A 9 .«VL% > V <£°« 1 ,* *b V* ."i v^b >°*^ ^ ^ V VOW , * O ■> I. *v o V *0 THE LETTERS OF ROGER WILLIAMS EDITED BY John Russell Bartlett. V LETTERS OF ROGER WILLIAMS. W- 1632 - l682. NOW FIRST COLLECTED EDITED BY JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT PROVIDENCE: PRINTED FOR THE NARRAGANSETT CLUB. I874. \ > \^p 3 I is S3 Se-f J EDITOR'S PREFACE. In publifhing for the firft time, all the letters of Roger Williams, as far as they have come to the knowledge of the editor, it is proper to mention the fources from which they have been obtained. With the exception of a very few letters, printed in various controversial books of the period when Williams lived and wrote, the firft which appeared in print were in Backus's Hiftory of New England with reference to the Baptifts, printed in 1777. A few ifolated letters next appeared in the early volumes of the Collections of the Maffachu Setts Hiftorical Society, and a large number in Profeffor Knowles' Life of Williams, publilhed at Bofton in 1834, few of which had before appeared in print. But the moft considerable acceffion was in the " Winthrop Papers." Thefe let- ters were written by Williams to Governor Winthrop of Maffachufetts, and to his fon John Winthrop, Jr., Governor of Connecticut, and had remained in the poffeflion of the Winthrop family until prefented to the Maflachufetts Hiftorical Society. They were published by the Society at different times, as they came into its poffeffion ; hence, are net found in one volume, but in many ; the larger num- ber being in volume VI., of the fourth feries of its " Collections." Williams doubtlefs had other correspondents, but his letters to fuch were un- known to thofe who have written upon his life, or who have edited the recent re- publications of his feveral works. The editor of the prefent compilation of thefe letters has made further Search in various Hiftorical Collections and in other books, and he has alfo confulted gentlemen familiar with the writings of Williams; but only in a fingle inftance has he been able to find a letter, not already in print. For this letter, which is an important one, the editor is indebted to Charles Deane, Efq.,of Cambridge. In prefenting the letters of Williams, it was the defire of the editor to give them precilely as they were written, by preferving the language and the original orthog. raphy ; a plan which was found to be impracticable. Had all been printed as thofe are in the later volumes of the Maflachufetts Hiftorical Society, where the language x. Editor s Preface. and orthography remain as originally written, this plan might ^ave been carried out ; but, unfortunately, in nearly one-half the letters, the language, as well as the fpelling, had been modernized, fo that it was impracticable to attempt a piefenta- tion of all the letters as originally written. Under thefe circumltances, the editor was compelled to modernize the whole, in order to preferve a uniformity. In doing this, he has printed all the letters found in Backus's Hiftory of the Baptifts ; in Knowles' Memoir of Williams ; in Elton's Life of Williams, and in fome of the Hiftorical Collections which had been modernized, precifely as they appear ; no al- teration being necefTary. Thofe among the " Winthrop Papers" printed in the later volumes of the Collections of the Maflachufetts HHtorical Society, have been modernized in their fpelling, but preferve the original language. In fpelling the Indian names, no fyftem feems to have been followed either by Mr. Williams or other early New England writers. Thus we find Narraganfett fpelled Naniganjick, Nanibiggonfick, Narrogonjett, Nariganfet, and Nanbiggonfet. For Connecticut, we have £)uinnibticut, ^unnticut. For Nyantic, we have Nayantakick, Nayantaquit, Nayantuqiut. For Mohawks, Mauquahogs, Mawquatvogs, Mobowazuogs, Mowbauogs, and Maw- bauogs. For Uncas, we have Okace, Qwokace, Wocafe, Qnkace, Onkas, and Oncas. For Mohegan, Monabiganenchs, Monabig, Monbiggin, Monabiggen. The fpelling of thefe and other Indian names have been changed into the orthog- raphy of the prefent day. Many of the letters of Williams ar'e without dates ; fome only bear the day of the week, while a majority of them are dated in the manner following: (Nar. 16. 12. 49. fo call'd) meaning Narraganfett, the 16th of the 12th month, i. e. the 1 6th February, 1649-50; according to the Old Style, then in vogue, when March was the firft month. Where the date is entirely wanting the editor has endeavored to fix upon the month and year, by the fubjedl of the letter, or by the endorfement of Gov. Winthrop when the letter was received by him. The editors of the " Win- throp Papers" have labored to afcertain the dates of many, which dates in almoil every inftance have been adopted ; but ftill fome remain, the contents of which are of fuch a general character, that it has not been poffible even to fix the probable year when they were written. The date of every letter, however obfcure, if it bore any, is given as it appears in the original, while the probable or aflumed date is given in brackets. But with every effort to arrive at the truth, it is poffible that errors have been made. The notes which have been added are neceflarily numerous, and might have been extended, but it was deemed advifable not to enter into any of the contro- verfies in which Mr. Williams was involved. Editor s Preface. xi. In the notes the fource has been given whence all the letters in the volume were obtained. The larger number is from the " Winthrop Papers," which papers in- clude letters from men prominent in New England during the feventeenth century all being a portion of the correfpondence of three generations of the Winthrops. The public eilimate of fome men famous in hiftory has been leffened by the reading of their letters; but no one can read thefe from the founder of Rhode Ifland in this volume without having his refpect and admiration for him increafed. Mr. Knowles was the fir il of Williams's biographers to introduce his letters. Even thefe tended to elevate his character ; but their were periods, relating to which no letters from his pen were known to be in exiilence The publication of the Win- throp papers brought letters to light, which tend to elucidate many events in Wil- liams's life. In fpeaking of the correfpondence of the Winthrop's, Mr. Lowell in his charm- ing effays {'■''Among my Books" p. 246) thus writes : — " Let me premife that there are two men above all others, for whom our rei- peft is heightened by their letters, — the elder John Winthrop and Roger Williams. Winthrop appears throughout as a truly magnanimous and noble man in an unobtru- five way, — a kind of greatnefs that makes lefs noife in the world, but is on the whole more folidly fatisfying to moil others." ..." Charity and tolerance flow fo noticeably from the pen of Williams that it is plain they were in his heart. He does not fhow himfelf a llrong or very wife man, but a thoroughly gentle and good one. His affection for the two Winthrops is evidently of the warmeft." For the better underftanding of certain letters of Mr. Williams's in this volume, it has been deemed advifable to include a few from other perfons. Among thefe are the letters of Mrs. Sadlier, daughter of Sir Edward Coke, in reply to Wil- liams's letters to that lady during his vifit to England in 1653 — and two from Sir Henry Vane. J. R. B. Providence, October, 1874. LETTERS OF ROGER WILLIAMS PUBLISHED IN THIS VOLUME. WITH THE PLACES FROM WHERE WRITTEN AND THE DATES. To John W inthrop, Gov. ofMafs. ; Plymouth, 1672, Page. I The Church at Salem to the Elders of the Church of Chrift To JohnW To do. at Boilon, after July, inthrop, Dep. Gov. of Mais. ; do. Gov. ; Providence, Oct. 24 l6 35> 1636, ., do. 7 1 3 7 To do. do. Gov. ; New Providence, 1637, H To do. do. Governor; May, do. 16 To do. do. New Providence, do. do. 20 To do. do. do. do. 21 To Gov. Henry Vane, or Dep. Gov. John Winthrop, To John W inthrop, May 3, New Providence, June 2, 1637, do. 2 3 27 To do. do. do. do. do. 21, do. 3 2 To do. To do. do. do. do. do. July, do. do. do. 10, do. do. 35 37 To do. do. do. do. do. 10, do. 40 To do. do do. 45 To do. do. New Providence, do 15, do. 46 To do. do. do. do. do. 2i, do. 49 To do. do. do. do. Aug. 20, do. 55 To do. do. . . . . Ocl. or Nov. do. 60 XIV. Contents. do. do. do. do. do. do. To John Winthrop, New Providence, July 31, 1637, To do. do. .... September 12, do. To do. do No date, To do. do October, To do. do. .... do. 28, To do. do. .... November 10, To do. do. .... do. 20, To do. do. Providence, January 10, 1638, To do. do. do. February 28, do. To do. do. do. April 16, do. To do. do. do. May 22, do. To do. do. do. do. 27, do. To do. do. do. June, do. To do. -do. .... do. do. To do. do. Providence, do. do. To do. do. do. July 23, do. To do. do. do. Auguft, do. To do. do. do. do. 14, do. To do. do. do. Sept. 10, do. To do. do. .... Sept. or Oct. do. To do. do. .... September, do. To do. do. Providence, December 30, do. To do. do. do. (no date) To do. do. do. May 3, 1639, To do. do. do. do. 9, do. To do. do. .... Auguft, do. To do. do. Providence, July 21, 1640, To do do. do. Auguft 7, do. To do. do. do. March 8, 1641, To J. Winthrop, Jr., Narraganfett, June 22, 1645, To do. do. Providence, do. 25, do. To do. do. Cawcawmfquffick, May 28, 1647, Paqb. 5 2 59 65 66 7° 78 82 84 86 89 94 96 99 101 106 108 1 10 JI 5 117 120 125 127 129 I3 1 x 33 *35 l 37 140 141 H3 144 146 Contents. xv. Page. To J. Winthrop, Jr., Cawcaumfquffick, Aug. 20, 1647, 147 To Town of Providence; Providence, Aug. 31, 1648, 149 To J. Winthrop, Jr., Cawcawmfquffick, Sept. 11, 1648, 152 To do. do. do. do. 23, do. 153 To do. do. do. Oct. ic, do. 155 To do. do. do. Nov. 7, do. 158 To do. do. Narraganfett, do. 159 To do. do December, do. 161 To do. do. Narraganfett, Feb. 1649, 163 To do. do. Cawcawmfquffick, Jan. do. 166 To do. do. do. do. 29, do. i 63 To do. do. do. March, do. 170 To do. do do. do. 171 To do. do. Narraganfett, April 15, do. 173 To do. do April or May, do. 174 To do. do. Narraganfett, April, do. 177 To do. do. do. May 9, do. 178 To do. do do. 13, do. 179 To do. do. Narraganfett, do. 26, do. 180 To do. do. Cawcawmfquffick, June 13, do. 181 To do. do. Narraganfett, Aug. 26, do. 185 To do. do. do. OcT:. 25, do. 1 86 To do. do. do. Dec. 10, do. 187 To do. do. do. Feb. 16,1650, 190 To do. do. do. do. 24, do. 192 To do. do. [no place or date,] do. 193 To do. do. Narraganfett, March 20, do. 194 To do, do. [no place or date,] May, do. 195 To do. do. no place or date,] June, do. 197 To do. do. Narraganfett, Oct. 9, do. 200 To du. do. do. do. 17, do. 203 To do. do. [no place or date,] do. do. 205 xvi. Contents. Page. To J. Winthrop, Jr., Narraganfett, Feb. 22, 1 65 1 , 206 To do. do. I no place or date,] Aug. do. 210 To do. do. [no place or date,] do. do. 213 To Gov. Endicott, Narraganfett, do. do. 214 To J. Winthrop, Jr., do. Odt. 6, do. 228 To the General Court of Mafs., Ocl. or Nov. do. 231 To J. Winthrop, Jr., Whitehall, April 20, 1652, 234 To Gregory Dexter, do. Sept. 8, do. 235 To Mrs. Sadlier, London, 1652-53, 237 Mrs. Sadlier to Roger Williams, in reply, [no date, | 241 Mrs. Sadlier, London, 1652-53, 242 Mrs. Sadlier to Roger Williams, in reply, [no date,] 244 To Mrs. Sadlier, London, 1652-53, 245 Mrs. Sadlier to Roger Williams, in reply, 249 To the Towns of Provi'e and Warwick, April 1, 1653, 235 Sir Henry Vane to the Colony of R. I., Feb. 8, 1654, 257 To J. Winthrop, Jr., Providence, July I2 » do. 258 To the Town of Providence, Auguft, do. 262 Town of Providence to Sir H. Vane, do. 27, do. 266 To the General Court of Malfachufetts Bay, Provi- dence, October 5, 1654, 269 To John Winthrop, J., do. do. 277 To the Town of Providence, January, J655, 278 To John Winthrop, Jr., February 15, 1654-55, 280 To do. do. do. March 23, 1655, 2^7 To do. do. do. do. 1, do. 289 To do. do. do. Providence, April 26, do. 291 To the General Court of Malfachufetts Bay, Provi- idence, November 15, 1655, 293 To John Winthrop, Jr., Providence, Feb. 21, 1656, 297 To the General Court of MaiTachufetts Bay, Provi- dence, May, 12, 1656, 299 Contents. xvii. Page. To the General Court of Maflachufetts Bay, Bofton, May 17, 1656, 304 Teftimony of Roger Williams relative to deed of Rhode Ifland, Auguft 25, 1658, 305 John Winthrop, Gov. of Conn., Prov., Feb. 6, 1660, 306 do. do. do. do. do. Sept. 8, do. 310 do, do. do. do. Oct, 27, do. 314 Teftimony relative to the purchafe of lands in See- konk and Providence ; Providence, Dec. 13, 1661, 316 To the Town of Providence, 1662, 318 J. Winthrop, Jr., Providence, May 28, 1664, 319 To the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Carr, do. March 1, 1665, 321 To the Inhabitants of Provid'ce, do. Feb. 10, 1668, 324 To the General Court of Maflachufetts Bay, Providence, May 7, 1668, 326 To John Whipple, Jr., Providence, July 8, 1669, 327 To J. Winthrop, Gov. of Conn., do. Aug. 19, 1669, 331 To Major Mafon, do. June 22, 1670, 333 To John Cotton, do. Mar. 25, :6ji, 351 To George Fox, do. July 15, 1672, 357 To Samuel Hubbard, do. 361 To J. Winthrop, Gov. of Conn., Mr. Smith's at Wakefield, J une 13, l (>75> 363 To J. Winthrop, Narraganfett, do. 25, do. 366 To do. do. do. do. 27, do. 370 To Gov. Leverett at Bofton ; Provid'e, Ocl. 11, do. 373 To J. Winthrop, Gov. of Conn., do. Dec. 18, do. 377 To Gov. Leverett, do. Jan. 14, 1675-6, 379 To Gov. Leverett and Gov. Winilow, Providence, 06t. 16, 1676, 3^5 To the Court of Commiffioners of the United Colo- nies, Providence, Oct. 18, 1677, 387 xviii. Contents. Page. To Thomas Hinckley, Commiffioner, United Colo- nies, Providence, Oc~l. 4, 1678, 395 To Thomas Hinckley, Commiffioner, United Colo- nies, Providence, July 4, 1679, 396 Teftimony of Roger Williams relative to the firft fettlement of the Narraganfett country by Richard Smith, Narraganfett, July 21, 1679, 399 Daniel Abbott, Town Clerk of Providence ; Providence, Jan. 15, 1680-81, 400 To Gov. Bradftreet, Providence, May 6, 1682, 403 TefHmony of Roger Williams relative to his firft coming into the Narraganfett country ; Nar- raganfett, June 18, 1682, 406 LETTERS. LETTERS OF ROGER WILLIAMS. For the right PVorJhipful John Winthrop, Efq., Governor of the Englijli in the Maffachufetts. 1 Plymouth. 2 [1632.] Much honored and beloved in Christ Jesu, — Your Chriitian acceptation of our cup of cold water is a blelTed cup of wine, ftrong and pleafant to our wearied fpirits. Only let me crave a word of explanation : among other pleas for a young councellor (which I fear will be too light in the balance of the Holy One) you argue from twenty- five in a Church Elder: 'tis a riddle as yet to me whether 1 John Winthrop, the friend and cor- reipondent of Roger Williams, came from England to Salem in 1630 ; but foon after removed to Charlellon, and felecled the fite where the city of Bolton Hands. He was annually elected Governor of MafTachufetts Bay until 1634; a g am m 1637-40, 1642-44, and from 1646 to his death, March 26, I649. In 1636, when Sir Henry Vane was elected gov- ernor, Winthrop was chofen Deputy- governor. Vane and Winthrop were on oppofite fides in the Hutchinfon con- troverfy. Winthrop was oppofed to an unlimited democracy ; and when the peo- ple of Connecticut were forming a gov- ernment, he wrote them a letter, in which he laid that "the belt, part of a community is always the leaft, and of that leaft part the wifer are ftill lefs." His firm and decided management of af- fairs fometimes made him unpopular. His private character was moll amiable. His eldeft fon John was the founder of the Saybrook colony, and governor of Connecticut. His valuable "Journal" of the public occurrences in the MafTa- chufetts Colony from March 29, 1630 to January 1 1, 1649, was firft printed in 1790, and again with notes by James Savage, in 1826 and 1853. z 4 Ma/s. HijL Coll. vol. vi. p. 184. Moil of the letters of Roger Williams printed in this volume are without full 2 Letters of Roger Williams. you mean any elder in thefe New Englim churches, or (which I believe not) old Engliffi, — diforderly functions, from whence our Jehovah of armies more and more re- deemed his Ifrael, — or the Levites who ferved from twenty-five to fifty, Numb. 8., 24 ; or myfelf but a child in every thing, (though in Chrift called, and perfecuted even in and out of my father's houfe thefe 20 years), I am no Elder in anv church, no more nor fo much as vour worthy felf, nor ever fhall be, if the Lord pleafe to grant my defires that I may intend what I long after, the na- tives fouls, and yet if I at prefent were, I mould be in the days of my vanity nearer upwards of 30 than 25 ;* or whether Timothy or Titus be in thought, &c, at your lei- fure I crave interpretation. Sorry I am iince Rationals fo much circumround and trouble you, that bejliale quid (and mine efpecially) mould come near you : but lince the Lord of heaven is Lord of earth alfo, and you follow him as a dear child, I thankfully acknowledge your care and love dates. Some give only the day of the week, and others only the day of the month. In many, the year is omitted ; while fome have neither the month or year. In moil of them the editor has been able to affign dates which have been adopted by hillorians, or by the biographers of Williams. This letter was probably written be- tween June and October, 1632. The queltion arofe in the " Congregation at Boilon" whether one perfon might be a civil magirlrate and a ruling elder at the fame time. Nowell affigns his pofition as ruling elder, doubtlefs from that caufe. Gov. Winthrop vifited Plymouth in Oc- tober, 1632. This letter was probably written between thofe dates. — Drake Hift, of B oft on, p. 140. Winthrop, Hift. of N. Eng. vol. 1, p. 108-109, 1 This, with other authorities, has giv- en the vear I 599 as the date of Williams' birth. See Roger Williams' teilimony in favor of Richard Smith's title to his land at Narraganfett, 1679. This date I 599 is now generally conceded as the year of Williams' birth. — Arnold, Hift. R. I. vol. 1, p. 50. Guild, Mem. of Williams, Narr. Club, vol. I, pp. 5 and 6. The order for Williams's baniihment was palled Sept. 3, 1635. He is fup- pufed to have left Salem about January, 1635-6; and to eilablifhed himfelf at Providence in the following June. Letters of Roger Willi 'ams. 3 about the cattle, and further entreat if you may (as you give me encouragement) procure the whole of that lec- ond, and let me know how, and how much payment will be here accepted, or in money in England. The Lord Jefus be with your Spirit, and your dearefl one, and mine, in their extremities. To you both and all the Saints our due remembrances. Yours in all unfeigned and brotherly affections, Roger Williams. The brethren falute you. You lately fent muiic to our ears, when we heard you perfuaded (and that effectually and fuccefsfully) our be- loved Mr. Nowell to furrender up one fword : and that you were preparing to feek the Lord further; a duty not io fre- quent with Plymouth as formerly : but Spero meliora. For his much honored, Mr. "John Winthrop, Deputy Governor thefe. [1636 or 1637. ]' Much honored Sir, — The frequent experience of your loving ear, ready and open toward me (in what your con- fcience hath permitted) as alio of that excellent fpirit of wifdom and prudence wherewith the Father of Lights »4 Majf. Hiji. Coll. vol. vi. p. 1 86. litical year ending May 17, 1637. It This letter, which is without date, is was evidently written fhortly after the addrefled to Winthrop, as Deputy Gov- fettlement at Providence, which it is be- ernor, which office he held for the po- lieved was in June, 1636. The letter 4 Letters of Roger Williams. hath endued you, embolden me to requeft a word of pri- vate advife with the foonevt convenience, if it may be, by this meiTenger. The condition of myfelf and thofe few families here planting with me, you know full well: we have no Patent: nor doth the face of Magistracy fuit with our prefent con- dition. Hitherto, the mafters of families have ordinarily met once a fortnight and confulted about our common peace, watch, and planting ; and mutual confent have fin- iihed all matters with fpeed and peace. Now of late fome young men, lingle perfons (of whom we had much need) being admitted to freedom of inhabi- tation, and promiling to be fubjed: to the orders made by the confent of the houfeholders, are difcontented with their eftate, and feek the freedom of vote alio, and equali- ty, &c. Belide, our dangers (in the midft of thefe dens of lions) now efpecially, call upon us to be compact in a civil way and power. I have therefore had thoughts of propounding to my neighbors a double fubfcription, concerning which I mall humbly crave your help. The rirlf concerning ourfelves, the mafters of families : thus, refers to preparations againfl the Pequots, refers to letters received bv him from probably to Endicott's expedition which Williams, July 26th and 30th, and Aug. failed trom Bollon the lail of Augult of 26th, but neither allude to the matters that year. After dellroying the Indian fpoken of in the letter in queftion. (vol. fettlement on Block Ifland, it failed for i. p. 227-230.) The letter is intereft- Thames River. Endicott reached Bof- ing, inafmuch as it is the earlieil account ton on his return on the 14th of Sep- extant relating to the fettlement at Provi- tember. — Winthrop, Hi/}. N. Eng. p. dence and of the manner in which the 231-233. Drake, Hi/}. Bofion, p. 201. civil affairs of the little community there The letter, therefore, was probably writ- were conducted. ten in Augull or September. Winthrop Letters of Roger Williams. 5 We whofe names are hereunder written, late inhabi- tants of the Maffachufetts, (upon occafion of fome differ- ence of confcience,) being permitted to depart from the limits of that Patent, under the which we came over into thefe parts, and being caff by the Providence of the God of Heaven, remote from others of our countrymen amongft the barbarians in this town of New Providence, do with free and joint confent promife each unto other, that, for our common peace and welfare (until we hear further of the King's royal pleafure concerning ourfelves) we will from time to time fubjecT: ourfelves in active or parlive obedience to fuch orders and agreements, as mall be made by the greater number of the prefent houfeholders, and fuch as (hall be hereafter admitted by their confent into the fame privilege and covenant in our ordinary meeting. In witnefs whereof we hereunto fubfcribe, &c. Concerning thofe few young men, and any who mall hereafter (by your favorable connivance) defire to plant with us, this, — We whofe names are hereunder written, being defirous to inhabit in this Town of New Providence, do promife to fubject ourfelves in active or paffive obedience to fuch orders and agreements as mall be made from time to time, by the greater number of the prefent houfeholders of this Town, and fuch whom they thall admit into the fame fel- lowship and privilege. In witnefs whereof, &c. x Hitherto we choofe one, (named the officer,) to call the 1 This agreement was afterwards pear. — R. I. Col. Records, vol. i. p. 14. adopted by the people of Providence, See alfo " Confirmatory Deed " of Rog- in much the fame language, bearing er Williams and his wife of lands tranf- thirteen fignatures, among which, how- ferred by him to his aflbciates in the ever, the name of Williams does not ap- year 1638. Ibid. vol. i. p. 22. 6 Letters of Roger Williams, meeting at the appointed time : now it is deiired by fome of us that the houfeholders by courfe perform that work, as alio gather votes and fee the watch go on, &c. I have not yet mentioned thefe things to my neighbors, but (hall as I fee caufe upon your loving counfel. As alfo fince the place I have purchafed, fecondly, at mine own charge and engagements, the inhabitants paying (by confent thirty millings a piece as they come, until my charge be out for their particular lots : and thirdly, that I never made any other covenant with any perfon, but that if I got a place he mould plant there with me : my query is this, — Whither I may not lawfully defire this of my neigh- bors, that as I freejy fubjecl: myfelf to common confent, and (hall not bring in any perfon into the town without their confent : fo alfo that againft my confent no perion be violently brought in and received. I defire not to ileep in fecurity and dream of a neft which no hand can reach. I cannot but expect changes, and the change of the laft enemy death, yet dare I not de- fpife a liberty, which the Lord feemeth to offer me, if for mine own or others peace : and therefore have I been thus bold to prefent my thoughts unto you. The Pequots hear of your preparations, &c, and com- fort themfelves in this, that a witch amongft them will link the pinnaces, by diving under water and making holes, &c, as alfo that they mail now enrich themfelves with ftore of guns, but I hope their dreams (through the mercy of the Lord) (hall vanim, and the devil and his ly- ing forcerers mall be confounded. You may pleafe, Sir, to take notice that it is of main confequence to take fome courfe with the Wunnamowa- Letters of Roger Williams. y tuckoogs 1 and Wufquowhananawkits, 2 who are the further- most Neepnet men, for the Pequots driven from the lea coaft with eafe, yet there fecure and Strengthen themfelves, and are then brought down fo much the nearer to you. Thus with my beft refpects to your loving felf and Mrs. Winthrop, I reft, Your Worfhips unfeigned, praying to meet you in this vale of tears or hills of mercy above. R. Williams. Providence the 24th of the 8th. Sir, worthy and well beloved, — I was abroad about the Pequot bulinefs when your letter arrived, and lince meifengers have not fitted, &c. I therefore now thankfully acknowledge your wifdom and gentlenefs in receiving fo lovingly my late rude and foolifh lines : you bear with fools gladly becaufe you are wife. 1 ftill wait upon your love and faithfulnefs for thofe poor papers, and cannot but believe that your heart, tongue, and pen mould be one, if I were Turk or Jew, &c. Your lix queries I welcome, my love forbidding me to furmife that a Pharifee, a Sadducee, an Herodian, &c, 'Or Sbowatucks. Perfons going by fowl breed abundantly." — Williams' land from Maffachusetts Bay Colony to Key, p. 176. This was in the northern Connecticut, paffed through the country part of the Nipmuck country, in what of this tribe. is now Worceiler County, Mafs. — 2 W ujkowhanan-auk-it " the pigeon Trumbull's notes to Williams's Key, country." The place "where thefe Narr. Club, vol. i. p. 116. 8 Letters of Roger Williams. wrote them ; but rather that your love and pity framed them as a phyfician to the lick, &c. He that made us thefe fouls and fearcheth them, that made the ear and eye, and therefore fees and hears I lie not, but in his prefence have fadly fequeftered myfelf to his holy tribunal, and your interrogatories, begging from his throne thofe feven fiery lamps and eyes, his holy Spirit, to help the fcrutiny, delirous to fufped: myfelf above the old ferpent himfelf, and remembering that he that trufteth in his own heart is a fool. Prov. 28. While I anfwer let me importune from your loving breaft that good opinion that you deal with one (however fo and fo, in your judgment yet) ferious, and delirous in the matters of God's Sancluary to ufe (as the double weights of the Sanctuary teach us) double diligence. Your firft Querie then is this. What have you gained by your new-found practices? &c. I confefs my gains caft up in man's exchange are lofs of friends, efteem, maintenance, &c, but what was gain in that refpect I deiire to count lofs for the excellency of the knowledge of Chrift Jefus my Lord : &c. To His all glorious Name I know I have gained the honor of one of his poor witneiTes, though in fackcloth. To your beloved felves and others of God's people yet afleep, this witnefs in the Lord's feafon at your waking fhall be profperous, and the feed fown fhall arife to the greater purity of the kingdom and ordinances of the Prince of the kings of the earth. To myfelf (through his rich grace) my tribulation hath brought fome confolation and more evidence of his love, ringing Mofes his fongandthe Lambs, in that weak victory which (through His help) I have gotten over the beait, his Letters of Roger Williams. 9 picture, his mark, and number of his name, Revel. 15. 2. 3. If you afk for numbers, the witneSfes are but two : Revel. 11., and how many millions of Christians in name, and thoufands of Christians in heart, do call the truths (wherein yourfelf and I agree in witneSfing^ new found practices? Gideon's army was thirty-two thoufand ; but cowardice returned twenty-two thoufand back, and nine thoufand feven hundred worldlings fent but three hundred to the battle. I will not by prophecy exafperate, but wiSb (in the black and Stormy day) your company be not lefs than Gideon's, to fight (I mean with the Blood of the Lamb and Word of Witnefs) for what you profefs to fee. To your fecond, viz. : Is your fpirit as even as it was feven years fince ? I will not follow the faShion either in commending or condemning of myfelf. You and I Stand at one dreadful, dreadful tribunal : yet what is paSt I defire to forget, and to prefs forward towards the mark for the price of the high calling of God in ChriSt. And for the evennefs of my fpirit. Toward the Lord, I hope I more long to know and do His holy pleafure only, and to be ready not only to be baniShed, but to die in New England for the name of the Lord Jefus. Towards yourfelves, I have hitherto begged of the Lord an even fpirit, and I hope ever Shall, as FirSt, reverently to efteem of, and tenderly to reSpect the perfons of many hundreds of you, &c. Secondly, To rejoice to fpend and be fpent in any fer- vice, (according to my confcience) for your welfares. io Letters of Roger Williams. Thirdly, To rejoice to find out the leaft fwerving in judgment or practice from the help of any, even the leaft of you. Laftly, to mourn daily, heavily, unceftantly, till the Lord look down from Heaven, and bring all his precious living ftones into one New Jerufalem. To your third, viz. : Are you not grieved that you have grieved fo many ? I fay with Paul, I vehemently forrow for the forrow of any of Zion's daughters, who mould ever rejoice in her King, &c, yet I muft (and O that I had not caufe) grieve be- came fo many of Zion's daughters fee not and grieve not for their fouls defilements, and that fo few bear John company in weeping after the unfolding of the feals, which only weepers are acquainted with. You thereupon propound a fourth, Do you think the Lord hath utterly forfaken us ? I anfwer Jehovah will not forfake His people for His great name's fake i. Sam. 12. That is, the fire of His love towards thofe whom once He loves is eternal, like Himfelf : and thus far be it from me to queftion His eternal love to- wards you, &c. Yet if you grant that ever you were as Abraham among the Chaldees, Lot among the Sodomites, the Kenites among the Amalekites, as Ifrael in Egypt or Babel, and that under pain of their plagues and judgments you were bound to leave them, depart, fly out, (not from the places as in the type,) but from the filthinefs, of their fins, &c, and if it prove, as I know afTuredly it (hall, that though you have come far, yet you never came out of the wildernefs to this day : then, I befeech you, remember that yourfelves, and fo alfo many thoufands of God's peo- ple muft yet mournfully read the 74, 79, 80, and 89 Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 1 1 Pfalms, the Lamentations, Daniel iith, and Revel, iith, i 2th, 13th, and this, Sir, I befeech you do more ferioufly then ever, and abftracl: yourfelf with a holy violence from the dung heap of this earth, the credit and comfort of it, and cry to Heaven to remove the {tumbling blocks, fuch idols, after which fometimes the Lord will give His own Ifrael an anfwer. Sir, You requeft me to be free with you, and therefore blame me not if I anfwer your requeft, defiring the like payment from your own dear hand, at any time, in any thing. And let me add, that amongft all the people of God, wherefoever fcattered about Babel's banks, either in Rome or England, &c, your cafe is the worft by far, becaufe while others of God's Ifrael tenderly refpect fuch as defire to fear the Lord, your very judgment and confcience leads you to fmite and beat your fellow fervants, expel them your coafts, &c, and therefore, though I know the elect (hall never finally be forfaken, yet Sodom's, Egypt's, Ama- lek's, Babel's judgments ought to drive us out, to make our calling out ot this world to Chrift, and our election fure in him. Sir, Your fifth is, From what fpirit, and to what end do you drive ? Concerning my fpirit, as I faid before, I could declaim againft it, but whether the fpirit of Chrift Jefus, for whofe viiible kingdom and ordinances I witnefs, &c, or the fpirit of Antichrist (1 John 4) againft whom only I conteft, do drive me, let the Father of Spirits be pleafed to fearch, and (worthy Sir) be you alfo pleafed by the word to fearch : and I hope you will find that as you fay you do, I alfo feek Jefus who was nailed to the gallows, I afk the 12 Letters of Roger Williams. way to loft Zion, I witnefs what I believe I lee patiently (the Lord afiifting) in fackcloth, I long for the bright appearance of the Lord Jefus to confume the man of iin : I long for the appearance of the Lamb's wife alfo, New Jeruialem: I wifh heartily profperity to you all, Governor and people, in your civil way, and mourn that you fee not your poverty, nakednefs, &c, in fpirituals, and yet I re- joice in the hopes that as the way of the Lord to Apollo, fo within a few years (through, I fear though, many tribu- lations) the way of the Lord Jefus, the firft and moft ancient path, mall be more plainly difcovered to you and me. Laftly, You afk whether my former condition would not have ftood with a gracious heart, &c. ? At this Query, Sir, I wonder much, becaufe you know what fins, yea all manner of fins, (the fin unto death ex- cepted,) a child of God may lie in, inftance I need not. Secondly, When it comes to matter of confcience that the ftroke lies upon the very judgment, that the thing practiced is lawful, &c, as the polygamy of the Saints, the building of the Temple, (if David had gone on,) the many falfe miniftries and miniftrations (like the ark upon the new cart) which from Luther's times to this day, God's children have confcientioufly practiced. Who then can wonder (and yet indeed who can not but won- der) how a gracious heart, before the Lord's awakening, and calling, and drawing out, may lie in many abomina- tions ? Two inftances I mall be bold to prefent you with. Firft, do you not hope Bifhop Ufher hath a gracious heart? and fecondly, Do you not judge that your own heart was gracious even when (with the poi/oned fhirt on your back) you, &c. ? Letters of Roger Williams. J 3 But while another judgeth the condition fair, the foul that fears, doubts, and feels a guilt hath broken bones, &c. Now, worthy Sir, I muft. call up your wifdom, your love, your patience, your promife and faithfulnefs, candid inge- nuity, &x. My heart's defire is abundant, and exceeds my pen. My head and actions willing to live (as the Apoftle Paul) xa/wc iv Ttaac. Where I err, Chrift be pleafed to re- ftore me, where I ftand, to eftablim. If you pleafe I have alfo a few Queries to yourfelf, without your leave I will not : but will ever mourn, (the Lord affifting,) that I am no more (though I hope ever) yours, R : Will : Sir, Concerning natives : the Pequots and Nayantaquits refolve to live and die together, and not to yield up one. Lad night tidings came that the Mohawks, (the canni- bals,) have (lain fome of our countrymen at Connecticut. I hope it is not true. 1 To yoh?i Winthrop, Governor, &c. 1 The editor of the "Winthrop Papers" (4 Ma/s. Hift. Coll. vol. vi.) does not aflign any date for this letter and the one that follows. This one is dated " the 24th of the 8th month," (or October 24th.) Williams begins by limply allu- ding to the " Pequot bufinefs." We in- fer from this that the Pequot war had not begun. With the exception of this paragraph, the letter relates wholly to religious affairs : with replies to queries put to him by Winthrop, about his " new found practices." May not this refer to his entire freedom in the exercife of his religious opinions in his new abode ? In the letter which follows, Williams begins by fpeaking of reports of a league between the Pequots and Mohawks, that the Pequots had " flain both Englifh and natives at Connecticut Plantations." This muft have been before the deftruc- tion of the fort at Myftic, which oc- cured on the 26th of May, 1637, for the Pequots were fo completely annihi- lated in that fight, that there could have been no chance of making a league with the Mohawks ; and it is known that, from fear of the Englilh, the Mohawks des- troyed fuch of the Pequots as fought Ihelter among them. We think, therefore, that the firlt letter was written in Oc- tober, 1636, and the fecond foon after ; or, at any rate, before the attack on the Pequot fort. 14 Letters of Roger Williams. To 'John Winthrop. 1 New Providence, 2ndo 7manje, inftantis. 1 [1637.] Sir, — I have nothing certain to acquaint you with at prefent: there have been reports thefe ten days, that the Pequots are entered league by the hire of three or four bumels of beads, (black and white,) with the Mauquawogs or Mohawks which fignifies men-eaters in their lan- guage ; Thefe cannibals have been all the talk thefe ten days, and the Narraganfetts are much troubled at them. Two days fince came tidings that thefe Mohawks and Pequots have ilain many, both Englim and natives, at Connecticut Plantations. As yet I believe it not, and hope in the Lord's mercy it is falfe, yet fince you pleafe to make fuch good ufe of (poifon) bad and lying news, (which for that end to awaken people I confefs) I fcnt the laft : I would not conceal this : I hope to fend better in like man- ner after this; yet I fadly fear if the Lord pleafe to let loofe thefe mad dogs, their practice will render the Pequots cannibals too, and fecondly (at the leaft) cut off all hopes of fafe refidence at Connecticut, and yet they are one hun- dred miles to the weftward of Connecticut Plantations. I hope it will pleafe the Moil High to put his hook into their nofe, &c, as alfo to give wifdom in the managing of the war, that if it be poffible a league may rather be firm- ly ftruck with them : they are moft favage, their wea- pons more dangerous and their cruelty dreadful, roafting alive, &c. Sir, I hear of the danger of the innovation of your Government. The God of Heaven be pleafed to give you faithfulnefs and courage in his fear : I fear not fo much 1 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 239. 2 Secundo feptima. i. e. the 2d day of the preient week. Letters of Roger Williams. 15 iron and lleel as the cutting of our throats with golden knives. I mean that under the pleafing baits of execution of juftice to the eaftward, and enlargement of authority, beyond all queftion, lies hid the hook to catch your invalu- able liberties. Better an honorable death than a Have's life. Sir, I may not forget due thanks for your intended re- quitals of my poor endeavors towards the barbarous : if it pleafe the Lord to ufe (with any good fuccefs) fo dull a tool, fat is fuperque, &c. One kindnefs (yet according to true juftice) let me be bold to requeft. I have not yet got a penny of thofe two unfaithful ones, James and Thomas Haukins, of Boflon, concerning whom myfelf and wife have formerly troubled you. Mr. Coxall hath long had their bills: agreement of mitigation hath been made lince by arbitratois but to no purpofe. Their great earnings (if I had not lovingly re- leafed them) were mine own : my own debts lie unpaid, daily called for, and I hear for certain (though they can flatter and lie) they have fpent lavifhly and fared daintily of my purfe, while myfelf would have been glad of a cruft of their leavings, though yet I have not wanted, through his love that feeds the ravens, &c. John Throck- morton hath often demanded but in vain, he will now at- tend your loving helpfulnefs, and He who is moll: holy and blelTed, all mercy and all pity, help you mercifully to fteer (by his holy compafs and alio with his own moll: holy hand) in the ocean of troubles and trials wherein we fail. It is no fmall favor that once again (though the occafions are fad) we may fail and fpeak together, but the Harbor (fafe and large) will pay for all. Thus praying for our i6 Letters of Roger Williams. meeting, with beft falutes to Mrs. Winthrop and all yours, and my true refpe&s to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and other loving friends, I reft, Your worship's unfeigned, Roger Williams. For his much honored Mr. Governor, and Mr. Winthrop, Deputy Governor of the Maffachufetts, thefe. New Providence, this 2d of the week. 1 [May, 1637.] Sir, — The latter end of the laft week I gave notice to our neighbor princes of your intentions and preparations againft the common enemy, the Pequots. At my firft coming to them Canonicus {inorofus ceque ac bar bar ex fenex) was very >3 Matf. Hijl. Coll. vol. i. p. 159. R. I. Hijl. Coll. vol. iii. p. 137. Written probably a few days before the attack on the Pequot fort, May 26, 1637. On the 10th of April, the au- thorities at Bofton concluded to fend Captain Underhill with twenty men to aid Connecticut Colony, in her attack againft the Pequots. To this Williams probably refers in his opening paragraph, and poffibly to the expedition under Captain Patrick. The Narraganfetts concluded a treaty at Bofton, in Oftober 1636, making tie Pequots a common enemy. In the third of Williams' " ob- iervations" in this letter, he recommends Niantic as a place of rendevouz. This was apparently adopted, as Mafon, Un- derhill and Gardiner, the leaders of the expedition, arrived there May 25, (by way of Narraganlett Bay, May 23,) and on the next day taking " Wequafh" for their guide, the Pequot fort at " Mis- tick " was reached. — Drake, Hijl. of Boflon, p. 205-209. Book of the Indians, p. 105-106. Winthrop, Hijl. N. Eng. vol. 1. p. 268. Capt. Daniel Patrick in a letter of May 23, 1637, writes Gov. Winthrop, that " Mr. Williams informs your wor- fhip at large" ab ;ut the expedition againft the Pequot fort, — poflibly referring to this letter. We are difpofed to believe that the date of this letter is May 22, which was Monday, from the apparent reference to it in Capt. Patrick's letter above quoted of fame date, and that the " rude view" was a copy of the above defcription, having been probably ex- plained to R. W. at the date of the previous letter. Letters of Roger Williams. 17 four, and accufed the Englifh and myfelf for fending the plague amongft them, and threatening to kill him efpecially. Such tidings (it feems) were lately brought to his ears by fome of his flatterers and our ill-willers. I dilcerned caufe of beftirring myfelf, and ftaid the longer, and at laft (through the mercy of the Moif High) I not only fweetened his fpirit, but pofTefTed him, that the plague and other fickneffes were alone in the hand of the one God, who made him and us, who being difpleafed with the Englifb for lying, ftealing, idlenefs and uncleannefs, (the natives' epidemical fins,) fmote many thoufands of us our- felves with general and late mortalities. Miantunnomu kept his barbarous court lately at my houfe, and with him I have far better dealing. He takes fome pleafure to vilit me, and fent me word of his coming over again fome eight days hence. They pafs not a week without fome fkirmimings, though hitherto little lofs on either fide. They were glad of your preparations, and in much conference with themfelves and others, (fifhing de induftria for inftructions from them,) I gathered thefe obfervations, which you may pleafe (as caufe may be) to confider and take notice of: 1. They conceive that to do execution to purpofe on the Pequots, will require not two or three days and away, but a riding by it and following of the work to and again the fpace of three weeks or a month, that there be a fall- ing off and a retreat, as if you were departed, and a falling on again within three or four days, when they are returned again to their houfes fecurely from their flight. 2. That if any pinnaces come in ken, they prefently prepare for flight, women and old men and children, to a fwamp fome three or four miles on the back of them, a 3 1 8 Letters of Roger Williams. marvellous great and fecure fwamp, which they called Ohomowauke, 1 which fignifies owl's neft, and by another name, Cuppacommock, 2 which lignifies a refuge or hiding place, as I conceive. 3. That therefore Nayantaquit,3 (which is Miantunno- mue's place of rendezvous,) to be thought on for the riding and retiring to of veifel or veifels, which place is faithful to the Narraganfetts and at prefent enmity with the Pe- quots. 4. They alio conceive it eafy for the Englifh, that the proviiions and munitions firft arrive at Aquedneck, called by us Rhode Ifland, at the Narraganfett's mouth, and then a meifenger may be defpatched hither, and fo to the bay, for the foldiers to march up by land to the verTels, who otherwife might fpend long time about the cape and rill more veifels than needs. 5. That the aifault would be in the night, when they are commonly more fecure and at home, by which advantage the Englifh, being armed, may enter the houfes and do what execution they pleafe. 6. That before the aifault be given, an ambuih be laid behind them, between them and the fwamp, to prevent their ilight, &c. 7. That to that purpofe fuch guides as fhall be beft liked of to be taken along to direct, efpecially two Pequots, viz. : WequauV and Wuttackquiackommin, valiant men, efpeci- 1 Koko'kehom, Oho'mous, An Owle. the fouthermofl. portion of Rhode Ifland, Williams' Key, vol. i. p. 174. being feparated from the Pequots by the 2 Afterwards known as the Pine or Pawcatuck River. Their principal refi- Mall Swamp of Groton, Ct. — Caulkins' dence was at Wekapaug near Weilerly, Hijl. of New London, note, p. 376. R. I. — Drake, Book of Indians, p. 67. J The Niantics were a tribe fubfidary 4 Wequafli died previous to 1643. He to the Narraganfetts. They occupied was a renegade Pequot fachem and as a Letters of Roger Williatns. 19 ally the latter, who have lived thefe three or four years with the Narraganfetts, and know every pafs and paifage amongft them, who defire armor to enter their houfes. 8. That it would be pleating to all natives, that women and children be fpared, &c. 9. That if there be any more land travel to Connecti- cut, fome courfe would alfo be taken with the Wunhowa- tuckoogs, who are confederates with and a refuge to the Pequots. Sir, if any thing be fent to the princes, I find that Ca- nonicus would gladly accept of a box of eight or ten pounds of sugar, and indeed he told me he would thank Mr. Governor for a box full. Sir, you may pleafe to take notice of a rude view, how the Pequots lie : River Conneclicut. O a fort of the Nay antic men, confederate with the Pequots. Mohigadic River. I i Wein O shauks, where Ohom I | I ' owauke, the swamp, Sassaeus the chief Sachem is. three or four miles from Mis O tick, where is Mamoho, another chief sachim. River. Nayantic, O where is Wepiteammoch and our friends. River. Thus, with my beft falutes to your worthy felves guide did good fervice to the Englifh. Williams was not fo hopeful. Wequafh They attempted to convert him to chifti- is the Indian name for Swan. — Wil- anity, and according to fome authorities liams' Key, p. 175. Mr. Trumbull's were evidently fuccefsful, but Roger notes to Key, pp. 26-27. 20 Letters of Roger Williains. and loving friends with you, and daily cries to the Father of mercies for a merciful iifue to all thefe enterprifes, I reft Your worship's unfeignedly refpedtive Roger Williams. To John Winthrop Governor of the Majfachufetts. 1 New Providence, this laft of the week. 2 [May, 1637.] Sir, — I am much defired by Yotaafh (the bearer here- of, Miantunnomue's brother) to interpret his melTage to you, viz. : that Miantunnomu requefts you to beftow a Pequot fquaw upon him. I object, he had his (hare fent him, he anfwers that Ca- nonicus received but a few women and keeps them : and yet he faith his brother hath more right: for, himfelf and his brother's men firft laid hold upon that company. I object that all are difpofed of, he anfwers, if fo, he defires to buy one or two of fome Englifhman. I object that here are many run away, which I have de- fired himfelf might convey home to you: he replies, they have been this fortnight bufy (that is keeping of a kind of Chriftmas) : and fecondly, at prefent Miantunnomue's father-in-law lies a dying : as alfo that fome of the runa- ways perifhed in the woods ; three are at the Narraganfett, and three within ten miles of this place; which I think 1 4 Mrf/>. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 241. were written juft before the attack on 2 This letter and the one that follows the Pequot fort. Letters of Roger Williams. 21 may beft be fetched by two or three Maffachufetts In- dians who may here get fome one or two more to accom- pany and help. Sir, you were pleafed fome while lince to intimate fome breach of league in Miantunnomu. I would not dif- hearten this man (from coming by my fpeech any way : but I could wifh you would pleafe to intimate your mind fully to him, as alfo that if there be any juft exception which they cannot well anfwer, that ufe be made of it, (if it may be with the fafety of the common peace,) to get the bits into their mouths, 1 efpecially if their be good af- furance from the Mohawks. So with my beft falutes and earneit. fighs to heaven, I reft Your worship's unworthy Roger Williams. For his much honored, Mr. Governor of the Maffachufetts > thefe. 2 [May ,1637.] Much Honored Sir, — I was bold to prefent you with two letters by Thomas Holyway, fome weeks fince. I am occafioned again at prefent to write a word by this bearer Wequafh : whom (being a Pequot himfelf,) I commended for a guide in the Pequot expedition. I prefume he may fay fomething to yourfelf, or to fuch other of my loving friends as may report unto your wor- ship, what befel him at Cowefet.3 1 "I mean the bit of awful refpeft, 2 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 242. that they fall not into mutinies at home." 1 Eall Greenwich. Cowazvefuck, a Note by Williams. pine tree. 22 Letters of Roger Williams. He hath been five or fix days now at my houfe, in which time I have had much opportunity to fearch into particu- lars, and am able to prefent you with naked truth. He came from Monahiganick to Cowefet within night and lodged with his friend called Pananawokfhin. At Cowefit, an old man (Weeokamin,) hath made great lamentation for the death of two fons in the Pequot wars. This Weeokamun with divers of his conforts in the night time laid hold upon Wequafh, intending to bind him, charging him with the death of his two fons. Much bickering there was between them, but no hurt done, only Weeokamun ftruggling with one of Wequafh his com- pany was fore bitten on the hand, and alio bit the young man's fingers which are well again. So that their hoft kept peace in Canonicus his name, and brought them fafe to me the next day : yet in the fray they loft a coat and other fmall things, which (coming forth before day) they left behind them. I fent up a mefienger to the Sachims to demand a rea- fon of fuch ufage and their goods. Canonicus fent his fon, and Miantunnomu his brother (Yotaafh) who went to Cowefet and demanded the reafon of fuch ufage, and the goods, and fo came to my houfe, caufing the goods to be reftored, profeffing the Sachim's ignorance and ibrrow for fuch paifages, and given charge to all natives for their fafe travel. Having thofe mefTengers and Wequafh at my houfe, I caufed them folemnly to parley of what I knew was griev- ance betwixt them, and what elfe I could any way pick out from either of them, concerning ourfelves the Eng- lifh, or the Pequots, or themfelves. All which I carefully writ down the particulars, and fhall readily, at your wor- Letters of Roger Williams. 23 (hip's pleafure, acquaint you with them : either concern- ing fome fquaws which Wequafh acknowledged he parted with (and juftly) to Canonicus and Miantunnomu, or other brablings which I thought not fit to trouble your worihip with, without commiffion. Dear Sir, (notwithstanding our differences concerning the wormip of God and the ordinances miniftred by Anti- chrift's power) you have been always pleafed lovingly to anfwer my boldnefs in civil things : let me once more find favor in your eyes to gratify myfelf, Mr. James, and many or moft of the townsmen combined, in advifing what to fay or do to one unruly perfon who openly in town meet- ing more then once, profeffeth to hope for and long for a better government then the country hath yet, and lets not to particularize, by a general Governor, &c. The white which such a fpeech or perfon levels at can be no other then the railing of the fundamental liberties of the country, which ought to be dearer to us then our right eyes. But I am always too bold in prolixity, &c, therefore at prefent with humble refpecl remembered and cries to Heaven for mercy to you and yours, root and branches, and the whole country by your bleffing, I reft Your worship's moft unworthy Roger Williams. For bis much honored Mr. Governor [Henry Vane^\ or Mr. Deputy Governor , Vjohn JVinthrop^ thefe with J peed. This laftof the prefent week in the morning. 1 [May 13, 1637.] Sir, — Miantunnomu with a great train arrived the fame 1 4 Maff. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 189. vol. vi., gives the date of this letter, as The editors of 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. perhaps May, 1637, and probably be- 2 4 Letters of Roger Willi a?ns. day that Anthony Dike 1 departed hence with his fad tidings, and confirmeth with the moft the report of An- thony. The Narraganfetts are at prefent doubtful of reality in all our promifes : I have alledged the beft argu- ments I have heard or could invent, to perfuade reality of purpofe and fpeedy performance, as alfo reafons of delay. Miantunnomu and his beft Council here with him, have requefted me earneftly to make this proffer to you. The Pequots are fcarce of provifion, and therefore (as ufually fo now efpecially) they are in fome numbers come down to the fealide (and two Iilands, by name Munnawtawkit 2 and fore the 17th of that month. We think the date of the letter is previous to the attacks on the Pequot fort, or rather prior to the march of the Narrangan- fetts to Niantic, May 22. The letter gives information of the Indians (Pe- quots,) having gone down to the iflands to fifh. Winthrop, under date of May 17, fpeaks (p. 265,) of having " received intelligence from Miantunnomo, that the Pequots had fent their women and chil- dren to an ifland for their fafety," &c. Roger Williams, under probable date of May — , lays, " Miantunomo lately at my houfe held his barbarous court. — Drake, (Hif. of Bojion, p. 212,) fays, May 22, a company of forty men under Capt. Patrick was haftened away becaufe of intelligence received from Miantunnomo about the Indians having "fent their wo- men to an if and." A miftake in its date, as Patrick mult have been at Providence on that day. — See 4 Mafs. Hif. Coll. vol. vii. p. 328. The letter was probably written Sat- urday, May 13, the bearer in accord- ance with Puritan cuftoms not leaving un- til Monday 1 5, would poflibly not reach Winthrop until after the 17th, on which day the election took place, promoting Winthrop from Deputy Governor to Governor. As this election was very im- portant it probably had been thoroughly canvalfed, and Williams converfant with the fact addrefles Winthrop. 1 Anthony Dike or Dick, came to Bof- ton in 1623, and was loft on Cape Cod in a very cold ftorm Decembe, 1 5, 1638. Winthrop, Hifl. N. Eng. vol.i. p. 345. "Anthony Dike mailer of a bark, hav- ing his bark at Rhode Ifland in the win- ter, was fent for by Mr. Vane, then Governor. Anthony came to Rhode Ifland by land, and from thence he came with his bark to me with a letter, where- in was dehred that I fhould confider the beft way I could to quell thefe Pe- quots, which I also did, and with my letter fent the man's rib as a token." Gardiner's Pequot Warres, 3 Mafs. Hifl. Coll. vol. iii. p. 144. The news brought by Dike was probably the at- tacks by the Indians on the fettlements at Saybrook and Weathersfield, on the Connecticut River. — 4 Mafs. Hif. Coll. p. 7-398. 1 Munawtawkit, Montauk Point, for- merly Montauket, Montacut, and by Letters of Roger Williams. 25 Manittuwond efpecially) to take fturgeon and other Mill, as alfo to make new fields of corn, in cafe the Engliih mould deftroy their fields at home. Miantunnomu delires to go himfelf with one Wequafh 1 here at prefent with him, in this pinnace here left by An- thony, or any other that fhall take him in at the Narra- ganfett. He will put in forty or fifty or more as the veffel will flow. He will put in victuals himfelf for his men. He will direcl the pinnace to the places, and in the night land his men, defpoil them of their canoes, cut off the men he finds, (the greatest number being women and children, which for the moft of them he would cut off,) as alfo fpoil their fields: and this he proffers to do without land- ing an Englishman, with whom he will remain on board in Englifh clothes which he defires for himfelf. John, a feaman aboard, calls the Illand, Plum Illand, and is very willing to go on the defign, and thinks, as alfo Mian- tunnomu doth, that if within two or three days they went forth, they would be here again within four or five or lefs. Sir, for myfelf I dare not advife : but if my thoughts be afked I fhall (with all due fubmiffion) fay this : — It will at prefent wedge them in from any ftarting afide until your forces fhall follow. If they fpeed it will weaken the enemy and diffrefs them, being put by their hopes : as alfo much enrage the Pequots for ever againft them, a thing much delirable. Roger Williams Munnawtawkit, is of the Iflanders. — Conn. Hi/1. Coll. vol. probably from Manati, auke, and// loca- ii. p. 23. tive ; in the Ifland country, or country ' "The Pequot of whom I have for- merly wrote." — Williams' note. 26 Letters of Roger Williams. Beiide, the charge or danger of the Englifh will be none, unleis Miantunnomue's coarfe clothes and a large coat for Wequafli, the Pequot guide, a man of great ufe. The Mod: Holy and only Wife be pleafed to lmile upon the face of the Englifh that be his : (we have all, if ever, caufe to examine ourfelves, our errands and work) in the face of Jefus Chrift. While I write, a MerTenger is come to Miantunnomu from Neepemut, reporting a far greater {laughter then that Anthony brought word of, and fince the former a great number at the Plantations, and fome perfonsare mentioned, but I will not name either, but hope and long to hear it countermanded. In cafe that Anthony or other feamen cannot be gotten fuddenly, here is one with us willing to make up a third man, (to the other two left with the pinnace,) to carry the verlel, though T judge Anthony himfelf the fitteft. Sir, Miantunnomu defired me to give you a hint that the fix fathom of beads which he gave for the Haying of Audfah 1 be repaid him, and fent now if it may be; his war.s keep him bare. Your worfhip's unfeignedly refpeclive Roger Williams. For any gratuities or tokens Canonicus defires fugar; Miantunnomu powder. My humble refpects to all my loving friends. Sar, Miantunnomu is clofe in this his project, and there- fore I think the mellenger is fent only for the beads : it is very convenient that Miantunnomue's clothes and Wequafh his coat be fent by him. 1 " Audfah the chiefe murtherer" of Oldham. — 4 Mafs. Hifl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 208, 214, 216. Letters of Roger Williams. 27 To his much honored Governor 'John Winthrop. 1 New Providence, this 6th of the prefent week, towards midnight. [June 2, 1637. J 2 Sir, — By John Throckmorton3 I was bold to advertife of the late merciful fuccefs it hath pleafed the Father of Mercies to vouchfafe to the firft attempts of our country- men againfr. thefe barbarians. After his departure toward you, I went over to the Nar- raganfett, partly for intelligence and partly to encourage the Narraganfetts in cafe the fad news of all their men and yours defeated were true. I found the firft. news of the cutting off the whole Fort of the Pequots at Myftic to be certain and unquestionably true, as I lent, with little or no variation, of which here- after. The news of the cutting off three hundred Narraganfetts and all the pLnglifh held ftill for current and confirmed that they were opprelfed with multitudes, their provilion being fpent and the Englifh wanting powder and mot and the Narraganfetts arrows. •* ' 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 191. time and for the fame offences as Williams, 2 Probably Friday, June 2, 1637, juft and was one of the original thirteen firft one week after the deftru&ion of the Pe- fettlers of Providence. Removed to quot fort, May 26, 1637. — Winthrop, Monmouth, N. J., and died before 1687. Hift. of N. Eng. vol. i. p. 268. Savage, Genealog. Die. vol. iv. p. 294. 3 Probably Mr. Williams fent by John R. I. Col. Rec. vol. i. pp. 17-22 and Throckmorton news of the capture of 299. the fort at Myftic, and the fubfequent 4" Prefently upon this came news from tidings of the "cutting off three hun- Narraganfett, that all the Englifh, and dred Narraganfetts and all the Englifh." two hundred of the Indians were cut off This letter is to correct the laft " fad in their retreat, for want of powder and news." John Throckmorton came to victuals. Three days after, this was con- America with Roger Williams in 1630, firmed by a poll from Plymouth, with was excommunicated at Salem at the fame fuch probable circumilances, as it was gen- 28 Letters of Roger Williams. I gave the beft reafons I could to perfuade that they were all either gone together to Connecticut for provifion, or upon fome iecond aifault upon the other of the Pequot Forts. As alfo I was bold to promife (in Mr. Governor's name) that although all thefe or more were cut off, yet there mould be frem fupplies of the Englifh who would never meathe their swords, &c. This fifth day paft toward night I have received tidings (bleifed for ever be the Lord of Hofts,) that the Narra- ganfetts are all came fafe home yefternight, (at noon I came from thence,) and brought word that the Englifh were all fafe, but the three firft (lain at the Fort with two of their own. As alfo that indeed they fought thrice that day of their firft victory with no lofs of their fide, and with the lofs of two Pequots more. That themfelves and the Englifh prepared next day after for their other Forts, found all lied, made themfelves lords of one, in which both Englifh and Narraganfetts now keep. That Maumanadtuck 1 one of their biggeft, with great troops, (as before he gave out he could) is gone to Wun- nailiowatuckqut (the further Neepmucks.) erally believed. But three days after, Mr. Williams having gone to the Narra- ganfetts to difcover the truth, found them mourning as being confident of it ; but that night fome came from the army, and aflured them all was well, and that all the Pequots were fled and had for- faken their forts." — Winthrop, Hift. N. Ettg. vol. i. p. 269. 1 In a letter from Capt. Stoughton to Gov. Winthrop, he writes : " We fhall the next week join in feeing what we can do againfl SafTacus, and another great Saga- more, Momorrattuck." — Drake, Hiji. of Bojlorz, p. 215. This is probably the fame, Indian names being varioufly writ- ten by different perfons. Capt. Daniel Patrick, writes July 6, 1637 to Increafe Nowell, " Mamenatucke is at Quenepi- age, or lately gone to the Mohawks." — 4 Majs. Hiji. Coll. vol. vii. p. 326. Letters of Roger Williams. 29 That Safacus 1 faid he would go to Long Illand, and thither is gone or hid in the fwamps, but not a Pequot is to be found. That Miantunnomu is come from Pequot to Nayanta- quit, and was refolved homeward to fend out to Wunnaf- howatuckqut where the enemy fhelters and have Forts. Now Sir, considering the work is effected (through the mercy of the Moil: High) in thefe parts, and that the Con- necticut Englifh, together with Capt. Patrick 2 and his, are fufficient to maintain what they have gotten, and purfue Safacus in all his motions thereabouts : I conceived (with fubmiifion) that it might fave the country no fmall charge, and hazard, and lofs, timely to advertife and give intelli- gence. The Wunnafhowatuckoogs and Pequots with them are about the diftance from you that we are : on them I con- ceive and underfland the Narraganfetts next fall. If you fee caufe and grounds to make a ftop for a day or two, if the Lord pleafe, the fecond day or third of the next week I hope to acquaint you with Miantunnomues and Caunonicus their advice and defire, which it may be well to meet his companions at the hither Nipmucks and none to come this way, or fome the one way and fome 1 " Saflacufe chief fachem of the Pe- quots." •* This Saflacufe, (the Pequots chief fachem) having fled to the Mo- hawks, they cutt off his head, with fome other of ye chiefs of them, whether to fatisfy the Englifh, or rather the Narra- ganfetts (who as I have fince heard, hired them to do it,) or for their own advant- age I now know not ; but it was thus this war took end." — Bradford, Hid. of Ply- wouth Plantations, p. 361. 2 Capt. Daniel Patrick came to Ameri- ca in 1630, and fettled in Water town, and was there admitted a freeman. His manner of life was very unpuritanic, and he therefore removed to " within twenty miles of the Dutch and put himfelf un- der their protection." His death in 1643 was occafioned by being (hot by a Dutchman; who had charged him with treacherous dealings between the Dutch and Indians. — Wi;^throp, vol. ii. p. 1 82, 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vii. p. 412. 3° Letters of Roger Williams. the other. This morning, I go over (if the Lord pleafe) to confult with them, hoping to be at home (if poffible) to-morrow evening, and fo to difpatch fome meilenger the fecond in the morning. Sir, your late merTage to the Nipmucks (through the Loid's mercy) have wrought this effect, that whereas they ftaggered as neuters, they brought this prefent week divers bafkets of their nokehick and cheftnuts to Canonicus to- wards his wars. Sir, I underftand that the caufe why the Englifh hurt fo many of the Narraganfetts, was want of figns or marks. You may pleafe therefore to provide fome yellow or red for their heads: The Connecticut Englifh had yellow but not enough. 1 Thus befeeching the God of Peace to be at peace with us, that all the fruit may be the taking away of our fin, (which if not removed will unftop worfe vials) to guide your confultations and profper your expeditions to the praife of His own moft holy name, I reft Your worship's faithful and affectionate in all civil bonds, Roger Williams. Sir, for the young man that accompanies my man, the country may pleafe to recompenfe his time, or I fhall. Our beft refpects to Mrs. Winthrop and all your and our loving friends. 1 Divers of the Indian friends were Note on the Pequot War. With- hurt by the Englifh, becaufe they had out entering into the particulars of the not fome mark to diltinguifh them from caufes which led to the war between the the Pequods as fome of them had. — Win- Englifh and the Pequots, it is fufficient throp, Hijf. N. England, vol. i. p. 268. to ltate, that, in coniequence of the many murders of the colonills, committed by Letters of Roger Williams. 