Ill E 513 .5 52d Copy 1 PihhuBB ^timnth at tl|r 5DtI? Attmttgraarg of tiit 5Zh %ggtmrttt 1912 THE CIVIL WAR IN HISTORY AN ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE REUNION OF THE 52d Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1912 AT GREENFIELD, MASS. The 50th Anniversary of the Enlistment of the Regiment in the U. S. Army for Service in the Civil War, by Lieutenant Asa A. Spear of Company G. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. THE GAZETTE PRINTING COMPA.VY 1913 :5Zd Q rtB -1913 . t r ^ The Civil War in History A modern writer has said: '' History is a diary of the luiinan race." Such a diary does not disch)se all its teach- ings to the writer, nor to the actors in the events recorded. If faithfully and truly written, the story told will unfold as the years go by, and present to those who read, lessons and truths unthought of when the record was written. The diary of the Oivil War has been written by many and distinguished historians, some actors in its scenes, and others not, who have sought to record the great and con- trolling events of that bloody struggle from different view points and often colored by personal experiences, or told in such way as to add luster to the names and deeds of certain distinguished actors. But these diaries have given us, in the main, a reliable story, from which we may draw safe and abiding lessons for the nation's future guidance. Many diaries of the Oivil War have been written in humbler fashion, by less distinguished people, and record- ing the deeds of humbler men, which are none the less truthful, and which, none the less, contain the richer teachings of those strenuous years. Eacii one of us, com- rades, has written such a diary, either upon paper, or in the hearts and lives of those near to us. We have narrated our personal experiences and vividly described scenes which we have witnessed and in which we have been actors, to those who have not forgotten the stories, and by whom lessons, hidden in them, are being discovered, and wrought into the sturdy manhood of the generations that have already followed ours. By the aid of memory we sweep back through the years and over the experiences of life, and great truths rush upon us which we did not see when we were passing through them. Many and wonderful are the lessons already learned by this retrospect, by the study of these diaries. But fifty years is too short a space of time to give a perspective sufficient to disclose all that is stored in these written and unwritten records. We have already learned much. Mighty influences have already proceeded from them. But the historian of the generations yet to come, as distance gives him a fuller and more perfect view of the events and scenes in which we were actors, will find lessons and truths hidden in them, which have not been disclosed to us and which we have not imagined. The nation is nobler and better by reason of what has already been learned. She has become more powerful for righteousness and has a mightier influence among the na- tions, by reason of the unfolding and strengthening of the true spirit of liberty which the Oivil War brought. Our conceptions of loyalty and patriotism have changed since those days. The loyal American, to-day, is not one who seeks above all else, to defend his country against foreign aggression, but one, who, acting from a higher pur- pose, seeks to make her foremost in promoting peace and good-will among the nations. Peace, not war, is now the objective of every true American who has learned the les- sons of the Oivil War. It was in ante-bellum days that we boasted that America was the greatest country in the world for prowess, wealth and bigness ; now we are proud to proclaim our land the leader of the world in the strife for universal peace. Now we boast not so much of the number of square miles within our borders, or of the mill- ions of our people, or of our enormous wealth, all of 4 which surpass the record of fifty years ago, as of our power to help the world. Ringing out in clearest tones from every mountain and hilltop, so that it is heard around the world, is our new clarion call, "We must help all men to be free." "We have learned through the bitter teaching of the Civil War, that the liberty which our fathers gave, is a precious gift entrusted to us, that we may pass it on to those who have it not. The conception of a greater missionary enterprise than that on which our country has embarked during these later years, has never entered the thought of man since the angels, above Bethlehem\s plain, on that first Christmas night, proclaimed: "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men." A new spirit, a new patriotism, beside which the old appear weak and unde- veloped, have possessed our thoughts and purposes. Before the Civil War the first thought of American pa- triots was for themselves ; their energies were directed towards the building up of a nation invincible in prowess, unsurpassed in wealth. Our patriotism was self-centered and confined in narrow limits. As the years go by, and we read and re-read the diary of that war, and study the bearing of its great events upon each other and upon the nation, new and broader and nobler ideas are constantly unfolded to us. Clearer and clearer stands out in bold perspective, the idea that after all the