o. 311. Candace E. Kimball, by letter Iroiu Iloldeii ; iii. ii. ChalHn ; wife of George W., m. Jan. C, 1831. July o. 312. Dolly Cuowl, wife of Joel (440) ; ni. n. Fairbank; ba}). Julv 5, 1835; m. March 28, 1832; dis. to Sterling, March 15, 1860. 313. SoPHRONiA Faikhank, dau. of Artenias and Clarissa (357 and 373) ; bap. July 5, 1835, and d. Feb. 2, 1842, a. 24 yrs. 8 ms. 314. Mary Bigelow Davis, by letter from Keene, N. H. ; dau. of Elias and Mary (Bigelow) Davis (359 and 371) ; ni, Sampson AVorces- ter (279) ; dis. to Shirley, April 30, 1843; rec. from Clinton, ,fuly 3, 1863. 1836. January 3. 315. Catherine Muzzy, by letter from Spencer ; Avife of William G. (295) ; m. n. Prouty; dis. to Spencer, March 22, 1840. 316. Martha Wedge, by letter from Brookfield, Vt. ; dis. to Mill- bury, Oct. 24, 1847; rec. from Calvinist church, Worcester, Oct. 11, 1855, and d. at Monson, Oct. 20, 1856, a. 51. February 7. 317. Charles Merrifield, rec. by letter; son of Arnold and grand- son of Asaph and Mercy (36) ; m. Emily Pierce (327), Sept. 1, 1834; dis. to John St. church, Lowell, Aug. 22, 1841 ; rec. by letter, April 6, 1845. 318. Isaac N. Davenport, rec. by letter; son of Ebenezer and Sarah (341) ; ra. Elizabeth G. Whittemore, who d. March 8, 1867, a. 65, and was dis. to Trinitarian church, Fitchburg, Jan. 17, 1861. 319. Erastus B. Bigelow, son of Ephraim and Mary (265), bro. of Horatio iST. (223); bap. Feb. 1836; m., first, Susan W. King (325), Nov. 12, 1838; m., second, Eliza Means, and was dis. to Lancaster. May 16, 1839. 320. James H. Raymore; ni. Elisabeth H. Loring (331). 321. Luther B. Wetherby; dis. with his wife (285), to Sterling, III., May 20, 1841. 322. Illinois Winter, son of Calvin and Lucy (704) ; bap. Feb. 1836 ; dis. to Second Presb. church, Jersey City, Oct. 12, 1854. 323. Emily Knight, dau. of Elijah and Eunice (356 and 283); m. Emery Howard, and was dis. to Holden, Jan. 17, 1841. 324. Harriet Knight, dau. of Elijah and Eunice (356 and 283) ; unra. ; dis. to First church, Worcester, Aug. 18, 1859. 325. Susan W. King, dau. of Peres and Mary (220) ; m. Erastus B. Bigelow (319) ; dis. to Lancaster, May 16, 1839, and d. May 17, 1841, a. 23. 326. Lucy Bullard, bap. Feb. 1836 ; dis. to Brookfield, Nov. 1836. 327. Emily P. Merrieield, dau. of Ezekiel and Ruth Pierce (136) ; m. Charles Merrifield (317) ; dis. to John St. church, Lowell, Aug. 22, 1841 ; rec. by letter, April 6, 1845. 328. Eunice Prescott, b. Oct. 21, 1782, dau. of Abel and Eunice 35 Holt, sister of Jonas (86) ; bap. Feb. 183G ; m., April 19, 1807, Brig- ham, son of Jonathan and Mary Preseott (44 and 45), b. April 16, 1783, who was bap. at Sterling in 1783, and who d. at West Boylston, Nov. 20, 1865, a. 82 yrs. 7 ms. 4 dvs. 329. Deuxia Cutting, bap. Feb. 1836. 330. Maky LoRiNG, dau. of Daniel and Sabra; m. John Hastings, and was dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 331. Elisabj:tii H. Raymokk, dau. of Daniel and Sabra Loring; m. James H. Raymore (320), and was dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 332. EuNiCH Sophia TooMn.s, dau. of Luther and Lucy Taylor, granddaughter of Seth and Relief Fairbank (42 and 43) ; m., first, Lew- is, son of Lewis and Polly Toombs, April 1834, who d. Feb. 7, 1851, a. 45; m., second, John, son of John and Mary Lynch, July 2, 1861 ; and was dis. to Meth. Epis. church, Oakdale, Jan. 3, 1862. 333. Abigail B. Wintkk, dau. of Moses and AzubaHolt of Holden, sister of Mercy H. (193) ; m., first, Luther Winter (170) ; m., second, Mason, son of Marson and Charlotte Eaton, Oct. 5, 1858; was dis. to Calvanist church, Worcester, Feb. 17, 1859, and d. Aug. 12, 1862. 334. Persis Sawyi:r Fairbank, dau. of Capt. William and Persis Fairbank (75) ; m. Silas P. Bruce (344), Nov. 29, 1836. 335. Sarah H. Fairbank ; bap. Feb. 1836 ; dau. of Isaac, who d. Sept. 24, 1841, a. 51, and Prudence (Gerrish) Fairbank, m. June 24, 1817, granddaughter of Seth and Relief (42 and 43). She m., Jan. 12, 1848, Uriah, son of Jabez and Hannah Fairbank (290), who d. Jan. 8, 1871, a. 62, and was dis. to Sterling, July 3, 1863. 336. Lavinia B. King, dau. of Elias and Mary Davis (359 and 371) ; bap. Feb. 1836; m. Maj. Maynard, son of Peres and Polly King (220), Jan. 18, 1832, and d. at Geneseo, 111., Jan. 21, 1870, a. 58. 337. Maria Loring, dau. of Daniel and Katy (Maynard) Loring; m., first, William A. Pierce (456), who d. Dec. 15, 1848; m. second, William J. Ross (592), and was dis. to Second Advent society, Worces- ter, July 19, 1855. 338. Lucy H. Smith, dau. of John (85) ; bap. Sept, 26, 1813; re- bap. Feb. 1836 ; unm. 339. Martha Smith, dau. of John and Martha Smith (85) ; became second wife of Silas, son of Silas and Abigail Richardson, m. May 13, 1845 ; dis. to Leominster, Dec. 20, 1855 ; d. Sept. 30, 1870. 340. AzuBA T. lioET, dau. of Aaron and Lydia Thomas (79 and 80) ; bap. May 29, 1808 ; re-bap. Feb. 1836 ; m. Henry, son of Asa and Nan- cy Holt (151), Dec. 24, 1827; dis. to Plymouth church, Cleaveland, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1858; rec. from Plvmouth church, Cleaveland, Ohio. Nov. 15, 1860. 341. Sarah Davenport; bap. Feb, 1836; wife of Ebenezer of Dor- chester, and d. jNIarch 15, 1845, a. 73 yrs. 2 ms. 342. James Rked Pierce; bap. June 18, 1815; son of James and Sally (103) ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, April 24, 1842. ■ 343. AsAHEL R. Boynton; m. Abigail Greenwood, Oct. 16, 1839; dis. to Meth. Epis. church, Shrewsbury, June 17, 1847. 344. Silas P. BitucE ; bap. Feb. 1836; son of John and Prudence (364), grandson of John and Martha (Moore) Bruce; m. Persis S. Fair- bank (334), Nov. 29, 1836. 36 345. Rkuben W. Holbkook; bap. Feb. 1836; son of James and Sarah, bro. of Levi (361) ; m. Clarissa A. Fairbank (346), March 28, 1839, and was dis. to Clinton, June 18, 1846. 346. Claiussa A. Fairbank ; bap. Feb. 183G ; dau. of Artemas and Clarissa (357 and 373) ; ni. Reuben W. Holbrook (345), and was dis. to Clinton, June 18, 1846. 347. Susan P. Goodalk; unm ; dis. to E. St. Cong, church. East Boston, April 25, 1860. 348. Lucy Ann Fay, dau. of Dea. John F. and Charlotte (307 and 308) ; m. Elisha Tower, and was dis. to Northboro', Oct. 21, 1841. 349. Hannah Pakmenter, sister of Mary and Eunice (213 and 298) ; m. Dean Baker, pub. March 9, 1822; dis. to Lowell, John St. church, Aug. 1, 1841. 356. Henry Fairbank Holt, son of Henry Keyes and Lydia Holt (219) ; m, Martha L. Wood (535), pub. Nov. 6, 1841; dis. to Leom- inster, July 5, 1867. 351. Joseph Clark Lovell; bap. Feb. 1836; son of Asa (94), grandson of Dea. Asa (56) ; m. Mary P. Brown of Fitchburg (507), Nov. 11, 1841; was elected deacon of the church, Feb. 2, 1865, and re-elected Jan. 20, 1870. 352. Gideon Harrison King, son of Peres and Polly (220) ; dis. to Fayetville, Vt., Oct. 10, 1841. 353. Caroline Fi^vgg, dau. of Samuel and ^largaret (119 and 366) ; d. June 9, 1837, a. 20 yrs. 5 ms. 354. Mary Rebecca Davis, dau. of Francis and Mary (264 and 213) ; bap. July 30, 1828 ; dis. to John St. church, Lowell, Aug. 1, 1841, and d. July 16, 1850, a. 31. 355. Eliza Ann Davis, dau. of Francis and Mary (264 and 213) ; bap. July 30, 1828 ; m. Brigham Fisher of Westboro', and was dis. to Northboro\ April 24, 1842. 356. Elijah Knight, son of Edward from Worcester ; ra. Eunice Lovell (283), May 31, 1804, and d. Aug. 1, 1843, a. 63 yrs. 1 m. 19 dys. 357. Artemas Fairbank, son of Oliver; bap. at Sterling, Sept. 4, 1791 ; ra. Clarissa Holt (373), and d. Dec. 1'), 1836, a. 44. 358. Jonathan Prescott, b. March 10, 1814; bap. Feb. 1836; son of Brigham and Eunice (328) ; m.. May 1, 1839, Sarah A. Greenwood, b. Sept. 15, 1820; and d. at West Boylston, April 23, 1855, a. 41 yrs. 1 m. 15 dys. 359. Elias Davis, son of Dea. David of Paxton, bro. of Simon and Barnabas (61 and 91) ; m. Mary Bigelow (371), Jan. 4, 1805, and d. Sept. 20, 1869, a. 85 yrs. 6 ms.*28 dys. 360. Marcus Hobbs; bap. Feb. 1836; m. Sarah Hubbard, Feb. 3, 1835, and was dis. to Salem St. church, Worcester, July 20, 1848. 361. Levi Holbrook; bap. Feb. 1836, bro. of Reuben W. (345) ; m. Rebecca Emerson (466), Dec. 11, 1839, and was dis. to Boylston, Dec. 12, 1861. Levi^ was son of Jaines", who d. May 31, 1829, a. 41 yrs. 2 ms. 2 dys., and his first wife, Sarah Wheeler; and grandson of David^ of Princeton, who d. July 21, 1828, a. 70 yrs. 2 ms. 4 dys., and his first wife, Judith, dau. of Asa Bullard of Ilolden. Bavid^, b. Feb. 14, 1732, was son of Mica¥^, who m., first, Silence Holbrook, who d. Aug. 15, 1775; m., second, Lydia Kendall, March 28, 1776, and grand- 37 son of Nathaniel and Sarah, dau. of Richard Sanger. Nathaniel^ of Sherburn, who d. June 3, 177-4, a. 72 yrs. 8 ms. 20 dys., was son of Na- thanieP and his first wife, Mary, dau. of Jonathan Morse, and who m., second, Elizabeth Sheffield, and d. Oct. 14, 1716. Nathaniel'^ was son of Tiiomas^ of Dorchester, who m. , first. Experience Leland of AVey- mouth; m., second, 1566, Hannah Shepard at Medfield, d. Aug. 28, 1688; m., third, Margaret Bowker from Weymouth, d. April 9, 1690; m., fourth, Mary Roberts of Weymouth, Oct. 21, 1693; and d. April 11, 1705. Tliomas^ was son of Johi^ of Weymouth, an emigrant from England. 362. Jonas Hunt; bap. Feb. 1836; dis. to High St. church, Provi- dence, R. I., Aug. 20. 1840. 363. Silas H. Flagg, son of Samuel and Margaret (119 and 366) ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, May 20, 1841, and d. March 21, 1845, a. 31. 364. Prudence Bruce, ra. n. Priest ; wife of John, who d. April 29, 1865, a. 83 yrs. 11 ms. 17 dys. She d. April 1, 1854, a. 68 yrs. 8 ms. 365. Thankful Kennon ; bap. Feb. 1836 ; m. n. Ball ; wife of Eph- raim (286) ; dis. to Chelmsford, Aug. 25, 1839. 366. Margaret Flagg, sister of Ephraim Kennon (286), wife of Samuel Flagg, Esq. (119) ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, May 20, 1841, and d. June 5, 1867. 367. Sophia H. Fairbank ; bap. Feb. 1836 ; dau. of Artemas and Clarissa (357 and 373) ; m. Seth Chenery, June 7, 1838; dis. to Med- field, June 6, 1841, where she died. 368. Mary Ann Chase Boynton ; m. Anthony Wayne Cleaveland, and was dis. to Medfield, Sept. 10, 1837. 369. LuciNDA Baker ; bap. Feb. 1836. 370. Ann V.Willis; bap. Feb. 1836. 