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' ' , ,^ ^ . >.' ^^- aV \\ -vis .0^^ ;~^ vV. ,-0' :v'?-- y': x^-n. '■% a"^^ ,'^ '," •' •-> XN^-^ V-^ sX^ , ^ ' " \^' Ci ■^' ^ ^.«s■-.''■^<=./'^ o> '■^-1 INDIAN DEEDS OF HAMPDEN COUNTY BEING COPIES OF ALL LAND TRANSFERS FROM THE INDIANS RECORDED IN THE County of Hampden : Massachusetts AND SOME DEEDS FROM OTHER SOURCES TOGETHER WITH NOTES AND TRANSLATIONS OF INDIAN PLACE NAMES Edited by Harry Andrew Wright Springfield, Massachusetts, 1905 \ fn -?. This Volume was printed at Springfield, Massachusetts, in the month of June, 1905, and is one of two hundred copies. This copy is Number \A 0. cO-\KM^^<^-^-C^-^Jt>uO \J^-><^cAa/^ INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION IN the first general letter of instruction from the gover- nor and deputy of the New England Company for a plantation in Massachusetts Bay, to the governor and council for London's plantation in the Massachusetts Bay in New England, written from Gravesend, April 17, 1629, is the following passage:— "if any of the salvages pretend right of inheritance to all or any part of the lands granted in our pattent, we pray you endeavor to purchase their tytle, that wee may avoyde the least scruple of intrusion." In 1633-4, at a General Court held at Boston on March 4, it was further provided that "noe person whatsoever shall buy any land of any Indean without leave from the Court," and April i it was ordered that every town should keep a record book showing the ownership and transfer of all lands and should furnish the General Court with a tran- script of the same. Later, it was provided that all land records should be made by the county in which the land was located, instead of the town. From these small beginnings has come our modern system of registration. It was not copied from the laws of the mother country as such a system was unknown in Eng- land, but was originated to meet a new need. On the seventh day of the third month, 1662 O. S., the towns of Springfield, Northampton and Hadley were con- stituted a county, called Hampshire. This was not a part set off from any other civil division, but was erected out of territory never before placed under county organization. Although containing within its limits but three towns, yet it included all the western half of the state, or what is now Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, and the west- em part of Worcester County. 8 INTRODUCTION The first division of this territory was made July lo, 1 73 1, when Worcester County was organized. On June 30, 1 76 1, Berkshire County was set off and on June 24, 1811, FrankHn County came into being. The last division of old Hampshire County was made when Hampden County was organized ; February 20, 1 8 1 2 . With this division, provision was made that Hampshire County should retain all of the probate and court records and that the real estate records should go to Hampden County. Thus the Hampden County records show all of the records of deeds [of the western part of Worcester Count}^ up to July 10, 1731, of Berkshire to June 30, 1761, Franklin, June 24, 1811, and Hampshire, February 20, 181 2. As practically all of the Indians except those at Stockbridge left the territory at the close of King Philip's war in 1676, they must necessarily include all the early records of land in western Massachusetts sold by them to the settlers. The modem student is seriously handicapped by the carelessness with which these deeds were drawn. Not only are the bounds very indefinite, but very little thought was given to the orthography of the place names. The work of the recorder was also very lax, and where a copy of the same deed exists in the town records as well as in the county records, place names are apt to be so different as to make the proper sound of an Indian name often a matter of con- jecture. In such a case, without a detailed knowledge of the territory described and an ability to look at it with the eye of an Indian, translation is practically impossible. In the Indian language every name described the local- ity to which it was affixed. The same name might be given to more than one place, but these were never so near together that a mistake in identity could be occasioned by the repe- tition. Some of these, it is today impossible to translate on account of the transformations which they have gone through, and it is only by securing the earliest spelling that convincing proof can be obtained. The earlier forms, being more correct than the modern corrupt forms, assist materially INTRODUCTION in securing the correct meaning. Oftentimes, too, an early deed will give a clue to the meaning of a word. The language spoken in this vicinity was a dialect of the Algonquin ; the language of nearly all the Atlantic sea- board, New England and the greater part of Canada, and there are today in Canada, many pure blood Indians who speak almost the identical dialect used here hundreds of years ago. -r- ■, u The translations in this volume have been ventied by George Lemoine, P'^^'' O. M. I., missionary to the Mon- tagnais Indians at North Temiskaming, Quebec, who is a recognized authority on the subject. They may be rehed upon as correct, as they are in accordance with the latest knowledge of Indian synthesis, and such as are in question have been withheld for further study. Gratitude is due not only to Father Lemoine, but to W. B. Cabot of Boston for valuable aid on the translations. These deeds well illustrate the land greed of the early settlers, as it will be seen that in many cases the territory occupied by the older towns exceeded, by several miles, the limits of the tract purchased. Little protest against this practice was made by the Indians, as in nearly all the sales they reserved all that was of value to them ; that is, the right to fish and hunt on the premises. When one tract was sold they simply moved to new territory, which in turn they sold and moved yet further on. This volume has not been copyrighted as it is desired that it be used to the fullest extent by the local historian and the student of the Indian. Its conception was due to a desire to provide a working basis to replace that furnished by the copies of deeds incorrectly published in various local histories, and to this end the utmost care has been taken in the transcription. It should enable those fitted for the task to carry the work still further, and assist the philolo- gist in assigning the dialect of this territory to its proper place among the aboriginal languages of North America. INDIAN DEEDS ii Part of Agawam, Chicopee, Longmeadow, Springfield and West Springfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B; Folio 19 A COPPy OF A DEED WhEREBY THE INDIANS AT SPRINGFIELD MADE SALE OF CERTAIN LaNDS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE GREAT RiVER AT Springfield to William Pynchon Esq^, Mr. Henry Smith & Jehu Burr for the Town of Springfield for ever Springfield Towne deed fro ye Indians Agaam alias Agawam • : This fifteenth day of July 1636 — It is agreed between Commucke & Matanchan ancient Indians of Agaam for & in the name of al the other Indians, & in particular for & in ye name of Cuttonus the right owner of Agaam & Quana% & in the Name of his mother Kewe- nusk the Tamasham or wife of Wenawis, & Niarum the wife of Coa. to & with William Pynchon Henry Smith & Jehu Burr their heires & associates for ever to trucke & sel al that ground & muckeosquittaj ^ or medows, accomsick-*, viz: on the other side of Quana; & al the ground & muck- eosquittaj on the side of Agaam, except Cottinackeesh ^ or ground that in now planted for ten fatham of Wampam, Ten Coates, Ten howes, Ten hatchets, & Ten knifes: and also the said ancient Indians with the Consent of the rest, & in particular w"* the Conent of Menis & Wruthema & Napompenam, do trucke & sel to William Pynchon Henry Smith & Jehu Burr, & their successors for ever, al that ground on the East side of Quinnecticot '^ River called Usquaiok^ & Nayasset^ reaching about four or five miles in Length, from the north end of Masaksicke^ up to Chick- uppe ' ° River, for four fatham of Wampam, four coates, four howes, four hatchets, four knifes : Also the Said ancient Indians Doe w"" the Consent of the other Indians, & in par- ticular w* the Consent of Machetuhood Wenepawin, & Mohemoos trucke & sel the ground & muckeosquittaj & 12 INDIAN DEEDS grounds adjoyning, called Masaksicke, for four fatham of wampam, four Coates, four hatchets, & four howes & four knifes. And the said Pynchon hath in hand paid the said eight- een fatham of Wampam eighteen coates, i8 hatchets, i8 howes, 1 8 knifes to the said Commucke & Matanchan, & doth further condition w'** the Sd Indians, that they shal have & enjoy all that cottinackeesh, or ground that is now planted ; And have liberty to take Fish & Deer, ground nuts, walnuts akomes & sasachiminesh or a kind of pease. And also if any of our cattle spoile their corne, to pay as it is worth; & that hogs shall not goe on the side of Agaam but in akorne time Also the said Pynchon doth give to Wruthema two Coates over & above the said Particulars expressed, & In Witness hereof the two said Indians & the Rest, doe set to their hands, this present 15th day of July 1636 The marke of X Menis The marke of X Macassack The marke of X Kenix The marke X of Wineawis The marke of X Ussessas The marke of X Cuttonus alias Nepineum The marke of X Winepawin The marke X of Matanchan The marke of XMachetuhood The marke of X Wruthema The marke of X Commuk The marke X of Coa The marke X of Keckusnek. Witnesse to all with in expressed that they understood al by Ahaughton an Indian of the Massachusett John Allen The marke of X John Cownes The marke of X Richard Everet Faithful Thayeler Thomas Horton The marke of X Ahaughton Joseph Parsons Joseph Parsons a Testimony to this Deed did at the Court at Northampton, March 1661 : 62 : testify on oath that he was a witness to this bargaine between mr Pynchon &c & the Indians as attests Elizur Holyoke Recorder. July: 8th 1679 entred the Records for ye County of Hampshire by me John Holyoke Recorder. INDIAN DEEDS 13 Notes to the Preceding Deed John Holyoke made the following note on the records, when he recorded the deed: memoranda: Agaam or Agawam It is that medow on the south of Agawa River, where y^ English did first build a house, w^"^ now we comonly cal y^ house medow. That peice of ground is it w*^"" y^ Indians do call Agawam. & y' y^ English kept y^ residence, who first came to settle and plant at Springfeild now so called; & at y^ place it was (as is supposed) that this purchase was made of the Indians. Quana is the middle medow adjoyning to Agawa, or house medow: Masacksick is y' y^ English call the Long medow, below Springfeild on y^ east side of Quinecticot River: Us- quaiok is the mil River w'** the Land adjoyning. Nayasset is the Land of Three Corner Medow & of the Plaine. ^The name Agawam has never been satisfactorily translated. Webster's dictionary gives it as "low land, marsh or meadow; also a place below or down stream, with reference to some place above or up stream." This translation is derived from agiuu, "under, below," and wan, "a stream." Agawam was also the Indian name of Ipswich. John Smith's forms of the Ipswich name are "augawoan, augoam, auguan and aggawom." The same conditions that give birth to the name here, applied there. Smith says: "Therefore be careful in the spring to mow the swamps and the low islands of Auguan." If this derivation is correct, it would seem to refer to a place below a stream. But this is very weak in many respects. Under- hill's "Newes from America," 1638, has "Agu-wom" on the title page, and on page 19 he says: "Upper plantations, which are planted on the river Connetticot; twelve miles above the plantations is scituate a place called Aguwam, no way inferior to the fo renamed places; the Country and those parts yeeld as fertile soyle and good meadow all the river along." It will be noticed that Underbill has a hyphen between the syllables on the title page, but not in the text. This is probably the earliest printed refer- ence to the local name, but even this gives no help. The word undoubtedly comes from agwaam, meaning "to make for the shore." If applied to a person it means "he lands here," and would refer to the landing place on the river. If applied to fish, it means the abundance in the vicinity of the place. If applied to water, personified, it expresses the washing of the waves against the shore. If this meaning of the word was to apply, the place must be low; and being flooded at times, would naturally be fertile, which is the case, and would seem to justify this inter- pretation; that is, "ground overflowed by water." There is, however, reason for believing it to be agawaam or akawaham, meaning a "landing place," for across the Connecticut river from Agawam was the palisaded village of the Indians, and the crossing and re-crossing in canoes must have been constant. But, if Agawam meant a "landing place," why was there not an Agawam on the east side of the Connecticut, near the fort ? 14 INDIAN DEEDS Taking all the evidence into consideration, the only justifiable transla- tion is "ground overflowed by water." ^From kwanau, a verb in the third person singular of present indicative, with inanimate subject, which means "it is sunken down" or "it is de- pressed." 3Muckeosquittaj = MM^^0J5'w/, "meadow;" aug, "land." ^Accomsick. — From the root word akam, meaning "on the other side." The termination, sick, is the locative case of asst, "land," which is assick. The meaning would then be, "on the other side of the land," namely, Quana. ■■"Cottinackeesh is from kitikanakish, a compound word made up of kitkan, "plantation," and auk, "land," in the diminutive. It therefore means, "the plantation ground." ^Quinnecticot — "at the long river." 'Usquaiok is tskwai-auk, meaning "the last land," or "the end of the land." ^Nayasset. The prefix is a common one among Indian place names It is from nat, "it corners," and with the locative means "where there is a corner." ^Masaksicke. From massa, "great," and auksick, the diminutive of auk, "land," in the locative case, meaning "the great land" or "the great meadow " ^"Perhaps from chikofi, "a cedar," but probably from c^^^^f, "violent," and pe, "water." This last would be very applicable, as the river has a fall of over seventy feet in the town of Chicopee alone. INDIAN DEEDS 15 Part of Brimfield, Holland, Southbridge, Sturbridge and Wales in Massachusetts, and of Stafford, Union and Woodstock in Connecticut HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber W; Folio 54 This is to Testifye to whom it may concern That I We- bomscom and Nodowahunt For and in Consideration of Sundry Goods I have Received to Give John Winthrop ten miles round about the Hills where the Mine is thats called Black lead ' and for Mr Winthrops Enjoyment of it we bind our selves & Heirs for ever to the free performance of the premises to which I set my hand this present Day & Date Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of us 8 day of 8th month 1644 The Mark of * Webomscom & seal The Mark of * Nodowahunt & seal Witness the Mark * of Sundach Thomas King Stephen Day Richard Smith Rec'd June 24th 1752 & Recorded from the Original By Edw'd Pynchon Reg r. i6 INDIAN DEEDS Confirmation of the Preceding Deed HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber W; Folio 54 These are to Testifye That I Nodawahunt owner of the Land of Tantiusques^ where the Black lead hill is Do Sell & give up & Surrender all my Right in that place for Ten miles to John Winthrop the Younger of Misticok, and Do Confirm the former sale of the Black lead hill & the Land about it at Tantiusques by Webusksham unto the said John Winthrop & am fully Satisfyed for the Same Witness my hand this nth Novr 1644 Stephn Day : Thos King The Mark of * gorgi6 * Mark Nodawahunt & Seal Rec'd June 24th 1752 & Recorded from ye Original By Edw\d Pynchon Reg'r. INDIAN DEEDS 17 Confirmation of the Two Preceding Deeds HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber W ; Folio 52 Know all men hereby both English & Indians That I We Bucksham Chief Sachem and Right owner of Tantius- ques and all the Inand parts of the Country threabouts, have Granted and Sold all that my said Sachemship and Country to John Winthrop Junr Govemr of the English on Connecticutt River for many Valuable Considerations, particularly for Ten Belts of Wampampeeg^ with many Blanketts & Coasts of Trucking Cloth and Sundry other goods which I do hereby acknowledge to have Received In full satisfaction for all the Black lead mines and all other places of mines and Minerals with all the lands in the Wil- derness lying north and west East and South round the said Black lead Hills for ten miles each way only reserving for my self and people liberty of fishing and Hunting and Convenient planting in the said Grounds and ponds and Rivers and according to English Custom I have given Pos- sessession of all my lands aforesd unto Amos Richason Servant to said Winthrop Govemour of the English for said Winthrops use; To Have and To Hold to him the said John Winthrop his Heirs and assigns forever in Ever- lasting Remembrance and Witness hereof I Lay this Wisk- heeg-* or Writing on Washcomos my Son and Heirs Breast and Set my Mark and Seal and Washcomos my said Son according Indian Custom freely makes his Mark and Seal hereunto on my breast this done with Consent of all the Indians at Tantiusques the 20th of the nth Month 1644 The Mark * & Seal of W^e Bucksham Sachem of Tantiusques The Mark * & Seal of Washcomos Son of We Bucksham i8 INDIAN DEEDS Witness Wodowahunt uncle to We Buckshamhis Mark* ) Sachems of Itaguatiis his Mark* ) Quinnebaug Alhumpis his Mark* Sagamore Moas his Mark* Casacinamons his Mark Governour & Chief Councelor among the pequots * Amos Richison John Burkin John Wood : Tho : Spencer Senr. Tho : Champion Washcomos Sachem of Tantiusques acknowledged this Instrument this 19th of lober 1654, Before me Ri Belling- ham Govr. Rec'd June 24th 1752 & Recorded from the Original By Edwd Pynchon Regr, INDIAN DEEDS 19 Confirmation of the Three Preceding Deeds HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber W ; Folio 55 Be it known to all men by these presents that I Wase- cums Sachem of Tantiusques Son of Webuckshum Do yield up my Right property and Interest freely and Willingly to Mr. Winthrop now in Hartford to be at his Dispose his Heirs Executors or Assigns administrators In Considera- tion Hereof I William Dennies Servant to Mr. Paine in Boston In part & Behalf of Mr. Winthrop do give him Ten yards of Trucking Cloth before these Witness John Beg John Pettebone Joseph Crowfoot James Warriner this i6 Day of November 1658. Witness my hand * The Mark of the Sachem Wassecums & Seal William Dennies The Mark * of John beg James Warriner The Mark * of Joseph Crowfoot The Mark * of John Pettebone William Dennies Testifyed upon Oath that he was pres- ent and did see the Sachem Washcump af ores' d Sign & Deliver this Instrument as his act & Deed and that Jno Beg James Warriner Jos. Crowfoot & Jno Pettibone did set to their hands as Witnesses hereunto Taken upon oath 27 June 1683 In Boston Before Hum : Davie Assist" Rec'd June 24th 1752 and Recorded from the Original By Edw'd Pynchon Regr 20 INDIAN DEEDS Confirmation of the Four Preceding Deeds HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber W; Folio 53 These are to Testifye That Whereas my Father Webuck- shum and Wadawahut and others did in the year 1744^ sell unto Mr. John Winthrop and Surrender up to him all their Right in the Black lead hill at Tantiusques wth all the land round about the said Hill for ten miles. I Washcomos Son & Heir of the said We Buckshums being now by the Indians acknowledged the Sachem of that Country, Do by these presents confirm all that my said Father hath done and those other Indians wth him and do Give grant and confirm unto the said Mr. Winthrop all that land before said wth the said Black lead hill and all other places of Black lead or other Mines or Minerals to be to him and his Heirs and assigns forever : Witness my hand this first Day of March 1658 ^ and do hereby also acknowledge that the writing to wch I set my hand at Tantiusques the 16 of November 1658 was to the same Intent and purpose Witness my hand Witness : The Mark of X the Sachem Willm Edwards named W: Bachtomy & Jonathan Gilbert Seal William Dennes William Bennies Testifyed upon Oath that he was pres- ent and did see the Sachem W: Bachtomy abovesd. Sign and Deliver this Instrument as his act and Deed and that Willm. Edwards and Jonathan Gilbert were present & did set to their hands as Witness hereunto Taken upon oath in Boston 27th of June Anno 1683 Before Hum: Davie Assis't. Rec'd June 24th 1752 & Recorded from the original By Edw.d Pynchon Reg'r. INDIAN DEEDS 21 Notes to the Five Preceding Deeds In September 1633, 'John Oldham, and three with him, went overland to Connecticut (river), to trade. The sachem used them kindly, and gave them some beaver. They brought of the hemp, which grows there in great abundance, and is much better than the English. He accounted it to be about one hundred and sixty miles. He brought some black lead, whereof the Indians told him there was a whole rock. He lodged at Indian towns all the way." — Winthrop's Journal, Vol. I, Pg. ill. Extract of a letter from William Pynchon to Stephen Day, at "Tan- teuscu in Nipnett," which was delivered to John Winthrop Jr., and in- dorsed by him; "Mr. Pinchen to Mr. Day about another place of Black- lead." "Springfield this 8 of the 8 month 1644. I received a letter from you by an Indian, who saith that his name is Tamuggut. * * * If you doe your business by Indians, you will find it dearer than to send an Englishman. * * * I spake to this Indian in your behalf: I tould him that the Governor sent you to serch for something in the ground, not for black lead, as they suppose, but for some other mettell: I told him that the hill of black lead by Quassink,* was not so good as that which lay southward of it, nere the cornfield, where one Namoswhat lives. I suppose it is 5 or 6 miles southward of that place by Quassink. * * * * Your ever lovinge friend William Pynchon" Coll. of Mass. Hist. Soc. Ser. 4, Vol. 6, Pg. 376. *Quassink=^waj; stones, stony — ink; place. That is, "stony place." At a meeting of the General Court held at Boston on "the 13"" of the 9"" mo, 1644, Mr. John Winthrope, Junior, is granted ye hill at Tantousq, about 60 miles westward, in which the black leade is, and liberty to pur- chase some land there of the Indians." — Records of the Colony of Massa- chusetts, Vol. 2, Pg. 82. WAIT WINTHROP TO THE GENERAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS "To, &C. The memoriall and representation of W. Winthrop humbly sheweth that in the year 1644 your memorialist's father had liberty from the Gen Court of the late Masachusett Collony to purchase lands at the black-lead mines at a place called Tantiusque, about 60 miles westward from this 22 INDIAN DEEDS place, and accordingly he made purchase (of the known Indian Sachem & confirmed after his death by his son) of ten miles every way from s'' mine in the year above s'' * * * "—Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Ser. 6, Vol. 5, Pg. 297. This is from an unsigned, rough draft, with many interlineations, and was probably the original of the following document. WAIT WINTHROP TO THE GENERAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS "To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq'', Captain General and Governour in chief of her Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land, the Hon^'.^ her Majesty's Council, and Representatives in General Court assembled. May 26'/', 1714, the humble address of Wait Winthrop, son of John Winthrop, some time Governour of Connecticut, deceased, Sheweth: That the said John Winthrop, in the year 1644, Octob' 30'!", had leave to purchase land about Tantiousques, where the Black Lead Mine is, as is of record in the Book of this Province; which was also given under the seal of the late Corporation of the Massachusett, signed John Endicot, Govern- our; which grant and allowance to purchase he pursued to effect the same year, as by deeds doth appear more particularly: one deed dated the 6'. Octor, 1644, signed Webuskhum, and a confirmation on the 11"' Novem- ber, 1644, signed Nodowahunt; also another deed of confirmation signed Nascomy, son and heir to Webuskhum, dated l^' March, 1658. Accord- ingly improvements were made at said Tantiousques for many years since, now since discontinued by reason of the war. By all which it doth appear your petitioner has a just right to ten miles square round the said Black Lead Hill, and is now desirous that Cap' Chandler may be impowered to survey the said tract of ten miles square to be to your petitioner and his heirs, and the place may be of record, that any new grant may not be laid upon the same land. And your petitioner shall pray, &c. Wait Winthrop. June 23, 1714. In Council, read and recommended." — Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., Ser. 6, Vol. 5, Pg. 294. ^'Tn Massachusetts plumbago exists in gneiss, at the most important locality, which is in Sturbridge." — Hitchcock's "Geology of Massachusetts,"Fg. 47. INDIAN DEEDS 23 ^"Metewis= Black earth. — From this Metewis is an Indian Towne a day and a halfes Journey, or less (West, from the Massachusetts) called Metewemesick." — Roger Wtlltams' ''Key into the Language,^' Pg. 184. This metewis was probably plumbago, and the town at or near Tan- tiusques. ^Wampam means literally, "white beads" (from ivompi; white), though the term was applied to both the white and the dark beads used by the Indians for decoration and as a medium of exchange. When strung, or wrought into belts, they were called wampampeag (peag= strung beads); literally, " strings of white beads." 4"Wussuckwheke= A letter. Which they so call from Wussuckwhom- min; to paint; for, having no letters, their painting comes the neerest." — Roger Williams' "Key into the Language," Pg. 61. ^Robert Cassaminon was a well known Pequot who acted as interpreter for John Winthrop in 1653 when he bought land of the sachem of Quinne- baug. — Larned's " Windham County" 1-6. ^This date is evidently an error of the recorder, as it is apparent that it should be 1644. T\x would seem at first as though this deed should, from its date, precede the foregoing one, but as the year ended with March, this date, according to modern reckoning, would be March I, 1659. These five deeds are followed (Liber W; Folio 55) by a long and inter- esting deed given by "John Winthrop, late of the Towne of New London and now of the Parish of Saint Mary Le Bone, in the county of Middlesex in Great Britain," to John Still Winthrop, late of New London, but then of Saint Mary Le Bone, eldest son and heir of John Winthrop. The deed is dated 1746; recorded June 24, 1752, and covers land in Massachusetts and Connecticut. 24 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Longmeadow HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B ; Folio 20 The Indian Coe his deed to Jno Pynchon Esq. This Indenture made the fourteenth Day of April: 1652 : between Coe (or) Coa, one of the Indians of Agawam, who is the cheife & ye proper owner of al the Land below the Long medow brooke, on the East side of Quinnecticot River; down to the fals, on the one party, And John Pynchon of Springfeild on the other party Witnesseth that the sd Coe the Indian, for & in consideration of one broad Essex Shag Coate, of I yard & 3 quarters & more to him in hand paid, hath bargained, sold given granted, & by those presents doth sel give & grant to the said John Pynchon a certaine parcel of wet medow upon the head of a River, running into the great River, above the fals comonly called by the English Freshwater River which River is by the Indians called Asnuntuk' at ye mouth of it, & a little higher Its' called Allows, and at the head of the said River it is called Sickcompsqu, ^ where the said wet medow lyes, the which medow is called by the Name of Quillicksqu^ Also the said Coe doth sel give & grant free & ful Liberty for the English to gather & make use of candlewood, called by y'" weakshackquock, in all the grounds adjoyning there- to, & from the Long medow brooke downward, & also free Liberty for cattle to feed fro the Spring til winter on al the sd ground, for & in consideration of one yard 3 quarters red Essex shag cloth to him by the sd John Pynchon in hand paid: Al the said premises ye said Coe doth condition as the true owner that the said John Pynchon shal absolutely clearly & for ever enjoy al the said premises, to him his heires & assignes for ever, subscribed, this 14th of April 1652. Witnesses hereonto The marke of Henry Burt * Thomas Cooper Coa the Indian. Thomas Stebbin INDIAN DEEDS 25 the marke of Cattonis a witness * & testifies that Co a is ye right owner. the marke of * Mattaquallenat an Indian witness who testifyes Coe to be the true and right owner. Thomas Stebbin hereto subscribed made oath that he was present at the writing of this Deed and a witness hereto, & that it was Coe's Real Act & Deed, who in his presence set to his hand for Ratification. Sworn this second of Feb- ry, 1679 before John Pynchon Assist. The oath of this witness, Leiut. Tho. Stebbin is entred these Records the day of his making oath: viz: Feb: 2 1679 before me, Jno. Holyoke Recorder. Recorded this Indenture July 8th 1679 by me, Jno Holyoke Recorder. Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Asnuntuck. — Probably assint-tuk; "stony river." ^Sickcompsq. — Sucki-ompsk; "dark colored rock." 3Quillicksqu. — ^iltk-asikau; "it is a mixed land," (with water) that is, "marshy land." 26 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Northampton, Easthampton and Westhampton HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 15 A Coppy of the writings or deed whereby the Indians of Nanotuck uppon ye River Quinetticott made sale of cer- tayne lands unto John Pynchon now Captayne John Pyn- chon of Springfeild, together wth ye Coppy of the said Mr Pynchon his assignemt of the said deed to ye use & be- hoofe of the Inhabitants of Northampton & his acknowl- edgmt thereof. Be it known by these presents that Chickwallop alias Wawhillowa Nenessahalant Nassicohee Kiunks Paquahal- ant Assellaquompas & Awonunsk ye wife of Wulluther all of Nanotuck ' who are ye cheife & proper owners of all the land on the west side of Quinetticot River at Nanotuck on ye one part Doe give grant bargayne & sell unto John Pyn- chon of Springfeild on ye other party to him his heirs & assignes, all ye grounds & meddowes woods ponds & waters lyinge on ye west side of Quinetticott River beginninge from ye small river below Minhan^ called Saukwonk^ & soe up by Quinetticott river to ye little meddow called Cap- awonk"* namely to ye little brook or gutter on this side Capawonk wch little brook is called Masquomp^ & all the grounds lying Westward from Quinetticott River (wthin the compass aforenamed) for Nine miles out into the woods (viz as far as Manshconish is from Springfeild for soe it was expressed to ye Indians All the said tract of ground from Saukwonk riverett & quinackquck^ called Minhan Pochu- ack' Petowwag^ Aspowunck^ Luckommuck Assattay- yagg ^ ° Nayyagg ' ' Nayumkegg Masquomp & by wt soever other names the said grounds are called, & all out into the INDIAN DEEDS 27 woods from ye great river for nine miles within this com- pass, the aforesaid Indians & in perticular Wawhillowa Nenessahalant & Nassicohee being the Sachems of Nano- tuck doe for themselves & wth ye consent of ye other owners of the said grounds sell give & grant unto John Pynchon of Springfeild & to his assignes for & in consideration of One Hundred fathom of wampam by tale, & ten Coates (besides some small gifts) in hand paid to the said Sachems & owners, All the land aforesaid, and by these presents have bargayned grannted & sold to ye said Pynchon all & singular ye said lands free from all incumbrances of Indians, Provided the said Pynchon shall plow up or cause to be plowed up for the Indians Sixteene acres of land on ye East side of Quinotti- cott River wch is to be done sometyme next Summer 1654 & in the meane tyme vizt the next Springe 1654 the Indians have liberty to plant their present come feilds, but after that tyme they are wholly to leave that west side of the River & not to plant or molest the English there. All the said premises the said Pynchon & his assignes shall have & injoy absolutely & clerely for ever from all incumbrances of any Indians or their corne feilds: In witnes of these presents the said Sachems have sub- scribed their marks this twenty foure day of Septembr 1653 The mark * of Chickwallop the mark * of Nassicohee alias Wawhillowa the mark of * Paquahalant The mark of * Neneesahalant These under written are witnesses that these are the markes of the Sachems wthin mentioned & that they doe fully pass over ye land wthin mentioned in the behalf of themselves & other owners to John Pynchon of Springfeild & to his assignes forever. Elitzur Holyoke the mark of Wutshamin a cheife man Henry Burt of Nammeleck * who helped to Thomas Cooper make the bargayne Thomas Stebbin the mark of Skittomp alias Unk- quask * of Chickuppe a witness 28 INDIAN DEEDS Whereas the wthin mentioned grant or purchase of lands of ye Indians at Nanotuck is in the name of John Pynchon of Springfeild his heires or assignes wthout men- tioning of any other persons when as it was purchased in the behalfe of severall persons who had obtayned a grant from the generall Corte for a Plantation there intending to plant & settle themselves on the said land wthin mentiond ; Now know all men that I the said John Pynchon Doe Ac- knowledge myself to have acted in the premises only as being intrusted by the said persons now Inhabitants of North- ampton ; And therefore Doe hereby for myselfe & my heires executors or Administrators assign & make over ye wth named premises & all the land or wt soever is therein con- teyned unto the present Inhabitants of Northampton, to them & to their successors & heires for ever, as witnes my hand this i6th day of January 1662 John Pynchon This assignemt was acknowledged on the said sixteenth day of January 1662 Before us Elizur Holyoke ) Samuell Chapin ) Comissionrs Recorded Jan 20th 1662 By me Elizur Holyoke Recordr Notes to the Preceding Deed Nanotuck. — Other early forms of the word are Nawattocke, 1637; Nowottok, 1646; Nauwotak, 1648; Noatucke, 1654; Nanatuck, Nalwottoge, 1653; Nonatuke, 1653, 1655, 1658; Norwotake, Norwootuck, and Nor- wuttuck, 1657; Norvvottock, 1659, 1660; Norwootucke, 1659; Norwotuck, 1661; Nowutague, 1664. Pynchon, who traded with the Indians, and knew them well, called it Nalwotogg, Nolwotogg and Norwotog. Sylvester Judd, an unusually accurate historian, in his History of Hadley has translated this as "in the middle of the river," from the similarity of Nor-wott-uck to the Massachusetts noah-tuk (noeu-tuk), but this is entirely incorrect as it does not dispose of the other forms of the word, and noah- tuck means "the middle river" and not " in the middle of the river." Further- more, the natives did not live in the middle of the river. The land which became known as Nor-wott-uck was west of the river, and while they had INDIAN DEEDS 29 planting grounds on the neck of land on the east side which has since become an island, yet it is inconceivable how anyone could consider even this to be "in the middle of the river." Having in mind the statement of Roger Williams in 1643, that "the Cowweset say anum, the Narragansett say aytm, the Quinnippiac say arum, and the Nipmuck say alum, so that although some pronounce not 1 or r, yet it is most proper dialect of other places," then it is most natural to ally the different forms as follows: Nan-ot-uck Non-ot-uck Nal-wott-oge Nol-wott-oge Nor-wott-ucke It is very apparent that the third syllable in each of these forms is the same as the Massachusetts ohke, Delaware aki, Abenaquis ki, signifying "land; ground; place." This usually appears in our local place-names as auke, aug, ock, and uck. In the first form of the word, the last syllable might perhaps be considered as tuck (river), but this is impossible, as tuck could not have become toge as it would then appear in the third and fourth forms. In the last form, Nor-wott-ucke, the first two syllables are apparently synonomous with the Massachusetts nauwut, or Narragansett nauwot, meaning "far away," and the Algonquin nauwat, "out of reach." Assum- ing this to be correct, it makes Nor-wott-ucke to be "far away place." Non, nol, and nor are the same word, as used in different dialects, and show the interchange of the n, 1 and r. "Far away land" was probably the name given to it by Indians living elsewhere, who told of it to the ultimate purchasers of the land, and perhaps acted as guides and interpreters in the transactions. This was the custom in the early days. When Pynchon came from Boston in 1636, and bought the land at Springfield of the Indians, they signified "that they understood all by Ahaughton, an Indian of the Massachusetts," who came with Pynchon as interpreter. Nor-wott-ogg may perhaps have been the form used by the Springfield Indians in speaking of it. When the settlers went there they retained the name and perhaps the Indians about there could not say the word, but called it Nol-wott-oge. Heckwelder said of the Delawares, "they call the Quakers, Quakels, not having in their language the sound expressed by our letter r," ^Minhan. — In the town records this word appears as Munhan. It is the island at the mouth of the Manhan river. This is literally Munnohhan, "island." ^Saukwonk. — Saukrohonk, in the town records. Saukwonk means "at the outlet," that is the mouth of Manhan river below the island. 