Book ^ «*> ^r ; H-^b CopjiightN". COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT, THE LOG OF THE OREGON CS B o O 00 a *» a a o pet THE LOG OF THE OREGON A Sailor's Story of the Voyage from San Francisco to Santiago in J 898 E. A. HALL & COMPANY eRSBNFIELD, MA8S. 1914 Copyright, 1914 BY Edward Kirk Titus All Rights Reserved MAY 2^ lyi^ CLA374i8i 1^ to the officers of the oregon the seamen firemen and marines and to the naval reserves who joined the ship before the battle of santiago all of v7h0m showed themselves so brave and capable this little volume is respectfully dedicated Edward K. Titus INTRODUCTORY THE interest aroused by the first publica- tion of the narrative contained within these pages has suggested to the friends of Rear-Admiral Charles E. Clark that it be given a somewhat wider distribution. That this new edition would be welcome is indicated bv a letter received by the Admiral from the late Dr. S. Weir Mitchell of Philadelphia, as fol- lows : — Bar Harbor, Maine. My dear Admiral: — I have read with the utmost pleasure the naive log of the Oregon kept by the seaman and think that more than this present writer should have the pleasure of reading what a sailor had to say of that famous voyage. I wish I could add to this your own account of it which I wrung from you one pleasant evening in my home, when I got from you what you will prob- ably be unwilling to put on paper for anyone else. It is a historic story which has not as yet been fitly told, and so redounds to the credit of the navy and so expresses the feeling of officers and men, that I still entertain hope that THE LOG OF THE OREGON you may print it with the sailor's story of a voyage which must ever live in the annals of the navy. Yours always, WEIR MITCHELL. July 24th, 1912. Rear Admiral Charles Clark, Mansfield Stowe, Vermont. In the year 1908, Chief Justice John Adams Aiken of Massachusetts had printed for private distribution a limited edition of this little vol- ume, with an introduction in his own graceful style, the book being entitled ''The Voyage of the Oregon from San Francisco to Santiago in 1898." The narrative therein contained and reprinted in the following pages was a sailor's log, a story of the life on board the battle-ship Oregon during this famous passage. The writer of this journal, one of the crew of the vessel, had entered these notes day by day on the voyage, his purpose being merely to give his home circle an account of the journey. A friend to whom his sisters gave the log, noting a newspaper contribution by Admiral Clark re- lative to the straits of Magellan, sent the manu- s INTRODUCTORY script to him. The Admiral showed it to his friends, who insisted that it be published. Although an uneducated man, the writer of this journal had an observant habit of mind and a knack for story-telling, so that his recital is a vivacious description of the scenes and in- cidents of a famous undertaking. It reflects the pride which the crew felt in their com- mander, Capt. Charles E. Clark, now rear- admiral of the United States navy, and their implicit confidence in his capacity as a naval commander. The reader also finds intimate per- sonal glimpses of the American blue- jacket, his fervent patriotism, his courageous assumption of the hazards of war, his faith in the success of his cause. The picture thus drawn suggests the mariners of Ulysses: — ''Souls that have toiled, and wrought and thought with me — That ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed Free hearts, free foreheads — }f Since the stirring days in which this log was written, many tributes have been offered 9 THE LOG OF THE OREGON by naval and other authorities to the splendor of the Oregon's achievement: — Senator Lodge, when he heard of Clark's dispatch assuring the department that he could cope with the Spanish fleet, wrote that it re- called ''Sir Richard Grenville and the days gone by, and proved that the spirit of our Norse ancestors was burning brightly in this Ameri- can captain, officers, and crew." Alfred T. Mahan, the foremost naval writer of the day, when he heard of Clark's plan for a running fight with the Spanish cruisers off the coast of Brazil, in which reference was made to the manner in which Horatius overcame the Curiatii, wrote: ''Capt. Clark drew for sup- port from the very fountain heads of history, from the remote and even legendary past." Admiral Lord Charles Beresford of the British navy said: ''I confess to a feeling of pride in the Oregon." Capt. Paget, naval attache of the British legation at Washington, added: ''Capt. Clark is my beau ideal of a naval officer. ' ' Concerning this achievement the following remark was made by Sir Almeric Rich: "Such a service by an English officer would have meant not only promotion but a peerage." 10 INTRODUCTORY The full measure of Capt. Clark's respon- sibility was not kno^^^a to the writers quoted above, nor has the public understood it. On reaching the port of Rio Janeiro, he had orders to beware of the Spanish fleet, that he must avoid it if possible, and also that if he felt it necessary, he would be allowed to remain in a Brazilian port on the plea of injured boilers and machinery. Capt. Clark was unwilling to cower in a foreign port under cover of this permission, which would have had a disheartening effect at home. On the other hand, he was seeking no conflict with a superior force, the issue of which might be a damaging blow to our naval strength. He weighed the chances coolly and promptly sailed out of port in accordance with the mis- sion of the voyage, which was to reinforce the United States fleet in Cuban waters with the least possible delay. If worst came to worst he felt he could win in a running fight. But at the best it was a departure into an ominous unknown, like the sailing of a viking of old, and again Ulysses and his mariners came to mind: 11 THE LOG OF THE OREGON '^Push off, and silting well in order smite The sounding fiirroivs : • ••••••••# It may he that the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, that which we are, we are ; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak hy time and fate, hut strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.' ^ For 4000 miles the Spaniards had every opportunity to strike the Oregon on her lone way. There was a thrilling moment when the union with Sampson's fleet was successfully accomplished. The ship's companies paraded on deck with bands playing as the Oregon passed down the line. The reinforcement brought a thrill of relief to many anxious hearts, particularly in the Atlantic ports, where the threat of bombardment had seemed a real menace. The glorious sequel at Santiago is known to every school boy. Admiral Clark, in an official letter to the department, paid this tribute: — 12 INTRODUCTORY << Therefore, in justice to the officers and men who exerted themselves so much and endured such hardships during the long and arduous voyage from the Pacific, that their ship might be present and efficient in the hour of need, Vv'hose willingness to encounter single handed the enemy's fleet if it should cross her track, was so