PE 1144 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 00D03TS17TD «/K\ ^o> 9^. *»'■>*' j: 9^ JiV . *.L^>. ^'••Vo»~ ,<{,* *> ' >$« COLLINS & BROTHER, * 254 Pearl- Street. 1847. STEREOTYPED EY T. B. SMITH.— NEW YORK. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1846, by CALEB BARTLETT, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. The great and prominent object of a Spelling Book should be, to aid the pupil in learning to spell, pronounce, and read with ease, accuracy, and precision. To effect this most important object, the Spelling Book should contain most of the common and useful words of the language, properly classed, divided, pronounced, and accented, exhibiting, in the different Spelling Lessons, all the varieties of vowel and consonant sounds in the language, w r ith their distinctive peculiarities minutely and accurately pointed out and explained. The only classification which seems to have been observed by the au- thors of Spelling Books now generally in use, is that of placing a number of words of an equal number of syllables in the same spelling column, without any regard to the various terminations, various diphthongs, or silent letters which the words may contain. By this indiscriminate and promis- cuous intermingling of words, having various terminations, containing vari- ous diphthongs, silent consonants, as also an indiscriminate intermingling of words containing single and double consonants, it is almost impossible for the scholar to remember either the orthography or pronunciation of any of them, having no aid whatever from analogy. But by having these words in separate lessons, the scholar, after having learned or been taught two or three words in each lesson, will, from analogy, learn the whole lesson in one half, and, in many instances, in one fourth of the time which it would require if indiscriminately classed. The importance of separating the sin- gle and double consonants, will be obvious when we reflect that, in almost innumerable instances, the ear can not perceive any difference in the pro- nunciation of the words having single and double consonants, in addition to the perplexity occasioned to the eije, by promiscuously intermingling them ; as liZ y and hil ly ; ve?* y and mer ry ; vom it and sum mit ; flor id and hor rid ; pit y and dit ty ; cop y and pop py ; sim mer and prim er ; va/- id and paZ lid, &c. &c. The practice of giving these words to the scholar as a spelling task, when thus intermingled, as in other Spelling Books, falls little short of a perfect farce ; for, the effort on the part of the scholar to spell the words is a matter of guess-work wholly. It is fully believed, from a careful examination of the matter, both by observation and experience, that, owing to the promiscuous intermingling of various diphthongs and triph- thongs, various terminations, various consonant sounds, similarly sounded, silent consonants, single and double consonants, words spelled differently and pronounced alike, words spelled alike and differently pronounced or accented, &c. &c, more time has been spent in each school of the United States in pronouncing the word " NEXT" in consequence of this system of guessing at the orthography of the words, in spelling classes, and in the time of guessing than would, with a proper classification, be necessary to acquire a thorough knowledge of all the words in the Spelling Book. The intermingling of various terminations, sounding alike, produces great evil, embarrassment, and hinderance before these different termina-^ tions are fully impressed on the memory, in connexion with the previous'-?- ftyllables, which alone distinguish one word from another to the ear ; as, mortar, enter, tutor, martyr, all ending with the sound tur, are learned only by repeating tar with mor, ter with en, tor with tu, and tyr with mar, until the associations of these letters — mortar, enter, tutor, and martyr, are thoroughly impressed on the mind — and so only can they be learned. Now, if these and similar terminations, sounding alike, are intermingled before the associations are fully impressed, there will be constant doubt in the mind of the scholar; as, farce and parse, prison and risen, memory and misery, shove/ 1 and tab/e, coercion, desertion, aspersion, &c. &c. But, when the associations of the letters have become fully impressed on the mind or memory, in connexion with their sounds, the scholar will call up to his recollection the images of the letters which compose each word, whether *9. PREFACE. orthoepical or analogous or not, with equal readiness : thus, wrought and hat, beauty and duty, freight and late, &c, are spelled by the scholar with equal ease and accuracy when the associations have been fully impressed on his mind. [See the first page of this book.] DISTINCTIVE PECULIARITIES. This Spelling Book is based upon the principle, that, to enable the scholar to learn rapidly, and permanently to impress the orthography of each word on his mind, the words should be so presented or classed that the eye and ear will act in concert or unison, and that by this classification of similar sound and similar orthography, the scholar will be led to spell each word correctly by the powerful aids of classification, association, and locality. To effect this desirable object the words are all classed with reference to SIX GENERAL PRINCIPLES. I. The words are all classed by similar terminations, both as to similari- ty of sound and similarity of orthography. As page 46, labor, arbor, harbor, &c. ; page 49, battZe, rattZe, tattZe, &c. ; page 111, mansion, pension, &cc. ; page 112, nation, station, &c. XL. All the different diphthongs are separately classed. As page 53, deed, heed, weed, &c. ; same page, deal, meal, veal,"&c. ; page 54, wield, ye'eld, shield, Sec. ; page 57, loop, poor, &c. ; same page, tour, your, &c. III. Ail single and double consonants are separately classed. As page 22, baZZast, paZZid, hatter, &c. ; page 47, bottom, error, terror, &c. ; page 114, a^oarition, opposition, &c. IV. Different consonants, which might be confounded witJi or mistaken for other consonants, owing to their various or similar sounds, are separate- ly classed. As pages 61 to 121, c,g, gk, ng, th, x, ch, tch, c, s, and t, like sh, /like sk, t like tsh, &c. &c, are ail separately classed. V. All silent consonants are separately and alphabetically classed, pages 121 and 122, end of Part IIL VL The Verbal Distinctions are all separately classed, and their pecu- liarities pointed out, which in all other Spelling Books are intermingled with other words, causing great perplexity and embarrassment, subjecting the scholar also to an interminable round of guessing at their orthography— as pair, pare., pear ; rain, rein, reign; rite, right, write, wright; abuse, abuse ; excuse, excuse ; conduct, conduct' ; ab r sent, absent 7 ; advice, advise ; proph- ecy, prophesy, &c. &c, many of which are not any where classed in most of the Spelling Books, thus leaving the scholar entirely ignorant of them. PRACTICAL ADVANTAGES. L Words of similar termination, combination, either single or double con- sonants, &c, being classed, the scholar is aided in spelling other words of the same class or common basis by their similarity, thus learning the differ- ences between the several words, instead of constantly learning an entirely new, different, and dissimilar word. As pages 22, oatter, Aatter, Zatter, &c. ; 33, rwdimental, detrimental, sentimental, &c; 43, ability, stability, debility, &c. ', 47, sable, iable, stable, &c. ; 115, deduction, reduction, seduction, pro- duction, &c. ; 132, rZiistle, whistle, ftristle, c-ristle, &c. [In other Spelling Lessons of other Spelling Books, the diphthong, consonant, single or double, combination, or termination changes with nearly every word. If, therefore, it be of as great importance to teach correct orthography as correct pronun- ciation, then words should be eiassed, as in this Spelling Book, with simi- larity of /orthography as well as similarity of sound. 1 I IL In this Spelling Book, and in this Spelling Book only, all the varieties o\ vowel and consonant sounds, and combinations of sounds are so classed els to make the scholar practically and familiarly acquainted with them, v and.also have them permanently impresed on his mind. "^. in. In this Spelling Book the easy words are separated from the difficult ones, thus giving the teacher an opportunity to drill or practise the scholar a greater length of time on the difficult than easy words, thereby saving from a third to a half of the time of the scholar and teacher, usually wasted or thrown away by studying, pronouncing, and spelling over and over, again and again, words which require no study, spelling, or repetition VI PREFACE. of the letters to impress their orthography on the mind as, from their anal- ogy, they are never spelled wrong. As, punish, demand, dispute, intend, stimulate, grand, invoke, &c. &x. ; yet, in other Spelling Books, the easy and difficult words are promiscuously thrown together, without proper clas- sification, causing all the difficulties in learning to spell. IV. By the use of this Spelling Bool* the words of similar orthography and sound being classed together, the eye and ear act in concert or unison without confusion or doubt, thus enabling the scholar to spell right instead of wrong, or continually guessing at the orthography of each word ; as to spell wrong makes just as deep an impression upon the mind of the scholar as to spell right; hence the great importance of having a correct repetition of the letters always, instead of spelling right a part of the time, and wrong a part of the time. Not only, therefore, does this classification enable the scholar to learn the orthography of a given number of words in a less time than without it; but, by lessening the number of incorrect first impressions on the mind, tends to fix more permanently correct impressions. No greater error can possibly prevail than the common one, viz. : that if a child be puz- zled in spelling a word, and spells it ivrong again and again, that this will impress the correct orthography on his mind when he finally spells it right. But, the words should be so classed that whatever is seen by the eye as different in any spelling lesson should also be recognised by the ear, thus having the eye and ear act in concert or unison, and thus, also, effecting the two great objects to be attained in making good spellers, viz. : distinct im- pression in looking at the words or in studying the spelling lesson : and, cor- rect repetition in spelling the words of such lesson in spelling classes— which are the true and only ways of learning the orthography of any word. The Alphabet is analytically arranged in lessons, so that a part of the letters may be learned at once, the vowels being placed first. No child or adult, however strong his memory may be, is capable of remembering all the sounds of the different letters in the Alphabet, until he shall have learned one at a time. It will aid the child very much while learning the letters, should the teacher or parent frequently, in the course of the day, request him to point out or find, in any book, the particular letter or letters which he is committing; and also, to require him often to repeat the name of the letter when not looking at the character which represents it. As the sounds of the different letters are given at the heads of the differ- ent lessons, and in the larger Spelling Book, and will be given at conside- rable length in the Expositor or School Dictionary, or both, soon to be pub- lished, they are not inserted in this Primary Spelling Book. So of the Names of Persons and Places, and Scripture Proper Names. It is believed that, as the Reading Books of this Series contain so large a number of words in the Spelling Lessons, (about eleven th&usand), this Pri- mary Spelling Book will be found to contain a sufficiently large amount of words, particularly in those schools in which the Reading Books of this Series are used ; and, it is presumed, also, that most teachers will think it has enough spelling for all cases, as it contains as many words as any of the ordinary Spelling Books now in use. In consequence of the great popularity and use of the author's Series of Reading Books, particularly the Juvenile Readers Nos. I, II, and III, designed to accompany the Spelling Book, both from the adaptation of the Lessons to the juvenile mind, and from the graduation of the Lessons by the number of syllables in each word, from monosyllables to words of two, three, or more syllables, it is believed to be perfectly consistent and proper for him to extend his classes of words in the several spelling lessons of this work, to the ex- clusion of more extensive Reading Lessons usually found in Spelling Books. With grateful acknowledgments to those teachers and parents who have so generously patronised his former Spelling and Reading Books, by the in- troduction and use of several millions of those works, he dedicates this work to them, hoping that it will meet as cordial a reception* and be even more instrumental in promoting the interests of the rising generation. New York, April, 1847. LYMAN COBB. RUDIMENTS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Vll Q. What are the elements and first principles of Language? — A. Letters. Q. How many letters are there in the English Language 1 — A. Twenty-six : namely,, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i,j, k, I, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. Q. What are they called when taken together ? — A. The English Alphabet. Q. How is the Alphabet divided ? — A. Into vowels and consonants. Q. W hat is a vowel 1 — A. It is a letter which can be fully sounded by itself. Q. Which are the vowels 1 — A. A, e, t, 0, u. Wis a vowel when it is im- mediately preceded by a, e, or 0, in the same syllable. Fis always a vowel when it is in the middle or at the end of a syllable, and sometimes at the beginning of a syllable, as in ber yl,par ox ysm. Q. What is a consonant 1—A. It is a letter which can not be fully sound- ed without the help of a vowel. Q. Which are the consonants'? — A. B, c, d, f, g, h,j, k, I, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, 2. W is always a consonant when it begins a word or syllable, or is immediately preceded by d, s, t, or th, as in dwarf, swing, twine, thwack. Of the Diphthongs and Triphthongs. Q. What is a diphthong 1 — A. It is the union of two vowels in one syl- lable, sounded at the same time. Q. How many kinds are there? — A. Two ; proper and improper. Q. What is a proper diphthong ? — A. It is that in which both vowels are sounded, as oi in oil. Q. What is an improper diphthong 1—A. It is that in which but one vow- el is sounded, as ea in heat. Q. What is a triphthong 1 — A. It is the union of three vowels in one syl- lable, sounded at the same time, as ieu in lieu. Uoy in buoy, is the only proper triphthong. As the sounds of the consonants are all very thoroughly noted at the heads of the different Spelling Lessons of this work, and will be treated of at length in the Expositor or School Dictionary ; and also, as several Charts, containing the Elementary Sounds of the Language have been recently pub- lished, I have thought proper wholly to omit them in this work. The silent Consonants are all alphabetically classed and noted, pages 121 and 122 of this work. KEY TO THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE FOLLOWING WORK. 1234 5 1489 148 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat. what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — 13567 8 146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew— fly, system. Figure 1 represents the long sound of a, e, t, o, u. w, and y ; 2, the fiat sound of a ; 3, the long broad a and ; 4, the short sound of a, e, i, u, and y ; 5, the short broad a and ; 6, the sound of 00 proper or slender ; 7, the sound of short 00 or obtuse u ; 8, short u, made by e, i, and o ; 9, the sound of long a, made by e; ]0, the sound of long e, made by i; and 11, the sound of short c, made by i. Q. How are proper diphthongs defined? — A. By both vowels being printed in Roman whenever they occur. Q. How are the silent letters distinguished ? — A. By being printed in Italic. Q. What sound has szchen printed in Italic? — A. The sound of z. Of Letters, Syllables, Words, Sentences, and Accent. Q. What do letters form ? — A. Syllables ; syllables form words, and words form sentences. Q. What is a word of one syllable called 1 — A. A monosyllable ; a word of two syllables, a dissyllable; of three syllables, a trisyllable; of four or more syllables, & polysyllable. Q. What is accent? — A. It is a forcible stress of voice on a letter or syl- lable, in order to distinguish it from other letters or syllables in the same word- Accent is either Primary or Secondary. Primary accent is that which distinguishes one syllable or letter from all others in any particular word. Secondary accent is a less forcible stress of voice than the Primary, which we often place on another syllable in words of three or more sylla- bles, to pronounce it more distinctly and forcibly than unaccented syllables. 8 THE ALPHABET. Roman Letters. Italic Letters. Old English. Names of letters. A a A a a a a B b B b M * be C c C c e t ce D d D d © tr de E e E e IS e e F f F f JF f ef G g G f «£ a je H h H h m ft aitsh I i I i * t i J J J J 3 \ ja K k K k M fc ka L 1 L I & I el M m M m JE tw em N n N n JL 11 en O <© IS P P P V P U pe o, q Q 2 <& Q ku R r R r it tr ar S s S s £b Si es T t T t K X te U u U u m u u V V V V a? & ve W w w TO 2W to double yu X X X X x r eks Y y Y y £ n wi Z z Z z z ? ze & & & and Doub le Letters, and Co mbinations of Letters. M GE 86 The ce ; Figures ff fl fi ffl ffi and Cipher. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cobb's new primary SPELLING BOOK. PART I. 9 ORGANIZATION OF THE ALPHABET. [See the Preface.] A Lesson I. — 1. a E e I a o U u B Lesson II.— 2. b C c D d P P m t V V z be ce z de pe te ve ze 10 cobb's new primary spelling book.— part I. Lesson III. — 3. G g J • J K k Q q je ja ka Lesson IV. — 4. ku F f L 1 M m N n R r S s ef el em en Lesson V. — 5. ar es H h W w X X Y ' y aitsh double yu eks wi THE ALPHABET, ASSOCIATED WITH PICTURES. 11 A a Axe. B b Boat. C c Clock. D d Drum. E e Elk. F f Fork. G g Globe. H h Hand. I i Inkstand. _M m Man. N n Net. "~0~o Ox. S s Shoe. T t Tub. U u U mbrella. Vv Vial. Ww Whip. x7 YyYoke. Zz Zebra. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PAET I. 13 Combinations of Letters to form Syllables. Combinations of tico Letters, Lesson '. L— 1. ba da pa ta va za be de pe te ve ze bi di Pi ti vi zi bo do po to vo zo bu da pu tu vu zu Lesson I' [.—2. ca ga ka J a fa ha ke J e fe he ki jl fi hi CO go ko j° fo ho cu gu ku JU fu hu Lesson III. — 3. la ma na ra sa wa le me ne re se we li mi ni ri si wi lo mo no ro so wo lu mu nu ru su wu Lesson IV. — 4. ya by zy iy ab ye dy ky my eb yi py jy *>y ib yo ty fy ry ob yu vy hy sy ub 14 cobb's new primary spelling book:.— part I. Lesson V.- ~5. ad ap at av az ed e P et ev ez id ip it iv iz od op ot ov oz ud up ut uv uz Lesson VI .—6. ac ag ak af al ec eg ek ef. el ic ig ik if il oc og ok of ol uc ug uk uf ul Lesson VI] .—7. am an ar as ax em en er es ex im in ir is ix om on or OS ox urn un ur us ux Combinations of three c indfou7 Letters. Lesson VIIL— 8. bla pla ela gla fla sla ble pie cle gle fle sle bli pli cli gli fli sli bio plo clo glo flo slo blu plu clu glu flu slu cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. 15 Lesson IX.— 9. bra dra pra tra era gra bre dre pre tre ere gre bri dri pri tri cri gri bro dro pro tro cro gro bru dru pru tru CPU gru Lesson X. — 10. fra spa sta sha cha tha fre spe ste she che the fri spi sti shi chi thi fro spo sto sho cho tho fru spu stu shu chu thu Lesson XI. — 11. ska swa spla shra spra stra ske swe sple shre spre stre ski swi spli shri spri stri sko swo splo shro spro stro sku swu splu shru spru stru Lesson XII.— 12. ce* ply bry g*y chy shry ci* cly dry fry thy spry get g!y P r y spy sky stry git fly try sty swy cy* bly sly cry shy sply gyt * c , soft, like s. 1 g, soft, like j. 16 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. 12 3 4 5 1 4 8 9 14 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall , fat, what—me, met, her, t hey — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Words of three Letters. A Consonant before and after a Vowel. Lesson I. — 1. a, e, and i short. 4 4 4 4 4 Had lap sat ten rib lad map web wen bid mad sap bed bet did sad tap hem let hid ham bat den met kid man hat hen set lid pan mat men wet rid ran rat pen yet dim Lesson II .—2. i, o, and u short. 4 4 5 5 4 Rim nip mob hop rub pin rip rob lop tub sin tip sob mop bud tin bit nod dot mud win hit pod hot run dip pit rod lot hut up wit sod rot nut Words of four Letters. Two Consonants before the Vowel and one after it. Lesson III- -3. a, e, i, Oj and u short. 4 4 4 5 4 Stab bled trim drop drum brad shed shin prop shun shad sled spin shop spun plan stem ship stop blur span step slip blot slur snap brim trip plot spur trap slim spit spot shut cobb's NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART I. 17 13 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 1 4 no, nor, not, to , good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew- -fly, system. One Consonant before the Vowel and two after it. Lesson IV. — 4. a and t short. 4 4 4 4 4 Band rash lend helm rent hand sash mend help tent land damp rend hemp vent sand lamp send belt went dash vamp tend melt kept hash held vend welt wept lash weld desk bent best mash bend yelk lent nest Lesson V. — 5. e, i, and u short. 4 4 4 4 4 Pest risk mint husk lump test limp list rusk pump vest lisp hush tusk hunt west hilt rush hurl hurt dish wilt bulk burn bust wish dint hulk turn lust milk hint lurk pulp must silk lint dusk jump rust One Consonant before the Vowel, followed by another Consonant and the Vowel e. Lesson VI. — 6. a and i long. 1 1 i 1 l Bake dame hate wide lime lake lame late like dine make name mate pike line rake same rate bile mine sake tame pave pile nine take tape save vile pine dale ! date ride dime tine 2* 18 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — ] 3 ART I. 12 3 4 5 1 4 8 9 14 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall fat, what — me , met, her, they — pine, pin, sti r, shire, firm— Lesson VII. — 7. i, o , and u long. 1 1 1 1 1 Vine kite mole hope wove wine dive dome rope tube pipe hive home tore duke ripe robe bone wore June wipe joke hone note tune mire poke tone vote pure wire yoke zone rove mute Words of five Letters. Two Consonants before the Vowel and two after it. Lesson VIII.— 8. a, e, z, and u short. 4 4 4 4 4 Brand trash spent stint stump stand stamp slept blush trump slash blend brisk brush blunt smash spend print plump trust Two Consonants before the Vowel, followed by another Conso- nant and the Vowel e. Lesson IX . — 9. a, i y o , and u long. 1 1 1 1 l Blade shame tribe brine prone shade shape slide spire stone spade slate bride smite slope trade state spike spite shore drake shave smile drive store shake slave slime broke smote snake brave prime smoke drove stale stave shine stole stove blame bribe spine drone plume * COBB S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK . PART I. 19 13 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull — dew crew — fly, system. Accented on the First Syllable. — Consonants Single. Lesson X. — 10. Note. — e like short u, in unaccented er; and. y } unaccented, like long e. 1 1 1 1 Real po et de ist vo ter di al stu dent so ber wa ver tri al si lent tra der di ver o ral mo ment ri der dri ver plu ral la tent spi der o ver vi tal pu trid ba ker ro ver to tal blu ish ma ker dro ver ri val sla vish po ker ba by hu man pu pil bro ker lady po em A pril pa per sha dy di et tu lip vi per tidy Lesson XI. — 11. 1 4 4 4 Smo ky san dal in let liv id bo ny den tal sun set viv id pony men tal tal ent splen did sto ny pen man pat ent rad ish va ry in bred but ment ban ish mi ry kin dred tern pest van ish tory hun dred rab id par ish sto ry em blem val id lav ish du ty in step rap id rel ish na vy ten et vap id per ish lazy ham let tim id pun ish 20 cobb's new primary spelling foox. — PART I. 12 3 4 5 1 4 8 9 14 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat. what — me, met, ler, they — pine, pin , stir, shire, firm — Lesson XII.— 12. 4 4 4 4 Blem ish hab it shiv er tin der bran dish deb it am ber un der pub lish ed it mem ber sun der per il mer it lim ber blun der len til lim it tim ber plun der an vil spir it num ber mur der ten dril lep er slum ber but ler sat in ev er el der ham per spav in nev er ren der pam per nap kin sev er ten der tarn per bus kin riv er slen der tern per Lesson XIII.— 13. 4 4 4 4 Ban ter mus ter dan dy plen ty shel ter blus ter bran dy en vy wel ter sal ver stur dy nim bly en ter sil ver bad ly am ply ten ter turn bier mad ly sim ply pes ter sam pier man ly sun dry win ter ver y brisk ly pel try splin ter bev y dim ly sul try mis ter lily sur ly pan try sis ter pity just ly en try blis ter stud y shan ty ves try cobb's new primary spelling book PART I. 21 13 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 1 4 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, 1 ub, rule, bull— dew crew — fly, system. Accented on the Second Syllable Lesson XIV.— 14. 1 1 1 1 Pa rade re late im bibe re spire e vade trans late a bide in spire per vade be have de ride per spire mis take en slave a side as pire a wake de prave sub side trans pire in hale im pede pro vide en tire hu mane su preme a like re tire in sane se rene re vile u nite de bate ad here sub lime po lite se date re vere re pine in vite e late se vere ad mire de spite Lesson XV. — 15. 1 1 i 4 A live a tone de lude rat an de rive e lope re buke ja pan re vive a dore en dure en trap sur vive de plore de mure a las de prive im plore ma nure a dapt a bode a shore im pure a bed re voke re store ma ture re pel in voke re mote sa lute pro pel pro voke pro mote de pute im pel a woke de note re pute ho tel a lone de vote im pute be held 22 cobb's new primary SPELLING BOOK PART I. 12 3 4 5 1 4 8 9 14 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, met, her, they — pine, pin , stir, shire, firm— Lesson XVI.— 16. 4 4 4 4 A men re lent un pin per sist a mend la ment ad mit a midst de pend in tent o mit de mur im pend e vent re mit ab surd sus pend pre vent trans mit re turn pre tend in vent sub mit a dult in tend a dept mis print ab rupt du et mo lest sub sist ro bust a bet de test en list ad just up set in vest de sist un just in dent un til in sist mis trust Accented on the First Syllable. — Consonants Double. Lesson XVII.— 17. 4 4 4 4 Vas sal rud der tan ner bat ter bal last shud der in ner hat ter pal lid tel ler din ner lat ter rub bish mil ler sin ner mat ter pip pin ham mer spin ner tat ter sum mit ram mer run ner plat ter jab ber stam mer pep per shat ter ad der sim mer dip per srnat ter lad der sum mer slip per spat ter blad der drum mei up per let ter bid der ban ner sup per bit ter cobb's new primary spelling BOOK.— PART I. 2S 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 6 14 no. nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub , rule, bull— dew, cre\v — fly, system. Lesson XVIIL— 18. Last Column Accented < m the Seconc Syllable. 4 4 4 1 Lit ter dally pup py at tire ut ter ral ly mar ry ar rive but ter tal ly par ry as sume mut ter hilly mer ry al lure shut ter silly per ry pol lute sput ter sul ly hur ry 4 stut ter mum my petty ap pend sad dler jenny dit ty at tend ed dy pen ny wit ty ar rest mud dy sun ny putty as sist rud dy hap py diz zj an nul Primary Accent on the First Syllable, and the Secondary on the Third.— Const mants Single. Lesson XIX.— 19. 1 1 4 Ra di ate vi o lent lib er ate me di ate nu tri ment ven er ate de vi ate mu ti ny tern per ate vi o late di a ry des o late mu ti late pri ma ry em u late jo vi al no ta r y stim u late nu mer al vo ta r y stip u late pu ri tan li bra r y ven ti late di a dem ri val ry an i mate vi o let u ni ty es ti mate le ni ent pu ri ty in ti mate 24 .cobb's new primary spelling' BOOK. PART I. 1234 5 1489148 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Em a nate am pu tate med i tate im i tate pa! pi tate ren o vate man u al lib er al min er al lat er al sev er al Lesson XX.-- 20. 4 an i mal tern po ral ad mi ral ped es tal in ter val in di an vet er an rev er end div i dend riv u let im pu dent Pun ish ment im po tent pen i tent in ter est an ti dote lat i tude plen i tude al ti tude mul ti tude ab so lute des ti tute Lesson XXL— 21. 4 in sti tute sub sti tute mur der er pub lish er mar in er min is ter sin is ter mal a dy mel o dy par o dy ver i ly ev i dent prev a lent in do lent in so lent tur bu lent pes ti lent tes ta ment in stru ment det ri ment sen ti ment ban ish ment 4 lit a ny des ti ny sal a ry pen u ry in ju ry rev el ry pan o ply ped an try min is try in dus try dep u ty cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. 25 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good , dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson XXIL— 22. Last two Columns Accented on the Second Syllable. A 1 A 4 San i ty A de ni al in un date van i ty re vi val pa ren tal rar i ty in hu man a mend ment len i ty re tire ment in vest ment lev i ty a tone ment ad just ment brev i ty ad he rent in trep id dim i ty in he rent in sip id trin i ty pur su er re plen ish en mi ty ad mi rer di min ish pen al ty en tire ly u ten sil lib er ty un ho ly Lesson XXI1L— 23. in hab it Second Column Sec. Ac. on the First Syl , and the Pri. on the Third ; and, Pri. Ac. on the First Syl., and the Sec. on the Third. — Consonants Double in Third Column. A t A 4 Pro hib it bal us trade Pal li ate in her it un der take ap pro bate de mer it o ver take ir ri tate de liv er in ter vene in no vate re mem ber per se vere an nu al Sep tern bei • un der mine mer ri ment No vem ber al a mode sup pie ment me an der pre ma ture sat el lite be wil der 4 ap pe tite a sun der un der stand pep per mint in tent ly rep re hend at ti tude un just ly vi o lin but ter nut 26 cqbb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART I. 1234 5 148 9 148 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat. what — me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Lesson XXIV.— 24. Last two Columns Accented on the Second Syllable. 4 1 4 Bar ri er ar ri val as sas sin mil lin er al lure ment im pel lent sum ma if op po nent sur ren der mul ber ry 4 at tern per nul li ty il lus trate un hap py ter ri bly em bel lish as sem bly Lesson XXV.— 25. Note. — In the following, as in previous Lessons, the figures de- note the Accented Syllables. 4 4 Jan u a ry in sin u ate lit er a ry re tal i ate sem i na ry de lib er ate pul mo na ry ob lit er ate tern po ra ry e vap o rate ad ver sa ry ma lev o lent sal u ta ry be nev o lent . * Consonants Double. mil i ta ry 1 sed en ta ry Al le vi ate x ab bre vi ate re mu ner ate ap pro pri ate a e ri al il lu mi nate im pe ri al 4 ma te ri al as sas si nate me mo ri al em bel lish ment his to ri an im men si ty cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. 27 135678 1 46 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XXVI.— 26. THE LITTLE BROTHER AND SISTER GOING TO SCHOOL. See George and Jane go to school ! How nice he walks by her side ! He has a small bag with some cake in it for them to eat when it is noon. They both love to go to school ; and, they try to learn all they can so as to be wise and good. A good child minds what those say to him who teach him at school. He is kind to all, and tries to do right at all times. He comes to school clean and neat, and does not play by the way as bad boys do. God will love and bless all those who try to do what is right. 28 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART I. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson XXVIL— 27. George, how many days are there in a year ? Three hundred and sixty-five. How many weeks in a year ? Fifty-two. How many days in a week ? Seven. What are they called? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satur- day. How many hours in a day ? Twenty-four. How many minutes in an hour ? Sixty. How many seconds in a minute ? Sixty. How many months in a year ? Twelve. What are they called ? January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Septem- ber, October, November, December. Lesson XXVIIL— 28. When you look at the sun, at noon, your face is to the south. When your face is to the south, your back is to the north : your left hand is to the east, and your right hand is to the west. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Do you love to see the lambs in the fields ? How they love to skip, and run, and jump on the hills ! When it is warm you can go to the fields and see them nip off the fine green grass. Do you love to hear the birds sing in the grove ? How gay they are when the sun shines ! But when the storm comes, they hide in their nests. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. 29 13567 8 146 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XXIX.— 29. A WALK IN THE GARDEN AND THE GROVE. What a fine sight it is to see the beautiful flow- ers in the garden! Ann, Charles, and James went to the garden to gather some pinks, and roses, and violets for their mother and older sis- ters, with which they will be much pleased. What can be more delightful than a fine bunch of flowers ! So sweet, so fragrant ! After they had given the flowers to their moth- er and sisters, and had taken dinner, they took a walk in the beautiful grove a short distance from the house, where they found the ground all covered with green grass ; and, the shade of the trees made it very pleasant indeed. 30 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. IT 2 3 4 5^ 1 4 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson XXX.— 30. When winter comes, the flowers are all dead and the leaves fall from the trees. The little birds flee away and the cold wind comes from the north. Then little children need warm clothes, and gloves or mittens to keep their fingers warm. What would become of them in the winter, if nobody took care of them ? Many poor children suffer from cold and hun- ger in winter. You should always think of this ; and, if you have any thing which you can spare, you should give it to those who are poor and in want of food, or clothing, or wood. God loves those who are kind to the poor. Lesson XXXI.— 31. Do you know what sugar comes from ? Sugar comes from a cane, like a walking-stick, that grows in the ground. They squeeze the juice out, and boil it a long time, and that makes sugar. Sugar is also made from the juice of other plants. It is also made from the sap which they draw from a large tree, called the maple-tree. This sap is taken from the tree in the spring of the year, when the frost is coming out of the ground. This sap they boil very much. And what is tea ? Tea is a leaf that grows on a shrub, and that is dried a great deal be- fore it is fit for use. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 31 13567 8 146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. PART II. Various and Peculiar Sounds of the Single Vowels, Diphthongs, and Triphthongs. , In Part II. all the varieties of the Sounds of Single Vowels, Diphthongs, and Triphthongs are given, all separately classed with their peculiarities distinctly pointed out ; but, in this Part, as in Part L, only the simple consonant sounds are given. In this Part also, as in Part L, there are no silent consonants intermingled with those which are sounded as they are in other Spelling Books, all being classed and noted separately at the end of Part III. Neither are there in Part II., any words subject to different accentuation or pronunciation when differently applied, nor any words pro- nounced alike but of different orthography and signification, as all and aid, cell and sell, conduct, conduct', use and use, &c. Those words are all classed in Part IV., instead of being intermingled with other words, as in other Spelling Books, where these peculi- arities and distinctive definitions are not noted, thereby causing great perplexity and embarrassment. Note. — The silent vowels are noted by being printed in Italic. The letter s, when printed in Italic, should be sounded like z. When the vowel e, at the end of an unaccented syllable preceded by a consonant, is printed in a Roman character, the preceding vowel in that syllable should be pronoun- ced long, as in cm-pire ; but if it be printed in Italic, the preceding vowel in that syllable should be pronounced short, as in hos-tile. When e ends an unaccented syllable, and is immediately preceded by a vowel which is not silent, the vowel should be pronounced long, as in av-e-nue ; but if the vowel immediately preceding the e be silent, the vowel preceding that should be short, as in cat-a-logwe. In the remaining Parts of this book, a figure, placed over a vowel, shows the accented syllable without any other direction, and determines the sound of the accented vowels which follow in that column until another figure occurs. Various and Peculiar Sounds of the Single Vowels. Lesson I. — 1. — Consonants Single. JMe stride Ire blind bolt wake dike rive pint jolt bane strike mild spoke sport sane tile wild stroke host ape wile bind strove most nape spile hind old post haste shrine kind pork dupe taste stripe rind torn lute 32 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 Fate, far, fall, fat. what 1 4 —me, met, 8 9 14 8 her, they — pine, pin, stir, 10 11 shire, firm — Lesson II. — 2. Bar Mrd mirk harm mart salt jar, mar yard harsh park shark barn darn part smart salts war par tar marsh bark spark stark yarn harp tart start warm w T arn spar dark marl sharp starve warp star hark snarl art halt wart hard lark arm dart malt waltz Lesson III. — 3. 