30 INDIAN DEEDS ^Capawonk. — Derived from the Algonquin kapahoweng, the participle form of kipahowe, and means "where the stream is shut in," indicating the two big points barring the river. sMasquomp. — Appears in the town records as masquampe. From masqui, "red," and nipi, "water"; literally "red water." *^Quinackquck. — Quonackquck in the town records. ^unnunkque- uck, "high land." 'Pachuack — Algonquin pake-w-ack, a "turning off place." At a later date this place was known as Pascommock, which is from the Algonquin pakekamo, (Montagnais, paskamo), "the road forks," and with the termina- tion would mean "the place where the road forks." ^Petowwag. — From pttahowe-ag, "the land from where the water flows to us." ^Aspowunck. — Aspowounk in the town records. Asapiwan, "a place where nets are set." ^°Assattayyagg. — The Algonquin asati is poplar tree; in the plural asatiak; in the adjective form asataia. Thus asatatn-agg means "poplar tree land." ^'Nayyagg. — This may be neia-agg, "point of land"; or it may be neiak, "at the point." INDIAN DEEDS 31 Part of Hatfield FROM NORTHAMPTON TOWN RECORDS Med the 20th of July, 1657 that I, Lampancho the Sachem have sould to the Towne of Northampton uppon Conechte- cutt River, have sould all the land and Trees with all the Appurtenances ther unto belonging caled by the name of Pewongenug^ and have received full and Compleate pay and satisfaction for the same with all the damages, soe that I doe resigne the full Right and Title for myselfe and my heires forever to the Towne of Northampton. The satisfaction for the said land I received of John Webb of the same Towne being Thirty shillings which is the Remander of the pay and am now fully satisfied for said land with all the Apurtenances. Wherunto I have set my hand the day & yere above written Witnesse to the same the marke of Lampancho William Jeanes alias Umpanchela William Holton Northampton, Sept. 28th, 1658. The Indian Sachem Umpanchela complaineing to the Commissioners here assembled to keep Court that the land of his wch is mentioned on the other side beeing caled Pe- wonganuck' or Capawonke was not fully bought by the English and that though hee sett his hand to it yet hee under- stood that the thirty-six shillings should have ben made upp fifty shillings, and expressing himselfe unsatisfied for want of the fowrteene shillings to make it upp so. It was yeilded to allow him the said fowrteene shillings more — And by these presents I the said Indian doe ac- knowledg the receite of fowrteene shillings and doe hereby acknowledg himselfe fully satisfied for the said land and doe fully release and relinquish all my right title or claime to the said meddow or woodlandes on this side of the brooke, viz: ye south side of the brooke or river which pts Capa- 32 INDIAN DEEDS wonk^ and Wequittayaug ^ and doe confirme from all in- cumbrances from mee or my heires and that for ever. In witnesse whereof I do hereunto sett my hand the 28th of Septeber 1658. the mark * of Umpanchela. In the presence of the Court as witnesseth John Pynchon Elizur Holyok Ed: Elmer Joseph Parsons Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Pewongenung. — This is perhaps a corruption of Cappowonganick, but it is more probably from pawaagan; a "mill," as the river at this point came to be known as Mill River. ^Capawonk. — For derivation refer to note on page 30. A more definite location of Capawonk is given in a deed dated January 20, 1662, for a "Certaine tract of land lyeing on ye v^^est side of River, called Cappowounk, bounded easterlie by a Riverlett running into ye greate River, South & East by ye greate River, North & West by ye Banke of upland fronting against ye sd land. [This deed is in Hampden County Records, Liber A, Folio 10.] 3Wequittayaug. — Wtkwetow-aug, "land at the bays." INDIAN DEEDS 33 Hadley and part of Amherst, Belchertown, Pelham and Shutesbury HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio ii Here followeth a Coppy of a deed or Writeing whereby ye Indians of Nolwotogg upon ye River of Quienecticott made sale of Certaine landes unto Major Jno Pynchon of Springfeild together with ye Coppy of ye sd Major Pyn- chons his Assignements of ye sd deede to ye use & be- hoofe of ye Inhabitants of Hadly And his acknowledgement thereof Bee it known to all men by these Presents yt Chick- wollopp Alias Wawhillowa Umpanchella alias Womscom & Quonquont alias Wompshaw ye Sachems off Nolwotogg & ye sole & proper owners of all ye land on ye East side of Quonicticot River from ye Hills called Petowamacha & from ye mouth of ye Brooke or River called Towunucksett ^ And soe all along by ye greate River upward or Northward to ye Brook called Nepassooenegg ^ & from ye hither part or South end of ye greate Hills called Kunckquachu^ (Be- ing guessed at neere about nine miles in length) By ye River Quenicticott Wee ye aforenamed Chickwallop Alias Waahillow Umpanchala alias Womscom & Quonquont alias Wompshaw of Nolwotogg on ye one partie Doe give grant bargaine & sell unto John Pynchon of Springfd on ye other party to him his assignes & successors for ever, All ye Grounds, woods, Ponds waters, meadowes. Trees Stones &c lyeing on ye East side of Quenicticot River within ye Compass aforesd from ye Mouth of ye litle Riverete called Towenucksett and ye Hills Petowomuchu Northward up ye greate River of Quenecticot to ye Brooke Nepowssooenegg, And from ye south end of ye Hills Quaquachu being neare about nine miles in Length from ye south part to ye North part, And all within ye Compass from Quenecticot River Eastward Nine miles out into ye Woods, All ye aforesayd 34 INDIAN DEEDS Tract of Ground called Towunuckset, Sunmuckquommuck, ■* Suchaw Noycoys Gassetk/ Pomptuckset. Mattabaget, ^ Wunnaqueckset ^ Kunckkiunckqualluck, ^ Neposeoneag, And to ye south end of ye greate Hill called Kunckquachu & for nine or ten miles eastward from ye greate River out into ye Woods Eastward, wee ye sd Chickwallop, Umpan- chella & Quonquont, Doe for & in Consideration of two Hundered fatham of Wampam & twenty fatham, and one large Coate at Eight fatham wch Chickwollop set of, of trusts, besides severall small giftes. And for other good Causes & Considerationes, Doe sell give, grant, And have given granted Bargained & sold to John Pynchon of Spring- field & to his Assignes & successors all & singular ye afore- named land or by wt ever other names it is or may be called, quietlie to Possess, have, & enjoy ye aforesd tract of Ground ffree from all molestations or Incumbrances of Indians & yt for ever, only ye Indians aforenamed & in Particuler Quonquont Doth reserve & keep one come feild about twelve, sixteene or twenty acres of Ground a litle above Mattabaget by ye Brook called Wunnaqueckset lyeing on ye south side of ye sd Brook & Compassed in by a swamp from that Brook to ye greate River, And alsoe they reserve libertie to Hunt Deare, fowle &c And to take fish, Beaver or Otter &c But otherwise all ye aforesd Premises ye sd John Pynchon his Assignes & Successors & their heires shall for ever in joy Absalutelie & clearelie free from all In- cumbrances of any Indians or their Come ffeilds for ever except as before excepted. And In Witness hereof wee ye sd Indians Doe Subscribe our markes this Present twentie five day of Decembr 1658 It is onlie ye corne ffeild on this side or South side of ye Brooke called Wunnuckeckeset & ye litle bit of ground by it, within ye Swamp & betwixt ye Swamp & ye greate River wch yt Indians doe reserve & are to injoy: But ye litle Comeffeild on ye other side or ffurther side or North side of Wunnaqueckset & all ye other Come ffeildes within ye compass of ground afore- named ye Indianes are to Leave & Yeaild up as Witness there handes INDIAN DEEDS 35 Witnesses to this Purchase The mark * of Umpanchla & yt ye Indians doe fulHe aHas Womscom sell all ye land afore men- tioned to Mr Pynchon & yt ye markes were subscribed by ye Indians themselves. The marke * of Quonquont Us who was Prevy to ye alias Wompshaw whole descourse & conclusion of ye Purchase & Joseph Parsons was present & aquainted with ye whole agrement ye other witnesses The mark of * Chickwolopp came in to testiefie to ye alias Wowahillowa subscribing & yt ye Indians owned all as it was reade to them Joseph Parsons Arther Williams Ed. Elmore The mark R. T. Joseph Ffitch of Rowland Thomas Samll Wright The Indians desired they might set their Wiggwoms at sometimes wth in ye tract of ground they sold withoute offence & that the English would be kinde & neighborlie to ym in not Prohibiting ym firewood out of ye Woods &c which was promised ym The assignemt of ye aforesd deede of Sale Whereas ye within mentioned grant or purchase of lands of ye Indians at Nolwotogg is in ye name of John Pynchon of Springfeild his Assignes or successors or their heires, without mentioning of any Persons When as it was Pur- chased in ye Behalfe of severall Persons who obtained a grant from ye Generall Corte for a Plantation there Intend- ing to plant & setle ym selves upon ye sd land Now Know all men yt I ye sd John Pynchon doe acknowledge my self to have acted in ye Premisses Only as being Entrustd by ye sd Persons now Inhabitants of Hadly, And therefore doe hereby for my self, my heirs Executors or adminestrators Assigne & make over the within named Premises & all ye 36 INDIAN DEEDS land & wt ever is therein contained unto ye Present Inhab- itants of Hadly to ym & to their successors & heirs for ever as Witness my hand this 28th day of October 1663 John Pynchon This deede & Assignemt was owned & acknowledged by ye abovenamed & hereunto subscribeing Mr John Pyn- chon Novr 19th 1663 Before us j Elizur Holyoke \ Comissiors I Samll Chapin j The aforesd deede & asignement of ye same was here entered this 6th day of Decembr 1678 By me Sam 11 Partrigg Recordr Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Towunucksett. — Perhaps from towan, "a ball," and ackstt, land, in the diminutive. More probably from tawa, root for "break in continuity"; nun, verbal adjective form for root, aki, "land," and stt, diminutive. It would then mean, "at the little land where there is a break (in the course of the stream)," that is, "place where the stream almost disconnects." Hence, it may by derivation mean a "ford." Modern name is Fort River. ^Nepassooenegg. — Modern name is Mohawk Brook. ^Kunckquachu. — Trumbull gives this as qununkqu-adchu, "high moun- tain." Modern name is Mount Toby. ^Sunmuckquommuck. — From sanak, a root word for "difficult, rough," and kamick, a termination referring to land in the locative case, which would give the meaning as "at the rough country," probably on account of the numerous brooks and hills. sNoycoy. — Probably identical with the Algonquin noka, or Cree nokau, "it is soft," referring to the soil. ^Gassetk. — Agasatik, "the little wood, a place where the wood is small." ^Mattabaget. — Matahigat is an Algonquin expression meaning "the rock seeks the water." ^Wunnaqueckset. — From zuanako, "at the end," and ack, "place"; with the termination sit for the diminutive in the locative case. ^Kunckkiunckqualluck. — Kinikkvanikwal-uck, "the rolling land; the upset land." INDIAN DEEDS 37 Part of Hatfield and Williamsburg HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A ; Folio 6 Here ffolloweth a Coppy of a deede of sale whereby Umpanchala an Indian Sachem formerUe of Nolwotogg did sell & AHanate his Right & Interest in Certaine persells of lands on ye West side of Quinecticott River unto Majr Jno Pynchon of Springfd for & in ye Behalfe of ye Inhabitants of Hadley, as alsoe his ye sd Major Jno Pynchons assign- ment of ye same to ye sd Inhabitants & acknowledgmt of it Likewise. Bee it Known unto all men by these presents yt Um- panchala alias Womscom a Sachem of Nolwotogg on ye one partie being ye Cheifee proper owner of ye land on ye West side of Quinectcot River from Cappowoungonuck * to ye upper side of Mincomonk ^ viz to Quonquonts ground) Doe give grant Bargaine & Sell to John Pynchon of Spring- feild on ye other partie to him his Assignes & Successors for ever, All ye Grounds, woods, pond waters, trees, stones, meaddowes, uplands &c lyeing & being at Nolwotogg on ye west side of Quenicticott River from ye meadow on ye South called Capowouk formerlie sold by Umpanchala to ye Inhabetants of Northampton) upon ye great River of Quenecticott Northword to ye upperside of Mincomunck yt is to say ye Brooke or Riverett called Cappowong^ alias Mattaoolanick 4 wch partie Cappowonganick & Wequetay- yag & ye meadow & upland called Wequetayyag^ & soe Northward to Yowunckhomuck & Natocouse & ye Brooke called Wunckcompss wch comes out of ye Pond & over ye sd Brook Nattacows or Wonckcompss still Northward viz all the ground & meddow called Mincommuck to a Marked Walnut Tree at ye greate River side & soe of from ye River to a greate white Oake marked & thence to run out into ye Woodes Westward from ye greate River nine miles & soe down Southward till it Come to Cappowoung Riveret wch is to Northampton Bounds, The aforesd tract of ground called Wequetayyag yowunckhommuck Wonckcompss, Nat- 38 INDIAN DEEDS tacows, Mincomuck & from Quenecticott River to run Westward nine miles into ye woods both at ye Southward Bound up along ye Riverett Cappowoung as well as ye Northward Bounds of itt; The sd Umpanchala alias Wom- scom on ye one partie for & in Consideration of ye sum of three Hundered ffatham of Wampam in hand pd Besides severll other small gifts And for other good causes & Considerations, Doe sell give grant And have sold given & granted to John Pynchon of Springfeild aforesd on ye other partie And to his Assignes & Successors for ever & to their heirs, All and singuler ye aforenamed land, or by what ever other names it is or may be called, Queitlei to possess have & in joy ye aforesd Tract of Ground ffree from all molesta- tion or Incumbrance of any Indians & y t for Ever ; Only ye sd Umpanchala doth reserve ye Chickons^ alias Cottin- yakies^ wch is to say there Planteing Ground togeather with libertie to Hunt Deere or other Wild Creatures to take fish & to sett Wigwoms on ye Comons, & take wood & trees for use Butt otherwise all ye Premises And ye whole Tract of land Before mentioned wth all ye Appurtenances & Previledges thereof, The sd John Pynchon his Assignes and Sucessors & their heirs, shall for ever enjoy Absalutelie & Clearelie free from all molestation by any Indians; And ffurther Umpanchala Doth ingage & Covenant And it is ye intent of these Presents, yt all ye Indian Come ffeilds or old planted Ground above Wequetayyage shall come to ye English after his Death, And yn ye Indians to have & injoy, only ye old planted Ground in Wequetayyage and Down to ye Brook Cappowong seate alias Mattoolanick In Witness hereof ye sd Umpanchala hath set to his hand and marke this tenth day of July 1660 The mark of * Umpanchala The marke of Etowomp Bro to Umpanchee ownering & appro veing of ye sale of ye land & is a Witness to it. Subscribed in ye Presence of John Russell Jnr Andrew Bacon Rechard Church Richard Mountague The Marke of Woassomehuc * alias Skejask an Ind Witness The abovesd was here Entered Dec 125 .78 By me Saml Partrigg Record INDIAN DEEDS 39 Notes to the Preceding Deed 'Cappowoungonuck. — J. Hammond Trumbull translated this as kuppo- wonkun-ohk; "place shut in by a bend." ^Mincomonk. — Min-akam-ock; "over across land," i. e., "land across the brook." ^Cappowong. — Refer to note on page 32. ^Mattaoolanick. — This is the "land where the waters meet." Mata- walan, "they meet," referring to streams; and ick, "land." sWequetayyag. — Refer to note on page 31. ^Chickons. — Akikons, literally "a little kettle," but by common usage "a hollow." Modern name is Indian Hollow. ^Cottinyakies. — This is identical with cottinackeesh; " plantation ground," the derivation of which is given on page 14. 40 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Westfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 17 The Coppy of Ensigne Thomas Cooper of Springfield his deed of Morgage of Certayne Lands at Worronoco from Amoakussen the Owner thereof. These presents testify, That I. Amoakussen of Worrinoke ' doe this present day make over unto Thomas Cooper of Springfield all that parcell of Land Lying on the Northeast Side of Worrinoke River, to witt, betwixt the brook called Tomhaummucke ^ & the River called Worrinoke River, from the mouth of the said River Tomhaummucke, & soe up soe high towards Pochasuck, ^ as untill he cometh to the hill called Wasapskotock : ■* All this Parcell of Land doe I. Amoakussen make over unto Thomas Cooper of Spring- field his heires or assignes for security of such debt or debts as I. ye said Amoakussen doe owe unto the said Thomas Cooper or shall hereafter owe unto him, and that in case I shall eyther refuse to pay him uppon demand or y* L shall by any providence be taken away, then shall this said Land fall into ye hands & be at the full enjoyment of the said Thomas Cooper or his heires or assignes for ever & without that molestation from any: And hereunto have I sett my hand this Ninteenth day of September, 1660: I doe ac- knowledge my selfe indebted unto Thomas Cooper the summe of 12 pounds & for this present debt, & for what I shall take up of him. To Pay within this twelve month doe I make over this said Land, wth all wood & trees or what- soever else doth grow thereon, as witness my hand the day & yeere above specifyed to wit that tract of Land whereof Alamaquassuck is part Witnes the marke of * Amoakussen Pelatiah Glover the mark of * Amoakussen his wife Timothy Cooper This deed of Sale or morgage was acknowledged by the Indian above subscribingd called Amoakussen: the 9th of October 1660: Before mee Elizur Holyoke Recorder. INDIAN DEEDS 41 Confirmation of the Preceding Deed HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A ; Folio 49 Here ffollowes a Coppy of a deed whereby Amoacussen alias Nacogewallant an Indian (Sometime Owner of cer- tayne Lands at Worronoco) doth make a further confir- mation of the Said Lands to Ensigne Cooper of Springfield & to his Assignes, the said Indian haveing formerly sold the said Land to y* Said Ensigne Cooper by way of Morgage, as appeareth by a deed in page 17th. Also together with this deed there is annexed the Coppy of ye Said Indians acknowledgmt thereof before y* Commissioners of Spring- field: These presents testify that an Indian called Amoakussen alias Nacogewallant. Sometyme Owner of a parcell of Land at or neere the place called Worronoco ' Seaven on Eight Miles from Springfeild w"*" Land is bounded by the River called Worronoco River on the Southerly & Easterly part thereof & by the brooke called Tomhomock^ Northerly & by the great hill called Wausapskatuck ^ Westerly haveing formerly morgaged & sold the said parcell of Land unto Ensigne Thomas Cooper of Springfield & unto his heires & assignes for Ever for good & valluable considerations: the said Indian called Amoakussen alias Nacogewwallant doth now for & in other good considerations hereby for the more full confirmation of the said Land bounded as aforesaid unto the said Ensigne Cooper & to his assignes for Ever, utterly disclaime all '"' the said Indians right or intrest in y' Said Land giving it wholly absolutely & clearely over to the said Ensign Cooper & to his assignes for Ever: which said parcell of Land bounded as aforesaid The said Ensigne Cooper Shall have hold & enjoy for himself & his assignes for Ever ; In Witness whereof the said Indian hath hereunto sett his hand, this 20"" day of October 1664. 42 INDIAN DEEDS Subscribed & delivered the mark of the Indian called in ye presence of Amoakussen * Elizur Holyoke alias Nacogowallant Thomas Munson John Holyoke This Deed was acknowledged by the abovesaid Indian this 2oth of October 1664: Elizur Holyoke Comissioner. Before me: John Pynchon The above mentioned Ensigne Cooper haveing formerly Sold the Land at Worronoco (mentioned in the deed next above) unto his brother Henry Glover of New Haven & Some others, he the said Ens : Cooper hath made an Assign- emt of y" deed above mentioned unto his brother Glover for a further confirmation of the said Land to his said Brother Henry Glover & the rest of the Proprieters of y" Said Land : A Coppy of wch assignemt here followeth : These presents testify that I. Thomas Cooper of Spring- feild doe in the behalfe of my Brotlicr 1 lenry Glover of New Haven & the rest of the proprietors of the Land wthin mentioned at Worronoco assignd & fully & clearly make over & pass away this deed or writinge on the other side of this leafe unto my said brother Henry Glover utterly dis- claiming any right or intrest in this (k'cd or writing on the other side of this leafe or in the said Land : And in witness hereof I have hereunto sett my liand, this 2 8t]i day of October Anno Dm. 1664 Thomas Cooper Subscribed & delivered in the presence of Elizur Holyoke Thomas Munson John I loloyke Recorded November 7th 1664: By mee Elizur Holyoke Kcconlcr INDIAN DEEDS 43 Notes to the Preceding Deed June 8, 1671. — In ansr to the petition of Alquot & Wallump, sachems of Pojasacke neere Westfield, complayning that an Indian called Amoa- kisson sold a parcell of their land at Woronoake to Left Cooper, wch is distributed amongst severall English inhabitants of Westfield, without giving them, the true ounors of ye land, any allovvanc, though often desired & demanded, humbly desiring this Couns favor to releive them, the Court judgeth it meete to refer it to the County Court at Hampshire to order the petitioners sattisfaction, (if they find just cause,) and to make a finall issue of the matter, & to return what they doe herein to the Generall Court. — Records of Mass. Bay Colony, Vol. 4, Pg. 687. ^Worrinoke. — From the Algonquin root, wanon, "in a circular way; in a winding way," with the substantive, ock, "place; country-." By the sub- stitution of r, one of the interchangeable letters of the dialect, this becomes ivaron, and a is pronounced nearly like the short English 0. This then becomes Woron-ock; "the country with windings; the winding land"; and the character of territory would not be opposed to such an interpretation. ^Tomhaummucke. — From atto-maham-uck, "land on both sides (of which) water flows down," or "the canoe man goes down." The name would then mean "the land where one goes down stream on both sides." This brook was probably the common avenue in going from Worrinoke to Nano- tuck. In aito, as spoken by an Indian, the first syllable is less hard than the second, and may easily have been disregarded. The modern name is Sackett's Brook. sPochasuck. — "Where the narrows open out." *Wasapskotock. — ff'as is the root for "shining"; aptkat in Algonquin, and apiskau in Montagnais is "rock" verbified in the indicative mood. Thus we have was-apikat-ock, "the shining rock land." Modem name is Prospect Hill. 44 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Hatfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 12 Here ffolloweth a Coppy of a deede whereby Umpan- chala an Indian Sachem did sell & Resigne up a Certaine persell of Land unto some of ye Inhabitants of Hadly in behalfe of whole Town wch is as ffolloweth Know all men by this present writeing yt I Umpanchala with ye Consent of Etoomp have given sold Bargained & made over to Andrew Bacon William Lewis Andrew Wer- ner Samll Smith the land yt I Reserved to my self in Wee- quetaiogg' under ye name of Chickons Cattones Akees:^ And in all ye Borders and partes ajasent thereunto even all & every Persell of ye sd land with ye Rights Preveledges and appurtenances thereto belonging to be to ye sd Andrew Bacon, William Lewis, Andrew Werner Samll Smith ( Act- ing in ye behalfe of ye Town of Hadly) for ever as their true and proper Possessition In Consideration whereof we ye sd Andrew Werner Wm Lewis Samll Smith Andrew Bacon doe ingage to give to the sd Umpanchala five Acres of Land within ye Compass of ye sd land And to ffence it in next spring with a good suf- ficient ordinary ffence in English account And wt of ye sd five acres is not Broken up to Breake it up. And soe Broken up to Leave it Umpanchala as his proper Possession; Pro- vided yt we haveing once Broken it up & fenced it are not to maintaine any ffence. But ye sd Umpanchala is to main- taine ye same. Wee sd agreed Between us yt this five Acres soe Broken and ffenced is to be Umpanchalaes, And all ye other land without Exception is hereby made ever to us Andrew Bacon, Wm Lewis Samll Smith Andrew Werner in behalf of ye Town of Hadly for ever In Wittness whereof we have set to our hands and scales this present 1 7 of Jan- uarie 1661 INDIAN DEEDS 45 In ye Presence of Umpanchala * his marke John Russell Jnr And a Seale afixed John Hubbert John Coleman Etoomp his * marke Andrew Bacon And a Seale afixed Samll Smith Wm Lewis Andrew Werner The above sd agremt was here Entered Dec. 9:78 By me Samll Partrigg Recdr Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Weequetaiogg. — Refer to note on page 31. ^Chickons Cattones Akees. — Refer to note on page 39. 46 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Springfield and adjoining towns included within the old bounds of Springfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 20 Samll Marshfield deed of Morgage from ye Indians April! 2*^ 1 66 1 This writing declare th that I Cuttonis & I Coo & I Mattaquallanant & I Menis & I Wallny & I Tagnalloush doe all of us joyntly morgage all our Lands in this Town both new & old within the bounds of this Towne to Samuell Marshfield of Springfeild his heires or assignes, for Severall debts wch wee owe Samuell Marshfield for goods already received, wch wee did ingage to pay in bever, & we doe still ingage to doe the Same if we can gett it, any tyme this summer, or else wee doe ingage to pay him in come at 2^ pr. bush by heape, or if in Wampam, then to allow the said Samuell six fathom for every five fathom due unto him, or if we can gett moose skins or Otter or good deare skins, then to pay them unto him at a reasable rate, or guns wch the foresaid Samuell hath in his hands, wch if he doe Lend to any of us, wee ingage to returne them to Him when he shall call for them: and if we doe not pay the aforesaid Samuell in any of these payes to his con- tent by Michelmas next ensuing the date hereof; then we give the aforesaid Samuell full power to ceaze on all our Lands & come as his proper right : and if we Indians whose Names are above written, doe ingage that if wee & the aforesaid Samuell cannot aggree about the price of any of the above mentioned pay, then wee will stand to wt Cap- tayne Pynchon & Leiutenant Holyoke shall appoynt. In witness whereof the said Indians have hereunto sett their hands the day & yeere above written : INDIAN DEEDS 47 Subscribed in the the mark of the mark of presence of Cut * tonis * Elizur Holyoke Mattaquaullanant John Holyoke the mark of * the mark of Menis * Coo: or Co. the mark of * the mark of Tagnalloush * Wallny This is abouve Coppy of Samuel Marshfields Originall deed wth the names & marks of ye Indians as neere as well might bee Recorded: May 2d 1661 By me, Elizur Holyoke Recordr. observe that here is noe Legall acknowledgmt of this Deed of Morgage: 48 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Hadley HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 24 Joseph Parsons of Northampton comeing to Springfield the 9th of July 1662 desired that his deede of morgage might be recorded for certayne Lands wch he affirmed to have been morgaged to him of wch deed hereunder follows y' Coppy May 20: 1662 Whereas I Weackwockwen & my wife & my son Squompe wee done owne & acknowledge to be indebted to Joseph Parsons of Northampton foure score skins of beaver for cotes & wampeme & other goods reseved of hime on trooste with many other Kindneses reseved from him & in case I doe not pay this beaver above specifyed fower score Skins of befere all to be of y^ Largeste Sorte of skins & good the hole summe & in case I weackwoqene & my wife or any one of us doe not pay the hole Sum of this beafer by the fivft of September next ensueing the date hereof then I weack- wockwen & my wife as a partey doe promise & shall fully make over to Joseph Parsons a parcell of Land in the med- ow & upland by it. the meddow we comonly call hockanome' but by the Indians called Peta this land is already morgaged or paned for this debt & how it is bounded all that parcell of Land bounded by mee weakwackken & my wife we doe morgage or pane to Joseph Parsons of Northampton * * * as security & soe to remayne for his surely till the fivfte of September next & if the beaver by that tyme be not paid to the said Joseph then Joseph Parsons shall have power to enjoy the said Land him & his heires & executors & administrators for ever to enjoy it peaceably for ever & to this we sett to our hands. INDIAN DEEDS 49 witnes the mark * of Weackwaguen Jeames Wright the mark * of Weakwaguens wife Judah Wright Recorded July the 9th 1662. By mee EHzur Holyoke Record. Note to the Preceding Deed ^Hockanome. — At Wethersfield, whence came some of the Hadley set- tlers, was a neck of land similar to that at Northampton, which the Indians about there called Hoccanum {Hocquaum, "hook shaped"). Evidently the English adopted this name in their new home, and applied it to the hook at the "ox-bow." It is a curious fact that at both Hadley and Weth- ersfield, changes in the river bed have made the neck of land into an island. 50 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Agawam HAMPDEX COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 24 Sep 12''' 1662 Cuttonis the Indian being owner Some- tyme of Lands in Springfield on the West Side of the Great River did acknowledge before Capt Pynchon & Elizur Hol- yoke that he had sold to Ensigne Cooper a parcell of his plantinge Land adjoyning to the Westerly end of that Swampe wch the Towne gave the said Ensigne Cooper wch parcell of Land the said Cuttonis did also acknowledge he had formerly bounded out to Ensigne Cooper by a great tree that is by the meddows & Soe cover to ye Cherry trees y* are in the plantinge Land & Soe streight on to two other trees neerer Agawam River. And the said Cuttonis did then afiirm that this bargayne of Sale was made with En- signe Cooper before he had made the bargayne with Sam- uell Marshfield concerning morgaging their Land. INDIAN DEEDS 51 Part of South Hadlev, Granbv and Belchertown HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS liber A; Folio S Here iiolloweth a Coppy of a deed of ye Ptirchase of Certaine tract or tracts of Land by ye Worshipftill Major P}Tichon of ye Indianes & his Assignement of ye same to ye Inhabitants oil Hadley & there sucessors with his ac- knowledgemt of ye same Bee it know-n to all men by these Presents \t Wequagon (formerly called Wullutheame i and his 'vs'ife Awonunsk An Squomp there Son, Being ye Sole & proper owners of ye land at Xolwotogg on ye East side of Ouenicticott River from ye Brook Towonunkset & hill Petawamachu down southward toward Springfeild Bounds. Wee ye sd Wequagon Awonusk & Squomp (for otir selves & heirs) On ye one partie Doe give grant Bargaine & sell unto John P\-nchon of Springfeild on ye other party, to him, his heires Assignes S: Successors forever All ye Grounds, Woodes, Trees, Ponds Waters, Stones, Meadows and uplands &c lyeing and being at Xolwotogg on ye East side of Ouinecticot River from ye Hill called Petawamuchu & ye Brooke or litle Riverlett called Towunuckset wch formerhe Umpanchala & Wow- whillowa sold to ye EngHsh wn they sold ym Simnuck quommuck. ^ And Bounded it by ye mouth of ye Brook Towimuckset and ye Hill Petowomachu Xow from ye sd Hill & Brook down Ouinecticott River Southward to a Brook or Riverlet called Chusick where ye Cart way goes over it, But at ye mouth it is called Cowase. ' And all with- in ye Compass from ye greate River Ouenicticott Eastward in to ye woods about ten miles ^"iz two ye three Ponds called Paquonckquamog, ^ Scontocks, Paskesickquopoh •* The aforesayd tract of land called Petowamuchu Su- chow. -' ye greate neck or meddow wch ye English call Hoccanum. ° togeather with ye uplands ajo^Tieing & ye Brooke or Riveret called Cowachuck" alias Ouaquoonim- ^uck^ at ye mouth of it. SJ INDIAN Dhl-ns Aiul sor south to vo Riveret Chusiiok aluis ^.\>\vaso at vo tnouth oi il. Aiul l\.ist\\\l to \o thivo roiivlsboforo named. Woo \o sd Wooquoi^an Awotmsk \- Squotnp Ooo cloarlv »!v ahsahitoly liranl cK: soil to |olu\ P\nol\oi\ of SpringfoiUi afoi'esd and to his successoi's for ever; At\d b\ those Pres- ents for «S: in oonsidoration of 150 tTathain ot" WaniiXMn wth ten Coatos. And nioiv two yds of Cloath over in yo lan^oness of \ in rMvoohos i^- sovorall other small pftos oonsidorablo all oi ihom; And all in hand \\\yd (Vhc rocoito whoivof wo doe b>' these presents ackTiowledge) And for other good causes ».^- considerations iis thoromUo movoinj^, Ooo Grant >.K: soil And have si^ld s:;ivon i^ramd to jno P\ iiohon of Spring- tiold aforosayd aiul to his Assi^tios and successors »Jv: their heirs for over all \ sim^\ilar yo aforenamed land from ve North luninds rowunuoksot to vo south bounds Chusuck alias C\nvaso And from \o west Pomuis \o j^roat River to ye tluoo Ponds ICastward called Pa«.|uonckoqUvUUOii Scon- tocks iVc Paskosickquopoh or bywt ever other names it is or ma\' bo called. Ouiotlio to possess have & injov ve aforesd tract iA >;round tlroo from all molestation ilvr incumbmnc oi an\ Indians «S: that for over: Only ye sd Wooquoi^on >.K: Awomu\sko his wife doth ivserve ».S: exempt fiXMU this sale a Pei*siMl oi land in ye Neck or Suchaw called by ye English Hoccanum wch Pei-sell ».