S 587 .R6 Copy 1 THE REACTION BETWEEN AMINO-ACIDS AND CARBOHYDRATES AS A PROBABLE CAUSE OF HUMIN FORMATION M. L. ROXAS (From the Laboratory of Agbiculturax Chemistry op the University of Wisconsin, Madison) Reprinted prom THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. XXVII, No. 1, October, 1916 c- Reprinted from The Jodrnal of Biological Chumihtky, Vol. XXVII, No. 1. I9I6 THE REACTION BETWEEN AMESrO-ACIDS AND CARBOHYDRATES AS A PROBABLE CAUSE OF HUMIN FORMATION.* By M. L. ROXAS. (From the Laboratory of Agricultural Chemistry of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.) (Received for publication, July 31, 1916.) The studj' of the black substances obtained when proteins are hydrolyzed in strong acid solution is of great interest at the present time on account of their bearing on the natural melanins and on the quantitative determination of certain amino-acids in proteins. Grindlej^' and his coworkers state that humin nitrogen causes an error in the analj'sis for amino-acids of com- mon foodstufTs when the Van Slyke amino nitrogen determination is directly applied to them. This view on theoretical grounds was also expressed by Hart and Bentley.- It is therefore very important to know more about the structure and mode of forma- tion of these compounds. Mulder' was the first to show that albumins separate flooculi of a brown or black color on being boiled with concentrated hydrochloric or sulfuric acids. Hausmann-* made similar observations with globin. Samuelly" pointed out that the formation of these "artificial melanins" or "melanoi- dins" might be a secondary reaction between amino-acids and carbohy- drates. Maillard^ conducted experiments along this line and found a * The work described in this article forms part of a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Phil- osophy in the University of Wisconsin. ' Orindley, H. S., and Slater, M. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 1915, xxxvii, 2762. '- Hart, E. B., and Bentley, W. H., J. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxii, 477. 3 Mulder, G. J., in Mann, G., Chemistry of the Proteids, London, 1906, 87. ■* Hausmann, W., Z. physiol. Chem., 1900, .xxix, 140. ' Samuelly, F., Beitr. chem. Phys. u. Path., 1902, ii, 355. 'Maillard, L. C., Compt. rend. Acad., 1912, cliv, 66. 71 72 Humin Formation numlKT of them reacted with sugars. His experiments, however, were carried on in aqueous solutions at a very high concentration and tem- perature and it is doubtful whether under these conditions the reaction is similar to what takes place in the formation of either the "natural" or artificial melnnins. It will be shown lator in this paper that not all the amino-acids found reactive by Maillard reacted at all at low con- centration in water. Gortner and Blish' made the important discovery that when trj-ptophane is boiled with sugar in 22.9 per cent hydrochloric acid solution SO per cent of its nitrogen is converted into humin nitrogen. They conclude from their experiments that tryptophane alone is responsi- ble for humin formation. Grindley and his coworkers' disagree with this conclusion since they found evidence that other amino-acids give the same reaction. In view of these conflicting statements and in the hope that the study of the reaction between amino-acids and carbohydrates would throw some light on the structure and mode of formation of the humin substances, it was thought worth while to determine: (1) Which amino-acids react with carbohydrates under a given set of conditions. (2) Whether difi'erent sugars behave alike toward the same reactive amino-acid. (3) What group of the reactive amino-acids takes part in the reaction. REVIEW OF THE LITEIUTUHE. Udnlnszky' and Hoppe-Seyler' have shown that when sugar is boiled with acio o o ^ M< 00 (M ■* ,_, -* (^ ■ OD oo c^ fM '-' o-l C-) (M CO , o o Tf 3 o o o ~ o o + : + o W + : + e 2 3 ^ IM Q a w a to 5 2 & o : csi ri d H + c 2 S 2 r« ^ d M >. !