E I ^^^ .H HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS . . AS R]EVISED JANUARY 7, 1901 LIST OF MEMBERS, &C. HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS . . AS RE^VISED JANUARY 7, 1©01 LIST OF MEMBERS, &c. \^-s/rr\,. %.jr, ^ ff^/ ■/ Edmund Janes. .. .Chicago, 111. (Cossart) 1891 James, Edward W Norfolk, Va. (Dauge, Thelaball) 1883 Jay, Col. William New York City (Jay, Frangois, Bay- ard) 1898 Jerome, Mrs. John L Denver, Col. (Bonnet, Guion, SouHee) 7 1897 Johnson, Rev. James Le Baron i.New York City (Le Baron, Bayeux, Boudinot, Papin) 1892 Joline, Mrs. Mary E New York City (Coutant) 1885 Jones, Mrs. F. Cazenove. . New York City (de Cazenove, de la Mar) 1883 Jones, Wallace T Brooklyn, N. Y, (Faneuil) — o — 1885 Jouet, Cavalier H Roselle, N. J. (Jouet, Coursier, Cava- lier, Perroteau) 1889 Julien, Gustavus D Hoboken, N. J. (Cantine, Blanchan, Jorise, Le Fevre, Deyo, Bevier, Le Blanc) 1888 Julien, Rev. Matthew C.New Bedford, Mass. (Cantine, Blan- chan, Jorise, Deyo, Le Fevre, Bevier, Le Blanc) 1891 JuiLLARD, A. D New York City (Juillard) — o — 1891 Juillard, Mrs. A. D New York City (Cossit) — o — K 1898 Kendall, Mrs. S. L. Du Bois Irvington, N. Y. (Du Bois, Bentyn) 1891 Kingsland, Mrs. J. Bayard. Jersey City, N. J. (Bayard) 1897 Kress, Mrs. Idabelle S .... New York City (des Marest, Baton, Bonnefoy, CIoos, Coutant, Cu- vilye, Cresson, De Lorme, De Ruine 3, de Pre, de Mandeville, De Vaux, Eroiiard, Friguet, Gouin, Laty, Le Sueur, Sanse, See, Sohier, Vigne. L 1889 Ladew, Mrs. H. S New York City (Du Bois, Blanshan) 1887 Lanier, Charles New York City (Lanier) — o — 1896 Lathrop, Miss Emma G. . . Newark, N. J- (De Forest, du Trieux) 1897 Lathrop, Kirke Detroit, Mich, (Gilet, Byssel) 1897 Lawton, Mrs. Geo. Perkins 'Saratoga, N. Y. (de Forest, du Cloux, du Trieux) 1889 *Lawton, Mrs. James M. .New York City (Bayard, de Peyster, Masse, Poingdextre) 1891 Leavitt, Mrs. J. Brooks. . .New York City (Boudinot) 1883 Le Boutillier, Clement. .High Bridge, N. J. (Le Boutillier, Guitton, Le Maistre, Pellier) 1883 Le Boutillier, John New York City (Le Boutillier, Guit- ton, Le Maistre, Pellier) 1884 Le Boutillier, Mrs. Margaret ..New York City (Guitton) 1887 Le Boutillier, Thomas... New York City (Le Boutillier, Guit- ton, Le Maistre, Pellier) 1884 Le Boutillier, Dr. Wm. G.New York City (Le Boutillier, Guit- ton, Le Maistre, Pellier) 1883 Le Conte, Prof. Joseph . . . M.D., LL.D. Berkeley, Cal. (Le Conte) 8 1889 Le Conte, Dr. Robt. G. .. .Philadelphia, Pa. (Le Conte) 1895 Lee, Edward Clinton Haverford, Pa. (Molines) 1898 Lee, Julian Henry Baltimore, Md. (Mallet) 1884 *Lester, Henry M New York City (under Art. 3, Sec. i, part 4) 1898 Lincoln, Miss Makv E. . . .Hingham, Mass. (Cazneau, Germon) 1896 LooMis, Mrs. H. P New York City (Boudinot, Carre) 1883 *Lorillard, Pierre Jobstown, N. J. (Lorillard) — o — 1883 LuQUER, Rev. Lea Bedford, N. Y. (L'Esquyer, de Rapa- lie, Trico) 1893 LuQUER, Prof. Lea McL , . New York City (L'Esquyer, de Repa- lie, Trico) 1895 LuQUER, Mrs. L. McI New York City (Jay, Bayard) 1897 Luquer, Nicholas Washington, D. C. (L'Esquyer, de Rapalie, Trico) 1897 Luquer, Thatcher T. P. . Brooklyn, N. Y. (L'Esquyer, de Rapa- lie, Trico) M 1897 Macdonald, Mrs. Malcolm Lake Placid, N. Y. (Ferree, Le Fevre) 1895 *Maddox, Mrs. Virginia Knox San Francisco, Cal. (D'Aubigne) 1899 Maltby, Miss Dorothy L. . New Haven, Conn. (Rapalje, de Baun, . de Ruine, de Marest, Lozier, Trico) 1896 Mann, Mrs. C. Addison ... Plainfield, N. J. (Cazneau, Germon, Molines-3) 1899 Marschalk, Edwin A. .. .Brooklyn, N. Y. (Fauconnier, Val- leau, Pasquereau, Chardon) 1889 Marquand, Prof. Allan. .Princeton, N. J. (Marquand) — o — 1884 *Marquand, Henry G. . . .New York City (Marquand) — o — 1884 Maury, Charles W New York City (de la Fontaine, Maury) 1884 Maury, Miss M. H Morristown, N. J. (de la Fontaine, Maury) 1891 Maury, Col. Richard L. .. Richmond, Va. (de la Fontaine, Maury) 1896 McAllister, Miss Julia G. New York City (de Lancey, Mani- gault, Marion) 1897 McMurtry, Mrs. Clara L.Allegheny, Pa. (Molines) 1891 Merritt, Mrs. Schuyler. . Stamford, Ct. (Du Bois, Blanshan) 1884 Mesier, Louts New York City (Mesier) 1898 Mitchell, Cornelius B. . .New York City (Berrien) 1895 Moffatt, Mrs. R. Burnham (New York City (Jay, Bayard) 1883 Morris, John E Hartford, Conn. (Bontecou) 1897 Morris, Robt. Oliver Springfield, Mass. (Bontecou) 1897 MosELEY, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton New Haven, Conn. (Molines, Gail- lard) 1884 MoTTET, Frederick Tacoma, Washington (Mottet) — o — 1885 *MouNT, Miss C. A New York City (De Gray)— o— 1885 *MouNT, Miss Susan New York City (De Gray)— o— 1886 MuLFORD, Rev. Henry Du Bois Hudson, N. Y. (Du Bois) 1893 *Murray, Charles H New York City (Bascom) 1894 Myer, Isaac New York City (de Ruine, de Pre) N 1896 Newcomb, George Franklin New Haven, Conn. (Pinneo) 1899 Newcomb, Mrs. George F . New Haven, Conn. (Bailey, Emery) 1898 Nicola, Mrs. Charles A. .Cleveland, O. (Pinneo) 1900 Norwood, Mrs. Catherine. New York City (Stelle) 1900 Norwood, Lewis M New York City (Stelle) O 1888 *Ogden, Wm. B New York City (Bernon, Guillemard) 1887 Oliver, Gen. Paul A Olivers Mills, Pa. (Ambrose, Prioleau, Gallaudet) 1884 Olney, Peter B New York City (Sigourney) — o — 1884 Olney, Mrs. Peter B New York City (Sigourney) 1885 Olney, Hon. Richard. ... Boston, Mass. (Sigourney) — o — i8q8 Orr, Mrs. A. E Brooklyn, N. Y. (L'Esquyer, de Rapa- lie, Trico) P 1899 Payne, Mrs. Henry C .... Milwaukee, Wis. (L'Estrange, Le Mestre) 1896 *Peabody, Mrs. Ellen Rapelje Paris, France (de Rapalie, Trico) 1895 *Peek, Sir Cuthbert E., J.P.F.S.A. London, England (Le Maitre) — o — 1898 Peets, Mrs. Cyrus B New Haven, Conn. (Harger) 1887 Perot, Joseph S Philadelphia, Pa. (Perot) 1887 PiERREPONT, Henry E., Jr. