m iiifWiWi:;; m I if I,-, I,' ' lififtey i iiii m \ STATISTiCAL AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE COUNTY OF ADDISON, VERMONT. Wi;ITT,.N AT THE REQUEST OF THE HlbTOElCAL SCCIETY C F MIUDLEIJUUV, BY SAMUEL SWIFT. MIDDLEBURY : A. II. CO PEL AND. 1850. Entered accordiug to Act of Congress, in the year ISoO, by A, 11, COPELAND, In tlie Clcik's oCicc cf the District C'Ty. Tork, both too far advanced in life to engage personally in ths business. Under a contract made "with them, a company of men undertook to make an examination of the quarry, under the super- intendence of a scientific gentleman, Professor Foster. The ex- amination was continued for several weeks, and a considerable num- ber of blocks were taken out, and the Professor, to the very last, expressed entire confidence that the marble was sound, and that a large establishment would soon be made for the purpose of working it. But the work Avas suddenly stopped without any reason known to us. Doct. Eben W. Judd, of Middlebury, was the first person who wrought marble by water power in this State. He and his son-in- law, Lebbeus Harris, carried on the business extensively for sev- eral years ; but both dying, the business was closed. They wrought principally the blue and clouded marble in their neighborhood, as more easily obtained. They in the meantime purchased the quarry of beautiful black marble on the lake shore in Shoreham, lai'ge quantities of which they wrought at their works in INIiddlebury. It was used principally for chimney pieces ; for which purpose we think there is none superior. Doct. N. Harris, who afterwards owned the quarry, in company with one or two associates, got out consid- erable quantities of the marble, and, in unwrought blocks, put it on board boats and sent it to New York, where it is understood there was a large demand for it. We believe the quarries in Addison County Avill yet be a source of wealth, as well from the lime as the marble to be obtained from them. There are also, in several places, valuable quarries of limestone suitable for building purposes. The most important are in Panton and neighborhood, from which are taken the beautiful building stone much used in Vergennes ; and a quarry of excellent dark blue stone in the south part of Cornwall, in convenient layers for building, with a handsome natural fiice. which was used for the front of the College Chapel,and for underpinning of many other buildings in Mid- dlebury. In "VYeybridge and some other towns is found valuable building stone. The County does not abound in metallic ores. " Iron ore is found HISTOBY or ADDISON COUJSTY. 13 in the eouth part of Monkton in large quantities. This ore makes excellent iron," and has been extensively manufactured at Vergen- nes, Bristol and other places. But it is said, that it is not rich^ and is therefore usually mixed with ore from Crown Point, and other places west of the lake, in order to manufacture it economically. About a mile north of the ore bed, on the east side of a ridge running north and south, is an extensive bed of kaolin. It is white, sometimes grayish white, dry to the touch and absorbs water with rapidity. It is said, " It might be manufactured into the best China ware." Under this conviction a factory for the manufacture of por- celain ware, from this material, was many years ago established at Middlebury, on the bank of the creek about a mile south of the village. But it did not succeed, cither through a defect in the ma- terial, or the inexperience of the manufacturer. But it has been extensively used for the manufacture of stone ware, and fire brick. Notwithstanding the deficiency of water in some of the western towns, we are not acquainted with any equal extent of country, which furnishes a more abundant supply of water power than the eastern and northern parts of the County. Otter Creek is one of the largest rivers in the State. It enters the County from the south in Leicester, through a part of which it passes, and is in part the boundary between that town and Whiting ; runs between the towns of Salisbury and Cornwall ; through the west part of JMiddlebury, between the towns of New Haven and "Weybridge, and the towns of Waltham and Panton, and through Vergennes into Ferrisburgh, where it empties into Lako Champlain. There are few rivers, of no larger size, which afford, in the same distance, so much safe water power. From the head of the falls in Middlebury, to the foot of the falls in Vergennes, there is a descent of about three hundred feet, in a distance of about thirteen miles, divided into six or seven falls convenient for mills. In some of these, the water has a per- pendicular descent, in others it falls over precipitous rocks, and in some the fall is sufficient to allow the use of the water several times. Mills on none of them are endangered by sudden and violent fresh- ets. For twenty-five miles above the falls of Middlebury, the banks are low, and very extensive level flats adjoin them through the whole 3 14 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. distance. In a violent rush of ^Yaters from the mountains, from melting snows or heavy rains, the water in the creek, instead of rushing in a swollen current down its channel, rises but little before it spreads over an immense extent of country, and is not wholly drawn oflf until the stream is reduced nearly to its common level. This of course is a protection to all the falls below. Similar flats above the falls at Vergenncs, extending far up the Lemon Fair, furnish a similar security to that power. The waters on some of these falls are but partially used, and on several not at all. At Middlebury, there is on the cast side a cotton factory in full operation, and a large grist or flouring mill. On the west arc a woollen factory, a grist mill, saw mill, pail factory, a plaining ma- chine and other machinery for working wood, besides another wool- len factory not now in operation. At the Paper Mill falls, three quarters of a mile farther down there are on the east side, a paper mill, oil mill, saw mill, carding machine and trip hammer shop : and on the east side a furnace and machine shop. Belden's falls a mile and a half further north, is a very valuable water power, on which there are no works. A mile or two further, and four miles from Middlebury, is Painter's falls in a similar condition. One or two miles further down the stream is the Quaker Village falls, where are a grist mill, two saw mills and some other works, and on the rapids, just above, there was, if not now, a saw mill. Philip C. Tucker, Esq., at our request, has obligingly furnished us the following account of the falls at Vergennes and the works on it. " The falls of Great Otter Creek at Vergennes, are divided by two islands into three separate parts. The width of their head is about three hundred and ten feet. The height of the fall is thirty seven feet. The creek furnishes an ample supply of water through the year. On the westerly shore is an iron foundery, a forge with four fires, and saw mill owned by the Vergennes Iron Company, and carried on by William H. White, Esq., There is also a machine shop carried on by Mr. William Ross. On the west island, there is a large grist and flouring mill, with five runs of stones, and a plaster mill owned and carried on by Capt. Charles W. Bradbury. On the east island there is one saw mill and a HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 15 manufactory of hames. The property on this island is owned by Gen. Samuel P. Strong. The hame factory is carried on by Wil- liam R. BiXBY, Esq., On the easterly shore, is a large building erected in 1854 for manufacturing purposes, and a saw mill. The manufacturing building is one hundred and thirty-five feet long, thirty eight wide, and four and a half stories high on the water side, and three and a half stories on the land side. A portion of this building is now used for the manufacture of Sampson's patent scales, a new article lately patented. The saw mill is sixty-four feet long, thirty feet wide, and fitted for a gang of twenty-four saws. These buildings are the property of Green, Roberts and Willard, but the scale business is carried on by a stock company in connec- tion with the patentee." A large amount of power is also furnished by the tributaries of Otter Creek, which come down from the mountain on the east. The first in order from the south is Leicester River, which issues from Lake Dunmore, runs through Salisbury village, and five or six miles from the lake empties into the creek in Leicester. From the lake to the foot of the falls below the village, about a mile and a half, is a fall of 150 or 200 feet, available for mills, almost the whole distance. The stream, although not large, has some advan- tages peculiar to itself. The water, like that of the lake, from which it issues is very -pure, and being furnished by springs under the lake or in its neighborhood, is so warm, that it does not freeze in winter, and obstruct the wheels by ice, as is common in other streams. Besides, when the water is raised by freshets from the mountain, it spreads over the whole surface of the lake, and does not rush in sudden and violent torrents into the stream ; and it can be controlled by a dam and gate at the outlet, so as to let into it only what is needed, reserving the surplus for future necessity. There is now on the stream a saw mill near the outlet. About half a mile further down, on a fall of 15 or 20 feet, are a forge and shingle machine. Less than half a mile below this is a large woollen fac- tory, with a fall of about 20 feet. At the first fall at the village of about 15 feet, is a large mill pond, on which are a saw mill, trip hammer shop and a woollen factory. Lnmediately below this, 16 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. with a fall of 25 or 30 feet is a grist mill, and immediately below the last mentioned, with a fall of 20 feet is a saw mill, and below this at the bottom of the descent, is a fall of seven or eight feet, on which a forge formerly stood, but is not now in operation. JMiddlebury River rises in the mountain east of Middlebury, in two branches ; the principal of which rises within the limits of Hancock. These unite in Ripton, and the stream descending the west slope of the mountain, empties into the creek near the south line of Middlebury. At the village of East Middlebury, at the foot of the mountain, is a series of falls, which furnish several val- uable sites for mills. On these are now a forge, two saw mills, a grist mill, tannery, two shops with machinery for boring, sawing and turning timber for waggons, a machine for sawing shingles, a sash factory and a factory for sawing and fitting barrel staves for the Boston market. For two or three miles on each branch in Eip- ton, are convenient mill sites nearly the whole distance ; and there are now, on the main branch four saw mills, two shingle machines and a grist mill ; and on the north branch three saw mills. New Haven River rises in the northeast part of Ripton, and runs northwesterly through Lincoln, Bristol and New Haven, and emp- ties into Otter Creek at Brooksville, in the southeast corner of New Haven. In its course it receives several streams, on all of which are mills or forges ; one in Lincoln, called Downing Brook, which rises in the northeast part of Starksborough, one in Bristol, called Baldwin Creek, and another in the south part of Bristol, called 0' Brian Brook. On this stream and its tributaries, are now in Bris- tol, seven saw mills, two grist mills, one trip hammer, one sash and door factory, one chair fictory, one carding and clothing factory and two forges. In Lincoln, there are six saw mills, one shingle and one clapboard machine, and two forges. At East Mills in New Haven, are a grist mill, saw mill and woollen factory. At the lower falls at Brooksville, is a very extensive axe factory, established and owned by Brooks Brothers, which, from time to time, from small beginnings, has been greatly enlarged by its enterprising proprie- tors. On the same falls is a saw mill. Along the whole line of Ihis river, is a large amount of water power yet unemployed. HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 17 To these streams may be added Little Otter Creek, which has considerable water power and a number of mills in Ferrisburgh ; and Lewis Creek, which rises in Starksborough, and after running a considerable distance, through Hinesburgh and Charlotte in Chit- tenden County, returns into this County in Ferrisburgh. On this latter stream in Starksborough, are a saw mill, grist mill, carding machine, works for dressing cloth and a furnace, which is employed principally for casting plough shares. In Ferrisburgh also, there are several mills. Both these streams empty into Lake Champlain near each other in Ferrisburgh. The Brook Trout is the most common and nearly the only fish found in the streams, which come down from the mountains and hills. In the early settlement they were found in great abundance, often weighing two or three pounds. But being a favorite fish for the table, great havoc has been made of them by the fishermen, and the number and size have greatly diminished. It is rare to take one weighing half a pound, and they are generally much smaller. In Lake Dunmore, the source of Leicester River, at an early day, were found large quantities of Lake Trout. The water being pure and clear, like that of Lake George, the fish were of the same qual- ity and size. They were frequently caught weighing fifteen or twenty pounds, and it has been said sometimes twenty-five pounds. It has been said also, that formerly some trout were found in Otter Creek. But'we are not aware that they have been found for many years past. The principal fish found, until lately, in this Creek or Lemon Fair, are bull-heads, suckers, rock-bass and eels. The fol- lowing communication from our friend. Dr. Russell, will give some idea of the fish, which now prevail in both these streams. " Hon Samuel Swift — Sir : — Agreeable to your request, I herewith communi- cate the facts, connected with the introduction of Pickerel into Otter Creek; In tho spring of 1819, Hon. Daniel Chipman and others, induced the formation of com- mittees in the towns of Middlebury, Salisbury, Leicester, and Whiting, to visit Lake Champlain to pi'ocure fish for the purpose of putting them into Otter Creek. The arrangement was successfully carried out ; and at that time large quantities of tho diiferent Yarieties of fish usually taken in Lake Champlain vrcre placed in Otter Creek, From the diary of our deceased townsman, Eeen W. Jubd and others, I Icarn, that the committee for Middlebury, coi:s:sting of Jajies Satteslt, iiAuvET 18 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. WiLLSON, Daniel L. Potteb, Gborob CHiPMAif and Chauncet W. Fuller, on the 12th of May visited Lake Champlain, and fished -with seines at Chimney Point. The party camped out the night of the 13th, and did not reach Middlcbury, on their return, until the middle of the next night. The fish taken were transported in water, which was frequently changed on the passage. They were placed in Ot- ter Creek above Middlebury Falls, the same night. Of the many varieties, brought from the lake, all have disappeared, except the Pickerel. They have greatly in- creased, both in size and quantity. Some weighing over twenty weight, — notwith- standing, the large quantity annually taken from the creek. They are found through the creek, the whole length, from Sutherland's Falls to the Vergennes Falls, and the whole length of Lemon Fair. They are as much improved in quality as in size. It is said that those taken above the Great Falls at Vergennes, are greatly superior in quality to those taken below, which come up from the lake. Too much praise cannot be rendered those far seeing and disinterested men, who exerted themselves so successfully for our benefit, and placed within the reach of every resident of the valley of Otter Creek and Lemon Fair, a luxury not to be exceeded from any other water. Respectfully your friend, W. P. RUSSEL." HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 19 CHAPTER n. COUNTY SEATS — COUNTY BUILDINGS — COURTS — CHANGES OP THE JUDICIARY. The act incorporating the County in 1785, established the towns of " Addison and Colchester to be half shires," " for the time being," and directed " that the times and places for holding County Courts, or Courts of Common Pleas annually, be as follows, viz., at Addi- son aforesaid, the first Tuesday of March, and at Colchester the second Tuesday of November, and that the Supreme Court be held on the second Tuesday of August^ alternately at Addison and Col- chester." The Governor and Council were authorized " to appoint €ounty Officers and commissionate them for the time being." The Judges of the County Court, appointed under this provision " for the time being," were John Strong of Addison, Chief Judge, and Gamaliel Painter of Middlebury, and Ira Allen of Colchester, side or Assistant Judges, and Noah Chittenden Sheriff. The first term of the Court was held at Addison, on the first Tuesday of March 1786. An act passed in February 1781, had provided that the freemen should elect four Assistant Judges of the County Court ; and before the next term of the Court, the freemen of the County had elected William Brush, Hiland Hall, Sam- uel Lane and Abel Thompson, Assistant Judges, and the Court was held by them " at Captain Thomas Butterfield's in Colches- ter," on the second Tuesday of November 1786. The March term 1787 was held according to the act at Addison ; and the County of Chittenden, which included Colchester, being established before No- vember, that term was also held at Addison. The Judges chosen by the freemen in 1786, held the court in 1787 ; and since that time, only two Assistant Judges have been appointed. Until the alteration of the constitution, in 1850, t^iese with other Couniy Offi- 20 UISTOPwY OF ADDISON COUNTY. cers "were appointed by the Legislature. The Court continued to be held at Addison until the September term 1792. At their October session in 1791, the Legislature passed an act removing the Court to Middleburj, but providing that it should not take effect until '•April next," and of course the March term 1792 was held at Addison. Since that time the Courts have been uniformly held at Middlebury. There were no County buildings in Addison, and the Court held its sessions at the houses of Benjamin Paine at Chimney Point, of Zadock EvEiiasT, Esq., of Jonah Case, and of his widow after his decease, all on the shore of Lake Champlain. The Courts were also held for some time at public houses in Middlebury ; in the years 1792 and 1793 at the public house of John Deming, which stood on the ground now occupied by the Congregational Church; and afterwards until the Court House Avas completed, at the public house of Samuel Mattocks. The first Court House was com- menced in Middlebury in 1796, but was not occupied by the Court until 1798. It was built by subscription of the citizens of Middle- bury and vicinity. The jail had been previously built. Hon. Gamaliel Painter, who owned a large tract of land on the cast side of Middlebury Falls, on the second day of May 1791, and previous to the removal of the Courts to that place, executed to " John Willard, Benjamin Gorton and Jabez Rogers, together with all the rest of the mhabitants of the County of Addison, and to their successors forever," a quit claim deed of the following tract of land in Middlebury, " viz., beginning at the southeast corner of a half acre lot of land, that he the said Gamaliel sold to Samuel Miller, Esq., and is the same lot Avhere the said Miller now liveth ; thence south 30 minutes east, eight chains and ten links to a stake standing on the east side of a road ; thence east one chain and six Imks to a stake ; thence north 30 minutes west eight chains and ten links to the south line of Miller's lot ; thence west one chain and six links to the bounds begun at," "for the only expressed purpose and use of a Common never to be divided, or put to any other use." This tract is in the form of a parallelogram, about four and a quarter rods wide, extending from the house lot owned HISTOilY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 21 by the lato Edward D. Barber, Esq., in front of Mr. Warner's lot and the Addison House, to the house lot owned by the late Ru- FUS Wainwrigiit, and now occupied by his widoTV. On the 22d of May 1794, Judge Painter executed another deed to " Jabez Rogers, Joseph Cook and Eleazer Claghorn, to- gether with all other inhabitants of the County of Addison," of a tract of land in l^Iiddlebury, " bounded as follows, beginning at a heap of stones at the southwest corner of an acre lot of land, which said Painter formerly sold to Simeon Dudley ; thence running south, 80 minutes east, on the east line of a certain piece of land said Painter formerly gave to the people of said County, three chains and seventy-eight links to a stake ; thence east 80 minutes north three chains and seventy-three links to a stake ; thence north 80 minutes west three chains and seventy-eight links to a stake, standing in the south line of said Dudley's lot ; thence a straight lino to the bounds begun at, containing one acre and sixty-five rods," "for the express use and purpose of erecting a court house and jail thereon, and as a common, never to be divided or put to any other use." This lot lies cast of, and adjoining, the lot first men- tioned ; and on this lot the court house and jail were erected. The Dudley'' lot, which forms the northern boundary, is that on which Samuel MattgcivS built his public house, and on vv'hich the Ad- dison House now stands ; and it is understood that in erecting the present house, it was extended south several feet beyond ihe limits of the lot, on the land of the County. The court house was built on the brow of the hill five or six rods north of, and nearly in a line v.-ith, the house occupied by Mrs. Wainwrigiit. The jail house had been previously built of wood on the same line, and within a rod or tvi'o of the south line of the Dudley'' lot. It contained a tenement for the family of the jailor, as well as a dungeon and other rooms for prisoners. This jail was built by a ''tax of two pence on the pound" on the list of the County for the year 1T93, granted by the Legislature in November 1792, and payable into the County Treasury by the first day of December 1794." •' Ele.azer Claghorn, G.amaliel Painter, SjiMurL MiLj-.ER. Jabtiz Roger.-^. Josepii Cooic, Samuel Jewett '4 22 HISTORY OF A1>D1SUX COUNTV. and Elijah Foot were appointed a committee to receive and lay out the money." Tlie legislature at that time being in the practice of removing their annual sessions from one principal town to another, the court house was built with reference to their use. One high room arched overhead, with long windows, and seats rising towards the rear, and a gallery over the entrance at the west end, constituted the whole interior of the building. The General Assembly held its session in it in the years 1800 and 1806. The inhabitants of the town having contributed towards its erection, it was used also as a town room. And until the completion of the new church, in 1809, it was occu- pied by the Congregational Society as a place of worship, and for all meetings of the society. There being no other suitable room in the village, it was used for public meetings of every character. By the arrangement of the roads in the vicinity and the busi- ness, which centered there, these buildings were left in an exposed condition, without enclosures, and the v>-hole grounds around them became a tliorouc;hfare for teams and other modes of travel. The jail, especially, came to be regarded as too unsafe and uncomfort- able for the purpose for whieli it Avas designed. Accordingly, in November 1809, the legislature passed an act assessing a tax of one cent on a dollar on the lists of the several towns in the County (except the city of Vergennes, which maintained a Jail of its own) for the purpose of erecting a jail in Middlebury, to be paid into the treasury of the County, by the first day of February 1811, and authorized the Judges of the County Court to appoint an agent to superintend the erection. They appointed Hon. Daniel Chipmak, who proceeded to procure a siiitable lot for its site, and in Decem- ber 1810, received a deed from Artemas Nixon, of a vacant lot on the corner made by the road leading east from the Court House, and another leading thence north. On this he erected a jail house of stone, at a cost of about four thousand dollars. After the com- pletion of this building, the old jail house was sold to Capt. Jus- tus Foot, and by him was removed to the lot east of the hotel, repaired, fitted up and occupied by his family for a dwelling house. It is now owned l>y Calvin Hill. Esq. HISTORY OF ADDIa-ON COUNTY. 