Copyright N° /ftf? COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE BY William Walter Bryant M QavQelg tyavabolic Printed for the Author 1907 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Gople? Received APR b 1907 , a Copyright Entrv . aim A XXc " No - Is + llb CO FY B. ' * Copyright, 1906, BY William Walter Bryant, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. This book is dedicated to the people of God through- out the world as a voice crying, "Let the earth be lighted with glory, God with us!" Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress FORE THOUGHT. This book is the first publication of the writings of William Walter Bryant, whose conception in the land of glory hath the power that arouses the hidden man of the heart to understand the language of God that declar- eth though the prophet Joel, yea, and though all the prophets, even as the trumpet that is sounded in Zion that causeth the earth to tremble because of the binding of the tares, for the word of the prophet Isaiah declareth thus : "Associate yourselves, O, ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces ; and give ear, all ye of far countries : gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces ; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take coun- sel together, and it shall come to nought." For the Lord spoke thus to me with a strong hand and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying: "Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread." He further declareth to "Bind up the testimony and seal the law among my disciples." Therefore the spirit crieth within us to separate from the mixture of the world, to serve but one Master, even Jesus Christ, who standeth before God as the holy priest of reconciliation between God and man. Therefore as a scribe instructed in the way of righteousness we bring this forth from the treasury of our souls as a depository of love among the people of God, hoping that it may strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God, to the glory of the Holy Father, to whom belongeth all might, power, and dominion, for ever and ever. William Walter Bryant. INDEX. PAGE About Christ 120 A Call to Israel 50 A Call to Righteousness 47 A Dream, the Stone of Record (A Parable) 244 A Prayer for the Cloud of Glory , 34 A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit 255 A View in the City 205 A View of Strife in the End 171 After Baptism 279 After Great Darkness the Glorious Day Seen 204 All Things Shall Become New 119 All Things Show that God Is Great 193 Anger Hasteneth Its Destruction 126 Approaching Judgment 10 Arise to Glory 197 Arise to Subdue 21 Arising Glory 35 Art Thou Prepared? 190 As We Stand upon the Holy Shore 140 Be a Soldier for the Promised Land 182 Beautiful upon the Mountains Are the Feet of Him that Bringeth Good Tidings , 218 Be Faithful to God 272 Before the Throne on the Crystal Sea 140 Behold Him that Cometh 29 Beholding the Light 77 Be Instant in Season and out of Season 281 Be Ye Not Overcome of Evil 217 Bind the Devil by Destroying Evil 262 Blessed Are the Simple Concerning Iniquity 54 Bless the Name of Jesus 244 Blow Ye the Cornet in Zion 16 Blow Ye the Holy Trumpet 150 Born to Praise 9 Bound No More 40 Boundaries of Life Seen 139 Breaking the Bondage 188 Built upon the Rock 230 But One Way 172 Buy of Me Gold 246 vii INDEX. PAGE Cast the Devil Out 260 Choke Not the Word 56 Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Will Serve 56 Christ Born of Love 187 Christ Hath Conquered 84 Christ Leads 69 Christ Lives Among Men 48 Christ's Appearing the Status of Man 127 Christ's Mission from God 116 Christ the Doorkeeper of Eternity 136 Christ the Mediator 228 Christ the Only Way 57 Christ to Man 135 Christians Are Blessed 258 Cleaning the House 206 Cleansing by the Word 95 Cleansing Urged 215 Clothe Ye with Linen White and Cleansed 220 Come Go with Us 99 Come Put on the Linen Robe 100 Come to God 98 Come to Jesus 97 Come to Jesus in Freedom 269 Come To-day 238 Come to the Fold as One 179 Come to the Holy City 169 Come Whomsoever Will 284 Contend Earnestly for the Faith 251 Crossing the Sea 173 Day of Strife and Restoration Seen 205 Death and Life 241 Deceive Not 74 Destruction for Him That Forsaketh 189 Destruction of Evil with Love 180 Destruction of Sin Seen 212 Devouring Watchmen Seen 144 Did Baalam See This? 200 Do As the Word Sayeth 110 Doom of the East Seen 195 Do Thy Duty as a Servant 233 Draw Near to God 108 Drink Love 70 Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to Thee 254 Vlll INDEX. PAGE Dream of Two Keys 163 Drink of Love to the Bridegroom 91 Eat the Lord's Supper 92 Enjoyment of the Kingdom. 170 Evil Is Used as a Weapon in Itself 138 Faith Is Proved by Works 60 Feasting on Love 191 Feed the Lambs 232 Fill Anew 250 Fill Ye with the Light of Love 9 Flowing of the Spirit 177 Follow Jesus 256 Giving Glory 164 Glories of Mount Zion Seen 163 Glorious City 277 Glorious Things Seen and Heard 58 Glory to God 165 God Breathes Upon the Disciples 93 God Commands Be Ye Free 162 God Emanuel Reigns 65 God Filleth Our Hands with Holy Seed 158 God Giveth Full Measure 127 God Reigneth 71 God's Son Obeyeth to Redeem Man 134 God Upholdeth Us 86 Good Destroyeth Evil 128 Guard the Flock 11 Hath Not God Commanded the Destruction of Sin? 221 Hath Thy Master Supped with Thee? 208 Have We a Store from Worlds Above? 96 Hear Freedom's Call 90 Hear the Sound 238 Hear the Word 256 Hear Ye God 227 Hear Ye Him 236 He that Descended Was Also Glorified on High 221 He that Laboreth Receiveth 5 He Smote the Sea 122 His Servants Ye Are to Whom Ye Obey 242 Holiness Guiding Us 275 How Can I Cease to Praise? 124 How Shall We Be Led? 41 How the Sower Soweth 33 IX INDEX. PAGE If the Lord Be God, Hear Ye Him 173 If Thou Obeyeth Thou Doest 32 If Ye Obey the Word Thou Art Forgiven 83 Increase Faith 103 In God, the Father, is Love 149 In Jesus Christ We Go 61 In Jesus We Go 112 In Judgment Is Regeneration 167 In That Day It Shall Be Sung 161 In the End 101 In the End Let Us Glorify 259 In the Everlasting Brotherhood 261 In the Holy City Is Strength 210 In the Last Struggle 106 In the Name of God Conquer Ye 12 In the Separation 131 Jesus Christ Crucified for Redemption 247 Jesus Christ for Man Was Slain 219 Jesus the Light of the Soul 78 Judgment Cometh 211 Judgment Cometh Speedily 224 Judgment of the Fishes Ill Judgment Ordained 160 Land of Flocks to Be Destroyed 199 Land of Love and Liberty 165 Last Run of the Furnace Seen 270 Led to the Holy Waters 99 Let All Creation Glorify God 168 Let All Obey God 169 Let All Things Become New 158 Let Brethren Love 181 Let Earth Be Cleansed 93 Let Earth Become Glorious 36 Let Earth Be Filled with Light 266 Let God Be King 58, 196 Let God's Will Be Done in Earth as It Is in Heaven.... 2 Let God's Will Be Done upon Earth - 59 Let Him that Seeth Understand 145 Let Love Be Brought to Bear 64 Let Love Flow 78 Let Love Flow On 47 Let Love Spring Forth 43 Let Pilgrims Praise 245 INDEX. PAGE Let Powers Fall 60 Let Souls of Love Glorify 52 Let Souls of Love Leap for Joy 57 Let the Earth Be Filled with Love 97 Let the Kingdom Come 87 Let the Love of God Reign 124 Let the River of Life Flow 108 Let the Saints Arise in the Lord 273 Let the Saints Rejoice 68 Let the Son and Man Be Wed 106 Let the Spirit Move Upon the Sea 69 Let the Well Flow 105 Let Us Be Israelites of God 231 Let Us Be True Servants of God 13 Let Us Delight in Truth and Love 181 Let Us Do God's Will with Joy 116 Let Us Feel 283 Let Us Go 225 Let Us Go Henceforth in God 157 Let Us Live in God 64 Let Us Obey Jesus 2 Let Us Prepare 23 Let Us Purify and Feed 184 Let Us Use the Healing Leaves 38 Liberation by the Church 274 Life and Death Placed Before Us 32 Light Giveth Birth 264 Live Ye to the Glory of God 6 Looking Through the Gates of Eternity 269 Looking Upon the Door of Eternity 46 Look Not Back 175 Look Unto Jesus and Live 250 Look Upon the Gate 16 Loud Allelulias Angels Cry 53 Love and Truth the Weapons of Eternity 119 Love Brought to Man 52 Love Floweth from Our Heart 195 Love Purifieth Thee 148 Love Sown Within Us 65 Make Plain the Way of Righteousness 81 Man and Beast (A Dream) 176 Man Led by Satan to Sorrow 46 Marching to Glory 228 xi INDEX. P AG Mix Not the Bread and Wine of God with the Worldly.. 216 Mount Zion the Beauty of Holiness 214 My Heart Is a Throne 88 Obey the Word 229 Obey the Word of God 226 Observe the Day to the Lord 222 O ! Come Ye 62 O ! Land of Praises 167 Of Brotherly Love 115 Of Death and Life 156 On the Narrow Way 61 One That Awakeneth 174 Our Cause Is in God 207 Our Home in Jesus 3 Our Mission to Do God's Will 55 Our Mission to the Church 5 Our Peace Is in God 265 Our Resolve 114 Our Works Prove Us 143 Pointing to the Promised Land 185 Possess the Earth to the Lord 267 Powers Shall Turn to a Brotherhood 159 Praise the Lord 74, 264 Praising God by Deeds of Love 81 Prayer to Overcome 14 Prayer for the Regeneration 142 Pray to God 239 Prepare to Meet Thy God 241 Preparing the Bride , . . . 21 Prophets Grieve to Behold the Evil 154 Prove Thy Faith by Thy Works 278 Purifying Described 76 Redemption Depicted 223 Righteousness Shall Prevail 126 Righteousness Soundeth Her Trumpet 151 Rejoicing in Heaven 194 Repent unto Love and Be Born of God 102 Resist Evil and Draw Near to God 26 Resist the Devil 280 Rest in the Lord 268 River of Reformation Flowing 29 River of the Serpents Smitten 100 Running On into Glory 178 Xll INDEX. PAGE Seek Ye the Lord 20 Sacred Bible 284 Saints of a Right Ought to Be Free 253 Search the Scriptures and Obey Them 235 Search the Scriptures, that Thy Soul May Be Fed 115 Seeking a Country Whose Builder Is God 277 Seen from the Laboratory of God 144 Shall Earth Come Against Us? 98 Shall We Not Say Turn to God? 14 Shine Thy Light in the House 115 Should Man Theorize on God's Theory? 104 Shout Ye in Love 49 Showing the Way of God 142 Sing Anew 30 Sin As a Weapon of Destruction 131 Sin Destroyed (A Parable) 218 Sin to Be Destroyed 77 Smoke Ascending Up before God 134 Sowing the Seed 141 Sow the Seed of the Kingdom 44 Spring Forth in Love 107 Standing Against Evil 95 Standing in the Light 259 Supper Now Ready 102 Swear Not at All 234 Sweet Odors of Love Taken 1 13 Take the Yoke upon Thee 235 Taking the Harp from the Willows Ill Teaching of Satan 63 The Beast Destroyed 89 The Beast that Devours the Children 82 The Begetting of the Word 129 The Bride Emanuel Reigneth in the Regeneration 275 The Burglar Can Not Blast Us 73 The Call 90 The Call and Answer 166 The Candle of God Shineth upon Us ,. 194 The Child '. 37 The Church a Great Light 179 The Church Praiseth 72 The Church the Light of the World 176 The Church to Defend Righteousness 17 The Dream of the Batteries 157 Xlll INDEX. FA.GB The Evil One Causeth the Righteous to Be Looked Upon as Fools 25 The Famine of the Spirit Seen 101 The Fire of God Shall Destroy Evil 247 The First and Second Man Adam 121 The Hand Lain Upon Evil 75 The Heavens Declareth the Glory of God 276 The Hireling Shown 19 The Holy Flocks Shall Dwell in Peace 188 The Holy Hands Spread 54 The Holy Spirit the Guard 71 The Holy Tree 27 The Hour of Glory at Hand 45 The Land Shall Be Married 130 The Last Kingdom of Man Destroyed 162 The Living Light Floweth 132 The Lord Doeth All Things Well 193 The Lord Hath Heard the Appeal 200 The Lord Is Coming 249 The Lord Is My Shepherd 252 The Man of Love Seen 66 The Moon Darkened 85 The Newborn Birth as the Wind 112 The Parable of Darkness (A Dream) 93 The Parable of the Sowers Sowing 91 The Path of Love Built 209 The Pit of Great Waters 85 The Poor Shall Arise to Glory 192 The Reward of Selfishness 94 The River of Love Flowing 28 The Salt of the Spirit Cleanseth 81 The Sea of Love Flowing 59 The Ship Borne Upon the Sea 171 The Solid Foundations 109 The Son and the Church with the Sword 67 The Son Fulfilling His Mission 123 The Son the Temple of God's People 133 The Sowing of the Tares 95 The Spirit Prevailed upon the Sea 28 The Spirit Says Come 66 The Spring of Love 44 The Stone of Love Thrown into the Sea Ill The Sword to Free 110 xiv INDEX. PAGE The Throne of Judgment 40 The Tree Beareth Fruit 203 The Valley Shall Be Exalted 248 The Vision of the Serpent Slain 18 The Wheel in the Desert 25 The Wicked Excuse Themselves 204 The Wicked Seeth Not the Light 243 The Wicked Seen upon the Sea 133 The Word Is Meat and Drink Indeed 92 The Word the Measure with Us 89 They Flee to Their Dens 108 They Look Upon Us 39 Thus the Prophet Hath Said 155 Till Satan Is Bound Indeed 42 To Christ 145 To Destroy Evil a Christian Duty 51 To God 185 To Man 146 To Purge the Earth 38 To Separate the Herds 45 To the Following 151 To the Rich 104 To the Wicked .' 198 Travels of Adam 152 Trial of Life 73 Trial of Man 42 Trust in the Lord 207 Try to Improve 147 Turn to Hear and See 76 Two Great Races of Men in the Spirit 27 Two Mothers 121 Two Views 24 Unction from God 282 Upon the Hill of God 201 Upon the Sea of Love We Sail 137 Vision of Fury 113 Watch for the Burglar 4 Watch the Greedy 43 Way of Life 34 We Are Blessed of God 263 We Are in the Pathway 22 We Are One 68 We Are Protected in Our Works 160 xv INDEX. PAGE We Are There to Enlighten 209 We Ask of God 190 We Built in the Temple of Peace 79 We Call upon God 125 We Come for the Cause of Jesus 225 We Come to Serve 53 We Destroy the Evil 87 We Extend the Arm of Love 105 We Give Our Life to God 86 We Go to Palestine 36 We Have a King to Serve 202 We Have Believed God's Word 31 We Have Come on Earth for Good 18 We Hear, See, and Feel the Report 107 We Leap in Praise 62 We Love the Father's Will in Righteousness 39 We Pray for Faith to Labor 7 We Proclaim to Man 72 We Serve God 186 We Shall Enter that Rest with Praises 240 We Shall Live with God 146 We Slay the Man of Sin 80 We Stand, Live, and Walk Around the Throne 83 We Thirst No More 84 When Christ Arose 271 Where the Lost Sheep Is Found 232 Which Shall Christ Or Satan Be Thy Groom? 15 Why Do Evil? 183 With the Hand of Love We Separate 88 Wolves in the Pasture with the Sheep 49 Work Is the Growth of Repentance 155 Writing on the Signboard 1 Ye Are the Light of the World 149 Yield All to God . ... 183 Zion Surrounded by Beasts 215 Zion the Glory of the Whole Earth 123 xvi THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WRITING ON THE SIGNBOARD. We are writing on the signboard, Let everybody see The word of love From God above Sent to this earth to free. Chorus. Sent to this earth the foe to bind, Sent to this earth to free mankind From out the world of woe. We are writing on the signboard, For God hath sent the light, Upon the hill The earth to fill With rays of great delight. (Chorus.) We are writing on the signboard, Look ye to understand, Thou shalt repent, For God hath sent To thee the holy hand. (Chorus.) We are writing on the signboard, Let man behold the host, Sent to this earth To bring the birth Of Love, the Holy Ghost. (Chorus.) THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET GOD'S WILL BE DONE IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Let us come to Jesus, brother, Full of love, full of love, Doing good to one another, Full of love, full of love, The thirsty soul let us supply, The hungry let us not deny, And God will bless us from on high, Full of love, full of love. Let us give to those that need, Full of love, full of love, And God will fill our souls indeed, Full of love, full of love, He will bless us evermore, If we give unto the poor, He will open wide the door, Full of love, full of love. Let us fill the valleys flowing Full of love, full of love, From the holy fountain going, Full of love, full of love, Till the sacred holy leaven, That the Son of God hath given, Makes this earth a glorious heaven Full of love, full of love. LET US OBEY JESUS. O ! Let us bow To Jesus now, To fill the heart with love, That every brow May now endow A birth to God above. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let us arise To now baptize, In holy passions true ; The Spirit cries, From holy skies, Arise in love to do. O ! let us go, That love to know, That filleth with delight; As waters flow, As winds that blow, To shine the holy light. O! let us feel, The living seal That marketh those that love ; In them to heal, Indeed to feel The Spirit from above. That man may see, To now agree To live for one another; From sea to sea To bend the knee, To be a holy brother. OUR HOME IN JESUS. The Lord hath called to take us home, Let us go, let us go, Lest away from him we roam, Let us go, let us go. Chorus. Home, our home, home, sweet home, Home to glory let us go, Jesus calls us home. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. The Lord hath called indeed to free, Let us go, let us go, Receive thy sight, look up and see, Let us go, let us go. (Chorus.) Jesus calls to thee, hear, O ! hear, Let us go, let us go, Around his throne let Christians cheer, Let us go, let us go. (Chorus.) The Lord hath made a place of rest, Let us go, let us go, Prepared the mansion filled and blessed Let us go, let us go. (Chorus.) The Lord hath called to glorify, Let us go, let us go, Hath prepared that home on high, Let us go, let us go. (Chorus.) WATCH FOR THE BURGLAR. Though the destroyers should give unto destruction a house full of gold and silver, how can they do that which the Lord hath not ordained concerning the righteous ? Therefore, knowing this to be true, fear ye not, O! thou renewer, to displant ; for if thou obeyest the com- mand of thy Creator he will indeed make of thee a vessel of glory, that holdeth great favors. Therefore, go ye forth with the sword that the Lord hath put into thy mouth, wherewith to guard the evil from the door of thy soul, yea, and to cast it therewith from the soul of thy neighbor also. In this work be ye delighted to overcome, for the devil, as a burglar of the spirit, entereth in at the door in the night when thou sleepeth. Therefore be ye watchful to discover, and thrust him away e'er he putteth the blast into thy soul and thou becomest a wreck and thy treasury robbed of its gems. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. HE THAT LABORETH, RECEIVETH. Place thyself upon the altar, Trust in God and do not falter, To pray to him, he will forgive, And take thee home with him to live, There in glory to bestow Thy heart with love to fill aglow. Place thyself beneath his wing, Acknowledge him thy Lord and King, Obeying as he doth command, Searching thus to understand Thy duty as a servant true, The Lord and Master's will to do. Place thyself within the gear, Go to the fields and do not fear, To serve thy Master, he is Lord. Obey his voice with one accord, For he will free thy soul to fill With the glories of his will. Place thou thyself before his face, Within the sacred holy place, That he may come within to stand, To guide thee to the holy land, There to know his love divine Within the holy Palestine. OUR MISSION TO THE CHURCH. Upon her brow we lay our hand, The virgin smiles on me, She smiles to know and understand The trumpet sounding in the land, The trumpet of the free. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We call to her, she holds the ear, She hears the sound of love, We call aloud, "Come on, my dear, Come go with us and do not fear To live with God above !" We call to her throughout the earth ; The harp we take to sing, And light springs forth the living birth Full of joy and rapturous mirth To God the holy King. We call to her, and go to sow Upon the fields the seed; God sends the rain to make it grow, Sending showers to and fro, Where the spirit thus doth lead. We take the virgin by the hand, To lead her up to God, She smiles to know and understand The path of love in which to stand, With virtue being shod. LIVE YE TO THE GLORY OF GOD. Let us arise To take the prize The Saviour doth command! The angel cries, As now he flies Throughout the holy land, Let man now yield To sow the field, With the golden grain That doth reveal The people sealed To fill the holy plain. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Come let us light The golden height The Mount of God on high, With sunshine bright, That gives delight, Nevermore to die, Then let us see, To now agree, The calling to obey, In unity The earth to free, Clearing out the way. Let every rod Now yield to God The scepter of command, Let powers nod, To give to God, In each and every land, Their homage due, Unto the true, The Father to extol, In going through, God's will to do, For he is Lord of all. WE PRAY FOR FAITH TO LABOR. O ! Lord, forgive, That we may live Among the holy true ; That we may grow In thee to know Our duty here to do. For in our host, The Holy Ghost, Is guiding now to free It giveth light, In thee so bright, That we can plainly see. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! Lord, we pray To thee to-day, Increase our faith to heed, That we may stand, In holy land, The lambs of God to feed, For in thy word The voice we heard Commanding us to give, The holy bread To free the dead, Eternally to live. O! Lord, thy love Flows from above Refreshing us indeed, Renewing life From sin and strife With living holy seed, That doth us fill To do thy will, To cast the devil out ; This earth to free From sea to sea, With holy saints throughout. O ! Lord, to thee We bend the knee, For thou art King of Kings, Thine is the rod, Thou art our God, With holy healing wings, For thou canst save The death-bound slave Springing upon hip-h, To fill indeed With living seed Never more to die. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. BORN TO PRAISE. O ! glorious love, rilled full of love, The hand is at the throttle, Going above, to God above, The wine is in the bottle ; The wine hath filled, from God hath filled, The fountain now is springing, For God hath willed, in us hath willed, The holy seed is bringing. The holy bread, the living bread, Hath filled the soul with leaven, Our souls to wed, in God to wed, To live with him in heaven. We shall ascend, to God ascend, As the body raises, To God amen, our King amen, Shouting holy praises. FILL YE WITH THE LIGHT OF LOVE. Go ye now to Zion's mountain, Place thy lamp upon the height, Be born of God, a holy fountain, To become a glorious light. Reflecting forth as one arising, Doing of thy Saviour's will, With rays of love indeed baptizing, For thy Lord upon the hill. The house of love fill ye to flowing With the fountain full of life, As a holy river going, Bringing man away from strife. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Pour ye on them the holy unction, That doth free them from the sin, With the spirit of conjunction, Bringing forth the man within. Bringing forth to God, the Father, In the holy birth of love, That we may live for one another In the kingdom from above. In the kingdom with our Saviour, His holy presence to enjoy, Never more in disbehavior With the devil to annoy. APPROACHING JUDGMENT. O ! joyous day approaching Son of God, To call to him the saints that shall stand, To lay upon the earth the iron rod Of righteous judgment in every land. Unto all mankind in his name we call, Break ye the captive's band thyself to free. Put ye the holy line upon the wall, The sacred line of Christian liberty. Put ye the line upon the wall to gauge Upon the works of man, the measures just, Gathering up the holy saints to engage, That are filled up with love in God to trust. Gathering up the holy saints that fill, With the knowledge of the Lord from above, To sit their light upon the glorious hill, To fill all the earth with gems of love. 10 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. GUARD THE FLOCK. O! let us go, As waters flow, To tend the sheep where'er we go, That they may know The willful foe, The man of sin, the child of woe, That bringeth pain To mar and stain, Upon the pastures of the plain. O ! let us stand To raise the hand, To cause the people understand, In every land Let sin be bann'd To place on it the judgment brand That man may see To now agree, The holy saints of God to free. O ! let our light Upon the height, The lamp of love that shineth bright, Thus to unite, To take delight, In God the Father's glorious light, That all may know, The truth to sow, Upon the earth where'er we go. Come glorify Thy God on high, O ! let thy voice be heard to cry That God is nigh, That spirits fly Through his realms to glorify, That lights may blaze Our Lord to praise, To shout aloud his glorious ways. 11 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. IN THE NAME OF GOD CONQUER YE. Come forth and sing, Let voices ring Loud hallelujahs God on high. Mankind we bring To God the king, From all the earth to glorify. Come forth to free, God is with thee, To spread his wings all o'er the earth. From sea to sea Let man agree, To sow the seed of holy birth. O ! let the hand Of glory stand, The pillar of delight to show, In every land To understand The holy way in which to go. Let man be led To raise his head To free the earth to God indeed, Till all are fed, With sacred bread, The kingdom of the holy seed. O! let us do As Christians true In stopping of the sin on earth, In going through To make anew, Thus bringing in the holy birth. Bring forth the light Of God so bright That sin shall flee away to hide, To thus unite With great delight The children of the Holy Bride. 32 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET US BE TRUE SERVANTS OF GOD. O ! let us stand on Israel's shore, With trumpets sounding loud, That man may come to God adore, To praise and serve him evermore, As in the holy cloud. O ! let us raise our voice on high To cleanse the earth indeed, Thus drawing to the Father nigh, Nevermore in sin to die, The holy living seed. O ! let us stand upon the hill, The hill of great delight, Evermore to do God's will, The earth with holiness to fill, As with the Saviour's light. O ! let us stand in God to free, That earth may fill with love, Thus flowing forth from sea to sea As one in sacred unity, To live to God above. O ! let us stand, the living host, Against the child of woe, That earth may fill from post to post, With love from God the Holy Ghost, His will indeed to know. O ! let us stand in virtue shod In Jesus Christ to live, On earth the Saviour's living rod That bringeth man to live with God, Is holiness to give. 13 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. PRAYER TO OVERCOME. My spirit now, O ! Lord, I bow to thee, Let now thine angels go abroad with me, That they may hold my will by their restraint To ever be a true and holy saint, Satan's mouth to lock with thy sacred key, Send forth thy love, O ! Lord, to go with me. Send forth thy love my very heart to fill, That I may go and do thy sacred will, That I may stand to slay the evil snake, Away from earth his powers now to take, That he no more upon the children prey, That traveleth along the narrow way. O ! let me stand upon thy holy hill, To take the lamp of glory, earth to fill With rays of love sent to the holy herd Thy light shining forth in the living word, That doth bring forth to thee the holy birth Of new life and glory throughout the earth. SHALL WE NOT SAY TURN TO GOD? Shall we not say to sin adieu? We came from God to call ; His holy will on earth to do, To break thine every wall. Shall we not say to man, Forsake The ways of death to tread? In the cause of love to now awake, To raise them from the dead. Shall we not say to mixture's wall We'll make of thee a heap ; Divided thou shalt reel and fall, As stones into the deep. 14 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Shall we not say to man, Come live? Go not to death's dark vale ; Come thou, repent, we will forgive, Else in torment thou shalt wail. Shall we not take the ax to hew The trees that do not yield? The holy will of God to do In each and every field. WHICH SHALL CHRIST OR SATAN BE THY GROOM? Hast thou not heard the voice of love Now flowing in thy heart? Wilt thou not sup with God above, Or shall he now depart? Wilt thou not now engage to go With angels leading thee? With truth and love God's word to sow, Thy fellowman to free? Wilt thou not now be born anew, A son to take delight, In joy and love God's will to do, To be a brilliant light? Or, wilt thou die and go to hell With serpents biting thee? Where fiery billows rage and swell Throughout eternity. O ! how cans't thou now bear to go, With Satan as thy groom? Where fiery demons rage in woe, Forever there thy doom. When God in love extends the hand That leads to Jov indeed, Open thine eyes to understand, On feasts of love to feed. 15 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOOK UPON THE GATE. Look ye now upon the gate, In passing from the old In the new-born Christian state, Entering to the blessed fold. Thou seest there a lesson true, Thine old life buried hence, Yea, dead to sin and born anew, To live in love from thence. Thou seest thus, thine to forsake, The world with all its lure, And into righteousness awake To live as angels pure. Thy duty then to live and be A Christian full of light, That other men thy love may see, The way of great delight. Yea, search the Word ; that thou mayst know The way in which to dwell. Yea, walk in faith and all aglow, In God, the truth to tell. BLOW YE THE CORNET IN ZION. Now, blow ye ! the trumpet on high, O ! let the bride arise and go From her closet, adorned to try The ways of sin, to man they show. Come sanctify the holy host, Assemble, ye the children dear, Go to and fro from post to post To tell them that our Lord is near. For now the angels go to reap, O ! hear the shepherds as they call, O ! hear them as they go to weep. Between the porch and altar they fall. 16 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. They pray to God the flock to spare And through the incense that ascends — God speeds the living harbinger The camps of Israel to defend. Judgment then shall speed to fill, Then in all the earth shall death reign, Thus destined that God's holy will On earth shall men of sin be slain. Then shall the earth emerge from the night, For God among men shall be, As a great lamp to give them light And then in love shall men agree. THE CHURCH TO DEFEND RIGHTEOUSNESS. O ! place thy vanguard now to free, Against the swelling of the sea ; For man shall rage thy rod to break, Until the very earth shall quake ; But thou shalt make of love a wall That shall abide till earth shall fall. O ! place thy vanguard to defend The holy cause until the end ; For man shall rage in wrathful ire, Until God rains on them the fire That shall destroy the sinful seed, Yea, with the fire of wrath indeed. O ! place thy vanguard on the rock Thine to defend the holy flock; For man shall pour their hosts a flood, To swallow up the righteous good ; But God will save the children true That shall obey his will to do. 17 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! place thy vanguard now to stand, The King of Kings shall thee command, The kingdoms fall that do engage, Against the hosts of God to rage ; For in that day shall wrath and woe Among the hosts of Satan flow. WE HAVE COME ON EARTH FOR GOOD. Have we not come on earth to call, In the name of God to free, The living hosts to make a wall In the land of liberty? Have we not come on earth to take The holy cause of God in hand, The saints to free ; the yokes to break ; The hosts of love thus understand. Have we not come the fan to set, Yea, to separate the tares ? For God of a long time hath let, Yet again to man declares. Have we not come on earth to show, Thus to praise the Holy One? As stars of heaven shall we go, Thus before the rising sun. i & THE VISION OF THE SERPENT SLAIN. (A Dream.) In our visions we walked as one, Upon the mountains great and high, As thus we went the journey run Among clefts where the monsters cry. As thus we walked upon the sand, The evil fountain there we spied ; The flow thereof came forth and ran Throughout the earth from side to side. 18 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Within the waters there in view We saw the serpents of the tide, As beasts of shame they mighty grew To war against the Holy Bride. Then to our guide we turned to know Our duty there to understand; He gave to us and all aglow, The sin-destroying firebrand. He said to us, Thou shalt now go, To set the fire on earth aflame. Then with the firebrand all aglow, We to the evil waters came. Therewith we set the fount on fire, They burned throughout the earth aflame ; Until the sinful beasts of ire Died in the raging of their shame. THE HIRELING SHOWN. O ! watchman, lookest thou for gain, Hast thou found a nest for thee, With the smooth stones around, hast thou lain, Then how canst thou watch to free ? Filled with contention as dogs of greed, To please those with itching ears Filled with contention as dogs of greed, Filled brimfull of worldly cares. As beasts of the field do ye now growl Around the fruit trees of God, As the lions of hell, ye do prowl, For with deceit are ye shod. 19 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Thy Saviour is money ; thou art bought, A servant of man for hire, With covetousness thy soul is fraught, Thou art the sons of a liar. Thou art of God accursed to be slain In the day of wrath on hand, The earth shall be graded as a plain In that day, thou canst not stand. SEEK YE THE LORD. Seek ye the Lord, while he is near, For when he knocketh at thy heart, Thou shouldst in this become aware For he might from thee depart. Seek ye the Lord, and thou shalt find, The way unto his court to live ; Seek ye the Lord to loose the bind, And he will all thy sins forgive. Seek ye the Lord, and be ye true, By deeds of love to one and all ; Thou knowest how to love and do For if ye love thou canst not fall. Seek ye the Lord, and find the light That leadeth through the holy way Where Christ the Lord arose in might, To shine on thee, eternal day. Seek ye the Lord, obey his will, Upon the earth arise in love ; The hearts of man with truth to fill, To do the will of God above. 20 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ARISE TO SUBDUE. Arise! O, man of God, arise! Stand ye upon the shores of time, O, hear ye now his servant cries As through the courts of God he flies, Go ye henceforth to stop the crime. Thou art his arm ; take now thy light, And place it on the holy hill; Oh ! go ye forth with all thy might, With God's own sword the world to fight, Until mankind shall do his will. Thou art the wheel the earth to turn, The great wheel of the living God, To now go forth the chaff to burn, Until the world to God return And till mankind with truth is shod. Arise ! O, man of God, to free, The powers of earth then shalt subdue, Thine eyes are open, thou canst see, That God in love is leading thee, Then go ye hence as servants true. PREPARING THE BRIDE. O ! virgin of Israel ; I lay my hand upon the tresses of thy brow, mine eyes speaketh love to thee, and thine eyes looketh upon me and thy lips moveth in the sweet- ness of union. The dew of thy love hath entereth my heart even as the sweetness that falleth upon the mount of God, that purifieth with the breath of love and in the affectionate communion thereof. I lay mine arms about thee as a wall of gold set with jewels of bridal love. With flaming eyes I stand at the threshold of thy palace, holding the lattice of thy dwelling lest the burg- 21 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. lar of the night entereth to rob thee of thy pearls. Yea ! I have filled the lamps at the gate of Zion with the oil of purity, that guideth the holy people with the light of love. We sound the cornet before those that make a joyful noise in thy streets. We proclaim the word of life, and the gate openeth upward as the spirits ascended into the holy city of love and as the brides- man of faith to thee. O ! virgin, we place the precious gems of love in the robe of truth, that thou mayest be ready to receive the conjugal smiles of thy king, even the Lord of Hosts, for now we bathe thee in virtue that thou mayest be clean in the eyes of thy husband, that his jealousy ariseth not to destroy thee, for indeed the spirit crieth Woe ! Woe ! unto those that stand at the gates of adul- tery with eyes of deceit, that sayeth the ways of the world is the way of righteousness, to covet the holy bride of truth, for in the day of wrath God will not spare him that enticeth thee with the flattery of cov- etous idolatry. WE ARE IN THE PATHWAY. When to the throne of love we came, Our life returned a holy flame ; Then in the path of life we trod, That leadeth man from earth to God. We raised our hand, God sent the light, That giveth man the holy right ; He placed the crown upon our head And in our soul the spirits wed. Then came to us in love to dwell, The light of God Emanuel To guide us in the holy way, That we may to sin go not astray. 22 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. That spirit guideth us to love, And do the will of God above To keep us from the land of strife, To live with angels, full of life. To live with angels, thus as one With the holy loving Son, Forever there with him to stand Upon the rock in holy land. LET US PREPARE. Let us grow up a living tree, Nourished by loving deeds, With branches spread from sea to sea, And bearing holy seeds ; That all the flock may see wherein We take such great delight. To flee from wrath, from every sin, And from the blinding night. Let us unite to build the wall About the city great, That every saint may hear, the call, And pass in through the gate ; For when the Son of Man shall knock Let every lamp then shine ; Let arms of love their husband lock The king of Palestine. Come, let us take the evil weeds From holy pastures green. Yea, let us sift the tarey seeds As with the holy screen, For God hath said that we shall break The kingdoms of the land. Let us arise, to him awake, With the great sword of love in hand. 23 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TWO VIEWS. Now once again between two thoughts we stand, Looking toward the left we see The great powers of earth in every land, Swelling forth as the raging sea. We see great armies meet upon the sand, We see them fall as though a tide Had swept them from height by an unseen hand Throughout the earth both far and wide. In meditative silence we have knelt As though from earth all hopes had fled, Yet through love in our spirits we have felt That a great voice should raise the dead. Now we arise to look at one on high, With great refulgent rays of light The living king Emanuel God we cry, Full of power, great God )f might. Streams of light showed him far and wile Every eye looked upon his face, The mountains leaped as though a tide liad broke and swept them from their base. Man, man in great excitement fled, We saw earth waving as the sea, In this a voice awoke the dead, The great voice of the holy See. Man arose as from a great heap, And earth became a living light. The sinful fled into the deep — The outer darkness of the night. 24 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE WHEEL IN THE DESERT. (A Parable.) I saw, and behold a great wheel rolled forth upon the desert, even as a wheel of iron, and wherever it went great rivers flowed to give nourishment therein ; and there went forth one to sow by these rivers the seed of regeneration, and the seed took root and produced fruit abundantly, in so much that great trees sprang up, even as the trees of heaven; and they drew the rain of God to fall upon the valley of the rivers until the desert was reclaimed unto fertility. He that understandeth let him understand. THE EVIL ONE CAUSETH THE RIGHTEOUS TO BE LOOKED UPON AS FOOLS. O ! Lord, how are we to be straightened, for if one depart from evil to follow thee, he is as one crazy to- the world. Yet this has ever been the way of persecu- tion toward thy people. O ! Lord, we have seen them privately take counsel to oppose us, because we dwell in the tabernacle of right- eousness to do thy holy will. The earth rageth against us, they seek to cut off the holy fountain that floweth from thee through the chan- nel of our lives. Yet we walk forth as one upon the sea, without fear, for they see thy similitude in us. Therefore they can not look upon our faces, for thy love therein chastiseth them ; and they flee as darkness driven before the sun, yet a remnant remaineth. Having come within the radius of thy holy magnet, they receive the virtue of power that quickeneth their spirits into life eternal, and being annexed by the cement of love, they adhere with great tenacity, for God estab- lishes within them in their inner man a phone through which they have power to communicate with God through the medium of love, and they are guided as with the hands of an angel, that beareth them up that they stum- 25 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ble not though they walk forth among innumerable stones of worldliness. However, if they watch not and do stumble and fall into the pit-holes dug for them, it is hard to draw them therefrom, for God taketh away their power of communication, as the holy cords of love are withdrawn from them. O ! Lord, are we not as Daniel in the den of lions ? yet thine holy angel will not suffer them to touch us, until our race is run and we are ready to be offered up. RESIST EVIL AND DRAW NEAR TO GOD. Resist the evil every day, That Satan may from thee depart, Draw near to God and to him pray ; That he may dwell within thy heart. Cleanse your hands ; purge the evil out ; Hold ye firm to that which is true ; Do good, yea, turn thyself about To thus obey, God's will to do. For when he lives within to lead Thou shalt be born a son to know, For in love thou sowest the seed That causeth life in thee to grow. Live day by day with spirits wed, Commune ye in the Holy Word, For thou art now by angels led, The shepherd's voice thou hast heard. For if ye live in life to do, As Jesus Christ the Saviour said, Thou shalt be born of love anew, Yea, and in heaven thou shalt tread. 26 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TWO GREAT RACES OF MEN IN THE SPIRIT. As we looked upon the races of men, we saw men of many colors moving to and fro; and on looking into their souls, we found a greater variety than when look- ing upon the outer man ; yet in either there were two great races, that of light and darkness toward one or the other; there seemed to be a general tendency of the whole human family in the spiritual and in the natural, and we saw that they were affected by the elements and forces brought to bear upon them, whether spiritual or natural, that seemed to develop them into one family or the other, and there seemed to be a natural emnity between the races, even as there is between light and darkness, there being no fellowship therein. There would sometimes be the semblance of a fellow- ship, even as the twilight; but it soon vanished into one or the other, the light generally driving the darkness before it, yet not being subdued it ran riot. THE HOLY TREE. O ! glorius tree, thy shadow great Hath filled the land to bless, O ! glorious tree, lovely in thy state, The tree of holiness. O ! glorious tree, with boughs that grow The healing balm of life, For leaves of love doth from thee flow, To keep us from the strife. O ! glorious tree, with fruit of light, That opens eyes to see The way to life, where great delight Doth liberate and free. O ! glorious tree, Emanuel, Joined in holy union ; Where angels live, in praise to tell : The tree of God's communion. 