3 1 this tribe, the Governor and Council of Maffachufetts declared war againtt the In- dians on Manifles, (Block Ifland). and late in September, 1636, lent Capt. John Endecott there with a force to subdue them. The Pequots now commenced more ferious depredations, fo that the Connecticut government determined to fend a force againft them. In May, 1637, Capt. John Mafon, with a command of ninety men ; and Uncas, the Mohigan chief, with a body of Indians failed down the Connecticut. The latter en- countered the Pequots near Saybrook lort and defeated them. They were now joined by Capt. John Underbill with nineteen men, when the two Captains at once refolved to make an attack upon one of the forts of SafTachus, the Pequot chief, fituate in or neat the prefent town of Myllic. The Englifh, with their In- dian allies, about five hundred in number, arrived in the vicinity of the fort on the 25th of May, where they were joined bv a party of Narraganfetts. Before day- light the following morning they had completely inverted the fort. Both the Mohegans and Narraganfetts manifested great alarm in attacking this Itronghold of the Pequots and their fuperior force ; and the Englifh had reaibn to fear that they would be abandoned by their In- dian allies. The Englifh having fent a portion of their force from Saybrook back to Hart- ford, were now reduced to feventy-leven men. Thefe were divided into two com- panies, one led by Capt. Mafon, the other by Capt. Underhill. The fort had two entrances on oppofite fides, into which each party were led, fword in hand. The enemy being afleep were aroufed by the barking of a dog, and were heard to cry out Owanux (Englifh- men.) Their wigwams were now fet on fire, while the poor creatures with their fimple weapons, could make lit- tle defenfe, and in vain, attempted to efcape. They were purfued from wig- wam to wigwam, and flaughtered in every fecret place. Men, women and children were alike cut to pieces or con- fumed by the flames, which foon en- veloped the entire enclofure. Such as fucceeded in getting outfide the pallilade were fhot down by the lbldiers potted there. "And thus" writes Mafon " in a little more than one hour's fpace was their impregnable Fort, with themfelves, utterly deftroyed, to the number of fix or feven hundred, as fome of themfelves conferred. There were only feven taken captive and about feven efcaped." — Hiji. of the Pequot War, p. 10. Of the Englifh, two were killed and about twenty wounded. "All our In- dians" fays Mafon, " except Uncas, de- ferted us." SafTachus was in another fort, and hearing of the fuccefs of the Englifh, deftroyed h : s fort, and, with about eighty of his followers, efcaped to the Mohawks, who beheaded him and fent his fcalp to the Englifh. The Pequot war was a memorable event in the early hiitory of New Eng- land, refulting in the annihilation of this powerful tribe. Befides what is laid by Winthrop aud other hiltorians, there are four feparate works in relation to it as follows : 1. John Underhill's News from America ; or a New and Experimentall Difcoverie of New England, containing a True relation of their warlike prooee dings thefe two yeares lajl paft, with a figure of the Indian Fort or Paiazado. London, 1638. 2. P. Vincent. A True Relation of the late Battell fought in New Eng- land, betzveen the Englijh and the Pequot Salvages . In which wereflaine and taken pr if oners ah out 700 of the Salvages, ana 3 2 Letters of Roger Williams. For his much honored Mr. Governor thefe. Mr. Stoughton or Capt. Trajke, on their way, may pleafe to read this. New Providence, this 4th of the week. [June 21, 1637.] 1 Sir, — John Gallop (bleifed be the Lord) is lately arrived at our doors, and hath brought from the Lord and you a merciful refrefhing to us. He be gracioully pleafed to recompenfe it a thoufand fold to the whole land and your- felves efpecially. tbofe which efcaped had their heads cut off by the Mohocks : with the prefent Jlate of things there. London, 1638. 3. Major John Mason. A Brief Hiflory of the Pequot War; efpecially of the memorable Taking of their Fort at Miflick, m Connetlicutin 1637. Boston, 1736. 4. Leift Lyon Gardiner. His Relation of the Pequot Warres. (1660.) A manufcript. Printed in 3d feries Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. iii. Underhill, Mafon and Gardiner were prominent actors in the war. Of Vin- cent nothing is known. 1 4 Majf. HiJl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 194. This letter mull be of later date than June 19, 1637, as Capt. Daniel Patrick writing to Winthrop from Providence on that day, lays " William Quicke has been here this ten days, but none but he has yet come." Probably written in the latter part of June, 1637, either 21st or 28th; more likely 21st, as Drake, (p. 214) concludes that Stoughton mull have arrived at the mouth of the river before June 26. Trumbull, (pp. 1-35) fays " the party arrived at Pequot harbor the latter part of June. Mafon, fays "About a fortnight after our return home which was about one month after the fight at Miflick, there arrived in Pequot River feveral veffels from the Maffachufetts, Captain Ifrael Stoughton being Com- mander-in-Chief, and with him about one hundred and twenty men ; being fent by that colony to purfue the war againll the Pequots. — HiJl. of Pequot War, p. 14. John Gallup was with his pinnace at the Pequot River at the time when Stoughton's force was there. Hubbard, (p. 127) fays of the capture of fome hundred Pequots, " The men among them to the number of thirty were turned prefently into Charon's Ferry, but un- der the command of Skipper Gallop, who difpatched them a little without the harbor." Probably Gallop was on his way to join Stoughton, or poffibly he was in command of one of the veffels of Stoughton's fquadron. Stoughton having "failed" from Bolton, this letter was probably fent by water conveyance to Winthrop. John Gallop was of Dorchelter, in 16 }o, and afterwards removed to Boflon. He was a fifherman and pilot, and alfo an Indian trader. On one of his expe- ditions he difcovered the murder of John Oldham by the Indians and bravely cap- tured Oldham's boat and all the mur- derers. A ftorm coming up, he was obliged to let them go, taking only one Letters of Roger Williams. 33 He relates that there is now riding below three pinnaces, (the names of the matters, Quick, 1 Jigles and Robinfon,) and the two Shallops, as alfo that the other, whereof Jackfon 2 of Salem, is matter, was in company with them the night before, and weighed anchor together, but being not able to turn about was fain to chop to an anchor again, but they hope is in by this time. Sir, I hear our loving friends, Mr. Stoughton,3 Mr. Trafke,4 &c, are on their way, and one hundred and fixty (the intended number) with them. I hope the continu- ance of the number will be feafonable, if not for purluit of Safacous and the Pequots, (of whom it is faid that they are gone far and finally,) yet for the quelling of their con- Indian to Bofton. He and his Ion John rendered valuable fervices during the Pe- quot wars, and after the death of the father in 1650, the fon received "with refpedl unto fuch fervices," grants of land amounting to four hundred and fifty acres. Gallop's Ifland and Gallop's Point in MafTachufetts Bay were probably named for thole men. — Caulkins' Hiji. of New London. Savagl, Genealog. Die. 1 William Quick, mariner, was of Charleilown in 1636, and afterwards removed to Newport, where he was ad- mitted a freeman, Dec. 27, 1638. — Sav- age, Genealog. Die. vol. iii. p. 499. 2 John Jackfon, of Salem, who came to New England in 1635, from London. His houfe was destroyed by fire October, 1636; he died June, 1656. — Savage, Genealog. Diet. vol. ii. p. 529. Win- throp, vol. i. p. 239. "a goodly man and experienced feaman." — vol. ii. p. 23. 3 " We alfo provided to fend one hun- dred and fixty more men after them to profecute the war ; and Mr. Stough- ton, one of the magiftrates, was fent with them." — Winthrop, New Eng. vol. 1. p. 263. Col. Ifrael Stoughton, an early fettler of Dorchefter. Member of the firft General Court convened 1634, and again in 1635, 1636 and 1637; disabled from holding office for three yesrs for pub- lifhing a pamphlet denying to the Gover- nor and Affillants fome of the powers they claimed, but was reftored in I636. He returned to England and there died 164.5. — Drake's Die. Am. Biog. 4 William Trafk one of the early fet- tlers of Salem, and a reprefentative from that town a number of years. He was an important man in the colony, and one on whom Gov. Endicott greatly relied. In this expedition he commanded the Effex men, having Richard Davenport as his Lieutenant. He died in 1666, aged 11 34 Letters of Roger Williams. federates the Wunnafhowatuckoogs and Monamackotoogs, &c, who live nearer to you on the weftward, &c. Some two hundred of thefe (iince the flaughter at the Fort) came in revenge upon the Narraganfetts : which the Narragan- fetts themfelves knew not until three Pequots (now fallen to them) related it : for it pleafed the Lord to fend a great mift that morning that they durft not fight, and fo returned : fo that there is caufe to take fome courfe with them, and efpecially if it be potfible for the clearing of land paifage to Connecticut. I underftand it would be very grateful to our neighbors, that fuch Pequots as fall to them be not enflaved, like thole which are taken in war : but (as they fay is their general cuftom) be ufed kindly, have houfes, and goods, and fields given them : becaufe they voluntarily choofe to come into them, and if not received, will go to the enemy or turn wild Irilh themfelves : but of this more as I mall under- ftand ; thus in hafte with belt falutations to Mrs. Win- throp and all yours, with my poor defires to the Lord for yours, I reft Your worship's unfeigned, Roger Williams. My beft refpecls to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, theirs, and other loving friends. Letters of Roger Williams. 35 For his much honored Mr. Governor, [John W'inthrop?\ New Providence, this 6th inilantis. [July, 1637.] ' Much honored Sir, — It having again pleafed the Mod High to put into your hands another miferable drone of Adam's degenerate feed, and our brethren by nature, I am bold (if I may not offend in it) to requeft the keeping and bringing up of one of the children. I have fixed mine eye on this little one with the red about his neck, but I will not be peremptory in my choice, but will reft in your loving pleafure for him or any, &c. Sir, Capt. Patrick gives me a hint of the likely return of moft of your forces (Safacous and about a fcore of men with him and other companies, four fcore in one, furviving,) I lhall humbly piopound whether it be not considerable, that better now then hereafter the purfuit be continued. 1st, Becaufe it may ftop a conglomeration between them and the Mohawks, which longer time is like to make. 2ndly, Longer time will put many opportunities of oc- cafional revenge into their hand, as we fee in the three laft cut off upon the Connecticut river, after the fort cut off. 2 Capt. Patrick alfo informs me of a great itch upon the soldiers to fall foul upon our neighbors. Little iparks ■4 Mafs. Hi/?. Coll. vol. vi. p. 195, eight women and children. There were Drake fays, it appears by a letter from eighty taken as before is expreffed. They Capt. Stoughton received in Bofton, Ju- were difpofed of to particular perfons in ly 6, that Mr. Haynes and Mr. Ludlow the country." — Winthrop, HiJl.~N.Eng. were at Pequot River with the colonial vol. i. p. 278. forces. The letter was probably carried 2 "Saffachus, flying towards Conetticot by Jiglies, (previoufly mentioned) whole plantations, quartered by the river fide ; pinnace arrived at Bolton, on the fixth of there he met with a fhallop fent down to July, with forty-eight Indian priibners. Seabrooke fort, which had in it three Poflibly Williams may have received his men ; they let fly upon them, fhot many letter from Capt. Patrick by this pin- arrows into them. Courageous were the nace and then feletted the "little one Englifli, and died in their hands, but with with the red about his neck." — HiJ?. of a great deal of valor." — Underhill, Bo/ion, p. 214. News from America. London: 1638. "There were fent to Bofton, forty- 36 Letters of Roger Williams. prove great fires. The God of Peace who is only wise be pleafed to guide us. Capt. Patrick confefieth that they were the chief actors in the laft captives, and had taken all by a wile and flain two before the Englifh came. I hear no speech at prefent about inequality, but content and af- fection towards us. I much rejoice that (as he fayeth) fome of the chiefs at Connecticut (Mr. Heynes 1 and Mr. Ludlow, 2 ) are almoft adverfe from killing women and children Mercy out- fhines all the works and attributes of him who is the Father of Mercies, unto whom with earneft fupplications for you and yours, I reft Your worfhip's unfeigned Roger Williams. My beft refpecls to good Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and theirs. •John Haynes came to New England in 1633 with the Rev. Mr. Hooker. He was one of the beft educated of the early fettlers of the country, and during his life was always in prominent official po- fitions. Affiftant in 1634 an ^ 1636, he was in 1635 Governor of Mafs. In 1637 he removed to Connecticut, was elected Governor in 1639, an< ^ was re ~ elected every alternate year until his death in 1654. 2 Roger Ludlow, Deputy Governor of Maffachufetts and Connecticut, emigrated from England in 1630 and was one of the firft fettlers of Dorchefter. He was an affiftant judge for four years, having received his appointment in England. Failing to be elected Governor in 1634, he complained of the election as having been a fraud. He removed to Windfor, Connecticut, in 1635, where he was, for nineteen years one of the moil ufeful and diftinguifhed men. He was every year elected either a magiftrate or Depu- ty Governor, and was alfo one of the Commiffioners of the United Colonies. In 1653, the Commiffioners, in conle- quence of an alleged plot of the Dutch, voted to make war againft them ; but Maffachufetts refufed to concur. At this period the inhabitants of Fairfield determined to make war upon Manha- does, and chofe Mr. Ludlow commander- in-chief. The General Court of New Haven, difcountenanced the proceedings and punifhed his officers for attempting to create an infurrection. In confe- quence of this affair he removed to Vir- ginia with his family in 1654. He com- piled the firft code of laws adopted in Connecticut, which was printed in 1672. Ludlow was brother-in-law of John En- decott. — Blake, Biog. Die. Letters of Roger Williams. 37 For his much honored 'John Wifithrop, Governor of the MaJJachufetts. New Providence, this 2d 7 nas. [July 10, 1637.] ' Sir, — Concerning your prifoners taken at Block liland, I have informed the Sachems of your care not to injure them and deiire to have them cleared; accordingly Cut- mamaquene 2 v now come from purfuing Saffacous who is fled Southerly, far out of reach,) I fay he hath received teftimony from the Sachems Princes that they are Nayan- taquit men, (Wepiteammocks^ men) and fo all are Narra- ganfett men, and fo indeed Sir, I had thought to fend you word at this prefent, had I not received your letter, for it was continually affirmed to me for truth by all the Narra- ganfett men occalionally being here. Sir, the laft meflenger that carried letters from you to Pequot, related to the Sachems at Narraganfett, that you were difpleafed that the captives brought to the Bay lately, were taken by the Englim from the Narraganfetts, as alfo the 1 4 Ma/s. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 197. people of Dorchefter, Uncatquiflet, be- ad Septimanae; or fecond day of the ing the part of that town, fince called week. Probably Monday, July 10. Milton. This it appears was at fome 2 "A pinnace returning (from Capt. period his refidence." — Drake, Book of Stoughton's expedition) took a canoe Indians, p. 52. with four Indians near Block Ifland. We " The Bay Men killed not a man, fave fent to Miantonomoh to know what they that one Kichomiquin, an Indian Sachem were, and after we difcharged all fave of the Bay, killed a Pequit ; and thus be- one, who was a Pequot, whom we gave gan the war between the Indians and us Mr. Cutting to carry into England. — in thefe parts." — Gardiner. Pequot Winthrop, vol. 1. p. 277. Warres,! Ma/s. Hift. Coll. vol. iii. p. 140. 3 "Kuchamakin, Cutfhamoquin, who This man was often employed as an in- was the fir ft fachem, and his people to terpreter, he being "acquainted with whom Mr. Elliot preached." — 1 Ma/s. the Englifh language," and alfo as a guide Hift. Coll. vol. i. p. 166. in the various expeditions of the colo- " In 1636, Kutfhamakin fold to the nifts. 33 Letters of Roger Williams. fpoil upon them, which was given to the Englim foldiers. 1 I have anfwered that I think it was not fo, but I mail un- derftand the truth mortly ; and therefore, Sir, be pleafed in your next to intimate a word, that I may fatisfy them, for though I would not fear a jar with them yet I would fend off from being foul, and deal with them wifely as with wolves endowed with men's brains. The laft week is a battle fought between the hither Neepmucks and the further, the Wunnamowatuckoogs, &c, the fuccefs is not yet known : it will be of confe- quence, for it is faid they fortify, joining with fcattered Pequots. Sir, The laft day of the week Wequafh the Pequot guide, near hand, Hew his countryman Saflawwaw, a Pequot, alfo Miantunnomue's fpecial darling, 2 and a kind of General Wepiteamock, was Miantunnomu's brother in-law The " Eaitern Nian- tics" were located about Weilerly, R. I., and were tributary to the Narragan- fetts. The " Weilern Niantics " were located between the Connecticut and Ni- antic Rivers, and were allies or tributa- ries of the Pequots. Early in the feven- teenth century before the Englifh came to New England, the Pequots migrated from the North to the country about New London, feparating the Niantics, who until that time had probably been one tribe. The confanguinity of the tribes was well known to the Englifh at the time. 2 Saffawwaw, otherwife known as So- foa or Socho. He did not die at this time but was living in 1662. In 1660, he fold a tracl: of land called Mifquami- coke, what is now known as Welterly, R. I., to fome Newport parties, which land having been claimed bv Ninigret, a number of depofitions were taken to prove Sofoa the rightful owner. All thefe teltimonies proved that before the Englifh " had any warr with the Pequots, the Pequots, croffing the Pawcatuck, feated themfelves on the neck called Mil- quamicook, which were the Narragan- fett lands and territories : whereupon the Narraganfett Sachims, Canonicus and Miantonumy, employed a captain of thofe parts, their fubjecl:, to deltroy or beat off thofe intruding Pequots, and in cafe he fo did, they gave to him and his forever the faid land Mifquamicook." — " and that the aforefaid Sachim was named Sofoa; and is Hill living." — Trumbull, note to Williams' Key, p. 79. Potter's Narraganfett, p. 243. Letters of Roger Williams. 39 of his forces. There was yefterday fome tumult about it, becaufe Wequafh lives with Canonicus, and Miantunnomu purfues the revenge and juftice, &c. By the way, although Wequafh it may be have treach- eroully almoft ilain him, yet I fee the righteous hand of the moft High Judge, thus : Saifawwaw turned to the Narraganfetts and again pretends a return to the Pequots, gets them forth the kft year againft the Narraganfetts and fpying advantage, Hew the chief Pequot Captain and whips off his head, and fo again to the Narraganfett : their treach- eries exceeds Machiavelli's, &c. Sir, Captain Stoughton, left fick at my houfe one fol- dier, a Bofton man, Thomas Roberts, 1 his matter is abfent, and Mr. Harding hath charge of him. I have fent to him, &c. The man was near death. Through the Lord's mercy my wife hath got him upon his legs, though very weak, only his hearing is quite gone, and I mould be glad to receive any help for him in that great lofs. So with my refpe&ive falutations to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, yours and theirs, and other loving friends and my poor lighs to heaven to meet you there if not here below, I reft Your Worfhip's unworthy yet unfeigned Roger Williams. 'Thomas Roberts was afterwards a William Harris, and died 1676. Pofli- freeman of Providence, holding honora- bly he may have been the fame, although ble pofitions. He married a fister of a Thomas Roberts died in Bofton, 1654. 40 Letters of Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor John Winthrop, thefe. New Providence, 2ndo Septimanae. [July 10, 1637.] ' Sir, — In the morning I wrote to John Throckmorton, what I heard and thought in general. It hath pleafed the Lord now this afternoon to fend this meifenger, (Affote- muit) 2 with variety and plenty, and ftrangenefs of news and tidings, I hope true, and for ought I can difcern, true, bleiTed be the holy name of the moft High, who breaks the bow and cuts the fpear, &c. Pfal. 46. This man was fent this morning from Miantunnomu and Canonicus (as I conceive alfo from all their chiefs in council) with charge to bring relation to myfelf of what hath lately happened amongft the Pequots : as alfo that with my letter he ihould make fpeed to yourfelf with tidings. He relates that a Pequot man and fome five Pequot women came two days fince to the Narraganfett, 3 and with their ordinary fubmiffion begged their lives, and lib- erty to declare in the name of many others what had hap- pened amongft them : before that Pequot came one fquaw, and a fecond came, but was queftioned much for their truth ; but upon the coming and report of the old Pequot, he faith, they all take his report for true. This man himfelf, AiTbtemuit, is a noted meifenger from 1 4 Mafu Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 198. ?In a depofition made in 1682, Mr.Wil- Probably written on the fame day as liams faid, "that being inquifitive of what the preceding letter. root the title or denomination Nabigan- 2 I find no other notice of this man, Jet mould come," he heard that it was "fo except that his name appears as witnefs named from a little ifland, between Put- to Deed of Canonicus and Miantunno- tiquomfett and Muiquomacuk, on the fea mue of Acquedneck lands to William and frefh water fide." For further re- Coddingtonand others. — R. I. Col. Rec. marks on this name fee Mr. Trumbull's vol. i. p. 46. note to Williams' Key to the Language of America, Narr. Clus Pub. vol. i. p. 22. Letters of Roger Williams. 4 1 the Sachems, and one whom Miantunnomu hath com- mended to me for an efpecial meiTenger from him. This Pequot and the women report that (as I alfo heard before) all the Pequots were affembled fome ten days fince with Safacous in council : fome perfuaded to fight and fall firft upon the Narraganfetts, (this alio I heard before) the greater part diifented and were for removal : Safacous and about four fcore 1 refolved for Mauquowkit, alias Waukheggannick, where the men eaters are ; a hundred more for Long Illand ; another company, the leaft, for Connecticut, fome part of it, with purpofe to take final leave of their country. Seventy men, women, and child- ren, (of men between twenty and thirty,) refolved for the Narraganfetts to beg their lives, &c. Safacous and his company were wroth with thefe re- folved for the Narraganfett, and a fkirmim pan: between them where fome were wounded, but away they got, and each company packed up and departed their intended journeys. 2 1 " The Pequots having received fo terrible a blow and being much affrighted with the deitru&ion of fo many, the next day fell into confutation. AfTembling their moft ableil men together, pro- pounded thefe three things : Firft, whe- ther they would fet upon a fudden re- venge upon the Narraganfetts, or attempt an enterprife upon the Englifh, or fly. They were in great difpute, one amongfl another. Safachus, their chief com- mander, was all for blood ; the reft for flight, alledging thefe arguments : We are a people bereaved of courage, our hearts are fadded with the death of fo many of our dear friends ; we fee upon what advantage the Englifh lie ; what fudden and deadly blows they firike; what advantage they have of their pieces to us, which are not able to reach them with our arrows at diitance. They are fupplied with everything neceffary ; they are flote and heartened in their viftory. To what end fhall we ftand it out with them ? We are not able ; therefore let us rather fave fome than lofe all. This pre- vailed. Suddenly after, thev fpoiled all thofe goods they could not carry with them, broke up their tents and wigwams and betook themfelves to flight." — Un- derbill, News from America, Lond. 1638. 2 " The news of the flight of Salfa- chus, their fagamore is confirmed. He went with forty men to the Mohocks, 42 Letters of Roger Williams. Miantunnomu lent word to this company remaining in the midway between Pequatit and Nayantakick, that he was in league with Mr. Governor, and therefore of him- felf would fay nothing, but defired them there to reft (at Cuppunaugunnit) in the midway, until he fent to Mr. Governor, and what he faid that he would alfent unto. They told Miantunnomu that they had brought three guns with them. He fent the women for the guns, who fetched them from that place, Cuppunnaugunnit, and there they are with him. Only he claims a promife of one to himfelf, which he deiires may be out of thefe three, as alfo fome powder and (hot to it, as indeed was promifed. 1 I have much labored with this man to find, if it were poffible, any deceit or falfehood, but as he himfelf and the Sachems queftion not the Pequot man and women, fo I cannot queftion him. I afk him (in difcourfe) what he thinks were beft to be done, he anfwereth that as Miantunnomu himfelf when he fent to Canonicus to fpeak his mind, and Canonicus re- fufing, fent him to fpeak firft, Miantunnomu would fay nothing, but would fay as Mr. Governor faid fo himfelf would likewife fay nothing. Yet in difcourfe I fifhed out divers hints of their own defire and good liking. As firft, that there is not amongft thefe any Sachem or which are cruel, bloody canibals." — own advantage, I well know not ; but Vincent, Pequot War, 3 Mafs. Hiji. this their warr tooke end." — Bradford, Coll. vol. vi. p. 40. "This Saffachus, HiJl. Plymouth Plantations, p. 361. (the Pequots chiefe fachem) being fled to '"When Mr. Vane was Governor." the Mowhakes, they cutt off his head, Williams' note. Probably at the time with some other of ye chiefe of them, of the treaty when Miantonomy, at the whether to fatisfie the Englifh, or rather requeft of the authorities, Oct. 21, 1636, the Narraganfetts, (who I have fince went to Bofton. heard hired tftem to do it,) or for their Letters of Roger Williams. 43 any of thofe who were murderers of the Engliih ; if there were they mould die. 2. That if Mr. Governor were io minded, they incline to mercy and to give them their lives : and I doubt not but your own breafts are far more tender, like the merci- ful Kings of Ifrael. 3. That divers more beiide thefe remain in the woods, and resolve to come in and fubmit if thefe be accepted. 4. For the difpoiing of them, I propounded what if Mr. Governor did deiire to fend for fome of them into the Bay ; leave fome at the Narraganfett and fo fcatter and difperle them : this he liked well, that they mould live with the Engliih and themfelves as flaves. I then pro- pounded that if they lived amongft the Englim or them- felves, they might hereafter be falfe to the Englim, &c, and what if therefore they were appointed and limited to live upon Nayantacawniek or fome other Iiland : and this he thought alfo well of' if not beit, becaufe they were moil: of them families. 5. That they deiire you would pleafe to fend fome Eng- lish to take poifeifion of the Pequot country and there to inhabit. 1 6. That for their own hunting fake, Miantunnomu de- fires that the Englim would inhabit that part neareft Con- necticut, and that Myflic 2 and thereabout might be free 1 "Captain Stoughton and his Com- referved two Sachems, hoping by them pany having puriued the Pequots beyond to get Saflachus, (which they promifed.) Connecticut, and mifhng of them, re- All the rell were women and children, turned to Pequot River, where they of whom they gave the Narraganfetts were advertized, that one hundred of thirty, and our Maflachufetts Indians them were newly come back to a place three, and the reil they fent hither." — fome twelve miles off. So they marched Winthrop, Hijl. N. Eng. vol. i. p. 277. thither by night and furprifed them all. 2 " Which is neareft, and where the They put to death twenty-two men, and flaughter was." — Williams' note. 44 Letters of Roger Williams. for them. I told him that they might hunt in the woods as they do at Mailachufetts and here, notwithstanding the Englim did generally inhabit : and this fatisfied [him]. 1 7. That they defire the Pequot's corn might be enjoyed by the Englim and themfelves, as Mr. Governor pleafe. 8. That the Wunnafhowatuckoogs are alfo afraid and lied, fo that there is hope of a fafe palfage to Connecticut by land. 9. That there is no hope that the Mohawks or any other people will ever affift Safacous, or any of the Pequots, againft the Englim, becaufe he is now, as it were, turned Have to beg his life. If all this be true (as I hope it is) we may all fee the God of Heaven delights in mercy, and to draw by love and pity than by fury and wrath. I hope Sir, now that trou- bles may arife from other parts, his holy Majefty is pleafed to quench thele nearer fires. He be pleafed to confirm this news, and tune all hearts to his prayers in the ordering of our converfation aright. So I reft praying Your worship's unfeigned, Roger Williams. This man relates that yefterday, the Lord's day in the morning, a Pinnace arrived, but he knows not yet what me is. I pray Sir, forget not to reward this melfenger with a coat, as alfo fome powder for Miantunnomu. My loving refpecls to Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and theirs, &c. 'Thefe proportions met with favor with lors. Pequot town was fubfequently fet- the Englifh, and the lands of the Pequots led and called London, but afterwards were divided among the foldiers and fai- changed to New London. Letters of Roger Williams. 45 To his much honored "John Winthrop, Governor of the MaJJachufetts. 1 This 3rd. jx. [July 1 1, 1637. J z Sir, — Yefterday by our neighbor Throckmorton I wrote concerning thofe Nayantaquit men your pinnace took. This bearer, Juanemo,3 (one of the chief Sachems of that place and chief foldier) came laft night with near a fcore of his men to enquire after them. He was 1 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 202. 1 The third day of the week ; proba- bly July 11, 1637. 3 Alias " Ninigret," Sachem of Nian- tick. A portrait of this chief is in pof- feflion of the Winthrop Family, from a copy of which (made for the late Lieut. Gov. Winthrop) an engraving was made for Drake's Hiltory of Bolton. There is an intereiting tradition that the life of John Winthrop, Jr., was once faved by him. Winthrop records the arrival of "Ayanemo " at Boiton, on the 12th Ju- ly, with feventeen men. This was Wed- nesday. Williams's letter was written on Tuefday, "3rd 7^" (that is, 3d fepti- manae) : probably the day before, or July 11. It appears by the letter which follows, that the bearer had returned to Williams by the next "Lord's day;" which fell on the i6th. — Note, 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 202. Winthrop under date of July 12th, 1637, fays "Ayanemo, the fachem of Niantick, came to Bolton with (eventeen men. He made divers propofitions, which we promifed to give anfvver unto the next day ; and then, underltanding he had received many of the Pequots, lubmitting to him fince the former de- feat, we Aril demanded the delivery of them, which he flicking at, we refufcd further conference with him ; but the next morning, he came and offered what we defired. So the Governor referred him to treat with our captains at the Pe- quot, and wrote inltruitions to them how to deal with him, and received his pre- fent of ten fathom of wampum. He was lovingly difmifled with ibme fmall things given him." — Hijh of New Eng- land, vol. i. p. 278. He returned to Williams on the next Lord's day, July 17. See fucceeding letter. This Indian is better known as Nini- gret. He was coufin to Miantunnomo, and his residence was at Wekapaug, now Welterly, R. I. Having vifited the Weltern Indians and the Dutch Gover- nor, Stuy vefant, he was fufpedted of plot- ting with them for the deltruftion of the Englifh ; and Sept. 1653, the Commif- fioners for the United Colonies declared war with him, but owing to oppofition from Malfachufetts it was not prolecuted. War was afterwards (1654) a g a ' n de- clared, Major Willard leading the expe- dition, who captured one hundred Pe- quots ; but Ninigret had fled. He joined in the war known as " King Philip's War," and died prior to 1680. 46 Letters of Roger Williams. very defirous of a letter to you : I told him I hoped he would rind his men at liberty. He hath brought a mus- ket and a barrel of a leve [lever ?] piece which his men took from the Pequots. There was a fpeech that three of thefe men were Na- yantakoogs, and one a Pequot : it feems he is a Pequot born, but hath long fince been theirs, fallen to them, and done good fervice in their wars againrt: the Pequots. Sir, this Juanemo is a notable inftrument amongft them, &c, your wifdom, I know therefore, will lay hold of this his vifit, to engage him the more to you. Thus humbly begging mercies from the God of heaven for you and yours in all affairs, I reft, in hafte, Your worship's unfeigned Roger Williams. All due refpecls and falutations, &c. 'To yoh?i Winthrop y Governor of Majfachufetts. New Providence, this 15th of the 5th. [July 15, 1637. J 1 Sir, — For the captives and booty, I never heard any of thefe Natives queftion the A<5ts of the Englifh, only that Native who brought letters to you from Capt. Patrick, and was twice at Bolton, related fo much as I wrote of in my former, at his return to the Narraganfett, viz. : that yourfelf mould be angry with the Englifh, &c. I met ! 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 203. Letters of Roger Williams. 47 fince with him, and he faith he had it not from yourfelf, but an Englifli man at Roxbury. I thought good to clear your name, and remove fufpicions from Mr. Stoughton, &c. Wequaih is alive, fo is alfo the other like to recover of his wound : I never heard that Miantunnomu was dif- pleafed with Wequaih, for any fervice to the Englim, but that Wequaih was fufpecled to deal falfely when he went to hunt for the Pequots at the rivers mouth. ' Tis true there is no fear of God before their eyes, and all the cords that ever bound the Barbarians to Foreigners were made of felf and covetoufnefs : yet, if I miftake not, I obferve in Miantunnomu fome fparks of true friendship, could it be deeply imprinted into him that the Englifh never in- tended to defpoil him of the country, I probably conjec- ture his friendship would appear in attending of us with 500 men (in cafe [he is wanted]) againff any foreign enemy. The Neepmucks are returned with three heads of the Wunnafhoatuckoogs, they Hew fix, wounded many, and brought home twenty captives. Thofe Inlanders are fled up toward the Mohawks : fo they fay is Safacous : our friends at Connecticut are to calf a jealous eye at that people; they fay (unlefs they are be- lied) that they are to war with the Englifh, &c. Truely Sir, to fpeak my thoughts in your ear freely, I blefs the Lord for your merciful dealing, &c, but fear that fome innocent blood cries at Connecticut. Many things may be fpoken to prove the Lord's perpetual war with Amalek extraordinary and myftical ; but the 2 Kings, xiv. 5. 6. is a bright light difcovering the ordinary path where- in to walk and pleafe him. If the Pequots were murder- ers (though pretending revenge for Safacous his father's death, which the Dutch affirmed was from Mr. Governor) 48 Letters of Roger Williams . yet not comparable to thofe treacherous fervants that flew their lord and king, Jofhua, King of Judah, and type of Jefus, yet the fathers only perim in their fin, in the place quoted, &c. The blefted Lamb of God warn away in- iquity and receive us gracioufly. Thus with beft falutes to your loving felf and yours, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and other loving friends with them, and daily cries to the Father of Mercies for you, I reft your worship's unfeigned Roger Williams. Poftscript. — Sir, to yours brought by Juanemo on the Lord's day I could have little fpeech with him ; but con- cerning Miantunnomu I have not heard as yet of any un- faithfulnefs towards us; I know they belie each other; and I obferve our countrymen have almoft quite forgotten our great pretences to King and State, and all the world, concerning their fouls, &c. I (hall defire to attend with my poor help to difcover any perfidious dealing, and fhall defire the revenge of it for a common good and peace, though myfelf and mine mould perim by it : yet I fear the Lord's quarrel is not ended for which the war began, viz. : the little {enfe y (I fpeak for the general that I can hear of) of their foul's condition, and our large protefta- tions that way, &c. The general fpeech is, all muft be rooted out, &c. The body of the Pequot men yet live, and are only removed from their dens. The good 'Lord grant, that the Mohawks and they and the whole at the laft unite not. For mine own part I cannot be without fufpicions of it. ' Sir, I thankfully expect a little of your help (in a way of juftice and equity) concerning another unjuft debtor of Letters of Roger Williams. 49 mine, Mr. Ludlow, 1 from whom alfo (in mine abfence) I have much fuffered. The good Lord fmile upon you and yours in the face oi his anointed. Your worfhip's unworthy Roger Williams. To his ??mch bo?iored Governor 'John Winthrop. New Providence, 21 of 5th monthe.* [July 21, 1637. 1 Much honored Sir, — My unfeigned love and refpecl to your foul's eternal comfort, and firm perfuafion of your leveling at the higheit white,3 have emboldened me once more to tell you of fome poor thoughts of mine own, penned and lent to fome friends amongft you ; which happily, (if the good Lord fo pleafe) may fome way conduce to your foul's fatisfadtion in the midft of all your troubles. 1 George Ludlow is fuppofed to have been a kinfman of Roger Ludlow, as before appears. He applied to be ad- mitted a freeman of Maifachufetts Colo- ny in 1630; but does not appear to have fettled in New England. Roger Wil- liams complains frequently of him as will be feen by feveral fubfequent letters. In 5 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. i. p. 250, is printed a letter from Ludlow to Roger Williams, to which is appended a note by Williams, which is as follows : "Mr. Coxall hath a letter of particulars, but in this Mr. Ludlow acknowledged I st an heifer, which was mine 4 years fince, the 7 increafe of her is mine. 2 Dd,y - Upwards of 4 fcore weight of tobacco, y^- con- federation above 8" for 3 goats due to me when they were almolt 2 yeare fince, about 4 U a goate ; as allfo their increafe. 4 ,hly - an houfe watch. ^- Another new gown of my wives, new come forth of England, and coft between 40 and 50 {hillings." By Coxall, is doubtlefs meant the name of CoggeJhalL *4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 205. J" Higheft white." Mark at which an arrow is fhot, which ufed to be painted white. 5° Letters of Roger Williams. I have been long requeued to write my grounds againft the Englim preaching, &c, and efpecially my anfwers to fome reafons of Mr. RobinfonV for hearing. In the midft of a multitude of barbarous diffractions, I have fitted fomething to that purpofe : and being not able at prefent to tranfcribe the whole ; yet having been long folicited by Mr. Buckley 2 (from whom I received fome objections,) and by many others, and of late by my wor- thy friend Mr. Peters,3 who had fight of them, I have 'Rev. John Robinfon of Leyden, born in England, 1575, was educated at Cam- bridge. Removed to Holland fhortly after 1608, was paftor of the church at Leyden, remaining there until his death in 1625. He was very aftive in pro- moting the emigration in the Mayflower in 1620, intending fhortly to follow, but died before the confent of the affociation of Englifh merchants who controlled the enterprife could be obtained. His widow and children came out in 1630. He publifhed a number of his writings, but the one to which this probably re- fers is "A treatife of he lawfulnefs of hearing of the minifters in the Church of England," was not printed until 1634, nine years after his death and three years prior to the date of this letter. A com- plete edition of his writings was pub- lifhed at Boflon, in 185 1 in 3 vols. 2 Rev. Peter Bulkley, of Concord, Mafs., one of its founders in 1636. He was a nonconformift in England and was therefore removed by Archbifhop Land. He was the author of fome Latin poems contained in Cotton Mather's Hillory of New England, and alfo of " The Gof- pel Covenant Opened." London: 1646. 8 " Hugh Peters, born in 1599, ar- rived in America in Augull, 1635, with Richard Mather ; and in the following year, took charge of the church in Sa- lem, as fucceflbr of Roger Williams. Such was his fuccefs as a preacher, that during the five years of his miniftry in this place, one hundred and fixty perfons joined his communion. He was, at the fame time, occupied in mercantile pur- fuits, alfo engaged in political matters, and was one of the moil diflinguifhed citizens of that period in America. In 1641 he failed tor England, with a view of procuring fome alteration in the laws of excife and trade ; but he did not again return to America. During the civil wars in England he advocated the caufe of Parliament, and contributed much to its aid by his preaching. He was accufed of great violence in urging the King's condemnation, but he affirmed that he was oppofed to it. Be that as it may, Cromwell appointed him to feveral public trufls. After the refloration he was tried for confpiring with Cromwell, and compaffing the King's death. His trial terminated in his condemnation ; and he was executed on December 16, 1660, at the age of 61 years. His elo- quence was of a peculiar and ltriking character, was calculated to gain the at- tention of the lower clafs. He had thoufands of hearers in London." — Drake, Biog. Dictionary. Letters of Roger Williams. 51 thought good to fend fo much as I have tranfcribed, to the hand of my loving friend, Mr. Buckley. Sir, I am bold to give you this intimation, becaufe in thefe firft loofe leaves, handling the ftate of a National church, from the thirty-eight page I have enlarged the differences between Ilrael and all other ftates. I know and am perfuaded that your mifguidings are great and la- mentable, and the further you pafs in your way, the fur- ther you wander, and have the further to come back, and the end of one vexation will be but the beginning of another, till confcience be permitted (though erroneous) to be free amongft you. I am ibrry my ftraits are fuch that I cannot tranfcribe the remainder, and efpecially what concerns the matter moil concerning your dear felf, and therein efpecially the affoiling of fome objections, but if the Lord pleafe I live I fhall endeavor the reft, and thankfully receive any inti- mation from yourfelf, yea from the leaft, whereby I might myfelf return from any wanderings. The Lord Jefus be to you and me the Way, the Truth, and he will be the Life alfo. So prays Your worfhip's moft unfeigned Roger Williams. I have no news, but from Connecticut, the receiving of Safacous, his prefent and company by the Mohawks, and fome promifes of theirs to him to fettle him again at Pequot. This week Souwonckquawfir, 1 old Sequin's 2 fon, 'William Pynchon of Springfield, in z "Sequin (in 1635) gave the Englifh 1648, fpells this name Sowoquafle. — land there, (Weathersfield,) upon con- Winthrop, vol. ii. Appendix P. tradl that he might fit down by them, 5 2 Letters of Roger Williams. cut off twenty Pequot women and children in their paf- fage to the Mohawks, alio one Sachem who three years ago was with you in the Bay with a prefent. 1 For his much honored Mr. Governor ; John Winthrop. New Phovidence, this 2nd of preient weeke. 2 [July 31, 1637.] Much honored Sir, — I am bold to interpoie (in all humble refpect) a word or two concerning the bearer, Mr. Greene. 3 Being at Salem this laft week to take order and be prote&ed, etc. When he came to Weathersfield and had let down his wigwams, they drove him away by force." — Winthrop, vol. i. p. 312. This chief was otherwife known as Sow- heag. 1 Under date of Nov. 6, 1634, Win- throp, vol. i. p. 176, writes "There came to the Deputy Governor about fourteen days fince, a meffenger from the Pequot fachem, to defire our friend- fhip He brought a fmall pre- fent with him, which the deputy re- ceived." 1 4 Mafs. Hifl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 212. sAuguft I, 1637, "Mr. John Greene, of New Providence, having fpoken againft the magiilrates contemptuoufly, Hands bound in 100 marks to appear at next quarter court to be held the firft Tuefday of the 7th month enfuing-." — Mafs. Col. Rec. vol. i. p. 200. " The quarter court was adjourned from Sep- tember 5 to September 19, becaufe of the Synod meeting at Newtown," at that time. — ibid, vol. i, p. 202. September 19, 1637, " Mr. John Greene, of New Providence, was fined 20 pounds, and committed until the fine of £'20, be payed, and enjoyned not to come into this jurisdiction upon paine of fine or im- prifonment at the pleafure of the court, for ipeaking contemptuoufly of the mag- iilrates. — Mafs. Col. Rec. vol. i. p. 203. We differ from the editors of the Williams' letters {^tb Mafs. Hi ft. Coll. vi. 212, note,) as to the date of this let- ter. It cannot be of Sept. 1 8th as there fhted, as the General Court, as appears by the Maffachufetts Records, was held Tuefday, Auguit 1. As Greene, doubt- lefs attended the court, the letter is prob- ably of the Monday previous, or July 31ft. "One of the inhabitants of Warwick, was John Green, furgeon, a native of Sal- ifbury, England, who coming over in the next company after Roger Williams, with his wife and five children, had followed Williams to Providence, and Gorton to Shawomet, thus becoming an original proprietor in both places. — Geo. W. Greene, Life of GenU Natb'l Greene, vol. i. p. 4. Letters of Roger Williams. 53 about the fale of his houfe, and coming away an ancient acquaintance meets him (Ed. Batter) and queftions whe- ther he would come and live there again, unto which he anfwered, how could he unlefs he might enjoy the freedom of his foul and confcience. Ed. Batter 1 replied, he might fo, to which he again replied he knew that could not be, for the power of the Lord Jefus was in the hand of civil authority ; upon this came by Mr. Endecott, 2 calls Ed. Batter and queftions him (as himfelf related to Mr. Greene) what was their conference : the fum whereof being told, Mr. Endecott warned Mr. Greene to appear at this Gene- ral Court. Sir, for myfelf I have no partial refpect to Mr. Greene nor relation, but of neighbors together : only for the better following of peace, (even when it flies from us), I am bold to acquaint with palfages of truth (as I cannot but hope) before hand : I mall grieve much that any molefta- tion or trouble mould arife unto you from hence, or that there be the appearance of any further jar. Sir, I know to whom I fpeak. Mr. Endecott had need have a true •Edmund Batter, maltfter, came from the government of the colony to New fame place and in fame veffel with John England ; and John Winthrop, who ar- Greene. rived in the following year was appointed z John Endecott, Governor of Mafia- Governor. In 1636 Mr. Endecott was chufetts, who was fent to America by a fent on an expedition againft the Indians company in England, as their agent, to fu- on Block Ifland and in the Pequot coun- perintend the plantation of Naumkeag, or try. He continued at Salem until 1644, Salem, arrived in September, 1628, and when he was elefted Governor of Maf- there laid the foundation of the firil per- fachufetts, and removed to Bofton. He manent town in within the limits of MafTa- was alfo Governor from 164910 1664, chufetts patent. In April, 1629, the com- excepting in 1650, and from 1655 to pany chofe him the Governor of "Lon- 1665. He died in 1665, in his 77th don's Plantation" ; but in Augufl it was year. — Blake, Bing. Diftionary. determined to transfer the charter and 54 Letters of Roger Williams. compafs for he makes great way, &c. : the Father of Lights and Spirits merciful be pleafed to guide all our fteerings. Mr. Greene here is peaceable, a peacemaker, and a lover of all Englifh that vifits us. I conceive he would not difturb peace in relating his judgment to his friend, (if I may fo call him) demanding it firft alfo of him, or elfe I prefume he mould not have heard a word of fuch mat- ters, if I know Mr. Greene. Sir, I hear yet nothing of any of the runaway captives amongft our neighbors. Yefterday I heard that two efcaped from them to the Pequots. If any be or do come amongft them I fuppofe they mail be fpeedily returned, or I fhall certify where the default is. Sir, I defire to be truly thankful for the boy intended : his father was of Safquankit, where the laft fight was : and fought not with the Englim, as his mother (who is with you and two children more) certified me : I fhall endeavor his good and the common, in him. I fhall appoint fome to fetch him, only I requeft that you would pleafe to give a name to him. Sir, concerning captives (pardon my wonted boldnefs) the Scripture is full of myftery and the old Teftament of types. If they have deferved death 'tis fin to fpare : If they have not deferved death then what punifhments ? Whether perpetual flavery. I doubt not but the enemy may lawfully be weakened and defpoiled of all comfort of wife and children, &c, but I befeech you well weigh it after a due time of train- ing up to labor, and reftraint, they ought not to be fet Letters of Roger Williams. 55 free: yet fo as without danger of adjoining to the ene- my. Thus earnestly looking up to heaven for you and all yours, I reft Your worship's unfeigned, Roger Williams. My beft. refpe&s to Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, &c. To his much honored Governor, "John Winthrop. New Providence, 20th of the 6th. » [Auguft 20, 1637.] Much honored Sir, — Yours by Yotaafh 2 (Miantun- nomue's brother) received, I accompanied him to the Narraganfetts, and having got Canonicus and Miantunno- mu with their council together, I acquainted them faith- fully with the contents of your letter, both grievances and threatnings ; and to demonstrate, I produced the copy of he league, (which Mr. Vane fent me,) and with breaking of a ftraw in two or three places, I mowed them what they had done.3 1 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. i. p. 162. fion of a treaty of peace," — which the Knowles. Mem. R. Williams, p. 134. Governor fubfcribed, and they alfo fub- 1 Other wife Otafh and Yotnefh. This fcribed with their marks, and Outfhama- chief and Roger Williams were witneffes kins alfo. But becaufe we could not to the deed of the ifland of Rhode Is- make them underftand the articles per- land to William Coddington and others, feftly, we agreed to fend a copy to Mr. March, 1636-7. Williams, who could beft interpret it to 1 October 21, 1636, Winthrop "no- them. — Winthrop, Hift. of N. Eng. vol. tices the arrival of Miantunnomoh and i. p. 237. other indians at Bofton, and the conclu- 56 Letters of Roger Williams . In fome their anfwer was, that they thought they fhould prove themfelves honeft and faithful, when Mr. Governor underftood their anfwers ; and that (although they would not contend with their friends) yet they could relate many particulars, wherein the Englifh had broken (fince thefe wars) their promifes, &c. Firft then, concerning the Pequot fquaws, Canonicus anfwered, that he never faw any, but heard of fome that came into thefe parts, and he bade carry them back to Mr. Governor, but fince he never heard of them 'till I came, and now he would have the country fearched for them. Miantunnomu anfwered, that he never heard of but fix, and four he faw which were brought to him, at which he was angry, and afked why they did not carry them to me, that I might convey them home again. Then he bid the natives that brought them to carry them to me, who de- parting brought him word, that the fquaws were lame, and they could not travel. Whereupon he lent me word, that I fhould fend for them. This I mud: acknowledge, that this meifage I received from him, and fent him word, that we were but few here, and could not fetch them, nor con- vey them, and therefore defired him to fend men with them and to feek out the reft. Then, faith he, we were bufy ten or twelve days together, as indeed they were in a ftrange kind of folemnity, wherein the Sachems eat nothing but at night, and all the natives round about the country were feafted. In which time, faith he, I wifhed fome to look to them, which notwithstanding, in this time, they efcaped ; and now he would employ men in- stantly to fearch all places for them, and within two or three days to convey them home. Befides, he profeifed that he defired them not, and was forry the Governor Letters of Roger Williams. 57 fhould think he did. I objected, that he fent to beg one. He anfwered, that Saflamun, being fent by the Governor with letters to Pequot, fell lame, and, lying at his houfe, told him of a fquaw he faw, which was a Sachem's daugh- ter, who while he lived was his, Miantunnomue's great friend. He therefore defired, in kindnefs to his dead friend, to beg her, or redeem her. Concerning his departure from the Englifli, and leaving them without guides, he anfwered, firft, that they had been faithful, many hundreds of them, (though they were folicited to the contrary,) that they ftuck to the Englifh in life or death, without which they were perfuaded that Uncas and the Mohigans had proved falfe, (as he fears they will yet,) as alfo that they never had found a Pequot, and therefore, faith he, fure there was fome caufe. I de- fired to know it. He replied in thefe words, Chenock eiufe wetompati nucks ? that is, Did ever friends deal fo with friends ? I urging wherein, he told me this tale : that his brother, Yotaalh, had feized upon Puttaquppuunck, Quame and twenty Pequots and three-fcore fquaws, they killed three and bound the reft, watching them all night, and fending for the Englifh, delivered them to them in the morning. Miantunnomu (who, according to promife came by land with two hundred men, killing ten Pequots in their march) was defirous to fee the great Sachem, whom his brother had taken, being now in the Englifli houfes, but (faith he) I was thruft at with a pike many times, that I durft not come near the door. I objected, he was not known. He and others affirmed, he was, and afked, if they fhould have dealt fo with Mr. Governor. I ftill de- nied, that he was known, &c. Upon this, he faith, all my company were difheartened, and they all and Cutfhamo- 58 Letters of Roger Williams. quene defired to be gone ; and yet, faith he, two of my men (Wagonckwhut and Maunamoh) were their guides to Sefquankit from the river's mouth. Sir, I dare not ftir coals, but I faw them to be much difregarded by many, which their ignorance imputed to all, and thence came the mifprifon, and bleffed be the Lord, things were not worfe. I objected, they received Pequots and wampum without Mr. Governor's confent. Canonicus replied, that although he and Miantunnomu had paid many hundred fathom of wampum to their foldiers, as Mr. Governor did, yet he had not received one yard of beads nor a Pequot. Nor, faith Miantunnomu, did I but one fmall prefent from four women of Long Ifland, which were no Pequots, but of that ifle, being afraid, defired to put themfelves under my protection. 1 By the next I (ball add fomething more of confequence, and which muft caufe our loving friends at Connecticut to be very watchful, as alfo, if you pleafe, their grievances, which I have labored already to anfwer, to preferve the Englim name; but now end abruptly with beft falutes and earneft prayers for your peace with the God of peace and all men. So praying, I reft Your worship's unfeigned Roger Williams. All loving refpedts to Mrs. Winthrop and yours, as alfo to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, theirs, and Mr. Wil- fon, &c. 1 Under date of July 26, 1637, Win- antunnomoh fent here fome Pequot throp (voi. i. p. 283) writes ".nd Wi- iquaws which had run from us." Letters of Roger Williams. 59 To bis kind friend, Mr. Richard Collicutt, thefe. 1 This 1 2th of the 7th mon. (commonly called) 1637. [September 12.] Kind Friend, — I lately wrote unto you: once when I fent home your boy, and again when I fent the girl : concerning either of them, if you be minded to put either of them away, I deiire to give you your defire : otherwife I wifli you much comfort in the keeping of them. As I am many ways indebted, fo I have many debts coming to me. I take it very lovingly that you pleafe to help me concerning Mr. Ludlow. 2 I have accordingly fent you power to deal in it. In three refpedts I requeft you to be ferious and punctual. 1 ft. It is now an old debt, efpecially my cow was mine, left behind four years ago, for me in Virginia, and fome goats. 3 2ndly. I have requefted the laft year divers to help me and gave them power, but all failed me, fo that I (hall have caufe to be thankful to you above others. 3rdly, If his payment like you, I (hall requeft you firft to fatisfy yourfelf, and mall remain Yours moft unfeigned Roger Williams. I fhall gladly fatisfy not only your charge, but alfo your time and pains in dealing with M. Ludlow. '4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 21 1. ther he removed before 1656. He died 1 Richard Collicott or Colcott, fettled in 1686, aged 83. Winthrop, who ap- in Dorchefter before 1633, and wasa fer- parently believed in the doftrine of fpe- geant in the Pequot war. He was one cial Providence, reports (vol. ii. p. 336,) of the twenty-three original or charter his prefervation from drowning by the members of the "Ancient and Honora- influence of praver in 1648. ble Artillery Company" of Bolton, whi- ' See note to Letter of July 15th. 60 Letters of Roger Willi 'ams. [POWER OF ATTORNEY FROM ROGER WILLIAMS TO RICHARD COLLICUT.] Memorand : that I, Roger Williams of New Provi- dence, doe conftitute & ordaine Richard Collicut of Dor- chefter my true & lawfull Atturney, for me and in mv name to afke or demaund, fue or arreft, acquit or releafe George Ludlow of all fuch fummes of money or goods as are due unto me from him. per me Roger Williams. To his much hotiored Joh?i IVinthrop, Governor of the Majfachufetts} [No date; probably October or November, 1637.] Much honored Sir, — I was fearful that thofe dead hands were no pleafing fight (otherwife than a remarkable vengeance had feized upon the firfr. murderer of the Eng- lim, Wauphanck,) 2 yet I was willing to permit what I could not approve, leaft if I had buried the prefent myfelf, I mould have incurred fuipicion of pride and wronged my betters, in the natives and others eyes : I have always mown diflike to fuch difmembering the dead, and now the more, (according to your defire) in your name. I was alfo fearful that mine own hand (having no com- miifion from my heart (which is not in mine hand but in 1 4 Mafs. Hi/i. Coll. vol. vi. p. 207. of thofe who murdered Capt. Stone," 2 "The Narraganfetts fent us the Auguft 31, 1637. — Winthrop, vol. i. hands of three Pequots ; one the chief p. 283. Letters of Roger Williams. 61 the hand of its Maker, the Moft High) to write you ought of mine own return in fpirituals,) I fay fearful that mine own might not be fo grateful and pleaiing to you : but being called upon by your meifage and your love, (your paper), I am emboldened. Concerning the Pequots, the foldiers here 1 related to me that Uncas 2 the Mohiganie Sachem had about three hundred men with him on the Pequot river,3 fome fixteen miles from the houfe, which I believe are moft of them Pequots and their confederates the Wunnafhowatuckoogs and their Inlanders (whom he charged under pain of death not to come to Canonicus) and with whom he hath made himfelf great. This man is but a little Sachem, and hath not above forty or fifty Mohigans, which as the Englifli told me were all he could make. It is generally confirmed that Thomas Stanton,4 (as him- felf alfo confelfed to me at my houfe) was gioffly cou- 1 Winthrop under date of Aug. 26, records " The captain and foldiers re- turned all from Pequot," (vol. i. p. 283:) Oft. 1 2, " A day of thankfgiving kept in all the churches for our victories againft the Pequods." — Ibid, vol. 1, p. 290. 2 Uncus, was originally a Pequot. He revolted from Saflacous in 1634, became friendly to the Englifh, and was made chief of the Mohegans. His authority being fo recent, perhaps is the occafion for the flighting remark of Williams at the clofe of the paragraph. He has been characterized as treacherous, vicious and " an old and wicked wilful man." He died in 1683 at a great age. Drake, in his Book of the Indians, (p 149,) gives the following epitaph from a tombllone of one of Uncas' ions: Here lies the body of Suttsee/o Own son to Uncas grandson to OneJLo Who were the famous sachems of Mohegan But now they're all dead, I think it is Wer- hcegan, ? " The reft of the Pequots were wholly driven from this place, and fome of them fubmitted themfelves to the Nar- iganfetts and lived under them: others of them betooke themfelves to the Mon- higts under Uncas their fachem, with the approbation of the Englifh at Con- ighteecutt, under whofe protection Un- cafs lived." — Bradford, Hifi. Plymouth Plant. Bofton : 1856. p. 361. 4 Thomas Stanton at the age of 20, emigrated in 1635 from London to Vir- ginia. He afterwards removed to Con- necticut, and was one of the original pro- 62 Letters of Roger Williams. fened and deluded by one Wequafhcuck 1 (a Nayantaquit Sachem) who fheltered four Pequot Sachems and lixty Pe- quots at Long Illand, where now they are, where peace was made with promife from the natives not to permit one Pequot ; yet Wequafhcuck marrying Saifacous his mother hath thus deceived you. This Wequafhcuck was the man (to my knowledge) that fheltered Audfah, the murderer of Mr. Oldham, and kept his head fo upon his moulders : yet to this man Thomas Stanton (as it appears) did too much liften, llighting I fear, too much the Narraganfetts. I find our Neighbors very eager to purfue thefe four Sachems and the lixty Pequots there, I prelTed them to pa- tience till Mr. Governor's mind be known, and Miantunno- mu (to my knowledge) doth all he can to reftrain them, or elfe long fince thev had been there. They plead that Mr. Governor may pleafe to accompany, or fend himfelf againft them, but cannot by any article in the league bind them to fuller fo many of their enemies in a knot fo near them. I prefs them to humane conlideration of fo much blood fpilt, they anfwer if they have the Sachems heads they will make the reft Narraganfetts, and for the Long Ifland- ers themlelves and Wequafhcuck, they will not meddle with them, becaufe of the peace Mr. Stoughton made with them. Concerning the kettles : Miantunnomu anfwers, that he prietors of Hartford, and in later years with Wequafh. Winthrop in fpeaking was of Stonington, where he died in of the death of the latter, calls him We- 1678. He is many times mentioned in quafh Cook; Williams is more accurate, thefe letters, and was conflantly employed He was living in 1648, while Wequafh during his life as an Indian interpreter. died prior to 1643. 1 This man has often been confounded Letters of Roger Williams. 63 hath been much wronged by the reports of enemies and falfe friends to whom iome of us (as he faith) hath heark- ened before himfelf. He faith he never knew of more than two, one of which the Englifh ufed at the houfe, and the other as he hears is at the Fort itill : he faith, he hath many of his own, and indeed when I came firfb hither I faw near ten or twelve which himfelf or Canonicus had. He repaid me with a grievance about a Pequot canoe which he delired might be ordered by your own hearing, but it was denied him : his plea feems very fair : thus this brother Yoteafh having taken the great Sachem (Putta- quappuonckquame who was was kept in the pinnace alive fometime) took his canoe, which, faith he, the Englifh Captains fitting all together were very willing unto : this canoe Mr. Stoughton afterwards brought about homeward : Miantunnomu and his brother claim it : 'twas denied : he requeued that it might be left at my houfe till Mr. Gov- ernor's mind was known. Capt. Stoughton would not yield, but defired him to go along to me, but faith he, I would not truft myfelf with him, feeing he would not ftand to Mr. Governor's determination about the canoe : I would not have mentioned this leaft it might provoke Mr. Stoughton or any : but I know to whom I intimate it : and I have pretty well appeafed the matter already. He anfwers, all I can object to him with this : let Mr. Governor have the hearing of it : I will reft in his word, and objecting to him in the particular before divers, that the Englifh complain he was proud, he defired that I would prefcnt to Mr. Governor thefe particulars, that he had caufe to maintain his right, becaufe the Connecticut Eng- lish equalled Uncas and the Mohigans with himfelf and his men 64 Letters of Roger Williams. Whereas faith he, thefe Mohigans are but as a twig, we are as a great tree. They fell to the Englim but laft year, we have been ever friends, &c. Uncas and his men had a hand in the death of all the Englim and fought againft the Rivers mouth (at Connec- ticut) we never killed nor confented to the death of an Englim man. When the Dutchmen and we fought with the Pequots the Mohigans joined againft us. When Capt. Endicott came againft the Pequots the Mohigans received the Pequot women and children and kept them, while the men fought with him, &c. Uncas brought prefents to Canonicus, and Miantunno- mu, yet at the fame time killed two of his women treach- eroully. They fell to the Englifh this year in fear or other policy, and we, (faith he) have continued friendship and love ever fince they landed. Thus he pleaded, &c, and yet proud and covetous and filthy they are, &c, only I was willing to gratify him in this, becaufe as I know your own heart ftudies peace, and their foul's good, fo your wifdom may make ufe of it unto others who happily take fome more pleafure in wars: The blerled God of Peace be pleafed to give you peace within, at home, and round about you abroad, So prays Your worfhip's unfeignedly refpective Roger Williams. To Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, &c, all refpective falutations. Letters of Roger Williams. 65 I have at prefent returned Richard Collicut's Pequot girl which Miantunnomu found out, and defired me to fend home, with promife of further enquiring. To his much honored Governor 'John Wlnthrop. 