23 111 1814 the Court House, in its exposed condition, came to be regarded as a nuisance, rather than an ornament, and was removed to the place where it now stands. On the first of January, 181G, and after the Court House was removed. Judge Painter deeded to the County a tract of hind, *' being that piece or parcel of land, on which the Court House now stands in Middlebury, together with a free and open passage on the whole front of the same to the Center Turnpike road, so called, with a passage around the said Court House on the north, east and south sides of the same, for the pur- pose of repairing or fitting up the said House, or for the erection of a new Court House on the premises at all times," '' for the express purpose of erecting, keeping and having a Court House for the County of Addison aforesaid, on the said premises, where the same is now erected, so long as the premises shall be used for the purpose aforesaid, and no longer," with a quit claim of the right to erect buildings on the neighboring lands within certain distances. The width of the " free passage ar(Mnd " the House was fixed by a deed from the Corporation of Middlebury College, who received the land by will from Judge Painter to R. and J. Wainwright, at one rod. The Court House having so high a room for the sessions of the Courts, having been much racked by the removal, and being other- wise out of repair, was found to be not only inconvenient, but so cold that it could not be kept comfortable in the cold weather in winter, when most of the Courts were held ; and for that reason the Supreme Court held its sessions, for several winters, at the public houses. The County Court therefore, in the year 1829, ordered Samuel Swift the Clerk, and Seymour Sellick the Sheriff, to divide the building into two stories. The Agents accomplished this purpose during that season, finishing the upper story for the ses- sions of the Courts, with one room adjoining for a consultation room, and three rooms below for Jury rooms and other uses, in the style in which it still remains. When finished, the Court Eoom was said to be the best room for the purpose in the State. The expense of the alteration Avas $1250,11. The town of Middlebury paid toward this expense ,f 250, in consideration that they were to have the use of the large room in the lower story for a town room, and a sub- 24 UISTORT OF ABDISOIV COUNTY. scription yvas made by tho citizens to the amount of $113,50. Tho balance was paid from the funds of the County, received for licen- ses, v/ithout any tax, and a large share was advanced by the clerk in anticipation of future receipts.. In the year 184-1 the belfry and roof -were found to need repair, and other parts of the exterior were regarded nearly as offensive, on account of its stylo, as the interior had been ; and the court or- dered the clerk to make the requisite repairs and alterations. This ■was accomplished the same season at an expense of $822,70, of which the town paid ^137. The balance was paid from the County funds, as in the case of former alterations. By means of these al- terations nothing remains of the first Court House but the frame. In the meantime the stone jail built in 1811 was found, like the old one, unsafe and entirely uncomfortable and oppressive to pris- oners confined in it, and not in accordance with the philanthropic views, which prevailed ; and it had heen many times indicted by the grand jury. The legislature, in October 1844 therefore granted a tax of six cents on a dollar of the lists of the several towns in the County except the city of Vergennes, for the purpose of erecting a new jail, provided the inhabitants of Middlebury would, before the first day of February 1845, procure conveyed to the County of Ad- dison a suitable piece of land, to the acceptance of Silas II. Jeni- SON, HiRVEY MuNSiLL and Silas Pond, and appointed Samuel Swift and Austin Johnson Agents, to superintend the erection. The lot now occupied for that purpose was purchased and paid for by the citizens of INIiddlebury, and accepted by the above mentioned commissioners. The agents believing that, as the population and business of the County should increase, and a more speedy commu- nication by rail roads should be opened, the number of criminals would increase ; and desiring to erect a prison, which would be ad- equate to such an emergency, and not require to be soon replaced, adopted a plan larger than present circumstances required. They accordingly erected a large brick building, the front of which was designed for the residence of the Sheriff's family, with an office for the sheriff. Through this room is the only communication with the prison from the outside. The prison is in the rear of the build- HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 25 ing, in which are twelve cells for securing each prisoner by himself in the night, six in the lower and six in the upper range, with a large, well lighted and ventilated room in front of them, for the occupation of the prisoners in the day time. The prisoners in this room are, at all times, subject to inspection, by means of a grated opening, from the rooms occupied by the family. By the same means the least disturbance or noise, by night as well as by day, may be heard. The expense of the cells was much larger than Avas anticipated. The iron work alone cost about $1500 ; and slabs of strong stone were purchased and hauled from Brandon, for the floors, caps and sides of the cells, from six to eight inches thick, and of tl\e size of the length, width and height of the cells. When the legislature as- sembled in October 1846, the tax had been expeuded, the agents were largely in debt and the jail not completed. Application was therefore made for a further tax. The representatives from the County, to whom the application is by law referred, consented to , another tax of five cents on a dollar, — wholly inadequate for the purpose, — on condition that the town or village or citizens of Mid- dlebury would give a bond to the satisfaction of the judges of the County Court, to secure the payment of all the debts, and the com- pletion of the Jail, and by the act, Rufus Wainwkight was ap- pointed an additional agent. To him the other agents committed the whole management of the business. A subscription was raised among the citizens, the debts were paid and the prison completed, but the plan was not carried out to its full extent. The whole ex- pense was about fSOOO. After tlie completion of this building, the old stone jail house was sold to Mr. Oliver Wellington, who, after great alterations and at great expense, has since occupied it as a dwelling house. From the year 1787 to the year 1825, the County Court consis- ted of a chief judge, and two assistant judges, appointed expressly to those offices, and was independent of the Supreme Court. In November 1824, the Legislature passed an act reorganizing the Supreme and County Courts, and providing, that the Supreme Court should consist of a chief judge, and three assistant judges, and that the County Court, "from and after the third Thursday of Oc- 26 HISTOllY OF ADDISON COUNTY. tober tliennext," should consist of a chief judge, who should be one of the judges of the Supreme Court, for each circuit, and two as- sistant judges, appointed as before required by law. And the Stato was for that purpose divided into four circuits. The number of Judges of the Supreme Courts and of the circuits was afterwards increased to five. To the County Courts, by this act was given "original and exclusive jurisdiction of all original civil actions, except such as are cognizable before Justices of the Peace," "and appellate jurisdiction of all causes civil and criminal appealable to such Court," and " original jurisdiction of all prosecutions for crim- inal offences, except such as are hj law made cognizable by justices of the peace •" and in such cases the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court extended only to questions of law, arising out of the trial in the County Court. The clerk, to be appointed by the County Court, was to be also clerk of the Supreme Court. At the session in October 1849, the Legislature made a further alteration in the organization of the judiciary system. The act passed at that session provided, that the State should be divided into four judicial circuits, and that, one circuit judge should be appointed for each circuit, and these judges were constituted chief judges of the County Court in each County, and chancellors in their re- spective circuits. These were distinct from the Judges of the Supreme Court, and, with the two assistant judges, constituted the County Court. The first circuit was composed of the Counties of Bennington, Rutland and Addison. The Legislature at their session in October 1857, repealed the law last mentioned, and provided that the Supreme Court shall con- sist of one chief judge and five assistant judges. These judges are constituted chief judges of the County Court and Chancel- lors in the several Counties ; and for this purpose it is made the duty of the Supreme Court to assign one of the judges to each County. This act substantially restores the system adopted in 1824. By the first constitution of the State, adopted in 1777, it was provided " that the General Assembly when legally formed, shall appoint times and places for County elections, and at such times and places the freemen in each County respectively, shall have the lUrfTUilY OF AUDIri'j:> CjUxNTY. Zi liberty of choosing the judges of the Inferior Court, or Court of Common Pleas, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace and Judges of Pro- bate, commissioned by the Governor and Council, during good be- havior, removable by the General xissembly upon proof of malad- ministration." By the amended constitution, adopted by the con- vention in 1786, it was provided, that the above mentioned officers should be annually elected by the General Assembly, '• in conjunc- tion Tvith the council." And they continued to be thus elected, until the amendment of the constitution adopted in 1850. Until this time no provision was made in the constitution for the election of a state's attorney or high b.iiliff. An act passed in February 1779, provided " that in each County there shall be one State's Attorney, and that they be appointed by the respective County Courts." Col. Setii Storks, then residing in Addison, was ap- pointed by the Court in 1787, the first State's Attorney of Addison County. Afterwards the State's Attorney, as well as the High Bailiff, was appointed in the same manner as other officers. At the time of the election of the Council of Censors in 1848, the evils of the then existing mode of electing County Officers by the legislature, had become more and more apparent for several years, and had come to be condemned generally by the people. The nomination, according to practice, being made by the County mem- bers had become a subject of trafic between the parlies interested, and was. subjected to an influence, which could not be made to bear upon the mass of the people. It also occasioned much delay of th« appropriate business of the Legislature. Accordingly the conven- tion, which was held in 1850, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Council of Censors, adopted the amendment now in force. This provides, that the assistant judges of the County Court, Sheriffs, High Bailiffs and State's Attorneys, shall be elected by the freemen of the Counties, the Judges of Probate by the freemen of their respective districts, and Justices of the Peace by the freemen of the several towns. The votes are to be given at the freemen's meeting on the first Tuesday of September, to be sent to the next session of the Legislature, and there canvassed by a joint committee of the Senate and House of Beprescntativcs. The officers chosen 28 UISTOllY OF ADL»ISON COUNTY. arc commissioned by the Governor, and hold their offices for one year from the finst day of December following. By an act of the legislature in February 1787, the County of Addison was constituted a Probate District, and Probate Courts were established in it, add until the year 1824, the whole constitu- ted but one Probate District. The Legislature, at their October session in that year, divided the County into two Districts, by the names of Addison and New Haven. The District of New Haven embraces the towns of Addison, Panton, Vergenncs, "Waltham, Now Haven, Bristol, Lincoln, Starksborough, Monkton and Ferrisburgh. The remainder of the County constitutes the District of Addison.* * Sco Appendix No. 1 . ftr list of Couaty Officers. IIISTOHY or ADDI.iOX COl'MTY. 29 CHAPTER III. IXDIAXd — INDIAN llELICl?. In what we iiarc to saj of the Intlians, the original inhabitants of the County of Addison, it is not our purpose to enter into any learned dissertation on their character, customs or history. Such treatises may be found elsewlicrc. We regard it as belonging to our province to speak only of their residence in the County, and of their depredations so far only as they affect the County and its set- tlement, and that not in detail. It is but a very short time since we commenced any inquiries on the subject. But from the accounts we have obtained, during our short examination, we find satisfactory evidence, in the Indian relics found in different towns, that the County of Addison was the established residence of a large popula- tion of Indians, and had been for an indefinite period. The borders of Lake Champlain, Otter Creek, Lemon Fair and other streams, furnished a convenient location for that purpose.* Previous to the discovery of Lake Champlain, in IGOO, the Iroquois, or Five Nations, which together formed a powerful Indian tribe, claimed and occupied an extensive country south of Lakes Erie and Ontario, and. the River St. Lawrence, and extending to and inclilding Lalce Champlain and Western Vermont, and previously had been undoubtedly settled in this County. It is supposed by nrany, that their settlement extended as far north as the River Sorcl, which forms the outlet of Lake Champlain, and that the *In a conversation, which Philip Battell, Esq., had. several years ago, with an iatelligent Indian vromaii, she stated that the Indian names of all tie streams and waters in this region were familiar'y known among the Indians, and that the old Indian, who died at Bristol, as mentioned elsewhere, could have given the names. She said the name of Otter Cicek, was Wunageequ'tuc, which the French called La Kivierc aux Loutrcs, both which mean The River of Otters. The name of Lake Dunmorn, she said, was Moosalamoo. Salmon Trout Lake. 5 30 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. river was called the Iroquois for that reason, and Cliamplain so rep- resents it. But others suppose, that it was called by that name, because it came from the country of the Iroquois. When Samuel Champlain, the French leader, came up the lake on his tour of discovery, in 1609, the Iroquois had withdrawn from the islands in the north part of the lake, which now constitute the County of Grand Isle, and which the Indians, with Champlain, represented, had been inhabited by them. He says, in his account of this excur- sion : "I saw four beautiful islands, ten, twelve and fifteen leagues in length, formerly inhabited, as icell as the Iroquois River, by Indians, but abandoned, since they have been at war, the one with the other." " They retire from the rivers as far as possible, deep into the country, in order not to be soon discovered." And again he says* " Continuing our route along the west side of the lake, I saw, on the east side, very high mountains capped with snow. I asked the Indians, if those parts were inhabited. They answered, yes ; and that they were Iro(iuois, and that there were in those parts beautiful vallics, and fields fertile in corn, as good as I had ever eaten in the country." In anticipation of this expedition, Cham- plain, had entered into a treaty with the Algonquins, who dwelt along the north bank of the St. Lawrence, between Quebec and IMontreal, in Avhich " they promised to assist the stranger, in his attempt to traverse tlie country of the Iroquois, on condition, that he should aid them in a war against that fierce people ;" and he and the two Frenchmen with him, came armed for the conflict, with muskets. The Indians described the place, where they expected to meet their enemies, and they, as well as the Frencli in Canada, spoke of this as the country of the Iroquois. On the border of the lake, near Crown Point,* as they expected, they met a war party * Historians generally represent that tins battle took jjlace at Lake George. The editor of the Documcntiiry History of New York, says in a note, " The reference in Champlain's map locates this engagement hctween Lake George and Crov.n Pont, probably in what is now the town of Ticondcroga, Essex County." We find no authority, in Champlain's account for cither of these opinions. Ho says they met theii* enemies, "at a point of a capo, which jets into the lake on the west fide." We know of no ether point, which better answers the dcsci'iption than the HISTORY or ADDISON COUNTY. 81 of the Iroquois, who defied them. But, when Champlain, at a single fire of his arquebus, killed two chiefs and mortally wounded another, and another Frenchman fired from another quarter, they fled in alarm, at the new and unheard of Aveapons of war, and were defeated. Previous to this, incessant wars Averc carried on between the Al- gonquins, aided by the Ilurons, a powerful tribe, occupying an extensive country in Canada, extending as far Avest as the lake from Avhich they derived their name, on one side, and the Iroquois on the other. For many years subsequently, the latter had no aid from European Colonics or European arms. When the Dutch had pos- session of New York, they Avere too much engaged in commerce, and traffic Vr'ith the Indians, to take part in their wars. But the Avars still continued with great fury, betAveen the French colonists and Indians, and the Iro([uois unaided and Avithout fire arms. The latter were particularly hostile to the French, because they had fur- nished their enemies Avith their new and deadly Aveapons. After the English in 1G64, obtained possession of New York, they enlisted in the Avars, Avhich were still continued between the French colo- nists and their Indians on the north, and the English colonies and their Indians on the south, until the conquest of Canada in 1T60. The Iroquois still claimed this territory, and fheir claim Avas ac- knowledged by the government of New Y'^ork. But it does not appear, that after the discovery of the lake and their retreat on that occasion, they ever had any permanent settlement here. The Mohawks and the other confederate tribes seem to have occupied the eape, whicli runs up between the lake and Bulwaggy Bay, at Crown Point. Hon. John W. Strong, thinks the place of this battle was " on Sandy Point, being the extreme north- w*tern terminus of Crown Point, and the entrance of Bulwaggy Bay." In one of his numbers in the Vergennes Citizen on "Local History," after describing the place as such " as would be chosen by the Indians for defence," and giving other reasons for his belief, he says : " The writer, in passing this place, several years ago, was surprised at the number of arrow heads, that lay on the shore and in the water, and on examining closely he found several pistol and mus • ket balls, two French military buttons, a copper coin of the fifteenth century and two clumsev musket flints." S2 IIISTOIIY Ol' Aljbl.vvK COUNTY. region of the Mohawk liivcr, aiul the tcnitory south of Lakes Eric and Ontario.* In the mean time, Lake Champlain and its ncifjhborhood was a thoroughfare, through which the hostile parties made their excur- sions in their alternate depredations on each other. In the latter part of the 17th century and the fore part of the 18th, many of these incursions took place. In 1689, while the French and Indi- ans wore making fruitless arrangements to invade the settlements in New York, ut Albany, and its neighborhood, the Iroquois fitted out an expedition, invaded Canada, plundered and ])urnt Montreal and destroyed other settlements in the neighborhood. The next year, 1690, tlie French and Indians fitted out two expeditions. One pro- ceeded into ]!^w Hampshire, destroyed the fort at Salmon Falls, killed many of the inhabitants and took many prisoners ; the other proceeded by the way of Lake Champlain, attacked and burnt Sche- nectady, and killed and captured many of the inhabitants. In 1691, the English and Iroquois made an excursion into Canada, tlirough the lake, and made a successful attack on the settlements on the River Richelieu, and killed many of the settlers. In 1695, the French and Indians invaded the territory of the Iroquois, and, aft(;i' several battles, in which the latter were aided by the English, under Col. Sciiuyler, they were driven back. In 1704, the Eng- lish settlements on Connecticut River, having extended as far as Deerfield, the French and Indians, coming up the lake to the mouth of Onion River, and following up that river, invaded and destroyed that place, and killed and took captive many of the inhabitants. In the meantime the English had come to the conclusion, that there Avould be no security from the ravages of the Indians, but by p * It is universally admitted, that the Iroquis claimed the whole of this territory, \Tc think also that their claim extended, along the R ver Richelieu, as far as the St Lawrence, and that they had a permanent residence here. No histoi-y pretends that any other tribe settled here. But it is not improbable, that on account of the wars, which had for some time been carried on between them and the Algoiujuins, they had been induced to remove their residence further from the neigliborhood of their enemies, at least, from the borders of the lake, before Ciiajiplain's discovery of it. They had at least left the islands at the noi'th part of the lake before that, and Champlain's party did not meet any enemy until they reached Crown Point. UI^3T0RY OE ADDISON COUNTY. do conquering the French, as well as the savages. In 1709 and sev- eral following years, attempts were made, through the lake, to in- vade and concjuer Canada. And while the EiTglish and French gov- ernments were at peace^ for some years previous to 1725, wars Avero still carried on by the Indians, aided occasionally hj the English and French colonies. In 1746, while the French were in posses- sion of Crown Point, an expedition from that place was fitted out by the French and Indians, v/ho captured Fort Iloosick, which be- fore that had been I'uilt at Willianistown, Massachusetts, near the southv/est corner of Vermont. During all these expeditions and until the French were driven from Crown Point in 1759, this territory, including the whole of Western Vermont, was exposed to the depredations of the Indians, and settlements in it were wholly unsafe. Even the proprietors of Bennington, who had obtained a charter in 1749, did not venture to commence a settlement of that tov/n until 1701, after the conquest of Canada. In' the short time, in which our attention has been directed to the subject, we have collected such information as vre have been able, respecting the Indian relics found in the County, as the best evi- dence of the extent of Indian settlements. Our inquiries have not extended to all parts of the County. . They have generally been made of those farmers and others, whom we have incidentally met. And now the printers threaten to tie id upon our heels, and v/e are compelled to stop our inquiries. But such facts as we have obtained, we present below, and we trust the reader Vv'ill find in them satis- factory evidence, that the Indians once had a permanent settlement here. But the permanent settlement, wo think, must have closed with the discovery of Lake Champlain, by the French leader, Sam- uel CiiAMPLAiN, two hundred and fifty years ago, and the manu- facture of the implements ayo describe, of course ended then. There may have been a temporary residence of some tribes, while the French had possession of Crown Point, or during the Revolu- tionary war, while the British had the control of the lake. But we have, we think, the testimony of history, that after the Iroquois were first overcome oif by the fire ciriiis, which were used by CnAM- 34 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. PLAIN and his Frcnclimen, they never returned to occupy this region by a permanent settlement. Besides, after the Indians were fur- nished by Europeans ivith fire-arms and other needed implements, they had no occasion to manufacture them. The main object of our inquries has been to find evidence of the extent of Indian settlements in the County. But, if our time had permitted, we might have presented some other vieAvs of the subject. The want of time also has prevented our giving illustrations of some of the less common manufactures, as we intended. The following are the results of our inqurics, and the sources of our information : Professor Hall, in his account of Middlebury, in 1820, states that on the farm in the south part of the town, on which Judge Painter first settled, noAv owned by William F. Goodrich, on an alluvial tract, near Middlebury River, — and his statement is con- firmed to us by Mr. Goodrich, — "are found numerous articles of Indian manufacture, such as arrows, hammers, &c., some being of flint, others of jasper. A pot, composed of sand and clay, of curious workmanship, and holding about twenty quarts, has recently been dug up here nearly entire." Almon W. Pinney, states, that in an old channel of the same river, on the old Smalley farm, and not far from the same place, the Avater had Avashed away the bank and uncovered parts of a broken " camp-kettle," as he called it, holding about a pailful and a half, of the same material as the aboA'e, curiously ornamented by flowers or leaves wrought on the sides. There were also found there half a bushel of perfect and imperfect arrow heads, one of Avhich Avas four inches long. ^Nocn Deavey, states, that on his farm, in Middlebury, on Avhich his father Avas an early settler, two miles southeast from the village, and Avest of his house, on dry land near a brook betAveen the hills, he has ploughed up on tAVO separate spots, chippings, or fragments of stone, obviously made in manufacturing arrow heads and other implements, together with a bushel or more of perfect and imperfect arroAY heads all of grey flint. On the house lot of the writer, in the village of Middlebury, several years ago, Avas ploughed up an Indian pestle of hard grey HISTORY OF ADDiSON COUNTY. 8a Stone, made round and smooth, and rounded at the ends, about fif- teen inches long and tvf o and a half inches in diameter. Mr. RuFUS Mead, editor of the Middleburj Register^ states, that on the farm on vrhich his father lived, and his grandfather was an early settler, in the west part of Cornwall, have been found large numbers of arrow and spear heads, from two to five inches in length, and, among them, stone chips, worked off in the construc- tion of arrow heads, and many imperfect arrow heads, apparently made by unskilful artists, or spoiled in the manufl\cture ; that at every ploughing for many years, these relics have been ploughed up. This locality is near a spring, and on ground sloping to Lem.on Fair Flats. On this slope for some distance, tlie land is springy, and on several of the neighboring farms, similar relics are found. In that neighborhood Avas also found a stone gouge, in the regular shape of that tool, six or eight inches long, and two and a half inches wide. This tool Mr. Mb:AD thinks, v.'as used for dia- ging out their canoes, the wood being first burnt and charred by fire. The arrows, he says, were of flint, partly light and partly black ; and he is confident they Avere made of materials which are not found in this countr3^ Otter Creek, and Lemon Fair, Avhich empties into it, are navigable for boats from the head of the falls at Vergennes to this place. Deacon Warner states, that on his farm in Cormvall, first set- tled by Benjamix HamlIxV, were found, at an early day, a great variety of Indian relics, arrow heads, spear heads, and other imple- ments of Avhich he does not know the use : also chippings and frag- ments of stone, made in the construction of the articles, and defect- ive and broken implements. Some of the articles were made of flint stone, and some, designed for ornament, of slate. This locality is on a rise of ground near a Beaver Brook and Beaver Meadow. The brook empties into Lemon Fair, and is navigable for boats from that stream, except in dry weather. About three quarters of a mile from the above, on the same Beaver Brook, and on the farm of Ira IIajilin, is found similar evidence of the manufacture of Indian relics, anions; other thinirs, gouges, chisels and arrows, of three or four different kinds of stone. 30 nrsTOUY or ad^iso^ c:iuxTr. This statement was rececivccl from Mr. IIa?.iltx, and communicated to us, with specimens of the manufacture, by Rurus Mead, Esq.. •who was also personally acf[uainteJ with the locality, and generally with the ficts. Major OiuN FtELD, of Cornwall, states, that on his farm, on the road leading south from the Congregational Church, scattered arrow heads have been frequently found, and Judge Tilden says, that on his farm, not far distant, similar discoveries have been made. Major Field also says, that on the same farm, then owned by Bexjamix Stevens, he Avas sliOAvn by Mr. Stevexs, in 1807, what was re- garded as the loundation of an Indian wigwam or hut. It was n. ridge of earth, about six inches high, in a square shape, the sides of which Averc eight or twelve feet long, the ridge running all around except at the east end Avas a A-acant space, apparently designed for a door Avay. The earth was throAvn up, to form the ridge on the out- side. The ridges have noAv disappeared. Major Field also says, that on the farm of his father, on which his grandfather Avas an early settler, in a burying ground on sandy land, in digging a graA-e in 1802, there were thrown up three Indian relics, of the same size and shape and in the form of a heart, about fiA'C inches long and three wide at the top. A smooth and straight hole, one-half inch in diameter, Avas bored through the length, the exterior surface being swollen to accommodate the hole. The sides Avere worked to an edge. AusTix Daxa, Esq., of Corn Avail states, that on his farm, Avhich adjoins Lemon Fair, he has often ploughed up large numbers of points, from one and a half to scA'cn inches long, all which he thinks Avere dcsi2:ncd for arroAv heads, intended for shootinfj; animals of diiTerent sizes, together Avith some Avhich AA-erc broken, and a stone gouge eight or ten inches long,in the proper shape of that instrument. Pieces of the arroAV heads he has often used for gun flints. He has also found, at three different springs on his farm, as many different paA'cments of stone, designed and used for fires in their huts, Avhich have evident marks of the effects of fire. They are made of cob- ble stones, pounded down and made level and solid, like a pave- ment, six or scATU feet in diameter. He says also, that on several niSTOIlY 0? Ai)L>I;iON COUA'TY. " . 