real and greatest object of the war was to help others who desperately needed help ; to awaken American patriots to a knowledge of the fact that they had a priceless gift of freedom, in- herited from their fathers, which they were selfishly keep- ing to themselves, while the world was calling for a share in the treasure. We commenced the bestowal of our inheritance upon those needing it, by sharing with the oppressed within our own borders. Our charity commenced at home. We thought we enlisted in the country's service to preserve the union of the States, but have we not learned in these fifty years, that the preservation of the union was a sec- 5 ondary purpose, and that there was a higher and mightier purpose behind and above that ? A purpose which we did not then see, nor understand, but which time has made wonderfully clear ? A purpose out of which the choicest and richest fruits of our sacrifices have come ? That pur- pose Avas that we should be taught the lesson that Amer- ica's mission was to share her birthright with those in need; to give, free-handed, liberty and justice and peace to all the world — the lesson that by giving we should be enriched and exalted to a higher and mightier station than our fathers ever attained. In bestowing freedom upon the slave we not only re- moved the greatest burden upon our national life and blotted out the greatest stain upon our national honor, but we got our first glimpse of the reward that always comes from sharing our best with those in need. The teaching of this lesson w^as costly, very costly, and there may have been in it something of chastisement, for the dullness and inaptness to learn, which we now see so clearly, marked the earlier days of our national existence. But we learned the lesson well, and time and experience are fixing it more indelibly in our national character. This new idea has grown and broadened with advancing years, until the very foundations of our patriotism have been rebuilt. The old foundations were too narrow and contracted ; the last fifty years have completely changed our conceptions of patriotism and loyalty. The loyal American of to-day is a different man from the loyal American of fifty years ago; his ideals are higher; his influence mightier ; his sympathies universal; his field is the world. And all this is precious fruit of the Civil War, which we have already gathered. The future will produce still richer harvests. "When Americans became thoroughly awake to the mean- ing of this lesson from the Civil War, and this new spirit of charity and good-will sought expression, the opportu- nity came most unexpectedly. Cuba, most cruelly op- 6 pressed and in direst need, stretched out her shackled hands to us for help. The new spirit of loyalty to liberty and of exalted patriotism, which filled the sons of those who fought the Oivil War, responded to the call. They sprang to arms; struck off the shackles from the out- stretched hands; wrested fair Ouba from her oppressor and presented her to herself, dowered with a portion of the heritage so precious to us. And greater still was the outcome of that blow at tyranny. Dewey's guns, on that May day morning, annihilated a Spanish fieet and opened the doors of the poor, ignorant, uncivilized Philippino, to receive a share of what we had to give. Since then America has been a schoolmaster to these alien, but needy people, instructing them in the arts of peace, self-govern- ment and liberty; lifting them up to a higher plane of existence, herself pledged to give them self-government and civil liberty when the savage shall have had time to develop into the law-loving, law-abiding, enlightened citizen. Search history from the dawn of creation to this day and where will you find sucli another example of disinter- ested, unselfish bestowal of a share in a nation's choicest heritage, upon an oppressed and distracted people ? His- tory will record these glorious achievements as fruits of the Oivil War. Then again, the Oivil War produced John Hay, that most distinguished and masterful statesman, who taught the world lessons in the arts of peace, in honest, unselfish diplomacy and fair-dealing. He set up a new standard of national integrity and supplanted deceit and falsehood in international dealing, with straightforward honesty and truthfulness. Out of the Oivil War he had learned the lessons of the higher patriotism. At the feet of Lincoln he had drunk in the new spirit of righteous action, peace, good-will and liberty for all ; and it had developed in him until it produced a noble man, filled with a love for liberty and fair-dealing which could not and would not counte- nance unjust oppression of the weak. His voice sounded throughout the world a new and higher note of truthful- ness, honor and justice on the part of the strong in their dealings with the weak. He taught the world many a lesson and fearlessly cham- pioned the cause of righteousness everywhere. That new spirit in him and the courage it had given, enabled him, when all the great nations of Europe, in the Boxer war, had combined to partition distracted and helpless China, to hurl defiance at them all and to say: "Thou shalt not." And the heart and voice of America Avas behind him, sustaining and encouraging, and saying to him and them, a new spirit of liberty and justice has been born in us, out of