1 [No date.]2 Sir, — Having ufed many means and many Attornies (in my abfence) to recover a debt of Mr. George Ludlow, and failed by all, and now laft of all by Richard Collicut who undertook feriouily, but comes off weakly in it: let me humbly beg what help in a righteous way may be afforded (now in his departure) to caufe him to deal honeftly with me who have many years and in many wants been patient toward him. The debt was for mine own and wife's bet- ter apparel put off to him at Plymouth. My bills are loft, but his own hand which the bearer will deliver is teftimo- ny fufficient. He hath ufed fo many flights and told fo many falfehoods, that Sir, if you believe more than you fee, I muft patiently give my debt for defperate : however with my beft refpedts to your kind felf and Mrs. Winthrop, and fighs to heaven for you, I reft Your worship's unfeignedly faithful till death, Roger Williams. '4 Ma/s. Hijl. Call. vol. vi. p. 212. from George Ludlow, and which is 1 This letter is of later date than the printed in full in 5 Ma/s. Hijl. Coll. one preceding, as it evidently refers to it. vol. i. p. 250. To this R. W. has ad- It probably enclofed a letter received ded a note. (See previous letter.) 9 66 Letters of Roger Williams. To bis much honored Governor jfo/in Winthrop} [No date; probably Ottober, 1637.] Sir, — Some while fince you were pleafed to delire me to fignify to the Sachems, the promife of the Block Iiland- ders to yourfelves, and therefore their exemption from all other fubmiffion and tribute. Their anfwer was, that as they had left them to Mr. Governor formerly upon Mr. Oldames death, fo have they done fince, and have had no other dealing with them then for the getting of the head of Audfah the chief murderer : as alio that they under- hand the one hundred fathom of beads to be yearly paid to Mr. Governor, in which refpedt they have been far from desiring a bead from them, and do acknowledge them to be wholly Mr. Governor's fubjects. Sir, I hear that there is now at Pequot with the Mohe- gans, 2 one William (Baker3 I think his name is) who was 1 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 214. In this letter Roger Williams men- tions the probability of Miantonomo going to Bolton in a day or two. The letter of November 10th, reports the return of this " big indian." Win- throp, (vol. i. p. 291) records under date of November lit, "Miantonomo the Narraganfett Sachem came to Bof- ton." He alfo reports that Miantono- mo acknowledged that " all the Pequot country and Block Jfland were ours." He was alfo given " leave to right him- felf for the wrongs which Janemoh and Wequafh Co )k had done him." The letter is probably of a date not later than October 28, and perhaps not much ear- lier. z Monahiganeucks — Mohegans. By the revolt of Uncas, the Pequot territo- ries became divided, and that part called Moheag or Mohegan, fell generally un- der his dominion, and extended from near the Connecticut River on the fouth, to a place of disputed country on the north, next the Narraganfetts. 5 " William Baker, Plymouth, 1643, may I think, have been fir ft of Rhode II- land, as early as 1638, and probably went thither again, being counted among the freemen 1655 at Portfmouth " Savage, vol. i. p. 100. R. I. Col. Rec. vol. i. Williams in fubfequent letters fpeaks of him as of Plymouth, and that he was whipped at Hartford in the fame year. The next year November 12th, 1638, he was admitted an inhabitant of New- port. There was in Plymouth in 1632 a William Baker an apprentice to Rich- ard Church, and poffibly this was the man to whom Roger Williams refers. Letters of Roger Williams. 67 purfued, as is faid by the Englifli of Connecticut for un- cleannefs with an Indian fquaw, who is now with child by him. He hath there gotten another fquaw and lies clofe, unknown to the Englifli. They fay he came from a trad- ing houfe which Plymouth men have at Connecticut, and can fpeak much Indian. If it be he, when I lived at Ply- mouth, I heard the Plymouth men fpeak much of his evil course that way with the natives. The occafion that our neighbors know of him was this : fome eight days lince, fix Narraganfett men were coming from Connecticut, and by the way fell upon fome Pequots, who were refcued out of their hands by the Mohegans, who alfo bound thofe fix Narraganfetts many days toge- ther at Monahiganick (upon Pequot river, where this William was) and fpoiled them of their coats and what elfe they had. The Sachems and the men are greatly incenfed, affirm- ing that they can not but revenge this abufe offered to their men ; yet I have got this promife that they will not do ought without Mr. Governor's advice. Sir, I have long heard, and thefe fix men affirm, that there are many of the fcattered Pequots rendezvoufed with Uncas the Mohegan Sachem and Wequafh the Pequot, who being employed as one of the guides to the Englifli in their late wars, is grown rich, and a Sachem with the Pequots : and hath five or fix runaways. There are all the Runaways harbored (which upon long and diligent inquiry) I am certain and confident of, and can give good aflurance that there is not one amongft all the Narragansetts. Mr. Stoughton hath been long allured that Meikfah, Canonicus' elder! fon hath his fquaw, but having enquired it out, I find fhe was never at the Narraganfetts, but is mar- 68 Letters of Roger Williams. ried to one Meikfomp a Sachem of Nayantick, which being nearer to Pequot is more friendly to the Pequots : and where as I hear that Wequamcuck v who long fhel- tered Audfah and fo groffly deluded Tho : Stanton in the late wars) hath filled many bafkets with beads from Pe- quots Sachems and one hundred and twenty Pequots which he (heltereth now at Nayantick. Uncas the Mohegan and Wequamcuck were lately at Long Ifland, from whence fome few days fince, Uncas car- ried away forty Pequots to Monahiganick, and Wequam- cuck thirty to Nayantick. While I write, Miantunnomu is come to my houfe and affirmeth the fame; profeffing if I would advife him, he would go over to Mr. Governor to acquaint the Governor that Canonicus 1 and himfelf hath no hand in thefe paf- fages. He afks me often if he may fafely go, and I allure him if he have an honeft heart he need not fear any de- ceit or treachery amongft the Engliih ; fo I think within a day or two he will be coming towards you. He tells me what I had not heard that of thofe Pequots to whom at the nrft by my hand you were pleafed to give 1 "Canonicus, a Narraganfett chief, un- cle of Miantonomoh, was born about 1565 ; died June 4, 1647 ; was the firm friend of the Englifh, efpecially of Ro- ger Williams. From him Williams ob- tained, March 24, 1638, the grant of land for his fettlement of the future State of Rhode Ifland. In 1622, two years after the Pilgrims landed at Ply- mouth, Canonicus fent as a challenge a bundle of arrows tied with a fnake-fkin. The (kin was returned filled with powder and ball ; but the peace was unbroken. In 1632-35, there was a war between the Pequots and Narraganfetts, about the ownerfhip of lands lying between Paw- catuck River and Wecapang Brook. Ca- nonicus, after lofing his fon, burned his own refidence and all his goods in it. Roger Williams calls him " A wile and peaceful prince." During his life, the Narraganletts, though engaged in war with other Indians, remained at peace with the whites. Many years after his death, however, under the famous King Philip, they made war on the Englifli and were exterminated." — Drake. Die. American Biography. Letters of Roger Williams. 69 life, but feven came to them, of which five alfo long fince are gone to Monahiganick. Sir, I forget not your loving remembrance of me con- cerning Mr. Ludlow's debt. I yet know not where that tobacco is : but defire if Mr. Craddock's agent, Mr. Jolly would accept it, that it may be delivered to him in part of fome payments for which I have made over my houfe to Mr. Mayhew. Sir, your fervant Reprieve lodged here two nights, and Miantunnomu 1 tells me that five days fince he lay a night with him and is gone to Block Iiland. He is very hope- fully improved fince I firft faw him: and am bold to wim that he might now take his laft farewell of his friends, to whom you would be rather pleafed to give leave to vifit him at Bofton, for you cannot believe how hard it is for him to efcape much evil, and efpecially uncleannefs while he is with them. The good Lord be pleafed to blefs him to you and to make you a bleffing to him and many others. . . . run headlong (without once hearing of it,) into ever- lafting burnings. So prays daily Your worfhip's unfeigned, Roger Williams. To Mrs. Winthrup, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and theirs, refpecl:ive falutations. 1 Miantonomo, Sachem of the Narra- with Uncas, Sachem of the Mohegans, ganfetts, was the nephew and fuccelfor not to make war upon one another with- of Canonicus, and affumed the govern- out firft appealing to the Englilh. Cited ment in 1636. He was the friend and in 1642, upon a mere rumor of intended benefactor of the fettlers in Rhode Is- hoitilities to appear at Bolton before the land, to whom he gave their territory. Governor and Council, he declared his In 1638 he entered into an agreement innocence, and called upon the Englilh 7° Letters of Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor fohn Winthrop l The lafl of the week, I think the 28th of the 8th. [Oft. 28, 1637.] Sir, — This bearer, Miantunnomu, refolving to go on his vifit, I am bold to requeft a word of advice from you concerning a proposition made by Canonicus and himleH to me fome half year iince. Canonicus gave an ifland in this bay to Mr. Oldham, by name Chibachuvvefe, upon condition as it mould feem, that he would dwell there near unto them. The Lord (in whofe hands all hearts are) turning their affections towards myfelf, they delired me to remove thither and dwell nearer to them. I have anfwered once and again, that for prefent I mind not to remove; but if I have it from them, I would give them to produce his accufers. None appear- ing, he was di unified with honor. Gov. Winthrop, in his Journal, teftifies to the refpect in which the ability of the great chief was held. The rivalry between the Mohegans and Narraganfetts, which it was the policy of the Englifh to fo- ment, produced its inevitable refults. Driven by the infults and injuries of the unprincipled Uncas, he attacked him, but was defeated and made prifoner ; and by the advice and confent of the Englifh magifirates and elders, was executed. Brave and magnanimous, he was doubt- lefs the moll able of the Indians of New England. Drake. Biog. Dictionary. 1 3d Ser. Mafs. Hift.Coll. vol. i. p. 165, affigns October 28, 1637, as the proba- ble date of this letter ; in which opinion Arnold, in his Hi/lory of Rhode Ijland agrees. Vol. i. p. 105. Knowles, and R. I. Col. Records copy from the Mafs. Hiji. Coll. * The R. I. Col. Records, (vol. 1. p. 45) quotes the Deed from Canonicus and Miantonomo of the ifland of Aqued- neck to William Coddington and others, under date of March 24, 1637, "ex- cepting Chibachuwefa,/J?rw^r/y_/J)/(/unto Mr. Winthrop the now Governor of the Maflachufetts and Mr. Williams of Provi- dence." We cannot reconcile the difference of dates, except that Winthrop's date refers poflibly to the time Gov. Vane lent for Miantonomoh. Miantonomoh alfo was at Bofton on Nov. I, 1637, (Winthrop, vol. i. p. 291.) If the date of the deed above mentioned is correct, and the for- merly fold is the "whole truth'" this let- ter is probably of 1636, if otherwife, probably 1637. We incline to the lat- ter date. Winthrop retained his half of the ifland leaving it by will to his fon Stephen. Williams fold his half with other lands to pay his expenfes in Eng- land when on fervice for the colony. Letters of Roger Williams. - j\ fatisfaction for it, and build a little house and put in fome fwine, as understanding the place to have ftore of fifh and good feeding for fwine. Of late I have heard, that Mr. Gibbons, upon occafion, motioned your delire and his own of putting fome fwine on fome of thefe iflands, which hath made me fince more delire to obtain it, becaufe I might thereby not only benefit myself, but alfo pleafure yourielf whom I more defire to pleafure and honor. I fpake of it now to this Sachem, and he tells me, that becaufe of the ftore of fifh, Canonicus defires that I would accept half, (it being fpeclacle-wife, and between a mile or two in cir- cuit, as I guefs,) and he would referve the other ; but I think, if I go over, I mall obtain the whole. Your loving counfel, how far it may be inorlenfive, becaufe it was once (upon a condition not kept) Mr. Oldham's. So, with re- ipeclive falutes to vour kind felf and Mrs. Winthrop, I reft Your worship's unfeigned, in all I may, Roger Williams. [No date. Probably written fcon after July, 1635.] The Church of fefus Cbrijl at Salem, to our dearly beloved and much efeemed in yefus, the Elders of the Church of Chrijl at Bojlon. Your letters (dear and well beloved in Chrift) dated the 22 of this 5th month, have been read openly before us, wherein we underftand you fee not your way clear before you, for delivering of our humble complaint unto the n 2 Letters of Roger Williams. Church of Chrift with you ; as alfo your reafons why you dare not publim to the body our letters. Our dear Breth- ren, according to your loving and Chriftian defire, we dare not but gently and tenderly interpret this your delay as fpringing from your holy care and fear left dishonor mould redound to our Lord and King, in thefe weighty affairs of his holy government. We give you many and hearty thanks for your loving and faithful dealing in re- turning us a reafon of your holy fears and jealoulies. And we befcech you [in the bowjels of Chriftian tendernefs to bear with us while we firft add a word unto your felves, and afterwards to your reafons. We have not yet appre- hended it to be the choice of the officers of a Church, when public letters are fent from filter Churches, to deliver or not to deliver the letters unto the body ; we acknowledge it their liberty and duty to order wifely for convenience and due feason of prefenting the Church with them, but wholly to conceal or fupprels the letters of the Church, we yet fee not. Our reafons are, amongft others, thefe two: i ft, becaufe they are the Church's, not the officers'. The Church hath the right which the officers may not aiTume unto themfelves, and therefore it hath been questioned whether public letters fent to [a Church of] Chrift, ought not to be delivered publicly to the elders in the face of the Church met together according to what is written, [Acts] 15. 30, when they had gathered the multitude (that is, the Church) together, then they [delivjered the letters. If this be the power and liberty of the officers, for ought we fee [if there] be but one elder in the Church that he may pri- vately put up the public letters of the whole. Our 2d rea- fon is, becaufe the prefence of our Lord Jefus is moft efpecially promifed and .... to the whole body Letters of Roger Williams. 73 met together in his name, than to one or all the elders; and therefore in folemn feeking of God's face by the whole Church (his fpoufe and wife) we conceive a more clear and diftinct appreheniion of the mind of Chrift concerning an anfwer to be returned back doth ordinarily arife, than from the officers apart from [the Church.] For however it hath been the Prelate['s pjlea, the people are wea[k .... giddy and ram, and therefore mould not enjoy fuch liber- ties, we con[ceive per]fons truly gathered in his name mall find a wifdom great[er than theirs] in the midft amongft them even Jefus Chrift, who himfelf is made their wif| dom] 1 Cor. i. 30. [Yjour reafons of not reading are three; two againft reading aft all, the third,] againft reading oji the Lord's day. The firft, more expreflly concerning . our admonition, you fay is a gift which mould not be offered up [until we have] reconciled ourfelves to our much honored and beloved the majiftrates [who are] againft ^us. Now we befeech you humbly, our dear brethren, con- fider . . . a gift ; our prayers and thanks and offerings, are alfo gifts, Mat. v. [23, 24.], and then if no gift may be offered while a cafe of offence de[pendeth, then furely] 1. a brother, yea, a whole Church muft intermit their holy meet[ings, and] for a while the ordinances, yea, for the prefent, be un-churched. 2. And fo fecondly, if we fhould meet together to confider about, and find out the offence, we fh[ould not] offer up the incenfe of our prayers to the Lord for the difcovery of the offence unto [our brethren.] 3. Further, for ought we fee we fhould not at all come to- gether, for the prefence of our fouls and bodies together in the prefence of the Lord is a gift. 4. Nay more, by that rule no Church in her members might have fellowmip with us, nor ourfelves with them, in cafe we have not pow- 74 Letters of Roger Williams. er to offer up a gift while a matter of offence dependeth, though ourfelves are ready to receive light from our brethren concerning the offence. 5thly. If this rule be abfolute ye have failed fo far to communicate with us as to fend us thefe your letters, if | we cannot] meet together to read them and confider and feek the face of our God in Chrift for anfwer. 6th. Since that fome times brethren may be offended at a good and righteous acl, pleafing to Chrift, as fome were, Ads xi. [17, 18 J, by this ground it will follow that the Churches (hall offer up no gift to God nor man until they have repented of their duties and confeffed them as fin, both to God and man, in cafe others be offended. Laftly, be you pleafed to remember that hitherto in a church way (the way of Chrill for Church failings) we have not heard of any one brother offended with us, which mould have been in might any way have held forth .... argument unto us ; our reafon is • [grejat difference between a Church way, and the pro- ceeding of a Commonweal. Your fecond argument feems to be, the acf of the majiftrates gave . . [pub]lic offence, and befide that, a public action offenfive may be but private offence: unto this with all due fubmiffion we conceive the Court of Juf- tice is as public [as the gate of the city.] Amos. v. 1 2 : " They turn afide the poor from their right in the gate." 2dly, we acknowledge in fome obfcure and dark paifages, one or two may ipy a blemifh where thoufands do not ; this is a fecret, and we defire to walk by the rule, Prov. xxv. 9., "debate the caufe with thy neighbor himfelf, and difcover not a fecret to another;" but to \_pu?iifli befor\e fie hath been conve\n\ted i to deal with a church out of a church way y Letters of Roger Williams. j§ [ to | ptmiflj two or three hundred of our town Jor the conceived failing of the Church, we fee [not] how any cloud of obfcurity can hide this evil from the eyes of all ; and therefore not two or three of ourfelves, but many of the prefent court, and many others, and ourfelves [of the | Church of (Thrift who cry to the Lord for mercy to ex ... fee a failing, yea fome hundreds of the whole town fmarting in their .... and the whole land may, and other lands hearing of it cannot choofe [but be bli]nded, weak- ened, ftumbled ; and therefore we conceive as the fun [can- not] be (hut up in a chamber, public finnings mud be openly [complained] of: i Tim. v. 20. "Them that fin rebuke before all, that others may fear." [Yo]u fay you cannot judge of our right and title, for our matters are only [ft]aved; we fignify thus much to your felves and humbly requeft if there be caufe you will fignify fo much to the brethren, that we are far from arguing our right with any in a church way. We hoped the proof that was defired by the court would have given fatisfa&ion might they have had leave to fpeak ; and furthermore the delay of a petition in cases of prefent neceffity (as ye well know) may be as grievous by the delay of a few months (fuch flood the prefent ftate of the town) as if it was a whole year; and therefore the Lord provides againff delays of a poor man's wages, Deut. xxiv. 14 15, not only becaufe of his prefent need, but alfo becaufe of the grief of his fpirit, which will make him cry unto God for redrefs againft the injurious. We doubt not but a petition may be both delayed and re- jected, but we must needs profefs our exceeding grief that a Church of Chrifl fliall undergo a punimment before convented, be punifhed (if there were due caufe) before ex- horted to repentance in a rule of Chriff, and hundreds of J 6 Letters of Roger lVillia??is. innocents punifhed of the town .... as the con- ceived nocents of the Church. This, to our apprehenfion, is fuch an evil as which (whether we refpecT: the perfons, or the public nature of the evil, as) God is not wont to expiate without fome public ftroke of jealoufly and difplea- fure. We hope we (hall ever be with the foremoft in all humble refpect and fervice to all higher powers, accord- ing to God. We fpeak now of our much honored breth- ren as brethren, whofe fouls are dear and precious to us in holy covenant, and therein conceive the only way to honor them in the Lord, is to befeech them to warn away the difhonor of the moil: high, by true, godly forrow and repentance ; and in this your fervice we conceive in the e[nd] you will find that moll true which the fpirit of G[od] writes, " open rebuke is better than fecret love." Your 3d argument is, that you dare not upon the Lord's day deal in a wordly bulinefs, no[r bring a] civil bufinefs in the Church. Firft, pleafe you to remember (our dear and well beloved in Chrift) that for any civil matter we open not our mouth. We fpeak of a fpiritual offence again ft our Lord Jefus, and again ft the holy covenant of brethren, and fo we do]ubt not though unclean .... oppref- fion be offences againft the c[ivil ft]ate which the Church meddles [not] with, yet the Church deals with members lawfully for their breach [of cove]nant, and difobedience againft the Lord Jefus. Again, we are not bold to limit you (our beloved) to the Lord's day ; we leave [it to your] wifdom and the wifdom of the Church, when to conlider of the matter : yet hither[to] we have conceived that the kingly office of our Lord Jefus ought to be as well adminiftered on the Lord's day, as his Prieftly and Prophetic [office,] and [alfo] that he Letters of Roger Williams. 77 is as much honored in the [act of] cenfuring or par- doning of finners from his throne, Zach. vi. 13, in cafe of tranfgreffion againft his crown, as againftthe administra- tion of other his fvveet and bleiTed ordinances. Now our bleifed C[hrift Jefjus, who holdeth his ftars in his right hand, and out of whole mouth goes a fh[arp two-] edged fword, and whofe countenance mines as the fun in his Strength, Rev., mine mercifully and clearly upon your fouls in all holy . . . confolations and . . . lva- tions. Your inoft unworthy brethren, unfeignedly refpective and affectionate in Chriit Jefus. Roger Williams. Samuel Sharpe. This letter for which we are indebted to Charles Deane, Esq., of Cambridge, was not received in time to inlert it in its proper place, according to its date. It was accompanied by the following note from that gentlemen : Note. — I copied this letter fome years July, 1635, that the "Salem men had ago from the original, in Roger Wil- preferred a petition, at the laft General liams's hand, belonging to the Prince col- Court, for fome land in Marblehead le&ion in the keeping of the Maffachu- Neck, which they did challenge as be- fetts Hiitorical Society. The letter was longing to their town ; but becaufe they confiderably imperfett, many of the nad chofen Mr. Williams their teacher, words quite obliterated and gone, lb while he ilood under quellion of authori- that the meaning is in many places quite ty, and lb offered contempt to the majif- oblcure. Enough however is pre- trates, &c, their petition was refufed, till ferved to fhew the general thought of &c. Upon this, the Church of Salem the writer, and to indicate the occafion wrote to other Churches, to admonifh on which it was written. It bears no date, but mull have been written in i63 5,andwasa reply to a letter from the elders of the Church of Bollon, dated " ye 22 of this 5th month" — ie. the 22d July. I apprehend the occafion on which the letter was written was this: We learn from Winthrop, under date the majiitrates of this as a heinous fin, and likewife the deputies ; for which at the next General Court, their deputies were not received until they mould give fatisfa&ion about the letter." (Vol. i p. 164.) It would appear that the letter lent to the Bollon Church was retained by the elders and not laid before the 7§ Letters of Roger Williams. For his much honored Mr. Governor ', "John Winthrop. loth of 9th. [November 10, 1637. ]' Sir, — I acquainted this Indian Miantunnomu, 2 with the contents of your letter fent by him, who refts well perfuaded that if it break not firft with them, the league is firm and lafting, and the Englifh are unfeigned. I have bought and paid for the Illand,^ and becaufe I defired the beft confirmation of the purchafe to yourfelf that I could, I was bold to infert your name in the original here enclofed. The ten fathom of beads and one coat you may pleafe at leifure to deliver to Mr. Throckmorton : who will alfo be ferviceable in the conveyance of fwine this way. Your native, Reprive,* requefts me to write a word for himfelf and another for the Sachem of Block Ifland, Jac- quontu For himfelf he tells me when he departed hence, being alone, he wandered toward Neepmuck: At Nayantick, Juanemo faid he was a fpy from Mr. Governor, and threat- ened to kill him, denied that there were Pequots, faying Church, they giving their reafons for lb doing in their reply to the Salem Church. The letter from the Bolton elders called forth, as I fuppoie, this letter from Wil- liams, figned by himfelf as teacher, and Samuel Sharp, as ruling elder, of Salem Church. Sharpe was foon afterward called to account by the General Court for his hand in this bufinels. In copying this letter of Williams, I have indicated the omiffions by ... I have modern- ized the orthography in this copy. c. d. 1 4 Mafs. Hi/I. Coll. vol. vi. p. 217. 2 See previous letters. This letter was probably written fhortly after Miantun- nomoh's vifit, Nov. 1, to Bolton. — Win- throp, vol. i. p. 291. 5 The deed of Prudence Ifland, is dated Nov. 10, 1637, the fame day of this letter. (See R. I. Hifi. Coll. vol. iii. p. 29.) The consideration paid Mian- tunnomoh and Canonicus was twenty fathom of wampum and two coats, which Williams paid, and now afks to be reim- burfed one-half. 4 Reprive, an Indian fervant of Gov. Winthrop. See letter of Ottober. Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 79 though Reprive law many himfelf) that they were all gone to Monahiganick. So he came back in fear of his life to Wepiteammock (Miantunnomue's brother-in-law) who lent him a canoe to Block Ifland where he ftaid but fix days. From Jacquauntu, 1 Block Ifland Sachem, that he is pre- paring thirteen fathom of white, and two of blue to pre- fent you with about the firft month. That they are greatly in fear of the Nayantick men who threaten them, in cafe the Englifh fall upon Nayan- tick. I am glad to fee this poor fellow Reprive careful to pleafe you, for he laid you gave him leave for twenty-eight days and though he could ftay but fix days where he de- fired to ftay longeft, yet he will not lie. He fays his brother goes along with him to ftay fome while, till the fpring. Sir, There are two Pequot fquaws, brought by the Nar- raganfetts, almoft ftarved ; viz. : Mr. Coles his native, and one girl from Winilimmit : there was a third (I think Mr. Blackftone's 2 ) who had efcaped before to Nayantick. I promifed thefe, if they would ftay at my houfe and not run away, I would write that they might be ufed kindly. The biggeft, Mr. Cole his native, complains that Ihe of all 1 Referring to the tribute as required thence to Cumberland, R. I., near the by treaty made by Jaquauntu, the Block river fince called Blacklbone River, in Ifland Sachem. reference to his name. He died juft be- *His name in fome of the records of fore King Philip's war, when his refi- the period is fpelled Blaxtort. William dence and his fine library were con- Blackllone or Blaxton, firft fettled on fumed. See note to letter of June 13, the peninfula, now the city of Bofton ; 1675. removed to Rehoboth in 1633, and 80 Letters of Roger Williams. natives in Bofton is the worfe ufed : is beaten with fire- fticks, and efpecially by fome of the fervants. The little one makes no complaint of ufage, but fays (lie was enticed by that other fquaw, which I think was Mr. Blackftone's. I afked the biggeft, who burnt her and why, me told me Mr. Penn 1 becaufe a fellow lay with her, but me faid, for her part (lie refufed. My humble defire is that all that have thofe poor wretches might be exhorted as to walk wifely and juftly towards them, fo as to make mercy eminent, for in that attribute the Father of mercy mod mines to Adam's mif- erable offspring. Sir, I fear I am tedious, yet muft I crave leave for a line more : I received a letter from lome in Charleftown, (in fpecial from one Benjamin Hubbard) 2 intimating his and others defire (with my help and furtherance) to be my neighbors in fome place near adjoining : Mr. James^ hath not declared himfelf to be one, but I guefs he is inclining to accompany them. On the Narraganfett fide the natives are populous, on the fide to Malfachufetward Plymouth men challenge, fo that I prefume if they come to the place where firft I was, Plymouth will call them theirs. 4 I •James Penn who at this time was one more fully in the confirmatory deed of of the over leers or magistrates of the 1666 which bears his name. Bradford, town of Bofton. calls him "a phifitian." — Hiji. of Ply- z Benjamin Hubbard came to Charlef- muutb, p. 364. town in 1633, was a prominent man, 4 No deed has ever been difcovered, poftibly removed, fays Savage, to Bof- we think, of the lands of Seekonk and ton, but he is known to have returned Rehoboth ; but a depofition of John Ha- to England, and probably never returned fell, taken in 1642, confirms fuch a pur to America. chafe. "John Hafell aftirmeth that Af- 1 Thomas James, probably one of the famequime chofe out ten fathom of beads thirteen original proprietors of Provi- at Mr. Williams's and put them in a baf- dence, being firft mentioned in the " in- ket, and affirmed that he was fully latif- itial deed," fo called in 1638, and then fied therewith for his land at Seacunck ; Letters of Roger Willia??is. 81 know not the perfons, yet in general could wifh (if it be either with countenance or connivance) that thefe ways might be more trod into thefe inland parts, and that amongft the multitudes of the barbarous, the neighbor- hood of fome Englilh Plantation (efpecially of men deli- ring to fear God) might help and ftrengthen. I (hall be thankful for a word of advice, and befeeching the Moft Holy and only Wife in mercy and goodnefs to know and guide the fouls of his in this remote wildernefs, and in this material defert, to difcover gracioully the myftical where twelve hundred and three fcore days his faints are hid. Revel. 12. I rest Your Worihip's, forry that I am not more yours and neither of us more the Lord's. Roger Williams. To Mrs. Winthrop all refpeclive remembrance. I (hall beg (this winter in fome leifure) your help with my bad debtors, James and Tho : Haukins, from whom as yet I get nought but words. but he flood upon it that he would have a pofed to go to Seekonk, but afterwards coat more, and left the beads with Mr. gave it up, and the lands were then taken Williams, and wifhed him to keep them in 1641 by Rev. Samuel Newman and until Mr. Hubbard came up." — Plymouth others of Weymouth and Hingham. We Col. Rec. vol. ii.p. 87. Our impreflion can trace no fettlement near Providence is that the Charleilown men fir 11 pro- to Charleftown men. 1 1 82 Letters of Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor "John fVinthrop. 20th of the 9th. [November 20, 1637. J 1 Sir, — I reft thankfully fatisfied in your propounding of my motion to the Court, and the anfwer. (The earth is Jehovah's, and the plenitude of it.) I am not a little glad that the lot is fallen upon a branch of that root, in whofe good (prefent and eternal both of root and branches) I rejoice. For his lake I wifh it ground, and grafs, and trees ; yet what ufe fo ever he pleafe to make of it, I de- fire he would not fpare to make ufe of me in any fervice towards the natives on it or about it. Miantunnomu in his relations of paffages in the Bay with you, thankfully acknowledges to myfelf and others your loving carriage to him, and promifeth to fend forth word to all natives to ceafe from Prudence, trees, &c. Since your letter I travelled up to Nayantick by land where I heard Reprive was : there the Sachem (to whom he ad- heres, Wepiteammock) and the people related that he was gone to his wife at Mohegan : alfo that he, Wepiteam- mock, had fent to Uncas adviling and urging their return, but he could not prevail, and that if Reprive come within his reach he will fend him (though alone without his wife) however. I traveled to Mohegan and understood that they were all at Pequot, Nayantick, but Uncas not being at home (but at New Haven) I could not do ought. Sir, I have often called upon your debtor, Jofhua, 2 but his ill advifenefs of refufing my fervice and fpending of his time upon a houfe and ground hath difabled him. 1 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 220. of land was adjoining Mr. Williams's. z Probably Jofhua Verin, whofe grant Letters of Roger Williams. 83 Upon this occafion of your loving proffer of the half of the debt (8//J to myfelf, I mall be urgent with him to feek fome courfe of payment of the whole to yourfelf, from whom in recompenfe of any pains, &c, I defire no other fatisfaclion but your loving and wonted acceptation, yea, although the bufinefs had been effected. Sir, I had almoft been bold to fay my thoughts what I would do in this cafe, were the runaways 1 mine, but I will not more at prefent. If you fhall pleafe to require account of what my obfer- vation hath taught me, I fhall readily yield it in my next, ever begging mercy and truth to you and yours, and my loving friends with you. The Lord Jefus return us all (poor runaways) with weeping and fupplications to feek him that was nailed to the gallows ; in him I defire to be (and mourn I am not) more Your worship's unfeigned Roger Williams. Sir, I received fix fathom of beads from Mr. Throck- morton, which though I will not return, yet I account them yours in my keeping. Sir, I pray my refpective remembrance to Mrs. Win- throp. 5 Poffibly refers to Reprive and other Indian fervants, before mentioned. 8 4 Letters of Roger Willia?ns. To his much honored Governor John Winthrop. Providence, loth of the nth month. [January 10, 1637-8.]' Much honored Sir, — It having pleafed the Moft High to befiege us all with his white legions, 2 I rejoice at this occafion from Connecticut (thefe letters fent to me by Mr. Hooker)3 that I may hear of your welfare and health, which I wifh and beg unfeignedly of the Lord. Mr. Hooker intimates a report to me that they hear from the Monahiganeucks that Miantunnomu intends Tho : Stanton's death. I have taken fome pains in it, and other paifages fent me, rinding them flanders : and fince (for many good ends and) for keeping a paifage open between yourfelves and Connecticut by natives, fummer and win- ter, a peace is much to be deiired between the Mohegan and the Narraganfett. I have proffered my pains in pro- curing a meeting of the adverfe Sachems, if it pleafe the Magiflrates of Connecticut to order Owokace (the Mohe- gan Sachem) to touch in at the Narraganfett mouth, where I hope to get the Narraganfett Sachems aboard, and it may pleafe the God of Peace to fave much blood and evil, &c. Only it behooves our friends of Connecticut, as I have writ to them, to look to the two or three hundred Pe- 1 4 Mafs. Htft. Coll. vol. vi. p. 221. 2 Snow. Winthrop fays, " This was a very hard winter. The fnow lay from November 4 to March 23 half a yard deep about the MafTachufetts," &c, vol. i. p. 317. 3 The Rev. Thomas Hooker, of Hart- ford, to whom Williams here alludes, was an eminent divine, and one of the founders of the colony of Connecticut. He arrived at Bofton in company with John Cotton, September 3, 1633, and the following month became pallor of the church in Newton. In 1636, with his whole congregation, he removed to the banks of the Connecticut river, where they founded Hartford. In this new colony, Hooker was very influential in eflablilhing churches. He died in 1647, aged 61. He was the author of feveral volumes, the moft celebrated of which is A Survey of the Sum of Church Difcipline, printed at London, in 1648. Letters of Roger Williams. 85 quots harbored by Wocafe 1 the Mohegan, as alfo William Baker 2 of Plymouth, (of whom formerly I wrote) who is there hid, is turned Indian in nakednefs and cutting of hair, and after many whoredoms, is there married: this fire-brand with thofe Pequots may fire whole towns : I have intimated how they may with eafe take him. Sir, let me be humbly bold to requeft a favor of you : I am at prefent deftitute of a man fervant, and much de- lire, if you light on one that defires to fear the Lord, re- member me. I have a lufty canoe, and fhall have occafion to run down often to your Iilands (near twenty miles from us) both with mine own and (I defire alfo freely) your wormip's fwine, fo that my want is great. I would fpare no charge, either out of thofe beads and coat in your own hand: the tobacco from Mr. Ludlow, and 8 or 10// in James and Tho : Hawkins hand of which I hear not yet. Sir, if any letters from yourfelf or other friends are for Connecticut, I intreat you make hafte and fpeed by this meiTenger, for I caufed four natives who came from Con- necticut to flay his coming : I have already paid him, fo that his expectation is not great. Thus longing to hear of your healths, and with earneft and daily wifhes for that peace which this world cannot give nor take from you, and my poor wife's and mine own belt, falutes to your deareft companion, I reft Your worship's to my power faithful Roger Williams. My due refpects to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, theirs, and other loving friends, &c. 'Probably Uncas. ceding, relative to William Baker. 2 See note to letter of October pre- 5 Prudence liland. 86 Letters of Roger Williams . To. his much honored Governor 'John Winthrop. Providence, 28th of the 12th. [February 28, 1637-8.]' Sir, — Some few days iince I received letters from Mr. Hooker, who had fafely received your packet with thanks, &c. He intimated that according to Miantunnomue's infor- mation by myfelf, William Baker was hid at Mohegan, but they had made Uncas and Wequafh to bring him in. Since which time (Seargeant Holmes bailing him) he is again efcaped. He alfo fignified the delire of the Magistrates at Con- necticut that there the meeting fhould be : as alfo that in the mean feafon they had charged the Mohegans not to moled any natives in their palfage and travel, &c, requir- ing the fame of the Narraganfetts towards the Mohegans. Accordingly I have been fince at Narraganfett 2 and find Miantunnomu willing to go to Connecticut by the time limited, the end of the next month ; only firft he delired to know Mr. Governor's mind : fecondly, in cafe his father- in-law Canonicus his brother, (whom I faw near death with above a thoufand men mourning and praying about him) in cafe he recover, otherwife it is unlawful for them (as they conceive,) to go far from home till toward mid- fummer. Thirdly, he defires earnestly my company, as being not fo confident of the Englifh at Connecticut, who have been (I fear) to full of threatnings : fecondly, he can- not be confident of Tho : Stanton's faithfulnefs in point of 1 4 Mafs. Hill. Coll. vol. vi. p. 223. fmall portion lying eaft of Pawcatuck z The Narraganfett country which oc- river ; and extended a little north of the cupied much the fame diftrift as Wafh- prefent line of Kent County. ington County now embraces, except a Letters of Roger Willia?ns. 87 interpretation. Thefe things make me much defire (as I have written back) that you would both pleafe by fome deputed to make my poor houfe the centre where feems to be the faireft offer of convenience, and I hope no queftion of welcome. Vifiting Canonicus, lately recovered from the pit's brink this winter, he afked how Mr. Governor and the Englifh did, requesting me to fend him two words : firft, that he would be thankful to Mr. Governor for fome fu- gar (for I had fent him mine own in the depth of the win- ter and his iicknefs.) Secondly, he called for his fword, which faid he, Mr. Governor did fend me by you and others of the Englim, faying Mr. Governor protefted he would not put up his fword, nor would he have us put up ours, till the Pequots were fubdued, and yet faith he, at Mohegan there are near three hundred, who have bound and robbed our men (even of the very covering of their fecret parts) as they have paft from Connecticut hither : after much more to this purpofe, I told him that Mr. Governor had promifed him to fet all in order this fpring. Sir, I underftand that Uncas the Mohegan hath Safacous his lifter to wife, and one of the wives of Safacous his father Tattoapaine, and that is one reafon, befide his am- bition and nearnefs, that he hath drawn all the fcattered Pequots to himfelf and drawn much wealth from them : more I could trouble you with, &c. Canonicus and Miantunnomu both delired that there might be a divifion made of thefe furviving Pequots (ex- cept the Sachems and murderers) and let their lhare be at your own wifdom. I mall be humbly bold to prefent mine own thoughts concerning a divifion and difpofal of them : fince the Moft High delights in mercy, and great revenge hath been 88 Letters of Roger Williams. already taken, what if (the murderers being executed) the reft be divided and difperfed, (according to their num- bers mall arife, and divifion be thought fit) to become fub- jects to yourfelves in the Bay and at Connecticut, which they will more eaiily do in cafe they may be fuffered to incorporate with the natives in either places : as alfo that as once Edgar the Peaceable did with the Welfh in North Wales, a tribute of wolves heads be impofed on them, &c, which (with fubmiffion) I conceive an incomparable way to fave much cattle alive in the land. Sir, I hope fhortly to fend you good news of great hopes the Lord hath fprung up in mine eye, of many a poor In- dian foul enquiring after God. I have convinced hundreds at home and abroad that in point of religion they are all wandering, &c. I find what I could never hear before, that they have plenty of Gods or divine powers : the Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Snow, Earth, the Deer, the Bear, &c, are divine powers. I brought home lately from the Nar- raganfetts the names of thirty-eight of their Gods, all they could remember, and had I not with fear and caution with- drew, they would have fallen to worfhip, O God, (as they fpeak) one day in {even, but I hope the time is not long that fome mall truely blefs the God of Heaven that ever they faw the face of English men. So waiting for your pleafure and advice to our neighbors concerning this in- tended meeting for the eftablifhing of peace through all the bowels of the country, and befeeching the Moil High to vouchfafe his peace and truth through all your quarters, with my due refpects to Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, &c, I reft Your worfhip's in all true refpect and affection Roger Williams. Letters of Roger Williams. 89 Sir, I heard no more as yet from Charleftown men coming this way. Mr. Coxall and Mr. Aipinwall 1 have lent to me about fome of thefe parts, and in cafe for mel- ter for their wives and children. Indorfed by Gov. Winthrop, " Provifions to be fent by the Salem Bark to Mr. Williams and Mr. Throckmorton, Mr. Harlackenden knows more." To his much honored Governor jfohn Wiyithrop. Providence, 16th of this 2d. [April 16, 1638. ] 2 Much honored Sir, — I kindly thank you for your loving inclination to receive my late proteftation concern- ing myfelf, ignorant of Mr. Greene's letter,^ &c. I de- fire unfeignedly, to reft in my appeal to the Moft High in what we differ, as I dare not but hope you do : it is no 1 William Afpinwall, was one of the it is now ordered, that faid John Greene figners of the compact at Portfmouth in mail not come into this jurifdiftion upon 1638, and was chofen Secretary. The paine of imprisonment and further cen- following year he had lands alfigned him fure : and becaufe it appears to this in that town. Savage, fays he moved to Courte that fome other of the fame New Haven and afterwards returned to place are confident in the fame corrupt Bolton. — Genealogical Dicl.vo\.\. p. 71. judgment and practice; it is ordered, It is to be inferred from this letter that that if any other of the inhabitants 01 fome of the family were Hill in the colo- the faid plantation of Providence mall ny of Rhode Ifland. come within this jurifdiftion, they ihall 2 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 226. be apprehended and brought before fome i March 12, 1638. "Whereas a let- of the magiitrates ; and if they will not ter was fent to this Court, fubfcribed by difclaime the faid corrupt opinion and John Greene, dated from New Provi- cenfure, they fhall be commanded pre- dence, wherein the Court is charged fently to depart," etc. — Mafs. Col. Rec. with ufurping the power of Chriit over vol. i. p. 224; fee alfo Winthrop, four- ths Churches and men's confciences, nal, vol. i. p. 307 ; fee alfo note to letter notwithstanding he had formerly ac- of July 31, 1637. knowledged his fault in fuch fpeeches ; 12 9 o Letters of Roger Williams. fmall grief that I am otherwife perfuaded, and that fome- times you fay (and I can fay no lefs) that we differ: the fire will try your works and mine : the Lord Jefus help us to make fure of our perfons that we feek Jefus that was crucified : however it is and ever fhall be (the Lord aflift- ing) my endeavor to pacify and allay, where I meet with rigid and cenforious fpirits, who not only blame your actions but doom your perions : and indeed it was one of the firft grounds of my diflike of John Smith 1 the miller, and efpecially of his wife, viz.: their judging of your per- fons as [devel's| 2 &c. I alfo humbly thank you for that fad relation of the monfter,3 &c. The Lord fpeaks once and twice : he be pleafed to open all our ears to his difcipline. 'John Smith one of the earliefl fet- tlers in Providence. He is on the lift of thofewho received a "home lot" in 1638, and was one of the committee, with Ro- ger Williams and others, appointed May 16, 1647, to organize a government. — R. I. Lot. Records, vol i. pp. 24 and 42. He was one of the moll prominent men in the colony for many years ; but it feems that he incurred the diflike of Williams. 1 The word in brackets is expunged in the original manufcript. J This " monfler" was the deformed child of the wife of William Dyer, "a very proper and fair woman. The child was buried, (being Mill-born) and viewed of none but Mrs Hutchinl'on and the midwife." A particular account of this " monfler " is given by Winthrop under date of March 27, 1638. — Journal, vol. i. p. 226. Winthrop fays that Dyer and his wife " were notorioufly infected with Mrs. Hutchinibn's errors, (fhe being much addicted to revelations.)" Mrs. Hutch- inl'on endeavored to conceal the fact of the birth of the child, by advice, as fhe faid of Mr. Cotton. " The Governour, fpeaking with Mr. Cotton about it, told him the reafon why he advifed them to conceal it: 1. Becaufe he faw a provi- dence of God in it," etc., which apology was accepted. — Hiji. of N. Eng. vol. i. P- 3*3- This ftrange affair feems to have cre- ated a fenlation in the colony, and the midwife fuspected of being a witch, was obliged to leave the jurildiction. Gov. Bradford, of Plymouth, in a let- ter to Winthrop, lays " I thank you for your letter touching Mrs. Hutchinfon : I heard fince of a monllrous and pro- digious birth which fhe fhould difown amongil you. — Winthrop Papers, 4 Mafs. Hi/}. Coll. vol. vi. p. 156. Letters of Roger Williams. 9 1 Mrs. Hutchinfon 1 (with whom and others of them I have had much difcourfe) makes her apology for the con- cealment of the monfter, that (lie did nothing in it with- out Mr. Cotton's 2 advice, though I cannot believe that he 1 Anne Hutchinfon, founder of the Antinomian party in New England. Be- ing intereiled in the preachings of John Cotton, came to Bofton in 1634. " She foon acquired efteem and influence. She inflituted meetings of the women of the Church to difcufs fermons and doctrines, in which (he difplayed great familiarity with fcripture, but made enemies by her nnovating theories. Two years after her arrival, the itrife between her fup- porters and opponents broke out into public aftion. ' The difpute' fays Ban- croft, ' infilled its fpirit into every thing ; it interfered with the levy of troops for the Pequot war ; it influenced the ref- peft fhown to the magistrates, the diflri- bution of town lots, the affeffment of taxes, and at lall the continued exiftence of the two oppofing parties was con- fidered inconfiltent with the public peace.' Her peculiar tenents were condemned by the ecclefiaftical fynod in 1637, and after a two days trial before the General Court, fhe was fentenced to banifhment. She joined her friends, who, under John Clarke and Wm. Coddington, fettled in Rhode Ifland."— Drake, Biog. Dia. Mrs. Hutchinfon " was a woman of rare endowments of intellect, and bril- liant qualities of both perfon and char- after. Her mind, tinged with a (hade of fanaticifm, was of that impalfioned and fervid caft, which enabled her to clothe her peculiar doftrines in the charms of a fafcinating eloquence, and eafily to fubjeft to her fway the opinions of thole, who were not entirely quielcent beneath the defpotifm of the prevailing theology of the times The quef- tions at iflue were, in moil refpcfts, the fame as have perplexed the minds and divided the opinions of Chriltians in every age of the church, and about which uniformity of fentiment is never to be hoped for." — Gammell, Life of Roger Williams, p. 96. In 1642, on the death of her hufband, Mrs. Hutchinfon removed to Wellchef- ter County, New York, and took up her refidence near Hell Gate. The follow- ing year her houfe was attacked by the Indians, who fet it on fire, and murdered her whole family, comprifing fixteen perfons, with the exception of one daugh- ter who was carried away into an un- known captivity. "Her tragical death and the extiuftion of her family," writes Profeflbr Gammell, "ferved but to con- firm her enemies in Maflachufetts in their conviftions of her wickednefs, and the juftice of their proceedings againfl. her. They were confidently regarded as a revelation of the judgment of God. 2 John Cotton, with whom Williams afterwards had a controverfy upon theo- logical matters. For the voluminous writings of thefe eminent men, fee the "Bloody Tenent" and other works, in the third and fourth volumes of the pub- lications of the Narraganfett Club. 02 Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. fubfcribes to her applications of the parts of it. The Lord mercifully redeem them, and all of us from all our delu- sions, and pity the defolations of Zion and the ftones thereof. I find their longings great after Mr. Vane, 1 although they think he can not return this year : the eyes of fome are fo earneftly fixed upon him that Mrs. Hutchinfon profeifeth if he come not to New, me muft to Old England. I have endeavored by many arguments to beat off their delires of Mr. Vane as G. G. and the chief are fatisfied unlefs he come fo for his life, but I have endeavored to difcover the fnare in that alfo. Sir, concerning your intended meeting for reconciling of thefe natives our friends, and dividing of the Pequots our enemies, I have engaged your name, and mine own; and if no courfe be taken, the name of that God of Truth whom we all profefs to honor will fuffer not a little, it be- ing an ordinary and common thing with our neighbors, if they apprehend any mow of breach of promife in myfelf, thus to object: do you know God, and will you lie ? &c. The Pequots are gathered into one, and plant their old fields, Wequafh and Uncas carrying away the people and their treafure, which belong to yourfelves : I mould be bold to prefs my former motion, or elfe that with the next convenience they might be sent for other parts, &c. 1 Sir Henry Vane, Governor of Maf- other MafTachufetts people who were fachufetts the previous year, had jull re- perfecuting her. She and her followers, turned to England. While in Boiton, therefore, looked to him for protection. he had befriended Mrs. Hutchinfon, See an extended note to letter of O£to- having no fympathy with the clergy and ber 25, 1649, on Sir Henry Vane. Letters of Roger Williams. 93 I hope it will never be interpreted that I prefs this out of fear of any revenge upon myfelf by any of them. I ever yet (in point of reafon to fay no more) conceived this place the fafeft of the land, and can make it appear, &c, but out of delire to clear your names and the name of the mod High, which will be ill reported of in cafe (accord- ing to io many promifes) an honorable and peaceable iifue of the Pequot war be not eftablifhed. Sir, the bearer hereof (not daring either to bring my letter or attend for an anfwer) I mud requeft you to fend your letter to Richard Collicut's, that io a native may con- vey it, or elfe to Nicholas Upfhall's : and I fhould be bold humbly to propound to the country whether in cafe there be a neceihty of keeping league with the natives, and fo confequently many occasions incident, (and fome which I will not write of) as alfo a conveniency of infor- mation this way, how matters may ftand with you on the fea-ihore, as I fay,, whither it be not requifite fo far to dif- penfe with the late order of restraint as to permit a mef- fenger freely. 'Tis true I may hire an Indian : yet not always, nor fure, for thefe two things I have found in them : fome- times long keeping of a letter : fecondly, if a fear take them that the letter concerns themfelves they fupprefs it, as they did with one of fpecial information which I fent to Mr. Vane. Sir, there will be new Heavens and a new Earth fhortly but no more Sea. (Revel. 21. 2.) the mo ft holy God be pleafed to make us willing now to bear the toffings, dangers and calamities of this fea, and to leal up to ufe upon his own grounds, a great lot in the glorious ftate approaching. So craving pardon for prolixity, with mine 94 Letters of Roger Williams. and wife's due refpeft to Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, &c, I reft Your worfhip's defirous to be ever yours unfeigned Roger Williams. Endorfed by Gov. Winthrop, "2. 16. 1638." To his much honored Governor 'John Winthrop} Providence, the 22 of 3d mon. [May 22, 1633.] Sir, — BlefTed be the Father of Spirits, in whofe hand our breath and ways are, that once irore I may be bold to falute you and congratulate your return from the brink of the pit of rottennefs. 2 What is man that thou fhouldeft vilit him and try him? &c. Job 7th You are put off to this tempeftuous fea again, more ftorms await you, the good Lord repair our leaks, frefhen up the gales of his bleffed Spirit, fteady our courfe by the compafs of his own truth, refcue us from all our fpiritual adverfaries, not only men, but fiends of war, and affure us of an harbor at laft, even the bofom of the Lord Jefus. Sir, you have many an eye (I prefume) lifted up to the hills of mercy for you : mine might feem fuperiluous : yet privately and publicly you have not been forgotten, and I hope mall not while thefe eyes have fight. 1 4 Mafi. Hi/I. Coll. vol. vi. p. 244. which brought him near death. — Hi/?. 1 Alluding to the illnefs of Winthrop, of Nezo England, vol. i. p. 318. Letters of Roger Williams. 95 Sir, this laft night Mr. Allen of Hartford, and Lieutenant Holmes lodged with me, and relate that Mr. Haynes 1 or fome chief refolved to be with you this week. So that you may pleafe a little ftop till their coming. Lieutenant Holmes relates that William Baker, who lay hid fo long among the Mohegans and Pequots, for whom he gave bail, &c, was hid again the fecond time among the fame by Uncas, but the Lieutenant, by a Providence, heard of him and returned him to Hartford, where he hath fuffered for his much uncleannefs two feveral whippings. This fellow, notorious in villiany, and ftrongly affected by thofe wretches, both ftudying revenge, is worthy to be watched even by the. whole country, and to be difperfed from the Pe- quots, and they each from other, according as I have been bold to motion formerly. Sir, we have been long afflicted by a young man boifte- rous and defperate, Philip Verin's fon of Salem, 2 who as he hath refufed to hear the word with us (which we mo- lefted him not for) this twelve month, io becaufe he could not draw his wife, a gracious and modeft woman, to the fame ungodlinefs with him, he hath trodden her under foot 'John Haynes, Governor of Connec- ticut. He came from England with Thomas Hooker in 1633. In 1637 he was prominent among the founders of Connecticut, and was choi'en its firft Governor in 1639, an ^ ever y alternate year afterward till his death. He was one of the five who, in 1638, drew up a written conltitution for the colony. Ban- croft fpeaks of him as a man " of large eilate, and larger affections : of heavenly mind, and fpotlefs life ; of rare fagacity, and accurate but unafluming judgment ; by nature tolerant and a friend to free- dom." He was one of the bell educated of the early fettlers of this country. — Drake, Biog. Dictionary. z Philip Verin's fon, of Salem. Proba- bly one of the family of Jofhua Verin, one of the firft fettlers of Providence, who accompanied Roger Williams when he paddled acrofs Seekonk River in his log canoe, but who foon after removed to Salem. See letter following that of October i oth, for a note on Jofhua Verin. g6 Letters of Roger Williams. tyrannically and brutifhly : which fhe and we long bear- ing, though with his furious blows fhe went in danger of life, at the laft the major vote of us difcard him from our civil freedom, or disfranchife, &c. : he will have jufHce (as he clamors) at other Courts : I wifh he might, for a foul and ilanderous and brutifh carriage, which God hath de- livered him up unto; he will [haul] his wife with ropes to Salem, where (lie muft needs be troubled and troubleiome, as differences yet (land. She is willing to flay and live with him or elfewhere, where me may not offend, &c. I mall humbly request that this item be accepted, and he no way countenanced, until (if need be) I further trouble you : So with due refpe£ts to Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Depu- ty, Mr. Bellingham, &c, I reft, Your wormip's unfeigned Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor John Winthrop} Providence, 27th of 3d. [May 27, 1638.] Much honored Sir, — I have prefumed to fend this Narraganfett man, to attend your plealure concerning the Pequots, and Canonicus and Miantunnomue's complaint againft them and their protectors. The fum of their deiire I lately acquainted you with, viz. : that you would pleafe (even all the Englifh) to fit ftill and let themfelves alone with them according to con- 1 4 Mafs. Hi/}. Coll. vol. vi. p. 246. Letters of Roger Williams. 97 Tent, when Miantunnomu was laft with you, who coming home, fell upon Nayantick men who fheltered the Pequots, but was flopped by our friends of Connecticut. Or, fecondly, that fome other courfe (in confultation) might be taken for difperiion of them : even as far as Old England or elfewhere, as they fpeak. Sir, I do conceive either courfe will be difficult, becaufe our friends at Connecticut are ftrangely bewitched with the fubjection of thefe Pequots to themfelves, and are alfo as ftrangely refolved upon righting and violent courfes, (as I understand by letters, and otherwife by fpeech) unlefs Mi- antunnomu come over perfonally to them to anfwer for proud fpeeches which they hear of. Miantunnomu hath long iince promifed, and ftill waits to go any whither you mall pleafe to make anfwer, to meet, &c. Some from Connecticut write me word, that Indians will teftify fuch fpeeches to Miantunnomu's teeth : and it may be fo whether true or falfe. I alfo, in cafe I mould liften to Indian reports, mail bring many who will affirm that Tho : Stanton hath received mighty bribes (whence origo malt ) that Uncas the Mohe- gan hath received little lefs than a thoufand fathom of beads, whence he carries out fome prefent to our friends at Connecticut, but I fay I will not believe it. But this I know, that according to league in two articles, that the Pequots (hall not be fheltered nor difpofed of without mutual confent of the Englifh and the two Narra- ganfett Sachems. Secondly, that if the Pequots be fuffered in the land to congregate and unite into four or five hundred together (as Lieutenant Howe confeft to me) it will cort more blood 13 98 Letters of Roger Williams. on all fides then yet hath been fpllt ; for on the one part, the Narraganfetts can no more forbear them than a wolf his prey, and on the other fide for the Pequots upon all advantage the En^lilh mall find, that Vindicta levis vita in- candior ipfa eji. Thirdly, that our friends at Connecticut are marveiloufly deluded by the Mohegans, as to be fo confident or them, that Mr. Hooker writes no proof can be brought againft them for word or deed : when it is clear they were Pe- quots, and lately hid, (once and the fecond time) Wil- liam Baker from the Englifli, and that upon pain of death to any that mould reveal him, as Lieutenant Holmes told me. Sir, my defire is that it would therefore pleafe the Lord to guide you all to make a prudent difpofal and dii- perfion of the Pequots, which the Narraganfetts will fur- ther by peace or war. So with all due falutations I hum- bly reft, unfeigned in all defire of your prefent and eternal peace. Roger Williams. Mr. Allen told me that there were numbers of the Pe- quots at Narraganfett, but I fatisfied him that they were at Nayantick, (whence if themfelves had not flopped) they had long fince been removed. Letters of Roger Williams . 99 For his much honored Mr. Governor, "John Winthrop. Providence, [June, 1638.]' Sir, — I fometimes fear that my lines are as thick and over bufy as the mufketoes, &c, but your wildom will con- nive, and your love will cover, &c. Two things at prefent for information. Firft in the affairs of the Moft High; his late dreadful voice and hand : that audible and fenlible voice, the Earth- quake. 2 All thefe parts felt it, (whether beyond the Narraganfett I yet learn not), for myfelf I fcarce perceived ought but a kind of thunder and a gentle moving, &c, and yet it was no more this way to many of our own and the natives ap- preheniions, and but one iudden fhort motion. The younger natives are ignorant of the like : but the elder inform me that this is the fifth within thefe four fcore years in the land : the firft about three fcore and ten years fince : the fecond fome three fcore and four years fince, the third fome fifty-four years fince, thefourth fome forty-fix fince : and they always obferved either plague or pox or fome other epidemical difeafe followed ; three, four or five years after the Earthquake, (or Naunaumemoauke, as they fpeak). He be mercifully pleafed himfelf to interpret and open ' 4 Mafs. HiJI. Coll. vol. vi. p. 229. at Narraganfett, at Pifcataquack, and all 2 Winthrop, under date of June 1, parts round about. It fhook the fhips, thus records this event : " Between three which rode in the harbour, and all the and four in the afternoon, being clear, iflands, etc. The noile and the fhakings warm weather, the wind wefterly, there continued about four minutes. The was a great earthquake. It came with a earth was unquiet twenty days after, by noife like a continued thunder or the times. — Hijh of New England, vol. i. p. rattling of coaches in London, but was 319. prefently gone. It was at Connefticut, ioo Letters of Roger Williams. his own riddles, and grant if it be pleaiing in his eyes) it may not be for destruction, and but (as the Earthquake be- fore the Jailor's converlion) a means of making and turn- ing of all hearts, (which are his,) Englim or Indian, to him. To further this (if the Lord pleafe) the Earthquake fenfibly took about a thoufand of the natives in a mod folemn meeting for play, &c. Secondly, a word in mine own particular, only for infor- mation. I owe between 50 and 60// to Mr. Cradock 1 for commodities received from Mr. Mayhew. 2 Mr. Mayhew will teftify that (being Mr. Cradock's agent) he was content to take payment, what (and when) my houfe at Salem yielded : accordingly I long fince put it into his hand, and he into Mr. Jollies', 3 who befide my voluntary act and his attachment fince, fues as I'hear for damages, which I quef- tion : fince I have not failed againft contract and content of the firft agent, but the holy pleafure of the Lord be done : unto whofe merciful arms (with all due refpedls) I leave you, wifhing heartily that mercy and goodnefs may ever follow you and yours. Roger Williams. Sir, to your dear companion, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Belling- ham, and theirs, all refpective falutes, &c. 1 Mathew Cradock, Governor of the Thomas Mayhew hath and doth Co much MafTachufetts Company. difquiet my mind, as I thank God never 2 Thomas Mayhew was a member of any thing did in the lyke manner. The the General Court of MafTachufetts, and Lord in mercy free me from this, I ab- probably a merchant. Others befides folutely forbad charging moneys from Williams feem to have had trouble with thence, or buying any goods there." — him, for Cradock, whofe agent he was, Wintbrop Papers: 4 Mafs. HijL Coll. in a letter to Winthrop, January 13th, vol. vi. p. 122. 1636, fays " The greyffe I have been 'Jollies or, JolifFe, an agent of Mr. put to by the moil vyle bad dealing of Cradock, fee previous letter. Letters of Roger Williams. 101 To his much honored Governor "John IV bit hr op. [No date; June, 1638.] Sir, — I perceive by thefe your laft thoughts, that you have received many accufations and hard conceits of this poor native Miantunnomu, wherein I fee the vain and empty puff of all terrene promotions, his barbarous birth or greatnefs being much honored, confirmed and aug- mented (in his own conceit) by the folemnity of his league with the Englifh and his more than ordinary entertain- ment, &c, now all dallied in a moment in the frowns of fuch in whole friendlhip and love lay his chief advance- ment. Sir, of the particulars, fome concern him only, fome Canonicus and the reft of the Sachems, fome all the na- tives, fome myfelf. For the Sachems, I lhall go over fpeedily, and acquaint them with particulars. At prefent, let me ftill find this favor in your eyes, as to obtain an hearing, for that your love hath never denied me, which way foever your judg- ment hath been (I hope and I know you will one day fee it) and been carried. Sir, let this barbarian be proud and angry and covetous and filthy, hating and hateful, (as we ourfelves have been till kindnefs from heaven pitied us, &c.,) yet let me hum- bly beg relief, that for myfelf, I am not yet turned Indian, to believe all barbarians tell me, nor fo bafely prefumptu- ous as to trouble the eyes and hands of fuch (and fo hon- ored and dear) with Ihadows and fables. I commonly guefs fhrewdly at what a native utters, and, to my remem- 1 3 Ma/5. Hijl. Coll. vol. i. p. 166. Knowles's Mem. of Roger Williams, p. 149. 