87 farms lying north of liis, lie lias seen hearths formed in the san^e waj, and obviously for the same purpose. These arc ahvays on the border of the Fair, or of brooks running from the hills into it. Jesse Ellsworth, of Cornwall, states, that on his farm, near Lemon Eair, on lov/ ground, ho has found arrow and spear heads often, and a pestle. Some of the spear and arrow heads are grey, and others black. On the farm of the late Joseph SzvIITII, in Salisbury, and other farms in the neighborhood, have been found also similar relics scat- tered over tlic land. But we do not regard it necessary to mention further cases of this kind. Almost every farmer of whom we have inquired, has found them, more or less, scattered over his farm. Deacon Samcel James, whose farm is in the south part of Wey- bridge, and whose house is at the cast foot of a ridge of land, about two miles vrest of the village of Middlebury, states that on the cast side of the road, which passes by his house, on a dry sandy hill, near a Eeaver Brook and meadow, are found many arrow heads, many of them imperfect, together with chippings and fragments of stone, which furnish evidence, that it had been a place for the man- ufacture of Indian implements. On the hill west of his house, was found a. rounded relic, two inches in diameter, about a foot long, rounded at one end, and the other end made in the foi'm of a gouge, two and a ha,lf inches wide, but not wrought to an edge.' Philo Jewett, Esq., of Weybridge, gave us a particular account of his discovery of Indian relics, but unfortunately our memoran- dum of his statement has been mislaid. He stated however, that on his farm, in the neighborhood of Lemon Fair, and at a place near a large spring, at every ploughing, he has ploughed up large quanti- ties of arrow and spear heads, and fragments of the materials of vrhich they were made, and some broken and imperfect articles ; on the whole, furnishing evidence of one of the most extensive manu- factories. He says also, that he has often used pieces of the stone, of which the articles were made, for gun flints. Columbus J. Bowdisii, Esq., of Weybridge, states, that on his farm, next north of Mr. Jewett' s, and also on Lemon Fair, and near a spring, he has often ploughed up arrow and spear heads, and chip- 38 • • IIISTUKY OF ADDLSON COUNTY. pings and fragments of the materials of -vvliich tlicy were composed furnishing satisfactory evidence, that that was a place -where the relics "were manufactured. He says also, that in ploughing at one time, his plough hit a stone, at the bottom of the furrow, which he dug up, and found to be a stone gouge, about a foot long. He also states,, that ho has found on his farm, and in the locality of the arrow heads, places designed for fires in the Indian huts, which showed the effects of fire. These resemble those described by Austin Dana, except that they arc made of ledge stone, and raised a little above the level of the ground. Mr. Sajiuel Wriuiit, resides on the farm in Weybridge, between Otter Creek and Lemon Fair, and at their junction, on which his father Capt. Silas Wright, formerly lived, and on which his brother Hon. Silas Wright, Jun.,* was brought up from his in- fancy. It is the same farm, on which Thomas Sakford was the first settler, in 1775, and on which he was captured and carried to Canada, and imprisoned. ]Mr. Wright says, that he has often found, and ploughed up on the farm, Indian arrow and spear heads, some of which were broken, also pestles and other implements. He ploughed up, in one place, where they had been buried, a collection of them, consisting of fifteen or twenty articles, some of which he presented to us. And he says, similar relics arc found on all the neighboring farms. We have a perfect spear head picked up on the farm of his neighbor, Jehiel Wright, T/ho says that other relics have often been ploughed up there. He says also, that on the narrow strip of hard land, on the border of the streams, formed by the overflowing of the water, he has seen evidence of tillage, such as corn hills and potato hills, and that on the neighboring lands are heaps of stone, which show evidence of being burnt by fire kindled about them. These he supposes were built for their fire in the huts, to secure them from being burnt. lie states also, that he learned from Mr. Sanford, that sugar was made by the Indians, in an ex- tensive forest of maples there, and that their sap troughs were made *In the largo open ground, in the centre of Weybridge, in front of the CVi-gre- gational church, the friends of L'ou. Silas Wright, have erected a very handsome marble monument 5 and surrounded it by an iron fence. HISTORY OF ADDISON COUXTY, 89 of bircli bark. If there is no mistake in this, the sugar, at least, mupt have been made on a temporary residence of Indians, during the Revolutionary war, or while the French were in possession of Crown Point. All signs of sugar making, bj the original inhabi- tants, must have disappeared. lion. IJarvey Munsill, of Bristol, at our rec[ucst has sent us the following communication : " Bristol, April 22d, 1859. •■' IIo.v. Samuel Swift — Dear Sir : — As it regards the Indians ever having mdde Brstol their permanent place of residence, for any length of time, I cannot say ; but there is strong presumptive evidence tending to show, that it has been, al least, temporarily their residence land hunting ground. For traces of their presence are marked by their having scattei'ed pi'omiscously over the country many of their Indian relics, such as the stone axe, grooved gouge, chisel, spear and arrow points, and some others, the names and uses to us unknown. A stone resembling a rolling- pin, was found several years ago at the loutherly part of the town ; and a very " perfect grooved gouge was found by my father,- in his life time, and since my re- membrance, which, according to the b£st of my recollection, was about fifteen inches in length, which was deposited by him in the museum in Hartford, Connec- ticut. Somo twelve ox fourteen of the specimens, tliat I left with you, a short time since, — some perfect and some partly made, — were picked uj) b\' me, on my own premises in Uri-iul vi'Uige, within a short distance of each other, that is, within twenty or twenty-five feet of each otlier, and from the chips, and broken fragments of the same kind of stone, I have come to the conclusion, that they were made on the spot. I have found many others, within a short distance from this location, when ploughing, which I have from time to time given away. About twenty years ago, there were two or three families of Indians, that came from Can- ada, and stopped a few weeks in the woods, a little north of Bristol village, between the road leading out of the village north to Monkton.. and the mountain east, and among them was a very old man, who called himself about ninety-eight j'cars of age, and who was quite intelligent, and could speak our language so as to make himself well understooi While they were stopping near our village, Capt. Noble Mu^'SON, and AnRAriAM Gaige, two of my nearest neighbors, and myself, visited them for the purpose of making some inquiries respecting the Indian habits and customs ; and among other inquiries, how- the stone spear and arrow points were made, and where the stone, from which they wci'c made, was obtained. To these ■ inquiries, he said he could give us no information, for he had no knowledge on tiie subject. He also informed us that he had himself used a steel arrow point, made in the same shape of the stone arrow points, when he was quite young. He said it had often been a subject of conversation among their people, how the arrow and spear points were made, but he had never seen any one. who could give any infor- mation on that subject, not even that which was traditionary. The stone, which I left with you, which some call an axe, he said was used for sk'nning deer and other 40 HISTORY OF ^LDISON COUNTY. game. The oli m.m died \-ery suilJenjy, ■while stopping near us, and was buried in our bui-yiug ground ; the Rev. Fuancis VViiit.n'ky preached a funeral sermon, and all the Indians attended. Ilcspcctfully yours, HARVEY MUNSILL." The stone left ^vitl^ us and called by some an axe, is about five inches long, two wide, and three iburths of an inch thick, and re- duced to an edge on one end. We have several instruments of the kind, but generallj of smaller size, and thinner. The relic •which Judge Munsill describes " as resembling a rolling pin," ■would well serve the use of that household implement, and we might judge it to be designed for that purpose, if we could suppose the Indi- ans made much use of " pie crust."' As their history now is un- derstood, it has generally been called a pestle. It is a smooth round stone, tAvcnty inches in length, two and a quarter inches in diame- ter in the centre, and tapering slightly toAvavd the ends, winch arc rounded. It is now in the possession of the Historical Society of Middlebury. While commencing our inquines on the subject of Indian relics, we saw in the possession of Justus Cobb, Esq., of the late firm of CoBC and Mead, an instrument ingeniously wrought, in the shape of a double hatchet, but the edges on each side were only worked down to the eighth of an inch. It is five inches long and two wide. In the centre is a smooth hole obviously designed for a handle, three fourths of an inch in diameter, and of about the same depth, the surface of the stone around the hole being swollen accordingly. It might have been intended to bore the hole through, or perhaps to fasten the hanellc Avitli thong,?. This relic, we understood, was found at the mouth of Otter Creek. KnoAving that our friend, Philip C. Tucker, Esq., is much devoted to similar inquiries, and believing him to be acquainted with all the discoveries in that neigh- borhood, we wrote to him for such information as he might have. His letter in answer to our request, is dated March 24, 1859, and encloses a letter from ^Ir. J.mmes Cr.\ne, who calls it a '• battle axe," and says it was picked up by his brother, George F. Crane, at Fort Cassin, mouth of Otter Creek, '' on the embankment thrown up during the last war, to prevent the British fleet from ascending to Vergennes;" that he left it in the hands of Mr. Cobb, and he HISTORY OP ADDISON COUNTY. 41 adds, "I have picked up many Indian relics at Fort Cassin, and at other points on Otter Creek, in the vicinity of the Lower Falls, many of which are no^Y in possession of P. C, Tucker, Esq." Tlie first part of Mr. Tucker's letter, relates to the same subject, lie then adds : — " Tills point ajipeavs to have been a place loug occupied by tlic native inhabitants of this region. Many arrow heads and some ppcar heads have been found tlicve, and wlioncver the ground is ploughed, even to this day, it is not uncommon to find some things of that kind. Indian implements have been found in Addison, Panton, Fcrrisburgh, Waltham and Vergenues. I have stone arrow heads, spear heads, a hatchet, a gouge, and some other articles, ■which I cannot give names to, from t]io?o dillerent towns. Some of the latter, I showed to tlie celebrated Ojlbway chief, Avho ■was hei"e several years since, in the hope, that he could enlighten n e as to their intended uses. After exarftining thorn carefullj-, he observed, that he had never seen any article like them among the Indians, and could not imagine ■\vhat tlioy ■were designed for. xVmong other relics, I have a roughly formed arro-w head, made of copper. TJicro s no appearance of any vielallic tool having been employed in its formation, and it. appears to have been pounded into form with stone. I think it an undoubted an- tique, and that it was made before the discovery of the continent by Europeans. It was ploughed up in Ferrisburgh.not more tlian one and a half miles from hsiic, some eighteen or twenty years ago. As no known locality of copper exists in tliis region, it seems difficult to make even a rational guess, as to where the material for this arrow head came from. I have sometimes made a visit to dream hmd, on this matter, and fancied, that it oi'ig'.uated at Lake Supcii r, from the mines of •vvhich I have a specimen of native copper, which any one could readily jjound even ■with a stone, into this or any other plain form." " From the mouth of Great Otter Creek, through Fcrrisburgh, Panton and Vcr- gennes, to V/althani, say thirteen or fourteen miles, Ir.dian relics gxist upon both banks, and have often been discovered. I doubt not they extend much further, probably as far towards the head waters as comfortable canoe navigation extended. Jlany years ago, I think in 1829 or 1830, I had quite a favorable opportunity to examine one of these localities. At the arsenal ground in this place, some forty rods below the s'cam boat wharf, there is a bluff of land on the bank of the creek, a portion of which was ploughed up at the time referred to, for the purpose of using the earth to fill the arsenal wharf. While it "ivas loose from the eirects of the plough, a very heavy rain fell, and thoroughly drenched it, disclosing quite a large number of arrow heads, and a great amount of chippings, or frag^ments, establish- ing beyond a question, that one manufactory of arro^vv heads, at least, ■\Tas upon this identical spot. And a most lovely spot it must have been too. ■w'len that man- ufacture was going on." " Perhaps it would not be inappropriate to say a few words about the material U3ed for arrow and spear heads, and other relics. The larger portion of tlie arro'.v heads in my poeseasion, arc made of that kind of boulder, coininon upon cur lands. 42 IIISTOllY OF ADDISON COVSTY. wliich the f irmers dignify ■with tlic name of " hard lieads," and which is a Aery liard silicious rock. Others arc made from what I call black jafpcr, which is not aa uncommoQ boulder I'ock in t'.iis region. I have one, which I am inclined to call chlnrite ilale, and several which, with my limited knowledge of mineralogy, I do not assume to name My best spear head, is of a light colored stone, and is seven inches long. iVIy hatchet appsars to be a very fine grained clay slate stone, and i.s five inches long My gouge is a fine one, thirteen inches long, and over two inches •wide, at the cutting end. and look.sas much like chlorite as any other rock." ' To Avhat uses the hatchets, gouge? and spear heads were put. it is very difficult to siy. Certainly the furnicr could have done nothing eilectually with wood, and tradition, I think, has not told us, that the Indians ever u.sed the spear as a weapon of w.ir. My own rough impression is, that the spear heads meant Jisk and not At tlic time of our first application to Mr. Tl'CKER, a request was published in the Yergcnnes Cilizen, that any persons liavinf^ information of Indian relics, would communicate it to him. On the 26th of April, 1859, he wrote us again on the subject, and among other things sajs : " The notice in the Citizen^ had no other results than bringing in a few additional arrow heads. One piece of in- formation however, grew out of it, which I believe to be true, that my copper arrow head, has another of the same metal to match it, and a far better one." It Vv'as ploughed up a few years ago, in Ferrisburgh ; and, although lie has not been able to see it, he says, " I have no doubt of its existence." In speaking of the Indian relics in Bristol, which Judge Munsill has described, he says, " I have very reliable information as to the existence of similar relics in Monkton, and particularly in the region of the pond. Some thirty years ago, an Indian burying ground Avas disclosed in that vicinity, and some four or five skeletons discovered, which were much talked about at the time, and which I quite well recollect." Mr. Tucker, states also, that about thirty-five years ago, he was shown on the farm of NoRMAX Munson, Esq., in Panton, what was called an " old Indian fire place," which he thinks ''showed evi- dence of fire," and he thinks it could not have been made by any body but Indians. In the possession of the Historical Society, are a mortar and pestle, found several years ago, on the farm owned by the late Col. John' IIackett, on White River, in Hancock. The pestle is twelve inches long and two inches in diameter, and undoubtedly of Indian IIISTOIIY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 43 manufacture. The mortar consists of a stone, eight inches square, and eight and a half inches deep. In the top is a round smooth cavitj, Avhich constitutes it a mortar, five and a half inches in di- ameter, and three and a half inches deep. This hollow Avas prob- ably wrought bj the Indians, but the shaping of the stone shows rather evidence of civilized manufacture. We do not mention either of these as evidence of a permanent and ancient residence. They were probably left by the Indians in some of their excursions against the settlers at the east. The White Hiver Avould form a commodi- ous route for that purpose. We have indeed little confidence in any thing, except the articles composed of stone, and those obviously made on the ground, as evi- dence of such residence. The forests must have covered and oblit- erated, and time wasted all other satisfactory evidence. Anticipating the very natural inquiry, of Avhat materials these relics were composed, and where the Indians found them, we wished, in addition to the information given by Mr. Tucker, relating to those in his possession, to furnish satisfactory testimony respect- ing those in our possession. We accordingly requested Rev. C. F. Muzzy, who has made mineralogy, for many years, a prominent subject of examination and study, to examine the specimens, and give us the requisite information. Mr. MuzzY', was graduated at ]\Iiddle- bury College in 1833, has since been a missionary in Southern In- dia, and is noAV on a visit to this country for his health. The fol- lowing is his reply : " Hon. S. Swift — Mi/ Dear Sir : — The slight examinatiou I have been able to make, of those arrow heads and other curiosities, iu your possession, has convinced me, that they are composed of Quartz Rock, Flint or Horn-stone, sometimes called Corneus Limestone, Chlorite ISlatc, and a species of Feklspathic, or Gianitie Kock, and that they are found in this vicinity, either in situ, or as eratic bowlders. Of most, if not all of them, I have found specimens in this town. Believe me yours, very respectfully. C. F. MUZZY." 44 History of addison county. CHAPTER IV. FRENCH SETTLEMENT IN ADDISON COUNTY — CONQUERED BY THE BRITISH AND THEIK liETKKAT — GRANTS OF LAND BY THE FRE-\CII. The first scttlomciit hy Europeans in the County of Addison, "v^t.s made hy the French, on the east shore of Lake Chumplain, opposite Crown Point, in pursuance of their plan to extend their settlements, and foi'tifications, and set limits to those of the English.' In the year 1730, a fe^v individuals or families, came up the lake from Canada, and estahlislied themselves at Chimney Point, in Addison, and built a block house and -wiudmill, on the point -where the tav- ern house now stands. The next ^'car troops were sent out and erected Fort Frederic, on the west side of the lake, now known as Crown Point. They afterwards in 1756, built a fort at Ticondor- o^^a. Other settlers followed in the train of the army, and prob- ably most of tliem were in some way attached to the garrison. Eoth the French and English, regarded the control of this lake of great importance, as one of the most convenient lines of communication into each other's territory, in the iioithcrn part of America. The British, in the early })art of that century, planned several expedi- tions through the waters of the lake to Canada, for the purpose of subduing that province to the crown of England, but they uni- formly failed. After th.e treaty of Utrecht, in 1713, a season of peace prevailed, between the English and French, which gave the French in Canada, an opportunity to improve their condition ; and when wars afterwards succeeded, they were confined to other dis- puted territories, on this continent, by which the French were ena- bled to extend themselves in this direction without opposition. But durin^r the French and Indian war, which commenced in 1755, one of the principal objects of the British, was to make an effective de- scent upon Canada, and for that purpose an expedition was set on lilSTOIlY or ADBISOX COUXTT; 45 foot every year from the coriimencement of tlie war, to proceed with a large force through the lal^e. A disgraceful failure attended them all, until the expedition under General Amherst, in 1759. These failures occurred through the ignorance and indiscretion of ministers at home, or the imbecility of the oiTicors entrusted with the com- mand of the troops. In the year 1T58, more elSciency was given to the war by the appointment of Mr. Pitt to the ministry. General Ai5ERcr>,0MBiE was that year appointed to command the expedition against the French forts on Lake Champlain, and prosecuted the enterprise with more vigor than his predecessors. He advanced as far as Ticonderoga, and made a violent assault on the fort ; but meet- ing Avith unexpected obstacles, he retreated without taking the place, lu the year 1T59. General Amtieust, commander in chief of the i^ritish fjrces in America, took command of the expedition, reached Ticonderoga, and without much opposition captured the fort there on the 27th of July, and before he reached Crown Point, the French garrison had burnt their fort;i on both sides and abandoned them. The settlers also in the neighborhood retreated with the army, and thus ended the French settlem>ent in the County of Addison. The French settlers had cleared off the timber along the shore of the lake, throe or four miles north of Chim.ney Point. Most of it probably had been used in erecting the forts and other buildings connected with them, and the cabins of the settlers, and by the garrisons and families in the neighborhood. This was piob- ably tb.e extent of the settlement, although the population was rather thickly crowded together. The cellars and other remains of numerous huts v\-ere found aftervrards by the English settlers, scat- tered over the whole tract, and many of them are still seen there. On the Stroxg farm were four, on the Vallanoe farm three or four, and on others two or three. The buildings of the French set- tlers were burnt the next year after "their retreat, by the Mohawks. K ALMER, the author of an early history, which Hon. John \Y. Sroxg found in Montreal, gives an account of his visit to the place in 1749. He says, '• I found quite a settlement, a stone Avindmill and fort, with five or six small cannon mounted, the V\hole inclosed by embankments." The remains of these embankments, surround- 46' HISTORY OF /.I)DISO> CANTY. ing Chimney Point, wc have seen witliin a few years, and they arc l^robably still to be seen. Kalmer further says, that, within the enclosure, they had a neat little church, and through the settlement well cultivated gardens, and good fruit, such as apples, plums and currants. Old apple trees and plum trees, planted by them are still standing. The first permanent settlement by the English in this County, was on that tract. This clearing and its beautiful location on the borders of the lake, were the occasion that a prosperous neighbor- hood was found here earlier than elsewhere, and it was for some time considered the most eligible place for holding the courts, when the County was first organized. In the spring of 1765, ZadoCK Everest, David Vallaxce and one other person came from Con- necticut, and commenced a clearing on their respective farms, on which they lived and died, about three miles north of Chimney Point. They put in some crops and remained until full. In Sep- tember, of the same year, John Strong and Benjamin Kellogg, came on by the lake to Crown Point, then in possession of the Brit- ish. After stopping a day or two, they extended their explorations east and south, and went as far east as Middlebury Falls. "While on this expedition, they were delayed by a violent storm and swollen streams for several days, until their provisions were exhausted, and they were tvro days without food. When they returned to the lake, Strong concluded to settle on the farm on Avhich he resided until his death, and which is still in the possession of his grandson. Judge Strong. With the aid of the settlers, Strong erected a log house around an old French chimney, near the lake. Vall.-\nce, in a similar manner, converted the remains of another French hut into a tenement, which he afterwards occupied, for some years, with his family. In the fall they all returned to Connecticut. In February following. Strong came on witlf his fomily, and was the first Eng- lish settler, it is said, in W^estern Vermont, north of ]Manche£ter, and his fourth son, John Strong, Jun., in June 1705, Avasthe first English child born north of that place. Everkst and Kellogg, who were married during the winter, came on with their wives in tlie spring, and Yallante also returned with his family the same HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 4T season. From John W. Strong, mentioned above, we have obtained many of the above details. His father's family resided in the house ■with his grandfather, and he learned the facts from his grand- poi-ents, and especially from his grand-mother, who lived to a great aire, and often amused him in his childhood with the stories of their early history. The result of Amherst's expedition was, that on the opening of the campaign of 1760, Montreal was surrendered to him ; and Que- bec and every other French post in Canada having been conquered and captured, the whole province, by the treaty which followed on the 10th day of February 1763, was surrendered tO the British government. The French, having had uninterrupted possession of Lake Cham- plain for nearly thirty years, not only claimed the control of its waters, but the right to the lands on both sides of it, and made grants of seigniories to favorite nobles and officers, and of smaller tracts to others. The grants in the County of Addison Avere less numerous than at the north part of the lake. As early as the year 1732, a grant had been made to one Contre Couer, Jun., lying on both sides and including the mouth of Otter Creek. On the 7th day of October 1743, a grant was made to " Sieur Hocquart In- tendant of New France," of a tract " about one league in front by five leagues in depth, opposite Fort St. Frederic, now Crown Point, bounded on the west by the lake, east by unconceded lands," north and south the lines running east and west. And on the first of April 1745, another grant was made to Hocquart, lying north of and adjoining the other tract, three leagues in front on Lake Cham- plain, by five leagues in depth. Both these, making four leagues on the lake, and five leagues east and west, constituted the '■' Seign- iory Hocquart," which extended from Willow Point, near the south line of Addison, north, and included the whole of the towns of Ad- dison and Panton, and is represented on an old English map, as ex- tending, as it must, some distance beyond Otter Creek, and inclu- ded Middlebury and other lands east of that stream. Soon after the execution of the treaty, by which the French government sur- rendered Canada to the British, on the_7th of April 1763, Hoc- 48 • iir.vruRY of addison couxty. QUART conveyed liis seigniory to Michel CuiUTiEii LoxBiNiERE. As the inhabitants of Canada, by tlic treaty, became the subjects of the British government, it was claimed that the grants by the French government were valid, and should be confirsned by the British government, and Lotbiniekb prosecuted his claim perseveringly before the latter goveenment, from the time of his purchase until the year 17TG, before it was settled. LoTBiNiERE claimed, as evidence of his title, the "frequent clearances," and " various settlements," on these lands, which the war had not wholly obliterated ; although it is probable that none of them were made under the authority of this grant. It is stated by Governor Tkyon' of New York, in a letter to Lord Dartmouth, president of the board of trade and plantations, "that when the French, on the approach of Sir Jeffhey Ar.iriERST, in 1T59, aban- doned Crown Point, there were found no ancient possessions, nor any improvements worthy of consideration, on either side of the lake. The chief were in the environs of the fort, and seemed in- tended mostly for the accommodation of the garrisons." The lines between the provinces of Quebec and New York, had been settled by the British government on the 20th of July 1764, at the latitude of 45'^ on the lake. It was finally decided, that as the territory south of the River St. Lawrence, including the lands on Lake Champlain, was owned by the Iroquois, or Five Nations, and that these tribes, by treaty, had submitted to the sovereignty and protection of Great Britain, and had been considered sul)jects, all the possessions of the French on Lake Champlain, including the erection of the forts at Crown Point and Ticonderoga, were an in- trusion and trespass, and of course that government had no right to make grants there, and therefore the British government denied the claim of Lotbiniere, as they did all others, for lands south of latitute 45*^, but consented to give him lands in Canada. In the meantime, all the lands, which had been gi'anted by the French government east of Lake Champlain, had been granted anew by the governor of New Hampshire, in the name of the Brit- ish crown, and the governor and council of New York liad spread their grants to the reduced officers and soldiers of the army, which HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 49 had been disbanded after the conquest of Canada, on the top of the New Harapshh-e grants. And previous to all these, and many years even before the settle- ment of the French, in 1696, Godfrey Dellius purchased of the Moha>Yks, who claimed the whole of this territory, a large tract of land extending from Saratoga along both sides of Hudson RiA'cr and Wood Creek, and on the east side of Lake Champlain, to twenty miles north of Crown Point, and the purchase was confirmed under the great seal of New York; but in 1699, the grant was repealed by the legislature, " as an extravagant favor to one subject." The Mohawks also, on the first day of February 1732, sold to Col. John Henry Lydius, a large tract of land embracing most of the Counties of Addison and Rutland. There is a map of tliis tract in the possession of Henry Stevens, Esq., President of the State Historical Society, of which we have a copy, laid out into thirty- five townships, with the name of each. The southeast corner is at the sources of Otter Creek, and the northwest at its mouth, and the territory embraces the whole length of that stream, running diago- nally through it. The west line — and the east is parallel with it — is marked as running from the north, south 16 degrees west 58 miles 20 chains. On the back of the map is the following certifi- cate. "Feb. 2. 