I'.l'.ihi'l 0' ^^ <- O ^^^-y ^Mm>^\ ^^rf< "oV '^0' 0' ,^ oV^^^^u;^'- ^^cy '^Mm^'r.''. -^^rS^ <► O 0^ :^ mik^. ^°-^^ ■y ^^ '-^y^^: > '^Va'^ %s. .'^' ^' Epochs of Modern History EDITED BY EDWARD E. MORRIS, M.A., J. SURTEES PHILLPOTTS, B.C.L. AND C. COLBECK, M.A. THE BEGINNING of the MIDDLE AGES DEAN CHURCH. EPOCHS OF ANCIENT HISTORY. Edited by Rev. G. W. Cox and Charles Sankey, M. A. Eleven volumes, i6mo, with 41 Maps and Plans. Price per vol., $1.00. The set, Roxburgh style, gilt lop, in box, $11.00. Troy— Its Legend, History, and Literature. By S. G. W. Benjamin. The Greeks and the Persians. By G. W. Cox. The Athenian Empire. By G. W. Cox. The Spartan and Theban Supremacies.^ By Charles Sankey. The Macedonian Empire. By A. M. Curteis. Early Rome. By W. Ihne. Rome and Carthage. By R. Bosworth Smith. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. By A. H. Beesley. The Roman Triumvirates. By Charles Merivale. The Early Empire. By \V. Wolfe Capes. The Age of the Antonines. By \V. Wolfe Capes. EPOCHS OF MODERN HISTORY. Edited by Edward E. Morris. Eighteen volumes, i6mo, with 77 Maps, Plans, and Tables. Price per vol., $1.00. The set, Roxburgh style, gilt top, in box, $18.00. Whe Beginning of the Middle Ages. By R. W. Church. ^The Normans in Europe. By A. H. Johnson. ^The Crusades. By G. VV. Cox. ^The Early Plantagenets. By Wm. Stubbs. "■Edward IN. By W. Warburton. •The Houses of Lancaster and York. By James Gairdner. ^The Era of the Protestant Revolution. By Frederic Seebohm, ^The Early Tudors. By C. E. Moberly. 'The Age of Elizabeth. By M. Creighton. A The Thirty Years War, 1618-1648. By S. R. Gardiner. ».The Puritan Revolution. By S. R. Gardiner. ^The Fall OF the Stuarts. By Edward Hale. \The English Restoration and Louis XIV.. By Osmond Airy. ^The Age of Anne. By Edward E. Morris. "The Early Hanoverians. Bv Edward E. Morris. Frederick the Great. By F. W. Longman. The French Revolution and First Empire. By W. O'Connor . Morris. Appendix by Andrew D. White. The Epoch of Reform, i830-1850. By Justin Macarthy. Epochs of Modern History THE BEGINNING OF THE MIDDLE AGES BY RfW- 'CHURCH DEAN OF ST. PAUL'S : HONORARY FELLOW OF ORIEL. 'WITH THREB MAPS' NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 1890. WAY 2 7 1904 Transfer 1 f£BI9fl5 PREFACE. The present volume must be considered as an intro- duction or preface to the series of ' Epochs of Modern History/rather than as an integral member of the series. The other volumes are narratives, and enter into detail. This one is a mere general sketch, necessarily one of the barest outline, faint and vague where they are full. My aim has been little more than to disengage the leading lines in the history of five most important and most confused centuries, and to mark the influences which most asserted themselves, and which seem to have most governed the results as we see them in sub- sequent history. In this summary view I have con- fined my attention mainly to the West, saying little of the great nations of later times in the North and East — • Scandinavia, Poland, Hungary, Russia. The reason is, that the course of modern history was determined in the West, and what happened in the North and East took its start and course from what had happened and had taken permanent forms in the nations of the West and South. In compiling this slight sketch, in which notes and re- ferences are not allowed, I need not say that I am under vi Preface. obligations of the most varied kind to others. Every- one who writes of these times finds much of his work done for him in Gibbon, Merivale, Hallam, Milman, Guizot, in the older French Books, such as Fleury's great compilation, the "Ecclesiasiical History," and in the lively and picturesque narratives of the later ones. I have been much assisted by the first two volumes of Sir F. Palgrave's prolix but very instruc- tive History of England and Normandy. Besides these, we have a younger race of English historical scholars, who have amply kept up the reputation of their predecessors for honesty of research and breadth and vigour of thought, and have removed the reproach that though English historians were skilful architects, they were careless of the quarries from which their stones came, and easy in passing slovenly and unsound work. The debt is great which all students of the early times of Europe owe to Mr. Freeman, Pro- fessor Stubbs, and Mr. Bryce, whose remarkable Essay on the Roman Empire placed in a clear light an im- portant but obscure and ill-understood link of con- nection between the ancient and modern world. I have tried to remember, as far as I could, that no one can really take in and judge of the meaning of events, without going from even the best secondary authorities to the ultimate, and if possible, contemporary sources of our information. In doing this, and in all other ways, it would be unpardonable not to say how much I have been helped by the laborious and saga- cious works of recent German and French scholars. For Preface. vii everything connected with the early condition and the wanderings of the new races, I have referred to Zeuss, Dahn, and to Pfahler's Handbook of German An- tiquities, for the Germans, and to Schefarik and Jirecek for the Slaves. I have found especial assistance in a series of works suggested by Leopold Ranke, in which the materials of history for the times of Charles the Great and his followers are collected, compared, and arranged with admirable skill and completeness, by writers of great ability, Bonnell, Abell, DUmmler, and others— the "Annals of German History," {/ahr- biicJier der Deutschen Geschichte). The care, the comprehensiveness, the resolute tenacity of research, the fearlessness of trouble in investigating, shown by the distinguished writers who have lately in Ger- many thrown themselves with characteristic interest on the early history of Europe, are, besides the value of the results, a perpetual lesson of conscientious faithfulness and industry. We in England owe much to the diligence and sagacity of German investigators of our own history, like Dr. R. Pauli. And the French, who are usually credited with the power of brilliant generalization, and also with incapacity to resist its temptations, are beginning to tread on the heels of the Germans, and to remember that they are the countrymen of the old Benedictine scholars and critics of St. Maur. In a sketch of this kind I have not pretended to be careful as to scholarly accuracy in the forms of names. This is a book in which explanations cannot viii Preface. conveniently be given as to the reasons of change from old-fashioned ways of writing them ; and for the most part I have written them as they are commonly written in our popular histories. Students when they begin to enter into the details of history for them- selves will find the reasons in many instances for a change from the traditional form, and also the frequent difficulties of making it. Three small maps are added. But it cannot be too strongly impressed on students from the first, not only that they ought always to read with a map at their side, but that they need a special map for each period which they are studying. They cannot be too early made familiar with the truth that a map is a historical as well as a geographical picture, and represents on the background of unchanging nature the changing seats and fortunes of men. Such works as Spruner's Historical Atlas, or its improved form by Menke, now in course of publication, ought to be within reach of every reader of history; and no other maps can well make up for the want of them. R. W. C. CONTENTS. PAGE Chronological Table xhi INTRODUCTION. Division between ancient and modern historj'^ — Destruction of Jerusalem — Fall of Rome — Barbarian migrations — Gradually threaten the Empire — Internal decay — Division of East and West — Alaric ...... X CHAPTER I. Teutonic settlements in the West — Vandals — Burgundians — ■ Franks — West Goths — East Goths — The Huns and Attila •^^The Barbarian Patricians — Ricimer nominates Emperors —End of the Empire in the West — Romulus Augustulus 14 CHAPTER II. The new nations— Gothic kingdom of Theoderic in Italy — • Burgundian — Vandal — Vv''est Gothic kingdom in Gaul and Spain — Arianism of the Goths — Frank kingdom — Clovis — • Frank Supremacy' — Efforts of the Empire — Justinian — Beli- sarius — Narses — Overthrow of Gothic kingdom in Italy and of Vandal kingdom in Africa — Lombards in Italy . . 30 Contents, CHAPTER III. PAGE Condition of the Teutonic settlements — Three influences affecting the Teutonic settlers — i. Religion : the Christian bishops, the Christian Church and religion — 2. Roman law — 3. The Latin language — Gradual but slow revival of Latin civilization among the new nations .... 45 CHAPTER IV. Conquest, of Britain by the Saxons and Angles ; gradual ; complete — Conversion of the English — Influence on the nation of this conversion 62 CHAPTER V. The Franks — Their supremacy in the West — The Merovin- gian Kings, the line of Clovis — Decay of the family — The Mayors of the Palace — The Pipins — Rise of the Carolingian line — Alliance of Pipin's house with the Popes — Deposition of the last Merovingian with the Pope's sanction . . 75 CHAPTER VI. Roman Empire in the East — Preserves civilization — Its strength — Justinian — Heraclius — Rise of the Mahometan power — Conquests of the Saracens — Isaurian and Macedonian dynasties — Prerogatives of the Emperors — Religious su- premacy .......... 98 CHAPTER VII. The Carolingians — Charles the Great, King of the Franks and Lombards — Emperor of the Romans — His wars, legisla- tion, political system — Creator of the temporal power of the Popes — and of Germany 117 Contents. xi CHAPTER VIII. PAGE The Carolingians — Successors of Charles — Louis the Pious and his sons — Break up of the Empire — The Northmen — Fall of the various Carolingian lines — End of the Frank dominion 147 CHAPTER IX. Consolidation and unity of the English people — The Kings of Wessex — Danish invasions — Egbert, Alfred, Edgar — Danish conquest — The Anglo-Saxon Church . , . 176 CHAPTER X. Results of break-up of Frank Empire — New arrangement of Europe — The Papacy — New Kingdoms — Separation of France and Germany — Italy — The Northern King- doms — The Slave nations — Hungarians, Poles, Russians . 192 CHAPTER XI. Retrospect of the times of transition from the Roman Empire to the European States of the Middle Ages . . . 215 Index 220 MAPS. 1 Roman Empire (Eastern and Western) in the Fourth Century, shewing the Positions of the Northern Barbarians . . to face Title-page ^ 2 Europe in the time of Odoacer, and South- Western Europe a.d. 525 . . " /. 31 i 3 Europe, time of Charles the Great . " 149 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. The sign f marks the year of death. A.D. 98-138 138-180 180-193 193 249 250-260 250 286 303-4 306 Trajan and Hadrian. The Antonines. Coinmodus. Severus elected by the Pannonian legions, f2ii. Decius elected by the Msesian legions. First State persecution of Christianity. Barbarian attacks beginning, (pp. 3, 4.) East : the Danube. 251 Gothic wars : Decius defeated and slain. 253-268 Goths ravage the East. 269 Checked by Claudius. 270 Checked by Aurelian : set- tled in Dacia. West : the Rhine. 256 Franks : ravage Gaul and Spain. 256 Sut'vi, Alanianni^ in Italy. 270 Alaina7ini'vi\ Italy : defeated by Aure- lian. 277 Franks and Bur- gundians defeated by Probus. Diocletian and Maximian (286-305). Two Augusti, with two Caesars (pp. 6, 7), Last great State persecution under Diocletian. Constantlne. Two Augusti, each with two Cassars (308). XIV. Chronological Tabic. I A.D, 3IT-313 325 324-334 337 353 361-363 364 382 392 395 Edicts of Nicomedia and Milan in favor of toleration, Constantine, sole e-mperor, ■j'337. Cotincil of Nlccea. 322 Gothic war. Goths checked by Constantine. 331-2 Second Gothic war : Goths again checked. 334 Vandals and Sarmatians defeated. Foundation and dedication of NEW ROME", Constanti- nople. Division of Empire between the three sons of Constan- tine. Reunion under Constantius the survivor. 351 Battle of Miirsa; victory of East over West. Death of Magnentius. 340-353 Franks and Alamanni defeated by Julian in the battle of Strasburg (357). 360-375 Ulfiias, Gothic bishop, translates the Bible. Julian. Division of Empire, East and West. Valens and Valen- tinian. Constantinople and Milan, capitals. 375 Goths driven by the Huns into the Empire. 378 Battle of Hadrianople. Valens slain. Goths checked by Theodosius (379-395) ; settled on the Danube and in Thrace. Emperor Gratian (375-383) last Pontifex Alaximus, i. e., head of the heathen state religion. Reunion of Empire under Theodosius. Final division into East and West : Arcadius f4o8, and Honorius t423. Great barbarian invasion of the West. (pp. 8-11). Italy. 395 Revolt of Alaric. 396-7 Alaric in Greece. 398 Alaric, king of Visigoths . 400 Alaric in Italy. 403 Stilicho beats him at Pollentia. 405 Stilicho defeats Radagais. 408 f Stilicho. Alaric before Rome. 409 Second siege of Rome. 410 Third siege, and sack of Rome : f Alaric. 412 Visigoths, under Athaulf, leave Italy for Gaul. Rhine and Gaul. 405 Great invasion across the Rhine. Vandals, Sueves, &c., p. 14. 406 Vatidals under Gundachar, p. 14. 409 Sleeves in Spain ; Hermanric. End of Roman rule in Britain. 413 Biirgundians in Elsass. Frafiks in N. E. Gaul, p. 15. CJij-onological Table, xv. -d ci M '-' C 1^ "^r^ s ^ o !ri Pi 13 >> ^ -rt F 0) n -TJ U^ 3 C) '-f rt , "^ QJ ^ ^^N» '^ M rj T'J CO 00 00 ^^-^fc"? -^J^^ln^ -•^'^•5:i-^^ -i^sSS'^^rt r^^S r"3J'^'^ a)>^§C^ii >crtc.Sc^« C "^^"^ Z^"^<< E^'^'^:iG^| ^Qc^Q^J^ O O ^ rotcvo oova oooooo cooooo cooo I V OT ^-5 • S: C-) 3 O ^■| '^ « -* 1^ 5^ i3 1— 1 k5 > . 2 oJ c/l ■3 •6 *3 -^ ^ H^ ^ J hJ iJ G O ^ xn J o H '^ u^ < 00 00 00 cx> ,t (U (U < _r-; tS '6 • _ -<' . ^ o 3 .2 H-; "^ c (/3 TJ _ • -5 £ 'a, S-5 J3 D h o M ro On « o H M (N (N ■* 00 00 00 00 00 00 Chronological Table, '^- M CQ (M ■;:: i i ^"^ I ^t d. H B i ^ o ,::; tfl •£ o -^ ^ c/; -a 2 S ^ "X' O • ^- rt o > ,- -5 "s rt o , . - •-^ t-kJ ^^ Or)^^ C^ ?J !- O O r^-d X o ^r^ S^J >>0 C o.-^ Uh •CO O Hvot^oo C^'^^r)oo O --N1-I N p vo t>» t^ r^ t-v t^ t^co c» CO o < 0^ rt. 6 •a pq <->^- a. o (D 03 rt ^ ^ >_ • •-> rS ^ be c r>- o <*-■ !~| (U Bere Guy Lam Arm I/] "5 o o a > 6 Tf rooo O J CI O On ON CvOO 00 OO 1 1 1 1 IH Q to H 00 ON (N vb o ^! r>. 00 00 CO On o. o\ c K-1 o < -a o ". 00 H X) n^ X3 -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -S r :3 >^ • -H ^' c 5 *-•:?-= o • -5 • o I'^i Q 00 0\ M CO ro ^J^^O ^O tN CO <0^a^0^0^0^0^0^0^ 0\0\ In. bJ3 1-^ G -l u E o Chronological Tabic. ^ ■^ ^ 5 P oo . " O w 00 >.-^ • o (L) fl N c3 00 (^ a; ,. i: IT) ex o ^ ^ 5 rt ' ^ 'o r— ( '•"^ ^1 ^ Zi K o "S ":« -^0 OJ <-• n •-• ^* ^ 5 S ^- ^ tu P. C) O, ^-d O r-i f^ M^ - ^ > > ;z; o CO W N O t~N iTivO vO O vO Cn ON On 0\ G\ S .5 O ^ N 00 On on ,5 « C! O -t— G O -1^ .5 "^ ^-R'^ ^- -2 -« -S t/5 ^<3 having in their front line the Huns. In 395 the great Theodosius died. His dcatli closed a reign of sixteen years, the last reign of the ancient undivided empire, in which its old honour was maintained in arms and legis- lation. His death marks the real, though not the nominal, date of the fall of the united empire, and of the extinction, from henceforth inevitable, of the West- ern division of it. As soon as he had passed away the change set in with frightful rapidity. He left two young sons, Arcadius and Honorius, under whose names the empire was governed in the East and West respectively ; he left a number of generals and ministers, all of provincial or barbarian origin, to dispute among themselves for the real power of the State ; and not only on all the borders of the empire, but within its provinces, there were tribes and leagues of barbarians of many names, often beaten back and terribly chastised, but ever pushing forward again in fresh numbers, and now in some cases under chiefs who had learned war in the Roman service. The name of Alaric, the Visigoth, rises above those of the crowd of barbarian chiefs who tried their fortune in this moment of the weakness of the empire. The Visigoths, or West Goths, were a Teutonic tribe which had fled for refuge from their implacable enemies, the Huns of the Tartar steppes, into Roman territory. They had re- ceived reluctant and doubtful hospitality from the Impe- rial Government in the lands south of the Danube ; and through vicissitudes of peace and war, friendship and treachery, they had become better acquainted with their Roman neighbours and hosts than any of the barbarian races. First of the Teutonic races, they had in large numbers accepted Christianity ; they had learned it from their Roman captives, or at the Court of Constan- lo Bx ginning of the Middle Ages. tinople, and at last from a teacher of their own race, Ulfila, the first founder of Teutonic literature, who in translating the Bible gave the barbarians for the first time a written language, and invented for them an alphabet. The court religion at the time was Arianism, the doctrine of the Egyptian Presbyter, Arius, which denied the true Godhead of Jesus Christ. It was an important and formidable departure from the belief of the Christian Church, as to the chief object of its faith and worship ; the first of many which marked these centuries. From Constantinople the Goths adopted it. On the death of Theodosius, Alaric conceived the idea of carving out for himself a kingdom and an indepen- dent State from the loosely-connected provinces of the empire. He invaded first Greece, and then Italy. Ala- ric was a soldier not unworthy of his Roman masters. For a time he was confronted and kept in check by another general of equal genius for war, like himself of Teutonic blood, Stilicho, the Vandal, the trusted soldier of Theodosius, who had left him guardian of Honorius, the Western emperor. Stilicho, after putting forth for the last time the vigour of a Roman general on the German frontier, concentrated the forces of the State for the defence of Italy, leaving the distant provinces to themselves. The garrisons were withdrawn from Britain. Goths and Huns were enlisted and disciplined for the service of the empire which their kinsmen were attack- ing. Against Stilicho's courage, activity, and coolness, Alaric vainly tried to force his way into Italy and to Rome. At PoUentia, on the Tanaro, south-west of Milan, Stilicho, on Easter Day, 403, gained a bloody though in- complete victory, Alaric saved his broken army by a daring and successful retreat, but only to meet with an- other overthrow at Verona, At Florence (405) Stilicho Introduction. 1 1 foiled another and fiercer Gothic or Slavonian irruption into Italy under Radagais. But the Western empire was not to be saved. Rightly or wrongly, the victorious and perhaps ambitious soldier awakened the jealousy of rivals and the suspicions of his feeble master. Stilicho, Alaric's most formidable antagonist, had, for whatever reason, more than once allowed his foe to escape, and with the obscure and tortuous policy common to the time kept open negotiations with him, even at the mo- ment of his own success. He had even proposed to the Roman Senate to buy off Alaric's hostility by honours or payments of money. Stilicho's enemies persuaded Honorius of his general's designs against the State; a mutiny was created against Stilicho in the army; his friends were murdered ; and finally Honorius consented to condemn and to put to death, on the charge of trea- son, the great chief who within five years had won for him the three greatest of recent Roman victories. Then the invaders sprang in on every side. Alaric, hanging on the north-eastern frontier, among the Julian Alps, had been watching the intrigues of the Italian Court, now removed from Rome and Milan to the protection of the marshes of Ravenna. These intrigues were to deliver him from his great enemy. On the 23d of August 408 the head of Stilicho fell under the execu- tioner's sword. In October Alaric was under the walls of Rome. He came three times in three successive years ; and twice he retired. The first time he spared the city for an enormous ransom. The second time he imposed on the city and empire a puppet mock-emperor, whom a few months afterwards he degraded as unceremoniously as he had set him up. Alaric's brief stern words were remembered as well as his deeds. To the hermit who c 1 2 Beginning of the Aliddle Ages. bade him in tlic name of religion retire from the great cicy, he rephed that it was God's will and call that drove him on. To the Romans who threatened him with the numbers of their population — "the thicker the hay," was his answer, "the easier mown." When, astounded at his enormous demands, the Romans asked him, "what then would he leave them?" he answered "your lives." But the third year, 410, the imperial city, the sacred, the inviolate, which since the almost mythical, visitation of Brennus and his Gauls had only once seen a foreign enemy from her walls, and never within them, beheld the amazing, the inconceivable sight — her streets, her palaces, broken into and sacked by barbarians whom of late days she had, indeed, seen among the mercenaries who served her, but whom of old she knew only as the slaves who fought with one another to make her sport in her gladiatorial shows. The end of the world must have seemed at Rome to have come when the city of Caesar and Augustus, with its gold, its mar- ble, its refinement, was given over to the Gothic spoilers. She might have seen her revenge in the death within a few weeks of the assailant who at first dared to break through the vain terror of her presence, and the idle guard of her walls. But the blow had been struck, though Alaric had died who struck it. From that day forth the Teutonic nations, whom the Romans classed together under the common name of barbarians, looked upon the lands of the Western portion of the empire as given over to them in possession. From that day forth their chiefs arrived on the scene, not only to play the customary game of war, not merely to ravage and plunder, but to carry out the idea of Alaric— to become kings, to win kingdoms, to create nations. For a while the new condition of Introduction, 13 things seemed incredible to those accustomed to the old Roman central sway. There were fierce, even for a time successful, attempts to dispute and resist the change. The name and the authcu^ity of the Roman emperor had too fast a hold even on the Teutonic mind to be more than weakened: the Roman empire lasted on more than fifty years in the West ; and at Constantinople it had always to be reckoned with as a power wiiich in strong hands was a formidable one. How strong was still the idea of the empire, and how obstinate the customary awe and respect for its authority, is shown in two phenomena which are continually appearing in these times of con- fusion. One is the weight with which the imperial name, even when borne by so weak an emperor as Honorius, was seen to press upon local rebellions on the part of subjects of the empire. In spite of his personal insig- nificance, in spite of the deep humiliations of his reign, in spite of the destruction of Stilicho, the Gothic con- quest, the sack of Rome, no rival emperor, and there were seven in the course of five years, could maintain his title against the son of Theodosius. The other is, that the barbarian chiefs who attacked the empire asked for and were proud of its honours and titles. Alaric, King of the Goths, insisted at the same time on being recog- nized as an officer in the Roman service, the Master- General of Illyricum. His successor, Athaulf, while conquering in Gaul, and Wallia, while conquering in Spain, professed to restore these provinces to the obe- dience of Honorius. But nevertheless the great revo- lution, which was to override all resisting forces, and the deeply-planted habits of ages, had come. From Alaric and his victorious policy two things date, which speedily altered the condition of the Latin world. One was the intrusion and interference of the barbarian 14 Beginning of the Middle Ages. A. D. power as a recognized political element in the Roman State. The other was the planting within its borders of new nations, each of them growing in its own way into an independent State, with its own interests, and cus- toms, and policy, and coming less and less to acknow- ledge, even in the most shadowy form, the authority or even the existence of the empire in the West. CHAPTER I. TEUTONIC SETTLEMENTS IN THE WEST. FALL OF THE EMPIRE IN THE WEST. (406-476). The impulse given by the enterprises and successes of Alaric showed itself in the invasion of the Western pro- vinces by various Teutonic tribes, who henceforth held possession of what they invaded. On the last day of the year in which Stilicho destroyed the Van- Vandals m ^,^1 Radagais and his mixed army before Oaul, 406. * _ -' Florence (405), another portion of the Van- dals, with their confederate tribes, Sueves, Burgundians, Alans, found their way into Gaul, perhaps, as Gibbon suggests; across the frozen Rhine, partly ravaging, partly settling, partly pushing to further conquest, but seldom returning to their former seats. In the year in which Alaric set up and then degraded his In Spain, mock emperor Attalus, after the siege of Rome (409), Sueves and Vandals, a part of this host, under Hermanric, crossed the Pyrenees into the rich and peaceful province of Spain. Three years after the sack of Rome and the death of Ala- Burgundians, ^.j^ (413), the Burgundians, who, in company with the Vandals, crossed the Rhine in 406, 406-476. Vandals, Burgundians, Franks, Goths. 15 had occupied the left bank of the middle Rhine ; thence they gradually spread westwards and southwards into Gaul ; and the result, after many vicissitudes, was the foundation of a kingdom of the Burgundians under Gun- dachar (416-436), Gundeuch (456-463), and the more famous Gundobad, the lawgiver {472-510). It was the first of the many Burgundies that were to be, fixing a famous name in the new geography of the West, and impressing a distinct character on the population which bore that name. No limits and no political conditions varied so much as those of the " Burgundies," kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, provinces, long striving after an in- dependence, which could not be maintained. The first Burgundy of Gundachar and Gundobad comprised the valleys of the Rhone and the Saone, with western Swit- zerland and Savoy, from the Alps and the Jura as far as the Durance, and even at one time to Avignon and Marseilles. Almost at the same time a confederation, or rather two confederations, or German tribes, ^ , Franks. whose name was to fill a yet greater place in history, the Franks, who had finally settled from the Main along the lower Rhine, and what is now Belgium, appear defending the Roman frontier against the invad- ing Vandals. They had long disturbed the empire by their ferocity and spirit of adventure. They had by this time gained room within its borders, and become it? allies; and they even suffered severe losses in fighting for it. But, as the defence of the empire became hope' less, they soon followed the invading movement, anc? pressed on to the valleys of the Moselle, the Meuse, thr Scheldt, and the Somme, and the plains and cities of what is now Champagne. And im- Goth« ^412. mediately after the death of Alaric, who had sacked Rome and occupied Italy, the Goths, under thei> 1 6 Beginning of the Middle Ages. A. d. new leader Athaulf, a name which has been softened and Latinized into Adolphus, adopted the momentous resolution of relinquishing Italy, and seeking their for- tune in the West. Bearing with them the treasures of Alaric, they marched into Gaul ; they occupied step by step, in the course of the century, nearly the whole of the South between the Rhone, the Loire, the Mediterra- nean, and the ocean ; and then poured into 414-419- Spain, driving before them or subduing the earher invaders, Vandals, Sueves, Alans. The Roman city of Toulouse became their capital. Before the mid- dle of the fifth century, the kingdom of the J19-451 "'^ ^' West Goths had become the mightiest among its neighbours. It stretched from the Loire to the mouth of the Tagus and the Columns of Hercules. It possessed the great cities of Aquitaine, Narbonne, Bordeaux, Toulouse. It had absorbed tlie last fragment of independent Roman Gaul, Auvergne. In Spain it had cooped up the earlier invaders, the Sueves, into the mountains of Asturias and Gallicia. It had driven the Vandals into Africa. It had rapidly assumed an organized shape, with its peculiar polity, its half Roman legislation, its national councils. If had replaced the empire in the West, and it seemed as if a State had been founded which was to unite in one Gaul and Spain, and take the lead in the new order of things; as if a Gothia or Goth- land was to supplant the name of Gaul or Rome. This magnificent prospect was not to be ful- ^^t%s. ^W^^^ The lands north and south of the Pvrenees were not to continue united, and the Goths were not to be the leaders of Western Europe. But from the Goths of Toulouse sprang a line of kings which ruled in Spain, and shaped its fortune and history till the Mahometan Conquest (71 1). It was to be long 429- Vandals in Spain, 17 indeed before the kingdoms, as we know them, of France and Spain began to appear above the confusion ; but the firsc rude courses of the foundations on which, through sucli various changes, they were to rise were laid in the Teutonic movement, in which Alaric led the way. Another invasion, more fatal in its consequences to the empire, though itself transient as a conquest, was the consequence of the Gothic invasion of Spain. The Vandals in Spain, th3 fore- JJ|g ^^^' runners of the Goths, pressed by the com- bined power of the Gothic kingdom and the Roman pro- vincials, and tempted by the invitation of a Roman governor, Count Boniface, who had been stung into treason by the intrigues at Ravenna, passed into Africa under Genseric, the most crafty, the most perfidious, the most ruthless iif the barbarian kings, and of all of them the most implacable foe of Rome and its civilization. The late repentance and the resistance of Count Boniface could not avert the Vandal conquest and the desolation of Africa. The death of St. Augustine during the siege of his city, Hippo, in 4.30, and the surprise of Carthage in 439, mark the date of the ruin of Roman civihza- tion on the southern shore of the Mediterranean ; a civi- lization that had retained more unalloyed than that of any other province the peculiar Latin type, the rough- ness and original force of the Latin mind and character. The Vandal conquest, short-lived as it was compared with other barbarian occupations, dealt a far heavier blow than they to the weakened stability of the empire, it was not only the severance from it of a great province, a second home of Latin letters and habits; but during the long reign of Genseric (429-477) Rome and Italy were made acquainted with two new forms of suffering. 1 8 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. To the ordinary plagues of barbarian invasion, were now added starvation and piracy. Africa had been, with Egypt, the great store-house from which Italy had drawn its usual supplies of corn; Africa was now in the hands of a deadly enemy, Egypt in those of the rival and unfriendly Eastern emperor. And next, the possession of Carthage suggested to Genseric the ambition of being master, not of Africa only, but of the Mediterranean. The Vandal fleets ravaged and tormented the Mediter- ranean coasts, like those of Haireddin Barbarossa and the Barbary rovers of later ages. "Whither shall we sail?" asked Genseric's pilot. " Sail to those, with whom God is angry," was the reply. Thus in the first half of the fifth century the empire was broken up in the West. Everywhere out of Italy, in Gaul, in Spain, in Africa, the new comers were the masters. The separation from the empire, at the begin- ning of the fifth century, of the island of Bri- Britain. tain, and of the Continental province which 409. ^ afterwards bore the same name, neither of which were again to be united to it, rather marked than contributed to the decline of Rome. In the anarchy of the West, the soldiery in Britain, or those of them who had not been withdrawn by StiHcho, long accustomed to claim a voice in the choice of emperors, set up a succes- sion of candidates for the empire, one of whom, with the famous name of Constantine, disputed for a time the im- perial title with Honorins, and the possession of Gaul and Spain with the Goths {407-411). The Goths, pro- fessing to serve the empire, united with the soldiers of Honorius, and overthrew the last Western Constantine, and, after him, all the other provincial rivals of Hono- rius, who, in the universal confusion, ventured to strike for power (41 1-416), But the empire finally retired from 400-450- Vandals in Africa — Britain. 19 the island of Britain. An obscure interval of troubled independence succeeded ; and in the middle of the cen- tury Jutes, Saxons and Angles were beginning their conquests. Yet the empire, as has been said, in the opinion and feeling of men, still lasted under these strange conditions. The Teutonic invaders for the most part professed to acknowledge its existence and Gradual . . g'Ving wiy authority, to respect its laws, though claim- of the impe- , , , - , rial system. mg to be themselves exempt from them, to serve it after their own manner as its officers and sol- diers, to call themselves its " guests," or its " confede- rates," even in the possessions which they had either seized, or acquired by a forced sale. Its civil adminis- tration still went on, at least, for the Roman population, side by side with the customs and royal jurisdiction of the military occupiers. The position of the Teutonic conquerors and settlers was analogous to that of the early English conquerors in India, under the Mogul empire. They were in it, but not of it. Its paramount title and supremacy were supposed, where these did not come into collision with the interests of the conquerors. Its sanctions, when convenient, were sought for, and made useful to give legitimacy to what the sword had won. In stronger hands, and under more favourable circumstances, the empire might have lasted on, as in the East; and, suiting itself to its altered circumstances, have perhaps recovered its ground, by incorporating and assimilating to itself, according to its old favourite and successful policy, its new subjects, who, with all their fierce vigour, were not unwilling to be civilized. But in the course of the century, two things, a fresh and more tremendous irruption of barbarians, and a fatal innova- tion in domestic policy, finally shattered for the time 20 Beginning of the Aliddle Ages. a. d. the imperial system in the West, The irruption was the invasion of Attila and the Huns. The innovation was the adoption, as a settled custom, of what Alaric had thought of as a temporary expedient, — perhaps, had only done in mocktry. A foreign soldier, master of the mili- tary force of the empire, claimed, and was allowed, to make and unmake the emperors of the West. The invasion of the Huns was the appearance of en- tirely new actors in the great tragedy. Between the ^, ,, Rom.an world and the German invaders The Huns and Attila, there were affinities, though they might be "^■"■^ ''^■'' subtle and obscure, of race, of language, of thought, and moral ideas ; and there had grown up be- tween them the long familiarity of alternate Vv^ar and peace. They had even met half-way in religious ideas, and Goths, Vandals, Burgundians, imder the form of Arianism, had embraced Christianity with sometim.es fanatical zeal. But the Huns were not like Goths and Vandals, a Teutonic or even a Slave people. They be- longed to that terrible race whose original seats were in the vast central table-land of Asia ; who under various names, Huns, Tartars, Mongols, Turks, have made it their boast to devastate for the sake of devastation, and from whom sprung the most renowned among the de- stroyers of men, Attila, Genghiz, Timonr, the Ottomans. It is a race which long experience has shown to be less than any other in sympathy with Western civilization, and more obstinately intractable to its influ- About A. i). ence. The Huns themselves, impelled ^°°" westwards by the wars which agitated the vast deserts stretching from the Volga to China, had driven before them in frantic terror the many tribes of the German stock which had shaken the empire ; and they had been for some time hovering on its eastern 433~453* "^'^^ Huns under Attila. 21 frontier, taking part like other barbarians in its distur- bances and alliances. Emperors paid them tribute, and Roman generals kept up a politic or a questionable correspondence with them. Stilicho had detachments of Huns in the armies which fought against Alaric ; the greatest Roman soldier after Stilicho, — and, like Stilicho, of barbarian parentage — ^Aetius, who was to be their most formidable antagonist, had been a hostage and a messmate in their camps ; he had followed a common practice of the time when he invited the Huns to the frontiers of Italy to support a candidate for the imperial dignity. About 433, Attila, the son of Mundzukh, like Charles the Great, equally famous in history and legend, became their king. Attila was the exact prototype and forerunner of the Turkish chiefs of the house of Othman. In his profound hatred of civilized men, in his scorn of their knowledge, their arts, their habits and religion, and, in spite of this, in his systematic use of them as his secretaries and officers, in his rapacity combined with personal simplicity of life, in his insatiate and indiscri- minate destructiveness, in the cunning which veiled itself under rudeness, in his extravagant arrogance and audacious pretensions, in his sensuality, in his unscrupu- lous and far-reaching designs, in his ruthless cruelty joined with capricious displays of generosity, mercy, and good faith, we see the image of the irreclaimable Turkish barbarians who ten centuries later were to ex- tinguish the civilization of Europe. The attraction of Attila's daring character, and his genius for the war which nomadic tribes delight in, gave him absolute ascendency over his nation, and over the Teutonic and Slavonic tribes near him. Like other conquerors of his race, he imagined and attempted an empire of ra- vage and desolation, a vast hunting ground and preserve. 22 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. in which men and their works should supply the ob- jects and zest of the chase. The one power on earth was to be the terror of Attila's name. The one pe- nalty of disobedience and opposition was to be the edge of Attila's sword. He humbled and made subjects of the barbarians round him. He insulted and ravaged the Eastern empire up to the walls of Constantinople. He revived the old feud with the Visigoths. 433-441. Then he picked a quarrel with Valentinian HI. and the Court of Ravenna. He claimed some Church spoils, said to have been stolen. He claimed Honoria, the sister of the Emperor, as his betrothed bride. Keen and shrewd in his views of policy, he en- tered into an alliance with Genseric and the Vandals of Africa, who were to attack Italy. Ard at last affecting to be the soldier of the empire against the rebellious Visigoths, at the head of the ferocious horsemen whom for years he had been gathering round him in the plains between the Theyss and the Danube, where his wooden city and wooden palace were built, he burst with the speed and terror of a tempest on central and western Europe. He passed through Germany into Gaul, sweeping along with him in his course, as confederates or subjects, a mixed multitude of many races, and visiting with im- partial havoc and slaughter, the Roman cities and the Gothic settlements. Romans and Goths forgot their own quarrels in their panic and distress. The ablest of Roman generals, Aetius, and the most powerful of the Gothic kings, Theodoric of Toulouse, joined June 23, 451. , . r ' 1 1 • • • theirtorces, and were onlyjust m time to save Orleans, and prevent the host of the Huns from burst- ing the barrier of the Loire. Attila retired and waited for them in the plains of Chalons, plains made by nature, 453- Attila — Battle of Cha 'ons. 23 and used in our own days, for the encampment of great armies. The wild and tremendous battle of Chalons stayed the advance of the Huns 001^45^ into Gaul. But it did not stay the raging torrent from pouring over Italy. There was no one to relieve Aquileia as Orleans had been relieved. Aquileia perished, and many of its sister cities of the north of Italy. This absolute destruction of homes and cities, and the searching and unsparing keenness of the sword of Attila, from which there was neither refuge or mercy, drove the miserable remnant of the population of the mainland to seek their only escape in the islands and lagoons. The fugitives knew not what they were pre- paring ; out of this scattered remnant and the lagoons which sheltered them, Venice arose. Attila advanced towards Rome. The conqueror of Chalons, Aetius, hung on his march, but was unable to arrest him. But Attila's army was suffering from exhaustion and disease, and he yielded, at least, for the time, to the supplications and offers of the Roman ambassadors, one of whom was the great Pope Leo. One of the conditions of peace, and the most shameful one, was that he should add a Roman princess of imperial rank to the crowd of his innumera- ble wives. But it was not to be. He retired to recruit himself in his wooden village in the open plains between the Thevss and the Danube, and he was cut 453. off by a sudden and mysterious death. His empire had no territorial basis, and fell to pieces at his death. His sons were less able robber chiefs than their father, and they soon disappeared from his- tory. German legends softened him into the King Etzel of the Nibelungen Lied. The Latin tra- ditions of Gaul gave him the name of the Scourge of God, and supposed that he gloried in it. The remains 24 Begin/iifig of the Middle Ages. a. d. 453. of his horde retired eastwards, to reappear in the sixth century under the name of the Avars and, perhaps, the Bulgarians. But, in the desolations of Attila, the empire had learned a new experience of its helplessness Aetius and the victory of Chalons could save a province that in its chiefs and its interests was already more barbarian than Roman ; but they could not avert the humiliation of ransoming Rome by the most ignominious conditions. And what Attila had left for the tmie uncompleted, Gen- seric finished. In the respite gained by Attila's depar- ture, the Court of Ravenna was desolated by domestic outrages, and fierce quarrels. As Honorius, jealous of Stilicho, had put to death the conqueror of Alaric and Radagais, so Valentinian III., as incapable and even more vindictive than Honorius, was provoked by the pretensions of Aetius, and murdered with his own hand the vanquisher of Attila (454). The death of Stilicho had been followed by the sack of Rome by ' '' ^' Alaric. The death of Aetius v>'as followed not only by the assassination of the emperor and its train of usurpations and murders, but by a second sack of Rome, this time by the Vandals of Genseric. A Roman Count to avenge his wrongs had invited Genseric to Africa. A Roman Empress, Eudoxia, to Second sack . . . , of Rome, avengc her wrongs, mvUed the pn-ate-kmg June, 435. of Carthage to assault Rome. In the very year (455) in which the superstitious looked for the com- pletion of the fated twelve centuries of Roman power, a year after the murder of Aetius, the Vandal fleet from Carthage occupied the mouth of the Tiber. Genseric succeeded where Hannibal had failed, and completed Alaric's terrible chastisement of the sacred city, from which Attila himself two years before had shrunk. The A. D. 455. Second Sack of Rome by Gens eric. 25 intercession of Pope Leo, wliich had availed with At- tila, did not stay Genseric. It availed to prevent slaugh- ter, but the pillage was more unsparing, and the havoc more irremediable, than that under Alaric half a cen^ tury before. Genseric sailed away with the spoils of Rome, with the Empress Eudoxia and thousands of cap- tives, with trophies of his victory over all that was most venerable in the ancient world; the gilded titles of the Capitol, the golden table and the golden candlestick brought by Titus from Jerusalem. Two great arma- das were fitted out, one by the Emperor Majorian in the West (458-460), the other by the Emperor Leo in the East (468), to crush the Vandal power, and avenge the sack of Rome. Both were surprised in harbour, and destroyed by the fleets and fire ships of Genseric. The genius and more than the fortune of the 1 • J • 429-477. old Carthaginian heroes seemed revived m the barbarian king. For nearly fifty years he insulted and humbled Rome ; and he lived to see the extinction of the empire of the We-^t But this extinction of the Western empire was ulti- mately determined by fatal changes in the state itself. There, too, finally and irrevocably, though _ , . J. . - . i- Barbarian at first under the disguise of ancient forms, "Patricians." the barbarian had forced his way, and es- tablished himself first in the control, and then in the possession, of whit political power still remained to Italy and Rome. The emperors had derived their titles either from hsreditary claims, or from their own bold enter- prise, or from the choice of the senate or army, or from the nomination of an imperial colleague. Yxom. Avi- But in the course of the last *wenty years Remains" of the Western empire, this power of Augustulus, choosing the emperor passed into the 26 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 455-476. hands of the barbarian "Patricians" in the West, a title of high dignity invented by Constantine, and now given to the chiefs of the foreign troops, mostly recruited from the tribes of Germany and the Danube, who were the strength of the armies of Rome, and had become its real masters. In the last years of Theodosius, Arbogast, the Frank chief of the military levies of the ^^^ ^^ ' West, after murdering his master, the boy- emperor Valentinian II., had attempted to make an em- peror of his own creature, Eugenius ; but Theodosius was still alive, and the attempt was signally punished. After the second siege of Rome, Alaric had imposed an emperor, Attains, on the Roman Senate as the rival of Honorius. The step was intended to put a pressure on Honorius; but Alaric used his nominee as if to make sport for himself; and the majesty of the greatest of earthly names suffered its last and fi/.tal indignity, when the Emperor Attalus, at the caprice and convenience of a barbarian patron, was, to use Gibbon's *^ ' words, " promoted, degraded, insulted, re- stored, again degraded, and again insulted, and finally abandoned to his fate," the contemptuous revenge of his rival. The precedent set by Alaric was not lost. After the death of Valentinian III., the unworthy grandson of the great Theodosius, the first thought of the barbarian chiefs was, not to destroy or usurp the Imperial name, •but to secure to themselves the nomination of the em- peror. Avitus, chosen in Gaul under the influence of the West Gothic King of Toulouse, Theo- ^^^' deric II., was accepted for a time, as the Western emperor, by the Roman Senate, and by the Court of Constantinople. But another barbarian, Rici- mer the Sueve, ambitious, successful, and popular, had A . D . 