4 And slant valve skip strip mfimps strut plod bond dfrk dirt bland shred his burnt pond shirt strand ash end elk slit split burst durst pomp shot spirt word spasm strap elm lest spilt stilt wad wash solve move world work has delve midst wand bJsh worm hast helve shrub want push wont shalt skim hum was sfr worst apt have skin prism skulk spurn wasp Avast stir bird love shove Lesson IV. — 4.— -Consonants Double. Rill m dfll skill less bliss droll dell hill shrill mess truss stroll tell mill spill bless buzz small well pill still dress Sdd tall shell rill dull press doll stall smell sill hull stress loll ebb spell till lull hiss bull add ill will null kiss pull shall bill drill purr miss puss cobb's ] VEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART II. 33 13 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— -dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson V. — 5. — a in final syllables. — Consonants Single. SAda stall za i di a* home made dra ma zib ra ban dan a slave trade e ra pa pa di plA ma name sake da ta a re a mi as ma* man drake stra ta ma ni a pla tl na mem brane vis ta 8p er a i o ta* in mate la va stam i na sa li va vl brate Lesson VI. — 6. E state hes i tate pre p5n der ate par take ar bi trate a dul ter ate di late a pSs tate in val i date 6b vi ate re mon atrate pre des ti nate tol er ate mar ma lade in vl o late op er ate ser e nade a bSm i nate des per ate prom e nade pre dom i nate p5p u late mi li o rate de nom i nate nom i nate de lin e ate in §r di nate ob sti nate hu mil i ate sub or di nate £1 e vate re pi di ate de bil i tate pen e trate in vet er ate de ti ri o rate Lesson VII. — 7. Moral 8r de al pri m4 val* nor mal ar se nal re m& val dis mal nSm i nal ar ti ri al spl nal or di nal pro nom i nal pa pal i de al* o ri In tal spi ral bap tis mal mon u men tal na sal tri bu nal* or na men tal m5r tal di ur nal* ru di men talt A val pro pA sal det ri men tal as tral pe ru sal sen ti men tal 1 lin e al re pri sal in stru men tal * i, first syllable, long. t u like oo. 34 cobb's new primary spelling EOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 Fate, far, fall, fat, what 148 9 1 4 8 10 11 — me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, £hire, firm — Lesson VIII.- -8. Hor i z6n tal trades man al der man mat ri mA ni al sales man ar ti san pat ri mo ni al states man par ti san tes ti mo ni al kins man me rid i an min is te ri al b5nd man bar bi ri an sen a to ri al Work man li bra ri an* ed i to ri al sa tan pre des ti na ri an mon i to ri al sul tan an te di lu vi an Lesson IX.— 9. Pll ant stim u lant re ddn dant ped ant ad a mant as pi rant ten ant ad ju tant im pSr tant dor mant mil i tant i tin er ant* r&m nant vis i tant in t51 er ant in stant prSt es tant pro tu ber ant im plant trans plant ra di ant rel e vant pur su ant a bun dant pre p8n der ant pre dom i nant in hab i tant Lesson X. — 10. PA lar a ward bl as ash lar re ward at las stan dard em bark tA paz tan yard land mark re mark a larm prel ate sen ate post mark hike warm a part de part pi rate pri vate ram part im part bi valve up start hard ware a bash de bar de mand h&r aid up land per haps A pi ate re mand pot ash em e raid re tard kid nap ul ti mate * i, first syllable, long. cobb's new primary spelling- BOOK. PART II. 35 1 3 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 16 14 no, nor, not, to, good , dove— tube, tub, rule bull— dew, crew— fly, system. v Less on XI. — 11. — Consonants Double. Vila va nil la nar rate man na di lem ma an nals sen na ho san na er rand mam ml sa van na har ass ad den da er ra ta wind lass j um brel la pi az za tres pass ! ma nil la sar sa pa ril la war rant Lesson XII.— -12. A mass ap pen dant al la vi al mo rass at ten dant ter res tri al sup plant as sis tant ir rel e vant Slip pli ant ir ra di ate im mh di ate im mor al an ni hi late sem i an nu al im m<3r tal bi in ni al* im ma te ri al trans mit tal tri en ni al* ter ri to ri al ap pro val per en ni al sub ter ra ne an em bar rass mil len ni al med i ter ra ne an Lesson XIII.— L3. — e in final syllables. — Consonants Single. DJle 1 tern di v£st prSv erb o men sim i le ad verb h5r net 6b so lete bl ped bxx set sen ti nel ha tred ar dent res i dent sti pend state ment prov i dent riv el pave ment op u lent m8d el ship ment ar ma ment nov el vest ment or na ment label sol vent ve he ment li bel mod est im pie ment dam sel har vest ten e ment mar vel por tind mon u ment prob lem re sent prom i nent * i, first syllable, long. _ rt 36 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 1234 5 1489 148 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson XIV. — 14. su per sede a bSl ish ment as ton ish ment e stab lish ment pre em i nent tern per a ment om nip o tent e pit o me om ni pres ent un lim it ed in de pen dent e m&l u ment su per in tend im p$d i ment su per in ten dent Lesson XV. — 15. — Consonants Double. Bi tu men en am el min u end post p5ne ment sub tra hend de port ment rep re sent a part ment de part ment re sent ment im prove ment in sol vent P&s se as sets Well bred t8r rent ill bred un will tram mel mis spell tas sel par al lei s5n net ap par el Lesson XVI. — 16. — In ess. — Other Consonants Single, Name less like ness short ness num ber less as s4ss ment as sort ment im mSd est ap pre hend em bar rass ment in ter mit tent shame less taste less hope less use less harm less art less ind less help less rest less pale ness lame ness same ness base ness late ness vile ness prone ness sore ness pure ness mild ness wild ness kind ness blind ness bold ness Mr ness hard ness dark ness harsh ness de press bald ness re press shame less ness hope less ness use less ness art less ness end less ness help less ness mor bid ness sor did ness blunt ness pi trid ness mis tress sla vish ness un less so ber ness re dress lim ber ness ten der ness wil der ness bad ness mad ness sad ness rash ness damp ness red ness brisk ness wit ness cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 37 13 5 6 7 8 ] L 4 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull —dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson XVII.— 17. Tlr di ness man li ness re sist less hi li ness wo rid li ness se date ness state li ne ss lov e li ness po lite ness live li ne? s rds ti ness mo rose ness | home li ness la zi ness re mote ness lone li ness sul tri ness ab rupt ness Lesson XYIIL— IS.— 1 [n ess. — Other Consonants Double. 4 shrill ness blfe sed ness Ah hess as * 3eS3 bar ren ness odd ness pos sess bit ter ness tall ness ad dress mud di ness small ness op press hap pi ness ill ness sup press wit ti ness still ness pSn ni less diz zi ness Lesson XIX.— 19.— i in final syllables.— -Consonants Single. Delll i tor pid Sr tist t&r pen tine sem i pfil ish den tist tarn a rind in side tar pish be sides 8b e lisk man like var nish re side as te risk war like nos tril pre side part ner ship tdm pike rob in di vide pr£ ter it bed time mus lin di vine m8r al ist sun shine hard ship de sire nov el ist pis mire 13rd ship be hind e stab lish em pi re wor ship man kind a bol ish urn pire ba sis un kind de mol ish sal id vis it re mind ad mon ish mSr bid vSm it here in as ton ish tfir bid Sr bit re sist man da rin s6r did & nit ma rine me tr5p o lis hu mid pul pit ton tine lit er a ti* stu pid bap tist 4 al ka li a man u en sis * i, last syllable, long. 38 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART II. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, lier, they— • pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Lesson XX.— 20 Rgp tile vol a tile van dal ism h6s tile mar i time bar ba rism rap ine her o ine d&s po tism des tine al ka line pre dfe tine d4 ism val en tine in tes tines bap tism lib er tine lib er tin ism jl ve nile ul tra ism som nam bu Iism pu e rile her o ism Lesson XXL— 21 ad a man tine 5 in va sive fm i ta tive 01 ive ad he sive med i ta tive pen sive a bu sive pre par a tive na\ tive a mu sive im per a tive mo tive re piil sive de riv a tive am a tive im pal sive di min u tive rel a tive pro mi live re trib u tive sub stan tive a bor tive re sio ra tive prim i tive re ten tive de m§n stra tive p5s i tive pre ven tive in ti i tive trail si tive in ven tive in tran si tive sen si tive cp er a tive rep re Mn sive e ra sive an i ma tive de lib er a tive e va sive nom i na tive rep re skn ta tive Lesson XXII , — 22. — Consonants Double, H6r rid but ter milk sub mis sive tor rid bul le tin im pres sive bob bin ap po site op pres sive wind mill op po site at ten tive ill will ban dit ti pal li a tive a miss el lip sis ir rll a tive re miss nar ra tive il lus tra tive pa per mill pos ses sive ap pre hen sive cobb's NEW PRIMARY SPE] CLING BOOK.- — PART II. 39 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, i ule, bull— dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson XXIIL — 23.— o in final syllables. — Consonants Single. Trio bra va do par port up &n lim bo tor pe do II most de spond so lo ro tun do .in most re spond he ro pro vl so ut most be yond ze ro to ma to bed post a dopt al so me men to im post re solve v£ to des pe ra do post pJne ab solve jun to or a to ri o l3e hold e volve bra vo mile stone up hold re volve a d8 lime stone pa trol in volve un do brim stone re volt re move pa na do work shop un bolt im prove tor na do des pot re port a bove Lesson XXIV. — 24. — o, before r, like broad a long. 3 s5rt ab sorb pru nil lo* Orb short sub orn mu lat to nor snort a dorn in nu en do Lord land lord ab hor mill stone stork in born re sort allot storm harts horn re tort sup pirt born dA nor Con. Doub. as sort horn stu por Dlt to ap prove mora tor por mSt to in ner most Lesson XXV. — 25. — u in final syllables.— Consonants Single. Zebu bo nus u surp vol ume wal rus re suit trib une n§n plus in ter lude trib ute wal nut s&l i tude sub urb in jure vis ti bule am bush re s ume res o lute b&l rush pre sume prSs ti tute mar mur di lute r& di us * u like oo. 40 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pin( j, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson XXVI.— 26. 5 al um Con. Double. Om ni bus al bum V81 lum stim u lus mh di um er ii turn o ver plus o di um o p&s sum im pe tus pre mi um pal la di um hM i but o pi um mil Jen ni um man da mus mfn i mum op pro bri um hi a tus* mu Se um las si tude im por tine po ma turn mit ti mus lit er a ture mo men turn blun der buss tern per a ture em pJ ri um op por tine be at i tude de li l r i um in ter rupt si mil i tude mem o ran dum ap pa ra tus Lesson XXVII.— 27.— j f long. — Consonants Single. Tfre repty ste re o type pyr a mid hy dra im ply hy me ne al Can. Double. hy men espy y short. Sly ness ty rant mul ti ply bir yl dry ness hy drant an o dyne tym pan hys sopt hy sont pro's e lyte syl van all* rely an ti type syn odt apply July hy e na sys tern sup ply de ny a sy lum myr i ad a byss Lesson XXVIII. — 28. — y, unaccented, like e long. — Con. Single. B§dy hus ky love ly mus ty Mr dy wide ly If my rus ty tar dy home ly nine ty trus ty han dy wise ly has ty £bly san dy on ly party pal try mil ky world ly dirty win try sil ky hard ly mis ty no bod y bul ky harsh ly dus ty rim e dy j; * i long. t o like u short. cqbb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 41 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 16 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XXIX- -29. Pros o dy hu mane ly as tr§n o my has ti ly su preme ly a nat o my pr£s ent ly un man ly mo nSt o ny mod est ly vl o lent ly in dil i bly rap id ly im i nent ly in vis i bly prob a bly 6b sti nate ly in sen si bly &n e my vis o lute ly i d61 a try* bot a ny p§s i tive ly de lib er ate ly nov el ty ad mi ral ty e lab o rate ly pov er ty tol er a bly un al ter a bly prop er ty mis er a bly in tSl er a bly mod es ty ad mi ra bly in va ri a bly maj es ty a n&m a ly in vi o la bly her al dry mo nop o ly in ev i ta bly pi e try a bun dant ly in im i ta bly Lesson XXX. — 30. — Consonants Double. Hobby m5r al ly sum ma ri ly lob by ti tal ly §p po site ly billy mSr tal ly un hap pi ly pop py hSr ri bly at ten tive ly star ry pos si bly im m6d es ty s&r ry an nu al ly ma th ri al ly wSr ry lib er al ly il lib er al ly dres sy sev er al ly im m£ di ate ly r4 al ly n§m i nal ly hor i z6n tal ly Lesson XXXI.— 31.— In ary.- -Consonants Single. Ro sa ry plan e ta ry he rid i ta ry a pi a ry mi men ta ry in vol un ta ry a vi a ry vSl un ta ry su per nu mer a ry drom e da ry sol i ta ry 4 Double Consonants. sub lu na ry ar bi tra ry Em is sa ry iu mi na ry J-T7 , ... pre lim i na ry * i long. sup pie min ta ry 4* 42 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 1234 5 14891 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson XXXII. — 3*2. — In ery. — Consonants Single. Mis er y ar ter y shrub ber y em er y wl ter y tan ner y ev er y sla ver y nun ner y liv er y bra ver y slip per y brl ber y sil ver y or rer y bin der y mon as ter y bat ter y ba ker y de liv er y lot ter y dra per y a dul ter y pot ter y po per y Consonants Double. but ter y nur ser y Rob ber y ar til ler y Lesson XXXIII. — 33. — In ony and ory, o like short u. — Conso- nants Single. PI on y sa vor y prom on tor y £b on y i vor y pro vfsor y Mr mon y am a tor y de lu sor y al i mon y pred a tor y un sa vor y mat ri mon y dil a tor y lab o ra tar y pat ri mon y or a tor y pre par a tor y par si mon y man da tor y pro hib i tor y an ti mon y r6 ta tor y pre m6n i tor y tes ti mon y dor mi tor y re pos i tor y prl or y tran si tor y Consonants Double. mem or y in ven tor y Pil lor y ir mor y des ul tor y prom is sor y his tor y rep er tor y ter ri tor y Lesson XXXIV. — 34. — In sy and ety. — Consonants Single. R6 sj her e sy sa tl e ty pal sy lep ro sy e bri e ty tan sj ep i lep sy so bri e ty tip sy pi e ty pro pri e ty drop sy im pi e ty no to ri e ty pur sy va ri e ty im pro pri e ty cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 43 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove —tube, tub, rule, bull— ( lew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XXXV. — 35. — In ity. — Consonants Single. Deity in san i ty ti mid i ty prSb i ty bar bar i ty hu mid i ty din si ty de prav i ty ra pid i ty re al i ty se ren i ty stu pid i ty mo ral i ty te mer i ty a vid i ty plu ral i ty as per i ty a bil i ty vi tal i ty* pros per i ty sta bil i ty bru tal i tyt pos ter i ty de bil i ty mor tal i ty se ver i ty no bil i ty ur ban i ty va lid i ty hu mil i ty hu man i ty so lid i ty ste ril i ty Lesson XXXVI.— 36. U til i ty im pi ni ty per so nal i ty hos til i ty in dim ni ty hos pi tal i ty ser vil i ty so lem ni ty sim i lar i ty sub Km i ty im pi ri ty pop u lar i ty di vin i ty ma tu ri ty in tre pid i ty na tiv i ty pro pin si ty in a bil i ty pri Sr i ty* in ten si ty li a bil i ty* ma jor i ty i den ti ty prob a bil i ty mi nor i ty sa lu bri ty du ra bil i ty ab sdr di ty per pe tu i ty vis i bil i ty e nor mi ty lib er al i ty sen si bil i ty Lesson XXXVII.— 31 Sol u bil i ty in stru men tal i ty ver sa til i ty a mi a bil i ty u na nim i ty pen e tra bil i ty se ni 6r i ty in sen si bil i ty an i mos i ty re spon si bil i ty im por tfr ni ty su pe ri or l ty ma te ri al i ty an te ri or i ty u ni ver sal i ty in di vis i bil i ty * i, first syllable, long. t u like oo. 44 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 Fate, far, fall, fat, what- 148 9 1 48 10 11 ■me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson XXXVIII. — 38. — Consonants Double. J81 li ty od di ty an ni i ty im mu ni ty as si di i ty im mo ral i ty im mor tal i ty op por tu ni ty Lesson XXXIX.— 39.- Sh^ly sl yiy dryly m'ar tyr* &m bry o mys ter y dy nas ty sy n6p sis d|s en ter y pres by ter y a nal y sis pa ral y sis pos si bil i ty il lib er al i ty mal le a bil i ty im mu ta bil i ty ir ri ta bil i ty im pos si bil i ty pu sil la nim i ty im ma te ri al i ty y differently pronounced. pres by te ri an er y sip e las Consonants Double. Tyr an ny em bas sy sym me try Lesson XL. — 40. — s, in se, sharp and hissing.