■k:-"* ^^^ ■. K J -•s--.? M'^- ^j.\ f:.*H' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. .^l^r^W,... Shelf XS4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. mm^^ '^^/ N. E. ]\. \ A. < /^^k:/- -y- -^i»' -^p^ ''/i^ ANNUAL QCJIDE '^^^^^^!^^M''^^'^^^^M) m En h fe®?^^;®;^^i#'^;®i^;i] I <>NTAIN1N(; A Complete List of Clubs, with their Otiicers. Post Office Address. Etc. "^gether with a Portrait of the President, and other Illustrations. Also a Record of Regattas, with Winners and Time. •71^ ^V^J^^^ — <©>--©<^ ^®-— ^s>— ^^^'^ ^.f-N/- lg 9 o THE *■ ■*■ -^ ^^ -ijl- •)((■•*>(- -ijS- -Sfs- •*!*• -^ + * p. B. * ■*■ ^ 4- + •*•-¥••?■ * •*- STOCK ALE. BREWED BY WM. T. VAN NOSTRAND & CO., CRYSTAL LAKE BREWERY. Established 1821. Boston. H. V. PARTELOW & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOATS, CANOES, STEAM LAONCHES, SAIL BOATS Ships' Boats, Oars, Paddles, Boat and Canoe Hardware, Boat and Canoe Trimmings. Warerooms, 424 to 428 Atlantic Avenue, Boston. FACTORY AT AUBURXOALE. MASS. TELLPHONE CONNECTION Send Two 2-Cent Stamps for 111 nitrated Catalogue. EXPORTERS. ^ >v- l^o lEio /nlo U^o In. iyi/^y^^.C^^' -f' — \ H J \u "- -> ni 1 LJ .. ^ \j \ J AND REFEREN 00 Containing a Complete List of Clubs, with their Officers, Post Office »"'''*r*Mf^i^^iir~>ii>ii_i.i_ iMiiii ' i_ ii'iii^MtrMiAujtfi* Henry J. Winde, DKALK.R IN /Ci. '=:> FOR YACHTS, BOATS AND CANOES. OAK, ASH, HICKOXY AND Y/HITE WOOD LUMBPIR. 102 cincl 104 Beverlv Street, Bo:ston Boat K.iees and Boat Stock. Near Fitchburg R. R. Depot. New England Amateur Rowing Association. OFFICERS, President, WALTER STIMPSON. 255 North Avenue, North Cambridge, Mass. Vice-President, A. R. SWEET. P. O. Box 204, Pawtucket, R. L Secretary, WILLARD A. WINN. P. O. Box 952, Worcester, Mass. Treasurer, GEORGE GRIME. [7 Ridge Street, Fall River. Mass. LIST OF CLUBS. Anawan B. C, Fall River, Mass. Arlington B. C, Arlington, Mass. Bay View B. C, Marblehead, Mass. Bowdoin B. A., Brunswick, Me. Bradford B. C, Cambridge, Mass. Central B. C, South Boston, Mass. City Point R. A., South Boston, Mass. Columbian R. A., East Boston, Mass. Crescent B. C, Boston, Mass. Cumberland R A., Portland, Me. Dirigo B. C, Portland, Me. Emmett B. C, Arlington, Mass. Everett I?. C, East B >ston, Mass. Harvard University B. C, Cambrid^je, Mass. Jamaica B. C, Jamaica Plain, Mass. King Philip B. C, Fall River, Mass. Lawrence Canoe Club, Lawrence, Mass. Narragansett B. C, Providence. R. I. Neponset R. C, Neponset, Mass. Pawtucket B. C, Pawtucket, R. I. Riverside B. C, Cambridge, Mass. Salem B. C, Salem, Mass. Shawmut R. C, South Boston, Mass. Union B. C , Boston, Mass. Wachusett B. C, Worcester, Mass. Warwick B. C, Dorchester, Mass. W^est End B. C. Boston, Mass. Worcester B. C, Worcester, Mass. * ^%,w 'W. LauHdhyBlue. Stir a small quanily into rinsing water. This Blue is warranted first class, and not to streak or injure clothes. PREPARED BY ^^ Boston, Mass. ILao /nlo liAio /nlo L/5/ of dubs, with Officers, Address of Secretary, Etc. Anawan Boat Club, Fall River, Mass President, T. D. W. Wood. Vice-President, J. C Burns. Captain, VV. G. Simmons. Treasurer, G. R. H. Buffinton. Secretary, G. T. Wiley. Fall River, Mass., P. O. Box 576 Secretary's Address, Arlington Boat Club, President, S. F. Hicks. Treasurer, A. B. Marston. Secretary's Address, Bay View Boat Club, President, James A. Chipman, Jr. Captain, Henry C. P. Hidden. Secretary, Henry C. Sparhawk. Secretary's Address, Bowdoin Navy, Commodore, George B. Sears. Sect.