.<^'' , o « o ^ <«>. r»V . I. » • ^ ^n LOAN EXHIBITION OF WASHINGTONIANA Under the direction of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania F. & A. M, MASONIC TEMPLE, PHILADELPHIA November 5th to December 5th igo2 WA?h The Celebration of the sesqui-centennial anniversary of the initiation of Brother George Washington into Fremasonry affords a fitting op- portunity in which to direct the attention of the Brethren to the strik- ing personal character of "our great patron and leader." The person- ality that made so deep an impress on the world's history has not lacked for appreciation ; artists, sculptors and men of letters have vied with one another in the endeavor to portray most faithfully their famous subject. No other man has ever lived of whom so many portraits have been made, and it is noteworthy that amidst the multitude of these, not a single caricature is known to exist. There is thus seen to be on hand ample material from which to draw for a worthy appreciation of the personal side of our illustrious Brother. With the view of deepeninst such appreciation and of arousing a more widespread interest, the Com- mittee on Sesqui-centennial have decided that a Loan Exhibition of Washingtoniana in the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, would be a fit- ting adjunct to the celebration. In pursuance of this plan they directed Brother George P. Rupp, of Philo Lodge, No. 444, Librarian of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, to collect and arrange in suitable form such Washingtoniana as were obtainable. This he has done, and the result of his labor is here pre- sented for your inspection and study. The Hon. James T. Mitchell, Judge of the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania, generously offered for the exhibition his unique collection of engraved portraits of Washington, the most extensive and valuable collection extant. Limitations of space, however, preventing the ac- ceptance of this offer in full, he kindly permitted the selection of one hundred and eighty-eight of those which were the most rare, many of which are the only known copies. Brother Joseph Wright and Mr. Charles W. Henry have contributed original paintings by Peale and Stuart. Letters, manuscripts and personal relics have been contributed by R. W. George W. Kendrick, Jr., Mr. George C. Thomas, Hampton L. Carson, Esq., Committee on Antiquities of th€ Grand Lodge of New York, Hudson River Lodge of Newburgh, N. Y., Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr., Mr. Albert Rosenthal, Mr. James Cartledge, Dr. Max. J. Stern, Dr. J. Solis Cohen, Mrs. Charles Hamilton, The Historical Societies of Pennsylvania and Delaware, The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Philadelphia, Mr. James S. Bradley, Jr. of New York and many others. As a result we have here the most important Loan Exhibition of Washingtoniana ever held in this city. Mr. Stan. V. Henkels, the well known expert, has greatly assisted the Librarian with his knowledge and advice. To those here mentioned and to all others who have contributed toward making this a successful exhibition the Committee desire to return their thanks. EDGAR A. TENNIS. Grand Master, On Behalf of Committee on Sesqui-centenniaL By transfer The White House March 3rd, 1913 Al the Sign of lie ThifUl fJliSS OF LOUCHEAD 6 CCi PHILADELPHiA CATALOG Nos. I to 187 are Loaned by Hon. James T. Mitchell, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Cataloged by Mr. Henkels, according to Baker's " Engraved Portraits of VVashington." 1 Washington Generalissme des Etats Unis de I'Amerique. Full Bust in uniform, full face. Oval, with border in an orna- mented rectangle. In the oval to the left a tree, the branches of which spread over and behind the head. The Title in a Tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height, 13 8-16 inches; ii'idth, 10 inches. Dessine par Bonnieu d'apres un Tab- leau fourni par M. le Marquis de la Fayette. Grave par Chevillet. "Galerie des hommes Illustres vivans." Baker, No. 6. 2 General George Washington Born Feb. 22, 1732, in West- moreland County, Virginia, and Died Dec. 14, 1799 at Mount Vernon. Full bust. Head to left. Stipple. Height, 11 4-16 inches; width, 9 inches. R. Peale Pinx. D. Edwin Sc. Very rare. Baker, No. 9. 3 General George Washington. Full bust. Head to left. Stipple. Height, 12 15-16 inches; width, 102-16 inches. R. Peale Pinxt. D. Edwin Sculpt. Printed in colours by H. Charles. Published by H. S. Tanner Philadelphia. Baker, No. 10. Note. — This is the same as the preceding print, with the ad- dition of a border, which is included in the measurement. Finest knozvn copy printed in colors. 4 General Washington. Full length in military costume, lean- ing upon a Field piece to the left, a riding switch in his right hand. The left, in which is a hat, rests upon a horse fore- shortened at the right. In the extreme distance to left upon a hill, a large Building with cupola. Mezzotinto. Height, 19 14-16 inches; width, 14 inches. Peel pinxit Philadelphia. Stothard delint Londini. J. Brown Excudit. V. Green fecit mezzotinto Engraver to the King of Great Britain and the Elector Palatine. From an original picture in the posses- sion of Mr. Brown, Publish'd by him April 226, 1785, and sold at No. 10 George Yard Lombard Street London. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 12. Note. — Different from any full length executed by Pcalc and although ascribed to him by the lettering of the print, and as Jiaving been printed at Philadelphia, if is extremely doubtful. 5 Le General Washington, Commendant En Chef Des Arme'es Americaines ne en Virginie en 1733. Bust in uniform. Head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a Tablet, in which is a representation of the surrender at Yorktown, inscribed "lournee memorable du 19 Octobre 1 781 a York en Virginie." Title within the border. Line. Height, 73-16 inches; zvidth, 58-16 inches. Grave d'apres le Tableau de N. Piehle peint d'apres nature a Philadelphie en 1783. Rare. Baker, No. 14. 6 Genl Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, beneath which is a representation of the surrender at Yorktown, inscribed "Event of the 19th of Octr., 1781, at Yorktown in Virginia." Line. Height, 7 11-16 inches; ividth, 58-16 inches. "The English artist has follozved the lines of the print in the French original after a Picture by Piehle on account of the remarks of Mr. Lavatcr." T. Holloway Dire.xit. Published by T. Holloway & the other Proprietors, May 21, 1794. Rare. Baker, No. 15. 7 Bust in uniform. Head to right. Oval, with three lines for a narrow border, suspended by a ring, above a Tablet contain- ing a representation of the surrender at Yorktown. Outline. Height, 4 10-16 inches; zvidth, 3 12-16 inches. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 16. 8 General Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to right. Stipple. Height, 3 4-16 inches; width, 2 8-16 inches. Baker, No. 17. 9 Georges Washington Eqer Geneal en Chef de I'Armee Anglo- Ameriquaine nome Dictateur par le Congres en Fevrier 1777. Full bust, in uniform and Cocked Hat. Head to left, a drawn sword partly seen on the left. Oval, with border in a rec- tangle resting upon a Base, the Title in a Tablet upon the Base. Line. Height, 6 4-16 inches; width, 4 8-16 inches. Desrais del. Le Beau, Sculp. A Paris chez Esnauts et Ra- pilly, rue St. Jacques a la ville de Coutances. Rare. Baker, No. 19. Note. — This appears to be a combination of Pcalc, and the one knozvn as the Campbell Portrait. 10 Le General Washington, ne Quid Detrimenti Capiat Res pub- lica. Full length uniform, standing to the left in front of a tent, in his right hand, a roll displaying sheets inscribed. "Declaration of Independence." "Treaty of Alliance &c." His left hand gloved, is thrust into the breast. Beneath his feet are various torn documents, marked "Protection to Reb- els," "Conciliatory Bills, &c, &c." In the rear a negro servant with a horse, and in the extreme right distance, on lower ground nn encampment. Line. Height, i6 IO-16 inches: width, 12 11-16 inclics. Peint par L. le Paon Peintre do Bataille dc S. A. S. M. le Prince de Conde. Grave par N. le Mire des Academies Imperiales et Royales et de celle des sciences et arts dc Rouen (1780). Grave d'apres le Tableau original appartenant a Mr. Marquis de la Fayette. Cette Es- tamps ce vend avcc Privilege du Roy a Paris chez le Mire Gravcur rue et porte St. Jacques Jilaison de Mr. le Camus Md. de Drap, prix 12 livres. Baker, No. 21. Note. — Beautiful froof before inscription or address. 