1763. A plan of a large tract of land, situated on Otter Creek, which empties itself into Lake Champlain, in North America, easterly from and near Crown Point, purchased by Col. John Henry Lydius, of the Mohawk Indians, by deed dated Feb. 1732, and patented auTl confirmed by his Excellency Wil- liam Sl'iIRLEy, Esq., Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, August 31, 1744, divided into townships, and sold by the said Lydius, to upwards of two thousand British subjects, chiefly be- longing to the Colony of Connecticut." The New York town of Durham, and probably other towns in Rutland County, were originally settled under this grant. Tv/o of the citizens, Jeremiah Spencer and Oliver Colvin, belonging to that town, in their petition to the General Assembly of New York, dated October 17, 1778, say, " That the township of Durham was originally settled by the late inhabitants, under Col. John Lydius: '>0 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. That discovering the imperfection of their title, they applied to and obtained letters patent under New York. That many of the inhab- itants (of Avhich your petitioners are) have since been compelled to purchase the New Hampshire title to their lands, under a penalty of being turned out of their possessions by a mob.'' iJlriTORY OF ADDISOX COUNTY; 51 CHAPTER V. KEW HAMPSHIRE CHARTERS — CONTROVERSY WITH NEW YORK. BENNixa Wextworth was appointed governor of New Hamp- shire, in 1741, with authority from the King to issue patents of unoccupied lands within his province. Claiming that that province extended the same distance west as the provinces of Connecticut and Massachusetts, that is, to within twenty miles of Hudson RiVcr, on the third day of January 1749, he granted the charter of Benning- ton, on that line, to which he claimed the province extended, and six miles north of the line of Massachusetts. This grant occasioned a correspondence and mutual remonstrances between the governors of New York and New Hampshire, in relation to the rights of their respective provinces. The governor of New York claimed and con- tended, that the grant to the Duke of York in the year 1663, which was confirmed to him in the year 1674, after the conquest of the Dutch in 1673, and extended to the west bank of Connecticut River, settled the claim of New York.* Notwithstanding the controversy between the govei iiors of these two provinces, and the opposition made by New York, to the issuing of grants by New Hampshire, Governor '.VtNi worth continued to grant charters of townships, as applications were made for them. During the following five years, from 17£0to I7o4 inclusive, sixteen townships were chartered, principally on the east side of the moun- tains. From that time to the year 1761, during the prosecution of the JJ'rench war, the territory became a thoroughfare for the excur- sions of French and Indian scouting parties, and was, on that ac- * Nearly the whole h'story, which we have given of the controversy between the governors of New Hampshire and i>ew York, and subsequently, between the latter and the Green Mountain Boys, is taken from original documents, m the Doci me ;- taiy History of New York. 62 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. count, ill SO disturbed a state, that no grants were made or asked for. After the conquest of Canada, in the year 1760, and after quiet and security had been restored to the territory, numerous applications were made, and in the year 17Gi no less than sixty towns v.cre char- tered. In that year, all the towns in the County of Addison were chartered, except as follows : Ferrisburgh, Monkton and Pocock, now Bristol, were chartered in 1762, OrY»'cil, and Whiting, in August 17G3. and Panton, was re-chartered on the 3d of Kovcmber 176J:. And this was the last charter granted by the governor of New Hampshire, wiiliin the territory. The whole number of charters of towns granted by hira in this State, is one hundred and thirty- one, besides several others to individuals. Lieut Governor Coloen' of New York, disturbed and alarmed by the great number of grants made by New Hampshire, issued his proclamation on the 28th day of December 17G3, warning all per- sons against purchasing lands under those grants, and requiring all civil oiBccrs ' to continue to exercise jurisdiction in their respective functions, as far as to the banks of Connecticut River,'' and enjoin- ing the sheriff of Albany to rctur n to him " tbe names of all and every person or persons, who under the grants of New Hampshire, 'e have knowledge, as being issued, by the governor of Noav Hampshire, after the king's order, was that of Panton. as herefore mentioned, dated November 3. 1764, which 8 ' 64 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. was before notice of the order had been received in this country, that not arriving until the following spring. On the receipt of the order, Governor Wcntworth, .is well as the governor of New York, issued his proclamation, giving notice to all persons concerned, of the decision of the King in council, fixing the boundary. And in all Iiis subsenuent transactions, he seems to have acquiesced in the decision, and recognized the jurisdiction of New York over the territory. The claimants under New Hampshire expressed^no op- position to that jurisdiction at the time, not suspecting that the titles, which they had derived from the British government through one agent, and had paid for, would be superceded by grants from t}>e same authority, through another agent, and that, under these cir- cumstances, they should be compelled to re-purchase their lands, under much more oppressive conditions, in order to hold them. And such would seem to liavc been the views of the British gov- ernment at home. The order in council settling the boundary does not seem to be a decision, as to what had been or legally Avas the boundary, but it says, the King " doth hereby order and declare the western banks of the river Connecticut," " to be the boundary lino between the said t^vo provinens." On the 11th of April 17G7, Lord SiiELBURNE, president of the board of trade, wrote to Gover- nor MooiiE, of New York, reciting that U\o petitions had been pre- sented to the King, " one by the Society for the Propagation of tlie Gospel, and the other by Samuel Robinson, in behalf of himself and more than one thousand other grantees," says, •' In my letter of the 11th of December, I was very explicit upon point of former grants ; you are therein directed to take care, that the inhabitants lying westward of the L'nc, reported by the Lords of Trade, as the boundaries of the two provinces, be not molested, on account of ter- ritorial differencee, or disputed jurisdiction ; for whatever province the settlers may belong to, it should make no diiTercnce in their I)ropcrty, provided their titles to their lands should be found good in other respects, or that they have been long in uninterrupted pos- session of them." And he adds, " the unreasonableness of oblif^inn- a very large tract of country to pay a second time the immense sum of thirty three thoufiand pounds in foe>A. according to the allegation HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 65 of this petition, for no other reason than its being found necessary to settle the line of boundary between the colonies in question, is so unjustifiable, that his majesty is not only determined to have the strictest inquiry made into the circumstances of the charge, but expects the clearest and fullest answer to every part of it." On the 24th of July 1767, the King in council, adopted an order on the subject. This order, after reciting at length the report " of the committee of council for plantation affairs," says " His Majesty, with the advice of his privy council, doth hereby strictly charge, require and command, that the governor of jSTev*' York, for the time being, do not (upon pain of His Majesty's highest displeasure) pre- sume to make any grant Avhatever, of any part of the lands de- scribed in said report, until His Majesty's further pleasure shall be known concerning the same." While the controversy was pending between the two governments, and before the King's order settling the boundary was known, a collision arose out of it in Pownal. But the facts in the case pre- sented a different question from that, which so extensively prevailed afterwards among other patents granted by New York. One called the Hoosick patent was granted as early as 1688. The charter of Pownal, when granted by New Hampshire, included part of this patent ; and the New Hampshire grantees claimed possession of certain lands, on Avhich several Dutch families had settled under the Hoosick patent. In August 1764, the sheriff of Albany, in pur- suance of the proclamation of Governor Golden, before mentioned, hearing that the New Hampshire claimants had dispossessed several of the Dutch families, and were about to drive off others, went in pursuit, taking with him " two of the justices and a few other good people," and arrested '' Samuel Ashley, who called himself a deputy, Samuel Robinson, a justice of the peace," and others, ■who claimed the land, and committed them to the jail in Albany. But they were afterwards bailed and not further prosecuted. Gov- ernor Wentworth being informed of this transaction, wrote to Governor Golden, remonstrating against it, and requesting him to release the prisoners. To which the governor, with the advice of the council, replied, that as the offence was committed " wdthin the 50 IIIoTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. undoubted jurisdiction of Xew York, he could do no further therein, than to recommend that the bail be moderate," and added that the controversy respecting the boundary "already lies with His Majesty." As soon as the boundary was settled by the king's order, a large number of grants were made by the governor of New York, to re- duced officers and disbanded soldiers, and others, who made appli- cation for them, and soon extended over nearly the whole territory chartered by New Hampshire. The valleys of Lake Champlain and Otter Creek, were 'granted principally to reduced officers, and a large territory, north of Addison County, was reserved for non- commissioned officers and soldiers. A small tract was also reserved for them in the County of Addison, near the bend of the creek in Weybridge and New Haven, and perhaps some contiguous territory. At first the governor and council of New York, seemed desirous to encourage actual settlers under the New Hampshire grants to take out new charters under New York, in confirmation of their former titles. On the 22d of May 1765, the following order was adopted : '' The council taking into consideration the case of those persons, who are actually settled on the grants of the governor of New Hampshire, and that the dispossessing of such persons might be ruinous to themselves and their families, is of opinion, and it is ac- cordingly ordered by his Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, with the advice of the council, that the surveyor general do not, until fur- ther order made, return on any warrant of survey, already or which may hereafter come to his hands, of any lands so actually possessed under such grants, unless for the persons in actual possession thereof as aforesaid." Another order was adopted, July 11, 17GG, by which it was ordered, that all persons holding or claiming lands under " the New Hampshire grants, do as soon as may be, appear by themselves or their attorneys, and produce the same, together with all deeds, con- veyances, or other instruments, by which they derive any title or claim to said lands, before his Excellency in council, and the claim of such person or persons, which shall not appear as aforesaid, with- in the space of three months from the date hereof be rejected." mSTOKY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 57 In pursuance of tliese orders, several individuals in the towns west of the mountains, made application for a confirmation of their New Hampshire titles ; but much larger numbers, and nearly all in some towns east of the mountains, took confirmations of their titles from New York. We have no documents which enable us to ascertain the number or dates of the grants made, from the time of the order establishing the boundary to that which forbid further grants. It seems there was some delay on account of the stamp act then in force, the governor being "determined not to issue any papers except such as were stamped," and " the people refusing to take them on that condition ;" "of course the ofiices were shut up," as represented by Governor Moore, in his letter of the 9th of June 1767, in answer to Lord Shelburne's letter above mentioned. But he adds, " No sooner was the stamp act repealed and the ofSces opened again, but petitions were preferred, by many of the inhabi- tants here for grants of land lying on Connecticut River." Again, refering to the order limiting the time for making application, he says, " This had the desired effect, and in a fcAV months, petitions, memorials, &c., were lodged by persons sent up from thence, setting up claims to ninety-six townships." Petitions had been sent up from the towns east of the mountains, for establishing one or more counties in the territory, and on the 22d 'of October 1765, the committee made a report to the governor and council, that, on account of the state of the country, it was in- expedient to establish counties, but they recommended to the gover- nor to "appoint a competent number of fit persons for conservation of the peace and administration of justice in that part of the prov- ince." And on the 11th day of July 1766, an ordinance Avas adopted," for establishing a court of common pleas and a court of general sessions of the peace," and judges and other officers were appointed. On the 19th of March 1768 " a large tract of land containing forty townships," was by letters patent " erected into a County by the name of the County of Cumberland." This County was bounded east by Connecticut River, south by Massa- chusetts, west by the highest part of the Green Mountain, and north by the same, or nearly the same, line which divides the present 58 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. Counties of Windsor and Orange. On tlie 2Cdof December 1772, it was ordered, that writs issue for the election of t^Yo representa- tives to the general assembly from that County. On the IGth of March 1770, all the territory east of the moun^ tains, and north of the County of Cumberland, was formed into a County, by the name of Gloucester, and the usual county officers were appointed. Soon after the territory west of the mountains, and north of the north lines of the towns of Sunderland and Arling- ton, and embracing considerable territory also west of the lake, was established as a County by the name of Charlotte : and the re- mainder of the New Hampshire Grants v.as embraced in the County of Albany. Previous to this division into counties, the whole terri- tory was regarded as belonging to the County of Albany, and jus- tices of the peace, and other officers of that County, exercised authority in that territory. By order of the governor and council, September 8, 1773, an ordiance was issued establishing courts, to be held in the County of Charlotte annually, '• at the house of Patrick Smith, Esq., near Fort Edward." The order of the king in council, staying further grants of land, seems not to have been very satisfactory to Governor Moore, but he and his successors professed to regulate their proceedings by it, and applications were frequently made by succeeding governors to the board of trade, urging that the order might be rescinded. But the board of trade, instead of rescinding it, complain that the gov- ernor of New York " had taken upon him," contrary to the instruc- tions, " to pass patents of confirmation of several of the townships," and had " also made other grants of lands within the same." HISTORY OF ADlilSON COUNTY. 69 CHAPTER VI. OPPOSITION WEST OF THE MOUNTAIN — NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE INHABITANTS OF BENNINGTON — AFFAIR AT V.'ALLOOMSIC — CAP- TURE AND TRIAL OF HOUGH — COL. REED'S CLAIM^CAPTAIN wooster's grant — dunmore's GR\NT. While DISOX COUXIT. they must run it as cliLAputetl lands.'" Wiiatcvcv the facts were, the commissioners and survo3'or quit tbc premises. Actions of ejectment were soon after commenced against Bkeck- ENRiDGi'] and eight others, -whose land had been granted to reduced officers and othei's, and at the succeeding term of the circuit court at Albany, judgments Averc obtained against him and three others. It is said '• that Bri-ckexridgk made no defence, being within twenty miles of Hudson's River;" 1)ut more probably because his land was included in the Walloomsic patent, granted prior to tho charter of Bennington. From the result of these legal proceedings, '• It was hoped that the riotous spirit would subside," and commissioners were again sent to make partition of tho patent, who made complaint, that "on the 20th of September they were again opposed and prevented from eifecting said partition by a riotous and tumultuous body of men," '-among whom was SiLAS RoBissoN," and three others named. And thereupon Governor Duxmore issued anew proclama- tion for the apprehension of the rioters. The sheriff afterwards reported, that in obedience to tiie proclamation, he had arrested Silas Robixson, one of the rioters; and thereupon the governor and council made an order directing the attorney general to prose- cute him. He was afterwards bailed but never tried. The following case, among numerous others which Ave might re- cord, will illustrate the character of the proceedings of the '• Green Mountain Boys," or at least show how they Avere regarded and represented by the " Yorkers." Benjamin Hough, who repre- Bented himself as an " Anabaptist preacher of the gospel," resided in Socialborough, a New York town on Otter Creek, embracing the whole or a part of each of the towns of Clarendon and Rut- land, had accepted a commission of justice of the peace, and was an active friend of New York. In March, 1T75, he preferred his petition to Governor Tryox, stating his sufferings, and praying for relief, accompanied by bis own affidavit, and those of other per- sons to sustain his petition. In his own affidavit he states, among other things, '' that he was attacked by about thirty persons, a number of vrhom vrere armed Avith foelocks, swords and hatche ts, HISTORY Oli' ADDISON COUXTY, GiJ was S2iz2(i and carried a prisoner to Sunderland," -wbero he v/.n kept in custody until they sent to Bennington " for Ethan Ai.lh.v and Setii Warner ;" that on the 30th day of January 1775, " the rioters appointed a court for the trial of this deponent, which consisted of the following persons, to wit : Ethan Allex, Robep.t Cochran" and four others, " and they being seated, ordered this doponont to 03 brought before them ;" "that Ethan Allen laid the three following accusations to the charge of this deponent, to wit : 1. This deponent had complained to the government of Kcv/ York of their (the rioters) mobbing and injuring Benjamin' Spex- CE?v and others: 2. That the deponent had dissuaded and discoura- ged tlie people from joining the mob in their proceedings ; and Srdly, That the deponent had taken a commission of the rieaco un- der the government of New York, and exorcised his office, as a magistrate in the County of Charlotte, alledging tliiit this deponent well knevr, that they (the mob) did not allovr of any magistrate there:" that the judges having consulted together for some time, Ethan Allkn pronounced the following sentence, which ho read from a paper, which he held in his hand, to wit: " That he should be tied up to a tree and receive two hundred lashes, on the naked back, and then, as soon as ho should be able, shoujd depart the New Hampshire Grants, and not return again, upon pain of live hundred lashes." After the execution of this sentence, Allen and Waiine;; gave a certificate, that he had '• received a full punishment for his crimes," and the inhabitants Avere directed to give him " a free and unmolested passport toward the city of New York," "he behaving as becometh." Bat not to trespass further upon the province of State history, in detailing the incidents of this controversy, we add only a few, which occurred within the limits of the County. Colonel Reid, of a Royal Highland regiment, had received from the government of New York a grant of land, as a reduced, or half pay officer, on Otter Creek, including the falls at Vergennes, whose tenants had been dispossessed, in August 1772, by IiiA Allen and others. This 033urred, while the agents, who had been appointed by the inliabitanta of Bennington, at the reo[ue3t of Governor Tuyon, 66 HISTOKY OF ADUISOX COUNTY. as stated in a former page, •\vcrc in a negotiation v,"itli the governor and council, whicli resulted in the conciliatory measure by them adopted. This proceeding, ^vhen it came to the knowledge of Gov- ernor TiiYQX, so irritated him that he wrote a severe letter to the " inhabitants of Bennington and the adjacent country," charging them with a '■ breach of fiith and honor, made by a body of your people in dispossessing several settlers on Otter Crock,'' at the very time the negotiations were going on, and requiring tlicir " assistance in putting forthwith those families, who liavc Ijcen dispossessed, into re-possession of the lands and tenements."' The follov/ing is the substance of the answer of the committees of '• Bennington, and the adjacent country " to this letter, signed by Ethax Allex, clerk, on the S.Sth of August 1772, in explana- tion of the proceedings complained of The people, having noticed, that " Mr. Cockburx, a noted surveyor," had taken " a tour to the northerly parts of the New Hampshire Grants," (on Onion River) '•to survey and make locations on lands," which had been granted b}'- New Hampshire, " rallied a sm.all party and pursued and over- t )ok him and his party, and in their pursuit, passed the towns of Panton and New Haven, near the mouth of Otter Creek, dispos- sessed Col. Reid of a saw mill in said Panton, which by force," and without right, " he had taken from the original owners more than three years before, and did, at the same time, extend his force, terrors and threats into the town of New Haven," '' who so terrified the inhabitants, (which were about twelve in number) that they left their possessions and farms to the conquerers^ and escaped with the skin of their teeth." " Col. Reid, at the same time, and ■with the same force, did take possession of one hundred and thirty saw logs, and fourteen thousand feet of pine boards," and converted them to their own use. In 1769, a man by the name of Pang- born, built there a saAv mill, and a few claimants under the New Hampshire grant, were in possession of the lands in that year. After they were driven off, R kid's men built a grist mill. The committees also deny, that there was any breach of faith, as the result of the negotiations between Governor Tryon and the dele- gates from Bennington was not known at the tim.e, and the agents HI^-TOliY OF ADDISOX COUNTY. 