Class . Book. ■'. Copyright N". 1/^1 COFXRICIIT DEPOSa TPiK lDORLD'S(JOLUMBlANGXP08ITm CHICAGO, 1893. By TRUMBULL WHITE, and WM. IGLEHEART, World's Fair Correspondent. World's Fair Editor of "Chicago Recor-d." A Complete History of the Enterprise ; a Full Description of the Buildings and Exhibits in all Departments ; and a Short Account of Previous Expositions, • with an Introduction By C0&. GEORGE R. DJIYIS, Director=General of the Exposition. And an Introduction to the Woman's Department By MRS. POTTER PALMER, President of Board of Lady Managers. ^A^ITH SPECIAL CHAPTERS BY HON. THOMAS B. BRYAN, Covwiissioner-at- Large. PROF. F. W. PUTNAM, Chief of Department 0/ Ethnology. PROF. JOHN P. BARRETT, Chief of Electrical Department. CAPT. J. W. COLLINS, Chief of Fisheries Department. FREDK. J. V. SKIFF, Chief of Mining Department. FUIsIgy II9I5USTRATEP WITE HALF-TONE AND WOOD ENGRAVINGS AND PEN DRAWINGS BY THE BEST ARTISTS ^.--r; P. W. ZIEGLER & CO., PfllLADELrHIA AND ST. LOUIS. Copyright, 1893, By J. W. ZlEGLEK. CONTENTS. t PAGE INTRODUCTION .... = ,, ii By Col. George R. Davis, Director-General. CHAPTER I. PREVIOUS EXHIBITIONS . = .,.. 21 CHAPTER n. PRELIMINARY HISTORY . . , 41 CHAPTER III. THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT • • • 53 CHAPTER IV. ADMINISTRATION . .77 CHAPTER V. MANUFACTURES . • . . . -95 CHAPTER VI. MACHINERY 139 CHAPTER VII. AGRICULTURE . 161 Forestry, ' Dairy, Livestock. CHAPTER VIII. HORTICULTURE . . 191 Floriculture, Viticulture, » Pomology. CHAPTER IX. FISHERIES ., . . 207 By Capt. J. W. Collins, Chief of'' Department of Fisheries. CHAPTER X. MINES 239 By Fredk. J. V. Skiff, Chief of Department of Mines. CHAPTER XI. TRANSPORTATION ....,...„„... 263 Krupp Exhibit, Railroad Fe.\tures. 4 coxTi-:xTs. CIIAl'TllR XII. PAGE ELECTRICITY 301 Il.MMINATIDX, Fountains. By Pkok. John 1'. I5akui;tt, Chief of Dcpartincnl of Eleclricily. CH.M'THR XIII. FINE ARTS oj' c'H.\i'ri:R XIV. LIBERAL ARTS 3S9 CHAl'IKR XV. MUSIC 405 Choral, Orchkstral. CHAPTER XVI. ETHNOLOGY 415 AnTH KOPOLOGY, Arch. 1:0 LOG V. By I'ROF. F". W. Putnam, Chief of Department of Ethnology. CHAPTER XVII. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT 437 Introduction by Mrs. Potter P.\lmer, President oj Board of Lady Jfanagers. CHAPTER XVIII. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 457 Naval Exhibits. CHAPTER XIX. LA RABIDA CONVENT 471 Relics of Columbus and Queen Isabella. CHAPTER XX. STATE BUILDINGS 495 CHAPTER XXI. FOREIGN BUILDINGS 541 CHAPTER XXII. MIDWAY PLAISANCE 561 chatti:r XXIII. PUBLIC COMFORT 598 CHARIER XXIV. GENERAL REVIEW '. xu CHAPTER XXV. WORLD'S CONGRESS AUXILIARY 619 By Hon. Thos. B. Bryan, Coniini.ssioiur-at-Large, and I'iie-President 53 . 24 Nor' roaster 188 Norse Ship, A . .481 North Dakota Building . . 538 North (German Lloyd Steamship Co.'s Pavilion ..... 280 Norwegian Buil snowy star and crescent, was the first foreign flag unfurled over the World's Fair grounds — with all the attendant imposing ceremonies- of the Mohammedan religion. Japan's snowy ensign with its large scarlet disk was also amonof the earliest colors unfurled. That country has indeed distinguished itself by the enthusiasm, the munificence, the extent, and the pre-eminent courtesy of its participa- tion along all lines of the Exposition. Without question the already recognized generosity, amiability and fine breeding of the Japanese- shine with increasinof lustre at the World's Fair. It is much to be regretted that the strained diplomatic relations between our Government and that of China seem to have pre- vented official acceptance of our invitation to participation. But the World's Fair management fexerted such counteracting influence as lay in its power, by securing special legislation favorable to Chinese exhibitors, and private firms profited by this effort, although the Government did not, and the World's Fair is consequently not without the unique attraction of a Chinese exhibit. Burmah and Siam have placed in evidence their unrivaled wares, and wondrous specimens, wrought in costly threads of gold and silver, of tlieir characteristic fabrics. It is scarcely necessary to name in turn each of the countries contributing to the vastest of World's Fairs. Suffice it to say that all the considerable nations of the earth are here. Nor need sepa- rate mention be made of its many great divisions. It is now gener- ally known that there are thirteen of these, conducted by " Chiefs " of eminent ability, whose representatives have ransacked the world for the treasures of art, science and industry, for the benefit of the Exposition. Nor need the dimensions of the buildings provided for the best the world has produced be reiterated, although the untechnical mind does not readily grasp the real extent of a bare statistical statement. The generality of persons understand more fully when told that nearly twice as much steel and iron enter into 2 1 8 INTRODUCTION. the construction of the giant liall of Manufactures and Liberal Arts than was required for the Brooklyn Bridge. Or that the pyramids of Cheops might be stowed under its great glass roof — which covers niiK.' times as much ground as is occupied by the Capitol at Wash- ington. Time was, two and a half years ago, while the making of the Exposition was yet to be achieved, when these stupendous facts needed to be told over and over again in necessary exploitation of the enterprise. The Department of Publicity and Promotion — to use Tony Lumpkin's words — "kept dinging it into" the whole reading world. Never had any previous Exposition been so ex- traordinarily and admirably advertised as was our own. No Depart- ment corresponding to that of Publicity and Promotion had ever existed before, and its remarkable work was accomplished along unexplored lines, without a precedent of any description to guide it. But it succeeded in the aim ; it bore the tidings of the great work going on at Chicago from Dan to Beersheba, from New York to Paris, from Iceland to Egypt. But the glowing promises made by the World's Fair writers are fulfilled now. There is nothing more to say save to invite visitors from far and near to behold the indescribable realization of these dazzling prophesies. To gaze upon such a scene of enchantment as was never before dreamed of outside oriental tales. A city of ivory palaces, embodying architectural dreams. Classic creations which stir the appreciative heart, and might have stood pre-eminent for their unapproachable beauty in the Athens of Pericles. The sculptured facade of the Granfd Court, the stately colonnade of the Peristyle, through and above which gleam lake and sky as blue as the lakes and skies of Italy. On every side are columns and statues, the heroic figure of the Republic lifting its graceful propor- tions high above the silver waters below. We have covered the sjicrantic ficfure of the Oueen of Freedom with ijold, as the Athenians did that of Minerva. There are gilded domes also, and flashing minarets, the flags of all nations, and gay gonfalons galore. When the sun sinks out of sight and shadows creep over the lake, one by one th(i circling line of electric lights outlining the i\ory fi<;ade gleam forth like endless strands of luminous jewels, and the dome INTRODUCTION. I9 of the Administration Building glows like the nr:ost stupendous of exquisite cameos. But all this is brilliantly in evidence, and gloriously beautiful though it is, represents after all only the material portion of our great Exposition. The Centennial Exhibition of 1876 in its own modest way showed what an International Exhibition can do for the country in which it is held. It put us forward a quarter of a century in the cultivation of taste, in the elevation of the standards of artistic workmanship, in the adaptation^of the methods of older or more advanced civilizations to the needs of the newer continent, and in raising the masses to a plateau of higher intelligence. The benefits conferred by the Chicago Exhibition will exceed those of the Centennial in proportion to its greater artistic achieve- ments and greater comprehensiveness in every department of hu- man activity. These ideal buildings will influence the architec- ture of our own country — and indeed of the whole world that gazes upon it — for an indefinite period. The treasures of industry, science and art forming their contents, will be reflected in the pictures, fabrics and manufactures of many subsequent years. This will be the visible, artistic and commercial result of the World's Columbian Exposition. The subtler, intellectual and spiritual outcome is farther to seek and more diflicult to foresee. It must, however, perforce include the stimulating influences born of the commingling of all races of men. Perception of the best each nation has to present must direct and invigorate to the elevation of individual and national life. The revelations of the World's Fair have already corrected many erroneous international opinions. The best thought, the most advanced methods of all countries in science, literature, reform, education, government, morals, philanthropy, jurisprudence — indeed, all those things which contribute to the prdgress, prosperity and peace of mankind — are exhibited in the Exposition itself, or discussed in its Auxiliary Congresses. The intense interest aroused by the latter has been evidenced by the attendance of many of the greatest leaders of thought in both Europe and America. The Rulers of other countries have sent special envoys to our Exposi- tion; with injunctions to observe out institutions, customs and privi- 20 INTROUUCTION. leges, wIlIi a vicnv to th(; adoption of the most advantageous. We in turn are eagerly scanning the foreigners, alert to learn the best they have to teach. From such conditions lasting results of incal- culable benefit must certainly come. EVIEWING the history of inter- national exhibitions, it seems al- most incredible that the first effort in that direction was insti- tuted less than half a century ago. In the forty odd years that have intervened the art of exhib- iting; has orrown into a science as exact in its g^eneral rules and as far-reachinir in its effect on civilization as its antithesis, the science of war. England claims and deserves the honor for the first o-reat eath- ering of the nations of the earth in this rivalry of the arts and in- dustries ; and to Prince Albert is due the initiative and successful culmination of the project — the Crystal Palace exhibition held in London in 1851. VvHiile the great honor of that enterprise falls rightfully to the Britons, its suggestion and the starting-point of all competitive exhibitions was in France, where the custom of awards for excellence in industrial and artistic displays had been in vogue for years. The general management of the Crystal Palace has had a pecu- liar and significant bearing on all subsequent exhibitions of correl- ative scope. In the very outset building plans were selected in competition, setting a precedent in selection that has prevailed generally ever since. The time allowed for the presentation of plans was very short, only a month, and yet there were 233 com- petitors, one-sixth of whom were foreigners, abdut one-half from London and its immediate environs, and the rest from provincial towns of England. The plans adopted and the character of the structure erected according to their specifications are too widely known to need elaborate explanation or comment. The contract called for a building 1,851 feet long, the numerals corresponding with the year, and 450 feet broad. The enormous size of the un- (21) PREVIOUS p:xhibitions. dertakint*- may be understood when it is known that sometliing like 20 acres of glass. 205 miles of sash-bar, 34 miles of gutter- pipe and a correspondingly large amount of lloorinor and wallino- o o material were required. The cost \vas estimated at about a million dollars. The number of employees con- nected with the Crystal Palace is of peculiar interest to those who have wondered how many em- ployees would be required to maintain the Columbian Exposi- tion to its close. As near as can be ascertained, over 10,000 per- sons were engaged in the main- tenance or furtherance of the Crystal Palace. On the first of May, 1851. the Queen herself opened the doors of the exhibition, while the Prince made the address of the day, de- scribing the purposes of the dis- play and the causes that led to the undertakino-. The historical sisf- nificance of the occasion requires the greatest weight and dignity from the personages of fame present. The Duke of Welling- ton, Lord Palmerston, the Mar- quis of Anglesea, and the princi- pal lords and ladies of the em- pire were there. From this auspicious dedica- PREVIOUS EXHIBITIONS. 23 tlon to the last day of the Exhibition there was not a question of its tremendous value to the world of commerce and to the pursuits DUBLIN EXHIBITION, 1853. of peace. What was most remarkable, when one remembers the outcome of subsequent exhibitions, was the fact that the finances CORK KXHIBITION, 1^53- were so well managed that a surplus of nearly a million dollars re- mained in the treasury after all the expenses were paid. No such re- 24 I'Rl'AIOUS KXHIlilTIOXS. turns have been obtained since in proportion to tlie sources of rev- enue on concessions. In the first place, no hquors were allowed to NEW YORK p:xhieition, 1S53. be sold on the grounds, depriving the Exposition of what has gen- erally been a source of the heaviest income in the continental exhibitions. The refreshment concession was sold for ^ i CBC> ^ ^ ■ il^i^SSBR )^ TilK l.Nl-ANTA I';rLAI.I.\. PRELIMINARY HISTORY. 5 1 as by a miracle, flags of every nation. Bands began to play, steam whistles to blow, vessels in the harbor to fire salutes from \heir guns, and from the mighty throng went up that grandest of songs that ever rises from earth to heaven, the cheers of a multitude for a work that is grand and good. Every wheel of all the great machines began to turn as if by magic. The World's Columbian Exposition was opened, the preliminary history of it was done. All the labors of years were for an instant forgotten in the glorious triumph of man's effort, and the payment for toil and anxiety and rebuff was all received. Then there was no thougrht of means and plans which had resulted in this success. The multitude only stood amazed to see what had been accomplished. So we will leave to future chapters the story of the work that was done to make this Exposition an accomplished fact. The remaining history of the Fair is a record of fete and festival. The visit of royalty In the person of the Infanta Eulalia, of Spain, the arrival of the Columbus Caravels and the Viking Ship, the celebrations on special days, the destruction of the Cold Storage Building by fire, were events of more than passing interest. F there be one feature of the World's Columbian Exposition as it exists to-day, in the description of which superlatives fail to be strong enough, it is the site of the scene of splendor. And the marvel is even greater to those who have been familiar with the growth and de- velopment of the enterprise from beginning to end, than to those who now see the beauties for the first time. For the latter know not the stupendous undertaking of preparation, while the former re- member the sand dunes and the marshes swept by the waves of Lake Michigan, which but two short years ago formed the land- scape that is now the Mecca for the wanderers of the world. To obtain a just idea of the site of the Exposition, it is well that one should first know, in a general way, the form of the city of Chi- cago itself. This city of more than a million and a quarter inhab- itants is situated on the west shore of Lake Michi^a'n, near the southern extremity of the great body of water. Following the curve of the lake, which but a few miles farther meets its eastern shore. BIRDS-EYE MAP OF CHICAGO. (53) 54 THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT. the city broadens toward the south. At the northern end of the city it extends seven miles back from the shore, while eighteen miles '''m§m> >»w(pi«w w"***"*^ """SW!"*' THE NEW WHITE CITY— JACKSON PARK. to the south it is nearly twice as wide. From this point southward, however, an irregularity of the western boundary again narrows the city. From north to south, the total limits of the corporation are AN EIvlvCTKlC I.AINCII AT TIIIC I'AIR (.KOINDS. twenty-four miles. The business centre of the city is about one- third of the distance from the north end, and close to the lake. At this point there flows into the lake the Chicago river, a sluggish 56 THE vSITH AND now TO REACIi IT. Stream, in looks little more than a huge open sewer, but of vast importance to the com- mercial life of the great city. At a point one mile west of the lake the river is formed by two branches, one flowing from the north and one from the south. The sources of these two streams are a few miles to the northwest and the southwest. Thus is explained the divisions into which the city has natur- ally fallen, the West side, the North side and the South side. The commercial interests of the city then centre in the pocket formed by the river, and here are the ereat retail stores, the wholesale stores, the banks, and the offices. But in each of the divisions are large business enterprises, and in each of them may be found magnificent homes and large quarters where the best and most intelligent of the citizens dwell. So that while there is some sectional jealousy, or more properly pride, among the residents of the different divisions, each loyal to the side on which he lives, there is no exclusiveness, and on each side of the city are hosts ot attrac- tions worthy the attention of the stranger within the STATUE OF THK Kl I'riu.ic — c.KAM) liASIN. citv. > a u o 5S THE SITE AND now TO REACH IT. Encircling the older portion of the city is a system of parks and boulevards which when completed will rival tliose of any city in the world. On the shore of the lake, at a point but a short distance north of the business centre, begins the Lake Shore Drive, a mag- nificent boulevard, which extends along the water's edge nearly two miles to Lincoln Park, the most highly improved of all in the system. F'rom this green spot in the heart of the city runs another drive; Humboldt Boulevard extends west and south five miles to tlumboldt Park. This connects by Central Boulevard with Garfield POLAR BKAR — OX BRIDGES. (./. P. PlOClor.) Park, and this by Douglas Boulevard with Douglas Park. These three latter parks are all in the western part of the city, in succes- sive order from north to south, and some four or five miles from the lake. Other boulevards running south and east from Douglas Park finally reach, after a course of several miles, Washington Park, the oldest and best improved of all on the South side. This is six miles from the business centre, and directly south of it, so that the visitor has now encircled the city, starting from Lincoln Park two miles north of the business'centre. At the south end of Washing- ton Park there extends eastward, for a mile, a strip of land 600 feet in width, a part of the park system, called Midway Plaisance. At its eastern extremity it joins Jackson Park, which lies on the lake MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO 6o THE vSITR AND HOW TO REACH IT. sliore, seven miles from the mouth of the Chicago river and the business centre. Here is the World's Columbian I'^xposition. When the site for the I'^air was finally selected, those in charge of the enterprise looked about them to find how much preparation would be needed before the grounds would be ready for the erec- tion of buildings. Here is the condition of things as they found them. Jackson Park is beautifully situated on the lake shore, in shape something like a right-angled triangle. The waters of the lake form the hypothenuse, Stony Island Avenue the perpendicular, BULIv BUFFALO— ON BKIDt.l /.■/;.■/,, and Sixty-seventh street the base, the apex being at Fitty-sixth street. The park does not, however, come to a point, but at this narrowest place is about a quarter of a mile in width. At the base line it measures just one mile, on the perpendicular a mile and a third, and on the hypothenuse more than a mile and a half Within these limits are contained 526 acres, every inch of which is now utilized most perfectly for the purposes of the Exposition. Midway Plaisance, a part of the Exposition grounds, contains 80 acres more. When control of this area was assumed by the officers of the World's Columbian Exposition they found less than one-fourth of LASALLE STREET AND BOARD OF TRADE, CHICAGO. 6i 62 THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT. the whole in a state available for use. This was the northern por- tion of the park proper, where the park commissioners had culti- vated lawns and constructed driveways, a lake, and a pavilion for recreation. This was known as the improved portion of the park, in contradistinction to the other or unimproved portion. The latter was in a state of nature. Sand hills and vales and marsh grass and swanips were the only features of the land and water- LION — BEFORE OBELISK. {WaagOl.) scapes. For centuries powerful Lake Michic^an had met no ob- stacle in the attack, and had cast up drift-wood with the sand, until there was no semblance of the black soil of the Illinois prairies to indicate fertility. Among the sand dunes were sink-holes of quick- sand and of swamp, and the careless pedestrian might find himself in actual danger in the course of a walk across the tract. How different is all this now ! Where once was rank g-pass of the marshes is to be seen the most luxuriant of green turf. Where the path was rough with the rise and fal^ of the shifting sand THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT. 63 are level parkways, vistas of sylvan beauty, terraces of most artis- tic conception. Where was then a rough and wave-beaten shore, MOUNTAIN GOAT— ON BRIDGES. [A. P. Proctov.) Strewn with the refuse of a generation's drift, is now a sea-wall of stone, a pavement of the same unyielding material, and the beauty of cleanness and purity. Where was then a marsh, whose stagnant waters were divided but by hummocks of mud and sand, are now the clear flowing waters of the beautiful system of lagoons, and, rising out of them, the walls of a city of white palaces, the arch- itectural triumph of modern history. What of the minds that planned and the hands that worked to accomplish this work of pride ? The creation of the design and plan for the Fair, thus including the location of all the buildings, was assi!J:ned to the men who had proven by past work their capacity for such a task. Messrs, Burn- ham & Root, one of the largest and most prominent firms of arch- itects in Chicago, and Frederic Law Olmstead, the great landscape architect of Boston, were thus chosen. The general outlines of the grounds were decided upon, and the labor of preparation put under way. Mr. Root, a master mind in his profession, died soon after the work began, but will always be remembered for the ideas carried to completion by his successors. As an instance of the breadth of 64 THE sitp: and how to rkach it. mind witli wliicli tlic preliminaries of tlu; Kxposition were carried on, it is interestin<'- to note that the drawintj of desigrns for all the larcre buildings of the Fair was assio:ned to eminent architects in some half dozen cities of the United States, and their interests thus en- listed in favor of the enterprise. The talent secured was therefore of the best. With the planning of the buildings thus provided for, the task on hand was to prepare the grounds for them. Contracts were let, which provided for the grading of the tract, and the dredging of the lagoons. Over a large portion of the park there had accumulated, by the decay of centuries of vegetation, and the help of the winds, a thin layer of rich black soil. This must be preserved, for it was too rare to waste. So the whole surface was scraped, and the scrap- ings from this inch or two of loam piled in a remote corner of the park where it would not be disturbed. Then the dredges and the plows and the scrapers went to work, manned by thousands of brawny men, and within a few months the face of the park was transformed. Hillocks and valleys and lagoons were made, and islands in the midst of the system of waters. As fast as the area of one building's site was ready construction was begun, and before long there arose within the park a wilderness of scaffolds and walls. The grading once finished, the piles of earth which had been so caretulK' preserved were again attacked, and the rich soil scattered all over the park, at the proper thickness to sustain vegetation, though a great quantity of it had to be shipped in from a distance. It is impossible and needless to follow the course of construction little by little. Railway tracks threaded the grounds from every direction ; an arm)' of workmen kept busy day and night ; every man whose interests were with the Exposition gave his best thought and effort to its advancement. Finally came completion, dedication, and opening. What was placed before the eyes of -die millions of visitors, who view with delight the wonders of the Fair, is here recorded. In other chajjters each building is given careful description, and the notable exhibits contained in it are told. But the outer embellishment of the sjrounds properly belongs in this place. WOMAN'S TEMPLE, CHICAGO. ^65) 68 THK vSITK AND HOW TO REACH IT. The artistic centre of the whole Fair is the Plaza and the Grand Basin, bounded by the Machinery, Agriculture, Manufactures, Elec- tricity and Mines Buildings, and the Terminal station and Peristyle. In the centre of the Plaza stands the Administration Building, and around it are grouped much of the choicest decorative pieces of all. Just to the east of this structure is the Columbian P'ountain, the gem of all, designed by Frederick MacMonnies, and executed by him at . J «h&< bird's-kvI': vn.w his studio in Paris. It resembles closely in symbolical design a remarkable sketch alleged to have been made by Columbus him- self, and yet preserved. The centre part is designed as a mediaeval barge, drawn by huge sea-horses, frothing and spouting loam and sea water, and by centaurs bestridden and urged on. Enthroned and above all sits Coluilibia, majestic in dignity and pose, the personification of liberty, freedom and power, with Father Time as steersman. Assisting in the propulsion of the ship of state are four female figures on either side, representing the arts and sciences, THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT. 69 gracefully pulling huge sweeps or oars. At the bow of the barge, Fame, a beautiful female figure, with a herald's trumpet in hand, pro- claims the advent and progress of the nation. The motto, "E pluri- busunum,"is engraved on the pedestal supporting the principal figure. The work is marvellous in conception and in execution. It is snowy- white, to match the other beauties of the fairy city, and its greatest beauty is seen at night, when the electric fountains on either side OF THE FAIR. are playing, and the intense rays of the search lights are cast upon it. The electric fountains are other decorations whose best beauty is at night. Through hundreds of jets the water pours far into the air, illuminated by electric light cast through globes of many different colors. The effect is dazzling and enchanting. Far at the other end of the Basin is the great statue of the Re- public, designed by Daniel C. French, of New York. This figure is sixty-five feet in height, and of perfect symmetry. The arms and 70 THE SITE AND HOW TO KKACH IT. liands are upraised above the head. In her right hand she holds a <>lobe on which an ea^^le rests with outstretched winijs. Tlie left hand carries a staff with a Phrygian cap, the symbol of Hberty. On the head is a wreath of laurel leaves. The h(^avy robe is open in front, and reveals a breastplate of armor, and a sword half hidden by the drapery. The statue is made of plaster and gilded. Inside the statue is a stairway, by which the attendant goes to the top, to light and care for it. The total weight is thirty-five tons. Its size will be seen by the fact that the arms are thirty feet long, the nose thirty inches long, and within the hand is room to hold four men of ordinary size. So perfectly proportioned to its surroundings is it, that one loses sight of its enormous size, and sees but its beauty and grace. The Grand Basin and the North and South Canals, which extend at ricjht ano^les from it, are treated in terraces, with bevelled lawns, and elaborate balustrades of white, massive and classic. On their posts are great pots of cacti, and below are roses and other fiowers and plants. At the southern extremity of the Canal is the Lion fountain and Obelisk, a design of great beauty, and one of the most artistic conceptions on the grounds. It represents one of the ancient obelisks of Egypt, and is guarded by four lions, of which M. A. Waagen is the sculptor. Just behind this,- and connecting the Machinery and the Agriculture Buildings, is the classical Col- onnade, designed by C. B. Atwood, as a screen for the intramural station, and the Live Stock Pavilion. It is graceful and beautiful. Two classes of sculpture are yet to be mentioned, of those encir- cling the Basin. They consist of a series of native American wild animals, modelled by Edward Kemeys and A. Phimister Proctor, and a series of six rostral columns designed and executed by Johannes Gelert. The animals surmount the bridges that cross tlie canals, and thus have a location thatjs unsurpassed. Those of Mr. Kemeys are "Old Ephraim," a male grizzly guarding the approach to his lair; "A Grizzly Grave Digger," who is playing with the head of a wild sheep she has before burietl and has now disinterred; "A Prairie King," a bull buffalo walking around the outskirts of his herd, to guard against threatened dang(,'r ; " At Sound of the Wlioop," THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT. 71 a cow buffalo, standinor at the first signal of danorer, to o;uard her calf; " The Still Hunt," the figure of an American panther crouching ready to spring; "At Bay," a female panther ready to defend her -lair against an attack. x'\ll of these beautiful works are so posed as to give the appearance of watching the approaches to the bridge. The work of Mr. Proctor, which is of equal merit, consists of moose, elk and polar bears. Two sullen moose guard the bridge HUNTER'S CABIN, WOODED ISLAND. leading to the Agriculture Building, and a number of elk are placed on bridges in various parts of the grounds. Two polar bears watcli another bridge, and seem to be looking across >an imaginary fifl'i of Ice for seals or explorers. INIr. Proctor is also the sculptor oi the lions which guard the treasures of the Fine Arts Building. But his most important works here are the equestrian statues decorat- ing the landing in the lagoon opposite the Transportation Building. One Is a cowboy, not the eastern Ideal but the western reality. Pie sits on a typical bucking broncho which he Is curbing, and Is in 72 THE SITK AND HOW TO RKACH IT. every way a most worthy representative of his kind. His com- panion is an Indian, mounted on a pony, which is standing silent while the rider i^azes from under his shadin;^" hand, to see what is before him on the prairie. The pose and the details are all perfect. TERMINAL STATION. Facino- the waters of the Basin and Canals, opposite and adjoining the Agriculture Building, are oxen and draught horses, beautitully sculptured and of large size. In addition to the outdoor sculpture already named there are other features, such as fountains and ornamental figures, of lesser importance, scattered over the grounds, in many places. Every care has thus been taken to make a pleasure ground that would be as delightful outsider X.h(t buildings as within them. Beautiful flowers and grass plots meet the eye everywhere, and nothing is left un- done that can add to the attractiveness of the scene. Now all of these splendors would be as naught if they were so far from means of communic'ation as to be out of the reach of quick and casN- travel. It is consequently interesting to note tiie means of communication furnished the public to come to the Fair. The transj)ortation facilities are better in every way than have ever been provided at any previous exj)osition. From tl^e Lake Front Park, THE SITE AND HOW TO REACH IT. 73 which may be termed the down-town entrance of the Fair, there are a number of ways to reach the grounds, all safe, speedy and pleasant. First comes the express service of the Illinois Central -railway. Trains start from the down-town station at Van Buren street every few minutes, and reach the grounds without any stop, after a run of some fifteen minutes. Once at Jackson Park the passenger may leave the train at Sixtieth or Sixty-third street, or ride directly into the grounds, to be nearest to the Administration Building and the centre of the Fair. This last stop is at the en- trance to the Terminal station, a grand depot within the Exposition 'INTERIOR OV TERMINAI, STATION. grounds. This structure lies due west of the Administration Build- mg, and forms the western boundary of the Court of Honor. It was designed in the mixed Roman-Corinthian style, by Mr. C. B. Atwood, The station is divided into three sections, the central portion being 200 feet long. This forms the great vestibule through which trains 74 THK vSlTK AND HOW TO REACH IT. are einptictl. The eastern and western sections are three stories higli, and contain the waiting-rooms, check-rooms, hinch counters, and general railway and custom house offices. On the second floor, the full circuit of the central section, is an immense gallery, 25 feet wide, and 600 feet long. Above it, a frieze of clock faces, twenty- four in number, shows the time in the principal cities of the world. Three grand loggia open to the east. There are ladies' parlors in this building, and all sorts of comforts for the travelling public. The passenger from the city may find within a few hundred yards from the Illinois Central Station, the station of the elevated railway company, and these trains will also convey one within the walls of the Exposition. The station where they unload their passengers is on the roof of the annex to the Transportation Building, and adjoin- ing the station of the elevated Intramural railway. A hne of fine steamships furnish another means of communication with the park. They sail from a pier adjoining the Illinois Central Station, and land at the great pier which extends into Lake Michigan from the Per- istyle eastward. The Movable Sidewalk enables one coming to the grounds this way to enjoy a novel mode of travel. It runs the length of the pier, and is one of the curiosities of the Exposition. Last of all, the passenger may take the cable lines from the busi- ness centre of the city, and reach the Fair after a ride through the residence district. Two lines are in this service, and there is still another railwa\' line, running from the west side of the city, and supplying service for the residents of that vicinity. Altogether the capacity of transportation to and from the World's Fair is estimated to be about 110,000 per hour, by these means, and many thousands of otiicrs who reside or board near the Fair, and are within walking distance, may be added to that number. There is no difficulty, then, in transporting to the Fair all who may want to attend on any day. Thus it is seen that everything that needs to be considered has been arranged to give to visitors the greatest pleasur", and to do it with greatest ease and comfort to them. That is the spirit of the Exposition. 5« |,;^:-|^#|Sif^i^^.->V^^- HE tale of the World's Columbian Exposition is in great part a record of masfnitudes. Com- parisons wherever made are the most certain proofs of the enormity of the undertaking. It is a fact that the room required for the conduct of the business interests of the Fair is greater than that occupied by the govern- ments of some of the great States of the Union, and the force of employes, even outside the army of laborers who performed the manual labor of building the Fair, is of astonishing number. Dur- ing the period before offices were prepared in the new buildings at Jackson Park, when all the work of administration had to be done in the business heart of Chicago, offices v^ere secured in the oTeat Rand-McNally building on Adams street, and there was a hive of industr)^ for more than two years before the last of the transactions could be pursued at the park. During the greater portion of this time two floors were thus occupied at a rental of some ^30,000 a year. At the earliest possible moment the offices of the Depart- ment of Construction were moved to the park, and. in succession,. as the various buildino-s were finished, the chiefs of the different departments changed their quarters, until by the time when the Administration building itself was finished, and ready to be occu- pied by the executive officers and for other purposes, the old rooms, about which so many.memories of the ExpositioYi must always hang, were almost all vacated. At the end of the period of construction there were but few representatives of the Exposition remaining there, these being the ones who have most frequent occasion to transact down-town business. It is of course in the Administration Building that the business (773 yS ADMINISTRATION. life of tlie World's Columbian Kxposition centres. Here are the offices of the most prominent of the executive officers, the ones WAR, ADMINISTRATION Kuii.DiNG. {^Kavl Bitter.) who have the burden of the responsibility on their shoulders. The buildinnr contains no exhibits, except as the decorations of painting ADMINISTRATION. 79 and sculpture are exhibits for the visitors to the buildino- itself But its commanding position in the most favorable location within the grounds, and its magnificent architectural proportions, com- bined with its official importance, act to make it the most prom- inent of all the buildings of the Fair, and to secure for it the DIANA, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. {Karl Bitter.) FIRE UNCONTROLLED, SOUTH EN- TRANCE AD-MINISTRATION BUILDING. {^Karl Bitter.) encomiums of architectural experts for its beauty and perfection. Such a structure is worthy of extended description. The Administration Building stands in the centre of the Grand Plaza, and is at the same time the centre of the architectural features 8o ADMINISTRATION. of the Fair. This Plaza is a great open space, rectangular, and bounded on the north by the Mines and Electricity Buildings, on the west by the terminal railway station, and on the south by the Machinery Hall. Its eastward aspect is toward the Lake, but between the Plaza and Lake Michicran lie the clear waters of the Grand Basin, central feature of the Lagoon system as the Plaza is of the land- scape system. The view lake- wards over the Basin passes, first the McMonnies fountain, one of the most beautiful orna- ments of the Exposition, and the electric fountains, with their sprays of rainbow-colored water. Then at the other ex- tremity of the Basin stands the Golden Statue of the Republic, with the peristyle and the Lake for a background. Beveled lawns and triumphal columns and noble bridges with sculptured ornament fill the view, and it is enchanting.. Here then, in the midst of all these splendors, is the golden- domed crown of the Fair. In size the Administration Building is a noble edifice,, though it is dwarfed to some extent by the giants around it. It is 262 feet square, covers an area of more than three acres, and cost nearly half a million dollars. One of the noblest achievements of modern architecture, it is by many named WATER UNCONXROI.LED, EASTERN E-NTRANCE ADMINISTRATION BuiivDiNG. (Aar/ Bitter.) ADMINISTRATION. 8l as the gem of all the buildings of the Exposition. The building is in the form of four pavilions, each 84 feet square, one at each of the four ano^les of the square of the plane, and all connected by a great central dome, 1 20 feet in diameter, and 250 feet high. The gen- eral desion of the structure is in the style of the French renaissance, carried out in the academic manner of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. The first great story is in the Doric order, and of heroic propor- tions, surmounted by a lofty balustrade. At the angles of each pavilion the piers are crowned with sculpture. Ex- ternally the design may be divided as to its height in three principal stages. The first measures 65 feet, to correspond with the build- ings around it. The second staee of the same height is a continuation of the central rotunda, 175 feet square, sur- rounded on all sides by an open colonnade, 20 feet wide and 40 feet high, with columns four feet in diameter. The third stage consists of the base of tlie great dome, 30 feet high, and the dome itself, rising in graceful lines, richly ornamented with moulded ribs and sculptured panels. This dome is coated with aluminum bronze, at a cost of BI^ACKSMITH, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. {Karl Bitter.) 82 ADMINISTRATION. |.,ooo, and shines out upon the sight from the long vistas that TRUTH, ADMINISTRATION BuiivDiNG. {Karl Bitter.) extend in every direction from the Grand Plaza. The four great ADMINISTRATION. 83 entrances, one on each side of the building, are 50 feet wide and 50 feet high, and deeply recessed. On each side the entrances are embel- lished with groups of stat- uary, sculptured in emble- matical forms. Once within the building and under the great dome, it is seen that the corner pavilions, small though they may appear from without, are in reality each four-story office buildings as to capacity and form, each of the most modern kind. Elevators iead from them to the offices above. The rotunda itself is IKADITION. PATRIOTISM, ADMINISTRATION BUIIJUNG. {Karl Bitter.) open to the top of the dome. The interior of the dome is octagonal in shape, the first story 'being com- posed of eig-ht enormous arched openings. Above the arches is a frieze, 27 feet in- width, the panels filled with tablets, borne by figur,es carved in relief The interior of the dome rises 200 feet from the f^oor, and at the top an opening 50 feet square admits a fiood of light. The under side of the dome is enriched with 84 A DMINISTRATION. panels filled with sculpture and immense paintings, representing the arts and sciences. A mosaic floor is under foot, and settees, scattered around for the resting-place of any one who may desire, help to make the place one of the favorite resorts of the Fair. SCIENCE, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. {Kurt Bitter.) The great arched doors are always open, and a constant stream of humanity flows from pavilion to pavilion, and from arch to arch under the rotunda. No other building on the grounds displays such a wealth of elab- orate decoration. The edifice was constructed largely for show and architectural beauty, and the sculptural beauties of it are a constant delight. The gr^oups were designed and executed by Karl Bitter, the able sculptor of New York. The decorations con- sist of twenty-eight groups of statuary and a number of single fig- ures and relievos. Bas-reliefs of large size are especially used for adorning the interior of the dome. The most remarkable are ADMINISTRATION. 85 those groLipr. which are placed at the side of the entrances. They are each thirty-four feet high, and represent the four elements, *' Earth," "Water," "Air" and "Fire." At the one side of the en- trance is seen the element in its natural unsubdued condition, and at the other it is represented as in the service of man and subdued by him. The first group representing Earth appears crowned with the figure of an old but powerful man, who, rest- ing his fist on his sturdy knee, is peer- ing forward. It is to allegforize the^ bulk of a mountain, the imposing form of a rock. Beneath this figure is standing a fierce fellow, who, leaning on a chopped mammoth-tooth, looks at his wife, who is wrestling with an ape for fruit. This is to represent the earth in its original relations to man, when he had to live like and contend with the animals. At the other side the stately figure of a woman is proudly lifting in the air a crown, and precious stones, while the other hand drapes her garments in rich folds. She shows that man forced from the earth all that was exquisite and valuable to him. Beneath her is a strong man breaking a rock to get at the raw materials which, completely manufac- water co^-tkollkd. ^Kari Bitter.) tured, she is holding in her hand. At her right side is a youth, who, with a smile, carries upon his shoulder a basketful Xii fruit and orrain. " Fire Uncontrolled " is shown by a female figure pushing for- ward, holding outstretched in her right hand a snake. She is rest- ing on the form of a man, who, with full, sensuous face," represents the storm, and who seems to force the woman in the direction where the arm is pointing. Beneath there is crouched the figure S6 ADMINISTRATION. of a woman, with a malicious expression, secretly trying to set fire to a pile of wood. "Fire Controlled" is shown by a figure of " Genius " lifting- a torch as a symbol of light, the best gift that fire has rendered to man. A smith who has stricken to the feet of Genius with his hammer a demon is intended to represent the uses of fire in the mechanical arts. In "Water Un- controlled " Nep- tune stands as the centre figure, and rules with out- stretched hands the agitated waters. Beneath him a daughter of Nereus boldly plays with a Triton. She emerges from the depth to the crest of the wave, her hair tanorlino- in the foam, and grasping the locks of the Triton, pulls him over. His anguish shows that he is compelled to sub- mit. As a counterpart, showing the element in its subdued state, is seen a vigorous youth in a boat, carried on the breast of the water, which is now forced to lend its strength to carry man, with an oar in hand pushing his way onward. Another draws to the surface the daughter of Nereus, and tears from her hands the pearls which she has so long guarded at the bottom of the sea. Two maiden figures in dancing motion between the clouds rep- resent "Air Uncontrolled." One of them is turning her body as if Dii,iGENCE. {Karl Bitter. ADMINISTRATION. 87 to show the twirhng- of the wind. Overhead are two Cupid-like figures of children also at play. As a counterpart, a man is holding in his hands the model of an air ship, while the expression of his features shows triumph for success. The genius which rises be- hind him seems to be lifting the ship. Beneath the inventor is a youth, the assistant of the aeronaut, who is also delighted with the success. RELIGIOUS SENTIMENT. {Karl Bitter.) The four wings of the building are decorated with three groups each, allegorizing the capacities, inclinations and dispositions which nature renders to man. Strength, patriotism, ^religious sentiment, diligence, charitableness, love of liberty, satisfaction . by pleasure, respect for traditions, etc., are thus symbolized. Special regard is paid to the principles and character of the American nation. In the highest points, at the sides of the four smaller domes, which surround the main dome, there are finally placed eight more groups, allegorizing the extreme culminating pointr; of human culture, as ADMINISTRATION. art and science, industry and commerce, war and peace, theology and justice. A number of female figures representing Victory are placed upon the columns at the entrance to the dome, and bas- reliefs of Columbia are on every hand. Just within the east en- trance to the building, upon the ground, is a great statue of Columbus. It is modelled by Miss Mary T. Lawrence, and is a sim- ple, but natural and vig- orous, work. The mural decorations within the dome are mae- nificent.. In panels be- tween the grand arches are sixteen huge bronze plates^ on which are in- scribed the names of the o-reat countries of the earth. Yet above eight huge panels bear each a ^ slate, supported by two winoed fio-ures. On these 1 are inscribed records of great events and discov- ' eries in the history of the world. Still above these are inscribed the names of the o^reat men of the world in discovery and invention. Upon the ceiling of the outer dome is painted Dodge's great picture, "The Glorification of the Arts and Sciences." A volume could be written concerning the elaborate decoration of the great structure, but space forbids, and demands attention for the men to whom the credit of management is due. The scheme of management has already been outlined in brief FiSHERMAiD. {Karl Bitter.) ADMINISTRATION. 89 in the chapter on preliminary history. This important feature of administration is vested in three organizations, or four, if that co- ordinate one, the World's Congress Auxiliary, be included. These are as follows: The National Commission, authorized by Congress; the World's Columbian Exposition, organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, and the Board of Lady Managers, authorized by Congress. The officers of the Commission through the period of the Fair are : President, Thomas W. Palmer ; Vice- Presidents, Thos. W. Waller, M. H. de Young, D. D. Penn, Gorton W. Allen and A. B. Andrews ; Secre- tary, John C. Dick- inson. The World's Columbian Expo- sition directory is composed of thirty- five citizens of Chi- cago, elected an- -' nually by the stock- j holders. On this j , body fell the bur- '\ den of raising the necessary money, and the active management of the business of the Fair, except intercourse with exhibitors. Its officefs are : President, Harlow N. Higinbotham ; Vice-President, Ferd. W. Peck ; Second Vice-President, R. A. Waller; Secretary. H. O. Edmonds; Treasurer, A. F. Seeberger ; Auditor, W. K. Ackerman, and Solicitor, W. K. Carlisle. The officers of the Board of Lady Managers are : Mrs. Bertha H. Palmer, President; Mrs. Ralph Trautman, First Vice-President, PRESIDENT^ H. N. HTGIKBOTHAM. CHIEFS OF THE DEPARTMENTS. t. Eber W. Cottrell— Live Stock. 2. Willard A. Smith — Transportation. 3. E. E. Joyco.K — Traffic IVIannger. 4. Walter Fearn — Foreign Affairs. 5. James Allison — Manufactures. 6. IMoses P. Handy — Publicity and Promotion. 7. Halsey C. Ives— Fine Arts. 8. John P. Barrett — Electricity. (90) 9. William I. Buchanan — Agriculture. 10. Frederick W. Putnam — Ethnology. 11. John W. Collins — Fisheries. 12. Frederick J. V. Skiff— Mining. 13. Lewis W. Robinson. — Machinery. 14. Joseph Hirst — Secretary of Installation. 15. Selim H. Peabody^Liberal Arts. 16. John M. Samuels — Horticulture. ADMINISTRATION. 91 and Mrs. Susan Gale Cooke, Secretary. The offices of all these organizations are in the Administration Building-. Each great exhibits department has its own offices in the building - which contains its displays. Another hive of industry properly to be named in this chapter is the Service Building, a plain but com- modious structure, which contains the offices of the Construction Department, the Fire and Police System, the latter of which is that semi-military organization, the Columbian Guards, besides barracks, stables and other necessary conveniences. The fire and police services are excellently organized, and are under the best of discipline. Throughout the Fair and the period of construction D. H. Burnham has been the Director of Works, with entire authority over the work of construction and preparation. The chief executive of the Fair has been Col. George R. Davis, the Director-General, through whose office has been had all assignment of space and other intercourse with exhibitors. A body of four, containing two representatives from each of the two ereat oroverninor forces, the Com- mission and the Directory, under the name of the Council of Administration, has been in active charore of the entire enterprise, with authority to settle disputed points. Each depart- ment chief is an officer of the staff of the Director-General, and this consequently includes the Department of Publicity and Promo- tion, that great advertising enterprise under the chieftainship of Major Moses P. H^ndy, which made the Exposition a familiar thing in every hamlet of the civilized world. It would be interest- ing to follow his processes of action, but that is impossible here. In addition to the offices named, there are in the Administration Buildings rooms for the Customs House officers of the United States, a bank, telegraph and express offices, and accommodations COLUMBIAN GUARD. DIRECTORS OF THB ILIvINOIS CORPORATION. T. Charles H. Wacker. 2. William D. Kerfoot. 3. Charles H. Schwab. 4. Elbridge G. Keith. 5. John J. P. Odell. 6. Alexander H. Revell. 7. Wm. J: Chalmers. 8. Frederick S. Winston. 9. Eugene S. Pike. 10. Adolp Nathan, II. Charles Henrotin. 12. George Schneider. 13. Edward B. Butler. 14. Robert A. Waller. 15. Milton W. Kirk. 16. Charles L. Hutchinson. 17. Thos. B. Bryan. 18. Wm. T. Baker, ig. Lyman J. Gage. 20. Chas. T. Yerkes. 21. Robt. C. Clowry. 22. Arthur Di.xon. 23. Ferdinand W. Peck. 24. Charles H. Chappell. 25. Paul O. Stinsland. 26. Washington Porter. 27. Ed. F. Lawrence. 28. Benj.' Butterworth. 29. A. M. Rothschild. 30. Edw. P. Ripley. 31. G. H. Wheeler. 32. John C. Willing. 33. Andrew McNally. 34. George P. Englehard. 35. Edwin Walker. (92) ADMINISTRATION. 93 WILLIAM T. BAKER. LYMAN N. GAGE. The President and Ex-Presidents of the Illinois Corporation. for working newspaper men from all over the world. It is a busy place, and the centre of Exposition life, as it is of Exposition architecture. VERY great International Exposition, from the first to this greatest of all, has had some one feature, the most notable of its attractions, which was unique and won- derful, which was the principal point of attack every sight-seer reached in his campaign of investigation. Every Exposition of the past is to-day remembered more for some such culminating attraction than for its harmony and its perfection as an educational influence. At the Paris Exposition of 1889 that piece de 7^esistance was the Eiffel tower. It was such a prominent feature of the whole Fair that it is doubtful if one eve|- thinks of the Fair without thinkino- at the same time of the tower. The corre- sponding attraction at the World's Columbian Exposition is as enor- mous and as wonderful, but not so exclusive in its merit as that great tower that reached a thousand feet into the clouds of heaven. It is the Buildingf for Manufactures, or the Main Building, as it is popularly called. This building, from its very size, is one of the won- ders of the world. - It is a standing violation of the rule that statis- tics are never interestine. Its name is Leviathan. It is the laro-est house that was ever built. It measures within a few feet of seven- teen hundred feet lono- and eioht hundred feet wide. To walk around it is to journey a mile. To walk once along each side of each main aisle and cross aisle, upon the floor and in the galleries, (95) 96 MANUFACTURES. within the structure, is to travel more than fiftv miles. At the rate of one mile an hour, which is as fast as it will be possible to move through the throng, taking even the most cursory glance at the ex- hibits, it then requires more than a week, working constantly eight hours a day, to exhaust this building. This estimate makes no provision for careful study of the exhibits. It is an indication of the magnitude of the whole Exposition, Now for some fio-ures on the construction of this edifice : Its area ERKCTION OF MANUFACTURES BUILDING. is thirty and one-half acres ; while with its galleries it provides more than forty-four acres of floor space. The total cost of the building was ^1,700,000. The great roof is the feature of the structure, which makes the strongest impression upon every beholder. The roof and the trusses that support it are the largest ever built. The span is three hundred and eighty feet, and the height to the ridge of the roof from the floor is two hundred and two feet. These numbers and the statement that the buildinof covers more than thirty acres give but an indefinite idea of its capacity. It is esti- mated that five thousand people could live without crowding within MANUFACTURES. 97 the walls of this monster in one thousand cottages, each 25 x 50 feet, which could be built upon the floor. The floor alone con- sumed more than 3,000,000 feet of lumber and five carloads of . nails. There are eleven acres of skylights and forty carloads of elass in the roof. Now, let us have some comparisons: The building is three times larger than the Cathedral of St. Peter's at Rome, and any church in Chicago could be placed in the vestibule of St. Peter's. It is four times larger than the old Roman Colosseum, which seated eighty thousand per- sons. The central hall, which is a single room without a supporting pillar under its roof, contains eleven acres, and seventy-five thou- sand persons can sit in ^^ this room, orivinof each one six square feet of space. By the same arrano-ement the entire building will seat three hundred thousand peo- ple. The Auditorium, which is the most notable building in Chi- cago, is so small that twenty of its duplicates could be placed on this floor. The Manufactures Building is notable not only for its immense size, but for its symmetry as well. It is in the Corinthian style of architecture, and its details are severely classic. Its facades pre- sent an array of columns and arches strictly Corinthian, but re- lieved from monotony by elaborate ornamentation. To a great extent this ornamentation takes for its subject female figures, sym- bolical of the various arts and sciences. There are four great en- trances, being one in the centre of each fac^ade. These are de- 7 98 MANUFACTURES. signed in the manner of triumphal arches, the central archway of each being- forty feet wide and eighty feet high. Above these por- tals is the great attic story, ornamented with sculptured eagles, great panels with inscriptions and sculptured figures in bas-relief. Great arched entrance pavilions are erected also at each corner of the main building, and these are designed in harmony with the central portals. Some of the greatest artists in the country have given their services to the decoration of these portals, and the magnifi- cent paintings over one's head as he enters are a source of delight. Within the building thirty great staircases from the main floor lead to the galleries. A gallery fifty feet wide extends around all four sides, and projecting from it are eighty-six smaller galleries twelve feet wide. These galleries form a splendid post of vantage from which to survey the swaying throng beneath and the wilderness of attractive exhibits. To those who enjoy the study of human na- ture and the characteristics of a crowd, and desire a rest from the constant strain of seeing manufactured wonders, these galleries are a delightful place of obser- vation, and over their rail- ings one may view mate- rial enough for a philoso- pher's meditations for a century. This great building oc- cupies a position as de- lightful as it deserves. Longitudinally it faces Lake Michigan, with noth- ing except promenades and green sward separat- inor these two embodi- ments of oreatness. Here at the east front of the great house is a favorite resort during the hot afternoons of summer. The enormous roof, a third of a mile in length, casts a shadow even to the water's edge. EXHIBIT OF PENINSUI^AR STOVE CO. MANUFACTURES. 99 ^^^ ■■ ^ mtM ^ r-^^^^m'^ and the breeze blowing from off the surface of the huge body of fresh water gives rest to the weary and rehef to those whom heat has burdened. Toward the south is the Grand Canal, and across its waters one sees the Building for Aq-- riculture and its crowningf object of art, the St. Gaudens statue of Diana. Westward across the Ca- nal is the Building for Electricity. To the north is the United States Government Buildino- and the Governmen Plaza. From whichever of these directions the building is approached,^ the great roof is that which first impresses itself upon the beholder. It is now to remember that the building as originally designed was in- tended to have an open court in the centre instead of this arched roof; but more space was needed for exhibits, and it was decided to construct a covering for the court and so utilize 4t. Mr. George B. Post, of New York, the architect, swept a bit of charcoal over the plan of the building, marking a curve that bridged the central space ; that stroke of the charcoal added a cost of ^450,000, but it ennobled the structure as none before ever was. As one approaches the Park in which the Exposition was reared, the first impression justifies that happy characterization which has named the exhibit palaces " The White City," The Manufactures Building, like its companions, employs for covering a material called " staff," which eives this effect of marble whiteness. On all the buildino-s more than two thousand carloads of this material EXHIBIT OF P. H. hake; MFG. CO. mterestmg lOO MANUFACTURES. were consumed. In the consideration of this structure, where its use was greatest, it is well to know something of the material. It is composed chiefly of powdered gypsum, which is mixed with alumina, glycerine and dextrine. These are mingled in water without heat, and cast in molds in any desired shape, where they harden. The natural color of the composition is a murky white, but any color may be produced by the application of ordinary paints. Brittleness is prevented by casting the material around a coarse cloth bagging, or oakum. The casts are shallow, and may be in any form, in imitation of cut stone, moldings, or the most del- icate designs. The material is impervious to water, and is perma- nent when used in buildings, although its cost is less than one-tenth of granite or marble. "Staff" was invented in France about 1876, and its first use, where it acquired prominence, was in the buildings of the Paris Exposition of 1878. It is very proper that the design of the building should be mas- sive and beautiful, yet severely simple. If such a one had been treated ornamentally as the smaller buildings were it would have detracted from its immense size. The motive of its architectural inspiration was to impress upon the mind of the beholder its solidity and grandeur, and not to subordinate these to considera- tions of mere beauty. Were the sight broken and the senses dis- tracted by carved balconies, porches and arabesques, the building would be seen in parts and not as one gigantic whole, and its im- mensity would thus be lost to the spectator. As it is, the eye takes in at a glance its chaste, plain exterior, and the mind is thrilled with the idea of its stupendous size, solidity and strength. Yet It is not to be understood that the structure is free from or- namentation. On the contrary, the interior of its domes bear upon their surfaces some of the most notable of the mural decorations of the Fair. These paintings are as follows : In the dome of the north entrance, by Beckwith, four females, symbolical of " Elec- tricity as Applied to Commerce; " by Shirlaw, four figures on nug- gets of gold and silver, a branch of coral and a huge pearl, repre- senting "The Abundance of Land and Sea." Over the east entrance, by Simmons, four nude men, a blacksmith for iron, a MANUFACTURES. lOI sculptor for stone, and others ; by Kenyon Cox, a woman bending a sword, representing "The Metal-worker's Art; " a woman hold- ing a distaff and weaving, a woman decorating a vase, representing " Pottery ; " and " Building," represented by a woman holding a car- GENERAL VIEW OF AUSTRIAN SECTION. penter's square with a partly finished brick wall at the back. At the, south entrance, by Reid, three seated figures of women against the sky, representing " The Art of Design," and one seated man, a metal- worker ; by J. Alden Weir, female figures, representing "Pottery, Sculpture, Decoration and Textile Arts." At the west entrance, by Blashfield, wino-ed figures alleeorical of the arts of the Armorer, the Brass-worker, the Iron-worker and the Stone-worker ; by Rein- hart, seated .figures, representing the Goldsmith's and other decora- tive arts, with vases of plants in the arches overhead. The sub- jects of Mr. Gari Melcher's panels over the southwest entrance are "The Arts of War" and "The Arts of Peace." Two panels, by I02 MANUFACTURES. Mr, F. D. Millet, are located over the entrance of the northwest corner; they represent the weaving trades, the subjects being ** Penelope at the Loom" and "The Return of Ulysses." Two panels, by Mr. Lawrence C. Earle, are placed over the northeast entrance, respectively representing " The Glassblowers " and " Pot- tery." Mr. McEwen's panels, placed over the entrance at the southeast corner, typify "Music" and "Textiles." The subjects in all of the decorations in this building are treated in classical style and are very fine. Around the sides in a frieze appear the names LOOKING OVER CI^OTH BOOTHS TO CLOCK TOWER. of the States with their coats-of-arms, and gigantic eagles with up- lifted wings are poised on thq. pediments over the entrances. Through the centre of the building, north and south, from entrance to entrance, runs a veritable street, Columbia avenue, fifty feet wide and studded at the corners of each intersecting- street or aisle with ornamental lamp-posts bearing electric lights. Across this MANUFACTURES. 