27 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE RIVER OF LOVE FLOWING. There is a river made of love, Flowing from the throne above, Whose waters sparkle in the light Filled full of love in God's delight. Come now, my brother, let us go To drink of love in life to grow, Drink of that river, that in truth, Will born us unto God a youth. Come, let us go the earth to fill, The people of God's holy will, Yea, let us ditch on earth to go, The streams of life in God to flow. Yea ! let us ditch to irrigate The souls of men to liberate That all mankind may thus be free, To grow to God a living tree. THE SPIRIT PREVAILED UPON THE SEA. (Parabolic.) We behold, and lo the spirit of God strove upon the mighty sea, for God walked thereon as upon the pave- ment of heaven, and he blew therein the seed of regen- eration ; that purified and fertilized the waters so that the inhabitants thereof became transformed into new creatures of delight, for the voice of God moved thereon even in the spirit thereof to divide the sea, to make a highway of holiness for the ministers of love to carry the fountains of cleansing, and they went forth with great rejoicing, because sin was destroyed in the waters, and the life thereof was eternal to destroy the power of the sowing of the Evil One, who had impregnated the waters with the seed of disease and death ; and the waters being thus cleansed, death itself was transformed into life, for the voice said, Behold, I make all things new. Let the observer observe. 28 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. BEHOLD HIM THAT COMETH. Wonder ye who is this that cometh from afar, Even as the winds that moveth upon the sea. Yea, throughout the earth as one great moving car Is this the great leader of man sent to free. Who is this we see moving trains, rolling wheels ? Millions on earth see them moving to and fro, O ! hear ye their sound, O ! hear their crying peal, In power now the hosts of God come and go. Who is this that now cometh to take command ? Carrying a sword, that pierceth every way With great power he the secrets understand, For his piercing eyes searcheth for those that stray. Who is this, that sendeth great bolts to destroy The works of evil, he now can set ablaze? The righteous now in this his day hath great joy. The works of Jehovah's God in him they praise. They break forth into singing before his face It sendeth forth the radiance thus so bright, For in God he enlargeth their dwelling place ; Because upon them all hath shined the great light. RIVER OF REFORMATION FLOWING. The holy spirit of love hath entered our hearts, and therefrom poureth forth a river of righteousness upon the earth, even a river that runneth gloriously unto life, bringing gladness into the hearts of those that drink thereof, having joy in that that quickeneth. They bring forth material for the building of the temple that God inhabits, for God dwelling in them to will and to do the work of a skilled workman, even those that adorn by holy edification. 29 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. They go about the wall with the measure even with the spirit of equity to bring the holy people into one great family around the throne of God ; in this they are confident, for God being their helper who can overthrow them though the whole world poureth forth a flood to swallow them up, yet they shall be delivered as from the midst of the sea, for we have seen in the visions of power. The hand of God stretched forth over the sea even over all the earth as the arm of strength, and in that hand we have seen the secrets of reward, even to render unto every man according as he hath done, whether it be good or evil, and upon the heads of those who hath lifted up the mattock to destroy the thorns and the thistles of the earth, he placeth a crown, even a brilliant light of glory that giveth light to all that are in the temple springing forth into their hearts from the holy fountain thereof, for they are those that sitteth judg- ment in the earth as the laborers of God, for they dis- cern the good and the evil to cut off the evil. SING ANEW. Let us come to Jesus, brother, Sing anew, sing anew, Be loving now to one another, Sing anew, sing anew, Come to Jesus, understand He will take thee by the hand, Guiding to the holy land. Sing anew, sing anew. Come to Jesus, take thy station, Sing anew, sing anew, A light of glory in the nation, Sing anew, sing anew, Let the thirsty drink to fill, From the river of the hill, Going forth to do God's will, Sing anew, sing anew. 30 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Now to Jesus let us come, Sing anew, sing anew, Quickened from among the dumb, Sing anew, sing anew, Take ye now the armor bright, Glittering in the holy light Against the evil now to fight, Sing anew, sing anew. Go ye now throughout to bind, Sing anew, sing anew, Heal ye now the lame, the blind, Sing anew, sing anew, Take in thy hand the sword to urge, The devil from mankind to purge, This thy duty let them surge. Sing anew, sing anew. WE HAVE BELIEVED GOD'S WORD. We have believed and thus have we spoken, That the powers of earth shall be broken, We have a king and he hath left his will, That we should place our light upon the hill Yea, if Jehovah, God, is our Father, Let us go forth and obey no other. We have believed God's word and thus we see That it is our duty mankind to free, In this we feel the holy hand of might, For in God we have taken great delight, Therefore his works in us shall hitherto, Bring forth fruit, God's holy will we do. We have believed God's word, therefore we feel The great power of love our souls to heal, Thus being blessed with joy, we shout and sing, With sounds of love, hosanna to our King. Therefore his loving spirit now doth flow As streams of joy wherever now we go. 31 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. IF THOU OBEYETH, THOU DOEST. If Christ, the Lord, thou dost obey, By walking in the narrow way, By righteous deeds a subject true, The holy will of God to do, Then go ye hence the cross to bear, Destroying evil everywhere. If Christ, the Lord, is now thy might, And thou art born a son of light, Take now thy lamp, go forth to guide The children of the Holy Bride, That we may be a living host, Filled full of love, the Holy Ghost. If Christ, the Lord, hath made thee free, And if thine eyes are healed to see The way of truth, then thou shouldst show Throughout the earth as to and frc Thou goest to do thy Master's will, The hearts of man thy love to fill. LIFE AND DEATH PLACED BEFORE US. Man knoweth but little at most, Then why should we so vainly boast When all the power within us be, Belongeth to the holy See. He gave us life, He gave us breath, He made for us an earthly sheath. Thus our abode a crumbling wall, That shall decay and from us fall. He placed before our minds two ways, And one was paved with love ablaze, The other, selfish, broad and wide, Paved with covetous boastful pride. 32 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. He said to us, Choose ye this day, To whom thou wilt thy homage pay, The way of love will give you life, The way of pride will give you strife. The way of love to heaven leads, The way to God by righteous deeds ; The way of pride doth end in hell, Where fiery billows rage and swell. HOW THE SOWER SOWETH. As I lay me low in the night With doleful creatures all around, I there beheld a living light, And as I looked upon the sight I listened too and heard a sound. I heard a call, I gave it heed, I felt a knocking at the door, It was a sower sowing seed, With sacred love my soul to feed, My heart to fill forevermore. Then we went forth as one to sow, For one had come to dwell with us, To be with me where'er I go, To keep my lamp aflame to show The holy way of righteousness. And he will not from me depart, For we have found a sure abode, And thus we go from heart, Throughout the earth we now impart, To show to man the sacred road. 33 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WAY OF LIFE. There is a way, the path of love, That leadeth to the throne of God, That leadeth to the world above, Where all is joy and peace and love, Where every soul with truth is shod. There is a tree of great delight, That beareth healing leaves to sow, That healeth with the balm of light, And with the fruits of God's delight, That leadeth man to love and know. There is a river bright and clear, Whose healing waters giveth life, That floweth love both far and near, With truth and peace in love so clear, It cleanseth man from every strife. There is a vine, a living vine, Wherein true love doth freely flow, It doth produce the sacred wine, For thus it is the holy vine, Wherein the Christians live and grow. A PRAYER FOR THE CLOUD OF GLORY. O! God, my holy Father, I come before Thee with outstretched arms, asking Thee to send the holy cloud of righteousness, that Thou hast promised that we may sit thereon to cast the sickle of Thy glory into the harvest of reaping, for indeed the fruit hath ripened over all the earth, and is ready to be gathered; that the good may be brought into the storage of the holy city of Thy king- dom, and let the wine-press of Thy wrath enter judg- ment against the evil fruit of the earth, for indeed it is ready for destruction, that Thy glory may be established among the men of righteousness forever, even for ever and ever. Yea, O ! God, my heart panteth to do Thy will, even with a great thirst; which Thy love shall fill with 34 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. the flow of great waters to Thy glory, for we will sit among the righteous as one upon a white cloud, even a cloud of pureness, to establish equity in all the earth, for Thou wilt give us power to number the sinners of the land, to put their feet in the stocks, to bind them into darkness from henceforth, for our spirit shall live with Thy holy saints to Thy glory forever, even unto Thy great throne. ARISING GLORY. Ten thousand glories now arise, As sparkling stars, amid the skies. To shed on earth a glorious light As dawning into sunshine bright; For we have come in love to praise, To shed on earth the light ablaze. The pen we hold, let earth now quake, To evils from its bosom shake, For one has come with love indeed To sow thereon the precious seed, And more to man than wealth of gold, Thus bearing full a hundred fold. O ! man, come forth, let love now flow, A living passion to and fro, A living passion light to free, From the fountain to the sea, That on this earth great deeds of love May glorify our God above. O ! shake the hand, let earth come yield, The harvest now upon the field, O ! let us do with all our might, In God indeed we do delight, O ! come ye forth, let us proceed, That Satan may no longer lead. Then let mankind become a tide, To cleanse this earth from side to side, If this is right arise to-day, To wash the evil all away. That earth be cleansed indeed to dwell With Jesus Christ, Emanuel. 35 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE GO TO PALESTINE. Upon this earth in love we stand, Our life a fount of light; We lead mankind into the land, The land of great delight. We go indeed, God gave the rod, We stretch it o'er the sea And through its midst our hosts shall trod, The highway of the free. We lead them on to Palestine, Where milk and honey flows. Upon the manna now to dine, The bread that heaven knows. We build thereon the city true, The city from above, With deeds of love man born anew, A birth of holy love. And there around the throne of light, The great white throne of love, Before our God with great delight, The kingdom from above. LET EARTH BECOME GLORIOUS. Upon this earth let light now shine, To make a glorious Palestine That everywhere man shall delight, To now become a glorious light, Full of love and truth indeed, To sow thereon the holy seed. Upon this earth we now baptize, With love indeed to colonize, Come crown our king, to man we call, Yea ! crown him Master, lord of all, Full of love and truth indeed, To sow thereon the glorious seed. 36 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Upon this earth let love now flow, From heart to heart as spirits go, To thus unite in love to bring The glories of the holy king, Full of love and truth indeed To sow thereon the holy seed. THE CHILD. Beside the fountains now we sow The precious loving seed, That truth may yield whereere we go, Our Brethren thus to feed. We are the child that plays at will, Upon the viper's den ; We place our feet upon the hill, A blessing to all men. A child to lead, we hold the light, The lions our visage see, And thus as if to lose their might They with the lambs agree. In every heart let love now fill, The earth shall live in peace ; And everywhere to man good will, For wars indeed shall cease. Anger thus disrobed shall die, And vengeance nevermore Shall crown the despots lord on high, To wallow in the gore. And man shall flow from sea to sea, A living tide of love, And everywhere shall they agree, To serve their King above. 37 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TO PURGE THE EARTH. Upon the earth this stand we take, To drive therefrom the horrid snake, That doth entice mankind to kneel Beneath the grinding of the heel, To thus partake of lust and shame, To scorch his soul in fiery flame. Upon this earth we call aloud, To warn the gay, the rich, the proud, For as an oven all shall burn, That will not now to God return. We call to you, will you not heed ? To sow thy heart with holy seed. Upon this earth we raise the staff To set on fire the tares, the chaff, Then let the fiery billows reap, Now from this earth the tares to sweep, Until the earth is purged indeed, And sown throughout with holy seed. LET US USE THE HEALING LEAVES. Arise ! my friends, take from above The sacred healing leaves of love, That will heal this earth to free, For why should Christians disagree? Arise ! my friends, let us now flow, For hated is the child of woe, The child of him that sows discord Among the people of our Lord. Arise ! my friends, I now appeal To those that have the living seal, To those who love the right indeed Come go with us to sow the seed. My very life I gave for thee, In the cause of God to be, To bring to pass the glorious day When sin from earth shall flee away. 38 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE LOVE THE FATHER'S WILL IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. Indeed my heart with love doth fill, I love the Father's precious will. So let it stand, so let it be, I love the freedom of the free. To every man in holy rank, Your will I cherish, thee I thank, I love mankind, for thus I go, The seed of love on earth to sow. I covet not, mankind to hate, To do the wrong in any state, For in my wall the glorious king Hath there bestowed a better thing. For now indeed a voice shall cry In all the world to glorify, That peace and love may flow a tide Throughout the earth from side to side. THEY LOOK UPON US. We saw and behold the eyes of all living looked upon us as upon a stranger appearing among them, and they said to one another, Look at the eyes of this man, spark- ling in regeneration as it is to change the whole earth, and they gathered themselves together into two bands, and the one army stood at our right hand and the other stood to oppose and came forth against the camps of our king in fury. Then a great sword of strength was given unto us to smite the spirits of the approaching armies as with the fire of God, and they melted in the heat thereof, even as the melting of burning pitch that feedeth the devouring flame into the consuming of evil. 39 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE THRONE OF JUDGMENT. (A Parable.) As we journeyed and came forth to the mount ot holiness, we saw upon the summit thereof the great throne of light with Him that sat thereon, from which we saw the living fountain of love as the waters of healing springing forth into all the earth to give life to the spirit of man, and every one that drank thereof was transformed from the elements of death into the marvelous light of love to give light as a star thereof forever and ever, and we saw those that drank thereof going to and fro as vessels of love, and they walked upon the earth as amidst burning thorns, for they had power to set on fire the thickets of the unfruitful forests that had covered the face of the earth, for thus the great King that sat upon the throne commanded that they should go forth and replenish the earth, to take there- from the unfruitful trees, and to cause them to be burned in the fire ; and we saw the fans of heaven fan- ning, and the angels of the four winds turned upon the earth the current of anger, that the fans might urge on the separation to destroy the evil from the face of the earth, and in the rage thereof there was a great earth- quake to loosen the angels bound in the fiery crater of the mountain of hell, and they poured forth from the bars thereof as lava of destruction upon the face of the earth, even as a great army moving upon the surface thereof. He that understandeth, let him understand. BOUND NO MORE. Bound no more, we go from hence in love, Yea, to and fro, mankind to free, We have a King that reigns above, And from his throne springs forth the love, Throughout the earth, from sea to sea. 40 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Bound no more, we now on earth arise, Throughout the world shall man behold. Give praise to God, the angel cries, The earth with glory to baptize With fruits of love a hundred fold. Bound no more, the holy hosts shall go Sowing on earth the righteous seed, With love to nourish it shall grow And everywhere mankind shall flow, To bear the fruits of God indeed. Bound no more, from Egypt we were sent, The promised land lay before, The bosom of the sea was rent, And through its channel we were sent To dwell in peace forevermore. HOW SHALL WE BE LED? How shall we go, led on by lust and greed, On earth to sow anon the filthy seed, To teach mankind to sound the dying knell, Of earth the blind led headlong into hell. Shall we thus go ? When God hath sent the Son With love aglow throughout the earth to run, To teach us all the holy way of love, O ! hear the call of God, thy great King above. O ! come, arise ! thou shalt not covet thus To thee the prize of love and righteousness, Of love indeed the Father's precious gold, To bear the seed of truth a hundred fold. 41 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TILL SATAN IS BOUND INDEED. How long shall earth her millions feed? How long shall earth produce the seed That leadeth man to live in strife, To be the devil's raging wife? How long shall earth to Satan cling? How long shall earth receive the sting That causeth man in rage to die, Away from God, his King on high? How long shall earth her kingdoms keep ? How long shall earth in sorrow weep, That Satan may control a part, As living in the human heart? Until the day the good shall take Away the evils and the snake. Then all the earth shall freely flow, For love and truth shall all men know. TRIAL OF MAN, I looked and behold there stood before me a man, as if he were standing between two others that exerted their power upon him, and these accompanied him whith- ersoever he went, for they were the spirits of persuasion, sent as incentives of good and evil, and they either had power to enter the spirit of him about whom they walked to control his will, yet both could not enter therein "at the same time, for one was the spirit of light and the other of darkness, and when the light went in the dark- ness fled, and when the darkness prevailed the light was gone ; and in the lusts of the flesh I saw darkness fastening her slimy hands by deeds of lust and covet- ousness until the man was controlled thereby, and the light entered not to contend forever. For thus sayeth God, I will not forever contend with the spirit of man, therefore resist the evil to draw near to God. 42 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET LOVE SPRING FORTH. Let us go forth with all our might, To spread o'er earth the glorious light : That everywhere man bend the knee Unto the Father of the free. That everywhere man yield to God, With love and glory being shod, To live in peace on earth to stand A wall of might in every land. To live in peace let man now yield, To make this earth a glorious field, By deeds of love, for with this seed Earth shall be sown to God indeed. By deeds of love flow ye the tide, Prepare on earth the Holy Bride. That shall go forth the earth to sweep, Until mankind shall no more weep. That shall go forth the tares to burn, Till all the earth to God return, For Babylon with its broad wall Shall shake indeed, for it shall fall. WATCH THE GREEDY. Give not that which is holy to dogs, Neither cast ye your pearls before hogs, Lest they trample thereupon to rend, And at thy vitals an arrow send. These dogs are men filled with covetous greed, And the hogs are filled with filth indeed, They lust and crave, devour and bite As beasts that prowl about at night. 43 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE SPRING OF LOVE. About my house there is a wall, Built of truth, that can not fall, And there within a living King Hath made a well of love to spring, And from this well where'er I go A stream of love on earth doth flow. A stream of love that doth invite, As precious waters of the light, That filleth man with deeds of love, To glorify our God above, And in this glory we delight, To fill the world with truth and light. Then let us praise, as one great host, Full of true love, the Holy Ghost, That all mankind may glorify To praise their father God on high, Who hath made our souls to fill, To thus obey His holy will. SOW THE SEED OF THE KINGDOM. Let us go forth on earth to sow, The seed of love to live and grow, That all the earth its harvest yield, By sowing love upon the field. Let us go forth upon the height, The lamp of love indeed to light, That everywhere mankind shall praise, Our Father's great and glorious ways. Let us go forth as servants true The holy will of God to do, To all mankind this is the way, Thy duty now to God obey. For if His word is truth indeed, Should it be mixed with filthy seed, That causeth strife to sow discord, Among the people of our Lord? 44 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE HOUR OF GLORY AT HAND. The hour has come, let kingdoms now give way, That everywhere men see, O ! let the day Bring forth on earth the kingdom, man to lead, His very soul with truth and love to feed. O ! let the trees that yieldeth not to God The fruits of love in the way that Christ hath trod, Be now prepared as fuel for the blaze ; Let all mankind now yield to God in praise. O ! let the wheat be sifted from the tares, Yea ! let man forsake the covetous snares ; Else let all men, who now refuse to turn, Receive the fire of wrath as chaff to burn. TO SEPARATE THE HERDS. Shall we not now the hosts divide To gather up the Holy Bride ? If this is so, shall we not write The line of love baptized in light; Shall not the earth in glory shine, The lamp of love in Palestine? Shall we not now awake to burn, Can you not see, can you discern Between the loving, true, and good, The hay, the stubble, and the wood? For God hath promised in His word To thus divide among the herd. Shall we not now the beasts destroy, That doth around our fields annoy, Enticing Christians to depart To worldly ways where every heart Doth worship idols, them to blind Away from God their souls to bind? 45 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Shall we not now the kingdom shake, Shall not our Lord His glories take? That all the earth may see the light Forever shining clear and bright, Forever flowing truth to free, With love, the river of the see. MAN LED BY SATAN TO SORROW. O ! man, we have seen thy wounds, even the sorrows that encompasseth thee, yea unto the very gates of hell hast thou gone in sorrow, led on by him whose stroke urgeth thee continually, and while fear held me within the arms of silence I looked upon thee ; my heart yearned with the burning of love, communing with him that dwells within. From the windows of my soul the light of my comrade shone as a great flame in the night. Then said He unto mine understanding, Thou art able to go forth to the wall of Babylon and lay the rod upon it. Then said I, O Lord! thou knowest that Thy servants lay in the dens among the beasts of Babylon as a bull in a net that can not be broken without a great struggle, that endangereth the good as well as the evil. LOOKING UPON THE DOOR OF ENTRY. As I looked upon the land of love standing at the gate of holiness, even at the door of the church of Jesus Christ, whereunto if a man enter in the birth of the Spirit he is born of love unto God a new creature without mixture, and as I looked upon the light of entry, even the Dove of the Holy Spirit of regeneration, I understood a voice that said to the multitude that stood near as if to enter, How canst thou enter, O ! generation of vipers, hast thou not been warned to flee from the wrath to come ? Ye must die to the rudiments of the world, for thou canst not serve two masters. Bring forth therefore the fruits of regeneration to repent from the earthly unto the holy, for if a man turn he shall forsake the ways of earth to dwell with the children of God in singleness of purpose. 46 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. A CALL TO RIGHTEOUSNESS. Come on, O ! man, let us renew, From sin and wrath let us depart To do the right let us be true. To live on earth as angels do, That God may dwell within our heart. Come on, O ! man, forsake to trust In earthly things that doth but fill Thy heart with pride, with sin and lust, In all mankind there is no trust, Come place thy light upon the hill. Come on, O ! man, why do you feed On things that only causeth strife ? Cleanse ye your hearts from wrath and greed, To sow it now with holy seed, To love the truth renew thy life. LET LOVE FLOW ON. Flow on, flow on, thou fount of love, The food of angels from above. Flow on, flow on, let every heart, Flow forth indeed to this impart, Until mankind in God unite A flowing river, clear and bright. Flow on, flow on, with love to free, Until that light from sea to sea Shall fill this earth with truth to grow, For thus in God we come to sow, Until this earth with truth and light Shall flow as waters clear and bright. Flow on, flow on, let billows sweep The raging foe into the deep, For thus it is decreed to be, That man from Satan should be free, To live in peace on earth to dwell, In Jesus Christ, Emanuel. 47 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Flow on, flow on, in love we cry, Let glory fill the very sky, As sparkling stars on earth to shed, The love of Christ, the Living Head, The love of Christ, our Lord and King, Loud hallelujahs let us sing. CHRIST LIVES AMONG MEN. Upon this earth a voice indeed, Shall live forever, man to feed, Shall live forever, fruit to bear, In love and glory everywhere, Until mankind shall glorify Their sacred Father, God on high. Among mankind hath One arose, To walk the earth as One that knows, The way of truth mankind to give, O ! turn ye now to Him and live, He is thy Saviour, glorious One, The Father's sacred, holy Son. He came to earth mankind to bless, Baptized in love and righteousness, He came to earth, He bled and died, Yea ! for mankind was crucified, That He might break the bars of hell, Triumphant King, Emanuel. He came to earth, He brought the light Of Jehovah, full of might ; For by His word the dead arise To live as angels of the skies, To live as angels, love to bring, In praises to their sacred King. 48 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SHOUT YE IN LOVE. Shout ye in love, come forth, O ! earth, Ten thousand glories now to wield, Be born of God a living birth, For love shall flow in all the earth, Until the sick thereof are healed. Shout ye in love, go to and fro, Until the earth is sown indeed, With love and truth in God to grow, Until they all the truth shall know, To yield to God the holy seed. Shout ye in love, let all be free, The sons of God on earth to dwell, That everywhere man bend the knee, To live as brothers that agree, In Jesus Christ, Emanuel. WOLVES IN THE PASTURE WITH THE SHEEP. Hath the beasts broken into the fields of love to devour the sheep, and will the shepherds keep silent forever? Howl! O, ye shepherds, for the flock of thy pasture hath dens of wolves, and the sheep fleeth there- from to become a prey upon the mountains of the earth, even among the dens of worldliness that catcheth them that have no master to watch over them to warn them thereof. Howl ! O, ye hirelings of idolatry, being blinded by the gifts of the hypocrite that hireth thee to teach, to satiate his desire by the doctrines of men, that declareth an intent, but doth not inspire him to understand the way of righteousness that leadeth to God, being blind and leading others to become blind also, they go headlong into the traps of Satan that bringeth forth pain in the day of trouble. 49 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. They do not look to see if the fruit is on the tree, neither do they destroy the fruits of the evil ones, but instead they are beguiled by Satan to partake of the fruit thereof themselves, that causeth the soul to become sick unto death. Howl ! O, ye shepherds, for God will require the blood of His flock at thy hands, because thou watcheth not to feed and to protect them from the evil. A CALL TO ISRAEL. O ! Israel, behold thy King, Hear ye His voice, He calls indeed, Come thou beneath His loving wing, He is thy Saviour, Lord, and King, Come, ye the hosts of God to lead. O ! Israel, wilt thou yet defy Thy King, the Holy Child above, Thy King, the Son of God on high, Who came to earth for thee to die, O! canst thou yet deny His love? O ! Israel, scattered far and wide, With wrath aflame on thee to fall, Come to thy Saviour as a tide, To now prepare the Holy Bride, Thus to escape the flowing gall. O ! Israel, we cry to plead, We need thine aid, come with us go, To sow the earth with holy seed, All the world with love to feed, The birth of God indeed to know. 50 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TO DESTROY EVIL A CHRISTIAN DUTY. Come on, my friends, will you be true To take the ax and with it hew? To cut the trees that bear no fruit. Of love to God can you be mute, When Satan now his tares doth spread Upon the Father's great homestead ? For Satan's angels doth thus go, Right among us sin to sow, Yet claiming to be men of light They sow the tares the truth to blight, They plant the trees of sin to yield The seed of discord on the field. TO DESTROY EVIL A CHRISTIAN DUTY. As we traveled and came forth upon the plains of the earth with the ax of the living God in our hands, we beheld the tree of mixture, with its great powers, that overshadow the whole earth to cast its fruit thereon, and we saw the multiplied millions of men that bartered therein to sow discord among the disciples of Jesus Christ, and as we looked thereupon the Spirit said unto us, Is it not written in the word of God that every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down and cast unto the fire ? then said we, O ! Lord, who is able to do this, though the ax be sharp with its two edges of power, even as the lightning of heaven, who among the humble of Thy servants is able to perform this momentous task? Then said the Spirit within us, If thy Father commandeth thee to strike this tree, what is that to thee except as a dutiful son to obey His will, whether ye accomplish much or little? then, said we, Though we oppose the whole world, yet should not we obey the Creator thereof as servants of the holy Saviour ? 51 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOVE BROUGHT TO MAN. O ! man, upon thy heart we lay The precious lump of love to-day, That sinews true may grow therein, To cleanse thy soul from guilt and sin, To cleanse thy heart from sin and fault, And fill it full of holy salt. O ! man, upon thy heart we pour, Love and truth forevermore, To wash thy soul from wrath and strife, To thus amend thy very life, To cleanse thy heart from sin and lust, Forevermore in God to trust. O ! man, into thy heart we bring The word of love from God, our King, That thou in love may glorify Thy sacred Father, God, on high, That it may bring to thee that peace That doth thy heart from sin release. LET SOULS OF LOVE GLORIFY. Let souls of love now leap for joy, For trees of sin they shall destroy, That hath corrupted man to lead, To sow his heart with filthy seed. Let souls of love now leap in praise, With light and glory all ablaze, To show mankind the narrow way, With light more brilliant than the day. Let souls of love now rapturous grow, As o'er the earth the truth they sow, Filling man with love to free, From the fountain to the sea. Let souls of love come forth to fill The Father's sacred holy will, Until the earth with love is shod, Like the heavens of our God. 52 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOUD ALLELULIAS ANGELS CRY. The Star of Light arose on high, Loud Allelulias angels cry, A newborn Saviour earth to fill With God the Father's sacred will. A newborn Saviour, glorious light, That doth dispel the shades of night, That doth dispel the shades of gloom, That hovers o'er the mortal tomb. A newborn Saviour, man to give, The holy way in which to live, The holy way mankind to lead, Away from sin, from lust and greed. A newborn Saviour, life to free, To God the Father, holy See, To God the Father, in His name The earth with light and love aflame. WE COME TO SERVE. On earth we stand, we come to thee, Of the Father, great and free, We live in love, we come to tell Of Jesus Christ, Emanuel, Who came to life death's bars to break, The sleepers of this earth to wake. On earth we stand, shall it not shine, We cast thereon the seed divine, That shall spring forth to God in love A race of light as stars above, That shall shine on earth ablaze, The holy name of God to praise. 53 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. On earth we stand, behold the light, From our Father, clear and bright, From our Father thee to call, Shall we not break the earthly wall, And all the trees shall we not hew, That fail the will of God to do ? THE HOLY HANDS SPREAD. Let holy hands on earth now spread The light of God, our glorious head, The light of God, let kingdom's wall, With mystery Babylon reel and fall. Let holy hands with love unite, To take from earth the beasts of night, To take from earth let Satan flee, Let man to God again be free. Let holy hands be lifted up, Let all mankind now drink the cup, Let holy hands now take the ax, To hew according to the facts. Let holy hands on earth delight In God the Father, full of might, In God the Father, let us go, As loving angels to and fro. BLESSED ARE THE SIMPLE CONCERNING INIQUITY. Blessed are the simple, that do not know The evil ways in them to tread, For evil causes only woe, Until the heart to truth is dead. Blessed are the pure that have not seen The so-called social, full of lust, Though all mankind should call them green, They in the living God doth trust. 54 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Blessed is the man who will not yield By vile temptation to be led, To sow the tares upon the field, Until his heart with sin is fed. Blessed is the man who will not go, With the wicked them to feed, Filled with sin, with lust and woe, A wayward devil man to lead. OUR MISSION TO DO GOD'S WILL. A charge to man we fill, A King to glorify, In all the earth good will, With praises to our Lord on high, With praises to our Lord on high, With praises to our Lord on high, In all the earth good will, With praises to our Lord on high. We show to man the light, A King we hear and know, Let all the earth delight, His love and truth to sow, His love and truth to sow, His love and truth to sow, Let all the earth delight, His love and truth to sow. We build a fort of love, Unto our King indeed, Who from the world above Sendeth truth to lead, Sendeth truth to lead, Sendeth truth to lead, Who from the world above Sendeth truth to lead. 55 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. CHOOSE YE THIS DAY WHOM YE WILL SERVE. Shall brothers fail to dwell indeed, As servants of their King above, Shall they as Satan's servants lead To fill the earth with filthy seed, To smother out the word of love? Choose ye this day thy soul to free, With God, the Saviour thou shalt go, That man may hear, may know and see, The fruits of love upon the tree, To God the Father let us grow. Choose ye this day, why shouldst thou wait, For danger hovers o'er thy way? Procrastination is the fate Of those who linger at the gate, Until the light has fled the day. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, If God is King hear ye the call ; Thy duty now no more to swerve, In God the Father let us serve, To make of love a solid wall. CHOKE NOT THE WORD. O ! man, shall we these vitals crush ? O ! how can we the Spirit hush ? How smother life? Take love within To cleanse thy heart from lust and sin. O ! man, why sleepest ? thou awake To truth and love for thine own sake, To truth and love let mortals flow, The holy seed of love to grow. 56 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O! man, why burnest thou to smart? Take thou the viper from thy heart, To cleanse indeed in love to dwell With Jesus Christ, Emanuel. O ! man, come forth with all thy might, The city of God's love to light, O ! come ye forth, let peace now fill, The children of God's holy will. LET SOULS OF LOVE LEAP FOR JOY. Let souls of love leap forth in joy, For God hath sent the light to thee, For God hath sent his only boy, The child of love, of life, of joy, The earth from darkness now to free. Let souls of love leap forth in praise, For God the Father sent the light, With love and glory all ablaze ; Awake to God and let us praise, For in His works we do delight. Let souls of love bring now the prize, That nation born of holy birth, To God, the Father, let them rise As sparkling stars amid the skies, To shed their glories on the earth. Let souls of love the children true As reapers in the harvest field Go forth the will of God to do, On earth as holy angels true, Until the servants are all sealed. Upon the flow of love's great sound, To Christ, the Lord, let earth redound Throughout the world mankind to free, Until in glory all agree. 57 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Upon the flow of love's great sea, Clear as crystal God in thee, Let us arise on earth to bring, Loud allelulias to our King. Upon the flow of love's great tide, Let Christians as the Holy Bride Come forth the virgin of God's love, To glorify their King above. GLORIOUS THINGS SEEN AND HEARD. Glorious things I see indeed, The harvest of the precious seed, Growing now the earth to fill, The light of God upon the hill. Glorious things I hear the word, The Shepherd of the Holy Herd Calling lambs, they hear His voice, And have made the sacred choice. Glorious things we see and know, For men to God on earth doth flow, For everywhere by deeds of love They glorify our King above. LET GOD BE KING. In this our nation, full of love, Let holy angels from above, Born in true glory man to lead, Spring forth the love of truth indeed, To take from earth all fear and doubt, And turn this world to God throughout. In this our nation, full of light, Let holy angels now delight To fill the world in all the earth, With sacred love in Christian birth, Till all mankind shall live and be Among the happy ransomed free. 58 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. In this our nation, let love flow, As holy angels come and go, To bring to it the glorious hour, A nation great and full of power, Let us proclaim, we have the rod, That earth indeed belongs to God. THE SEA OF LOVE FLOWING. Upon the flow of love's great wave, Let us arise as from the grave, Earth to conquer, man to fill, With Christ, the Lord, on earth good will. This is the way to sow the grain, To fertilize the living plain, To make of earth a field indeed Sown all o'er with holy seed. LET GOD'S WILL BE DONE UPON EARTH. Upon this earth Let joy and mirth Send forth a tide of love, And everywhere Let man declare The will of God above. Upon the way Let man obey The will of God indeed, Until the day The voice shall say Thy soul from death is free. Upon the hill Let love now fill To shine a glorious light, Until God's will In love shall still In truth to thus delight. 59 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. FAITH IS PROVED BY WORKS. If thou hast faith in God, be true, To work on earth His will to do, To labor as a child indeed, To sow the earth with holy seed, Thy very heart filled full of love, A servant of thy King above. If thou hast faith how canst thou shirk, To be a servant full of work, To be a servant thou must fill With love to do thy Master's will, To go into the fields to sow And cultivate therein to grow. If thou hast faith thy God obey, To walk along the narrow way, To walk along His yoke to wear, To shed His glory everywhere, And when from earth thy soul shall flee, With God, the Father, thou shalt be. LET POWERS FALL. Roll on, roll on, let love now flow, Throughout the earth a living tide, Let newborn angels come and go, Amone mankind let spirits flow, Thus prepare the Holy Bride. Roll on, roll on, the trees to hew That to God no fruit return, Let every man that is untrue, On earth God's holy will to do, Be cast into the fire to burn. Roll on, roll on, let kingdoms fall, For God, the Father, is our King, Then let the force of love now call To level every human wall, Peace on earth, God's will to bring. 60 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ON THE NARROW WAY. As we journey on the way, Reaping blessings every day, Reaping blessings earth to free, From the raging of the sea, Let us praise, O ! let us praise. As we journey let us pray For the Master we obey, While on earth in love we light The living fountain clear and bright, Let us praise, O ! let us praise. As we journey let us take The song of life to man awake, The song of life with love to flow, As we journey to and fro, Let us praise, O ! let us praise. As we journey let us praise The Father's great and glorious ways, As His servants tried and true, On the earth His will to do, Let us praise, O ! let us praise. IN JESUS CHRIST WE GO. In Jesus Christ I walk the earth, In Jesus Christ I love, In Jesus Christ I have the birth, The birth of God above. In Jesus Christ I have the seed, In Jesus Christ I sow, In Jesus Christ I love indeed, To follow Him I go. 61 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. In Jesus Christ I hold the light, To place it on the hill ; In Jesus Christ I take delight To do God's holy will. In Jesus Christ to man we call, In Jesus Christ we stand, In Jesus Christ we break the wall In each and every land. WE LEAP IN PRAISE. We leap on earth, O ! let us hop ; To go thereon mankind to stop From the evil of their ways, Until the earth is all ablaze With God's glory, love and light, In God indeed let all delight. We leap on earth, we win the prize, Let every star within the skies Relume with brightness man to lead Until God's glory, sown as seed, Within mankind to live and grow, Until the earth to God shall flow. O ! COME YE. O ! come ye forth with all thy might ; On earth we cry, hear thou the voice ; For in God's glory we delight To shine on earth that glorious light, O ! come ye forth to make the choice. O ! come ye forth, the Spirit cries ; O ! come ye forth, in love to live ; O ! come ye now, there is a prize ; Let Jesus Christ thy soul baptize, For then He will thy sins forgive. 