67 ivere not autborizeu to complete any arrangements, so as to be bind- ing on the people of the Grants, until ratified bj them. Thej also promptly refused to obey the governor's requisition to afford assis- tance in restoring Col. Raid's men to the possession of the lands. And thus ended the result of the negotiations for conciliatory meas- ures between the parties in 1772. The latter part of June, or the fore part of July 1773, Col. R,E[D, engaged several Scotch immigrants, lately arrived at New York, to settle on his lands, of which he had been dispossessed, as above mentioned, and went with them to Otter Creek. Onenterinor upon the lands, they found several persons settled on them, claiminp- title under the New HampshirO charters. One of them was Joshua Hyde, who afterwards removed to Middlebury, and settled in the south'part of that town. Col. Rkid, in some way, got rid of these tenants, and entered into possession of the mill and lands claimed by him. The Green Mountain Boys, learning this fact, Allen', Warner and Baki^r, wuth a strong force, consisting, as represented by the Scotch tenants, of more than one hundred men well armed, marched for Otter Creek, and on the 11th day of August, appeared on the ground, drove off the Scotchmen, burnt their houses and other buildings, tore down the mill, which, it was said, Col. Reid had lately built, broke the mill stones in pieces and threw them down the falls. John Cameron, one of the Scotch tenants, in his affidavit, as to the manner in wdiich they Avent into possession under Col. Reid, states, " That the persons" (the tenants in possession) " did agree voluntarily, to remove from Col. Reid's land, till the King's pleasure should be known, provided Col. Reid would pur- chase their whole crops then on the ground, that they might not lose their labor, which Col. Reid consented to, and paid them the full value for it accordingly." The affidavit also states, "That the de- ponent was much surprised to see, among the rioters, Joshua Hyde, one of the three men, who had entered into a written obligation with Col. Reid, not to return again, and to whom Col. Reid, on that account, had paid a sum of money for his crops." * * Mr. TnoMPSON, in hia history of Vermont, in stating this transaction, eays nothing about, the voluntai-y remoral of the New Hampshire claimants, and a 68 niSTor.Y or addisqn county. A tract of '' three thousand acres of land on the e^ot bank of Lake Champlain, -within a mile and a quarter of the fort there," ■was granted under the great seal of the Province of New York, " to David W-ere in favor of admitting Vermont into the Union, as an independent State. On the 11th day of April 1777, Thomas Young, of Pliiladelohia, an ardent friend, wrote a letter to the inhabitants, that after learning "the minds of several of the leading members," he could assure them, that thcj had nothing to do but to choose delegates to a convention, who should choose delegates to the General Congress, and form a constitution for the State."' And he adiled, as a reason, why noth- ing more had been done in their behalf, " until you incorporate, and actually announce to Congress your having become a body poli- tic, they cannot treat you as a free State '"' la the meantime measures had been taken preparatory to a dec- laration of independence, and at an adjourned meeting of the con- vention, held at Westminster, on the 15th day of January, 1777, composed of delegates from all the Counties, a formal declaration was adopted, *' that the district of tcrritorj^, known by the name and description of the New Hampshire Grants, of right ought to 1)0, and is hereby, declared forever hereafter, to be considered as a free and independent jurisdiction or State, by the name of New Con- necticut, alias Vermont." And at a meeting of the convention afterwards, on the 4tli day of June following, it Avas resolved that the State should be called Vermont. Joxas Fay, Tiior.iAS CiiiT- TiiiXDEN, Heman Allex, and RiiUiiEN JoxES were appointed a com- mittee to present to congress the above declaration, with the reasons which induced it. In pursuance of the advice of Mr. Youxg, the delegates who had been chosen for that purpose, met at Windsor, on the 2d day of July 1777, and adopted a constitution, fixed a time for the choice and meeting of the legislature under it, and appointed a committee of safety to act in the meantime. The session of the convention was closed in haste, occasioned by the news of the invasion of the country by a formidable force under General Burgoyxe ; and by reason of that event and the movements which followed, notice for the election and meeting of the legislature was not seasonably given. The con- vention was therefore again called together, revised the constitution, IIISTOIIY O'J ADDISON COUNTY, lo and appointed i-iic second Thursday of March 1773, for the meeting Of the Assembly. Mr. YouNa had recommended the new consti- tution of Pennsylvania, providing for a single legislative body, with some alteration of the pov/crs of the governor's council. This rec;- ommendation was adopted. But the.peoplc of Pennsylvania soon be- c'n of Great Britain, had been dissolved by their sep- aration from that government, and so far as the government was concerned, all Avere reduced to a state of nature, and were left to form such government as they might choose ; and that, in this re- spect, the people of Vermont were in the same condition as the other territories, and had the same right to establish their own gov- ernment. As early as the 15th of May 1776, and before the dec- laration of American independence, the Continental Congress, re- cognizing the disorganized state of the country, and the propriety of a legal organization, before the adoption of such declaration, had . " resolved, that it be recommended to the respective assemblies and conventions of the United Colonies, where no government, su£cient to the exigencies of their affairs, has been hitherto established, to adopt such government as shall, in the opinion of the representatives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and the safety of their constituents in particular, and America in general.*' But Congress was placed in an embarrassing and delicate position, "between two fires." They saw the danger of irritating either party. Their proceedings were therefore vacillating in the extreme. '4? ID IIISTOET OF ADDISON COUNTY. Wli:it tbc}'- did at one time was undone at the next ; and no final decision -.vas ever adopted by that body. In the meantime the Ycrmontcrs continued to adopt measures to reduce the government to system and order, in its operations over ail parts of the b'tatc. The inhabitants v/ere also becoming, not only accustomed to, but satisfied with, its operation. The settle- ment of the State and its population were rapidly increasing and adding strength to the government, and the claims of New York Avcre thereby becoming every year more hopeless, and the condi- tion of the friends of that government more uncomfortable. Ethan Allen, wlio had been captured in Canada in 1775, and lield by the British a prisoner of war, being exchanged and re- leased in May, 1778, soon returned Iiomc and resumed his posi- tion as leader of all the active operations of the State. The government of Vermont did not hesitate to extend its juris- diction and authority over the adherents of New York, as well as others. There still remained in Brattleborough, Guilford, and other towns in "Windham county, in the year 1779, many individuals of this class, who endeavored to oppose the proceedings of Vermont. These were taxed and drafted into service as others, and " a sum of money was assessed on those who were supposed to have done least in the war." Some "acquiesced in it rather than contend." Among other acts, the Vermont party, in the spring of that year "ordered Capt. Jami^s Clay, Lieut. Benjamin Wilson" and another, who were militia officers appointed by New Y''ork, "to provide a man to go into the service." But they failing to obey the order, two of their cows were seized, and ordered to be sold, to pay the man hired by the Vermontcrs. On the day appointed for the sale. Colonel Patterson, who commanded the regiment of militia under New York, with his " field officers and a considerable part of the regiment," assembled and rescued the cattle, and delivered them to the owners. Within a week or two, Etuan Allen, with an armed body of troops, appeared there and arrested and imprisoned Colonel Patterson, and nearly all the officers of the regiment. The legislature of Vermont, at their session in February, 1781, passed " a general act of amnesty in fiivor of such persons," who HISTORY OF ADliLiON COUNTY. ( i had opposed its authority. Upon which those persons submitted to the authority of the State-^and took the oath of allegiance. After- wards, the legislature, for the defence of the frontiers, ordered " a quota of men to be raised in the several towns throughout the State." And thereupon the same "disaffected persons," " in the town and vicinage^of Guilford, in the southern part of the County of Wind- ham " raised a formidable opposition "to the raising and paying of them," and for the purpo.sc of aiding the opposition, the govern- ment of New York appointed several of the disaffected persons to " civil and military oiiices," who undertook to use the laws of the State of New York over the citizens of this State. Upon which Ethan Allex, at the head of a military force was sent by order of the governor "to assist tlic sheriff of V/indham County, in the execution of the laws." TiMOTiiY Phelps, sheriff, Timothy CilUKCil, colonel, and more than one hundred civil and military officers and privates, were arrested and brought before the courts, and five of them were sentenced to banishment, and conilscation of property, and others to fines and imprisonment. These proceedings wcx'e occasions for new appeals from Governor Cli>;ton to Congress for their speedy and eiScient interference. On occasion of the latter proceeding, Congress, on the 5th day of December, 1782, adopted resolutions, condemning, in severe terms, the action of Vermont, and among other things, requiring the peo- ple of that State, " without delay to make full and ample restitu- tion to Timothy Church, Timothy PiiELrs, Henry Evaxs, William Sil^^.ttuck, and such others as have been condemned to banishment, or confiscation of estate, or have been otherwise de- prived of property," " and that they be not molested in their per- sons or properties, on their return to their habitations in the said district." These resolutions Avere answered in a very spirited letter from Governor Chittexdent, denying the authority of Congress to in- terfere in the internal proceedings of Vermont, containing a very able argument in justification of their measures, and promptly re- fusing to obey the requirement of Congress. The General Assem- 11 73 HISTOIU' or ADDISON CULMY. blj also adopted a Icttex- to CongresS; einbmcing more concisely the same sentiments. These ate among the last acts of interference, in the affairs of Vermont, on the part of Congress, or the New York government. The legislature of that State, on the first day of March, 1786, thought proper to make the compensation, which Vermont had re- fused, to the last mentioned sufferers ; and granted them a township of land in the "county of Chenango, eight miles square, named Clinton, now Bainbridge. In the u:oantimc the people of Vermont, -with quiet and undis- turbed prosperity, continued to press forward in their c:ireer of separate tind independent existence, v.'ith increasing indifi(.'rence to the hostility or favor of any exterior power. At length on the 15th day of July, 1789, the legislature of New York, tired of the fruitless controversy'', giving up all hope of reducing the territory to her jurisdiction, and desirous, it is said, of increasing the north- ern influence in Congress, which Vermont might bring, passed an act appointing commissioners, witli full power to acknowledge her independence, and settle all existing controversies. On the 22d of October following, the legislature of Vermont appointed commissioners on their part with similar powers.* On the 7th of October, 1790, the commissioners agreed upon the boundaries and the terms of settlement ; that Vermont should be admitted into tho Union, and on such admission all claims to jurisdiction on the part of New York, should cease, and as a compensation to those, wh.o claimed lands under New York, Vermont should pay thirty thou- sand dollars. On the 28th of the same month, the legislature of Vermont passed an act, accepting the boundaries and settlement, and agreeing to pay $30,000. On the 10th of January, 1791, a convention of delegates chosen for the purpose, passed and sub- scribed a resolution, '' approving, assenting to and ratifying"' the * Tho commissicners appointed on the f>nrt of New York ■were Hobikt YAXts, JuiiN L.iNsiNO, Jr., Gl'lien VEiirLANK, SiMKox DkWitt, Egbert Be.nsun, and .ViELANCToN Smith, and on t'.ic part of Vermont, Isaac Ticuu:.\or, tTEVKEX K. BuADi.ET, KvTiiA.MtL Cjn?M N, Ei.iJAir P ii.vr, Ib\ Ai.T,KN, gTKPMEv Jacob and Is^Arr. f^MjTir. HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 7^ Constitution of the United States : and on the 18th day of Februa- rj of that year. Congress passed an act, 'Hhat on the 4th day of March " following, " the State of Vermont shall be received and admitted into the Union, as a new and entire member of the United States of America." 80 UlSTOKY OY ADMSU.X COU.XTT. CHAPTER VIII. INCIDKN'TS OF THft WAR IN THE COUNTY OF ADDISON. The revolutionary war, •whicli bad been ended, some years before Vermont Avas admitted to the Union, furnished but few incidents, which can properly constitute a part of the history of Addison County. Very few permanent settlements had been made in the county before its commencement. It is said that James jMcIxtosii, a Scotchman, commenced a settlement in territory now in the city of Vergennes, in the year 176G ; and other settlements Avere made on the creek above the falls in New Haven, now Waltham. as early as 1769. Col. JoHX Chipman, in 176G made a small clear- ing on his farm in Middlcbury, but did not return to it, Avith his family, until 1773 ; and in the latter year several other families w^ere settled in that town. And it is said that in the charter limits of Middlebury, there were thirteen families, and in that part of Cornwall, afterwards annexed to ]\Iiddlebury, eight families, before the Avar. Col. Piiilip Stone commenced preparation for a settle- ment on the border of the lake in Bridport in 1768, and several other families were settled in that town before the Avar. John CiiARTiER also commenced some improvements, on the south end of Mount Independence in OrAvell some years before the w^ar, but no permanent settlements, we believe, were made in that town until after the war. As stated on a previous page, John Stkong, Zadoc Everest, Daa^d Vallanoe, Bi^njamin Kellogg, and probably a fcAV others, had made preparations for a settlement, on the borders of the lake in Addison, in 1765, and took posses- sion with their families in 1766. The late Squire Firris, of Vergennes, in a statement made to Philip C. Tucker, Esq., to which we have referred elsewhere, says that his father, Pinter HISTORY 01' ADDIi.'isu.\ County. 83 Joshua Guaves and his son Je.ssk Guayes, while hoeing corn on the bank of the creek in Salisbury, on the farm since owned by the late JxSKPn Smith, on which they were among the earliest set- tlers in that town, were captured at the same time by about two hundred Indians. The' widow of Joseph Smith was a daughter of the younger, and grand-daughter of the elder, Gkavij:.-;; and the farm has ever remained in the family. The captives were takeu to the settlement of Jehemiah Pahker in Leicester, where he and his son, JkremI/MI Parkeh, Jun. were also captured, and all the pris- oners were taken to Ticonderoga. The two elder captives v.- ere soon released ; but tb.e two younger were detained prisoners, on board a vessel, for three weeks, until there was time to send to Canada and get a return. Asa Blodhett. father of Samuel Blodgett, above mentioned, who had settled on the creek in the south part of Cornwall, and re- mained after the general retreat of the inhabitants, Avas taken pris- oner also by the Indians. His ca[)tor3 placed him on a stump, with a rope around his neck, the end of which was thrown over the limb of a tree. He remained in this position for some time, expecting instant death, with w hich the Indians threatened him ; but he was afterwards released. The facts we have stated relating to the cap- ture of Asa and Samuel Blodgett, and the escape of Bextlfy, were received from the late Acraiia.m Williamson of Cornwall, and his wife, who was a dauMiter of Samuel Blodgett. But the most serious and extensive depredations, on the inhabit- ants of the County were committed in the fall of 1778. In the earl}^ part of November in that year, a large British force came up the lake in several vessels, and thoroughly scoured the country on both sides. Such of the men as had the temerity to remain on their farms until that time they took prisoners, plundered, burnt, and de- stroyed their property of every description, leaving the women and children to take care of themselves as they could, in their houseless and destitute condition. Not a town in the County, where any set- tlements had been made, escaped their ravages. The only building in Middlebury, not wholly destroyed, except two or three in the ^uthcnst part of the town, which tboy aoem not to have found, was S-l }lI."roi;T C)l' AI;I)ISUN caUNTY. a barn of Col. John Chipmax, -vvliich had been lately built of green timber, which they could not set on fire and v, hieh thcj tried in vain ■with their imperfect tools to cut down. The marks of their hatchets, on the timbers, are still to be seen. As there arc no public documents or history, Avithin our know- ledge which give any general account of these proceedings, in otl)er towns, and all the persons concerned in the transactions are supposed to be dead, we have collected information from such sources as were in our jiuwer ; and instead of conc1en:>ing it into a continuous narra- tive, wo choo.se to give it as we have received it from the several sources. The following statement was made by Philip C. Tuckkr^ Esq.. of A'^ergennes, principally from information obtained by him, at our request, from Nathan Gpjswold and Asaph Gia.swo] d, sons of Natiiax Or.iJWOLD, one of the captives: "' In the month of November 1778, the following persons of the north and west portions of Addison County were taken prisoners by the British forces, and transported on board British vessels to Can- ada : Nathan G uiswold, taken in that part of Nevf Haven which is nov,- Yergennes, John Griswold and Adonijae GiaswoLU, iir that part of New Haven which is now "Waltham, and David Grd.^- "WOLD, of New Haven. These four men were brothers ; Er.i Rob- erts and DuRAND Roberts, father and son, were taken at Vcr- gennes; PiTCR Ferris and Squire Ferris, father and son, of Panton, were taken on the west side of Lake Champlain, while hunting ; Joseph Hulcomb, Elijah Grandy and Spaldtni^ at Panton, JoHN Bishop at Monkton and Hopkins at New Haven. These were part of the captives taken during the fall of 1778, consisting in all of two hundred and forty-four. They were all taken to Quebec and imprisoned. Tradition says, that but forty- eight were brought back in June 1782, and exchanged as prisoners of war at Whitehall." '•Of the thirteen persons above named, all returned but one. John Grisavold Jun. enlisted on board a British vessel at Quebec, upon a promise, that he should be restored to his liberty, on the ar- rival of the vessel in Ireland. He was ne\er heard of afterward. HISIOrwY OF ADDISON COUXTY. b-J All these men are believed to be now dead. The deaths of those known are as follows : Nathan Griswold, died at Waltham, July 17, 1811, aged 85 years; David GiaswoLD, at New Haven, August 11, 1820, in his 60th year; Adonijaii Griswold, at Green County, Illinois, in 1847, aged 88 years ; Eli Roberts, at Vergennes, in 180G, age unknown; Durand Roberts, at Ferris- burgh, in 1817, aged 57 years ; Peter Ferris, at Panton, in 1811, aged 92 years ; Squirw Ff.hris, at Vergennes, March 12, 1849, aged 87 years." The follovriiig information was communicated by MiLo Stow, Esq., of Wcybridge, son of Clark Stow, one of the captives men- tioned below, and published in the Middlebury Register, August 30, 1854. A short memorandum, Avhich we have seen in their family records, of their capture, imprisonment, and the death of David Stow, in the hand-writing of Clark Stoav, authenticates the principal facts. '* Noveinbor 8, 1778, a marauding party of British, Indians and tories, invaded the fjuiet homes of four families in this vicinity, being the only inhabitants in Wcybridge, burned their houses and effects, killed their cattle and hogs, and took Thomas Sanford, and his son Robert, David Stow^ and his son Clark, Claudius Brittel and his son Claudius, and Justus Sturdevant, and car- ried them prisoners to Quebec. The four wives and their young children, for eight or ten days, occupied an out-door cellar of Mr. Sanford, at this place, till our troops from Pittsford came to their rescue. David Stow died in prison, December 31st, 1778. Thomas Sanfokd, and two others from Vermont, Gifford and Smith, esca}]^d from prison, and after wandering through Maino and New Hampshire, reached their families. The rest of the prisoners, after extreme suffering were discharged in 1782." * * A handsome marble monument has recently been erected on the site of the out-door cellar, in Avhich the ivomen and children found shelter, in memory of the capti-vity of these men. The pedestal, base, die and cap, make the height about eight feet. Ihe above is the insci'iption on one side. Not fiir from this monument, is a remarkable slide, on the bank of Otter Creek. It occurred in the fore part of July, 1819. Ciiaeles Wales, -vrith his family and mother resided in a house ou the f^round, and in the course of the dav, tlie house 12 86 IIISTOKY OF Ai'I^lSUN COl'MV. The following, in addition to the above, "svc have received dii'cctly from Mr. Stow. The prisoners, on their arrival at Quebec, were for a time kept on board a prison ship ; but v.ere afterwards re- moved to a prison on land. While there thej dug through the walls of the prison and escaped, but were retaken and reconuiiitted, except Thomas Saneoiid and one or two othci-s frora Vermont, who, after wandering a long time through the Avilderncss of Kew Hamp- shire and Maine reached their families.* Those Avho were recom- mitted dug nearly through the wall a second thne, and a large pro- portion of them, in the spring of 1780, were sent ninety miles down the St. Lava-encc, and Avcre there set to work. But Clat.k Stow beinc; then younir, was selected by a French ladv. and cm- ployed by her as a house servant, until he, with the rest, was ex- ciiangcd and released in 1782. After his release in October he went to Great Barrington, Mass., to which the family had revnoved, and in March, 1783, they returned to Y\''cybridge. The following account of the capture of some of the inhabitants of Bridport, their imprisonment and escape, w"e have abridged from the account of Bridport, given by I\Ir. THOMPSON, in the first edi- Ecenicd to tremble and crack, for wliich the inmates could not account. But in the OYcninj; they bcc:tnic alarmed, and left tiie liouse, but Mr. Wales stood still on the ground, ijctwecn nine and ten o'clock in the evening, the land, to the extent of nsarly two acres, suddenly sank about eighteen feet perpendicularly, the niau going doAvn with it was not hurt, but escaped to the bank. The house went down and was shattered to pieces, and the cellar and chimney were never found. The bank of the creek rested on a body of blue clay, which was crushed out by the incumbent soil and ejected into and across the river, forming a solid and imj"ene- trable dam, which staj'ed the whole current of the creek, until nine or trn o'clock the next morning. A similar slide of less extent tcok place since^ near by, on the farm of B>:xjamin WAi.ra, and near his house. * Wo have tlie following story from undoubted authority. AVhca Mr. Saxiord was captured he liad two horses and a colt which wci'c left behind without any one to take care of them. He returned, as related above, after three 3 cars absence, expecting to find his horses dead. But he found them alive, except the colt, which the Indians shot. They had lived on the Beaver Meadows, in t!ie neighborhood, and were found some distance from wJicre Sanford left them. They had become ■very Avild; but SA.NFOni) had given each of tlicm a name, and wlicn he called them by their names they came to him nw'i were easily taken, tlicy recognizing cilli'jr their u:um.s or their mailer's voice. HislOEY OP ADDISON COUXTY. 8T tion of Lis Gazetteer. The facts, it is presumed, vrere obtained from some of the party, as all but one were then alive. NxVTHAN Smith, Marshall Smith and Joiix Ward, who had just been married, Avho had ventured to remain on their farms, in Bridport, while most of the inhabitants had removed, being together on the 4t}i day of November, 1778, were taken by a party of British, under Major Carletox. He collected in that vicinity thirt\'-nine prisoners, men and boys. They were put on board a, vessel in the lake and carried prisoners to Canada. They reached Quebec December 6, and were kept in prison sixteen months and nineteen days. In the spring of 1780, after two dreary v/inters, in Avhich several of the party died, the prisoners had liberty to remove thirty leagues down the llivcr St. Lawrence, to Avork. About forty went, among whom were the two Smiths and Ward. They landed the first of May, on the south side, where the river was twenty-seven miles wide. In the night of the 13th, eight of the prisoners took a batteau and crossed the river and* landed in v. perfect wilderness. They here separated into two parties, Justus Stuudevant. of Weybridge joining the three Bridport men. They ^ traveled by night, and when in the neighborhood of settlements, secreted themselves in the woods by day. They occasionally met Frenchmen, who appeared friendly ; but on the 20th, vrhen nearly opposite Quebec, they called on tvrq Frenchmen for aid in crossing a swollen river. One of them stated that he was an officer, and dared not let them pass. lie seized his gun a,nd declared them prisoners. The other took up an axe, and both stood against the door to prevent their escape. Nathan Smith said to his comrades, "wo must go," and seized the man with the gun, and the other prisoners laid hold of the other Frenchman, and they thrust them aside, and all escaped except Sturdevant, who remained a prisoner until the close of the war. Some days after, four Indians, armed with guns and knives, came upon them, but they sprang into the woods and escaped, and traveled all night until noon the next day, when being not flxr from Three Hivcrs, they lay dov/n and slept. Bat soon each was awakened by an Indian having fast hold of him. They were committed to prison at Three Rivers. Three sides of 88 IIISTOUV OF ADDISON COUXTY. the pridon wove of stone, the otliei* of vrood. After being in prison three weeks, tliey began to cut into the v.'ooden wall with a jack-knife, and in a week liad cut through it sufficiently to escape into an adjoining room. Having drawn a week's provisions, they cut up their bed clothes, and lot themselves down, so near the window of the room below, that they saw the officers there assembled, and were not more than a rotl from the sentinel in his box. Tlience they continued to travel by night, and lay by in the day time. To supply themselves with food, they took a lamb in one place and a turkey and other fowls in others. They kept off from the river to avoid the Indians, who they learned were in pursuit of them, and had been offered a bounty for their apprehension. They at length crossed the St. Lawrence and traveled to the River Sorel, and thence through the wilderness, with incredible hardships and Buffering, having killed an ox on the way for their sustenance, and at length arrived at the house of Asa Hemenavay, in Bridport, which alone had survived the desolations of the war. The next day they reached the picket fort at Pittsford. From the time of their escape, ninety miles below Quebec, including their imprison- ment, they had not changed their clothes, and had few left to bo changed. The following graphic account of the capture and imprisonment of Peter Ferris, and his son Squire Ferris, with some antece- dent and accompanying events, is an extract from an article pub- lished in the " Vergennes Vermont er^'''' February 2G, 1845, which was written by Philip C. Tucker, Esq. The facts contained in it were communicated to him by Squire Ferris in his lifetime. " In October, 1776, upon the retreat of General Arnold up the lake with the American fleet, after the battles fought near Yal- cour Island, he run the remaining part of his vessels, four gun boats and the galley, " Congress," which Arnold himself com- manded, into a small bay, which still bears the name of "Arnold's Bay," and the shores of which were upon Mr. Ferris's farm. Some of the remains of those vessels are yet visible, though they were all partly blown to pieces and sunk when Arnold abandoned them. An incident of their destruction, not known to history, is HISTORY OF ADDItON COUNTY. ?r hunt, on the west side of ttie lake. When near the mouth of Butnam'.s Creek, about six miles south of Crown Point, they were seized by a body of British soldiers and tories, conunanded by Colonel Carle- ton, and carried on board the schooner j\Iaria. then lying at Crown Point, near the mouth of Bulv,;iggy Bay. They were the first prisoners taken in the great attempt of the British to sweep the shores of the lake of those inhabitants, who were friendly to the re- publican cause. On the same night, detachments from this vessel burnt nearly all the houses aloiig the lake from Bridport to Ferris- burgh, making prisoners of the male inhabitants, and leaving the women and children to suiFering and starvation. ]Mr. Ferris's house and all his other buildings were burnt. Forty persons were brought on board the next day ; and within a few days, the number reckoiied two hundred and forty-four ; part of which were put on board the schooner Carleton of sixteen guns, which then lay at the mouth of Great Otter Creek. The forces, which came out in the ]Maria and Carleton, were originally destined for an attack upon Rutland, but their object having become known by the escape of an American prisoner, Lieut. Benjamin Everest, that project was abandoned, and they were employed in desolating the country, and stripping it of its inhabitants. The vessels proceeded with their prisoners to St. HI.