>f land thov say is upwards of Fiftie or sixtie acres being alroadie morgaged to Joseph Parsons of Northampton ..K: Innrndod out to him by stakes »S: markes in ye Presence of two l-aiglish men oi Xorthamjnon ye wch Pei'sell of land being made over too Kvsoph Parsons thev exempt from this sale. lUit otherwise all \o Pivmises »S: the whole tract oi land before memioned wth all ye ProiVits Prcvcledges «.K: advantages «J»c Comodieties thereof the sd \o\u\ Pvt\chon his Assigms ^K: Successors »S: theiv heirs shall for c>\cr u\iov. absahitclic CMea relic \' tYive from all moles- tation by Indians agst wc ye sd \\'ei|uogan. Awonunske «Jv: Siiuomi> will dctlcnd and will unto ye sd Pynchon wanvnt >c Ihvmisees against all lawfuU claimes whatsoeever by any other exccjU as befoiv exempted iM^ely ye intent of these Presents is not to ICxclude ye Indians fivm lluntcii\g IVeiv, Peavor or other wild Civatures on ye Tract of land afoivsold wch libertv Ihcv \ct reser\c to vn\ selves And alsoe to take tlish auvl sometimes to set tluM'c wii'woms on \c C'omons, INDIAN DEEDS 53 &■ to take wood «S: trees of on ye Comons for yer use. In Witness whereof ye aforesd Indians have hereunto set there hands & marks this 8th day of August 1662. Signed Subscribed and The mark of * Wequogon DeHvered in ye Presence of us Pelatia Glover The mark of * Awonunsk The mark of * Richd Sixes John Lambe The mark * of Squomp James Tayler An Assignement of ye aforesd deede I under wTitten doe hereby declare yt this deede of sale by ye Indians of ye land within mentioned was by them sold to me, not for myself or as my own proprietie But for ye Inhabitants of ye Town of Hadly who had obtained a grant of ye same land from ye Honored Gen 11 Corte of ye ]\Iassachusets for a Plantation, And thereupon I acted in ye Purchase of ye Premises at ye request & on ye behalf of of ye Inhabitants of Hadly And haveing Received from them ye sum within mentioned layd out for ye Purchase, I doe hereby Assigne ♦S: Deliver up this writeing to ye Present Inhabitants of Hadley for ym selves & their Successors to whome it Doth of Right Belong as Witness my hand this 6th day of Febr 1671 John P\mchon The aforesd deede with ye above written asignement of ye same was here Entered Desembr i6th 1678 By me Samll Partrigg Recordr On the margin of the deed is the following memorandum £ s p 45-10-00 4-10-00 they agred 30-00-00 to ad for Haying for ye pay & other expences of mine 54 INDIAN DEEDS Notes to Preceding Deed 'Sunnuckquommuck. — The compounds of this name are sanak, root word for "difficult; rough," and kamtk, a termination referring to land in the locative case. It would mean "at the rough country; at the country hard to travel through," perhaps on account of the numerous brooks ?nd hills. ^Cowase. — Kawtse, "a depression." ^Paquonckquamog. — The Algonquin root pakwa, "shallow," gives the prefix, and with chquamog, meaning "lake" in the locative case, would give "at the shallow lake." The a in kwa is so pronounced by an Indian as to justify this translation. ''Paskesickquopoh. — Paskese-kopau, a compound word composed of paskese," it forks, it branches," and kopau,a termination almost like kamau, which applies to a pond. The word thus means "the branching pond." sSuchow. — Sucki-aug, "dark colored earth." ^Hoccanum. — Refer to note on page 49. ^Cowachuck. — From the same root as Cowase {kawtse). Kawise-uck, "the yielding land; where the ground yields, or sinks." ^Quaquoonuntuck. — Kwakwanan-tuck, "the shaking-marsh creek." This corroborates the translation of Cowachuck. INDIAN DEEDS 55 Part of Westfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio 54 These present writings dated September the twenty- ninth in the yeere One Six hundred Sixty-ffive showeth, yt wee Spanesa & Poxonock both of us joyntly & Severally have upon a valluable consideration to us Secured & by these presents do alienate & sell unto Danioll Clark & Sam- uell Marshall of Windsor their heires & assignes one parcell meddow land lying at Warranoco on ye South side of ye River part whereof hath been already planted wch parcell of Meddow is in quantity fforty acres wch parcell of med- dow land, it shal be lawfull for the said Danioll & Samuell their heires & assignes to enjoy and possess & inheritt for Ever. And for the more full assurance of the said land unto ye said persons wee the Grannters doe hereby Morgage or fully engage that if wee make not the title of the land good to these two Grantees, then Samuell Marshall is to have our little Daughter now about ffoure yeeres old to enjoy her & dispose of her as his own estate: And wee the said Granters doe hereby promise & oblige ourselves unto the said Granntees that when wee be minded to make sale of the othor of our land at Worronoco they the said Grantees shall have the first tending to them to take or re- fuse uppon such termes as wee shall aggree unto: Unto the due preformance hereof wee the said Spanesa & Poxonock doe hereby bynd ourSelves our heires & successors witness our hands & Scales the day and yeere above written. Signed Sealed and Spanesa * his mark. delivered in ye presence of Poxonock * his mark. James Enno his John * Williams mark 56 INDIAN DEEDS This above written is a true Coppy of a deed whereby Spanesa and Poxonock have Sold certayne lands at Worro- noco to Capt Clark & Samuell Marshall of Windsor Recorded April ye 17"" 1666 By mee Elizur Holyoke Recorder observe, that here is noe legall acknowledgemt of this Deed or Morgage INDIAN DEEDS 57 Part of Brookfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A ; Folio t S Here followeth the Coppy of the Deed for the Purchase of the lands at Quaubauge [now called Brookfeild] from the Indian called Shattoockquis, together with Leiut Thomas Cooper his resignation of the said Deed to ye Inhabitants of Quawbauge now called Brookfeild for the said deed was framed in Name to the Said Leiut Cooper but indeed for ye only use and behoofe of ye Inhabitants of the said Plan- tation called Brookfeild. Also ye Coppy of ye said Leiut Coopers acknowledgmt of his said Resignation before ye worppll Major John Pynchon These Presents Testify that Shattoockquis alias Sha- dookis the sole and propper owner of certayne lands at Qua- bauge here after named Hath for good & valluable consid- erations him the said Shattooquis thereunto moveinge given granted bargayned & sold, And by these presents doth fully clearely & absolutely give grant bargayne & sell unto Ensigne Thomas Cooper of Springfeild for the use & behoofe of the present English Planters at Quabaug & their Associates, & their successors & to them & their heires for Ever, Certayne parcells of land at towards or about the North end of Quabauge pond that is to say begining at a little meddow at the north end of the pond Quabauge wch meddow is called Podunk with the land about it, & soe to a little hill Wullamanick' & from thence Northward or North & by East about three miles Sc soe westwards off to ye North end of Wecobaug ^ Pond taking in all the playnes meddows and upland from Podunk by Quabaug pond to Wecobaug pond all the lands betwixt, as that called Nacom- muck^ (viz a brook where meddow is) and soe to Masse- quockum^mis ^ viz another brook where meddow is, and soe thorough the playne to Wecobaug pond, & then down to Lashaway5 viz the River wch comes from Quabaug pond all ve lands as aforesaid on the East or Northeast Side of 58 INDIAN DEEDS that River and about three miles North or North & by East from the River together with the said River, & the lands on the West side, or South, or Southwest side of the said River, & particularly from Lashaway down the River to a brook or streame called Naltaug and soe up that brook to the head of it Southward, & then from the head of that brook to verge of a hill called Asquoach, ^ & soe down Southward or Southeast to ye pond Quabauge, taking in all the west meddow & meddows called Masquabamisk & Nanantomqua it being about foure miles from the river to the verge or foote of the hill aforesaid called Asquoach and about Six miles or neere there abouts from the River at the mouth of ye brook called Naltaug to Quabaug pond: All the aforesaid tract of land from Wecobauge to Podunk at the North end of Quabauge, & from Naltaug to Quabauge, called Naltaug Lashaway, Massequockcumis Nacommuck Wullammannuck Podunk Nanantomqua Masquabamisk & soe to the hill called Asquoach. All wch land aforedescribed together with the trees waters Stones profits comoditys & advantages thereof, & thereunto belonging, the said Ensign Thomas Cooper for himself & for the present Planters at Quabaug and their Associates & Successors is to have hold & enjoy & that for Ever : And the said Shattookquis as well for other consid- erations as also for & in consideration of the Summe of Three Hundred fadom of Wampampeage in hand Received doth grant bargayne & sell All & Singular the aforenamed tract of land to Ensigne Thomas Cooper his successors & assignes as aforesaid & to their heires for Ever: And the said Shattoockquis doth hereby covenante & promise to & with the said Ensigne Thomas Cooper that he will save ye said Thomas Cooper harmless from all manner of claymes of any perfon or persons lawfully clayming any right or intrest in the said land hereby sold or in any part thereof, & will defend the same from all or any molestation & in- cumbranse by any Indians lawfully laying clayme or title therunto. INDIAN DEEDS 59 In witnes whereof the said Shattoockquis hath hereunto sett his hand this tenth day of November 1665 Subscribed and dehvered The mark * of Shattoockquis in ye presence of Elizur Holyoke Samuell Chapin The mark of Mettawomppe an Japhett Chapin Indian * witness who_ chal- lenging some interest in the land above Sold received part of ye pay and consented to the Sale of it all. Shattoockquis an Indian above mentioned did own and acknowledge this to be his act and deed resigning up all his rights title & intrest in the lands above mentioned unto Thomas Cooper his Associates & assignes as above said; this tenth day of November 1665 : Before mee John Pynchon Assistant I Thomas Cooper above mentioned doe hereby relin- quish & resigne up all my right & title in ye lands within mentioned to be bought of Shattoockquis, hereby declaring that my acting in ye premises was only in the behalfe & for the use & behoofe of the Inhabitants of Quabauge (now called Brookfeild) & their successors : The purchase of the above mentioned land being at their pper cost and charge, who had obteyned a grant thereof from ye Honno Genii. Cort & are now allowed a Towne : I doe therefore hereby deliver up 2 this Instrument or deed of sale to John John Warner Richard Coy & WiUiam Pritchard of Quabauge aHas Brookfeild for the use & as the propper right of the inhabitants of Brookfeild, The Said Persons being betrusted by the Towne or present Inhabitants of Brookfeild for tak- ing in & receiving this present Deed. Wherefore I doe hereby deliver it up to them hereby declaring it & the land therein mentioned to be sold to be & belong to the present Inhab- itants of Brookfeild as they are a Township, and to per- ticular persons only according as they have or shall have grants of land confirmed to them. 6o INDIAN DEEDS The whole Tract of land above mentioned I doe fully & absolutely resigne up to the Inhabitants of Brookfeild aforesaid and to their Successors and their Heires for Ever. As witness my hand this ip"" day of December 1673 Thomas Cooper December 19'^ 1673 Lieut Thomas Cooper above men- tioned Subscribed hereunto & acknowledged the resigning up this Deed & all his intrest in the premises to the Inhab- itants of Brookfeild Before mee John Pynchon Assistant. This Deed was Recorded March ye 1673 By mee Elizur Holyoke Record'' Notes to the Preceding Deed 'WuUamanick. — Wolaman-ick; "vermillion paint place." ^Wecobaug. — From we, particle meaning "well; good," in composition, and kupau, "pond," verbified and used in the participle mood; kupauk. The literal translation would be "it being a good pond," and more naturally, "at the good pond." Or it may derive from we-koba-aug, "good pond land." ^Nacommuck. — From na, particle, which also means "good," and kamt, root for "field," verbified and used in the participle mood, kamtck. The meaning would be "where it is a good field." It may perhaps come from na-kamt-uck, "good soil country." ''Massequockummis. — From massek, "marsh," which in composition becomes massekwa, and kami, root for "land" in the diminutive; "the little marshy meadow." sLashaway. — "Midway; between." ^Asquoach. — Iskwa-ack; "the ending place." INDIAN DEEDS 6i Part of Deertield From original deed in Possession of the Pacomtuck Valley Memorial Association These presents Testifie That Chauk aHas Chaque the Sachem of Pacomtuck for good & valluable Considera- tions him thereunto moveing, hath Given, Granted, Bar- gained & sold, & by these presents Doth (for himself & his Brother Wapahoale,) fully, clearely & absolutely Give, Grant, Bargaine & sell imto Capt John Pynchon of Spring- field for ye use & behoof e of Major Eleazer Lusher, & En- signe Danl Fisher, & other English of Dedham, theire As- sociates, & successours & to them, & theire heires for ever. Certain parsells of Land at Pacomtuck on ye further side or upper side or North side of Pacomtuck ^ River. That is to say beginning a little above, where Pukcommeagon ^ river Runs into Pacomtuck River, & so alittle way up Pukcom- meag River, & then leaving Puckcomeagon river, runs off to ye hill Sunsick^ westward: All ye land fro the Hill Sunsick on ye westward & downe ye River Pacomtuck, eastward below Nayyocossick to Pochewee neere ye Mouth of Puckcomeagon river wch persells of Land are called Nayyocossick Tomholissick Masquomcossick Ussowwack Wusquiawwag & so to Sunsick hill, or by what ever other names it maybe called. Together w^h the Trees, w^aters, meddows, woods, Brookes, uplands. Stones poffits, Comod- itys & advantages thereof & thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, the aforesd Major Eleazer Lusher, & Ensigne Danl Fisher of Dedham, theire associates & succes- sors & theire heires are to Have Hold & Injoy & that for- ever, only the sd Chauk alias Chaque doth reserve Liberty of fishing for ye Indians in ye Rivers or waters & free Liberty to hunt deere or other wild creatures, & to gather walnuts chestnuts & other nuts things &c on ye Commons: And the sd Chaque doth hereby Covenant & promise to & wth ye sd Major Eleazer Lusher & Danl Fisher, that he will 62 INDIAN DEEDS save ye sd Major Lusher & Danl Fisher, theire Associates & theire Heires & assignes, harmeless of & from all manner of claimes of any person or persons Lawfully claiming any right Title or Interest in any of ye lands hereby sold or in any pt or part or thereof & will Defend the same fro any molestation or Incumbrance by Indians otherwise than as before reserved In witness whereof the sd Chaque hath hereunto set his hand this 24"" Febr. 1666. In presence of: Jon. Pynchon Jun. The marke of * Chaque Wequanock an Indian witness his * marke who helped ye Sachem in Makeing ye Bargaine The day aforementioned Chaque acknowledged this in- strument to be his act & Deed Before mee John Pynchon, Assistant. Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Pacomtuck. — Modern name is Deerfield River. ^Puckcommegon. — Modern name is Green River. ^Sunsick Hills. — Modern name is West Mountain INDIAN DEEDS 63 Part of Agawam HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B; Folio 21 The Deed of Neesahegan the Indian to the Towne of Springe A coppy of the Evidence of the purchase of y* medows over Agawa River (called the higher medowe) & the up Lds further Southerly fro those medows An°: 1666,— This writing witnesseth that Neesahegan alias Squom- seat & Kepaquomp alias Squinnamoh for themselves & on behalfe of an old woman called Potucksisq affirming, that the English at Springfeild never bought the Lands over Agawam River in the higher medows, that is to say, the Lands between the middle medow, & so round the Hils, fro the pond by the midle medow to Ensigne Coopers house, & so to Agawam River ; & yet acknowledging that the midle medow & house medow called Quana & Agawam, were Long since bought by the English: But now the said Indian men for themselves, & in the behalfe of the said old woman, for the greater security & more ful assurance of the Lands hereby sold, as also of the Lands formerly sold, as also for & in consideration of fifty fatham of wampam to the said Indians in hand paid do sel & for ever passe away unto Elizur Holyoke; Ensigne Cooper, Anthony Dorchester & Samuel Marshfield, in the behalfe of themselves & their successors & the Inhabitants of the Towne of Springfeild, the Lands In the said higher medows, w* other uplands, furtherly Southerly fro the said medows. Al which Lands together w* those Lands w"*" were formerly bought of the Indians, & by the said Indians soe acknowledged, are bounded as is herafter mentioned, that is to say. Easterly by Connecticut River fro Agawa Rivers mouth, to a little gutter that runs into the great River neer about over ag' Pacowsicke, & thence running westerly over the medows in the woods, where Ensigne Cooper & Samuel Marshfeild 64 INDIAN DEEDS have medow; & so fro thence Westerly til one come neer the pond called Wequanshausicke, & fro thence the West border runs to Agawam River, at a brooke, called pau- hunganuck, ' & fro thence the said River called Agawam River is the bounds down to Connecticut River : All which said Land, y' are w*''in the aforesaid bounds, the said Eli- zur Holyoke, Ens. Cooper, Samuel Marshfeild & Anthony Dorchester & the Inhabitants of the Town of Springfield are To have hold & enjoy for themselves & their successors for ever; w*'' out any molestatio from the said Indians or any other: Witnes the said Indians hands this 20"' day of June Anno Dom'° 1666 Subscribed & delivered The marke of Neesaheagan in the presence of alias * Squomseat John Holyoke John Pynchon Jun' The make * of Kepaquomp James Taylor alias Squinnamok Wequagan his * marke an Indian Witnes This Deed of sale was acknowledged by Kepaquomp, alias Squinnamok & Neesaheaga alias Squomseate to be their act & Deed this 20'*" of June 1666 Before me Jn° Pynchon Assistant July: 8" 1679 Recorded this deed by Jn° Holyoke Recorder. ^Pauhunganuck. — From the Algonquin pawahagan, an instrument to bruise or thrash, hence by derivation it may be called a mill. With the ter- mination it would be "land of the mill." On page 258 of volume i of the records of the town of Springfield appears a grant of land made Dec. 8, 1664, "for ye Setting up of a Saw Mill on a brook below Ensign Coopers farme over Agawam River," also forty acres of land near by, provided that the mill should be completed by April I, l666. This would seem to confirm the translation. After the mill was completed the Indians apparently dis- puted the title to the territory. The brook is now known as Miller's brook, Thomas Miller being one of the four grantees of the mill land. INDIAN DEEDS 65 Part of Deerfield From original deed in the possession of the Pacomtuck Valley Memorial Association These presents Testifie that Milkeanaway aHas Masse- amet (ye Indian, owner of certaine Lands at Pacumtuck) Hath Demised Granted Bargained & sold unto John Pyn- chon of Springfield for ye use & behoof e of Major Eleazer Lusher & Daniell ffisher of Dedham & their associates & by these presents Doth demise Grant Bargain & sell unto ye sd Maojor Eleazer Lusher Daniell Fisher & theire Associates & to theire heirs & assigns forever. All & singular the sd Milkeanaway alias Masseamet, his Lands at Pacumtuck on ye south or Southeast side of Pacumtuck River, wch lands are called Pojassick ' wequunckcaug, ManePacossick & Southward to ye hills Pemamachuwatunch, ^ or by what- ever other names the sd lands are called, even all ye land from Mantahelant (wch wuttawoluncksin ^ Sold to Mr. Pynchon) up to Scowockcuck & so off to Quinetticot River to Mattampawsh to ye Land Mr. Pynchon bought of Wut- tawoluncksin 3 togithir wth all ye woods Trees waters wet meadows profits & comoditys whatsoever to ye sd Land belonging, or in any wise appertaining, only ye sd Indian reserves to himself Liberty for fishing, otherwise all the sd Tract of land the aforesd Major Eleazer Lusher, Danl ffisher & theire associates & theire heires & assignes, are to have hold & In joy & that forever: both ye profits and appurte- nances thereunto belonging: And the sd Masseamet alias Milkeanaway doth hereby covent & promise to save ye sd Major Lusher & Danl ffisher & theire Associates harmless from all manner of claime of any person Lawfully claiming any interest or right in any of ye Land hereby sold. In witness whereoff the sd Masseamet alias Milkenaway heth hereunto set his hand & scale this 13th of June 1667. The mark of Massea * met Alias Milkenaway 66 INDIAN DEEDS Subscribed Sealed & dlid in ye presence off William Warriner John Pynchon Junr Amy Pynchon ^ June ye 13th 1667 Masseamet alias Milkeanaway did owne & acknowledge this writing to be his act & Deed, resigneing up & releasing all his right Title & interest in ye lands abovesd Before me John Pynchon Asist Notes to the Preceding Deed 'Pojassick. — "Where the narrows open out." ^Pemamachuwatunch. — Modern name is East Mountain. George Shel- don, in his History of Deerfield, Vol. I, page 29, translates this as "at the twisted mountain (pemi-adchu)." 3Nothing is known of a deed from Wuttawoluncksin to Pynchon. ^Sheldon says "that they were witnessed by two young children of Pynchon." This is hardly correct, as Amy Pynchon was the wife of John Pynchon, and John Pynchon, Junior, was about twenty years old. INDIAN DEEDS 67 Part of Deeriield and Greenfield From original deed in the possession of the Pacomtuck Valley Memorial Association These presents testifie that Ahimunquat alias Mequin- nichall of Pacomtuck Hath Demised Granted Bargained & Sold, And by these presents doth Demise Grant Bargain & sell unto Major Eleazer Lusher & Daniell ffisher of Dedham their Associates & theire heires & assigns for ever. All the sd Ahimunquat, alias Mequinnitchall his lands at Pacomtuck, both on ye South or Southeast side of Pocumtuck River called weshatchowmesit & on ye North or Norwest side of ye sd River, called Tomholisick: the sd parcelles of Land called Tomholisick & weshatchowmesit from ye brooke downe ye River up to Sunsick & bounded by ye Land wch Masseamet hath already sold, or by whatever other Names ye sd Lands are called even all ye Land belonging to ye sd Ahimunquat alias Mequinitchall & to his Brother Kunck- keasacod togithr wth all Tree waters profits & Comoditys whatsoever to ye sd Land belonging or anyways appertain- ing. The aforesd Major Eleazer Lusher Danl ffisher & theire Associates & theire heires & assigns are to have hold & in joy & that for ever, wth all ye profits & appurtenances thereunto belonging. And ye sd Ahimunquat alias Mequin- nitchall doth hereby covenant & promise to save ye sd Major Eleazer Lusher Danl ffisher theire Associates & theire heires harmless from all manner of claime of any person or persons lawfully claiming any right or interest in any of ye Land hereby Sold. In witness whereoff the sd Ahimunquat alias Mequinnitchall hath hereunto Set his hand & seal, this 22 of July 1667 The marke of Ahimunquat Alias Mequinnitchall * Subscribed Sealed & dlid in ye presence off Amy Pyn- chon John Pynchon Jr. 68 INDIAN DEEDS The marke of Grin * neachchue Brother to Mequin- nitchall, who Received part of ye Pay, viz. 20. fadam: & approved of the Sale of ye Land: Meqiiinnitchall, alias Ahimunquat, did owne & acknowledge this writing abovesd, to be his act & deed, this present 22th of July 1667 Before me John Pynchon, Asist. INDIAN DEEDS 69 Part of Westfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B; Folio 50 Westfield Townes Deed These Presents testify that Alquat the Indian Sachem of Woronoak & Pojassick for & '" Consideration of the Sum of forty pounds in EngHsh accot, being so much Sterling to him in hand before the seaUng & DeHvery hereof wel & truly paid, by Capt Jn° Pynchon of Springfield, for & in the behalf e of Capt Aron Cooke mr James Cornish, mr Joseph Whiting, Geo: Phelps Tho: Noble David Ashley Jno Roote & other the Inhabitants of Woronoake alias Westfield, the Receite whereof the said Alquat doth ac- knowledge by these presents & therewth to be fully satis- fyed & contented, Hath Given granted bargained & sold, & by these presents doth fully & clearly & absolutely Give grant bargain and sel unto Capt Aron Cooke mr James Cornish mr Joseph Whiting George Phelps Tho: Noble, David Ashley John Roote of Westfield, alias Woronoake aforesd for themselves & the present Inhabitants of the abovesd Place or Plantation & their Successors & Assignes, from time to time, & unto their heires & Assignes for ever, according as their severall Proportions or Divisions shal be Laid out & proportioned to them. A certain Parcel or Tract of Land Medow & Woodland lying & being at Woro- noake aforesd, on the South side of Woronoake River, the great River, & on the North, or Northerly side of the little River, or Forte River; Adjoining on the Southeast, East & Northeast on Land formerly purchased by Sam' Marshfield of Springfield for the Inhabitants of Westfield aforesd, & on the South & South-West on the little River abovemen- tioned, comonly called the Fort River; On the North or Northerly It is bounded by the grt River called Woronoake River, & so runs up Woronoake River, to the ffalls neer about a mile above the present Houses to a marked tree 70 INDIAN DEEDS There; & from that marked Tree, it Runs off westerly, or Sow- Westerly upon a straite line to the little River or Fort River to a Stone at the Nooke or point where al the good Land ends, & where going up the Hill, the Pine Plain begins, the said Comon or pine Plaines being the Westerly or NorWesterly bounds of this Tract of Land. The line of Division being Run by sev^all Inglish going along w"" the Indians from the ffalls in the grt River over to that Stone aforementioned, wch is on the top of the hill by the little River, where the Pine Plaine begins, To have & To hold al the Parcel or Tract of Land before mentioned, containing sev^al hundred Acres wth al the profits & appurtenances thereupon or thereunto belonging to the sd Capt Cooke James Cornish, Joseph Whiting. Geo: Phelps Tho: Noble David Ashley & Jno Roote for the Inhabitants of Westfield aforesd, according as Division yt of shal be made unto ym & to their heires & assignes for ever, onely reserving & ex- empting out of the present sale seven acres of medow Land for Wollump, son of sd Alquat, wch seven acres reserved & exempted lyes in a nooke by the little River & agt Land now deeded & proportioned to mr Joseph Whiteing, & to be at the sole dispose of the sd Alquat & Wollump: Also reserving liberty for Indians to fish & take fowls; And the sd Alquat doth Covenante & promise to & wth the sd Capt Cooke mr James Cornish mr Joseph Whiteing, Geo Phelps Tho: Noble David Ashley & Jno Roote that he wil save them harmles fro al manner of Claime of any Person or persons Lawfully Claiming any Right Title or Interest in the premises, otherwise than y° Reserve or Exemption of the seven acres aforesd for Wollump — In witnesse whereof the sd Alquat hath hereunto affixed his hand & Scale this 30"* Day of June 1669 Subscribed sealed & delivered the marke of Al * quat in the presence of wth his scale affixt Sam. Marshfield Timothy Cooper William Brooke John Aestson the marke * of Wollump ) Indian ye mark of * Walla wunt ) Witnesses INDIAN DEEDS 7^ Alquat the Indian Sachem acknowledged this Instni- mt to be his act & Deed, this present 30* June 1669. before me John Pynchon Asist. Jan. 8 1684: Entered this deed fro the original by me Jno Holyoke Recorder 72 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Westfield From original deed in possession of the Springfield City Library Association Aprill 25th 1670. An Agreement wth Alquat alius Keems the Sachem of Pojassuck & Son Wollump Touching theire Seven acres of Land in ye feild at Westfeild wch they reserved out of ye Purchase or sale to ye english wch seven or eight acrs of theire land, lys by ye little River or fort River, & against Mr Joseph Whiting's land in Westfeild aforesd in ye Hooke by ye River yt lys agt Mr Whiting's land : It is Conditioned agreed & Consented to by ye aforesd & above mentioned Indians, Alquat & Wollump, That Mr John Pynchon & Mr Joseph Whiting shall have, Injoy and Posess theire ye said Indians seven or eight acres of land, being meddow Land for themselves and their heires & assigns forever; ye sd Whiting allowing the sd Sachems of ye Indians some broken up or Improved Land for ye same yearely: That is to say Three acres of old ground for ye Indians to Plant Come on this yeare now coming, and after this yeare then only to allow them five acres of broken up or improved and meere Land fit for Indian Come every yeare after this present yeare: After this yeare ye sd Indians Alquat & Wollump are to have if they ever demand it ffive acres of Land yearely, viz of Planting land or old ground to plant Indian Come on: and in consideration hereoff the sd Indians doe Relinquish all their right & interest in their seven or eight acres of meddow Land above mentioned be it more or less and yt for ever: resigning it up to Mr John Pynchon And giving him the Possession thereoff, they ye sd Indians for ye five acres of Planting Land (wch now they INDIAN DEEDS 73 are to have yearely of Mr Whiting) being free fro all fencings or payment of Rates to ye english as they were for their seven acres. In witness whereoff ye sd Indians have set to their hands this 25 th of Aprill 1670. the marke of Al * quat alius Keems. the marke * of Wollump. John Pynchon. Asst. Samuell Marshfield who was Interpreter & assisted in the Bargain making. 74 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Deerfield From the original deed in the possession of the Pacomtuck Valley Memorial Association These presents testifie, That Mashahsk (the old woman, Mother of Wuttawwaluncksin) doth hereby Bargaine sell & allienate a Tract of Land in ye Southerly side of Pacom- tuck River & so lying all along by Quinetticot River side downe to ye Lower Point of ye Hill called Wequomps & by ye English Sugarloafe hill : all ye Tract of Land between ye greate River Quinetticot on ye east & ye ledge of Moun- taines on ye west, & on ye Northward fro Pacomtuck River Mouth, Mantehelant downe southward to Wequomps & to ye very Point of land where ye hills come to ye greate River called Tawwat or Tawwattuck Togither wth all ye Islands in ye greate River, called Mattampash, Allinnack, or Allin- nackcooke, Taukkanackcoss, or by whatever other names they may be called, all ye whole sd Tract of Land Mante- helant Mattampash downe to Tawwat or Tawwattuck & so by ye ledge of Mountaines lie fro greate River westward. The sd Mashalisk Doth sell all to John Pynchon of Springfield to him his heires & assignes forever, ffor & in Consideration of a debt of ten large Bevers & other debts of Wuttawoluncksin her sons wch shee acknowledges her self engaged for ye Payment off to John Pynchon aforesd: for the said Just and due Debts & moreover for & in consid- eration of sixty fada of wampum. 2. cotes some cotton & Severall other small things all wch ye sd Mashalisk acknowl- edge to have Reed & to be therwth fully satisfied & con- tented. Doe fully clearly & absolutely give Grant Bargaine & sell unto John Pynchon of Springfield aforesd, hereby giv- ing granting & resigning up to him all my right Title & interest in ye aforesd land : To Have & to Hold all the sd land to ye only proper use & Behoofe of him ye sd John Pyn- chon his heires & assigns for ever, wth all ye profits advan- tages & comoditys thereoff & thereunto belonging whatso- INDIAN DEEDS 75 ever, & that for ever: And ye sd Meshalisk doth hereby covenant & promise too & wth ye sd John Pynchon, that shee will ye sd Pynchon save harmless of & from all manner of claimes right title & interest of any other person what- soever unto ye sd Land hereby sold & will defend ye same from all or any Molestation or Incumbrance of Indians right to all or any part thereof: and as having full right & lawfull Power thus to doe, Doth in witness thereoff here unto affix her hand & scale this 26*" day of August 1672 This being done & also delid in the Presence off John Holtum Mash * shalisk Isaac Morgan her mark (seal) The marke of Ackki X ******** an Indian witness ' her kinsman. Note to the Preceding Deed 'In John Pynchon's account book, mention is made of Ackambowet, an Indian, and this is probably the same person. 76 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Whately and Conway HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A ; Folio 133 Here ffolloweth a Coppy of a deed of Sale whereby Cer- taine Indians passed over Certaine Lands unto ye Town of Hatfield Bee it known unto all men by these prsents writeings yt we Sarah ye wife of Quanquan Sachem late deceased & Pocunohouse ye Son of Quanquan ye Indian Sachem & Mattabauge Squa & Majessett daughter of ye sd Sachem & Momecouse Indians: for & by & in consideration of fiftie fatham of Wampam peagg hath sold unto ye Town of Hat- field all ye Lands, uplands & Swamps yt was Quanquons lyeing within ye Bounds of Hatfeild except the two ffarmes of Mr Bradstreete & Major Dennison & a prsell of Land that ye Town of Hatfield bought of Benj amine Waite these Indians before expressed hath given granted Bargained & sold Alianated Enfeofied Assigned sett over & confirmed & by these presents doe fully cleerely & absolutely give grant Bargained sell Assigne sett over & Confirme unto ye Town of Hatfield in ye Jurisdiction of Massachuesets all ye Estate Right Title use & possession claime & demand whatsoever ye aforesd Indian Sarah Pocanohouse Matta- baug Squa Muessett Memewatts hath in or to all ye Lands Swamps & Uplands before mentioned which sometymes was ye sd Quanquans Bounded by ye Lands yt ye Town of Hatfield Bought of Umpanchella upon ye South & upon Weckwannuck' or Suger loafe Brooke at a markt tree at ye path yt Leads to Pacomtuck on ye North & from thence to Run upon an East Line to ye great River & a West Line six miles West in ye woods or Wilderness part of these Lands abutts on Mr Bradstreets ffarme & Major Dennisons ffarme East and part upon the great River Eastward all of these Lands Runs from these ffarmes six miles into ye Wilderness West In all this persell of Land aforementioned INDIAN DEEDS 77 ye sd forementioned Indians for ymselves heirs & assignes do cleerely ffully & wholie Remitt Release Relinquish & Resigne all their former Right claime power Authoritie interest or Challenge in or to the sd Lands yeilding & by these prsents giveing granting & Sirrendering ye sd title powor interest claime Right unto ye Town of Hatfeild To have and to hold to ym & to theire heirs for ever ; And the sd Indians doe for themselves & theire heirs & Assignes promise unto the Town of Hatfeild that they shall & may from tyme to tvme quietly enjoy & at all tymes lawfully & peaceably enjoy & possess use & improve ye sd Land before mentioned as they shall & may see cause without any Lett trouble molestation or interuption from or by any of ye forementioned Indians or from or by any other person or persons whatsoever Indians or English Challengeing or Claimeing in by through from with for to or under us or any of us or any other whatever. In Witness hereof we have sett to our hand this nineteenth day of Octobr in ye yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundered Seventie two 1672. Signed & Sealed in ye Presence of us Daniell * Porter his marke Nathl Dickenson Samll Belding John Coleman her Sarah * Quanquan Squa marke Pacuhouse her * marke Memewanks her * marke Matabaug * Squa her marke o c The price of all ye Land purchased of Sarah Quanquons Squa mentioned in ve deed was fiftie fatham of Wampam &c This five & twentieth day of Novembr 1672 she & her Son Pacanohouse Received of the Town of Hatfeild 27 fathom on Cotten Cloath &c The aforesd deed of Sale was here Entered this 27 Jan- uary 1695-6 By me Samll Partrigg Register 78 INDIAN DEEDS Note to the Preceding Deed ^Weckwannuck. — Sheldon, in History of Deerfield, page 33, and Crafts, in History of Whately, page 9, both give this as Weekioannuck, but this is a mistake. The word is very blindly written in the records, but a careful study shows the form as here given, to be correct. INDIAN DEEDS 79 Part of Westfield The following evidence shows that Lieutenant Thomas Cooper of Springfield purchased certain land at Westfield from the Indians, but no record of the deed exists. This extract is from the Court Records of Hampshire County. Att the County Corte holden at Springffeild Sept ye 30, 1673. Leiut Cooper of Springfield Plant contra Wallump the Indian Sachem of Poch**ick in an action of the case for not performing the tearmes & tenor of a deed of sale respect- ing some agt of those lands mentioned in that said deed wch is signed by the said Wallump wth all just damages. In this action between Leiut Cooper Plant & Wallump defdt the attachment & evidences in the case being pre- sented & read in Corte (& wch are on file) & comitted to ye jury they brought in their verdict that they fynd for ye Deft costs of Corte. Costs as pr bill allowed is ten shillings There is said to be another Westfield deed; that of Alquat, Keems and Wallump to Pynchon, dated April 25, 1670, but no record of it can be found. 