E 448 (.N513 Copy 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011932 552 3 ^ Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I E 448 .N513 Copy 1 /7 :''J STATEMENT OF THE %m Kaii ^0l0tti^ati0« AUXILIARY TO THE mmm Colfliiktion ^ucicfn, WASHINGTON, D. C, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. NEW YORK : MACDOXALD & PALilEB, PEIXTERS, 733 BROADWAY. 1870. STATEMENT NEW YORK COLONIZATION SOCIETY. The Executive Committee of this Society, iii view of certain pamphlets which have recently appeared from the office of the New York State Colonization Society, deem it expedient to oflTer to their constituents and friends the following observations : I. — It seems hardly necessary to say in this community, where the founders and officers of our Society are so well known, and have been for many years, that the Society was not created by any other Association, or by any of its Agents, acting either di- rectly or indirectly. To affirm this is simply ridiculous. The statement of such an absurdity is its own abundant refutation. II. — Neither is it the fact that our Society was founded in ill will and antagonisim to any person or persons, or with any design to interfere with the due official prerogatives and proper influence of any existing functionary. That any such low and unworthy motives actuated the men who founded our Society is another palpable absurdity and baseless insinuation. III. — Our Society was formed simply because of the conviction forced upon the minds of a number of the old friends of African Colonization, and supporters of the American Colonization Soci- ety, that the dominant influence in the State Colonization Society was not in harmony with the Parent Institution, and that for the due support of that Institution by means of direct contributions to its Treasury, and by co-operation in the Board of Directors, a new organization was imperatively demanded. This conviction was of slow growth, but at length it became so deep and potent that it could no longer be resisted. Subsequent events and especially certain proceedings at the late annual meeting of the Parent Institution, and afterward, have shown, unmistakabl}^ the truth of that conviction, and proved that our Society was not prematurely or unwisely formed. That the leading members of the State Col- onization Society who controlled the actions of its Managers are sincere in the views which they entertain as to the proper course to be followed in the work of African Colonization, we are far from denying. But those views are not the views of a large num- ber of the friends of that work in New York and elsewhere, and have not been and are not the views of the Directors of the Ameri- can Colonization Society. They are not the views of those who formed and those who have joined our Association. The difference is one of principles and measures. And it is a serious difference, and one that admits not of compromise. And yet, so far as our Society is concerned, it is a difference which has led to no hard feeling, to no bitter words, and to no invidious allegations in regard to those from whom we dissent. Difference of views in regard to principles and measures in a great philanthropic movement need not and ought not to lead to acrimonious disputation, or to personal crimination and recrimination. And that it shall not produce these wretched results, so far as we are concerned, has been and is our solemn determination. IV. — Never in the history of African Colonization has there been a greater call for vigorous effort and liberal contributions than at the present. Never was the future so full of promise. Never have the grand philanthropic objects and aims of the Ameri- can Colonization Society been more clearly perceived and truly appreciated than by many leading men of this generation. This, then, is the time for wise and thoughtful counsel — for prudent and energetic and combined action. The welfare of thousands of the Africans in this country — the welfare of that Christian republic which has been planted on the shores of Africa, and the welfare of the millions now living in darkness and degradation in that be- nighted continent, alike now demands at the hands of American philanthropists, of American Cliristians, that they should redouble their interest in the work of the American Colonization Society, and greatly augment their contributions to its treasury. This is the time to send out all proper applicants for a home in Liberia. This is the time to confer fully, and freely, and frankly with the more enlightened of the people of color around us, and to furnish them with reliable information touching the condition and pros- pects of Liberia. This is the tim.e to strengthen that republic by the expression of our cordial sympathy, and by lending a helping hand to the furtherance of all proper efforts in behalf of the Christian education of its citizens, and especially of the youth. We give utterance to these thoughts in the hope that they may find a lodgment in many hearts, remove all misapprehensions as to the origin, purpose, and efforts of our Society, and lead, by God's blessing, to an increased interest in the work to which we are pledged, and to constant and liberal gifts to that noble Institution (of which we are an auxiliary), which has now for more than half a century labored faithfully and successfully in behalf of the re- generation of Africa. Benj. I. Haight, \. S. D. Alexander, i H. K. Bull, ( Ex. Com. of K. Y. A. Merwin, Col. Soc. J. D. Vermilye, \ H. G. Marquand, / No. 2i Bible House, New York, May 16, 1870 Contributions may be sent to A. Merwiu, Esq., Treasurer ; or to Rev. John Orcutt, D. D., one of the Secretaries of the Parent Society, of whose