-i f^n j:5 o Dh (M , , + + § S « THE JOURX.VL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. XXVII, NO. I 82 Huniin Formation Urn _o "o ei V _o « 2 : ■^ "o .a s >. a a .s , , , E c: u ■ ' " & CJ , "~ 2 S J 2 2 - ^ CJ b - I^^ll 8 8 8 8 H g.a '^ e ToUl N found (col- umn 1 -(-col- umn 2). S-: o E •^ -r n CO J. H .SS=.o s a a ? 1 Hurain N (Kjddnhl). 1 s d s o 2| 8 d + + + 8 ': g S s + : o u _3 o 3 § : "S u c 3 • B i 1 •a : 1 s i. s^ 8 C s S i i 1 CLi " ■ o ._ c is , a fix ° c o -f + £ + 8 + 8 + w , 1. _: *■ i- •^ C E ^ IS. 1^ ii lO 1(5 •c •c ^ 115 ^ ■ .■5 — ~ M T ZI -fl" Z^ I- S o. 6 d d d d |P 8 ?i S S5 s M. L. Roxas 83 00 CO « g ^ ^ M t^ -:(< g ^ ■^ g 3: CO 05 t-. g CO lO d> ci CS) CO per cent 47,31 99.4 S S 0. u to 2 o 1 1 5: 5 CO CO s ^ CO (M 00 g ^ CO .s s CO Ocdo o — rM + K Fi c ID bD 3W o + + 9 84 Iluinin Format ion ?5 S 1^ 00 5; =z"e55 c. sS-s4 o c o OJ — O M o N o -r tc o £J si d 2 ^ s-£ o o — 0-2 O + K a . ^ ^ + c + -r ci -^ ^ O s s + 08 u + c o 2 3 ec O M. L. Roxas 85 o CI § g 8 § o o s s 00 C5 C<1 (M a o ft o 00 o p. G ■ 8 o § o 5S S- o o ■* -^ o '^ o to o § o o o 00 s g Tt< cc CO CO o o o o o o o= 00 CO s ^ (M !M c^ o ^ CO 00 " =^ c + K K "Si ago aco M ° o ^ + + g a s o bO bC p. s 6J0 O Kg OK lO ft o o + "^ a a ^ •^' 86 Ilumin Formation c it c i s : o k- o i Q .Ml . . a o T3 S B £ "3 c S g 5 : - - - .S _fc h- Hi E c ■« O c ■>f P5 t?5 Total N found (col- umn 1 -(-col- umn 2). Ck 1^ * fc c 1 r u ^^°..^ »C CD t. c o< X |_ -g E s o a ZJ g § a sisg as si s s. g 2§ S.S .S ^8 s s" 1 M ^ o A ezs| 1 P) d ^- d c< d < -3 = 1 1 1 S^J^as Ck ^ g § s o s U-^a -- E « gi g - ^ M 5 s" s g K (» E 1^ S = 00 w " Total trat« (Kiol- dahl). E 1 g {3 53 5 .•* c a s B a :ir^ o o c c » 2 CJ c &.< o ■§■5 i i I s u 8 r* s Sg 6 i^ E c a d B. c Q. d d W O- i'6 Cv| CO w £i " ° CS so ^^ ^H ^^ d 1^ + + + i S 8 ■f S" 3 + S + O 3 c 3 C 1 d U o q 1 1 c C. i q H + (N ^ ci o O q u -f- hH + + + H + K i i 1 8 c & i 8 c c 1 5> c d d d d d d |l-- 1^ § s "5 S M. L. Roxas 87 ence in behavior between tyrosine and phenylalanine. In aque- ous or very weak acid solution arginine, histidine, and lysine evidently react with sugar as indicated b}' the highly colored solutions produced and by the loss of activity of a large fraction of their amino nitrogen. Thus, when arginine plus glucose was boiled in water there was a very deep coloration of the solu- tion (Experiment 39), and at least 25 per cent of the amino nitro- gen became inactive towards nitrous acid. Lj^sine behaved similarly (Experiment 42), 17 per cent of the amino nitrogen becoming inactive towards nitrous acid. Histidine acted like- wise (Experiments 47 and 51), 16.2 per cent of its amino nitro- gen becoming inactive. These facts show that in the cases of histidine and arginine the a-amino nitrogen takes part in the reaction. In the case of lysine it is difficult to establish which amino group is reactive, since at the time the amino nitrogen in the filtrate was determined the temperature in the laboratory was about 35°C. and at this temperature it was found that both the a- and the e-amino group of lysine react with nitrous acid in 5 minutes, as may be seen in the amino nitrogen determination of the filtrate (Experiments 40 to 42). It is to be noted that in these cases some loss of nitrogen also took place. It may be that during the reaction some ammonia was given off. The result with tryptophane is in agreement with the work of Gortner and Blish' in that a greater portion of the tryptophane nitrogen is converted into humin. The strength of the acid used here and the different procedure followed may account for the difference in the per cent of tryptophane nitrogen foimd in the humin which according to the above named authors was 86 per cent while in these experiments only about 71 per cent was ob- tained. Due to a lack of material it was impossible to repeat the experiment with tryptophane. In order to determine which atomic groupings in tyrosine, cystine, and tryptophane were responsible for humin formation, the humin from each one of these amino-acids was dissolved in 0. 