A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE Political and Memorial MEDALS STRUCK IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Sixteenth President of the United States. BY ANDREW C. ZABRISKIE. ONLY SE\ ENTV-KIVE CDMICS TRINTED. NEW YORK : PRINTED FOR T II li A UT II O R . 1 873- " A-'T'n \^, PREFACE. In the following pages will be found descriptions of one hundred and eighty-nine Medals struck in lienor of Abraham LINCOLN. No President or public man in this country — WASHINGTON ex- cepted — has been honored with an equal number of medallic me- morials. I believe very few pieces have escaped my observation, and they are probably those known as " mules." The infamous practice of muling, at one time carried to a great extent, tends to confuse any one attempting to catalogue politi- cal pieces. Those individuals who urge die-cutters to strike them, can be looked upon only with contempt by any true student of Numis- matics. I am indebted to the late Mr. A. H. Satterlee's work on " Presidential Medals " for descriptions of some of the earlier po- liticals. Also, to several gentlemen, who furnished mc with rub- bings and information on the subject. A. C. Z. CATALOGUE No. 1. Obverse — Head facing to the left : " Dedie par la Democratic Francaise a Lincoln, President deux fois elu des Etats-Unis." Reverse — Victory stands on one side of an altar with a -sword in one hand and a wreath in the other. The altar bears the inscrip- tion : "Lincoln I'honnete homme abolit I'Esclavage, retablit rUnion, sauva la Republique, sans voiler la statue de la Liberte. II fut assassine le 14 Avril, 1865." On the other side of the altar are two freedmen. The elder points to the American eagle, and the )-ounger places a palm-branch on the altar. Above, a triangle. Li the background, the emblems of Commerce. Beneath the altar, " Liberte, Egalite, Frateniite." The circumstances attending the production of this beautiful medal are very interesting. Immediately after Mr. Lincoln's as- sassination, a subscription was started in France, limited to two sous for each person, to raise funds to present a gold medal to Mrs. Lincoln, as a testimonial of sympathy from the French peo- ple. Napoleon III. would not allow it to be struck in France, but it was finally produced in Switzerland. The following is a translation of the letter of presentation : "Paris, October 13, 1866. " Madam : — We have been charged with the duty of presenting to you the medal in honor of the great and honest man whose name you bear, and which forty thousand French citizens have caused to be struck, with a desire to express their sympathy for the American Union, in the person of one of its most illustrious and purest representatives. " If France possessed the liberty enjoyed by Republican Amer- 6 MEDALS IN HONOR OF AliRAIJAM LINCOLN. ica, W'C would number with us not merely thousands, but milh'ons of the admirers of Lincohi, and of the partisans of those opinions to which he devoted his life, and which are consecrated by his death. Please accept, madam, the homage of our profound respect. "The members of the Committee: " Eticnnc Arago, Ch. L. Chassin, L. Greppo, Laurent Pichat, Eug. Despois, L. Kneip, C. Thomas Albert, J. Michelet, Jules Banii, T. Delord, V. Chaffour, E. Littro, V. Schoel- cher, V. Joigneaux, Vcr. Maugin, Edgar Quinet, Louis Blanc, Eugene PcUetau, Victor Hugo." GOIiD. Size 52. No. 2. Same as the jireceding. BRONZE. Size 52. No. 3. Obverse — ]3ust facing to the right: " Salvator Patriae." Reverse — A wreath incloses the inscription, " In mcnior)- of the life, acts, and death of Abraham Lincoln. ISorn February I2, 1809. Died April 15, 1865." The publication of this medal was undertaken by tlie American Numismatic .Society. The first die broke before many impres- sions had been taken, and the second exhibits a slight difference. The planchct is remarkably thick. BRONZE. Size 48. No. 4. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 48. No. 5. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincoln, Prcsi- dent of the United States, 1862." Reverse — Two Indians and weapons form a circle, within which an Indian in full war costume MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 7 is plowing. In the background little Indians are playing in front of a school-house. This medal belongs to the Mint Series of Indian Peace medals. SILVER. VERY RARE. Size 48. No. 6. Same as the preceding. BRONZE. Size 48. No. 7. Same as the preceding, but reduced in size. SILVER. VERY RARE. Size 40. No. 8. Same as the preceding. BRONZE. Size 40. No. 9. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincoln, Presi- dent of the United States. Born February I2, i8og. Died, as- sassinated, April 15, 1865." Rr^'crse — Star: " With malice toward"? ■ none, with charity for all." Star: " 4th March, 1865 : -Emanclpa tion of Slavery Proclamation, September 22, 1862." Dies cut by Hugucr Bovy. BRONZE. RARE. Size 38. No. 10. Obverse — Head facing to the right: " Memoria in .Sterna Abraham Lincoln." Reverse — A female figure holds the American flag, and points to a camp at her feet. Below her, an eagle stand- ing on a shield. Barrels and boxes on the ground. "Northwest- ern .Sanitary Fair, Chicago, 111., 1865." Dies cut by Paquet. Five hundred were struck, and dies destroyed. BRONZE. SCARCE. Size 36. i^eedom and Protection." Dies cut by ¥. C. Key & Son. COPPER. SCARCE. Size 24. No. 29. Same as the preceding. BRASS. SCARCE. Size 24. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. II No. 30. Same as tlie preceding. WHITE METAIi. Size 24. No. 31. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincohi, iS6o.'" Reverse — Farm-house, with two men spHtting rails: "Progress, 1830." WHITE METAL. SCARCE. Size 24. No. 32. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " For President, Abraham Lincohi, of Illinois." Reverse — An eagle supporting a shield, and holding a streamer inscribed " E Pluribus Unum." Dies cut by True. WHITE METAL. Size 24. No. 33. Obverse— Viusi facing to the left. Reverse — Middle Dutch Church, Nassau Street, New York. COPPER. Size 23. No. 34. Obverse — Bust facing to the left, surrounded by thirty-two stars : "Abraham Lincoln, Republican Candidate for President, i860." Reverse — A rail-fence incloses the inscription, " The Great Rail- splitter of the West must and shall be our next President." Dies cut by Geo. H. Lovett. SILVER. RARE. Siza 22. No. 35. Same as the preceding. COPPER. Size S3. No. 36. Same as the preceding. BRASS. SCARCE. Size 22. 12 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 37. Same as tlic prcccdinf^. WHITE METAL. Size 28. No. 38. Same as No. 3, but reduced in size. SILVER. RARE. Size 22. No. 39. Same as the preceding. BRONZE. Size 22. No. 40. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. ' Size 22. No. 41. Obverse — Busts of Lincohi and Hamlin facing to the left : " Lincohi and Hamlin ; " a wreath around the border. Reverse — " Be vigilant and watchful that internal dissensions destroy not your prosperity," surrounded by a wreath. Dies cut by F. B. Smith. SILVER. RARE. Size 22. No. 42. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 22. No. 43. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " Free soil, free speech, free labor, and eternal progression." W^HITE METAL. Size 22. No. 44. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " We will not inter- fere with the Constitutional rights of any State : The fall of Sum- MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 1 3 ter will be avenged, the rebellion crushed, and the honor and integrity of the U. S. shall be maintained, 1861." COPPER. Size 22. No. 45. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 22. No. 46. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincoln," in- closed by wreath. Reverse — " If I am re-elected President, slavery must be abolished with the re-union of States." Dies cut by F. B. Smith. "WHITE METAL. Size 22. No. 47. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincoln, Six- teenth President of the U. S.," surrounded by a floral wreath. Reverse — A country house: " Residence of Abraham Lincoln." This medal belongs to Lovett's Presidential Series. SILVER. RARE. Size 22. No. 48. Same as the preceding. COPPER. Size 22. No. 49. Same as the preceding. "WHITE METAL. Size 22. No. 50. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Honest old Abe ; " thir- teen stars around the head. Reverse — " Union Candidates, 1864: For President, Abm. Lincoln, of Illinois ; for Vice-President, And. Johnson, of Tenn." A wreath encircles the whole. "WHITE METAL. Size 22. 14 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 51. Obverse — Bust facing to tlic left. Reverse — A wreatli inclosing the inscription, "The right man in the right place," and two stars. AroLinc i86r." Around the edge, " Abraham Lincoln, President of the U.. S SILVER. RARE. Size 21. No. 52. Same as the preceding. COPPER. SCARCE. • Size 21. No. 53. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 21. No. 54. Same as the preceding. "WHITE METAL. Size 21. No. 55. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Hon. Abraham Lincoln, i860." Reverse — "Lincoln and Hamlin: Freedom and Protec- tion ; the man that can split rails or guide the ship of State." Dies cut b\- R. Lovctt, Jr. BRASS. SCARCE. Size 20. No. 56. Obverse — Bust facing to the left : " Lincoln and Johnson, L^nion Candidates, 1864." Reverse — Head of Washington surrounded by rays and thirteen stars : " Freedom to all men, Union." Dies cut by W. H. Key. SILVER. RARE. Size 20. No. 57. Same as the preceding. COPPER. SCARCE. Size 20. DALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 15 No. 58. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 20. No. 59. Diverse — Bust facing to the right : " x\braham Lincohi, Repub- Hcan Candidate for President, i860." Reverse — "Our next Presi- dent." "WHITE METAL. Size 20. No. 60. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincoln for President, 1864." Reverse — " U. S." surrounded by flags, guns, etc. BRASS. Size 20. No. 61. Obverse — Bust facing to the left: "Abraham Lincohi, born Feb. 12, 1809; assassinated April 14, 1865." Reverse — Busts of Washington and Lincohi facing each other : " The father and the savior of his country." WHITE METAL. SCARCE. Size 20. No. 62. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: " Abram Lincohi, Republi- can Candidate for President, i860." Reverse — " Let Liberty be national, and Slavery sectional," inclosed in a wreath. Around the edge, " Free territory for a free people." SILVER. RARE. Size 20. No. 63. Same as the preceding. COPPER. Size 20. No. 64. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 20. i6 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 65. Ohrrsc— Bust facing to the right : " Abram Lincohi, Repub- lican Candidate for President, i860." Reverse — An eye, frpni which proceed rays: " The Union must and sliall be preserved." . COPPER. SCARCE. Size 20. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. No. 66. No. 67. Size 20. Size 20. No. 68. Obverse — Bust facing to the right Hcan Candidate for President, i860 surrounded liy rays : " United we stand, divided we fall." WHITE METAL. Size 20 Abram Lincohi, Repub- Reverse- — Roman fasces, No. 69. Obverse — Bust facing to the left : " Abm. Lincohi, the martyr President." Reverse — "Born February 12, 1809; 1st Inaug. March, 1861 ; 2d Inaug. March, 1865. Died April 15, 1865." WHITE METAL. Size 20. No. 70. Obverse— Bnst facing to the left: "Abraham Lincoln, 1864," and eight stars. Reverse — "The people's choice for President," on shield surrounded by si.x U. S. flags, and surmounted by the cap of Liberty. WHITE METAL. Size 20. No. 71. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " A foe to traitors," encir- cled by " Abrm. Lincoln," and a wreath. Reverse — " No com- promise with armed rebels," within a circle of thirty-five stars. WHITE METAL. Size 20 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 1 7 No. 72. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " Died April 15, 1865," encircled by " Sine fuco et fallacia homo." « "WHITE METAL,. Size 20. No. 73. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincoln, born Feb. 12, 1809." Reverse — A laurel wreath enclosing the inscrip- tion, " No more slave territory." Around the edge, " Republican Candidate, i860." Dies cut by J. H. Merriam. COPPER. Size 20. No. 74. Same as the preceding. BKASS. VERY SCARCE. Size 20. No. 75. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 20. No. 76. Obverse — Two branches crossed : " In memory of Abraham Lin- coln, died April 15, 1865." Reverse — Stars around circle, without inscription. WHITE METAL.. Size 18. No. 77. Same as No. 73, but reduced in size. SILVER. Size 17. No. 78. Same as the preceding. COPPER. Size 17. No. 79. Same as the preceding. ' WHITE METAL. Size 17. 3 1 8 MEDALS IN HONOR OK AliRAIIAM LINCOLN. No. 80. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincohi, Rep. Candidate for President, i860." Reverse — " Free homes for free men," enclosed in an-eak vvrcatii, outside of wiiicli is a circle of stars and " I'rotection to American Industry." SILVER. VERY RARE. Size 17. No. 81. Same as the preceding. ^ COPPER. Size 17. No. 82. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 17. No. 83. Same as the preceding. NICKEL. ■ Size 17. No. 84. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 17. No. 85. Same as the preceding, except there is no oak wreath on the reverse. SILVER. RARE. Size 17. No. 86. Same as the preceding. COPPER. Size 17. No. 87. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 17. No. 88. Same as the preceding. NICKEL. Size 17. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 1 9 No. 89. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 17. No. 90. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincohi, Re- publican Candidate, i860." Reverse — American eagle and shield: " Liberty, Union, and Equality." BKASS. SCARCE. Size 17. No. 91. Obverse — Bust facing to the left : " Abraham Lincoln, Presi- dent of the U. S., 1864." Reverse — Head of Washington sur- rounded by flags and muskets: " The Union must and shall be preserved." COPPER. SCARCE. Size 17. No. 92. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAX. Size 17. No. 93. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Hon. Abraham Lincoln, i860." Reverse — A country scene with two men splitting rails: " The rail-splitter of the west." Dies cut by Ellis. COPPER. ■ Size 17. No. 94. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 17. No. 95. Same as the preceding. NICKEL. Size 17. No. 96. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL, Size 17. 20 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 97. Obverse — Bust facing to the right ; star: "Abraham Lincohi, President U. S." Star. " War of 1861." Reverse— V>\.i.\\V. Dies cut by F. B. Smith. BRASS. size 17. No. 98. Obverse — Bust facing to the right. Reverse — Eagle : " War of i86i." BRASS. Size 17. No. 99. Obverse — Bust facing to the right. Reverse—" War for the Union, 1862." BRASS. Size 17. No. 100. Obverse — Bust facing to tlie right : " President Lincoln." Re- verse — Eagle with shield and arrows : " Compositions," three stars : " Spiel marke," three stars. BRASS. BARE. Size 17. No. 101. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : '' Abraham Lincoln, Pres't of the U. .S., 1864." Reverse — " Republican Candidate of the United States." Below, an eagle, flags, and shield. WHITE METAL. Size 17. No. 102. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse-^" Chas. K. War- ner, dealer in American and Foreign Medals, 728 Chestnut St., Philada.," and two stars. COPPER. Size 17. No. 103. . Same as the preceding. WHITE METAX. Size 17. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAiM LINCOLN. 21 No. 104. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — Head of Washing- , ton, surrounded by flags and muskets : " The Union must and shall be preserved." COPPER. -*r' Size 17. No. 105. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " Ornamental Medal and Seal Die Sinkers, 329 Arch St., Phila." •WHITE METAL. Size 17. No. 106. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " Surrender of Gen. Lee to Gen. Grant, April 9, 1865." COPPER. Size 17. No. 107. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — •" Born Feb. 12, 1809; assassinated April 14, 1865." WHITE METAL. Size 17. No. 108. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " The Constitution and the Union," and within a wreath, " Now and forever." COPPER. Size 17. No. 109. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 17. No. 110. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 17. No. 111. Obverse — Bust facing to the right. Reverse — " West's trained dogs." , BRASS. Size 17. 22 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 112. Obverse — Head facing to the right : " Lincohi." Reverse — "Abra- ham Liiicohi, i6th President U. S. Emancipation the great event of the 19th Century." Dies cut by J. A. Bolen, Springfield. SILVER. RARE. Size \QH. No. 113. Same as tlie preceding. COPPER. Size 16X. No. 114. Same as the preceding, BRASS. Size lex. No. 115. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size ie«. No. 116. Obverse — Same as tlie preceding. Reverse — "Apiece of cop- per taken from the wreck of the rebel ram Merrimac in 18627 by J. F. Tratt, A. A. Surg. U. S. A. Only ten struck." Reverse die destroyed. COPPER. Size 10%. No. 117. Obverse — Head facing to the right : "Abraham Lincoln." AV- verse — " With malice toward none, with charity for all." Dies cut by Bolen. COPPER. Size 16. No. 118. Same as the preceding. BRASS. SCARCE. . Size 16. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 23 No. 119. Same as the preceding. "WHITE METAIi. Size 16. No. 120. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — Head of Liberty facing to the left, with flowing hair, and Liberty-cap over right shoulder: " Libertas Americana, 4 Juil., 1776." SILVER. VERY RARE. Size 16. No. 121. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincoln, 1864." Reverse — Flag floating to the left : " Long may it wave," with stars below. COPPER. Size 16. No. 122. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : "Abraham Lincoln, i860." Reverse — "Freedom national. Slavery sectional." BRASS. RARE. Size 16. No. 123. Same as the preceding. ■WHITE METAL.. SCARCE. Size 16. No. 124. Obverse — Tomb and weeping willow : " A sigh, the absent claim^ ; the dead, a tear." Reverse — " Ab'm Lincoln, Presi- dent of the U. S., died April 15, 1865, by the hands of a rebel assassin." ■WHITE METAL. Size 16. No. 125. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincoln, i860." Reverse — " Our policy is expressly the policy of the men who made the Union, no more, no less." BRASS. SCARCE. Size 16. 24 MEDALS IN HONOR OV AKRAIIAM LINCOLN. No. 126. « Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincohi, 1864." Reverse — " First Battalion, Union Champaign Club ; " flags, can- nons, etc., in the centre. WHITE METAL. Size 16. No. 127. Obverse — Bust facing to the left; "Abraham Lincoln, i860." Reverse — Bust of Hamlin facing to the right: "Hannibal Ham- lin, i860." BRASS. Size 15. . No. 128. ^ Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincoln, assas- sinated April 14, 1865. 25. In God we trust," and two stars. Reverse — Eagle in centre: "United States of America, forever and inseparable, 1864," and thirteen stars. WHITE METAL. Size 15. No. 129. Obverse — Bust facing to the right: "Abraham Lincoln. In God we trust, 25 " and two st;ys. Reverse — Same as the pre- ceding. WHITE METAL. Size 15. No. 130. Obverse — Bust facing front : " Abram Lincoln, free land, free speech, and freemen." Rez'erse — Eagle and shield: "Union oi the States." BRASS. RARE. Size 14. No. 131. Obverse — Bust facing to the left. ReTurse — Bust of Douglas fac- ing to the left. COPPER. Size 14. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 25 No. 132. Obverse — Bust facing to the left. Reverse — Bust of Bell facing to the left. * COPPEK. Size 14. No. 133. Obverse— W^^aA facing to the left : " For President, Abraham Lincoln, of 111." Reverse — View of the White House : " Presi- dent's house." COPPER. SCARCE. Size 14. No. 134. Same as the preceding. BRASS. SCARCE. Size 14. No. 135. Same as the preceding. "WHITE METAL. Size 14. No. 136. Obverse — Head facing to the right : "Abraham Lincoln, 1864." Reverse — Flags and cannons : " Our Country and our Flag, now and forever." SILVER. RARE. Size 14. No. 137. Same as the preceding. « COPPER. Size 14. No. 138. Same as the preceding. BRASS. Size 14. No. 139. Same as the preceding, WHITE METAL. Size 14. 