371. Mary Davis; bap. Feb. 1836; dau. of Francis and Lavinia Bigelow (376) ; ni; Elias Davis (359), and d. Feb. 8, 1837, a. 72 yrs. 372. Emily Bigelow ; bap. Feb. 1836 ; dau. of Sampson and Phebe Worcester, sister of Sampson and Phebe (279 and 166), wife of Horatio N. Bigelow, Esq. (223) ; dis. to Lancaster, May 16, 1839. 373. Clarissa Fairbank, wife of Artemas (357), dau. of Abiel and Dolly (Fairbank) Holt, sister of Parkman, Dolly F. and Sophia (475, 111 and 112), and d. Aug. 29, 1867, a. 72. 374. Lydia Vinton, wife, Aug. 1815, of Boylston, who d. Oct. 11, 1860, a. 80 yrs. 10 ms. 1 dy. ; dau. of James and Mary (Wales) Thayer of Braintree; dis. to Holden, April 25, 1860, and d. at West Boylston, Dec. 9, 1868, a. 84 yrs. 3 ms. 10 dys. Boylston Vinton^ and his wife were both descended from the pilgrim John Alden. He was b. Dec. 10, 1779, the son of Josiah and Anne (Adams) Vinton of Braintree. Josiali^ d. Dec. 27, 1843, a. 88 yrs. 8 ms., the son of Thomas and Mehitable. He m. Ann, dau. of Boylston and Mary (Allen) Adams of Braintree, who wash. Feb. 8, 1757, and d. Dec. 18, 1851, a. 94 yrs. 10 ms. 10 dys. Thomas'^ m., first, Mehitable Allen; second, Mary (Hunt) Allen; and was son of Thomas and Hannah (Thayer) of Braintree. Thomas^, who m. Hannah Thayer, was son of John of Woburn and Hannah (Green). Johi^ of Woburn was son of John^ and Ann Vinton of Lynn. 375. Louisa Vinton, dau. of Boylston and Lydia (374) ; bap. Feb. 1836; m. Lvman Pierce (379), March 184G. 38 376. Lavina Bigelow, wife of Francis, dau. of Esq. Ezra (62). She d. Jan. 13, 1849, a. 89 yrs. 1 m. 5 dys. March, 377. Thomas B. Vintox, son of Boylston and Lydia (374) ; bap. March 1836; m. Sophia Nash, who d. Sept. 21, 1870, and was dis. to Braintree, Nov. 3, 1842. 378. Ira Bruce, son of John and Prudence (364): bap. iMarch 1836; m. Phebe L. Sawin (383), Dec. 7, 1836. 379. Lymax Pierce, son of James and Sally (103), bro. of James R., Eliza and Abigail P. (342, 198 and 511) ; ra. Louisa Vinton (375), March 1846. 380. Joel Brooks, bro. of Silas of Worcester; unm. 381. Mary E. Fairbaxk, dau. of Jabez and Hannah (290) ; bap. March 1836 ; m. Merritt Wood, May 12, 1847, and was dis. to Leomin- ster, Dec. 16, 1858. 382. Harriet R. Ames, dau. of Luther and Hannah (250) ; m. William J., son of Aaron and Mary White, May 13, 1850, and was dis. to Salem St, church, Worcester, Feb. 18, 1859. 383- PuEBE LovERixG Sawix ; bap. March 1836; dau. of Joel and Zilpha, who d. Dec. 19, 1869, a. 84 ; sister of Maria B. and Betsey M. (see 450 and 510) ; m. Ira Bruce (378). 384. Abigail D. Fairbaxk, dau. of Jabez and Hannah (290) ; bap. March 1836 ; m. James, son of John and Mary Edwards, June 11, 1844, and d. at Lancaster, May 16, 1852, a. 36 yrs. 8 ms. 23 dys. 385. Margery Axx Taft, dau. of Andre and Sarah (171) ; bap. April 3, 1825; re-bap. March 1836; m. Charles W. Hartwell (256), pub. April 14, 1838. 386. Esther Fairbaxk, dau. of Dea. Lemuel and Phebe (18 and 19) ; bap, at Sterling, July 1788 ; unm. 387. Axx Strattox, dau. of John H. and Sarah B. (232) ; m. Mer- vine W. Chase of Sterling, pub. Jan. 16, 1839, May. 288. TiiAXKEUL Emily Prouty, dau. of Joshua and Phebe (146) ; bap. May 1836 ; m. Feb. 27, 1837, Elijah Knight, Jr., who d. July 31, 1868, a. 63 yrs. 4 ms. 29 dys. ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, July 20, 1845 ; rec. from Union church, Worcester, Oct. 16, 1851 ; dis. to Calvinist church, Worcester, Nov. 18, 1858. 390. Thankful Wilder, dau. of Dea. Lemuel and Phebe Fairbank (18 and 19); bap. in 1779; m., first, Samuel Whitcomb ; m., second, Reuben Wilder (32), and d. Jan. 28, 1855, a. 80. 391. Mary Ann Harthax, dau. of Peter and Mary Ross, sister of William J. (592), wife of Silas S. (532), and was dis. to First church, Worcester, July 3, 1845. 392. Relief S. Taylor, sister of Miranda E., Eunice S. and Sally (197, 332 and 670) ; m. Daniel S. Taylor, April 13, 1842; dis. to Lan- caster, April 1, 1844. 393. Olive Ross, sister of William J. (592) ; bap. May 1836 ; dis. to Baptist church. Sterling, June 10, 1838, 394. Julia Axx Fairbaxk, dau. of Artemas and Clarissa (357 and 373) ; m. Bertrand, son of Josepli and Rebecca (Sawver) Hinds, April 7. 1853. 39 > \Vdo. il.vKKiETlioiJiiixs Stkattox, (liiii. of Joliii II. aud Sarah (232) ; bap. April 11, 1830; unm. ; d. Dec. IG, 1854, a. 32 yrs. 1 m. 18 dys. 396. Catiikrine ]\[. Faikhank, dau. of" Artemas and Clarissa Fair- bank (3.37 and 37;)) ; bap. May 1830 ; ni. Edwin Andrews, Oct. 10, 1842 ; dis. to Clinton, June 21, 18G1. 397. Catiikiuxe A. Ciiaffix, dau. of Nathan and Patience B. (493) ; m. Otis A., son of Ethan and Catherine Temple, Nov. 5,' 1846. 398. Mary Axn Vixtox ; b. March 6, 1823 ; dau. of Boylston and Lydia (374) ; bap. jNIay 1836 ; ni. Lucius 1)., son of Ziba and Lois Tompkins, April 6, 1853 (see 651) ; dis. to First Presb. church. Orange, N. J., Jan. 19, 1854, where she died. 399. Samuel M. Griggs, son of Dr. Saniuel and Sarah (309 and 310) ; dis. to Westboro\ Nov. 29, 1840. 400. Charles II. Lorixg, son of Daniel and Sabra (Maynard), who d. Sept. 30, 1846, a. 61; bro. of Henry A. (696); m., first, INIelissa Reed, who d. March 16, 1845, a. 20 yrs. 5 ms. 16 dys. ; m., second, Maria 11. Bigelow (565) ; m., third, Pratt, dau. of Joel, and was dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 401. Francis William Davis, son of Francis and Mary (264 and 213) ; bap. July 30, 1828; m. Abby B. , who d. Jan. 12, 1856. He was dis. to Lowell, July 2, 1840, and d. July 6, 1851, a. 26. 402. Artemas Fairbaxk, son of Artemas and Clarissa (357 and 373) ; d. a young man. 403. Martha Baxter; lived with J. H. Moore (187). 404. EuxiCE Prescott; b. Sept. 16, 1816; dau. of Brigham and Eunice (328); m., April 1838, Silas Newton (429), and d. Jan. 25, 1858, a. 41 yrs. 3 ms. 28 dys. 445. William Flagg, son of Samuel and Margaret (119 and 366) ; m. Louisa H. Hardy (416) ; Avas dis. to Union church, Worcester, May 20, 1841, where he d. June 11, 1843, a. 31. 406. Olive Graves Paixe, by letter; wife of Rev. Elijah Paine, who d. pastor of the church, Sept. 14, 1836. She afterward m. Pratt, and lived at Northampton. 407. Arethusa Wilder, by letter; m. n. Manning; wife of Jones Wilder (526) ; dis. to Sterling,' June 17, 1852. July 3. 408. Rhoda Lawijexce, by letter ; m. n. Russell ; wife of Samuel Lawrence, and d. 1851. 409. John Watson, by letter. He Avas from Princeton ; m. Harriet Estabrook (410), pub. Feb. 10, 1822, and was dis. to Holden, July 2, 1840. 410. Harriet Watson, bv letter ; dau. of Jonathan and Eunice Es- tabrook, wife of John (409) ;*'dis. to Holden, July 2, 1840. 411. Noah Smith, by letter. He was son of Rev. David and Hepsi- liah (Worcester) Smith, the half-sister of Rev. Noah Worcester, D. D. (see 666); m. ^Mary Perry (412), and d. at West Boylston, Nov. 22, 1837, a. 39 yrs. 2 ms. 15 dys. 412. Mary Smith, by letter ; dau. of Hannah Perry (180), wife of Dea. Noah (411), and d. Dec. 2, 1837, a, 38. 1837. May. 413. Moses Brigham, by letter; m. Chloc Pond (414) ; was elected 40 deacon of the church, Jan. 5, 1838, and dis. to Fourth St. Cong, church. New Bedford, Feb. 6, 18 i8. 414. Chloe Briguam, by letter; wife of Dea. Moses (413), and d. in Worcester, May 30, 1846, a. 48. 415. Edward Phelps, by letter; unni. ; dis. to Lancaster, May 1, 1863. November 3. 416. Louisa H. Flacg, by letter from Hollis, N. H. ; m. n. Hardy; m., first, William Flagg (405) ; m., second, Horatio Eager of Westmin- ster. She was dis. to tJnion church, Worcester, May 20, 1841. 417. Sarah Ann Hahdy, by letter from Hollis, N. H. ; dau. of Sam- uel and Margaret Flagg (11*J and 366) ; dis. to Union church, Worces- ter, May 20, 1841. 1838. March 2. 418. Maria Fiske, by letter from Holden ; dau. of Thadeus and Eunice Nichols, sister of Lois (163), second wife of Dea. James Fiske (212). March 4. 419. Lydia M. Howe, wife of Joel, son of Jotham and Dorothy (Smith) Howe, who d. Jan. 12, 1864. She was dis, to Calvinist church, Worcester, April 29, 1864. 420. Betsey Eames, dau. of Luther Rice and of his wife Betsey, the dau. of Ezra Beaman, Esq. (62) ; second wife of Levi, who d. Dec. 13, 1869, the son of William Eames (see 73). She d. in Worcester, Nov. 21, 1853, a. 63, 421. Miranda Cook, dau. of Joseph and Tamer (Winn) Cook, sis- ter of Rebecca and Hannah (175 and 229); bap. March 4, 1838; m. Charles Parker; d. at Southboro\ Feb. 1867. 422. Hannah Holt, dau. of Judah and Tabitha Wright of Bedford ; m., Nov. 24, 1803, John, son of Ephraim and Sarah (Black) Holt of Holden, who d. April 1, 1836 ; dis. to Calvanist church, Worcester, May 16, 1839; rec. from Calvinist church, Worcester, Nov, 1, 1846; d. Jan. 3, 1857, a. 77 yrs. 8 ms. 5 dys. 423. Elisabeth M. Fairbank, dau, of Isaac and Prudence (Gerish) Fairbank, granddaughter of Seth and Relief (42 and 43) ; bap. March 4, 1838; m. Lotan Cleaveland (483), June 24, 1858, and d. April 14, 1865, a. 43 yrs. 8 ms. 424. Emily Wilder, dau. of Jones and Arethusa (526 and 407) ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. May 6. 425. Simon Morse, son of Jeremiah and Relief (Stratton) Morse, grandson of Joseph of Holden, bro. of Betsey (123) ; bap. May 6, 1838 ; m. Lucy Glazier (426), April 28, 1824; dis. to Sterling, Feb. 16, 1860. 426. Lucy Morse, dau. of Jason and Sarah Glazier (64 and 6o) ; bap. Dec, 26, 1802 ; wife of Simon (425) ; dis. to Sterling, Feb. 16, 1860. June 29. 427. Lucy Pierce, by letter from Bolton ; m. n. Davis ; wife of Joel (436) ; dis. to Clinton, May 3, 1846 ; d. at Berlin, May 3, 1851, a. 78. 428. Lucy Pierce, dau. of Joel and Lucy (436 and 427) ; unm; dis. to Brighton, April 16, 1857. 41 429. SiL.vs NpiWTOx, by letter froui Brattleboro\ Vt. ; sou of Doa. Windsor, the bro. of Capt. Silas (106), and of Polly (Dickerman) Xewton of Paxton; m. Eunice Presoott (404), April 17* 18o8; dis. to Wood- stock, Yt., July 3, 183G. 430. JoxATFi.vx PiEUCK, bv letter from Sutton ; son of John and Lucy (Caroll) Pierce; m. Fidelia P»eauian (431), Oct. 28, 1830, and d. July 13, 1862, a. o7 yrs. 2 nis. 22 dys. 431. Fidelia B. Pieuce, by letter Ironi Sutton ; dau. of Phineas and Phebe (^lerriam) Beaman of Princeton ; in., first, Jonathan Pierce (430) : m., second, Reuben P., son of David and Elisabeth Ann Whitnev, April 27, 1865, and d. March 10, 1866, a. 58 yrs. Ums. 9 dys. August 31. 