>T:>ilY OV ALVDISOX CUUNTY. !)1 John:?: from tlicnce they were marched to Sorel, and it vras the in- tention of the captors to have continued their march down the St. Lawrence to Quebec. xVt Sorcl they crossed the St. Lawrence, and soon after a heavy snow storm came on, which making it impossible to continue the march, trains Averc seized in all directions, and on these they were driven to Quebec, lierc they were confined in pris- on. Soon after some of them having contrived to escape, they were divided, and about one hundred of them wero sent down the river one hundred miles and employed in getting out timber for building barfacks. ]Mr. Ferris and his son wcj-e sont among this number in the month of January j 770. In the spring folloAving nine of thep ri:;- oners, among whom were Mr. Ferris and his son, seized a battcau in the night, in wliich they crossed to the east side of the river, Avherc it was fifLCon miles wide. On landing they set the batteau adrift, separated into two parties, and made the best of their way up the river. They had brought provisions with them, and avoid- ing the settlements, and traveling only in the night, the party, with which the two Ferrises remained, arrived opposite the Three Rivers on the fourth day. They crossed in the night, but were discovered and retaken. The remainder of the ])arty did not get so far, Jiav- ing been retaken by a body of Indians in the neighborhood of Que- bec. The party of the Ferrises were put into jail at Three Rivers, where they remained eighteen months. During this time they made one attempt to escape, but were discovered and were then placed in a dungeon for sevcnty-tvro days. At this time the father and son were separated. " Squire Ferris, the son, describes the dungeon where he was confined, as an apartment eight feet hy ten, and so low that he could not stand up in it. and that the one occupied by his father adjoined it, and was of the same character. The only light was admitted by a small hole about eight by ten inches in size, which vras crossed by iron grates. The hole which admitted this light was level with the ground, and the water from the eaves of the jail poured through it into the dungeon, whenever it rained. The straw given them to sleep on was frequently wet in this way, and the confined air. dampness and filth, not to be avoided, made their suffer- 9:2 niSTOllY OF ADDISON COUNTY. ini^s of the severest kind. "While they -were confined here, another phxce was prepared for them, to -which they Avcre transferred after the dungeon suffering of seventy-two days. This place was oppo- site the guard room, and upon being removed to it, they were told, ' you damned rebels, you can't get out of this.' Here the father and son were again put together in the same room. " The place was not however so impregnable as was supposed, for in about six weeks tlie prisoners made an excavation under the wall, in the night, and made their escape. There were six prisoners in the room at this time. Upon escaping, the parties separated, Mr. Ferris and* his son remaining together. They went up the river nearly opposite Sorcl, vrhere, two days afterwards, they crossed the St. Lawrence in a canoe, and took to the woods. Their design was to reach New Hampshire, but having lost their Vi-ay in the woods they struck jSIissisque Hiver, down which they went a few miles, and Avcre again retaken hy a British guard, who were with a party getting out timber, and by them were carried again prisoners to St. Johns. They were taken twenty-one days after their escape, and had been nineteen days in the woods, during all vfhich time they had only a four pound loaf of wheat bread, one pound of salt beef and some tea for food. They made their tea in a tin quart cup, and produced fire by a flint and the blade of a jack-knife. For four days before they were retaken, they had nothing for food but tea, and were so weak they could hardly walk. The forces at St. Johns were then commanded by Col. St. Legcr, a brutal drunlc- ard, who ordered the prisoners to be ironed together, and put them in a dungeon for fourteen days. At the end of which time, and ironed hand in hand to each other, they were sent to Chamblee, and from there by the rivers Sorel and St. Lawrence to Quebec. At Quebec they were returned to their old prison, in which they remained until June 1782, when they Avere brought from thence to Whitehall and there exchanged for British prisoners. From their capture to their exchange was three years and eight months. After the escape of the Ferrises from below Quebec, the prisoners, which remained in prison at Quebec were divided, and a part placed on board a prison ship in the river. Soon afterward, camp fever, as HISTOllY OF ADDISON COUNTY. ^6 it vras tlieacalleJ, broke out among tliem, and many of them died. Of the two hundred and forty-four prisoners taken in the neighbor- hood of Lake Champlain, in November 1778, and carried to Canada in the schooners IMaria and Carleton, only forty-eight were known to have returned. The elder Ferris died in the year 1811, at the age of ninety-two ; and of the other forty-seven. Squire Ferris, of Vergennes, his son and fellow prisoner, is supposed to be the only survivor. * Several of these prisoners received pensions from the general Government, but Squire Ferris, their companion in sufierings, though poor and needy, and though an applicant for many years, has never received the bounty of his country.'' Besides those mentioned above, the following persons, of whose captivity we have no definite information, were taken and carried to Quebec at the same time : Benjamin Kellogg and Joseph Everest, of Addison. I\iajor Orin Field, of Cornwall, has furnished us vath a detailed and interesting account of the capture and imprisonment of the late Benjamin Stevens, of that town, as he received it from Mr. Stevens, a relative, in whose family he resided. He vras captured with three others, in U boat on Lake Champlain, near Split Rock, in Charlotte, in May, 1779. Being pursued by the tories and Indians from the shore, and one of the men, Jonathan Bowley, being killed by a shot from the pursuers, they surrendered. Ste- vens was then seventeen years old and resided in Rutland County, lie not then residing m this County, and therefore not strictly within our province, we give only an abstract of Major Field's narrative. The prisoners were taken to Chamblee, " thrust into a small prison, ironed two together and fed for nine days on no other food than dry peas uncooked. From thence they were taken to Quebec, where Mr. Stevens spent three Nevf Year's days in one room." Twice they made their escape, and after traveling a long time in a destitute and suffering condition, ^t one time in the dead of winter, and a part of the time living on roots and the bark of trees, until one of the party died, they were retaken and recommitted, and in June, 1782, were exchanged at Whitehall. Mr. Stevens settled in Cornwall in 1792, and died June 16, 1815, aged 53 years. * t-dTJiUE Ferris died at Vevgcunes, March 17, 181'.t, aged 87 years. 18 94 HISTORY OF ADDISO:^ COLNTT. CHAPTER IX. AGRICULTURE — WHEAT — TRAKSITIONFROM GRAI-N TO STOCK — SHEEP. The tract of land west of the mountains, embracing the valleys of Lake Champlain and Otter Creek, when first cleared up. was as celebrated for the production of wheat as Vt'^estern New York Las since been. It was the principal staple among the productions of the County. The following facts will give some idea of the value of this crop. At the close of the last war with Great Britain, the people of the County Avere almost hopelessly in debt. At the June term of the County Court in 1817, the number of civil causes en- tered at that term, amounted to more than five hundred, and nearly all for the collection of debts. This pressure of indebtedness was wholly relieved by the crops of wheat raised in the County. The very cold, dry and unproductive season of 1816, had rather in- creased than diminished the pressure. But the following season of 1817, brought to the relief of the farmers more luxuriant crops, especially of Avheat, than any other within our recollection. The excessive drouth of 1816 had prepared the stifiest soils to be thoroughly pulverized by tilling. Large fields were sown ; the season, with its gentlo and frequent shoAvers and genial sunshine, was most favorable, and the crops singularly abundant. The winter following, the price of wheat in Troy, the principal market, was from two dollars to two dollars and tvrenty-five cents a bushel ; the sleighing v»-as excellent, and was fiiithfully and industriously improved by the farmers, and the large returns brought great relief to them. The favorable crops which followed had, three years after, in June, 1820, reduced the whole number of new causes entered, to ninety-eight. But the insects, rust and frost have, in late years, greatly dimin- HISTCEY Oi^ ADDISO> CoU^fTY. 95 ishccl the crop and discouraged the farmers. But it is thought the farmers might, without much trouble, raise sufficient for the bread of the County, if they did not choose to direct their attention to more profitable husbandry. Good crops of corn and potatoes, and large crops of beets, carrots and other roots for stock are produced, and the latter are becoming common among the farmers. Except on the hills and rising grounds, the soil is generally too stiff to bo advantageously cultivated for these crops. But most farmers have patches of land suitable for raising them in sufficient quantities for their own use. Oats are produced on almost any of the lands, which the farmers have courage to till sulHciently. Bye, barley and buckwheat arc also raised to some extent. But the soil of the County is best adapted to the production of grass and the raising of stock. And no County perhaps, in this or any other State can exhibit a finer or more abundant display of horses, cattle or sheep. It is the common opinion of farmers, that grass, grown on the clay or marl lands of the County, is much more nutricious, than that which is grown on lighter soils. The editor of the Albany Cultivator^ in the number for July, 1845, after visiting Addison County, says: " Judging from appearances, it is our opinion, that we have never seen any other land, which is capable of sustaining as much stock to the acre."' " Stock of all kinds v/ill and do actually fatten on this hay. It is a fact that oxen bought in the fall, in only store condition, if properly sheltered and fed on this hay, become in the spring fit for slaughter, and are sent to Brighton market Avithout any other feeding." For this reason, and because of the failure of the wheat crop, the farmers have, for the last twenty or thirty years, directed their attention to the raising of stock, and especially of sheep. One evil has resulted from this change in the agriculture of the County. The business of grazing requires large farms to satisfy the ambition of the enterprising ; and the large profits have enabled the more wealthy to crowd out the smaller land owners and send them to the west. The result has been, that, in several of the principal agricultural towns, the number of the farmers, and of cours3 of the population has con- siderably diminished. 96 nisTorwT of AV.msoy corxiY. Instead of goin;f into a detailed history of the transition from the former to the present branch of .agriculture ; or the cause of the change, ttg take the liberty to quote several passages from an excellent "address delivered at the annual fair of the Addison County Agricultural Society, October 1st, 1844," by lion. Silas IT. Jenison, late 2;overnor of the State, then a resident of Shore- ham, but since deceased. lie was a practical farmer and ■well acquainted with the subject. Heforring to the earliest history of agriculture in the County he says : " Among other products of the soil, it was found as favora- ble to the production of wheat as any other section of the country then open to the agriculturist. "Wheat consequently early became the staple product of the county." '■ Addison County became noted for the quantity and qua,lity of the wheat. The whole force of the farm was directed to the increase of this crop." " During the third period of ten years, extending to 1820, the high price of wheat continued to influence the business of the farmer. Many fields had been by successive cropping, exhausted of their native fertility. Wheat, when sowed to the extent it had been raised for years before, became a less profitable crop. Farmers were awaking to the importance of manuring their old fields." And this conviction. Governor Jenison represents, was a reason that the farmers gave more attention to the raising of cattle for the purpose of providing manure for their wheat crops, and he adds : " The number and quality of our cattle was increased and im- proved. With riiany farmers, the raising of cattle for market became the leading business. The cattle from the County began to be prized in market, and Addison became as noted for the excel- lence of its cattle, as for its wheat. The excellent grazing qualities of the soil were known and appreciated. Indeed, I have heard it remarked, that the butchers of Brighton could distinguish, by the appearance and feel, the fat cattle from this part of Vermont, from those in market from other places ; and that cattle from this part of the State, of the same apparent flesh, had the preference with them, opening better, having a greater quantity of tallow and beef of superior quality and flavor." HISTORY or ADDISO^^ C(JUXTY. 97 " A circumstance, referable to this period, has had great influence on the subsefjuent pursuits and prosperity of the farming interest of the County. Several individuals, awakened to the wants and capabilities of the country, by privations and embarrassments expe- rienced during the interruption of our commerce with foreign countries before and during the war with Great Britain, did, at great expense, and incurring the penalty of all innovators — being laughed at by their neighbors — introduce into the County the Merino sheep. Among the foremost in this beneficent vrork, were Refine Weeks, Daniel Chipman, George Cleveland, and Horatio Seymour." "During the next period of ten years, bringing us to ISoO, the agriculture of the County appears to have been in a transition state." "While some of the farmers had, as a main business of the farm, embarked in rearing cattle, and others in increasing their sheep, many had not abandoned the idea, that wheat might still be a staple product of the County for exportation. They still per- sisted in the business, notwithstanding the increasing failures of the crop, caused by the exhaustion of the soil, ravages of the Hessian fly, spring killing, blight or rust. But in 1827 or 1828, an ene- my to the wheat crops appeared, which baffled all the efibrts of the farmer to evade. The insect commonly, but improperly, called the weevil — that name belonging to an insect that preys on the wheat after it is fully ripened and harvested. The insect alluded to is a small, orange-colored maggot, and commits its depredations on the berry, while in the milky state, leaving the head and almost disap ■ pearing from the grain, when ripe. By a late writer in the Cul- tivator^ it is called the wheat midge. As early as 1829, its rav- ages had increased so that, in some towns, in the County, scarcely a field escaped." " When the wheat crop failed, those engaged in the business had to resort to some other branch of farming. The tenacious quality of much of the soil of the County, forbid the cultivation of hoed crops, and the raising of pork, as a substitute. I have before remarked, that the Merino sheep had been spread through the County with wonderful rapidity. Indeed, so rapidly was the char- 9'S HISTORY OF ADDISOX COUNTY. actcr of the flocks changed, that as early as lH2-x. In nisny tovcnSj a considerable flook of native sheep could not be found." Of the raising of horses, as a department of agriculture, Gov. Jenison has not particularly treated. In ^vhat wo have further to say. we propose to speak, separately of sheep, horses and cattle. And first of saEEP. In the address from vrhich we have so largely quoted, Governor Jenison says, "The increased prices obtained for ayooI, and tho avidity with v/hich it was sought in market, after the passage of the tariff act of 1828, pointed to that business as more lucrative than any other. A majority of tlie farmers eagerly engaged in increasing their flocks of sheep. The result has been, that Addi- son County had in 184:0, in proportion cither to territory or popula- tion, a greater nujubcr of sheep, and produced more wool than any other county in the United States. To show the truth of this remark, I refer to facts drawn from the statistical tables ac- companying the census returns of 1840, and from other sources. There arc nine States which had more than one sheep to each in- habitant, to-wit : Pennsylvania, Virginia, I^Iaine, Kentucky, Con- necticut and Ohio, with a portion more than one : New Hampshire and New York had about two and one-fourth, and Vermont had five and three-fourths to each inhabitant. Should territory be regarded, Vermont will be found to have 185, New York 112, and New Hampshire 65 to the square mile." • " Addison County, when compared with the other counties in the State, will be found to have eleven and six-hundredths, Rut- land eight and eighty-five hundredths, Grand Isle seven and four hundredths, and Bennington six and nineteen hundredths to each inhabitant. If territory be regarded, Addison has three hundred and seventy-three, Grand Isle three hundred and thirty-four, Rutland tv/o hundred and eighty-three, Windsor two hundred and sixty-one, Orange two hundred and forty and Chittenden two hun- dred and twenty-one to a square mile." " This array of figures is no idle speculation. They represent facts, which show the immense UliTOllY OF ADLHSON COUNTY. 99 stake tho f.irmjr.^ of Addison County possess in tliis branch of husbandrj.'' If -we had the timo and the resolution, wo shouhl like to dravr a similar eJoirfparisou^froni tho census of 1850. But avo have neither. In order, however, to give as good an idea as "sve arc able, of v/hat has been and is tiio amount of transactions in this denartnicnt, we have collected from a few of the principal f;irmcrs, who are engaged in this business, some facts relating to their operations. The design of them all has been to improve their flocks, as well by breeding as purchasing, that they ni;iy be able to supply tlie market with the bc3t wool and best shecp- Rolliu J. Jones, Esq., of Cornwall, having dcciiled in 1844, to engage in sheep husbandry, proceeded to malce careful selections from several of the best pure blood Spanish Merino flocks in New England, in every instance paying for a first choice. In his fost purchase, he expended about two thousand dollars. From these have been bred his present flock, and those he has sold of that breed. And his experience in breeding this class of sheep, has more and more confirmed him as to their value. Sales luive been made of these in most of the New England, Middle and "Western States. In many places, where they have beeu introduced, they have ob- tained premiums at State and County fairs over numerous compet- itors. In 1849, S. B. Pbockwell, Esq., of the same place, now re- siding in Middlebury, became associated with him as a partner. Messrs. Jones and Rockwell, since their connection, have been em- inently successful. In 1852, owing to repeated applications for French Sheep, wdiich had been introduced into the country about six years before, they invested in the purchase of these sheep ^p2,200 ; a part of which included a first choice from the flock of Merrill Bingham. These sheep, they say, were the most perfect of the kind they had ever seen. In 1853, they purchased of Soloman W. Jewett, of Weybridge, one entire shipment of French Sheep, imported by him in April of that year. These purchases, with some subsequently made, cost $18,000. For several years previous to the spring of 1855, when this information was communicated, their annual sales vatied from eidit to twelve thousand dollars. For 100 IIISTOIIY OF ADDISON COUNTY. the eyliteen months next preceding, tliey amounted to $86,000. They have been in the practice, as many of the principal dealers have heen, of taking; their sheep for sale to the Western States, es- pecially to Ohio. Their flock on hand, at the date above mentioned, numbered six hundred, one half imported French Merinos, and their descendants. They have a high opinion of the French as well as Spanish Merinos, and th'.nk a cross betvfccn these breeds -would ])c advantageous. William R. Sanford, Esq., of Orwell, and Messrs. William S. and Edwin Hammond of Middlebury, have, for several years, been extensively engaged in breeding and dealing in sheep. For our convenience we treat of the operations of these parties together, as they have been, to some extent, connected, and much of our infor- mation relating to both, has been obtained from Edwin Ilammand. Esq. They both breed the pure Spanish Merinos, descendants of the flock, which Col. Humphreys, who was at the time American Minister to Spain, imported into Connecticut in 1802, or of the flocks, which W^illiam Jarvis, Esq., then American Consul in Spain, iniported in 1809, 1810 and ISll. These they greatly prefer to any more recently imported, or to any other breed. The usual flock of Mr. Sanford numbers from 250 to 500. Messrs. Hammond's flock, at this time, (1855) numbers 400, including lambs. The sales of both have been uniformly made at home. In a communication from Mr. Sanford, published in the Albany Cultivator^ for September 1844, he says : "In 1829, I purchased of Messrs. Grant and Jenison of Walpole, N. II., twenty old full blood JJerino ewes, which were purchased by them, when lambs, of Hon. Mr. Jarvis, and warranted full blood. These I have kept dis- tinct and pure, and from them have reared a flock. The ewes yield an average of four pounds and over to the fleece of clean, hand- some wool. ]\Iessrs. Grant and Jenison, bought these sheep from Mr. Jarvis before the Saxony sheep were introduced into the coun- try, and were of course pure ; and since I have had them, I have taken a good deal of pains and trouble to keep them so. I have purchased three superior bucks from Mr. Jarvis, and by using them and my own rearing have kept them jaire.'' Since the above. Mr. niSTOP.T Oi- ADDISOX COUXTY. 101 Sanford has mide several purchases, to a large amount, of descend- ants of Col. Humphreys' flock. At the National Exhibition .of cattle and horses, at Boston, in October 1855, Mr. Sanford obtained the second premium on Spanish Merino bucks, t^ivo years old and over ; the first premium on bucks under two years old, and on ewea the two first premiums; and at the Vermont State Fair at Rutland, in September of that year, the first premium on Spanish Merino buck lambs and evre ]aml)s. In 1844, Messrs. Hammond, wishing to improve their flock and extend their operation?, examined the most important flocks in several New England States, and among others, that belonging to Stephen Atwood, of WatertoA^n, Conn., and selected and purchased from his flock, thirty, and in the next four years several more. These Mr. xVtwood had from Col. Humphreys' flock, under such circumstances, that he had satisfactory assurance that they were pure and free from Saxony and other breeds. From these their present flock has been bred. Mr. Sanford and the Messrs. Hammond, having, for several yeara increased and improved their flocks by breeding '• in and in," were desirous of finding other sheep, at least as good as theirs, to cross with them, and Mr. Sanford, in behalf of both parties, went to Europe for the purpose of examining the best flocks in the different countries, and of purchasing the best he could find. He examined the most distinguished in Spain and France. In the former country he found none which he was willing to import ; in the latter ho purchased twenty French Merinos. He went then into Germany, and, with the advice and aid of the American Consul, at Stuttgard, who had made himself thoroughly informed on the subject, and who accompanied him for a fortnight, he examined the most celebrated flocks in the different States of Germany, and extended his examina- tion as far as Prussia, and there purchased twenty Silesian sheep. These and the French sheep he imported. The French are much larger than the Spanish Merinos, or their descendants, with fleeces in proportion. But Mr. Hammond states, that the wool is not so even, varying in different parts of the body. The Silesian sheep nre Braaller than the Spanish, but the wool is fine. Thev did not 14 ' 102 HISTORY OF ADLIiON COrNTY. regard either of those as an improvement of their flochs and imme- diately sold them. Mr. Edwin Hammond tliinks the Spanish sheep have improved greatly since their importation into this country, and especially in this County; and that there are better sheep in the County of Addi- son than in any other part of the world. This opinion is founded on his own personal examination of many of the best flocks in this country, and the examination by Mr. Sanford and others of the most celebrated flocks in Europe, lie ofibrcd, he said, to INir. Sanford, on his going to Europe, one thousand dollars for a pair of imported sheep, as good as his, with a vievr of crossing them witli his present flock ; but Mr. Sanford found none such during his tour. The price of Mr. Hammond's sheep has increased every year. In 1853 their sales amounted to $7,000 ; in 1854 they sold two ewes for .*5l200, and six others for 5p200. Their bucks that year Avere sold from ;|i;500 down to ^10 — the latter being culls. The whole averaged ■^yld, each. They have this year (1855.) sheared from two two year old bucks, 22 and 23 pounds; in 1854, from one yearling ewe 12, and from one tv*'0 year old ewe 13 pounds. The wool was not washed on the sheep, but was clean. Solomon AY. Jevrctt, Esq., of Weybridge. had for many years boon an extensive dealer in grade sheep. In 1843 he began to interest himself in pure blood sheep. He purchased of the de- scendants of the Merinos imported by Col. Humphreys, Mr. Jarvis and others. Among others he purchased the celebrated buck '• Fortune," a descendant of Mr. Jarvis's importation. I*\Ir. Jewett raised from that buck al)Out 200 lambs annually, Avliich he sold ffom ten to twenty-five dollars, and some as high as iv|;50 each. He sold several sheep sired by this buck, to Henry S. Randall, Esq., of Cortland Village, N. Y., on which he received the first and second premiums at the State Fair at Poughkeepsie in 1844, and with which, together with Mr. Jewett's buck, he published a challenge for competition to the whole country. In 1845, Mr. Jewett imported from England ten Spanish Meri- nos from the flock of Lord Weston, of Essex, who was the most noted brooder, and had the best flock of Spanish sheep in England. niSTOnY 07 ADDISON COUNTY. 