102 Letters of Roger Williams. brance, never wrote particular, but either I know the bot- tom of it, or elfe I am bold to give a hint of my fufpenfe. Sir, therefore in fome things at prefent (begging your wonted gentlenefs toward my folly) give me leave to mow you how I clear myfelf from fuch a lightnefs. I wrote lately (for that you pleafe to begin with) that fome Pequots, (and fome of them actual murderers of the Englim, and that alfo after the fort cut off) were now in your hands. Not only love, but confcience, forced me to fend, and fpeedily, on purpofe, by a native, mine own ier- vant. I favv not, fpake not with Miantunnomu, nor any from him. I write before the All-feeing Eye. But thus it was. A Narraganfett man (Awetipimo) coming from the bay with cloth, turned in (as they ufed to do) to me for lodging. I queftioned of Indian paffages, &c. He tells me Uncas was come with near upon forty natives. I afked what prefent he brought. He told me, that Cut- fhamoquene had four fathom and odd 1 of him, and forty was for Mr. Governor. I afked him, how many Pequots. He told me iix. I afked him, if they were known. He faid Uncas denied that there were any Pequots, and faid they were Mohegans all. I afked, if himfelf knew any of them. He anfwered, he did, and fo did other Indians of Narraganfett. I afked, if the murderer of whom I wrote, Pametefick, were there. He anfwered, he was, and (I fur- ther enquiring) he was confident it was he, for he knew him as well as me, &c. All this news (by this providence) I knew before it came to Narraganfett. Upon this I fent, indeed fearing guilt to 1 " Four fathom and odd " of wampum, by the yard or fathom. See note on or peage, which in firings, was meafured wampum. Letters of Roger Williams. 103 mine own foul, both againft the Lord and my countrymen. But fee a ftranger hand of the Moft and Only Wife. Two days after, Uncas palfeth by within a mile of me (though he mould have been kindly welcome ) One of his com- pany (Wequaumugs) having hurt his foot, and difabled from travel, turns into me ; whom lodging, I queftioned, andrind him by father a Narraganfett, by mother a Mohe- gan, and fo freely entertained by both. I, further enquiring, he told me he went from Mohegan to the Bay with Uncas. He told me how he had prefented forty fathom to (my re- membrance) to Mr. Governor, (four and upwards to Cut- fhamoquene,) who would not receive them, but afked twice for Pequots. At laft, at Newtown, Mr. Governor received them, and was willing that the Pequots mould live, fuch as were at Mohegan, fubjecT: to the Englifh Sach- ems at Connecticut, to whom they mould carry tribute, and fuch Pequots as were at Narraganfett to Mr. Governor, and all the runaways at Mohegan to be fent back. I afked him, how many Pequots were at Narraganfett. He faid, but two, who were Miantunnomue's captives, and that at Nayantick with Wequafh Cook were about three lcore. I afked, why he faid the Indians at Narraganfett were to be the Governor's fubjeclis. He faid, becaufe Nayantick was fometimes fo called, although there had been of late no coming of Narraganfett men thither. I afked him, if he heard all this. He faid, that himfelf and the body of the company ftaid about Cutmamoquene's. I afked, how many Pequots were amongft them. He faid fix. I defired him to name them, which he did thus : Pametefick, Wee- augonhick, (another of thofe murderers) Makunnete, Kim- kontuckqua, Saufawpona, Quffaumpowan, which names I prefently wrote down, and {pace veftra dixerini) I am as 104 Letters of Roger Williams. confident of the truth, as that I breathe. Again, (not to be too bold in all the particulars at this time,) what a grofs and monftrous untruth is that concerning myfelf, which your love and wifdom to myfelf a little efpy, and I hope fee malice and falfehood (far from the fear of God) whif- pering together? I have long held it will-worfhip to doff and don to. the Moft High in worfhip ; and I wifh alfo that, in civil worfhip, others were as far from fuch a vanity, though I hold it not utterly unlawful in fome places. Yet furely, amongft the barbarians, (the highest in the world,) I would rather lofe my head than fo practice, becaufe I judge it my duty to fet them better copies, and mould fin againft mine own perfuafions and relolutions. Sir, concerning the illands Prudence and (Patmos, if fome had not hindered) Aquednick, 1 be pleafed to under- ftand your great miftake : neither of them were fold pro- perly, for a thouland fathom would not have bought either, by ftrangers. The truth is, not a penny was demanded for either, and what was paid was only gratuity, though I choofe, for better alfurance and form, to call it fale. And, alas! (though I cannot conceive you can aim at the Sachems) they have ever conceived, that myfelf and Mr. Coddington 2 (whom they knew fo many years a Sachem 1 Aquetneck, AquiJneck, the Ifland of Rhode Ifland. z William Coddington was a native of Lincolnfhire, England, and was there ap- pointed an affiltant judge for the colony of Maffachuletts Bay, in 1629. He came over with the Governor and the Charter in 1630, and was feveral times re-elefted to that office. He was alio, for fome time, treafurer oi that colony, as was alfo, fays Callender, " the chief- eft in all the public charges and a princi- pal merchant in Bolton, where he built the firlt brick houle." He came to Rhode Ifland with a few friends, and his name ftands firft among thofe who incor- porated themlelves into a body politic in the year 1638. They choofe him to be their judge, or chief ruler, and con- tinued to elect him Governor until the patent was received, and the ifland incor- porated with Providence Plantations. In Letters of Roger Williams. 105 at Bolton), were far from being rejected by yourfelves, as you pleafe to write, for if the Lord had not hid it from their eyes, I am fure you had not been thus troubled by myfelf at prefent. Yet the earth is the Lord's and the full- nefs thereof. His infinite wifdom and pity be pleafed to help you all, and all that defire to fear his name and trem- ble at his word in this country, to remember that we all are reje&ed of our native foil, and more to mind the many ftrong bands, with which we are all tied, than any particu- lar diftafte each againft other, and to remember that excel- lent precept, Prov. 25, If thine enemy hunger, feed him, &c. ; for thou (halt heap coals of fire upon his head, and Jehovah mall reward thee ; unto whofe mercy and tender companions I daily commend you, defirous to be more and ever. Your worship's unfeigned and faithful Roger Williams. his depofition he ftates that he was one of thofe who made a peace with Canoni- cus and Miantonomi in the colony's be- half with all the Narraganfett Indians, and by order of Maflachufetts Bay, be- fore they made war with the Pequots. It was fubfequent to this that he removed to Rhode Ifland. In 1647 he aflifted in framing the body of laws which has fince been the balls of our conftitution and government. In 165 1 he had a commiffion from the fupreme authority in England to be Gov- ernor of the Ifland, feparate from the reft of the colony, purfuant to a power referved in the patent, but the peo- ple being jealous that " the commiflion might affeft their laws and liberties, as fecured to them by the patent," — " he readily laid it down " fays Callender, 14 "on the firft notice from England that he might do fo." Many of the colonifts embraced the fentiments of the Society of Friends, amongwhomwas Governor Coddington. Their yearly meeting was held at his houfe until his death. Coddington appears to have enjoyed a high reputation, and was ever attive in promoting the welfare of the common, wealth which he had aflifted in founding. He was a warm advocate for liberty of confcience, as was fhown in his afts, and as may be ieen from his writings. Two lav letters from him on religious matters as preferved in Besse's Sufferings of the Quakers, London, 1753: 2 vols, folio; and in a tradl entitled " Demonjlration of True Love unto Tou the rulers of the colony of Majfachufetts " in New England. London, 1674. io6 Letters of Roger Williams. Sir, mine own and wife's refpective falutes to your dear companion and all yours ; as alio to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and other loving friends. I am bold to enclofe this paper, although the paffages may not be new, yet they may refrefh your memories in thefe Englim-Scotch diftrattions, 1 &c. To his much honored Governor John Winthrop. Providence, this 5th of the prefent weeke. [June, 1638. ] 2 Much honored Sir, — BlefTed be the Father of mer- cies that once again I received your hand the laft night by the melfengers by whom I fent. By them I understand that according as you pleafe to intimate your expectation, Mr. Haynes is come: with Un- cas, thirty-four Mohegans, and fix Pequots.3 One of the fix Pequots is Pametefick, who was one of the murderers that cut off the three Englifh, going in '"Scotch diftra&ions." " The trou- bles which arofe in Scotland about the book of Common Prayer, and the canons, which the King would have forced upon the Scotch churches, did fo take up the King and council, that they had neither heart or leifure to look after the affairs of New England." — Win- throp, Hift. of New England, vol. i. p. 320. 2 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 230. * Winthrop, under date of June 5, fays " Unkas the Monahegan Sachem in the twift of Pequot River, came to Bof- ton with thirty-feven men. He came from Connecticut with Mr. Haynes, and tendered the Governor a prefent of twenty fathom of wampom. This was at the Court, and it was thought fit by the council to refule it, till he had given fatisfadlion about the Pequods, etc. But two days after, having received good fatisfaftion of his innocency, etc., and he promifing to fubmit to the order of the Englifh touching the Pequods he had, and the differences between the Narra- ganfetts and him, we accepted his pre- fents. . . . The Governcr gave him a red coat, and defrayed his and his men's diet, and a letter of protection to all men, etc., and he departed very joyful." Hift. of New England, vol. i. p. 319. Letters of Roger Williams. 107 a boat for clay upon Connecticut river, after the Fort was cut off. They not only fpilt their blood, but exercifed inhuman and tormenting revenge upon two of them, which cries for vengeance to heaven. So that I refer it humbly to your wifdom whether (although I delire not the destruction of the furviving Pe- quots, but a fafe difperfion of them, yet) the actual mur- derers be not to be furrendered up, and this Pametefick (I am partly confident this is he) at prefent apprehended : Our loving friends of Connecticut reported that fome Mo- hegan women were wronged (as their hair cut off, &c.,) by the Narraganfetts : but Uncas knows it was done by Wequafhcuck of Nayantick, to whom Uncas fent for a Pequot queen. They two have got in the Pequots (though Uncas have the harveft.) Againfl Wequafhcuck, Canoni- cus or Miantunnomu had long fince proceeded, but our loving friends of Connecticut interpofed : I hope for the beft to fave blood. So befeeching the great Councillor and Prince of Peace to guide your councils, I reft your Worfhip's moft unworthy yet unfeigned Roger Williams. All refpective falutes, &c. 108 Letters of Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor John Winthrop. Providence, 23d, 5th. [July 23, 1638. ]' Two days iince I was bold to prefent you with a line, and ftill (fo it pleafeth the mod High,) I am occasioned again to be a conftant trouble, &c. Thefe your Wormip's fervants viliting me in their tra- vel, I enquire after your runaways. The man faith he hath much to relate to yourfelf, and wanting utterance, defires me to write. He faith he hath enquired much after the runaways, and underftands for certain that they are all at Mohegan. That the flight was long fince plotted, for he hath now heard by a Pequot that came from Mohegan, that the ten Mohegans which came to your Worfhip in the fpring to buy one of the maidens, and offered ten fathom of beads, came from Uncas, who intended that maid for his wife. That he gave order to thofe ten men, that, (in cafe they could not buy her) they mould leave one man there at your houfe, to perfuade and work their efcape. That man was the Pequot Robin, who hath effected his bufinefs, for which (as he hears) Uncas promifed him and hath given him the ten fathom of Wampum. 2 •4 Mafs. Hili. Coll. vol. vi. p. 231. fhell is broken off . . . The fecond z Wampum. Strings, or firings of is black, inclining to blue, which is made (hells, ufed by the Indians as money, of the fhell of a fifh ; and of this fort Thefe, when united, formed a broad three make a penny. Their white mo- belt, which was worn as a ornament or ney they call wampam, which fignifies girdle. It was fometimes called warn- white ; their black, funkabock fignifying pumpeage or peage. black." — Williams' Key to the Indian " The Indians are ignorant of Eu- Language, London, 1643 : Chap. xxvi. rope's coin. Their own is of two forts : "A Sagamore with a humbird in his one white, which they make of the Item ears for a pendant, a black hawk in his or flock of the periwinkle, when all the occipit for a plume, good flore of warn- Letters of Roger Williams. 109 Uncas hath taken the two daughters, Marie and Jane both to wife, and fayth that now he hath done fending of prefents to Maifachufetts. Reprive was promifed Joane by the Old Squaw for the furtherance of the buiinefsand hath her. He advifed their efcape by Neepmuck, becaufe once before, efcaping through the Narraganfett country, himfelf was fent back by the Narraganfett Sachems. This man thinks alfo that no Indian means will be able to effect their return, but that the Englifh muft fetch them. It will be your worship's wifdom to forecaft fo much, and to prepare (Captain Patrick and many more may be occa- fioned to fetch theirs alfo.) Yet I requeft your Worship's patience a few days. Sir, this young man who comes along, is this woman's nephew, an ingenious, fober fellow, one of my long acquain- tance, whom I call Oldway, as his Indian name (Necaw- nimeyat) lignifies; he tells me he hath a good mind to abide one year with thefe his friends in your worship's fer- vice. I encourage him and prefent him to your wifdom and pity, not knowing but that the purpofe of the Only Wife and moft pityful God may be toward him for good. Unto the everflowing ftreams of the moft holy Fountain of living waters, (whofe drops are able to refrem and fave worlds of wandering fouls), I heartily recommend your worfhip, your deareft companion, and all yours, grieving that I dare be no more your worfhip's Roger Williams. pum-peage begirting his loins, his bow in "And there the fallen chief is laid, hand, his quiver at his back, with fix In taflell'd garb of fkins arrayed naked fpatterlafhes at his heels for his And girdled with his zvampum-bra\d." guard, thinks he is one with King Whittier, The Funeral Tree. Charles." — Wood's New England, Lon- don, 1634, p. 66. 1 1 o Letters of Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor fohn JVinthrop. 1 [Providence, Auguft, 1638.]' Much honored Sir, — The bearer lodging with me, I am bold to write an hafty advertifement concerning late pafiages. For himfelf, it feems he was fearful to go far- ther than forty miles about us, efpecially conlidering that no natives are willing to accompany him to Pequot or Mohegan, being told by two Pequots (the all of Mian- tunnomu's captives which are not run from him) what he might expect, &c. Sir, Captain Mafon 2 and Thomas Stanton landing at Narraganfett, and at Miantunnomu's announcing war within fix davs againft Juanemo, for they fay that Miantunnomu hath been fair in all the palfages with them, Juanemo fent two melfengers to myfelf, requeuing counfel. I advifed him to go over with beads to fatisfy, &c. He fent four Indians. By them Mr. Haynes writes me, that they confelfed fifteen fathom there received at Long Iiland. Thereabout they confelfed to me, (four being taken of Pequots by force, and reftored again,) as alfo that 1 3 Mafs. Hi/I. Coll. vol. i. p. 170. ticut forces, which office he held to his Knowles' Mem. R. Williams, p. 153. death. He was a magi Urate from 1642 R. I.HiJl. Coll. vol. iii. p. 14.8, abridged, to 1648, and Deputy-Governor from * Capt. John Mafon born in England 1660 to 1670. In 1659 he took up his about 1600, died at Norwich, Conn., refidence in Norwich. — Major? s Life by \6~jz. He was one of the firft fettlers Geo. E. Ellis, is in Sparks' Amer. Biogra- of Dorchefter, Mafs., in 1630, but re- pby, vol. iii. new feries. Mason drew moved to Windfor, Conn., in 1635. In up a hiflory of the Pequot war, which the celebrated attack on the Pequot fort, was printed in Increase Mathers' Re (mentioned in previous letters) Mafon lation of Troubles with the Indians, 1677. led the force, the Indians being under Reprinted, with notes by T. Prince, the command of Uncas and Miantono- Bofton, 1736; again by J. Sabin, New moh. Soon after this event he was ap- York, 1869. pointed Major General of the Connec- Letters of Roger Wil/iams. 1 1 1 the iilanders lay fifty-one fathom, which fum he demanded, as alfo that the Nayantick meflengers laid down twenty-lix fathom and a half, which was received in part, with decla- ration that Juanemo mould within ten days bring the reft himlelf, or elfe they were refolved for war, &c. I have therefore fent once and again to Juanemo, to perfuade himlelf to venture, &c. Canonicus fent a principal man laft night to me, in hafte and fecrecy, relating that We- quam had fent word that, if Juanemo went over, he mould be killed, but I allure them the contrary, and perfuade Ca- nonicus to importune and haften Juanemo within his time, ten days, withal hoping and writing back perfuafions of better things to Mr. Haynes, proffering myfelf, (in cafe that Juanemo through fear or folly fail) to take a journey and negotiate their bufinefs, and fave blood, whether the natives' or my countrymen's. Sir, there hath been great hubbub in all thefe parts, as a general perfuafion that the time was come of a general llaughter of natives, by reafon of a murder committed upon a native within twelve miles of us, four days lince, by four defperate Englilh. I prefume particulars have lcarce as yet been prefented to your hand. The laft fifth day, toward evening, a native, palling through us, brought me word, that at Pawtuckqut, a river four miles from us to- ward the bay, four Englilhmen were almoft famimed. I fent inftantly provilions and ftrong water, with invitation, &c. The meflengers brought word, that they were one Arthur Peach of Plymouth, an Irifhman, John Barnes, his man, and two others come from Pafcataquack, travel- ling to Connecticut ; that they had been loft five days, and fell into our path but fix miles. Whereas they were im- portuned to come home, &c, they pleaded forenefs in trav- elling, and therefore their defire to reft there. 1 1 2 Letters of Roger Williams. The next morning they came to me by break, of day, relating that the old man at Pawtuckqut had put them forth the laft night, becaufe that fome Indians faid, that they had hurt an Englishmen, and therefore that they lay between us and Pawtuckqut. I was bufy in writing letters and getting them a guide to Connecticut, and enquired no more, they having told me, that they came from Plymouth on the laft or the week in the evening, and lay ftill in the woods the Lord's day, and then loft their way to Weymouth, from whence they loft their way again towards us, and came in again fix miles off Pawtuckqut. After they were gone, an old native comes to me, and tells me; that the natives round about us were fled, relating that thofe four had llain a native, who had carried three beaver fkins and beads for Canonicus' fon, and came home with five fathom and three coats ; that three natives which came after him found him groaning in the path ; that he told them that four Englimmen had flain him. They came to Pawtuckqut, and enquired after the Englifh, which when Arthur and his company heard, they got on hofe and fhoes and departed in the night. I fent after them to Narraganfett, and went myfelf with two or three more to the wounded in the woods. The natives at firft were fhy of us, conceiving a general {laughter, but (through the Lord's mercy) I aiTured them that Mr. Governor knew nothing, &c. and that I have fent to appre- hend the men. So we found that he had been run through the leg and the belly with one thruft. We drefted him and got him to town next day, where Mr. James and Mr. Greene endeavored, all they could, to lave his life ; but his wound in the belly, and blood loft, and fever following, cut his life's thread. Letters of Roger Williams. 1 1 3 Before he died, he told me that the four Englifh had flain him, and that (being faint and not able to fpeak) he had related the truth to the natives who firft came to him, viz. : that they, viz. : the Englilh, faw him in the Bay and his beads : that fitting in the fide of a fwamp a little way out of the path, (I went to fee the place, fit for an evil pur- pofe,) Arthur called him to drink tobacco, who coming and taking the pipe of Arthur, Arthur run him through the leg into the belly, when, fpringing back, he, Arthur, made the fecond thruft, but milfed him ; that another of them ftruck at hi:r, but milled him, and his weapon run into the ground ; that getting from them a little way into the fwamp, they purfued him, till he fell down, when they milfed him, and getting up again, when he heard them clofe by him, he run to and again in the fwamp, till he fell down again, when they loft him quite ; afterwards, towards night, he came and lay in the path, that fome paf- fenger might help him as aforefaid. Whereas they faid, they wandered Plymouth-wav, Ar- thur knew the path, having gone it twice ; and belide, Mr. Throckmorton met them about Naponfet River in the path, who, riding roundly upon a fudden by them, was glad he had pair, them, fufpecling them. They denied that they met Mr. Throckmorton. The melfenger that I fent to Narraganfett, purfuing after them, returned the next day, declaring that they ffiowed Miantunnomu letters to Aquednick, (which were mine to Connecticut,) and fo to Aquednick they paft, whither I fent information of them, and fo they were taken. Their fudden examination they fent me, a copy of which I am bold to fend your worlhip enclofed. The illanders (Mr. Coddington being abfent) refolved to 15 1 1 4 Letters of Roger Williams. fend them to us, fome thought, by us to Plymouth, from whence they came. Sir, I (hall humbly crave your judg- ment, whether they ought not to be tried where they are taken It they be fent any way, whether not to Ply- mouth. 1 In cafe Plymouth refufe, and the iflanders fend them to us, what anfwers we may give, if others unjuftly fhift them unto us. I know that every man, quatenus man, and fon of Adam, is his brother's keeper or avenger ; but I defire to do bonum bene, &c. Thus, befeeching the God of heaven, moft holy and only wife, to make the interpretation of his own holy meaning in all occurrences, to bring us all by thefe bloody palfages to an higher price of the blood of the Son of God, yea of God, by which the chofen are redeemed, with all due refpe&s to your dear felf and dear companion, I ceafe. Your worfhip's moft unworthy Roger Williams. This native, Will, my fervant, fhall attend your worfhip for anfwer. My due refpect to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, &c. 1 Governor Winthrop advifed that the of the natives, and in promoting the prifoners be lent to Plymouth ; who be- peace and happinefs of all the inhabitants ing brought there and examined did all of the country, did not fail to fecure confefs the murder, and that they did it the abiding confidence of the Indian to get the Wampum ; but all the queflion chiefs. In every queftion that arofe be- was about the death of the Indian. — Hijl. tween them and the Englifh, Williams of New Eng., Savage's ed. vol. i. p. 323. was made their advifer, and often became " Conduft like this " obferves Prof, the mediator between the parties." Life Gammell, "in vindication of the rights of William i, p. 106. Letters of Roger Williams. 1 1 5 To his much honored and beloved Mr. Governor of MaJJ'a- chufetts. Providence, 14th of the 6th. [Auguft 14th, 1633. ]' Sir, — Since my laft (unto which you were pleafed to give anfwer with kind advice concerning the murder of the native) I have received divers letters from Connecti- cut : the fum of all is this; that it hath pleafed the Lord to incline all hearts to peace. Juanemo was perfuaded to go over in perfon and give that fatisfadtion which was de- manded : only concerning a mare killed by fome Nayan- ticks, (others fay by Pequots,) but as yet no proof; our friends have taken his promife to inquire and inform, and (o they difmiffed him. It hath pleafed the Magiftrates at Connecticut to invite Miantunnomu over to them to difcover fome Pequot paf- fages and murderers, which are denied, and to enter upon fome Articles with themfelves : 2 denying themfelves to be obliged in the Articles of the Bay. I have conceived that all the Englifh in the land were wrapped up in that Agreement (a copy of which you were pleafed Sir, to fend me,): neverthelefs I perfuade him to go over. His defire was (which Agowaun Sachem Maf- quanominity had in charge to exprefs to you) that Mr. Governor would pleafe to fpare four Englifh from himfelf as witneiles of paifages ; as alfo myfelf with Cutfhamo- quene and Mafquanominit. I have formerly engaged my promife to Miantunnomu : and refolve to take two or three Engliih from hence, and 1 4 Ma/s. Hiji. Coll. vol. iv. p. 248. to fettle their perfonal difficulties and to x This has reference to a meeting to have an underftanding regarding the Pe- be held at Hartford, at which the Nar- quots. raganfetts and Mohegans were to appear 1 1 6 Letters of Roger Williams. hope (through the Lord's mercy) that the journey may be for peace. Sir, unlefs any pafs by accident to Connecticut (if fo you mall fee good) that defire of three or four Englifh may be denied, and yet granted in effect: by the going of fome freely with myfelf. Only fir, be pleafed to give an hint of your pleafure in any matter considerable, which we mall endeavor to effecl:. The natives, friends of the flain had confultation to kill an Englishman in revenge: Miantunnomu heard of it, and delired that the Englifh would be careful on the high- ways, and lent himfelf exprefs threatenings to them, &c, and informed them that Mr. Governor would fee juftice done. Oufamequin coming from Plymouth told me that the four men were all guilty ; I anfwered, but one ; he replied, true, one wounded him, but all lay in wait two days, and alhfted. In conclulion : he told me that the principal muft not die, for he was Mr. Window's man : and alio that the man 1 was by birth a Neepmuck man; fo not worthy another man mould die for him : I anfwered what I thought fit, but conceive there will be need of wif- dom and zeal in fome, and remembrance of that Vox Coeli: He that doth violence to the blood of any perfon, let him flee to the pit : let none deliver him. The Lord merci- fully cleanfe the land from blood, and make the blood of his fon Jelus more precious in all our eyes. So prays Your Wormip's moft unworthy Roger Williams. To Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputie and his, all yours, beft refpects, &c. 1 In reference to the Indian killed by the fame Englifhmen, of which mention is made in the preceding letter. Letters of Roger Williams. 117 For the right JVorJJjipful and his much honored friend Mr. Governor of the Maffachufetts, thefe. At Narragansett, the 10th of the 7th, early. [September 10, 1638. ]' Much honored Sir, — Thefe Sachems with myfelf con- fulting the laft Lord's day as (bon as I here arrived ; I difpatched a letter to meet our Connecticut friends at Mohegan : defiring a fpeedy word from Captain Mafon (according as he found the bufinefs eafy or difficult) to give direction for the courfe of the Narraganfetts, either to Mohegan or Pequot. With all, the Meifenger had charge to deal with Uncas, from us all, Canonicus, Mian- tunnomu, &c, to be wife and faithful to us in what we mould propofe to him. 2 The meifenger returned the laft night (and being a difcreet man to obferve palfages) he related that coming near the town, viz.: to wit, Mohegan, he heard fix guns, which perfuaded him that Englifh were come, but J 4 Mafs. Hi/}. Coll. vol. vi. p. 250. This letter chiefly relates to the dif- ficulties between the Narraganfetts and Mohegans, growing out of the difper- fion of the Pequots. 2 From the vifit to Connecticut here alluded to, refulted " A Covenant and Agreement made between the Englifh and the Indians ;" Miantonomi repre- fenting the Narraganfetts, and Uncas the Mohegans. Thefe articles were figned at Hartford, on the 21ft of Sep- tember, 1638. They provide 1. That there fhall be peace between the tribes and "all former injuries and wrongs offered each other remitted and buried." 2. That if further wrongs he com- mitted by either party, they fhall not re- venge them, but fhall appeal to the Eng- lifh, who fhall decide between them. If either party refufe to abide by the de- cihon, the Englifh may compel them to do fo. 3. The tribes mentioned agree to bring in the chief Sachem of* the Pe- quots; and for the murderers known to have killed the Englifh "they fhall as foon as they can poffibly take off their heads." 4. Provides for the divifion of the Pequot prifoners, who " fhall no more be called Pequots, but Narraganfetts and Mohegans." The agreement bears the fignatures of Miantonomi, Uncas, Gov. Haines, Roger Ludlow and Edward Hopkins. — Potter's Hijl. of Narraganfett, p. 177. 1 1 8 Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. drawing nearer, he found they were the guns which for- merly the Pequots had got from the Englifh ! Enter- ing the court, he found the houfe mingled full of Mo- hegans and Pequots, who defired his news, but he filent! They told him that they heard that the Englifh were coming againft them, and they had fent up two chief men who found the Englifh training. They were examined of two things, viz. : why they had lately let go two of the murderers at Nayantick, whom they had bound, and why they had feized upon all the corn at Pequot, belonging to hither Nayantick Pequots : fo they were imprifoned and bound : word whereof coming to Uncas, forty men were fent up with their bead girdles to redeem them. The meffenger got Uncas private, who would not be drawn to yield up any of his Pequots, but alledging that he had bought them with his money of the Englifh (as the Na- yantick Sachems faid, for which purpofe I am bold to en- clofe Mr. Haynes his anfwer) he faid they found the Eng- lifh fo falfe, that the laft night in a general meeting they were refolved to fight it out, and for himfelf although the Englifh bound him and killed him he would not yield. He related that Mr. Haynes had given him a letter of fecurity to lie by him, in cafe that any Englifh fhould injure him, but in this purfuing his Pequots and binding his men, he had thrown away his letter, &c. Sir, your wifdom (I know) catcheth at my requeft before I make it, viz.: that in cafe I am directed from our friends of Con- necticut to fend for aid, you would pleafe to caufe a readi- nefs at little warning. I could make true relation of the brags of the chief of thefe wretches, viz. : that the Maf- fachufetts Englifh did but glean after the Connecticut men, &c, in the wars : but I am confident you defire their good, Letters of Roger Williams . 1 1 9 with the fafety of your own ftate : therefore I reft with a defcription brief of the Pequot towns, now again under Uncas and the Nayantick Sachems eftablifhed : At Pe- quot Nayantick are upwards of twenty houfes, up the river at Mangunckakuck eight, up ftill at Sauquonckac- kock ten, up ftill at Paupattokmick fifteen, up ftill at Tatuppequauog twenty, three or mile further with Uncas at his town Mohegan, a great number mingled, which are all under Uncas, befides thofe at Quinnipiuck, 1 and others of Long Ifland, and Safacous his confede- rates. At Nayantaquit 2 the hither, upwards of twenty houfes, all under Nayantaquit Sachems, except fix or feven men unto whom your worfliip was pleafed to give life, upon Miantunnomue's motion, by my letter, upon their fubmiflion. Thefe are ftill Miantunnomue's fubjects, yet refufing to live with him at Narraganfett, he diiclaims them, in cafe according to promife, they aflift not in this bufinefs. The moft High graciouily fanclify all his holy pleafure to us, profper thefe our prefent enterprifes to his praife, but efpecially againft thofe enemies (1. Pet. 2. 11.) lufts which fight againft our fouls : in him I defire to be Your worfhip's more and to eternity, Roger Williams. 1 2>unnepiuck. New Haven. 2 Nayantaquit, Niantic. Wefterly and Charleilown. 1 20 Letters of Roger Williams. To his much honored Governor fohn Winthrop. [September or October, 1638.] 1 Much honored Sir, — Through the mercy of the Moft High, I am newly returned from a double journey to Con- necticut and Plymouth. I (hall prefume on your wonted love and gentlenefs to prefent you with a fhort relation of what ilTiie it pleafed the Lord to produce out of them, efpecially fince your worship's name was fome way en- gaged in both. I went up to Connecticut with Miantunnomu, 2 who had a guard of upwards of one hundred and fifty men, and many Sachems, and his wife and children, with him. By the way (lodging from his houfe three nights in the woods) we met divers Narraganfett men complaining of robbery and violence, which they had fuftained from the Pequots and Mohegans in their travel from Connecticut ; as alfo fome of the Wunnafhowatuckoogs (fubje£t to Canonicus) came to us and advertifed, that two days before, about fix hundred and fixty Pequots, Mohegans and their confede- rates had robbed them, and fpoiled about twenty-three fields of corn, and rifled four Narraganfett men amongft them ; as alfo that they lay in way and wait to ftop Mian- tunnomue's pafiage to Connecticut, and divers of them threatened to boil him in the kettle. These tidings being many ways confirmed, my company, 1 Knowles' Mem. of Williams, p. 1 57. gans, and was doubtlefs inflrumental in 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. i. p 173. Pot- effecting the "Covenant and Agreement" ter's Hijl. of Narraganfett, p. 145. made on the 21 ft of September, before 2 It appears from this letter that Wil- noticed. From Hartford, he went to liams accompanied Miantonomo to Hart- Plymouth to attend the trial of the four ford, for the purpoie of effecting a peace Englifhmen for killing the Indian be- between the Narraganfetts and Mohe- fore mentioned. Letters of Roger Williams. 121 Mr. Scott (a Suffolk man) and Mr. Cope, advifed our flop and turn back ; unto which I alfo advifed the whole com- pany, to prevent bloodfhed, refolving to get up to Connec- ticut by water, hoping there to ftop fuch courfes. But Miantunnomu and his council refolved (being then about fifty miles, half-way, on our journey) that not a man mould turn back, refolving rather all to die, keeping ftridt watch by night, and in dangerous places a guard by day about the Sachems, Miantunnomu and his wife, who kept the path, myfelf and company always firft, and on either fide of the path forty or fifty men to prevent fudden furprifals. This was their Indian march. But it pleafed the Father of mercies, that (as we fince heard) we came not by till two days after the time given out by Miantunnomu, (by reafon of ftaying for me until the Lord's day was over,) as alfo the Lord fent a ru- mor of great numbers of the Englifh in company with the Narraganfetts, fo that we came fafe to Connecticut. Being arrived, Uncas had fent meffengers that he was lame, and could not come. Mr Haynes faid, it was a lame excufe, and fent earneftly for him, who at laft came, and being charged by Mr. Haynes with the late outrages, one of his company faid, they were but an hundred men. He faid, he was with them, but did not fee all that was done, and they did but roaft corn, &c. So there being affirmations and negations concerning the numbers of men and the fpoil, not having eye-witneffes of our own, thai fell, as alfo many other mutual complaints of rifling each other, which were heard at large to give vent and breathing to both parts. At laft we drew them to fhake hands, Miantunnomu and Uncas ; and Miantunnomu invited (twice earneftly) 16 122 Letters of Roger Williams. Uncas to fup and dine with him, he and all his company (his men having killed fome veniibn;) but he would not yield, although the magiftrates perfuaded him alfo to it. In a private conference, Miantunnomu, from Canonicus and himfelf, gave in the names of all the Pequots Sachems and murderers of the Englifh. The names of the Sach- ems were acknowledged by Uncas, as alfo the places, which only I (hall be bold to fet down: Naufipouck, Puttaquappuonckquame his fon, now on Long Ifland. Nanafquiouwut, Puttaquappuonckquame his brother, at Mohegan. Puppompogs, Safacous his brother, at Mohegan. Maufaumpous, at Nayantick. Kithanm, at Mohegan. Attayakitch, at Pequot or Mohegan. Thefe, with the murderers, the magistrates defired to cut off, the reft to divide, and to abolifh their names. An inquifition was made; and it was affirmed from Canonicus, that he had not one. Miantunnomu gave in the names of ten or eleven, which were the remainders of near feventy, which at the firft fubjected themfelves, of which I adver- tifed your worfhip, but all again departed, or never came to him ; fo that two or three of thefe he had with him ; the reft were at Mohegan and Pequot. Uncas was delired to give in the names of his. He anfwered, that he knew not their names. He faid there were forty on Long Ifland ; and that Juanemo and three Nayantick Sachems had Pequots, and that he himfelf had but twenty. Thomas Stanton told him and the magif- trates, that he dealt very falfely; and it was affirmed by others, that he fetched thirty or forty from Long Ifland at Letters of Roger Williams. 123 one time. Then he acknowledged, that he had thirty, but the names he could not give. It pleated the magistrates to requeft me to fend to Nayantick, that the names of their Pequots might be fent to Connecticut ; as alfo to give Uncas ten days to bring in the number and names of his Pequots and their runaways, Mr. Haynes threatening alfo (in cafe of failing) to fetch them. Sir, at Plymouth, it pleafed the Lord to force the prifo- ners to confefs, that they all complotted and intended murder ; and they were, three of them, (the fourth having efcaped, by a pinnace, from Aquedneck,) executed in the prefence of the natives who went with me. Our friends conferled, that they received much quickening from your own hand. O that they might alfo in a cafe more weighty, wherein they need much, viz.: the ftanding to their pre- fent government and liberties, to which I find them weakly refolved. They have requefted me to enquire out a murder five years fince committed upon a Plymouth man (as they now hear) by two Narraganfett Indians, between Plymouth and Sowwams. I hope (if true) the Lord will difcover it. Sir, I underftand that there hath been fome Englishmen of late come over, who hath told much to Cutfhamo- quene's Indians (I think Auhaudin) of a great Sachem in England (ufing the King's name) to whom all the Sach- ems in this land are and (hall be nothing, and where his fhips ere long mail land; and this is much news at prefent amongft natives. I hope to enquire out the men. Mr. Vane 1 hath alfo written to Mr. Coddington and • Sir Henry Vane left Bofton for Eng- feared troubles in Bolton, and advifed land in 1637. It would appear by this Coddington's early removal. The lat- remark of Williams's that Sir Henry ter purchafed the Ifland of Aquidnerk 124 Letters of Roger Wilha?ns. others on the ifland of late, to remove from Bofton as fpeedily as they might, hecaufe fome evil was ripening, &c. The mod: holy and mighty One blaft all mifchievous buds and blollbms, and prepare us for tears in the valley of tears, help you and us to trample on the dunghill of this prefent world, and to fet affedions and caft anchor above thefe heavens and earth, which are referved for burning. Sir, I hear, that two malicious perfons, one I was bold to trouble your worfhip with not long lince,) Jofhua Verin, 1 and another yet with us, William Arnold, have mo ft falfely and flanderouily (as I hope it mall appear) complotted together (even as Gardiner did againft your- felves) many odious accufations in writing. It may be, they may fome way come to your loving hand. I pre- fume the end is, to render me odious both to the King's majefty, as alfo to yourfelves. I mall requeft humbly your in 1637, and in March 1638 the firft covenant was entered into by the pur- chafers, and Coddington chofen Judge. 1 Jofhua Verin was one of the five who accompanied Williams to Providence in 1636, but removed foon after to Salem, in confequence of a vote of cenfure "for a breach of a covenant for retraining liberty of confcience." — R. I. Col. Re- cords, vol. i. p. 16. He now feems to be giving Williams fome trouble, as ap- pears from this letter, which is thus men- tioned by Winthrop : "At Providence, alfo, the devil was not idle. For whereas at their firft coming thither, Mr. Williams and the reft did make an order, that no man fhould be molefted for his confcience, now men's wives and children, claiming to go to all religious meetings, though never lb often, or though private, upon the week days ; and becaufe one Verin refufed to let his wife go to Mr. Wil- liams fo oft as fhe was called for, they required to have him ceniured. But there ftood up one Arnold, a witty man of their own company and withftood it, telling them that, when he confented to that order, he never intended it fhould extend to the breach of any ordinance of God, fuch as the fubje&ion of wives to their hufbands. Then one Greene replied, that if they fhould reftrain their wives, all the women in the country would crv out of them, &c In conclufion, when they would have cen- fured Verin, Arnold told them, that it was againft their own order, for Verin did that he did out of confcience ; and their order was, that no man fhould be ceniured for his confcience. — Savage's Winthrop, Hid. of New Eng land, vol. i. P- 34°- Letters of Roger Williams. 1 25 wonted love and gentlenefs (if it come to your worship's hand) to help me with the fight of it, and I am confident yourielf mall be the judge of the notorious wickednefs and malicious falfehoods therein, and that there hath not pari aught from me, either concerning the maintaining of our liberties in this land, or any difference with yourfelves, which fhall not manifeft loyalty's reverence, modefty and tender affection. The Lord Jefus the Son of righteoufnefs, mine brightly and eternally on you and yours, and all that feek him that was crucified. In him, I defire ever to be Yours worship's moft unfeigned Roger Williams. All refpeclive falutations to kind Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, and theirs. For his much honored Mr. Governor, "John Winthrop. [September, 1638.]' Much honored Sir, — Some while fince I wrote to you a mort narration 2 of the ilTue of my voyage to Connecticut and Plymouth. I defire only to know whether it came to hand. I have been carefully fearching into that rumor of the Plymouth man ilain four years fince. The perfons to whom I was directed by our Plymouth friends for informa- tion are yet abfent on hunting : and Miantunnomu is but new returned from Connecticut, yet with what innruc~tion I have already gotten I am this morning taking a journey to the Sachems about it. 1 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 252. may be feen in 3 Mafs. HiJI. Coll. vol. i. 1 The communication here referred to p. 173; of date about September, 1638. 1 26 Letters of Roger Williams. I hear of three Cowefet 1 men in hold about Mr. Ha- thorne's 2 cow. The Sachems affirm they cannot difcover the party. Thefe three were three of fix then there hunt- ing, yet they fay two things : Firft, that many Northern and Sauguft3 Indians hunt there ; alfo and fecondly, it may be that fome adverfe perfon might, out of fubtle envy, fhoot the beaft, to render them odious to the Englifh, and to caufe their deferting of the place, which they would have done but that Englifh were very deiirous (efpecially Mr. Endicott) that they fhould kill and fell venifon, &c. For myfelf, I fhall faithfully enquire and difclofe : al- though divers understanding perfons of Salem have affirmed that the cow dying about three months after, when fo many head of cattle died, it is very queftionable whether the arrow occafioned the death, &c. Sir, this is the occaiion of this enclofed : I underftand that a fervant of yours, Jofhua is fome trouble to yourfelf, as alfo to others, and confequently cannot (if he defire to fear the Lord) but himfelf be troubled and grieved in his condition, though otherwife I know not where under Heaven he could be better. If it may feem good in your eyes (wanting a fervant) I fhall defire him (not limply from you) but for your peace and his. I (hall delire your beft and full fatisfaction in payment, and what fum you pitch on, to accept it either from this bill, or if you better like from that debt of Mr. Ludlow, for which he promifed your worfhip to pay me eight hundred weight of tobacco but did not, and I pre- fume your worfhip may with eafe procure it; but I fub- 1 Cowefet. Eaft Greenwich. 2 Mr. Hathorne, of Salem. J Saugus. Lynn, Mafl'achfuetts. Letters of Roger Williams. ] 27 (bribe ex animo to your choice, and with refpeclive faluta- tions and continued fighs to Heaven for you and yours, reft defirous to be Your worship's unfeigned though unworthy Roger Williams. Sir, I am loath, but I prefume once more to trouble you with that deceitful man James Hawkings, craving that you would pleafe to lend a hand that by yourfelf or the Court at Bofton, I may find mercy againft fuch injuftice. Sir, my wife (together with her beft refpects) to Mrs. Winthrop, requefts her acceptance of an handfull of chef- nuts, intending her (if Mrs. Winthrop love them) a bigger bafket of them at the return of Jigles. For his much honored and beloved Mr. John Winthrop at his houfe at Bojlon. Providence, loth, 30. [December 30, 1638.]' Sir, — Hoping of your health this dead feafon, with refpedtive falutations: I am bold to requeft a little help, and I hope the laft, concerning mine old and bad debtor about whom I have formerly troubled your worfhip, Mr. George Ludlow. I hear of a pinnace to put into Newport, bound for Vir- ginia, and I underftand that if you pleafe to teftify what you remember in the cafe, I may have fome hope at laft to get fomething. 1 4 Ma/s. Hi/I. Coll. vol ': p. 256. 128 Letters of Roger Williams. You were pleafed, after dealing with him at Bofton, to certify me that he had promifed to difcharge unto me 800// of tobacco, which you afterwards thought to have been dif_ charged : but he failing, although my due came to much more, I requeft if you can remember in a line or two to teftify : and I mall defire to blefs the Lord for you, and to beg of him a merciful requital into your bofom, even from his holy left and right hand efpecially : my writings are (from hand to hand about the bufinefs) loft; fo that all my evidence will be from your hand, of his acknowledgment and promife. Sir, I reft uncelTantly mourning that I am no more Your worship's unfeigned Roger Williams. Sir, I may not omit my thankful acknowledgment of that counfel of peace you were pleafed to give to a young man who (when I was at Block Iiland) repaired to your worfhip for advice in fome jar between him and his neigh- bors : your counfel was profperous, and I defire you may have the jov of it. For fo faith the Lord, to the counfel- lors of peace and joy. Sir, I purpofe within twenty days (if God will) to tra- vel up to Mohegan : at my return I fliall trouble you with a line from Uncas, if I can fpeak with him about your Pequots. Sir, I pray let your fervant direct the native with this letter to Mr. David Yale, 1 Mrs. Eaton's fon. 1 David Yale of Bofton, fon-in-law of land, vol. i. p. 273. Note. — He was Governor Eaton of New Haven, men- the anceftor of Elihu Yale from whom tioned in the will of Edward Hopkins. Yale College takes its name. — Savage, Savage's Winthrop, HijL of 'New Eng- Genealogical Diil. vol. iv. p. 666. Letters of Roger Williams. 1 29 For the right Worjhipful a fid his much honored friend Mr. Governor of the Maffdchufetts, thefe. Providence. [No date. J 1 Sir, — Upon the receipt of your laft (anfwering my que- ries) I have acquainted the Sachems with the bufinefs : I am not yet furnifhed with anlwer fufficient : what I have at preient I mail humbly and faithfully fubmit to conrid- eration : one from them, two from myfelf. From them: upon folemn confultation with them about the 100// demanded of themfelves, they fay — Firft, that they remember not that either in the rirft Agreement and League (in the beginning of the Pequot wars) or iince, in any expreilion, that ever they undertook to anfwer in their own perfons or purfes what their fub- jec~ts mould fail in. Second. Nor do they believe that the Englifh Magif- trates do fo practice, and therefore they hope that what is righteous amongft ourfelves we will accept of from them. Third. Therefore they profefs that what evil foever fhall appear to be done by any (fubject to them) againft the bodies or goods of the Englim, fatisfaclion fhall readily be made out of the bodies or goods of the delinquents. For the 100// demanded, they fay concerning the Salem cow, they have to this day enquired, and can difcover no guilt either in the perfons imprifoned or the reft, but do believe that it was falfely laid upon them by fuch northern natives whofe traps they were, who themfelves were guilty. For the horfes, they have fent for Wuttattaaquegin who hath not been with them thefe three years, but keeps at 1 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 254. 17 13° Letters of Roger Williams. MafTachufetts : they intend alfo to call a general meeting of the Country at his coming, within a few days, when I (hall have further anfwer from them. Sir, a word more from myfelf : I have long lince be- lieved that as it is with the Moil High (Prov. 21. 3.) fo with yourfelves. To do judgment and juitice is more acceptable then facririce. And therefore that it mall not be ungrateful in your eyes, that I humbly requeft leave to fay that I fee the bulinefs is ravelled, and needs a patient and gentle hand to rectify mifunderftanding of each other and mifprifons. The Sachems to prevent the fears of their men in hunting or traveling, &c, earneftly defired me to fatisfy the Englifh, that if the bearers of a writing from me mould offend any ways, that they, the Sachems, would upon information from myfelf, caufe the delinquents to make fatisfa6lion out of their goods or bodies; to the end that the Englifh might not imprifon or tranfport away their perfons, (which the natives fufpect,) two of their men having been not long fince carried away in an Englifli fhip from the Bay, and two of their women the laft fummer from Conanicut in this Bay. In two particulars (as I conceive) neither the natives or myfelf were rightly understood. Firft, in the fcope of the writing, which was not to afk. leave to hunt as before. Secondly, in the promife, which was not to pay off them- felves (I mean the Sachems) but to caufe their men to deal juftly and to give fatisfaclion for offences committed out of their goods or bodies. I hope it will pleafe the Lord to perfuade your hearts to believe what I affirm, and again to review the writing. However, rather than any labor or pains of mine (well meant to preferve peace) fhall caufe or occafion dilfention, Letters of Roger Williams. 131 I refolve to be yet poorer, and out of my poverty to en- deavor and further fatisfaction. (The earth is the Lord's and the fullnefs of it.) To the Everlafting Arms of his mercy I daily recommend you and yours, and reft Your Worfhip's moft unworthy Roger Williams. My refpective falutes to Mr. Deputy, Mr. Bellingham, &c. Sir, I have heretofore been bold to requeft your help in recovering an old debt from Mr. George Ludlow : and you were pleafed after dealing with him, to fignify that he had promifed to deliver afhore for me eight hundred pounds weight of tobacco : I fhall now humbly requeft that if Mr. Stratton defire it, or if he be again bound for Virginia, that you would pleafe to teftify fo much as you remember in a line or two, which may be of great ufe for my recovering of the debt, and I fhall defire to be thankful. For his ?nuch honored and beloved Mr. Governor of the Maf- fachufetts, thefe. Providence, 2d, 3d. [May 3, 1639. ]* Sir, — In my laft I gave intimation of another anfwer, which from the Sachems is this. Firft, that although they remember not any agreements that have patted about the natives yielding up their hunting places, advantages, &c, within prefcribed limits, &c, yet, becauie fatisfactory agreements may have been unknown J 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 257. 132 Letters of Roger Williams. to them, between yourfelves and the natives about you, they have fent for this man, Wuttattaaguegin, (who keeps moft at Malfachufetts with Cutfhamoquene, 1 and hath not been this three years with them.) This man Wuttattaaguegin hath promifed to fatisfy in wampam, beaver and venifon what it comes to. But he believes not the damage can be fo great, for thus he relates : having laid his traps, intending daily to tend them, Cutmamoquene fent for him to be a guide for him in a hunting match about the Bay, where other natives were ignorant. He went, yet fent a youth to view his traps, who faith that he faw the Englishmen loofe three horfes out of the traps, and rode away upon two of them, the third only was lamed. Upon this he defired liberty to return to the Bay, to in- quire more perfectly the damage : and being not come back as yet, they have this prefent fent again for him. Yet becaufe they fee not that Wuttattaaguegin broke any known covenant in laying his traps in that place, nor wil- lingly wrought evil againft the Englifh, they conceive it would be very fair and honorable in all natives eyes, that it would pleafe the Englifh to make known as well their moderation as their juftice in the cafe. And for themfelves they refolve if this man fhould not be faithful or able to fatisfy your demand, they promife (upon perfuafions and fome offers of mine to them) to contribute themfelves out of their own, and to draw in help, that may in wampum, beaver, and venifon make up the whole fum before the next hunting be over. 2 Cutfhamoquene, Sagamore of Maflachufetts. Letters of Roger Williams. 133 So craving humbly your loving acceptation of my poor fervice herein, or whatever elfe you fhall pleafe to ufe me in, I reft Your worfhip's moft unworthy Roger Williams. My due refpecl: to my honored friends Mr. Deputy and the reft of the Council. For his much honored and beloved Mr. John Winthrop, Gov- ernor of MaJJ'achufetts, thefe. Providence, this 9th of the 3rd. [May 9th, 1639.]' Sir, — I am requefted by Canonicus and Miantunnomu to prefent you with their love and refpecl: (which they alfo defire may be remembered to all the Englifh Sachems) as alfo with this expreffion of the continuance of their love unto you, viz. : thirty fathom of beads, (ten from Canoni- cus, and twenty from Miantunnomu) 2 and the bafket a prefent from Miantunnomu's wife to your dear companion Mrs. Winthrop : three things they requeft me to deiire of you. Firft, the continuance of your ancient and conftant friend- fhip toward them, and good opinion of their lincere affec- tion to the Englifh. I objected againft this, that I lately heard that two boats of Englifh were cut off by Pequots, and that Miantunno- mu knew of the acl, &c. 1 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 259. annual tribute from the Indians of Block 2 Winthrop in his Journal of May 2, Ifland. — Hijl. of New Eng. vol. i. p. 355. notices the reception of wampum, the 134 Letters of Roger Williams. To this they anfwered, that they have not fo much as heard of any mifcarriage of the Englifh this way of late, and that two days fince a Narraganfett man came from Long Iiland and brought no fuch tidings. That they have always (and fhall ftill) fuccor the Eng- lish in any fuch diftreifes : and that if but a iingle Eng- lifhman, woman, or child be found in the woods by any of theirs, they mould punifh feverely that man that mould not fafely conduct them and fuccor them, &c. Secondly, That you would pleafe to ratify that promife made to them after the wars, viz. : the free ufe of the Pe- quot country for their hunting, &c. Thirdly, That fince there are many Pequot Sachems and Captains furviving, many of whom have been actual mur- derers of the Englifh, and (three of them) which have flain fome of their Sachems. And that fince the Agreement the laftyear at Connecti- cut with Mr. Haynes and the Magistrates, you have not yet pleafed come to action. 1 And that the Pequots being many hundreds of them may with thefe their Sachems do more mifchief to us and them. They therefore requeft that you would pleafe to write by them at prefent to Mr. Haynes that fo upon your joint Agreement they may themfelves freely purfue thofe Pe- quot Princes and Captains, whom Mr. Haynes (who had the lift of them from me the laft year) (hail name unto them. I objected the report of great numbers of Pequots among themielves, &c. 5 The " Covenant and Agreement " en- 1 63 8. See note to Letter of the 10th tered into at Hartford, September 21, September, 1638. Letters of Roger Williams. 135 They anfwer as formerly, that to clear themfelves from that, and to make it appear how both the Mohegans and the Nayantick men have received the Pequots and their prefents (when they refilled them) and fo have made pre- fents to the Englifh with the Pequot beads, which them- felves never did nor could: they will now fall upon this fervice, and if the Mohegans and Nayantick men will not join with them in it, they will themfelves purfue the per- fons that mall be named to them wherefoever they find them, although at Mohegan or Nayantick, without touch- ing a Mohegan or Nayantick man further than you (hall pleafe to advife them. More they fay, but I mould be tedious, and therefore with all due refpecl: to your loving felf, Mrs. Winthrop, Mr. Deputy, &c, I reft Yours worship's faithful and unfeigned Roger Williams. Canonicus begs of you a little fugar. For his much honored Mr. Governor, John Winthrop. [Auguft, 1639.]' Much honored Sir, — You were pleafed fome while fince to refer me to Mr. Haynes for a lift of fuch Pequots as were authors and chief adors in the late murders upon the Englifh. Accordingly I have fent up once and again to Mr. 1 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 261. 136 Letters of Roger Williams. Haynes, and we are come to a period : the child is come to the birth : a little ftrength from your loving hand (the Lord fo pleafing, and bleffing) will bring it forth. This lift here enclofed (which I requeft may be returned) was drawn by my beft enquiry and Tho. Stanton in the prefence of the Magi ftrates at Connecticut the laft year. This lift he was pleafed to fend me with the addition of feven more under his own hand. Some queries I made upon fome of the feven : as alfo [torn] Safacous his brother Puppompogs (now upon Long Ifland) whom Mr. Haynes deiired might be fpared, and I applauded the defire in many refpects, only I deiired for many other refpecls that he might be fent to fome other part of the world. Alfo lince that the Nayantick Sachems who harbor many of thefe, and Uncas, Canonicus and Miantunnomu re- quefted that a pinnace might lie fome few days at Pequot, to promote and countenance the work while Miantunnomu purfued them. Unto all which Mr Haynes in this laft is pleafed to anfwer, fo that we are come to a period. This week I went up to the Narraganfett about other bufinefs : there I found a bar, which I thought good to requeft your wor- ship to remove by a word or two. Your captive (which was Maumanadtuck's wife) now at Pequot, prefuming upon your experimented kindnefs to- ward her, informs all Pequots and Nayanticks that Mr. Governor's mind is, that no Pequot man fhould die, that her two fons fhall ere long be Sachems there, &c. Your wifdom (now by a freffi line or two) declaring that none but thefe (who by the beft of intelligence appear to be deeply guilty,) shall die, may facilitate the execution, to Letters of Roger Williams. 1 37 the honor of your mercy and juftice, and the clearing of the land from blood, either that of our countrymen already fpilt, or that may be hazarded by thefe wretches. I might but will not trouble your worfhip with fome prelum p- tions that way : the Lord be pleafed to further and blefs : and help your precious foul and mine to remember that vengeance, and to long and exped: for it upon the enemies of Jefus, when blood fhall flow out of the wine prefs to the horfe bridles by the fpace of fixteen hundred furlongs. Your worship's unfeigned hitherto Roger Williams. Mine humble and true refpects to Mrs Winthrop, Mr. Dudley, 1 Mr. Bellingham, &c. The melfenger is ignorant of the matter, and is fatif- fied. 2 To his much honored Governor fohn Winthrop. Providence, 21. 5. [July 21, 1640. ]* Much honored Sir, — Your runaways (as I before fur- mifed) are at Mohegan, and the Squa Sachem's daughter is married to the Sachem Uncas. I know the match hath been long defired (although the Sachem have five or fix wives already) which makes me fear that all Indian means will not reach your juft defires. May you pleafe to reft a ' Mr. Dudley ; fee note to the follow- killed, (6), 1639." ('• e> Auguft, the ing letter. 6th mo.) 2 Endorfed by Governor Winthrop, 1 \ Mafs. HiJI. Coll. vol. vi. p. 263. " Mr. Williams about the Pequods to be 18 i 3 8 Letters of Roger Williams. little, for Miantunnomu (as he pretends out of love and refpecl: to your perfon) is very diligent about a peaceable return of them, that he may bring them with him, and as many more of the runaways as he can get. Uncas was gone to Connecticut, fo that a little patience is requilite. Sir, this you may pleafe to lignify to your much honored brother, Mr. Governor, 1 that this bulinefs only hinders Miantunnomu's coming. He is (not fatisfied but) per- suaded to truft to interpreters whom he fears to trull, and to come without myfelf. As alfo may you pleafe to underftand that the Nayantick Sachems ftill refuiing to yield up any of thofe Pequots to death to whom they had promifed life ; our friends of Connecticut (as I have heard by two letters from Tho. Stanton) intend prefent revenge upon them. Canonicus and Miantunnomu ftill perfuade (to mine own knowledge) the Sachems at laft to be wife, and yield up their Pequots, but in vain, for the Nayantick Sachems refolve that for fo many lives as are taken away by the Englilh, or the Mo- hegans and Pequots with them, they will take revenge up- on Mr. Throckmorton at Prudence, or Mr. Coddington, 2 &c, or Providence, or eliewhere. I have dealt with Canonicus and Miantunuomu to defert the Nayanticks in this bulinefs. They anfwer they would if they had lhed the blood of the Englilh, but as they are their brethren, fo they never hurt the Englifh, but joined with them againfl the Pequots, &c, only they have been greedy upon the prey againft the Englilh mind : and laftly 1 Dudley, who was brother to Win- antonomo, who is mentioned in this let- throp by the marriage of their children, ter. — Eds. Wintbrop Papers. was Governor in 1640; and did not hold 2 William Coddington, of Newport, the office again till after the death of Mi- Letters of Roger Williams. 1 39 they fay the Englifli partiality to all the Pequots at Mohe- gan is lb great, and the confequences fo grievous upon the abufe of the Englim love, that all their arguments return back (which they ufe to the Nayantick Sachems) as arrows from a i\one wall. Tho. Stanton informs me of another caufe of war upon the Nayanticks, viz.: Wequafh 1 affirms that one of the petty Sachems of Navantick was aboard Mr. Oldham's pinnace, and that fome goods and gold are at Nayantick. Gold I never heard of^ but the pinnace, fkiff and other luggage and fmall particulars I had word of at firft, which were (by reafon of diftance) let alone : and in cafe that any one of the Sachems or more knew of Mr. Oldham's death, and that due evidence be found, I yet doubt (now fince the coming of the Lord Jefus and the period of the National Church,) whether any other ufe of war and arms be law- ful to the proferfors of the Lord Jefus, but in execution of juftice upon malefactors at home : or preferving of life and lives in defenfive war, as was upon the Pequots, &c. Ifai. 2. Mic. 4. If the fword rage in Old or New England : I know who gives out the commiffion, and can arm frogs, flies, lice, &c. He be pleafed to give us peace which earth neither gives nor takes. In him I ever defire to be more unfeigned and faithfull Your Worship's Roger Williams. a This is the laft time the name of We- lay very fick : I defired to fee him, and quafo appears in Williams's letters. He himfelfe was pleafed to be my guide two died in the fummer of 1642. " Two mile where Wequajh lay." — Key, Intro- days before his death " fays Williams, duclion. "as I palled up Connecticut River, it Wequafocuck or Wequajh Cook, was pleafed my worthy friend Mr. Fenwick, another Indian, who lived many years to tell me that my old friend Wequajh after the death of Wequafh. 140 Letters of Roger Williams. To bis much honored Governor John Winthrop. Providence, 7. 6. (fo called) 40. [Auguft 7, 1640.] 1 Sir, — About (from PortfmoutrO I received yours. As I lately advertifed to Mr. Governor, [Dudley] 2 the hurries of the natives thoughts and confultations fo continue, about the three Nayanticks, prifoners with our friends at Connec- ticut ; that your runaways are longer fecure in their efcape then otherwife they mould be. The Mohegan Sachem, Uncas, refufeth to part with his prey: And whereas Miantunnomu was going up to Mo- hegan himlelf with a fufficient company for the runaways, Uncas lent word that it was your worship's plot to bring him into the fnare at Mohegan, that there the Connecti- cut Englifh might fall upon him. Miantunnomu ftill promifeth me to come over to you, and his purpofe (to his utmoft) to bring them with him. My occasions lead me within thefe four or five days to Connecticut, when (the Lord fo permitting) I purpofe to go up to Mohegan and try the utmoft myfelf. The ifTue of all is in that Everlafting Hand, in which is our breath and our ways, in whom I defire to be ftill Your wormip's unfeigned Roger Williams. '4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 265. as Deputy Governor with his fon-in-law 1 Dudley, Governor of Maflachufetts. Simon Bradltreet, and held that office He was a principal member of the Mas- twelve years, and the office of Governor fachufetts Company which fettled Bofton in the years 1634, 1640, 1645 and 1650. and its vicinity. He came over in 1630 He died in 1652. he tiers of Roger IV i I Hams. 141 I thank your worship for the Scotch intelligence: 1 The ifTue (I fear) will be general and grievous perfecution of all Saints. Mine and my poor wife's beft falutes to Mrs. Winthrop and all yours. To Mr. Winthrop concerning Samuel Gorton. Providence, 8th. ift. 1646. [8th March. ] z Matter Gorton3 having foully abufed high and low at Aquidnick, is now bewitching and bemadding poor Provi- dence, both with his unclean and foul cenfures of all the minifters of this country, (for which myfelf have in Chrift's name withftood him), and alfo denying all viiible and ex- ternal Ordinances in depth of Familifm, againft which I have a little difputed and written, and mail (the moft High 1 "Scotch intelligence." This doubt- lefs alludes to the rebellion in Scotland, and the defeat of the royal army by the Scots which took place in the fummer of 1640. 