8o INDIAN DEEDS Part of Bernardston, Gill and Northfield From the Town Records of Northfield This Deed Made the 9 day 7 1673 betweene Joseph Parsons Senr & WilHam Clarke both of Northampton in the County of Hamphair of the one Partey and the daugter of Sowanaett who was the true and Proper owner of that Parsell of Land at Squakheg ' on the West Side of the River Called by the indions Nallahamcomgon ^ or Natanas and Mashepetot and Kesquando pompate Kenio a squa which is Mashepetotts daughter — these four Indions a bove Named one the other Partey — Witnesseth that for and in Consid- eration of too hundered fathoms of Wampompek in hand payed by the above said Parsons and Clarke wee the afore- said Indions acknolleg to have Received and doo by these Presents aquit and discharg the aforesaid Parsons and Clarke and their heirs and executors or assighns for ever have Given Granted bargined and Sold & by these Presents Confirmed all that Parsell of Land Lyeing at Squagheag Called by the indions Nallahamcongon, with the Great River on the esterly side one the Westerly side a great Ledge of hills 6 miles from the Great River one the Southerly to a brook caled by the indions Nallahamcomgon ^ and so Straight in to the woods on the North to that Land that was Massemetts Land This Parcel of Land with all the apurtenances ther to belonging wee the aforesaid Indiens doo ingag and covenant to and with the above Named Parsons & Clarke to defend from aney Claime or Right or tittle from aney other porsons Whatsoever & that the above Named Parsons and Clarke their heirs or assighns Shall have have and hold all the above INDIAN DEEDS 8i said Land with all the apurtenances for ever with out aney Mollestation by them or any other Parsons what soever, as Witness our hands the day and yeare a bove wrighten with our sealls Seled and delivered Mashepetot his * mark and Seale in the presents of the mark of * Kisgondo and Seale Timothy Baker the mark of * Asagoa and Seale Sarah Clarke Pompatikenio her mark and Seale Wher as the within mentioned grant or * * * * of Lands of the Indians of Squaukheage in * * * * of William Clarke and Joseph Parsons Sen' both * * Northampton wee doo assighne and make over * * ever the with in mentioned Premises to the inhabitants of Squakheagu and their suc- cessors as witnesseth our hands the 15*" of June 1695 Subscribed in the William Clarke Presants of Note. — This sheet is badly worn, only one of the signatures to the as- signment remaining. Notes to the Preceding Deed ''Squakheg. — Other forms are Suckquakege or Wissquawquege, 1669. Squawquege, 1671, Squakeage or Squakeake, 1672, Squaheag, 1682, Pynchon called it Wussquaheag, the Connecticut Council Suckquackheag, and Partridge Wussquackheag. ^Nallahamcomgon; Natanas. — The territory is now known as Bennett Meadow and the brook as Bennett Brook. In a deed of 1715 this is called Halbacum Comgane or Huffanus, 82 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Westiield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber O ; Folio 447 To all Christian People to whome these Presents Shall Come Know ye that I Walump the Sachem of Pochaset now Resident there Have and by these Presents do bargain Sell alienate and firmly make Over a Certain Parcel of Land Lying and being at the Place Commonly Called by the Indians Pochaset but by the English called Westfield which land is bounded as followeth viz it Comming Down the River to a Great Spruce Tree Standing by the Rocks that are in the River and So Runnig up the River Two Miles in Length in Breadth one mile only yt the said Walump Reserveth one Meadow to him self which Meadow Lyes before the Old Fort on the South Side of the River all the Other Lands within the fore named bounds the said Walump hath and by these Presents doth for himself his heirs Ex- ecutors administrators make over unto Mr. Hope Atherton Preserved Clap and medad Pomroy their heirs Executors administrators and assigns all which Parcel of Land I Do hereby make Over unto the aforementioned Parties, To Have and To Hold Possess and Enjoy forever as their own Proper Right Title Claim and Interest hereby freely fully giving unto the said Party a Quiet and Peaceable Possession of the Said Tract of Land with all Woods Trees and all manner of Benefits Priviledges and appurtenances there- unto belonging And I the Said Walump do hereby Injoyne that this land is free from all former Bargains Sales mort- gages Judgements Executions or Indian Title of Inheritance and do hereby Injoyn to free the said Land from all Claims of any Indian Person or Persons Whatsoever hereby Re- linguishing all my Right Title Claim and Interest in the Premises or any part thereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 24*'' of Novem' 1673 INDIAN DEEDS 83 Wall (his * mark) lump and Seal the Indian Sachem Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of us. Samuel Marshfield Katherine the mark of * Marshfield November 25* 1673 Wallump the Indian Sachem above- mentioned acknowledged this Instrument to be his act and Deed Resigning up & forever Relinquishing all her Right & Interest in ye Premises Except as above Excepted Before me John Pynchon Assist. Whereas I underwritten was one of the Purchasers of the above mentioned farm These lines may certifie whom it may Concern that what I did therein was in the behalf of m' Samuel Mather of Windsor and have no Right in Said farm of my own But Do hereby Resigne and Quit Claim to any Right therein as in Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal with Date October 23 : 17 14 Witnessed by us Samuel Marshall Medad Pomroy and Seal Benjamin Moslee M' Medad Pomroy the Subscriber of the Above Instru- ment personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of her Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Hamp- shire this Eleventh Day of Nov'" in the first Year of the Reign of our Soverg" Lord King George & Annoque Domini 1 714 and acknowledged the above Instrument to be his act Coram John Stoddard Rec"^ July i" 1745 & Recorded from the Original By me 84 INDIAN DEEDS Parts of Leverett, Montague, Sunderland and Wendell From the Town Records of Sunderland These Presents Testifie That Mishalisk an old woman the mother of Wallauckinksin deceased Doth hereby Bar- gaine sell and alienate a Tract of Land to John Pynchon of Springfield, acting for & in the behalf of Robert Bolt- wood Joseph Kellogg John Hubbird & Thos Dickinson of Hadly & their associates who obtained a grant of the sd Land from ye Genii Court wch land lies above Hadley Northward of Hadley bounds by Quinnecticott River on ye East side of ye sd River which Land begins at^ye Southely end of it at ye Brook Nepesoneag. ' Nepesoaneag takeing in all the Land on ye Northely side of it. It runs up by Quinnectticott River to ye Brook called Sawwatapskechuwas ^ and Mattamooash where others Indians have sold also now there sd Land there to ye sd Robt Boltwood Jos Kellogg &c. The whole Tract of Land aforementioned from Neposoaneag on ye South next Hadly Bounds to Sawwatapskechuwas on ye North & beyond att Mattamooash & from Quinnecticott River out into ye woods Eastward for six miles from the sd River Quinnecticott The sd Mishalisk Doth Bargaine & sell to ye sd Robt Bolt- wood Jos Kellogg John Hubbard & Thos Dickinson & their associates & to their heirs & assigns For Ever for & in con- sideration of a Debt & Dues from her son Wattauchinksin to John Pynchon of Springfield as also for & in considera- tion of One Large Indian Coat and several other small things Reed of ye sd John Pynchon for and on ye behalf of Robt Boltwood Jos Kellogg &c & Company all wch I ye sd Mishalisk do Acknowledge to have Reed & that I am there- wth fully satisfied & Contented & Do thereupon fully Clearly & absolutely Give Grant Bargaine & sell unto the sd Robt Boltwood Jno Hubbard Jos Kellogg & Thos Dickinson & Company & to theire heir & assigns forever the foremen- INDIAN DEEDS 85 tioned Lands hereby Giveing Granting & Resigning up to them all my Rights Title & Interest in the aforementioned Land To Have & To Hold all the sd lands to the only proper use & Behaffe of them ye sd Robt Boltwood Jos: Kellogg, Jno Hubbird Tho Dickinson & successors or Company & their heirs & assigns forever wth all ye profits & commod- ities there & thereunto belonging whatsoever. And the sd Mishalisk doth hereby covenant & promise that she will the sd Robt Boltwood Jos Kellogg Jno Hubbard & Thos Dickinson save harmless of & from all manner of claims Right Titles & Interest of any peson whatsoever and from all Incumbrances of Indian Rights to all or any part of ye sd Land as having full Right & Lawfull Power thus to Doe and in witness hereof affixes her hand & seal this loth day of April 1674 This done sealed & Delivered in the presence of us Misha * lisk Isaac Morgan her mark Henry Rogers (Seal) Ackka * tambawit his mark an Indian witness Mishalisk the Indian woman acknowledged this Instrumt to be her act & Deed Resigning up & Relinquishing all her Right & Interest in ye Prmises this loth of April 1674. before me John Pynchon Assistant Notes to the Preceding Deed 'Nepesoneag. — Modern name is Mohawk Brook. ^Sawwatapskechuwas. — Modern name is Saw Mill Brook. 86 INDIAN DEEDS Parts of Montague and Wendell From the Town Records of Sunderland These presents testifie that Mattawompe alias Natta- wassawet ye Indian for himself & in the behalf of other Indians viz Wadanummin Squiskheag & Sunkkmachue and for and in consideration of eighty fathom of wampum & several other small things to him and them in hand paid & fully secured by John Pynchon of Springfield in ye behalf and upon the acct of Robt Boltwood John Hubbird Joseph Kellogg & Thos Dickinson of Hadley Hath Bargained & sold & Doth by these presents Give Grant Bargaine & Sell unto ye sd Robt Boltwood Jno Hubbird Jos Kellogg & Thos Dickinson a certain tract of land lying on ye east side of Quinnetticott River about 7 or 8 miles above Hadley adjoyning to a parcell of land which the said Boltwood & Company bought of Mishalisk from that parcell of land & Brook called Sawwatapeskechuwas ' up by ye grt River Quinnetticott northerly to a little Brook Papacontuckquash ^ & Coroheaggan lying over against ye mouth of Pacomptuck River Mantehelas The sd Mettawompe alias Nattawwas- awet Doth Give Grant Bargain & Sell unto ye sd Robt Boltwood John Hubbird Jos Kellogg & Thos Dickinson & their successors & Company & to their heirs & assigns Forever hereby resigning to them all right title & interest in the forementioned lands called Mattampash from Saw- watapskechuwas Anquepinick^ Sankrohoncum '* Lemuck- quash & Papacontuckquash Corroheaggan & to Mantahelas & so out into ye woods six miles Eastward from ye great River Quinnetticott To Have and to Hold all ye sd Land to ye propr use & behoof of ym ye sd Robt Boltwood Jno Hubbird Jos Kellogg & Thos Dickinson & Company & their heirs & assigns forever with all ye Profits Commod- ities & Advantages thereof & thereto belonging whatsoever & yt forever And ye sd Mettawompe alias Nattawwasawet doth hereby covenant & promise that he will save harmless INDIAN DEEDS 87 ye sd Robt Boltwood John Hubbird Jos Kellogg & Thos Dickinson & Company & their heirs & assigns of & from all manner of claims Rights Titles & Interest of any person whomsoever in & to the sd Lands and from all Incum- brances of Indian Rights to all or any part thereof haveing full Power & Lawful Right thus to Doe And in witness hereof affixes his hand & seal this loth day of Aprill 1674 The mark of Mettawompe * alias Nattawwassawet (Seal) This don & delivered in presence of us Isaac Morgan Henry Rogers Ackatambowitt his * mark an Indian Mettawampe alias Nattawwassawet acknowledged this Instrument to be his act and deed Relinquishing & Resign- ing up all Right & Interest in the premises to the English within named loth Apl 1674 before me John Pynchon Assist This 17th of Apl 1674 Squiskheag came and acknowl- edged ye sale of ye land mentioned on ye other side sold by Metawompe & doth hereby confirm ye sale thereof having reed part of ye pay viz Thirty Fathom whereupon Squisk- heag doth for himself and his Brothers Sunckkamauachue & Wadanummin sell & by sale forever pass away all ye Land mentioned on ye other side namely ye Land on ye East side of Quinnetticott River from Sawwatapskechuwas on the South Northerly to Right against the mouth of Pacomp- tuck River called Mantahelas To Have and to Hold all ye sd Land from ye Grt River six miles out into ye woods Eastward to Robt Boltwood John Hubbard Jos Kellogg & Thos Dickinson to them their Heirs & assigns forever & in witness hereof subscribes his hand & seal this 1 7th April 1674 The mark of Squiskeag * (Seal) In presence of us John Pynchon Jos * Thomas his * mark 88 INDIAN DEEDS Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Sawwatapeskechuwas. — Modern name is Saw Mill Brook. ^Papacontuckquash. — Modern name would appear to be Millers River, as an ancient map in the library of Williams College gives "Papaqunti- quash Branch or Millers R." ^Anquepinick. — Anikwepinack, the "inclined land." '^Sankrohoncum. — This is the same as Sankronk in the Northampton deed, but with the addition of one of the "land" terminations and means "land at the outlet." INDIAN DEEDS 89 Parts of Hampden, Longmeadow, Springfield and Wilbraham in Massachusetts, and Enfield and Somers in Connecticut HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B ; Folio 22 The Town of Springfield ye Deed fro the Indians An Evidence of the purchases of Lands at Fresh water River, taking in the medows on both sides the River, as also of the Lands from the five mile pond Eastward to y° mountaines & so northward to Chickuppe River; being purchases from y^ Indians Wequaugan Wawapaw & We- quombo ; by & for y' Town of Springfield These Presents testify; That the Indian called Wequa- gun, formerly called Wruthema & the Indian called Waw- apaw, formerly called Naiapompolan, in consideration of the sume of One Hundred & Twenty fathom of Wampam to them in hand paid, And that the Indian Called Wequom- po in consideration of sixty fathom of Wampam to Him in hand paid, have given granted bargained & sold. And by these presents Doe fully clearly & absolutely give grante bargain & sel unto Elizur Holyoke, George Coulton, Ben- jamin Cooley Samul Marshfield & Anthony Dorchester, for the use & behoofe of the Town of Springfield certaine tracts of Land Upland Medowes and Swamps hereafter mentioned & described. That is to Say, The said Wequaugun & Wawa- paw first acknowledging that their Ancestors did sel unto Mr. William Pynchon late of Springfield, for the use & be- hoofe of the said Town of Springfield a good Portion or Tract of Lands lying on the East side of the River Quin- ecticut (& by the said River) that is to say, by the River al along from the Lower End of the (medow, called by the Indians Massacksick, & by the English called the) Long medow, up to Chickuppe River, And in breadth Eastward for al the Length about as far from the River Quinecticut, 90 INDIAN DEEDS as the five mile pond which lyes by the Bay path ; Concern- ing which Tract of Land the '''"" Wequaugan & Wawapaw Doe for themselves & their Successors, for the use & behoofe of the Inhabitants of Springfield, for ever quit al Right, Title Interest Claime & Demand : in & to the said Tract of Land, before described. And the Tract of Land which the said Wequaugan & Wawapan Do hereby sel as aforesaid, Lyeth partly by & adjoineth to the South and & East side of the Tract of Land above described (which they acknowl- edged was sold to the said Mr William Pynchon as above- said) That is to Say All the Lands with lie within the bounds hereafter mentioned : And therefore the South bounde there- of is the Riveret called by the Indians Asnuntuck (& by the English Called fresh water River, or fresh water brooke) & soe from the mouth of that Riveret, vize, from Connecti- cut or Quinecticut River the bounde runs up the said Riveret to the Medows thereupon, & from thence up the said Riv- eret, the bounde takes in al the medows on both sides of fresh water River or brooke that Run Into it to the upland on the southerly side of such medows : & at the Place where Freshwater River or freshwater brooke tumes Northerly, the south bounds extend Eastward to the Riveret called Scantuck, ' vize the place by the fals where the path that Leads to Pequit^ or Moheage^ goes over that Riveret & from thence the s'* River Scantucke is the General bounds of the Lands contained in this Purchase, Vize, up to the Place where the said River or Riveret Scantuck comes down from the Mountains, yet Al the medows on both sides of Scantuck River are likewise contained within this Pur- chase: And from the Place where Scantuck River comes down from the mountaines, the foot of the mountaines is the Easterly bounds, up as far northerly til it meet with the Lands purchased of the said Wequompo: & the West bounds or border are the Lands formerly sold to Mr William Pynchon late of Springfield as aforesd. And the said Wequangan & Wawapaw, Doe for ym selves & their Suc- cessors to the use & behoofe of the Inhabitants of Springfield for Ever quit al Claime to, & al right title & Interest in any of Lands abovementioned & hereby sold, & which are contained within the bounds above mentioned. Except lib- erty of fishing & hunting, which they Reserve to them- INDIAN DEEDS 91 selves yet not to damnify the English thereby Al which Tract of Lands which are Contained within the bounds above mentioned, together with al the profits and comod- itys thereupon or thereunto belonging, the said Elizur Holyoke, George Coulton, Benjamin Cooley Samuel Marsh- field & Anthony Dorchester for the use & behoof e, service & imployment of the Towne of Springfield (& not otherwise) are to have hold & Enjoy for ymselves & their heires for Ever without let trouble or molestation from the s'' We- quagan Wawapaw or any others: And the Tract of Land hereby sold by Wequompo are such as are contained with- in the bounds & limits hereafter mentioned & Described, That is to say, the south bounds thereof are the Lands be- fore mentioned, sold by Wequagan & Wawapan ; And East- ward the Foot of the mountaines are the bounds thereof; & Northerly Chickuppe River is the bounds thereof: And the Westerly bounds thereof, are the Lands above men- tioned formerly sold to Mr. William Pynchon as abovesaid. Al which Tract of Land soe bounded & described, together with al the profits & comoditys thereupon or thereunto belonging the said Elizur Holyoke George Coulton Benja- min Cooley Samuel Marshfield & Anthony Dorchester for the use & behoofe, Service & Employment of the Towne of Springfield, & not otherwise, are to have hold & enjoy for themselves & their heires for Ever, w4th out trouble or molestation from the said Indian called Wequompo or any other: And the said Wequompo Doth for himselfe & his Successors for the use behoofe & benefit of the Inhabitants of Springfield for Ever quit al claim to & al his Right Title & Interest in any of the Lands abov^e mentioned to be sold & which are Contained within the bounds above expressed (except liberty of Fishing & Hunting which he reserveth: And it is the Intent of these presents That y« sd Elizur Holyoke George Coulton Benjamin Cooley Samuel Marsh- field & Anthony Dorchester themselves & their Heires for ever by virtue of these Presents are not to have any benefit or Priviledge in the Lands, otherwise then as they are or shal be Inhabitants of the Town of Springfield, or otherwise then in General in & with the Town or otherwise than they have legal Right therein, or may be granted by the Town for that the Lands sold by the Indians above named are so 92 INDIAN DEEDS sold for & to y^ onely use & behoofe of the Inhabitants of Springfield & to be wholy at their disposure, Febry 4"" 1678 Being desired at a Town meeting in Springfield to declare what I know concerning the Purchase of the Lands above said : I doe declare and attest as f ollow- eth viz: That. The Indians above named, viz Wequaugan & Wawapaw & Wecombo the true & proper owners of al the Lands above mentioned Did sel & by sale for ever passe away al the Land above mentioned toMrElizur Holyoke, Geo Colton Benja: Cooly Saml. Marshfield & Anthony Dorchester for the use & behoofe of the Town of Springfield: The bargain being made in my presence, and as I remember, It was in the yeer i6'/4 or thereabouts I was often with ym in Treaty about it, which at last came to a conclusion, to be as above men- tioned, the payment also for the Land as above expressed, passing through my hands to the Indians, which they gladly accepted and did willingly own the sale to me after this Deed was Drawne, They coming particularly one at a tyme to me to subscribe it, when I told them they must come altogether, the want of which was the only obstruction, for they often severaly acknowledged the sale & this writ- ing to be according to their minds & meaning. Also testifying their Readiness to come al together & subscribe which as they promised, so doubtles they would have done but that the Indian Warre happening in the yeer 1675. They with other Indians were drove away, before which time they made the above existing Sale.— And I do declare they did come personally & owne & acknowledg the con- veighance & sale of the Land above mentioned as above expressed. This then done by y^ Indians Wequagan & Wawapaw & Wecombo owned & acknowledged Before me John Pynchon Assistant This entred these Records for the County of Hamp- shire July 12*'' 1679. as attests John Holyoke Recorder. INDIAN DEEDS 93 Notes to the Preceding Deed Att ye Genrll Towne Meetinge fFeb: ye 4* 1672: Whereas ye Indian Wecombo vizt the old blind Indian doth challenge the tymber of ye Cedar Swamps at Manchconis as also ye meddowes on ye Mill River together wth the upland there about as farr as Chickuppe River: And Wequagan & laying clayme to all the lands uplands and meddowes (from Wecombo his clayme,) downewards as farr as ffresh water River. The Towne doth now Order that ye Worshippll Major Pynchon together with Elizur Holyoke Quartrmr Colton Ensign Cooly Samll Marshfield and Anthony Dorchester shall have full power to treate wth ye Said Indians both to examine what lands they challenge as theirs and what they own or can be proved to be ours, and to make purchase of what they judge needfull for the Town: — Springfield Town Records, Vol. 3, Pg. 78. ^Scantuck. — Trumbull says "for peskatuk, a branch of the river." ^ Pequit — Pequot. ^Moheage — Mohegan. 94 INDIAN DEEDS Parts of East Windsor, Ellington, Enfield and Somers, Connecticut HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B ; Folio 39 Endfeilds Deed The Plantation of Endfield, alias Freshwater River y'^ deed fro the Indian Tawtaps or Notattuck : To al People to whom these presents shal come, I Taw- taps, alias Notattuck ' the right Indian owner of al the Land on the East side of Connecticut River from Asnuntuck alias Freshwater River downe to Umsquattanuck =' at the foot of the fals, being willing to accomodate the English, vizt: Leiut: Thomas Stebbings Jonathan Burt Benjamin Parsons John Pease William Downten Thomas Gold & others who are Setling of a Plantation, about Fresh -water River, Doe agree & fully Consent to a sale & Surrender of the greatest part of my Land, there to the s'^ English & such others as that there Plant & Settle, And therefore Know Yee That I the s'' Tawtaps alias Notattuck for & in Consideration of the sum of five & Twentie pounds sterling to me in hand paid By Major Jn° Pynchon of Springfield at & before the ensealing of these presents, where with I acknowledge my Selfe fully satisfyed & contented, Have bargained & Sold, And by these presents Doe give grant bargaine sel alien assigne Enfeoff e & Confirme unto the said Major Jn° Pyn- chon in be halfe of Leiut: Thomas Stebbings Jonath Burt Benjamin Parsons John Pease William Downten & Thomas Gold, their heires Assignes & Successors; Al that Tract of Land on the East side of Conecticot River which is against the Fals fromi Asnuntuck alias Freshwater- River on the North, down Southward along by Conecticot River about Three or four miles, viz to the Brooke below the heap of stones, which Brooke is called by y* Indians Poggotossuc, ^ & by the English Saltonstal Brooke, & so from the mouth of said Saltonstals Brooke alias Poggotossuc to Run from INDIAN DEEDS 95 the great River Connecticot; directly, East, Eight ful & Compleat Miles to the Mountaines, & the whole Tract of Land to be Compleat Eight Miles from the gr' River, both at the Southerly end, & at the North end also, & Run ful to the mountaines on the East, vv"' al the Profits & advan- tages to the said Tract of Land belonging, whether woods underwoods Brookes waters Stones Minerals Pastures Med- ows or Marshes & al the Appurtenances to the same be- longing To have & to hold the above granted Tract of Land w*** al Liberties & priviledges apptaining there unto, unto Them the s"* Tho: Stebbings Jonath Burt Benjamin Par- sons Jn° Pease Willia"" Down ten '^' Tho: Gold their heires assignes & successors & to their onely use benefite & be- hoofe for ever. And I the said Tawtaps alias Notattucke for my selfe & my heires Doe hereby covenante promise & grant to & w"' the s"" Tho: Stebbin Jonath: Burt Benja: Parsons Jn° Pease Willia"" Downten & Tho : Gold their heires & assignes That I the s'* Tawtaps alias Notattucke at the time of en- sealing hereof was the true & sole Lawful owner of y^ afore- bargained premises & every pt thereof, & had in my selfe ful power good right & Lawful Authority to grant convey & assure the same as abovesd as a good & sure estate of Inheritance for ever, w^'out any Condition revesion or Limitatio of use or uses whatsoever, except that I. Resserve a Liberty to my selfe of hunting on the Comon Land, in the woods & catching of fish in the River, yet not so as to exclude the English right thereto alsoe. And w"" this onely Excepto" shal & wil Warrant & Defend the same unto the s"^ Tho : Stebbin Jonath Burt, Benja Parsons, Jn° Pease WilHa"" Downten, Tho. Gold their heires & assignes & successors ag' me me my heires or any Indians Lawfully Claiming the same or any part thereof, & that I wil at any time hereafter do any further act or actes for the more ful compleate & sure making of the above bar- gained premises unto them the s"^ the s'^ Tho. Stebbins Jonathan Burt Benja : Parsons Jn° Pease William Downten & Tho. Gold, theire heires & assignes for ever: according to the true Intent hereof & the Laws of the Massachusetts Jurisdiction: In Witness whereof I. the s'^ Tawtaps alias Notattuck have hereunto put my hand & scale this 16"' Day 96 INDIAN DEEDS of March in the Two & thirtieth yeer of the Reigne of our Soverigne Lord Charles th 2^* by y* grace of God King of England &c: Annogj Dom ^H^: Tawtaps (alias Notattucke) his * marke w* his Scale affixed Read Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us. John Holyoke Samuel Marshfield the marke * of Momando an Indian Witness Cogoranasset '' * his marke an Indian witness Nessataquakis * an Indian his marke Benjamin * inton Tawtaps alias Notattuck acknowledged this Instrument his Act & Deed Relinquishing and Resigning up al his Interest in the premises this i6*: of March: 1680: Before Me John Pynchon i\ssist* April i'' 1681. Entered this Deed in Hampshire Records. by me Jn° Holyoke Recorder Notes to the Preceding Deed ^A deed to the island at Windsor, known as Kings Island, given June 26, 1678, is signed by "Toutops alias Notabock." ^Umsquattanuck. — Amisk-watam-uck, "beaver dam place." 3Poggotossuc. — William Wallace Tooker says that this means "where stones are cast up." Father Lemoine insists that it is pagwat-assuk, "a hollow." ^See note on page loi referring to Cogger) nossets. INDIAN DEEDS 97 Part of Westfield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B; Folio 53 Westfield Townes Deed These presents testifie That I John Pynchon of Spring- field Several yeeres since made a purchase of the Lands at Westfield of the Indians for the Inhabitants of Westfield, & particularly bought the Lands on the South Side of the River there of Paupsunnick the wife of Panesan to whom the right of the Land on the South side of Westfield River did belong, by the acknowledgmt & grant of al the ancient & cheife Indians To whom that is to say, to Paupsunnick I did truly pay for the same about fifty pounds wch sum of Fifty pounds I have received of the Inhabitants of West- field, according to Each mans Proportion, on whose behalfe I acted. And doe hereby acknowledge the Same & to be fully contented therewth for purchase of said Lands. The Deed whereof from the Indians (whether dlrd up to Westfield Inhabitants or mislaid) not being to be found at present, I doe ingage it shal come to hand to dlr it up to the present Inhabitants of Westfield To Whom of Right the Land be- longs, according as Each Mans proportion in said Land is or hath been Laid out to Him. And in the meantime I do here declare & Testify That I acted in the premises fer the Town- ship of Westfield, & Inhabitants or proprietors thereof in General And doe for me my heires & Assignes resigne up al my Genii Right Title & Interest in Said Lands, on the South side of the River at Westfield, then called W^oronoake, Re- serving only what particular Grant, or Right I have therein, this only excepted to me my heires & Assignes for Ever. All the Rest of the sd Lands there Now & Henceforth to belong & be to the several Inhabitants & Proprietors there- of, according as Each mans Proportion is at present Laid out to Him, or shal hereafter be granted & distributed to Him Them or their heires & assignes : by the Town of West- 98 INDIAN DEEDS field aforesd: And by these presents Doe for my selfe my heires executors Administrators & Assignes Relinquish al Right & Title to said Lands, except as befoe Excepted, Ratifying & confirming the aforementioned Lands unto the Town of Westfield, That is to Say, to the present Inhabit- ants or Proprietors thereof, according to Each mans Pro- portion therein, either aheadie divided, or as may hereafter be further distributed to them for the use & benefite of sd Inhabitants or proprietors, themselves their Heires & As- signes for ever. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & scale this nth Day of Feb. 1684. Signed Sealed & delided in ye presence of Samuel Marshfield John Pynchon Jonathan "Burt Sen wth his Scale affixt John Holyoke Apl. 3. 1685. John Pynchon Esq Owned & acknowl- edged this Instrument to be his act & deed this day of the date aforesd. before me Peter Tilton Assist. April 2 2d, 1685. Entered this Deed to the Inhabitants of Westfield. by me Jno. Holyoke Recorder Note to the Preceding Deed While this is not a deed direct from the Indians, yet it is included that the records may be as near complete as possible. The date of Pynchon's purchase can be approximated by the following facts. On May 19, 1669, the General Court ordered that "Woronoake be called Westfeild," and as the deed says that it was "then called Woronoake," the purchase must have been previous to that date. The first grant of land on the south side of the river was made May il, 1663, to Mr. Whiting on condi- tion that "he cleare ye land by purchase of the Indians of the Indians right." It was probably at this time that Pynchon made this purchase for Whiting and others. INDIAN DEEDS 99 Part of Suffield and East Granby, Connecticut HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A-B; Folio 57 Suffield Deed These presents Testify that J. Pynchon of Springfield Several yeers since mad a purchase of Lands at Suffield of the Indians for the Inhabitants of Suffield, & particularly bought the Lands on the Northerly Side of the Town of Suffield next to Springfield, & adjoining to Springfield bounds, of Pampunckshats, & the Lands from thence South- ward against the Fals & downward a great way Southward below Stony Brooke, taking in Pipe stave Swamp so called, & al the Lands Westward from the River towards Massaco ^ of Mishnoasqus, alias Margery, ^ to whom the Right of all those Lands did then belong, by the acknowledgmt & grant of al the cheife Indians ; wh Lands, that next to Springfield bounds on the North where the line Runs between Spring- field and Suffield was bought of Pampunckshat & runs fro Springfield Line Southward along by the great River down to Lacous, or Lacowsick about the Falls, & from thence al that breadth or Length out Westward from ye great River Several Miles, til it meets wth Westfield bounds ; This Pam- punckshat Sold: And fro Lacowsk or Lacowsick; & So Southerly toward Windsor a great way below Stony Brooke, The land being called Squotuck Mayyoawag^ Wecups &c: by the great River on the East ; from whence it runs West- erly many miles, takeing in the Ledge of Hils or Mountains, & taking in Ashawalas & Wenekocamaug, -» & al the Swamps thereabouts, down towards Massaco, & Particularly the Swamp by the English called Pipestave Swamp, together wth al ye wood Lands Swamps Marsh & Uplands, al wch were bought & purchased of Mishnoasqus, alias Margery whom I well & truly paid for the land to their Satisfaction, as by their Several Deeds for Sd Lands appears : For al wch Lands I have received of the Inhabitants of Suffield forty 100 INDIAN DEEDS pounds, & do hereby acknowledge the Same, & to be fully Satisfyed & Contented therewith for purchase of sd Lands : And doe here declare & testifie, that I acted in the prem- ises for the Towne of Suffield & Inhabitants thereof in Gen- eral : And do for me my heires & Assignes Resigne up al my general Right Title & Interest in sd Lands aforementioned. That is to said Tract of Lands wth in Suffield bounds, ac- cording as Granted to them for a township by the Genii Corte of Massachusets : Reserving only what particular Grant or right I have therein, viz that to Land or streams granted & set apart to myself, this only excepted to me my heires & Assignes forever. Al the Rest of the Land there within the aforesd Tracts, Now & Henceforth to belong & be to the Several Inhabitants of Suffield Proprietors thereof according as each mans Portion is at present Laid to him, or hereafter shalbe granted & distributed to him, them or their heires & Assigns by the Town of Suffield aforesd. And by these Presents for myself my heires Ex- ecutors & Administrators & Assignes Relinquish al Right & Title to the Lands aforesd Except as before Excepted Rat- ifying & Confirming the aforementioned Land (according to ye grant of the General Corte to them) unto the Town of Suffield, That is to say to the present Inhabitants or Proprietors thereof according to each mans proportion therein for the use & benefite of sd Inhabitants or Propri- etors, according to their Several Grants & Priviledges al- readie allowed them, or that shall hereafter be allowed or granted them. To them & to the absolute benefite of themselves & to their or any of their Heires & Assignes for ever : In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & Scale, this 30"" day of April, 1685 Signed Sealed & delivered John Pynchon, wth his in ye presence of Seale affixt John Holyoke John Lamb Samuel Marshfield At the Countie Corte at Springfield Sept. 29. 