103 Six hundred of these sheep, he states, having been presented, in 1803, to George III. That king gave Lord Weston the privilege of selecting from the flock, when first landed at Plymouth. These Mr. Jewett thinks were much inferior to the best flocks in this country. From the above, and some other additions, he kept for several years a flock of from 500 to GOO blooded sheep. In 1851, Mr. Jewett went to Europe, for the purpose of examin- ing and purchasing sheep, and has been twice since for the samo purpose. In France he purchased, at fifteen or twenty shipmerfts, seven hundred French Merinos, which he selected from the three best flocks in that country, owned by Messrs. Gilbert, Cugnot and Guerin, and a few from the government flock at Rambouillet. These sheep, including expenses cost about i>;55,000. He has sold most of these at an average of about ^100, each, the sales amounting to from 15 to 20,000 dollars annually. He sold one pair, a buck and ewe at $600. lie also imported from Spain in 1854, ten sheep, through Mr. Haddock, the American Minister to Portugal ; but not being such as he wished to keep, he butchered them. As to the relative value of the different breeds of sheep, Mr. Jewett's opinion is, that, if the farmer's object is to raise mutton, as well as wool, the French ]\Ierinos of the first quality are the best ; but for wool only, the Spanish. He has had an opportunity, not only for a personal examination of the best flocks in this country and in Europe, but has examined the published accounts of the weight of the fleeces of Spanish sheep in both countries, and his opinion is that they have greatly improved in this country since their importation. Referring particularly to the flock of the Messrs. Hammond of Middlebury, he expressed the opinion, that the fleeces of their sheep exceed, by one third or more, the fleeces of the native Spanish sheep. Indeed he expresses the decided opinion, that their flock is the hest flock in the world. Alonzo L. Bingham and Merrill Bingham, brothers of Cornwall, have been as long and as extensively engaged in the sheep business as any other farmers in the County. They have been not only large breeders but large purchasers ; and have sold large numbers for many years in the Western, Middle and Southern States. FrOm 104 HI.-3T0RT OF ADDISON COU.^TT. Merrill Bingham personally, v.e liavc hud no information. From Alonzo L. Bingbain, ■we learn that he has been engaged in the breeding, purchasing and selling sheep for twenty years. He, for many years and until 184G, devoted his attention exclusively to Spanish Merinos, purchased from different importers. In 1846, he commenced breeding French Merino3, and has im- ported large numbers through John A. Taintcr, Esq., of Hartford, Conn. He now prefers the French sheep, and gives his T.'hole at- tention to them. "When his attention was given to the Spanish, ho had a flock of twelve hundred, — although not always so many — and raised annually from four to five hundred. &ince he com- menced with French sheep, his flock has been less ; but he has raised from them annually more than he has ewes, — many of them having twins. At the State fair in the fall of 1855, he received not less than nine premiums on different classes of French sheep. In the Vermont Reghter of May 31st, 1854, we find an article containing a statement of his sales from September 1st 1853, to May 1st, 1854, from which we collect the following summary. The sheep were French Merinos, and the amount of sales, during the above mentioned eight months, was ^43,302,50. All but the amount of §7,033, which were sold by an agent at the west, were sold by himself on his farm in Cornwall, to persons living in each of the States of Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, Missouri, Connecticut and Vermont. He states also, that his sales of sheep for the last year,* have amounted to between thirty and forty thousand dollars ; and that the average price for which his French sheep have been sold, is ^175. ]\Ir. Bingham thinks, that both the Spanish and French sheep are greatly improved by being raised in this County. He says it is admitted, all over the west, that the sheep of Addison Coiiuty are superior to any others ; and that Mr. Tainter, who has been a large importer, says, that he found no such Spanish sheep in Europe, as in this County, and that French sheep are also greatly improved here. * We'wish the reader to bear in miud, that the materials for these chapters were obtained in 1855 and the chapters Tvrittea at that time, HISTORY OF ADDI80> OjUXTY. 10-5 As a specimen of the weight of Mr. Bingham's fleeces, at hh f'heep-shearing in 1852, (we have no later information) we give the follov.'ing extract from an editorial article in the Midtllcbury Hcg-- isf.er of May 26th of that year. "We select the following particu- lar instances from those sheared on the first day. CARCASS. FLESCS. 16 107 pounds. 21 pound 23 911 " 20 '• 25 134i " 23i " 26 891- "■ 19^ " 33 llli- " 18 " There were thirty-three sheared on that day, " nearly or (juite all yearling ewes." The agriculturists named, are probably the most extensive deal- ers in the County. But there are many othci's, who are largely engaged in breeding and in the improvement of their flocks, in every part of the County; some of whom arc more or less also employed in the trafic. But we are not able to detail iheir operations. The raising of wool takes precedence of all other branches of farming in almost every town. We should be glad to avail ourselves of any means in our power to give a definite statement of the number of sheep, and the annual amount of the crop of wool in the County. We have spoken of the extenjsive trafio as an historical fact. But it is the breeding and improvement of the flocks, which is the more appropriate business of the agriculturist. The success which has attended this department has induced the trafic, to which vfe have re- ferred. The speculations and the extravagant prices and profits, which have arisen from this source may to some extent die away, when the country is more generally supplied with the best breeds ; but while the County sustains the reputation of raising the best sheep, there will be a market for them for recruiting aitd improving the flocks in less favored regions of the country. lOG HISTORY OF ADDISON COI'.NTY. CHAPTER CATTLE — HORSES. The standing of Vermont is generally Ktrilcingly sll0^vn by tlio reports of the Boston cattle market ; in As'liich the number from this State appears, from weclc to week, to be nearly double those of anj other New England State. Of these, Addison County, we believe, furnishes its full share ; and it is represented, that the exhibitions, at the annual County fairs, are not inferior to those of any other County. But the f irmers have made fewer eiforts in that depart- ment, than in those of sheep and horses. We regret that, with all our diligence, we have not been able to ascertain, from those who best know, what ciTorts have been made and the success which has attended them. At an early day, Thomas Byrd, Esq., of Vergen- nes, and soon after General Amos W. Barnum, of the same place, introduced into that neighborhood a considerable number of import- ed English breeds , and the full blood and cross breed of Ayer- shires, Herefords and Durhams, are quite common in the north part of the County, and, to some extent, prevail in other parts. Wight- man Chapman, Esq., then of Weybridge, kept on his farm, for eight or ten years, a very celebrated Ayershire bull, presented to him by John P. Cushing, Esq., of Massachusetts, which was es- teemed by many the best bull in the country. The editor of the Albany Culllvaior, v*'ho had examined him, in the number for August 1845, says : " He is a good bull, has a small clean head, clean limbs, a well shaped body and mellow skin. With the excep- tion of Mr. Archibald's bull, sent to the Poughkeepsie Show from Montreal, he is decidedly the best bull we have ever seen." The blood of this animal has been extensively diffused through the cattle in the central parts of the County. Governor Jenison, in the histoi:y of addisun county. 107 address, frcm ^^llicll we Lave so largely quoted, in referring to the " effects and general results of the introduction " of foreign breeds, sajs : "I venture tlio asseition, that where a favorite individual is found, could the pedigree be traced in most instances, j^ou would not go manj removes back before you Avould run against somo one of the imported improved breeds of stock." Eut the num- l)er of full bloods of any of these breeds is quite limited. Cyrus Smith Esq., of Vevn;ennes, has a celebrated Durham bull, which took the first premium at the State fair in Rutland, and at the Ad- dison County fair at Middlcbury this year, (1355) Alonzo L. Bing- ham of Coriiw.iH, obt'iiu^d S3vei'al premium?, at the State fair, 0!i Durham, Hereford aud Devon cattle. Horatio Piumley of New Haven, has a full blood Durham cow, from which he has raised several excellent calves, and obtained, at the County fair, the sec- ond premium on a bull, which v.'as one of them. W. R. Sanford, Esq., of Orwell, tvro or three years since, imported tv/o cows and one calf of the Devonshire breed, has bought a few since, and now has eight full bloods, besides two, whichhelately sold to the Messrs. Hammond of Middlebury, who from them have raised two calves. Mr. Sanford says, that the beef of this breed sells higher in Eng- land than any other. At the National Exhibition in Boston, and at the Vermont State fair, he received several premiums on Devon cattle. At the State fair Messrs. Hammond obtained the first pre- mium on bull calves of this breed. We are glad to learn that a movement is in contemplation for tho improvement of cattle in the County. HORSES, The reputation of the County, and the enthusiasm in the breed- ing of horses, among the farmers, do not suQer much in comparison with those in regard to sheep. Vermont horses have a reputation through the whole country. The original stock consisted of such as were common in the States from which the emifrrants came. In some of these States, and especially Connecticut, considerable efforts had been previously made to improve the stock. In the year 1810, Ep. Joiies, Esq., introduced and kept in Middlebury, for three or four years, a very beautiful, full-blood Arabian horse, 103 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. called the "Young Dej of Algiers." Ilis dcscendeiits formed a very excellent breed. But tlie farmers had not then come to ap- presiatc suincicntly the improvement in horses to patronize the high prices, ^vhich his services required, and he was removed. Since that, at various times, different stallions have been hcpt in the County, and among them the " Old Messenger," an imported En- glish horse, and his descendants ; from which the stock has been from time to time improved. The present prevailing stock consists of the different branches of the Morgan liorsc. These originated from the horse generally known by the name of the "Justin Morgan." This horse was ])rought, when two years old, by Justin Morgan, from Springfield, Mass., from which place he removed to Randolph, Vermont, in the year 1795, and was kept by him there until March, 1798, wlicn ISlr. jMorgan died. lie was then sold to William Ilice, of Woodstock. It docs not appear that ho was much thought of, or that much care Avas taken of him, until the excellence of his stock was revealed by his colts. His sire was the " True Britain, or Beautiful Bay," which was raised by Gen. Delancey, commander of the refugee forces on Long Island, and was afterwards kept one season by Justin Morgan. The True Britain was sired by the Traveller, an imported horse also owned by Gen. Delancey. The dam of the Justin Morgan was said to be a descendant of Wild Air, imported also by Gen. Delancey. Mr. Josliua Scott, of Vergennes, who has been acquainted with the Morgan horses from the first of that breed, has a record which traces back the pedigree of the sire and dam of the first jMorgan to the Arabian Horse Godolphin, in England, which we do not think of importance enough to insert liere. iSlr. Scott states that four of the colts of Justin Morgan were kept as stallions, and from them were derived the several branches of that breed ; to- wit : " Woodbury," owned and kept by Mr. Woodbury, at Rochester, Vermont, until twelve years old, and afterwards owned successively by Mr. Walker, of Chelsea, and Peter Burbank, of Newbury; "Sherman," owned by Mr. Sherman, of Barre, and afterwards kept by John Bellows, Esq., of Bellows Falls; " Bulrush," raised in Williamstown, and " Revenge," kept HISTORY OF dBDISON COU^xTY. 109 for a while in this State, and afterwards remaved. The dams of the Woodbury and Sherman were of English descent. Mr. Scott thinks that three-fourths of the horses now generally known as Morgan, are of the "Woodbury branch. Among the colts of the Woodbury was the Gifibrd. This was the sire of the Green Moun- tain Morgan, whose dam was also of that breed. This horse is or was owned by Silas Hale, of Barre, Mass., and, we believe, is the most noted of those known as Morgan horses. He was kept two seasons, a few years since, in Middlebury, in this County. The Gif- ford was also kept by Mr. i^'cott, in 1831, in the same place. The liacket dorse, owned and kept by Col. Hacket, in Middlebuiy, for several years, was sired by the GifFord, from a Woodury dam. The Flying Morgan, sired by the Ilacket horse, and owned by Riley Adams, of Burlington, and distinguished for his speed in trotting, v,' as for some time kept in this County. Woodbury 2d, raised by Mr. Scott, and now eight years old, is still kept by him in Vergennes, and is the only real Woodbury horse kept for mares in the County. Mr. Weissinger, one of the editors of the Louisville, Ky., Jour- nal, who, some ten years ago, made a tour through Vermont, and other eastern States, and took pains to examine the best horses of the general Morgan breed, as quoted by the CtiUivaior^ says, '■ There is no doubt whatever of this, that the breed of the Morgan horso was and is now, in the fev/ instances where it can be found, far the best breed of horses for general service, tl:at was ever in the United States, probably the best in the world; and it is remarkable, that this breed was and is now known by many striking peculiari- ties, common to ne;irly every individual." The old Woodbury Morgan, at twenty years old, was sold for ^1300. Mr. Hale says, " several stallions, begotten by Green Mountain Morgan," of which he was the owner, "have sold as high as $1500 ; many have brought prices ranging from $800 to $1200; geldings and mares from $300 to $800 ; few less than $200. The Woodbury and other breeds generally designated as Morgans, are less generally found in this County than in the eastern part of the State ; and in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, having been generally sold and removed. In 110 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. The Black Ila-wk and his descentlants arc more generally found here. This horse was sired by the Sherman Morgan, then owned by John Bellows, Esq., of Bellows Falls, and his dam was a largo black mare and fast trotter, and is s.iid to have been a halt-blood English, raised in New Brunswick. He was raised by Mr. Twom- bly, of Greenland, N. II.. and when four years old, was purchased by Benjamin Thurston of Lowell, Mass. In the year 1844, David Hill, Esq., of Bridport in this County purchased him of Mr. Thurston, and has kept him in that place ever since. Mr. Weissinger, from Avhora we have before quoted, says of him, " I think he deserves all the praise that has been bestowed on him. He is the finest stallion I ever saw. His legs are fiat and broad, shoulders well set back, loin and bock bone very strong, length of hip beyond anything I ever saw, as quick in breaking as the bullet from the rifle, head and neck faultless ; in motion, mouth open, crest sublime, legs carried finely under him, square and even, and fore legs bending beautifully." We might quote other printed descriptions and recommendations of him, but it does not comport with our design. Nearly all his colts more or less exhibit his traits. In this County they have become very common. Almost every farmer is anxious to obtain a Black HaAvk colt. He has also a high repu- tation in almost every State. Probably the stock of no horse, ever kept in this country, lias been so extensively known and so highly appreciated. Mr. Hill says, — " It is claimed by many of our best judges, that this is a new and permanent variety or breed. By this is meant that they possess peculiar points so uniform and dis- tinct from the immediate ancestors of Black Hawk, that he is justly entitled to be considered the parent or head of a distinct class." He says also, " Black HaAvk has sired, I think, fully one hundred colts a year, since I owned him. II is colts are now distributed throughout nearly all, if not all, the States of the Union, and several are in Canada. I know of some owned in every State except" five southern and south-western States. He says, "this breed of horses have great beauty and symmetry, are h.igh-spirited, yet docile and tractable : sre more generally adopted for light and HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. Ill rapid driving ; have great courage and endurance : many are adapted for the farmer's '' all work " horses, and few or none for the slow and heavy coach." i\Ir. Hill has furnished us the following information of the prices at which some of Black Hawk's colts have been sold. Fifty colts, including a few geldings, and mares, sold in Bridport, have averaged over ^600 each. Eight, sold by himself, consisting of four fillies, one gelding, two three year old and one four year old stallions have averaged over $700 each. " The following," ho says, "are a few of the most noted of this horse's stock, with prices paid or offered for them. Ethan Allen, iS;10,000, Red Leg, a geld- ing, ^1,750, Black Hawk Maid, a mare, $1,600. The above were all from the same dam, and raised by Joel W. Holcomb, of Ticonderoga, N. Y.. Belle of Saratoga, a mare raised by David Hill, |4,200; Know Nothing, a gelding, $5^500; David Hill, now in California, $10,000; Ticonderoga, $5,000; Hammitt colt, $5,000 ; Sherman Black Havfk, $5,000 ; Plato, three years old, $3,000 ; Flying Cloud, of Ohio, $-3,000 ; Rip Van Winkle, two years old, $2,000." Black Hawk * is now (1855) twenty-one years old, and there is so great demand for his services, that the price charged for each mare the present season is one hundred dollars. The Rutland and Burlington Rail Road, from Burlington to Bellows Falls, and passing through the whole length of this County, which was first opened about the first of January, 1850, has ad- vanced the prosperity of agriculture beyond any other influence. It has opened a direct and rapid communication with Boston and New York, which are adequate markets for all the agricultural productions of the County at high prices. The result has been to raise the price of all agricultural products. The price of lands in the vicinity, by the same means, has also been raised from 25 to 50 per cent, and in some cases doubled. And if those who have con- tributed so liberally for the construction of the road, have lost their whole investment, the farmers have gained as much. One obvious • Black Hawk has died since the abova was written. 112 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. benefit, resulting from this influence, has been to raise the amount and quality of the productions of the dairy. There is now no danger of getting any but good butter from any farmer. * * fce« Appendix No. 2, for agrJcultur.il and other products in the County. HISTORY OF ADLISUN COUNTY. Hi CHAPTER XL AGI'vICULTURAL SOCIETY — MEDICAL SOCIEXr. An agricultural society, at an early day, was formed in this County, and continued an annual fair for several years ; but soon declined for want of legislative encouragement. The legislature in 1843, passed an act to give encouragement for forming agricultural associations. This act authorizes the formation of agricultural societies in each County, which, when organized, become legal corporations with the usual powers necessary to accom- plish their design, and the object of them is declared ta be " to en- courage and promote agriculture, domestic manufactures and tho mechanic arts." The treasurer of the State is authorized to pay annually to each society a share of two thousand dollars, appropri- ated for the whole State, in proportion to the population of the County, in which it is established, provided that as large a sum shall have been otherwise raised. Under this act, a society was formed by a convention held at ]\Iid- dlebury, on the 22d of January 1844, by the name of "The Addi- son County Agricultural Society." By the constitution adopted on that occasion, its object is declared to be " the improvement of agri- cultural productions, useful domestic animals, domestic manufac- tures and the mechanic arts, so far as they concern the interest of agriculture." The payment of one dollar is made the condition of annual membership, and the payment of fifteen dollars, the condi- tion of life membership. The officers of the society, are to be a president, two vice presidents, secretary and treasurer. A board of managers is constituted, consisting of the above officers, and one member from each town, where ten members reside ; who are author- i"'?v; '■' 13 bave & gSEemi superyisioi^ of the ufcira of tb.-? soi^.iety, 114 HISTORY 03? ADDISON COUNTY. fix upon such productions, experiments, discoveries or attainmcnta in agriculture and horticulture, and upon such articles of manufac- ture, as shall como in competition for premiums at the agricultural fairs, also upon the number and amount of premiums, and the time and place of holding fairs." The officers are to be chosen at an annual meeting, to be held at Middlebury, on the first Wednesday of January, -which was afterwards altered to the fourth Wednesday of that month. The first meeting Avas held on tlie same day the society was organized, and lion. Silas H. Jenison was elected presi- dent, and Harvey Bell, Esq., secretary. The first fair was held at the court house and adjoining grounds in IMiddlebury, October 1st 1844, and an address was delivered by Hon. Silas H. Jenison, which was printed, and from which we have already largely quoted. The fairs in 1845 and 1847, were held at Vergennes ; at the former of which an eloquent and interesting ad- dress was made by Rev. Dr. "Wheeler, President of the University of Vermont. Addresses have also been made at other fairs ; of which we have not now sufficient information to give a correct state- ment. The fair in 1849 was held in Shoreham. All the others have been held in Middlebury. At the annual meeting in January 1852, the constitution was so altered as to authorize the managers to fix on a permanent location for the annual exhiljitions ; and they, at a meeting in June of that year, fixed on Middlebury for that purpose, provided the citizens should provide suitable grounds and fixtures, and pay one hundred dollars annually toward the expenses. Since that time the fairs have been held on grounds leased from Gen. Nash, in the north part of the village, where temporary fixtures were erected. These gronnds have now been sold and appropriated to another use. Several gentlemen in the County have recently purchased a tract of twenty-two acres, south of the court house, which formerly belonged to Jonathan Wainwright, including the barns and exten- sive sheds, erected for keeping and preparing for market his horses, when he was largely engaged in that trafic. Here they design to erect permanent fixtures upon a large scale for the accommodation of the annual exhibitions. Arrangements are in progress to raise HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 115 tlie requisite funJs to transfer the title to the corporation ; but, until this is nccomplishcd the society will pay rent to the proprietors. Hitherto the fairs have fully met the expectations of the most sanguine. Many of them have been interesting and extensive, and, we think, have produced a favorable eifect in stimulating efTorts for improvement, and securing advancement in all the departments within the province of the society. There have been exhibited an extensive variety of the products of agriculture, horticulture, and of domestic and otlier manufactures ; and very often of numerous and line specimens of painting, drawing and various kinds of orna- mental vrork by native artists. After what we have said of the stock department of agriculture, none will be disappointed when vfc sa.y, that the exhibitions have been large and splendid in cattle, horsea and sheep. Wliatcver others may say, the citizens of Addison County will not shrink from a comparison with the exhibitions of stock of any other County in the State, or perhaps of any other State. The following have been the presidents and secretaries of tho society. TROM SECRETARIES. TO 1844 Harvey Bell, 184T. 1847 E. W. Blaisdell, Jr. 1850. 1850 Joseph II. Barrett, 1857. 1857 Justus Cobb, still in office. 1857 William R. Sanford, still in office. ADDISOX COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIl-TY. The legislature, at their session in 1813, passed an act author- izing several physicians in each county by name, to form themselves into County Medical Societies, by the name of the Medical Society of the County in which they should be formed. And the societies were severally to be corporations with the usual powers, necessary for the purposes, for which they were designed ; and were author- ized to adopt and alter a corporate seal. They were to have power to assess taxes on the members, " for the purpose of procuring a library nnd suitable apparatus, nnd for other uses."' provided the FROM PRESIDENT. TO 1844 Silas II. Jenison, 1848. 1848 Elias Bottum, 1850. 1850 Charles L. Smith, 1852. 1852 Harvey Munsill, 1754. 1854 Edwin Hammond, 1857. 