evident, and whose enthusiasm in battle was so inspiring, I feel that I should emphasize the following facts: That the Oregon speedily gained a position nearest the enemy, that she held that position during the crisis of the battle, that she attacked in succession all four of the enemy's ships, and that she passed none until they turned for the beach, three on fire and the fourth with her colors coming down." The following from another official letter of Admiral Clark is an interesting comment on the action of the navy department, and also as to his personal feeling, in the much debated matter of rewards: — "Of the twenty-five officers senior to me on the navy list and who have ranked me nearly forty-one years, Watson, w^hom Farragut es- teemed above all the young officers who fought under him, Cassey, whose place in the assault at 13 THE LOG OF THE OREGON Chemulpo, was shown by his coat, cut by spear thrusts, Barker, who fought on board the Miss- issippi when she was destroyed under the bat- teries at Port Hudson, Cotton, on board the Oneida, when she suffered so much at Mobile, Wadleigh, so distinguished by his Arctic ser- vice in the Alliance, Sands, who went beyond other officers, promoted for bravery at Fort Fisher, Cook, who received the surrender of the Colon,* and others I believe have said they would gladly see me placed above them in rank, xind they, my life long friends, know that I would rather not be so advanced." Admiral Clark never cared for fighting for its own sake, his wish being merely to perform his duty. When one of his brother officers em- braced him after the battle of Santiago, saying : ' ' This is a glorious day for you, ' ' Clark replied, looking upon the scene of death about him, ' ' To me it is truly a fearful day. I can only rejoice that we are breaking down the bridge to Spain^ so that every life sacrificed here to-day may save a hundred hereafter." * Also Higginson. who after his boat had been raked, led the boarders over the Judith's side in an exploit so inspiring- at the beginning of the Civil war, and Chester, who served on board the Rich- mond next in line to the Hartford at Mobile. 14 INTRODUCTORY One phase of the Oregon's achievement, never known to the general public, might well be mentioned here. The superb mechanical efficiency of the Oregon, shown at Santiago when she passed battle-ships classed as superior to her in speed, taking the lead in the attack on each Spanish vessel, was largely due to the self-denial of the ship's company in the matter of drinking water. On an ordinary cruise salt water could have been taken into one of the boilers, the steam thus obtained condensed to water again, and a sufficient supply set aside to become cool and sweet drinking water. But such use of salt water would have crusted the boiler with scale. That the consequent loss of steaming efficiency might be avoided, the officers and crew on their long journey from San Francisco had been content with the supply made by the fresh water condensers, which was so insufficient that it had to be used while warm. In a voyage through the tropics, this involved a serious hardship, which was cheerfully accepted by all. 15 SKETCH OF REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK Charles Edgar Clark, rear-^dniiral of the United States navy, was born in Bradford, Orange county, Vermont, August 10, 1843. He was the son of James Dayton Clark, whose grandfather, Thomas Clark of Eoxbury, Mass- achusetts, joined the Revolutionary army when a battle was expected, and was a member of the General. Court before the close of the war. His mother was Mary Sexton Clark, daughter of Major Hiram Sexton of Bradford, Vermont, who served in the last war with England; and granddaughter of Captain Williams of Wil- mington, Vermont, an officer in the Revolution- ary army. Admiral Clark thus came of fighting stock, and when 16 years of age, was already hoping to become a soldier. Hon. Justin S. Morrill, whose service in Congress of forty-four years exceeded in duration that of any other American, knowing that otherwise young Clark could only be educated in the schools of his native village, and must soon take some employ- ment not suited to his tastes and ambitions, ap- 17 THE LOG OF THE OREGON pointed him to the naval academy at Annapolis. He passed his fourth class year at that insti- tution on board the school-ship Constitution, known as Old Ironsides, never dreaming of such a ship as the iron-clad he was later to command. One of his associates at the Academy was his father's cousin and namesake, James Day- ton, who as a rear-admiral commanded on one occasion an assembled fleet of 23 battle-ships and armored cruisers. As Old Ironsides, with only sail power and smooth bore guns, was classed as one of our ef- fective cruising ships, these young men were to see changes in naval architecture almost as great as those of the preceding two thousand years. As the Oregon, after Clark commanded her, was called by the Secretary of the Navy in an official dispatch *'the Constitution of the new navy,'^ the Admiral's connection with the fa- mous old fighting ship is of interest. The Con- stitution sailed from Annapolis at the beginning of the last war with England, in which she was to win three signal victories. Clark first went to sea when she sailed from the same anchorage at the beginning of the Civil war, carrying the loyal midshipmen to Newport. On the way up 18 SKETCH OF REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK the coast she passed over the ground where in the earlier conflict she was attacked by a power- ful squadron, and was so intrepidly handled by Commodore Hull, that seaman from New Eng- land who brought down the flag of Old England for the first time in single frigate action. For- tunately the Constitution got to sea on that occasion before orders could arrive that would have detained her in port. The battle with the Guerriere was the first of a series of naval triumphs, which, as Jackson said, was all that enabled us to hold up our heads during two years of mismanagement and defeat on shore. While a fourth classman at the naval acad- emy, Clark was called upon to take part in the last preparations made for the defense of the historic ship, when Annapolis was cut off from the North by the attack upon the Union troops in Baltimore. The guns on shore that could have been used against her were added to the ship's battery. As there was only a handful of seamen on board, the midshipmen were armed and stationed to repel an attack. A large number of the officers and midship- men were secessionists. But no changes seemed to have been made in the assignment to stations. 