1 N alkali and Van-Slyked. It was believed that if the amino groups . in this humin remained mtact they should still give the nitrous acid reaction. The results are as follows: 88 Hiimin Formation Humin nitroffon. Reactive with HNO9. mg. nif/. Tyrosiiu" 2.360 2.4>5 Cystine 0.974 0.88 Tryptophane 13 820 190 I''ioni these results it must be concluded that in the case of tj'ioisine and cystine it was not the amino group that reacted with sugar to form humin but some other group, probably the (OH) in tyrosine and the (S-S) in the case of the cystine. If this were the case, then the cystine would presumably undergo re- duction before reacting with the sugar. In order to determine whether, as Gortner and Blish suggested, the furfurol obtained from sugar was responsible for the reaction. Experiments 54, 55, and 56 were performed as follows: Exporinieiit Humin N. Poroeotof No. m). tolal N. 54 0.2 gni. cystine + 2 cc. furfurol + 20 per cent HCl 7.00 32.0 .•i.'i 0.2 gin. tyrosine + 2 oc. furfurol + 20 per cent HCl 8 40 55.0 .">fi 0.2 gin. nrginine + 2 cc. furfurol + 20 percent HCl.. 12 7.5 21.5 These results tend to show that the furfurol formed from sugars under the influence of acids may to a great extent be responsible for humin formation. .\s to the effect of the different sugars on the reactive aniino- acid. Kxperiments 20, 21, 22, 29, 38, and 46 show that xylose ant! fructose give higher results than glucose as a rule. This is to In- expected, if it is admitted that furfurol or some other sim- ple aldehyde is the active substance in these reactions. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. Some evidence is given which shows that the a-amino groups of argminc, histidine, and tryptophane take part in the reaction with sugars. On the other hand, the a-amino groups of alanine and leucine arc unai>lc to give the same reaction. Glutaminic acid and [ihenylalanine, although giving some humin nitrogen, Ukewisc furnish no indication of reaction. At least for the pres- ent it may be admitted that the humin nitrogen in these cases — M. L. Roxas 89 glutaminic acid and phenylalanine — was due to adsorption and not to a reaction. It was also shgwn that in tj'rosine the reactive group is presumably the (OH) and surely not the a-NHs. In cystine, as shown above, the a-amino group remained intact, so that presumably the reaction was with the mercaptan group. The question may then be asked: Why are the a-NH^ groups of arginine, histidine and tryptophane more reactive than those of the other amino-acids? An attempt to explain this difference in behavior of the amiuo-acids towards carbohydrates, based on the present work and on some of the contributions reviewed in the first part of this paper, is here offered. It is generally stated that the properties of a compound are functions of its structure. It is, therefore, to the structure of these amino-acids that we must look for an explanation of then- different behavior towards carbohydrates. The structural formulas of histidine, tryptophane, and arginine are given below. CH NHz /-\ / N N— H(b) (c) NH=C H^N \(f) 1 NH-CH2 [-C = C— CHo— CH \ (a) 1 ( COOH / Histidine. NHa— CH— CHj (h) \ COOH Arginine. CHo CH-COOH NH (d) Tryptophane. Several investigators have advanced the idea that humin formation is