^.r- P K.} .d-' '^rl, y ^^^'% '• '3< .%o-j •'"••'« A* .'°I■■•/o- BREEDING, TRAINING. OS D O O^ S: Together with an easy and agreeable Method of Instructing all Breeds of Dogs in a great variety of Amusing and Useful Performances. KOLUDING THIRTY-CUB ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE DIFFEEENT BKE£US OF DOGS, FO£l'll)ALLY l>£SUitiB£U. By IHRA-TSrCIS BXJTLER, ^nTBOR or xnB "Spanish teacbbr,-' "frkkch speaker," «dom rOUilCALLY DKSOKIBBD ASS ILLD^STUATED," £T0. FIFTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED, WITH AN 1y^ iV^ APPENDIX. 'Z^ ^' Brooklyn, E. D. PUBLISHED BY D. S. HOLMES, 89 FoDETH Street. t/L 2^ Entered, according to Act of Congrets, in the year 1857, By FRANCIS BUTLER, .n the Clerk's Office, of tlie United States for the Southern District of New York. Copjrignt, 1877, by D. S. Holmes, z^f INTRODUCTION". Born a Poet, by instinct a Naturalist, and I)y profession a Pliilosopher, I offer no apology is introducing to you a series of Canine poems, descriptive of the varied types of Dogdoni ; tr;:sting that my delineations may prove both instructive and amusing to the reader, and profitable to the Author, FRANCIS BUTLER. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. The Publisher trusts, in giving to the public this fifth edi- tion of the work of Francis Butler, deceased, that the addi- tions and embelishnients which he has spared neither pains uor expense to procure, will gratify the admirers of the sub- jects illustrated. Of the lute autlior of the work, it is use- less to speak. lie has been acknowledged, not only in this country, but in Europe, to be the best American authority on the subject he treats. Mr. Edward Jesse, Keeper of the Queens Park, London, in his "Anecdotes of Dogs," quotes from Mr. Butler's work as the best extaut. CONTENTS. PACK Iiitiodaciiou 12 TlieDojr 18 Origin of the Jifferen; breeds of Dogs 30 Bi-oc(iiiig of Dogs 36 Slnt8 ill lieat. Pupping and Pups 43 Mauiigenieut aud 'rreatment of Dogs 57 Teetliing, 'i'eetli. &c 71 (.;io[ipiiig, Tailing, Dew- Claws 78 Castration of Dogs. Spaying of Sluts 82 Introductory remarks oh tlie Training of Dogs 87 Down! Stop! Steady there 96 Come in ! Keep in ! Goon! 98 Sliaking hands ; right hand ; left hand; sitting up : standing up ; walking on tlie hind legs 103 Fetching, Carrying, Seeking, Finding 105 (.i-oing into and Fetching out of the water 109 Going up stairs, Going down stairs, Kee[)ing out of doors, Staying in doors 115 Jumping through a hoop, Over a stick, &c. Down dead! Stand fire! 118 Steady! with meat on the Dog's nose. Meat in Lis mouth, not to lie eaten 122 Fetching from the Store. Carrying to a given point 124 Teacli your dog to call you at a regular hour 129 To make tr'isty watch dogs and good ratters 132 Ou the training of lighting-dogs 139 Comparative virtues of Pointer and Setter 145 8 CONTENTS. PAOS. Training and Breaking Pointers and Setters 150 General remarks on diseases of dogs J 65 Diseases of Dogs, Fits 170 Distemper, Dianhoea, Constipation, Stoppage 177 Mange 202 Kabies, Hydropliobia 207 Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Inflammation of the Lmigs 223 Worms. . . : 228 Rheumatism, Palsy, Paralysis 234 Diseases of tlie Eye 2^2 Diseases of the Ear 249 Sprains, Dislocations, Fractures, Wounds, Swellings of the Neck and Throat. 254 Sore Feet 264 Illustrations described 2G7 Practical Hints to owners 286 Engravings— Bruno Frontispiece. Prince, Siberian Bloodhound JO St Bernard 22 Newfoinidland 28 Bloodhound 34 Scotch Dcerhound 44 Fo.xliouud 54 Harrier 54 Beagle 74 English Greyhound 84 Italian Greyliound 94 Pointer 100 Setter jjO Water Spaniel 120 Cocker Spaniel 126 King Charles' Spaniel 136 Blenheim Spaniel 146 Pointer 455 Mastitl". 158 Bull Dog 168 Bull terrier , 178 CONTENTS. 9 PAOK. Eugiavings— l?!iick and Tan Terrier. (English) 184 Scotch terrier 19Q Arctic Sled dog y]4 I^squimaux Dog 208 Shepherd Dog. (Scotcli) 220 Poodle. 230 Coach-dog 2 10 Ciiinese Hairless Dog 2 ,'6 'A'nriispit 256 Png-dog 2G'2 Monsfiel ^ or.) CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. »»» PAGS. Auecdotea of Dogs 289 Canine Suicidea 323 Pride of the Eorder 321 Minos the learned dog ;jl7 ■Degorrah 3J8 Disease of Dogs 3 j9 Biave Duke 331 Age of Dogs 372 ^'•-''■o 37(i T;ie Spitz 378 Hydrophobia 379 lUaedonna.Avith " i\Iingo.'' 386 " Dagaiar" -with ''Oscar." 387 The Great IJench Show 388 IJoiies of tiie Canine Skeleton 392 Glossary of Words.., 396 Rules of the Keunel Club 400 Kate 107 GREAT 6IBERIAK BXOODHOUKD GREAT SIBERIAN BLOODHOUND. Of ancient birth, in form majestic, tall, \nd ri,ull-dog is the same breed. Only imagine, gent'e reader, an English Bull-dog breaking a Lion's back, and overcoming an Elephant in single combat. Now the largest English Mastiffs have been loosened on the Ijion in successive pairs, a id were annihilated in a twinkling. Pliny's Dog then must indeed have been a Rouser ! The effects of climate are now easily accounted for! What would Buffon's orlq'iiial Shepherd-dog have thought, had he witnessed the strength and prowess of his dauntless descendant? I do not quote these remarkable sayings of wonilorrul men, either as a critic or a fault finder, but to plead for mercy in advance in be- half of my unworthy self, should I, perchance, be accuse! of similar mis ippi-chensions. I trust, however, that by carefully keeping with- in the limits of my range, and avoiding the r" INTRODUCTION. 17 untathcmablc depths of metaphysical supposi- tions, I may somewhat ehicidate and simplify the mystified art of Dog-management, present- ing simple facts, free from incomprehensible technicalities, and in such alight, that thev may he understood, aad freely digested by the iwn-profcaaional. \ THE DOG. The Dog appears to be a native of erery cli mate : in the frigid regions of tiic North, under the burning sun of the Tropics, or in the more temperate climes , he is to be found the faitlifid associate, guardian and friend of man ; whilst, if we are to believe what everybody says, the most sagacious, knowing, tractable, learned and faithful, are common in every part of the habit- able globe. From the mammoth St. Bernard, down to the darling, dear, tiny, little lap-dog, no matter what breed, what cross, what size, what color, or what his peculiar properties or propensities, the favorite is considered by his owner, as knowing far more than the majority of other breeds- The St. Bernard has rendered himself famous, by his charitable feats in re lieviug snow-bound travellers ; the Newfound THE DOG. 19 land by saving human beings from drowning ; tlio Poodle by his aptness in acquiring a hostoi amusing tricks and antics ; the rip:)rting Dog, by his services in the field, contributing both to the pleasure and profit of his master; the pet, (whatever may be his pedigree), for his almost incredible foresiglit, judgment, discre- tion, attention, cleanliness, &c.. in fine, to hear some people speak of their pets, one might be led tobelieve their dogs learned enough to instruct the whole family. I am only endeavoring to show by this, that the society of man, together with education and the force of habit, produce about the same effects on one breed as on the other. I am often asked which kind is the most easy to teach, and I am certainly una.ble to give any satisfactory answer. Wliilst almost every breed of dog has its peculiar character- istics, and is more apt at one branch of tuition than another, still, as a whole, I can scarcely admit that the honorable member from New- foundland, or the noble representative of St. Bernard, is more capable of instruction than the learned Poodle from Paris, or the thirsty Bloodhound of Cuba. By habits, education, ^ood society and good manage:nent, they will 20 THE DOG. all excel in their vained spheres, and will all be ooii=iiderc;l, (a^ no doabt they are), the most wonderful animals in the world. A largo handsome dog, or an elegant pet, is generally observed to be the most tractable, and gentle- manly animal. He receives a lesson at every step, his master or mistress is proud of him, he accompanies them around the house, and oft- times in their travels ; he must be introduced to a large circle of acquaintances, who are call- ed on to witness his performances, and testify to his merit. The pretty, little dog, in the house knows the varied habits and movements of the inmates, the hour to rise, and the hour of retirement ; breakfast, dinner and tea are sea- sons with which he is perfectly familiar ; in fact, he appears to understand a hundred things he never was taught ; whilst the poor beast of a watch-dog, at the end of his four foot chain, is justly accused of being one of the most untract- able, illiterate brutes in creation. Society, habit and example are the sole causes of this difference. Had the pet been on the chain, and the forlorn watch-dog inside, the reverse would have been the case. THE DOG. 21 Some date the origin of the Dog to the Wolf, but as there is a vvidc dilTerencc l)oth in their physical coiistrtiotioii and intellectual capabilities, there is no foundation for such an insupportable theory. No • a dog is a dog, always has been, and ever will be. He differs widely in many respects from any other quad- ruped, surpassing them all in sagacity, intellectu- ality and fidelity. The elephant, the horse, tiie cow, the monkey, and others may portray evi- dent symptoms of instinctive reasoning, but the dog will absorb more instruction in one short hour, than the whole phalanx could digest in a week. He will learn where no lesson is given, and from knowledge thus acquired, he is fully competent to act as the tutor of others. With his wonderful performances, and disinterested fidelity, the whole world appear to be conver sant. A recapitulation of his varied feats would be a somewhat useless devotion of space, whilst to pass them over in utter silence, would be unjust in one, who is proud to acknowledge him his trustworthy friend. In various parts of the world, I have traced the peculiar characteristics of the canine race, and have found that they stand everywhere Dreeminent SAINT BERNARD DOG. Of tawny color, and of lion size, In muscle powerful, and by instinct wise, On his bold front, tiiere lurks no treach'rorui grin, Candor without, and honesty within ; The trusty Gruardian of the holy friar, Sleepless, he dozes, by the convent fire ; But roused to action, braves the frost and snow, To greet a fiiend, or face a daring loe. On barren peaks, abstemious monks grow fat, Feasting on strangers' charity at that ; Without a friend, e'en to a saint 't were hard. To brave the rigors of the bleak Bernard. From thi« huge mount, tl.e Dog derives his name; Some doubt his pedigree, but none his fame ; For strangers oft, when ice bedecks the ground, No friend to help in that drear region round ; With hunger perishing, and limbs congealed. To the chill grasp of death prepare to yield : When lo ! he comes ! the gallant Bruno hies I With food and cordial, e'er the traveller dies. Some may exclaim, " Can there a man be found. Who'd dream of bartering such a priceless hound ?" But then again. Lives there a monk so rash, ^ To lose a customer, who hands the cash ? 24 THE DOG. above all other animals in their astonishing powers of mental development — their disinter- ested fidelity and attachment to man. Under chastisement, neglect and starvation, they are still devoted to their master's will, and ready to perish by his side, rather than forsake him ; his companion by day, and his guard by night ; the author of his sports, the sharer of his toils, and ever in waiting to obey his commands. With all these qualifications, it must not be forarotten, that great talents either uncultivated or misdirected, may be, and often are, turned to very bad account. For this simple reason, " 7)ogf" is a bye-word among all nations, because, travel where you may, thousands of these poor brutes are either left to the tender mercies of unrestricted loaferdom, (consequently they are accused of transgressing laws which they were never taught to obey), or even with respectable owners in the majority of cases, they get no kind of instruction whatever ; it being gene- rally considered an all sufiicient virtue, should they happily succeed in waking up tlie family, two or three times in the night. If a dog should, however, chance to break loose, kill a dozen chickens, four ducks and a sheep, steal THE Doa. 26 half a leg of mutton, and worry the cat, tear up the flower-beds, or play havoc with the clothes-line, ten to one but the general opinioc is, that he ought to be shot or got rid of im- mediately. Now I contend that he has done no more than might have bee.i expected, even from an uncivilized biped. It was nothing more than a perfectly natural impulse unre- strained. If we show a rat to a terrier, ai>d he refuse to seize him, we set him down as a cowardly beast ; but wo can either urge him to kill him, or teach him to respect him. He may not require excitement, but at any rate, he may be easily restrained. The greatest rat killer I ever owned, or ever saw, was my Bull-terrior dog Tiger, (whose Life and Adventures, lately published, may be worth the perusal of all ad- mirers of canine character). I <',ould leave him in a room shut up with half a dozen rats, running around him, and had t told him not to touch them, they were perfectly safe in his keeping ; but at a word, and in a few seconds he would annil)ilate thsm all. Were he ever so hungry, he would hold meat in his mouth, till I bid him swallow it ; he would obey a multitude ol commands, given in a whisper ; yea, a variety 26 THE DOG. of SO called remarkable things could old Tiger do. Now, I am not aware that he was born with talents superior to his fellows, neither did he belong to a race the most renowned for their intellectuality, but he had his advantages. He was seldom out of my sight or hearing, and his progress afforded us mutual pleasure and satis- faction. During the seventeen years of his life, I seldom had any occasion to correct him with stripes ; he knew the expression of my countenance, and the sound of my voice too well to require it. So accustomed was I to the different intonations of his bark, that to me, it was nothing short of absolute speech. I repeat, I do not quote him as being naturally more gifted than his fellows, (although there is an equally marked difference of capacity in dogs as well as in men), since I have had many who profited equally, according to their advan- tages. I merely introduce his respected mem- ory, to prove to a demonstration that dogs are really worthy of respectful consideration, and will amply repay any reasonable trouble that may be bestowed on them ; whilst on the other hand, he who would deny his guardian the THE DOG. 27 privilege of a common school edncution, should be called to account for his shor^rsighted, and ci'ucl neeleot. J^^ 0A ^'^^'^^i:^ NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. Of glossy black, in form and bearinff grand, .rhe noted Fisher-dog of Newfoundland ; Water his element, the sea his rest, Of all atnphil)ions, surely he's the best. Massive in limb, his organs well defined. His shaggy coat defies the stormy wind ; With dauntless foot, he stems the ocean spray, Nor foaming surge can check, his onward way. From North to South, a household word hia name. While East and West, re echo loud his fame ; His truthful looks with conlidence inspire The cradled infant and the aged Sire. 'T were vain, in verse, his merits to relate ; A task, his virtues to exaggerate ; Playmate by day, and sentinel by night, The parents' guardian, and the boys' delight. The tempest rages, and the sea grows wild, The mother screams, " Who'll save my drown- ing child ?" The gallant Neptune dashes from the shore, And rescues him who sank to rise no more. The house in flames, or burglars breaking through ; Ho'U guard your purse, and rouse you quickly too ; In joy and sorrow, he's jour trusty friend, Honest and faithful, bribeless, to the end. ORIGIN OF THE DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS. Tius is rather a Lard subject for a discourse; such is the diversity of opinion, in regard to tlie prime origin of the diflerent shades of Dogdom. There being nothino; more than an abnost imaginary circumstantial train of doubt- ful evidence, to substantiate a variety of suppo- sitions, we are left somewliat in the dark as to the peculiar varieties of the parent stock. From a Icngtliened experience in obtaining crosses of different breeds, and from a thousand instances I liave witnessed of the varied products of un- traceable mongrel stock ; from the incredible clianges which climate affects even on the same generation, I am inclined to believe that many breeds, now considered as genuine, might be again reproduced from opposite races. I believe this, because I have often proved it OKIGIN OF DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS. 31 There are, however, some races which bear more the impress of originality than others, both in their outward appearance, and in their instinctive propensities. The courage of the Bull-dog ; the ileetness and sight of the Grey- hound ; the game hunting attitudes of the Pointer ; the long curly ears of the Spaniel ; the peculiar drooping ears of the Hound. These and other examples of peculiarities of physical structure, and native properties, lead us to in- fer an originality of caste. But from these few only, which I have mentioned, what an in- finite variety may be propagated ! The Hound with a Spaniel, and the offspring crossed by a Pointer would certainly be running great risk of producing a Setter. The Setter thas formed, crossed by a Bulldog, might turn out some tolerable fair Terriers. Tims, by the blending of different stamps of animals, there is scarcely any limit to strange productions. Add to this, the effects of habit, diet and cli- mate, and it is easily conceived how every gen- eration is introduced to a novel canine race, of which our ancestors had never dreamed. An animal not only changes his appearance to suit the climate he may be called on to inhabit, but 32 ORIGIN OF DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS. moreover, his very instincts are forced into that particular channel, best adapted to the life he has to lead. Like man himself, he is in a great measure the creature of circumstances, and his peculiar attributes and acquirements dre to a cji-tiiii exteit hereditary, a^ well as his snub nose, curly ears, or spindle shanks. The eifects of climate on animals are really astonishing. Witness only the Merino sheep in Cuba ; the Norman horse in London ; com- pare the fur of the fox or rabbit in different latitudes, and you will be convinced what a variety of changes may be thus produced on the animal system. This, together with the con- stant introduction of new stock into almost every country, will account in a great measure for the numerous varieties and sub-varieties of the canine species. The breeds best known and most in use in this country, are the Pointer, Setter, Spaniel, Fox-hound, Beagle, Greyhound, Bull-dog, Bull-terrier, Scotch and English Terrier, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Scotch and English Shcphtrd-dog, Poodle, &c. From these alone, only imagine what an endless transmogrification might be effected ! Some of these make good cross breeds, particularly the ORIGIN OF DIFFERENT BREEDS OF DOGS. 33 St. Bernard and Newfoundland. This amalga- mation adds to the beauty of the St. Bernard, and to the size of the Newfoundland ; and, I think is the happiest mixture for an imposing and trustworthy family watch dog. Neverthe- less, as this is the only cross I care about, I shall not enlarge on the subject ; in other cases I prefer the pure stock, as far as it can be depended on, unless a cross be persisted in, un- til it turns out to suit one's purpose. Never- theless, a little Hound in the Pointer, a little Spaniel in the Setter, &c., if judgmatically infused, may serve to arouse the dormant energies of an out-bred stock, and impart new vigor to a novel procreation. In fact, no breed can be sustained, without an occasional sprinkle of foreign blood, except, at the risk of sacrificing health and strength, and of eventu- ally dwindling our chosen ones to perfect nonentities — weak, puny, lifeless, worthless. THE BLOODHOUND. Dreaded his name, for bloody deeds renowned, Once in old England, now in Cuba found. Ears broad and pendant, heavy drooping jowi ; Fearful his barii, and ominous his howl. Of color tawny, or of reddish tan, Sometimes the friend, yet oft' a foe to man ; Of nervous limb, witli teeth deep set and long, Disputes the mastery of the canine throng. The thiefs antipathy, the murderer's dread, He tracks their patiivvay, notes their every tread; On tireless foot aiid panting for the figiit, Trails tiie doomed fugitive, by day and night. And men there arc, who hire him by the day. To hunt the trembling Negro runaway ; [flood, Nor wood, nor swamp, nor brake, nor bursting Can dauut his ardent rage, for human blood ; award he speeds, low scenting on the ground, With deep and sonorous yell at every bound ; The race is o'er, the Bloodhound wins the day. His wreaking jaws in triumph seize the prey. His name a Ijyevvord " X fei-oc,ious brute." His vice constrained, inhuman brutes to suit. For thirsty blood lounds, if but rightly mann'd, Are kind and docile as the Newfoundland. To prove ray doctrine, I would here assert, Tlmt virtue's often vice if kept inert. That vice is virtue, when in duty fou.«4\ For who \rould prize a disobedleut hounl 1 BREEDING OF DOGS. It is an old saying, and a true one : " Nothing like a jjood beginning." This proverb stands particularly staunch with regard to dogs. Without a sound start, we shall be often sub- ject to sore disappointments. When we con- sider the unsuitable amalgamations ; tiie interminable, and almost incomprehensible transmogrifications ; the oft trebly compounded admixtures, to which the canine race is con- tinually exposed, it should inspire us with somewhat of dithdence, in attempting to define the originality of stock, or in deciding on the purity of blood, simply from outward appear- ances. Breeds of dogs are continually under- going the varied changes of the kaleidoscope. When there may chance to be nine shades on the one side, and perhaps, thirteen on the other, it would be preposterous to inquire under what BREEDING OF POGS. 37 head to class the progeny. Certainly, they would be commonly termed mongrels ; but not more than three breeds at most, could be de- tected in their appearance ; whilst their peculiar characteristics could be named only after trial. It often happens, however, even from such an inscrutable compound as that above mentioned, that a dog of apparently pure stock may present himself. Hence we are often deceived. We get Pointers, that won't hunt ; Water Spaniels, that won't face the water; Newfoundlands intractable and savage ; Bull-dogs *that won't tight; Charley Spaniels with long noses ; Terriers with round heads ; in fine, a multitude of animals with irresponsi- ble hypocritical countenances, well calculated to subvert the judgment of a Buflbn, a Cuvier, or of Butler himself. I merely cite these examples, to show how careful we ought to be in the selection of Breeding-Stock. I have seen splendid Scotch Terriers from a Poodle ; magnificent Newfound- lands from a Foxhound ; beautiful Black and Tan Terriers from a Cocker Spaniel ; also three apparently distinct breeds in the same litter; and a host of almost incredible productions, 88 iJRKEDING OP DOGS. too numerous to put in print. A peculiar breed will often leak out, froni generations back, tlius giving rise to the popular, yet mistaken notion, of a slut enclosing in her womb the offspring of various sires. This idea is not only against the laws of nature, but contrary to common sense and experience. One plain fact, (it appears to me), is sufficient to decide the question. A slut will be in full heat during 10 or 20 days. Let us suppose then, that during that period, she has had intercourse with one or more males every day ; if her whelps were fathered l)y a variety of dogs, it is reason- able to suppose, (presuming them to arrive at the regular stage of embryo-perfection), that they would enter the world at periods, corres- ponding to the various times, when they were begotten ; therefore a slut, (one of the random kind), would be from 10 to 20 days in bringing forth her young, which I have hitherto not found to be the case. I have a record of some five or six hundred breeding sluts ; sixty hours has been the greatest variation of time, between copulation and parturition. Some, I have put to the same dog every day, from the first up to the twentieth day. Now, why did'ut they pup BREEDING OF DOGS. 39 fit vnrious periods ? They were as likely to do it from one dog, as from a hundred ; but they iiave not averaged between the first born puppy and the last, perhaps over twelve hours. Then again, those who have for several consecutive days been subjected to the embraces of Pointer, Poodle and Pug, are just as regular in bring- ing forth, as others who liave been allowed one male alone. The diiference often discernablc in the same ^ainWy o^ jjure breeds, arises from some former and perhaps distant amalgamation of another race. In breeding then, I repeat be very cautious in the selection of your stock. Trace their pedigree, (if you can), tlicir qualities and their cliaracteristics ; aye, their manners and education ; their constitutions, pluck, endurance, &c. I cannot rid myself of tlie idea that even talents and acquirements are somewhat hereditary. The quail trembles at tlie tread of man, and with the very shell on liis back, hurries off affrighted at the sound of his footstep ; whilst the young turkey, or chick- en, (once wild as the quail), Avill become friend- ly in a few minutes : and in a few hours will follow a person about as his adopted parent. The steady habits of the parent stock have 40 BREEDING OF DOGS. tlioroughl)^ transformed their instinctire en- dowments, and suited them to civilized life. Look at the tame rabbit, (a more apt illustra- tion), the young ones are comparativel)" tame, when they first run about : whilst those of the same stamp, if born in the woods, at the least sound, would bolt off like a shot, from under the very mother that bore them. Do not sup- pose, however, that you can get a learned puppy ; neither can absolute confidence be placed in hereditary endowments. I quote these exam- ples merely to endeavor to substantiate my impressions in regard to the superiority of educated stock. The next point to be considered is, the absolute Breeding. Authors are continually at variance as to the most appropriate ages for propagation. My own personal experience has not led me to fix on any definite period of canine development, as more particularly suit- able for procreation, except in as far as health nd vigor are concerned. If the dog and slut be perfectly healthy, and fully developed ; if they have lost none of their vigor ; if they be free from all taint of hereditary disease, stock may be safely relied on, from animals varying BREEDING OF DOGS. 41 in age from eighteen months, to ciglit years ; and occasionally older. It is commonly sup- posed that the first litter is not good for much, I admit, there are cases, when the slut is in heat, before completing her growth, the pupa would not, perhaps, be as fine ; but as a gene- ral rule, Nature is the best indicator of pro- creative fitness. This, I really do believe, that doga bred from very young, uneducated stock, are much wilder and more difficult to control, than the offspring of riper years. See that your breeders are symmetrically built ; strong in tiie loins, good teeth, good coat, and well de- veloped limbs. Reject contracted chests, nar- row loins, decayed teeth, stinking