19 y THE LOG OF THE OREGON fOne night, when an alarm was sounded on shore, Lieutenant Davidson, the officer on duty, and Midshipman Carnes, who commanded a company, and both of whom were Southerners, w^ere questioned. They answered that their res- ignations had not yet been accepted, and that they still wore the uniform; o Clark made a cruise on board the practice ship Macedonian to the coast of Europe and the Madeira Isks. This craft could be handled like a yacht by the noted seaman in command, S. B. Luce. If attacked in a calm, she could fight, two guns right ahea^d and astern. After leaving Cherbourg, France, she was disguised as an Englishman, her royal poles being cut off. The midshipmen were confident of victory if the Alabama or Florida could be lured within close range. But the only Confederates Clark met on this expedition were former companions at the Academy who were waiting in Europe for a chance to join their cruisers. Clark's exper- ience in the ship was a good one for him as the later commander of the Oregon. Clark and his classmates were detached from the Academy and given the rank of ensign at the end of the second class year. He joined the 20 SKETCH OF REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK Ossipee, which then with several smaller vessels was blockading the port of Galveston. He served in her during the last two years of the war. Galveston was a place of misfortune for the navy. The Westfield had been destroyed there, and the Harriet Lane was carried by boarding, both Captains Renshaw and Wain- right and both Executive Officers Zimmerman and Lea being lost. Outside, the Hatteras had been sunk by the Alabama. The Ossipee was commanded by Fighting John Gillis, so called from his record in the Monticello and the Seminole. He was soon to be deeply chagrined when a sailing vessel broke through the blockade in broad daylight. A heavy sea was running, and the ships could not keep down the fire of Fort Magruder and the Pellican Spit batteries, nor cripple the ad- venturous vessel. Her intrepid master kept close to the breakers where he could not be rammed, and braved the fire until the entrance was reached. Clark was on the topgallant forecastle at the pivot gun, and when one of the training levers came adrift he nearly went overboard with it from a violent roll of the ship. Capt. W. M. Walker, who soon relieved Cap- 21 THE LOG OF THE OREGON tain Gillis, incurred Admiral Farragut's dis- pleasure as the result of an effort to capture some vessels outside. This weakened the force off Mobile so much that the enemy could have driven off the remaining ships and could have legally raised the blockade for sixty days. A little later Clark, who was on board the flag- ship, was called into the cabin by one of the staff, concerning a requisition from the Ossipee. Seated at a desk some distance aft was "the doughty Admiral," so called by a European writer, "whose deeds in war had placed him at the head of the nautical profession upon the earth," and who perhaps was even better de- scribed by the affectionate remark "in some respects he never quite grew up. ' ' Hearing the word Ossipee, his impetuosity was manifest at once. Cut that brass plate out," he cried. "But," began Clark, "That is for a cover to the pivot gun socket." "Nonsense, no such thing in the ordnance manual, too much brass now on board the Ossipee," came the reply with a threatening forefinger. iWell, but Admiral, Captain Walker wants" 22 n SKETCH OF REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK This was a red rag, and Clark nished out of the cabin well in the lead. Modest as the Ad- miral was about his great achievements, Clark knew he had loudly boasted as to what he would do if his son Loyal, who stood at his side at Port Hudson, Grand Gulf, and Warrenton, should presume upon his youthful strength. This was the only marked attention Clark ever received from the great Admiral. A little later Commander W. E. LeRoy, a favorite of Admiral Farragut and his fleet cap- tain after the war, was put in command of the Ossipee. While forcing the entrance of Mobile Bay, a shot coming through the Ossipee 's side sent a lot of splinters flying about. One went on board the Itasca, which was lashed alongside to carry her through if disabled, and struck her captain, George Brown, on the leg, setting him dancing around. "Oh! Brown," cried LeRoy, *'Have you been struck by a splinter?" *'Well, you may call it a splinter on board your big ship," cried the sufferer, ''but over here it ranks as a log of wood." A few minutes later the iron-clad Tennessee came out of the smoke on the starboard bow 23 THE LOG OF THE OREGON and raked the Ossipee with her bow and one of her broadside gnns. Clark was so absorbed watching their frowning muzzles that he forgot the Ossipee might be rammed and sunk within range of the forts. Lieutenant Howell called to Commander LeRoy : ' ' Shall we port and ram ? ' ' The latter answered: "No, steady, I think we will go clear." The ships passed so close aboard that the flash of the guns and the crash of shot was instantaneous. Farragut's fore- sight in having the ships paired was shown in case of the Oneida, next astern of the Ossipee, which was disabled by a shot in her boilers, but was carried in by her consort the Galena. The Ossipee had a narrow escape, as a ten inch shot from the water battery grazed the main steam- pipe, tearing away the wooden battens and the fearnought with which it was encased. When Admiral Farragut made his famous signal to run down the enemy's iron-clad flag- ship at full speed, the Ossipee was one of the wooden ships whose distinguishing pennant was shown. Farragut, after referring to the signal in his detailed official report, says that the com- bat that followed was one of the fiercest on record. 24 SKETCH OF REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK The Ossipee was the fourth vessel that rammed or tried to ram the Tennessee. As En- sign Clark was on the forecastle in charge of the three forward guns, it happened that though so young in the service he was the first officer to exchange words with the captain of the Tenn- essee, when the latter came out of the casemates with a white flag to surrender the ship. To help him avoid a collision, and having heard the orders given on his own ship to put the helm over and reverse the engines. Ensign Clark shouted to the confederate captain that the Ossipee 's helm had been put to starboard. The Tennessee's captain replied that he was help- less, his wheel-ropes being shot away. Ensign Clark commanded the Ossipee \s quarter-deck battery in the successful attack on Port Morgan, also on the lower Mississippi when Reed, the "Cushing" of the Confederate navy, vainly attempted to escape with the ram Webb, by running past ships and batteries from the Red river to the Gulf. The shots fired on the latter occasion were probably the last dis- charged by the navy during the Civil war, as the Confederate armies had surrendered. The next service of Ensign Clark was on 25 THE LOG OF THE OREGON board the flag-ship of Commodore John Rogers, of Galena and Weehawken fame, when the Monadnock, the first monitor to make an ocean voyage, was convoyed to the Pacific. He wit- nessed the bombardment of Valparaiso and the battle of Callao, when the Spanish Admiral was wounded and four of his wooden frigates were disabled or driven out of action. As Valpar- aiso was a defenceless town, there was a sugges- tion of interference by the United States and European naval forces, and our ships prepared for battle, but a collision was averted. Promotion in the lower