dependent on the presence of labile hydrogen in the amino-acid molecule (SamueUy, Grindley and Slater, etc.). Evidently judging from the results of the present work the two hydrogens of the a-amino groups of alanine and leucine are not 90 Ilumin Formation labile enough to give condensation products with carbohydrates at least under the conditions of these experiments. In histidine, arginine, and tryptophane, however, there are other labile hydrogens (a, b, c, d, c, f). The positions of these labile hydrogens with respect to the a-amino group are very favor- able for ring formation. The reaction with a carbohydrate or finfurol may very well be thought of as taking place as follows: Histidine. CH H I C-R 4- /CH; ■Xc/" N N'^0 h;.NH .NH— C-^ v.. CH II |\x)OH HC=Cy /C ^ch/ < COOH CJI O H;NH /\ NfH \ / x:ooH /H H _^(d.i};nh I R III |^CXX)H I X/X/oJi o h;nh NH --il-' IV Arginine NH,v/N— CH, — CH, J-- ' ^ ill \ /CH, tiw^ >oh;nhc< H— C COOH M. L. Roxas 91 The following facts tend to support the idea of ring formation : 1. The intense color of the products. 2. Miss Homer-' in her work on the condensation products of tryptophane with aldehydes, speaking of the action of glyoxal on this amino-acid, states: "Taking into consideration the necessity of the presence of an oxidiz- ing agent and also the fact that the substance produced is intensely colored it is highly probable that in this reaction, besides the simple aldehyde condensation .... there has also been elimination of hydrogen accompanied by complex ring formation." 3. The fact that pyridine was obtained by Samuelly from his "melanoidins," was at one time used as an argument to indicate that a pj'ridine nucleus was found in proteins. This idea has been disposed of by Emil Fischer's work on proteins, but the fact remains that pyridine is found in the humin formed from pro- teins. This occurrence may be explained by Reactions II and IV thus; yCHU y „ I /Cnd , „ 4. The action of tjTosinase on tyrosine tends to support the idea of ring formation. Tyrosinase produces coloration with tryptophane but not with indol, skatol, or glycocoU. There- fore, the formation of the highl}' colored product requires the peculiar structure of tryptophane. This formation may be con- sidered as taking place in the manner described above. The differences in behavior between histidine, arginine, and tryptophane may again be referred back to the differences in theii- structure. Tryptophane being already a complex com- pound with a benzene and a pyrrol ring may form an insoluble four-ringed compound with furfurol, which is extremely resist- -' Homer, A., Biochem. J., 1913, vii, 111. 92 Iliiiiiiii Forinatiftii ant to the action of acid. This will explain why tr.vptophane is converted into huniin almost (|uaiitit;itiv involved in humin formation. 2. The following amino-acids were responsible for humin formation, and in digestions, with 20 per cent HCl plus sugar, the proportion of their nitrogen disappearing was: Tyrosine, 15.0; cystine, 3.1; arginine, 2.33; lysine, 2.62; histidine, 1.84; trypto- phane, 71.0 per cent. 3. Xylose and fructose were as a rule more reactive than glucose. 4. Arginine, histidine, and lysine reacted with sugars more readily in weak acid or aqueous, than in strong acid solutions. 5. Arginine, histidine, and tryptophane reacted with loss in reactivity of their amino nitrogen towards nitrous acid, but tyrosine and cystine reacted without any such loss. 6. A possible mode of reaction is suggested. It is with pleasure that the writer acknowledges his obligation to Professor E. B. Hart, Chief of this Department, for giving him this problem, and for his many valuable suggestions during its execution. LlbKHKT Ul- i_unon.t->-. 002 672 082 5 THE VWAVtRLY PRESS •ALTIMOna. u. •■ *.