the blood and sacrifice and suffering of our Civil War, and we will protect and defend China against the world with the might of our good right arm, if need be, and will preserve to her, her ancient possessions inviolate. Europe listened and heard and stopped. The dove of peace shortly found a resting place in China, and John Hay found a place on the topmost pinnacle of power and honor. The world stands aghast at these many acts of u.nselfish giving of our best, and wonders whence they come. His- tory points back to the Civil War. Nor is this all. Out of this new spirit of patriotism and good will, America has given to China the new spirit which is now at work, awakening the nation from her cen- turies long lethargy, and rebuilding and consolidating her civil, social and intellectual life. The return of the Boxer millions to China is another ex- ample of the working of our new spirit, which Europe does not yet understand. In all these events, the future historian w411 find deeper meaning and richer lessons than we have yet discovered. There are men who will not subscribe to all that I have thus far said ; men who do not believe that there is power enough in this new spirit of peace and good will, to de- 8 fend and preserve the nation. Pessimists there are and always have been. We had them during the Civil War and labelled them "Copperheads." They are now con- tinually telling us that the safety of the country demands the continued cultivation and development of the nuirtial spirit; and they atfirm that the martial spirit is dying out, and that etfeminacy and moral decline are every- where manifest among our young men. They maintain that the spirit of peace is enervating, and in the end will sap the very foundations of our liberty. They decry the trend which has made possible such results as came from the Spanish War, and our influence with China. Not so. The future historian will record that this new spirit of patriotism and loyalty to country is not a degenerate spirit. The new spirit is ennobling, uplifting, purifying, strengthening. All these forces are life-giving, life-sus- taining. The new spirit slulfs off the asperities of the old martial spirit and leaves it refined and purified, but wath all its ancient stamina intact. Because refined and puri- fied it is safer, surer and more enduring. The country will never want for defenders in time of need, nor for valiant sons to pass on our inherited blessings to those in need, so long as this new and refined spirit survives. And it comes from sources which can never fail. We can all tell stories illustrating the truth of what I have just said. One morning wdien the Brooklyn boys were enlisting for the Spanish war, my son, then just starting in his teens, sat pensive and thoughtful at the breakfast table. After a time he said: " Father, it is too bad." "What is too bad, my son ? " " It is too bad that the family has no one to send to this war. You are too old and I am too young." I was proud of that boy. You need not tell me that the spirit of patriotism and loyalty to country is dead or de- cadent. It still lives, but purified and strengthened- He knew that the blood of the early settlers in his mother's family, shed by the arrow and tomahawk of the Indian, 9 ^ad stained the meadows and the hillsides of this beauti- ful Connecticut River valley; he knew that, in the public library at Sunderland, hung a memorial to his maternal great-great-grandfather as a captain in the Revolutionary War ; he knew that when Massachusetts called on her sons to repel the expected British invasion in 1812, his pater- nal great-grandfather responded to the call; he knew that the names of his father and uncle were enrolled upon the marble slabs in the town hall at Amherst, as soldiers in the Civil War, and he knew and felt, above all, that the spirit of his ancestors w^as in him, moving him to loyalty and duty. Comrades : You have such sons and grandsons. As you have held them on your knee and told them of the loyal service of their ancestors, of your own hard service, of the campfire, of the toilsome march, of the battle field, you have seen their bosoms heave, their eyes flash with the latent fire, and the fixed and loyal purpose Avithin, ex- pressing itself on the brow and face. You know that the spirit which filled your life in 1862, still lives in them unabated. The future student of history will commend with un- stinted praise the loyal, unfaltering and unselfish devo- tion of the nation to the soldiers in the field. The diary abounds in stories of such devotion. Every village and hamlet in the land has its organization to provide com- forts for the sick; houses were stripped of such articles as could be used to make lint and bandages for the wounded. Night and day the first thought was for the army at the front. One incident in our own history illustrates what I would say, an incident which has retained a w^arm place in all our hearts. On the 30th day of July, 1868, after a week of wearisome progress up the Mississippi, we land from the river steamer " Henry Chouteau," at that den of sin they call " Cairo," in Illinois, where too many of our boys fell victims to the temptation which lurked everywhere. 