grades of the navy was rapid just after the war, and Clark reached the grade of lieutenant-commander at the age of twenty-four. When the Suwanee in 1868, steaming at full speed, struck an unknown rock and imme- diately broke in two, Lieutenant-Commander Clark had the watch, and during the first few moments of excitement, was the only officer on deck. All landed safely on Hope island near the north end of Vancouver. When the cap- tain and the greater number of the crew were taken off by the English gunboat Sparrowhawk, Captain Porcher, the command of the party 26 SKETCH OF REAR-ADMIRAL CLARK left on the island was given to Clark, who was the fifth line officer in rank. The English officers and crew did every- thing possible for the comfort and welfare of the Americans. Admiral Clark always felt especially indebted to Lieutenant Reginald Townsend for the solicitous care for his com- fort. He also felt deeply grateful to Admiral Hastings of the English navy, who protested against sending the rescued men from Victoria to San Francisco in an unseaworthy vessel, and said he would gladly take them in his flag-ship, the Zealous. In 1876 Clark was at Ichang on the Yang- tse-Ki-ang river, 1000 miles above its mouth, when China was obliged to declare the port open to commerce. His first command was the line-of-battle ship New Hampshire, in 1881. The second night at sea she and the steam frigate Powhatan struck on the southeast and most exposed point of Block island, but both vessels got off without serious injury. In command of the Ranger, Clark carried on from 1883 to 1886 with a large detail of officers, the survey of the west coast of Mexico and Central America. While holding the rank 27 THE LOG OF THE OREGON of commander, he was ordered in 1894 to en- force the decree, just issued, of the Behring Sea Arbitration Court of Paris, and was given command of one of the largest cruising fleets that had been assembled since the Civil war. It was composed of the Mohican, Yorktown, Concord, Adams, Ranger, Alert and Petrel, men of war, the Fish Commission steamer Al- batross, and the revenue cutters Corwin and Bear. When it was decided to send the battle- ship Oregon from San Francisco to the Atlantic ocean on account of the threatened war with Spain, Clark, then a captain, was ordered to command. He joined the ship March 18, 1898, and sailed two days later on the voyage that became historic. 28 THE LOG OF THE OREGON So we started on the 19th of March and I will try and give you some idea of our trip on this side of the U. S. Capt Mc- Commick got sick and had to be relieved to go on sick leif. Capt Clark was in command of the Monteray at the time and he was a young Capt too. there was no other one around there at that time, so he was detailed to take com- and of the Oregon and a prowed man he was too, and we wer a prowed crew along with him. he was glad he got the ship and we wer glad we got him. we knew he was a good Seaman, any way he called us all aft on the quarter deck and read out his orders and told us that we wer going towards south America. I will now try and give you the trip. March 19. 1898 Up anchor at 8 A. M. in San Francisco Bav. I had the 8 to 12 watch and we past through the Golden Gate at 9.15 A. M. and left the Fairwell Bouy at 10.5 A. M. and shaped our course for Callao, Peru, it being S. E. % E, and at the same time we drop over 29 THE LOG OF THE OEEGON the Patent Log in the Briny, the Capt gave orders to give 75 turns and that brought her out about 11.5 knots. Every thing is runing smooth and all Hunk. March 20. Sliding along at 11.8 knots gate. Every thing working beautyfull. nothing of interest going on, except the fine Wether. 3Iarch 21. Changed course at 10 A. M to S. E. "Will not put down any thing for some time to come as there is nothing unusal going on, But I wonder if we will get there to catch up with the Band Wagon. ^ ^ April 4 Arived at Calao, Peru, 5.30 A. M., very pleasant trip all the way down the coast, we are doing quick work so far. started to coal ship at 8 A. M. and as soon as we get enough on board we will pull right out for the straights of Magellan and there join the Marietta, our little Gun Boat, which will scout the straights for us in case there is a Spanish Torpedo Boat in one of the Many Coves. She can go in shallow water as she is a light draft boat and at the same time order coal for us. 30 THE LOG OF THE OREGON We have allready made one of the grandest runs on record. Just think of it, a First Class Battle Ship making 4800 miles in just 16 days and used 900 Tons of Coal, That being the longest trip on record for a First Class Battle Ship. April 5. We are now laying over an old city in Peru, they say when some of the ships hoist there anchor they sometimes rais some of the old houses or part of them with the anchor. This old place is some 109 years old, the Old Callao, I mean. 109 years ago they had an Earthquake and Tidle Wave hear together and did up the city. The public hear speak noth- ing put Spanish and the Capt thinks there might be som sympathizers amongst Them, so we are keeping the strickest Kind of watch on the ship. We have two steam cutters pattrol- ing the ship all night and men station in the fighting tops as sharp shooters, the steam cut- ters are armed with two automatic 22 m. m. Rifles, so that would more than be a match for a ordinary Torpedo Boat, and while all the Post on Deck were Double we consider our selves pretty safe. They are puting coal on 31 THE LOG OF THE OREGON board as fast as they can, working night and day to get it all on. we are going to take a big lot this time. April 6. Pay day today, put on Sea stors to- day along with the coal, it all gos togather. But what is the diferance, this is War times and we are trying to get in it and I think we will if we get a show. I bought a nice pair of shoes today for 3.50 in U. S. Gold, there is no liberty to any one hear so we have to buy something that is some good to us. Expect to coal ship all night so as to pull out to morrow. April 7. Got the coal on this morning at 4 A. M. there is about 1750 tons on now, never had so much on before, got 100 tons on deck in sacks, we are knocking some of the coal dust off the sides. She is a very dirty ship now and expect to remain so for a long time to come. There is some talk of a Spanish Gun Boat or a Torpedo Boat in the Straights waiting for us. But I think that will be all right when the Marietta gets there to patrole the place for us. We expect to go out to night some time. 7 p. m. left Port. The Capt dont know wether 32 THE LOG OF THE OREGON to go round the Horn or not. But if we go, as the Dutchman says By the Horn around, we will get a shaking up. But every body seems to think we can take care of our selves where ever we go. Capt Clark is all right, we dont think he is afraid of the whole Spanish Navy, the wether is very fogy. Expect it to lift when we get a little ways. April 9. Alls Well, every thing doing fine. April 10. Just came on watch; have all four boilers on now and Ave are peging along at a 13.7 and a 14 knot gate, you dont know you are at sea in this ship if you would stop