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Jay, Bayard) 1900 Pinneo, Miss Dotha Stone Norwalk, Ct. (Pinneo) 1891 Porter, Mrs. Henry Kirke Pittsburg, Pa. (de Camp, Perrot) 1885 *Potter, Miss Mary E. . . .Kingston, R. L (Le ivioine) 1885 *PoTTER, James B. M., Jr. .Kingston, R. L (Le Moine) 1885 Potter, William H Kingston, R. I. (Le Moine) 1888 Prall, Rev. William Detroit, Mich. (Mercereau) 1883 PuMPELLY, Josiah Collins.Ncw York City (Pompili) — o — 1895 PuRDON, Mrs. John New York City (Benezet) 1896 Putnam, Mrs. Erastus G. .Elizabeth, N. J. (Boudinot, Bayeux, Papin) Q 1885 Ouintard, George W New York City (Quintard, Fume) R 1896 *Rapelje, Jacob George. . . Bismarck, N. Dak. (de Rapalje, Trice) 1885 Rapelye, Henry Staples. .Mt. Vernon, N. Y. (de Rapalye, Trico) — o — 1897 Rawson, Mrs. Warren. . . .Cincinnati, O. (Petit) 1895 Read, Mrs. Delphine M. P.Paris, France (Pompili) — o — 1888 Rees, Prof. John KROM...New York City (Du Bois, Blanshan) 1898 Reilly, Mrs. Thomas A. . .Philadelphia, Pa. (Molines) 1899 Remsen, Miss Margaret S.New York (de Peyster; 1894 *Rhinelander, T. J. Oakley New York City (Rhinelander, Rob- ert, La Tour, de la Borde, Renaud, Mercier) 1900 Reynolds, Mrs. Benj WilkesBarre, Pa. (Gaillard) 1900 Rice, Mrs. Charles E WilkesBarre, Pa. (Gaillard) 1898 Richards, Charles S New York City (Mesurole, Praa, Rapelje 2) 1898 *Richardson, Miss Lucy C. Lime Rock, Conn. (Gaillard) 1899 Richardson, Maxwell B. .Oswego, N. Y. (Pardier) 1900 Rivers, Lieut. Wm. C U. S. A. West Point, N. Y. (Flournoy) 1897 Robert, Miss Mary E New York City (Robert, La Tour, de la Borde) 1897 Robinson, Mrs. Frank Tracy New York City (Molines) 1897 Roe, Rear Admiral Francis A. Washington, D. C. (La Farge) 1897 Roe, Mrs. Katharine B. B. New York City (des Marest, Le Sueur, Byssel, Cloos, Cresson, Sohier, de Mandeville, Vigne, Cuvilye) 1899 RoEBLiNG, Mrs. Washington A. ■ Trenton, N. J. (Le Maistre, Du Bois, Le Comte, Verveelen) 1897 Roosevelt, Mrs. James. .. .Hyde Park, N. Y. (de la Noye, de Lille) 1900 *Rumsey, Mrs. William. .New York (de Kay) 1895 Rundall, Clarence A Brewster, N. Y. (Doyou, Du Bois, Blanshan, Ver Nooy) 1885 *Russell, Mrs. Henry G. .Providence, R. L (Bernon, Guille- mard) S 1896 Sahler, Miss Emma F. . . .New York City (Du Bois, Blanshan) 1896 Sahler, Miss Florence L.New York City (Du Bois, Blanshan) i8q2 Salisbury, Edward E New Haven, Conn. (Chevalier) 1889 Sanger, Wm. Cary Sangerfield, N. Y. (Requa) 1894 Sargent, Mrs. Charles S. .Brookline, Mass. (Bernon, Guille- mard) 1893 *Schieffeltn, William J.\y New York City (Jay, Bayard, Fran- gois) 1895 Schuyler, Mrs. Montgomery New York City (Prevot, Vincent, Felle) 1899 Seacord, Morgan H New Rochelle, N. Y. (Sicard, Arneau, Bonnet, Coutant) 1883 Seguine, Miss Hattie M. .Rossville, Staten Island, (Requa) — o — 1883 *Sell, Dr. Edward H. M. .New York City (Seul) 1894 Sellew, Dr. Frederick S. .New York City (Selleu) 1894 Sellew, Timothy G New York City (Selleu) 1899 Shelton, Edward De Forest Brooklyn, N. Y. (De Forest, du Trieux, Du Cloux) 1891 Shelton, Miss Jane De Forest /Derby, Ct. (De Forest, du Trieux, Du ' Cloux) 1898 Sherman, Mrs. Byron. . . .Morristown, N. J. (Molines) 1894 Shonnard, F. V New York City (Mizerol, Praa) 1897 Simons, Charles Dew ar. .. New York City, Bacot, Mercier, de Saussure, Peronneau) 1897 Simons, James DEWAR...,New York City (Bacot, Mercier, de Saussure, Peronneau) 1893 Slocum, Lieut. S. S. L'H. .Lisbon, Portugal, (L'Hommedieu) 1887 Smith, A. Augustus Salem, Mass. (Pengry) 1888 *Smith, Miss Laurestine Cotheal Newark, N. J. (de Cotele) 1898 Snow, Mrs. James Pardon . Elizabeth N. J. (Le Conte) 1898 Spencer, Mrs. L. V. B New York City (Benin) 1897 Steele, Frederick W New York City (Stelle) 1897 Steele, William Watts. . .Trenton, N. J. (Stelle) 1884 Stevenson, Richard W. . . . New York City (Le Fevre, Duryee) 1888 Stimson, Frederic J .'New York City (Boudinot, Carre) 1886 Stimson, Mrs. Henry C. . .New York City (Boudinot, Carre) 1897 Strong, Mrs. Allen H....New Brunswick, N. J. (de Rapalje, Trico) 1891 Swift, Mrs. Edward Y. ... Detroit, Mich. (Le Baron) — o — 1897 *SwoRDS, Henry Cotheal. New York City (de Cotele) 1899 Swords, Miss Phebe Caroline New York City (de Cotele) 1890 Talcott, Mrs. William ... Paterson, N. J. (Mercereau) 1898 Taylor, Mrs. Van Campen.Ncw York City (de Rapelje, Trico) 1897 Thayer, Nathaniel Boston, Mass. (Bayard) 1898 Thayer, Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer Boston, Mass. (Bernon, Guillemard) 1893 Thomas, Dr. Theodore Gaillard New York City (Gaillard, Cordes, Gendron, Baluet, Chardon) 1887 *Thomas, W. Grassett. . . .Bryn Mawr, Pa. (Grassett) 1894 Townsend, Mrs. Howard .. New York City (Bayard) 1894 *Trevor, Henry Graff. . . .New York City (L'Espenard) 1888 TuRNURE, Lawrence, Jr. . .New York City (Tourneur) u 1899 Upham, Mrs, Grace Le Baron Boston, Mass. (Le Baron) V 1899 Van Buren, Mrs. Louise Aymar Norwalk, Ct. (Aymar, Belon, Magny, Vincent, Guerry, Le Brun, Que- reau, Ouantin) 1888 Van Courtlandt, J. S Croton, N. Y. (Hasbrouck, de Trieux, Blanshan, de Peyster, Du Bois, de Yo, de la Grange) 1899 Vanderpoel, Miss Mary Van Buren New York City (Le Baron) 1900 Van Deventer, Mrs. L. F. .Knoxville, Tenn. (Flournoy) 1895 *Van Kleeck, Henry Denver, Col. (De Rapelle, Du Bois, Brityn) 1894 Van Rensselaer, Courtlandt Schuyler New York City (Bayard) 1900 Velazquez, Miss Mariana. East Orange, N. J. (de Peyster) 1883 Vermilye, Rev. A. G Englewood, N. J. (Vermilje) — o — 1884 Vincent, Rt. Rev. Boyd, D.D., LL.D. Cincinnati, O. (Vincent) 1884 Vincent, Rt. Rev. John H., D.D., LL.D. Topeka, Kan. (Vincent) 1886 Voute, J. Oscar New York City (de la Voute) — o — W 1887 *Wagner, Henry London, England, (Godde, Teulon, Beaufils. Debonnaire, Dupius, Tivron, Paillet, Chassereau, Guillemend) — o^ — 1896 Wallis, Miss Miriam Kenneth San Francisco, Cal. (Gamier) 1899 Ward, Henry Ciiauncey. .Middletown, Conn. (Gaillard) 1900 Wardwell, Mrs. Helen E.Stamford, Conn. (Aymar, Belon, Magny, Vincent, Guerry) 1895 Warner, George Coffing. .Great Barrington, Mass. (de Forest) 1883 *Weisse, Dr. Faneuil D. . . New York C"ity (Faneuil)— o— 1897 Wheeler, Chas. Volney. . Little Falls, N. Y. (Molines, Jerauld) 1898 White, Mrs. Eliza M. Chandler Brooklyn, N. Y. (de la Noye, Moli- nes 2) 1898 Wilcox, Mrs. Wm. W Middletown, Conn. (Seleu) 1897 Williams, Miss Anne Shelton Glastonbury, Conn. (Devotion) 1889 Williams, Mrs. Catherine P. Glastonbury, Conn. (Devotion) 1899 Wilson, Rev. Robert D. D.Charleston, S. C. (Mazyck, Ravenel, Le Serrurier, de St. Julien) 13 1896 WooLSEY, Prof. Theodore S. New Haven, Conn. (Chevalier) 1898 Wright, Miss Florence R.New York City (de Rapelje, Trico) 1898 Wright, Mrs. George W. .New York City (de Rapelje, Trico) Y 1897 * Young, Miss Elizabeth F. Baltimore, Md. (Du Bois, Ferree, Deyo, Blanshan) 1897 Young, Mrs. Emilia F Baltimore, Md. (Du Bois, Ferree, Deyo, Blanshan) 1895 Young, Mrs. Wm. Hopkins. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Hasbroucq, Do- yau, Bevier, Le Blanc, Du Bois, Blanjean, Guimar, Damour) HONORARY MEMBERS. 1883 The Rev. A. V. Wittmeyer New York City (Vintmaire) — — Founder of the Society. 1884 Prof. Henry M. Baird, LL.D., L.H.D Yonkers, N. Y. (Du Bois)— o— 1884 The Rt. Rev. William S. Perry, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Iowa, Davenport, la. — o — 1885 The Rev. E. Arnaud Crest Drome, France. 1885 A. GiRAUD Browning, F.S.A. ^London, England, Vice President Hu- guenot Society of London (Gi- raud, Leger, De Chasteaux, Herve, Gagnion) 1885 Meschinet de RiCHEMOND.La Rochelle, France (Meschinet, Ber- non. Rivet, Boue, de la Fite, de Missy) 1885 Herr Dr. Henri ToLLiN ... Magdebourg, Germany, President German Huguenot Society (no name) — o — 1894 Edward F. De Lancey. . . .New York City (de Lancey, Jay, Bay- ard) 1898 Le Pasteur, N. Weiss Paris, France (Secretaire de la So- ciete de I'Histoire du Protestan- tisme Frangais) 1898 The Rev. Charles S. Vedder Charleston, South Carolina (Pastor of the Huguenot Church of Charles- ton) 1899 William John Charles Moens, F.S.A. London, England, President of the Huguenot Society of London. (Moens) — o — CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Ralph Le Fevre New Paltz, N. Y. (Le Fevre, Du Bois, Freer. Blanshan, Cantine) — o — The Rev. Roswell R. Hoes Philadelphia, Pa. (Uzille, Casier)-o~ Marinus Godfriden Wildeman The Hague, Holland. Member Genea- logical and Heraldic Societies, etc., etc. (no name) — o — 15 DECEASED MEMBERS. Elected. Died. 1883 Aborn, Robert W (Bernon, Tourtellot) 1893 1894 Adams, W. Irving (Flandreau, Sycard, Serot) . 1896 1885 Allen, Ch. Bernon (Bernon, Guillemard) 1899 1896 Bailey, Mrs. M. B. McK. . (de Peyster) 1898 1883 Baird, Dr. Charles (Du Bois) — o— Hon. Mem. 1887 1890 Barnett, Dr. Amelia (Barnett) — o — 1897 1883 Bartow, Maury Hale (Bertaut — o — ist Treas'r.. 1887 1885 Bayard, Dr. Edward (Bayard) — o — 1889 1883 Bayard, Hon. Thos. F (Bayard)— o— Hon. Mem. and 1st V. P. for Dela- ware 1898 1897 Booraem, Miss F. D (Petit) 1900 1886 Brez, J. D (Brez, Vincent, La Riviere) 1899 1883 Bonnet, Jules (no name) — o — Hon. Mem. 1890 Brimmer, Hon. Martin. .. (Sejourne) 2d V. P. for Boston 1896 1891 Brokaw, Frederick (Broucard, LeFebre) 1891 1884 Brown, Joseph O (Vigne, Du Bois, De Kay, Cuvilye) 1894 1892 BuFORD, Clark Howe (Julian) 1893 1888 Cannon, H. Le Grand (Canon, Le Grand, Bouton) 1895 1885 Carrington, Mrs. C. C (no name) — o — 1890 1883 Charlier, Prof. Elie A. . . (Charlier) — o — Correspond- ing Member 1896 1883 Collett, Robert L (no name) — o — 1890 1883 CoRTELYOU, Dr. L. V (Cortelyou) — o — 1896 1885 De Forest, Henry G (De Forest) — o — 1889 1887 De La Grange, S. McC (de la Grange)— o— 1888 1883 Demarest, Prof. D.D., D.D. LL.D. (des Marets, Sohier, Cres- son) 1st V. P. for New Jersey 1898 1883 De PuY, Rev. Ephraim. . . . (no name) — o — 1890 1885 De Saussure, Genl. W. G. . (de Saussure) ist V. P. for South Carolina 1890 1885 De Schweinitz, Rev. Edward (no name) — o — 1889 1885 DoD, Mrs. Caroline B. . . . (Bayard) — o — 1891 1893 DoMiNiCK, Alexander. ... (Dominique, Blanchard) . . . 1894 1892 DoMiNicK, Francis Jacob. (Dominique, Blanchard)... 1895 i8qo DoMiNicK. William Gayer. (Dominique, Blanchard)... 1895 1883 Du Bois, Dr. Abram (Du Bois) — o — 1890 1884 Du Bois, George M (Du Bois) 1898 Du Bois, James Goelet. . . . (Du Bois, Blanshan) 1898 1897 Du Fais, Ferdinand Fred. . (Du Fais) 1899 1883 Du PuY, Charles M (Du Puy, Chardavoyne, Val- leau) 1st V. P. for Penn. 1898 1883 DusENBURY, Miss Mary C. (Coutant) 1897 1886 Dyer, Hon. Elisha (Bernon, Tourtellot, Le Roy) 1806 1885 Ely, Mrs. William (Bernon) — o — i8«9 i6 1887 FowLE, Mrs. P. Cazenove. . (de Cazenove) 1891 1893 Gautier^ Joseph H., M.D. . (Gautier) 1895 1884 Gautier, Thomas B (Gautier) 1886 1883 GouRDiN, Robert N (Gourdin) — o — First V. P. for South Carolina 1894 1891 Griffin, G. Butler (De Forest, Du Cloux, De Trieux, Du Fosset, Chiney, Maillard, Rostiau) — o — . . . 1893 1883 Hague, Rev. William (no name) — o — 1891 1892 Heroy, James H (Eroiiard, Coutant) 1896 1895 HoYT, Mrs. Geraldine Livingston (Het, Du Bois, Sanzeau) . . . 1897 1888 Jay, Miss Eliza Clarkson. (Jay, Francois, Bayard) ... . 1895 1883 Jay, Hon. John (Jay, Frangois, Bayard) 1st President 1894 1885 Lamb, Mrs. Martha J (Vinton) — o — 1893 1885 Layard, Hon. Sir Henry Austen (de Caument, Ramboullet, Boisragon, Savary de Mauleon, de Brisac, Foissac) Hon. Member and 1st President Lon- don Huguenot Society. 1894 1892 Ledyard, Mrs. Henry B. . . (L'Hommedieu) 1895 1884 Lock WOOD, Howard (de la Plaine, Le Chevalier) . 1894 Livingston, Mrs. Emily A. (Du Bois, Sanzeau, Het) . . . 1900 1895 Luquer, Miss Sarah (L'Escuyer, de Rapalie, Tri- co) 1898 1883 Matthews, Mrs. M. G. . . . (Villeponteux) 1889 Neely, Rt. Rev. Henry A. (De Bevier) ist V. P. for Maine 1899 1894 Peek, Sir Henry William, Bart. (Lemaitre) — o — Hon. Mem- ber and 2d President London Huguenot So- ciety 1898 1889 Poillon, Richard (Poillon) — o — 1885 Potter, Thomas M., M.D. . (Le Moine) 1891 1885 PuMPELLY, Mrs. Margaret L. (Lanier) — o — 1890 1884 Quintard, Rt. Rev. Charles T. (Ouintard, Fume) Hon. '" Member 1898 1885 Quintard, Edward A (Ouintard, Fume) 1899 1885 Quintard, James W (Quintard, Fume) 1899 1885 Ravenel, Daniel (Ravenel, de St. Julien, Pri- oleau) 2d V. P. for S. C 1894 1892 Re.\d, Genl. J. Meredith, .