103 Street at its middle runs another of the same width, thus dividing the interior of the building into four immense rectangular spaces, which are each further divided by intersecting cross aisles. In the centre of the building, at the intersection of the two main streets, stands an imposing clock-tower. This magnificent clock-tower is 1 20 teet high, with a base of 20 feet diameter, which is formed of four square towers, rising to a PART OF BRITISH SECTION. height of 40 feet and each terminating in a dome. The archways of these lower towers culminate in a orroined Idome, over which is the first floor of the main tower. An ornamental balcony sur- rounds this story, its principal decorations being the shields of the States of the Union and the coats-of-arms of the South American States. The tower at this point narrows to a diameter of 24 feet, and upon the next floor is placed the mechanism of the great lOA MANUFACTURES. TRri'oii r;Rii-}:Tx j.vRriTXiERE. Exhibit by Edwin Bennett Pottery Co. clock, whose dials, 70 feet above the floor, mark the hours of day and night. These dials are in the fourth story and are seven feet in diameter. The fifth story is a round tower, whose arches sup- port a dome 20 feet in diameter. In this story is placed a melo- dious chime of bells, furnished by the Clinton H. M e n e e 1 y Com- pany, of Troy, N. Y. Upon the main floor of the building, and un- der the very cen- tre of the arches of the tower, stands an obelisk made of silver half- dollars, souvenir coins, made ex- actly In the model of the noted monu- ment at Washing- ton, D. C. This column of silver Is one of the io6 MANUFACTURES. greatest attractions to visitors in the entire building. It is some 40 feet hicrh, and thousands of coins were used in the construction of it. Four great nations, France, Great Britain, Germany and the United States, occupy the centre of the Manufactures Buildine, and ad- join one another facing this great clock tower. The United States occupies the entire northeast quarter of the buildinpf, as well as a larofe area in the northwest quarter. Here are exhibited everything contained in the followinof classification, De- partment H, under the chieftainship of James Allison, having the widest scope of any Department, Here is a list of the groups and exhibits : Chemical and pharmaceutical pro- ducts, druggists' supplies : Paints, colors, dyes and varnishes : Type- writers, paper, blank-books, station- ery: Furniture of interiors, uphol- stery and artistic decorations : Cera- mics and Mosaics, monuments, mausoleums, mantels, undertakers' goods : Art metal work, enamels, etc. : Glass and glassware : Stained oflass in decorations : Carvinors in various materials: Gold and silver, plate, etc. : Jewelry and ornaments : Horology, watches, clocks, etc. : Silk and silk fabrics : Fabrics of jute, ramie and other vegetable and mineral fibres : Yarns, woven goods, linen and other vegetable fibres : Woven and felted goods of wool and mixtures of wool: Clothing and costumes: Fur and fur clothing : Laces, embroideries, trimmings, artificial flowers, fans, etc.: Hair work, coiffures and accessories of the toilet: Travelling equipments, valises, trunks, canes and umbrellas: Rubber goods, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, celluloid and zylonite: Toys and fancy DEFENCE OF THE FLAG. Exhibit of Monumental Bronze Co. MANUFACTURES. 107 articles: Leather and manufactures of leather: Scales, weio-hts and measures : Materials of war, apparatus for hunting, sportino- arms: Lighting apparatus and appliances: Heating and cook- ing apparatus and appliances : Refrigerators, hollow metal ware, tinware, enameled ware : Wire o-oods and screens, perforated sheets, lattice work, fencinof : Wrouo-ht-iron and thin metal exhibits: Vaults, safes, hardware, edged tools, cutlery: and sanitary materials : Miscellane- ous manufactures not heretofore classed. Now let us imagine that by some means the visitor has reached the exact centre of the building, under the great clock tower, to beein his sigrht-seeinof. As he faces northward the whole northeast quarter of the buildinor is occu- pied by the displays of the United States. To the northwest is Ger- many, to the southwest Great Britain, and to the southeast France, though, of course, none of the three latter nations extend clear to the end of the building. The displays of the United States, occu- pying more than twelve acres of this building alone, are more won- derful and more numerous than those of any other nation, and yet COLUMBUS IN SOLID SILVER. Exhibit of Gorhain Manufacturing Cotnpany. io8 GROUP OF SILVER CUPS AND VASES. Exhibit of Tiffany & Co. — U. S. MANUFACTURES. 109 this space is but one-tenth of what was originally asked for by American exhibitors. While it excels in variety, originality, ingenuity and mechanical genius all the others, yet it does not have the unity of a national display such as those of France and Ger- many. The most striking exhibit here is the pavilion erected by Tiffany, the jew- eler, and Gorham, the silver- smith, both of New York. It faces the central space, and thus has to meet for rivals the other three cjreat nations just named. In its central front rises a tall, fluted shaft, with a plain yet noble base, and a great Doric capital, surmounted by a globe upon which is poised at an elevation of 100 feet a o-olden eaMe. On the front of the base is the sim- ple inscription, " Exhibit of the U. S. of America." At either side of the main en- trance, in the corner, are groups of columns bearing aloft single tall shafts, ter- minating in orlobes. Arches, surmounted with carved and sculptured pediments and a roof with low, flattened dome complete this palatial edifice, which cost its builders $100,- 000. The display in the pavilion is valued at more than $2,000,000. It contains gold and silver ware, precious stones, rings, bracelets, chains, watches, everything rare and beautiful that the jeweler and GLOBE CLOCK. Exhibit of Tiffany of Co. no MANUFACTURES. silversmith can show. Among the more noteworthy pieces exhib- ited is the Globe Clock, an interesting piece of astronomical and chronological mechanism. The o-lobe and casing of the works are of sterHng silver ; the lower part, containing the movement, represents a temple of classic form, suggested by the Roman Pantheon; the twelve pillars encircling the temple are symbolical of the months. Below them are marked the Roman numerals, upon which a hand indicates the time of day. On the roof of the temple, over the pillars, are the signs of the zodiac and names of the months. Here another hand revolves indicatinor the calendar month. The globe measures 14 inches in diameter, and the clock, complete, from the Mexican onyx base to the crown of the silver owl — the symbol of Wisdom on top — stands about ^o inches hiofh. The Magrnolia Vase represents the pottery of the early Americans In iorm, and the various sections of this country In Its decorations. Its height Is 31 Inches, and the materials used are silver, gold and opal matrix. Nearly a thousand dollars' worth of gold was used MAGNOLIA VASE. Exhibit of Tiffany & Co. MANUFACTURES. Ill in the representation of the golden rod. The vase weighs about 65 pounds. CURIOUS AND FANCY PIECES. — Exhibit of Tiffany & Co. One of the special pieces that will command universal attention is an incense-burner, in the form of a rattlesnake coiled around the neck of a duck. The snake is life-size and modeled from nature, as was also the duck. The serpent's eyes are of emer- alds, while its head and the rattles in the tail are formed of American pearls; 100 pearls, 450 opals and deli- cate enamel work add to the general effect. Another noteworthy or- namental piece is a minia- ture flower-pot and saucer. Among other special fancy pieces there are toads and Irogs, life-size, made as bon- bonnieres, and studded with turquoise matrix, demetoids, lundbcrg rr^MPi.c. 112 MANUFACTURES. PAVIIvION OF' MERIDEN BRII^ANNIA CO. pink topaz, etc. ; bugs and reptiles in great variety. The collection of American pearls is also very interesting. Far to the north, at the end of Columbia avenue, is the space de- voted to the exhibit of chemicals, perfumery, and toilet articles. One of the best of these displays is the Lundborg temple, where are shown all varieties of perfumeries manu- factured by this well-known com- pany. It covers a space of 20 x 20 feet, and has a height of 38 feet. Its material is wood, covered with ornamental plaster and painted in cream and gold. Here perfumes are dispensed free throughout the Fair, from the silver fountains in the pavilions. Some of the show-cases are in lavender, some in pink, and others in sage green. The floor furnishings are large rugs, while mahogany tables and chairs com- bine to make it a pleasant re- sort as well as an attractive exhibit. Another, of the same char- acter and also of excellent merit, is that of Theo. Rick- secker. The pavilion which contains it is handsome and elaborate, and the wares are also beautiful and attrac- tive. Adjoining these is the dis- play of the Rumford Chem- ical works. The pavilion measures 17 x 20 feet, and it is 21 feet in height. On each corner is a spire, in reproduction of BAR LOCK TYPEWRITER. MANUFACTURES. 113 the Merchants' Exchange at Copenhagen. The paviHon is finished in ivory and gold with its counter fronts of marble. A great variety of the Rumford chemicals are exhibited. Between these two points are ranged the wilderness of exhibits included in the classification just outlined. It is impossible to do EXHIBIT OF AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO. more than name most of the more notable displays, for they are bewildering in number and beauty. The rosewood pavilion of the Meriden Britannia Company is one of the mos^t attractive. The Heath & Milligan Manufactunng Company, of Chicago, has a ma-, hogany booth i 5 feet square, and costing more than ^3,000, in which is a display of finished wood and paints, in packages. It is a place where customers are made welcome, and where every one enjoys a rest from sight-seeing. The P. H. Hake Manufacturing Company, of New York, has a beautiful display of fine stationery, all sizes and styles and tints of the fashionable papers being shown, besides visiting cards, programs, and other stationery novelties. In the 114 MANUFACTURES. section devoted to typewriters are exhibited the Bar Lock, the Remington, the Hammond, the Smith Premier, and other leading makes. The Brunsvvick-Balke BilHard Company exhibits fine tables, cues, balls, counters, and other accessories. In the pavilion of the National Wall Paper Company five of their branches exhibit. The fijrniture exhibits, from leadino- manufacturers all over the country, are unusually fine. The furniture manufacturers of Rock- ford, 111,, united to make a display that will surpass any other by combining their forces and each contributing a large sum of money to the cause. Their exhibit is made second to none. The space measures 42 x 22 feet. Henry Ives Cobb, one of Chicago's most famous architects, drew plans for a model two-story house of this size, in which the exhibits are made. Special designs for the fur- niture were also made by Mr. Cobb. The first floor of the house contains three spacious rooms — hall, parlor and dining-room. The EXHIBIT Olf CHRISTOFI.E; & CO. hall is finished in oak, the s.tyle being modern Gothic, furniture and all being designed in the same manner. The parlor is in French Colonial style, trimmed in white and gold, the furniture being all mahogany. The dining-room is Romanesque, also furnished in mahogany. The walls are exquisitely decorated and frescoed, the MANUFACTURES. 115 floors covered with fine carpets and rugs, while portieres and cur- tains drape windows and doors. In the dining-room the table is set for dinner. The house is lighted by electricity, and the furniture PAVILION OF NATIONAL WALL PAPER CO. in keeping with the elegance of the rooms represents an outlay of more than ^25,000. It has the appearance of a perfectly furnished residence in every detail, which has been temporarily vacated by the owners in order to visit the World's Fair, To the extreme left, in front of the building, is a great mirror, upon which is inscribed in letters of silver the names of all the Rockford furniture compa- nies. This is the only place on the lower floor where the name of ii6 MANUFACTURES. an individual concern appears. None of the different pieces of furniture are marked, the idea being to bury personal identity and advertise Rockford as a whole. The second floor is reached by a handsome stairway, leading- from the hall. This entire floor is used as a store-room, the different companies each having here pieces of furniture on exhibit with their cards attached. The following are the names of the compa- nies which participate in furnishing the house : The Forest City Furniture Company; Central Furniture Company; Royal Mantel EXHIBIT OF ROCKFORD FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. Company; Union Furniture Company; Skandia Furniture Com- pany; Illinois Chair Company; Standard Furniture Company; Mantel and Furniture Company; Chair and Furniture Company; West End Furniture Company; Mechanics' Furniture Company; Co-operative Furniture Company; Desk and Furniture Company; Anderson Piano Company, and Rockford Cabinet Company. In the furniture section, the Interior Hardwood Company of In- dianapolis exhibits a hall in which the floor and stairway are finished in parquetry of various design. They also display wood carpets of all kinds, and other interior finishino- of handsome character. MANUFACTURES. 117 The Bridgeport Wood Finishing Company, of New ^lilford, Con- necticut, includes various specimens of foreign and domestic woods in the exhibit. They are placed in the shape of panels set artistic- ally side by side in an oak frame, showing the effect produced by the various fin- ishings manu- factured by this company, when applied to differ- ent woods. The Gendoon Iron Wheel Com- pany, of Toledo, Ohio, shows a fine display of reed furniture and bamboo novelties. The exhibit of Ceramics in the Manufac- tures Building is separated, and while France has the finest display, yet that .of America is highly credita- ble. The sec- tion includes not only fine China, plain and decorated, but also the coarser manufactures of clay, such as brick and other things of the same character. The Hydraulic Press Brick Companies of the United States unite in making a dis- PERSiAN EWER Exhibited by Edwin Bennett Pottery Co. ii8 MANUFACTURES. play of hydraulic brick of many colors and fancy designs. They have erected a magnificent arch displaying to best advantage the beauty of their work, which during the exposition has attracted much attention. Of a different character, but included in the same vicinity, is the display of the Rookwood Pottery, which is manufac- tured at Cincinnati. The ware is a true faience, made of clays from deposits in the Ohio valley, while the decorators, with the exception of one Japanese, and including the founders of the works, are grad- EXHIBIT OF C. G. GUNTHER S SONS. uates of the local art schools at Cincinnati. The ware is considered to be highly creditable to the factory and to America. In the exhibit of glasswa^re which adjoins that of ceramics the Libby Glass Co., of Toledo, Ohio, makes a fine display of cut- glass. It is this company which has the large factory on the Mid- way Plaisance, where the processes of manufacture are shown. The exhibits of textile fabrics are very wide, and occupy the I20 MANUFACTURES. larg-est space of any one division of the classification. Among the more notable exhibitors here are the John W. Slater Mills, of Providence, R. I., showing ginghams and cheviots, and the Star ^V EXHIBIT OF MICHIGAN STOVK CO. Crescent Mills Co., of Philadelphia, showing an Armenian with a hand loom, and a display of Turkish towels, tidies, cloakings, etc. In a neighboring pavilion is the display of Knox hats. It is built of hardwood, finished with cream white enamel. The trim- mings and carved work are all in gold, and the foundations, floors and pillars of marble. It contains a display of all kinds of hats manufactured by this well-known firm. In the exhibit of furs, which is one of the finest ever seen, C. G. Giinther's Sons, of Nev\^ York, display pavilicns filled with all sorts of fur garments, the sable of Siberia, the seal of the northern seas, the rare blue fox, the Persian lamb and scores of others. They are manufactured in the finest manner and attract much attention. MANUFACTURES. 121 The Pantasote Leather Co., of New York, exhibits a handsome display of this material which is coming so rapidly into prominence. For binding of books and for all kinds of upholstery it is winning much favor. The exhibit of pocket-books, bags and ler.ther novel- ties made by J. C. Hacker, of New York, is contained in a hand- some showcase. The goods are of the most r.ttractive kind, and are worthy of attention. The little ones never fail to find the display of toys and children's furniture and other novelties in the northeast gallery of the great buildingf. Amongf the best of these is that of Morton E. Converse & Co., of Winchendon, Mass. Around the space allotted is a w^ater-way, in which boats of the best style of sailing and steam EXHIBIT OF WASHBURN & MOKN MANUFACTURING CO. vessels voyage, being propelled by invisible machinery. There are also toy electric cars in motion, toy furniture and trunks, and mechanical toys of all sorts. In the section devoted to lio-htino- exhibits, the American Lamp and Brass Co. has a very fine dis- play showing their line of manufacture. All the modern fashions of heating are here shown in their perfectian. Edwin Jackson & 122 MANUFACTURKb. Bro., of New York, have an exhibit of the Jackson orrates which is worthy of consideration. These orrates are particularly noted for their heat-saving and ventilating qualities. The A. A. Griffinof Iron Co., of Jersey City, has a rep- resentative dis- playof radiators of every artistic and useful pat- tern. A large number of them are shown, as well as valves, screens, damp- ers, thermome- ters and other accessories manufactured bythesamecom- pany. Twenty- three stoves and ranges and one furnace are dis- played by the Peninsular Stove Co., of Detroit. The goods are all highly finished, and contain the modern improvements. One of the most interesting features is the exhibit of steel ranges for hotels and other places wherein a large amount of cooking is done. There are also novelties in heat- ing stoves and small ranges. The representative exhibit of wire- ^ n k Hftii^ ....j'^iL 1h ' ^^^^Ut^i W^ F, ' ■ ■*/:*<* ,.« ■ ■ :yj,^^ ,■ i ■■ _;,^.^ ^m ■ " ^'''m ^^^^^ .\'^- ^:m-mj»^Y, ' ' ' ■ . ' Kf^ *#^^Bf^ __«S^^B r> M wmwm ■■■V If ROYATv WOT^CBS'TfiR LAIVrP. Exhibited by the Royal Worcester Porcelain Co. MANUFACTURES. 123 is that of the Washburn & Moen Co., of Worcester, Mass. They show iron and steel wire, both plain and barbed, in many sizes ^and patterns, and in great quantity. Another display of high o-rade manufactured metal is that of the Claus Shear Co., of Fre- mont, Ohio, containino- all kinds and sizes of scissors and shears. The British section in the Manufactu res buildino- is diag-- onally opposite that of the Unit- ed States, at the centre of the structure. The pavilion itself is not as elaborate as some of the others, but the displays contain- ed therein are magnificent. England has never before made such a dis- play out of her own realm as is here seen. In textile fabrics, furniture and in pottery it partic- ularly excels. The most notable of all is that of Hampton & Sons, of London. Their exhibit is a reproduction of the banqueting hall of Hatfield House, the seat of the Marquis of Salisbury. The whole of this richly carved Elizabethan interior is reproduced in solid oak, fumed to the rich nut-brown shade of the orio-inal. The Hoor is of alter- A CORNER O-P HATFIEI.D BANQUETING HAI.I.. Exhibit of Hampton & Sous. 124 MANUFACTURES. nate squares of black and white marble, and the furniture, tapestries, armor, etc., are of the Elizabethan era. The pavilion of Doulton & Co., of Lambeth, exhibits their mag- nificent pottery-wares. It covers a space 60 by 30 feet, on Columbia av- enue, and comprises two arcaded pavil- ions at either side of the site, connected in the centre by a domed hall. The draperies are of dark green plush, and the woodwork is painted in shades of ligrht oreen. The architectural de- sicrn is also verv rich. The rieht hand pavilion is devoted to the Burslem works, and the left hand to those from the works at Lambeth. Beside ex- hibits showinof the methods of the work, there are art wares in the nature of vases, which are of remark- able beauty. They include the Colum- bus vase, the Chicago vase, the Diana vase, the Dante vase, and a number of others, all in the highest style of the art. Daniels, of London, has a display which is but second to this. Messrs. Brown, Westhead, Moore & Co., of Cauldon Place, also display a fine selection of the products of their Staffordshire factories. Facing the British section, on the east side of Columbia avenue, is the French section, generally conceded to be the best of the entire exposition. It is in its symmetry and harmony that it wins particular favor. There are rooms devoted to bronzes, others to ceramics, others to silk fabrics, and so on, with no jumbling together of dis- similar wares. Every exhibitor seems to have been willing to COI.UMBUS VASK Olf DOULTON & CO.'S EXHIBIT. H SHAKESPEARE VASE. Exliibitcd bv '/'. C. nroivn. West head, Moore & Co. 125. 126 MANUFACTURES. subordinate his individual prominence to the good of the whole display, and the result is very satisfactory. A group of statuary provided by the French government fills the central place. It is a heroic statue of " La France," and wins much admiration. There are three chambers, reproductions of the salons of the time of Louis XIV. and Louis XV. These are de- voted to the displays of silk, cotton, wool- len and other fabrics. Perfumes, rich sets of furniture, stained glass, curious results in photography, jew- elry, and other fea- tures, complete the display. One must not fail to mention the show of fancy tableware, much of it from the cele- brated works of Havi- land and of other manufacturers of Limoges. Germany occupies the last of the four corners facinof the tower. The pavilion is made from the de- sign of Gabriel Seidel, of Munich, one of the most famous of German fresco painters and decorators. Three great circles touching one another form the ground plan. C^SAR AUGUSTUS, FROM VATICAN. GILT BRONZE. Exhibited by Leblanc & Barbedie?tne, MANUFx\CTURES. 127 TABI.E CENTRE OF HARD PORCELAIN WITH DECORATION IN "FURNACE HEAT" COLORS. Haviland Exhibit. SOUP TUREEN. Havilaiid Exhibit. The exterior architecture is that of the sixteenth Renaissance. In 128 MANUFACTURES. front Is a German garden enclosed by an ornamental fence, passing' which one reaches the main entrance. This is through a grrand arch, with ornamental columns on either side, and great bronze gates of intricate and beautiful pattern. Within one finds both decorations and exhibits to be very fine. Jewelry and silverware, among the latter plate presented to the Emperors William I. and II., Von Moltke and Bismarck, and generally commemorative of some battle or other great event ; royal Vv^ares from various potteries ; tapes- tries, porcelains, etc., make a grand display. The Bismarck collection of cups, medals, vases and decora- tions alone represents a value of ^60,000. Ancient and modern wares, a fine school exhibit, and the great statue " Germania/' loaned by the Emperor, show how heartily Germany has entered into the spirit of this greatest of exhibi- tions. Austria's pavilion joins that of Germany, and is a fine building,, measuring 120 feet long and 65. feet higho Thirty-four expert wood- carvers from Vienna exhibit their artistic work in all its branches.. There is a splendid display of the work of this artistic people in all its branches, gold and silver, pottery, textile fabrics, vases, statuettes, etc., making one of the most interesting displays exhibited in the building. Next to the north of Austria comes Japan, the unique pavilion which represents the "Island Empire " being a constant centre oi MOZART AS A CHii^D — Sculptor, Barrias — Bronze Original Exhibited by Leblanc & Barbedienne. MANUFACTURES. 129 interest. Here are seen ancient and modern pottery, porcelain and china wares, from the most delicate cups and saucers, not thicker than the shell of a pigeon's egg, to the mas- sive serpents and dra- gon vases and warden seats, almost as strong as steel. A fine educa- tional exhibit, tinctured strongly with modern progress ; silks and other textile fabrics ; wonderful paper build- ing materials ; decora- tions and utensils ; lac- quered wares, swords, cutlery and other imple- ments, and many other exhibits displaying rare scientific and artistic attainments are shown here. As one enters the buildinor at the main en- trance to the south, the first exhibit to the left is that of Italy. The im- mense corner pavilion is ninetyfeethigh. Bronzes, marbles, silken fabrics, tapestries, Venetian glass- ware, inlaid woodwork and cabinet ware are the chief portions of this display. There is also a magnificent collection of Venetian laces, ancient and modern. The 9 DEFENCE OF THE FLAG. BRONZE GROUP. Exhibited by Susse Freres. 130 MANUFACTURES. Netherlands exhibit and then that of Switzerland follow in suc- GRAVY DISH. Exhibited by Haviland & Abbott. cession. The wood-carving shown in the latter is superb. The MANUFACTURES. I3I Castle of Chillon, the city of Geneva, and several Alpine views are presented. The exhibit consists chiefly of watches, watch-move- ments, wood-carvings, music-boxes, etc. Across Columbia avenue, opposite Switzerland, is the display of Norway. The panels surrounding this pavilion have large canvas surfaces, upon which are painted beautiful land and waterscapes from Norwegian scenery. There is a tourist exhibit, consisting of hunting appliances and the conveyances peculiar to Norway, which excites much interest. The general displays of silverware, gilt, enameled and plain, for ornamental use ; marble, granite and wood- carvings, hand-woven rugs, portieres and embroideries and educa- tional exhibits are included in the display. To the north of Norway is Russia, whose exhibit is one of the finest in the whole building. The pavilion is seventy feet high, and covers nearly one acre. The workmanship of it is wonderfully fine, and attracts much attention. The display consists largely of fine silks, jewelry, precious stones, etc. The furniture shown is among the best at the Fair, and has universal commendation. Next to the Russian display is that of Belgium, another of the finest. The facade fronting on the avenue is 140 feet long, and Is composed of a high central arch and two lower side arches. It joins that of France, and is somewhat in harmony with it. The structure was built in Belofium, and was brouo-ht here and erected by Belgian workmen. Among many other magnificent exhibits the collection of bronzes and plate glass of large size is noticeable. A paint manufacturer exhibits a huge female figure in porcelain, hold- ing aloft a zinc tube of artists' colors. Samples of the iron houses the Belgians are sending to the Congo country -are shown, as are exhibits of faience, finely carved furniture, etc. Across the aisle from the exhibit of Russia is that of Denmark. This pavilion has outer portals on three sides, and from Its fourth side the spaces of Switzerland and Brazil may be entered. The main facade and entrance face Columbia avenue, and represent the coat of arms of the city of Copenhagen. It consists of three towers, the central being ninety feet high, and the other sixty feet hiofh. Over eacli of the two minor entrances Is shown the coat of 132 MANUFACTURES. arms of Denmark. The pavilion is decorated with beautiful land- scapes from different parts of Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and its West India Colonies. There are also plaster reproductions of the famous sculptures of Thorwaldsen. The pavilion is divided into three parts, the first devoted to a display of fine gold and silverware, and jewelry, the second to a display of porcelain, ceramics and terra-cotta decorative articles, and the third to woman's work, such JAMAI'CA EXHIBIT. as embroideries, laces, etc. A treat for the children is the faithful reproduction of the room in which Hans Christian Andersen, the child's author, lived and worked. A life-size statue of the author and many relics of him are«hown. The great sculptor Thorwaldsen also has a room devoted to his relics and works. The exhibit of Canada adjoins that of England on the west side of Columbia avenue. The display is a large and creditable one, and exhibits the resources of the Dominion, in a most excellent MANUFACTURES. 133 manner. It is, however, in other buildings of the Fair that this great country makes its best showing. EXHIBIT OF F. P. BHUMGARA & CO. In the southwest corner of the Manufactures Building are 134 MANUFACTURES. collected the exhibits of many countries more remote from us than these we have named, or of less importance, which have some of the most attractive and interesting displays of all at the Fair. Collected here are the pavilions of Jamaica, India, Ceylon, New South Wales, the Argentine Republic, Corea, Monaco, Turkey, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Siam, Mexico, and Persia. It is agreed by many that in proportion to its wealth and prominence in S\^.■t. tt PI ; SPANISH SECTION. the world New South Wales makes the best display of any nation represented at the Fair. In this building there are stuffed birds and beasts, of species unknown or rare to us, fine photographs, rare coins and beautiful 'paintings in water and oil. Over the entrance to the pavilion, beneath the coat of arms of the colony, is the photograph of Sidney Harbor, thirty-two feet long. Four specimens of the duck-bill platypus, that strange animal, half bird, half beast, are displayed. MANUFACTURES. 1 35 Ceylon has an octagonal building with two wings. The style of architecture is Dravidian, and the material used is of the rare woods of that country, many of them worth ^200 to ^300 a ton. Carved stairways lead to the entrances, which are guarded by cobra-headed fip-ures. Other carvinos taken from designs found in the ruined « temples with which the island is so plentitully sprinkled are found on the balustrades and other portions of the wood-work. The frescos represent scenes in the life ot Buddha, and are exact copies of those in the ancient temples of the tenth and thirteenth centuries. Figures of Buddha also ornament the screen panels, and the floors are of inlaid woods. In quick succession, following the ones just named, are Jamaica, Brazil, Spain, and the Spanish-American countries, with looms and fabrics, hammocks, saddles, silverware and exquisite wood-carvings. Mexico, India, Turkey, Hungary and China also have creditable displays ; the latter showing silks, porcelain, lacquer and metal work of rare beauty and value. We have now exhausted the displays in the Department of Manu- factures, but the same building contains also many of the exhibits in the Department of Liberal Arts, which will be treated in a future chapter. The Department of Manufactures, however, includes exhibits which are not contained in this building, but are given separate structures. The most notable of these is the Leather Exhibit. The Leather Building is a very handsome one, 575 feet long, 150 feet wide and two stories in height. It is located in the southern portion of the grounds, facing the Lake front, and between the Forestry Building and the exhibit of Krupp guns. The building and the exhibits contained in it are so important as to entitle a separate chapter if space permitted. Nearly every nation, savage and civilized, is here represented by samples of its leather. To foreign exhibits the central space on the first floor is assigned. At one end of this floor is seen every variety of leather, and at the other every style of its manufactured product, no matter where or when produced. Here are the riding-boots of that great warrior, Napoleon, and the elaborate ones of Russia's dreaded ruler, Ivan 136 MANUFACTURES. the Terrible. The second floor contains 180 machines showing the processes of manufacturing. Three hundred men are required to operate these, and they display some very interesting methods. The interior of the building is divided into squares, with passage- ways named after noted leather-producing cities. Another exhibit properly belonging to that of the Department L^.t.r--- -^ MKRCK BUILDING. of the Manufactures is contained in the Merck Building. This buildino- is situated to the west of the Woman's Building near the entrance to the Midway Plaisance. It is a handsome structure, and contains a complete exhibit't)f drugs and finer chemicals, products of every clime, exhibited by Merck & Co., of New York, There are also reading and writing rooms, a reference library and other public comfort service for visitors and customers of the firm. Thus MANUFACTURES. 137 it will be seen that the exhibits properly included in the scope of this chapter have as great a range of area and distance in the grounds as they have in character, and in their source. One might spend months profitably studying what is here shown, without then exhausting all the benefits which he might derive from the display. EAGLE BRASS BED. Exhibit 0/ Hoskins & Sewell. RCHIMEDES declared that if he but had a place on which to rest tlie fulcrums, he could con- struct a lever with which he could lift the world. If that machinist of old were to enter the building for machinery at the World's Columbian Exposition he would be amazed. He would believe his dream realized, for here are combinations of the mechan- ical arts so perfect and so won- derful that it would seem as if by their united strength the world and the solar systems of the universe could be overturned with the touch of an electric button. Here is the most mar- velous display which mechanical ingenuity and genius has ever gathered to be viewed by man. Here every nation which can offer anything in the nature of advanced machinery comes in competition with every other, ' and the result is bewildering. The whir of wheels and the clamor of engines is almost deafening, and yet in the midst of all the noise and confusion each machine works hour by hour as if with brains of steel sculpture on machinery hall. (^39) I40 MACHINERY. too Strong to be dazed or troubled. The immense structure which houses the exhibits of machinery is second in cost to none except the building for manufactures, and second in size only to the same giant. With its annexes, power-house, pumping works and machine shop, its total area is more than eighteen acres, and the total cost nearly ^1,300,000. The dimensions of the main structure are 492 X 846 feet, and of the annex 490 x 550 feet. The power-house measures 100 x 461 feet; the pumping works ']'] x 84 feet, and the WATKR. SCI1';XCK. VIRK. FIGURES ON MACHINERY HAi^i.. {M. A. Waagen. ) machine shop 146 x 250 feet. The method of construction of the building for machinery is somewhat peculiar. The building is spanned by three arched trusses, and the interior presents the appearance of three railroad train houses placed side by side, sur- rounded on all sides by a 50-foot gallery. Each of these three divisions of the building, spanned by its own series of trusses, is constructed separately, with the intention that they may be taken down after the close of the Exposition and sold for use as railway MACHINERY. 141 train houses. The salvage will consequently be very profitable. GROUP ON COI^ONNADE. Between Agriculture and Blachinery Buildings. {J/. A. ll'aagen.) Running from end to end of each of these three lone naves is an 142 MACHINERY. elevated travellino- crane. Durinof the installation of exhibits these cranes were used for the purpose of carrying into place the enormous weights of machinery used during construction as well as for pur- poses of exhibit. When the Exposition opened platforms v/ere placed upon the cranes, and visitors may now view from this elevated station the entire array of wonders upon the floor below. The same posts which support these travelling bridges also carry the shafting which conveys power from the power plant to the machines throughout the building. In the main structure steam power is used, and the power-house which supplies it adjoins the south side of the building. On this side and the westerly end of the structure the exterior is of the plainest description. A strong contrast to this description may be observed, however, on the east and north, the two sides adjoining the grand court. Here the exterior is ornate and palatial. It harmonizes with the other buildings on this grand Plaza, all of which were designed with a view of making an effective background for magnificent display. Conforming thus to the general richness of the court these two facades are enriched with colonnades and other architectural features. The architects of this edifice, Messrs. Peabody & Stearns, of Boston, very happily chose classical models throuohout their design, borrowino the detail from the renaissance of Seville and other Spanish towns as remarkably appropriate to a Columbian celebration. In the assigrnment to various architects of commissions for designing certain buildings there were few restrictions made upon them and few regulations which they were instructed to follow. One was that all the architects were to adopt a proportion of 60 feet of height, 50 being the column height and 10 that of the entablature. This was to be kept equal and even, and in perfect accord with the top of the line of solid masonry around the Grand Court. It is so to-day. Above that 60-foot level are the statues, poles, towers, rails, and the rest of the ornamentation of the palaces. Another regulation was that, in all Buildings on the Grand Court, arcades on the first story should permit passage around the building under cover. In harmony with these, Machinery Hall then is. Ir. is well to exhaust our glance at the construction and plans of MACHINERY, 143 the buildings before attempting to discuss the host of exhibits GROUP ON COI.ONNADE. Between Agriculture and Machinery Buildings. {M. A. Waagen). placed in them. The Annex in which electrical power is used adjoins Machinery Hall on the west. It is a very large but 144 MACHINERY. very simple building, constructed of wood in a plain and economical manner. While in the main building for machinery the type was a railway train house, in the Annex a mill or foundry was considered the model for construction. Attached to this g^reat Annex is the power-house, convenient to the tracks for coal supply, and contain- ing the immense display of boilers. Adjoining is the enormous plant of engines and dynamos, the largest and most interesting dis- play of electrical power ever made. Hundreds of thousands of persons for whom an intricate machine has the strongest fascination make this building their Mecca, and every hour spent within its walls is a valuable one. Steam machinery, electrical machinery, pneumatic and hydraulic machinery — all are exploited here in the most exhaustive way. Here are shown the processes and the machines whose finished results are to be found at the other extremity of the Grand Court in the Manufactures Building. The rich fabrics, which are found in the latter structure, are made by those looms in the former. In certain instances confusion may arise in one's mind over the location of certain exhibits. Certain electrical machinery is found in the Building for Electricity. The Building- for Mines and Mininof contains certain machines for illus- trating the processes properly belonging to that department. The Building for Agriculture contains certain farm machinery, but with these limitations the visitor will not be mistaken in seekinof the enormous quantity of machinery exhibits in the building erected for that purpose. Everything illustrating the application of power is found here, and the most interesting mechanical devices are multi- plied in bewildering quantity. A review of some of the more notable of these exhibits, representing each great division of power application — steam, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic power — will be of marked interest. The decorations and statuary of this structure are also of great merit and beauty. The main entrance is in the centre of the north side of the building, and six large figures tower above it, each bear- ing a shield on which appear the faces of a number of prominent inventors. Above these six figures, between the two high towers, are placed five other figures thirteen feet high. In the centre is MACHINERY. 145 "Science," and at her sides are the four elements, " Fire," " Water," "Air," and " Earth." Surmountino- each of the towers are two laree figures representing "Victory " holding forth her emblematic laurel wreath. To the right and left of the entrance below the cornice are inscribed the names of a score of the ereat inventors. Over MACHINERY FOR MANUFACTURING TEXTILE FABRICS. Exhibit of Star anfl Crescent 31 ills Co. the eastern entrance appears a pediment representin-g "Columbia" as the central figure, seated on a throne with a svi^ord in her right hand and a palm of peace in her left. To her left is standing "Honor" with a laurel wreath ready for distribution. On one of the steps of the throne is seated " Wealth " throwing fruits and flowers out of a horn of plenty. To the right and left are grouped inventors of machinery, and members of an examining jury. The 146 MACHINERY. corners of the pediment arc filled by two groups of lions, showing brute force subdued by human genius, which is represented by two children. Most of the sculpture work on this building was done by M. A. Waagen. The exhibits of foreign countries in Machinery Hall are grouped in the east end of the building, and those of the United States in the west end and in the annex. The classification in Machinery Department includes the following groups : Motors and apparatus for the generation and transmission of power, hydraulic and pneu- matic apparatus : Fire-engines, apparatus and appliances for extin- guishing fire : Ma-'J chines for working for the manufacture* clothing : Machines Machines and appa- ting, printing, stamp THE BIG ENGINE. Built by E. P. Allis Co. chine tools, and ma- metals : Machinery of textile fabrics and for working wood: ratus for typeset- ino-, embossing and for making books and paper working: Lithography, zmcography and color printing: Photo-mechanical and other mechanical processes of illustrating: Miscellaneous hand tools, machines and apparatus used in various arts : Machines for working stones, MACHINERY. 147 clay and other minerals : Machinery used in the preparation of foods, etc. -• It is in the first-named group that one finds all the immense engines and boilers which create so much power. In the boiler exhibit those shown by the Stirling Company are of particular interest because of the circumstances under which they were installed. A combination of boiler-makers used every effort to keep the Stirling Company from exhibiting, and at one time they were refused admission to the space for boilers. The Council of Administration reversed the decision of the Exhibition Company and they were awarded the contract to in- stall two batter- ies of boilers of 800 horse- power each, in the main boiler room. The re- sult was that a temporary i n- junction was is- sued against the Exposition Company, forbidding them to permit the Stirling Company to install its boilers. The bill 'was finally dismissed by the United States District Court, and the company continued to install its exhibit. The displays, therefore, are the result of a determined effort to seek on even terms a comparison with the boilers of other make. There are three separate and dis- tinct plants, one in the main boiler room, one in the annex and one in the exhibit of the Libby Glass Company in the Midway Plais- ance. They attract notice from every one. The power plant at the Exposition occupies the south side of Machinery Hall and includes the most gigantic force ever accu- mulated in one place for any purpose. The engines number forty- four, the Allis, which is the largest of all, occupying the space at , the end of the main aisle. This big" engine of the Fair is a 3,000 TANDEM COMPOUND ENGINE. Exhibit of the Bali & Wood Co. 148 MACHINERY. horse-power Reynolds Corliss horizontal, quadruple expansion, con- densing engine. It drives two 10,000 light, Westinghouse dynamos. The same manufacturers show several other engine plants, includ- ing those that drive the cars of the Intramural Railway, a saw-mill plant and a flour-mill plant. There are six other engines of very large capacity, a Fraser and Chalmers triple expansion, two West- ino-house-C h u r c h- Kerr compound en- g i n e s, a Buckeye triple expansion, an Atlas compound and a Mackintosh-S e y- mour double-tandem compound. The others included in .the display measure from one hundred and fifty to six hun- dred and fifty horse- power each, while those just named are all of 1,000 horse- power each. Among these other exhibitors of engines are the Ball & Wood Co. of New York, the Erie City Iron Works of Penn- sylvania and the Sioux City Engine Co. of Sioux City, Iowa. The total horse power represented is about 20,000. The boiler plant consists of a continuous battery of huge steel boileVs of the latest type eight hundred feet long. The boilers are those of such manufacturers as Root, Gill, Heine, National, Zelli and Babcock and Wilcox. They are all of the water tube pattern. Their feed water pumps represent Dean, Barr, Knowles, Gould, Blake, Davidson, Cameron^'Laidlaw, Wilson & Snyder and Canton & Snow. Crude oil from the fields of Ohio is used for fuel, and there is no smoke, dust or dirt, as there would be if coal were burned. The feeding of the oil to the furnaces is controlled by automatic pressure gauges regulating the flow so that there can be AUTOMATIC PUMP OR WATER ELEVATOR. Exhibit of Erwin- Welch Hydraulic Machine Co. MACHINERY. 149 no danger, as might happen with careless firemen. The oil is pumped from Whiting, Indiana. West of the batteries of boilers are the machine shops, black- smith shops, etc., fully equipped for repairing and keeping in order the machinery used in the building. Having examined the motive power controlling the exhibits, the visitor will find in the centre of the building a very pretty waterfall, and at either end a fountain. Here are displayed the various pumps, water elevators, hydraulic, hydrostatic and pneumatic apparatus. The Globe Iron Works, of Cleveland, Ohio, in their display of marine machinery, show a steam The boii^ers in machinery hai,i,. steering engine, a steam capstan windlass, and a reversible steam capstan. The Stilwell-Bierce & Smith- Vaile Co., of Dayton, Ohio, shows a series of Victor turbine wheels and also regular uprio-ht water wheels of various kinds. The application of water-power is one of the worthiest branches of machinery, utilizing one of America's most plentiful possessions. 150 MACHINERY. The Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., of Columbus, Ohio, makes a fine display of chain belting, elevating, and conveying machinery. In EXHIBIT Olf JONES AND EAMSON MACHINE COMPANY. this section devoted to the transmission of power, the Reeves Pulley Co., of Columbus, Indiana, shows the largest wood split pulley ever constructed. It is eighteen feet in diameter with forty-eight inch face. Although there are something over four thousand pieces of wood in this pulley, yet it admits of the closest inspection in every detail ; and from the standpoint of mechanical exactness is one of the marvels of the Exposition. The same company also shows a large variety of pulleys in regular sizes and styles. The display of travelling cranes made by Wm. Sellers & Co., of Philadelphia, shows the modern method of handling heavy machinery. Without these cranes, and those shown by other companies, it would have been impossible to install the great exhibits of the Fair within the time which was given. The same company also shows a MACHINERY. 151 hydraulic testing" machine of 200,000 pounds capacity. The Riehle Bros. Testing Machine Co., of Philadelphia, shows a screw power testing machine of 300,000 pounds capacity, the largest ever built. It will pull bars six feet in length with an elongation of three feet, - will crush columns six feet in height, and bend timbers or other transverse specimens eighteen feet long. So much power is almost incredible to many visitors. Among other exhibitors of machinery in operation are the Columbus Bolt Works, which show the manufacture of bolts and nuts for the same. The mate- rial enters the first machine in the shape of coiled wire, and comes out at the other end of the space a finished bolt with thread and nut complete. The Jones & Lamson Machine Co., of Springfield, Ver- mont, display their turret machinery and lathes. The Foos Manufacturing Co., of Springfield, Ohio, make a display of mills and forges. Schaum & Uhlin- ger, of Philadel- phia, have one of the largest collec- tions of looms in the . building. There are silk rib- bon looms for nar- row and wide rib- bon, stamping ma- chines, punching machines, lacing machines, and a plan for producing and repeating pattern cards. Lewis Jones, of Bristol, Pennsylvania, shows the Ballou knitting machinery in operation, making stockings and un- derwear. John Best, of Paterson, N. J., shows also a loom, weav- TESTixG MACHINE. Exhibited by Richie Bros. 152 MACHINERY. insf badees, book-marks and souvenirs of various kinds. In the section devoted to wood-working machinery is an apparatus exhibited by W. W. Grier, of Hulton, Pa., for manufacturing in- grained lumber out of pine, bass or other soft wood. It produces the effect of oak, rosewood or other fancy lumber at low expense. The Fox Machine Co., of Grand Rapids, Mich., shows a variety of machinery, including borers, shapers, trimmers and saws. H. L. Beach, of Montrose, Pa., dis- plays a fine line of scroll saws. The H. B. Smith Machine Co., of Smithville, N. J., has also a large number of wood-working machines displayed. One section which attracts great attention is that devoted to printing presses and kindred ap- pliances. The Goss Printing Press Co., of Chicago, R. Hoe & Co., of New York, and many other printing press manufac- turers show their wares here, all in operation. There are also presses devoted to the making of lithograph plates and color printing of various kinds. Sev- eral of the daily papers of Chi- cago are printed here, and one of the novelties of the Fair is the Daily Columbian, issued from this building. Its first five pages consist of the first pages of- the Herald, Inter-Ocean, Record, Times and Tribune, and its three re- maining pages are filled with daily programs, official orders, lists of officers, exhibitors, etc. The companies which manufacture type-setting machinery all BAI.LOU RIBBED KNITTER. Exhibit of Lewis Jones. display work in op- eration. Among them are the Mer- genthaler Linotype -Machine, which produces Hnes of type ready for use on the press or stereotyping table. Another is the Thorne Type-set- ting Machine, which, instead of casting the type from molten metal, sets the type itself as the printer does by hand. The Sey- bold Machine Co., of Dayton, Ohio, exhibits five ma- chines used in book-binding and paper-cutting, Tliey are of the most modern character, and win favor wher- ever shown. The Chambers Bros. Co., of Philadel- phia, also show machinery in the same line, which appears to be of equal mejrit. The W.O. HickokMan- MACHINERY. Hi 153 SCROLL SAW. Exhibit of H. /,, Beach. 154 MACHINERY. ufacturing Co., of Harrisbiirg, Pa., exhibits ruling machines, signa- ture presses, stitching machines and board-cutters of latest design. > 'A W < u p < < w w < a OS ^ S s ^ 1 Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, of Chicago, show all the processes of type-founding and manufacture. Machines devoted to the preparation of food, such as flour mills, are shown in the extreme northwest corner of the annex. Ad- joining it, the Dodge Manufacturing Co. shows a collection of pulleys, large and small. Ventilating machines are also included QUADRUPLE STEREOTYPE PERFECTING PRINTING MACHINE, WITH FOLDERS. Exhibited by R. Hoe & Co., New York and London. in this neighborhood. The Steam Stonecutter Co., of Rudand, Vt., shows machinery for working stone in the group devoted .to that. Going now to the eastern end of the building, we find Great MACHINERY. 155 Britain, the first of the foreign governments, whose displays cover an area of 30,000 square feet, and adjoin those of Germany, which are even larger. In the latter space circular lu rope transmis- — , sion, a new sys- tem of motive power, is practi- tically illustrated for the first time, since one-half of the whole German machin- ery exhibit is orooelled bv it first press in new Hampshire. — 151 years old. A large engine made by Schichau, of Prussia, furnishes the steam,^ and the same firm, too, has a 1,000 horse-power engine, which moves the big Siemens dynamo. Textile machinery from Glaubach-on-the Rhine is seen in the complete as- sortment. From Augsburg, Ba- varia, comes a display of rotary presses, and a - Dusseldorf firm exhibits friction calenders with ten rollers. The hug^ Gruson Works, near Magdeburg, make an instruc- tive exhibit of mining machinery and gas-power engines, while Wolf, of Magdeburg, shows locomotives, THE LINOTYPE MACHINE. ' r 1 i i • „ ,.,.^ ,, ,^ „ r r- ^ ^ some ot them constructed accordmp; rLxhioited by Mergenthaler Ltnotyi>e Co., . , *^ New York. to new principles. 156 MACHINERY. It is impossible to enumerate every article in a display so large and various ; but the chief ones are gas-engines, water turbine wheels, knittino- machines, circular saws for cuttino- iron, embroidering- machines, printing presses, book- binding machines, flour-mill machinery, saw- mills, turnintr lathes, milliner and miningr ma- chinery for ores, sausage machine, textile ma- chinery, wire machines and a complete watch factory. Next to Germany on the right is found the display of Spain, and adjoining that the one of New South Wales. Italy's exhibit is just west of the latter, and then those of France, Sweden, thorne type-setting Russia, Mexico, Austria, Brazil, Belgium and Canada. Of these latter, France has the largest space and a splendid display, occupying more than 21,000 feet. Belgium comes next in size, and then Austria, Canada and Italy. The others have smaller areas and less pretentious exhibits, although all are creditable. BOOK-FOLDING MACHINE. Exhibit of Chambers Bros. Co. MACHINERY. 157 In certain portions of tlie great building one would think the VERTICAI, PUMPING ENGINE — CAPACITY 40,000,000 GALLONS DAILY. Exhibited by Henry R. Worfhingtofi, New York. din to be deafening, but the very magnitude of it all seems to lessen the noise, and as one wanders from enirine to loom, and 15-^ MACHINERY. loom to mill he forgets noise and sees only the wonderful processes which man's inventive orenius has been able to make. At the northwest corner of Machinery Hall, the Fair Grounds Pumping Works are located with a capacity of 40,000,000 gallons of water every twenty-four hours. The pumping engines used are from the works of Henry R. Worthington, of New York city. There are four types of engines — a triple expansion vertical, a high speed, a vertical duplex and a horizontal high-duty duplex. The mm ^^W^Sim^^j^mmmMm;^ - ^;^:zf'^i^--\i^?^'^'jl»f^tutiijyiyiijij ojfii COLD-STORAGE BUILDING. water Is obtained from a well in the centre of the building, which is connected by a tunnel with the main lagoon. On the south side of Machinery Hall, between the machine shop and boiler house, and the saw-mill, is an extensive outside exhibit of machinery, occupying a space co-extensive in length with the inside exhibit of this department. It is as interesting as that con- tained within the building, and is worthy of careful attention. The saw-mill also adjoins this tract. Certain ice-making machines are contained in Machinery Hall, MACHINERY. ' 1 59 but the greatest exhibit of this apparatus was that contained in the Cold-Storage Building, erected by the Hercules Iron Works, of Chicago. Early in the month of July this building burned to the ground in mid-day ; and, in fighting the fire, seventeen members of the City Fire Department and others were burned to death. Ten thousand spectators viewed the conflagration and groaned with anguish at the horrible scene. The building was 130 x 255 feet in size and five stories high. At each corner was an imposing tower, one hundred feet higrh, while the beautiful central tower coverino- the smoke-stack extended 220 feet in the air. Upon a balcony of this larger tower, the firemen were imprisoned until the flames compelled them to leap to the blazing roof of the main building, a hundred feet below. The structure was of the Romanesque order of architecture, and was a beautiful building. Its ice-making appliances were of the best, and of enormous capacity. The loss was many hundreds of thousands of dollars. Chicago's practical sympathy with the sufferers who lost their lives was showm by the raising of a fund of more than ^100,000, which was distributed among those dependent upon the firemen. . EW departments of the World's Columbian Exposition have in them exhibits- of a more varied character, or more important, than Agriculture, Live-Stock. Forestry and the Dairy. On the exhibits contained in the departments including these, it is probable that more of our welfare depends than upon any other portions of the Exposition that might be named. Recognizing this paramount importance,- more entire recognition has been given by the offi- "^ cials in charge to these departments than in any previous Exposition. Thq same truth, however, might be asserted in regard to every other depart- ment of this Qfreat World's Fair. Four of the Qreat buildings are assigned to the occupancy of these de- partments of. exhibit in addition to a great area of stock barns and out-door exhibits. These four buildings are those known as Agriculture, Forestry, abuxdaxck. Dairy and the Live-Stock Pavilion. The first of As-ricLl^uZTi'L-mn^. II Cien l62 AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY AND DAIRY L>UII.DINCtS. these, and the larg-est, is almost a twin of Machiner)^ Hall in size and maornificence. It faces to the north the Grand Basin, and looks EXHIBIT OF DULUTH IMPERIAL MII.I, CO. AGRICULTURE. 163 across toward the Manufactures Building. The east front is toward Lake Michigan, and the west looks across the Canal to Machinery Hall. These two buildings are connected by a colonnade, with a cafe at either end, and in the centre ot this colonnade is an archway lead- ing to the catde exhibits, the sheds and Pavilion, From this connecting colonnade the view northward is one of the finest of the entire grounds of the Exposition. It follows the course of the Canal and the Lagoon for a mile, passing first between the buildings for electricityand for manufactures, then the sylvan shores of -the Wooded Island, and termi- nates at the Gallery of Fine Art. The Buildino- for Acrri- culture measures 500x800 feet, and its Annex toward the south is 300 X 500 feet. The main entrance is toward the north. On either side of it are mam- moth Corinthian pillars 50 feet high and 5 feet in diameter. Pavilions are reared at each corner and at the centre of the building. These are connected by curtains, forming a continu- ous arcade around the top of the buildine. Enterincr at the SIGN OF ZODIAC, ACKICULTURAL BUItDING. {3Iartiny.] 1 64 AGRICULTURE. main doorway, one passes through an opening 64 feet wide into a vestibule, and thence into a rotunda 100 leet in diameter. This is surmounted by a mammoth glass dome 130 feet high, and perched upon the sum- mit of this is balanced a magnificent statue of Diana, now so famous. Throucrh the main vestibule statuary has been desig-ned illustra- tive of the agricultural in- dustry. Similar designs are grouped about all of the errand entrances in the most elaborate manner. The corner pavilions are sur- and The design of these domes is that of three female figures of herculean proportions supporting a mammoth grlobe. o DIANA, MAIN DOME, AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. {SL Gaudens.) mounted by domes groups of statuary. TRIUMPH OF CERES, PEDIMENT OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. [Larki7i G, 3Iead.) AGRICULTURE. 1 65 Within the Building for Agriculture are exhibits of a character which will attract not only those who are already interested in pur- GROUP ON MAIN PIER, AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. {Philip IvTartiny, Sc7ilp.) suits kindred to that science, but beyond a doubt tens of thousands of others. Since the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia great advancement has been made in all branches of farm work. The i66 AGRICULTURE. Department of Agriculture has been given a place in the Presi- dent's cabinet, and this was simply the official recognition of the increasing importance of this branch of industry. That department has become one of the most prominent institutions of the govern- ment;, it has attained a firm foothold in the estimation of the peo- CERES GROUP, AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. {Martiliy.) pie, and it has been productive of most beneficial results to the commerce of the country and to every one engaged in farm work. The experiment stations which are connected with the agricultural colleges of the country, and are supported by the government^ mark another advance in the last seventeen years. Their work reaches out into all the fields of scientific research, seeking to as- AGRICULTURE. 167 THE FOUR RACES, AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. {Alavtilty.) sist in a practical way the farmers of the country. The subject of irrigation and its possibilities has been given^its worthiest consid- eration during the same period. These suggestions indicate to a certain extent what a field there is for exhibits in certain new direc- tions, all of which are carefully demonstrated. The Exposition presents the subject of irrigation with a care whose educational in- fluence is not apt to be overestimated, and the result should be the reclaiming of vast areas in the West supposed heretofore to have 1 68 AGRICULTURE. no value for agricultural purposes. Another notable exhibit is that in connection with the production of sugar from sorghum and the sugar beet. The South destroys the previous supposition that its crops were narrowed to rice, cotton and sugar by displaying a great variety of products from all portions of that section of our country. Another of the most notable features is an experiment THE FOUR SEASONS, AGRICULTURAE BUILDING. {Mavtiuy.) station in operation. This, with its office, laboratories, etc., illus- trates how the in-door work of a station is actually carried on. In another portion of the exhibit each station presents, by means of miaps, diagrams, pictures, sets of publications, etc., a full statement of its lines of work, following out in detail the history of its career ; but the important portion is not this individual showing, but a unified exhibit showing the kind of work done by the sta- AGRICULTURE. 169 dons, the way in which they do it, and some of the more important results which they have reached. This exhibit was prepared by a GROUP ON MAIN PIER, AGRICUI^TURAL BUILDING. {Rlartiny.) committee of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations co-operating with the United States De- partment of Agriculture. Much of the decorative work on the Aericultiiral Buildinor properly finds its motive in subjects native to America, such as the potato, tobacco, maize, etc. The great frieze, showing the turkey, is especially happy, and calls' forth the frequent remark that that bird should have been our national emblem instead ot the eagle. There are many groups of statuary adorning the exterior of this building, some of which have been referred to briefly before. Philip Martiny, of Philadelphia, is the sculptor of the following subjects : Twenty single " Signs of the Zodiac ; " twenty single figures of "Abundance ; " two groups of " Ceres ; " two groups of the "Four Seasons;" four groups of the "Nations," each group 170 AGRICULTURE. containing- four figures, and four pediments representing "Agricul- ture." Over the main entrance is a handsome pediment, modeled by Larkin J. Mead, of Florence, Italy, representing Ceres, the goddess of agriculture. The painted decorations of the Agricultural Building are the work of Geo. W. Maynard, of New York, who has chosen the Pompeian style as most appro- priate for the classic architec- ture. The main entrance has some- thing of the appearance of a temple devoted to the worship of the deities, under whose protection the ancients believed aofriculture to be. On the right, Cybele, the mother of Zeus and of Demeter, or Ceres, is presented in her chariot drawn by young lions, and on the left is her special protege, King Triptolemus, to whom she gave a chariot, drawn by winged dragons, with which he was sent forth to teach the peoples of the earth the art of agricultu re. Between these are figures representing "Abundance" and "Fertility." Each of the corner entrances is decorated with figures on either side, symbolical of the seasons, and above are friezes in which beasts of burden and other bucolic animals figure. The groups included in the classification of this department are as follows : Cereals, grasses and forage plants ; bread, biscuits, pastes, starch, gluten, etc. ; sugars, syrups, confectionery, etc. ; THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. AGRICULTURE. 171 potatoes, tubers, and other root crops; productions of the farm not otherwise classed ; preserved meats and food preparations ; the dairy and dairy products ; tea, coffee, spices, hops and aromatic vegetable substances ; animal and vegetable fibres ; pure and mineral waters, natural and artificial ; whiskies, ciders, liquors and alcohol; malt liquors; machinery, processes and appliances of fermentino- "distillinfr, bottlinof and storing; beverages; iarms and The landing of COLUMBUS, IN GUM PAST:^. -^ Exhibit of Schall & Co. farm buildincrs ; literature and statistics of aerlcultiire ; farmino- tools, implements and machinery ; miscellaneous animal products, fertilizers and fertilizing compounds; fats, oils, soaps, candles, etc. ; forestry and forest products. In the main portion of the Agricultural Building the south half is devoted to the exhibits of the States of the Union, and the north half to those of foreign governments. The only violation of this order is that Russia, France and Italy encroach upon the south half of the portion reserved for the States. The American Sugar 372 AGRICULTURE. Hefining Company has an elaborate exhibit contained in the pavilion of unusually handsome form, where are exhibited more than two hundred samples of various kinds of sugar, as well as syrups and other saccharine products. Schall & Co., of New York, exhibit a scene to represent the Landing of Columbus, done in gum paste. This firm makes a specialty of confectioners' articles and ornaments, and the present exhibit is a tri- umph of skill. It weighs nearly 400 pounds, and is constructed e n - tirely of confec- tionery, except the wooden base. It is five feet eight inches square, and nearly four feet high. At the four corners rise grace- ful statues, repre- sentinor the four great continents. Other statues at the sides represent Washington and Lafayette, the Liberty monument. President Cleveland, the new battle-ship " New York," and other vessels. Behind all is the grand effort, the Landing of Columbus. The discoverer stands in the fore- ground, with drawn sword in his right hand, and his left supporting the banner of Spain, while his eyes are cast heavenward. About him are men in armor and crouching Indians. In the backoround his ship is seen anchored in the ocean. The modelling is excel- lent and the coloring very good. In the exhibits of bee culture A. I. Root, of Medina, Ohio, ex- hibits all sorts of appliances for caring for these dainty sugar- anakers, as well as their products, manufactured and natural. MAILIfER RUNNING FOR MARKET. Painting Exhibited by John R. Neal & Co. -whalers from New Bedford; a pound net boat from North Caro- FISHERIES. 223 lina, and a Chesapeake bugeye are here, and many others to which allusion cannot be made. Fishing gear of endless variety is seen on every hand — nets, lines, bobs, sinkers. In short, one. appreciates the force of John Bunyan's words, for surely " You see the way the fisherman doth take To catch the fish, what engines doth he make ! Behold how he engageth all his wits, Also his snares, lines, angles, hooks and nets." It is difficult to comprehend the wide difference (and all the in- tervening steps) between the rude wooden hook, carved with infinite patience by the Indian, and the finely tempered steel pro- ducts of the white man's skill. The Kelp fishing line of the north- west coast and the silk, linen and cotton lines made in our factories ; the gill-nets laboriously made of strips of whale bone or sealskin by the Eskimo, and the great purse seine that catches more than a hundred barrels of fish at a single cast; the rude spear of the savage and the fishing wheel of the white man — in the Oregon exhibit — that works automatically and literally "pumps fish out of the river," are contrasts in fishing appliances which are not only interesting, but constitute a series of object lessons that need only to be understood to attract much attention. No part of the fisheries exhibit, however, offers a more interest- ing field of study than the methods of fishing, which differ as widely as the appliances employed and the habits oT the fisher- men. No greater extreme in the affairs of men can be imagined than that which exists, for instance, between the Eskimo, who patiently waits hour after hout, in the biting cold of the long Arctic winter night, for the appearance of a seal at its"]3low hole" in the ice, and the white fisherman of Norway and the Atlantic coasts of America, who encircle hundreds of whales and porpoises in a great net and drag them to shore, or catch a fare of cod and haddock with miles of trawl-line. Let us take a glance here and there at the illustrations of methods of fishery. A Boston firm, John R. Neal & Co., deserve 224 FISHERIES. credit for the systematic manner in which it has illustrated the different phases of the New England deep-sea fisheries. One series of paintings tells the whole story of the voyage of a fish- ing vessel from the time the hooks are baited, and the schooner is FISH MARKET, T-WHARP, BOSTON. Painting Exhibited by John R. Neat & Co. towed out of harbor, to the marketing of fish. The arrival on the bank, the setting of trawl lines, hauling gear, throwing the fish on board the vessel, dressing the catch, running for market, and various scenes at T-Wharf, the great fresh fish emporium of New England, FISHERIES. 225 are depicted with lifelike exactness by large photographs that have been retouched and colored in oil. One collection depicts the finnan-haddie trade. The fresh evis- cerated fish is the first object in this series, and a beautiful paint- ing of a smoked finnan-haddie, and the packing of baddies in boxes are the last. PURSE SEINE MACKEREL FISHING — " BAILING-IN " THE FISH. From Painting by Paul E. Collins — Exhibit of U. S. Fish Commission. Another series, similarly colored in oil, shows >all the important lighthouses from Cape Cod around Massachusetts Bay to Cape Ann, while immediately a'ljacent is a map, upon which is marked the location of these important guides to fishermen. Near by is a sort of bas-relief painting illustrating various methods of fishingf for cod, herrino- and mackerel, with QriH nets, trawl lines and purse seines. This is so arranged as to enable one 15 2 26 FISHERIES. to observe, not only what is being done above the surface of the. sea, but also to look beneath it, where the lines, nets and seines appear in their proper place under the water. Other photographs illustrate most graphically the hardships encountered by the fishermen in pursuit of their calling. These are mid-winter views of vessels as they arrive at Boston from the Banks. Hull, rigging and spars are covered with ice, and it requires no vivid imagination to picture the peril and suffering of those who have been exposed in gales, forcing a winter passage against the icy blasts, that sweep with almost resistless vigor from the north, freezing every drop of spray that flies, and sometimes leaving the vessel practically helpless, and almost like a floating iceberg. What harrowing tales of shipwreck, of sinking vessels, of wave washed decks and drowning fishermen, are suggested by these pictures. And with this comes the thought of how few there are who appre- ciate the effort it costs to procure those treasures of the sea which are so needful to the welfare of mankind. Rhode Island tells in a somewhat similar manner, througrh a series of enlarged photographs, the details of her trap fishery for scup, sea bass and other species, her scallop industry, and also of her great menhaden purse seine fishery, which rivals in importance the whale fishery of Nantucket in its palmiest days, as far as its product of oil is concerned. It also gives to the farmer a rich fertilizer that renders productive many acres that otherwise might not be available. Every phase of fishery is shown, from the time a steamer sails out of the harbor to the landing of her carsfo. There is temptation to speak in detail of a fishery, concerning which the: bare facts are marvelous, and seem like veritable "fish stories." The great purse seines, circling around the schools of menhaden that swim near the surface of the sea, trequently capture hundreds of barrels at a single cast, and instances are on record where nearly one thousand barrels have been taken. Gathered together in a glittering mass of trridescent, pearly color, they are hastily taken on board the vessel, with a great dip net operated by steam. The fish that joyously swam the ocean at dawn are ere nightfall converted into commercial products for the use of man. 228 FISHERIES. North Carolina shows the method of her various fisheries, prominent among which is the great drag seines — more than a mile in length — in use along her coast. By similar object lessons Washington and Oregon illustrate their salmon industry on the Columbia river and Puget sound. Gloucester, too, by models and by photographs, speaks of the methods of those fisheries which have made it foremost as a fish- ing port in America, and has carried its fame throughout the world. One model of a vessel, with its crew at the rail, e method of hand-line fishing for cod '■e's bank, an industry more perilous, s, than any pursued by citizens of country, and associated with which a romance of heroism, blended with a solemnity that comes from great ^^disaster frequently re- peated. The story of the whaleman's encounter with the mighty prey which PART OF WASHINGTON EXHIBIT. he seeks ; also his experi- ence in shipwreck ; his struggles in the ice floes, where whole fleets have been crushed, are told in a series of illustrations which constitute a part of the loan exhibit from New Bedford. Here we see him engaged in an encounter with a sperm whale, whose mighty fluke sweeps in a great circle, threatening instant death or destruction to anything that it meets. There the whaleman is employed in the arduous duty of " trying-out " among the ice floes of the far no'rth. Despite the hard work of cutting in, trying-out, and cleaning bone, the slipping about on greasy decks, and the unsavory odors from the try works, these occasions are generally the gala days of the whaleman's life, for he has a " share " FISHERIES. 229 in every gallon of oil and ever)^ pound of bone that goes into the hold. But when the sun has turned on his southward course, the short Atlantic summer is passed, and gales of autumn come with icy breath, quickly freezing every drop of spray that flies, when "young ice " is forming and the ship is perhaps scudding away to escape the danger of being caught helpless in its grasp, then trying-out becomes a serious and uncomfortable duty that it would be difficult to keep men engaged upon were it not for the personal interest each has in the proceeds. Peculiar emphasis is added to this when we stand on the deck of the whalinof bark " Progress " — a veritable old "blubber hunter" — which, after hunting the giants of nature in all seas and under all climes, rests quietly here in the lagoon, completely equipped for an ocean voyage, and one of the most instructive object lessons at the Fair. Her full lines, boats on cranes, try-works and general outfit not only teach us of that great industry which, in former times, built cities along our coast, pushed discovery into unfrequented waters and braved all peril in pursuit of wealth, but we are reminded of the fact that the Ameri- can flag was first unfurled in a British port from the masthead of an American whaler, and that the noble and daringf deeds of the " Nimrods of the sea " who have manned our whalinof fleet fill a proud chapter in our national history. The single exhibit of the Netherlands is a most graphic pre- sentation of the method of fishino- for herringf in the ,North sea, and suggests the importance of this fishery to the Dutch, which, some centuries ag-o, made Holland commercial mistress of the sea. This exhibit consists of a model of a herrinof loorg-er about ten feet long, riding head to a " choppy " sea, with its main mast lowered, its bowsprit run in, and a small sail set on its jiggermast at the stern. The crew is eneaeed in takino- in nets that are laden with the silvery treasures which have always been so highly prized by the Dutch. One gang of sturdy fishermen are tramping round and round the capstan, heaving in the great warp to which the nets have been bound, and by which the vessel rides. The captain stands at the bow to untie the small lines which attach the nets to the warp, while others pull the net over the side of the vessel. When the 230 FISHERIES. herrinof season arrives, fleets of these logfo-ers sail out from Dutch ports for the North sea ; having- reached the fishing ground, gill nets are set as night approaches, a single vessel having out about two miles of netting, stretched along the surface of the sea like a fence, while she rides at the leeward end by a hawser attached to the drifting gear. The nets are usually hauled in the morning. Norway is rich in graphic delineation of her methods of fishery, A collection of large photographs, four or five feet in length, supplemented by the choicest works of art, tell, in a most effective manner, the story of the way in which the descendants of the old Vikings brave the perils of sea in summer's sun or Arctic winter, and draw from the ocean the tribute which constitutes one of their principal commercial products, and has carried the name and fame of Norway to the most distant parts of the earth. Here one sees a fleet of vessels and boats in one of the harbors at Lofoten, the towering, snow-capped mountains around, and the fishermen's huts and flake yards fringing the shore. Another picture shows the boats gathered in fleets on the fishing ground, where they assemble daily to catch the cod that come in countless millions, in winter, into the deep fiords and channels that intersect the coast. Repre- sentation is made by model and otherwise of that remarkable whale fishery which, in recent years, has developed along the northern coast of Norway bordering the Arctic ocean. This industry is due to the energy, daring and enterprise of Captain Svend Foyn, who conceived the idea of capturing the finback whale with a bomb harpoon, a device which alone makes possible the successful pursuit of this species. To-day Norway employs a fleet of iron screw steamers in this fishery, ranging in size from thirty to seventy tons. These steamers have a "crow's nest" at the masthead, it being a cask so fitted as to afford shelter for the man who is on the lookout for whales. At the bow and a little abaft of the stem is a mounted gun from which is shot the harpoon that fastens the whale, and carries with it the explosive to destroy the animal. Forward of the gun, at the extreme bow, is an iron bridge, which is so arranged on hinges that it can be turned down in a horizontal or elevated to a vertical position. This bridge is p ^ !21 O I- >-t hH 232 FISHERIES. six feet long fore and aft, and nine feet wide. When a steamer is chasing whales, the bridge is turned down, and about twenty fathoms of whale warp is coiled on it in front of the gun, this amount generally being required to reach the whale when the harpoon is shot into it. A steamer usually carries about 300 fathoms of whale warp, which is of the best Russia hemp ; and, ordinarily, this is coiled in the hold. A whale will not always be killed at the first shot, and it sometimes happens that nearly the whole of this warp is run out. At such times the steamer is driven at her full speed — nine to eleven knots — in order that she may keep up with the " fish " as nearly as possible, and also to afford an opportunity to shoot other harpoons into the whale. When a whale has been killed the warp is taken around the steam capstan, and hove in until the "fish" is raised to the bow of the vessel. A heavy chain strap is then passed around the whale's tail, and a hawser is taken from this strap to a rubber accumulator at the mast; this accumulator is used for the purpose of easing the strain on the warp and vessel while the whale is towed to the land. It is said to be impracticable to fasten the warp to the hull of a steamer for the purpose of towing a whale, since in the surge of a sea the rope would break. This fishery, carried on among ice floes of the Northern seas, is filled with incident and not devoid of peril. Notwithstanding the important improvements which have been made in recent years in some directions, the one thing, which im- presses itself upon the mind in studying the details of the methods of fishery, is the fact that in many respects fishing is conducted essentially in the same manner that it was many centuries ago. This is well illustrated by the following graphic description, written more than seventeen hundred years ago by Ossian, who says: "By those who curious have their Art defin'd, Four Sorts of Fishers are distinct assign'd. The first in Hooks delight ; here some prepare The Angle's tamper Length, and twisted Hair : Others the tougher Threads of Flax entwine, But firmer Hands sustain the Sturdy Line. A third prevails by more com]")(;ndious W^ays, While num'rous Hooks (.me common Line displays. The next with Nets wide-wasting skim the Seas, 234 FISHERIES. But diff'rent Forms with diff'reiit prospects please: Some hurl the leaded Casiiiig-Net around, And drag the Circle less'ning from the Ground, The wide extended Seine and Trammel sweep The shelving beach, the Drag-Net skims the Deep; The Hoop-Net's cunick Lab'rinth plies the Shore, Heave-Nets the Fishes' oozy Beds explore. A thousand Names a Fisher might rehearse That shun intractable the smoother Verse." Perhaps the most important part of that section of the exhibit which illustrates the commercial tishino- interests is the ereat collection of products, and the representation by models, and otherwise, of their utilization and preparation. It is not possible to mention these in detail. Suffice it to say that there have been gathered samples of those treasures which are sought in every sea» lake and river, and the proper utilization of which, in many in- stances, has taxed to the utmost the inventive ingenuity of man- kind. Fish dried, salted, smoked, tinned, or otherwise prepared for food, appear in every form and in countless variety. The stock- fish of Norway, the Dutch herring, and the edible seaweed and holothurians from Japan, and canned salmon of the Pacific coast of America, the dried and boneless cod of New England and Canada and the pearl shells of Mexico and New South Wales are all here in friendly rivalry with each other. Here also may be found great slabs of whalebone, which, in recent years, has become so costly; skins of fur-bearing animals; rich quilts made of eider down; and wonderfully beautiful creations from ocean shells and fish scales, made with woman's deft hands. Here, too, we learn of the utiliza- tion of fish skins for leather, for the manufacture of the strongest glue known to the world ; while oils of many kinds, used as medicine or employed in the arts and sciences, meet us in every turn. Innumerable are the uses of fish and other aquatic products. Not only do they serve an important purpose as food, but it is a product of the whale fisliery-sr-ambergris — that alone makes possible the most delicate perfumes on a lady's dressing-case ; the costly pearls and gleaming coral that encircle her snowy throat or arms come from the sea. Even the richest furs that cover her ; the wonderful tortoise-shell comb that holds in confinement her wealth of FISHERIES. 235 hair ; the beautiful cameo on her bosom ; the ivory ornaments that grace her home, and many ^other things are products drawn from the store houses of the deep by the fisher- man's skill and patience. PassinofthrouCTJi the colon- naded arcade, we enter the western pavilion, similar' in form and construction, as far as outward appearance is concerned, to the aquarial buildino-. Two maofnificent live fish and fish cultural exhibits from Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, respectively, stand side by side, occupy- ing about one-third of the fioor area. In method of installation these exhibits differ materially, but each is beautiful and attractive in its way. In a series of tanks, varying in length from four to six feet, are exhibits of game fishes, arti- ficially bred and raised. Trout of many varieties, from four weeks to five years old, are here in great profusion. Magnificent specimens are some of these, and probably never before in the world's history has one been able t o sturgeon— from new york exhibit. see such a collection of spotted beauties, running up to eight 236 FISHERIES. or ten pounds! They emphasize most forcibly the great work which has been accompHshed by the State Fish Commissions in fining the streams and other waters which have become depopu- lated by over fishing- or pollution. Black bass, white fish, lake herring, lake trout, sturgeon, calico bass, pike, muscalonge and THE WHALER PROGRESS. many other varieties are here. Models and photographs of fish, hatcheries ; a model fish-ladder in actual operation in a miniature stream ; colored pictures of fish and fishing make up an exhibit which is not only attractive but of great educational value, viewed FISHERIES. 237 either from the standpoint of natural history, aquarial possibihties^ or the benefits to be derived from the artificial propagation of fish. Near by are exhibits of all the paraphernalia of the angler's art. Rods, reels, hooks, lines, flies, etc., crowd each other on every side. The manufacture of silk and cotton lines oroes on before our eyes, while the skilful hands of young girls fashion and tie the flies, to beguile from stream or lake those prizes which the angler seeks. Near by also are fishing boats of many kinds, together with paint- ings and casts of fish; exhibits of the literature of fishing, trophies, and even a collection of old reels, tracing their development from early in this century. The disciple of Izaak Walton may well love to linger here, for on one side is a collection of tackle to attract his interest, and on the other a show of living fish, which cannot but remind him of happy days spent by brooksides or on lake, which have left with him some of the most pleasant memories of his life. Associated with this department, as one of its exhibits, is a repro- duction of the fishing house of Izaak Walton, which stands in a beautiful erove beside the laofoon, a short distance from the Fisheries Building. The fact that the 300th anniversary of the birth of "ye gentle angler " occurs on August 9th of the present year gives ta this little house a particular significance, and will undoubtedly make it a shrine for the gathering of anglers from all the countries on the globe. By FREDK. J. V. SKIFF, Cliief of Dfpattiiient. HE human race has delved in the bowels of the earth for six thousand years to find its metals. For ten centuries expositions have been a part of the history of mankind. Yet during all that long period the World's Columbian Exposition is the first to recog- nize in any conspicuous manner the marvellous development of the two allied industries, mining and metallurgy, or the fact that they are fundamental to a thousand and one ramifying useful arts and the mainspring of material progress. The designers of the Fair, as if to atone in some measure for this tardy acknowledgment, have conferred upon the mining and metallurgical exhibit the' choicest of locations, and erected a building that for exposition purposes can- not be surpassed. Its site is between the attractions of the Wooded' Isle and sur- rounding waterways to the north and the stately Grand Plaza to the south. At a distance it appears to form an extensive main wing to the imposing Administration Building, whose dome looms up between it and the "Machinery" wing south. On the east rise the bell towers of its twin building, Electricity, while on the west its rich but simple tint is set in high relief by the effusive and bril- liant mural decorations of the Transportation Building. The buildinof is in itself one of the most interesting architectural (239) 240 MINES. exhibits of all the Exposition palaces. Its general style is that of the Italian Renaissance. The fronting facades are massive and commanding. A central arch ninety feet high forms the main This connects with entrance. the domed pavilions at the corners by a series of inter- vening bays, permitting of a loggia belovi^ and, on the gal- lery floor, of a deeply recessed promenade that opens out upon charming landscapes far and near. A profusion of sculpture, architectural re- lievos, flagstaffs and banners give the exterior an animation appropriate to the festal occa- sion, while the ornamentation is sugrsfestive of the varied and brilliant exhibits arrayed within. Beneath the word mining over the lofty arched portal are colossal half-reclining fe- male figures holding aloft typical miner's lamps, while bas-reliefs of ruesfed miners with pick and pan in hand symbolize that all the opu- lence of metals and ^ems dis- played within are to be won by sturdy toil. Entering the building, the, visitor finds a capacious hall 700 feet long and 350 feet wide, cov- ering over five and a half acres, or 345,000 square feet. The entire expanse of roof, which is mostly glass, is so suspended as to leave the central portion clear and unobstructed, the sole support being -ENTRANCE TO MINES BUII,DING. (/?. IV. Bock.) MINES. 241 two rows at the side of huo-e steel cantilever trusses. This is the first example of the successful application of the cantilever' system Xo roofs, and may be said to mark an era in roof construction. A half million pounds of steel were required for this work. A spa- cious gallery sixty feet wide extends entirely around the building, > greatly increasing the total available floor space. Illumination is provided by extensive glazed roof sections, and at night by a full VIEW IN MINING BUILDING — SOUTH END. SHOWING PA. COAL-SHAIiT ON LEKT. complement of arc and incandescent lights. Every form of power, steam, electric and compressed air, is distributed ^at convenient points. At first glance the marvellous exhibits spread upon the floor are both bewildering and fascinating. Booths and pavilions, obelisks and trophies, shields, bunting and flags, all appear in a profusion that captivates and at the same time invites the curious to closer investigation and study. Looking down the avenues of this small i6 242 MINES. city of exhibits tlie eye is arrested by a number of lofty trophies in metals, and at the centre of the building stands a needle of an- thracite coal. In various localities are lesser pyramids and obe- lisks of mineral that o^listen in the sunlio-ht. Flao^s and other decorations give a lightness and gayety to the scene that relieves and sets off the solidity of the materials displayed. These avenues followed to the centre are seen to mark by their intersection with cross transepts four grand divisions, constituting the middle por- tion of the building. Lesser areas occupy the space just beneath the galleries. Over the territory west of Bullion Boulevard, the main central avenue, float the colors of many foreign nations — France, New South Wales, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Mex- ico, Japan, Spain, and others. To the east of the same avenue the sisterhood of the States vie with each other in the beauty of their pavilions and in the elegance with which they have installed the exhibits. From the east side of the buildino- comes the whirl of moving wheels and the clinking of chains, indicating an operating exhibit of mining machinery. Reserving the gallery exhibits for a later visit, let us now saunter down the Bullion Boulevard on a voyage of discovery, and, Columbus-like, explore for the treasures that stock the world's coffers. A lofty silvered shaft some thirty feet high, surmounted by a stooping Atlas bearing the glistening world upon his shoul- ders, is the first to meet our eye's fancy. It is a trophy from New South Wales, and represents about the actual yearly output of one of the most celebrated silver mines of Australia. Pyramids of copper ingots encircled with hoops of burnished copper; stacks of white ingots of tin adorned with metal streamers and rosettes; and trophies in square cakes of the "Star" pure antimony, form the unique and facade of this handsome exhibit. Immediately in the rear is arranged the collection of gold nuggets, crystallized gold and gem stones. Mounted on handsome blue plush shelves, and protected with large glass frame, is the big mass of gold called the " Maitland Bar" nugget, containing 313 ounces of fine gold, and valued at ^6,000. The entire collection of gemstones, such as diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, opals, amethysts, garnets, topaz. MINES. 243 etc.; the series of silver and silver ores; pyramids of lead, tin, and antimony ores ; highly polished purple, red and black marbles, and columns ' and arches of coals and ker- osene shales, give some idea of the variety and extent of the colony's re- sources, and afford a display that is con- ceded to be one of the finest in the Mining Buildinof. The adjoin- inof exhibit on the south is that of Canada. Nearly all of her provinces have taken prominent part in the mineral display. Onta- rio's space is bordered with show stands filled with an array of graded 1 » 1 M EXHIBIT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. salts and oils in glass jars, mineral waters, gypsums, stone and marbles. A bust of Sir John MacDonald in paraffine wax illustrates one of the products of petroleum. The central feature is the nickel exhibit. 244 MINES. This is built up in the form of a pyramid, at the summit of which rests a huee inoot of nickel containino- several thousands of dollars' worth of pure metal. The base is formed of heavy masses of the pyrrhotite ores, in some cases weighing- many tons, while in the surrounding cases are arranged the products of concentration,, refining and manufacture. In the Quebec section a stack of gold bars is the instructive method employed to present the statistics of gold production from that province. Nova Scotia shows great sheets of mica and masses of serpentine rock in which the streak of fibrous asbestos occurs. The Dominion Geological Survey has a comprehensive display of rocks systematically arranged, as well as a complete series of maps and pictures bringing out the geological history of the country. Great Britain, occupying a prominent position on the central court, has attempted no particular architectural effects; but the individual exhibitors have, as a rule, enclosing structures of an elaborate nature. The exhibit of platinum and rare metals is made by the largest firm in the world manufacturing these interesting- products. The Sheffield steels and Low Moor irons are samples of these celebrated manufactures. A statue of Liberty enlighten- ing the world is carved in pure rock salt, a striking instance of the adaptiveness of a commercial mineral to artistic purposes. A huoe block of cannel coal, weig-hino- eleven tons and fourteen hun- dred weight, and bound with heavy chains, is one of the largest blocks ever mined, and was elevated from a depth of over 1,300 feet. An exhibit of polished porphyry in the form of statues anci mosaics is valued at over ;|^i 2,000. At the main north entrance France has installed an interesting variety of technical and scientific mining exhibits. Asphalt — its mining and uses — is illustrated by maps and pictures of the asphalt concessions, prominent among them a large oil painting of men at work in the mines, and ''by sections of pavements, conduits and other applications to building. Masses of nickel ores are brought from New Caledonia, and carbonate of manganese is exhibited by the only mine of that material in the world. The French collieries 246 MINES. show by maps, charts and statistics the magnitude of the coal mining industry. Over there where flies the white flag with the red dot the De- partment of Mines for Japan has a presentation of the characteristic VIEW IN NORTH END OF BUII.DING. native minerals and metals. Copper, which is the principal metal, is shown in all grades of purity from the black to the electrolytically refined. Upon the face of each ingot is a stamp of raised Japanese letters, as curious and complicated as a coat-of-arms. Photographic views give one an idea of the leading copper, gold, silver and anti- mony mines, and show the native method of working and refining these metals. Salts, gyp^sums, graphites and mineral waters are- all put up in packages and forms peculiarly Japanese. The Impe- rial Geological Survey has placed on exhibition not only an exten- sive series of Qfeoloeical rocks, but has covered the walls with Qreo- logical maps framed in bamboo and executed with skill and profi- MINES. 247 ciency that must surprise the occidental scientist. From several reconnoissances made, the areas of the different formations have been delineated with surprising exactness of detail. Nowhere among all the many imposing and beautiful displays made by Germany is the national character for solidity and strength more impressively brought out than in the Mining Building. The one exhibit that holds the eye from every part of the building, the one that elicits general and hearty admiration, is the magnificent iron and steel trophy exhibit of the Stumm works, second only to Krupp in size. Upon the personal solicitation of his friend, the Emperor, Baron Stumm, with admirable loyalty and at an outlay of nearly ^200,000, prepared this imposing exhibit. Iron and steel of every GERMAN MINING EXHIBIT. structural shape,, beams, girders, bars, rails, pipes, rods, wire and bands are built up to a height of nearly one hundred feet like branching trees, and assume figures as bewildering in ramification as they are graceful in outline. The entrance portal is formed of 248 MINES. split pipes many feet high, with hfe-sized bronze allegorical figures at the summit, and just beneath the word STUMM in letters of o-ilded pipe. Entering the space we are confronted by a beauti- ful ornamental fountain embellished with figures in bronze of metal- workers and metal-working appliances, such as converters and rolls. Palms and other green plants contribute to the attractiveness of this centre piece. Lofty obelisks constructed entirely of polished sections of girders and rails in continually diminishing sizes mark the corners. The background is formed by a solid wall entirely covered with mosaic of polished blast furnace slag. By this means are worked out in fancy letters and border inscriptions the name of the firm, as well as the names of a great variety of products manufactured at its extensive establishment. Complete models of each separate plant and of the numerous hospitals and schools erected by the company are displayed upon the floor. Among the other mining and metal exhibits made by Germany is a panorama of mountain scenery along the Rhine shown in con- nection with the exhibit of metal salts by a gold and silver refining company, whose works are located in the midst of this inspiring landscape. In the gallery just in the rear of the main German sec- tion the o^reat mininof academ.ies and o-overnmental mininof bureaus demonstrate the great advancement made by Germany, the classic land of mining, in the technical sciences and arts connected with mining and metallurgy. Geognostical maps and charts showing minutely every feature of landscape geology, as well as the distri- bution of mines and mining establishments, cover the walls. In addition to this are models exhibiting the methods of coal mining and of the apparatus used for hoisting, drainage and ventilation ; models for the principal types of furnaces for the reduction of gold, silver, iron, lead and copper, with interesting collections of samples illustrating their metallurgy ; also many series of the salt and oil products and by-products. The display of ambers from the Koen- igsberg district is probably'the most comprehensive exhibit of this kind ever made. It includes every variety from the irregular- shaped masses of crude material up to polished specimens of trans- parent amber. A collection of " inclusions " illustrates the manner MINES. 249 in which insects sticking in the soft gum are imbedded and finally fossilized with the hardening of the amber. Brazil, occupying a position just south of Germany, has a museum of minerals and gems from the banks of the Amazon and the flanks of the Andes. The grades and varieties of her celebrated diamonds are brought into quick comparison with the similar exhibit next door made by the famous Kimberley mines of South Africa. The Cape Colony commissioners, under whose supervision this display was made here and at the Paris Exposi- tion of 1889, recog- nizing what a great attraction it has al- ways proven to the public, decided to show at Chicago every step and de- tail in the process of digging and prepar- ing diamonds for the market. One sees the hard blue unat- tractive diamond- bearinof rock q-q into huge pulverizers^ then into sorting screens, which turn out smooth, shiny pebbles ready for the lapidist. He deftly and quickly gives them a touch here and there with his rapidly revolving wheel until they sparkle in the sunlight and emerge a finished gem. The rich mineral belts of the Mexican table lands and mountains are to be found near the main south entrance to the building. Here a great cabinet collection of minerals, shown in elaborate bronze and glass cases, represents the combined contributions of a dozen wealthy provinces, while native mining machinery, both POLISHING DIAMONDS. 250 MINES. ly^ ancient and modern, is on exhibition in different sections of tlie court. The land of the Czars occupies a space beneath the gallery, and is represented chiefly by the irons and steels for which it is so celebrated. Whole pictures in uniquely arranged polished sections of these metals adorn the walls. A trophy at the main west entrance affords some conception of its products in mineral and metal. Spain, that, besides a new world, has bequeathed so many of the arts of mining and metallurgy, has an extensive series of geological maps and large collection of economic minerals. The famous Rio Tinta copper mines and other great min- eral districts of the Pyrenees show a diver- sity of ores. Austria has exhibits of ex- cellent crucible steel and a panorama of the famous Carlsbad mineral water springs. Ital)^ carries off honors with the sulphurs of Sicily and the fine statuary marbles from Carrara. The South American States, those lands that for so many centuries were the cyno- sures of the adventurer for gold, demon- strate that their treasure vaults are not yet exhausted, and fittingly complete the great mineral exhibit of the foreio-n countries. No city avenue ever presented a more festive and at the same time substantial array of architectural fronts than those on Bullion Boulevard illuminated by the west- ern sun and adorned with the coats-of-arms of the States. WISCONSIN MONOLITH. MINES. 251 The great mineral-producing commonwealths have come out for a carnival, and have called in to assist in their entertainment the stonemason and bricklayer, the cutter and polisher, the decorator and the architect. As a result a solid front of architectural beauty, ever varying from pillar to classic temple, from parapet to mono- lith, vestibules, arches and turretted battlements, make a line of miniature palaces that afford a fitting retreat and appropriate resi- WASHINGTON EXHIBIT. dence for the exalted sisterhood of States. Every bit of material in its position is pregnant with meaning, every stooge and piece of clay has a significance attached to it by virtue of its position. These massive monoliths that mark the four corners of the Wis- consin space are more than sandstone. They are representatives of the great areas of sandstone that form a fringe around the great solid central core of the State — the Isle of Wisconsin. This arch of cannel coal forming the facade of Kentucky has added to it a 252 MINES. Story of production and use. That tessellated floor of Pennsylvania is more than a tile floor. In a fascinating way it tells the variety of clays derived from the subsoils of the Keystone State and the skill of the potter's art. In this way have monotonous piles of stone, ore, sands or clay been transformed into shapes that at once PENNSYI.VANIA SECTION. intensify their beauty and show their adaptability to the uses and tastes of mankind. These facades are many of them worthy of more than passing notice, and can profitably be studied for their own sake, especially those of Colorado, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washino-ton and Ohio. If we carefully examine the material exhibited in these pavilions, we find that the States have been grouped according to the char- acter of their predominant mineral products. Thus all of the pre- cious metal States, such as Montana, Idaho, Colorado and Utah, are at one end — the south — while the States yielding commercial minerals, such as clays, cement, stone, keep the balance at the other end. Pennsylvania ranks first in the list of mineral producers, and MINES. 253 has exhibits in petroleum, coal and iron. A complete working model of a coal mine and breaker shows the manner in which the coal is brought out on cars from the mine mouth, dumped and sorted. In front of the New York structure has been erected a geological obelisk giving a lesson on the structural geology of the State. Kentucky has a skylight of transparencies of mining scenes, and beneath her floor conducts the visitor into a chamber reproduced from the Mammoth Cave. Ohio elicits universal ad- miration for her beautiful fagade of many-colored burnt, unburnt and glazed brick, with freestone copings and bays. Within are carried on the operations of evaporating salt and preparing it for OHIO EXHIBIT. the market. Michigan, at the central court, has, through the lib- erality of many prominent citizens, erected a triumphal arch of red sandstone, surmounted with bronze figures of minerals. Over her low parapet are to be seen four obelisks of pure copper, ranging in weight from 50 to 50Q pounds — massive copper in bars, rods,. 254 MINES. sheets, burnished sheets, wire and masses of native copper weigh- ing many tons, and just as found in the great Lake Superior copper mines. Across the aisle the two largest lead and zinc States of the country — Missouri and Wisconsin — tenant pavilions of hand- some design, and are brilliant with crystals of calcite and shining cubes of lead. Under the central pagoda of Wisconsin, cushioned in soft mountings of plush, is a collection of pearls from Wisconsin rivers valued at several hundred thousands of dollars. MICHIGAN SECTION. Of course the centre of attraction among all of the precious metal States is the world-renowned Rehan statue in the Montana section. Here the treasure State of our country, the Mountain Queen, has symbolized her material wealth in terms of artistic beauty. The subject of the statue is Justice, the figure holding in her one hand a pair of scales, in the other a silver sword. The value of the silver poured into the moulds was estimated at ^61,800; the gold used for the plinth base at ^230,000; while the cost of sculpture MINES. 255 and founding brings up the total value to over ^300,000. The ex- hibit of the Montana copper companies is in itself well worthy of ^ attention. The mineral exhibit of Utah is exceptionally fine, and includes gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, antimony, bis- muth, tellurium and quicksil- ver ores, with a list of gems showing topaz, garnets, opals, malachite, onyx, agates and crystal quartz. The collec- tive display of California is entered through a triumphal arch faced with marbles of different varieties from the quarries of the State. The great seal of the State is the most conspicuous object in the immediate foreground, and the rear wall is .adorned with an oil painting of the first discoverer of gold in Cal- ifornia, Marshall. The Ari- zona and New Mexico ex- hibits are in the same relation they sustain to each other territorially. Arizona revels in copper and copper ores. A huore oblonor block of beau- tiful azurite with streaks of malachite, just as taken from the mines of the Copper Queen Consolidated Com- pany, forms a centre piece. At the base are cases filled with a great variety of copper combinations, carbonates, oxides, and cop- per mixed with gold and silver. The contrast in colors forms one of the richest effects imaorinable. MONTANA SILVER STATUE. 256 MINES. The petrified wood exhibit from this State is also exceptionally fine. A miner's cabin in the centre of the New Mexico space, built of varied minerals, calls to imagination the wild scenery of moun- tain and canyon of this far western country, and is suggestive of lOV/A EXHIBIT. its abundant underground wealth, A circle of marble columns of native material adorns the Colorado space, and the low parapet- is faced with new light-colored varieties of Colorado onyx. The Breckenbridofe collection of o-old nug-srets and free o-old is valued at a quarter of a million dollars. The different counties of the State have each contributed cabinet collections, so that one may easily learn the geographical distribution of Colorado minerals. North Carolina is another gold and gem producer, and consequently her space luxuriates in jewels and a thousand and one rare and deco- rative minerals. West Virginia, Kansas, Indiana, Orecron, Viro-inia, New Jersey, Minnesota, Washington, Wyoming, Tennessee and Louisiana also have representative displays on the ground floor. MINES. 257 A trophy In copper, copper alloy, nickel and steel furnishes a variegated effect in colors at the main east entrance. Hard by are the heavy exhibits of the great iron and steel firms, one showing the first steel converter used by the inventor of the so-called Besse- mer process — Kelly, and an object of great interest from a his- torical and evolutionary standpoint. In size, as compared with the enormous converter, it is as the baby elephant to the Jumbo. The whiz and the thud of drills, hoisting engines, concentrators, etc., attract our attention, and rapidly we pass through the aisles be- tween the rows of giant mechanisms that can drill through and cut DOUBLE REEL HOISTING ENGINE — UNITED STATES SECTION. out the most solid quartz, lift it by the tons to the surface, crush it to powder, and by dozens of ingenious mechanical and chemical processes separate the valuable metal ingredients. Here is a huge furnace for the smelting and refining of bullion ; over there power- ful pumps and fans for ventilating and draining mines, while a 17 258 MINKS. tunnel running beneath the building at the south end is an actual representation of a mine gallery, and shows the method of timber- ino- liahtino- and undercrround haulao^e. This tunnel, by means of a wire rope tramway, connects with the ore yard, from whence the MACHINERY EXHIBIT. ore used by the machines for demonstration purposes is conveyed to the space where it is to be utilized in the building. Perhaps the most striking display in the gallery is that of the Standard Oil Company, the entire north gallery being given up to its display of the crude and graded oils and manufactured by-prod- ucts, such as wax flowers ; models illustrating the methods of drill- ing, for piping, storing and distributing the oils ; also geological models showing the relative position of the oil-bearing strata. In a series of industrial courts runninof the entire length of the east gallery are assembled mineral materials of the industries, separated according to groups of the classification and along lines of affinity. From Group 48 to Group 42 one passes through a continual trans- formation scene ; the sulphurs, pigments and chemical salts at the one end giving place to the black pitches of the asphalt of Trini- dad, succeeded by exhibits of graphite in leads, crucibles and clays, MINES. 259 and the whole series of abrasives from orrindstones to ladies' rouee, building and ornamental stone, coals, cokes and mineral combus- tibles. This material is shown and arranofed with all the skill and interest of competing firms and individual effort. In building stone and coal a departure is to be noted. A cube exhibit of the products of the quarries has been presented by the management of the Mining Department itself, and in the place of huge blocks of coal from one or two mines, specimens of uniform size have been solicited from every coal miner in the country. VIEW ON WEST SIDE. These dressed specimens have been placed upon aluminum mounts, giving the analysis, locality and other valuable information, while a large plate glass map upon the floor in the midst of the collection shows the distribution of the coal areas, and, by numbered cross reference, the source of the specimens. An operating departmental laboratory, a mechanical testing laboratory, and a chemical assay exhibit are open to the inspection of the public at the southwest corner. A mining library, filled with books rare and ancient, as well as modern, is at the disposal of the public, and a reading-room is provided where they may sit and 26o MINES. pursue the information of the past and present on matters relating to mining and metallurgy. Near at hand the Mining Engineers have their headquarters. In the metallurgical division complete collections in each metal bring out the metallurgy from the ore up to the finished product. In the mineralogical division many large dealers, as well as private col- lectors, have case after case filled with articles of great intrinsic value and of extraordinary interest to the scientist and general public. It would, of course, be well-nigh impossible to give a complete picture of this great exhibit. The extent of detail is too vast. The MINERAI. SECTION. visitor will with difficulty be able to see the majority of them, and from previous expositio^i experience will learn to select that for which he has a natural affinity or that which falls in with his line of work and education. The commercial man, the practical miner and inventor will con- sider the exhibit as more than a huge advertising agency, evanescent MINES. 261 in influence as a soap bubble. It inventories the progress made in the mining and metalhirgical industries up to the present time; it indicates adaptability to present needs, and it utilizes the gains of the past and will stimulate and guide future investigation and effort. The scientist finds complete and classified specimens to aid him in his studies of mineralogy, geology and other sciences ; a compen- dious text-book illustrated by concrete examples, charts, models, maps and schemes. Exploring for beauty, the artist discovers beauty of form in the accuracy of shape and fineness of structure of a dainty crystal or monumental prism ; beauty of color in the prismatic hues and iridescent shades and tints of minerals. He here finds in variety and abundance the' materials that make his paints and the block vi^hich his genius can carve into graceful and plastic forms. ■ But there are other lessons to be gained from the display, leav- ing the specialties and judging it from a higher plane and w^ith broader and more fundamental standards. A study of the installa- tion from the geographical and statistical standpoint reveals many interesting facts of economic as well as of national importance. It tells how in the formation of the successive envelopes of the earth's crust a beneficent providence has placed mineral materials in such variety or quantity as delicately adjusts them to the wants of a progressive civilization. It tells the story of how this or that region of country has become prosperous by the opening up of new and inexhaustible stores of fuel or metal, or how the introduction of a new process has been the magic touch of Midas to a languishing industry. But the full significance conveyed by this exhibit is that of a tribute and exemplar of human industry offered by the unseen thousands who toil in silence for the comfort and welfare of all. The greatest achievement of this display will be to emancipate the labor that toils in the perilous surroundings of mine or mill, bring- , ing to its assistance the improved steam and electrical mechanism here exhibited. In quickening the material development and pros- perity of the countries taking part in the exposition, the mining and metallurgical exhibit will be a forceful factor ; as a promoter of civiliza- tion its influence will become a permanent endowment to mankind. ■^ HIS World's Exposition is noted for its being the first ap- pearance of many of the most important features of prog- ress. One of these is the great building and department devoted to the exploitation of the history of transporta- tion. Seventeen acres of Exhibition space for this sub- ject are provided in a building and annex. The building rises APOTHEOSIS OF TRANSPORTATION, TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. {Joh7i J. Boyle.) (263) 264 TRANSPORTATION. on the western bank of the main lagoon, nearly in the centre of the grounds, half overlapping the Building for Mines and Mining, and looking across the water to the Building for Manufactures. It is directly south of the Horticultural Building. In general the archi- tectural features of the building are very simple, but its details and accessories are rich. At the centre it is surmounted by a cupola 165 feet high, which affords an extensive view of grounds, Lake and surround- ing country. This point of observation is reached by eight elevators, which run for public use, and properly form a part of the transportation exhibit. This is the only de- partment building thus pro- vided. The main entrance to the buildinor consists of an immense arch decorated with carvings, bas-reliefs and mural paintings. It is treated entirely in gold, silver and bronze leaf, and is known as the golden door. On one side of the arch ap- pears in panel an original study in ancient transporta- tion, and on the opposite side the palatial accessories of modern railway travel. The corners above the arch are decorated with mural paintings of marine and railway scenes. Four minor entrances on this front and other elaborate portals at either end of the main building are adorned with fountains, and some twenty life-size statues of inventors, whose history is identified with that of the science of transportation. The interior of the building is treated much after the manner of a Roman basilica, with broad nave and aisles. The middle roof ■DECORATION OF TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. TRANSPORTATION. 265 rises much higher than the others, and its walls are partly open so as to form an arcaded clere-story. The dimensions of the build- ing are 256 x 960 feet, and of the Annex 425 x 900 feet. The total cost was nearly ^400,000. It is said that every method of trans- portation that history records except the back of a mule and the foot of man is exem- plified in this building, and the chief of the department, Willard A. Smith, is fond of sayino- that his buildine con- tains everything, from a toy tin wa^on to a mooful loco- motive, and from a two-los" raft to the model of an Atlan- tic liner. The development of modern transportation has been so recent and so rapid that its significance has been hardly understood. Already its early history is in many in- stances fading away or utterly lost. From the bepfinnino^ it was the intention of this department that it should fully and fairly present the origin, growth and develop- ment of the- various methods I of transportation used in all and in, all parts of I,OCOMOTIVE, FACADE, TRANSPORTATION BLDG. ao^eS {John J. Boyle.) ^ ^a -^^ \ -c, r the world. 1 he classmcation may seem to include some things which it is difficult to show in an Exhibition of this kind, but the object kept in view has been to make so complete the demonstration of the method and means employed in every branch of the business of transportation that the earnest student of science may here find everything at his hand FIGURES ON TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. {John J. Boyle, Sculp.) Dennis Papin. Tne Brakesman. I. George Stephenson. 5. Joseph Michael Mnntgolfier. 7. Robert Fulton. 3. James Watt. "6. The Pilot. (266) • TRANSPORTATION. 