11 General Washington. Full figure in uniform, standing to the left, in front of a tent. Mczzotinto. Height, u 14- 1() inches; uidtJi, 9 14-16 incites. Printed for and .sold by Car- ington Bowles, N. 69 in St. Paul's Church Yard, London. Published as the act directs 24 June 1785. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 22. Note. — A copy of the f receding Print, omitting the tree in Hie rear of the Tent, and the Landscape to the right. 12 General Washington. Bust in uniform, with black necker- chief. Head to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height. 2 4-16 inches; width. 2 inches. Jas. Newton sculp. (Printed in tint.) Baker, No. 25. Note. — Of the greatest rarity, on the same sheet is also a portrait of Dr. Franklin, face to left. The two portraits are so seldom seen together that it is evident Mr. Baker only sazv that of Washington. 12a His Excell'cy George Washington, Esqr GENERAL AND COMMANDER in CHIEF of the Allied Army Supporting the Independence of America. Full Bust in uniform, head slightly to left. Oval, in a rectangle, on the base of which is inscribed Temperance, Prudence, Fortitude, Justice. Over the oval is a laurel wreath, hung in festoons. Under the oval, are flag."* and war implements. Line. Height, 10 14-16 inches; width, 92-16 inches. B. Blyth del. J. Norman .sculp. Taken from an Original Picture in the possession of his Excy Govr Han- cock Published by John Coles, Boston, March 26th 1782. Also the Portrait of Mrs. Washington, by the same artist and en- graver, to match, TJicse are exceedingly rare. Baker, No, 26. 13 George Washington Commandant en Chef des Armees Americanes, Ne en Virginie en 1733. Bust in uniform. Full face. Oval medallion, in a rectangle ; beneath the oval, a Tab- let in which is the Title. Line. Height, 7 12-16 inches; zvidth, 5 10-16 inches. Se trouve a Paris, chez Aug. De St. Aubin, Graveur du Roi, et de sa Bibliotheque, actuellement rue Therese Bute St Roch et a la Bibliotheque du Roi et chez Mr Cochin, aux Galleries du Louvre A. P. D. R. Rare. Baker, No. 31. Note. — A choice iuiprcssion of a very rare print. Proof be- fore the engraver's name or address. 14 George Washington Commander in Chief of ye Armees of ye United States of America. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief. Head to left. Oval, with border in a rectangle, above a Tablet in which is the Title ; over the oval, a rattle- snake and Liberty cap, with the legend, "Don't Tread on me." At the sides, olive and laurel branches, Flags, &c. On the Flag to the right thirteen Stars. Line. Height, 6 2,-16 inches; width, 4 7-16 inches. Engrav'd by W. Sharp from an original Picture, London Published according to act of Parliament, Feb'r. 22d, 1780. Rare in this state. Baker, No. 35. 15 General Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to right. Oval, with border in rectangle, engraved to represent stone work. Beneath the oval, a Tablet and the Washington arms, with the motto, "Exitus Acta Probat." Line. Height, 6 inches; zi'idth, 3 10-16 inches. J. Trenchard, Sc. Baker, No. 37. Note. — From the Columbian Magazine. Philadelphia, Janu- ary, 1787. 16 His Excel: G: Washington, Esq. Bust in uniform. Head to right. Oval, with narrow border, resting upon a Base in a rectangle. Title in the Base. A Laurel wreath and branches, at top of oval. Line. Height. 6 4-16 inches; ividth 3 14-16 inches. Baker, No. 38. Note. — 'From the American Spelling Book. By Noah Web- ster, Jun., Esq. 12th Edition. Philadelphia, 1789. A copy of the Mezzotinto by Peale. Engraved by J. Trenchard. Of great rarity and probably the best copy extant. 17 Genl Washington. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief Head to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height, 4 6-16 inches; width, 3 10-16 inches. Published Nor, ist 1784. by Whitworth & Yates Bradford Street. Baker, No. 42. Note. — Extremely rare, only one impression came under the notice of Mr. Baker. 18 George Washington Esqr General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat, on horseback, advancing to the right. A drawn sword in the right hand, is held across the body. A Battle in the right distance. Meszotinto. Height, 128-16 inches; zvidth, 9 14-16 inches. Done from an Original, Drawn from the Life by Alexr Campbell, of Williamsburgh in Vir- ginia. Published as the Act directs, 9 Septr. 1775, by C. Shepherd. Baker, No. 46. Note. — Extremely rare. This is the print, an impression of zvhich Joseph Reed presented to Mrs. Washington, and re- ferred to by Washington, in his letter to Reed, dated Cam- bridge, 2,^st of January, 1776. "Mrs. Washington desires I will thank you for the picture sent her. Mr. Campbell, who I never saw to my knowledge, has made a very formidable figure of the Commander-in-Chief, giving him a sufficient portion of terror in his countenance." 19 George Washington Esqr General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America. Full figure in uniform and cocked Hat, on horseback advancing to the right, a drawn sword in right hand. In the back ground, on the horizon, the upper portions of a large fortification extend across the print. Inclosed by a narrow square border. Line. Height, 7 inches; ti'idth, 5 10-16 inches. Nach dem Leben gezeichnet von Alex- ander Champbele von Williamsburg in Virginien. J. E. Nil- son fee. et excud J. S. Negges. E.vtremely rare. Baker, No. 47. 20 George Washington Esqr Americanisher Generalissimus. Three quarter length, in uniform and cocked Hat, with a drawn sword in right hand. Oval, with border only partly showing at the sides. Etched. Height, 64-16 inches; zvidth, 310-16 inches. Rare. Baker, No. 48. 21 George Washington, Esquier General et Comendeur en Chef d'Armee des XIII Provinces unies en Amerique. Full Bust, in uniform and cocked Hat, head three quarters to right. Oval, in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height, 8 inches; zvidth, 62-16 inches, peint par Alexander Campbell a Williamsbourg en Virginie. Se vend a Londres chez Thorn. Hart. Very rare. Baker, No. 50. 22 George Washington Esqr Commandirender General en Chef der Provinzialarmee in Nordamerika. Full Bust, in uniform and cocked Hat, body to left, head three quarters to right. Oval, with border resting upon a Base. The Title on a Tablet, in the Base. Line. Height, 6 inches; zvidth, 38-16 itiches. T. C. G. Fritzsch sc. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 53. 23 Genl George Washington. Full bust, in uniform. Head to right. Oval, with square border upon a Base, in a rectangle engraved to represent stone work. A wreath tied by a ribbon, extends from the top of the border, down each side. Line. Height, 59-16 inches; zvidth, 37-16 inches. Baker, No. 54. 24 Genl George Washington. Full bust, in uniform. Head to left. Line. Height, 512-16 inches; zvidth, 38-16 inches. Liebe Sc. (The reverse of the preceeding print) Rare. Baker, No. 55. 25 George Washington Eqer General en Chef de I'Armee An- glo-Ameriquaine, nonime Dictateur par le-Congres en Fevrier 1777. Full Bust, in uniform and cocked Hat, a drawn sword partly visible on the left. Oval, with border in a rectangle, ornamented with war Emblemns &c. Line. Height, 6 4-16 incites: zvidtli, 48-16 inches. A Paris chex Esnauts et Rapilly. me St. Jacques a la Ville de Coutances. A. P. D. R. Rare. Baker, No. 58. 26 G. Washington. Bust in uniform. Head in profile to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 32-16 inches; ividth, 2 10-16 inches. A. W. Kuffner sc. 1793. Rare. Baker, No. 66. 27 Genl Washington. Bust in uniform. Head in profile to left. Oval, with border upon a Base, in a rectangle. Line. Height, 59-16 inches; 7i'idth. 38-16 inches. Publish'd Jany 31, 1784, l)y John Walker from an original Painting. Rare. Baker, No. 70. 