(de Moleyaes, Molines) — o — 1896 1893 Requa, Henry Milton, Jr. (Requa) iSy6 17 1884 Robert, Christopher R. ... (Robert, de la Borde, La Tour) 1897 1885 Rylance, Mrs. Frances Lamar (Lamar) — o — 1894 1888 Scott, Mrs. Thomas B (Du Bois) 1896 1891 Slocum, Mrs. J. J (L'Hommedieu) 1895 1884 Stevens, Mrs. Paran (no name) — o — 1895 1897 SwoPE, Gilbert E (Du Bois, Blanshan, Ferree, Jorisse) 1899 1887 Tompkins, Miss M. W. . . . (no name) — o — 1891 1883 Tourtellot, Dr. J. Q. A. . (Tourtellot, Bernon) 1892 1883 TuRNURE, Lawrence (Tourneur) 1899 1886 Vail, Charles M (Viell) 1899 1887 Vanderburgh, Mrs. Mary E. (Bonnet) — o — 1890 1883 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Wili iam P. (Bayard)— o— 1888 1890 Van Santvoort, Mrs. Alfred (De Kay) — o — 1890 1891 Van Santvoort, Charles T. (De Kay) — o— 1895 1883 Vermilye, J. D (Vermilje) — o — 1892 1883 Vermilye, Rev. Thomas E. (Vermilje) — o — 1893 1891 Waite, Mrs. Morrison P. . (Champlain) — — 1896 1884 Whelen, Edward S (Jacques) — o — 1894 1883 Winthrop, Hon. Robert C. (Bayard, Baudoin) ist V. P. for Boston 1894 1884 Wolfe, Miss Catherine L. (Lorillard) — — 1889 1884 Wood, James E (La Rue, Le Sueur, Montaigne) — o — FAMILY NAMES OF HUGUENOT REFUGEES TO AMERICA, REPRESENTED IN THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE SO- CIETY: WITH NAMES OF MEMBERS CLAIMING DESCENT THROUGH THE SEVERAL ANCESTRAL LINES. The place where the family name — as Huguenot is first met with, precedes the family name. The settlement in America follows it. Authentic information on these points, with authorities, is most earnestly solicited, that the next edition of this List may be historically correct. f Deceased members. La Rochelle. Hall Allaire. General Paul A. Olliver. La Tremblade Morgan H, Seacord. Germany. ALLAIRE. AMBROSE. ARNEAU. New Rochelle. New Rochelle. New York. AYMAR, EYMAR. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar, Jose Aymar. Mrs. F. J. Blodgett. Aymar Embury. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. Mrs. Helen E. Wardwell. TouRAiNE. BACOT. South Carolina. Robert C. Bacot. William Sinclair Bacot. Charles D. Simons. James D. Simons. England. BAILEY, BESLY. Mrs. George F. Newcomb. PoiTOU. BALUET. Dr. T. Gaillard Thomas. Norwich, Eng. BARET. Rev. William R. Huntington. BARNETT. Mrs. Mary E. Vanderburgh. f Connecticut. South Carolina. Connecticut. Dr. Anieha Barnett.f Charles S. Murray. Picardie. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress La Rochelle. BASCOM. BATON— TTON. BAUDOUIN— OIN. Connecticut. South Carolina. Massachusetts. George S. Bowdoin. Miss Isabel C. Bowdoin. Temple Bowdoin. William Graham Bowdoin. Hon. Alphonse T. Clearwater. Hon. Robert C. Winthrop.f 19 Languedoc. bayard. New Amsterdam. Balthazar — Dr. Edward Bayard. f Banyer Clarkson. Matthew Clarkson. Edward F. de Lancey. Miss Eliza C. Jay.f Hon. John Jay.f Col. William Jay. Mrs. Lea McI. Luquer. Mrs. R. B. Moffat. Elenry E. Pierrepont. Jr. William Jay Schieffelin. Hon. Robert C. Winthrop.f Pierre — Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, f Rev. Leighton W. Eckard. Nicholas — Miss Maria L. Anderson. Mrs. Genl. Robert Anderson. Mrs. Anson P. Atterbury. Miss Ruthella R. Blackwell. William Bayard Blackwell. Rev. Nicholas Bayard Clinch. Miss M. N. B. Cooper. R. Fulton Cutting. William Bayard Cutting. Mrs. Caroline B. Dod.f Bayard Clinch Hey ward. Mrs. Justine B. Kingsland. Mrs. James M. Lawton. Nathaniel Thayer. Mrs. Howard Townsend. C. S. Van Rensselaer. Mrs. Wm. P. Van Rensselaer, f Caen (Normandie). BAYEUX. New York. Rev. James Le Baron Johnson. Mrs. E. G. Putnam. BELON. New York. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Mrs. F. J. Blodgett. Aymar Embury. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. Mrs. Helen E. Wardwell. Vermandois. BENEZET. Pennsylvania. Theodore P. Bogert. William B. Bogert. Rev. William J. Holland. Mrs. John Pur don. BENIN— ON. Virginia. Mrs. Louise V. B. Spenser. Leyden. BENTYN. Gewanus. Mrs. Louise Du Bois Kendall. La Rochelle. BERNQN. Massachusetts. Robert Aborn.f Miss Candace Allen. Charles B. Allen, f Hon. Elisha Dyer.t William Ely. Mrs. William Ely.f William D. Ely. William B. Ogden. Mrs. Henry G. Russell. Mrs. Charles S. Sargent. Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer Thayer. Dr. J. Q. A. Tourtellot.f LIoLLAND. BERRIEN. Long Island. Cornelius Berrien Mitchell. Bretagne. BERTAUT. New York. Rev. Maury Hale Bartow. f Canton de Vaud. BERTOLET — THOLET. Pennsylvania. James de Benneville. BEVIER, BEAUVIER, de B. New Paltz. Dr. E. N. Bradley-Bystrom. Dr. William H. Egle. Gustavus D. Julien. Rev. Matthew C. Julien. Rt. Rev. H. A. Neely.f Mrs. William H. Young. BLANCHAN, CON— JEAN— SHAN. French Flanders. Esoi'us. Rev. Anson Du Bois. James G. Du Bois.f William M. Du Bois. William E, English. Miss Annie D. Ferree. Barr Ferree. Samuel P. Ferree. Samuel E. Gross. Gustavus D. Julien. Rev. Matthew C. Julien. Prof. J. Krom Rees. Mrs. H. S. Ladew. Ralph Le Fevre. Mrs. Schuyler Merritt. Clarence A. Rundall. Miss Emma S. Sahler. Miss Florence L. Sahler. Gilbert E. Swope.f James S. van Courtlandt. Miss Elizabeth F. Young. Mrs. Emilia F. Young. Mrs. William H. Young. La Rochelle. BLANCHARD. New York. Alexander Dominick.f Bayard Dominick. Francis J. Dominick.f Henry B. Dominick. William Gayer Dominick.f Xaintonge. BODINE. Staten Island. Hon. Henry W. Bookstaver. BONCOEUR, de BONCOURT. England. Massachusetts. Mrs. Marcellus Hartley. L'Isle-de Re. BONDECOU— TECOU. South Carolina. Frederic P. Bontecou. John E. Morris. Robert O. Morris. BONNEFOY. New Rochelle. Dr. Richard S. Coutant. Mrs. E. McLean Haughey. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. PoiTOU. BONNET— NETT. New Rochelle. Miss Mary E. Vanderburgh.f Mrs. John L. Jerome. Morgan H. Seacord. Marans. BOUDINOT. New Amsterdam. John T. Atterbury. Lewis B. Atterbury. Rev. W. W. Atterbury. Rev. James Le Baron Johnson. Mrs. John B. Leavitt. Mrs. Henry P. Loomis. Mrs. E. G. Putnam. Frederic J. Stimson. Mrs. Henry C. Stimson. BOURSEQUOT. Virginia. William M. Fontaine. Dole. BOUTON. Staten Island. William Hart Boughton. Henry Le Grand Cannon. f Col. Le Grand B. Cannon. Waldensian. BREZ. New York. J. D. Brez.f Saintonge. BRIDON. Staten Island. Hon. A. T. Clearwater. Manheim. BROUCARD. New Amsterdam. Fred. K. Brokaw.f Isaac Irving Brokaw. Isaac Vail Brokaw. Howard Crosby Brokaw. William Vail Brokaw. BRUYN. Mrs. William A. Budd. Henry Van Kleeck. La Rochelle. BUREAU. New Oxford, William T. Jones. Dr. Faneuil D, Weisse. England. BYSSEL, BISSELL. Connecticut. Dr. Paul Allen. Mrs. Sanford Bissell. General Ferd. P. Earle. Mrs. Wm. R. Ellis. Mrs. Charlotte M. S. Gillett. Mrs. Marcellus Hartley. Kirke Lathrop. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. Dijon CANON. Staten Island. Henry Le Grand Cannon. f Col. Le Grand B. Cannon. CANTINE— TIN. (See QUANTIN.) Xaintonge. New Rochelle. Gustavus D. Julien. Matthew C. Julien. Ralph Le Fevre. LTsle-de-Re. CARRE. Narragansett. John T. Atterbury. Lewis B. Atterbury. Rev. W. W. Atterbury. Mrs. Henry P. Loomis. Frederic J. Stimson. Mrs. Henry C. Stimson. PiCARDiE. CASIER. New Amsterdam. Mrs. Ferdinand P. Earle. Rev. Roswell P. Hoes. London CAVALIER. Virginia. Cavalier H. Jouet. Languedoc. CAZNEAU. New Oxford. Mrs. Charles H. Alden. Miss Mary E. Lincoln. Mrs. C. Addison Mann. Languedoc. CHADAINE— DEAYNE. New York. Mrs. Eugene A. Hoffman. CHAMPLIN. Mrs. Morrison P. Waite.f Xaintonge. CHARDAVOYNE. New York. Charles M. Du Puy.f Miss Eleanor G. Du Puy. Herbert Du Puy. Tours. CHARDON. South Carolina. George Lewis Heins. Dr. A. E. Helffenstein. Edwin A. Marschalk. Dr. Theodore Gaillard Thomas. CHARLIER. Rev. Elie Charlier.f CHEVALIER, LE CHEVALIER. Normandie (St. L6). Philadelphia. Herbert Hart Boyd. Howard Lockwood.f William F. Salisbury. Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey. CHINEY. George Butler Griffin, f Leyden. CLOOS. New Amsterdam. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. Paris. Fred'k J. Collier. COLIER— LIE. CONDE. CORDES. Swits Conde. Languedoc. Dr. Theodore G. Thomas. CORTELYOU. Dr. L. V. Cortelyou.f Mrs. Francis W. Goddard. CORQUET. Hon, A. T. Clearwater. Leyden. COSSART. Mrs. John S. Finch. Edmund Janes James. New York. South Carolina. New Amsterdam. LTsle-de-Re. COURSIER. Cavalier H. Jouet. AuNis. COUTANT. Dr. Richard B. Coutant. Miss Mary C. Dusenbury.f Mrs. E. McLean Haughey. James Heroy.f William W. Heroy. Mrs. Mary E. Joline. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Morgan H. Seacord. Narragansett. New Rochelle. French Flanders. CREPEL, CRISPELL. Rev. Eugene A. Hoffman, D. D. Dean. Esopus. Leyden, CRESSON. New Amsterdam. Theodore M. Banta. Rev. Alfred Howard Demarest. Prof. D. D. De- marrest, D.D., LL.D.f Rev. William H, S. Demarest. Mrs, Josephine B. Garretson. Mrs. F. W. Huidekoper. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. Morgan H. Seacord. CUVILYE— JE. Theodore M. Banta. Joseph O. Brown. f Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. Moise-en-Saintonge. DAMOUR. Maryland. Mrs. William Hopkins Young. Saintonge. D'AUBIGNE— GNY, DABNEY Mrs. Virginia K. Maddox. DAUCHY. Thomas L. Greene. DAUGE. Edward W. James. DE BAUN. Miss Dorothy Lord Maltby. Rouen. de BENNEVILLE. James S. de Benneville. DE CAMP. Virginia. Virginia. Hackensack. Pennsylvania. New Netherland. Miss Annie M. Hegeman. Mrs. Henry Kirke Porter. 23 Anduze. de CAZENOVE. Mrs. Paulina C. Fowle.f Mrs. F. Cazenove Jones. Virginia. England. de COTELE. New York. Miss Laurestine C. Smith. Henry Cotheal Swords. Miss Phebe C. Swords. DE COURCY. d'ESPARD. New York. William H. Frizzell. Ireland. Francis Edward Dodge. de FOREST, DE, DE LA. Leyden. New Netherland. Henry G. de Forest, f Robert W. de Forest. General Ferd. P. Earle. George Butler Griffin. f Miss Emma G. Lathrop. Mrs. George P. Lawton. Edward De Forest Shelton. Miss Jane De Forest Shelton. George C. Warner Thomas W. Balch. Miss C. A. Mount de FROUVILLE. de gray. Miss Susan Mount. de JACQUES. Rev. Edward Whelen.f Franche-Comte. de KAY, de KEY. New Amsterdam. Joseph O. Brown. t Miss M. N. B. Cooper. Mrs. William Rumsey. Mrs. Alfred Van Santvoort.f Charles T. Van Santvoort.f Picardie. de LANCEY. Edward de Lancey. Miss Julia G. McAllister. General Fred. D. Grant. Picardie. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Xaintonge. Philip Schuyler de Luze. NORMANDIE. Mrs. F. W. Huidekoper. DE LILLE. Mrs. James Roosevelt. DE LORME. DE LUZE. DE MANDEVILLE. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe New York. Mass. South Carolina. New York. New Amsterdam. DEMAREST, des, du, des MARETS, DESMARETS. Picardie. New Netherland. Mrs. George F. Adams. Theodore M. Banta. Rev. Alfred H. Demarest. Prof. D. D. Demarest, D.D., LL.D.f Rev. William H. S. Demarest. Mrs. F. W. Huidekoper (three descents). Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Miss Dorothy Lord Maltby. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. DE MOLEYAES. General J. Meredith Read.f Rouen. de PEYSTER. New Amsterdam. Miss Maria L. Anderson. Mrs. General Robert Anderson. Mrs. Mary B. M. Bailey. t Mrs. Eliza L. de P. Clarkson. Rev. N. Bayard Clinch. Henry Rutgers R. Coles. Miss Augusta M. de Peyster. Miss Emily M. de Peyster. Miss Frances G. de Peyster. F. Ashton de Peyster. Fred- eric J. de Peyster. Miss Helen van C. de Peyster. General John Watts de Peyster. Mrs. M. P. Ferris. Mrs. Gertrude van C. Hamilton. Bay- ard C. Heyward. Mrs. James M. Lawton. Miss Margaret S. Remsen. James S. van Courtlandt (two descents) Miss Mariana Velazquez. DE PRE. Harlem. Mrs. E. McLean Haughey. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Isaac Myer. de RAPALIE— JE— YE— PELIE— JE— YE— PELLE and without de. Leyden. Wallabout. Mrs. William A. Budd. Henry R. R. Coles. M. P. Ferris. Rev. Lea Luquer. Lea McL Luquer. Nicholas Luquer. Miss Sarah Luquer.f Thatcher T. B. Luquer. Miss Dorothy L. Maltby. Mrs. A. E. Orr. Mrs. Ellen R. Peabody. Henry Staples Rapelye. Jacob C. Rapelje. Charles S. Richards (two descents). Mrs. Allen H. Strong. Mrs. Van Campen Taylor. Henry Van Kleeck. Miss Florence R. Wright. Mrs. George W. Wright. de RUINE, de RUYNS. Harlem. Theodore M. Banta. Mrs. E. McL. Flaughey. Mrs. F. W. Huidekoper (two descents). Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress (three descents). Miss Dorothy L. Maltby. Isaac Myer. Lorraine. de SAUSSURE. South Carolina. Robert C. Bacot. William S. Bacot. General W. G de Saussure.f Charles D. Simons. James D. Simons. Holland. de SILLE. New Amsterdam. Miss Margaret A. Jackson. PoiTOU. de SOUCHE. Pennsylvania. John J. de Zouche. Manheim. de VAUX. New Amsterdam. Mrs. Emma A. J. Hopkins. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Dr. Richard Faulkner (ancestress from Paris). DE VOTION. Connecticut. Miss Elizabeth K. De Votion. Miss Harriet H. De Votion. Miss Sara De Votion. Miss Anne Shelton Williams. Mrs. Catherine P. Williams. de la BORDE. Miss Margaret A. Jackson. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander. Christopher Robert, t Miss Mary E. Robert. 25 Xaintonge. de la FONTAINE. Virginia. William H. Fontaine. Charles W. Maury. Miss M. H. Maury. Col. Richard L. Maury. NORMANDIE. DE LA GRANGE. NeVV AMSTERDAM. S. M. de la Grange. f James S. Van Cortlandt. NoRMANDiE. DE LA MAR, LAMAR. Maryland. Mrs. F. Cazenove Jones. -Mrs. Frances Lamar Rylance, f DE la MAISTRE, LE MAISTRE, le MAITRE, etc. Caen. Long Island. Rufus Adams. William D. Barbour. Henry Rutgers R. Coles. E. D. De Lamater. Mrs. Eliza W. Hook. Clement Le Boutillier. John Le Boutillier. Thomas le Boutillier. Dr. William le Boutillier. Sir Cuth- bert E. Peek. Sir William Henry Peek.f Mrs. Washington A. Roebling. de la MONTAYNE— TAIGNE. Saintonge. New Amsterdam. General Ferdinand P. Earle. James E. Wood.f de la NOY, de la NOYE, DELAUNAY. Leyden. Massachusetts. General Fred. D. Grant. Mrs. James Roosevelt. DE LA PLAINE, DELAPLAINE. Touraine. South Carolina. Mrs. J. B. Garretson. Howard Lockwood.f DE LA VOUTE. J. Oscar Voute. Wurtemburg. DOMBOIS. Mrs. Richard Mitchell Bent. William Fred. Hasslock. DOIAU, DEYO, etc. (45 variations in spelling in New Paltz). Hon. A. T. Clearwater. Robert Emmet Deyo. Wm. Maison Dubois. Miss Annie D. Ferree. Barr Ferree. Samuel P. Ferree. Gustavus D. Julien. Rev. Matthew C. Julien. Clarence A. Rundall. Gilbert E. Swope.f James S. van Courtlandt. Miss Elizabeth F. Young. Mrs. Emilia F. Young. Mrs. William H. Young. La Rochelle. DOMINIQUE. New York. Alexander Dominick.f Bayard Dominick. Francis J. Dominick.f Henry B. Dominick. William Gayer Dominick.f Marennes. DU BOIS (Jacques). New York. Elmer Ewing Green. Mrs. Geraldine L. Hoyt.f Mrs. Emily A. Liv- ingston, f 26 Manheim. DU BOIS (Louis). New Paltz. Dr. Charles Baird.f Prof. Henry M. Baird. Joseph O. Brown. f Mrs. William A. Budd. Robert E. Deyo. Dr. Abram Du Bois.f Rev. Anson Du Bois. George M. Du Bois.f James G. Du Bois.f Dr. John C. Du Bois. William A. Du Bois. William Maison Du Bois. William E. English. Peter E. Elting. Miss Annie D. Ferree. Barr Ferree. Samuel P. Ferree. Samuel Eberly Gross. Mrs. Louise Du Bois Kendall. Mrs. H. S. Ladew. Mrs. Schuyler Merritt. Henry Du Bois Mulford. Prof. J. K. Rees. Clarence A. Rundall. Miss Emma F. Sahler. Miss Flor- ence L. Sahler. Mrs. Thomas B. Scott. f Gilbert E. Swope.f James S. van Courtlandt. Henry Van Kleeck. Miss Elizabeth F. Young. Mrs. Emilia F. Young. Mrs. William Hopkins Young. DUBOIS (Pierre). Canterbury (England). Mrs. E. Warren Hook. Mrs. Washington A. Roebling. New York. Leyden. du CLOUX. New Amsterdam. George Butler Griffin, f Mrs. George Perkins Lawton. Edward De Forest. Shelton. Miss T- De Forest Shelton. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Ferd. Fred. Du Fais.f George B. Griffin. f John B. Dumont. Paris. Col. Henry A. Du Pont. Man II EI M. Richard W. Stevenson. Languedoc. DU FAIS. DU FOSSET. DUMONT. DU PONT. DURIE, DURYEE. DUTEE. Delaware. New Netherland. Massachusetts. Dr. Pearce Bailey. Charles V. Wheeler. DU TRIEUX, de TRIEUX, de TRUX. G. Butler Griffin. f Miss Emma G. Lathrop. Mrs. George P. Lawton. Edward De F. Shelton. Miss Jane De F. Shelton. James S. Van Court- landt. PiCARDiE. DU PUY, DE PUY. New Amsterdam. Charles M. Du Puy.f Miss Eleanor G. Du Puy. Herbert Du Puy. Rev. E. De Puy.f Note. — No pedigree given by the last named ; supposed to have been the same as DU PUY. Dr. Richard Faulkner (ancestor from Paris). DUVAL. Maryland. H. Rieman Duval. EMERY. Connecticut. Mrs. George F. Newcomb. 27 L'Isle-de-Re. EROUARD. Mrs. E. McL. Haughey. James M. Heroy.f Idabelle S. Kress. La Rochelle. FANEUIL. Wallace T. Jones. Dr. Faneuil D. Weisse. New Rochelle. William H. Heroy. Mrs. Massachusetts. TOURAINE. Pierre — George L. Heins. stein. John — William H. Falconer. Switzerland. Eugene A. Dermonet. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler. Hon. H. W\ Bookstaver. Switzerland. FAUCONNIER. Edwin A. Marschalk. FAURE. FELLE. FELTER. Staten Island. Abraham E, Helffen- New York. New York. Pennsylvania. FERREE. Miss Annie D. Ferree. Barr Ferree. Samuel P. Ferree. Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald. Gilbert E. Swope.f Miss Elizabeth F. Young. Mrs. Emilia F. Young. La Rochelle. FLANDREAU. New Rochelle. Washington L Adams. f Washington L L. Adams. Felix E. Flandreau. Mrs. C. C. Goldthwaite. FLOURNOY. Virginia. William C. Rivers, U. S. A. Mrs. L. Flournoy Van Deventer. FRANCOIS. Banyer Clarkson. Matthew Clarkson. Miss Elizabeth C. Jay.f Hon. John Jay.f Colonel William Jay. Wm. Jay Schieffelin. Ralph Le Fevre. FREER. FRISSELLE, FRAISE. William H. Frizzell. L'Isle-de-Re. FRIGUET. Mrs. E. McL. Haughey. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress, New Paltz. New Rochelle. Xaintonge. fume. New York. Rt. Rev. Charles T. Quintard.f Edward A. Quintard.f George W. Quintard. James S. Quintard.f POITOU. Dr. Theodore G. Thomas. GAILLARD. South Carolina. Normandie. GAII.LARD, GAYLORD. Connecticut. Mrs. William H. Moseley. Mrs. Benjamin Reynolds. Mrs. Charles E. Rice. Miss Lucy C. Richardson. Henry Chauncey Ward. Mauze. Prof. E. M. Gallaudet. GALLAUDET. New Rochelle. Rev. Thomas Gallaudet. General Paul A. Oliver. GAINEAU, GERNEAUX, GANO. La Rochelle. New Netherland. Mrs. Fletcher Bangs. L'Isle-de-Re. GARNIER. New Amsterdam Augustus C. Gurnee. Walter S. Gurnee. Hon. Abram S. Hewitt. Miss Miriam K. Wallis. SouBisE. GAUTIER. New York. Charles E. Gautier. Dudley G. Gautier. Joseph H. Gautier.f Thomas B. Gautier.f La Rochelle. GENDRON. South Carolina. Dr. Theodore G. Thomas. Xaintonge. GERMAINE— MON. New Oxford. Mrs. Charles H. Alden. Miss Mary E. Lincoln. Mrs. C. Addison Mann. GILET, GILLETT. Connecticut. Mrs. N. a. M. Foote. Mrs. C. M. Gillett. Kirke Bergerac. Mrs. Wm. R. Ellis Lathrop. GOUIN. Mrs. E. McL. Haughey. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. GOURDIN. GRASSET, GRESET. Artois. Robert N. Gourdin.f La Rochelle. W. Grassett Thomas. La Rochelle. GRATIOT. Mrs. William D. Bishop. Mrs. A. H. Fowler South Carolina. New York. St. Louis. New York. SouBisE. GUERRY. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Mrs. F. J. Blodgett. Aymar Embury. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. Mrs. Helen E. Wardwell. *Note. — Is Guerri from Poitou to South Caroliua, the same as Guerry? GUILLEMARD. Miss Candace Allen. Charles B. Allen. f William Ely. William D. Ely. William B. Ogden. Mrs. Henry G. Russell. Mrs. Charles S. Sargent. Mrs. Stephen van R. Thayer. MoiSE. GUIMAR. New Paltz. Mrs. William S. Young. GUION— YON. St. Martin-en-Re. Staten Island & N. Rochelle. Mrs. Ferdinand P. Earle. Rev. William P. Guion, William Hillman. Mrs. John L. Jerome. Oscar Brown Ireland. 29 GUIOU, GUE. Mrs. C. Lyman Cobb. La Rochelle. GUITTON. Clement Le Boutillier. John Le Boutillier. Mrs. Margaret Le Boutillier. Thomas Le Boutillier. Dr. Wm. Guitton Le Boutillier. HARGER. Stratford, Conn. Mrs. Cyrus Berry Peets. HASBROQUE— BROUCQ— BROUCK, ASBROQUE. French Flanders. New Paltz. Wm. Maison Du Bois. James S. Van Courtlandt. Mrs. William S. Young. HEGEMAN (Walloon). Miss Annie E. Hegeman. La Rochelle. HEX. New Amsterdam. Elmer Ewing Green. Mrs. Geraldine L. Hoyt.f Mrs. Emily A. Living- ston, f JACQUES. Edward S. Wheelen.f La Rochelle. JAY. New Amsterdam. Banyer Clarkson. Matthew Clarkson. Miss M. N. B. Cooper. Edward F. de Lancey. Miss Elizabeth C. Jay.f Hon. John Jay.f Col. William Jay. Mrs. Lea McL Luquer. Mrs. R. B. Moffat. Henry E. Pierrepont, Jr. Wm. Jay Schieffelin. JEARAULD— OULD. JERAULD, JEROE. Languedoc. Massachusetts. Dr. Pearce Bailey. Charles V. Wheeler. JOHONNOT, JOHANNOT. New Oxford. James W. Clark. French Flanders. JORISE— SSE^ICE. Esopus. Miss Annie D. Ferree. Barr Ferree. Samuel P. Ferree. Gustavus D. Julien. Rev. Matthew C. Julien. Gilbert E. Swope.f L'Isle-de-Re. JOUET. Narragansett. Cavalier H. Jouet. JUILLARD. A. D. Juillard. JULIAN. Narragansett. Clark Howe Buford.f Mrs. James M. Buford. LA FARGE. New York. Rear Admiral Francis A. Roe. Bordeaux. LANIER. New York. Charles Lanier. Mrs. Margaret L. Pumpelly.f Antilles. LASTY, LATY. New York. Mrs. E. McL. Haughey. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. La Rochelle. LA TOUR (de la). New York. Miss Margaret A. Jackson. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander. Christopher Robert. t Miss Mary E. Robert. LA TOURETTE, de la. Oise-en-Bearn. New York Mrs. Elliot Danforth. LA RIVIERE. J. D. Brez.f LA RUE. James E. Wood.f LAURENS, LAURENT. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler. Bordeaux. LE BARON. Plymouth. James W. Clark. Rev. James Le Baron Johnson. Mrs. Edward Y. Swift. Mrs. Grace Le Baron Upham. Miss Mary Van Buren Vanderpool. LE BLANC. Staten Island. Gustavus D. Julien. Rev. Matthew C. Julien. Mrs. Wm. Hopkins Young. LE BOUTILLIER. Clement Le Boutillier. John Le Boutillier. Thomas Le Boutillier. William G. Le Boutillier. LTsle-de-Re. LE BRUN. Narragansett. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. Rouen. " LE COMTE, LE CONTE. New Rochelle. Mrs. E. Warren Hook. Prof. Joseph Le Conte, M.D., LL.D. Dr. Robert Le Contc. Mrs. Washington A. Roebling. Mrs. James Pardon Snow. L'ESPENARD. Henry C. Trevor. Orleans. L'ESTRANGE, STREING. New Rochelle. Mrs. Henry C. Payne. Manheim. le FEBRE. Esopus. Frederick Brokaw.f Howard Crosby Brokaw. Isaac I. Brokaw. Isaac V. Brokaw. William V. Brokaw. LE FEVRE. New Paltz. William H. Du Bois. Peter J. Elting. Gustavus D. Julien. Rev. Matthew C. Julien. Ralph 'Le Fevre. Mrs. Malcolm Macdonald. Richard W. Stevenson. Picardie. le grand. Kingston. Henry Le Grand Cannon. f Col. Le Grand B. Cannon. La Rochelle. L'HOMMEDIEU. Staten Island. Mrs. W. G. Farlow. Mrs. Sherman Flint. Mrs. H. B. Ledyard.f Mrs. J. J. Slocum.f Lieut. S. S. L'H. Slocum. 31 LE MESTRE. New Rochelle. Paris. Mrs. Henry C. Payne. NoRMANDiE. LE MOINE, MAWNEY. Narragansett. James B. M. Potter, Jr. Miss Mary E. Potter. Dr. Thomas W. Potter. f William H. Potter. LEQUIE, L'ESQUYER. La Tremblade. New Netherland. Mrs. Elbert Floyd- Jones. Rev. Lea Luquer. Lea McL Luquer. Nicholas Luquer. Miss Sarah Luquer. f Thatcher T. P. Luquer. Mrs. A. E. Orr. La Rochelle. Hon. Elisha Dyer.f PiCARDIE. Rev. Robert Wilson, D.D. LE ROY. LE SERRURIER. LE SUEUR. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. NORMANDIE. Mrs. F. W. Huidekoper. Roe. James E. Wood.f LORILLARD Pierre Lorillard. Miss Catherine Wolfe. f Massachusetts. South Carolina. South Carolina. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Miss Dorothy Lord Maltby. La Rochelle. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler. LOZIER. LUCAS. South Carolina. Xaintonge. MAGNY, MANY, MAIGNY. Narragansett. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Mrs. F. J. Blodgett. Aymar Embury. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. Mrs. Helen E. Wardwell. MAILLARD. George Butler Griffin, f MALLET. MANIGAULT. MARION. Julien Henry Lee. Aunis. Miss Julia G. McAllister. POITOU. Miss Julia G. McAllister. MARQUAND. Prof. Allen Marquand. Henry G. Marquand. MASSE. Miss Maria L. Anderson. Mrs. James M. Lawton, New Oxford. South Carolina. South Carolina. Xaintonge. MAURY. Virginia. Virginia. Charles W. Maury. Miss Mary H. Maury. Col, Richard L. Maury. 32 L'Isle-de-Re. MAZYCK, MAZICQ. South Carolina. Rev. Robert Wilson, D.D. MELYN. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler. MERCEREAU— SEREAU. Moise-en-Saintonge. Staten Island. Mrs. William Barbour. Dr. Charles Stedman Bull. Mrs. Henry G. Campbell. Mrs. Elliot Danforth. Mrs. Eugene A. Hoffman. Rev. Elenry Prall. Mrs. William Talcott. TouRAiNE. MERCIER. South Carolina. Robert C. Bacot. William S. Bacot. Charles D. Simons. James D. Simons. La Rochelle. MERCIER, MARCIER. New Rochelle. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander. MESIER— ZIER. Louis Mesier. MESUROLE, MIZEROL. Picardie. New Netherland. William Meserole Branch. Charles S. Richards. F. V. Shonnard. England. MOLINES. Plymouth. John Balch Blood. Alden Freeman. Linus E. Fuller. William Milne Grinnell. Edward Clinton Lee. Mrs. C. Addison Mann (2 descents). Mrs. Clara L. McMurtry. Mrs. William H. Moseley. Genl. J. Meredith Read.f Mrs. Thomas A. Reilly. Mrs. Frank Tracy Robinson. Mrs. Byron Sherman. Charles V. Wheeler. Mrs. Eliza E. Chandler White (2 descents). Touraine. MOREAU. South Carolina. Robert C. Bacot. William S. Bacot. MOTTET. Frederick Mottet. NICOL. Hon. A. T. Clearwater. PoiTou. OLR'TER. Boston. James W. Clark. LTsle-de-Re. PAIRAN. Massachusetts. Hon Martin Brimmer, f James W. Clark. Peter B. Olney. Mrs. Peter B. Olney. Hon. Richard Olney. La Rochelle. PAPIN. New York. Rev. James Le Baron Johnson. Mrs. E. G. Putnam. PoiTOu. PARDIER— DIEU, PARDEE. Marwell B. Richardson. 