breath, &c. Do not breed in, any more than can be avoided j it tells unhappy tales, and if persisted in, to any extent, deteriorates the constitution, weakens the intellectual powers, and gradually extinguishes every spark of healthful vigor. If you are particular about breeding from the same stock, that dog should be chosen who is living at the greatest distance from his mate. This will make an astonishing difference, ag climate, diet, habits and treatment contribute greatly towards a physical change. Witness 42 BREEDING OF DOGS. the same breed of dog, horse, cow, slieep, &c., under diiferent suns. If these causes work such a marKcd cliange, the principle must be carried out in the same ratio, in localities lC88 distant, and climates less varyiog. MB. JOHN E. T. GKAINGER'S SETTER " NELLY" AND HEE PUPS, VALUED AT S5.000. SLUTS IN HEAT. PUPPING AND PUPS. One of the most important things in Breeding is, tlie absolute certainty that the female has not been tainted by forbidden suitors. Great caution is necessary during the copulative period, as both male and female are equally desirous of satisfying their lust at whatever risk. The slut then should be kept where no dog, (except the chosen one), can possibly ha^e access. Of this, the owner himself should be absolutely certain, as hirelings are often igno- rant and generally careless about the necessary precautions. The general idea is that the heated period is of nine days duration ; but this is by no means certain, as it differs widely in different subjects, varying from three some- times to twenty days ; perhaps the average may be nine or ten days. The female generally indicates its approach by a gradual expansion SCOTCH DEERHOUND. Full many a bard, his glorious feats has sung ; Full many a hall, his echoed praises rung ', Where trophied antlers o'er the feast preside, *" Bold Oscar coaching by famed Lufra's side. Most noble hound! of Scotia's lairds tlieboasti And highly prized on Albion's sportive coast I His brawny limb and wiry coat outvie The classic greyhound and the rougiiy Skye. In stature tall, imposing gait and mien, Near festive boards of Royalty is seen ; Bright piercing ken and scrutinizing eye, Cool, dauntless courage, that none dare defy ; His eagle glance, the distant game reviews, With lightning speed, the bounding stag pur- sues ; With bursting ardor, void of every fear, Impetuous rushes on the fated deer. O'er rock and chasm, he darts, the darin'i' hound, Nor ought arrests his bold and reckless bound; AVith fatal grasp, retains the destined prey, 'J'iio' mortal wounds his prowess oft' repay. Maik well his joy, as home the prize tiiey besiTj His martial step, his proud victor, ous air ; By speaking gesture, glories in his name, And eyes exultingly the lifeless game. 40 SLUTS IN II RAT. .tC. of tlic gonorntivc org-ans, from Avliich, (previous to her Vieinu: prepared lor the male) is observed to issue a bloody fluid, more particularly visible alter her haviug- lain still for a time. These preparatory symptoms are of more or less duration, in dilVerent subjects. I have known them to continue a month previous to a perfect develo[)mciit, and even then all communicatiou with the nu\le refused. Very rarely will the slut submit to the dog. till this has passed off; indeed it is not lit she should, as the organs are not yet thoroughly conditioned for copulation, and a favorable result cannot be anticipated. The fennvle should, more properly, be put to the male three or four days after she has ceased to bleed, as. at the outset, the womb is apt either to reject, or is unprepared to cherish the seed ; consequently early amalgamations often prove fruitless. Should she continue in heat, for several days, after having taken the male, it will be advisable to have the operation renew- ed, as the protracted expansive longing of the parts is apt to allow the evacuation of the semen. The female may be impregnated the lirst, second or third time, &,c., it is impossible (before pupping) to say which. It is also, iia- SLUTS m HEAT, AC. 47 possible to know, for an absolute fact, (but ex- perience haa caused inc to believe from incon- trovertible circumstantial evidence), that what has been done, may be undone. For instance, should you put your slut to a dog, (who is con- sidered an excellent stock-getter), and she Bhould happen four or five days after to corae in contact with another male, it will very often happen that tlic second is the father of tho anticipated family. Tiiis of course, is proved by the day of the pupping. For this reason, I am not an advocate of oft-repeated < loses ; for, granting that it can be undone, it may be un- done without being replaced. Once may be equal to a dozen times, provided both be in a prepared and healthy state. I generally advise twice, missing two days between the operations ; especially, when we are not satisfied as to the time the female has been in full heat. Whilst I do not depend on it too early, I often fear lest it may be too late. It is not well to shut up the animals together, when it can be otherwise effected ; the male is apt to wear himself out uselessly, which diminishes, rather than adds to the prospect of an increase. In case of neces- sity, when there is a difference in height of the 45 SLUTS IN HRAT, AC. two animals, a square board of sufficient size, may be used with two holes cut in it, to admit the legs of the slut (should she be the tallest ;) or for her to stand on, should she be the lowest. It may be raised to any height by placiug some- thing for the edges to bear on. Sluts intended for breeding should not bo kept too fat, neither when bearing ; in the first place, they are very apt to mi^s ; and in the second, to experience great difficulty and danger in bringing forth. Dogs too fat are also very indifferent and un- certain stock-getters. During pregnancy, grossness and excess of food should be particularly guarded against : especially with the more delicate breeds ; at the same time the animal should by no means be kei^t low. tood that is too strong for puppies is (^in delicate constitutions), too strong for beariiig-sluts. The mother is apt to get too fat and humory ; consequently, the brood is with difficulty brought into the world, and the life of both mother and offi-^pring is jeopardised ; secondly, the pups are often born full of eruptions, and more subject to disease. House-pets, when in this state, should not be allowed to go up and down stairs ; especially after the sixth Aveek SLUTS IN HE\T. &C. 49 Numbers of litters are in this way weakened or destroyed, and numerous mothers sacrificed. It appears to me, to be an unnatural canine movement, this ascending and descending of steps, and I imagine, (witli sluts in whelp), it strains the sustaining ligament, through which the nourishment passes to the embryos ; tljiis proving decidedly injurious both to mother and offsi)ring. Regular exercise should always be attended to, and neednotbe seriously diminish- ed on account of pregnancy. Sporting dogs, however, should not be hunted much when far advanced, as they are subject to sudden jerks, which might prove injurious. A snug, comfort- able place should be selected, and a warm bed should be prepared for the slut, to deposit her pups. She should be accustomed to it, for sev- eral days previous to her delivery. This generally "has the effect of confining her labors to one spot ; otherwise she is apt, in her pains, to drop them about at random, thus unneces- sarily perilling iheir lives. Should she abso- lutely appear determined on the selection of another spot, it is better to humor her, and there make her as comfortable as possible. A peeping, meddling curiosity at the time of oup- oO SLUTS IN HEAT. &C. pitij^ should not be allowed ; slie is generally Air better alone, since inqnisitiveness will some- times cause the animal to injure or even destroy her young, in endeavoring to conceal them. Should she however show symptoms of lengthened labor, small doses of castor oil may be administered every half hour, until an opera- tion or a delivery be secured. Should a surgi- cal operation appear to be necessary, you had better run the risk of doing uothing, than to meddle with what you do not undei'stand. In such a case, apply to any, avIio may have had some experience, to help you out of the pre- dicament. Many things have been recom- mended, to facilitate labor, but not being- satisfied of their safety and efficacy, I shall not introduce them here. I have never lost a sin- gle slut in labor yet, and have used no other means and precautions than those here mention- ed ; I am therefore satisfied with my own treatment. The object of this work is not to repeat what others say, but to state what (I believe) I know myself. That thousands will difier from me, as I take the liberty ol' doing from them, I have not the least shadow of a doubt, still I remain convinced that a bushel SLUTS IN HEAT, AC. 51 of experience is worth a whole chal'lrou ci hearsay. Soon after puppinir, warm drinks are both soothing and beneficial, such as warm milk, broth or gruel or any light, warm emollient, the patient may relish. But, it is not necessary to enferce it, or to disturb the family to insist on it ; a little may be presented in a tea ciip ; if she partake of it, more may he given. The pups should be as little handled as possible ; it distresses them to bear on their bowels, and the constant habit of handling them should be avoided, more particularly in delicate breeds. If the slut should have an abundant supply of milk, the pups will not want feeding, before they are five weeks old ; in fact, they are bet- ter without it. Should the mother be a poor milker, they may be helped along by warm milk and water, (half and half) light broths and such like, which they may be taught to lap as early as the third week, or they may be raised from a bottle, in the same way as a child, even from their birth. The main difficulty in raising them by hand, is in keeping them perfectly dry, warm and clean. With all possible attention, Uiero is nothing like a mother's care ; never- 52 SLUTS IN HEaT, AC. theicss, tlioy generally get along very well, by your ^;trictlj attending to the above. Keeping many with the mother too long, retards rather than promotes their growth, as they do not feed as freely, while depending on the mother ; at the same time, perhaps, i:\\Q may not be able to supply half their demands. One pup left with the slut generally out-thrives the rest, uj)on the principle that what will starve a fam- ily will fatten one. He will also, be generally more forward in his antics, from having been under his mother's undivided attention. The mother's snapping and pinching her pups is no proof of her wishing to get rid of them alto- gether. She will invariably allow them to .suck, when she has any amount of milk for them, but as they would drag her to death, if they had their own way, she is compelfed to repulse them in her own defense, and m.ake them wait her own time. After the fourth week or some- times earlier, it is cruel to force the slut to remain the whole time with them, as they are a Bource of constant annoyance to her. When this is the case, it is better to keep her from them, except at noon-time and during the night. [ cousidertho most critical period for pups, to be SLUTS IX HEAT, 40. 53 between the age of two and four months. Bad food, lack of a comfortable bed, damp feet or too much exposure, at this tender age are apt to bring on Distemper, Inflammation of the lungs or bowels, often terminating in hasty con- sumption. Nevertheless, a delicate bred pup should not be brouglit np too tenderly ; the object should be carefully to harden the consti- tution by degrees, according to the best judgment of the owner. Suitable food, air, and exercise are as essen- tial to the health of tlie dog as to that of his master. This being attended to, he will seldom require either pill, powder or draft. The best food for puppies is a well boiled mixture of meat and meal. Viz : Sheep's heads boiled to a rag, the bones all carefully remov- ed, and the meat chopped fine and replaced in the boiler, then add about the same bulk of Indian meal ; boil them well together abont ten minutes, stirring all the time. Turn it out and you have a fine pudding to be fed at discre- tion. A little salt should always be added when boiling. The proportion of meal may be a little increa-^ed, when the meat is more nutri- tive. Avoid Pork and all salted meats, and FOX HOUKD. The princp of huntors. d?.?hin^. bold anil free, The loaptcr lioiind. of sportive pedit^rco. About the size of Pointer, more or less, Tho' stouter built and differing some in dress ; Less fine in coat, in limb more stubborn grown, A Pointer's tail a Foxhound would disown. Ilis graceful car and eye of daring mood, Distinctive preface to unsullied blood. To English Staghound near akin may be. Yet lighter made, a fleeter hound than he ; Seldom or ever of one color bred. Black and tan ; red, white ; black, white and red. The glories of hunting ye ne'er would deny. Did ye once see a pack of such dogs in full cry ; ^fark Jollyboy, Chanticleer leadinii- the chase; See Barmaid and Faraway quicken their pace ; Note Dcwdrop and Forrester hard on the track ; With old Ringwood, heading the rest of t!ie pack. Ilark ! hark to their voices, so jnellow and clear, As the brush of poor Renard, they eagerly near ; On, on dash the huntsmen in scarlet and white, With their high mettled steeds, in ecstatic de- light ; Hoar! hear the glad echos, tiiat mCTrrily fall O'er the soul-stirring feast, at the banaucting 56 .ST,UTS IN HEAT, &C. don't let the jnipi)ics wet themselves or lie in a damp or dirty bod. Look at them often and see that they are kept free from fleas, lice, daa- drull', &c. MANAGPJMENT AND TREATMENT OF DOGS. h is more important to understand the manage- ment of a dog, tliau to be possessed of a thousand nominal remedies for the cure of his various ailments; inasmuch as the Antidote is at all times preferable to the Cure. I shall first throw out a few hints on the guardianship of pets. Whilst many are sacri- ficed, for lack of necessary attendance, there are thoiis-nds, who perish prematurely from over doses of kindness. Delicate breeds of Dogs certainly require great care and attention in rearing, but overstrained tenderness is often more dangerous than culpable neulect. The dear little creature, that is allowed to lay un- der the stove, that is stuff'ed Avith delicacies two or three times a day, that is never allowed to breathe the fresh air, except under a cloudless 68 MANAGEMENT OP DOGS. Rky, is more subject to colds, fits, rheumatism, sore eyes and cars, worms, &c., than the worth- less monj^rcl, who was raised ou the sti'HCt, neglected and despised. The former are aflect* ed by every chang-e of the atmosphere, and subjected to a variety of diseases, nuKnown lo him, who has been hardened from his birth. I ask you then, neither to stuff nor starve ; neither to chill nor burn. A house pet should always have a sleeping-place allotted to him, warm and comfortable, not near the fire, nor in the damp. Anything round is better for an animal to lay in ; such as a tastefully ornamented cheese-box, or anything of a similar shape. In cold weather, it should not be larger than to contain him comfortably. It is better for the following reasons : he may keep himself perfect- ly warm, and his bed may be made exactly to fit him ; it also takes up less available space than any other shape. He should never be fed to the full, neither excited to eat, when he ap- pears disinclined. Lack of appetite, so com mon to pampered favorites, is generally the result of an over loaded stomach and disordered digestion. This is easily cured by medicine, but more safely and simply without it. Fast MANAGEMENT OP DOGS. 59 hiin for twcuty-roiir hoars ; after wlu(;li, keep liiiii oil half his ordinary allowance ; if it agree with hini, and he kee]) in fair condition, con- tiiuie the reuimcn. Nursing in the lap is inju- rions ; not in itself, bnt the animal is thereby subjected to constant chills, in emerging from a snoozy warmth to a cold carpet or chilly bed. A dog accustomed to the lap is always shiver- ing aitcr it, and renders himself quite troulde- some by his importunate addresses. A moderate share of nursing is well enough, but should be indulged in only as an occasional treat. Great care should be taken in the washing of delicate dogs. When this operation is performed, they should be rubbed perfectly dry ; after which they should be covered, and remain so, till the shivering has completely subsided. The water should be only blood-warm ; it is far better than hot, and not so likely to give the animal cold. Injudicious washing and bud drying arc pro- ductive of running sore eyes, more especially visible in white Poodles, where the hair is long ami wooly, retaining the moisture. Once a fortnight is often enough to wash any dog but a white one. Washing has very little effect in the destruction of Vermin. Fleas can live 60 MANAGEMENT OF DOGS. some time under water, wliicli I have often tliouglit only makes them bite tlic liardcr and stick the closer, when reanimated from their temporary torpidity. If "Butler's Mantle Liniment and Flea Exterminator" cannot l)e obtained, tiic animal nniy be well sodden with soft soap and washed about ten minutes after. This cannot be done Avith safety, except in warm weather. In cold weather, the comb may be used, immediately after the application of the soap, as the fleas will then be too stu- pid to eft'ect tlieir escape. " Butler's Liniment" destroys all vermin instantaneously, without risk of injuring the animal, and the quadruped may be rinsed one minute after ; no flea Avill remain alive ; the skin will be thoroughly cleansed and the coat beautified. Dogs should never be allowed to suffer tlie torment imjiosed on them by these detestable vermin. If the owners could only realize the importance of ridding them of these ever noisome pests, there would be far less of snappishness, mange, iits &c. I have seen animals literally worried to death by fleas, perfectly exhausted, from inces- sant irritation, at last Avorn to a skeleton and gradually extinguished by a creeping consump* MANAGEMENT OP DOGS- 61 tion. Jjcsides, wlio, (for his own personal comfort), would not rid iiis immediate vicinity of a worthless mob of blood-suckers awaiting tiio iirst favorable opportunity of regalinj^ tiiemsclves on human blood. If your dog lie on straw, burn it once a week, as fleas har- bor and propagate in the tubes of the straw. If the bed be carpet, or anything similar, let it be often cleansed or changed. Vermin revel in hlth, and their extirpation depends mainly on cleanliness. By attending to the general health of a dog, much disease may be avoided ; indeed, this is far more essential than prescriptions for a cure. It is very easy to carry off a slight in- disposition by gentle purgatives andareformed diet; whilst confirmed disease is often difficult to combat, as few of the canine race can have the advantages which are ofttimes essential to their restoration. The eyes, the nose, the gums, the hair, the breath and particularly the char- acter of the stools should be carefully noted. The eyes may be red or pale, sunken orprotrud ed ; the nose may be hot or dry or nmtted with dirt ; the gums may be pale, &c. It will require but little experience to discover a disorganiza G2 MANAGEMENT OF DOGS. tion, which may be easily detected by him who has noticed the healthful appearance of the different parts and their variation under indis- position. When the bowels arc swollen, it is generally an indication of w'orms, especially in puppies, who. if they arc not attended to, may drop off. before they reach their fourth month. If you are in the habit of keeping your dog on the chain, let him at least run a few minutes every day. If he be kept in doors, he should also be allowed a little daily exercise outside. Change of air and diet will sometimes renov- ate, Avhen all remedies fail; a change from city to country, from greasy meat to fresh milk, irom a confined yard to the green fields, wlici-e he will generally recruit himself without the aid of medicine. Nature, (to whom Physicians are so deeply indebted for so many wonderful restorations), often eflects a cure unaided, which might have defied the efforts of Apothecary's Hall. In summer, particularly, be careful to provide a supply of fresh water and a cool shelter from the sun. Never take your dog- oat, during the intense heat of the day ; this is very apt to produce fits, often resulting in sud- den death. Early in the morning is preferable MANAGEMEXT OF DOP.S. 63 for summer exercise. The kennel should be located in a shady spot during- the summer ; in winter it should be sheltered from the wind and so f)laeed as to enable tlic dot^ to enjoy the sun shine, at will. Above all things, never chain a dog, where he cannot screen himself from the sun's rays. lie must have the option of sun- shine or shade ; he should not be allowed to drink water, that has been standing in the sun or is otherwise damaged. If you should chance to forget to feed him for forty-eight honrs, he would not run as much risk of injury, as during three hours of thirst, in hot weather. The best and cheapest dog-house may be made from a common packing-case ; it will require nothing but a rouu'l hole, about six inches from the bottom, made just large enough to admit of the passage of the tenant ; a frame with suffici- ent pitch should be made over the top, to be shingled or boarded for a roof, which should project all round, as much as convenient, to shelter the animal from the sun and rain. If the back or front part only, under the roof be enclosed, it Avill answer as a convenient depot for chain, collar, whip, comb, brush, mediclue, &c. There should be a piece of joice under HARRIER. Favors the Foxhound and the English Bcajrle, Just as tlie hawk resembles much the eagle ; The well known Harrier, pride of wealthy squires, No luinter but his sportive stock admires. Foxhound in color, but less high in limb, Less elegant, less daring and less trim ; Of like endurance, not so swift of foot, Of equal scent and cooler nerve to l)oot; Well disci]ilined and nianTierly, in fine, No hunger tempts him on his game to dine ; But seized his prey, by long exciting run. Restrains his appetite and feasts on fun. Hie to the fields and scan the marshalled corps, Of eager Harriers, forty, p'raps or more ; Onward tlioy rush, when Fussey leads the way, Away they stride, with mellow notes so gay ; While country bumpkins from the village crowd The neighboring woods, and shout with voices loud ; Ascend tlie hill, the glad'ning hunt to view, Again, again, their boisterous shouts renew. Lo ! here she comes, the flee.', but Jaded hare, Struggling to gain sonu; dark secludec' lair, Now closely pressed i,hc hounds ihoir prize must gain, When Lepus springs in safety up a drain. 06 MANAGEMENT OF DOOS. each end of the house, to keep it otf the ground, i 1 order to avoid dampness. In summer, an excavation, two or three feet in depth, slioiild he made unde^' it, and open at both ends, tlmt tlie animal may have a cool retreat, during the lieat. Those, who do not oi)jcct to a trifling expense, may have the house posted on a large ])aving-stone, Avith an excavation under it, as \)efore recommended. All burrowing animals seek the earth in hot weather ; everything on the surface is heated ; their instinct dictates to them the most reasonable method of sheltering themselves from the heat, at the same time, ab- sorbing the cool exhalations from the ground. In southern climates, especially, this method is all important. }i\ this manner, I have kept dogs from the polar regions, in comparative comfort, whilst many native-born and neglect- ed have been scalded into fits, paralysis, rabies or hydrophobia. In the hot season, with young dogs, raw meats should be nvoided, cxcei)t it be quite fresh, and then it should not be over fed, especially to animals, who arc debarred abundant exercise and excluded from their own natural medicine : grass. Neverthckss J have not perceived any evil effects Irom the mod* MANAGEMENT OP DOGS. 67 erate feeding of fresh sheep's heads, tripe or even entrails to animals !