2 Winslow, Hypocrafie Unmajked. Lon- don, 1646. pp. 55-56. 5 In this letter is the firft mention by Williams of Samuel Gorton. It opens a controverfy between the firfl fettlers of Warwick, including Gordon, Williams and many others, both of the colonies of Rhode Ifland and MafTachufetts. It got into the Courts, and agitated both the colonial governments. The hiftoi ians of the time wrote much about it, but to enter fully into a hillory of the quarrel would require more fpace than is given to all thefe letters. Winslow, in his Dedicatory epiftle to the Earl of War- wick, prefixed to his book entitled Hy- pocrifte Unmajked: by a true Relation of the Proeee dings of the Governor and Com- pany of the MaJJachufetts againjl Samuel Gorton, and bis Accomplices ; thus writes : "And yet Right Honorable, it will and doth appear in the following Trea- tife, that Samuel Gorton was profecuted againil, Firll at Plymouth as a grofs dif- turber of the Civill peace and quiet of that government, in an open, factious and feditious manner. Secondly, he was no lefle troublefome, but much more at 142 Letters of Roger Williams. aflenting,) to death. As Paul faid of Alia, I, of Provi- dence, (almoft) all fuck in his poifon, as at rirft they did at Aquidnick. Some few and myfelf withftand his inhabita- tion, and town privileges, without confeffion and reformation of his uncivil and inhuman practices at Portfmouth : Yet the tide is too ftrong againft us, and I fear (if the framer of Hearts help not) it will force me to little Patience, a little Ifle next to your Prudence. Jehovah himfelf be pleafed to be a fanctuary to all whofe hearts are perfect with him ; in him I defire unfeignedly to be Your worfhip's true and affectionate Roger Williams. Rhode Ifland, having gotten a ftrong party to adhere unto him, affronting that gov- ernment (as Plymouth) in their publique adminiftration of Juftice fo foully and groftely. as mine eares never heard the like of any. Gorton being there whipt in his perfon, and thence banifhed with fome of his principal adherents ; they went next to Providence, where Mr. Williams and fome others have built a fmall towne. This people receiving them with all humanity in a cold leafon, when the former places could no longer beare his infolencies ; he foone under- mined their government, gained a ftrong party amongft them to his owne, to the great diffraction of Mr. Williams, and the better party there, contending againft their Laws and the execution of Juftice, to the effufion of bloud, which made Mr. Williams and the reft fadly complaine to the Government of the Maffachufetts, and divers of them to take protection of that Government, to defend their per- fons and eftates. But when they faw Mr. Williams reiblve rather to lofe the bene- fit of his labours, than to live with fuch ill-affected people, and the neighbour governments become affected with Gor- ton's mifrule there alfo, he (and his com- panions in evill) began to think of buy- ing a place of a Sachem, or Indian Prince," &c. See alfo Gorton's Simplicite's Defence againft Seven-beaded Policy. London 1646 ; alfo in R. I. Hi/I. Coll. vol. ii. Hutchinson's Hift. Majfacbufetts Bay Arnold, Hift. of Rhode I/land, vol. 1 ch. vi.; R. I. Colonial Records, vol. i. Winthrop, Hift. of New England. Letters of Roger Williams. H3 For his honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrof? at Pequot, thefe. Nar. 22. 4. 45, (fo called.) [Narracansett, 22 June, 1645.]* Sir: — Beft falutations, &c. William Cheefbrough,3 now come in, fhall be readily affifted, for yours and his owne fake. Major Bourne is come in. I have (by Providence,) feen divers papers, (returning now yours thankfully,) which are matched from me againe. I have, therefore, been bold to fend you the Medulla and the Magnalia Dei. Pardon me, if I requeft you, in my name, to transfer the paper to 1 With the exception of the letter of June 25, 1645, which follows this, no others appear in this volume from Gov. Winthrop, Senior, of MafTachufetts, to whom all the previous letters are ad- dreffed. John Winthrop, Jr., ion of Gov. Win- throp, of Maflachu lefts, followed his father to America in 163 1 ; and in 1633 returned to England. In 1635 he re- turned to Bollon, with authority to make a fettlement in Connecticut, and foon after lent a party to build a fort at Say- brook. In 1646, he founded the city of New London ; was chol'en Governor in 1657; again in 1659, and annually from that period until his death which took place at Bofton, in 1676. In 1 661, he went to England and procured a charter, incorporating New Haven and Connec- ticut into one colony. He was an accom- plifhed icholar, was particularly (killed in chemiftry and phyfics, and was one o{ the founders ot the Royal Society, of London. He was the author of a number of pa- pers in the " Pbilofopkical Tranfdflions." It appears from one of the letters that Mr. Williams became acquainted with Winthrop in England, and the corres- pondence will fhow that the friendfhip between them was ltrong and mutual. The letters here printed, which are from the " Winthrop Papers" in the Collec- :ion of the MafTachufetts Hiilorical So- ciety, relate to politics, literature, agri- culture and other topics, through which, like thofe to the elder Winthrop, runs a religious vein. 2 Knowles, Mem. R. Williams, p. 207. 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 268. 8 William Chefbrough occupied cer- tain lands in Southertown, eafl of Paw- catuck River, over which Connecticut claimed jurisdiction, as a portion of the Pequot country, and about which ferious troubles arofe in 1661. Probably he may have been in trouble at the time this letter was written, and that Winthrop had afked the good offices of Williams in Chefbrough's behalf. 144 Letters of Roger Williams. Captain Mafon, who faith he loves me. God is love; in Him only I deiire to be yours ever, Roger Williams. Loving falutes to your deareft and kind fifter. I have been very iick of cold and fever, but God hath been gracious to me. I am not yet refolved of a courfe for my daughter. If youre powder, with directions, might be fent without trouble, I mould firrt wait upon God in that way: however 'tis bell to wait upon Him. If the ingredients be coftly, I (hall thankfully account. I have books that prefcribe powders, &c, but yours is probatum in this country. For his much honored Mr. Governor, John Winthrop. Providence, 25th of 4th, 1645, (ib called.) [June 25.]' Much honored Sir, — Though I mould fear that all the fparks of former love are now extinct, &c, yet I am con- fident that your large talents of wifdom and experience of the affairs of men will not lightly condemn my endeavor to give information and fatisfaclion, as now I have done in this poor apology, with all due refpects prefented to your honor, and the hands of my worthy friends with you. 1 4 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol vi. p. 266. Williams from England, in September, This is the laft letter of Williams, in 1644, whither he had gone in the f'um- the "Winthrop Papers," addreffed to mer of 1643. The fruits of his vifit Gov. Winthrop of Maffachufetts, pub- were the Charter of Rhode Ifland, bear - lifhed by the Maffachufetts Hiftorical ing date of the 14th March, 1643-4. Society, and the only one preferved Eds. Winthrop Papers.. wV.irh was written after the return of Letters of Roger Williams. 145 Sir, for tidings concerning the public, three days fince I received a letter from the Dutch Governor reporting fome new hopes of peace. For ourfelves, the flame of war rageth next door unto us. The Narraganfetts and Mohe- gans, with their refpective confederates, have deeply im- plunged themfelves in barbarous Daughters. For myfelf I have (to my utmoft) difuaded our neighbors, high and low, from arms, &c, but there is a fpirit of defperation fallen upon them, refolved to revenge the death of their prince, and recover their ranfom for his life, &c, or to perifh with him. Sir, I was requefted by both parties, yourfelves and the Narraganfetts, to keep the fubfcribed league between yourfelves and them, and yours and their pofterity. Sir, that, and the common bonds of humanity move me to pray yourfelves and our friends of Connecticut to improve all interefts and opportunities to quench thefe flames. My humble requeiis are to the God of Peace that no Eng- lish blood be further fpilt in America: it is one way to pre- vent it by loving mediation or prudent neutrality. Sir, (excepting the matters of my foul and confcience to God, the Father of Spirits) you have not a truer friend and fer- vant to your worthy perfon and yours, nor to the peace and welfare of the whole country, then the moft defpifed and moft unworthy Roger Williams. 19 146 Letters of Roger Williams. For bis Worflnpful, and his much honored, kind friend, Mr. fohn Winthrop, at Nameaug? thefe. Cawcawmsqussick, 2 28. 3. 47. (fo called) [28 May, 1647. ]' Worthy Sir, — Loving refpedts and falutations to your kind felt and your kindeft companion. Some while fince, you defired a word of direction about the hay feed. I de- fired my brother to collect his own and other neighbors' obfervations about it, which (with his refpects prefented) amounts to this. Firft. Ufually three bufhels of feed to one acre of land. Second. It hath been known to fpread, to mat, 6cc, the Indian hills being only fcraped or levelled. Third. This may be done at any time of the year, but the fooner the better. Fourth. It is beft to sow it upon a rain preceding. Fifth. Some fay let the ripe grafs fland until it feed, and the wind difperle it (fufque deque) up and down, for it is of that thriving and homogeneal nature with the earth, that the very dung of cattle that feeds on it will produce the grain. 1 Nameat/g. New London. The traft was originally called Pequot, and com- prised what is now known as New Lon- don and Groton. In 1658 the Alfembly of Connecticut enacted that "This court, considering that there hath yet no place in any of the colonies, been named in memory of" the city of London, there being a new plantation, in the Pequot country, with an excellent harbour, and the only place which the Englifh in thei'e parts have poflefled by conqueft .... that therefore they might leave to pofteri- ty the memory of that renowned city of London, from whence we had our tranf- portation, have thought fit, to call the laid plantation New London. The name of the river was alfo changed, and called the Thames." — Trumbull, ////?. of Con- necticut. 2 Cawcawmfqufficky Locumfcujfuc. The country around and well and northweil of Wickford. Williams about this time purchafed an eflate and built a trading houfe here, which he afterwards fold to Richard Smith in order to obtain money for his fecond vifit to England. — Knowles. ' Knowles' Mem. R. Williams, p. 209. 3 Mafi. Hifi. Coll. vol. ix. p. 268. Letters of Roger Williams. 147 Sixth. The offs, which can hardly be fevered from the feed, hath the fame productive faculty. Seventh. Sow it not in an orchard, near fruit trees, for it will fteal and rob the trees, &c. Sir: Concerning Indian affairs, reports are various; lies are frequent. Private interefts, both with Indians and Eng- lifh, are many ; yet thefe things you may and muff, do. Firft, kifs truth where you evidently, upon your foul, fee it. 2. Advance juftice, though upon a child's eyes. 3. Seek and make peace, if poffible, with all men. 4. Se- cure your own life from a revengeful, malicious arrow or hatchet. I have been in danger of them, and delivered yet from them ; bleifed be His holy name, in whom I defire to be Your worfhip's, in all unfeigned refpects and love, Roger Williams. To John Winthrop, Jr. For the Governor I have fent thefe lines. Cawcawmsqussick, 20. 6. 47. (fo call'd) [Auguil 20, 1647.]' S IR) — Due refpects prefented, &c. I am importuned bv Ninigret, in exprefs words, to prefent his refpe&s and love to your honored father, and to the honored Preli- dent of the commiffioners, 2 giving great thanks for the •Knowles' Memoir of R. Williams, to the Commiffioners by the Narragan- p. 210. 3 Mafi. Hiji. Coll. vol. ix. fetts, in accordance with the treaty. p # 2 6q_ z The Commiffioners of the United This letter, probably, has reference to Colonies, the collection of the wampum to be paid 148 Letters of Roger Williams. great favor and kindnefs fhowed him. Withal, he prays you earneftly to prefent his humble fuit, that fince he, by reafon of his travel and illnefs, can, as yet, get no further towards his own home, and rinds he muft have much work with the natives of thefe parts, before he repair home, and time to fpend exceeding faft, it may be accounted no breach of faithfulneis of his promife, if he finifh the con- tribution he is now about, within a few days after the punc- tual time. The other Sachems, upon agitations, have promifed their utmoft concurrence, to finifh all within a month from the day of his promife, which time he ear- neftlv requefts may be alfented to, hoping to make pay- ment before, but not queftioning by the expiration of that time. By this bearer, he humbly prays a word of anfwer, that, with the more cheerful concurrence of the other Sachems, (who join with him in this requeft,) he may be the more cheerful in the work. Sir, I difcern nothing but reality and reafon in his requeft ; otherwife, I mould not dare to moleft you, or thofe honored perfons whom it con- cerns; to whom, with my humble refpects, and to your- felf prefented, befeeching the Mo ft High to be your por- tion, I reft, Your worfhip's unworthy Roger Willliams. Pefickofh defired me to prefent his great thanks for his child. Sir: Your man is with me at prefent writing, well, this laft of the week, and will be going inftantly. Humble thanks for the fight of papers from England. The fea will be the fea till it be no more. Revel. 21. Refpe&s to your deareft. Letters of Roger Williams. 149 ¥0 the Town of Providence. Auguft 31, 1648. 1 Worthy Friends, that ourielves and all men are apt and prone to differ, it is no new thing. In all former ages, in all parts of the world, in thefe parts, and in our dear native country and mournful ftate of England, that either part or party is moft right in his own eyes, his caufe right, his carriage right, his arguments right, his anfwers right, is as woefully and conftantly true as the former. And ex- perience tells us, that when the God of peace have taken peace from the earth, one fpark of action, word or carriage is too powerful to kindle fuch a fire as burns up towns, cities, armies, navies, nations and kingdoms. And fince, dear friends, it is an honor for men to ceafe from flxife ; fince the life of love is fweet, and union is as ftrong as fweet and fince you have been lately pleafed to call me to fome public fervice and my foul hath been long mufing how I might bring water to quench, and not oil or fluid to the flame, I am now humbly bold to befeech you, by all thofe comforts of earth and heaven which a placable and peaceable fpirit will bring to you, and by all thofe dreadful alarms and warnings, either amongft our- felves, in deaths and ficknefles, or abroad in the raging ca- lamities of the fword, death and peftilence ; I fay, I hum- bly and earneftly befeech you to be willing to be pacifiable, willing to be reconcilable, willing to be fociable, and to liften to the (I hope not unreafonable) motion fol- lowing : To try out matters by difputes and writngs, is fometimes endlefs ; to try out arguments by arms 1 Knowles, Memoir of Roger Williams, in New England. Boflon, 1777. vol i. p. 214. Backus, Hijl. of the Baptifs p. 204. 150 Letters of Roger Williams. and fwords, is cruel and mercilefs; to trouble the ftate and Lords of England, is moft unreafonable, moll: chargeable ; to trouble our neighbors of other colonies, feems neither fafe nor honorable. Methinks, dear friends, the colony now looks with the torn face of two parties, and that the greater number of Portfmouth, with other loving friends adhering to them, appear as one grieved party ; the other three towns, or greater part of them, appear to be another: Let each party choofe and nominate three ; Portsmouth and friends adhering three, the other party three, one out of each town ; let authority be given to them to examine every public difference, grievance and obftruction of juf- tice, peace and common fafety : let them, by one final fentence of all or the greater part of them, end all, and fet the whole into an unanimous poilure and order, and let them fet a cenfure upon any that mall oppofe their fen- tence. One log, without your gentle help, I cannot ftir ; it is this: How mall the minds of the towns be known? How mail the perfons chofen be called ? Time and place appointed in any expedition ? For myfelf I can thank- fully embrace the help of Mr. Coddington or Mr. Clarke, 1 joined or apart, but how many are there who will attend, (as our diftempers are) to neither ? It is, gentlemen, in the power of the body to require the help of any of her members, and both King and Parliament plead, that in extraordinary cafes they have been forced to extraordinary ways for common fafety. Let me be friendly conftrued, if (for expedition) I am bold to be too forward in this fer- vice, and to fay, that if within twenty days of the date hereof, you pleafe to fend to my houfe, at Providence, the 1 John Clarke of Rhode Ifland. Letters of Roger Williams. l 5 name of him whom you pleafe to nominate, at your defire I will acquaint all the perfons chofen with place and time, unto which in your name I fhall defire their meeting with- in ten days, or thereabouts, after the receipt of your let- ter. 1 I am your mournful and unworthy Roger Williams. 1 Owing to quarrels of the people of Warwick and Providenee chiefly on ac- count of Samuel Gorton, William Cod- dington and Alexander Partridge pro- pofed to the Commiflioners of the United Colonies that " the Iflanders of Rhode Ifland may be received into a combina- tion with all the United Colonies of New England, into a firm and perpetual league of friendfhip and amity, for offence and defence," etc. Thus under a pretence of promoting peace, thefe men would have feparated the ifland from the reft of the colony. The Commiflioners, unwilling to receive them as a diftindt colony, propofed to have the ifland annexed to Plymouth, if the majority of its inhabitants would ac- knowledge its jurifdiftion. In this di- lemma, Williams came forward to endea- vor to heal up the animofities with the propofitions contained in this letter to the town of Providence. His kind offices had the defired effect ; harmony was re- ftored and Williams was authorized to act as Prefident until the election fliould take place in May, 1649. At the General Aflembly held at New- port, in May, 1650, a frefli order was fent to the towns, to colled and pay what they owed to Mr. Williams for the charter within twenty days. " Wil- liam Arnold and William Carpenter, inflead of fubmitting to the government of their own colony, went again and entered complaints againft fome of their neighbors Jo the Maffachufetts rulers, and they fent a citation to them to come and anfwer the fame in their courts, dated from Bofton, June 20th, 1650, figned by Edward Rawfon, Secretary. Such obflacles of good government were they who have made a great noile in the world about the diforders of Rhode If- land Colony!" — Backus, Hiji. of the Baptijh in N. E. Bofton, 1777: vol. i. p. 207. 152 Letters of Roger Williams. For his much honored, kind friend, Mr. 'John Winthrop, at his houfe, i?i Nameag, thefe. Cawcawmsqussick, II. 7. 48, (fo called.) [11 Sept. 1648. J 1 Dear and worthy Sir, — Beft falutations to you both and loving fifter premifed, wiihing you eternal peace in the only Prince of it. I have longed to hear from you and to fend to you fince this ftorm arofe. The report was (as mod commonly all Indian reports are) abfolutely falfe, of my removing my goods, or the leaft rag, &c. A fortnight fince, I heard of the Mohawks coming to Pawcatuck, their rendezvous ; that they were provoked by Uncas wronging and robbing fome Pawcatuck Indians the lafr year, and that he had dared the Mohawks, threatening, if they came to fet his grounds with gobbets of their flefh ; that our neighbors had given them play, (as they do every year ; yet withal I heard they were divided ; fome refolved to proceed, others pleaded their hunting feafon. We have here one Waupinhommin, a proud, defperate abufer of us, and a firebrand to ilir up the natives againfi: us, who makes it all his trade to run between the Mohawks and thefe, and (being a captain alio himfelf ) renders the Mohawks more terrible and powerful than the Englifh. Between him and the chief Sachems hath been great confultations, and to my knowledge, he hath perfuaded them to defert their country and become one rebellious body or rout with the Mohawk, and fo to defy the Englifh, &c. 2 I havefent alfo 1 3 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. i. p. 178. raganfetts to fight with Uncas." A depu- 2 We find an explanation of this in tation was fent from Plymouth to confer Backus, who fays " The Indians were with the Narraganfetts. Williams fent far from being eafy ; and in Auguit, for the Sachems, who, upon meeting him, 1648, about 1000 of them from various denied their hiring the Mohawks to war parts were collected in Connecticut, with againll Uncas. — Hiji. of the Baptijls,\o\. 300 guns among them; and it was re- i. p. 194. ported that they were hired by the Nar- Letters of Roger Williams. 1 5 3 what I can inform to the commiffioners. At prefent, (through mercy) we are in peace. Sir, I defire to be ever Yours in Chrift Jefus, Roger Williams. The letter I have fent by Warwick, twenty miles nearer than by Seekonk. For my much honored, kind friend, Mr. "John Winthrop, at his houfe, at Nameug, thefe. Cawcawmsqussick, 23. 7. 48, (fo called.) [Sept. 23, 1648. ] x Kind Sir, — Beft falutations to your dear felves and lov- ing lifter. I am bold and yet glad to trouble you, that by this occafion I may hear of your welfare. Capt. Mafon lately requefted me to forbid the Narraganfetts to hunt at Pequot, and to arTure them of his vifiting of them if they fo did. I have written now an anfwer, which I am bold to requeft you to fend at your next opportunity. Two days iince I was at Providence, and then Mr. Brown was not returned, only he had wrote home fome angry palfage againft the Narraganfetts, who are now in expectation of fome aifault from the Engliih. Sir, whether it pleafe God to vifit us with peace or war, in life and death I deiire to be Yours ever in Chrift Jefus, Roger Williams. ■Knowles, Mem. of Roger Williams, p. 215. 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. ix. p. 270. 20 *54 Letters of Roger Williams. Sir, our neighbors, Mr. Coddington and Capt. Partridge, ten days iince, returned from Plymouth, with propofitions for Rhode Iiland to fubjecl: to Plymouth; 1 to which him- felf and Portlmouth incline; our other three towns de- cline, and Mr. Holden and Mr. Warner, of Warwick, 2 came from thence alfo, and they fay, gave fatisfaction why they dare not (the other three towns) depart from the charter. Sir, in this divifion of our neighbors, I have kept myfelf unengaged, and prefented motions of pacification, amongft which I was bold to propofe a reference to your worthy felt and fome other friend to be chofen ; our town yields to it, and Mr. Bolton (though oppolite) and poffibly you may have the trouble and honor of a peace-maker. Sir, pray feal the enclofed. 1 See note to previous letter for the propofition to fubjecl: the ifland of Rhode Ifland to Plymouth. Three years be- fore the propoial was made by Codding- t >n and Partridge, Maflachufetts fet up a title to Rhode Ifland, and claimed allegi- ance from its inhabitants. Winthrop, under date of May 1645, fays "The government of Plymouth lent one of their magiftrates, Mr. Brown,* to Aquetneck ifland, to forbid Mr. Williams and others to exercife any of their pretended au- thority upon the ifland, claiming it to be within their jurifdidlion. Our Court alfo fent to forbid them to exercife any authority within that part of our jurif- diction at Pawtuxet and Shawomet, and although they had boafted to do great matters there, by virtue of their charter, yet they dared not to attempt anything." Savage's Winthrop, vol. ii. p. 270. In Auguft, '645, Williams received an official notice from Increafe Nowell, Secretary, aflerting that Maflachufetts held " a charter whereby the Narragan- fett Bay, and a certaine tracl of land wherein Providence and the Ifland of Aquidnay are included," and giving him notice to "forbeare any jurifdiction there- in." — See Ma/s. Col. Records, vol. iii. p. 49 ; alfo R. I. Col. Records, vol. i. p. 133. z Randall Holden and John Warner two of the leading men of Warwick. *"John Brown," here referred to, fays Savage, " is honorably mentioned in Morton's Memorial, as having been acquainted with the defert of the pil- grims before they left Leyden. He be- came Aflillant in 1636, and was after- wards a Commiflioner of the United Colonies from 1644 to 1655, and died in 1662. A fon, James, who lived at Swanzea, was an aflillant in 1665." — Note to Winthrop, p. 270. Letters of Roger Williams. 155 For his ?nuch honored and beloved Mr. John Wintbrop, at Nameug. Cawcawmsqussick, 10. 8. 48, (fo called.) [10th Oft. 1648.]" Sir, — Beft falutations to your dear felves and loving lifter. In my laft I intimated a promife of prefenting you with what here pafTeth. Captain Atherton, 2 Captain Prich- ard, Richard Wood and Strong Tuchell, have been with me (as alfo Wm. Arnold, inftead of his fon Benedict, who withdrew himfelf, though fent unto,) thefe fix or feven days. They were at Niantick two nights. Captain Ather- ton purpofed to vilit you, but they appointing their meet- ing with all the Sachems at my houfe, they came back ; and this morning, (the fourth day of the week,) they are departed with good content toward the Bay. From the commiffioners they brought feveral articles, but the main were three ; concerning the Mohawks, &c. ; 2d, the pay- ment ; 3d, Uncas' future fafety. To the firft, they fent anfwer (and that they confirmed with many affervations, and one of them voluntarily took the Englifhmen's God to witneis) that they gave not a penny to hire the Mo- hawks againft the Mohegans, but that it was wholly wrought by Wuilbonkquaffin, (which they difcovered as a fecret) who being bound by Uncas, and Wuttouwuttau- oum, Uncas his coufin, having attempted to (hoot a Mo- hawk Sachem at that time, refolved with the Mohawks (to 1 3 Mafs. Hifi. Coll. vol. ix. p. 271. was killed by a fall from his horfe in Knowles' Mem. Roger Williams p. 218. 1 66 1 . Atherton and Pritchard were 2 Humphrey Atherton, Major-Gene- the agents fent from Plymouth to Narra- ral and a diftinguifhed Maffachufetts fol- ganfett to enquire into the reported league dier. He was Speaker of the General with the Mohawks, mentioned in letter Court in 1653, and was much employed of September 11th. in negotiations with the Indians. He 156 Letters of Roger Williams. whom he alfo gave peag) to take revenge upon Uncas ; WufToonkquaffin Tent them word and defired peag of them in the fpring, but they profefs they confented not, nor fent not a penny, afterwards they fent Waupinhommin up to inquire to Pawcatuck and however they have given fome of the Mohegans peag this year, (as they have always done) yet they fay they are clear from giving a penny in hire, &c. They confefs their enmity againft Uncas, and they (to the 2d) will not reft until they have finifhed their pay- ments, that they may prefent their complaints againft Un- cas, who (they fay) and other Indians, within thefe three years, have committed thirteen murders with impunity, being out of their reach in the Englifh protection. This laft year they pleaded they were near ftarved, and, therefore, fent but a fmall quantity. Now they promife, upon return of their men from hunting this winter, to make a contri- bution, the next fpring another, and fo according as they can draw the people to it, will not ceafe to furnifh, and if they die, their children (hall fulfil, and that it is their fore grief, &c, with much to this purpofe. For Uncas they profefs neither directly nor indirectly, to have to do with him, yet hope the Englifh will not deal partially with him. They defired the Englifh receipt of their peag ; I pro- duced the note you fent me, which, becaufe it was not figned with your father's hand or the Treafurer's, &c, the meifengers promifed to fend them one from the Bay, Nini- gret, made great lamentation that you had entertained hard thoughts of him in this bufinefs, and all the Sachems here profeifed their forrow and that you had hearkened to We- quafhcook, who they fay never contributed nor joined in the Pequot wars, and now flatters to draw his neck out of the payments to the Englifh. They hope you will not Letters of Roger Williams. i $y countenance him to rob Ninigret of thofe hunting places which the commirlioners gave him leave to make ufe of, and he with the Englifh had fought for with the expenfe of much treafure and hazard of his life. They defire that he may and Caufafenamon and the reft of the Pequots, be as your little dogs, but not as your confederates, which they fay is unworthy yourfelf, &c. Sir, I perceive the Englifh about the Bay enquire after new places. Captain Atherton prays me fhortly to convey a letter to you. I forgot one pafTage that the Sachems difcovered, that Wuf- foonkquaffin gave peag to the Mohawks to retreat. It feems they are (Switzer like) mercenary, and were hired on and off; thefe Sachems I believe defire cordially to hold friendfhip with both the Englifh and the Mohawks to- gether ; I am confident (whether they lie or not, about WulToonkquaffin) that they never intended hurt againft the Englifh nor yourfelf and yours efpeciallv, to whom they profefs great refpect, and jointly they defire that Wequafh- cook may come back to Connecticut from whence he went, for if he join with Uncas they fufpect he will fecretly be a means of fome of their deaths. Laftly, whereas they heard that the women with you were fomething fearful, Ninigret prays Mrs. Winthrop to be allured, that there never was, nor never fhall be, to his knowledge, the leaft offence given to her or her neighbors, by any of his (though he hath learnt it partly by your juft abhoring of Uncas his outrageous carriage among you, and of which I have not foftly told thefe meffengers and the admired partiality in the cafe.) For a token of his fidelity to Mrs. Winthrop, Ninigret, he prays me to write, tnat all the women of his town fhall prefent Mrs. Winthrop with a prefent of corn at Pawcatuck, if fhe pleafe to fend in any conveyance to Pawcatuck for it. 158 Letters of Roger Williams. Sir, to gratify them, I am thus bold with you, and de- firing your eternal peace, I reft Your worship's unworthy Roger Williams. Sir, I formerly wrote to you and now ftill crave your help with Wequafhcook, who keeps bafely from me for five or fix coats, and can neither get peag 1 or cloth. For his much honored and beloved Mr. 'John Wtnthrop, at Nameug. Cawcawmsqussick, 7. 9. 48, (fo called ) [Nov. 7th, 1648.] 2 Kind Sir, — Beft falutations, &c. lam requefted by let- ter ol Capt. Atherton, to certify what I can adviie about Block Ifland, whether it might be had of the natives, for divers of the Englifh (it feems to my conjecture) upon fome agi- tations at the laft Court, have thoughts this way. Sir, be- caufe God hath pitched your tent thefe ways, and you know much among the natives of thefe parts, I judged it not unfit to pray you help me with a word of your informa- tion, before I write what otherwife I can, from the bar- barians. The counfels of the Moft High are deep con- 1 Peng. Shells or firings of (hells ufed Englifh went among them excrpt peak, by the Indians from New England to the made out of the cong fhell. — Beverly's Carolinas, as well as among the early Hi ft. of Virginia, 1705. fettlers as money ; alfo called wampum. z Knowles, Mem. R. Williams, p. 221. " The Indians of Virginia had nothing 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 274. which they reckoned riches before the Letters of Roger Williams. 159 cerning us poor grafshoppers, hopping and flopping from branch to twig in this vale of tears. Wm. Peacock hath had a very heavy tafk in carrying Jofeph with cattle from you ; fix or feven days and nights the poor fellow was feeking them (being loft and fcattered from Niantick.) Then he brought fix to my houle, four being finally loft ; I took what pains I could to get them fought again, and three I hear are found, after which Wm. Peacock is now out, and I look for him this night with thofe three : Nini- gret did his part honeftly, but the youths and boys therea- bouts (by fome occafion hallooing) the cattle thence took the woods. Jofeph Wild hath written to me, and I ac- quaint him with the caufe, that one man alone cannot well drive cattle amongft barbarians, efpecially without an In- dian guide. It were exceeding well that three or four poles were enclofed at Niantick, to keep cattle there at night, for if God vouchfafe peace and plantations (profperi- ty) there is needs of it, Sir, I delire to be your worfhip's unfeigned, Roger Williams. For Mr. John Winthrop, at Naumeug. Nar : « Sir, — Loving refpe&s to yourfelf and deareft, and Mrs. Lake, premifed. Two days fince, Ninigret came to me and requefted me to write two letters ; the one, in anfwer 1 R. I. Hift. Coll. vol. iii. p. 151; but it was evidently written to Mr. Knowles' Mem. of Roger Williams, p. Winthrop, not long after the pre- 222; 3 Ma/s. Hijl. Coll. vol.ix. p. 275. ceding letter. This letter has no date, nor direction; 160 Letters of Roger Williams. to Captain Atherton's motion for fome Englim planting on Block Ifland, and on a neck at Niantick : the other, to yourfelf, in which protefting his innocence as to the death of his fon-in-law, with which Uncas and the Pe- quots charge him. He prays you (as of yourfelf) to lignify (as much as you can) items to the Pequots, that they be quiet and attempt nothing (at leaft, treacheroufly,) againft him, which he fufpedts, from words from Uncas, that it will be pleafing to the Englim. He prays you alfo to be mind- ful of endeavoring to remove Wequaihcook, fo conftant a provocation before him; and, at prefent, he prays you to fend for fome fkins, which lately, as lord of the place, he hath received. I hope the Englim Sachems, as I tell him, in the fpring will hear and gratify him in his juft deiires, the want of which, I guefs, is the caufe that he is not free, as yet, for Block Ifland, &c. ; but exprefleth much, if the Englim do him juftice againft his enemies. Oh, fir, how far from nature if the fpirit of Chrift Jefus, that loves and pities, prays for and doth good to enemies ? Sir, it is like he will requeft a line of anfwer, which, if you pleafe to give, I pray, fir, write when either of thofe mips you write of are for England, and by which you write your- felf; alfo where Mr. Throckmorton is, and whether he defires I mould trouble you with the peag of which I wrote, which I propofe, if God pleafe, (unlefs counter- manded by either of you) to fend immediately upon hear- ing from you. Sir, yours, Roger Williams. Sir, fince I wrote this, it pleafed God to fend a Dutch- man for an old debt, and the fame night Mr. Goodyear Letters of Roger Williams. 1 6 1 alfo, to whom and his wife (for her former hufband) I am indebted, and fo was neceffitated to make fatisfadtion to Mr. Goodyear alfo. Thefe providences of God fo falling will necellarily caufe me to be preparing fome few days more that peag for Mr. Throckmorton. But moft certainly it, (God pleafe I live,) notwithstanding ways and weather, mall be fent ; this I write, that although Mr. Throckmor- ton mould depart, or come home, yet he may prefume on your faithfulnefs and love to difpofe of it, as he requefteth. Sir, your unworthy, R. W. Captain Underhill, 1 now here in a Dutch veflel, prefents loving refpecls. For the Worjhipful Mr. John Wintbrop, at Nameug, thefe. [Probably December, 1648. ] 2 Sir, — Refpeclive falutations to you both, and lifter Lake. At this inftant (the firft of the week, toward noon,) I re- ceived yours, and fhall be glad, (if God will,) you may gain a feafonable paflage by us, before the hardeft: of win- ter, although I cannot advife you (but to pray againft win- ter flights and journeys,) yet if the neceffity of God's provi- dence fo caft it, I (hall be glad that we might have you prifoner in thefe parts, yet once in a few days (though in deep fnow) here is a beaten path, &c. Sir, Ninigret again 1 Capt. Underhill, one of the promi- 223 ; 3 Mafs. Hi/I. Coll. vol. xi. p. 276. nent officers in the attack of the Pequot This letter has no date, but is endorfed fort. by Mr. Winthrop, * rec'd December.' 1 Knowles' Memoir of R. Williams, p. 21 1 62 Letters of Roger Williams. importunes me to write to your father and yourfelf, about his hunting at Pequot, and that you would alfo be pleafed to write to your father. I have endeavored to fatisfy him what I can, and (hall, yet I am willing at prefent to write to you, not fo much concerning that you can further grati- fy him at this time, but that I may by this opportunity, falute you with the tidings from the Bay the laft night. Skipper Ifaack and Moline, are come into the Bay with a Dutch fhip, and (as it is faid) have brought letters from the States to call home this prefent Dutch Governor, 1 to anfwer many complaints, both from Dutch and Englim, againft him. In this fhip are come Englim paifengers, and they bring word of the great trials it pleafeth the Moft High and Only Wife, to exercife both our native England and thefe parts alfo. The Prince is faid to be ftrong at fea, and among other mifchiefs hath taken Mr. Trevice his fhip which went from hence, and fent it for France, it feems their rendezvous. It is faid that after Cromwell had difcomfited the Welch, with fix thoufand, he was forced to encounter nineteen thoufand Scots, of whom he took nine hundred prifoners, &c. Great ftore of Scots and Welfh are fent and fold as flaves into other parts. Cromwell wrote to the Parliament that he hoped to be at Edinburgh in a few days. A com- miffion was fent from the Parliament, to try the King in the Iile of Wight, lately prevented from efcape. 2 The Prince of Orange and the States are falling, if not 1 The fhip in wh/ch Governor Peter were drowned. — Hubbard. He was Kieft, of New Amfterdam, returned to fucceeded by Peter Stuyvefant. Holland, was wrecked on the coaft of I After a feries of difafters Charles I. Wales ; and Kieft with about fixty others threw himfelf into the hands of the Scot- Letters of Roger Williams. 163 already fallen, into wars, which makes fome of the States to tender Manhattoes, 1 as place of retreat. Sir, to Him in whofe favor is life, I leave you, defiring in Him to be Your worfhip's unworthy Roger Williams. John prays you to be in earneft with Mr. Hollett about his houfe, hoping to be back in a fortnight. [To Mr. John Winthrop, at NaumeugA Nar : [Narragansett, probably February, 1 648-9. ] 2 Sir, — Beft falutations to your worthy felf and yours, pre- mifed. I am glad for your fake, that it hath pleafed God to prevent your winter travel ; though I gladly, alio, this laft week, expected your paifage, and being at Providence, haft- ened purpofely to attend you here. Our candle burns out day and night, we need not haften its end (by fwaling) in unnecelfary miferies, unlefs God call us for him to fuffer, whofe our breath is, and hath promifed to fuch as hate life tifh army, which furrendered him to the Parliament's commiffioners appointed to receive him. Attempting to make his efcape to the continent, he was arretted by the Governor of the Ifle of Wight, into whofe hands he had placed himi'elf, and by whom he was lodged in Carif- brook Cattle. In the following month of January, 1648, he had his trial. 'Manhattan. Manhadoes. New Am- fterdam, now New York. 2 Knowles, Memoir of Roger Williams, p. 224; 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. ix. p. 280. This letter has no date. Mr. Knowles thinks it was written towards the clofe of December, 1648; the editor of the Winthrop Papers Aiggefts February, or early in March of 1648-49. 164 Letters of Roger Williams. for him, an eternal. Sir, this laft week, I read an ordinance of both houfes, (dated third month, May laft,) decreeing death to fome conciences, but imprifonment to far more, ever (upon the point) to all but Prefbyterians. 1 We have a found, that Fairfax and Cromwell are proclaimed traitors, but I rather credit that report, that Cromwell only was fent for by the Parliament, which, it feems, inclines with the King, and the city all againft the army. The Earl of Warwick was gone for Holland with twenty-two fhips purfuing the Prince. Mr. Foot and others went to Hol- land, (whither Mr. Trevice his fhip was carried) and were offered the fhip for two thoufand pounds, but I cannot hear of their agreement. About forty from the Parliament went to the King, to the Iile of Wight, (who was lately and ftrangely prevented of efcape,) to treat, but could not agree upon the firft, viz. : that the King mould acknowl- edge the beginning of the war to be his. Sir, this is the chief of matters told me few days fince, by Mr. Throck- morton, who came ten days fince from the Bay, and came well in a full laden veffel to anchor by Saconet rocks, but it pleafed God his new cable was cut by the rocks, and he drove upon Rhode Ifland fhore, where it is feared the vef- fel is fpoiled, but (through God's mercy) he faved his goods. Sir, Mr. Brewfter, (by letter) requefts me to convey three letters and bags of metal to you. I wifh they may have 1 The Prefbyterians of England and pointed a court, compofed of perfons the Scots, who were always haunted by from the army, the Houfe of Commons the idea that there was fomething facred and the city of London, to try the King, and inviolable in monarchy thought to ref- The court was opened at Weftminfter cue the King from the hands of the In- Hall, on the 20th of January, 1649; on dependents, but were defeated, and all the 27th, Charles was condemned to the Prefbyterians were forcibly expelled death, and on the 30th of the fame from the Englifh Houfe of Commons, month was beheaded in front of the pal- which now confifting only of about fixty ace at Whitehall. — Hume, Hiji. ofEng'd. members — the Rump Parliament — ap- Letters of Roger WMia?tis. 1 65 worth in them, efpecially to draw us up to dig into the heavens for true treafure. Sir, (though Mr Brewfter wrote me not word of it) yet in private, I am bold to tell you, that I hear it hath pleafed God greatly to afflict him in the thorns of this life. He was intended for Virginia ; his creditors in the Bay came to Portfmouth and unhung his rudder, carried him to the Bay, where he was forced to make over all, houfe, land, cattle, and part with all to his cheft. Oh how fweet is a dry morfel and a handful, with quietness from earth and heaven. Sane nefcio de quo J cr ibis fur ti fuf petto. John Jones is thought here to be falfe or faulty. He faid he was your fervant, that you gave him \os. in peag to bear his charges, which being ftolen out of his pocket, he borrowed fo much of me here in your name, promifing to pay me at his return, being to receive money for you in the Bay; he had, alfo, \os. more, to buy, for me, two or three necelfaries. He took 2js. £>d. of Valentine, Mr. Smith's man, my neighbor at the trad- ing houfe, for a drum, which he faid he left at my house at Providence, which drum con: him 48^. and he promifed to fend it by an Indian, but refufed, and offered to fell it again at Providence ; it is now attached. Mr. Brewfter requefted me to pay the Bay carriers, which I have thus ordered, that fix awl blades I pay to a native to carry to Ninigret, and pray you to pay fix more to him that brings them to you. I am forry you had no more corn from Ninigret, yet glad you had fo much, for I am forced to pay 4^. the buihel for all I fpend. Sir, I have not known the like of Indian madnefs. The Father of Lights caufe us to blefs him for and with our reason, remembering Nebuchadnezzar. Sir, I defire to be yours ever in Chrift Jefus, Roger Williams. i66 Letters of Roger Williams. For his much honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at his houfe at Nameug, thefe. Cawcawmsqussick, [probably January, 1648-49. J 1 Sir, — Beit falutations prefented to you both, with hum- ble delires, that, fince it pleafeth God to hinder your pret- ence this way, he may pleafe, for His infinite mercy's lake, in his Son's blood, to further our eternal meeting in the prefence of Him that fits upon the throne, and the Lamb forever ; and that the hope thereof may be living, and bring forth the fruits of love where it is pofiible, and of lamenting for inftruclions. Sir, the affairs of our country (Vaderland, as the Dutch fpeak) would have afforded us much conference. The merciful Lord help us to make up in prayer to his holy majefty, &c. Sir, for this land, our poor colony is in civil dilfeniion. 2 Their laft meetings, at which I have not been, have fallen into factions; Mr. Coddington and Captain Partridge, &c, are the heads of the one, and Captain Clarke, Mr. Eafton, &c, the heads of the other facfion. I receive letters from both, inviting me, &c, but I refolve (if the Lord pleafe) not to engage, 'Knowles' Memoir of R. Williams, p. 227; 3 Mafi. HiJl.Coll. vol. ix. p. 278. This letter is without date ; but from its contents, was probably written fliort- ly before that which follows. 1 " One of the principal difficulties, which, at this time, difturbed the peace of the colony, arofe from the extraordi- nary proceedings of Mr. Coddington, the leading inhabitant of the Ifland of Rhode Ifland. From the very organiza- tion of the government under the char- ter, he arrayed himlelf in the oppofition and feems to have left no effort untried to overturn and deflroy it. Uniting with himfelf a faflion compofed proba- bly of perfons accullomed to take theii opions from him, he fir ft petitioned the colony of Plymouth to take the ifland under its jurifdidlion : and when this ap- plication failed, notwithstanding he had been elected Prefident, in the meantime he went to England, to endeavor to fet afide the charter which Mr. Williams had procured, and deftroy the union of the towns which had been organized by its provifions." — Gammell, Life of Ro- ger Williams, p. 133. Letters of Roger Williams. 167 unlefs with great hopes of peace-making. The peace makers are fons of God. Our neighbors, the Narragan- fetts, are now confulting, and making peag, to carry, with- in a few weeks, another payment. Sir, about a month fince, one William Badger, a feaman, and now a planter at William Field's farm, 1 near Providence, paffed by me, trav- eling to the Seabrook. I have received letters fince from Captain Mafon, to whom I wrote by him, and hear nothing of him. I fear he mifcarried, for he was alone, without a guide. And, fince I mention Captain Mafon, worthy Sir, I humbly beg of the Father of Lights to guide you, in your converfe and neighborhood with him. In his letters to me, he tells me of fome extraordinary lifts againft Un- cas, and that he will favor him, but no more than religion and reafon bid him. He promifeth to vilit me, in his paf- fage, this fummer, eaftward, (I guefs he means towards Plymouth.) I mall then argue, if God will, many things, and how it ftands with religion and reafon, that fuch a monftrous hurry and affrightment mould be offered to an Englifh town, either by Indians or Englifh, unpunifhed. Sir, you have feen many parts of this world's fnowball, and never found aught but vanity and vexation At Nameug mail you find no more, except in the fountain of living waters. Sir, heap coals of fire on Captain Mafon's head ; conquer evil and good, but be not cowardly, and overcome with any evil. If you have by you the Trial of Wits, 2 at convenience, 'The farm adjoining Field's Point, rafter with the fludies of Williams, three miles from Providence. With his practice of abbreviating words, z "Tria/l of wits." We have fought in Mr. Williams may have meant ' Trial of vain, for a book bearing this title, and WitneJfesJ fimilar to a popular book of think a work of humor or wit could not Bifhop Shirley's entitled 'Trial of Wit- have been meant, fuch not being in cha- nejfes, of the Reffurrettion.'' 1 68 Letters of Roger Williams. fpare it me a few days. However, ftudy, as the Lord com- mands, your quietnefs, for which I mall ever pray and en- deavor. Your worship's unfeigned Roger Williams. For his honored, kind friend y Mr. fohn Winthrop, at Nameug. Cawcawmsqussick, 29. 11. 48. (fo called) [29th January, 1648-49. ]' Sir, — Belt falutations and willies to the Father of mer- cies for your worthy felf, yoke-fellow, filler, &c. It muft be fo in this world's fea. Sicut fluElus fluflum, Jic lu£lus luftum fequitur. And every day hath his fufficiency or fullnefs of evil to all the children of the firft finful man ; no perfons, no places, exempted from the reach of the firft curfe. My humble defire is to the moft righteous and only wife Judge, that the wood of ChrifiYs gallows (as in Mo- fes' ac"t) may be caft into all your and our bitter waters, that they be fweet and wholefome inftrudtors of the fruits of fin, the forrows of others abroad, (in our England's Aceldama,) our own defervings to feel upon ourfelves, bod- ies and fouls, (wives and children alfo) not by barbarians, but devils, and that enternally, forrows inexprefiible, in- conceivable, and yet, if ChrirVs religion be true, unavoida- ble, but by the blood of a Saviour, &c. Sir, pardon me, this is not the matter. Sir, your letters I fpeedily def- patched by a melTenger on purpofe. For a place, I know indeed of one in Plymouth claim, and would fpecify, but 1 Knowles' Mem. R. Williams,^. 228. 3 Mafs. Hi/}. Coll. vol. ix. p. 279. Letters of Roger Williams. 169 that your fpirit being troubled, countermanded it again, in your poftfcript concerning Elderkin, whom I will, if God will, effectually labor with, and write the iffue with fpeed. All our neighbors, the barbarians, run up and down, andconfult; partly fufpecling like dealings ; partly ready to fall upon the Mohegans, at your word, and a world of fooliih agitations, I could trouble you with, but I told the chiefefl yefterday, that it is not our manner to be rail), and that you will be filent till your father and other ancient Sachems fpeak firft, &c. Sir, concerning the bags of ore, it is of Rhode Ifland, where it is certainly affirmed to be both gold and iilver 1 ore, upon trial. Mr. Coddington went to the Bay, with his daughter, for England, 2 and left Cap- tain Partridge in truft with all, the laft week, at Newport. George Wright alias Captain Wright, ffabbed with a pike, Walter Lettice at Newport, and is in prifon ; the other, if not dead, is not like to live. Sir, yours ever, in all unfeigned refpect, &c. Roger Williams. I want wax to feal, otherwife I would have expreffed fome- thing, which I referve till another feafon, if the Lord will. 1 " The colony was thrown into great excitement, by the difcovery of a gold mine on the Ifland. Mr. Williams fent fome bags of the ore to Mr. Winthrop, and writes ' it is certainly affirmed to be both gold and filver ore. upon trial.' The Aflembly pafled an act, taking pof- feflion of the mine in the name of the State of England, and iflued a procla- mation forbidding all perfons to inter- meddle with any of the ore. This was publifhed by William Dyre, appointed 22 for that purpofe, for want of a Herald-at- arms, and the arms of England, and of the Lord High Admiral, were let up at the mine. Fortunately a more accurate examination diffipated the golden dreams of the colonifts by proving the report unfounded." — Staples, Annals of Provi- dence, p. 72. 1 The purpose for which Coddington went to England is flated in a note to the preceding letter. 170 Letters of Roger Williams. For the worjhipful, and kind friend, Mr. fohn JVintbrop y at Nameug. Cawcawmsqussick, i. 48. (fo called.) [March, 1648-9. ]' Sir, — Beff. refpects and love prefented,and thanks hearty for your letters, former and latter, all now received. I am again importuned by our neighbor Sachems, having heard of Wequafhcook's carrying off peag to Captain Mafon, to pray you to inform them whether that peag be part of the payment ; becaule Wequafhcook and his company refufe to pay. They defire me alfo to write to the Bay about it, which I defer to do until their payments go, which are fomething delayed becaufe of the death of Ninigret's wife's mother, which is the fame you write of, Wequam cook's mother, and it is now qunnantacaun, that is, lamentation. Sir, fince I wrote to you, our tour towns met by deputies, fix out of a town. This Court laft week wrote to me infor- mation of their choice of myfelf as Deputy Prefident, 2 in the abfence of the Prefident, who, whether they have fixed on yourfelf, or Mr. Coddington's faction prevail to keep his name in, now gone for England, I cannot yet learn, but I have excufed myfelf for fome reafons, and I hope they have chofen better. I wrote to them about an act of ob- livion, which, bleifed be the God of peace, they have paft, and have appointed a Court of election in the third month, at Warwick. Sir, I am exceeding glad of your beginnings at Pawcatuck. I pray fail not to enquire whether from there, or from Mohegan or Connecticut, you can help me to one '3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. ix. p. 282 ; Prefident of the colony was the refult Knowles, Mem. of Roger Williams, p. of his letter to the town of Providence. 230. See note to Letter of Auguft 31, pre- 1 This appointment of Williams as ceding. Letters of Roger Williams. iji hundred bufhels of Indian corn. To your dear yokefel- low and lifter refpective falutation. The fun of righteouf- nefs gracioufly mine on you. I defire, unfeignedly, to be your worfhip's unfeigned in love. Roger Williams. The Sachems pray you to tell them whether their peag 1 will be fold at under rates, as Punhommin, coming two days lince from the Bay, informs them, viz. : that they muft pay great black at thirteen to the penny, and fmall black at fifteen, and white eight to the penny. I tell them the laft year it was meafured, and fo word was fent to me they mould pay it by meafure. For his honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at Pequot. [Probably March or April, 1649. J* Sir, — I am the more eafily perfuaded by this barbarian prince, Ninigret, to trouble you fo often, that I may the oftener hear of your welfare, and at prefent how it pleafed God to bring you home to yours again. Upon your word, 1 Peag patted among the early fettlers ganfetts, Niantics and Mohegans, has as monev. There was a law of the colo- reference to the debt or tribute, which, ny regulating its value. " No one fhall by an agreement entered into at Bofton, take any black peage of the Indians, bat they were required to deliver. at four a penny ; and if any fhall take z 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 283 ; black peage under four a penny, he fhall Knowles' Mem. of Roger Williams, p. forfeit (aid peage, one-half to the inform- 231. er, the other half to the State." — Laws This letter is without date. It was of Rhode ljland, 1648. probably written in March, or early in The frequent mention in thefe letters April, 1649. of peag carried to Boflon by the Narra- 172 Letters of Roger Williams. Ninigret prays you to fend him word, whether within ten days, of this 5th of the week prefent, you will pleafe to meet him at Wequatucket, ib it be when Mr. Stanton is prefent. He would confer about Mr. Eliot's 1 letter and coat, about Wequafhcook's ufurping at Pawcatuck, about his prefent hunting, about the prefent difpofal of the Pe- quot fields, about his letters to the Bay, which, in your name, I have almoft perfuaded to fufpend until the meet- ing of the commirTioners 2 at Bofton. Here is now a great hurry made by Anquontis, one of thofe petty Sachems, of whom Mr. Eliot wrote to you and me. He hath offered great abufe to one of the chiefs, and Ninigret is now going to Conanicut about him. I perfuade not to engage them- felves, but to fend him to the Bay with my letter- Sir, loving refpe&s to Mrs. Winthrop, Mrs. Lake, whom God graciouily, with your loving felf and yours, bind up in the bundle of that life, which is eternal in Chrift Jefus, in whom I defire to be, Yours ever, Roger Williams. x John Eliot, commonly called the Apof- tle of the Indians ; the tranflator of the Old and New Teftament in the Indian language and of various works relating to the Indians. 2 Mention has before been made of the "Commimoners of the United Colo- nies," fome notice of which feems necef- fary. The colonies fo united confifted of Plymouth, MafTachufetts Bay, Con- necticut and New Haven, and was the earliefl confederacy among the New Eng- land colonies. " It was " fays Profeflbr Gammell, " a union of great importance to the interefts of thofe embraced in it, and may be regarded as in fome fort, the germ of the fubfequent confederations which have marked the hiftory of the American people. The objefts which were propoled in its formation were neu- tral protection againft the depredations of the Indian tribes, who were now be- coming more formidable by the acquisi- tion of fire-arms, and againft the en- croachments oi the Dutch and French, together with the prefervation of the liberty and peace of the gofpel, and the advancement of the Kingdom of Chrift. Letters of Roger Williams. 173 For n;y honored kind friend Mr. fohn Winthrop, at Pequot. Nar. 15. z. 49. (fo called.) [Narragansett, Api il 15, 1649.] 1 Sir, — Beft refpecls and love to you both. By this bear- er (Nath. Waller) I received your book, 2 and had by the fame returned it, but that I defire to read it over once more, rinding it pleafant and profitable, and crave the fight of any other of that fubjecl: at your leifure, kindly thanking you for this enclofed. As yet no tidings further from Eng- land. Here the Dutch Governor threatens fome trouble about the Dutch prized which Captain Clarke, Bened and others bought, which he defires to be reftored, as being no prize, as taken contrary to the peace with Spain. If not reftored he threatens to take all veflels from hence, to which end it may be it is, that Jacob Curlow (whom the Indians call Yaupuck) have lately bought of fome of the Narraganfett Sachems the little Ifland 4 in the mouth of this Bay (called Aquedenefick and Dutch Ifland), intend- ing to build and trade there, contrary to an order of this Colony againft foreigners, as alfo againft. the agreement between the Commifiioners and the Sachems, not to fell any land without their confent. We are borne to trouble . . . The colony at Providence, formed 3 The Dutch were, by law, forbidden as it had been, principally of the outcail to trade with the Indians within the ju and banifhed from the fettlements of rifdidtion of the colony upon pain of New England, was not invited to join forfeiture of fhip and goods. Probably the confederacy ; and her lubfequent ap- one of their veffels engaged in trade had plication for admiflion, like that of the been captured. fettlers on Rhode Ifland was fternly re- 4The fmall ifland weft of the iflard of fufed. — Life of Roger Williams, p. 114. Conanicut at the entrance to Narraganfett x \Mafs. Hif. Coll. vol. vi. p. 267. Bay, now under the jurifdiftion of the 1 Probably the book called " Triall of government of the United States, and Wits" fent for in a preceding letter, upon which a fortification has recently page 167, fee note. been eredled. 174 Letters of Roger Williams. as the fparks fly upward. Above the fun is our reft, in the Alpha and Omega of all bleffednefs, unto whofe arms of everlafting mercy I commend you, defirous to be yours even in him. Roger Williams. My loving refpect to your loving fitter. I hope it will pleafe God to fend you a mill. For the Worfiipful his very loving friefid Mr. John Win- throp, at Bqjloriy or elfewhere. [No date; probably April or May, 1649.] 1 S IR> — Bert falutes, &c. I long to hear of your refrem- ing after fo much fighing, &c. Our neighbor Sachems (having fent two natives this morning to my houfe inftead of Caufafenamont, to attend your coming,) are importu- nate with me to write to you, and to pray you (if this meffenger Safepunnuit meet you on the way) to write a word to the Bay, concerning the late buiinefs of Uncas' pretended death at Mohegan. For preface, this Mr. Smith's pinnace (that rode here at your being with us) went forth the fame morning to Newport, bound for Block Ifland, and Long Ifland, and Nayantick for corn : with them went a Narraganfett man, Cuttaquene, an ufual tra- der for Mr. Smith : the wind being (after three or four '4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 268. nor of Maflachufetts in place of Gover- Probably written in the Spring of nor Winthrop, who died on the 26th of 1649, before May 10, at which time March of this year. — Note by Savage to Governor Endicot was elefted Gover- Winthrop Papers. Letters of Roger Williams. 175 days May at Newport,) northeaft and ftrong, they put into your river and fo to Mohegan. Uncas came aboard, on a fudden groaned and cried out that the Narraganfett had killed him : the Narraganfett man denied it, and Uncas flowed a wound on his breajl which bled afrefi, &C. 1 Many circum- ftances paifed. In fine Uncas caufed the man's two fore- fingers to be cut off and fent to Capt. Mafon, who being come, caufed the man to be unbound, and took him along with himfelf to Hartford. Our neighbor Sachems now pray you and the Magiftrates of the Bay, and of the whole country, that the matter may be thoroughly fearched out with all diligence, for two caufes : Firft, for the clearing of themfelves, who all profefs moll folemnly to be alto- gether innocent, &c, and they fay it had been childifh, now they are fo near finishing their payment, to have prevented the Engliih juflice againft Uncas, which they are in great hopes of when matters fhall be heard, &c. They hear that Cuttaquene, the man in hold, being threatened death by a hatchet over his head, to confefs his complotters, au- thors, &c, he named (as they fay) themfelves to fave his own life. The fecond caufe, that Uncas might be dif- covered, for they fuppofe he (knowing how near he is to a trial (after the payment finimed) according to the Engliih Sachems promife,) projected this vilainy, &c, to render the Narraganfetts ftill odious to the Englifih, and prevent his trial. I was bold to write your deareft for a word of Englifh information ; which I think will come by the Englifh (who went to fee your parts.) By natives I hear that your fames went to Uncas and charged him with projeB- > "The complaint of Uncas againft the United Colonies, at their feflion, at Bof- Narraganfett man, here related, was con- ton, in July, 1649." — See Hazard, ii. fidered by the Commiffioners of the p. 130. Note to Wintbrop Papers. i y6 Letters of Roger Williams. ing himfelf and aBing himfelf a fmall Jiab on his breajl in a fafe place ', &c. Many circumftances look earnejlly toward a plot of Uncas, both at this time, and in the manner J- of the fact of which you will hear more. He that is the Father of Lights, and Judge of the whole world will fhortly bring all fecret things to light. At prefent two things make me (if all things elfe were clear) to fufpend belief to Uncas' words : Firft, that the going forth of Cuttaquene in Mr. Smith's veiTel was on an inftant, and accidental, and never intended (that I can hear yet of) for Mohegan ; how- ever if the Englifh had thoughts of it (which will be known upon their landing) yet they never mentioned it to the native, who, it is like, would never have confented, for this fecond confideration. This man Cuttaquene (without a miracle) could not attempt this thing, for I know him, and all men know him, to be of a gentle and peaceable fpirit, and was never forth with them in their wars ; and no way like to ftop fuch a man at noonday, in the midft of his own, &c. Sir, I am forry I have no horfe, nor boat lit to ferve you at this time. My canoe with a wind fair would quickly fet you here with eafe : I have writ to my wife that it may attend you : and I humble beg of the God of Heaven that his holy Angels may attend you in all his ways, in whom I defire to be your worship's refpective and affectionate Roger Williams. Sir, if this meet you at Providence, I pray impart it to my brother and friends to whom I cannot now write. 1 This paragraph is fomewhat obfcured, by an attempted erafure, by an another hand. See note to Winthrop Papers. Letters of Roger Williams. 177 To Mrs. John lVi?ithrop y Jr. Narragansett, [no date, probably April, 1649.] 1 Mrs. Winthrop, — Loving refpedts to your kind felf and dear lifter. I am importuned by our neighbor Sachems to write to your dear hufband in the Bay, that whereas they hear that Uncas is hurt by a Narraganfett man, that went in Richard Smith's 2 pinnace, they pray him to be allured that whatever is done, more or lefs, they are ignorant of it, and will ufe no other means againft him than the Eng- lilh juftice in a legal way. They pray me alfo to write to you, that by yourfelf or fome of our loving friends with you, this melTenger may bring word of the truth of mat- ters among them : I believe nothing of any of the barba- rians on either fide, but what I have eye fight for, or Eng- lish teftimony. I am the more willing to write, becaufe I might hereby hear of your health, and of your children and neigbors, to whom I wifh eternal peace in the Son of God, in whom I defire to be Your loving friend, Roger Williams. I pray caufe a line to be fent back by this bearer, what the matter is. '4 Mafs. Hift. Co//.vo]. vi. p. 270. was one of the party with Gov. Win- 2 " Richard Smith, len'r," fays Wil- throp, of Connecticut, and others to liams in his letter of 21ft July, 1679, whom the Narraganfett Sachem Cogina- " for his confcience to God left fair pof- quon, granted the " Northern TradT: " in feffions in Glocefterlhire, and adventured the Narraganfett country. The title to with his relations ana eftate to New this land was afterwards confirmed to England, and was a moll acceptable in- Smith and his aflbciates by an order habitant, and a prime leading man in from King Charles 2d. — R. I. Col. Rec. Taunton and Plymouth colony." He vol. i. pp. 464-466. Richard Smith, in 23 178 Letters of Roger Williams. To the Worjhipful Mr. John Winthrop, at Pequot. Narragansett, 9. 3. 