- Base parse sparse horse else pulse dense tense rinse lapse nurse purse worse Consonants Single. u m verse de splse a base ment sur prise de base ment de pose im burse ment re pose hy pSt e nuset im pose t, in se, flat like z. trans pose nSn sense ad verse a base de base e rase mo rose ob tuse Wise a rose ab struse prose a muse re pulse sun rise pe rase sus pense side wise a muse ment re sp5nse like wise ad ver tlse re lapse end wise su per vise re morse pre mlse in ter pose Im pulse im burse sur mise Con. Double. mor tise va lise a rise Op pose pur posef par a dise re vise sup pose * y like short u. to like short u. t y like long i. cobb's new primary spelling- BOOK. PART II. 45 13 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XLI. — 41. — Ending in ze. — Consonants Single. Hize 1 dol ize* min er al ize blaze sub si dize mo nop o lize a mize tan ta lize a pos ta tize bap tize Mr mo nize ma te ri al ize re al ize sol err i nize me mo ri al ize m§r al ize bar ba . rize Consonants Double. hu man ize tern po rize As size pul ver ize dram a tize met al lize mod em ize lib er al ize im mSr tal ize Lesson XLIL — 42— e, unaccented, like short i. — Con. Single. Niked plan et s8r rel bai let wor sted riv et ves sel pul let bush el mlr ket sud den em met bev el mus ket sul len plum met lev el hel met war ren lin net hov el trum pet mit ten bon net tin sel vel vet mal let run net mor sel Con. Double. wal let tip pet mfn strel Pom mel bil let pup pet lin en kin net mil let rus set sl8v en tun nel ril let sud den ness su et bar rel skil let sul len ness Lesson XLIII. — 43. — a, unaccented, like short u. — Con. Single. Rib aid bus tard bul wark : jal ap vl and in ward dam ask mSr tar has band Sn ward mad am Con. Double. haz ard up ward bed lam Pil lar liz ard wind ward bal sam dfil lar viz ard west ward worn an dfil lard wiz ard in wards tur ban buz zard * o like short u. 46 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 1 4 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, net, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson XLIV. — 44. — e, in er, unaccented, like short u. — Conso- nants Single. Sliv er pros per 16b ster fa bi ter prop er ml set bil ster par t4 ker hov er 18 ser hoi ster re por ter lov er pur ser m8n ster im por ter bar ber wl ter em bers di vi der.? alder hal ter m6d ern sus p^n dei*5 wan der bil ter tav ern de liv er er pon der plan ter Ian tern a dul ter er yon der prin ter wes tern as tron o mer won der hun ter wan der er i dol a ter* Sr der • bar ter plun der er di am e ter* bor der pir ter prSv en der ba rom e ter part ner mS ver dl a per ad min is ter dam per 1 dler bal us ter ad ver tl ser Lesson XLV- -45. — Consonants Double. Job ber skim mer pot ter mid sum mer rob ber trim mer tot ter kid nap per rub ber skip per blot ter bar ris ter spel ler hop per trot ter de mur rer r&l ler ot ter nip pers sup pir ter Lesson XLVI. — 46. — o, unaccented, like short u. — Con. Single. V&n om t$n on ar dor riot at om her on splin dor pivot sel dom ten don m 4 jor tur bot ran dom wan ton par lor Mr lot wis dom pis ton trJ mor silk worm bo som bish op tu mor tire some ran som val or ar mor lone some lion labor v4 por bar on et til on ar bor ju ror l ph ri od mel on har bor sp&n sor vft ri ol lem on 6 dor tu tor * i long. id i om COBB S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART II. 47 ~1 3 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 T~~4 " no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tab, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XLVIL— 47. Musk mel on en ven om su pS ri or 8r i 5on a ban don an te ri or h ni son en vl ron in te ri or me te or en am or o bliv i on em per or trans la tor pro prl e tor sen a tor tes ta tor su per vl sor or a tor tor men tor me di a tor ed i tor lem on ade mod er a tor mon i tor ni mer a tor de nom i na tor id i ot ar bi tra tor ad min is tra tor Lesson XLVIIL — 18. — Consonants Double. Mam mon ter ror bot torn less sum mon mir ror stub born ness bios som hor ror as ses sor bot torn sum mons pos ses sor stub bom ab bot op pres sor er ror par rot in no va tor Lesson XLIX. — 49. — Ending in le, e silent.— Consonants Single. Sa ble ram b\e trip le ar a ble ta ble bram ble am pie par a ble sta ble trem ble sam pie sk la ble bi ble nim ble tram pie ta ma ble no ble rum ble tern pie bla ma ble la die turn ble pirn pie pal pa ble ma pie stum ble sim pie du ra ble sta pie dan die pur pie ra ta ble ti tie han die tur tie m& va ble mar ble kin die myr tie* pro va ble spar kle spin die 11 a ble si za ble star tie brin die pli a ble sol u ble war ble bun die prSb a ble ris i ble treble trundle tenable visible * y like short e. 48 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson L.— 50. Sen si ble va ri a ble sep a ra ble pre am ble en vi a ble mem o ra ble mul ti pie tSI er a ble ad mi ra ble en a ble ven er a ble pal a ta ble un a ble mis er a ble rep u ta ble en ti tie vul ner a ble hab i ta ble re sem ble per ish a ble im i ta ble en kin die pun ish a ble life pi ta ble val u a ble mar ket a ble* ten an ta ble pit i a ble es ti ma ble lam en ta ble a mi a ble rep a ra ble Lesson LI. — 51. pen e tra ble Re 11 a ble cle pli ra ble de m8n stra ble im prSb a ble en du ra ble in del i ble re mar ka ble ad vi sa ble di vis i ble un sa la ble de spi sa ble in vis i ble un ta ma ble de ba ta ble in sen si ble un bla ma ble im pu ta ble os ten si ble pre su ma ble de tes ta ble re sp5n si ble a me na ble de rl va ble in val u a ble de si ra ble re mo va ble re mi di a ble re spi ra ble re pro va ble in va ri a ble a do ra ble im pro va ble Lesson LIL— -52. in tfil er a ble In vul ner \ i ble in im i ta ble in su per a ble in d3m i ta ble un al ter a ble in ev i ta ble in vl o la ble in du bi ta ble in fa ti ma ble in h8s pi ta ble a b&m i na ble im l pen e tra ble in sep a ra ble un l de nl a ble in hab i ta ble rep re hen si ble * first e like short i. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 49 T - 3 5~~6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 1~ 1 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson LIII. — 53. — Consonants Double, Bab ble stad die rab ble strad die peb ble wad die nib ble ped die bub ble mid die stub ble rid die h&b ble hud die ad die pud die pad die nSd die sad die ap pie Lesson LIV. Muz zle un sit tie puz zle em bez zle til la ble mil ]e a ble ter ri ble ut ter a ble h§r ri ble ir ri ta ble pos si ble war ran ta ble en n6 ble sup pi sa ble as sem ble im mu ta ble Lesson LV. — 55. Un war ran ta ble ir re sp5n si ble il lim i ta ble in ad mis si ble ir re m& va ble ir re sis ti ble ir re pro va ble ir re me di a ble Words which end in ment and ess, e } in Ze, being silent. No ble ness brit tie ness k mi a ble ness nim ble ness bat tie ment va ri a ble ness I die ness set tie ment a do ra ble ness lit tie ness du ra ble ness em biz zle ment Words which end in el } e being silent. Shek el riv el driv el shov el rav el sniv el shriv el hi zel nip pie kk tie rip pie net tie tip pie set tie sup pie lit tie h§p pie tit tie stop pie spit tie bat tie brit tie rat tie shut tie tat tie bftt tie prat tie daz zle —54. im m& va ble ap pro va ble ad mis si ble im p§s si ble in ni mer a ble ? un ut ter a ble an nl hi la ble ir i ep a ra ble 50 cobb's new primary spelling- book.— PART II. 12a 4 5 L 4 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall , fat, what— m< 5, met, her, they— pine pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson LVL— 56.— Ending in en, e silent— Consonants Single. Ris en to ken par ta ken hid den sev en spo ken mis ta ken trM den driv en bro ken a wa ken hap pen ov en dar ken un e ven bit ten doz en rl pen en li ven kit ten Ik den pen un bur den r6t ten wi den sh5r ten un der tk ken un bid den har den h yen Con. Double, un trM den war den wo ven Sad den Ending in ess. ti ken bra zen red den 6 pen ness sha ken e l&v en bid den e ven ness Lesson LVIL— 57.— 0, in on, silent.— Consonants Single. Pris on at* son im pris on Con. Double. plr don par son em bli zon But ton ma son se ton par don a ble mut ton dam son bla zon im pris on ment un but ton PROPER DIPHTHONGS Lesson L VIII.— 58. — oi occurs. — Consonants Single. Note. — The figures are not placed over the proper Diphthongs, in this work , both vowels being sounded, as oil, load, (ow and ov, when proper Diphthongs, being sounded the same as oi and ou) • and the Diphthong notes the accented syllable, unless another syl- lable has a figure over it. In the remainder of this work, e, in un- accented er and ery. should be pronounced like short u, and i and y, unaccented or ending a syllable not accented, like long e, unless otherwise noted. Void joint boil er as ter oid oil point loi ter moi e ty boil hoist poi son em broi der roil joist a void res er voir soil moist de void v4 ri loid toil noise en join em broi der y spoil poise pur loin Con, Double. broil toil et me moir Noise less join oint menl a droit ap point loin noi sy a noint ap point ment cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 51 1 3 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 16 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove —tube, tub, rule, n aull — dew, crev» T — fly, system. Lesson LIX. — 59. — oy occurs.— ■Consonants Single. Joy boy ish de stroy em ploy ment toy oy ster loy al ty Consonants Double, troy In voy roy al ty Alloy loy al enjoy em ploy er an noy roy al em ploy enjoy ment pen ny roy al Lesson LX. — 60. — ou occurs. — Consonants Single. Loud shout out ward* sur mount proud spout out er a rouse shroud trout loud ly e spouse bound stout sound ly tan ta mount hound sprout boun ty boun da ry mound mount a bound su per a bound pound oust re dound in sur moun ta ble round souse pro pound Consonants Double. sound spouse a round Bound less noun out set as tound loud ness sour out side de vour round ness ours out line a bout sound ness out hous€ hold de vout sour ness pout pr6 noun a mount sur round Lesson LXI. — 61. — ow occurs.— -Consonants Single. How drown pow der show er y now drowse drow sy a vow al vow bow els row elt en dow ment brow row en tow elf how iv er prow brown ish vow elf how hi it owl town ship trow elt slm i vow elf howl bow er down ward Consonants Double. prowl dow er en dow Down hill down pow er a vow prow ess town tow er re nown al low brown show er bow er y al low a ble * a like short u t e like short i. 52 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — IMPROPER DIPHTHONGS. Lesson LXII. — 6*2. — ai } like long a, occurs.— Consonants Single. 1 train rai ment de tail Aid stain hail stone en tail paid sprain purs laint pre vail jail strain plan taint be wail nail trait jail er or dain rail paint nail er re main snail saint wait er do main trail taint pain ter de tain aim bond maid dai ly re tain maim milk pail vain ly ob tain blain main sail dai ry per tain slain dove tail dai sy sus tain brain p6r trait dain ty ab stain drain mam mast up braid re strain Lesson LXIIL— 63. A wait en ter tain Con. Double. re straint a vail a ble Vfl laint dai ry maid en ter tain ment plain ness en tail ment sail or* as sail re main der tai lor* at tain o ver i iid trai tor* at tain ment o ver Daid moun taint ap per tain Lesson LXIV.— 64. — ay, like long a, occurs.- -Consonants Single. Lay spray al ways por trayt May stray Sun dayt a stray pay play mate M8n dayt yes ter day ray pay ment de lay - run a way say day time re lay pay a ble play may day way lay Con. Double. bray pay day re pay Mid day dray play day a way al lay stay mid way be tray ar ray * o like short u. t a, last syllable, silent. t o long. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 53 13 5 6 7 8 no. nor, not, to, good, dove- 146 7 1614 -tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Tree spree deed heed weed bleed speed breed steed meek Lesson LXV. — 65. — ee occurs. — Consonants Single. seek sleek eel keel reel deem keen spleen teens deep keep peep weep sheep sleep steep jeer leer veer sneer Steer sheet sleet street sleeve sneeze breeze nine teen keep sake steel yard sJJd time bee hive pee vish keep er need y sleep y keen ly deep ly nee die stee pie Trus tee in deed mis deed re deem e steem nan keen a sleep ve neer ju bi lee sSv en teen re dJJm er o ver see Lesson LXVIL— 67. Lesson LXVL— 66. dev o thh pat en tee ab sen tee rep ar tee pis ta reen pi o neer* dom i neer mu ti neer o ver seer pri va teer* vol un teer re deJm a ble Con. Double. HeJd less need less sleep less meek ness keen ness steep ness meet ness rap peS les see set tee peJ vish ness Pea tea plea bead plead beard beak bleak sneak speak streak deal meal veal zeal beam -ea, like long e, occurs. — Consonants Single. xhaxn. dream steam stream bean dean means ear near rear year smear spear heap leap neap reap eat heat neat peat seat teat bleat treat east beast ease heave weave eaves heaves * i long. 54 cobb's new primary spelling book.- —PART II. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 14 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall fat, \x hat — me, met, her, they — pine, pin , stir, shire, firm— Lesson LXVIIL— 68. Leap year wea ver ea sj re vial sea man eas tern trea ty en dear treat ment leak y mea sles re peat spear mint dear ly weak en re treat reap er year ly eat en en treat hear er wea ry bo hha re lease bea ver drea ry re peal Lesson LXIX.— 69. be reave Rha son de mean or* dJar ness sea son rha son a ble near ness trea son sea son a ble neat ness ea si ly trea son a ble seam stress eat a ble Consonants Double. an nhal en dhav ment Whak ness ap peal be reave ment lean ness ap pear en trea ty mean ness ap pease Words in which ie occurs. — Consonants Single. Wield re prieve Vie yield re trieve tie shield bre vier vie shriek be lie ver be He priest bom bar dier* un tie Lesson LXX. — 70. — oa and ou, like long o, occur.— Con. Single. Load roast 6ak um M6wld oak toast boar der mowrn shoal hoarse loam y moz/Jt soap pJste board hoar y moid der hoar side board oak en showl der boat lar board a board moia* ner oats star board be moan moid dy boast up roar boat a ble powl try * o like short u. I cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 55 13567 8 146 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson LXXI. — 71. — ow,\ike long o, occurs. — Consonants Single. Note. — Many persons pronounce widow, window, pillow, &c., wid ur, win dur, jril lur, &c. carefully avoided. 6wn sown blown Blow show snow stow trow strow Sal low tal \oiv shal low ar row bar row har row This gross vulgarism should be £1 bow win dow shown shad ow wid ow bow sprit snow storm own er show y Consonants Double. mar row yar row spar row bel low mel low yel low bil low pil low wil low min now win now wal low snow y low ly tow ard* tow ards* be low be stow bSr row mor row sor row slow ness yel low ness to mor row Lesson LXXIJj-72. — ue and eu, like long u, occur. — Conso- nants Single. Val ue riv e nue ne& ter im bue res i due an eu rism sub due det i nue pleu ri sy ven due ret i nue am a teur en sue m occurs. neu tral i ty pur sue Neu tral Eu ro pe an av e nue eu rus deu ter 6n o my Lesson LXXIII. — 73. — ew, like long u, occurs. — Con. Single. Jew pew spew drew stew lewd news * a like short u. sin ew mil dew jews harp stew ard* new ly jew elt pew ter a new- re new news pa per Con. Double. Jew ess new ness lewd ness ui occurs. Suit buUt n§n suit pur suit suit a ble suit a bly t e, second syllable, like short i 56 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART II. 12 3 4 5 Fate, far, fall, fat, what- 148 9 1 48 10 11 •me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson LXXIV.— 74 — au } like broad a long, occurs.— Con. Single. Dawb be dawb aw turn rial an like a flat, lawd a vawnt hi di tor y* Dawnt mawl aw stke aw t6m a ton hawnt vawlt paw per ism aw stir i ty jawnt vawnt naw til us plaw si bil i ty tawnt aw dit law da ble Consonants Double. Sawn ter plaw dit aw di ble Ap plawd lawn dry taw rus plaw si ble as sawlt un dawnt ed pan per aw ri ra ap plawse un dawnt ed ly Lesson LXXV. — 75. — aw, like broad a long, occurs. Jaw law paw raw saw slaw draw straw hawk Lesson Diad head dread stead tread spread realm breast meant yawl yawn shawl spawn brawl drawn drawl by law sprawl hand saw shawm taw ny dawn awk wardt lawn draw er pawn law yer LXXVI. — 76. — m, like short e, occurs. — Con. Single. -Con. Single. saw yer ba shaw t&m a hawk sis ter in law Consonants Double. \jfap less xvw ness law less ness awk ward nesst breast plate liad en peas ant leav en pleas ant breast pin read y stead y heav y dead ly be hiad in stead a breast read i ly stead i ly heav i ly breastwork* pleas ant ly stead i ness hAme stead zeal ot* peas an try heav i ness bid stead tread le pleas an try pleas ant ness * o like short u. t second a like short u. t first a long broad. un plias ant al read yt un stead y en deav or* Con. Double. Diad ness head dress read i ness core's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 57 13567 8 1 46 7 1 614. no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson LXXVII. — 77. — oo proper or slender.- W&6 mood brood tool spool stool boom doom bloom broom b&on moon noon soon spoon loop . sloop droop troop stoop moor poor boot hoot moot root soot shoot roost moose ooze hoo poo bid room mush room hen roost mo&n shine boot y loose ly oo zy -Con. Single. Iocs en bam boo sham poo si moom ba boon sa loon lam poon har poon mon soon pla toon Lesson LXXVIIL— 78.— oo slender and short, and on like oo slender. — Consonants Single. Pol tr&on boot ee bloom a ry pan ta loons Con. Double. Poor ness loose ness tattoo bal loon shal loon bas soon oo short Hood stood wool man hood worm wood wood y wood en w3m an hood* hlr di hood like li hood live li hood un der stood cm like oo slender. So^p tour your yours towr ist bou sy sur towt towr na ment Lesson LXXIX. — 79. — ey, eo, ia, and ex. — Consonants Single. Hon ey sur v\y ort eo, ia, and ei. mon ey _ „ . . Ye6 man , 2 t ' J Con. Double. . d -.^ bar ley 4 jeop ard* par ley Ab bey leop ard* pars ley al ley peo pie med ley val ley jeop ar dy* kid ney v§l ley yei man ry tur key pfil ley par lia ment o bly at tor ney non pa rU\ * a like short u. t o like short u. 58 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what- -me, met, her, they — pine, piu, stir, shire, firm— Lesson LXXX. — 80. — ou, like short u, occurs. — Con. Single. PI ous m§n strous bois ter ous vln om ous* j£al ous stren u ous pre vi ous val or ous* zeal ous dibi ous la vi ous 6 dor ous* troub lous te di ous 6b vi ous va por ous* pom pous o di ous p£r il ous ri ot ous* pi rous stu d i ous res in ous rav en ous lep rous im pi ous bn er ous doust won drous va ri ous mur der ous em u lous nl trous spu 11 i ous nu met* ous trem u lous lus trous de vi ous pros per ous pSst hu mous Lesson LXXXI.— 81. Mim bra nous mo m&n tons no ti ri ous lu mi nous % por ten tous in ju ri ous mu ti nous in sid i ous pe nu ri ous bar ba rous in vid i ous mys te ri ous am o rous de lir i ous in dus tri ous tim o rous me 15 di ous pre p§s ter ous tre m&n do as ab ste mi ous u nan i mous stu pen dous har mo ni ous i dol a troust e nor mous im pe ri ous a non y mous de s\ rous la bo ri ous mer i t6 ri ous Less Jour nal boun te ous TRIPHTHONGS. nour ish plin te ous Beau ty jour ney spon ta ne ous beah. te ous doub le in stan ta ne ous pur lien troub le si mul ta ne oust a dieh ad journ Consonants Double. hve jeal ous y Op pro bri ous view In eous. il lus tri ous pur view Hid e ous pu sil Ian i mous re view pit e ous er rA ne ous in ter view * o, second syllable, like short u. t a, second syllable, like short u. | t i long. ■■- ■ — ,. ... i.:a, COBB S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART I. 59 1 3 56 7 8 I 4 6 7 i 6 TT~ — * no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson LXXXIII.