^ p UBBABV OF CONGRESS 020 913 341 6 HoUinger Corp. pH8.5 D 629 .U6 P6 Copy 1 • lers have two countries— (wn and iia\y. Schiller. Open my heart and you will see Graved inside of it, "Italy."— Bro«m(ieth Cochran Bowen Citizens and School Children of Indiana (through the Indianapolis Star) Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune Home Defense League Companies Tenth Precinct Police Department, Citv of New York iie gifts from '" American Lovers of Itaiy " In honor of Francis Scott Key, Author of "The Star-Spangled Banner" In honor of Julia Ward Howe, Author of the "Battle Hymn of the Re- public" In honor of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes In honor of Abraham Lincoln In honor of William Cullen Bryant In honor of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in honor of Col. Robert G. IngersoU In honor of James Russell Lowell In memory of Jesse Benedict Carter In honor of Edmund Clarence Stedman In honor of Richard Watson Gilder In honor of Emma Lazarus In honor of Ralph Waldo Emerson In honor of Walt Whitman In honor of Joseph Rodman Drake, Author of "The American Flag" In honor of Stephen F. Smith, 1 Author of "America" In honor of General Joffre In honor of Florence Nightingale In honor of Alan Seeger. young American Poet, killed fighting in France, for the ! Allies. 1916. In memory of J. Pierpont Morgan In honor of Memphis In memory of Col. Richard T. Aurbmntv In honor of Tommaso Salvini In honor of Nathaniel Hawthorne In honor of Emily Dickinson In honor of Joseph Hopkinson, Author of "Hail, Columbia" In m.emor)' of Col. George W- Thompson In honor of Dante In honor of the Heroes of Italy In honor of Byron In honor of Shelley In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Abram S. Hewitt In honor of Constance Fenimore Woolson In memory of William Augustus Read In honor of Rouget de Lisle, Author of the "Marseillaise" In honor of Garibaldi's Thousand In honor of General Cadorna In honor of Edith Cavell In honor of Margaret Fuller d'Ossoli In honor o'f Sophie Jewett In memory of William Eliot Smith In honor of Robert Browning In honor of James ^V^litcomb Riley In honor of Eugene Field In honor of Woodrow Wilson Mrs. Benjamin Miller (per Coraitato Pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsyl- vania) Mrs. Charles Benton Power Mrs. Jonathan Bulkley Subscribers of the Chicago 'J'ribiinc Charles L. Huston (per Comitato Pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania) American Lovers of Italy Woman's Athletic Club of San Francisco Friends of George Edward Woodberry Mary Thaw Thompson Citv .Athletic Club of New York Hunter 'College, New York. Mrs. Charles Stewart Smith Mrs. Katrina Trask Mrs. Hiram W. Sibley Miss Sara S. Lawrance Comitate Pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania Caroline H. Worth (per Comitato Pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania) Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune Gift of the Guests of the Mt. Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, N. H. First Church of Divine Science, New York First Church of Divine Science, New York American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy The Poetry Society of America Italians of Liguria resident in Philadelphia American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy Residents of Oyster Bay and others Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune .\inerican Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy E. W. .American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy New York Browning Society Friends of Thomas A. Edison Miss Emily A. Thorn The Southern Society of New York St. Mark's Church, New York Boys and Teachers of the Boys' High School, Brooklyn Citizens of Alabama Music Lovers of New York and Others Carpenter-Macy Families Italian Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune The (Woman's) Cosmopolitan Club of New York In honor of Ba\ard Taylor liv honor of Alan Seegcr, who was killed in the French Foreign Legion in honor of Rupert Brooke In honor of William Vaughn Moody In memory of I. P. Huston In honor of John Keats In honor of Mazzini In honor of George Edward Woodberry In honor of Mameli, author of "Fratelli d'ltalia" In memory of James E. Sullivan, former President of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States In honor of Helen Gray Cone In memory of Charles Stewart Smith In honor of St. Francis of Assisi In honor of Phillips Brooks In honor of Savonarola In honor of Elizabeth Barrett Browning In honor of John