be- tween Decks, guess there is not much doing to day, so I will steal forward for a while the old gent sleeps a little. I forgot to speak of having a little practis with the 6 pounders. They threw over Boxes and barrels and as we would get away from them we would fire on them for Torpedo Boats, we did some good shooting. All the Marines Man the seccondary Battry. The Capt got the chief engineer to fix the 8 inch turets to turn in Board 9 more degrees so as to shoot over the stern of the 33 THE LOG OP THE OREGON ship. So that would bring to bear on one point 2, 13 inch Guns 4, 8 inch Guns 2, 6 inch Guns and six 6 Pounders aft, and the same for^vard. We could shoot for a Broad side 4, 13 inch 4, 8 inch 2, 6inch and about 12, 6 Pounders on either side. Of corse this is Sunday and we all ought to be good. But we will be as good as we can By having a Gen feild day and clean up a little, as this is the first chance we have had to do any scrubing since we left San Francisco, Cal. I think we will meet the Marietta in the Straights of Magellan, we have found some grate Bars for her under the coal dust. We all think Capt Clark is going to be a ring tail snorter for fighting. I dont think it will be easy to whip him, he seems to be so quick to catch on to every little thing, he is all over the ship at once and he talks to every body, stops any one to ask them any thing he wants to know about the ship, he is very quick to take the advantage of every little thing. April 11. Very heavy wether. Wind Blowing Great Guns and a head sea. But we are Buck- ing it and making 11.6 knots, the Capt dont 34 THE LOG OF THE OREGON think we will ran up against any thing in the shape of a Torpedo Boat in the Straights. We had some more practis today with the 6 Poun- ders and did some good work. I think we could make it very interesting for a Torpedo Boat. I dont see how they could get at us, unless it was in the night and then there would have to be something the matter with our search lights and all hands on Board would have to have the "Buck Feaver." April 12. We lost a little today on account of the forward 13 inch Turet, somthing got Jamed. all going well once more, and still bucking a head sea and making 11.7 knots right along. 4 P. M. Heavy wind has turned into a gale, but she is like a duck on a Mill Pond and still making 10 knots, Gale or no Gale, she has not roled over 10 degrees since we left Port Orchard, Wash. April 15. Whooping her up for all she is worth, want to make all she can. Wether is fine but quite Cold. Making all the way from 14 to 15 knots. 35 THE LOG OF THE OREGON April 16. Everything is still doing well, and still going a mill tail. Passed Smiths Straights the first part of this morning, early, and in the fog that has Just come on we are still going it. the fog raised for a while and showed us the Destination Island, and then we wer shure we had only 30 miles to go to get in the Straights. Just at Dark we droped our mud hook in just 45 fathoms of water in the entrence of the Straights of Magellan. 9.45 P. M. had the 8 to 12 watch and She more than blew. I thought the ship would drift. But she held on like grim Deth to a dead nigger. The wind Blowed so hard I expected to be lifted off my feet. Ap7il 17. Making all posable speed to Sandy Point, making about 15 knots ever since we started this morning. 12 clock Midday, there is some of the most beautyfull and grandest sights I have ever had the pleasure to look upon. I am shure if I could only write on the subject I could make it very in- teresting. I never seen such beautifull wild nature in all my travels; there is mountain after mountain of Glacier and they seem to 36 THE LOG OF THE OREGON have all the colors of the rainbow, it was a little cold too and the whole Mountain sparkled like diamonds. 6. P. M. drop anchor in the Har- ber of Sandy Point, Chili. Had the public bin able to see us, They would not stop runing for the next week to come, for we cleared ship for action and had the guns all loaded up and ready for business and to Blaze away at any thing that looked as thoe it wanted to fight. Capt Clark belives in for warned for armed, and takes no chances, had the two Steam Cut- ters patroling the ship as usual. She made one of the grandest runs on rec- ord, for 11 hours making an average of 15^2 knots; it knocks the Worlds record sky high. Just think of a first Class Battle Ship making 151/2 knots for 11 straight hours on a straight away run, and we all think she could beat that time. But we had over the bow 2 anchors with the flukes of both in the water 3 feet. I am sure that held her Back 2 tenths of a knot. And the Marietta is not hear, the Capt dont know what has become of her. April 18. Well the Marietta is hear this morn- ing, she came in at 12.15 this morning. She 37 THE LOG OF THE OREGON was in the straights when we past her, she was laying off in one of the coves waiting for us, the man on look-out sighted us as we pased her, and told his capt and he said let her go, we will up anchor and overhall her in a short time, it hapened that the lookout was on board of the Oregon and he told his Capt that the Marietta could never catch the Oregon. Well any way she came in a little after mid- night. The first thing this morning we started to coal up. I havent found out how many tons we are going to take hear. But the price is $25 a ton. I think we will take about 800 tons, all the men on the Marietta say they had a very rough trip. We are in a great rush to get out of hear. Capt Clark asked Capt Simons if he had any towing Bits. Looks as thoe we were going to snake him along with us. I am de- tailed to go into the fighting top to night as capt of one Pounder and look out, we have a double watch on now all the time and it makes the Duty very hard thies war times. April 19. Still coaling up, was working all night to night, expect to be through to night 38 THE LOG OF THE OREGON sometime. Puting on sea stors along with the coal. Meat, Can goods, coal dust, all mixed up togather. What is the defirance, it all goes thies times. The Marietta had some trouble in geting coal to day. She only got 40 tons since 1 A.^'m. this morning, so Capt Clark ordered him to go along side of the Coal Hulk and take all he wanted, for Capt sais we must have the coal and therefor must take it as we are going out of hear to morrow. 3.30 P. M. there was an Argentine Gun Boat came in Port and I would not be surprised to see a scrap hear before we left. Chili and Argentine are in hot disput over this place, it seems they both clame it to there Boundry line. Chili sent a company of Soldiers hear the 18th and they expect a Transport with som Soldiers from Ar- gentine to night som time, so I for one would like to see a good scrap of som kind for an ap- petizer for us, Just to take the rough edge off you know, we are standing by our Guns all the time and sleep by them by night. While the Jackies coal ship all hands are doing there part and there is no fudging going on. of corse there is all kinds of War talk in the air. 39 THE LOG OF THE OREGON April 20. At 12.30 A. M. still coaling up. Every thing working smooth and nothing to stop, it is a beautyfnll night and the Southern Cross looms up with more beauty than I ever seen befor. But the ships bum Boat is all right too, she loomed up with a big ketle of hot Steaming cocoa, Just the thing a man wants when he has the mid watch, the wether is very cold down hear, a few of the men is go- ing ashore to morrow. I dont think I will be able to go as I will have the afternoon watch, any way I dont care much as I am use to the ship now. I could stay hear for a year. I wish we wer around to Key "West so as to be with the Band wagon when she starts. Mr. Giles, Midshipman, is a very sick man, he was taken ill in the Cabin this morning. I went for the Doctor for him at 1.45 A. M. Doc said he had a hemorrhage of the lungs caused by concussion. 