— 83. THE HAPPY FAMILY. Look at this happy family ! The father and mother are seated by the table before the fire, on a pleasant winter evening, while their little chil- dren are playing happily about the room. They have both been reading ; but. now they have stop- ped to look at their happy children around them. All children should love and obey their pa- rents who are so kind and good to them. They take care of them when they are young. They provide them food, and clothes, and books, and nurse them when they are sick. Who would not be kind to their father and mother ? Good children never tell lies. When they do any thing that is wrong they own it, and try not to do so any more. 60 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART I. 1 2 3 4 5 I 4 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson LXXXIV.—S4. GOING TO CHURCH. See, there are people going to church ! What a delightful place ! It is almost surrounded by trees ! The Sabbath is a day of rest. All good chil- dren go to church to pray to God, or to hear the preacher speak of the truths of the Bible. The Bible tells us about God who made this great world. He made all the pretty flowers, the trees, the grass, and the grain, and the little birds which sing so sweetly in the woods. We are taught at church about heaven, and how to live so as to be happy in this world and in the next. Who would not love to go to church ? cobb's new primary SPELLING BOOK. — 'PART II. 61 13567 8 146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. PART III, Various and Peculiar Sounds of the Consonants. In Part III. all the peculiar varieties of Consonant Sounds are given, all separately classed and their peculiarities distinctly point- ed out. In this Part also, as in Parts I. and II., the words in each class or Lesson are classed with regard to the terminating syllable 3 or to the sound of the vowel in the terminating syllable, in every possible case. As in Parts I. and II., there are no silent conso- nants intermingled with those which are sounded, in Part III., as they are in other Spelling Books, causing great doubt and diffi- culty in the mind of the scholar ; but, they are all alphabetically classed and their silence noted separately, at the end of Part III. Neither are there, in Part III., any words subject to different ac- centuation or pronunciation when differently applied, nor any w T ords pronounced alike but of different orthography and signifi- cation. See note and remarks, pages 31.— See also, page 1 — very PARTICULARLY. Note. — In this Part, as in Part IT., the silent vowels are noted by being printed in Italic. The letter s, when thus printed, has the sound of z. Diphthongs are separated from the single vowels, being all separately class- ed. Sounds of the Letter C. C, like s, before e, i, and y. Lesson I. — 1. — In ce. — Vowels Single. l Ace dace lace mace pace race space brace trace men ace sol ace un lace re place mis place em brace re trace in ter lace Ice dice mice nice vice slice spice price splice nov ice no tice jus tice sol stice en tice prij u dice pre ci pice* av a rice lr mi stice in ter stice in jus tice e dice de dice re duce se duce in duce tra duce in tro duce su per in dice Con. Double, Pin nace ter race lat tice all spice ap pren tice * See Note, page 62. 6 = 62 COBB*S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. — PART II. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— » Lesson II.—- 2, — In ance.-~ -Vowels Single. Dkice hin der ance re m8n strance lance tern per ance de liv er ance % prance sus te nance in tern per ance trance re 11 ance pre d6m i nance bil ance pur su ance in hk i tance pen ance a bun dance per se vJ ranee in stance re dun dance Consonants Double. sub stance en da ranee Rid dance en Mnce re pen tance pit tance ro mance re sis tance ut ter ance ad vance im p8r tance al 11 ance r& di ance re s&m blance ad mit tance va ri ance re mem brance re mit tance Lesson III. — 3. — In ence.- — Vowels Single. Hfnce vir u lence im p&n i tence pence tur bu lence om nip o tence si lence pes ti lence om ni prfe ence 4b sence ve he mence in de pen dence sen tence 3m i nence su per in t$n dence rev er ence pr5m i nence Consonants Double. ev i dence lb sti nence 4 Es sence pr&v i dence im pu dence im po tence ab hor rence pen i tence In ince. prev a lence ad hh rence Mince vl o lence sub sis tence since in do lence ma lev o lence wince in so lence be nev o lence prSv ince 6*p u lence pre em i nence e vince Note.— Some teachers are of opinion that c and g, in the words a-cid, di- git, &c, should end the accented syllable : thus, ac-id, dig-it, &c. ; but as c and g are hard at the end of syllables, it seems to be very improper to deviate from the analogous and established rule of the language by ending these syllables with c and g. Certainly, if authors of Spelling Books end these syllables with c and g to avoid ending an accented syllable with a vowel having a short sound, they, to be consistent, should divide the words mu-sic-ian, sus-pic- ion, am-bit-ion, with c and t at the end of the accented syllables, which they have not done. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 63 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, gooc l, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull- -dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson IV. — 4. — a in final syllables.- — Vowels Single. Cin tral e lu ci date pan a ce a la cer ate e man ci pate su i ci dal ul cer ate an ti ci pate in ci din tal de ci mate par ti ci pate a be ce da ri an eel e brate me di ci nal Consonants Double. de ci mal mu ni ci pal In cis sant re cl tal cen trip e tal ne ces si tate Lesson V- —5. — e in final syllables.- -Vowels Single. Brace let cit a del in ter cipt de cent spe ci men re cip i ent re cent in ci dent in cip i ent pre cept ad ji cent per cip i ent re cede en tice ment an te cJ dent se cede in duce ment Consonants Double. pre cede di vorce ment RJ cess sin cere in cite ment pro" cess a cid ness rl ci pe ad vance ment pre ci pe in ter cede in no cent Lesson VI. —6. — i in final syllables.- —Vowels Single. Li cid civ il ize per cip tive a cid d5m i cil em pir i cism pla cid sol e cism sper ma c4 ti* da - cile mid i cine In acy. civ il de cl sive Lu na cy de cide so li cit pa pa cy re cite im pli cit pi ra cy in cite im be cile pri va cy pre cise in cen tive cil i ba cy dh i cide de cep tive in ti ma cy su i cide re cep tive 6b sti na cy horn i cide pre cep tive su prim a cy mat ri cide in cep tive * first e short. di pli ma cy 64 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART II. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine , pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson VII. — 7. — In ency, &c. — Vowels Single. De cen cy dJ cent ly Con. Double. ten den cy re cent ly Civ il ly ar den cy lar ce ny prin ci pal ly sol ven cy nl ce ty in no cent ly pr con sis tence con vh ni ence co in ci dence in con ti nence in con vJ ni ence In ate. Con ceil trate con cil i ate * first o like short u. t y like long i. con so nance cam pll ance con cSr dance re luc tance con trl vance en cam brance con tin u ance con com i tance -Vowels Single. ca pa ci tate in ca pa ci tate e in final syllables. Can cer can celt con cede com pla cent co in ci dent t e like short i. cobb's NEW PRIMARY SPELLING EOOK. PART III. 75 13 5 6 7 no, nor, not, to, good 8 14 6 7 , dove — tube, tub, rule, bub 1 6 14 — dew, crew — ny, system. Lesson XLL— 41. — First c hard. — Ya. terminations. — Vow. Sin. Con else ric on cile crit i else c8cl i cil crit i cism con dui cive ar is t.8c ra cy clem en cy c3m pe ten cy com pla cen cy con sis ten cy in con sis ten cy ir rec on cl la ble Improper Diphthongs, ea like long e. Clear ance con cial con ceal ment co ir cive co in clde ca pa ci ty pre c5 ci ty ei like long e. Con ceit va can cy c5n stan cy e lee tr? ci ty rec on cl la ble con ceive pre con ceive nee ro man cy del i ca cy Consonants Double. Com menc€ con cei va ble in con cei va ble in tri ca cy c5n tu ma cy cur ren cy con cdr rence Various Diphthongs. Coui\ te nance con spir a cy de m&c ra cy com mence ment re cur rence con vey ance com plai since Lesson XLIL — 42. — cc both hard. — Other Con. and Vowels Single. Pk cant sue cu lent *stuc co ac cu rate ac c8m plish ment ac c5rd sue co tash ac com pa ni ment to bac co 8c cu pant sic ca tive si r8c co ac c3r dant ac ci sant ac cu mu late m5c ca sin ac c8m plish to bac co nist mo roc co ac chse oc cur in ac cu rate ac cu sa tive ac curse Lesson XLIII. — 43.— cc both hard. Ac c5r dance ac cliv i ty pec ca dil lo ac c8m plice ac cu ra cy ac cus tomt ac c3r di onf Proper Diphthongs. Ac count 8c cu pan cy oc cu py* ac com pa ny Other Con. Double. Oc car rence ac c8m mo date ac coun tant ac coun ta ble ac coun ta bil i ty * y like long i. t o, last syllable, like short u. 76 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — -Consonants and Lesson XLIV. — 44. — cc, first hard, second soft. Vowels Single. Vac cine sic ci ty ac cede ac cep tance ac c$pt ac cep ta bly vac ci nate ac cep ta ble ac ci dent ac cil er ate 6c ci dent ac ci den tal oc ci put Lesson XLV. — 15. ec cen tn ci ty Other Con. Double. Ac CeSS sue cess sue c&s sor* sue ces sive sue ces siv# ly ac ces si ble St6 ic &P ic crit ic col ic com ic con ic ton ic top ic trop ic cu bic pub lie arse nic mi sic arc tic tac tic final, hard, and before a, o, u, I, r, and t. -Consonants Single. an tic plas tic hec tic op tic rus tic cam brie cin trict tac tics 6p tics z5 di ac ma ni ac al ma nac bish op ric 11 na tic her e tic Ma jis tic do mes tic e clip tic a cr8s tic e 13c trie sta tis tics de mJ iii ac pu ri tan ic * o like short u. pol i tic pol i tics mo sa ic he ro ic i tal ict vol can ic bo tan ic sa tan ic dra mat ic ec stat ic po et ic e met ic sa tir ic spas m&d ic car bon ic Lesson XLVL— 46. ar o mat ic dip lo mat ic em ble mat ic dem o crat ic ac a dem ic ep i dem ia di a bsl ict par a bol ic t first c soft, like s. la c5n ic har mon ic ma son ic nar cot ic de spot ic re pub lie in trin sic an tare tic di dac tic pe dan tic ro man tic bom bas tic* sar cas tic e las tic ec lee tic ap os tol ic his tri on ic me te or ic id i ot ic pa tri ot ic ap o plSc tic ep i lep tic cal vin is tic t i, first syllable, long. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 77 13567 8146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. Consonants Double. Cias sic at tic er rk ic me tal lie el lip tic ec cen trie* Lesson XLVIL— 47. y like long i. hy ikhi lies hy per exit ic hy per bol ic y like short i. l#r ic hys ter ic Lesson XLVIII. — 48. — CK and c sounded like k. Back hack jack lack pack rack sack black slack crack track stack deck neck peck speck lick pick sick tick wick click brick prick trick stick buck duck hys ter ics sym b§l ic dys pep tic sys te mat ic hyp o crit ic an a lyt ic par a lyt ic — Vowels Single. luck dock muck mock suck rock cluck sock pluck block stuck clock struck stock Lesson XLIX. — 49. — Various terminations. — Vowels Single. Cock Ade ham mockt p8ck et sick le block ade hSl ly hock rock et tick le bur dock black ber ry sock et trick le pad lock e , final syl., like short i. mack er el buck le wed lock Nick el hem lock jack et luck y pack et rock y rack et stick y brack et Con Double, pick et Bar rack rick ets at tack tick et sick ness w 7 ick et had dockf crick et Ml lockt buck et bul lockf l § ck et * second c soft, to like short pick er el suck le slack en cock le back ward* b&ck on meek er y reck on crock er y can die stick * hick Or yt Improper Diph. ! and o, final, silent. Pia COck Cilck le tack le shack le speck le pick le c?ick oo lack ey jock ey hack ney cock ney , second syllable, like short u. 78 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Sounds of the Letter G. • Lesson L— 50. — g, soft, like j, before e, i, and y, and c hard. — Vowels Single. x bilge vi gi lant IS gi cal Age bulge de g3n er ate sar gi cal cage urge re gen er ate an a IS gi cal page purge le git i mate ge o lo gi cal rage a final syl. o ri gi nate zo o lo gi cal sage Gi ant tra ge di an ge o met ri cal wage en rage gen er al ge ne a 15 gi cal stage en large ge ni al min er a lo gi cal huge al ge bra mar gi nal et y mo lo gi calt barge gen er ate O ri gi nal Consonants Double. large le gis late* re gi m£n tal* Col le gi ate gein ve ge tate ab o ri gi nal col le gi an gin a gi tate ma gi cal il le git i mate dirge ma gis trate tra gi cal bel li ge rant Lesson LI. — 51. — In age, a like short i. — Vowels Single. 4 b&n dage l!n e age crib bage Ad age cor dage av er age pil lage damage plumage beverage tillage man age car nage pat ron age vil lage rav age u sage car ti lage stop page sav age do tage par en tage pas sage im age vin tage her i tage cSt tage spin age pAr tage ad van tage pot tage vis age pos tage es pi o nage vas sal age h§m age h§s tage Cpji. Double. ap pen dage ban dage pack age+ Cab bage as sem blage Lesson LII. — 52. — e in final syllables.' — Vowels Single. ! CO gent dil i gent Con. Double. A ged ur gent in di gent C&l lege le gend strat a gem in dul gent gib bet§ a gent hy dro gen in sur gent gen tie ness re gent nl tro gen en large ment in tSl li gent * See Note, page 62. t y like long e. t ck like k. § e like short i. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 79 13 5 6 7 8 no, nor, not, to, good, dove- 14 6 7 -tube, tub, rule, bull- 1 6 14 ■dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson LIII. — 53. — i and u in final syllables.- Ma gic ves tige tra gic o bilge 16 gic 8r i gin ri gid gen e sis vi gil gym n &3 tic mar gin gen er al ize di git a pol o gize ge 81 o gist al ge br4 ic en er get ic agile gen tile gen u ine i ma gine -Vowels Single. di ges tive le gis la tive Del uge gyp sum in dulge di vulge ge ra ni urn Lesson LIV. — 54. — y like long e. — Vowels Single. Gipsy gen try tra ge dy en er gy sur ger y prod i gy pro ge ny 1* gi bly Lesson LV.- Wk gest priv i leget sac ri leget gen der IS ger in te ger re gis ter as trM o ger ghi tie tl tie page gen tie man le gi ble el i gi ble lit ur gy a rial o gy ge ol o gy zo ol o gy a pol o gy as trol o gy ge om e try et y m61 o gy ge ne al o gy min er al o gy a gil i ty gen til i ty vir gin i tyt gen er al i ty gen er 8s i ty i ma gin a ry* -55. — Va. terminations, Diph. and Triphthongs. Consonants Double. siegQ Gin er al ly pi geon il le gi ble sur geon in tel li gi ble stur geon in c8r ri gi ble eh lo gize Various Diphthongs. pla gia 115111 Out rage Con. Double. voy age§ Car riage gen. teel mar riage ap O gee Triphthong iou. per i gee Con ta gious le gion pro di gious re gion re li gious man age a ble re li gion li ti gious ve ge ta ble con ta gion sac ri 16 gious * first i like long c. i first i like short e. te like short L § a like short i. 80 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 1] Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson LVI. — 56. — Various Diph., Triph., &c. — Con. Single. S&u sage* En cour age ment* in dul gence coar age* in di ge nous rS gi cide pa geant ho mo ge ne ous i gen cy gen er ous het e ro ge ne ous re gen cy en cour age* t&u tSl o gy ur gen cy Triphthong eou. taw to 16 gi cal vi gi lance Cour k geous g and c both soft. ma gis tra cy out ra geous Dil i gence de gen er a cy ad van ta geous in di gence in tel li gencet Lesson LVII. — 57. — g hard, before a, o, u, I, and r, and at the end of words and syllables. — Vowels Single. Bag pig snug grape gland grub rag rig drug gave grand gush wag wig shrug grave gas gum snag brig bSg gaze gash grum brag sprig dog glide gasp gun drag bug hog gripe grasp glut beg dug log grind grant grunt leg hug grog globe dregs gust P e g j u g " glade grove grim God big mug grade gold grin got dig rug gale garb grist gone jig plug game glad glimpse glove Lesson LVIII. — 58. — a in final syllables. — Vowels Single. Stig ma ag ate prSp a gate d§g ma bri gade del e gate pa go da de grade sub ju gate o me ga re gale nav i gate e nig ma en grave lit i gate re gi li a re gird mit i gate mag no li a ret ro grade §b li gate in sig ni a stag nate in sti gate gar land ml grate reg u Tate * a, in age, like short i. 1 1 double. COBB'S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART III. 81 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 16 1 4 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson LIX.— -59. — a in final syllable s. — Vowels Single. Des ig nate va grant re pug nant grav i tate be gan di ag o nalt em i grate prfid i gal a gra ri an pro mil gate mk tin gal vol gart va ri e gate in te gral vin e garj in vis ti gate dl a gram Con. Double. a mal ga mate reg u lar* Gram mar* in vig o rate ja gu lar* ar ro gate legal el e gant sur ro gate sig nal ig no rant ar ro gant pa gan em i grant in ter ro gate or gan in dig nant gram ma ri an stag nant ma lig nant par al lei o gram Lesson LX. — 69. — e and i in final syllables. — Vowels Single. Nut meg in gre di ent gross ness grav el gri el§ gar ret gSs pel gr§ v el di gress mag net gar ment Con. Double. 4 trans gress gov er nessll re gret E gg re gai'd less lig a ment g§d dess i final. Ir gu ment h gress Pil grim gov ern mental re gress glr nish Lesson LXI . — 61. — i in final syllables. — Vow. Sin. Gra tis gal van ism pre rftg a tive ig nlte sig nal ize mag net ar gu men ta tive vul gar ismi mag a zTne mag net ize e go tism Consonants Double. gSr man dize e go tist Go's sip or ga nize neg a tive pro gres sive stig ma tize pur ga tive trans gres sive pa gan ism an tag o nist in ter rS^ a tive * a, final, flat. \ i long. t a, like short u. § e like short i. II first e like short u. 82 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1 2 3 i 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat . what — me, met, her, they — p ine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Lesson LXII. — 62. — Various terminations. — Vowels Single. Ne gro mar i gold Glob ule in di go vag a bond be gun lum ba go hep ta gon grat i tude ver ti go pol y glot* mag ni tude em bir go Con. Double. sig na ture un der gi G16ss in grat i tude ren e ga do gross as par a gus grave stone grot to ig no ri mus grind stone en gross gran a ry be got al ti gro bur gla ry Lesson LXIII. — 63. — y in final syllables. — Vowels Single. Grave ly pdr ga tor yt prod i gal i ty & giy de rSg a tor yt reg u lar i ty pig my giiv i ty mag na nim i ty gw r y dig ni ty Consonants Double. gra vy gra ti i ty Glas sy big a my le gal i ty gras sy ago ny re gal i ty glos sy big ot ryt vul gar i ty grav el ly grand ju ry in dig ni ty gal Ian try ig no min y ma lig ni ty gal ler y ma hog a ny be nig ni ty gun ner y trig o nSm e try in teg ri ty al le gor yt nfr ga tor yt am bi gi i ty in ter r&g a tor yt Lesson LXIV. — 64.