10 About midnight we were loaded into freight cars and started, overland, for home. Rations were scarce, and for three days we had little to eat beyond what the good peo- ple of the towns and villages through which we passed, gave us, and in their honor be it said, they treated us gen- erously. About two o'clock in the afternoon of August 3rd, we reached Buffalo. The news of our coming and of our need, had gone before. It was Sunday. At the open- ing of the morning service, the church over which Rev. Dr. Hosmer, father of Corporal Hosmer of Company D, presided, received an unusual message. The Doctor an- nounced that the 52nd Massachusetts regiment was on its way home from the seige of Port Hudson, and would arrive in Buffalo early in the afternoon, and that the boys were hungry. Then he dismissed his congregation with the injunction that his people see that the hungry soldiers Avere fed. Then followed a glorious illustration of Chris- tianity applied. Scores of families in Bufl'alo gave up their Sunday dinners; kitchens, meat shops and bakeries were ransacked ; long tables were erected in the railroad station, and fairly loaded with a feast such as no 52nd reg- iment man had seen in many a day. Dr. Hosmer's church was there en masse to welcome us ; the ladies in their Sunday gowns to serve the viands. What a sight met our unsuspecting eyes as we marched into the station! And then the scenes that followed! Buffalo learned that day, how hungry men can eat, and better still, how they can express their gratitude for and appreciation of such gen- erous self-denial. Their bounty not only satisfied our hunger, but filled our haversacks with good things for the morrow. The ringing cheers which were our farewell, were answered by cheers and waiving handkerchiefs from the multitude. Comrades: Such scenes reveal the inner spirit which fills the heart of loyal America, and which is strengthen- ing year by year. Another great truth, I believe, the future student of 11 history will reveal, as he reads and re-reads the diary of the Civil War. It is that the Confederate Soldier and the Union Soldier, knew and felt in his inmost heart, that they were brothers ; that the war was a fratricidal w^ar which ought not to have been. Another story from our own history will show the reason for this belief. After the unsuccessful assault on Port Hudson on June 14, 1863, three companies of our regiment, which had been thrown forward as skirmishers, were left in close proxim- ity to the Confederate earth-works. Company G was in an angle of those works fronting two Confederate regi- ments — the 49th Alabama on one side of the angle, and the 1st Mississippi on the other, and there we remained in the blazing sun, protected by stumps and logs and gulches in the earth, most of the time till July 8th, w^hen Port Hudson surrendered. For three days after the assault the dead of our army lay about us everywhere. On the 17th of June the bugles sounded a parley, a white flag was raised and parties were sent out to bury the dead. For nearly three hours the flag was up and many Confederates came out into the neutral ground between their lines and ours and met the men from my company, and during those three hours they sat upon stumps and logs and chatted as socially and pleasantly as though they had been brothers. The Confederates had the idea that they were confronted by a company of sharpshooters, so accurate and annoying had been our fire, and many of them asked to be presented to the officer commanding the company. They were greatly mistaken, however. There was no one there but a few farm boys and mechanics from Amherst and Sunder- land and Pelham. But the truth is, they had acquired some skill in handling Springfield rifles. A duel had been going on between Edgar Pomeroy, my orderly sergeant, and the orderly sergeant of a company in the 1st Mississippi. The Mississippian's favorite post was behind a large magnolia tree, just outside the Con- federate works. Pomeroy lay behind a stump two hun- 12 dred yards away. Many shots had been exchanged with- out material damage to either combatant. On the after- noon of the day before the truce, the Mississippian landed a heavy charge of buckshot in the top of the stump close to Pomeroy's head; then he commenced to reload, and in doing so exposed his right arm to Pomeroy's quick eye. He saw his chance, and in an instant a minnie ball was on its way from Pomeroy's rifle, which shattered the Con- federate's good right arm. His rifle fell and he did not finish loading. The afternoon of the truce this Mississip- pian was introduced to me and asked to see the man who shot him the day before. I called the orderly, introduced his victim, and for more than two hours those two men,, the Confederate with his arm in a sling, sat on a log and laughed and chatted like old friends. You would not sus- pect that they were aught but brothers. The major of the 49th Alabama asked to be brought to me. We were introduced by one of his men. The greeting was cordial on both sides. He commenced the conversation by ask- ing me where I came from. I answered that 1 came from Massachusetts. He said: ''You are a long way from home. What did you come down here for ? " I answered : " To make you fellows behave yourselves, if we can." He answered: ''Well, we ought never to have misbehaved." We sat down on a log and for an hour talked freely of the war, and the events which led to it. I found him to be a fine, well educated and intelligent