>f sufficient age and strcncjth. A dog will thrive better on raw meat, than on any other food, and will grow larger ; but he should be fed with discretion, and his health attended to, should his diet visi- bly disagree with him. He will ^row fatter and be more healthy on moderate meals, than to be overgorged. The better plan is, to ascer- tain his average consumption and then allow him a little less. Keep his digestion in good order, and disease will rarely trouble liim. His coat and ribs will generally indicate Avhether he be sufficiently cared for, whether he be sick or sound in his digestive organs. Feed him always in the same place, and at the same hour. Once a day is sufficient, if he be over six months old. By being fed only once a dtiy, he is less choice, and will consume wliat he might refuse, if his appetite were dulled by a previous meal. Should yon require him to be watchful at night, feed him in the nftorning ; if you Avould have him quiet at night, feed him late, and don't leave him bones to gnaw. Dogs are pretty quiet, during the digestive process, when left to thoniselvea, and should not have much e\or- 68 MANAGEMENT ill' 1>0(;S. cise, alter a lieavy meal. Tliey pliould only bo lightly fed, before training-lessons, or on sport- iiig'-days ; on the latter occasions, a little refreshment may be adminislei-ed as occasion may require. Those ko[)t in doors sliould be allowed to run a little after meals, when they generally require an evacuation. If a dog be regularly exercised, he will seldom even dirt around his kennel, and aheaithy l.ouse-pet is rarely troublesome, except after eating. If a dog be dirly in the house, he should decidedly he broken of it, although he should not Ije cor- rected, unless he has had a fair oj^portunity of avoiding it. He should be invariably taken to the spot, be suflficienlly iwigged tliere, and unceremoniously scolded into the yard. It is important to catch him in the act, and administer sunnnary cluistiscmcnt. The punishment will be far more justly administered, if the animal be let out at regular intervals ; this being done, he will not attempt to infringe the law, except in cases of dire necessity. Young puppies however, must be, in a measure excused or mort gently corrected, as they are incapable of self- restraint. Nevertheless they may be very carlv initiated into habits of eleanliness. A MAXAGEMENT OF DUOS. 69 Dog is often spoiled, by being caressed 'oy hundreds, and kicked by scores ; either pam- pered by all, or fed by none : either constantly bound with a cramped range of a few feet, or left to ramble undirected, through the streets. Ho sliould have but one master ; should not be I'endered sullen and surly, for lack of associat- ing with his superior?, neither should he be allowed an enlarged acquaintance, especially in his own neighborhood ; as it Avill tend to render him listless as a guardian, and percliance too familiar with some, whose presence, it might be the peculiar interest of his master to avoid. Although there is as great a variety of talent and disposition in dogs, as in mankind, yet we can almost mould them, as we please. If they be too savage, they may be softened down by accustoming them to a variety of faces and friends ; and correcting them in their fiery ebulitions. If too meek, their dispositions may be roused and their dormant passions excited ; solitude, encouragement and occasional irrita- tion may be resorted to ; in fine, a tame listless temperament should be cautiously handled, yet continually fed with gentle irritants, and the animal will not long require smarting iqy. I 70 MANAGEMENT OF DOGS. this have reduced the savage bull-dog to be as tractable as a liand oi-gan, and have made the gentle Spaniel a thoroughly fierce watch-dog. We must use firmness, without severity, except in cases of conscious misdemeanor ; pass no dog- laws which we are not at all times prepared lo enforce : never punish for a fault, un'ess we are perfectly satisfied of guilt ; allow no one else to correct, unless urgent necessity demand it, and never allow the fire of our imagination to inflict more than deserved punishment. Pups should be cautiously concctcd, and al- though their obedience must of necessity be enforced, as early as they can distinguish be- tween roast beef and stale bread, too much should not be exacted from them, and no severity used ; as it may have the effect of cowering Ihcm down, thus materially effecting their pluck and spirits in after life, I am satisfied as a general rule, that a well amalgamated mixture of animal and vegetable, is the most healthful diet, for dogs of all ages, breeds and conditions. Dogs living in the house should on no account be fed on raw meat, as it gives them a very offensive smell and ia in other respects very unsuitable. TKETHIXG, TP^ETH &c. A. GREAT deal of stress is land on the teething of dogs. About this period, Nature appears to be undergoing a certain change, and a dog is in less danger from dying from Distemper, after the operation is thoroughly effected. Tlie ani- mal of course becomes stronger, as he gets older ; consequently the better fitted to with- stand disease ; otlicrwise the simple act of teething, I cannot imagiue to eflFect materi- ally thegeneral health ; although from the great excitability of delicate breeds of dogs, fits may be often attributed to the annoyance occasioned ))y the process of dentition. Until the teeth be fully developed, the animal will require more than ordinary care and attention. His stomach should never be overloaded, particularly with 72 TEETH IX(i, TEETH, AC. meat or any gross food. Of light fare however, he mav always cat to the full, and his strength sliould be maintained by generous living. It is said there is great danger, should a puppy hap- pen to swallow any of his teeth: For my part, 1 do not believe in any such nonsense, and should not be afraid to give a dog half a dozen with his dinner ; I am satisfied there would be no fatal result. It may be advisable to remove some of the first teeth, should any be in the way of the second crop, but I seldom see any occasion for it, except when they are quite loose, or interfere with the new-comers. Giv- ing medicine to dogs simply because they are shedding their teeth is quite unnecessary. Should they be feverish or indisposed, itwould be expedient, otherwise, Nature had better take its course. Dogs are apt to get cankered teeth, especially when attacked by Distemper, during the teething process ; therefore exposure to this latter disease should be avoided as much as possible, until the mouth is fairly furnished. The teeth often become foul and incrusted with Tarter. This arises either from gross feeding, the results of Distemper, or a disordered diges- TEETHING, TEETH, AC. 73 f-ion, and is sometimes hereditary. Any gccd tooth-powder may be used and tliey may bo cleaned with a brush. The ashes of bunit bread are about as good as anything- for clean- sing the teeth, and in no wi^e injurious. The teeth may be scraped, if necessary ; but it sliould be done carefully, so as not to disturb the enamel. An occasional scrubbing with vinegar tends to sweeten tlie mouth and is ex- cellent for cleansing the teeth. I do not imag- ine however, that cleansing the teeth will effect- ually cure fetid breath. It certainly has a good effect, but the stomach is more the seat of the affection, and must be kepthealtliy. De- cayed teeth should be extracted as they render the breath very offensive. An auinml with foul breath should be allowed but little meat, and be occasionally treated to a gentle purga- tive. Without attending to this, the teeth will soon become recoated, and the breath remain but little improved. For the age of a dog, wc generally look to the teeth, bnt this is by no means a decided test, except perliaps at ages under two years. A five ye;ir old dog may perhaps have a better nioutli than others r>f half his age. Nevertheless a young dog BEAGLE. With ears of Hound, and Turnspll limb to boot, The gouty sportsman most inclined to suit ; Must some relation to the Turnspit be, Else none with back, so lonion's shore, where hunting is the rage, His feats and pedigree grace every page ; Grandsire and Grandam, all is there recorded, And to the fleetest, is the prize awarded. If ought impure, in blood or limb, we trace, His name's ignored, excluded from the race j Condemned a Lurcher, fit for Poacher's game, But for the nobler sports, despised his minie. And many a hero, famed for martial deeds, Taunts his fleet greyhounds, and his rampant steeds ; And when in giee, the sparkling wine they sup, Poittt3 to Diana's prize, the " Golden Cup." 88 CASTRATION OF DOGS. of eltlicr heat or cold, be allowed very little exercise and be kept in a perfectly clean placo, that no dirt may enter the sore. The changes produced by this operation diffei- in different subjects ; as a general thing, its results are fat and a lazy independence, and of course in all cases a perfect indifference to the charms of the otlier sex. I am inclined to believe that if these altered subjects were not allowed to get too fat, they probably would retain more of their natural vigor. I am far from believing that it detracts either from their sagacity or intelligence. I have seen several cases, where it has added to their pluck and daring. These may be quoted as exceptions. They are decid- edly less inclined to roving, are more cleanly in their habits and the more easily recovered, if lost. The Spaying of Sluts is not much practiced nowadays. The effect on them is about the same as on the male. I have witnessed the opera- tion, but have never performed it. It consists in making an incision in the flank, and extract- ing the ovaries, which renders the animal in- capable of producing young. It requires a practiced hand to ensure success ; I shall there- fore not enlarge on the subject. DOG-TRAINING, TRICKS, &c. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON THE TRAINING OP DOGS. One might suppose from the surprise andaston* ishmcut expressed, on the relation of examples of the extraordinary sagacity, instinct and reasoning powers of the dog, that these gifts were bestowed by Nature only on the favored few ; whilst the majority of canines were far beneath the level of ordiiiary brutes and actual- ly incapable of instruction, denied the privi- lege of ranking among their more favored brethren. This impression however is not alto- gether groundless, considering how few persons there are, who take into consideration the evils, to which they are personally subjected, through the lawless multitude of untutored quadru- peds, with which the whole country is infested, or who pause to imagine the benefits which might revert to themselves, did they contribute their 88 DOn-TnAlNIXG, d misery and place him in a position, where he may be respected for his virtues and appreciated for his worth. The most important points to be considered in the training of a dog are first : to under- stand somewhat of his natural disposition and temperament. Secondly : not to exact too much of him at once. Thirdly : to use as lit- tle force as possible. Fourthly : always to in- sist on obedience and never to pass unnotici;d the slighest act of insubordination. Fifthly : begin your instructions as early as possible. DOG -TRAINING, AC. 89 (The pup is never too young to learn, especially to do wrong, if left to himself.) The principal causes of so many dogs being spoiled in the training may be traced to their having been taken in hand too late; having had too many masters, from the indecision or sever- ity of their instructors. The moment a dog is known to fetch, three or four objects are thrown at once, and every acquaintance amuses himself in putting the abilities of the animal to the test ; he is consequently puzzled, considers it only a play-game and becomes remiss in his duty to his master. Just so with any of his other perform- ances. He is perhaps allowed to follow a variety of persons, which often tends to lessen his attachment and obedience to his real owner, at the same time allowing him favorable oppor- tunities of committing a variety of acts, which he dared not dream of, in his master's presence. A dog then to be rightly trained, should be under the sole management of one person ; he should be allowed to do nothing without his master's knowledge and consent. He should be ex- pressly habituated to all kinds of company, hogs, cows, dogs, goats, sheep, chickens, &c., so that he may be firmly checked by his master, 90 DOG-TRAINING, &C. should he attempt any wanton attacks on others of the animal kingdom, at the same time that he may be taught to rid himself of all fear of their presence by occasionally associating with them. The earliest impulse of a canine, that has any pretension to pluck, is to attack the first ani- mal he sees, whilst all dogs, either with or without evil intent are inclined to pursue every living creature that runs from them. This inclination can either be encouraged or checked, either speedily annihilated or cultivated, to suit the will of the trainer; therefore it necessarily follows, tliat as soon as a dog has a will of his own, it should be well directed or immediately curbed. If he be old enough to eat, he is old enough to be made to let it alone ; if he be old enough to come when called and go away when he is bid, he is also old enough to know his place, and be made to stay there, till he is wanted, (at least in his master's presence.) But in these early lessons, we must be extreme- ly careful to keep in perfect good humor, and to let our punishments be very light ; as there is not only great danger in forcing too much on weak intellects, but in inflicting too much on youthful pets. Let your lessons be light, easy, DOG-TRAIXING, kC. 91 short and pleasant. If your pupil tires, ad- journ the meeting. By consulting his feelings, lie will be more apt and willing, will delight in your teachings and long for their repetition. Half a pound of encouragement, two ounces of decided disapproval, a quarter of a pound ot patience and two ounces of gentle correction, form an excellent mixture as a basis for canine instruction. I have trained many dogs for my own private use, and I confess they have caused mc anything but trouble ; they have been all extremely apt, docile and willing. I do not attribute this to their superior intellectual pro- portions, neither to any inborn sagacity of my own, but merely to a method of consulting their inclinations and exciting their wills, thus ren- dering their toil a pleasure, their studies a sport. The teachings, (as I often observe) should be short, often, and regular. A quarter of an hour twice a day will be of more effect than two hours three times a week. The best place, (for early lessons especially) is in a yard or moderate sized enclosure, as the animal will be far more obedient, where he has no chance of escape, and his attention will not be divert- ed by other objects. He had better also be 92 DOG-TRAINING, AC. taught alone, until be is well advanced, as I have observed dogs to be very shy at iirst in performing in the presence of others. The Trainer should also appear very joyous when the student does his duty. This has a most as- tonishing effect ; as dogs (being no hypocrites themselves,) judge entirely from appearances, and look one right in the face, which to them is the unerring index of the mind. When you uncliain a dog to give him a lesson, always let him have a good romp first, (if he please), as he will generally be uneasy, if you omit it, conse- quently less attentive to your instructions. If possible, never allow any one to help you teach him ; lie will readily digest the commands of one, whilst a second method is apt to puzzle him ; besides he will always be more tractable under one instructor, and will far more read- ily obey the teachings of his master. Any strange system of management will only tend to diminish his attachment and obedience. By these remarks, I do not mean to infer that a man is bound to train his own dog, neither that au animal might not be better educated by two persons, than by one only, who in a measure either neglected him, or treated him improper- DOG-TRAINING, AC. 93 ly; but, that the animal is the more easily managed, when directed by one head, and own- ed solely by one master. With regard to Sporting Dogs, I consider it advisable that they should be trained rather by regular Sport- ing men, than to be spoiled by a youthful Greenhorn. A regular Breaker is better en- abled to give him constant practice in the field of his future labors, than the occasional Sports- man, in whose keeping he may become addicted to bad liabits. Another thing, he should, it convenient, be raised in the country, where he will become more healthful, vigorous and har- dy ; that is to say, unless the owner should have other means at hand of securing to him that sanitory exercise, indispensably necessary to Ills perfect physical and mental development. Dogs in some respects are like children. Show me a dozen genteel children raised in the city, pampered with delicacies, exercising themselves in the nursery, carefully cloaked and india-rub- bered, on the slightest fall of the barometer, thus fattening the Doctor and Apothecary at the expense of their delicate constitutions. Compare with them a dozen Rustics. Who will throw a stone the farthest, climb a tree the ITALIAN GREYHOUND. Moilel of beauty, Byrainetry and grace, From fair Italia sprinirs thy sylplilike race ; 3wcet emblem of the cliuie, that gave tiice birth, Symbol of action, sprightliness and mirtii I Jjikc his famed compeer of the nobler grade, Of ditierent color, and of varied shade; ^Matcliless in mould, of fawiilike form and limb ; Small silken ear. soft, light, traiispnr, nt skin, Fitted alone in genial warmth to dwell — Genteel appendage of the flaunting Belle. l-lis magic trip and quick, elastic bound. Disgrace the awkward step of meaner lioun.'! ; The gay attendant of the proud and lair, To doubt bis use or merit none shall dare, 'i'lie maiden's nursling and the bride's delight, Fondled by day, and feathered up at nigiit; For ruder sports, inapt his slender form, Yet quick of ear, the stealthy rogue to warn ^ In courage lacking, yet his very fear Will rouse the house when thief or burglar's near. Then wonder not, a pampered hound like he, So delicate, effeminate should be ; His graces charm, nor let his faults perplex, SinC'C he was framed to please the gentler sex. .J 96 DOG-TRAINING, &U. quickest, or stand toil the best? Just so with animal nature in other forms. Again, I repeat, wholesome fe cautious not to weary him, by repeating tin Fame thing too often. Change off to a fetdiiny or any other lesson. Keep up his spirits, by constant encouragement, and appear to join in the fun, though always maintaining your autiior- itf . When he downs short at six feet, or at any distance from you, change your command " Down" to " Stojj / Down f" The hand up- lifted the same, and go on increasing the dis- tance, little by little, always enforcing the " Stojj" till it becomes instantaneous. Continue this, till he is perfect at a distance, equal to the full extent of your voice. When he is in mo- tion, omit now the word ' Down" and only use " Sloj)." This being eftected, accustom him to stop, when he is on the full run ; throw an ob- ject for him to fetch, and occasionally stop him short, when at the height of his speed. Then set him at some animal, and before he quite reaches him, check him short with the " Sfop.'^ Don't weary him by a too oft repetition of tho same thing. The next thing is to make him I 98 50G-TRAINING, &C. stay, under die word " Stop" till he is permitted to move ; and he never should at any time be allowed to stir, unless invited by the signal " Up." At first, of course, a very short time miiht be exacted, (say half a minute) at the ex- piration of which ho must be released by the signal •' Up'' accompanied by raising the hand, Invitingly called away and encouraged ; but be the tiuic ever so short, he must never be al- lowed to leave of his own accord. By gradu- ally increasing his time, and unerringly enfor- cing your orders, you may eventually succeed in keeping him there for hours, if you wish. I have occasionally forgotten my own orders, and have found my faithful dog, true to his •post, hours after the command of " Steady there" was issued. This is the word now to be used. Remomber then '' Doivn," ''Slop," '' Up" and " Sleodij there." COME IN ! KEEP IN ! GO ON ! Unless a dog come, Avlien he is called, he ia cot to be depended on. He may be tempted either for sport, malice, or pastime to pursue a DOG-TRAINING, &C. 99 cat, hoj?, dog, &c. ; worse than tliat, he may be inclined to dodge after the opposite sex, regard- less of his master's commands, deaf to his threats and entreaties. As a barrier against such casualties, he should be strictly taught to come immediately at call. Now this cannot be classed among dog-tricks, but perhaps it is more difficult to teach, as it requires consider- able judgment to enforce, and often great pa- tience to forbear. A dog must be taught to come, with as little threatening as possible, es- pecially when he is at a distance, as young dogs may easily be too much intimidated by threats. When a command has to be obeyed at a dis- tance, its execution depends principally on the animal's will. He should then be humored, until he thoroughly understands his duty, after which he will bear such seasonable correction, as the case may require. He should be regu- larly drilled into it, at gradually increasing dis- tances. A beckoning sign should also be made accompanying the command, or a peculiar whistle used, more particularly if he be a sport- ing dog, who may be often out of sight. It is convenient that he should understand both sign, voice and whistle. His obedience should be POINTER. Cn color, size, to Setter most akin ; Witli liim contends Diana's prize to win ; Of I'orni more elegant, wlien highly bred, Smooth drooping ear and intellectual head ; (jf nervous build and muscular in limb, Clear, close set coat, with tail, long, straight and slim ; In EngLml, Scotland, Ireland,Francc and Spain, Varying in leatiirc, yet in worth the same ; By some, the Setter is the worthiest deemed ; By others, Pointers are the most esteemed ; But. 'ere deciding, we should first compare Climate and treatment, manaijement and fare. The toriner thickly clad, l)y Nature warm, Adapted best, to brave the cold Jind storm. Through bush and bramble, fearless cleaves hie way. Deep rushing waters must his steps obey; The Pointer flags not, in the burning heat, N(jr jaded, pants, the cooling spring to greet j Solely, wholly, [)urely. all lor fun. His aim is centered, in the doul)le gun. Unlike the Hound, he hunts not to cle>troy ; The sportsman's glory is his highest joy ; In tine, in gaming powers, so like the Setter, ▲ task it were, to noininato the better. 102 DOG-TRAINING, AC thoroughly tested in every way, and his habita of ivlUing submission indelibly confirmed. ^^ Keep m" is also essential to the good man- ners and safety of your dog. It keeps him from wandering oif at undesirable periods, and ena- bles him to wind his way through a crowd, without losing his master. He should not be allowed to go on, without the order " On, Go on." If he should show a determination to ad- vance, he may be saluted Avith a gentle tap, to the tune of " In, Keep in .'" At first, he should not be kept in too long at a time, but often en- couraged by the word " 0;?." If he refuse to go on, he may be excited by throwing a cracker &c., a little ahead. Remember, although he may be forced to come in, it is extremely difficult io force him to go on, until he is thoroughly drilled. Tliis must therefore be effected principally by en- couragement and good humor, sometimes by patting and exciting, or even by advancing at a quick pace yourself. In all these things, the disposition of the animal must regulate in a great measure our method of treatment. One thing is certain, the more he is pleased with you, the more readily will he obey. DOG-TRAININO, AC. 103 SHAKING HANDS ; RIGHT HAND ; LEFT HAS D ; SITTING UP ; STANDING UP ; WALKING ON THE HIND LEGS. Generally, tlie dog's first act of friendsliip is to put up liis hand to his master. His paw sliould be taken and gently shaken ; then the other ; at the same time, repeating " right Jiand'^ for the right, and " left hand" for the left, al- ways taking the one required, and invariably refusing the other. Your hand siiould be first extended to the side of the paw demanded, so that the other paw cannot reach it. He will soon become habituated to the v.'ords right and left, and immediately distinguish between them. He may then be taught (if you please) to go round and siiake hands with the .whole compa- ny. To make it perhaps more amusing, you may term the right paw the gentlemen's and the left the lady's ; or you may while standing up, hold out both your hands, in%nting him to jump up. AVhcn he has done this a few times, you can, while your hands are out, say "Show me how you shake hands with tlie ladies" when the act of giving both paws, will be the an- ■wer. 104 POG-TRAINIXG, AC. To make a do tory in your orders, and rather more sevei'C, if he disobey. He may t!ien, at a short distance have a pipe placed in his mouth and a cap on his head ; he may also be ornamented with a pair of spectacles, which together with a news- paper, placed before him, will render him well worthy of your attention. As for teaching an animal to stand up on his hind legs, a piece of meat will be found quite sufficient inducement. This is the most natural and simple method of instruction. As he stands up to reach the meat, it should be drawn slowly forward, for him to follow on his DOG-TRAINTNG, AC. 105 hind leg?, while at the same time, you repeat " Walk along Si)\^^ You may find it easier per- haps, to start him from a wall, against Avhich he must be stood upright, and tempted onward in hopes of the meat, of which he should be al- lowed a small portion, when he behaves well, but never unless to reward him for his elTorta of obedience. Of course he will require no regular fee, when he thoroughly understands his duty, although an occasional kindness will at no time be thrown away. FETCHING, CARRYING, SEEKING, FINDING. Nearly all dogs, (especially in their pup- pish days) have a natural propensity of running after objects and carrying them about. I have rarely met with an exception ; it ap- pears to be the instinctive pastime of the whole canine fraternity. There can be no difficulty therefore, in cultivating an instinct so amus- ing ; no barrier to directing it to pleasing and useful results. The first lesson must be perfect play. A ball, a piece of wood, or anything 106 DOG-TEA IN INO, &,C. easy to grasp and not injurious to the teeth, s]ioiild be thrown a little Avay. As soon as the pupil has picked it up, lie must be teTpted, (if possible), to carry it back to his master. Should he not return to him Avith it, it should be gently taken out of his mouth, and again thrown, ex- citing the dog a little between the acts. It filiould invariably be taJcen out of liis month. If he persist in holding it fast, tap his nose, saying, " I^'t go Sir,'" to make him relax his hold ; at the same time keep hold of the object, till he gives way. Then praise him and play with hiin a little. As he progresses, send the object farther and insist on his restoring it to you. Kemember this : in training a dog, no more punishment must be administered, than iust enough to answer the ])urposc. Kecollcct also, that the less of reprimand you can get along with, the better. I have observed a gen- eral defect in all trained dogs ; they are too " hard broken ;" have been taught more to fear than to respect. See how sneakingly tliey crouch at their master's thr(at! This should not be. They should be engaged, as far as possible, to yield a willing obcdiewce. A dog will show his style of education, as pcrceptiblv DOO-TRAINING, &C. 107 aa a child, and the mctliod pursued in his train* ing is calculated either to secure to him a career of comfort and enjoyment, or to impreg- nate his every movement, with a sneaking timidity, degrading to the brute and disrepu- table to his m.aster. When he fetches well and is carrying the object in his mouth, walk off, calling him to follow you. Do not go too far, before you take it from him ; then give it to hiiu again and go a little farther. Should ho drop it, make Iiim pick it up again, which if he refuse, replace it in his mouth, and make him cai-ry it again, and still go on, never omitting either to make him pick it up, or to replace it in his mouth yourself, every time he may drop it. Avoi;l liis dropping it at all, if you can, by not allowing him to carry it too far at first. When you are satislied that he knows his duty, he may be corrected a little or scolded upon every tiansgression. A basket may now be given him t(» cari-y, the handle of which must be [»lace(l straight in his mouth. lie must then follow with it. It should be taken from him at short intervals at first, (every time praising liim up), gradually increasing the distance as before, and occasionally, should he drop it, lie 108 DOG-TRAININa, AC. may be made to feel his tran?frression. At all events, wheneA'er he drops it, he must be im- pressed Avith a consciousness of wrong. The severity of the punisliment must be irradcd ac- cording to the merciful judgment of the owner. Often a severe lecture will give great effect to a light chastisement. The basket should be thrown for liim to fetch, and should he take hold of it wrong, tlie handle should be present- ed to him, that he may take it off the ground. Seeldng and Fh-.ding, are also very easy to teach a dog, already initiated in fetching and carrying. In order to effec: this, when you have thrown anything, hold your pupil, a little, before you let him fetch it ; first of all a very short time and at a very short distance, increas- ing little by little both time and space. This being fairly accomplished, throw the object where he cannot see it, repeating the same means. Should he not find it immediately, pretend to help him look after it, even pointing it out to him, if necessary. Make him follow you with it a little ; then take it out of his mouth, drop it, unknown to him, and excite nim by " Look about" till he find it. Continue this exercise of dropping, until he is perfectly DOG TUATXOG, AC. 109 familiarized to it. After this, drop or place tlie object in any spot, holding him in view of it at the same time ; then take him off a short dig- tance, but out of sight ; Avhisper to him '• Fetch t7"and let him go, that he may bring it to you. You may reduce all your commands to a whis- per, if the whisper be used conjointly with the regular word of command. In this manner, he is made clearly to understand, from having had a previous indication of your will. By dropping an article and causing him to fetch it, at graduated distances, he maybe trained to re- trieve at any length. In order to render this more effectual, introduce him occasionally to your pocket-book, gloves, handkerchief, cane, &c. Of course he will the more readily recog- nize these objects than other strange articles, and when dropped, he will never fail to re- cover them. BOING INTO AND FFrCHING OUT OP THE WATER. DIVING. Some dogs have such a desire for aquatic ad- yen tures, that they require only the sight or SJETTEU. fid, brown, or orange, liver, -tt'lnte or black; P'raps b ack or tan. or mottled on the hack ; J.ittic it matters, vliat liis Imc, or slindc, W "iiioly cast, ami well prnpoitionod made. Siu.'li stranjLje varieties ."tiring ii]» ol' late, rerdiance *t were vain, his salient points to state ; Ear drooping low, with neatly feathered hoir ; Light flowing tail, and legs well fi-ingod with cai c ; Bright serious eye, black nose, nor sl.arp, nor i-onnd, Unlike Italian or King Charley lionnd ; Soincihine allowed to gnaw his bone too near, when hun- gry. A hard bone is very wearing to the teeth of a hungry animal ; but I consider it" a benefit to a cei'tain extent, if the animal be not too hard set with hunger, to injure his teeth. If you wish him to seize every stranger he sees, you should make the effigy of a man and encourage him to fly at and tear it, and whilst you hold on to his chain, set him at any indi- viduals who may be willing to second your ef- forts in making him a "regular grabber." If he have any original grit, you may temper his disposition to any grade of severity : either re- ducing it to a lower standard, by introducing him to society, accustoming; him to strangers, keeping him always unchained, checking him in his barks, snaps and growls, feeding him on a farinaceous or vegetable diet, allowing him to accompany a variety of persons, placing him in a situation where there is a great deal of passing ; in fine, you may, by constant checks and tyrannous severity subdue his hyena-tem- perament, till he becomes scared at the rustling of a leaf, or the creak of a shutter. It must WATCH-t)OGS, RATTERS, AC. 135 then be left to j'onr own judgment, to mould Iiini to your will, to direct, moderate or excite his instinctive and reasoning developcmciits. In the selection of a full grown guard-dog, whose character is already formed, of course, /ou must be somewhat governed by the position and extent of the premises, to be committed to his charge, and the nature of the services to be required of him. If you prefer raising one from 0, puppy, I should recommend a Newfound- land, St. Bernard, or a cross between the two. as calculated to make the best family-dogs, which from being generally admired by ev ery one and less liable to ill-usage, are noble and frank in their deportment, free from treach< ery, less ferocious, yet more powerful and impo- sing than canines of minor growth. They are in the habit of holding without tearing, watching without yelping, and with a slight knowledge of the world, readily distin- guishing the man of business from the sneaking beggar, welcoming legitimate visitors,yetdeuy« ing admission to suspicious invaders. In spite of all risk and trouble, I decidedh'' prefer raising my own dog, as I then know exttpthj what he is. Should he not equal my KIISG CHARLES' DOG. A perfect specimen of Chnrlcy hound : Of all canines tlie rarest to be found. His points arc eight, yet, if in ougljt he lack, Like a base counterfeit, we send liim Ijack. Head, eye and ear, nose, coat, shape, color, size: In- these combined, the stamp of beauty lies. Head, full and round, large eye, projecting clear, With short snub nose, and long well feallicred ear ; Ten pounds, or less may be allowed to weigh ; The smaller, the more valuable they say. Well siiapcd his form, nor should a hair of white, A doubt of his royal pedigree invite ; Of glossy coat, with raven locks beset, Face, breast and limb of tan, and body jet. To Second Charles of England, owes his name, A regal gift from Second Charles of Sj)ain. Although, since then two hundred years have flown. Still fashions favorite, as when first was known, He wears liis honors, with becoming pride, Jealous with ought his tribute to divide. Flattered by all, the menial and the great, On him the Page and powdered Flunkey wait ; On velvet couch, with Royalty reclines. And with the queen, and heir presumptive dines. 