28 George Washington, President of the United States of Amer- ica. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval, with narrow border. Stipple. Height, :^ 14-16 inches; zvidth, 23-16 inches. Engraved from an original Drawing taken in New York in 1 791. J. Chapman sculpsit. ll.rtrenicly rare. Baker, No. 75. 29 The President of the United States. Bust in uniform, in pro- file to right. Oval. Etched. Height, 25-16 inches; zatdth, I 13-16 inches. "Massachusetts Magazine." March No. 1791. j^iarc. Baker, No. 77. 30 General Washington Late President of the American Con- gress. Three quarter length, in uniform. Head nearly profile, the body three quarters to left. The right hand rests upon a sword hilt, held from the body and perpendicular therewith, a chapeau in the left. In the distance to the left, a Battle. Mezzotinto. Height, 19 inches; zvidth, 13 10-16 incites. Painted by R. Wright of Philadelphia. P. Dawe sculpt. Lon- don Published by D. Gaily No. 263 High Holborn Jany 8th 1801. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 80. 31 Gen. George Washington Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. Born Feb: nth, 1732, O. S. Died Decem- ber 14th 1799. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Over the head, an eagle with laurel wreath. Vignette. Stipple. Height, 3 4-16 inches: width, i 5-16 inches. A. Doolittle sculp. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 81. 32 G. Washington President of the United States. Bust in uni- form, in profile to left. Oval. Etched. Height, 44-16 inches; xvidth, 3 12-16 inches. Title Page to "The Battle of Prague Favorite Sonate for the Piano Forte" Boston, Printed & sold by Graupner No. 6 Franklin St. Baker, No. 82. Note. — Of the greatest rarity. Probably unique in this condi- tion, as it contains the 8 pages of music. Mr. Baker had only seen one copy and that zvithout the music. 33 Full bust in uniform, three-quarters to right. Head in pro- file. Oval. Stipple. Height, 46-16 inches; width, 36-16 indies. Drawn by J. Wright. Engraved by W. Evans. (Heading to a Broadside Edition of The Farewell address. T. Bensley Printer, Bolt Court. Fleet Street, London.) £.r- trcmely rare. Baker, No. 83. 34 General Washington. Full bust in uniform, in profile to rigiit. Oval. Line. Height, 3 10-16 inches; zvidth, 2 14-16 inches. T. Holloway sculp. "Literary Magazine." Published as the Act directs i Aug. 1792 by C. Forster, Poultry. Rare. Baker, No. 87. 35 General Washington. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Oval. Height, 39-16 inches; zvidth, 213-16 inches. Stipple. For the Universal Magazine. (Philadelphia Feby. 1797.") Baker, No. 89. 36 Washington. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Stipple. Height, 311-16 inches; zvidth, 214-16 inches. H. Roosing, sculp. Rotterdam. A. Loosjes Pz. Excudt 1793. Very rare. Baker, No. 94. 37 Washington. Profile head and bust, to left, in a rectangle. Engraved by a Roulette. Height, 2 12-16 inches; zvidth, 21-16 inches. \Vm. Hamlin sc. 7E 91. From Howdan's Bust, Richmond Va. Baker, No. 102. 38 G. Washington. Head in profile to left, the hair flowing and tied by a ribbon. Circular medallion. Title on the left. Line. Diamctre, 3 inches. Dessine et Grave d'Apres Houdon par .Mcxandre Tardieu. * * * * Deposse a la Bibliotheque Na- tionale le 9 Vendemaire an. 9. A Paris chez Alex. Tardieu Gr. de la Marine Rue de I'Universite No 296 au Depot Na- tional de Machines. Rare. Baker, No. 108. 39 Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height, 6 inches; width, 3 8-16 inches. Engraved to imitate a crayon drawing. Very rare. Baker, No. 109. 40 Head in profile to right. Circular medallion upon a Base, in- scribed "Born Feb. 22 A. D. 1732 — Died Dec. 14, 1799;" a figure of Liberty on the right, the U. S. shield on the left. The center of a circle ornamented with views at Mt. Vernon. Line. Diameter, 2 1-16 inches. Designed by H. Billings, Engraved by the American Bank Note Co. (Copy Right by H. Barnes. 1859.) Baker, No. 110. Note. — Published at Boston in 1859, surrounded by a frame made from zuood (Oak) grown at Mt. Vernon. 41 G. Wasington. Bust in uniform. Head nearly in profile to right. Vignette. Line. Height, 3 4-16 inches; width, 3 inches. Engd by H. B. Hall N. Y. 1865. J. Peale Pinx, 1788. (Pri- vate Plate.) Baker, No. 111. 42 George Washington. Ne en Virginie le 11 Fevrier 1732. Pro- file Head to left, laureated. Circular medallion, in the upper part of a rectangle. The Title in a Tablet. Stipple. Height, 5 12-16 inches; ividth, 4 inches. Grave d'apres le camee peint par Madame de Brehan a Newyork en 1789. Dirige par P. F. Tardieu. Grave par Roger. Rare. Baker, No. 113. 43 George Washington, Esqr., President of the United States of America. Full Bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Head three quarters to the right. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height, 5 4-16 inches; width, 4 3-16 inches. Painted & Engraved by E. Savage. From the Original Picture Painted in 1790 for the Philosophical Chamber, at the Univer- sity of Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Publish'd Feby. 7, 1792, by E. Savage No. 29 Charles Street, Middx Hospital. Baker, No. 116. Note. — Very rare. Extremely so ivith the full margin like this copy. 44 George Washington Esqr President of the United States of America. Nearly full length sitting, legs crossed, at a Table to the right, upon which is a Hat with a large Rosette. Head three quarters to right. A large chart upon Table, is held by the right hand, the left arm rests upon it, the hand hanging over in front. The background is formed by a curtain, which is drawn at the right, reaveals the sky, and the lower portion of a pillar. Mezsotinto. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. E. Savage pinx. et sculp. From the original Portrait Painted at the request of the University of Cambridge in Massachu- setts. Published June 25, 1793, by E. Savage No. 54 Newman Street. Baker, No. 118. Note. — Very rare. A magnificent impression. 45 George Washington President of the United States of Amer- ica. Nearly full length sitting, legs crossed, at a Table to the right. (Same description as preceding print.) Mezzotinto. Height, 18 inches; width, 13 14-16 inches. From the original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Baker, No. 119. Note. — Extremely rare and very fine impression. Only two copies known to Mr. Baker. 46 The Washington Family. George Washington, his Lady and her two Grandchildren by the name of Custis. La Famille de Washington. George Washington Son Epouse et ses deux petits Enfants du nom de Custis. Full figure in military cos- tume, seated to the left of the print. His right arm, rests on the shoulder of the boy who is standing, while the left, is upon a chart extended on Table, to a part of which, Mrs. Washing- ton points with a fan. Stipple. Height, 186-16 inches; length, 246-16 inches. Painted & Engrav'd by E. Savage. Publish'd March loth, 1798, by E. Savage & Robt. Wilkinson No. 58 Cornhill London. Rare. Baker, No. 120. 47 GenL George Washington. Bust in uniform. Head three- quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height, 3 14-16 inches; zvidth, 33-16 inches. E. Savage Pinxt. Wm. Hamlin set. Provd. "Farnsworth Edition." Very Rare. Baker, No. 126. From Memory of Washington, Newport, R. L 1800. 48 Genl George Washington. Full bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to left. The order of the Cincinnati, on the right breast. Oval, in a rectangle. Height, 42-16 inches; width, 3 inches. Stipple. W. Harrison Junr sculpt. Very rare. Baker, No. 128. 49 George Washington, President of the United States of Amer- ica. Full Bust in uniform. Head three quarters to right. The order of the Cincinnati, on the left breast. Oval, in a rec- tangle. Stipple. Height, 4 inches; width, 3 inches. Engraved by S. Hill. Rare. Baker, No. 129. 50 George Washington Esqi-. Full bust in uniform. Head to the right. The order of the Cincinnati, on the left breast. Oval. Stipple. Height, 414-16 inches; width, 42-16 inches. Houston sc. Philada Published for Thos Condie Bookseller. Rare. Baker, No. 130. Note. — Copy of the Stipple head by Savage. 