3 A. M. he is asleep and doing fine now. I woulden like to see him die, he is a fine fellow. 3.45 A. M. coal all on board. 4.30 P. M. the Capt is on the warpath, he is mader than a wet hen for he tryed to get out of hear by 2 P. M. to day, But could not on the account of the Marietta having some trouble with her 40 THE LOO OF THE OREGON coal, so we both go tomorrow morning at day- break. April 21. Called all hands at 5.30 A. M. and up anchor at 6 A. M. I called the old man at 5.40 A. M. Signaled over to puUout and we are tailing on behind untill we get out of the Straights, going about 10 knots ; at 6 Bells met a steamer Bound for Klondyke, we drop a whale boat and sent our Boarding officer to find out the news if there was any But was dis- apointed. She had no news, she was 15 days from Rio Janeiro. 7.30 P. M. All is going well. The Marietta is astern now and likely to re- main so untill we get in the next Port, we past another steamer about 3 P. M. and when I go on watch to night at 8 I will try and find out something about her. Came off at 12 mid- night and she signaled to us no news of War. We have to go slow on account of the Marietta, had some targate practis today with all the Guns. We travel at night with all lights out now adays so as not to let any thing slip up on us, and at the same time slip up on them. April 22. Wind is very high, lost a life Boat 41 THE LOG OF THE OREGON this morning at 5.20 A. M. from the after Davits, good thing the wind is head on, the Sea is runing high. 8 P. M. Sea and wind has gon down considerable. Making about IOI/2 knots. Ellis is sick poor man, I am standing his watch to night. 11.45 P. M. going about the same and all is well. April 23. I think we will have a dash of Gen Quarters, Just to shake the Boys up. the old man is anxious to have targate Practis, he be- lieves this ship whips the shoes off any thing that floats in the line of Battle ships, of corse Baring a Torpedo if one should hapen to hit, and I think the old man is right too, for this crew feels scrapy now. I think we would fight fer Keeps. Had Gen Quarters in the morning and Church in the afternoon. April 24. All is well, at 12 Oclock noon to day we wer in Lat. 44° 23m and Lon 57° 48m. had some fire drill to day mixed with a little collision drill. April 25. 4 A. M. Just came on watch and I am going on deck to get a cup of cocoa to wake 42 THE LOG OF THE OREGON me up abit. the old man is in the Chart house snoozing, so I guess it is safe to go. Every- thing has settled down to the same old thing except when we have some Tar gate Practis By throwing boxes over board. April 26. 8 A. M. All is well, same thing, Mak- ing 101/2 sometimes 11 knots. Had clear ship for action today. April 27. Every body begins to feal the trip now, geting tiresome now. since they have tal^en all of our ditty Boxes and benches and all extra mess chests and stored them away, we have no place to sit down except on deck and let our feet hang over, then the men forward cant get enough water to keep themselves clean. I am more lucky than most of them for I have a chance to steal a Bucketful one every night, our cook is no good, he makes sour Bread and would make good schrapnel for clearing the decks, and of corse your humble servant has to chew Hard Tack, had more Targate practis to day. April 28. good stiff Breeze to day. Expect to 43 THE LOG OF THE OREGON have more targate practis to day with ful charges of amanition ; no practis, wind too high. April 29. good day to day, guess we will have it to day, no we dont have it. the old man has changed his mind and we will try and make Port to morrow. Aj^ril 30. Started to pul out this morning at 5.30 A. M, useing forsed draught, making 14.5 knots, going to try and make it by 4 P. M, have a head wind and light head sea. Droped an- chor at 3 P. M. in the beautyfuU harber of Rio de Janeiro, and befor the Mud hook struck the botom we had the news that war was declared on the 21st of April 1898, the very day we puled out of Sandy Point, as soon as every thing was put to order we Broke out the Band to give us the Star Spangled Baner, and the Crew diden do a thing But yell and whoop her up, so they had to play it over 4 times. The Marietta got in at 7 P. M. The Forts at this place were not going to let her in. But when they see her Signal they let her pass 0. K. started to coal up at 8.25 P. M. and we get out of hear as soon as we can. I hear the Spanish 44 THE LOG OF THE OREGON has got one of our Merchant ships, the Shanan- dore, loaded with I^ngiish goods. I wonder how that is going to com out. Every one on this ship is crasie to get at the Spanish. May 1. Just com on watch. Beauty full morn- ing and still coaling ship. Hear is where you can get lots of sour frute and Bananas by the ship load for a little mony. But we are not aloud to Buy any thing that isent sour on ac- count of Yellow Feaver at this place. The Bra- zilian soldiers stop up all night to be up erly in the morning ; they started to give us Revelee about 3 Oclock this morning, dident get through until 4 A. M. it sounds very pretty early in the morning when you are all ready awake, and such a beautifuU morning as this is you can hear the echo of the drums up in the hils far away. You would all most wish you could stop hear all the time and be a Bra- zilian for good. But I coulden leave my Dear land for all the pretty sights Ive seen togather. Maij 2. American Minerster Just com on board and told us the news of the Battle of Manila, the Yanks did up every thing there, coal is 45 THE LOG OF THE OREGON coming on very slow and the old man is gating ancious to get out. May 3. going out to-morrow morning at 6 A. M. The crew is very enthiisias^tic over the war. got out this morning all right But going slow. I think we are fooling around hear. Have Nicth- eroy as a transport boat. She has 2000 tons of coal on Board for us and they say she is an 18 knoter. May 4. I guess the war is on for keeps now. We have com back to Rio or near it to wate for a Spanish Torpedo Boat that has bin laying around hear for the last 3 days and at the same time to take the Nictheroy. May 5. lost some time waiting for the Nictheroy But she came along at dark, the Marietta will look out for her and we will pull out for Key West I think. May 6. Every thing doing well and making 10 and 11 knots right off the reel now. at 8 P. M. the old man called