26? without encountering the difficulties which now beset and environ such study and investigation. The result is a grand object-lesson presented so clearly and impressively that one may learn in hours and days what would otherwise require months and years. It was the aim of the department to keep the historical feature clearly in view and even to magnify it. By so doing the great exhibition of the actual means of transportation employed throuo-hout the world to-day and the wonderful achievements of recent years stand out in high relief by contrast. The first and most noticeable, and ^^ot the least interestino, feature of the Transportation Building, is the beautiful scheme of polychrome decoration which is applied to its exterior. To treat the building externally in many colors was the original thous^ht of the architects in the concep- tion of the desior-n. The archi- tecture, therefore, was carefully prepared throughout with reference to the ultimate appli- cation of colors, and many large plain surfaces were left to re- ceive the final polychrome treat- ment. The ornamental designs for this work are of great and intricate delicacy. 7"he colors themselves comprise nearly the whole galaxy, there being not less than thirty different shades employed. These, however, are so delicately and softly blended, and so nicely balanced, against each other, that the final efiect suggests" not so many colors as a single beautiful painting. The general scheme of color treatment starts with a light tone for the base of the building. This is kept entirely simple and free from ornament in order to serve as a base for the more elaborate work above. The culmination of hiah color effect is found in the spandrels between the main arches. Here the work is carried to a high pitch of intensity of color, and reliance is placed on the main corner of the building, which is very simply treated, to act as a balancing and quieting effect in the general composi- OLD TIME ROCKY MOUNTAIN STAGE COACH — BUILT IN 1868. 268 TRANSPORTATION. tion. In the centre of the spandrels is placed a beautiful winged figure, representing the spirit of transportation. This figure is painted in light colors with a background of gold leaves. It is this elaborate color scene which culminates in the golden door. At the entrance to the south door of the Transportation Build- ing stand, on the right, statues of Stephenson, Barrett, Scott and the figure of a pilot, the latter typical of water transportation. On the left are statues of Montgolfier, Vanderbilt, Watt, and a brake- man, the latter typical of land transportation. These figures are duplicated at various points in the circuit of the building. The classification of the Department of Transportation includes "^iRj, -ieHTv-^ :b-&'t sSavi^l-'"-^^ J 1 EXHIBIT OP THOS. COOK & SON. the following groups : Railways, railway plants and equipment : Street car and other street-line systems : Miscellaneous and special railways : Vehicles and methods of transportation on common roads: Aerial, pneumatic and other forms of transportation : Vessels, boats, marine, lake and river transportation : Naval warfare and coast defence, The displays In this building seem to come closer to the interests of every one than do most of the others, and the greatest crowd is usually found herein. Entering at the south doorway of the main portion of the building one reaches first the German section. It TRANSPORTATION. 269- occupies this entire end and part of the annex. Its decorative exhibits are very fine. The particular features consist of two large ., locomotives, all kinds of cars, including a Red Cross ambulance train, interlocking switch system, etc. Certain exhibits of the United States come next, although our own country occupies such a great portion of the building that its displays may be said to be everywhere. On the right side of the main aisle is the exhibit of the International Navigation Company, including a fine display of models of ocean steamers, and a full size section of one of their HARNESS EXHIBIT. ocean liners. This is the celebrated Inman Line ^o well known in ocean navigation. This full-sized section of one of the new American Line steamers now being built by the William Cramp & Sons' Ship and Engine Building Company at Philadelphia is over seventy feet long and thirty-five feet wide, or a little more than half the beam and one- seventh the length of the ship itself. This is such a novel display, and of so much interest to the multitudes of our people who have had no opportunity to visit such a ship afloat, that it is worthy of 270 TRANSPORTATION. extended description. The floor line of the building comes just where the twenty-six foot water line of the ship would be, so there is as much of it above the floor as there will be above the water at her draft on sailing. Therefore if a complete section of the ship were shown it would have to go down into the ground twenty-six feet, or make the top of the funnel twenty-six feet higher. As it is now, the first or promenade deck is more than twenty- five feet above the floor, and the top of the funnel is yet fifty- three feet above this. This serves to give some idea of the actual heio-ht of these great trans- atlantic liners. As one approaches the vessel the black iron sides of the ship are seen, studded with port- holes, extending along- the aisle and rising- to a height of seventeen feet above the floor, where the plating ends and the railing on the second or saloon deck commences. Above this is the first or^promenade deck, and yet above rises the bridge from which the officers direct the course of the vessel. Just aft of the bridge and on top of the deck-house is a life-boat ready for launching. Passing around the end of the exhibit it can be plainly seen that VIKING SHIP. TRANSPORTATION. 271 it is only a section of the ship, as the ends are cut off square and left open, so that all four decks, and to some extent what is on each one, are visible. The visitor passing through this exhibit will see the model-room, steerage compartment, first-class compartment, second-class compartment, dining-saloon, promenade deck, library and smoking-room. The visitor can thus obtain a perfect idea of the size, furnishings and style of the ocean liners. STEAM TOWING MACHINE. Exhibit of American Ship Windlass Co. The American Ship Windlass Co., of Providence, R. I., shows windlasses and capstans in great variety. The Harland & Hollings- worth Company exhibits a collection of gas engines, naphtha launches, etc., and adjoining this is the display of Thos. Kane & Co., of Chicaofo, with a similar field. On the rieht aeain is found the Austrian display, consisting chiefly of saddlery and carriages. 272 TRANSPORTATION. but also showing the zone system peculiar to the railway man- agement of that country. On the opposite side is the display of Japan, showing models of their modern war ships, and in contrast the junks that they used in ancient times. Turkey adjoins Japan with an entertaining display. The sight-seer has now reached the striking exhibit of the Beth- TURKISH TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT. lehem Iron Company. These famous gun and armor works, situ- ated at South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, make a showing that never fails to draw expressions of astonishment from every visitor. The most visible exhibit in the whole building is the oreat structure wnich bestrides the main aisle like the Colossus of Rhodes. It is an exact reproduction of Bethlehem's 125-ton steam hammer, the largest in the world, under which the heaviest armor plates are forged and shaped. It is appropriately placed amid the models and sectional plans of battle and merchant ships, which require the pro- TRANSPORTATION, 273 ducts of the forge. It towers ninety-one feet in height to the very MODEL OF 125 TON HAMMER. Exhibited by Bethlehem Iron Cotnpany. roof beams, and so well have the wood and staff been moulded to- gether that to all appearances the model is solid iron. The anvil 274 TRANSPORTATION. blocks could not be shown in place, as it would obstruct the passage way. Besides this, the Bethlehem Company shows modern cannon of great size ; armor plate which seems impenetrable, and castings of enormous size. There is one fluid-compressed steel ingot or casting, fifteen feet long and fifty-four inches in diameter, weighing forty-eight tons. From a similar ingot weighing sixty-five tons was made the shaft of the famous Ferris Wheel in Midway Plaisance. The same company also shows steamship shafts, and solid and built cranks for vessels. After the Bethlehem Works comes a large area devoted to the exhibit of France. There are a number of locomotives and other COtr.AIlllA lUCXCLlCS. Exhibit of Pope JManufacturing Co. railway equipments ; models of ocean steamers, both passenger and war ; and all sorts of modern carriages, bicycles and other modern TRANSPORTATION. 275 transportation appliances. This exhibit not only extends from the central aisle to the front of the building, but also reaches well into the annex. Facino- the French exhibit is the model and exhibit of the town "FUERST BISaIARCK.'" — HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO. ( of Pullman. It is built to scale and is always a centre -of interest for the many who are curious to know the plans and accomplish- ment of this practical example of a perfect city. Next is a model ticket-office fitted up by the firm of Rand, McNally & Co., of Chicago, the noted printers of railway tickets, folders and maps. The centre of the building is now reached, and here in a circular open space is the exhibit of the Otis Company, consisting of eight passenger elevators. This vertical transportation department conveys curious visitors to the top of the building, whence a splendid view may be had. Great Britain comes next with her colonies, Canada and Aus- tralia, occupying four sections, extending entirely across the building 276 TRANSPORTATION. and annex. The most interestino- of the exhibits here is the loco- motive, "Lord of the Isles," built in 185 1 for the first World's Fair, which has been in continuous use ever since. There is also a MODEI< OF SANTA MARIA. complete train of English cars, with the fine compound locomotive, " Great Britain," affording an opportunity for comparing British and American railway methods. The marine exhibits of Great Britain TRANSPORTATION. 277 are especially fine, nearly all of her great ship-building firms being represented by models. One model, that of the armored war-ship " Victoria," is thirty feet lonof and cost ^20,000. But half of the vessel is thus constructed, and it is placed against a great mirror which duplicates it and thus makes the whole vessel appear. Surrounding the model at the water- line is a plate of green rippled glass, so that the effect is produced that the ship is floating in the ocean. It is this vessel which was sunk by her com- panion, the " Camp- erdown," in the east end of the Mediter- ranean Sea, when hundreds of lives were lost. This oc- curred during the early months of the Fair, and from that time the magnificent model was heavily draped in black and has been the centre of attraction. Many of the finest Atlantic liners and other large war vessels are displayed, and a model of the great Forth Bridge of Scotland is shown. Australia shows a model of the wonderful zig-zag railway in the mountains of New CHDY CAVF- IMexicaii Cenfra! Railway. 278 TRANSPORTATION. South Wales. The feature of the Canadian exhibit is a train of the Canadian-Pacific railway, the woodwork of which is solid mahogany. The next exhibit is that of the Johnson Railroad Signal Company, and across the aisle from it that of Spain. The latter is made up chiefly of marine models, models of celebrated fortresses, and a model of the Cordova Bridge, whose foundations were laid nearly 2,000 years ago. A little yet to the east is the display of Brazil. In the Mexican secnon a fine display is seen, consisting largely of exquisitely fine saddles and horse trappings. There is also a relief map of that republic showing modern systems of transportation. The Mexican Central Railway Company shows a number of beau- tiful paintings and photographs, among them scenes in the Choy cave. Argentine Republic is just across the aisle from Mexico, and adjoining is the display of the Cunard Steamship Company. Here are displayed nine models of their best steamers. There is a won- derful contrast between the " Britannia," built in 1 840, with a ton- MODEIyS EXHIBITED BY CUNARD S. S. CO., SHOWING COMPARATIVE SIZES OE FIRST AND LATEST VESSELS. uage iof 2,050 and 405 horse-power, and their last, the " Campania,'^ built in 1893, with a tonnage of 13,000 and 30,000 horse-power. It is the proud boast of this company that never in its long career as a carrier of passengers has it lost a single one entrusted to its care. The Westinghouse Air-Brake Company and the New York Air- Brake Company are neighbors, the former showing the operation of air-brakes on a train of one hundred cars, the larorest train ever TRANSPORTATION. 279 operated by a single system of brakes. The visitor now passes the exhibits of Austria and Russia, and some other minor displays, and reaches that of the Pullman Palace Car Company, a magnificent train of cars of their latest style. The Baltimore & Ohio Railway's historical exhibit deserves STEAM SHOVKI.. Exhibited by Marion Steam ShoveA Co. special mention. This is the^ oldest railway in the world, having been opened to general traffic from Baltimore to^Ellicott's Mills, a distance of fourteen miles. May 24, 1827, six months earlier than the Liverpool & Manchester Railway, which was the first in Europe. The " York," costing ^4,000, their first locomotive, is shown ; also a strap-rail track and other features of that day, as well as the latest improved types of engines, trains and appliances. The Pilot Com- mission of New York, in another special display, shows the model 28o TRANSPORTATION. of a pilot boat, and oil paintings illustrating the perils of the ser- vice. Amonof the marine curiosities is a bateau, found on the bank of the Upper St. Croix river, and used before Illinois was organized as a Territory. It carried eighteen men and one ton of freight, and was employed in Indian trade. Canada's exhibit shows some curious boats, birch-bark canoes, large and small, such as were used by the Indians and by the Hudson's Bay Company, and dog trains. The British section shows the original Stephenson locomotive, the *' Rocket." The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad exhibits Oliver Evan's steamboat on wheels, which was designed to run either on land or water. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway exhibit contains the old " Pioneer," the first locomotive ever brought to Chicago. In the annex several of the English and Irish railways make a handsome exhibit of the beautiful scenery along their line. NORTH GERMAN LLOVD STEAMSHIP CO.'S PAVILION. The North German Lloyd Steamship Company exhibits a globe, on the oceans of which the posidons of all their various vessels are shown daily by small models moved to correspond to the move- ments of their original. Jay Gould's passes are framed and make ^ ^ ^ .§ t> p ^ H ^ W 282 TRANSPORTATION. an unique exhibit. Several locomotive works, including the Brooks, THE FIRST STEAMER ON LONG ISLAND SOUND. Model Exhibited by the Providence and Stonington S. S. Co. the Baldwin and the Rogers, make excellent displays in the annex. The Sheffield Velocipede Car Company, of Three Rivers, Michigan, shows hand-cars, railway velocipedes, sail-cars and other transporta- TRANSPORTATION. 283, XT. > c (—1 < 2 S I— I tion novelties. The Griffin Wheel Foundry Company, of Chicago, has an exhibit of car wheels, chiefly the ones in actual service under various cars. 284 TRANSPORTATION. The Providence & Stonington Steamship Company of New York makes an exhibit to illustrate the progress of shipbuilding as ap- plied to Long Island Sound steamers from the earliest times of TALivY-HO. Exhibited by Briggs Carriage Co. steam navigation on the Sound to the present. The exhibit con- sists of a complete model of the steamer " Fulton," built in 1814 from designs by Robert Fulton. This was the first steamboat to make the trip on Long Island Sound, which event took place in 181 7. The " Fulton " made a trip from New York to New Haven and returned, and afterwards formed, in connection with the Connec- ticut, the first line between New York and Providence. A model of the steamer Jno. W. Richmond, a famous vessel, built in 1838 to run on the Providence line, shows a marked advance in type and arrangement from the Fulton. A model of the steamer " Maine," one of the twin steamers ^built by this company in 1892, shows the most advanced type of Sound steamers. A series of pictures showing many more Long Island Sound vessels, both old and new, are exhibited, while company and steamer flags are used as decorations. TRANSPORTATION. 285 The north end of the Transportation Building is taken up by the display of wagons, carriages and buggies of every pattern. It is impossible to name more than a few of the notable ones. Among the exhibitors are Brewster, of New York ; Studebaker, of Chicago ; the Glens Falls Buckboard Co. ; Fish Bros. Wagon Co., of Racine, Wisconsin ; A. Streich & Bro., of Oshkosh, Wis. ; the Selle Gear Co., of Akron, Ohio ; Rattermann & Luth, of Cincinnati ; the Favorite Carriage Co., of Storrs, Ohio ; the Fulton & Walker Co., of Philadelphia; and others. Included in these exhibits are the finest of carriages, sleighs, and other vehicles of every description. The James Cunningham Co., of Rochester, and the Rock Falls TALLY-HO. Exhibited by Studebaker Bros., Chicago. Manufacturing Co., Sterling, 111., show fine hearses and funeral cars. All the leading bicycle manufacturers of the United States and England show their wares, and the display is bewildering to the enthusiastic wheelman. Pleasure boats of small size are shown by various Canadian, English, and United States exhibitors. The .^86 TRANSPORTATION. cedar canoe is shown in its perfection by J. H. Rushton, of Canton, New York. The range of exhibits in this building is something ■enormous, and beside all that we have named includes such as stuffed mules, and ox-carts from Mexico, Madeira and Sicily ; Red River carts from Winnipeg, and duof-outs from the South Sea Islands. There are also sedan- chairs, walrus hide boats, and picturesjllustra- ting the prog- ress of aerial transportation. The New York Central & Hudson River Railway Com- pany has a building and large space just to the south of the annex, which it shares with the Wagner Palace Car Company. The -display included here is an elaborate one. Across the street yet to the south of this is the model four-track suburban passenger station of the Pennsylvania Railway Company. It is equipped with interlocking switch system and every modern appliance of safety that inventive genius can suggest. The exhibits here are of great interest. The original John Bull locomotive, and two fifty-seven-year-old passenger coaches of the old Camden and Amboy Railroad are the most con- spicuous. This train ran from Philadelphia to Chicago at the opening of the Fair and attracted BICYCLE EXHIBIT. BICYCLE. Exhibited by Getidron Iron Wheel Co. TRANSPORTATION. 287 great attention throughout the route. Tliere is also shown the car designed by this railroad for carrying the sixty-two ton Krupp gun from the sea-board to Chicago. It consists of two flat-cars of 100,000 pounds capacity each, and a bridge connectinor the two cars. It is a triumph of mechanical construction for handling such enor- mous weights. The other big gun car, which is constructed to support a weight nearly STREET CARRIER OF CONSTANTINOPLE. ^^'^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ {^ therefore MEXICAN CART. 288 TRANSPORTATION. nearly twice as great a wonder. It has a capacity of 285,000 pounds,, and is built entirely of boiler steel. It consists of a major bridge, two minor bridges, and four eight-wheel cars. The gun rests in the major bridge on two supports which closely fit it. The extreme length of the car is ninety feet, and the weight of the car, loaded with gun and both bridges, is 445,000 pounds. Nearly a mile from the Transportation Building, to the southeast, and facinof the lake shore, is the building devoted to the exhibit of Herr Krupp, of Essen, in Germany. A SEDAN CHAIR. He is the orreatest of all cannon manufact- DE WITT CLINTON. ' FIRST ENGINE ON N. Y. CENTRAL R. R. urers, and this exhibit is a wonder that attracts every one. Here is found the largest cannon ever cast, as well as many other won- derful evidences of mechanical skill and ingenuity. The weight of TRANSPORTATION. 289 N. Y. CENTRATv EXPRESS ENGINE. : SPEED ICX) MILES AN HOUR. RUNS ON EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS. the articles exhibited amounts to nearly 2,000,000 pounds, and they are valued at ^1,000,000. First in interest is the monster 124- PKNXA. RAir.ROAI) MODJ-.I^ .STATlO>;. 19 TRANSPORTATION. 291 ton gun which cost ^50,000 to manufacture. Its length is eighty-seven feet, and its bore twenty-five inches. The pro- jectile used weighs 2300 pounds, and the cost of a single discharge is ^1250.00. Its range is from fifteen to sixteen miles, and if discharged on the lake front, the concussion would shatter most of the win- dow Qflass in Chicago. The carriage for this monster weigfhs 38,500 pounds, the frame 55,600 pounds, and to manage t> > it requires an eightN'-five-ton ^. ^ tra-versincr crane. There was ?-' p but one place on the Atlantic s. ^ seaboard, Sparrow's Point, S ^ Maryland, where there was a ^^ ^ set of hydraulic shears of >3 ^ sufficient power to handle this p ^ g'un. In the exhibit are found other guns, large and small, and all their accessories. Not the least interesting thingr is an immense steel target, eieht feet square and sixteen inches thick, which shows the effect of ' a gun firing 600-pound balls. It is asserted in all seriousness by the German engineers ac- companying this exhibit that if the big gun were fired on the grounds the concussion would wreck every building in 292 TRANSPORTATION. the park. Herr Krupp intends to present his monster gun to the United States Government for the defence of the great port of Chicaofo. An adjunct of the transportation exhibit is the old whahng bark " Progress," exhibited by New Bedford, Mass. It Hes in the south pond not far from the Krupp exhibit. This old craft was built in 1 841, and has passed through many winters in the whaling industry of the Arctic regions. All sorts of articles are shown, such as are used in the whaling industry, as well as the products which they capture. There are also mementos of the terrible disaster of 1871, when thirty-three whaling ships had to be abandoned in the ice, their crews being rescued by the " Progress " and a few other vessels. Brewster & Co. exhibit a sleio^h which is one of the most elaborate examples of wood-carving to be found any place within the Exposi- tion, and also one of the most beautiful of vehicles. It represents a shell supported by conventionalized forms of sea life with ferns and sea-weed for decorations, the color beingr a sea-ofreen. The designs are most intricate, and the carving required more than a year to accomplish it. It is luxuriously upholstered, and is held at a price which makes it fit only for an Arctic emperor. In spite of the length to which this chapter has been drawn, it has been impossible to exhaust the list of worthy exhibits contained in the transportation department, and there are many more notable ones which it would be well to name were that possible. One needs but to fiance throuo^h the hurried lists of exhibits in this department to realize the enormous importance of it to every man. A quotation from Macaulay above the golden door of the Transportation Building informs us on the authority of that great essayist and historian that of all the inventions of the world, the alphabet and the printing press alone excepted, those inventions have done the most to advance civilization and mankind which abridge distance. No one can doubt this who studies for an object lesson our own American Republic. The United States has been singularly favored by transportation facilities of every kind. The invention of the steamboat was yet young wdien prows began to; divide the waves of every river and lake where civilization had TRANSPORTATION. 293 spread. Not only our traffic with foreign countries, but also our own interior commerce advanced enormously by this means. The Hudson River system, the St. Lawrence River system, and the immense territory tributary to the great lakes; the Mississippi system, including the Ohio, the Tennessee, the Cumberland, the SHELiv SLEIGH. — Exhibited by Brewster & Co. Missouri, the Arkansas and the Red rivers with their millions of acres of fertile prairie land, and mighty forests, and mineral wealth, all received an impetus never given to so great a region by any other influence before. Villages grew from frontier settlements, and cities from. villages, while States were builded from Territories while their pioneers were yet young. This the steamboat did, or at least began. Then the railroad came, and the iron trails wound over the 294 TRANSPORTATION. plains and through the mountains where before the earth was trodden only by the infrequent passing of the Indian or the trapper. Other States grew, out of the reach of water courses, and on every hand was heard the whistle of the locomotive. Very often even advancing civilization drawn by the steam horse reached the edge of the wilderness where fierce animals and fiercer red men disputed at every step the advance. The record of the country would be called a miracle if demon- strated to our ancestors but a century ago, and yet it is no miracle, but the product of the force of man's mind and muscle. It is emi- nently fitting that in this country should be erected the first great building devoted exclusively to a display of transportation exhibits. But, in our familiarity with steamboat and steam locomotive, there must not be forgotten some of the other means of transportation which have aided the advance of our civilization. No one of them is insignificant. There was a time when the American clipper ship bore the commerce of the world ; when our flag was on every sea, and when our voyages circled the globe. Then the American ship and the American sailor, and the American captain were the best of all. Of late years there has been a degeneration from this proud record, and yet there are those who hope yet to see a return to this greatness when foreign commerce shall be shared by our country in a proportion which its size and wealth justify. The pony express and the overland mail are familiar names to us, but they seem far away. We do not realize that it is but little more than thirty years since those opening wedges into western civilization were first instituted. Only thirty years ago, daring riders carried letters of tissue paper at a price of five dollars per half-ounce from the Missouri river at St. Joseph to San Francisco, and the marvellous speed made by these pony riders is yet a matter of wonder. Many a time their speed was accelerated by the sound of an Indian war-whoop or the whistle of an Indian bullet past their ears as they sped away over the alkali plains. Relics of these two notable factors in the history of American transportation are exhibited here, and there are none of more interest. The only country whose exhibits compare in interest with those TRANSPORTATION. 295 of the United States Is our next door neio-hbor, Canada. Remem- berincr as we do the magfnificent surface of the trans-continental , Canadian Pacific Rail^'-ay, it is difficult to realize that in this country- there are yet employed some of the most primitive methods of transportation, whether for passengers, freight or mail. The Hud- i son's Bay Company employs the same means of conveyance whether by land or water that it did one hundred and two hundred years ago, through great portions of its territory. All over the northwest portion of British America, extending to Alaska and into the borders of the Arctic region, there are posts scattered where trappers and Indians secure the valuable furs that protect us in winter and spend their lives in the wilderness. To some of these the Company is enabled to send communications but once a year, KRUPP GUN-WORKS. while others receive word from civilization oftener. About the ist of December each year a party of brave and hardy men inured to hardship, cold and danger, turn their faces northward from the city of Winnipeg to seek their friends in the gr-eat lone land of the 296 TRANSPORTATION. north. There is but a small band of men at the beo-innino-. Their only living- companions are the hardy dogs of that region which have been trained to harness and which are hitched to the ereat sleds. Upon these sleds are packed the mail-bags, the provisions and the other supplies necessary for the long journey. The men INTERIOR OF KRUPP GUN-WORKS. run along beside the sleds at a rapid gait, because if they should sit down on them and be drawn by the dogs they would soon freeze. Nothing but constant motion can keep them warm during the more northerly part of the journey. They go down the Red river of the North on the ice until they reach Lake Winnipeg, and then con- tinue northward on its icy surface for more than two hundred miles. At a point near its northwest angle the party divides, some of the men and sledges continuing northwest and another portion turning ■northeast past Norway House and toward Hudson's Bay. The first ones follow their northwestward course, passing numerous TRANSPORTATION. 297 del i V- would divid- top- o n e bear lone- wh e n these enliste a orummed posts of the great company of fur traders, and at each place leaving a portion of the mail and of their party. Reinforcements are taken when needed, but at the end, when all but one mail-bag has been and when a map of all the routes followed resemble the great trunk of a tree with its branches id subdividing in every direction, then to the most branch, far within the frigid zone, but solitary man and one lone team of dogs and guard the precious freight. It is a some journey, and an impressive one, we think how easily the service of all 11 different methods of transportation are " ' to convey our missives. For a few cents bit of paper guarantees to us that our wherever in the world civ- clvilization houses our friend, service are included in the Transportation Building, as and other w^ater craft summer traf- company. English the fea- ofreat- terest, the ex- tion of ificent of the " Victo- be borne semi- - message will ilization o Relics of , collections well as the which convey fie of the same In the exhibit ^>^- ture ofii;^^^ffi est m with c e p- themag- m o d el sunken ria," is the historical craft in which Grace Darling, the English hero- ine, rescued so many persons from drowning. It is sea-battered and weather-worn, but its timbers are staunch and strong yet, and it could ride many a storm should necessity arise. It is an unwieldy and heavy craft, and one marvels how a frail young girl could have SAil^ CAR.'- E xhibited bj' Sheffield Velocipede Car Co. 298 TRA NSPORT ATION. handled it to propel and keep it right side up in the breakers, and to assist those so sorely in need. From the South Sea Islands we have all sorts of odd craft, and from the Malayan Ar- chipelago specimens of the flying- proa, that fastest of all boats, so it is said, which flashes throuo^h the water like a beam of light, and which, manned by a crew of piratical sav- ages, has sent many an undefended boat with her crew to de- struction. So, in whatever part of the world we go, we find as the most important feature of their civilization their methods of transporta- tion. To-day, Corea, the hermit nation, is adding to its posses- sions a fleet of modern and first-class war ves- sels. Japan's navy contains ships of the most formidable char- acter, and a number sufficient to rank her as one of the leading naval powers of the world. It is the facility of inter-communication between the various parts of the nation and between it and other nations, which measures to a large extent the degree of civilization which that nation may attain. One is specially impressed by this upon consideration of MINE CAR. Exhibited by Sheffield Velocipede Car Co. TRANSPORTATION. 299 the recent case of Japan. It Is doubtful if any country can show in its history such a rapid advance in all things that make civiliza- tion as Japan displays in the last quarter century. The United States opened the doors of Japan to the world. Since then the forward movement of the Island Empire has been so rapid that she now asks no favor from any one, but only fair treatment. It is to the growth of transportation facilities that a great portion of the credit for this is due. Therefore, in considering the exhibits here displayed in the Transportation Department at the World'^s Fair, the immense effect of the science of transportation upon the progress of the world should always be in mind, and it should never be forgotten that America has been the leader in the invention and improvement and adoption of appliances to be utilized for these purposes. ^^5^ P^OF. JOHN P. BARRETT, Chief of Departjnent llf HE Columbian Exposition is a magnificent triumph of the age of Electricity. There are few exhibitors, few contractors and not many concessionaires who do not apply electricity in some form in the operation of their enterprises at the Fair. With the exception of some of the exhibits in Machinery Hall all the exhibits in all the buildings are operated by electrical transmission. The Intramural Elevated Railway, the launches that ply the Lagoons, the Sliding Railway on the thousand foot pier, the great Ferris Wheel, the machinery of the Libby Glass Company on the Midway, are all operated by electri- cally transmitted energy. Beginning with the pressure of President Cleveland's thumb upon a " Victor" telegraph key that set the machinery of the Fair in motion on the first day of May, and ending at the hundred miles of ether pierced by the great German search lights on the Manufactures Building- or at the remotest terminals of the telegraph and telephone lines that keep the world posted on the progress and achievements of the Ex- position, everything pulsates with quickening influence of the subtle and vivifying current. All this hardly seems strange to the boy who cannot look behind him into even the very near past, but to those of us who remember former Expositions there appears to have been some radical revolution at work to (301) ELECTRIC LIGHT DYNAMO USED IN CENTENNIAL. 302 ELECTRICITY. accomplish what we now see before us. At the Centennial the Bell telephone was a toy ; there were half a dozen arc lamps exhibited as scientific possibilities but not as commercial factors. Even at so late a day as the Paris Exposition of 1889 three thousand horse-power was the total energy employed, and that only imme- diately at the generating plant. At the Columbian Exposition the total capacity of the generating plant is twenty-five thousand horse-power, utilized over an area of six hundred acres. The plant covers an area of one hundred and twelve thousand square feet. There are in operation arc lights, incandescent lights, power-motors for the operation of the machinery of ex- hibitors, a complete telephone service coupled to the Chicago exchange, a complete police and fire alarm telegraph system, tele- graph lines, the elec- tric fountains, the In- tramural Elevated Railway, the electric launches, search lights, the equipment of the battle-ship " Illinois," and many classes of apparatus, some of which were given earlier in this article. The electric lighdng ^t the last Paris Exposidon was furnished by 1,150 arc and 10,000 incandescent lamps, giving a total of about 1,600,000 candle-power. The lighting at Chicago comprises about 90,000 lights of 16 candle-power, or a total of 1,440,000 candle- power, and about 5,100 arc lamps, with a total of 10,000,000 candle- '''.S^^S^mmnmntms^^^m^t^mm^mm COI^UMBIAN FOUNTAIN — PEDESTAL. ELECTRICITY. 303 power — a grand total of about 11,400,000 candle-power. The total capacity of the electric plant is about 5,000 arcs of 2,000 candle-power each, and 120,000 incandescent lights of 16 candle-power. It is significant that while the liorhtinor alone at Paris called for the formation of a syndicate of nearly all the leading companies — over twenty in all — the lighting at Chicago, with the exception of about 500 horse-power, is furnished from the standard apparatus of four leading American firms. Already sevent^^-five motors, ag-grec^ating 1,300 EI^ECTRIC FOCXTAIXS AND ILLU-M IX ATIvX horse-power, are placed for the use of the Exposition Company 204 ELECTRICITY. alone, and electric power can be obtained by exhibitors in all buildings. While the subject of electric power transmission is under con- sideration it may not be out of place to call attention to the service of electricity in building the Exposition. From the very beginning- of construction the temporary power plant, now no more, ran day and night seven days in the week, operating motors in the daytime which furnished power for the saw-mills, hoists, pumps and paint- ing machines, and at night grinding out light, so that the construc- tion could be carried on day and night where necessary, and the engineers and draughtsmen could lay out work for other days and nights. Electricity helped to prepare the material, to hoist the. heavy beams and trusses, to paint the buildings, and at the same time to prolong the labors of the overworked engineer and me- chanic, and light the rough or muddy pathway of the Columbian Guard. Of the arc lamps used in general illumination, i,6oo are used for lighting the grounds and 3,400 for lighting the buildings. Most of the arc lamps out on the grounds are hung in the ornamental posts, and in most cases those in the buildings are suspended from the ceilinor and domes. The crowning glory of the arc lighting is that of the central nave in Manufactures Building. This is undoubtedly the most unique and beautiful piece of arc lighting ever attempted. This space, which is about 1,300 feet long and 368 feet wide, with a height of 202 feet in the clear, is lighted by five great coronas. These coronas are suspended 140 feet from the floor. The central corona is 75 feet in diameter, and carries 102 lights ; the other four, which are equally distributed along the main longitudinal axis, are 60 feet in diameter, and carry "j^ lights each, making a total of 414 two thousand candle-power lights. The lamps are hung in two concen- tric circles. Although the coronas are in reality hanging galleries in which the lamp trimmer can walk at ease, they look light and graceful at the great height at which they are suspended, and the ladders by which they are reached from the great trusses would not be noticed by the ordinary observer. The effect of the lighting: ELECTRICITY. 305 is fine beyond expectation. Opal globes are used on the lamps, as upon all the arc lamps in the great plant. These diffuse the light, and with the great spread of the coronas and the reflection from the arched roof the lighting is so uniform that the eye cannot dis- tino-uish any variation of intensity upon the floor or the exhibit > pavilions. One of the most direct evidences of the magnificent resources of American eno-ineers is oiven in the conduct of the incandescent lio-htino- of the Fair. The Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur- COLTJMBIAN FOUNTAIN — THE OUTRIDERS. ing Co., having secured the contract to furnish this immense service at figures far below the cost, as such work had always been done, it became necessary to devise a. system more economical and at the same time more flexible. This was done. They devised and con- structed in less than six months larger machines than had ever been built for this work before, and on radically different lines, embodying the principles of the alternating system of transmission. By this system hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of copper wire were saved, as it was possible to send the current under high pressure to its destination on small wires, and then transform it 3o6 ELECTRICITY. down at the point of utility. The courts decided that the Westing- house people had no right to the use of the Edison lamp about the time the company got ready to install the machines, and the whole system was a failure unless a new lamp could be made. This was also done at once, and thousands of operators were put to work in temporary quarters, and the installation was completed at as early a date as was necessary on account of the backwardness of the steam machinery that was to drive it. In this achievement new prin- ciples in electricity were put to work, and what many people deemed a wild experiment became the largest and most satisfactory in- stallation ever made. With the completion of the incandescent service it was pointed out that no provision had been made for small motors to operate the machinery of exhibitors in the various buildings. At once an alternating motor was placed at the service of the Exposition authorities, arc lights were run from the same lines, and in obedi- ence to a demand on the part of the United States Government a system of buoys lighted by incandescent lOO candle-power lamps was run along the deep water line from the city to the Exposition p-rounds. The electric fountains are among the prominent features at the Fair. Thousands of people stand at points of vantage about the o^reat court each eveninor to watch the ever-chanorinor beauties of c> o o o these fountains. They are two in number, located on the lower terraces on either side of the McMonnies emblematical fountain, and are without a rival in ancient or modern days in hydraulic or electrical design. Supplied from the high pressure system placed for the fire protection of the World's Fair by the Worthington pump people, each of these two fountains requires for its own indi- vidual service the full capacity of a 1 6-inch water main under loo pounds pressure. Located as they are upon'the lower terraces, the necessity arose for operating casemates below the surface level of the lake. Altogether thirty-eight 90-ampere projector lamps, with burnished silver parabolic reflectors, by their concentrated effort, illuminate in the most pleasing manner the ever-varying streams of water projected through the nearly 400 apertures pro- » -1^ ,. M- ■ ;^ ' •i'. ;^ 1 -^ 3* m a» ^ =5? f« Ir \f'}^ -1-" t<' -iV >e ih.! m ^''^^— 'iJLi ^\ -.o8 ELECTRICITY. vided. The entire management of these fountains is directed from the northeast tower of Machinery Hall. The machinery used for the fountains is also used for charging the electric launches. There are fifty of these beautiful little boats, averaging forty feet long and having a carrying capacity of thirty- people. After five or six hours charging each little launch will have stored away in its hold about forty horse-power hours of effective electrical energ}^ sufficient for ten or twelve hours continuous run. This chareine station, located south and east of the Aoricultural 2,500 HORSE-POWER ELECTRIC GENERATOR IN POWER HOUSE OF INTRAMURAL RAIL- WAY — BUILT BY GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Building, is the most extensive ever put in in the United States, and probably in the world. Upon the United States battle-ship " Illinois " are shown the methods of ship lighting and the distribution of electricity for general ship uses. Two standard naval direct coupled, iron clad generating sets are located between decks. In all her fixtures, her side liorhts, mast-head lio-hts, binnacle lights, lights for cabin, for magazine, for coal-bunkers and for all other purposes aboard ship, the best appli- ances are shown. Here, also, are actively displayed several search light projectors ; one of the largest projectors ever made in the United States, a 150-centinieter projector with a 200-ampere lamp. Of the Intramural Railway, suffice it to say that this most interest- ELECTRICITY. 309 ing and most valuable demonstration of the applicability of elec- tricity to high speed interurban service is looked upon with the greatest interest throughout the country. The freedom from smoke and dust, from smell and discomfort, from overwrought sympathies at brutal treatment and overloading of sensate animals, together with the attendant comforts of well-lighted and cleanly cars, will do more to assist in the popularizing of suburban life than any advance thus far made in the science of transportation. The flexi- bility and reliability of its system, the easy extension of carrying capacity without a diminution of schedule time due to overloading of engines, the easy extension of capacity without consideration of limits of strength of structure, will all be arguments in favor of electric traction strongly appealing to those most interested in elevated railway service. In the line of exhibits that are " the biggest in the world " Germany may be credited with two — the 120-ton Krupp gun and the six-foot Schuckert search-liorht. The latter, which is of more immediate interest to the electrical fraternity, is mounted on the northwestern corner of the promenade about the roof of the Manufactures Building, which is reached by four elevators in the northern part of the building. There seems to be no doubt that this is the largest projector yet constructed, and Mr. Tischendoerfer, the World's Fair representative of Schuckert & Co., challenges comparison with any search-light in the world operated under like conditions. The lamp itself is six feet in diameter, and it is claimed that the illuminating strength of the arc is 57,000 candle-power, which is increased to 194,000,000 candle-power on the surface of the parabolic mirror. This mirror is seven-eighths of an inch thick, and six months was consumed in the labor of grinding and polish- ing it. After the mirror was completed, great care was necessary, of course, in packing it for shipment to Chicago. A padded receptacle was made, and this was enclosed in a strong wooden frame-work. The mirror was attached in this cage by four chains at the corners, and jarring was prevented by lateral springs fastened to the sides of the frame-work. In this manner the fragile mirror was safely transported by land and sea to its final resting-place on 3IO ELECTRICITY. the Manufactures Building at Jackson Park. It is claimed for the light that it can be seen distinctly for loo miles if sent from a high point. While the electrical display at the Exposition is greater in quantity outside the Electrical Building, the display inside is more varied, and certainly more beautiful. The building itself stands between Manufactures and Mines and Mining-. Its south front faces the Grand Plaza, and its north the Lagoon. Its dimensions are 345 x 690 feet ; its area five and one-half acres, and its cost ^401,000. The archi- tects were Messrs. Van Brunt & Howe, of Kansas City. The build- ing is of Italian renaissance in style, and is elaborately finished with many towers. The general plan is based upon a longitudinal nave 115 feet wide and 114 feet high, crossed in the middle by a transept of the same width and height. The nave and the transept have a pitched roof with a range of skylights at the bottom of the pitch, and clere-story windows. The rest of the buildinof is covered with a flat roof. The second story FRANKWN WATCHING THE wGHTNiNG. is composed of 3. serles of galleries {Carl /^oki-SmM.) connected across the nave by two bridges, and reached by four grand staircases. The exterior walls of the building are composed of a continuous Corinthian order of pilasters supporting a full entablature and resting upon a Stylo- bate. At each of the four corners of the building is a pavilion, above which rises a light open spire or tower 169 feet high. Inter- mediate between these corner pavilions and the central paviHon on the east and west sides there is a subordinate pavilion bearing a low, square dome upon an open lantern. The building has an o ,12 ELECTRICITY. open portico extending along the whole of the south fagade. The lower, or Ionic order, forming an open screen in front of it. The details of the exterior orders are richly decorated, the general tendency of the decorations being to illustrate the purposes of the building. The walls of the hemicycle and of the various porticos and loggia are highly enriched with color. All of these are most brilliantly illuminated. The southern entrance forms one of the richest effects to be found in all the buildings of the Fair. A PAVILION Olf AMERICAN BEIvI. TEIvEPHONE COMPANY. great statue of Benjamin Franklin, modelled by the celebrated sculptor, Carl Rohl-Smith, stands in the front of this entrance. There are 40,000 panes of glass in this structure, or more than in any of the other buildings. Over the various entrances names of such electricians as Franklin, Galvani, Ampere, Farraday, Ohm, Morse, Siemens, Davy, Volta, Guericke and others. In selecting these names it was thought best not to honor thus any electrician who is now living. Bep-innino- with the south entrance to the buildino- is the exhibit of the American Bell Telephone Company. Although there is no competition in its line, the company has gone to an expense of ELECTRICITY. 3^3 more than ^150,000 to perfect one of the most unique and interest- ino- exhibits on the Exposition grounds. Their paviHon is often criticised as being more properly adapted to out-of-door service, and should have been a permanent structure, as it is worked out in wonderful detail of design and architecture. Its central feature is a dome of bell shape, which is fitted up for use as an audience chamber. In it are given by long distance transmission opera and other music, speeches and vocal selections, the newly invented microphone being used to magnify the sounds so that the music which is borne over the lines from New York can be heard in almost any part of the great Electrical Building. Long distance connection is constantly established with New York and Boston, and throucfh these cities with all the ad- jacent coun- try, so a visitor may call up a friend in al- most any part of the East and hold a very sat- isfactory con- versation. The working part of the exhibit i s a switch- board connect- ing all the telephones in the Exposition grounds, numbering some three hundred. The " Hello ! " o-irls are seated in full view of passers through the pavilion, so that all the mechanism of connect- ing two parties who wish to converse may be clearly seen. Visitors have failed to observe in the mild-mannered young ladies any of those mulish propensities with which the telephone user ordinarily associates them. The photophone is perhaps the newest invention shown in connection with the exhibit. Upon a ray of light, with- SCENE IN MODEIv THEATRE. 314 ELECTRICITY. out any wire or other connection, messages are sent and conversa- tion may be held. Fully equipped diving apparatus is a part of the exhibit with telephone attachments ; also marine and army tele- phones. There are models of more than 500 patents shown. The next most prominent exhibit in the building is that of the Western Electric Company, of Chicago, immediately to the east of the main south entrance. This company has three pavilions, one an Egyptian temple paneled on the outside most uniquely with Egyptian figures and groups associated with electricity. For instance, there is a group of Egyptian maidens, of the time of Rameses the Second, operating a telephone board, and another group is of men of the same period laying telegraph lines. The THE EGYPTIAN TEMPEE. conceit is very popular. The two other pavilions are an instrument room, serving also to exhibit show case and show window lio-htino- and as a model theatre, one of the most interesting of all the exhibits. A firm of scene painters, Sosman & Landis, prepared the interior most elaborately, and the most artistic lighting knowm ELECTRICITY 315' is employed to make a moving picture of the (24) hours of the day,, with all the soft tints of davlieht and dusk, the lonof shadows of evening, and the mellow lio-ht of the moon, as well as the o-lare of the mid-day sun. A tower covered with lamps, from the top of EXHIBIT OF WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. which are made to shoot in four directions lono- streaks resemblino- forked lightning, is an exhibit that holds the crowds longer than most other exhibits. The line of exhibits by this company is fuller and more varied than that of any other company, and they cover almost the whole field of commercial electricity. History has not been' neglected and the early work of one of the greatest electricians. Prof. Moses G. Farmer, is «hown in model form. An incandescent lamp, used with others like it to light his house in 1847, ^^^^ ^ platinum filament and a glass case closed at both ends with copper plates. The current was generated by a primary battery, as the dynamo had not been invented. A railway m.oto.r made about the. same time is also shown. 3i6 ELECTRICITY. Besides a full line of central station apparatus and railway work, the Brush Company, whose exhibit is on the west side of the south main entrance, matching as to space and pavilion the exhibit of the Western Electric Company, has for a central feature a pavilion of very pretty design employed to show house and auditorium light- ing. The lights are entirely out of view and focus their rays upon the ceiling, which is a dome, tinted cream color. This is by far the best piece of liehtinof of its character in the buildino-, loo o Under the auspices of this company is also shown the new rail- way motor of the Sperry Electric Railway Company, said to be an advancement over others on account of its economy in operation. MURAL DKCORATION IN EXHIBIT OE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY. Moving down the centre of the buildino- toward the north is one of the spaces of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh. The Westinghouse people were slow to indicate that they would exhibit, as they feared that the great incandescent lamp contract would employ all their time and money. Their business and standing, financially, was so improved, however, with the securing of that contract that they decided to show a full 3i8 ELECTRICITY. line of apparatus, especially artistic lighting with station service and railway apparatus. Their presence in the building is emphasized on the south wall, by a mural decoration in incandescent lamps, showing the figure of Columbus with the names, dates 1492-189 2. PART OF WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY'S EXHIBIT. and some beautiful scroll work. Altogether 1988 incandescent lamps of 16 candle-power in frosted and plain white and colors are employed in this artistic piece of work. On the ground floor a special dark building is used to illuminate the recent and absorbingly interesting developments made by Nicola Tesla, of the use of high tension alternating currents. Large glass plates backed with tin foil, on which are outlined, in paper, various figures, are used, and on them the play of the electric spark produces effects that are dazzling and extremely beautiful. A voltage of 30,000 is used up to' the condensers, and after it leaves them it is estimated that the current has a power of two million volts. Mr. Tesla also shows a number of other interesting experiments, some of wdiich are so marvellous as to be almost beyond description. The Westinghouse Company also has, as an exhibit, almost the entire display of ELECTRICITY, 319 incandescent lighting on the grounds. To execute this enormous work they have built and installed, within the year, twelve generators of a total capacity each of 15,000 incandescent lights of 16 candle- power each. These are installed in Machinery Hall, adjacent to the steam plant, from which point the current is distributed throughout the oTounds. . The Fort Wayne Electric Company makes a fine exhibit in Sec- tion M, with a commercial lighting station in full operation. It shows to the public exactly what should go into a regular station to meet any and all demands for service. Direct current dynamos for arc lighting, and incandescent alternating dynamos for the same service, and lamps of both kinds massed so as to give the investi- gator ample opportunity to investigate the workings of both sys- tems. The utility of the electric motor for factory service is also strikingly illustrated, as, in place of a steam engine, two motors take their places and furnish the power to run the machines on exhi- bition. One of the features is a new type of alternating machine, EXHIBIT OF FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC COMPANY. the latest design of James Wood. Its peculiarity and merit is in its size, which is very small for its capacity. Its speed is also very slow, and these two features alone ^lould commend it to the expert. The General Electric Company makes a classified display of its 320 ELECTRICITY. ElyECTRIC MOTOR USED WITH FORCE PUMP. various productions. This company occupies eight distinct blocks of space in the centre of the ground floor, and each block contains a distinct type of apparatus. In one are shown railway appliances and motors under the head of power transmission. Here are shown power generators of the latest and largest types, railway trucks fitted with motors and electric air brakes ; the various pieces of apparatus used for equipping a street rail- way system, including everything from the road- bed to the head light for the cars ; cranes fitted with motors for lifting and handling heavy freight, and motors for every kind of service ofreat or small. In an- other block is shown an arc lighting station operated by a huge motor with an elaborate system of shafting under the floor, and which furnishes arc lights for a large portion of the Electricity Building. In an adjoining block is shown alternating current apparatus, the most prominent feature of which is a large direct connected dynamo and engine. Search lights of all kinds and marine signaling appa- ratus are displayed, together with the latest developments in this line made by Prof Thompson. The display in the next block of Mr. Edison's lamps and system of lighting is one of the greatest interest. Incandescent lamps ranging from a power of ^ of a candle to 250 candle-power, and examples of all his lamps from the very first to the latest, are shown, as well as all of the materials for and the various stages of their manufacture. In several cases are shown samples of all the fibrous materials used in the experiments which led to the adoption of Japanese bamboo, as the material to be used for the filament of the lamp. These experiments alone cost Mr. Edison a quarter of a million of dollars. Here also is shown the first direct connected ELECTRICITY. 321 engine and dynamo, the design of Mr, Edison. This identical machine was exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1890, where it created a veritable sensation. It has been in constant use since, and is still capable of good service. The next block shows the apparatus used for Isolated stations, such as are found in large hotels and office buildings. Some very fine designs for utilizing the usually very cramped space allowed in such buildings are shown. The adjoining block shows the application of elec- tricity to mining, and exemplifies how electricity can replace in every way the use of steam or com- pressed air, utiliz- ing, by the way, what has been a source of the greatest trouble to mine owners, and that is the water found in mines. Here is shown the Pelton water wheel operating a dynamo which produced a cur- rent of three hun- dred volts. This Is transformed to a voltage of 6,000, and at the mine Is reduced again to whatever voltage is necessary for safe use. Mining pumps for draining mines, drills, mining railways, and in fact all apparatus used In modern mining practice is shown in operation and all operated by electricity. - 1,500 HORSE-POWER DYNAMO. Exhibit of General Elecdic Company. 