432. Browx Emerson, by letter from the church in Yale college. lie was son of Jacob and Dorotha of Harvard ; graduated at Yale ; studied theology with Rev. Dr. Fisher of Harvard and at Andover Sem- inary ; Avas settled first at West Boylston, from Aug. 3, 1837, to Nov. 6, 1839; then at Torringford, Conn. He was afterward an agent for a time, and stated supply at Northumberland, Penn., Dracut, Mass., Belle- ville and Vineland, N. J., Westminster, Mass., from June 7, 1859, to March 1862, and Burlington, Conn. He m. Catherine B. Emerson (433) , April 10, 1838, and was dis. to Torringford Conn., Oct. 24, 1841. "He was a man of good learning, sound and discriminating in matters of the- ology, and gave very good sermons."' — Historircd Discourse at Westmin- ster, hy Rev. A. Jadson Rich. 433. Catherine B. Emerson, by letter from Third Evang. church, Salem. She was dau. of Rev. Brown Emerson, D. D., of Salem; m. Rev. Brown Emerson (432), pub. March 26, 1838, and was dis. to Tor- ringford, Conn., Oct. 24, 1841. 1839. January 6. 434. Mary Ann Parker, by letter from the Baptist church, West Boylston; sister of Hiram and Margaret F. Morgan (443 and 222), wife of Dea. Joseph B. Parker (280) . Their marriage is supposed to have been the first in town, celebrated without the use of wine, and that of A. E. Winter, seven days after, was the second. She was dis. to High St. church, Providence, R. I., July 26, 1840. 435. Cerintha I). Brown, by letter li-om Fitchbnrg; m. Charles Lamb, and was dis. to Northboro\ Feb. 10, 1854. 436. Joel Pierce, m. Lucv Davis (427), April 18, 1791, and d. Nov. 11, 1847, a. 80. :^iay ;;. 437. JANb: L.vwRENCi:, by letter from Temple, Me. ; dau. ol" Chand- ler and Mary (Hale) Lawrem^e, and granddaughter of Rhoda (4(KS) ; ui. Crocker Sampson, and was dis. to Temple, ^le., .\ug. 16, 1840. May 5. 438. Rl'fus Holman, m., Nov. 29, 1798, Tryphena Rice of Holden (439) ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852, where he d..Nov. 28, 1853, a. 77. He was son of Stephen and Martha of Sterling. 439. Tryphena Holman, wife of Rufus (438) : d, at Marlboro', July 6, 1848., a. 73. 6 42 July 5. 44U. Joel Ckowl, bv letter from Paxton ; m. DoUv Fairbank (312), March 28, 1882: dis. to'Sterling, March lo, 1860. August '2b. •i-11. Sarah W. Stilks, by letter from Calvinist church, Worcester; wife of John C. Stiles, and was dis. to Lancaster, June 17, 1847, August 30. 442. Hexry a. Riciiakdsox, by letter from First church, Worces- ter; m. Harriet D. Bliss (485), and was dis. to Calvinist church, Wor- cester, May 15, 1845. September 1, 443. Hiram Morgan, by letter from Marshall, Mich. ; son of Calvin and Polly of Brimfield ; m., first, Clarissa Lucina Rich (444) ; ra., sec- ond, Eunice, dau. of Paul Goodale, Dec. 13, 1855. He was dis. to Clin- ton, Nov. 3, 1844, and d. at Worcester, June 28, 1860, a. 62. 444. Clarissa Lucina ^Morgan, by letter from Marshall, Mich. ; m. n. Rich; dau. of Noah and Clarissa ofEgremont; wife of Hiram (443) ; dis. to Clinton, Nov. 3, 1844, and d. Julv 18, 1854, a. 49._ 445. Benjamin Taft, by letter from Northbridge ; m. Mary Kimball (446) ; dis. to Northbridge,' May 14, 1843. He was bro. of Andre, and son of Josiah. (See 171.) 446. Mary Taft, bv letter from Northbridge ; wife of Benjamin (445) ; dis. to Northbridge, ]May 14, 1843. 447. Thomas Kkyes, sonof Thomasand JMary (Temple) Keyes, bro, of Asa (260) ; m. Lvdia, sister of Eunice Harthan (195), Mav 26, 1791. who d. Oct. 25, 1824, a. 59 yrs. 8 ms. 7 dys. He d. June 25, 1856, a. 89 vrs. 5 ms. 5 dys. Thomas Kcyes^' was son of T/iomas'\ who. d. Dec. 21," 1812, a. 75, 'and Mary (Temple), who d. Jan. 21, 1800, a. 58 yrs. 10 ms. 12 dys., dau. of Isaac; and grandson of Dea. Jonathan-* of Shrewsbury, and Patience (Morse), aunt of Joseph (3). Dea. Jona- llian'^ was son of Dea. Thomas'-^ and Elisabeth, dau. of John and Elisa- beth Howe of Marlboro', and grandson of Ellas'^ and Sarah (Blanford) of Shrewsbury, and great grandson of RoherO and Sarah Keyes, who were early settlers of Watertown and Newbury. 448. Mark Bruce, of Bolton ; m. Adaline Holman of Sterling (275), July 25, 1831 ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 449. John Q. A. Pierce, son of Ezekiel and Ruth (130) ; m., first, Delia P. Bliss (474), pub. March 8, 1840; m., second, Elisabeth, dau. of Aaron Whittaker of Princeton ; m., third, Carrie Burditt of Leomin- ster. He was dis. to Leominster, Oct. 24, 1847. 450. Abel White, son of Abel and Sylvia (Brown) White of Heath, bro. of Tarbel H. (518) ; m. jNIaria B. (510), dau. of Joel and Zilpha Sawin, Aug. 27, 1846. 451. George W. Goodale, son of Levi and Eunice H. (168 and 169) ; bap. April 3, 1825; was dis. to Presb. church, Clinton, N. J., Oct. 12, 1848, and became a clergyman and teacher in the West. He ra. Mary Hope of Sag Harbor. -^ 452. Edwin Holmes, son of Thomas and Sarah (153 and 154) ; bap. Aug. 26, 1822; m. Eliza Ann, sister of Henry A. Richardson (442), May 28, 1844, and was dis. to Fitchburg, Aug. 15, 1844. 43 •ioo. ELisABiiTii Susan Tikkge, sister of Jonathan and William N. (430 and 790) ; bap. Sept. 1, 1839 ; m. Artemas H. Parker, May 23, l8-i4. He was a bro. of Dea. Joseph B. (280) ; stndied with a view to the ministry, but was prevented by failing health. After marriage she wrote her name Susan E. Parker; and was dis. to Clinton, Nov. 10, 1844. 454. Sakaii a. Kin(I, dau. of Peres and Mary (220) ; m. Charles A., son of John and Lois Brown, March 13, 1849, and was dis, to Ashland, Aug-. 16, 1849. 455. Jane Fishku, dau. of Alpheus and Sylvia (Cleaveland) Fisher, sister of Alma (244) ; bap. Sept. 1, 1839 ; unm. 456. Wiloa:m Austin PiKRCK, son of William and Lydia; m. Maria Loring (337), and d. Dec. 15, 1848, a. 36. October 31. 457. Emelini: Holt, by letter; dau. of Asa and Nancy (151) ; d. March 7, 1851, a. 32 yrs. 2 ms. 13 dys. 458. Catherine R. Rice, by letter; dau. of John and Catherine Davis (477 and 478) ; second wife of Asa Rice, whose first wife, Harriet Read, m. April 4. 1827, d. Aug. 5, 1835, a. 35 yrs. 2 ms. 2 dys. Her marriage with Mr. Rice was Jan. 23, 1838, and she afterward married Dea. Jonas Brooks of Princeton, April 5, 1866. She was dis. to First church, Worcester, Nov. 20, 1856. November 3. 459. Mary Y. Whitaker, bv letter; dis. to Baptist church, West Boylston, July 19, 1840. 460. Amos Child, son of Amos, pub. April 22, 1786, and Dorcas (Davenport) Child, grandson of David and Mehitable (12) ; bap. Nov. 3, 1839; m., first, Eunice Goodnow (172), Jan. 27, 1825; m., second, Melinda (Knowlton), widow of Barney Howe, April 15, 1863, who d. Oct. 17, 1867, a. oQ yrs. 2 ms. He d. Jan. 2, 1869, a. 66. 1840. May 3. 461. Danu) C. Smith, son of Eli and Elniira (462) ; d. Nov. 16, 1842, a. 24. 462. Almira Eldiiidgk, by letter trom Paxton ; dau. of Bradzel and Mary (Flint) Livermore ; m., first, Eli Smith; m., second. Stores Eld- ridge, Jan. 27, 1833, and d. ^[ay 15, 1861, a. 71 yrs. 1 m. July 5. 163. Mary W'nriK, dau. of Thomas and sistor of Thomas, Jr., (sec 637) ; d. Jan. 30, 1850, a. 63. 464. Lydia Lee, dau. of Nathan and Persis Seaver; m., first, Hen- ry Shirland ; m.. second, Oct. 8, 1839, Benjamin Lee, who d. April 22, 1867, a. 90 yrs. 11 ms. 21 dys. She d. Dec. 21, 1861, a. 73 yrs. 10 ms. July 26. , 465. Fanny Rockwood, by letter from First churt-h, Worcester: dis. to Salem St. church, Worcester, July 19, 1849. September 6. 466. Rlrecca Holurook, by letter from Harvard; sister of Rev. Brown Emerson (432), wife of Levi Ilolbrook (361) ; dis. to Bovlston, Dee. 12, 1861. 11 467. Mary Bkigiiam; bap. Sept. 6, 1840; ivife of Hosea, the bro. of Dea. Moses (413) ; dis. to First church, Worcester, March 29, 1857. November J . 468. UiJiAii Eagek, son of Fortunatus and Tamer; m., Nancy Fair- bank, Jan. 16. 1812; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 18o2, and d. Oct. 10, 1856, a. 75. 469. Ezi:kii;l Hill; m. Tamar E. iJuck (470), pub. Oct. 16, 1831, and was dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 470. Tamar E. Hill, wife of Ezekiel (469), dau. of Silas and Deb- orah (Bean) Buck, sister of Dolly W. (489): bap. Xov. 1, 1840; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 471. E>fELiNE Perkins Thomas, dau. ol' Alpheus and Esther King- man ; m., first. Aaron M., son of Aaron and Lydia Thomas (79 and 80), who had previously m., Jan. 1, 1834, Adeline Darling of Holden, and d. June 28, 1840, a.' 31 ; m., second, Russell Holt (.584). Feb. 26, 1844, and d. Dec. 21, 1846, a. 30 yrs. 1 ni. 10 dys. 472. Cynthia H. Fairbank, sister of Sarah II. and Elisabeth M. (335 and 423) ; bap. Nov. 1, 1840; m. Solon L. Beniis (587), and wa^ dis. to Sterling, April 17, 1862. 473. Eliza Wilder, 1-1. WasiiixCtTON Fairb.vniv, son of Benjaiiiiii and Lois ; m. Sophia K. Harris (515), and was dis. to Sterling, Feb. 16, 1860. 515. Sophia E. Fairbvxk, wife of Washington (514) ; dis. to Ster- ling, Feb. 16, 1860. 516. Hannah B. IlAiiniAX, dau. of Capt. Dennis and Anna H. Harthan, granddaughter of David and Prudence (49) ; bap. July 3, 1842 ; unm. ; d. Sept. 2, 1850, a. 25 yrs. 1 m. 2 dys. 517. Nancy G. Muzzy, dau. of Cephas and Xancy (294) ; m., Xov. 26, 1845, Charles M., son of Lotan and Hannah Cleaveland (483 and 165), who d. Feb. 23, 1867. 518. Tarbel H. White, bro. of Abel (450) ; m., first, Louisa M. Ball (624), Oct. 18, 1847; m., second, Adaline A. Ball (646), Nov. 4, 1820; m., third, Betsey B. Brigham (491), Nov. 10, 1861. He was dis. to Meth. church, Oakdale, Oct. 15, 1858 ; rec. from Oakdale, Jan. 4, 1866, and d. Dec. 30, 1868, a. 42 yrs. 6 ms. 519. Lucia Hamett Fairbaxk, sister of Sarah H. (335) ; bap. July 3, 1842, and d. March 25, 1845, a. 19 yrs. 6 ms. 5 dys. September 5. 520. Abigail R. Davis, dau. of John and Catherine (477 and 478) ; bap. Sept. 5, 1842; m., first, John D. Green, April 15, 1845. 521. Polly W. Ames, dau. of Luther and Hannah (250) ; bap. June 20, 1830. She d. unm., Oct. 30, 1870, a. 50. 522. Lucy Parker; bap. Sept. 5, 1842; dis. to Calvinist church, Worcester, July 20, 1845 September 18. 