- —e and o, unaccentec Single. .j like short u. — Vowels Gan der wag on er wag on l nav i ga tor gar ner en gra ver drag on reg u la tor gar ter Con. Double. Jar gon Con. Double. gra ver Glim mer vig or Gam mou gam bier gun ner big ot gal lop game ster glit ter spig ot trans gres sor gov ern gut ter gov er nor al li ga tor * y like long e. t o, unaccented, like short u. cobb's new primary spelling- book.— PART III. 83 13567 8 1467 16 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull — cleW, citew- 1 4 -fly, system. Lesson LXV.^65. — e and o, unaccented, silent, and Various Diphthongs.— -Consonants Single. Grim ble gar ble bu gle gar g\e gar den gar den er im preg na ble Consonants Double. Grid die grap pie glad den gar ri son glut ton y Diphthongs. Groin ground gain gram gki teis bar gain re gain grevv growl gown gray nose gay gay ly gay e ty gain s&y green greet gree dy gran dhi a gree de gree a greed ped i gree Lesson LXVL— 66. — Various Diphthongs, and i Gleam glean gria sy ea gle goad goal goat glo&m goose groove bride groom gloom y dra gocn hogs head glue i gue plagz^e vague rogz£e vog^e league pr61 ogz^e ec logwe a gree ment a gree a bly a gree a ble guide gu'de guise giril ty gluze gmi dy in aw gu ral gr?y hound gi£\t ar g?iar di an hard.-— Con. Sin. pro rogue dl a log?/e ped a gog&e dem a gogue syn a gogue cat a log&e dec a Iogwe ep i logz^e Lesson LXVII. — 67. — Va. Diphthongs, and c hard. — Con. Sin. GloVJ grow good log wood gor geous*§ grie vous glo ri ous rig or oust vig or oust am big u ous con tig u ous a nal o gous mag nan i mous gra ti i tous ig no min i ous e gre gious£§ in vei gle brig a diir r Triph. eou like short u. X Triph. iou like short u. gren a dier lig num vl tae Con. Double. Gu&ss grip ness griln ness ghi di ness great ness grJe di ness t first o like short u, § sec. g soft. 84 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 1489 148 10 11 Fate, fa r, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson LXVIII. — 68. — Various sounds of c and s\ First g hard. Gouge gorge en g%e ram biWe pil grim age neg li gent en gage ment re en gage ment G and c hard. Crag clog Cal* go gar lie neg lict c5n ju gate cas ti gate c5n ju gal 6c ta gon mag nit ic cat e gov y* prog n§s ti cate co ag u late par e' gSr ic Consonants Double. Gram mat i cal al le gfir i cal Lesson LXIX. — 69. — Various sounds of g and c. be get be gin G hard and c soft, neg li gencet gig G hard, before d, i, and y. Git Grace gr6 cer y glance sa ga ci ty ci gar gul dance il e gance gvie vance ig no ranee re pug nance leg a cy Lesson LXX. — 70. — gg both hard.- Rag ged drug gist dag ger shag ged shag gy snag ged snag gy crag ged crag gy rugged buggy dog ged mug gy wag gish bog gy slug gish clog gy h5g gish bag gageTT strug gle lig gin beg gar§ g&g gle gimp give tlr gett ha ger g\g lett giv er tiger giv en stag ger dig ger trig ger dog ger strag gle gig gle** smug gle Con. Double. Gid dy giz zard§ be gin ner ar ro gance II Other Consonants Single. ag gran dize wag ger y ag gran dize ment Diphthongs. Ag grieve log ger head Other Con. Double. Ag gress ag gres sor* rag ged ness crag ged ness big gin nig gard§ jog gle pig gin mag got* ag gre gate rug ged ness nSg gin beg gar y§ ag gra vate slug gish ness * o like short u. f second g soft. % e like short i. § a like short u il g hard before a. If second a like short i. ** first g hard. cobb'#new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 85 13 5 6 7 8 no, nor, not, to, good, dove- 14 6 7 -tube, tub, rule, bull- 1 ■dew, 6 crew- 1 4 -fly, system. Sounds of Ng. Lesson LXXL— 71. — The sharp and nasal sound of ng.~- Vowels Single, hang ing bring ing spring ing hire ling dar ling world ling strip ling dump ling tl dings king dom* side long Lesson LXXIL— 72 e ven ing pur su ing be long ing pro vl ding pre s\i ming ad mi ring sur pri sing Hang pang sang king sing wing sling bring sting spring string hung sung stung sprung strung long song prong strong tongs lungs 6b long a long be long a mong si ing do ing m8rn ing hav ing tra ding ri ding ba king sml ling na ming di ning li ning du ring ri sing do ting sa ving m& ving sta bling trim bling Yal u ing pub lish ing lim it ing num ber ing hin der ing prSs per ing plas ter ing 6 pen ing re po sing Lesson LXXIII. — 73. — Consonants Double. im p6 sing a mu sing de pu ting sur vi ving re m8 ving im pro ving bap tl zing ev er last ing R6b bing plan ning spitting ad ding sin ning shut ting bed ding spin ning tr§t ting wedding running piddling pud ding step ping mid dling til ling shSp ping set tling spel ling war ring ham mer ing wil ling her ring mar ry ing shil ling bles sing bSt torn ing* trim ming sit ting bal lot ing* * o, second syllable, like short u. t i, last 8 kid nap ping w T or ship ping wit nes sing im pil ling ja pan ning sup pi sing trans mit ting ap pro ving wil ling ness hum ming birdt syllable, like short u. 86 cobb's new primary SPELLING- BOOK.— TML 1 T III. 1234 5 1489 1 4 S iO 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson LXXIV. — 74.— Diphthongs, &c— Consonants Single. Boil ing vow ing g) not final, soft, gar den ing toil ing drown ing gin seng Con. Double. sound ing pay ing ra ging Gun ning skil ing read ing ur ging get ting see ing speak ing o bli ging gSs sip ing sleep ing ha xingue de gen er a ting gal lop ing* c like s. c like k. g, not final, hard, be gin ning la cing cling go ing trans gres sing dan cing clA sing giv ing gg both harck ck like k. Con. Double, gil ding big ging tick ing Ciin ning gos ling dig ging stock ing crip pling gam bling strug gling Lesson LXXV.— 75. — ng sharp like ngg. — Consonants Single. Words in which the n, being in an accented syllable, and the g hard, is pronounced like ng, as if the g were double or written twice. Thus, man- go, an gle, are pronounced as if written mang go, ang gle. C hard. L6n gest lin ger span gle trl an gle stron gest hun ger stran gle en tan gle Ian guid Ion ger jin gle youn ger an guish stron ger min gle youn gest Ian guish mSn ger tin gle Con. Double. san guine In gler shin gle C6n gress man go an gle c8n gre gate in gress c§n go dan gle an gu lart c like s. sin gly jan gle sin gu lart an gli cise an gry man gle tri an gu larft an gli cism hun gry tan gle sin gu lar i ty sur cin gle Lesson LXXVI. — 76. — ng flat, like nj, and c haxd.—Vowels Single. Range plunge de range as trin gent strange an gel e strange re strin gent hinge tan gent re vinge de range ment singe pun gent Ion gi tude con ge ni al tinge l&z enge an gel ic e van ge list cringe In gine con tin gent ev an gil i cal * o like short u. t &, last syllable, fiat. X i long. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 87 135678 1 46 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson LXXVII. — 77. — ng flat and c hard. — Vowels Single. Dan ger man ger stran ger gin ger stin gy har bin ger tan gi ble Ion g3v i ty por rin ger ar range ment Diphtliongs. Pon ge£ en gi neer dan ger ous dun geon con geal Lesson LXXVIII. — 78. — n fol. by k and c hard. — Vowels Single. Note.— JV, in a monosyllable or an accented syllable, immediately follow ed by k or c hard, has a compound and mixed sound, like sharp ng, as if g hard were written after it. Thus, bank, uncle, are pronounced as if written bangk, ungkle. pun gen cy con tin gen cy* in ge nu i ty con ge ni al i ty Consonants Double. Ar range pas sen ger mes sen ger Bank hank lank rank sank tank shank blank clank plank crank drank prank shrank ink kink link mink pink tink wink blink clink slink brink drink prink shrink sunk slunk spink drunk trunk shrunk hunks monk ink stand bank rupt em bank em bank ment tank ardt chunk ardt blank ett trink et+ bank er cank er hank er drink er tink er ank le rank le tink le sprink le drunk en bank a ble drink a ble monk ey Con. Double. Rank ness drunk en ness Lesson LXXIX.— 79.—n followed by c, and c hard.— Vowels Sin. C5n cave syn co pe sine ti ty sane ti mon y con clave in ere ment in stfnc tive cal a man co con cord c5n cu bine conjunctive Diphthong ou. pre ctnct§ sane ti tude subjunctive Con course un cle in cu bus com punc tive ran cor ous * c, final, like s. t a like short u. X e like short i. § first c like s. 88 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 12 3 4 5 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— trie, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Lesson LXXX.— 80.- -dg, like soft g or j, and c and g hard. — Vowels Single. Badge bridge car tridge c&dg er edge budge par tridge badg er hedge judge a bridge drudg er y ledge drudge pre judge r Double. sedge grudge mis judge PSr ridge wedge trudge budg et Dipk. eo. pledge d&dge judg ment Dudg eon sledge lodge lSdg ment gudg eon ridge edge wise a bridg ment bludg eon F and its representatives gh and ph. Lesson LXXXI. — 81.— /single. — Vowels Single. Fade five fork flSd lift tuft safe froze form pelf rift fond flake fold flash flesh sift from fame ford flask fresh shift oft flame fluke flap fret drift loft frame fume flat left flint soft fate flume aft felt fist font fife flute raft fish turf frost file far waft frisk flush frBnt fine farm shaft film furl first fire for fast flip fund flirt Lesson LXXXII. — 82. — a final syllables . — Vowels Single. S6fa pro fane fro wardt in flu en za flo ta in flate for wardt fun da men tal fe male for mal a far Con. Double. w&l fare final for mu la Fill war fare flo ral fid er al be fill fil trate fa tal fes ti val fore stall frus trate fire man re fh sal wa ter fall for sake fire arms be fore hand fh ry man de fame in fant de fen dant sas sa fras in flame frl art in for mant flo til la * e like short i. ta like short u. cobb's new primary spelling book — PART III. 89 1 3 5 6 7 8 1 4 6 7 ] 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson LXXXIIL— 83.— e and i in final syllables. — Vowels Single. Fated f 1 nite in fi del flan nel frfeh et fluid fun da ment fun nel flu ent flar id man i fest fil let: fil bert self ish re frish ment fare well fo"r est fam ish in ter fere fine ness de fend fin ish bin e fit fSnd ness re fresh fur nish fa vor itet fresh ness it self fl8r in def i nite for tress her self fi nis in fi nite pro fess him self de file de $n sive bash ful ness my self* de fine in def i nite sin ful ness fo ment re fine de fin i tive mel lif lu ent in fest fi tile in fin i tive fill fire side fam ine Con. Double. f§p pish bSn fire fern i nine Fill fos sil Lesson LXXXIV.— 84.- -o in final syllables. — Vowels Single. Blind fold here of trans form man i fold plat form de form for lorn u ni form be fore in form a 16ft here to fAre§ un fold per form Alio man i fis to Lesson LXXXV. — 85. — u in final syllables.- —Vowels Single. Wike ful tine ful wish ful fuse bale ful use ful brim ful fo rum shame ful arm ful sin ful pro fhse bane ful harm ful hurt ful in fuse hate ful art ful lust ful re fute waste ful hand ful pit i ful re fund dire ful bash ful di ti ful for ti tude mind ful man ful plin ti ful Con. Double. wo ful lap ful won der ful Full dole ful help ful un mind ful fuss hope ful fret ful un du ti fuj fuzz * y like long e. to like short u. t e like short i. § second o like oo. 90 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART III. 1234 5 148 9 149 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson LXXXVI. — 86. — Infy, y like long i. — Vowels Single. Flj fry de# rat i fy ed i fy ver i fy vil i fy mod i fy pi ri fy pet ri fy m si fy n6 ti fy tfe ti fy jus ti fy f6r ti fy mor ti fy am pli fy sim pli fy sat is fy be at i fy in dem ni fy i den ti fy* Con. Double. Mffl li fy nffl li fy ter ri fy hor ri fy os si fy In efy. Rar e fy stu pe fy pu tre fy Lesson LXXXVIL— 87.— -y in final syllables. — Vowels Single. Flish y fu ry film sy safe ty fifty lofty forty frSs ty bel fry fam i ly in fa my in fan. try f I er y fish er y per fu mer y for mal i ty fa tal i ty fi del i ty fer til i ty fu til i ty pro fan i ty in fin i ty fes tiv i ty fri vol i ty pro fun di ty de for mi ty fu tu ri ty su per flu i ty Lesson LXXXVIIL— Fu ell af ter flas kett raf ter fris kett fal ter fen der fil ter wa fer fes ter pil fer fos ter far mer fh ver for mer * first i long. in fi dll i ty u ni for mi ty in fe ri or i ty fil on yt pref a tor yt de fam a tor yt Consonants Double. FSlly f511y fir ry flat ter y in flam ma tor yt fallibility in 'flam ma bil i ty e and o in final syllables. — Vow. Sin. per for mer fore run ner de f I ner Con. Double. FSd der flat ter fet ter flut ter per fu mer far ri er t o like short u. o like short u. Fil on ik vor fla vor in ft ri or s double. Pro fis sor t e like short i. COBB'S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. — PART III. 91 1 3 5 & 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube , tub, rule, bull— ( lew, crew— fly, system. Lesson LXXXIX.— 89, —In le and en.- -Vowels Single. Fable rlf er a big Consonants Double. fan die pref er a ble Fid die rifle pr§f it a ble fal len tri fle for mi da ble fal li ble sti fle fa vor a ble* for bid den fro zen in f£r a We in flam ma ble fu si ble trans fer a ble in fal li ble Lesson XC. — 90. — Diphthongs. — Consonants Single. Foil fail feed Frl day foi ble flail reef de fray found frail feel ea. fount fail ure fleet Freak frou zy frail ty free dom* fear pro found a fraid need ful feast boun ti ful re frain fif teen fear ful frown ee. fee ble de fJat flow er y Fee fore sei fea si ble pow er ful free ref er ee fea si bil i ty Lesson XCI. — 91. — Diphthongs. — Consonants Single. F6am Flbw 00. fur row ie. fash ion Food f&l low Brief heif er hoof ou like short u. field f6r feit roof Flour ish fiend sur feit fool fa mous friend flaw spoon ful fu ri ous friend ship aw ful fore noon in fa mous fron tier law? ful af ter noon fas tid i ous au. ea. foot fe lo ni ous FrluA Stead fast foot step for tu i tous fawlt break fast false hood Triphthong eau. de frlud. dread ful Con. Double. Beau ti ful de fawlt fore head Fal hw beau ti fy *olike shorts. 92 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 91 4 8 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what—me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Ffce farce prif ace sur face fur nace* de face fi nance de f 1 ance per for mance fa c!l i tate In ence. Fince de fince dlf er ence ref er ence Lesson XCIL— 92.— c soft, prif er ence in fer ence in flu ence be nif i cence mu nif i cence in ter fe rence cir cum fe rencef FArce en force re en force be nef i cent mu nif i cent ar tif i cer re en force ment bin e flee Vowels Single. ed i flee ar ti flee din ti frice frat ri cide in fan ti cide fa nat i cism fan cy flu en cy in fan cy fa cil i ty fe li ci ty fe ro" ci ty f6r ci ble l Double. Fal la cy Craft fact cleft fri cas ca lif fab ric fran tic Lesson XCIIL— 93, con fuse con fute con form com fortt con front han di craft : hard.- Con. Single. lac tort fUece fac tor yt iiu cet ol fac tor yt pJace ful re frac tor yt fierce re fee tor yt fierce ly ben e fac tort frSn tis piece con fine ment mal e fac tort fin an cier sat is fac tor y+ vo cif er ous Con. Double. fe li ci toUS Con fiss ter rif ic con fes sort con fide pro ltf ic de fict fa nat ic in feet de fee tive re fleet per fee tive in fleet re flee tive in flict craf ty ful crum fac ul ty ft cus con for mi ty Flounce * a like short i. t second c hard and i like short t. X o, before r, like short u. Diphthongs, c soft. de chit ful c hard. Con found cur few cum frey coun ter feit cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 93 13 5 6 7 8 14 6 7 1 6 14 no, nor, not, to, good, c love— tube, tub, rule, bull— -dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson XCIV. — 94. — Various sounds of c andg\ — Vow. Single. c soft and hard. g soft. for ger y Pa cif ic Forge Diphthongs. spe cif ic fA li age Fir riage cer tif i cate fri gid ref u geh c&n flu ence fla ge let ck like k. con fer ence re ful gence F16ck con fi dence fi gi tive frock con fid er a cy ref uge frick le Lesson XCV. — 95.— g and c hard.— -Vowels Single. Fl% for git ful spe ci fy graft neg lect ful g hard, c soft. gift sig nif i cant Fri grance gulf fru gal i ty grace ful fru gal Con. Double. cen trif u gal fla grant Foggy mag nif i cence fra grant for give ness mag nif i cent frig ate pit ti fog ger ng sharp. in graft In ify — y long. Fling frag ment Dig ni fy first ling figure mag ni fy fin gert grate ful rec ti fy ng flat. for get sig ni fy Fringe for give glA ri fy in fringe in gulf grit i fy re venge ful g ra phyt hy phen y, like long e. zo og ra phy ty phus Tri phy ste nog ra phy zeph yr* phr&n sy to pog ra phy phys i cal bias phe my phi los o phy syc o phant soph is try sym pho ny met a phfs ics a poc ry pha p§r phyr y* hy dro phi bi at pe rfph er y ty pog ra phyt Lesson CIIL— 103.—- Various terminations. Ci pherll ge bg ra phy§ Diphthongs. phlr ma cyll phra se 61 o gy§ Vheas ant bias phe mer ge o gr&ph i cal§ hi to graph bi 8g ra pher* phren o 18 gi cal§ eh pho ny ste nog ra pher phil o lo gi cal§ phlr i see phi los O pher Consonants Double. WaS phe IttOUS phi lol o gy§ Phys i cal ly am phib i ous phre nol o gy§ phil o soph i cal ly sul phi re ous * y, sec. syl., like short u. t y, first syl., like long i. X i long. II c soft. § first g soft. 96 cobb's new primary spelling book.— PART III. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — Lesson CIV.— 104, Theme thrive ninth both sloth pith warmth north thorn thrash snath tenth depth pfth width thin thrum thump thrust thrSb moth broth third thirst doth month Sounds of Th. — Th sharp. — c hard. — Vowels Single, worth ca the dral a nath e ma e the re al me thSd i cal the at ri cal le vl a than math e mat i cal or tho ep i cal ar ith met i cal the o ret i cal sev enth hun dredth an them north w&st th?r ti eth the o rem 3p i thet e lev enth ze nith here with k the ism a the ist meth o dist cath o lie. ath let ic Pa th&t ic ca thai* tic an tith e sis pa ren the sis a rith me tic math e mat ics par en thet ic mis an throp ic a nath e ma tize meth od* thresh old p4 thos Lesson CV. — 105. — Vowels Single. be trSth bis muth thim b\e thun der pan ther pith y th!r ty thirs ty ap a thy the or y* thun der storm pan the on* ca thol i con or tho e py mis an thro py ther mom e ter a poth e ca ry y like i. Sym pa thize lab yr intht sym pa thy* hy p§th e sis§ sym pa thet ic hy po thet i cal§ Lesson CVI. — 106. — Various terminations. Con. Double. Thrill thill thrill Sab bath worthless thin ness thrall dom* in thrall in thrall ment Diphthongs. South thou sand hearth death breadth health wealth threat dearth *o like short u. t y like short e. t sec. y like long e. § y like long i. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 9*7 13567 8 146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson CVIL— 107. — Diphthongs.