all the Ward Room officers in the Cabin and read the tellegrams to them 46 THE LOG OF THE OREGON from Washington Which wer his sealed Orders and one of them reads like this: four armered Cruisers left Cape de Verde at some date and 2 Torpedo Boat^s, Destination uttiknown, and the old man is told to beware. The old man had a consul of War to night, so if we have to scrap, we will have to cut a lively gate for them, they say the Spanish is some Kind of a fighter him self. But we all think we can show him a trick with a hole in it. that was a great fight of the Manilla bay. May 7. Every thing doing well, except this morning at 4.50 A. M. Gen Quarters sounded and there was a lively old time for a while. Every body thought we wer in for it then and there. I cannot describe the fealing of en- thusiasm about the Decks, you see we had our orders to send in a Gen alarm when ever any thing looked like a Manowar got in sight, there was a little rain squall and some old sail- ing ship was in it, and just as she cleared away our lookout sighted the ship and sent in the alarm; it was the Capts orders to send in the alarm even if he was not there as he would get there all riejht. at 9 A. M. the old man called 47 THE LOG OF THE OREGON all hands to muster on the Quarter deck and told us the news he had received at Eio : there was 4 first class cruisers and three Torpedo Boats going to meet around hear some where and do us up. we all expect they will if they can, But the pruf of the Puding is the eat- ing of it and we will have something to say about that. And after telling us about the fleet that was going to whip the socks off us he made a little speach to us; he said of corse it was his duty to the Goverment to get the ship around on the other side and stear clear of the fleet if posable. But in case he did meet the fleet he was sure Spain's fighting efficiency on the sea would be demineshed. So we all gave him three rousen Cheers and the old man Blushed, but he is a dandy Just the same. May 8. got to Bahia, Bra. at 8.30 P. M. after making a good run and having Targate practis with full charges of Powder, don some fine shooting with the Big Guns. I dont think it will be a bit too healthy for the Spanish to bump up against us, for we have a good eye. We put in hear as an excuse to put on War paint saying our engines wer Brok down and at the same time to get more coal if we can. 48 THE LOG OF THE OREGON 9. Put on War paint to clay and we are out for it now. we have the ship cleared for action now for keeps, got some coal and fresh water, filed up with every thing we wanted, at 8 P. M. the old man got a telagram and at 10 P. M. we wer on our corse for the West Indias. May 10. going along smooth and nothing doing. May 11. still expect to meet that fleet and if we do meet them there is going to be a ''Hot time in the old town to night." May 12. Every thing the same, some of us think we past through the fleet last night, there wer several lights all around and acted Mighty quer. May 13. Nothing doing and will wate untill we get in Port. May 18. got into Barbadoes at 4 A. M. this morning and found lots of war talk going on; we are puting on coal Just now, expect to go out of hear to morrow morning erly. 8 P. M. up anchor once more after geting 250 tons of 49 THE LOG OF THE OREGON coal on and ready for buisness. Guess the Spanish dont want any of this craft, it seems we will get there without firering a shot. May 24. arived at Jupiter light house after making a flank movement to the northard and not a ship to be be seen. May 25. up anchor once more for Key West, got there on the 26th ; of corse the Capt dident know how things stud so he had to go slow, About 4.30 A. M. the man on the life Bouy gave the alarm, saying there was a small dark objict coming this way; the Officer of the Deck roused up the Capt and the next thing we knew G^n Quarters sounded. What should it be But the tug with our Pilot on board for us, the *' Hudson" was the name of the tug. May 27. still puting on coal, expect to go down to Cuba with the New York. June 1. I herd the first shot in this war to day, Santiago de Cuba and with the flying squadron. June 2. we had a wild goose chase. 50 THE LOG OF THE OREGON June 3. nothing doing but laying off hear and watching what looks like to me a big hole in the grond. same thing the 4th and 5th. June 6. Stand from under, we Bombard the forts and water Baterys to day for 4 hours but dont know how much damage we don. June 7. staying out hear and doing nothing. June 8. same thing. June 9. '* June 10. we went down to Guantanamo Bay to put some coal on and landed 40 Marines in the Morning, we wer the first to put foot on Cuban soil in this war. The 9th the Marble- head and Dolphin Bombarded the place and made them look like Munkys; they ran away and left every thing behind them. June 11. came back to Santiago on the 10th. and laying off hear as befor. June 12. Same old thing. Expecting Troops every day. 51 THE LOG OF THE OREGON June 13. Dito. June 14. the New Orleans was ordered to run in close to the shore and do som Bombarding By her self Just to break the Monotony and to let us believe we wer at war. we don a good Job all right, she silenced the east Battry and the west one too, and made them show up a water Battry which we did not know any thing about, havent herd how many got kild or wounded on the other side. But I know they never hert any one on this side. Got some news from Guantanamo to day. Co. Hunting- ton and his Marines of 800 Had a Brush with the Spanish, it is reported that 6 marines wer kild and Doctor Gibbs was shot through the head by accident, there is at Guantanamo Bay the Texas, Marblehead and Porter and 800 Marines; they expect to have the cable work soon and the Harbor well under Hand. I forgot to say the Vesuvius landed 3 shots of dinomite in the Harbor on the night of the 13th at Santiago and did great damage to the Shore Batterys; the latest report is that the Cubans are flocking in to Huntingtons camp. 52 THE LOG OF THE OREGON June 15. coaling ship and still retain our posi- sion on the Blockade. June 16. At 3.30 A. M. this morning all hands was called and the coffie was passed around with som hardtack and cand Beef at 4 A. M. Turn to, some 15 to 20 Minutes later Qen Quar- ters sounded. Then we went at it to try and see if we could not knock thoes Batterys oft' the earth. Bombarded untill 7.15 A. M. No- body knows how much damage was don, except we silinced all the Batterys they had and made them show up a nother one inside of the har- bor of which there seems to be lots of them. I will say right hear that if we take this place its going to be a hot old Job, and som of us will think we run up against a Hornets nest when we get in side, they have been talking of forsing the Chanell and Capt Clark signaled over to the flag ship and asked permishion to take the leed, and I am sure we will stay with him as long as the ship floats for we love him. The Vesuvius fired three more shots last night at about 12. dont know what damage was don But I know we are all tired of this fooling, if they would only send some soldiers down here 53 THE