1685 Major Jno. Pynchon Esq. personally appeared in sd Corte and acknowledged his signing & Sealing this Instrument as attests Jno Holyoke, Gierke INDIAN DEEDS loi October igth, 1685. This Deed of Conveyance from Major Jno Pynchon Esq to Suffield Inhabitants is entered in these Records for Hampshire per Jno Holyoke, Recorder Notes to the Preceding Deed This deed is also in Suffield Records, page 260. While this is not a deed direct from the Indians yet is included, that the records may be as complete as possible. It was perhaps given in lieu of a lost deed as was the Westfield deed on page 97. The date of Pynchon's purchase can be approximated by the following facts. The territory was granted by the General Court October 12, 1670, and the bounds of the plantation were laid out March 21, 1671. In Pynchon's account book is the following entry: "Stony River alias SufFeild Plantation, Dr; To ye puro+iase of ye Lands from ye Indians stated by ye Committee at their Meeting ye ig"" March 1672-3; ;^40." The bounds as laid out were as follows. North, at a little gutter about half a mile below Three Mile brook below Lieutenant Cooper's house, at two trees on the brow of the hill on the north side of the gutter, by the river. The north bound ran from here, due west, four and one-half miles. The east bound was along the Connecticut for six miles, to a point half a mile below King's Island, near the foot of the falls. From here the south line was due west, seven and one-half miles. ^Massaco. — Elsewhere called Mossocowe, Mussawco and Massaqua. From massa, "great," and sauk, outlet; the "great outlet," where Hop Brook flows into Farmington river, near Simsbury Centre. Modern name is Simsbury. ^Margery. — Various Windsor deeds show that Margery was the daugh- ter of Coggerynossets, sachem of Poquonock, and his wife ^ushabuck. Cog- gerynosseis, who died in 1680, was a son of Sheat, the Poquonock chief known by the first Windsor settlers. ^Mayyoawag. — Trumbull said that the name seems to designate a "placeof meeting"; where paths, or streams, or boundaries "come together.'' ''Wenekocamaug. — Modern name is Congamuck pond. In Holland's History of Queensbury, New York, Congamuc is given, on the authority of Sabbatis, an old Algonquin guide, as the name for lower Saranac Lake. For the three lakes he gives Paskongammuck, "pleasant or beautiful lake." The adjective may be a corruption of pahke, "it is clear," which would be a "pleasant" feature. The name as here given would seem to be wana- kokamak, from wanake, root for "end; limit," and kama in the locative case. The meaning would be "at the boundary lake." 102 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Southwick HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber B ; Folio 83 This writing made the id"" day of August one Thousand Six hundred eighty and five between Totoe Indian of the one part and John WilHam of Windsor on Connecticut of the other part. Witneseth that the sd Totoe for the great respect and many kindnesses that he hath received from the s"^ WilHams and for the love he beareth to the sd John WilHams aforesd, He hath given granted confirmed unto the sd John Wilhams and by these presents doth fully freely and absolutely give grant and confirme unto him the s"^ John Williams one parcel of land being one full mile square and lyeth in a place commonly knowne by the name of two mile brook ' on east side of the brook and abutteth on s'' brook marsh and on the comons on the East and to run the breadth half a mile of each side the brook; and from the Northeast corner to run a full mile, towards the West on a due West line and from the Southeast Comer to run due West a full English mile, Which makes the aforesd tract of land a mile Square ; I Doe also give grant and confirme unto the s'' John Williams full and lawfull right and power to make use of whatsoever timber he shal stand In need of for any his occasions, for fencing building, Sawing or any other use, and the like for Stones that shall be found within any part of my lands adjoyning to these lands, by this Deed of gift granted to him. Together with all the ponds, brooks, waters, woods, underwoods, stones, mines, minerals there- in being within the s'* mile square ; To Have and to hold the aforesd premises with all and every theire appurtenances unto the s'' John Williams his heires exeqrs, administra- tors, and assignes from the day of the date hereof forever: To his and their owne proper use, and behoof e freely and quietly without any challenge, demand or claime of me the sd Totoe Indian or any other by from or under me, or by any power derived from me, and without any sum or sums INDIAN DEEDS 103 of money or other Satisfaction therefore to be yeilded or payed unto me the sd Totoe my heires, exeqts.', adminis- trators, or assignes, And I the sd Totoe all and singular the abovementioned premises with their appurtenances unto the sd John Williams his heirs, exeqts., administrators and assignes and to their use aforesd ag' all people Doe warrant and forever defend by these presents and Doe hereby put him in possession of the same and Doe give him good right and lawfull authority to record the aforesd Grant of a mile Square to him, his heires and assignes. In the publick rec- ords of any of his Majesties Colony. In New England, and also the grant of the timber, and Stone above written : And for the full confirmation of the premises and every part thereof. I have hereunto set my hand, and seal the day, and year first above written. To which the sd. Totoe Captaine his Indian mark, and his seal were affixed Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the presence of us he having had this deed read to him, and made fully to understand every part of it, as he himself affirmed Abigail * Newbery her mark Signed In presence of the mark * of Tomosesk his Indian Margaret Newbery Mark Jacobs his Indian mark Munhan his Indian mark Totoe his squa her Indian mark Totoe Indian personally appeared before me and told me he fully understood the above written deed of gift, and that he had signed, sealed and deHvered the same and that it was his free and voluntary act and Deed this 16"^ of September 1685 Before me Benjamin Newbery Assistant 104 INDIAN DEEDS On the 2 2^* day of June 1702: This Deed was received into the Registers office, and was then here Registred from the original By me, John Pynchon, Register. Note to the Preceding Deed ^Modern name is Great Brook. INDIAN DEEDS 105 Part of Bernardston, Northfield and Warwick FROM THE TOWN RECORDS OF NORTHFIELD The Indian Deed That whereas Massemet Panoot Pammook Nenepow- nam his squaw wompely & nesacoscom, that wareas these six Indians on the owne have made sale of a parcel of Land at Northfield and Joseph Parsons Senr on the other partey for a valuable consideration have sold to Joseph Parsons Agent for Northfield a tract of land lying on both sides the Great River which is thus bounded the Northerly end at Coasock' the Southerly end on the est side of the great River downe to Quanatock^ at Southerly end on the west side of the Great River butting against Masapetots Land and soe Running Six miles in to the Woods on both sides of the River this tract of Land above expresed thay have sold as doth Apear both by Deed and a morgage bareing Date in the yeare 167 1. and in Consideration that Some of the Indians have said thay have not had full Satisfaction for this tract of Land and therefore know all men by these that Micah Mudg Comelos Merry and John Lymon for the Rest of the Inhabitants of Northfield have agreed With the indions for a further Confirmation of this tract of Land above expresed by givving a New deed unto the afore Men- tioned buyors. upon Consideration of twelve pounds allready Received wee the Indians under wrote Doe aquitt and Discharg the aforesaid Micah Mudg Cornelos Merry and John Limon and there heirs for ever of the above said sum of twelve Pound the Names of those Indians that have Re- seved this pay are as followeth mequenichon mannusquis masemet quankquelup Couah Pompmohock Colecoph it is further agreed by Parteys above said that the Indians doe further Ratefy Sell and Confierm Alinat and fiermly Pase over unto Micah Mudg Comelos Merry and John Limon in behalf of the Companey to them and there heirs, admin- estrators and exectors for ever all these Parcells of Land lo6 INDIAN DEEDS as is heare after bounded viz the Southerly end buting upon a brook called Squenatock^ and soe Running Six miles in to the Woods on each side of the River and soe Running to the New fort on the North side of a river which comes in to the Great River called Couas all which as it is here bounded, with all the Priveleges benifitts advantages com- modateys and appurtenances thereon and thereunto be- longing and at the time of the sale heareof that the a fore Mentioned Indion ware the Proper owners of the Premises and that this Land is free from all former Barggins Sales Rights tittle in heritants or incomborans What soo ever; and that the afore said Micah Mudg Cornelos merry and John Limon as they ware actors in behalph of them selves and the Company and that thay there heirs executors ad- ministrators asighns shall Have And to Hold Posess and enjoy Peacably and quiatly with out any Molestation from by throu or under us or our heirs executors Adminestrea- ters or asighns or any other clame by aney parson or Parsons what so ever and further wee ingeage to Acknoleg this to bee our act and Deed beefore Athoritey w^hen called there unto and what further may be needfull to confirm this our act and deed of sale that we would Readely and Chear- fulley doe it and for the Confirmation heare of the said mequenichon mannusquis masemet quankquelup Couwah Pompmohock Colecoph have heare unto sett our hands and seals the twentey forth day of may in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty Six Sighned and Sealed and Delivered in the Presants of Neuque his * mark & Scale William Clarke Sen Bohomitz his mark * and Scale Caleb Pumery Masemet his mark * and Scale Ebenezer Pumery Wookenet his mark * & Scale Ebenezer Miller Chanchquego his mark * & Scale Benony Jons Whenonkca his mark * and Scale Wee that are witnesses saw the Same indions mentioned in the Deed sett their marks heare unto allthough their names are not alike Spelld byreson that it was one of the INDIAN DEEDS 107 indions that did wright som of them but thay did all one there Names as thay are in the Deed and sett to there sealls. as witness by mesemett WilHam Jean & Pompmohock and Micah Mudg which ware the too Peter Jothro * indions which gave the agent Posession of the land as a bove expresed Georg Alexander saw masemett and Pompmohock give posession of the Land above mentioned to Joseph Parsons Sen. Memorandum that there was formerly as thay acknowl- eg and owne before wittnesses a Peacable Posession was given to the agent of Squakeheag, which was Joseph Par- sons Sen. Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Coasock. — Koash-ock, "pine trees place." Modern name is Mill Brook. ^Quanatock. — Modern name is Miller's Brook. io8 INDIAN DEEDS Parts of Granville and Southwick, Massachusetts and Granby, Connecticut MAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber A; Folio iii This present writing made the tenth day of June Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred eighty Six Betwene James Cornish Senior of or belonging to Westfeild in the county of Hampshiere & in the Collony of the Massachusets of the one party & Toto an Indian Captaine now living neare Hartford in the collony of Connecticut, of the other party witnesseth that the said Toto Indian captaine being the true & lawfull heyre of certayne tracts of land in severall parts of this countrey as being derived unto him from his Grandfather, Nassajcowan & Taquiamson & Unquiram his father hath by these Presents given granted aliened & con- firmed & doth by these Presents give, grant, alien establish & confirme unto the above named James Cornish for good & loving considerations him hereunto mooving a certayne tract & parcell of land (lying & being now in Massachusets Collony) so supposed but never purchased from him or his predecessors contayning six myles square or the contents thereof, or thereabouts (bee it more or lesse) bounded by the land granted by the said Toto unto William Leet Esq. Southerly & by the hmd granted by him also unto John Williams of Windsor Northerly & runs Westerly towards housatunnick bounded by the mountaynes & Easterly by the land belonging to Westfeild or Springfeild by the high- way or Road running from the lower end of the Ponds ' unto two Myle Brooke* neare Westfeild on a straight lyne all which the premises with all appurtenances previledges conveniencyes & immunities whatsever thereunto apper- tayning & belonging as Ponds, Rivers, Brookes, Springs streames marshes, swampes Trees, Bushes, Stones Rockes, mynes Mineralls & whatsoever shall any wayes appeare to be thereunto belonging] I the said Toto doe give grant con- INDIAN DEEDS 109 firme establish & ratify unto the said James Cornish his heyres executores assignes for ever to have hold possesse & enjoy as his & their owne propper right title & interest lawfully quietly & peaceably without any lett hindrance disturbance or molestation & doe hereby declare (at the ensealing & delivery hereof) my just & true right & title thereunto & every part & parcell thereof against all persons whatsover for by or under mee or under any pretence what- soever shall lay any clayme or challenge any right or title to the premises or any part thereof. And I doe hereby acquit the said James Cornish his heyres & assignes & dis- charge & otherwise well & truly save harmlesse the said James Cornish his heyres & assignes * * * of & from all & all manner of all former & other gifts grants bargaines sales Leases mortgages joyntures Dowry es extente judg- ments executions forfeitures fynes or amercents & from all other titles troubles charges demands & incumbrances what- soever had made committed suffered omitted or done by mee the said Toto my heyres or assignes or by any person or persons what soever clayming right by from or under us or any of us or by any of our meanes act consent privity or procuremt & lastly I doe give unto the said James Cor- nish his heyres & assignes full right to enrowle & record the premises & every part & parcell thereof to himselfe & his heyres & assignes for ever. In witnesse whereof the said Toto have signed sealed & delivered this writing with my owne hand even the day & yeare first above written. Signed Sealed & DUd. * The mark of wth seal affixed in the presence of Toto Bartholomew Barnard John Allyn Totoe personally appeared in Hartford June 28"" 1686 & acknowledged the above written to bee his free & volun- tary act & Deed before mee John Allyn Assist of his Majies collony of Connecticutt This is a true Record recorded by mee James Cornish Clerk of Hampshiere this 25"" of March 1689. — INDIAN DEEDS Notes to the Preceding Deed ^Congamuck Lakes. ^Modern name is Great Brook. INDIAN DEEDS iii Part of Brimfield, Monson, Palmer and Warren [?] HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber D ; Folio 237 Know all Men By These Presents that we John Magus Lawrence Massowanno, attorneys to Annogomok Sachem of the tract of land Called Wombemesscock ; James & Simon, Sons & heirs of black James Sachem of the Nipmug Coun- trey For divers Good Causes & Considerations us thereunto moveing ; and more Especially for & In Consideration of ye Sum of Twenty Pounds Currant money of New England to us In hand Paid by Joshua Lambe, Nath. Paige, andrew Gardiner, Benj^ Gamblin, Benjamin Tucker, John Curtis Richard Draper, & Samuel Rugglesof Roxberry In the County of Suffolk ; In New England ye Receipt whereof we do here- by acknowledge our Selves therewith to be fully Satisfyed Contented & Paid; have given granted bargained Sold aliened Enfeofed & Confirmed and by these Presents, do fully freely & absolutely give grant bargain Sell alien En- feosse & Confirm Unto s"* Lambe, Paige Gardiner, Gamblin, Tucker, Curtis, Draper Ruggles their heirs & assignes a Certain tract or parcell of land Containing by Estimation Twelve miles long North & South; & Eight miles wide East & west Scituate lying & being Near Quabaug Com- monly known by the Name of Wombemesiscock : being butted & bounded Southerly upon the land of Joseph Dud- ley Esq' lately Purchased of the Indians, Easterly the Southernmost Comor upon a Pond called Sasagooka Paug & Soe by a brook which Runneth Into the s'^ Pond & Soe up Northerly unto a place Called Wequaes' & Soe still Northerly untill It meets with a River Menamesick & westerly by the River untill it come Against Quabaug bounds and Joynes unto their bounds, or however; or however otherwise butted & bounded; Together with all & Singu- lar ye rights Commodities Liberties Privilidges & appur- tenances whatsoever: to the Same belonging or however otherwise appertaining To Have & to Hold the s*^ tract or 112 INDIAN DEEDS parcel of land Scituate, Containing & being as afore"'* Lamb paige Gardiner Gamblin Tucker Curtis Draper & Ruggles their heirs & assignes In Common tenancy ; to their only propper use behoof e for Ever: and the '** John Magus lawrence Nascowanno attorneys as afore"* James & Simon heirs of Black James as afores'* Do Covenant Promise & Grant for themselves heirs Executors & administrators, to & with the s"* Joshua Lamb, Nathaniel Paige, Andrew Gardiner Benjamin Gamblin, Benjamin Tucker, Richard Draper & Samuel Ruggles their heirs & assignes, that they will the above Granted & Bargained land & Every Part & Parcel thereof with their & Every of their appurtenances warrant & defend from all & Every Person & Persons what- soever Claiming any Right or title thereto or Interest there- in by or under us. In Witness whereof the "* John Magus, Lawrence Nascowanno attorneys of afore"* James & Simon have hereunto Set their hands & Scales This Twenty Sev- enth day of December Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred Eighty & Six Annoq" Jacobi Secundi Angliae vea Secunda. Signed Sealed & delivered John Magus and Scale In Presence of Us Lawrence (his * mark) Naso- John Gardiner wanno & Seal Samuel Auay James his * mark & Scale Simon his * mark & Scale Anogemag his * mark & Scale John Magus, James & Simon Indians, Subscribers to this Instrument Personally appearing acknowledged the Same to be their act & deed, June 25 1687 before me William Stoughton on the: 7* day of May: 1723: This deed was Received; & was then here Registered from the original John Pynchon Regt. INDIAN DEEDS 113 Notes to the Preceding Deed It is impossible to accurately locate this tract. Menamesick, the north- ern boundary, is Ware River, and if the tract was twelve miles from north to south it must have been west of Brookfield. This evidence is strengthened by the fact that the purchasers of the land began a settlement near Palmer. The purchase was made without the sanction of the General Court, and although in 1626-7, ^ petition was presented to the Court, confirmation was refused. After various petitions, in 1732, a grant of a tract six miles square was allowed which corresponds with the territory occupied by the town of Hardwick. This accounts for the fact that this deed is recorded in the Proprietors Book of that town. In the copy in the Proprietors Book, Wombemesiscock is given as Wombemesiscook; Wequaes as Ueques and Menamesick as Nenameseck. In 1750, the territory occupied by the town of Hardwick was challenged by Hendrick Kequoquau, Adam Mahtaunkaumut and Mhtockaumunt, three Stockbridge Indians who claimed the land through Brookfield Indians. It was shown that they had no interest in the Hardwick land, but had in mind a tract about Coy's Hill in the north part of Warren. ^Wequaes or Ueques. — "The end." 114 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Bernardston, Northfield and Warwick, Massachusetts, Vernon, Vermont and Winchester, New Hampshire FROM THE TOWN RECORDS OF NORTHFIELD The Indian Deed To All Christon People to Whome this Presants Shall Come know yee that Nawelet Gongequa Aspiambemett had- dar awanset Meganichcha wee the Indions Mentioned and for Good Consideration Moveing us heare unto and in Par- tickelor in Consideration of the Sum of fortey five Pound in Trade Goods all Redey in hand payd or secured to satis- faction the Said Indions Above exprest Doe for them selves there executors and administrators doe Give Grant Bargin and Sell and by the Presants firmly pass over a sarten Par- sell of Land Lying in the bounds of Northfield unto William Clarke Sen' and John King Sen' both of Northampton being Agents for the propriators of Northfield which is bounded as foloweth. viz — Southerly Againstt a River Called Cowas ' being one the east Side of the Great River and soe Running Directly over the great River the Northerly Side Running to a river one the West Side of the Great River Called wanascatok. "" Lying twelve miles wide Six Mills Wide one each side of the Great River All which Parsell of Land Acording as it is heare bounded With All the prive- liges benifitts advantages Commodateys and a Purtenances there one and there unto bee Longing the Said Nawelet Gongequa aspiambemett Haddar awansett Meganichcha Doe by these presants for them selves there heirs executors Administreators freely and fulley Give Grant bargain alinat sell and pass over unto William Clarke and John King as agents for Northfield Proprietars to bee to them theire heirs executors Administerators and assighns To Have And To Hold Fore ever Quietly and Peasabley Posess and With out aney Lett Trouble Hinderans or Molestation by throu INDIAN DEEDS 115 or under us or our Heirs executors Administrators or from or by aney parson or Parsons throu Means heare by Relin- quishing and yelding up all Right Tittle Clame and Interist to the Said Land or aney Part thereof heare by Giveing to the Said William Clarke and John King Quieat and Peasable Posession of the Premises and further the Said Nawelet Gongequa Aspiambemett haddarawanset Meganichcha Doth Covenant Promis and Ingaege that the Lands are free and Cleare from all former bargins Sales leases tittles or inherit- ants Judgments Condemn * * * * executions or Any other Incumberans What so ever and at the time of the salle heare of wee ware proper and Lawfull owners of the premises the * * * the said William Clarke and John King may * * * * to themselves or make over by Will or Deed ***** other and to further Wee ingage to acknoleg this bee our act and Deed beefore athoratey when called there unto And further May bee Needfull to Confirm this our act and Deed of Salle that wee will readely and Cheare- fully Doe it and for the Confiermation heare of the said Nawelet Gongequa Aspiambemett haddarawanset Meg- anichcha have heare unto Sett there hands and Sealls this thirteenth Day of August in the Yeare of our Lord one thousand Six Hundered and eighty Seven. Sighned Sealed and Nawelet his * mark and Scale Delivered in the Gongequa his * mark and Scale Presants of Aspiambemett his * mark and Jonathan Hunt Scale Preserved Clap Haddarawansett his * mark Wm Clarke Jun and Scale Peter Jethro Meganichcha his * mark and Joseph Atherton Scale Isaac Chauncey Notes to the Preceding Deed 'Cowas, — This is the same as Coasock. See note on page 107. ^Wanascatok. — "The ending stream." This is Broad Brook which enters the Connecticut river near the north hne of Vernon, Vermont. Ii6 INDIAN DEEDS Sheffield, Great Harrington and part of Stockbridge and Lee FROM THE BOOK OF RECORDS OF THE LOWER HOUSATONIC PROPRIETARY Know all Men by these presents that we, Conkepot Poneyote Partarwake Naumauquin Waenenocow Nawnaus- quan Cauconaughfeet Nonamcaunet Naunhamiss Sunk- hunk Popaqua Taunkhonkpus Tartakim Sauncokehe Can. cannap Sunkiewe Nauheag Mauchewaufeet John VanGilder Pinaskenet all of Housatonack allias Westonook, in New England, in ye province of ye Massachusetts Bay : for & in consideration of a valuable sum w^ell secured by bond viz Four Hundred and Sixty Pounds Three Barrels of Sider & thirty quarts of Rum: bearing date with these Presents, under ye hand & seal of Capt John Ashley of Westfield in ye County of Hampshire ; we have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed & confirmed, and doe by these pres- ents, fully, clearly and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, allinate, convey & confirm unto Col John Stoddard, Capt John Ashley, Capt Henry Dwight & Capt Luke Hitchcock, Esqrs, all in the County of Hampshire, Committee appointed by ye General Court to purchase a certain Tract of land lying upon Housatonack River, allias Westonook, in order for the settling two towns there, and unto such as ye Com- mittee have or shall admit in order for ye settling of said Towns, to them, their Heirs & assigns a certain Tract or parcel of land. Meadow, swamp & upland lying on ye River afore- said butted & bounded as followeth, viz: Southardly upon ye divisional line between the Province of Massachusetts Bay: and the colony of Connecticut in New England West- ardly on ye patten or colony of New York, northardly upon ye Great mountain known by ye name of Manskuseehoank INDIAN DEEDS 117 and Bastardly to run Four miles from ye aforesaid River and in a general way so to extend Furthermore it is to be understood that ye abovesaid Indians reserve to themselves within the aforesaid Tract of land, described by bounds and butments, Southardly on a Brook on ye west side Housa- tonack River, known by the name of Mannanpenokcan and Northardly to a small brook lying between ye aforesaid Brook and ye River called Wampanikseeport allias White River: viz All ye land between ye aforesaid Brooks from said Westonook River extending unto ye patten of the Colleny of New York Together with a clear Meadow, be- tween the aforesaid small Brook extending Northardly unto ye aforesaid White River ; viz, the aforesaid Indians reserve to themselves all ye land between ye Brooks running due West line from ye mouth of sd Brooks unto ye patten of ye Colleny of New York aforesaid And we ye aforesaid Indians doe for ourselfs, our heirs Executors & Administrators, Covenant promise and grant to & with the aforesaid Com- mittee & such as they have or shall admit of for Planters of sd Townships That before the ensealing hereof, we ye sd Indians are ye true, sole & lawful owners of ye aforegranted premises and are lawfully seized and possessed of the same in our own proper right, as a good perfect & absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple, and have in ourselfs good right, full power & lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, convey & confirm sd bargained premises in manner aforesaid And ye sd Committee & such as they shall or may admit for In- habitants of sd Townshipps to them their heirs and assigns shall & may from time to time and at all times hereafter by virtue of these Presents, lawfully & peacibly occupie, Possess and enjoy the said bargained Premises with all ye appurtenances, free & clear, and clearly & freely acquitted & discharged of, from all & all manner, former & other Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Jointures, Mortgages, Wills, De- vises & Incumbrances whatsoever And furthermore We the sd Indians, for ourselfs and for sd Heirs, Executors & Ad- ministrators doe covenant & engage to secure & defend ye sd bargained Premises unto them the aforesaid Committee, and to such persons as the sd Committee have or shall admit Ii8 INDIAN DEEDS in order to ye settling sd Towns, to them or their Heirs & Assigns forever against ye the lawful claims & demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever In witness whereof, we the aforesaid Indians have hereunto set our hands and seals this 25th day of April, in ye tenth year of his Majisty's rign and in ye year of or one thousand seven hundred & twenty four: Signed, sealed & deld in presence of us Conreat Borghgharl Benjamin Smith John Gun Jun Samuel Bartlett Conkepot, his mark * seal Poneyote, his mark * seal Pota wakeont. his mark * seal Naunausquan, his mark * seal Wanenocow, his mark * seal Naunauquin, his mark * seal Conconaughpeet , his mark * seal Nonaucauneet, his mark * seal Paunopescennot, his mark * seal Covconofeet, his mark * seal Naunhamiss, his mark * seal Sunkhonk, his mark * seal Popaqua, his mark * seal Taunkhonkpus, his mark * seal Tatakim, his mark * seal Saunkokehe, his mark * seal Cancanwap, his mark * seal Saunkewenaugheag, his mark * seal Manchewanfeet, his mark * seal John Vangilder, his mark * seal Ponaskenet, his mark * seal The aforesaid is a Copy of ye Deed given by the Indians for ye Housatonack Land Examined by me Ebener Pomroy by order Acknowledged before John Ashly, J. P. INDIAN DEEDS 119 Notes to the Preceding Deed It is unfortunate that it is impossible to accurately locate the bounds of this deed as it is the key to the bounds of many of the Berkshire county deeds. At this date the bounds of Connecticut as well as New York were unsettled. New York claimed all the land to the Connecticut River, while Massachusetts claimed to within twelve miles of the Hudson. The granted land was to be seven miles wide, and as the deed describes it as being four miles on the east side of the Housatonic River it must have run three miles west of the river which would make the New York line five miles further east than it now is. The reserved land was bounded on the north by Green River (Warn" panikseeport) which at that time entered the Housatonic quite a little south of the present mouth, and the north line of the town of Sheffield is approxi- mately the north line of the reserved land, while the south line was about five-eighths of a mile below. The Connecticut line was supposed to be about where it now is, but if the territory bought was only the fourteen miles granted by the General Court the south boundary was quite a little north of the present Connecticut line as the north boundary was Rattlesnake Mountain (Manskuseehoank) in Stockbridge. 120 INDIAN DEEDS Charlcmont and parts of Ashfield, Buckland, Colrain, Florida, Hawley, Heath, Monroe, Rowe and Savoy HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber H ; Folio 406 To All People to whom these Presents Shall come Greet- ing Know ye That we Mauhammetpeet wife of Fiahpuhcau- min and Mequnnisqua Indian Women of the Scauhtecook Tribe for and Consideration of the Sum of Fifty Pounds in Bills of Credit of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay to us in hand before the Ensealing hereof well and truly paid by John Stoddard Esq. and Capt Israel Williams a Comittee Appointed and Authorized by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England to Bargain for and Purchase the Land here- after mentioned and Described The Receipt whereof We do hereby Acknowledge and our Selves therewith fully Sat- isfied and Contented Have Bargained Sold Conveyed and Confirmed and Do by these Presents Sell Convey and Con- firm to Jeremiah Allen Esqr. of Boston in the County of Suffolk in the Province aforesaid Treasurer of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and to his Successor or Successors in Trust for the use and Benefit of sd. Province a certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being within sd. Province West of Deerfield and is upon the Main Branch of Deerfield River or as it is commonly Called Deerfield River And is Bounded as follows (viz) East at the mouth of North River So Called where it Empties it Self into Deer- field River Extending up said River, or west to the Great Mountain and is Bounded west at the foot of the mountain that Seperates and Divides the waters that flow from thence East into Connecticutt River and West into Hud sons River And it is about Ten Miles from the mouth of North River to the foot of Said Mountain Extending north five miles INDIAN DEEDS I2i from Said River South also five miles from Said River which Tract of Land Descended to us from our Grandmother Ohweemin an Indian of the Scauhtecook Tribe To have and To hold to him the said Jeremiah Allen Esq', and to his Successor or Successors in the Capacity aforesaid in Trust for the Use and Benefit of Said Province for ever the aforesaid Tract of Land with all the Priviledges & Appur- tenances whatsoever to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining Hereby avouching We are the true Owners of the Same and have in Our Selves good Right to Sell Alienate and Convey the same hereby relinquishing and forever quitting Claim to all the right Title and Interest that we have or may have to the Premises And we the said Fiahpuhcaumin and Weesauwiah & Pauch-Tauwaypeet Children of the said Fiahpuhcaumin And Mauhammetpeet aforesd. Do hereby Consent to the Aforesd. Disposition of Said Land Relinquishing all the Right Title Challenge and Interest that We have or may have to the premises by any Descents whatsoever. In Witness of all which we have here- unto Set our hands or marks and affixed our Seals this Sixth day of August in the Ninth Year of the Reign of George the Second King &c Annoque Donnique 1735 Signed Sealed and Delivered to John Stoddard Esq. and Capt Israel Williams for the use and Benefit of the Province aforesaid her Mauhammetpeet * and Seal In Presence of us mark Ebenezor Hinsdell her Elijah Williams Mequnnisqua * and Seal Tho'. Wells 2"" mark Jno Hastings his Fiahpuhcaumin * and Seal mark his Weesauwiah * and Seal mark his Pauch Tauwaypeet * and Seal mark 122 INDIAN DEEDS Hampshire SS. Fort Dummer Aug 6* 1735 Then the Subscribers to the above written Instrument personally appeared before me and Acknowledged the above- said Instrument to be their Act and Deed Coram Joseph Kellogg Justice of Peace Rec"^ Sep' 3^^ 1735 And Recorded from the original INDIAN DEEDS 123 Confirmation of the Preceding Deed HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber H ; Folio 408 To All People to whom this Present Writing Shall come Greeting We the Subscribers Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe whose Ancestors habitations were by or near unto Connecticutt River in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay Do hereby Acknowledge Testifie and Declare that Mau- hammetpeet wife of Fiahpuhcaumin and Mequnnisqua Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe are the true Sole and rightful Owners of the Land hereafter described Bounded as follows the Said Land lying upon Deerfield River so called East at the mouth of North River So called where it Empties it Self into Deerfield River Extending up Said River or West about Ten Miles and is Bounded West at the Bottom of the Great Mountain that Seperates the Waters that flow from thence East into Connecticutt River and West into Hud- sons River Extending North five Miles from Deerfield River South also five Miles into the Wilderness Which Said Land Descended to the Said Mauhammetpeet and Mequnnisqua from their Grandmother Ohweemin of the Scauhtecook Tribe And We Do further Declare to our Certain Knowledge that no Indian or Indians of what Name or Nation Soever has any Just right Challenge or Interest to or in the above- said Tract of Land In Witness of all which We Set to our Marks and affix our Seals this Sixth Day of August Anno- que Domini 1735 Signed Sealed & Massoqunt his * mark and Seal Declared In Nannautookoah his * mark and Seal Presence of Us Cauchonshawet his * mark and Seal Ebenezer Hinsdell Masscommah his * mark and Seal Elijah Williams Aumesaucooaneh his * mark and Seal Tho Wells 2'* Francois his * mark and Seal John Hastings Caukayoungweh his * mark and Seal 124 INDIAN DEEDS Tecaumis his * mark and Seal Penawons his * mark and Seal Toomis his * mark and Seal Wauquauheeg his * mark and Seal Wollenus his * mark & Seal Woocaus his * mark & Seal Maumauquix his mark & Seal Keewauhoose his * mark & Seal Lohsaccisem his * mark & Seal Ompoochechaw his * mark & Seal Rec'd. Sep' 3'^ 1735 and Recorded from the Original Hampsh. SS. Northampton Janu'ry 27 173I Then Joseph Kellogg Esq. Personally appearing made Solemn Oath that he faithfully Interpreted the foregoing Deed & Declaration (viz) the Substance of them to these Indians who have Respectively Subscribed to the Same when they were Executed and the Sum of fifty Pounds Paid to the Said Indians for said Land by John Stoddard Esq. and Capt Israel Williams Reed, and Ent'' Feb 10" 173I Coram Ebenz. Pumroy Just. Pac. INDIAN DEEDS 125 Southern Vermont and New Hampshire HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber H ; Folio 403 To all People to whom these Presents Shall come greet- ing Know ye that I Nechehoosqua wife of Massequnt Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe for and in Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds in Bills of Credit of the Prov- ince of the Massachusetts Bay to me in hand before the ensealing hereof well and truly paid by John Stoddard Esq and Capt Israel Williams a Comittee appointed and Author- ized by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England to Bargain for and Purchase the land hereafter mentioned and Described. The Receipt Whereof I do hereby Acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Satisfied and Contented Have Bargained Sold Conveyed & Confirmed And do by these Presents sell Convey and Confirme to Jeremiah Allen Esq. of Boston in the County of Suffolk in the Province afore- said Treasurer of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and to his Successor or Successors in Trust for the use and Benefit of Said Province for ever a certain Tract or Parcell of land Lying and being within Said Province upon or by Connecticutt River to the north of Fort Dummer bounded as follows (viz) south at the mouth of a Brook Em.ptying it Self into Connecticutt River on the East Side of Said River About three quarters of a mile below the great Meadow so called near against which on the West Side of the Said River is a large ledge of Rocks Called the White Rocks extending up said River and bounded North at the Mouth of a Brook on the West Side of sd. River Emptying it Self into Said River between two and three Miles above the Great Meadow aforesaid, against the Second Island in Said River North of Said Great Meadow Extending East Twenty Miles from Said River and West also Twenty miles from Said River into the Wilderness. Which parcel of land aforedescribed Descended to me the said Nechehoos- 126 INDIAN DEEDS qua from my Mother Conkesemah Wife of Aume Sancooaneh Indians of the Scautecook Tribe To have and to hold to him the said Jeremiah Allen and to his Successor or Succes- sors in the Capacity Aforesaid in Trust for the use and benefit of Said Provinces forever The aforesaid Granted Lands and Premises with all the Priviledges and Appurtenan- ces whatsoever to the Same belonging or in any wise apper- taining Hereby avouching I am the true Owner of the Same and have in my self good right to sell alienate and Convey the same hereby Relinquishing and forever quitting Claim to all the Right Title and Interest that I had have or may have to the Premises And we the said Massequnt and Aumesaucooanch and Tecaumis Children of the Said Masse- qunt and Nechehoosqua aforesaid do hereby Consent to the Sale of the Aforesaid Lands relinquishing and quitting Claim to All the right Title Interest and Challenge that We have or may have to the Premises by any descents What- soever In Witness of all which We have hereunto set our Marks and Affixed Our Seals this Sixth day of August in the Ninth year of the Reign of George the Second King etc. Annoquo Domini 1735 her Signed Sealed and Nechehoosqua * and Seal delivered to John mark Stoddard Esq. and Capt. his Israel Williams for Massoqunt * and Seal the use and benefit mark of the Province afore- his mentioned In Presence Aumesaucooanch * and Seal of us mark Ebenezor Hinsdell his Thos. Wells Teacumis * and Seal Elijah Williams mark John Hastings Hampshiere ss. Fort Dummer August 6* 1735 Then the Subscribers to the above written Instrument Personally Appeared before me and Acknowledged the above sd Instrument to be their Act and Deed Joseph Kellogg Justice of the Peace Rec'd. Sept 3" 1735 and Recorded from the Original. INDIAN DEEDS 127 Confirmation of the Preceding Deed HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber H ; Folio 404 To all People to whom this Present Writing Shall come Greeting We the Subscribers Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe whose Ancestors habitation was by or near unto Connecticutt River in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay Do hereby Acknowledge Testifie and Declare that Neche- hoosqua Wife of IVIassequnt Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe is the true Sole and rightfull Owner of the land here- after Described bounded As follows South on the Mouth of a brook that empties it Self into Connecticutt River on the East Side of Said River About three quarters of a mile below the Great Meadow So called over against which Brook on the West Side of Said River is a large Ledge of Rocks called the White Rocks Extending up Said River and bounded north at the mouth of a Brook on the West Side Said River Emptying it Self into Said River ag' the Second Island in the Said River above the Great Meadow About two or three miles north from Said meadow extending East Twenty Miles from Said River West also Twenty Miles from Said River into the Wilderness which Said Land Descended to the said Nechehoosqua from her Mother Conkesemah Wife of Aumesaucooaneh Indians of the Said Scauhtecook Tribe And We do further Declare to our Certain knowledge that no Indian or Indians of what name or Nation So ever has any just right Challenge or Interest to or in the aboov De- scribed Land and Premises. In Witness of all which We set to our Marks and Affix our Seals this Sixth day of August Annoque Domini 1735 Signed, Sealed and Declar'd in presence of Ebenezer Hinsdell Elijah Williams Thos. West 2'"' John Hastings 128 INDIAN DEEDS Hampsh ss Northampton Janu'ry 27, 1735-6 Then Joseph Kellogg Esq. Personally appearing made Solemn oath that he faithfully interpreted the Substance of ye fore- going Deed and declaration at the time ***** were Executed to those Indians who have Respectively Subscribed to the Same And the sum of one Hundred Pounds was Paid to the Indians for sd land by John Stoddard and Capt. Israel Williams his Naunautoohoauh * and Seal mark his Fiahpuhcaumin * and Seal mark his Cauchonshauet * and Seal mark his Francois * and Seal Ompontinnuah * and Seal mark his Caukayoungwoh * and Seal mark his Mascommah * and Seal mark his Pactaubeit * and Seal mark his Penawwons * and Seal mark his Wesauhuanah * and Seal mark his Wauquaheeg * and Seal mark his Lohsacaum * and Seal mark his Toomis * and Seal Keewauhoose * and Seal mark his Maumauquix * and Seal mark his Wollenus * and Seal Woocaus * and Seal mark This affidavit Reed, and Ent. Feb. 10* 1735-t) Coram Ebenz' Pumroy Just. Pace. Rec"^ Sep' 3^^ 1735 and Recorded from the Original. INDIAN DEEDS 129 Parts of Athol, Barre, Dana, Gardner, Hubbardston, Petersham, Phillipston, Princeton, Rutland, Templeton and Westminster HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber H; Folio 405 To all People to whom these Presents Shall come Greet- ing Know ye That we Francois Son of Nepuscauteusqua Deed, and Ompontinnuwas Penewanse Cockiyouwah and Wallenas Sons to Woolauootaumesqua dec'* Sister to the Said Nepuscauteusqua Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe for and in consideration of the Sum of Fifty Pounds in Bills of Credit of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay to us in hand before the Ensealing hereof well and truly paid by John Stoddard Esq and Cap' Israel Williams a committee appointed and authorized by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay (in New England) to Bargain for and Purchase the Land here- after mentioned and Described The Receipt whereof We do hereby Acknowledge and our Selves therewith fully Sat- isfied and Contented Have Bargained Sold Conveyed and Confirmed and Do b}^ these Presents Sell Convey and Con- firm unto Jeremiah Allen Esqr. of Boston in the county of Suffolk in the province aforesaid Treasurer of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay aforesaid and to his Successor or Successors in Trust for the use and Benefit of s"* Province a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being within Said Province lying upon or by the Road that Leads from Sunderland to Lancaster and bounds West upon a Broad Brook where are two Trees marked and peeled that runs between the middle and East Branch of Swift River Extend- ing about Twelve Miles East and is bounded on a River that runs at the bottom of Wauchusets, on the West Side of Said Wauchusetts Extending South five miles from the Aforesaid marked Trees and every part of the Said Line that extents East to the aforesaid East Bounds North Ex- 130 INDIAN DEEDS tending Seven miles from Every part of the aforesaid line To have and to hold to him the said Jeremiah Allen Esq. and to his Successor or Successors in the Capacity afores"* in Trust for the Use and Benefit of Said province forever the aforesaid Tract of Land with all the priviledges and appurtenances whatsoever to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining Hereby avouching We are the true owners of the Same and have in ourselves good right to Sell alienate and convey the same hereby relinquishing and forever quit- ting Claim to all the right Title and Interest that we have or may have to the Premises and we the said Francois Ompontinnuwa Penewanse Cockiyouwah and Wallenas do in Witness hereof hereunto Set Our hands or marks and affix our Seals this Twenty Ninth day of August in the Ninth year of the Reign of George the Second King etc and An- noque Domini 1735 his Francois * & Seal mark his Ompontinnuwa * & Seal mark his Penewanse * & Seal mark his Cockiyouwah * & Seal mark his Wallenas * & Seal mark Signed Sealed and Delivered to John Stoddard and Capt Israel Williams for the use & Benefit of the Province Aforesd. In Presence of Us W" Brattle Thomas Berry Joseph Kellogg Tho-. Wells 2'* INDIAN DEEDS ^31 Hampshire S.S. Deerfield August 29* 17 35 Then the Subscribers to the Above Written Instrunient Personally Appearing Acknowledged the Same to be their ^ct ^ ^^^^ Coram Joseph Kellogg Jus. Pac'. Rec'' Sep' 3^ 1735 and Recorded from the origional 132 INDIAN DEEDS Confirmation of the Preceding Deed HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber H ; Folio 406 To All People to whom this Present Writing Shall come Greeting We the Subscribers Indians of the Scauhtecook Tribe whose Ancestors habitations were by or near unto Connecticutt River in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay Do hereby Acknowledge Testifie and Declare that Francois Son of Nepuscauteusqua Deed, and Ompon- tinnuwa Penewanse Cockiyouwah and Wallenas Sons to Woolauootaumesqua Deed. Sister to Nepuscanteusqua In- dians of the Scauhtecook Tribe Are the true Sole and right- full owners of the Land hereafter described bounded as follows Lying upon and by the Road that Leads from Sun- derland to Lancaster West upon a Broad Brook that lies between the Second and third branch of Swift River where are two Trees peel'd and marked Extending East about Twelve Miles and Bounds upon a River that runs at the Bottom of Wauchuset on the West Side of it Extending South five miles from the afores'd mark'd Trees and every part of the Line that Extends East to the aforesaid East Bounds Extending North Seven Miles from Every part of the aforesaid Line Extending East and West which Said Land Descended to Francois Ompontinnuwa Penewanse Cockiyouwah and Wallenas from their Mothers Nepuscan- teusqua and Woolauootaumesqua Indians of the Scauhte- cook Tribe And We do further declare to Our certain knowl- edge that no Indian or Indians of what name or Nation Soever has any just right Challenge or interest to or in the abovesaid Tract of Land In witness of All which We set to our Marks and affix our Seals this Twenty Ninth day of August Annoque Domini 1735 INDIAN DEEDS 133 Signed Sealed & Declared In Presence of Us W" Brattle Joseph Kellogg his Pauchatabeet * and Seal mark his Massequnt * and Seal mark his Nannaukoohoah * and Seal mark his Mascommah * and Seal mark his Fiahpuchcaimin * and Seal mark his Naumauchesook * and Seal mark Rec"^ Sept 3^ 1735 and Recorded from the Original Hampsh. SS Northampton Janury. 27 173! Then Joseph Kellogg Esq Personally appearing made Solemne oath that he faithfully interpreted the Substance of the within Deed and declaration at the time when they were secured to those Indians who have Respectively Subscribed to the Same and the Sum of fifty Pounds was Paid to the Indians for sd. land by John Stoddard Esq and Capt Israel Williams Rec*" and Enter"" Feb'ry. 10* 173I Coram Ebenezer Pumroy Just. Pae 134 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Sheffield HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber X ; Folio 629 Know all men by These presents that Whereas the Gen" Court of the Province of the Massachusetts Ba3^ Did on the 25'" and 26"' of March 1736 (by a Vote) Authorize and Im- power John Stoddard Ebenz' Pomroy & Thomas Ingesole Esqrs. to Dispose of the lands that are Reserved to the Housatunnock Indians in the Town of Sheffield and men- tioned in the Committees Report In order to make Satis- faction so far as the Same will go to the owners and Pro- prietors of the land Granted by — s"^ Assembly to the s'' Housatunnock Indians above the Monument Hill or Moun- tain Now Know ye that the said John Stoddard Ebenz' Pomroy and Thomas Ingersole for and in Consideration of a Right of four Hundred acres of Land above s'' Monument Mountain this Day quitted and Released to the Government of the Massachusetts Bay for the use and benefit of the s'' Housatunnock Indians by Aaron Gardenier of Kinderhook in the County of Albany in the Collony of New York Have Disposed of one fourth part of s"^ Reserved lands viz, one fourth part of the meadow or Intervale land reserved to s** Indians and lying by the River Housatunnock which fourth part is Sixteen acres of meadow and begins at the Mouth of a Small Brook that emtieth it Self into Housatunnock River Eastwardly, and is bounded on the South by a west line Drawn from the Mouth of s'' Brook which line is the North- em boundary of Cap'. Van-al? meadow land and from thence it Extends Northerly between s'^ Housatunnock River and a Swamp till it makes the quantity of Sixteen acres And also the Swamp lying between s"* Sixteen acres of meadow and the Road that leads from John Vangilders to Capt. Van-alls meadow Together with one fourth part of the upland lying between the afores"* Road on the East and a west line Drawn from the Mouth of the afores'^ Brook on the South and a west line drawn from a beach tree which INDIAN DEEDS 135 Stands by a Small van of water at a little Distance South from Green River and at the right hand of the path at the North East Comer of the hill whereon the Indians lately Dwelt Extending westward as far as the Town of Sheffield Extends, and we the s'' John Stoddard Eben" Pomroy & Thomas Ingersole a Committee appointed and Authorized as afores" Do in s*^ Capacity hereby dispose Give Grant etc the afore Discribed meadow land being one fourth part of the meadow reserved to the Indians together with the afore Discribed Swamp and one fourth part of the afore discribed upland To Have and To Hold to him s'^ Aaren Gardenier his Heirs and assigns forever In Confirmation whereof they have Set to their hands and Seals this 22*^ Day of Octob' In the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George the Second of Great Brittain etc King Annoq' Domini 1736. Mem'' there is to be land reserved John Stoddard & Seal in the discribed Premises for a Eben" Pomroy & Seal Highway athwart s"^ land Thomas Ingersole & Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered In Presence of John Sergeant Timothy Dwight Hampshire S.S. Oct 22'' 1736 The Honb" John Stoddard & Eben' Pomroy Esq" & Thomas Ingersole Esq' Sub- scribers to the foregoing Instrument personally appearing acknowledged the Same to be their act & Deed Cor™ Tim'* Dwight Just Pac^ Rec** May 20* 1755 & Recorded from the Original By me Edw"* Pynchon Reg"* 136 INDIAN DEEDS Pittsfield 1737 To all people to whom these shall come. Greeting: Know Ye, That we, Jacobus Cohquahegameek, Matakea- min, and Wampenum, formerly of Menanoke ' or the island in the Hudson below Albany, now planters in the Indian Town on Housatonic River, have demised, granted and to farm-letten (sic) and by these presents do farm-let unto John Stoddard of Northampton, in the County of Hamp- shire and Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, Esq., all that tract and parcel of land, of six miles square, lying and being in the county of Hampshire and Province of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid, on the main or principal branch of Houseatunnick River, so called, about sixteen miles northward of the place where Cuncupot now dwells, and at the place where Unkamet's Road, * so called, that leads to Albany to Northampton, crosseth said branch, beginning at said crossing, extending thence two miles east- ward and four miles westward, three miles northward and three miles southward, extending every way from said point until it embraces six miles square of land, to have and to hold for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years. (The yearly rent was fixed at ' six pounds, in public bills of the Province, or its equivalent in silver, according to the present worth or estimation,' payment to be made upon the 20th of October annually; and the lessors to have the right to re-enter and take possession, if payment was delayed, twenty-one days from that date. The lease was executed INDIAN DEEDS 137 in the eleventh year of our sovereign Lord, King George the II,, and Anno Domini 1737.) his Jacobus * Coocheecomeek mark his Mahtookamin * mark his Wampenum * mark Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of Timothy Woodbridge, Jonathan White, Abigail Woodbridge. Notes to the Preceding Lease The editor has found it impossible to obtain the original record of this lease, and has been forced to use this abbreviated copy published in a local history. ^Menanoke. — "Island place." ^Unkamet's Road. — It crossed the eastern branch of the Housatonic where the highway, Unkamet street, now bridges it. 138 INDIAN DEEDS Tyringham, Monterey, New Marlboro, Sandisfield and part of Otis HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber L; Folio 351 To All Christian People To whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know Ye that we John Pophnehonawah alias Kunkapot Poniote Pelawuhkout alias Skaunaup We- naumpe Wequaguu Umpeethow, Naunowsquok of Housa- tunock in the countey of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Indian Planters for ourselves our Heirs and Assignes and in behalf of Nicholas Mhutkees alias Ukwaunmut Nesaweuk Sauseekhoot Au- nowwaumpummukgseet for and in Consideration of the full Sum of Three Hundred pounds in Money paid to us be- fore the Ensealing hereof by Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury in the Countey of Worcester and Ephraim Williams of New- ton in the Countey of Middlesex In the province aforesaid Esqrs. the Receipt whereof we do Acknowledge Our Selves fully Sattisffied Contented and paid thereof and of Every part and Parcell thereof do Acquit Exonerate and Discharge them the s'^ Nahum Ward and Ephraim Williams their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes forever. Have Given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated and Conveyed and by these Presents Give Grant Bargain Sell Alienate Con- vey and Confirm A certain Tract Parcell or Parcells of Wil- derness Land Scituate or Lying in the Countey of Hampshire and Province aforesaid bounded and Discribed as follows (viz) Southwardly upon the Coloney Line Eastwardly upon a River Commonly Called Farmington River and North- wardly on Wilderness or Province Land in part and Partly INDIAN DEEDS 139 on Upper Housatunock and Westwardly on Sheffield and on Upper Housatunock including four Townships Granted Lately by the Great and General Court of the Province afore'^ To them the Said Nahum Ward and Ephraim Wil- liams To their Associates Heirs and Assignes forever as also all the other Lands Included within the bounds Aforesaid or However otherwise bounded or Reputed to be bounded with all the Naturall Properties therein and thereon &c To Have and To Hold the ''^ Granted and Bargained Premises w^ith all the Appurtenances and Priviledges thereto belong- ing or any way Appertaining to be to them the "* Nahum Ward and Ephraim Williams Heirs Associates aforesaid and to their Heirs and Assignes to their Proper Use Benefitt and Behoof e forever: And we the said John Popnehounauwok Alias Kunkapot Poniote Patawuhkont alias Skannaup We- naumpe Wequagun Umpeetkhow Nanuowsquok in behalf of our Selves our Heirs and Assignes and in the Behalf of Nicholas Mhuthees alias Ukwauumut Nesawweuk Sau- seekhoot Annow^waumpummukyseet and their Heirs and Assignes Do Covenant to and Engage the above Demised Premises To them the Said Nahum Ward and Ephraim Williams their Associates Heirs and Assignes forever Further more we the "'^ John Popnehounawwah Alias Kunkapot Poniote Patawukhout alias Skaunaup Wenaumpe Wequa- gun Umpeetkhow Naunowsepioh Nicholas Mhutkees Alias Ukwaemnuit Neshaweuk Sauseekhoot Annowwaumpum- mukgsett for our Selves end for our Heirs Do Promise and Engage To Warrant secure and Depend the above Demised Premises to Them the said Nahum Ward and Ephraim Williams their Associates Heirs and Assignes against the Claim of us or any of us our heirs or any of our heirs or any other Indian or Indians whomsoever or wheresoever in full Confirmation of which We have hereunto Sett our Hands and Seals this Second Day of June One Thousand 140 INDIAN DEEDS Seven Hundred and Thirty Seven And in the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George the Second King etc. John Popnehounowwah ahas Kunkapot * his mark & Seal Poniote his * mark and Seal Pelawahkout Alias Skannup his * mark and Seal Wenaumpe his * mark and Seal Wequagun his * mark and Seal Umpeathhow his * mark and Seal Naunowsquah her * mi ark and Seal Nicholas Mhutkees alias Uhwaumut his * mark and Seal Neshawuk his * mark and Seal Sauseekhoot his * mark and Seal Aunowwaumpummukgseet his * mark and Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of us John Sergant Timothey Woodbridge Abraham his * mark Tau- taunhohkauaaute Abraham his * mark Nauchauekewat Hampshire SS. June 12^^ i737 John Pohpnekounawot Ponniote Pelawuhhout Wequaguun Umpeatkhow Naun- awnsquot Personally Appeared before me the Subscriber and Acknowledged the Within written Instrument to be their free Act and Deed Cor™ John Stoddard Pae Just. In the House of Representatives December 7'^ 1737: Voted that the within Deed be and Hereby is fully allowed and Approved of To all Interests & Purposes Sent up for Concurance J. Quincy Spke. In Councel Dec" 10, 1737 Redd and Concurred J. Wil- lard Secr'y. 14 Consented To — J. Belcher Province of the ) Boston June 11* 1739: The within Massachusetts Bay / Instrument & the Acknowledgment Confirmation above was Recorded in the Book of Patents Deeds etc: in the Secretarys office for the Province Afore- said page 157: 158 & 159 By me Simon Frost Dep' Sec'^ Rec'' June 26*'' 1739 And Recorded from the Originall By me W"' Pynchon Reg' INDIAN DEEDS 141 Part of Egremont HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber N; Folio 574 To all Christian People to whom these Presents Shall come Greeting Know yea that We John Pophnehaunau- wack Skannop & Poniote all of Housetunnock in the County of Hampshire and province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Indians Owners When We Sold the Township of Sheffield We made a Reservation of A Tract of land for Our Selves lying within the Said Sheffield on the West Side of the River begining at a beach Tree by Samuel Harmons land And Running South about three Quarters of A Mile to A brook and from thence to the foot of Taukonnocke' Mountain West and from thence about three Quarters of A Mile North And from thence to the first mentioned bounds One part of Said land lying within Sheffield bounds and One part Extending West beyond the bounds of Said Sheffield to the foot of the above mentioned Tauconnock Mountain One half of which land lying West of Sheffield West bounds within the above mentioned bounds We Do by these presents For the love & Esteem We have of our friend John Van Guilder of Sheffield in the County & province aforesaid Give grant convey and confirm to him the Said John Van Guilder One half of all the land from Sheffield West bounds To the foot of the Abovesaid Tauconnock Mountain (Viz) The South part Running A West line Nine Degrees North through the middle of the above mentioned land to the foot of Tauconnock mountain To Have and to Hold We do for Our Selves and Our heirs Quit claim to Said land for Ever And the Same convey & confirm to the above Said John Van Guilder and his heirs for Ever with all the priv- iledges And Appurtenances thereto belonging without any Molestation hindrance or Disturbance from Us or our heirs or any other person or persons whomsoever under Us And for the full Confirmation of the above granted premises We have hereunto Set our hands & Seals this twenty fourth Day 142 INDIAN DEEDS of October Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty Seven And in the Twelfth year of His Majesties Reign etc. John (his * mark) Pophnehannawak & Seal Poniote his * mark & Seal Skannop his * mark & Seal. Signed Sealed & Delivered In Presence of Hendrick Burghghaert Jun' Tim*^ Woodbridge Hampshire S.S. Oct 24 1737. Then John Pophnehanna- wak Poniote & Skenop personally Appearing Acknowledged the above Instrument to be their Act & Deed Cor" John Stoddard Justice Peace Hamp Rec'^ Ji^ne 19"" 1744 And Recorded from the original Note to the Preceding Deed ^Taukonnocke. — Modern name is Taconic. Elsewhere called Tagh- kannuc, Taghkanick and Taughkaughnick. Literally translated, this is "forest." INDIAN DEEDS 143 Pittsfield, Lanesboro and part of Cheshire HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber 4; Folio 360 To all Christian People to whom this present writing Shall or may come Masinamake alias Solomon one of the Mahekander Indians Sendeth Greeting. Whereas I am Credibly Informed that the Great and General Court as- sembled at Boston on the Twenty eight day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & thirty five Granted to the town of Boston three Tracts of land each of Six miles Square to be laid out in Suitable places in the unappropriated lands of the Province of Massachusetts Bay for Townships, and Whereas afterwards on the thirtieth day of June one thousand Seven hundred & thirty Seven Jacob Wendell of Boston Esq' at publick auction purchased one of those Tracts of land. Now Know ye that I the said Mas- inamake alias Solomon owner & Native proprietor of the following Tract or parcel of land for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred & twenty pounds Currant money of the Province aforesaid to me in hand paid at and before the Ensealing and delivery hereof by the Said Jacob Wen- dell The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and thereof & of and from every part and parcell thereof & therewith to be fully Satisfyed Contented and paid Have therefore for my self my Heirs & Descendants Given Granted bargained & Sold & by these presents do for me my Heirs and Descendants fully freely & absolutely Give Grant bar- gain & Sell unto the said Jacob Wendell his Heirs and assigns all that Certain Tract or parcel of land Scituate lying and being to the Northward of the upper Town at Housatunnock at the distance of Ten miles above the hopp- lands extending in Breadth on both Sides of Westenhoock alias Sheffield River Six English miles and in length along the Said River twelve miles with all and Singular the tim- ber trees meadows Swamps Rivers ponds pools waters water courses mines minerals Standing lying being on the 144 INDIAN DEEDS premises, To Have and To Hold the above Granted lands within the bounds and limits aforesaid with the premises and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise ap- pertaining unto the said Jacob Wendell his Heirs and assigns to the Sole and only proper use benefit and behoof of the said Jacob Wendell his Heirs and assigns forever: In Wit- ness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal in Hous- atunnock this Eleventh Day of September in the twelfth Year of his Majesties Reign annoque Domini one thousand Seven hundred & thirt}^ eight Masina (his * mark) Make & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of A. N. Dyck Timothy Woodbridge Kanko (his * mark) pot ) i^^^^^^ Spankewe (his * mark) Nogeek ) Suffolk SS. Boston 2' December 1752 M' Timothy Wood- bridge appeared & made Solemn oath that he was present & Saw Masinamake the Ensealer of the above Instrument Execute the Same as his act & Deed & that he with aaron Dyck Set their hands thereto at the Same time as Witnesses Before me T. Hubbard Ju Pac~ Rec'* October 27* 1762 & Recorded from the Original By me Edw'' Pynchon Reg"* INDIAN DEEDS 145 Richmond and part of Lenox HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Q ; Folio 88 To All People to whom these Presents Shall Come Greet- ing, Know ye that I John Neekkuchewohkaumun of Stock- bridge in the County of Hampshire in the province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Claimer, For and in Consideration of the full and Just Sum of Twelve pounds new York Money to me paid in hand before the Ensealing hereof by Jocom Yocon & Mohtockaumum of the Same Town & County Have Given Granted bargained Sold con- veyed and Confirmed unto the sd Jocom Yocon and Moh- tockaumum and do by these Presents fully freely and ab- solutely give Grant bargain sell and Convey unto them the s'^ Jocom Yocon and Mohtockaumum their heirs and assigns forever, one Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Lying and be- ing Scituate in the County of Hampshire and is butted and bounded as follows (viz) begining at the north East Comer of Stockbridge Township and from thence Runing East to Housatunnock River, and then Runing Northward on s*^ River or as the River runs untill it Comes to Poontoossuck ^ Township South bounds and so bounding North on "^ Township as far west as "^ Township Reaches and the Same line to be Continued west untill it Come to the Dividing line between the province of the Massachusetts Bay and new York and then Runing South as far as the north west Comer of Stockbridge and so to run East by s'^ Comer and bound South on the north line of s** Stockbridge untill it Come to the first mentioned bounds Excepting Some land that was Purchased by Ephraim Williams Esq' and Timo- thy Woodbridge that is Included in s"* bounds. To Have and To Hold the aboves'* Granted and bargained Premises with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging or any ways appertaining to them the s'* Jocom Yocon and Mohtockaumun their heirs and assigns forever to their own Proper use Benefit and behoofe forever I the "" John Neek- 146 INDIAN DEEDS kuchewohkaumun for my Self and for my heirs Quitting all Right Title Claim and Interest in all the Land Included in the above mentioned bounds and do by Virtue of these Pres- ents firmly Convey the Same to the aboves"* Jocom Yocon and Mohtockaumun and their heirs and assigns forever I having full Right and authority to Sell and Convey as in manner aboves** and have for the full Confirmation of the above Granted and bargained Premises Set my hand and Seal this Seventh Day of august anno Domini one Thou- sand Seven Hundred and forty four : and in the Seventeenth Year of his Majesties Reign George the Second King etc. John (his * mark) Neekku & Seal Tushau (his * mark) Neak & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of their Aaron * Sonkewenaukheek Solomon * Waunaupaugus marks Timothy Woodbridge John Wauwaumpequunnaunt The said Tushauneak not being Present when the Deed was Drawn and Executed by the principal Person yet he Signed as a Grantor to the Tract of Land Specified in this Deed altho his name is not Inserted in the Body of this Deed. Hampshire SS. Stockbridge Sep. 28: 1745 John Neek- kuchewohkaumun appeared and acknowledged this Instru- ment to be his act & Deed Coram Eph" Williams Just Pac' Rec'* November lo"" 1746 & Recorded from the original By me P' W*" Pynchon Reg Note to the Preceding Deed I Poontoossuck — Early name of Pittsfield. In 1739 John Stoddard wrote it Poontooksuck. Originally applied to the falls on the brook issuing from Pontoosuc lake. Pozvntuk-suck, "falls on the brook." INDIAN DEEDS 147 Part of Lee or Lenox [?] HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Q ; Folio 138 To all People to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know Ye That I John Konkopot alias Pophnehonauwoh of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Gentleman, For & in consideration of the full and Just Sum of fifteen pounds, to me in hand well and truly paid before the En- sealing hereof by John Laribee of Boston in the County of Suffolk and province af ores'* Gentleman Have Given Granted bargained Sold Aliened Conveyed and Confirmed and Do by these presents freely fully and absolutely Give Grant bargain Sell aliene Convey and Confirm unto the s'* John Laribee his heirs and assigns forever one Certain Tract or parcel of Land being and lying Scituate at a place Called Housatunnock in the County of Hampshire and bounded as follows (viz) west on lands of Ephraim Williams Esq'^ & the Rev"* M' Stephen Williams & East partly on Housa- tunnock River it being a Grant a Grant made by the Gen- eral Court of this province to the s"" Laribee of five Hundred acres the Same has been Surveyed and a plan Returned into the General Court and accepted by the Same Referance being had thereunto To Have and To Hold the s** Granted and bargained Premises to him the s** John Laribee his Heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper Benefit and behoof forever I the s'* John Konkopot for my Self my heirs quit all Claim Right title Challenge Interest or De- mand in the aboves'* Tract of Land to him the s'* * * Laribee his Heirs and assigns forever. Furthermore I the s** John Konkopot do Covenant to and with the s'* John Laribee that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner and have in my Self good Right and Lawfull Authority to Dispose of the Same as in manner aboves'* and that free and Clear from all Other Grants bargains Sales or Disposals whatsoever. And for the full 148 INDIAN DEEDS and final Confirmation of the above granted and bargained premises I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this fourth Day of Nov''' A Dom: 1745 and in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord George the Second King etc Signed Sealed and Delivered In John his * mark Presence of Konkopot & Timothy Woodbridge Josiah Jones Seal Hampshire SS. Stockbridge Novem''' 5 : 1745 Personally appeared the within named John Konkopot and Acknowledged the within written Instrument to be his free act & Deed Coram