523. HoitACE Houghton, bv letter from Berlin ; cousin of Rev. Wm. A. Houghton of Berlin; m. Elisabeth M. Snow (558), Nov. 27, 1845; dis. to Brighton, Sept. 1, 1844; rec. from Brighton, Oct. 26, 1845; dis. to First church, Worcester, Oct. 17, 1850. November 6. 524. Oliver Capkx Nelson, son of Ephraim of Sterling, and his wife, Olive Brown ; m. . December 15. 525. Elisabeth C. Richards, by letter from Evang. church, West- boro' ; m. n. Newton, wife of Leander (527) ; dis. to Second iMeth. church, Worcester, Aug. 21, 1851. 1843. January 1. 526. Jones Wilder, m. Arethusa Manning of Townsend (407), pub. Dec. 12, 1819, and was dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 527. Leander >RiCHAKDS, m. Elisabeth C. Newton (525). 528. Asenath Bliss, sister of Delia P. and Harriet 1). (474 and 485) ; m. Nathan A. Bovnton (497), and was dis. to Clinton, June 14, 1846. 529. Louisa M. Pierce, dau. of Col. Levi Goodale (168) ; m. J. Warren Pierce (479) ; dis. to South Orange, July 2, 1846. January 20. 530. Lucy C. Pierce, by letter from Sutton ; sister of Jonathan 48 (430) ; lu., May l>)->7, David D. Pivseutt, b. Aug. TJ, ISOo, sou of John, who d. in 18-18, and Eunice ('I)iii-;inoi'e), and grandson of Jonathan and Mary (-16 and 4-3) . 531. Sai^aii D. PiERCi;, bv letter from Sutton: sister of .Jonathan (4^0) : d. at Clinton, Sopt. 4,* 1849, a. o4. September 3. .332. Silas 8. Harthax. son of Antipas S. and Cynthia (139) ; m. Mary Ann Ross (391), pub. Dec. 18, 183.3: di?. to First church. Wor- cester. July 3, 184.3. .333. Gaijdxeu Emmons Goodalk. son of Dea. Abel and Mehitable (120 and 181) : bap. Aug. 28, 182-3; m. Harriet Thompson (553), pub. Oct. 13, 1844. 534. Mai!Y Rick, dau. of Jonathan Pierce, the bro. of John, (see 430) ; bap. Sept. 3, 1843; wife of Jabez, who d. Jan. 11, 1867, a. 73 yrs. 6 ms. 16 dys., the son of Luther and Betsey (Beaman) Rice of AYor- cester. (See 420.) 535. Martha Levixa Holt, bap. Sept. 3, 1843; dau. of Meritt Wood of Princeton, wife of Henry >'. (3.50), m. Dec. 22, 1841; dis. to Leominster, July 5, 1867. 536. Xancy W. Pierck, dau. of James and Sally (103) ; m. Charles A. Dinsmore, .Tan, 13, 1847, and d. at N. Bridgewater, Oct. 5, 1853, a. .30. 537. Eleanor Lovell, by letter from Ilolden; wife of John D. (.585) ; dis. to First church, Worcester, Jan. 21, 1858. She was dau. of James of Holden, m. 1813, and Sally (Kilburn) Winch of Pinceton, who d. April 30, 1849, a. oo yrs. 9 ms. 9 dys. ; and granddaughter of John and Keziah Wincli. 1844. January 1. 538. Caroline Augustus Green, dau. of Isaac and Abigail R. (271) ; bap. July 11, 1824; m. Oct. .30, 1844, Cyrus, son of Jason and his sec- ond wife, Sally (Raymond) Goodale, (see 93). She was dis. to Presb, church, Grandieu, 111., Feb. 15, 1849. March 3. 539. Clarissa Y. Goodale, bv letter; dau. of Paul and Azuba (161 and 162) ; m. Hiram B. Garfield, April 13, 1848. 540. Edmund Parker, ))y letter; m. Rebecca (541), and was dis. to HoUiston, June 20, 1850. 541. Rebecca Parker, by letter: wife of Dea. Edmund (540) ; dis. to HoUiston, June 20, 1850. ' 542. Fidelia A. Parker, bv letter: dau. of Dea. Edmund and Re- becca (540 and 541) ; dis. to HoUiston, June 20, 1850. April 7. 543. Harriet Davis, dau. of John and Catherine (477 and 478) : bap. April 7, 1844, and d. April 13, 1844, a. 16 yrs. 6 ms. May 5. 544. Nathan R. Tilton, by letter from Union church, Worcester; son of Joseph and EHsabeth (Russell) Tilton, bro. of Aaron (203) ; m., first, Polly Banister of Boylston, Feb. 23, 1807; m., second, Sally B. Barton (545), Aug. 29, 1818; di.s. to South Royalston, Aug. 16, 1860. and d. at West Boylston, March 18, 1866, a. 82 yrs. 6 ms. 6 dys. 49 545. Sally Tilton, by letter from Union church, Worcester; dau. of Jesse and Martha (Jenks) Busby of Pawtucket, R. I. ; m., first, John Barton, who d. Nov. 18, 1817. a*. 40; m., second, Nathan li, Tilton (544) ; dis. to S. Royalston, Aug. 16, 1860, and d. Jan. 8, 1865, a. 73. 546. Luke Banister Tilton, by letter from Boylston ; son of Na- than R. and Polly (Banister) Tilton (544) ; m. Amanda, dau. of John and Anna Howlitt of W. Woodstock, Ct., and d. Dec. 22, 1863, a. 55 yrs. 8 ms. 16 dys. 547. Amanda Tiltox, bv letter from Bovlston ; wife of Luke B. (546). 548. Ellen R. Davis, by letter fron Meth. Epis. church, Worcester; dau. of John and Catherine (477 and 478), m. Oct. 3, 1850, Rev. Hiram Houston, son of Alex, and Lydia, who graduated at Bangor The- ological Seminary. 1850. She was dis. to Orland, Me., Oct. 17, 1850. July 7. 549. Abigail W. Howe, dau. of John; ni. Edmund Wetherbee, and was dis. to Acton, Feb. 16, 1860. November 3. 550. Mary P. Binney, bv letter from Boylston ; unm. ; d. Dec. 23, 1844, a. 38. 1845. May 4. 551. Silas M. Wilder, by letter; son of Silas, who d. Feb, 19, 1850, a. 79, and grandson of Silas, who d. Nov. 19, 1833, a. 85; m. Katy Osgood (552), and was dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 552. Katy Wilder, received by letter; wife of Silas M. (551), dau. of J. W. and Hannah Osgood of Wendall; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852, where she d. Nov. 29, 1862, aged 64 yrs.' 6 ms. 21 dys. June 15. 553. Harriet Godale, by letter from New Braintree ; m. n. Tomp- son ; wife of G. Emmons Goodale (533) . * June 28. 554. Mary Ann Houghton, by letter from Ware Village ; dau. of Joel and Anna (Howe) Goulding, sister of Loanza (557) ; wife of Saw- yer Houghton, son of Abner and Phebe of Sterling, September 4. 555. Rhoda Smith, by letter from Rutland; wife of Dr. John, son of George and Jane, who d. Sept, 28, 1859, a. 96 yrs. 1 m. 6 dys. September 21. 556. Adeline A. Smith, bv letter from Princeton ; m. n. Parker, wife of Stephen H. (618) ; dis. to Sterling, Nov. 20, 1862. December 7. 557. Loanza Goulding, by letter from Ware Village; sister of Mary A. (554) ; m. Rev. WiUiam A. Benton, graduate of Yale College, 1843, and of East Windsor Theological Institute, 1846, married and or- dained May 18, 1847, missionary of the American Board to Syria. She was dis, to the church in Beirut, Svria. Mav 9, 1847. 50 December 28. 558. Elisabkth M. HorGiiTOX, by letter from F. W. Baptist church, Farnumsville ; m. n. Snow, wife of Horace (523); dis. to First church, Worcester, Oct. 17, 1850. 184G. January 4. 559. Sauah Ann Goodalk, by letter from jSIedfield ; dau. of Francis and Zilpha Nelson, wife of Col. Levi (168) ; dis. to Medfield, Dec. 17, 1856. May 3. 560. Mahy C. Wahnkr, by letter from Rutland; sister of Jonathan (430) ; m. first, Samuel Stone; m. second, Calvin Warner (787), April 3, 1844; dis. to Harvard, Nov. 16, 1848; rec\l from Harvard, Feb. 28, 1868. July 5. 561. RoxANNA Pierce, by letter from Clinton ; dau. of Rufus and Anna Adams ; m. first, David Wilcox ; m. second, Levi, son of Levi and Persis (Robinson) Pierce, who d. Mar. 24, 1867, a. 72 yrs. 5 ras. 9 dys. Mr. Pierce had previously m. Mary Merriam of Sterling, Dec. 29, 1818, who d. Dec. 4, 1841, a. 45. Mrs. Pierce was dis. to LJxbridge, Nov. 1, 1867. July 26. 562. Nathan Mohsk, by letter from Warwick; son of Nathan C. and Eunice; m. Abigail L. Hartwell (291), Mar. 26, 1846. September 6. 563. MiLLiA Pierce Gijeex, dau. of Isaac and Abigail (271) ; bap. June 4, 1836; m., first, Otis Dexter, son of Joseph and Iktsey Bigelow, April 4, 1850; m., second, Nelson Fairbank. She was dis. to Baptist church, W. Boylston, Dec. 20, 1849. 564. Mary Dinsmore Tilton, dau. of Aaron and Polly (203 and 138) ; bap. June 20. 1830; m. George W., s.)ii of Josei)h and Sallv Stu- art, July 15, 1852. November 1 . 565. Maria B. Loring, by letter from Grafton; m. n. Bigelow ; wife of Charles H. (400); dis, to Sterling, June 17, 1852, and d. Feb. 6, 1862, a. 37 yrs. 11 ms. 566. Hannah Holt, by letter from Calvinist church, Worcester; dau, of Hannah (422) ; unm. November 8. 567. Caroline F. Goodale, from Union church, Worcester; m. n. Shannon; wife of Cyrus K. (492) ; dis. to Sterling, April 25,_1860. 1847. September 5. 568. Oliver Barrett Sawyer, by letter from Berlin ; son of Oliver and Sophia (Rice) Sawyer; m. Angeline A. Baldwin (569), and d. April 15, 1862, a. 45 yrs. 10 ms. 10 dys. 569. Angeline A. Sawyer, by letter from Shrewsbury ; sister of Charles H. Baldwin (617), wife of Oliver B. (568). October 24. 570. Sakah Fi.etcmei;, bv letter from (Jraftou ; sister of John and 51 Edward Phelps (oUi and llo) ; wile ot Lewis W. Fletcher from Lancas- ter, He was son ofUulus and Mary (Sawyer) Fletcher, and d. Nov. 20, 1868, a. 62 yrs. 11 nis. 1 day. November 7. 571. Samuel P. Bailey, l)y letter from Nelson, N. H. ; in. Ann E. Phelps (572) ; dis. to Barnet, Vt., Oct. 12, 1854. 572. Anx E. Bailey, by letter from Baptist church, Nelson, N. 11. ; wile of Samuel (571) ; dis. to Barnet, Vt., Oct. 12, 1854. 573. John N. AVest, by letter from Meth. Epis. church, Nashua, N. H, ; m. Mary M. Hatch" (574) ; dis. to Princeton, Sept. 21, 1848; ree'd from Princeton, May 24, 1849 ; dis. to Ashland, :March 4, 1864. 574. Maky jNI. West, by letter from Meth. Epis. church, Bristol, R. L ; wife of John N. (573) ; dis. and ree. and again dis. with her husband. 1848. January 2. 575. (jEoiuiE W. Wauken, by letter from the church in Amherst •college. He was son of F^ph. and Nancy of Lunenburg, and grad. at A. C, 1845, and Vt. Med. Col., 1847 ; m., first, Lydia L., dau. of Andrew and Lydia Bigelow (576), Sept. 26, 1847 ; ra., second. Fallen Sanford, dau. of Montraville and Parney P. Flagg, April 27, 1862. 576. Lydia L. Wakkex, by letter from Kochester, Mass. ; half sister of Rev. Jonathan Bigelow (101); wife of George W. AVarren, M. D. (575) ; d. F^eb. 12, 1861, a. 40 yrs. 4 ms. 18 dys. 577. Samuel M. MEKi{iAM,'by letter from Mason, N. H. 578. E E. Meijklvm, by letter from Temple, N. H. ; wife of Samuel M. (577). February 17. 579. Sahaii p. Holt, by letter from Garland, Me. ; dau. of Jonas and Nancy Parker; wife ofRussel Holt (584) ; m. May 19, 1847. April 20. 580. Martha J. Keyes, from Westboro* ; wife of L)ea. Asa 276) ; dis. to Sterling, July 19, 1855, where she d. Feb. 25, 1867, a. 61 yrs. 10 ms. 4 dys. She was born in Southboro', the dau. of Joseph and Charlotte (Hastings) Johnson. 581. Martha J. Worcester, by letter from Webster; dau. of AVil- liam and Sybil (191) ; m. Edwin Morse, May 1, 1850. 582. Joanna B. Andhews, by letter from Billerica John S. Andrews (583) ; dis. to Ashby, April 25, 1861. July 1. 