X PS 3515 .0797 118 1913 Copy 1 %^ftA ■" V err \aaMUicru Marbgn ann Bod r #7/7/% CopigM /f ^ % COPYRIGHT DEPOSm y 1 . Jicarlrxxcarin Gutfior^ Edition *TAe JVctntfan Qin/inj Company* ^3aif\t L/oiuis •Am ,q|3 Ccfflbtef/ 1913 /jy K^oclal^i&iiC/lartnictnn . iJravOin.^ hy* T)eiOQr/a (x/erjj of Jne JJcrno'an /rin/ind Compctriy t_3airtt JJoviis. ©CI.A358981 Of a poem of this scope and character, if** can neiler be said mat it is complete and fin- ished. . (fo doubt, it (£)ill be revised many limes, but the poem has crystallised sufficiently/in thought and iJeryification to be offered wmQ puffic. . -s J' Tne rhftnm may appear strange at rimes. Jo fully appreciate it, it vOoula oe necessary to near the author read the poem. *Jne metre, is a combination of Whitman's free rhyrneless rhythm, the Oers lihre m)hich changes u)im eVery subject and mood , and /he Ua&ie alliteration of sound in quarter tones % characteristic of c/apanese poetryC /Ifc£ IRllbafEat by Sadakichi Hartmann z WhaL^nou/d ude dream? vdkaL^ "^ CDome lambent isHovld of&een ana f?o/a banned Joy^rne charm of* Orient Jv$ Oain delusion may to thinly Uiai life i$)ill change wJdn cnanpe ofjcene. Page six flftg IRubai^at by Sadakichi Hartmann C/0\ctn canno/ ^e/ au^ay^jfom tllas, ^3 /em duty/ looms ^supreme, j or cor/a in t hinds u)e muj/ pet/orm, KJoey^rne inuOard iJoicej 9 call. CctlmfoySuj aayS cannol oe u)ooect Zbejl our conscience 13 at peace. Page seven /Ifty IRubafgat By Sadakichi Hartmann 4fc± i/& ts to moj{ a ue)eary /cr}k, (2 bitter ^stri/e /or daily oread. XxJq cannot act a^ ue)e ie)ould Ilk®, WJq. cannot £*ain /or udnal ie)e c) y ^stride. < 7o boar our buraen cneer/utly cyj all fnij eartn alloidj to Page eight /Iftg IRlibafEat By Sadakichi Hartmann LJur nred^ou/ vOi/n /aint ^/orced jmile ijjur rarely ^scales me lo/uer memej y^air jhlafi and Vo. Page eleven flfcE IRubatgat By Sadakichi Hartmann ym We encer /he uDor/a unbiaaen y J^/od a/onp roack aj ie)e Jcnoid be*/. Une ij horn rich, the other poor, XxJno Jfnoie)} ulnar nelpj a mortal mcpr. Hre ide comprehend what u)e ie)anr e are JoreOer ue)hat we are. Page twelve flfc£ IRubai^at By Sadakichi Hartmann IX J he laupfi/er of childhood is pone, Jne tof castles ideouilr are /y- Can uJe redeem in yu/ure days Jne disappoinimenTj of the pajt! Our nurjery sonfe iriill mof chanpi inpi Jnio moifanr son& of lode! Page thirteen flbV IRubaf^at By Sadakichi Hartmann -4. JL>/ri4/ headed y&uin, all smiloj around Jn aetdtii Raraenj of 'spring morns Jfo nood tal^ej of tho aia/y pin* (fouzn idancj 10 possess Qi)er\£ mm? — uZJnuQ ine sun runs iA ru/nl&jj course una jnaaoulj bo^in vo lengthen. Page fourteen /lftg IRubatgat By Sadakichi Hartmann XI. Jn open uDoocU eime escape from me city* Jn/o me blue shimmering niyi/, loOed, it spea/rs of ah 'fj Ion4ed to see >, vo unders/and \ /o ou)n t andfeel*' Why did so ii///e come /o me! Page twenty-three /Ifcy IRllbaigat By Sadakichi Hartmann dh 9 nnffl/e £ no/ different ft ij life ma/ of all /herej/. Jnem4reu) jffovdery a/ me iriafjide— mefielere mine, g did not cull rnem. /here vOero chances made for en bo/hofu^ remaind unUej^ed Page twenty-four I /IfcE IRubafEat By Sadakichi Hartmann 7X7 ? Can a bein4 ei)er be yburj *Doy6u kpou) me mou^h/j cfa /riend* Why* doej y6ur Aear/^o /ojtran&rj Wneny6u ou)n a heart ma/ij true? cfunlieh/ passes . /ne niSit arau)j near. <$ai)e y&u been lofol /o anyfine ? Page twenty-five • : flftE 1Rubat£at By Sadakichi Hartmann Iffl 'q reap mo narOeyt rnaltdejovO. /$ch cropj m<*Y sear in rainlejj heat IcV ° u)indj chill all hopej jfjP rin ^~ sSlern lauk Cjf chance and circumstance! uer ifybur jeecly udere Vain aj chaff your oa)n tdill neOer come loi/bu. Page twenty-six /Ifc£ IRubafESt By Sadakichi Hartmann £>qt me pew on /o mo seashore, KxJatcn the rrnihrje cfidAi/e jailj, me j e ptf u (fy in meirjoira/ Jne breafery ma^ brnghhn me udaOej, Grid ay in ramhlej ^fboy/ioocl joehblej ou/in/o mejea. Page twenty-seven /I&E IRllbai^at By Sadakichi Hartmann JXTV Jne^jirip o'er uie4loamin4 Jney Jink cuuz danijn.^/rom sidhr (fa all mat abic/ej on mij ear/n. ye/ on /he jur/Gce lil^e j/raf /hou^h/y teach ripple ou)nj an inner life Gna u)ai)eli){e j/in me c&ure >nne Page twenty-eight /fog IRubal^at By Sadakichi Hartmann XXV Jne circle idldens, /raVels /Or/hen Wirn eacn emotion J^eenlf /£// Onidard ir puynej cross ineie)ai)ey Of yormlashed oceans to unbend Try ride of beauty on meshi Of some nopesidepr and sun~ Jrissed isle. lore Page twenty-nine $BE IRUbatgat By Sadakichi Hartmana Una there asmcA/ some rarer air Jo blo^om /brdi in some ^real deed~ lya^it he done b/* hand or mind- Jbr the upheaval of me race, Jo reach yome pinnacle of /rum ixJrwre livni enOelopej y6u and all. Page thirty /I&E IRubatgat By Sadakichi Hartmann MM Jnij if the land inhere &an/ minds, Vayter man li4nt, Oayfer man jpace Wear tmijper/nfy of me infinite, Qnd with proud \orroi£> in meirei&j, J heir utild maned ' couryety eOer ready, fiV~ off in6> the jJfiej of moujki Page thirty-one /lfog IRubafgat By Sadakichi Hartmann MM Ifet ie)ho can Jbllou) fH^h/j linp Inese, Cmo/o/ucJp /ne s/arj Iron? niyntj blue Vault! Tma&narion, jlu^vijh mm?, Will no/ abey^/ne acn land rin^ uJi/n ity people J Voice ~ ror from /nose crimson riOule/s Will now) a saner bel/er li/e. Page fifty-one flhV 1RUbai£at By Sadakichi Hartmann XLV/II Tor certain fninyj mu^r need be enan&edj Iki/e cannot s/ay^jo dull ana vrevt uyen mud/iVe a /reer vt)indblou)n y life, (women no longer lo*e rneir bloom Jn drudgery Jbr bed and fane, Qnd children a^e be/ore rneir rime. Page fifty-two fl&E TRUbatEat by Sadakichi Hartmann XL1X Jjraumts of pure air, Jhrimc beams Ore free &fly coming from ino Wnf yiould sadmo/nety, children /rail fine in c/arr ana gruesome noVeh , yreeje and stanJe, and uJitn miiyw'eyfej (yee life uJiln son4 and dance ^lide ty. Page fifty- three My U?Ubai£at By Sadakichi Hartmanat Gnd hunger is a fearful min^, ft airiarfj the better pxxrt in man, (j/au^kt ou/ a ukmered shell it leaOes Of some thin<$ mar should live and breathe. Oil nobler impulses turn ghosts > Opecrrey of dearh amontf the $«4 Page fifty-four /!