51 George Washington President of the United States. Bust in uniform, Head three-quarters to left. The order of the Cin- cinnati, on the right breast. Oval. Stipple. Height, 4 14-16 inches; width, 3 12-16 inches. Savage Pinxt. Rollinson set. Rare. Baker, No. 132. 52 George Washington Esqr President of the United States of America. Full Bust in uniform, Head three quarters to right. The order of the Cincinnati, on the left breast. Oval. Stipple. Height, 5 inches; zvidth, 3 13-16 inches. From the original Picture painted by Savage in 1790 for the Philosophical Cham- ber of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. London Pubd for the Proprietor Aug. loth, 1793, by E. Jeffery No. 11 Pall Mall. Rare. Baker, No. 136. 53 Same in colors. This is of the greatest rarity. 54 George Washington President of the United States of Amer- ica. Bust in uniform, body slightly to left, head drawn in rather an awkward manner, three quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height, 4 inches; zvidth, 34-16 inches. From an or- iginal miniature in the possession of Benjamin Smith of Phila- delphia. London Published by D. Rymer, Book & Print Seller 10 Broad Court, Long Acre. E.vtremely rare. Baker, No. 137. 55 Washington. Full bust in uniform, a cloak around the left shoulder. Head to left. Line. Height, 86-16 inches; zvidth, 66-16 inches. Dessine par Couder. Grave par A. Blanchard. "Dedie a S. E. le General Jackson President des Etats-Uiis d'Amerique, Par Son tres ' respectueux admirateur la Typo- graphe N. Bettoni." Baker, No. 139. Note. — A choice open letter proof, before inscription. 56 General Washington. Full length in uniform. Head to the left, a field glass in the extended right hand, the left on sword hilt at his side. In the rear, a soldier witli a horse, and in the extreme background, the representation of a battle, (Trenton). At his feet, a dismounted cannon. Stipple. Height, 256-16 inches; zvidth. 17 7-16 inches. Painted by John Trumbull, Esqr. Engraved by T. Cheesman. London. Published by A. C. De Poggi No. 91 New Bond Street June 1796. Baker, No. 141. Note. — Clioice proof before letters. 57 General George Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to left. Circular medallion, heading to an imperial folio sheet, contain- ing "The Declaration of Independence," surrounded by fifteen other medallions, two of which contain Portraits of John Adams and Thorns Jefferson, and the others, the coats of arms of the thirteen original States. Stipple. Diameter, 3 5-16 inches. Published by Phillips & Ensign 75/I Bowery N. Y. Baker, No. 146. 58 General Washington. Full length in uniform, standing upon a rocky eminence near a river. The right hand holding a hat, rests upon his sword hilt, while the left in which is a scroll, the arm across the body, is pointing to a fortification upon the opposite Bank. In the bend of the river, in the rear, shipping enveloped in smoke, and to the right, a negro servant, with a horse, browsing, his fore-parts only visible. In the lower mar- gin, an Indian holding a shield, bearing the Washington Arms. Mezsotinto. Height, 23 inches; zvidth, 16 inches. Painted by J. Trumbull Esqr of Connecticut 1780. Engraved by V. Green Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty & to the Elector Palatine. Engrav'd from the original Picture in the Possession of M. De Ncufville of Amsterdam. Published by Appointment of M. De Neufville Jany 1781 by V. Green No. 29 Newman Street, Oxford Street London. Very rare. Baker, No. 147. 59 G. Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to left. Vignette, with a background ruled to a rectangle. Etched. Height, 412-16 inches; ividth, 310-16 inches. Etched by Alice Hall aged 18, New York, 1866. Baker, No. 148. 60 George Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to left. Vig- nette. Line. Height, 4 inches; width, 44-16 inches. Engd by H. B. Hall Morrisiania N. Y. from the original by Col. Trumbull. (Private Plate.) Baker, No. 149. Gl G. Washington. Full length in uniform, standing upon an eminence near a river. Inclosed with a border, the Title in a Tablet in the lower part. Line. Height, 7 inches; 49-16 inches. J. Trumbull Pinx. Ja le Roy Sculp. Baker, No. 151. 62 His Excellency George Washington Commander in Chief of the American Armies, Marshal of France &c. Full length in uniform standing, an open scroll in his right hand, inscribed "Freedom established by Valour and Perseverance." The left arm is across the body. Beneath his feet, flags and two scrolls, marked "Stamp Act," and "Boston Port Bill," and near by, two Books labelled "Acts of Par." and "Brit. Stat." In the air, a figure of Fame with trumpet, advancing to the left, in the act of crowning him with a laurel wreath. Line. Height, 68-16 inches; width 47-16 inches. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 160. 63 G. Washington, 1796. Bust. Head three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height, 214-16 inches; width, 23-16 inches. F. Bolt f. 1796. Rare. Baker, No. 161. 64 Geo. Washington, Bust. Head three-quarters to right. Oval, with border upon a pedestal, in a rectangle, a large open scroll in front. To the right a sword and scales, and to the left a Liberty cap, and oak branches. Line, fleight, 7 inches; width, 4 inches. Grainger sculpt. Published as the act directs July I, 1794 by H. D. Symonds Paternoster Row. Baker, No. 163. 65 Washington. Half length. Masonic dress as a Past Master. head to right. Vignette. Mixed. Height, 5 inches; width, 4 inches. O'Neill N. Y. Engraved from the Portrait, painted from life by Williams, for Alexandria Washington Lodge, No. 22, Virginia, 1794. Artist's proof. Baker, No. 168. 66 George Washington President of the United States. Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief. Head to right. Oval, with narrow scroll border. On the point of a straight sword, which extends from the top of the oval, is a liberty cap, and across the middle the word, "Libertas," surrounded by a laurel wreath ; rays diverge from the wreath, losing themselves in clouds. Beneath the oval an eagle in clouds, with a long ribbon in his mouth the ends over his wings, inscribed "E Pluribus Unum." At each side, flags and palm branches reaching to the top. The whole, inclosed with two slight lines. Stipple. Height, II 13-16 inches; width, 93-16 inches. Painted by W. Robert- son. Jon. Jas. Barralet Invenit 1795. Engrav'd by R. Field. Published by Walter Robertson, Philadelphia & New York 1st August 1795. Baker, No. 169. 67 Genl. Washington. Full bust in uniform. Head and bust three quarters to the left. Oval, with border in a rectangle; beneath the oval, a representation of a review, entitled "Genl Washington takes command of the American Army at Cam- bridge July 3d 1775." Lijie. Height, 68-16 inches; width, 3 14-16 inches. Tisdale sc. Engrav'd for C. Smith N. York. Very rare. Baker, No. 173. 68 General George Washington. Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief. Head to right. Oval, with narrow scroll border. Stipple. Height, 44-16 incites; zvidth, 37-16 inches. Very rare. Baker, No. 174. 69 G. Washington. Bust. Head to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height, 58-16 inches; undth, 5 inches. A. Wertmuller S. Pt. Phila. 1795. H. B. Hall. From the original Picture in the possession of Chas. Aug. Davis, Esq. N. York, New York G. P. Putnam & Co. Baker, No. 176. Note. — Hall's Ozvn proof col^y. 70 Washington. Bust. Head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 412-16 inches; ividth, 38-16 inches. From the original paint- ing by Sturat taken from life, in possession of the Boston Athenaenum. Engraved by Joseph Andrews. Choice Artist's proof. Baker, No. 177. 71 Bust. Head to right. Oval. Line. Height 3-16 inch; zcidth, 2 16 inch. Baker, No. 181. Note. — Tliis is the sinallcst engraved portrait of IVashington. The name of the Engraver is not knozvn. 