P s 885 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. T^E 3 <^ ^ i^ajt itqt^r^|il|0 Shelf -.-'3..?.§ Bulau^uB Ee a f^miQl^ceiQce of epiea^aiQh Vi^ll:<^ ho id (Chicago, 111.) 21 1^83 ; Fairbanks, ©aimer & ^o. (Chicago and Hew l^oxV. 'Y"b a.^^^ ."a^^ Copyright, 1883, by FAIRBANKS, PALMER & CO. Uand, McNally & Co., Printers, Chicago. if^® follov/io^ lioe^ ape eopdially dedicatee] to ft Wl^o*^® eoep^y aod Cl^pi^hiao zeal f^aV© made v/ihl^ ih^ kcauhifal ^eer^cpy, ih^ eomplete GG^LiipmeDh a^ a tli^u- <^and<^ of ^pahefiil ^iic^h^. e. W. S. (» (s> (S) (i) (S) (i)