- Three oath throat th&w tooth Lesson CVIII, Thrice thick thankt thinkt thing thrSng froth length strength fifth filth theft thrift thick et noth ing spend thrift Consonants Single, thir teen hial thy fat tho rize south west weal thy &u then tic south east threat en &u then ti cate north east thie vish km thSr i ty Thurs day hi thor* &u thor i ta tive 108. — c and g soft, ck like k, ng sharp, and/ sin. Diphthongs. Fkith growth faith ful sat then ti ci ty ph like/, g hard. Li thSg ra phylF or thog ra phy phil an thro pist phil an thro py phil an thrSp ic or tho graph i cal Consonants Double. Thick ness thank ful nesst com mon wealth* length wise sloth ful thrif ty forth with length en strength en thick en me theg lin not with stand ing g soft, c hard. LSth ar gy the 61 o gy my thol o gy+ the o 15 gi cal myth o lo gi cal or ni thol o gy Lesson CIX. — 109. — Th flat, c and g hard, ng sharp, /single. — Vowels Single. These this lath et tithe thus rath er thine br5th el teth er those brith ren hith er thy far thest with er thin cloth ing thith er that far thing oth er them thire fore moth er then broth er fa ther far ther fdr ther n5r thern wor thy fath om* cloth ier§ them selves there in II with in there 8f II there for II oth er wise withstand furthermore gath er smoth er thy self fa ther ly * o like short u. t n, before k, like ng sharp, t first y like long i. § i like y consonant. II first e like long a. %i long. 9 COBB S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. — PART III. 1234 5 1489 148 10. 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what—me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson CX.— 110.— Tft flat, va. terminations, Diph., &c. Moth er ly Diphthongs. be neath broth er ly Booth with draw to ghh er* smooth hea then ish al to geth er* tWy hea then ism Consonants Double, f eath er broth er hood Moth er less leath er un der neath fa ther less loath somet fa ther in law f ath om lesst hea then moth er in law? nev er the less south ern broth er in law Sounds of the Prefix Dis. Words in which s, in the prefix dis, is sharp and hissing, having either the primary or secondary accent on it, or being followed by an accented syllable beginning with a sharp consonant. Lesson CXI. — 111. — c and g hard,/ single.— Vowels Single. Dis tant dis trict dis taste dis pose dis close dis pute dis card dis tract dis pel dis tend dis pense dis til dis turb dis trust dis lo cate dis pu tant dis pi sal dis cor dant dis pir it dis cred it dis com fit dis fig ure dis trib ute dis cSv er dis t&m per dis a dis re pute dis re gard Lesson CXIL— 112.— Vowels Single. Dis re spect dis pin sa tor yt dis si pate in dis pu ta ble dis so lute dis o be di ent dis til ler dis a bil i ty dis sem ble in dis pen sa ble dis in thiillj Consonants Double. dis pos siss Dis triss dis ap prove dis sent dis sem i nate dis sect dis til ler y dis cuss dis im bit ter dis solve in dis so lu ble t o unac. like short u. X th sharp. dis cSn so late dis crlm i nate dis pir it ed dis trib u tive dis pen sa ry dis par i ty dis cov er y dis en cum ber dis pu ta ble dis pin sa ble * g hard. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 99 135678 146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew — fly, system. Dis claim dis train dis play dis please dis course dis hear ten dis cour age* dis a gree dis o bey dis coav age ment* dis con tin ue Lesson CXIIL— 1 13.— Diphthongs, fyc. Consonants Double. dis ad Van tage* Dis ap point dis o be di ence dis ap point ment dis ci plin a ri an dis ap phav c and g soft. Dis tance dis ci pline dis tar bance dis par age* dis cl pie dis o bilge ng as if double. Dis tin guish dis en tan gle n, ac.j like ng sharp. Dis tinct dis tine tive dis tinct ly in dis tinct Lesson CXI V.— 114. — Various terminations. Words in which s, in the prefix dis, is flat like z, being followed by an accented syllable beginning with a vowel or a flat consonant. — c and g hard, and/ single. Dis like dis m£m ber dis grace ful dis robe dis or der Diphthongs. dis arm dis as ter Dis dam dis band dis a ble dis may dis gust dis bur den dis own dis burse dis in ter est ed dis guise dis burse ment c soft. dis dkin ful dis junc tivet Dis grace dis as trous Sounds of the Combination Sc. Words in which sc, followed by a, o, u, I, and r, sounds like sk. ■115. — Vowels Single. tran script in scribe post script scum land scape ras cal Scale scrape scribe scope score scold Lesson CXV.- scSrn scrimp scald scab scan scrap scalp scant scrip script scrub scan dal tus can sclr let scan ty scur vy scam per e scape as cribe de scribe pre scribe pro scribe - sub scribe tran scribe ob scure de scry ab sc&nd * a, in age, like short i. t n like ng sharp. 100 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 12 3 Fate, far, fall 4 5 14 8 9 fat, what — me, met, her, they- 1 4 8 10 11 •pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson CXVI. — 116. — Vowels Single. Mis ere ant mus cu lar* es cu lent man u script mas cu line tel e scope scSr pi ont de scrip tive sub scrl ber Lesson CXVIL- ■IVi ob scire ly am bus cade su per scribe e pis co pal scla vo ni an ras cal i ty ob scfr ri ty mus co va do e pis co pa li an Con. Double. ScrAll scull scab bard scat ter seal lopt scrib ble scut tie scur ril i ty Scarf scurf scath* fis cal cSn script scant ling scurn ful cas cade scrSf u la ml cro scope scan ti ly con f is cate Diphthongs. Scour scout scoun drelll :, alone, soft and hard, f single, ng sharp, and Diphthongs. SCOW scowl screen scoop screak scream scrawl r&S Clie scan da lous scrof u lous pro mis cu ous fandg Double. ScSff scrag ged scaf foldt scuf fie Lesson CXVIII. — 118. — Various terminations. Words in which sc ) followed by e, i, and y, sounds like s. ev a n3s cent c like s. Sci ence as c£n den cy rem i nis cence c like k,f single. Fas ci nate co a l£sce con de scend con va les cent sci en tif ic*H sci en tif i cal^T c soil and hard. Con ci pi scence co a lis cence con va les cence Consonants Double. Ob sc£ne as c$nd de scend tran scend de scent re scind scJn er y as cen dant tran seen dent re sus ci tate i ras ci ble^lT sus cep ti ble * a flat, t o, unac., like short u. t th sharp. II e like short *. IT" first i long. ** / double Ab scess ef fer vesce mis eel la ny Diphthongs. As cer tain la sclv i ous mis eel la ne ous* COBB'S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART III. 101 13 5 6 7 8 . no, nor, not, to, good, dove- 14 6 7 16 14 -tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Words in which Q,, always sounded like k, occurs, a is always followed by u, sounded like w, consonant, when not silent. Lesson' CXIX. — 119. — Various terminations. — Vowels Single. Quake quite quart quest quit quilt squint quiz quash squash squirm Lesson CXX. Quad ru ped re qui em £1 o quent sub se quent e quip ment e quiv a lent 6 qual ize a qua tile a qui line re qui site quo ta mus quash e qual quin tal qua drant se quel qui et be quest re quest li quid mar quis 120. re quire in quire e squire re quite e quip ob l^e quar to quA rum que ry quin sy quiv er squan der qua ker quar ter qua ver li qui date ad e quate an ti quate mas qwer ade e ques tri an e qua t6 ri al e qui p8n der ate Various terminations. — Vowels Single. quar an tine quar ter ly ven tril o quism in quis i tive qui e tude e qui lib ri urn quan da ry qual i ty quan ti ty e* qui ty 8b lo quy in qui ry an ti qua ry e qual i ty in i qui ty ob li qui ty an ti qui ty so lil o quy e qua nim i ty in qui rer Lesson CXXI. — 121. — Various terminations. Squa dron* li qi/or al i quot* e qua tor* quad ru pie e qui ta ble Consonants Double. Squill quill * o like short u. quill squill quar relt quar ry squab ble quib ble qz^a drilie qui et ness e qual ly quar rel some*t tran quil li ty DiphtJu)ngs. Quoin quoit quail quaint queer squeeze t e, second syllable, like short i. 9* 102 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 14891 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson CXXIL- Squeak squeal squeam ish be quiath* e qui poise 8b se quies ob se qui ous in i qui tous Lesson CXXIIL- -122.— Diphthongs, c and g soft, f sin. duince £ qui page el o quence c8n se quencet fre quen cy fre quent ly qual i fyj -123, and g soft, / single, &c. lo qua ci ty e qui poll der ance 4 c hard. A que duct c§n se quent e quiv o cate e quiv o cal c§n se quent ly n, in ac. syl., like sharp ng, c hard, and ck like k. ac qui 3sce ac qui es cence Diphthong ai. Ac quaint ac quaint ance Consonants Double. Ban quet in quest con quest van quish tran quil c8n quev con quer or§ de lin quent re lin quish de lin quen cyll W, consonant, preceded by d, s, t, and th sharp. Lesson CXXIV. — 124. — c soft, g hard, /single, ng sharp. c5n q?^er a ble ck like k. Quack quick quick en quack er y cq like kk,sc and dikes. Tlin quil ly Ac quire col lo quy ac quit col 14 qui al ac quire ment ac quit tal Swale twelve swiv el twice twig a thwart swine swing twen ty twine twin swel try dwarf swift swel ter swarth twist dwin die swarm swung swin die thwart swum Con. Double, sway dwelt swan Dwell sweep twelfth swap swell sw&at swept swamp swill swoon * th flat, t first c hard. $ y like long i. % o like short u. II c soft. IT ng flat. ** n like ng sharp. \]ng as ifg were double, ttcklikek. swift ness dwel ling swel ling swim mer swil len Diphthongs. Twain twee zers sweet en be twe^n Con. Double. Sweet ness swal low ng, ck, &c. Twingel twink le** swin glett thwacktt cobb's new primary SPELLING BOOK. PART III. 103 13 5 6 no, nor. not, to, 78 1467 1614 ^ood, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Words in which u, preceded by s, and followed by a vowel, is sounded like w, consonant. Lesson CXXV. — 125.— g soft, and ng sharp. Sua sive per sua ding as sue tude per suade per sua sive as suage ment d$S ue tude Consonants Double. as Sua ging suav i ty Dis suade as sua sive sua sor y as suage dis sua sive Words in which k is pronounced before w, though written after it. Lesson CXXVI. — 126. — c soft, g hard, /single, ng sharp. Whale while whine white why whelm when whist where fore whur what ev er what when ev er whip lash wher ev er* white wash o ver whelm whale bone where so £v er* whif fie whit tie whor tie ber ry Diphthongs. Wheeze whee die whet stone o ver whelm ing whety whence whis per whelp whl ten ck and c like k. whiS key Whip stock whim sey whim si cal wheat Con. Double. wheat en Whiff Con. Double. white ness Whip poor will whig gism whif fle tree Sounds of the letter X. Words in which x sounds like ks, in a monosyllable, or in an accented syllable, or when the accent is on the succeeding syllable, if it begin with any consonant except h, and sometimes when it begins with a vowel, or at the end of a word. Vowels Single. whet whig whim whip whit a while where by* where is* where in* where of* Lesson CXXVIL—127. — Va. terminations.- Wax vex mix six box next text ex tra b6 rax ex tant ex pand ex panse 1 bex in dex si lex a pex ex treme ex pel * first e like long a. ex pend ex tend ex tent per plex ex pense pre text max lm ex it ra dix ex plre pro lfx ad mix 104 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what—me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson CXXVIII. — 128. — Va. terminations. — Vowels Single. Ex plode ix pi ate max i mum ex per i men tal ex plore sex u ai lax i ty in ex pe di ent ex pose ex plA rate par ox ysmt ex trav a sa ted ex t61 ex po nent sir do nyxt ad min is tra trix ex tort ex pe dite tax a ble ex tern po ra ry ex ude lax a tive ex tin u ate dex ter i ty pr5x y ex pie tive ex pa tri ate per plex i ty six ty e lix iri ex tern po re prox im i ty six ton* ex pan sive ex \>h di ent ex te ri or* ox ydet ex pen sive ex per i ment ex pos i tor* o nyxt ex ten sive ex tern po rize ix pi a tor y* la rynxf ex pul sive hit er o dox ex plan a tor y* syn taxt tes ta trix ex pin di ture ex pi a ble ax le par a dox ap o plex y ex o ra ble ox en Ex o dus ex trim i ty in ix o ra ble Lesson CXXIX. — 129. — Consonants Double, and Diphthongs. Ex priss ex pin sive ness six teen an nex ex pres si ble ex plain par al lax in ex pris si ble ax le tree ap pin dix Diphthongs. dex ter ous bis sex tile Ex ploit ex tri ne ous ex pres sive ex pound ex tern po ra ne ous ap prox i mate h6ax ex traSr di na ry Lesson CXXX. — 130. — c and g soft, /sm. 3 and th sharp, — Vowels Single. Flax sixth ly flix i ble in flix i ble fix ex else ex cite ment flex i bil i ty foX ex cite ex pll cit Con. Double. sixth ex cil ex i gen cy Ex cess six pence ex cept ex pe di en cy ex eel lent tho rax 8r tho dox ex pe ri ence ex eel lence six fold ix i gence dox ol o gy ex c&s sive flex ile Sx y gen§ ex cl ta ble ix eel len cy * o, unaccented, like short u. t y like short i. t i, last syllable, like short u. % y like long e. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 105 13 5 6 7 8 no, nor, not, to, good, dove- 1467 1614 -tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson CXXXI. — 131. — c and g hard.— Vowels Single. CI1 max com plex con vex ex p&ct ex elude ex tri cate ex e crate ex ca vate lex i con* hex a gon ex e cute gal ax y ex cul pate ex clu sive ex e era ble in tfix i cate ex pec to rate ex trav a gant ex trav a gancet ex clu sive ly ex cu sa, ble ex clam a tor y* in ex pli ca ble in ex tri ca ble par a d§x i cal in ex ci sa ble Diphthongs. Coax six teenth§ ex claim ph like J , ng like ngg. Phi lanx phe nix ex tinctll ex tin guishTT lex i c6g ra pher q like &, ng flat, l E qui nox ex qui site ex qui site ly Consonants Double. Ex clu sive ness ex cr£s cencet ex com mi ni cate ex punge X, like g-jz, followed by an accented syl., beginning with a vowel. Lesson CXXXII. — 132. — Various terminations. — c soft. Ex alt lux u ri ant ex 1st ex u ber ant ex ult ex §r bi tant ex &m plar** ex or di um ex is tent ex am i ner ex am ine ex em pla ry ex am pie anx 1 e ty lux u ri ate Dipiithong ou. ex on er ate Ux 6 ri ous ex as per ate lux u ri ous X, like gz : followed by an accented syllable, beginning with k. Lesson CXXXIII. — 133. — Various terminations. Ex hale ex hSr ter Diphthong an. ex h8rt ex hil a rate Ex Must ex hib it ex ha la ble in ex haws ti ble * o like short u. f sc and last c like s. %c soft. § th sharp. II n like ng sharp. H ng as if g were double. ** a flat. tt y like long i. XX gg both soft. Ex is tence lux u ri ance ex u ber ance ex im pli fytt c hard, erg soft. Ex let ex St ic ex &c u tive ex ec u tor* ex ag ger ateU 106 COBB'S NEW PRB1ARY SPELLING BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 1489 148 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Words in which i, before a vowel, preceded by the accent, is a consonant, and is pronounced as y, consonant. Lesson CXXXI V.— 1 31— c hard, and/ single. Fil ial ver mil ion pill ion triv ial pa vil ion trill ion val iant com pan ion bull ion pon iard do min ion trunn ion spin iel o pin ion re bell ion il ien be hiv ior co till ion min ion* fa mil iar ize pos till ion pin ion in il ien a ble com min ion pump ion Con. Double. bat til ion on ion Ruff ian brill ian cyt Siv ior bann ian Diphthong ou. il ien ate bill iards CJwrt ier pie ia dest brill iant bil ious con viv ial coll ier per fid ious pie bh ian bill ion i double. fa mil iar mill ion Re bSll ious Sounds of Ch. Words in which ch sounds like tsh. Lesson CXXXV. — 135. — Vowels and Consonants Single. chip el chis tise ment si chem de tich ment chip let en chant ment parch ment chir u bim 8s trich char i ty child ish Chise chart lurch chide torch church chives chap churl child chant churn choke chest chop porch rich birch child ish chas ti ty arch chin church yard ch&r ish chim ber march chip or chard§ ur chin chin dler parch chints pur chase chas tlse chap ter starch such de tich en rich char ter charm much en chant ch$r ub chip i ter * o, in ion and ior, like short u. t sec. e long. X c like s. § a like short u. cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 107 135678 1467 no, nor, not, to, good, dove-— tube, tub, rule, bull- 1 6 -dew, crew- 1 4 -fly, system. Lesson CXXXVL- Chafe chance charge chin eel chal ice fran chise chls el* chil dren* rich es* chu sen dis cMrget chan cer y dis fran chiset cham pi on J bach e lort char i ott Lesson CXXXVII ■136. — Va. terminations. — c and g soft, /sin. charge a ble char i ta ble Con. Double. Chess chill chan nel chat tel chiste ness rich ness chill ness chil ly cher ry t chat* ter at. tach at tach ment chil li ness Diphthongs. Choice vouch vouch er chain speech cheek cheer cheer ful cheese poach chap lain be s44ch re proach cham ber lain de ba^ch er y Each peach reach teach bleach preach cheap cheat touch teach er preach er im p£ach es cheat trSach er y treach er ous im peach ment chim ney child hood — 137. — Diphthongs, &c. — c and ck like k, ng soft, and /single. Change check chick chink§ exchange!! chick en* check er chuck le chSc o late change a ble Con. Double. Chaff chal lenge chaf fy chan eel lortT Diphthongs. Cheer less ap pr6ach Lesson CXXXVIII.— 138.— Diphthongs.— c hard, /single. Couch crouch ciach chief chief ly mis chief chief tain a chieve a chieve ment mis chie vous * e like short i. § n like ng sharp. t s, in dis, sharp. II x like ks. char coal en cr6ach coach ee car touch. en crJach ment t o like short u. IT c soft. 108 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART III. 12 3 4 5 1 Fate, far, fall, fat, what—me, 4 8 9 met, her, they- 1 4 8 10 11 -pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Words in which ch sounds like sh. Lesson CXXXIX.—139. — Various terminations. Stanch branch belch bench wench drench finch pinch clinch flinch bunch hunch French lunch trench punch quench filch milch inch trench er linch pin in trench re trench chi cane ga loche ma chine char la tan in trench ment re trench ment ma chin ist cap u chin ma chin er y chi ca ner y Diphthongs^ Chaise # haunch launch cramich lunch eon* punch eon* trunch eon* ba Youche deb mi chJJ chev a lier chan de her stan chion* mar chion ess*t Ache scheme Christ chasm chrism chlo rate li lach mon arch Words in which ch sounds like k. Lesson CXL. — 140. — Vowels Single. te trarch pas chal chA ral ir chives mas tich dis tich ech o h poch chi os cho rus ir chi trave pa tri arch hi e rarch chi mS ra or ches tra se pul chral pa ri chi al pa tri af chal hi e rar cha] J: cham o mile mech a nism mech a nist harp si chord bron chi tis Lesson CXLI. — 141. — c hard, not joined to the h. — Vow. Single, Stem ach§ sch51 ar§ chron ic t^ch ni cal char ac ter chor is ter arch an gel II ir chi tect * o like short u. iln^flat. sac cha rine cat e chise cat e chism me chan ic chro mat ic cha ot ic scho las tic chro n§m e ter . t s double. % * long, char ac te rize mo nlr chi cal me chan i cal chi mer i cal bac cha ni li an cat e chit i cal chron o 15" gi calif char ac te ris tic § a like short u. IT g soft. cobe's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 109 I 3 5~~6 7 8 1 I 6 7 i 6 I 4 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson CXLII.