-Treasurer, Prof. W. A. Moody. Assistant Sect. -Treasurer, Joel Bean. Address George B. Sears, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Bradford Boat Club, Cambridge, Mass- President, P. A. Berkeley. Vice-President, James H. Kemp. Treasurer, I'. J. Danehy. Captain, Douglas A. McPhee. Secretary, James P. Neal. President's Address, 25 Decatur Street, Cambridgeport, Mass. Central Boat Clab, South Boston, Mass. President, D. J. Casey. Vice-President, John J. Gearey. Captain, D. F. Casey. Treasurer, Henry F. Corcoran. .Secretary, Michael Sullivan. Secretary's Address, Arlington, Mass. Vice-President, H. A. Phinney. Secretary, Charles H. Stevens. Arlington, Mass, Marblehead, Mass- Vice-President, Fred. W. Trasher. Treasurer, George H. Thorburn. Marblehead, Mass. Brunswick, Me. Vice-Commodore, Fred E. Parker. City Point Rowing Association, President, L. H. Sullivan. Treasurer, Henry M. Nash. Captain, J. Kane. Clerk's Address, Columbian Rowing Association, President, T. Shaughnessy. Captain, T. F. Foley. 464 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. South Boston, Mass. Vice-President, Edward P. Barry. Lieutenant, I). Kane. Clerk, C. F'. Cherrington. South Boston, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Vice-President, J. P. Greene. Treasurer, J. J. Corrigan. Secretary, J. L. Culliney. Secretary's Address, 174 .Marion Street, East Boston, Mass. Crescent Boat Club, Boston. Mass. President, James R. Doyle. Vice-Presidents, M. J. Murphy and W. J. Eogan. Treasurer, Edward Watson. Secretary, Joseph Harrington. Secretary's Address, 27 Deele Avenue, Roxbury, Mass. E. L. Williams, ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ YACHT YACHT Designer and Builder. designer AND Specifications and Designs Furnished. Repairs and Alterations made. Foot of Ninth Street, between M and N Streets, SOUTH BOSTON. BUILDER. FOOT OF K STREET, South Side, South Boston, Mass. T. H. RAYMOND, » MORTGAGES. • Special zAtteiition given to the Dvlanagement and Care of Property. 1{eal Estate bought and Sold. 604: IVIAIN STREET Cainbriclcreport. f^ W [^ alio uXio Znlo List of Clubs, with Officers, zAddress of Secretary, Etc, Cumberland Rowing Association, Portland, Me. President, Martin A. Clary. • Vice-President, James J. Hawkins, Jr. Treasurer, A. A. Frates. Captain, Thomas E. Quinn. Financial Secretary, Joseph H. Clary. Recording Secretary, fames E. O'Neil. Secretary's Address, 24 Exchange Street, Portland, Me. Dirigo Boat Club, Portland, Me. President, C C. McLean. Vice-President, J. Butler, Captain, D. A. Carey. Treasurer, E. G. Rodick. Secretary, T. A, Prownrig. Secretary's Address, Enimett Boat Club. President, W. J. Sweeney. Captain, M. W. Callahan. Financial Secretary, (i. J. Cody. Secretary's Address, Everett Boat Club, President, M. J. Campbell, Captain, /. J. Maguire. hiiiancial Secretary, J. H. McLaughlin. 299 Fore Street, Portland, Me. Arlington, Mass. Vice-President, M. J. Hodge. Treasurer. 