4 7 2 . Third Sack of Rome. 2 7 succeeded to the command of the "federated" foreign bands which formed the strength of the imperial army in Italy. Ricimer would not be a king, but he adopted as a settled policy the expedient, or the insulting jest, of Alaric. What Theoderic the Visi-Goth had given at a distance in Gaul, Ricimer the Sueve, the master general of the Italian armies of the empire, claimed to give on the spot, at Rome. He deposed Avitus, and probably murdered him. Under his direction, the Senate chose Majorian. Majorian was too able, too public-spirited, perhaps too independent for the barbarian Patrician ; Majorian, at a moment of ill-fortune, was deposed and got rid of. Ricimer's next nominee, Severus, seems to have been too feeble and incapa- '*^^''* ^' ble for his impatient master; at any rate, he is reported to have been made away with. Then, at a moment of extreme danger, in the hope of assistance from Leo, the Eastern emperor, against the attacks of Genseric, Rici- mer accepted an emperor, chosen at Constantinople, the Greek Anthemius, whose daughter he married. But Anthemius was not content to be simply the tool and the screen of the Patrician. Cool- "* ^' ness and jealousies followed ; Ricimer determined on a quarrel, and all attempts to reconcile them failed. Rici- mer set up his fourth emperor, Olybrius, and at the head of a barbarian army attacked and slew Anthemius. For the third time Rome was stormed and de-' Third sack livered over to a foreign soldiery, in this of Rome, case nominally in her own service. Rici- mer and Olybrius both died a few months afterwards, and the empire in the West was left without its nominal or real head. A refugee Burgundian king, Ricimer's nephew, Gundobad, whom Ricimer had protected, and who cared little for anything but his lost Burgundian in- D 28 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 476. heritance, found himself successor to Ricimer as Patri- cian in Italy. The Patrician Gundobad, following Rici- mer's example, conferred the title of Augustus on an officer of the imperial guard, Glycerius. It is hard to imagine anythmg more grotesque in circumstances, and more tragical in its substance, than the chance of a Bur- gundian fugitive having, by the accident of the moment, the business thrust upon him of disposing of the majesty of the empire, and of looking out in Ricimer's mixed host for a successor to the honours of the mighty line of men who had ruled from Augustus to Constantine. But the extravagance of ignominy was not exhausted. A rival emperor, Julius Nepos, compelled Gly- 473-474- cerius to exchange the inheritance of the Caesars for the bishopric of Salona ; again, the bishop of Salona in due time found his fallen rival Nepos in his power, and murdered him. In the next turn of fortune, a former secretary of Attila, Orestes, had become Patri- cian, and general of the barbarian troops ; like Ricimer, not caring or not venturing to become emperor himself, he proclaimed his son emperor, to whom by a strange chance, as if in mockery of his for- tune, had been given the names of the first king and the first emperor of Rome, Romulus Augustus, soon turned in derision into the diminutive " Augustulus." But Ores- tes failed to play the part of Ricimer. A younger and more daring barbarian adventurer, Odoacer the Herule, or Rugian, bid higher for the allegiance of the army. Orestes was slain, and the young emperor was left to the mercy of Odoacer. In singular and signifi- ^'^' cant contrast to the common Ubage when a pretender fell, Romulus Augustulus was spared. He was made to abdicate in legal form; and the Roman Senate at the dictation of Odoacer, officially signified to the A. D. 476. Atigustulus^ Last Western Emperor. 29 Eastern emperor, Zeno, their resolution that the separate Western Empire should cease, and their recognition of the one emperor at Constantinople, who should be su- preme over West and East. Amid the ruin of the em- pire and the state, the dethroned emperor passed his days, in such luxurious ease as the times allowed, at the Villa of LucuUus at Misenum; and Odoacer, taking the Teutonic title of king, sent to the emperor at Constanti- nople the imperial crown and robe which were to be worn no more at Rome or Ravenna for more than three hundred years. Thus in the year 476 ended the Roman empire, or rather, the line of Roman emperors, in the West. Thus it had become clear that the foundations of ^ , ^^ End of Em- human life and society, which had seemed pire in the . West. under the first emperors eternal, had given way. The Roman empire was not the ^last word' in the history of the world ; but either the world was in danger of falling into chaos, or else new forms of life were yet to appear, new ideas of government and national existence were to struggle with the old for the mastery. The Avorld was not falling into chaos. Europe, which seemed to have lost its guidance and its hope of civiliza- tion in losing the empire, was on the threshold of a his- tory far grander than that of Rom.e, and was about to start in a career of civilization to which that of Rome was rude and unprogressive. In the great break-up of the empire in the West, some parts of its system lasted, others disappeared. What lasted was the idea of muni- cipal government, the Christian Church, the obstinate evil of slavery. What disappeared was the central pow- er, the imperial and universal Roman citizenship, the exclusive rule of the Roman law, the old Roman pagan- ism, the Roman administration, the Roman schools oi 30 Beginning of the Middle Ages. A. D. 476. literature. Part of these revived ; the idea of central power under Charles the Great, and Otto his great succes- sor ; the appreciation of law, though not exclusively Ro- man law ; the schools of learning. And under these conditions the new nations — some of mixed races, as in France, Spain, and Italy; others simple and homoge- neous, as in Germany, England, and the Scandinavian peninsula — began their apprenticeship of civilization. But the time of preparation was long. The world had long to wait for the ripening of the seed which was so widely sown, and which was in due season to bear such rich fruit. In the first five centuries after Western Eu- rope had passed from Roman to barbarian rule, two great stages are perceptible in the course of events. In the first stage, we see the confusion and disturbance at- tending on the new settlement, which everywhere took the shape of invasion ; but the materials were being gathered and made ready to form the new society which was to arise. In the second stage, we see the attempts to organize these materials, to give distinctness to the different forms of national life, to introduce order, law, and fixed constitutional habits in the new nations, at- tempts which culminated in the revived empire of Charles the Great. To trace the course of European his- tory through these two stages is the object of the follow- ing sketch . CHAPTER II. THE TWO NATIONS. The disappearance of the emperors of the West did not mean the complete and immediate disappearance of the laws, ideas, and political organization of the Roman A. D. 476. The New Nations. 31 empire in Europe. These went on, for a time, in ap- pearance almost unchanged, and it was only by degrees and by successive shocks, that the old order gave place to the new one, which was now beginning. Odoacer was the most powerful man in kingdom In Italy, without even a nominal rival. But ^^^}'^\ subordi- •^ ' nate to the Odoacer was not emperor. He was only a tmpire. Teutonic king, without even a special and national, much less a territorial' title. He was a "king of nations," of a mixed army, among whom he had divided the third part of the lands of Italy; while to the Italians he was the Roman "Patrician," appointed by the distant emperor at Constantinople over the "dio- cese " of Italy. The name and place of emperor were void in the West. But there never was a time, from 476 to 800, when the Roman empire was supposed not to exist. There was still for some time the Roman Senate, the Roman Consulship, the Roman Praetorian prefect ; the Roman municipal and financial administration, the Roman law, by which life was ruled, when this law did not come into conflict with the policy, the usages, the will of the new masters. And though there was no longer an emperor in the West, there was still a Roman emperor, the emperor who ruled at Constantinople, the greatest and most majestic personage in the world, who, though far off, and busily occupied with affairs of his own, had not relinquished his claims to recognition and allegiance in the West, and continued to assert them, sometimes with strength and success. But though at the time the greatness of the change was obscured by the stubborn tenacity of many surviving parts of the strong Roman organization, the old imperial system had really passed away, and the new national system, which was henceforth to prevail in Europe, had come into ex- 32 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 476. istence. The empire had begun to giv^e place to a num- ber of new kingdoms, or attempted kingdoms, which, though they sometimes sought a formal recognition from Constantinople, had no longer to reckon seriously w'th the central authority, but only with one another, for their limits and power. When they encountered, as they did sometimes with fatal result, the forces of the Eastern empire, the barbarians were no longer the inva- ders but the invaded, protecting what had become their own from a foreign foe, not really resisting the authority or encroaching on the dominions of the successors of the Caesars. In the hundred years which follovv'cd the fall of the empire, years of wild confusion and havoc, amid which ^ are seen the first efforts after reorganization Iwo great . questi ns, and Order, two great questions emerge and afier fall of the ... , . . ^ ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ Western em- givc mtcrcst to a sccnc HI which we should i^^Rivairv be- Otherwise see nothing but the shock of con- tween Gothic flictmg barbarisms. One was the question ar.d Frank * . ^ races. whicli of thc two great Teutonic races, the Catholic creed Goths, or their rivals, the Franks, should be 2nd Aria^ism. ^.^^^ ruling racc of the West. The other, de- pendent on the first, was, which should be the creed of Europe, the Catholic faith, or Arianism. In the deci- sion of these two questions so eventful and so critical, the whole significance of the history centres. Odoacer, the chief of an army composed of several Teutonic races, was, in fact, though not in name, the first king of Italy. But in him thc barbarian chieftain hardly rose above the level of a successful soldier; the qualities of a statesman first showed themselves in his conqueror and successor, the famous Theoderic. Theo- deric was the hereditary chieftain of a tribe of the Eastern Goths, whom the' easy success and prosperity A. D. 493-526. Gothic Kingdom in Italy. -^Z cf Odoacer tempted from their wasted seats , , ,^ , T • , 1 • 1 Theoderic by the UanuDe, to dispute with' him the ihe tast great prize of Italy. The Gothic race had founJer^of a the start of all the barbarians in culture, in Teutonic ' state in apparent aptitude for civil life, in gentleness Italy. of manners. They had been longer than any others established in portions of the provinces, as allies and subjects of the state ; and it might have seemed that of all they were most adapted to reinvigorate and restore, without destroying, what had become degenerate and enfeebled. Theoderic added to the daring and energy of a Gothic chief the knowledge gained by a civilized education at Constantinople. He was the head, not of a chance army of mixed races, but of a homogeneous tribe which reverenced in his family, the race of the Amals, a royal line. And he was the first of the Teutonic conque- rors who attempted to carry out the idea not merely of administering a conquest, but of founding and governing a state. His distinct policy was to unite Goths and Ital- ians into one people, without breaking down the customs or the special privileges of either. If Goths were his soldiers, Latins were his counsellors and administrators; and he chose these among :^^^l^ '"^' the best and ablest of the Latins, men like Symmachus, Boethius, Symmachus, and Cassiodorus. Cassi doms Theoderic fixed his royal residence some- times at Verona, but mainly at Ravenna, the capital of the last Western emperors since Honorius. The first of the Teutonic kings, he caught from the Romans their taste for that great art in which the Teutonic family was in time to become so famous, and which was to preserve the Gothic name when the Gothic nations had disap- peared. In the churches which he built at Ravenna, in his palace; -in his tomb, he emulated the. massive gran- 34 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 413-534. deur of the Roman builders. The kingdom of Theode- ric, of which the seat was in Italy, while its more loosely governed borderlands stretched from Gaul to the Dan- ube, exercised a new and commanding influence in the group of Teutonic States which were growing up in the West. In Theoderic we have, perhaps, the first exam- ple of a definite policy of domestic alliances for public ends. He connected his house with all the German kings of the West, West Goths, Burgundians, Franks, Vandals, Thuringians. We have a curious and instruC' tive picture of the internal administration of the new Gothic kingdom, in its various departments, preserved in a large collection of the business letters of Cassiodo- rus, Theoderic's Latin secretary and minister. Theode- ric's reign of thirty-three years, stained though it was at its close by strange outbreaks of suspicious cruelty, was the first example of a real effort on a large scale, made by the Teutonic conquerors, to pass from barbarism to civilization, to create, out of their conquests, " a father- land, a city, and a state.'' It was an attempt to give body and form, however rudely and imperfectly, to the new idea of a Christian kingdom and country, which was to supplant the idea which had hitherto held ex- clusive possession of men's minds, that of the Roman empire. In the other Teutonic kingdoms which had come into existence in the fifth century, though in none of them was seen the statesmanship and large attempts of Theo- deric, the same tendency was at work towards distinct- ness and consolidation. Gundobad (491-516), the Bur- gundian refugee in Ricimer's camp, whom a strange Burgundian chancc had once invested with the power of kingdom. giving an emperor to the West, had, after bloody domestic quarrels, returned to intro- A. D. 400-500. Wes/ Gothic Kingdom i7i Gaul. 35 duce some kind of law and order in his kingdom on the Rhone and Saone. The Vandal kingdom in Africa, founded, and so long sustained, by the craf- ty and relentless policy of Genseric, still kingdom, retained the impress given to it by its found- '^^^ ^^^' er, in being the most oppressive to the Roman population of all the barbarian kingdoms, and by being least influ- enced by their civilization. The kingdom of the West- ern Goths, the people of Alaric, settled in Spain and Aquitaine, with Toulouse and West Gothic ^ . . . kingdom Bordeaux for their capitals, had grown in in Gaul, power and extent during the last disasters of the empire. One of the last acts of the imperial govern- ment, in the very agony of its dissolution, was to sur- render to the Gothic king, Euric,the volcanic hisfhlands of Auvcrgne, the last refuge in ?y Nepos, . . 11 474' the midst of his dominions of Latin culture and independence. Euric ruled over the greater part of southern Gaul and a part of Spain, and in renown and pretensions, and in a measure, ^ ^ ^ too, in his attempts to adjust, by definite law, the rela- tions of conquerors and conquered, was a counterpart, though an imperfect one, of the great king who was to create the sister kingdom of the East Goths at Ravenna. These were all Gothic kingdoms, or were connected with the Gothic migration and settlement; and to the Gothic race, on the extinction of the empire, the inheri- tance of its power seemed to have fallen. And besides the tie of race and neighbourhood, these first founders of the nations of the West and South, who had not only broken up the Roman empire, but had parcelled it out as colonists and settlers, were also bound together by the tie of religion. Goths, Burgundians, Vandals, were already Christians, when they conquered and divided the ;^6 Begifining of the Middle Ages. a. d. 400-500. lands of the empire. They had mostly been converted beyond tho limits of the Western empire; and they car- ried with them their own bishops, and their Gothic Bible, ^.^. the translation of Ulfila (310-380), the oldest written literature in any Teutonic tonjue. But they had been converted and had received their Christianity on the borders of the Greek provinces of the empire, at a time when the court religion Arianism of ^x Constantinople, under Constantius, was the (joths. i Arianism (337-361). The earliest Teutonic kingdoms of Christendom were Arian, either tolerant, as under Theoderic, or systematically and unsparingly per- secuting, as with the Vandals, and sometimes the West Goths. In either case, they were attached to their creed, if only as a national distinction from the Roman popula- tion. In these Gothic kingdoms, not only new political powers were forming, but a new religious power, the ri- val of the Catholic Church, was making its appearance in the West. This new religious power, Arianism, came into conflict, with religious beliefs which had already taken the firmest hold on the Latin population in the West and in Africa, and it threatened whatever was deepest and most cherished in their convictions. But this Gothic supremacy was soon challenged. While their Arian creed placed them in permanent opposition to the Catholic bishops, who, in the break up of the empire, had become the real leaders of the Latin popula- tion, other Teutonic tribes, later in the race of conquest, fresh from their old habits of savage war, and still re- taining their heathen religion and their untamed ferocity, came into the field to claim their part in the spoils of the empire. In the revolutions which followed, it was no longer simply the Latin race against the Teutonic, but different members of -the Teutonic stock against one A. D. 481-5 1 1. The Franks. Cloiis. ^'j another. And to the rivahy and feuds of races, nearly aUied, but strongly opposed in interests and habits, was added also the opposition of creeds. A race, not new to the wars and troubles of the later empire, was rising into importance in the north-east of Gaul, which was to dispute, and finally overthrow, the predominance of the Goths, and give a different turn to the course of Western history. This race, the Franks, was also a Teutonic one. Up to the middle of the century, they had made com- paratively but little figure in the events of the time. They had been loyal to the empire, they had furnished some of the best soldiers to the armies of Stilicho and Aetius ; they had suffered in the rush and pressure of the invading Vandals, and still more of the Huns ; but when the empire could no longer defend itself, they had not thought it necessary to keep within their earlier limits. The Salian Franks had pushed down from the Batavian and Frisian marshes, to the rivers and valleys of north-eastern Gaul. The Ripuarian Franks advanced to the country of the Meuse and Moselle. The Salian Franks had even associated a Roman or a Romanized Gaul, Aegidius, with their native chief in the leadership of the tribe. But in the year 481, the native leadership passed into the hands of a chief ' who would not endure a Roman colleague, or the nar- row limits within which, in the general turmoil of the world, his tribe was cramped. He is known to history by the name of Clovis, or Chlodvig, which through many transformations, became the later Ludwig and Louis. Clovis soon made himself feared as the most ambitious, the most unscrupulous, and the most energetic of the new Teutonic founders of states. Ten years after the fall of the Western empire, seven years before the rise ;^S Beginning of the Middle Ages. A. d. 481-5 ii. of the Gothic kingdom of Theoderic, Clovis challenged the Roman Patrician, Syagrius of Soissons, who had ^ , r^ . succeeded to Aegidius, defeated him in a Battle of Sois- . . sons, 486. pitched field, at Nogent near Soissons (486), EatMeof ^nd finally crushed Latin rivalry in northern Toib.ac,496. Q^^^^ -pcn ycars later (496), in another famous battle, Tolbiac (Ziilpich), near Cologne, he also crushed Teutonic rivalry, and established his supremacy over the kindred Alamanni of the Upper Rhine. Then he turned himself with bitter hostility against the Gothic power in Gaul. The Franks hated the Goths, as the ruder and fiercer of the same stock hate those who are a degree above them in the arts of peace, and are sup- posed to be below them in courage and the pursuits of war. There was another cause of antipathy. The Goths were zealous Arians ; and Clovis, under the influence of his wife Clotildis, the niece of the Burgundian Gundo- bad, and in consequence, it is said of a vow made in battle at Tolbiac, had received Catholic baptism from St, Remigius of Rheims. The Frank king threw his sword into the scale against the Arian cause, and became the champion and hope of the Catholic population all over Gaul. Clovis was victorious. He crippled defeated by the Burgundian kingdom (500), which was Clovis. 500. finally destroyed by his sons (534). In a battle near Poitiers, he broke the power of the West Goths in Gaul; he drove them out of Aqui- lon, near Poi- taine, leaving them but a narrow slip of tie s, 597. coast, to seek their last settlement and rest- ing-place in Spain; and when he died, he was recog- nized by all the world, by Theoderic, by the Eastern em- peror, who honoured him with the title of ^"' the consulship, as the master of Gaul. Nor w?'' his a temporary conquest. The kingdom of the A-B. jji'j-^h^. Justinian, Belisarius, Narses, 39 West Goths and the Burgundians had become the king- dom of the Franks. The invaders had at length ar- rived, who were to remain. It was decided that the Franks, and not the Goths, were to direct the future des- tinies of Gaul and Germany, and that the Catholic faith, and not Arianism, was to be the religion of these great realms. Burgundy, which was half Teutonic, was united like the Latin Aquitaine and Provence, to the fortunes of the Franks. In Spain only did the Gothic conquest, the Gothic power, the Gothic civilization, and for a time, the Gothic Arianism, maintain themselves. In the middle of the sixth century the Eastern empire, under one of the greatest of its rulers, Justi- nian, once more put forth its still enormous Ju-tmian. • 1 • 11 527-565. strength, and mamtamed its unabated claims by a revival of military enterprise and prowess, not unworthy of the most famous days of Rome. Beli- sarius showed that Roman generalship was not extinct. By him the Vandal settlement in Africa was broken up and destroyed (534). While Theoderic lived, the Gothic kingdom of Italy was respected by the emperor ; but the discord among the Goths themselves which followed his death showed how much the Gothic power in Italy had depended on one man. The empire revived its claim to the allegiance of Italy. The Gothic chiefs were defeated or slain, and the kingdom of Theoderic finally overthrown by another of Justinian's victorious generals, the Armenian Narses (553). Under these great sol- diers it seemed as if the Teutonic settlements in the West were about to be rudely shaken. Roman soldiers taught their old terrible lessons not merely to the Van- dals of Africa and the Goths of Italy, but to the invading Alamanni from Germany, and the warlike Franks from Gaul (556). In Italy, at least, for fourteen years (553- 40 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 567 567), till after Justinian and Belisarius were dead, the authority of the Roman empire exercised by N arses under the name of the Exarch of Italy, or, as it is somti- times called, of Ravenna, was once more established and obeyed. And though neither the limits of the Ex- archate, nor the power of the Exarch, were afterwards what they had been under the first Exarch, Narses, the name, which continued for nearly two centuries, desig- nated the last remaining territory, with the exception of the great Mediterranean islands, and for a time, of some portions of Spain, which the Roman emperors could claim as their own in the West. The conquests of Justinian's generals were brilliant but barren triumphs. They were the last efforts of the empire in the West, and there was not enough in the conditions of its society and government, apart from the accidental and personal qualifications of its rulers and generals, to sustain them. The course of the Teutonic invasions and settlements was interrupted and distuibed, — diverted, but not arrested. The victories of Belisa- rius and Narses, and the overthrow of the Goths in Italy, were immediately followed by the irruptions and con- quests of the Lombards. The Longobards (softened into the Lombards) were the last of the Teutonic invaders who settled in the western territories of the Roman Empire. Wcls^°"^' They were a German tribe, whom the usual causes of barbarian migration had brought from the banks of the Oder to the great stream along which so many barbarian races and federations had halted, and from which they had started on their final conquests. On the Danube they had, like the Goths of Alaric and Theoderic, met other rival barbarians and the powers of the Eastern empire. Like Alaric and A. D. 567-775. The Lombards, 41 Theoderic, Alboin, the adventurous king of the Lom- bards, instead of pursuing the course of the feuds, alhan- ces, and rivah-ies with his barbarian neighbours, sought a new field for his ambition in a reconquest of Italy to the Teutonic occupation. The Gothic ^ ^^^" kingdom had been finally beaten down and destroyed. Belisarius was dead (565). Narses, suspected and super- seded, if he did not invite the Lombard invaders, no longer commanded the Roman armies, and died about the time of the invasion (568). Alboin, with associates from many German tribes, attacked, overran, and occu- pied a great portion of Italy. Ravenna, and the mari- time cities as far as Ancona, with Rome, Naples, and Venice, were still preserved to the allegiance of the em- peror, and acknowledged the authority of the exarch at Ravenna. But the rest of Italy came under the domi- nion of the Lombard king; his numerous "dukes," almost independent chiefs, seized each his city or large territory; the Teutonic ascendency, overthrown in the overthrow of the Gothic kingdom, was again established in Italy. Lombard kings reigned, legislated, and ad- ministered at Pavia, as Theoderic had done at Ravenna and Verona; and the kingdom of the Lombards, set up in the very home of the Latin race, took for two hundred years the place which the ^9^ 55 v -' _ 1 _ 568-774. Gothic kingdom, founded by the genius of Theoderic, had only been able to keep for sixty. But Italy was never completely subdued, like Gaul, Spain, or Britain. To the last, there were three capitals, centres of national feeling and influence. Besides the Lombard capital of Pavia, and the Greek capital of Ra- venna, there was the Italian capital of Rom e^ nominally acknowledging the Greek emperor, but for the most part, isolated, and growing under the popes into a sense 42 B'.-'^hining of the Middle Ages. A. D. 567-774. of exceptional independence. The Latin population of Italy was more obstinate than those of Gaul and Spain, in its aversion to foreigners, and in its national pride. The Lombards are said to have been harshest and most cruel of the barbarian conquerors of Italy. The Lom- bards, as long as they were there, always stronger than the Greeks and Italians, were yet never strong enough to get the land and the people into their grasp. They broke up, soon after Alboin's death, into thirty-six inde- pendent dukedoms, mostly in single cities; and though the confusion and anarchy resulting from this drove them after ten years again to make one of these dukes their king, the Lombards failed to establish a settled kingdom. They were always less closely connected with their subjects, and more loosely united among themselves, than their Teutonic neighbours. With Rome, preserving the Italian traditions and keeping up Italian memories, they continued to be barbarian and oppres- sive strangers, as despised as they were hated and feared. Not even their conversion from Arianism, under Agilulf (590-615), begun under the influence of a religious queen like Clotildis and Bertha, the Bavarian Theude- linda, and seconded by Pope Gregory the Great, could reconcile the two races. There was a semblance of or- ganization ; a division into provinces, an Austria and a Neustria, as among the Franks, a Tuscia, as in Roman times. The Lombard kings collected the "laws of the Lombards," and promulgated regulations on the rela- tions between Italians and Lombards But the real masters were the great Lombard dukes, dukes of Spoleto, Benevento, Friuli, who made war among themselves and on the king^ and who with the kingharried and torment- ed whatever was not in their domain. The Lombard history had its romantic adventures, but was void of A. D. 400-800. Frotn the Empire to Middle Ages, 43 political interest or success. There is no sign, even to the last, of their hold on Italy. The Lombards gave their name permanently to one of the noblest of Italian provinces, and they left their mark deeply on the laws, the customs, the manners, the familiar names of Italy. And in Italy their line of kings bridged over the interval from the days of Justinian, Belisarius, and Narses, to those of Charles the Great. But the Lombard settle- ment in Italy, like the Gothic state of Theoderic, fell before a foreign conqueror ; and after having lasted longer than the Gothic andV^andal kingdoms, like them, it ultimately failed. Thus began the newer ages of Western Europe. They began in the ruins of the old state of things. The change was not a gradual passage, such as is always going on in the ordinary course of history. The times from the fifth to the eighth century, offer an example of a real catastrophe of strange and rare violence in the progress Of mankind. On such a scale and with siich results it has only happened once. It stands alone, as far as we know, among the revolutions and changes, of the world. Islam, which was most like it, though it was the change of a religion, yet left Asiatic civihzation, and, for the most part, the populations of Asia, where it found them. Changes as great have been since, but they have been gradual. Convulsions almost as terrific have also happened ; but they have been partial. But then, for more than three centuries, it seems as if the world and human society had been hopelessly wrecked, without prospect or hope of escape. And what gave to this misery additional bitterness, was that there was al- ways a considerable number of persons, sufficiently im- bued with the ideas and imagination of a happier time, to be alive to the contrast, and to feel moie acutely the 44 Beginfiing of the Middle Ages. a. d. 400-800. wretchedness and despair of the present. The language of the Psahiis alone adequately represents such feelings: " The earth is moved, the hills are carried into the midst of the sea. All the foundations of the earth are out of course." Just as the present crust of the earth on which we dwell is built of the ruins of former ones, as our mountains and plains are the remains and wreck of an elder world, so nations stand on the relics and survivals of older natural and political organizations, broken up and shattered, but not annihilated. We plant our corn and Avine on the debris of primeval rocks. Ancient sea bottoms are our fields, and the sites of our cities. The clay ol which our bricks are moulded was poured forth in subglacial streams from long melted glaciers. The stones of which our homes are built are cut out oi strata deposited in oceans which have vanished, and beds heaved up and down in tremendous jars and shocks, far beyond our experience. So modern Europe has arisen out of three main elements : i. Disintegrated and ruined nations formed under the civilization of Greece and Rome ; 2. Altered, and, to use a geological term, "meta- morphic," Teutonic races, more or less modified by con- tact with the Roman world; 3. The organization and ideas and usages of the Christian Church. With the older civilizations of the world, India, Persia, Egypt, v/e have to do only indirectly. With the three elements present after the destruction of the Roman empire, v/e are in immediate relation ; we touch them. A. D. 400-800. Teutonic Or^anizaiion. ^2, CHAPTER III. CONDITION OF THE TEUTONIC SETTLEMENTS IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. The new settlers brought with them certain outhnes of organization. They came for the most part, not merely as armies but as tribes; and the tribal cha- racter became prominent in proportion as Teutonic or- ^ ' ganization. they settled. They came for the most part under kings, sometimes, apparently, of an ancient line, like the Amals among the Goths, somiCtimes chosen to conduct a war or to reward a conquest. The tribe con- sisted of freemen, with their dependents, and in time their slaves, though the course of events gradually caused changes in the power, the wealth, and the rank of indi- viduals; and freedom of person and of vote was long at the basis of Teutonic usages, though tempered by limit- ing customs and by accidental differences of strength and influence. They divided the land as they settled, either adopting the old divisions, like the Pagns [Pays], or the Civitas, with other indeterminate subdivisions in Gaul, or creating new ones of their own in the more purely Teutonic districts, the Gau, and the Mark in Ger- many. And as soon as they were settled, a hierarchy of chiefs grew up; Duces, "leaders of the host" [Ueer- zog), over the larger provinces, Comites [Graf), over the subordinate ones, leaders in war, magistrates in peace. The king had his special companions and faithful men. 4 3 B^'.ginnmg of the Middle Ages. A. D. 400-800. out of whom, as well as out of the local chiefs who were not dependent on the king, a 'nobility arose. The gath- ering once or twice a year of the free men, in the divi- sions of the kingdom and in the kingdom as a whole, brought them continually together, either to make war, or to sanction laws and decisions. And the land was partly public, held in common by the inhabitants of the district, whether great or small ; partly held in special occupation and tenancy from the community, but not as property by individual members ; and partly held by full right of property, subject or not to claims on it, pub- lic or private. In each Teutonic settlement, there were the old inhabitants and the new comers. Under varying conditions, often in the proportion of two-thirds to one- third of land or produce, the original population shared the soil with the conquering minority. And for the most part conquerors and conquered lived each under their ovv'n law. But the Teutonic nations, which, in the fifth century, had not merely invaded the empire, but had made per- manent settlements in it, found themselves under new conditions of life. They had exchanged their forests and wastes for a land of ancient cities and established cultivation, in which they were still, indeed above all things, warriors, whose trade and pride was fighting, yet no longer mere foes and destroyers, but settlers, or, as it was said, ** guests." The Germans, with all their bar- barian rudeness and wildness, were not, like the Huns, and the Turks afterwards, hopelessly alien in mind and spirit from the Romans whom they had conquered. They had also become more or less familiar with the more civilized races for whom, in the trial of strength, they had been too strong. Some of the German tribes, especially those of the Gothic stock, had come into con- A.D, 400-800. Influence of Chu7-ch on New Nations. 47 stant contact with the Romans, as soldiers in the impe- rial service, and sometimes in the court ; and further, most of these Gothic tribes had listened to the teachers and missionaries of Christianity, and had, in a partial and imperfect way, received it as their religion. When, therefore, they founded their new kingdoms in Gaul, in Spain, in Italy, the things about them were not absolutely strange to them. Still, when the time of comparative repose succeeded seuiements af- the excitement of conquering and of taking fected by three *• ° new( onditions possession, the conquerors found themselves in the life of under altered conditions of life. They found nations, themselves continually in the presence of three new sets of circumstances, which were from day to day impressing their minds, forcing on them new ideas, affecting their actions, favouring or interfering with their purposes ; and these, whether resisted or welcomed, were insensibly subjecting them to processes of change, gra- dual, prolonged, and sometimes intermitting, but very deep and very eventful. These changes were the be- ginnings, out of which by long waiting and painful steps and dreary reactions of anarchy and darkness, the new and progressive civilization of the European nations was to spring. The first of these influences was, the presence of the Christian Church ; the second, was the pre- sence of Roman law and its administrative religion!"^^ ° system ; the third, was the atmosphere of ^- ^^'•^• •' ' ' ... 3- ■Language. Latin language and conversation in which they lived, and its rivalries with their own Teutonic speech. I. At the period of the Teutonic settlement, the Chris- tion religion was rooted in the Latin world, and the Christian Church had insensibly attracted to itself the 48 Beginning of tJie Middle Ages. a. d. 400-800. p . . , authority with which men spontaneously in- the Church vest that which they reverence and trust at the time r^, , , . ^ • ^ oftheseule- -«■ he moral and. social power, which was "^^"'' slowly but surely slipping out of the hands of the empire, and even some measure of the political power which its officials were abdicating, was passing over to the chiefs of the religious society "^^^,_^\"^' which the empire had vainly combated, the tian bishops. ^ •' ' Christian bishops. Amid the ruins of the greatest pride and the greatest strength that the world had known, the Church alone stood erect and strong. In days when men relied only on force and violence, yet only to discover, time after time, that force alone could not give and secure power, the Church ruled by the word of persuasion, by example, by ]s:nowledge, by its higher view of life, by its obstinate hopes and visible beneficence, by its confidence in innocence, by its call to peace. The Church had faith in itself and its mission where all other faith had broken down. It might be afflicted and troubled by the disasters of the time, but its work was never arrested by them nor its courage abated. It still offered shelter and relief among the confusion, even after war had broken into its sanctuaries, and the sword had slaughtered its ministers ; it still persisted in holding out the light from heaven, when the air was filled with storm and darkness. In the Latin cities of Italy and Gaul, while public spirit and the sense of duty were failing, and the civil chiefs of society shrank from the dangerous burdens and troubles of office, the Chris- tian bishops, chosen by their people for qualities which men most respect, were, by virtue of these qualities, ready to accept the responsibilities which others gave up, and were taking informally the first place. It added to their influence that they were permanent in their ouice, A. D, 400-800. Christian Bishops. 49 and some of the most remarkable of them held it for a very long period, through rapid changes in the world without. Aviius, Bishop of Vienne for thirty-five years, from 490 to 525, helped to order the Burgundian king- dom, and witnessed iis fall. CiEsirius of Aries, in his forty years' episcopate (501-542), saw the power of the West pass from the Goths to the Franks, and the Gothic kingdom built up by Theoderic in Italy, overthrown by Belisarius; and both C^sarius and Avitus exercised great influence on the new society and its new masters. Remigius, who in 496, baptized Clovis and his Franks, in his episcopate of more than seventy years (461-533), saw the last days of the Western empire, and the victorious beginnings of the Merovingian line. In tinies of strife the bishops were mediators, ambassadors, peace-makers. In times of imminent danger men looked to them to face the peril, to intercede for the doomed, to cross, with no protection but their sacred character, the path of the destroyer. With the terrible and inflexible barbarians, who were deaf to Roman envoys and con- temptuous of Roman soldiers, with Ricimer, with Alaric, with Attila, with Genseric, the last word, the only word listened to, was that of a fearless bishop, like Pope Leo, asking nothing for himself, but in the name of the Most High that his people should be spared. Representatives, not of religion only and the claims of God, but of moral order, of the rights of conscience and the sympathies of men, of the bonds and authority of human society, the Christian bishops were, when the barbarians be- came settlers in the empire, the only trusted guides of life. Besides these majestic and commanding forms which were continually meeting the nev/ comers, in questions of peace and war, in council, in the intercourse of civil 5© Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 400-800. life, as ministers of peace, justice, and self- The religion control, there were also the influence and Itself. the results of the religion which they pro- fessed. It was a religion which allied the most over- whelming wonders and mysteries with the plainest and most uncompromising rules of action ; which, to the in- quisitive, opened thoughts undreamt of concerning the love, the greatness, the terrors of an unknown God, and Avhich taught men to be daring, heroic, and enduring, in the new way of severity to themselves, and boundless kindness and service to others. The barbarians coveted Roman wealth, they despised Roman strength ; but these bold and manly race$ could not be awed by what the Christian Church had saved and incorporated of ancient Roman force and greatness of mind, heightened by the spirit of a Divine teaching and purity, in her charity, her discipline, her self-devotion and public spirit. And this was embodied in a compact and steady organ- ization, which, while all else was reeling and changing, showed the world the strange spectacle of stability and growth. Barbarian chiefs, like Clovis the Frank, or Gundobad the Burgundian, dimly understood the spec- tacle before them, and the influences which acted on them ; and, doubtless, the spectacle was a confused one, and the influences were mixed ones. But it was plain to them, in that rude and wild time, that whatever there was on earth stronger than force and greater than kings, was in that Kingdom of Righteousness which the Chris- tian Church proclaimed, and attempted to reflect. Way- ward and intractable disciples, they broke Ayithout scru- ple its laws in their moments of passion, and trampled on its most sacred sanctions. Low and high notions were grotesquely intermixed in their efforts at duty. But they saw clearly and truly that in the Christian Church and A. D. 400-800. Effect (Pn the Church itself. 51 religion they had encountered a power of a different order from any that they had yet met with ; a power which they niust take account of, which was not afraid of them, and would always be in their path; which they must either accept and make terms with, or else at all hazards resolve to destroy and root out. For the most part they chose the former alternative. The immense influence of Christianity and the Church on the new nations is one of those mixed and complica- ted facts which it is hard adequately to ex- hibit, much less to analyze completely. It ihe^piaure^; was the source of £:ood and the guarantee detenora- *=" ° _ ting enect on of progress to them; it carried with it the the Church promise and hope of a nobler future. But the immediate effect of this contact of the barbarians with Christianity was to lower arjd injure Christianity. Christianity raised them, but it suffered itself in the effort. The clergy, and those responsible for the care of religion, in rude and disordered states of society, are often hardly judged by those who live later in calmer and more ex- perienced times. During the worst of the wild days which followed the Teutonic conquest, there were always to be found men deeply impressed with the sense of right, and with the truth and greatness of the Divine government, full of zeal for righteousness, and disinter- ested love for their brethren ; men who taught these lessons, and men who received them in sincerity. So- cially, the Church, as such, was always on the side of peace, on the side of industry, on the side of purity, on the side of liberty for the slave and protection for the oppressed. The monasteries were the only keepers of literary tradition ; they were, still more, great agricul- tural-colonies, clearing the wastes, and setting the ex- ample of improvement. They were the only seats of 52 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 400-800. human labor which could hope to be spared in those lands of perpetual war. In the religious teaching of the clergy, the great outlines and facts of this Christian creed were strongly and firmly drawn, and they were never obhteratcd, though often confused by lower and meaner admixtures, it was impossible to forget the Cross of Christ ; the appeal to Our Father went up in numberless tongues and dialects all over the West, from the ignorant and the miserable, from the barbarian war- rior, and perhaps his victim. But the religious aspect of the West was to be, for many centuries after the con- quest, a dark and deplorable one. From the moment that the barbarians became masters in the West, an im- mediate deterioration becomes manifest m the clergy, in their teaching, in their standard of conduct. There is a vast change from the generation of Churchmen in Gaul who had felt the influence of the powerful writers and earnest teachers of the fourth and fifth centuries — St. Hilary, St. Jerome, St. Leo, above all St. Augustine, and St. Augustine's strong and subtle antagonists, Faustus . ^ and Pelagius. Even from men like Prosper Prosper, f 463. . ■^ ^ Avitus,t525. of Aquitaine, Avitus of Vienne, Csesarius of Csesarius.f 542. * i 1 1 • 1 Aries, the descent is great to the next gene- ration in the sixth century, with their coarse and superfi- cial religion, their readiness to allow sin to buy itself off by prodigal gifts, the connivance by the best men at im- posture, its direct encouragement by the average. In the Church in Gaul under the Franks, of which Gregory of Tours (540-595) has left so curious a contemporary pic- ture, the hold of discipline on the people is seen to be of the slightest, the irregularity of all acts among the clergy is of the greatest. And these evils increased as the bishops increased in dignity and wealth. The breadth of land held and tilled by the clergy was a ben- A. D. 400-800. Contact with Roman Law. 53 efit to the country, but not to themselves. Their secu- larity and wide-spread corruption were the heavy price at which their hold on the barbarians, the only visible hope for the ultimate improvement of society, was pur- chased. 2. Further, the Teutonic settlers found themselves in the midst of a population long accustomed to the elabo- rate and fully developed system of Roman law, which had grown up out of the varied otThe*^* experience and the practised forethought of barbarians '■ '^ . " with ho . an a great people, and which provided natu- law and ad- ,, , Mr 1 11 minisiraiion. rally and easily for the numberless ques- tions of human life and intercourse. It is clear that Roman law greatly impressed them. They had brought with them their own unwritten customs from the other side of the Rhine, or from the banks of the Danube, according to which the rough Justice of a rude and inartificial state of society was administered. Each tribe had its own customs; and earlier or later after the settle- ment, in some cases very early, these customs, ex- pressed in Latin, were reduced to writing, and became, in contrast to the general Roman law, the peculiar law of each tribe or kingdom — the "law" of the Burgun- dians, Visigoths, Salian and Ripuarian Franks, Ala- manni, Bavarians, Lombards. These were at first rude attempts, mainly lists of offences and penalties, the penalties being for the most part money fines or com- pensations, according to the nationality or social rank of the injured person. But they expressly recognized for the Roman population, that is, for the larger part of the population, the Roman law. Some of the Teutonic kings, as Alaric, the West Goth (506), and Sigismund, the Burgundian (517), republished and resanctioned the Theodosian code, or selections from it, for the guidance 54 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 400-800. of their Roman subjects. The next step was to incorpo- rate in their own laws, as fresh cases arose and new questions had to be adjusted, provisions adopted from the Roman law. The great Theoderic, the East Goth, about 500, drew up, by the help of his Latin counsellors, his Edictuin, in which, borrowing from Roman princi- ples of law, he laid down rules for barbarians and Ro- mans alike, intended to teach respect for right and order, to protect the weak against the strong, and to guard the civilization [civilitas) which he so valued. And, finally, as in the law of the West Goths, (642-701), after they were confined to Spain, the two elements, Teutonic and Roman, were fused together into one general code of ti7'ritorial instead oi pL:7'sonal law, for a nation in which Goths and Romans had come to be looked upon as one people. Even while the special customs of each tribe were defined and maintained, there was yet always the consciousness of a larger and more universal law all round them — the vast system of laws, decrees, and judi- cial decisions which came down from the republic and the empire, and which, compared with the local laws of Franks or Goths, seemed like the general law of the world, as contrasted with the by-laws of some local association. This vast scientific apparatus of jurispru- dence was in the hands of the Latins, understood by them, still worked and administered by them, accom- plishing ends which the rough barbarian rules could not reach. The Teutonic settlers without fully under- standing the great instrument, were able to appreciate its power and advantages. Latin clerks put their Teu- tonic customs into the universal language. Latin ex- perts interpreted to their kings the Roman codes. In Spain Latin-speaking bishops, in the councils of Toledo, compiled and arranged the law of the West Goths. A.D. 400-500. The Ba7-banans and Roman Law. 55 In the north, under the Franks, the Roman municipal system, v/ith its magistrates and its forms, continued to act, only adjusted to a state of things in which the Teutonic count or bishop took the place of imperial presidents or consulars ; and the close Latin muni- cipality gradually pi^ssed into a more popular bod}^, which was to become the "commune," the "common- alty," of later times. In proportion as the Germans settled down to theconditionsofcivillife, bought and sold, built and planted, claimed rights or disputed them, made wills and inherited property, they came upon the Roman civil order, waiting for them ready made in all questions, with its strong principles and established rules. They found themselves, as Guizot expresses it, "caught in its meshes." Its influence varied greatly; but its traces are seen everywhere. And it was one of the chief means by which, in the union of the two races in the West and South, the Latin element gained more and more the ascendency. 