— 142, — y like i and long e, c and g hard, ph like/, md Diphthongs. Ch^le chyme chrys o prase chrys o lite chrys a lis ar che type cha lyb e ate hyp o chon dri ac y, unac, like long e. An ar chy mSn ar chy Diphthongs. hi e rar chy School mel an chol y trA chee 61 i gar chy h$ad ache chi r% ra phy* heart ache cho rog ra phy tScth achet tech ni cal i ty schoon er chi rur ger y*t eh nuch tech nol o gyt pen ta teuch§ chro nol o gyt ich nea mon Words in which tch occurs, sounded like tsh. — Vow. and Con. Sin. Lesson CXLIII. — 143. — c hard, th sharp, sc like sk, and /single. Batch catch hatch latch match patch snatch thatch scratch watch eich fetch sketch stretch itch ditch hitch pitch witch flitch stitch switch twitch clutch crutch batch notch blotch crotch satch ell! Id tch en II scratch esii hatch etii latch etii ratch etll crotch etll pitch fork watch ful thatch er pitch er watch er butch er be w T itch wttch er y batch er y C, S, Sc } and T, sounded like sh. C, sounded like sh, when followed by ca, ia, ie, io, eou, or iou, preceded by the accent, either Primary or Secondary, as so cial, so shed; o ce an ic, o she an ic. Lesson CXLIV. — 144. — c followed by ia. — Other Voicels Single. So cial sp& cial*!!" e sp£ cial ju di cial pro vin cial mu si cian op ti cian * i long. t g soft. pa tfi cian si ci a hie , e ma ci ate de pre ci ate e nun ci ate pro vin cial ism ju di cia ry X th sharp. § u long. IT See Note, page 62. prej u di cial pol i ti cian so ci a bil i ty Con. Double. Ap pre ci ate as so ci ate an nun ci ate !! e like short i. 110 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 12 3 4 5 Fate, far, fall, fat, what- 14 8 9 1 4 8 10 11 ■me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, iirm- Lesson CXLV. — 145. — c followed by ia and ie,— Other Vowels Single. — c and g hard, f single, and th sharp. Gla cial Consonants Double. spJ cies Gre cian Com mSr cial an cient fi du cial of fi cial de f i cient fi nan cial of fi ci ate pro fi cient tac ti cian g soil and ph like/, de fi cien cy ar ti fi cial Lo gl cian pro fi cien cy ben e fi cial ma gi cian su per fi cies su per fi cial phy si cian / double, e lee tri cian met a phy s\ cian Ef f i cient ac a de mi cian ge om e tri cian suf fi cient a rith me ti cian ie—f sin.,csoft. ef fi cien cy math e ma ti cian Sp£ cie suf fi cien cy Lesson CXLVL — 14G. — c followed by io and iou. — Oilier Vowels Single. — c and g hard, /single, q like k. Nun ci o co &r cion* sus pi cion in ter nJ cion in ter nun ci o pre* cious vi cious te na cious sa ga cious ca pa cious c fol. by the triph. iou. ra pa CIOUS Spa cious vo ra cious gra cious vi va cious spe cious se qua cious lo qua cious ju d! cious de li cious ma li cious per ni cious sus pi cious ca pri cious pre co cious fe ro cious Lesson CXLVII, A tri cious per spi ca cious con tu ma cious per ti na cious av a ri cious ju di cious ly Consonants Double. Spa cious ness fal la cious 147. — c followed by iou and em* of f i cious c. fol. by the triph. em. a tri cious ness Her ba ceous pre da ceous ere ta ceous eras ta ceous fo li a ceous far i na ceous ef fi ca cious Diphthong au. Au da cious au spi cious c followed by ea. l O cean o ce 1C sap o na ceous car bo na ceous * io, in the terminations cion, sion, and Hon, like short u. COBB'S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART III. Ill 1 3 5~6 7 8 1 4 6 7 1 6 1~1 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Sj sounded like sh, when followed by ea, ia, ie, io, eou, or iou, preceded by the accent and another s, or by I, n, or r. Lesson CXLVIIL— 148.— s followed by io.— Other Vow. Sin — c hard, x like ks. ex tin sion Man sion pen sion ver sion as per sion dis per sion* a ver sion re ver sion di ver sion in ver sion per ver sion sub ver sion Lesson CXLIX.- Pas sion mis sion com pas sion pro fes sion con fes sion pro gres sion di gres sion trans gres sion de pres sion im pres sion Lesson CL. — 150. Ac ces sion§ sue ces sion§ ag gres sion op pres sion sup pres sion pos ses sion com mis sion con ver sion re pul sion com pul sion ex pul sion re vul sion con vul sion ex pan sion as cen sioiit di men sion sus pen sion pre ten sion -149. — ss before io de clen sion ex cur sion in cur sion rep re hen sion com pre hen sion con de seen siont an i mad ver sion Consonants Double. Ap pre hen sion mis ap pre hen sion -Other Vow. and Con. Sin. and g hard, /single, x like ks. com pres sion dis c&s sion" ex pres sion con cus sion pas sion ate mis sion a ry pro fes sion al con gres sion al c like s. Se ces sion pro ces sion ad mis sion o mis sion re mis sion per mis sion trans mis sion sub mis sion dis mis siont per cus sion in ter ces sion —Other Consonants Double. — sc like sh, &c. com mis sion er s, fol. by ie, ia, ea, &c. Tiin sient con tro vir sial dis sin sious*!! Diphthong au. Nat^ se a nm se ate nail seous Sc like sh. Con science con scious lus cious c5n scious nessli i \ * 8, in dis, sharp, t sc like 5. $ s, in dis, flat. § sec. c soft. II 5 double. 112 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 91 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm — T, sounded like sh, when followed by ia } ie, io, or iou, preceded by the accent. Lesson CLI. — 151.-- £ followed by ia. — Other Vowels Single. — c and g hard, /single, q like k. Par tial po t&n tial pen i ten tia ry nup tial sol sti tial c and g soft. ter tian in flu en tial G&n tian si ti ate rev er en tial li cen ti ate* vi ti ate pres i den tial cir cum stan tial§ ex pa ti ate* prOV i den tial Consonants Double. in gra ti ate con fi den tial Es sen tial ne go ti ate pes ti len tial con fi den tial ly sub stan ti ate pen i ten tial t followed by ie. in i ti ate con se quen tial Pa tient no vi ti ate e qui hoc tial quo tient sub stan tial in sa ti a b\e im pi tient pru den tialf ne go ti a ble dis cu tientil ere den tials res i din tia ry im pa tience Lesson CLII. — 152. — t followed by io. — Other Vowels Single. Na tion pro ba tion pros tri tion tu i tionlT sta tion re la tion e mo tion am bi tion lo tion ob la tion pro mo tion tra di tion mo tion trans la tion de vo tion e di tion no tion do na tion pro por tion se di tion po tion o ra tion ab lu tion per di tion por tion du ra tion so lu tion vo li tion m£n tion pul sa tion a b5r tion mu ni tion Sp tion sen sa tion ab sorp tion po si tion ra ti o no ta tion de t$n tion nu tri tion notion al ro ta tion re ten tion a dSp tion na tion al mu ta tion pre ven tion de vA tion al ra tion al plan ta tion in ven tion pro por tion al 6p tion al pri va tion* de ser tion in tin tion al sti tion er vi bra tioni in ser tion pe ti tion er *x\ikeks. \u like oo. % first i long. § sec. chard, first i like short e. I! s, in dis, sharp. IT See Note, page 62. COBB's NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. fART III. 113 13567 8 146 7 1 614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove— tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew— fly, system. Lesson CLIII. — 153. — t followed by io. — Other Vowels Single. Val u a tion trep i dk tion div i na tion lib er a tion in un da tion nom i na tion ven er a tion em bar ka tion or di na tion mod er a tion rev e la tion ter mi na tion tol er a tion des o la tion des ti na tion op er a tion vi o la tiont rep a ra tion nu mer a tion em u la tion sep a ra tion des per a tion trib u la tion prep a ra tion al ter a tion* stip u la tion ad o ra tion me di a tion pop u la tion res to ra tion spo li a tion ven ti la tion ad mi ra tion va ri a tion an i ma tion res pi ra tion de vi a tion es ti ma tion in spi ra tion rep ro ba tion in ti ma tion per spi ra tion dep re da tion em a na tion sal u ta tion Lesson CLIV. — 154. — t followed by io. — Other Vowels Single. Dep u ti tion pre*s en ta tion ar bi tra tion rep u ta tion os ten ta tion dem on stra tion am pu ta tion det es ta tion ret ri bu tion im pu ta tion mo] es ta tion res o lu tion hab i ta tion prot es ta tion ev o lu tion med i ta tion im por ta tiont rev o lu tion hes i ta tion trans por ta tiont ab so lu tion im i ta tion el e va tion dim i nu tion lim i ta tion ren o va tion des ti tu tion vis i ta tion der i va tion res ti tu tion pal pi ta tion res er va tion in sti tu tion m vi ta tion pres er va tion pro hi bi tion ad ap ta tion ob ser va tion ' er u di tion dev as ta tion pen e tra tion ab o li tion lam en ta tion per pe tra tion ad mo ni tion * first a long broad. t first i long. t first o long. 114 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 14891 48 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they— pine, pin, stir, shire, firm— Lesson CLV. — 155. — t followed by io. — Other Vowels Single. Dep O 51 tion de nom i na tion Consonants Double. prep o si tion sub or di na tion Nar ra tion prop o si tion de ter mi na tion pol lu tion im po si tion pre des ti na tion at tin tion trans po si tion e vap o ra tion as ser tion rep e ti tion me li o ra tion ad di tion su per sti tion pre med i ta tion pal li a tion de lin e a tion in ter pre ta tion ap pro ba tion in sin u a tion rep re sen ta tion in stal la tion* re tal i a tion re al i za tion ap pel la tion hu mil i a tion sol em ni za tion ab er ra tion re pu di a tion ad min is tra tion ir ri ta tion de lib er a tion in ter po si tion in no va tion re mu ner a tion pro ba tion a ry il lus tra tion a bom i na tion rev o lu tion a ry am mu n? tion Lesson CLVI. — 156. — t fol. by io. — Other Vow. Sin.— Con. Doub. Ap pa ri tion il lu mi na tion in ter cep tion ap po si tion as sas si na tion e lu ci da tion op po si tion c like s. e man ci pa tion sup po si tion Ci ta tiont an ti ci pa tiont in ter rup tion de c&p tion pre cip i ta tion al le vi a tion re cep tion civ il i za tion ab bre vi a tion in cep tion Con. Double. ap pro pri a tion per cep tion Ces sa tion an ni hi la tiont eel e bra tion hal lu ci'na tion 4 Lesson CLVII. — 157. — tfol.hyio. — Other Vow. Sin. — -chard. Ac tion va ca tion con tor tion pro trac tion sec tion lo ca tion re ac tion sub trac tion die tion vo ca tion trans ac tion ab strac tion sue tion die ta tion de trac tion e jec tion cap tion se ere tion re trac tion de jec tion ere a tion com pie tion con trac tion re jec tion * first a short. t first i long. t first i short. COBB'S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART III. 115 13567 8 1 46 7.1 614 no, nor. not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull — dew, crew — fly, system. Lesson CLVIII. Pro jec tion ob jec tion sub jec tion e lee tion se lee tion e rec tion di rec tion de tec tion pro tec tion in spec tion pre die tion con vie tion re stric tion de due tion re due tion -158. — t fol. by io. — Other Vow. Sin. — c hard. se due tion ded i ca tion pro due tion ab due tion de struc tion in struc tion ob struc tion con struc tion de coc tion con ten tion con ven tion con di tion con tri tion rec re a tion av o ca tion in di ca tion vin di ca tion pub li ca tion im pli ca tion com pli ca tion in cui ca tion al ter ca tion* spec u la tion con so la tion cal cu la tion com pi la tion dec la ma tion proc la ma tion com bi na tion prov o ca tion Lesson CLIX— 159.— t fol. by io.— Other Vow. SI Dec li ni tion con se era tion in cli na tion lo co mo tion con dem na tion con tri bu tion con ster na tion pros e cu tioi\ dec o ra tion per se cu tion dec la ra tion el o cu tion cor po ra tion con sti tu tion com pen sa tion in ter jec tion con ver sa tion pre di lee tion com pu ta tion ben e die tion rec an ta tion con tra die tion con sul ta tion ju ris die tion cap ti va tion in tro due tion cul ti va tion co a li tion con tern pla tion com po si tion con di tion al * first a short. hard. com pe ti tion e vac u a tion con tin u a tion con sid er a tion co op er a tion ca lum ni a tion mul ti pli ca tion ar tic u la tion in oc u la tion re crim i na tion pro eras ti na tion in cor po ra tion col o ni za tion die tion a ry 116 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. — PART III. I! 123 4 5148 9 14 810 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what — me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson CLX. — 160. — t followed by io. — Other Vowels Single. — Consonants Double. — c hard. Ap pli ca tion col la tion oc cu pa tion sup pli ca tion com mo tion ac cu 5a tion com men da tion at tiic tion ac cu mu la tion con stel la tion col lee tion accommodationt con sum ma tion cor rec tion cc , first hard, sec. soft. com mu ta tion cor rup tion Vac ci na tion ... rec ol lee tion first c soft. ac cep ta tion res ur rec tion Cir cu la tion* ac eel er a tion in sur rec tion circumspection* g soft. com mis er a tion first c hard. Gen er a, tion syl lab i ca tion Con cep tion de gen er a tion com mu ni ca tion con cen tra tion re gen er a tion rec om men da tion rec on cilia tion a gi ta tiont commemoration cc both hard. le gis la tiont cor rob o ra tion Ac cla ma tion con ge la tion§ Lesson CLXI. — 161. — ^fol.byio. — Other Vow. Sin. — gandchard. Gra da tion prom ul ga tion gg both hard. le ga tion reg u la tion Ag gre ga tion ne ga tion des ig na tion ag gra va tion stag na tion res ig na tion ng } as if g were double. deg ra da tion in dig na tion Con gre ga tion prop a ga tion grav i ta tion prol on ga tion del e ga tion em i gra tion stran gu la tion con ju ga tion trans mi gra tion con gre ga tion al sub ju ga tion rec og ni tion n , fol. by chard, likeng. nav i ga tion in ves ti ga tion Sane tion lit i ga tion ar gu men ta tion unc tion ixiit i ga tion or ga ni za tion junc tion Ob H ga tion Consonants Double. in juUC tion cas ti ga tion As sig na tion con junc tion in sti ga tion in ter ro ga tion com punc tion * first i like short e. tm double. j t vow. first syl. short, See Note, page 62. § c hard, and ng flat. cobb's new primary SPELLING BOOK.— -P ART III. 117 13567 8 1467 no, nor, not. to, good, dove— tub?, tub, rule, bull- 1 6 ■dew, crew- 1 4 •fly, system. ' Lesson CLXII. — 162. — /followed by to. — Other Voicels Single. /"single, c and g hard. def al ca tiont def a ma tion con fir ma tiont in for ma tion prof a na tion ref u ta tion fer men ta tion con Ha gra tion ben e fac tion pu tre fac tion pet ri fac tion sat is fac tion im per fee tion def i ni tion con fed er a tion ram i fi ca tion rat i fi ca tion grat i fi ca tion ed i fi ca tion ver i fi ca tion mod i fi ca tion sig ni fi ca tion glo ri fi ca tion pu ri fi ca tion ver si fi ca tion no ti fi ca tion jus ti fi ca tion for ti fi ca tion mor ti fi ca tion am pli fi ca tion -163.—/ fol. by io.— Other Vow. Sin.—c hard. Fac tion frac tion fie tion fric tion func tion* for ma tion in fla tion frus tra tion re frac tion in fee tion per fee tion re flee tion in flee tion in flic tion fru i tion Lesson CLXIIL- Trans fig u ra tion dis tiic tion man i fes ta tion con fee tion a ry Consonants Double. Af fie tion af flic tion suf fo ca tion in flam ma tion af fir ma tiont af fee ta tion nul li fi ca tion clas si fi ca tion os si fi ca tion af fee tion ate 5. in dis, sharp, c hard. Dis tor tion * n, fol. by c, like ng. dis ten tion dis ere tion dis tine tion* dis lo ca tion , dis pen sa tion dis pu ta tion dis tri bu tion dis po si tion dis sim u la tion dis sem i na tion sc like sk.f sin. , e hard. As crip tion de scrip tion pre scrip tion pro scrip tion in scrip tion tran scrip tion dis crim i na tion sub scrip tion dis ere" tion a ry con fis ca tion Consonants Double. COr US ca tion Dis sec tion dis til la tion dis si pa tion dis so lu tion t first a short. su per scrip tion sc like s. Fas ci na, tion re sus ci ta tion t first i like short e. 118 cobb's new primary spelling BOOK. PART III. 1234 5 148 9 148 10 11 Fate, far, fall, fat, what— me, met, her, they — pine, pin, stir, shire, firm- Lesson CLXIV. — 164. — t followed by io. — Other Vowels Single. — q like k, c and g hard, &c. E qua tion ex cla ma tion ex ter mi na tion quo ta tion ex pla na tion ex pec to ra tion ac qui Si tion ex tir pa tion+ Consonants Double. qual i fi ca tion ex pi ra tion An nex a tion x like ks. ex pec ta tion ap prox i ma tion Tax a tion ex hor ta tion ex com mu ni ca tion vex a tion ex por ta tion§ x like gz. ex t&r tion ex ca va tion Ex er tion ex trac tion ex e cu tion ex al ta tion II ex cep tion* ex pe di tion ex ul ta tion ex tine tiont ex hi bi tion ex as per a tion rel ax a tion ex po si tion ex am i na tion ex ha la tion in tox i ca tion ex ag ger a tionlT Lesson CLXV. — 165. — t followed by io and iou. — c and g hard, # /*single ; x like ks. — Diphthongs and Triphthongs. Cku tion in f£c tious c and g soft. awe tion am bi tious Fa ch tious foun da tion se di tious li cin tioustt ante tion eir fie ti tious fla gi tious &ug men ta tion nu tri tious fa cJ tious ly in &U gU ra tion OS ten ta tioUS Consonants Double. Triphthong iou. ex pe di tious Li cin tious nesstf Glu tious su per sti tious sur rep ti tious vex a tious con sci en tious** con sci en tious ness** Words in which S, followed by long u, has the sound of sh. Lesson CLXVI. — 166. — Vowels Single. Sure sin su al pen in su la is sue cin sure in su lar pen in su lar as sire ten sure sure ti ship sen su al i ty im pr£s sure sire ly en si ranee Con. Double. as si ranee sure ty in su la ted Pres sure as su red ly en sire sen su al ist fis sure com men su rate * c like s. t n, before c, like ng. X first i like short e. § first o long. II first along broad. IT gg, both soft. ** sci like she. tt first i long. COBB'S NEW PRIMARY SPELLING BOOK. PART III. 119 135678 146 7 1614 no, nor, not, to, good, dove — tube, tub, rule, bull— dew, crew — fly, system. Words in which S, preceded by the accent and a vowel, and fol- lowed by ia, ie, io, or long u, has the sound of zh. Lesson CLXVII. — 167. — s fol. by io. — Other Vow. Sin. — c hard ; /single, x like ks. Sua sion* in fu sion pro vis ion in cis ion fusion confusion division circumcision! vis ion de lu sion mis pris ion c Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. ^j\ cP Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide \,Z Treatment Date: Oct. 2006 * ***** V - y#vf4 % a* *> PreservationTechnologies %*, *° • * aV Wd * A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION * + O ««& -°isc>yv ** 1 11 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 ^°-