62 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O! come ye forth the Word to hear, O ! come ye forth thy soul to feed, O ! come ye forth and let us cheer, For Christ the Lord will soon appear, To cleanse this earth to God indeed. O ! come ye forth now through the gate, O ! come ye forth, hear ye the call, O ! come ye forth, why should'st thou wait ? To venture thus should'st thou be late, In outer darkness thou would'st fall. TEACHING OF SATAN. The devil came and with disguise Filled mankind with lust and lies, Filled mankind with sin and woe, The tares of hell on earth to sow. The devil came, the willful brute, He gave mankind the lustful fruit, He gave mankind the sinful seed, To fill his heart with lust and greed. The devil came with lust and pride, He taught mankind the truth to hide, He taught mankind to lust and lie, To eat the fruit of sin to die. The devil came to Christ; he said, Of all mankind thou art the Head, Of all mankind all things to Thee, If Thou wilt fall and worship me. Christ the Lord to him replied, For He knew that he had lied, It is written to thee, I say, To serve the Father, God obey. 63 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET LOVE BE BROUGHT TO BEAR. Let love on man be brought to bear Declaring glory everywhere, Declaring glory God to praise, In all His great and glorious ways. Let man be led by love to know, The holy way in which to go, The holy way of love indeed, Bearing living holy seed. Let man be led to understand The love of God in every land, The love of God his heart to bless By deeds of love and righteousness. Let man be led by deeds of love To eat the bread of God above, To eat the bread, his soul to give Eternal life in God to live. LET US LIVE IN GOD. Come on, my brother, let us dine, This world of love is mine and thine, This world of love our daily theme. From the throne of God supreme, Flowing now a living tide, As a river great and wide. Come on, my brother, let us fill, To do on earth God's holy will, As His servants tried and true, Going forth His will to do. Until mankind in love as one, Shall glorify the Holy Son. Come on, my brother, let us go, To drink of love, that holy flow, To drink of love our souls to free, In God the Father, holy See, Until He takes us from the strife, To give to us eternal life. 64 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. GOD EMANUEL REIGNS. O ! see the love that doth now fill The people of God's holy will, Who have forsook the earth to dwell, With Jesus Christ, Emanuel. O ! see the city of God's love, Now floating down from worlds above, Now floating down, a living birth, The holy throne of God on earth. O ! see our God, the holy King, O ! see the hosts that round Him sing ; Now see the angels, waving high, With trumpets sounding in the sky. O ! hear them shout with living praise The song of life with love ablaze, The song of life they love indeed, For ah, their soul from sin is free ! LOVE SOWN WITHIN US. O ! Lord God, thou who sittest upon the great mercy- seat of eternity, with outstretched hands of holiness to render unto all men justice in accordance as their work hath been, yea, to Thee, O ! glorious Father, we spread our hands to receive the token of Thy love, which Thou pourest out upon us abundantly, even without measure, for we in humility lay us low upon the dust, even in the lowlands of sorrow, yet Thine eyes looked upon us, yea, Thou takest hold upon us to place a crown of glory upon our heads, and when we beheld Thy love and felt Thy hand at the throttle of our spirit as a holy guide turning us whithersoever it pleaseth Thee to Thy glory, we rejoiced greatly and leaped forward as a vessel filled with power, for the wheel of glory was our vanguard and the Horse- man of Israel came forth therewith as the great hosts of God that drew the great cedar of love, to plant the 65 THE* TRUMPET OF LOVE. hearts of man therewith, that they may bring forth fruit abundantly, even until the earth became filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters that cover the sea. In this we rejoice, knowing that Thou are pleased with the labor of Thy servant to whom Thou hast given a great reward, for to Thy glory we take hold of the spirit of man, to treasure therein the gold of Thy word, even the seed of love and truth. THE SPIRIT SAYS COME. Come, O ! come, let hearts with rapture swell, Fill up thy soul with love to give, Let all creation laud to tell The holy way in which to live. Come, O ! come, drink ye the living flow, To cleanse thyself from sin to God, Yea, fill thy heart with love to go, A soldier with the two-edged rod. Come, O ! come, let light now shine, That man may be constrained to praise The Holy Father, mine and thine, When they behold thy light ablaze. THE MAN OF LOVE SEEN. We beheld, and lo ! One stood as an army, yea, He took the sword as a mighty prince and standing against the evil He fought with power even as the Son of God, and being a mighty conqueror He won the crown of glory, for His flaming eyes could see even as the sun that looked upon the earth to reveal with great light, and upon whomsoever he looked them He conquered either unto death or obedience, and when we beheld His sword He rejoiced in spirit and exclaimed, I am not of this world, therefore I must go to My Father. I therefore give unto thee this sword, and thou shalt withstand the 66 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. evil therewith even as I have done, and thou shalt con- quer all men henceforth either unto death or unto life, and whomsoever thou quickeneth even him will I also quicken, and him whom thou condemnest him will I also condemn. And He went forth as one ascending in full view, even as one going forth from planet to planet that carrieth a message that goeth speedily. THE SON AND THE CHURCH WITH THE SWORD. We beheld, and lo! a great drought prevailed upon the verdure of the earth, insomuch that the waters of heaven refused to pour out a blessing thereon, and the leaves of the tree being without the nutritious rain of heaven had no nourishment; therefore they healed not him that partook thereof. Then said we unto the guide of reason, Why hath this thus come to pass? Then we heard the voice of wisdom that talketh with the understanding of the spirit saying, Woe ! woe unto the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the physicians thereof, for they have took of the leaves of the tree of life, and behold it becometh a deadly poison in their hands, and he that partaketh thereof hath his soul poi- soned unto death. Then we turned and looked upon the sanctuary, and behold ! the stones of the temple cried out, for the poison had stricken them. Then we ran to the altar thereof and poured the censer full of love and offering before God, and the glory of God appeared therein as a great light to them that dwelt therein, and the temple was thereby cleansed of the poison and man glorified God therein, indeed and in truth. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 67 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE ARE ONE. We are but one, who maketh us less, We have a King indeed ; A King of love and righteousness, Who hath our souls now freed. We are but one, each has a part, We bless the Lord, our King, He dwelleth now within our heart, In happiness to bring. We are but one, each wears a crown, That hath a brilliant star, Within our heart hath Jesus found A door of love ajar. We are but one, the Saviour's love Hath lit a living light, We glorify our King above, In Him is great delight. We are but one, we thus will go, We are the Church of God, He will henceforth His servants show They are the holy Rod. LET THE SAINTS REJOICE. Rejoice, ye saints, and sing aloud, Praise ye the Lord with harp and song, Sing anew and let the great crowd Press forward as a living throng. Let them come to the temple pure, Yea, let judgment among them dwell, For there is an offering sure, Let hearts of love rapturous swell. 68 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let them come, the King hath a feast, The fatness of wisdom to give ; Let them come as captives released, And born of God anew to live. O ! let them move with great delight, As angels around the great throne, Where eternal fountains of light The glories of heaven their own. LET THE SPIRIT MOVE UPON THE SEA. Come and let hosannas flow throughout space, O ! let the Spirit move upon the sea ; For truth and holiness shall now displace, Yea, to make the great highway for the free. O ! let love sweeten the ways of all men, Let them rejoice therein with great delight, Let them look through it with the living ken, To now baptize their souls with Christian light. Let them go forth to work with living hands, Into the fields with earnest zeal to do, The will of God to teach love in all lands, That all men may be constrained to be true. CHRIST LEADS. O ! come ye now, the prophet leads, To feed the living bread, He feedeth love grown from the seeds That raiseth from the dead. O ! come ye now, the world forsake, Eat not its poisonous meat ; Yea, from its elements awake, The Son of God to greet. 69 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! come ye now, the Master calls, O ! hear His voice to-day ; O ! come ye now, forsake the walls, Flee to the narrow way. O ! come ye now, there is but One That healeth man to life, It is the Father's only Son That cleanseth from the strife. O ! come ye now, He will forgive, If you return indeed, Thou shalt be born anew to live Upon the truth to feed. DRINK LOVE. From Satan's hands thou shalt not sup, Drink ye no more the sinful cup, For if ye drink thy soul shall die, Away from God, thy King on high, But turn to God and drink of love And thou shalt have a home above. From Satan's host thou shall now turn, For soon the raging fires will burn, To cleanse this earth from sinful shame, By the reaping of the flame ; Until mankind shall understand That God is King in every land. Escape from sin, flee from thence, To be a Christian now from hence, For God thy King hath made a will All the earth with love to fill. Until mankind from sin is free, Throughout the earth from sea to sea. O ! come and let us build a wall, The holy mansion, bridal hall. That shall contain the living host, Filed full of love the Holy Ghost, That all may live in Christ the way, To see and come to Him to-day. 70 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE HOLY SPIRIT THE GUARD. The Holy Spirit standeth guard Against the lion's den, The holy sword of Christ, our Lord, The Saviour of all men. The Holy Spirit, sacred guide, The angel of our life, The virture of the Holy Bride, The Lamb's most holy wife. The Holy Spirit, living birth, That maketh man anew, To do God's will upon the earth, To be a Christian true. The Holy Spirit love poured out To bless the sons and daughters, To bring the will of God about, As moving on the waters. GOD REIGNETH. The Lord reigneth, let the people yield, To quit their evil ways ; O ! let them come into the great field To lift their hand in praise. The Lord reigneth, let us now look up Unto our King on high, For henceforth His love shall fill the cup, O ! hear His servants cry. The Lord reigneth, let us now awake, To do His holy will, Let all men come forth, to sin forsake, Let holy lamps now fill. The Lord reigneth, hear ye the holy Word, For indeed He hath spoken As the Shepherd of the holy herd That sin shall now be broken. 71 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE CHURCH PRAISETH. We have come, for we have heard a voice That hath said to us, Prepare ; Therefore it is our sacred choice To proclaim love everywhere. We have come, for we saw a light That spreads His glory all ablaze ; Therefore we cast a willing mite, The Giver of that light to praise. We came, we felt that wave of love, The way of truth our souls to bless ; We came to praise — our King above — The sacred King of Righteousness. We came God's will on earth to do, Therefore we go to the highways To take those therefrom that are true, To enlist them our King to praise. WE PROCLAIM TO MAN. We now proclaim, if any hear His voice, Harden not your hearts to withstand, For now again it is your sacred choice To see thy way God's will to understand. We now proclaim let all men see the light, To be just, merciful and true, To humbly walk God's word to keep in sight, Thus is His will for thee to do. We now proclaim come forth on love to dine ; Give to the good — God will repay ; Search the word, His will to do ; line by line, Live thereby each and every day. We now proclaim, if thus you do God's will, In heaven thou shalt live and be A star indeed, that God in love doth fill, To be a King among the free. 72 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TRIAL OF LIFE. When we were young, there lay before Imaginations great in store, We thought of many ways to make, To earn a living for our sake ; We thought of how to stem the tide, In gathering dollars far and wide, The castles built, we lay at night As counting of the money bright; Imaginations great and high, Built these air-castles to the sky. But times have changed, and it doth seem That life is but a wanton dream, A court where man is tried to find, To see if he will break the bind Of earthly ways that on him prey To keep him from the righteous way. For if we covet lust and pride We are of Satan, are his bride ; But if we love to do the right, God wills to free and give us light. THE BURGLAR CAN NOT BLAST US. There is a burglar of the night, That seeks to set a blast within, He tries to tempt my soul to blight, To drink the evils of the night, To have me go commit the sin. There is a burglar, tempting elf, That tries to teach me to forsake, He teaches me to love myself And thus to lay upon the shelf, The bounties of earth for my sake. 73 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. There is a burglar, full of guile, That tries to fill my heart with pride, That tries to make me follow style, To cause my flesh with lust to broil, To cast my soul hence from the Bride. But bless the Lord, my safe is sure ; It hath been tried, it's burglar proof ; Forever thus it shall endure, For Christ, the Lord, is there for sure, And this is why we do reprove. DECEIVE NOT. Be not righteous to deceive men, For He that judgeth thee Hath in His hand the sacred ken, The sword of liberty. He goeth to thy heart to find, The man that therein lives ; And thus He cometh there to bind, Or to thy soul forgives. And if He doth forgive and cleanse He placeth there a guide That teacheth thee a Spirit tends, The spirit of the Bride. And if thou dost this guide obey, He will teach thee what to do, To thee He shows the narrow way, If thou walketh straight and true. PRAISE THE LORD. Praise ye the Lord in worlds above, Let holy angels shout with praise, Let all creation shout in love, With light and glory all ablaze. 74 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let the earth with love now flow, A living planet, full of light, Let holy angels come and go And in mankind let them delight. Throughout the earth, O ! man, arise ; Plant truth and love in every heart, Bring all the power that in you lies To force the evil to depart. Draw the line, place thyself before, Let their broad front assail, For thou shalt conquer evermore, Over them to now prevail. THE HAND LAIN UPON EVIL. We lay our hand upon the main, We make of earth a bed, We make this earth a holy plain, The people shall be fed. The people shall be fed with love, And righteousness shall flow. The Holy Nation shall reprove, As through the earth we go. As through the earth we go to spread, The love of God our King, In this we raise the downcast head, That shall arise to bring. That shall arise to take the robe, That robe of linen white, To crown the kingdom of the globe, The Heir, the Son of Right. 75 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TURN TO HEAR AND SEE. O ! turn ye, thine eyes shall discern The servants of our King ; The elements of earth shall burn To purge out the unholy thing. O ! turn ye, thine eyes shall behold, The city full of light ; Thou shalt discern her streets of gold, The gold of God so bright. O ! turn, for thine ears shall hear The holy song of love, For man shall praise God everywhere, As angels praise above. O ! turn ye, and be among the host, These tidings thus to bear, Yea, fill thy heart with the Holy Ghost, To shed thy light everywhere. PURIFYING DESCRIBED. We hear the wheel of time Tuning the harp of love, We see the holy line In holy courts above. O ! hear them joyous sing, Behold a newborn race, With Jesus Christ their King Let earth her Son embrace. The plummet they shall take, To plumb the holy wall, For every power shall break, With every human wall. 76 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! see the human dirge, The man of sin cries out, Because mankind must purge, To turn the world about. O ! see their hosts, they rage ; They have but little time; O ! see them thus engage, To wreck mankind by crime. BEHOLD THE LIGHT. We behold a star that has arisen far above any other aspiration of this world, and that is the holy Star of Bethlehem. In this star we behold the planet of glory rilled with angels of love, revolving around the great throne of God, the Creator of the whole universe. Yea, and the voice of the great Omnipotent we hear exclaim, Behold ! I fill my realms with glory as at the beginning. The earth shall be filled with my love, from sea to sea shall man give glory and honor due to me. For they shall now in praises shout, To turn to God the world throughout, O ! how can we refrain to hold, To give mankind the precious gold, To thus redeem them from the night, Into the realms of holy light? SIN TO BE DESTROYED. All law, and even every opinion of man, is either at an agreement or at a variance with the Word of God. Therefore, if we take the holy reins in our hands to guide the destiny of mankind, we shall separate the evil to make an end thereof. In this God will uphold us, for we are His servants to do as He commandeth us. Therefore we arise as one crying, Behold the bridegroom hath sent his message to awake the guests, that they make themselves ready to receive the approaching King. 77 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. JESUS THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL. O ! God, let us fill this hour with praise. Let us shout aloud glory to Thee in the highest, on earth let peace and good-will now flow forth amongst the children of men as the waters of the holy fountain of love. Let it fill their hearts with the emotional man, even with the man Christ Jesus, that gave His life in ransom that He might enter the life of our soul, to pour therein the quickening power of His spirit, that we may arise a glorious light upon the candlestick of eternity, even an orb of glory in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. O ! glorious hour, let music ring her peals of love, let man be born of holy passion, O let them come and dip their souls in the holy river of life, that floweth in the golden throne of love, even in the great throne of God. Yea, let us now proclaim to the children of Zion the text of the King that spread forth His hands toward heaven on the cross, whose body lay among the stones of the tomb ; yea, of Him who broke the bars of death asunder and arose the great globe of light to conquer the gloomy darkness of the grave. He bound the strong man of the house, even the robber of His people, as with a great chain. Yea, from the sword of His mouth there went forth the lightning of power, even as fiery darts rained upon the wicked. He spread His hands over the sea, He walked thereon as the King of the waters. At the sound of His voice peace prevailed upon the face of the deep. Beneath the staff of His hand the sea fled, yea, the waters thereof parted hither and thither to make a highway for His children. They went forth between the heaps of great waters. The Rock of Power stood round about them and the deep could not prevail upon them. LET LOVE FLOW. Let love and truth now flow indeed Throughout the courts of God ; Let man go sow the holy seed, By deeds of love the rod. 78 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let man go sow with all his might, Let human hearts now flow ; Yea, sow that love, the armor bright, Wherever now ye go. Yea, sow that love in every field, And take the ax to hew ; The scythe of love thou shalt now wield, The will of God to do. The scythe of love let man now take, Cast ye the sickle in, Yea, now indeed, let man awake, In cleansing from the sin. Yea, now indeed let earth be free, The kingdom of the King ; To Christ, the Lord, we bend the knee, His talents now to bring. WE BUILD IN THE TEMPLE OF PEACE. Blessed are we because we are the peacemakers of earth. We build the temple thereof in the hearts of man, adorned with the precious jewels of the Spirit in the city of the living God, and love being established as the throne of our King, great rays of light spreadeth forth therefrom, even into the regions of the shadow of death, for the Lord, our Sovereign, hath spoken the word of forgiveness, saying, Look unto me all ye ends of the earth and be ye liberated, for I am he that is able to save and there is no other deliverer. O ! man, turn thine eyes and look upon us, even upon the helmet of our head, for the wisdom thereof teacheth thee the way of salvation. O ! hear ye the sound thereof, for it hath gone into all the earth and man hath perceived the voice thereof, that sayeth undo the heavy burdens of thy bondage, for every yoke shall be broken, that man may become obedient unto righteousness, even unto the yoke of Jesus Christ. Yea, and we see the signs of the 79 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. approaching Son of Man in the clouds of love, even the clouds of glory that are sweeping over the land, for these are the clouds of heaven, that poureth the refreshing spirit thereof throughout the earth to water the thirsty soul of him that longeth after righteousness, filling him with happiness in God. The wicked seeth it and it troubled them, because it destroyeth the mountain of their covetous desires, and for a season they have power to persecute us, even as they persecuted the holy saints before us with great indignation and because force shall oppose force, and power shall rage against power. There shall be a time of great trouble, until the flesh of man shall lay upon the earth, even as the stanch of rubbish at the dumping grounds of the city of Babylon. WE SLAY THE MAN OF SIN. We lay the sword of peace gently now On the man of love, whose careworn brow Seeks His heart to fill with holy bread, That quickens him from among the dead, To live a life among the just and true Upon the earth as holy angels do. For with that sword mankind we now shall slay, To kill the man of sin, that on them prey, Who shall die to be purged from every life, Until among men there is no more strife, For henceforth shall man hold the holy rod That keepeth holy the city of God. And no more from that sword shall man depart, For God shall come to dwell in every heart, That shall be left upon the earth to be, For in love and truth shall they always see Their King, the holy Master, who doth stand With them to cast o'er them the holy hand. 80 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. MAKE PLAIN THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Behold ye now in this that precious gold, The great talents bearing a hundred fold, Of sons to God born in holy light, Born of love anew in God's great delight. Behold ye in this the way to hew, The sinful trees of man that are untrue, Thy duty to go hence with all thy might, On earth the holy battles thus to fight. Until mankind shall yield to thus give heed, To purge this earth of all unholy seed, And till this globe great feasts of love shall yield The true products of love in every field. Then why refrain to do the will of God, As His servants to bear the holy rod, Through love to force mankind to thus obey, To make plain throughout earth the holy way. THE SALT OF THE SPIRIT CLEANSETH. As salt seasoneth the food of man, even so doth the Holy Word season the spirit of him that is born of God, for therein it becometh pleasing to the taste thereof,, cherishing the inner man in creating a relish for good works, edifying the soul unto holiness by deeds of love. In this God cometh to dwell in their hearts, even as a holy Reasoner to guide them in the way of eternal life. PRAISING GOD BY DEEDS OF LOVE. O ! let the saints now rapturous grow, As through the courts of love we go, On errands of love thus to praise, Our Father's great and glorious ways. 81 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. For we are now constrained to give Our all on earth in Him to live, As servants just and full of light, In this indeed we take delight. Thus seen on earth shall man be led, To thus arise as from the dead, A glorious host in all the earth, The kingdom in the holy birth. In this our Father, full of love, Yea, looking down from worlds above, Sends the Guide our souls to free, The spirit of the holy Three. THE BEAST THAT DEVOURS THE CHILDREN. (A Parable.) I once beheld and there arose A beast on earth, that did repose, That leaped within a human wall. To cause mankind from God to fall. This wall was built the beast to hide, That they might keep the wolf inside, There to their pet in monthly hour They brought their children to devour. They brought their children there to die, To teach their soul the willful lie, To teach their soul to covet gain, To fret, to murmur and complain. They reverenced him as lord indeed, He sowed their hearts with selfish seed, It grew to crime, to lust and strife, It took from them the holv life. 82 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. IF YE OBEY THE WORD THOU ART FORGIVEN. My dear people : We this day stand before the world as an envoy of Jesus Christ, with the terms of peace we stand ready to negotiate with you this day, for if you accept the terms that we offer, my great King hath agreed to forgive you all the wrongs that you have done in your rebellious life in this world, and He further agrees that if you will become obedient to His word the time of your sojourn here, that He will give you a home in the city of love, even in the great city of heaven, and that in possession of this that we shall live and possess it for evermore, even forever and forever, for this He requires of you to give up and to mortify your earthly passions, even all that is earthly which ye now covet, for the place of your birth shall be changed from the earthly into the heavenly, to become a servant of the will of God upon the earth to replenish the spirit of man unto holiness. WE STAND, LIVE, AND WALK AROUND THE THRONE. Around the great white throne we stand, While to the King we raise our hand, Asking Him to spare the holy flock, That put their trust in the living rock. Around the great white throne we live, The bread of love to man we give That they may eat, in God to grow, And clothe with garments white as snow. Around the great white throne we walk, Of truth and love to man we talk, We show to man the way so plain, We gather now the golden grain. Around the great white throne we plead, While o'er the earth we sow the seed, The seed of love that yieldeth true, Throughout the earth God's will to do. 83 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE THIRST NO MORE. We thirst no more, we drink of love, We drank of heaven's spring above, We drank the nuptials of the Bride, The living fountain from the side Of Jesus, Lord, whose throne doth give, Redeeming love in God to live. We thirst no more, a holy tide Is flowing from the well inside, The well of truth, a living light, Is springing forth the waters bright, Is springing up the way to show, That with the Master man may go. We thirst no more, for we partook To live according to the Book, To do as God hath said to do, To take the holy ax to hew, To fall the trees that will not yield The fruits of love in every field. We thirst no more, we will baptize The hosts of God that will arise, Whose duty now mankind to lead, To take from earth the evil seed, Therein to sow the seed of love, The holy kingdom from above. CHRIST HATH CONQUERED. Who hath done great wonders of old, Yea, who hath led the holy flock, And in what wealth of trinsic gold Could thus withstand in power to hold Against the holy living rock? 84 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Great wonders God hath done on earth ; The waters saw his outstretched hand; He hath made a way for the birth, Amidst the waters of the earth He made them as a heap to stand. Man hath come through the dark gate, For the bars of death could not bind, For Jesus Christ, the pillar great, Hath opened now the living gate, Eternal life therein to find. THE MOON DARKENED. (A Parable and a Dream.) Behold, as I lay upon the bed of wisdom in the sleepi- ness of night, I heard a great noise as the sound of an exploded planet and I looked toward the moon, and behold it was torn asunder and only a small fragment thereof was left, and it faded till only a star remained visible, and I heard the household in the stress of great agony, even in misery unutterable, then I looked toward those without and I saw them lay siege to the house, even to pour the fire of wrath against it. Then we received strength, even as it were amidst hailstones and coals of fire, that bombarded us with great force, and we opened our mouth to send forth a voice among them, even among the enemies that came forth, and the voice prevailed among them as a sword to overcome them, and they were smitten thereby, even as if their power had suddenly departed from them. THE PIT OF GREAT WATERS. (A Dream and Parable.) We beheld and saw the builders building the house of the household, and behold as they worked the earth opened her mouth near thereto as if to swallow them up and we saw therein great floods of water even unmea- surable, and as we looked therein we saw the workmen go 85 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. forth to gather the stones of the earth to cast them into the pit of great waters, until the surface of the earth was cleared of stones, and during the drawing and cast- ing of the stones into the pit some of the corn had been cast therein as in the haste of the workmen, for they worked mightily ; and behold as the day lifted up we saw the corn in the water and upon the stones of the pit, and we became grieved in spirit because of the corn ; then said we to the workmen, We must devise a way if possible to take the corn from the pit. And in haste we prepared therefor and we descended thereinto and took hold of the ears of corn to shake the water therefrom, and behold they were turned to stone also, so that it could not be used as the corn of the household. WE GIVE OUR LIFE TO GOD. Our life, our all, Thy joys to know, For Thou wilt truly give, For we shall with the righteous go Eternally to live. We give our all that man may see The sacred holy light, That earth may yield in love to free, In God to take delight. In God to take delight to do, According to His will, Born in Him to live anew, The earth with love to fill. GOD UPHOLDETH US. When I awake in love I see The arm of God upholding me, I feel His spirit in my will, My soul with love and truth to fill. 86 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. I feel His love, His voice I hear, For now I have the living ear, For indeed I heard Him knock, And the door I did unlock. Thus He came with me to dine, Bringing holy bread and wine, Bringing love my soul to free, A living branch upon the tree. Filled thus with love on earth I go Among mankind the truth to sow, That everywhere men may agree, To live with God from sea to sea. LET THE KINGDOM COME. Upon this earth let man now dwell, In Jesus Christ, Emanuel ; Let them go forth in love to lead, In them the kingdom's holy seed. In them the will in love to do, As servants of their Master true, The hand of God upon the earth, In the Christian's holy birth. Let them go forth and take the seal, The sick among mankind to heal, In love and truth indeed to bear, The glorious kingdom everywhere. WE DESTROY THE EVIL. On the whole of earth the hand we lay, To catch the worldly beast, We call aloud, to them we say, Thy flesh shall make a feast. For thou hast prowled about at night To catch the souls of men ; But now we hold on thee the light To take thee from thy den. 87 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Now on thy hands we lock the chain Of Jesus, God with us, And thou shalt stay as one that's slain, A thousand years and plus. MY HEART IS A THRONE. Within my house there is a king, That tells me to do right; He guides my will in everything, And in Him I delight. He keeps my house so clean and neat, That there is not a stain, The bread of love we therein eat, The kingdom's precious grain. He brings to me the nectar wine, We drink the sacred flow, Thus we live in love to dine, Wherever now we go. WITH THE HAND OF LOVE WE SEPARATE. We feel the hand of love to do, We, therefore, take the ax to hew, The edge is keen and can discern, The evil trees of man to burn ; We swing it now the truth to fill, To do on earth God's holy will. We feel the hand of love to-day^ We therefore take the sword to slay, To drive the evil from the earth, By bringing man into the birth ; Of love and truth indeed to dwell, With Jesus Christ, Emanuel. THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We feel the hand of love so plain, We put the sickle to the grain; On earth indeed we come to reap, To cleanse mankind with love to sweep, We fill the garner now with wheat, To fan therefrom the chaff and cheat. We feel the hand of love, the rod Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God ; We take it now the earth to free, Till all mankind shall bend the knee, Unto the Father, God, in love, As holy angels up above. THE BEAST DESTROYED. Shall not the thrones be cast down, for behold a great beast ariseth to devour the kingdom of the earth, and he hath his mouth fortified with teeth of iron, trim- med with gold, as if his great power was decked with truth, and in his fierceness he sayeth. Behold the earth belongeth to the people, and in haste he runneth among all the beasts to overthrow the kingdoms, as if to estab- lish equity therein ; and three great powers shall fall before him as the falling of great walls, and the earth shall shake by reason thereof; but suddenly the love of God shall fill the breath of man as the world with light, and they shall arise as one great family to dwell in holi- ness with God forevermore, and the beast shall be destroyed with the wicked that put their trust in him. THE WORD THE MEASURE WITH US. The measure hath fallen to me, As a chain to measure the ways, We now take the compass to free, On earth to establish the praise. We now take the staff and the rod, To measure the living city, With the love and glory of God, To take therefrom the iniquity. 89 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. The measure now on man we hold, As with the cord of God we see, The worth thereof in precious gold, His future thus shall always be. THE CALL. On earth we stand, to man we call, O ! let us go against the wall, O ! let us go the forts to break, The man of sin from earth to take, O ! let us go upon the hill, To shine the light the world to fill. On earth we stand, the truth we hold, The love of God the precious gold ; O ! man, to thee the gift we bring, The gift of love from God, thy King, We give it now thy soul to free, From the raging of the sea. On earth we stand the force of love, To glorify our King above, To glorify, O ! let us stand, Against the evils of the land, Until the world with love shall flow, In God, the Father, to and fro. HEAR FREEDOM'S CALL. Arise, my friend, let freedom's call Build of love a happy state, Build of love a solid wall, In human hearts that can not fall, A glorious nation true and great. Arise, my friends, let banners wave, Equal rights to one and all ; No more shall man be born a slave, To the despot or the knave, For they both to earth shall fall. 90 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Arise, my friends, let earth now move, Within her circles force the space, Go ye forth to thus reprove, It doth the future sons behoove, Let devils now to love give place. DRINK OF LOVE TO THE BRIDEGROOM. From the lips of our souls a river of love poureth forth upon the earth, even as the water of God poured forth from an urn into the basin of purification, wherein if a man is washed it cleanseth his soul unto good works, to become married thereto as unto God. Wherein if a man is married he hath the companionship to live a life of love unto God by good works, for if love beareth not works the tree is barren of fruit, and is cumbersome to the trees that do bear fruit, therefore it is accursed in the day that the axman taketh the ax to hew. It shall be destroyed. THE PARABLE OF THE SOWERS SOWING. I looked and behold I saw a great company of men, even as the men of all the earth walking before me, and each one carrying a bag of seeds with sowing attach- ments thereto. Some were large and some were small, and they were all sowing upon the earth and upon one another, and I saw among them the blind, the deaf, and the sleepers going in all directions sowing as those that know not whither they went, for there was great darkness among them ; then the Spirit said to me, Woe, woe unto the earth by reason of the seed of the sowers thereof, for even the wheat of those among them that claimed to be sowing righteousness hath the chaff sticking to it like unto barley. Then said I, O ! love Thou, Spirit of Jehovah, why broughtest Thou this before me to cause me to look thereupon to my sorrow? 91 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE WORD IS MEAT AND DRINK INDEED. Let man in love now come to sup Of the blessing of the cup Poured out for him that he might live, In God, the Father, who doth give To him the blessing, love to fill, In the glories of His will. Let man in love stretch forth the rod Of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Go hold it forth upon the hill, To conquer earth with love to fill, To conquer earth, mankind to free, As the waters of the sea. Let man in love come forth to dine On the holy bread and wine, That doth give eternal life, To free his soul from earthly strife, To free his soul that he may stand Around the throne in holy land. EAT THE LORD'S SUPPER. Eat your supper, now to fill, With the Saviour's precious will, In His love receive the birth, To do God's will upon the earth. Eat your supper, eat the bread, That will raise you from the dead, That will free and give you life From the world with all its strife. Eat your supper, drink and dine, Fill thy soul with bread and wine, Fill thy soul, thy heart with love, In thy Master's will above. Eat your supper, go and do As a servant just and true, That obey's his Master's word, As the shepherd of the herd. 92 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. GOD BREATHES UPON THE DISCIPLES. We looked upon the assembly of the disciples of the kingdom as they were gathered together in union, wait- ing for the wine of the endowment of the King, and we saw as it were the heavens opened above them filled with glory, and God looked down upon them and His counte- nance sent forth great streams of love, and He blew the breath thereof as a rushing, mighty wind, that filled the assembly with wonder and excitement; and we heard the voice of the living God exclaimed, Behold ! I pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh to my glory. Behold your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and the young men shall see visions thereof and your old men shall dream holy dreams, your servants and housemaidens shall receive my Spirit to understand my word, and the holy stars of my glory shall fill the world with wonder, glow- ing with brightness unto eternity. THE PARABLE OF DARKNESS. (A Dream.) We looked for light and behold darkness came until there was no light except in the house wherein we dwelt. We looked toward the heavens and the clouds thereof were not visible, the darkness was so great that my heart was filled with gloominess and sorrow, as if the sun had been smitten, for not even the moon could reflect her light. This continued until late in the evening, then we saw as it were a great rift through the heavens, and between two great walls of darkness we saw the stars of light begin to appear. LET EARTH BE CLEANSED. Have we not set our lamp aflame Upon the holy hill ; Have we not come in Jesus' name The earth with love to fill ? 93 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Have we not come to glorify, To fill the world with light; Have we not come to now defy The evils of the night? Have we not come the fan to take, The chaff to blow away; Shall not the earthly power shake, To see the holy day? Have we not come to set the fires? Let raging sorrows burn All the thorn trees and the briers That no fruit to God return. THE REWARD OF SELFISHNESS. I have looked upon man in greed, With his heart full of filthy seed ; I saw within his selfish will. That sin and death his soul to kill ; I saw therein both pride and lust, That in his Saviour did not trust. I saw therein a willful heart, Where love of self did not depart To worship idols filled within With worldly cares as Satan's bin ; Until his soul believed the lie, That causeth man from God to die. I saw therein the cares that burn, The souls of men as in an urn ; Of Satan's kingdom of the night, Away from God, away from light, In outer darkness there to dwell, As in the raging fires of hell. 94 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. CLEANSING BY THE WORD. If we are sanctified by good works we become a sanctuary of the living God, even a temple of holiness, for the Word dwelling in us cleanseth our souls from the lusts of the flesh to destroy the evils thereof, not as to destroy temptations, for man of necessity must be tried that judgment be perfected in him that he may be justi- fied in the sight of God from sin, yet if he standeth not the trial in faith, but returneth to his wallowing as the hog of prophecy, his spirit is maddened by the impurity of spiritual idolatry that destroyeth and maketh him unstable to do, despite into the Spirit of grace. Therefore he careth not for the washing, for therein is reproof; therefore the return is hard to accomplish in him. THE SOWING OF THE TARES. We saw mankind in fields of woe, Sowing tares in them to grow, Sowing tares discord to lead, Mankind in shame to lust and greed. We saw mankind in fields of strife, Flirting as the devil's wife, Flirting in the ways of sin, In halls and lodges of his den. We saw mankind in fields of greed, To covet with the churlish seed, To covet, crave, and to desire, Filled with the evils of hell-fire. STANDING AGAINST EVIL. We stand before the fountain of evil to watch for the beasts of prey that dwelleth in the waters thereof to devour the children born unto God in the will of the 95 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Spirit, for if the flesh cleave unto the child that cometh forth, these monsters of the flesh exciteth great desire to devour it e'er deliverance is complete. Therefore, seeing these things, we boldly attack these beasts with the sword of love that our spirit holdeth, to subdue therewith. Am I not filled within my breast to go About my Master's will; Have I not faith in God to show My light upon the hill ? Have I not faith in God to stand, A living wall of might ; Shall I not hold the sword in hand, The world indeed to fight? Have I not faith to take the rod, And hold it o'er the sea ; To be a servant of my God, The holy saints to free? Have I not faith to stand a wall, My Master's will to do ; Have I not faith in God to call The saints to come and hew? HAVE WE A STORE FROM WORLDS ABOVE? Have we a store from worlds above, Filled full of truth in joy and love, Filled full of truth in Jesus' name, As a holy lamp aflame ? Have we a store? then let us show Our Master's will where'er we go; Our Master's will let earth be trod By the people of our God. 96 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Have we a store ? let men come buy, The gold of God, our King on high, The gold of God thy heart to fill, A treasury of the Saviour's will. Have we a store ? then let us give The holy way in which to live, The holy way, O ! let us bring The glories of our Lord and King. LET THE EARTH BE FILLED WITH LOVE. Everywhere let truth and good Fill the world with brotherhood, That love and peace in Christ may fill, The chosen people of God's will. Everywhere let men delight In God the Father to do right, In God the Father let them free, That all the earth may now agree. Everywhere let peace abound, In every heart let love be found, Be a family one and great, In the holy living state. Then God will bless His family true, If they through love His will shall do, They shall possess the world to God, As the angels of His Rod. COME TO JESUS. In fields of love let angels cry, Come forth to Jesus ere you die, Come forth to Jesus, crown Him King, In His cause thine all to bring. Let us go forth on love's great sea, Throughout the earth the world to free, That everywhere man may arise, As sparkling stars amid the skies. 