Eph™ Williams Just. Pac Rec'^ Jan 31" 1746 Recorded from the Original By me INDIAN DEEDS 149 Peru and parts of Cummington, Dalton, Hinsdale, Middlefield, Washington and Worthington HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i ; Folio i8 To All Christian People to who these Presents Shall come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin Knewonaunaunt ye Indian King Jehoiakim Yokim Peter Bukquunnawpeet & Robert Nungkauwaunt all of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Setlers & Gent, for & in Consideration of Five Hundred pounds new York money before the En- sealing & Delivery of these presents Paid by Johannis Mtoksin Indian of Said Stockbridge Gent. The Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and our Selves there with to be fully Satisfyed & Content and do by these presents fully freely & Clearly and absolutely Give Grant bargain Sell Convey & Confirm unto him the Said Johannis Mtoksin his Heirs & assigns forever a Certain Tract of land lying & being in Said County of Hampshire and adjoyning ye East Side of Poon Toosuck Consisting of upland Swamp and meadow land wood Timber Clay Stones mines & minerals Springs of water Brooks Ponds of water & water Courses & is bounded as Follows viz Begining at ye South East Comer of Said Poontoosuck & from thence runing East Nineteen Degrees & twenty Minits South Untill it Comes unto Westfield River then runing Northerly Six Miles & half up Said River then turning and runing west nineteen Degrees & twenty Minits North untill Said line meets with ye North East Comer of Said Poontoosuck & from thence bounding on the East Side of Said Poontoosuck to where the bounds began; To Have and To Hold all the above Granted premises with all and Singular the appurtenances thereof unto him the Said Johannis Mtoksin his Heirs and assigns to his & their own Sole & proper use & Benefit for- ever and we the said Benjamin Kewenaunnaunt Jehoiakim 150 INDIAN DEEDS Yokim Peter Buckquannaweep & Robert Nwngkauwaunt Covenant in manner following, That is to Say that at the time of the Ensealing hereof & at ye Delivery of these pres- ents we the Said Benjamin Jehoiakim Peter & Robert were the lawful owners of all the above bargained Premises and have in our Selves good Right full power & lawfull author- ity to Dispose thereof in manner as above said. Further- more we the Said Benjamin Kewenaunnaunt Jehoiakim Yokim Peter Bukquunnawpeet and Robert Nungkauwaunt for our Selves our Heirs Executors & administrators Do hereby Covenant to Warrant Secure & Defend the above Granted Premises unto him the Said Johannis Mtoksin his Heirs & assigns forever hereafter. In Witness whereof we hereunto Set our hands & Seals the Ninth Day of June anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred Fifty & in the 27 year of his Majesties Reign Benjamin (his * mark) Kewnaunant and Seal Jekoiakim (his * mark) Yokim & Seal Peter (his * mark) Bukquunnaweepeet and Seal Robert Nungkauweaut & Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presence of us Isaac Wnaupey David Nauneknick Hampshire SS. February 6"^ 1758 Then personally appeared the within named Benjamin Kokhkewenaunant Jehoiakim Yokun Peter Pophquun- naupeet and Robert Nungkauwaut Signers and Sealers to the within Instrument and acknowledged the Same to be their free act and Deed Before Tim" Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec"* Febry 16"' 1758 and Recorded from the original By me Edw'* Pynchon Reg''' INDIAN DEEDS 151 Small tract in Stockbridge HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Y ; Folio 262 To all People to whom These Presents Shall Come Greet- inge Whereas the Great & General Court or Assembly of this Province at their Sessions in Boston in s'* Province on the 25'*' Day of January anno Dom 1754 by their orders of that Date (made in answer to the Petition of John Sku- shawmh of Stockbridge Indian man) Order me the Sub- scriber To Enquire into the Circumstances of the Said Pe- titioner, & if I Should think proper to make Sale of his lands in Said Petition mention*" & to cause the Produce thereof to be applyed to the Support & Maintenance of the said Petitioner & his Family and Whereas on Consideration of the Circumstances of said Petitioner I did adjudge it abso- lutely Necessary for ye Comfort & Support of said Petitioner & his Family that said Lands Should be Sold & the Produce thereof apply^ to the Same purpose & Whereas I according agreed with & Sold the Same to one Joab a Negroman a Freeman of said Stockbridge Husbandman for the Sum of thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence money which he has accordingly paid for ye Same. Therefore by Virtue of the power afores** to me granted & in Consideration of Said Sum of Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence money already paid & Secured by said Joab I John Worth- ington of Springfield in the County of Hampshire & province afores" Esq' Do hereby bargain Sell Convey & Confirm unto him the said Joab a Certain Tract of Land lying in said Stockbridge being the Northerly part of a lott of Land that was laid out in said Township to said Indian man & Surveyed by Timothy Dwight Esq' lying in the Southerly part of said Township & on the East Side of the Road leading from Stockbridge to Sheffield & is bounded as follows viz Northerly on Land of Stephen Nash Easterly on Konco- pots Brook so Called, Westerly on said Road & Extend^ so far Southerly as to make up the Contents of fifty acres 152 INDIAN DEEDS & so bounding Southerly on the Residue of said lott, To Have and To Hold the before Granted premises with the appurtenances & priviledges to the Same belonging to him the said Joab his Heirs & assigns forever to his & their only- proper use benefit & behoofe forever as a good absolute Estate of Inheritance In fee Simple In Witness whereof I the said John Worthington have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 25"" Day of September in the 29* Year of the Reign of George the Second King of England etc Annoq* Dom. 1755 c Signed, Sealed & D** (being first John Worthington duly Stamp** )In Presence of & Seal T. Dwight Junr. Joseph Hawley Hampsh" SS. Sept' 25* 1755 Then John Worthington Esq"" appeared & acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be his act & Deed Before Joseph Hawley Just' Pac' Rec'' November 15* 1755 and Recorded from the Origi- nal By me Edw'* Pynchon Reg' Province 2 Peny Stamp INDIAN DEEDS 153 Hillsdale, N. Y. HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Y; Folio 575 Know all men by these Presents that we Peter Pophquun- naupeet John Wauwaumpequannaunt Josiah Waumuh- hewey Benjamin Kokhkewenaunaut, Wepukshuh and Maukhhownvauweet all of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire and province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indians Planters for and in Consideration of the full and Just Sum of Two Hundred pounds money to us in hand well and truly paid before the Ensealing hereof by Robert Noble Thomas Whitney Japhet Hunt and John M'^Arthur living on land west of Sheffield in the County and province aforesaid Gentlemen, Have Given Granted Sold aliened Conveyed and Confirmed to the Said Robert Noble Thomas Whitney Japhet Hunt and John M' Arthur their Heirs and assigns for Ever, one Certain Tract or parcel of Land lying west of Sheffield beginning at a heap of Stones on Taukonnuck Mountain about one mile and an half South of the Road from Sheffield to Clauverick, Then running westwardly five miles and an half then running Northwardly Seven miles, then running Eastwardly five miles and an half, then running Southwardly with a Strait line to the first mentioned bounds or heap of Stones Containing the whole of that Tract of Land Conveyed by the General Courts Committee for Disposing of the lands west of Shef- field to William Miller and others be it more or less, The first line from the abovementioned heap of Stones to run west or Vary as Shall be most Suitable for the Township and the other lines, to be Conformed to the first line: To Have and To Hold the Said Granted and bargained prem- ises to them the said Robert Noble Thomas Whitney Ja- phet Hunt and John M'Authur their Heirs and assigns for- ever Further we the said Peter Pophquunnaupeet John Wauwaumpequunnaunt Josiah Waumuhhewey Benjamin Kokhkewenanaut Wepukshuh and Maukhhowwauweet for 154 INDIAN DEEDS our Selves and Heirs Do Covenant with the Said Robert Noble Thomas Whitney Japhet Hunt and John M'Arthur their Heirs and assigns that We are lawfully Seized In fee of the premises that they are free of all Incumbrances that we have good Right to Sell and Convey the same to the said Robert Noble Thomas Whitney Japhet Hunt and John M'^Arthur and that we will Warrant and Defend the Same to the Said Robert Noble Thomas Whitney Japhet Hunt and John M'Arthur their Heirs and assigns forever against the lawfull Claims and Demands of all Persons Claiming by or under us : In Witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this twenty-fifth Day of May anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Six and in the twenty Ninth Year of his Majesties Reign George the Second King etc. Peter (his * mark) Pohquunnuppeet & Seal John Wauwaumpequunnaunt & Seal Wepookq (his * mark) Shut & Seal Benjamin (his * mark) Kaukewenoh & Seal Josiah (his * mark) Waumehhewy & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of David (his * mark) Naunaunckennuk Muttuh (his * mark) Kummun Hampshire SS. May 27"" 1756 The abovenamed Poh- quunuppeet John Wawwaumpequunnaunt Weepooskeet Benjamin Kaukewenohnaunt Josiah Waumehhewy ac- knowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their free act and Deed Coram Joseph D wight Just. Pac" Rec"^ March 17'*' 1757 & Recorded from the Original By me Edw' Pynchon Reg'' Province 4 Peny Stamp INDIAN DEEDS 155 Part of Sheffield and Egremont HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Y; Folio 379 To all People to whom These Presents Shall Come Greet- ing, Know ye that Noch Namos Indian woman now of the Fishkills in Dutches County in the Province of New York formerly of Housatunnock in the Countey of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay For and in Considera- tion of the love and affection I have and Do bear unto John Vangilder living west of Sheffield in ye s** County of Hamp- shire Husbandman and for many other good Causes and Considerations me hereto moving as well as Sundry Sums of money & other presents, The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Satisfyed and Contented and thereof and of Every part and Parcel thereof Do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the said John Van Gilder and his Heirs Executors and administra- tors forever, by these presents Have Given Granted bargained Sold aliened Conveyed and Confirmed, and by these pres- ents do freely fully and absolutely Give Grant bargain Sell aliene Convey and Confirm unto him the said John Van Gilder and his Heirs and assigns forever, a Certain Peice or Tract of Land Scituate in and Near the Township of Shef- field afores'^ it being the whole of the land that the Indians Reserved to themselves in the aboves'^ Town butted and bounded as followeth (viz Southerly on the line between ye Indian land and ye third Division & Easterly on the River called Housatunnock River and so Northerly to ye uper Side of s'* land Reserved by ye Indians and so runing west that Weadth to ye line between new York and this Province together with whatsoever belongs to the Freehold, To Have and To Hold the Said Granted and bargained premises with all the appurtenances Priviledges and Com- modities to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said John Van Gilder and his Heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof 156 INDIAN DEEDS forever. And I the said Nock Namos for my Self & Heirs Executors and administrators Do Covenant Promise and Grant to and with him the Said John Van Gilder and his Heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and lawfull owner of the above bargained Premises and am lawfully Seized and Possessed of the Same in my own Proper Right as a good Perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance In fee Simple : And have in me Good Right full power and lawfull authority to Grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm Said bargained premises in man- ner as aforesaid : And that the Said John Van Gilder and his Heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and Virtue of these Presents lawfully Peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy Possess and Enjoy the said Demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of from all and all manner of former or other gifts Grants bargains Sales, leases Mortgages Wills Entails Joyntures Dowries Judgements Executions or Incumbrances of what Name or Nature Soever that might in any measure or Degree ob- struct or make Void this Present Deed Furthermore I the s'' Nock Namos for my Self & my Heirs Executors and ad- ministrators Do Covenant and Engage the above Demised Premises to him the said John Van Gilder and his Heirs and assigns against the lawfull Claims or Demands of any Person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter to Warrant Secure and Defend by these presents In Witness whereof I the s" Nock Namos have hereto Set my hand and Seal this first Day of June Anno Domini 1756 Nock (her * mark) Namos & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of us Robert Brett Mathew Duboys Dutches County June the i" 1756 Then appeared before me Mathew Duboys one of the Judges of the Court of Com- mon Pleas the person of Nock Namos and acknowledged INDIAN DEEDS 157 this within Deed to be her Voluntary act and Deed for the use within Mentioned and have Examined the Same and find no fault with it and order the Same to be Recorded Rec'' July 19"' 1756 & Recorded from the Original By me Edw"* Pynchon Reg'' Province 4 Peny Stamp 158 INDIAN DEEDS Austerlitz, New York HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i ; Folio 747 Know all men by these presents that we Peter Pophquun- naupeet and John Pophnehonuuhwoh of Stockbridge in the Countey of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Claimers of a Tract of Land lying North of and adjoyning to a Township Granted to Cap'. Robert Noble and others lying west of Sheffield & Stockbridge being Six Miles and forty four rods from East to west and from North to South five Miles and one quarter and Nine rods which Said Tract of land we the Said Peter Pophquunnaupeet & John Pophnehonnuhwoh for our Selves and our Heirs Sell Grant Convey and Confirm forever unto them and their Heirs the persons hereafter Naimed the whole of Said Tract of land in proportion as follows (viz) for and in Consideration of Two Hundred and thirty pounds new York Currancy paid to us by Truman Powell Joseph Chittenten Joel Spencer Edward Richmond Mary Johnson Joseph Powell John Spencer Phinehas Spencer Ahimaaz Spencer John Hawley Reuben Whitmore Simeon Spencer Jthemer Spencer Abner Johnson Nehemiah Spencer Ben- jamin Brown Christian Ray Ephraim Kidder James Gary George Charter Benjamin Chittenten Truman Powell Jun' Elijah Powell James Spencer Abner Spencer Obadiah Noble Abner Hawley Job Ingram Israel Spencer Joseph Kelley John Williams Jun' Bill Williams Thomas Whitney Ben- jamin Lovejoy John MArthur Robert Noble Jacob Bacon Edmund Spears William Sheldon Josiah Loomis Benjamin Shelden Timothy Hopkins Daniel Horse Lemuel Roberts INDIAN DEEDS 159 Martin Powell Moses Chittenten Benjamin Richmond Is- rael Taylor John Cooper Simon Willard Elnathan Brunsen Joseph Taylor Jun' Seth Powell Samuel Spencer To whom and to each of the abovesaid Persons their Heirs & assigns we the above s"^ Peter and John Sell and Convey one Sixth part of the above said Tract and to the Persons hereafter named (viz) Samuel Sedgewick John Wadsworth Ebenezer Warner Eliather Rue Menis Griswold Joseph Bailey Elisha Hatch William Hambelton Benjamin Chase Phillip Cal- lender John Callender William Whitney William Spencer Samuel Lee David Allen Joseph Gillet Milborough Vanval- kemburgh Jacob Vanvalkemburgh Henry Vangilder Jo- seph Vangilder & Mathew Vangilder to these last mentioned persons we the Said Peter and John Sell and Convey to Each one of them their Heirs and assigns forever the one Hundred and thirty Second part of said Tract, The whole of said Tract being butted and bounded as follows (viz) South on the Township granted to Cap* Robert Noble and others begining at the north East Comer of Said Nobles Town and runing west Seven Degrees north to the North west Comer of Said Nobles Town to a Stake and Stones about it thence North fifteen Degrees East five Miles one quarter and nine rods Thence East Seven Degrees South Six miles and forty four rods thence to the first mentioned bounds The abovesaid persons To Have and To Hold the Said Tract Containing Twenty thousand Seven Hundred and twenty two acres and an half, we the Said Peter and John Quit all our Claim Right Title Interest Challenge and Demand to the premises to the abovesaid Persons their Heirs and assigns forever to their own proper use Benefit and behoofe forever in the proportion to Each Person as abovesaid and Further more we the Said Peter Pophquun- nauhpeet and John Pophnehonnauwoh Covenant to and with the abovesaid persons that before and at the Enseal- ing of these presents we are the proper owners According to the Native Right and do by these presents Engage to Warrant Secure & Defend the abovesaid Granted & bar- i6o INDIAN DEEDS gained premises against the Claims and Challenges of any other Natives whatsoever Challenging or Claiming the Same. As Witness our hands and Seals this Twenty Seventh Day of September Anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Six and in the thirtieth Year of His Majesties George the Second King etc Peter (his * mark) Pophquunnaupeet & Seal John (his * mark) Pophnehonuwoh & Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered In Presence of Eldad Taylor Tim° Woodbridge Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokun Isaac (his * mark) Waunaumpch Hampshire S.S. Sheffield September 27* 1756 Then personally appeared before me the abovesaid Peter Poph- quunaupeet and John Pophnehonuwoh the Signers hereto and acknowledged the Same to be their act and Deed. Before me Tim° Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec'' March 20"^ 1760 and Recorded from the Original By me Ed"' Pynchon, Reg'' INDIAN DEEDS i6l Part of Egremont and Alford HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Y; Folio 669 Know all men by these Presents that we John Pophne- honnuhwoh Peter Pophnepeet Jehoiakim Yokun Isaac Wenaumpeh Quans Joseph Quinnauquant Kouaunun Quan- ponwos and Jehoiakin Shonanun all of vStockbridge in the County of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indians Claimers of the land lying west of Sheffield and adjoyning thereto for and in Consid- eration of the Sum of Twenty Pounds paid to us in hand before the Ensealing hereof in Different proportions by the persons hereafter mentioned. Have Given Granted Sold aliened and Conveyed to the persons hereafter mentioned their Heirs and assigns forever, a Certain tract of Land Scituate lying and being in s'' County of Hampshire lying west of Sheffield and is butted and bounded as follows (viz) East on s'* Sheffield South on the land called the Indian Land on which John Vanguilder and Andrew Camer lives west on the Township lately laid out to Robert Noble and others called Nobles Town and to Extend North as far as s"* Noble Town and from the North East Comer of s"^ Town to run East over to Stockbridge west line all Said Tract of Land so bounded we the abovesaid John Peter and the rest Have Sold and quitted Claim to the persons hereafter men- tioned to Each their proportion as follows (viz) Ebenezer Baldwin Aaron Loomis John Price Josiah Phelps Jun' Ben- jamin Frimain Samuel Culver Samuel Welch David Win- chel Samuel Younglove Mary Shaw William Webb Noah Blandin Timothy Hopkins Jonathan Welch Robert Joyner Samuel Winchel Jun' Jonathan Willard William Joyner David Welch Gideon Chubb Ebenezer Smith Samuel Loomiis Aaron Sheldon Priscilla Smith Israel Taylor John Van- guilder Jacob Vanguilder and Catherine the Daughter of the Said John Vanguilder the wife of Hezekiah Winchel to have one Sixtieth part of the premises to Each of the above i62 INDIAN DEEDS named persons their Heirs and assigns forever, and to the persons hereafter named we the s"^ John Peter Jehoiakim &c Sell give and Grant within the s"* Tract in the following manner (viz) To Timothy Woodbridge Esq' Stephen Kel- cey Ebenezer Hamblin Ebenezer Warner John Hamlin Eliatha Kew Elnathan Brunson Robert Watson Anthony Hopkins Micah Hopkins Daniel Kelcey Stephen Kelcey Jun' Jonah Fortin Simon Cook To Have and To Hold that part of the Said bounded and Described Tract of land that lies at the North End of the Same and to Include that part of Said Tract these last mentioned persons purchased of Shouanun and Quinnuhquant of which the s'' persons have an Instrument under the hands of the s"* Shouanun and Quinnunhquant Describing Said Purchase, And to Peter Sharp we the Said John Peter Jehoiakim and the rest of the Grantors give Sell and grant to the s"^ Peter his Heirs and Assigns forever Two Hundred acres of the "^ Tract lying where the s"* Peter lives and bounded and Surveyed to him of which the Said Peter has an Instrument of Conveyance from the Indians (viz) of the s'' Shouannun and Quinnau- quant Also we the Said John Peter and the rest give and grant unto Isaac Spoor Cornelius Spoor Jacob Spoor and Jonathan Nash Each five Hundred acres to be taken up within that purchase made by their Father John Spoor. Furthermore we the Grantors give and Sell and Grant to Nehemiah Messenger one Eighty fourth part of s** Tract of Land. And further Sell give and Grant to the persons here- after named within the said Tract of land (viz) John Hop- kins Elias Hopkins Nicholas Camer William Roberts Joseph Hix Edward Bailey Abraham Andres Jacob Camer Josiah Loomis Moses Loomis John Fuller Samuel Winchel Jacob Camer first Andrew Race Christopher Bruzzee Lodwick Camer Josiah Graves & John Holembeck to these last named persons we Sell and Grant the one Hundred and twelfth part of s'' Tract of Land. All which whole Tract INDIAN DEEDS 163 of Land we the s"" John Pophnehonnuhwoh Peter Poph- quannaupeet Jehoiakim Yokun Isaac Waunaumpeh Ouans Joseph Quinnauquant Kouaaunun Quanponwos and Jeho- iakim Shouaunun for our Selves and our Heirs forever Have Given Granted Sold aliened and quitted all our Right Title Interest Challenge and Demand to the premises to the persons mentioned in this Deed in the proportions and quantities Sold Set and assigned to Each of them To Have and To Hold the Said Granted and bargained premises with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging or anyways appertaining to the abovesaid Grantees their Heirs and assigns against the Claims Demands or Challenges of any Indian Native whomsoever: In Witness our hands and Seals this twenty ninth Day of October Anno Dom one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Six and in the thir- tieth Year of his Majesties Reign George the Second King etc. John (his * mark) Pophnehonewoh & Seal Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokun & Seal Isaac (his * mark) Waunehowoh & Seal Quans (his * mark) & Seal ^Joseph his * mark Quinauquant & Seal Quan (her * mark) ponwos & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of Couau (his * mark) Nun & Seal Peter (his * mark) Pophquunnaupeet John Burghaert Sheffield Octob' 29**" Received of the with in mentioned Grantees Two Hundred and thirty Pounds new York Cur- rency we Say Received ^' us Joseph (his * mark) Quinnauquant John (his * mark) Pophnehonnuwoh Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokun Isaac (his * mark) Wauunaumpeh 1 64 INDIAN DEEDS Hampshire SS. Octob' 29* 1756 Then the Signers to this Deed viz; John Pophnenuuhwoh Jehoiakim Yokun Isaac Waunaumpeh Quans Joseph Quinnauquant Quan- ponwos and Kauaunun and acknowledged themselves the Signers of this Deed and that it was their free act Before me Timothy Woodbridge Justice peace Rec'* March 5"^ 1757 & Recorded from the Original By me Edw' Pynchon Reg"* Province 2 Peny Stamp INDIAN DEEDS 165 Copakc, New York HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Y; Folio 595 To all People To whom these Presents shall Come Greeting Know Ye That we Benjamin Kaukeweneckenaunt Sachem & Maukcuwewet Hunter both of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire & Province of the Massachusetts bay in New England. For and in Consideration of the Sum of Five Hundred & Sixty one Pounds New York money to us in hand paid & well Secured to be paid by John Hollenbeek William Hollenbek son to s'^ John Michel Hollanbeek Andres Rease John Rease William Reas Jun' Nicholas Reas Henry Brasee Andres Brasee John Brasee Christopher Brasee Andres Brasee ye s'^ Robert Hollenbeek John Hollenbeek Jun' Richard Hollenbeek Michael Hollenbeek Jun' Abraham Hollenbeek Jun' Jonathan Darby Sam" Darby Wynent Weeber Peter Weeber Francis Bidwell Nathan Smith W^ill"' Dunkling Richard Marquis Samuel Taylor John Vangilder Nicholas Vangilder Joseph Vangilder John Van- gilder Jun' Mathew Vangilder Henry Vangilder Jacob Vangilder Andreas Vangilder Hezekiah Winchel Pelatiah Winchel Wau Hock Indian James Vandusen Abraham Vandusen son of the s"* James, Elisabeth Harvey, Wil- liam Wells Henry Smith Joseph Payn Benajah Lomiss Jacob Lomiss George Robison Thomas Woolcot Peter Cus- sell Adam Weeber, John Spoor Son of Derick William Joyner Benjamin Freeman Philip Case Nathaniel Warrin Nehe- miah Warrin Josiah Lomis Josiah Lomise Jun' Andrew Lomise Benjamin Franklin Ben Franklin Jun' John Well- den Rob' Noble Thomas Whitney, John M'^Arthur Joshua Boardman William Spencer Stephen Dewey Samuel Mess- i66 INDIAN DEEDS enger Hartsman Vandusen John Dibble Joseph Benedict WilHam Kellogg Jacob Spoor Nehemiah Messinger John Hopkins Elias Hopkins Simon Baxton Ebenezer Taylor James Patteson Thomas Patteson. To our Satisfaction Have Given Granted Bargained sold Aliened Conveyed & Con- firmed and by These Presents we Do fully freely & Abso- lutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Aliene Convey and Confirm unto them the said John Hollenbeek Willam Hollenbeck Michael Hollenbeek Andreas Rees John Reas William Reas and the Rest of the Persons above Named Including James Patterson & Thomas Patterson that are Interlind all in Equall Proportions Except Simon Barton & Ebenezer Tay- lor who are both Equall To one of the others ; One Certain Large Tract of Land Scituate & being within the County afore"* bounding South on the South Boundaries of the *"* Province North on a Line Drawn Parralell to s'' Line Seven Miles Distante from s'' Province line which is on the Townships Sold To Robert Noble & others in part East on the Great Mountain Called Tauconock Mountain (That is the Steep Mountain West on a Line to be Drawn Parralell To Hudson River at Twelve Miles Distance from the River (which s^ Tract of Land is Supposed to be from East to West in Length about Eight Miles Exclusive of any Legall Conveyance that have been given by any of Our Indian Ancestors To Have and to Hold the above granted & Bar- gained Premises with the appurtenances thereof To them the said John Hollenbeck and others above mentioned, Their Heirs & Assigns Forever & we the s'' Benjamin & Mankuweweet Convenant and Engage our Selves our Heirs Execut" and Administ*^" forever To Warrant secure & Defend the Above granted & Bargained Premises unto the s'* John Hollenbeck & Their Heirs & assigns against all Claims Whatsoever or by Whomsoever of the Native Ind- ians. In Witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & Seals this Fifteenth Day of March in the Twenty ninth INDIAN DEEDS 167 year of our Sovereign Lord George the 2'^ of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc Anno Domini: 1757 Benj° (his * mark) Kaukewenkennut and Seal Mau (* mark) hauwaweet and Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of Peter (his * mark) Poyhquannapeet Jacob Cheeksaukum Cap' Jehayasin (his * mark) Jenkins Jacob (* mark) Vasnanghtouk Leo Timothy Cowpas David (his * mark) Vavunmeaugkuuh Isaac (his * mark) Weananumpee Johannes Nahhson Moses Mchhehuenwenget Hampshire SS. March ye 16 1757 Personaley appeared the above named Benj* Kohkewenaunant & Mohkkau- wauweet the Signers of this Deed & Acknowledged this Instrument of Conveyance to be their free and Voluntary Act & Deed Before me Tim° Woodbridge Just pac. Rec'^ March 31" 1757 And Recorded from the originall By me Edw' Pynchon Reg''' Province 4 Penny Stamps i68 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Mount Washington HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i; Folio ii Know all men by these presents that we Benjamin Kau- keewenohnaunt Sachem and Jehoiakim Youkin Jacob Cheeksaunkun Joseph Qunnukkaunt and Maukhhou- wauweet Indians all of Stockbridge in the Countey of Hamp- shire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new Eng- land in America, In Consideration of the Sum of Seventy five pounds lawfull money paid us by John Dibble and others herein named The Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowl- edge we Do Give Grant bargain Sell aliene Convey and Con- firm unto the John Dibble and the others hereafter named, one Certain large Tract of land in the Countey aforesaid Bounded South on the South bound line of the Said Province North on a line to be Drawn Parralel to Said line at Seven Mile Distant from Said line which is in part on the Town- ship lately Sold to Cap' Robert Noble and others in part west on the Township that was lately Sold at Tahcanock to John Halenbeck and others East on the Top of the first Great ledge of the Mountian west of Sheffield and of the House of John Vangilders called the Tahcannock Mountain which Said Tract of land we do Sell to the Said John Dibble and the Others hereafter named their Heirs and Assignes to be by them Divided into forty-Eight parts or Rights. That is to Say, to the said John Dibble five Rights, To Josiah Loomis two Rights. To Jacob Loomis three Rights, To John Ashley Esq'^ Thomas Woolcott, Benjamin Barney, Benajah Loomis Sam" Crippin, Stephen Stockwell, George Robison, Capt" John Fellows, William Coit, John Waldon, Ichabod Averell, Jonathan Dunham, William Webb, Josiah Loomis, Jun', Andrew Loomis, Phinehas Taylor, James Vanduson, John Dibble Jun' Ebenezer Pain Abraham Vandusen Jun' Sam" Messenger, Ezra Fellows, Simeon Stockwell, John Holms Jun' Eleaza Stockwell, John Vangilder, Nicholas Vangilder, Joseph Vangilder, John Vangilder Jun' Mathew INDIAN DEEDS 169 VGilder, Hendrick VGilder Jacob VGilder, Andrew VGilder, Hezekiah Winchol, Pelatiah Winchel, Simon Willard and Jonathan Darby To Each of them one Right To Benjamin Barney Jun' and Ichabod Stockwell Each of them one half Right. To Have and To Hold the Same with the appurte- nances thereof to the John Dibble and the others above named in the above Proportion forever, and we the Said Benjamin and the other Grantors above named for our Selves and their Heirs Executors Do Covenant with the Said John Dibble and the others abovenamed their Heirs and assigns that we are lawfully Seized In fee of the Prem- ises that they are free of all Incumbrances that we have good Right to Sell and Convey the Same to the Said John Dibble and the others above named In manner and form as is above Expresst, and that we will Warrant and Defend the Same to the Said John Dibble and the others above written their Heirs and Assigns forever against the lawfull Claims and Demands of all persons; As Witness our hands and Seals this 29"' Day of March In the thirtieth Year of his Majesties Reign x\nnoque Dom. 1757 Benjamin (his * mark) Kokhkewenaunaut & Seal Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokun & Seal Jacob Cheeksaunkun & Seal Joseph Quunnukkaunt & Seal Mokh (his * mark) Wauwouweet and Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presonce of Jacob Naunauphcaunk John Wauwaumpequunnaunt Johannis Mtohksin Hampshire SS. March 29'" 1757 Personally appeared the within names Benjamin Kokhkewenaunaut Jehoiakim Yokun Jacob Cheeksonkuan Joseph Qumnukquaunt and Maukhauweet Subscribers and acknowledged the Signing and Sealing of this Deed to be their free and Voluntary act Before me Timo. Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec'^ Jan"^ 21'' 1758 & Recorded from the Original By me Edw*^ Pynchon Reg*' 170 INDIAN DEEDS Part of Lee HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i; Folio 25 Know all men by these Presents that we John Pophne- honnuhwoh and Robert Nuagkauwot of Stockbridge in the Coiintey of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Planters and Gentlemen For and in Consideration of the sum of Twenty Eight pounds ten Shillings and Six pence to us well and truly paid by Isaac Winslow and James Bowdoin Esq" of Roxbury and Thomas Flucker, John Smith, Norton Quincy Jonathan WiUiams and the heirs of John Franklin Deceas** of Boston in the County of Suffolk merchants and all of the Province aforesaid. The Receipt whereof we Acknowledge our Selves paid and Satisfyed of Every part and parcel thereof Have Given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Conveyed and Con- firmed and do by these presents fully freely and absolutely Give Grant Sell aliene Convey and Confirm unto the Said Isaac Winslow James Bowdoin Thomas Flucker John Smith Norton Quincy Jonathan Williams and the Heirs of John Franklin and to Each of their Heirs and assigns forever one certain Tract or parcell of land and being Scituate in the county of Hampshire and on the River Commonly called and known by the Name of Housatunnock River lying partly on the East and partly on the west side of Said River and is butted and bounded as follows (viz.) west on Stockbridge East Town line North partly on the Grant of Coll, Ephraim Williams and partly on the Grant taken up by Capt Laribee South on the North line of upper Sheffield Township East on Province Unappropriated lands Contain- ing one thousand five hundred and Sixty acres. It being Surv-eyed and a Plan taken Referance thereto being had To Have and To Hold the Said Granted and Bargained INDIAN DEEDS 171 premises To them the said Isaac Winslow James Bowdoin, Thomas Flticker John Smith Norton Quincy, Jonathan Williams and the Heirs of John Franklin their Heirs and assigns forever. In the several Parts and Proportions as follows, That is to Say, the Said Isaac Winslow and James Bowdoin their Heirs and assigns Each one Sixth part of the Premises, The Said Thomas Flucker one Sixth and one Eighth part of the Granted and bargained Premises to him his Heirs and assigns, To the above said John Smith and Norton Quincy to Each of them one Eighth part of the Granted Premises to them their Heirs and assigns, To the Said Jonathan WilHams and the Heirs of the Said John Franklin to Each of them one Sixteenth part of the Granted Premises to them their Heirs and assigns Each and Every one of the Said Grantees To Have hold Possess Occupy use and Improve the Said Granted and bargained Premises in the aforesaid parts and Proportions Set and assigned to them and to Each of them their Heirs and assigns forever to their proper Benefit use and Behoof forever free and Clear of and from all other grants Bargains Sales convey- ances or Incumbrances of any kind Name or Nature what- soever. We the Said John Pophnehonnuhwoh and Robert Nungkawot for our Selves and Heirs Covenant to and with the Said Isaac Winslow James Bowdoin Thomas Flucker, John Smith Norton Quincy Jonathan Williams and the Heirs of the Said John Franklin and Each of the Heirs of the Said Grantees that before and untill the Ensealing of these presents we are the true Sole and lawfull owners of the Granted and bargained Premises and that we have good Right full power and lawfull Authority to Sell and Convey as above Furthermore we the said John and Robert Engage forever to Warrant Secure and Defend the Conveyed Prem- ises to the said Isaac Winslow James Bowdoin Thomas Flucker John Smith Norton Quincy Jonathan Williams and the Heirs of the said John Franklin their Heirs and assigns against the Claims Demands or Challenge of any Indian Claimers whomsoever. As Witness our hands and Seals this 172 INDIAN DEEDS twenty Seventh Day of April Anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Seven and in the thirtieth year of his Majesties Reign George the Second King etc. John (his * mark) Pophnehonnuhwoh & Seal Robert Nungkauwot & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Benjamin Willard John Benjamin Hampshire SS. April 27*'' 1757 Personally appeared the above named John Pophnehonnuhwoh and Robert Nung- kawot Signers to this Instrument and acknowledged the Same to be their free act and Deed. Before Tim° Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec*^ Feb'^ 27"" 1758 and Recorded from the Original By me Edw*^ Pynchon Reg' Province 4Peny Stamp INDIAN DEEDS 173 Part of Alford HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber Z; Folio 335 To all People to whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know Ye that We Mokhhowwowweet and Joseph Quinnau- quaunt & Jehoiakim Yokum and Benjamin Kockhewenaunt all of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Claimers For and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty Pounds law- full Money of the Province aforesaid to us in Hand paid before the Ensealing hereof by David Ingersol Esqr. of Sheffield in the County and Province aforesaid the Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and our Selves fully Satisfied, contented, and paid, have given, granted, bargained, Sold, aliened, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these Presents, do freely, clearly, and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, aliene, release, convey and confirm unto him the Said David Ingersol his Heirs and Assigns for ever a certain Track of land lying and being Scituate in Said County of Hampshire lying westerly of Stockbridge and partly west of Sheffield and Joyning on the west lines of s*^ Towns (viz) on the Southwest Comers of s*^ Stockbridge and North west Comer of Said Sheffield and is butted and bounded as followeth (viz) first line at the Southwest Comer of the Town of Stockbridge runs North Eight Degrees East on Stockbridge line four Hundred and thirty rods, the North line begins at the end of s*^ first line or Distance afores"* from s^ Southwest Comer of Stockbridge and runs west Nine Degrees North two hundred and forty rods from the end of which line the west line runs South Eight Degrees west Six Hundred and Seventy rods from the end of which last line the South line runs East Nine Degrees South two Hundred and forty rods to the west line of the Township of Sheffield thence s*^ Tract is bounded on the s'^ Township of Sheffield to the first station (viz) up to the Southwest Corner of Stockbridge being the northwest Comer of Sheffield 174 INDIAN DEEDS Township s'^ Tract Contains about one thousand and five acres To Have and To Hold the before granted Premises with the Appurtenances and Priviledges thereto belonging to him the said David Ingersolle his Heirs and Assigns for- ever to him and their own proper Use, Benefit and Behoof forevermore. And we the said Jehoiakim Yokun Mokhkow- wowweet and Joseph Quinauquaunt our Heirs, Executors and Administrators do Covenant Promise and Grant unto and with the said David Ingersolle his Heirs and Assigns forever that before and until the Ensealing hereof, we are the true, sole, proper and lawful Owner and Possessor of the before granted Premises with the Appurtenances And have in ourSelves good Right full Power and lawful Author- ity to give grant bargain Sell aliene release convey and con- firm the same as aforesaid; and that free and clear, and freely and clearly. Executed acquitted and discharged of and from all former and other Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales Leases, Mortgages, Wills, Intails, Joyntures, Dowries Thirds, Executions and Incumbrances what soever And Further- more we the said Mokhhowwowweet and Qunnauquaunt and Yokun for our Heirs, Executors and Aministrators do hereby Covenant, Promise and Engage the before-granted Premises with the Appurtenances unto him the said David Ingersoll his Heirs and Assigns forever to Warrant, Secure and Defend against the lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons whatsoever In Witness whereof we have Set our hands and Seals this fourth Day of July Anno Dom- ini one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Seven and in the thirtieth Year of his Majesties Reign George the Second King etc. Mohk (his * mark) howwaunt & Seal Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokun & Seal Benj" (his * mark) Kokhwauwweet & Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of Benj* (his * mark) Kokhhkewenaunt Tim° Woodbridge Jonas Bkwweiukeuo Jon*' Read INDIAN DEEDS 175 Hampshire SS. 25* 1758 Personally appeared the with- in named Mokhkhowwauweet Jehoiakim Yokun and Ben- jamin Kokhkewenaunaut Signers and Sealers to the within Instrument and acknowledged the Same to be their free act and deed Before Tim" Woodbridge Justice peace Rec"* Aug' 30'" 1758 and Recorded from the Original By me Edw'^ Pynchon Reg'" 176 INDIAN DEEDS Parts of Adams, Cheshire, New Ashford and Williamstown HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i; Folio 84 To all Christian People to whom these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Jehoiakim Yokim of Stock- bridge in the Countey of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Gentleman For & in Consideration of the sum of two Hundred & thirty pounds new York money to me in hand before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof paid by Johannis Mtoksin of Stockbridge aforesaid Indian Interpreter & Gentleman. The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge & myself therewith fully Satisfyed & Contented & do hereby bargain Sell Convey & Confirm unto him the Said Johannis Mtoksin his Heirs & assigns forever, a certain Tract of land Scituate on the North Side of a new Township called and known by the Name of new Framingham in Said County of Hampshire Said Tract of land to be the full Contents of Six miles in Weadth & Sev- en miles in length to be laid out adjoyning on ye North side of Said Township in a Regular form together with all the Streams, brooks ponds of water & watercourses mines & minerals & all the appurtenances priviledges & Commodities to the same belonging or in any appertaining to the Prem- ises freely acquitted & Discharged from all other grants bargains Sales leases or Incumbrances of what Name or Nature soever that might in any measure or Degree ob- struct or make Void this Present Deed. And I the Said Jehoiakim Yokim for my Self my Heirs Executors and ad- ministrators do Covenant with him the Said Johannis Mtok- sin his Heirs Executors & administrators that I am the Sole & lawfull owner of the above bargained premises & have good Right to Sell & Dispose of the Same in manner as above said Furthermore I the said Jehoiakim Yokim for mySelf Heirs Executors & administrators Do promise & INDIAN DEEDS 177 Engage hereby to secure & Defend the above Demised premises to him the Said Johannis Mtoksin his Heirs & assigns forever hereafter from all Claims Challenges & De- mands of all & all manner of Persons of what Denomina- tion Soever. In Witness whereof I hereunto Set my hand & Seal this fourth Day of May Anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred fifty & Eight & in the thirty first year of his Majesties Reign Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokin & Seal Signed, Sealed & Delivered in Presence of Josiah Heywood Isaac (his * mark) wenaumpee Hampshire SS. May 5* 1758 The within Named Jehoi- akim Yokim Personally appearing acknowledged the with- in written Instrument to be his free Voluntary act & Deed Before me Tim" Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec'' May 27*" 1758 and Recorded from the Original By me Edw"^ Pynchon Reg' 178 INDIAN DEEDS Parts of Cummington, Plainfield, Savoy and Windsor HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i; Folio 126 To all Christian People to whom this Present Deed Shall come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin Kaukewenauh- naunt King of an Indian Tribe belonging to Stockbridge in ye County of Hampshire and Province of the Massachu- setts Bay in new England Together with Jehoiakim Yokin of Stockbridge aforesaid Indian Planter & Gen' For and in Consideration of the Sum of two Hundred & Eighty pounds new York money to us in hand before the Ensealing & De- livery hereof paid by Johannis Mtohksin of Said Stockbridge Indian Interpreter & Gen' The Receipt whereof we do here- by acknowledge & ourSelves therewith to be fully Satisfyed & Contented and do hereby Grant bargain Sell Convey & Confirm unto him the Said Johannis Mtohksin his Heirs & assigns forever, one Certain Township of land Scituate & bounding Southerly on ye North Side of ye Said Johannis Mtohksin own land the Southwest Comer of said Township to begin Six miles East of a new Township commonly called & known by the Name of new Framingham in Said Countey of Hampshire & from thence to run East Nineteen Degrees & twenty minits South Six miles on s*^ Johannis Mtohksin own land then Turning & runing Northerly Six miles then Turning & runing westerly Six miles Then turning and run- ing Southerly Six miles to the Southwest corner where the bounds first began Together with all the mines minerals Virg"" ore & Precious Stones water & water courses with all the appurtenances Priviledges & Commodities thereto belonging, or in any wise appertaining Freely & Clearly Ac- quitted & Discharged from all Incumbrances: And we the Said Benjamin Kaukewenauhnaunt and Jehoiakim Yokin Do hereby Covenant for our Selves our Heirs Executors & administrators with him the said Johannis Mtohksin his INDIAN DEEDS 179 Heirs and assigns in manner following namely that we are the lawfull owners of the above granted & bargained Prem- ises & that we will hereby Warrant & Defend the Same from all Claims Challenges & Demands of all and all manner of Person or persons forever hereafter of what Denomination soever In Witness whereof we hereunto Set our hands & Seals this twenty fourth Day of May Anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred fifty and Eight & in the thirty first Year of his Majesties Reign Benjamin (his * mark) Kaukewenauhnaunt & Seal Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokin & Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us Isaac (his * mark) Wnaupey Matzraf Mayner Hampshire s.s. July 20* 1758 appeared the within named Benjamin Kokhkewenaunant and Jehoiakim Yokin Signers to the within Instrument and acknowledged the Same to be their free act and Deed Before Tim° Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec"^ July 22"* 1758 and Recorded from the Original By me Edw'' Pynchon Reg i8o INDIAN DEEDS Parts of Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Florida, Monroe, North Adams and Savoy HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i; Folio 125 To all Christian People to whom this Present Deed of Sale shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Jehoiakim Yokin of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire Indian Claimer & Gent, in ye Province of the Massachusetts Bay in in new England For & in Consideration of the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds Lawful money of new England to me in hand before ye Ensealing & Delivery hereof paid by Johannis Mtohksin of Stockbridge aforesaid Indian Interpreter & Gent. The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge & myself there- with to be fully Satisfyed & Contented & Do by these Presents hereby Bargain Sell Convey & Confirm unto him the Said Johannis Mtohksin his Heirs & assigns forever one Certain Tract of Land belonging to me lying & being in Said County Consisting of ye full Contents of two Townships Each Township to be of the full Contents of Six miles in Weadth & Seven Miles in length & Each of s"* Townships to be laid out in a Regular form the Southwesterly Comer of Said Tract of Land beginning at ye North Easterly Corner of a new Township called & known by ye name of new Framingham and from thence running so far Northerly & Easterly as to Include both ye above discribed Townships & lay them out in a Regular form as abovesaid. To Have & To Hold ye above Granted & bargained Premises Together with all ye appurtenances Priviledges & Commodities to ye Same belonging or in any wise appertaining thereunto to him ye said Johannis Mtohksin his Heirs & assigns for- ever to his & their own use benefit & behoof And I the Said Jehoiakim Yokin for & in behalf of mySelf my Heirs and Successors do hereby Covenant with him the said Johannis Mtohksin his heirs & Successors to Warrant Secure & De- fend ye above Granted & bargained Premises from all ye INDIAN DEEDS i8i Lawfull Claims & Demands of Every Person or Persons forever hereafter In Witness whereof I the Said Jehoiakim Yokin hereunto Set my hand & Seal this Tenth Day of July anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred fifty & Eight & in the thirty first year of his Majesties Reign Jehoiakim (his * mark) Yokin & Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presence of us Benjamin (his * mark) Kokhkeweenaunaut Josiah Heywood Daniel Earll Hampshire SS. July 20"' 1758 appeared the within named Jehoiakim Yokin Signer to ye within Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed Before Tim° Woodbridge Justice Peace Rec'' July 22*^ 1758 and Recorded from the Original By me Edw"^ Pynchon Reg' i82 INDIAN DEEDS Small tract in Stockbridge HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber i; Folio 817 Know all men by these presents that I Josiah Muhhut- tauwee of Stockbridge In the County of Hampshire and province of the Massachusetts Bay in new england Hus- bandman and Hunter for and in consideration of the Sum of thirteen Pounds New York money Paid me by Comelious Vanschaack of Kenderhook, in the County of Albany and province of New York Merchant the Receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge do Hereby Give Grant and Convey to the Said ComeHous Vanschaack his heirs and Assigns a Certain lot of land Situate lyeing and being in Stockbridge Afore"'' which is laid out & Recorded To me the Said Josiah Muhuttauwee is bounded Northerly by a lot of land laid out and Recorded to Solomon Wunnaubaugin West- erly and Southerly by a lot laid out and Recorded to John Wauwaumpeguunnaunt Deceas'* Now in the possession of ^'^ Deceas"* Widow and Easterly by Land belonging to Deacon James Willson or however otherwise the Said lot is bounded To Have and To Hold the Same to the Said Cor- nelious Vanschaack & his heirs and assigns & I do Covenant with ye Said Cornelious Vanschaack his Heirs & assigns that I am lawfully seized In fee of the Premises that they are free of all Incumbrances that I have Good Right to Sell and Convey the Same to the Said Comelious Vanschaack to hold as Afore"^ and that I will Warrant & Defend the Same to the Said Comelious Vanschaack his Heirs and Assigns forever against the Lawfull Claims and Demands of all persons In Witness whereof I Have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Twenty fifth Day of July A.D. 1759 and in the thirty third year of his majesties Reign Josiah (his * mark) Muhhuttauwee & Seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in Presence of D. V Schaack Sam'' Brown Jun' INDIAN DEEDS 183 Kenderhook July 25'" 1759 then Josiah Muhhuttauwee the Signer of this Deed Personally appeared before me & freely Acknowledged the Same to be his act and Deed Anthony Quakmbouss Justice Peace Rec** Aug' 31'^ 1759 & Recorded from the origional Edw"* Pynchon Reg' i84 INDIAN DEEDS All unsold lands in Berkshire County, west of the source of the Westfield River, except Stock- bridge, West Stockbridge, Richmond and part of Lenox HAMPDEN COUNTY RECORDS Liber 4; Folio 833 Know all men by these presents that we Benjamin Kokh- kewenaunaut Chief Sachem of the Mohhekunnuck River Indian or Housatunnock Tribe John Pophnehonnuhwoh alias Konkaupot, Jacob Cheeksonkun David Naunaunee- kaunuck Solomon Uhhuhwawnuhmut Robert Nungkauwot John Naunauphtaunk Gentlemen Johannis Mhtocksin In- terpreter Mokkhowwowweet Ephraim Waunaunqueen, Isaac Wepuckshuh Daniel Poochose Daniel Quans Ephraim Paum- pkhaunhaum, Timothy Yokun, Joseph Quinnauquaunt Hen- drick Pooponkseet Nimham Jonas Etuakom Waunaunmpeh all of the said Mohheekkunnuck River Indian or Housatun- nock tribe Inhabitants and Residents of Stockbridge in the County of Berkshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England Indian Hunters and Claimers of the land lying in the Western part of the said Province of the Massachusetts Bay from the Great River called Hudsons River on the west part and a River called Westfield River on the East part For and in Consideration of the Sum of Eighteen hundred pounds Lawfull money of said Province of the Massachusetts Bay Granted and truly to us in hand paid by the Great and General Court of said Province of the Massachusetts Before the Ensealing and delivery of these presents The Receipt whereof we acknowledge and our- Selves fully Satisfyed of every part and parcel thereof: Have Given Granted Sold Released and Quit Claimed and by these presents for ourselves our Heirs and in the Name and behalf of the said Mohheekkunnuck River or Housa- tunnuck tribe of Indians do forever give grant Sell Release and Quit Claim unto the said Great and General Court of INDIAN DEEDS 185 the Province of the Massachusetts Bay to their Grantees or assigns (with the Exception and Reservation hereafter made) all that Tract or parcell of land lying and being with in the said Province of the Massachusetts Bay, bounding North on the Divisional line between said Province of Mass- achusetts Bay and the Province of New Hampshire South on the Divisional line between Said Province of the Massa- chusetts Bay and the Collony of Connecticutt being fifty miles more or less to bound on the west Twelve miles East of said Hudsons River or otherways where the dividing line vShall or may be Established or Settled between the said Province of the Massachusetts Bay and the Province of New York on the Utmost limits west of the said Massa- chusetts Province and to bound East on the aforesaid West- field River being thirty Six miles in breadth more or less with all our Rights Claims and Rights and Claims of any of the said Mohheekkunnuck River or Housatunnock Indians : To Have and To Hold the said Granted and bargained prem- ises with the Soil Timber Hunting Grounds and all the Priv- iledges and appurtenances thereto belonging or any ways appertaining only Excepting and reserving for our Selves and our Heirs the Town of Stockbridge as granted and pat- ented by former great and General Court and also a Tract of Land adjoyning to the North part of said Stockbridge bounding East on said Housatunnock River South on the North line of said Stockbridge North on the South line of Pittsfield to run west to the Province of New York Saving to the said Great and General Court Such Tracts of lands as have been heretofore Granted within the last described Tract or parcel of Reserved land. we the Said Benjamin Jacob John David Solomon Robert John Johannis Mohk- kauwauweet Ephraim Timothy Joseph Hendrick Nim- ham Jonas Eliakim Waunaumpeh by these presents for our Selves and our Heirs forever Releasing and quitting all our Claims Right Title and Interest of and unto all our Claims of any lands lying and being within the said Province of the Massachusetts Bay to the Great and General Court only Saving to our Selves the above Excepted and Reserved lands to them their Grantees and assigns forever. As Witness our hands and Seals this twelfth Day of January annoque Dom one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty three in the liC INDIAK DSEI^S j_Tiv:!:i -ins*!: .-Li:^^e^ V ~r V^ uT-. : — zrr^~ i: S^fiil i" - -^^ W^n ris * ~-- S * ^j::z^k. '^-jrjtSL '].ler Zjrxa. 5i£c -.ens •a. £ricc SL :ae ^sst^ 2£ a t<— im "srss £.' ^=iL iT~'g i88 INDIAN DEEDS Small Tract in Stockbridge The following lease has no proper place in this volume, but is included as throwing an interesting light on the life of the Indians. It is from the original, which is endorsed on the back "Capt Wilhams Lease. A Valuable Mine now Minus." Whereas it is Suspected a valuable Mine may be Dis- covered upon a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land now in Controversy between the Indians belonging to Stockbridge and Col Ephraim Williams of sd Stockbridge Lying in sd Town bounded Northerly on Sheffield old Line Easterly on Josiah Jones Land Southerly on ye rear of Williams Home Lot westerly on Land of Ephraim Williams Jur. Therefore be it known to all Persons whom it may Con- cern that I Ephraim Williams of Stockbridge in the County of Hampshire Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England * * * * for and in Consideration of the * * * * of Westfield or any other Persons that Shall Discover Said mine Do Lease and Let out and have by these Presents Leased and Let out unto Thomas Dewey Israel Ashley of Westfield and Timothy Woodbridge of Stockbridge in sd County to them their Heirs and assigns the use and Improve- ment of one Half of sd Mine Contained within sd Land abovementioned So Long as it Shall be Judged valuable or worth Improving Provided it be Discovered within twelve months after the Date hereof — with the Profits and advan- tages that Shall arise thereon they making Proportionable vSatisfaction for all Damages yt may accrue to ye * * * * on acct of sd mine and to Have Hold use occupy Possess and Enjoy the Same in the following manner and form viz the Said Timothy Woodbridge to have & hold one Eighth Part of sd mine and sd Thomas Dewey and Israel Ashley to Have and to Hold the Remaing Part of one Half sd mine to them their Heirs and associates with all ye Priviledges and Appurtenances thereto Belonging they Carrying on their Respective Proportion of the Charge & Cost that may or INDIAN DEEDS 189 Shall arise upon the Improvement of the Same and I the sd Ephraim Williams Do hereby Promise Covenant and Engage above Demised Premises viz sd mine to them the Said Thos Dewey Israel Ashley & Timo. Woodbridge & their Heirs & assigns in in manner & form as above sd with free Liberty to Search for occupy and Improve sd mine without any Let Trouble Hindrance Molestation Interrup- tion & Denial from by or under me my Heirs and assigns or any Person or Persons Claiming the Same under me. In Witness whereof I sd Ephraim Williams Have Here- unto Set my Hand and Seal this thirteenth Day of December in ye twenty fourth Year of his Majesties Reign Annoque Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Ephm. Williams Signed and Delivered In Presence of Josiah Williams Elizabeth Williams IQO INDEX INDEX Indian words are not indexed under each form in which they appear, but under either a char- acteristic or a modern form. Accomsick 1 1 . Ackkimbowet, 75, 85. Adams, 176, 180. Agawam, 11, 24, 50, 63, 64. Ahaughton, 12. Ahimunquat, 67, 68. Alford, 161, 173. Alhumpis, 18. Allinnack, 74. Allinnackcooke, 74. Allows, 24. Alquat, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79- Amherst, 33. Amoakussen, 40, 41, 42. Annogomok, iii, 112. Anquepinick, 86. Asagoa, 81. Ashawalas, 99. Ashfield, 120. Asnuntuck, 24, 90, 94. Aspiambemett, 114, 115. Aspowunck, 26. Asquoach, 58. Assattayyagg, 26. Assellaquompas, 26. Athol, 129. Aumesaucooaneh, 123, 126, 127. AunowTvaumpummukg- seet, 138, 139, 140. Austerlitz, 158. Awonusk, 26, 51, 52, 53. B Barre, 129. Belchertown, 33, 51. Berkshire, 184. Bernardston, 80, 105, 114. Bkwweiukeuo, 174. Black James, iii, 112. Bomohitz, 106. Brimfield, 15, iii. Brookfield, 57. Buckland, 120. Bukquunnawpeet, 149, 150. Cancannap, 116, 118. Capawonk, 26, 31, 37. Cappowongonuck, 3 7,38. Casacinamon, 18. Cattonis, 25, 46, 47. Cauchonshawet, 123, 128. Cauconaughfeet, 116, 118. Caukayounghwey, 123, 128, 129, 130, 132. Chanchquego, 106. Charlemont, 120. Chauk, 61, 62. Cheeksaukum, 167, 168, 169, 184, 186. Cheshire, 143, 176, 180. Chickens, 38, 44. Chickwallopp, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35- Chicopee, 11, 27, 89, 91, 93- Chusick, 51, 52. Clarksburg, 180. Coa, II, 12, 24, 46, 47. Coassock, 105. Cogoranasset, 96. Cohquahegameek, 136, 137- Colecoph, 105, 106. Colrain, 120. Conkepot, 116, 118, 136, 138, 144, 147, 148, 151, 184. Conkesemah, 126, 127. Connecticut, 11, 24, 26, 27. 31. 33- 37. 38, 51. 63, 64, 65, 74, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 94, 95, 108, 1 16, 120, 123. Conway, 76. Copake, 165. Corroheaggan, 86. Cottinackeesh ,11,12,38, 44 Couah, 105, 106. Couas, 106. Covconofeet, 118. Cowas, 114. Cowase, 51, 52. Cowachuck, 51. Cowpas, 167. Cummington, 149, 178. Cuttonus, n, 12, 47. Dalton, 149. Dana, 129. Deerfield, 61, 65, 67, 74. East Granby, 99. Easthampton, 26. East Windsor, 94. Egremont, 141, 155, 161. Ellington, 94. Etowomp, 38, 44, 45. Etuakom. 184, 186. Fiahpuhcaumin, 120, 121, 123, 128, 133. Florida, 120, 180. Francois, 128, 129, 130, 132. Gardner, 129. Gassetk, 34. Gill, 80. Gongequa, 114, 115. Granby, 51, 108. Granville, 108. Great B arrington , 116. Greenfield, 67. Grinneachchue, 68. INDEX 191 H Haddarawanset, 114, IIS- Hadley, 33, 35, 36, 37, 44- 47. 51- Hampden, 89. Hatlield, 37, 44, 76. Hawley, 120. Heath, 120. Hillsdale, 153. Hinsdale, 149. Hoccanum, 48, 51, 52. Holland, 15. Housatonic, 108, 116, 117, 118, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 143. 145. 147. 155. 185- Hubbardston, 129. Itagtiatiis, 18. Jacobus, 136. James, 11 1, 112. Jehoiakim, 145, 146, 149, 150, 160, 161, 163, 164, 168, 169, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180. 181. K Kaukewenoh, 153, 154. Keckusnek, 12. Keems, 72, 73, 79. Keewawhoose, 124, 128. Kenio, 80. Xenix, 12. Kepaquomp. 63, 64. Kesquando, 80, 81. Kiunks, 26. Knewonaunaunt, 149, 150. Kokhkewenaunaut, 153, 154, 165, 167, 168, 169, 173, 174, 175, 178, 179, 181, 184, 185, 186. Konicopot, 116, 118, 136, 138,144, 147. 148, 151. 184. Kouaunun, 163, 164. Kowenusk, 1 1. Kunckeasacod, 67. Kunckkiunckqualluck, 34- Kunckquachu, 23, 34- Lacous, 99. Lacowsick, 99. Lampancho, 31. Lanesboro, 143. Lashaway, 57, 58. Lee, 116, 147, 170. Lemuckquash, 86. Lenox, 145, 147, 184. Leverett, 84. Lohsaccisem, 124, 12J Longmeadow, 11, 24, Luckommuck, 26. M Macassack, 12. Machetuhood, 11, 12. Magus, 1 1 r, 112. Mahican, 143. Manepacossick, 65. Mannanpenokcan, 117. Mannusquis, 105, 106. Manshconis, 26, 93. Manskuseehoank, 116. Mantahelant, 65, 74, 86, 87. Margery, 99. Masaksicke, 11, 89. Mashalisk, 74., 7s. 84, 85, 86. Mashepetot, 80, 81, 105. Masinamake, 143, 144. Masquabamisk, 58. Masquomcossick, 61. Masquomp, 26. Massaco, 99. Masscommah, 123, 128, 133- Masseamet, 65, 66, 67, 80, 105, 106, 107. M assequockummis , 57, 58. Massoqunt, 123,125, 126, 127- 133- Massowanno, tii, 112. Matakeamin, 136, 137. Matanchan, 11, 12. Mattabaget, 34. Mattabauge, 76, 77. Mattamooash, 84. Mattampawsh, 65 ,74,86. Mattaoolanick. 37, 38. Mattaquallenat, 25, 46, 47- Mauchewauf eet, 116, 118. Mauhammetpeet, 120, 123, Maukhkowwauweet ,153, 165, 167, 168, 169, 173, 174, 184, 186. Maumauquix, 124, 128. Mayyoawag, 99. Mchhehuenwegset, 167. Meganichcha, 114, 115. Memewatts, 76, 77. Menamesick, iii. Menanoke, 136. Menis, 11, 12, 46, 47. Mequenichon, 105, 106. Mequinnichall, 67, 68. Mequnnisqua, 120, 121, 123. Mettawompe, 59, 86, 87. Mhutkees, 138, 139, 140. Middlelield, 149. Milkeanaway, 65, 66 Mincomonk, 37, 38. Minhan, 26, Mishalisk, 74, 75,84,85, 86. Mishnoasqus, 99. Misticok, 16. Moas, 18. Mohegan, 90. Mohemoos, 11. Mohtockaumum, 145, 146. Momando, 96. Momecouse, 76. Monroe, 120, 180. Monson, in. Montague, 84, 86. Monterey, 138. Mount Washington, 168. Mtoksin, 149, 150, 169, 176, 177, 178, 180, 184, 185, 186. Muckeosquittaj ,11. Muessett, 76. Muhhuttauwee, 182, 183. Munhan, 103. Muttuhkummun, 154. 192 INDEX N Nacogewallant, 41, 42. Nacommuck, 57, 58. Nallahamcomgon, 80. Naltaug, 58. Nammelek, 27. Nanantonqua, 58. Nanhammetpeet, 121. Nannautookoah, 123. Nanotuck, 26, 27, 28, 33, 35. 37- 51- Napompenam, 11. Nassajcowan, 108. Nassicohee, 26, 27. Natanas, 80. Natocouse, 37. Nattawassawet, 86, 87. Nauheag, 116. Naumauchesook, 133. Naunhamiss, 116, 118. Naunaunckennuck, 154, 184, 186. Naunauphcaunk,i69, 184, 186. Naunausquan. 116, 118. Naunautoohoauh, 128, 133- . , Nauneknick, 150. Naunowsquoh, 138, 139, 140. Naurnauquin, 116, 118. Nawelet, 115, 118. Nayassett, 11. Nayumkegg, 26. Nayyagg, 26. Nayyocossick, 61. Nechehoosqua, 125, 126, 127. Neekkuchewohkaumun, 145, 146. Nenepownam, 105. Nenessahalant, 26, 27. Nepassooenegg, 33, 34, 84. Nepineum, 12. Nepuscauteusqua, 129, 132. Nesacoscom, 105. NesaweuK, 138, 139, 140. Nessaheagan, 63, 64. Nessataquis, 96. Neuque, 106. New Ashford, 176. New Marlboro, 138. Niapompolon, 89. Niarum, 11. Nimham, 184, 185. Nipmuck, iii. Nochnamos, 155, 156. Nodawahunt, 15, 16. Nonamcaunet, 116, 118. North Adams, 180. Northampton, 26, 28, 31, 37- Northfield, 80, 105, 114. Notattuck, 94, 95, 96. Nungkauwaunt, 149,150, 170, 171 , 172, 184, 186. O Ohweemin, 121, 123. Ompontinnuah , 128, 129, 130, 132. Ompoochechau, 124. Otis, 138. Pacomtuck, 61, 65, 67, 74, 76, 86, 87. Pacowsicke, 63. Pactaubeit, 128. Palmer, iii. Pammook, 105. Pampunckshats, 99. Panesan, 97. Panoot, 105. Papacontuckquash, 86. Paquahalant. 26, 27. Paquonckquamog, 51, 52. Partarwake, 116, 118. Pauchtauwaypeet , 121, 123. Pauhungannuck. 64. Paumpkhaunhaum, 184, 186 Paunopescennot ,118. Paupsunnick, 97. Pelawuhkout, 138, 139, 140. Pelham, 33. Pemamachuwatunch,65. Penawons, 124, 128, 129, 130. 132. Pequot, 90. Petersham, 129. Petowamacha, 33, 51. Petowwag, 26 Pewongenung. 31. Pinaskenet, 116, 118. Pittsfield, 136, 143. Plainfield, 178 Pochasuck, 40, 65, 69, 72, 79, 82. Pochewee, 61. Pochuack, 26. Pocunohouse, 76, 77. Podunk, 57, 58. Poggotossuc, 94. Pojassick, 40, 65, 69, 72, 79, 82. Pompate, 80. Pompatikenio, 81. Pompmohock, 105, 106, 107. Pomptuckset, 34. Pontoosuc, 145, 149. Poneiote, 116, 118, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142. Poochose, 184, 186. Pooponkseet, 184, 186. Popaqua, 116, 118. Pophnehonawah, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 147, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 170, 171 , 172, 184, 186. Pophquunnaupeet, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 167. Potucksisqu, 63. Poxonox, 55, 56. Princeton, 129. Puckcomeagon, 61. Quabaug, 57.58,59- "i- Quana, 11, 63. Quanatock, 105. Quankquelup, 105, 106. Quanponwos, 161, 163, 164. Quans, 161, 163, 164, 184, 186. Quaquoonuntuck, 51. Quillicksqu, 24. Quinackquck, 26. Quinnauquant, 161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169, 173, 174, 184, 186. Quonquont, 7,s, 34, 35. 37. 76, 77- Richmond, 145, i{ Rowe, 120. Rutland, 129. INDEX 193 Sagamore, 18. Sandisfield, 138. Sankrohoncum, 86. Sarah, 76. Sasachiniinesh, 11. Sasagookapaug, in. Saukwonk, 26. Sauncokehe, 116, 118. Saunkiwe, 116, 118. Sauseekhoot, 138, 139, 140. Savoy, 120, 178, 180. Sawwatapskechuwas, 84, 86, 87. Scantuck, 90. Scauhtecook, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 129, 132. Scontocks, 51 , 52. Scowockcuck, 65. Shattoockquis , 57, 58, 59- Sheffield, 116, 134, 155. Shonanun, 161, 162, 163. Shutesbury, 33. Sickompsq, 24. Simon, in, 112. Skannup, 138, 139, 140, 141. 142. Skejask, 38. Skittomp, 27. Skushawmh, 151. Somers, 89, 94. Sonkewenaukheek, 146. Southbridge, 15. South Hadley, 51. Southwick, 102, 108. Sowanaett, 80. Squinnamoh, 63, 64. Squompe, 48, 51, 52, 53. Squomseat, 63, 64. Spanesa, 55, 56. Spankewenogeek, 144. Springfield, 11, 46, 51, 89. Squakheg, 80, 81, 107. Squenatock, 106. Squiskheag, 86, 87. Squotock, 99. Stafford, 15. Stockb ridge, 116, 151, 182, 184, 188. Sturbridge, 15. Suchaw, 34, 51, 52. Suffield, 99. Sunderland, 84. Sunkhunk, 116, 118. Sunkkmachue, 86, 87. Sunmuckquommuck, 34, 51- Sunsick, 61, 67. Taconic, 141, 153, 166, 168. Tagnalloush, 47. Tamasham, 1 1. Tantiusques, 16, 17, 19, 20. Taquiamson, 108. Tartakim, 116, 118. Taukkanckoss, 74. Taunkhonkpus, 116, 118. Tawtaps, 94, 95, 96. Tawwattuck, 74. Tecaumis, 124, 126. Templeton, 129. Tomhaummucke, 40, 41. Tomholissick, 61, 67. Tomosesk, 103. Toomis, 124, 128. Towunuckset, 33, 34, 51, 52- Toto, 102, 103, 108, 109. Tushauneak, 146. Tyringham, 138. U Uhhuhwawnuhmut, 184, 186. Ukwaunmut, 138, 139, 140. Umpanchela, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35- 37- 38, 44- 45- 51, 76. Umpeethow, 138 139, 140. Umsquattanuck, 94. Union, 15. Unkamet, 136. Unquiram, 108. Usquaiok, 11. Ussessas, 12. Ussowwack, 61. Vasnanghtouk, 167. Vavunmeaugkunk, 167. Vernon, 114. Wadahut, 20. Wadanummin, 86, 87. Waenenocow, 116, 118. Wales, 15. Wallauckinksin, 84. Wallawunt, 70. Wallny, 46, 47. Wallump, 70, 72, 73, 79, 82, 83. Wampanikseeport, 117. Wampenum, 136, 137. Wanascatok, 114. Wapahoale, 61. Warren, in. Warwick, 105, 114. Wasapskotock, 40, 41. Wasecums, 19. Washington, 149. Washcomos, 17, 18, 20. Washcump, 19. Wauhock, 165. Waumuhhewy, 153, 154. Waunaunqueen, 184, 186. Waunaupaugus, 146. Waunaupy, 150, 160. W auwaumpequannaunt 146, 153, 154. 169, 182. Wauquauheeg, 124. Wawapau, 89, 90, 91, 92. Wawhillowa, 26, 27, 33, 35- 51- Wbachtomy, 20. Weakshackquock, 24. Webucksham, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Wecobaug, 57, 58. Weckwannuck, 76. Wecups, 99. Weesauwiah, 121. Wenaumpe, 138, 139, 140, 161, 163, 164, 167, 177, 179, 184, 185, 186. Wenawis, 11. Wendell, 84, 86. Wenekocamaug, 99. Wenepawin, n. Wepukshuh, 153, 154, 184, 186. Wequaes, in. 194 INDEX Wequagon, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 64, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 138, 139, 140. Wequanock, 62. Wequanshansicke, 64. Wequittayaug, 31, 37, 38, 44- Wequompo, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93- Wequomps, 74. Wequunckcaug, 65. Wesauhuanah, 128. Weshatchowmesit, 67. Westfield, 40, 55, 69, 72, 79- 82, 97. Westhampton, 26. Westminster, 129. West Springfield, 11. West Stockbridge, 184. Whately, 76. Whenonkca, 106. Wilbraham, 89. Williamsburg, 37. Williamstown, 176. Winchester, 114. Windsor, 178 Wineawis, 12. Winepawin, 12. Wiskeeg, 17. Woassomehuc, 38. Wodowahunt, 18. Wollenus, 124, 128, 129, 130, 132 W oloauootaumsqua ,129, 132. Wombomesscock, 1 1 1 . Wompely, 105. Wompshau, 33, 35. Womscom, 33, 35, 37, 38. Woocaus, 124, 128. Woodstock, 15. Wookenet, 106. Woronoco, 40, 41, 42, 55, 56, 69, 97. Worthington, 149. Wrutherna, 12, 89. Wullamanick, 57, 58. Wulluther, 26, 51. Wunckompss, 37. Wunnaqueckset, 34. Wunnaubraugin, 182. Wusquiawwag, 61. Wutshamin, 27. Wuttawwaluncksin, 65, 74- Yokim, 145, 146, 149, 150, 160, 161, 163, 164, 168, 169, 173, 174, 175. 176, 177. 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 186. Yowunckhomuck, 37. « ^. "--^ f'.-^, %'"'^> -0' s ' ' . . - ^ A^^ 7-7. V - „¥ .-?s^ aV c "55*'; "ii- - ^O V^ ^ 'A. v<-- *vi ^-"-^ -t*^ ^ Y» " « _ v^. 0' .0 ^^ k"^ CnV- V * ,. > \ • "^ „ // C' /V .>'%,l>^* ■>^^' t.^^ ^^^j -^^^ •^^- <^^" -^^.^^^ <■ ^ , . . • « "% ^ -0" v^^'"* X -JO ^ ^^''^'^ 1 " '■- j; ^^ -■ •\^*\.., '='.,. " ■' s '- ' // C' ^^ ■%.^'' S ^. . %. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent; Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: aOKKEEPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township. PA 16065 (724)779-2111 mJ ^.,-^c. 0^ f , » ' e * •^- V\^" ■x^-^' V^.. .S -^n iV '^^ .. : .x^'^^.. V- ,,\ \'«- ■^ o> X ^^^ •0' .. » 1 ^ • , \ ■^. ,x\- ■o- A' '^^-'i'^ : •X^^' Vv^-. av ■ o o \ ^V'^^'^V^ •^. t 1 ^' "^^ - x"^ '^. -; ^VV , -^ .. , \> * -^^ll^^t ■:, '-;<■ .'X --1 I -. - ^- r-% o > X 'rL -^^'^ .^. 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