Class F a,7 Book --C Q \3) (o A HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND AND ITS PEOPLE. ALSO A SHORT HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND, PORTLAND, MAINE. BY NATHAN GOOLD. portland, me. The Lakeside Press. 1897. .Cq Gj g c c c c e • i ( c c < c * C tt C 1 00$ < CJ NOTE. In presenting this history of two of the best known islands in Portland Harbor, it has been the intention of the author to give only the story of the early days of those islands, and of the families who have contributed to their history. It has been truly said that it is human to err, and if the reader finds that errors have crept into the narrative, it must be expected, as a perfect history has yet to be written. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. I. Introduction. — Names of the Island. — Area of Islands. — Early Houses, . 7 II. Titles to Peaks Island. — Captain John Waite and Family. — Brackett and Trott Lands, 12 III. The Stone House. — Its Location and History. — " The Refuge." — George Felt, Jr., and his Massacre. — Indian History, ...... 21 IV. Revolutionary Alarm. — Shipwreck. — Harbor Frozen.— A Hermit. — Soldiers of the Rebellion. — Regimental Build- ings. — Religious Meetings. — Home of the Ancestors of Two Famous Ameri- cans, ....... 31 V. Steamboat Lines. — Steamers Kennebec, Antelope, Casco, Gazelle, and others, 40 VI. Family Historie s. — Brackett, Trott, Woodbury, Parsons, Jones, Skillings, Sterling, Trefethen, Scott, .... 46 VII. House Island. — The Owners and Some of Their History, . . . . .77 ILLUSTRATIONS. Peaks Island, Frontispiece Map of the Harbor, .... Opposite Page 40 House Island, Opposite Page 77 PEAKS ISLAND: ITS HISTORY AND ITS PEOPLE. CHAPTER I. Introduction. — Names of Island. — Area of Islands. Early Houses. " There are no times like the old times — they shall never be forgot! There is noplace like the old place — keep green the dear old spot!" Peaks Island is not famed in history or song. The poet has not sung of its beauties and the historian has passed it by, but it has its history and its beauties are acknowledged by all. The earliest voyagers found Casco Bay adapted for a playground and a summer resort. Christopher Levitt, in 1623, said that there was good fishing and much fowl. He found plenty of salmon and other good fish in Fore River. Michael Mitton told Josselyn of seeing a merman who came and laid his hands on the side of his canoe and that he chopped off one of his hands and that he then sank, dyeing the water with his purple blood. Josselyn said, "Trouts there be a good store 8 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. in every brook two and twenty inches long." These tales were told almost two centuries and a half ago to induce people to make onr bay their future home. This was before the da}'S of the summer resort advertiser. The names that Peaks Island has borne at different times are of much interest in its history. The first known name of the island was Pond, but that name was changed by George Cleeve to Michael's Island in 1637. Probably about 1661 it was called Munjoy's Island, for George Munjoy, and then about 1670 it became known as Palmer's Island, for John Palmer, which name it seems to have borne up to the re-settlement of the town in 1 7 16, although it was then sometimes called Munjoy's Island. Perhaps soon after the town was re-settled the island became to be known as Peaks Island, although there is no known reason why that name was taken. Joseph Peake was a soldier in Capt. Domini- cus Jordan's Company in 1744; he may be the man for whom it was named, as he must have lived at Cape Elizabeth or perhaps on the island. There appears no record of any person of that name ever owning the island before 1741, when it was called Peaks Island. The name has no special significance to HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 9 us, but it is well to keep the old familiar names of our islands and localities. They have long ago become historic and are known landmarks. Let the coming generations know them by the same names that they are known to us. It will make their history much more interesting to those who will come to enjoy their beauties. Peaks Island is the most popular island in the bay ; partly because of its accessibility, but more from the fact that the visitors feel a freedom that they experience on no other island. You are allowed to wander unmo- lested through the fields, along the shores and through their woods, and leave with a kindly feeling toward the island and its peo- ple. Portland is fortunate to have such a playground almost at its very door. The cit}' proper has an area of 1,666 acres, and the islands within the city limits have an area of 2,963 acres. The areas of these islands are: Peaks Island, 720 acres IyOiig Island, 912 " Cushing's Island, . 266 " House Island, 20 " Iyittle Diamond Island, . 80 " Great Diamond Island, . 468 " IO HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Crotch (Cliff) Island, . 114 acres Hope Island, 18 " Little Chebeagne Island, 72 " Jewells Island, 221 " Cow Island, . 28 " Ram Island, . 18 " Marsh Island, 14 " Other small islands, 12 " Total, 2,963 acres Peaks Island is next to the largest of them all, and in its widest part is one and one-half miles long, and one and one-quarter broad. It had, in 1896, a resident population of 343. In the early times it was probably covered with a growth of hard wood, of small size, and bushes. For two centuries there was not a regular road or a horse upon the island. The farm work was done by oxen. The inhabitants were formerly engaged in a little farming and a good deal of fishing, but of late years the entertainment of summer visitors has engaged most of their attention. At the time of the Revolution there were probably but three houses on the island: Thomas Brackett's, Benjamin Trott's, and the house near Trefethen's Landing, where Capt. John Waite had lived. In 1830 there were on Peaks Island thirteen families and HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. II seventy inhabitants. In 1833 there were the following houses there: Joseph Reed's, occu- pied by his sons-in-law, Nathaniel S. Millett and Walter S. Hatch ; Benjamin Welch's, John T. Brackett's, now the Peaks Island House, Joshua Trott's (the old Trott house), Luther Sterling's (the Mansfield house), Benjamin Trott, Jr.'s, with Francis and Charles Wood- bury's, near Trefethen's Landing. They were all one-story except John T. Brackett's and Joshua Trott's, which were two. Many families have lived on the island in different generations who have had no titles to the land, who have been long, long for- gotten. It is one of the most beautiful islands in Casco Bay, and must increase in popularity as the years come and go. It is now a community of itself, and the appear- ance of the island is the best evidence of its prosperity. The outlook from almost any point is fine. The view toward White Head, and also that from the bluff toward the setting sun, is as beautiful as can be found on our coast. " This is the place. Stand still, rny steed, Let me review the scene. And summon from the shadowy Past The forms that once have been." CHAPTER II. The Titles to Peaks Island. — Capt. John Waite and Family. — Brackett and Trott Lands. " The Past and Present here unite Beneath Time's flowing tide, Like footprints hidden by a brook But seen on either side." The history of Peaks Island commences almost with the settlement of Portland, and perhaps before. When Capt. Christopher Levitt was here in 1623 and the next year, he and his men were, no donbt, frequent visitors to this island. They were probably the first white men to land much there. George Cleeve and Richard Tucker settled Portland in 1633 and built themselves a log house near the spot where the poet Longfellow was born in 1807. By that settlement they acquired one hundred and fifty acres of land each, on Falmouth Neck, as Portland was afterwards called. In 1637, by a commission from Sir Fer- nando Gorges, for letting and settling of lands and the islands, Cleeve leased Pond (Peaks) Island to Michael Mitton for sixty years, and stated that the name should be Michael's Island for Mitton, who had married his HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 13 daughter, Elizabeth. Cleeve. The island was at first called Pond because of a pond upon the eastern side, which still exists except in the dryest times. The title was confirmed to Mitton by Gorges in 1642, and again by Cleeve, as Alexander Rigby's agent, in 1650. Michael Mitton lived at Cape Elizabeth, near the end of Portland Bridge, on a lot deeded to him by Cleeve, in Rigby's name, in 1650. Mitton died in 1660, and Cleeve probably about ten years later — a very old man. Elizabeth (Cleeve) Mitton, then a widow, conve}^ed Michael's Island to John Phillips, a merchant of Boston, in 1661, and George Munjoy married his only daughter, Mary Phillips. Their daughter, Mary Munjoy, married John Palmer. Munjoy improved the island and built a stone house upon it before the year 1670, and probably fish stages and flakes. There is no evidence that he ever occupied that house. No other island has been called Munjoy's Island in the records. George Munjoy's place of business and dwell- ing-house were on the lot on the west corner of what is now Fore and Mountfort Streets, but of course must have extended along Fore Street. The house was fortified and known as " Munjoy's Garrison." The seashore then 14 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. was almost to the street and there was an un- obstructed view of the harbor. John Palmer, Munjoy's son-in-law, and his family lived on Peaks Island several years before 1675, in the stone house. Then it be- came known as Palmer's Island, as it had been given to Palmer's wife by her grand- father, John Phillips. Mary Jordan, widow of Samuel Jordan, ancestors of the writer, stated in her deposition, made in 1741, when she was an old lady, that Palmer and family lived in the stone house on Palmer's Island several years, until the Indians drove them off, which was no doubt in 1675, at the be- ginning of the King Philip's War. In 1680 George Munjoy died, aged 54 years. In 1681 the selectmen of the town "confirmed to Mary, daughter of George Munjoy, senior, deceased, all that island given her by her grandfather, Mr. J. Phillips, by the name of Pond Island or Mr. Munjoy's Island." This was John Palmer's wife. She and, probably, he were carried away or killed by the In- dians some years later, and were never heard from. Peaks Island was claimed by the posterity of Cleeve and Mitton, and the owners of the Phillips' title from the heirs of Mary (Mun- HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 15 joy) Palmer, who were then Parson Thomas Smith and Capt. John Waite. Anthonj^ and Joshua Brackett were the Mitton heirs, and in 1 741, at York, there was a lawsuit relating to the title of four thousand acres of land, in which Peaks Island was included. Parson Smith says in his journal, under date of June 23, 1741 • "Our great case came on this morning, and was not finished till between nine and ten at night. " The next day he says: "The jury brought in against us"; but in 1742 he claimed to own one-third part of Peaks and the same of House Island. The case of the title to Peaks Island was again tried in the Inferior Court in 1762; this time by Capt. John Waite, probably alone, and again in the Superior Court in 1763, when it was decided that the Phillips' title, repre- sented by Capt. Waite, was entitled to two- ninths of the island, which was called 134 acres and 54 square rods. Parson Smith seemed not to have shared with Waite in that award. He left the following memorandum in his own handwriting: "Capt. Waite recov- ered against the Bracketts two-ninths, i. e. one-ninth he purchased of Pullen and wife (Palmer heirs), which some years before I had purchased of them and the deed recorded ; 1 6 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. whether that may not be considered my pos- session." Pullen sold his share twice, and Capt. John Waite got the title of the whole two-ninths, which was set off on the north side of the island. The line then established is now from the centre of " Spar Cove," on the back side of the island, looking to the second chimney from the north end of the Maine General Hospital, and the remains of a stone wall can be seen which divided the land. This includes all the land about Trefethen's and Evergreen Landings. Capt. John Waite was a singular and eccentric man. He was born in 1700, and was the son of Jonadab Waite, of Newbury, Mass. ; was the captain of a coaster that ran between Falmouth and Boston as early as 1737, and first lived about where the Portland Company shops now are. His wife was Sarah Kent, a daughter of John Kent, Jr., of Newbury, whom he married in 1724. She died Jan. 22, 1773, aged 69 years. Captain Waite was selectman of the town four years. He enjoyed the soli- tude of the island and built himself a house near Trefethen's Landing. It is said that he built two fire-places in one room, one for him- self and wife and the other for the servant. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 1 7 In moving to that house he was, as Parson Deane wrote, " Seeking quiet, sought in vain In courts and crowds of busy men."' He had ten children and a distinguished posterity. His children were Benjamin, born in 1725, who was major in Col. Samuel Waldo, Jr.'s regiment in 1762 ; Hannah, born in 1727 ; Sarah, born in 1730; Col. John, Jr., born in 1752; Stephen, born in 1754; Abigail, born in 1739; Mary, Isaac, Rebecca, and Emma. Col. John Waite, Jr., married, in 1758, Hannah Jones, daughter of Phineas Jones, and she died Dec. 14, 1807, aged 69 years. They had thirteen children. Colonel Waite did not reside on the island, but was a large land owner there for over fifty years. Colonel Waite was the captain of the schooner Jolly Philip, and his vessel was in the expedition to the Bay of Fundy, in 1755, to remove the Acadians from the Basin of Minas, and carried a cargo of them to Georgia. That is a sad story. The transporting of those poor French people is described as where "might took the place of right and the weak were oppressed and the mighty ruled with a rod of iron." It was when "wives were torn from their husbands, and mothers, too late, 1 8 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. saw their children left on the land, extending their arms in the wildest entreaties." They were the neutral French mentioned in the histories of those times. Many tears have been shed for those unfortunate people by the readers of Longfellow's Evangeline, and no excuses for that act have been fully satisfactory, and never will be as long as man has an atom of human sympathy. Col. John Waite, Jr., commanded the sloop Swallow, that was impressed into the Louis- burg expedition, of 1757, under the Earl of Loudon, which ended so unsuccessfully and unsatisfactorily. In 1759 the same vessel was impressed into the expedition to Quebec, which was composed of about a hundred sail, under the command of Commodore Sir Charles Saunders. Colonel Waite was an eye-witness to the operations of the siege and saw the fall of that city when the gallant General Wolfe was killed. Colonel Waite was captain of the battery in Col. Samuel Waldo, Jr.'s regiment in 1762, sheriff of the county for over thirty years, colonel of a regiment of militia at the time of the Revolutionary War, and a conspicuous patriot of Falmouth Neck during those trying times. He died Jan. 20, 1820, aged 88 years> HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 19 having been an active and prominent citizen of Portland. Capt. John Waite, the father, was living on Peaks Island in 1765, and Dr. Deane visited him and in his journal calls it "Capt. Waite's Island." The two-ninths of the island came into the possession of Col. John Waite, Jr., in 1805, and then the other seven-ninths were owned by Benjamin Trott and Thomas Brack- ett with his son John. Capt. John Waite died Nov. 3, 1769, aged 69 years, and was buried in the Eastern Cemetery. The balance of the island, or seven-ninths, which the Court decided belonged to the Mitton heirs, was the southern part. This land came into the possession of the Brackett family, because Thomas and Anthony Brack- ett married the daughters of Michael Mitton. On the re-settlement of the town, Thomas Brackett's grandsons, Anthony and Joshua, sons of Joshua, returned and claimed their land, among which was Peaks Island. Joshua Brackett sold his part of the island to Ben- jamin Trott, who had married his daughter Thankful in 1761. The deed was dated Feb. 5, 1762, andfsays together with "my dwelling- house and barn with appurtenances." The consideration was £26 13s. 4A. The house 20 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. was a large, two-story wooden one and stood about opposite the Bay View House, on the other side of tjie Avenue. Benjamin Trott sold his land with his stock of cattle to his sons, Joshua and Benja- min, Jr., for ^40, Oct. 10, 1784. The division line between the Bracketts' and the Trotts' land was in the ravine south of the Bay View House, where a piece of the wall can still be seen. This line ran across the island. The sons, Joshua and Benjamin Trott, Jr., divided their land in 181 2, the division line running across the island east to west. Joshua Trott had the southerly half and Benjamin Trott, Jr., the northerly half. Thomas Brackett sold his daughter Mary, who had married Joseph Reed, two acres with one-half of the wharf, in 1807. This land was in front of the present Mineral Spring House, and that is their house remodeled. This house may have been built by Thomas Brackett. The first wharf on the island was built opposite that land before 1807. " The heaving tide In widen'd circles heat on either side." CHAPTER III. The Stone House. — Its Location and History. — "The Refuge." — George Felt, Jr., and his Massacre. — Indian History. " 'Tis pleasant, through the loop-holes of retreat, To peep at such a world." Munjoy's stone house must have been located on the southern point of the island, about four rods northeast of the Brackett family cemeter}^ fence, on land now owned by Mrs. Torrington. Its location is an unsettled point in history, but there can be plainly seen where sometime a house must have stood, which is now unknown in tradition or history. When the late Henry M. Brackett plowed the land, many years ago, the location of a house was distinctly marked by the color of the earth. An iron pot was turned out, with other articles usually found among the ruins of an old house. The ashes and charcoal found plainly indicated the location of the fire-place. There are clam-shell heaps, near the bank, which must have been made in the earliest times. Mrs. Torrington, who came to the island in 1833, recollects many stones 22 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. about this locality, that have since been hauled away, that were so arranged as to indicate that they had been placed about a dwelling-house. The stone house was built there probably because then there were two houses on House Island; it was in sight of the settlers at Cape Elizabeth and the fortified house on Cushing's Island, which is claimed was then built. It was a sightly location and could alarm its builder, George Munjoy, at his garrison house on Fore Street, west corner of Mountfort, by guns or fire. It was almost in range of the fortified house on Jewells Island. These houses may not all have been built until after this one, but it shows that there was a plan in their location. An examination of the island shows no other foundation of a house where a family would have been likely to have lived several years in those times. "The Refuge," so-called, off from Central Avenue, a few rods southeast of Robert M. Gould's cottage, has nothing about it to indi- cate a dwelling-house. It was probably a place of refuge in the time of the Revolution to which the soldiers and the owners drove their sheep and cattle to hide them from the British cruisers who were prowling about our HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 23 coast. The traditions indicate that. The stones were said, by the older people, to have been piled into the form of a house, but the}^ were probably put there for protection against the weather or for a place to defend themselves in case they were attacked. In September, 18 14, when the British fleet was hovering off our harbor and was expected to attack Portland, the inhabitants of the island thought that they might be obliged to leave their homes for safety, and preparations were made to go to "The Refuge," on the other side of the island, as their fathers had done, but the fleet never came. The stone house was occupied several years by John Palmer and his family, until they were driven off by the Indians in the King Philip War, in 1675. Then the house was probabfy abandoned. The next year the tragedy in which George Felt, Jr., and six others lost their lives occurred on this point. Felt lived at Mussel Cove, now in the town of Falmouth. He was the son of George Felt, of Broad Bay, and in 1662 married Philippa Andrews, daughter of Samuel and Jane An- drews. Jane Andrews married for her second husband Arthur Mackworth, for whom the island of his name was called. 24 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. George Felt, Jr., fled from his home in the summer of 1676, because he saw the smoke of the burning buildings of the other settlers, that had been fired by the Indians. He carried his family to Cushing's Island, then called James Andrews' Island, where they, no doubt, found others who had also left their homes. Here they were soon reduced almost to starvation, as they had been unable to bring much food with them. The men were forced to go to Peaks Island for sheep for food, understanding the danger. They went on a Saturday and the scene that followed is best described by Hubbard, who wrote of it the very next year. George Felt, Jr., went "soon after to Mount Jo}^es Island (Peaks) to fetch sheep, where they landed seven men ; but the Indians presently set upon them, they pres- ently betook themselves to the ruins of a Stone House, where they defended themselves as long as they could, but at last they were all destroyed either with stones cast upon them or else with the enemies shot, except one, who though at first it was hoped that his wounds were not mortal yet soon after died thereof. Among them was George Felt much lamented, who had been more active than any other man in those parts against the Indians, HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 25 but at last lost his life amongst them in this too desperate adventure." Richard Martin, in his letter at the time, said that some of the party were burned in the house. The house was set on fire by the Indians and destroyed. Little do we realize now the terror that this event caused among the remaining women and children then left on Cushing's Island, who had lost their hus- bands and protectors. Felt's wife removed to Salem, Mass., married twice there, and died in 1709. He was about thirty-seven years of age and left four children. The story of his father's life is a pitiful one in connection with the history of North Yarmouth. In writing of the times my father quoted the following passage of scripture: a In those times there was no peace to him that went out nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the country." In 1688 another Indian war broke out, one cause of which was Governor Andross, in the frigate Rose, robbing Baron Castin's residence at Bagaduce, now Castine, Me. In September, 1689, Joseph Prout wrote that there were two hundred Indians then on Palmer's (Peaks) Island. Major Benjamin Church, the hero of the Swamp Fight in Rhode Island in 1675 26 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. (the descendants of some of the soldiers in that battle were granted the townships of Gorhani and Buxton), was sent here with a force to defend Falmonth from an attack. The Indians had massacred the inmates of the garrison at Cocheco, now Dover, N. H., June 27th, and murdered Major Richard Wal- dron with many others. They accused him of cheating them by not crossing off their accounts at settlement and for using his fist in the scales when he was weighing and call- ing it a pound. He defended himself with his sword from room to room until he was overpowered by the savages. They took off his clothes, placed him in an arm-chair on a table and proceeded to torture him in the most cruel manner. The Indians obliged the family to get them a supper while they were dealing with Major Waldron. He was then seventy-four years of age. They gashed his breast with their knives saying, as they did so, "I cross off my accounts, " and then cut- ting off his finger joints said to him, " Now will your fist weigh a pound? " They cut off his nose and ears and forced them into his mouth until he became faint from loss of blood. Then they killed him with his own sword. The Indians killed twenty-three and carried away captive twenty-nine. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 2J Major Waldron's daughter Esther, then twenty-five years of age, the Indians probably took at that time. She had married first Henry Elkins, who died soon after their mar- riage, and in 1686 she married Abraham Lee, whom the Indians killed at the same time they did her father. Mrs. Lee was found at Peaks Island with the Indians by a Dutch privateer in September. What that young woman underwent in that three months will probabty never be known, but her sufferings in mind and body must have been terrible. She was ransomed from the Indians by the captain of the privateer, who took her on board his vessel, where she was found by Colonel Church, who of course proceeded to interview her as to the number and intentions of the Indians. She said that the party of In- dians that she came with to Palmer's Island had eighty canoes and that she did not see all. The Indians told her that when they all got together they would have seven hundred men. This may be an overestimate of the number there. Captain Davis said there were three or four hundred. She could not tell whether Baron Castin was with them or not, but said that there were several French- men in the party. The Indians were probably 28 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. the Norridgewocks, Canadas, and Penobscots, and their place of rendezvous was Palmer's, now Peaks, Island. The}^ were there for a purpose. Mrs. Lee, after leaving Casco Bay, married Richard Jose, the sheriff of the prov- ince, and outlived him and married the fourth time, went across the ocean, and died on the Island of Jersey. The Indians had been assembling several days on Palmer's (Peaks) Island, preparing to attack Fort L^tyal and the settlement on the Neck, now Portland. They probably had little rest in the night of Oct. 20th, as they must have been early astir. Peaks Island never saw another such a night as that. Hundreds of Indians in their war paint and feathers were preparing for a surprise. It was long before the dawn of da}^ that they were quietly embarking in their canoes to make their attack on the rear of the town. They were armed with guns and were expert marksmen. Josselyn says several years before this that "it was a poor Indian that did not have two guns." They probably proceeded around Munjoy Hill into Back Cove, landed on its western shore, and were soon dis- covered by twelve camp fires, seen by the Bracketts, when they were preparing their HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 29 morning meal before making the attack. They proceeded to Brackett's, now the Deer- ing farm, and were there at dawn of day, when a battle was fonght between Colonel Church's soldiers and the Indians, during which the latter were driven off and the town saved, to be destroyed the following year. John Palmer was wounded in this battle, but not seriously, as he attended a council of war in November. This is the last record of the Indians occu- pying Peaks Island, but it must have been a place of common resort for them during the years that so many were about the bay, which is confirmed by the traditions. There was an Indian battle on Jewells Island in September, 1676. A party of Indi- ans from Arrowsic attacked a party of settlers who had fled to that island, on which was a fortified house, for safety. The settlers, feel- ing secure, were surprised, but after a stub- born fight drove the Indians off, several being killed, while but three of the English lost their lives. Two women and two children were taken away by the Indians. Those brave early settlers who stayed by their homes and their lands, and contested their right to occupy them for the purposes of 30 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. civilization, laid the foundation of our state. They must have been conscious of the service they were rendering to posterity or they would have abandoned those rude homes and lived in more secure places. " All these scenes do I behold, These, and many left untold." CHAPTER IV. Revolutionary Alarm. — Shipwreck. — Harbor Froz- en. — A Hermit. — Soldiers of the Rebellion. — Religious Meetings. — Home of the Ancestors of Two Famous Americans. " Never mortal builder's hand This enduring fabric planned." The tradition that a company of sol- diers of the Revolution paraded on the island is probably true. When Capt. Henry Mowat, with his fleet of five vessels, arrived in our harbor, on the 16th of October, 1775, they anchored near the islands, which must have been in front of Peaks Island, in Hog Island Roads, between House and Hog Islands. This was in plain view of Benjamin Trott's and Thomas Brackett's houses. Three men de- serted from the fleet to Hog Island in a boat, and delivered themselves up to the militia with their boat. They were Charles Stuart, quartermaster, John Elliot and Daniel Sheet- land, foremastmen. The people of Falmouth Neck, now Portland, then supposed that the fleet had come for sheep and cattle for the 32 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. British forces in Boston. There were large stocks of cattle on the islands, and for their protection a large portion of Capt. Joseph Noyes' and Capt. Samuel Knights' companies, then stationed on the Neck, were quietly sent, at dusk, to guard the sheep, cattle, and hay there. The next day the wind was strong and the vessels warped up and anchored off the town. Late that afternoon the inhabitants of the Neck learned that their, then defenseless, town was to be destroyed. They had no means of defense, not a gun mounted, and were almost destitute of powder. The town could have been occupied without destroying it, but Mowat had secured orders to "burn, sink, and destroy, 1 ' and proceeded to do it. He remem- bered the "Thompson War" of the May before. The burning of Falmouth Neck made patriots of all its inhabitants, and placed Mowat's name, to an American, among the cruel tyrants of history. SHIPWRECK. The saddest event that has happened on the island in the memory of those now living was the wreck of the schooner Helen Eliza, of Gloucester, Mass., Capt. Edward Millett, of Rockport, Mass., in the great gale of Sept. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 33 8, 1869. She parted her cables and was driven ashore in the darkness on to the rocks on the ontside of the island. The crew took to the waves, bnt of the twelve aboard, only one, Charles Jordan, of Rockport, sncceeded in reaching the shore alive. Ten of the bodies were recovered. The captain's body was found in a cove on the harbor side of the island. The vessel was ground to pieces on the rocks and strewed along the shore. Long- fellow in his poem, "The Wreck of the Hes- perus," describes vividly this wreck on Peaks Island. "Down came the storm, and smote amain The vessel in its strength ; She shuddered and paused like a frightened steed, Then leaped her cable's length. "The breakers were right beneath her bows, She drifted a dreary wreck, And a whooping billow swept the crew Like icicles from her deck." HARBOR FROZEN. The harbor is seldom frozen hard enough for persons to cross the ice to the city. The writer crossed on the ice from the city and returned the same way, Feb. 15, 1875. That day a sleigh with two persons went from the city and returned with safety. William T. Jones then said that the last team he remem- 34 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. bered coining to the island was about 1845, about thirty years before. A HERMIT. Solomon Bartlett, an old but a robust man, lived a hermit's life on the Waite land, back in the woods, about fifty years ago. He was a squatter. After he had lived there nearly twenty years, nearly long enough to establish a claim to the land, the young men of the island, while he was away at one time, took up his house bodily and placed it on a barren ledge, where he found it on his return. This had the desired effect and he left the island. SOLDIERS OF THE REBELLION. In the War of the Rebellion the following young men of the island entered the service of their country : James W. Brackett, Wesley Scott, and Andrew Fisher served in the gal- lant First Maine Cavalry Regiment. Wesley Scott was captured by the enemy and died in Salisbury Prison, Jan. 2, 1865, aged 19 years, 6 months, and 22 days, and a monument was erected to his memory in the Biackett Ceme- tery. Gilman L. Brackett served in the Coast Guards and John T. Sterling served on the steamboat Greyhound on the James River. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 35 RELICS. A few years ago Wilber F. Ricker found on the shore on the outside of the island two cannon balls which were badly rust eaten. One was about the size of a twelve-pound solid shot and the other was egg shaped, with a ruffle on the largest diameter. How they came there is a matter of conjecture, but they evidently had laid in the water many years. One was added to the collection of war relics of the Fifth Maine Regiment Association and the other is in possession of the finder. REGIMENTAL BUILDINGS. The regimental buildings, on the shore opposite White Head, are of no particular historic interest in themselves, but they have been built by the survivors of two of Maine's bravest regiments in the Rebellion. Those men have made good history for our state, and "they have dared to walk with death" that we might have a united country. The Fifth Maine Regiment was known as a fighting one, and no place was too hot for them. All that is necessary to say of their bravery is that they were one of the twelve picked regiments in the " Bloody Angle " at Spottsylvania, which was said to have been 36 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. the bloodiest conflict of the war. The}^ took more prisoners during their service than they ever had names on their rolls, and captured six battle flags on line of battle in a hand-to- hand fight with the enemy. In their building they have one of the best collections of war relics in this part of the country. The Eighth Maine Regiment bows to none for valor shown on the battle field. The sur- vivors can tell of the bombardment of Port Royal and Charleston, how they raised their flag over Fort Pulaski, what they did at Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and how they, under General Sheridan, helped chase Lee's army to their surrender at Appo- mattox. Their tattered battle flags are now silent witnesses that are proudly treasured by our state. Neither of these regiments lost a flag. RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. Up to 1832 the religious services were held in a hall that was used for all other pur- poses. That year the first school-house was built on Peaks Island, and for eighteen years served also for a meeting-house. The Rev. Stephen Bennett was the pioneer minister. He used to row every other Sunday from Chebeague Island to preach to the people in HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 37 the school-house. He was an eccentric and earnest man who was interested in the good of his fellow-man. He was outspoken in his remarks, frank in conversation, and had the respect and esteem of all. He married, in 1854, Mrs. Mary A. W. Winship, of Portland, where, it is said, he finally moved and died. In 1850 a new school-house was built, which also served for the meetings. It was dedicated by proper services and Rev. Benja- min Freeman preached the dedicatory sermon. In i860 Rev. W. N. Richardson, a Methodist, was appointed pastor, and Nov. 15th a Meth- odist Episcopal Church was organized. The present church was soon built, and dedicated July 25, 1861. Rev. C. C. Cone, the Presiding Elder, preached the sermon at the dedication. Rev. C. W. Blackman was appointed pastor in 1862 and remained two years. Rev. Joseph Hawkes followed him in 1864, and in 1865 Rev. B. Freeman was the preacher and re- mained three years. He was an earnest and faithful man, who was much interested in the welfare of the people. In 1868 Rev. Asbury C. Trafton was the pastor and remained three years. In 187 1 Rev. J. H.Trask was appointed and remained two years. Rev. John C. Perry followed him in 1873 and then the parsonage was built. 38 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. The following pastors were subsequently appointed: Rev. Hezekiah Chase, 1876-78; Rev. True P. Adams, 1879-81; Rev. Charles S. Parsons, 1882-84, and then in 1885 followed Rev. J. B. Lapham, and after him came Rev. Kinsman Atkinson, Rev. John Collins, and then the Rev. Frank W. Smith, the present pastor. By the efforts of the members of the congregation a bell was purchased and put into the tower in 1886. The Second Advent Society has held meetings in the town hall for several years under different preachers. THE HOME OF THE ANCESTORS OF TWO FAMOUS AMERICANS. Peaks Island can claim to have been the home of the ancestors of at least two famous Americans. John Lothrop Motley, the historian and diplomat, the friend of Bismarck, who died in 1877, was the son of Thomas Motley, Jr., of the firm of noted merchants of Boston, Thomas and Edward Motley. He was the great-grand- son of Capt. John Waite, through his young- est daughter, Emma, who married Thomas Motley, senior, for her second husband. The Hon. Thomas Brackett Reed, who, as HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 39 Speaker of the National House of Represent- atives, is next in power to the President, and who has demonstrated his fitness for the high- est office under our government, is a son of Peaks Island. It has been the home of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and he is a descendant of George Cleeve, the first settler of Portland. The rugged experiences of their ancestors laid the foundation of the lives of the success- ful men of Maine who have honored their old homes and the homes of their fathers. " There is no place like the old place where you and I were born! Where we lifted first our eyelids on the splendors of the morn." CHAPTER V. Steamboat Lines. — Steamers Kennebec, Antelope, Casco, Gazelle, and others. "Honor to those whose words or deeds Thus helped us in our daily needs." The first attempt to run a steamboat to the islands was in the year 1822, by Capt. Seward Porter. This was one year before he brought the steamer Patent here. The steam- boat was called the Kennebec, but was nick- named the " Horned Hog." It was the old hull of a flat-bottomed craft with a small and imperfect engine in it. It was a great novelty to go to the islands without sails or oars and drew crowds of passengers from the little town. It was no uncommon occurrence for the engine to refuse to drive the boat against the tide, and it had to be assisted by the passengers treading the paddle-wheels round, which was easity done as they were uncovered. The following couplet was written at the time by a local rhymster : "A fig for all your clumsy craft, Your pleasure boats and packets ; The steamboat lands you, safe and soon, At Mansfield's, Trott's, or Brackett's. "And down below they keep the stuff, And everything is handy; My jolly boys, I'll tell you what, That steamboat is a dandy." HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 4 1 Several years before any attempt was made to run a regular line to Peaks Island, a small steamboat came here from Saco and ran for a short time, one summer, for transient parties to the islands. In 1850 Horatio G. Cook, a boat builder and machinist, who was born in Portland, in December, 18 15, and whose father was of the same name, built the steamboat Antelope, to run to the islands. She was fifty-five feet long, eight feet wide, and the hull was thirty inches deep. She had a three-horse power engine, and could carry one hundred passen- gers. This steamer was a side-wheeler and ran two summers. In the winter of 185 1-2 Mr. Cook built the steamboat Casco, which was about seventy- five feet long, twelve feet wide, and the hull was four feet deep. She had a horizontal engine of two twelve-inch cylinders and a two- foot stroke. This steamer was also a side- wheeler, as were all of the steamboats Mr. Cook built, and could carry three hundred passengers. The Casco ran to Peaks and Cushing's Islands until the winter of 1 860-1, when Mr. Cook built the steamboat Favorite. Cyrus F. Sands became a partner with Mr. Cook in this and the following boat. The 42 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Favorite was about one hundred feet long, fourteen feet wide, and the hull was six feet deep. She had the same engines that were in the Casco, whose hull was then laid up. The engines were geared up three to one to increase the power. This boat could carry four hundred passengers. She ran two years and then went into the hands of the govern- ment and was used South during the war. Later this steamer was brought to Boston, where she was changed to a propeller and was finally destroyed by fire. In 1863 an engine was put into the old hull of the Casco and she ran to the islands that summer. In the winter of 1863-4 Mr. Cook built the Gazelle, and the Casco went to Freeport and was finally cut up. The Gazelle was one hundred and five feet long, eighteen feet wide, and the hull was six feet deep. Her engine had a two-foot cylinder and four-foot stroke. She could then carry eight hundred passengers. This steamer ran to the islands several years, then was lengthened twenty feet, when she could carry one thou- sand passengers, although she was limited to six hundred. Her name was changed to the Forest City, and her last season was in 1895, since which she has been sold and went to HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 43 Baltimore. Messrs. Cook and Sands disposed of their interest in this boat in 1874. Before i860 there was a stern-wheel steam- boat named the Clinton that came here from the Kennebec River and ran as an opposition boat part of one summer. The stern-wheeler Teaser also ran one summer to Scott's Landing. William Oxnard ran the steamer Island Queen two summers, when she was burned and he built the Gipsy Queen, using the same engines, but they were not large enough for the hull. This line landed at Brackett's Landing, opposite White Head, but did not run long. There have been other opposition boats that have been taken off after running a short time. In 187 1 the Peaks Island Steamboat Com- pany was formed and built the steamer Ex- press, which was placed in charge of Capt. A. S. Oliver. This company was composed mostly of people who lived on the island, and the object was to establish a line to run the entire year. The Express was a propeller and fitted for towing when not employed on the route. This was a successful enterprise as long as they confined themselves to this boat. An opposition line was established by C. H. Knowlton, and he ran the propellers Tourist 44 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. and Minnehaha several years. These boats with the Express and the Forest City, with their rights and privileges, were all absorbed into one conipan}^ which is now represented by the Casco Bay Steamboat Company and is giving satisfactory service. Capt. Alfred S. Oliver, the veteran of the island line, was born in Georgetown, Me., in 1832. He went to California in 1850 and commenced steamboating on the Sacramento River. He returned to Maine and went into the tow-boat business. Captain Oliver first ran to the islands in the steamer Lily, in 1870, and she was burned after running but one season. He then became captain of the Express, in 1871, and has continued on the route under the successive companies since that time. He has always been a pleasant and courteous officer to the patrons of the several lines, and is remembered as the cap- tain who did his whole duty, with his boat, in the great steamboat fire of 1873. For nearly twenty years the steamboats were run but about three months' time, from the middle of June until the middle of Sep- tember, but since 187 1 there have been regu- lar trips run all the year round. For many years the steamers touched only at Peaks and HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 45 Cushing's Islands, but new lines have been put on until nearly every island of any con- siderable size in Casco Bay is now touched by some steamer during the season. "A ship is a thing That you never can be quiet in, By wind or steam It's all the same, 'Twas so with me." CHAPTER VI. Family Histories. — Brackett, Trott, Woodbury, Parsons, Jones, Skillings, Sterling, Trefethen, Scott. "There is history in all men's lives." The people of a locality make its history, and a history of the people is almost a his- tory of that locality. Those who settled early on Peaks Island were mostly hardy fisher- men's families or those that went down to the sea in ships. They were people who knew the secrets of the sea as only those can know who brave its dangers. They were the Waites, Bracketts, Trotts, Woodburys, Parsons, Ster- lings, Welchs, Jones, Trefethens, Skillings, Scotts, and others, who have come and gone, and each has done his part, humble or other- wise, in the battle of life. It is fitting that the story of their lives should be preserved, that those who come after them may know who they were and what were the events in their lives that went to make up the histor}^ of the island while they lived. They were a settlement by themselves and shared each other's joys and sorrows. They saw the sun rise from out of the sea and the ocean was their highway. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 47 It is a story of the fathers who have passed beyond or are stepping one side for the 3^onnger generation to assume the respon- sibilities of life. All is not told and never will be, as much that would now interest us died with them. BRACKETT. The Brackett family is the most promi- nent one in the history of Peaks Island. It was known as Brackett's Island for man}^ years. The family are descendants of George Cleeve, the first settler of Portland, and as a family have been modest, unassuming, and honorable. They have sealed their right to Cleeve's land by their own blood. The two first settlers of the name at Falmouth were killed by the Indians while defending their homes. Bracketts served through the French and Indian Wars, were at the siege of Louisburg in 1745, and several from Old Falmouth served in the Revolution- ary Army. The long list of their names on the rolls of our state in the late Rebellion shows that the spirit of patriotism has not departed from the family. The emigrant ancestor was Anthony Brackett, who came to Boston from Scotland 48 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. about 1629 and was called "the Selectman." He was at Portsmouth, N. H., in 1640. His sons, Anthony and Thomas, came to Fal- mouth probably before 1662. Anthony mar- ried Anne Mitton, and Thomas, her sister Mary, daughters of Michael Mitton, whose wife was Elizabeth Cleeve, a daughter of George Cleeve, who with Richard Tucker settled Portland in 1633. After the death of Mitton, his widow married a Harvey. Her other children were Elizabeth, who married Thaddeus Clark, and Martha, wife of John Graves. Thomas Brackett was killed at Clark's Point, where the Gas House now is, by the Indians, Aug. 11, 1676, and his wife, Mary Mitton, and her children were carried off b}^ the Indians and she died within a year. Her children returned to the Piscataqua River, now Portsmouth, N. H. Thomas' son Joshua, who was about two years of age at the time of his capture, was the father of Joshua, Jr., and Anthony, of whom the Bracketts and Trotts of Peaks Island are descendants. The same day that Thomas Brackett was killed, his brother Anthony and wife, Anne Mitton, were captured with their children on their farm, now the Deering farm, and carried away HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 49 by the Indians. Her brother, Nathaniel Mit- ton, resisted and was killed. He was the last of the family name here. The escape of Anthony Brackett and his family in an old canoe is a matter of history. It is said it was through her penetration and fortitude that the escape was effected, and as Willis says " places her in the rank of heroic women." They went to the Piscataqua River, his father's home, but returned to Falmouth in 1679. He became a selectman, captain of a company, and was killed in the battle on his farm in October, 1689. He has descendants living in the vicinity of Portland. Joshua Brackett, Jr., grandson of Thomas, was born at Greenland, N. H., in 1701, came to Falmouth before 1728, and lived in a log house about where Gray Street now is, where by industry and frugality he improved his condition, and then built a frame house about opposite the head of High Street, on Con- gress, where he lived and died in March, 1794, aged 93 years. His fifth child, iMtivm^ born in 1737, married, in 1761, Benjamin Trott and soon moved to Peaks Island. They are the ancestors of the family of that name there and from whom their land on the island was inherited. 50 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Anthony Brackett, brother to Joshua, Jr., born in 1707, probably came to Falmouth before 1728. He married, first, Sarah Knight, in 1733, and second, in 1756, Widow Keren- happuck (Proctor) Hicks, who died in 1822, at Gorham, aged 93 years. He lived near the corner of Brackett and Danforth Streets, where he died Sept. 10, 1784, aged yy years, and was buried on his farm, but his body was taken up, about 1850, and removed to Peaks Island, where he was laid near his descend- ants in the Brackett Cemetery. He owned all the land on the southeast side of Congress Street from about Oak to Vaughan Streets, and his brother Joshua owned all the land on the northwest side of Congress Street from below Casco to Stroudwater Bridge. Anthony had ten children, John, Thomas, James, Mary, Joshua, Elizabeth, Kezia, Samuel, Nathaniel, and Sarah. The oldest son was Capt. John Brackett, of Col. Edmund Phinney's regiment, who died in the army in September, 1775. The second son, Thomas, born in 1744, is the ances- tor of all the Bracketts of Peaks Island. He married, in 1762, Jane Hall, from Narraguagus, now Cherry field, Me., and probably moved to the island before the Revolutionary War. They were living there in 1782, when his HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 5 1 father transferred to him all his interest in Peaks Island. His wife, Jane, died in 18 10, aged 70 years, and Thomas Brackett died in 18 15, aged 71 years. Their children were: John, born in 1763, who married, in 1789, Lucy Snow, daughter of David Snow, of Orleans, Mass., a soldier of the Revolution. Elizabeth, born in 1766, married Capt. James Sawyer, and died in 1799, aged 33 years. Sarah, married, in 1789, John Fabyan, who was her cousin, born in 1766. He was the son of Joshua, Esq., and Sarah (Brackett) Fabyan, of Scarborough. John Fabyan lived at Scarborough, had fourteen children, and died at Leeds, Me., about 1833, aged 67 years. Patience, born in 1775, and died, unmarried, March 10, 1794, aged 19 years. Mar}-, born in 1776, and married, in 1796, Joseph Reed. He was an intelligent and respected citizen. They were the grand- parents of Hon. Thomas B. Reed. The children of John and Lucy (Snow) Brackett were: Jane H., born in 1791, married Capt. Charles Bradbury, in 1825, had no chil- dren, and died in 1826. John, Jr., born in 1794, and married, in 1817, Mary A. Hadlock. Mary S., born in 1796, married, in 1816, George D. Welch, and, in 1848, Ira Hilborn, 52 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. of Minot. Thomas, born in 1799, who died in 1819. David, born in 1800, who died in 1804. Sally C, born in 1802, who married Francis B. Smith, in 1826, bnt had no chil- dren. Lncinda S., born in 1804, who married Benjamin Welch in 1825. Almira, born in 1807, and died in 1819. James S., born in 1 8 10, who married Ann Margaret Jones, sister of William T. Jones, in 1838, and had bnt one child, James W. Brackett. James S. Brackett died in 1839, aged 29 years, and his wife died in 1850, aged 37 years. The youngest child was Henry M., born in 181 2, who married Sarah M. Hadlock, in 1833, bnt had no chil- dren. John Brackett died Dec. 1, 1835, aged 72 years, and his wife, Lncy, died June 15, 1842, aged 75 years. The children of Joseph and Mary (Brack- ett) Reed were: Mary B., born in 1800, who married Walter S. Hatch in 1821. Elizabeth S., born in 1802, who married, in 1823, Nath- aniel S. Millett. Thomas B., born in 1803, who married, in 1838, Matilda P. Mitchell, and died in 1887, aged 83 years. Joseph, Jr., born in 1806. Jane, born in 1807. Smith, born in 1809. William, born in 181 1. Daniel born in 18 13. Lydia W., born in 18 14, who married Abraham T. Sterling, in 1841, and HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 53 Emily P., born in 1819, who married, in 1841, William S. Trefethen. Joseph Reed died April 1, 1852, aged 82 years, and his wife, Mary, died Nov. 13, i860, aged 84 years. The children of John, Jr., and Mary A. (Hadlock) Bracket! were: Seth H., born in 1 8 18, married, in 1843, Elizabeth A. L. Libby, and died in 1877. Sarah H., born in 182 1, married Joseph Trefethen, in 1838, and died in 1868. He was a nephew of Henry Tre- fethen, of Honse Island, and died in 1884, aged 69 years. John Thomas, born in 1823, married Eunice A. Randall, in 1846, and died in 1894. Samuel H., born in 1825, married Sophia Cressey, in 1854, and died in 1875. William S., born in 1827, married Adelia P. Harmon, in 1850, and died in 1886. Elijah E. H., born in 1830, and died in 1837. Henry E. H., born in 1832, married, first, in 1856, Julia E. Hsley, and second, in i8$8, Margie Clif- ford. James G. H., born in 1835, and died the same year. Albert, born in 1836, and died in 1840. Gilnian L., born in 1840, married, in 1862, Mary Ann Libby, and lives on the island. Mary A., born in 1842, and died in 1847. Epps G. H., born in 1846, married, in 1867, Mary E. Rice, of Cranberry Isles. John Brackett, Jr., lived at one time on 54 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Island Avenue, near the Parsons' land, west side of the island. The cellar of his house can still be seen on the east side of the Ave- nue. He, with Henry Parsons, built the stone wall that is now near the cellar. John Brackett, Jr., died May 21, 1869, aged 75 years, and his wife, Mary A., died May 18, 1880, aged 79 years. The heirs of John Brackett, Jr., own about forty-five acres of land on the island between the Welch and Hilborn land and the Trott line in front of the Bay View House, across the island, from shore to shore. George D. and Mary S. (Brackett) Welch had one daughter, Almira B., who married William T. Jones for his first wife. George D. Welch died Oct. 26, 1828, aged 33 years, and his wife, Mary S., died Sept. 24, 187 1, aged 75 years. Benjamin and Lucinda S. (Brackett) Welch had five children : Benjamin, Jr., born in 1827. Lucy Elizabeth, born in 1828, and married James J. Knowlton in 1849. Susan Jane, who died young. Mary Adeline, born in 183 1, who married, in 1852, Charles S. Adams, who died in 1880, aged 54 years. George Deake Welch, born in 1833. Lucinda S. (Brackett) Welch died in 1837, aged 33 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 55 years. Mrs. Adams lives at Peaks Island. Her two brothers and sister live in California. Henry M. Brackett died Nov. 1, 1871, aged 59 years. His widow, Sarah M., who was a niece of John Brackett, Jr.'s, wife, married, in 1877, Dr. James Torrington, and they reside in the house on the sonth side of the island. She came from the Cranberry Isles and was the daughter of Samuel, Jr., and Eunice (Richardson) Hadlock, of Bass Harbor. She is the oldest resident of the island, and was born in 18 15. The house in which she lives was built by Henry M. Brackett, about 1836, and the house at the south oLit was built by Seth H. Brackett, his *hym&&, about 1853, which was the first boarding-house built on the island. There was formerly a wharf and landing near these houses, to which the steamers ran regular trips, but it has fallen to decay and is now gone. Mrs. Mary A. (Welch) Adams is the only one of the Welch and Hilborn heirs living on their land here. Their possessions amount to about eighty-five acres and run from shore to shore, but not in a straight line. It extends from the Union House to Greenwood Garden and is a public playground for all. The cot- tage lots are all leased. The house in which 56 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. she lives was formerly