97 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let us go forth upon the mount Of the holy living fount, To drink the water there that lives, That our holy Father gives. COME TO GOD. Come forth, O ! man, let angels cry, Come to thy Saviour, God on high, Come to thy Saviour, who doth give A home of love in which to live ; A home of love forever free, And God forever there with thee. Come forth, O ! man, and do not weep, Come go with us and let us sweep The earth of all its woe and crime, A servant of our God sublime ; A servant true this earth to fill With the Saviour's precious will. SHALL EARTH COME AGAINST US? Shall earth her forces now unite To go against our hand? Shall they come forth to now indict Against our hosts to stand? Shall they arise as if to take The sheep from out the fold ? Will they come forth as if to break The threefold cord of gold? Behold that day our King shall stand The pillar round our host, And they shall see His loving hand Filled with the Holy Ghost. And while they run to hide away Her millions shall retreat, For their broad hosts shall in that day Receive the burning heat. 98 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. COME GO WITH US. We now appeal, Bring forth the wheel, And roll it on the land, To grade the way, Let all obey, To form a loving band. We call to you, Let all renew, To now receive the birth That love indeed May grow as seed, Sown o'er all the earth. We call to thee, Come bend the knee, With praises now to bring, In Jesus' name Let hearts aflame, Come forth to praise our King. Come now be true, A home for you, In mansions far above, Where God shall fill Thy holy will With joy and peace and love. LED TO THE HOLY WATERS. O ! Lord, hast Thou led us to the banks of the river that we may receive the quickening inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit that moveth upon the waters thereof, to give life to Him whose thirst hath been relieved in the drink- ing of Thy love? yea, the breath thereof is as honey dew upon the holy mountain of Thy glory that drippeth down with sweetness as the holy ointment that runneth down upon the heads of Thy saints that are dipped in the foun- tain of Thy love. 99 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. RIVER OF THE SERPENTS SMITTEN. (A Dream.) We beheld and lo, we drew near unto the great river of serpents, and standing in the lip thereof we smote the waters thereof with the staff of our hand and behold the serpents came forth in great bundles, and our hand set them in great agitation by reason of the strokes thereof, and their commotion was likened unto invol- untary action of an electrical shock, for they were as a thing tied at each end while their bodies repelled each other, and as we looked thereupon the bundles were loosened in our view and their mouths were widely spread before and behind, for they had two heads, as if their tail had a head upon it, and fear seized them, for they could not withstand the stroke of the staff upon them and their bites had no effect to wound us, for in God we were impregnable. COME PUT ON THE LINEN ROBE. O ! let us come indeed to call, For the breaking of the wall, For the grading of the way, O ! let the people now obey. O ! let us come indeed to give Our life on earth in God to live, Our life that man may raise his hand, In the freedom of the land. O ! let us come indeed to shake, Till all the earth to God awake, Till all mankind shall take delight In Christ the Saviour's glorious light. O ! let us come indeed to cheer, In the Saviour everywhere, In the Saviour man to bless, By deeds of love and righteousness. 100 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. IN THE END. Let him that stirreth up strife now enter the channel of the river to gather the beasts thereof together to enrage them against the innocents of the kingdom, that the destruction of evil may receive its judgment at the hand of God; for that man standeth before the people as one that understandeth the secrets of God to lead man- kind with blindness into the entrenchments of sin. Yea, they see not, for deception has brought forth a birth without love, as if to establish the kingdom among men without the King, even upon their own righteousness ; but what sayeth the Spirit : Associate yourselves, O ! ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Bind ye your- selves and the bands shall be burst asunder. Counsel ye to establish thine own equity and it shall come to naught ; yea, though ye confirm by the word it shall not stand, for God is within His holy temple and behold the wonders of His people illuminates the world with glory. THE FAMINE OF THE SPIRIT SEEN. Shall not a great famine prevail for one week, and behold in the midst of the week sore distress and great indignation overshadoweth the earth, insomuch that the Spirit of God contendeth not with man, except with those of the covenant, to establish them in the days of sorrow ; and in their rage man becometh as the ravenous beasts of the field to destroy and to tear down, even as a flood of desolation, for there being no restraint of the Holy Spirit of God man shall become wholly given over to reprobacy to do wickedness, and the fear of death daunteth them not to kill or to die. And thousands upon thousands shall die by suicide and by the hands of their own kin, and the fires of desolation shall destroy the cities of the world as though the earth had been reaped by a flame, and in the ending of those days shall not the bow of glory appear in the clouds as a token of the covenant between God and man, that anger and sorrow shall no more prevail upon the earth, even the bow of love that declareth the presence of the living God ? 101 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. REPENT UNTO LOVE AND BE BORN OF GOD. Repent O ! man, to turn about, Unto thy God indeed, That He may drive the devil out, Thy heart with love to feed. That He may plant thy heart with love, To give eternal life, In the kingdom from above, That hath no tears of strife. That He may give to thee a house, Prepared for Him and thee, Where thou shalt be to Him the spouse Throughout eternity. Where thou shalt live indeed to dwell With God's own holy Son, With Jesus Christ, Emanuel, With God ye three in one. SUPPER NOW READY. For nearly two thousand years the feast of love hath spread the table of heaven for the invited guests of the wedding nuptials of Jesus Emanuel, and the servants have stood at the door of the temple crying to man, Come whosoever will and partake of this great supper around the table of God. Nay, they have gone from nation to nation and from house to house, whitherso- ever man hath trod, hath His voice been heard. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, yea, I will give you that bread that will bless you forever in this great feast of love. Yet for all this man hath turned his head to make light of it, some to their farms and others to their merchandise in many 102 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ways. Yea, and others have spurned the servants of the living God, yea, have offended and slew them. Shall not the great King hear thereof? Will He not send the avenging armies of His recompenses throughout Canaan to render the order of destruction in the valley of slaugh- ter, for indeed sin shall die with the wicked and their cities shall be destroyed forever, for the great Jehovah shall utter His voice in wrath. Howl, O ! ye trees of the wood, for behold the axman cometh and they will not spare, for in thee there is no nourishing fruit, therefore the fire of destruction shall rage in thy thickets, for they are now drying for the flame. Howl, O ! ye trees, for the angels of the four winds shall not forever withhold from thee the flame of destruction. INCREASE FAITH. Increase thy faith by deeds of righteousness, Yea, go ye forth in love the world to bless, Until thy heart is filled indeed to know ; Yea, springing forth the fountain thus to flow, A living stream thy fellow man to give, That he may with thee drink in God and live. Increase thy faith by shining as a light, Until in God thou taketh great delight, To do His holy will that man may see, To come to God to glorify with thee, That God may receive the great homage due, In loving measure holy sealed and true. Increase thy faith by deeds of love to seal, Until thy heart the Holy Ghost shall feel, For God will come indeed thereto, to knock, And if to Him thou thy spirit doth unlock, He will come in thy very heart to fill, To drink with thee the pleasure of His will. 103 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TO THE RICH. O ! let thy soul by love be led, To raise on high the downcast head, To raise on high by gifts to free, A blessing to mankind and thee. O ! let thy soul by love arise, As a blessing from the skies, As a blessing give thy gold To the children of the fold. O ! let thy soul now sow the seed, In love thy fellow man to lead, In love thy bounties now to give, That in the heavens thou mayest live. O ! fellow man, now wilt thou hear, The day of glory now is near ; The day of glory earth to fill With the Saviour's precious will. SHOULD MAN THEORIZE ON GOD'S THEORY? Should man theorize upon the word of God? for the holy commandment hath already been given, which em- bodies the whole duty of man, for if the soul of man is baptized in love in the new commandment he is thereby constrained to do the will of God, for God is love, and he that loveth is born of God; therefore, being born of love the new man hath faith therein to follow the dictates thereof, which forbids the vices and follies of the world within himself, and the holy Word confirmeth the teach- ings of the Holy Spirit in his soul to glorify the holiness of God. The light of whose love among the begotten of God urgeth mankind to yield to the living passions that crieth Abba, Father. Therefore we are freed not unto sin, but to destroy sin by deeds of love, for the word of love dwelling in us to will and to do justifieth us by that which proceedeth therefrom ; therefore, being freed from sin, we no longer live therein to serve the lusts of the flesh. 104 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE EXTEND THE ARM OF LOVE. We extend the arm of love o'er the sea, To divide its waters now to free, To pave the way of holiness on earth, The glorious throne in the living birth, As one stretching forth the holy hand, The love of God thus to understand. We extend the arm of love o'er the tide, To cleanse the garments of the Holy Bride, That she may deck herself with God's true love, To meet her glorious husband from above, Who will descend the loving Bride to greet, As amidst the light of His love they meet. We extend the arm of love o'er the way, That the holy hosts may their God obey, To go with love and righteousness to fill, The true companion of God's holy will, As lamps of love filled indeed to show The holy light of heaven all aglow. LET THE WELL FLOW. Spring forth, O ! loving well, And let thy waters flow, Spring forth mankind to tell, The path in which to go. Spring forth, O ! well indeed, To fertilize the plain, To germinate the seed That bringeth forth the grain. Spring forth, O ! well, to life The holy waters give, The thirsty soul from strife, To cleanse that they may live. Spring forth, O ! well, the Ghost, The Spirit of God's love, The water of the Host, The kingdom from above. 105 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET THE SON AND MAN BE WED. O ! let God's Son to man be wed, To raise them from the sleeping dead, To raise them up as stars of love, In His kingdom from above. O ! let God's Son to man unite, In the glories of His light, In the glories of His grace, And the brightness of His face. O ! let God's Son to man relume, To raise Him from the dying tomb, To raise Him up to God on high, Nevermore in sin to die. IN THE LAST STRUGGLE. When the moon to blood shall turn, Her very hosts in wrath shall burn, For the darkened sun shall hide A moment from His loving Bride. Then the world shall rage in woe, Their posts shall hurry to and fro, One shall meet, another haste, Until the world her all shall waste. Taken on one side they cry, The end indeed is surely nigh, Then in pain they feel the dart, The sword of death pierced in the heart. Then the sacred Star so bright, Shall fill the world with streams of light, The arm of love God in His splendor, In His judgment there to render. 106 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE HEAR, SEE, AND FEEL THE REPORT. Thy report O ! Lord, indeed we see Thy written Word mankind to free, Thy written Word sent forth to show The way of glory all aglow ; The way of glory man to lead, In the sowing of the seed. Thy report O ! Lord, indeed we hear, Revive Thy kingdom everywhere, Revive Thy kingdom earth to fill With the glories of Thy will ; Revive Thy kingdom, let it stand, A wall of love in every land. Thy report O ! Lord, indeed we feel, Our very soul with love to heal, Our very soul it giveth life To free us from the man of strife ; To free us from the devil's will, The glories of this earth to fill. SPRING FORTH IN LOVE. Spring forth in love O ! holy seed, Let children now their fathers lead, Let children now as angels go The way of holiness to show. Spring forth in love, O ! stars of light, The holy hosts to now unite, The holy host to show the way Unto the glories of the day. Spring forth in love, let men on earth Be filled with love in holy birth ; Be filled with love God's will to do, As His servants just and true. Spring forth in love, let Christians stand Against the evils of the land, Until the trees with fire shall burn, Till all mankind to God return. 107 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET THE RIVER OF LIFE FLOW. Spring forth, O ! river, clear and bright, Thy fountain is the source of light, Thy fountain is the throne above, Of God, the Father, full of love. Spring forth, O ! river, full of life, For the cleansing of the Wife ; For the cleansing man to give The holy way in which to live. Spring forth, O ! river, bring the birth Of God's glories in the earth, Of God's glories man to teach, The holy Father we beseech. THEY FLEE TO THEIR DENS. The devils, ah! shall rage and call, For the rocks on them to fall ; For to them there is no grace, Therefore they seek to shun God's face ; Therefore they run in dens to hide From the Saviour and His Bride, They rage in sorrow, range in woe, For soon to hell their hosts must go, And there as demons full of strife, The devil and his raging wife. DRAW NEAR TO GOD. O ! Lord, with thee Shall Christians be, Where every land shall flow With truth and love, To God above, On earth as angels go. 108 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O, Lord, increase That love and peace, That earth may yield her light, In God to give That all may live, In Thee to take delight. O ! Lord, come nigh To Thee we cry, Let love fill every heart, Their souls to fill, With Thine own will, From Thee to ne'er depart. THE SOLID FOUNDATIONS. The storms nor floods can never shock, The house that's built upon the rock, So is he whose love doth fill, To do the Saviour's precious will. He shall withstand the tempest's howl, The Man of Sin, though dogs may growl, Can not move him to depart From the freedom of his heart. For thus he dwells upon the earth, In the great kingdom of God's birth, To do His will a servant true, To be a child revived anew. To be a child in God to stand, To hold o'er earth the holy hand Of truth and love mankind to teach, The holy Father to beseech. 109 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. DO AS THE WORD SAYETH. The word of God doth thus declare, Thou shalt not bind thyself to swear, Thou shalt not bind no more than say, I will, yea, yea, or no, nay, nay. The Word commands to live in peace, Thy duty now thy soul release, Thy duty now to God obey, Living in the narrow way. The Word commands that man should praise The Father as a light ablaze, As a star of light thus to shed, The glories of the living Head. The Word of God doth man invite To flee the darkness of the night, To flee the darkness as a child On whom the love of God hath smiled. THE SWORD TO FREE. The two-edged sword is girded now to free, The Saviour now on earth hath poured the light In the kingdom, the righteous shall agree, As one the great hosts of God to unite. Their right hand shall stretch forth the holy rod To pierce the wicked therewith all to slay, Until the earth is conquered all to God, Till all mankind the holy King obey. For those who do not their God receive to do, The two-edged ax as trees their hosts shall fall, Until the hosts of earth shall all be true, Their Master thus to serve at every call. 110 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. TAKING THE HARP FROM THE WILLOWS. Again we take the harp in hand, To sing of freedom in the fold, To sing of freedom in the land, Upon the rock our house will stand, No more to sin shall we be sold. Again we take the harp to tune, Preparing for the glorious day, The trees of earth will soon be hewn, To crown the living God triune, Forever there with Him to stay. Again we take the harp of love, We cast the crown before our King:, O ! hear the song of Jesus' love, Full of praises from above, The song of glory now to sing. THE STONE OF LOVE THROWN INTO THE SEA. Behold we threw the great stone of grinding into the sea of many waters, that the evil beasts thereof might be destroyed, and behold the sea boiled with fury in the raging thereof, for their craft was stricken and the up- heaval thereof poured forth a flood from the midst thereof upon the earth, and the beasts came forth in the flood to devour those that had been fattened upon the bread of love. JUDGMENT OF THE FISHES. We took the net of love to cast it into the sea and when we dipped it therein we brought therefrom fishes not a few, and when the fishermen had taken their net up, having completed the seining of the waters, the judges were seated upon their throne to decide between the 111 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. clean and the unclean, and their judgment was rendered according to the written will of the fulfillment of the word of the great King; therefore, if their bodies were not clad with garments according to the statute, being plated with the scales of protection, they were judged as unclean ; therefore were cast forth from among the clean; but those whose garments were plated with the perils of the Word were gathered into the storage of the kingdom. THE NEWBORN BIRTH AS THE WIND. The wind bloweth where it pleaseth and man per- ceiveth the force thereof that moveth objects, yet canst not tell whence it gathereth or whither it disperseth itself upon the earth to the fulfillment of its mission, so is every one that serveth, the Holy Spirit being conceived and brought forth therein unto God, for being filled with love he goeth about as a child thereof upon the mission of His Father to unloose the captives that should be free, and to bind those that should be bound captors, even those that foster the evil. IN JESUS WE GO. In Thy temple, O ! Lord, we kneel, For in Thy love we take delight, We live therein, indeed we feel The sacred power of Thy might. In Thy temple we raise our hand, To take the lamp of glory, For in Thy love we understand, To tell the loving story. In Thy temple we come to praise, To fill mankind with love, To check on earth the evil ways By love the world to thus reprove. 112 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. In Thy temple, O ! Lord, we go, The censor of Thy love we take, Then incense shall arise to flow, The good among mankind to wake. SWEET ODORS OF LOVE TAKEN. Love's sweet smelling odors we took, The waters of God's own fount, And of its virtue we partook To cleanse the holv mount ; We sprinkled it among mankind, On them it trinkled down ; We went therewith to seek and find The lost that should be found. We went therewith to catch the sheep, The lambs of God to hold, To cleanse the flock their souls to keep, Within the sacred fold. We went therewith to lead in love, To gather them as one Into the folds of God above, The children of his Son. We went therewith to cleanse the earth, Mankind to renovate. Until the cleansing of the birth, Brings in the holy state. We went therewith to love and bless, Reflecting with the light, To fill the day of righteousness, In God to take delight. VISION OF FURY. (A Dream.) As we lay upon the bed of vision we went as it were into the fields to assist the laborers, and behold the sur- face thereof had been greatly inundated by the upheavals 113 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. of the earth, yet we gave commandment to gather the wheat therefrom, that the granary be filled according to the measure thereof. Then we proceeded with the work in speed, and when the sun had turned her face looking toward the east, even in the latter part of the day, the Spirit said to us, Look ye toward the horizon, for behold two great whirlwinds cometh therefrom. Then we lifted up our eyes and saw two great drifts of the trees and timbers of the earth carried toward us by the great cyclones of fury that had taken hold upon them; then in the moment of excitement we cried mightily to God to escape from the falling timber and the cyclone ; then the Spirit said unto us, Behold, for the sake of the wheat the winds shall not blow therein until the wheat is gath- ered therefrom. Then we saw the trees and the timbers suddenly fall before they reached our borders, and the winds blew not upon us, but instead a great calm pre- vailed. He that understands, let him perceive. OUR RESOLVE. We resolve now forever hence to do, The works of love upon this earth, As servants of our Father just and true, That forsaketh not every day to do, To raise God's glory from the dearth. We resolve now forevermore to give, Our lives, our all, hence to God's will, That all mankind may look to Him and live, Forevermore to love Him and forgive The offending brothers of the hill. We resolve forevermore thus to show Upon the holy hill the light. That man may see the way to God and go, Against the works of the opposing foe, That he may flee hence into the night. 114 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SHINE THY LIGHT IN THE HOUSE. Ye that stand in the house of God Beholding the beautiful light, With the lamp of love within thy hand, Shining clear and bright, Shining clear and bright, Shining clear and bright, With the lamp of love within thy hand Shining clear and bright. O ! let it shine, that man may see, Yea, hold it up on high, That all the earth man now agree, Our God to glorify, Our God to glorify, Our God to glorify, That all the earth may now agree, Our God to glorify. OF BROTHERLY LOVE. Unity and brotherly love maketh our hearts rejoice, even the spirit of our minds that controlleth the will to do good to one another as of one body, for if man is so controlled in the passions of his soul he is like unto a well of water that springeth forth to heal the thirst of him that drinketh thereat, and as a table filled with all manner of precious fruits in the city of holiness, whereof when a man eateth he is filled with the light of glory. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, THAT THY SOUL MAY BE FED. The Holy Word of God poured forth the rays of love into the heart of man, as the lamp of glory that filleth his soul with light that shineth brighter and brighter as he searcheth and partaketh thereof. Yea, it is as bread to the soul of man, that quickeneth it into life and activity, 115 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. stimulating it unto good works in the birth of its recep- tion. Therefore, as one that searcheth the truth, we reflect the glory of God as a recipient record that retain- eth the light thereof, yet reflecteth it upon the earth to cause man to search the real fountain from which our light proceedeth, even the Word of God. LET US DO GOD'S WILL WITH JOY. O ! let us now more joyous grow, As in the land of love we go, As with our King we now unite To fill the lamps of God aright. O ! let us now more joyous feel, As with the light of love we heal The soul of man to feed and fill In Christ the Saviour's precious will. O ! let us now more joyous feed, The sacred law of love to heed, The sacred law of love to give ; With Christ the Saviour let us live. O ! let us now more joyous dwell In Jesus Christ Emanuel, Who gave the law of love to free, Commanding us in love to be. O ! let us now more joyous shed The light of glory on man's head, The light of glory earth to bring To the glories of our King. CHRIST'S MISSION FROM GOD. Behold, all ye hosts of my love, It doth my holiness now behove To send my Son on earth to stand, To fill my glories in the land. Therefore, a virgin shall thus bring 116 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. To earth the Son, forever King, Who shall redeem man from the clod, To live forever with His God. Therefore, His name on earth shall be The Saviour of mankind to free. Thee I charge, mine only Son, For Thou are with me — we are one — Obey my voice, the earth to fill With the glories of my will. To Bethlehem Thou shalt now go ; The wise shall see Thy star and know With Thee I send the living Host, The angels of the Holy Ghost; And they shall praise the glorious light, The fountain of my love and might. The wise shall hear, shall know and see That my kingdom is with Thee. My sword of love to Thee I give; The proud condemn, the poor shall live Until all power before Thee fall, To crown Thee Master Lord of all. Go forth to man, I choose to wot In Palestine I have begot The temple great on earth to stand, The Son of love, mine own right hand. Thee, my Spirit Son, I send, I give mine angel to defend; And in their hand they shall Thee bear My power in Thee to thus declare. Thou shalt not stumble, can not fall, Though Thy feet shall break the wall Of every port that sin hath built, Until the earth is cleansed of guilt. Thee I send to earth fulfill The prophets of my holy will. Take Thou of heaven's purest wine For the wedding feast of mine ; Give to man, that on the earth They may be born to me in birth ; Take Thou mine ax, the blade is wide, Go through the earth from side to side, 117 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Hew down the trees that do not bear The fruit of love to thus declare; Burn them up ; leave not a sprout, Till earth shall turn herself about To do my will in love as one In Thee, my holy living Son. Go to the earth my fan to take ; Let kingdoms fall ; yea, let earth shake. Take Thou my rod and let the sea Divide its waters, mine to free, And in my might take in Thine hand To slay the rulers of the land; Take Thou my mattock, dig to fill, Dig down the mountain and the hill ; Smooth down the earth till one great plain Shall bear to me the golden grain ; Till all the earth shall see my love In Thee, their Saviour from above ; Thou shalt upon the serpent's head Place Thy foot on them to tread, To slay the monster of the deep That causeth man in sin to weep. My Spirit's love to Thee I give, Go heal the sick that they may live ; Go liberate the captives' band By the virtue of Thy hand ; Heal Thou the blind, that they may see The living fountain of the tree ; Heal Thou the deaf, that they may hear The sounds of glory everywhere. Go Thou, my Son, on earth to shine In the holy Palestine. Fill earth with light from sea to sea. To liberate mankind to free ; Go through the bars of death to break The ghastly powers of the snake ; Go bind the strong man, raise the dead, To feed them hence with living bread. 118 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOVE AND TRUTH THE WEAPONS OF ETERNITY. In love and truth shall men come to lead The will of God on earth to heed; To fill the world with gems of love, The precious gems of God above. Indeed, shall truth dispel the night With rays of love baptized in light, Until all eyes shall plainly see The glorious highway of the free. Indeed, shall Satan rage in woe, For love and truth shall pierce him so, To force the evil to depart, That it shall wound his very heart. He shall be bound, and from man cast Into the raging of the blast, With all his host, the willful liar, Into the billows of hell fire. ALL THINGS SHALL BECOME NEW. The bars of earth shall break asunder, And God the Son shall turn them under, To prepare and to renew For the loving and the true. The earth shall yield, shall give away, When Christ the Lord, in great array, Brings forth to life the living host, Filled with His love, the Holy Ghost. The mountains and the hills shall skip When thus He shakes the holy whip, For they shall feel the lash of pain ; Their hordes shall flee from earth amain. 119 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. The moon shall turn to blood and fall Upon the hosts of Babylon's wall, To slay the wicked of this earth That doth oppose the righteous birth. In that moment the sun shall hide From the moon, his loving bride, The light from them shall, ah ! depart, Thus bringing sorrows to their heart. Then shall light arise and flow More brilliant than the sun aglow ; The earth shall fill, they have no need, Filled with the light of God indeed. ABOUT CHRIST. He came forth from among the brushwoods in the circuits of the nations, being there brought up in seclu- sion as a Nazarene, for Joseph, fearing the murderous hand of Archelaus, went thither, that the child Jesus might escape the jealousy of the king, whose father had dipped his hands in the blood of the children around about the village of Bethlehem, from whence Joseph had fled aforetimes into Egypt, being led thither by the hands of an angel, according to the word of the prophet, for God had given His angel charge concerning the Son to bear Him up as He journeyed upon the earth in the fulfill- ment of the mission of redemption. And, being in Egypt, God called Him forth from the land of bondage, that He might break the bands of the nations, as it is written, Out of Egypt have I called my Son ; and when in humility He had fulfilled the days of obedience to His paternal husbandman in the house of Joseph, He set about to accomplish the works of deliv- erance according to the will of God : For the Spirit of God was with Him, even upon Him, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort those that mourn in Zion, for He was clad in the garments of salvation, even with the robe of righteousness, to fill the world therewith as waters that cover the sea. 120 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. The sea rolls wave upon wave her mighty tide, Dashing her angry waters from side to side ; The moon draws her tidal waters to attract, They rage and foam to and fro thus to distract; Oft the sun sends his force the moon to assist, The sea rages higher her aid to resist, And on them the air turns forth her windy life, Dashing to pieces the seaman and his ship. THE FIRST AND SECOND MAN ADAM O ! Father Adam, in thee I die ; In thee I mourn, in thee I cry, In thee my body hath the pain ; By thee I die, by thee am slain, By thee I sorrow, to earth I fall, And to another there I call. For this mine other Father true Hath prepared to me renew, Hath prepared to break the band Of mine earthly father's hand, To free my soul from sin and care, That I might live His love to share. The Holy Father, now I praise, For Thy great and glorious ways Hath filled my heart with great delight; In Thee is power, in Thee is might; In Thee I live on earth to dwell, The praises of my God to tell. TWO MOTHERS. O ! Eva Mother, thou hast lain With the devil in thy brain ; With the devil thou didst eat, And told thy husband it was sweet. O ! woman, filled with follies, lie ; By thee we're born in sin to die. 121 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. By thee we're rilled with lust and pride, Taught to conceal, to lie and hide, Until our bodies from us shed, To fall among the hopeless dead ; But now another mother true Hath taught me better how to do. That mother teaches me to love, To trust in God, my King above ; To trust in God, whose word hath said, I will raise thee from the dead ; To trust in Him who giveth life, To free us from that sin and strife. HE SMOTE THE SEA. He came to the waters, crossed the sea, Bled and died mankind to free ; Bled and died, arose from earth To bring to them the living birth. He came to the waters, held the rod, Showed the way to come to God; Showed the way the light to hold, As the Shepherd of the fold. He came to the waters, smote the main, They fled before the moving train ; They fled before ; on either side Stood a wall against the tide. . He smote the waters man to show The way of love in which to go ; The way of love his soul to lead From the land of lust and greed. 122 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ZION THE GLORY OF THE WHOLE EARTH. We looked upon Zion, the foundations of holiness. We saw the strength thereof filled with gems of beauty, even as the sparkling light that spreadeth its rays in the realms of glory. We saw the Holy City filled with the light thereof as the rays flowed from lamp to lamp till the whole earth relumed with its brightness, and when we looked thereupon the voice of love exclaimed: Hail, glorious light ; Hail, power and might, Descending from above, Whose glorious light And armor bright Is filled with gems of love. Yea, we heard, and the incentive hand filled our soul with praise. Then we stood in the gates thereof and exclaimed: Behold, thy King reigneth, for in Him is might, power, and dominion even forever and ever I THE SON FULFILLING HIS MISSION. Christ the Son God's love hath brought, Hath come to earth and battles fought, Hath bound the strong man, spoiled his goods. That we might clear away the woods. Christ the Son God's love hath shown; He came to earth, the seed hath sown ; Hath sent the rain the crop to raise, Is setting now the chaff ablaze. Christ the Son hath chose a wife, Hath given her eternal life ; Hath told her now to deck in white. And fill the lamps of God aright. 123 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Christ the Son hath made a way, Will raise the dead that do obey, To live with Him forever free In the heavens of the See. Christ the Son to God hath went, Hath the Holy Spirit sent ; Hath prepared a home of rest Wherein His children may be blest. HOW CAN I CEASE TO PRAISE? My heart is full, how can I cease to praise, To set the stars of God ablaze? That God's refulgent light may spread. As on the earth His path I tread. My heart is full, how can I cease to show Till from this earth to God I go ; How can that love to God repine? Shall not its lamp forever shine? My heart is full, how can I quench that love? If it hath come from God above, When I am full within my heart, ^.iedap sn iuojj 9aoj ;eij; ubd a\oj} How can I cease to praise, when in that light The love of God hath great delight ; When in the Saviour Son I stand. A servant of His holy hand? LET THE LOVE OF GOD REIGN, O ! let the heavens send forth the reign of love, Let kingdoms flee, let mountains now depart: Let all creation laud our King above, Let God Emanuel dwell in every heart. 124 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O! let the heavens drop down love as dew. O ! let it fall upon the fields indeed ; Let all men grow in holy measure true, To bear forevermore the holy seed. O ! let the heavens send forth the rays of light. As on the wires of love throughout the earth. Let them fill the holy lamp with great delight, Bringing all mankind to the holy birth. O ! let the heavens now send forth the host, In power and might with the living rod. To cleanse mankind with the Holy Ghost, As one great sacred people to their God. WE CALL UPON GOD. On Thee, O ! God, we call to-day, O ! send Thy host mankind to urge. To show to them the narrow way, That all mankind may Thee obey, The man of sin from earth to purge. On Thee, O ! God, we call to send The clouds of love that shines so bright,. That Thou hast promised in the end The holy people to defend, To fill the world with golden light. On Thee, O ! God, we call in prayer, We bend the knee to do Thy will, O ! spread Thy glories everywhere, To fill the world from sin and care. The earth with truth and love to fill. On Thee, O ! God, we call Thee, Lord, Let earth replenish in Thy love, To stop division and discord ; Send Thou to earth the Holy Word, The sacred ointment from above. 125 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL PREVAIL. Doth hosts of evil now arise, Against the children true, And shall we not the saints apprise, As God commands to do? Shall we not watch to warn them all, Against the deadly foe ; Shall we not now the righteous call, Away from sin and woe? Let Satan rage, their hosts shall flee Into the yawning night, When God, the Son, commands to free, To fill the earth with light. When God, the Son, comes from above, Sitting on the cloud, The fountain from the throne of love, With trumpets sounding loud. The proud shall be as stubble dry, Amidst the burning heat, When Christ, the Son, from God on high, Sits on the judgment seat. ANGER HASTENETH ITS DESTRUCTION. Let waving tides roll on the sea, O ! let their foaming waters flow, For soon their hosts from earth shall flee From the land of liberty ; O ! let them hasten now to go.. Let Satan now in anger turn, O ! let them gather up his host That they may in the valley burn Of Migiddo's fiery urn, O ! let them rage from post to post. 126 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let their blood flow like a tide, As a river rolling by, As a river great and wide, In its banks from side to side, O ! let their legions rage and die. O ! let the gates of hell fly wide, For the devil and his crowd, For the devil and his bride, Full of sinful lust and pride, With their ghastly wedding shroud. CHRIST'S APPEARING THE STATUS OF MAN. The Lord shall come to earth and stand In the borders of the land, As one that looketh o'er to see If His children doth agree. He shall look upon the flood, Of the battle and the blood, The wicked shall see, shall run and call For the rocks on them to fall. Clouds of glory, clear and bright, Spreads o'er earth the brilliant light, That shall purge the world to God, To glorify the holy Rod. GOD GIVETH FULL MEASURE. O ! Lord, to Thee shall might soon yield, In the harvest of the field, For soon the product shall be ripe, To receive a double stripe. For in vengeance full of strife, God will double thee thy life, To the good in heaven's gold God will double to His fold. 127 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Then according as you live, God in double measure give, For the sword of life is true, To render all their homage due. If thou hast wronged, go and retract, By deeds of penance thus to act, Before the day the cloud rolls up, To render thee thy double cup. If God hast given thee the sight, Of heaven's glory full of light, He will require of thee to go To let thy light in Zion show. And if thou shouldst from this forsake, God will from the glories take, Then turn ye hence, become ye true, Forevermore God's will to do. GOOD DESTROYETH EVIL. Let hearts of love now rapturous swell, As God's tidings great they bear, As they love to go and tell, Filling hearts that flow and swell In His glories everywhere. Let hearts of love arise as one, In their Saviour, God to show, Their duties never more to shun In the glories of the Son ; O ! let the earth with love now flow. Let hearts of love arise to-day And flow a living holy tide, And sweep the sinners all away That will not their God obey. To prepare the loving bride. 128 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let hearts of love arise and leap Upon the battlements of earth, Till Satan's work becomes a heap, With all his servants in the deep, That oppose the sacred birth. Let hearts of love arise to take Their Saviour's loving hand the rod, To slay the crooked, sinful snake, Their hordes of evil now to break, As the servants of their God. THE BEGETTING OF THE WORD. The Word begetting us to bear The works of glory thus to share In fallen man him to raise Unto our God His name to praise. Hath sent us forth, begot desire, To take the sword of flaming fire, To urge the battles, man to free From the waters of the sea. The Word begetting by its light, Hath sent us forth in power and might, As a servant of our Lord, Against the bulwarks of discord ; Their fort to enter thus to cast Upon their hosts the fiery blast That shall destroy the beasts of blood, As with the billows of a flood. The Word begetting by its love, Hath told us of that home above, Hath sent us forth with bread to feed, The chosen people of His seed, That they may grow through grace to fill, To do the Saviour's precious will, That they may grow to God above, Within that home prepared of love. 129 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE LAND SHALL BE MARRIED. O ! sacred land of Hepsobah, Where holy light from God the Jah, Shall fill its borders evermore From Him, the center to the shore, Thus married to thy God to live, He will all thy sins forgive. O ! sacred land of people true, Who loves the will of God to do, Who will go forth His loving hand To make of earth a holy land, With light upon the living post, To make of man one living host. O ! sacred land of great delight, Where God, the Father, full of might, Sits on His throne in every heart To nevermore from them depart; With one great day forever bright, Filling man with love and light. O ! sacred land so bright and clear, With glories round us everywhere, With glories round us, angels free, Beneath the holy living tree, Where they shall sing forevermore, The Holy Father to adore. O ! sacred land of truth and love, From the fount of God above ; Flowing waters man to free, A living tide from sea to sea, Where man in joy dwells as a brother, In the welfare of each other. 