&£ IRllbalSat by Sadakichi Hartmann LI Jc life j the J^ni/e to deadly* enrujus, Jr {reacs li^e hridej all dioje d Ji presses rorcnes in/o fljfj) Gnd peaceful men rum co reVoll. Page fifty-five £by l&tbateat By Sadakichi Hartmann L// ar can u)e do, hoieJcan ztfenelpf /he poor can neVer help rne poor, /he rich />ur sea r/er aim j derived 'from umarij due the common nerd, me Weed plots are crowded micfa /s a pack for uJearyJeerf o cm Page fifty-six flfoE IRubafEat By Sadakichi Hartmann LEI Oh] me helplessness of me atfecl, Of me poor eke ycrfj me lonely: Can you explain u)/y j ffiey juffer, Mus^ some perish u)hile omers mriVe ? fj surOiVal cf mefi&esf uue /o me navjnnesj of mankind? Page fifty-seven fl&E TRubai^at By Sadakichi Hartmann LIV Oh, meje homej of alighted reason, Who idould no/ u)eep a/ sights J /i/fe these, jeul years a°o /hoV ' uJere lil^e uj, mey leJorJfec/ and f played \ rhey loVeaand lammed, Qnd nou)^oeas/s u)z thou/ reason; Where are /heir ^yrmer^oy^ an a hope j ! Page fifty-eight ffoy IRubai^at By Sadakichi Hartmann Qnd moje u)no lur/r in deadly' jzn, Whose boorr of life reads blood and /ernal Vicrims of the late/, Who can no/ rise, uho haVe no chance /o u)ajh their <$rimy hands from crime. Page fifty-nine /I&E IRUbai^at By Sadakichi Hartmann //ley /rnou) no/ ueJna/ /o do on ear/n, /heir cup ij filled uJi/n na/e and lus/. {(one no s /au&A/ /hem. Will ybu /each /nem ? jtaVe Von a he//er soul man /hep/? Zfou haVe dravOn a luc/pf number, for /hem jome point of XjlQlfJy Wna/y6u litre bojT,is bed dorvSti. Page sixty-four /Iftg IRllbafgat By Sadakichi Hartmann LXI CJunymnG \ u)e u)anl bul also shadows , L/acn yoy^demands iA nole ofpain, L/ach crwe/r musl knout) true fall of rears fnal many dream jwtepf nopes are Vain. CjorruzeJ ditfs up unfrnou)n Ireasurej muz The caihrns of me mind. Page sixtv-five /Ifty> TRubaigat By Sadakichi Hartmann LKU csiaVo ybu eVer losl a treasure Dearer loySu man <$old or Aealrn ! JiaVe you folaozgJed a idnite nearse that Carried f y6ur dearejtt dream azeJayf Watched me deambed cffeur mockery Or closeda -friendk dull staring Page sixty-six fl&E IRubatgat By Sadakichi Hartmann LXIII Tfou Ifnouz) me chilling ^nau) cf^ J he bi/br pain of a blank decs/I me u)orld ^roids aartf, a Vanished dream, Tfet i/ iriill leaVe livhf uJimin i/s iriaife, Qj a/bieJer expands by devO Jears shed by me near/ enrich me y \ouL Page sixty-seven /Ifcp IRllbaigat By Sadakichi Hartmann LXIV /ney furrovz) mouphf, they swenpthen uhll, Cleanse me jbul places of me mind, Zfield sooinin4 lip/it to jnip-iatrec/fecf nearly Jiappy mose ie)no; sorvovi)~driVen, ifjri<$nl moments idresl from utfaVes of pain (Lid sail tneir nar/rs to peaceful ports. Page sixty-eight /!&£ IRubafEat by Sadakichi Hartmann LXV J his is /he /rue philosophy, Ltier}/ cntld maV learn /he lesson— er ^reV cares and daily roil , face oraOeh/ rne ywhll and rne Uafs)n and /zeJilz^h/, me noonday* <)Un, The rolling plains , the j/r/and the sea, none naVe los/ their old time myjfery~, jj>Ven/s pass aiday* beauty surOiVes. Page seventy-eight /IRE IRubai^at By Sadakichi Hartmann LXXV Sbet us idresf beauty from all mere is, flack ana all in rneir oie)n poor vsJaVj Gnd