Greenleaf Wliittier In honor of Mark Twain In honor of General U. S. Grant In honor of The Healing Christ In honor of The Healing Christ In honor of Cesare Battisti, Martyr of Trent In honor of Cavour In honor of Victor Emanuel II. In honor of Daniele Manin In honor of Baron Bettino Ricasoli In honor of King Albert of Belgium In honor of the .Ambulance Drivers of the Allies In honor of the Poets of Italy In honor of Christopher Colum'bus in honor of the Victims of the Liisifaiiia In honor of Victor Chapman, American Aviator killed in France In honor of Theodore Roosevelt In honor of Henry E. Legler In honor of General Lord Kitchener In honor of Italia Irredenta In memory of D. O. Wickham In honor of Thomas Bailey Aldrich In honor of Carlo Poerio In honor of Settembrini In honor of Eleanora Duse In honor of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning In honor of Thomas A. Edison In honor of the Cathedral of Milan (No further inscription) In honor of St. Mark's, Venice In honor of General Pershing In honor of Sidney Lanier In honor of Toscanini In honor of Cardinal Mercier In honor of Garibaldi In honor of the Women of Italy New England Italian War Relief American Lovers of Italy American Academy of Arts and Letters American Lovers of Italy Italian Women of the Vittoria Colonna Club of San Francisco American Lovers of Italy American Lovers of Italy Metropolitan Opera Company, Nev American Poets' Committee York In honor of Nazario' Sauro, Martyr of Pola In honor of John Burroughs In honor of the Authors and Ai'tists of Italy In honor of the Physicians. Surgeons and Nurses of the AUies In honor of Vittoria Colonna In honor of Gabriele d'Annunzio In honor of Georges Guynemer, Aviator of France, killed in action. In honor of Giulio Gatti-Casazza In honor of William Davenport Piatt, killed in Ambulance Service at Mestre CONTRIBUTORS TO FUND OF "AMERICAN POETS' AMBULANCES IN ITALY" (Where place is not given read New York City. See List of Donors foi" persons lionored by the gifts.) August 30, 1917 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Stedman in memory of Edmund Clarence Stedman ^ Robert Underwood Johnson Charles Hanson Towne Mrs. J. T. Sawyer, Waverly, N. Y Arthur B. Davies September 1 Miss Grace Denio Litchfield, Washington. Thorvald Solberg, Washington 25 25 25 3 25 50 10 September 4 Alden Freeman, East Orange, N. J., in memory of Alexander W. Drake, a lover of Italy 100 William Roscoe Thayer, Cambridge, Mass 10 Miss Sarah H. Blanchard, Brookline, Mass lOO Mrs. Charles M. Dewey 10 Miss Edith M. Thomas 5 Mrs. J. E. Piatt Stone, Lake Roland P. O., Balti- more Co., Md 2,000 September 5 Mrs. Mary Emery, Cincinnati Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Washington. Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer Harrison S. Morris, Philadelphia Rev. J. R. Duryea George A. Plimpton Mrs. J. H. Lancashire. . . . Dr. Henry van Dyke September 6 Edward S. Harkness Mrs. W. W. Kent. Orleans, Mass W. W. Kent, Orleans. Mass Miss Elizabeth C. Parsons, East Gloucester, Mass. H. W. Cannon Otto H. Kahn Miss Lizette A. Fisher (no' address given) Mrs. Florence Earle Coates, Philadelphia Clinton ScoUard 2,000 lOO SO 25 10 100 50 50 2,000 10 10 5 SO 200 20 100 20 September 7 J . Sanf ord Saltus 100 Mrs. Robert D. Evans 1,500 T. C. Martin (toward Edison Fund) 10 Mrs. William Douglas Sloane 2.000 Mrs. Joshua Crane, Lenox 10 Mrs. E. C. Streeter, Stonington, Conn 100 Arthur Foote, Coolidge Corners, Mass 10 September 8 Frederick F. Ayer *Mrs. Robert D. Evans, Beverly, Mass. Second contribution, to complete fund for an ambulance Alden Sampson Miss Charlotte Jones, Boston "E. G.," Brookline, Mass Miss Mabel S. C. Smith (no address given) F. J. Faulks, Murray Hill, N. J. William Dudley Foulke, Richmond, Ind September 10 "A Gentleman fro'm Boston" Miss Harriet Fearing, Keersarge, N. H. Daniel Chester French William H. Greene, Philadelphia Henry- Cabot Lodge, Washington Miss Charlotte Bingham Miss Alice Pine, Mohonk Lake, N. Y . . . Miss Cora Burr, Milton, Conn September 11 Mrs. E, H. Harriman Mrs. Thomas Sergeant Perry, Hancock, N. H... Miss Margaret Perry, Hancock, N. H John Gribbel, Philadelphia James A. Noyes, Cambridge, Mass Mrs. George Lee, Beverly Farms, Mass Mrs. Josephine Preston Peabody Marks, Cam- bridge, Mass Mrs. John Nicholas Brown and her son John Nicholas Brown, Newport, R. I Arthur Curtiss James Cincinnati Contributions through Mrs. Alice Wil- liams Brotherton, Mt. Auburn: Dr. and Mrs. William Dunham Elijah Matthews " Mrs. Elijah Matthews . Mrs. Charles Dodd Miss Natalie Dodd ■■■........... Miss Melrose Pitman "A Lady from Oneida" Miss Lois W. Martin .......'