583. ' John S. Andrews, by letter from 1^'itcliburg ; m. Joanna B. Wilson (582), pub. March 18, 1848; dis. to Ashby, April 25, 1861. July 2. 584. RusselHolt, son of Jonas and Anna (86 and 87) ; bap. April 9, 1809; m., first, Emeline P. Thomas (471), pub. Feb. 10, 1844; m., second, Sarah Parker (579), pub. May 2. 1847. 585. John D. Lovell, son of Cyrus and Lois (269) ; bap. July 2, 1848; m. Eleanor Winch (537), pub. March 26, 1843; dis. to First church, Worcester, Jan. 21, 1858. 586. Leonard W. Keyes, son of Solomon and Rebecca; bap. July 52 2, 1848; ni. Marv Rand (594), April 19, 1816; dis. to Spencer, Mar. 1, 1867. 537. Solon L. Bkmis, son of Jacob and Eunice (sec 2U4) ; m. Cynthia H. Fairbauk (472), June 15, 1848, and was dis. to Sterling, April 17, 1862. 588. Charles Moksk, son of Benjamin, and grandson of Joseph and Sophia (o and 4) ; bap. Julv 2, 1848; m. Lucretia Muzzy (296), Nov. 22, 1838. 589. Geokge E. Smith, son of Eli and Elmira (462) ; bap. July 2, 1848; m. Sarah J. Harthan (620), May 19, 1853, and was dis. to Cal- vinist church, Worcester, Dec. 19, 1850. 590. EzKA Beaman Rice, son of Jabez and Mary (Pierce) Rice (534) ; bap. Jnly 2, 1848; m., first, Almira F. Worcester (698), April 10, 1850; m., second, Susan L. Wood (784), May 30, 1866 ; m., third, Martha L. Boutelle, Aug. 16, 1870. 591. Rodney Merrick Rice, son of Jabez and Mary (534) ; bap. July 2, 1848; m. Anna Susan Wingate (747), June 27, 1861. 592. William J. Ross, son of Peter and Mary (Burpee), who were m. Sept. 11, 1811; ni., first, Harriet Merriam (610); m., second, Ma- ria L. Pierce (337), Feb. 21, 1850, and was dis. to Second Advent So- ciety, Worcester, July 19, 1855. 593. Juli.v Ann Child, dau. of Amos and Eunice (460 and 172) ; bap. April 2, 1826 ; second wife of George F., son of Thomas and Esther Howe ; m. Oct. 13, 1852. 594. Mary Keyes, dau. of Moses and Martha Rand (sec 724) ; m. Leonard W. Keyes (586) ; dis. to Spencer, March 1, 1867. 595. Catherine C. Cross, dau. of Rev, Joseph W. and Frances A. J. Cross (480 and 481) ; m. Charles W. Holbrook (736), Nov. 30, 1853, and was dis. to Salem St. church, Worcester, April 30, 1858. 596. Ann Maria Dinsmore, dau. of George W. and Margaret F. (221 and 222) ; m. Henry B. Goodnow (623), Aug. 29, 1850. 597. Mary Ann Goodwin, dau. of Amariah and Anna; bap. July 2, 1848; became second wife of Chares M., son of Daniel and Rebecca Hartshorn ; m. Nov. 13, 1848. 598. Harriet A. Rice, dau. of Jabez and Mary (534) ; bap. July 2, 1848 ; third wife of Seth Chenery ; m. Oct. 28, 1856, and was dis. to Clinton, March 18, 1858. Mr. Chenery's second wife was Eliza A. Jones ; m. Dec. 29, 1844, and d. Nov. 29, 1853, a. 29 yrs. (See 367). 599. Mary E. Rice, dau. of Jabez and Mary (534) ; bap. July2, 1848. 600. Fidelia H. Keyes, sister of Leonard W. (586) ; bap. July 2, 1848 ; m. Joseph McDonnald, son of Joseph and Mary, who d. March 25, 1860, a. 40 yrs. 10 ms. 15 dys. She was dis. to Meth. Epis. church, Greenbush, N. Y. 601. Harriet F. Pierce, dau. of Ezekiel and Ruth (136) ; bap. July 2, 1848 ; second wife of Nathan L., son of Tristam and Martha Dag- gett; m. Nov. 1, 1855. 602. Eunice A. Davenport, dau. of Isaac N. and Elizabeth G. (318); bap. July 2, 1848; m. Reuben G. Reed (608); dis. to Meth. church, Oakdale, Nov. 17, 1859. 603. Mary B. Child, dau. of Amos and Nancy (484) ; bap. July 2, 1848; m. Alonzo D., son of Charles L. and Nancy S. Pratt, Aug. 24, 1852, and d. Dec. 21, 1858, a. 25 yrs. 6 ms. 19 dys. (See 695). 53 604. Nancy Almiua Child, dan. of Amos and Nancy (484) ; bap. July 2, 1848. 605. Olivk ViNiNG Vinton, dau. of Boylstou and Lydia (374) ; bap. Julv 2, 1848; m., Dec, 1851, John S. Mayo, and was dis. to llolden, Oct. 18, 1860. 606. Sauah Elisauktii Fiskh, dau. of Dca. James and Louisa Fiske (212); bap. Dec. 23, 1832; m. Cyrus Hubbard (797), May 7,1851; (lis. to Holden, June 19, 1851 ; rec. from Holden, Nov 4, 1869. 607. Ruth A. Hall, num., dau. of Josiah an dMartha (Reed) Hall of Londonderry, N. H. 608. Rkubkn Gary Rekd, son of Silas and Mary ; bap. July 2, 1848; m. Eunice A. Davenport (602), Aug. 16, 1849; dis. to Meth. church, Oakdale, Nov. 17, 1859. 609. Hannah Child Paine, dau. of Ebenezer and Cynthia (139) ; bap. May 3, 1829 ; m. Dr. George M., son of Jacob and Lavinia Mahala Nichols, April 3, 1853, and was dis. to Mt. Vernon church, Boston, Dec. 30, 1864. 610. Hakhiet Ross, bap. July 2, 1848, ni. n. Merriam, first wife of WUliam J. Ross (592), and d. Sept. 22, 1849, a. 22. 611. Mary W. Stockwell, by letter from Northboro' ; dau. of Dea. John F. and Charlotte Fay (307 and 308) ; wife of Merrill Stockwell, and was dis. to Westboro\ April 15, 1852. September 3. 612. Horatio Houghton, son of Ezra and Sally R. ; bap. Sept. 3, 1848; m. MaryS. Davis (613), Sept. 2, 1846. 613. Mary S. Houghton, dau. of Gardner, ni. 1825, and Selena (Temple) Davis, wife of Horatio (612) ; bap. Sept. 3, 1848; m, Sept. 2, 1846. 614. John F. Smith, Idi-o. of Georgre E. (589) ; m. Caroline T. Taft (615), Jan. 26, 1841; dis. to Calvinist church, Worcester, Dec. 19, 1860. 615. Caroline T. Smith, dau. of Andre and Sarah Taft (171) ; bap. April 3, 1825 ; wife of John F. (614) ; dis. to Calvinist church, Worces- ter, Dec. 19, 1850. 616. Edmund F. Brigham, bap. Sept. 3, 1848 ; son of Eli and Polly Brigham, and grandson of Edmund and Elisabeth (Beverly) Brigham of Westboro'; m. Hannah F. Temple (628), Jan. 6, 1836. 617. Charles H. Baldwin, son of Henry and Mary ; bap. Sept. 3, 1848; m., first, Harriet Grosvenor, who d. June 23, 1848, a. 22; m., second, Edna J. Flagg (707), Aug. 6, 1851. 618. Stephen Hastings Smith, son of John (85) ; bap. Jan. 4, 1816 ; m. Adeline A. Parker (556), pub. Aug. 25, 1844; dis. to Sterling, Nov. 20, 1862. 619. John Flavel Ivnight, son of Dea. Amos F. and Persis E. (225 and 239) ; bap. May 1836; m. Lydia T, Hastings (783), May 3, 1859; dis. to Northboro\ July 3, 1863 ; rec. from Northboro', Jan. 5, 1867. 620. Sarah J. Harthan, sister of Hannah B. (516) ; bap. Sept. 3, 1848; ra. Geo. E. Smith (589): dis. to Calvinist church, Worcester, Jan. 18, 1855. 621. Clara M. Worcester, dau. of William and Sybil (191)) ; m. Joel D. Barker, Oct. 5. 1850. 54 622. Cii.vrvLuTTio llowi:; dis. to Mctli. cluurli, ShrGvv:>burv, April 21, 1853. 023. Hkxky 13. GooDN(j\v, son of Charles and Mary S. ; ni. Ann Maria Dinsmore (590), Aug, 21), 1850. 624. Louisa M. White, dau. of Jonas and Eliza Ball ; bap. Sept. o, 1848; m. Tarbel 11. White (518), Oct. 18, 1817, and d. Oct. lo, 1850, a. 22 yrs. 3 ms. 17 dys. 625. Sahaii J. Knowlton ; bap. Sept. 3, 1848 ; dis. to Grafton, Aug. 15, 1850. 626. Thomas Nichols Kf.yes, son of Benjamin F. and Lois (133 and 163) ; bap. June 20, 1830; m. Thankful Smith (755), Dec. 4, 1856. September 21. 627. Emily B. llowi:, dau. of Thaddeus and Charlotte ; unm. ; d. Sept. 27, 1848, a. 21 yrs. 7 ms. 2 dys. November 5. 628. Hannah F. Bhigham, bap. Nov. 5, 1848; dau. of Jonas and Hannah Temple, wife of Edmund F. Brigham (G16), pub. May 30, 1835, 629. Maria M. Keves, sister of Leonard W. (586) ; m. Leonard Rand (724), May 1, 1850 ; dis. to Meth. church, Oakdale, April 30, 1861. 1849. April 19. 630. Wilson Asa Faknswohtii, by letter froHi Middlebury, Vt. ; graduated at M. C, 1848, and at And. Sem., 1852; ordained Oct. 21, 1852, a missionary of the A. B. at Cesarea, Armenia. He was dis. to Missionary churcli, Constantinople, Sept. 8, 1867. May 3. 631. Olive E. Whittakeh, by letter from Newfane, Vt. September 2. 632. Napoleon B. Wauijen, bro. of Geo. W. Warren, M. 1). (575) ; bap. Sept. 2, 1849, and d. at Leominster, Oct. 14, 1852, a. 21. 633. James Delano Mooi?e, son of Jamea H. and Jane (187 and 216) ; m. Sarah J. Pierce (675), April 24, 1855 ; dis. to Salem St. church, Worcester, Feb. 23, 1868. 634. Ly'dia Alecia Howe, dau. of Joel and Lydia M. (419) ; bap. Sept. 2, 1849; m. Barnabas D. Rice (692), Oct. 3, 1852; dis. to Boyls- ton, March 15, 1860. 635. Hannah M. Maynahd; bap. Sept. 2, 1849; adopted dau. of Dea. Abel Goodale (120) ; m., first, Thomas N. Hurlburt; m., second, David Emmons Partridge. 636. Lucy M. Muzzy, dau. of Cephas and Nancv (294) ; bap. Sept. 2, 1849 ; d. May 23, 1855, a. 22 yrs. 6 ms. 16 dys. October 18. 637. Lois jM. White, from Rindge, N. II. ; dau. of Henry and Ase- nath (Rand) Smith, third wife of Thomas White, Jr., pub. Nov. 13, 1847 ; d. Oct. 3, 1868, a. 58 yrs. 23 dys. Mr. White m. first, June 4. 1827, Delia H. Snow, who d. Sept. 12, 1837; m., second, Harriet Sawyer, June 2, 1841. November 4. 638. Lois Amanda Harthan, sister of Hannah B. (516) ; bap. Nov. 65 4, 1849; m. Charles \V., sou of James H. and Jane Moore (187 and 216), April 10, 1859; dis. to Presb. church, Ashtabula, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1857. G39. Susan E. Bruck, dau. of Mark and Adeline (418 and 275) ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 640. Eliza J. Muz/a', dau. of Cephas and Nancy (294) ; m. Charles W., son of Elijah andOrinda Taft, Jan. 5, 1853 ; dis. to Brookfield, Vt., May 17, I860," Mr. Taft's first wife was a BoutwcU. 641. Lydia Evklixk Keyks, dau. of Benjamin F. and Lois (133 and 163); bap. Oct. 5, 1835. November 15. 642. LuciNDA K. Winch, by letter from Holden ; sister of Eleanor (537) ; m. Francis L. Cutting (702), July 21, 1852 ; dis. to Eliot church, Newton, Sept. 2, 1864. 1850. February 21. 643. Nathan F. Skaver, by letter from Amesbury ; son of Nathan ; m., first, Mary Bartlett (644); m., second, Sarah Ann Cheney (238), dau. of Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1857 ; dis. to Princeton, March 18, 1858. 644. Mary Seaver, by letter from Amesbury; m. n. Bartlett; first wife of Nathan F. (643) ; d. March 17, 1854, a. 48. March 3. 645. Willia:\i Dinsmore, son of Reuben and Polly G. (508). 646. Adeline A. Ball, sister of Louisa (624) ; bap. March 3, 1850; m. Tarbel U. White (518), Nov. 4, 1850; dis. to Meth. church, Oak- dale, Oct. 15, 1858. She "died in great peace," May 27, 1861. 647. Augusta A. Keyes, sister of Leonard W. (586) ; bap. March 3, 1850. 1851. January 5. 648. Nathaniel E. Fisher, son of David and Betsey, bro. of Jere- miah (656) ; bap. Jan. 5, 1851; m. Susan E. Barron (649), jNIarch 8, 1850; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852, where he d. about 1857. 