4 26 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 140. Obverse — Same as the prcccdini^. Reverse — " Born Feb. 12, 1809; assassinated April 14, 1865." WHITE jyEETAL. Size 14. No. 141. Obverse — Bust facing to the left : " Abraliam Lincoln for Presi- dent." Reverse — Eagle perched on drum and flags. COPPEK. Size 13. No. 142. Same as the preceding. WHITE METAL. Size 13. No. 143. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — Star within a wreath. WHITE METAL. SizelS. No. 144. Obverse — Bust facing to the left. Reverse — " Martyr to Lib- erty." Around the edge, "Abraham Lincoln," star, " 15th April, 1865," .star. This little memorial medal was struck in France. BRONZE. OVAL. Size 12,V by 14. No. 144*. Same as the preceding. BRASS. RARE. No. 145. Obverse^Yiwsi facing to the left : "Abraham Lincoln, i6th President of the United States, assassinated by the plotters of treason, April 14, 1865." Reverse — " Martj^r to Liberty," a monu- ment with "A. Lincoln, April 15, 1865," on it. "Lewis Ley, ,' New York." SILVER. VERY RARE. Size 13. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 27 No. 146. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Abraham Lincohi, natus Feb. 12, 1809." Reverse — " Abra-Ham Lin-Cohi, Honest Abe of the West. The Hannibal of America, i860." Only seven struck. SILVER. Size 13. This, and the following medalets were struck by Geo. H. Lovett for W. L. Bramhall. Mr. Bramhall states that these were the first Politicals issued in the memorable campaign of i860. No. 147. Same as the preceding. Thirty-five struck. COPPER. Size 12. No. 148. Same as the preceding. Thirty-five struck. BRASS. Size 12. No. 149. Same as the preceding. Two hundred and fifty struck. NICKEL. Size 12. No. 150. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — An oval shield bear- ing on a scroll " Wide-awakes ; " above and below, a rose and leaves. Reverse die destroyed. Twenty-one struck. SILVER. Size 12. No. 151. Same as the preceding. Thirty-five struck. COPPER. Size 12. 28 MEDALS IN lIOXdR OF ABRAHAM LINXOLN. No. 152. Same as the preceding. Tliirtj'-fivc struck. BRASS. Size 12. No. 153. Same as the preceding. Thirt)--five struck. NICKEL. Size 12. No. 154. Same as tlie preceding, Fifteen hundred struck. WHITE METAL. Size 12. No. 155. Obverse — Head facing to the left. Reverse — Bust of Washing- ton facing to the rigiit. This medalet was struck at tlie mint. Twenty-five struck. GOLD. Size 12. No. 156. Same as the preceding. SILVER. SCARCE. Size 12. No. 157. Obverse — Head facing to the right. Reverse — Bust of Wash- ington facing to tlie right. ■WHITE METAL. Size 12. No. 158. Obverse — Head fiicing to thcright : " A. Lincoln, R. Cand't for President, i860." Reverse — An eagle, " F. Lehr's Needle thread- ers, 56 Chatham St.. N. Y." BRASS. VERY RARE. Size 12. MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 29 No. 159. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — An eagle, " D. Venten's Needle threaders, 178 Duane St., N. Y." Only three struck. BRASS. Size 12. No. 160. Obverse — Bust facing to the right : " Lincoln and Liberty." Reverse — A rail with an ax sticking in it : " Good for another heat." BRASS. RARE. Size 12. No. 161. Obverse — Bust facing to the right. Reverse — Bust of Grant facing to the right. BRONZE. SCARCE. Size 12. No. 162. Obverse — Bust facing to the right, surrounded by stars, and below the bust, •' 1864." Rc7'erse — American eagle, " Lincoln and Union." Olive branches below. BRASS. Size 13. No. 163. Obverse — Same as the preceding. Reverse — " Lincoln and L^nion," without the eagle. BRASS. Size 12. No. 164. Obverse- — Head facing to the left : " The right man in the right place, 1864." Reverse — "Freedom," enclosed in wreath: Flags and shield below. NICKEL. Size 12. No. 165. Obverse — Head facing to the left, enclosed by thirteen stars, " 1864." Reverse — " Peck and Orvis, Druggists and Grocers, Bara- boo, Wis." NICKEL. SCARCE Size 12. 30 MEDALS IN HONOR OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. No. 166. Obverse — Same as tlic prccedin