..'." September 13 Mortimer L. Schifif Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie . William Henry Bishop, Brooklyn Conn Miss F. B. Lovell, Woodstock,' Vt. Miss Helen Weston, West New Brighton n" Y Mrs. Jeanie Oliver Smith, Johnstown, N V ' 2,000 50O 10 10 10 1 SO 25 1,000 ISO SO 25 25 10 10 10 2,000 25 5 10 10 25 5 2,000 2,000 25 5 (*Mrs. Evans died shortly after making this contribution.) 8 2,000 2,000 25 50 50 2 10 Mrs. James Henry Watson, Memphis, Tenn. Dr. W. H. Nichols ^ Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull, Baltimore W. J. Henderson September 14 Miss Annie Burr Jennings Contributions througli Miss Cortazzo : Miss Dorathy Gordan King, Newport. Miss Sarah Weaver, Newport Miss Katherine R. Cortazzo, Newport. Mrs. Sidney Webster, Newport "J, D.," in memory of the Brownings.... September IS Mrs. Edward Clark Streeter, Stonington, Conn. (second contribution) Richard H. Lawrence, Ridgeiield, Conn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Marsters, Morristown, N. J., toward the Woodberry Fund John G. Agar Miss Edith Knight, Providence Mrs. Amelia H.. Dunham, through Mrs. Alice Williams Brotherton, Cincinnati 70 250 SO 10 2,000 2S IS 10 100 25 200 100 25 50 50 10 September 17 Mrs. Charles H. Ditson, toward the Toscanini Fund 50 JMiss Mary L. Smith, 105 Chestnut St., Andover, Mass. 2 50 The Misses Belle and Abby W. Hunt, Beverly, Mass 2,000 Miss Margaret C. Wyman, Cambridge, Mass.... 10 Arthur C. Smith. Omaha 25 Charles Bohlen, Ipswich, Mass 25 Horatio S. Krans 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Morris, Philadelphia (second contribution) 200 September 18 John Luther Long, Ashbourne, Pa 5 Miss Abby Farwell Brown, Boston 1 Cincinnati contributions through Mrs. Alice Wil- liams Brotherton: Mrs. Vaile Miss Edna Glazier Mrs. Olivia Jones Mrs. Albert Vorhies Mrs. W. T. Shannon Mrs. W. C. Williamson Mrs. Robert Laidlaw Mrs. W. D. Porter Mrs. Robert Ralston Jones Mrs. Frank Lawrence Mrs. Clara C, Newton Mrs. T. M. Withrow Mrs. George P. Smith Mrs. Charles H. Miller Miss Annabel Tones Miss Laura V. Tones Mrs. C. Lunghen Mrs. Gardner Mrs. G. W. Oyler Joseph Eastman 100 Mrs. James B. Curtis, North Long Branch, N. J. . 50 Richard E. Daj^ Albany, N. Y IS Miss Jessie H. Righter, Norfolk, Conn 10 Mrs. W. H. Bliss 2,000 "A Lady from Cambridge" IS Frederick S. Chase, Middlebury, Conn 100 September 19 Miss Helen Gray Cone SO Miss Amy Lowell, Brookline, Mass SO Miss Eugenie M. Fryer, Orr's Island, Me 10 Miss Charlotte Isobel Clafiin, Newark 1 Francis Lynde Stetson 100 Miss F. M. Bennet, toward Hunter College Fund 10 N. V. Miss J. G. Carter, toward Hunter College Fund. Miss K. L. Hart, toward Hunter College Fund.. Miss C. Flood, toward Hunter College Fund.... Miss M. E. Widniayer, toward Hunter College Fund G. W. Whicher, toward Hunter College Fund.. September 20 Miss Dora Walton Russell, Coolidge Corners, Mass Miss Isabel Valle Austen, Gcneseo, "H.," Boston Charles M. Dickinson, Binghamton W. Leon Mead, Binghamton Rev. George William Bell, Stonehaven, Mass.... "Three Friends of Italy," Lancaster, Mass Miss Harriet M. Swazey, Clinton, Mass Proceeds from lectures by Dr. John Stuart White at Stevens House and Lake Placid Club : At Stevens House I. Blanquard _. Peter W. Shipp .' I. H. Nugent At Lake Placid Club Miss Theda Buck. Bramwell, West Va September 21 Miss Mildred A. Miller. Cambridge. Mass Miss Mary W. Stone Contributions through Miss Cortazzo : Miss Katherine R. Cortazzo, Newport (sec- ond contribtifion) Madame Cortazzo, Newport Mrs. William D. Bristow, Newport Miss E. B, Waring, Newport Mrs. Charles D. Alexander, Tuxedo Park Miss E, R. Deane, Boston Miss Alice B. Stevens, Coolidge Corners, Mass. Mrs. Alice Osborn Miss Louise E. Hughes, address not given Grenville Howard Mrs. Harriet Trumbull Williams, toward Hunter College Fund September 23 Bar Harbor War Relief Association, Bar Harbor, Me Miss Marion Couthouy .Smith, East Orange, N. J. Hon. Julian W. Mack, Chicago September 23 "A. B.," Boston, in memory of Anna Fuller Miss Maria G. Reed, Boston A. Augastus Healy Through Miss Cortazzo : Baroness des Granges, Newport Miss Emily Cowles, Newport Mrs. Hamilton W. Mabie, Summit, N. J "Anonymous," Richmond Hill, N. Y Oscar W. Firkins, Minneapolis September 24 Contemporary Club of Englewood, N. J., through Miss Marguerite H. Tuttle, Treas Miss Agnes E. Meyer, Englewood, N. J Miss Margaret Bronk, Albany Miss Ada Alice Jones, Albany A. Parker