649. Susan C. Fisher, dau. of Willard and Abigail Barron, wife of Nathaniel E. (648) ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 650. Fordyce Wilder, son of Jones and Arethusa (526 and 407) ; dis. to Sterling, June 17, 1852. 651. Lizzie Blodgett, dau. of Luke and Catherine; bap. Jan. 5, 1851 ; m. Lucius D. Tompkins (see 398) ; dis. to Orange, N. J., Nov. 20, 1862. April 17. 652. George W. Currier, from F. W. Baptist church, Hill, N. H. ; m. Laura A. (653) ; dis. to Marblehead, Jan. 15, 1852. May 4. 553. Laura A. Currier, wife of Geo. W. (652) ; bap. May 4, 1851 ; dis. to Marblehead, Jan. 15, 1862. 654. Catherine Augusta Fairrank, sister of Sarah H. (335) ; bap. Mav4, 1851. July 6. 655. AL\RY AL Wo(^d : dis. to TTolvoke. June 18, 1S57. 56 September 7. 656. Jeremiah Fisher, bro. of Nathaniel E. (648) ; m. Harriet F., dan. of Pliny and Betsey Buck, INIav 15, 1852 ; united with Meth. church at Oakdale Nov. 6, 1865. November 2. 657. DoHOAS W. Harthan, by letter from Leominster; m. n. Fletch- er; wife of Ward Boylston, son of David and Prudence Harthan (49). Mr. Harthan m. first' Harriet Morse, Nov. 27, 1827, who d. Sept. 26, 1847, a. 38. December 18. 658. RuEL Green\\^ood Cowee, by letter from Gardner; bro. of Pierson (305) ; m. Lucy Ann Severy (659). 659. Lucy Ann Cowee, by letter from Gardner; wife of Ruel G. (658) ; dan. of Caleb, who was suddenly killed, April 22, 1815, a. 28 yrs. 8 ms., and his wife, Sally (Moore) Severy, m., March 30, 1808, 'and who afterward m. John INIerriam of Westminster. 1852. January 4. 660. Charles H. Earle, son of Emery; bap. Jan. 4, 1852; m. Su- san B. Fisher (661). 661. Susan B. Earle, wife of Charles H. (660), sister of Nath. E. and Jeremiah Fisher (648 and 656) ; bap. Jan. 4, 1852. 662. Sarah H. Swift, bap. Jan. 1852; m. James Bigelow, and was dis. to Second church, Holyoke, May 20, 1858. 663. Asenath R. Barimn, dau. of William and Abigail; m. Solon W. Houghton, July 5, 1852, son of Levi and Anna. July 4. 664. Franklin Worcester, son of Noah and Nancy R. (666 and 667) ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, April 29, 1864. 665. Frances Merritt, dis. to Saxonville, Jan. 19, 1854. October 14. 666. Noah Worcester, by letter from Thornton, N. H. He was son of Rev. Noah Worcester, D. D., who d. at Brighton, Mass., Oct. 31, 1837, a. 79, and of his first wife, Hannah, dau. of Moses Brown of Newburyport, Mass., who d. Nov. 16, 1797. He m., first, Jan. 1, 1798, Elisabeth, dau. of Moses Brown of Thornton, N. H., who d. Oct. 12, 1802; m., second, April 7, 1805, Lydia, dau. of Samuel Fogg of Holde- ness, N. H., who d. June 9, 1817; m., third, Sept. 3, 1817, Nancy R. (667), dau. of Samuel Fogg of Holdeness, N. H. 667. Nancy R. Worcester, by letter from Thornton, N. H. ; dau. of Samuel Fogg of Holdeness, N. H., third wife of Noah (666) ; dis. to Union Church, Worcester, April 29, 1864. 1853. April 21. 668. Betsey Higgins, from Princeton; wife of Leonard; dis. to Rutland, July 17, 1856. May 20. 669. Hervey Silas Jewett, son of Enos and Clerimond (Myrick) Jewett; m. Sally Taylor (670). 670. Sally Jewett, clau. of Luther and Lucy Taylor, sister of Eu- nice S. (332), wife of Hervey S. (669). 57 August 18. 671. Janette C. Holmes, by letter from Petersham; dau. of Alan- son and Laura (Graves) Lincoln, wife of George Holmes, the son of Thomas and Sally C153 and 154) ; m. Oct. 20, 1852. September 4. 672. Eliz.v DoiaxDA Winter, ddu. of Aaron E. and Dorinda (188 and 233) ; bap. July 19, 1835; m., Aug. 10, 1856, Rev. Charles Fitch Morse, son of Joseph and Abigail of Salem, Vt., who was graduated at A. C, 1853. Andover Seminary, 1856, ordained, at Reading, 1856, a missionary of the A. B. to Turkey. 673. Sarah P. Fletcher, dau. of Lewis W. and Sarah (570) ; bap. Sept. 4, 1853. November 5. 674. Angkline Parker Phelps, dau. of John and Sarah A. (304 and 299) ; bap. Jan. 7, 1838 ; d. March 20, 1857, a. 19 yrs. 4 ms. 21 dys. 675. Sarah J. Pierce, dau. of Jonathan and Fidelia B. (430 and 431) ; bap. Nov. 5, 1853; m. James D. Moore (653), and was dis. to Salem St. church, Worcester, Feb. 23, 1868. 676. Delia M. Pierce, dau. of Jonathan and Fidelia B. (430 and 431) ; bap. Nov. 5, 1853; m. Folansbee C. Hardy, son of Samuel and Sally, June 17, 1856. 677. Sarah Louisa Winter, dau. of Luther and Abigail B. (170 and 333) ; bap. July 19, 1835; m. Aaron Cowee (684), Nov. 4, 1855. 678. Walter W"^. Pierce, son of Jonathan and Fideha B. (430 and 431) ; bap. Nov. 5, 1853; dis. to Clinton, March 25, 1858, and d. June 13, 1861, a. 27 yrs. 679. Charles I. Pierce, son of Jonathan and Fidelia B. (430 and 431) ; bap. Nov. 5, 1853; m. Lucy A. Waterman (739), Dec. 25, 1857. 680. William B. Walling, bap. Nov. 5, 1853 ; dis. to Kansas, Jan. 3, 1856. He was son of William and Mary Ann (Gerry) Wooley of Sterling. 1854. January 1. 681. Sarah D. Smith, dau. of Benjamin and Eliza (Bartlett) Smith; bap. Jan. 1, 1854; m. Thomas Martin, bro. of John (718), April 6, 1856. 682. Maria Morse, dau. of Samuel, who d. Oct. 1, 1868, a. 65 yrs., and Ann M. Haley, who d. Sept. 19, 1860, a. 47 yrs. 6 ms. She m., first, Nov. 23, 1851, James W., son of Simon and Lucy Morse (425 and 426), who d. Nov. 25, 1854, a. 27; m., second, Amasa Alger, and d. Oct. 31, 1864, a. 32 yrs. 1 mo. 10 dys. 683. Caroline E. Haley, sister of Maria (682) . 684. Aaron Cowee, son of Ruel G. and Lucy Ann (658 and 659) ; m. Sarah L. Winter (677), Nov. 4, 1855, and d. Nov. 29, 1857, a. 22 yrs. 5 ms. 10 dys. 685. James Edward Pierce, son of Levi and Mary M. (see 661) ; m. Eliza, dau. of Dr. Ephraim andDorotha G. Lovell, Nov. 28, 1860. March 5. 686. RuFUS Davis, Jr., m. S. Arminda Adams (687), and was dis. to Princeton, Feb. 19, 1857. 687. S. Arminda Davis, wife of Rufus (686) : bap. March 5, 1854; dis. to Princeton, Feb. 19, 1857. 8 58 688. Elbridge G. Higgins, son of Leonard and Betsey (668) ; dis. to Mission Chapel church, Worcester, June 4, 1868. 689. Jaxe Fairbaxk, dau. of Orrin and Nancy W. (270 and 257) ; ra. Leonard G., son of Leonard and Betsey Higgins (668), May 18, 1856, and was dis. to East Douglass, Jan. 19, 1860. March 16. 690. Wasiibukn Lombard, by letter from Salem St. church, Wor- cester; m. Betsey (691) ; was deacon of the church from Nov. 1, 1855, to his dismission to Oxford, March 16, 1865. 691. Betsey Lombard, by letter from Salem St. church, Worcester : wife of Dea. Washburn (690) ; dis. to Oxford, March 16, 1865. April 13. 692. Barnabas Davis Rice, by letter from Holden ; son of Lyman and Louisa; m. Lydia A. Howe (634), Oct. 3. 1852, and was dis. to Boylston, March 15, 1860. May 25. . 693. Benjamin Wadsworth, by letter from Grafton ; m. Thankful Parker (694), and was dis. to First church, Worcester, Feb. 18, 1858. 694. Thankful Wadsworth, by letter from Grafton, wife of Ben- jamin (693) ; dis. to First church, Worcester, Feb. 18, 1858. September 3. 695. Lizzie F. Child, dau. of Amos and Nancy (484) ; bap. Sept. 3, 1854; m. Alonzo D. Pratt, Nov. 3, 1861. (See 603). 1855. April 19. 696. Henry A. Loring, by letter from Baptist church. Sterling, bro. of Charles H. (400) ; m. Maria E. Jewett (697), and was dis. to First church, Worcester, May 3, 1867. 697. Maria E. Loring,' by letter from Harvard, wife of Henry A. (696) ; dis. to First church, Worcester, May 3, 1867. 698. Almira Frances Rice, by letter from Clinton, dau. of Sampson and Betsey T. Worcester (279) ; bap. Sept. 29, 1832 ; m. E. Beaman Rice (590), April 10, 1850, and d, Feb. 26, 1864, a. 34 ys. 9 ms. May 6. 699. Eliza Russell Tiltox, dau. of Aaron and Harriet (202 and 303) ; bap. May 16, 1841. 700. Anna Frances Peck, dau. oi William and Sarah S. ; m. George L., son of David C. and Adeline Murdock (287), Oct. 28, 1855. 701. Harriet R. Rice, dau. of Asa and Catherine (458) ; m. Lo- renzo Q. Spaulding, Nov. 26, 1857, and was dis. to First church, Wor- cester, Nov. 20, 1856. November 1. 702. Francis L. Cutting, by letter from First church, Worcester, son of Lewis and Rebecca; m., first, Ann Wilder, who d. at Worcester, July 14, 1850, a. 27; m., second, Lucinda K. Winch (642), July 21, 1852, and was dis. to Eliot church, Newton, Sept. 2, 1864. 1856. January 20. 703. Marsilvia Ward, received upon statement of her former con- nection with the church at Rindge, N. H., and with the Hillside church at Bolton, and was dis. to Leominster, July 5, 1867. 59 704. Lucy Winter, dau. of William Eames ofNatick (see 73), and wife of Calvin Winter, who d. Nov, 25, 1838, a. 63 yrs. 9 ms. She d. Jan. 6, 1868, a. 81 yrs. 1 m. 13 dys. 705. Elisabeth Moore, dau. of Jonathan and Sybil Wilcox, wife of James H. (187) ; m. May 26, 1855. 706. Hannah Ross,' wife of Alexander; dis. to Meth. church. Oak- dale, June 19, 1862. 707. Edna J.Baldwin, dau. of Benjamin and Lucy M. Flagg; bap. Jan. 20, 1856; m. Charles H. Baldwin (617), Aug. 6, 1851. 708. Abijie M. Mallouy, dau. of Joel and Lydia M. Howe (419) ; bap. Jan. 20, 1856 ; m. John F. Mallory, Nov. 24, 1846. 709. Louisa Smith Bassett, dau. of Jonas and Anna Holt (86 and 87) ; bap. Jan. 6, 1811 ; in. Oliver C. Bassett, May 1, 1837. 710. Harriet M. Prentiss, sister of Sophia L. (504) ; bap. Jan. 20, 1856; m. Joseph W. Cross, Jr. (742), Sept. 5, 1858; dis. to Chat- ham, Aug. 16, 1860, where she died. 711. Caroline C. Rice, dau. of Jabez and Marv (534) ; bap. Jan, 20, 1856. 712. Mary Cowee, dau. of Ruel G, and Lucy Ann (658 and 659) ; m. George Francis, son of James D, and Elisabeth Hildreth, May 1, 1861, 713. Susan C. Holbrook, dau. of Eli W., the bro. of Levi, and of Adaline (Worcester) Holbrook (see 345, 361 and 166) ; bap, Jan, 20, 1856; in. Daniel G., son of Wilson and Phila Rawson, May 10, 1860; dis. to Newton, Feb. 28, 1868. 714. Harriet F. Fairbank, dau. of Artemas and Clarissa (357 and 373) ; m. Wellington E. Parkhurst, son of C. F. W. and Mary G., Sept. 13, 1866 ; dis. to Clinton, Jan. 5, 1867. 715. Eugenia Goulding Winter, dau. of Aaron E. and Dorinda (188 and 233) ; bap. Aug. 16, 1840 ; m. Henry, son of Jesse and Lura Ann Jackson, Dec. 16, 1862. 716. Edwin H. Lo^'ell, son of Cyrus and Louisa (269) ; m. Maria L. Hartwell (717), and was dis. to First church, Worcester, Jan, 21, 1858. 