gentleman. He freely admitted that the war never should have been ; that the masses of the Southern people were not at heart in favor of the war, but were in it because they had to be, because of the impetuosity and hot-headedness of their political leaders. Coolness and calm deliberation, he felt sure, would have avoided the war. After three hours of brotherly fellowship the bugle sounded the recall, the white flag went down, the men of both armies scurried to their covers, and instantly went at each other's throats like incarnate devils. For half an 13 hour bullets flew as if to make up for the time which had been lost. By this scene and many others like it, 1 have been led through the mellowing influence of the years and the growth of the new spirit within me, to the belief which I have expressed, that we were after all brothers at heart, loving a common country and rejoicing in a common lib- erty. The outside was but an appearance put on from force of circumstances, and because we must. Another fact which the future historian will make much of, is the abounding love which the war developed for the old flag in the hearts of those who followed it. I never go to Boston, that I do not climb Beacon Hill to the old State House to look upon one flag among the many which the old Commonwealth is preserving in the rotunda. I feel an impulse within me which strengthens with the years, that I must make this pilgrimage. And as I stand and look upon the flag we followed, tattered and bullet pierced, the tears come streaming down my face. I don't know why it is. I cannot help it. They come spontaneously. Do you say tears are unmanly ? Not such tears. They are a tes- timony to something within, that makes a man. That war- worn flag is a symbol of what we sufl'ered and endured for country's sake. It stands for everything we cherish most of home and liberty and peace. The experiences we asso- ciate with it, are graven on our hearts, and are among our most precious memories and the sight of it brings up all the past. That flag speaks to us, not in words, but by a mighty unseen influence, loaded with the lessons of the past, which has reached our hearts, and inspired a stronger love and brought us little by little into this new and bet- ter idea of what the Civil War really was, what it has done for us, and what we feel assured it will do for those who come after us. Another lesson which the future student of history will find, even more i)lainly written than we now And it, as he reads the diary of the Civil Wai- \\ritten V^y bleediiig 14 liearts, in desolate homes tliroiiglioiit the hind, will be the niagnilicently heroic character and fortitude of the women of the Kepublic, — of the women of the 52nd Massachusetts regiment. Comrades: Too little honor have we given them as the years have tlown ; too little appreciation of their sacrifices have we expressed. Fifty years ago we adopted them into the regiment. We went bodily to the front. They went with us in spirit, but bodily tarried be- hind to suffer and endure in secret. While their own hearts were sorrowful and wracked with anguish, they sent us loving messages of good cheer, of courage and comfort. They cheered us on to duty and to loyal service. We knew not what they endured, for we saw not, and they endured in secret. But when we returned and saw the deep lines of suffering and care graven on their faces, channels through which many tears had flowed ; when we saww'ives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts, crowned with grey, whom we had left, a year before, in the bloom of youth, then we began to learn just a little, that war had borne heavily upon them as well as upon us. If war had been, as General Sherman said, '^ Hell " to us, it had been none the less so to them. The long days of anxious waiting after stories of ship- w^reck and battle had reached them, the agonizing sus- pense which seemed could no longer be endured ; loneliness and desolation of heart, as vacant places ever appeared before them; uncertainty, disquietude, with nothing cer- tain to which they could anchor hope — their lot was hard indeed. And as the years go by, we understand and ap- preciate more and more what they suffered and endured. The heroism and indomitable courage of these women of the Rej)ublic was beyond the power of words to describe. All Hail ! Thrice Hail ! Women of the Kepublic ! All Hail : Thrice Hail ! Women of the S'ind Massachu- setts Regiment! While such women continue the Republic will not want for sons with manly courage and loyal devotion for de- fence, sufficient for any need. 15 History, in after years, will record in more glowing words than we can find, the sublime courage which en- abled you heroically to sacrifice and endure ; the exalted patriotism which enabled you to put country before hus- band, son, father, sweetheart; that sublime endurance which kept you to the end. History, ancient and modern, for many centuries, has sung the praises of the Spartan mother, who, when Sparta called, sent forth her sons with the heroic injunction: — " Return with your shields or upon them." No less he- roic was your sacrifice. No less illustrious and enduring will be your fame. The historian of the future will give you your full share of honor. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II II II II II M 013 704 012 8 ^