72 General Washington. Bust in uniform. Head to right. Stipple. Height, 48-16 inches; width, 36-16 inches. J. Chap- man sc. Published as the act directs Mar. i 1800. Baker, No. 193. Note. — In colors and very rare. 73 General Washington. Full length, standing. The "Lans- downe Portrait." Line. Fully described in No. 83. Height, 19 12-16 inches; zvidth, 13 inches. Baker, No. 194. 74 G. Washington, who departed this life Deer 14, 1799. Aged 68. Bust, head to left. Circle, in a rectangle engraved to represent stone work. The title beneath the circle. Stipple. Height, 210-16 inches; width, 24-16 inches. T. C. Clarke sc. Sold by W. Spotswood. Baker, No. 195. 75 George "Washington. Bust. Head to right. Oval. Stipple. Height, 4 inches; 7cidtli, 37-16 inches. A Doolittlc sc. "Con- necticut Magazine." Extremely rare. Baker, No. 204. 76 Bust. Head to left. Oval. Stif^ple. Height. 414-16 indies; n'icitli, 42-16 inches. D. Ed- win Fecit, Pliiladclphia Published Jany i 1800 by A. Dickins. Baker, No. 209. 77 Washington. Bust. Head to left. "Take him for all in all, Wc ne'er shall look upon his like again." Vignette. Stipple. Height, 23-16 inches; width, 1 4-16 inches. Edwin sc. Rare. Baker, No. 215. 78 "Washington Sacred to Memory. Three-quarters length in uniform, seated, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. A svv'ord lies in the right fore-arm and a chart in the hand, the left hand resting upon that portion of it which is upon the table. A curtain drawn up at the right, reveals an encamp- ment in the distance. In the lower margin, an Eagle displayed, with shield and motto, "E Pluribus Unum." With a border 11-16 inclies in width, the title in a tablet in the upper part. Be- neath the portrait and let into the border a funeral urn, sup- ported by two female figures and surrounded by war emblems. Upon the top of the urn, a sword and field glass crossed and on a medallion in the three line "OB. Dec. 14, 1799. ^ET 68." Stipple. Height, 11 3-16 inches; ividth, 810-16 inches. F. Bartoli pinxt D. Edwin sc. Revised by I. J. Barralet. Published by D. Kennedy 228 Market St. Philada. Rare. Baker, No. 217. Note. — Choice proof, before inscription. 79 George "Washington, Esqr. Half length, head to left. Back- ground formed by a curtain drawn up to left, revealing a Pil- lar. Mez::otinto. (Printed in colors.) Height, 12 inches; li'idth, 10 inches. Painted by C. G. Stuart. Engraved by James Fisher. From the original Picture in the possession of J. Sebn De Franca Esqr of Devonshire Square London. London Publish'd by P. Fische April loth 1801. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 225. 80 George "Washington. Full length, standing. The "Tea-Pot Portrait." Fully described in No. 84. Mezzotinto. Height, 245-16 inches; ividth, 167-16 inches. G. Stuart pinxt. S. H. Gimber. Very rare. Baker, No. 230. 81 George Washington. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height, 73-16 inches; ividth, 62-16 inches. Drawn by B. Trott. Engraved by C. Gobrecht, Baker, No. 235, 82 General Washington President of the United States, Born February 22nd 1732, died December 14, 1799. Full length, standing. The "Lansdownc Portrait.'" Fully described in No. 83. Stipf^lc. Height, 19 14-16 inches; zvidth, 13 inches. Painted by G. Stuart, 1797. Engraved by C. Goodman and R. Piggott. Published by W. H. Morgan No. 114 Chestnut Street Philada. Baker, No. 236. 83 General Washington. Full length, standing, head to left. The right arm is extended as if speaking, and a dress sword in the left hand, is held by his side. To the left a table partly covered \vith a cloth, upon which an inkstand and books ; be- neath the table, also some books. To the right, a little in the rear, an arm chair, and in the background two rows of pillars, between which, is a curtain partly drawn up. Line. Height, 19^3-16 inches; width, 13 inches. Painted by Gabriel Stuart 1797. Engraved by James Heath Historical Engraver to his Majesty, and to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, from the original Picture in the collection of the Marquis of Lans- downc. Published Feby i. iSoo by Jas. Heath No 42 Newman Street, Messrs. Boydeils, Cheapside & J. P. Thomson Great Newport Street London. Copy Right secured in tlic Ignited States according to Law. Baker, No. 250. Note. — This is knon'n as the "Laiisdoivnc Portrait." 84 Washington. Full length, standing, the right hand resting by the fingers, upon a table to the left. In the left hand, a dress sword held at the side. The coat is drawn together by a single upper button. In the rear, to the right, an arm chair. Line. Height, 202-16 inches; ividth, 144-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraver by J. H. Hills. Baker, No. 252. Note.— /C»oTC'« as the "Tea Pot Portrait," from the position of the arm. The figure is fuller and turned more to the left, than in the "Lausdozvne," and is much better drawn. The accessories are the same. 85 George Washington. Full bust. Head to Right. Line. Height, 92-16 inches; zvidth, 44-16 inches. Engraved by T. Hollovvay from a picture painted by Mr. Stuart in 1795 in the possession of Samuel Vaughan Esqr. Published as the act di- rects by T. Holloway and the other proprietors Novr. 2, 1796. Baker, No. 285. 86 Genl Washington. Half length, head to left. Mezzotint©. Height, 162-16 inches; zvidth, 13 12-16 inches. J. Kennedy set. Engraved from the original Picture Painted by Gabriel Stew- art Esqr. Now in the possession of Paul Beck Esqr. "This print is respectfully dedicated to the citizens of the United States by T. W. Freeman" Freeman Excudit. Philadelphia 1st Sept. 181.1. Rare. Baker. No. '^^iQ. 87 Geo. Washington, Esqr, Late President of the United States of America. Full Bust, head to left. Stipple. Height, 8 14-16 inches; zuidth, 7 7-16 inches. C. G. Stuart pinxt. W. Nutter scuplt. From an original Picture in the Possession of J. Sebn De Franca Esqr of Devonshire Place to whom this Plate is Dedicated by his obliged humble Servt Robt. Cobb. London, Published Jany 15th 1798 by R. Cribb, Holborn. Baker, No. 294. Note. — Printed in colors. Of the greatest rarity. Superb copy with full deckle edges. 88 George Washingon, Esqr., Late President of the United States of America. Full Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 52-16 inches; width, 42-16 inches. C. G. Stuart pinxt. W. Nutter sculpt. London published by R. Cribb Jany 15, 1799. Very rare. Baker, No. 295. 89 Washington. Full length. The ''Lansdowne Portrait." Fully described in No. 83. Line. Height, 202-16 inches; width, 13 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Eng'd on steel by W. L. Ormsby N. Y. Published by W. L. Ormsby 116 Fulton Street N. Y. Baker, No. 297. 90 Patriae Pater. Bust, head to left. Oval. On left of oval, "Born Feb. 22d, 1732." and on right, "Died Dec. 14th, 1799." Line. Lleight, 3 4-16 inches; width, 2 12-16 inches. Painted by G. C. Sturat. Eng. by J. W. Pardise. Very rare. Baker, No. 298. 91 Washington. Bust, head to left. Inclosed by a square bor- der of lathe work, with a star in each corner. In the upper margin, an Eagle displayed, with U. S. shield and motto, "E Pluribus Unum." In lower margin a flag, (upon which is the title) rolled about a staff. Height, 2 13-16 inches; width, 2 4-16 inches. Perkins & Heath, Patent Hardened Steel Plate. Very rare. Baker, No. 304. 92 George Washington. Full bust, head to left. (Lansdowne). Oval. Stipple. Height, 46-16 inches; width, 310-16 inches. Stuart del. ad viv. L. Portman sc. A. Loosjes Pz. exc. 1805. Rare. Baker, No. 306. 93 G. Washington. Full length. The ''Lansdowne Portrait." Fully described in No. 83. Mcszotinto. Height, 204-16 inches; zvidth, 16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by H. S. Sadd. Baker, No. 319. 94 Genl George Washington departed this life Deer. 14th 1799, aged 68. Bust, head to right. Oval, in a rectangle. The title &c. in a tablet with arched top, beneath the oval. Stipple. Height, 44-16 inches; zvidth, 2416 inches. Scoles sc. Pub- lish'd by 1. Low N. York. Rare. Baker, No. 327. 95 Genl Washington. Born Feb. 22, 1732. Died Dec. 14, 1799. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 2 10-16 inches; width, 22-16 inches. Published by M. Carey. Rare. Baker, No. 328. 96 George Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 2 1 1- 16 inches; zvidth, 23-16 indies. Scoles sculp. Rare. Baker, No. 329. 