3. Again, all these I'eutonic settlers, Goths, Burgun- dians, Franks, Lombards, found themselves in daily contact in the business of life with a Latin- speaking population, the leaders of which the"Teu°onic were more cultivated, and the inferior "^t'onswnh ' l.a m popu- classes more numerous than themselves, lat on, more 1171 1 ,- ,1 . . numerous Whether as masters or as fellow-citizens, and more whether profiting by Latin knowledge, or ^"^"^^t^^- employing the labour of their new dependents and slaves, thev were forced to know something of Latin ; not, of course, the literary Latin which we have in books, even in the books of the time, but the Latin spoken in daily life, as it must have existed even in the days of Cicero and Virgil, — the Latin spoken by the humble, coarse, and ignorant ; the Latin of soldiers, hus- 56 Beginning of iJie Middle Ages. a. d 400-Soo. bandmen, mechanics, foreign slaves, with its vulgaf idioms and pronunciation varying in different locahties, and with its varying admixtures of rude and outlandish expressions. The new masters could not deal with their woodsmen, their carpenters, their masons, on their posses- sions, without acquaintance with the provincial dialect in which the Latin of common life happened to be spoken on the spot. And whenever they had need of learning, — • political, legal, or ecclesiastical, in the services of the Church, in the courts, or in the lawyer's office — they found that learning had not attempted, and was hardly able, to speak in any other than the imperial speech of Rome. There was not yet strength enough in the German dia- lects, still reputed barbarous even by those who used them, to break the prescription of custom in favour of Latin, in business, in diplomacy, in all solemn and for- mal transactions. Their ancient speech, among Franks and Goths, remained the cherished sign of a conquering and dominant race. It was the language of the nursery and of the family, as long as the family kept itself Teu- tonic; it would have the preference in easy and intimate intercourse, as long as the boast of ancestry and blood remained in the court, or in the service of the court. But, besides that Franks and Goths, by degrees, mar- ried Latin wives — Gallic, Italian, Spanish — it was more and more the case that if the imported Teutonic was the language of predilection, the local Latin was the lan- guage of necessity and convenience. When one of the conquering race wanted to show temper or inflict insult, he might say that he did not understand Latin ; but he was in reality far too shrewd and too wise to cut himself off from what he knew to be one of his indispensable in- struments of power. For centuries, in the lands of the Teutonic conquests, two languages went on side by side, A. D. 400-Soo. Laiinizwg of TeiUonic Nations. 57 in proportions varying in different districts and different orders of society. Each acted on the other; but each remained distinct, borrowing words, or even forms, but keeping its own fundamental structure and elements. Where Goths, Franks, Lombards settled, the population must have been, in parts of it at least, more or less, bi- lingual. Two languages were in use, running a race for the mastery, as now in Wales and in Brittany, in many cantons of Switzerland, in parts of the United States and Canada, in Hungary and Bohemia, and in India ; till, at last, convenience, policy, accident, gave one or other the victory. So, unperceived at the time and silent, the struggle went on between the Teutonic and Latin lan- guages. The Teutonic had on its side the pride, not merely of rank, but of race and blood. On the ether hand, the Latin had three advantages. It had numbers ; it had, what the Teutonic had not yet, a written litera- ture ; and it had the Church, with its services, its schools, its legal forms, and its clerks. And, in a large portion of the Teutonic conquests, these were decisive, though the struggle was long. The end has been that victory has remained with the Latin, and its derivative languages, in the west and south of the continent of Europe. Thus, under influences such as these, helping or check- ing each other, a new society began to rise out of the ruins and fragments of the old. Germans and Romans each ceased to be what thev Reriprocai actions of all had been, to become something new and th sc influ- ences ; issuing different. The slow and often impercepti- in ihe revival ble process of change began which was to mocUfiedlorms build up again in many ages the order and °^ \. "" r^ ^5 -f ft Civilization. Stability of life which in the fall of the Ro- man empire seemed to have foundered ; the process which, often broken off, often ill-directed, often disap- 58 Beginning of the Middle Ages. A. D. 400-800. pointing in its results, was yet at last to fit the new na- tions to take the place of the empire, which their fathers had destroyed. And one remarkable feature of the change \vas the final prevalence of the Latin element, wherever it had originally established itself, over the Teutonic. It was steady and certain, how^ever protracted. There was a reconquest to Roman habits and sympa- thies, — to what a convenient mediaeval word designated as Rojnanitas or Latinitas — of the Latin provinces which the German conquerors had seized and made their own. It is plain that, from the first, no exclusion or principle of separation prevailed. The two races early began to work together, in war and in political administration ; and the Germans were wdlling to employ, even in places of high trust, the services w-hich Latins were willing to render. In Gaul especially, as far as can be judged from names which occur in the history of his times by Gregory of Tours, the proportion of Latins to Germans among the dukes, counts, patricians, and other officers of the Frank kings, especially those connected with the revenue, seems to be something more than two to three ; among the bishops and clergy, the names and the origin are at first almost exclusively Latin, and to the end of Gregory's history barbarian names among the high eccle- siastics are the exception. The character of the Franks as he pourtrays it, lent itself readily to this gradual mix- ture and fusion w^ith the Latin provincials. As warriors, they were among the most impetuous and formxidable of the German invaders. But they were eminently vain- glorious, light-minded, unsteady, and self-indulgent; and as they passed from the privations of their barbarian life, to an abundance and luxury unknown before, they would be singularly exposed to the fascinations and flatteries of a new form of society which had opened to them such A. D. 400-800. Decay of Knowledge and Culture. 59 new enjoyments. Still it was to be a long time before the Franks ceased to be, in spite of Roman influences, a Teutonic race. In Spain, the Goths yielded earlier to these influences. In Italy, the intrusive German ele» ment, more completely alien, and more passionately re- sisted, was vanquished or absorbed after the defeat of the Lombards. In Gaul, in the provinces south of the Loire, studded with great Latin cities, Bordeaux, Tou- louse, Lyons, Vienna, Aries, Nismes, with the half Greek and half Latin Massilia, the latinizing of the Franks went on faster and more completely than to the north of that river ; and it went on faster between the Loire and the Meuse, than between the Mouse and the Rhine. But though the end was a long way off, yet in the end, Gaul passed, through many intermediate steps from the Franks, the most Teutonic of Teutons, to the professed leaders of the Latin race, the chiefs of the " Romance " family of nations, the Frc7ich. Rome, which had latin- ized her conquered provinces, ultimately latinized also her German conquerors. But the transformation was a long one, and accom- panied with many disasters and many losses. In the civil as in the religious order of things, the downfall of Latin ascendancy, at the time of the Teutonic conquests, was the beginning of a dreary period of confusion, vio- lence, and ignorance. While the Franks and Goths were learning the rudiments of civilized social life, the Latins were losing it from the contact and predominance of a ruder people ; and the Latins were losing much more than at the time the Germans were gaining. In the sixth century, Latin literature, which had recently seen a real poet like Claudian, a philosopher like Boe- thius, and which scarcely a century before had seemed to be reviving in new power and life under the originality F 6o Beginning of the Middle Ages. a, d. and the eloquence of Augustine, rapidly sank into a dark- ness which was to last for ages. The generation which saw the fall of tne empire saw the sudden extinction of classical culture, and of all strong intellectual efforts. In the wild and turbulent days of the Frank, the Gothic, the Lombard kings, men had neither leisure nor heart for serious thought and study, much less for C. Sollms literary trifling and pastime, such as that Apolhnaris _ -^ ^ ^ Siuonius which amuscd a student of the Latin class- ics, like Sidonius, while Auvergne was quiet under the protection of Rome. .What writing there was, was for the immediate calls of the day. It was very abundant; it was often forcible and genuine; but the sense of order and beauty, the care for strength and grace, the power of handling language with a mastery over its resources, the discrimination of the weight and proportion of words, had passed away, along with the interest in all the deeper forms of intellectual inquiry and enterprise. Gregory of Tours laments quaintly and pathetically hi's bad grammar and unskilfulness in writ- ing — his false concords and wrong cases. Latin reading and writing were practised by none but those to whom they were the necessity of their profession, or the road to advancement. All but the monastic or cathedral schools seem to have disappeared in the barbarian con- quest. These guarded the records of literature ; and a great deal of composition proceeded from them. But it was composition which in its subjects was very mono- tonous, confined in range, and meagre in ideas ; while in execution, it became more and more coarse and rude, and in all but the most direct and primitive forms of expression, childishly helpless. There, indeed, in tell- in-5: 5 a w •r> « « J. p^3 « u ' — r— ' Mt; 6 « p S k;.B 3 •^ ^ KO fc ^3 3 O ^ c: U M u O sj-)- ■a fl 3 bo ii 3 ni2 ^ •-< O.B ! 3 " ^. . CO -^ r-) ^^ '^ o ^ ■ >-. "^ Ct3 E^ y O 1) rt u £ '^^ ^ t! 13 ^j:: : M VO VO •o u J^e^innhi^ of the Middle Ages. 3.;2 c o E- < o 'A > O M X >o ^d ^ — s; ujc u — . 2 _■ « _v -J " 3 D I— I in ■"5; <«~;^ o 'H-r-' ^^ o «-5 o ^"5 « V 2 c >» ~ -^ — ^ H K = o >. ^ to ^ u 3 "o ;:Q •= i; rt K Supremacy of the Franks in tJu West. ^5 CHAPTER V. SUPREMACY OF THE FRANKS IN THE WEST — THE ME- ROVINGIAN KINGS, DESCENDANTS OF CLOVIS — THE MAYORS OF THE PALACE — RISE OF THE CAROLINGIAN FAMILY. At the end of the sixth century, somewhat more than a hundred years from the abdication of the last Western emperor {476-600), the great change had been accom- phshed, by which, in all the western lands occupied by the empire, the public prerogatives, and the indirect powers of a ruling people, were transferred from the Latin to the German race. The Romans in the time of the empire had, in a degree unknown in the world be- fore, moulded the subject populations to their own like- ness and model. They Romanized the whole West, more or less. Everywhere as time went on, in increas- ing measure, from York to the Columns of Hercules, on the Rhone, on the Seine, on the Rhine, even in the val- leys of the Alps, their institutions, their laws, their edu- cation, their language, their buildings, their monuments, at last — when they adopted it — their Christianity, were the silent and continuous influences which assimilated life and thought and habits to the Italian type, as it had been developed by the marvellous history of Rome. It is scarcely possible to express the greatness of the change produced by the interruption of this process. It was in- terrupted by what is called the invasion of the barbarians. Barbarians they certainly were, who broke in upon the 76 Beginning of tJie Middle Ai^cs. A. d. 476-600. Roman empire, and destroyed it in the West. But it was not because they were barbarians that their victory was so fruitful in consequences. It was because they were conquerors of a new and special race. It was because it was the substitution, temporary in one land, permanent in another, of the Teutonic race, one and the same race in all its manifold varieties — Goths, Franks, Saxons, Angles, Lombards — for the preceding Latin rule and supremacy. No greater and more decisive crisis has ever happened in the history of the world than the settle- ment of the Teutonic peoples in the lands which the Latins had filled with their ideas and their language, their manners, their spirit, their names, their customs. Nor is the importance of this change diminished, because in dO many parts the German conquerors were grcady influ- enced and at last absorbed by the Romanized population amid which they settled. We cannot tell what the course of history would have been if the Latins had kept the Germans out, in Gaul, in Italy, in Spain, in Britain ; but, assuredly, it would have been very different. The trans- fer of power in the West, from the Latin race to the Ger- man, in the fifth and sixth centuries, constitutes the first act of modern history. But it was only the first act of a long and troubled drama, not even yet played out. The German settle- ment took many shapes. In England it was exclusive- and homogeneous. In Gaul it was greatly affected by the circumstances round it, and it allowed its own dis- tinctive features to be by degrees impaired and obliter- ated by foreign influences. In Spain it directly aimed at a policy of fusion between the two races, under the direc- tion of the Church. In Italy, under the Lombards, it was throughout uneasy, oppressive, antagonistic, too strong not to leave deep impressions, but not strong A. D 6co-7oo. Differe7Kes among the New Naiio?is. 77 enough to master and assimilate the obstinate counter element of Latin character in its native home. Teutonic institutions and feelings grew more and more vigorous in England. In Gaul, after efforts of resistance, German France gradually melted into Latin and "Romance" France. In Spain, under a " Romance " and Latin lan- guage the old feeling and temper of the Goths largely survived ; the basis of Spanish character was Teutonic, and under the long strain of the national and Christian war against the Moors, it issued in that singular mixture of strength and weakness, of loftiness and baseness, which has so often shown itself in Spanish history. In Italy, the Lombard power, though not the Lombard ele- ment, after lasting for two centuries, was thrown off as the Gothic power had been, but, as in the case of the Gothic power, only by foreign aid. In Italy, throughout the middle ages, and down to our own time, the Ger- mans were never, in the judgment and feeling of the Italians, other than what they were at the first — barba- rians, whom the Italians were not strong enough to keep out; while to the Germans, the Italians never ceased to be "Welsh," the Teutonic equivalent for " barbarian " or " foreigner." Thus at the beginning of the seventh century, the new Teutonic settlement appears everywhere established. From the empire, as it existed in the East, it had little to fear. The emperor at Constantinople was still, in mo- ments of convenience or in moods of courtesy, acknow- ledged by the Teutonic kings as invested with a majesty without rival or peer on earth, the source of honours, of legitimate titles, of high dignities, who might still be dangerous on the fringe of their dominions, but who was too far off, and too busy with troubles of his own, to cause disquietude in the West. There was still a certain 78 BegiJiJiing of the Middle Ages. a. d. 700. amount of intercourse with Constantinople. The Lom- bards, hated by the Franks, the Greeks, and the popes, were assailed by occasional alliances, in which the Frank kings intrigued with the emperor, and sometimes over- reached him. The real dangers of the new races arose, first, from their own intestine discords, and their intracta- bleness to order and law ; and, next, from the habits of aggression and pillage lingering in the tribes of their own blood, who remained in their old seats in Germany and on the Danube. In England, in the following century, this last danger appeared in a most formidable shape. The British race Eneland • ■'^^^ been exterminated or crushed into in- paitial repe- significance in England. Through fierce tition of the ° ^ ° . l)l■oc^^sof wars among themselves the separate king- qu St : the doms Icamt one another's strength. The D.mes. smaller ones became attached to the larger, and a tendency to union began, strengthened by the strengthening influence of the Church. First, and par- tially, under Northumbria, then under Mercia, and at last more completely under Wessex, a single kingly supremacy embodied the growing fact of the unity, in its laws and its fortunes, of the English nation. But then the new nation began to suffer from the repetition of the process by which it had itself come into being. Just as the fathers of the English had come first with a few pirate ships, then with more, first only for a summer ravage, then to winter in the island ; first only to carry back plunder to their eastern homes on the Weser or the Elbe, then to settle and gain a new home in England, — as they began by making swift inroads into an enemy's country, pushing up the rivers with the tide, or scouring the land far and wide with troops of horsemen, and ended by be- sieging towns, subduing kingdoms, challenging the sub- A. D. 484-589. Dafiger to the New Nations. 79 mission of the Britons, — so came the Danish rovers, " vikings," upon England, But the Danish settlement never became what the earlier Anglo-Saxon one had been. It did not create a new people. The Danes wen a footing in England, a large and lasting one. For a time they became the masters there, and their princes wore the English crown ; but they were too late to found a nation. In spite of the tremendous miseries and losses of»the Danish invasion, the English people had become too strongly constituted to be broken up by it, or even to be greatly altered in character and policy. In Spain the national history was more tragic. The policy of the great Theoderic, of which scarcely a trace appears in the sons of Clovis, seems to have been continued among the Gothic kings of gre^sTof^the Spain. There also, though in a very differ- Gothic ^ ' & / kingdom. ent way from the English, the Goths through all the disturbances of the time, were on their way, appar- ently with a deliberate aim, to political unity and consti- tutional order. After the death of Euric, the conqueror and legislator (484), the Gothic power in Gaul fell before the Franks, and its main seat was transferred to Spain, under a constitutionally elective kingly rule, which, as with the Lombards, the chiefs always tried to keep elec- tive, and the kings usually but not always, tried to make hereditary. But, in contrast with the Lombards in Italy, the Gothic kings, in spite of bloody changes and fierce opposition from their nobility, succeeded in identifying themselves with the land and the people whom they had conquered. They guided the fortunes of the country with a distinct purpose and vigorous hand. By Leovi- gild (572 586), the power of the rebellious nobility was broken, and the independence and name of the Sueves of Gallicia extinguished. The still more dangerous reli- 8j Bcgimiing of the Middle Ages. A. D. 589-642. gioLis conflict between the Catholic population and the inherited Arianism of the Goths was put down, but at the cost of the life of his son, Herminigild, who had married a Frank and Catholic princess, and who placed himself at the head of the Catholics. But Leovigild was the last Arian king. This cause of dissen- council of sion was taken away by his son ileccared "loicdo. (586-601), who solemnly abandoned Arian- ism, and embraced with zeal the popukir Catholic creed. He was followed by the greater part of his Arian subjects, but the change throughout the land was not accomplished without some fierce resistance. It led among other things to the disappearance of the Gothic language, and of all that recalled the Arian days, and to the destruction in Spain of what there was of Gothic literature, such as the translation of the Bible, supposed to be tainted with Arianism. But it determined the complete fusion of the Gothic and Latin population. After Reccared, two marked featuresof the later Spanish character began to show themselves. One was the great prominence in the state of the ecclesiastical element. The Spanish kings sought in the clergy a counterpoise to their turbulent nobility. The great Church councils of Toledo became the legislative assemblies of the na- tion; the bishops in them took precedence of the nobles; laws were made there as well as canons; and seventeen of these councils are recorded between the ^^ end of the fourth century and the end of the sev-*ith. The other feature was that stern and sys- ternati'' intolerance, which became characteristic of Spain Under Sisebut (612-620), took place the first expu iion of the Jews. The Jews of Spain, whose settlements were numerous, rich, and of old date, had to choose between baptism, or else exile with the loss of A. D. 642-710. TJie Gothic Khigdom of Spain. 81 their possessions. This legislation was renewed with continued severity, and the kings took a special oath to enforce it. The Spanish nation, meanwhile, was being knit together; the garrisons of the Greek empire were gradually driven to the coast, and, under Suinthila (620- 631), finally expelled from the peninsula. The Gothic kings, mostly elected, men for the most part of energy and purpose, sometimes of relentless purpose, who still retained amid Latin influences their peculiar Teutonic names, governed with a statesmanship unknoAvn among the Franks. To break the restless and rebellious spirit of the nobles, which Gregory of Tours tliought peculiar to the Goths, Chindasuintha (642-652), an old man of eighty, banished at a stroke from Spain two hundred nobles and seven hundred freemen, confiscat- ing their estates, and reducing their families to serfdom. It produced profound peace, while the Franks under their feeble kings were distracted by the fierce rivalry of Bruinhild and Fredegund, and the rising Mayors of the Palace. Equally resolute in encountering the natural turbulence of their warriors and attentive to the political condition of the kingdom, the kings, for the most part, till the last showed themselves a match for their for- midable nobility ; and, under their care, the legislation of the West Goths attained a methodical form and a comparatively judicious and equitable character peculiar to it. Under Chindasuintha (642-652), the laws of the two races were fused into one, and for the first time among the Teutonic nations, personal law was changed into a law of the latid. Under the kings who succeeded him down to Egika (687-701), and from the councils of Toledo, grew up the Foritm Jiidiciivi, the Gothic Code, " the first law-book in which the Roman and German law was attempted to be harmonized into a systematic S2 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. D. 622-711. whole:" the first Western legislation which aims at ex- hibiting the philosophical idea of law. The Gothic realm of Spain was the most flourishing, and the most advanced of the new Teutonic kingdoms. It was rich and powerful, and though there was still much that was barbarous, ungovernable, corrupt, and dangerous, the powers of the country were in stiong hands; and the kings, the nobles, and the clergy, all who could repre- sent the nation, were learning to work together in their public assemblies. But however the Goths in Spain might have worked out their political career, their course Avas rudely ar- rested. The little cloud, which in the beginning of the seventh century, had arisen in Arabia, had by the begin- ning of the eighth, swelled and spread into a devastating storm, sweeping round all the coasts of the Saracen Mediterranean. In 622, the flight of Ma- conques homet from Mecca to Medina had fixed a new era in history— the Hegira. In the ten years which intervened between it and his death (632), he had es- t;iblished a new religion in Arabia, and converted the tribes of Arabia, or the Saracens, into its armed and en- thusiastic apostles. While the Goths had been settling their laws, while their kings had been niarshalling their court after the order of Byzantium, the Saracens had been drawing nearer and nearer. At the time that Chin- tila (636-640), was driving out the Jews, the Saracens were taking Damascus and Alexandria; while the fierce old man Chindasuintha was crushing rebel nobles and reforming the law, they were making their next step and invading Africa. While his son was ordering the offices of the court of Toledo after the imperial model, they were beginning their first nine years' siege of Constanti- nople (668-677). Their fleets had begun to attack the Overthrow of the Gothic Kingdom in Spain. Zt^ Spanish coast, though they had always been repulsed. But in Spain they had two allies : the Jewish race, there and in Africa smarting under their persecu- tions; and the factions, the ambitions, and the cor- ruption of the high clergy and nobles. A traitor, it is said, Count Julian, invited the Saracens, and they came, burning their ships behind them. The tremen- dous battle of the Guadalete, near Cadiz, lasting a whole summer week, from Sunday to Sunday, decided the fate of the kingdom and the course of its history. It was to Spain what the battle of Hastings was to England. The Gothic nobility perished m large numbers. King Roderick, the last Gothic king, was "y^92 ,71 • never seen again. In ten years' time the Saracen inva- sion had overwhelmed almost the whole country, and there was nothing left in Spa*n to Christianity and the European races, but the mour«-ains of the Asturias and Old Castile. Spain was the on^ one of the new Teu- tonic nations which was beaten d'^wn by an entirely alien power. It did not finally succurrb. In the northern provinces, the Christians not only v"\llied, but from their mountain fastnesses began a series -^f unintermitted at- tacks on the Mahometans. Behind ^.he screen of the Spanish highlands new kingdoms were organized: As- turias (718) ; Oviedo (737) ; Leon (914^ Navarre (905) ; Aragon, Castile (1035), At length the t-de of invasion began to roll southward till the Moors were swept away ; but several centuries of the early national 1-fe of Spain were consumed in that most terrible and demoralizing discipline, in which unsparing hatred is elevated to a heroic virtue — the discipline of a religious v/arfa'-e. Of all the new nations, the Franks alone, thoufh per- petually troubled with intestine quarrels, pr.-.n-'nence maintained their comparative exemption '^ the from the external shocks and disasters which S4 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. v. fell on their neighbours. Strong enough to keep together and to hold their own, they deepened the foundations of their power over Gaul and the lands of the Rhine, en- joying their own rich and magnificent heritage, asserting their supremacy over the heathen tribes of the German border. For more than three centuries after the Teu- tonic conquest, the Franks held the foremost place among the new nations. " When Rome fell," says Otto of Frisingen, a German chronicler of the 12th century, " ' Francia ' — the Frank race and kingdom, for we must not yet begin to translate by the later and narrower France — ' arose to take the crown.' " The phrase is of course exaggerated ; but it expresses with truth the com- parative prominence of the Franks. It is the more re- markable, because the kingdom of Clovis, instead of continuing in the hands of a single ruler, was imme- diately broken up under his descendants into separate kingdoms, acknowledging a loose tie of unity, and from time to time brought together, but always ready to fly apart again. And, further, in the family of Clovis, the Mervings or Merovingians, there is no sign, with one in- considerable exception, the Austrasian king Dagobert (628-638), of the political aims, or of the military capa- city, which appear among the Goths of Spain, and the English in Britain. The history of the Frank kings, in Gregory of Tours, is a sickening story of lawless and unbridled self-indulgence, of domestic hatreds, treach- ery, and cruelty. Brother was ever ready to assail and conspire against brother, to take him at advantage, to exterminate his children. Their attempts at enlarging their domains at one another's expense were usually as feeble and stupid as they were unscrupulous. Their prevailing and monotonous brutality v/as only checked by suDcrsiitious fears of the wrath of St. Martin of CHAP. V. Power of the Franks. 85 Tours. It was only varied by good-natured licentious- ness and perfidy such as that of King Guntrani of Or- leans, or by pedantry like that of King Chilperic of Sois- sons, "the Nero and Herod of our time," as Gregory calls him, but who also dabbled in heresy, tried to add new letters to the Latin alphabet, and wrote Latin verses which would not scan. But the Frank race with their territorial chiefs, still Teutonic in the main, though in the west and south becoming less so in each successive generation, preserved the vigour, the audacity, the fight- ing qualities of their blood. They occupied a land of great natural wealth, and great geographical advan- tages, which had been prepared for them by Latin culture ; they inherited great cities which they had not built, and fields and vineyards which they had not planted ; and they had the wisdom, not to destroy, but to use their conquest. They were able with sin- gular ease and confidence to employ and trust the services, civil and rhilitary, of the Latin population. There is no appearance of any native rising to take ad- vantage of their internal discords, till late in the decline of the family of Clovis. Then, at last, and too late, the great south-western province of Aquitaine, with its natu- ral riches and its flourishing cities, its Roman and Gothic memories, its turbulent and warlike native tribes — the tribes which have left their names in portions of it, Vas- cones, Gascony, Basques, — struck boldly and obstinately for independence, and gave much trouble to the succes- sors of the Merovingians, the mighty founders of the Carolingian dynasty. The bond between the Franks and the native races was the clergy. From the time of Clovis their kings had deliberately favoured the Latin clergy. Their patronage was deeply mischievous to the purity of the Church, but it helped forward the alliance and the . 86 Begi7iJiing of the Middle Ages. chap. v. fusion between Qermans and Latins. The forces of the whole nation were at the disposal of the ruling race ; and under Frank chiefs, the Latins and Gauls learned once more to be warriors. Thus strengthened, the Franks not only repelled any pressure from beyond the Rhine or the Alps, but they kept invasion at a distance by being themselves assailants. They were the one race whom the spirit of invasion carried backwards over their old steps and to their old seats ; the one nation which after settling in the West flowed back across the Rhine, and attempted again and again from Gaul the conquest of Italy, first from Narses, and then from the Lombards. Narses defeated them ; the Lombards for a long time held their own. While the family of Clovis ruled, the Franks ravaged Italy, but never subdued it. But over the German nations, Frisians and Saxons, Thuringians, Bavarians, and Alamans, the Frank kmgs asserted an imperfect and contested but persistent supremacy. Frank kings, allied in blood though perpetually quar- relling, were felt to be the heads of the Teutonic nations, from the Frisian marshes between the mouths of the Rhine and Weser, to the valleys and lakes of the Ala- mans, in what is now Switzerland. But among the Franks, as among other nations, two opposite tendencies were continually at work ; the ten- dency to aggregation and national unity, and the ten- dency to dispersion and independence. There were further, among the Franks, thoucrh they were Frank uriity ^ . . ,. an I divi- so friendly to Latin culture, conflicting dis- tions. Au3- . . , . . , _, 1 J tr. sia and positions to gravitate, m the Lastern lands Neil tria. towards what was German, and in the Western lands towards what was Latin. One of these conflicts was represented by the continual division and reunion of the kinirdom of Clovis. Divided at first CHAP. V. Ff'cink Unity and Frank Divisions. 87 among his four sons, the different portions were merged or shared, as death removed one or more of the part- ners, till all the shares came into the hands of a sur- vivor, Clothar of Soissons (558), who again began the division among his children, with the same result. Eight times in the course of a century and a half. East and West Franks, Burgundy and Aquitaine, had been divi- ded ; three times, but only for a few years, they had been reunited under one king. But further, in these divisions, with great fluctuations of boundaries and possessions, two distinct centres of different national influences gradually disclose themselves. The Francia Roniana and tlie Francia Teuto?iica, the " Frankland," surrounded by a Latin population, and the original " Frankland " border- mg on the Rhine, and recruited from beyond it, came by natural and necessary causes, to be more and more contrasted with one another. From the middle of the sixth century, the Teutonic or Eastern division be- came more distinctly defined; it became known as Auster, Aicstrasia, with Reims, and then with Metz for its capitals ; in speech and feeling it was thoroughly Ger- man, and there was the focus of German influence. The land of the Western Franks acquired, in opposition to Austrasia, the name of Keusfer, Neiistria, a name the origin of which is not clear, the New, or You7igcr, or West- ern kingdom and which is also found with a correspon- ding Austria, a western and eastern division, among the Lombards of the north of Italy. Clovis's old capital, Paris, was its natural centre ; but Paris was sometimes claimed as a joint possession by his descendants, and then Soissons or Tournay were the residences of its kings. Burgundy, still a separate province, and some- times a separate kingdom, with Orleans or Chalons-sur- Saone for capitals, gradually became joined to Neustria. 88 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. v. Aquitaine, with its wealth and its Latin cities, was at first shared by the different brother kings, and then became the prize of the strongest. But while Austrasia continued German, the Franks of the West were acquiring more and more a Latin character. Still, with wide and in- creasing differences, these great divisions formed one and the same Frank kingdom, — Frank, in opposition to Roman, as well as to Gothic, Lombard, Saxon, or Slave. For a long time it seemed uncertain whether what Clovis had conquered was to be one realm or many ; it seemed equally doubtful whether German influences and Ger- man languages were not to prevail to the Atlantic, the Pyrenees, and the ^Mediterranean. Three centuries passed before this great question was settled. But very slowly and by an insensible change, not easy to trace in detail, the two great countries which the Frank settlement had for a time partially united, were again finally divid- ed ; and Gaul, though under a new name, derived from the German occupation, drifted back into its Latin sym- pathies, and its opposition to Germany. The family of Clovis, the Mervings or Merovingians, ^ ., J. fast degenerated. Thev lost their father's Failure of ° the Mer- Strength ; they retained, almost to the last, Mayors of their father's cruelty and unscrupulous per- tha palace. ^j^,^ They became unequal to the contest for power, not with the conquered people, but with the great men of their palace and retinue, their own com- panions and warriors ; the men whom they created dukes of provinces, and counts of great cities, who, though as yet hereditary only through the accident of personal qualities, were growing up round them into a powerful nobility. They were governed during the last part of the sixth century by terrible queens, — two rivals, equally famous for their beauty, their audacity and their The Mayors of the Palace. The Pipi?i family. 89 crimes, — Fredegund, the low-born Neustrian Frank, the wife of Chilperic of Soissons (561-584); and Brunihild, the Gothic princess, the wife of his brother, Sigibert of Metz (561-575), the daughter of the Gothic king of Spain, a thanagild. Brunihild's sister, the Gothic wife of Chilperic, had been murdered to make way for Frede- gund; and the hatred and ambition of the Frankish and Gothic sisters-in-law filled the royal houses with intrigue and murder. Chilperic and Sigibert, Fredegund's hus- band and brother-in-law, both perished by her plots ; Brunihild, as ruthless in her crimes, but leaving a more royal memory in the local traditions of France, was torh to pieces by a wild horse, in her old age, by Fredegund's vindictive son, the second Clothar (613) ; she had been the murderess, he said, of ten Frank kings. Then there appear at the side of the king, and at the head of their administration, officers who are known in history as the " Mayors of the Palace" [Majorcs Donim\ elected by the great men, or appointed by the king, according as each happened to be the stronger. Under their feeble mas- ters, they rose into a position, new among Germans, but analogous to that of the barbarian Patricians, such as Stilicho and Ricimer, in the last days of the Western empire, and perhaps imitated from the usages of the im- perial court. Their office has contributed to the vocab- ulary of politics a new phrase for indirect or illegitimate power, just as a phrase for political nullity derives its origin from the decayed and helpless family of the fierce Clovis, the Rois Faineants. The Mayors of the Palace make their appearance amid the ferocious quarrels kept alive by Fredegund and Brunihild, of whose purposes and crimes they are the instruments or the victims ; but after the sacrifice of Brunihild to family vengeance and to the fears and hatred of the Frank nobles, the Mayors of 90 Begiiining of the Middle Ages. chap. v. the Palace assume a new importance, as representing the rival interests of the Austrasian and Neustrian king- doms. After a number of insignificant names, men at length appear who concentrate in their hands the whole power of each state, and play with the last Chilperics and Childeberts like the pieces in a game of chess. In the beginning of the seventh century, the eastern Mayors of the Palace, the dukes of Austrasia, all of them united by kindred or family ties, Arnulf, afterwards Bishop of Metz, Pipin of Landen, Pipin of Heristal, established a character for wisdom and virtue which gave them a popularity and influence new in Frank history. Their natural antagonists were the Neustrian mayors, one of whom, Ebroin (656-681), was a formidable and danger- 'ous opponent. For more than twenty years the struggle for supremacy went on. Each side was supported not merely by the lay chiefs of each kingdom, but by greac bishops, some of them since canonized, who threw themselves into the quarrels and intrigues of the contest, and sometimes, like St. Didier of Vienne and St. Leger of Autun, perished in it. After various turns of fortune, Ebroin, bold, resolute and cruel, had at last broken the Austrasian power, and established the supremacy of Neustria. But in 681 be was murdered ; and six years later Pipin of Heristal won the battle of Testry, between Peronne and St. Quentin, over the Neustrians (687)- The result of the contest was the decisive victory of Austrasia, the victory for two centuries of the German element among the Franks over the Latin, a revival and restoration of the original Teutoaic character in the Frank kingdom, for the next period of its existence. The line of Clovis lingered ingloriously after the battle ^, „. . of Tcstrv, reicrninfr but not ruling, for more The Pi ms. - > c o is than sixty years. The new masters of the CHAP. V. Tlic Pipins. oi Frank kingdom were the dukes of Austrasia, Pipin of Heristal, and his sons, a vigorous family, German in blood, ecclesiastical in their relationships, with strong and clear political purposes. The founders of the race were the elder Pipin of Landen (1639), and St. Arnulf), (f64i), who, like so many of the bishops of the time, had been first a soldier and a statesman, and who, before he was bishop of Metz, was Duke of Austrasia and Mayor of the Palace One of Arnulf's sons became, like his father, bishop of Metz ; another married a daughter of Arnulf's friend, Pipin of Landen, also Mayor of the Palace. The grandson of St Arnulf and of Pipin was Pipin of Pleristal (1714). To reunite under one strong hand the dominions which the sons of Clovis had allowed to be broken up, was the policy of the long rule of Pipin of Heristal ; and like Clovis, he cultivated and used the friendship and good offices of the Church, but on a larger scale — allying himself with the pope as Clovis had allied himself with the bishops of Reims and Tours. Pipin's policy was carried out with success by his famous son, Charles Martel, "the Hammer." The German nations beyond the Rhine were more and more compelled to admit the supremacy of the Franks ; and Pipin warmly encouraged the missionaries from England, St. Boniface (68o-f755), and his companions, who about this time were beginning to penetrate among the heathen tribes, and were laying the foundations of some of the most famous German sees on the Rhine — Utrecht, Mainz, Worms, Spire. His son, Charles Martel (716-741), after a decisive struggle with do- ManeT mestic anarchy, encountered and beat back the greatest danger that ever threatened Western Europe. At the great battle, named of Tours, not far from the fields near Poitiers, where Clovis vanquished the West 92 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. v. n M ; ;^, ffi ^ d ft 2 tu 1-4 rt -n > c al m C/3 II g-l- ■O M CH. V. The Franks, the Popes, and the Lombards. 