138 WATCIIDOfiS. RATTERS. &C. anticipations, I should attribute it to rn}- own neglect, provided lie were the offspring of un- doubted 1}^ good stock. There may be excep- tions, though it has not hith.ei'to been my misfor- tune to encounter one. For a good Rat-dog, select either a Scotch or an English Terrier. Scotch is the hardiest and stands the most work. When he is young, give him something he can kill, without being much punished, a small rat on a string, or a mnufc. Put him often at a rat hole to scratch. K you can, let him be with an old killer, that lie may sec the performance. Excite liim well, before you let him have the rat. Don't let him pound him much after he is dead, don't hunt him on a full stomach to disgust him with the taste of the rat, nor allow him to kill many at £rst. n ON THE TRAINING OF FIGHTING DOGS. As I am particularly requested to compound a chapter on the training of fighting-dogs, for tlie satisfaction of the curious, I will endeavor to present a few general ideas on the subject, for some of which, I beg to acknowledge my in- debtedness to a learned professor of the art. The subject is grating to the ear of most peo- ple of refinement, by Avhom the practice of Dog-fighting is justly condemned as neitlier re- spectable nor moral. Simply testing the cour- age and endurance of particular breeds of ani- mals, (whose valor we are anxious to prove, in order to satisfy ourselves of tlie intrinsic merits of tlie stock as guardians, hunters, &c.), may perhaps be pardonable, to a certain extent, as these virtues are important ingredients in the component parts of a trustworthy companion 140 TRAINING OF FIGHTING-DOGS. & 1(1 defender; but that an animal,wliose pluck has been thorouglily verified, should be teased, torn and tortured, solely to &ati;:-iy the depraved taste of the thoughtless and desperate, few would dare to assert. However strange it may appear, the owner of a fighting-dog is perhaps as careful and tender over him, as the lady with her parlor-pet. Tiie s'ightest insult offer- ed to his dog would be a personal challenge to himself, and although the animal may be de- voted by his guardian to battle and death, the poor confiding brute is greedy of the honor of perishing in defence of him, who sacrifices his only disinterested friend, to reap the benefit of his sufferings and the glory of his scars. These dogs (Bulls and Bull-terriers) are decidedly the most courageous, but not natural- ly more quarrelsome than others ; but no sooner can they run, than their latent passions are excited and thoir courage put to the test; they are perhaps secluded from rcfpectable associates at the end of a four foot-chain, there to be aggravated, poked and worried by their owners and others, through whose instrumen- tality they ai-e defamed, dreaded and despised. A dog, to be in good fe-ttle and condition for TRATNTNG OP FIOIITING-DOOS. 141 fighting, must not be allowed to carry moro flesh than is necessary for his health, and that should be firm and solid. When he is matched to light at a certain weight or under, he has generally to be reduced or increased in weight ; more commonly the former. In either case, at the com.mencement of his training, the animal sliould be (what is technically termed), purged out. His stomach must be first cleansed by about two grains of Tartar emetic. On the following day, he should iiavc small doses of castor-oil or other opening medicine, every two or three hours, until his bowels are thor- oughly purified. When this is efi'ccted, the renovation, by care, regular bracing exercise and di^t, begins. The food should be of the most nonrishing kind, yet great care must be taken not to overload the stomach. He must be fed lightly three times a day, so that he may be enabled to stand the repeated and arduous exercises to which he must be subjected, as his endurance has to be tested by as much hard work, as he can bear. Good beef, broiled and very little blood left in it, should be his diet, with hard biscuit occasionally, or his diet may be varied if occasion require. No blood, raw 142 TRAINING OP FIGHTING-DOGS. meat, liver or vegetables may be givcD him. The quantity given him must depend on hia appetite, his condition, and the amount of flesh to be worked off by exercise. He should be allowed very little water ; at the same time, fever from thirst should be carefully guarded against; tlierefore he may have little and often, that he may require the less. He should be kept in a sufficiently wai-m temperature, and not exposed to cither cold or heat. Should he be taken out in the cold air, his loins should becoTcred, andhe mustbekeptmoving atabrisk pace. He had better not be exercised out of doors, either in hot or cold weather, excepting early in the morning in summer. As to the ways in which he may be exercised, they are various : the harder the work in reason, the better. A stuffed bag may be suspended from the cicling, and when the dog is muzzled, he should be ex- cited to seize it. A large ball may be rolled for him to run after, or he may run a few miles occasionally at a brisk pace, following a horse. These exercises must be persisted in as far as he can conveniently bear, which must bclel't to the judgment of his trainer, but the animal should never be allowed to exhaust himself too much TRAINING OP FIGHTIXG-DOOS. 143 at once, or to suffer for want of food or water. If his bowels should become too constipated, a little magnesia may be given him, perhaps an injection of soap buds, or his exercise may be increased. If he should be in anyAvise relaxed, his beef slionld be more cooked, his biscuit more baked and his exercise diminished for a season. However no powerful purgative should be given, uidess in case of an absolute stoppage. While it is highly important that he should not be overfed, he must not be reduced below his strength. As a safeguard against a mis- take of this kind, he should be Aveighed every morning before feeding. His best lighting and most healthy weight should be ascertained, as it is safer to give one's adversary the advant- age of a pound or tAvo than to reduce one's dog below his real fighting standard. The less your dog has been accustomed to exercise, tlie more time should you demand previous to his fighting ; as courage without endurance is a common defect in dogs, who have not been thor- ouglily h.irdened to toil ; and many a p-lucky animal has turned for want of breath, when he had courage enough to face a hundred deaths. Fn hasty matches, dogs are often rapidly sweat- 144 TUAINING OP FIGHTING- DOGS. ed down, which is very disadvantageous to them and ouglit to be avoided. The amount of food ought not to be much shortened too suddenly, but a little more or less every meal. After hard exercise the animal should be well rubbed and well oovej-ed. COMPARATIVE VIRTUES OE POINTER AND SETTER. Much has been said with regard to the respec- tive merits of Pointer and Setter. Some Sportsmen stoutly man tain that the Pointer is far the superior, whilst others aver that the Setter is greatly to be preferred. Each how- ever, has his distinctive merits. He, who has been the owner of a few good Pointers, and has chanced to be the proprietor of a bad Setter or two, is inclined to believe that the Setter must be the inferior, and vice versa. Tliis is a wholesale mistake, yet by nomeajis a common yet unfair inference. The Setter is hardier, stands his work better in cold weather, is generally superior as a water-dog, bolder in thick cover and less suspectible to injury by Lliorns. &c. The Pointer stands the heat bet* a .^xv^""' BLENHEIM SPANIEL. BLEf^HEIM SPANIEL. Of Chariey stock, in shape and feature par, If nonglit contend his regal stamp to mar ; Orange and white, the genuine it is said, Or black and white, with features tinged with red. Descended from an ancient Spanish race, In vain, his prime original we trace ; Once a famed hunter, of Castilian state, Tho' since enfeebled and effeminate ; So elegant, so highly bred and so genteel. These honored traits his pedigree reveal ; His virtuous failings, that once vice were deemed, His passive dignity, now most esteemed. If ousrlit of preference 'twixt the two be found, Yield it in favor of the Charley hound ; TliG latter fuller tassclled, more compact, With larger eye and feature more exact. I've oft' remarked, with beasts of every grade, Hardier and healthier is the darker shade ; This in a measure may perchance explain, Why Charley more of vigor may retain. As Charley's virtues are of Blenheim true, It l)odes me not his merits to review ; If further scrutiny, your thoughts engage, Please turn to Charley, on the othor page. 148 VIRTUES OF Pointer and setter. ter, can travel farther witliout water, is consid- ered leas di-nicult to break and less lieadstrong in tlic field. Tiic one sutfcrs more from the cold, the other from the heat. A Setter ap- pears to forirct his training more easily tlian a Pointer; the only way in whicli I can accotmt for it, is the mixture of Spaniel to whicli I be- lieve the former is partly indebted for his ori- gin. If either can boast of originality of race, I should certainly, (contrary to the general opinion) attribute it to the Pointer, who shows no trace of Spaniel, and cannot have inherilcd his bird-hunting and stationary instinct from tho Foxhound, from whom he is said by Natural- ists to have descended. To the Setter appears to belong tho stubborn wildness of the Spaniel. The Pointer if not delicately reared or too finely bred, will stand on the average as much work as the Setter. The color of a hunting dog is of some little importance. Dark colors absorb the rays of the sun much more than light ones, and are consequently less adapted for hot climates. In hot weather, the Pointer may be said to be preferable to the Setter on account of the lightness of his dress, althonsh Hie sun itself VIRTUES OF POINTER AND SETTER. 149 would take more effect on the thin-coated Poia ter, than on the thicker covering of the Setter whereas tlic air, which would keep a Pointer cool, would scarcely be felt through the heavy dress of the Setter. Before we decide then, which is to be prefer- red, the Pointer or Setter, let us take into con- sideration Breed, Habits, Climate. Weather, Country, &c., and stake our opinions accord- ingly. TRAINIXG AND BREAKING POINTERS AND SETTERS. r AM not aware that there is anything m^'ster- ious in the art of training a Sporting-Dog ; although it might be inferred from the scarcity of thoroughly broken aniuials, either that it were a secret, revealed only to a few profes- sional Brenkers, or that few ever made the attempt, either from lack of time, talent or self confidence. This may be sufficient to form a plausible reason for neglecting the education of the Spoi-ting-Dog ; though, after all, to come when he is called, and to do as he is bid, is about all that the most scrupulous could exact from him ; the balance must be left to develop itself in his own native instinct and sagacity. It necessarily follows that an early education is of the highest importance. It is then that TRAINING POINTERS AND SETTERb. 151 his habits are foi-med, his powers developed nnd his submission secured. Should he not b introduced to his fielding or training, till he has nearly reached hisgrov/th, he can be hroken. it is true, but with far greater difficulty, and at the risk of annihilating the noblest qualities of his nature. He will be always more or less difficult of restraint and will require pretty constant exercise to remind him of his duty ; whereas, with an early and judicious course of moderate instruction and implicit obedience, he is well brought up, and when more fully de- veloped, requires but a slight introduction into any new field of labor, to arouse his already well organized intellect. Breaking is certainly a very appropriate term for pounding bad habits out of canine pelts ; habits, which never could have been contracted, had ordinary attention been paid to early tuition. When animals commence their training after months of entire freedom from restraint, severity is often necessary, as they become so naturally self-willed, as abso- lutely to require Brcnl-ing. It is the easiest tiling in tlie world to prevent a bad habit, but often next to an impossibility to restrain it. 152 TRAINING POINTERS AND SETTERS. It is a common old Proverl) "It's hard to teach an old dog, new tricks." but. hard indeed as it is, it has continually to le done, yet is often done so impei-fcctly, and I may add so improperly, that a Avell-traincd dog is au excep- tion, to the army of half-broken ones ; so that sportsmen are continually in trouble, for want of a tirst-rate dog. One is too wild ; anotlier isn't staunch; a third won't fetch his game ; the fourth isn't under good command ; the fifth pounds his bird ; the sixth won't take the Avater ; the seventh bolts at the first scolding ; the eighth is apt to take after rabbits and squirrels ; the ninth won't point the dead liird ; the tenth is often inclined to disobedience or may follow another Sportsman, who may offer him a bait. I could enlarge on the defects of many vominaJIy hroJien dogs, but fear I may be accused of doing so already. I enumerate these vices, simply to repeat, that were they early taught and brought up to habits of im- plicit obedience, these failings would seldom or never occur. In the first place, if you wish to raise a Sporting Dog, get two ; so that if one should die, you may still have one left. If one be TKAINISO POlNTKRri A NO SKTTKRS. 153 better than tlin other, keep the best ; if they bo both good, one will pay the otlier's debts, if you feel inclined to dispose of him ; though I decidedly recommend \ou to Itcep them both. See that tliey are the offspring of gcod and^ healthful stock. If you have the choice of a pup, select the strongest, the boldest, the hand- somest of the litter. Nothing like a little f re to woric upon. "The wildest colt generally makes the best horse." As to color, it is mere fancy, nnd in my opinion amounts to nothing, except in as far as climate is concerned, or the color of the ground you may be called to shoot over. I do not imagine for a moment that the dog himself is the better for being cither white, black, orange or liver, but alight color is cer- tainly preferable in a hot climate, as the sun has less effect on it. I refer you to several of the ])receding •' Dog Tricks," which will assist you in training a Sporting Dog, as well as any other breed, such as : "■ Doivn, seek and find, fvlch and carry ^ going in the ivafer, going on, keeping in, ^"c." This is all very well, but a Sporting Dog, requires somewhat more than this ; he must be trained to hunt, must be practiced in finding 154 TKA1MX(; POINTERS AND SETTERS. his game, quartering his ground, &c., he will require continual restraint and must be kept within reasonable distance of his master. If he only be well bred, he will need but little ex- . citement to attend to his work. His natural instincts will only require directing or restrain- ing to suit his master's will. His habits of implicit obedience may be formed either in or out of the field, but he should be brought to practice as early as possible in tlie theatre of his glory. There are only two points to be attended to in Dog-training, these are : first, what the animal shall be compelled not to do, and sec- ondly, W'hat he shall be taught and induced to do. The first point is far more easily overcome than the second, and simply consists in decided checks on all his attempts, either to enforce his own will or to act in defiance of that of his master. The second requires somewhat more of knowledge, judgment, insight, patience and discretion than the first. It consists in mod- erating and directing his natural powers, en- gaging them to be subservient to your will, and in moulding them to act well the part they are destined to perform. TRAINING POINTERS AND SETTERS. 157 Let US suppose him then, perfectly v/p to the mark of Down charue ! Come in ! Keep in ! Hie on ! Seek and find, fetch, carry, go in the water ! (according to previous lessons), or at any rate perfectly obedient, as far as he has been taught. We will now teach him, or rath- er let him show us how to find the game, ttc. By way of trial, suppose we get a live quail or partridge, clip its wing, attach a string to its leg and let it run a hundred yards or so in diflcrent directions, to test his nose, (a dead bird may be dragged along, if alive one cannot be obtained). Select a good sized field, drag it, or let it run in Ibiir ditferent directions, set the dog on the scent, so that if he go wrong, you may direct and encourage him to hunt r» the right direction. When you finish dragging, put the bird in a box and test the actions of your dog, making him* Steady, &c., as he approaches it. Where game is abundant, of course this sham hunt need not often be resorted to, although a few minutes may occasionally be found for practice at home, when there is no spare time even for a short shooting-trip. " Down charge" may be taught to be obeyed by the discharge of the gun, if the report be often made to accompany MASTIFF. §eriou3 and stern, majestic, brave and bold, The Baroa's pride, in Halcyon days of old, Escutclieoued oft, by knights and men of state The dreaded guardian of the castle gate. His head, somewhat the contour of the Bull, With pendant ear, deep chest, both broad and full : In color red. or tawny, by the by, Deep hanging Jowl, black lip, and threatening eye : His coat close set, .o.u :!LorIdcr doubly strong, From tip to tip, lie may be six feet long. By massive wails and poaderous bars confined, Alone, he reigns, contented and resigned ; Heedless of danger, marks no distant sound, Solemn and pensive, stalks his dreary round : The thiefs detector, and tl»e foeman's dread. Silent and listful, notes each stealthy tread ; Honest, ingenuous, true in all his ways, Emblem of safety, in the bygone days. Let not degenerate stock his name disgrace, Nor soil the virtues of this noble race ; Dauntless of yore, and just as sturdy now, He bears the stamp of England on his brov? j Earnest in friendship, and of candor full, Distant to Strang, rs, like a true John Bull. IGO TRATNrjfG POINTERS AND SETTHR8. tlic command, but many have a crcat objection to it, as the dog may be often checked in liis duty, by the discliarge of another fowling piece. This may be left however, to the option of the owner. Quartering the ground is not difficult to teach, but requires considerable good iiumor and eucouragcnent, accompanied by ■' Hie on'^ and the wave of the hand in the required direc- tion. Should he take the wrong beat, he should at first be recalled and rodirectcil, and thus continually exercised in following the voice, accompanied by the wave of the hand, so that he may be eventually commanded and directed by the hand alone. Various methods are adopted by Breakers to teach dogs to obey their commands. I have seen many a poor animal with his neck in wounds by the use of the force collar, (a strap lined inside with spikes, or a string of spiked balls) to pun- ish the poor beast, upon every light deviation from liis master's command. A long strina: is attached to the collar, and the check is given when any order is not inwnediately executed This n>ethod, I certainly do not admire, al- though there are cases (where animals have been entirely neglected in early life), which TBAININO POINTERS AND SKTiKlfrt. iGl may absolutely warrant it, when all milder at tempts have proved fruitless. Another method is adopted to prevent a dog from pouiidiiii!: his game. lie is taught to fetch and carry that only, which Avill hurt his mouth, if he press liardiy on it. But the diffi- culty in teaching- a dog to fetch is greatly in- creased, when he is continually suspicious of in- juring himself; therefore if this method be adopted, great care must be taken that the ar- ticle used for fetching purposes be so fixed, as in no way to injure his mouth except upon hard pressure. A better and safer metiiod however, I believe to be, to accustom him to carry a partridge or quail, teaching him by suitable instruction, rci)rimand and correction, that he must neither mumble, maim, nor mutilate it. He will not be found to fetch as cheerfully, of iiis own free will, if his gums have suffered by the trial. Nevertheless the spiking system, if carefully carried out and without severity may occasion- ally be advisable in perverse subjects, when the disposition to pound appears difficult to erad- icate. The principal error committed in training Sparting-dogs, is in tlie use of severe and threat- 16-2 TRAINING POtNTERS AND SETTERS. ening language not unfreqtiently accompanied by the lash, to induce the animals to perform an act, Avhich they cannot thoroughly compre- hend. Now, when a dog is caught in an act of positive transgression, punishment may serve to convince him of the wrong committed ; but on the other hand, an act of non-committal is not so easily delincd, and the correction may often be interpreted by the sufferer, as a caution against its performance. Therefore encourage- ment, rather than threats should be the basis of all our attempts to direct the instinctive de- velopments of the sporting-dog ; our rebukes and punishments should be reserved for enforc- ing submission, and of testifying our disappro- val of conscious disobedience. Every thing should be done to ensure both respect and affec- tion, and severity will seldom be called for. Recipes for training dogs will be of little ser- vice, unless their owners have common sense enough to comprehend somewhat of the varied dispositions of canine nature. Some animals need to be dealtvery gently with, whilst others are almost insensible to moderate treatment, }tt firmness without severity, determination Boftened by patience, must be our general rule TRAINING POINTERS AND SETTERS. 1G3 The exceptions must be managed, according to the judgment of the trainer. The amount of reprimand and correction re- quired in such Imrd cases should however bo dealt out in graduated doses, so that, at all events enough may suffice. The Sporting-dog, especially should have a few minntes run every day, not only for the benefit of liis health, but to prevent his wildness in the field. Dogs, af- ter being tied up for a length of time, become so elated, when set at liberty, that they are not only excessively wild and often unruly, but un- fitted for a day's work and apt to wear them- selves out in a hurry ; whereas a dog, regular- ly exercised, is seldom known to tire, is always in good condition, easily kept under good command and rarely troubled with sore feet. Many sportsmen are in the habit of letting fly a charge of dust-shot at their dogs, when they undertake to run after the game, or when they refuse to obey call. In France, especially, I have seen many peppered sterns. It may have a good effect sometimes, (if our animals could only get used to it) but I consider it a very dangerous practice, as I have known several doti's utterlv ruined )»v it. 1G4 TRAINIXG POINTERS AND SETTERS. An old and well trained dog is very advanta- goons iu assisting- in the Ucld-traiTiing of the young beginner; tliongh the latter should be previously well versed in all necessary acts of obodioice and submission, or it will generally render him the wilder and interfere with the tactics of the more experienced. If the young dog you are training, give evident proofs of a lack of vosv, or game-scenting powers, you had better disjtose of him at once, as this is a de- fect, for which no virtue can ever alone. It is well to carry a few crackers in your gamebag and give your dog a bite now and then, to en- liven his spirits and increase his endurance. Give him but little meat, during the working season, unless it be well boiled and mixed with Indian meal, oat meal or cracker, &c., whichev- er be most convenient or suit him best ; but, if yon can get nothing but meat, don't keep him too short, on that account, as his strength must be kept up. A good rubbing, a good supper, and a warm bed will do him good after a liard day's work. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE DIS EASES OF DOGS. It may perhaps somcwliat surprise tli-ose who have hitherto been accustomed to a variety of incomprehensible Latin Prescriptions, receipt- ed to cure Diseases which are not positively known to exist, or which arc so mystified by anatomical technicalities, that they cannot bo easily recojrnized by the uninitiated. Yea : I doubt not some of my readers may be astonish- ed, (on reading my simple remarks and practi- cal instructions on the Diseases of Dogs,) that I have neither unvailed the secret of the Apothecaries' shop, nor dissected every fibre of the canine fabric. These things, I have 166 IfEMARKS OF DISEASES OF ljOGS. carefully avoided, first, because 1 am by pro- fession neither Chemist nor Anatomist ; second- ly, because my object is to simplify that which is too often rendered unintelligible, and to present a condensed list of antidotes, rather than a profusion of infallible cures. I perfectly ag"ree with my learned friend DeschcDiijjs, who acknowieilo^es the existence of only one Dis- ease, " a Disorganization of J\'a^^/re," and one cure, " the Reorrjcuiization^' I will jjroceed still farther by stating my bcliei that Nature effects through suitable relaxation and ucntle stim- ulants far more than can be forced on Her by drastic purges or powerful astringents. Preventives generally indicate cures ; upon this impression I have based my ideas and am satisfied in having carried them out in my treatment of the Diseases of Dogs. If I err, I am convinced it is on the safe side. I have nothing to say in contradiction to the opinions of others, but as that which I ofi'er is the result of my own experience, I have reason Ui hope It may be tested, before it is condemned. As, ill a certain sense, all Diseases are one, I have not particularized every ailment incident to the RPMARKS ON DISEASES OF DOGS. 167 rciuinc fraternity, but simply those, wliicli may be identified by the noii professional, under t^tood by the inexcperienced, and relieved with out medical advice. pu^^'C BULL-DOG. Snllfln, morose, unsociable and grim 1 Show me the man, who'd dream of trusting him 1 With short snub nose, lull, treach'roug glaring eye, Projecting teetli, small ear and Ibrehead high •, Capacious chest, with muscle, well displayed. The Boxer's bully, and the Tinker's jade ; For them he fights, the scars alone his prize, True to the last, for them, unpiticd dies. Exposed his vices, now his merits scan ; The latter real, the former due to man. By nature true, courageous, serious, stern ; Excited oft, his latent passions burn ; Rude urchins, educated in the street. Rowdies genteel, who on the corners meet ; Some men of sense and title too, in line, Make cruel pastime of this brave Canine. Concealed to view, and worried, day by daj, Trained to the Bait, the Battle and the Fray, Inured to hardship, 'reft of every friend, His life's a torment, and a boon nis end. Tho' few his social virtues dare to boast, Yet those who know him best, will prize hira most ; While others yap, and yelp and yell, and fly, Carve o'er his grave ; " I conquer or I die.' DISEASES OF DOGS. FITS. A.LL breeds ot dogs are more or less subject to Fits, altliongh among the coarse mongrel kinds, tliey arc but little known. Dogs of fine stock, of tender constitutions, those glutted with rich fond and lacking necessary exercise are its most common victims. I consider fitr< to origi- nate in the lack of a regular circulation of the blood, or from an overcharged digestion, per- haps more than from any other cause. A weak-nerved dog, who is much confined in the yard or house is overjoyed at the chance of an unlimited romp, and becomes so highly elated as to cause an extra flow of blood to the head, causing a temporary pressure on the brain, thereby rendering the sufferer wholly uncon- scious even of the presence of his master. TLla DFSIOASKS OP DOGS. 171 I believe to be one cause. Anotlier is a disur g-anized digestion, (more or less deranging ever}^ part of the system), striving to vent itself by forcible efforts to expel an overflow of vitiated humors. A third cause is an exposure to the sun, acting more immediately on the r.erves of the brain. Fits are often confoun- ded with Distemper, of which they arc ofttimes a dangerous accompaniment. Distemper-fits are quite of a different character to those of which we are now speaking. Fn all my exper- ience and experiments, I have hit on no antidote or sovereign cure for these uncertain ebullitions of subverted Nature. I will first speak of preventives, before I propose a method of cure. Animals that are subject to fits should be allowed plenty of exercise (with- in certain limits), and should be fed on light fare. They should not be exposed to the sun, and great attention should be paid to their I'owels, which never should be constipated. They should never be fed to the ful.', nor on any indigestible food. Wet feet will suddenly bring on fits, especially in dogs who have been long confined. I hove often noticed how soon these fits were brought on by tlicir feet sudden- 173 DISEASKH OF I)OG«. ly coming in contact with cold water. Tf a dog- subject to fits be too fat, his flesh should be immediately reduced by liglit purgations, his diet changed, whilst he is gradually habit- uated to an increase of exercise. He should be ridded of every thing tending to annoy him ; he should not be exposed to any excite- ment, and should he appear to be more joyous than usual, he siiould be immediately checked, stilled or chainetl. By noticing this, he may generally be spared the trial. I am speaking now of fits, where no distemper exists, as dis- temper-fits require a somewhat difli'erent treat- ment. Heated rooms are very productive of these attacks, especially where the creature is allowed to lay under a hot stove. Basking in the sun will often bring them on. Dogs arc very apt to get bewildered by the sun, and I have often had to remove them from Iheir dan- gerous fascination. However, with dogs who have no predisposition to fits, I imagine there is not much to be feared from their spontaneous baskings. The antidotes then are light fare, regular exercise, freedom from excitement, healthy stools, avoiding the hot sun, wet feet, &c. In the majority of cases, previous to a fit, DISEASES OP DOGS. 173 the dog has a wild staring; expression, and appears to be soinewliat alarmed at every thing he sees : he will sometimes .stagger and run backwards and forwards without an ob« ject ; he may then perhaps stand still, his vision and brain evidently wandering ; he may start in any direction before he falls, or he may occasionally fall, without any previous in- dications, He will often make the most dis- tressing yelping, both before and durino- the paroxysm, whilst at other times he will be com- paratively noiseless, except from the champing of his jaws, from which he ejects a slimy froth. Thousands of poor brutes (only temporarily deranged), have been destroyed for being gnilly of Hydropimbia, although it bears but a vei-y slight resemblance to Fits. Ordinary Fits are very sudden, give but short (if an}-) notice of their approach and the animal either speedily re- turns to his consciousness or expires. A sullen, morose, unsociable change may be the forerun- ner of Madness, but previous to a Fit, the suf- ferer is generally more profuse and ui-gent in his professions of friendship. The owner of an animal who ih subject to Fits, should always be prepared with a chain and collar, whenever 174 DISEASES OF DOOS. he takes him out, as lie can tlicn the more readily secure him and manase him without difiicnlty. He will thus avoid having him slanijlitered, under the popular hue and cry of '• Mad Don-." Altliouuh the snapping, foaming, staggering, kicking, yelping, should not be mistaki u for ITydro|)hobia, yet I would particularly advise all tlio-c who may be treating a patient in this condition, to avoid being bitten : for two sim- ple reasons. First. The bite of a dog in perfect health convevs with it a certain amount of poi- son, exactly in projiortion to the state of the system, npon which the impression is made. Secondly. Great caution is required to avoid the bite of an animal in this stultified condition, and I am fnrtlicr perfectly satisfied, that his bite under such circumstances would be mor<^ likely to ])rove serious, on account of his dis- ordered state ; although there need certainly l>e no ground for alarm or apprehensions of llydroi>hobia. Still as dog-bites under any circumstances are far fi-om agreeable, and furlhennore, as the benst is then unconscious of his' actions, and especially ungovernable in his )a\vs, ids dental operations should be carefully DISEASES OF DOOS. 175 avoided. He may be safely held by tlie back of the neck, or kept at a respectful distance by means of a chain and collar ; or should he bo too powerful to manage in this way, he may bs made fast to the first convenient hold. With sluts, Fits often prove fatal to Breeding-, either by unfitting tlie animal for healthy propaga- tion, or destroying the embryo. From such I recommend, you to avoid breeding, both dogs and sluts. I would also, advise all owners of confirmed uncuraUe Jitters (if such there be), to aduiinister a dose of Strychnine, to stay all further proceedings. The cure must be somewhat similar to the preventive, with a few simple additions. When he is first attacked, pour a stream of cold water on his head, and immediately put him in a dark place, (or cover his eyes). Give him an emetic of common salt, as much as he can swallow at once. The next day, admin- ister small doses of castor-oil, every two hours, until his bowels are thoroughly, though gently purified. Bleeding may occasionally be re- sorted to. A little blood may be taken from the ears or tail ; a fly blister may be placed on top of the head, or a seton introduced in the back I'je DISEASES OF DOGS. nf the neck. Should these fits be found to procee^i from worms, the above treatment need not be followed. Tlie worm medicine should be first administered, where you have any doubt about the case. Should wornis be the cause, some of the preventives proposed, would be powerless, tliough certainly not injurious. I have found rubbing to be very eflcetual in restoring them, when they have been appari'cntly stiffened out for death. A little brandy and water, (say one fifth best French brandy), sweetened, and a teaspoonl'ul more or less, administered every half hour, is often of essential service. Noth- ing, however, should be given during the convulsive action of the fit, or until the animal can swallow with eufsO. DKTEMFER, DlAltiUlO^A, CONSTIPA- TION, STOPPAGE. ■'* Distemper" is a term, with which well nigh every owner of a dog, is perfectly intimate, but the exact source, cause or origin of the disease appears to have baffled the most pro- found researches of the '' Dogographer''^ and the Anatomist, to have puzzled the public at large and completely mystified the Icnoicing ones. Nevertheless, a thousand infallible cures are receipted for it, the majority of which are admirably calculated, either to hurry a suifer- ing canine out of a miserable existence or ren- der him a cripple for life. Distemper may be attributed to a variety of causes. Like fevers, measles and small pox, it may be considered both infectious and contagious, yet, is still of- teuer a spontaneous outburst of disease, orisri- BULL TERRIER BULL TERRIER. In him, the Terrier and the Bull we trac-e, Well known to all, his famed, tho' compoUBcl race ; The slu^rgish Bull-dog, thus, new vigor gains. The Terrier too, the former's pluck retains ; Thus stubborn courage and deliberate nerve, To check the hasty and impetuous serve. A Mongrel true, yet, tho' a Cur he be, If right his stamp, no better hound than he ; Defies tlie water, braves the very fire, Unites tiie merits of his Dam and Sire. To fix his size or color, wore a jest, Yet true it is, the smallest sells the best ; A doubtful title, but which some concede To ought that bears a shadow of tlie breed ; Of colors all, weight forty pounds to three, Too dwarfish for an honest pedigree. Apt as a scholar, faithful as a friend. Well armed and ready, valiant to defend ; He knows no danger, and he fears no foe, And if vindictive, man has made him so ; Mis instinct ever, on hi3 duty set ; True Courage never was a Bully yet. Shou'.d any doubt, if tMs be true or not, Peruse the writings of Sir Walter Scott* ISO DISTEMPEU, .^C. Mating in tlic system itself; yet from what par* I'icular influences, has not yet been satisfactori* ly determined. No antidote or safeguard against its attaclcs liaa yet been brought to light, neither has any sovereign remedy been eflfectnal, in averting its fatality. The malady presents itself in such varied forms and types, that it is often not recognized as Distemper, even by those who have had some experience in Dog-keeping; whilst other and widely differ- ent ailments are often attributed to Distemper. Its appearance is not confined to any age, sea- son or climate, ncitlier is it peculiar to any breed, or the result of any particular Idnd of diet, locality or management. One breed is aa subject to it as another, yet certainly not equal- ly liable to become its victims. The worthless mongrel s'tands a far better chance of recovery than the appreciated pet or the high bred Spor- ting-dog. The reasons of this to me are evi- dent. The cur is hardier, from his cross-breed and habits of exposure, and is naturally of a stronger constitution, consequently, the better fitted to resist diseass ; is seldom pampered and gorged, gets more exercise and less physic. High bred dogs are always somewhat difficult DISTEMPER, &C. 181 to rear. There appears to lack in tliem a cer- tain vigor of constitution, in wliich the car is seldom deficient. For this reason, great care is requisite in the raising of choice breeds, till lliey attain their growth, or pass the ordeal of Distemper. It must not bo supposed however, that all dogs must of necessity have the disease, any more than all children are bound to have the Small-pox or Scarlet fever. Again, some have it so lightly, that it is scarcely perceived, whilst others make sliort work of it, and snuff out in a canter, in spite of all efibrts to save. The common symptoms are restlessness, heavi- ness, disinclination to move, redness and some- times great paleness of the eye, whiteness of the gums, running at the eyes and nose, loss of appetite, looseness of the bowelS; dryness and dirty appearance of the nostrils, dry cough, Avasting of the flesh and general debility. Ul- cers will often appear about the lips and gums, the breath becomes offensive, and the evac- uations have a putrid odor. These indications do not appear at once, nor in all animals, nei- ther can Distemper always be traced, when some of these symptoms are apparent. After all, the general appearance of the patient la 182 DISTEMPER, &C. More to be relied on than any one of these d'ls temper-like appearances. A marked difference will be perceived in the general deportment of the canine, which any observer of his general habits will not be at a loss to interpret. His owner should be in the habit of keeping a strict watch on him, now and then for a few minutes, without engaging the animal's atten- tion ; as dogs, like men, are prone to wear a merry countenance, when the system is diseased. It is therefore necessary to scan their sponta- neous movements, which is the plan I invaria- bly adopt in discovering the most important of canine ailments. Of course their various parts may be likewise examined, in order to ascertain the very spot, where any disorganization may more visibly develop itself. Distemper ap- pears to be more fatal at some periods than at others, without reference to any particular season of the year. I have however found it more fatal in the fall of the year than at any other season, especially on the first appearance of cold weatlier. It may attack a litter of pnppies, some very lightly, some severely and others fatally, yet these have breathed the same air, eaten of the same food, occupied the DISTEMPER, &C. 183 f^ntnu bed nnd received the same (rcalment. Wlio then shall prescribe an antidote again.st its inroads, or an absolute remedy against its fatality ? Its effects nevertheless may in most cases be greatly mitigated by constant attention to the health of our charge, forbidding the least indisposition to pass nnnoticed, and hy ]-esorting (as occasion may require) cither to gentle aperients, wholesome astringents, or moderate abstinence. I am averse to adminis- tering Calomel to dogs. It is decidedly dan- gerous, and thousands of poor animals have been sacrificed by it : it can only be given with com])arative snfety, where the aiiimal would be subjected to no kind of atmospheric change, and tliis would be very diCicnlt to avoid, as liis coat cannot be conveniently thickened to suit the weather. When a whitish mucus fluid runs from the nose, it is almost invariably a sign of distem- per. This may be generally considered a fa- vorable symptom, and far more favorable, than a dry hot nose, emitting little or no moisture ; in Avhich case I have often found the disease settled on parts more vital and more difficult of relief. I beo- of vou not to consider Distem ENGLISH TERRIEB, (Black & Tan.i ENGLISH TERRIER, (Black & Tan). Of varied color, fashion black and tan, la England, (say they,) this famed race began , Re.l, white, and yellow haVd been highly prized, Thodgh snndry ti>its, by man are ofV devised. Well shaped his form, with Grcyhound-tapcr" ing head, Leg, breast and jowl, well flushed with tannish red ; His body black, with coat, high glossed and fine. Varying in weight, from twenty pounds, to nine. If ought of white his feet or breast disgrace, Too light a red or brindle there we trace ; 'I'oo clumsy limb, too coarse his tail or coat, Doubtful his Sire ; his purity remote. Staunch and courageaus, daring in his ways, Quick as a {]aiitle:-'3 Mange Liniment," never fails to pro- duce a bcautirul coat and to allay the irritation o)i the first application ; which 1 have never known any other compound to effect. Its application should however, be repeated every other day, for three or four times, to ensure dealh to all forthcoming animalculoe. No ani- mal occasionally rubbed with it, has been knov.'u to take the Mango, and for beautifying the coot and cleansing the skin, its equal is not to be found. Dogs aflected with any cutan- eous crni)tion, should be subjected to a tlioi-ough but gentle pliysicing, and their mode of living should be entirely changed, in order to give the constiiution a fair chance to purify itself and put a stop to all fnrthcr spontancons ir.sectile productions among the sluggish se- cretions of a disordered frame The visible symptoms of Mange are, bare Sjiots. irritation, eruptions on the skin, a shorten- ing, or unnatural fallirig oif of the hair, red- ness on the back, bowels or other i)arts. Fleas also produce a kind of Mange, perhaps the most difficult of cure ; as they disease and poi- gon the whole surface of the body, and it 206 MANGE. neglected sometimes reduce the stBtcm to (in* recoverable weakness, by depriving the dog of liis necessary rest. Yery old dogs are tlio most difficult to cure.but 1 iiave not met witli jiu incurable subject yet. The disease, liowever, sliould be taken in liand as early as po.ssioh;, as. to say the least of it, it greatly annoys aud disfieures the sufferer for a season. RABTK3, HYDROPHOBIA. It 13 somewhat difficu-lt to define the varied symptoms of Hydrophobia. Incaniioiisly to attein|)t it might pcrliaps arouge fears, wlicre there existed no cause for alarm. For tlie coufoUitioii of tl»e nervous Jiowever, I may com- mence by assuring them, that a mad dog- ia indeed a \cry rare production, and that perhiips not over one in a thousand of tliose accused of it may be pronounced guilty. Every ill-brcition to snap on the slightest a])proach of nnuoyance ; a desire to retire from the presence of any one : an unwillingness to quit his retreat or to come at iiis master's call, licking his own urine, &c., these are symptoms of Hydrophobia. Yet all these may exist in different animals, and not one of them be bordering on madness, Nevertheless, there is after all, a certain some- thing, in the appearance of an animal with the symptoms of Rabies, that should not be misuu- RABIES. HYDEOPHOBIA. 211 derstood by him, who has been accustomed to scan the ordinary niovemeuts of his favorite. The decided change which has taken place should not be carelessly disregarded, and when ever any suspicious indications present them "clves, the animal should be securely chained or confined, where he may be out of the reach of everybody, until the case be clearly delined. I do not mean by this, that a suspected indi- vidual, wno has already become the subject of a marked change of demeanor, should be even trusted v/ith his master's lingers, but that he should be collared and chained in such a way, as to annihilate all risk of injury. The eye will generally denote the disposition; therefore where suspicion exists, and before the hand be extended to touch the animal, he should bo playfully spoken to by his master, who may gently and jocosely present him some object at- tached to the end of a long stick, which will be a fair way of testing his feelings. He should be excited by his usual watch words, that he may afford an opportunity of noting his actions. His usual food and water should be cautiously placed within his reach ; in fine, every precaution should be observed. 213 KABIES, HYDROPH(JUIA. for although cases of Hydrophobia are happily rare, the bare idea of it, (as an old lady justly remarked,) is no joking matter. Thus, should there be nothing amiss, a great deal of uneasi- ness may be avoided. Some of the causes ol Madness in dogs, I have found to be the follow- ing ; exposure to the sun, without the power of retreat ; deprivation of water, especially during warm weather ; unwholesome food, remaining undigested in the stomach ; heat, excitement and lack of nourishment, accompanied by con- tinued worryiugs, peltings, and drivings ; the constant wear and tear of the whole nervous system, produced by fleas being allowed to ac- cumulate ; the bite of rabid dogs or venomous reptiles ; bones or any foreign object stuck in the jaw or throat. But a more ordinary im- pulse to Kabies than any of the foregoing, I believe to be the dogged determination of the male in pursuit of the female, more especially when great heat, lack of food and water, and protracted journeyings are added to the tor- ments of unsatisfied lust. Of this I havo known several unmistakcable instances ; in- deed every circumstance attending these head- strong peregrinations combines to agitate and KABFES, HYDROPHOBIA. 213 dir^ordcr tliG wliole nervous ftibric of the natu* rally excitable canine. Some years ago, I had three cas s of decided madness ; two cansed by tlie bite of venomous reptiles ; the third by a sunstroke. Of course I safely and securely chained all the patients, and marked their daily progress. The two bitten subjects grew worse and worse, till I relieved them by a merciful doMtli ; the third, by my throwing cold water on her, three or four times a day and keeping her in the cool shade, with little lighl. gradu- ally recovered, and afterwards produced sever- al litters of puppies, one of which lived just long enough to be swallowed by an alligator on the banks of the Mississippi. Neither of these dogs refused to drink, but the two former had lost all power of swallowing, for some time previous to my destroying them. Rabies, caus- ed by venomous bites or objects sticking in the throat or jaws is perhaps the most incurable, as it is by no means advisable for the in- experienced to risk an operation, at an ad- vanced stage of the inflammation. I believe many cures might be effected, if the animals were only kept safely bound in the shade and constantly cooled with water, I mean where ARCTIC SLED DOG. A noted member of the frigid zone, Hardy and tough, adapted to his home, To liim the traits of horse and hound belong ; His feats the theint; of many a polar song. Of wolfish form, yet somewhat stouter groTvn, The sled dog, solo in Arctic regions known ; With stiffened car erect, keen prowling eye, Sharp pointed nose, and coat of varied dye 5 His dress compounded of a woolly wire, Defying cold, disdaining sun or fire : In vigor strong, to hardship e'er inured, From pampered taste and indolence secured ; Of lasting foot, with firm and nervous tread, Unwearied drags the cumbrous Lapland sled. Or lightly bounding with the travelers' slcigli, With gladsome trip, makes seventy miles a day. Parry, McClintock, Belcher. Ross and Kane, With thankful lip, record his memoried name; 0"er Greenland snows and ice of Ballin's bay, Hungry and gaunt, he led the trackless way. For ever barred the sweets of honie to taste, Triumphant sped them through the frigid waste. O'er the brave Franklin, raise one grateful sigh 1 His faithful dog lies bleached and withered by. 51(5 K.ABIES, HYDilOi'liOBiA. the cause may be indigestion, ovcr-excitcmcnt or siinstrolce. AVlienan animal has been bittcM by anotlier, Icnown to be mad, I consider it un- doubtedly the safest method to destroy him ; althouisrli I have l^nown many dogs, wliicli have never been affected by the bite, Avhilst otliers have become its victims. Dipping in salt water, three times following, each time keeping the patient under till he is nearly exhausted, has been thought to take such an effect on the system, as to annihilate the venomous power. True, 1 remember a case in England, where two dogs were bitten by a mad dog, within five minutes of each other. One was a Pointer, owned by a great sports- man of my acquaintance, who immediately drove twelve miles to the salt water, and there plunged his favorite almost to death. The other dog remained unnoticed and unattended to. In a few days after, the neglected animal went raving mad and committed fearful ravages, whilst the Pointer never portrayed the most remote symptom of Hydrophobia, during the remaining years of his life. I have also seen various persons at Southampton, almost ducked to death, to avoid the consequence of the bites .-_J r' ii.\i;ii;s, iiYi)iu)i'ii'.