49, (fo called.) [May 9, 1649. ]* Sir, — Beft falutations and wifhes prefented to your dear- eft with yourfelf, &c. Thefe enclofed came to my hand in two feveral letters from the Bay enclofed, your brother in a letter from him, requefting my help, &c. I have therefore, fpeeded them by the Sachems, who will, there- fore, expect fome word of tiding from the Bay, which you may pleafe to fignify, in one line to me. Whatever you hear, or can well collect, will be any word of tidings, &c, by which occalion (if you have occafion) you may well refcribe. Benedict was delired by the magiftrates in the Bay to take fpecial care to charge Wequafhcook, concern- ing 2 . He hath requefted this talk from me, which this morning I purpofe to do (with God's help) carefully. Sir, two days fince, my boat not being fitted, coming from Providence, I was (in articulo temporis) fnatched by a mer- ciful, and, fome fay, a miraculous hand, from the jaws of death. The canoe being overfet, fome goods, to fome val- ue, were funk, fome whereof I hope, if God pleafe, to re- cover. However, blefted be God, and blelfed are fuch whom he correcteth and teacheth in him. Yours he gra- cioully make me, though unworthy. Roger Williams. the autumn of 1651, purchafed of Roger the barbarians the firfl Englifh houfe Williams his eftate at Cawcumquffick, among them." This would carry the (now Wickford), from which place lb fettlement back to 1639. many of thefe letters were written. In l Knowles' Mem. Roger Williams p. his teftimony in favor of Smith's title to 232 ; 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 284. the Wickford lands, dated July 21, 1679, 2 "Concerning." Though the origi- Williams fays, that forty years from this nal of this letter is much torn, the blank date, Smith " put up in the thicker! of following the above word is the only one Letters of Roger Williams. 179 To my much refpedled friend Mr. John Winthrop, at Pequot. 13. 3. 49, (fo called.) [May 9th, 1649.]' Sir, — Salutations, &c. Your laft letter, which you men- tion, I fent by way of the Englim, fince I came hither from Providence. I know of no letter of yours, that came back, as you write. One of mine to yourfelf, when you were in the Bay, was met by the peag mefTengers from the Bay, and brought by them again to my hand, becaufe, as they conceived, the whole about Uncas, his wounding, was not yet, as then, known, which, at your coming hither, by the Englifh relation was perfected. Tidings from Uncas are, that the Englifh come from the Bay to Hartford about Uncas, and are appointed to take this way, and to take Ninigret with them. Aquawoce (Wepiteammock) is at the point of death. Expeclat nos mors ubique ; cur non nos mor- tem? In life and death the Son of God mine on us. In him, Yours I defire to be, ever unfeigned, Roger Williams. which I was not able fatisfacTtorily to make out or fupply. The fragments of a few letters look more like parts of the word "Nenekunat" (Ninigret) than any other. Between that Sachem and We- quafhcook, as appears from another let- ter of Roger Williams, there was a mif- underflanding. — Note by Prof. Knotoles. ] Knowles, Mem. R. Williams, p. 233 ; 3 Mafs Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 285. " This letter is worthy of notice, as affording a flight intimation of that deficiency of paper and other articles, which the exclufion from intercoufe with Bofton occafioned. This letter was writ- ten on the envelope, or blank fide of one addrefled to the writer, as is evident from the direction, which flood originally thus : "To my much refpefled friend, Mr. Roger Williams." Mr. Williams ftruck out his own name, and put in the place of it, "John Winthrop, at Pequot," in a blacker ink. — Note by Prof. Knowles. i8o Letters of Roger Williams. For his honored, kind friend, Mr. John Wintbrop, at Nameug, thefe. Nar. 26. 3. 49. (fo called) [May 26th, 1649. ]' Sir, — Loving refpetts to your dear felf, and deareft, &c. This laft of the week, in the morning, your man and all his charge are come juft now to me in fafety. I, myfelf, alfo came hither late laft night, and wet, from Warwick, where this colony met and upon difcharge of my service, we chofe Mr. Joieph Smith, 2 of Warwick, (the merchant or (hop-keeper that lived at Bofton) for this year, Preiident. Some were bold (though Captain Clarke was gone to the Bay and abfent) to ufe your name, and generally applauded and earneftly defired, in cafe of any poffible ftretching our bounds to you, or your drawing near to us, though but to Pawcatuck. One law paffed, that the natives mould no longer abufe us, but that their blacks mould go with us, as with themfelves, at four per penny. All wines and ftrong waters forbidden the natives throughout the colony, only a privilege betrufted in my hand, to fpare a little for neceffities, &c* Sir, tidings are high from England ; many mips from 1 Knowles' Mem. R. Williams, p. 234 ; 3 Mafs. Hi/l. Coll. vol. ix. p. 286. 1 In May, 1649, the General Aflembly met at Warwick, when Mr. Williams having declined a reele&ion, Mr. Jofeph Smith was chofen President. Among the afliflants chofen was Samuel Gorton. Mr. Williams was chofen " to take a view of the records delivered unto the Court by William Dyre," referring, probably, to his complaints againft Cod- dington. Thefe complaints were again prefented to the General Aflembly, but were deferred, probably, in confequence of the abfence of Mr. Coddington. J Black, i. e. black peage. 4 The law regarding the fale of intoxi- cating liquors was as rigid at this period as it is now among the prohibitionifts. At the May feffion of the General Af- fembly, 1650. a refolution was paffed in which it was " granted unto Mr. Roger Williams to have leave to fell a little wine or llrong water to the natives in their ficknefs." — R. I. Col. Records, vol. i. p. 219. Letters of Roger Williams. 1 8 1 many parts fay, and a Briftol {hip, come to the Ifle of Shoals within a few days, confirms, that the King and many great Lords and Parliament men are beheaded. Lon- don was fhut up on the day of execution, not a door to be opened, &c. The States of Holland and the Prince of Orange (forced by them) confented to proceedings. It is faid Mr. Peters 1 preached (after the fafhion of England) the funeral fermon to the King, after fentence, out of the terrible denunciation to the King of Babylon. Ela. 14: 18, &c. Your letter to your brother I delivered to Mr. Gold, (going to Bofton;) this weather, I prefume hinders. Mr. Andrews, 2 a gentleman of Warwick, told me, that he came from the Bay, where he heard that the Bay had proclaimed war with the Narraganfetts. I hope it is but miftaken ; and yet all under, and while we are under the fun, nothing but vanity and vexation. The moft glorious Sun of Righteoufnefs mine gracioufly on us. In him I defire to be, Sir, ever yours, Roger Williams. To his honored friend, Mr. John Winthrop. Cawcawmsqussick, 13. 4. 49, (fo called ) [June 13th, 1649. ] 3 Sir, — Belt falutations, &c. The laft night one of We- quamcook's Pequots brought me, very privately, letters from Capt. Mafon, (and as he faid, from Uncas and We- 1 Hugh Peters; fee note to letter of wick. — R. J. Col. Records, vol.i. p. 302. July 21, 1637. *3 Mafs. Hifl. Coll. vol. xi. p. 287; a Edward Andrews, a freeman of War- Knowles' Memoir of R. Williams, p. 235. l82 Letters of Roger Williams. quamcook.) The letters are kind to myfelf, acknowledg- ing loving letters (and tokens, which upon burning of his houfe,) he had received from me, &c. ; but terrible to all thefe natives, efpecially to the Sachems, and mod of all, to Ninigret. The purport of the letters and concurrence of circumftances, feem to me to imply fome prefent conclu- fions (from Connecticut) of hostility, 1 and I queftion whe- ther or no prefent and fpeedy, before the meeting of com- miffioners, which I faw lately from the court, under Mr. Nowell's hand, was not to be till the feventh month. The murdering of Uncas is alleged by {tabbing, and lince at- tempted by witches, &c. The conclufion is therefore ruin. The words of the letter are : " If nothing but blood will fa- tisfy them, I doubt not but they may have their fill ; and again I perceive fuch an obftinate willfullnels, joined with def- perate malicious practices, that I think and believe they are fealed to definition." Sir, there are many devices in a man's heart, but the counfel of Jehovah (hall ftand. If he have ltl Thehoflile attitude of the Indians, occafioned by the determination of the United Colonies to proteft Uncas at every hazard, from the punifhment due to his crime at the hands of the Narraganfetts, cauied more ferious alarm than ever be- fore. The diilentions prevailing among them thofe of Shawomet and Pawtuxet owing allegiance to MafTachufetts, and viewing as enemies all Englifhmen whom fhe denounced, while the Niantics and Nipmucks remained true to their proper princes, made the fituation of Rhode If- land, furrounded as fhe was by thefe dif- trafled and exafperated tribes extremely perilous. The inhabitants of Warwick fufFered from this caufe. They com- plained that the Indians had killed their cattle, abufed their fervants, entered their houfes by force, maltreating the occu- pants, and dealing their goods, and de- fired advice on thefubjed." * * * The Commiflioners wrote a letter to the Sachems, advifing them to abftain from fuch conduit in future, and telling them that, if they received any injury from the Englifh, fatisfaction fhould be given them, as the like would be expected from them. Scarcely had this mifiive been fent, when letters were received from Roger Williams and others, warn- ing the United Colonies of preparations making by the Narraganfetts to renew the war on Uncas." — Arnold, Hij}. of Rhode IJland, vol. i. p. 222-23. Letters of Roger Williams. i8 3 a holy and righteous purpofe to make us drink of our mother's cup, the holinefs nor power, nor policy of New England, can itop his hand : He be pleafed to prevent it, if not to fweeten it. Sir, I pray, if you have aught, fignify in a line, and you mall not fail of my poor papers and prayers. Your unfeigned, Roger Williams. Your letters and friends were here fome days with me. This laft choice at Warwick (according to my foul's wifh and endeavor) hath given me reft. Others are chofen, Mr. John Clarke, 1 at Newport, to whom, and all my friends on the illand, I wrote effectually. Thither they went. I have heard nothing lince. If power had been with me, fuch a work of mercy, (although to Grangers) I hope, by the Lord's affiftance, mail not efcape me; and I ^ohn Clarke, the founder and pallor of the firil Baptiil Church in Newport, was one of the moll prominent men in the colony. In 1651, he was fen t to England with Roger Williams, to pro- mote the interefls of the colony. He remained there, until he procured the charter of 1663. After his return, he was elefted three years, fucceffively, Deputy Governor. He died April 26, 1676, in the 67th year ol his age. Having no children, he gave moll of his property to charitable purpofes. — While in London, he publifhed a book, entitled, "/// News from New England, or a narrative of New England's Perfe- ction ; wherein it is declared, that while Old England is becoming New, New Eng- land is becoming Old; &c, &c. London, 1652. To no man, except Roger Wil- liams, is Rhode Ifland more indebted than to him. He was the original pro- jector of the fettlement on the Ifland, and one of its ablell legiflators. Dr. El- ton, in fpeaking of Clarke, lays "He was a faithful and ufeful miniiler, cour- teous and amiable in all relations of life, and an ornament to his profefTion and to the feveral offices which he fullained. His memory is deferving of Jailing hon- or for his efforts towards ellablilhing the firil goverment in the world which gave to all equal, civil and religious liberty." Note to Callender's Hijl. Difl.p. 212. 184 Letters of Roger Williams. have promifed my afTiftance to Mr. Clarke and others, at Newport, if any blame or damage befall them from the colony or elfewhere. Sir, I forgot to thank you for the pamphlets, although (not having been lately at Providence) I have them not; but I have lent for them. I have here now with me, my eldeft daughter, of feventeen. Her younger lifter of fif- teen, hath had nature's courfe before her, which me want- ing, a flux of rheum hath much affected her head and right eye ; (he hath taken much phytic, and been let blood, but yet no change. She is advifed by fome to the Bay. I pray advife me to whom you judge fitted: to addrefs unto of the Bay phyficians. Sir, I hear a fmith of your town hath left you, and faith I fent for him. It is moft untrue, though we want one at Providence, yet I mould condemn in myfelf, or any, to invite any convenience or commodity from our friends. I know him not, nor ever fpake (to my knowledge) about him. Mr. Throckmorton hath lately brought in fome corn from Hemftead and thofe parts, but extraordinary dear. I pay him 6s. for Indian, and 8x. for wheat. Thefe rains if God pleafe to give peace, promife hopes of plenty. Two days fince, letters from my brother. He faith a a fhip was come to the Bay from England. She was not come vet in the river. A lighter went aboard, and brought the confirmation of the King's death, but no other par- ticulars. The everlafting King of kings fhine on us, &c. Letters of Roger IVilliams. 185 To the Worjlnpful his kind friend Mr. John Winthrop, Ef/., at Pequot. Nar. 26, 6, 49. (fo called.) [Narragansett, Auguft 26th, 1649.] 1 Sir, — Beft refpects to you both, with hearty defires of your peace and ours, if the God of Peace fo mercifully pleafe. Upon this late hubbub, (of an alfault upon the Pequots by the Mohegans, and one of thofe Mohegans purfued and flain by the Pequots,) the Sachems have lent to me for my thoughts, their men being impatient of mak- ing an alfault alfo upon the Mohegans. I tell them the Englifh will not regard their complaints until the debt is paid. But that (at this time) will not ftop them : I tell them the Mohegans have now killed but an old woman (if dead) : they have killed a Captain, that makes them confider. Further, whereas they delire I would write to the Bay, I anfwer, it is better firft that I write to you to pray you to fend to Hartford, to know whether the Magiftrates and Englim have fet on Uncas, and what their refolution is, then upon receipt of their mind mail yourfelf and I know better what to write to the Bay for them. With this I have fatisfied them, and conceive it very requifite that (if you have not already) you would pleafe to requeft a word from honored friends of Hartford. If God pleafe, this fire may yet be quenched, which humbly defires Your worship's unworthy Roger Williams. Sir, I pray feal and fend this to Efq. Mafon. 1 4 Mafs. Hi/?. Coll. vol. vi. p. 271. 24 1 86 Letters of Roger Williams. For his honored, kind friend, Mr. fohn Winthrop, at Pequot. Nar : 25, 8, 49, (fo called,) [Oftober 25, 1649.] 1 Loving Sir, — To yourfelf and your dear companion beft falutation and defires of your hearts defire, and more then your hearts can defire in the knowledge and love of the Son of the living God : This pafTing hand calls for this line only of neighborly falutation and information. Our neighbors mefTengers are gone to (not returned from) MalTachufetts, with about 20// or upwards of peag. I had promifed to write for them, but the peag being brought me, and fo little, and they quarrelling amongft themfelves, and fooliihly charging inferior Sachems of non- payment, I was not free. I advifed them (according to your advice) to compell Wequafhcook to contribute, as alfo the Block Iflanders and fome petty Sachems about the great pond (who follow Wequafhcook to fave their money) but they fay it is a new thing fo to do, &c, and they deiire rather the Englifh would do it, which difcovery of their weaknefs, Sir, in my poor thoughts, holds out a great Providence of God for the onenefs and fecurity of the Eng- lifh (while the barbarians are in their fractions) and fome door of hope to me of fome preparations to draw them nearer to civility, and that according to your own dear father's opinion and defire. Our natives fay the Mauqua- wogs have deiired the Englifh to ftay from going to war againft. the Dutch Indians, but a Dutchman tells me he heard (at Munnadoes) of five hundred Englifh coming againft them. If the Father of Mercies mercifully pre- vent not, it may prove a devouring fire. Bluefield is come to Newport and is carrying the fhip (his prize) to Munna- 1 AfMafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. vi. p. 272. Letters of Roger Williams. 187 does, having promifed the Governor to anfwer it to the Spaniard if demanded, becaufe (he is taken againft the Treves. 1 Only the feamen (being of feveral nations) are divided and quarrel, and will hardly be pacified but by the weak power of the Ifland, where a General Court is fud" denly called this next (2d) day at Portfmouth. If you have any printed relations from England, I (hall thank you for the fight. I have received a large and pious letter from the Lady Vane, (which I will fhortly prefent you with). Sir Henry's opinion is, perfecution approaching. Tis the portion of Chrift Jefus and his to pals through fuf- fering to Glory : In Him defirous to be ever yours, Roger Williams. For Mr. John JVinthrop, thefe. Nar. 9, 10, 49, (fo called,) [Narragansett, Dec. 10, 1649. ] 2 Sir, — Praifed be God for your healths and peace, which I humbly defire he may pleafe to continue and fancflify to Himielf. Thefe letters Mr. Arnold importuned me to fend, although by an hired mefTenger. This bearer (al- though a thief and muft be looked to) is careful, and I have promifed, upon a note received from you, a pair of 1 Treve, a " truce," or "armiftice." ry of New Netherland, i. 296, as corn- It may be conje&ured that the writer re- mander of a privateer upon our coafl a fers to the Treaty of Munfter, con- few years before. See alio Documents eluded between Spain and the States- relative to the Colonial Hiftory of the General in 1648. This Bluefield is State of New York, i. 397-399. — Ed. probably the Capt. " Blauvelt," a Dutch- Wintbrop Papers. man, mentioned in O'Callaghan's Hiilo- 2 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 273. 1 88 Letters of Roger Williams. breeches. We have here notice of conclufions for the war from Bofton, and preparations of a fet number in each town. Truely, Sir, I have heard little concerning thofe murders by Englim or natives, but fear that the Lord is kindling fires amongft us. I humbly conceive the cafe of a man murdered need not hazard the Englim in winter hoftilities, nor the plantations, by the certain and experi- enced revenges of thofe Dutch Indians, and am confident that within a year's compafs, &c, by iilent and watchful courfes, the murderer or murderers may be taken in Eng- lifh towns. However, David would rather wink at mur- derous Joab all his days, then hazard the lofs of more blood for the revenging of fome. At Seekonk a great many have lately concurred with Mr. John Clarke and our Providence men about the point of a new Baptifm, and the manner by dipping : and Mr. John Clarke hath been there lately (and Mr. Lucar) and hath dipped them. I believe their practice comes nearer the firfl practice of our great Founder Chrift Jefus, then other practices of religion do, and yet I have not fatisfaction neither in the authority by which it is done, nor in the manner ; nor in the pro- phecies concerning the rifing of ChrifVs Kingdom after the defolations by Rome, &c. It is here faid that the Bay hath lately decreed to profecute fuch, and hath writ to Plymouth to profecute at Seekonk, with overtures that if Plymouth do not, &c. Here hath been great bickerings about Bluefield's (hip at Newport, there arretted by fome of his company, and ordered to be fold and payments made, although he ftand deeply bound to repay all to the Span- iard upon demand, becaufe taken againft the Treves. This (hip and other velfels, and great and fmall ordinance going off, caufed high reports (almoft to my belief as I wrote to Letters of Roger Williams. 189 you) of fome Irifh pirates, whom we have caufe to fear, and (feeking to God) prepare alfo for. I have heard of a book from England importing another high cafe on foot touching a more equal diviiion of lands among brethren, and proviiion for the younger brethren. I thankfully ac- knowledge your love concerning my daughter. 1 My wife (here with me) informs me of a courfe of phylic me has entered into with Mr. Clarke 2 of Bofton, where me hath been lately, and is better. We are encompalfed with mo- tions about her; but neither I nor me can entertain thoughts of fo early a marriage. She, as my wife tells me, delires to fpend fome time in fervice, and liked much Mrs. Brenton, (who wanted); but I trouble you with fuch paf- fages, &c. My wife prays a little of your powder for Mrs. Weekes' daughter, of Warwick, who is every winter great- ly afflicted by occafion of fuch obstructions, and breaks forth to lamentable effects. The condition (although the parents offer payment with thanks,) I queftion not but will prevail with your loving breait, wherein God gra- cioully dwell, as in a palace of his delights. In him I deiire to be Ever yours unfeigned Roger Williams. Your fervant, Poft, lay with me two nights, earneftly importuning me to fend his thankful remembrance and fervice. I am troubled about Nenekunat's hunting, to whom 1 Probably his (laughter Mary, who is bury and Bofton, who died in January, faid to have been born at Plymouth, in 1664-5. A good portrait of him is in Auguft, in 1633, now fixteen years of the cabinet of the Maftachuietts Hiftori- age. — Eds. Wintbrop Papers. cal Society. — Eds. Wintbrop Papers. 2 Dr. John Clarke, phyfician of New- 190 Letters of Roger Williams. Wequafhcook fends threatening of Captain Mafon's vifit. They have importuned me to write to Captain Mafon, which I have done. On the laft firft day was a great fray between Warwick men and thofe Indians, and blood fpilt, and many cuts and hurts on both fides : who both on the third day fent for me, who went, and (by God's mercy) compofed not only the prefent, but have begun a treaty of full agreement with the natives about their land, if the Bay pleafe. Sir, my love to Mr. Brewfter, 1 to whom I thought now to write; but by the next if God pleafe. For the Worjhipful his kind friend Mr. "John Winthrop, Efq. at Pequot. Nar. 16, 12, 49, (fo called.) [Narragansett, 16th February, 1649-50. ] 2 Sir, — I rejoiced exceedingly from your own loving hand (by Robin Caufafenamont) to receive tidings of your healths after this (harp time. Bleifed be God, who hath provided warm lodging, food, and clothing, and fo feafona- ble and admirable an element of fire for his poor creatures againft fuch times ; the fame blelTed Lord make us learn of his little ants, (Prov. 6.) to provide timely againft eter- nal bitternefs. Hoc momentum vnde pendet czternitas. For expedition I advifed Robin to get over to Rhode Ifland himfelf, which I think he did, but I have not lince heard 'Jonathan Brewfter, was the eldeft the Mayflower, in 1620. fon of Elder William Brewfter, the dif- 2 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 276. tinguifhed Puritan, who came over in Letters of Roger JVWia??is. 191 of him. I am forry for this affliction to Mr. Smith in his daughter's hufband, and we fear Richard Smith his fon, alfo, but hope it will pleafe God to give us tidings of de- liverance : however, it is not fafe for duft and afhes to tempt the Moft High in fighting with his winter ftorms without neceffity. I grieve that my dear countrymen of Connecticut are fo troubled with that filthy devil of whor- ifh practices, and more that yet they are perfuaded of fuch courfes to call: him out. Adultery is a fire which will root out, but the gentiles, the nations of the world, will never be proved capable of fuch laws and punimments as that holy nation, bred up and fed with miraculous dif- penfations, were fit for. Sir, I humbly blefs God that hath vouchfafed you light and power to witnels againft many evils of your countrymen, to His Honor and yours. As yet we have not tidings from our mother. God merci- fully fit us for his holy pleafure in hearing, doing, fuffering, living, dying : He graciouily guide you and your deareft by his counfel to his glory : So prays Your unfeigned, Roger Williams. Mr. Throckmorton is preparing and waiting daily for a reafon to vifit you. 192 Letters of Roger Williams. Roger Williams to fohn Winthrop, jfr. Nar. 24, 12, 49, (fo called.) [Narragansett, 24th February, 1649-50. j 1 Kind Sir, — Beft falutations, &c. In my laft, by Con- lider, I forgot a parTage about that letter to the Commif- fioners which you were pleaied to take from me. Mr. Browne lately told me that he cannot call to mind that ever it was produced ; he conceives, if you forgot not, that the Prefident did, or that it was fuppreifed. I crave one line about it. Mr. Browne hath often profeifed liberty of confcience, but now the way of new baptifm ipreads at Seekonk as well as at Providence and the Ifland. I have been fo bold as to tell him that he perfecutes his fon and the people, and on the other fide Mr. Newman 2 alfo. Sir, if you have Carpenter's Geography,^ or other difcourfe about the Earth's diurnal motion, fpare it a little to Yours moft unworthy Roger Williams. Sir, I pray if the Long Illand man be not gone, afk for a book I lent him. *4 Mafs. Hi/}. Coll. vol. vi. p. 277. had before appeared. It was printed in 1 Samuel Newman, born in England London in 1643. — Blake, Biog. Ditt. in 1600, and educated at Oxford. Emi- His defendants are ftill found in Re- grated to Maflachufetts in 1638, and af- hoboth and Seekonk. ter ipending feveral years at Dorchefter ' " Carpenter's Geography." Na- and Weymouth, fettled at Rehoboth, thaniel Carpenter born 1 588 died 1635, where he refided till his death in 1663, was an Englim clergyman. He wrote greatly efteemed for his talents and pie- feveral volumes confirting of fermons, ty. He compiled a Concordance of the philofophical works and a Geography De- Bible, which was fuperior to any that lineated, Oxford, 1625. 4to. 2d edition, 1635. — Watts, Bio. Britannica. Letters of Roger Williams. 193 For his honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at Pequot. 1 Sir, — Yours received and fent. I pray in your next a word about Earle's paper ; a word of the war againft the natives. I cannot yet get particulars touching Cromwell in Ireland, 2 yet hope (till that God will honor him, whom I hope he truly deiires to honor. I grieve to understand from. your former that Moles is not underftood in New England, touching what he did to that one nonel'uch typical and miraculous people of Ifrael ; yet furely, licentioufnefs of all forts needs a fharpe [torn] though too fharp, and more then God requires or ever did in all nations equal to Ifrael, is destructive, &c. Sir, in hafte Yours ever unfeigned Roger Williams. Sir, if you have occafion to deal with Thomas Stanton, or any up to Connecticut for corn of any fort, I pray re- member me if it were 500^//: I purpofe to write to my old friend Pynchon,^ and pray you if you have occafion, intimate a word to him. '4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 279. doings at Drogheda and Wexford, in 2 This letter has no date; but the wri- September and Oftober of" 1649. — Eds. ter, although he had not yet got the Wintbrop Papers. " particulars touching Cromwell in Ire- 3 William Pynchon. See note to let- land," poffibly had heard rumors of his ter of Oftober 17, 1650. 25 194 Letters of Roger Williams. For the worjhipful, bis kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at Nameug. Nar. 20, i, 49. (fo called.) [20th March, 1649.]' Sir, — Loving refpeclis and beft wifhes to you both, &c. By Nenekunat I received your laft, relating a found of more bloody mowers about Old, and faid trials at our doors in New. 'Tis mercy that we have not our perfonal mares in them, 'tis mercy we are not confumed. The Father of Lights vouchfafe us fympathifing hearts and pre- pared to follow the Lamb through all tribulations into Glory. Nenekunat now with me importunes me to write this to you, to pray you to take notice of a meflage that Kaufa Senamon (your Robin lately brought to him from Connecticut, viz. : that he mould difcharge and fend to Long Ifland that young Sachem Taufaquonawhut, who hath lately married his eldeft. daughter, becaufe as Captain Mafon and the Magiftrates fay, he is a Pequot. He pre- fents this anfwer to yourfelf, and prays you to prefent it to the Englifh Sachems as you find occafion. He faith that this Taufaquonawhut was fought to by Uncas to marry his daughter, but he not affe&ing her (becaufe of her fore eyes) came to his daughter, who falling in love, he, and the mother, and daughter, and himfelf (Nenekunat) delire they might live near together, which they do a fmall dif- tance off. He fays fome bring him word that the Englim will divorce them: others that his daughter may follow him to Long Ifland if (he will. He fays that the young man was a child when the Pe- quot wars were, and had no hand in oppofition, &c. That he was not the fon of any of thofe Sachems who fought 1 4 Mafs. Hi ft. Coll. vol. vi. p. 277. Letters' of Roger Williams. 195 againft the Englifh, but of Tattaopame, whom the Dutch ilew. That his mother alfo is Wequafhcook's wife. That there is no other color of his being hurtful to the Englifh, but by mowing them kindnefs as they travel by his houfe : which to my knowledge he is free to. He prays you not to loie your right, but fend for a fkin of a moofe which was killed upon one of your hummocks by Fiiher's Ifland, lately, and carried to Wequafbcook, as the lord. Sir, I gladly expect your book, and one of the Parlia- ment's Declarations which I lent the Long Illand English- man who part hereby in winter. Sir, I delire to be ever yours unfeigned Roger Williams. For the worjhipful kind friend Mr. JVintbrop, at Pequot. 1 [No date; probably May, 1650.] Sir, — Loving refpects, &c. Thefe inclofed Mr. Throck- morton yefterday delivered to Mr. He: and Thomas Doxey, two days fince put forth from Newport, but Mi. Throckmorton being a league the foremoft, met upon Point Judith with a guft. from the fouthweft, which brought ! 4 Mafs. Hi/}. Coll. vol. vi. p. 279. with you, this is to entreat you to fend The following note from John El- me this letter to Pequot, as fpeedily as derkin is written upon the fame page, you can, and if you be at charges about and preceding this letter of Williams, in the fending of it, I willingly will pay the original. — Eds. Wintbrop Papers. you. Your fervant to my power. Mr. Williams,— After my love re- J 0HN Elderkin. membered to you, being thankful to you Prov. 12th May, 1650. for your kindnefs to me, when I was 196 Letters of Roger Williams. him on backftays, laid his veffel on one iide, in much dan- ger, his canoe fell over from him, and was loft, his oars, &c, but God brought him mercifully fafe in hither, and Thomas Doxey back to Newport, whither he hath now fent for his wife and Mrs. Arnold : Benedict 1 having now bought houfe and land at Newport, propofing thither to remove. Sir, Thomas Doxey told me of your thoughts for England : this bearer, Mr. Thatcher, tells me he fpake with fome of the Briftol mips, which fay that twenty to one are for the Prince throughout the land, and wait for a change of wind, which (if God pleafe to alter) is doubt- lefs like to be very dreadful, yet would I not difcourage you from liftening to any evident call of that God who is able to carry whom he fends, through men and devils. Our Colonies General Court is now at Newport, where (upon a frefh report of wars with France) our Englifh is in demur of fuffering the Frenchmen (who came in Blue- field's prize, flumed with blood, and have bought a Frigate of Capt. Clarke,) to go out upon their voyage to the Weft Indies, leaft they practice their trade upon their own coaft. Yet one of them having lain with Mr. Amies' daughter, (of Portfmouth,) is like now to marry her. The parents of the Englilh are troubled greatly. God mercifully bring good out of thele evils. Sir, it hath pleafed God to quicken (by a Dutchman • Benedict Arnold, one of the found- At the General Election in 1657, he was ers of Providence. His name appears chofen Prefident, and in 1663 Governor in the town records under date of Au- of the Colony, to which office he was guil, 1636. The following year he was annually elecled to 1666; again from aflbciated with William Coddington in 1669 to 1672, and from 1677 to 1678. the purchafe of the Ifland of Conanicut, He died on the 2.0th of June of the lat- and figned the firit. compact: in 1640. He ter year. He filled many offices of trull removed to Newport in 1653, and the at various periods, and w as one of the following year was chofen an "Affiitant." molt prominent men in the colony. Letters of Roger Williams. 197 fkipper, Lorence, now following fifhing here about us,) Tome Englifh that way, and Bened : l defires to buy my fhallop and further that work, which I heartily defire [if God fo pleafe to favor us) may profper with you and us. The Natives have taken abundance of fturgeon, and cod, and bafs this year. Nawfet Englifh (where Mr. Prince is) putting forth feven or eight boats to fi(h this Spring, by the overfetting of one boat, and lofs of two men in the going out of the harbor's mouth, were for the prefent dif- couraged. The Lord ufeth to temper great defires and hopes with fuch fharps, I hope they will on again. Sir, I want paper, reft yours, Roger Williams. There is a found of the Narraganfetts warring upon Rhode Illand (which thereupon keep watch,) but it is founded on a lie, as I (hall inform vou. To Mr. Job?i JVinthrop, at Pequot. [No date. June, 1650. ] 2 Sir, — Dear refpects to your dear felves and loving lifter, rejoicing in your peace, which may well with us (after the Hebrew idiom) comprife the reft, &c. The meffenger tells me you have that tidings about Prince Rupert,^ whofe 'Probably, Benedict Arnold. for three years he acquitted himfelfwith ^ \Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 281. honor. In 165 1, the great parliamenta- 3 Prince Rupert, nephew of Charles rian Admiral Blake, attacked the Prince's I. having been unfuccefsful as an officer fquadron and funk or deilroyed it. It is in the Royal Army, was appointed to the doubtlefs to this reverfe in the fortunes command of the fleet, in which capacity of Prince Rupert that Williams refers. 198 Letters of Roger Williams. name in thefe parts found as a north-eaft ftorm of mow. The Father of Mercies graciouily avert, or (if he fees good for us to bring it) fhelter us under the wings of his mercies, and gather us under them by true humiliation. Our peace here this laft night founds very uncertain. In- dian news have doubtlefs fomething in it, of a hundred Englim from the Bay coming to Warwick and the Narra- ganfett : to Warwick about controverfies between Warwick men and Mr. Arnold : to Narraganfett for peag. They tell of their inftant approach. Mr. Throckmorton laft ni^ht from Providence writes that Plvmouth men were lately in great and hot debates about yielding their claim of thefe parts to the Bay, which, after much heat in vot- ing, was by a committee caft to the Bay, whence I con- jecture they now acf. 1 God graciouily turn it to his praife however, whatever becomes of our peace. Sir, we have great caufe to figh at the filthinefs in this land, and alfo at the unchriftian ways of punifhments. You may pleafe to remember that I have been large (in the Bloodie Ten- ent), 2 in the difference between that land of Ifrael and all others. It is in diicufling of the model. Mr. Cotton re- fers the anfwer to the reft of the elders, whofe anfwer or reply I yet hear not of, and pray you if you do, to inti- mate. 'Tis a controverfy wherein I am deeply engaged, of which you will (if God pleafe; fee more. For your- 'At the General Court held at Bolton, z Williams's well-known book entitled June 10th, 1650, the commiffioners on " The Bloody Tenent of Perfecution,for the controverfy concerning the title to the caufe of Confcience,diJcujfed,in a con' and jurisdiction of lands on Shawomet, ference betweene Truth and Peace, etc., (Warwick) and Pawtuxet made their re- London, 1644 : " and Cotton's " Reply port. The refult was, that Plymouth to Williams's Examination," etc. — Pub. relinquished to Maffachufetts all claims Narraganfett Club, vols. ii. and iii. to the junfdidr.ion of thefe lands. — Ply- mouth Records, vol. ii. p. 158-159. Letters of Roger Williams. 199 felf, dear fir, you do I prefume (as in confcience to God and man, you can no lefs) propofe your queries to your friends, of note for authority and ability : whofe anfvvers I mould thank you to fee. Newton's cafe is imminent : poor man. God gracioufly arm him againft the laft great trial approaching, where millions of men and devils number- lefs would joy eternally to fwone without returning. God gracioufly fit him and us for that battle by thefe flight viii- tations, &c. For Saybroke, fir, you know I rejoice and mourn : rejoice that the Lord Jefus his name is more founded, and mourn that not after the firft pattern, in which I find no Churches extant framed, but all (by a dreadful fate) oppofling, difiblving, &c, and Perez Uzzah, the breaches and divilions wonderful. The Portraiture, 1 I guefs is Bifhop Hall's, the ftyle is pious and acute, very like his, and J. H. fubfcribes the Epitaph : probably he prefented thefe pallages to the King in the times of his reftraint, for he was truly the Bifhop's King and breathed from firft to laft abfolute Monarchy and Epifcopacy. Doubtlefs (viis and modis) he was guilty of much blood. All that feems weighty in my eye are the popular tumults 1 Eikon Baftlike. The Portraiture of his facred Majefy, King Charles I. in his Solitudes and Sufferings. London, 1648. This remarkable book caufed a great fenfation at the time it was pub- lifhed, no lefs than fifty editions, accord- ing to Lowndes, having appeared in 1648-9 ; and it has been aflerted that if it had appeared a week fooner, it might have faved the life of the King. Bifhop Hall was not the author, as Williams furmifes ; this honor has been awarded alike to Charles I. and to Bifhop Gau- den. Mr. Wordfworth wrote an elabo- rate work to prove that the King wrote it; while Sir James Mackintofh makes equal efforts to fhow that Dr. Gauden was its author. Mr. Hallam, in fpeak- ing of the Eikon Bafilike fays, "It" we could trull its panegyritls, few books in our language have done it more credit by dignity of fentiment and beauty of ftyle. It can hardly be neceflary for me to exprefs my unhefitating convidlion that it was folely written by Bifhop Gau- den, who, after the Reftoration claimed it as his own." — Literature of Europe. London: vol. iii. p. 152. 200 Letters of Roger Williams alledged as the artifice of the Parliament : 'Tis true it is a dangerous remedy, yet that which God ufed againft Baal's priefts. The people as well as King, were ftirred up for their death. The people for Jonathan againft King Saul. The people held the Pharifees in awe, thirfting after (Thrift's and the Apoftle's blood. Sir, pardon my paper in all its defects, and let me truly mourn that I am not more Yours unfeigned in Chrift Jefus, Roger Williams. Sir, I am bold to add my mite, &c, thefe enclofed. Sir, hearing want of pins, I crave Mrs. Winthrop's ac- ceptance of two fmall papers, that if the want not herfelt, yet fhe may pleafure a neighbor. Roger Williams to John Winthrop, Jr. Nar. 9. 8. 50, (fo called.) [Narragansett, 9th O&ober, 1650. J 1 Sir, — Beft refpects and love prefented to yourfelf and deareft. My houfe is now filled with foldiers and therefore in hafte I write in an Indian houfe : It hath pleafed God to give me, and the Engliih, and the Natives that were met together and the whole land I believe a gracious deliver- ance from the plague of war : On the laft day laft came to my houfe Capt. Atherton with above twenty foldiers and three horfes : The Captain requefted me presently to travel to the Sachems (met together in mourning for Wepiteam- mock's dead fon within three or four miles of my houfe) 1 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 289. Letters of Roger Williams. 201 and to demand the reft of the pay three hundred and eight fathom : l and two hundred more for thefe charges, &c. I went alone and drew them out of the mourning houfe, who anfwered they were ever refolved to pay, but they were diffracted by that peace broke by the Mohegans in that Hoftility begun upon them at Pequot which they anfwered not becaufe of the Englim ; but expected fatisfaction, but receive none, &c. Yet they refufed not to pay : I returned and the Captain with me went to them and two or three foldiers as was agreed, and after a little difcourfe we agreed in the fame place to meet on the fecond day : We did and all day till night, the Captain demanded the peag or two Sachems, the natives promifed peag within a little time : the Captain would have one or two prefent, and in the eve- ning drew up his men (unknown to me fent for) round about the Sachems in a hole, and the Indians (twenty for one of us) armed and ready with guns and bows about us, the Captain defired me to tell the Sachems he would take by force Nenekunat and Peficcofh ; then I protefted to the Captain before Indians and Englifh, I was betrayed for firft I would not have hazarded life or blood for a little money ; fecond, if my caufe and call were right, I would not be defperate with fo few men to aifault Kings in the midft of fuch guards about us, and I had not fo much as knife or ftick about me : After long Agitations upon the tickliih point of a great (laughter (as all the foldiers now confefs,) the God of mercy appeared. I perfuaded the Captain to ftay at my houfe four days, and the natives within four days to bring in the peag and I would lav down ten fathom: (as formerly I had done twenty (God knows beyond my ability.) 'Fathoms of peage. 26 202 Letters of Roger Williams. Sir, to-morrow the peag is to come, I hope fuch a quan- tity as will ftop proceedings : I told the Captain he had defperately betrayed me and himfelf : he tells me he will give me good fatisfaction before he depart : I prelume he fears God in the main, but fear he can never fatisfy me nor his own confcience, which I hope the Lord will mow him, and mow the Country what dangerous Councils the Commiffioners produce : which makes me fear God is pre- paring a War in the Country. Juft now a letter from Rhode Illand comes for my voyage for England : but as yet I reiblve not. God gracioully be pleafed to fet our af- fections on another Country and himfelf above in his dear Son. Sir, yours in him I delire to be unfeigned Roger Williams. John Wintbrop, Jr., to Roger Williams, in reply to the foregoing. Pequot, November 10, 1650. Sir, — I received your letter this morning, and mufl write back in hafle, the mef- fengers being haftily to return, thanking you for the intelligence of this matter, which neither from the CommiiTioners or from any of the Government or any other way I have had the leaft intimatiom either by meflage, or letter. I thank you chiefly for your endeavors of bringing the Indians to a peaceable conclufion of mat- ters. The whole country are much obliged to you for your care herein, as former- ly for your labors and travails in this kind which they cannot be fo fenfible of, who do not fully underfland the nature and manner of the Indians who are brought to a right \_cet. defunt.~\ [This fragment feems to be the anfwer of Governor Winthrop to the preceding letter. Upon the back in Governor's W.'s hand, — "Copy of my letter to Mr. Williams in anfwer to his of 8. 9. 49."] Gov. Winthrop makes a miftake in the year, which fliould be 1650. — Ed. Win- tbrop Papers. Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 203 For his honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at Peqnot. Nar. 17. 8. 50. (fo called.) [Narragansett, Oftober 17, 1650.] 1 Kind Sir, — Loving refpects, &c. The Captain's de- mand was three hundred and eight fathom for the debt, and two hundred for this expedition. Thev paid one hundred and forty, and faid it was the whole, and that the difference was made by the meafure. They alfo brought two hun- dred and forty for this Expedition : and upon the Captain's motion I prevailed with them to fend two natives, with a petition writ by myfelf to have all cancelled. The Cap- tain promifed to fecond the petition, which they faid your loving felf and Captain Gibbons and Mr. Stanton had for- merly prefented in their behalf. I was (if not too) warm, infixing on the partiality againft the Narraganfetts and towards Uncas, and affirmed that Un- cas might better fteal many horfes then Wenekunat look over the hedge. I urged Uncas his villainous dealing againft your poor town, yourfelf, &c. There is a myftery in it, of which formerly, Sir, yourfelf and I had fome hints, and may, if it pleafe the Lord to bring us together before winter. The Captain told me the bufinefs was de- iigned by the Commiffioners, and that (as he perceived) they were refolved to hazard a war upon it, &c. But praifed be the moll: holy, gracious, and only wife, who not only watched over you and us ; but if I miftake not over the whole country, while the watchmen flept; for to me it is certain, a war between the Englifh and the Mauquawogs, or between the Englifh and the Narraganfetts, will, if not difpoifefs many a planter and difplant plantations ; yet haz- 1 4 Mafs. Hi/I. Coll. vol. vi. p. 283. 204 Letters of Roger Williams. ard much blood, and Ilaughter, and ruin to both Englifh and Indian ; and when foever this fore plague of God comes, though upon never fo juft a caufe in the laft way of remedy and extremity, yet it is one of his three molt dreadful earthly and temporal judgments upon the children of men. Sir, Thomas Doxie came in almoft three weeks fince, he had no mind for Providence, but ftood away for Martin's Vineyard, and left a letter for his wife here to meet him, who came here this day, fome few hours iince from Providence, but we hear not of Thomas ; fo that the poor woman is much difconfolate, for to get from Providence me was forced to promife to come back, if Thomas would not come up ; yet Benedict writes to me and to her here ex- ceeding lovingly. I fear he has gone to Munnadoes to finifh this voyage with the two Dutchmen with him. Katherine prefents fervice and prays advice. The Father of mercies gracioufly blefs thefe trials to her, that it may be for her good in the latter end, which I mail (through his grace) endeavor to further. Sir, I am your unworthy Roger Williams. Letters of Roger Williams. 205 For his honored kind friend Mr. JVinthrop, at Pequot, thefe. [No date ; Oftober, 1650.] 1 Sir, — Beft falutation, &c. Yours by Elderkin (who predi- cates your juft praife in many refpe&s, &c.,) common, phi- lofophical modern virtue, laudata crefcit, — how much more mould true, heavenly, and eternal ? I wrote you largely the irTue of things, and hope you have received, &c. In fum, that the Captain had one hundred and forty fathom for the debt, (which was all, fay the Indians, but three hundred and eight fay the Englim) alfo two hundred and forty for this charge. A petition I wrote to the Court for the Natives touching the difference, and this bearer, Mr. Caukin, tells me it was accepted in the Court of Deputies (of which he was one). He tells me of a book lately come over in Mr. Pynchon's name, 2 wherein isfome dero- gation to the blood of Chrift. The book was therefore burnt in the Market place at Bofton, and Mr. Pynchon to be cited to the Court. If it come to your hand, I may hope to fee it; however the Moft High and only Wife will by this cafe difcover what liberty confcience hath in this land. Sir, as I wrote, Katherine came in hither the day I wrote to feek Thomas Doxey, and he came in the next day after, and the next day to Providence together. She tells me (to give Benedict content) fhe let Bened: x \Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 284. books. The one here alluded to is proba- This letter is without date; but from bly "The Meritorious Price of Man's Re- Mr. Winthrop's endorfement of "Ofto. demption, etc. London: 1650. It was 23," it may be inferred that it was writ- received in Bofton during the feflion of ten a few days before. the General Court in October following, 1 William Pynchon fettled at Rox- which body ordered the book to be burnt bury, Mafs., in 1630; at Springfield, the next day "after the Letture." A about 1637, and returned to England in fecond edition was printed in 1655. 1652. He was the author of feveral ?Benedift Arnold. 206 Letters of Roger Williams. write to her uncle : but (lie herfelf writ privately that if anything were fent, it might be in houfehold fluff. I hope (yet fear) thofe trials may take off Thomas from company, Spending, &c, unto which your help will not be wanting. I think he will bring her to Pequot or Long Ifland. Your tidings of God's renewed mercy again to Cromwell is con- firmed : Sir, in his mercy reft you and yours, and in him I defire to be ever yours Roger Williams. Endorfed by John Winthrop, jr., "Mr. Williams, Odo : 23:" For my well-beloved and much ref peeled, the inhabitants of the Town of Providence. To Mr. Robert Williams and Mr. Thomas Harris, or either of them. Nar. 22, II, 50. (fo called.) [Narragansett, 22d February, 1651.] 1 Well beloved friends, — Loving refpects to each of you prefented, with hearty defires of your prefent and eter- nal peace. I am forry that I am occasioned to trouble you in the midft. of many your other troubles, yet upon the experience of your wanted loving-kindnefs and gentlenefs toward all men and myfelf alfo, I pray you hear me pa- tiently. I had propofed to have perfonally attended this Court, and to have prefented, myfelf, thefe few requefts following, but being much lamed and broken with fuch ] Knowles, Mem. R. Williams, o. 402. Letters of Roger Williams. 207 travels, I am forced to prefent you in writing thefe five re- queues. The firft four concern others living and dead amongft us ; the fifth, concerns myfelf. Firft, then, I pray be pleafed to review the propofitions between us and our dead friend, John Smith ; and lince it hath pleafed the God of all mercies, to vouchfafe this town and others fuch a mercy, by his means, I beieech you uftdy how to put an end to that controverfy depending between us and him, (as I may fo fpeak) and his ; 'tis true, you have referred that bufinefs to fome of our loving neighbors amongft you ; but fince there are fome obftru£tions, I be- feech you put forth your wifdoms, who know more ways to the wood than one. Eafe the firft, and appoint others, or fome other courfe, than the dead clamor not from his grave againft us, but that the country about us may fay, that Providence is not only a wife, but a grateful people to the God of mercies, and all his inftruments of mercy to- wards us. My fecond requeft concerns the dead ftill. I underftand, that one of the orphans of our dead friend, Daniel Ab- bott, 1 is likely (as fhe herfelf told me) to be difpofed of in marriage. 'Tis true (he is now come to fome years, but who knows not what need the poor maid hath of your fatherly care, counfel and direction. I would not dispar- age the young man (for I hear he hath been laborious) yet with your leave, I might fay, I doubt not you will not give your daughters in marriage to fuch, whofe lives have been in fuch a courfe, without fome good afiurance and certifi- cate of his not being engaged to other women, or other- ' Daniel Abbott, one of the early fet- the firft divifion of lands purchafed by lers of Providence, whofe name is found Williams from Canonicus and Mianto- among thofe who received a town lot in nomi. 2o8 Letters of Roger Williams. ways criminous, as alfo of his refolution to forfake his former courfe, left (this enquiry being neglected) the maid and ourfelves repent when mifery hath befallen her, and a juft reproof and charges befall ourfelves, of which we have no need. For, thirdly, I crave your confederation of that lamenta- ble object (what mall I fay, of all our cenfure or pity, I am lure) of all our wonder and aftonilhment, Mrs. Wefton. 1 My experience of the diftempers of perfons elfewhere, makes me confident, that although not in all things, yet in a great meafure, (lie is a diftracted woman. My requeft is, that you would be pleafed to take what is left of hers into your own hands, and appoint fome to order it for her fup- ply, and if it may be, let fome public act of mercy to her necemties, ftand upon record amongft the merciful acts of a merciful town, that hath received many mercies from heaven, and remember that we know not how foon our wives may be widows, and our children orphans, yea, and ourfelves be deprived of all or moft of our reafon, before we go from hence, except mercy from the God of mercies prevent it. Fourthly. Let me crave your patience, while once more I lead your consideration to the grave, amongft the dead, the widows and the fatherlefs. From fome neighbors and the widow Mann 2 herfelf, I underftand, that notwithstand- ing her motherly affection, which will make all burthens lighter for her children's good, yet (he is not without fears, that if the town be not favorable to her in after times, fome 1 Mrs. Wefton, probably the widow * Widow Man, whofe hufband Wil- of Francis or Mathew Wefton, both of liam Man received one of the original whom received original town lots as town lots, above. Letter's of Roger Williams. 209 hard meafure and prelTures may befall her. My requeft is, therefore, that it would pleafe you to appoint lb me of your- felves to review the will, and to conlider whether the pains of the father, deceafed, or want of time, hath not occa- lioned him to leave fome of his purpofes and defires im- perfect, as alfo to propofe to the town wherein, according to the rules of jultice and mercy, what the deceafed in- tended, may be perfecled, for the greater comfort both of his widow and orphans. Fifth. My laft requeft concerns myfelf. I cannot be fo unthankful to you, and to infenfible of mine own and fami- ly's comfort, as not to take notice of your continued and conflant love and care in your many public and folemn or- ders for the payment of that money due unto me about the charter : 'tis true I have never demanded it ; yea, I have been truly defirous that it might have been laid out for fome further public benefit in each town, but obferving your loving resolution to the contrary, I have at laft re- folved to write unto you (as I have alfo lately done to Portfmouth and Newport) about the better ordering it to my advantage. I have here (through God's providence) convenience of improving fome goats; my reque/t is, therefore, that if it may be without much trouble, you would pleafe to order the payment of it in cattle of that kind. I have been folicited and have promifed my help, about iron works, when the matter is ripe, earneitly de- firous every way to further the good of the town of Provi- dence, to which I am fo much engaged, and to yourfelves the loving inhabitants thereof, to whom I defire to be Your truly loving and ever faithful, Roger Williams. 27 2IC Letters of Roger Williams. To Mr. yobn Wintbrop, Jr. [Auguft, 1651.]' Sir, — Loving refpe&s to you both, with Mrs. Lake and yours By this opportunity I am bold to inform you, that from the Bay I hear of the fentence on Mr. Clarke, 2 to be whipt or pay twenty pounds, Obadiah Holmes whipt or 1 3 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. ix. p. 291 ; Knowles' Mem. R. Williams, p. 241. z The tranfadtion here referred to, mowing the vigor with which the fa- mous law of 1644, levelled ollenfibly againft Ana-baptilts, was executed, is lb remarkable, that it deferves more than a palling notice. It appears that the Rev. John Clarke, one of Rhode Ifland's molt diilinguifhed men, with Obadiah Holmes and John Crandall were deputed by the Biptift Church in Newport, to vilit William Witter, an aged member of that church, living at Lynn, at his requeil The next day being Sunday, it was thought proper to fpend it in religious worlhip at Mr. Witter's houfe, about two miles from the town. In the midft of Mr. Clarke's i'ermon, " two conllables entered, who, by their clamorous tongues " writes Mr. Clarke, " made an interruption in my difcourfe, and more uncivilly dilturbed us than the purfuivants of the old Eng- lilh bilhops were wont to do, telling us they were come with authority from the magiitrate to apprehend us. I dedred to fee the authority by which they pro- ceeded, whereupon they plucked forth their warrant and read it to us : the fub- ftance whereof was as followeth :" "By virtue hereof you are required to go to the houfe of William Witter, and fo fearch from houfe to houfe, for certain erroneous perlons, being llrang- ers, and them to apprehend, and in fafe cul- tody to keep, and to-morrow morning bring them before me." Robert Bridges. The conftables carried Mr. Clarke and his companions to the Congrega- ional meeting. At the clofe of the fer- vice Mr Clarke rofe and addreffed the affembly, but was fpeedily filenced, and the next day the three " heretics " were committed to prifon in Bolton. A few days after they were tried before a Court of Affiftants, and Mr. Clarke was fen- tenced to pay a fine of £20, Mr. Holmes £30, and Mr. Crandall £5 ; or, in de- fault of payment, each was to be whipped. They refufed to pay the fine, as it would be an acknowledgment of guilt, and were accordingly committed to prifon. On the trial Mr. Clarke defended him- felf and his companions fo ably, that the Court were fomewhat embarraffed. "At length," fays Mr. Clarke " the Governor [John Endicott] Hepped up and told us we had denied infant baptifm, and being fomewhat tranfported, told me I had de- ferved death, and laid he would not have fuch tralh brought into their jurifdiction." From the prifon Mr. Clarke fent to the Court a propofition to meet with any of the minifters, and hold a public dif- culfion. This propofal was at firlt ac- cepted and a day fixed ; but the clergy probably thought that a public debate Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 21 I thirty pounds, on John Crandall, whipt or five pounds. This bearer hears of no payment nor execution, but rather a demur, and Tome kind of conference. The Fa- ther of Lights gracioufly guide them and us in fuch paths ; for other fuccor than that (in his mouth) Chrift Jefus walks not among the churches, (Rev. i.) Sir, upon thofe provocations that lately (as in my laft I hinted) Auguontis gave the Sachems, Ninigret, Pitammock and Peliccom, went in perfon to their town, (Chaubutick) and upon Pummakommins telling the Sachems that he was as great a Sachem as they, they all fell together about infant baptifm with fo able an an- tagonift would be inexpedient. Mr. Clarke's fine was paid without his knowl- edge or confent, and he was releafed from prilon. Mr. Crandall was alfo releafed on condition of appearing at the next Court. Before leaving, Mr. Clarke left a declaration with the magif- trates, that he would be ready at any time, to vifit Bofton and maintain his fenti- ments. Mr. Holmes was kept in prifon till the Court met in September, and then, after their public lefture in Bofton, the fen- tence of the Court was executed on him with fuch feverity that for a confiderable time, he could take no reft, except by fupporting himfelf on his knees and el- bows. Backus, prints a letter from Holmes giving a full account of his cafe, and the particulars of the manner in which the whipping was inflidled upon him. He alfo gives the proportions which Clarke fubmitted to the Court for difcuftion, with the reply of the Governor and Council. — Hijlory of the Baptifts, vol. i. pp. 229-238. John Spur and John Hazel, the latter an aged man, a friend and neighbor of Holmes, from Rehoboth, who had tra- velled fifty miles to fee him, were arreft- ed, imprifoned and fined for exprefling fympathy for C;arke and his aflbciates. " The recital of thefe tranfadlions " writes Knovvles " is painful, but wemuft compel ourfelves to contemplate fuch fcenes, if we would fuitably feel the con- traft between the policy of MalTachufetts at that day, and the tolerant principles of Roger Williams. To that policy it muft be afcribed, that wife and good men could thus treat their fellow Chriftians." Memoir of Roger Williams, p. 244. Much more might be faid of thefe ftrange tranfaclions, did fpace admit. They are fully treated of by Backus in his Hiflory of the Baptijls, and by Knowles in his Memoir of Williams ,• alfo by John Clarke himfelf in his "/// Nezves from New England ; or, a Narra- tive of New England's Perfecution." Lon- don : 1652. 212 Letters of Roger Williams. by the ears ; yet no blood fpilt. The Chaubatick In- dians fend to the Bay ; they fay Auguontis is fent for and Ninigret, but I know no certain other than meiTengers paffing to and again from Chaubatick to the Bay. Here was laft week Mr. Sellick, of Bofton, and Mr. Gardiner, a young merchant, to fetch my corn, and more, from Mr. Paine, of Seekonk ; they are bound to the French, unlefs diverted. They tell me of a fliip of three hundred, come from Barbadoes. Mr. Wall, the mailer, flood upon his guard while he (laid there ; he brought fome parlengers, former inhabitants from London, whofe cafe was fad there, becaufe of the pofture of the illand (where as I have by letter from a godly friend there) they force all to fwear to religion and laws. This Mr. Wall hath a new and great delign, viz. : from hence to the Eaft Indies. The frigates defigned for Barbadoes were ordered for Scilly, which they allaulted, and took forts and ordnance and fri- gates, and drove the Governor into his laft fort. It hath pleafed God to bring your ancient acquaintance and mine, Mr. Coddington, in Mr. Carwithy his fhip of five hun- dred; he is made Governor of this colony for his life. General Cromwell was not wounded nor defeated, (as is faid) but fick of flux and fever, and mending, and had a victory over the Scots. Sir, this world pafieth away and the [ayjuia^ fafhion, fhape and form of it, only the word of Jehovah remains That word literal is fweet, as it is the field where the myftical word or treafure, Chrift Jefus, lies hid. HIn im I hope to be yours, Roger Williams. Sir, to Mr. Blindman loving falutations. Letters of Roger Williams. i 1 3 For his honored, kind friend, Mr. "John Winthrop, at Pequot. [No date; probably Auguft 165 I.] 1 Sir, — Loving refpects, &c. Yours received and the ioj-. from your neighbor Elderkin, and letters, which mall care- fully be fent. I came from Providence laft night, and was able, by God's merciful providence, fo to order it, that I was their pilot to my houfe here, from whence I have provided a native, who, with Jofeph FolTeker, I hope will bring them fafe to you. The merciful Lord help you and me to fay, as Solomon, all that comes is vanity : all cattle, all goods, all friends, all children, &c. I met Mr. John Clarke, at Providence, recens e carcere. There was great hammer- ing about the difputation, but they could not hit, and al- though (my much lamented friend) the Governor told him, that he was worthy to be hanged, &c, yet he was as good as thruft out without pay or whipping, &c. ; but Obadiah Holmes remains. Mr. Carwithy is gone with his ihip to the eaftward for marts, and returns, three weeks hence, to fet fail for England, Sir, I have a great fuit to you, that at your leifure you would fit and fend fomething that you find fuitable to thefe Indian bodies, in way of purge or vomit ; as alfo, fome drawing plafter, and if the charge rife to one or two crowns, I (hall thankfully fend it; and commend- ing vou and yours to the only great and good Phylician, 3 de- fire, Sir, to be ever Yours in Him, Roger Williams. 'Knowles' Mem. Roger Williams, p. in medicine. The benevolent zeal of" 243 ; 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. xi. 293. Mr. Williams for the welfare of the In- z Mr. Winthrop had confiderable fkill dians, (hows itfelfonall occafions. 214 Letters of Roger Williams. The copy of a letter of Roger Williams, of Providence ', i?i New England, to Major Endicot, Governor of the MaJJachufetts, upon occajion of the late perfecution againjl Mr. Clarke and Obadiah Holmes, and others, at Bojlon, the chief town of the Maffachufetts in New Efigland. Auguft, 1 65 1. * Sir, — Having done with our tranfitory earthly affairs (as touching the English and the Indians) which in com- panion of heavenly and eternal, you will fay are but as dung and drofs, &c. Let me now be humbly bold to re- member that humanity and piety, which I and others have formerly obferved in you, and in that hopeful remem- brance to crave your gentle audience with patience and mildnefs, with ingenuity, equanimity and candor, to him that ever truly and deeply loved you and vours, and as in the awful prefence of His holy eye, whofe dreadful hand hath formed us to the praife of His mercy or juftice to all eternity. Sir, I have often feared and faid within my foul, have I fo deeply loved and refpecled ? Was I alfo fo well be- loved ? Or was all counterfeit, and but gilded o'er with earthly refpecls, wordly ends, &c. Why am I filent? my letters are not banifhed ! may be welcome, may be feen and heard, and if neither, yet will back again (together with my prayers and cries) into my bofom- Thus while I have fometimes mufed and refolved ! ob- jections, obftruclions, and a thoufand hindrances (I fear from Satan as Paul faid) hath preffed in, held my hand, &c. Sir, it hath pleased the Father of Spirits at this prefent 1 Roger Williams. Tbe Bloody Tenent yet More Bloody. London, 1652, p. 303. Letters of Roger Williams. 215 to fmite my heart in the very breaking up of your letter : This Death's Head 1 tells that loving hand that fealed it, and mine that opens your letter, that our eyes, our hands, our tongues, our brains are flying hence to the hole or pit of rottennefs : Why mould not therefore fuch our letters, fuch our fpeeches, fuch our actings be, as may become our lafl: minutes, our death-beds, &c. If fo, how meek and humble, how plain and ferious, how faithful and zealous, and yet how tender and loving mould the fpirits and fpeeches be of dying and departing men ? Sir, while fomething of this nature I mufe over your Death's head, I meet (in the entrance of your letter) with this paffage, " Were I as free in my fpirit as formerly I have been to write unto you, you fiould have received another manner of Salutation then now with a good Confcience I can Exprefs ; However God knoweth who are his, and what he is pleafed to hide from fnful man in this life, Jhall in that great Day be manifejled to All" Sir, at the reading of this line, (I cannot but hope I have your leave to tell you.) The fpeech of that wife woman of Tekoah unto David came frem unto my thoughts : Speaks not the King this thing as one that is guilty ? For will my honored and beloved friend not know me for fear of being difowned by his confcience? Shall the goodnefs and integrity of his confcience to God cauie him to forget me ? Doth he quiet his mind with this ; [God knoweth who are his? God hides from finful man, God will reveal before All ?] Oh how comes it then that 1 Endicott's feal was a death's head and is given in 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vi. Appen- crofT-bones, with the name of John Gar- dix ii. vad in a circle around it. A fac-fimile 2i6 Letters of Roger Williams. I have heard fo often, and heard lb lately, and heard fo much, that he that fpeaks fo tenderly for his own, hath yet fo little refpedt, mercy or pity to the like confcientious perfualions of other men? Are all the thoufands of mil- lions of millions of confciences, at home and ahroad, fuel only for a prifon, for a whip, for a ftake, for a gallows ? Are no confciences to breathe the air, but fuch as fuit and famplehis? May not the mod: High be pleafed to hide from his as well as from the eyes of his fellow-fervants, fellow-mankind, fellow-Englifh ? And if God hide from his, from any, who can difcover ? Who can fhut when he will open ? and who can open when he that hath the key of David will fhut ? All this and more (honored Sir) your words will warrant me to fay, without any juft offence or flraining. ObjeB. But what makes this to Heretics, Blafphemers, Seducers, to make them that fin againft their confcience (as Mr. Cotton fayth) after conviction ? What makes this to ftabbers of Kings and Princes, to blowers up of Parlia- ments out of confcience? Firft, I anfwer, He was a tyrant that put an innocent man into a bear's fkin, and io caufed him as a wild beaft to be baited to death. Secondly, I fay this is the common cry of Hunters or perfecutors [heretics, heretics, blafphemers, &c.,] and why, but for croiTing the perfecutors confciences, (it may be but their fuperftitions, &c.,) whether Turkifh, Popifh, Pro- teftant, &c. This is the outcry of the Pope and Prelates, and of the Scotch Prefbyterians, who would fire all the world, to be avenged on the feclarian Heretics, the blafphemous Here- tics, the feducing Heretics, &c, had it not pleafed the Letters of Roger Williams. 