93 Goths, Charles Martel routed the invading Arab host, and slew their formidable leader, Abderahman (732), This great overthrow, followed by the expulsion of the Arabs from Narbonne five years later, was the final and decisive check to the Saracen invasions of the \^ est. Aquitaine, which had began to aspire to independence, was once more recovered to Frank supremacy. Charles Martel shrank not from incurring the displeasure of the Church by using its property for political ends, and to maintain in efficiency the armies which he needed. Its increasing secularity and wealth invited spoliation. Bishops had degenerated into courtiers and soldiers ; and Charles Martel had no scruple in giving even such bishoprics as Reims and Treves, Paris and Rouen, to be held by his warriors and dependents. But if he dealt roughly with the Church at home, he was its patron abroad. By the novel relations which he was the first to establish between the Franks and the pope, he laid the foundations of that central power of the Church in Western Christendom, which in the middle ages grew to such vast proportions. Charles Martel was the first of the new princes beyond the Alps who was invited by the bishop of Rome to interfere in the affairs of Italy. There had been a long and increasing wrangle between the Lombards and the Italians, in which the popes usually represented at once the national spirit and pride of the Italians, the traditions of the Catholic faith, and their own high pretensions to stand in the very place of St Peter. The Lombards, probably faithless, certainly oppressive and encroaching, had, without any great coherence among themselves, made themselves the torment and the terror of Italy. They seemed unable to grow into a nation ; they still, after 200 years, were as far as ever from peace with the Italians. At length, under Liutprand (712-744), the ablest 94 Begimiing of tlic Middle Ages. chap. v. of the Lombard kings, there first appeared a chance of consohdation for the kingdom, and friendhness with the Itahans. For once he alHed himself with a vigorous pope, Gregory II. (715-731 )» against the Greeks of Ra- venna : and he is said to have been the first donor of a city and territory (Sutri) to the pope. But the Iconoclas- tic controversy, on the use of images and pictures in worship, raised by Leo the Isaurian, had begun to divide Greeks and Latins. Liutprand shifted about from one side to the other, seeking only his own advantage in the quarrel. The Lombards outwitted themselves. The next pope, Gregory III. (713-743), despairing of peace, much less help from the Lombards against the Greeks, turned to the Franks beyond the Alps. Charles Martel was occupied, and near his end. In 741, Pope Gregory, Charles Martel, and the Emperor Leo died ; in 744, Liutprand followed them, and left a series of weak suc- cessors. But the foundation of the Frank alliance had been made; from that time the Franks came to be looked upon as the natural protectors of the popes, and a well- understood reciprocation of benefits began. It was a nevv position for the Franks to find themselves courted and flattered by the spiritual head of Roman Christian- ity ; it was a new position for the Roman bishop to find himself leagued by a community of interest and by an interchange of services with the rising power of the West. Without the name of king, Charles Martel was the second founder of the Frank kingdom. He left his power and office to his two sons, one of whom, Carlo- man, soon voluntarily resigned his rank and retired to a Pipin the monastic life at Monte Cassino. His broth -^r. Little, 747. the third Pipin, Pipin the Short, or the Little, resumed his father's task of consolidating the Frank A. D. 752. Deposition of Childeric III. 95 power. But he advanced a step beyond his father's pol- icy. He resolved that the Merovingian dynasty should come to an end. Nothing is more remarkable than that at that early period of political forms and organization, and in an age of such ready and unscrupulous force, the name and the reality of power should have been, by a kind of constitutional fiction, not merely in different hands but in different families ; the name uninterrupted- ly in the family of Clovis, the reality in the hereditary dukes of Austrasia and Mayors of the Palace. It is still more remarkable that this should have lasted undisturbed for more than half a century. A writer, almost a con- temporary, Eginhard, the biographer of Charles the Great, has left a description of the forlorn and silent helplessness of the last descendants of Clovis. All the wealth, he tells us, and all the power of the state be- longed to the mayors of the palace. " Nothing was left to the king, except the kingly name ; with long hair and flowing beard, he sat on the throne to receive envoys from all quarters, but it was only to give them the an- swers which he was bidden to give. His kingly title was an empty shadow, and the allowance for his sup- port depended on the pleasure of the mayor of the pal- ace. The king possessed nothing of his own but one poor farm, with a house on it, and a scanty number of attendants, to pay him necessary service and respect. He went abroad in a waggon drawn by oxen, and guided by a herdsman in the country fashion ; thus was he brought to the palace or to the annual assemblies of the people for the affairs of the realm ; thus he went home again. But the government of the kingdom, and all business, foreign or domestic, were in the hands of the mayors of the palace." That with such a race as the Franks this state of things g6 Begin7iing of the Middle Ages. chap. v. should at last have come to an end is not surprising. What his father and grandfather had shrunk Fnd of the ^. . - ^ ^ • ^r • Mero- from, Pipm found hunseii m a position to rne*^75L. Undertake. He wo s sure of the help of the ^•P " , , popes with whom his family had already es- crowned by ^ ^ _ -^ •' the pope. tablished a firm alliance, and who looked to of The Caro- the Franks as their deliverers in their trou- lingian line. -j^j^^ ^^-^^^ ^j^^ ^j^^j TeutoHic race which ruled in Italy. Pipin appealed to the pope (Zacharias) to say, whether it was right that he who had no kingly power should have the kingly name. Pope Zacha- rias gave the answer which it was intended he should give. He sanctioned the deposition of the last Merovingian king. Childeric HI., the last of the line of Clovis, passed without a struggle — a monk with his hair shorn, and so incapable of any secular dignity — from his palace or his farm, to a monastery. In the annual assembly of the bishops and great men at Soissons, Pipin was proclaimed king of the Franks (March, 752), and he received from the English apostle of Ger- many, Boniface, archbishop of Mainz, the consecration of the Church. Two years later a pope, (Stephen II.) for the first time crossed the Alps, and was seen in the West. He came to press again for aid against the Lombards. The help was promised ; and then from his hands, at St. Denis, in 754, Pipin and his two sons, Charles, a boy about twelve years old, and his younger brother Carlo- man, received the anointing which hallowed their king- ship, and which, as the pope held, made them true kings. The deposition of Childeric III. whatever was the form of the pope's sanction to it, was at any rate the first instance of such interference on the part of A. D. 752. Deposition of Childeric III. 97 the popes. The pope's sanction, probably very vague at the time, and very obscurely recorded, was the subject at a later period of fierce debates, as to its authority and real bearing. But the whole transaction was ^j^^^^^. the first exercise, on the part of the popes, ampkofthe of a claim to change the allegiance of sub- poffng jects, to authorize the removal of one king po^er. and the election of another. Pope Zacharias and his successors acted, apparently, in this first instance, as arbiters, the most venerable that could be found, consult- ed on matters deeply important to the Frank nation ; they exercised a power which in this case they were prompted to claim and were invited to use. Unfortu- nately they were not disinterested arbiters. Their deci- sion was influenced by their own advantages and hopes; the coronation of the new king was the result of a bar- gain ; and for the service which they rendered they were paid in cities and provinces. Pipin, having in his company the pope who had crowned him with a solemn- ity new among Teutonic kings, crossed the Alps, hum- bled Aistulf the Lombard king, and forced him to give security that he would respect ^ '^" the rights and property of St. Peter. Aistulf evaded his engagement, and Pipin compelled him, after a second overthrow, to become tributary to the Frank kingdom, and to cede to his conqueror all that he had recently won of the territory still left to the Greek emperor in the north of Italy ; the exarchate of Ravenna, and the Fleminian " Pentapolis," an expres- sion for the lands and cities between the Apennines and the Adriatic, from Ferrara to Ancona. This territory the Frank king presented as a donation to St. Peter; it be- came, with some additions, south of Ancona and west of the Apennines, the Papal State. The real donation of 98 Begimiing of the Middle Ages. chap. vi. the Frankish king was shortly afterwards supported by the production of what purported to be a still older dona- tion ; the famous forged " donation" of Constantine. Thus, from the annointing at St. Denis of the second kingly line of the Franks, arose, in the first place, the temporal dominion of the popes, held in the beginning as a temporal lordship under the overlordship of the king or emperor, then claimed by them as independent princes in absolute sovereignty; and next, the pretension, broadening out indefinitely from this precedent, to inter- fere in the political and civil affairs of Christendom, to dispose of kingdoms, to set up and degrade kings. CHAPTER VI. THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE EAST. While in the West civilized order was disturbed and broken up, to be reconstructed on a new basis, in the East it went on continuously from the days Civili ation q{ Constantiuc till its temporary interruption preservKi in . tho Eastern by the crusaders (1203-1 261), and its de- empir^. struction by the Ottomans ( 1453). Constan- tine had transplanted the Roman name, the centre of Roman power, and much of what was Roman in ideas and habits, to Byzantium, the New Rome. There, with- out losing its deeply impressed imperial character, it also became Greek, and it became Christian. The result was that remarkable empire, which, though since its fall it has become a by-word, was, when it was standing, the wonder and the envy of the barbarian world, the mys- terious " Micklegarth " "the Great City, the Town of CHAP. VI. Civilization in the Eastern Empire. 99 towns " of the northern legends. It inherited and it re- tained the great Roman traditions of centralization, of scientific jurisprudence, of elaborate and systematic ad- ministration. It worked upon an unbroken experience of government, on unbroken habits of organization, as familiar and easy to it, as it was difficult in the West. It improved and perfected the great legacy v/hich it had received of republican and imperial law. It often ex- hibited what seemed to be hopeless feebleness and de- cay; but beneath these appearances were the permanent elements of vast and enduring strength. Amid the con- vulsions and changes of the West, it lasted unchanged for more than ten centuries, almost the same in lan- guage, in spirit, and even in its ways and forms, under the last Constantine as under the first. For ten centuries, in spite of terrible disasters, bloody revolutions, loss of provinces, domestic misrule, itself maimed, weakened, unprosperous, it yet maintained itself, the unaided out- post of Christendom, against the fiercest assaults, not only of swarming barbarian hordes, but of the victorious enthusiasts of Islam. It had, indeed, in full measure, the vices of an over-cultivation, which is not braced by a corresponding moral force and elevation. Much in it was degenerate, hypocritical, effete, corrupt, degraded ; it had many of the faults of European civilization in the eighteenth century. But it is idle to talk of mere weak- ness in an empire, which for 1,000 years preserved ci- vilized society, laws, institutions, commerce, arts, amid the most tremendous shocks and dangers ; which could bear to be so badly, cruelly, feebly governed, as certainly it often was, without falling to pieces before its enemies. In truth, during all the dark days of trouble in the West, contemporary with its rude attempts and beginnings of social order, there was on the Bosphorus one of the most L.ofC. loo Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. vi. magnificent cities that the world has seen. In it, as at Rome and at Venice, was centrahzcd a power, strong in its resources of government, in its experience and skill to use its vast materials and its varied populations, in the great wealth created by an extended and active commerce, in the knowledge how to apply it, in the pos- session of all the mechanical and scientific experience of those ages. In it ruled a succession of men, most various in character and fortune, many very bad and very incapable, but among them a large proportion who were of the stamp and force of those who save states. In it, the literary tradition, inherited from Antioch, from Athens, from Alexandria, still survived, and though taste and power might decline, they never failed as they did in the West, and they sometimes rose to a respectable standard. And in it, the visitor from the rude West might find a court, with its pomp and luxury, its refine- ment, its politeness, its etiquette, which, long after the days of Charles, Alfred, and Otto, was to the courts of the Franks and English, what the Courts of Versailles und St. James were to the Court of Peter the Great. The Eastern empire did not at once, either after the partition between the sons of Theodosius (395), or after the deposition or abdication of the last Western emperor (476), lose its connexion with the West. Long after the separation in fact had come, the idea of the unity, the unanimitas , of the empire lasted. The Eastern emperor, Zeno (474-491), had received from Odoacer the insignia of the dethroned Augustulus, in token that the world only needed one emperor; and he was acknowledged, in form and courtesy, at least, by Goths and Franks, as the head of the Roman world. Further, he was so ac- knowledged by the popes, who were becoming more and more the centres of genuine Roman influence, amid the Civilization in Easter7i Empi?'e — -Justinian. loi visible triumph of the new races. And it was long before the hope and purpose of exacting real obedience were abandoned at Constantinople. In one signal instance this purpose was victoriously carried out. This was the reconquest of Italy, Africa, and part of Spain, under Jusiinian. In the r 1 rr-i n-Ti/^\ Just nian. year after the great Theodenc died (526), the most famous in the line of Eastern emperors, since Constantinople, began his long and eventful reign (527- 567). Justinian was born a Slavonian peasant, near what then was Sardica, and is now Sofia; his original Slave name-, Upraivda, was latinized into Justinian, when he became an officer in the imperial guard. Since the death of the second Theodosius (450^ the Eastern em- perors had been, as they were continually to be, men not of Roman or Greek, but of barbarian or half barba- rian origin, whom the im^perial city and service attracted, naturalized, and clothed with civilized names and Roman character. Justinian's reign, so great and so un- happy, was marked by magnificent works, the adminis- trative organization of the empire, the great buildings at Constantinople, the last and grandest codification of Roman law. But it was also marked by domestic shame, by sanguinary factions, by all the vices and crimes of a rapacious and ungrateful despotism. Yet it seemed for a while like the revival of the power and fortune of Rome. Justinian rose to the highest ideas of imperial ambition ; and he was served by two great masters of war, foreigners in origin like himself, Belisarius the Thracian, and Narses the Armenian, who were able to turn to full account the resources, still enormous, of the empire, its immense riches, its technical and mechanical skill, its supplies of troops, its military traditions, its command of the sea. Africa was wrested from the I02 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. vi. Vandals (534); Italy from the successors of Theoderic; much of Spain fiom the West Goths. The Vandals were absolutely swept away, though Africa never recovered from their century of misrule. Italy was more fiercely disputed (535-553). According as Belisarius was absent or present, the contest swayed backwards and forwards. Rome was more than once taken and retaken. Totila, the Goth, able, brave, and dangerous, at one moment had it in his power, and had actually taken the momen- tous resolution, to destroy the city of Rome from the face of the earth. But what Belisarius began, Narses finished. Totila was slain ; the Gothic power perished (553). Yet the reconquest was transient. After Narses came the Lombards (568), and then the Saracens It was not the destiny of Byzantium to rule the world, or to govern alien and distant provinces. It retired within its eastern borders. But it long kept a hold on maritime districts in Italy, Ravenna, the Pentapolis, Calabria, and Naples. For a still longer time it held Sicily, It gave titles to barbarian kings like Clovis, and legalized their conquests. And till the great change in the opening of the ninth century, it kept not merely its Exarch at Ra- venna, but its Count at Rome, and claimed and some- times compelled the allegiance of the popes. The emperor, regarded as invested with an almost di- vine commission, inherited the despotic powers of the , ^ line of Augustus and Constantine ; and ac- Strength of ^ ^ the Eastern cording as he used this vast power with abil- empira. .^^ ^^ weakness, the fortune of the empire rose and fell. Yet the empire itself was held together by great networks and scaffoldings, of long date, and of immense strength and tenacity, which subsisted, inde- pendently of what the emperor did or suffered, and which to a certain degree limited his absolute power. There CHAP. VI. Strength of the Eastern Empire. 103 was a great system of local government, and another of civil administration ; and there was a powerful and popu- lar Church, identified with the interests and sympathies of the people, and much mixed up with them, even in its monastic elements. And whatever might become of the emperor, there was in the empire itself a stability and solidity, of which there is yet no trace in the West. It had all the vices, the weaknesses, the failures of a des- potic government of the modern type ; but it had also the experience, the trained habits of order and industry, the enlightenment and the resources, which distinguish civilized governments, whether free or absolute, from the unpractised apprenticeship of those whose political his- tory is yet beginning, and which, under ordinary circum- stances, impart firmness and strength unattainable with- out them. What is certain is, that the Eastern empire was able to withstand the continued pressure of its ever-renewed enemies with continued success. It suffered fearfully in the effort. The Avars, the Turk- Its power of ■' _ resistance. ish Bulgarians, the Hungarian Magyars, the many tribes of the Eastern Slaves, the Persians, and at last the Saracens, the Moguls, the Seljuks, and the Otto- mans, assaulted, insulted, maimed the empire Besides them came enemies equally formidable, the rough Frankish and Norman counts and barons who led the first crusade (1096) ; the more ambitious ones who, with the merchant princes of Venice, led the fourth (1203). The empire passed through the greatest vicissitudes of prosperity and disaster. Province after province was rent away from it. Its population was thinned, its wealth destroyed by ravages which it could not check. It lost Africa, Spain, Egypt, Syria, Asia up to the Bosporus. It was hemmed in by Bulgarians and Slaves in Europe. I04 Beginning of the Middle Ages. lhap. vi. Yet during these centuries of defensive war and often of misfortune, the empire resisted ; and, in spite of all, it cultivated the arts and industries of peace, as they were cultivated nowhere else in Europe, and showed in Con- stantinople a capital which in splendour and magnifi- cence no other realm could rival. This continuation of the old traditions of civilization amid the turbulence and the uncertainties of Western Europe, is the characteristic feature of inter- Preserving gg^ jj^ ^^g Eastern empire. It had, indeed, civilization. _ '^ as a finished despotism, much that was evil, much that involved ultimate ruin ; but besides its natural coherence and toughness, the mischiefs which endan- gered it were continually arrested by rulers of high and strong character. Time after time, when its fall seemed at hand, when faction, or mutiny, or vile court intrigues had shaken it, when the wickedness and folly of some tyrant, or the madness and cruelty of some am- bitious woman had coincided with the strength at the moment of some foreign barbarian to threaten its existence, it was redeemed and saved by some great or some able emperor. Fortune, as we call it, doubt- less, in its ten centuries, must have counted for much in its wonderful escapes, in its many deliverances. But much was owing to the preponderance, in spite of all drawbacks, of superior civilization, experience, and intelligence. Terrible and revolting stories are common both to East and West, of bloodshed, treach- ery, and passion ; but Byzantine vices as well as virtues, unlike those of the West, are those of a society which has inherited a long training and cultivation. No writer of the tenth century in the West, certainly no emperor or king, could possibly have written on politics, history, geography, statistics, mihtary tactics, agriculture, Eastern Empi] e p7'eseTved Civilized Order. 105 as the Byzantine emperor, " born in the pur- ple," Constantine Porphyrogenitus. The dif- 9" 9o9- ference between East and West, in all that comes by long familiarity with the resources of cultivated intellect, and by inherited skill, cannot be better measured than by comparing his writings with the vigorous, but rude, compositions of the court of Charles the Great, or the efforts of Alfred, noble as they were, to begin an English literature. Yet the Eastern empire suffered even more than the West from the neighbourhood of its barbarian enemies. The tribes of the Hunnish or Turkish stock. Settlement and the Slave races which had taken the of bar- places left vacant by the great Teutonic Avars • Bul- movement of the Vandals, Goths, and Lom- fiav^'^' bards to the West, pressed continually on the Eastern empire, as they did on the Franks, Bavarians, and Saxons, and with more disastrous effects. The countries to the south of the Danube, between the Eastern Alps, the Adriatic, the Euxine, and the moun- tains of Greece, gradually became filled with the Slave races, which unlike the earlier Gothic tribes, became rooted there, and have kept hold of them till this day. As usual, they began by ravaging, and ended by occu- pation and settlement. But their restless and predatory habits long gave trouble to the empire. Its policy varied between keeping them quiet by annual subsidies, — set- tling them as colonists to hold one another in chsck, as Heraclius (630-638) brought do\yn the Servians and Croats against the Avars, — taking them into pay as soldiers, — or inflicting chastisement by military expedi- tions. The Slaves, however, were many of them agri- cultural communities, and they colonized. But behind the Slaves were the more destructive Turks, in their io6 Higi/uii/ig of the Middle Ages. chap. vi. various forms, — Turks proper, first known by that name in the sixth century, with whom, in the heart of central Asia, the Byzantine emperors kept up an interchange of ambassadors, — and the nearer and more dangerous tribes of the same stock, the Avars and the Bulgarians, who had been conquered and fled before their Eastern kindreds. All these tribes, Turkish or Slave, pushed their expeditions sometimes to the walls of Constantino- ple, and no province of the empire was safe from them. Its military power, when fairly brought against them, was in the long run too strong for them. The Huns of Zabergan were driven off in the last victory gained by Belisarius (559). The Avars and their Slavonian allies were humbled by the generals of the Emperor JMaurice (589-600). But the control of the empire never became strong enough to enforce peace and order in the coun- tries on the Danube. Barbarian kingdoms, like that oi the Avars and then of the Bulgarians, rose and fell, in spite of all the insecurity and ruin, new nations, agricul- tural as well as pastoral, grew up in a rude fashion, yet with definite traditions, and with peculiar institutions, in the rich plains and the highlands between the Adriatic and the Euxine. Such were the Western agricultural Slaves, whom Heraclius planted between the Danube and the Adriatic, and who became the Croats, Ser- vians, and Bosnians of later history. In time the Slave races, and those which like the Bulgarians, adopted their language and became fused with them received Christianity. The German missionaries from the Frank empire encountered among them the Greek brother apostles of the Slaves, Cyril and Methodius of Thessalonica (860-885), the translators of the Scriptures, perhaps the inventors of the Slave alphabet, certainly ^mong the most indefatigable missionaries of the Chris- CHAP. VI. Persian Wars. Heraclius. \qi tian Church. Partly in concert, partly in rivalry, the German bishops and the Greek monks laboured to teach and humanize the Slaves. The Latin and Greek Churches strove and often intrigued for the allegiance of the Slave converts. In the Western countries they became obedient to the pope. In the territories of the empire, Bulgarians and Servians, as after them, the Russians, accepted the teaching of the Eastern Church, brought to them in their mother tongue. But the northern bor- der of the empire was a land in which disorder and law- lessness became chronic. And a great state, of which scientific law was one of the characteristic features, was powerless to leave the impression of law on the barbarian settlers within its territories. On its Eastern border, the hereditary war with Persia, under the dynasty of the Sassanian kings, the destroyers (226) of the Parthian kingdom, and the inhe- ^ ' & ' V/ars with ritors of its long feud with the Republic and Persia, the Empire, continued to damage and some- times to menace the empire, till it gave place to one still more formidable, the long struggle with the Mahometan invasion, first under the Arabs, then under the different Turkish dynasties. Justinian had been succeeded by a series of emperors, men of unusual excellence but not fortunate. The last of them, the Cappadocian Maurice (582-602)5 was murdered by a worthless and cruel soldier, the Cappadocian Phocas (602-610) ; but the hopes of the empire were restored by the accession of a man of Latin nurture and sympathies, the African, Heraclius (610). Under Heraclius, it seemed as if the empire, reformed and reinvigorated, were to retrieve its fortunes. He met his difficult and threatening circumstances with courage, judgment, and masterly ability. The stress of war had lately gone heavily against the empire. The Persians, 1 io8 JSt'ginnifig of the Middle Ages. a. d. 610-627. under a famous king, Khosrou, or Chosroes Nushirvan, had broken through the Roman hne of fortresses. Khos- rou had stormed and ruined Antioch and other cities of Syria, and, in spite of the successes of Belisarius, imposed a tribute on Justinian, as the price of a fifty years' truce (540-562). Under Justinian's successors, with one short interval under Maurice, the Persian ravages had been uninterrupted, and were drawing nearer and nearer to the capital. HeracHus, at his accession, found himself with an empire in disorder, between two formidable ene- mies, sometimes in alliance — the Avars on the north, and the Persians, under a second Khosrou, on the east. The Persians were carrying all before them. For ten years (617-627) they were masters of Egypt. For ten years they were encamped within view of the palace^of Constantinople. They had plundered Jerusalem, and carried off the sacred relics and the Christian patriarch to Persia. They were masters from the Black Sea to Cyrene. They would not hear of peace. So dark seemed the prospect that for a time Heraclius meditated the transfer of the seat of empire from Byzantium to Latin Carthage. But the thought was a transient one. He never really lost heart. Without hurry, with un- daunted patience, with steady and perfect skill, he spent his first years in restoring order in the empire and the army. Then confident in the strength which he had left in Europe, he sprang forth on the Persians. In a series of brilliant and triumphant campaigns (622-628), he re- covered the provinces and the boundaries of the empire, he penetrated into Persia and captured the royal palace, bringing back in triumph the spoils of Jerusalem (627) ; and from the terrible blows inflicted upon it, the Persian power finally sank. Its next assailants were the Ma- hometan Saracens, just starting in their career of con- A. D. 627-641. Saracen Conquests. 109 quest, and it fell at once before them. But the vanquisher of Persia had also to encounter the Saracens. And, whatever be the explanation, whether from the treachery of his officers, or from political Sarren''^ or religious disaffection, Heraclius, who had rescued the eastern provinces from the Persians, was helpless to prevent them from falling a prey to the sol- diers of Abubekr and Omar. The end of the reign of Heraclius saw the beginning, the alarming beginning, of that invasion of the Mahometan powers of Asia, which was to become henceforth the standing peril of the Eastern empire, which was to cripple it and cut short its borders, and which, at last, was to destroy it. Peace was hardly made between Heraclius and the Persians, before the x^rabs appeared in Syria (628-633). With Heraclius, the great captain and conqueror, still on the spot, they took Damascus before his eyes (635). Jerusa- lem, Emesa, Aleppo, Antioch fell one after another. He had to fly from the scenes of his glory ; and before he died, he heard the portentous tidings of the capitulation of Alexandria, and of the conquest of Egypt by Amrou and the enthusiasts of the new '*^' religion. The reign of Heracli iS, which had promised to re-establish the civilization and majestic peace of Rome, the fame of which was recognized and embel- lished with fables at the court of the Frank king Dago- bert, ended with the sudden appearance of an irresistible power in the East which was to extinguish those hopes for ever. But the final catastrophe was not to be for more than 800 years. The family of the great Heraclius furnished a succession of degenerate emperors, some of them mis- chievous and cruel tyrants, whose reigns coincided with the later Merovingian times, and the rise of the May- no Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 641-711. ors of the Palace. It was a time in the East, as well as in the West, of public confusion and decline. During the hundred years of the rule of the family ^i'o°n of^'^"^' of Heraclius, the Saracens extended their Hcraciius. conquests round the Mediterranean, and at 711. Murder ^ . 1^1 1 • i • j of Jusiinian icn<^th into Spam and Gaul, and twice laid siege to Constantinople itself. But if they were rending away the provinces of the empire, and even daring to strike at its heart, they learned also how great, even in its time of distress and defeat, were its de- fensive resources and inherent strength. It could bear, without giving way, the vices and weakness of its gov- ernment, even in this hour of extreme danger, and be- fore the most formidable of assailants in the very flush of their triumph. Nothing had yet arrested the Saracens. Before them all the great cities of the East had fallen. Neither the sea nor the deserts had been a barrier to them. They had overthrown the Teutonic Goths of Spain as easily as Persians and Syrians. They were unchecked for a hundred years, from the death of Mo- hammed till the victory of the Franks and Charles Mar- tel at Poitiers (632-733). Their power was acknowledged from the Oxus and the Indus to the Atlantic. But they twice recoiled from the walls of Constantinople. After the rapid changes of emperors which took place on the extinction of the family of Heraclius, another of those foreign soldiers, who, while the constitution of the empire went on unaltered, made the most vigorous chiefs of the executive power, was proclaimed em- \mT'^^ peror by the troops of Asia, a-d he founded 717-802. ^^ imperial line which lasted till the days of Charles the Great. This was the Isaurian, Leo III., known as the Iconoclast — the Image-breaker. He, like Heraclius, received the empire in an hour of 7i7~So2. Isau7'ian and Macedo7iian Emperors, iii great peril. The Saracens, with the fame of their astonishing conquests, were now a second time before Constantinople. But Leo deserves with Charles Martel the glory of daring to believe that they were not irresisti- ble. He forced them to retire from before Constantinople (716-18), and thus checked them definitively in Eastern Europe. Under Leo's vigorous government, the empire rose from the decline into which it had fallen under the degenerate family of Heraclius. Few imperial lines had more repulsive features than the Isaurian. But it was a line of able and resolute men. The empire under them assumed a narrower compass, and, having lost Africa, Egypt, and Syria, passed into its more distinctive " By- zantine " phase. But if its pretensions were lowered, its power was more concentrated. Greater vigour was thrown into the administration ; population increased, and with it commerce and wealth ; the Slave agricultural settlements throve only too well for the older inhabitants ; the cities were thickly peopled ; the army was well or- ganized and trained; the administration of the provinces was systematically carried out, and in spite of frequent arbitrary and cruel acts of power the ordinary rule of the law was maintained. Notwithstanding the incorrigible vices and inconsistencies of the court, an improved moral tone became discernible both in lay and eccle- siastical society ; and, to quote the latest and most careful historian of the Eastern empire, Mr. Finlay, " in the times of the Isaurian emperors, and their successors of the Macedonian line " — a period which corresponded to the renewed Frank kingdom under Pipin and Charles, and the first Carolingians — " a declining empire was saved by moral vigour in society, and the strong efforts of the central power." But every expression of praise in these ages of the world must be comparative. When I I 2 Hcginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 867-1054. the administration was wisest, the law most just, the army most in order, commerce most thriving — when the condition of the people was most prosperous, and the public enemy on the north or east most successfully re- pelled—yet, with scarcely a variation, the court was corrupt and vicious, and frequently infested with fashions of hypocritical, or grossly inconsistent, devotion. And the ancient and widely-spread vice of cruelty, not yet, and not for many ages subdued by its natural enemy, Christianity, was still, in forms of the most atrocious barbarity, the regular resource not merely of those who feared and hated, and of those who punished, but of those who had to compel obedience, or to anticipate and guard against danger, whether as soldiers, or as civil rulers. Some of the most dreadful incidents of horrible ferocity ever recorded, mark the history of the Eastern empire, under the conduct of its ablest and most success- ful rulers. The political and military events of the East did not much affect things in the West. Embassies passed to and fro ; once, in these times, an emperoi tives of the (Constans II. 641-668) appeared at Rome, emperors. ^^^ even cxilcd a Roman bishop (Pope Martin I. 649-655) ; and there were a few royal mar- riages, especially when there came to be emperors in the West. But the Eastern empire was of much importance in its influence on the ideas of kingly power, as they developed themselves in the contemporaneous society of Western Europe. The great emperor, Augustus, Basileus, at Constantinople, was the type and standard looked up to with admiration and envy by the kings of the Franks and even of the English. His dignity was an example and precedent of boundless power, and of ex- travagant homage to the person of the prince. In civil CHAP. VI. Religious Supremacy of tJie Empero7's. 113 matters there was much in the rooted national ideas and habits of the West to tone down these exaggerations ; but his prerogatives suggested great pretensions in regard to religion. At Constantinople, the theory of a divine and sacred supremacy in the sphere of re- hgion, was carried out to mischievous lengths. Con- stantine's (311-337) policy, high-handed as it was, had been really to leave the Church to settle questions itself, to speak its own mind and to define its own belief by its legitimate organs. His successor Constantius (337-361) reversed this. He claimed to be the arbiter and judge of religious controversies. He claimed for the emperor the right of prescribing creeds, and he imposed Arianism on the empire. A belief which was not the real belief of the Church, in due time was shaken cff. But the bad and tempting precedent had been set of bringing the secular power, though in conjunction with the recognized organs of the Church, to interfere in questions of pure theology. These questions at the beginning of Church history excited the profoundest interest, for they related to the object of Christian worship, and to the central truths and real meaning of the facts of the Christian re- demption. Instead of leaving them fairly to the on»y possible authority, the great councils of the Church, and its natural representatives, — for, if they were not of au- thority, there was no other — the emperors took on them- selves more and more to make their own judgment the law of public belief, to direct the issues of the conflicts of religious opinion, to dictate the terms of comprehen- sion, to enforce unity of conviction and language by stringent and penal laws. And the usurpation became constitutional by the readiness of the bishops of the Church to accept and authorize the interference of the emperor, when it was on their side and directed against 114 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. vi. opponents, and by giving a sanction, tacit or express, to the detestable and fatal violence which too often accom- panied controversies so momentous. With the later emperors, such as Justinian and Heraclius, it was less a strength of personal belief, than an impatience of dis- putes and contradiction, and a fear, sometimes not an unreasonable fear, of political troubles, that directed their policy. Constantius attempted to impose a dogma; his successors, to express and enforce a compromise in which great controversies were to end. The rude bar- ^, ,,,.,. barian soldier, Zeno, by a formulary of his The ^'■Heno- ■' ^ ttcon;' or, own, attempted vainly to put an end to the "Formulary i- • • r ,^ r^^ ^ ■ ■ r 1 of Union." divisions ot tne Church arising out of the '^^^' rival heresies of Nestorius and Eutyches, as to the consequences which flow from the idea of the Incarnation. Justinian exercised his imperial supremacy in religion in the most extravagant and the most fruitless manner (519-565). And in the subtle but dangerous , ^ , . ,. controversy which followed, on the realitv • Ecthesis, ^ or '* Exposi- of the moral constitution of our Lord's hu- JHeraclius, mail nature, the Monothelite controversy, ^^-r ^„" r... Heraclius tried, like Zeno, and like Zeno in Jype, or ♦ ' "Formu- vain, to impose terms of his own by the im- lary, of ^ . . Omstans II. pcrial authority on the consciences and con- victions of those who felt the interest of the question. Under Leo the Isaurian and his line, the im- perial claim was extended from doctrines to the usages of the Church (717-792). Superstition had without doubt gathered round the customary use in worship of devo- tional pictures and images ; and it is possible that the taunts of the victorious Mahometans may have made them more odious to the rude and impatient soldier. But on the strength of his claims as supreme ruler of religion, he attacked the abuses with an unintelligent CHAP. VI. Eastern and Western Churches. 115 and intemperate violence, which was mischievous in it- self and gave the utmost advantage to the defenders of what was indefensible. He, and still more Leo, his son Constantme v., arrayed agamst 717-741. .1 1 ii ir i lU 1 Coustantine, themselves the seli-respect, the good sense, 741-7S3. the conscience, the pietv, of the time, as o ■■ ' . . hecond well as its prejudiced bigotrv and supersti- council of . - , , .' , , , . Nice, 787. tion. After the most aoommable cruelties and persecution, they utterly failed in checking the abuses they aimed at ; and they brought about a reaction which hindered any reasonable settlement of a matter which reason was eminently competent to ^ ., ^ ^ * ( ouncil of settle, and which the soberer temper of Frankfort Charles the Great showed the way to settle with moderation and wisdom. The tyranny with which the emperors enforced their authority and their own personal opinions aggravated the violence and mischief of the disputes. It led in more than one case to great and lasting schisms. It was copied by those who suffered from it Worse still, it be- came accepted as part of the royal prerogative, when Charles the Great came, though with greater moderation than the Eastern emperors, to carry out his office as guardi.an, reformer, and over-looker of the religious in- terests of his kingdom. And it led to confusions between the domain of conscience, and the powers ' ^ Effects of of the state, which have caused infinite the imperial hajm and misery in civilized society, and supremac>. which have not yet been got rid of. Not the least of the irreparable mischiefs which it occasioned under the suc- cessors of Leo the Iconoclast was the impulse which it gave to the rising ambition of the popes to claim a rival and universal supremacy, and to the quarrels, accidental and comparatively insignificant in themselves, which ul- ii6 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. vi. timately determined the permanent separation of the Eastern and Western Churclies. Under the tyranny of the emperor, patriarchs and bishops were deposed and replaced at his will. In one of these many transactions, a deposed and ill-used patria.rch, Ignatius, hopeless at Constantinople, appealed against his rival Photius, to the Pope. It was an appeal for jus- tice against wrong — for protection and countenance abroad, where none could be had at home. Such ap- peals had been often made ; it was a time when men appealed to whatever power within reach seemed likely to help them. But the judge who was now appealed to as arbiter in this personal quarrel, was the first pope of the type afterwards to be so frequent, the daring and im- perious Nicolas I. (858-867).' Supporting a just cause against intrigue and despotism, he put his own claims to redress it, and to punish the wrong-doers, on assump- tions of authority as extravagant as those of the emperor. The dispute gradually became complicated with doctri- nal questions, and got into a shape in which it became irreconcilable. The pope excommunicated Photius (863), and Photius excommunicated Nicolas (867). It might have seemed but a conflict which would pass away, as more than one such conflict had passed, with those who were parties to it. Nicolas died soon after (867), and Photius, after many falls and restorations, lived to be at last acknowledged by a pope, John VIII. (879). But the wound in fact proved to have been a fa- tal one, and could not be healed. And the great schism of East and West dates from the high-handed assertion of Roman spiritual superiority, provoked by the wanton insolence of imperial despotism. CHAP. VII. The Carolingian Ki7igs of the Franks. 117 CHAPTER VII. CHARLES THE GREAT, KING OF THE FRANKS, 768-80O — EMPEROR OF THE ROMANS, 80O-814. The change in the Frank line of kings in the middle of the eighth century (752) was an event of great and wide importance. Under the race of Clovis, the history of the Franks, though they were the leading nation of the West, was, with the exception of their chronic struggle with the kindred German tribes on the border, and occasional and aimless in- ^ ^ . . liiterest of roads into Spain and Italy, confined within F/ank his-ory their own limits. Their dealings with other ^.eseccndln^e. nations, and even with the pope, the centre £^^1^1*^^ J^^f " ' r r » tel,^ 714-741. of the ecclesiastical system, were few and Pipin, Carlo- man. 741-747. unimportant. But with Charles Martel and Pi,.in alone, his sons the range of Frank history widens, ^^"^ ^ and it begins to affect the general course of European history. The first care of these able rulers was to con- solidate once more the strength of the Franks. Con- scious how great it was, they gathered up again under a firm hand the loosely compacted and fast-dissolving elements of the Frank power. They maintained the claim of the Franks to supremacy over their ruder kin- dred in Alamannia, Bavaria, Thuringia, and even, though with more trouble, over the Saxons. By their vigour and determined perseverance, they beat down at last the obstinate and dangerous revolt of Aquitaine, ii8 ' Beginning of the Mid die Ages. a. d. 771. which, under a line of powerful dukes, Teutonic in name, but southern in feeling, was fast assuming the character of a war of national independence on the part of the Latin South against the Teutonic North. Pipin at his death (768), had reunited once more under one king all the conquests of Clovis and his successors. And having done this, the Frank kings departed from their former isolation, and entered into new relations with the world outside them. They did three things I. Carrying on the alliance of Charles IMartel with the popes, they founded and built up, as has been already said, the temporal dominion of the papacy, and gave a new importance to the political influence of the popes in Europe. 2. Next, as a consequence of their close rela- tions with the popes they revived in their family the name of the Roman empire and the dignity of the Roman emperor, long suspended in the West, which were to pass, after them, through many hands and many lines, but were never to be extinct again till the begin- ning of our own century. 3. And lastly, they laid the foundations of modern Germany, and decisively re- claimed it from its primitive barbarism to Christendom and to civilization. What Pipin had begun, and begun with sagacity and force, was carried on by a yet stronger hand, on a larger scale, and in the course of a longer Cha-les reign. Pipin died in 768, and the king- the Lrreat. or / > ir> dom of the Franks, according to a Frank rule of inheritance, or an idea of expediency which no one then dared to break through, was, with the con- sent of all the Franks, shared, or more properly, gov- erned in partnership, by his two sons, Charles and Carloman, who with their father had received the dig- nity of kings from Pope Stephen in 754 The risks of 771—^^14- Charles the Great. 119 dissension between them were averted, and the course of history determined, by the early death of Carloman. In 771 Charles became the sole king of the Franks. In our materials for knowledge, as well as m the character of the events, we pass into a new stage with the appear- ance of Charles, whom his own age, at least after his death, was to name the Great. We at once acquire a mass of contemporary information, meagre, indeed, compared with more recent records and with many older, but in comparison with those of the preceding times, both full and trustworthy. Of Charles we have a contemporary biography, the first instance of a lay or secular biography in Christian times, his life by Egin- hard, or Einhard. For public events, a series of annals begins, not improbably originating under Charles's orders, v^hich give details of time and place with a care unknown before. We have a large, though incomplete, collection of his acts of government and legislation ; and further, a considerable number of important letters, both public — such as those of the popes', collected by Charles's command; and private — such as those of Charles's friend and adviser, the Englishman, Alcuin, or Alcwin. The name " Charlemagne," by which he has been so long known, is one of those popular names which ought to be abandoned ; not from considerations of scholarly accuracy, but because it helps so much to keep up a completely false idea of what he was. We in England ought to hold, at least, to our traditional form " Charle- main," which was Milton's authority. He has been re- presented by French historians as in some sense a French king, the most illustrious and wide-ruling of the second dynasty, one in the same line of kings as St. Louis and Henry IV. It cannot be too clearly and firmly I20 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. ,,. , borne in mind that this, rooted as the con- Cnarles not a. 'king of ception has become, is absolutely mislead- France." . t- • . , , ing. r ranee, as it was to be and as we know it, had not come into existence in his days. What was to be the France of history was then but one pro- vince of the Frank kingdom, and one with which Charles was personally least connected. Modern France, again, is a nation in which the Latin or Latinized races have won the ascendancy. But Charles, king of the Franks, was, above all things, a German. He was in language, in ideas, in policy, in tastes, in his favourite dwelling- places, a Teutonic, not a Latin or Latinized king ; and it is entirely to mistake his place and his work to consider him in the light of a specially " French " king, a prede- cessor of the kings who reigned at Paris and brought glory upon France. Modern France is a fragment, made up of fragments, split off from the original Frank kingdom long after Charles's death ; the kingdom which he inherited and enlarged was as different, in spirit, in constitution, in national characteristics, as it was in boundaries, from that portion of it which ultimately re- tained the Frank name in the West. Charles did noth- ing to make modern France. The Frank power on which he rose to the empire was in those days still mainly German ; and his characteristic work was to lay the foundations of modern and civilized Germany, and indirectly, of the new commonwealth of nations, which was to arise in the West of Europe. The necessary condition of a great ruler in those days was that he should be a great warrior. Charles, whose real claim to greatness lies in the clearness warror: with whicli he discerned the need of order character j, i i^ii.