1) J. Daily, Corresponding Secretary, J. B. Nolan. Arlington, Mass. East Boston, Mass. Vice-President, M. F. O'Brien, Treasurer, T. Pendergast. Corresponding Secretary, M. A. DriscoU- Secretary's Address, 1 1 Everett Street, East Boston, Mass. Harvard University Boat Club, Cambridge, Mass. President, S. Dexter, rst. Vite- President, H. R. Bishop. Treasurer, L. Brooks. Captain, J. P. Hutchinson. .Secretary, J. A. Shaw. Address, Harvard ('ollege, Cambridge, Mass. Jamaica Boat Club. President, R. S. Hyde. Treasurer, Oeorge O. Currier. Secretary's Address, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Captain, R. W. A- Scott. Secretary, F. W. Holmes. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Fall River, Mass. Vice-President, Charles E. O'Gara. Lieutenant, William Booth. Financial Secretary, S. B. Davis. Corresponding Secretary. \Vm. Devenay. King Philip Boat Club. President, Thomas Chadwick. Treasurer. Edward Hefferan. Captam, Charles Splaine. Recording Secretary, Charles Garrity Secretary's Address, 47 Washington Street, Fall River, Mass, Lawrence Canoe Club, Lawrence. Mass Commodore, Harry R. Dow. Vice-Commodore, Charles E F. Clarke. Captain, A. H. Robinson. Treasurer, Fred. L. Leighton. Secretary, James E. Simpson. Secretary's Address, Narragansett Boat Club, President. Hiram Kendall. Captain, Nelson S. Davis. Treasurer, Jeffrey Davis. Secretary's .Address, P. O. Box 73, Lawrence. Mass Providence. R. I Vice-President, John Shepard, Jr. Lieutenant, Lewis H. Kalloch. Secretary, Charles R. Gibbs. P. (). Box 1037, Providence, R. I SAMUEL W Yacht Designer and Builder FOOT OF N STREET, SOUTH SIDE, SOUTH BOSTON, MASS. JOHN H. MAHONEY, Liquor Dealer, 230 COMMERCIAL STREET, Stephen I. Newman, Dealer in Gigar6 * and « -TebacGo 566 Main Street, Cambridgeport. [ r. James M. Solomjn, Jr.'s Botanicdl Medical InsJtuie 75 Court St, (Scollay ^q), Bos'on^ Mass, INDIAN BOTANICAL REMEDIES Roots, Herbs, Gums and Barks chiefly use-i. Dr. Solomon treats all Chronic Diseases makes a s -ecial y of Lung roubles. Cancers, Tumors, h ph ep- Tic Fits. Rheum vtism, Seuralgi v, St. v itus Dance, Spinal < omplaint-, Hemokkhxgb; of I.ungs. Kczfma a >l a i "• "^ •4'' ■?'• 603 MilN ST.. CAMBRIDaE. Po Eo fi. Ko /Mo iEQ/Mi™ Course, two miles with one turn*, except for eight-oared race, the distance of which is a mile and a half, straightaway. The Regatta of 1887 was rowed on the Charles River, Boston, the others on Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester. SENIOR FOUR OARED SHELLS. 1887 Crescent Boat Club, Boston - . _ r. o. 1888 Dirigo Boat Club ----- 13m. 40s. 1889 Bradford Boat Club R. o. JUNIOR FOUR OARED SHELLS. 1887 Jamaica Boat Club, Boston - - - T4m. 39s. 1888 Dirigo Boat Club ----- r, o. 1889 Bradford Boat Club ----- No time. SENIOR SINGLE SCULL SHELLS. 1887 Wm. F. Coniey. Shawmut I^oat Club - - 14m. 34s. 1888 C. G. Psotta, Cornell Navy - - - 14m 7 1-43. 1889 John I). Ryan, Union Boat Club - - 13m. 53s. JUNIOR SINGLE SCULL SHELLS. 1887 M. A. (Jleary, Cumberland Boat Club - i6m 26 i-2S. 1888 J. E. Mahoney, Columbian Boat Club - 14m. 14s. 1889 F. Haas, W'achusett Boat Club - - - 14m. 5s. DOUBLE SCULL SHELLS. 1887 . W. Goepfert, J. O'Regan, Metropolitan B. C. 13m. 3^5. 1888 M. F. Monahan, H. Cairipbell, Albany B. C. 13m. 29s. 1889 j. E. Nagle, J. Pilkington. Metropolitan B. C. 12m. 47s. EKiHT OARED SHELLS. 