130 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SIN AS A WEAPON OF DESTRUCTION. Roll on, thou ocean, burning flame, For thou shalt purify; Though thou hast yet another name, Thou shalt the righteous try ; Thy foaming hath its bounded line, It can no further leap, And when it reaches this thy brine Shall turn back on the deep. Roll on, thy ocean, waving rage, Thy limit hath an end; Ebb and flow, thou canst not swage The stones thy banks defend; Turn back on thyself in thy froth, Thy weapon to thy heart, For when in rage thou art wroth, Thou shalt again depart. Roll on, thou ocean, waving sea, Thy wrath shall be thy curse, For fiery billows rage in thee, Thy waters to disperse ; Thy madness shows avenging strife, When vengeance is not thine, In this thy hand requires thy life, With vengeance on thy brine. IN THE SEPARATION. Shall not the stones of earth cry out, For they are filled with woe, When the Christians turn about From them fore'er to go? Shall they not cry? Pangs shall seize Their hearts shall sorrows fill For them no more is there an ease, They can no more be still. 131 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. They shall be ground to powdered dust, On them the stone shall fall, Hewn from the mountain of God's trust, To break the powers of all. They shall be sown upon the sea, The sea of fiery hell, Where stirring billows disagree And monsters rage and swell. See ye their end and turn away, Turn from their land of woe, Into the straight and narrow way, In which the righteous go. THE LIVING LIGHT FLOWETH. Roll on, thou dark river, roll on, Thy millions shall ere long yield ; Hear ye the fall of Babylon, Press forth a man into the field. Press forward, hear the call of love ; Is it not from the fount of God? Soon thou shalt see floating from above Clouds of glory, the holy rod. O ! earth, behold thy living light, From planet to planet wheeled, Arise, ye ! from sea to sea in might, To love and truth become ye healed. With love and truth let thyself be sown, Cleanse ye your souls, give God thy heart, For if thou hast these graces known, O ! how can they from thee depart ? O ! come ye forth, let your light shine Upon the glorious hill indeed ; O ! come ye forth on love to dine, To fill this earth with holy seed. 132 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Sow ye broadcast with thine the hand, Among men as angels sowing ; Bring earth to God a glorious land, As with the milk and honey flowing. THE WICKED SEEN UPON THE SEA. They lay upon the waves that bear Their bloated corpses on the tide, For they had walked into the snare; But could not take the Holy Bride. The sea rolled back, it broke the wall, The frozen bars gave way and fell; There rocking billows were their pall, To sweep the host their fate to tell. The sea rolled back, the Saviour stood A living wall of might, Between the evil and the good, A wall of great delight. Across the sea His flock looked there, They saw upon the tide The fate of those who heed to dare To take the Holy Bride. THE SON THE TEMPLE OF GOD'S PEOPLE Let time now flow with rapid stride, As on its bosom rolls the tide, To slay the beasts from earth to sweep, The monsters of the lower deep. That they on man shall no more prey, To cause his soul to disobey ; Therefore God sent His living hand To sweep them from the holy land. 133 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Therefore He sent to separate That He might make a holy state Of those who chose to do His will, On the bread of love to fill. The Son hath come, hath gone away, Hath preperad a place to stay, Hath prepared a place of rest Where His people shall be blessed. Hath prepared to with them dwell, Forevermore Emanuel ; Forevermore in joy and love The holy hosts of God above. SMOKE ASCENDING UP BEFORE GOD. Shall not the Holy Father high Stop the raging foe Whose sinful ways hath filled the sky With the smoke of crime and woe ? For, ah, the cloud of smoke ascends, Shall it disturb the blest? Shall He now the true defend, Forevermore to rest? Shall not the Holy Father great, With vengeance on them calling, To meet to them a double fate? The fires eternal falling, To fill their beds with thorny down As they have filled to others ; Their bread the fire of hell low down In raging on each other. GOD'S SON OBEYETH TO REDEEM MAN. My Father, now Thy will I know, And in Thy name to earth I go ; For in Thy will I do delight To go for Thee, and in Thy might I shall destroy the ports of earth, And from the bars of death a birth 134 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Shall come forth to Thee a bride, To stem the billows of the tide ; For I will go on earth to stand, To choose to Thee the holy band That shall judge on earth to fill, The glories of Thy holy will. My Father, now Thy will I trust, To earth I go, the land of lust; To earth I go, Thy foe to bind ; I take Thy stone of love to grind, I take Thy fan mankind to purge ; I take Thy sword indeed to urge, I take Thine ax their trees to fall ; The fires shall burn them root and all, And in their stead great trees shall stand By the planting of my hand. I trust in Thee, my Father, King, My soul from death Thy love shall bring; My body, yea, shall live and rise To mortal man from death the prize; In mortal man forevermore, The Holy Father to adore, For I will come again to Thee, And send the Guide mankind to free, That shall guide the living host. The angel of the Holy Ghost, To lead mankind by truth and light, In Thee, my Father, to delight ; To lead mankind to live and love, That they may dwell with us above. CHRIST TO MAN. O ! man, to thee from God above, I bring the light of truth and love ; I bring the light of truth to free, I am thy Saviour, God with thee, My body is as thine indeed, My spirit is the holy seed ; This seed I came in thee to sow, Until thy heart shall feel the flow Of love in thee begotten birth, A Child of God upon the earth. 135 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! man, to thee from God I bring, I am thy Prophet, Priest, and King ; The sick I heal to take delight, The blinded eyes receive their sight, The deaf shall hear to understand By the touching of my hand ; The devil shall from thee depart, For I will cleanse your very heart, And thou shall dwell in peace with me, Throughout the great eternity. O ! man, to thee we now command, Thou art thy Saviour's loving hand, Go ye and break the yokes that bind ; I am the stone with which to grind, I am the stone that frees the good, Unto their God a brotherhood, That shall cleanse to God the host, Full of love the Holy Ghost ; Full of love forevermore, Around the throne to God adore. O ! man, to thee — forget it not — Thy future is a glorious lot ; Thy future is of great delight, Thy God, the King of power and might ; Thy God, the King, where angels cry, Glory to our God on high ; Glorious day when sin is broken By the words that I have spoken, With every creature full of love, To glorify their God above. CHRIST THE DOORKEEPER OF ETERNITY. To man He came, stood at the gate, The people of this earth to learn ; He told them their eternal fate, If they did not to God return. 136 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. He showed to them the narrow way That few had ever found and trod With love as one eternal day, Around the holy throne of God. He showed to them the living tree, That they might be grafted in, The way of truth that maketh free, To cleanse mankind from lust and sin. He told them of eternal life, Theirs if they would watch and pray ; That they should be His loving wife If they would His word obey. He told them to array in white, With righteousness to clothe the soul, To love and treat their neighbor right, To thus increase the trusted fold. UPON THE SEA OF LOVE WE SAIL. Upon the sea of love we gently sail. The breath of God upon the water moves, To reach the port of peace how can we fail, When by us His glory now behooves ? Then let our ship go gently on to God, Being steered in love by the Holy Rod. Where we shall land, surrounded by the flock. That eateth His salt from the holy rock. Upon the sea of love we gently go, As the clear living tide in God relume ; O ! how these crystal waters gently flow, As they lift mankind from the sleeping tomb, To raise him up an everlasting light, That he may thus henceforth arise and shed Reflecting mirrors of pure delight, Eternal fountain of the Living Head. 137 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Upon the sea of love our spirit flies, Our body is only a house of clay ; This inner man sails through the brilliant skies, When we rest our bodies go to decay, Until the earth is shook by one indeed, That shall call these forth from the crumbling earth To breathe upon them the eternal seed ; The spirit returning renews the birth. Upon the sea of love our God shall free The squadron that against the forts shall stand, Until all power shall bend the knee, To yield all back to His eternal hand ; Then before Him great hosts moving to and fro With holy banners waving high shall fill All heaven with love before God they go, Rejoicing evermore in His holy will. EVIL IS USED AS A WEAPON IN ITSELF. Let earth her mountains now remove, To shake them in their fall, For they shall try to them reprove, To level down the wall ; For God hath made those weapons dire, That prey on one another, Yea, He hath made the burning fire, And the waters, too, that smother. Creating force to balance force, As each their courses run, And in the pride of man remorse, That doth as fires burn. These weapons that run to and fro, As nature's blasting quiver, That causeth man to rage in woe, Are from our God the giver. 138 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. They are the weapons God hath sent, The weapons to annoy ; And if man dost not soon repent They will in them destroy. God letteth, Satan raging yet, Who hath a little while Before he's taken to the pit, In hell to rage and broil. BOUNDARIES OF LIFE SEEN. (A Parable.) O ! Lord, I have looked upon the boundaries of life to see the battles thereof; yea, I have seen the weapons of death that prey upon the bodies of all living, for in these Satan hath the mastery of the flesh for a season, that he may torture it in consequence of the disobedience wrought in man by him, for it is manifest that man hath been enticed to forsake the holy path of virtue to become a corruptible miscreant; therefore God hath given the flesh to be tortured unto death, that peradventure man might see the follies of sin, to behold the light of love to attain thereto, and therefore escape eternal damna- tion by returning from evil. But if he turneth not from his folly the tribulations begun during his sojourn in the flesh hath a continuing in his future state in the prison house of eternity amid the tortures thereof, being surrounded by an impassable barrier in the smoky bil- lows of outer darkness. Yet having power to see the enjoyments of the kingdom, even of the children of love that enjoy the blessing of God, which sight in- creaseth their torments, therefore, seeing these things, it is high time to lay hold upon that which edifieth to eternal life in the living Son of God, who hath made it possible for our escape. 139 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. AS WE STAND UPON THE HOLY SHORE. Upon the shore of faith we firmly stand to look, Within our hands in love we hold the Holy Book, Looking o'er the sea of time as thus we behold The loving Shepherd leading forth the holy fold ; We hear His voice calling forth in love to lead, As He goeth forth the holy flock thus to feed. We hear His gentle voice in love thus to them speak : I care for the poor, the sick, the lame, and the weak; The poor shall become rich, and from their hands shall flow The true gold of heaven as on the earth they go ; The sick, the lame, and the weak shall His passions feel, For His love shall in them all fore'er their vitals heal. BEFORE THE THRONE ON THE CRYSTAL SEA. Upon the crystal sea we take our stand, We see its waters now to understand, The light that shineth there indeed to show, The holy path of love in which to go. Upon the crystal sea we now unite, To spread our hands up in the golden light That shineth thereupon its bosom clear, Reflecting forth in glory everywhere. Upon the crystal sea in faith we kneel, Where God in love sendeth forth the living seal, To place upon our head that golden light, The King's anointing oil of great delight. Upon the crystal sea, before the throne, Where the glorious light of God hath shone, With glorious rays of light and love indeed, Throughout the earth as sunshine on the seed. 140 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SOWING THE SEED. Upon the road of love, We carry now the seed, Sowing for our King above, The Holy Lamb to feed ; Sowing for our King above Commanding to obey, Sowing for our King above All along the way. Chorus. Sowing, gently sowing, To fill the world with love ; Sowing, gently sowing, From the throne of God above. Upon the road of life We carry now the bread, To cleanse the world from strife, That raiseth from the dead ; To cleanse the world from strife, In peace and love to grow ; To cleanse the world from strife, The way indeed to know. Upon the road of God, A servant now we go, In Jesus Christ the rod, Evermore to sow ; In Jesus Christ the rod, Going forth to lead ; In Jesus Christ the rod, Sowing truth indeed. Upon the road of light, The lamps of God we fill, In God we take delight, To do His holy will : In God we take delight, Evermore to dwell ; In God we take delight, In God Emanuel. 141 (Chorus.) (Chorus.) (Chrous.) THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SHOWING THE WAY OF GOD. The way of love we now impart, As going forth from heart to heart, As going forth mankind to fill With the Saviour's loving will; Give glory now to God we cry, This is our mission from on high ; This is our mission from above, To fill the lamps of God with love. The way of love we come to show, To shine throughout the earth aglow ; To shine throughout from post to post, To praise the Father, Lord of Host; Give glory now to God, let earth Be born to Him in one great birth, This is our mission thus to cry, Give glory now to God on high. The way of love we show to thee, O ! let it shine from sea to sea ; Let every soul in God delight, Let every soul in Him unite, Give thine all in love to shine, On the bread of God to dine ; This is thy duty now to love, As a child of God above. PRAYER FOR THE REGENERATION. O ! Lord, let the angel of my spirit pass through the gates of Thy mercy, to go forth in the light of Thy love ; to strike the bosom of the earth with Thy staff of glory that there may come forth therefrom the oil of glory that maketh the face of Thine anointed to illuminate the desert of the sea. O ! Lord, let great arcs of light spread forth upon the circles of space to illuminate the face of the earth with the radiance of Thy presence, that every- where men may run to and fro as the angels of Thy will, 142 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. to give glory to Thy holiness in the love that impregnates their souls to produce unto Thee abundantly the glorious seed of Thy kingdom, even filling the earth wi+n Thy glory as waters that cover the sea. O ! Lord, fill mankind with the bread of Thy love that Thy strength may be man- ifest in the judgment of holiness ; that man may stretch out the hand of love unto Thy glory to make full the day of renewing, wherein Thou sayest, Behold, I make all things new. OUR WORKS PROVE US. O ! let us show by deeds of love, As Christians of the seed, That do obey their God above, On righteousness to feed. O ! let us show by deeds to do Our Father's holy will ; This is repentance guiding true, Thy soul with love to fill. O ! let us show by deeds the way, The way in which to go, Tha* w e the Master's voice obey, The seed of love to sow. O ! let us show by deeds the hand That leadeth now the host Into the holy promised land, Filled with the Holy Ghost. O ! let us show by deeds of work That we are born indeed; That we our duty do not shirk In sowing of the seed. 143 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. DEVOURING WATCHMEN SEEN. O ! Lord, we have looked upon the watchmen that came forth from their chambers as greedy dogs, that looketh for gain, that sayeth What is the price? They growl one at another looking for gain from those before whom they bark, and their bark revealeth not the pres- ence of the enemy, for they bark in their sleep, even as the bark of the slumbering dreamer ; yea, whether the enemy be far or near, it is the same. And the beasts of the field cometh to devour. They enter the camps to take the prey ; the watchman seeth not the danger, for he is as one of them to devour, for he sayeth, Our fathers were taught that anger and destruction awaited the children of disobedience, but we have found God to be very lenient, granting to every one that sayeth, Lord, Lord, full remission, for God is a God of love. He t here in leadeth the people blindly to fall into the entrench- ments of sin. SEEN FROM THE LABORATORY OF GOD. Who hath entered into the laboratory of the Holy City that he may look upon the stars of holiness that sheddeth their brilliant light upon the earth by reason of their influence among the constellation of God's love ? O ! how glorious the magnitude of the great fountain of light that filleth these constellations with the glory of God, that they may reflect the beauties thereof upon the earth, giving life and warmth to the seed of the- kingdom, that it may germinate and spring forth abundantly the bread of love, that quickeneth him that feasteth thereupon to become an angel of good works. 144 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET HIM THAT SEETH UNDERSTAND. To him that seeth truth and light, Look ye upon this book to thee ; Thy heart with love shall take delight In God, the Father, full of might, Who hath blessed thy soul to see. To him that heareth God above, That understandeth what is said, Hear ye the sound of truth and love, To glorify our King above, That thus to God ye may be wed. To him that feeleth in his heart That God hath come with him to dwell, This book to him shall gifts impart, A blessing that shall ne'er depart, Forevermore in him to tell. To him that knoweth of the way, Look ye upon this book to know ; See ye the truth to God obey, As a servant every day, In the spring of love to flow. TO CHRIST. Glorious things of Thee are spoken, The rod of sin bv Thee is broken ; The man of sin doth from Thee flee, Thou art the highway of the free ; Thou art the highway full of light, In which the children take delight ; In which the children grow indeed, The coasts of earth to sow with seed. Glorious things in Thee art speaking, Men of love Thy hand are seeking; Men of love earth's bonds shall sever, In Thy love to live forever ; In Thy love by man fulfilling, Thy spirit love in them distilling, Thy spirit love to fill the earth With the children of Thy birth. 145 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Glorious things in Thee revealing, The spirit of mankind is healing; The spirit of mankind arising, The Holy Ghost in them baptizing; The inner man a life to give, Forever with his God to live; In heaven's kingdom full of love, Descending down from God above. TO MAN. O ! come ye forth thy bond to sever, To live with God, thy King, forever, To live with God thy heart to fill, With the Saviour's precious will, Filling, ever filling, with the Saviour's precious will. O ! come ye forth and flee temptation, Be born to God a holy nation, Be born to God forevermore The holy Father to adore, Filling, ever filling, with the Saviour's precious will. O ! come ye forth to love's appealing, Bring thine all to God in kneeling, Bring thine all to thee we cry, Thy Father, God, to glorify, Filling, ever filling, with the Saviour's precious will. WE SHALL LIVE WITH GOD. With God the Father we shall live Eating of the bread of life, For He to us a home will give, Around the throne in Him to live, Away from sin and strife. 146 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. With God, the Father, we shall dine, Within the holy land; Feasting on the bread and wine, The children of His will sublime, Around the throne to stand. With God, the Father, we shall go, In heaven to enjoy, Where not a beast of sin and woe, Or a servant of the foe, Shall our hosts annoy. With God, the Father, we shall reap, Holding in our hand The sword of love in Him to keep, A phalanx round the host to leap, Against the raging band. With God, the Father, we shall free, Our souls shall come to life, For with the happy we shall be, As one great and living tree, With not a branch of strife. TRY TO IMPROVE. Try every day, my loving brother, To be a blessing to each other ; To be a blessing search to give The comforts while on earth you live. Try every day in thy good will, Thy brother's heart with love to fill, Thy brother's heart with love to reach, By thine own actions him to teach. Try every day by word and deed Thv brother's heart to fill with seed ; Thy brother's heart to fill and flow, By the Word of God to know. 147 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. That thy soul with love is shod In the Saviour's holy rod, Prepared therewith to firmly stand, A blessing in the holy land. To thus become a people true, The works of God on earth to do, To fill the land with great delight, In the Father, full of might. LOVE PURIFIETH THEE. Let love and praises fill thy heart, Let loving passions flow ; O ! let it not from thee depart While on this earth you go; While on this earth you grow to fill The measure of God's love, A light upon the holy hill, In Christ, the Lord, above. O ! let thy soul to God be wed, In Him thy life to free, That He may raise thee from the dead Into eternity ; That He may raise thee from the earth To live in worlds above, To live with Him a holy birth, A birth of truth and love. Go ye forth a light sublime, To fill the world with splendor ; Give to God on earth thy time, His glory thus to render ; Let all the earth unite as one, The world to purify, Let them come forth in God, the Son, In Him to glorify. 148 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. IN GOD, THE FATHER, IS LOVE. In God, the Father, let us fill The earth with truth indeed, With God, the Father, in thy will, Thy soul with love to feed, With God, the Father, in thy heart, The word to understand, Ennobling thee to love impart Within the holy land. In God, the Father, let us shine, The living holy light; With God, the Father, let us dine, In Him to take delight ; With God, the Father, let us show The straight and narrow way, Enabling us in love to grow, That we may Him obey. In God, the Father, never sad, With nothing to annoy, Where truth and love hath made us glad, Filled with eternal joy. With Him to dwell forevermore, A light that doth relume, The loving Father to adore, That raiseth from the tomb. YE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. O ! let us flow a living river, The river of God's love ; O ! let it flow from God the giver, From God, our King above. O ! let it flow that we may go, From heart to heart forever ; In God to sow, His love to know, The bands of earth to sever. 149 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let us kneel in the temple true, The temple of the hill; O ! let us kneel in God to seal The children of His will, That they may feel His love's appeal, The sacred hand of healing ; As with the wheel to thus reveal The love of God appealing. O ! let us hand the loving candle, The candle of the good ; O ! let it stand amidst the land, The love of brotherhood. To understand the holy band, With light forever shining, As with the hand of God's command, The earth with light enshrining. BLOW YE THE HOLY TRUMPET. Blow ye the trumpet on Zion's hill Sound it upon the mountain; O ! let its sound flow forth and fill From God's own holy fountain. Hear ye the sound, there is a call, Come forth as one fulfilling, Come forth thy Father to extoll As servants true and willing. Hear ye the sound, thy God to meet, Begin thyself preparing; O ! come ye forth in love to greet The holy garments wearing. Hear ye the sound, the call to free The millstone set to grinding ; Hast thou heard its call to thee, To break thine earthly binding. Hear ye the sound, go and prepare Thyself with truth to shod, Thy brother, too, that everywhere Man shall be born to God. 150 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. RIGHTEOUSNESS SOUNDETH HER TRUMPET. Blow ye the trumpet now on high, Let Christians come together, The day of love is drawing nigh, That we from sin shall sever; Remember this, forget it not, There shall come forth a tide, For if thou art of God begot, Thou shalt prepare the bride. Blow ye the trumpet, louder blow; Throw down the wall of strife, The holy way of God to show, That thou hast cleansed thy life ; Remember this, ye are but one ; The good are not divided, The word of God is from the Son, And can not be derided. Blow ye the trumpet, let the word Become thy rule of action ; Let us become the holy herd, From each dissenting faction; Remember this, mock ye not God, Divide ye not the living; For this is the Holv Rod, In which there is forgiving. TO THE FOLLOWING. Hath One to thee again been sent, That cries repent For God's intent, To thee a holy thing? If this is so Then let us know By deeds of love to sever, On earth to sow, In love to grow, And running on forever. 151 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Hath One to thee brought forth the hand, Then understand, Throughout the land, To raise the voice and sing, The earth to free, That all may see, By deeds of love's releasing, Till all agree, From sea to sea, And running on increasing. Hath One to thee again arose, A river flows, As thus He sows, The seed of love to bring ; To God it grows, In Him who knows, By deeds of love and willing, Till every heart Shall love impart, And running on fulfilling. TRAVELS OF ADAM. O ! Adam, thou who with thy God didst dwell Within the land of Paradise so fair ; Where not a tear of sorrow flowed or fell, With great blessings strewn around everywhere. O ! Adam, the image of the living God, Dwelling beneath the foliage of His love ; Over all things about thee He gave the rod, With blessings poured thereon from worlds above. Yet with all this to bless at thy command, With all things of earth thine by holy right ; Only one thing reserved from thine own hand, The tree to know standing between God and night. 152 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. The knowledge of that tree God to thee saith, If ye partake thereof it shall thee kill, To the dust thy body shall turn in death, It thy very soul with sorrows shall fill. And yet thou didst partake thereof to fall, Knowing the fate thereof thou didst thus do, To fill thy very flesh with poisonous gall, To partake thereof thyself to undo. To thee God came walking as on the breeze ; Of the evening as walking in the glade ; He called for thee, for ah ! shame didst thee seize, Thou hadst fled to hide beneath the secret shade. He called thee forth from the covert, thou came ; Thy sin could not from Him be hid, He said, Who told thee that thou wast naked to shame, Hast eaten thou of the tree, who hast thee led. Hast thou acknowledged, hast thou laid the blame Upon man's mother, didst she thee entice? While she accuses the Father of Shame, The whole earth with thee all shall pay the price. For this the serpent goeth forth to crawl, As on the dust he goeth forth to feed ; He hath enticed and brought to man the fall, Accursed forever shall be his seed. Between the seed of the woman and thee, O ! thou serpent, her seed shall bruise thy head ; And in the end from thee to God shall free, To conquer thee and bring man from the dead. O ! Eva, woman, that sorrows doth fill, Thy flesh shall travail in the birth of pain ; For thou wast led to disobey God's will, Bound to thy husband's will as with a chain. 153 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! Adam, cursed is the earth for thy sake ; Yea, eating thereof to prolong thy life ; Thorns and thistles shall therein awake, Sweating to contend therewith in thy strife. O ! Adam, for this thou was doomed to die, To crumbling dust, sleeping thou shalt decay, Because thou payest heed, believed the lie, To thine Eternal Father disobeyed. PROPHETS GRIEVE TO BEHOLD THE EVIL. To the holy prophets that doth forecast, We speak to all, both first and last ; Some hath envied thee thy lot, Of thy great foresight thus begot ; But ah ! the things that thou dost see Pains thy soul to thus agree. If all thou sawest were with the good, With not the evil understood, Full of praises to God in love, Of men like angels up above, Thou wouldst be filled with merry glee In the lights of love to see. But ah ! thou seest the evil, too, Of the devil and his crew, Full of lust, of crime and pride, To thus oppose the Holy Bride ; To fill the world with tares to sow, Thou, Prophet, seest the world of woe. To see these things in every nation Fills thy heart with lamentation ; Thy soul with sorrow warns the flock To put thy trust in heaven's rock, Thus to escape the man of woe, That stirreth up the people so. 154 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WORK IS THE GROWTH OF REPENTANCE. He that loveth God in righteousness to do, In every nation, whether Gentile or Jew, Is accepted of Him; shall receive the light In His holy works in God to take delight. Is this truth not known throughout the earth to-day, As they yield to God in love to obey? Repentance must needs be ; man to God must turn, Thirsting in his soul to of the Father learn, That he may do that which seemeth to be right, Baptizing his soul with love's eternal light, That filleth him with the sacred Holy Ghost, To take delight to obey the Father, Lord of Hosts. He must do work, as one that's free, For if the barren olive tree Was accursed as it did not bear, For Christ had sought thereon to share. You see the lesson: it's to you, And Christ, the Lord, is ever true. Therefore, bear in thy daily walk, In all thine actions, in thy talk, The seed of love blessing others In the family of holy brothers ; That loving passion ever fill The very fountain of thy will. THUS THE PROPHET HATH SAID. Hear ye and understand ; be not stubborn to turn, for the Lord hath spoken. Give glory to the Lord, your God, before He causeth the great tribulation to come, and before your feet stumbleth upon the dark mountain, and while ye search for light He will turn it into the shadow of death in utter darkness ; ye shall weep, because ye are carried away captive ; your secret pride shall run 155 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. down with tears, and your cities shall be shut up amidst the rumblings of trouble as the roaring of the sea, and none shall deliver thee in that day ; ye shall look unto the earth in anguish, even with a piteous look, but shall not be delivered. O ! day of trouble, wherein the great mili- tant flux shall sweep over the earth as a roaring flame, even as a flame in the hay stubble and woods of the end. OF DEATH AND LIFE. One hath come standing on the beach, The holy Father to implore ; To redeem mankind He doth reach, As God standing on the shore ; Bringing through His love to share, Spreading light and glory everywhere. He hath looked upon man in woe, Saw the house thereof in decay ; Hath said for Thy cause I will go. Carrying therewith the lump of clay, For then I will awake to rise, To clothe them as angels of the skies. He went through, the bars lay behind ; The earth in darkness stood aghast; The monster Death could not Him bind, To hold Him there within its grasp. He arose ; light around Him spread ; Life is born from the sleeping dead. Thus from the dead, the living ghosts, The graves shall open, out shall fly The armies of the Lord of Hosts, With voices great to glorify. Arising lights as stars to shine, The earth a living Palestine. 156 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE DREAM OF THE BATTERIES. I dreamed, and behold I was among the beds of many people, as if their beds were made about me, and there extended a battery cord from me unto the person of every bed, and the shock of the whole, even that was put upon them, all rested upon me as if I were bound thereto, and I felt the force thereof, even as if under the influ- ence of a battery from them, and they were as a people nude before mine eyes, and I saw them as without any clothing, and their bodies were uncomely to look upon, as they appeared to me to be a people without shame. LET US GO HENCEFORTH IN GOD. O ! let us go to the holy mountain, Where love as waters flow ; Where God doth send the living fountain That moveth to and fro. Chorus. That moveth to and fro in love, From heart to heart apprising, Borning man to God above, With holiness baptizing. O ! let us rebuke in every nation, Let love disarm their hosts, Let earth become a new creation, Born of the Holy Ghost. (Chorus.) O ! let us awake ; let us not slumber ; Awake to love and free ; Awake, let naught thy love encumber, Awake the light to see. (Chorus.) 157 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. GOD FILLETH OUR HANDS WITH HOLY SEED. We held our hands to reach forward. And behold God filled them with love, even as a seed of great pro- duction, to sow therewith upon the earth. Then, said we, whereunto shall we go? seeing that the world loveth not the humble nor the messengers that Thou hast sent. Then the impulse of love entered our heart, exclaim- ing, Blessed are those whose souls are beneath mine altar, for they shall live with God as judges of great reward, that filleth my glory with rejoicing, for whom do I love more than these? For if a man lay down his life for the cause of Him that hath life, shall not He that hath life bring him forth anew to make of him a ruler over many things, that his joy may be full, thus knowing these things ? We fearlessly unsheath the great sword that hath lain hidden in the ages of darkness, that its burnished edge may glitter in the marvelous light of the Son of God. LET ALL THINGS BECOME NEW. Let every tree that doth not bear Love in God to thus declare Be hewn ; indeed, it should not grow, The seed of sin on earth to sow ; Or, if it blossoms in the shoot But beareth not of any fruit, Then take it out to thus destroy, To plant instead a tree of joy. Let every field be searched, indeed, To take therefrom the evil seed ' That doth pollute to smother out, That man may turn himself about To sow the fields, that they may bring The homage of our sovereign King, With the glories of His love In the kingdom from above. 158 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let every field grow golden grain ; Upon the earth let one great plain Yield to God as servants true, With love and willingness to do. Let all mankind become as one In their Saviour, holy Son, In its flowing one great tide, Filling the earth from side to side. POWERS SHALL TURN TO A BROTHERHOOD. O ! earth, hear thou this command to thee, The time hath come, arise and free; Thou hast no might whereof to boast, Arise in love, disarm the host ; Let earth become one loving band, A brotherhood throughout the land. O ! earth, hear thou this command to-day : Of thy power make no display, For God hath made those weapons dire, Hath made the water and the fire. He these can conquer, will destroy, To bring to man eternal joy. O ! earth, hear thou this command to all : Thy powers and kingdoms e'er long shall fall ; That stone sent forth from worlds above Must fill thy bounds indeed with love, Until thy feet with truth are shod, As one great people of thy God. O ! earth, arise ; canst thou not see The children of God's love to free? Let every heart be filled with praise, Until the earth is all ablaze With stars of glory filled with love, The holy kingdom from above. 159 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. JUDGMENT ORDAINED. The earth is full of truth and love, The gods of mirth hath fled, The Son hath come from worlds above, He hath His garments red; He hath a sword that cometh forth, As the flowing of a tide ; He strikes the earth and thus henceforth Man turns to either side. They turn to either side to stand, The good upon the right; The evil of the crumbling sand Stands out into the night, Divided as the flocks that go At the shepherd's call Into the pastures as they sow To feed them there with all. To every man that soweth seed, Thus shall he reap the same; For as to others he doth feed, To him reward hath came ; To every man there is a prize, According to his work; Then do God's will, the Spirit cries, And never try to shirk. WE ARE PROTECTED IN OUR WORKS. Upon the sea of love we sail our boat, The angels look thereon to dangers note ; With joy they take hold thereupon to steer, Filling the earth with glory far and near. Upon the sea of love we sail our ship. Before us the mountains flee and skip ; They see love, the pillar of our Host, In the people of the Holy Ghost. 160 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Upon the sea of love, indeed, we stand, With the light of glory in our hand; With the light of glory on wires of love, Glorious fountain from God above. Upon the sea of love the light we hold ; Our sevenfold lamp is made of gold, More precious than the gold of Ophir bright Sending forth great streams of holy light. Upon the sea of love we come to tell The glories of our King Emanuel ; With the eternal Father, one great Head, With man arising to Him from the dead. IN THAT DAY IT SHALL BE SUNG. The earth is full of love ; Let angels hold the rod, Angels from our God above, With truth and virtue shod. The earth is full of peace ; Let angels shout for joy; Let wars and rumors cease The people to annoy. The earth is full of good, Born of love to see; Born to God one brotherhood, As one to thus agree. The earth is full of light, The light of love so great, The people take delight In God, the holy state. The earth is full of joy; Let all arise to bring, Let every one enjoy The blessings of our King. 161 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. GOD COMMANDS BE YE FREE. Hath not the word of God thus spoken : That every kingdom shall be broken, That will not yield to thus declare In truth and virtue everywhere, Until the earth is one great host, Marching around the living post. Hath not the word of God declared: That not a kingdom should be spared, That will not yield to God the glory In the Saviour's loving story, Until the earth is rilled with light In their God to take delight? Hath not the word of God thus said ; Hath not a Saviour come and bled To save the race? Then, why not preach As the Son of God doth teach, Until the earth, as one great field, Shall come to God as one to yield? Hath not the word of God been willing? Shall we not go the way fulfilling, As the children that do agree In Christ, the Lord, the earth to free, Until no devil dares come up To thus receive the bitter cup? THE LAST KINGDOM OF MAN DESTROYED. O Lord, standing upon the great sea of crystal light, I see Him that cometh up, even He that understandeth the hidden secrets. I see in His girdle the dagger of blood, that devoureth much flesh. He sayeth: Behold, we are martyrs of liberty. He throweth destruction at rulers in the flashing thereof. I see the reins of His hands as if to drive the chariot thereof upon the earth. 162 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. He taketh three steps as one dashing at the prey, even as the beast of rage at whose steps the earth trembleth; as an island of reeds upon the sea shaken of a mighty wind. And in the reign of the terror thereof see the crimson tide that floweth as water poured upon the earth, in which the beast and its power was swept away. Then I saw the three powers of love arise to give glory in judgment to possess the earth to God. GLORIES OF MOUNT ZION SEEN. See Him that standeth upon Mount Zion, with His feet upon the holy rock. Even upon that foundation of holiness that was hewn out without hands to fall upon the kingdoms of the earth to subdue therewith, that the power and glory thereof may be brought to God, who cometh down thereupon as the flowing of love running down upon the crest thereof, as a great crown of light, whose radiance is breathed forth upon the air and into the nostrils of the new-born man that goeth , forth with the trumpet of redemption to proclaim the awakening of the spirits unto everlasting life. DREAM OF TWO KEYS. I dreamed, and behold, in my travels I came unto the salt pits of the earth to take of the salt thereof to sprinkle it among the nations, and One as from the dead came unto me as I went forth, even One that brandeth, being God-born, and He delivered unto me two keys; with the one I went forth to unlock the door of wealth unto man, that he might be blessed thereby, even in the treasures thereof. Then said I, lo! what shall I do with the other key, and what shall be unlocked therewith ? Then He led me forth by the cliff of the mountain, even unto the foundation thereof, and an angel went forth with us, and He that was God-born showed unto me the way to the salt, and He pointed and commanded the angel of drawing to go forth with me, and we ascended and went forth to the door thereof. As we went we 163 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. walked upon great cars of hay that had partly been un- loaded, and we went forth as one running in haste, and when He that was God-born had commissioned us to make two runs of salt from the waters of the cavity, we proceeded to unlock the door thereof with the other key, that we might take it to salt therewith the children of men. GIVING GLORY. He stands upon the sea of love ; Let angels waft His praise ashore, Praising of their God above, His holiness forevermore, Shouting holiness, His holiness, forevermore. He stands upon the sea of life, His arms extended far and wide Around His chosen loving wife, In faithfulness most true and tried, Shouting holiness, His holiness, forevermore. He stands upon the sea of light, The flaming sword gives light to see, The angels sing of power and might From death forevermore to free, Shouting holiness, His holiness, forevermore. He stands upon the sea of God ; Let all creation laud and cheer ; . He holds on high the Holy Rod, Giving glory everywhere, Shouting holiness, His holiness, forevermore. 