- j„ of his wars. "^^^ \?i\\\ and sought their sources and secu- rities in the deeper springs of human nature, 7 7 1 -S 1 4- Charles' s Wars. 121 was, first of all things, in the eyes of his own generation, a king who was always at war, and always victorious. In his warlike habits he was not different from the Frank kings before him. Children of invaders, they had per- petually to repel invasion, to cope with rivals, to prove their prowess and strength. The special feature of Charles's wars was the indomitable pertinacity with which he carried them to the end, and the untiring alacrity and rapidity with which he moved from one point to another of his wide frontier of war. Among the turbulent popu- lations which on all sides beset the Frank kingdom, two heavy and permanent masses of hostility hung like? storm-clouds, never removing and always threatening, on his north-eastern and his southern borders ; the heathen Saxons between the Rhine and „_ >v s,^s with Elbe, pressed upon by the heathen Slaves barbarians: beyond the Elbe ; and the Saracens in cens'^'A'vars^^' Spain. The Saracens he pushed back to Northmen. the Ebro, adding the Spanish "march," or borderland, beyond the Pyrenees to his kingdom, and claiming, though not without continual dispute, the great cities of Saragossa and Barcelona. The Saxon war was far more serious and troublesome. It was chequered by grave disasters, and pursued with undismayed and unrelenting determination, on which he spared neither himself nor others. It lasted continuously — with its stubborn and ever-recurring resistance, its cruel devas- tations, its winter campaigns, its merciless acts of ven- geance, — as the effort which called forth all Charles's energy for thirty-two years (772-S04). The subjugation of the Saxons more resembled in its s^'stematic com- pleteness the policy followed by the kinsmen of the Saxons in Britain than anything which had been seen on the continent. But it decided, finally and for good. 12 2 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. the question in Germany between heathenism and Chris- tianity, between continued barbarism, or the first steps, the only ones then possible, to civiUzation. The Saxon lands, so rudely reduced to obedience, so rudely Chris- tianized, were planted not only with castles, but with towns and mission stations — Osnabriick, Paderborn, Miinster, JMinden, Halberstadt, Bremen — bishoprics along the course of the Lippe and the Weser — monas- teries, like Fulda, which were both agricultural colonies and schools of learning. The tribes of Upper and Mid- dle Germany — Bavarians, Alamans, Thuringians, Hes- sians — longer accustomed to the assertion of Frank supremacy, and partially converted by the English and other missionaries whom Pipin had encouraged, were fast becoming states organized, or ready to be organized into dukedoms of the Frank kingdom ; and any signs of restlessness, as in the frontier dukedom of Bavaria, v/ere vigorously put down (788). But beyond the refractory Saxons, and the more settled German lands, was a sec- ond line of barbarism from the Elbe to the Danube, stretching without defined limit far back towards the East, from which it was recruited. There were the Huns or Avars, in the plains between the Danube and the Save ; there were Slave races of many names, from the shores of the Adriatic, the Eastern Alps, and the moun- tains of Bohemia, to the havens of the Baltic ; and there were yet the more threatening Northmen, who had access to the still unsettled Saxon lands by the isthmus which is now Slesvig, and to whose ships the whole sea-board of the Franks, from the mouth of the Weser to the mouths of the Rhone, lay open. With all these Charles carried on persevering and, for the age, scientific war. Military bridges, sometimes double ones, were thrown across rivers like the Elbe and Danube, and their 77 1-8 14- He destroys ine Louibard Kingdom. 123 approaches duly protected. An attempt was made, though in vain, to facilitate military communications by a navigable canal, connecting affluents of the Rhine and Danube. His operations were conducted on mutu- ally supporting lines of march, converging on the threat- ened point ; definiteness of purpose, great patience, caution, celerity, appear in them. His most brilliant war, in the eyes of his contemporaries, was that in which the power of the Hunnish Avars — no longer terri- ble as of old, but still able to give trouble — was broken. Their " Ring," or palace camp, was forced and de- stroyed ; their " Chagan " or chief acknowledged the su- premacy of the Frank king, and was baptized ; and the spoils of the Avars, the collected plunder of their old forays, were said to be so great as to bring down the value of silver by a third. The Slave races, quarrel- some and rapacious, were kept in awe by chastisement, or were involved by his policy in wars among themselves. The Northmen, even to Charles, were the most formida- ble of his foes. They fomented Saxon resistance ; and its fiercest leader, the Westphalian Witikind, ever had a ready refuge, when hard pressed, in neighbouring Den- mark. The Danish king, Godfrid, became, in Charles's later years, more and more daring in his acts of aggress- ion ; and after obtaining from Charles the honour of a conference on equal terms between Frank and Danish chiefs, was preparing to measure his strength with the great emperor in a pitched battle, when he was assassin- ated and Denmark was involved in civil war. But the tide of Northern invasion was rising, and before Charles died it was beginning to break with alarming violence on all the coasts of his realm. He was fully alive to the danger. The northern coasts were visited and inspected by the emperor himself. Fleets were built ; K 124 Beginning of the Middle Ages, a. d. Boulogne and Ghent were made his harbours and arse- nals. He died before his fortune at sea was tried. But the growing insults and ravages of the Northern pirates in Friesland, of the Moorish pirates over the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean, and of the Greek fleets in the Adriatic, threw a shade at the close over the splen- dour of his wars, and disquieted his last years with well- grounded anxiety. All these wars were part of a concentrated and per- sistent plan to reduce and keep under control the dangerous barbarism which hemmed in and The Lombard pj-essed uDon his kins^dom. But the Lom- war. ^ ^ Y bard war was a political one, waged less even for the conquest of Italy than for its indirect results. The ill-compacted and turbulent kingdom of the Lom- bards, with its almost independent dukedoms — Tuscany, Spoleto, Benevento, Friuli, Trent— had usually been, in later times, an inoffensive neighbour to the Franks, but often, though it had ceased to be Arian, a troublesome one to the popes. We have seen how a pope prevailed on Pipin to undertake the defence, as it was called, of the Church, and how Pipin had answered the appeal, and had transferred some of the fairest provinces of the Lom- bard kingdoms to the popes. But the quarrel still went on. Letter after letter from the popes (Stephen III. 753-757, Hadrian I. 772-795) brought the most lamentable complaints of Lombard injustice and oppression. St. Peter was made to speak in his own name, promising heaven to those who should deliver him from wrong, and denouncing divine vengeance on those who should be slack in assisting him. Charles had, indeed, set at nought a threat of excommunication from Pope Stephen IV. (769) to be pronounced if the king dared to marry a daughter of King Desiderius, oneof the "foul and horrid" 8oo. Charles Emperor of 'the Ronans. 125 race of the Lombards. But when the serious work of his reign began, he seems to have thought it wise as early as possible to arrange his relations with the pope. In 772, leaving the Saxon war, he crossed the Alps, and by the Mont Cenis and the St. Bernard threw the whole power of the Franks into Italy. The passes were forced, and no stand was made in the field. There was a winter siege of Pavia. It capitulated ; the last Lombard king, Desi- derius, was carried captive and placed in a Frank monastery ; and the Lombard power came to an end. The king of the Franks became also king of the Lom- bards, the lord of all Italy, except the Venetian islands and the south of Calabria, still held by the Greeks. Thus, by German hands, the internal ascendancy of the Ger- man race in Italy, which had had lasted, first under the Goths, and then under the Lombards, for 281 years, was finally broken^ A German was still king over Italy, as for ages Germans were still to be. But Roman and na- tive influence reconquered its supremacy in Italy, under the management and leadership of the bishops of Rome. The Lombards, already becoming Italianized, melted into provincial Italians. The Teutonic language dis- appeared, leaving a number of words to Italian dialects, and a number of names to Italian families. The last king of the Lombards bore an Italian name, Desiderius. The latest of Italian national heroes bears the Bavarian and Lombard name of Garibaldi. But the overthrow of the Lombards, and the gift of provinces and cities to St. Peter had even more eventful results. The alliance between the king of ^, ° Close the Franks and the bishop of Rome had Gillian ebe- , - , , 1 . 1 ITT- 1 -!->• • tween the become one of the closest kmd. With Pipm pra ks and and Charles begin the titles, given them by ^^^ p-pes. the Roman chancery, of "Most Christian King," and 126 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. " Defender of the Church." The German king and the Itahan pope found themselves together at the head of the modern world of the West. But the fascination of the name of Rome still, as it had done for centuries, held sway over the Teutonic mind. It stood for power, for knowledge, for the perfection of civil life, for the purity of religion. The barbarians despised Romans, but they venerated Rome. It was not unnatural that the idea should recommend itself, both to the king and the pope, of reviving in the West, in close connexion with the Roman primacy, that great name which still filled the imagination of the world, and which in Roman judg- ments, Greek Byzantium had wrongfully stolen away — the name of Caesar Augustus, the claim to govern the world. There was a longing in the West for the resto- ration of the name and authority, "lest," as the contempo- rary writers express it, "the heathen should mock at the Christian if the name of Emperor had ceased among them." And at this moment, the government at Con- stantinople was in the hands of a woman, the Empress Irene. Charles's services to the pope were Charles, , j v- • 4. • r empe-orof recompensed, and his victorious career ot the Romans. j^ore than thirty years crowned, by the res- toration at Rome, in his person, of the Roman empire and the imperial dignity. The same authority, which had made him "patrician," and consecrated him king, now created him Emperor of the Romans. On Christ- mas day, 800. when Charles came to pay his devotions before the altar of St. Peter's, Pope Leo III. — without Charles's knowledge or wish, so Charles declared to his biographer, Einhard, and, it may be, prematurely, as regards Charles's own feeling — placed a golden crown on his head, while all the people shouted, " to Charles, the most pious Augustus, crowned of God, the great and 8oo. The 7\uo Empires : East a7id West. 127 peace-giving Emperor of the Romans, life and victory." Bv all round him, the pope and clergy, the Roman chiefs and people, the great men of the Franks, he was chosen and thrice proclaimed emperor, "at Rome the mother of empire, where Caesars and emperors were wont to sit." And by the pope himself, he was "adored" "after the manner of the emperors of old.'' All saw in his match- less power, and iu their own unanimity, the hand of God. Thus a new power arose in Europe, new in reality and in its relations to society, though old in name. It was formally but the carrying on the line of the successors of Augustus and Constantine. But substantially it was something very different. Its authors could little foresee its destinies ; but it was to last, in some sort the political centre of the world which was to be, for 1,000 years. And the Roman Church, which had done such great things, which had consecrated the new and mighty kings of the Franks, and had created for the mightiest of them the imperial claim to universal dominion, rose with them to a new attitude in the world. Humble as she was in outward bearing to the terrible warrior she had crowned, she drew from the act her vast pretensions to be the in- terpreter of Providence, the giver of kingdoms, the mis- tress of nations, the arbitress of the allegiance of man- kind. What might not that authority bestow or take away, v^^hich had renewed and given the Roman empire ? The coronation of Charles at Rome, in the face of an imperial line at Constantinople, finally determined, though it did not at once accomolish, the separation of East and West, of Greek and Latin Chris- tianity. This separation had long been im- separation pending, perhaps, becoming inevitable. The WeS^' ^"^ old tradition cf the necessary unity both of the Church and the Empire had resisted it. But on the 128 Begin7iing of the Middle Ages. A. d. other hand, there were the separating forces of distance, of difference of language and race, of antagonist and irreconcilable claims. There was also diversity of inter- ests and dangers, between Rome and Constantinople, between East and West. The emperor at Constanti- nople, while he was the only emperor, kept a nominal but feeble hold on the West. He had a footing, though a precarious one, in Italy. Rome acknowledged or de- fied him, according to the turn of events, or the balance of strength. He had the pope as his subject, and was sometimes able to make him feel, when refractory, the penalties of resistance. But besides the natural uneasi- ness of the Romans under the supremacy of Greek and modern Constantinople, there was the growing aliena- tion of East and West in religious thought. The Eastern Church had been the scene of a series of fierce dissen- sions, and great schisms. The Monophysite controversy in the seventh, under Justinian had led on to the Monotaelite controversy in the seventh, under Heraclius and his family; and these were followed in the beginning of the eighth, by the great strife about the use of images, provoked by the reforming zeal of Leo the Isaurian, and his successors. In all these controversies, the emperors had interfered with a high hand, both as rulers and as theologians, and had imposed their statements of doctrine and their laws, sometimes not without violent resistance, on their bishops and people In the West, there was far less learning and subtlety, but there was a steadier and less variable tradition of teaching. The popes found themselves in constant conflict with the East. They sometimes sub- mitted, and found themselves entangled in heresy for their compliance ; more often they opposed or moder- ated. But the result was increasing suspicion and jeal- ousy, increasing irrita-tion on both sides ; and an increas- 7 7 1-8 1 4- Charles' s Administ7'ative Policy. 129 ing desire on the part of the popes, as heads of the Western Church, to shake off all dependence, political, as well as ecclesiastical, on the East. It was this grow- ing estrangement, as well as the desire to call back authority if not greatness to Rome, which prompted Pope Leo III. to crown the king of the Franks. He accomplished more than probably he intended. He meant to throw off a galling yoke, to free his own hands from inconvenient and mischievous shackles ; but out of the rift which he made grew the greatest and most hopeless schism in the Christian Church. It is possible that Charles may have had designs for uniting East and "West under himself, by family alliances or otherwise. He certainly negotiated, and he wished to di=->arm Eastern jealousy. Ultimately, he was content with a recognition of his title by the Greek emperor. But the rivalry was too distinct and formidable for negotiations to disguise. " Have the Frank as a friend, but not as a neighbour," was the Greek saying. One Roman empire was still the only received theory. But 07ie Roman em- pire, with its seat in the West, or 6'«^ Roman empire governed in partnership by two emperors of East and West, had become impossible in fact. The theory of its unity continued for ages; but whether the true successor of Augustus and Theodosius sat at Constantinople, or somewhere in the West, remained in dispute, till the dispute was ended by the extinction of the Eastern em- pire by the Turks on May 29, 1453. Charles's military successes, his good understanding with the Church, and finally his assumption of the place of Roman emperor, strengthened and de- cha.les's veloped his strong bent towards political ^oHtcal ortjanization and social improvement. In organiza that early stage of political experience and 130 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d, knowledge, the work was very limited which the ablest and strongest man could do in securing order, and giving a better direction to the wild and ungovernable forces round him. But in Charles we see, for the first time since the Goth Theoderic and in more favourable circum- stances than his, the strong purpose to restrain disorder, and to foster all that seemed healing and hopeful in the state of things round him. If his unresting activity turned out afterwards to be, in many respects, fruitless or even mischievous, this is but what might be expected in times when the wisest measured imperfectly the real facts about them, and the consequences of what they did. Results are at all times apt to fall short of inten- tions. It is eminently the case, when society is emerging out of the inexperience of barbarism into the efforts of civilization. Charles was an administrator rather than a legislator, though his laws, and his revisions of former laws, were numerous. His system of government was istraiive ' simple, and he aimed at combining with the system. excrcisc of liis own authority the sanction of publicity and popular concurrence. The force of his administration consisted in the method and energy which he infused into the public service, the steadiness and activity which he required of his agents, and the patient vigilance with which he watched over the whole ; though it is more than probable that in that rough time, these agents carried out but inadequately and unequally his attempts to establish som.e sort of discipline in the vast and wild world over which he presided. His officers were of two classes. There was the local hier- archy : dukes governing provinces, some of which have since become kingdoms ; bishops with extensive do- mains, enjoying great immunities ; counts and inferior 771-814- Charles' s Administrative Policy. 131 chiefs, either territorial, or in the great cities, removable at pleasure, though with the natural tendency to become hereditary. All were bound both to the military and political service of the kingdom. And, next, there was a central system of special commissioners, envoys, dele- gates, Afissi as they were called, deputed with ample powers from the king himself to different parts of his realm, to superintend, and if necessary to take into their hands the administration of justice, and generally to in- spect, examine, reform, report, and thus to bring the whole of the kingdom under the superintendence, and, as it were, within the touch of the central authority. Further, besides that he was incessantly moving about in different parts of his kingdom, he brought himself twice every year face to face with his chiefs and people in the general assemblies [Malli, Placita), which, ac- cording to the Teutonic custom of doing all important things in stated gatherings of chiefs and freemen, wer^ held in spring and autumn, for public business. The place of meeting varied, but it seems to have been always in the Eastern and German part of the Frank kingdom. The meeting was sometimes held, as in the Saxon cam- paigns, in the heart of the enemy's country, and served as the gathering point for the summer's war. But the spring meeting especially brought together all that was most powerful and important in the kingdom round the king; and though his authority was paramount, and his policy was his own, all was done in public, and derived strength from public cognizance and assent. Of the mode of holding these assemblies we have a contem- porary account from Adalhard. Charles's relative and minister, which shows how in them Charles came into contact not only with his bishops and great men, but with all classes of his subjects, and how in a rough and 132 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. informal way their opinions were brought before him, and he learnt from, the best information the tempers and conditions of the distant parts of his kingdom. Of the business done in these assemblies, we have re- cords in the collection of public acts, called the " Capitu- T ., . laries "of the Frank kings. They are a vast Legislation, . q j civil and and most miscellaneous accumulation of ThTcapi- laws, regulations, judicial decisions, moral tuianes. prcccpts, literary extracts, royal orders, arti- cles of inquiry civil and ecclesiastical, circulars and spe- cial letters, down to inventories of farm stock, household furniture, and garden stuff and implements, in the king's residences. All these documents emanated from the king, and were communicated by him to the assemblies. They cover the whole field of life. With scarcely an at- tempt at order, they show the confusion with which mat- ters of every sort, political, religious, economical, were all thrown together in the attempt to regulate them. But they also show the strong instinct of early days as to the moral and spiritual laws, which underlie and animate the outward framework of civil society. Few collections of laws contain such curious materials for a picture of the ideas and habits of the time. Charles's efforts had but a partial influence on the disorder of his age. The exis- tence of his laws does not necessarily imply their actual effect. This, which must always be remembered in any attempt to illustrate history by legislative records, is spe- cially true of times like his. But his legislation marked where the disorder was ; and it left on men's minds a stronger impression than any of which the trace is to be found before his time, of the public rights of the state, and of the obligations towards it both of its rulers and members. The Capitularies first exhibit with some dis- tinctaess that idea of the public interest, as distinct from 603-750. The Church. 133 the rights and claims of individuals, which is the one germ of civilized order, and which gives the measure of its progress. Lastly, in the Capitularies are to be found in their earHest form, the legalized beginnings of some of the most characteristic institutions belonging to modern Europe. We see the rudiments of that feudal system which so powerfully influenced its political growth, its so- cial ideas, its customs as to the tenure of land, its indus- try and the distribution of its wealth. We see, too, the earliest outlines of the manifold relations between Chris- tian kings and the Church ; of the whole system of ben- efices and endowments, civil and religious ; and of the wide-spread law of tithes. The order wliich Charles tried to establish in his king- dom, he tried to establish in the Church. He found in it two opposite conditions. On the one hand, inits public character and in its high places, chu-ch: it was lapsing deeper and deeper into that corruption worldliness and license which were the higher fruits of the favour which it had received from its coarse and brutal Merovingian patrons. Its chiefs, the bishops and abbots, had become a privileged and powerful order in the state ; but along with this had come a decline in all learning, in their sense of their real duties, and in public sentiment about these duties. Bish- ops, like dukes and counts, rode to battle and fell in the wars, and often lived as carelessly and selfishly as the courtiers and soldiers, from whom thev were often taken. Even the sainted bishops of the seventh and eighth cen- turies were often men engaged in the quarrels of the Merovingian courts, like St. Arnulf or St. Leger ; or they were pious and skilful craftsmen, devoting their art to religion like St, Eloy, and adding to it earnest but very humble teaching. It was no wonder that Charles Mar- 134 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. tel invested a good soldier with the two archbishoprics of Reims and Treves, and his nephew with the bishoprics of Paris and Bayeiix, and the archbisliopric of Rouen, besides two great abbeys. It is no wonder to read of a pope asking Charles's son to punish a faithless Roman envoy by making him a Frank bishop, in order to keep him in exile. The schools of the monasteries barely kept alive the knowledge of Latin, the only access to the inherited wisdom of the world, the only access to Christian teaching. Of all the Christian centuries, the seventh is in the West the most barren of literary effort and spiritual greatness. In that great see which had become the centre of Western Christendom, the bishops of Rome had begun to travel fast along that downward road which was to lead them step by step, from the nobleness and devotion of the first Leo and the first Gregory, through a miserable greed after provinces and cities, to the in- credible scandals of the tenth century. At Rome, too, in the pursuit of worldly greatness and power, learning, together with better things than learning, perished. In the letters of the popes to the Frank kings, in the eighth century, adulation and servility, the servility of a beggar who whines and threatens, are sometimes expressed in Latin which defies the most elementary rules of ordinary grammar. But though much belonging to religion,, and everything relating to literature, was at the lowest level, there was another side to this. There were, in this age of deep degeneracy, good and earnest men, who could act if they could not write. That very seventh century, which -.. . saw the Frank episcopate so widely corrupt, Mi^^sionary i r j i z. ai in the was the age of one of the purest and boldest missionary efforts on record. The seventh century was the age of the conversion of England, the 600-750- Missionary Enierpri e. 135 age of Augustine and Theodore of Tarsus, of Aidan, and Chad, and Aldhehii. It was the age of the missions of the Irish monks, Columban and his followers, in Bur- gundy and in the vast unknown heathendom beyond it, in the plains and forests of Central Europe, in the Alpine valleys and on the Danube and the Rhine. A Frank missionary, Emmeran from Poitiers, was the apostle and martyr of the Bavarians. Towards the end of the seventh century, when Christianity had taken root in England, and its first-fruits had appeared in the piety and learning of the Northum.brian Bede of Jarrow, a burst of missionary zeal carried English teachers, emu- lating their Irish forerunners, to win to the Gospel the lands from which their fathers had come. Willibrord of Ripon preached to the heathen of Friesland, and founded the see of Utrecht. His greater follower, the Devonshire Winfrid, afterwards known by the Latin name of Boni- face, the first archbishop of Mainz, devoted his life, in the first half of the eighth century, first as a preacher and then as a martyr, to the conversion of the Germans — Frisians, Saxons, Hessians, Thuringians, Bavarians. He not only preached but organized. Armed with au- thority from the two greatest powers in the West, the king of the Franks and the pope of Rome, he mapped out the new missionary conquests into dioceses, he founded sees where the conquest was still to be made, he held the first German councils (about 743). He also founded monastic schools like the famous Fulda — families of earnest men devoted to a definite work, the work of evangehzing. The effect was great of Teutonic preachers coming to Teutonic populations from lands of Teutonic occupation, and with the tie of a common language. Some of the oldest specimens of the languages of continental Germany are the translations made for J 6 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. the use of the German converts ; the baptismal forms, the Lord's prayer, the Creed. Charles, like his father Pipin, was too much of a statesman to be indifferent to the good and evil in the Church, and to the great and increasing place which it , occupied in the growing society of the new Church nations. The Irish and Enghsh missiona-- government. • • r r- i ■ n ries were pioneers oi rrank miiuence m central Germany, in some cases, its forlorn hope ; and they were instruments of keener temper than the sword for the permanent conquest of barbarism. Both for this reason, and from a genuine sympathy for their dauntless courage, and severe and thorough-going religion, they were warmly encouraged by the new Frank kings. On the other hand, the disorder in the Church invited from so strong a ruler as Charles the most uncompromising policy of interference and correction. His ecclesiastical administration was unswerving in purpose and absolute in its claims. Never in modern Europe has the union of Church and State, exhibited in the supremacy of the king, been carried to so high a point. The pope was there recognized, doubtless, as the highest religious authority ; he sanctioned and consecrated Charles's power; but the pope was too completely dependent for his Italian dominions on his alliance with the Franks, to venture seriously to thwart his protector. In the Capitu- laries, we find laws on ecclesiastical and spiritual matters placed exactly on the same footing as the strictly politi- cal and civil laws. The rebellious Saxons were baptized as a proof of their submission to the king, just as in later times, the other sacrament has been used as a test of loyalty to government ; and, in their case, to depart from the religion of their conquerors was punished with death, as if it were treason. Bishops and abbcts were peremp- 771-814- Ecclesiastical Goverfunent. 137 torily recalled to their duties. They were forbidden to ride forth to the wars, carry arms, and shed blood, and to live as laymen. The king's interference extended to matters strictly belonging to their provmce. By his own authority he altered, corrected, and, as he believed, re- formed and improved the offices of the Church. In the controversies of the day, he formed his opinion and ruled the conclusions of councils, cautiously, indeed, and with ecclesiastical learning to back him, but by authority of his own. In the question about images, which was so complicated by political difficulties, and had so much to do with finally separating the Greek and Latin Churches, he took his part, the part, it must be said, of moderation and sobriety. He rejected a council claiming to be oecumenical (Nicaea II. 787), and opposed the pope who had accepted it ; while he boldly attempted in a Frank council of his own (Frankfort, 792), and by the pen of his scholars and divines, to fix the opinion and usage of the Western Church. The most unceremonious pro- clamations of strict and unsparing discipline were ad- dressed to the bishops ; and articles of inquiry were sent about, detailed and minute, as to their knowledge of the elements of religion, the morality of their lives, their diligence in preaching, their capacity and that of their clergy to perform the offices of religion. They are to be asked, he says, in one of these visitation circulars — and the question is to be driven home — " What is the mean- ing of the Apostle's saying (2 Tim. ii. 4), ' No man that warreth, entangleth himself with the affairs of this life;' and to whom do the words apply?" Charles's idea of his office as king was deepened and enlarged when he became emperor. He then rose from being the king of the Franks and Lombards, to what the world of this day, and after it the middle ages, supposed 138 Beginning of ihc Middle Ages. a. d. to be the unique and transcendent supremacy Claims of • u v 1 r r^ a . » ecciesi.istical inherited from Caesar Augustus. As enipe- aremperor! ^°^' °^ ^^^ PvOmans, he claimed to govern the Roman world, and all persons and things in it. As emperor, he claimed the pope himself as his subject. The pope was his father and guide in religion, and governed the Church by power not derived from man and according to a legislation of its own, yet sub- ject to his own visitatorial control. At the pope's hands he received his own imperial crown and anointing. But the election of the pope required the emperor's con- firmation ; the pope like every one else, had to take the oath of fidelity to the emperor ; the pope went through the ceremony, as it is expressed in unsuspicious con- temporary language, of "adoring" him at his corona- tion, after the custom of the eniperors of old. Pope Leo 111. pleaded' before him; and Charles, in bidding his envoys exhort the pope to live honestly, to observe the canons, and to avoid simony, used the same force and freedom with which he exhorted his bishops. Charles » claim to interfere in religious matters, which he had pu. hign as king of the Franks and Lombards, was sensibly raised, both in extent and peremptoriness, when he be- came emperor. He conceived, and his age with him, that he had received from God, together with the in- heritance of the Caesars, the duty and of^ce of the Jew- ish kings, not only of protecting the Church of God, but of purifying it from evil, and makmg everyone in it, from the highest to the lowest, do his duty, and submit to the imperial authority and rebuke. This broad claim to superintend and regulate the policy, the government, the practice, and even the be- lief of the Church, with which the East had been long familiar, was new among the Teutonic rulers of the 771-814- The Christian Empire. 139 West. In Charles appeared for the first time, realized and complete, the mediaeval idea of the Roman empire- According to this idea, " the unity of the Christian em- pire reflected the unity of the Christian Church," and the empire had its supreme head, Cssar Augustus, as the Church had the successor and representative of St. Peter. In Charles's interpretation of the idea, the ulti- mate control of this twofold realm rested with the di- vinely appointed Caesar; where there was a conflict of judgment it was for his authority to prev'^ail. The re- vival of the empire was the pope's doing, and for a long time the popes sought in vain to undo what in a time of need they had too hastily sanctioned. But to undo was beyond their power. Men took different sides in the great question which arose out of the idea of the empire ; but the idea had struck deep root ; it was the idea at once of Frederick II. and Dante, and of Gregory VII, and Boniface VIII. The precedent set by Charles, and the fierce debates arising out of it, affected the whole history of the middle ages, and even of the centuries which followed the Reformation ; nor is its eventful significance exhausted yet. In the great conflicts between Church and State both parties have sought arguments from it. The governments of Europe have found in it an armory of precedents to limit or to extinguish the liberties of the Church : while in the origin and incident* of the revived empire, and in the new place of the pa- pacy which followed on this revival, the champions of the pope have seen proofs of the theory which made him the master of kings and laws. Charles was keenly alive to the depressed state of knowledge and of general cultiva encourage, tion in his age, and to the contrast in regard ment of ° ^ learning. to literature and theolog}' between his own I40 Beginning of the Middle A^^es. a/d. times and the great days before him. Early in his reign he collected about him in his palace the best scholars he could attract, and made them his familiar friends. The most considerable of them was — like the great German missionary of the previous generation, Boniface — an Eng- lishman. Alcwin came over from the school of York in 782, and remained, with a short interval, on the continent till his death in 804. By such help Charles tried to im- prove his own knowledge, and to raise the standard of acquirement round him. Records of the conversa- tions and discussions which went on between the king and his " palace school " have been preserved in Alcwin's writings. They show the almost childish confusions and affectations of reviving knowledge ; but they also show the manly interest felt in the task of inquiry and self-improvement. The king and his companions fur- nished themselves with names, partly from the Bible^ partly from Latin literature ; Charles was David, and there was a Nathanael and a Bezaleel ; Alcwin was Flaccus Albinus, with a Homer, a ]\Icpsus, a Flavius Damoetas ; and for the ladies of the palace, the sisters and daughters of Charles, there were the names of Lucia, Columba, Delia, Eulalia. They employed their mother wit and their curiosity on such learning as was within their reach relating to the processes of thought and the powers of speech, the laws of numbers and sound, the motions of the heavenly bodies ; and they called it logic, grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic, music and astronomy, Charles learned to speak Latin with facility, and he understood better than he spoke, Greek ; in his native Frankish German he was a vigorous and impressive speaker, and the splendour and usefulness of Latin did not shake his allegiance to his mother tongue. He was passionately fond of the old German songs and lays; 7 7 1 -8 1 4- Encouragement of Learning. 141 He attempted a German grammar, which means proba- bly that, hke Otfrid, the translator of the Gospels in the next generation, he attempted the then hopeless task of grasping, under rules like those of Latin, the varying spoken dialects of his kingdom. He tried late in life, but without success, to acquire what was then the pro- fessional art of writing. He was a severe critic of the reading and singing in his chapel. It was his custom to be read to at meals ; and his favourite book was St. Augustine's " City of God," which, with its grand sweep- ing generalizations, and its religious sense of the presence of God in the history and development of mankind, answered to his own lofty view of the work to which he had been called. In promoting the improvement of learning, Charles showed the same eagerness of person as he did in politics, or war, or hunting. Utterly dis- regardful of trouble, and untiring in what he Measures ° » o f-,r pro- did himself, he called on his bishops and motmg 1111 1 1 1 1 learning. abbots both to learn themselves and to enforce learning among their subordinates. Ordinances were issued calling for schools to be set up in the great sees and monasteries. They arose, or were quickened into activity where already founded ; and they produced their fruits in the next generation, and kept hope alive amid great disasters. Colonies were sent from the schools and monasteries of Gaul into Germany ; thus New Corbey in the conquered Saxon land was founded by converted Saxons, who had been trained at Corbey on the*Somme. At Osnabriick, in view of greater inter- course with Constantinople, Greek was specially ordered to be taught. The increasing list of learned names w'hich begin to appear from this century, almost all of them pupils of the new German schools, shows that 142 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. Charles's efforts were not altogether in vain. But it was easier to command and even show the way, than to be obeyed ; and even to be obe^^ed, than to alter the inher- ited conditions of his age. Yet Charles was as practical as he was enthusiastic and resolute. In this, as in other things, the wants of men, and the necessity of supplying them, were insisted upon by the master spirit of the time, with such manifest truth and reason, that though the change was imperceptible and was thwarted by countless adverse influences, a great change had really set in. And encouragement was given to those who, in those wild and perplexed times, believed that men were meant for something better and higher than a life of fighting, of personal rivalries, and of coarse enjoyment. Charles's great qualities were alloyed with great faults. With the excellences of a strong nature, he had the fail- ings and self-delusions of the strong. Great Chii les's 3^g Y^Q was, both in what he aimed at, and in great taults. ' what he accomplished, he could not be above his age; he had the rudeness of a barbarian en- deavouring to rise above barbarism. Rude, as Peter the Great in like circumstances was rude, yet Charles's was the rudeness of a larger and more genial nature, and of a nobler ambition. But Charles was one of those who think they know enough, and have strength enough to mould the world at their will. With strong affections and wide sympathies, he was imperious and masterful. He saw no limits to his power to correct and mend, and no limits to his right to exerci >e it ; and his too ambitious and sometimes unscrupulous attem^.ts sowed the*seeds of mischief to come. Clement and placable as he was in peace, his wars were ferocious, and his policy after conquest unsparing; yet it was the ferocity which often since his time has been judged the only weapon to ex- 7 7 1-8 1 4- Extent of CJiarles' s Kingdom. 1 43 tinguish obstinate and dangerous resistance. He was in earnest in his religion, and there vvas much in it not only of earnestness but of intelligence. But it was not com- plete or deep enough to exclude that waywardness and inconsistency of moral principle, and that incapacity to control passion, which belonged to the time. We do not hear of the foul murders and treasons of the Merovingian times ; but his court was full of the gross licentiousness of the period. He was not superior to it himself; there were many evil stories about him ; and tenderly attached as he was to his children, he was not happy in their training and fortunes. The Frank kingdom which Charles had received from his father included Gaul from the Loire to the Rhine, with an ill-established sovereignty over the ° ^ Extent of German tribes between the Rhine, the Elbe CnarLs's , , T T T-v 1 1 . 1 • kingdom. and the Upper Danube, and over the mipa- tient Latinized population of Aquitaine. During the forty-seven years of Charles's reign it had grown into a resemblance of the dominion of the Caesars. When Charles died, its borders were the Ebro in Spain, the Elbe in Germany, or beyond the Elbe, the Eyder, and the Bavarian Enns, if not the Hungarian Theiss, to the south-east. All of what is now Germany west of the Bohemian mountains, not merely acknov/ledged in him an over-lord, but v/as really won to his rule. He secured, what his father had only fought to secure, the submission of Latin Aquitaine, and the submission, at last complete and sincere, of the stout-hearted and obstinate Saxons. There had been one independent Christian kingdom on the mainland of the West, that of the Lombards at Pavia ; it had disappeared. He had wrested from them all Italy, which was beginning to be called by their name, from the Alps to Calabria, and the king of The Franks pre- 144 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. served the memory of his conquest by adding to his title that of king of the Lombards. His more indefinite claims to sovereignty or tribute extended beyond these limits — to Corsica and perhaps Sardinia, to the lands between the Danube and the head of the Adriatic, to the barbar- ous tribes of Slaves, eastward of his proper border as far as the Vistula. From the ocean to the mountains of the Bohemians and the plains of Hungary and Poland, from the Baltic till he met the Arabs in Spain, the Greeks in Calabria, Sicily and Dalmatia, the continental Europe of that time owned his sway and formed his empire. It seemed to be the centre of all authority, the bond of union among the nations. Charles was one of those men, who in person and out- ward bearing answer to their place. Tall, robust, well- proportioned in body, with great strength and activity, simple in dress, bright and keen-eyed, clear but shrill in voice, commanding in feature, hale in his old age, he lived with unbroken health till his last few years, greatly despising physicians and remedies. He was a great eater, but sparing of wine, and relied on starvation as his only medicine. He was a great rider and swimmer, passionately fond of bathing, and delighting in the hot springs and pools of his favourite Aachen. To the very last he was a mighty and untiring hunter. After an autumn spent in violent exercise, the winter of 813-81.-1 was at length too much for him. Fever and pleurisy attacked him, and he would only meet them by starving himself. On the morning of January 28, 814, he died. He was buried the same day in the stately basilica \^hich he had built hard by his palace at Aachen or Aix-la- Chapelle.and adorned with marbles brought from Rome and Ravenna. He was laid in the tomb which he had made for himself. On the gilded arch beneath which 8 14. Death of Charles. 145 he lay, was his effigy and the inscription : "Under this tomb is laid the body of Charles, great and orthodox Emperor, who nobly enlarged the kingdom of the.Franks, and for 47 years reigned prosperously. He died, being seventy years old, in the year of our Lord 814, the 7th Indiction, the fifth day before the Kalends of February." There, in the vault below, he was left, sitting as in life on a marble throne, dressed in his imperial robes, with his horn, his sword, and his book of the Gospels on his knee. And there, says the legend, in the last years of the tenth century, he was found by Otto III., who ven- tured to open the tomb, and who beheld the undecayed form of the great emperor of the Franks. For the first time since the fall of the Roman empire in the West, a king, an emperor, had arisen in the new nations, to rule with glory; a conqueror, a legislator, a founder of social order, a restorer of religion. His un- broken success, his wide dominion, his consecrated au- thority, his fame spread to the farthest bounds of the world, recalled the great kings of the Bible, the great Caesars of Rome. What made him so great was, that his aim was not only to conquer, and overthrow, and enjoy, but that he laboured so long and so resolutely with deliberate purpose for the benefit of men. It was all the more wonderful and impressive, from the disorder which had been before, from the disorder which for a long time followed. His reign was a romantic episode, interposed in tlie midst of what seemed normal and irre- mediable anarchy. The unique splendour of his reign, which even we with our cooler judgments see to have been so remarkable, naturally dazzled the imaginations of his age. The haze of legend and poetry soon enve- loped his image in the memory of the nations. The great German king and Caesar was transformed into a 146 Beginning of the Middle Ages. A. D. fe Tf It 00 '^ 2 S 1) S O r< •^ ^ t>. € S2 O jfl ? 5> ro Tj- 0_ — 'S._ "-o •;r o ^ P-. . c^ — rn e u i5 a 6^ r <^o U o \A rs 1) o H-l If. "^ ■£* )-) u .-0 ^J 0-T3 o>-i y (« _. u * 00 -;3 The Carolingians. 147 Latin hero of romance, the theme of the Norman" Chant de Roland," and of the Itahan poets of the court of Fer- rara, Bojardo and Ariosto. More strangely still, as the great champion and legislator and benefactor of the Church, he grew, though personally so lax in his rules of hfe, into the reputation of a saint. He was never for- mally canonized; but his name and his doings appear in the catalogue of the Saints ; his altar was frequent at one time in Germany and the Low Countries ; and to this day, his title to saintship is still acknowledged by altar, and image, and festival, in the churches of the Lower Valais. His glory was the prelude to strange reverses in the fortunes of his posterity. Strong as he was, the times were yet stronger; and the children of Charles proved even less worthy of their origin than the children of Clovis. For they started from a higher point ; and they sank at last almost as low as the Merovingians. CHAPTER VHL THE C A RO LI NGI A NS . 1. Louis the Pious and his sons. — 2. The Northmen. 3. Fall of the Carolingian lines. It seemed as if under Charles the Franks were to be to the new world of Christendom what the Remans had been to the old world of heathendom. It seemed so. But before Charles died, he showed that he felt it was hardly to be, and that his image of empire had been but his own personal achievement, and was linked to his own character and life. Two forces opposed the conti- 148 Beginning of the Middle Ages. nuation of his empire, and he recognized them both: the permanent conditions of nationality, and the acci- dents of his own family. He saw that his dominion was made up of discordant elements, the German, the Gaul, and the Italian ; the true German Frank of the East, the Frank of the Main and the Rhine, the Moselle and Meuse; and the Romanizing Frank of the West, the Frank of Paris and Rouen, of Orleans and Tours, with the Romanized Celt of the South, of Bordeaux, Tou- louse, and Lyons. Three sons, the sons of one of the earliest of his wives, Hildegard, had grown up in the companionship of his wars, and had shared with him in his enterprizcs of conquest and rule. The eldest should succeed to his position, by right of birth or by national choice, was not the assumption of those days among the Franks. The ideas and pre- cedents of the kingdom prescribed a division of the inheritance ; and Charles accepted, as of course, the parting of his empire. His one care was that it should be a peaceable one ; but he never seems to have thought of keeping it together, as he had held it, in one hand. Eight years before his death, in order to avert discord and quarrel between his sons, he made a solemn act of partition (806). Charles, the eldest, was to rule in the North over the old kingdom of the Franks, from the Elbe to the Loire, Neustria and Austrasia, and the German lands beyond the Rhine, with North Burgundy, the Valley of the Rhone, and Aosta, one of the southern keys of the Alps. Pipin, the second, had the East and South-east, Bavaria, and " Italy, which is also Lom- bardy," with the southern bank of the Danube, and up to the sources of the Rhine. Louis had the south, Aquitaine and Gascony, the Spanish March, Provence, and South- ern Burgundy, and the valleys of the Western Alps, EUROPE time of Charles the Great The Carolingia?is. 149 Savoy, Maurienne, and Tarentaise. To each — that each, it was said, might aid the other, really that each might have his own access to Italy and Rome — was assigned his own pass over the Alps; to Charles by the St. Ber- nard, to Pipin by Chur and the Septimer, to Louis by the Mont Cenis and Susa. The contingency of the death of any of them was provided for ; and rules were care- fully laid down for the questions which, in the existing state of society, were the most usual causes or pretexts of quarrels. In making this arrangement, Charles must have acknowledged to himself that the great achieve- ment of his own life was not likely, except from unfore- seen chances, to be repeated, and that he was in truth founding three great and separate kingdoms, for which all that he could do was to try and keep them allied and at peace. Yet he might have thought that the Germans, in the great race of Franks, were henceforth to lead the world. But none of these things were to be, not even peace in his family. In the few years between the act of par- tition and his death, two of the three sons among whom he had so carefully divided his realms, had died, and left their claims to be a source of endless strife, feud, and war to a younger generation. And that leadership of the Germans during the last three centuries, which seemed secured to them by the revived empire was, by the re- sults of the policy of the greatest of German leaders, finally checked and abolished. By the destruction of the Lombard, which meant a Teutonic, ascendancy in Italy, by the decisive separation of the Western Frark kingdom from the Eastern Franks, and by the creation of a great Italian power in the reconstructed papacy, the independence, and then the preponderance and triumph of Latin influences in southern Europe were made sure- 150 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 806. Charles aspired to put his Germans at the head of the rising civihzation of the West. But they were still too rude for the task. And exactly as his own efforts to awaken a desire for order and cultivation were success- ful, it was felt that not force, but trained and experienced reason, not the gifts which had made the Germans irre- sistible, but those which were the inheritance of the weaker Latins, were the foundations of power, and the guardians of peace, law, and hope, in society. The wild world which Charles the Great had tried to tame broke out again into disorder under his son, Louis, i\:i\-nQdL Pious , der Fronime, le Debonnaire, the kindly and religious, as we should perhaps name' him, " the Good." Charles's aim had been to create a strong central power, which, leaving each land with its own institutions and laws, should everywhere moderate and control, should en- force justice, should support religion and civilization, and should encourage learning; and he thought that he had done so by reviving the Roman empire in the West, and placing it among the Franks. Still holding the authority of emperor, Charles, as has been already said, towards the end of his reign (806), following both imperial and Merovingian precedents, appointed three of his sons, Charles, Pipin, and Louis, to be kings under him ; laying down provisions for maintaining the peace and unity of the one Frank empire. But his foresight was of no avail. Pipin in 810 and Charles in 811 both died before him. Then \\2 devolved his imperial dignity, by his own authority, in 813, a year before his death, on Louis of Aquitaine, the survivor of his three kingly sons. Thus, at Charles's death (814). Louis came at once into his father's place as emperor, and was welcomed in it by the unanimous consent of the Franks. Two years after he was crowned at Reims by the pope, Stephen V. (816). A. D. 814-840. Louis the Pious. 151 Louis followed his father's example by associating his eldest son Lothar, as emperor with himself, and by ap- pointing his other two sons, Pepin and Louis, and his nephew, Bernard, over the outlying ^a is as^o- portions of the empire — Aquitaine, Bavaria, sons ia his • 11 J govtrn- and Italy, or as it was sometunes called, ment. Lombardy. For sixteen years all went on, begauiings. as in Charles's times. Louis, popular with his subjects, gentle-jninded, for the most part a lover of mercy and justice, but also active and brave, sedulously followed in his father's steps in legislation and govern- ment. He was busy with reforms both in Church and State. His ordinances swell the Capitularies. From all quarters ambassadors came to him, with presents, pro- posals for peace, demands for assistance — from the Greeks, the Saracens, the Bulgarians, the Danes, the Eastern Slaves, the popes. The old success attended for the most part the military expeditions of the Franks. An attempt to make Italy independent under young Bernard, his nephew, was at once and pitilessly sup- pressed (817). Bernard's eyes were put out, and he died soon afterwards (818). More formidable revolts in the border-lands beyond the Elbe, in the Slave countries beyond the Inn, on the Drave and the Save, in Brittany, in Gascony, were vigorously met and put down. And yet in the midst of his power and glory Louis was mind- ful of the frailty of human greatness, and the imperfec- tion of human action. More than once his conscience smote him. At a great meeting at Attigny, near Laon, 822, like the Emperor Theodosius, he voluntarily hum- bled himself before his assembled chiefs and bishops, publicly confessing his offences against those whom, like his nephew Bernard, he had treated unjustly and cruelly. Thus, with a milder and purer character, Louis seemed 152 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. to keep up the vigour of his father's rule, and to have inherited his father's power and fortune. Never had the boundaries of the empire been so extended, or its au- thority appeared so commanding. Without his father's fauhs, he had reached to more than even his father's greatness. But it was the illusion of only sixteen years. It was true that he had not his father's faults ; but it was proved at last that he had not his father's strength. The show of prosperity and success durjng the first half of his reign was in the latter half to end in gloomy and hopeless confusion. The explosion came at last. Louis, left a widower in 818, married, in the following year (819), the fair and am- bitious Bavarian Judith, the daughter of Welf, sec^^Ki^'^ ^ Count of Altorf, on the Lake of Lucerne, the hS yoSng- ancestor of m.any famous lines : among them est son those of Estc, of the Guelfs of Bavaria and Charles. Quarrels in Saxony, of the Plantagencts, of the House of 'ii'iy- Brunswick. In 823 she bore a son, named after the great emperor, Charles, and to be distinguished from him afterwards as Charles the Bald. This roused at once the jealousy of the emperor's first family, the three sons who shared his government. The empire was henceforth filled with their intrigues and revolts. Their counsellors and partizans, the turbulent nobles of their kingdoms, threw themselves into the quarrel with rancour ; and the attacks on the Empress Judith have been compared to the insults of the revolutionary parties in Paris against Marie Antoinette. The emperor was bent on carving out a kingdom for his youngest and fa- vourite son ; but the partition betwen the elder sons was regarded by them as final, and whatever was given to Charles must be given at their expense. In 829 the em- peror took from the portion of one of them, Louis "the 823-833- Louis the Fious. The Liigenfeld. 153 German," Alamannia.Rhaetia, and Burgundy beyond the Jura, corresponding roughly to Suabia and Switzerland, and created it into a kingdom for Charles, a child of six years old. From that time the empire of Charles the Great began to break up. In the following^ * ^ *= Empire year, 830, the elder sons, with Lothar, his begins to father's trusted associate in the empire, at ^ "^' their head, set up in Paris the standard of revolt. Louis was surprised by his sons, and together with the empress was imprisoned, threatened, ill-treated. He was restored as suddenly ; for the brothers distrusted one another, and the feeling was strong for the emperor in the Eastern and German provinces. His rebellious sons were lightly punished, and again they rose up against him. This time they had won over the pope, Gregory IV. to their side ; and he accompanied their united armies against their father (833). The two hosts for several days faced each other on the plains of Elsass, near Colmar. Neither side would attack ; but communications freely passed between them, the pope offering himself as mediator. The end was that the emperor's adherents were persuad- ed to desert him. His army broke up without fighting. Bishops and counts passed over, one after another, to his sons, and he was left with the empress and her son to the mercy of the rebels. The name of ^j^^ u Y\^\d. this long-remembered scene of treachery ^^ Lies," 833. was changed from the " Rothfeld," to the " Liigen- feld," Campus Me!idacii,\h.Q. '' Field of Lies.'' The sons endeavoured to force their father to abdicate ; but he was resolute in his refusal. They imprisoned him in the monastery of St. Medard, near Soissons. At length, in an assembly of bishops and nobles, he was formally deposed. But the sentence had scarcely been pro- nounced before the reaction began. The brothers, as 154 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 833-840. usual, quarrelled. As before, the Germans of the East- ern provinces were ready to support him, though they had deserted him at the Liigenfcld. Once more Louis was released, his deposition cancelled, and he was again emperor ; once more he forgave and made peace with his rebellious sons. But confidence and quiet were not restored. Partition after partition — ten are coun':ed dur- ing his reign — showed the emperor's unscrupulous-eager- ness to increase the share of his youngest son ; he added to Alamannia, Neustria, and, on Pipings death, Aqui- taine. Father was still in arms against son, and brother against brother. The empire, so prosperous while united, began to suffer from external attacks. Northmen and Slaves became more troublesome and audacious. At length, still victorious, but victorious over his own chil- dren, with a threatening future, and amid natural calam- _ , , ities and portents, Louis the Pious, the Death of ^ ^ . , Louis, Jane Kindly, died in one 01 his palaces on the 20, 40- Rhine, and was buried at IMetz, leaving dis- cord among his sons, and his great heritage shaken and in confusion. The last ten years of Louis' empire had made it clear that the power to govern its turbulent elements had de- parted with its founder. And from this time (830-840), the artificial force which had kept it together being removed, the contrast and opposition between its great national divisions became more and more distinct and sharp. The process of disintegration began, and it was probably in the nature of things inevitable. But it was greatly helped forward by violent and incurable dis- sensions between the brothers and their children, to whom Louis had left his empire. Lothar, the eldest, his associate in the empire, and already crowned at Rome, ambitious, cunning, unscrupulous, claimed for A. D. 841- Battle of Fontcnailles. 155 himself the whole imperial inheritance, and the supre- macy which his father and grandfather had held. He was the centre of the old Frank interest, the local Frank allegiance, the old Frank claims to rule. He held the north, the Rhine, and Italy ; he was master at once of Aachen or Aix-la-Chapelle, and of Rome, the capitals of the new and the old empire. But in the east and west, German Bavaria and Latin Aquitaine, always impatient of Frank supremacy, had each now their own king, sons, like Lothar, of the late emperor. In Bavaria and the neighbouring lands, Louis, named the German, had been able to defy his father ; his power and influence had become strongly rooted. In the west, Charles the Bald, though his claims in Aquitaine were disputed by a cousin, was gradually becoming formidable in the countries between the Loire, the Seine, and the Rhone. The trial of strength, in such conditions, could not fail to come. There was the usual prelude, like as of feints in a game, of treacherous negotiations and feeble con- flicts. At length, Louis the German and Charles, with the Latinized forces of the West, united in earnest against their elder brother. The bloody battle of Fonte- nailles, or Fontenoy [Fofitanetiwt] near Auxerre, a year after their father's death (June 25, 841), a battle famous in those days for the fierceness of the fighting, and for the greatness of the slaughter, ended in the overthrow of Lothar, and made it clear that his brothers could hold their own against him. The battle of Fontcnailles was the decisive proof that the unity of Frank dominion, shaken under the Emperor Louis, was hopeless under the Emperor Lothar. The two brothers, Louis and Charles, with more steadiness than was then usual, main- tained their alliance, and confirmed it the following year (844) by the memorable " oath of Strasburg," taken by M 156 Beglnnuig of the Middle Ages. a. d. 841-843. themselves and their two armies, by Louis' army in German [Teudisca, Deutsch) by Charles in " Roman, " [Ro7na7ia), a language no longer Latin, but not yet French. The result of their success was at length acknowledged and sanctioned by the treaty of Verdun (843), the most important and substantially permanent of the numberless partitions which had been and were to be. For it was the starting point of the new arrange- ment of Western Europe, following on the dissolution of the fabric which the great Charles had built up. Changes, redistributions, subdivisions, unions of the most varied kinds were still to be attempted. But, hence- forth, the broad lines of division were traced, which the subsequent history of Europe, in spite of all attempts to obliterate them, have only deepened. Speaking roughly we may say that by the treaty of Vendun, and by the confirmation of it, at Thionville Treat of (^44)' ^.nd Mccrscn (847), Louis the German Verdun, took the Eastern and Gcrm.an Franks, and Charles the Bald, the Western and Latinized Franks. Lothar, besides the imperial dignity and what- ever claims went with it, had the Middle portion of the Frank kingdom, between the Rhine eastwards, the Scheldt, Meuse, and Rhone westwards, with Italy, the emperor's special share. The realm of Lothar, the emperor, was, says Palgrave, "built upon Italy." The two imperial residences, Rome and Aachen, " the centres of the two great Cis-Alpine and Trans- Alpine crown lands, were conjoined by " an unbroken and continuous territory, including all varieties of soil, climate, and production, the wine and oil of the South, the harvests and pastures of the North.'' Once, and once only, again, i/.fter the disruption of Verdun, the three realms were for a short time under one emperor. A. D, 843. Partition of Ver'dun. 157 Charles the Fat, (884-887) ; but his hand was too feeble to hold them. The inherent tendencies to separate national life were irresistible. The new world grew too fast, and became too large, for any constitutional author- ity of those days to manage, and for anything but the rarest personal qualities to keep together. Charles the Great's design was more than once attempted, but was never again accomplished. " The history of modern Europe," says Sir F. Palgrave, "is an exposition of the treaty of Verdun." With the breaking up of the West into these great national divisions, occasioned by the family feuds of the Carolingians, the interest of their history is extinguished. For a time they continued ^^'^'^y ^ , * . '. . striics of the at the head of these divisions. They gave Caroiin- their names to some of tnem ; we hear of a Karli7igia, and a more enduring Lotharingia, now nar- rowed down to Lothringen or Lorraine. Each member of the family was for ever endeavouring for his own ad- vantage to undo the partition of Verdun, in whole or in part. But to this their efforts were confined. The po- litical and administrative aims of the founders of their house, of Pipin and Charles, disappear. The legisla- tive record, the Capitularies, so full under Charles the Great and Louis the Pious, thins out with a few import- ant documents under Charles the Bald, and after him comes to an end, leaving less trace than the legislation of the later Merovingians. Their history becomes a dizzy and unintelligible spectacle of monotonous confu- sion — a scene of unrestrained treachery, of insatiable and blind rapacity. No son is obedient or loyal to his father; no brother can trust his brother; no uncle spares his nephews. Members of the same family, their greedy envy of each other's possessions kept them in an unva- 158 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. viii. rying round of attempts at unscrupulous spoliation, suc- cessful or unsuccessful. There were rapid alternations of fortune, rapid changing of sides ; there was universal distrust, and universal reliance on falsehood and crime. But nothing, not even the barbarians of the North and East desolating their cities and provinces, could inter- rupt the infatuated passion to overreach and encroach. While the Northmen were piercing to the heart of Neu- stria by the Seine, the Loire, and the Garonne, Charles the Bald, unable with his utmost efforts to check them, never could resist the temptation, when it offered, to filch a province from a neighbouring kinsman, and he in like manner, when his hands were full, became the natural victim of their greediness. Yet the men themselves, some of them at least, such as Louis the Gerinan, and even Charles the Bald, were of a higher stamp than the Merovingians ; and, to the last, we find among them men of spirit and vigour , capable of striking a heavy blow and winning a success over a powerful opponent, But their energy was fitful and ill-applied. They had lost sight of all high aims and large purposes. The times were against them, and were too strong for them; and there were too many of them. Their rival pretensions were extravagant and irreconcilable. The dream of re-uniting their great ancestor's empire was ever before their eyes, and their capacity never reached to this. They were but able to balance and check one another. And thus their his- tory became a repetition of the disorder and dislocations of the Merovingian times. Pretenders struck in, carv- ing out new kingdoms or dukedoms from the older di- visions. The imperial, and then the kingly title, and at last the family itself, dies out, in one line after another, first, in that of the Emperor Lothar (Louis H. f 875), CHAP. VIII. Quan-els among the Carolingians. 159 next in that of Louis the German (Louis the Child f 911), and last in that of Charles the Bald (Louis the Lazy f 987] ; and each line ends in some feeble representative, who passes away, unhonoured, perhaps deposed and impri- soned. The family, more numerous than the Merovin- gians, confined themselves, like the Merovingians, to but few names. In the house of Clovis, almost every one was a Clovis, a Clothar, a Theoderic, a Childebert, a Chilperic, a Sigibert, a Cagobert. In the house of Pipin, almost every one was a Pipin, or Charles, or Car- loman, or, with the altered or modernized forms of the older names, a Ludvig (Louis), or a Lothar. But after the glory of their founder had departed, history can only distinguish them at last by some scornful nickname — Charles the Fat, Charles the Simple, Louis the Stam- merer, Louis the Child, Louis the Lazy, the "Do- nothing." Of the three sons who survived Louis the Pious, Lo- thar, the emperor, died first (855), and his family was extinguished within the twenty years that his two brothers outlived him. His king- |ouL°the dom was divided between three sons : Louis l^iO'S. I. Lothar, II. the Emperor, Lothar, and Charles. The Emperor ; threebrothers quarrelled among themselves, German; and were assailed by their uncles. They the^Bafdr all died without male heirs, the elder, the Emperor Louis II., being the survivor; and at each death, whether of brothers or nephews, and whether children were left or not, the moment was seized by the others to snatch or divide the vacant share, which usual- ly had been contested in life. The middle portion of the P>ank dominion, to the northern part of which, along the course of the Meuse and the Moselle as far as the Scheldt, the second Lothar gave the name of Lotha- l6o Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. viii. ringia, — that middle kingdom which the great Charles supposed could arbitrate between East and West, and the idea of which, after repeated vain attempts, was revived, again in vain, in the 15th century by the French house of Burgundy, — was, immediately on Lothar's death, torn in two by his uncles, Louis the German and Charles the Bald (870). At the death of Louis 11. the Emperor (875), Charles the Bald succeeded 1. Failure ....y..._ j-j of Lot'rar's m anticipatmg Louis the German, and seized peforLDuis . what was specially the imperial portion, 11.1875. Italy, gaining from Pope John VIIL the imperial crown (875), which he received like his great namesake on Christmas day, at St, Peter's, But he wore it only for a short time. Three successive years (875- 877) saw the extinction of the line of the first Lothar, and the death of his two brothers — Louis {876), and Charles (877). One of the main lines of the Carolingian stock was gone ; two v/ereleft. The house of Louis ^Lnu?s)he the German, who is said to have been the German, wisest and most iust of the brothers, ruled 840-911. J ' Charles at last over all the German lands to the Emp ror, eastward of an irregular boundary line, ■*"' " drawn from the mouth of the Scheldt to the Jura. According to the custom of his race, he had to encounter the rebellions of his three sons, who had been invested with the government of different parts of his kingdom ; but he vv'as able to hold his own against them. The survivor of them, Charles the Fat, for a moment raised the hopes of his subjects. For a brief interval he was Emperor, and united under his rule all the realms of Charles the Great, But the promise of reviving power was a treacherous one. Health and vigour gave way before the difficulties of the times and the intrigues of younger kinsmen ; eleven years after his father's death The Three Lines of the Carolingians. i6i -■V. c: t^ c ° o ^ o p. t4fc4Wi4fi . Svoo t^ 4^ w 11 <& -co a's g=s^- >- rt P3 — -a S I- Vw «<- ^ 8 g< fcd o -■§ oj o :: 800 pa" u-S m fc4 1 62 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. viii. he was deposed (887) and he died in prison in the mon- ^ ., ^ asterv of Reichenau in an island of the lake Failure of line of Louis of Constance (888). The litie of Louis the the German. ^ . , , , ..... Louis the German was continued only by an lUegiti- Chiid, t 9"- mate nephew Arnulf, duke of Carinthia, who took from his uncle Charles both the kingdom of Ger- many and the imperial dignity ; and it finally died out ill Arnulf's feeble son, Louis the Child (899-911). Thus within a century from the death of Charles the Great, one main branch alone survived of his house : the line of Charles the Bald, among the 3^ House of Western Franks, in Gaul. It dragged out a Charles the _ _ ^^ Bald, longer existence, but with no greater glory '^°~ ^^' than the two which had failed. Charles, his father's youngest born and favourite son by his second marriage with the ambitious Welf princess, Judith, was early taught not to trust even his brothers. He had to win his way through great difficulties to the kingdom which at last he secured. He was not without some of his famous namesake's gifts. He inherited Charles's literary tastes ; perhaps, some of his ideas of law and government. But all high political aims were subordinated to his restless and unscrupulous eagerness to enlarge his borders. While he could not save them from the ravages of the Northmen, his reign was spent in trying to add to dominions which he could not govern. Like Charles the Fat after him, he seemed for a moment to have succeeded, only to prove the impossibility of suc- cess. For two years he bore (875-877), amid humiliation and disaster, the coveted name of emperor. But he left no stronger or more fortunate posterity than his brothers. His son, Louis the Stammerer, his successor in Gaul, died two years after him (879). The two elder sons of this Louis saw their Western realm broken up, CHAP. VIII. Charles the Bald. 163 < CQ td X H to s Its ■< X U Pu 6 W 3 o> >-) t^ II CO II t^ ^ t^ V 00 h V (A s ^ a a rt vJ C« fe V ia^ .c^ *^ <« ifl 'il 11 II b rt bO c <5 u. -c 0, G u„ u u ^ UOJ •o C H n 3 r^i ^^.^ d 0. ^2J •l-^ 8 ^S§ » !1 ^o3 I- VO 3^ CD p. ^ k § M ■^ CJ p ►1 CL 3 JTT c -1 P CD ^ CD -1 X- 3 . p. (—1 • l-J o 3 P •-< o 3^ -1 3 • • P- P P- 3^ CD w 52 * ^ * * * • * • • P O Ci- •-1 ^ M CB VO VO vO vO vO vO vO ca 00 00 00 VJ ON VI •v! en 4^ 4- to o VI C3\ OJ Ca v 1 VO 1 Cn vO ON O Ui l-( 1 H 1 ON VO t3 Ca >C( o o i-i VO VO VO VO VO vO VO 1 CO 1 00 1 00 v!, C/3 OJ M O VI ~-a Ln 4^ 4- to O ^ m CO VO U\ Qs l-l ON VO C/\ La On Ca H M 00 VO 4^ l-H M H o o O O VO VO vO VO CO CO 00 00 V5 VJ M O o o vo 4^ 4- CO VO VI Ca OJ VO 00 oo u> w 4^ M CO H VI CO 00 Ca to 1 VI "-1 c c W^ w >HW H „ P n > "^ 00 Ca 2> a. O o < 05 P 3 p. o 3 in C 3 rs re. 2_ ? 3 ^ 3 3 3 5' 3 P 3 P, 3 ^O £- P < S 3 3 3" P- CD H 3 g o M +- —h IT. p. o rs 3 tn to O y^ o •-1 3 3 OJ p. p o' a!_ t/i' n. P P 3 P- o p ^ o p o CD o p X o g: 3 a fD p ^'^ 3 "> En' c/i 3- 3 ^ p. c -. m 3 P- P p. 3^ -! o "•• f-t- tA O o ^ 3 S W CT n> 3 o 3 p o ^ ?r CD aq p !-^ 1— 1 3 S - • 1 p CD CD lit 1-.. CD CD < 5' O 3 ■-3 n CT» C/1 o P 0-:i CD tn 3 ^^ CD •-1 O P P 3 P- 3 CD ■-« 3" C^ CD 3^ < • p aq rt t« 5' p m P 3 P^ n p' 3 p i-j '•* i§ P CD 3 P- P ■-! :^ 2: :^ a > IX 1— t r r o > r r-~ ^ ^ ^ b O o ^ D' o ro O' 3^ S. tn' p S. p 3, to* 3 P P ^ p p "-► p • 3 • p- d 3 3 • CD 3' ft' n p T, o' 3 p 3 CD CD cd' 3^ CD a p CD* m 3* CD -( CD ?3 > vo vo VO ►i VO 00 cT ro 00 00 3 w 3 p:^ CO V) >— ( 2: CO 00 Ca CO VO 00 ^a 4^ 4- Ov ■^1 o\ i^ On CO 1 V) VO 1 1 1 ? CO 1 ^ \o v6 1 VO I VO 1 VO 00 00 1 00 00 1 oo VO 00 00 Cr 10 VO CX) VI VI M ONV4 ON +- (0 VO VI ON VI 4^ vO VO o VO oo 00 oo 00 CO 00 00 55 4^ to to i-i vO VO CO CO VI Ca 4- >-3 1 U\ U\ M CO M _o\ H CJN VI Cn H in w VO vO ON & P >-i P- r o o p. 'o~ >-l 1 VO 4^ CO (T! ►t' en P -^ 3 S- o q 3^ -1 1 3 « ?dp.p C "^ p "^ o O 3 d — CD 3- cd" en rjQ o 3 3 n> c a o 3 P ? CD > CD P" 2 3 P, CD •-1 P h!4 5* w ?3 9* p 1 5' b 3 p. > 3 C_ 2. p. ^ p 1 CO p 3 o ^ o 3 3^ ? CD 3 O < CD' < CD P 2. 53" (D w' p 1 > > z 1 1 66 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 800-900. border, the heathen Saxons, the more numerous Slave tribes, with some tribes of the Turanian or Turkish stock, had long been formidable. The great military achieve- ment of Charles the Great had been to subdue them. The German tribes had been more or less Christianized and assimilated to their more civilized Frank brethren. The Slaves long continued to be refractory and trouble- some ; and the irruptions of the Tartar Magyars or Hun- garians, brought back the terror of Attila's Huns even in the heart of Gaul and Italy. But the Eastern barbarians, though causing terrible misery and loss, and long defy- ing the efforts of the Carolingian kings to bridle them, never accomplishing a settlement in the West. They were kept within their own borders ; and the vast plains north and south of the Danube were finally occupied by the Hungarian and Slave populations which were defi- nitely to inherit them. But in the North and West it was different. The movement in Denmark and Scandinavia towards the _. , beginning of the ninth century had dis- The North- f,^ . . ^ ^, . ,^ . men in quicted the mmd of Charles the Great. A Danish king had stirred up war and defied him on the Elbe; and the barks of the Northmen were beginning to scare the coasts of Gaul, as they had already begun to burn churches and plunder mon- 7^71.794. asteries, on the Enq-lish coasts. They were [A.S.Chron.] ' f' ^ the forerunners of a tremendous tempest — of a descent of the barbarians, which in its wide-spread havoc, in its obstinate continuance, in its aims and con- sequences, was as eventful as the invasions of the Goths and Franks, or the conquests of the Angles and Saxons. It caused the last great change in the population of Western Europe, till the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. We are familiar with the Danes in England ; A. D. 800-900. The Norsemen in Gaul. 167 and we know that the Northmen created the great pro- vince of Normandy. But the Danes and the Northmen were the same; and what they did in England and in Gaul were but parts, simultaneously carried on, of one great system of adventurous exploring, of plunder, and attempted conquest. The havoc that they made in Gaul was as wide, as terrible, and as unintermitted as their havoc in England. In Gaul they had a yet wider field, and they ravaged wherever rivers could float their ships, from the Rhine to the Seine, the Loire and the Garonne; and up the Rhine and Moselle as far as Cob- lentz and Treves, up the French rivers far into the inte- rior, to Paris, Orleans, Bourges. The attempts of the Frank kings to arrest or limit the mischief, even on the Rhine, and much more in Gaul, were unavailing. Sum- mer after summer, as the ninth century wore on, and as the next began, the Northern adventurers came with in- creased force, with more daring leaders, with larger de- signs, with more clear superiority. Even if defeated, they only changed their object of attack. Discomfited and beaten off in England, they crossed over to Gaul. If the local resistance was too strong for them in Gaul, they tried their fortune on the opposite shores. The deepest discouragement and terror took possession of the populations of Gaul, who seemed for the most part helpless. We are hardly accustomed to the thought that it was within but a little that half France should become a Normandy, and that Danish kings should rule in the land of the Franks, as they did in the land of the Eng- lish. Things pointed in that direction towards the end of the ninth century, under Charles the Bald and his children. Perhaps what prevented it was the compara- tive smallness of the numoers of the invaders, conse- quent on their mode of access. The largest of their fleets 1 68 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 845-882. could not transport the barbarian hosts who marched by land. The first serious danger from the Northmen in Gaul coincided with the outbreak of intestine dissensions in the family of Louis the Pious. Just after the catastrophe of the Liigenfeld (833) they appear burning churches and plundering monasteries at the mouth of the Scheldt, and even threatening the cities of the Rhine. In May, 841, amid the civil broils between the Carolingian brothers, a month before the fight of Fontenailles, Osker the „ . . , Northman entered the Seine, which was soon Coin'irience of D..nish to be specially the Norman river, plundered aitack> with , , , „ ... internal ^nd Dumed Kouen, and retired, ransommg quarrels. ^^ destroying towns and monasteries, on his way back to the sea. From this time the Northmen learned that the broad rivers of Gaul were more worth exploring than the coasts. The Seine, because it was nearest, and led up to Paris, now becoming a place of great importance in the new West Prankish realm — the Loire and the Garonne, because they led, through corn lands and vineyards and the richest cities, deepest into the heart of the country, became the scenes of periodic visitations from the Danish adventurers and pirates. Before the eyes of Charles the BaM, who was powerless to hinder them, the Danes (at Easter, 845) pillaged the monasteries of Paris, and then extorted the Danegeld, the tribute paid for peace, or rather respite. They came again, twelve years later (857), this time burning the monasteries, and scattering the bones of Clovis and Clotildis. Their third Easter visit (861) was followed by a parti. il settlement under a leader who. like Guthrum in England, received baptism, and by the creation of a barrier and bulwark agamst them, a frontier duchy, of which the chief seat was Paris, and the holder a valiant 876. Danish Attack on the Fi'ench Kingdoms. 169 soldier, Robert the Strong. From the duchy of Paris and from the house of Robert the Strong, proceeded the line which was to displace the Carolingians, and to be- come the kings ot France. Paris was fortified ; the great siege of 885, in which kings and emperors did so little to relieve the city, and Duke Odo, Robert's son, kept the Northmen so gallantly at bay, was the turning point of deliverance and hope to the Franks, and the title, in due time, of Odo, to supplant the Carolingian king. But the Northmen still prevailed. The county of Flanders, created like Paris, as a frontier defence (862), could not prevent an invasion of the Frankish rivers (881, 882), in which the Danes pillaged and burnt the most famous cities, Maestricht, Cologne, Coblentz, Liege, Antwerp, even Aachen, Soissons, and Reims. But in Germany they were al length checked, Gaul was an easier prey, and they began to occupy their conquests. Three times had the Frank kings granted to Danish chiefs the Count- ship of the Frisian shore, from the mouth of the Meuse to the Weser. The lands where they settled began to receive their name, in France Normandy, the "land of the Northern " {terra Nonnannoru??i) , answering to what in England was called the Danelagu, the land of Danish law. Besides the Normandy which they founded on the Seine, other Normandies were attempted on the Loire, round Amiens, in Burgundy and in Auvergne, round Chartres, in Brittany. Even in Germany, on the western bank of the Rhine, as far as Coblentz, Godfrey, the Da- nish count of Friseland, would have created a Danishry, if he had not been murdered by Charles the Fat (885), who had himself made a grant of. the territory. It was in vain that they were beaten, and that songs of triumph were made over some rare victory of the Franks. One of these songs has survived, in the German tongue of the lyo Beginning of tJie Middle Ages. A. D. 876-911. Franks of that time, the Ludwigslied, in honour of a victory won by Louis III., King of the West Franks. But the Danes reappeared, and the continual Danegeld was the proof of their success. At length, amid a crowd of chiefs, some of the same name, we hear of Rolf, or Rollo. At first he is hard to distinguish. But he is, apparently, to be discerned in those disastrous days, when Charles the Nonhman. S^^*^' unable to restrain the Northmen, yet found leisure to attack his brother's children, and attempt the imperial crown (876). Charles was de- feated ignominiously at Andernach by his nephew, Louis tne Saxon (Oct. 8) ; and a month before the battle (Sept. 16), Rollo sailed up the Seine, just as Osker had first led the Danes to Rouen, a month before the murderous bat- tle of Fontenailles between the grandsons of Charles the Great. Charles, humbled on the Rhine, thinking now only of Italy, and on the eve of a miserable end, con- firmed a treaty by which Rollo, besides having his Dane- geld, was to occupy Rouen. Rollo was henceforth, under Charles's successors, master of Rouen and the Seine. This did not prevent him from joining his coun- trymen in their ravages; but his name is not prominent till, amid the strife between Charles the Simple, the grandson of Charles the Bald, and the Dukes of Paris, he reappears. He had then become strong enough to be worth bargaining with as an ally. Charles the Simple, and Duke Robert of Paris, joined in giving Rollo a legal position in the lands which he occupied. A formal con- ference took place b&tween the Northman with his chief- tains, and the Frank, king, on the banks of the Epte, afterwards the boundary stream of Normandy. Rollo demanded, after some bargaining obtained, all from the Epte to the sea westwards, including Brittany. A doubt- A. D. 911-954- Growth of Normandy. 171 fill story says that he also received King Charles's daughter. For this territory he performed homage; "he placed his hands between the king's hands, and became the king's man ;'' and the next year he was baptized at Rouen. The "land of the Normans" had become a part of the Frank kingdom ; the " Duke of the Normans," though long sneered at as a " Duke of the Pirates," took rank with Dukes of Paris and Counts of Flanders, and was in time to be the premier duke of France. The treaty or agreement of St. Clair-sur-Epte was probably at the time not different from many trans- Treaty of St. actions of the same kind. But it was the Ck''"'^"'" tpte: 911. Starting-point of great changes. It formally introduced into the Latin world a new German race which rapidly unlearned its old habits and language, becoming more Latin than the Latins round it. And it added to western France a state which was to be its most powerful element ; a people of singular .strength, versatility, and ambition, who were to exercise an influ- ence without example on the fortunes of all their neigh- bours. When the settlement of Normandy had been finally recognized, and had attained, as it did in another gene- ration, its full limits, northward and west- ^ , . ' ' ' Foundation wards, the Danish attempts to settle else- of Duchy of . Normandy. where in Gaul gradually slackened, though their ravages continued for some time longer. The Northmen received some severe lessons. Twice in their efforts to penetrate to the central highlands of Auvergne and Bungundy they were defeated with great slaughter. In time the Danishry on the Loire and the Somme melted into the surrounding population. But the great result of their invasion, RoUo's almost royal dukedom, grew and prospered. It held the balance between N I -J 2 Bt'i^iiining of tJie Middle Ages. a. d. 928-936. Frank parties and kings. Vainly, by force or intrigue, the king of the Franks, Louis d'Outremer, son of Charles the Simple, endeavoured to undo his own and his father's work. Ignominious failure was the result. And twice, within two years (943-945), the Normans held the king of the Franks a prisoner in their hands. From the tmie of Charles the Simple and the estab- lishment of the Norman duchy, the Carolingians played Failure of ^ Varied but losing game against the rising ii,,^ "^ , house — the counts and dukes of Paris, the Charles the Bald. descendants of Uuke Robert. The royal authority was undetermined by the growth of great local potentates, and among them the lords of Paris and the adjoining territory were the most formidable, from the remembrance of their exploits against the Northmen, from their ambition, and from their ability. They had their rivals on the North and East ; the new Danish mas- ters of the valley of the Seine ; the counts of Vcrmandois, descendants of the great Charles. These rivalries, though at times they gave great advantages to the king, also marked his weakness and shattered the unity of the realm. The Carolingians had henceforth to fight for their kingdom with their great nobles. They were over- thrown, driven into exile, supplanted by strangers, restored. They were not without gallantry and spirit, but they owed their crown, when they held it, less to their own power than to the jealousies of the great terri- torial princes round them, whom a few more turns of tightening custom and stiffening precedent were to change into the great feudatories of the later ages. Charles the Simple, after a life of vicissitude and fruitless conflict, perished miserably in prison, by the treachery of one of the great rival nobles, Herbert of Vermandois (928), His infant son, nephew of the English Athelstan, 936-954- Last Struggles of the Carolingians. 173 saved with difficulty, and brought up in England — Louis the Stranger, Louis " d'Outremer," "from over sea" — owed his recall from exile (936) to the mutual suspicions of his father's enemies, Herbert of Vermandois and Hugh of Paris, who both counted on being able to use him for their own purposes. He came back to waste a gallant spirit and a reign of eighteen years (936-954), in fruitless efforts, fruitless even when he was victorious, to shake off the crushing pressure of the great dukes and counts, who in Paris, Normandy, Flanders, Vermandois, Lotharingia, Burgundy, Poitou, Aquitaine, hemmed in the king of the Franks in his fortress of Laon and its narrow surrounding district — all that remained besides the name of king to the family of Charles the Great. Nothing proves more certainly the failing powers of the Carolingian house, than the contrast between Louis, and the German king of the new Saxon line, Otto or Otho (951-973). Both were equally surrounded by the form- idable rivalry of powerful local chiefs, by confusion, selfishness, treason, by terrible outbreaks of barbarian invasion. But what the Carolingians could not do. Otto did. He asserted his mastery over the turbulence round him ; he conceived and carried out worthy political aims ; he attempted and partly accomplished the reform of abuses in government and in the Church ; and with no more ad- vantages than Louis, he left a great name as a king and a ruler, the founder, a second time, of the new Roman empire. Louis' son, Lothar, inherited the kingdom on the same terms as his father (954-986). The great duke of Paris claimed, as in his father's case, to be the pro- tector of the king. He still preferred to make, control, despoil, torment the kings of the Franks, than to be king himself. Lothar's reign was wasted, like his father's, in ignoble and unprofitable tiials of strength. There was 174 \ Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. much fighting, much crime, much intrigue, much vicissi- tude of fortune ; but everything contributed to the grow- ing strength and the independence of the duke of the Normans, and of his ordinary ally the duke of Paris. Louis and Lothar between them reigned for 50 years, but in vain. At length the time of the Carolingians was exhausted. Hugh the Great (1956) who would not be a king himself, left a son, Hugh Capet, for CaroUn- whom he prepared a kingdom, and who was gians give ^ '■ ^ )Uceiothe ready when the last Carolingian became ' '' ' king, to follow the example of the founder of the Carolingian line. The last Carolingian, boyish, profligate, restless, reigned but a year (1987). He died, probably poisoned. The great ]ine ended in a Louis, whom the historians have nicknamed, "le Faineant," "der Faul," "the Good-for-nothing." His death was followed by the election of Hugh Capet. In vain did Charles, Louis' brother, from the impregnable rock of Laon, the last refuge of the Carolingians, strike des- perately for his inheritance. The great interests round him, the political and ecclesiastical treachery of the time, were against him. After an obstinate struggle he was at last entrapped by the Bishop of Laon, betrayed, and de- livered into the hands of Hugh Capet. He died in prison ; and the Carolingians disappear from histor}-. With the end of the Carolingian line, and indeed long before it was extinct, came the end of that End of Fr-nk do- Frank power which, after the fall of Rome, had for four centuries played the foremost part in the West, and which had culminated in Charles's empire. The Franks had outstripped and defeated all their ereat rivals, the Gothic and then the Lombard race, in the competition for the leadership of the new world. They had been the conquerors and tamers of their 987 End of the Carolingians . 175 kindred barbarians — Alamans, Bavarians, Frisians, Saxons. Their manifest superiority, their brilhant suc- cesses, seemed to themselves and to their contemporaries to raise them to the greatness of the ancient Romans. The popes are never tired of celebrating their glory ; and their own feeling about it breaks out with a kind of lyrical enthusiasm, in the barbarous Latin of the prologue to the collection called the "Salic law." "The illus- trious race of the Franks, created by the hand of God, mighty in arms, deep in counsel, stable in the bond of peace, in body noble and stalwart, in fairness and beauty matchless, daring and swift and stern, newly come to the Catholic faith, free from heresy ! While it was still in the barbarian state, yet by God's inspiration, it sought the key of knowledge, and according to the bent of its own qualities, desiring righteousness and holding fast piety, its chiefs dictated the Salic law Long live [vivat) whoever loves the Franks. May Christ keep their realm, and fill their rulers with the light of His grace ; may He protect their host ; may He grant them the memorials of the faith, the joys and the felicity of peace. May Jesus Christ the Lord of lords, by His mercy guide their times. For this is that race which, when it was little in number, yet being mighty in valour and strength, broke off, by fighting, the tyrannous yoke of the Romans from its neck ; and after it had made the confession of baptism, by it the bodies of the holy martyrs, which the Romans had burned with fire or slain with the sword, or cast forth to be torn by wild beasts, were magnificently enshrined Avith gold and precious stones." But their day as a race was over. As that single and foremost nation which had controlled and directed the fortunes of all around them, they were to dissolve and disappear. They were merged and lost in the two great 176 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. ix. rival peoples which arose after them, and partly from them, and who divided their heritage. It was long be- fore they learned that they were no longer one, that they were to be divided. Long after the treaty of Verdun (843), and the death of the last legitimate Carolingian emperor, (888), even the Saxon kings of Germany claimed to interfere in the affairs of Gaul as representing the old kingdom and leadership of the Franks. But their claim no longer answered to the realities of the case. There was still to be a great Francia^ appropriating the name and fame of the Franks of Clovis and the great Charles ; but it was to be no longer German, but Latin. There were still to be Franks who were Germans, from whose dukes and kings were to come emperors of the Romans ; a Francia in the heart of Germany, and on both sides of the Rhine, retaining the name when it shrank up to the " Circle of Franconia" of later tiines. But the Franks who had ruled in Europe and established the power of the popes, the Franks who prepared the way for the middle ages, the Franks on whom for a time seemed to devolve the Roman empire, the united Franks of Charles the Great, broken up and separated, are known no more in history after the failure and extinction of the family of their greatest man. CHAPTER IX. CONSOLIDATION AND UNITY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE UNDER THE KINGS, CHIEFLY OF WESSEX — THE NORTHMEN IN ENGLAND. During the years which saw these great changes on the Continent — the establishment, the glory, and the brcak- "D of the Frank empire — the English nation, through a CHAP. IX. Consolidation of England. 