97 George Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 211-16 viches; zvidth, 214-16 inches. Baker, No. 330. 98 G. Washington. Head to left. Vignette, with a background ruled to a rectangle. Stipple. Height, 128-16 inches; zvidth, 9 12-16 inches. Engraved by H. Wright ;:5mith after the Por- trait by Stuart. Copyright by W. S. Baker. Published By Lindsay & Baker, Philadelphia 1879. Baker, No. 334. Note. — A^o. 27 of sixty impressions struck off. Mr. Baker had this plate for his ozvn personal use. It is one of the finest of modern line engravings. 99 George Washington. Half length. Head to left. (Lans- downe). Stipple. Height, s^-ib inches; width ;i inches. En- graved by G. Stodart. Published by J. Ma.son 14 City Road & 66 Paternoster Row. Rare. Baker, No. 336. 100 G. Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height. 4 8-16 inches; zvidth. 3 13-16 inches. B. Tanner sc. Rare. Baker, No. 340. 101 George Washington. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 8 13-16 inches; zvidth, 6 13-16 inches. Painted by G. Stewart. Engraved by C. Tiebout. Published by C. Tiebout No. 28 Gold Street New York January 8th 1800. Baker, No. 343. Note. — P'cry rare and heantiful impression. 102 George Washington. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height, 34-16 inches; zvidth, 28-16 inches. G. Stewart Del. C. Tiebout sculp. Rare. Baker, No. 344. 103 Gen. Geo. Washington. First President of the United States. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height. 8-16 inches; zvidth, 6-16 incites. R. Tiller sc. "Copyright secured." Very rare. Baker, No. 345. 104 Washington. Head to left. Vignette, with background ruled to a rectangle. Stipple. Height, 22 14-16 inches; width, 22-16 inches. Engraved by Thomas B. Welch (By Permis- sion), From the only original Portrait by Gilbert Stuart in the Athenaeum. Boston. Published by George W. Childs, Phila- delphia. (Copyright 1852). Baker, No. 351. Note. — This is the most important work of Welch, and is a very close rendering of the original. He zvas a fine draughts- man and painter, as zvell as engraver. A copy of this head in oil, by him, is zvell executed and good in color. 105 Washington. Full length. The "Lansdoviaie Portrait" Stipple. Height, 8 inches; 5 12-16 inches. Baker, No. 359. Note. — Only one impression of this came under the notice of Mr. Baker. It is very rude in execution, and the draiving had in every respect. An early American print. 106 Bust, head to right. Oval, resting upon books labelled, "Order. Law, Relig;ion." To the left, a lion, with fore feet on a scroll entitled "Answer to Addresses." On the right, an eagle, head and neck only visible, upon another scroll marked "Last Legac}'." At the top of the oval, a laurel wreath with diverging rays. To the right, in same plate (Ob. 4to.), an oval like size, upon some books, containing the portrait of Jefferson, facing. The books are labelled "Sophism, Tom Paine, Voltaire, &c." with a rattlesnake and crocodile in place of the lion and eagle. In the lower margin, the quotation from Shakespere, "Look on the Picture and on this, &c. &c." Etched. Height. 5 inches; zvidth. 4 inches: New York. June, 1857. Extremely rare. Baker, No. 360. Note. — A full sheet zvitli both portraits. 107 G. Washington Born Feb. 11th (0. S.) 1732, Died Deer I4lh i/og. Full Bust, head to left. Line. Ilri'^ht. 8 14 16 inches; zvidth. 7 7-16 inches. Rare. Baker, No. 362. 108 Geo Washington. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple. Height, 2 10- 16 inches; tvidtli, 2 incites. Deare's Edition. Ded- icated to the Washington Benevolent Societies in New Jersey. Puhlish'd & Sold by Lewis Dearc, N. Brnnswick, N. Jersey. Baker, No. 363. Note. — This portrait heads a sheet of music entitled "A Favor- ite Nezu Federal Song Adapted to the President's March. Sling by Mr. Fox. Written by J. Hopkinson, Esqr." This is lire first appearance of "Flail Colnnibia" set to vittsic. . 109 General Washington, Late President of the United States of America. Half length, head to left. Oval, with border in a rectangle. Mezzolinto. Height, I2 inches ; zvidth, g 12-16 incites. London. Published March 21st 1801 by Haines & Son, No. 19 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane. Rare. Baker, No. 369. Note. — Only one impression of this has come tinder the notice of Mr. Baker. 110 G. Washington. Bust, head to left. The background ruled perpendicular, and the corners rounded. Line. Height, 4 iitchcs; ti'idlh, 3 inches. Caspar Y. Roig Editores Madrid. Baker, No. 374. Note. — Only one copy of this lias come under the notice of Mr. Baker. 111 George Washington Esqr late President of the United States of America. Full length standing, right hand upon a scroll upon a table to the left, inscribed "Declaration of Inde- pendence." To the right, an arm chair, and in the background a curtain drawn up at the left, shows some pillars, and the open skj-. Meznotinto. Fleight, 18 inches; width, 13 inches. Engraved from the original Drawing by Savage. Baker, No. 375. Note.— il/r. Baker sazv only one copy of this engraving. It has the Stuart head and the general characteristics of the figure a:id accessories resembles the "Tea Pot Portrait." This copy is in colors. 112 Patriae Pater. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with border surrounded by an oak wreath in a rectangle, the whole, imitating stone work. A cloak or mantle hangs over the front of the oval, with a colossal antique head as a Key- stone, Lithograph. Fleight, 196-16 inches; zvidth, 156-16 inches. Drawn on stone by Rembrandt Peak. Copyright se- cured 1827. Pendleton's Lithography, Boston. Very rare. Baker, No. 379. Note. — Choice proof on India paper, only copy knoxvn in this state. Mr. Baker in describing this print says "that it zuas Peale's first Lithograph," but before his death he discovered that the portrait described under Lot 113 i<.as formerly owned by Judge Jasper Yates, zuho imparted it froDi France during the lifetime of WasJi- ington. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 254 White porcelain medallion, with bust of Washington. One of the very few manufactured at the Royal Factory at Sevres, France, by order of Louis XVI. Note. — An unusually valuable piece. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 255 Small real bronze bust of Washington, of exquisite work- manship, made in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 256 Bronze figure of Washington. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 257 Small Wedgwood pitcher, with busts of Washington and Lafayette in rehef. on a dark background. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 258 White Staffordshire pitcher, decorated with full length por- trait of Washington standing near a cannon, with shipping in the rear, and on the reverse a ship in full sail. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 259 White Staffordshire pitcher, decorated with bust of Wash- ington on one side, a ship in full sail on the other.- Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 260 White china pitcher, decorated in black and colors, with portrait of Washington, manufactured during the Civil War. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 261 Nankeen china deep plate, ornamented in gold and bronze, with funereal decorations in the center in memory of Washing- ton. Note. — A z'cry beautiful and very rare piece of china. Loaned by Mr. Henry Whelen, Jr. 262 Dinner Card of Washin.gton. "The President of the United States requests the pleasure of Mr. Gloninger's Company to dine on Tuesday next, at 4 O'clock, March i, 1799. An answer requested. " Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 263 Discharge of William Roderfleld, gunner in the Third Ar- tillery Regiment, Continental Army, signed by General Wash- ington at Head Quarters, June 9th. 1782. Also signed by his Aide, Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 264 Autograph letter signed by George Washington, dated Mount Vernon, 24th. of May, '99, in reference to the erection of a fence between his and Thomson Mason's property. Written on Washington's w-ater-mark paper. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 265 Autograph letter signed by George Washington, dated Morris Tavern, 22d. February, 1777, in reference to the scarc- ity of provisions for the army. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 266 Gold enamelled memorial pin, containing the hair of George and Martha Washington. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 267 Large oval solid silver Indian Treaty medal. Full length figure of Washington with outstretched hand about receiving the pipe of peace from an Indian warrior. In the background, a farmer with a yoke of oxen and plough with the inscrip- tion underneath "George Washington President 1793." On the reverse an eagle with outspread wings. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 268 Dead Mrach & Monody. Performed in the Lutheran Church Philadelphia on Thursday the 26th December 1799 be- ing Part of the Music selected for Funeral Honors to our late illustrious Chief, General George Washington. Composed for the occasion and respectfully dedicated to the Senate of the United States by their Obet. humble Servt. B. Carr. With a small stipple portrait of Washington after Stuart. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 269 Liverpool ware pitcher, decorated with a portrait of Wash- ington in oval, on the front. The rarest of all Washington pitchers. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 270 Large Liverpool ware pitcher, decorated with an orna- mented portrait of Washington on one side and an oval with verses commemorative of Washington on the other side. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 271 Stone china sugar bowl, decorated with view of Mount Vernon. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 272 Original life mask by Houdon, taken October 6 & 7, 1785. Note. — Tliis mask ivas used for tlie famous statue of IVasli- i)iStoii til RicJimond, Va., zcliich zvas not completed until ^ 1778. Loaned by Historical Society of Penna. 273 Letters from Gen. Washington to Gen. John Cadwalader, including one from Gen. Joseph Reed, written on the eve of and immediately after the battle of Trenton. I — Washington to Cadwalader, Trenton, Dec. 7, 1776, in refer- ence to the quartering of troops near Trenton. 2 — Washigton to Cadwalader, Head Quarters, Falls of Dela- ware, Dec. II, 1776, in reference to the movements of the enemy at Dunks Ferry. 3 — Washington to Cadwalader, Head Quarters, Trenton Falls, Dec. 12, 1776, relating to the departure of Gen. Cadwala- der's troops. 4 — Washington to Cadwalader, Head Quarters, Dec. 24, 1776, giving his instructions as to the operations of his brigade. 5 — ^Washington to Cadwalader, Head Quarters, Dec. 25, 1776, advising a diversion to faciHtate his attempts on Tren- ton. 6 — Washington to Cadwalader, McKenkey's Ferry, Dec. 25, 1776, "Notwithstanding the discouraging Accounts I have received from Col. Reed, of what might be expected from the Operations below, I am determined as the night is favourable to cross the River and make the Attack upon Trenton in the morning. If you can do nothing" real, at least create as great a diversion as possible." 7 — Wa.shington to Cadwalader, Head Qrs. Newtown. Dec. 27, 1776, regretting that Gen. Cadwalader was unable to cross the Delaware River and assist him in his attack on Trenton. 8 — Reed, Washington's Adjutant, to Cadwalader, dated Jan. I 1777, in reference to a contemplated second engage- ment at Trenton. 9 — Washington to Cadwalader, Morris Town, Jan. 23, 1777, authorizing him to i-eturn his brigade to Philadelphia. Also a complimentary address from Washington to Cad- walader's brigade praising them for their services in the campaign for 1776- 1777. Loaned by Bro. Charles E. Cadwalader. 274 Letter signed by Gen. Washing-ton to Gen. John Cadwala- der, dated Wilmington. August 28, 1777, asking him to or- ganize and take command of the Militia of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, to oppo.se Howe's advance on Philadelphia. Loaned by Bro. Charles E. Cadwalader. 275 Autograph letter signed by Gen. George Washington to Gen. John Cadwalader, dated Head Quarters, Tappan, Oct. 5, 1789, a confidential letter in reference to the distress of the army and referring to the traitorous conduct of Benedict Arnold. Loaned by Bro. Charles E. Cadwalader. 276 Autograph letter of Gen. John Cadwalader being a copy of his letter to Gen. Washington, dated June 5, 1781, in reference to the deplorable condition of the army and wishing that Washington might take command in person of the army in the Southern States, which he considered Great Britain had determined to conquer even though she lost the rest of the Colonies. Loaned by Bro. Charles E. Cadwalader. Note. — Gen. John Cadwalader mentioned in the above letters ivas the son of Bro. Thomas Cadwalader, one of the members of the original St. John's Lodge of Philada. The first lodge in America of zvhicli there arc any records. In 1738 he zcas elected Senior Grand Warden. (Vide Pennsylvania Ga- zette. July 6, 1738.) 277 Portrait in oil, of Washington, by Charles Wilson Peale, full bust in uniform, with cocked hat, head to left, life size. Note. — Painted from life at P^ alley Forge in 1778 and pre- sented to the Chester County Cabinet by John Neagle in 1841. N01V the property of the State Normal School. JVest Chester. Pa. Loaned by the State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. 278 Autograph letter signed by Gen. George Washington, dated ll'est Point, July 30, 1779 to Brigr Genl Wayne, zvith franked address, asking "-i^'hether another attempt upon Stony point, by the zvay of surprize, is eligible." Loaned by the State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. 279 Large bronze medal with bust of Washington, in commem- oration of the 17th. March, 1776. Dies made by Du Vivier, Paris, for the United States government. Loaned by K. W. Bro. George W. Kendrick, Jr. 280 Lafayette silver dollar with busts of Washington and La- fayette. Made at the U. S. Mint in commemoration of the statue of Lafayette erected in Paris, 1900. Loaned by R. W. Bro. George W. Kendrick, Jr. ^81 Aliiman Rezon. Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Penn- sylvania, F. & A. M. Comp. by William Smith, Grand Sec- retary. Philadelphia. Hall & Sellers. 1783. This book was dedicated "To his Excellency George Washington." Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 282 Photograph of a copy of the Ahiman Rezon presented to Washington by the Grand Lodge of Penna. F. & A. M. in 1782 and is now in the Library of Brown University, Provi- dence, R. L Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 283 Broadside. Programme of the Centennial Anniversary of the initiation of George Washington at Hibernia Hall, Charles- ton, 4th November, A. L. 5852, by the Grand Lodge of A. F. M. of South Carolina. Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 284 Masonic apron, worn at the funeral procession in Phila- delphia, February 22, 1800, in commemoration of the death of Bro. Geo. Washington. Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna, 285 Masonic apron, handsomely decorated, bordered with black silk, worn at the funeral procession in Philadelphia, February 22, 1800. in commemoration of the death of Bro. Geo. Wash- ington. Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 286 Masonic apron, handsomely and elaborately embroidered with Masonic symbols by Marquise de Lafayette, and pre- sented to Bro. Washington by Bro. Lafayette in 1784. Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 287 Autograph letter, signed by George Washington, addressed to "Fellow-citizens and Brothers of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania" in reply to an address sent him by the Grand Lodge of Penna. Decemher, 1796. Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 288 Frame containing photographs of "Block of Pennsylvania white marble, donated A. L. 5851, by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to the Washington National Monument, at Washington, D. C." Loaned by Committee on Library, Grand Lodge of Penna. 