164 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. GLORY TO GOD. The glories of our King are shed, From His throne great rays are spread, Giving to His subjects grace Throughout the realms of boundless space. Chorus. Filling man with great delight, As the angels of His might, To conquer earth forevermore, The holy Father to adore. The glories of our King doth give Eternal life to ever live, The heart of man with love to fill, To glory in his Saviour's will. The glories of our King hath shone, And from beneath His loving throne Hath issued forth the fount of life, Cleansing man from sin and strife. (Chorus.) (Chorus.) LAND OF LOVE AND LIBERTY. Dear Lamb of Love, O ! let us stand, The kingdom of Thy holy land; The kingdom evermore to Thee, The land of love and liberty. Chorus. Land of praises, life divine, Loving Saviour, we are Thine, Evermore to do Thy will, With our light upon the hill. 165 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Dear land of love, O ! let us sing The praises of our holy King, Who came to earth, arose to free The land of love and liberty. (Chorus.) Dear land of love, O ! let us hold Within that love the lamp of gold, Within that love as one great tree, The land of love and liberty. (Chorus.) Dear land of love, O ! let us go Through the gate of love to know, Through the gate our souls to free The land of love and liberty. (Chorus.) THE CALL AND ANSWER. Upon the rock of love we stand to call Unto our King, that heareth one and all ; Around us shines the light of love to free, With its rays spreading forth from sea to sea. The harp of love borne forth on angel's wing, To proclaim alleluiah to our King. Love and praise rise from our midst a cloud, With trumpet praising sounding long and loud. Upon the mount of God our feet doth stand, With gems of love holding within our hand ; To deck the holy garments of the Bride With jewels of light shining far and wide. With jewels of light the earth to fill with love, Shining resplendent as in the worlds above, That all may come, holding on high the rod That conquereth man throughout the world to God. Then let us go as soldiers of the cause ; Love to God and man are the only laws, If laws it might be called, for each is filled To do in accordance as God hath willed, Without force — by love only therein bound, As those about the throne in love redound. With love and praises ne'er failing to do, As servants of love ever just and true. 166 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O! LAND OF PRAISES. O ! land of praises, full of love, Born to God an heir indeed, In that kingdom from above, Where all is joy and peace and love. With holy angels there to lead. With holy angels, full of light, Filling all with great delight. O ! land of praises, everywhere, Floating on the balmy breeze, Floating on the balmy air, Gently waving everywhere, With not a ripple to displease. With holy angels, full of light, Filling all with great delight. Oh ! land of praises, full of good, Full of holy bread and wine, Full of love, a brotherhood To God, the Father of the good, Forevermore on love to dine. With holy angels, full of light, Filling all with great delight. O! land of praises, people free, Moving to and fro as one, Where all in love to God agree, The children of the holy See, In the glories of the Son. With holy angels, full of light, Filling all with great delight. IN JUDGMENT IS REGENERATION. Go ye through the land, mark ye every post, take the line and measure the height thereof, calculate upon its strength. Search ye out the material thereof, whether it 167 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. be wood or stone, for that that decayeth must needs be destroyed, that the glory of the everlasting kingdom may be prepared. For that that is evil must receive the cup of judgment, whether it belongeth to the mountains or to the valleys, to the height or to the depth. Therefore, take ye the standard of love, go ye throughout the earth, establish ye the gates of the noble, make ye the bulwarks thereof in the midst of the earth, build ye the forts of love, for thy God shall pour thereon the blessing wherein one shall be able to put ten thousand to flight, even as the angels of God that casteth the tares into the furnace of burning to cleanse and purify the fields unto righteousness. LET ALL CREATION GLORIFY GOD. Let all creation shout anew, To yield their crowns before our King; Let all creation come and do, As subjects of their Saviour true, The glories of His will to bring, That all mankind in love may yield In the sowing of the field. Let all creation now delight To slay the beasts of evil birth, That everywhere in power and might Man in God shall take delight To do His will upon the earth, That all mankind in love may yield In the sowing of the field. Let all creation shout aloud, As moving o'er the land to flow, . As the moving of a cloud, The earth with glory to enshroud With waving banners to and fro, That all mankind in love may yield In the sowing of the field. 168 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. COME TO THE HOLY CITY. Come to the city, let us dwell, Within that house of love, Within the house His praise to tell, The praise of God above. Come to the city great and high, Why should you longer roam? Come to thy God to glorify, Within that loving home. Come to the city great and wide, With streets of purest love, Within its wall from side to side The glories from above. Come to the place where angels dwell, Within Thy house to stay, Where Jesus Christ, Emanuel, Fills one eternal day. Come to the place, come and renew, Receive the holy birth ; Be born of God, a Christian true, From the shores of earth. LET ALL OBEY GOD. Let everlasting joys roll on, Let every creature yield to God; O ! look ye forth, behold the dawn, When all mankind with love is shod, Till all mankind shall be as one, In the glories of the Son. Let everlasting joys arise, Let truth and love bring forth and flow, Let God with love thy soul baptize, His blessings evermore to know, Till all mankind shall be as one, In the glories of the Son. 169 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let everlasting joys now fill, Let every creature lift his hand, To place upon the holy hill The sacred golden candle stand, Till all mankind shall be as one, In the glories of the Son. Let everlasting joys now free, Let every creature God obey, Let all creation bend the knee Unto our Father, God to pray, Till all mankind shall be as one, In the glories of the Son. ENJOYMENT OF THE KINGDOM. I see great fields of grain, As bursting into view Upon the golden plain, With angels passing through, With angels passing through the land, Holding sickles in their hand, Upon the golden plain, With angels passing through. I see great fields of love, As bursting into sight; Full of angels from above, Full of great delight, With angels passing through the land. Holding sickles in their hand, Full of angels from above, Full of great delight. I see great fields of joy, As bursting into life ; With angels to enjoy Without a tear of strife, With angels passing through the land, Holding sickles in their hand, With angels to enjoy, Without a tear of strife. 170 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE SHIP BORNE UPON THE SEA. The floods arose to on the earth prevail, The ship was borne upon the tide, Guided thereon with angels at the sail, To on the raging billows ride. Guided thereon with angels at the helm, The waters dashing to and fro, With dreadful rage the ship to o'erwhelm, But yet was carried by the foe. The floods dashed till all was covered up, Yet the ship borne nearer to the sky, Every vestige of earth received the cup, O'erwhelmed in the deep to die. The floods forsook their raging, fled away From earth forever to depart, The bounds were set, they must obey, The new earth cleansed to its heart. A VIEW OF STRIFE IN THE END. (A Parable.) When the forces of hell shall have come upon the breadth of the earth, even every nation whose anger leadeth them thither, shall they not stamp the foot? Shall not the net be drawn upon them that they be dashed into the pit as the coal is dashed into the furnace of burning hell, shall rage at the sound thereof because it is filled with fury ; the flames of the pit shall roar with rage, for the earth shall be emptied thereinto that the fire may destroy both root and branch. Howl, O ! ye mountains, for the day of thy visitation hasteneth ; the stones of thy power shall no longer cover thee, for as bones are taken from the beast of slaughter so shalt thy stones be tossed into the pit and thy covering shall be as the flesh of the beast, even as meat for the 171 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. burning, and the humble shall be as the valleys raised up, even as a fertile valley. Howl, O ! ye islands of the sea, for the girdle of thy shores shall be broken by the floods that dasheth against thee, thy bodies shall be mixed in the turbulent waters of anger and the floods shall wash thee away into the bosom of the deep, even into the depths of hell. Howl, O ! ye cities of the nations, for thy very streets shall be burned with fire, yea, the heavens shall be black with smoke till all the earth shall be enveloped in darkness, for the anger of God shall disturb the elements of fury to destroy by the fire that rageth; yea, all the elements of the Destroyer shall become the weap- ons thereof. BUT ONE WAY. O ! man, to thee we call to-day, There is but one true narrow way, That path alone is only trod By the servants of our God ; Then why make ye another line, Substituting ways of thine, To lead mankind to go astray, From that straight and narrow way. Be ye Christians, hear God's Word, That He hath spoken to the herd ; Make that holy way thy choice, Heed ye not another voice, Though they come as angels high, Believe them not, O ! hear the cry ; Remember this, go not astray From that straight and narrow way. There is one Lord and Saviour true, Then follow Him to thus subdue ; He came to earth, arose to God, Breaking off the earthly clod ; Teaching thee begetting birth, To free thy soul from mortal earth, , Remember this, go not astray, From the straight and narrow way. 172 THE TRUMPET Ob LOVE. Take the Word that God hath spoken, Let not a line thereof be broken; It is thy duty thus to climb, According to the Word sublime, Lest with the blind thou take the switch, That leadeth thee into the ditch; Remember this, go not astray, From the straight and narrow way. IF THE LORD BE GOD, HEAR YE HIM. If the Lord be God, hear ye Him, The word of truth He sent; If of the tree thou art a limb, Do not by sin be bent. Do not by sin be smote to die, To lose a single leaf, Be as a watchman placed on high To show to man the thief. To show to man the thief of woe, Turn on him the light, That he may from the city go, As fleeing unto night. As fleeing out of sight to fall, Stumbling on the way, Because in God he did not call, To the Word obey. CROSSING THE SEA. We have come to the floods, O ! let them rise, Let them rise, Let them rise, We have come to the floods, O ! let them rise to-day. 173 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We have come to the floods, they stand a heap, Stand a heap, Stand a heap, We have come to the floods, they stand a heap to-day. We have come to the floods, and marching through, Marching through, Marching through, We have come to the floods and marching through to-day. We have come to the floods and gone across, Gone across, Gone across, We have come to the floods and gone across to-day. We have crossed the floods to separate, Separate, Separate, We have crossed the floods to separate to-day. We have crossed the floods and born to love, Born to love, Born to love, We have crossed the floods and born to love to-day. Going now to the promised land, Promised land, Promised land, Going now to the promised land to-day. ONE THAT AWAKENETH. Upon my mouth my hand hath lain, For thus I lay me low, As one in death by brother slain, I arose not to go. Even as one that could not speak, My very vitals burned ; As one without God and weak, Thus to the wall I turned. 174 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. I looked toward the Throne of Love, The muse thereof I heard, In that voice from God above, I heard the loving word. He called to me and I arose, He gave to me command, Thus from my mouth a river flows, His love I understand. And now behold He giveth me The Lamp of Love to light, And with mine eyes His love I see, The path of great delight. Thus in the path of love ablaze, The light of love I sow ; The living God indeed to praise Wherever now I go. LOOK NOT BACK. O ! let us take the plow to turn This is the way the crop to earn, With sturdy stride we go ahead, For thus the Master to us said. Our cause is set, we look not back, The past is past if it doth lack, We'll make the future furrow straight, Within the loving holy state. Then Christ, the Lord, our cause will bless, To fill us up with righteousness, To fill us up within our heart, His loving kindness to impart. Thus if we grow in God to live, He will all our sins forgive, And in the end will take us up To give to us the holy cup. 175 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Around His throne forever free, An everlasting jubilee, As His children full of mirth, In the sacred holy birth. MAN AND BEAST. (A Dream.) We dreamed, and behold we saw a man exceedingly large, that walked forth upon the earth, even as a giant of strength, and he came and drew near unto the dragon that lay upon the earth, and he held in his right hand the charger of explosive force to lay upon the breast of the dragon, as if to destroy him. And we saw him raise his foot to put it upon the dragon, and the dragon had the great serpent as in a wound upon his breast, coiled up and grown thereunto, as if he had grown as a part of the dragon ; and the man placed the charger underneath the coils of the serpent upon the breast of the beast ; then the beast arose in might and his body was covered with great scales of fire, even as the scales of a fish, and the charger exploded not; but seemed to make the body of the beast exceedingly hot and it rolled upon the earth in agony, and the man was knocked down and rolled over by the beast, and great scales of fire adhered to him from off the beast, and the man was filled with great pain. THE CHURCH THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Upon the plain of love Let holiness arise, In Christ the Lord above, Bring forth the holy prize, Bring forth the holy prize, With love to God in sowing, O ! let us now arise, The holy river flowing Upon the rock of life, 176 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let man come forth to stand, To cleanse the earth of strife, Within the holy land, Within the holy land, With love to God in sowing, The Saviour's loving hand, The holy river flowing. Upon the streets of joy, Let us go forth to praise, The evil to destroy With truth and light ablaze. With truth and light ablaze, With love to God in sowing, Telling of His wondrous ways, The holy river flowing. Upon the holy hill, Let us become the light, The earth with love to fill, In God to take delight. In God to take delight, With love to Him in sowing, Mankind to fill with light, The holy river flowing. FLOWING OF THE SPIRIT. To Christ, the Saviour, Jesus, Lord, In truth and love with one accord, The children waited for that love Promised them from God above. All at once there came a sound, It filled the house, on each was found The Spirit's truth, the Holy Ghost, It made of them one loving host. Peter stood, the key in hand, Unlocking to the promised land; Three thousand went in through the gate, Marching to the holy state. 177 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Endowed with love and eloquence, In Christ, the Lord, forever thence, They did not fear, went forth to do, Obeying God as servants true. These men they went from sea to sea, The agents of the Holy Three, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Guiding them from post to post. They taught the truth, baptized with love, To the Father, God above, Who did'st reclaim them from the strife, To give to them eternal life. RUNNING ON INTO GLORY. Upon the river of love our mind doth run, For into our hearts hath shined the sun, Thus filling our souls with truth and light, Reflecting in Him that shines so bright. Forevermore in love on earth we go, As a seeder thus the truth to sow ; To fill the fields with heaven's waving grain, With all mankind on one eternal plain. With all mankind loving as a brother, Doing righteousness to one another, Freeing all the earth everywhere to dwell, God within us, God Emanuel. Our hearts leap forth, with joy we see the day, When crime from all the earth shall flee away, Where no devil dares with them to roam, To mar the love of that eternal home. 178 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. COME TO THE FOLD AS ONE. Come to our fold, we now invite, The brotherhood let us unite, In broad daylight let us declare The glorious kingdom everywhere. Let all the earth be one to God, Let love and truth become the Rod, To govern man, his soul to fill With the Saviour's precious will. Let sin and crime now flee apace, For God hath sent redeeming grace, To fill the world on every shore, With His love forevermore. O ! let us come as one to-day, Sowing blessings on the way, That man may see, may know and feel That God hath sent the living seal. Let all mankind in God delight, In the Saviour's glorious light, Till every soul shall thus agree, All the earth with love to free. THE CHURCH A GREAT LIGHT. For Zion's sake I will not rest, The holy city must be blest, By deeds of love its light shall show, As through its streets with love we go; All the earth shall see the light Of our Father, full of might, The Lord, thy God, shall call thy name, In the glory of His fame. A crown of love within His hand Shall be the borders of thy land, 179 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. For thou art married, art a bride, Standing by thy Master's side ; His glory now in all the earth, Bringing forth in holy birth. God doth rejoice in thy love, In sending angels from above That are not silent, thee to show, The holy path in which to go ; To make of thee a light ablaze, In all the earth His name to praise ; To make of thee a holy wall, The fort of love that can not fall, With gates ajar that leadeth thee Into the courts of liberty, Where Christ Jesus gives the life, Redeeming thee from earthly strife. DESTRUCTION OF EVIL WITH LOVE. O ! see the breaking of the mountains, The walls are tumbling down, Drying of the troubled fountains, The woods are turning brown. Chorus. The woods are turning brown to die, The mountains shall depart, Their brooks and rivers shall go dry, Their walls shall fall apart. For God hath sent His servants true, To make of earth a place, That will not fail to go and do, To fill mankind with grace. (Chorus.) O ! let the servants take their stand, The woodlands now to clear, That all the earth may understand That God is with us here. (Chorus.) 180 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. For we shall dwell with God in love, The earth indeed to fill, With His glories from above, In His holy will. (Chorus.) LET BRETHREN LOVE. Upon the shores where brothers dwell, Within the land of love, Where Jesus Christ, Emanuel, Blesseth from above. Where Jesus Christ, their only King, Breathes upon the host, Giving them the holy thing, His love the Holy Ghost. Where Jesus Christ baptizes man, Giving him the salt, That from His throne sprang forth and ran, Cleansing from the fault. When Jesus Christ comes forth to free, To raise the downcast head, Healing man to liberty, To bring them from the dead. LET US DELIGHT IN TRUTH AND LOVE. Let truth and love now flow a birth, O ! let it go throughout the earth, O ! let it go mankind to fill, As a light upon the hill. Let truth and love arise to-day, Flowing in the narrow way, O ! let it run as streams of life, To cleanse the earth from sin and strife. 181 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let truth and love fill every heart, A sacred union to impart, O ! let it fill mankind to show The holy path in which to go. Let truth and love arise to light, The way of glory and delight, O ! let it shine to fill and free, The holy way indeed to see. Let truth and love now meet within, To cleanse our hearts of lust and sin, O ! let it cleanse that we may find The holy way by virtue lined. Let truth and love forevermore, The holy Father now adore, O ! let it shout His glory grand, To make of earth one holy land. BE A SOLDIER FOR THE PROMISED LAND. Fear not! thy redemption is sure, In God's elect, whom we uphold, Obey ye Him to thus endure, As a servant true and bold. Go on in love, look not behind, To turn to evil in thy heart ; O ! go ye not as with the blind, Lest in the turning thou depart. Go ye unto the temple's door, Enter there to offer up Thy life to God forevermore, With thy Saviour thus to sup. Go ye in through the gate of God, Enter thou the fold of love, Take in thine hand the holy rod, As an angel from above. 182 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Then go ye forth a servant true, The rod of life within thy hand, The Man of Sin to thus subdue, A soldier in the promised land. YIELD ALL TO GOD. Let love now flow to yield her crown, Unto our King let earth redound, To fill its coast with love to free, Into the great eternity. Within our Father's loving hand, Let all the earth now understand, As one great body filled with light, In His mansions to delight. Around the throne of God to feed, Where His angels dwell indeed, There to praise among the blest, To carry out our Lord's request. Within that house not made with hands, Where the living holy fans Hath purged the wheat upon the floor, The holy seed forevermore. WHY DO EVIL? Why should the earth her troubles borrow, To fill mankind with sin and sorrow ? Why should they kill, devour and bite As the ravenous beasts of night ? Why should they covet wealth to gain Their very soul with lust to stain? Why should they lie, conceal and hide? Why should their heart be filled with pride? 183 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Why should they bind their soul to swear, As with the binding of the tare ? Why should they fill their soul with fire? Why should they be a willful liar? Why should they revel in their lust? Why should they in their idols trust? Why should they go within the switches? Why trust in their uncertain riches? When God is calling them to life, To take away the Man of Strife, That they may live forever free Within the heavens of the See. LET US PURIFY AND FEED. Let us go forth upon the mountain, The holy sons of God to lead, As the children of the fountain, On the bread of life to feed. Let us go forth the wrong excluding, Bringing in the holy light, To take from man that one intruding, Thus to slay the beasts of night. Let us go forth against the evil, The pests of prey to thus destroy, To take from earth the sinful weevil, That doth the sons of God annoy. Let us go forth as one in spraying The trees of love with water pure, That fruit may yield to God obeying, That they may grow to thus mature. Let us go forth the flesh denying, That the heart may grow in love, Let our actions thus be crying, Glory to our God above. 184 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. POINTING TO THE PROMISED LAND. In love we see the holy hand, Pointing to the promised land, Pointing to the throne above, Where all is joy and peace and love, Calling in the lambs that stray, Pointing to the narrow way. In love we see that Star of Light, Full of glory, shining bright, Full of glory man to lead, In the path of light indeed ; Calling in the lambs that stray, Pointing to the narrow way. In love we see One standing by, Beside our Father great and high, Asking God our souls to free, Into that great eternity ; Calling in the lambs that stray, Pointing to the narrow way. In love we see that holy throne, Where the glorious light hath shone, With the holy standing by, Praising God, their King on high, Calling in the lambs that stray, Pointing to the narrow way. TO GOD. Thine is the kingdom, let us free, From the raging of the sea, Forevermore with bread to fill, In the pleasure of Thy will, Forever filling with Thy love, In the kingdom from above. 185 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Thine is the kingdom, we will serve, With every power of the nerve, Forevermore Thy love we pray, In the sunshine of the way. Forever filling with Thy love, In the kingdom from above. Thine is the kingdom, we are thine, Our life Thy glory shall enshrine, Forevermore to fill the land, The light of love upon the stand, Forever filling with Thy love, In the kingdom from above. Thine is the kingdom, Thine is all, We Thy servants on Thee call, To fill the earth with great delight, With Thy power and Thy might, Forever filling with Thy love, In the kingdom from above. Thine is the kingdom, Thee we ask, O ! give to us the holy task, To make of earth a brotherhood, To Thee my Father, great and good, Forever filling with Thy love, In the kingdom from above. WE SERVE GOD. O ! Lord, Thou knowest that in Thee We live in love and unity, To do Thy will our greatest care, In Thy service everywhere. In Thee we live, in Thee we move, In Thee the world we do reprove, To set Thy glory in the earth, Among the people of Thy birth. 186 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. As Thy servants we will go, Thy glory to mankind we show, Taking of Thy sacred gems, Crowning thus with diadems. Then as Thy children we will keep, Nevermore by sin to weep, In Thy kingdom, in Thy will, Rejoicing in Thy love to fill. O ! Lord, Thou knowest in Thee we live, Thy love doth all our sins forgive, Thou makest us a crown of light, In Thy glory to delight. CHRIST BORN OF LOVE. Born of love, Christ is the Saviour, Born of love forever free, Born of love in His behavior, Born of love for you and me. Born of love, a Shepherd calling, Born of love, the lambs to feed, Born of love, His God extolling, Born of love, to sow the seed. Born of love in God's creation, Born of love, the only Son, Born of love in holy station, Born of love in God as One. Born of love in God fulfilling, Born of love, God's will to do, Born of love, forever willing, Born of love the holy true. Born of love He doth endeavor, Born of love He giveth life, Born of love to live forever, Born of love to stop the strife. 187 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Born of love to make a kingdom, Born of love in man to wed, Born of love and full of wisdom, Born of love to raise the dead. BREAKING THE BONDAGE. From the power of darkness we have came Unto the Son of Love on high, From the Man of Sin whose wrath aflame, Hath filled the world with crime and shame, We have arose no more to die. From the gates of death we have arose, The holy people of our Lord; And through our souls the Spirit flows, The seed of love among us grows, Though Satan tries to breed discord. From the house of bondage we arise, No more by Satan to be bound ; Around our host the angel flies, Our hearts with love He doth baptize, The trumpet there to sound. From the land of Satan we awake, To leave and cross the raging sea, The glories of our Lord we take, As servants of our Lord to break, The sordid hand of villiany. THE HOLY FLOCKS SHALL DWELL IN PEACE. Come to the holy mountain high, Ye chosen servants of my God ; The day of love is drawing nigh, When thou shalt hear the angels cry, Thou shalt with love and truth be shod. 188 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Come to the land of bread and wine, Come, drink of love to fill thy soul, Come, go with us on truth to dine, To drink the new and holy wine, To make thy life forever whole. The pastures of the plain shall feed, The chosen host that dwelleth there, Forever there with love to lead, The servants of their God indeed, Bestowing blessings everywhere. The vale of trouble shall ye take, And there thy flocks shall lay in peace, Where not a beast of sin shall break, Nor from thy flock a lamb shall take, Thou shalt be there and be at ease. DESTRUCTION FOR HIM THAT FORSAKETH. To thee, O ! earth, now understand, Thy hosts shall feel the smart of pain ; Ye have forsook the Lord to stand Against thy God to raise thy hand, Thy very heart with sin to stain. Ye have forgot the mountain high, Hath gone with Satan as a troop, Hath slain thy King to crucify, Thy God hath doomed thy soul to cry, On thee the rage of God shall swoop. Ye have forsook God's temple, where Thy soul shall kneel to God and pray, That He should keep thee from the snare, For the devil hath a lair, To snatch thee from the holy way. 1?9 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE ASK OF GOD. We ask of God to send the blessing, Filling us with love to give, Our very souls with truth impressing, Forevermore with Him to live. We ask of God to guide our spirit, With the angel of the way, That we may His love inherit, From the fountain every day. We ask of God to fill our mansion With the spirit of His love, To fill it up with truth's expansion, As a temple from above. We ask of God to make it glorious, As a light upon the hill, Full of love in Him victorious, In the glories of His will. We ask of God to give us power, To send the devil from mankind, To rain on him that fiery shower, His mortal power on earth to bind. ART THOU PREPARED? Art thou a wedding guest of love, To meet thy Master from above, Hast thou thy garments pure and white, The linen of God's great delight? Art thou prepared, how is thine eye, Single to thy God on high ? Art thou a servant of God's will, The lamps of man with love to fill ? 190 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Hast thou that oil within thy heart? And art thou ready to depart When Christ shall come to take the blest Into that great eternal rest ? Hast thou entered through the door Through which thy Master went before? Hast thy hand obeyed indeed, To sow on earth the holy seed? Art thou prepared, dost thou obey, To travel in the narrow way, To leave the world with all its lust, Nevermore in man to trust? Art thou prepared? then be not late, For when the Master shuts the gate Thou canst not enter there to be, Then watch and enter with the See. FEASTING ON LOVE. Come go with us on love to dine, Within the land to be, Where holy streams of milk and wine Flows on eternally. Chorus : Where holy streams are flowing bright, Filling all with love, Filling all with great delight, Before their King above. Come go with us, bring forth thy lamp, To place it on the stand, That all may see the sacred camp Within the holy land. (Chorus.) 191 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Come go with us, bring forth thine all, A living sacrifice ; Be born anew, hear ye the call, Be born a child of bliss. (Chorus.) Come go with us to walk the way, The way the Lord hath trod, Forever there with Him to stay Around the throne of God. (Chorus.) THE POOR SHALL ARISE TO GLORY. Out of the dust the poor is raised, Out of the dust to dwell on high; Out of the dust they come to praise Their Father's great and glorious ways. O ! let them come to glorify. O ! let them come with harp and song, From far and near ; O ! let them bring, As one happy living throng, With the new and holy song, Praising of their Saviour King. O ! let them come with hearts of love, In the power of God's grace, In the kingdom from above, Where all is joy and peace and love, In the sacred holy place. O ! let them come as one great tide, Gathering to the Shepherd's call, Gathering to the Shepherd's Bride, To their Saviour's right-hand side, Nevermore from Him to fall. O ! let them come as one great host, Around God's holy throne to stand, Filled with that love the sacred Ghost, Marching round from post to post, As sons of God in holv land. 192 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ALL THINGS SHOW THAT GOD IS GREAT. The holy angel hath my spirit lit; My heart is full of love, how can I quit, When everywhere mine eyes such things doth see, The living glories of the holy Three. Yea, when I turn to look at earth I find That at every step my path is lined With glorious things all aglow in God's praise, Telling of His great and glorious ways. And when I turn to look toward the sky, The great glories of my God on high, Its created glories shine so bright, It fills my very soul with great delight. And when I lay me down upon my bed, Visions of glory are on me shed ; In these I see the great throne of love, My great Father's holy throne above. THE LORD DOETH ALL THINGS WELL. Our Lord is in the heavens great and high, He hath done as it pleaseth Him to try ; Then let us acknowledge Him as our Lord, To come to His temple with one accord. O ! let us kneel before our Master great, For He hath been mindful of this our state ; O ! trust ye all in Him, He is our shield 'Gainst the seed of sin sown upon the field. O ! trust ye in Him, His hand is not slack, To supply all the needs of His that lack ; He knoweth it is thus to Him they talk, If in the narrow way to Him they walk. Therefore, seeing thus that these things are true, Come, go ye with us, we appeal to you ; Our King hath now the feast within His hand, O ! let us see Him to thus understand. 193 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE CANDLE OF GOD SHINETH UPON US. I love the Lord, He heard my cry; He turned His ear unto my sigh ; I laid on earth the hand of love, And God hath seen it from above. I have returned as one astray, And God hath washed my sins away. I walk the earth, I leap and praise, And man hath seen the light ablaze; He hath been urged to glorify Our Father, God, our King on high, Who hath outpoured in heavenly places The favors of His sacred graces. When I shall go mankind shall wonder, Some shall rage and others ponder, For in this mission God doth handle, To shine on it His loving candle, That shall relume throughout the ages, In the light's eternal pages. REJOICING IN HEAVEN. Great sounds break forth upon mine ears, I understand the cry ; The holy angels with their cheers Hath come to glorify. They bring mankind into the fold, It gives them great delight ; They give to him the precious gold, The gems that shine so bright. They fill his mind to understand, His soul with love is blest, To dwell with God as one to stand Within the land of rest. He is transformed into the new, As angels in the field, Going forth God's will to do, For He is crowned and sealed. 194 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOVE FLOWETH FROM OUR HEART. My heart was filled with love, and there arose A cloud that fills mankind with light; O'er all the earth as streams it flows, Filing them with great delight. My heart was filled with love, and there was found Great vessels full of seed; All o'er the earth it shall abound, With holy saints to lead. My heart was filled with love ; it rapturous grew, Then entered there to dwell, One from above ; we went to do — It was Emanuel. My heart was filled with love, and there was heard Sounds of glory on the earth; Man took in hand God's holy Word, Giving them eternal birth. DOOM OF THE EAST SEEN. O ! land of dragons, myth, and woe, What aileth thee that thou shouldst go; It is the peril of thy life, With raging devils full of strife. O ! land of dragons, wake ye up ; Thou shalt receive the bitter cup, That shall destroy thy flesh of ire In the raging of its fire. O ! land of dragons, in the flood ; Thou shalt flow with human blood; Thou shalt turn toward the West, With all thy legions, hear the rest. 195 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Mahomet's crew shall league with thee, To take the passage of the sea That leads to Europe, there to wage The battle of thine ending rage. There on the mountain thou shalt die, And in the valleys rage and cry, For death shall claim thy flesh as meat, And in its carnage thus to eat. LET GOD BE KING. Behold thy God looks forth on thee, With eyes, indeed, to fill Thy heart with truth and love to free, According to His will. Ascend ye now the mountains high, And standing on the peak, Then let thy voice be heard to cry, I will defend the weak. Yea, send those tidings to and fro, As floating on the wave ; O ! let that love now overflow, For God hath come to save. O ! see ye now His hand is strong, Then be ye not afraid ; Ye are the Father's living throng, Then lay not in the shade. O ! stand ye now in strength before The wicked of the land ; Assail their hosts on every shore, The sword of God in hand. O ! tell them all that God is King, And shall control the earth ; Then everywhere let voices ring, This is the holy birth. 196 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ARISE TO GLORIFY. We understand Thy voice, O God, Revive Thy kingdom true ; O ! let the man of wrath be trod, That all the earth may now be shod With Thy garments white and new. Let holy men come from the south, To bring their lamps of light; Let words of love spring from their mouth, As streams of rain amidst the drouth, Filling man with great delight. O ! let the hidden light appear, The hidden power of love ; Let sin be driven to despair, And burst asunder everywhere ; Let God be King above. Let the mountains now be scattered ; Let every hill bow down ; Let the works of sin be shattered ; Let every wall thereof be battered, For our King shall wear the crown. O ! let the tents of strife now tumble ; Let the darkness now depart; Yea, let the holy and the humble Take away the things that stumble, That doth pierce the loving heart. Let the chariot of salvation Dash against the sea ; Let the holy sacred nation Stop the raging inundation, Till every Christian shall be free. 197 THE TRUMPET Ob LOVE. O! let the bow of God appear About the living herd, Within the cloud of glories, where God around the camps appear ; O ! hear His living word. Let springs of water gush and fill ; Let powers of earth now shake; O ! let them wash down every hill, The valleys of this earth to fill, For God commands to take. TO THE WICKED. Why stand ? Wade ye through the river ; Take thy leave, fill thy bag with meal ; Thy very shams shall God, the Giver, Uncover now to end thy weal. The light is out and thou shalt fall, As one stumbling in the night ; Thou shalt divide as if thy wall Had fallen thus to thee despite. Thy great power hath from thee fled, For thy yokes hath heavily lain, And thus thou hast made a bed, And on it thou shalt now be slain. Thou hast thought thyself great and wise; Has built thy nest way up on high ; But now the angels of the skies Shall come to cause thy might to die. Consider thine end as one day. For thou hast sought to know all things, At once thy walls shall break away, For death shall carry thee with wings. Behold ye is this thy trouble, With leaping, raging flames of fire, Among the hay, wood, and the stubble. Reaping as a monster dire? 198 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LAND OF FLOCKS TO BE DESTROYED. Let all the earth observe to hear That God is in His temple near ; The haughty shall be trodden down, For God hath looked on them to frown ; The mountains shall as molten pitch Run down the valleys for a ditch. For as the chosen of the way Hath now been led by them astray, The stones of their great tower shall fall, Every stone within the wall. God will destroy their banded girth, To take their legions from the earth. The hired hand shall now be slain In the reaping of the grain ; Her wounds shall canker in the rot, And death shall reign in every spot, For they shall die before the gate, Where the holy people wait. Why tell the house of merriment? For they will not to God repent ; Tell not the land of many flocks, With their strong gates among the rocks ; They looked for gain in it to bless, But it hath brought them bitterness. Let hidden powers now arise To fight the angels of the skies ; For if thy secrets hath desire To plunge the righteous in the fire, For in the house of evil wine The sons of God hath gone to dine. Deception now shall lead the kings In the evil that it brings, To make them bold to shear the crown, For God hath looked on them to frown, To take away from off the plain Every evil filled with stain. 199 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE LORD HATH HEARD THE APPEAL. The Lord hath heard the Son's appeal, Hath sent His love mankind to show, Hath sent His love mankind to heal ; Then let us now before Him kneel, As to the throne of God we go. The Lord hath heard the Son's request, Hath now agreed mankind to give, Hath now agreed, hath sent and blessed, Hath put the devil to the test, Hath promised man to sins forgive. The Lord hath heard our souls to cry, Hath turned His eye on us to look, Hath filled our voice to glorify, To raise the lamp of love on high. In the glories of the Book. The Lord hath given through His love A home, where we shall live and see The blessings of that world above, Where all is joy and peace and love, With Him throughout eternity. DID BAALAM SEE THIS? When Baalam saw the day of love, Standing on the hill, before The hand of God came from above, It filled his heart with joy and love; He saw the future all aglore. He saw God's glory in the land, He saw the holy star of light, He saw the sceptre in His hand, He saw, indeed, to understand ; His heart was filled with great delight. 200 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. He saw that love sent to destroy The cities of tumult and grief That did the coasts of earth annoy By the evils that destroy, To give mankind the true relief. He saw beyond into the regions, Saw the ships pass through the straits ; He saw the coming of the legions, From the coasts of Western regions, Pass their armies through the gates. He saw therein the hand of glory, Saw the highlands level down ; Heard the Shepherd's loving story, Saw the heavens rilled with glory, Saw the kingdom and the crown. Saw the valley filled with motion, Saw the earth become a plain, Saw mankind in great commotion, Saw the holy and their portion Reaping of the tares and grain. UPON THE HILL OF GOD. Upon the hill of God we stand, The light of glory in our hand Hath shined so loving, clear, and bright, Mankind, hath filled with great delight. Upon the hill of God we hold Within our hands the precious gold ; O ! look ye forth, behold and see, We offer now to give it thee. Upon the hill of God we gird ; We heard the Saviour's loving Word, We have received into our heart, And there within it doth impart. 201 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Upon the hill of God we rise; He sends His angels from the skies, Upon our heads the oil to pour, Blessing us forevermore. Upon the hill of God we go, The precious seed of love to sow, That it may grow to there fulfill Our Lord the Saviour's precious will. Upon the hill of God we bring The glories of our Lord and King, That all the earth our light may see, To shout the glorious jubilee. WE HAVE A KING TO SERVE. We have a King whose own right hand Doth make of earth a glorious land, Filling it with truth to free, Into the great eternity. We have a King who stands to plead Against the ways of lust and greed, Who hath sent His bread to give, That we might come to with Him live. We have a King of great renown, Who wears a brilliant, glorious crown That sits upon the throne of love, Sending blessings from above. We have a King, let us extoll, For He hath broken down the wall, To bring the living from the dead, With everlasting life instead. We have a King; should we be still The earth with righteousness to fill, When He hath bled and died to free ; Should we not come and bend the knee? 202 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We have a King, let us arise, To God, the living holy prize; He is our might, let everything Bow their heads before our King. We have a King, let us obey, In the straight and narrow way, To conquer now with all our might, Girding on His armor bright. THE TREE BEARETH FRUIT. O ! see the fruit upon the tree, Scattering o'er the earth to shed, Scattering o'er the earth to free The healing leaves of liberty, That raiseth up the downcast head. O ! see the wheat upon the field ; O ! see it waving on the plain ; O ! see it in the measure sealed, With the living it hath healed, Filling up with golden grain. O ! see the fruit the vine hath bore ; See the clusters full of wine, To fill the earth forevermore, The holy Father to adore, With truth and love as mine and thine. O ! see the gold that's purified, Shining clear and bright to-day, That hath in the fire been tried, As the Saviour's loving Bride, To purge its every dross away. O ! see the garments made of white, With love and truth upon the earth, The crown of glory God's delight, Shining as a brilliant light In the holy righteous birth. 