called the ''children's house," because their mother died when they were young and left them the house. They were always spoken of as "the children." The house has been rebuilt, but originally it was a house that was taken down at Cape Eliz- abeth and brought to the island about 1829. The dwelling-house of James W. Brackett, in Greenwood Garden, was built by his mother, Mrs. James S. Brackett, in 1847. He owns the Garden and the land back, holding its width, to the back shore, amounting to over forty acres. Mrs. Torrington owns all the land, excepting three lots which she has sold, beyond James W. Brackett's to the southeast shore. She has about ninety acres of land in her lot. The descendants of Thomas Brackett, of Peaks Island, own, altogether, about two hun- dred and sixty acres of land on the island that they and their ancestors have owned for two hundred and sixty years. It came from George Cleeve, the first settler of Portland, and is a record of constancy of which the family have a right to feel proud. " O land that once my fathers trod, O sires I cannot see ! May I your future make as dear As you the past to me! " HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 57 TROTT. The Trott family were among the earliest to make Peaks Island their home. Benjamin Trott and his wife, Thankful Brackett, prob- ably moved there in 1762. John Trott, the first of the name at Old Falmouth, was probably the son of Samuel and Marcia Trott, and grandson of Thomas Trott, of Dorchester, Mass. He was born Dec. 20, 1700, and was there before 1725. His wife's name was Lydia. He had thirty acres of land granted him, on the eastern side of Long Creek in 1727, three acres more the next year, and in 1729 ten acres additional. Their children were: Abigail, born in 1725, and married, in 1743, William Pitman. Benjamin, born in 1726, who died young. John, born in 1727. Lydia, born in 1729, and married, in 1757, Solomon Avery. Thomas, born in 173 1, and married, in 1759, Sarah Knapp. Deliver- ance, born in 1733, who died young. Mary, born in 1735. Benjamin, born in 1737, who married, in 1761, Thankful Brackett and went to Peaks Island, and Deliverance, born in 1738, who married, in 1755, Mathew Tobin. Thomas Trott was a cordwainer, and in 1 76 1 bought a farm at Windham, where he moved soon after. He was selectman there 58 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. in 1 7 74-^76, '77 and '80, and in the Revolu- tionary War was captain of the town company of militia. He died there in 182 1, aged 90 years, and his wife in 1837, aged 97 years. Benjamin Trott had sons Benjamin, Jr., and Joshua, and daughters Betsey, who married Daniel Bartlett, of Freeport, in 1707; Mary, who married Samuel Rand ; Abigail, who mar- ried Samuel Woodbury, and Thankful. Benjamin Trott, Jr., married, in 1799, Susannah Bartlett, and their children were: Samuel, who married, in 1835, Jane B. Par- sons. Benjamin, who married Ann Bennett, in 1824. Thomas B., who married, in 1840, Deborah Lincoln. Betsey, who married, in 1824, David White. Sarah Ann, who married George Trott, in 1835, and Lydia, who mar- ried, in 1826, Obadiah Eastman. Joshua Trott married, in 1799, Elizabeth Bartlett, and had the following children: William ; Daniel, who married Saral Bartol, in 1835; George, who married, in 1835, Sarah Ann Trott, his cousin; Jane, who married Michael Rawley, in 1826; Polly, who married John Rawley, in 1825, and Sally, who mar- ried, in 1827, Abraham Murray. One of the mothers of the island, of poetic turn of mind, made the following rhyme about HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 59 the marriages of the daughters of this family, by which those now grandfathers remember their names : "John Rawley married Polly, Mike married Jane, Abraham Murray married Sally, I am sure they needn't complain." WOODBURY. The Woodbury family were among the early people of Peaks Island. Samuel Wood- bury, the first of the name there, probably came from Beverly, Mass., at latest, early in this century. He married Abigail Trott, daughter of Benjamin and Thankful (Brack- ett) Trott, who, no doubt, was born on the island. It is thought that Samuel Woodbury was at first a farmer for, or tenant of, Col. John Waite. Later there was probably an arrangement made with Colonel Waite's heirs that after the payment of a certain sum, in installments, the Woodburys should have a deed of the Waite land. The children were : Benjamin, who married Lydia Avery, in 181 3, had a son, Robert, and died on Long Island. William, who married Thankful Rand, a sis- ter to Samuel Rand, and died on the island. James, who married Lucy Johnson, in 1833, a sister to Alexander Johnson, Jr., who had a 60 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. daughter, Eliza Jane, who married Bradley P. Wallace, in 1854, and a son, James F. Wood- bury. James Woodbury died at Long Island. Francis, born in 1801, never married, but after his father's death was always called "Sam," and who died Oct. 6, 1861, aged 60 years. Joshua, who never married. Charles, born in 1802, who married, first, Ruth Day, of Phipsburg, Me., in. 1825, wno died ^ n x 868, aged 63 years. He married, second, Cynthia Doughty, in 1869, and died Nov. 24, 1870, aged 68' years, and left descendants. There were two daughters, Nancy, who married Mr. Hatch and died about 1832, and Thankful, who never married. William lived where the Oceanic House stands and Charles nearly to Evergreen Landing. The}' labored many years, having in view the payments for the land. Samuel Wood- bury lived in a log house that stood where the "Wallace house" stands, on Island Ave- nue, south of Trefethen's Landing. Joshua and Francis Woodbury built the present house there over sixty years ago. Before 1820 Joshua, Francis, and James Woodbury moved to Cushings Island, near White Head, but their title to the land not being satisfactory they removed their house from the island. This may account for the cellar found there. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 6 1 As early as 1834 William, James, Francis, and Joslina Woodbury divided the land, al- though they had no deed of it. This may have been done to divide also the responsi- bility, so that each would pay but their share. Samuel Woodbury and his wife lived to be very old people and died on the island. The tradition is that he was an honest, uneducated, and hard-working man. The Waites' two-ninths of the island was inherited by the two daughters of Col. John Waite, Nancy, who married Nathaniel F. Deer- ing, and Luc}^, who married Capt. Samuel McLellan. In 1839 Nancy W. Deering con- veyed her undivided half to Lucy McLellan, and in 1840 she deeded all to Alexander John- son, Jr., for a consideration of $1,500.00, and received a mortgage in return to secure pay- ment. Johnson, the same day, sold about thirty acres at Evergreen Landing to John Sterling, of House Island, and two da}^s after- wards sold Francis Woodbury twenty-eight square rods, over fifty-eight acres, at the west- ern end, next to the Trott line. This left the strip through the middle at Trefethen's Landing and back of it. Two years later (1842) Henry Trefethen, of House Island, bought of Lucy McLellan the unpaid note of 62 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Johnson's, with unpaid interest, for $502.72, he giving a quitclaim deed to the land. In 1847 Trefethen deeded the land to Francis Wood- bury for $500. Alexander Johnson, Jr., mar- ried Lydia N. Woodbu^, in 1824, an d after dis- posing of all interest in Peaks Island moved to Long Island, and was soon after drowned. The land known as the Francis Woodbury farm is the land he purchased of Johnson in 1840. It was a strip forty-seven and one- half rods wide on the Trott line, extended from shore to shore, and consisted of over fifty-eight acres. Then there was a right of way across it. This farm was divided equally between six heirs and assigns, lengthwise, in 1865. These six parts were owned by Thank- ful Woodbury, Charles and Henry Trefethen, Jr., Simeon Skillings, Eliza Jane Woodman, Emily P. Trefethen, and William Woodbury. There was an irregular piece of land from the original farm on the western end, containing two and one-half acres, that William Wood- bury had bought in 1849. The unhappy termination of Joshua Wood- bury's life, in about 1838, brings us back to the family's effort to purchase the land. The time arrived when Joshua and Francis were to make their last payment, as they supposed, HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 63 and get their deed. They sold a pair of oxen which they could hardly spare to get the money, and went to the city to get their deed. They were unsuccessful, but all the reasons, perhaps, are not now perfectly under- stood, and they returned to the island some- what disheartened. Joshua expressed the opinion that they never would get the deed. The two brothers and their sister, Thankful, were living in the Wallace house. Joshua and Francis went out fishing on Saturday, and Joshua felt badly about his troubles on his return. They left their fish in their boat over Sunday that they were to carry to the city on Monday, as was their custom. Sun- day the sister went out into the woods, and while she was away Joshua urged Francis to go to the boat to look after the fish, which he did. While both were gone he went to the barn and on the scaffold cut his throat to end his troubles, which had unsettled his mind. He was a man who made a practice of reading his Bible every Sunday. He believed that he had not been justly dealt with, and the disappointment he could not stand. His death shocked the people of the island, and it is told as the most horrible event that has yet happened among them. The older people 64 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. remember these brothers as well-meaning bnt uneducated men, and by many it is believed that if they had been more accustomed to matters of business their affairs might have turned out differently. Of such men " Be to their faults a little blind, Be to their virtues very kind." PARSONS. Henry Parsons was an early resident of Peaks Island. He was born June 24, 1782, and when he was eighteen years of age his father was drowned. He came from Glouces- ter, Mass., and first went to the island in 1804, and at that time there were but four houses there. He had probably just married Sarah Sawyer, a daughter of Samuel and Hannah Sawyer, of Cape Elizabeth, aud she died Feb. 27, 1830, aged 49 years. He mar- ried her sister, Hannah Sawyer, in 1832, and she was born June 4, 1795, and died Jan. 5, 1865, aged 69 years. He died on the island, Jan. 4, 1862, aged 79 years. Their children were: Samuel S., born in 1805, married, first, in 1826, Jane Holden, sister of the late Charles Holden, Esq., and second, in 1854, Catherine Lincoln. Mary F., born in 1806, married, in 1833, Nathaniel S. Millett, and died Dec. 4, 1896, aged 90 years. Jane B., born in 1808, HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 65 and married, in 1835, Samuel Trott. Henry, born in 18 10, married, in 1840, Eleanor Bartol, of Lisbon. Charles, born in 18 13, married, in 1835, Eliza Lincoln. Martha, born in 1816, and died the next year. Sarah, born in 18 19, never married, and died in 1846, aged 26 years. John S., born in 1834, married, in 1858, Ellen Johnson, and James T., born in 1835, and married, in 1866, Frances A. Simonton, of Cape Elizabeth. The last two of the children were by the second wife and they are living at South Portland. Henry Parsons first bought land on Peaks Island in 1828, which was about four acres on the south side of the Waite line, but on the side of the hill, which he purchased of Ben- jamin Trott, Jr. In 1834 he purchased nearly three acres more, of John Brackett, Jr., by the same line, near Brackett's house, and five and two-thirds acres on the shore, making altogether nearly thirteen acres, which is still owned by his family. JONES. William T. Jones was a prominent citizen of Peaks Island in his time. The story of his life is one of credit to him. He was left an orphan at twelve, and at fourteen walked from 66 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Portsmouth, N. H., to Boston to seek his for- tune, where he soon found employment in a tavern, where Capt. John Brackett, Jr., first met him. He wished to come to Portland with Captain Brackett in his vessel, which was consented to as he took a fancy to the boy. This was about 1832. He learned the cooper's trade and spent several winters in Cuba at work at that trade. He established the cooper business on Peaks Island and his shop was where the Union House stands. In 1840 he married Almira B. Welch, daughter of George D. Welch and granddaughter of John Brack- ett. She died in 1841, aged 22 years. He married again, in 1848, Eliza A. Chamberlain, daughter of Abia and Sibyl (Merrill) Cham- berlain, of Scarborough. Her grandfather, Joshua Merrill, was an officer in the Revolu- tionary Arnry. She came to Peaks Island in 1847 as a school-teacher, has lived on the island about fifty years, been closely identified with its progress, and enjoys the respect and esteem of not only her neighbors and friends but many who have been her guests from all parts of the country. Mr. Jones, in 1855, altered his cooper shop into a restaurant and was the pioneer in the business on the island. In i860 he built the HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 67 Union House, which he and his wife kept until his death, and his wife has continued the business since. The Union House, since first built, has been enlarged and for many years was the house of the island. Mr. Jones was a man of marked ability and a leading and enterprising citizen. He was prominent in the formation of the Peaks Island Steamboat Company, which built the steamer Express in 187 1, and established regular communications with the city for the entire year. He died suddenly, in 1880, aged 62 years, a respected and honored man. Jones Landing was named for him and the name should never be changed. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Jones are : Ellen Tappan, who married Christopher Wa}^ ; James Brackett, who married Paryntha M. Salter, of Burlington, N. S. ; Winthrop Stan- wood, who married Arietta Foster, daughter of the late Dr. Thomas A. Foster ; Alice Eliza, a school-teacher in Portland; Herbert Abia, who married Flora M. Salter, of Burlington, N. S., and four children who died young. SKILLINGS. The Shillings family came from Cushing's Island. Robert F. Skillings went to Peaks 68 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Island in December, 1843. He was born in 1819, married, in 1842, Harriet vS*? Trefethen, and had nine children. His brother, Simeon Skillings, Jr., went to the island about i860. He was born in 18 18, married, in 1848, Nancy E. Sterling, and had eight children. Their sister, Sarah A. Skillings, was born in 182 1, married, in 1843, Smith C. Hadlock, who came from the Cranberry Isles, and they have lived on Peaks Island abont fifty years. They are children of Simeon and Nancy (Adams) Skillings, who were married in 181 2, and went abont that time to live on Cushing's Island, on land that she inherited from her great-grandfather, General Jedediah Preble. They had eight sons and four daughters, all born on that island. He acquired six-sev- enths of the island, and about i860 the whole title passed to Lemuel dishing. Nancy Adams, wife of Simeon Skillings, was the daughter of Francis and Nancy (Preble) Adams, married in 1786, and grand- daughter of Jedediah, Jr., and Avis (Phillips) Preble, of Castine. She was the great-grand- daughter of General Jedediah and Martha (Junkins) Preble, of Falmouth Neck. Simeon Skillings, of Cushing's Island, was the son of Simeon and Mary (Skillings) HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 69 Skillings, married in 1769; grandson of Ed- ward and Mary (Mills) Skillings, married in 1732; great-grandson of Josiah and Elizabeth (Lydston) Skillings, married in 1708; great- great-grandson of John and Elizabeth Skill- ings, and great -great -great -grandson of Thomas and Deborah Shillings, who came to Old Falmonth as early as 165 1. Thomas Skillings, the first of the family, died in 1667. STERLING. The Sterling famify have been identified with House and Peaks Islands about seventy- five years. The name was originally Starling and was changed after coming to House Island. The first of this family known to us was Joseph Starling and his wife, Mary, who set- tled at New Marblehead, now Windham, Me., about 1750, and proceeded to clear land for a home. Here he had six daughters and one son, Josiah, born. They probably moved from Windham about 1765, and may have gone to Bristol, Me., where he died about 1780. His son, Josiah, was born in Windham, Jan. 29, 1762, and married, Nov. 2, 1783, Mary Tre- fethen. She was the daughter of Henry Tre- fethen, and was born at New Castle, N. H., JO HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. Nov. 28, 1763. She died Feb. 12, 1838, aged 74 years. Josiah Starling died Dec. 28, 1832, aged 70 years. They probably lived at Friend- ship and, perhaps, at Monhegan Island. They had eight daughters and five sons. John Sterling, son of Josiah, was born in Friendship, May 4, 1785, and married, Dec. 11, 1804, Patience Browe, who was born in Bristol, Me., July 5, 1784. She died Dec. 3, 1853, aged 69 years. He married, for his second wife, Mrs. Experience (Higgins) Fogg, in 1856, who died at Freeport. He died Aug. 10, 1870, aged 85 years. John Sterling's children .were all bv his first wife, and were as follows : (jhtififety born in 1807, and married, in 1828, Philena Gove. Seth B., born in 1809, and was lost overboard from the schooner Experiment, in 1835, off Cape Sable. He was 25 years of age and left a widow, Mary Trefethen, at Portsmouth, with two sons, Thomas and Seth. Mary, born in 18 1 2, and married John Blake, in 1829. Caro- line, born in 1814, married, in 183 1, Samuel Rines, and she died July 16, 1841. John, born in 18 16, and died in 1835, aged 19 years. Patience, born in 18 19, and married Robert Robinson. Elizabeth, born in 182 1, and mar- ried Nathaniel Harrington. Phebe, born in HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. J I 1823, an d married, in 1848, Isaac N. Sylvester. The youngest was Alpheus G., born in 1828, married, first, Maria L. York, in 1853, and second, Adelia D. Scott, in 1873. He lives on the old home place on House Island. John Sterling came from Monhegan Island to House Island about 1822, and bought one- quarter part of the island, where he moved and carried on the fishing business. He bought the Edward Mansfield house on Peaks Island, about 1824, for his oldest son, Luther. This house is now owned by Seth B. Sterling, and is on Island Avenue. Luther Sterling married, in 1826^ Elizabeth Cudworth, of Bristol, who was born in 1800 and died in 1888, aged 88 years. He lived the most of his life on Peaks Island, and was a seafaring man. He had nine children : Nancy Eliza- beth, born in 1826, and married, in 1848, Sim- eon Skillings, Jr.; Luther A., born in 1829; John T., born in 183 1 ; Joseph C, born in 1833 5 Seth B., born in 1835 ; James H., born in 1837 5 William A., born in 1839; Robinson E., born in 1842, and Melvin C, born in 1844. Luther Sterling saw the fight between the Enterprise and Boxer from Monhegan Island in 1813. He was a boy of nine years of age at the time. He said that at the time of the 72 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. battle the surgeon, the captain of the top, and two marines from the Boxer were on shore and were unable to get on board before the engagement commenced, and stood with the people of the island. The fight was quite near the island as he always told of it to his acquaintances and family. Luther Sterling saved the life of a young lady named Maria E. Harwell, of Manchester, N. H., in August, 1849. She was thrown overboard from the yacht Odd Fellow in our harbor, and he saw the accident and went to the rescue, arriving in time to save an almost extinct life. In her gratitude to her, then unknown, rescuer, she came to Portland the next spring determined to find who he was, and after weeks of inquiry found it was he. She presented him with a family Bible, in which she, in her own hand, inscribed her gratitude to him for saving her life, with fer- vent hopes for his success and happiness. Luther Sterling died April 16, 1880, aged 75 years. John Sterling bought for his next son, Josiah, in 1840, about thirty acres of land on Peaks Island, at Evergreen Landing, of Alex- ander Johnson, Jr. Of this lot it was said that it " was set off to William Woodbury in 1834." HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 73 Josiali Sterling lived here, having married, in 1828, Philena Gove, of Edgecomb, Me. His children were: Robert Thayer, born in 1830, and married, in i860, Catherine J. Craig. He died Jnne 19, 1876. Patience Augnsta, born in 1832, and married William Keene, of Bris- tol. Qnincy, born in 1833, and died in 1835. Josiah, Jr., born in 1835. Mary Caroline, born in 1837, who married, in 1855, George M. Latham, and died in 1858. Elizabeth C, born in 1839, and died the next 3^ear. Elizabeth, born in 1840, and married Andrew England. John E., born in 1843. Qnincy M., born in 1845, an d Brnnette, born in 1847. Josiah Sterling died Sept. 25, 1889, aged 82 years. TREFETHEN. The Trefethen family are of Welch origin. The first ancestor known to this family was Henry Trefethen, of New Castle, N. H., a shipwright, whose wife, Deborah, was a grand- daughter of Robert Jordan. They were alive in 1760. Henry Trefethen made for himself a clock case of solid mahogany and purchased the movement in England. In his will he left the clock to his son Henry, to go to the next one of that name in each generation, and it is now owned by his great-grandson Henry, at Peaks Island, and still keeps good time. 74 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. His son, Hemy Trefethen, Jr., went to Monhegan Island, and his sister, Mary, mar- ried Josiah Starling in 1783. They were the parents of John Starling, who came to House Island about 1822. Henry Trefethen, third, son of Henry, Jr., acquired a title in House Island in September, 1823, and later the one- half not owned by the government was divided equally by purchase between John Starling and himself. The dwelling-honse was occu- pied by both families, but was divided through the middle crosswise, so that each family had their half separate from the other. The busi- ness of the families was always carried on separately. Henry Trefethen, third, of House Island, was born on the island of Monhegan about 1797. His wife was Mary Thompson, of Friendship, Me., who was born about 1795. Their children were: Harriet N., born in 182 1, who married Robert F. Skillings, in 1842, and lives on Peaks Island. William S., born in 1823, wno married, in 1841, Emily P. Reed. Jane H., born in 1825, wno married David Fairweather, in 1851, and Caleb Blake, in 1856. Henry, Jr., born in 1828, and died in 1833. George, born in 1830, who married Abby Chamberlain, of Scarborough, in 1851. HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. 75 Charles E., born in 1832, married, first, Caro- line Willard, in 1852, and second, in 1859, Louisa A. Keith. Henry, Jr., born in 1833, married, first, Mary E. Hamilton, in 1853, and second, in 1861, Apphia T. Holbrook, and Elizabeth, born in 1836, who married, first, Newton Gross, of Buckfield, and, second, Daniel E. Angell. Henry Trefethen died June 29, 1880, aged 83 years, and his wife, Mary Thompson, died Sept. 2, 1880, aged 85 years. William S. Trefethen moved to Peaks Island about 1844; Charles E. Trefethen about i860, and Henry Trefethen, Jr., about 1875. Trefethen Landing receives its name from this family. SCOTT. Baxter Scott, the first of the name on Peaks Island, came from Georgetown, Me. He was the son of Joseph Baxter Scott and Eleanor Trafton. He first lived on Cushing's Island and afterwards was a farmer on Hog (Great Diamond) Island. He was born April 6, 1808, married Mary P. Manson, who was born in 1805, and died May 7, 1873, aged 6j years. They bought the porgy factory, land and wharf, in April, 1868, and soon after j6 HISTORY OF PEAKS ISLAND. moved to Peaks Island, north side. They also purchased other land. Their children were: Lafayette W., born in 1838, married Lizzie J. Trefethen, in 1863, and died Dec. 3, 1885, aged 47 years. Valarie J., born in 1840, who died, unmarried, in i860 aged 19 3^ears. Azubah A., born in 1843, wno died, unmarried, in 1867, aged 33 years. George W., married, in 1870, Elizabeth H. Putnam. Adelia D., who married, in 1873, Alpheus G. Sterling, of House Island, and Manson W., who married Mrs. Eliza (Savage) Smith, and lives in Boston. Baxter Scott died May 8, 1893, aged 85 years. What was known at one time as Scott's Landing is now the Steamboat Landing, but was formerly the old Brackett Landing. " So closed our tale, of which I give you all The random scheme as wildly as it rose : The words are mostly mine." HOUSE ISLAND. CHAPTER VII. THE OWNERS AND SOME OF THEIR HISTORY. " Oh ! give me a home by the sea Where the wild waves are crested with foam." House Island, from its proximity to Peaks, has some history in common with that island. For the last three-qnarters of a cent- nry the families of both islands have been closely connected and the interests of one have been that of the other. This island has never been a pleasure resort, bnt has been occu- pied by those engaged in the more serious occupation of the fisherman; those "who have enriched the country by drawing wealth from the seas." The story of the island's name and that of its owners becomes more interest- ing as time rolls on, and should be so cared for that the succeeding generations may have the advantage of the knowledge in our time. House Island has borne that name from the earliest times. As early as 1661 it was "commonly called House Island," and in 1663 there was an old house upon it, and a new one L.ofC. j8 HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. that had been built by "Joseph Phipenny." An old house in 1663 might have been a new- one when Capt. Christopher Levitt spent the winter of 1623 and the next summer in the harbor. On the southeast side of the island, on the north side of the cove, are the remains of the foundations of two buildings, one now partly washed away, of which nothing is known. The Sterling family have lived on the island seventy-five years, and have never heard any explanation of why they were there or any traditions about them, although they have expressed an interest to know. The present old house was built very early in this century by John Green Walden. The old foundations may be those of the two first houses on the island. There seems to be no reason why any one should have taken the trouble to have leveled off the ground. Then the settlement at Portland was of little account and they would have been likely to have built on the south side of the island. Perhaps one may date to Levitt's house? The description of Levitt's Island, where he lived, applies as well to this island as to any other, and certainly it is "an island lying before Casco (Fore) River." The name of the island indicates that it was the first island to HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. 79 have a house upon it. Many difficult questions have been settled in time and this ina}' be. House Island was early improved by per- sons in the fishing business. The first recorded deed, Oct. 23, 1661, says Nicholas White, of Casco Bay, planter, sold one-quarter of the island to John Breme, a fisherman, with the house, for X5-3S., but reserved the right for Sampson Penley to make fish upon it during his life and to have refusal of the purchase if he should sell. In September, 1663, Penley levied an execution on one-quarter of the island, with half of the old house and all of the new house together with half of the stages, and March 9, 1664, Penley sold all his interest to George Munjoy for £ij. In November, 1663, William Noreman, a fisherman, sold a quarter part of the island and a quarter part of the house, for X3-15S., to George Munjoy. The price would indicate that the house must have been a rude affair. Munjoy finally acquired the whole title to the island, which was confirmed to his widow by President Dan- forth in 1681, and it descended to his heirs. In the inventory of his estate, in 1685, House Island was valued at ^30. Probably after the re-settlement of Port- land, about 1716, House Island was claimed 80 HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. by John Wallis, who owned the land at Spring Point, where Fort Preble now is. He may have been granted it by the town. This John Wallis, with many others, returned to Spring Point in the spring of 1703, as peace had been declared. There were then nine families living near that Point not protected by any garrison. The Indians came suddenly npon them, in Angnst, while the men were away, and killed twenty-five persons and took several prisoners. Among the killed were Thomas Lovitt and his family, Joel Mediver, and the wives of Josiah and Benjamin Wallis and of Michael Webber. The wife of Joseph Wallis was taken captive. Webber's w T ife was horribly mutilated and several children were killed. Josiah Wallis escaped and carried his son John, then abont seven years of age, to Spur- wink, part of the way on his back. For many years after no one lived there. In the division of John Wallis' estate, in 1724, it was agreed among the family that House Island should be kept for the equal benefit of all the heirs and not divided. The children were Josiah, James, Joseph, Benja- min, and Susannah Wallis. Perhaps Dorcas Lane, wife of John, was a daughter, and Joshua Woodbury was interested in the estate, his wife's name being Sarah. HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. 8 1 Martha Munjoy, wife of Josiah, of Bos- ton, who was a grandson of George Munjoy, sold, in 1722, one-ninth of House Island to Col. Penn Townsend, of Boston. Townsend sold the next day one-half of his purchase to John Buttolph. These fragments of the title to the island were probably purchased by Parson Smith until he had acquired one-third, as he stated in 1742. Peter Woodbury, of Cape Elizabeth, a son of Joshua, purchased House Island of the Wallises and Parson Thomas Smith, and, in 1798, he sold it to Abigail Barstow for $333.33. She became the wife of John Allen, in 1800, who soon died. Then she. married, in 1803, Enoch Hsley, being his third wife, and died in 1842, aged 88 years. Jedediah Collins, a merchant of Portland, purchased the island in 1799 at an advanced price of one hundred dollars, and sold it at the same figure to John Green Walden, in 1801, who was then living on the island. The purchase price indicates that whatever house there was then there must have been of little value. Walden probably built, soon after his purchase, the present old house, where he lived. In 1808 he sold the southern half of the island, about twenty acres, to the 82 HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. United States, and the deed of that land has the only reference to the name Howe's, as applied to the name of the island. There appears no reason for it, as no person of that name, as far as known, ever owned the island. John Green Walden came from Salem and carried on fishing and farming. His son, Capt. Green Walden, who died at Cape Eliza- beth in 1875, aged 78 years, was a coxwain of a guard boat in the harbor during the War of 1812, and received a pension for the service. In 1830 he was appointed second lieutenant in the revenue service, promoted to first lieu- tenant the same year, and was made captain in 1838. He served in the Mexican War with credit and retired from the service in 1857. A writer who knew him personally said of him that " he was a courageous man who was always seeking an opportunity to assist another." The father, John Green Walden, had another son named Nathaniel, and daugh- ters Mary, and Anne who married Edward Mansfield, in 1817, and lived on Peaks Island. John Green Walden's wife, Mary, died in 1843, aged 76 years. John Sterling bought an interest in one- half of House Island in 1822 and moved there. The next year Henry Trefethen, both from HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. 83 Monhegan Island and relatives, purchased the balance of the title to one-half of the island and also moved there. They soon after each owned one-quarter of the island by purchase. Both were engaged in fishing, but separately. One-half of the island is now owned by the United States, one-quarter by Alpheus G. Sterling, who lives there, and the other quarter by George Trefethen, trustee, and Harriett Skillings, his sister. It was used for fishing purposes up to within a few years, but the flakes so familiar to our younger days are used no more. In early times, probably, the island was covered with trees and bushes, but they have long since been destroyed. When the first Fort Scammel was built, in 1808-9, on the highest point was erected an octagonal block-house of timber, with a point- ed roof of eight sides, on which was placed a carved wooden eagle with extended wings. On each of the eight sides of the block-house was an embrasure or port-hole and a gun. The upper story projected over the lower story two or three feet, and the buildiug was painted white. It presented from the harbor a pictur- esque appearance. During the rebuilding of the fort, about the beginning of the Rebellion, 84 HISTORY OF HOUSE ISLAND. the block-house was taken down. The fort was named for Gen. Alexander Scammel, a gallant officer of the Revolution, and a classmate and friend of Gen. Peleg Wadsworth. In case of an emergency Fort Scammel could be used to defend the main channel and White Head passage with but slight alterations for modern guns. The story is told. It is but a part of Port- land's history, a city u seated by the sea," that has no rival as a summer home. Those who here live know its beauties, and those who spend their vacation days in our harbor depart with its praises warm upon their lips. Longfellow, who was born in "an old square wooden house upon the edge of the sea," says : " I remember the bulwarks by the shore, And the fort upon the hill ; The sunrise gun with its hollow roar, The drum-beat repeated o'er and o'er, And the bugle wild and shrill. And the music of that old song Throbs in my memory still: 'A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.'" yo2