289 Autograph letter signed by George Washington to Messrs. Watson & Cosson, dated New York, August 19th. 1782, thank- ing them for "The Masonick Ornaments" which they had sent to him. In the same frame is a portrait of Washington in profile. In the lower corner of the frame is a small lock of Washington's hair. Loaned by Committee on Antiquities, Grand Lodge of New York. 290 Portrait in oil of Washington, full length standing, with scroll in left hand, right arm extended pointing to a book on a table, to the left an arm chair ornamented with an eagle, Amer- ican shield and colors, background of drapery and pillars. Painted by W. Clarke, Philadelphia, 1796. Note. — Tlic portrait resembles the Birch type and zuas un- doubtedly painted front life. IVholly unknozvn to collec- tors of IVashington portraits and adds another to the list of portraits nezvly discovered. Loaned by Bro. Norris S. Barratt. 291 White Carrara marble bust of Washington, a faithful copy of the Houdon bust. Life size in uniform. Loaned by Dr. J. Solis Cohen. 292 Mahogany ball and claw foot arm chair, owned by Wash- ington. Presented to John Struthers by Lawrence Lewis, one of the executors of Washington. Loaned by Mr. Joseph Cartledge. ^03 Two mahogany ball and claw foot chairs, owned by Wash- ington. Loaned by Bro. Edward S. Wyckoff. 294 Mahogany side table, with fluted legs and brass ornamen- tation, from the dining-room of the President's house in Philadelphia. Note.— 7"/r/.f and the next nitiiiber were formerly the properly of Bro. P^rancis M. Brooke, zvho bequeathed them to his daughter, the Present ozvner. Loaned by Mrs. Isaac M. Longhead. 295 Work-box owned bj'- Mrs. Martha Washington. Loaned by Mrs. Isaac M. Longhead. 29G Photograph of Washington from an oil painting of Washing- ton by R. Gordon Hardie and presented to United Grand Lodge of England by Bro. Henry S. Wellcome. 1902. Loaned by R. W. Grand Master Edgar A. Tennis. 297 Silk badge with a full length portrait of Washington. U'orn at the eentennial celebratitin of IJ^ashington's birth-day, 1832, in Philadelphia. Loaned by Bro. G-. Ellwood Wagner. 298 Silk badge with a full bust portrait of Washington. Worn at the centennial celebration of Washington's birth-day. 1832, m Philadelphia. Loaned by Bro. Charles F. Wignall. 299 Silk badge with portraits of Washington and Lafayette. \\'()rn during- the visit of Lafayette to Philadelphia, 1824. Loaned by Bro. Charles F. Wignall. 300 Notice of meeting issued to Bro. Geo. Washington by Lodge No. 39 A. Y. M., of Alexandria, Va., dated August 25, 1786. Note. — 77n'.y is the oldest knozvn Jllasonie notice from an American Lodge. Loaned by Bro. Julius F. Sachse. 301 Beautiful miniature in oil, on ivory of Washington. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Painted by William Grimaldi. Note. — This miniature was evidently painted during Washing- 7 ton's life, it is of exquisite ivorkmanship and adds another to the list of ucK'ly discoz'ered portraits of Washington. Loaned by Hon. Craig Biddle. Numbers 302 to 304 are loaned by Mr. Albert Rosenthal. The following portraits of Washington are engraved by Max Rosenthal : 302 Etching, colored, after the original by C. W. Peale, 1770, owned by Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 303 Etching, after the original by Verely, 1789, owned in Vienna. 304 Mezzotinto, colored, after the original by C. W. Peale, o^vncd by State Normal School, West Chester, Penna. 305 Mezzotinto, colored, after the original by John Sharpless. 306 Mezzotinto, after St. Memin's engraving. 307 Mezzotinto, after St. Memin's drawing in Carson collection. 308 Etching, coloi'ed, after the original by C. W. Peale, owned by Mrs. Jos. Harrison. The following portraits of Washington were etched by Al- bert Rosenthal : 309 Colored, after C. W. Peale, owned by Long Island Historical Society. 310 Colored, after C. W. Peale, owned by Penna. Historical Society. 311 Colored, after C. W. Peale, in State House, Annapolis, Md. 312 Colored, after C. W. Peale, owned by Princeton College. 313 Colored, after C. W. Peale, owned by Mr. Charles H. Hart. 314 Colored, after James Wright, owned by the Powel Family, Newport, R. I. 315 Colored, after Trumbull, owned by National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 316 Colored, after Robert Field, owned by Mr. Moreau, N. Y. 317 Colored, after Tobin Ramague, owned by Mr. Statler, Balti- more, Md. 318 Colored, after Tobin Ramague, owned by Mrs. Moses Beach, Ponghkeepsic, N. Y. 319 After St. Memin, owned by Mr. Brevort, N. Y. 320 Drawing after St. Memin, fac-simile of the original in Car- bon collection. 321 View of Mount Vernon, the seat of the late Gen'l Washing- ton, drawn by W. Birch, engraved by S. Seymour, colored. Very rare engraving. 322 View of the triumphal arch and colonnade, erected in Bos- ton, in honor of the President of the United States, October 24, 1789. From the "Massachusetts Magazine." 323 View of triumphal arch, and the manner of receiving Gen. Washington at Trenton, on his route to New York, April 21, 1789. From the "Columbian Magazine." 324 Brass bas-relief of Washington. 325 Pair of link sleeve-buttons, owned by Washington and given by him to James Scott. Note. — James Scott had a shipyard on the Delaivare, near League Island, and received the first contract from the United States for building ships. These buttons were given to him for services rendered to Washington. They were inherited by his daughter who recently died at the age of 88 years. She had them all her life. Loaned by Bro. William Cook. 326 Horn silver snuff box, owned by Washington and given by him to James Scott. Loaned by Bro. William J. Milligan. 327 Glass paper weight with silver bust of Washington in the center, from the Crystal Palace Exhibition, London, 1851. Loaned by Bro. Charles E. Meyer. 328 Bronze souvenir medal of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, of Virginia. Loaned by Miss Grace Bodey. 329 Brass Washington medal, with Masonic symbols on the re- verse, 1797. Loaned by Miss Grace Bodey. 330 Collection of twenty-seven gold, silver and copper coins and medals struck in commemoration of Washington, from 1791 to 1861. Loaned by Bro. Harrie B. Price. 331 Bronze medal of Washington, in commemoration of his re- linquishing the Presidency. Loaned by Bro. Andrew Smith. 332 Decorated French china plate used by Washington when he rented Col. Isaac Frank's house in Germantown. Loaned by Mrs. A. R. Fillebrown. 333 Small gold pin, encircling a very small engraved portrait of Washington made about 1830. Loaned by Mrs. H. T. Melick. 334 Cedar branch from wreath, sent by the Earl of Londesborough and Constitutional Lodge, No. 294 of England, to be placed on Washington's tomb on the hundredth anniversary of his death. Loaned by Bro. Henry L. Turner. 335 Series of nine letters from John Struthers to Lawrence Lewis, one of Washington's executors, in reference to the sar- cophagus which he presented to the Washington family and in which the body of Washington now rests, from Feb. 7, 1837, to Oct. 25, 1838, also the original autograph of the inscrip- tion for the sarcophagus. Loaned by James Cartledge. 336 Photograph of engraving of Washington, which was pub- lished in "Sentimental and Masonic Magazine," Dublin, 179S, Engraver's name is unknown. This engraving was found by Bro. James M. Lamberton, and is not known to collectors of Washington's portraits. Loaned by Bro. James M. Lamberton. 337 French china dinner plate, cup and saucer, of the set of chinaware which was presented to Martha Washington by the Officers of the French Navy. In the center is a circle contain- ing a monogram M. W. from which extend refulgent rays. Around the outer edge are fifteen links containing the names of the States, encircled with a snake. Loaned by R. W. George W. Kendrick, Jr. 338 Dresden China vase, handsomely decorated, from Mount Ver- non. Owned by Washington. Loaned by R. W. George W. Kendrick, Jr. Flags were loaned by William H. Horstman Company. Exhibition cases were loaned by Bro. Frederick H. Starling. f •s'S •' .^ 9^ * • ♦ « ' aO ''a * • ' • .«)^ 9. • • , * .0' • » ^ ' \^ .. •^ •" ♦^ ^ •" \^ WtRT 900KBINCMNC Crantvtile Pa March ApfH 1989