322 ELECTRICITY. In the centre of the building the " tower of light " is intended as the glorification of the Edison lamp and the Edison system of incandescent lighting. It was designed by Luther Stieringer for the General Electric Company, and the plans were approved by Mr. Edison. The tower is 82 feet hio^h and arises from a circular pavilion 32 feet in diameter. The glass exhibit in this pavilion is made by the Phoenix Glass Company, of Pittsburg, and is grouped in the space between the base of the column, which is polygonal and faced with mir- rors, and the circular row of col- umns supporting the roof of the pavilion. Above the pavilion is a graceful cylindrical shaft of staff, endino- in an elaboratelv ornamented gilded capital. The surface of the shaft is relieved by dark lines of moulding, arranged in geometrical desions, as shown in the illustration, with little six candle-power lamps of different colors inserted at frequent and regular intervals. Surmounting the capital of the shaft is the crowning feature of the tower. This is the great prismatic bulb, composed of about 30,000 pieces of cut glass, arranged on a stout frame work in the shape of an incandescent lamp. The lamp is eight feet high and four feet in diameter at its greatest width. The prisms are made of cut glass and are only three-quarters of an inch in diameter. To place each one in position required the ser- vices of two men, one working inside and one outside of the bulb frame. The frame is made of angle iron and covered with a wire THE "TOWER OF LIGHT." ELECTRICITY. ^-23 hood, the shape of an incandescent lamp. The prisms were attached to the outside of the wire hood, and it took eis^ht men five weeks to construct the bulb. Each prism was fastened with copper wire in order to avoid corrosion, this being the best metal for such purposes. The weight of the bulb completed is 1,000 pounds. The tower is handsome and impressive when not illuminated ; but at night, with its 5,000 little points of light in red, white and blue, and the great bulb, lined with incandescent lamps of ordinary size, flash- ing and scintillating in every direction, the effect is very striking and beautiful. The lamps on the shaft are wired in such a manner that the designs formed by the lines of light can be changed at will. The "tower of light" will linger in the memory of the visitor as one of the beautiful spectacles at the Fair. In the German section of the Electricity Building the largest and most varied private display is made by the Allgemeine Ellektrici- tatts Gesellschaft of Berlin. The exhibit of this firm is on the ground floor in Section D, and covers a floor space of about 1,600 square feet, and is completely filled with the multiform applications produced by this important company. An elaborate scheme of power transmission is shown beginning with a 60 kilowatt multi- pola motor, wound for 500 volts, directly belted to a three-phase dynamo. The motor, which is operated by current from Machinery Hall, is designed for 500 revolutions a minute, and its field mag- nets are of cast iron, cast in one piece with foundation plate. The armature is of the drum type, and consists of one layer of copper bars of rectangular section. The dynamo driven- by this motor produced three alternating currents of a phase of 120 degrees dif- ference. It has a capacity of 72 kilowatts at 428 revolutions, the potential being 120 volts. ,A conspicuous feature of the exhibit is the large stage lighting regulator, by the use of which it is claimed that any lighting effect needed on the stage ^of a theatre can be produced. All the mechanism needed for producing light of dif- ferent colors. and intensity is combined in this appliance. There is also a large display of elaborate devices for the charging and dis- charging of accumulators, a branch of electrical practice in which Europe is far ahead of America. The exhibit of arc and incandes- 324 ELECTRICITY. cent lamps, fixtures, house goods, switches, fuses, cut-outs, lightning arresters, sockets and other goods entering into the output of a general electrical manufacturing house is very large and compre- hensive, and cannot here be described in detail. It may be men- tioned that the annual production of the company in incandescent lamps is said to reach 1,500,000. A special table is devoted to showing the processes necessary for the manufacture of these lamps. Among the special electrical applications shown are hair curlers, glue pots, cigar lighters and electric clocks arranged for connection with ordinary incandescent circuits, by which they may be kept constantly wound up and regulated from the central sta- tion. At a pillar in the middle of the exhibit several of these clocks show the time in different cities. In the French section the display of the Bureau de Posts et Telegraphes is exceedingly complete and interesting, containing as it does many objects of historical interest. Controlling, as the gov- ernment does, the telegraph and telephone, every form of apparatus used is shown. The Societe Gramme shows M. Gramme's first dynamo, exhibited at the Vienna Exposition of 1873. Some very fine examples of modern lighthouses are shown in actual operation, fixed lights and one lens, the largest ever made for a flash lig-ht. These lights are shown at night illuminated, and are very attractive. The Japanese Government shows its advancement in electric science by a display of electro-Selsmographic apparatus used in recording the direction, force and vibratory movements of earth- quakes. It is a noteworthy fact that in this line Japan has taught a lesson to the more advanced scientific nations, for they have orig- inated the apparatus necessary, and other nations have copied them extensively without being able to even suggest any improvements thereon. In the matter of artistic forms of electroliers for incan- descent lighting the exhibits of bamboo fixtures are unique and handsome. E. S. Greeley & Co. make a fine exhibit of telegraph instru- ments and appliances for the household. The "Victor" key of gold and ivory with which President Cleveland started the ELECTRICITY. 325 machinery on the opening day of the Exposition is a feature of the display. Some of the best and most novel displays are located in the EXHIBIT OF E. S. GREEI^""% and grace is the Gallery of Fine Arts. It is re- ■ garded as having reached the anticipations of those who are aware' that in all World's Fairs it is intended to make the Fine Arts Building a perfect example of each nation's taste and progress in architecture. Such a building must be more solidly built than the others. It must be as nearly fire-proof as possible, or it would be impossible to induce painters, sculptors and owners of the finest art works to send their treasures to it. As a result it follows that this one among all the buildings is oftenest preserved as a memorial of the past Exposition and as a permanent monument of the art progress of the nation which has manaofed the Fair. The task of designing this building at the Columbian Exposition was oriven to Charles B, Atwood, of New York, the desiener-in- chief of the Exposition. Out of all the architects participating in the construction of buildings his work has been awarded the palm. The exterior is of the pure Ionic style, the details having been carried out in the strictest and most academical manner. The pro- portions of the work have been adapted from' those of the famous temple of the Erechtheum at Athens, but the composition of the general masses of the building has been treated with freedom after the manner of the Academic des Beaux Arts; but though Mr. At- wood has made the building as scholarly as possible, it is as im- pressive to the layman as to the critic. The main structure Is 500x320 feet, and there are two annexes each 136x220 feet. These are connected with the central pavilion by colonnades. The 331 332 FINK ARTS. walls are of brick and the roof of iron, so that the edifice may be considered of a permanent character, and all risk of harm to the works of art is reduced to a minimum. In the colonnades and great entrance loggias are sculptured friezes after the manner of the frieze of the Parthenon at Athens. On the attic story of the great entrances are heroic statues representing the arts and sci- ences. Between these and the panels are portrait busts of the masters of art, while crowning the dome of the main pavilion is a great winged figure of Victory. All about the exterior colonnades are replicas in large size of the most celebrated antiques. The interior of the main building contains a court loo feet wide running north and south, and crossing one of the same dimensions lying east and west. At the point of intersection of these courts is a great dome 125 feet high and 75 feet in diameter. In this tribune in the centre of the building are displayed a few of the best works of sculpture. All the sculptural display is arranged on the ground- floor of these great courts. Around these courts run galleries 24 feet above the floor, 20 feet wide, and lighted by great central sky- lights. Under these galleries in alcoves are displayed all the sculptural bas-reliefs and casts of architectural remains. In the gallery floor, on the walls and on cross screens are displayed all the architectural plans, the etchings, photographs and prints shown in the building. The picture galleries are all arranged in the four angles of the building. They are 30 feet in height, and average 30 by 60 feet of floor space. In the annexes the easterly pavilion is entirely occupied by the French collection. The American section, which is in the angle of the main structure nearest the French pavilion, exhibits all the notable French paintings owned in America in a corridor connecting with the pavilion. The westerly pavilion is occupied by several of the foreign peoples whose collections are much smaller. In the main structure outside galleries 40 feet wide form a continuous promenade. Between the promenade and the nave are small rooms devoted to private collections of paintings and various art displays. Grand flights of steps lead up to the richly sculptured great portals, and the walls of the loggias of the colonnades are gorgeously adorned with mural paintings illustrat- FINE ARTS. 333 ing the history and progress of art. This building has one of the most ideal locations of all on the grounds. It is situated at the south side of the most highly improved portion of the Park, and just south of the group of State buildings. Its south front faces directly upon the north Lagoon. It is separated from the Lagoon by beautiful terraces ornamented with balustrades, with an immense flight of steps. From the main portal there is a landing for boats, and the view from these steps is an exact reversal of the beautiful one from the colonnade connectinof the buildinors for Ao-riculture The secret. {Sculpture by Theo. Baur) and Machinery, but it differs from that in having for a prospect the Wooded Island and the beauties of nature instead of the magnifi- cent display of architectural art around the Grand Plaza and Basin. To the north of the main structure and between the annexes lies a great open lawn, and across it the observer lobks toward the group of State buildings. The immediate neighborhood of the Gallery of Fine Arts is ornamented with groups of statues, replicas and ornaments of classic art. It is a favorite resort. Much fear was expressed during the first preparations for the Exposition that the department of Fine Arts would be the weakest 334 FINE ARTS. of all. It was said that the location of the Exposition at Chicago was immensely unfavorable to the prospects for a fine display in this line. It was said that Europe would not contribute its art col- lections, or any considerable portion of them, for the reason that Chicago was generally believed abroad to be a city far removed from the centre of education and culture in the United States. This point was raised, however, by persons who underrated Eu- ropean knowledge of the city chosen for the great Exposition. By no class was the selection of Chicago received with more satisfac- tion than by those interested in the development of art, and it soon became evident that the choice of that city was not only received favorably abroad, but actually with more satisfaction than if New York had been selected. From the very first the efforts of Halsey C. Ives, chief of the department of Fine Arts, have been received with encouragement, and have been marked by pronounced suc- cess. Interest and cordial co-operation were secured everywhere, and the results show in the building. The plans for the annex were enlarged, and though nothing except the best have been ad- mitted, every available space is crowded with the art treasures of the world. From the very fact that in this building were to be displayed the art treasures of the world, there was less attempt toward orna- mentation by mural decorations and sculpture than in some of the other buildings. Nevertheless, there are many notable features of sculpture and painting designed for ornamentation of the building, as well as the host which are exhibited. Surmountinof the dome is a colossal statue of the famous figure "Winged Victory." Above the principal entrances, and upon the exterior frieze, are portraits of the old masters, and sculptured bas-relief decorations. Other sculptures of Martiny are upon the friezes of the building. "Archi- tecture " is a chaste figure with a stern yet not unpleasing face denoting intellectuality and study. The lines of her drapery are simple, and altogether different' from the flowing robes of the volup- tuous one representing " Painting," every curve and line of whose face and figure speak of gaiety and sensuousness. " Music" is pensive and poetic, her beauty somewhat overshadowed by the melancholy FINE ARTS. 335 " Sculp- and her PORTRAIT OF AUG. ST. GAUDENS. Kettyon CoX {U. S. cast of her features and the drooping- Hnes of her figure, ture" is more vigorous and robust than the other sisters, face and figure are charac- terized by superior strength and firmness. On either side of these figures are two larcre winded female fio^ures holdinor crarlands of flowers. O There are two female fig- ures on each side of the main entrances supporting the pediments to right, and left of doorways. These entrances are guarded by large lions, one on either side, designed by Theodore Baur and A. Phimister Proctor. The groups included in the classification of the the gold fish. Fred. W. Freer {U. S.). 336 FINE ARTS. AN AUDIENCE AT agrippa's. L. Alma Tadema [Great Britain). Fine Arts Department are as follows: Sculpture; Painting in oil; FINE ARTS. 337 Painting- in water-colors ; Painting on ivory, enamel, metal, porcelain or other wares ; fresco-painting on walls ; Engravings and etchings ; Prints ; Chalk, charcoal, pastel and other drawings ; Antique and modern carvings ; Engravings in medallions or in gems, cameos, intaglios ; Exhibits of private collections. In this buildino- there are such vast numbers of exhibits, all worthy of careful inspection, that the visitor needs to be very in- dustrious who man- ages to see even the most noted pictures and statuary. There have been few pre- vious occasions when a collection of such size and uniform merit has been gathered. In the main building alone there are sev- enty-four galleries, va- rying in size from 30x30 feet to 36x120 feet. The four large courts and rotunda of the main building and the rotundas of the annexes are devoted to sculpture and archi- tecture, so it is com- paratively an easy mat- ter to locate everything of importance in these branches. But as the wall space is immense, there is, of course, a greater difficulty experienced in finding any special painting. For the exhibition of architectural designs, en- gravings, etc., there are reserved eighty-eight alcoves, twenty- THE STRUGGLE FOR WORK. By J. Gelevt. 338 FINE ARTS. eiofht frontinof on the main floor of the east and west courts, and sixty on the second floor gallery. The allotments to the different nations are as follows : The space in the northwest corner of the building, bounded by the north and COUNTRY FAIR IN MORA, SWEDEN. Aiiders L. Zoni, [Sweden). west courts, has been given to Germany and Austria for statuary and oil paintings, with the adjacent gallery space for water-colors and drawings. France has the entire space in the east pavilion or annex, except the westerly series of galleries contained in it. Italy,. Sweden, Norway and Denmark occupy the west pavilion or annex, Russia, Holland, Japan, Spain and Mexico have the southwest corner of the main building, bounded by the west and south courts. Great Britain, Canada and other English possessions have the southeast corner, bounded by the south and east courts, and the United States has the northeast corner, bounded by the north and east courts, with space in the southwest gallery for her archi- tectural drawings. Miscellaneous paintings and drawings are to be found in the galleries other than those mentioned as allotted FINE ARTS. 339 to German water-colors and drawings, and American architectural drawings. Keeping in mind this distribution of space, one may easily hnd any statue or canvas he may desire lo examine, as the art works of French artists are found in the French section, of German artists in the German section, etc. Loan collections, which consist of the works of artists of various nationalities, are amassed tosi^ether in the space devoted to such collections in the United States sec- tion, regardless of the nationalities of the artists. In the German sec- tion many beautiful statues and groups of statuary are to be found, amonof which the followinor are some of the most notable: in room 30 in this section is the bronze figure, •' The Messenger from iMarathon," by Max Kruse ; and the " Fish- erman and Mermaid," also bronze, by Unger. DAUGHTER OF THE) RAJAH. Pdui Siiiibaldi {FrcDice}. In room 34 are also several ver)' fine 340 FINK ARTS. bronzes, and in 7,7, is " Saved," by Adolph Brutt, representing a sailor in his rough garb carrying the figure of a young wo- man. This is a bronze. " Eve," by the same artist, represents a VII.LAGE IN CHAMPAGNE. Edmoiid Petitjean {France). woman with two children in her arms (Cain and Abel). "The Devil Catching Flies " is particularly Germanesque in treatment. The artist is Somner. Herter shows a "Triton Catchingr a Mer- maid." Siemering has a strong figure typifying " Peace." Heider- rich exhibits two hunting groups, " In the Open Field," and " Badger Hunting." In painting, it is hard, when all are excellent, to select one more deservinof of mention than another. Still we venture to name a few. Schlabitz has a beautiful " Church Interior," and Norman a fine lake and mountain view. Wimmer's portrait of William II. is excellent, and a large nude figure by Stockinger is well drawn and colored. The same can be said of a partially nude female figure by Schauss. An " Interior Scene," by Fi^cher-Corlin, FINE ARTS. 341 is good, and two marines by Bartels are excellent. Lespering's " Sick Girl " is quite a gem, and Von Stettin's " Italian Boys in Paris " is particularly strong in color and drawing. A small "Interior" by Weimer is a gem, as is another near it by Albert Flamm. In room 34 Bohrdt's " Marine " to the right on entering is magnificent, and nearly as good is the " View on the Beach," hanging just above it. Gude's " Marine " is also fine, but the most attractive pic- ture in the room is Pap peritz's " Daughter of Herod ias." Hildebrand's immense can- vas " T u 1 1 i a Attempting to Drive her Chariot over the Body of her Murdered F a t h e r," is very strongly drawn and painted, I n room 53 per- haps the best canvas is Volz's"Mary," thouo-h its set- tinor in exces- sive oreen de- tracts from its beauty. "The Nun," by Hoecker, is good, as are the "Death of Dante," by Freiderich ; "Flag of Truce," by Speyer; " Cha- mois Hunter" and "Rafting on the Isar River," by Karl Knabl; PROF. MOMMSEN. Ludwig Knaiis {Berliit). 342 FINE ARTS. ^'Fishing in Norway," by Ekenas — these are all from Munich;. *'Near Naples," by Achenbach ; "Alone," by Alberts; "Village in the Spessart," by Andorf ; "Still Life on the Game Preserve," by A COUNTRY FESTiVAiv. Ludwig Kfiaus {Berlin). Arnz; "The Wedding Morn," by Bachman ; "The Martyr's Daughter," by Baur; "The Cigarette Factory," and "On the Heights," by Von der Beck; "The Vidette," by Carl Becker; " Sinai," by Bracht ; " The Surprise," by J. von Brandt; " Industrious Sisters," by Crola ; "On the Brook," by Deiter ; "Summer Even- ing." by Duecker; "Italian Women at Fountain," by Flamm ; " Vaccinating Office," by Gabl ; " Dante on the Alps," by Hertel ; "Queen Louise," by Hildebrand ; "North German Landscape," by Malchin ; "Summer Ni^ht," by Nermann; "The Flood," by Scherres ; " Landscape on the Riviera," by Turecke; "At the Sick Bed," by Vautier ; "The Berlin Congress," by Von Werner; and many portraits. The above-named paintings display the merits of 344 FINE ARTS. every school of painting in the empire, nearly every city of note being represented. In portraits, that of Professor Virchow, by Lehnbach, is probably the best of the collection. " Spinners " is excellent. " Sheep," by Zugel, and " Catde," by Baisch, are fine paintings. In room t,^ Eranswetter's " Christ " is an exceedingly strong painting, as is " The Rolling Mill," by Menzel. Lehnbach's portrait of Pope Leo is above criticism. Gysis' " Carnival in Greece" is a charming composition. In room 31 the strongest works are " The Review," by Schmidt ; " Balancing the Egg," "A THE ROi,i.iNG Mii.iv. Prof. A. I\renzel {Berlin). Portrait," by Lehnbach ; "A Winter's Landscape," by Hildebrand, and the " Congress of Nations," by A. Von Werner. In room 30 are a fine marine and river view, a desert scene, and a mountain landscape. In excellence but few, if "any, of the exhibits surpass that of Austria. In room 36 are five panels by Hans Makart, representing "The Five Senses." These are fine nude female figures, and in drawing and colors are unsurpassed. " Never Returns," by Payer^ FINK ARTS. 345 is a strong though sombre canvas. Other fine pictures are : " Equestrian Portrait of Washington," by Huber ; Von Bloss* " Cliildren with Orange ; '' Bach- er's "Mother of Christ;" a "Land- scape," by Russ ; a " Portrait," by Temple ; an " In- terior," by Probst; " Sunday," by Bro- zik, and a " Land- scape," by Fischer. In room 35 is Bro- zik's magnificent picture, "The De- fence of Prague;" Hinchl's " Prome- theus ; " Knupfer's " Mermaid and Man ; " Von Def- friofeer's " M e n and Girls Drink- ing : " Schmid's " Suffer LItde Chil- dren ; " Werthei- mer's " Vinion ; " Muller's " Market Place at Cairo," and Deutsch's " Egyptian Interior ; " " The Cemetery in Dalmatia," by Schind- ler; "The Hunting Master," by Canon; a portrait of William Unger, by Temple ; and two portraits by Unger, " Rembrandt " and " Reuben's Son." Mme. Wislingen, Austria's most famous woman painter, sends " Morning at the Seashore," " Breakfast in the Country," and the " Laundress of the Mountains." The PRINCE BISMARCK. Prof. VoH Leiidenbach {Municli). 346 FINE ARTS. "First Court of the Hussites," by Brozik, may be seen in the north alcove of the Austrian space, close by a heroic statue of the Emperor. Portraits of members of the royal family, b)^ Victor Tilgner, the court painter, have been sent by the Emperor Franz Joseph himself. Hans Makart, the most celebrated painter of Austria, contributed five scenes. The microscopically small paint- ings of A. Pazmandy, a Hungarian artist, are very curious — one, "The Landing of Columbus," is half an inch square, and contains seventeen human figures, besides boats, sea, land, etc. They are highly finished paintings. The French claim, and it seems justly, to be the successors to the* ancient Greeks in the art of sculpture. In their section the display is superb. One group represents a " Combat between a Lion and Crocodile ; " " Mercury," a beautiful small bronze ; " The First Funeral" (Abel's); "The Return," a bronze relief; "Egyptian HARD TIMES. Herbert E . Butler {U. S.). Harp Player," bronze; "The Suez Canal;" "Jezebel Torn by Dogs ; " " David's Triumph ; " "Age of Iron ; " " The Age of Stone ; " " Genius of the Grave ; " " Earth ; " " Ninon ; " " The First Sin : " FINE ARTS. " Source of the Seine ; " "The First Corn," and "The BHnd Carry- ing the Paralytic." Probably the most intense work in this exhibit is " The Bullet in the Head," an old woman holding in her lap the dead body of her grandchild, killed during the Coup d'- Etat. Other fine ones are Aube's " Dan- te," a marble statuette cop- ied from the original bronze figure which stands in front of the College of France; F r e m i e t ' s "Jeanne d'- Arc," the " Go- rilla; " Chapu's "Joan of Arc; " Rodin's " Les Bourgeois de Calais ; " Fal- gulre's "French Republic;" Idrac's " Sa- lammbo ; " four figures from the Lamericiere Monument, by Dubois ; two groups by Mercie; Cain's "Attack of the Tigers ; " Berria's famous " Child Mozart." In the French exhibit there is also a magnificent display of his- toric sculptures, consisting of a collection of casts, duplications of the most important reproductions of works shown in the Museum THE OPEN SEA. Walter L. Dean {U. S.). FINE ARTS. 349 of Comparative Sculpture, in the Trocadero Palace in Paris. BASiivLisSA. Joseph Wemkler {France). These casts show portions of the fagades of churches and cathedrals, grand portals, beautiful galleries, altars, statues, columns, capitals. FINE ARTS. etc. They are as perfect as the highest degree of French art and skill can make them, even the time-worn appearance of the oria-inals being faithfully reproduced. These replicas are not reduced in size, and consequently some of them are very large ; one, 41 x 24 feet, shows a portion of the Church of St. Giles; one, 20 x t,^ feet, is from the gallery of Limoges Cathedral ; one from the " Portal of the Virgin," from Notre Dame, Paris, is 18 x 25 feet, etc. The architecture and sculp- tures represented be- gin with the art era of the twelfth century,, and are followed down to the seventeenth century era continu- ously, the examples chosen as follows : The Cathedrals of Chartres and Bouroes (i2th) ; Paris, Rheims,, Amiens, Lyons, Rouen andLaon (13th) ; Bor- deaux, Nantes and Sens (14th) ; Mans (15th); Beauvais, Li- moges and Tours (i6th); the churches of St. Giles, St. Tro- phime at Aries ; St. Martin at Brive ; St. Euthrope at Saintcs, and Notre Dame du Port at Clermont-Fer- PROF. VON HEI.MHOI.TZ. Ludwig Knaus {Berlin). rand (l2thj ; bt. DeniS and St. Croix at Nievre (13th); St. Maclou at Rouen (i6th); St. Nicholas and St. Jean at Troyes (i6th) ; the cloisters of Mo.issac (12th); the FINE ARTS. 351 Chapel of St. Germer (13th); the Chateau of Lude (15th); and Galllon (i6th); the Hotel de Rohan, Paris; the Palace of UNITED STATES. — THE HUNT BALIv. {Jules L. Stetuart.) Versailles, and the Hotel de Ville of Toulon (17th), The "Christ of Amiens " shows the height to which the sculptor's art had risen in the medieval aofes, and thoucrh there was later a de- cadence from such sublime ideals and execution, 'yet the gal- lery of the Cathedral of Limoges, wrought in the sixteenth cen- tury, during the reign of Francis I., shows a Renaissance. The tomb of Louis de Breze, husband of the famous Diane de Poitiers, and the door and doorways of the Church of St; Maclou, of Rouen, are fine examples of the sixteenth century Renaissance. The French government has kindly presented to theNAmerican people a large number of these casts, with the understanding that they are to be placed in some American art museum. This grand collection was obtained chiefly through the exertions of Prof. Halsey C. Ives, director of the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, who is also chief of the Department of Fine Arts of the Columbian Exposition. In paintings, the artists represented and the subjects treated by zs^ FINE ARTS. them would require a catalogue nearly as large as this volume to merely name them, and even in the briefest manner note their peculiarities and beauties. In the French section are found, among hundreds of first-class canvases, the following, of world-wide celeb- rity: Dagnan "^Bouveret's famous "Conscripts;" the '^Prisoner" and " El Bravo Toro," by Aime Morot; the "Capture of the Dutch Fleet by French Hus- sars in 1790," by Delort; " Love's Captives," by Aubert ; "Returning from the Vine- yard," by Adan ; "The Death of William the Conqueror," by Maignon ; "A Baptism," by Francois Flemang ; " Miners on a Strike," by Latouche ; " The Twins," by Madam De- mont-Breton ; " A Blessed One," by Courtois ; " Presi- dent Carnot," by A, Yoon ; "The Rehearsal," by Aublet; "A Hospital Scene," by Dau- ban ; " Returnino- from Mar- ket," by Moreau ; " La Paix,'' by Michel; "La Leda," by Souchetet ; " Catharine de Russie," by Deloye ; " Judith," by D'Aizelim ; the Talleyrand " Portrait of Columbus." Near the east door is seen " Dawn," by Madaline Lenoir ; Zuber's " Forest of Fontain- bleau ;" Weber's "Flessingue," and St. Pierre's " Saadia," gor- geous in tone and perfect in drawing. Rozier's "Fish Market," Wencker's "Blacksmith," and "Marat," by Saulies, are all good. THY wii,t, BE DONE. O. D. Grove? {U. S.). 354 FINE ARTS. Guquet's " Madonna and Child," and Rixin's "Portrait of a Lady" (in the third room) are fine figure-pieces. Delacroix exhibits a beau- tiful nude figure, and Perairie a magnificent " landscape," on a very- large canvas. Clairin's " Day on the Lagoon ; " Berand's " Dead Christ;" "Blessing the Bread;" an old female figure, by Deully; a nude figure, by Axiletti ; a female figure, by Bisson, and one by Brouillet ; Adan's " Girl and Flowers ; " Jules Breton's " Pardon of Kera;oet ; " Viro-inie Demont-Breton's "Bathino-" and "Children MENDING THE CANOE. DoilglaS Volk {U . S.). and Dog;" Dantan's "Studio," and Benner's "Bear Hunters" are exceedingly fine. In the second room to the left of the entrance is Bonnat's " Portrait of Cardinal Lavagierie," the finest portrait at the Exposition. A "Girl Martyr," by Cave, in the same room, is very fine. English artists exhibit numerous very fine portraits and land- scapes, prominent among 'which may be mentioned " The Roll Call," by Lady Butler, the greatest English woman artist. This is loaned by the Queen, who also sends twenty-two portraits of mem- bers of the royal family. The original portrait of Pocahontas^ FRANCE. — PORTRAIT OF M. BOULANGER. {Joseph IVoicker.) ,rj 356 FINK ARTS. painted in 1 612, is sent by a descendant of the Indian princess. There are " The Sluggard," " Needless Alarm," " Bath of Psyche," and "Garden of the Hesperides," by Frederick Leighton ; also *' Hercules Wrestling with Death " and " Perseus and Andromeda," by the same artist. Others in this class are " Halcyon Weather," "Lingering Autumn," and "The Ornithologist," by Sir John Miller; " Dedication to Bacchus," " Roman Bath," and "The Sculp- ture Gallery," by Alma Tadema ; "The Harvest Moon," "Return GREAT BRITAIN. — THE PEDDLER. {A. Chevalier Tayler.) from Plowing," " Only a Shower," and " Girls Dancing," by G. H, Mason; "The Maiden's Race," by Wegnin ; "Love and Life," and FINE ARTS. 357 "Love and Death," by Watts ; "The Church Door," by Burgess; " The Race for Wealth," by Thrift, ; " The River Road," by Murray ; " Foreinof the An- chor," by Forbes ; " Storm at Harvest," by Losinell ; " Por- trait of Earl Spencer," by Hall ; " The Gen- tle Craft," by Marks ; " Abington," by Cole ; "The Last Muster," " Hen and Chickens," and portrait, by Her- kimer; "Monmouth Pleading for His Life," by Pettie ; "Daniel and the Magfician's Door- way," by Riviere ; " Under the Sea Wall," by Pointer ; " Victorious," by Sir James Linton ; " Sons of the Brave," by Morris ; " The Rev- erie," by Moore ; "Sea of Galilee " and " The Palm Offering," by Goodall.and numbers of others. Belgium exhibits many notable works of art, amonof which there is only space to particularly mention : " The Avenue of Oaks," and " Winter," by Lamoriniere ; " Martyrs," by Verhas ; " Sheep," by Courtois; "An Interior with Figures," by Onderaa ; "Nuns," by GREAT BRITAIN — PALM OFFERING. T. Goodall. 35^ FINE ARTS. Tytgadt ; " Girls and Cherries," by Bource ; " Emigrants," by Tara- syns, all in Room St,. In 64, "The Last Day of Pompeii," by Slingenmeyer ; "The Bather," by Fischepet; "Souvenir d'ltalie," AUSTRIA. — CHRIST AND THE WOMEN. {Alexande}' D. Goltz.) ,by Leon Herbo; "Interior with Figures," by Brimm. In Room 65 the finest are a " Lake Scene," by Kegeljahn, and "Jalousie." These are very fine, as are the following in Room 66 : Claus' " Cock Fight ; " Oom's " Cupid in Ambush ; " Bouvier's " Marine," and Maeterlinck's " Peace." In Room 67, Lefebvre's "Arab Encamp- ment ; " Verhaert's pictures; Roszman's "Female Figure," and Carpentier's " Children and Goat," are excellent. Sweden contributes to the art display the following fine canvases : "Night on the Swedish Coast," "Evening," "Stockholm by Moon- light," " Misty Night on the Oise," River Landscape, " Morning on the Oise," and "View on the West Coast of Sweden," by Wahl-- berg; "The Forest," "Autgmn Day," and "The Temple," by Prince Eugene; "Lap Running on Snowshoes," "Laps Catching Reindeer," and " Landscape with Laps," by Tiren ; " Night," " Moonrise," "Dawn," and " Daylight," by Nordstrom. In etch- ■^ 5" d H O w > 05 Q O a N C ■^ :i> t-H ■j: C C I— I O I »— 1 CO D t-c O ^ ^ ^ 3 36o FINE ARTS. ings, water-colors and engravings there are some very fine pro- ductions, and the sculptures are likewise strong. In the Danish exhibit, among other paintings are the famous one of the royal family, by Tuxen, who also exhibits " Susanne and the Elders," and Matthieson's "Teamster and Horses " and "Imprison- ment of Chancellor Griffenfeldt," both strong paintings, the latter exceedingly fine in drawing and rich in color. The artist is the Royal Commissioner at the World's Fair. Other fine ones are: Arbo's " Walkyrie ; " Hyerdahl's "Bathers," and ".Girl and Boy," all in Room 71. In Room 74 are Pederson's very oriental "Isaac Seeing- Rebecca at the Well," a blaze of color; and "Moses Striking the Rock," by Jerndorff. In Room 73 are Zahrtmann's "Job and his Friends;" a "Marine," by Lacour; "Night on the North Sea," by Locher; "Marines," by Blacke ; "Portrait of a Lady," by Kroger, and a "Marine," by Ornesen. UNITED STATES. — AUTui^N MORNING. {Walter L. Palmer.) In the Norwegian gallery, where forty-five artists are represented by one hundred and fifty pictures, a striking one is the very large canvas of Krogh, representing "The Discovery of Vineland FINE ARTS. 361 (America)," by Lief Erikson, Dirik's "Winter Scene at Sea," Strom's "Interior with Figures," Sindring's "Cattle," Munttie's "Winter Scene in the Village," and Wentzel's "First Communion Feast" are all good. The collection from Italy is not large, but it contains some very RUSSIA. — CHRIST AT THK HOMS OF MARY AND MARTHA. [Heutrich Sieniiradski.) fine pictures. The Pope sends four copies of Raphael's master- pieces done in mosaic. There are two genuine " Madonnas," known since 1548; a portrait of Cardinal del Monte, from the Medici gallery; a "Madonna and Child," and "^The Saints." Among the water-colors is the immense one of Aureli, " The Presen- tation of Richelieu to Henri IV." Gabrinisends fourteen canvases, the most important one a large painting of "The Landing of Columbus." The exhibit of statuary is very fine. " The Republic of the United States " and " Companions in Misfortune " are by Bistolfi ; "American Mythology," and a statue of "Burns," by Appoloni. Holland, " the land of Rembrandt," sends a complete and charac- teristic collection. The dead painters, Mauve, Bosboom, and Artz — the greatest of her modern artists in rendering sheep and shep- 362 FINE ARTS. herds, church interiors and rustic Hfe— are all represented by their works. On view are also the following: "At Anchor," " Ready to Sail," " In Danger," " Morning on the Shore," and "Summer Morn- ing," by Mesdag ; " Moonlight on the Rhine," "A Cottage," "Evening on the Heath," and "Still Life," by Mrs. Mesdag; "Alone in the World," "Sweet Home," " Fisherwomen at Zand- voort," " Summer Day on Shore," and "A Type of Fisherman," by Israels; "The Synagogue in Amsterdam," "The Dutch Reformed Church, Haarlem," and others by Bosboom ; " Cows Going Home," "Carts on the Heath," "Pasture Near the Dunes," and "Plowing the Fields," by Mauve ; " Between the Hague and Delft," " Fishing Shells," and " Canal at Rotterdam," by Jacob Maris; "Under the Willows," "Milking Time," "Dutch Pasture," and "The Duck Pond," by William Maris; "Girl Knitting," " The Pet Lamb," and "Girl Sleeping on the Dunes," by Artz ; "Landscape with Cattle," " Cows on the Dunes," " Donkeys on the Shore," and " Cow^s Resting," by De Haas. Vos, Henrietta Renner, Mrs. Rosenboom, and others are represented. The largest canvas is "An Old Woman's Almshouse." " Poor People " is another strong canvas. Mr. A. Preyer, the Commissioner from this country, shows "The Angelus " and " Home Rulers." Japan, whose people never made a display in the art section of an exposition before, gives one of the most unique displays in Chicago. It includes paintings in oil and water-colors on canvas, wood and silk, metal work, wood and ivory carving, tapestries, embroidery, lacquer work, enamel, and porcelain wares. One piece of tapestry, representing "The Gate of Nikko During a Festival," contains hundreds of figures and required four years for its comple- tion. The Commissioners from Japan told Mr. Ives, the chief of the department, that they feared they could not meet the require- ments of our classifications, so greatly did their art works differ from ours. His reply delighted them intensely. He said that he greatly desired them to make a presentation uninfluenced by any western rule or limitation, and that they might put any interpreta- tion that they wished upon our classification. The result is that the Emperor permitted a display of works never seen out of his FINE ARTS. 363 country before. In delicacy, coloring and novelty these works are unexcelled and attract constant interest. Brazil displays about one hundred and fifty paintings and a number of pieces of statuary. Among the latter is "The Christ" of Branado. In the American section the display of paintings, statuary, drawings, etc., is be- wildering in its riches and the immense number of subjects s h o w n„ American artists from Paris, Rome, and othercities of Europe, and from every part of the United States, are fully represented, and it is thus rendered extremely difficult to select frpm the innu- merable canvases, all excellent in their lines, - the particular ones most deserving of mention. In sculp- ture, Gelert's "Strug- gle for Work," "Theseus," and "Lit- tle Architect ; " Bush- Brown's "Indian Buffalo Hunt;" St. Gaudens' "Logan;" Pard- ridge's "Shakespeare," "Hamilton," and others; Powers' (son of the great American sculpture, Hiram Powers) "Figure of a UNITED STATES. — DICKENS AND LITTLE NELL (BRONZE). F. Edzvin FAwell, Sculp. FINE ARTS. FIRST FISH. By F. E. Triebel. Buffalo;" Miss Peddle's "Virgin Mary ; " Bartlett's bronze " Bohe- mian Teaching Bear to Dance ; " Tilden's "Bear Piunter;" Dol- lin's "Indian Cavalier;" Hart- ley's " Pan ; " French's "Angel of Death and the Sculptor ; " Ne- hau's busts, " Primavera " and " Portrait of a Lady ; " Mrs. Shaw's "Family Group;" Boyle's " Stone Age ; " Calder's " Cor- delia " and " Boy with Ribbon ; " Elwell's " Dickens and Little Nell;" Grafly's "Daedalus;" Kretschmar's "Aurora" and "Temptation;" Murray's "Bust of Walt Whitman." Triebel, a young sculptor, shows some fine work, " Mysterious Music," a bronze; "The First Fish," "Love Knows no Caste," and a bust of General Logan, that is excel- lent. His low reliefs of Dona- tello and Savonarola are very stronor. The architectural drawings, models, etc., are in such multi- tude that it is impossible to men- tion even the best of them, and the same is true of the oil-paint- ings, water-colors, etc. To show the utter impossi- bility of giving even mere men- tion to the hosts of fine Ameri- can paintings and other works of art, it is best to give the FINE ARTS. 365 reader some idea of their number, and this can be done by stating that, of New York's 1,350 paintings offered, 325 were accepted; Philadelphia presented about 600 — 139 accepted, etc. These of oil-paintings alone. Most of the noted American artists are represented, as Chase in " Marines ; " J. G. Brown, known as " Gamin " from his paintings of street Arabs ; Elihu Vedder, distinguished for his choice of weird sub- jects; E. A. Abbey, painter of genre sub- jects ; William Hamil- ton Gibson, Peter Mo- ran, Eastman Johnson, Swain Gilford, S. J, Farrar, Carl Marr, O. L. Warner, Blashtield Gari Melchers, George Hitchcock, Anna Lea Merritt, J. Alden Weir, John J. Borglum, Car- rie Brooks, Enella Benedict, Fannie E. Duvall, Charles Heberer, John H. Frey, Laurie Wallace, Douglass Volk, F. Reagh, Winslow Ho- mer, H. F. Farny, E. A. Burbank, Jules Guerin, Charles Corwin, Frank Fowler, Dielman, Stewart, Ida Wauorh, and others. The loan exliibits which have been gathered by Miss Hallowell are magnificent, comprising some of the finest works of the best masters — ancient and modern, American and European. These pictures have not been gathered into national groups, but have been hung solely with regard to the best effect of light and surroundings upon the paintings. Pictures by Constable, representing the THE LITTLE ARCHITECT. By J. Gelert. 366 FINE ARTS. early English School ; Diaz' " Descent of the Bohemians;" Corot's "Evening," from the Jay Gould collection ; "Orpheus" and "The Flight from Sodom," by die same artist; a "Landscape," by Rosseau ; Millet's "Pig Killers;" Delacroix's "Columbus at the Convent of St. Anne; " Decamp's "Job and his Friends ; " Froni- entin's "Audience with a Caliph" and "The Falconer ; " Daubigny's " Cooper Shop ; " Troyon's " Cattle and Sheep ; " Meissonier's " The Lost Game ; " De Neuville's " Spy ; " Breton's " Colza Gatherers ; " Mauve's " The Shepherd's Flock;" Ingre's " Cardinal Bompinni Presenting his Niece to Raphael ; " Gerome's " Son Emmence Grise; " Tadema's " Reading from Homer," "The Beach GREAT BRITAIN. — A READING FROM HOMER. {L. Alma Tadema.) at Portici ; " Fortuni's last work (unfinished) ; Puvis de Chavannes' "Summer," " Hope," and " Dawn ; " Manet's " Dead Toredor ; "^ Dega's " Ballet Girl;" Cazin's "Moonlight," and others; nearly every prominent artist in Europe and America being represented by his works, secured througlrthe untiring efforts of Miss Hallowell. It almost seems invidious to select out of this number a few for reproduction, but those which are pictured in the accompanying illustration are among the choicest snecimens, and are worthy to be 368 FINE ARTS. thus chosen. Every day of the Fair proves that the American people sought such an opportunity for studying the art treasures of the world. The Art Building is the destination of thousands of visitors, and its galleries are always crowded by those who are thus imbibing the refining and intellectual influences. It is with a sense of deep ^ratification that the manao-ement of the Fair has observed this. It may be said that more enthusiastic appreciation of the department of fine arts has been shown than of any other department in the great Fair. Soon after the Fair opened, steps were taken by the proper officials of the city of Chicago to provide a fund for purchasing and preserving this building after the Fair ends. At the present writ- ing, it seems certain that the task will be accomplished, and that the Palace of Fine Arts shall remain as a permanent memorial of the World's Columbian Exposition at Jackson Park. Now after having outlined this partial catalogue of the more not- able exhibits, both in sculpture and painting, contained in the Art Gallery, let us retrace our steps and call out from among this exten- sive list those yet the most notable, and observe what some critics have thought of their qualities. One of the sections which must interest us most is that which contains the exhibits of American sculpture. In speaking of the United States exhibit of sculpture at the Fair, it must be remembered that two of the greatest sculptors of this country, Mr. St. Gaudens and Mr. MacMonnies, are not represented at all. That is, they have no individual work in the Art Buildinor althouo-h the Fountain of the latter and the fiorure of Diana by the former are notable features. Some of the others who have done exceedingly fine work in sculptural decorations of the buildings and grounds are not represented at all, or only very slightly represented, in the United States exhibit in the Art Building. There are, however, some figures here which are well worthy of careful study. The work of Mr. Paul Ba/tlett deserves and attracts a great deal of attention. A figure called " The Ghost Dance" is one of the most remarkable studies from the nude in the entire collection. It represents an Indian in the wildest imaginable motion, carried away FINE ARTS. 369 by fear and superstition, and more than half crazed by excitement. He is balanced on one foot, and bends forward with one leg lifted behind him, and both arms straight out in front with the hands hanging limp. His mouth is wide open, and the whole expression is one of brutal ignorance and fear. A subject like this is by no means agreeable, and violates many of the principles of true art, not only because it is disagreeable and lacking in beauty, but also because the violence of the action is not in the truest harmony with the best principles of sculptural work ; nevertheless, there is wonder- ful mastery in the figure. Its poise is perfect, and the ac- tion of each muscle is rendered with a fidelity almost in- comprehensible when one realizes how difficult it must have been to oret a model to pose in any such position for any considerable length of time ; but beautiful or not, the work is so remark- able that few who have seen it once will ever foreet it. Mr. Bartlett's other o-roUD here the ghost dance. Paul Bartlett,{lJ. S.) called "The Bohemian and the Bears," is also exceedingly interest- ing in quite a different vein. It represents a young Bohemian trying to teach a bear cub to dance, while another little cub is rolling around on the ground at his feet. It is exceedingly well done. There is a very charming expression of amusement about the Bohemian's face as he watches the awkward antics of the little bear, and notes 24 370 FINE ARTS. his look of perplexity as he vainly tries to find out just what this dancing-master wants him to learn. It is a very clever and amus- ing group. John Donoghue has been favorably known for some time on account of his beautiful bas- relief and busts. He has three works here, the most important of which is called " The Young Sophocles Leading the Chorus of Vic- tory After the Battle of Sal- amis." This is a nude figure of a young man playing a lyre. The carriage is very free and erect, his head is thrown well back, and the expression is earnest and thoughtful. The movement of the figure is exceedingly lio^ht and o-raceful, and the modeling of the limbs very delicate and beautiful. The statue well embodies what must have been the thought of the Greeks after their great victory. Yet it is not strictly classic in treatment, BOHEMIAN AND BEARS. Paul Bartiett,(U. S.) but expresses its meaning quite in the modern way, although dealing with the antique in subject. In the same room is Triebel's statue, " The First Fish." It represents a boy about nine or ten years old who is just taking from his hook a fish. The expression on the little fellow's face is very interesting. He is somewhat puzzled to know how to hold on to the slippery, squirming creature, and yet he is perfectly delighted that he has caught it. The anatomy of this figure is exceedingly well done, the long, lank limbs and undeveloped muscles of a FINE ARTS. 371 child of that age being suggested with great skill. It is not, how- ever, a work of as serious importance as some of those which we have been considering. It is the opinion of some able critics that Mr. Daniel French's group, " The Angel of Death and the Sculptor," has never been surpassed in this country. It is certainly one of the most original, beautiful, striking and impressive works of sculpture in the entire collection. There is a classic dignity in the figure of the angel of death which must be seen to be understood or appreciated. There is an absolute repose about it, an influence of resistless power, without the slightest violence of action ; only the slow, dignified movement hardly to be described in words. The power of the still figure of this angel is best understood by contrasting it with the alert, strong form of the young sculptor, apparently in the very prime of youth and health ; yet at one icy touch from that resistless outstretched hand his chisel is instantly arrested. No further blow comes from the mallet; the work is to be forever unfinished, and the young man looks in astonishment, not in fear, on this quiet but commanding spirit that has thus with one touch stopped his life and his work in an instant. This subject has been used so many times by different sculptors all over the world that it has seemed difficult and even impossible to make of it something entirely original and unlike any other work that deals with the same theme ; and yet Mr. French has succeeded in doing this. The more his wprk is studied the better it will be appreciated, and the more true the realization of the fact that none but a oreat man could thusf combine the classic treatment with the French technique and intense thoughtfulness, and the American's poetry and religious thought about the majesty of death and its meaning to man both here and hereafter. In the section devoted to Swedish sculpture are three pieces which are exceedingly interesting. The first is a nude figure called "The Snowdrop," which is perfectly charming, both in composition and execution. There is a suggestion in it of what is implied by falling snow just softly sinking to the ground. There is a yielding languor about the whole figure that is beautifully rendered. The eyes are half closed, and the arms are raised toward the head as 372 FINE ARTS. if to support it as it sinks to rest. The whoie figure is charm- ingly pure, suggesting not only the beautiful motion of the falling snowflake, but also its oblivion, its total loss of identity when it joins the others in the white drift toward which it is falling. This is by Hesselberg. "The Two Brothers," by Borjesson, is also a study from the nude. One of the boys is considerably older than the other, and stands erect with a manly air of protection about him, while the younger one leans against him in perfect confidence and trust. The older has a bat and ball, while the younger has a bow and arrow, and they are ready for their sport. The subject is a simple one, but it is treated with such dignity and seriousness that it be- comes really classic and full of meaning and spirit. The third piece is Erickson's statue of Carl Von Linne. The figure of the great botanist is in bas-relief. He has just plucked a flower on which he looks with great curiosity. Other flowers are about him, and in a niche above is a familiar figure that may be the .spirit of the flower come to crown him with a wreath. The ex- pression of the famous old man is charming and benignant, as well :as intellectual. The attitude is graceful, and the whole thing is a work of art of a very high order of merit and considerable origin- ality of treatment. The collection of French sculpture is such an extensive one that there must be some selections made out of it if there is to be any criticism. There are several works by Fremiet, a sculptor who has taken a very prominent place in modern French art. He does not always choose very agreeable subjects, and in this, perhaps, he transgresses that law laid down by Lessing, that art should always seek the beautiful. According to that German writer, if an art work is not beautiful it has no reason to exist. The statement is perhaps too unqualified. There are many works of art which have not for their first and principal aim beauty alone, but it is neverthe- less true that without beauty,73 All French sculptors and all French painters choose this subject. Chapu has chosen to represent her as somewhat older than is usually the case in French art. She seems quite a woman in this statue, as she sits looking" out toward her vision. The figure is nol in armor, but Chapu has simply taken, not the maid carried away in a moment of enthusiasm, but the thinking, serious woman. She has been praying long, and her hands are clasped to show by their muscular tension the far more intense thought that is back of all — what is the strain of the muscles, what the pain that comes to the body when the salvation of France is to be thought of, and she is the one whom God has chosen to deliver her country from the foe. Boucher, too, is admirably represented here in several pieces of peasant life. One of the more notable sculptors here represented is Mercie. The group, "Even So," is one of the more notable which he shows. The group is intended to represent the fall of Alsace and Lorraine when the Germans took them. It is a group of very rare power. The spirit of the conquered nation is personified by an exceedingly beautiful peasant woman of heroic size, and possessed of even more strength than beauty. She supports with one arm the dying soldier whose life has been lost in her defence, and with the other she catches from his dying hand his gun, as if defiantly threatening the enemy with it, and inviting another appeal to arms. The figure of the soldier is as masterly as is that of the woman. He is almost dead, just falling, but he clasps her skirts in a vain effort to resist the fall. It is all over with him, but not w^ith the French genius of Alsace and Lorraine, according to the sculptor's idea. In harmony and grace of position, in fine modeling, and above all in intellectual quality, this group is a very superior work. There are two large groups in the French exhibit which have the same title, "The Blind Man and the Paralytic." "■ One of them is by Michel, and the other by Turcan. The idea in both is the same. The blind man being able to walk carries the paralytic on his shoulder, while the other, being able to see, directs the steps of the blind. The subject is a very interesting one, especially so to the sculptor, because of the contrast offered by the two figures both in 374 I^INE ARTS. modeling and expression. Indeed there is a contrast of expression between the head and the body in each one of the two figures. Thus, in the bHnd man is healthy action of the muscles, full of power and movement, but in his face is a helpless and most pathetic expression which tell plainly that all his strength would avail him nothing if the weak sick one whom he carries could not supply the place of the eyes he has lost. In the other figure are shrunken limbs, no muscular development, but in the face great alertness and intelligence as he directs the almost helpless though physically strong man who carries him. Both artists have treated the subject in very nearly the same way, but on the whole the work of Michel is to be preferred, because the action of the directing arm and hand of the paralytic in the other group seems a little too pow^erful for a person in that condition. Several of the more important groups of French sculpture are contained in the rotunda of the French picture gallery. Among them are the four celebrated figures by Dubois which are upon the tomb of Lamorriciere. One of these is " Charity," a wonderfully dignified and beautiful figure of a woman caring for two little children. It is full of tenderness and beauty. Saint Marteaux's "Spirit Guarding the Secret of the Tomb" is another powerful and excellent figure in the same rotunda. The spirit is protecting an urn containing the ashes of the dead. One hand is over the top of the urn, and the other arm is about it. There is little sombreness about this representation of the spirit of death- rather is it bold, unapproachable, and with a certain mys- tery about the eyes and brow. The rest of the figure is intensely human, however, and is very interesting, as suggesting what is a Frenchman's idea to-day of an angel or spirit to whom is entrusted the care of the secrets of death. To the Anglo-Saxon the concep- tion would not be adequate to the great gravity of such a subject, but no one could deny the beauty of the figure and its expressive- ness as far as it goes. , In the same room is a group by Puech, called "The Siren," which is a very fantastic or rather fanciful creation illustrating a siren car- rying off a very young boy, who, while fascinated by her charms, is FINE ARTS. 375 half frightened by being in her power, and evidently does not know where she is taking him. The creature is represented with the body of a woman and something like the tail of a mermaid, and also with wings. The union of all of these so different forms in one body has been very skilfully done. Idrac's figure in the same room called "Salammbo " is not so good. This is not to mean that it is not beautifully modelled; but there is something excessively disagreeable in the thought of a young and beautiful woman playing with a snake and allowing it to coil itself about her lovely form. For this reason the subject becomes so re- pulsive that not even the sculptor's art can make one wish to linger with it. While no one denies the magnificence of the display in the Art Gallery in respect to paintings, and no one denies that days of study may be profitably spent in visiting the masterpieces contained there- in, yet the compliments are unqualified by criticism. In relation to the German, Austrian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and French pic- tures it is thought that there is not a fair representation of the best men now painting in these various nations. It would not be fair to speak unfavorably of the art of any people when the best of it is not to be seen, and for that reason it is not well to devote extended criticism to the pictures sent here by these nations. As they are seen here, they are decidedly inferior on the whole to those sent by the other peoples represented. There are a great many pictures in the German gallery, but few that command attention and reward it. There are a number of large canvases, most of them subjects of historic or anecdotal interest, but very few that have real techni- cal merit. There are many subjects which are somewhat spectacular, and not only the German, but also the Austrians, the Poles and the Russians are prone to this fault. It is unnecessary to specify those included in this criticism, for they are so numerous that no one can fail to notice them. In the Spanish collection, which is a very small one, some of the same fault is to be seen. The best painters are not represented, or, if they are, they are not seen at their best. There is one, however, by Sorolla, of Madrid, called 3/6 FINE ARTS. "Another Marguerite," which is admirable in its way. The subject of the picture is very touching, and the execution is the best. In the Austrian exhibit the most notable of these large spectacu- lar pictures is Brozik's " Fenstersturz," which represents the Prot- estants throwing the emperor's counsellors out of the window be- cause they refused to comply with the demand for tolerance toward the growing Protestant sect. It is a ghastly subject, the agony of the doomed men being rendered with fearful realism ; but there is good work in it, especially in drawing and spirited rendition of action. In the loan collections are many magnificent pictures, which have been named earlier in this chapter. Manet's picture of the " Dead Toreador" has much to suggest, not only about life in Spain to- day but it also takes the thought back to the old Roman times. There were gladiators then and there were many martyrs. Those who came into the arena, whether forced to come there or coming from their own choice, were facing deadly peril. It is true to-day that the Spanish bull-fighter has to take his life in his hands. It is not possible to deny the picturesqueness of a Spanish bull-fight. The Toreadors all wear the costumes of the old time in Spain, and these are very splendid and elaborate. The picture might have been painted by Velasquez. There is the same simplicity of treat- ment, the same absence of accessories that so often mark the work of the great Spanish master. One other notable picture in the loan collection which must be mentioned at greater length is Fortuny's " Beach at Portici, Italy." In the treatment of the sky this is one of the most wonderfully beautiful pictures in the entire collection. The blue is perfectly exquisite and luminous with the beauty of light and atmosphere. The clouds that float in it are as delicate and light as swans' down. There are many of these small, fleecy clouds, and their brilliant light is well balanced against the deeper tone of the blue. The sea below them is bluer yet, and lends still another charming note to tWs harmony of color, while the fore- ground, with the beach of glistening sand, the brightly dressed fig- ures indistinctly outlined and beautifully mingled with flowers and FINE ARTS. 377 trees about and behind them, is perhaps as charming as any other part of the picture. The artists of Holland show not a larofe collection, but the verv best artists of the country are represented, and the pictures are ex- ceedingly fine in quality and in average excellence. It would seem as if it would have been wiser for France and Germany and Austria to have done the same thing, but they have not done it. In the British collection and that of Sweden and the United States also the best artists are represented. It is evident at once, in looking for the first time at these pictures of Holland, that there Is some- thing very unusual about them. The tone of the rooms seems different from the others. There is nothing violent, theatrical or exaggerated, though there is much of beauty and quaintness. On more careful examination it is seen that almost all these pictures are very good, and some are masterpieces. The place of honor Is given to Israels, and very justly so, for great as some of the others are, he is the greatest of them all. This masterpiece of Israels' Is called "Alone in the World." In a small room, dimly lighted, Is seen a man sitting by a bedside whereon is the dead body of his wife. He is not looking at her body. He looks straight away from it, out Into the world, with an expression of hopelessness, as utterly mute and uncomplaining as that of an animal wounded to death. There seems no alleviation of his suffering, certainly nothing that money could bring, for there is no money, and there are no comforts. The plain pitcher and glass on the table by the bed tell how little the poor woman had to alleviate her last suffer- ing. There seems no comfort from religion either. There Is no priest, no cross, no ministering servant of the Lord. The man is old, and perhaps he might look toward heaven whither his wife has ofone, but he does not. He looks at nothlnor and thinks of no one. It is the helplessness of human life alone In the presence of death. A more pathetic picture could hardly be Imagined. One wonders whether the stricken man will ever rise from the stool on which he sits, and where he will go If he does rise, for one place is like any other in the world to him now. Of the technique of this picture It is useless to speak, for It is well known that Israels is one of the 378 FINE ARTS. master painters. His tone is usually, but not always, dark and subdued, with deep, mysterious browns in the background, and his effects of light and shade are very fine. Certainly it is a manner quite of the Dutch school and not resembling that of any other painter. The same wall on which this great Israels hangs is indeed a study, and probably the best in the whole Art Gallery. On either side of it is a magnificent marine, by Mesdag, while above is a large picture by Hubert Vos. Between the Israels and the two Mesdags are two exceedingly fine studies by Bos- boom, called "Dutch Reformed Church, Holland," and "A Syna- gogue in Amsterdam." Of the works of Mesdag it is hard to say enough in praise. No marine painter of the time compares with him unless it be Alexander Harrison. The marked peculiarity of his work is that he paints water in violent motion without the loss of transparency and color, and without the dauby effect which is so often seen in the painting of the crests of foaming waves. The sky is no less wonderful than the water in these pictures. Indeed, it is the sky that first claims attention, be- cause the artist has chosen a low horizon line deliberately to give room for the showino- of those mae- nificent masses of clouds with which the Dutch painters through their X daily living become familiar and learn to love so dearly. There