Smith .' ' Dr. John Edwin Dearden Toward Hunter College Fund: Miss Estelle Forcheimer Dr. George S. Davis Prof. E. N. Regna Prof. B. C. Williams ' ' ' ' Miss P. Fletcher Miss A, Bildersee Miss G.. E. Eckel \ Miss B. Spoflfard Miss Emma Klauser 1 5 5 5 25 10 IS 15 15 10 1 10 3 14 65 5 SO 1 111 96 5 IS 10 20 5 100 20 10 2,000 3 10 25 2,000 5 10 SO 27 50 100 25 25 25 20 50 10 10 10 S 10 3 2 10 3 Cincinnati contributions tlirongh Mrs. Alice Wil- liams Brotherton ; Mrs. Brotherton -'' Miss Annie Laws 1 Miss Gardner 1 Miss Betty Wilson 1 Miss Caroline Bryant 1 Mrs. C. D. Robertson 1 Mrs. H. H. Mitchell 1 Mrs. Robert Pugh 1 Edward H. Litchfield 25 C'Corge William Douglas, Tuxedo Park 25 Paul G. Mclntire 2,000 William W. Smith, Flushing, N. Y 10 Mrs. William P. Hamilton and Mrs. Herbert L. Satterlee 2,000 Mrs. B. W. Smith, Forest Hills, L. 1 10 Anonymous, Sanitarium, Cal 2 Mrs. William Mitchell Lybrand, Shorehaven, Norwich, Conn 25 S. D. Kittredge, Hastingsron-Hudson, N. Y 5 September 25 Mr. and Mrs. George D. Pratt 2,000 Mrs. Rudolph Lenz 5 Mrs. Kate Jordan Vermilye 5 Miss A. E. Crawford 20 Mrs. Leon Durand Bonnet 50 William E. B. Starkweather 10 Miss A. Rebecca Baker 10 Miss A. L. Wood, Wellesley College, Mass., in memory of Whittier ..... 1 Baltimore icontributions, collected liy Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese : Cash 2 Harriet L. Smith, 2 Miss Kate M. Warner, Elizabeth, N. J 2 F. J. Beadle, Boston 10 Dr. A. Herzfeld 5 Edward Ostrom, Jr 5 R. H. Thompson, Montclair, N.J 2,000 Mrs. Richard T. Auchmuty 2,000 Mrs. Theodosia Garrison Faulks, Murray Hill, N. J.. "From a penny bank." (Second con- tribution.) 1 J Mrs. Ida S. Cerqua, Montclair, N.J --- Citizens of Memphis, Tenn., through Mrs. Vir- ginia Frazer Boyle 2,000 Mrs. Edward P. North 250 Mrs. Henry D. Hersey 10 Miss Florence St. Clair, East Orange, N. J 10 A. F. Howard 10 Arthur Stiles Fairchild 5 Mrs. Cornelia B. Hoyt, New Canaan, Conn 25 lohn L.. Heaton 25 Mrs. William P. Belknap 25 H. S. Chase, Waterbury, Conn 100 Miss Margaret Root Garvin, Whitesboro, N. Y. 5 Mrs. Herbert Shonk, Scarsdale, N. Y 5 Ccntributions through Leigh Mitchell Hodges, Doylestown, Pa. : Leigh Mitchell Hodges 4 50 Mitchell C. Hodges 50 Albertina C. Wilkins 5 William R. Mercer, Jr •. . . 5 Nadine C. Hodges 10 Miss Mary Taber 500 William T. Brewster 25 Miss Marguerite E. Finch, Portchester, N. Y. ... S Miss Harriet Carse 10 Htnry Johnson, Brunswick. Me., toward Dante League Fund 5 Charles H. Grandgent, Cambridge, Mass., toward Dante League Fund o Miss Margaret H. Garrard, Heliport, N. Y 10 Mrs. Victor Cumnock, Oyster Bay, L. 1 20 Anthony LoForte 5 Cincinnati contributions, through Mrs. Brotherton : Mrs. Wilmcr H. Crawford 1 Nathan Gallizier 10 ( liovanni Tcrenova 5 Mrs. M. L. Kerpatrick 2 Mrs. J. B. Doan 1 F. D. Jamison 1 Walter S. Cramp, Philadelphia 2,000 William Ayres Gray, Elizabeth, N. J 5 Judd Stewart '. 10 Mt. and Mrs. George J, Gould 1,000 September 27 Irving K. Pond, Chicago 50 Walter L. Briscoe 5 Miss Eupheme L. Johnston, Ellenville, N. V.... 10 Dr. and Mrs. J. H.' Lancashire 2,000 Miss Elizabeth Curtis, York Harbor, Me 1,000 Edward T. Newell, Halesite, L. 1 25 From Julia Ward Howe Hall, proceeds of an en- tertainment by children of the summer colonx- at Provincetown, Mass., in memory of Julia Ward Howe 15 Dr. J. J. Edmondson 5 A. R. Stoddard ' 5 The Misses Marv and Margaret S. Bedell, Cats- kill, N. Y....: SO Mrs. John H. Morison, Boston 100 Miss Georgina H. Swords, Saranac Lake, N, Y.. 5 Miss Jean S. Roosevelt. Sayville, L. 1 25 September 28 James Douglas 2,000 Mrs. Corinne Roosevelt Robinson 50 Mrs. Harriet Skinner McRoberts, Alt. Kisco, N. Y 9 07 Mr. and Mrs. S. Richard Fuller, Boston 50 Mrs. Ripley Hitchcock 5 E. G. Richardson, Brooklyn, N. Y 10 C. I. Claflin, Newark, N. J 1 Harvey M. Watts, Philadelphia 15 In memory of K. T. W., "A Frieni of ltal.v".... 500 George H. Stover 5 September 29 Arthur Bennington 10 Miss Emily P. Wolcott, Richmond Hill, N. Y. . . . 2 Miss Ruth Shepard Phelps, Univ. of Minn 150 Mrs. Arthur Reed Kimball, Waterbury, Conn. ... 