116 HISTORY Oi' ALDlaON COUMTY. tax shall not exceed three dollars. The officers authorized by the law are a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, librarian and three or more censors. to hold their offices for one year, or. until others are chosen. The several societies were required to " hold Bcmi-annual meetings in the shire town in each county, at the time of the sitting of the County Court, for the purpose of establishing and regulating the libraries of said society, receiving and communi- cating medical information, examining students," and any other proper business. The act requires that students examined and ap- proved by the censors " possess a good moral character," and '• have pursued the studies of physic or surgery at least three years ;" and, being approved, shall receive a diploma from the president, which shall entitle him to all the privileges of a member of the society. The same act authorizes the formation of a State Society, to consist of three delegates from each County Society. The pliysicians named in the act for this County are \Villiam Bass^ Edward Tudor, Ebenezer Huntington, Asher Nichols, John Wilson, Nicanor Needham, Frederic Ford Jr., John Lyman, Frederic Ford, William Guile, John Willard, Luther E. Hall, James Day, Dan Stone, Levi Warner, David McCollister, Martin Gay, Zenas ShaAv, Josiah W. Hale. In pursuance of this act the physicians named mot at Middle- bury on the 15th of December, 1813, and organized the Addison County Medical Society, and elected the following officers ; Ebene- zer Huntington, of Vergcnnes, President, William Bass, of Mid- dlebury. Vice President, Luther E. Hall, Vergennes, Secretary, Frederic Ford, Cornwall, Treasurer, William Bass, Librarian, Dan Stone, Edward Tudor, Frederic Ford, Jr., John Lyman and David McCollister, Censors. Luther E. Hall and Dan Stone were ap- pointed a Committee to report a code of by-laws. It was further voted, that future meetings shall be held at Dr. William Bass's, in Middlebury, and that the President deliver an inaugural address, before the society, at their next meeting. This meeting was ad- journed to the 19th of January, 1814. ^Vt this meeting the Presi- dent delivered his inaugural address, and a code of by-laws, reported by the committee, was adopted. William Bass and Luther E. HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 117 Hall and Dan Stone were also appointed a committee, to '■ present to the Society a device fop a seal and form of diploma." At the first meeting a tax of one dollar was assessed, which at the next was increased to one dollar and fifty cents ; and at both these meet-, ings, candidates were examined and licensed. The society thus organized continued in full life and vigor until about the year 1824. Dissertations and addresses on medical sub- jects, under appointment for that purpose, were read ; difficult and uncommon cases of disease and their treatment reported by the members ; new members admitted, candidates examined and ap- proved by the censors received diplomas, taxes were assessed, a library collected and delegates regularly elected to the State Society. In 1822, the State Society commenced a series of resolu- tions proposing measures for the regulation of the County Societies. One rec|uiring the County Societies to make an annual report of the "diseases prevalent in the County during the year," " under a penalty of five dollars fine on failure ; " one prescribing new qualifications for the admission of candidates for license; and another afiixing a penalty of five dollars for a neglect of the County Society to "send their proceedings to the State Society, annually, as required by law ; " also a regulation respecting the dismission or withdrawing of members from the County Societies. These proceedings were not received vrith much favor by this County Society ; and at the annual meeting in December, 1824, a committee was appointed to take into consideration the proceed- ings of the State Society, and "report some plan of management for our Library." At an adjourned meeting, the committee reported, recommending a dissolution of their connection with the State Society ; and another committee was appointed to confer with the other County Societies on the subject. At a meeting in June, 1825, a resolution was passed instructing the delegates to request the State Society to " petition the Legislature so to alter the act of incorporation as to render the County Societies independent of the State Society." The result of the proceedings, so far as appears of record, was that, at a meeting in May, 1826. a resolution was adopted to "put 16 ' 118 HISTORY OF ADDISON COL'XTY. up our library at auction to tbe members of this Society ;'" anil tbe sale took place in June following. In tlie meantime, several mem- bers had -withdrawn with the consent of the Society few attended the meetings, and the measure above mentioned was adopted, we suppose, to close the existence of the Society. The last meeting of which there is any record, was in October 182G ; when the whole business related to closing the financial affairs of the Society. The organization of subsequent societies seem to have been regarded iis a revival of this society, formed under the act of 1813, although at each of these organizations, new constitutions were adopted. Dr. Ebenezer Huntington, the. first president, was continued in that office until 1823, when Dr. Luther E. Hall was appointed, and continued president until 1826, when Dr. William Bass was appointed the last president. Dr. Luther E. Hall was secretary from 1813 to 1820, when Dr. Thomas P. Matthews was appointed and continued to the cloSe. On the 24th of December, 1835, a County Medical Society was organized and adopted a Constitution, and on the same day held its first meeting. Dr. Jonathan A. Allen was chosen President, Dan'C. Stone and E. D. Warner, Vice Presidents, Kalph Gowdey, Secretary, and Atherton Hall, Treasurer. About six months after, in June, 1830, another meeting was held, and this closes its written history. ."/The Addison County Medical Society " was re-organized by a convention held at '^"ergenne3 on the 30th day of June 1842, adjourned from a preliminary meeting held at ^liddlebury two weeks before. A new Constitution was then formed, by which the o])ject of the organization is declared to be, " to promote a knowledge of medical and surgical science, and a friendly intercourse among the members of the facult^y." The officers of the Society are '"a President, Vice President, Se«retary, Treasurer, Librarian, and three Censors, together with the President and Vice President, who ishall be c.v-ojicio Censors," and they arc elected annnaliy. "Any regular practicioner of medicine, a graduate of any legally author- ized medical institution, who resides within the State, and shall sign the constitution and by-laws, and conform to the objects de- bigucd, may be a member of the society : and any person, who sus- IIISTOllY OF ADDISOIS'' COUNTY. 119 tains a good moral cliaractor may become a mcmbeVj who shall have studied the science of medicine and surgery three years under the direction of a regular practicioner, and attended at least one cpurse of medical lectures, in some legally established institution, and has passed an examination by the censors, and by them recom- mended." Any person having passed such satisfactory examination '■'may become a member by signing the constitution and by- laws, and receive, if he wish, a diploma by paying five dollars." According to the by-laws, meetings arc to be held " at Middlebury semi-annually, on Thursday of the first week of the County Court." The fii'st meeting was held on the day on w hich the Constitution was adopted, and Dr. J. A. Allen of Middlebury, was chosen President, Dr. Dan C. Stone of Vergennes, Yicc President, and Dr. David C. Goodale of Addison, Secretary. Since the last organization in 1842, the society has been in cffioicnt * and successful operation. The meetings have generally been regularly held and atunded ; and we judge many of them most interesting and profitable. A member at one meeting was often appointed to malio an address or read an essay on som.e important subject at the next, and at Al the meetings it was made the duty of each member to report such interesting and difficult cases of disease as had occurred in his practice, and each case w as discussed by the other members of the society. It was one of the rules of the society that each person appointed president should make an address at the close of the term for w^hich he was elected. At the annual meeting in June, 1817, Dr. Jonathan A. Allen, having officiated as President the previous year, read an address which was published. From this we make a quotation, principally to show how he regarded the influence of the organization. He says, "It is noAV five years since the Addison County Society was organized in its .present form. During this period twenty meetings have been held, generally well sustained by the attendance of the members. Many facts, highly interesting to the profession, and consequently useful to the public, have been presented. Muck valuable information has been elicited by our discussions, and we have every reason to believe that not a member has failed of adding 120 UISTORY OF ABDLSON COUXTY. to his general stock of practical knowledge. In addition to these advantages, valuable acijuaintances have been formed, generous, elevated and kind professional feeling promoted. Many of these endearments will reciprocally remain among our members until the closing period of their existence. Jealousy, suspicion and want of confidence have been almost entirely removed from our ranks. Our members meet as friends. Consultations now, in lieu of being olijects of bickering, are generally des^ircd, and usually, by the mutual and kind expression of opinion, result beneficially to the sick." The whole community would feel safer if such an influence should prevail generally among the doctors. At a subsc(|uent meeting in February, 1848. the death of Dr. Allen was announced by Dr. Russel, who stated that '• the princi- pal object of the meeting was to adopt measures suitable to the occasion" of his death. " Th'e^ President, Dr. Bradford of Ver- gennes, read a short but expressive paper concerning his life and death;" and appropriate and commendatory resolutions were adopted. The Society also appointed Dr. S. P. Lathrop, of Middlebury, to prepare a biographical sketch, which was afterwards ordered to be published in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. The following have been the Presidents and Secretaries of the Society. FROM rEESIDENT. TO 1842 Jona'n A. Allen, Middlebury,! 844. ]844 Joel Rice, Bridport, 1845. 1843 Dan C. Stone, Vergennes, 1846. 1846 Jonathan A. Allen, 1847. 1847 A. Bradford , Vergennes, 1848. 1848 E. D. Warner, New Haven, 1850. 1850 Earl Cushman, Orwell, 1856. 1850 E. D. Warner, still in oiEce. rnOM SECRETARIES. TO 1842 David Goodale, Addison, 1844. 1844 S. Pearl Lathrop, Middlcbury,1846. 184G W. r. Kussel, '« 1847. 1847 Charles L. Allen, still in office. . Dr. Allen is also Treasurer and Librarian. HISTOHY of ADDISON COUNTY. 121 ' CHAPTER XII. POPULATION — CHARACTEP. — ADVANTAGES — DANGIiRS. The population of Addision County does not materially differ from that of the other Counties in this State, and other New Eng- land States. The whole exhibits the influence of the spirit of emi- gration and colonization, which has prevailed and increased since the first settlement of the country. The character of the whole population of the country has been modified and, in many respects, we think, improved by this disposition, especially in its spirit of en- terprise and individuality. An individual, who has courage to leave the place of his birth, and remove three hundred or a thousand miles to the outskirts of civilization to better his condition, learns that there are other places and people besides those he has left behind, and per- haps equal or superior to them. His A'iews are enlarged, and his inqui- ries are no longer confined to the limited sphere of his early home, and he begins to think there may be still other regions beyond and elsewhere. If he has energy to remove once, he has still mor6 to remove again, when profit or pleasure tempt him. He learns also that there are other countries beyond the oceans, which encircle him, and he looks to them as fields for indulging his thirst for spec- ulation or his curiosity. "Wherever he locates himself, he finds other men and other customs and manners and ideas which are new to him, and which he studies, and thus improves his own, and shakes ofi" his provincial habits and prejudices. Added to this cause, which to some extent is common to all the States, the early settlers of Vermont experienced a long course of discipline in the hardships and self-denial and energy required for their hard contested controversy, in defending themselves and their property against the oppressive claims of exterior powers, and especi^ly in the contest for their separate independence. 122 HISTORY OF ADDISON COVSTY. Although we cannot boast of large numhcrs of learned men, lilie some other States, more favorably situated, we do not shrink fioni a comparison of the mass of our population, for general intelligence and practical energy, with any other. Not a few intelligent men, who have long resided in othei New England States and elsewhere, have expressed to the writer of this sketch the conviction, that in no State is the population of the saine classes, and especially the farmers, superior, if equal, to that of Vermont. No State, we believe, has sent out more efficient, practical and useful emigrants to people the " new countries."- Vermont is an inland State, and agriculture is the pursuit of the great body of its inhabitints ; and she has no foreign commerce to build up large cities, where great wealth is accumulated, and learned men congregate. Among the most important influences, which operate in modifying the character of our population, are our liberal institutions, placing, as they do, every man in the dignity and responsibility • of a man. And paramount to all others perhaps is that of town corporations, which are common and almost peculiar to New England. They are not only pure democracies, but they are schools, in which the prin- ciples of democracy are taught ; where all meet on a common plat- form, with equal rights and powers, not onlj' as voters, but as can- didates for office, fo numerous and extensive are the legislative and, administrative powers within their limits, that all have an opportunity to become acquainted with our laws and institutions, acquire habits of public. business and qualify themselves for higher political trusts. Our common schools and seminaries of learning for the instruction of all classes, and our churches of various denominations, where all may meet for public worship and- for instruction in their religions, social and civil duties, are means of spreading general intelligence and virtue through the community. Besides these every family is more or less supplied with books and periodicals, which keep them informed of the passing events, and remind them of their duties to their country and the world. The writer of this sketch has been as long and as advantageously situated as any one to ascertain, the ability of all classes of men in this County to write, and he has no HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. 12o recollection of more tlian one or two native Americans, residino- in the County, who could not write liis own signature ; and these were brought up in regions remote from schools. The twentj-five native Americans, who .are reported in the census of 1850, in this County^ as being unable to read or write, were probably similarly situated in the early settlement of the country. If the population of Addison County is distinguished from that of any other County, it is occasioned by the influence of Middlebury College situated among them. This influence is not confined exclu- sively to this County ; but no person,* who has been long acquainted Avith the history of that institution, has failed to observe its influ- ence upon the intelligence of the community in its neighborhood, and in raising the stantlard of education in the subordinate institu- tions. Few towns, if any, in the country, have afforded a larger number of young men for a collegiate education, in proportion to their population, than many of the towns in Addison Count3^ It may be mentioned as an evidence of the peaceable and orderly character, as well as prosperity of the inhabitants, that courts of justice have less business 'in this County, in proportion to its popu- lation, than in any otlier County. No person has ever been convicted of a capital oflence in the County. Four have been tried for murder, one in 1815 and one in 1825 ; but both were con- victed of only manslaughter. Another was since tried twice, but the jury failed irt both cases to ag|'ee on a verdict, and he was dis- charged ; and the other was acquitted on account of insanity. From the foregoing sketches, it will be seen, that the County of Addison has sufiicicnt resources for wealth and material prosperity, and that its citizens have sufficient intelligence and enterprise, in due time to develope them. It will Ix) seen also, that they have the means of intellectual, moral and religious improvement. And we may well congratulate ourselves that we live in an agricultural district, where there is a general social equality ; where there are few so rich as to excite the envy and ill-will of their neighbors, or to be free from the necessity of some active occupation or so poor as to need charity. We have no large cities with their accumulated masses of wealth, poverty and crime. We have no such wealth to 124 HISTORY OF ADDISON COUNTY. foster extravagance, luxury and a factitious aristocracy, -with its arbitrary conventional ceremonies, as in large cities sets at naught the equality, simple manners and sober verities of the country. We are not like them, beset on every hand .by temptations to dissi- I)ation and debauchery, and we have no such masses of corruption to spread a moral pestilence through the atmosphere. We have no such large collections of the refuse population of Europe — its paupers and criminals — broke loose from the restraints of govern- ment and law at home, that they m«y riot here in their imaginary freedom from all restraints ; who nightly disturb the peace of the community Avith riots and quarrels and murders ; and who are ready at the call of designing jwliticians, to control our elections. The institution of the family, so important in the country, for its restraints and the cultivation of the social afiections, is to a great extent obliterated in some of the large towns. There hundreds of children have no home but in the streets, and no associates but their fellows in the same condition. The crowded population everyAvliere, and the artificial conventionalisms of the more wealthy households forbid the salutary restraints and separate and undisturbed inter- course of the family circle. And thus the young grow up with the feeling that they belong rather to the great public than to the family in which they were born. These evils are not to be charged to the inhabitants generally of larger towns, but are inci- dent to, and inseparable from, thiJr position. No more moral, pious and philanthropic men are anywhere to be found. And yet the evils exist. We ought to bear in mind, that there is danger from this source to the whole country, and that a serious responsibility rests upon the people in the rural and agricultural districts, like the County of Addison, in relation to them. The influence of large commercial towns is gradually extending itself over the country for evil, as well as for good. The evil influence may, and should be counter- acted by an influence from the country. A large proportion of the teachers and influential professional and business men, and of the annual increase of the population, in the large towns, are educated in, and are emigrants from the country. There is besides a constant HISTORY or ADDISON COUNTY. 125 iutercoiu'se and mutual influence going on bet^vecn the city and country. jFrom the distinguished advantages enjoyed by the rural districts, it is, '^ve think, their province to save the rest of the country. Our free institutions, as every one understands, will depend on the intelligence and virtue of the people. It is therefore the first duty of all patriotic citizens of Addison County, as well for their own safety as for that of the country, to encourage and support all needed educational and religious institutions in efficient operation. 17 APPENDIX. No. 1.— Chief Jcdqes of toe CotrxTY Court until tue new okgakization of TUE Ju01Ci.VUY IN 1825. Names. Residence. Appoinfcd. Left. Years in OJfice John Strong Addison, 1785 1801 16 Joel Linslcy, Cornwall, 1801 1807 6 Henry Olin, Leicester, 1807 1 308 1 Joel Linsley, Corn^.-all, 1808 1810 2 Henry Olin Leicester, 1810 1824 14 Dorastus Wooster, Middlebury, 1824 1825 1 A.?sisTAKT Judges of County Coukt. Gamaliel Painter, M iddlebu vy , 1 785 1 78G 1 Ira Allen, Colchester, 1785 1786 1 'VViiUam Brush, Vcrgennes, 1786 1787 1 Abol Thompson, Panton, 1786 1787 1 Hibnd Hull, Cornwall, 1786 1789 3 Samuel Lane, " 1786 1787 1 Gamaliel Painter, Middlebury, 1787 1795 8 Abel Thompson, Panton, 1789 1801 12 Joel Linsley Cornwall, 1795 1801 6 Abraham Dibble, Veigcuncs, 1801 1805 4 Henry Olin, Leicester, 18C1 1807 6 Samuel ?trong, Vergenncs, 1805 1808 3 Charles Rich Shoreliam, 1807 1813 6 Henry Olin, Leicester, 1808 1810 2 Mathcw Phelps, Jun., New Haven, ISlO 1812 2 Samuel Shepaid, Panton, 1812 1813 1 Samuel Strong, Vergenncs, 1813 1815 2 Ezra Ilcyt, New Haven, 1813 1818 5 Charles Rich, fchoreham, 1815 1816 1 William Slade, Jr Middlebury, 1816 1 -022 6 Stephen Haight, Jr Monkton, 181 8 1823 5 Elisha Bascom, Shoreham, 1822 1824 2 Ezra Hoyt, New Haven, 1828 1824 1 John S. Larabee, Shoreham, 1824 1825 1 APPENDIX. Names. Residence. Appointed. Daniel Collins, Monkton, 1824 Borastus Wooster, MiJdlebury, 1825 Ebon W. Judd, " 1825 Silas II. Jenison, Slioreham, 1829 William Myrick, Bridport, 1831 Samuel H, Holley Bristol, 1833 Calvin Solace, Bridport, 1835 Davis Rich Slioreham , 1 838 Calvin Solace, Bridport, 18 12 Fordyce Iluntingtou, Vergennes, 1842 Dorastus Wooster, Middlebury, 1844 *Jesse Grandey, Pantou, 18 14 *Ville Laurence, Vergennes. 1815 George Chipman Eipton, 1846 Elias Bottum, New Haven, 1847 Calvin G. Tilden, Cornwall, 1810 Nathan L. Keese, Ferrisburgh , 1849 Joseph Haywood, Panton, 1 851 Roswell Bottum. Jr.; Orwell, 1851 tDoi'astus Wooster, Middlebury, 1854 Erastus S .Hinman, New Haven, 1854 t Samuel Swift, Middlebui'y, 1855 John W. Strong, Addison, 1856 M. W. C. Wright Shoreham, 1857 Harison 0. Smith, Monkton, 1858 CODNTY ClEEKS. Samuel Chipman, Jr., . . , .Vergennes, 1785 Boswell Hopkins, " 1786 Darius Matthews, Middlebury, 1803 Martin Post, " 1808 John S. Larabee, " 1810 Samuel Swift, " 1814 George S. Swift, " 1846 John W. Stewart, " 1855 Dugald Stewart, " 1855 State's Attoeneys. Seth Storrs, Addison, 1 787 Daniel Chipman, Middlebury, 1707 127 Left. Ye&ninOffice 1825 1 1831 6 1829 4 1835 6 1833 2 1842 9 1888 3 1842 4 1844 2 1844 2 1846 2 1845 6 mo. 1847 2 1849 3 1849 2 1851 2 1851 2 1854 3 1854 3 Jan. 1855 2 mo. 1856 2 1857 3 1858 2 1855 1855 1789 1 1803 17 1808 5 1810 2 1814 4 1846 82 1855 9 1855 6 mo 1797 1804 10 7 * Judge G RANDY died before June 1st, 1845; Ville LAW.iExcE was appointed by the Governor in his place. t Died January 1853 . t Appointed in place of D. Wooster "128 APPii;^'DIX. Names. Fe IJcnce. Appointed. Loyal Cftsc MidJlebury, ISOl David Edmond, Vcrgcnnes, 1S03 Iftratio Seymour, Middlebury, 1810 David Edmond Vcrgcnnes, 1813 Horatio Seymour, Middlebury, 1815 *David "Edmond, Vo'gcnncs, 1819 tNoali Hawley ' • 1824 Enoch D. Woodbridge, .... " 1821 George Chipman, Jliddlebury, 1?27 William Slade " 1830 Ebenezor 2T. Brigg3, Salisbury, 1821 Ozias Seymour, Middlebury, 1839 George W. Grandey, Vergennes, 1815 John Prout, Salisbury, 1818 John W. Stewart, Middlebury, 1851 Frederic E. Woodbridge, . . Vergennes, 1854 SHERin?3. Noah Chittenden, Jericho, 1 785 Gamaliel Painter, Middlebury, 1786 Samuel Strong, Vergennes, 1787 John Chipman, Middlebury, 1789 ■William Slade, Corn-wall, 1801 Jonathan Iloyt, Jua., New Haven, 181 1 John VYillard Middlebury, 1812 Samuel Mattocks, " 1813 Jonathan Hoyt, Jun., New Haven, 1815 Abel Tomlnison, Vergennes, 1819 Stephen Haight, Monkton. 1824 Seymour Sellick, Middlebury, 1828 Marshall S. Doty Addison, 1831 Azariah Rood, Middlebury, 1833 William B. I\Iartin " 1835 Azariah Rood, " 1836 EthanSnjith, Monkton, 18S7 William B. Martin, Middlebmy, 1630 Adnah Smith, " 1840 Gaius A, Collamer, Bristol, 1842 David S. Church, Jliddlebury, 1844 :{:William Joslin, . . , Vergennes, Jan. 1859 L''it. i \'a7:ziii(\^ce 1808 4 1810 2 1813 8 1815 o 1819 4 1821 5 1824 5 mo 1827 3 1830 3 1831 1 1839 8 1845 6 1848 3 1851 3 1854 8 178G 1 1787 1 1789 2 1801 12 1811 10 1812 1 1813 1 1815 2 1819 4 1824 6 1828 4 1831 3 1833 2 1835 2 1830 1 1837 1 1839 •2 1840 1 1842 2 1844 2 Jan. 1859 14 * Died in spriuj,- of 1S24. t Appointed by Court in place of D. Edmond. ^ Appointed by the Governor on the death of D. B. Church. APPENDIX. Hiait Bailiffs. Names. Raidencc. Appdlnl^d. S.imuel Mattocks, Middlebury, 1798 John Warren " 180G Artemas Nixon, '• 1808 Moses Leonard, " 1810 James Jewctt, " 1812 Benjamin Clark, Woybridge , 1813 Eiiaklm tVeeks, Salisbury, 1811 Wiglitman Chapman, Weybridge, 1816 Nathaniel Foster, Middlebury, 182G John Ilowden, Bristol, 1829 Marshall S. Doty, Addison, ISSO Myron B ushnell, Starksboro, 1831 Milo Winslow, M iddlebury, 1833 Gaius A. Collamer, Bristol, 1835 Wightman Chapman, Yfeybridge, 1837 Harry Goodrich, Middlebury, 1839 Asa Chapman, " 1910 George C. Chapman, " 1849 William Joslin, Vcrgenucs, 1850 O A. Coliamer, Brislol, 1853 JcDOES OF Probate — District oi", John Strong, Addison, 1887 Darius Mathews, Cornwall, 1801 Samuel Swift Middlebury, 1819 Silas H. Jenison Shoreham, 1812 Horatio Seymour, Middlebury, 1817 Calvin G. Tildeu, Cornwall, 1855 District op Neat Ha vex, Ezra Hoyt, New Haven, 1824 Noah Hawley, Vergeaucs, 1829 Jesse Graadey, .. ,.o Pauton, 1831 Adin Hall, New Haven, 1833 Harvey Mun§U, Bristol, 1835 129 Left. 1 f'-arshiOffic^ 1896 8 1808 2 1810 1812 2 1813 1 181-1 1 1816 o 182G 10 1829 3 1830 1 1931 1 1833 •) 1835 U 1837 2 1839 2 1810 1 1849 1850 I 1853 '5 Addiccn. 1801 14 1819 18 1841 22 1847 .() 1855 8 1829 5 1831 2 1833 2 1835 2 130 APPENDIX. NO. 2. The following statement of "Agriculture, Farms and Implements, Stock, product.?," &c., is taken from the census of 1850. Addison County. Acres of improved land 243,012, unimproved 11.j,2S7. Cash value of farms ^7,799.257. Value of farming implements $2-56.270. Horses 5,921. Asses and Mules I. Milch Cows 10,691. Working Oxen 2,815, Other Cattle 13,248. Sheep 188,! 54. Swine 5.822. Value of Live Stock $1,289,608. Value of animals slaughtered $170,856. Wheat, bushels of 103,44. Bushels of Rye 20,096. Bushels of Indian Corn 175,478, Bushels of Oats 211 385. Pounds oi Wool 622,594. Peas and Beans 26,355. Bushels of Irish Potatoes 318 421. Of Barley, 149. Of Buckwheat 15,659. Value of Orchard products ^41,696. Gallons of Wine 114. Pounds of Butter, 876,771. Cheese 817,149. Tons of Hay 88,793, Bushels of Clover Seed 5. Other Grass Seed 1 ,589. Pounds of Hops 5,962. Of Flax 1,232. Bushels of Flax Seed 51. Pounds of Silk Coccoons 76, Of Maple Sugar 205,263. Gallons of Molasses 050. Beeswax and Honey pounas of 40,654. Value of Homo Manufactures ^r9,648. APPEXDIX. 131 NO. 3. The following table shows the population of the several towns in the County of Addison, at each United States Census, since Vermont was admitted into the Union. 1731 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 Addison, 401 73i 1100 1210 1306 1220 1270 Avery's Gore, 13 29 78 Bridport, 449 1124 1520 1511 1774 1480 1393 IJristol, 211 GG5 1179 1051 1274 1233 1344 Cornwall, 828 1103 1279 1120 1264 11G3 1155 Ferrisburgh, 481 956 1G47 1581 1822 1755 2075 Goshen, 4 86 290 555 621 486 Grandlle, 101 185 324 328 403 545 603 Hancock,.- 56 149 311 442 472 455 430 Leicester, 343 522 603 518 633 002 596 Lincoln, 97 255 278 639 770 1057 Middlebury 395 1263 2138 2535 3168 3162 3517 Monktou, 450 880 1248 1152 1384 1310 1240 New Ilavcn, 723 1135 1688 1566 1834 1503 1663 Orwell, 778 1386 1849 1730 1598 1504 1470 Panton, 220 363 520 546 605 670 659 Pupton, 15 42 278 357 567 Salisbury, 446 644 709 721 907 942 1027 Shorehaui, 721 1447 2033 1881 2137 1675 1601 Starksboro 40 350 726 914 1342 1263 1400 Vergennes,- 201 510 835 817 999 10] 7 1378 Waltham, 247 244 264 301 283 270 Weybridge, 175 502 750 714 850 797 804 Whiting, 250 404 565 609 653 660 629 7,267 14,745 21,613 21,870 26,503 25,074 26,549 132 A1TENL>IX. CENSUS OF 1S50. WiiiTHS. Free Colored. J\L:les. Ptvia'es. 'i'olal. Males. Females. 7'olal Ag\c^alc. Alvlii-oa, C59 G20 1279 1279 ]Jridport 7-3 G33 13D3 1393 Bristol, GG3 Gil 1312 16 IG 32 1341 Cornwall, 570 577 11-33 2 2 1155 Ferrisburgli, lOlG 1023 2063 2 4 6 2075 Goshcii, 2G1 225 486 48G Granville, 314 283 603 603 Jiancock, 236 19-i 430 430 Leicester 290 305 595 1 1 5'JG Lmeolii, CG4 438 1052 8 2 5 1057 Middlobury, 1730 17u3 3499 8 10 18 3517 Monkton, 090 G48 1246 124G NewHavon, 825 832 1G57 5 1 G 1G63 Orwell, 727 742 14G0 1 1 1470 ranton, 287 267 554 3 2 5 559 Ripton, 303 2G4 ■ 567 5G7 Salisbury, 526 501 1027 1027 Shoreliam..: 822 779 IGOl IGOl Starksbcro, 725 075 1400 ' 1400 Vergcnnes, 653 G94 1347 13 18 81 1378 •\Valthara, •••• 141 129 270 270 Vrcybridge, 399 405 804 804 ■\Ji-hit:ng, Sll 317 623 1 1 629 13,398 13,043 26,-141 54 54 108 26,5.49 ;^'.<■l STATISTICAL HISTOEICAL ACCOUNT Of TUB COUNTY OF ADDISON, VERMONT, WRIIIEN AX I HE REQUKST OF TUB UISTORICAL SOCIETY (iF MIBDLEnURY, BY SAMUEL SWIFT. • MIDDLEBURY: A. II. COPELAND 1859. § JUST P IJ B L I S H K D : HISTOliY OV THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBURY, COUNTY OF ADDISON, VERMONT, TO WHICU IS PRKFIXED A STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE COUNTY, Written ill tlu' re(iuost of ilu; Historical Society of Middlobuiy, BY SAMUEL SWIFT. 1 Vol. 8vo. Cloth 444 Pages. Price, $2. 18 ILLUSTRATIONS. ll^Sent by mail free of postage, on receipt of price. MIDDLEBURV : A. ][. COP ELAND 1859. 11 Hill 11 1 111 Hill mil lull ililillii 'I 014 065 887 A ^' lite m