LOG OF THE OREGON from the regular army, say 6 Regiments of In- fantry and 3 of Cavalry, I think, with what we could put up, that forse would more than be a match for them and take the place with all ease. The latest Bulitin of the day is that the Forses at Guantanamo have bin Joined by some Cubans and had a Brush with the Span- ish, and the report is that 40 wer kild on the Spanish side and 17 taken prisoners of war, one Spanish Lut. 2 Corp and 14 Privates. On our side 3 Cubans Kild and 2 wounded, 3 Mar- ines wounded and 17 overcome by the heat. But all recovered. Routed the Spanish and distroyed the water suply a.nd Block House. The Dolphin held there posision from the water frount and the Texas sunk 2 small Gun boats. June 17. come down to Guantanamo Bay this morning, put some 300 tons of coal on and throde some shells over in an old Fort and then puled out right away for Santiago. June 20. Bully for the Soldiers, they are hear at last, "I thought they would com tomorrow," some of the papers say there is 20.000 of them, that is enough to eat the plase up for lunch. 54 THE LOG- OF THE OREGON Well I hope we will soon crack this nut that is so hard to crack. I hear there is 15000 Span- ish soldiers over hear. June 22. the soldiers are landing all 0. K, and doing well, and only a few horses and 2 men lost so far, so the Flag Ship says. June 26. Started in this morning so see if we coiilden knock down that Spanish old Morro or else knock somthing cnickit around it. Well we pelted away for an hour or more and the flag ship signaled over to the Iowa to close in and pump at the Smith Key Battry. The Iowa signaled Back that her forward Turet was out of order, so it fel to us, we went in to 700 yards of the shore Battry and did knock down the Spanish flag with an 8 inch shell and knocked over one of there Big Guns. I belive if the flag ship had not called us off Capt Clark would have went in along side of old Morro and give him a tutching up. June 28. I am geting tired of trying to keep cases on this thing, there is nothing doing but laying around hear like a lot of sharks watch- ing for a fish. 55 THE LOG OF THE OREGON July 4. The fish has come out to see us. On the 3rd the Spanish fleet came out of the Har- bor to fight and get a way if posable. (I would have put this down on the 3rd But I dident have time and was too tired that night so put it off for today.) Well the Fleet came out and went to Davy Joneses locker. It was Just 9.25 A. M., first call had sounded on our ship for Quarters and we all had our best dudds on ; we wer going to listen to the Articles of War this morning and to have chirch right affter, But we never did. all of a suden the Ordly on watch made a dive for the Cabin head first, and told the old man the Fleet was coming out of the Harbor, the old man jumpt up a stand- ing, as soon as some of the men seen the ships there, they went to there Quarters with out any further delay. I was standing on the Quarter Deck waiting for the last call to go. I heard the news and looking around the affter Terets seen the first one. I thought she looked Biger than a Mountain. But then I thought affter- wards we could cut her doAvn to her natchral size, of corse it takes longer to tell about it than it taken us to get ready, for we wer allwayi ready, and all we had to do was to sound the 56 THE LOG OF THE OREGON Bells and stand By our Guns, they wer allways loaded so all we had to do was to turn on the fors draught and pull the triger. By 9.27 the Oregon fired the first shot of the Battle of July 3rd, 1898 at the first ship that came out of the Harbor. I dont remember the ships as they come out. But we went in to meet them and passed them som good shots as they cep coming, about 7 or 9 minuts after they got started good, one of our 6 inch guns blew up one of the Torpedo Boats, struck her squar amidships, she sunk like a rock with all on board, and right hear is where I had to stop for a moment to admire one of there Gun- ers. I do think he was one of the bravest men I ever had the pleasure to look upon. That man must have known he was going to a shure Deth, he stud on Deck and cep firing at us all the time, and the last time I seen him he was Just going up in the air. As the ships came out of the harbor they sircled to the right, or Westward, and Capt Clark knew they were try- ing to escape, they did not think the old Ore- gon was such a runer as she was a fighter, so we Just tailed on with them and giving them shot for shot. In about 20 minuts the first 57 THE LOG OF THE OREGON ship went on the Beach, plumb knocked out, and 15 minuts later the secon one went on the Beach, a short ways from the first. Then came the tug' of war for we had to run to catch the I Vizcaya and the Colon, but we catched them * both, the Vizcaya was about 4000 yards ahead and the Colon was about 3 miles ahead, and the poor men in the fireroom was working like horses, and to cheer them up we passed the word down the ventlators how things was go- ing on, and they passed the word back if we would cut them down they would get us to where we could do it. So we got in rainge of I the Vizcaya and we sent her ashore with the secondary Battry and 6 inch guns, and then we settled down for a good chase for the Colon. I thought she was going to run a way from us. But she had to make a curv and we headed for a point that she had to come out at. We all think there is no man in the Navy like Capt Clark, he is a Brave man, he stud on the For- ward 13 inch turet though the thickest of this fight and directed his ship to the final results. Coming back to Santiago we waited untill we got to where the first ship went on the Beach and there fired the national salut. We 58 THE LOG OF THE OREGON have 3 Spanish prisoners on board and they thought we wer at it a gain, and it was all the sick Bay man could do as to quiet them. I hear there is over 1800 Prisoners and 650 kild and 800 wounded on the third, the three men on board tells the sickbayman that we run through there fleet coming around hear, for the next day they found a Pork Barrel ful of holes and had marked on the head U. S. S. Oregon. We all seem to think we could take care of our selves Just the same, it is Just 6.50 P. M. now and the men all say there is no flag flying in the Morro. But I can see Just as good as any and I can not see any either, But then I think we are out too far. July 5. At about 11.45 the danger Signal was flashed by the lookout from the Massachusetts, she being the one to show her serchlight at the entrance of the Harbor for the night, the Span- ish was trying to sink one of there old ships in the Chanel so as not to let us in. But Just 3 or 4 shots from the Massachusetts Big 13 inch Guns help them to do the Job, for she sunk befor they got to the Ghana! . there is Spanish menowar and Torpedo boats strung all along the Beach for 60 miles. 59 THE LOa OF THE OREGON July 10. We are laying off now in Guantanamo Bay filing out to go to Porto Rico or on the Coast of Spain. This is all in regards to the trip of the Oregon. R. Cross. 60 I D A !1/1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I II I 013 789 778 7 §