valuable assistance the Executive Committee are happy to avail themselves, having entire confidence in his ^ ability, integrity, and faithful devotion to the cause in which he labors. Address : Room 21, Bible House, Astor Place, New York. THE NEW SOCIETY ASKED FOR. New Yokk, J^ovemher 3, 1869. At a conference of some friends of African Colonization, held to-day in this city, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved. — That in the judgment of those present at this conference, it is ex- pedient that there should be organized a society to be known as tlie New York Colonization Society, which shall be in fact as well as professedly, auxiliary to the American Colonization Society. Resolved. — That the Rev. Drs. Benjamin I. Haight, and S. Irenanis Prime, be a Committee to prepare a Constitution to be submitted to the consideration of a meeting to be called for the purpose of organizing said Society ; and that the time for the proposed meeting be fixed by the Committee named in this resolu- tion. We, the undersigned, hereby express our cordial approval of the foregoing resolutions : Samuel F. B. Morse, Moses Allen, Thomas De Witt, H. K. Corning, John N. McLeod, Wm. C. Alexander (N. J.), Talbot W. Chambers, Ambrose K. Ely, Hiram Ketchum, H. K. Bull, R. M. Olyphant, S. D. Alexander, Benjamin I. Haight, Joseph Holdich, J. McElroy, William H. Hallock, James C. Holden, S. IrenjEus Prime, Henry Young, Burr Wakeman, John P. Crosby, T. C. M. Paton, Guy Richards, David M. Stone, Zach- ary Eddy, Theodore L. Mason, Joseph Kimball, A. S. Barnes, Francis B. Wheeler, S. M. Buckingham, C. J. Buckingham, Ed- ward L. Beadle, Charles S. Hageman, Erastus Corning, Thomas W. 01cott,E. P. Prentice, A. E. Campbell, W. G. T. Shedd, John A. Stewart, T. H. Skinner, William Ives Budington, William Adams, John Hall, Henry Day, James Brown, C. H. McCormick, Jonathan Sturges, David Terry, L. H. King, George N. Titus, Henry C. Potter, William Dennistoun, Stewart Brown, J. Stan- ford Holme, George W. Jewett, Joseph W. Harper, Thomas D. Anderson, Robert Carter, H. B. Ridgaway, Caleb T. Rowe, S. D. Burchard, T. Ralston Smith, John Van Orden, J. D. Vermilye, Samuel Cooke, Henry Rose, William F. Morgan, John Hancock, R. S. Storrs, Jr., N. H. Schenck, William Walker, Norman Sea- ver, Henry G. Marquand, H. D. Ganse, Thomas Jeremiah. Of these. Rev. Dr. De Witt was President, Messrs. Allen, Ketchum, and Haight were Vice-Presidents, and some others were ofQcers of the New York State Society. THE NEW SOCIETY ORGANIZED. ' At a meeting held in the Bible House, November 25, 1869, in accordance with the above resolutions, the "New York Coloni- zation Society," auxiliary to the American Colonization Society, at Washington, D. C, was duly organized by tlie adoption of a Constitution, and the election of the following officers: PRESIDENT. Prof. Samukl p. B. Morse, LL. D. - New York. VICEPRESIDENTS. Hon. Erastus Cobning Albany. Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, D. D. New York. Rev. John N. McLeod, D. D. " Stephen M. Buckingham, Esq. Pougbkeepsie. Rev. Samuel W. Fisher, D. D. Utica. Rev. Walter Clark, D. D. Buffalo. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. Almon Merwin, Esq. - - New York. BOARD OF MANAGERS. H. K. Corning, Esq., New York. H. K. Bull, Esq., Henry Day, Esq , " Rev. S.D. Alexander, D.D., " Rbv.'aVm. F. Morgan, D. 1)., " Rev. Benj. I. Haight, D. D., " Rev. H. C.Potter, D.D., Rev. H. L. King, Rev J. S. Holme, D.D., James C. Holden, Esq., " T. C. M. Paton, Esq., J. D. Vermilye, Esq., " John P. Crosby, Esq., New York. C. H. MoCoRMicK, Esq., " Ambrose K. Ely, Esq., " Burr Wakeman, Esq., " Rev. David Terry, " John Van Orden, Esq., " Rev. Zachary Eddy, D. D., Brooklyn. Rev. W. T. Budinoton, D. D., " Theodore L. Mason, M. D., " Wm. H. Hallock, Esq., " Thomas W. Olcott, Esq., Albany. E. P. Prentice, Esq., " Rev. Benj. I. Haight, D . D., New York Rev. S. D. Alexander, D. D., " Henry G. Marquand, Esq., " EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. H. K. Bull, Esq , New York. Jacob D. Vermilye, Esq., New York. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 011 932 552 3 # THE NEW SOCIETY SUSTAINED. New York City, December ] , 1869. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify, that we are not in synapathy with the policy and acts of the New York State Colonization Society, and that the dona- tions which we have made during the year 1869, to the American Colonization Society, were not intended by us to increase the representation of the said New York State Colonization Society at the annual meeting of the American, or Pa- rent Society. And we do further certify, that we are in sympathy with the New York Colonization Society, organized , in the City of New York, November 25, 1869, and do hereby approve of such organization. And we desire that all our benefactions made during the year 1869, to the American Colonization So- ciety, should, for the purpose of representation, be considered as made through the said New York Colonization Society. Henry Young. n. K. Corning. A. C. Brown. Samuel F. B. Morse. Benj. I. Haight. A. S. Barnes. H, K. Bull. John A. Stewart. S. Irenseus Prime. Isaac H. Knox. Jas. C. Holden. John P. Crosby. Edward L.Beadle. S. M. Buckingham. E. P. Prentice. Thomas W. Olcott, Thomas Jeremiah. Moses Allen. Stewart Brown. James Brown. Wm. Dennistoun. M. Few. F. F. Chrystie. M. F. Tillotson. Burr "Wakeman. Guy Richards. James M. Mills. Z. Stiles Ely. Geo. W. Jewett. M. J. Myers. Wm. C. Sterling. Erastus Corning. Theodore L. Mason. William H. Hallock- Henry Day. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 932 552 3 Conservation Resources LIg-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered