LB 2529 .N53 1871 «>Suppl- Copy 1 V^ — OF THE — STATE OF NEW JEESEY. Passed hy the Legislature of 1872. TRENTON, N. J.: STATE gazette" MURPHY & BECHTEL, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS 1872 STJIPI^LEIMIEIsrTS /S7/ mw m I %j -OF THE — STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Passed by the Legislature of 1872. TRENTON, N. J.: 'state gazette" — MURPHY k BECHTEL, BOOK AND JOB PRINTEHS, 1872 STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Supplement to an Act entitled "An Act to Establish a System of Public Instruction," approved March twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- seven. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the Slate of New Jersey, That the Treasurer of this State, under the direction of " The Trustees for the Sup- port of Free Schools," is authorized to invest the fund for the support of public schools in this State, in addition to the securities mentioned in the sixty-seventh section of the act to which this is a supplement, m the bonds of the several school districts of this State, and in the bonds of any city or municipality of this State legally issued, for the purpose of building school houses, either by au- thority of special acts of the Legislature, or by the con- sent of the inhabitants of the district, as provided for by the eightieth section of the act to which this is a supple- ment. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the in- habitants of each district, when met in conformity to the provisions of the eightieth section of the act to which this is a supplement, and the inhabitants so met shall have power, by the consent of two-thirds of those pre- sent, to authorize the trustees, for the purpose of building a school house or school houses in such district, to issue the bonds of the district, in the corporate name of such district, in such sums and in such amounts, and payable at such times as the said inhabitants so met may direct, with interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable half yearly, which bonds shall be signed by the trustees of such district, and attested by the clerk, under the seal of the district, and the bonds so issued shall be a lien upon the property of the said district. 3. And be it enacted^ That whenever any district shall order and authorize the issue of bonds for the purpose aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the district clerk of such district, each and every year, to issue the warrant of the district, signed by the trustees, and attested by the clerk, under the seal of the district, to the assessor or assessors of the township or townships in which such district is situate, directing him to assess upon the inhabitants of said school district, and their estates, and the taxable property therein, an amount sufficient to pay the bond or bonds of the district maturing in such year, together with the interest accruing upon the whole issue of the unpaid bonds of such district, which warrant so issued as aforesaid, shall be executed in the same way and man- ner as is provided by the eightieth section of the act to which this is a supplement. 4. And he it enacted^ That in case the bonds of any school district, city or municipality, or the interest upon any bonds issued by any school district, city or munici- pality, and held by the trustees for the support of free schools, are unpaid when the same become due, it shall be lawful for the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, and it is hereby made his duty, to withhold, in the apportionment of the school fund, from such district, city, or municipality, in default of the payment of either principal or interest on the bonds so held by the trustees for the support of free schools, an amount sufficient to pay the unpaid bond or bonds, and interest due upon any bonds so held by the said trustees for the support of free schools, and the said trustees for the support of free schools shall apply and appropriate such amount so with- held to the payment of the over due bond or bonds so 5 lieid by them, and the unpaid interest due upon any bond ■or bonds held by them. 5, And be it enacted^ That this act shall take effect im- mediately. Approved April 4th, 1872. A Further Supplement to an Act entitled " An Act to Establish a System of Public Instruction," approved March twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- seven. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall (unless the State Board of Education shall, for good cause shown, otherwise direct) have power, and it shall be his duty to direct and cause the county collector of any county to withhold from any county superintendent any portion of his salary until he has fully complied with the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, or any of its supplements relating to his duties; and (unless the State Board of Education shall, for good cause shown, otherwise direct) it shall be his duty to direct and cause the county superintendent of any county, or any board of trustees or school officers to withhold from any officer or district, or teacher, that part of the State appropriation derived from the revenue of the State, until such officer, district, or teacher shall have complied with the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, or any of its supplements relating to his, its, or their duties, and with all the rules and reg- ulations made in pursuance of any of these acts by the State Board of Education ; and by and with the advice and consent of the State Board of Education, he shall have power, and it shall be his duty to suspend or revoke the license of any teacher, when the county superintend- ent shall make formal report that such teacher does not possess the attainments or qualifications which are essen- tial to his office, or that the school, or department of a school under the charge of such teacher is suiBfering from his or her incompetency, or from his or her failure or inability to govern or instruct the children who are under his or her care. 2. And be ii enacted, That the State Board of Education shall appoint the county superintendents of the several counties in the State, subject to the approval of the board of chosen freeholders of the several counties, but in all cases where a month elapses, and no action is taken by any board of chosen freeholders approving or disapprov- ing, then the appointments made by the State Board shall be valid without such approval. 3. And be ii enacted, That the State Association of School Superintendents shall meet annually, at such time and place as the State Board of Education may appoint, and at such other times and places as they may agree upon. 4. And be ii enacted, That the township boards of trus- tees of the several townships of this State shall meet semi-annually, at such times and places as the county superintendent may appoint. 5. And be it enacted, That in addition to the duties pre- scribed by the third subdivision of the thirty-ninth sec tion of the act of which this is a supplement, the board of trustees shall have power to build, repair, or improve school buildings, and to borrow money, or incur a debt or debts for such purposes, as they may be directed by a majority of the legal voters present at any legally called meeting of the district ; and that wherever in the act to which this is a supplement, or the supplements to which this is a further supplement, it requires two-thirds of those present to empower the trustees to do certain acts, shall be so amended that a majority of those present, upon due notice given, shall be sufficient to empower the trustees to do all acts that it now requires two-thirds to agree to. 6. And be it enacted; That the applicants for admission to the Normal School shall give, on admission, a written obligation, signed with their own hands, that their object in seeking admission to the school is to qualify them- selves for the employment of public school teachers, and that it is their intention to engage in that employment in this State for at least two years, or refund to the State the cost of their tuition ; and, in addition to the annual sum appropriated for the support of the Normal School, there is hereby appropriated annually the sum of five thousand dollars, to be paid out of the treasury of the State in like manner, which shall constitute a scholarship fund, to be applied as follows : there shall be fifty schol- arships of one hundred dollars each, two of which shall be allotted to each county, to be competed for by the pupils in the Normal School from that county ; and the remainder shall be open to free competition by pupils in the Normal School from the State at large ; the competi- tive examinations above mentioned shall be conducted by the principal of the State Normal School and his assistants ; provided, that scholarships shall be awarded to those pupils only who shall first enter into a satisfac- tory bond to the Treasurer of the State, obligating them- selves to teach in the public schools of this State for the term of five consecutive years, or to refund the amount paid them upon a failure to do so from any cause save continued sickness or death. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect im- mediately. Approved April 4th, 1872. 020 313 088 BUPPLEMENT to an Act entitled "An Act to Increase the School Fund of this State," passed April sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. 1. Be it enacted hi/ the Senate and General Assernbli/ of the State of JSew Jersey, That all leases which shall be made of lands belonging to the State, now or formerly lying under water, shall be transferred to the trustees of the school fund of this State, and become a portion of the free school fond ; and that the annual income arising from said leases shall be distributed by the said trustees for the support of tree public schools, in the same man- ner that other moneys are now distributed for that pur- pose. Approved April 2d, 1872. 020 313 088