203 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE WICKED EXCUSE THEMSELVES. Behold ! how is this that ye say the Lord observeth not to impute trespass against us, so every man is led by Satan to excuse himself from guilt. The adulterer hath said, My nature leadeth me thus, and God, the Father of nature, will not condemn in His own works. The covetous hath said that God helpeth those that helpeth themselves ; therefore, defraudeth he by the deception of a lie. Even the murderer sayeth, /Behold I have been a blessing to end the misery of man, for as long as he liveth he hath trouble ; but the dead are freed from pain. Therefore, they place light for darkness in every walk of life, even among the revelous. The devil quotes that David danced before the Lord; but the righteous know that the devil quoted Scripture only in part to deceive his subjects to disobedience. AFTER GREAT DARKNESS THE GLORIOUS DAY SEEN. Have we not seen mankind in trouble, With their bundles bound for gain, Full of tares mixed with the stubble, Contending with a big hub-bubble, As if they were, indeed, the grain? Have we not seen the day of sorrow Approaching as the shades of night, With great contention full of horror, In their raging full of sorrow, Fleeing from the sunshine brip-ht? Have we not seen these things appalling; Saw them raging in the dens ; Heard them in their misery calling For the mountains that are falling. To hide them from the glorious lens ? 204 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Have we not seen the day abounding; Man arising from the earth; Heard the trumpet loudly sounding; Saw the glorious light abounding, Bringing forth the living birth? A VIEW IN THE CITY. In mine observation I beheld the Holy City in the midst of the earth, with the throne of love in the temple thereof that filled it with glory, and I saw a great elevator in the midst thereof, upon which the angels of God ascended and descended, and the wheels thereof were moved by the Spirit of God that ran upon them as a current that sent them with great velocity, and it was filled with light, and when God looked upon the people of the city to speak thereto, behold the Spirit moved upon the wheels and the car thereof instantly appeared in the throne of the temple, filling it with the tidings of love that filled the city with rejoicing. DAY OF STRIFE AND RESTORATION SEEN. Have we not seen the day approaching; Saw the devil come to stand On the holy land encroaching, With the evils of his hand ? Have we not seen the day of raging; The bands of men bound for strife ; Seen them in great wars engaging, In the fires to end their life? Have we not seen the day of binding, With people bonded for the gain ; Saw the millstone set to grinding, That shall take away the stain? Have we not seen the day that's coming, With the line upon the wall, With the holy angels plumbing; Heard the voice of God to call? 205 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Go, measure ye upon the earth, Fill their measure full to give; Go, bring ye forth that destined birth, That shall forever with us live. Now, go ye to the Holy City, Take the line we gave to thee ; Cast therefrom the iniquity, That they may now with us agree. CLEANING THE HOUSE. We dreamed, and behold we came unto a great house of strength and beauty, and the Spirit said unto us, This is the house of thy people who cometh ; thou seest that it is, indeed, beautiful, and is in great need to be swept and cleansed. Therefore, thou art commanded to go about the work of cleansing, for thy people will surely come to occupy this great house, and, indeed, they are near at hand. Then the broom of cleansing was given into our hands, and the Spirit said, Behold, thou seest that the winds hath blown the sands of the earth upon this house that layeth thereupon in profusion ; but the winds shall yet blow for a season. Go thou to the end of the house that faceth the wind to begin thy labors ; thou shalt un- lock the doors thereof, and these winds that hath brought forth the sands shall themselves assist thee by carrying the sands away as thou sweepest. We, therefore, obeyed the voice and commenced to sweep, and found the sands exceedingly hard to sweep therefrom, for it was coarse and heavy. However, with the force of the wind and the heavy strokes brought to bear thereupon, the sands were removed and the house cleansed for the approaching guests. 206 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. OUR CAUSE IS IN GOD. We are working in the cause of God, To draw a line between; We take in hand the holy Rod, Mankind hath plainly seen. Chorus : We take in hand the holy Rod, The iron rod of love; This great defense is of our God, He is our King above. We are working in the cause of One Who will defend our stand; We are the servants of the Son, To cleanse the holy land. (Chorus.) We are working in the cause of light, Filling lamps to shine, Thus filling lamps with great delight, In holy Palestine. (Chorus.) We are working in the cause to free The children that obey ; Healing men that they may see The straight and narrow way. (Chorus.) TRUST IN THE LORD. Trust in the Lord to do the right, By Him thou shalt be led, For He hath sent to thee the light That hath these glories shed. Chorus : Who hath these glories shed on thee, To fill thy heart with love, Who hath these glories shed to free Thy soul to live above. 207 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Trust in the Lord thy soul to fill ; Fear not what man can do, For if He should thy body kill, To God thou shalt be true. (Chorus.) Trust in the Lord thy soul to save From death's dark vale of woe, To bring thy body from the grave, With Him fore'er to go. (Chorus.) Trust in the Lord, who will thee bring Into that holy rest, Where thou shalt live with God the King, Forever with the blest. (Chorus.) HATH THY MASTER SUPPED WITH THEE? Who hath not felt that word of love, as if to start That great emotion, as within his very heart, That stored there a holy treasure filled with that gold That God hath promised increasing in its fold, Yielding to the Master that glorious crown In that great and holy kingdom of renown ? Who hath not felt that word of love, as if to free The passage of the holy saints across the sea Into the promised land, where brothers dwell in peace, From the bondage of sin their soul to thus release; To dwell forever free beneath the living wing Of Christ the Lord, the Holy Prophet, Priest, and King? Who hath not felt that word of love, as if to hear, To understand thus within when their Lord is near, To sup with Him, His holy presence to enjoy; The seed of sin from within his heart to destroy, That he may forever with his Lord be blest In the great holy land of God's eternal rest? 208 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. THE PATH OF LOVE BUILT. Upon the earth hath God now built The path of love among the good, To cleanse mankind from sin and guilt This narrow path of love is built, For the holy brotherhood. Upon the earth hath God now made A holy way the earth to fill ; He hath sent the host to grade, And they have took the holy spade, To do according to His will. Upon the earth hath God now sent, A river for the fish of life, That causeth them to thus repent, That drinks the waters God hath sent, To cleanse them from the man of strife. Upon the earth hath God gave warning, Be careful now with whom you sup, Mix not thy garments in adorning, Take off thy filthy rags the warning, There is a measure in the cup. Upon this earth shall God send judges, Each one standing in his lot, That shall destroy the hireling's grudges, They are the holy living judges, By the love ef God begot. WE ARE THERE TO ENLIGHTEN. We shall climb the mountain high, To place the light upon the stand, Then every ear shall hear the cry, Glory to our God on high, Throughout the holy land. 209 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We shall go to the holy tree, To take the leaves of healing, To send them forth among the free, To heal their eyes that they may see, The holy people sealing. We shall go to the river clear, To take the waters full of life, Among our fellowmen to share, Forever then they shall appear, Against the man of strife. We shall go to the throne of light, To bring God's message man to call, To fill his soul with great delight, That he may see the shining light Around about the holy wall. IN THE HOLY CITY IS STRENGTH. Our city is strongly built of love, God sitteth on the throne indeed, Her walls are built by God above, Her bulwark is the throne of love, To destroy the world of greed. Her gates are open day by day, The righteous nation passeth in, That knoweth peace to God obey, Traveling in the narrow way, Who hath been freed from every sin. Her forts shall rain eternal fire, On the cities of the proud, On every devil of the liar, The son, the daughter, and the sire, Shall see the brightness of the cloud. 210 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. The foot shall tread them down before The glorious throne of light, Those that trust among the poor, Shall tread them down forevermore, To cast them forth into the night. The glorious Son shall soon arise, To spread o'er us His love, To take to God the holy prize, With His glories to baptize, Unto the King above. JUDGMENT COMETH. O ! let God's judgment in the earth Now fill mankind with light, O ! let it fill their souls with mirth, In him to take delight. Chorus: In Him to take delight indeed, Man's soul to bless with love, Within his heart to sow the seed, That seed from worlds above. O ! let God's judgment in the end Set upon the throne to purge, O ! let Him now the ancients send, Throughout the earth to urge. (Chorus.) O! let God's judgments bring the glory, With everlasting joy, In the Shepherd's loving story, The wicked to destroy. (Chorus.) 211 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. DESTRUCTION OF SIN SEEN. Upon the high mountain The banner we see, To send forth the fountain, The righteous to free, To send forth the fountain, Against the strong gate, Upon the high mountain, Mighty and great. Come forth to thy station, The call is to-day, The kingdom and nation Thy God to obey ; The kingdom and nation Rejoicing in God, Come forth to the station To lift up the Rod. God in His wisdom Hath ordered the blight, Let every strong nation Arise in their might ; Let every strong nation Now strengthen their post, God in His wisdom Hath called forth the host. In anger and quaking The mountains shall rage, His holy hand breaking Their walls to engage ; His holy hand breaking The gates of the earth, In anger and quaking, Destruction and dearth. 212 > THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. From island to island Let messages fly ; From highland to highland Let couriers cry ; From highland to highland Tn madness they go, From island to island, As waters they flow. Let sorrow and trouble Flow forth in its ire, Let hay, wood, and stubble Be burned in the fire ; Let hay, wood, and stubble Be burned to destroy, Let sorrow and trouble Thus come to annoy. Come forth to the duel To drink of the gall, Destruction is cruel, Thy doom is to fall ; Destruction is cruel, Amazed thou shalt be, Come forth to the duel, The ending of thee. The stars cease their shining, The sun to give light, The moon is repining, How dark is the night ; The moon is repining And turning to blood, The stars cease their shining, There's coming a flood. The heavens are shaking, The wicked depart, The earth is all quaking So great is the smart ; The earth is all quaking. The wicked are slain, The heavens are shaking, In moving the train. 213 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Then God in creation Shall bring forth the new, The King of the nation Shall shine the light through; The King of the nation Shall come to His wife, Whom God in creation Shall bring forth to life. MOUNT ZION THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS. On Mount Zion light hath shone, With the King upon the throne, Who hath lit the holy flame, In the brightness of His name ; Who hath said this is the city To destroy the iniquity. On Mount Zion one doth stand With the scepter in His hand, To deliver every one That believeth on the Son ; That believeth to obey, In the straight and narrow way. On Mount Zion is the host, Born of love the Holy Ghost ; Going forth o'er all the earth As the children of that birth, Born of God the holy true On the earth His will to do. On Mount Zion is our King, Of His glories we will sing, In His name we glorify, Praising of our Lord on high, Earth with glory thus to fill, In His sacred holy will. 214 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. ZION SURROUNDED BY BEASTS. Zion is now besieged by beasts, As a house among the dens ; Shall they be therefrom released? Hath not our God prepared the feasts? Shall not the house be swept and cleansed? Hear ye all, dost thou command ? Hath thou God's people overflown? To what purpose are ye thus bound? The path of love thou hast not found, Thy sacrifice God hath not known. When now ye come to thus draw near, To use His Word thus as a shield, Hath He required thee to appear? To covet thus in vain to share, Thy soul in this can not be healed. Even thy prayers He doth detest, These vain oblations offered up, With these thy soul can not be blest, Thy lustful ways He doth detest, And they shall soon receive the cup. When thus ye spread your hands to call, Will He look thereon to bless ? Will He not hide His eyes from all ? For, ah, the floods against the wall Shall destroy thy wickedness. CLEANSING URGED. Wash thy heart with love to cleanse, From the evil to depart ; Put to thine eye the holy lens, If thou hast wronged go make amends, To purge the evil from thy heart. 215 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Cease ye from evil, learn to do The works of righteousness fulfill, According to God's Word be true, Therein to God be born anew, Forevermore to do His will. Oppression thou shalt now destroy, In righteousness to judge and free, For every thing that doth annoy, To cause thy heart to turn from joy, Must flee forever hence from thee. Thou shalt defend on earth the weak, Their soul with love to thus bestow, For blessed are the humble meek, The love of God in thee to speak, For they shall with the Master go. Learn ye to love, make full thy light By deeds declaring thus to tell, That thou art filled with great delight, To go and do the things that's right, With love within thy heart to dwell. Come ye, together let us stand, United upon the rock to build, Reason thus to give thy hand To cleanse the earth from land to land, Until its coast with love is filled. MIX NOT THE BREAD AND WINE OF GOD WITH THE WORLDLY. . Pour not the water in the wine, Mix not the spirits in thy heart, Lest thy lamp should cease to shine, To cause thee lag as one behind, From the righteous to depart. 216 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Fill not thy soul with worldly cares, On the bread of earth to dine, Lest God turneth from thy prayers, And thou art left to fall in snares, A sin-sick soul to there repine. How canst thou wash thyself with dirt, With miry mud to cleanse from all? Would it not thy vitals hurt To thus be washing in the dirt? Thy spirit thus to fill with gall. How canst thou purge thee from the lust If with the world thou livest yet, And in the arm of flesh doth trust ; How canst thou thus therein be just, If with the worldly thou dost set ? BE YE NOT OVERCOME OF EVIL. Take not the spirit of temptation Within thy soul to stay, Let not thy heart become a station Upon the evil way. O ! throw ye not too wide thy throttle, To take the liquid in, Ofttimes the spirit of the bottle Thus causeth thee to sin. Let not thy voice be heard to mutter, Blasphemous words of gall, For if in vengeance ye do utter, God judges in them all. Let not thine anger burn in fury, For should thy light repine, And in the justice of the jury The sun should fail to shine. Be ye not overcome with evil, For it rageth as a tide, And in the days of great up travel, Doth destroy on every side. 217 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. BEAUTIFUL UPON THE MOUNTAINS ARE THE FEET OF HIM THAT BRINGETH GOOD TIDINGS. Beautiful on the mountain high Are the feet of Him that brings The word of love to glorify, Spreading, forth His golden wings. Chorus. Spreading forth the wings of love, Bringing peace upon the earth, The holy wings of God above, Saving through the holy birth. He saith to Zion, God is King, Of His glories let us tell, Yea, of His glories let us sing, In our God Emanuel. (Chorus.) O ! let the watchmen now arise, Let lights of glory shine, The fold of God to now apprise, Make them ready now to dine. (Chorus.) Let God bring Zion now again, Let them come indeed to free, To make of earth one holy plain, From the center to the sea. (Chorus.) SIN DESTROYED. (A Parable.) We beheld and lo! the salvation of the bow of God appeared to take vengeance upon the adversary that His wrath might consume the wicked, and it came forth in 218 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. power, even as the whirlwinds of the desert with great clouds of fury that drieth up the waters of the sea with the fountains thereof. The fruit languished and the soul desired it not, and it continued until there was no bloom in the mountain of whiteness, and lo ! the earth trembled before Him and the mountains shook with violence, and the hills fell in the quaking thereof. The flames of vengeance raged as the winds that bloweth upon the planet, and the world was consumed thereby, for nothing could withstand the fierceness of His anger, for His fury was poured out like fire and every foundation was thrown down as the rock of the mountains engulfed in the sea, yet over those that trusted in Him He held forth His hand to shield them in the great indignation ; but darkness pursued His enemies and they were overflown, for they are folded together as bundles of thorns and shall be devoured as stubble fully dry, even as fagots tossed into the fire. The yokes shall be broken and the bonds burst asunder, and the seed thereof shall be destroyed forever. JESUS CHRIST FOR MAN WAS SLAIN. To make of earth a holy plain, Jesus Christ for man was slain, To bring true love from God on high He taught mankind to glorify ; He taught mankind to justly live, And through that love to sins forgive. He taught mankind to God obey, He showed to them the narrow way, He taught them how to travel there, Glorious as a living car, Thus shining as a glorious light, In the Son of great delight. He taught them how to humbly dwell, Everywhere the truth to tell, Everywhere His works to do, As His servants just and true, As holy servants of the good, To make of man a brotherhood. 219 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. He taught them how to sow the seed, The holy lambs of God to feed, That they might grow to fill the band, The saints of glory in the land, That everywhere the holy birth Bringeth glory to the earth. CLOTHE YE WITH LINEN WHITE AND CLEANSED. Go ye forth upon the mountain, Blow the trumpet loud, Cleanse thy soul within the fountain, Of the holy cloud. Chorus : Cleanse thy soul as white as snow, Fill thy hands with seed, Go ye forth to freely sow, To cleanse the earth of greed. Go ye forth into the city, To proclaim the fast, To stop the man of iniquity With the living blast. (Chorus.) Go ye forth into the nation, Glorify thy King, Let His temple be thy station, Holiness to bring. (Chorus.) Go ye forth to bring the warning, Let us now prepare, In the sunshine of the morning, Spreading glory everywhere. (Chorus.) 220 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. HE THAT DESCENDED WAS ALSO GLORIFIED ON HIGH. Christ came to earth, He brought delight, Filled the saints with love to see; For by the power of His might, He shined on them the glorious light, Their souls from sin and death to free. He came to earth, He did abound, He brought the scepter, chose the host, The holy kingdom thus to found, With the King of glory crowned In the living Holy Ghost. He came to earth, He chose the Bride, Brought the linen pure and white, That the man of lust and pride, With the devils that had lied, Might be driven hence from sight. He came to earth, the cup He took, The veil of covering thus to rend, He gave to man the holy Book, The powers of this earth He shook, Yea, from the grave He did ascend. HATH NOT GOD COMMANDED THE DESTRUC- TION OF SIN? Hath not the Lord sent forth the thunder That breaketh bars and yokes asunder? Though they be many God hath power To send on them the fiery shower, That cutteth down thus to destroy, The beasts of evil that annoy. 221 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Until no stalk is left yet growing, He stops the man of sin from sowing, To dash in pieces all the traces, Until the sinners have no places Upon the earth in every nation, To drag mankind to degradation. Is He not now the saints commanding, To give them strength on earth in standing, With all their might against the evil, To stop the raging of upheaval, Until the ending of commotion, In the light of God's emotion ? OBSERVE THE DAY TO THE LORD. O ! man aghast, We view the past, There is a day on hand, A holy task Mankind to bask, With love to understand. The pen we take The earth to shake, To fill it from above, To dash and break, The wicked snake, To cleanse mankind to love. We dare to face, For God's dear grace, Hath sent us forth with seed; Let man embrace, To give it place, To now destroy the greed. Come forth to-day And let us slay, We hold the sword to free, Along the way, Let all obey, As one to thus agree. 222 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let us fill, To do God's will, As one upon the earth, Upon the hill, To thus fulfill, The kingdom's holy birth. REDEMPTION DEPICTED. The light of love we see, Arrows of truth to free, The sun and moon stand still Till God that work shall do, As one that marcheth through, The cup to flow and fill. Arrows of truth he took, The mountains saw and shook, Great stones came tumbling down, The waters overflowed, To fill up every road, For nature wore a frown. From all He raised the lid, Till not a sin was hid, To save the holy birth He on the wicked tread, And wounded every head Of serpents on the earth. The villages he struck. The head thereof He shook ; They came out to withstand, As whirlwinds that rage, With great force to engage, The force of strength at hand. God walketh through the sea, The saints of love to free ; The waters fled away, The troops of God marched through, The mountains saw and knew, Therefore fled away. 223 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Rejoice and shout aloud, Within the holy cloud, The pillar of delight, The force of love to flow, Forevermore to glow In the rays of holy light. JUDGMENT COMETH SPEEDILY. The clouds shall spread, Above the head, The day of darkness is at hand, For God will tread Upon the head Of sin in every land. Come bring thine all, In death to fall; Bring all thy tribes to still, To drink the gall Of every wall, For God to thee shall fill. Come take thy sup Of judgment's cup, For God will give it thee; The breaking up, Shall soon disrupt The holy saints to free. Remember this, There is a bliss, For those that do obey ; Then do not miss, For God will hiss, To cast the bad away. The world shall roll, As one great scroll, As flies that sticketh fast ; From pole to pole, Shall every soul, Come forth amidst the blast. 224 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE COME FOR THE CAUSE OF JESUS. We stood upon the mountain high, We heard the Saviour's call, We there arose to glorify, To break the earthly wall. We now go forth the fort to build About the holy city, The magazine with truth is filled, To tread down iniquity. We build the rampart made of love, Mankind to there release, And God the Father from above, Hath filled the fort with peace. Our wall we build with strength to stand, Against the mortal shock, Let all the saints thus understand, The building on the rock. O ! enter ye the closet door, Fill thy lamp with love, Come meet thy Master we implore, That cometh from above. LET US GO. Arise to light the day is breaking, Let us go, let us go, Lest thou shouldst fall amidst the quaking, Let us go, let us go, The day of trouble is at hand, The breaking of the tyrant's band, The trumpets sound in every land, Let us go, let us go. 225 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Prepare ye now to meet thy Master, Let us go, let us go, He hath prepared the holy pasture, Let us go, let us go, The day hath come to stop the greed, Then let us take the holy seed, The lambs of God therewith to feed, Let us go, let us go. O ! come ye now, the Lord is calling, Let us go, let us go, The walls of earth indeed are falling, Let us go, let us go, The call extends throughout the earth, To every Christian of the birth, Who shall escape the coming dearth, Let us go, let us go. O ! come ye forth from every nation, Let us go, let us go, Yea, come ye forth to take thy station, Let us go, let us go, To Babylon, come, hear the call, To be delivered from the gall, See ye the breaking of the wall, Let us go, let us go. OBEY THE WORD OF GOD. O ! Father, dear Father, dost Thou not call, Have we not heard Thy Word, We now Thy holy name extoll, Our sacred Father, Lord of all, As one among the herd. We place our hands upon the den, The vipers to thrust out, We have the living holy ken, As a blessing to all men, To turn the world about. 226 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We place our light upon the post, Filled with the oil of love, As one among the living host, Filled with the living Holy Ghost, Sent down from God above. We blow the trumpet now to sound, The warning everywhere, O ! let the love of God abound, Until the lost sheep all are found, In the kingdom everywhere. Then let us go to meet our God That cometh in the cloud, Let our souls with truth be shod, With the living Holy Rod, That shall destroy the proud. HEAR YE GOD. I am the way, Sayeth God to-day, Hear ye my loving voice ; To now obey, It is the way, In which to make thy choice. I am the light, Of power and might; Look forth and thou shall see The sacred sight Of great delight, That dwelleth with the free. I am thy King, Let angels sing, Upon the golden harp, Of love to bring, The holy thing, My sword indeed is sharp. 227 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. I lay the hand Upon the land, The wicked thus to find, They understand, In every band, That God hath sent to bind. CHRIST THE MEDIATOR. O ! see the Saviour standing by The holy Father, God on high, With outstretched arms for us, to plead To God, the Father of the seed. O ! see the Saviour in His love, Pleading thus with God above, Asking Him to us forgive, That we may come and with Him live. O ! see the Saviour, full of might, And the Father of the light, Sending love mankind to fill, In the spirit of His will. O ! see the Saviour full of light, Full of holiness and might, Upon mankind to freely shed, To bring to life the crumbling dead. MARCHING TO GLORY. Let us march with waving banners, Full of love, full of love, Shouting to our Lord hosannas, Full of love, full of love, With our garments white as snow, Going forth in God to sow, Singing praises as we go, Full of love, full of love. 228 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let us march with Jesus leading, Full of love, full of love, His holy lambs we now are feeding, Full of love, full of love, Let us see that all are fed, Of the holy wine and bread, That shall raise them from the dead, Full of love, full of love. Let us march with music ringing, Full of love, full of love, Making melody in singing, Full of love, full of love, Shouting now the jubilee, Of the happy ransomed free, Who hath the eyes of faith to see, Full of love, full of love. Let us march through Zion filling, Full of love, full of love, As the servants true and willing, Full of love, full of love, Let us fill the streets with light, Shining there so clear and bright, Everywhere upon the height, Full of love, full of love. OBEY THE WORD. Take ye now the holy leaf, It will cleanse thy soul to health, It will cleanse thy life from grief, And will strengthen thy belief, With the gift of heaven's wealth. Take ye now the Word divine, In thy soul let it renew, Let the light arise and shine In the glories of divine, The holy will of God to do. 229 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Take ye now the light of love, Place it on the hill to show, The way to God thy King above, Who hath sent the word of love, To stop the raging of the foe. Take ye now the sacred Rod, Standing on the holy hill, A servant of the living God, With thy feet in virtue shod, To do according to God's will. BUILT UPON THE ROCK. The Shepherd hath called us to His fold, Hath fed my soul with love, Hath gave to me that precious gold, Made in the world above. Hath given me eternal life, Among the holy flock, Hath freed my soul from sin and strife, To dwell upon the rock. Hath given me the sword and pen, Among mankind to go, To build the fort against the den Of him the child of woe. Hath showed to me the judgment ax, That on the earth He laid, That heweth by the sacred facts, Within the will He made. Hath taueht me how to hew them down, Hath sent the fire to burn, Until our King of great renown Unto the earth return. 230 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET US BE ISRAELITES OF GOD. Let us go forth upon the land, Marching through, marching through, In our Master's will to stand, Marching through, marching through, Enlisting man to take delight, In their Saviour to unite Against the evils of the night, Marching through, marching through. Let us take the holy seed, Marching through, marching through, The lambs of God with love to feed, Marching through, marching through, Till they all that voice shall know, In the way of God to go, Full of love and all aglow, Marching through, marching through. Let us take the holy fan, Marching through, marching through, Setting it by every man, Marching through, marching through, Separating of the wheat From the chaff, tares, and cheat, With the love of God to meet, Marching through, marching through. Let us take the sword of love, Marching through, marching through, In the name of God above, Marching through, marching through, As His soldiers let us tread Every serpent on the head, Till sin and crime from earth has fled, Marching through, marching through. 231 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Behold ye now the starry host, Marching through, marching through, Full of love the Holy Ghost, Marching through, marching through, We have come the world to free, Filling it with light to see, Till in God mankind agree, Marching through, marching through. FEED THE LAMBS. What shall we do ? hath God not said, Should not the lambs of God above, Shall not His lambs on earth be fed? Those for whom His blood was shed, To redeem them by His love. The supper is prepared for thee, The holy food of Christian life, It is the bread thy soul to free, Of the living holy tree, To cleanse thy soul from every strife. Free it is did God not say, Come whomsoever will to eat, Take of the holy Word to-day, Come whomsoever will obey, It shall become thy holy meat. WHERE THE LOST SHEEP IS FOUND. Have we net seen the sheep astray, Upon the mountains wild, Out in the desert from the way, As the lost and wayward child ; Have we not seen the Saviour send The angels there to thus defend, And bring him back to God? 232 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Have we not heard the Saviour speak? Calling with His loving voice, I am a Father to the weak, Come to me, we will rejoice ; Coming back the angels sing, Allelulia to their King, They are coming back to God. Have we not seen the sheep return? Heard the angels ring the peal? They in the Holy Spirit yearn ; Saw the power of God to heal. The lost is found, O ! hear them shout, As they turn themselves about, Around the throne of God. DO THY DUTY AS A SERVANT. Take ye now thy garments white, In God's love to now unite, The holy hosts of light indeed, And from the wilderness arise, To meet thy Master from above, Who spreadeth glory through the skies Forevermore on wings of love. O ! come ye forth and let us go, In the light of love to sow ; Upon the fields to plant the seed That it may now bring forth the grain, Bearing fruit to fill the bin, Waving on the holy plain, Smothering out the seeds of sin. O ! come ye forth to fill the land With the light to understand, Till every man knows what to do, As a servant to obey, Being full of love and light, To free mankind along the way, With the seed of pure delight. 233 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SWEAR NOT AT ALL. Let every island flee away, Don't you swear, don't you swear, The Word of God ye shall obey, Don't you swear, don't you swear, Break the yokes, swear not at all, To the kingdom hear the call, Marching from the bonded wall, Don't you swear, don't you swear. Come, break thy yoke, break the band, Don't you swear, don't you swear, Come to God and understand, Don't you swear, don't you swear, Touch not the finger of thy hand, The yoke of Christ thine only band, A holy virgin in the land, Don't you swear, don't you swear. Covet not, be free to give, Don't you swear, don't you swear, Come and with the Master live, Don't you swear, don't you swear, If you do with Jesus go, Mix not thy spirit with the foe, Mixtry is the child of woe, Don't you swear, don't you swear. Be the Saviour's holy wife, Don't you swear, don't you swear, Cleanse to Him from every strife, Don't you swear, don't you swear, Be only wed to Him indeed, Sow no other kind of seed, Thy duty now His word to heed, Don't you swear, don't you swear. 234 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES AND OBEY THEM. What doth the Lord require of thee? In the Word, in the Word, Hast thou searched the Book to see ? In the Word, in the Word, He doth require thee to return, To do the right, in Him to learn, The evil trees to hew and burn, In the Word, in the Word. What hath the Lord been heard to say? In the Word, in the Word, I am the straight and narrow way, In the Word, in the Word, By me mankind can enter in, To leave the world of lust and sin, By me ye can be born again, In the Word, in the Word. What doth the Lord require of you ? In the Word, in the Word, To be a servant just and true, In the Word, in the Word, Going forth to sow the seed, Every day His Word to heed, Full of love and truth indeed, In the Word, in the Word. TAKE THE YOKE UPON THEE. Take the yoke of Jesus Lord, Follow on, follow on, Live with Him in one accord, Follow on, follow on, Be a Christian every day, Follow in no other way, Don't try two masters to obey, Follow on, follow on. 235 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Take the yoke of Jesus true, Follow on, follow on, As He doth command thee to, Follow on, follow on, He is the way of truth and life, Don't try to take another wife, It will end in troubled strife, Follow on, follow on. We speak to spirits full of love, Follow on, follow on, Born to God, our King above, Follow on, follow on, If thou art born to Him indeed, Sow no other kind of seed, Don't depart by lust and greed, Follow on, follow on. Take the yoke of Jesus free, Follow on, follow on, Walking circumspectfully, Follow on, follow on, Keep thy footsteps in the light, Walking in the sunshine bright, Lest thou stumble in the night, Follow on, follow on. HEAR YE HIM. Christ, thy Saviour, hath arose, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, He through the camps of Israel goes, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, He is the pillar of the post, The holy Father, Lord of Host, Who hath sent the Holy Ghost, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him. 236 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. He hath proclaimed the holy fast, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, Is of the first and with the last, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, Loose ye every bond to free, Break the binders binding thee, Spread the light from sea to sea, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him. He hath spoke the word of love, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, Hath sent the Spirit from above, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, His word is now thine only guide, Thou art commanded as the bride, To show thy light on every side, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him. Come to the camps of love to-day, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, How canst thou wander now away, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, Come, drink the waters He doth give, In His temple now to live, He will all thy sins forgive, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him. Come live with God and be ye fed, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, Fill thy soul with holy bread, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him, Hear the angels of the skies, The sacred host of God on high, Sent to earth to glorify, Hear ye Him, hear ye Him. 237 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. COME TO-DAY. Come on, come on, let angels plead, Come on, come on, to God indeed, Come on, come on, to-day, Come on, come on, hear ye the cry, Come on, come on, to glorify, Come on, come on, to-day. Come on, come on, and take thy stand, Come on, come on, to cleanse the land, Come on, come on, to-day, Come on, come on, thou art the wheel, Come on, come on, let music peal, Come on, come on, to-day. Come on, come on, and let us roll, Come on, come on, to take the scroll, Come on, come on, to-day, Come on, come on, and let the wind Blow away the chaff of sin, Come on, come on, to-day. HEAR THE SOUND. The trumpet now is sounding loud, Hear the sound, hear the sound, See the coming of the cloud, Hear the sound, hear the sound, See the light before it spread, The glories of the living Head, Shouting to the sleeping dead, Hear the sound, hear the sound. Hear the trumpet's loud appeal, Hear the sound, hear the sound, Let the soul receive the seal, Hear the sound, hear the sound, Listen to the sacred call, Hear the voice, one and all, Satan's works on earth shall fall, Hear the sound, hear the sound. 238 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Hear the trumpet, come prepare, Hear the sound, hear the sound, Come, go with us to glories share, Hear the sound, hear the sound, Let it fill thy heart to go, As a servant all aglow, The will of God indeed to know, Hear the sound, hear the sound. We will soon to God arise, Hear the sound, hear the sound, From death He bringeth forth the prize, Hear the sound, hear the sound, Forevermore to live with God, With truth and virtues being shod, In the courts where angels trod, Hear the sound, hear the sound. PRAY TO GOD. Around the altar let us bow, Full of love, full of love, Asking God to us endow, Full of love, full of love, Blessing us forevermore, The holy Father we implore, Bringing us to heaven's shore, Full of love, full of love. Around the altar let us kneel, Full of love, full of love, Let us to our God appeal, Full of love, full of love, Asking Him to lead the flock, To trust and build upon the rock, Of the everlasting flock, Full of love, full of love. Around the altar let us praise, Full of love, full of love, The Father's great and glorious ways, Full of love, full of love, Asking Him to us forgive, That we may go and with Him live, Separating with the sieve, Full of love, full of love. 239 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE SHALL ENTER THAT REST WITH PRAISES. We enter now that rest, Baptized a child above, Into the city of the blest, Into the city of the blest, Where God doth reign above, Where God doth reign above, Around the throne of praise, Allelulia, shout the praise, The glorious name of God to praise, In honor of His glorious name. The Shepherd leads us to The pastures of delight, His holy voice hath led us through, His holy voice hath led us through, Into the land of light, Into the land of light, Around the throne to praise, Allelulia, shout the praise, The glorious name of God to praise, In honor of His glorious name. We there shall dwell secure, The living sons of God, Forevermore among the pure, Forevermore among the pure, The Saviour's Holy Rod, The Saviour's Holy Rod, Around the throne to praise, Allelulia, shout the praise, The glorious name of God to praise, In honor of His glorious name. 240 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. DEATH AND LIFE. Thy body lies before us, brother, The lump of clay is cold, Thy spirit went into the Father, Clad in the precious gold, Clad in the gold of God above, Thy works shall yet declare, Bringing forth the seed of love, Bearing blessings with us here. The body we shall lay away, Thy spirit hath arose, Unto the Father now we pray ; He every burden knows, He every burden knows the balm. In that eternal rest He doth the raging ocean calm, In bringing in the blest. Thy spirit shall return to take, The trumpet sounding loud, From death thy body shall awake, Ascending to the cloud ; Ascending to the cloud to meet, No more to live in strife, Going forth thy God to greet In everlasting life. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD. Let us prepare the lamp of love, And set it on the mantle tree, Watching for our King above, Who is coming forth to free. Chorus. God hath commanded to prepare, He maketh this request, That we may thus His bounties share, Among the ransomed blest. 241 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Prepare the oil of delight, And set it thus to shine, Putting on the armor bright, In glories to enshrine. (Chorus.) Reconcile ye now each other, Go attend thy Master's call, Satisfy thy holy brother, Live aright with one and all. (Chorus.) Remember there is wheat and tare, In bundles all around the earth, They are binding everywhere With the girdle and the girth. (Chorus.) The wheat must all be gathered in, The tares prepared to burn in rage, O! come ye forth, escape the sin, With the righteous to engage. (Chorus.) HIS SERVANTS YE ARE TO WHOM YE OBEY. We have a King we do adore, And we will serve Him evermore, To live with Him forever free, Throughout the great eternity. Chorus. Telling how to live and love, In the kingdom from above, Living free, forever free, Throughout the great eternity. We love the Testament indeed, We study every day the Creed, It is the only law we know, Telling us the way to go. (Chorus.) 242 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Come to the kingdom and unite, In His will to take delight, At His command let us obey, And travel in no other way. (Chorus.) He is our Saviour, let us stand As the weapon of His hand, Against the servants of the foe, That filleth man with crime and woe. (Chorus.) THE WICKED SEETH NOT THE LIGHT. The wicked seeth not the light, Shining on the way, They wonder why we take delight In God to Him obey. They wonder why we glorify To serve Him as our King, They wonder why our voice should cry His glories thus to bring. They wonder why we plead to stand Upon the holy hill, They wonder why we raise the hand, The earth with love to fill. They wonder why that God hath sent Asking them to live, Asking them to now repent, With promise to forgive. They wonder why we thus enjoy, In God to be so bold, They wonder why we thus destroy The Man of Sin's stronghold. 