>ufA. 2lT of mad (loii's, and tliis was considered an all sufficient safeguard. Hut I am ratlier slow at hasty infercncc-s, especiall}^ on tlic siil)jcct of mad dogs. With regard to tlic fact of tlie Pointer mentioned, his system might not liave been aa susceptible of absorbing the virus as that of iiis unlucky neighbor, neither might he liave been as severely bitten, and as it is ■well known that all dogs will not be afl'cctcd by bites of rabid animals, the Pointer might liave belonged to the class of non-absorbents. With regard to the pei-sons alluded to, they mirjld have been bitten cither by an imaginary mad dog, or by one whose nervous system alone waa under temporary derangement. The bites of really mad animals differ wide- ly in tlieir poisoning powers, and in many cases 1 imagine the danger would be very trifling. The venom issuing from a really corrupt sys- tem must differ widely in virulence from that ])roduced by simple nervous excitement. I have often been bitten by dogs, laboring un- der temporary derangement and mad to all in- tents ar.d purposes (if animals unconscious of their acts may \y2 termed insane.) and I certain- ly have never felt any fear and but little incou- ?1S RABIES, HYDROPHOBIA. venienco from it. Bat the Lite of a really rabid nnimal, who has had tlic disease festering liis whole frame, is at all times to be dreaded. Neither the Fits in Distemper, nor ordinary Fits should be nustal, dofif is seldom cured, if firmly established, as in that state, ordinary applications are of little service, and few understand the operation of removing it ; nevertheless, if the patient be of sufficient value, an oculist might operate ou it Avith success, as the animal may be safely and securely bound for the operation. Running eyes are commonly caused by high feeding, constant colds, lack of general exercise, damp beds, &c. Sometimes they are the result of Distemper and often hereditary, in delicate DISEASES 0I<' TUB EYli. 245 and high-bred pets. Keeping the eye clean, restricting the animal to moderate fare, allow ing him reguhir exercise, keeping him from Euddcn chills, forbidding him the hot fire or burning sun are among the principal preven- tives. This running appears to be a natural leak of the system, and unless the health bo attended ta. no local application will be avail- ing. I am by profession neither Surgeon nor Oculist, therefore I shall not enlarge on the different affections of tiie eye, nor infringe on its anatomical technicalities, fts I am not wri- ting a medical work, but propose simply to give the results of my own personal experience. For any serious operation on the eye, I would refer my readers to some competent surgeon or oculist, advising them by no means to risk it themselves. Tf requisite, soft lukewarm poul- tices of bread and water, bread and milk, flax- seed, ^c. may be applied with advantage, Avhere inflammation arises from any cause whatever : as to ])utting on and keeping them in place, it must be left to the best judgm.ent of the owner of the patient. To keep the eye in a healthy state, especially in animals of high bi-eed and delicate constitutions, cvcrvthiiio: gross in diet CHINESE HAIRLESS DOG. Of goodly lorm, oft' portly, plump and round ; In every clime occasionally is found ; Of liigh repute, in that celestial sphere, Wiiere dogs are dainties and fat pork is dear. Called Turkisli, South American, Chinese : Tho' fitted best, Jolin Chinaman to please ; For tastes refined and Epicures decreed, Good roasted, boiled, fried, stewed or fricasseed; Guards well the house, and keeps the thief at bay ; Docs useful errands, for Jie folks by day ; Bai-ks at their pigtails, licks their stunted feet, And grubs his hasty living in the street ; But woe betide him, when for cooking fit ; It bodes him not, his merit or'his wit ; Doomed to the oven, or frying-pan his lot, His grave the stewpan, or his tomb the pot. Douljtless well known, in ancient days was he, Ages before the Anno Domini ; They say Confucius fared on Canine stew, And sent Pythagoras a chop or two. Be't as it may. yet dare not raise a laugh, Such menial hounds inspire no epitaph ; llicy crave for food, that they rsay fat th« faster, And die a sacrifice to feed their master. 248 DISEASES OF THE EYE. eliould bo forbidden, and constipation carefully avoided. Although in many ca«es, weakness and running of the eyes are incurable, the fore- going preventives will be far more effective than all that medical treatment could ensure. Sleeping in a damp place is highly favorable to the production of overflowing humors of the eye, and no cure can he expected, where an animal given to weeping, is thus exposed. Bleeding and blistering are sometimes res'orted to, for redness and other inflammatory symp- toms of the eye, but as few of the unprofession- al understand these operations, I shall not re- commend them here. Some dogs have natur- ally a ferocious redness about the ball or in the corner of the eye. When this is consti tutional, there arc little hopes of a cure. In cases of continued inflammation of the eye, a red hot iron, about the size of a common lead pencil, may be pressed through the skin, at the back of the head, (should other remedies fail) and the w.>u-'k1 may be kept open, unr.il u marked im- p/ovement or a cure be eifecled. DISEASES OF THE EAK. Disease of the ear is mostly confined to over fed animals. Wanderiiv^ mongrels ai>d dogs boarding at their own expense are not so liable to outbursts of gross humors. Heavy-coated dogs are oftener attacked v/ith it, tliiin the less thickly-coated. Regular exercise, cleanliness and simple diet are the most important preven- tives. The ear is subject to disease in a vari- ety of forms ; common inflammation, sores, boils, ulcers, canker, polypus, &c. Any ailment of the ear may generally be discovered by the animal's shaking his head and rubbing it with his paw. Should there be any thick or matted hair inside the ear, it should be cleared out as gently as possible, with a pair of tweexers or the thumb and finger. Whatever be the form uf the sore, the ear should first undergo a thor- 250 DISEASES OF THE EAR. oug'n cleapsing twice a day with Castile soap and lukewarm Avater for two or three days, "wit.bout any other application. After every washing, the ear should be rubbed perfectly dry. After this, a weak solution of alum may be used twice a day, gradually increasing its strength for three or four days in succession ; after Avhich rub in " Butler's Mange Liaiment," which never fails to heal up any kind of "vvound or sore. If this however be not at hand, make an embrocation, composed of one- fourth spirits ot turpentine, one-fourth oil of tar, and a half of olive oil well mixed together, Avhich. should be applied every day. If the ear should be very thick and much inflamed, a soft poultice may be applied, either of flaxseed meaJ, bread, or In- dian meal made with strong green tea. But, if we can do without poultices, so much the bet- ter, as they are troublesome things, and most animals dislike bandaging. It may occasion- ally be adA isable to lance a sore, should it con- tinue to inflame, after other applications have proved unavailing, but should it form a natural head, I have found it better to allow it to take its course and burst of its own accord. With solid tumors, the case is different, if they fail DISEASES OF THE EAR. 251 to diminish from the use of ordiiiarv means, the only renieJy is to iiavc them carefully cut out by a skillful practioncr. Whatever be used as a wash for the car, it should be bloodwarm, both oil account of its being more suitable to the sore or inflanimation, but far less shocking to the auiuuil. A weak solution of extract ol load, with one-tenth brandy may be used as a wash, and if used bloodwarm, may be poured into the ear, if the part affected cannot be reached with a sponge. For obstinate diseases of the ear, that yield neither to a purification of the system, nor to ordinary outward appli- cations, tlie base of the ear may be bored with a red hot iron, about the size of a common lead pencil and the wound kept open till the disease is stayed. I have foun.l this to be of great benefit : it acts as a counter-irritation and thus relieves the affected part. The edges of the cars are subject to a scabby mangy appearance, Mhich destroys the growth of the hair, and somctiin.es gradually inflames the whole flap. " IJutier's Mange Liniment" will speedily cure this. If it cannot bo had, rub the ear every two days with meri urial ointment, and every other day it should be thoroughly cleansed and 252 DISEASES OF THE EAR. waalicd off with alcohol, as strong as the aiii- mal can L-Gar it. If a violent discharge of the ear .should not be checked by the foregoing remedies, the nicer may be burnt out with caustic. Often a putrid odor will issue from the diseased ear. though this cannot continue long, when it is kept thoronglily clean. A so- lution of chloride of lime, very w^eak, will act a,s a purifier. This should be used with tlie sponge, if the diseased parts can be reached. In curing diseases of the ear, as with all other ailments, the most important thing is to attend to the general health of the patient, as other- Avise the disease may be only driven from one locality, to be forced out of another. It may be often necessary to muzzle the animal, on ap- plying the wash, poultice, seton, &o. ; he may easily be kept steady and harmless, and should on no account be neglected, on account of his aversion to handling, but as little roughness as possible should be resorted to. Thorns should be carefully extracted from the ear, before any inflammation sets in. as they then become more difficult to detect and more painful ro extract. I recommend as a preventive against sore ears, that they be kept perfectly clean by a regular DISEASES OP THE DOO. 253 systematic cleansing with soap and water. I re ally believe liltli to be the grc iindwoi'k of half the diseases of the ear, as, ho^vcvcr clean other parts of the body may be, the ear is generally left in a dirty condition. Few even, who wash their little pets prer think of thoroughly cleana- ing the iaside of the ear. -,....] =/.' SPRAINS. DISLOCATIONS, FRACTORES, WOUNDS, SWELLINGS IN THE NECK AND THROAT. Sprains, — Growing dogs, in particular, from their wild reckless gambols are very apt to sprain their joints. I have had a number of eases, where a puppy has boconie lame for a considerable time, yet the exact nature of the sprain could not be defined, as nothing could bo felt out of place. I have therefore been led to sup[)Ose that some of the small tendons uniting the joint were over-strained. If not attended to early, a constant lameness may be he result. The rubbing in of a strong liniment Buch as "Butler's Mange Liniment," or any other powerful counter-irritant, bathing the part often with cold water, enforcing on the %nimal perfect rest, administering cooling med- SPRAIXS, AC. 255 tcine sliould there be any sign of inflammation iire about the best means of effecting a res toration. Dislocation, or the displacement of a joint, s!ioiild be immediately sought for, shou-ld there be the least suspicion of its existence ; as a joint remaining unset for a time, not only be- comes difficult to re-set, but serious inflamma- tion may arise, from its being neglected, and the cure be rendered exceedingly difficult. By carefully feeling for the joint and moving the limb gently backwards and forwards, a disloca- tion may be easily detected, and little skill will be required in setting ; but don't pull too hard at once ; let your efforts be graduated, according to necessity, or you may strain the nerves in rigliting the bones. After all is made riglit, the same means may Vjc used as those recommended for Sprains. Fracturks demand more skill in their treat- ment, as the bones require to be set in their place, and small pieces may have sometimes to be extracted. The splinters (two thin pieces of wood, whalebone or cardboard) should be care- fully put on and bandaged over with a strip of calico, under an inch in breadth, butgrcatcau- TURNSPIT DOG. TURNSPIT DOG. JTcllow or 1)rown, with mnzzle often black, Low bandy legs, and disproportioned back ; E} e ol intcllijrciicc. car rather small, Nose quite extensive, teeth, the best of all ; Short coat, stout builr, inelegant in form, Problem unsolved, where Turnspit first waa born ; His home the kitchen, 'prenticcd to the cook, He notes her movenicnts, scans her every look. When fat and lazy, and for work unfit. Is oft' incog., when called to turn the spit ; Hides in the garret, or would fain be lame, So e foul, in wliich case it may be washed occasionally with weak alum water, which is very cleansing and pi-c- vents the formation of proud llesfi. For mange sores, use "Butler's liniment." In any case, keep the animal cool and quiet ; provide him with light food, fresh water and comfortable lodgings. Sv/ELUx\GS IN THE NECK AND THROAT Will sometimes make their appearance, so unexpect- ed and suddenly, that we are at a loss to ac- count for their origin. With external swel- lings, I have seldom found any difficulty. Spir- its of turpentine, oil of Tar and olive-oil in equal parts form an excellent liniment, which should be well rubbed in morning and evening. Should lancing be necessary, it siiould be done by some one that under-stands it, and this not till the inflammation has pretty well reached its height. Cooling medicines may be neces- sary to purge the system and lessen thctenden- ey to putretactioii in (ho Imniors. Any strong liniiuoiit will be of service, and if none can be had, batliing tlic part in cold water may effect a cnre, or if you will tie the animal up in a cool place, feed him light, g-ive him a iTuular supply of fresh water and a little cooling med- icine, a cure will generally be effected. Na- ture, with a little encouragement knows well how to reject impurities, that have been forced upon her. Should the swelling arise through any foreign object having poisoned the ]iart, every effort should be made to extract it ; if this cannot be effected, linseed- meal with a lit- tle oil of Tar nmy be used as a poultice, or a pitch-plaster with a hole in the centre be placed over tiio part. AVhen the swelling is inside the mouth or in the throat, it becomes more serious and difficult of management, as when there is irritation or pain inside the njouth, a dog gets restless and is sometimes dif- ficult to handle, without endangering one's fingers. Blisters and liniments may, however, be applied to the neighboring parts. Objects stuck in the throat should be pushed down with the first suitable thing that may present itself, as, if the animal be choking there is no time to BPJtATNS, AC. 261 be lost. A pliable twit;-, a tea.«poon, or table- ppoori will answer tlin ]mrpose ; a piece of wlialcl)one will do bett(;r. For any settled ailment of the throat, an occasional emetic of common salt will generally greatly relieve the suffering, by cleansing the diseased part, rid- ding it of purulent matter and perhaps burst- ing the sore. J3ut with all swellings in the in- terior of the mouth and neck, I recommend the animal's being safely chained, a3 he will some- times becomes exceedingly irritable; so much so, as not to produce IIydroi)holjia, but such a nervous timidity (I presume) that he dreads the approach of any one, and is willing to attack anything, in apparent self defence. I have seen several cases of this kind, where my ad- vice has been luckily attended to, thus avoid- ing any amount of alarm, if not of decided danger. For all disorders of the neck, thront, Sec, the bowels should be kept in a pi-oper state, the diet should be light, and the dog should be kept as quiet as possible. When he is unable to eat solid food, he should be supplied with soup, milk, &c. A teaspoon of olive-oil, now and then will afford thet'iroat some relief, as well as impart nourishment to the animal. PUG-DOG. Black nose, with body brown and curly tail, Old fasliion Pug I Come tell us whence you i hail I Thy race declines, thy former history fades, Tlio' once the idol of forlorn old maids. And t' were as well ; thy compact form displaya Far nobler traits than speak thy meaner ways : Pugnacious front, round head and daring eye, Thy bumps renowned Phrenoloarists defy. With noisy yelp, both friend and foe he hail?, But briskly flies, when ought of pluck assails ; Growls at tlie moon, and starts at every crack, And at the sound of danger, turns his back. Doubtful his pedigree, his origin obtuse, 'Tis clear he's more for ornament than use ; Yet still, with all his faulte, there surely is Something unique about his matchless j)hiz. lie must have thought how men could be such brutes, To pluck his liearing organs by the roots ; A fancy notion, say they, of the man, A Ilollander, who brought him from Japan. Companion of the gentler sex alone, 'Tis thought that hence he might have timid grown ; If true it be that " manners make the man,'' What makes the Pug ? let him decide who can. SORE FL'ET. Hunting dogs especially are frcqiientiy sul»ject to sore feet. The causes are: traveliivr I'aron the hot ground or on a gravelly soil, over work, frost, mange eruptions, improper feeding, &c., but the most prominent of all, is lack of regular exercise. Any human being, unaccustomed either to riding or walking, Avill feel the sore effects of a prolonged pedestrian or equestrian exercise. Therefoi-e the greatest preventive against sore feet is regular doily exercise. Aly experience in this is confirmed by multitudes of professional Sportsmen. The remedies ai"e various. Sometimes simply washing the feetAvith alum water will eiVect a speedy cure. Whatever he the applica- tion, the feet must first be thoroughly cleansed, and be well pMtected against dust, dirt, other- BORE FEET. 265 wise the cure must naturally be delayed, oi ihe evil increased. A few days rest on clean straw and the aj)plicatioii of fresh lard, two or three times a day may be sullicieiit, should the feet be siu)j)ly cracked with the heat. 11 tlie hair Ije falling oiF and einptions apj)ear, " Butler's Mange Liniuient'' will clfcct a cure. If it proceed from a general grossness through the whole system, the diet should be light, and g'juLle aperient medicines will lie of service. A flaxi^oed poultice is excellent, where then; is inflammation. The feet should be caiefiilly Avashcd Avith Castile soap and luke-warin water, before every application and the pouliice should not be left on till dry, nor too often repeated, which might cause an enlargement of the wounds. The diet should be light, the animal should be allowed very little exercise, and the general stale of his health should be attended to. In dry parched weather, leath- ern boots are a great protection to the feet, Avhcn theie is any tendency to soreness. The dog must be l)abituated to them, before he is taken out, or he will find them too great an annoyance, to permit him to attend to his duties. Should the toenails grow inconven- 2()6 SORE FEET. iontly long-, they had better be filed olT. aa they are apt to injure the feet, and prove an aunoyuucc to the auitual. REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. In presenting to the public what I believe to be faitliful representations of sundry varieties of the Canine Specios, I cannot dare presume, that even the knoivhvj ones\>'\\\ pronounce them all to reflect the image of unadulterated stock; first, because there does exist a great variety of appearance, even in animals of pure and un- suspected blood ; secondly, our ideas of purity seldom exactly agree, owing to a peculiarity of stamp, preferred by different fancy-breeders. Nevertheless, the animals have been selected by the Artist and myself, as the fairest speci- mens, which our united judgments could dic- tate, as the most likely to convey the idea oi distinct Pedigree, to the total exclusion of Mon grelism. I can simply vouch for their being true to the life, and trust that in charity, all de 268 KEMARKS OX ILLUSTRATIONS. fects may be antributedto the Doojs, rather than to the Artist or myself. Bruno. — The illustration represents a well trained animal, in possession of the Author. The breed owes its origin to the St. Bernard, Newfoundland and Alpine Shcphcrddoii', al- though I commonly term them the St. Bernard Newfoundland. The Sire, old Pjruno.was pur- chased of rae by B. M. Whitloek, Esq., of New York city, by whom he is highly esteemed and treated like an educated dog should be. 'J'liis breed is everything that can be desired, being equal in size, and (T think) supei-ior to all others, in beauty, intelligence, activity and vigilance. Height from 30 to Si inches ; weight from 130 to 200 lbs. St. Bernard. — These dogs take their name from a mountain of the Alps, celebrated for a Convent inhabited by Monks, who breed and train them for the purpose of carrying provis- ions to travellers, Avho may chance to lose their way in the deep and ofttiuies imjjassable snows, riiey are from 29 to Bi inches in height; length from 6 1-2 to 7 fo-et, and wlien in good condition will weigh as high as 200 lbs. Their color is i^'onerally bull* or light red, the muzzle dark REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 269 They are not presumed to be an original breed but appear rather to be a mixture of Spanish Mastiff ajid Bh:)odhound. The NewI'^oundland is perhaps better known than the majority of breeds, being a general fiivorite. There are various stamps of New- foundlands, varying both in shape, growth and hair, according to the latitude of their nativi- ty. The pure should be entirely black. Tbey may be greatlv iniDroved by a judicious cross, after which tne coiors ol course are inclined to vary. On the Sea coast, he will subsist entire- ly on raw fish, and spends the greater part of his time in the water. St. Bernard Newfoundland, is a cross be- tween the St. Bernard and Newfoundland. He is a fine large, handsome, majestic and respect- able looking dog, remarkable in beauty, sa- gacity and intelligence. His height is from 30 to 34 inches, and I have had them weiali over 200 lbs. He appears to inherit the virtues of both Sire and Dam, without any of their fail- ings. Their colors vary from jet-black down to light fawn-color. Bij^ODHouND is the largest of the Hound Hpedes. but his appearance and courage indi- 270 REMARKS ON ILLUSTllATIONS. cate a tinge of Mastiff or Bull-dog. The pure okl fashion breed is nearly extinct, and various stamps oJ" Dogs are now termed Bloodhounds. ITe is not naturally such a ferocious animal as h.is name might imply, but as lie is trained to follow the scent of human blood, he is deserv- edly dreaded by those, who are unacquainted with him. He is principally renowned for catching Negroes, and when put on thescentof a man will follow it as true as the Harrier does the Hare. Scotch Deer-hound appears to have origin- ated in an amalgamation of Scotch Terrier and Greyhound. He is powerful, fleet and coura- g-eous, and measures sometimes over 30 inches in height. His hair is rough, and generally of a yellowish color. In him are combined the nerve of the Foxhound, with the fleetness of the Greyhound. These dogs are rare, and fetch occasionally enormous prices, as few ever own them but the Nobility and Gentry, who hold almost exclusive possession of the pure Stock. Stag HOUND, Chanticleer. — A true English Slaghound of the staunch old breed ; now all but extinct. This race of hounds is very rare, even in England ; the fast going modern Fox- REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 271 liouTid, (bred cliiefly for speed) having banished the old breed from tlie kennels. In the days when this Hound Avas used, the liunter was a strong compact horse, not fast, but a good fen- cer, agreeing in every respect with the sturd}-, deep-mouthed pack, he was called upon to fol- low. At present, the fashion is altered, and higher bred animals are required to keep pace with the pack before him. Foxhound, JoLLyBOY.— This extraordinary Hound was bred in Patterson, N. J., and comes from a race of black and tan Foxhounds alike celebrated for their speed and mettle. His real time is not known, but from his astonish- ing performances, it is fair to presume he may outlast anything, than can be biouglit into com- petition with him. A glance at his short round barrel, his monstrous shoulder, the broad and ample quarters, the firo of his eye, and the res- olute dare-devil expression of his face Avill be a sufficient guide, as to what the tout ensemble of a good lasting Foxhound shoidd be made of. IJis owner challe-ngeg him, without hesitation, against any Hound, which England or the United States can produce, to run drag. Fox or Deer. No fence has been found too high for MONGREL. Call liiin Newfoundland, Turnspit, Pointer, Skyc ! Crooked leg, long back, snub nose and bleary eye : With Setter head, Hound-car and Terrier-tail! Whilst Pug and Poodle on the whole prevail ! A public nuisance, and the neighbors pest ; His homo the gutter, and the street his rest ; Nor road, nor path, nor byeway, but reveals Some sneaking Yipyap, skulking at one's heela. Incessant yelps, cries tliief by night and day, Put thief in sight, the Mongrel shirks away ; Mocks the faint echo of each canine tone. Yet (lies impromptu, frightened at his own. To title such a despicable brute. Demands a sobriquet, his race to suit ; By dogdom doomed, of wit and merit stript, Outcast, plebeian, Mongrel, nondescript, But may exclaim some educated Cur : *' Why l)!ast our race, by such contemptuous slur? Pause, pity, ponder thy polluted page, Rude, raving rhymist, rest thy ranting rage ; Among us rare, the Mountebank or Scholar, And rarer yet the Cur, that's worth a Dollar ; Yet treat us well, and train us like a Setter, A Mongrel's word for't,wc'd b3 ten times better." 274 KEMARKS ON TLLUSTRATIOXS. liiiii, no run too Iodjt, and no Hound soiflicient- ]y swift to show liim the road, Hauuieu, "Barmaid.'' — An honest represen- tation of an honest hunter. Small, light made and possessing wonderful power of nose, she is able to keep her place in the field, with the best of Foxhounds ; often performing miracles in cold weather, when tlie leading hounds are at fault. Barmaid was never known to over- run her game. Our iliust)ation gives her ac- tion, "when running at full cr}', aii'd will be rec- ognized by many, who have witnessed her performances. Beagi.e is the smallest of tlie Honnd Species. They were formerly limited in packs, but since the introduction of faster stock, their use has been discontinued. lie has superior scent and great endurance, and is the best dog in exist- ence for rabbit-hunting, on account of his slow pace and diminutive size. GuEYiioUND (English) is perhaps the most elegant of all tlie hunting breeds. His sppcd is supposed to equal that of the fastest race-horse. If thorough bred, he runs wholly by sight, which is superior to that of any other dog. In a coursing match, should he attempt to make REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 275 use of his scenting powers, he would be ruled off the course, as foul-bred. They require great care and attention in hot climates, as on account of the thinness of their pelts, they ara very susceptible of atmospheric chaiipcs. Greyhound, Italian, is rery similar to the English, but much smaller and too flimsy and delicate, to be of any service in the field, though certainly the most graceful of parlor-pets. Some, when full grown will not exceed 6 or 8 lbs. inAveight. Pointer is much similar to the Setter, in his natural instincts, and equally varies in size and color. He is more suitable than the latter for Sporting in hot weather, on account of his thinner covering. Several countries boast of theii- celebrated breeds of Pointers. My own opinion is that they are equally good in all lat' itudes, when they are well trained. Setter when well bred is a very elegant dog, and deservedly esteemed for his game-hunting propensities. His color, size and appearance vary (like the Pointer) according to the taste and judgment of the breeder, but as three or four shades often appear in the same litter, the idea of color regulating the quality of the an 276 REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. iraal, can scarcely be snpporti^d. Tlie Setter appears to originate from the Pointer and Spiuiiel. For hard work and endurance, he may be considered superior to the Pointer. Water Spaniel is larger than the Cocker Spaniel, liis ears are longer and his coat more curly. He is superior to all others for aquatic purposes, and is more particularly serviceable in duck shooting. His disposition is of the most amiable, and his affection unwavering. Cocker Spaniel is very much used in En- gland, in Woodcock and Snipe-shooting ; is good on all kinds of game, ratlier inclined to be wild, is more difficult to train than Pointer or Setter. He is little used in tlie United States, as the method of (raining him is not generally understood. There is a great varie- ty of so called Cocker Spaniels, varying in weight from 12 to 20 lbs. Their color is gen- erally liver or liver and white. They appear never to tire, where either hair or leather is at stake. King Charles' Spaniel. — This breed takes it name from Charles 2nd, who was the first to introduce thein into England. Some suppose them to have originated in Japan, as there ex* REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 277 ists there a breed, somewliat similar yet larger. To be perfect, a Charles' Spaniel should have 7 good points: round iiead, sh.ort nose, long cur- ly oars, lariic full eyes, color black and tan, Avithout white, perfect synune-try of form, and under 10 lbs. weight. Such is the original of the illustration : cost 44 Guineas in London. He is now in my possession. A short time ago, one was sold at public auction in England, and realized the sum of 525 guineas or over 2600 Dollars ! They would be good hunting dogs, wei-e they not too much enfeebled by confine- ment, indulgence. &e. Blkxheim Spaniel takes his name from a village near Oxford, England, where the breed has been kept particularly select. lie is very much similiar in appearance to the King Charles, but generally more delicate and slen- der ; they are both no do-ubt of the same origin. The Blenheim varies in color ; orange and white, black and tan and white, &c., according to the fashion of the day. Arctic- DOG. — The dog represented is of the Dmaller breed of Polar-dogs, and was brought to New York in one of the ships of the " Kane Expedition." Weight about twenty pounds. 