217 God of Heaven who bounds the infolent rage of the furi- ous ocean, to raife up a fecond Cromwell (like a mighty and merciful wall or bulwark) to (lay the fury of the op- prerTbr, whether Englifh, Scottifh, Popifh, Prefbyterian, Independent, &c. Laftly, I have faid much and lately, and given particu- lar anfwers to all fuch pleas, in my Second Reply or Anf- wer to Mr. Cotton's warning of the Bloody Tenent in the Lamb's blood, which it may be is not yet come to your light and hand. 'Tis true, I have to fay elfewhere about the caules of my banimment : as to the calling of natural men to the exer- cife of thofe holy Ordinances of prayers, oaths, &c. As to the frequenting of Parifh Churches, under the pretence of hearing fome Minifters : As to the matter of the Pa- tent, and King James his Chriftianity and Title to thefe parts, and beftowing it on his iubjecls by virtue of his be- ing a Chriftian King, &c. At prefent, let it not be orTenfive in your eyes, that I lingle out another, a fourth point, a caufe of my banim- ment alio, wherein I greatly fear one or two fad evils, which hath befallen your Soul and Confcience. 1 The point is that of the civil Magiftrates dealing in mat- ters of Confcience and Religion, as alfo of perfecuting and hunting any for any matter merely Spiritual and Religious. 1 Mr. Cotton's Letter examined and ment," the fecond and fourth named anfwered, pp. 4, 5. Pub. Narr. C/ub, i : above, " were no caufes at all, as he ex- 40, 41. Cotton gives his verfion of the preffeth them. There are many knowne caufes of Williams' banifhment in his to hold both thefe opinions, and yet they Anfwer 27-31. Pub. Narr. C/ub, ii. 44- are tolerated not only to live in the Com- 52. He fays, " It is evident the two lat- monwealth, but alfo in the fellowfbip of ter caufes which he giveth of his Banifh- the Churches." 28 21 8 Letters of Roger Williams. The two evils intimated are thefe : Firft, I fear you can not after io much Light, and fo much profeffion to the con- trary (not only to myfelf, and fo often in private, hut) be- fore fo many witneifes ; I fay, I fear you cannot fay and acl: fo much, againft fo many feveral Confciences, former and later, but with great checks, great threatenings, great blows and throws of inward confcience. Secondly, If you fhall thank God, that it is not fo with you, but that you do what Confcience bids you in God's prei- ence, upon God's warrant, I muft then be humbly faithful to tell you, that I fear your underprizing of holy Light, hath put out the candle, and the eye of confcience in thefe particulars, and that delulions, ftrong delulions, and that from God (by Satan's fubtleties) hath feized upon your very Soul's belief, becaufe you prized not, loved not the endan- gered perfecuted Son of God in his defpifed truths and fervants. Sir, with man (as the Lord Jefus faid of the rich man) I know it is impoffible for the (otherwife piercing eye) of your underftanding to fee into thefe things, for it is dif- colored, as in fome difeafes and glaifes. It is impoffible for your Will to be willing to fee, for that's in a thouf- and chains refolved (as once you fpake heroically and heavenly in a better way) to ipend your deareft heart's blood in your way, &c. Yet with God all things are poffible, and they that laughed the Lord Jefus to fcorn when he faid, the Damfel is not dead but lleepeth, were afterwards confounded, when they faw her raifed by his heavenly voice. His holy pleafure I know not, nor do I know which way the Glory of his great Name will more appear, either in finally fuffering fo great a fall and ruin of fo ftrong a Letters of Roger Williams. 219 pillar, that flefli may not Glory, but that his Strength and glory only may be feen in weaknefs. Or elfe in your holy riling and reviving from the bed of fo much fpiritual fil- thinefs, and from fo bloody a mind, and lip, and hand, againft all withftanders or difturbers in it. That fo the fhort remainder of your candle may hold out to the world, the riches of His mercy, at whofe word the holi- er! of his fervants ought to tremble, and to work out their falvation with fear and trembling : I fay, I defire to fay it, tremblingly and mournfully (I know not which way He will pleafe to raife His glory) only I know my duty, my confcience, my love, all which enforce me to knock to call, to cry at the Gate of Heaven, and at yours, and to prefent you with this loving, though loud and faithful noife and found of a few grounds of deeper examination of both our Souls and Confciences uprightly and impartially at the holy and dreadful tribunal of Him that is appointed the Judge of all the Living and the Dead. Be pleafed then (honored Sir) to remember that, that thing which we call Confcience is of fuch a nature, (efpeci- ally in Englishmen) as once a Pope of Rome at the fuffer- ing of an Englifhman in Rome, himfelf obferved) that although it be groundlefs, falfe, and deluded, yet it is not by any arguments or torments eaiily removed. I fpeak not of the ftream of the multitude of all na- tions, which have their ebbings and flowings in religion, (as the longeft fword, and ftrongeft arm of Bern carries it.) But I fpeak of Confcience, a perfuafion fixed in the mind and heart of a man, which enforceth him to judge (as Paul faid of himfelf a perfecutor) and to do fo and fo, with ro- fped: to God, his worfhip, &c. This Confcience is found in all mankind, more or lefs 220 Letters of Roger Williams. in Jews, Turks, Papifts, Proteftants, Pagans, &c. And to this purpofe let me freely without offence remember you (as I did Mr. Clarke newly come up from his fufferings amongft you) I fav, remember you of the fame ftory I did him, 'twas that of William Hartley, 1 in Queen Elizabeth her days, who receiving the fentence of hanging, drawing, &c, fpake confidently (as afterward he fuffered) what tell you me of hanging, &c. If I had ten thoufand millions of lives, I would fpend them all for the Faith of Rome, &c. Sir, I am far from glancing the leaft countenance on the Confciences of Papifts, yea or on fome Scotch and Eng- lifli Proteftants too, who turn up all roots, and lay all level and in blood, for exaltation of their own way and Con- fcience. All that I obferve is, that boldnefs and confidence, zeal and refolution, as it is commendable in a kind when it ferioufly refpecls a Deity, fo alfo, the greateft confidence hath fometimes need of the greateft fearch and exami- nation. I confefs, that for confidence no Romifh Prieft, hath ever exceeded the martyrs or witneffes of Jefus : Witnefs (amongft fo many) that holy Englifh woman, who cried out, that if every hair of her head were a life or man, they fhould burn for the name of the Lord Jefus : But Sir, your principles and confcience, not to refpecl: Romifb or Englifh, faints or finners : William Hartley, and that Wo- man, with all their lives, you are bound by your Con- • William Hartley was of St. John's books. He was imprifoned, and being College, Oxford, and a Roman Catholic releafed in 1584, left the Kingdom. — Prieft. When Champian, the Jefuit Wood, Athena Oxonienfis, i. p. 474. emiffkry, came to England in 1 580, Hart- Note by Dr. Caldwell, Pub. Narr. ley engaged in diftributing one of his C/ub, iv. p. 509. Letters of Roger Williams. 221 fcience to puniih (and it may be) to hang or burn, if they tranfgrefs againft your Confcience, and that becaufe (accord- ing to Mr. Cotton's monftrous distinction (as fome of his chief brethren to my knowledge hath called it) not be- caufe they fin in matters of Confcience, (which he denies the Magistrate to deal in,) but becaufe they fin againft their Confcience. Secondly, It is fo notorioufly known, that the Confciences of the moft holy men, zealous for God and his Chrift to death and admiration, yea, even in our own country, and in Queen Mary's days efpecially, have been fo groffly mif- lead by miftaken Confciences in matters concerning the worfhip of God, the coming out of the Antichriftian Ba- bel, and the rebuilding of the fpiritual Jerufalem that I need but hint who were they that penned the Com- mon Prayer (in its time, as glorious an idol, and as much adored by Godly perfons, as any invention now extant.) I fay who they were that lived and died (five in the llames) zealous for their Bifhopricks, yea, and fome too too zeal- ous for their Popifh ceremonies, againft the doubting Con- fciences of their Brethren : At which and more, we that now have rifen in our Father's ftead, wonder and admire how fuch piercing eyes could be deceived, fuch Watchmen blinded and deluded. But Thirdly, We fhall not fo much wonder when we lift up our trembling eyes to Heaven, and iemember ourfelves (poor duft) that our thoughts are not as the thoughts of our Maker, that, that which in the eyes of man (as the Lord Jefus tells us, Luc. 16.) is of high and fweet efteem, it ftinks and is abomination with God : Hence fuch Wor- ships, fuch Churches, fuch glorious profefiions and prac- tices may be, as may ravifh themfelves and the beholders, 222 Letters of Roger Williams when with the piercing eyes of the mod: High, they may look counterfeit and ugly, and be found but (fpiritually) Whores and Abominations. Fourthly, Wife men ufed to enquire, what Motives, what Occafions, what Snares, what Temptations were there, which moved, which drew, which allured, &c. This is the Apology which the five Apologifts (Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, &c.,) made to the Parliament, to wit, That they were not tempted with the moulding of New Commonwealths, after which they might be moved to frame their religion, &C. 1 Surely, Sir, the baits, the temptations, the fnares laid to catch you, were not few, nor common, nor laid to every foot. Saul pretended zeal to the name of God, and. love to Tfrael in perfecuting the poor Gibeonites to death, but honor me before the people, was the main engine that turned the wheels of all his actions and devotions. What fet Jeroboam's brains to confult and plot the invention of a new Religion, Worfhip, Prieffs, &c, but honor, and the fear of the lofs of his gained honor ? What moved Jehu to be falfe and halting with God after fo much glorious zeal in the Reformation ? Yea, I had almoft faid, what moved David to flab Uriah (the fire of God) with his pen, but the fear of dilhonor in the difcovery of his fin, though doubtlefs there was fome mixtures of the fear of his God's difpleafure and difhonor, alfo ? Sir, it is no fmall offer, the choice and applaufe and rule 1 The five apologifts, Thomas Good- publifhed his Queries of Higheft Conjid- win, Philip Nye, Sidrach Simpfon, Je- eration, propofed to thefe perfons and to remiah Burroughs and William Bridge, the Scotch Commiffiioners in the Weft- prepared An Apologetical Narration to minfter AfTemhly. — Note by Dr. Cald- Parliament in 1643. In 1644, Williams well, Pub. Narr. Club, iv. p. 511. Letters of Roger Williams. 223 over fo many towns, fo many holy, of many wife, in fuch a holy way as you believe you are in : To lay nothing of ftrong drinks and wines, the fat and fweet of this and other lands : Thefe and others are fnares which without abund- ant ftrength from God will catch and hold the ftrongeft feet : Sir, I have known you itrong, in repelling ftrong temptations, but I cannot but fear and lament, that fome of thefe and others have been too ftrong and potent for you. Fifthly, We not only ufed to fay proverbially, but the Spirit of God expreffly tells us, that there is a mind-be- witching, a bewitching of the very confciences and fpirits of men. That as in witchcraft, a ilronger and fupernatu- ral power lays hold upon the powers of Nature, with a fup- preifing or elevating of those powers beneath or above themfelves : So is it with the very Spirits and Confciences of the moll intelligent and confcientious, when the Father of Spirits is pleafed in his righteous difpleafure and jeal- ouily, fo to fuffer it to be with ours. Sir, I from my Soul honor and love the perfons of fuch, whom I, you, and themfelves may fee have been inftru- mental in your bewitching. Why mould it be thought inconfiftent with the holy wifdom of God, to permit wife and holy and learned perfons to wander themfelves and miilead others; when the holy Scripture and experience- tells us of the dangerous counfels and ways of as wife and learned and holy as now breathe in either Old or New Englim air? Sir, I had thought to have named one or two, who may juftly be fufpecled (though otherwife worthily beloved) but I have chofe rather to prefent an hint, for that is enough for fo intelligent a breaft, if but willing to make an impar- tial review and examination of parTages between the moll High and your inmoft Soul in fecret. 224 Letters of Roger Williams. Therefore, fixthly, for a fixed ground of fufpecling your Soul and Spirit and Confcience in this particular of perfecution, which I now inftance in, may you pleafe, Sir, without offence to remember, that as it is in fuch as have exceeded in Wine, their fpeech will betray them : So is it in Spiritual cups and intoxications. The Maker and Searcher of our hearts knows with what bitternefs I write, as with bitternefs of Soul I have heard fuch language as to proceed from yourfelf and others, who formerly have fled from (with crying out againft perfecu- tors ! [you will fay, this is your confcience: You will fay, you are perfecuted, and you are perfecuted for your Con- fcience : No you are Conventiclers, Heretics, Blafphe- mers, Seducers : You deferve to be hanged, rather than one mall be wanting to hang him I will hang him myfelf : I am refolved not to leave an heretic in the country ; I had rather fo many whores and whoremongers and thieves came amongftus:] Oh Sir, you cannot forget what language and dialect this is, whether not the fame unfavored, and ungodly, blafphemous and bloody, which the Gardiner's and Bonner's both former and latter ufed to all that bowed not to the State golden Image of what Confcience foever they were. And indeed, Sir, if the moft High be pleafed to awaken you to render unto his holy Majefty his due praifes, in your truly broken-hearted Confeftions and Sup- plications, you will then proclaim to all the world, that what profeffion foever you made of the Lamb, yet thefe expreffions could not proceed from the Dragon's mouth. Oh remember, and the moft holy Lord, bring it to your remembrance, that you have now a great price in your hand, to bring great Glory to his holy Name, great rejoic- ing to fo gracious a Redeemer (in whom you profefs is all Letters of Roger Williams. 225 your healing and Salvation) great rejoicing to the holy Spirit of all true confolation, whom yet fo long you who have grieved and fadded, great rejoicing to thofe blelfed Spirits (attending upon the Lamb, and all his, and terrible to his perfecutors) great rejoicing and inftrudtion to all that love the true Lord Jefus (notwithstanding their wanderings among fo many falfe Chrifts) mourning and lamenting after him in all parts of the world where his name is founded: Your Talents are great, your Fall hath been fo : Your Eminence is great, the Glory of the moil High in mercy or juftice toward you will be great alio. Oh remember it is a dangerous combat for the potflieards of the earth to fight with their dreadful Potter : It is a difmal battle for poor naked feet to kick againft the Pricks ; It is a dreadful voice from the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: Endicot, Endicot, why hunteft thou me ? why im- prifoneft thou me? why fineft, why fo bloodily whipped:, why wouldeft thou (did not I hold thy bloody hands) hang and burn me ? Yea, Sir, I befeech you remember that it a dangerous thing to put this to the may be, to the venture or hazard, to the poffibility. If it poffible (may you well fay) that fince I hunt, I hunt not the life of my Saviour, and the blood of the Lamb of God. I have fought againft many feveral forts of Confciences, is it be- yond all poffibility and hazard, that I have not fought againft God, that I have not perfecuted Jefus in fome of them ? Sir, I muft be humbly bold to fay, that 'tis impoffible for any man or men to maintain their Chrift by their fword, and to wormip a true Chrift ! to fight againft all Confciences oppofite to theirs, and not to fight againft God in fome of them, and to hunt after the precious life of the 29 226 Letters of Roger Williams. true Lord Jefus Chrift. Oh remember whether your Principles and Confciences mull in time and opportunity force you. 'Tis but worldly policy and compliance with men and times (God's mercy overruling) that holds your hands from murdering of thoulands and ten thoufands were your power and command as great as once the bloody Roman Emperors was. The truth is (and yourfelf and others have faid it) by your principles fuch whom you count Heretics, Blafphe- mers, Seducers, to be put to death ; you cannot be faithful to vour principles and Confciences, if you fatisfy them with but imprisonment, fining, whipping and baniming the Heretics, and by faying that baniming is a kind of death, as fome chief with you (in my cafe formerly) have faid it. Sir, 'Tis like you knew or have heard of the man that faid he would never conform publicly, although he did fub- fcribe in private for his liberty fake of Preaching : That, although he did conform in fome things, yet in all he never would: That, although he did himfelf yield, yet he would not moleft and enforce others: That although he yielded, that others did moleft them, yet himfelf would never per- fecute, and yet did all. But oh poor duft and allies, like ftones once rolling down the Alps, like the Indian canoes or Englim boats loofe and adrift, where flop we until infinite mercy flop us, efpecially when a falfe fire of zeal and Confidence drives us, though againft the moft Holy and eternal himfelf?) Oh remember the black Catalogues it hath pleafed the moft jealous and righteous God to make of his fiery Judg- ments and moft dreadful ftrokes on eminent and remarka- ble perfecutors even in this life. It hath been his way and courfe in all countries, in Germany, France and England, Letters of Roger Williams. 227 (efpecially) whatever their pretences have been againft Heretics, Rebels, Schifmatics, Blafphemers, Seducers, &c. How hath he left them to be their own Accufers, Judges, Executioners, fome by hanging, Tome by {tabbing, fome by drowning and poifoning themfelves, fome by running mad, and fome by drinking in the very fame cup which they had tilled to others ? Some may fay, fuch perfecutors hunted God and Chrift, but I, but we, &c. I anfwer, the Lord Jefus Chrift fore- told how wonderfully the wifeft of the world, mould be miftaken in the things of Chrift, and a true vifible Chrift Jefus ! When did we fee thee naked, hungry, thirfty, rick, in prifon, &c. How eafy, how common, how dreadful thefe miftakes? Oh remember once again (as I began) and I humbly de- lire to remember with you, that every gray hair now on both our heads, is a Boanerges, a ion of Thunder, and a warning piece to prepare us, for the weighing of our laft anchors, and to be gone from hence, as if we had never been. 'Twas mercy infinite, that ftopped provoked Juftice from blowing out our Candles in our youths, but now the feed- ing Subftance of the Candles gone, and 'tis impoffible without repentance,) to recall our actions ! nay with re- pentance, to recall our minutes paft us. Sir, I know I have much prefumed upon your many weighty affairs and thoughts, I end with an humble cry to the Father of mercies, that you may take David's counfel, and filently commune with your own heart upon your bed, reflect upon your own fpirit, and believe Him that faid it to his over zealous difciples, You know not what fpirit you are of: That, no ileep may feize upon your eyes, nor llumber upon your eyelids, until your ferious thoughts have 228 Letters of Roger Williams. feriouily, calmly, and unchangeably (through help from Chrift Jeius) fixed. Firft, On a moderation towards the Spirits and Con- fidences of all mankind, merely differing from or oppofing yours with only Religious and Spiritual opposition. Secondly, A deep and cordial refolution (in thefe won- derful fearching, difputing and diifenting times)to fearch, to liften, to pray, to fail, and more fearfully, more trembling- ly to enquire what the holy pleafure, and the holy myfte- ries of the moft Holy are; in whom I humbly deiire to be Your poor fellow-servant, unfeignedly, refpeclive and faithful, Roger Williams. For his honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at Peqnot. Narracansett, 6. 8. 51. (fo called.) [6th Odtober, 1651.] 1 Si R) — Once more my loving and dear refpe&s prefented to you both, and Mrs. Lake. Being now bound, refolvedly, (if the Lord pleafe) for our native country, I am not certain whether by the way of the Englifh, (you know the reafon)* or by way of the Dutch. My neighbors of Provdence and Warwick, (whom I alfo lately denied) with importunities, have overcome me to endeavor the renewing of their lib- erties, upon the occafion of Mr. Coddington's late grant. 3 'Knowles, Mem. R. Williams, n. z>. J ; J Mr. Coddington's late grant was the 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. ix. p. 293. charter which he had fucceeded in ob- 1 This reafon was t. is banifhment from taining of Rhode Ifland and Canonicut Maffachufetts. There was much delicacy Ifland to himfelf. Information of thefe in thus (lightly referring to a meafure, defigns were at once lent by William Ar- in which Mr Winthrop's father was, nold to the Governor of Maffachufetts, from his official relations, concerned. as appears by the following letter : Letters of Roger Williams. 229 Upon this occafion, I have been advifed to fell, and have fold this houfe to Mr. Smith, my neighbor, who alfo may poffibly be yours, for I hear he like to have Mrs. Chefter. "From Pawtuxet, this ill day of the 7th month, 165 1. Much honored, — I thought it my duty to give intelligence unto the much hon- ored Court, of that which I underftand is now working here in thefe parts ; fo that if it be the will of God, an evil may be prevented, before it comes to too great a head, viz. : Whereas, Mr. Coddington has gotten a charter of Rhode Ifland and Canonicut Ifland to himfelf, he has thereby broken the force of their charter, that went under the name of Providence, becaufe he has gotten away the greater part of that colony. Now thefe company of the Gortonifts, that live at Shawomet, and that compa- ny of Providence, a<-e gathering of £200, to fend Mr. Roger Williams unto the Parliament, to get them a charter of thefe parts, they of Shawomet have given £100 already, and there be lome men of Providence that hath given £10 and £20 a man, to help it forward with fpeed ; they fay here is a fair inlet, and I hear they have faid, that if the Parliament do take difpleafure againft Maflachufetts, or the reft of the colonies, as they have done againft Barbadoes and other places, then this will ferve for an inroad to let in forces to overrun the whole country. It is great pity, and very unfit, that fuch a company as thefe are, they all ftand profefled enemies againft all the united colonies, that they fhould get a charter for fo finall a quantity of land as lieth in and about Providence, Shawomet, Pawtuxet and Cowefet, all which, now Rhode Ifland is taken out from it, is but a ftrip of land lying in between the colonies of Maflachufetts, Plymouth and Connecticut, by which means, if they fhould get them a charter, of it there may come l'ome mif- chief and trouble upon the whole country, if their project be not prevented in time, for under the pretence of liberty of confcience about thefe parts, there comes to live all the fcum, the runaways of the country, which, in time, for want of better order, may bring a heavy burthen upon the land, &c This I humbly commend unto the ferious confideration of the much honored Court, and reft your humble fervant to command, WILLIAM ARNOLD. They are making hafte to fend Mr. Williams away. We that live here near them, and do know the place and hear their words, and do take notice of their pro- ceeding, do know more and can fpeak more of what may come to the country by their means, than the Court do yet confider of. We humbly defire God their purpofe may be fruftrated, for the country's peace. I humbly defire my name may be concealed, left they, hearing of what I have herein written, they will be enraged againft me, and fo will revenge themfelves upon me. Some of them of Shawomet that crieth out much againft them which putteth 2 3 « Letters of Roger Williams. Sir, I humbly thank you for all your loving kindnerTes to me and mine unworthy. The Father of Mercies gra- cioufly reward you, guide you, preferve you, fave, fandtify and glorify you in the blood of his dear Son, in whom I mourn I am no more, and defire to be yours, unfeignedly and eternally, Roger Williams. This bearer, coming now from England, will acquaint you, &c. To all yours, and all my friends, my loving falutations. Mr. Sands, of Bofton, and John Hazel, 1 of Seekonk, are gone before us. people to death for witches; for, fay they, there be neither witches upon earth, nor devils, but your own pallors and minifters, and fuch as they are, &c. I underiland that there liveth a man amongll them that broke prifon, either at Connecticut or New Haven ; he was apprehended for adultery ; the woman, I hear, was put to death, but the man is kept here in fafety, in the midft of the united colonies. It is time there were fome better order taken for thefe parts, &c. I have hired this meffenger on purpofe. I humbly defire to hear if this letter come fafe to your hands." — Hutcbinfon Papers, Boilon, 1769, p. 237. [It was thefe proceedings of Codding- ton that aroufed the people of the colo- ny and induced them to fend agents to England, to reprefent their cafe to the government, for even all the inhabitants of the iflands of" which Coddington had been made Governor, did not approve his courfe. Many of the inhabitants of New- port and Portlmouth, therefore joined in requelling John Clarke to proceed to England as their agent. Mr. Williams and Mr. Clarke failed together from Bof- ton, in November. The objedts of their refpeftive commilfions were different. Clarke's objecl: was to procure a repeal of Coddington's commiflion : while Wil- liams was the fole agent of Providence and Warwick, to procure a new charter for thefe two towns. It feems to have been admitted that the commiflion of Coddington, vacated the previous char- ter. — Staples. Annals of Providence, p. 82.J 'John Hazell, was the old man who was imprifoned in Boflon, for expreffing fympathy for John Clarke and his aflbci- ates, and who died before he had reached his home. Letters of Roger Williams. 231 To the honored General Court of the Majfachufetts Colony now ajfembled at Bojion. Odlober, 1651. 1 The Humble Petition of Roger Williams. Although it be true yet it pleafed this honored Govern- ment, now many years fince to pafs a fentence of banifh- ment upon me, which fentence and the confequences (bit- ter afflictions and miferies, lories, forrows and hardships) I have humbly defired (through the help of the moft High) to endure with a quiet and patient mind. Yet, may it pleafe you favorably to remember, that at my laft arrival from my native country, I prefented this honored Government with letters from many of your noble and honorable friends, then of the Parliament of England, lamenting differences and perfuading moderation, if not reconcilement and pacification. Pleafe you to remember that ever fince the time of my exile I have been (through God's help) a profeifed and known fervant to this colony and all the colonies of the Englifh in peace and war, fo that fcarce a week hath palled but fome way or other I have been ufed as instrumental to the peace and fpreading of the Englifh plantings in this country. In the Pequot troubles, receiving letters from this Gov- ernment, I hazarded my life into extreme dangers, by la- boring to prevent the league between the Pequots and the Narraganfetts, and to work a league between the Englifh and the Narraganfetts, which work as an agent from this colony and all the Englifh in the land, I (through help J 4 Mafs. Hi ft. Coll. vol. iv. 471. Williams embarked for England, which Probably written fhortly before Mr. was in November, 1 651. 232 Letters of Roger Williams. from God) effected. The fruit thereof (as our much hon- ored Mr. Winthrop, deceafed, wrote to me) hath been peace to the Englim ever iince. At prefent let me not offend you in faying that I pafs not only as a private palfenger, but as a melfenger and agent to the high Court of the Parliament of England in the name of my neighbors, the Englim, occaiioned by the late grant obtained by Mr. Coddington for Rhode Ifland. In all which refpects I humbly pray, yet (notwithstanding the former fentence) I may find yet civility and courtefy from the Englilh of the Maffachufetts colony, yet I (inof- feniively behaving myfelf) may inoffenfively and without moleftation, pafs through your jurifdiction 1 as a ftranger for a night, to the mip, and fo (if God (o pleafe) may land again, from the land of our nativity. But fome may fay, you are an oppolite to the way or wor- ship, and belide you go as an adverfary, with complaints againft us for the town of Warwick. To the firft, I humbly pray it may be remembered, that not only I, but the many millions of millions of our Father Adam's children, (which are as the fand upon the fea- fhore) are not of your perfuafion, yea and many thoufands of the poor remnant of God's children abroad, are at la- mentable difference with you and themfelves as to the "It was not without confiderable harm the orthodoxy or difturb the peace moleitation and embarraffment from the of the colony, yet the authorities were op- authorities and people of Maflachuletts, pofed to the objects of his million, and it that Mr. Williams was allowed to pafs may be, dreaded the reprefentations, through their territory for the purpofe which the envoys from Rhode Ifland had of taking fhip for England. He alludes it in their power to make to the govern- to thefe in his fubfequent letters, though ment of the mother country of the con- he furnifhes us with no means of judging dition of New England." — Gammell, of their nature or operation. Though Life of Roger Williams, p. 143. no longer in any degree able either to Letters of Roger Williams. 233 worfhip of God in Chrift Jefus. I add, who knows but upon humble and Chriftian debatements and agitations, not only I, but your honored felves, may yet fee caufe to put our mouths in the duft together, as touching the pref- ent controverfies about the Chriftian worfhip. To the fecond, I humbly and truly anfwer, yet if it pleafe this honored Court to depute two or three of your- felves to receive and debate mine anfwer to this objection, I hope (through God's afTiftance) to make it apparent, yet I go not as an enemy to the Maifachufetts, but as a profeifed inftrument of a peaceable and honorable end of the fad controverfy, and as an humble fervant, rather than an ene- my, to this honored Government of the Maifachufetts. I am unworthy, yet defire to be your humble fervant, Roger Williams. The Deputies think meet to grant this petition, viz. : liberty to Mr. Williams to pafs through our jurifdidtion to England, provided he carry himfelf inoffenfively according to his promife, with reference to the content of our hon- ored magistrates. William Torrey, Clerk. 3° 234 Letters of Roger Williams. For my honored kind friend Mr. John Winthrop, at his houfe at Pequot, in New England. From Sir Henry Vane's at Whitehall, 20. 2. 52. (io called,) [20th April, 1652. J 1 Kind Sir, — 'Tis near two in the morning, yet a line of my deareft remembrance to your loving felf and yours, from whom I have received fo many loving lines continu- ally. Our old friend Col. Humphries is gone, and lately alfo Col. Cooke: yet blelTed be God we live, and through the jaws of death are landed fafe, and behold the wonders, the Magnalia and Miracula Dei in England. I have fent a large narration, both concerning Old England affairs and New, to Providence. I hope and delire you may fee it. Mr. Peters is well at Whitehall. I have often been with him, he tells me he hath but that 200// per year which the Parliament gave him, whereof he allows four fcore per annum to his wife. Your brother Stephen is a great man for foul liberty. I have mentioned you to Sir Henry Vane, who wiihes you were in our colony ; touching which you will fee Veftigia Dei in my narration. At prefent I pray your acceptance of my poor papers, and tell you that I more and more delire to be ever Yours, in Chrift Jefus, Roger Williams. My kind love to Mr. Stanton and other loving friends. 1 ^Ma/s. Hiji. Coll. vol. vi. p. 286. Letters of Roger Williams. 235 At Mr. Davis's his houfe, at the Checkers, in St. Martin's, or at Sir Henry ) Vane's, at Whitehall. 8th, 7, 52. (fo called.) [September 8, 1652. ] l ) To my dear and faithful friend, Mr. Gregory Dexter, at Provi- dence, in New England, thefe. My dear and faithful friend, to whom, with the deareft, I humbly wifh more and more of the light and love of Him who is invilible, God bletfed for evermore in the face of Jefus Cbrift. It hath pleafed God fo to engage me in divers fkirmifhes againft the priefls, both of Old and New England, fo that I have occafioned ufing the help of printer men, unknown to me, to long for my old friend. So it hath pleafed God to hold open an open defire of preach- ing and printing wonderfully againft Romiih and Englifri will-worihip. At this prefent, the devil rageth and clam- ors in petitions and remonitrances from the ftationers and others to the Parliament, and all cry, " fhut up the prefs." The ftationers and others have put forth "The Beacon Fired," and "The Second Beacon Fired;" and fome friends of yours have put forth "The Beacon Quenched," not yet extant. Sir, many friends have frequently, with much love, in- quired after you. Mr. Warner is not yet come with my letters : they put into Barnftable. She came by wagon by land, but he goes with the fhip to Briftol, and, indeed, in this dangerous war with the Dutch, the only fafe trading is to Briftol, or thoie parts, for up along the channel, in Lon- don way, is the greater!: danger, for although our fleets be abroad, and take many French and Dutch, yet they fome- times catch up fome of ours. By my public letters, you will fee how we wreftle, and 1 Knowles' Mem. Roger Williams, p. 253. 236 Letters of Roger Williams how we are like yet to wreftle in the hopes of an end. Praifed be the Lord, we are preferved, the nation is pre- ferved, the Parliament fits, God's people are fecure, too fe- cure. A great opinion is, that the kingdom of Chrift is rifen, and (Rev. 1 1 :) "the kingdoms of the earth are be- come the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Chrift." Others have fear of the (laughter of the witneifes yet approaching. Divers friends, of all forts, here, long to fee you, and won- der you come not over. For myfelf, I had hopes to have got away by this fhip, but I fee now the mind of the Lord to hold me here one year longer. It is God's mercy, his very great mercy, that we have obtained this interim en- couragement from the Council of State, that you may cheerfully go on in the name of a colony, until the contro- verfy is determined. The determination of it, Sir, I fear, will be a work of time, I fear longer than we have yet been here, for our adverfaries threaten to make a laft appeal to the Parliament, in cafe we get the day before the Council. 1 Sir, in this regard, and when my public bufinefs is over, I am refolved to begin my old law-fuit, fo that I have no thought of return until fpring come twelve months My duty and affection hath compelled me to acquaint my poor companion with it. I confider our many children, the danger of the feas, and enemies, and therefore I write not 1 The General Affembly which met in Providence, in October following, directed a letter to be lent to Mr. Williams, thanking him "for his care and diligence, to watch all opportuni- ties to promote their peace ;" and if it was the pleafure of the government to renew their charter that they would "ap- point and empower yourfelf to come over as Governor of this colony, for the fpace of one year." — R. I. Colonial Re- cords, vol. i. p. 248. On the 2d of October the Council of State gave an cder and wrote letters to vacate Mr. Coddington's commiffion, and to confirm their former charter, which was lent over by William Dyre. — Back- us, Hift. of the Baptifts, vol. i. p. 277. Letters of Roger Williams. 237 positively for her, only I acquaint her with our affairs. I tell her, joyful I mould be of her being here with me, until our ftate affairs were ended, and I freely leave her to wait upon the Lord for direction, and according as fhe finds her fpirit free and cheerful, to come or ftay. If it pleafe the Lord to give her a free fpirit to caft herfelf upon the Lord, I doubt not of your love and faithful care, in any thing fhe hath occafion to ufe your help, concerning our children and affairs, during our abfence ; but I conclude, whom have I in heaven or earth but thee, and fo humbly and thankfully fay in the Lord's pleafure, as only and in- finitely beft and fweeteft. Abundance of love remembered from abundance of friends to your dear felf and your deareft. My love to your coufin Clemence, and all deiire love, efpecially our godly friends. Roger Williams. For my much honored kind friend, Mijlrefs Sadleir, at Stondon, Puckridge, thefe. From my lodgings near St. Martin's, at Mr. Davis his houfe, at the fign of the Swan. [No date; London, 1652. I 1 My much honored Friend, Mrs. Sadleir, 2 — The never-dying honor and refpe£t which I owe to that dear and honorable root and his branches, and, amongft the reft, to your much honored felf, have emboldened me, once 1 Elton, Life of Roger Williams, p. 96. which follow, to Mrs. Sadleir, the 2 Amidil his engroffing and important daughter of Sir Edward, were obtained occupations, while in England, Mr Wil- by the late Rev. Dr. Elton while in Eng- liams did not forget the family of his land, and firft appeared in his Life of Ro- former benefa&or, Sir Edward Coke, ger Williams. — Providence, 1853, 1 2mo. The above letter and the two letters 238 Letters of Roger Williams. more, to enquire after your dear hufband's and your life, and health, and welfare. This laft winter I landed, once more, in my native country, being lent over from fome parts of New England with fome addrelles to the Parliament. My very great buiinefs, and my very great ftraits of time, and my very great journey homeward to my dear yoke- fellow and many children, I greatly fear will not permit me to prefent my ever-obliged duty and fervice to you, at Stondon, elpecially if it pleafe God that I may defpatch my affairs to depart with the mips within this fortnight. I am, therefore, humbly bold to crave your favorable confidera- tion, and pardon, and acceptance, of thefe my humble ref- pects and remembrances. It hath pleafed the Moft High to carry me on eagles' wings, through mighty labors, mighty hazards, mighty fufferings, and to vouchfate to ufe, fo bafe an inftrument — as I humbly hope — to glorify him- felf, in many of my trials and fufferings, both amongft the Englifh and barbarians. I have been formerly, and fince I landed, occafioned to take up the two-edged fword of God's Spirit, the word of God, and to appear in public in fome contefts againft the minifters of Old and New England, as touching the true miniftry of Chrift and the foul freedoms of the people. Since I landed, I have published two or three things, and have a large difcourfe at the prefs, but 'tis controversial, with which I will not trouble your meditations ; only I crave the boldnefs to fend you a plain and peaceable dif- courfe, of my own perfonal experiments, which, in a let- ter to my dear wife — upon the occalion of her great flck- nefs near death — I fent her, being abfent myfelf amongft the Indians. And being greatly obliged to Sir Henry Vane, junior — once Governor of New England — and his Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 239 lady, I was perfuaded to publiih it in her name, and hum- bly to prefent your honorable hands with one or two of them. I humbly pray you to caft a ferious eye on the holy Scriptures, on which the examinations are grounded. I could have dreffed forth the matter like fome fermons which, formerly, I ufed to pen. But the Father of lights hath long fince mown me the vanity and foul-deceit of fuch points and llourilhes. I defire to know nothing, to profefs nothing, but the Son of God, the King of fouls and confciences ; and I deiire to be more thankful for a reproof for ought I affirm than for applaufe and commendation. I have been oft glad in the wildernefs of America, to have been reproved for going in a wrong path, and to be dire&ed by a naked Indian boy in my travels. How much more mould we rejoice in the wounds of fuch as we hope love us in Chrift Jefus, than in the deceitful kiffes of foul-de- ceiving and foul-killing friends. My much honored friend, that man of honor, and wif- dom, and piety, your dear father, was often pleafed to call me his fon; and truly it was as bitter as death to me when Bifhop Laud purfued me out of this land, and my con- fcience was perfuaded againft the national church and cere- monies, and bimops, beyond the confcience of your dear Father. I fay it was as bitter as death to me, when I rode Windfor way, to take (hip at Briftow, and faw Stoke Houfe, where the blefTed man was ; and I then durft not acquaint him with my confcience, and my flight. But how many thoufand times fince have I had honorable and precious re- membrance of his perfon, and the life, the writings, the fpeeches, and the examples of that glorious light. And I may truly lay, that belide my natural inclination to ftudy and activity, his example, instruction, and encouragement, have 240 Letters of Roger Williams. fpurred me on to a more than ordinary, induftrious, and pa- tient courfe in my whole courfe hitherto. What I have done and fuffered — and I hope for the truth of God according to my confcience — in Old and New England, I fbould be a fool in relating, for I defire to fay, not to King David — as once Mephibofheth — but to King Jefus, 'What is thy fervant, that thou fhouldeft look upon fuch a dead dog?' And I would not tell yourfelf of this, but that you may acknowledge fome beams of his holy wifdom and goodnefs, who hath not fuffered all your own and your dear father's fmiles to have been loft upon fo poor and def- picable an object- I confefs I have many adverfaries, and alfo many friends, and divers eminent. It hath pleafed the general himfelf to fend for me, and to entertain many dif- courfes with me at feveral times; which, as it magnifies his chriftian noblenefs and courtefy, fo much more doth it magnify His infinite mercy and goodnefs, and wifdom, who hath helped me, poor worm, to fow that feed in doing and fuffering — I hope for God — that as your honorable father was wont to fay, he that fhall harrow what I have fown, muft rife early. And yet I am a worm and nothing, and delire only to find my all in the blood of an holy Savior, in whom I defire to be Your honored, Moft thankful, and faithful fervant, Roger Williams. 1 My humble refpects prefented to Mr. Sadleir. 1 " Mr. Williams," writes Prof. Gam- in that company of kindred minds, who mell, " fpent a number of weeks at Bel- ufed fo frequently to affemhle to difculs leau, the beautiful eftate of Sir Henry with their illultrious leader, the deep Vane where he doubtlefs often mingled questions of theology, or to devise plans Letters of Roger Williams. 241 From Mrs. Sadleir to Roger Williams. Mr. Williams, — Since it hath pleafed God to make the prophet David's complaint ours (Ps. lxxix.): "O God, the heathen," &c, and that the Apoftle St. Peter has lb long ago foretold, in his fecond epiftle, the fecond chapter, by whom thefe things mould be occasioned, I have given over reading many books, and, therefore, with thanks, have re- turned yours. Thofe that I now read, betides the Bible, are, fir ft, the late King's book ; Hooker's Eccleiiaftical Poli- ty ; Reverend Bimop Andrew's Sermons, with his other divine meditations ; Dr Jer. Taylor's works ; and Dr. Tho. Jackfon upon the Creed. Some of thefe my dear father was a great admirer of, and would often call them the glo- rious lights of the church of England. Thefe lights mall be my guide ; I wifh they may be yours : for your new lights that are fo much cried up, I believe, in the conclu- fion, they will prove but dark lanterns : therefore I dare not meddle with them. Your friend in the old way, ANNE SADLEIR. for the happinefs nd fecurity of the perilled and dirlracfed commonwealth. He was in habits of intimate affociation with Cromwell, who difcuffed with him the affairs of the State, and drew forth from him his views of the Indians, and his fingular adventures among them, in the wilds of New England ; with Har- rifon, the Major-General of the army ; with Laurence, the Lord Prefident of the Council of State ; and with many others in Parliament, and at the helm of public affairs. He alfo formed an intimate ac- quaintance with Milton, who was then Latin Secretary of the Council." — Life of Roger Williams, p. 149. 31 242 Letters of Roger Williams. For his much honored, kind friend, Mrs. Anne Sadleir, at S ton- don, in Hartfordfiire, near Puckridge. 1 [No date.] My much honored, kind Friend, Mrs. Sadleir, — My humble refpects premifed to your much honored felf, and Mr. Sadleir, humbly wifhing you the faving knowl- edge and affurance of that life which is eternal, when this poor minute's dream is over. In my poor fpan of time, I have been oft in the jaws of death, fickening at fea, fhip- wrecked on fhore, in danger of arrows, fwords and bullets : and yet, methinks, the moft high and mod: holy God hath referved me for fome fervice to his moft glorious and eter- nal majefty. I think, fometimes, in this common fhipwreck, of man- kind, wherein we all are either floating or finking, defpair- ing or ftruggling for life, why fhould I ever faint in ftriv- ing, as Paul faith, in hopes to fave myfelf, to fave others — to call, and cry, and afk, what hope of faving, what hope of life, and of the eternal more of mercy ? Your laft let- ter, my honored friend, I received as a bitter fweeting — as all, that is under the fun, is — fweet in that I hear from you, and that you continue ftriving for life eternal; bitter, in that we differ about the way, in the midfl of the dangers and diitreifes. O blelfed be the hour that ever we faw the light, and came into this vale of tears, if yet, at laft, in any way, we may truly fee our woeful lofs and fhipwreck, and gain the more of life and mercy. You were pleafed to direct me to divers books, for my fatisfaclion. I have carefully endeav- oured to get them, and fome I have gotten; and upon my 'Elton, Life of Roger Williams, p. 99. Letters' of Roger Williams. 243 reading, I purpofe, with God's help, to render you an ingen- uous and candid account of my thoughts, refult, &c. At prefent, I am humbly bold to pray your judicious and lov- ing eye to one of mine. 'Tis true, I cannot but expect your diftafte of it; and yet my cordial defire of your foul's peace here, and eternal, and of contributing the leaft mite toward it, and my hum- ble refpects to that blefted root of which you fpring, force me to tender my acknowledgments, which if received or rejected, my cries mall never ceafe that one eternal life may give us meeting, fince this prefent minute hath fuch bitter partings. For the fcope of this rejoinder, if it pleafe the Moft High to direct your eye to a glance on it, pleafe you to know, that at my laft being in England, I wrote a difcourfe entitled, " The Bloudy Tenent of Perfecution for Canfe of Con - fcience" I bent my charge againft Mr. Cotton efpecially, your ftandard bearer of New Englim minifters. That dif- courfe he fince anfwered, and calls his book, " The Bloody Tenent ?nade white in the Blood of the Lamb" 1 This rejoind- er of mine, as I humbly hope, unwameth his warnings, and proves that in foul matters no weapons but foul wea- pons are reaching and effectual. I am your moft unworthy fervant, yet unfeignedly ref- pective, Roger Williams. 'On a former occafion when in Eng- "Hireling Minifry none of ' Cbrijl' 's ,• or, a land, Mr. Williams found leifure to pre- Difcourfe touching the propagating the pare for the prefs his rejoinder to Mr. Go/pel of Jefus Chrijl" and his "Experi- Cotton's anfwer to his "Bloody Tenent of ?nents of Spiritual Life and Health, and Perfecution" which he entitled " The their Prefervatives." The former has Bioody Tenent yet more Bloody, by Mr. been reprinted by the Narraganfett Club, Cotton's Endeavour to wajb it white." vol. iii; the latter by S. S. Rider, Provi- About the fame time he also publifhed dence, 1863. 244 Letters of Roger Williams. Mrs. Sadleir in reply to Roger Williams. Sir, — I thank God my blefled parents bred me up in the old and ben: religion, and it is my glory that I am a mem- ber of the Church of England, as it was when all the re- formed churches gave her the right hand. When I caft mine eye upon the frontifpiece of your book, and faw it entitled ''The Bloudy Tenent," I durft not adventure to look into it, for fear it mould bring into my memory the much blood that has of late been fried, and which I would fain forget ; therefore I do, with thanks, return it. I can- not call to mind any blood (lied for confcience : — fome few that went about to make a rent in our once well- governed church were punifhed, but none fuffered death. But this I know, that fince it has been left to every man's confcience to fancy what religion he lift, there has more chriftian blood been (lied than was in the ten perfecutions. And fome of that blood, will, I fear, cry till the day of judgment. But you know what the Scripture fays, that when there was no king in Ifrael, every man did that which was right in his own eyes, — but what became of that, the facred ftory will tell you. Thus entreating you to trouble me no more in this kind, and williing you a good journey to your charge in New Providence, I reft Your Friend in the Old and Best Way. Letters of Roger Williams. 245 From Roger Williains to Mrs. Sadleir. [No date. The winter of 1652-3. ]' My honored, kind Friend, Mrs. Sadleir, — I greatly rejoice to hear from you, although now an oppofite to me, even in the higheft points of Heaven and eternity. Two things your lines exprefs : — Firft, your confidence in your own old way, &c. Second. Civility and gentlenefs in that — not being pleafed to accept mv refpecls and labors prefented — yet you gently, with thanks and your reafon, return them. I (hall not be fo forry you differ from me, if yet the Father of fpirits pleafe to vouchfafe you a fpirit of christian fearching and examination. In hope of which I mall humbly con- fider of the particulars of your letter. 1. That you think an heap of timber or pile of ftones to be God's fanctuary now. (Ps. Ixxix. i.) In Chrift's efteem, and in gofpel language, that you think thofe to be falfe teachers and prophets (2 Pet. ii. 1.) who are not — after the old way — diftinguimed by the canonical colors of white, red, black, &c. That you admire the king's book, and Bp. Andrews his fermons, and Hooker's Polity, &c, and profefs them to be your lights and guides, and defire them mine, and believe the new lights will prove dark lanterns, &c. I am far from wondering at it, for all this have I done myfelf, until the Father of Spirits mercifully perfuaded mine to fwallow down no longer without chewing : to chew no longer without tatting ; to tarte no longer without begging the Holy Spirit of God to enlighten and enliven mine againft 1 Elton, Life of Roger Williams, p. 102. 246 Letters of Roger Williams. the fear of men, tradition of fathers, or the favor or cuftom of any men or times. 2. I now find that the church and fan&uary of Chrift Jefus confifts not of dead but of living ftones. (1 Pet. ii. 3, 4.) Is not a parifh or a national church forced — to the pretended bed of Chrift's worfhip — by laws and fwords ? (Cant. i. 16.) His true lovers are volunteers, born of his Spirit, the now only nation and royal priefthood (1 Pet. ii., Ps. ex.) I find that, in respecl of minifterial function and office, fuch minifters, not only popifh but proteftant, not only epifcopal but prefbyterian, not only prefbyterian but inde- pendent alfo, are all of them, one as well as another, falfe prophets and teachers, fo far as they are hirelings, and make a trade and living of preaching (John x.), as I have lately opened in my "Difcourfe of the Hireling Miniftry none of Chrift's." 3. I have read thole books you mention, and the king's book, which commends two of them, Bifhop Andrews's and Hooker's — yea, and a third alfo, Bifhop Laud's : and as for the king, I knew his perfon, vicious, a fwearer from his youth, and an opprelfor and perfecutor of good men (to fay nothing of his own father), and the blood of fo many hundred thoufands Englim, Irifh, Scotch, French, lately charged upon him. Againft his and his blafphemous father's cruelties, your own dear father, and many precious men, (hall rife up fhortly and cry for vengeance. 4. But for the book itfelf — if it be his — and theirs you pleafe to mention, and thoufands more, not only proteftants of feveral feels, but of fome papifts and jefuits alfo — famous for wordly repute, &c. — I have found them lharp and witty, plaufible and delightful, devout and pathetical. And I have Letters of Roger Williams. 247 been amazed to fee the whole world of our forefathers, wife and gallant, wondering after the glory of the Romifh learn- ing and worfhip. (Rev. xiii.) But amongft them all whom I have io diligently read and heard, how few exprefs the fimplicity, the plainnefs, the meeknefs, and true humility of the learning of the Son of God. 5. But, at la A, it pleafed the God and Father of mercies to perfuade mine heart of the merely formal, cuftomary, and traditional profeifions of Chrift Jefus, with which the world is filled. I fee that the Jews believe Chrift Jefus was a deceiver, becaufe he came not with external pomps and excellency. The Turks — fo many millions of them — prefer their Mahomet before Chrift Jefus, even upon fuch carnal and wordly refpects, and yet avouch themfelves to be the only Mufelmanni or true believers. The catholics account us heretics, diabloes, &c. ; and why ? but becaufe we worfliip not fuch a golden Chrift and his glorious vicar and lieuten- ant. The feveral feels of common proteftants content themfelves with a traditional worfliip, and boaft they are no Jews, no Turks, (Matt. vii. 21, 22.) nor catholics, and yet forget their own formal dead faith, (2 Tim. iii. 9.) dead hope, dead joys, and yet, ?iefcio vos, I know you not, depart from me, which mall be thundered out to many gallant profelfors and coniidents, who have held out a lamp and form of religion, yea, and poffibly of godlinefs too, and yet have denied the power and life of it. Therefore, my much-honored friend, while you believe the darknefs of the new lights, and profefs your confidence, and defire of my walking with you in the old way : I mo ft humbly pray fo much Berean civility at your ladyfhip's hands as to fearch and remember — 248 Letters of Roger Williams. 1. Firft, the Lord Chrift's famous refolution of that queftion put to him, as touching the number that mail be faved (Luke xiii. 24), "Strive to enter in at the ftrait gate; for many mall feek to enter, and mall not be able." 2ndly. There is an abfolute neceffity (not (o of a true order of miniftry, baptifm, &c, but) of a true regeneration and new birth, without which it is impoffible to enter into or to fee the kingdom of God. (John iii. &c.) 3rdly. As to the religion and the worfhip of God, the common religion of the whole world, and the nations of it, it is but cuffomary and traditional, from father to fon, from which (old ways, &c), traditions, Chrift Jefus, delivers his, not with gold and filver, but with his precious blood. (1 Pet. i. 18, 19) 4thly. Without fpiritual and diligent examination of our hearts, it is impoffible that we can attain true folid joy and comfort, either in point of regeneration or worfhip, or whatever we do. (2 Cor. xiii. 5 ; Rom. xiv. 23.) 5thly. In the examination of both thefe — perfonal re- generation and worfhip — the hearts of all the children of men are moil apt to cheat, and cozen, and deceive them- felves ; yea, and the wifer a man is, the more apt and wil- ling he is to be deceived. (Jer. xvii. ; Gal. vi. ; 1 Cor. iii. 1 8.) 6thly. It is impoffible there mould be a true fearch, without the Holy Spirit, who fearcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (Rom. viii. ; Ps. cxliii. 10.) Laftly. God's Spirit perfuadeth the hearts of his true fer- vants: Firft, to be willing to be fearched by him, which they exceedingly beg of him, with holy fear of felf-deceit and hypocrify. Second. To be led by him in the way everlafting : (Ps. cxxxix.), whether it feem old in refpecl: of inftitution, or Letters of Roger Williams. 249 new in refpect of reftoration. This I humbly pray for your precious foul, of the God and Father of mercies, even your eternal joy and falvation. Earneftly delirous to be in the old way, which is the narrow way, which leads to life, which few find. Your moft humble, though moft. unworthy fervant, Roger Williams. " My honored Friend, fince you pleafe not to read mine, let me pray leave to requeft your reading of one book of your own authors. I mean the " Liberty of Prophefying," penned by (fo called) Dr. Jer. Taylor. In the which is ex- cellently afTerted the toleration of different religions, yea, in a refpecl, that of the papifts themfelves, which is a new way of foul freedom, and yet is the old way of Chrift Jefus, as all his holy Teftament declares. I alio humbly wifh that you may pleafe to read over im- partially Mr. Milton's 1 anfwer to the king's book. Mrs. Sadleir in reply to Roger Williams. Mr. Williams, — I thought my firft letter would have given you fo much fatisfadlion, that, in that kind, I mould never have heard of you any more ; but it feems you have a face of brafs, fo that you cannot blufh. But fince you prefs me to it, I muft let you know, as I did before (Ps. lxxix.\ that the Prophet David there complains that the heathen had defiled the holy temple, and made Jerufalem 1 Eikonoklajles {the Image Breaker,} in Anjwer to Eikon Bafilike. London: 1649. 32 250 Letters of Roger Williams. a heap of ftones. And our blelTed Saviour, when he whipped the buyers and fellers out of the temple, told them that they had made his Father's houfe a den of thieves. Thofe were but material temples, and commanded by God to be built, and his name there to be worshipped. The living temples are thofe that the fame prophet, in the pfalm before mentioned (verfe the 2nd and 3rd), "The dead bodies of thy fervants have they given to the fowls of the air, and the rlefh of thy faints to the beads of the land. Their blood have they fhed like water," &c. And thefe were the living temples whole lofs the prophet fo much laments ; and had he lived in thefe times, he would have doubled thefe lamentations, For the foul and falfe afperfions you have caft upon that king, of ever-bleifed memory, Charles, the martyr, I proteft I trembled when I read them, and none but fuch a villain as yourfelf would have wrote them. Wife Solomon has taught me another lelfon in his 24th of his Proverbs, at 2 1 ft verfe, to fear God and the King, and not to meddle with them that are given to change. Mark well that. The 8th of Eccl., verfe the 2nd, "I counfel thee to keep the king's commandment, and that in regard to the oath of God." Verfe the 20th of the 10th chap., "Curie not the king, no, not in thy thought;" and, if I be not miftaken, the fifth commandment is the crown com- mandment. Rom. xiii., the ill and 2nd verfes, "Let eve- ry foul be fubjec! unto the higher powers, for," &c. ; with many more places to the fame purpofe. Thus, you fee, I have the law, with the Old and New Teftament, on my fide. But it has been the lot of the beft kings to lie under the lafli of ill tongues. Witnefs blefled David, who was a man after God's own heart, curfed by wicked Shimei, his Letters of Roger Williams. 251 own fubjecl:, and called a man of blood ; and good Heze- kiah was railed on by a foul-mouthed Rabfhakeh ; but I do not remember that they were commended in any place of fcripture, for fo doing. For the blood you mention, which has been (lied in thefe times, which you would father upon the late king, there is a book called the Hifto- ry of Independency — a book worth your reading — that will tell you by whom all this chrifKan blood has been (Tied. If you cannot get that, there is a fermon in print of one Paul Knells, the text the firft of Amos, verfe the fecond, that will inform you. For Milton's book, that you defire I mould read, if I be not miftaken, that is he that has wrote a book of the law- fulnefs of divorce ; and, if report fays true, he had, at that time, two or three wives living. This, perhaps, were good doctrine in New England ; but it is mod abominable in Old England. For his book that he wrote againrt the late king that you would have me read, you mould have taken notice of God's judgment upon him, who ftroke him with blindnefs, and, as I have heard, he was fain to have the help of one Andrew Marvell, 1 or elfe he could not have rmifhed that moft accurfed libel. God has began his judgment upon him here — his punimment will be hereafter in hell. But have you feen the anfwer to it ? If you can get it, I affure you it is worth your reading. "It has before been ftated in a note that Poem." — Cooke's Life of Marvell, 1726. Milton was the Latin Secretary to Crom- Milton, it is true, repudiated his wife, well. Andrew Marvell, the poet, was (Mifs Powell) on the grounds of defer- affiftant to Milton. He thereby enjoyed tion, and in juftification of his courfe, his intimate friendfhip, and was one of publifhed four tracls, the firft was enti- the firft to recognize his genius. "When tied " The Dottrine and Difcipline of Paradife Loft was publifhed, it was valued Divorce." The others appertained to but by few, as no more than a lifelefs the fame fubjecl:. A reconciliation fub- piece, till Mr. Marvell and Dr. Barron fequently took place, publickly efpoufed it, each in a judicious 252 Letters of Roger Williams. I have alfo read Taylor's book of the Liberty of Pro- phefying ; though it pleafe not me, yet I am fure it does you, or elfe I [know]* you [would]* not have wrote to me to have read it. I fay, it and you would make a good fire. But have you feen his Divine Inftitution of the Office Min- ifterial ? I allure that is both worth your reading and prac- tice. Bifhop Laud's book againft Fifher I have read long fince ; which, if you have not done, let me tell you that he has deeply wounded the pope ; and, I believe, howfoever he be (lighted, he will rite a faint, when many feeming ones, fuch as you are, will rife devils. I cannot conclude without putting you in mind how dear a lover and great an admirer my father was of the lit- urgy of the church of England, and would often fay, no reform church had the like. He was conftant to it, both in his life and at his death. I mean to walk in his fteps ; and, truly, when I confider who were the compofers of it, and how they fealed the truth of it with their blood, I cannot but wonder why it fhould now of late be thus con- temned. By what I have now writ, you know how I ftand affected. I will walk as directly to heaven as I can, in which place, if you will turn from being a rebel, and fear God and obey the king, there is hope I may meet you there ; howfoever, trouble me no more with your letters, for they are very troublefome to her that wifhes you in the place from whence you came. 1 ANNE SADLEIR. Near the direction, on the outfide, of Williams's firft letter, there is the follow- ing note by Mrs. Sadleir : — "This Roger Williams, when he was a youth, would, in * Thefe words are not in the MS. ger Williams and Mrs. Sadleir, is copied 'This correspondence, between Ro- from the original manufcripts in the li- Letters of Roger Williams. 2 53 a fhort hand, take fermons and fpeeches in the Star Cham- ber and prefent them to my dear father. He, feeing fo hopeful a youth, took fuch liking to him that he fent him in to Sutton's Hofpital, and he was the fecond that was placed there; full little did he think that he would have proved fuch a rebel to God, the king, and his country. I leave his letters, that, if ever he has the face to return into his native country, Tyburn may give him welcome." 1 To the Towns of Providence and Warwick. From Sir Henry Vane's, at Balleau in | Lincolnfhire, April 1/53. (fo called.) 1 j My dear and loving Friends and Neighbors of Providence and Warwick, — Our noble friend, Sir Hen- ry Vane,3 having the navy of England moftly depending brary of Trinity College, Cambridge. Like many of Williams's letters they are without date ; but the allufions to his works, and other circumftances, clearly fhow that they were written during his fecond vifit, in 1652-3. The writer has examined the originals of the letters ; and for the knowledge of their exiilence he is indebted to the courtefy of the Hon. George Bancroft, author of the Hiftory of the United States, and late minifter to Great Britain. — Note by Dr. Elton. '" Thefe letters," writes Dr. Elton, "prefent a lively picture of the influence of party fpirit upon focial intercourfe, at that remarkable period. The grati- tude and humility of Williams are finely contrailed with the cold repulfivenefs, and, at lafl, rude infolence of his corref- pondent, whofe final letter pours forth as much venom as could well flow from a lady's pen. The concentrated effence of it, in her poflfcript, reminds us of the mutation in human affairs. The rebel fhe denounces has acquired a nobler fame than even that of the acute lawyer, her father ; while, if her own name is ref- cued from oblivion, fhe owes it to her accidental connexion with the man fhe configns to Tyburn." — Life of Roger Williams, p. 109. 2 Backus, Hift. of the Baptifs in New England, vol. i. p. 285 ; Knowles, Me- moirs of Roger Williams, p. 258. 