243 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. A DREAM, THE STONE OF RECORD. (A Parable.) In our dreams behold the great stone of record was brought before us as a great stone standing up and the surface thereof was likened unto polished granite, clearly delineated on the face thereof, which widened toward the base, and we looked thereupon to search the records of the great thinkers that had appeared in written docu- ments, whose works had circulated extensively around the earth ; whose spaces extended from the east side of the stone, even unto the western, upon the side of light, whose works extended from the time of their appearing even unto the end. And in their several spaces we saw written in plain words the results of their labors, and at the end of these spaces, even upon the western borders thereof, stood the houses of their building and in the door of these houses we saw them standing, and we held converse with them ; and we approached a great Ger- man reformer, who held a great smoothing iron in his hand, and he said unto me, Thou should'st take the iron and smooth down the surface of the earth therewith, to prepare it, for as thou seest I dwelt in the time of the state of beauty, but the land is now filled with blood and is ready to be renovated. BLESS THE NAME OF JESUS. Jesus Christ hath come to earth, Bless His name, bless His name, Hath brought to us the holy birth, Bless His name, bless His name, Hath ascended up to free, Spread the branches of the tree, Bearing fruit from sea to sea, Bless His name, bless His name. Jesus Christ hath bled and died, Bless His name, bless His name, He for mankind was crucified, Bless His name, bless His name, Hath brought salvation by His might, To spread o'er earth a glorious light, In His love let all unite, Bless His name, bless His name. 244 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Jesus Christ arose on high, Bless His name, bless His name, Let the saints all glorify, Bless His name, bless His name, He broke the bars of death and led, Brought therefrom the sleeping dead, The light of glory hath he shed, Bless His name, bless His name. Let every power to Him yield, Bless His name, bless His name, To glorify in every field, Bless His name, bless His name, Let us take the holy Seed, The lambs of God with love to feed, Bringing fruit to God indeed, Bless His name, bless His name. LET PILGRIMS PRAISE. Let pilgrims now arise to glory, Holding high that light sublime, In the sacred loving story, Mankind to stop from crime. Chorus. To show to them the way, To show to them the way, To show to them the way, Into that land of rest. Let pilgrims now come forth to praise, Filling with delight, To show to man the light ablaze, Upon the mountain bright. (Chorus.) Let pilgrims now arise to bring The glories of the Son, To crown Him Master, Lord and King, That God may say well done. (Chorus.) 245 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let pilgrims shout forevermore, Standing like a wall, The holy Father to adore, To bring man from the fall. (Chorus.) BUY OF ME GOLD. Come buy of me gold, Says Jesus on high, Come enter the fold, To glorify ; Come enter the fold To be a light, Come enter the fold, On Zion's height. Come enter that rest, Come and prepare, Come go with the blest, Love to declare ; Come go with the blest, On love to fill, Come go with the blest, On Zion's hill. Come go with the Lord, In Him to unite, Come go with the Lord, The battles to fight ; Come go with the Lord, Unto the fount, Come go with the Lord, On Zion's mount. Come go with thy King, Forever to live, Come go with thy King, Thine all to give ; Come go with thy King, Forever as one, Come go with thy King, The glorified Son. 246 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. JESUS CHRIST CRUCIFIED FOR REDEMPTION. The lambs are fed beneath the shed, To keep them from the strife, That blood was shed to raise the dead, And bring them back to life ; To bring man back to live with God, As one in Him to dwell, Forevermore on earth the Rod, In King Emanuel. In Him we stand to cleanse the land, To bind the man of woe, In every land we raise the hand, To with the Saviour go ; To bring man back to live with God, As one in Him to dwell, Forevermore on earth the Rod, In King Emanuel. In Him we free from sea to sea, Let holy voices ring, Great is the tree of jubilee, To God the earth we bring; To bring man back to live with God, As one in Him to dwell, Forevermore in Him the Rod, In King Emanuel. THE FIRE OF GOD SHALL DESTROY EVIL. Let heathens rage To now engage, And bring their forces out. Let all be found, The world around, That will not turn about, That will not turn about to God, In Him to live and be, With love and virtue being shod, To all eternity. 247 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let men of pelf That love their self, Arise in every land ; On every side, With all their pride, Against our host to stand ; Against our host to stand and fight, Our camps God will defend, His is the kingdom and the right, To conquer in the end. Let every beast, Throughout the east, Arise to now devour ; Let every mouth From north to south, Come forth with all their power ; Come forth with all their power to call, Against the holy city, The fire of God shall burn them all, To stop the iniquity. THE VALLEY SHALL BE EXALTED. We have entered now the way, In the valley of that grace, Nevermore from God to stray, Now within the holy place ; To the fount where spirits flow, To the throne where angels go, In the land of love. We have entered now to go, In the valley of that love, Where the waters freely flow From the throne of God above ; To the fount where spirits flow, To the throne where angels go, In the land of love. 248 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We have entered now to fill, In the valley of delight, The people of God's holy will, That in love doth now unite ; To the fount where spirits flow, To the throne where angels go, In the land of love. THE LORD IS COMING. Listen, man, the Lord is coming, Hear the bugle call ; The cannon of our King is booming Hard against the wall. Chorus. The cannon of our King is booming, Shouting now to free; The Lord to earth again is coming In the Jubilee. Listen, man, for tribulation In its wrath shall fill ; On the earth in every nation, Going forth to kill. (Chorus.) Listen, man, thou canst not hide In the mountain dens, The Lord will search on every side With the holy lens. (Chorus.) Listen, man, why stand and wonder? Go with us to-day, The works of sin to burst asunder, Clearing of the way. (Chorus.) 249 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOOK UNTO JESUS AND LIVE. Christ, the Saviour, hath told me, To look to Him and live, Why should I die When God on high Hath promised to forgive? I'll turn about to Jesus, To follow where He goes, Who from above Looks down in love, The Spirit freely flows. I'll give to Him my service While on this earth I stand, I will obey, To do the way, As thus I understand. And when this life is ended I'll go to dwell above, With God to be Forever free, Around the throne of love. FILL ANEW. O ! let the strength of love and song Fill anew, fill anew, Let us of the city strong Fill anew, fill anew, Come every soldier of the Lord, Come ye forth with one accord, To stop the Enemy's discord, Fill anew, fill anew. 250 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let thy hand and heart unite, Fill anew, fill anew, Take the sword and armor bright, Fill anew, fill anew, Go against the forts of sin, Take the beasts that dwell therein, Separate the fin from fin, Fill anew, fill anew. Cast the evil fish away, Fill anew, fill anew, Gather those that do obey, Fill anew, fill anew, Bring them to the loving Son, That God may say to thee, Well done, United to the Lord as one, Fill anew, fill anew. CONTEND EARNESTLY FOR THE FAITH. To thee, O Christian, we appeal, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Unto the King come ye and kneel, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Contend ye firmly for the right, In Jesus Christ let all unite To serve the Master with delight. Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, In Jesus be ye called to-day, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Follow in no other way, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Break every binder in the girth, Be born of God, forsake the earth, An heir indeed of holy birth, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, 251 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. In Jesus Christ thy life is blessed, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, And in His will He doth request, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Love thy brother, go and stand Upon the shores in holy land, Till all the earth shall understand, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Break ye the galling ties that bind, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, Till o'er the earth thy light hath shined, Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, O ! come and build the walls of love, That shall upon the earth reprove, To glorify our King above. Prove thy faith, prove thy faith, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. The Lord is my Shepherd, I hear His call, He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By the fountains of love His name I extoll, He leadeth me, He leadeth me, Beside the still waters there I can see, The hand of my Shepherd upholdeth me, From the valley of death my soul shall be free, He leadeth me, He leadeth me. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not wait, He leadeth me, He leadeth me, From the dark portals of death through the gate He leadeth me, He leadeth me, To God in the mansion of glory I fly, To live with the Shepherd forever on high, His glory my voice forever shall cry, He leadeth me, He leadeth me. 252 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let me not fear, my Shepherd is true, He leadeth me, He leadeth me, He is my Saviour, in Him I eschew, He leadeth me, He leadeth me, Then let me not fear what man can do, For if I die God maketh anew, To live in His glory eternally too, He leadeth me, He leadeth me. SAINTS OF A RIGHT OUGHT TO BE FREE. Shall men of lust, That do not trust, In God our holy King, Forever stand to rule the land, The hosts of God to sting? Shall we not bid, To lift the lid, That man may clearly see To turn about The world throughout, The holy saints to free? Shall we not dwell, The truth to tell, In reason now to give, That man may fill, To do God's will, Eternally to live? Shall we impart, That every heart, Become a well of love, Till all agree, The saints to free, Unto their King above? 253 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. DRAW NEAR TO GOD AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO THEE. I see my Saviour, God on high, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, Because in Him I glorify, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, I have returned as one astray, To the holy narrow way, Looking to the Lord I pray, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh. My heart is cleansed, I see the light, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, In my soul is great delight, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, I now go forth upon the earth, Born of God in holy birth, In that glory full of mirth, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh. I have heard to understand, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, Have entered now the holy land, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, I shall go forth to valleys fill, With the Saviour's holy will, With my feet upon the hill, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh. I have felt the Lord within, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, Purging from my heart the sin, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh, Filling me with living bread, As one arisen from the dead, On the earth to glories shed, Drawing nigh, drawing nigh. 254 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. A TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. In Jesus Christ thy work must show, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, While as His servant thus you go, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, If in thy heart the seed is sown, And in thy works the proof is known, Thine actions speaketh as a 'phone, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear. In Jesus Christ thy work must prove, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, That the Spirit doth thee move, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, For that knocking at the door Must guide thine actions evermore, In all thy works to God adore, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear. In Jesus Christ the bands are broke, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, By the sacred holy yoke, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, He is the way, come on, my brother, How be ye guided by another? Go ye not with them any farther, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear. Follow ye, the holy Creed, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, The Word of God hath living seed, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, It is the Christian's holy will, The earth with righteousness to fill, From the light on Zion's hill, Fruit to bear, fruit to bear, 255 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. FOLLOW JESUS. Follow Jesus every day, Do His will, do His will, Walking in the narrow way, Do His will, do His will, Build thy house upon the rock, Heed the Shepherd of the flock, As upon the road you walk, Do His will, do His will. Follow Jesus, thee to guide, Do His will, do His will, Though mankind should thee deride, Do His will, do His will, When thy labors shall thus run, In the glories of the Son, The Lord to thee shall say, Well done, Do His will, do His will. Follow Jesus, thee to bless, Do His will, do His will, In the way of righteousness, Do His will, do His will, Search ye the Word, line by line, It is the bread on which to dine, As the holy bread and wine, Do His will, do His will. HEAR THE WORD. Love thy brother in the Lord, Hear the Word, hear the Word, Live in Christ with one accord, Hear the Word, hear the Word, Love thy brother, understand, Christ the Saviour gave command, Be ye one in holy land, Hear the Word, hear *he Word. 256 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Love thy brother, Christ hath said, Hear the Word, hear the Word, Be one in Him, the living head, Hear the Word, hear the Word, Be one in Him let all agree, As the branches of the tree, Bearing fruit in God to free, Hear the Word, hear the Word. Love thy brother, live as one, Hear the Word, hear the Word, Follow Jesus, do not shun, Hear the Word, hear the Word, Set thy light upon the hill, Do the Saviour's holy will, The enemy on earth to still, Hear the Word, hear the Word. CHRIST THE ONLY WAY. Jesus with the holy fan, In His hand, in His hand, Purging of the inner man, In His hand, in His hand, Doth require thee in the end, As the angels He doth send, The holy cause to now defend, In His hand, in His hand. Jesus with the Holy Rod, In His hand, in His hand, Urging now to turn to God, In His hand, in His hand, Holding it the saints to free, To divide the human sea, The waters parting to agree. In His hand, in His hand. 257 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Jesus with the two-edged sword, In His hand, in His hand, At the holy river's ford, In His hand, in His hand, From His mouth there cometh out Words to turn the world about, Discerning His the world throughout, In His hand, in His hand. Jesus with the holy Word In His hand, in His hand, Asking thee to feed the herd, In His hand, in His hand, Asking thee to love and feed, The children of the holy seed, Who hath their souls from bondage freed, In His hand, in His hand. CHRISTIANS ARE BLESSED. The poor that in God doth live, They are blessed, they are blessed, They love their brother and forgive They are blessed, they are blessed, They search the Scriptures every day, Humbly walking in the way, His holy servants that obey, They are blessed, they are blessed. In contrition they do kneel, They are blessed, they are blessed, God giveth them the holy seal, They are blessed, they are blessed, They have compassion on the weak, In peace and happiness they seek, In their heart the pure and meek, They are blessed, they are blessed. In persecutions in the Lord, They are blessed, they are blessed, Christ the Saviour they regard, They are blessed, they are blessed, For His sake they suffer wrong, At the hands of Satan's throng ; In Christ the Saviour is their song, They are blessed, they are blessed. 258 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. IN THE END LET US GLORIFY. Let all the earth now understand, In the end, in the end, That God will send the holy hand, In the end, in the end, That shall gather everywhere, The people caught in Satan's snare, Separating wheat from tare, In the end, in the end. Let all the earth then hear the voice, In the end, in the end, O ! let the righteous now rejoice, In the end, in the end, For in the measure of the cup, God will give to all the sup, In the bundles gathered up, In the end, in the end. Let all the men of iniquity, In the end, in the end, Be taken from the holy city, In the end, in the end, Nevermore let them defile, Among the good to them embroil, To ofTend by lust and style, In the end, in the end. STANDING IN THE LIGHT. Let us stand upon the hill In the light, in the light, To do the Saviour's holy will, In the light, in the light, Let us thus arise to shine, Living of the life divine, With the holy Son sublime, In the light, in the light. 259 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let us stand in all the earth, In the light, in the light, That man may see the holy birth, In the light, in the light, That all mankind may glorify The sacred name of God on high, The works of Satan to defy, In the light, in the light. Let us stand where'er we go, In the light, in the light, Giving battle to the foe, In the light, in the light, Bringing man to live with God, In the way the Saviour trod, His feet with virtue being shod, In the light, in the light. Let us fill the earth with seed, In the light, in the light, That man may come to God indeed, In the light, in the light, Filling them with love to see, Bringing them to now agree, From the fountain to the sea, In the light, in the light. CAST THE DEVIL OUT. When the devil comes to tempt thee, Cast him out, cast him out, From his bondage thus to flee, Cast him out, cast him out, In the name of Jesus say To the devils, Go away, Against him thou shouldst kneel and pray, Cast him out, cast him out. 260 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. When the devil comes in anger, Cast him out, cast him out, Cast him forth with all his clauquer, Cast him out, cast him out, Take the sword of God in hand, A soldier of the promised land, To make the devil understand. Cast him out, cast him out. When the devil comes in lust, Cast him out, cast him out, When in thy flesh there is no trust, Cast him out, cast him out, If thine eye looks on to see, Thy arm or foot offendeth thee, Better cast them, thus to free, Cast him out, cast him out. When the devil comes in style, Cast him out, cast him out, Or he will thy soul embroil, Cast him out, cast him out, When the devil comes to pride, * Cast him off on either side, He to thy soul hath come and lied, Cast him out, cast him out. IN THE EVERLASTING BROTHERHOOD. Through the shadow in the valley, In death we fear no harm, To the kingdom let us rally, Sounding the alarm. Chorus. Sounding the alarm to know, For the Lord shall call, Through all the earth to let us go, Escaping from the fall. 261 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Ascending up to meet our King, Coming from on high, Beneath the glories of His wing, Nevermore to die. (Chorus.) With God to dwell among the blest, In everlasting life, Forevermore in Him to rest, Away from earthly strife. (Chorus.) Away from strife and pain to dwell, Dwelling with the good, With Jesus Christ Emanuel, Within the brotherhood. (Chorus.) BIND THE DEVIL BY DESTROYING EVIL. The devil is intrusive, Hit him in the head, The devil is elusive On his vitals tread. Chorus. Take him from the earth to-day, Bind him in the pit; Make him fast in there to stay, Away from man to sit. The devil is a liar, The soul of man to taint, Cast him in the fire, Hold him in restraint. (Chorus.) The devil is a murderer, Bind him with the chain, Mind his as a herder, From the fields of grain. (Chorus.) The devil is a lion, Sitting by the way, From the road to Zion Taking of the prey. (Chorus.) 262 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. WE ARE BLESSED OF GOD. We are marching now to glory Glorious land of rest, On the earth hear ye the story, We are the people blessed, Blessed of God, blessed of God, We are the people blessed of God. We are marching now to Zion, The city of the true, The child of love is trying The will of God to do, Blessed of God, blessed of God, We are the people blessed of God. We are marching now to heaven, The glorious land of light, Hid in our souls the leaven Hath filled us with delight, Blessed of God, blessed of God, We are the people blessed of God. We are marching to the Master, In Him mankind to free, To live within the pasture Of Christian liberty, Blessed of God, blessed of God, We are the people blessed of God. We are marching in the temple, The temple of God's will, Without a spot or wrinkle, The Master's house to fill, Blessed of God, blessed of God, We are the people blessed of God. 263 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. PRAISE THE LORD. Let us come to God in singing, As the holy children bringing, Sounds of love forever ringing, Bringing glory to our King. Chorus. Hear the sound, Hear the sound, Bringing glory to our King ; Let us come to God in singing As the holy children bringing, Sounds of love forever ringing, Bringing glory to our King. Let us come to God arising, In His sacred name baptizing, With the holy circumcising, Bringing glory to our King. Let us come to God in doing, With the ax forever hewing, In the path of love pursuing, Bringing glory to our King. (Chorus.) (Chorus.) LIGHT GIVETH BIRTH. Lo ! on the holy hill That light was sent to fill, According to God's will, That light that giveth birth. Chorus. Light, great light, Light to shine o'er all the earth ; Lo ! on the holy hill, That light was sent to fill, According to God's will, That light that giveth birth. 264 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Lo ! when the star arose, The Spirit on the water flows, The star of heaven shows That light that giveth birth. (Chorus.) Lo! it showed the way, On man as bright as day, They saw and did obey, That light that giveth birth. (Chorus.) Lo ! then they came to God, There was the holy Rod, They had their vitals shod, In light that giveth birth. (Chorus.) Lo ! through the earth we go, The way of God to show, That all the earth may know That light that giveth birth. (Chorus.) OUR PEACE IS IN GOD. O ! let us live aright, The Lord our souls doth light, In Him is power and might, Our lives indeed to bless, Peace, in peace. Chorus. Peace to us in righteousness, O ! let us live aright, The Lord our souls doth light, In Him is power and might, Our lives indeed to bless. O ! let us live in God, The Lord on earth hath trod, Let us in Him be shod, Our lives indeed to bless, Peace, in peace. 265 (Chorus.) THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let us live indeed, The word of God to heed, The flocks of love to feed, Our lives indeed to bless, Peace, in peace. (Chorus.) LET EARTH BE FILLED WITH LIGHT. We see the holy Son, Sent forth on earth to run, Bring man to God as one, To fill the earth with light ; See, O ! see, Let mankind fill full of light ; We see the holy Son, Sent forth on earth to run, Bring man to God as one, To fill the earth with light. We see the Holy Ghost, Sent forth from post to post, To guide the living host, To fill the earth with light ; See, O ! see, Let mankind fill full of light, We see the Holy Ghost, Sent forth from post to post, To guide the living host, To fill the earth with light. We see the holy hand, We see to understand, Thus sent to every land, To fill the earth with light ; - See, O ! see, Let mankind fill full of light, We see the holy hand, We see to understand, Thus sent to every land, To fill the earth with light. 266 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We see the holy throng, We hear them sing the song, Going forth to stop the wrong, To fill the earth with light ; See, O ! see, Let mankind fill full of light, We see the holy throng, We hear them sing the song, Going forth to stop the wrong, To fill the earth with light. POSSESS THE EARTH TO THE LORD. Let us come to Jesus standing, Take the earth, take the earth, See ye now our King commanding, Take the earth, take the earth, As God's soldiers understand, Go ye forth through every land, As the Saviour's holy band, Take the earth, take the earth. Possess it now unto the Lord, Take the earth, take the earth, Go ye forth with one accord, Take the earth, take the earth, Nevermore to disagree, Christ the Saviour came to free, As His servants now you be, Take the earth, take the earth. Go ye now through every kingdom, Take the earth, take the earth, Go ye forth with all thy wisdom, Take the earth, take the earth, Thou art the Father's stone of love, In the hands of God above, To the kings of earth remove, Take the earth, take the earth. 267 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Go ye forth to fill and bless, Take the earth, take the earth, Establish in it righteousness, Take the earth, take the earth, God is our King, His is the right, Let us now in Him unite, Filling up with great delight, Take the earth, take the earth. REST IN THE LORD. When walking to and fro, The Lord hath called to know, His blessings to bestow, To give to us that rest. Chorus. Love, true love, Love to us all full of rest, When walking to and fro, The Lord hath called to know, His blessings to bestow, Love to us all full of rest. When walking in delight, All full of power and might, He shined on us the light To give to us that rest. (Chorus.) When walking in the way, And healing every day, With us in Him to stay To give to us that rest. (Chorus.) When walking on the earth, So full of holy mirth, And born to God that birth, To give to us that rest. (Chorus.) 268 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LOOKING THROUGH THE GATES OF ETERNITY. O ! man, to thee we cry, we see Through the gates of eternity, That openeth now as if to show, Of God's creation thus to know; Who is this the crown of light? As if the sun was shining bright, Descending down to fill the earth With all things new to God in birth. His star I see with light so clear, Is shining all around us here, That earth doth fill in every part, From shore to shore, from heart to heart ; Till as the sea the waters flow Around the earth as light doth go ; We see death's vale in it relume, For light doth shine upon the tomb. This star shines forth is let to view, Upon a throne among the true, As in their hearts it flows to fill, As a light upon the hill, Filling with the Saviour's graces, Illuminating holy faces ; Until the world from sin is freed, With the sowing of the seed. COME TO JESUS IN FREEDOM. O ! come to Jesus, bow thy head, In the sacred path to tread, Traveling on, traveling on, Having on the armor bright, In the Lord to take delight, Traveling on. 269 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! come to Jesus, understand, In the Lord to raise thy hand, Traveling on, traveling on, Against the forts of sin engage, Put the devil in the cage, Traveling on. O ! come to Jesus in thy might, The man of sin on earth to fight, Traveling on, traveling on, Piercing with the sword of love, God commands thee from above, Traveling on. O ! come to Jesus and fulfill, Command the waters to be still, Traveling on, traveling on, That His children may be free From the bondage of the sea, Traveling on. Come to Jesus in the end, He hath promised to defend, Traveling on, traveling on, Set thy house upon the rock Of the everlasting block, Traveling on. Come to Jesus, let us urge, From sin and sorrow now to purge, Traveling on, traveling on, Then go ye forth among the pure, Evermore to thus endure, Traveling on. LAST RUN OF THE FURNACE SEEN. We looked, and behold a great foundry presented itself to view, even a great furnace of separation into which we saw the ores of mixed metallic substances and the stones that contained these minerals placed therein, 270 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. and we saw a great pipe leading thereto through which the fluxing material entered to separate and refine the metals of the furnace, and the furnace was in continual operation, and there was great heat in the fluxing thereof that produced a perfect separation, and we saw one in the likeness of a man that drew near thereunto, having in his hand a bottle of fire that sent forth a great light, and he said, Prepare the furnace for the final run ; and the furnace was prepared and all the remaining metals placed therein, even all that remained upon the earth, and he poured the bottle of fire into the fluxing, even into the furnace, that the great run might be hastened in its time ; and the gates of the furnace were raised, even the gates that lead to the mints and moulds, and the metals were refined and the draws separated. He that hath understanding let him observe, for the whole world is the furnace and the fluxing material the Word of God and man, even the works of man to be tried therein that he may be given his reward according to his works. WHEN CHRIST AROSE. When Christ arose the rocks were rent, The shaking through the mountain sent Calling out to man, Repent, When Christ arose. When God had rolled the stone away He turned on earth the light of day, Calling out to man obey, When Christ arose. When Christ arose the earth was shook, By the power of the Book, With eyes of love on man He looked, When Christ arose. When Christ arose He took and led, Striking Satan in the head, To bring to life the sleeping dead, When Christ arose. 271 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. When Christ arose to God above, He sent to man the Spirit's love, The world of sin to thus reprove, When Christ arose. When Christ arose to man he give The way on earth in Him to live, That He might all their sins forgive, When Christ arose. When Christ arose, ascending high, Commanding us to glorify, The works of man in Him to try, When Christ arose. BE FAITHFUL TO GOD. We came to free, From sea to sea, We are the Saviour's rod of love, O ! let the tree Bear fruit for thee, In the kingdom from above. Chorus. To fill thy heart, We now impart, Filling, ever filling ; To fill thy heart, We do impart, In the Lord and willing. O ! let us go, The seed to sow, Everywhere in love producing, That it may grow In God to know, In stopping of seducing. (Chorus.) 272 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. O ! let us bring To God we cling, In the way of truth declaring, That all may sing, God is the King, In deeds forever bearing. (Chorus.) O ! let us dare Go everywhere, To the heart of man in speaking ; To now declare, For God will spare The soul of him that's seeking. (Chorus.) LET THE SAINTS ARISE IN THE LORD. Let the saints come forth to meet, In the Lord, in the Lord, Around the table let them eat, In the Lord, in the Lord, Let them be a brotherhood, Each one working for the good, Eating of the holy food, In the Lord, in the Lord. Let them stand forevermore, In the Lord, in the Lord, To the Master's works adore, In the Lord, in the Lord, Standing in the love of God, As the Saviour's holy Rod, A holy people being shod, In the Lord, in the Lord. Filled with love, let them arise, In the Lord, in the Lord, To bring to Him the holy prize, In the Lord, in the Lord, To bring to God the works begun In the living holy Son, That He may say to them, Well done, In the Lord, in the Lord. 273 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let us fill indeed to stand, In the Lord, in the Lord, The Israelites of holy land, In the Lord, in the Lord, Marching on across the sea, From the bondage thus to free, Soldiers true of liberty, In the Lord, in the Lord. Be grafted in the vine to bear, In the Lord, in the Lord, To bring the fruit thy love to share, In the Lord, in the Lord, Bear the fruit and bring the seed, For the saints thy help doth need, They are hungry, let us feed, In the Lord, in the Lord. LIBERATION BY THE CHURCH. We lay our hands upon the main, Our hearts with love doth flow We take in hand the golden grain, To sow where'er we go. Chorus. Sowing as a seeder true, Sowing for the Lord, Sowing as a seeder true, Stopping of discord, Sowing, ever sowing, Stopping of discord. We lay our hands upon the hosts, As hearts with love doth fill, Is it not the Holy Ghost Telling of God's will. (Chorus.) We lay our hands upon the foe, The man of sin to bind, We take in hand the way to show, His works on earth to find. (Chorus.) 274 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. HOLINESS GUIDING US. In Thee, O ! Lord, I am builded up, and in Thy Word my soul hath great increase in Thy love. I medi- tate day and night, for Thine angel goeth with me, thus I run not in vain. Satan seeing this, disguiseth him- self against me. He hideth behind the wall as a lion crouching for the prey, but the sword of love discovereth him unto me, for the angel pointeth him out and the light is turned upon him, and he fleeth, for indeed the sword pierceth him heavily. O ! Lord, how manifold is Thy blessings in the way that I walk, poured upon me from the hollow of Thy hand as the dew that drip- peth down as the sweetness of Thine anointing ; it sendeth forth the odors of love that filleth the soul with joy. From house to house Thine angel goeth forth to establish the bands of peace that causeth great rejoicing among the righteous. THE BRIDE EMANUEL REIGNETH IN THE REGENERATION. Upon the earth from side to side We go to take the guests of life, We go to take the Holy Bride From the billows of the tide, To be the Saviour's loving wife. We take the Word, the sword within, Against the earthly beasts to stand, We go to fight the Man of Sin, Until the saints are gathered in, Unto their King in holy land. We go to take the living staff, To hold it o'er the raging sea ; O ! let the swelling billows laugh At this dividing with the staff, . At the freedom of the free. 275 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Yet thus we go, how can we stop? For God hath smiled on every page, That Satan may receive the sop, That in the end His works shall stop In tribulations, full of rage. That glory may spring forth a tide, Flowing as the swelling sea, Till men of sin shall go and hide From the whiteness of the Bride, Of God Emanuel with the free. THE HEAVENS DECLARETH THE GLORY OF GOD. The heavens declare the glory of God, The stars of light aglow, As the candle of the Rod, The way to glory show. Chorus. The way to glory shining bright, The earth with love to fill With loving children full of light, The family of God's will. Around the throne to live and be Each looking to the Lord, Reflecting to eternity, The land of one accord. (Chorus.) To shout aloud, we see and praise The Father on the throne, And the Son with light ablaze, That on the earth hath shone. (Chorus.) That on the earth hath shone indeed, To drive the wicked out, To take therefrom the evil seed, And turn the world about. (Chorus.) 276 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SEEKING A COUNTRY WHOSE BUILDER IS GOD. Hast thou not heard the voice to say, Commanding thee to now obey, Walking in the narrow way, Into the holy land of God ? Marching on, marching on, Into the holy land of God. Hast thou not heard the voice to call, Commanding thee to break the wall, Away from bondage, from the gall, Within the holy land of God ? Marching on, marching on, Into the holy land of God. Hast thou not heard the new command, Love thy brother, come and stand, To feed the flock in holy land, Within the holy land of God? Marching on, marching on, Into the holy land of God. Hast thou not heard the loving Son Commanding thee to live as one, The holy race of love to run, Into the holy land of God, Marching on, marching on, Into the holy land of God. GLORIOUS CITY. Glorious city, living mansion, Holy city from above, Glorious city of communion, Great city full of love. 277 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Thy wall is built of love to stand, Thou hast in thee delight, The Lord of Hosts doth thee command, With glory full of light. The Lord of Hosts, thy holy King, In Thee to will and do, The glories of the earth to bring, To make and fill anew. Thy streets are paved with love to fill, Thy people full indeed, To know and do their Father's will, From sin and sorrow freed. The throne of God among them stands, And blessings from it flow, Unto the holy lifted hands That do their Saviour know. They shout therein to God their King, To praise His holy name, The song of life to Him they sing, Hosannas to His fame. PROVE THY FAITH BY THY WORKS. Let us come to Jesus, brother, For the cause of God In our love for one another, Holding up the Rod. Chorus. Holding up the rod of love, For our King indeed, The sons of Glory from above, With the holy seed. 278 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Let us come to Jesus, doing Of the Master's will, For our King forever wooing, Earth with lights to fill. (Chorus.) Let us come to Jesus, living In His love to free, Always ready and forgiving, As one in unity. (Chorus.) Let us come to Jesus, standing At the living gate, In His love, true and commanding, In the holy state. (Chorus.) Let us come to Jesus, sending Of the sacred Word, In our love for Him defending Of the holy herd. (Chorus.) AFTER BAPTISM. Unto the Saviour let us bow, This child of Jesus to endow, A living sacrifice the vow, A child indeed, and full of love, An heir of God ; Glory hallelujah, full of love. Chorus. Unto the Saviour let us bow, This child of Jesus to endow, A living sacrifice the vow, A child indeed, and full of love. He died to sin, arose anew, Born from above to go and do, Of holy passion, just and true, A child indeed, and full of love, An heir of God • Glory hallelujah, full of love. 279 (Chorus.) THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. We lay the hand upon the head That light and love may now be shed, A child of glory from the dead, A child indeed, and full of love, An heir of God; Glory hallelujah, full of love. (Chorus.) RESIST THE DEVIL. When the devil makes a blunder Fill him with surprise, Turn on him eternal thunder, Blazing from the skies. Chorus. Turn on him eternal thunder, To chase him from the door, Don't let him in thy soul to plunder, Resist him evermore. When the devil comes a-roaring, With silly words to take, Turn on him the fire pouring, For the Master's sake. (Chorus.) When the devil comes politely, To fill thy soul with pride, Of the humble speaking lightly, The Spirit to deride. (Chorus.) When the devil comes exciting, To fill the heart with lust, With the filthy hand of blighting, To draw away thy trust. (Chorus.) When the devil comes a-knawing, With desire to be rich, With desire in the craving, Use on him the holy Switch. (Chorus.) 280 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. When the devil comes a-lying, In telling of the tale, As a tattler, ever trying, Turn thou on him the flail. (Chorus.) When the devil comes a-creeping, In asking thee to steal, Taking other's goods in keeping; Don't let him in to peal. (Chorus.) BE INSTANT IN SEASON AND OUT OF SEASON. In the name of Jesus go Preach repentance and forgive; Teach the people how to know The way of love in which to live. Chorus. Be His servants just and true, Be ye ready, full, indeed, With thy might to go and do, In the sowing of the seed. In His name go ye and teach, Full of faith and full of light, The living Jesus go and preach, And in His glory take delight. (Chorus.) In thy might go forth and prove, As a workman in His name, That thy Master may approve, From thy soul to take the blame. (Chorus.) Be ye ready every day, And at any time to show The gems of glory in the way, With love and holiness aglow. (Chorus.) 281 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. UNCTION FROM GOD. Born of God, the sacred unction Flowing from above; Born of God, by holy sanction Of everlasting love. Born of God, Born of God, In everlasting love. Born of God in holy passion, Descending from on high, In His image of the fashion, Nevermore to die. Born of God, Born of God, Nevermore to die. Born of God the holy sowing, Our loving souls doth fill, With His angels ever showing How to do His will. Born of God, Born of God, Doing of His will. Born of God His children doing As He tells us to, Evermore on earth enduring, Commanding to be true. Born of God, Born of God, Commanding to be true. Born of God, He sends the shower, The blessings of His hand, Giving to His children power, As judges thus to stand. Born of God, Born of God, As judges thus to stand. 282 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. LET US FEEL. As we come in God to bow, Let us feel, let us feel; For He doth our souls endow, Let us feel, let us feel; When thou dost thy God implore, With Jesus knocking at the door, Let Him in forevermore, Let us feel, let us feel. When we come in God to pray, Let us feel, let us feel; In the sunshine of the day, Let us feel, let us feel; When our heart is filled with seed, Jesus dwells therein, indeed, To our God in Him we plead, Let us feel, let us feel. O ! let us raise to God the hand, Let us feel, let us feel ; Thus in Him to understand, Let us feel, let us feel; Let our hearts become a wall To the living God extoll, When in Him to man we call, Let us feel, let us feel. Let us enter now the fold, Let us feel, let us feel ; In the spirit to behold, Let us feel, let us feel ; To feed the lambs of God to-day, Bringing in the sheep that stray, To the pasture through the way, Let us feel, let us feel. 283 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. SACRED BIBLE. Sacred Bible, precious light, The Word of God in love, The source of joy, of great delight, Shining on the golden height, From the throne of God above. Sacred treasure, word to free, Transition from the grave, Into the land of liberty, Eternal life with God the See, From the bondage of the slave. Sacred power, light divine, To civilize the earth, The light of glory thus to shine, The living bread on which to dine, That giveth holy birth. Receive its light, be born to God, A holy child, indeed ; The holy children of the Rod, That hath their soul with virtue shod, From earthly bondage freed. COME WHOMSOEVER WILL. Come to Jesus, hear the call, Come whomsoever will; Come to Jesus, one and all, Come whomsoever will ; Come to Jesus, drink and live, He will all thy sins forgive ; O ! be ye not a fugitive, Come whomsoever will. 284 THE TRUMPET OF LOVE. Come to Jesus, fill the heart, Come whomsoever will; Come to Jesus, don't depart, Come whomsoever will ; Come to Jesus as His wife, Live with Him in holy life, He will cleanse thee from the strife, Come whomsoever will. Come to Jesus, linger not, Come whomsoever will ; In His love to be begot, Come whomsoever will ; Come to Jesus, eat the bread, In the path of love to tread, He will raise thee from the dead, Come whomsoever will. Come to Jesus, live in peace, Come whomsoever will; From sin and sorrow to release, Come whomsoever will ; Come to Jesus, fill with love, Born of God, a child above, Going forth on earth to prove, Come whomsoever will. 285 APR 8 1907