717. Maria Luellen Lovell, bap. Jan. 20, 1826; m. n. Hartwell, wife of Edwin H, (716) ; dis. to First church, Worcester, Jan, 21, 1858. 718. John Martin, son of Christopher and Anna; m. Frances (719), and was dis. to Meth. church, Warren, April 29, 1864. 719. Frances Martin, wife of John (718) ; dis. to Meth. church, Warren, April 29, 1864. 720. Joseph H. Davenport, son of Isaac N. and Elisabeth G, (318) ; m, Mary E, Bartlett (721), July 8, 1851, and was dis. to Fitz- william, N. H.,'Dec. 30, 1864. 721. Mary Ellma Davenport, dau. of Martin and Elima Bartlett, wife of Joseph H. (720) ; dis. to Fitzwilliam, N. H., Dec. 30, 1864. 722. James Whitmore, bap. Jan. 20, 1856; m. Chloe E. Stearns (723). 723. CiiLOE Whitmore, m. n. Stearns, wife of James (722). 724. Leonard Rand, son of Moses and Phebe ; bap. Jan. 20, 1856 ; m. Maria M. Key es (629), May 1, 1850; dis. to Meth. church, Oak- dale, April 30, 1861. 725. John M. Piep.ce, son of Jonathan and Fidelia B. (430 and 60 431) ; bap. Jan. 20, 1856; in. Harriet S. Chandler (766), Jan. 16, 1862. 726. George Calvin Rice, son of Jabez and Mary (o3-4) ; bap. Jan. 20, 1856. February 21. 727. WiNTHROP Snow, by letter from Medfield ; m. Abigail C. Goodalc (728), March 8L 1831. 728. Abigail C. Snow, by letter from Medfield ; dau. of Levi and Abigail Goodale (168), wife of Winthrop (727). March 2. 729. Wii-LiAM T. Stanton, bap. March 2, 1856. His wife was a Catholic, and opposed his connection Avith the church. 730. Emerson Paine Knight, son of Dea. Amos F. and Persis E. (225 and 239); bap. Nov, 12, 1837; m., first, Mary Caroline Brooks, Jan. 3, 1860, who d. Aug. 20, 1867, a. 29 yrs. 5 ms. ; m., second, Au- gusta Clemens Emerson, May 27, 1869 ; dis. to W. Needham, March 15, 1860. 731. Fairbank, son of Orrin and Nancy W. (270 and 257) ; dis. to E. Douglass, March 24, 1859 ; ra. Alice L., dan. of William Lee of N. Y. city, 1867. May 4. 732. Lyman B. Newton, b. Aug. 19, 1839, son of Silas and Eunice (429 and 404) ; dis. to Meth. church, Oakdale, April 30, 1861 ; ra. Ellen Maria Lombard. 733. Ellen M. Lincoln, sister of Janette C. (671) ; m. Willard Stone; dis. to Orange, Feb. 18, 1858. 734. Mary Ann Fiske, dau. of Dea. James and Maria (212 and 418) ; bap. Aug. 22, 1841 ; d. Oct. 23, 1863, a. 22 yrs. 1 m. 6 dys. 735. Emeline M. Thomas, dau. of Aaron M. and Emeline P. (471) ; bap. Mav 4, 1856; m. Elbridge M., son of Edwin and Myra (Wright) Jewell, Jan. 0, 1867, and was dis. to Fluslung, L. 1., Feb. 28, 1868. July 17. 736. Chaijlks W. Holbrook, by letter from Holden ; son of Micah and Roxanna (Richardson) ; m. Catherine C. Cross (595), Nov. 30, 1853; dis. to Salem St. church, Worcester, April 30, 1858. September 18. 737. Miriam Muzzy, by letter from Holden; sister ol' Lois jSichols (163) ; married Cephas Muzzy (294), Jan. 31, 1856. 1857. January 4. 738. Anna Eliza Morse, dau. of Charles and Lucretia (588 and 296); baj:). May 16, 1841; m. David P., son of David and Clarissa Waite, Nov. 22, 1860, and d. March 27, 1868, a. 27 yrs. 5 ms. 15 dys. 1858. January 21. 739. Lucy Ann Pip:rce, by letter from Meth. church, Claremont, N. H. ; m. n. Waterman; m. Charles I. Pierce (679), Dec. 25, 1857. July 4. 740. Hannah Davis, b. at Chesterfield, N. II., dau. of Reuben and Hannah (Kimball) Graves ; sister of Olive and Sarah (125 and 154) ; wife of Charles Davis, and d. at W. Boylston, April 2, 1862, a. SO yrs. 11 ms. 25 dys. 61 741. Emily Caroline Phelps, dau. of John and Sarah A. (304 and 299); bap. Nov. 5, 1843; m. September 5. 742. Joseph Warken Cross, son of Rev. Joseph W. and Francei A. J. (480 and 481) ; bap. May 16, 1841 ; m., first, Hattie M. Prentiss (710), Sept. 5, 1858; m., second, Jennie, dau. of Francis and Susan Foster. He was dis. to Chatham, Aug. 16, 1860. 1859. March 6. 74o. Jacob Emerson Holbrook, son of Levi and Rebecca (361 and 466) ; bap. Aug. 22, 1841 ; dis. to Boylston, Dec. 12, 1861. 1860. January 1. 744. Susan Angeline Murdocr, dau. of David C. and Adeline (287) ; bap. Nov. 7, 1841. February 16. 745. Aaron Wingate, by letter from E. Douglass; m. Phebe T. Lamos (746) ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, June 30, 1865. 746. Phebe Tuttlk Wingate, wife of Dea. Aaron (745) ; rec. and dis. with her husband. 747. Anna Susan Wingate, by letter from E. Douglass ; dau. of Dea. Aaron and Phebe T. (745 and 746) ; m. R. Merrick Rice (591). June 27 J 1861. 748. 'Emma G. Wingate, by letter from E. Douglass ; dau. of Dea. Aaron and Phebe T. (745 and 746) ; dis. to Union church, Worcester, June 30, 1865; m. 749. Alonzo Bosworth, by letter from West Springfield; son of Zadock and Julia (752 and 753) ; m. Mary S. Bennett (750). Feb. 12, 1850, and d. July 7, 1870, a. 50 yrs. 2 ms. 14 dys. 750. Mary Smith Bosworth, dau. of Ambrose and Louisa (Smith) Bennett, wife of Alonzo (749) ; rec. with her husband. 751. Julia A. Bosworth, by letter from W. Springfield; dau. of Zadock and Julia (752 and 753) ; m, Lester S. Dewey, May 3, 1864, and was. dis. to Presb. church, Boonville, N. Y., March 23, 1865. April 25. 752. Zadock Bosworth, by letter from W. Springfield; son of Col. Zadock; m. Julia Dewey (753). 753. Julia Bosworth, m. n. Dewey, wife of Zadock (752) ; rec. with her husband. 1862. March. 754. AiiBiE Marsh.^ll Lovell, dau. of Dea. Joseph C. and Marv P. (351 and 507) ; bap. April 14, 1844. 755. Thankful Keyes, dau. of Jerry and Lucy (Keyes) Smith of Marathon, N. Y. ; wife of Thomas N. (626) ; m. Dec. 4, 1856. June 19. 756. Submit Hunt, by letter from East Douglass ; m. n. Cummings ; wife of Dea. Otis W. ; m. May 1, 1823; dis. to First church, Worcester, Aug. 30, 1867. Otis Whiting Hunt was son of Oliver and his first wife Diademia (Whiting); b. July 19, 1801; d. Dec. 21, 1858. Oliver was son of Ezekiel. 62 757. jNIaky L. Hunt, by letter from East Douglass; dau. of Dea. Otis W. and Submit Hunt (756) ; m. A. Ward Waite, bro. of David P. (see 738) ; dis. to First church, Worcester, Aug. 30, 1867. October 31. 758. James Hiix Fitts, by letter from Candia, N. H., son of John and Abigail (Lane) ; m. Mary C. French (759), Jan. 1, 1862. Johiv was son of Reuben^ and Anne (Hill), grandson of Abraham^ and Doro- thy (Hall), and great-grandson of Daniel-^ and Ruth (Brown) of Salis- bury, Mass. Daniel'^ was son of FdchanP and Sarah (Thorne), grand- son of Abraham- a.nd his second Avifc Rebecca (Birdley), and great- grandson of i?o6er^i, who Avas the emigrant ancestor of the family in America. 759. Mary Celina Fitts, by letter from Candia, N. H. ; dau. of Dea. Coffin M. and Dolly (Fillsbury) French, wife of James H. (758). 1864. January 1. 760. Eliza A. Smith, by letter from Rindge, N. H., sister of Lois M. (637), unm. 1865. January 19. 761. Harkiet L. Hinds, by letter from Union church, Worcester; dau. of Lemuel and Lydia (Flagg) Morse, wife of Solon Hinds ; m. Aug. 1, 1855, and d. March 19, 1870. May 5. 762. Ellen L. GoDDARD, by letter from Mi 1 ford ; dis. to Park St. Meth. church, Worcester, March 1, 1866. September 2. 763. Caroline Murdock, by letter from Candia, N. H. ; m. n. Holmes; wife of Rev. William (255). September 3. 764. William Edwards Murdock, son of Rev. William and Mary J. (255) ; dis. to Park St. church, Boston, Sept. 19, 1867. 1866. May 4. 765. Rebecca W. Howe, by letter from Framingham. ' May 6. 766. Harriet Sophia Pierce, dau. of Norman and Sophia Chandler; bap. May 6, 1866; wife of John M. (725). 767. Ruth Freeman Emerson, dau. of Moses C. and Sarah (Free- man) Emerson; bap. May 6, 1866 ; m. Uel »Spencer, June 3, 1868, and was dis. to Hanover, N. H., 1867. June 29. 768. Henry Lewis Phelps, by letter from Sterling; son of John and Sarah A. (304 and 299) ; m. Mary Ella, dau. of Dexter and Rhoda R. (Lawrence) Brown, thegranddau. of Rhoda (408), July 1. 769. Albert Henry Murdock, son of David C and Adeline (287) ; bap. Aug. 4, 1850. 770. Edward Alonzo Bosworth, son of Alonzo and Mary S. (749 and 750); m. Jan. 1871. 6;^ 771. Andrew Sc.vrlett, son of Randolph and Louisa Scarlett. 772. William Leonard, bap. July 1, 18C6 ; dis. to Clinton, May 8, 1867, 773. Ellen Jane Houghton, dau. of Horatio and Mary S. (612 and 613) ; bap. July 1, 1866. 774. Myra Anna Holt, dau. of Ward E. and Elraira P. (Butler) Holt, and granddau. of Jonas and Anna (86 and 87) ; bap. July 1, 1866 ; m. Frederick G., son of Frank and Jane Willson, Dee. 25, 1867, who d. Feb. 16, 1869, a. 21 yrs. 11 ms. September 2. 775. Levi Abu ah Drury, son of Joseph B. and Anna Clark (Mer- riain) Drury (see 659) ; dis. to Gardner, March 5, 1869. 776. Mary Grosvexor Baldwin, dau. of Charles H. and Harriet G. (617) ; bap. Sept. 2, 1866 ; m. Nov. 3, 1870, George L. Lamson, bro. of Mary (796). 777. Ellen Myra Taylor ; dis. to N. Amherst, Dec. 31, 1868 ; dau. of Dr.- Samuel and Olivia Kendall Taylor, granddaughter of Alanson and Laura Lincoln. (See 671.) 778. Sarah Amanda Holt, dau. of Russell and Sarah P. (584 and 589) ; bap. May 4, 1851 ; m. Plorace, son of Erastus Broad, April 7, 1870. 779. George Reed ML'liDOCK, son of Rev. William and Mary J. (255). 780. James Harrigan, bap. Sept. 2, 1866. 781. Edward O. Toombs, son of William; dis. to Free Evang. church, Providence, R. I., Jan. 28, 1869. November 4. 782. Lucy Ann Pierce, bap. Nov. 4, 1866 ; granddaughter of Joel and Lucy (436 and 427) , dau. of Joel, who m. Mary Jane, dau. of Joseph Hawes, Oct. 12, 1845, and d. April 22, 1869, a. 64 yrs. 10 ms. 4 dys. 1867. January 5. 783. Lydia Temple Knight, by letter from Northboro' ; dau. of Joseph and Dolly Andrew (Temple) Hastings, wife of John F. (619). 784. Susan Lincoln Rice, by letter from Westminster ; dau. of Dea. Aaron and A. B. Wood, wife of E. Beaman Rice (590) ; d. Nov. 14, 1868, a. 34 yrs. 4 ms. 785. Sarah H. Brown, by letter from Harvard; wife of Isaac and dau. of Jonas and Sally (Howe) Lovering, who d. Feb. 25, 1869, a. 92 yrs. 20 dys. March 3. 786. Emily Josephine Merrifield, dau. of Charles and Emily (317 and 327). 1868. February 28. 787. Calvin Warner, by letter from Harvard ; m. Mary C. Stone (560), pub. March 3, 1844. April 30. 788. Sanford Holt, by letter from Second church, Hartford, Conn. ; son of Abiel and Sally (Converse) Holt of Ashland, Ct. ; ra. Fidelia Studley (789), Aug. 30, 1835. 