278 TEJIARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. He is remarkable for his activity and vigi- lence, and his souse of hearing is far more aoite than that of any other dog I Ji-ave ever owned. He lias pluck enough to face anything, but will never quarrel, except when jealous of atten- tion, bestowed on others, when he becomes wholly ungovernable. Japan DoG.—This dog is the property of Captain McClooney, and was brought by him in the Japan Expedition under Commodore Perry. He resembles slightly the Charley and Blenheim stock, but lacks their bea\ity and sym- metry of form. English Mastiff has a serious, majestic air, is of a noble and coui-ageous temperament, dis- daining even to exchange civilities with an or- dinary cur, or to take offense at trifling insults from his inferiors. He is rather slow in his movements, and perhaps not as vigilant as some of his cotemporaries ; yet the terror imposed by his stern and resolute aspect may atone for his lack of activity. His height may be from 28 to 30 inches, and he is well proportioned and muscular. Bulldog is th.o most courageous and nn. flinching of the whole canine race. The pure REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 279 breed is now raroly to be seen, and is well nig"li extinct. The cross with the Terrier, (either Scotch or English), produces a superior animal, rivaling the Bull in pluck, and con- verting his dogged independence into a lively amalgamation of activity, beauty and useful- ness. Whatever horrid ideas may be connected with the word Bull-dog, Ave are indebted to liim for much of the energy, pluck and endur- ance imparted to other breeds, which otherwise might liave faded out. , Bull-terrier is a cross from the Bull-dog and Terrier, and is one of the most useful guard-dogs now in use. In the woods he is an overmatch for the Badger, Fox, Skunk, Coon, &c. His courage is equal to that of the Bull- dog, and none can excel him in activity, vigilance or sagacity. No animal is more abused, or less deserving of it. The illustra- tion represents my celebrated Dog, Tiger, to Avhom I am indebted for seventeen years of active service. Tiger knew about all that a dog can know, did all that any dog could per- form and was faithful even to deatli. (See his Life and Adventures, published by the Author.) Scotch-terrier is a name now generally 280 REMAUES ON ILT.USTRATIONS. given to ever}- small sized dog, Avitli a rough woolly polt. 1'lie breed has varied perhaps more tluui any other, on account of the tendency in cross breeds to produce sometlnng Ulx the oi-ig- inal. and there is no rcgnlai- standard, by which to test their purity. ]le is the liardicst of all dogs, very courageous and partic-idnrly zealous in the destruction of all kinds of hairy verniin. Skyk Tkhrieu is originally from the Isle of Skye to the north of Scotland. He is very rough, Avith h>ng body and short legs, has rather a wcazley shape, and is a first rate rat killer. WiRK Tkrrieu is a cross between the Scotch and English Terrier, and is quite as good as either of them for destroying rats ai;d other vermin. Gay, tough and venturesome, he rushes forward, in spite of brake, briar or cat's claw. English Terrier (black and tan), is an elegant animal, wiien finely bred and well cared for. The illustration represents a female of the true old lash ion breed. These dogs are very quick and intelligent ; generally excellent ratters and may be trained to hunt anything. They vary greatly in weight, from two to REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 281 twenty-five poiindS; liaving of late years bo&ii greatly rerincd by crossing with the Italian Greyhound. If ])ersisted in, this produces som*" very elegant specimens, but tiieir proportions generally lack symmetry, and they become deli- cate and unfit for active service. Poodle is well known the world over, and is famous for his fantastic performances and gym- nastic exercises. They vary exceedingly in size and ap|>earance, &c., from the different ef- fects of climate and usage. Weight varying from 2 to 60 lbs. They are Avitliout courage, and their instrinsic value has yet to be revealed. CoACn-DoG, Avhen full bred is a very beauti- ful animal. If perfect, he should be evenly spotted from tip to tip. Each spot should be perfectly distinct and not interfere with anoth- er. There are several ramifications of these dogs, said to be natives of Denmark, Dalmatia, &c. They api)ear to form a stronger attach- ment to the horse, tlian any other animal, and are capable of performing long journeys, keep- ing exact pace with their favorite. The true breed is valuable and difficult to procure. 282 REMARKS OX ILLUSTRATIONS. Prixce-dog, or Siberian Blood-rodnd. — Prince is the largest Dog known in modern times ; inoasiiring 3G 1-2 inches in height, 7 feet, 9 inches in length, weighing over 20011)3. This breed was probably well known to tha Romans in days of yore, when the combat with wild beasts was a striking feature in the impe- rial pastimes. The Author hal the honor of introducing this celebrated Dog to Her Majesty and the Court at Windsor Castle, when Prince wa.3 unanimously decided to be the Iving of Dogs. I am still in possession of the stock. SiiEPiiHRD Dofi, Scotch Colly, may be termed the most faithful of all Dogs. He lives a life ol s)litude, consequently neither his manners nor his morals are corrupted. Tie is both master and slave to his flock, a perfect pattern of patience, fidelity and generalship. There are sundry varii'ties of the Shepherd Dog, diiTering in size and feature ; every canine belonging to a Shephenl. being dubbed with that title. The Scotch Colly weighs from 45 to GO lbs. Tub Turnspit derives his name fr.nn his H) REMARKS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. 2^'3 avocation. Weight from 15 to 20 lbs. ; long low and ban;ly legged, resembling the German Beagle, thongh his nose is longer, and his cars shorter, lie is snappish, sullen, and unsociable, and has little but a good act of teeth to recom- mend him. Tub Pug-Dog was once a very liishionable and appropriate appendage to an old maid. He is not unlike the Bull-dog, in appearance ; yet his very antipodes in merit : barks at every tiling, but turns his back upon the mean- est foe. Color yellow, with black nose ; tail thorouglily curled ; weight from 15 to 25 lbs. His race is well nigh extinct, and who shall dare regret it ? Chinesk Hairless Dog. — A noted dish in the Celesiial Empire. There is a variety of these Dogs, differing much in size, from 7 to 40 llxs. weight. In shape they are similar to the English Terrier. They are not very agree- able to the touch, and are adapted only for warm climates. They are active, intelligent and faithful, and worthy of a nobler fate than to be petted for tlio stew-pan, or pampered for the pot. 284 R6.MAKRS ON ILLUSTRATIONS. Sled-Dog. — These animals perform tlio duties of both Horse and Hound. Their en- durance in harness is truly astonishing. They are acciistomeii to hard work, scanty fare and ill-usaue : yet they never desert their post, or forsake their master. They are natives of the extreme northern latitudes, consequently ill- adapted to Southern climates. To them we are partially indebted for the dis coveiries of Parry, Ross, M'Clintock, Kane &c. PRACTICAL HINTS TO OWNEUS OF PET DOGS, SiQ. Give your dog a little less tlia-n ho can cat, and a little more than he can drink. All food is belter cooked. Avoid raw meat in hot voatlier. Keep your pet Ironi the lire ; givo a conilortable bed, but don't cover up. Don't let hiiu get too lat ; if he become too corpu- k'ut, shorten his fare and increase his exercise ; if need be, administer gentle aperients. Be careful in washing to rub dry, and wrap well up, till the trembling is past. Give your do"* a careful examination at least once a week. Ueware of lleas : they create great excitement ami iirltation, Mange, &c., producing fits and perhaps consumption and death. Avoid all salt meats; yet a little salt should be added to all that is in process of cooking. One good meal a day is enough for a sturdy dog ; pup- pies and delicate animals had better be fed twice. To ensure a good watchdog, feed once u day, in the morning. IJis nocturnal vigils --• '-4' ^^ ^ 4%]' * PRACTICAL HINTS, 287 will bo inspirited by his abdominal ycaniinga. Feed at regular hours and give a liltlc excr* else hainedlaidij after, to avoid a domcstio catastrophe, lie particularly cai'cful in feed- ing puppies ; they will always eat more than tlioy can conveniently digest. Feed as littlo meat to them a3 possible, unless well amalga- mated witii cooked meal or vegetables. This rule is more or less applicable to the whole canine fraternity. Don't believe such indi- gestible nonsense, about a worm in a dog s tail, or under his tonguj ; [)lace no faith in having his tail bitten oli" ; don't waste tlic lump of insoluble brimstone in his w.-iter. Don t up- braid your do^ for his indill'erence, ii you allow him half-a-dozen masters. Don't admin- ister more punishment to him. than is absolutely necessary, and never forget to make it up with him after a scourging. Never let a /awa: fms pass unrcliuked, nor a transgression unpar- doned. Let puppies have plenty of exercise, and see that your watch dog has a staple, chain, collar and spring, that arc jtcrfoctly reliable. J3e careful to give cool shade in Eummcr, and warm shelter in winter. APPENDIX. Mr. Edward Jesse, keeper of the Queens Park, London, in liis " Anecdotes of Bogs," Las shown great research and study oa this noble animal, which has been truly styled "the most fjaithful friend of man." In the following pages will be (bund many good things from his work : A French writer has boldly affirmed, that with the exception of women there is nothing so agreeable, or so necessary to the comfort of man, as the dog. This assertion mny readily be disputed, but still it will be allowed that man, deprived of the companionship and services of the dog, would be a solitary and, in many re- spects, a helpless being. Let us look at the shepherd, as the evening closes in and his flock is dispersed over the almost inaccessible heights of mountains ; they are speedily collected by his indefatigable dog — nor do his services end here : he guards either the flock or his masters' cottage by night, and a slight caress, anl the coarsest food, satisfy him for all his trouble. The dog performs the services of a horse in the 290 APPENDIX. more northern regions. In the destruction of wild beasts, or the less dangerous stag, or in at- tacking the bull, the dog has proved himself to possess pre-eminent courage. In many instances he has died in the defence of his master. He has saved him from drowning, warned him of approaching danger, served him faithfully in poverty and distress, and if deprived of sight I'.as gently led him about. When spoken to, he tries to hold a conversation by the move- ment of his tail or the expression of his eyes. If his master wants amusement in the field or wood, he is delighted to have an opportunity of procuring it for him ; if he finds himself in. solitude, his dog will be a cheerful and agreea- ble companion, and may be, when death comes, the last to forsake the grave of his beloved master. There are a thousand little facts connected with dogs, which many, who do not love them as much as we do, may not have observed, but which all tend to develop their character. For instance, every one knows the f(jndness of dogs for warmth, and that they never appear more contented than when reposing on the rug before a good fire. If, however, we quit the room, APPENDIX. 291 our dog leaves his warm berth, and places him- self at the door, where he can the better bear our footsteps, and be ready to greet us when we re-enter. If we are preparing to take a walk, our dog is instantly aware of our intention. He frisks and jump.^ about, and is all eagerness to accompany us. If we are thoughtful or mehmchol}^, he appears to sympathise with us; and, on the contrai-y, when we are disposed to be merry, he shows by his manner that he I'ejoices with us. We have often watched the effect which a change in our countenance would pro- duca If we frown or look severe, but without saying a word or uttering a sound, the effect is instantly seen by the ears dropping, and the eyes showing un happiness. Before a dog, how- ever, arrives at this knowledge of the human countenance, he must be the companion cf your walks, repose at your feet, and receive his food from your hands: treated in this manner, the attachment of the dog is unbounded ; be be- comes fond, intelligent, and grateful. When- ever Stanislas, the unfortunate King of Poland, wrote to his daughter, he always concluded his letter with these words — "Tristan, my com- panion in misfortune, licks your feet : " thus showino; that he had still one friend who stuck 292 APPENDIX. to Lira in his adversity. Such is the animal whose propensities, instincts, and habits, we propose to iUustrate by various anecdotes. The propensities of the dog, and some of tliem are most extraordinary, appear to be in- dependent of that instinct which PaJey calls, " a propensity previous to experience, and inde- pendent of instruction." Some of these are hereditary, or derived from the habits of the parents, and are suited to the purposes to wiiich each breed has long been and is still applied. In fact, their organs have a fitness or unlitness for certain functir.ns v;ithout education; — for instance, a very young puppy of the St. Ber- nard breed of dogs, when taken on snow lor the first time, will begin to scratch it with consid- erable eagerness. We have seen a young poin- ter of three or four weeks old stand steadily on first seeing poultry, and a well-bred terrier pup- py will show a great deal of ferocity at the sight of a rat or mouse. Some naturalists have endeavored to trace the origin of the dog from the fox ; while others, and some of the most eminent ones, are of opinion that it sprung from the wolf. The former theory is out of the question. The wolf, joerhaps, has some claim to be considered as the APPENDIX. 293 parent animal, and that he is susceptible of as strong attachment as the clog is proved by the following anecdote, related by Cuvier: He infoi-ms us, that a young wolf was brought up as a dog, became familiar with every person whom he was in the habit of seeing, and in particular, followed his master everywhere, evincing evident chagrin at his absence, obeying his voice, and showing a degree of submission scarcely ditfering in any respect from that of the domesticated dog. His master, being obliged to be absent for a time, presented his pet to the Menagerie du Roi, where the animal, confined in a den, continued disconsolate, and would scarcely eat his food. At length, however, his health returned, he became attached to his keep- ers, and appeared to have forgotten all his former aC'ection ; when, after an absence of eighteen months, his master returned. At the first word he uttei'ed, the wolf, who had per- ceived him amongst the crowd, recognized him, and exhibited the most lively joy. On being set at liberty, the most affectionate caresses were lavished on his old master, such as the most attached dog would have shown after an absence of a few days. A second separation was followed by similar 294 APPENDIX. demonstrations of sorrow, ■vvliich, however, a- gain yieldjed to time. Three years passed, and the wolf was living happily in company with a dog, which had been placed with him, when his master again returned, and again the long-lost but still-remembered voice was instantly replied to by the most impatient cries, which were re- double 1 as soon as the poor animal was set at liberty ; when rushing to his master, he threw his fore-feet on his shoulders, licking his face with the most lively joy, and menacing his keepers, who offered to remove him, raid to- wards whom, not a moment before, he had been showing every mark of fondness. A third separation, however, seemed to be too much for this faithful animal's temper. He be- came gloomy, desponding, refused his food, and for a long time his life appeared in great danger. His health at last returned, but he no longer suJfered the caresses of any but his keeper, and towards strangers manifested the original savageness of his species. It must, in fact, be always an interesting matter of inquiry respecting the descent of an animal so faithful to man, and so exclusively his associate and his friend, as the dog. Accord- ingly, this c[uestion has been entertained ever APPENDIX. 295 since Natural History took the rank of a science. But the origin of the dog is lost in antiquity. We find him occupying a place in the earliest pagan worship ; his name has been given to one of the lirst-montioned stars of the heavens, and his effigy may be seen in some of the most an- cient works of art. Pliny was of opinion that there was no domestic animal without its un. subdued counterpart, and dogs are known to exist absolutely wild in various parts of the old and new world. The Dingo of New Holland, a magnificent animal of this kind, has been shown to be susceptible of mutual attachment in a singular degree, though none of the exper- iments yet made have proved that he is capable, like the domestic dog, of a similar attachment to man. The parentage of the wild dogs has been assigned to tlie tame species, strayed from the dominion of their masters. This, however, still remains a question, and there is reason to believe that the wild dog is just as much a na- tive of the wilderness as the lion or tiger. If there be these doubts about an animal left for centuries in a state of nature, how can we expect to unravel the difficulties accumulated by ages of domestication ? Who knows for a certaintj- the true prototype of the goat, the sheep, or ox ? 296 APPENDIX To the unscientific reader sucli questions might appear idle, as Laving been settled from time immemorial ; yet they have never been finallv disposed of. TLe difacultj, as with the dog may be connected with modifications of form and color, resulting from the long continued interference of man with the breed and habits of animals subjected to this sway. Buffon was very eloquent in behalf of the claim of the sheep-dog to be considered as the true ancestor of all other varieties. Mr. Hunter would award this distinction to the wolf; tup- posing also that the jackal is the same animal a step further advanced towards civilization, or perhaps the dog returned to its wild state. As the affinity between wolf, jackal, fox, and dog, cannot fail to attract the notice of the most su- perficial observer ; so he may asf^: if they do not all really belong to one species, modified by varieties of climate, fpod, and education? If answered in the negative, he would want to know what constitutes a species, little thinking that this question, apparently so simple, involves one of the nicest problems in natural history. Difference of form will scarcely avail us here, for the pug, greyhound, and spaniel, are wider apart in this respect, than many dogs and the APPENDIX. 297 wild animals just named It lias often been said that these varieties in the dog have arisen from artificial habits and breeding through a long succession of jears. Tliis seems very like mere conjecture. Can the grej? hound be trained to the pointer's scent or the spaniel to the bulldog's ferocity? But admitting the causes assigned to be adequate to the effects, then the forms would be temporary, and those of a perrament kind ordy would serve our pur- pose. Of this nature is tlie shape of the pupil of the eye, which may be noticed somewhat par- ticularly, not merelv to make it plain to those who have never thought on the subject, but with the hope of leading them to reflections on this wondrous inlet to half our knowledge, the moi-e especially as the pai't in question may be ex- amined by any one in his own person by the help of a looking-glass. In the front of the eye then, just behind the transparent surface, there is a sort of curtain called the iris^ about the middle of which is a round hole. This is the pupil, and you will observe that it contracts in a strong light, and dilates in a weaker one, the object of which is to regulate the quantity of light admitted into the eye. Now the figure of the pupil is not the same in all animals. In 298 APPENDIX. the liorse it is oval ; in the wolf, jackal, and dog, it is roTincl, like our own, however con- tracted ; but in the fox, as in the cat, the pupil contracts vertically into an elongated figure, like the section of a lens, and even to a sort of slit, if the light be very strong. Tliis is a peimanent character, not affected, as far as is at present known, by any artificial or natural circumstances to which the dog has been subjected. Naturalists, therefore, have seized upon this character as the ground for a division of animals of the dog kind, the great genus Canis of Linnseus, into two groups, the diurnal and nocturnal ; not to imp)}' that these habits necessarily belong to all the individuals composing either of these divisions, for that would be untrue, but simply that the figure of the pupils corresponds with that frequently distinguishing clay-roaming animals from those that prowl only by night. We will give a few anecdotes to show how different this animal is in his specific character to the wolf, and that he has a natural tendency to acknowledge man as his friend and protector, an instinct never shown by the wolf. In Ceylon there are a great number of what are called wild dogs, that is, dogs who have no APPENDIX. 299 master, and who liaiint villages and jangles, picking up what food thej are nble to find. If joii meet one of these neglected animals, and only look at him with an expression of kiiid- ness, from that moment he attaches himself to jou, owns yoLi for his master, and will rem.ain faithful to you for t!ie remainder of his life. "Man," says Burns, "is the God of the dog; he knows no other ; and see how he worships him ! With what reverence he crouches at his feet, with what reverence he looks up to him, with what delight ho fawns upon him, and witli what cheerful alacrity he obeys liim ! " Such is the animal whicli the brutality of man subjects to so much ill-treatment; its character depends very much on that of his master, kind- ness and confidence produce the same qualities in the dog, while ill-usage makes him sullen and disti-ustful of beings far more brutal than him- self. We have had many opportunities of observing how readily dogs comprehend language, and how they are aware when they are the subject of conversation. A gentleman once said in the hearing of an old and favorite dog, who was at the time basking in the sun, — " must have Ponto killed, for he gets old and is offensive." 300 APPENDIX. The clog slunk awa_y, and never came near his master afterwards. Many similar anecdotes might be brought forward, but I will mention one which Captain Brown tells us he received himself from Sir Walter Scott. " The wisest dog I ever had," said Sir Walter, "was what is called the bulldog terrier. I taught him to understand a great many words, insomuch that I am positive that the communi- cation betwixt the canine species and ourselves might be greatly enlarged. Camp once bit the baker, who was bringing bread to tlie flnnily. I beat him, and explained the enormity of his offence ; after which, to the last of his life, he never heard the least allusion to the story, in what ever voice or tone it was mentioned, with- out getting up and retiring into tiie darkest corner of the room, with great appearance of distress. Then if you said, "the baker was well paid," or, "the baker was not hurt after all," Camp came forth from his hiding-placcj capered, and barked, and rejoiced. When he was unable, towards the end of his life, to at- tend me when on horseback, he used to watch for my return, and the servant would tell him "his master was coming down the hiil, or through the moor," and although he did not use APPENDIX. SOI any gesture to explain his meaning, Camp was never known to mistake liini, but either went out at the front to go up the hill, or at the back to get down to the moor-side. He certainly had a singular Jvnowledgc of spoken language." An anecdote from Sir Walter Scott must be always pleasing. Mr. Smeliie, in his "Philosophy of Natural History," mentions a curious instance of the intellectuil f iculty of a d(^g. lie states that "a o:ro3er in Edinburgh had one which for some time amused an I astonished the people in the neighb()urho.)d. A. man who v»^ent through the streets ringing a bell and selling jjies, hap- pened one day to treat thij (log with a pic. The next time he heard t!io });eman's bell he ran iaipetuoas^y toward him, seized him by the coat and would not suffer him to pass. The pieman, who understood what the animal wanted, showed him a penny, and pointed to his master, who stood at the street-door, and saw what was going on. The d )g iinraediately supplicated his mas- te:- by many humbb gestures and looks, and on receiving a penny he instantly carried it in his mouth to the pieman, and received his pie. This traffic between the pieman and the grocer's 302 APPENDIX. dog contiimed to be daily practiced for several months." The affections which some dogs show to their masters and mistresses is not only very often surprising, but even afl'ecting. An instance of this lately occured at Brighton. The wife of a member of the town council at that place had been an invalid for some time, and at last was confined to her bed. During this period she was constantly attended by a taithfnl and affec- tionate dog, who either slept in her room or out- side her door. She died, was buried, and the dog followed the remains of his beloved mis- tress to her grave. After the funeral, the hus- band and his friends returned to the house, and while they were partaking of some reJreshment the dog put his paws on his master's arm, as if to attract his attention, looked wistfully in his face, and then laid down and instantly expired. In giving miscellaneous anecdotes in order to show the general character of the dog, we wall mention the following very cui-ipus one : During a very severe frost and fall of snow in Scotland, the fowls did not make their ap- pearance at the hour when they usually retired to roost, and no one knew what had become of them ; the house-dog at last entered the kitchen, APPENDIX, 308 having in his mouth a hen, apparently dead. Forcing his way to the tire, the sagacious animal laid his charge down upon the v,^arni hearth, and immediately set off. He soon came again with another, which he deposited in the same place, and so continued till the whole of the poor bii'ds were rescued. Wandering about the stack-yard, the fowds had become quite benumbed by the extreme cold, and had crowded together, when the dog observing them, effected their deliver- ance, for they all revived by the warmth of the tire. Mr. Bell, in his "History of British Quad- rupeds," gives us the following fact of a dog belonging to a friend of his. This gentleman dropped a louis d'or one morning, when he was on the point of leaving his house. On returning late at night, he was told by his servant that the dog had fallen sick, and refused to eat, and, what appeared vei-y strange, she would not suffer him to take her food away from before her, but had been lying with her nose close to the vessel, without attempting to touch it. On Mr. BelTs friend entering the room, the dog instantly jumped upon him, laid the money at his feet, and began to devour his victuals with great voracity. 