25 Mrs. A. R. Austin, North Hancock, Me 5 Miss Margaret Dock, Fayette ville, Pa 5 Arthur Foote, Coolidge Corners, Mass 10 Toward Hunter College Fund : Miss Jean Ruggles 10 Miss Elna C. Boecker 5 Mrs. Judith C. VerPlanck 2 Miss Anna M. Palmer 1 Miss Eva Hawks 1 Miss Clara Hill, St. Paul 50 Miss Elenora S. Morgan, Atlantic City 5 Mrs. J. Kennedy Tod, Sound Beach, Conn 10 Mrs. Earle C. Derby, Columbus, Ohio 5 Dr. John Winters Brannan 5 Mrs. Adrian H. Joline SO October 1 Miss Grace Denio Litchfield, Washington (second contribution) S J. W. Lieb (toward Edison Fund) 50 Ernest H. Wilkins, Chicago, toward Dante League Fund 3 Cale Young Rice, Louisville SO Arthur S. Pier, Boston 5 Dr. Howard P. Bellows, Boston 3 Mrs. Ellen R. Scollard, Washington 50 Rabbi Emanuel Stcrnlieim. Siou.x City, Dante League Fund 2 A. Manderson Troth, Philadelphia 100 10 M. E. BiiWer 1 Contributions through Miss Marion Hague: Miss Marion Hague 100 Miss Eleancu- Hague ' 25 Miss Matilda Brownell 1 Daniel Chester French (second contribution) 25 Cnicinnati contributions (Mrs. Brotherton) : Dr. Ravagli 5 Mrs. MacLean Blair '■■■ ■ 1 Miss Julia Wilcox 1 Miss Sarah M. Hanghton 1 John Williams Brotherton 2 Arlo Bates, Boston S Miss Susan Hegeman Mansfield, New London, Conn 10 Herbert W. Goepel ' 3 Mrs. William A. Purrington 10 Miss Mary E. Wheelock, St. Louis, Mo 5 James T. Bi.xby. Yonkers. N. ^■., (toward Poetry Society Fund) 2 George L. Raymond, Washington 25 Gari Mekhers 25 M;ss Addison Mitchell 2,000 "A Friend" (No name, no address) 10 Miss Margaret MacNanghton, Jersey City 5 Alfred D. Flinn, Yonkers. N. Y 10 October 2 Miss Katharine D. Parry, Newcastle, N. H 25 Edwin A. Robinson, Peterborough, N. H 5 Mrs. Roswell Skeel, Jr., Irvington, N. Y 20 War Relief Clearing House for France and her Allies, of New York 2,000 October 3 Contributions through A. Blair Thaw, North- ampton, N. H. : A. Blair -Thaw 100 B. Thaw 25 Mary S. Edwards 100 Mrs. Geoffrey G. Whitney 50 Cornelia T. Worthington 10 The Baracca Round Table, through P. L. Guit- erman 10 Lionello Perera 100 Mrs. Mary H. Patterson, Washington 10 Mrs. Francis Goodrich Eaton, St. Louis 10 October 4 Frederick D. Underwood . SO Mrs. Mabel Parker Hiiddleston SO William Roscoe Thayer, (second contribution), Cambridge, Mass., (toward Dante League Fund) 5 Miss Annie C. Hovt, Sharon, Conn 10 Mrs. S. F. Smith. Bethlehem, Pa 5 The Misses Sarah Cooper and Eleanor G. Hewitt 2,000 October 5 E. Josephine Watson, Greenfield, Mass 2 William Rose Benet 1 Samuel Mather, Cleveland, 2.000 Mrs. Heloise Durant Rose, New City, N. Y., (to- ward the Dante League Fund) 5 M rs. William A. Read 2,000 October 6 John P. Rice, Williamstown, Mass., (toward Dante League Fund) 2 Calvin S. Brown, Un. of Miss 1 William G. McGuckin 5 Allimo Gorno, Cincinnati 10 October 8 William E. Benjamin 100 Rev. and Mrs. Eliot White, Ossining, N. Y S Miss Mary B. Young, Mt. Holyoke College, (toward Dante League Fund) 2 Jennie G. Skees, Cincinnati. 10 Cincinnati contributions through Mrs. Brother- ton : Mrs. D. B. Mcacham 10 Mrs. Giles Mitchell 1 Miss Fannie Wcbst* 1 Miss Florence Wasson 1 Mrs. George A. Wiltsee 1 Mrs. Julius Beer " 100 Mary E. Herrick. (tow.ird Dante League Fund) . 2 October 9 Turner F. Currens 10 A'tiss Clara VanVleck. Brooklyn 5(1 Harold H. Hall ." 10 October 10 Mrs. Horatio Hathaway, New Bedford. Mass.... 100 C. B. Richard & Co., (toward Dante League Fund) W Miss Marie Frugone, (toward Dante League Fund) .- 1 Mrs. Oiarles H. Ditson, (toward the Toscanini Fund) SO Mr. and Mrs. George H. Maxwell, Boston 2,000 October 10 Mrs. Benjamin Miller. Germantown, Pa., (per Comitato pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania) 2,000 October 11 Mrs. W. A. Rowell, Beloit, Wis 10 Julia P. Dabney, Brookline, Mass 5 David P. Stronse 5 Mary K. Livingstone, East Orange, N. J 5 Carol Field Miller 1 October 12 Calvin Thomas S October 13 Mrs. Whitney Warren 100 J. W. Cunliffc 5 Clara R. Anthony, Brookline, Mass 20 Me^rcus T. Reynolds, Albany 25 Mrs. E. H. Letchworth, Buffalo 5 American Singers and Musicians, (through David Bispham, toward Toscanini Fund) 198 75 October 15 Faculty and Students of Wellesley College, (through Prof. Katharine Lee Bates) 2,000 Contributions through Miss Lizette Woodworth Reese, Baltimore 7 Miss Isabel Howland, Auburn, N. Y 10 Mrs. Ellen R. Hathaway, New Bedford 500 Martha B. Mosher 25 William Sartain, (toward Dante League Fund) . . 2 Mrs. Clara Bosworth Mather 10 Clara A. Hart 5 October 16 Italians of Memphis, (through Mrs. Virginia Eraser Boyle) 1 2,000 Dr. H. Holbrook Curtis (toward the Toscanini Fund) 25 October 17 Mrs. Mary Burr Porter (toward the Toscanini Fund) 25 E W. P., Manchester, Mass 5 The Misses Pitkin. Tryon, N. C 20 October 18 Miss Eunice C. Smith, Alton, 111 2,000 Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Pumpellv Read, Luzerne, N. Y. .' 