33 TouRAiNE. PASQUEREAU. South Carolina. George Lewis Heins. Abraham E. Helffenstein. Edwin A. Marschalk. PELLIER. Clement Le Boutillier. John Le Boutillier. Thomas Le Boutillier. Dr. WilHam Le Boutillier. PENGRY. A. Augustus Smith. Island of Jersey. PERRIN — E. Staten Island. Mrs. Nathaniel Burruss. Nathaniel Charter Burruss. Wm. Cicero Burruss. Mrs. William Coxford. Mrs. Viola Vowers Holbrook. La Rochelle. PERONNEAU. South Carolina. Robert C. Bacot. William S. Bacot. Charles D. Simons. James D. Simons. Bermuda. PERROT, PEROT. New York. Miss Annie Hegeman. Joseph S. Perot. Mrs. Henry Kirke Porter. LTsle-de-Re. PERROTAU. Narragansett. Cavalier H. Jouet. PETIT. Miss Frances D. Booraem.f Mrs. Warren Rawson. PoiTou. PENEO— NNEO, PINNEAU. Plymouth. Samuel Dwight Brewster. George F. Newcomb. Mrs. Charles A. Nicola. Miss Dotha Stone Pinneo. La Rochelle. PINTARD. New Jersey. Robert F. Cutting. William Bayard Cutting. Waldensian. POILLON. New Netherland. Richard Poillon.f Guernsey. POINGDEXTRE, POINDEXTER. Virginia. Miss Maria L. Anderson. Mrs. James M. Lawton. POMPILI. J. Collins Pumpelly. Mrs. J. Meredith Read. NoRMANDiE. PRAA. New Netherland. Wm. Meserole Branch. Charles S. Richards. F. V. Shonnard. Paris. PROVOOST, PREVOT. New Amsterdam. Banyer Clarkson. Matthew Clarkson. Mrs. Benjamin S. Church. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler. Saintonge. PRIOLEAU. South Carolina. Prof. E. M. Gallaudet. Rev. Thomas Gallaudet. Genl. Paul A. Oliver. Daniel Ravenel.f LofC. 34 QUANTIN (seeCANTIN— E). Xaintonge. New Rochelle. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Pierre L. Boucher. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. QUEREAU. Benjamin Aymar. Miss EHzabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Pierre L. Boucher. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. PoiTOu. QUINTARD. New York. Rt. Rev. Charles T. Ouintard.f Edward A. Quintard.f George W. Ouintard. James W. Quintard.f Bretagne. RAVENEL. South Carolina. Daniel Ravenel.f Rev. Robert Wilson, D.D. La Rociielle. RENAUD. Narragansett. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander. Holland. RENEAU, REYNEAU— NAUD. La Rochelle. Charles F. Darlington. Rev. James H. Darlington. Paris. REOUA. New York. Rev. Daniel R. Foster. Henry M. Requa, Jr.f William Cary Sanger. Miss Hattie M. Seguine. RHINELANDER. r. J. Oakley Rhinelander. La Rochelle. RICHARD. New Netherland. Dr. Paul Richard Brown, Major U. S. A. La Rochelle. ROBARD. ROBERT. New York. Miss Margaret A. Jackson. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander. Christopher R. Robert. t Miss Mary E. Robert. ROSTIAU. G. Butler Griffin, f SANSE. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Bretagne. SAINT JULIEN (de). South Carolina. Daniel Ravenel.f Rev. Robert Wilson, D.D. Marennes. SANZEAN. New York. Elmer Ewing Green. Mrs. Geraldine L. Hoyt.f Mrs. Emily A. Livingston, f French Flanders. SEE. Harlem. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. SEGUIN— GUINE. New Rochelle. Dr. Charles S. Bull. Hon . A. T. Clearwater. 35 PoiTOU. SEJOUNNE, SIGOURNEY. Massachusetts. Hon. Martin Brimmer. f Peter B. Olney. Mrs. P. B. Olney. Hon. Richard Olney. SELEU, LLEU, SEU, SE LEU, LE SEU. Bordeaux. Massachusetts. Dr. Fredk. S. Sellew. Timothy G. Sellew. Mrs. William W. Wilcox. SEROT. W. Irving Adams. f W. Irving Lincoln Adams. SEUL. Dr. Edward H. M. Sell. Holland. SOHIER. New Amsterdam. Theodore M. Banta. Rev. A. Howard Demarest. Prof. D, D. Demarest, D.D., LL.D.f Rev. Wm. H. S. Demarest. Mrs. F. W. Huidekoper. Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. PoiTou. SOULICE. New Rochelle. Mrs. John L. Jerome. St. Christopher. STEELE. New Jersey. Miss Catherine Norwood. Lewis Morris Norwood. Frederick W. Stelle. William Watts Stelle. La Rochelle. SYCARD, SICARD. New Rochelle. W. Irving Adams. f W. I. Lincoln Adams. Morgan H. Seacord. TAINE. Mrs. Ferdinand P. Earle. THELABALL. Virginia. Edward W. James. Island of Jersey. THOREL. New York. Mrs. Viola Vowers Holbrook. PicARDiE. TOURNEUR. New Netherland. Mrs. Emma A. J. Hopkins. Lawrence Turnure.f Lawrence Turniire, Jr. TOURTELLOT. Boston. Robert W. Aborn.f Hon. Elisha Duer.f Dr. J. Q. A. Tourtellot.f Paris. TRICO. New York. Mrs. William A. Budd. Henry Rutgers R. Coles. Rev. Lea Luquer. Lea McI. Luquer. Nicholas Luquer. Miss Sarah Luquer. f Thatcher T. B. Luquer. Miss Dorothy L. Maltby. Mrs. A. E. Orr. Mrs. Ellen R. Peabody. Jacob G. Rapelje. Henry S. Rapelye. Charles S. Richards (2 descents). Mrs. Allen H. Strong. Mrs. Van Campen Taylor. Henry Van Kleeck. Miss Florence R. Wright. Mrs. George Williams Wright. Picardie. L'ZILLE, UZILIE. New Netherland. Rev. Roswell R. Hoes, U. S. N. 36 L'Isle-de-Re. \'ALEAU, VALOS. New Rochelle. Charles M. Du Puy.f J\Iiss Eleanor Du Puy. Herbert Du Puy. George Lewis Heins. Abraham F. Helffenstein. Edwin A. Marschalk. VERMILJE— YE. Rev. A. G. Vermilye. J. D. Vermilye.f Rev. Thomas E. Vermilye.f VER NOOY. Hon. A. T. Clearwater. Clarence A. Rundall. VERVEELEN. Mrs. Eliza ^^'. Hook. Mrs. Washington A. Roebling. VIELL. Charles M. VaiLf VIGNE, VIGNE, VINGE. New York. Theodore M. Banta. Joseph O. Brown. f Mrs. Idabelle S. Kress. Mrs. Katherine B. B. Roe. Bergerac. VILLEPONTEUX. New Rochelle. Rev. Edward O. Flagg. Mrs. C. M. G. Mathews. f Soubise. VINCENT. New York. Benjamin Aymar. Miss Elizabeth Aymar. Miss Harriet Aymar. Jose Aymar. Mrs. F. J. Blodgett. J. D. Brez.f Aymar Embury. Mrs. Montgomery Schuyler. Mrs. Robert Van Buren. Rt. Rev. Boyd Vincent. Rt. Rev. J. H. Vincent. Mrs. Helen E. Wardwell. Mrs. Martha J. Lamb.f Rev. A. V. Wittmeyer. Mrs. F. K. Hunter. VINTON. VINTMAIRE. WALDO. The foregoing list of "Family Names of Huguenot Refugees to America" was compiled by Mrs. James M. Lawton, Chairman of Pedigree Committee. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 564 414 2