1887 Harvard Universitv Boat Club - - - 8m 52 [-2s. 1888 Bradford Boat Club ----- 8m. r9s. 1889 Bradford Boat Club ----- 8m. i6s. SENIOR FOUR OARED WORK'NG BOATS. 1887 Riverside Boat Club -----' 14m 9s. I ;8S Riverside Boat Club ----- T3m. 23s. 1889 \\'est End Boat Club - - - - - 13m 40s. JUN[OR FOUR OARED WORKING BOATS. 1887 Central Boat Club ----- 14m. cos. 1S88 West End Boat Club ----- 13m. 12s. iS£9 Neponset Boat Club ----- i4in. 7s. INTERMEDIATE SINGLE SCULL SHELLS. 1888 W. Caffrey, Columbian Boat Club - - 14m. 34s. 1889 D. A. McPhee, Bradford B^at Club - - 14'"- i^i- THE SPORTING DEPARTMENT OF THK H CAMBRIDGE TRIE 1\. T rn \y V\'ill, the coming season, be kept up to its usual standard of Interest, Accu- racy, and Completeness. THE TRIBUNES Local and Special Features will be made more valuable and Entertaining than ever. r. STANHOPE HILL, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. 'SilUJIIfe- ■ -^ ■ — '■ .■.■■..:•...■■, 'SS* SHEA & SMITH, <^ Warren Building, Brighton, Mass. Po io /^o ^o i^o IM/^T™ FALL CHAMPIONSHIP. Charles T^iver, "Boston. Labor TDay, Monday, Sept. 2, i88c^. Course, two miles with one turn, except for eight-oared race, the distance of which is a mile and a half, straightaway. JUNIOR SINGLE SCULL SHELLS. 1889 M. T. Quigley, Atalanta Boat Club - - 14m. 7 1-4S. INTERMEDL^TE SINGLE SCULL SHELLS. 1889 Joseph Bergin, Shawmut Boat Club - - 13m. 58s. SENIOR SINGLE SCULL SHELLS. 1889 E. D. Rogers, Albany Rowing Club - - 13^1. 55 i-2S. JUNIOR FOUR OARED SHELLS. 1889 King Philip Boat Club . . _ _ j^m. 12s. SENIOR FOUR OARED SHELLS. 1889 Atalanta Boat Club - - - - - 12m. 52 1-4S. JUNIOR FOUR OARED WORKING BOATS. 1889 Riverside Boat Club ----- 141-n. 26s. SENIOR FOUR OARED WORKING BOA rS. 1889 Bradford Boat Club ----- 13m. 4s. DOUBLE SCULL SHELLS. 1889 J. Pratt, Jr., A. Buschman, Ravenswood Boat Club - - - - - - 12m. 6 3-4S. MILLER BROS., (KSTAHLISHKI) 1875.) Cor. Main and Essex Sts., Cambridceport, Mass. Waltham, Hampden, Illinois, Rockford, Elgin, Aurora, Columbus, U. S. W. CO. WATCHES. We have no great Mark-Down Sales, as our prices are always reasonable. Vov a (iood Article we can sell as low as any one. WATCH REPAIRING a Specialty virith us, and we warrant to give satisfaction. W. H. DAVY, 6eff g& Boeif ^ ifder. DYKE STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MASS, ''i~iin«»i I *^"ii "">r»i iif^ii r^~^nii^iiri Nii^i^i^M^>^riMiM^Ma*^««i<^ w^^^'^^^*^^"^^^^^'* Wm^ JOHN J. LYNCH, CAPTAIN RIVERSIDE BOAT CLUB. MEANEY'S IMPROVED ROWLOCK J KOR SW^EEPS AND SCULLS. Also Manufacturer of Meaney's Improved ROWING SLIDE AND SEAT. JOHN MEANEY, 69 CORNHILL, BOSTON, MASS. LAWS OF BOAT RACING ADOPTED BY THE NEW ENGLAND AMATEUR ROWING ASSOCIATION. , Starting. 1. All boat races shall be started in the following manner : The Starter, on being satis- fied that the competitors are ready, shall give the signal to start. 2. If tbe Starter considers the start false he shall at once recall the boats to their sta- tions ; and any boat refusing to start again shall be disqualified. 3. Any boat not at its post at the time specified shall be liable to be disqualified by the Umpire. 4. The Umpire may act as Starter if he thinks fit ; where he does not so act the Starter shall be subject to the control of the Umpire. 5. Boats shall be started by their sterns, and shall have completed their course when the bows reach the finish. Water. 6. A boat's own water is its straight course, parallel with those of the other competing boats, from the station assigned to it at the start to the finish, 7. Each boat shall keep its own water throughout the race, and any boat departing from its own water will do so at its peril. 8. The Umpire shall be sole judge of a boat's own water and proper course during the race. Fouls. 9. It shall be considered a foul when, after the race has commenced, any competitor by his oar, boat, or person comes in contact with the oar, boat or person of another competitor, unless, in the opinion of the Umpire, such contact is so slight as not to infiuence the race. 10. No fouliug whatever shall be allowed ; the boat committing a foul shall be dis- qualified. 11. The Umpire may, duriug a race, caution any competitor when in danger of commit- ting a foul. 12. The Umpire shall decide all questions as to a foul. 13. A claim of a foul must be made to the Umpire by the competitor himself, and, if possible, before getting out of his boat. 14. In case of a foul the Umpire shall have the power — (a) To place the boats (except the boat committing the foul, which is disqualified) in the order in which they come in. (6) To order the boats engaged in the race, other than the boat committing the foul, to row over again on the same or another dav. (c) To restart the qualified boats from the place where the foul was committed. Accidents. 15. Every boat shall abide by its accidents, except when during a race a boat while in its own water shall be interfered with by any outside boat the Umpire may order the race to be rowed over, if, in his opinion, such interference materially affected its chances of winning the race. Assistance. 16. No boat shall be allowed to accompany a competitor for the purpose of direct- ing his course or affording him other assistance. The boat receiving such direction or assistance shall be disqualified at the discretion of the Umpire. Umpire. 17. The jurisdiction of the Umpire extends over the race and all matters connected with it, from the time the race is specified ts start until its final termination, and his decision in all cases shall be final and without appeal. 18. The judge at the finish shall report to the Umpire the order in which the com- peting boats cross the line, but the decision of the race shall rest with and be declared by the Umpire. 19. Any competitor refusina: to abide by the decision, or to follow the directions of the Umpire, shall be disqualified. 20. The Umpire, if he thinks proper, may reserve his decision, provided that in every case such decision be given on the day of the race. 21. Contestants rowing a dead heat shall compete again after such interval as may be appointed, and the contestant refusing to so row shall be adjudged to h ive lost the race. Turning Races. 