177 history outwardly as turbulent and confused as that of the Continent, was slowly but distinctly becoming one, and preparing to endure one of the severest trials which can come upon a people — that of foreign conquest, and foreign conquest twice repeated within half a century. The progress of consolidation wliich was going on from the eighth to the tenth century, in what were to be separate states on the Continent, in the Scandinavian and Slavonic countries and in Hungary, as well as in Gaul and Germany, was going on steadily and visibly, though with frequent interruptions, in England ; and the process is not difficult to trace. The bands, or tribes, or leagues, or settlements, which in the preceding centur- ies had gradually become confluent, first in larger or smaller districts, and then in separate kingdoms, the so- called Heptarchy, had come, through war or agreement, to acknowledge the superiority of one or other of the kingdoms, and the over-lordship, temporary or heredi- tary, of its king. This over-lordship, which was some- times but not always expressed by the term Bretwalda, after being won and held by Oswald of Northumbria, and still more strongly by Offa of the great English mid- land, Mercia, finally passed to the kings of the line of Cerdic, the kings of south-western Wessex. Roughly speaking, the end of the seventh century, the time of the first Frank mayors, of the palace, is the time of the pre- dominance of Northumberland; the eighth, the age of Charles Martel, Pipin, and Pipin's great son, is that of the superiority of Mercia; the ninth, the age of the Car- olingians, is that of the superiority of Wessex. And with Wessex and Cerdic's house it remained. Egbert of Wessex, during the days of Offa's power, had, like other English princes, found refuge for thirteen years from the dangerous king of Mercia at the court of 178 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. ix. Charles the Great. In that school of statesmanship, of war, and of awakening intellectual activity, he saw and probably learned much ; and he forms an important link between England and the Continent. On the death of Offa he returned to England, and was chosen king of Wessex. Egbert became king in England a year or two after the great Frank emperor had been crowned at Rome. Egbert represents the beginning in England of that new state of things, the advance from the old-fash- ioned barbarism of the Merovingian and early Anglo- Saxon times, which on the Continent is represented by the ideas, the aims, and the achievements of the great Frank emperor. In the course of his long reign of nearly forty years (802-39), Egbert established his supremacy over the other English kingdoms, which in. the case of Mercia and Northumbria retained their subject kings. He was not only king of the West Saxons, but king of the English, as Charles was king of the Franks, having kines as well as dukes under him ; and the idea of the imity of the English nation and the English kingdom, to which Egbert first gave expression, was never again to be lost. Thus left to itself, unaffected by the political shocks and rearrangements of the Continent, and but partially influenced by the developments there of social ideas and forms, the nation which had now become English, grad- ually worked out its own union, its own institutions, and its own character. Its society rested on the class distinc- tions, in one shape or another common to all the Teu- tonic races, except, perhaps, the Franks ; the nobles, the freemen — free but not noble, — and the large and vague- ly-determined class of the half-free, or unfree, whether farmer, tenant, dependent, labourer, serf, or slave, bound to the land or bound to the household ; the £or/s, CHAP. IX. English Social Arrangements. 1 79 Ceorls, and Lcrfs, of the laws of Kent ; -the Edhelingi, Frilingx^Txxid La::zi of the Saxons of the Continent ; the Nobiles, the Ligcnui, and Liti of the Capitularies, These classes arc distinctly marked, as in all the Teu- tonic laws, by the difference of their "wergild," or the fixed compensation payable for personal injury or death. Its land tenure grew out of the old Teutonic system, in which a community, usually allied in kinship, had its defined territory, its Mark, or. afterwards in the German lands, its Gau, in which the land, in the first in- stance the public land of the community, and in larger or smaller portions of it long remaining so, became in other portions more or less absolutely appropriated to persons, and then to families ; appropriated by early occupation, by clearing and building, by grant, by custom, by vio- lence. The tendency to absolute ownership is a natural and strong one, and it would be increased when a tribe became part of an army, conquering and settling. Among the English the traces of the old Mark system were seen in the Folciand, the public land of the town- ship, used in common, or rented by individuals, but not alienated. But besides this there was the estate of private and inherited property, held by public witness, the Ethel, afterwards called the Alodial \2iX\d.\ and there was also the land, carved originally out of the public es- tate, and held by written charter, the Bocland, but soon confused with, or becoming equivalent to the Alodial por- tion, the patrimony and heritage. The political centre was the king; the necessity, in the first instance, of war and conquest, in each original division of the new settlers, but a necessity heartily and readily adopted in peace, the uncertain and fitful peace of those days, as thoroughly congenial to the Teutonic spirit ; the king of the men, the folk, to whom as a community the land belonged. l8o Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. ix. The king had -his special "companions," his "friends,'' "thegns," "ministers," "loaf-eaters," bound to his per- son by benefits and privileges, and growing by degrees into a formally recognized class of nobility, which at length overshadowed the older nobles w ho were noble by race and blood. The larger divisions of the land had their governors, " earldormen," taken from local poten- tates, or from the king's " companions" or his kinsmen. Besides these, another class of persons gradually grew up, bound to the king or to other chiefs, by a voluntary and formal tie of personal allegiance : those who had, according to the usage of the time, conivicnded them- selves to a lord as his " 9nen,'" and to whom the lord gave protection in return for service. With these high per- sons, according to their personal qualities, more than by any definite rules, lay the power of government and the impulse to action. But, as in all the German nations of the time, power was habitually exercised very much in public. The king or ruler was continually and periodi- cally face to face with assemblies, more or less large, of his people, to whose approval he appealed in legislation and policy, and whose concurrence and support he really needed. The public assembly, including all freemen, if not also some portion of the only half-free class below them, and having at its head the chief and most venera- ble persons of the community, whether kingdom, shire, or township, was the place where public matters were heard, and opinion, however rudely and imperfectly, was yet expressed. This institution of the public assem- bly, under different names [Mall Thing, Moot, in Latin, Placitinii), accompanies everywhere the advance and settlemen*: of the tribes of the German stock, whether the Goths in Spain, the Franks in Gaul, the Lombards in Italy, or the Saxons and Angles in Britain. As the CHAP. IX. Public Assemblies, t8i kingdom enlarged in compass, the character of the cen- tral assembly necessarily altered ; even if all freemen might come to it, all could not; it became, without pur- pose or rule, a more selected and representative body ; representative not by design or election, but the nature of the case. In addition to this, perhaps growing out of it, there was the " assembly of the wise," a king's coun- cil of those whose place made them his natural council- lors, and the people's spokesmen — bishops, earldormen, king's thanes — attended, it might be, on great occasions by larger gatherings of freemen or warriors on the spot. Meanwhile, the local assemblies remained. " The folk- moot was left to the shire ; the witena-gemot was gath- ered round the king." All great public transactions sUch as the election or acceptance of a king, made in the first instance by the select wzV^z;?, were also witnessed and approved by some kind of general assembly of the nation. The legislation and charters of the king, osten- sibly, often really, the personal acts of the king, bear on iheir face the concurrence of the witan ; and our docu- mentary evidence exhibits the chief men of the nation in general as parties, more or less really, according to the infinite variations of character and circumstances, to all the acts of government, administration, and policy. In indistinct and ill-defined forms, the elements of the various constitutional arrangements which were to be — • feudalism, or popular government, monarchy personal or parliamentary — were all present ; but none, in that age of confused and uncertain beginnings, had assumed a full-grown and consistent shape. The power of the king was great and increasing; yet it grew side by side with great personal freedom and strongly marked personal rights all round him, and with great weight and great pow- er supposed to exist in high bodies and assemblies, with 1 82 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. ix. which he had to deal. The relation of lord and " man," or vassal, was increasing; the king could add to it gifts of land, "benefices"; but the king was still thought of as the king of the people, and not as the owner of the land, though the disposer of the public part of it, the folkia?id. It lay in the course of events, what these ele- ments were to work out, and how they were to affect, and be affected by, the character of the nation. For a long time two counter processes went on ; the amalga- mation of distinct national divisions, with their various forms of power and rule, under strong kings ; and then the loosening of the new fabric under weak ones. It was what went on under the Frank kings on the Continent: and Milton compares these tribal strifes, to the wars "between kites and crows." But in these strifes and trials of strength, lay the process and discipline by which, in those rude conditions of society, a nation learned the necessity of becoming one. But just as the Anglo-Saxon settlements were begin- ning to coalesce into one kingdom, a new form of trial was coming on them. A terrible enemy broke in from without. In common with the rest of Western Europe, England was assailed on all sides by the fleets of the Norse sea-rovers. Their first appearance in England is chronicled in the year 787, when the crews of three strange pirate barks, rovers from the North, slew a king's officer who tried to seize them. It was the threat- ening thunder shower, which announced the most fear- ful and prolonged storm : a storm which tried to the ut- most the force and endurance of the English race. It burst at once on the Continent and on England. The Northmen, who, in the weakness and divisions of the Frank empire, had learned to use the great rivers of Germany and Gaul as highways, and who in the middle CHAP. IX. Danish Invasions. i8 o of the ninth century were burning- or pillaging their most flourishing cities, had also learned the way to England, had vexed the last years of Egbert, and under his son yEthelwulf had stormed and plundered Canterbury and London. In the year 855, the year in which Biorn Ironsides is said to have established a permanent iTiilitary post on the Seine, the Danes, who had hitherto landed, plundered, and sailed away, now for the first time wintered in Kent. They began to settle, and from their settlements to co-operate with their countrymen from the sea. It was the Anglo-Saxon invasion over again, with its stages of wide and desolating rapine, and then of occupation and encroachment by heathen barba- rians in a Christian land. The resistance was obstinate and persevering. Yet at one time it appeared as if resistance would be in vain. Within a hundred years after their first appearance, the Danes seemed master in the north and east. The bulwark of English power had fallen before them when the young king of Wessex, Alfred, (871-901), was driven into the marshes, the "water fastnesses," of Somerset. It seemed as if the civilization and Christianity of England were to perish. The heathen advance was stayed, and the fortunes of the English race were saved, by Alfred's victory on the edge of the Wilt- shire downs at Edington. But though the Danes were for the moment checked and humbled, Alfred had to submit to the hard condition of allowing them to settle in the largest half of England. By the agreement and partition of Wedmore (878), Guthrum, their leader, ac- knowledged Alfred's supremacy, and he and his chiefs received baptism. But the land was divided by the line of Walling Street, running with an outward curve from the Thames and the sea to Shrewsbury ; and all outside of it to the north-east became the Danelagu, the land of iS4 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. ix. Danish law— Essex, and East Anglia, and Northumbria, and half of the midland Mercia. The Danes were kept out of Wessex and the other half of Mercia, including London ; and these were knit together the more closely in the presence of their restless foe. In this refuge and core of English feehng, Alfred laid the foundations of a policy of recovery. Danish attacks from within and from abroad did not cease with the peace of Wedmore. The weight of their visitations fell alternately on Eng- land and France ; the peace of Wedmore was followed by more systematic and determined war in the north of Gaul, on the Scheldt, the Somnie, and the Seine. Two years after, (8801, the Northmen revenged their defeat in the Ardennes, from the German king Louis, by a great overthrow and slaughter of the Saxon nobles at Luneburg. Four years after (882), in spite of the valour of another Louis, the West Frank king, the hero of the Ludiuigslied already mentioned, they were ravaging the north of Gaul, from Amiens and Arras to Soissons and Reims. And while Alfred was comparatively at peace the great siege of Paris was going on, in which Count Odo's heroic defence laid the foundation of the fortunes of the Capetian house. Again, the great defeat of the Danes on the Dyle near Louvain, by Charles's successor, Arnulf (891), threw them once more on Eng- land, to prove by a harassing and perplexing warfare, Alfred's great qualities, his promptitude, his skill, his vigour, his indefatigable rapidity of movement. But by patient resolution, Alfred's successors up to King Edgar (959-975) were able gradually to bring under subjection, more or less complete, the Danish settlements in Eng- land ; while assailants from abroad were kept at bay by vigorous and persistent fighting. The Danish invasions, though mischievous and cruel disturbed, but did not A. D. Soo-975. The Kings 0/ IVessex. 185 arrest, the national growth. It is indeed remarkable, how readily the Danish new-comers, after a generation or two, became fused with the English stock ; how readily they received the English religion, and accepted the English speech. When once settled down in peace, the adventurous intruders were gradually tamed among the English population round them, and became in Eng- land undistinguishable from Englishmen, except as English provinces were distinguished from one another. The great and remarkable feature of English history, when it is contemporaneous with that of the followers of Charles the Great abroad, is the succession and influence of a singularly able line of kings. The kings of the house of Cerdic in Wessex were unlike, in their continuity of policy and energy, to any other series of kings of the time. They were different in their qualities, and even in their fortunes. But they were all men with a distinct purpose, which in different ways they carried out; the purpose to give unity, strength, and elevation to their English people. For the space of nearly a hundred and eighty years (800-975), the kings of Wessex steadily pur- sued, in the face of the most adverse circumstances, and even with great sacrifices, their practical object of bind- ing together and consolidating the various divisions of the Saxons and Angles, which left to themselves would have readily grown into the evil habits of internal and local animosities, so common at the time. They did this, doubtless, by the strong 1 and, yet by no exercise of despotic tyranny, and apparently with the full concur- rence of their own chiefs and leaders. Egbert laid the foundation, by establishing a supremacy over the north- ern and midland kingdoms. For thirty-five years after Egbert, his successors were occupied in the desperate task of protecting the land against the Danish ravages ; 1 86 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. ix. their success was chequv:;red, but they never lost heart, and their resistance to tlie strangers bound the Enghsh to one another and to the royal house. The danger and the resistance came to their height under Alfred (871-901); and Alfred was the flower and type of the Wessex kings. Sober, dauntless, resolute, patient, he met his circumstances, dark or bright, as they came, with the same steady temper, the same high public spirit. Receiving his kingdom amid calamity and disaster, over- powered and overmatched, he retired, biding his time, but not losing hope, till his opportunity came, and he was able to win and enforce a peace. By the peace of Wedmore, which allowed the Christian Danes under Guthrum to settle and live by their own law in the east of England — the Dajieiagu, a very faint kind of English Normandy — he abated, though he could not entirely check, the pressure of the Northern rovers for nearly a hundred years, and thus gained a breathing time for the works of peace. Alfred, serious in his religion as in all he did, and in this as in other things full of sympathy with his people, applied himself to raise and improve them. He set on foot reformation in the Church. He rekindled the lost learning of Bede and Alcwin ; he awakened what was equally precious — greater in this than the great Charles— the faith, the confidence of Eng- lishmen in the powers and worth of the English tongue. He wrote, he translated, he edited in Enghsh. He represents in the highest degree all the humanizing ten- dencies of the time, the efforts to bring out what was ex- cellent and noble in the national spirit, and to cast off what was barbarous. In this he was like Charles the Great; but in Alfred there was more soberness of aim and purity of life, with more care forjustice and mercy. Alfred is the father of the English navy ; he saw, like ^. D. 800-975. T/ie Kings of JVessex. 187 Edo-ar after him, that England to be safe, must be powerful on the sea. He was a legislator, reverencing and holding to the past, but owning the changes of the present, and not venturing too much to bind the future. He was sparing of his laws, because, as he writes in the preface to his "Dooms," " I durst not risk of mine own to set down much in writing, seeing that to me it was unknown what part of them would be liked by those who were after us." Alfred set the standard of an English ruler; one who thought not of himself, but of his charge and duty ; who did nothing for show, and sought not his own glory, but gave himself, and his credit too when necessary, to the interest of his kingdom, and the work of his place. He was followed in the first years of the tenth century (901-925) by his son, Edward the Elder, who followed the same policy of uniting the nation to- gether. He waged war for it with energy and success, quelling revolts and bridling the troublesome Danish settlers with fortresses which were to grow into towns. He incorporated Mercia, governing it by his famous sister Ethelfleda, the "Lady of the Mercians." He re- ceived homage from the "Welsh'' princes of Scotland, Strathclyde and Wales, who saw in the English king their bulwark against the Danes. Athelstan, (925-9:10), his son, the hero of the earliest surviving English war- ballad, the battle of Brunanburh, followed in his father's steps — crushing rebellions, teaching the English by fighting to feel themselves one, beginning to be famous even across the sea. Sisters of Athelstan were the wives of Western kings and princes: of Charles the Simple, and of his antagonist, Duke Hugh of Paris, of Boso, king of Provence, of Otto the Great, king of Germany. The widow and son of Charles the Simple took refuge with Athelstan, and Athelstan's influence counted for much o 1 88 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 901-940. in the lestoration of his nephew, Louis d'Outrenier, who brought some of the vigour of the hne of Wessex, but not its abihty or its fortune, into the failing race of Charles the Great. Through trouble and hard fighting, not without reverses, his two brothers, Edmund and Edred, and his nephew Edwy, carried on the work, of amalga- mation, defence, and government (940-959) ; and when another nephew, Edgar (959-975), received the kingdom of the English, he received it compact within itself, a kingdom in which he was really master on each side of Watlins; Street, over the Danish settlers as well as over his Englishmen, while his supremacy was acknowledged all over the island, in Northumbria, and by the Celtic Scots and Welsh. He was king of the whole of Britain, and of all its kings. The scribes of his Chancery delight to style him by the Western term Imperator^ and the Eastern Basileits. He seemed the Island counterpart of the Great Otto, crowned emperor at Rome in 962. The story told by Florence of Worcester, of King Edgar's barge rowed on the Dee by eight vassal British kings, expresses what was thought and remembered about him. "Throughout many nations," chants the old English chronicler, " and over the sea, the 'gannet's bath,' kings honoured him far and wide." "No fleet," he declares, "was so bold, nor host so strong, that could tear away the prey among the English kin, while that noble king held his throne." In Edgar the Peaceful the great political and social work of the kings of Wessex reached its height. His reign of peace for seventeen years, troubled only by in- significant local outbreaks, but by no serious wars, is one of the most remarkable phenomena of the time. Under it the English felt themselves one people, with a destined plaee among the nations. West Saxons and Mercians, A. D. 94o~975- Edgar — EtJielrcd. 189 Northumbrians, East Anglians, and men of Kent and Sussex, were content to be united members of the great KngHsh '* kin " and reahn. They had taken the definite mould and stamp, which they were henceforth to keep. Tremendous disasters awaited them. They were to measure their strength in vain, once and again, against foreign invaders. Tiieir enemies were growing in power and union as well as themselves. Contemporary with the kings of Wessex, from Alfred to Edgar, the succes- sors of Rollo the Norman (876-927), William Longsword (927-943), and Richard the Fearless (943-996), were cre- ating Normandy. Contemporary, too, with them, the Scandinavian tribes, from whom both Danes and Nor- mans came, were growing up, like their kinsfolk, into nations and kingdoms, under chiefs of strange names — Gorm the Old (883-935), Harald Bluetooth (935-985). Sweyn or Swend of the Forked Beard (985-1014), Olaf, the Christian king of Norway (994-1000?). The Eng- lish were to be ruled weakly and faithlessly, to be de- fended by fitful and useless valour, to be betrayed by their chiefs and played upon by strangers. But England was already England; the nation had already become con- stituted and had "taken its ply," before the storm fell upon it, and its fortunes came into the hands of the weak and the traitors. Edgar the Peaceful was hardly four years in his grave, before its woes began under Ethelred the Unready (979- 1016). The Danes came back this time, not to ravage or to colonize, but to conquer. Ethelred the Unready, the king without counsel, brave and stirring, but want- ing his father's good sense and statesmanship, was a king after the kind of the later Carolingians. When he failed to check the Danes by fighting, he adopted the fatal foreign policy of buying them off, and thought to 190 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. d. 959-1002. frighten them by the shameful and fatal massacre of St. Brice's day (Nov. 13, 1002). But the Danes them- selves were no longer what they had been. From a swarm of separate adventurers, like the Ragnars, and Rollos, and Hastings of a hundred years before, they, too, had grown, by their successes, into organization at home. It was now the king of Denmark, Sweyn the son of Harold, who brought the strength of the North- men to avenge St. Brice's day, and further, to add Eng- land, as a kingdom, to his kmgdoms in the North. He drove out Ethelred from England ; and after the death of Ethelred's nobler son, Edmund Ironside (1016), Cnut, the Dane, became king of the English, and England became a dependency of Denmark What the Danes began, their Latinized kinsmen, the Normans, continued. For two hundred years from Cnut's accession, with one short interval, the reign of Edward the Confessor and of Harold, foreigners were kings of England — Danes, Normans, Angevins. Yet two things are observable during this time of foreign ascendancy. One is, that the kingdom of England, conquered though it be, is the proudest honour and most important portion of the possessions of its foreign king. The other is, that through Danish, Norman, and French rule, the English speech, the English usages, the English slow, resolute sturdiness of temper, are absolutely proof against the strong influences of a foreign court and a foreign territorial nobility, and even of foreign tribunals and of foreign clergy. The people had reached a toughness and consis- tency of character, and a strength of common ideas and habits, which enabled it to bear the rough assault. It did not become Danish, it did not become Norman or French. It was strong enough to absorb the genuine Norsemen fresh from the sea and forest ; it was strong enough to Anglo-Saxon Church. 191 absorb tbe altered and more civilized Nortbmenof Wil- liam the Conqueror. For this education of the English na- tion, incomplete undoubtedly, but so distinctly marked, so deeply rooted, and so enduring, we are indebted mainly to the kings of Wessex, from Egbert to Edgar the Peaceful The strong personal influence of the West Saxon kings had much to do with uniting the English people. Personal influence, powerful at all times, was indispen- sable for a great national progress then. But there was another influence continually at work, not so manifest in historical incidents, but diffused through the society of the time, without which the policy of the kings would have had more to contend against. The great agency of fusion and unity v/as the Church. Its archbishops and bishops were in immediate relation with the king and his chiefs, their fellow counsellors and authoritative advisers ; its priests and monks were in close contact with the various classes and local subdivisions of the people, sharing their fortunes and their ideas, the one source of instruction to them and of culture. The Church had its fluctuations of vigour and decline ; of efforts after learning and goodness, and of corrupt stag- nation ; and, like everything else, it savoured of its age, of its rudeness, its incompleteness, its ignorance. But the Anglo-Saxon Church was eminently a popular Church. Its leaders were deeply concerned in the pub- lic interests of the state. More dispassionate and better- informed history has recognized in Dunstan, once the byword for priestly arrogance and cruelty, a genuine patriot and reformer to whom amends are due, the chosen friend and counsellor of the Wessex kings, espe- cially Edgar. Its saints appealed to popular sympathies, as sufferers at the hands of the heathen foes of England. 192 Beginning of the Middle Ages. And it not only spoke, but it wrote in the mother tongue. The Anglo-Saxon New Testament, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the Anglo-Saxon homilies of Elfric, are all so many evidences of the way in which, in a manner scarcely known abroad, the English churchmen, acting it may be under the impulse given by Alfred, did honour to their own language, and tried to popularize knowledge, both rehgious and secular. CHAPTER X. RESULTS OF THE BREAK-UP OF THE FRANK EMPIRE — ARRANGEMENT OF EUROPE : THE PAPACY ; NEW KINGDOMS OF FRANCE AND GERMANY; ITALY ; THE SCANDINAVIAN AND SLAVE NATIONS. The effect of the break-up of the empire of the Franks under Charles the Great was twofold. It produced at once immense disasters ; and it led ultimately to new and healthy national divisions, adapted to the changed condition of Europe, and fruitful in great results. The disasters were great. For the moment the West relapsed into the confusion and lawlessness from which Charles had partially reclaimed it. Within its borders all was incessant war, a universal scramble for territories and dignities among great and small, kings and dukes, • bishops, counts, and abbots. There were vicissitudes of success or overthrow, continual changes of borders and lordship, continual and vain efforts after peace and law. Without, new and formidable forms of barbarian attack appeared. As we have seen, the second great tide of barbarian invasion had begun more and more to distress CHAP. X. Break-Up of Frank Empire. 193 and alarm the West, now entering on the early stages of its civilization. Besiies the Northmen, increasing in numbers and in their enthusiasm for ^adventure, who were the terror of the sea coasts from the Elbe to the Mediterranean, where the work of ravage and plunder was taken up by the Saracens, a strange and terrible foe had appeared on the Eastern border towards the end of the ninth century. This was the horde of the Magy- ars, the Ungrians, ^/z^r/, like the Huns, of the Turanian and Turkish stock, and like the Huns, whose name they inherited, or with whom they were confounded, described as frightful and ferocious savages, sweeping like a de- stroying storm over the lands which they visited. Ger- many and Italy were most exposed to their desolations. Tliey were sometimes called in with reckless and dis- loyal selfishness to assist one German or Italian duke or count against his rival ; and once tempted into Germany, they rode — wasting, burning, slaying, through Germany even to the heart of Gaul. The Hungarians, or Magyars, were, after the Northmen, the great scourges of the ninth and tenth centuries. The power, the union, and the military capacity of the Carolingian kings were unequal to the work of controlling these savages. The fatal po- licy was adopted, with the Magyars as with the North- men, of buying them off for the time, a policy which ensured their speedy return, more eager and audacious than before. With internal division and anarchy, and the fury of Northern and Eastern savagery let loos? be- sides, the times we'e bad. The hopes and comparative order of Ciiarles's days were departed. " In that time," says one of the annalists, "the kingdom of the Franks was very desolate, and the unhappiness of men was multiplied daily. In many ways wretchedness and calar.iitv increased amono: men." - - - 194 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. x. Amid this misery and confusion the internal condition of society fell back. Charles's policy for strengthening the influence of the Church held jts ground, but not his plans for reforming and purifying it. Great ecclesiastics were among the most powerful personages in these times, and some of them, like Hincmar of Reims (801-882), were not unworthy of their power. But with power and great place came in worldliness and corruption in increasing proportion as time went on ; and though as statesmen these great bishops were probably not worse counsellors, and often were more intelligent ones, with a natural leaning to order and peace, than the rough dukes and counts with whom they acted, yet the meaning and consciousness of their religious office be- came more and more lost in their secular greatness. They were not only bound to military service for their vast domains, but in spite of the stringent prohibitions found in the " Capitularies," they went to war them- selves. " Within thirty years," we are told, towards the close of the ninth century, "two archbishops and eight bishops died on the field of battle by the side of counts and lords." It is no wonder that their offices came to be regarded as temporal dignities which the king had a right to bestow, and by which he rewarded and bound his adherents. And it is no wonder that, as in the days of Charles Martel, only with increasing freedom, the rev- enues and titles of archbishoprics and great abbeys were accumulated on some great lay potentate, like the duke of Paris ; some formidable Avarrior, lik^ the lay abbot of St. Riquier; or some child of a powerful noble, like Her- bet of Vermandois. The steps so remarkably gained for culture and for intelligent study of religion under Charles, were not absolutely lost. In the great German schools, founded or encouraged by Charles the Great, CHAP. X. Bi'eak-tip of F?'ank Empire. 19 j Fulda, St. Gall, and Reichenau on thelake of Consta'^ce, at Old Ccrbey on theSomme, and its Saxon colony, New Cbrbey on the Weser, and in Gaul, at Reims and Or- leans, the habits of study and the taste for learning were kept up. German unwritten tradition was rich in legend and songs of war and adventure ; but German literature began in these cloisters, in the ninth and tenth centuries, with Latin and German glossaries, in translations of the Psalms, and paraphrases of the Gospel story, such as the version of Tatian's Harmony, the metrical harmony called " Heliand," the prose one oT Otfrid, and Notker's Psalter. Nor was there wanting bold and subtle thought, well or ill-directed, on philosophy and theology, in men like John Erigena, Gotteskalk, Paschasius, Radbert, and his antagonist Ratramn ; and the first-fruits of German erudition are seen in Raban Maur, the archbishop of Maintz, and his scholar Walafrid Strabo, all of them men of the ninth century, and most of them pupils of Fulda, Corbey or Reichenau. But no appropriate advance was made. Missionary enthusiasm, which had done such great things under Pipin and Charles, sensibly waned, though it still achieved some new conquests among the Norsemen and the Slaves. And that which was the dark side of Charles's character and times, loose ideas of the sancity of marriage and the obligations of purity and self-control, grew into increasing lawlessness and disor- der, in the times which followed him. Except in the strict discipline of the cloisters, when the cloisters were well governed, license reigned ; and the families of the great bishops were as scandalous as the courts of the kings and dukes. There was a power in the Church which might have been expected to bridle this flagrant laxity ; the more so as its claims to supreme authority were at this very time ig6 Begijining of the Middle Ages. chap. x. rising to their full height. The fall of the Carolingian power is marked by a remarkable and coincident ex- pansion of the central power in the Church. The power of the popes, which Charles the Great had done so much to encourage and strengthen, which had depended on his aid and had lent itself in return to his great plans, o-rew into a hitherto unknown strength, as the imperial system which he had founded broke up in the hands of his suc- cessors. From being submissive and obsequious under Charles, the popes became imperious and exacting under his children; and their enormous pretensions, spiritual and temporal, were supported by the appearance and reception of the great forgery known by the name of " False Decretals," a collection of precedents, professing to belong to the early centuries, and establishing the un- controlled power of the popes, not only over the whole organization of the Church, but over every other earthly authority. In Pope Nicholas I. in the middle of the ninth century (858-867), this idea of the popedom found its determined and energetic exponent; and though met and resisted with equal boldness, as by Hincmar of Reims, he undoubtedly established the foundations on which by natural sequence the pretensions of Gregory VII. — noble in purpose, though extravagant and mis- chievous, — and those of Boniface VIII. — extravagant and mischievous, but not noble, — were afterwards to be built. The growth of papal interference was to be aided by the anarchy and license which prevailed in every depart- ment of life. That interference might have been more justified, if it had been wisely and righteously exercised. The laxity of the marriage tie, and the monstrous facility of divorce, had long been one of the plague spots of the Frank kingdom. The popes, as Nicholas I., did some- limes interpose.their rebukes and their menaces. But CHAP.x. Power and Corruption of Church Rulers. 197 their interposition was rare and partial ; it passed over the strong and dangerous, and fastened on those whom it was not unsafe to attack; it entangled itself with the political hostilities of the time ; and it too readily accept- ed hollow compromises to save appearances. The quar- rel of Nicholas I. with Lothar 11. of Lotharingia, about the ill-treatment of his wife, was made up under his suc- cessor, Hadrian II. (869) by an arrangement of which all parties must have known that its basis was false- hood. But this was not the worst. Much inefficiency and some compromises were not unnatural and almost in- evitable in those confused times. But the century which saw the pretensions of the popes growing to their most audacious height saw at its end the popes themselves reduced below the level even of the blood-stained and licentious princes of the time. Eome, the city, the sacred office, had been fought for, had been won and lost, by fraud, by corruption, by violence, by murder, more than once in the recent times. But now for more than half a century the influence of three women of infamous character, in league with ambitious nobles and profligate churchmen, was paramount over the throne of the Vicar of Christ, In the hands of the marquises and dukes of Tuscany, of the two Alberics, lords of Came- rino, of the consul Crescentius and the Roman demo- cracy, and at last of the counts of Tusculum, the pope- dom, bought and sold and rapidly passing from hand to hand by bloody revolutions or political intrigues, was treated as the inheritance or prize of whatever family or adventurer happened at the moment to be strongest in Rome. The wickedness and vileness which gathered round the Roman see in the ninth and tenth centuries are, with one exception, and that is the repetition of 198 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. x. them in a more enlightened time, under Sixtus IV. Alex- ander VI. and Leo X, one of the most revolting profa- nations recorded in the history of the world. It seemed as if the popedom would share the fate of the empire of Charles the Great ; that the great office with its venerable traditions and its overweening claims would sink under the weight of its degradation and shame, and that the system of which it was the keystone would break up and perish. Two things saved it at this turning point of its history. One was the revival, under Otto the Great and his successors, of the imperial au- thority, with claims to chastise and correct abuses, to crush anarchy, and enforce order. At the price of the indepen- dence and the political hopes of Rome and Italy, the em- perors of the Saxon line, by imposing their yoke on the papacy, prevented it, at last, after a hard struggle, from becoming the heritage of the petty nobles of the neigh- bourhood of Rome. They did not reform the popes, but they preserved the European character of the pope- dom. The other cause that saved it was a moral one ; it was the growth and spread of a strong spirit of austere reform of manners in the Church itself. This was specially embodied in the great monastic order or " con- gregation " of Cluny, at the beginning of the tenth cen- tury, which had for its object the revival of purity and strictness in ecclesiastical life, and which spread with strength and rapidity throughout Europe. It was from men imbued with the spirit and severity of Cluny, Leo IX. and Hildebrand, afterwards Gregory VII., that the internal reform came which not only saved the papacy from becoming an Italian prince-bishopric, but made it, at once for good and evil, the great centre of spiritual power in the middle ages of Christendom. The undisguised rapacity and ambition which were CHAP. X. Claims and Degeneracy of the Popes. 199 turning great Church offices into private possessions were acting equally in the political sphere. The dislo- cation of the empire extended much farther than merely to its great divisions. The instability and changefulness of the times opened a wide field for the aims and efforts of private and local interests. What the king was doing for his kingdom, what the duke and the count were each doing for his duchy or county, — separating it off accord- ing to his opportunity and for his own advantage, en- larging, overreaching, stealing at the expense of his neighbours, — that the petty lord or the mihtary retainer did according to his humble measure, in his own neigh- bourhood. There was a general loosening of the public bands which kept men together. There was a strength- ening of the separate centres and local seats of authority and power. The pretensions, just or unjust, of the small were of course swept away by the superior claims of the great, when the great were strong enough to enforce them. But on a large scale and on a small one, the ten- dency at this time to divide and dissociate was greater than that to aggregation and union. The times were unhappy and evil ; when no one could feel safe from war with his next neighbour, from oppo- site and irreconcilable claims on his allegiance, from the hopeless terrors of barbarian invasion ; when religion seemed to have exhausted its power to restrain men from evil, and had degenerated in its highest places into the vilest profanation ; when universal distrust reigned^ and no man felt secure from his brother's dagger and his wife's poison. Yet, though faint and weak, there were the gleams of a better hope. There had come in with Charles the Great the dim idea of the public inter- est, the claims of the res puhlica, the common weal, as di-stinguished from the pleasure or the ambition of kings 200 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap x.. and great men. There had passed into the opinions and language of men, though it was over and over again rudely set aside, a notion of the duty of princes to con- sider the good of their subjects, and in their quarrels to remember the sufferings of the widows and orphans whom they made by their wars. The writers of Charles's own period, Eginhard his friend, and Nithard his grand- son — who write like men accustomed to affairs and who have not read for nothing their Roman models, — are in- deed more alive to these ideas than those who imme- diately follow them. But a step had been taken out of barbarism, and a beginning of better things made, when the idea of the public interest had been planted, at what- ever disadvantage, and however feebly, in the growing society of Europe. With Charles the Great, the turn of things had distinctly come. Henceforth ihcugh there was long to be, as much as ever, confusicn, misrule, and wretchedness, and weary ages of crime and war, a pro- gress is discernible, in some point or otner, in each gen- eration. There are steps backward, but the whole movement, .though intermittent and slow, is forward. A footing for Christian civilization was made for good. It was Christian civilization which was to have Europe — French, Italian, German civilization ; not the uncouth heathendom of the Slave tribes, Wends, Obotrites and Czechs — not tlie desolating barbarism of the Magyrs — not the unfruitful civilization of Cordova and Bagdad, the seats of the rival Caliphates of the Mahometan Em- pire. And the same disintegrating tendency which favoured the growth of a multitude of petty local powers, rejoicing in their isolation and independence, had also a larger and more beneficial result. It created a swarm of litde counts and lords. But it also helped a wholesome divi- CHAP. X. Grozolh of luca of Fiiblic Interest. 201 sion between the naturally distinct portions of the Caro- lingian empire. It made the great nations. On the break-up of the empire, its parts sought, each according to its natural or inherited affinities, to group themselves into larger or smaller aggregations, marked off from one another by history, traditions, interest, and language. To the west of the Rhine we henceforth see the begin- nings and the growth of modern France; on the Rhine, and to the east of it, the beginnings and growth of modern Germany. A memorable document, known as the bilingual "Oath of Strasburg," (842, a year before the partition of Verdun), preserved to us in Nithard's contemporary history, is a measure of the degree in which, in point of language, the Western and Eastern portions of the Frank kingdom had gone asunder. When Louis the German and Charles the Bald exchanged solemn promises of mutual aid against their brother Lothar, these promises were con- firmed by the oaths of their soldiers ; and that each army might be witness of the transaction, these promises and oaths were pronounced in two languages, the languages of each host, German ( Tciidisca, DeiitscJi), and Roman [RojnaJia, Romance^ a language which has ceased to be Latin, and stands in the relation of an elder sister, to the modern languages of the West and South, — Proven- cal, Italian, French, Spanish, — which are known, in op- position to the Teutonic languages, by the common name of "Romance" languages. There are older fragments of German; but of the Romance class of languages the oath of Strasburg is the earliest known example. It indicates that by this time, the middle of the ninth century, the land of the Western Franks was preparing to become Latin " France," and its people, not Franks, but French. The Latin element, always predominant 20 2 Be;^i lining of tJic Middle Ages. chap. x. in Southern Aquitaine and the Roman "Province," Pro- vence, and along the valleys of the Saone and Rhone, rapidly recovered its ascendancy north of the Loire, in Neustria, the land of the Seine, the Somme, the Oise, and the Marne. As soon as the strong constraint of the Eastern Franks and their great king was removed, Gaul began steadily and surely to break away from the union with Germany, which Clovis had first forced upon it. It brol^e into separate and independent, or almost inde- pendent, portions — kingdoms, dukedoms, countships ; all of them now, deeply and irrevocably, Latin. When the last of the great barbarian conquests, the settlement of the Northern sea-rovers at Rouen, gave a new pro- vince to Gaul, and introduced into it the new name of Normandy, the language which the new comers at once adopted, in exchange for their ancestral Scandinavian dialect, was not the Teutonic one of the old Franks, but tiie Romance tongue of Latinized Neustria, Then l3cgan the history of modern France; and the history of France was, for many centuries, the history of the aggregation and union of fragments : their attraction to a central nucleus, and the natural grouping round it of the nearer, the gradual annexation of the more dis- tant. The new nation began with a new dynasty. The long and obstinate struggle between the expiring but gallant Carolingians, the descendants of Charles the Bald, and the dukes of Paris, the sons of its deliverer. Count Odo, ended in the establishment cf the new line, which was to hold tiie royalty of France for 800 years. But it was the new line which made France. In the as- sembly of the States at Senlis, in May, 9S7, Hugh Capet, amid intrigues and treachery, and premature and sus- pected deaths, became king. In May, 1787, the first assembly of the Notables, bringing with it the doom of A. D. 987. Fj-ance and the House of Capet. 