are several of these marines by Mesdag, of which the artist himself prefers the picture called *Tn Danger." It represents a terribly stormy sea, almost black, HAMIIvTON. By Win. O. Partridge. FINE ARTS. 379 under clouds almost as black, the wind blowing dead on shore, and a little vessel trying to avoid shipwreck. It is not, at first sight, nearly so attractive a picture as the others, but careful study will reveal great skill in portraying forms of waves even in the most violent action, and the tone, though not so agreeable to the eye as in the other pictures, is nevertheless quite suitable for the subject the artist has chosen. In the picture called "Ready to Sail Out," action is given more beautifully than in the others. The boats have been pushed to the edge of the water. They touch the waves, and soon will be in the midst of the surf Their picturesque sails are set, and in a few moments the fishermen will be bounding over the waves in search of the fishing- orround. It is full of life, and in the treatment of the sails quite suggestive' of Venetian fishing boats. The pictures of Vos which are found here are all creditable, and their work contains many admirable qualities, but they cannot rank with the painting of Israels or Mesdag. The painters of Holland do not consider that Mr. Vos is really a Dutch painter. He lives in London, and the most casual inspection of his pictures serves to show that they are not in the manner of any of the other Dutch painters' art. His "Angelus " is an exceedingly quaint and inter- esting picture, and has at least this flavor of Holland, that there is a great deal of blue in the general tone of the picture, and the accessories too are quite Dutch in character. Another great Dutch artist is Jacob Maris. He has five pictures in the Holland collection and one in the loan collection which are exceedingly fine. " The Two Mills " is perhaps his mpst important picture in the Holland collection and is certJ^mly one of the most beautiful that hangs there. It is a picture -of two Dutch windmills, of course, with a canal near them. The chief charm of this picture is the sky, which is superbly rendered. The last picture to be described here is perha^ps the most fasci- nating of all in the Holland exhibit. It is " Orphan Girls at Am- sterdam," by Miss Therese Schwartze. The orphan asylum which this picture represents is under the care of the municipal authori- tie's. The girls are taken care of there, are dressed alike in red and black, which are the colors of the city of Amsterdam. They 380 FINE ARTS. wear white caps and kerchiefs, and the whole effect is exceedingly charming. A group of these girls are gathered around a piano at which one of them sits playing, and they are, singing, some with eyes uplifted, some with heads bowed, all with the most reverent and even rapt expressions of countenance. Some of the faces are exceptionally beautiful. The grouping is so fine that it seems to make a complete unit of the picture, and really suggests that these young girls are bound together by some common love. It is im- possible to escape the exquisite charm of this simple scene, and it is so touching, and so poetic, that after looking at It for a while few can restrain a tear. The sadness of the bereaved lives, the love of Him who cared for the little ones, the trust of these young girls whose faces tell no fear, all this, when joined with lovely coloring and graceful forms, unite in a picture which is certainly great in this collection and would be rare anywhere. Enough of the more notable pictures contained in the Art Gal- lery have now been reviewed with such critical care that one may judge as to the quality of the exhibits ; while it is to be remembered that scores of the others named in the completer list are as worthy of being thus analyzed and complimented. Although the artistic features of the sculpture decorating the exterior of the grounds received some consideration in a previous chapter, yet it is well here to notice it again from the more strict standpoint of art, and to observe the impression made on art critics by the outdoor sculpture. Numerous critics, writing in the magazines and newspapers, devoted especial attention to this statuary, and with almost uniform congratulations to the artist. Among others, Walter Cranston Larned made an exhaustive re- view of the merits and demerits of the art exhibits at the Expo- sition, paying attention to the decorations as well as to those pieces brought to the Fair for display only. He tells us some interesting facts in regard to the animal sculptures by Mr. Kemeys, which guard the' bridges surrounding the Court of Honor. They are remarkable indeed. Their fidelity to nature shows at once that the artist must have loved such sub- jects, and must also have had exceptional opportunities to FINE ARTS. 381 Study them. The great artist, Barye, was forced to study his animal forms in menao-eries because he had not the means to q-q to the desert or jungle in search of his lions and tigers. He mastered their forms in the cag-es at the Zoological Gardens of Paris while they were living, and, when one chanced to die, word was sent directly to him, and the sculptor mastered their anatomy MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. By Wm. O. Partridge. by dissection, and the most careful measurements and comparison one with another. The forest of Fontainebleau helped him with his backgrounds because his artistic mind could find either a desert or a jungle there. The great Frenchman had the advantage of study in that greatest school of art at Paris, though he did not 3S2 FINE ARTS. follow its traditions in animal sculpture or painting. Nevertheless, he gained a certain finish there that our American artist lacks, while the latter, on the other hand, has a certain perfect naturalness PANTHER AND DEER. By Edward Kemeys^kU. S.) which perhaps even Barye's great art could not compass. This much may be learned by observing the works themselves, but they do not tell where the artist learned to know the animals. Mr. Kemeys has an intense. fondness for the western life, and has been a great hunter. He spent a long time among the Indians. He hunted with them and learned their life, and the life of the animals which ^they sought in their chase. He had many a thrilling adventure, and the animals he reproduces here were either slain by himself or by his Indian friends, so that he was able to study them where they lived. Mr. Kemey's "Still Hunt" is perhaps the finest piece of animal FINE ARTS. 383 sculpture at the Fair. It is a wonderful animal, instinct with life. Every muscle is quivering with eagerness for the coming spring upon the prey, yet the crouching attitude and the stern repression of action show how the creature is holding back in absolute still- ness until the deer, all unsuspecting, comes within sure reach of the fatal leap. Another moment and this tragedy of animal life will be over. The beautiful deer will be no more — the savage panther will be feasting on his blood. So much of a story is not often told in sculpture, but is plainly written here. The method of treatment greatly resembles Barye's, in that the aim is to use masses rather than details in producing effects and expression. In order to do this successfully an artist must know his subject well, because it is not possible to decide what to leave out unless it is also thoroughly known what might have been put in. Let any one stand before the " Still Hunt" and study it long enough to master its meaning, and he will find that he knows more about the wild animal life of the far west than he ever did before. The same effect will come from a study of the grizzly bears by the same artist. They are simply wonderful in expression, and it is not possible to doubt for a moment their absolute truth to life. The bear is not so graceful or artistic a subject as the panther, but he is equally interesting in his way. His awkward, uncouth strength would be more than a match for the agility and high- strung muscular power of the panther. The grizzly is a better sub- ject than the Polar bear because of the latter's length of neck. Mr. A. P. Proctor has also done some animal sculpture to orna- ment the grounds, which is worthy of notice both for its beauty and for its fidelity to nature. J Mr. Larned tells us that Mr. Proctor left the work of modeling the horses for the two equestrian statues which stand before the great doorway of the Transportation Building to his assistant. He did not have time to do all himself, and so chose to delegate this portion. This explains to us then why the figures are so much better than the horses. Both of these, the Indian and the cowboy, are spirited and successful. For the former, Red Cloud, one of Buffalo Bill's Indians, was the sculptor's model. He became very much 384 FINE ARTS. interested in the work, and posed on his pony in all sorts of posi- tions. The attitude finally chosen is one of rest, but the expression is full of intense eagerness and repressed action. Mr. Martini's work on the Aorricultural BuildinCT cannot be as well seen as the animals just considered, because it is placed so high, but enough can be seen to show that the work is of a very high order of excellence. The various groups are extremely strik- inor and original. The horses and the oxen are conceived and executed in a grand style, and they are exceedingly effective, spirited in action, and altogether appropriate in their place. No other building on the grounds is so profusely ornamented with sculpture as that of Agriculture, and it might have been better if there had been less of it, however admirable the quality may be. The groups of the nations on top of the building are rarely beauti- ful. Seen as they are, far up against the sky, their lines are most graceful, exquisitely harmonious and full of the classic spirit which so well emphasizes the beauties of the lovely building they adorn. The sculptor of the groups on the Administration Building is Carl Bitter, of New York. There are many of these groups, and they are exceedingly elaborate in composition ; so much so that they are too complicated in their general effect. Nevertheless, as a whole, they produce a rich effect, especially at a distance, when they serve to accent the splendor of the golden dome above them. Mr. Baur's figures of "Eloquence," "Music," " Fisherboy," " Navigation," and " Indian Chief," which ornament the Casino, Peristyle and Music Hall, are all thoroughly successful, hard as the task must have been to produce anything worthy to decorate so noble a colonnade as this one of Mr. Atwood's. The work of M. Waagen, on Machinery Hall, receives hardly so much praise, the winged figures on the pinnacles especially appearing rather too large for the position in which they are placed. The sculptural work on Horticultural Hall was done by Mr. Lorado Taft, and some of it is exceedingly fine. It is noticeable how closely in harmony with the architecture this sculpture is, both the frieze and the two fine groups of the birth and death of the flowers. The architect and the sculptor must have worked together FINE ARTS. 385 here. Some of the children in the frieze are very lovely. By repetition of the design this frieze is carried all around the building and the effect is very rich and beautiful. Mr. Taft has probably done nothing better than these groups, one guarding either side of the main entrance. There is a great deal of sentiment in them, and some of the figures are exceedingly beautiful. A more appro- priate subject for such a place it would be hard to select, and not BUFFAI^O AND INDIAN. By H. Biisk-BrowH. only is the meaning suitable, but the treatment exacdy suits the architecture. "^ Of the figures, the principal statue is Mr. Prince's colossal " Republic." There are differences of opinion about this work. Mrs, Van Rensselaer, who is certainly one of the best American critics, praises it very highly, and she especially commends its adaptation to the architecture that surrounds it. This would seem 25 386 FINE ARTS. to be just and well-merited praise, but the query rises, whether or not the gilding of the statue helps in this particular quality. The buildings are white, meant to be like marble, and what color deco- ration there is on them is for the most part back of the colonnades and in the dome, thus not giving much effect of color at a distance. The gilded " Republic," therefore, stands out in very sharp contrast with Its surroundings. It is true that the Athenians put statues of ivory and gold among their marble temples on the Acropolis, but these temples, though built of white marble, were much more elab- orately decorated in color on the exterior than are those at the World's Fair. Indeed it is thought that the Greeks painted many of their statues, both single, figu res or groups, and those used in con- nection with architec- ture. Probably then there was more har- mony between those statues and the build- ings about them than there is between the " Republic " and the SHAK^sTUA^y,. By Wm. O. ParMa^e. buildings which sur- round it. Whatever be the reason, the brilliant s^old of this im- mense solitary figure in the midst of the white columns and palaces seems hardly in place. It looks better at night when, by reason of the yellow light on the building, everything is brought more nearly into the same key. Apart from the gilding, the figure itself cannot be properly appreciated, except in connection with the architectural effects which surround it. The sculptor himself says that he has FINE ARTS. 387 treated the statue in a formal and almost archaic manner on account of the almost perfectly symmetrical arrangements of the architec- ture around it. It is his triumph that he has succeeded in doing this. In line and form, and in dignity too, this figure harmonizes well with the stately buildings about the Court of Honor. Taken by itself, the figure would not be so agreeable because it would seem a little stiff and lacking in that grace which is to be expected in the sculptured female form. On the whole, it must be said, that A LEGEND OF THE DESERT. F. MellvUle Dic Mond, U,. S. there is a grand and severe dignity about the great " Republic " that is exceedingly impressive and well empha-sizes the grandeur of those halls into which she' courteously invites the nations of the world to enter. n The other sculptural ornaments about the basin of the Court of Honor are numerous, and most of them are exceedingly fine. Per- haps the most striking detached sculptures are the horses and bulls, by Mr. Potter, with the figures beside them, by Mr. French. These animals are really noble and grand in style, and it would be 388 FINE ARTS. hard to imagine more absolutely appropriate decorative groups for the principal entrances before which they are placed. The cart- horse is treated with remarkable dignity. The worth of his labor is recognized in the statue, and he seems himself to be aware that without him the tilling of the fields would be impossible, except as savages might attempt it. The proud curve of his neck and his in- telligent eye show that he is proud of helping the master who stands beside him while they both rest after the work of the day. The bulls are equally fine and majestic, and well indeed do they symbolize the power of agriculture. The figures beside them are as fine as the animals, and the treatment of both is in the closest harmony, both in general breadth of method and particular com- bination of forms and lines. In symbolic expression, also, the figures and animals perfectly agree. It is rare indeed to see groups by two sculptors so perfectly harmonious in their central motive and in the treatment of it. It is this continuous harmony oif desire and method that resulted in making the whole area of the World's Columbian Exposition as truly an exhibit of the Department of Fine Arts as the exhibits contained in the Art Galleries themselves. Artists admire the architecture and the general decorative effects of the Fair as truly as they do the paintings upon canvas, and it is this fact that makes the whole view of the Exposition the grandest that the modern world offers to man. ORE vicissitudes have attended the De- partment of Liberal Arts, of which Prof. SeHm H. Peabody is chief, than any other all on the grounds of the Exposition. This is solely due to the immensity of scope covered by the department, the magnitude of its ex- hibits, and the fact that proper appreciation of its mao^nitude did not exist until dire ne- cessity drove it home to the offices of the construction officials. The greatest building of the Exposition was dubbed the Building of Manufactures and Liberal Arts. It was an immense structure as originally planned, with two great courts in the centre. When pressure for space first began to be felt, it was decided to roof these great courts, as related in the chapter on Manufactures, thus secur-, ing several acres more of floor area. But, as space was assigned, it was seen that unless another great building should "be provided, the Department of Liberal Arts was going to besadly cramped. The director-general stood firmly by the chief .of the department in his demand that another building be erected. It was argued, however, that there was no suitable site for it, and no time for con- struction. Finally the pressure of the educational interests became so strone that it could no longer be resisted, and it was decided to erect the new buildine for the Liberal Arts exhibits. After it was begun, however, time was short, and it was seen that it would not be finished in time to install exhibits satisfactorily for this depart- (389) 390 LIBERAI. ARTS. ment. Then the new structure was assigned to the Anthropologi- cal Department, added space was thus secured in the Manufactures Building, and it has therefore gone back to its former purposes, to that extent. A great portion of the exhibits of the Liberal Arts Department are, however, displayed in the Anthropological Building. The space thus provided in the two buildings is ample for all the demands that may be made upon it. The groups included in the Liberal Arts Department at the Cen- tennial Exposition in Philadelphia occupied about 35,000 square feet, at Paris in 187S about 111,000 square feet, and in 1889 in the same city about 244,000 square feet. Here the same exhibits occupy more than twice as much space as at the last Paris Expo- sition. The Manufactures and the Anthropological Buildings are each described in other chapters, so in this we may devote ourselves entirely to the exhibits and the scope and classification of the great department. It is interesting to note in this instance the exhaustive scope of the classification of the great department, and the list of groups into which it is divided is worth inserting here. They are as follows : Instruments and apparatus of medicine, surgery and prosthesis ; primary, secondary and superior education from elementary instruc- tion to government aid in education, and covering this wide range in detail ; literature, books, libraries and journalism, which include book printing, illustrated papers, daily papers, trade catalogues, library apparatus, directories of cities and towns, and all forms of maps ; instruments of precision, experiment, research and photog- raphy, including photographs, civil engineering, public works, con- structive architecture, including bridge engineering of every char- acter, sub-aqueous construction, irrigation, railway engineering, mining engineering, and constructive architecture in general ; gov- ernment and law, illustrating the various systems of government, international law and relations, facsimiles of treaties, protection of property in inventions, patent and postal systems, commerce, trade and banking, including historical and statistical matter, with reference to general commerce, counting-houses, ware-house and storage systems, grain elevators, boards of trade, exchanges, insurance com- LIBERAL ARTS. 39I panics and banking houses ; institutions and organizations for the increase and diffusion of knowledge, induding institutions founded for such purposes as the Smithsonian, the Royal Institution, the Institute of France, British Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association, etc., and covering academies of science and letters, museums, collections and art galleries, national exhibitions, publication societies and libraries ; social, industrial and co-operative associations, covering clubs of all characters, political, workingmen's, industrial, co-operative, secret and miscellaneous societies and organizations; religious organizations and systems, covering their origin, nature, growth and extent, religious music, choirs, hymnology, missionary work, the spreading of religious knowledge, systems of religious instruction, charities and charitable associations ; music and musical instruments, covering the history and theory of music, music of primitive peoples, history, portraits of great musicians, self-vibrating instruments. , In addition to this exhaustive classification, the groups of archae- ology and ethnology, charities and corrections, and hygiene are to be remembered as being provided with space in the Anthropological Building. The ground covered by the department is certainly immense. Almost all of the displays in the Department of Liberal Arts in the main building are contained in the galleries of the structure, although a certain portion of the southeast corner on the main floor is also devoted to that purpose. Almost all of the States of the Union and the foreign countries have displays here. Kindergartens, schools for the blind, and deaf and dumb are noticeable. All the leading colleges of the United States, and many of foreign nations, have strong exhibits of their educational methods and systems. Several of the large publishing houses of the country are repre- sented. Musical instruments are given a prominent showing, as well as instruments of science. One interesting exhibit is that of the Pasteur-Chamberland Filter Company, of Dayton, Ohio, All sorts of filters are shown in operation, illustrating the perfection of each, and their application to common use. The greatest organ in the building is that manu- 392 LIBERAL ARTS. factured by Henry Pilcher's Sons, of Chicago and Louisville. It is thirty-three feet in height, twenty-five feet wide, and fifteen feet deep. In a building of ordinary size it would present an imposing appearance, and even in this great building it is one of the most GRAND ORGAN. Exhibited by Henry Pilcher's Sons. attractive exhibits. The case is of quarter-sawed red oak, hand- somely finished, and the displayed pipes are arranged in graceful groups and are richly decorated. The wood-work of the key- boards and accessories is of handsomely polished ebon)^, while the LIBERAL ARTS. 393 keys, plates, Indicators, pistons, etc., are of genuine ivory. The instrument is valued at ^12,000. It has hundreds of pipes, includ- ing all sorts of combinations known to modern organ building. In the display of band instruments, C. G. Conn, of Elkhart, Ind., PAVIIvION OF I^YON & HEAI,Y. makes a handsome exhibit. It Is contained in a beautifully carved and highly polished oak case, eighteen feet long, eight feet wide and fourteen feet deep, fitted with French plate glass. The case contains Boehm system flutes, metal clarionets, "Wonder" cornets, 394 LIBERAL ARTS. and other valve band Instruments, double-bell and helicon instru- ments and drums. Some of these are very handsomely finished, the gold-plated cornets and saxophones being especially prepared by skillful engravers. Some of these are valued at $500 each. Lyon & Healy, of Chicago, have a magnificent pavilion, filled with everything that is fine in all varieties of musical instruments of their own manufacture. These include pianos, organs, harps, guitars, band instruments, and all novelty instruments of smaller character. Many of the other great piano manufacturers of the United States also exhibit here, and the display is a beautiful one. Morris Steinert's collection of ancient musical instruments, upon all of which he plays, is very curious. He has a harpsichord, made in, 1679. The literary exhibits in the north gallery of the building are of great interest. Charles Scribner's Sons, of New York, occupy a space 35x16 feet. The booth is of wood the color of the magazine, and gilded, with open deco- HARPsicHORD, MADE BY KiRKMAN, ^^^^^ faQade, eleveu feet in height, its I^ONDON, 1776. OWNED BY . • Vr i • i i 11 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Intcrior fitted with showcases, book- cases and screens for the display of original drawings. A full set of all their book publications is exhibited, classified under the various departments of literature. Considerable space is given to art work, with some specimen original drawings and water-colors. A special exhibit is also made of recent decorative covers, togfether with the oriofinal artist's designs, the brass stamps used for transferring the designs to the cloth, all illustrative of the latest artistic work in book binding-. Another branch of the exhibit of particular importance is the exhi- bition number of Scribner's Magazine, which the publishers planned to make as fine an example of an American magazine as could be produced. Besides the original drawings, water-colors and paint- ings used in this number, which are framed and hung upon one of the walls of the pavilion, there are three cases, covered by glass LIBERAL ARTS. 395 containing the original manuscripts by W. D. Howells, Bret Harte, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Geo. W. Cable, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Sarah Orne Jewett, and others whose writings appear in this number. To show the process of illustrating a modern maga- EXHIBIT OF AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHS. zine, there are the original drawings, the same reproduced by photo engravings, by wood engravings, also the prepared wood block, the block upon which the picture has been photographed for the engraver, and the block after being engraved^ but before being electrotyped. In the same way the progress of the preparation of literary contents is shown, by the manuscript, the galley-proof, the author's revise, the make-up, with the arrangement of illustration, the page-proof, the foundry-proof, and finally the printed sheet. By the side of these examples of modern magazine making is a copy 396 LIBERAL ARTS. of The American Magazine for 1797, whicli was the first magazine ever published in America. The Century Company occupies a pavihon in the same neighbor- hood, of about the same size. The large space between the doors on the outside of the pavilion contains a group of eight of the remarkable drawings made by the artist, Castaigne, for the World's Fair article published in the May Century. Between the two doors, as one enters the pavilion, is the exhibit of the Century Dictionary. On the walls above are the oriofinal drawings of some of the most interestine illustra- tions in the dictionary. In the case below is an exhibit showino- how a dictionary is made, with copies of some of the earliest English dictionaries up to the " Century," printer's copy of a part of the latter, with proofs in various stages showing changes, correc- tions, etc. This magazine also shows all the processes of illustra- tion. There are displayed a great number of interesting manuscripts and drawings for important illus- trations in the Century and St. Nicholas. Manuscript poems by Tennyson, Longfellow, Whittier and Bryant are shown, together with the first chapter of the manuscript of "Little Lord Fauntleroy," by Mrs. Burnett, and original stories by other well-known writers. The originals of famous letters and documents quoted in Messrs. Nicolay and Hay's " Life of Lincoln " are shown, including a certificate of a road survey Tnade by Mr. Lincoln in 1834, with a bill for his services at three dollars a day. There is also the letter of the committee apprising Mr. Lincoln of his first nomination for the presidency and his reply, the corrected copy of the inaugural PUIvPIT USED BY \VHITEKIEI/D WHEN IN AMERICA. Exhibit of American Tract Society. LIBERAL ARTS. 397 address from which he read, March 4, 1861, the original draft of his proclamation calling for 75,000 men, drafts of important messages to Congress, Mr. Lincoln's written speech on presenting Grant his commission as Lieutenant-General, and the autograph copy in pencil of General Grant's reply. Letters from General Grant to the editors of the Century regarding his papers for the war series, the last from Mt. McGregor, are exhibited, with original manuscripts by General McClellan, Joseph E. Johnston, and others. Ginn & Co., of New York and Boston, display a full line of their educational publications and text books. Mr. Plimpton, of the same firm, makes an interesting exhibit of old school books illustrating the growth of education. For instance, he begins the subject of arithmetic with two manuscripts which were written before the days of printing; then there is the first arithmetic ever printed, which was made in 1478. Then follow others of 1491, 1503, the earliest arithmetic printed in English, and so on down to the present time. After the same man- ner are exhib- ited series of geographies, of oframmars, of reading books, primers, etc. In the relig- ious section the American Tract Society makes an inter- esting historical exhibit of the progress of its work and the extent to which it has spread. The Society shows the chair used by the " Dairyman's Daughter," about whom one of the widest circulated tracts ever published was written. There is also shown the curious movable pulpit used by the famous Whitefield in his preaching tours as an evangelist. I.(_>NDOX SCHOOL BOARD. 398 LIBERAL ARTS. . Numbers of school supply houses make interesting displays. The Prang Educational Co., of Boston, shows charts, drawings, examples of clay modeling, wood-working, paper-folding, etc., illus- trating the Prang course in form study and drawing for public CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAIv EXHIBIT. Schools. There are also charts illustratinor exercises in the color- course for public schools. These are of great interest as showing modern methods of instruction. The Central School Supply House, of Chicago, shows all sorts of school apparatus and supplies of which they are manufacturers and publishers. The exhibit is a novel one and attracts much attention. The Funk & Wagnalls Co., of New York, Houghton & Mifflin Co., of Boston, B. Appleton & Co., of New York, Harper & Bros., of New York, and other noted publishers, make excellent displays. New York shows the immigration statistics for forty-five years. The College Fraternity's exhibit is a reproduction ten feet square at the base and thirty feet high, of the most famous speci- mens of Greek architecture, the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates. LIBERAL ARTS. 399 The Catholics of the United States have an exceptionally fine educational display, in the preparation of which much interest has been taken by the Pope and other Church dignitaries. London publishers contribute engravings, fine art publications, and a collection of newspapers illustrating the growth of English journalism. The American Bible Society has a rare exhibit of ancient and modern Bibles, both cheap and costly editions, and Bibles printed in three hundred different languages. The big Yerkes telescope, though in an incomplete condition, is exhibited in the south galleries. Harvard University has a large gallery space, and its cabinets are particularly interesting to scientists. Among other colleges which here exhibit are Amherst, Bryn. Mawr, Chautauqua, the VIEW IN BRITISH SECTION. University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, Columbia College, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton, the University of Michigan, Vassar, Yale, and almost every one of the State Universities. A space in the north gallery is occupied by Rand, McNally & Co., with an interesting and valuable exhibit of educa- tional maps. The American Bronze Co., which has its art foundry at Grand 400 LIBERAL ARTS. KXHIBIT OF PURDUE UNIVKKSITY. Ci:OSsing, near Chicago, is engaged in the industry of standard bronze castino-. In their pavilion they make a fine display, among- the exhibits of which is shown the life mask from which was modeled the statue of Lincoln, at Rochester, N. Y. The company makes a specialty of casting mammoth figures, as well as small artistic bronzes, and in both they claim to equal CHAIR AND TABIvE IN MAHOGANY. Designed and Executed by Pupils of Penna. Museum and School of Industrial Art. 1^ 3 >■ ^^ 26 Uoi) 402 LIBERAL ARTS. the foundries of Europe. In the sections devoted to the display of medical, surgical, physical, chemical and other scientific appa- ratus, James W. Queen & Co., of Philadelphia, make an elaborate and interesting showing. The instruments which they manufac- ture are known throughout the world, and the exhibit here receives much attention. W. & L. E. Gurley, of Troy, N. Y,, make an exhibit of field instruments for the use of engineers and surveyors. They show other scientific specialties for architects, draughtsmen and engineers in an artistically designed pavilion. A. L. Bancroft & Co., of San Francisco, show models and charts illustrating Mr. Bancroft's plan for numbering country houses^ by the "Ten-Block System." This system has been established at Contra Costa, California, with considerable success, and it is rapidly *- GERMAN SECTION. spreading. The exhibit is interesting, and is certain to impress the merits of the idea upon all visitors. Among the foreign countries represented in the galleries with LIBERAL ARTS. 403 educational exhibits are Italy, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Austria, Ger- many, Great Britain, New South Wales, Canada and France. In the southern part of the Anthropological Building 30,000 square feet are taken up by two sections of the Liberal Arts A CORNER OF FRENCH SECTION. Department, the Bureau of Charities and Corrections, and the Bureau of Sanitation and Hygiene. Here the great philanthropic societies of the world, charitable organizations, priso'n reform societies, societies for the prevention of cruelty, cookery schools, etc., all have their exhibits. Societies for physical culture, as weU as gymnastic apparatus, also have their home here.' Anthropo- metric systems are displayed, and the sociologist-who is seeking means of benefiting the human race may find here suggestions for work of many lifetimes. > This department of Liberal Arts comes very close to the welfare of every one, and is deserving of immense attention. To some extent it is subordinated and hidden by the enormous array of exhibits in the Manufactures Building, and visitors do not reach the pavilions which contain these exhibits in as great numbers as 404 LIBERAIv ARTS. should be. Those who seek them, in the two great buildings, are more than repaid. Properly belonging in this department is the exhibit contained in the "Puck" Building, the beautiful little pavilion which is located just north of the Horticultural Building. This well-known comic paper has constructed a dainty edifice where all the friends of the publication are made welcome. It is elaborately decorated with sculpture and ornamental designs. An artistic group in bronze crowns the portico. It was designed by Henry Baerer, the PUCK BUILDING. celebrated sculptor, and represents Puck standing on an eminence from which he commands a view of the world. In one hand he holds a mirror, and in tbe other a crayon. Within the building" the publishers of the magazine show all the processes of illustration and color lithography from beginning to end, and the presses are constantly employed in printing a World's Fair edition of the. publication. HERE is no science and no art which is not exempHfied in its highest sense within the hmits of the great Exposition, There- fore Music, that deHght which is at once art and science, is here given prominence and distinc- tion worthy its deserts. From the beginning of plans for the enterprise, the musical inter- ests of the world have had consideration. The best minds in the musical world have been enlisted in the work of making here a musical epoch. The plans have been those of broad-minded and energetic men, and the results are magnificent. In the considera- tion of the subject in this work it must be divided for best under- standing. The musical interests of the Exposition are under the control of the Department of Liberal Arts, and all exhibits in con- nection with music are made in the buildings of that , department. Therefore in the chapter on Liberal Arts will be found the descrip- tion of all such exhibits as pianos and other musical instruments, and literature and other material things pertaining to music. But in this chapter it is desired to make plain the scope of the musical interests as represented in the actual rendering and production of music, vocal and instrumental, within the Exposition itself. There is then ample material to engage attention. First as to the ereat auditoriums which house the musical features of the Fair. There are two of these, both triumphs of architecture, measured by the purposes for which they are intended, thoroughly (405) 4o6 CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC suited to the demands made upon them, and ornaments to the City of White, of which they form a part. One is Music Hall, and the other Festival, or, as it is sometimes called. Choral Hall. Music Hall is one of the buttresses that flanks the great portal of the Exposition, the Peristyle. As one approaches the limits of THEODORE THOMAS, MUSICAL, DIRECTOR. Jackson Park from the water side, the Peristyle, Music Hall and the Casino form the water gateway. It is one of the architectural glories of the whole display. At this point, just to the south of the Manufactures Building, there is an inlet from Lake Michigan CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. 407 into the inner Lagoon, by way of the Great Basin. On the north side of this inlet, at the edge of the water, stands the temple of Music On the south is the Casino, the centre of the system of Public Com- fort, and connecting them, bridorinof the inflowinor waters, extends the Peristyle, a com- manding array of monolithic pillars, supporting a great roof, a magnificent arch, and the Columbus Quadriga, one of the most worthy of all the pieces of sculpture on the grounds. The location of Music Hall is thus an ideal one, with the blue waters of Lake Michigan almost wash- ing its walls to the east and north, and the view to the westward passing over the sparkling basin to the build- ings which surround the Grand Court. This architectural composite was designed by Charles B. Atwood, the designer-in-chief of the Exposition, and perhaps is more generally commended after the Gallery of Fine Arts than any other of the Exposi- tion structures. It is all highly Roman in the character of the architecture. Music Hall, at 4o8 CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. the north end, measures the same as its twin, the Casino, at the south end, 246 by 140 feet. It is of simple and chaste design, ex- actly suitable for its purposes. The entrances are on the south and west sides, into great lobbies and foyers, with all the accessories of a modern and beautiful opera house. The grand vestibule is of THE COLUMBUS QUADRIGA, PERiSTYi,E. {D. C. French and E. C. Potter. ) immense size, and with the foyers and promenades is amply able to contain all the people who could be numbered in the largest audience. For this reason the hall has the excellent property of emptying quickly. Adjoining the vestibule are offices and retiring- rooms in sufficient quantity. Music Hall gives seating capacity for between 2,000 and 2,500 auditors, an orchestra of 120 and a chorus CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. 409 of 300. The stage it will be seen is ample, and the audience-room proportionate. In the rear of the stage are accommodations of the ^ most modern order for participants in the concerts here given, prima donna, chorus singers and orchestra. The dressing and wardrobe rooms are commodious and numerous. The acoustic properties of the hall were found upon test to be of the best, and everything else equally satisfactory. Within the same building is another hall large enough to seat about 500 persons, which is THE GREAT ORGAN — BUILT BY FARRAND & VOTEY CO. devoted to chamber music and recitals, in distinction from the more elaborate concerts which are given in the main auditorium. Festival or Choral Hall is a structure different in everything from the one just described, except in its adaptability to the purposes intended. It is situated in the centre of the western portion of the park, between the north end of the Transportation Building and the south end of the Horticultural Building-. Here it looks across the 4IO CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. inner Lao^oon to the Wooded Island, and thence in the distance to the great Manufactures Building by the lake. It is simple and severe in outline, following the Doric style of architecture, and presents a spherical form both within and without, like that of an amphitheatre surmounted by a dome. On each of the four sides is a portico covering an entrance, that on the side towards the Lagoon being the principal one. This is supported by fluted Doric columns, six and one-half feet in diameter, and is entered by a broad flight of steps, at the foot of which appear two statues, reproductions of the celebrated ones of Handel and Bach. On the side of the portico are bas-relief panels, representing the progress of music, and over the door are relief portraits of Gluck, Berlioz, Wagner, Schumann, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Bach, Handel and Beet- hoven. The interior arrangement is that of the Greek theatre, except that the part assigned to the stage by the Greeks is here occupied by the space for the chorus of 2,500. There are no galleries of any kind, but a large foyer extends around the build- ing, giving ample room for a promenade. The auditorium, which seats 6,500, is decorated with plaster relief work and color, with symbolic paintings similar in character to those employed in Music Hall. Between the immense auditorium and the chorus is the orchestra, room being furnished for one of several hundred. In the rear of the chorus is one of the largest organs in the world, built for the purpose, and a magnificent instrument. The retiring- rooms and dressing-rooms are ample here as in the other structure for musical purposes. When Theodore Thomas was appointed musical director of the Exposition, he received the offer as a sacred trust, saying to the committee through whom it was tendered : " Gendemen, if you wish me to be responsible for the honor of music at the Exposition, I will accept the position and its obligations." The appointment of Wm. L. Tomlins as choral director followed soon after that of Mr. Thomas. Both appoinfments were worthy in every respect, for both leaders are educators in the broadest and noblest sense. The two central ideas around which the musical director grouped all his work were these : First. To make a complete showing to CHORAI^ AND INSTRUMENT AI. MUSIC. 4II the world of musical progress in this country in all grades and departments, from the lowest to the highest. Second. To bring before the people of the United States a full illustration of music in its highest form, as exemplified by the most enlightened nations of the world. The announcement issued by the Bureau of Music read as fol- lows : In order to carry out this conception of the unexampled opportunity now presented, three co-operative conditions are indis- pensable : I. The hearty support of American musicians, amateurs and societies for participation on great festival occasions of popular music, and for the interpretation of the most advanced competition, American and foreis^n. II. The presence at the Exposition of many of the representative musicians of the world, each to conduct the performances of his own principal compositions and those of his countrymen, all upon a scale of the utmost completeness. III. A provision on the part of the Exposition authorities of the means necessary for carrying out these plans, in the erection of halls indispensable for successful performances, and in the engage- ment of solo artists, orchestras and bands. The entire range of the performances proposed may be grouped under the following classifications : 1. Stmi-weekly orchestral concerts in Music Hall. 2. Semi-monthly choral concerts in Music Hall. 3. Six series of international concerts, choral and orchestral, each consisting of from four to six in Festival Hall and in Music Hall. 4. Four series of oratorical festivals by united American choral societies in Festival Hall. 5. Concerts in Festival Hall under the auspices of German sinorinor societies. "^ 6. Concerts in Festival Hall under the auspices of Swedish sing- inof societies. 7. Concerts in Festival Hall under the auspices of Welsh sing- ing societies. 412 CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAI. MUSIC. 8. Six series of popular miscellaneous festival concerts by American sincjers. 9. Twelve children's concerts by Sunday school, public school and specially organized children's choruses. 10. Chamber music concerts and orofan recitals. 11. Popular concerts of orchestral music given frequently in Festival Hall during the six months of the Exposition. It will be seen at once that the ideas proposed were most liberal. There was no cessation of the effort to accomplish them. The World's Columbian Exposition directory, after providing the two great music halls, made an appropriation of ^175,000. This amount provided a permanent orchestra of 114 players for the entire period of six months. Mr. Thomas organized this orchestra, using- the Chicasfo orchestra as a nucleus. Since the list of con- certs during the Exposition, at which the services of an orchestra are required, numbers more than 300, it is at once evident that a permanent orchestra was a necessity. CHORAI, HAIvI<. Provision was also made for the appearance of the representative orchestras of New York city and Boston. The programs arranged embrace all schools, vocal and instrumental. The popular orchestra concerts, which are free to the public, cannot but be educative in their influence. Mr. Thomas' idea in them has been to make interesting, not trivial, programs of the compositions of representa- tive writers of all countries. CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. 413 The invitation of the Bureau to choral societies asking them to co-operate, because of their love of art and the pride they have, in ^ the opportunity the Exposition affords, to show to the world, the artistic level of the United States in music, brought many assur- ances of support. Inasmuch as it would be manifestly impossible for the same chorus to take part in all choral performances, this work was divided among choral societies of the whole country. The musical director assumed that thousands of sino-ers and music- lovers would visit the Exposition in any case, and that they would prefer to appear as contributors, thus conferring an importance upon their societies and their homes. These forces thus directed and guided in combined effort, preparing for their appearance at the Exposition, afford intelligent direction to efforts that in some parts of the country are now being wasted for want of a command- ing object of work. In addition to all that has been outlined, there must not be for- g-otten the daily band concerts in the stands on the Grand Plaza and in various other portions of the park. These are given, not only at various times of the day, but also throughout the evening, and attract thousands of visitors. Several permanent bands are maintained, while other noted band organizations from other cities have accepted invitations to occupy weeks at the Fair. It is useless to attempt to name musicians and vocalists who ap- pear at the concerts, for it includes practically all the more notable ones of this country and many from Europe. Such, in brief, is the outline of a tremendous undertaking. The attitude of the Exposition toward the art of music has been most liberal, and everything was done that could be done. The best influences were, however, not applied, or were at least unavailing, because of the high prices charged for admission to most of the •concerts. A certain short-sighted policy kept ^he price of tickets out of reach of the masses, with the result that many of the best entertainments were given before practically empty houses. It seemed unreasonable to the layman that he should be charged :^i.50 for admission to a concert of two hours' duration within the Fair grounds, when the whole magnificent display of the Fair was 414 CHORAIv AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. open to him for fifty cents. Through the early months of the Fair there was continual agitation on this subject, and at the time of writing this chapter there is still hope that the prices may be lowered. A magnificent organ, one of the largest ever constructed, was built by the Farrand & Votey Organ Company, of Detroit, Michi- gan, for Festival Hall. Its case, which is made of staff, corresponds with the general style of the building, and occupies a space thirty- eight feet in height, twenty-five feet in depth and thirty-four feet in width. It is believed by the builders and by many musicians that the qualities of the organ and many of its novel characteristics will mark an epoch in organ-building. There are ii6 stops and 3,901 pipes. The specifications for the organ were drawn by Mr, Clar- ence Eddy, the noted organist of Chicago, in conjunction with Mr. Votey. It is a triumph of the organ-builder's skill. By observing the liberality displayed by the Exposition Company to music as an art, it is seen that the idea of the World's Fair is to show justice to everything in the scope of human culture and knowledge. It is gratifying to know that the country appreciates these efforts, and that universal voice declares the World's Colum- bian Exposition to be the greatest in history. NE of the several departments of die World's Columbian Ex- position in which science and education are the main objects of the exhibit is Department " M." In the fall of 1890, before the site of the Exposition was definitely located in Chicago, a plan was conceived, and presented by request of the World's Fair Committee, for a department which should illustrate early life in America from remote ages before historic times down to the period of Columbus. The sketch originally outlined has been broadened in so many directions that the department may be said to have outgrown its name, thus giving rise to the necessity of a more comprehensive title for the building in which the department is arranged. The legend over the main entrance, "Anthropological Building, Man and his Works," Is very comprehensive and indicates' the scope of the department, which not only treats of the moral, mental and physical characteristics of man, but also shows the beginnings of his great achievements in art, in architecture and in manufac- tures. The first rude attempts in human art and industry are here illus- trated, and form a striking contrast to the splendors of modern civil- ization so lavishly displayed on every side ; and the accumulated results of years of scientific investigation in relation to prehistoric life on the Continent are here brought together and furnish a study which is needful for the full appreciation of the other depart- ments, (415) 4i6 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. ORIGINAL RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION. When the Department of Ethnology was organized in February, 1891, it was with the understanding that a considerable amount of money should be appropriated for original scientific work and that the results thus obtained should be retained in Chicago as the nucleus of a scientific institution which should be established in the city and should be named the Columbus Memorial Museum. It ANTHROPOLOGICAIv BUII^DING. is hoped that at the close of the Exposition the friends of science will unite in carrying out this plan to endow the city of Chicago with a museum of the natural sciences. Early in the spring of 1 891 expeditions were started out under the direction of the Chief of the Department to various parts of the country. Within the United States several exploring camps were established to obtain new material to represent the archaeology of the Ohio valley with its many ancient earthworks, burial-places and village sites, and to make explorations in the Delaware valley to illustrate in the Exposition whatever can be learned of the earliest peoples of the Atlantic Coast of America. Arrangements were made for collecting ethnological material at different points in ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. 417 British Columbia to represent the Hfe and customs and particularly the religious ceremonies of the different tribes of that region. The Northern Crees of the Saskatchewan valley were also called upon to contribute everything which could be gathered to give us knowl- edge of this little known people. An exploring party was sent to South America to collect material illustrative of the different modes of burial among the ancient inhabitants of Peru, Chili, Bolivia and the island of La Plata, and also to gather articles buried with the dead to show us something of their life and customs. The plan was conceived and put into execution of having certain typical por- tions of the Yucatan ruins reproduced in staff on the Fair Grounds. In addition to these special explorations the department joined with expeditions to North Greenland, Labrador, Alaska and Siberia, with the understanding that a certain amount of material should be col- lected for the Exposition. At this time a section of Physical Anthropology was established, and during the seasons of 1891-92 seventy volunteer assistants were sent out to different parts of the United States and Canada to make a study of the physical characteristics of the different Indian tribes of America, and to aather from them whatever could be obtained to illustrate their life o in the olden times before white contact. These assistants were selected mostly from the universities in America, from "Harvard" in the east to " Leland Stanford, Jr.," in the west. Many interest- ing specimens of costumes, handiwork and trinkets W/ere brought back by these assistants, as well as valuable statistics based on the measurements of 17.000 individuals for the preparatfon of charts illustrating the physical characteristics of the North American Indian. GLACIAL EPOCH. Included in the Ohio State exhibit is an excellent presentation of the glacial deposits of the State, and the earliest traces of man in America — the hotly disputed " palaeolithic man." This subject is presented by means of boulders with glacial markings ; — maps showing the glacial deposits of Ohio, and indicating the localities where implements have been found; layers of undisturbed gravel from Comerstown and a series of enlarged photographs of the 27 4l8 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. gravel pit showing the place where the Mills " palseolith " was dis- covered ; photographs of this implement and also of others found in Trenton, New Jersey, and in Europe; maps showing the glacial pnenomena in the eastern part of America and indicating the locali- ties where palseolothic implements have been found east of the Mississippi. In the special department exhibit there is one division illustrating this subject by a large collection from the Trenton valley, made during the last two seasons, and also by specimens from the Peabody Museum of Harvard University. This exhibit is intended to show the evidence of the existence of " palaeolithic man " in America, and to afford an opportunity of study to all who are interested in this question of such vital importance to archseolo- oists. o ANCIENT EARTHWORKS, VILLAGE SITES AND BURIAL-PLACES. The special department exhibit includes a large amount of new archaeological material obtained by exploration of ancient earth- works, village sites and burial-places in various parts of the country. The remains of these prehistoric peoples, who made their dwell- ing places in different epochs and at difTer@nt points on the Ameri- can continent, are so arranged as to afford a comparative study of the various peoples, their migrations and interminglings as well as their development from one period to another. It is fortunate for the student of archaeology that these early peoples, of whom his- tory can give us no record, almost universally practised the custom of burying with their dead their household utensils, implements, ornaments and objects of religious significance, thus affording us a clue to their daily life. The famous earthworks of the Ohio valley are well represented by models and photographs and by the display of the specimens found in or near them. Notable among these collections is that made at the " Clark Works " or " Hopewell Group " in Ross county. Thousands of specimens were taken from these mounds. In several cases altars of clay were discovered. On one of the largest altars was found a large number of ornaments and imple- ments, the greater portion of which were burnt, thus suggesting the ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. 419 thought that these treasures had been thrown on the altar by the people as an offering to fire in accordance with the rites of ancient fire worship. A sufficient amount of material was secured in good condition to make the collection of inestimable importance in the study of the ancient peoples of the Ohio valley. It is interesting to HEAD-DRESS FOUND ON SKULI^ IN MOUND OF HOPEWELL GROUP. learn of the religion of this people by the eviden,ce of fire worship, and also to notice among their ornaments pieces of copper cut in the form of the Swastika, the peculiar emblem, common in the Old World, to which Schliemann has called particular attention ; to observe their love of ornament from the big pile of copper ear- rings, the hundreds of shell and bone beads and the ornaments of slate, shell, mica, and bone ; to note their strivinfr after the beauti- 420 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY. fill in the carvings representing animals, and the ornamental designs in copper and shell and the delicate etching on pieces of bone which would do credit to a modern engraver; to judge of their power and the skill of their workmanship not only by the objects of their handiwork but also by the large collection of beauti- ful obsidian implements and many of copper and stone. Here also was discovered a skeleton on the skull of which was found an ■elaborate head-dress shaped like the branching horns of the deer; this was made of wood covered with copper and of large copper plates. Pieces of fabric interwoven with beads and the large quantity of beads found with portions of the skeleton led to the SKRP7-:xT :\rnT-xD modKI/. conclusion that the dress had been elaborately ornamented. The objects buried with this individual also indicated a person of dis- tinction. This collection is especially noted as containing the largest number of flint discs ever found in one deposit or store- house — about eight thousantl. A relief map or model of this group of earthworks forms a part of the exhibit. Among the earthworks which are shown in model is the famous Serpent Mound with the park surrounding it. As the name implies ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. 421 this earthwork is in the form of a serpent winding in graceful curves alonof the brow of a hill overlooking the waters of Brush Creek in Adams county. Everything in connection with this remarkable effigy, constructed with such a vast amount of labor and located on this elevated point surrounded by the most beautiful scenery, tends to the conclusion that this was a sacred spot and probably a shrine of serpent worship among these ancient people, whose village sites and burial-places were discovered near by. Copyright, 1890, by The Century Co. 1 SUNRISE VIEW OF SERPENT MOUND. The Turner group of earthworks, where ten years' exploration Avas carried on under the auspices of the Peabody Museum, is also represented by a model. Many remarkable discoveries were made during this exploration, and evidence was collected of an advanced state of art among these ancient peoples. Fire w^orship and crema- tion were discovered at this place. Another model is of the forti- fied hill in Highland count\'. 4^2 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. Collections from the State Commissioners of Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas and Colorado respectively illustrate the archaeology of these States ; and Ontario also has an official exhibit of that province. With these and the material specially INDIAN HOUSES FROM VANCOUVER ISI/AND, WITH TOTEM POLKS. gathered by the Department, there is in this section a very com- plete exposition of American archaeology. PERIOD OF COLUMBUS. The representation of the period of Columbus is naturally impor- tant in connection with the Columbian Exposition. This subject is presented in three distinct parts. In the reproduction of the Con- vent of La Rabida at Palos, Spain, one scene in the life of Columbus is presented. It was within these walls that he found food and shelter at a time when his enterprise was rejected by the Spanish Court ; here his plans were matured and brought to successful issue ; here he offered his prayers on the morning when he sailed with his little fleet ; and here he returned after his discovery of the New World. This building- is filled with relics of Columbus — what- ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. 