25 The Misses Elizabeth and Lillian Hammers, East Orange, N. J 2 Mr, and Mrs. George W. Breck 25 11 October 19 Mrs. Emma von Juch Wellman and Mrs. Harvey D. Goulder (toward the Toscanini Fund) Willand V. King, Convent S^tion, N. J George B. Utley, Washington October 20 William O. Stoddard, Madison, N. J Oscar Kuhns, Middletown, Conn Winifred M. Pratt, Brooklyn 20 10 2 20 25 1 1 1 10 10 25 3 10 1 15 SO 100 10 October 22 Mrs. Elizabeth Cochran Bowen 2,000 Mr and Mrs. W. H. Crosby, Racine, Wis Charles L. Freer, Great Barrington, Mass Elias Lieberman, Brooklyn ■ Mrs. Georgie Boynton Child, Stamford, Conn.. Miss Virginia Watson Clarence Gilbert Hoag, Haverford, Pa, William C. Sheppard, Grand Rapids, Mich October 23 Mrs. J. Milton Goetchius Mrs. Henry T, Maury ■■■■-;■■ V," • " ' A' i " ' Harriet Jaga, 1401 Emerson St., Palo Alto, Cat.. Rena Gary Sheffield, Newark •••■.••■ Sara Teasdale Filsinger (toward Poetry Society Fund) WilHam Reynolds Brown October 24 H. T. Burchell •■•;•■ Edward J. Wheeler (toward Poetry Society William A. Pomeroy, Palo Alto, Cal. (toward Poetry Society Fund) H. M. Holly • Grace M. Remick, Detroit, Mich Mary Institute, St. Louis October 25 Miss Juhe M. Lippman Boylston Adaims Beal, Boston Miss Grace Mitdiell • • • •,- • Mrs, Theodosia Garrison Faulks, Murray Hill, N. J. (third contribution) Cincinnati (contributions through Mrs. Brother- ton) : Mrs. F. D. Jamison Mrs. Thos. B. Punshon Herbert Greer French Rockford Lumber and Fuel Co., Rockford, 111 Mahlon Leonard Fisher, Williamsport, Pa Miss Virginia W. Cloud and Miss R. May Cloud, Baltimore Miss Cornelia Throop Geer, Bryn Mawr College. October 26 Grace D. Treadwell Elizabeth G. Houghton, Boston William A. Neilson, Smith College Scannon Lockwood, Toledo, O Mrs. Inez Rice-Keller Henry Sternberger. Bloomfield, N. J Dr, N. Mariani. New Haven, Conn October 27 Subscribers to the Chicago Tribune Home Defense League Companies, Tenth Pre- cinct Police Department, City of New York.. Mrs. Frederick Nathan William J. Heidig, Chicago 20 5 5 20 o 1 50 10 3 1 1 100 100 5 10 10 s 5 2,000 1,500 5 10 October 29 Miss Mary Benson, Brooklyn Miss Florence E. de Cerkez, Burlington, N. Miss Gladys Cromwell Mrs. Frank H. Scott 25 5 50 5 Mrs. Thomas Russell Sullivan, Boston 25 A. B. Paine 5 Af rs. Virginia T. Seiss 3 Elizabeth W. Johnson, Pasadena, Cal 5 Frank S. Farquhar, Livingstone, Cal 1 Mrs. Louise Mansfield Ogden 5 Stella Kramer 5 Carlotta A. Galliano - 5 October 30 Mrs. William Gorham Rice, Albany 100 Mark E. Swan 5 Henrietta Y. Bosworth, Lee, Mass 2 Mrs. Benjamin Miller, Germantown, Pa. (per Comitato pro Italia Emergency Aid of Pa.) . . . 2,000 Louis Petta 5 Miss Mary Francis Sco\ille 100 October 31 Mrs. Charlotte Errani, 280 Park St., Montclair, N. J 5 Loggia Cristoforo Colombo, IV. 935, I. O. O. F. 25 George Harris 5 George Harris, Jr 10 Mrs. A. Murray Young 100 Maude M. Howland 2 I-Terbert S. Houston, Garden City, L. 1 100 November 1 Mrs. Charles Benton Power, Helena, Montana.. 2,000 Mrs. R. Barrett Browning, Princeton, N. J SO Mary P. Taylor 6 R. S. Enrich, Berkeley, Cal S Rosa G. Clarke 1 John I. H. Downes, New Haven, Conn 25 Miss Sarah H. Blanchard, Brookline, Mass. (sec- ond contribution ) 100 Sarah W. Paul, Summit, N. J '. 5 Miss Ellen F. Mason, Newport 1,000 Mrs. Jonathan Bulkley 2,000 Lizette H. Fisher 20 November 2 Mrs. Henry W. Thomas 10 "F. D. B.," Palisade, N. J. (in memory of Poe) . . 1 Ferguson L. Cooper (no address given) 10 November 3 Toward Hunter College Fund (through Henrietta Prentiss) 931 Mrs. Kingdon Gould 100 Joseph S. Auerbach 100 Antonio Scaduto 10 Mrs. May Riley Smith 10 Miss Florence Wilkinson 1 Misses Grace and Gertrude Hall (toward Poetry Society Fund), So. Dennis, Cape Cod, Mass.. 20 November 5 Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune 2,000 Edith Fahnestock, Vassar College 5 M?rgaret P. Montague, Wliite Sulphur Springs, W. Va 5 Miss Annie S. Peck, Hotel Stewart, San Fran- cisco i 5 Mary Amory Greene 15 Mario E. Cosenza 2 Cincinnati Contributions through Mrs. Brother- ton: Mrs. T. Warren Ritchie 1 Mrs. T. E. Robinson 2 Mrs. William Sampson 1 Mrs. Ashley Lloyd 1 Charles L. Huston, Coatesville, Pa., (per Comitato pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Philadel- phia) 2,000 Mrs, F. S. Smithers, Glen Cove, L. 1 25 Mrs. Elizabeth H. Kidder, Boston 50 12 November 6 Jessie Beal 1 November 7 Mrs. A. N. Currier, Iowa City 10 H. L. Davies, Scranton 2 Anonymous (no address) 1 Circoio Italiano of New Haven (through Laura W. Hermance) 47 Harriet R. Field 2 November 8 From Friends of George Edward Woodberry, in his honor (to complete fund of $2,000) 1,975 Louise Jamison 5 Alice R. Jackson, Princeton, N. J 3 November 9 Laura A. Carter, Marine Hospital, Baltimore. . . 15 Mrs. W. F. C. Tidebo'urne, Poughkeepsie 5 Mrs. William Reed Thompson, Pittsburgh 2,000 Francis E. Markoe, Penllyn, Pa 10 November 10 Toward Hunter College Fund to complete fund of $2,000 in honor of Helen Gray Cone 798 \\'oman's Athletic Club of San Francisco, through Mrs. Jas. EUis Tucker 1,956 50 November 12 Through Indianapolis Star, in honor of Tames Whitcomb Rilev 2,338 15 Mrs. Charles Stewart Smith 2,000 William M. Spackman 25 Hannah Hensen, Philadelphia 2 Charles Wisner 25 Jeanetta R. Whitmnrc. Salt Lake City 5 November 13 Mrs. Spencer Trask, Saratoga Springs 2,000 Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Faulks, Murray Hill, N. J., (fourth contribution) 11 IS Estelle Duclo. BrookKn (toward Poetrv Society Fund) : S Mrs. F. A. Lane S November 14 Miss Sara S. Lawrance 2,000 H. G. Aven-, Syracuse, N. Y 1 Marv D. Valentine, Philadelphia 10 W. K. Richardson, Boston 100 Laura G. Jamiso'n (no address given) 5 Annie S. Churchill, Boston 25 City Athletic Club of N. Y. (through DeWitt P. Rosenheim and Harr}' Meyers) 2,000 November 15 Mrs. William H. Walker, Flushing, N. Y 50 Comitato pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania, (through Mrs. Benjamin Miller) 2,000 Caroline H. Worth, (through the Comitato pro Italia of the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania) 2,000 Circoio Italiano of New Haven, (through Mrs. Laura W. Hermance, Edwards St., New Ha- ven, Conn.) 53 Miss Margaret Garrard, Bellport, L. 1 20 Mrs. Hiram W. Sibley 2,000 November 17 Jacinto F. Marcosano', Musical Director, New Haven 22 35 November 19 .Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune 2,000 Louis L. Battaghli 1 November 20 Miss Gertrude Manship, Germantown, Pa 5 13 November 21 Bretton Woods Co. (through J. N. Conyngham, Wilkes-Barre) 3,274 82 Ellen L. Edwards, York Village, Me 10 Lucernian Club (through Indianapolis Star) .... 2 First Church of Divine Science of N. Y. (through Rev. W. John Murray) 2,000 November 22 Paul Thompson 10 Abbie Farwell Brown, Boston 10 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Curtis, Boston 100 November 23 "H," Boston '.'. 100 November 26 First Church of Divine Science (through Rev. W. John Murray) ■ • 2,000 Italians from the Province of Liguria, resident in Philadelphia : Antonio Raggio 100 Frank Rosato .' 200 P. P. Lagomarsino 200 Louis Rafifetto 200 John Arati 200 P. Gramigua 100 November 27 Miss Caroline K. Lee, Princeton, N. J 1,000 John J. Carty (toward Edison Fund) 200 ,\llan Marquand, Princeton. N. J 25 November 28 Bert Coddington, aged 8, and Katharine Cod- dington, aged 7. Gallup, N. M 1 E. H. Byrne, Madison, Wis 150 Curtis Hidden Page 10 Citizens of Alabama, through Mrs. .A-nna B. Fries : A. W. Cadey 5 C. J. Barr 25 Willard Wilson 25 L. T. Beecher 5 L. G. Brownlaw 2 E. W. Rucker, Jr 5 R. E. Brakeman 10 D. C. Ryding SO Monro- Warrior Coal and Coke Co SO Check of First National Bank of Birming- ham 30 Miscellaneous Contributions 298 November 29 Florence W. Sears 10 November 30 Dr. P. Giliberti (for Cavour Lodge, No. 872, F. & A. M.) 25 Mrs. Sarah Newlin 1 Anonymous 1 December 1 N. Y. Browning Society, (through its treasurer, Mrs. Charles Appleton Terry) 1,000 Martha M. Morrison, Brooklyn 1 Miss Katharine Warren, Poughkeepsie 2 December 3 Augusta Herald Fund, Augusta, Ga 61 Charles A. Stone (through Mrs. Olive T. Dargan for Poetry Society Fund) 25 Cincinnati Contributions (through Mrs. Brother- ton) : Mrs. Robert T. Miller S Miss Pattison 1 Mrs. William Sampson ' 1 Sf)eiete des Femmes de France, N. Y., (through Madame Carlo Polifeme) 50 Decenibcr 4 Miss Faith Baldwin, Brooklyn 10 December 5 Kt. Rev. David H. Greer 250 Citizens of Alabama (through Mrs. Anna B. Fries) : George G. Crawford 100 Miscellaneous contributions 225 Anonymous 1 December 6 Citizens of Oyster Bay and others in honor of Theodore Roosevelt, (through Mrs. Victor Cumnock) : OvsTEK Bay Mrs. J. H. Sears 5 Mrs. Wm. Trotter 5 Phillips Abbott 5 Mrs. Frederick Lutz 10 Ray Morris 10 Mrs. Charles Theriot 10 Mrs. Morton Otis 10 George Maxwell 10 Mrs. V. V. Sewall 10 Mr. Frank Doubleday 10 Frederic Coudert 15 Mrs. Thomas Young 20 Mrs. George Bullock 25 Walter S. Gournee, Jr 25 John Slade 25 Ernest Bigelow -. 