804 APPENDIX. " It is a curious fact, says Mr. Jesse, that dogs can count time. I bad, when a boy, a favorite terrier, wiiich always went with me to church. My mother thinking that lie attracted too much attention, ordered the servant to fjasten him up every Sunday morning. He did so once or twice, but never afterwards. Trim concealed himself every Sunday morning, and either met me as I entered the chui'ch, or I found him un- der my seat in the pew." Mr. Soulhey, in his "Omniaua," informs us that he knew of a dog, whicli was brought up by a Catholic and after- wards sold to a Protestant, but still refused to eat any meat on a Frida3^ A gentleman who had a dog of a most en- dearing dis))ositioii, was obliged to go on a jour- ney periodically once a-month. His stay was short, and his departure and return very regular, and without variation. The dog always grew uneasy when he first lost liis master, and moped in a corner, but recovered himself gradually as tne time for his return approached ; which he knew to an hour, nay to a minute. When he was convinced that his master was on the road, at no great distance from home, he flew all over the house ; and if the street door happened to be shut, he would suffer no servant to have any APPENDIX, 305 rest until it was opened. The moment lie ob- tained Lis freedom away lie went, and to a cer- tainty met his benefactor about two mile.3 from town. He i^layed and frolicked about liim till he had obtained one of his gloves, ^vitll which he ran or rather Hew home, entered the house, laid it down in the middle of the room, and danced around it. When he had sufiiciently amused himself in this manner, out of the house he flew, returned to meet his master, and ran before him, or gambolled by liis side, till he ar- rived with him at home. "I know not (says Mr. Dibdin, who relates this anecdote), hov^ frequently this was repeated ; but it lasted till the old gentleman was infirm, and incapable of continuing his joui'ueys. Colonel Hamilton Smith, in the "Cyclop.'edia of Natural History," mentions a curious instance of fidelity and sagacity in a dog. He informs us that "in the neigborhood of Cupar, in the county of Fife, there livid two dogs, mor>al enemies to each other, and who always fought desperately whenever they met. Capt E was the master of one of them, and the other belonged to a neighboring farmer. Capt. E 's dog was in the practice of going messages, and even of bringing butchers' meat and other ar- 30() APPENDIX. tioles IVoiu Cujxir. 0;ie day, ^vll^c returning cbargxxl with a basket containing some pieoos of mutton, ho was attakod l\v sonic of the curs of the town, who, no doubt, thought the ])rizc worth contending for. The assault was fierce, and of sonic duration ; but the messenger, after doing his utmost, was overpowered and com- pelled to yield up the basket, though not before he had secured a part of its contents. The piece saved from the wreck he ran off with, at full speed, to the quarters of his old enemy, at whose feet he laid it down, stretching himself beside it till he had eaten it up. A few snuffs, a few whispei-s in the ear, and other dog-likc courtesies, were then exchanged ; after winch they both set off together for Cupar, where they worried almost every dog in the town ; and, what is more remarkable, they never afterwards quarn.'led, but were always on friendly terms." That society and culture soften and moderate the passion of dogs cannot be doubted, and they constantly imbibe feelings from those of their master. Thus, if he is a coward, his dog is generally found to be one. Dogs are, however^ in many • respects, rational beings; and some proofs of this will be given in the present worlc. Thev will watch the countenance of their mas- APPENDIX. 307 ter — tliey will understand words which, thougii addressed to others, they will apply to them- selves, and act accordingly. Thus a dog, which from its mangy state, was ordered to be de- stroyed, took llie first opportunity of quitting the ship, and would never afterwards come near a sailor belonging to it. If I desire the servant to wash a little terrier, who is apparently asleep at rny feet, he will quit the room, and hide him- self for some hours, A clog, though pressed with hunger, will never seize a piece of meat in presence of iiis master, though with his eyes, his movements, and his voice, he will make the most humble and expressive petition. Is not this reasoning? Both the wild and domestic dog, appear to be possessed of and to exercise forethought. They will bury or hide food, which they are unable to consume at once, and return for it But the domestic dog, perhaps gives stronger proofs of forethought; and we will give an in- stance of it A large metal pot, turned on one side, in which a great quantity of porridge had been boiled, was set before a Newtbundland puppy of three or four months old. At first, he contented himself by licking off portions of the oatmeal which adhered to the interior, but 308 APPE>"DIX. finding this unsatisfactorv, he scraped the mor- sels with his fore-paws into a lieap, and then ato the whole at once. We had a dog, who, having scalded his tongue, always afterwards, when given his milk and water at breakfast, put his paw very cautiously into the saucer, to sec if the liquid was too hot, before he would touch it with his tongue. Dogs have frequently been known to hunt, in coujdes ; that is, to assist each other in securing tiieir prey : At Palermo, in Sicily, there is an extraordi- nary quantity of dogs wanilering abo\it without owners. Aniong'st the number, two more par- ticularly distinguished themselves for th.eir ani- mosity to cats. One day they were in pursuit of a cat^ which, seeing no other pUice of refuge near, made her escape into a long earthen water- pipe which was lying on tlie ground. These two insepirable companions, who always sup- ported each other, pursued the cat to the pipe, where they were seen to stop, and apparently to consult each other as to what was to be done to deceive and get possession of the poor cat After they had stood a short time they divided, taking post at each each end of the l>ipc, and began to bark alternately, changing places while APPENDIX. 809 so diiin.L,'', thus giving' Uio cat reason to suppose thai lh(!y were both at one end, in order to in- duce lier to come out. Tins rnanoeuver liail a successful result, and the cheated cat Icl't her liidiii<^-phice. Scarcely had she ventured out, when she was seized by one of th(! do^^s ; the other hastened to his assistance, and in a lew nionients deprived her of life. In the small town of Mclljournc, in l);rby- shire, cocks and liens may be se(;n runnin;j; about the streets. One day a <^:ime cock attacked a small bantam, and they Ibught biriously, the bantam havini^ of cours) the worst of it. S;)me persons were standing about looking at the fight, when my informant's house-dog suddenly darted out, snatched up the bantam in his mouth, and carried it into his house. Several of th(! sp(!(;- tators follow(;d, believing that the ])oor fowl woulil be killed and eaten by the ('og; but his intentions were of a more benevolent nature. Alter guarding the entrance of the kennel for some time, he trotted down the yard into the street, looking about to the right and left, and seeing that the coast was clear, he went back a- gai'i, and on(.-(! mon; relnrncd with ]\\s jji-otf;/'' hi his mouth, safely deposited him in the street, and then walked quietly away. JIow few hu- 310 APPENDIX. man beings ^YOu]cl Lave acted as this dog had done I . Here is another curious anecdote from Mr. Davy's work. He says that the cook in the house of a friend of his, a lady on whose accu- racy he could rely, and from whom he liad tlie anecdote, missed a marrow-bone. Suspicion fell on a well-behaved dog — a great favorite, and up to the time distinguished for his honest}'. He was charged with 'the theft ; he hung down his tail, and for a day or two was altered in liis manner, having become shy, sullen, and sheep- ish. In this mood he continued, till, to the amusement of the cook, he brought back the bone and laid it at. her feet. Then, with the restoration of her property, he resumed his cheerful manner. How can we interpret this conduct of the dog better than by supposing that he was aware he had done amiss, and that the evil-doing preyed on him till he had made restitution? Was not this a kind of moral sense? If a dog finds a bone while he is accompany- ing his master in a walk, he does noi stay be- hind to gnaw it, but runs some distance in ad- vance, attacks the bone, waits till his master comes up, and then proceeds forward again with APPENDIX. 811 it. By acting in this manner, ne never loses sight of liis master. A dog has been known to convey food to an- other of his species who was tied up and pining for want of it. A dog has frequently been seen to pb.inge voluntarily into a j-apid stream, to rescue another that was in danger of drowning. lie has defended helpless curs from the attacks of other dogs, and learns to apportion punish- ment according to the provocation received, fre- quently disdaining to exercise his power and strength on a weaker adversary. Repeated pro- vocation will, however, excite revenge. For instance, a NewfoundUmd dog was quietly eat- ing hi 3 mess of broth and broken scraps. While so emploved, a turkey endeavored tr> share the meal with him. The dog growled, and displayed his teeth. The intruder retired foi- a moment, but quickly returned to the charge, and was again "warned off," with a like result. After three or four attempts of the same kind, the dog became provoked, gave a sudden iero- cious growl, bit off the delinquent's head, and then quietly finished his meal, Vvdthout bestow- ing anv further attention on his victim. The celebrated Leibnitz related to the French Academy an account of a dog he had seen 812 APPENDIX. which was taiiglit t(i speak, niid could call in an intelligible manner for tea, coffee, chocolate, &c. The dog was of a middling size, and the prop- erty of a peasant in Saxony. A little boy, tho peasant's son, imagined that he perceived in tlie dog's voice an indistinct resemblance to certain words, and was, therefore, determined to teach him to speak distinctly. For this purpose he spared neither time nor pains with his pupil, who was about three years old when his learned edacation commenced ; and .at length he made such progress in language, as to be able to artic- ulate no less than thirty words. It appears, however, that he was somewhat of a truant, and not very willingly exerted his talents, being rather pressed into the service of literature, and it was necessary that the words should be first pronounced to him eac!i time before he spoke. The French Academicians who raantiou this anecdote, add, that unless they had received the testimony of so great a man as Leibnitz, they should scarcely have dared to relate the circum- stmce. ''An invalid gentleman" says Mr, Jesse, "who resided for some years on Ham Common, in Surrey, had a dog which distinctly pronounced John, William, and two or three other words. r' APPENDIX. 813 A medical friend of mlr,c v/lio attended this gentleman lias frequently Leard the animal utter these words ; and a female relative of his, who was often at a visit at his house, assures me of the fact. Indeed it need not be doubted."' A dou'. beloncfins]; to the late l)r, Ilobcrt Hooper, had been in the constant habit of per- forming various little personal services for his master, such as fetching his slippers, &c. It happened one day that Br, Hooper had been detained by his 23rofessional duties much beyond his usual dinner hour. The dog impatiently waited ibr his arrival, and he at last returned, weary and hungry. After showing his pleasure at the arrival of his master, greeting him with \\\3, usual attention, the animal remained tolera- bly quiet until he conceived a reasonable time had elapsed for flic preparation of the Doctor's dinner. As it did not, however, make its ap- pearance, the dog went into the Idtchen, seized with his mouth a half-broiled beef-steak, with which he hastened back to his master, placing it on the table-cloth before him. The following anecdote shows extraordinary sense, if not reasoning faculty, in the dog : — A lady of high rank has a sort of colley, or Scotch shepherd-dog. When he is ordered to 314 APPENDIX. ring the bell, he does so; but if ho is told to ring the bell when the servant is in the room whose duty it is to attend, he refuses, and then the following occurrence takes place. His mis- tress says, " Ring the bell, dog." The dog looks at the servant, and then barks his bow wow, once or twica The order is repeated two or three times. At last the dog lays hold ot' the servant's coat in a significant manner, just as if he had said to him — " Don't j'ou hear that I am to ring the bell for you ? — come, my lady." His mistress always had her shoes warmed be- fore she put them on, but one day during the hot weather her maid was putting them on with- out their having been previously placed before the fire. When the dog saw this he immedi- ately interfered, expressing the greatest indigna- tion at the maid's negligence. He took the shoes from her. carried them to the fire, and af- ter they had been warmed as usual, he brought them back to his mistress with much apparent satisfaction, evidently intending to say, if be could, "It is all right now." At Albany in Worcestershire, at the seat of Admiral Maling, a dog wont every day to meet the mail, and brought the bag in liis mouth to the bouse. The distance was about an eighth APPENDIX. 315 of a mile. The dog usually received a meal of meat as his reward. The servants having, on one day only^ neglected to give him his accus- tomed meal, the dog on the arrival of the next mail buried the bag, nor was it found without considerable search. A gentleman residing in Denmark, M. De- couick, one of the king's privy councillors, found that he had a remarkable dog. It was the hab- it of Mr. Decouick to leave Copenhagen on Fridays for Drovengourd, his country seat. If he did not arrive there on the Friday evening, the dog would invariably be found at Copen- hagen on Saturday morning, in search of his master. Hydrophobia becoming common, all dogs were shot that were found running about, an exception being made in the case of ]\[r. Decouick's dog, on account of his sagacity and fidelity, a distinctive mark being placed upon him. The following anecdotes are from Daniel's *' Eural Sports :"— Dr, Beattie, in one of his ingenious and ele- gant essays, relates a story, in his own knowl- edge, of a gentleman's life being saved, who fell beneath the ice, by his dog's going in quest 316 APPENDIX. of assistance, and almost forcibly dragging a farmer to the spot. Mr. Yaillant describes the losing cf a bitch while travelling in Africa, when after firing his gun, and fruitlessly searching for her, he de. spatched one of his attendants, to return by the way they had proceeded ; when she was found at about two leagues' distance, seated by the side of a chair and basket, which had dropped unperceived from his wagon : an instance of attentive fidelity, which must have proved fatal to the animal, cither from hunger or beasts of prey, had she not been luckily discovered. As instances of the dog's sagacity, the follow- ing are submitted : In crossing the mountain St. Gothard, near Airola, the Chevalier Gaspard de Brandenberg and his servant were buried by an avalanche ; his dog, who escaped the heap of snow, did not quit the place where he had lost his master : this was, fortunately, not far from the convent ; the animal howled, ran to the convent frequently, and then returned. Struck by his perseverance, the next morning the people from the house followed him; he led them directly to the spot, scratched the snow, and after thirty-six hours passed beneath it, the chevalier and his domestic were taken out safe, APPENDIX. 317 hearing distinctly during their confinement tlie howling of the dog and the discourse of their deliverers. Sensible that to the sagacity and fondness of this creature he owed his life, the gentleman ordered by his will that be should be represented on his tomb with his dog ; and at Zug, in the church of St. Oswald, where he \vas bui'ied in 1728, they still show the monument and the effigy of this gentleman, with the dog lying at his feet. Colonel Hutchinson relates the following an- ecdote : — '• A cousin of one of my brother-officers was taking a walk at Tunbridge Wells, when a strange Newfoundland snatched her parasol fj-om her hand, and carried it off. The lady followed the dog, who kept ahead, constantly looking back to see if she followed. The dog at length stopped at a confectioners, and went in, followed by the lady, who, as the dog would not resign it, applied to the shopman for assistance. He then told her that it was an old trick of the dog's to get a bun, and that if she would give him one he would return the property. She cheerfully did so, and the dog as willingly made the exchange." The above anecdote proves that dogs are no 318 APPENDIX. mean observers of countenances, and that he had satislied himself by a previous scrutiny as to the probability of his delinquencies being forgiven. We will give a laughable philosophical ac- count of dogs, under the supposition of a trans- migration of souls, and with their general natu- ral history from Linieus and Buffon, from a facetious believer in the art of distinguishing at the sight of any creature, from what class of animals his soul is derived. The souls of deceased bailiffs and common constables are in the bodies of setting dogs and pointers ; the terriers are inhabited by trading justices ; the bloodliounds were formerly a set of informers, thief-takers, and false evidences; the spaniels were heretofore courtiers, hangers- on of administrations, and hack journal-writers, all of whom preserve their primitive qualities of fawning on their feeders, licking their hands, and snarling and snapping at all who offer to offend their master ; a former train of gamblers and black-legs are now embodied m that species of dog called lurchers; bull-dogs and mastiffs were once butchers and drovers; greyhounds and hounds owe their animation to country squires and foxhuntcrs; little whiffling, useless APPENDIX. 319 • lap-dogs, draw their existence from the quondam beaa ; macaronies, and gentlemen of the tippy, still being the 23laythings of ladies, and used for their diversion. There are also a set of sad dogs derived from attornies; and puppies, who were in past time attornies' clerks, shopmen to retail haberdashers, men-milliners, &c. &(•. Turnspits are animated by old aldermen, who still enjoy the smell of the roast meat ; that dronii^g, snarling species, styled Dutch pugs, have been fellows of colleges : and that faithful, useful tribe of shepherd's dogs, were, in days ol; yore, members of parliament, wlio guarded tlie flock, and protected the sheep from wolves and thieves, although indeed of late some hav3 turned slieep-biters, and worried those they ought to have defended. The manner in which the shepherds of the Pyrenees employ their peculiar breed of dogs, which are large, longhaired, of a tawny white color, and a very strong build, with a ferocious temper, exhibits a vivid instance of the trust the^^ repose in the courage and fidelity of these animals, and of the virtues by which they merit and reward it. Attended by three or more dogs, the shepherds will take their numerous flocks at early dawn to the part of the moun- 320 APPENDIX. tain side which is destined for their pasture. Having counted them, they descend to follow other occupations, and commit the guardianship of the sheep to the sole watchfulness of the dogs. It has been frequently known, that when wolves have approached, the three sentinels would walk round and round the flock, gradu- ally compressing them into so small a circle that one dog might with ease overlook and protect them, and that this measure of caution being executed, the remaining two would set forth to engage the enemy, over whom, it is said, they invaiiably triumph. It is now settled, as a philosophical question, that the instruction communicated to dogs, as well as various other animals, has an hereditary effect on the progeny. If a dog be taught to perform certain feats, the young of that nog will bo much easier initiated in the same feats than other dogs. Thus, the existing races of Eng- lish pointers are greatly more accomplished in their required duties than the original race of Spanish pointers. Dogs of the St. Bernard va- riety inherit the facultv of tracking footsteps in the snow. A gentleman of our acquaintance, and of scientific acquirements, obtained some years ago a pup, which had been produced APPENDIX. 821 in London by a female of the celebrated Si. Bernard breed. The young animal was brought to Scotland, where it was never observed to give any particular tokens of a power of tracking footsteps until winter, when the ground became covered with snow. It then showed the most active inclination to follow footsteps ; and so great was its power of doing so under these circmnstances, that, when its master had crossed a field in the most curvilinear way, and caused other persons to cross his path in all directions, it nevertheless followed his coui'se with the greatest precision. Here was a perfect revival of the habit of its Alpine fathers, with a degree of specialty as to external conditions at which it seems to us, we cannot sufficiently wonder. Such are some of the qurdities of dogs in a state of domestication, and let us hope that the anecdotes related of them will tend to insure for them that love and gratitude to which their own fine disposition and noble character give them a claim from us. It is pleasing to obsei-ve that men of the high- est acquirements and most elevated minds have bestowed their sincere attachment upon their favorite canine companions ; for kindness to an- imals is, perhaps, as strong an indication of the L 322 APPENDIX. possession of generous sentiments as any that can be adduced. The late Lord Grenville, a distinguished statesman, an elegant scholar, and an amiable man, affords an illustration of the opinion: It is thus that he eloquently makes his favorite Zephyr speak : "Captum oculis, senioque liebetem, niorboque gravatum, Dulcis here, aiitiquo me quod aniore foves, Suave habet et caruni Zephj rus tuus, et leviore Se senlit mortis couditione premi. Iiiteriere quidem, tibi qua; placuisse solebant, Et formae dotes, et facile ingeiiiuiu: Deficiunt sensus, treinulaj scinlillula vitae Vix micat, in ciiierein mox abitura brevem. Sola mauet, vernli tibi nee despecta niiuistri. Mens grata, ipsuque in morte iiieinor dominL Hanc tu i^ilur. i)ro blanditiis molique lepore, Et pronita ad nutus sedulitale tuos. Pro saltu cursuque levi, lusuque prolervo, Ilanc nostri extreniuni pignus anions liabe. Jainque vale! Ehsii suboe loca Isetn, piorum Qu£e dat Persei)lione )nanibus esse canum." Pope says, that history is more full of exam- ples of fidelity in the dog than in friends : and Lord B^'ron characterises him as — '•in life tlie firmest friend, The first to welcome, foremost to defend: Whose honest heart is still his master's own; Whose labors, fights, lives, breathes for him alone; " and truly indeed may be called •' The rich man's guardian, and the poor man's friend." APPENDIX. 323 CANINE SUICIDE. In Bethlehem, Pa., there lived, a few years ago. a man named P., who kept a saloon by the side of the railroad, and was the owner of a fine Newfoundland dog, of great sagacity. The saloon was often visited by boisterous and bel- ligerent customers, who were "spoiling for a figlit,'' and considered a bar-tender as present- ing the test subject for a pummeling. In all such cases Mr. P. only had to say "Major," and the big Newfoundland had his paws on the shoulders of the pugnacious customer, loolcing him in the face. Two or three admonishing words from his capacious mouth was always a sufficient warning to keep the peace. He often amused the barroom crowd by his various tricks, among them was that of taking ihe hat from the head of any one in the room. Once a stranger came into the saloon to get some refreshments while waiting for the train. P. wished to show some half-dozen loungers Major's tricks, and or- dered him to remove the stranger's hat. Major did as ordered, but the hair also came with the hat. The manceuver frightened the gentleman badly, and Mr. P., seeing the iiair pealed from the gentleman's head, was more frightened than 324 APPENDIX. the stranger, and made liaste to make amends. Major had great friendship for a little dog, a cross between the Poodle and the Scotch terrier. The little " Prince " was often set upon bj his larger neighbors, and generally got the worst of it In such cases he would sally forth in quest of his fi-iend Major, when the light was renewed and his assailant punished for his temerity. The little fellow was oftei:", in summer time, partly sheared, which gave him, in the eyes of some, an ugly appearance. If any one made a derogatory remark about him, he noticed it, and showed his teeth in a very passionate manner. If Major was along, he also raised liis voice in protest of any disapproval of his friend's looks. Majors master occasionally took too much of what he dispensed to others, and one evening, after sending Major to the field for the horses, which he drove up in good style, as was his practice, he followed his master up stairs. P., not finding wife or child to maltreat, kicked poor Major down stairs, injuring his spine. He dragged out a miserable existence for a few months ; but becoming tired of life, he laid him- self across the railroad track that fronted the door. He saw the locomotive coming, and when it neared him, he turned his head away, and al- APPENDIX. lowed the train to crush him. This was wit- nessed by dozens of people, who knew it to be a deliberate cat,e of suicide. Another Newfoundland was installed in Ma- jor's place. The brutal master undertook to kick him around, but we are happy to say not without resentment, for he turned upon him, seized him by the throat, and would have choked him to death had not his cries brought the bar-keeper to his assistance. Tlie newspapers of the present week contain an account of a liighly prized Newfoundland dog in Wakefield, Mass., afer tugging at his muzzle, placed on him in accordance wdtb the law, became despondent, and soon afterward jumped into the pond and drowned himself Tlie owner of an old watch dog some where in tliC State of Wisconsin, seeing that the dog was useless, and rather troublesome in conse- quence of age, expressed his intention of shoot- ing the old fcllo\7. This ^Yas said in the hear- in