423 ever could be obtained In any part of the world pertaining- to his life and times. Relics of other early voyagers to America are to be found here, and early navigation Is shown by charts, models and Instruments. Progress in geographical knowledge is Illustrated, and in fact the exhibits in this building- furnish an historical record of the Latin American Republics and colonies from the discovery QUICHUA INDIAN WOMAN WEAVING A SHAWI, OR "LI.IJI.LIA," CUSCO, PERU. to the present time. To make the scene more complete, the repro- ductions of the three caravels, Nina, Pinta and Sa'nta Maria, the little fleet with which Columbus sailed on his vayage of discovery, are anchored near the shore. A strip of land bordering on the water and dotted here and there with the houses and totem poles of the northwest, the bark houses of the eastern tribes, the skin tents, buffalo hide teepees, mat and bark houses of the central tribes, the thatched huts from South America and other characteristic habitations of the native peoples of America, Is Intended to present a picture of the actual life on the 424 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. continent at the time when Columbus first landed on its shores. These rude dwellings are inhabited by representatives of the respective tribes dressed in the costumes of their forefathers and engaged in their characteristic industries. Here is the basket maker, the blanket weaver, the maker of toy birch bark canoes and other trinkets, the silver smith, and skilled workmen in many other branches of native handiwork. From time to time within the several dwellings can be witnessed the native ceremonies and dances from which ethnologists may learn of the strange myths and superstitions which prevail among these tribes. This little colony of native people is not intended for a side show for the amusement of the visitor, but for a scientific study of the first historic people of America. Moreover these people are treated with kindness and consideration and are allowed every opportunity for improvement by observation of the benefits of civilization and education. The Indian Schoolhouse near by, which is conducted by the United States Government, shows to the world what the Indian is capable of when allowed such advantages. Within the Anthropological Building this period is illustrated by a display of the ethnological material collected by the Department from the different tribes in the United States and Canada, and also by several important State and individual exhibits. This division con- tains much of importance illustrating the daily life of the peoples who were living on the continent at the time of Columbus. ANCIENT RELIGIONS, GAMES AND FOLKLORE, An attractive feature in ethnology is the study of folklore, includ- ing the religious faiths and ceremonies, the household tales, tradi- tipns and myths, and the evolution of games and toys. Shrines, idols, amulets and ceremonial objects gathered from different parts of the world are the objects from which we must learn of the ancient religions. One important collection from the University of Pennsylvania teaches us of the ancient Egyptian re- ligion ; another illustrates the religion as well as the folklore of China. A private collection from England contains valuable objects pertaining to the Buddhist faith. ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. 425 All countries and all times have contributed to make the exhibit of games a very instructive and pleasing one, especially as this division treats of the holiday side of life. The evolution of the domino from the dice and the playing card from the domino is illus- trated here ; the first playing card ever printed in America is shown, as well as all the principal games of the world both old and new. TRIBES OF THE EXTREME NORTH. The North Greenland Eskimo are well represented in the Ethno- logical Section by the material collected by the Peary expedition in 189 1—2. Several skin tents were broug-ht down with all their fur- nishings, even to the deer skins for bedding and the seal intestines to be used for windows. The mode of dress among this people is illustrated by several com- plete costumes for men, women and children. These garments are made of seal skin, bear skin and deer skin. There are also a num- ber of ornaments of seal skin, of ivory and of walrus tusks. A glimpse of their domestic life is shown in the children's toys, the rude musical instruments, the needle cases with thimbles of walrus tusk and deer sinew for thread, the stone lamps, and the stone, bone and wooden dishes. The occupations and means of livelihood among this people are indi- cated by sledges and dog harnesses, and canoes or kayaks with full hunting and fishing equipment. Thus by means of this collection of ethnological material, together with a number of skulls, photo- graphs and anthropological measurements, we are able to gain re;verse, first American , playing card. 426 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. much valuable information in relation to this little known people of the extreme north. The Labrador Eskimo is also represented by material collected by the Skiles Eskimo Village Company. This village, although SKIDEGATE VILLAGE, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND. carried on by concession, is classified as an exhibit in this depart- ment, and the company has kindly loaned one family of the Eskimo to be living in native fashion on the Ethnographical Grounds. Similar collections from Arctic Siberia and northern Alaska offer the same opportunity of studying these far-away regions. Among the objects which tell of the customs and costumes of the people are sinew fish nets, and seal nets, sealskin travelling bags, and rein- deer bags, and whole suits of reindeer garments — hoods, " parkas " or robes, shirts, lesfsrinsfs, socks and shoes. In the Alaskan collec- tions we find many objects which are both novel and interesting as well as descriptive of native life, such as full sets of garments, and other objects, made from fish ^kin ; the fish woman's cone-shaped hat made of a thin piece of spruce steamed and bent and held in position by threads of willow roots ; fish nets made of willow bark fibre and of reindeer sinew; the model fish traps, and the totem poles and grave poles with their strange carvings. ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. 427 Coming a little farther south we find a representation of the early period in the Dominion of Canada, in a special exhibit from the province of Ontario ; also a large collection made by the depart- ment, consisting of strange-looking idols, masks, head-dresses and numerous objects connected with the life and religious ceremonies of the natives in various parts of British Columbia. Here also is a model of the entire villaore of Skideoate, Oueen Charlotte's Island, including every house and totem pole arranged with scenic background and foreground, making a truthful representation of PART OF CLIFF DWELLERS' EXHIBIT. Copyright by H. Jay Smith Exploring Co., iSgj. this old village, so rich in ethnological significance that he who can translate the symbolic carvings on the totem poles can read the legend connected with each house. In the out-door section fourteen Indians from Vancouver Island 428 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. in their large wooden house are Hving in native fashion on the borders of South Pond and carrying on their ceremonies and dances. One of the house? from the village of Skidegate is set up on the Ethnographical Grounds; here also are two heraldic columns from Fort Simpson ; and the canoes of the Indians on the water. CLIFF DWELLERS. The so-called " Cliff Dwellers' exhibit " is classed with this depart- Ah , ■■* YUCATAN RUINS. ment. although carried on by a concession. This exhibit represents " Battle Rock," with the cliff dwellings and caves, mummies, and a museum of articles obtained by exploration. The Colorado State exhibit includes considerable material illustrative of this people, and there is a large private collection froni the same region, as well as several relief maps of the pueblos and cliff dwellings. MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. The official exhibit of M^ico affords a representation of the archseology of ancient Mexico, and includes very efft^ctive relief maps illustrating the time of Cortez, as well as two model thatched huts of more recent time. ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY. 429 The Department has also an exhibit of Mexican archaeology which comprises charts showing the recent discoveries in relation to the ancient Mexican calendar system, twenty fac-simile copies of ancient Mexican shields of brilliant colors, and photographs and objects belonging to the time of the Spanish Conquest. Costa Rica displays a large portion of the valuable archseological material which formed part of the recent Madrid Exposition. Pottery vessels of various forms, rude images, human heads and other objects carved from stone, gold and copper ornaments and a number of large paintings constitute the greater part of this- interesting exhibit. The ruined cities of Yucatan, with their massive stone structures,, symbolic sculptures and hieroglyphic inscriptions, have received especial attention. Ten thousand square feet of molds were taken by the Department expedition during fourteen months of hard labor, with serious risk and some loss of life in the almost impenetrable jungles of Yucatan. The results of this work are shown in the fac-similes erected on the Exposition Grounds. The principal sections which have been chosen as characteristic examples of the architecture and sculpture of these old ruins are "The Portal of Labna," " The Straight Arch of Uxmal," the famous facade of "The Serpent House,'' and three sections of the " House of the Nuns." Within the building are many separate pieces ^of sculptured heads and hieroglyphs belonging to the Yucatan collection, and here also are the reproductions from molds taken during the last two seasons by the Peabody Museum Honduras Expedition at Copan and Quiragua, including casts of the huge stone idols or monoliths, stone heads and bands of hieroglyphs. The famous Charnay collection of casts, and the casts of the sculptured monu- ments in Guatemala from the Berlin museum, with a collection of large photographs taken by Maudslay during his explorations in Central America, and the enlargements of the photographs taken on the several expeditions of the Peabody Museum add much to the importance of this section, which contains a more complete collection of Central American archseology than ever before avail- 430 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. able for the study of these old ruins and their unknown builders. It is hoped that some student will be able to decipher the hieroglyphs and the meaning of the sculptures found in these ancient temples or on their associated monuments, and thus be able to tell us some- thing more of the people than is yet known. One point which MUMMY FROM ANXON, PKRU, WrTH OISJKCTS FOUND WITH IT. arrests the attention is the resemblance to Asiatic art particularly noticeable in several stone heads from Copan ; and the similarity to Asiatic customs shown in artificial ornamentation of the human teeth found in very ancient graves in Yucatan and Copan. Chiriqui and Colombia are represented by loan collections of pottery of characteristic designs and many gold and silver objects taken from ancient graves. British Guiana represents her native tribes by ethnological col- lections and by a group of her native people living in thatched huts on the ethnographical grounds. Brazil exhibits her Archaeology, Ethnology and Natural History, and the Department displays the results of exploration along the western coast of South America for an area of three thousand miles. Important discoveries are ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY, 43 1 shown from the heretofore unexplored region on the Island of La Plata, and an immense amount of pottery gathered from different ^ points in Chili, Bolivia and Peru show the different shapes and styles of ornamentation which prevailed among these ancient peoples, who lived and died before the time of Cortez. One unique feature of the Peruvian exhibit is a miniature graveyard to show the method of burial at Ancon. where one hundred graves were opened and many mummies taken out, with the innumerable objects buried with them. With these mummies were found cooking utensils with fragments of food, from which we learn that these ancient peoples included in their diet corn, beans, potatoes, peanuts and dried fish. Beautifully ornamented pottery, fish nets, wooden and stone implements, work baskets furnished with needles and pins made from the spine of the cactus, pieces of fabric, musical instruments and toys all tell us of their daily life. The Indians of the interior of South America are represented by full sets of garments and pottery vessels, and the strange dried human heads prepared by the Jivaros Indians. The official exhibit from Paraguay contains an excellent collec- tion of ethnological specimens, including objects pertaining to ancient religious faiths, and specimens of native handiwork. COMPARATIVE ETHNOLOGY AND ARCHEOLOGY. In order to gain any real knowledge from the study 0/ archaeology and ethnology it is necessary that material should be collected from different parts of the world for the purpose of comparison, and for this reason the foreign exhibits are of the greatest importance. In addition to those already mentioned as corhprised on the American Continent, there are many exhibits, either official or individual, from foreiofn countries. The Royal Museum of Vienna contributes largely to this com- parative study by sending ethnological material from the South Sea islands, a series of weapons from the Sunda islands, musical instruments from India, an Austrian collection, and an African col- lection. The official exhibit from Greece consists of specimens of an- 432 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. cient Grecian art. An interesting display of the archaeology of Japan comes from the Imperial Museum of Japan, and several smalt private collections show the toys, musical instruments and house- hold utensils of that country. Ethnological specimens from China and Siam are arranged in the Folklore Section. Russia displays the ethnology of her native tribes, and a large exhibit comes from the South Sea islands. New South Wales makes a fine exhibit of large photographs, an assortment of weapons of war and the chase, and numerous articles of dress and household use from the Australasian group. Africa is represented by several private col- lections, one of which comprises arms, sceptres and other royal insignia of the Zulus on the eastern coast, and silk and feather royal mantles from the island of Madagascar. Another illustrates the Pangur tribes of the western coast, and still others contain articles from the western and central tribes. Two very valuable Egyptian collections are among the loan exhibits in this Depart- ment, and a sculptured Assyrian winged bull and winged lion guard either side of the main entrance to the Anthropological Building. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. It is useless in this short sketch to attempt even an outline of what is comprehended in the Laboratories of Physical Anthropology and the allied sciences of Psychology and Neurology, but it may be interesting to touch upon a few points in this section. A complete set of apparatus used in research in these sciences- is exhibited in the laboratories, and the methods of investigation are practically illustrated. The physical characteristics of the races,, and particularly of the North American Indians, are shown in the charts and diagrams prepared as the result of original investiga- tion by the department, and also in a series of skulls and skeletons and models. Among the many interesting deductions to be drawn from these charts are those relating to the stature and head indices of the tribes. It is ascertained, for instance, that the tallest peoples are to be found east of the mountains; and that the shortest are the Eskimo, the tribes of the Eraser river, and the Zuni and Moki ; also that in the mountainous regions the stature is generally short. ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY. 433 In regard to the head indices it has been possible to arrive at certain conclusions which are shown by the diagrams. A large number of universities both in this country and abroad have contributed to this section. The exhibit of the Hemenway Gymnasium of Harvard University includes, in addition to a complete set of anthropometric apparatus, the statues of the typical man and woman which have been made from a series of measure- ments and photographs. One important exhibit in this section is that bearing on the physical characteristics and mental and physical development of school-children in America. Charts have been prepared from observations on the measurements of 90,000 children of both sexes, including Italian, Japanese, Swedish, German, Irish and American. One series of these charts shows the results of investigation on the relation of social status to growth in stature and weight of boys, computed from material obtained by Roberts in England, Bowditch in Boston and Key in Sweden. In each of these cases the results show in favor of the higher classes. Another series shows the results obtained from measurements on over 7,000 school-children in Toronto, with the special purpose of investigating the relation of mental ability to physical stature and weight, the result in this case showing in favor of the scholar of inferior ability. The laboratory which is devoted to Psychology will practically illustrate the study of mental phenomena. The apparatus, methods and results of research in this science are to be seen in the labora- tory. Tests are shown of accuracy of movement; sensation of touch ; eyesight in relation to light, color and form ; visual judgment and distinction; rapidity, accuracy and compass of perception; memory, attention ; and many others of similar character. These psychological tests as well as the anthropological measure- ments are practically applied in the laboratories. The laboratory of Neurology contains exhibits illustrating the apparatus, methods and results of study on the nervous system and brain of man. Included in this section and showing the o-eneral character of the exhibits are specimens of the central nervous system, and the parts into which the brain may be divided ; methods 28 434 ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHEOLOGY. of recording the weight of the brain and the locaHty of diseases m it ; the anatomy of the brain seen by the naked eye and also by the microscope ; casts of dissected brains ; photographs of a cross section of a nerve ; and fifty plaster casts of the interior of the cranium of men and animals. In connection with this series of laboratories is a library of general anthropology, including the current serial publications on this subject. On the walls are plans and photographs of the principal anthro- pological laboratories, and near by are those of the leading ethno- logical and archaeological museums. HISTORY. History forms an appropriate adjunct to prehistoric study, but owing to the fact that nearly all the States have placed their historical collections in their State buildings there is only a small section devoted to history. The State of Ohio makes a display of its pioneer days ; there is a collection of French and German fire- arms, and among the individual exhibits the division devoted to stamps, coins and medals is the most popular. NATURAL HISTORY. As natural history finds no other appropriate place it is arranged in one section on the gallery of the Anthropological Building, and as the various branches of anthropology furnish material for the study of mankind, so, in like manner, this immense natural history museum affords an opportunity for studying the animal kingdom, from the sponges all the way up the scale of animal life. From away back in the past ages the ichthyosaurus, the mammoth and the mastodon have come to join this motley assembly and teach us something of life in geologic ages. The birds and mammals native to the different portions of North America are represented by dis- plays from Canada and from the States of New York, Maine, Penn- sylvania, Ohio and Missouri, and by several important private collections. The land and fresh water shells of New York, the insects of Colorado, collections of birds' eggs and birds' nests, and the butterflies of all parts of the world are included in this section. From this outline sketch of Department M, known as that of ETHNOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY. 435 Ethnology, in the World's Columbian Exposition, it is evident that the amount of scientific material brought together from all parts of the world affords a broad field for the study of man and his surround- ings, from the earliest times to the present day ; and it will undoubt- edly awaken a new interest in the problems relating to the origin of man and to his distribution over the earth ; while the science of Anthropology in all its branches can but receive an impetus from this comprehensive exhibit. INTRODUCTION TO WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. By Mrs. Potter Palmer. ORIGIN AND PURPOSES OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. The respect wherein the World's Fair of 1893 most markedly differs from all previous Expositions is the participation of women in its management. The principal features of all similar enterprises are necessarily the same, the striking superiority of the Columbian Exposition consisting chiefly in the unprecedented beauty and mag- nitude of its site, and the advantage accruing from the progress in industry, science and art. The one essential point of vantage possessed by the present World's Fair has indeed been from the beginning the prominence of women in the making of it. Not merely as contributors to the marvelous display of genius and skill in its many grand divisions, but as a recognized executive factor, invested by Congress with full authority and ample funds. Nor does the material exhibit, eloquent as it is, so luminously represent the great advance of modern thought as does the fact that man's "silent partner'*^ has been in- vited by the government to leave her retirement to assist in con- ducting a great international enterprise. Official representation for women upon so important an occasion is unprecedented. In fact no such body as The Board of Lady Managers had ever existed before, and it seems peculiarly appropriate that this honor should have been accorded women when celebrating the great deeds of Columbus, who, inspired though his visions may have been, yet re- quired the aid of an Isabella to transform them into realities. From its organization the Board has fully realized the seriousnes's of the responsibility resting upon it, and its earnestness at once met (437) 438 INTRODUCTION TO WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. with helpful response. The Directory of the Exposition took the initiative in making an appropriation for the Woman's Building, and HlfiE AND SEEK. Sculptural Group in front of Woman'' s Building. in allowing the Board to call attention to the recent work of women in new fields and to stimulate to greater efforts by selecting from INTRODUCTION TO WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. 439 their own sex the architect, decorators, sculptors and painters to create both the buildinor and its adornments. Then the National Commission vied with the Directory in generosity by placing in the hands of the Lady jNIanagers all the interests of women in connec- tion with the Exposition as well as the entire control of the Woman's Building. ITS METHODS Sustained by such support the Board embarked upon its hercu- lean enterprise without a precedent to guide it. The influence of this national body of representative women soon made itself felt throughout the leno-th and breadth of our oreat country. Through its agency, women in almost every county of every State and Territory were made members of World's Fair Committees, and thus enlisted in work for the Exposition. Inspired by this success at home, the Lady Managers then had the courage to attempt the establishment of co-operation with the women of foreign countries. The Board officially invited all foreign govern- ments participating in the Exposition to appoint committees of women to co-operate with it. This effort was greatly aided by the active assistance given by the Department of State, and the response was eminently gratifying. The result is even more so, and can only be justly estimated by observation of the exhibits by women of other countries throughout the Exposition, and particularly in the Woman's Building. Spain, France, England, Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Japan, Siam, Algeria, Cape Colony, Ceylon, Brazil, Argentine Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Venezuela are all represented in the Woman's Building and the committees of all these countries are composed of their most influential and intellectual women. The enthusiasm aroused by the efforts of the Board in Europe was ex- traordinary. It pervaded all ranks, from the throne to the work- shop. In several countries the reigning sovereign became person ally the head of the Women's World's Fair Committee. Her Majesty Queen Marguerite of Italy has been especially interested, as has also the Queen of the Belgians and the progressive Empress of Japan. Her Majesty the Queen of Siam ha«s sent a special 440 INTRODUCTION TO WOMAN S DEPARTMENT. delegate with directions that she put herself under our leadership in order to learn what educational and industrial advantag-es are open to women in other countries, so that Siam may adopt such measures as will elevate the condition of her women. Many similar instances mieht be enumerated showino- the influence of women exerted upon the whole civilized world through the Columbian Exposition. Is it any idle boasting then to say that no organization comparable to this has ever before existed among women ? It is official ; acting under government authority and sustained by govern- ment funds. It is so far reachino- that it encircles the o;lobe. ITS ACHIEVEMENTS. The admirable purpose expressed by the Queen of Siam very aptly describes the general outcom.e of women's work for the World's Fair. Through the agency of National and local boards, such evidences of woman's skill in the various industries, professions and arts have been brought together as must convince the world that abil- ity is not a matter of sex. In making this statement the Board dis- claims any disposition to place an extravagant or sentimental value upon the work of women because of their sex. On the contrary there is entire willingness to admit the sup.eriority of men's achieve- ments along the lines which have lain for centuries almost wholly in their hands, and who have been carefully trained to meet the responsibilities devolving upon them. It was in consequence of the vivid realization of this that the Board has with ceaseless vigil- ance endeavored to secure for women the opportunity to show what they also could do, if given the opening. In no other way might woman ever hope to receive the proper recompense for her services than by actual demonstration that in industry, the professions, the sciences and arts, discrimination upon the score of sex was solely the result of mutable conditions. Those conditions, the Board de- voutly hopes, will have been greatly altered by the close of the Exposition. The influence of,4:he Board has been efficient in the advantageous installation of exhibits by women, and it has stood as a firm defender of their rights between them and giant manufactories, with means and power, clamoring for every foot of space. INTRODUCTION TO WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. 441 The provision of the Act of Congress that the Board of Lady Managers appoint a jury of her peers to pass judgment upon woman's work was the most significant feature of the innovation of the Board's creation, for never before had it been thought necessary to apply this fundamental principle of justice to our sex. The unusual privilege has been duly valued by the Board, and will be exerted to the utmost in the interests of women. And in the same DECORATION OF WOMAX'S BUILDING. connection may be mentioned an additional privilege, secured through the application of the Board to Congress. This is the bestowal upon women artisans of duplicate awards. There is no precedent for this. Up to the present time, at all former exposi- tions, the great firms supplying the materials from which exhibits were made had received the reward; and the humble worker, whose intelligence and skill had fashioned the beautiful or useful thing, remained unrecognized. It is the highly esteemed pleasure of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Expo- 442 INTRODUCTION TO WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. sitlon to correct this inequality. Owing to their precaution in obtaining permission to incorporate in exhibitors' blanks an inquiry as to the proportion of women's work entering into all exhibits they are prepared to ask the name and address of all women whose handiwork wins a prize. The bestowal of these duplicate awards will not only encourage many women bowed under the burden of labor but will be of distinct and very considerable commercial value. The instances given sufficiently indicate the material benefit accruing to women from the World's Fair, but there will be even a more lastinof and valuable result from the interchano-e of the best thought of the Century between the leading women of all nations^ who are now for the first time workino- tog'ether with a common purpose and an established means of communication. Government recognition has bestowed upon these committees of women an official dignity ; their work has been magnificently successful, and the reports made of existing conditions among women will become incorporated as valuable public documents among the archives of all countries. n> -^ '-^ " - ' -- ^ N no previous Exposition has the work of woman been given such entire rec- ognition as in this. For the first time a great body of representative women has shared m the official conduct of such an institution. Almost every woman in the land feels per- sonal interest and pride in the work which has been done. First in importance of all this work is the beautiful structure which houses those features included in the Woman's Department. From beginning to end the Woman's Building, and everything contained in it, has been under the manage- ment and design of women. The section of the act of Congress creat- ing the World's Columbian Commission required that body to appoint a Board of Lady Managers, and this was done by appoint- ing two ladies from each State and Territory, eight lady managers at laree, and nine others from Chicago. There has been much un- favorable comment upon the somewhat ridiculous titl^e of the board, and with justice, but the fault is not with the women. Its member- ship comprises as many representative workers in the active indus- tries of the country as if it were composed of men. There are doc- tors, lawyers, merchants, farmers and many others of equal activity in the business world among the members. Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, is the President of the Board, and the tact and great ex- ecutive ability which she has displayed, although entering this public life from the domain of a rich and prominent society woman, has made her justly celebrated. These women, who are also commis- sioners, are proud of the fact that they are the first feminine (44.^) 444 woman's department. officials ever commissioned by Congress. It is said diat diere was never before a building set apart at a World's Exposition for the display of woman's work exclusively. When the time came to prepare for the construction of the MRS. POTTER PALMER. Woman's Building, a large prize was offered to. be awarded for the successful design in competition. Fourteen women. architects, not one of them more than twenty-five years of age, submitted designs for the structure to the scrutiny of the Board of Architects of the woman's department. 445 Exposition, and that of Miss Sophia G. Hayden, of Boston, was accepted. It is true that not all of the women interested in the Woman's Department concur in the choice of the architects, never- theless the building- has been the subject of very general admiration. The same architect also executed the design. BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. I. Mrs. iM. R. M. V>^allace. 3. Mrs. Potter Palmer. 4. Mrs. Myra Bradwell. 6. Mrs. Susan G. Cook. _,. 7. Mrs. j. S. Lewis. 8. Mrs. J. A. Mulligari 2. Mrs. Matilda B. Carse. 5. Dr. 5"rances Dickinson. The building measures 388x199 feet, and its cost was nearly ^150,000. The building is situated north of the Horticultural Build- ing, and near the opening into the grounds fro'm the Midway Plaisance. Its east front faces the Lagoon, wliich here opens out into a broad bay and forms a beautiful waterscape. From the cen- ter of this bay a grand landing and staircase give>access to a terrace six feet above the water; crossing: this terrace and ascendino- other staircases, one reaches the ground four feet above, on which, about 100 feet back, the building is situated. The first terrace is designed in artistic flower-beds and low shrubs. The style of the building is Italian renaissance. The first story is raised about 10 feet from the ground line, and a wide staircase leads to the centre pavilion^ 446 woman's department. This pavilion, forming- the main triple-arch entrance, with an open ■colonnade in the second story, is finished with a low pediment en- riched with a highly elaborate bas-relief. The corner pavilions have each an open colonnade above the main cornice. Here are located the " Hanging Gardens." Entering the building one finds himself in a lobby, forty feet wide, which leads into the open rotunda, 'jo x 65 feet. This reaches through the height of the building, and is pro- tected by a richly ornamented skylight. The rotunda is surrounded by a two-story open arcade. This arcade is delicate and chaste in design, and gives a thoroughly Italian court-yard effect. On the MGURES IN WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT, ILLINOIS STATE BUILDING. Designed by Julia M. Bracken. first floor is located a model hospital and a model kindergarten. The whole floor of the south pavilion is devoted to the retrospective exhibit, and the one on the north to reform work and charity organ- ization. The curtain opposite the main front contains the library, bureau of information, records, etc. In the second story are located ladies' parlors, committee-rooms and dressing-rooms, all leading to the open balcon)^ in front. The whole second floor of the north pavilion encloses the great assembly-room and club-room ; the first of these is provided with an elevated stage for the accom- modation of speakers. The south pavilion contains the model WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT. 447 kitchen, refreshment-rooms, reception-rooms and other home-Hke arrangements. There were more than a dozen competitors for the sculpture work of this building, and Miss Alice M. Rideout, of San Francisco, was successful in winning the prize. There are three divisions of this work. One is a group of figures in high-relief, which fills the ped- iment over the main entrance to the Woman's Building. This ped- iment is 45 feet long at the base line and 7 feet high at the centre. In addition to the pediment there are two groups of statuary above the attic cornice, and these consist of central winged figures, 10 feet high, supported by smaller sitting figures. They are typical of woman and woman's work in history, . The beautiful group illus- trative of " Woman's Virtues " includes figures representing '' Sacrifice," " Chanty," " Maternity," and "Love." Other beautiful groups are : "Woman as the Spirit of Civilization," and "Woman's Place in History." A great portion of the material for finishing the interior of the building was contributed by women of various parts of the world. Fine woods and marbles, with such other materials as could be util- ized, were offered and accepted in profusion. The decorations of this building were all planned and executed by women, with the exception of the mere manual labor of placing '!/.;>,„,. A//' &,/fii'/,""'fMr. CHILDREN S BUILDING. 448 woman's department. the staff upon its exterior, and the plaster and canvases for the painting, etc., upon the interior. At the end of the gallery of honor are two mural paintings, each fourteen feet wide by fifty-eight feet long. Miss Cassat is the artist of one, representing " Modern Wo- men," and Mrs. MacMonnies of the other, representing " Primitive Women." On each side are two panel paintings, also by women artists, and of decided merit. Those on the south side represent a group of Puri- tan maidens, paint- ed by Mrs. Sher- wood, and her sister, Miss Em- mett, while those on the north side are the work of Mrs. Fairchild and Mrs. Sewell. The drapings between the panels and end paintings are of gold-colored cloth, form in o- an effec- tive backofround for the canvases. A broad gfold frieze surrounds the o-al- lery, and on the panels between the arches are in- scribed the names of famous women. The library ceil- Dora Wheeler Keith, the central A CORNER IN THE WBRARY — WOMAN'S BUIIvDING, ing was decorated by Mrs group consisting of two male figures and one female figure, representing Science, Romance and Imagination. The four cor- ner paintings illustrate four departments of literature, while the woman's department. 449 whole design is connected by a band of small winged cupids and cherubs, twining garlanded wreaths of flowers with the flowering draperies. In this room are bocks by the women authors of the world, and autographs, on screens, of many of the most famous PART OF FE.ENCH EXHIBIT. women. On each side of the doorways are canvas panels, 5 by 9 feet, bearing figures representing the occupations of women. Many foreign countries are represented in this building, while women's industries are exploited in full. In the southwest corner of the first floor is the French exhibit, which contains much of in- terest, and adjoining it are the displays of Mexico and Italy. Ger- many is in the southeast corner, and near is the display of Ceylon. The same curiously carved pillars of beautiful wood are seen here which characterize the exhibit of this island in other departments. Spain occupies a prominent place in the south end of the building, 29 450 woman's department. with a staff pavilion of Moorish design. In the collection is the sword of Her Majesty Isabella of Spain, the patron of Columbus. It has been preserved in the Royal Armory at Madrid, and, together with a portrait of Isabella and some jewels which belong to her, occupies the place of honor in the Spanish women's exhibit. Ad- joining Spain are exhibits from the Cape of Good Hope, Siberia, Siam, Norway and Sweden. The Japanese exhibit, which is also located in this section, contains vases, screens, etc., all made by women. Sections devoted to Austria, Belgium, India and Brazil complete the southern end of the building. t--^' SPANISH SECTION. Passing northward through a corridor one enters the main rotunda of the structure, where is displayed a loan exhibition of paintings and statuary. On the west wall of the rotunda are the following, among other fine paintings : " Female Portrait," by A. E. Klumpke ; " Female Figure," by Enilda Q. Loomis ; " Oriental Female Figure," by K. A. Carl ; and "Children Blowing Bubbles," by the same artist; "Female Figure," by M. H. Carlisle; "Eury- dice Sinking Back to Hades," by H. Roe ; and an "Army Scene " and " Female Figure," by Louise Jopling, On the east side are woman's department. 451 the following : " Marine View," by Elodie Lavilette ; a " Female Figure," by Louise Addema ; "Flowers," by Jenny Villebesseyx ; "Girl and Boat," by Euphemie Murciton ; "Music," by Maxi- milienne Guyon, and "An Interior," by I. Buchet. Ascending the staircase at the southeast corner, one finds at the ROTUNDA OF woman's BUILDING. entresol landing a case of dressed dolls, and at the head of the staircase are the board rooms. In these are many portraits and some other paintings. A neighboring door admits one to the Australian section, where the antipodean women make a fine dis- play. In the American section are American female college exhibits, among which are represented Smith, Vassar, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Laselle and others. On the west side of this gallery floor are three rooms, the centre one a finely decorated library already mentioned. The furnishing of this room was assigned to the State of New York. In the northwest corner are the cooking school exhibits, and next on the right a fine assembly room. Here is 452 woman's department. a beautiful set of benches, desks, tables, etc., sent from Mobile, Ala, There are also some fine portraits displayed. On the east side, as one goes toward the southern end of the building-, are the Japanese rooms, d e c o - rated with bam- boo screens and panels. The ceiling- is also finely de- corated. Th e rooms of Cali- fornia, Cincin- nati, Kentucky and Connecti- cut come next, all handsomely decorated. O w i n or to the large num- ber of displays, it is impossible to mention more than a few of them. Cincinnati makes a strong s h o w i n or in paintings and ceramics, such artists as Miss Low, Miss McLaughlin, Miss Guysi, and others being represented. Mrs. Plympton and Mrs. Stover, in ceramics, and Mrs. Valentine and Miss Fry in sculpture, show marked ability. Mrs. Anna F. Cameron, of Nebraska, is the artist of the handsome Electrolier. England's women artists have a splendid WOOD CARVING. — Exhibited by Mrs. M. E. Tarrant. woman's department. 453 collection of their works. There are stained glass windows by several artists, including Miss Sears, ot Boston. The exhibits by the women of foreign nations consist of laces, embroideries, oil-paintings, water-colors, carvings, books, etc. Each country, however, has its peculiarities, as, for instance, Mexi- can women contribute fine feather works and similar fabrics ; the women of Fayal send delicate needlework on silk and linen ; the French display embroideries, raised work, and similar decorations; A CORNER OF THE ORGANIZATION ROOM. the Armenian Christian women unique but ex\:eedingly fine work, and Turkish women exquisite embroidery. In addition to the rooms we have named on the ground floor, in the north end are the sections devoted to England, Russia, Austra- lia, Ireland and Scotland. There is a stained-glass exhibit, a dress- makers' exhibit, a corn palace, a collection of paper flowers, an 454 woman's department. educational room, rooms for the display of inventions and discov- eries, and the Smithsonian Indian and African rooms. The main parlor on the east was decorated and furnished by the women of Cincinnati. The assembly room, at the north end of the gallery, is the favorite meeting- place of women throughout the Exposition. Here are given instructive talks by noted women, the daily lectures in- cluding subjects embracing philanthropy, literature, domes- tic science, and indeed every topic in which women are inter- ested and which is illustrated in the Exposition. • The association room at the opposite end of the gallery is the headquarters of the strong- est and most influential or- ganizations of women. The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union and other noted bodies have locations here. The loan collection in the main gallery includes the priceless laces of Oueen Maroruerite of Italy, which were permitted to come to the Fair as a mark of special favor to the Board of Lady Managers. They had never before left Italy. In various parts of the Woman's Building are booths and rooms for the sale of articles produced by women, either of utility or beauty. They include fabrics, books and other souvenirs. The organization of the Board of Lady Managers was excellently chosen, and the officials of the board, from the day of their elec- bust of mrs. potter pai,mbr — woman's building. woman's department. 455 tion, have been active in everything that would promote the interest of the Exposition, of women and of their own display. Their presi- dent, whose contribution to this record of the Exposition precedes this chapter, has used every means in her power and the great opportunities given her to do this work. She is also the president of the Woman's Branch of the World's Congress Auxiliary, and with social duties in the hours of pleasure, and professional duties for the Exposition in hours of business, her time has been indeed occupied. Her beautiful home has offered constant hospitality to prominent guests of the Fair, including the Duke and Duchess of Veragua, and the Infanta Eulalia, with their suites, as well as many others. She has won fame and favor from the women of our country, as well as friendship and admiration. iE exhibits made at the Exposition by the United States Government are of an exceedingly varied character, and they include several different structures in addition to the one which is known as the United States Govern- ment Building. This building, however, is the focussing point of the exhibit and should have the first attention. It meas- ures 415 X 345 feet, and cost more than ^400,000. It is situated exactly between the buildings for Fisheries and for Manufactures, facinof the Laeoon toward the west and Lake Michio-an toward the east. Between the building and the Lake is that great open lawn known as the Government Plaza — the largest area available for drills contained within the Exposition grounds. The building is classic in style, and bears a strong resemblance to the National Museum and other ofovernment buildino-s at Washinsfton. It is constructed of iron and glass. The leading architectural feature is an imposing central dome, 120 feet in diameter and 150 feet high, the floor of which is kept free from exhibits. Toward the north, a bridge over the Lagoon connects it with the' Fisheries Building, which in its nature is semi-governmental in character. The south half of the Government Building is devoted to the exhibits of the Post Office Department, Treasury Department, War Department and Department of Agriculture. The north half is devoted to the exhibits of the Fisheries Commission, Smithsonian Institution and (457) 458 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Interior Department. The State Department exhibit extends from the rotunda to the east end, and that of the Department of Justice from the rotunda to the west end of the building. The second of the great structures erected by the United States Government, and one which to many is of far greater interest than almost anything else on the grounds, is the model Battle-ship for the exhibit of the United States Naval Department. This is a structure which, to all outward appearances, is a faithful, full-sized model of one of the new coast-line battle-ships. It is erected on UNITED STATES BATTI.E-SHIP. piling, on the lake front, in the northeast portion of Jackson Park, near the Government Building. Water surrounds the iron-clad sides of brick, and the structure has every appearance of being moored to a wharf. Upon its decks are all the fittings that belong to the actual ship, such as guns, turrets, torpedo tubes, with boats, anchors, cables, awnings, etc. Officers, seamen, mechanics and ma- rines are detailed by the Navy Department during the Exposition, and the discipline and mode of life on our naval vessels are com- pletely shown. The crew gjves certain drills, especially boat, torpedo and gun drills, as in a vessel of war. The dimensions of the structure are the same as those of the actual battle-ship of which it is a model ; 348 feet in length, 69 feet and 3 inches width o § a > d 460 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. amidships, and from the water Hne to the top of the main deck, 1 2 feet. Centrally placed on this deck is a superstructure 8 feet high, with a hammock berthing on the same 7 feet high, and above these are the bridge, chart house and the boats. At the forward end of the superstructure there is a cone-shaped tower called the "military mast," near the top of which are placed two circular " tops " as receptacles for sharpshooters. Rapid-firing guns are mounted in each of these " tops." The height from the water line to the summit of this "military mast" is 76 feet, and above is placed a flag-staff for signalUng. The battery mounted comprises four 13-inch breech-loading rifle cannon; eight 8-inch breech-loading rifle cannon; four 6-inch breech-loading rifle cannon ; twenty 6-pounder rapid- firing guns; six i-pounder rapid-firing guns; two Catling guns, and six torpedo tubes or torpedo guns. All of these are placed and mounted respectively as in a genuine battle-ship. On the star- board side of the ship is shown the torpedo protection net, stretch- inof the entire lenofth of the vessel. Steam launches and cutters ride at the booms, and all the outward appearance of a real ship of war is imitated. Re turnings now to the main structure devoted to exhibits of the United States Covernment, we find material worthy of examination in the decorations of the dome. Around the interior of the dome runs a frieze composed of cupids bearing grain, fruits, flowers, etc., emblematic of the productions of the country. On the ground floor are panels adorned with national trophies, and on the gallery floor are eight panels representing the leading industries of the North, South, East and West, and the various industries of each section. The North is represented by " Commerce, " the West by " Agriculture," th'e South by "Cotton and Fruits," and the East by "Art and Science." Of the other four panels, one represents tapestry work, one wood and stone work, one ceramic work, and one metal work. Over the south door is a painting representing the cave-dwellers ; over the north, one typifying the triumphs of liberty ; over the east, a birds-eye view of Chicago in 1 893 ; and over the west, Chicago in 1492. Outside the building, over the east and west entrances, are UNITED STATES GOVERNINIENT. 461 two pieces of statuary called the "Liberty Groups," by A. Waagen, and huge bronze eagles surmount the pediments of all the entrances. While it is true that the architectural beauty of this structure wins little favor, and is thought by some to be a minus quantity, yet it can- not be denied that it is thoroughly w^ell adapted to the purposes for which it is intended. And it is also true that if a vote were taken bv all visitors as to which building of the Fair contains the most interesting exhibits, this one would not fall far behind in the contest. Every great department of the United States Government has here V. S. ARMY HOSPITAL. objects of immense interest to all, and there is lit-tle that is not worthy of attention. The War Department occupies the southeast corner of the building, and its exhibits are classified in sections as fol- lows : Signal Bureau ; engineer section ; ordnance section ; gun-mak- ing machines ; cartridge and stock-making machines, and relics of interest. Here is one of the most interesting dis^plays ever gathered of weapons of every kind. Our big guns, such as the new breech- loading mortars and huge rifled cannon, t,;^ 1-2 feet in length, attract great crowds. They do not compare with the big Krupp gun, though they excel in rapid firing, the largest being loaded and fired every two minutes. One of the mortars is ten feet in length 462 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. and has a twelve-inch bore. Its projectile weighs 630 pounds, and its range is seven miles. The largest of the cannon weighs 116,000 pounds, and requires a charge of 460 pounds of powder to fire its 1000-pound projectile. Its effective range is ten miles, and every time it is fired it costs the Government ^1,000. The smaller arms used in war, such as rifles, revolvers, sabres, bayonets, etc., make an interesting display, and the old discarded patterns which were used in our early warfare are quite unique. There are dummies dress- ed to display the uniforms of the army from its first organization to the present time, including the uniforms of all ranks, from privates to generals. Figures of mules and horses harnessed to wagons, ambulances and field pieces may be seen ; but the chief display in this line is the group composed of Major-General Scofield and staff, in o-orofeous uniforms. Historic battle-flags, and a complete outfit of every species of standard used by the government, are exhibited, as well as camp and garrison equipage and furniture, tools, band instru- ments, etc. An old forage wagon, originally with the army of the Potomac, which has travelled many thousands of miles, is a strik- ing feature of the War Department exhibit. There are shown cannons captured from the British and the Mexicans, some of them very quaint and old-fashioned." The same department includes an exhibit of veterinary articles, displaying skulls, bones, etc., indicating various diseases to which the horse and mule are subject. The Departments of State and Justice occupy but little space, DOME OP GOVERNMENT BUILDING, SHOWING CAI.IFORNIA REDWOOD TREE. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 463 although what they do show is of most interesting character. There are portraits of all the chief-justices of the Supreme Court, including Marshall, Taney, Ellsworth and their successors, to the present day. All the attorney-generals also appear. There is a large chart show- ing in different colors all of the United States judicial districts. There are treaties and other important documents in the State Department exhibit. A photograph copy of the Declaration of Independence is the great centre of attraction. The northeast corner of the building is occupied by the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Its exhibits include sections devoted to the dis- play of vegetable fibres, tobacco, silk, cotton, tea and wool ; the divi- sion of ornithology and mammalogy; cereals; the bureau of animal industry ; the forestry division ; the division of microscopy ; vegetable pathology ; pomology ; botany and chemistry. There is a beautiful collection of tree stumps, one of edible and poisonous fungi, and one of predatory animals stuffed. There are wax reproductions of plants, berries, and harmful and useful insects. A room in the corner of the building contains cases and portfolios of botanical specimens and photographs and other illustrations. The great dome of the building covers what will be to many visitors the greatest curiosity of the Exposition. This is a portion of one of California's giant redwood trees, which is situated exactly in the centre of the rotunda. The section is thirty feet tall and twenty-three feet in diameter. This portion of the tree had to be cut into three pieces before it could be handled. Two of these are each fourteen feet long, and the other one but two Jeet. The two long sections were hollowed out, and the spiral staircase runs from the bottom of the lower to the top of the upper one, the two being separated by the short section which forms a floor between them. Before the tree from which these sections were taken was cut it was nearly four hundred feet in height. ^ The rotunda itself, in which the tree stands, is a beautiful creation of the architect's and painter's art. There are eight entrances to it through high arches upheld by groups of pillars on each side. These pillars are of steel, but are colored to represent vases of chocolate marble streaked with white, from which rise tall fluted \y 464 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. shafts of malachite marble topped with gilded capitals. Each arch entrance looking inward from the second floor has a balustrade of ornamental iron work. The dome is colored a pale blue, and upon the panels ornamenting its sides are beautiful figures representing the arts and sciences. The general tone of the interior of the dome is light brown with a tracing of gold arabesques and other figures. The centre of the north side of the building is occupied with the exhibits of fishing appliances shown by the United States Fish Com- mission. Suspended from the gallery is an Alaskan war canoe hollowed out of a solid tree trunk and painted with barbaric designs in red, black and white. The model is a fine one, and exhibits for the constructors a hiofh deofree of skill in marine matters, and its decorations, while they evidence the savage, yet show considerable artistic taste. At the prow, looking inward, is a carved figure to represent some deity of fishing or navigation, and at the stern, looking outward, is another. The latter has a frog's body with a wolfish sort of head, and is repulsive enough to frighten any enemy who might be in pursuit. At various other points around this por- tion of the gallery canoes are hung, showing all differences of type, from the ordinary one to one of walrus hide stretched on a wooden frame, and presenting a curious similarity to a structure of thin bone. Rising from the highest central point of the gallery is a representation of a ship's top-mast, with a lookout holding a spy- glass and standing in the rigging. This is to represent the manner of watchinor for whales in the whale fisheries of the north. To the right of this figure a bowsprit projects from the gallery, and at its extreme end stands a sailor ready to cast a harpoon. To the left, the bow of a whale boat seems startingf from the ^allerv, another dummy, dressed as a harpooner, aiming his lance for a death thrust. The first thing one meets in the fisheries exhibit is a representa- tion of contrast of a kind familiar to all fishermen. First there is a fancifully equipped angler, armed with an elegant split bamboo rod, a reel, a landing net, a fly book, a creel, and all other modern appli- ances for expert fishing. He is wading along in a trout stream. A little farther on is a barefooted negro resting against the stump UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 465 of a tree, a common willow pole in his hands, to which is tied a cotton fishing line with a pin-hook on it. The darkey's head is thrown back and he is fast asleep, evidently enjoying the heat of the broiling summer sun. It is a frequent remark by those who see these dummies that in real life it would be safe to bet that the first one would buy all the fish he got, from the second. Rods, reels, boats, oars, lines and hooks of every sort and from every clime are here displayed. Every species of artificial bait is represented, from the mother-of-pearl and walrus ivory minnows, of the Alaskan Indians, to those made of feathers, gum and metals by their more civilized brothers. In the line of hooks, the carved wood halibut hooks of the Alaskans are the most curious. Each hook bears the imagre of a fetich. The colored plates of every variety of our food fishes are very fine and true to life. There are photographs of fish, rivers and fishing scenes, and along the cornice to the south of this display are representations of seal rookeries. The seals on the beach being driven inland are shown, as well as their killing, and finally their skinning. There are photographs of stranded whales, of the cleaning, washing and drying of sardines, stuffed water-fowl of all kinds, a fully equipped whale boat that has been in actual service, and casts of all kinds and sizes, of fish, herrings, mackerel, halibut, flounders, narwhals, sharks, porpoises, etc. All of these dummies are made of a composition of glue, glycerine and another ingredient which is secret. They are much more lifelike than wax or plaster, resembling the texture of human flesh, not only in looks, but in feel- ing and elasticity. The fish are perfect reproductions, even the changing hues of the live ones being represented. In the same exhibit is an Alaskan bear, trap. It is composed of a piece of whalebone about sixteen inches long, sharpened at each end, folded four times and tied together with sinews. These are wrapped in fat and placed where the bear will find them. They are eaten greedily ; the gastric juice of the bear's stomach dissolves the sinews and the whalebone straightens out, piercing the viscera of the bear and killinpf him. In one section is a row of oflass cases showing: the 30 466 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. different kinds of rigs of every fishing boat used ; also boats with wax dummies showing the various methods of fishing. The northwest corner of the building is occupied by the Depart- ment of the Interior, including spaces devoted to exhibits of the patent office, geological survey, census office, land office, and bureau of education. In the patent office, models of numerous inventions are shown, chiefly interesting from the comparative exhibit of the first crude invention, and every intervening link between it and the latest improved model. Thus the old-fashioned spinning wheel with its single spindle iS shown at one end of the line, at the other end of which is the power spinning jenny with its one thousand spindles, all in motion at the same time. Along the south wall of this display is the most interesting of the exhibit, con- sisting of cases of fire-arms, from the old-fashioned flint lock muzzle loader to the latest patented repeating rifles. The geological survey exhibits include displays of relief maps showing sections of the country, with rivers, lakes, elevations of mountains, etc., all true to scale. The centre piece is a connected and mounted skeleton of the dinoceras, a prehistoric animal which partook of the nature of the mammoth and the hippopotamus. There are framed glass transparencies upon which are colored pictures of the mountain and canon scenery of the far West, Cases of geological specimens contain beautiful masses of colored stones and jewels, some of great rarity. Next south of the Department of the Interior comes the Post- Office Department, an exhibit which appeals to every one, so closely are its interests connected with our daily life. In the extreme southwest corner of the building a large space is devoted to a model post-office, which is in active operation as a branch of the Chicago post-office and serves the entire Fair grounds with mail. This is no small undertaking when it is remembered that the exhibitors, officials and employees number many thousand. Adjoin- ing the model post-office is a full-sized modern postal car showing all the methods of railway service, including clerks working with the most improved appliances. In addition to the mail car there are shown all other means of mail transportation. These include UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 467 paintings of mailing scenes, models of river, lake and ocean steamers, old-fashioned stage coaches with mail boots, wagons for transport- ing mail from post-offices to trains, etc. Among the dummies in this division are represented a city carrier, a railway mail service man, a horseback carrier in Western costume, a mountain carrier equipped with snowshoes and a dog sledge and team. It is a great surprise to most people to find that Uncle Sam employs so many varied means of transporting the missives which are committed to his care. One drops in a letter-box an envelope bearing a two- cent stamp and thinks no more about it until an answer returns to him. Yet thousands of men, and immense wealth share the task of providing this perfect service. The Treasury Department has a Mint exhibit, showing a collec- tion of all the coins ever issued by the United States Government, including proof coins, dies, designs and appliances of various kinds. The Internal Revenue exhibit is also included in the space devoted to this department. The Treasury Department also shows an interesting display from the offices of the bureau of engraving and printing. The Smithsonian Institution occupies the centre of the south end of the building. It is particularly delightful to all lovers of birds and beasts. It seems as if one could find here every species of bird and animal, familiar or rare. Most of them are mounted in a way so natural as almost to deceive one, and there are, many figures and groups of artistic character. There are also many displays accessory to those contained in the ethnological depaYtment, which is described elsewhere by Prof Putnam. Life-size dummies of Indians of various tribes clothed in their peculiar costumes, and bearing pipes of curious and handsome design, are an attractive feature. The most interesting are those of the Navajos, wrapped in their hand-woven blankets, the most artistic and durable fabrics woven by any savage race. Some of these are held at great price, and they are at all times difficult to obtain. We must not forget the space devoted to the signal bureau, which was mentioned but not described in the account of the War Department exhibits. It is one of the most entertaining of all in 468 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. the building. There is a panoramic scene which represents a notable event in the history of exploration. It reproduces faithfully to detail the return of the explorers who have reached the most northerly point ever attained by man. Figures representing Lock- wood and Brainerd are shown, dressed in their heavy Arctic gar- ments, meeting and being welcomed by Lieutenant Greely in the midst of a great ice field. The latter has outstripped the body of his party who are at a little distance. At the side of Lockwood and Brainerd is the dog sledge which bore their supplies on their mar- velous trip, and harnessed to it a team of half a dozen canine com- panions. Some are lying on the snow resting, and others are standing in their traces patiendy waiting the word to continue the SIGNAL SERVICE, LIFE-SAVING STATION, AND LIGHT-HOUSE EXHIBIT. journey, and taking litde interest in the welcome which is being extended to their masters, or in the achievement which they have assisted in making. The scene is so perfectly constructed that no one can fail to be impressed by it, and to receive a better idea than ever before of the exact circumstances and conditions surrounding- Arctic exploration. The United States life-saving station is located northeast of the Government Building. It is a cottage of russet hue, with hip roof and gables, surmounted b^ a lookout tower and a deck structure. It covers a site 35 by 70 feet, and is one and a half stories high. The interior is fitted up for living purposes, the lower floor having a spacious dining-room, kitchen, pantry, closet, and keeper's-room, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 469 beside an entrance hall. The second floor, which is reached by a wide stairway, contains sleeping apartments, including accommoda- tions for the crew of eight persons. The station is in charge of Lieutenant McLellan, of the United States Revenue Marine, and is manned with the usual complement of men, surf-boats, apparatus, etc. During the period of the World's Fair, public exhibitions of boat drills, including the use of a life-saving apparatus, are given for the benefit of visitors. Boats of various kinds are connected with the station, including the English life-boat and surf-boat, and other apparatus, such as guns for firing Jife-lines, life-preservers, etc. On the ground floor, at the west end of the building, which opens out on the broad lagoon, is a large boat-house connected with a broad launchway 120 feet in length. In the boat room, before going to the rescue, or for drill, the surfmen are attired in oil-skin coats. The boats are easily launched by means of a steel track leading into the water. The cost of the building was about ^10,000, wbiich did not include the boats and apparatus. It has been decided to keep the station permanent, and continue it for life-sav- ing after the close of the Fair. A regular patrol system of the entire beach is kept up day and night. The life-boat used in this station is made of mahogany, oak and ash. It is thirty-four feet long, eight feet wide and three feet six inches deep. The boat weighs four tons, and contains nine air-tight compartments. If upset, it rights itself and expels all water in twenty-five seconds. The light-house at the Fair, which is near the life-saving station, is of modern pattern, built of steel, one hundred feet high, and braced with guy rods in every direction. Four men care for it during the Exposition, after which it is to be taken down and sent to the mouth of the Columbia river on the Pacific coast to warn mariners who approach that dangerous bar. It is a revolving light of the first magnitude, showing red and white, with the most power- ful reflectors made. The weather bureau is located near the life-saving station in a building- of its own. The reg-ular observations incident to a weather station are here made twice a day. A weather map is prepared and printed, and short lectures on meteorological subjects 470 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. are given everyday. Among- other interesting exhibits here is the flag brought back by Lieutenant Peary from his Greenland trip, with a record of all his observations there. The bureau also shows a complete set of meteorological instruments in operation, and the entire work of forecasting, from the receipt of telegrams to the publication and distribution of weather maps, is carried on in the presence of any one who may care to study the methods of the bureau. East of the Government Building stands the United States Naval Observatory. It consists of three small buildings, which house respectively an equatorial telescope, a transit telescope, and a heliostat. The latter is an apparatus for observing the face of the sun, reflected upon a mirror in a dark room. In the same house Prof. Wm, F. Gardiner shows his time system regulated by astro- nomical clocks, and illustrates the manner of sending the standard time from Washington all over the Union. Daily at noon, a time ball is dropped from the top to the bottom of a post placed on the dome of the Government Buildino-. ' The reader will thus see that the exhibit of the United States Government, upon which has been expended a total of nearly ^1,500,000, includes everything in the range of our governmental processes, and that the student of our system of political economy can learn very much therefrom. The managers of the exhibit are veterans in Exposition work, and to that extent possess an advan- tage over many who were preparing displays for the World's Fair. However that may be, all credit is due to them for the magnificent showing made by the United States Government at the Columbian Exposition. ^eocoooooa NOTHERof the special features of the Depart- ment of Ethnology, which is considered of sufficient interest and importance to be entitled to a building of its own, is the magnificent collection of relics of Christopher Colum- bus, the orreat discoverer. The buildino- in which this collection is housed stands in a spot somewhat isolated from the other buildings of the Exposition, Just south of the Casino, and the long pier, there is an inlet from Lake Michigan to the South pond, a body of water which extends almost to the southern ex'tremity of the grounds, and forming a peninsula just opposite the Agricultural Building. At the northern head of this peninsula, and therefore almost surrounded by water, is the structure. It is an exact repro- duction of the convent of La Rabida, the harbor of refuge and rest opened to the discoverer, when well nigh discouraged he was will- ing to retreat from the fight with fortune, and lay aside the hope of his life. At the convent he was welcomed, his plans were admired, he was encouraged, and here the orood friars cared for his son when the famous voyage was at length begun. In fact it was largely by the influence of the good Franciscan priest. Father De Marchena, once the confessor of Queen Isabella herself, that the powers were (471) 472 LA RABID A CONVENT. induced to equip the expedition, and start Columbus on the voyage that opened to civihzation the whole western hemisphere. Who then can fail to see the justice in thus commemorating the good fathers at the same time that we remember Columbus, by thus re- producing their home, as the fitting place for the relics of the dis- coverer? In its present location is assured safety from fire, for it is entirely removed from the danger that might be from close con- nection with any other of the structures of the Fair. Its isolation is just as complete from the manner and looks of the other buildino-s of the Fair as it is from their location. The con- trast is indeed a startling one. On every hand rise the walls of the white palaces, showing in their magnificent facades the perfection of architectural art from every land possessing classical merit, Grecian, Roman, French and Spanish and Italian renaissance, Doric, Ionic, Egyptian and all that may be named, while here stands an example of the most simple and homely kind of the builder's craft. The quaint walls and roof, and the general ensemble, which is that of the middle acres, q-Wq the visitor a correct idea of the reliofious architecture of old Spain at the time of Columbus. On this account also it is of superior interest. The interior of the structure is very different from that of any of the great neighbors of the convent. Its passages are narrow and even dark, its windows are small, its walls bare, and its ceilings low. As one passes through some of the old-fashioned doors, it is even necessary to stoop. But the contents. It is here that the greatest interest lies. No other building of the Fair contains such a noble collection of relics and documents of value and interest to any student of the past. Every quarter of the globe has been searched to secure the best collection possible of objects in the nature of relics of Columbus, of Ferdinand and Isabella, of the con- vent itself in those days four hundred years ago, and of everything that could be conceived of the same sort. Here one stands and gazes in awe at things hallo^ved by age and importance, and even the most irreverent of persons is impressed as he lingers within these walls. The buildinof is constructed like the others of the Exposition, except as to its finishings. The roof is of old-fashioned LA RABIDA CONVENT. 473 tiling, the floors of cement and brick, and the walls of plaster. Even the effect of age has been imitated, and the result is astonishing to one who is told that the building is but a product of tli^ last year's work. Guards are ever present to protect the valuable treasures from the touch of any vandal hand, and the fire protection is that of unceasing vigilance, for no risk must be taken with these rar- ities, which no money can duplicate, and each of which is unique. It will be interestinor here to orlance at the more notable of the things thus treasured, though it will be impossible to describe more than a few of them. This reproduction of the Convent of Santa Maria de La Rabida (St. Mary of the Frontier) cost the Exposition Company ^50,000, but the treasures which it contains are priceless. The idea of CONVENT OF LA RABIDA. constructins^ this edifice, and of collectino- in it the relics of Colum- b'.is, was the thought of William Eleroy Curtis, of the Bureau of American Republics, who traversed the whole of Europe searching for traces of the great Genoese Admiral, and procuring relics, maps, etc., for exhibition here. He is probably the b^st authority on this continent concerning everything connected with Columbus. Mr. Curtis has written entertainingly of the Convent and its site. He tells us that it is located a few miles north of Cadiz, on the Atlantic coast of Spain, about half way between the Straits of Gibraltar and the boundary of Portugal, on the summit of a low headland between 474 LA RABIDA CONVENT. IvOWER CI.OISTER OF I.A RABIDA. the Tinto and Odiel rivers. These meet at its base, three miles from the sea. Tradition says that the convent was buih in the reign of the emperor Trajan in the second century, while history records that it was reconstructed and used for a fortress during the Moorish occupation of Spain in the eleventh century. It passed into the possession of the Franciscan monks when the Mohammedans were driven from Andalusia. The little villagfe of Palos de Moguer is three miles above the convent on the Tinto. A bar across the mouth of the river forbids the approach of vessels, and the place has declined from a flourishing commercial city to a lonely hamlet, forsaken by every one except farmers and fishermen. At this port, where the water is so low that sea grrasses and rushes are orowingf where fleets used to float, was organ- ized and equipped the expedition that discovered the new world. The ruins of the house of the Pinzons, who furnished one of the vessels and commanded two, are still shown, and the descendants of the family are yet the leading citizens of the region. A Moorish mosque, which was converted into a church, is still standing just outside the village on a hill. From its pulpit, in May, 1492, the Alcalde read the proclamation of the sov- ereigns, commanding the people of Palos to furnish two ships for the use of Columbus. Above the altar is the imaofe of St. Georgfe and the dragon, as it was then, and on the altar of the chapei., LA RABIDA CONVENT. 475 ISABEIvI.A IN ARMOR. records of the parish are the names of the sailors who accompanied him and received communion the mornino- of their departure. There is also the miracle-working image of the virgin of La Rabida to which they offered vows. Authorities differ as to the time when Columbus first appeared at Palos and the Monastery of La Rabida. Some assert that he came there direct from Portugal in 1484. At this time he was on his way to Moguer, where he intended to leave little Diego, then nine years old, with his wife's relatives, and obtain from them means to pay his way to the court of Ferdinand and Isabella to submit his plans for a voyage across the western ocean to the strange lands described by Marco Polo. Others insist that he did not visit Palos until two years later, after his propositions had been rejected by the sovereigns and he was leaving Spain for Genoa or Venice. At any rate it is certain that Co- lumbus approached the monastery one evening, weary, hungry and penniless, and asked for food and water for himself and his little boy. The hospitable prior gave him shelter and refreshments, and soon became interested in his plans and theories. Fi;om that time La Rabida was his asylum until he started on his memorable voyage. Here, too, he received his welcome upon his return from the newly Thus it was decided, very properly, by the HOUSE OCCUPIED BV COI^UMBUS AT FUNCHAE. discovered world. 476 LA RABIDA CONVENT. Exposition authorities, that no more appropriate building could be erected for the shelter of the historical collection and the relics of Columbus than a fac-simile reproduction of this ancient and picturesque monastery. The followinof classification of the historical collection will o-ive a creneral idea of the contents of La Rabida : Section A. — Geo- graphical 9tpi.»!'J»W*W CATHEDRAL AX SAIvAMANCA. and the science of navigation at the time of Columbus, i. Maps, charts and globes anterior to Columbus. 2. Nautical and astro- nomical instruments. 3. Models of vessels. 4. Evidence of pre- Columbian discoveries. 5. Arms, armor, equipments, etc., of the time. 6. Books known to Columbus, and portraits of their authors. Section B, — The court of Ferdi- nand and Isabella. i. Portraits, autographs, and relics of the sov- ereigns ; pictures of scenes identified __ with their lives, their tombs, and i,A CASA DEI. cAMPo. mottuments. 2. Portraits and relics of persons identified with the career of Columbus at court, or associated with the discovery. LA RABIDA CONVENT. 477 I. Views of Section C. — Youth and early life of Columbus places associated with his birth and boyhood. 2, Scenes identified with his career in Portu- gal and the Madeira Islands. Section D.' — The career of Columbus at the court of Spain, i. Scenes and places at Cordova, Granada, Sal- amanca, Seville, and other cities identified ]AM'),ii. with Columbus. 2. The Monastery of Santa Maria de la Rabida ; illustrations of the life of Columbus there. Section E. — The first voyaqe of Columbus, i. Models and pictures of the caravels. 2. Fac-similes of charts, nautical instruments, books, etc., used on the voyage, and model showing the course of the voyage. 3. The discovery and landing at Watling's Island. 4. Views and relics of Wat- ling's Island and other places visited on the voy- age. 5. The construction of the fort at La Navidad. Views and relics of the place. 6. Views of Lisbon and other places visited on '^^'^^^^ '^"^^^ coi.umbus lodged, Barcelona. the voyage homeward. 7. Reception of Columbus on his return 478 LA RABIDA CONVENT. to Spain ; views of Barcelona. The scene of the egg. 8. Strange things seen on the voyage. Fac-similes of rehcs brought home. Section F. — The second voyage of Columbus, i. Views of Cadiz, from whence he sailed. 2. Views of the islands discovered on the second voyage, and evidence of cannibalism illustrated by old prints. 3. Remains, views and relics of Isabella, the first settlement in the new world. 4. Explorations of the mountains of Cibao ; El Puerto de los Hidalgos ; views of La Vega and Santo Cerro ; the cross of Columbus ; Santo Thomas. 5. The discovery of Jamaica ; Santa Gloria and St. Ann's Bay ; illustrations of ISABKI.LA Oi-FKR-ING HER JKWELS. associations with the natives. 6. The return to Santo Domingo ; adventures with the Indians ; " eat gold. Christian, eat gold ; " founding of the city of Santiago. 7. Queen Anacona, and the founding of the city of Santo Domingo ; scenes in that city. 8. Return of Columbus and scenes at Burofos when he was received by the sovereigns. Section G. — The third voyage of Columbus. i. Views of Trinidad and other places vtsited by Columbus. 2. The mutiny at Santo Domingo. 3. The arrest and imprisonment of Columbus ; the castle in which he was confined ; the admiral in chains. 4. Reception by the sovereigns on his return to Spain ; scenes at Seville and Ses'ovia. COLUMBUS AS A BOY. (479) 48o LA RABIDA CONVENT. Section H. — The fourth voyage of Columbus, i. Scenes in Honduras and other places. 2. Wreck at St. Christopher's Cove ; mutiny at Porras ; views of the place. 3. Return of Columbus. Section I. — The last days of Columbus, i. His home at Seville. 2. The death and burial; his will; the house in which he died. 3. Removal of his remains ; the cathedral at Santo Domingo ; the cathe- dral at Havana. 4. Monuments erected to his memory. 5. The portraits of Cokmibus. 6. Portraits of his family and descendants (genealogy). 7. Relics of Columbus; autograph letters; the con- tract, commission, and instructions received by him from the sovereio^n of Spain ; letters from Ferdinand and Isabella. Section K. — The pub- lication of the discovery. 1. Copies of the first books about America; maps, manuscripts, fac- similes, and illustrations. 2. Views of St. Die, and the persons identified with the christenine of the continent. 3. Relics and portraits of Amerigo Vespucci and other explorers. 4. Growth of geographical knowledge during the century following the discovery, illustrated by fac-similes, books, maps, charts, etc. Section L. — The christening of the continent, etc. Section M. — The conquest of Mexico and Peru, and the settle- ment of other portions of America. Section N. — Original papers relating to Columbus ; loaned by the Duke of Veragua. Section O. — Original papers relating to Columbus ; loaned by the Duchess of Berwick and Alba. Section P. — The Vatican exhibit. Section Q. — The John Boyd Thacher collection of valuable works relating to Columbus and the discovery. LEADEN CHEST AND CASKET CONTAINING COLUMBUS' DUST.: LA RABID A CONVENT. 48 1 A NORSE SHIP. The classification of the bibliography of Columbus is as follows : Section A. — Archaeological and ethnological collections showing the condition of the natives, i. Models of habitations ; implements, utensils, and other illustrations of life and customs. 2. Portraits and pictures, costumes, canoes, weapons, etc. Section B. — The conquest of Mexico, i. Illustrations of the condition of the Aztecs. 2. Arms, armor, etc., of the conquistadores, showing how the natives were overcome. 3. Portraits, pictures, and relics of Cortez and those who were associated with him. 4. Maps, charts, and printed volumes illustrating the conquest. Section C. — The discovery and conquest of other portions of America, i. Collections showing the condition of the natives in other parts of the continent. 2. Portraits and relics of other discov- erers and early voyagers. 3. Maps, charts, and printed volumes, showing the progress of civilization and the growth of geographical knowledge. The specimens included in this collection, in the historical portion, omitting the bibliography of the period of the conquest, number more than one thousand, and of course only the more important can be named. The first one is the model of a Norse ship, such as Leif Erikson is supposed to have used in his voyage to America. Adjoining it are charts and books concerning .^Erikson's dis- covery, and fac-similes of relics that are supposed to belong to that period. There is a fac-simile of theZeno chart. About 1 3 19 a Venetian navigator named Nicolo Zeno started from Venice, passing Gibraltar and sailing northward. After various adventures he went as far as Greenland, and on his return prepared a chart of the lands visited and an account of the adventures. There are portraits of Marco Polo, of Claudias Ptolemy, the Latin geog- rapher, and other noted early explorers. The earliest globe of im- 31 482 LA RABIDA CONVENT. FERDINAND AS A BOY. portance was made in 1492 by Martin Beahaim. A fac-simile of it is shown here. There are curious maps, and charts of various portions of the world as they were known before the voyage of Columbus ; a chart showing the world as it is, and as Colum- bus thought it to be; and a map of the U n i t e d S t a t e s, showing the numberand location of places nam- ed in honor of Columbus. In the section relating to the court of Ferdinand and Isabella there are numerous portraits of both of these taken at various times of their life. The original will of Queen Isabella is exhibited, which was made at Medina del Campo, November23,i 504. It was loaned by the government of Spain at the request of the President of the United States. The will is in the handwriting of the Queen's private secretary, Gasper de Gricio, and consists of four sheets of vellum. In one of the cla.uses of the will Isabella recommends the protection of the persons and property of the Indians in the new world. HOUSK IN GENOA, IN WHICH COI,UMBUS IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN BORN. ISABEIvI^A AS A CHILD. LA RABIDA CONVENT. 483 The section devoted to the youth of Columbus begins with a beautiful view of the harbor and city of Genoa. There are also shown pictures of the street and the house in which Columbus is MONASTERY OF I.A RABIDA AS IT APPEARED IN 1896, BEFORE ITS RESTORATION TO ITS CONDITION AT THE TIME OF COLUMBUS. said to have been born. Other cities which dispute the honor of Columbus' birth-place also show views. There are pictures of the University and city of Pavia, where it is said that Columbus attended school ; of the church at Lisbon in which Columbus was married ; of the house in which Columbus lived in the Madeira Islands and other relics of his life there. The ca- r e e r of Columbus in Spain is i 1 1 u s- t rated by views of Huelva, of La Rabi- da, p O r - FATHER PEREZ BISDING FAREWELL, TO COLUMBUS. traits of the prior of the monastery, interior views in the cloisters, and the chapel ; views of Cordova, and of many scenes in the life of Columbus at this period. Some of these are fine paintings of con- siderable note. A picture of the once flourishing city of Palos is 484 COLUMBUS QUEUUlNG THE MUTINY. LA RABIDA CONVENT. 485 shown, the port at which the expedition was organized. From the docks here Columbus set sail on the 3d of August, 1492. In May, 1528, Cortez landed at Palos, after the conquest of Mexico, and by a strange coincidence met there Francisco Pizarro, who was just start- ing upon his career of bloodshed and devastation in Peru. The town of Palos was selected as a place of departure for Columbus because its inhabitants, on account of a disturbance that had taken place among them during the war with the Moors, had been con- demned to keep, at their own expense, two caravels with crews and RECEPTION OF COtUMBUS BY OUEEX ISABEIvIyA. arms, at the service of the state for one y^r, and ready for sea on receipt of orders. The scenes associated with the first voyage of Columbus are numerous and of particular interest. Many paintings are here included. There are pictures of the caravels ; of Father Perez bid- ding farewell to Columbus ; of Columbus on the deck of his ship, and of the mutiny when the sailors demanded a return to Spain. There are charts, and maps, and views of all the disputed islands which claim the honor of beino- the first discovered land, althoueh Watling Island has by all means the weight of evidence. There are scenes on San Salvador, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Hayti and 486 LA RABIDA CONVENT. Other places visited on the first voyage. There are also paintings showing the reception of Columbus at court when he first appeared before Isabella and Ferdinand. One of the strangest pictures is from an old engraving in " Philopono's Voyage to the New World of the. Western Indies." The sailors reported that they had seen in the waters of the New World fishes so laro-e that a caravel could be floated on their backs, and an altar could be erected and mass said upon them. The story was retold with variations, and finally the veracious priest, Philopono, related the tale as an actual fact, and gave illustrations of how the caravels had been carried about by whales and mass celebrated upon their backs. The scenes associated with the second voyage of Columbus include pictures of his departure from Cadiz ; his arrival in the new world ; the present appearance of the ruins of Isabella, Santo Domingo, the first civilized settlement in the New World, and relics from these ruins. In 1891 Mr. F. A. Zober, the Columbian com- missioner to the West Indies, spent a week at the site of Isabella. All tljie cut stone that remained was brought away and shipped to Chicago, and is now exhibited here. The stones were taken from the laist remnants of the old church, the mint, and the public ware- house which was known as the " Kino-'s House." The site is all overgrown with semi-tropical vegetation and now shows little signs of its early importance. The first church bell that rang in the New World is here. It is of bronze, about eight inches in height and six inches and a half in diameter. It was presented to the church at Isabella by King Ferdinand, and is considered one of the most precious relics of the early times of Santo Domingo. The scenes associated with the third voyage of Columbus are fully illustrated with interesting paintings and relics. There is a view of Boca del Drago, Trinidad, where Columbus entered to reach the South American continent for the first time. On the 4th of August, 1498, Columbus anchored off the southwestern extremity of the island of Trinidad. Late at niorht he saw a wall of water approaching the fleet from the south. His own vessels were lifted up so high by the incoming waves that he was in great danger, while the cable of one of the other ships parted under the strain to LA RABIDA CONVENT. 487 which it was subjected, carrying away the anchor by which the vessel was held. Many years ago, while some laborers were digging a deep trench upon a cocoanut estate near Icaques, where this accident occurred, about 350 feet from the sea, they found an anchor of antiquated pattern. The land on this part of the island has been encroaching upon the sea for many years, and it is be- lieved that the spot where the anchor was found was covered by water at the time of Columbus. This anchor is exhibited here. The original letter is exhibited which Fran- cisco Roldan wrote in 1 502 complaining against the administration of Columbus. It was this letter which caused the King and Queen to send Bobadilla to investigate the affair. He arrested Columbus and put him in chains. The citadel at Santo Domingo in which Co- lumbus was imprisoned is shown ; and various paintings, showing Columbus in chains, and photographs of chains which are claimed to be the same placed upon Columbus by Bobadilla. They are now owned by Cav- alier G. Baldi. The enlarged fac-similes of the inscriptions upon the chains are very interesting. The chains weigh seven pounds and eight ounces, and are divided into four parts : First, a large chain to be fastened to the ankle, with an extension to en- circle the waist, six feet three inches in length. Second, a small CHAINS OF COLUMBUS. 4- XPO FEftENS / j./:/X ^ res— o/^,] Y9 INSCRIPTIONS ON CHAINS OF COI-UMBUS. chain with handcuffs, two feet and one inch in length. Third, two other links connected to^-ether, five and one-half inches loner; and COLUMBUS REFUSES TO HAVE HIS CHAINS REMOVED EXCEPT BY ORDER OF THE KING. LA RABIDA CONVENT. 489 fourth, the lock. On the fetters and handcuffs are inscriptions of COtUMBUS RELATING HIS ADVENTURES TO ISABHLLA. abbreviated words and interpolated signs characteristic of the times, which are interpreted by the owner as follows: "The arrow of calumny gave three shackles to Don Christopher Colum- bus, the dove that carried the tidings of Christianity to the New World, who died at my house, Aposento, Valladolid, May 1506, in the peace of Christ. Fran- cisco M-ro (name of inn-keeper) had this- enc^raved as a pledo-e 01 jealous and eter- nal remembrance, Christ Bearer, 1499." A picture by the noted Spanish artist, Jover, represents Columbus 490 LA RABIDA CONVENT. HOUSE WHERE COIvUMBUS DIED. relating his adventures to Isabella. It is a fine work and worthy of the attention it attracts. A large collection of paintings and other pictures commemorate the scenes associated with the fourth and last voyage of Columbus. There are scenes in Santo Domingo, Trux- illo and other portions of Honduras, the Isth- mus of Panama, and Christopher's Cove, St. Ann's Bay, on the Island of Jamaica where Co- lumbus was wrecked. There is also a larofe collection of early pic- tures of America from De Bry's voyages. The section devoted to the last days of Columbus has paintings and engravings showing the city of Seville, and the convent of Cartuja. Several paintings are shown repre- senting the death of Columbus, the house in which he died, the chapel of the convent at Car- tuja in which Co- lumbus was buried, and of his tomb. There is also a pic- ture of the interior of the cathedral at Santo Domingo showing the location of the high altar and the Columbus burial vault. CHAPEIv OF THE CONVENT OF CARTUJA. LA RABIDA CONVENT. 491 M There are shown the steps to the presbytery and tomb of Colum- bus, and a fac-shnile of the box in which the remains were found. In this section are portraits " of Columbus' brothers, his sons, and other members of his family ; the gene- alogy of the Columbus family to the present 'day, and portraits of the Duke of Veraofua, and other itiem- bers of the family. The section devoted to the relics of Columbus is a volumin- ous one. There are many fac-simii^e of the box in which the remains autographs, some of them °^ coi^umbus were found. mere signatures, and others complete letters and documents of his- torical value. The section devoted to the publication of the discovery contains a fac-simile of the title page of the first book published about America, which was a little quarto of four leaves reproducing his letter to Sanchez. There are also copies of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth editions of the letter of Columbus, his letter to Sant-angel in va- rious editions and fac- similes ; and other early descriptions of the dis- covery. The section devoted to the christening of the continent includes portraits of Americus Vespucius, and volumes and documents relating to the name. Be- side all that we have named there are a host of valuable relics, documents and maps illustrating the discoveries and explorations of other parts of America and of later years than those of Colum- INTERIOR OF SANTO DOMINGO CATHEDRAL. 492 I.A RABIDA CONVENT. bus, but of all none attract more attention than the original papers pertaining to Columbus, loaned by the Duke of Veragua, the Duchess of Berwick and Alba ; by His Holiness, Pope Leo, and by John Boyd Thacher of New York. Among the first of these is the original commission given to Columbus by Ferdinand and Isabella upon his de- parture for the first voyage. It is dated at Grenada, April 30, 1492, and appoints Columbus grand ad- miral of the ocean seas, and vice king and governor-general of all the lands that he should discover. Of the same date there are royal letters patent from the sovereig^ns of Spain exempting from taxation all supplies needed for the fleet ; commanding the inhabitants of Palos to fur- nish Columbus with everything necessary to equip the caravels ; commanding the inhabitants of Palos to furnish Columbus with two caravels; and granting security against arrest or detention for any offence to all persons accompanying Columbus on the voyage. There are other commissions and royal letters patent from the sovereigns to Columbus concerning other voyages. The original will of Columbus is shown and is of particularly notable interest. There are numerous letters from Columbus to the sovereigns of Spain, to the Pope of Rome, to his son, Diego, and to Father Cuevas. All of these are original papers and they are the most priceless and Remarkable documents in existence. One may profitably spend many days in the marvellous collection without exhausting its interest, and every day is certain to increase TOMB OF COIvUMBUS AND STEPS TO THE PRESBYTERY. LA RABIDA CONVENT. 493 the impression of reverence and admiration for the great work of discovery begun by Christopher Columbus. In the south pond of the Exposition grounds are moored the reproductions ot the three Spanish caravels which bore the crew of Columbus on his first voyage. In a plan for a historical exhibit at the Exposition which was prepared by Mr. Curtis, it was proposed to reproduce in fac-simile the fleet of Columbus and anchor them off the shore at Jackson Park during the Exposition in such a manner as to place them in contrast with the model battle-ship which represents the naval architecture of this century. The Spanish government co-operated in this effort, and after months of study plans were prepared by a board of naval architects and archaeolo- gists appointed by the Spanish Minister of Marine for the repro- duction of the Santa Maria, which was the flagship of Columbus, and the Pinta, and the Nina, which composed his fleet. The caravels were constructed at Barcelona and Cadiz. The flagship was built at the expense of the Spanish government, and the other two at the expense of the United States. The ships made their first public appearance at Huelva, Spain, on the 12th of October, 1S92, and were then visited by the Queen and royal family, and by thousands of visitors. On the 19th of February the vessels started for America, following as near as possible the course of Columbus. They were delivered to the Spanish authorities at Havana about the middle of March, and were manned and used by them during the naval review at Hampton Roads and New York. They were then towed to Chicago and anchored off the Exposition grounds, where they attract great attention. After the Fair they are to be pre- sented by the Spanish government to the United States and will remain permanently in this country. V- jHAT portion of Jackson Park north of the Hne of 59th street is in every- way different from the great area that hes to the south of the same Hne. It comprises what was known as the improved portion of the park long before any effort had been made to transform the square mile of sand-hills to the south into the .City of White. Here in this improved portion of forest trees and green sward were assigned the locations for the State Buildino-s and the buildinors of foreign countries represented at the Exposition. Within the same space is included the Art Gallery, but with that single exception it is devoted to the purposes named. The entrance to this portion of the park for thousands of visitors is the gate at 57th street. Once within this gate a magnificent vista greets, the eye of the visitor. He looks down the magnificent avenue directly east toward Lake Michigan, and upon either hand are the beautiful houses estab- lished for headquarters by the various commonwealths which form the American Union. The first to the left is Nebraska, and in front of it passes a curved promenade which circles to the north, and forms another grand avenue, upon which face others of the State club-houses. Passing along this curved avenuethrough one- fourth the arc of a circle, one sees on the left, after Nebraska, North Dakota, Kansas and Texas. On the right of the same ave- nue come in succession MinYiesota, Arkansas and Kentucky. At this point a north and south avenue intersect,s with the curved one which the visitor has been followinof. Passinof southward upon this, on the right, are the States of Florida and Missouri, and on the left West Virginia, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. We have now almost completed the circuit, and between the States of Minnesota and Missouri, facing again on the (495) 496 STATE BUILDINGS. east and west avenues, we find Louisiana. Continuing east at the point where we turned south the last time, on the left we find Utah, Montana, Idaho, Virginia and Iowa, while on the right are Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Maine. By this time we have again reached the 37th street avenue, and returning westward alonor its course we find Vermont, Massa- chusetts and New York, Facing- another north and south inter- secting avenue, which opens between Massachusetts and New York, are Delaware and Rhode Island. This exhausts the list of State Buildinfjs north of the magnificent avenue. On its south face the two Annexes and the main structure of the Art Galleries with the great open lawn which they include, but to the west of the o-alleries another grand avenue leadino-. south conducts us to a view of the remaining State Buildings. These in turn upon the right are South Dakota, Washington, Colorado and California, and upon the left, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois. The latter is entitled to rank in size with the great buildings of the Exposition, and it is equally magnificent, but its purposes are the same as those of the other State Buildings, and consequently it should be classified with them. It is separated from the Art Galleries by the great North Pond, and faces the North Lagoon and the Wooded Island. These State buildings, which have been named and located so hastily, are of remarkable interest, a fact which is more apt to be recognized by foreign visitors than by our own Americans. They contain exhibits of the resources of the States, club-rooms and retiring-rooms for the people of the States, and rooms for public comfort. In almost every instance their architecture is character- istic of the State which they represent. It is unquestionably true that they will be the headquarters for places of meeting. Appoint- ments will be made by visitors from every State in ' the Union to' meet at a place such as this, where, by their personal interest in the structure and their acquaintance with the people in charge, they may feel entitled to use the headquarters at their own freedom. Some of them are large and some small, but without exception all are worthy representatives of the States which erected them. After this hasty glance at the location a somewhat more definite 498 STATE BUILDINGS. description of the more prominent of the State Buildings and of the exhibits which they contain should be of interest. Not all of the States to which locations were assigned as already named took advantage of the assignment to erect buildings. In some instances, appropriations made by legislatures were too small, and in others it was thought wiser to expend the money in making better displays within the main buildings of the Fair. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, South Caro- lina, Tennessee, Wyoming and four of the Territories are those which erected no buildings. The Nebraska Building, which is the first one to be reached as the visitor enters the Fifty-seventh street gate and turns to the left, is built in the colonial style of architecture. It measures 60x100 feet, and is covered with staff to represent stone. On each side of the building is a large portico, with eight massive columns run- ning the full height of both floors, and supporting the gables over the porticos. Six large rooms open on to these, giving space for exhibits. On the first floor is found a large exhibit hall, reception, waiting, commission and men's toilet rooms. The second floor is reached by a magnificent staircase ten feet wide which is one of the features of the building. The janitor's and reading rooms are located on the second floor, as are also waiting, reception and toilet rooms for ladies. There are some interesting art exhibits in the building, as well as displays of the great agricultural resources of the State. It is amply equipped with stand pipes and other appa- ratus for checking fires. Henry Voss, of Omaha, is the architect of the building, and it was erected at a cost of ^15,000. Designed as the general headquarters for Nebraska people and their friends, it is entirely satisfactory for the purpose intended. The North Dakota State Building is next on the left after one passes Nebraska. It is also in the colonial style of architecture, which seems to be particularly appropriate to the State buildings. It is dignified, though not severe ; home-like and hospitable, yet not trivial. In the North Dakota edifice the solid structure of the front elevation is essentially classic, with large exterior colonnades or porches carried up to cover two stories, a feature which is useful, >'<§ioo^.-r^-at-^*.-^— - 500 STATE BUILDINGS. and which, at the same time, softens and makes attractive the severer lines of the classic ideal. The g-round-floor colonnade forms the porch, and the second story a gallery, doubly attractive by the fine situation of the buildino-. The interior offers o-enerous stair- ways and hall space, lighting and ventilation. The whole first floor is thrown into one room, 60 by 90 feet, affording ample room for dis- play of the State exhibits, which include nearly every product of the soil found in the temperate zone, whether from field or forest, INTERIOR OT' KANSAS SIlAtn BUIT.DING. farm, garden or orchard. A feature of this room is a large fire- place facing its main entrance, /.anked on either side by stairways which meet at a landing, and, merging into one, give access to the second floor where arc found reception, press and committee rooms, and toilet accommodation. The decorations of the building, both exterior and interior, are conventionalized representations of the natural and agricultural products of North Dakota. Wheat, corn, grasses of many kinds, etc., are shown in bas-relief on bands, panels and angles, while pedestals are occupied by allegorical figures and groups appropriate to the time and place. The material used for 502 STATE BUILDINGS. the structure Is wood, covered with staff. The cost of the building' was ^i i,ooo. The next State in order is Kansas. Its building is unique in every way, inside and out, and it never fails to attract great atten- tion. The building is of a cruciform plan, and measures 135 feet from north to south and 140 feet from east to west. It was one of the first State Buildings to be completed, and the first to be dedi- cated. The women of Kansas stand out as shining examples of progress and independence. They were very largely the promoters of the Kansas Building, and the distinctive features to be seen here are exhibits made by organizations of women from that State, par- ticularly in the line of educational institutions. The rear of the building was especially designed for the valuable natural history collection of the State University, which is one of the most notable exhibits of the Fair. On the same floor are offices for the Board of Commissioners ; four flights of stairs lead to the second floor where are rooms for the woman's exhibit, and parlors for men and women. The bas-reliefs in front of the tower represent the State as she was when admitted into the Union in 1861, armed for her struggle, and again, under her present prosperous aspect, crowned with the wealth of endless resources. Seymour Davis, of Topeka, is the architect of the building, which is constructed entirely of Kansas material, and cost nearly ^30,000. The Texas State Building is next in order as one passes north- east along the circle. It was provided entirely by the women of that State. It is constructed after the style of the old Spanish Mission, and is a good example of Spanish renaissance architec- ture. It was designed by J. Riley Gordon, of San Antonio. The building contains assembly rooms, 56 feet square and 20 feet high, provided with a large art glass skylight in the ceiling, with a Mosaic Texas star in its centre. The rostrum, ante-rooms, etc., are finished in the natural woods of Texas. The administration wing contains a register, a i)ureau of information, and rooms for offices and public comfort. There are also toilet rooms, rooms for county collective exhibits, a historical museum and a library. The main entrances are through vestibules, flanked on either side by STATE BUILDINGS. 503 niches and colonnades. The main vestibule terminates in a laro-e auditorium, from which entrance is afforded to the various workino- departments above mentioned. The building presents a Spanish vista, a bower of beautiful Texas foliage, comprising the banana, palm, magnolia, pomegranate, Spanish dagger, orange, lemon, and other tropical plants. Either corner is flanked by a square tower, the intervening curtains consisting of two stories of open arcaded loggias. The towers also have loggias in their top stories. Both the main building and the towers are covered with a low, pitched roof of brown-red Spanish tile. The building cost $40,- v 000, and is one of } 1 • ■'I the most attractive t at the Fair. Crossing the gravel walk the visitor now reaches the Utah Building, a Qfraceful struc- ture at the extreme north of the Fair. It measures 50 by 90 feet, and cost nearly ^20,000. The first floor contains an ex- hibition hall extending up through the second story,' and forming a semi-circular light well and gallery at the intersection of the second floor. On the same floor are the secretary's apartment, bureau of information, ladies' reception room, toilet rooms, etc. The officers' quarters are above, and a large for special ex- hibits. The building is used as a headquarters for Utah people and a bureau of information, where people may^get reliable statis- tics and data regarding Utah and her people. There are also some special exhibits of great interest, representative of the indus- tries of the State. These include agricultural, manufactured and mine products, such as gold, silver and sulphur. With these latter are shown plans illustrating the methods of reducing sulphur and UTAH BUILDING. 504 STATE BUILDINGS. the handling of borax and rock salt found in some parts of the ter- ritory, as clear as crystal. A miniature of Great Salt Lake is shown in front of the building. Dallas & Hedges, of Salt Lake City, are the architects. Returning to our starting-point opposite the Nebraska Building, as we face north, we find on the right the building of Minnesota. Its ground area is 80 by 90 feet, and its height to the cornice line is forty-one feet. I The frame is of wood,, covered with staff, while the architecture is of the style of the Italian renaissance. On the front portico stands a very fine sculptural group sym- bolizinof the Indian legends of Hiawatha and Minnehaha. It was executed by Jacob Fjielde, and contrib- uted by the school children of Minnesota. This beautiful group is inspired b)^ Longfellow's poem, and the design finds its motive in the lines — " Over wide and rushing rivers In his arms he boie the maiden." After the close of the Fair the group is to be cast in bronze and placed in Minnehaha Park, at Minneapolis. The first floor is de- voted chiefly to an exhibition hall, where is shown a fine collection of the birds and beasts of the State. Here are also specimens of her grain, minerals and other products. A drinking fountain of Mankato stone is in the centre of the hall, and on the left a relief map, 23 by 25 feet, of Duluth and its harbor. In the rear is the superintendent's room, with check rooms and post-office. In the mezzanine story are sleeping rooms for the officials and the em- ployees. On the west side of the second story is the State Board MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING. STATE BUILDINGS. 505 room, and on the east side the Woman's Auxiliary Board room, each being equipped with reception, reading and toilet rooms. Two oruest chambers are in the rear. The interior is decorated in plain tints, with elaborate friezes, selected from designs by women artists of the State. William Channing Whitney was the architect of this buildinof. Just to the north is the special building erected by Arkansas, which is constructed in the French style of architecture. The building measures ninety-two feet deep by sixty-six feet wide. The main entrance is through an elaborate circular veranda, with granite steps leading up to it, which were cut at the Little Rock quarries. From this a triple arcade leads into the rotunda, which extends the entire height of the building, rising to a square dome thirty feet in diameter. One of the most interesting features of the building is a fountain which stands under the dome, and was donated by the ladies of Hot Springs. The basin is ten feet in diameter, and from a granite foundation in the centre of it rises the figure of a boy, holding over his head a passion flower, the em- blem of the State. ><^-?<-— —--^.^rr::--— — -->,'"zz:i_^^--c-^^ — *^^6^ 530 STATE BUILDINGS. ward instead of eastward. Directly opposite the Nebraska Build- ino-, which was the first one visited, is that of South Dakota. It has a prominent and commanding location, as it deserves. The build- ing measures sixty feet by one hundred feet and is two stories high. As far as possible. South Dakota material only was used ii| its construction. The exterior is coated with Yankton cement, finished in imitation of cut stone. Mines and minerals, grains and grasses, fossils, pottery, clay, etc., have been given due attention, and form a large display, showing the diversified interests and re- sources of the State. Its dairy, sheep and cattle products have not been neglected, and a pomological exhibit is surprisingly fine. The educational department also makes an excellent showing. Curious fossils from the bed of the Cheyenne river, immense blocks of fine coal from her coal fields, and photographic views of her varied scenery help to make up the creditable display from this State. Many visitors name the Washington State Building, which lies next to the south, as the most unique and pleasing of all the State Buildings, and as exhibiting in the best degree the resources of that State. The foundation is of timber brouorht from that State, the largest logs being fifty-two inches in diameter and one hundred and twenty feet long of perfectly clear and sound timber. Much larcrer ones could have been obtained, but the railroads were unable to transport them. The dimensions of the building are 140 by 220 feet. The exterior is covered with Puget Sound lumber, and it is roofed with the famous Washington cedar shingles. The buildinor consists of a central structure with a wing at each end joined to it by a closed colonnade. The exhibits include examples of the resources of the State in coal, gold, and other minerals ; in timber, grain and fruit, and in all sorts of manufactured wares. The ship- ping and fishing industries are also exploited, and no visitor can enter the building without being impressed by the magnitude and variety of the resources of our most northwestern States. Colorado comes next in order with a handsome structure in the style of Spanish renaissance. It is one hundred and twenty-five feet by forty-five feet, and is crowned with two slender towers eighty feet high. A handsome entrance forty feet wide leads to the 532 STATE BUILDINGS. inner rooms, which are filled with interesting- exhibits. It is fitted with Tennessee marble and onyx in beautiful forms, while the red Spanish tiled roof gives a picturesque and pleasing effect. INTERIOR OF* CALIFORNIA BUII,DING. The immense California Building which forms the southern extremity of this chain of State Buildings is a reproduction of a Catholic Mission of the days of the Jesuit regime. It is four hun- dred and thirty-five feet long and one hundred and forty-four feet wide, and is crowned with a dome one hundred and thirty feet high. The walls are a close imitation of the adobe, or sun-dried brick, used in the original structures. The roof is covered with tiles similar to those covering the old nfissions. The principal features of the building are copied from the beautiful old missions at Santa Barbara. The whole mass, otherwise sombre, is relieved by a large central dome, around which is an open roof garden filled with semi-tropical 534 STATE BUlIvDINGS. plants. These glorious California products add a strong element of grace and beauty. The building is further embellished by rich molded windows over the arched entrances, while old mission bells in its towers ring frequent melodies. The departments for exhibits are arranged along the sides of the building on the ground floor, while the oflices are grouped in the second story. The exhibits consist of minerals, petrified wood, native wines, and other viticul- tural displays, beside representations of many other industries of the State. Retracing one's steps northward, the Illinois Building is reached directly opposite the California Building. It is built in the form of a Greek cross, of which one axis is four hundred and fifty feet long by one hundred and sixty feet wide, and the other two hundred and eighty feet long and ninety feet wide. In size and cost, as well as in mag- nificence, it is entitled to take rank with the departmental buildings of the Fair; but its architecture has shared the fate of that of the United States Government Building in fail- ing to please the critics. At the in- tersection of the arms of the cross rises a dome with an internal diame- ter of seventy-five feet and an inside height of one hundred and fifty-two feet. The gralleries encircle the dome, and above all rises a round 1 , . 1 ^ 111 II,I.INOIS WELCOMING THE NATIONS, lantern which extends two hundred ^^^^^^^^ building. (Bracien.) and thirty-four feet above the ground. The State has the largest and finest exhibit of all the States in the Union. The departments of display include model public school and kindergarten schools ; exhibits of the public schools, the Normal schools, and the University of Illinois ; the exhibit of the State Laboratory of Natural History; an exhibit of the fish commission, the railroad and warehouse commission, and the ex- 536 . STATE BUILDINGS. perimental station ; and exhibits of agriculture, geology, horticul- ture, and woman's work. In the northern wing is a fire-proof room called Memorial Hall, which contains historical objects from the State capitol at Springfield. The general design of the build- ing is very similar to that of the capitol. The next building northward is that of Indiana. It is Gothic in design, with cathedral windows, turrets and towers. At either end a tall spire rises above the roof to a height of one hundred and fifty feet. A wide veranda extends entirely around the building and the total dimensions of the structure are 53 by 152 feet. It pre- sents a massive appearance and is three stories high. The first story is Indiana gray stone, while the second and third are wood covered with staff. The doors and interior finish are in oak, carved and polished, and the floors are laid in mosaic. There are fine displays of historical portraits, as well as archaeological, mining, manufacturinor agricultural and educational exhibits. On the front of the building is a statue of heroic proportions, the work of Miss Jeannette Scudder, of Indiana. It represents a typical Indian beauty and is called the " Maid of the Wabash." The Wisconsin Building is next northward. It is 50 feet deep, and has a frontage of 90 feet exclusive of its four great porches. It is one of the handsomest of the Fair, and miorht be taken for a magnificent suburban residence. The walls for three feet are of Lake Superior brown stone, and the first story is of Menominee red pressed brick. The rest of the exterior finish is in shingles. The front and rear porches are supported by massive brown stone pillars, one at each corner, and one at each side of the main entrance. In the angles of the gables is seen the coat of arms of the State, modeled by Miss Eunice Winterbotham, of Eau Claire. The building is modern in architectural style, and is that generally used in club houses and large private residences. The rooms are handsomely finished and decorated, and form, a delightful place of resort for Wisconsin people." The building of Ohio, which is next reached is intended as social headquarters for people of that State visiting the Fair, and not for exhibits of any kind. Its architecture is of the style of the Italian 538 STATE BUILDINGS. Renaissance, simple and dignified. The dimensions are loo by 80 feet, exclusive of bay windows, porticos and terraces, while the two stories are about thirty-five feet in height. The last of all the State Buildings, which adjoins Wisconsin, is the imposing structure of Michigan. It is 104 by 144 feet in ground area, and three stories high. There is a veranda across the entire front, and from the centre rises a tower pierced with windows and bal- conies and 131 feet high. At the summit of the tower are four clock faces. The main entrance opens 1 into a tiled reception hall sixty-two feet wide and extending- the entire depth of the building. Wood fireplaces with high oak mantels adorn each room opening out from the hall. On the second floor is a fine assembly hall as well as an exhibit room. Here are shown specimens of the fauna and flora of the State, and a press exhibit showing sample front pages of every newspaper and magazine published in Michigan. The pomological display presents five hundred models of the various fruits grown in Michigan. The salt exhibit is especially interesting, as are also those of woman's work, educational, grains, grasses, lumber, etc. Now that we have exhausted the list of State Buildings, it is easily seen that they are applied to purposes of social entertain- ment, and for club house uses rather than for exhibit purposes. It is well that this should be so, for the main, buildino-s of the Fair provide ample opportunity Tor all regular exhibit displays. For club house purposes they are constantly utilized, and no feature of the Fair is more generally admired than this splendid collection of representative State edifices. NORTH DAKOTA STAT:e; BUIIyDING. I RESIDENT HARRISON, on the 24th of Decem- ber, 1890, issued official declaration that the con- ditions providing for the holding of an international exposition were complied with, and inviting all the nations of the earth to take part in the commemo- ration of the discovery of America. From that day to this throughout the world of nations there has been such activity in the preparation of exhibits for the great World's Fair as has never been seen before. The countries of Eu- rope, Asia and South America wath practical unanimity accepted the invitation and began work. To-day the results of their efforts show in the wonderful display at Jackson Park. In the north portion of the park stand a score of buildings erected by the representatives of foreign governments and filled with a display of the resources of their respective countries. This is entirely independent of the ex- hibits made in the various departmental buildings from foreign countries. The Chicago Exposition can more truly claim to be universal than any of its predecessors. The Centennial Exposition, on account of the event which it commemorated, could not receive the most en- thusiastic official endorsement from the government of Great Britain. The expositions which have been held in Europ^ have always been subject to the political and social rivalry and jealousy among the nations. Here for the first time all may meet on neutral ground. The history of the means by which interest was first awakened in foreign countries is interestin