25 E. M. Townsend 25 Colgate Hoyt 25 Acosta Nichols 25 Mrs. James A. Blair [', 25 Elmer Roosevelt 50 Mrs. E. Reeve Mcrritt 50 John A. Garver SO George A. Croker, Jr 50 Franklin Remington SO Mrs. Albert Strauss SO Henry Sanderson SO Howard C. Smith 100 John C. Moore 100 H. S. Shounard 30 Mrs. Makomb G. Foster 5 Locust Valley Mrs. D. A. I.oring S Anton G. Hodenpyl 10 William McNair SO Mrs. C. A. Coffin 100 Mrs. Anson Burchard 10 Glen Cove Mrs. J. P. Morgan 250 J. R. deLamar SO Roslyn Mrs. George Dyer 15 J. E. Davis 25 COLIJ Sl'KING HAKnuli Mrs. H, W, deForest 100 Walter Jennings 100 W. J. Matheson 100 SVOSSET Mrs. R. H. Carleton , 10 Mill Nei.k Mrs. Irving Cox 100 East Norwich Mrs. Percy Hudson 10 New Yokk City Miss Martha Shippy S Lorin K. Scudder 25 Mrs. J. H. Rhoades 25 H. B. Moore 25 Arthur J. Cumnock 25 J, L. Cutter 10 Grand I^apids, Mich. Mrs. J. W. Blodgett SO December 7 Grace Frank, Bryn Mawr. Pa 2 Elizabeth W. Eitel, Indianapolis (for the Rilev Fund) 37 50 December 8 Anna M. Upjohn 2 December 10 Towards the Roosevelt Fund (by Mr.'^. Cum- nock) : Mrs. Mary M. Moen 25 Mrs. Louisa N. Slade 5 Mrs. John Wells 50 Subscribers of the Chicago Tribune 2.000 December 11 Cosmopolitan Club (through Miss Susan S. War- ren) 1,500 To complete the Edison Fund, from W. S. Bar- stow, N. F. Brady, C. A. Coffin, H. L. Doherty, Alexander Dow, L. A. Ferguson. W. W. Free- man, Samuel Insull, J. B. McCall, Thomas E. Murray, E. W. Rice, Jr., P. Torchio. Arthur Williams, W. F. Wells (through John W. Lieb. making a total of $1,500) 1.2-H) Mis.« Emily A. Thorn 2,000 December 12 Mrs. Ethel Howard Crone, Newark 10 Irving Brokaw (for the Roosevelt Fund) 50 S. M. Peck. Tuskaloosa (for the Lanier Fund) 25 December 13 The Allied Relief Committee, Madison, Wis. (through E. H. Byrne) 32 December 14 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mortimer, in memory of Victor Chapman, Tuxedo Park, N. Y 200 Margaret M. Gage, Brooklyn 50 Prince Giovanni del Drago 50 Hero Land Contributions (no addresses) 30 Mrs. Annie C, Phipps 250 December 15 Sidney Homer (Toscanini Fund) 10 December 17 New York Southern Society (through Albert A. Springs) 2,aiO Merle St. Croix Wright (for Poetrv Societv Fund) ." '. 20 Lydia F, Emmet 50 Contributions from Mrs. Brotherton : Ohio Valley Poetry Society, Charles A. Read, Treas 10 Charles A. Read 5 December 18 John Burroughs, West Park, N. Y 25 William R. Peters, for the Roosevelt Fund, (through Mrs. Cumnock) SO St. Mark's Church, New York (through Mrs. Fanny v(jn Schmidt, Treas. of .St. Mark's Am- bulance Fund) 1,800 14 December 19 Buvs' High School. Brooklvii, N. V. (throuyh Arthur L Janes, Prin.) l.SOO December 20 Timothy Cole, Poughkeepsie ■ ■ 10 Contributions through Mrs. Charles W. Leavitt. Hartsdale, N. Y., for the Toscanini Fund — , . 45 December 22 Italian Culture Club (Circolo di Coltiira Italiana) Schenectad)- (tlirough Dr. A. A. Saniorini") . . . 5 December 24 Italians from the Province of Liguria, resident in Philadelphia, (toward the Columbus Fund) : P. P. Lagomarsino and Frank Rosatto 440 Mrs. Malatesta 100 Miss Jennie Malatesta ., 50 Jos. Golipo 10*^ Doubleda}-, Page & Co. (toward the Roosevelt Fund, through Mrs. Cumnock) 5 Mrs. Miles Carpenter. Mrs. V. Everitt Macy. Miss Edytha Macy, Mr. Noel Macy, Miss A. Miles Carpenter 2,0(X) 'i'oward the Toscanini Fund (through Mrs. Charles H. Ditson) : Mrs. F. D. Phillips 5 Mrs. E. L. Rogers 10 Mrs. Lewis Nixon 5 Mrs. F, S. Alray. Lawrence, L. 1 5 Mrs. Burr Porter 45 Mrs. Benson B. Sloan 10 Mrs. David Kimball, 48 Commonwealth Ave.. Boston 50 Mrs. G. W. Aiken 1 December 26 Poetrv Society of Utah (through Mrs. .\. O. Whitmore. Salt Lake City) • 39 7o December 27 Italians of Liguria. resident in Philadelphia, (through Antonio Raggio) 100 F. W. Farwell, Chicago 10 Fidelia Bridges 10 Decem'ber 28 N. Y. Browning Soc. to complete the Robert and Rlizabeth Barrett Browning fund (through Mrs. Charles A. Terry, Treas.) 500 Citizens of Alabama for the Sidney Lanier Fund (through Mrs. Anna B. Fries) 650 December 29 "E. W." in honor of D. O. Wickham 2.000 N. E. Italian War Relief Fund (through Mrs. George Lee, 296 Boylston St., Boston) 1.500 December 31 Mrs. Charles P. Kling, toward the Ro'osevelt Fund (through Mrs. Cumnock) SO H arrison Garfield Rhodes 25 Citizens of Alabama to' complete fund for the Sidney Lanier Ambulance (through Mrs. Fries) making a total of $2,000 475 Srbscribers of the Chicago Tribune, including fund from Italians of the North Side 3,042 24 January 2, 1918 St. Mark's Church. Ne-.v ^'ork, to complete fund 200 January 3 Hon. William N. Cohen 75 January 4 Amy S. Bridgman, Newton, Mass 10 January 5 Mrs. H. A. Mather 10 January 9 Mrs. H. H. Flagler (for the Toscanini Fund) 25 Mrs. C. B. Alexander (for the Toscanini Fund). 25 January 10 Hunter College War Relief Fund H^ t)-* January 11 M iss Virginia Watson • • 5 Mrs. A. Murray Young (for the Toscanuu Fund) o