64 789. Fidelia Holt, wife of Sanford (788), dan. of Ebenezer and Fidelia (Hodges) Studley ; rec. with her husband. December 31. 790. William N. Pierce, by letter from Clinton ; bro. of Jonathan (430) ; m. Mary A. Dickinson (791) ; dis. to Leicester, Sept. 1, 1870. 791. Mary Ann Pierce, by letter from Clinton ; m. n. Dickinson, of Leicester; wife of William N. (790) ; dis. to Leicester, Sept. 1, 1870. 1869. January 3. 792. Almira Edsox Tyler, bap. Jan. 3, 1869 ; second wife of Hen- ry C, son of Chester and Roxa (Harris) Tyler. 793. Clara Louisa Fiske, dau. of Dea. James and Maria (212 and 418); bap. June 1, 1851. April 29. 794. Franklin Moore, by letter from Holden ; son of Dea. Newell and Eliza (241) ; m. Mary A. Newell (795), May 11, 1862. 795. Mary Alona Moore, by letter from Holden ; dati. of Moses and Chloe (Paddock) Newell, wife of Franklin (794) . October 14, 796. Mary S. B. L.i^ison, dau. of Capt. Lambert, who d. Sept. 2, 1862, a. 59, and of Sophia (Bond) Lamson ; bap. Oct. 14, 1869 ; d. Oct. 19, 1869, a. 28 yrs. 10 ms. 13 dys. November 4. 797. Cyrus Hubbard, by letter from Holden; son of Joseph and Melissa; m. Sarah E. Fiske (606), May 7, 1851. "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart, and of one soul."- ACTS IV. 32. I N D E X . •• riiry which are writtfu in the Lamb's Book of Life."— Rkv. xxl. 27. A. Ames, Haiiiiali ... 250 Harriet B 382 Polly AV .321 Andrews, Joanna 13 582 John S oSo B. Bailey, Samuel P 571 Ann E.. . . 572 Baker, Benoni 131 Joshua 132 Lucinda^ 369 Mercv 149 Phebe 150 Reliance 135 Baldwin, Charles H 617 Edna J 707 Mary G 776 Ball, Adeline A 64:6 Persis 99 Bancroft, Deborah 158 Barran, Asenath R 663 Bascom, Polly 177 Bassett, Louisa S 709 Bates, Francis 292 Baxter, Martha 103 Beaman, Elizabeth 21 Ephraim 69 Ezra 62 Jobiah 20 Mary 63 Tamer 13 Bellows, Eliza 211 Jonas 184 Belknap, Eliza 218 Joseph 217 Beniis, Solon L 587 Benthall, John 202 Sabrina 173 Bigelow, Cynthia 272 Emily 372 Erastus B 319 Horatio N 223 Jonathan 101 Joseph 1 Lavina 376 Olive 2 Polly 266 Binney, Mary P 550 Bliss, Asenath 528 Harriet U 485 Blodgett, Lizzie 651 Boardman, Harriet 164 John 141 BosAvorth, Alonzo 749 EdAvard A 770 Julia A 751 Mary S 750 Zadock 752 753 Boutell, Abigail 35 John 34 Bo\ nton, Asahel R 343 DollvF Ill Lois': 100 Mary A. C 3^3 Nathaniel A 497 Briggs, George W 200 Polly 201 Brigbam, Chloe 414 J^dmund F 616 Brigham, Hannah F 628 Mary 467 Moses -ilo Stephen 81 Brimhall, Louisa 266 Brooks, Joel 380 Brown, Cerintha 1) 435 Eunice 114 Sarah H 785 Bruce, Ira 378 Mark 448 SilasT 344 SusanE 639- Prudence 364 Buck, Dolly W ... 489 Bullard, Liicy 326 Buss, Lovisa 194 C. Chaftin, Catherine A 397 Patience B 493 Cheney, Sarah A 238 Child, Amos 460 Dolly 105 Eunice 172 Julia A 593 Lizzie F 695 Lucretia 183 Lucy 11 503 Lydia 182 Lydia B 274 Mehitable 12 MaryB 603 Nancy 484 N. Almira 604 Clark, Nancy H 487 Clcavelaud, Hannah 165 Lotan 483 • Conant, Sarah D 512 Cook, Miranda 421 llebecca 175 Cowee, Aaron 684 Lucy A 659 Mary 712 Pierson 305 Ruel G 658 Sarah 306 Coxen, James 185 William ■ 237 Cross, Catherine G 595 Cross, Frances A. J 481 Joseph W 480 Joseph W. Jr 742 Crowl, DoUv : 312 Joef. 440 Currier, George \V 652 Laura A 653 Cutting, Deuxia 329 Francis L 702 D. Dana, Jesse 66 Tamer 67 Davenport, Eunice A 602 Isaac N 318 Joseph H 720 MaryE.... ..... 721 Persis R 267 Sarah 341 Davis, Abigail R 520 Barnabas 91 Catherine 478 Elias 359 Eliza A 355 Ellen R 548 Elvira 167 Francis 264 Francis W 401 Hannah 740 Harriet 543 John 477 Marv 213 "' 371 Mary A 506 MaryB 314 MaryR 354 Mercy 92 Persis 50 Rufus 686 S. Arminda 687 Simon 61 Dinsmore, Ann M 596 Dorinda 233 George W 221 Margaret F 222 Polly 138 Polly G 508 Polly L 116 Sarah 11 Silas 115 Dinsiuore, William 645 Drury, Levi A 775 Dweily, Joseph 120 E. Eager, Uriah 4G8 Eanies, Betsey 420 Dolly 73 Earle, Charles II G60 Susan B G61 Eldridge, Almira 4G2 Emerson, Brown, 432 Catherine 433 Ruth F 7G7 Estabrook, Samuel 24 Sarali, 25 F. Fairbank, Abigail D 384 Aratus 251 Artemas 357 " 402 Catherine A 654 Catherine M 396 Clarissa 373 Clarissa A 346 Cynthia H. 472 Elisabeth M 423 Esther 386 Eunice 145 Hannah 229 *' 290 Harlan... l 731 llattieF 714 Jabez 40 Jane 689 Jonathan 37 Julia A 394 Lemuel 18 Luceba A 509 Lucia H 519 MaryE 381 Miriam 41 Orrin 270 Persis S 334 Phebe 19 Rebecca 68 Relief 43 Sally 130 " ' 301 Fairbank, Sarah II. 335 Seth. 42 Sophia E 515 Sophia II 367 Sophronia 313 Submit 38 Washington .... ... 514 Farns worth, Wilson A 630 Fay, Charlotte 308 John F 307 Lucy A 348 Persis E 239 Fisher, Alma 244 Jane 455 Jeremiah 656 Nathaniel E 648 Susan C 649 Fiske, Clara L 793 James 212 Maria 418 Mary A 734 Sarah E 606 Fitts, James II 758 Mary C 759 Flagg, Adeline 288 Caroline 353 Louisa H 416 Margaret 366 Rachel 89 Samuel 119 Silas H 363 William 405 Fletcher, Sarah 570 Sarah P 673 Q. Gale, Esther 127 Oliver 126 Gates, Amos 51 Susannah 52 Gill, John 186 Glazier, Jason 64 Oliver 178 Rachel 179 Sarah 65 Goddard, Ellen S 762 Goodale, Aaron 28 Abel.. 120 Abigail 6 Azuba 162 Goodalu, Caroline F ol)7 Clarissa T 539 Cyrus K 492 P^unice 29 GO P^unice B 243 Eunice H 169 George W 451 G. Emmons, 533 Hannah 93 Harriet 258 " 553 Levi 108 Mehitable 181 Moses 71 . Norman H 281 Olive J 284 OrindaC 228 Paul 59 " IGl " 253 Peter 5 Sally 54 Sarah 10 Sarah A 559 Silence 72 Susan P 347 Tirza 124 Goodnow, Eunice 195 Hannah 207 Harriet 499 Henry B G23 Sarah 58 Goodwin, Mary A 597 Goss, Sally 293 Goulding, Charles 142 Loanza 557 Roxanna 14;» Green, Abigail R ■_ / 1 Caroline A 538 Millia P 563 Griggs, Samuel 309 Samuel M 399 Sarah 310 H. Hall, Ruth A 007 Haley, Caroline E 683 Hardy, Sarah A 417 Harrlgan, Janjes 780 Harthan, Cynthia 139 Dorcas \V 657 Hannah B 510 Lois A 638 Mary A 391 Prudence 49 Prudence M 245 Sarah 488 Sarah J 620 Silas S 532 Hartwell, Abigail L 291 Charles W 256 Edmund 248 Nancy W 257 Olive" 249 Headley, Ephraim 83 Prudence 84 Higgins, Betsey 068 Elbridge G 688 Hill, Ezeklel 469 Tamer E 470 Hinds, Harriet L 761 Hipsley, Elisabeth 495 Luke , 494 Hobbs, Marcus ... 360 Holbrook, Charles W 736 Jacob E 743 Levi 361 Rebecca 466 Reuben W 345 Susan C 713 Holman, Adeline 275 Olive B 486 Rufus 438 Tryphena 439 Holmes, Edwin 452 JanetteC 671 Olive 125 Peter 152 Sarah 154 Thomas 153 Holt, Amia 87 Azuba T 340 Emeline 457 Eunice 74 Fidelia 789 Hannah 422 566 Henry F 350 Jonas 86 Louisa 236 Holt, Lydia 219 Lydia A 208 Martha 476 Martha L 535 Mercy II 193 Myra A 774 Nancy 151 Parkman 475 Russell, 584 S. Amanda 778 Sanford 788 Sarah P 579 Sophia 112 Thomas 277 Ilosmer, Sally 273 Houghton, Ellen J 773 Elisabeth M 558 Lucy 104 Mary A 554 MaryS G13 Horace 523 Horatio G12 Howe, Alvin 77 Abigail W 549 Charlotte 622 Emily B 627 Lydia E 634 LVdiaM 419 Mary 78 Rebecca W 765 Hu])bard, Cyrus 797 Lucy W 192 Hunt, Jonas 362 Mary L 757 Submit 756 J- Jewett, Ilervoy S 669 Sally... 670 Johnson, Cynthia A 234 Lydia L 300 K. Konnan, Ephraim 286 Thankful 365 Keyes, Asa 260 Asa Jr 276 Augusta A 647 Benjamin F 133 Keyes, Betsey 134 Evehne 210 Fidelia H 600 Leonard W 586 Lois 163 Lydia E 641 Maria M 629 Martha J 580 Mary 263 " 594 Olive 14 Sarah 262 Tamer 261 Thankful 231* " 755 Thomas 447 Thomas Jr 209 Thomas N 626 Khnball, Candace 311 King, Catherine L 240 Gideon H 352 Lavinia B 336 MaryM 176 Polly 220 Sarah A 454 Susan W 325 Knight, Amos F 225 Cyrus L 252 Elijah 356 Eliza 241 Emerson P 730 Emily 323 Eunice 283 Eunice L 500 Harriet 324 JohnF 619 Lydia T 783 MaryL 501 Knowlton, Sarah J 625 L. Lamson, Mary S. B 796 Lawrence, Jane 437 Rhoda R 408 Learned, Mary 190 Lee, Betsey B 491 Lydia 464 Leonard, William 772 Lincoln, Ellen M 733 Lombard, Betsey, ........... 691 6 Lombard, Washburn 690 Loring, Charles H 400 Henry A 696 Maria 337 Maria E 697 Maria 11 565 Mary. 330 Lovell, Abbie M 754 Abigail 156 Alexander 108 Amos 95 Annis 113 Asa 56 Asa Jr 94 Betsey 57 " 215 Edwin 11 716 Eleanor 537 Hopestill 110 John 109 JolmD 585 Joseph C 351 Lois 269 Maria L 717 Mary 96 Mary? 507 M. Mallory, Abbie M 708 Martin, Frances 719 John 718 MaxAvell, Dolly A 254 Maynard, Hannah M 635 Meriam, E. E 578 Samuel M 577 iV[errifield, Charles 317 Emily J 786 Emily P, 327 Mercy 36 WelthenaB 496 Merritt, Frances 665 Metcalf, Eliza 259 Mary R 206 Moore, Abigail H 278 Asa 97 Catherine 17 Elisabeth 705 Franklin 794 Israel 16 Israel G 227 Moore, Jacob 246 James D 633 James H 187 Jane 216 Mary 247 Mary A 795 Mary C 121 Olive 76 Sabra 98 Susanna 122 Morgan, Clarissa L 444 Hiram 443 Morse, Anna E., 738 Charles 588. Edna 482 Joseph 3 Lucy 426 Maria 682 Mary 8 Nathan 562 Simon , 425 Sophia 4 Silvanus 137 Morton, Melinda K 268 Murdock, Adeline 287 Albert H 769 Almira 140 » Artemas 117 Caroline 763 George R. 779 Keziah 118 Susan A 744 Thankful 214 William 255 William E 764 Muzzy, Catherine 315 Cephas 294 Eliza J 640 Lucretia 296 LiicyM 636 Mary A 297 Miriam 737 Nancy G 517 William G 295 N. Nash, Elisabeth 70 William 48 Nelson, Oliver C 524 NeAvton, Lj-man B 732 MaryB 107 Newton, Silas lOG - 120 Nichols, Silas 2-JG O. Oliver, Nathaniel Y 221 P. Paine, Hannah C 601) Lydia 88 Olive G 106 Parker, Edmund 510 Fidelia A 511 Joseph B 280 Lucy 522 Mary A 131 Rebecca 513 Sarah A 299 William 302 Parmenter, Eunice 298" Hamiah 319 Peck, Anna F 700 Perry, Hannah 180 Phelps, Angeline P 671 Edward 115 Emily C 711 HemyL 768 John 301 Pierce, Abigail P 511 Charles 1 675 Delia M 676 Delia P 171 Elisabeth 289 Elisabeths 153 Eliza 198 Fidelia B 131 Harriet F 601 Harriet S 766 Isabella 199 James E 685 James R 312 Joel 136 JohnM 725 John (i. A 119 Jonathan 130 J. Warren 179 Louisa M 529 Lucy 127 " 128 Pierce, Lucy A 782 Lucy Ann 739 Lucy C 530 Lyman 379 Mary A 791 Mary Ann 117 Nanc}- W 536 Roxanna 561 Ruth 136 Sally 103 " 155 Sarah D 531 Sarah J 675 Walter W 678 William A 156 William N 790 Prentiss, Ilattie M 710 Sophia L 501 Prcscott, Eunice 328 " 101 Jonathan 11 " 358 Mary 15 Proutv, Daniel 53 Phebe 116 Thankful E 388 R. Rand, Leonard 721 Ray more, Elisabeth H 331 James H 320 Read, Harriet A. 190 Reuben G 608 Rice, Almira F 698 Barnabas D 692 Caroline C 711 Catherine R 158 E. Beaman 590 G. Calvin 726 Harriet A 598 Harriet R 701 Lois 17 Lucy 205 Lydia 201 Marv 531 Mary E 599 R. Merrick 591 Susan L 781 Richards, Elisabeth C 525 Leander 527 8 Rieliardson, Henry A 442 Robbins, Vina. . /. 174 Rockwood, Fanny 4Go Ro.