203 Hugh Capet's house, met at Versailles. Between these two dates lies the history of the growth of the French nation, the development of French character, and the fusion into one realm of the French provinces. But the kingdom which Hugh Capet and his descendants created out of the ruins of the Carolingian empire of the Franks, monopolizing the Teutonic name of France, while it drove out the Teutonic language before the Roman, and fixed Latin ascendancy in Gaul, was far from being at once what it was to be. It was made up at first merely of the lands lying round its centre, Paris. Hugh was indeed crowned " king of the Gauls, Britons, Danes, Aquitanians, Goths, Spaniards, Gascons." When his son Robert was made king with his father, he is described as reigning over the West from the Meuse to the Ocean, And the style of "king of the Franks" was still main- tained. But Brittany was unsubdued. Normandy, at the very gates of Paris, was but a nominal dependency, in the hands of the strongest ruling family in Europe. Aquitaine was far off and held its own. The banks of the Saone and Rhone, the slopes of the Jura, and the valleys of the Southern Alps, were occupied by the ab- solutely independent kingdoms of Burgundy and Aries. The kingdom of France was still to be made when Hugh Capet became king ; it was then only taking its rise in small and insecure beginnings. The kingdom of the tenth century was to modern France what Vv'essex was to England before the days of Egbert. But while in the west of Europe Teutonic language and ascendancy had definitively failed to establish itself, and was retreating before the reanimated Latin and Keltic influences, Germany — though the Latin name of Tacitus for the nation hardly appears yet in contemporary history — was, in fact, constituting and shaping itself in the 204 Bcginm)ig of tJie Middle Ages. chap. x. centre of Europe. It claimed both banks of the still Teutonic Rhine from source to mouth, though the west bank, Teutonic as it continued to be in language and character, was long to remain a dcbateable land, fiercely contended for by the eastern and western divisions of the Franks, and itself often inclining to the west. Three great central dukedoms. Saxony in the north, — Alaman- nia in the south up to the Alps of the St. Gothard and the Bernina range, — and between Saxony and Alamannia, the Eastern France, the later Franconia, the land of the Main and Neckar, together with the Thuringian and Swabian lands, — formed the nucleus of the great country which was to fill so large a space in history. It was flanked westwards, from the mouths of the Weser and the Scheldt to the sources of the iMoselle on the western slopes of the Vosges,by the dukedoms of Friseland, of the Ripua- rian Lotharingia between the Rhine and Scheldt, and of Lotharingia proper on the Moselle : that middle portion of the old Frank kingdom, the future Netherlands and Lorraine, which, though Teutonic in language and race, was continually shifting its allegiance and changing its masters. To the south and south-east Germany spread out into the almost royal dukedoms of Bavaria and Carinthia ; and it was fringed eastwards by a chain of border-lands, the ''marks,'' or marches between the Germans and the Slaves, and, behind the Slaves, the Poles, and the Turkish race of the Magyars. On the north of this broad border, between the Elbe and Oder, where the Nordmark and the Ostmark and the marches of Merseburg and Meissen, the lands which were to become Brandenburg and Silesia ; to the south, the Mahrenmark, the Ostmark, and the Steyer mark, the Moravia, Austria, and Stiria of later geography ; between these marchlands was the great dukedom, which was in CHAP. X. States and Kings of Germany. 205 due time to become the kingdom of Bohemia. These lands were the later acquisicions of Germany. The process by which the Latinized Franks of Neustria were transforming Danish KortJunen into French Normajis^ was going on equally in the ninth and tenth century ixi these German marchlands. Out of the Germanized Slaves of the north and south, and the infiltration of German settlers in these outlying regions, were formed the races from which were to grow Prussia and Austria. The Germans, as we have seen, first had a separate king in the grandson of Charles the Great, Lndvig, or Louis the German, "the wise and just," (Siy-S/*"') appointed, in the early divisions of the empire, kmg of the Bavarians, who at the partition of Verdun (843) took all the lands and nations east of the Rhine. The king- dom of Germany was united for a moment with the Western kingdom under his son Charles the Fat (8S4-8S7) ; but when the two portions finally broke asunder at his death, the Germans chose for their king another of the Carolingian line, Arnulf, who also received the imperial crown at Rome in 896. The direct line of Charles the Great in Germany ended in the grandson of Arnulf, Louis the Child (911). Then by election of chiefs and people, " the people of the Franks and Saxons," the kingdom passed to popular and pow- erful dukes, first, Conrad of Franconia (911-918), then to his rival, Henry of Saxony (918-935), both of them connected by the female line with the Carolingians. Under them, in disaster, in success, in wars with the Western kings and dukes for the borderlands on the Rhine, in fierce conflicts with Slave Obotrites and Wends on the eastern marchlands, in common resist- ance to the terrible Hungarian ravages, the Teutonic nations, distracted as they were with internal feuds, yet 2o6 Beginning of the Middle Ages. a. D. 936-973. grew together, and were from time to time united. But the greatness of the kings of the Germans — kings of the Franks they were still called — began with Henry's son and successor Otto (936). Not unworthy to share the title of the great ruler in whose steps he trod, Otto the Great was the renewer of the Empire of the West, the deliver of Christiandom from the barbarian scourge, the tamer of the tribes of the Eastern border, the reformer, in some measure at least, of the monstrous abuses which had grown up under the ecclesiastical rule of the worst of the popes. Under Otto, king and emperor, Germany may be said to have taken definitely the place which it was to hold in modern Europe in the middle and later ages. Otto, ambitious and imperious, yet noble-minded, generous, and a hater of wrong and disorder, became, like Charles, the type of a new kind of king in Europe. He was unsuccessful in his interfer- ence with the affairs of the Western Frank kingdom, — happily unsuccessful, for his success would have hin- dered the natural course of growth in the Latinized population of Gaul. But he grappled strongly and suc- cessfully with internal disloyalty. He put down the mischievous restlessness of the Slaves of the Eastern marches with a firm and stern hand, and sometimes with the pitiless rigour with which civilization meets the dangers of barbarian faithlessness. And he delivered Europe from the misery and shame of the Magyar desolations by a great victory which may rank with that of Aetius at Chalons over Attila, and that of Charles Martel over the Arabs at Poitiers. In the tremendous battle of the Lechfeld (August 10,955) near Augsburg, the Magyars learned in a bloody overthrow the strength and deter- mination of the Germans and their king. Otto was saluted on the field by his army as the Father of his land CHAP. X. Italy. 207 and Emperor. The victory which delivered Germany- broke the Magyars of their habits of plundering and ravage, and was tlie first step to make them the Hunga- rian nation. Christian missionaries penetrated among them. King Geisa became their Ethelbert or Clovis. Fifty years later they had an anointed Christian king, a saint, St. Stephen; and the sacred crown of St. Stephen, received from Pope Sylvester (1000), became the emblem of one of the most famous of the kingdoms of Chris- tendom. Italy, imperial Italy, within whose borders it was ever held that an emperor must receive his crown, had ac- quired from the policy of Charles the Great an increased importance among the new nations. It awoke at his death to the desire of independence : a desire never to be extinguished, but which it was to take long ages to fulfil. Italy was still divided, as in the days of the Lom- bard kings, into a number of lordships, great and small. Each of the three grandsons of Charles the Great, either personally or in their children, had with the dignity of emperor claimed to hold Italy ; with Charles the Fat, (80S) it was lost to the Carolingian family. Then it seemed as if the days of the Lombards, whose name had not yet perished from the style of the kings of Italy, were coming back again. The dukes of two of the old Lombard dukedoms, Berengar of Friuli in the north, Guido of Spoleto in the centre, became rival claimants for the kingdom of Italy, such as it had been before Charles overthrew the Lombard Desiderius. For sixty years of turbulence and war the kingdom was fought for by pretenders, Italians, and foreigners from Provence and Burgundy. Rome was either in the hands of the popes, or of the people of Rome, or of some daring lords of the neighbourhood, who called themselves Consuls or 2o8 Beginning of the Middle Age^. chap. x. Patricians. In this disorder Italy was but in the same condition as Germany or Gaul. But no Hugh Capet or Henry of Saxony was to arise and lay the foundations of a national kingdom in Italy. At Rome lay the spell which drew the invader ; at Rome were the great uni- versal interests which gave him good reason or pretext for coming. Rome was the seat "where emperors were wont to sit," and it was the emperor's first business to protect, to purify, to do right at Rome. And at the end of the Carolingian times, and the beginning of the tenth century, Rome was at the lowest depth of disorder and shame. Charles had come to deliver Rome and the popes from the oppression of the Lombard kings. In the middle of the tenth century, Otto, the greatest of German kings since Charles, claiming Charles's place and title, descended from the Alps to deliver Rome from scan- dalous popes and tyrannous nobles. More romantic than Charles, he came also to deliver and to marry a distressed and widowed queen, the good and beautiful Adelheid of Provence, whom the Lombard usurper, Berengar, as he is called, wished to force into a distasteful marriage. Otto extinguished again, as Charles had done, the power and claims of the Italian or Lombard king of Pavia and Ve- rona, Adelheid's enemy, the second Berengar. Crowned king of the Italians at Milan (951), he was crowned Em- peror of the Romans by the pope at Rome (962) ; he confirmed the rights of the Roman see, but he asserted in large terms those of the empire ; and he had his young son Otto II. also crowned emperor by the pope (967). But his coming, though it brought with it something of restored order, and also prepared the way for a reformed popedom, destroyed the chance of an Italian state. His coming riveted Italy to the empire, and the empire was henceforth to be kept in German hands, as the papacy CHAP, X. Italy — Scandinavian Nations. 209 was for the most part kept in Italian. By the coronation of Otto, the two great powers were finally established, which, as it was supposed then and for ages afterwards, were indispensably necessary to govern the temporal and spiritual order of the world: the Holy Roman Em- pire, the Holy Roman Church. Instead of governing the world between them, as Charles and Otto dreamed, they were soon to meet in irreconcilable and fatal con- flict. Between them Italy was torn to pieces by domestic strife, and became the natural and accustomed prey of the strangers, coming of their own accord, or invited from within. For a short interval there arose the tur- bulent and brilliant liberty of the cities. Then came the tyrants, the Scaligers, the Visconti, the Sforzas, the Me- dici, the Borgias, the Farnesi ; and then the day» of the foreign dynasties. But never since Otto clenched the work of Charles, till our own times, has it been possible for Italy to be what her sister nations were. Modern nations were consolidated and bound together in their early stages, not always by the power, but by the idea and the presence of the crown. And the crown of Italy, the Iron Crown of Lombardy, the Golden Crown of the Empire, was always in the keeping of a stranger. What the fifth and sixth centuries were to the Teuto- nic nations, Goths, Franks, Burgundians — the period of the beginnings of their settled national life, — this the ninth and tenth centuries were to S-in'ina- V'an and the second great line of the barbarian move- ^'=^^e m- . tions. ment, the Scandinavian and Slave nations. It was the time which brought them to rest in the seats which they were henceforth to occupy. From wanderers, marauders, invaders, they did not indeed at once pass into citizens, but they became settlers, finding homes and founding a country in lands- which Were for the future to 2IO Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. x. be called after their names. They did not, like the Franks and Goths, or even as much as the Anglo-Sax- ons, come into a heritage prepared for them by an older cultivation — a land of farms and vineyards, of cities, and the arts of peace ; and this, doubtless, affected their his- tory, and caused that comparative rudeness which clings still to the east of North Europe, But they felt the in- fluence of a more fixed order in the organized nations beyond them. From mere tribes and hordes they began to shape themselves into dukedoms and kingdoms. Around the great central state, the empire, mainly Ger- man, and in German hands, which represented the power and law of Western Europe, the names and boun- daries and rude political efforts of realms afterwards to be famous begin to appear. But, as in the case of Hun- gary just referred to, they appear only in very obscure forms and dim outlines. The Northmen, navlan^na- ' '^o^ Only in what is now Denmark but in tions: Den- what are now Norway and Sweden, were mark, JNor- ■' way, Swe- beginning to be welded together into dis- tinct nations, under the strong and fierce discipline of ambitious kings, like Harold Haarfager, the "Fair-haired," and his family, Eric "Blood-axe," Hacon, and Olaf (863-1000). The successes of their countrymen, who had won provinces and founded princely houses, the familiarity which their adventures had given them with the state and power of the empe- rors and kings of Christendom, turned their thoughts from the mere excitement of a rover's life to the desire of founding dominions at home, and bringing under the king's authority not merely the military service but the loose independence and the landed tenure of their wild countrymen. The attempts caused much resistance and great emigrations. But the kings carried their CHAP. X. Slave Natiotis. Poles. Russians. 2^l point: they became rulers over subjects. Wars did not cease, but they became more and more national ones, replacing piracy and private adventures. And the three Scandinavian kingdoms, as we know them, v/ere formed— frequently united, more or less, under a con- queror like Cnut, but always separate as nations. While the Northmen were shaping themselves into organized states among the mountains and on the fiords of Norway, the lakes of Sweden, and the heaths and islands of Denmark, the same thing was ^, . blave nations. taking place in the vast wilderness of pine- forest, marshes, and boundless plains south and east of the Baltic. We begin to see on the historical map of Europe, amid the crowd of ill-understood and forgotten names with which it is studded from the Oder and the Vistula to the Volga, belonging mostly to different branches of the great Slave family, two designations emerging, which were of no more account at the time than those around them, but which announce the begin- ning of two of the most famous nations of the modern world. Between Slave races of strange names, who were to become Lithuanians, Prussians, Pomeranians, — Letts to the north, Slovaks to the south, Czechs in Bohemia and Moravia, — another branch begins to change the name of Lechs {LJakeft), for that of Polaks, Poles, meaning in their own language, " the people of the plains," — the great plains of the Vistula. In the middle of the ninth century we begin to hear of Polish chiefs: at the end of the tenth there had arisen a Polish kingdom under a powerful and victorious king (Boleslas, 992-1025). Here its history begins — so full of turbulence and incorrigible anarchy within, of aggres- sion and tyrannous insolence without, and, perhaps, of all histories the most pathetic at its close. 212 Beghming of the Middle Ages, chap. x. Again, in the north-east, another name which was to become that of a mighty people, the natural antagonist of Poland, first its victim and then its de- Russia. T • ■ 1 -I rr-l stroyer, began to be distmguished. That famous name first appears in Greek and Latin writers of the ninth century, in the shape of an indeclinable word, ol 'Prjf, TO Twf " the Russ," as if it stood for some unin- telligible abstraction. It soon became famihar at Constan- tinople as the name of sea-rovers, whose fleets from the rivers of the Black Sea insulted and tlircatened the great capital. The early history of the Russians is dim and vague. But it seems almost certain that the process which created England and Normandy created that which was to become Russia. Scandinavian pirates and adventurers had become known on the Baltic coast, the "Varangian Sea," for their daring, ferocity, and strength. They were called in, or they conquered; they established themselves among the Finnish and Slave tribes ; they became masters and rulers; either as a dynasty or a race they gradually adopted, like the Normans, the speech of their Slave subjects. In a corner of that endless plain which stretches from Germany to the steppes of the Tartars and Mongols and thence to China, and of which the natural divisions are not mountains, but the streams, hundreds of miles in length, of deep and broad rivers, we hearof Ruric and his two brothers (about 862). They were Northmen, or, as the Slavonians called them, Varangians, the name by which the Northern bodyguard of the Greek emperors was known, who settled at Novgorod, as the Jutes settled in Kent and then Rollo at Rouen. The Russian Varangians conquered round about them, like their kindred in England and Gaul ; they pushed south- ward, driving the Turkish Chazars from Kiev on the Dnie- per, and making Kiev and Novgorod their tv/o chief citres. CHAP. X. Conversion of the North and East. 213 Their northern habits prompted them to use the -great rivers for trade and war : by the Dnieper they carried on a brisk commerce with the Greek empire, and four limes (between 865 and 1043) their flotillas sailed to the Bospo- rus, ravaging its shores, and were beaten off with difficulty and loss. At this time arose the strange prophecy, vouched for at the time, "that, in the last days, the Rus- sians should become masters of Constantinople." The family of Ruric appears in the dim history as the counter- part to that of Rollo. Chief after chief kept up the inheritance of strength and the tradition of enterprise, and even ill-fortune did not check them. One of them, Swatoslav (955-973), attempted Constantinople by land. He was outmanoeuvred and driven back to the Danube by the Greek emperor, the Armenian, John Zimisces. Surrounded on all sides, and without hope of escape, he was forced to capitulate and sign a humbling treaty, just as long afterwards, Peter the Great, hemmed in on the Pruth by the Ottomans, was compelled to buy his release by ignominious conditions (171 1). But Swatoslav's defeat did not hinder, any more than that of Peter, the growth of the nation under his successors. After a short interval of bloody domestic war he was followed as "Great Prince" by the great Vladimir (973-1015), the conqueror, the legislator, the builder of cities and founder of schools ; who holds in the traditions of Russia the place held in England by Alfred, and on the Continent by Charles the Great and Otto. And about this time, the ninth and tenth centuries, had come over all these races a change as great as that of their political organization, and closely connected with it. " In these centuries," says Gibbon, "the reign of the Gospel and of the Church was extended over Bulgaria, Hungaria, Bohemia, Saxony, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, 214 Beginning of the Middle Ages. chap. x. Poland, and Russia.'' Their conversion went along with their introduction to civil life and order. Zealous and self-devoted missionaries, usually monks, from the West or East, carrying their lives in their hands, first came preaching to men who were becoming ashamed and alarmed at their barbarism, in the face of a civilization of which they felt the strength. In time the chiefs — from conviction, from^ feeling, or from imitation of the kings of the Franks and the emperor of the Greeks, were baptized. They encouraged the preachers of Christianity, and some- times enforced the profession of it by violence and penal- ties. But its spread was certain when it once began. It was brought to Denmark and Sweden by a devoted monk of Corbey on the Weser, Anschar (826-865). The kings alternately protected and opposed it, till at length it was firmly planted under Cnut. Introduced into Norway from England, it was imposed upon their people by the two kings, Olaf Tryggvason (955-1000) and Olaf the Saint (1019-1033). The apostles of the Bulgarians, Cyril and Methodius (862-885), were also the teachers of the Moravians and Bohemian Czechs. In 966, Micislav, duke of the Poles, was baptized. But among the Slave Wends between the Elbe and Oder, the efforts of the German emperors to Christianize them called forth a fierce revolt 983-1066); and among them the missionaries had met little but martyrdom. Finally, in 988, the powerful Vladimir of Russia, M^hose grandmother Olga had al- ready brought Christianity from Constantinople to Kiev in 955, was baptized at Cherson, and received as his bride the Greek emperor's daughter. Russia henceforth became the great conquest and strength of the Eastern Church. The conversion of these last formed of the barbarian nations altered their relation to Europe. "The admission," says Gibbon, "of the barbarians into the CHAP. XL Conclusion. 215 pale of civil and ecclesiastical society, delivered Europe from the depredations by sea and land of the Normans, Hungarians, and Russians. The establishment of law and order was promoted by the influence of the clergy ; and the rudiments of art and science were introduced into the savage countries of the globe." CHAPTER XI. CONCLUSION — RETROSPECT OF THE TRANSITION PERIOD BETWEEN THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND THE MIDDLE AGES. The history of the five centuries, from the end of the fifth to the end of the tenth, is the history of the efforts of the new nations of the West after organization, im- provement, and power. During this period, the Teu- tonic races found themselves under entirely new condi- tions. It had not been new to them to conquer, or to meet other races. They had already, in what we call their barbarous state, definite social usages and a kind of political organization. But for the first time they found themselves in close and permanent contact with an older and more perfect civil order, and a new religion. They found themselves, in their ignorance and inexperi- ence, in their eager curiosity and vigorous freshness of life, in contact with Roman learning and Roman art, in some parts with Roman institutions and Roman laws. And they found themselves under the spell of the mightiest, the tenderest, and most wonderful of religions. Thus, all that had been the familiar course of life during centuries of wandering, was changed. Wild as they still were, they settled, they became lords of lands and houses, 2i6 Begmning of the Alii/dle Ages. chap, xi^ they began to learn and to know, they began to feel themselves becoming a commonwealth and a state. And by the end of the tenth century, the process, in its broad and essential points, was accomplished. The outlines of the new world that was to be, had become distinctly and permanently laid down. It had been doubtful whether it was to be Goths or Franks who were to be at the head of the new state of things, to give it its tone, to direct and control it. It had been the Franks, and not the Goths. It had been doubtful whether Catholicism or Arianism was to be the religion of the West. Arianism had disappeared, and had left, perhaps, too easy a victory to the Catholic Church. Again, it had been doubtful whether the new nations could stand the shock of barbarian pressure, outside and behind them ; whether Europe might not be, like Africa and Asia, a prey to the Saracens; whether the Northmen from the sea, and the Huns and Slaves from the deserts, might not desolate and sweep away the homes which Frank, and Goth, and Anglo-Saxon had made for themselves. The deluge had been stayed, not without loss, but for good and all. The Saracen had maimed wounded Chris- tendom in one of its finest kingdoms; he had spoilt, though not finally destroyed, the hopes of Spain. He long continued to annoy and threaten the shores of Italy; to penetrate even the passes of the Alps. But the Sara- cen had been arrested for ever by Charles Martel at Poitiers and Narbonne, by Charles the Great at the Ebro. The Northmen, the Slaves, even the Hu'ns or Magyars, had been drawn into civilization, which they had dis- turbed but could not overthrow. The imperfect civiliza- tion of the time had proved itself strong enough not only to check them, but to react upon them. It had been doubtful whether the new world were not to be an CHAP. XI. Conclusion. 217 extension of Germany, from the Rhine over the whole West and South, to the Atlantic and Mediterranean, Further, it seemed at one time uncertain whether Ger- man speech, and German law, were not to prevail in Gaul and Italy, as they had prevailed in Britain, sup- planting the older languages and laws, or driving them out into the wastes or the mountains — whether a great German reproduction of the Roman empire, with its twin capitals of Aachen and Rome, were not to be supreme in the world. But this was not to be. The strength of the older society, and of the races in possession, had reasserted itself. Germany was indeed to be a great and mighty- nation ; but it was not to absorb the world. The Frank empire of Charles the Great was too loosely compacted to hold together as he had created it. It broke up, and was reconstituted in a different and very contracted shape, the Holy Roman Empire of the Saxon, Otto the Great ; the Empn-e as it was to continue until the begin- ning of this century, often a very important, but ambig- uous and uncertain element in the polity of Christendom. The lands where the Romans had been strong, were once more to show the influence of their imperishable language and thought. Italy was once more Italy, and not Lombardy ; but its destiny to be kingless, except with the mock title of a foreign, and often hostile ruler, had declared itself. It was no longer doubtful that West- ern France, so long the battle-ground between Latin and German influences, was to be Latin and not Ger man. It had finally shaken itself loose from Germany. Ittook a king out of its own great chieftains, and rejected the half-Teutonic line of Charles the Great ; it was to grow and become great under the kings of Paris, and not under the kings of Laon, much less of Aachen. The great Norse settlement on the Seine had become tho- 2i8 Beginning of tiie Middle Ages, chap xi. roughly Latin. The combination of astuteness and prac- tical jrood sense with the old adventurousness and dar- ing of their blood, which was to make the Normans seek crowns in England, in Italy, and in the East, had already shown itself in the remarkable line of the dukes of Nor- mandy. And by the end of the tenth century, England had taken its shape and established its internal unity. Angles of the east, north, and midland, Saxons of the w^est and south, even the intrusive Norse settlers of the Danish districts, had become permanently bound to- gether, under the kings of the line of Egbert — Alfred, Edward the Elder, Athelstan, Edgar ; they had become that "English folk" and "English kin," who were soon twice to be made subjects of foreign conquest, and to be ruled by lines of foreign kings, but who were to turn their conquerors, even Normans, in a generation or two, into Englishmen. Finally with the ^'■ear 999, with Gerbert of Auvergne, the austere Cluniac monk, the most learned man of his time — mathematician, theologian, supposed wizard, magician, tutor of a Roman emperor and of a king of France, ec- clesiastical intriguer and ecclesiastical victim, the stout opponent, the stout asserter of the claims of the Roman see, placed in it as a reforming pope by the title of Syl- vester II. through the influence of the Roman emperor, Otto III. — a new line of popes begins. We have left be- hind the popes who cringed to the Carolingian princes when they were strong, and threatened them when they were weak. We have left behind the creatures of pro- fligate women, and their associates. There are stul some forty years to come of the li- centious or simoniacal nominees of the Counts of Tuscu- lum. But the German emperors on the one hand, the monks of Cluny on the other, had already embraced CHAP. XI. Conclusion. 219 strongly the idea of what the pope ought to be ; and this idea, which was to give to the popedom its modern importance, was on the eve of being realized. Thus the present sketch has been brought down to the middle ages. In 962, Otto the Great was crowned em- peror at Rome, and the mediaeval empire began. In 975, was the end of the powerful and pea ;eful reign of Edgar, who left a united England, which his son Ethelred was to lose through misgovernment, and the stranger was to conquer and spoil, but which neither could destroy or disintegrate. In 987, Hugh Capet became king of France. In 995 ended the long reign of fifty years of Richard, duke of Normandy, the reign which had seen such great revolutions, in which Normandy had thrown its sword into the balance between Germany and France, and had determined the victory of the dukes of Paris ; a reign which left Normandy the most vigorous province of Gaul, full of intellectual activity and ambition. We are not far from the crusades. The seeds of feudalism have been thickly sown, and have taken deep root. We are not far from the strife of investitures, the eventful quarrel between pope and emperor, Geogory VII. and Henry IV. We are not far from from the beginning of the scholastic philosophy, from Berengarius and Lan- franc, Anselm and Abelard We are not far from those massy and solemn churches, in Normandy, Germany, France and England, in which the architecture of the middle ages took its beginning, and which stand the enduring monuments of what the new nations had grown to be ; of the ideas of power, strength and grandeur which had been developed among them, and to which they sought to give expression. INDEX. ARA AACHEN, or Aix-la-Chapelle, 144, 155, 156 iEgidius, 37 Aetius, 22; defeats Attila, 23,24; murdered, 25 Africa, 18, 19 Agi ulf, Lombard Icing, 42 Agricultural colonies, 51, 69, 117 Alamanni, 4, 38, 86 Alans invade Gaul, 14; Spain 15 Alaric, the West Goth, 10 ; invades Greece, ib. ; projects a barbarian state, ib.; defeated by Stilicho, 11; . master-general of lUyricum, 13; sieges and sack of Rome, 12 ; death, 12 ; his sayings, 12 ; makes an emperor, Attalus, ib., 26 — II., W. Goth, at Toulouse, pub- lishes abridgment of Roman Law, 54 . Alboin. 41 Alcuin, 119, 140 Alfred, 1B3 ; checks the Danes, 186; restores learning, ib.; greames-*, ib. ; creates navy, ib.; legislation, 186 ; popularizes knowledge, 192 Alodial, 179 Angles, 19, 63, 64 Anglo-Saxon, literature, 192; church, lb. — conquest 63; different from other barbarian conquests, 64.; more complete, 66-67; heathen conquest, 68 Anschar, 214 Anthemius, 27 Antonines, 5 Aquileia destroyed by Attila, 23 Aquitaine, 16, 35, 39, 85, 203 Arabians, 82 ; v. baracens 220 BAR Arcadius, 9 Arianism, 10, 36; extinguished in Spain, 80; among the Lombards, 42 Arnulf, Emperor, 162, 205 — Saint, of Metz, 91 Assemblies, inoots, 46; malli, 131, 181, 203 Athelstan, 172,186; sisters married to Continental princes, ib. Athaulf, Gothic leader, 13, 16, 68 Attalus, Alaric's mock-emperor, 11, 14, 26 Attila, 20; character, 21; attacks the west, 22 ; defeated at Chalcns, ib.; invades Italy, 23; ihr;atens Rome, 23 ; death, ib. ; named Scourge of God, ib. Augustine of Canterbury, 70 — Saint, of Hippo, death of 17; his ' city of God,' 141 Austrasia, or Austria ; word among Franks and Lombards, 88 ; Ger- man influences prevailing in, 88, superiority over Neustria, 90, 91 Austria (modern), 205 Avars, probably Huns, 24, 105 ; con- quered by Charles the Great, 123 Avitus, Bp. of Vienne, 49 — Emperor, 27 BARBARLAXS, Roman, know, ledg^ of them, 2 ; migrations, 3 ; invade Empire, 4 ; increasing boldness in fourth century, 6 ; in-, vasions in ihe fifth, 7-19 ; three great divisions of invaders, 8 ; power in the Roman State, 7, 13 ; greatness of •consequences of tha Ifidex. 221 CER invasion and settlement^ 43, land tenure, 45; effect on them of Christianity, 51-55 ; Roman law, 54 ; Latin language, 57 Basileus, title of Eastern Emperor, 112 ; taken by Edgar, 188 Basques, 85 Bavaria, 122, 204, 208 J'ede, 71, 135 Beiisarius, 38, loi Berengar, King of Italy, 207, 208 Bilingual population, 56; oath of Strasburg, 156, 201 Bishops, leaders on fall of Empire, 48 ; influence on the barbarians, 49 ; secularity among the Franks, 94. 132 Bocland, 179 Boethius, 35, 59 Bohemia, 144, 204, 211 Boniface, apostle of Germany, 96, 135 — Lount, invites vandals, 17 Bretivalda, 177 Britain, ieft by Romans, 18 ; invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, 62 Brittany, 18, 203 Brunihild, 89 Bulgarians, probablj"- of Turanian origm, 23 ; mixed with Slaves, 105 Burgundians, 3 ; cross the Rhine, 13 ; kingdom founded, 14, 34; the Burgundies, 14; Arians, 35; de- feated by Clovis, 37 ; kingdom conquered by the Franks, 39, 87 ; law, 55 Byzantine, phase of the Empire, 106 Byzantium, 108 ; v. Conbtantinople C^SARIUS, Bp. of Aries, 49, 52 Canterbury, 70 Capet, Hugh, 203 Capitularies, 132, 156 Carinthia, 162, 204 Carolingian line, beginning, 117^ tables of, 92, 146, 161, 163; division among sons of Charles the Great, 147; quarrels, 157; threefDld division of empire, 156 ; decay of, 158; fails, 172; last, Louis le Faineant, 174 Carthage, 17, i8 Cassiodorus, minister of Theoferic, 33 Cerdic, house of, 186 CON Ceorl, 179 Chalons, battle of, 22, 23 Charles Martel, 91 ; overthrows Arabs at Tours and Poitiers, ib.\ appealed to by the pope, 94 — the Bald, K. of West Franks, 148, 150, 151. 158 ; assailed by the Northmen, 158, 164; emperor, 158 — the Fat, 169 — the Great, crowned as a boy by Pope Stephen II., 96 ; sole king, 118 ; biography by Eginhard, 119 ; not a " French king," 120 ; Teutonic character, ii>. ; his wars : barbarians, S- raccn. Saxon, Slaves, 121; Lombard war, 124 ; alliance with the popes, 125-127 ; crowned emperor, 127 ; idea oif empire, 130 ; legislation, 132 ; Church government, 136 ; as em- peror, 138 ; encourages learning, 139 ; love of German language, 140; his great faults, 142 ; extent of empire, 142 ; burial, 144; legends about him, 145 ; failure of the imperial scheme, 147 — the Simple, 164, 170, 171 Childeric III., last Merovingian, 96 Chilperic of Soissons, 85, 90 Chosroes,or Khosrou Nushirvan, 108 Church, influence on the barbarians, 47-49; mischiefs of barbarian pa- tronage, 56,85; coarseness, 52; Ang o-Saxon. 72, 192 ; corrupt under Merovingians. 133 ; reform by Charles the Great, 136, 137; under Otto the Great, 198, 199 Clair, St., sur-Epte, treaiy of, 171 Claudian, 59 Clergy, bond between Franks and Latins, 84 Clotilda, 38 Clovis, Chlodvig-Louis, 37 Cluny, order of, 198 Cnut, 211, 214 Columban .St., 70, 135 Commendation, 177, 180 Conrad of Franconia, King of Ger- many, 205 Confederates, barbarian, 19 Constantine, 4, 7, 113, 114 ; forged "Donation," 98 — Porphyrogenitus, 105 — Pretender in Britain, 18, 19 Constantinople, New Rome, 6, 26, 32,98 Constantius, 114 222 Index. EA3 Conversions, Goths, 9 ; their Arian- ism, ib., 20, 36. 58 ; Vandals, 19 ; Burgundians, ib. ; Franks under Clovis, 38; ©f Lombards from Ananism, 42 ; of the English, 69 ; of the Slaves, 105 ; of the Saxons, 121 ; of the Germans, 135 ; of the Hungarians, 207; of the Scandi- navian and Slave nations, 213, 214 Corbey, 14^, 207, 214 Councils, national Spanish, 54, 8i Count Boni ace, 17 Counts, Comites, Graf, 45 — " Frisian shore" 170 — Vermandois, 172, 173 Crown of St. Stephen of Hungary, 207 ; Golden, of Italy, 209 ; Iron, of Lombardy, 209 Cyril and Mcthoclius, apostles of the Slaves, ig6, 214 Czechs, 211, 214 r\ 4NEGELD, 169, 170 -^-^ Danelagii, 169, 183, i8i, 1S6 Danes, 79 — appear in England, 183 ; in Kent, 183 ; drive Alfred into the marshes, 183; defeated, peace of Wedmore, ib.; alternate between England and France, 184 Decius, 4 DcsiJerius, 124, 207 Diocletian, 7 Duchy of Normandy, 171 Dukes, Duces, Hecrzog, 48 ; Lom- bard, 4->, 42 — Alamannia, 204 — Austrasia, 87, 88 — iJavaria, 122, 204 — Carinthia, 204 ■ — Friseland, 169, 204 . — Normandy, 171 - — Paris, 172, 202 ^-Saxon/, 204 EASTERN EMPIRE, 7, loi ; strength, 102; losses, 103; pre- serves civilization, 104 ; separation frjm the West, 115, 127 East Goths, 33 ; led by Theoderic into Italy, ib.; kingdom in Italy, ib.; attempt at fusion with Ita- lians, 34; destroyed by Belisarius and Narses, 39 ERA Ebroin, 90 Ectkssis of Heraclius, 208 Edgar, 179; called Lnperator and Basileus, ib. Ediieling. 179 Edward the Elder, i83 Egbert of Wesscx, 178, i83 Eginhard 95, 119, 126, 200 Elbe, 62,66 Emp;ror, made by Alaric, 11, 26; by Ricimer, 27, 28 ; by Gundobad, 28 ; by Orestes, 28 Emperors, Eastern, despotic powers of, 112 ; religious supremacy, 114 ; effects, 115 England, conversion of, 69 ; unity, 79 — united under Egbert, 178 ; social constitution, 179; publi:; assem- blies, loi ; strength under disas- ter, 191 Eorls, 178 "^pte, boundary of Normandy, 171 Erigcna, 195 Ethel., 179 Ethelbert, 70 Ethelfleda, Lady of the Mercians, 188 Ethdfrith, 65 Euric, 16, 33 Exarch, Exarchate, 40, 102 Eyder, river, 76, 143 u Tj'ALSE DECRETALS," age X? and influence, 196 Fins, 212 Florence, Stilicho, defeats Rada- gais at. 10, 13 Folcland, 179, 182 Fontenailles, or Fontenoy, battle,i55 France, Francia, 84, 87, 118 ; vari- ous senses of the term, 176 ; mo- dern kingdom, 203 Franconia, 204, 205 Franks, first appearance, 4 ; con. I'ederacy in fifth century, 15; ri- valry with Goths 32, 210; Catho- lics against Arians, 36 ; prevail over the Goths, 38, 39 ; use Roman law, 53 ; long maintain Teutonic character, 57;/'V««/tjand French., 58 ; Franks, leaders in the West, 75, 83, 85 ; favour the clergy, 85 ; divisions of Fiank kingdom, 86; Frank empire under Charles the Great, 143 ; end of their dominion, 122 ; estimate of themselves, from preface to Salic law, ib. . Index. 223 HEL Fredegund, 89 Friseland, Frisia, 169, 204 Fri ians, 63, 135 Fulda, monastery, 122, 135, 195, 196 GARIBALDI, Bavarian and Lombard name, 125 Gascoiiy, 85 Gau, 45 Geisa, king of Hungary, baptized, 207 Genseric, the Vandal, invades and conquers Africa, 17; founds Van- d )1 kingdom, piratical power in the ]MeU terranean, 18 ; defeats Roman fleets, 25 ; alliance with Attila, 22 ; sacks Rome, 24 ; dies, 25 Gerbert, Pope Sylvester II., 207, 218 German language, early examples, 135, 140, 195; Charles the Great's fondness for, 141 Germany, modern, created by Caro- lingian kings, 117, 204 Glycerius, 28 Goths, 3 ; first of barbarians Chrst- ianized, 9; Arians, ib., 36; Gothic Bible, 9 ; possibility of a Goihic empire, 16; rivalry with Franks. 32, 216; Gothic kingdoms, 35 ; driven out of Gaul by the Franks, 38, 39 ; in Roman service, 47; literature destroyed in Spain, 80 ; flourish- ing kingdom in Spain, 81 Gotteskalk, 195 Gregory the Great converts the Lombard king, 42 ; sends Auguj^- tine to England, 70 Gregory, of Tours, 52, 58, 60, 72, 84 Guadalete, battle of 83 Cu:sts, barbarian, 19, 46 (jjndeuch, 15 Gundobad, Burgundian king, 15 ; lawgiver, 35 : nephew of Ricimer, 27 ; succeeds him as Patrician, lb. : nominates Roman emperor, ib.; defeated by Clovis, 38 Gundochar, 15 Cuntram, 85 Cuthrum, 186 HAMPSHIRE, 65 Harold Haarfager, 210 Hegira, 82 Heliand, 195 KIE Henoticon, of Zeno, 114 Henry, of Saxony, 208 Heraclius, 105-106; his line, 108 Hsrmanri , 14 HerminigdJ, 80 Herules, 3 ^ Hi:icmar of Reims, 196 Hippo, 17 Homage, 173, 183 Honoria, 22 Honori'.is, 9, 10, 13, 18 Hugh Capet, 174; chosen king at Senlis, 203 Hungary, Hungarians or Magyars, 103, 166, 193; ferocious inroads, 193; devastate Germany and Gaul, ib. ; defeated by emperor Otto at the Lechfeld, 208 ; converted, 209; K'ng Geisa, ib.; K ng (St.) Ste- phen, ih. Hun';, Turanian or Turkish race, 8, 9 ; enemies of the Goths, 9 ; in, vasion of empire under Attila, 20- 22 ; break up of Attila's empire, 23 TCONOCLAST, no X — emperors, no, 115, 116, 128 Ida, 65 lona, 70 Isaurian line of emperors, 111,112,113 Italy invaded by W. Goths, under Alarie, 9 ; by Huns, under Attila, 20; by E. Goths, under Theoderic, 33; reconquered by Belisarius, 39 ; invaded by Lombards, 40; Rome, Jtilian cap tal, 41 ; inva'^ed by Franks, 84; invaded by Pipin, 96; by Charles the Great, 117-122 ; imperial portion, 147, 155 ; invaded by Otto the Great, 208, 209 , inde- pendence destroyed by the revived empire of Otto, 2..8, 209. T ERUSALEM, fall of, i J Jews banished from Spain, 80 Judith, the Bavarian, empress of Louis the Pious, 152 Jul an, 4, 7 Julius Nepos, 28 Justinian, 40 ; origin, 101; greatness, 102 Jutes, 19, 63, 64 KENT, 64 Kiev, 214, 216 224 Index. MAG Ty^T, 179 J-^ Laon, 173, 174 Latin language, influence on biiba- r.ans, 55 i.atinizing influences, 56; Latins employed 'y the Fran'r^s, 56. 85 Law, Roman, 29; Lombard, 42; barbarian laws, 46, 53; Spani-h, 80; />eKsonal\3.\v changed into /citv of the land, ib. J^azzr, 179 Le hfekl, battle of, 206 Lechs, Lj'dken, afterwards Poles, 211 I eo, Pope, arrests Attila, 23 ; but not Gsnseric, 24 — the Isaurian, 94-110 Leovigild, Spanish king, 80 Litz, 179 Liutorand, 93 Loaf-eater, 180 Lombardy, name of Italy, 148 Lombards in Italy, 40; fail in uniting with the Italian , 41 ; duked m, 42 ; Arians converted, ib.; laws, ib.; results of con- quest, ib.; hated by Italians, 77; relations to Franks, 86 ; quarrel with tha Pop.s, 93; humbled by Pipin, 97 Lorraine, v. Lotharingia Lo har I., failure of linj, 157 Lothar king at Laon 173 Lothiringia, from L.thar II, 157, 159, 204 Louis the P"ous, 150; emper r, 151 ; associates hii son Lothar, ib. : prosperous beginnings, 152 ; marries second wife, family quar- rels, 152 ; the Liigenfeld, 154 ; partitions, 154 ; death, ib. ; his sons, I.othar, Louis the German, and Charles the Bald; quarr.l, battle of Fontenailles, 155 ; par- tition of Verdun, 157 — d'Outremer, 172, 173 — the Child, 159, 208 — the German, i6o ; line ends in Charles the Fat, 160 Ludvigslied, 170, 184 Liigenield, 153 MACEDONIAN line of empe- rors, 114 Magyars, v. Hungary' OTT Mahomet, 82, no Majorian, 26 Malii, 131, 180, 183 ]\Tark, 45, 204 IMayors of the Palace, 89 Mercia, 73, 176 Merovingians, 84; degenerate, 88; end of the line, 95-98 Mctz, £6, 91 il/Zc^'/^^az-r/i-Constantinople, 99 Mis si, 131 Missionaries, seventh and eighth centuries, 20, 134; in ninth and tenth, 196, 213 Monasteries, keepers of literature, 51, 62 Monophysite controversy, 127 Monoihelile controvoisy, 114, 127 Moot, 180, 181 ^TARBONNE, 16,92 % Narses, 39, 41, loi Netherlands, 204 Ncustria, 87, 89, 91, 202, 205 Nicolas I., Pope, 117, 197 Nithard, 200, 201 Nordmark, 234 Normandy, duchy of, founded, 171 Norsemen, or Danes, invasions of, 165 ; in Gaul, 168, 170 Northumbia, 65 ; power, 67 Norway, kingdom, 210 Notker's German Psalter, 195 Novgorod, 212 OBOTRITES, Slave race, 106 Oder, 4 Odocer, 28; king in Italy, 30; overthrown by Theoderic,the East Goth, 31 Offa, 176 Olaf of Norway 214 Olga, converted, 214 Olybrius, 27 Orleans, Altila's siege of, 22; schools, 195 Ostmark, 204, 205 Otfrid, 141 Otfrid's German harmony of the Gospels, 141, 195 Otto the Gr.at, King of Germany and Emperor, 17:;. 206 ; defeats the Hungarians at the Lechfeld, ib. ; reforms the popedom, 198, 206 Index. 225 RHI Otto II., 198 — Ill , opens tomb of Charles the Great, 145 DAG US, 45 ■'■ Paris, Clovis' capital, 88; Dukes ot, 171, 202 Patricians, barbarian, 25-28, 30; Roman, 38, 126 Pauliuus at York, 70 Pavia, 41 Pentapolis, Italian, 97 Persia, wars with by Empire, 107 ; by Heraclius, 108; conquered by the Saracens, 109 Photius, quarrel with Pope Nicolas I., 116, 117 Pipins — Pipin of Landen. qo, 91 ; table of family, 92 ; Pipin of Heristal, 90, 91 ; Pipin the Little, 94 ; king, crowned by Pope Ste- phen II., 96; policy, 117 P lac it a, 131 Poiiiers, near, Clovis defeats the Goths, 38; Charles Martel the Arabs, 91 Poland, beginning of history, 211 Poles (Lechs, 211 ; converted, 214 PoUentia, Stilicho defeats Alaric at, ID Popes, growing independence of, 41; Pope Leo I., 23, 24; Pope Gregory the Great, 42, 69 ; Pope Z ■ charias sanctions depositon of Childeric III., 96: Stephen II. crowns Pipin and his sons, ib. ; supported by Franks against Lombards, 97 ; Pipin s grant of lands, /(J.; Nicolas I., 116, 196; Leo III. crowns Charles emperor, 126; Sylvester II., 207, 218 ; power strengthened by Charles the Great, 196 ; sup- ported by the forged " Fn!se Decretals," ih. ; growth of their power, 196 ; degenerate, 198 ; re- form of, 198, 199 Prussia, 205 RADAGAIS, 10, 13 Ravenna. 11. 22. 41 Reccared, converted from Ari^n'sm, 83 Reichenau, 160, 195 Reims, 38. 87, 196 Remigius, Bp. ot Reims, 48 Rhine, 15, 201, 204 SCO Ricimer makes emperors, 26, 27 Ripuarian Franks, 37, 53 Robert of Paris, 170 Rois Faineants , 89, 95 Hollo, or Rolf, 170 ; when first heard of, ib. ; occupies Rouen, 171 ; ob- tains Normandy Iroai Charles the Simple, ib. ; homage, ib. ; Duke of Normandy, ib. Roman Empire, division of, 6 ; broken into by the barbarians, 14-19 ; giving way, 19 ; end in the West (476), 29 ; idea and institu- tions partly survive, 30, 31 {v. PLisrern Empire); revival in Charles the Great, 126; idea of unii;y, ico, 129; levived by Otto the Great, 208, 209 — law, 5, 30; eifect on barbarians, 53 ; E. Goths in Italy, 53 ; W. Goth-; in Spa n, ib. Romana, language, 156, 201 Romance, family ol languages, 60, 76, 77, 156, 201 Rome, fall of, separating ancient and modern liisury, 2 ; decay of em- pire, 5 ; power leaving it. 7 ; sieg s and sack by Alaric. 11; threatened by Attila, 23 ; second sack by Genseric, 24 ; third sack by Rici- mer, 26; Italian capital, 41 ; seat of empire, 127, 156, 208 Romulus Augustulus, 17 ; deposed, ib. Rouen, 170, 202 Ruric, 212 Russians, origin of, 202 SALIAN Franks, 37 ; Salic law, 53. 175 S .ssanian kings ot Persia, 107 Saracens, invasions of, 82, 108, 109; checked at Constantinople, by Leo the Isaurian, no ; by Charles Martel at 1 'oitiers, 91 ; by Charles the Great, 121 Saxons, old, 6j, 64 ; conquered and converted by Charles, 121, 122; in England, 64-68 Sa.\ony, Dakes of, 204, 505 Scandinavian nations. 2^9; becoming organized kingdoms, 210 Schism of East and V/cst, 117, 128 Schools, monast c and cathedral, 59; Palatini of Charles the Great, 139 Schools in Germany, 141 Scourge of God (_ Attila;, 23 :2 36 Index. THE Senlis, Hugh Capet elected king at, 203 Seventh century, poverty of, 134 Sidoiiius, ApoUinaris, 60 S gambrians, 4 Slave races, 8, 209 ; second barba- rian wave ot invasion, 8; Justinian, a Slave, 100; races press on Eastern Empire, 105; gradually t-ettled in Empire, 106 ; convened, 107 Slovaks, 211 Soissons, 38, 87, 154 Spain, invaded Ly Vandals, 15 ; West Goths, 16 ; Gothic kingdom of, 17; councils, Toledo, 54, 80; tragic course of history, 79 ; con- version of Reccarcd Irotn Arian- ism, 80; intolerance 81; flourishing kingdom, 82 ; conquered by the Saracens,83; Christian Kingdoms, 84 Stilicho, 10, II 18 Strasbu g, oath of, 156, 201 Sueves invade Spain, 14; driven to the highlands by Goths, 16; subdued by Leovigild, 184 Sussex, 64 Swatoslav, 213 Syagrius, defeated by Clovis at Sois- sons, 38 Sylvester TI., 207, 218 Symmachus, 33 TACITUS, 5 Tatian, 195 Testry, battle of, 90 Teudisca, language, 156, 201 Teutonic races, 8 ; Goths and Franks, 32 ; earliest kingdoms Arian, ;-,6; early Teutonic oraanization, 46 Theodore, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 71, 134 Theodoric, East Goth, formed king- dom in Ital}', 32 ; character, 33 ; lawgiver, builder, ib. ; his Edic- tiim, 54 Theoderic I., West Goth, 16; de- feats Attila, 22 Theoderic II., 26 ZUL Theodosius I., 8 Theudelinda, Queen of Lombards, 42 Thing, 180 'I'olbiac, battle of, 38 Toiiia. Gothic king. 102 'I'oulouse, Gothic capital, 17 I'ours, {v. I'oitiers), Gregory of, 52 ; St. Martin, 84 Turanian. 8, 20; third barbarian wave of invasion, 8 Turks. 20 7y/>e, formulary, 114 ULFILA converts Goths, trans- lates Bible, 9, 36 Ungri, V. Hungary ALENTINIAN III., 22, 24, 26 V Vandals, cross the Rhine into G:mi, 14; Spain, 15; driven before West Goths, 15; cro.-iS into Africa imder Genseric, 17; conquest of Africa, character of, 17, 35; naval power, 18, 24; sack Rome, 24 Varangians, 212 Venice, origin of, 23 Verdun, treaty of, 1^7, 164, 201 Vermandois, Counts of, 173 Verona, 33, 41 Vistula, 4 Vladimir, 213, 214 Youlon, V. Poitiers, 38 "T17ANDERING of the Na- VV lions," 3 Watling Street, 67 Wedmore, peace of, 183, 187, 186 "Welsh." 63, 67,68,77 IVends^ Slave race, 201, 214 Wessex, 66, 67 ; centre of pow r gradually shifting to, 68, 177, 1S2- 191 Willibrord, preaches to the Frisians, 13=; Witan, Witenagemot, 181 ZENO, Emperor. 29, 100, 114 Ziilpich, battle of, 38 " The volumes contain the ripe results of the studies of men who are authorities in their respective fields." — The NATION. EPOCHS OF HISTORY EPOCHS OF ANCIENT HISTORY Eleven volumes, i6mo, each $i.oo. EPOCHS OF MODERN HISTORY Eighteen volumes, i6mo, each $i.oo. The Epoch volumes have most successfully borne the test of experience, and are universally acknowledged to be the best series of historical manuals in existence. They are admirably adapted in form and matter to the needs of colleges, schools, reading circles, and private classes. Attention is called to them as giving the utmost satisfaction as class hand-books. 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