22. In turning races each competitor shall have a separate turning stake, and shall turn from port to stat-b )ard. Crews shall turn from starboard to port. Any competitor may turn any stake oth:^r than his own, but does so at his perd. ^^^^^^^^^^^p^^ L.W. Ferdinand 5:G0., Manufacturers, Jobbers and Retailers of YACHT, CANOE, And BOAT FITTINGS. Our Catalogue contains over 300 illustrations. Send for one. 267 FEDERAL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. SMOKE THE UNRIVALLED IOC. w.s. CIGAR AND THE FAMOUS Riverside and Longwood 5c. CiCARS. STOLBA & FERRIS, MANUFACTURERS, 87 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge. — c^ luergide t}ouga. CAM-BRIDGE STREET, OPP. BEACON PARK, PKIQMTON. M. iVORY, EUROPEAN PLAN, PROPRIETOR. Wt^ TRY LESOME SOAP. IT IS THE BEST. Manufactured by LVSANDER KF^.MP & SONS. > :j3 ■o H O o > H O r~ c 00 X o c (7) m w T) -< TS O z > o H O z HODGES - MANSUR CO. [Successors to WARREN MANSUR,] ERNEST J. SMITH. it Wholesale Dealer in ICE CKEAM, SHERBETS. ETC. 107 PUTNAM AVENUE, Cambridgeport. Manufacturers of Plain and Fancy Crackers S BisGuito. Ask your Grocer for our CREAM WAFERvS and GRAHAM WAFERETTES. They are superior to anythins; of the kind in the market. 637 MAIN STREET, * • BOSTON. Charlestowii District. COL. WM. BEALS, PUBLIC ^ DECORATOR. 96 Court Street, Boston. Decorations of Halls for Banquets and Balls a Specialty. Geo. W. Greenliaf, Manager Mrs. Reals, Supt. Flag Dept. HENRY THAYER & CC'S NUTRITIVE NERVE TONIC, STIMULANT AND FOOD COMBINED. Particularly recommended in cases of mal-nutrition or non-assimilation of food, and in weakened and impaired conditions generally. FOR CONSUMPTION, NERVOUS DISORDERS, and for various forms of wasting diseases it will be found highly valuable, arresting waste of tissue, increasing the appetite and power of assimilation, and building up nerve force rapidly. Special attention is directed to its value in convalescence following prolonged sickness. We especially desire to bring to the notice of all physicians wishing to prescribe a stimulating food, the fact that this is not an ordinary compound of cheap ingredients, fortified with alco- hol, and most injurious in its effects upon the system, but a remedy prepared from the very best material and by a for- mula which has had the endorsement of some of the best of the medical profession. It combines in the most agreeable form the tonic proprieties of Calisaya, the Nervine of Coca, and the Nutritive of Malt and Extract of Beef. thus giving in the most condensed form three great reme- dies most useful in the treatment of the above mentioned and kindred diseases. THAYER & CO., Cambridgeport, Mass. HENRY Fir sale by all Drui^'gists, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE, AND INSURANGE AGENCY. PROTECTION AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 613 Main Street, Cambridgeport, And lO State Street, Boston. J. R. ROBERTSON, Ml THE ■ OCSlCrttD S-6UII.T BY M A N U F A err U R K R (J K ill i Mogl\$ GLnd ©QKoes Of the Charles River, Adirondack, and Canadian Models. Fine Sailing Canoes built to order. Canoe Fittings of all kinds on hand or furnished to order at short notice. Prices furnished on application. Also a first class A i@/^T Llfiil A fitted with canoes, light and heavy pleasure boats of various sizes. Canoes fur- nished fpr vacation trips at moderate prices. Address all correspondence to AUBURNDALE, MASS., P. O. Box 28 1. u . — 1 GENERAL COLLEQE OQTFITTER. 8 and lO Boylston St., Cambridge. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ 029 726J27 2 \'mikh -^ - ■^^7>'' V .^.^^^i;;* ,-/^3 -'':--^^-C * r; : ;