3 Sir Henry Vane, fon of Sir Henry Vane, Secretary of State under James I., and Charles I. Joining the Puritans, he followed them to Boflon, where he ar- 2 54 Letters of Roger Williams. on his care, and going down to the navy at Portfmouth, I was invited by them both to accompany his lady to Lin- colnfhire, where I (hall yet flay, as I fear, until the fhip is gone. I muft, therefore, pray your pardon, that by the port, I fend this to London. I hope it may have pleafed the Moll: High Lord of fea and land to bring Captain Chriften's fhip and dear Mr. Dyre unto you, and with him the council's letters, which anfwer the petition Sir Henry Vane and myfelf drew up, and the council, by Sir Henry's mediation granted us, for the confirmation of the charter, until the determination of the controverfy. This determi- nation you may please to underftand, is hindered by two main obftructions. The firft is, the mighty war with the Dutch, which makes England and Holland, and the na- tions tremble. This hath made the parliament fet Sir Henry Vane and two or three more as commiffioners to manage the war, which they have done, with much en- gaging the name of God with them, who hath appeared in helping fixty of ours againft almofl: three hundred of their rived in 1635 and the following year was chofen Governor. A bitter religious con- troverfy fprang up during his term of office. He had a horror of all forms of bigotry, and had no fympathy with the attacks of the clergy on Mrs. Hutchin- fon. A ftrong oppofition under the lead of Winthrop was organized againft him, and at the next election he was defeated. In 1637, he returned to England and was elected to parliament He was a zealous opponent of the royaliils. In 1648 he led the minority in parliament which favored the iejeflion of the terms of fettlement offered by the king. In 1649, he became a member of the coun- cil of State, under Cromwell, which was entrufted with the executive govern- ment of the nation. The diffolution of the long parliament in 1653, brought Vane and Cromwell into open conflicl:. After the reftoration he was arretted on the charge of high treafon and committed to the Tower. His condemnation foon followed and he was executed on the 1 4th of June, 1662. His services to New England were important, and it was in a great meafure due to him, that the char- ter for Rhode Ifland was procured. Roger Williams, declared that his name ought ever to be held in honored re- membrance by her people. — Life by Up- ham, in Sparks' American Biography, vol. iv. Letters of Roger Williams. 255 men-of-war and, perchance, to the linking and taking, about one hundred of theirs, and but one of ours, which was funk by our own men. Our fecond obstruction is the oppofition of our adverfa- ries, Sir Arthur Hafelrig, and Colonel Fenwicke — who hath married his daughter — Mr. Winflow, and Mr. Hop- kins, both in great place ; and all the friends they can make in parliament and council, and all the priefts, both prefby- terian and independent; fo that we ftand as two armies, ready to engage, obferving the motions and poftures each of the other, and yet my each of other. Under God, the meet-anchor of our (hip is Sir Henry, who will do as the eye of God leads him ; and he faithfully promifed me that he would obferve the motion of our New England bufinefs, while I ftaid fome ten weeks with his lady in Lincolnshire. Befides, here are great thoughts and preparation for a new parliament — fome of our friends are apt to think another parliament will more favor us and our caufe than this has done. You may pleafe to put my condition into your foul's cafes ; remember I am a father and a hufband. I have longed earneftly to return with the laft mip, and with thefe ; yet I have not been willing to withdraw my mould- ers from the burthen, left it pinch others, and mav fall heavy upon all ; except you are pleafed to give me a dif- charge. If you conceive it necelfary for me ftill to attend this fervice, pray you to coniider if it be not convenient that my poor wife be encouraged to come over to me, and to wait together, on the good pleafure of God, for the end of this matter. You know my many weights hanging on me, how my own place ftands, and how many reafons I have to caufe me to make hafte, yet I would not lofe their eftates, peace, and liberty, by leaving haftily. I write to 256 Letters of Roger Williams. my dear wife, my great defire of her coming while I fray, yet left it to the freedom of her fpirit, becaufe of the many dangers. Truly, at prefent the feas are dangerous, but not comparably fo much, nor likely to be, because of the late defeat of the Dutch, and their prefent fending to us offers of peace. My dear friends, although it pleafed God himfelf, by many favors, to encourage me, yet pleafe you to remember, that no man can fray here as I do, having a prefent employ- ment there, without much felf-denial, which I befeech God for more, and for you alfo, that no private refpe&s, or gains, or quarrels, may caufe you to neglect the public and common fafety, peace and liberties. I befeech the bleifed God to keep frefh in your thoughts what he hath done for Providence Plantations. My dear refpedts to yourfelves, wives, and children. I befeech the eternal God to be feen amongft you ; fo prays your moft faithful and affectionate friend and fervant, Roger Williams. P. S. My love to all my Indian friends. [Although the objetts of Mr. Williams's million to England, were not fully ac- complished, he felt that his prefence was needed at home, that he might, if poffible, bring the difcordant towns into harmonious co-operation. He accordingly left the remainder of his bufinefs in the hands of John Clarke, his friend and aflbciate, and early in the following fummer (1654), he returned. He landed at Bofton, being furnifhed with an order from the Lord Protector's Council, requiring the govern- ment of Maflachufetts to allow him in future to embark or land in their territories without moleftation. Williams brought with him a letter from Sir Henry Vane, addrefled to the inhabitants of the colony of Rhode Ifland, which, from the aftion of the town of Providence and the letters of Williams in relation to it is here in- fer ted.] Letters of Roger Williams. 257 From Sir Henry Vane, to the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode IJland. Belleau, the 8th of February, 1653-4. 1 Loving and Christian Friends, — I could not refufe this bearer, Mr. Roger Williams, my kind friend and an- cient acquaintance, to be accompanied with thefe few lines from myfelf to you, upon his return to Providence colony ; though, perhaps, my private and retired condition, which the Lord, of his mercy, hath brought me into, might have argued ftrongly enough for my filence; but, indeed, fome- thing I hold myfelf bound to fay to you, out of the Chriftian love I bear you, and for his fake whofe name is called upon by you and engaged in your behalf. How is it that there are fuch divifions amongft you? Such headinefs, tumults, diforders, injuftice? The noife echoes into the ears of all, as well friends as enemies, by every return of (hips from thofe parts. Is not the fear and awe of God amongft you to reftrain ? Is not the love of Chrift in you, to fill you with yearning bowels, one towards another, and conftrain you not to live to yourfelves, but to him that died for you, yea, and is rifen again ? Are there no wife men amongft you? No public felf-denying fpirits, that at leaft, upon the grounds of public fafety, equity and prudence, can find outfome way or means of union and reconciliation for you amongft yourfelves, before you become a prey to com- mon enemies, efpecially fince this ftate, by the laft letter from the Council of State, give you your freedom, as fup- pofing a better ufe would have been made of it than there hath been ? Surely, when kind and fimple remedies are applied and are ineffectual, it fpeaks loud and broadly the 1 Rhode IJland Colonial Records, vol. i p. 285. 33 258 Letters of Roger Williams. high and dangerous diftempers of fuch a body, as if the wounds were incurable. But I hope better things from you, though I thus fpeak, and mould be apt to think, that by commiffioners agreed on and appointed on all parts, and on behalf of all interefts, in a general meeting, fuch a union and common fatisfaclion might arife, as, through God's bleffing, might put a ftop to your growing breaches and diffractions, filence your enemies, encourage your friends, honor the name of God, (which of late hath been much blafphemed, by reafon of you,) and in particular, re- frefh and revive the fad heart of him who mourns over your prefent evils, as being your affectionate friend, to ferve you in the Lord. H. Vane. For my much honored, kind friend, Mr. John Winthrop, at Pequot. Providence, July 12, 54. (fo called,) 1 Sir, — I was humbly bold to falute you from our native country, and now, by the gracious hand of the Lord, once more faluting this wildernefs, I crave your wonted patience to my wonted boldnefs, who ever honored and loved, and ever (hall, the root and branches of your dear name. How joyful, therefore, was I to hear of your abode as a ftake and pillar in thefe parts, and of your healths, your own, Mrs. Winthrop, and your branches, although fome fad mixtures we have had from the fad tidings (if true) of the late lofs and cutting off of one of them. 1 Knowles' Life of Roger Williams, p. 261. Letters of Roger Williams. 259 Sir, I was lately upon the wing to have waited on you at your houfe. I had difpofed all for my journey, and mv Itaff was in my hand, but it pleafed the Lord to interpofe ibme impediments, fo that I am compelled to a fufpenfion for a feafon, and choofe at prefent thus to viiit you. I had no letters for you, but yours were well. I was at the lodg- ings of Major Winthrop and Mr. Peters, but I miffed them. Your brother rlouriibeth in good efteem, and is eminent for maintaining the freedom of the confcience as to matters of belief, religion and wormip. Your father Peters 1 preacheth the fame doctrine, though not fo zeal- ouily as lome years fince, yet cries out againft New-Englim rigidities and perfecutions, their civil injuries and wrongs to himfelf, and their unchriftian dealing with him, in ex- communicating his diffracted wife. All this he told me in his lodgings, at Whitehall, thofe lodgings which I was told were Canterbury's ; but he himfelf told me, that that libra- ry wherein we were together, was Canterbury's, and given him by the Parliament. His wife lives from him not wholly, but much diffracted. He tells me he had but two hundred a year, and he allowed her fourfcore per annum of it. Surely, Sir, the moft holy Lord is molt wife in all the trials he exercifeth his people with. He told me that his affliction from his wife ftirred him up to action abroad, and when fuccefs tempted him to pride, the bitternefs in his bofom comforts was a cooler and a bridle to him. Surely* Sir, your father, and all the people of God in England, formerly called Puritanus, Anglicanus, of late Roundheads, now the Se&arians, (as more or lefs cut off from the parimes) are now in the faddle and at the helm, fo high that non datur defcenfus niji cadendo. Some cheer 2 Mr. Winthrop had married a daughter of the Rev. Hugh Peters. 260 Letters of Roger Williams. up their fpirits with the impoflibility of another fall or turn, fo doth Major Gen. Harrifon and Mr. Feake, and Mr. John Simfon, now in Windibr Caftle for preaching againft this laft change, and againft the Protector, as an ufurper, Richard III., &c. So did many think of the laft Parlia- ment, who were of the vote of fifty-fix againft priefts and tithes, oppofite to the vote of the fifty-four who were for them, at leaft for a while. Major Gen. Harrifon was the fecond in the nation of late, when the loving General and himfelf joined againft the former Long Parliament and diiTolved them, but now being the head of the fifty-fix par- ty, he was confined by the Protector and Council, within five miles of his father's houfe, in Staffordshire. That fen- tence he not obeying, he told me (the day before my leav- ing London) he was to be lent prifoner into Harfordfhire. Surely, Sir, he is a very gallant, moft deferving, heavenly man, but moft high flown for the kingdom of the faints, and the fifth monarchy now rifen, and their fun never to fet again, &c. Others, as to my knowledge, the Protector, Lord Prefident Lawrence, and others at helm, with Sir Henry Vane, (retired into Licolnfhire, yet daily milled and courted for his afliftance) are not fo full of that faith of miracles, but ftill imagine changes and perfecutions and the very ilaughter of the witnefies, before that glorious morning fo much defired of a worldlv kingdom, if ever fuch a king- dom (as literally it is by so many expounded) be to arife in this prefent world and difpenfation. Sir, I know not how far your judgment hath concurred with the defign againft the Dutch. I muft acknowledge my mourning for it, and when I heard of it, at Portsmouth, I confefs I wrote letters to the Protector and Prefident, from thence, as againft a moft uningenuous and unchriftian Letters of Roger Willia?ns. 261 defign, at fuch a time, when the world ftood gazing at the fo famous treaty for peace, which was then between the two States, and near finished when we fet fail. Much I can tell you of the anfwer I had from Court, and I think of the anfwers I had from heaven, viz. : that the Lord would gracioufly retard us until the tidings of peace (from England) might quench the fire in the kindling of it. Sir, I mourn that any of our parts were fo madly injuri- ous to trouble yours. I pity poor Sabando. I yet have hopes in God that we ihall be more loving and peaceable neighbors. I had word from the Lord Prelident to Portf- mouth, that the Council had parTed three letters as to our bufinefs. Firft, to encourage us ; fecond, to our neighbor colonies not to moleft us ; third, in exposition of that word dominion, in the late frame of the government of England, viz. : that liberty of confcience mould be maintained in all American plantations, &c. Sir, a great man in America told me, that he thought New England would not bear it. I hope better, and that not only the neceffity, but the equity, piety and Chriftanity of that freedom will more and more mine forth, not to licentioufnefs, (as all mercies are apt to be abufed) but to the beauty of Chriftianity and the luftre of true faith in God and love to poor mankind, &c. Sir, I have deiires of keeping home. I have long had icruples of felling the natives aught but what may bring or tend to civilizing; I therefore neither brought, nor mall fell them, loole coats nor breeches. It pleafed the Lord to call me for fome time, and with fome perfons, to practice the Hebrew, the Greek, Latin, French and Dutch. 1 1 It appears from this letter that Wil- and Dutch, and that he employed him- liams was ufed to pradlice the French felf in the honorable office of an in- 262 Letters of Roger Williams. The Secretary of the Council, (Mr. Milton) for my Dutch I read him, read me many more languages. Grammar rules begin to be efteemed a tyranny. I taught two young gentlemen, a Parliament man's fons, as we teach our chil- dren Englifli, by words, phrafes and conftant talk, &c. I have begun with mine own three boys, who labor befides ; others are coming to me. Sir, I ih all rejoice to receive a word of your healths, of the Indian wars and to be ever yours, Roger Williams. Sir, I pray feal and fend the enclofed. To the Town of Providence. [Providence, Augufl, 1654.] 1 Well-beloved friends and neighbors, — I am like a man in a great fog. I know not well how to fteer. I itxu&or of youth. This occupation he again, I have found a greater affinity of doubtless reforted to for his own fup- their language with the Greek tongue." port. That he was prefled for money 'Backus, Hi/I. of the Baptifls of New is evident from his letter to the town of England, vol. i. p. 289. R. I. Col. Re- Providence, written in Auguft, 1654, in cords, vol. i. p. 351. which he fpeaks of the ftraits he was put Upon the return of Mr. Williams to for money to pay his expenfes. with the letter of Sir Henry Vane, he It is evident too, from the writings of found matters in the colony in a very Mr. Williams, that he was acquainted with unlettled Mate, and was received with the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin languages, great coldnefs. He therefore wrote as quotations from them are frequent in the above letter to the Town of Provi- his letters. In the preface to his " Key," dence, in which he alludes in the mofl in fpeaking of the Indian languages, he affefting terms to the facrifices he had fays, " Firft others, (and myfelf ) have made in behalf of the colony, the peo- conceived fome of their words to hold pie of which, he thought, had not ap- affinity with the Hebrew." ..." Yet predated his efforts. Letters of Roger Williams. 263 fear to run upon the rocks at home, having had trials abroad. I fear to run quite backward, as men in a mill do, and undo all that I have been a long time undoing myielf to do, viz. : to keep up the name of a people, a free people, not enflaved to the bondages and iron yokes of the great (both foul and body) oppreflions of the Eng- lifh and barbarians about us, nor to the divilions and dif- orders within ourfelves. Since I fet the firfl flep of any Englifh foot into thefe wild parts, and have maintained a chargeable and hazardous correfpondence with the barbari- ans, and fpent almofl five years' time with the (rate of Eng- land, to keep off the rage of the Englifh againfl us, what have I reaped of the root of being the flepping-flone of fo many families and towns about us, but grief, and forrow, and bitternefs ? I have been charged with folly for that freedom and liberty which I have always flood for; I fay liberty and equality, both in land and government. I have been blamed for parting with Moihaifuck, and afterward Pawtuxet, (which were mine own as truly as any man's coat upon his back,) without referving to myfelf a foot of land, or an inch of voice in any matter, more than to my fervants and ltrangers. It hath been told me that I labored for a licentious and contentious people; that I have foolifh- ly parted with town and colony advantages, by which I might have preferved both town and colony in as good order as any in the country about us. This, and ten times more, I have been cenfured for, and at this prefent am called a traitor by one party, againfl the ftate of Eng- land, for not maintaining the charter and the colony ; and it is faid I am as good as banifhed by yourfelves, and that both lides wifhed that I might never have landed, that the fire of contention might have had no flop in burning. In- 264 Letters of Roger Williams. deed, the words have been fo (harp between myfelf and fome lately, that at laft I was forced to fay, they might well filence all complaints if I once began to complain, who was unfortunately fetched and drawn from my employ- ment, and fent to fo vaft diftance from my family, to do your work of a high and coftly nature, for fo many days and weeks and months together, and there left to ftarve, or fteal, or beg or borrow. But bleiled be God, who gave me favor to borrow one while, and to work another, and there- by to pay your debts there, and to come over with your credit and honor, as an agent from you, who had, in your name, grappled with the agents and friends of all your enemies round about you. I am told that your oppofites thought on me, and provided, as I may fay, a fponge to wipe off your fcores and debts in England, but that it was obftru&ed by yourfelves, who rather meditated on means and new agents to be fent over, to crofs what Mr. Clarke and I obtained. But, gentlemen, bleiled be God, who faileth not, and bleifed be his name for his wonderful Provi- dences, by which alone this town and colony, and that grand caufe of Truth and Freedom of Conscience, hath been upheld to this day. And bleffed be his name who hath again quenched fo much of our fires hitherto, and hath brought your names and his own name thus far out of the dirt and fcorn, reproach, &c. I find among yourfelves and your oppofites that of Solomon true, that the contentions of brethren (fome that lately were fo) are the bars of a caftle, and not eafily broken ; and I have heard fome of both fides zealoufly talking of undoing themfelves by a trial in England. Truly, friends, I can- not but fear you loft a fair wind lately, when this town was fent to for its deputies, and you were not pleafed to give an Letters of Roger Williams. 265 overture unto the reft of the inhabitants about it ; yea, and when yourfelves thought that I invited you to fome con- ference tending to reconciliation, before the town fhould acl: in fo fundamental a buiinefs, you were pleafed to fore- ftall that, fo that being full of grief, fhame and aftonifti- ment, yea, and fear that all that is now done, efpecially in our town of Providence, is but provoking the fpirits of men to fury and defperation, I pray your leave to pray you to remember (that which I lately told your oppofites) only by pride comet h contention. If there be humility on the one iide, yet there is pride on the other, and certainly the eternal God will engage againft the proud. I therefore pray you to examine, as I have done them, your proceed- ings in this firft particular. Secondly, Love covereth a multitude of fins. Surely your charges and complaints each againft other, have not hid nor covered any thing, as we ufe to cover the nakednefs of thofe we love. If you will now profefs not to have disfranchifed humanity and love, but that, as David in another cafe, you will facrifice to the common peace, and common fafety, and common credit, that which may be faid to coft you fomething, I pray your loving leave to tell you, that if I were in your foul's cafe, I would fend unto your oppofites fuch a line as this : " Neighbors, at the conftant requeft, and upon the conftant mediation which our neighbor Roger Williams, fince his arrival, hath ufed to us, both for pacification and accommodation of our fad differences, and alfo upon the late endeavors in all the other towns for an union, we are perfuaded to remove our obftrucTion, viz. : that paper of contention between us, and to deliver it into the hands of our aforefaid neighbor and to obliterate that order, which that paper did occafion. This removed, you may be pleafed 34 266 Letters of Roger Williams. to meet with, and debate freely, and vote in all matters with us, as if fuch grievances had not been amongft us. Secondly, if yet aught remain grievous, which we our- felves, by free debate and conference, cannot compofe we offer to be judged and cenfured by four men, which out of any part of the colony you (hall choofe two, and we the other. 1 Gentlemen, I only add, that I crave your loving pardon to your bold but true friend. Roger Williams. The Town of Providence to Sir Henry Vane? [PREPARED BY ROGER WILLIAMS AT THE REQUEST OF THE TOWN.] Providence, Auguft 27th, 1654. Sir, — Although we are aggrieved at your late retirement from the helm of public affairs, yet we rejoice to reap the fweet fruits of your reft in your pious and loving lines, moft feafonably fent unto us. Thus the fun, when he re- tires his brightnefs from the world, yet from under the very clouds we perceive his prefence, and enjoy fome light and heat and fweet refrefhings. Sir, your letters were di- rected to all and every particular town of this Providence colony. Surely, Sir, among the many Providences of the iThis letter is without date, but it was Sir Henry Vane's letter. This letter, doubtlefs written juft before the town which follows, dated Auguft 27th, 1654, meeting which took place late in Auguft, is prelerved among the records of the 1654. It had the defired effeft, and city of Providence. It is in Mr. Wil- when the meeting took place, Mr. Wil- liams's hand writing and has all the cha- liams had a full hearing of the cafe, when rafteriftics of his ftyle. he was requefted to write an anfwer to Z R. L Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 235. Letters of Roger Williams. 267 Moft High, towards this town of Providence, and this Providence colony, we cannot but fee apparently his gra- cious hand, providing your honorable felf for fo noble and true a friend to an outcaft and defpifed people. From the firft beginning of this Providence colony, occalioned by the banifhment of fome in this place from the Maffachu- fetts, we fay ever fince to this very day, we have reaped the fweet fruits of your conftant loving kindnefs and favor to- wards us. Oh, Sir, whence, then, is it that you have bent your bow and fhot your (harp and bitter arrows now againft us ? Whence is it that you charge us with divifions, difor- ders, &c. ? Sir, we humbly pray your gentle acceptance of our two fold anfwer. Firft, we have been greatly difturbed and diftra&ed by the ambition and covetoufnefs of fome amongft us. Sir, we were in complete order, until Mr. Coddington, wanting that public, ielf-denying fpirit which you commend to us in your letter, procured, by moft untrue information, a monopoly of part of the colony, viz. : Rhode Ifland, to himfelf, and fo occasioned our general disturbance and dif- tra&ions. Secondly, Mr. Dyre, with no lefs want of a public fpirit, being ruined by party contentions with Mr. Coddington, and being betrufted to bring from England the letters from the Council of State for our reunitings, he hopes for a recruit to himfelf by other men's goods ; and, contrary to the State's intentions and expreffions, plungeth himfelf and fome others in moft unneceflary and unright- eous plundering, both of Dutch and French, and Engliih alfo, to our great grief, who protefted againft fuch abufe of our power from England; and the end of it is to the fhame and reproach of himfelf, and the very Englifh name, as all thefe parts do witnefs. Sir, our fecond anfwer is, (that we may not lay all the 268 Letters of Roger Williams. load upon other men's backs,) that poffibly a fweet cup hath rendered many of us wanton and too active, for we have long drunk of the cup of as great liberties as any people that we can hear of under the whole heaven. We have not only been long free (together with all New Eng- land) from the iron yoke of wolfiih bifbops, and their popifh ceremonies, (againft whofe cruel oppreffions God raifed up your noble fpirit in Parliament,) but we have fitten quiet and dry from the ftreams of blood fpilt by that war in our native country. We have not felt the new chains of the Prefbyterian tyrants, nor in this colony have we been confumed with the over-zealous tire of the (fo called) godly chriftian magiftrates. Sir, we have not known what an excife means ; we have almoft forgotten what tithes are, yea, or taxes either, to church or commonwealth. We could name other fpecial privileges, ingredients of our fweet cup, which your great wifdorn knows to be very pow- erful (except more than ordinary watchfulnefs) to render the heft of men wanton and forgetful. But, bleffed be your love, and your loving heart and hand, awakening any of our fleepy fpirits by your fweet alarm ; and blefTed be your noble family, root and branch, and all your pious and prudent engagements and retirements. We hope you (hall no more complain of the faddening of your loving heart by the men of Providence town or of Providence colony, but that when we are gone and rotten, our pofterity and children after us mall read in our town records your pious and favorable letters and loving kindnefs to us, and this our anfwer, and real endeavor after peace and righteouf- nefs; and to be found, Sir, your moft obliged, and moft humble fervants, the town of Providence, in Providence colony, in New England. Gregory Dexter, Town Clerk. Letters of Roger Williams. 269 To the General Court of Majjachufetts Bay. Providence, 5, 8, 54. (lb called.) [October 5, 1654.] 1 Much honored Sirs, — I truly wifh you peace, and pray your gentle acceptance of a word, I hope not unreasona- ble. We have in thefe parts a found of your meditations of war againft thefe natives, amongft whom we dwell. I confider that war is one of thofe three great, fore plagues, with which it pleafeth God to affect the fons of men. I confider, alfo, that I refufed, lately, many offers in my na- tive country, out of a fincere deiire to feek the good and peace of this. I remember, that upon the exprefs advice of your ever honored Mr. Winthrop, deceafed, I flrft adventured to begin a plantation among the thickeft of thefe barbarians. That in the Pequot wars, it pleafed your honored gov- ernment to employ me in the hazardous and weighty ftr- vice of negotiating a league between yourfelves and the Narraganfetts, when the Pequot meffengers, who fought the Narraganfetts' league againft the Englifh, had almoft ended that my work and life together. That at the fubfcribing of that folemn league, which, by the mercy of the Lord, I had procured with the Narra- ganfetts, your government was pleafed to fend unto me the copy of it, fubfcribed by all hands there, which yet I keep as a monument and a teftimony of peace and faithfulnefs between you both. That, fince that time, it hath pleafed the Lord fo to order it, that I have been more or lefs interefted and ufed in 1 Plymouth Records, vol. x. p. 438 ; R. I. Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 291. 270 Letters of Roger Williams. all your great tranfaclions of wai or peace, between the Englifh and the natives, and have not fpared purfe, nor pains, nor hazards, (very many times,) that the whole land, Englifh and natives, might fleep in peace fecurely. That in my laft negotiations in England, with the Par- liament, Council of State, and his Highnefs, 1 I have been forced to be known fo much, that if I mould be lilent, I mould not only betray mine own peace and yours, but alfo mould be falie to their honorable and princely names, whofe loves and affections, as well as their fupreme authori- ty are not a little concerned in the peace or war of this country. At my laft departure for England, I was importuned by the Narraganfett Sachems, and efpecially by Ninigret, to prelent their petition to the high Sachems of England, that they might not be forced from their religion, and, for not changing their religion, be invaded by war; for they faid they were daily vilited with threatenings by Indians that came from about the Maffachufetts, that if they would not pray, they fhould be deftroyed by war. With this their petition I acquainted, in private difcourfes, divers of the chief of our nation, and efpecially his Highnefs, who, in many difcourfes I had with him, never expreffed the leaft tittle of difpleafure, as hath been here reported, but in the midft of difputes, ever expreffed a high fpirit of love and gentlenefs, and was often pleafed to pleafe himfelf with very many queftions, and my anfwers, about the Indian affairs of this country; and, after all hearing of yourfelf and us, it hath pleafed his Highness and his Council to grant, amongft other favors to this colony, fome expreftly 1 Oliver Cromwell. Letters of Roger Williams. 271 concerning the very Indians, the native inhabitants of this jurifdi&ion. I, therefore, humbly offer to your prudent and impartial view, firft thefe two confiderable terms, it pleafed the Lord to ufe to all that profefs his name (Rom. 12: 18,) if it be poffible, and all men. I never was againft the righteous ufe of the civil fword of men or nations, but yet fince all men of confcience or prudence ply to windward, to maintain their wars to be defenfive, (as did both King and Scotch, and Englifh and Iriih too, in the late wars,) I humbly pray your confidera- tion, whether it be not only poffible, but very eafy, to live and die in peace with all the natives of this country. For, fecondly, are not all the Englifh of this land, gen- erally, a perfecuted people from their native foil ? and hath not the God of peace and Father of mercies made thefe natives more friendly in this, than our native countrymen in our own land to us? Have they not entered leagues of love, and to this day continued peaceable commerce with us? Are not our families grown up in peace amongll: them ? Upon which I humbly afk, how it can fuit with Chriftian ingenuity to take hold of fome feeming occafions for their deftructions, which, though the heads be onlv aimed at, yet, all experience tells us, falls on the body and the innocent. Thirdly, I pray it may be remembered how greatly the name of God is concerned in this affair, for it cannot be hid, how all England and other nations ring with the glo- rious converfion of the Indians of New England. You know how many books are difperfed throughout the na- tion, of the fubjec"t, (in fome of them the Narraganfett chief Sachems are publicly branded, for refufing to pray 272 Letters of Roger Williams. and be converted ;) have all the pulpits in England been commanded to found of this glorious work, (I fpeak not ironically, but only mention what all the printed books mention,) and that by the highest command and authority of Parliament, and churchwardens went from houfe to houfe, to gather fupplies for this work. Honored Sirs, Whether I have been and am a friend to the natives' turning to civility and Christianity, and whe- ther I have been instrumental, and defire fo to be, accord- ing to my light, I will not trouble you with ; only I befeech you conlider, how the name of the mod holy and jealous God may be preferved between the clafhings of thefe two, viz. : the glorious converfion of the Indians in New England, and the unneceffary wars and cruel deftruc- tions of the Indians in New England. Fourthly, I befeech you forget not, that although we are apt to play with this plague of war more than with the other two, famine and peftilence, yet I befeech you conlider how the prefent events of all wars that ever have been in the world, have been wonderful fickle, and the fu- ture calamities and revolutions, wonderful in the latter end. Heretofore, not having liberty of taking fhip in your jurifdiclion, I was forced to repair unto the Dutch, where mine eyes did fee that fir ft breaking forth of that Indian war, which the Dutch begun, upon the flaughter of fome Dutch by the Indians; and they queftioned not to finifh it in a few days, infomuch that the name of peace, which fome offered to mediate, was foolifh and odious to them. But before we weighed anchor, their bowries were in flames; Dutch and Englifti were (lain. Mine eyes faw their flames at their towns, and the flights and hurries of men, women and children, the prefent removal of all that Letters of Roger Williams. 273 could for Holland ; and after vaft expenfes, and mutual (laughters of Dutch, Englifh and Indians, about four years, the Dutch were forced, to fave their plantation from ruin, to make up a mod unworthy and difhonorable peace with the Indians. How frequently is that faying in England, that both Scotch and Englifh had better have borne loans, fhip money, &c, than run upon fuch rocks, that even fuccefs and victory have proved, and are yet like to prove. Yea, this late war with Holland, however begun with zeal againft God's enemies, as fome in Parliament faid, yet what fruits brought it forth, but the breach of the Parliament, the en- raging of the nation by taxes, the ruin of thoufands who depended on manufactures and merchandize, the lofs of many thoufand feamen, and others, many of whom many worlds are not worthy ? But, laftly, if any be yet zealous of kindling this fire for God, &c, I befeech that gentleman, whoever he be, to lay himfelf in the oppofite fcale, with one of the fairerr. buds that ever the fun of righteoufnefs cherifhed, Joiiah, that mod zealous and melting-hearted reformer, who would to war, and againft warnings, and fell in mod untimely death and lamentations, and now ftands, a pillar of fait to all fucceeding generations. Now, with your patience, a word to thefe nations at war, (occalion of yours,) the Narraganfetts and Long Iflanders, I know them both experimentally, and therefore pray you to remember, Firfr, that the Narraganfetts and Mohawks are the two great bodies of Indians in this country, and they are con- federates, and long have been, and they both yet are friendly and peaceable to the Englifh. I do humbly con- 35 274 Letters of Roger Williams. ceive, that if ever God calls us to a juft war with either of them he calls us to make fure of the one to a friend. It is true fome diftafte was lately hereamongft them, but they parted friends, and fome of the Narraganfetts went home with them, and I fear that both thefe and the Long Ifland- ers and Mohegans, and all the natives of the land, may, upon a found of the defeat of the Englifh, be induced eaiily to join each with other againft us. 2. The Narraganfetts, as they were the firft, fo they have been long confederates with you ; they have been true, in all the Pequot wars, to you. They occafioned the Mohegans to come in, too, and fo occalioned the Pequots' downfall. 3. I cannot yet learn, that ever it pleafed the Lord, to permit the Narraganfetts to ftain their hands with any Englifh blood, neither in open hoftilities nor fecret mur- ders, as both Pequots and Long Iilanders did, and Mohe- gans alfo, in the Pequot wars. It is true, they are barba- rians, but their greatefr. offences againft the Englilh have been matters of money, or petty revenging of themlelves on fome Indians, upon extreme provocations, but God kept them clear of our blood. 4. For the people, many hundred Englifh have experi- mented them to be inclined to peace and love with the Englifh nation. Their late famous long-lived Canonicus fo lived and died, and in the fame moft honorable manner and folem- nity (in their way) as you laid to lleep your prudent peace- maker, Mr. Winthrop, did they honor this, their prudent and peaceable prince. His fon, Mexham, inherits his fpirit. Yea, through all their towns and countries, how frequently do many, and oft-times one Englishman, travel alone with fafety and loving kindnefs ! Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 275 The caufe and root of all the prefent mifchief, is the pride of two barbarians, AfcalTaffotic, the Long Ifland Sachem, and Ninigret, of the Narraganfett. The former is proud and foolifh ; the latter is proud and fierce. I have not feen him thefe many years, yet from their fober men I hear he pleads, Firft, that AicalfalTotic, a very inferior Sachem, bearing himfelf upon the Englifh, hath llain three or four of his people, and fince that, fent him challenges and darings to right, and mend himfelf. 2. He, Ninigret, confulted, by folemn melTengers, with the chief of the Englifh Governors, Major Endicott, then Governor of the MaiTachufetts, who fent him an implicit confent to right himfelf, upon which they all plead that the Englifh have juft occaiion of difpleafure. 3. After he had taken revenge upon the Long Iilanders, and brought away about fourteen captives, divers of their chief women, yet he reftored them all again, upon the mediation and defire of the Englifh. 4. After this peace made, the Long Iilanders pretending to vifit Ninigret, at Block Ifland, flaughtered of his Nar- raganfetts near thirty perfons, at midnight, two of them of great note, efpecially Wepiteammoc's fon, to whom Nini- gret was uncle. 5. In the profecution of this war, although he had drawn down the Iflanders to his affiftance, yet, upon pro- teftation of the Englifh againft. his proceedings, he re- treated and diffolved his army. Honored Sirs, 1. I know it is faid the Long Iflanders are fubjecls ; but I have heard this greatly queftioned, and, indeed, I quef- tion whether any Indians in this country, remaining bar- 276 Letters of Roger Williams. barous and pagan, may with truth or honor be called the Englifh fubjecTis. 2. But grant them iubjecls, what capacity hath their late ma(facre of the Narraganfetts, with whom they had made peace, without the Englifh content, though ftill un- der the Englifh name, put them into ? 3. All Indians are extremely treacherous; and if to their own nation, for private ends, revolting to ftrangers, what will they do upon the found of one defeat of the Englifh, or the trade of killing Englifh cattle, and perfons, and plunder, which will, molt certainly be the trade, if any considerable party efcape alive, as mine eyes beheld in the Dutch war. But I befeech you, fay your thoughts and the thoughts of your wives and little ones, and the thoughts of all Eng- lifh, and of God's people in England, and the thoughts of his Highnefs and Council, (tender of thefe parts,) if, for the fake of a few inconfiderable pagans, and beafts, wal- lowing in idlenefs, Mealing, lying, whoring, treacherous witchcrafts, blafphemies, and idolatries, all that the gra- cious hand of the Lord hath fo wonderfully planted in the wildernefs, mould be deftroyed. How much nobler were it, and glorious to the name of God and your own, that no pagan mould dare to ufe the name of an Englifh fubjecT:, who comes not out in fome degree from barbarifm to civility, in forfaking their filthy nakednefs, in keeping fome kind of cattle, which yet your councils and commands may tend to, and, as pious and pru- dent deceafed Mr. Winthrop faid, that civility may be a leading ftep to Christianity, is the humble defire of your mo ft unfeigned in all fervices of love, Roger Williams, of Providence colony, Prefident. Letters of Roger Williams. 277 For his much honored, kind friend, Mr. Winthrop, at Pequot, theje. Providence, 9, 8, 54. (fo called.) [Oft. 9, 1654.]' Sir, — I was lately fadded to hear of fome barbarous dealings to your prejudice on your ifland. I am again fad- ded with the tidings of weaknefs in your family, and I hope you are fadded with me at this Fire which is now kindling, the fire of God's wrath and jealoully, which, if God gracioufly quench not, may burn to the foundations both of Indians and Englifh together. I have (upon the firft found of this fire) prefented confiderations to the General Court of MaiTachufetts ; Major Willard tells me, he faw them not, (the Court not yet fetting,) therefore I have prefented him with a copy of them, which upon op- portunity and deiire, I prefume you may command the fight of. I have therein had occafion to mention your pre- cious peacemaking farther. Sir, iome of the foldiers, faid here that 'tis true the Narraganfetts had yet killed no Englifh, but they had killed two hundred of Mr. Winthrop's goats, and that it was read in the Bofton meeting houfe, that Mr. Win- throp was robbed and undone, and was flying from the place unlefs fuccor was fent him. I hope to hear other- wife, and that notwithstanding any private lofs, yet that noble fpirit of your father Hill lives in you, and will ftill work (if poflible) to quench this devouring fire in the kindling. I am not yet without hope but it may pleafe the God of peace and Father of mercies to create peace for us, and by this time to inflame our 1 3 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. x p. 4. 278 Letters of Roger Williams. hearts more with love to him and felicities in him, which neither fword, nor famine, nor peftilence can take from us, which (however otherwife he may deal with us) will abundantly compenfate all their making below, though (feemingly) great and fundamental to us. Sir, with very cordial refpects to you both, I am yours in the fervice of love unfeigned. Roger Williams. [The letter of Mr. Williams to the Town of Providence, of Auguft preced- ing had a falutary effect, and harmony was once more reftored in the colony. At the General Election, which followed in September, 1654, Mr. Williams was cho- fen Prefident. "Thus far" fays Backus, " things appeared encouraging; but as tyranny and licentioufnefs are equally enemies, both to government and liberty, Mr. Williams often had both to contend with. Soon after this fettlement, a perfon fent a feditious paper to the town of Providence," and alfo circulated it among the citizens. " That it was blood-guiltlefs, and againft the rule of the gofpel to execute judgment upon tranigreffors againft the public or private weal." — Hi/I. of the Baptijh, vol. i. p. 296. While fuch fentiments were propagated, Williams could not remain filent, and accordingly addreffed the following letter to the town, in which he denies that he had ever given the flighteft fanftion to principles fo hoftile to civil peace and the dictates of reafon and fcripture.J To the Town of Providence. [Providence, January, 1654-5. ] ] That ever I mould fpeak or write a tittle, that tends to fuch an infinite liberty of confcience, is a miftake, and which I have ever difclaimed and abhorred. To prevent fuch miflakes, I mall at prefent only propofe this cafe: There goes many a mip to fea, with many hundred fouls in one mip, whofe weal and woe is common, and is a true picture of a commonwealth, or a human combination or 1 Providence Records ; alfo, Backus, Hiji. of the Baptifs, vol. i. p. 297. Letters of Roger Williams. 279 fociety. It hath fallen out fometimes, that both papifts and proteftants, Jews and Turks, may be embarked in one fhip ; upon which fuppofal I affirm, that all the liberty of confcience, that ever I pleaded for, turns upon thefe two hinges — that none of the papifts, proteftants, Jews, or Turks, be forced to come to the fhip's prayers or worfhip, nor compelled from their own particular prayers or wor- fhip, if they practice any. I further add, that I never de- nied, that notwithstanding this liberty, the commander of this fhip ought to command the fhip's courfe, yea, and alfo command that juftice, peace and fobriety, be kept and practiced, both among the feamen and all the paifengers. If any of the feamen refufe to perform their fervices, or paifengers to pay their freight ; if any refufe to help, in perfon or purfe, towards the common charges or defence ; if any refufe to obey the common laws and orders of the fhip, concerning their common peace or prefervation ; if any fhall mutiny and rife up againft their commanders and officers; if any fhould preach or write that there ought to be no commanders or officers, becaufe all are equal in Chrift, therefore no matters nor officers, no laws nor or- ders, nor corrections nor punifbments; — I fay, I never denied, but in fuch cafes, whatever is pretended, the com- mander or commanders may judge, refift, compel and pun- ifh fuch tranfgreffors, according to their deferts and merits. This if ferioully and honeftlv minded, may, if it fo pleafe the Father of lights, let in fome light to fuch as willingly fhut not their eyes. I remain ftudious of your common peace and liberty. Roger Williams. 280 Letters of Roger Williams Roger Williams to John Winthrop, Jr. 15, 12, 54. (fo called.) [15th February, 1654.] 1 Sir, — It hath not been this (harp and bitter feafon which could have frozen my pen from faluting you both (having received yours fome weeks fince,) but I could not get a meeting with Ninigret, and meifengers effected nothing, which I fent to him. Your great trial, lofs and hindrance I am exceedingly grieved at, and cordially wifh it were in my hand to contribute to your abundant fatis- faction and reparation. I have taken willingly any pains about it, and (hall ; and beg of God himfelf to pleafe to make up thefe gaps and breaches, with the teachings and comfortings of his Eternal Spirit. I have had a folemn debate with Ninigret and the reft of the Narraganfett Sachems, in a late great meeting at Warwick, whither they came down with four fcore armed men, to demand fatisfaclion for the robbing of Peficcufh, his lifter's grave, and mangling of her flefh ; againft John Garriard, a Dutchman, whofe crew, and it is feared, him- felf, committed that ghaftly and ftinking villainy againft them. In this meeting the Sachems were unanimous and (as union ftrengthens) they were {o bold as to talk often of men's lives, and of righting with us, and de- manded an Englifh child for hoftage until fatisfaclion, be- caufe John Garriard had lived at Warwick, and had goods and debts there ftill remaining. At laft it pleafed the Lord to pacify all with our attaching of the Dutchman's goods and debts, until he have made iatisfa&ion (in the Dutch jurifdiction or the Englifh) to the Sachems charge againft him. There was in his crew, one Samuel, a hat- 1 4 Ma/s. Hi/I. Coll. vol. vi. p. 286. Letters of Roger Williams. 28 1 ter, and one Jones, a feaman, and an Irishman, perlnos infamous, fo that we fear John Garriard was drawn in by them, at leaft to confentto (hare with them in fuch a booty. Sir, this troublefome occaiion furnifhed me with full agitations about your wrong and demands alfo. And be- iides this I have had both former and later difcourfings and fearchings with divers Indians, and fome that were prefenl, and fome that were difaffected to Ninigret, and all anfwers and agitations, &c, amount to, firft, an abfolute denial that either the Sachems or people know of any cat- tle of yours ilain by themfelves or the Inlanders, excepting three or four goats, which the Pawcomtuck Indians killed in their breaking up in difpleafure, and departure from Ninigret, and in their march towards the Eartern end of your ifland homeward. 1 2. They affirm that fuch flaughters could not porTibly be made by any of themfelves or the ftrangers, but they mould know of it, being intermingled with them in all their quarters : and whereas I faid they were long there, and had fpent provifions ; they fay they had three canoes continually going from your ifland to Pequot for provilion ; which though fometime the winds hindered fome hours, yet by day or by night they always came and brought a fupply. 1 Troubles with Ninigret had been on a war againft him. An armed force renewed during the paft year. That was fent into the Narraganfett country, chief had carried on a war with the In- when Ninigret fled, and about one hun- dians of Long Ifland, who had put them- dred Pequots who had been left with the felves under the protection of the Eng- Narraganfetts fince the war, put them- lifh. The Commiflioners of the Uni- felves under the protection of the Eng- ted Colonies ordered Ninigret to appear lifli. The armed force retired with- at Hartford; and upon his refufal to out attacking the enemy. — Holmes, An- comply with their requefl, determined nals, p. 301. 36 282 Letters of Roger Wi Hiatus. 3. They fay that fome Engliih whom you trufted there, not only gave Ninigret one goat, but they have known divers given or fold to Englifh or Dutch pinnaces. I con- fefs, Sir, this laft came not within my thoughts to favor of truth, until conferring with fome Englifh further, I find it undeniable from many Englifh witneifes, that many goats have been fold (and fome at cheap prices,) by fome whom you have trufted, to many veifels. Some of the vefTels belong to our towns, and they name your kinfman Mr. Symons. The particulars are many : one I mail hint, that you may review whether you had account of it or no : Mr. Smith's veffel gave him an ell of holland for one goat, which in our parts would yield about 14-f : lb that I hear fome veifels brought (more then for prefent fpending) fome live goats along with them. Sir, this Engliih work I believe is true, although I dare not abfolve the barbarians from your charge, and therefore (hall ftill continue my utmoft care and fearch. Sir, the tidings ftirring amongft us is (as is said) from a (hip (about four months fince arrived from England,) re- porting daughters of Scotch and Englifh in divers battles fought in Scotland ; but (as is faid) the Lord was pleafed to turn thefcales to the Engliih. It is faid alfo that the Parliament (which was to begin the 3rd of September,) was broke up in difcontent. It is faid that a fleet was defigned againft Hifpaniola, and that Mr. Winflow goes in chief command, or to be Governor. 1 Sir, I yet believe not this firft found of things, and yet I believe them to be very like to be true, and greater and greater Revolutions approach- 1 Edward Winflow, was appointed by and died on the paflage, between that if- Cromwell, Commiffioner to attend the land and Jamaica, May 8th, of that year, expedition againft Hifpaniola in 1655; Eds. Winthrop Papers. Letters of Roger Williams. 283 ing. The invifible and eternal Jehovah will make his juf- tice and mercy more and more vifibly glorious, in eternal fucceffive difcoveries of himfelf to his, and to the works and creatures of his mighty hand. It hath pleafed God, Sir, to take away (fome few days fince) the wife of our Jofhua Windfor (once a fervant to your dear father). She had made a paffionate wim that God would part them, and take away him or her. It pleafed his Jealoufly to hear her, and to take away a child in her womb alio, of which (he could not be delivered. We have had fome gufts amongft us as to our whole Colony and civil order. At my coming over our neigh- bors were run into divifions. By the good hand of the Lord they were perfuaded to choofe twenty-four Commii- fioners (fix out of a town) to reconcile. They united and hailed me out (fore againft my fpirit) to public iervice : yet the fpirits of fome have not been fo reconcileable : Tho. Olney 1 and my brother in our town, (upon private grudges), Mr. Eafton and Mr. Dyer, at Newport, fearing Sabaudies pinnace muft be paid for, which cafe the Court at MarTachufetts lately would not determine, but left it to be tried in our own Colony, which was the late anfwer ot the Court at Ipfwich to Mr. Ames, who fued Mr. Dyer in the Bay. What plots and diggings have been ufed to overturn all Courts, fo that there might be an efcape, and therefore Newport is made to ftand off (except fome few) from the reft of the Colony. Sir, we have a found of a Gen : Governor, and that Ba- 1 Thomas Olney was among the ear- lem church, from which he was expelled lieft fettlers of Providence, and one of for uniting in the errors of Williams, the committee in 164710 form a gov- His name appears among the Affiftants in ernment. He was a member of the Sa- the Charter of 1663. 284 Letters of Roger Williams. ron Rigby his fon is the man : but it is time to excufe this prolixity, and to end with humble delires to the moft Holy and Eternal King to protect, to direct, and comfort your fpirits in all prefent and future trials. So prays, Sir, Yours moft unworthy Roger Williams. Sir, thefe enclofed were fent to me from Mr. White, now wintering at Warwick. It is faid he hath fkill in moft works; many of ours have thoughts of trying his fkill about a new bridge at Providence, and he hath promifed to come over to us to confult, but the weather hath hin- dered. Mr. Foote hath once and again moved for Iron Works at Providence. He told me that you had fpeech with him about his getting of iron men to Pequot, but he thought yourfelf would be willing to promote the work as well here as there, and therefore promifed me to write to you. If I had power in my hand I would venture to fuch a pub- lic good, and however would gladly contribute all affift- ance, efpecially if your loving fpirit and experience be pleafed to give encouragement. Sir, I have not at prefent by me a copy (fair or foul) of mv Confederations prefented to the Gen. Court at Bofton : fomething there is in them of paffages between the Lord Protector and myfelf; otherways they are but known things (efpecially to yourfelf): however, if poffible I can, I will prefent your defire with the fight of them. Post S. — This letter hath long lain by expecting con- veyance. Indeed Ninigret promifed to lend a mefTenger for them, but (whether the winter or other occasions hin- dered, ficknefs, death, &c.,) yet it hath ftuck by me as Letters of Roger Williams. 28c; an arrow in my fide, leaft I mould feem to neglect fuch a friend and fuch a cafe. For the fleet of which you pleafe a line (in this your welcome tidings of your healths) we hear of fixty or one hundred fail. I know the Protector had ftrong thoughts of Hifpaniola and Cuba. Mr. Cotton's inter- preting of Euphrates to be the Weft Indies: the lupply of gold, to take off taxes), and the provision of a warmer Diuerticuhim and Receptaculum then New England is, will make a footing into thofe parts very precious, and if it mall pleafe God to vouchfafe fuccefs to this fleet, I look to hear of an invitation at leaft to thefe parts for removal, from his Highnefs, who looks on New England only with an eye of pity, as poor, cold and ufelefs. And furely this nonefuch winter is like to fet any wheel a going for removals of very many. Capt. Gibbons at beginning of this winter (as I prefume you have long fince heard) made this winter his laft, and is departed. Mr. Dunfter 1 (as is faid) expected to be oufted about his judgment of children's baptifm, withdrew himfelf, and Mr. Chauncy, 2 who was fhipped for England, is now maf- ter of the College. 1 Henry Dunfter, firft President of Harvard College, indu&ed into office Auguit 27, 1640. He was highly re- fpefted for his learning, piety and man- ner of government ; but having imbibed the principles of Antipedobaptifm, was induced to refign his office in 1654. He removed to Scituate, Mafs., where he paffed the remainder of his days in peace. He died in 1659. — Blake, Biog. Did. 1 Rev. Charles Chauncy, fucceeded Mr. Dunfter as Prefident of Harvard College. He was vicar of Ware, in England. Being fined and imprifoned for non-conformity, he determined to feek the enjoyment of the rights of con- fcience in New England, where he came in 1638. After living as a fettled min- ifter, chiefly at Scituate, for twelve years, he was invited to return to England. He went to Bofton to embark, but the prefi- dency of the College being then vacant, 286 Letters of Roger Williams. We alio hear that two of Mr. Dells 1 books were lately burnt at the MafTachufetts, (poffibly) containing fome (harp things againft the Prefbyterians and Academians, of which I brought over one called the Trial of Spirits. I pray you to read and return this Jew. I have alfo an anfwer to him by a good plain man, expounding all which the Jew takes literally, in a fpiritual way : and I have (in a difcourfe of a Knight (L'Eftrange) 2 proving Americans no Jews) another touch againft him : however, I rejoiced to fee fuch induftrious fpirits breathing in that people to- ward the Meffiah or Chrift of God. Mr. Foot is faid (at prefent) to refolve for the Dutch : upon occaflon of my declaring againft his man, Mr. Fow- ler's diforderly marriage in Mr. Foot's houfe, without any publication, and upon that occafion my refufing to pro- mote the Iron Works as yet; he is difpleafed, and fpeaks of departure. I truly love and pity the man, yet furely from him have the Indians been furnifhed with ftore of liquors, from his houfe have the incivilities of our town been much encouraged, and much evil report he hath in- curred about this marriage. He faith he knew not of it 'till over night. But (although the pretended marriage was not,) it may be refolved on before over night, yet I am forry to hear fuch talk in the town of what he knew before. Sir, the truth is (as one faid to Queen Elizabeth) he was induced to accept office, and was " The Tryall of Spirits, both in Teachers inducted into it in 1654. He retained and Hearers " " The Stumbling Stone ," the place until his death in 1672, at the together with Sermons and other Theo- age of 81. He publifhed feveral vol- logical Treatifes. — "Select Works." Lon- umes of fermons and theological works, don, 1773. Blake, Biog. Dicl. 2 Hamon L'Eftrange was the author of 1 William Dell, Reftor of Yelden, a book entitled "Americans no Jews, or and Mafter of Gonvil and Caius College ; Improbabilities that the Americans are of ejefted 1662. He publifhed in 1663 that race" — London, 1652. Letters of Roger Williams. 287 ProfeBo omnes fumus licentia deteriores. We enjoy liberties of foul and body, but it is licenfe we defire, except the Moft Holy help us : in whom, Sir, I defire to be ever Yours, Roger Williams. Mine and my wife's true refpects to Mrs. Winthrop, &c. For my honored \ kind friend, Mr. Winthrop, at his houfe at Pequot. Leave this with Mr. White, of Warwick. Providence, 23, 1. [March 23,] 1655, (Co called.) 1 Sir, — Cordial refpecls prefented. Mr. White coming to you, cannot come without falutation. I have this laft week many letters from England; but all dated the firft week of the Parliament's fitting. The houfe coniifted moft of Prefbyterian fautors. 2 All that are waived are ranked into Cavaliers and Levellers :3 upon the grand quef- tion of the Supreme Legiflature, the Lord Bradfhaw^ fpake openly that if a Parliament were not fupreme, then was he a murderer of King Charles. Sir Arthur Hazelrig fpake high : but the report is double : fome fay a vote paft that they would not difpute that point, fome fay they did dif- pute, and therefore a breach followed, and the imprifon- 1 \Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 292. tribunal by which Charles I. was tried. z Fauter, a favourer, a fupporter. In the contefl between the king and the 3 Cavaliers. The name given to the people, Bradfhaw efpoufed the caufe of party which adhered to King Charles I. the latter. Cromwell, to whofe ufurpa- in oppofition to the Roundheads or Lev- tion he was hoflile, deprived him of el/ers, who were the adherents of Par- office. He died in 1659 ; and at the liament. Reftoration, his remains were difinterred 4 John Bradfhaw was Prefident of the and hanged at Tyburn. 288 Letters of Roger Willia?ns. ment of Bradfhaw and Hazelrig, &c, and it is faid here (by Dutch news) two beheaded. The Protector in his fpeech told them he had fettled the three Nations, had made peace with Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, and entered far into a treaty with France, &c. The fea preparations of the Englifh rendered others jealous: fo that (and the troubles of the Dutch among themfelves, which caufe them to keep a guard of eight hundred at the Hague) that caufed new orders to the Admiralty, for careful ftriking to the Englim : Gen. Blake 1 with his fleet was bound for the Southward : Gen. Pen 2 and Mr. Winflow with him for the Weft. It is feared that his poor wife will mifs him. He writes to N. Plymouth that (except the Parliament prohibited) they were ready to fet fail : he hath new fitted himfelf and fent over his former apparel. The Portugal embaffadorS hath been beheaded for a murder in the Exchange, and Mrs. Mohun and her maid flood in the pillory before the Exchange, for attempt- ing his efcape by women's apparel. Mr. Marfhall, and 1 Robert Blake a celebrated Englifh Admiral. In the ftruggle between King Charles I. and his people, he efpoufed the caufe of liberty. After diftinguifh- ing himfelf in the army, he was placed in command of the fleet, when he de- ftroyed the Royal fquadron under Prince Rupert, at Malaga. In 1653 he de- feated the Dutch fleet, under VanTromp, and the following year gained a vittory over the Spanifh fleet in the Medite- ranean. He died in 1657 and was bu- ried with great honors in Henry Vllths chapel At the reftoration his body was torn from its refting place and buried in a pit in St. Martin's Church yard. — Bio- grapbia Britannica. 2 Admiral Wm. Penn, Commander of the Englifh fleet in the deftru&ion of Ja- maica. He was a member of Parlia- ment, and after the Reftoration obtained a high command under the Duke of York. He was knighted by Charles II. for his fervices. Edward Winflow, of Plymouth, probably accompanied Admi- ral Penn, as it is ftated in the previous letter that he had gone to the Weft In- dies. He was one of the three Com- miffioners appointed by Cromwell to fu- perintend the operations there. 3 Dom Pantaleon, brother of the Portuguefe ambaflador, was executed Ju- ly 10, 1654, f° r th e murder of Mr. Greenway, at the Exchange. Letters of Roger Williams. 289 Viner, and Mr. Tho. Goodwin, 1 minifter to the Parliament. Mr. Goodwin prerTed the inftance of Pharaoh and the let- ting of God's people free to worfhip, leaf! the Lord fend new plagues and breaches. Sir, your melfenger calls : I end. Yours unworthy Roger Williams. I mall be thankful for the Jefuits Maxims, of which I have heard, but law them not. We hear from the Bay that Capt. Leverett 2 took a Dutch fhip lately upon the Act for Trade: whether it be for that or words, he is bound to appear at the General Court. For my honored kind friend Mr. fohn fVifithrop, at Peqnot, thefe. * [Providence, i, I, 55. (fo called.) [March 1, 1655.]? Sir, — Loving refpecls and beft wifhes, &c. I lately pre- fented you with a line by Mr. White : lince I received more letters from England, confirming the tidings of two great fleets ready to fet fail from Pingland the beginning of 1 Thomas Goodwin, a Puritan divine, born in 1600. In 1630, to avoid perfe- ction he went to Arnheim, in Holland, where he fettled. During the civil wars he returned to London and was appointed by Cromwell, Prefident of Magdalen College, Oxford. He attended the Pro- testor in his lall illnefs, and was ejefted from Oxford after the Reftoration. He preached to an afTembly of Independents 37 in London until his deceafe in 1679. — Blake, Biog. Dictionary, 2 John Leverett, a Delegate to the General Court ; afterwards Speaker, and from 1673 to 1679 Governor of MafTa- chufetts. ? 4 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 294. This letter was evidently written after that which next precedes it, and it is probable that the date fhould be 1, 2, 55, i. e. April 1, 1655. 290 Letters of Roger Williams. September. The one with Gen. Blake for the Southward; the other with Gen. Pen for the Weft Indies. To him was joined Mr. Winflow, as Counfellor, defigned Gover- nor of what part mould be conquered. The Parliament fat, and after three days debate about the laft change of government, the Lord Protector fent for the Parliament into the Painted Chamber, and told them that there was a reciprocation, and that the fame power which made him Protestor had called the Parliament, and therefore before they mould lit again, he muff require a tell or recogni- tion by fubfcription to his negative voice, as to the prefent government by a Protestor and a Parliament, as to the not fitting of the Parliament above rive months, as to the mi- litia, and as to perfecution for religion. To this purpofe a table was fet near the Parliament door, whereon the recog- nition was prefented in parchment, unto which Mr. Len- thall, the Speaker, and one hundred and forty fubfcribed prefently and entered : fome diifented, among whom were Bradfhaw and Hazelrig, 1 who, (it is laid) are in the Tow- er. The Portugal Embaffador's brother was beheaded for a murder, and one Coll : whofe name I yet know not. One Mrs. Mohun flood on the pillory, for attempting the Portugal's efcape in woman's apparel. The 3rd of September, the day of the Parliament's firft fit- ting, was feen in the heavens over Hull, two armies fight- ing : the one from the northweft which worfted the other from the eaff, both red : then a black army from the north- 1 Sir Arthur Hazelrig. An Englifh of treafon. During the Civil War he puritan who took a prominent part in ferved in the army of Parliament as the oppofition to Charles I. He was a Colonel. He was created a peer by member of the Long Parliament, and Cromwell, but preferred to retain his one of the five members whom the king feat in Parliament. He died in 1660. — attempted to arreil in 1642 on a charge Thomas, Die. of Biography. Letters of Roger Williams. 291 weft which worfted the red from the eaft, and remained victor. Some that faw it faid they law the like at the be- ginning of the late Long Parliament. Holland had great trouble with Zealand, and the Oren- gian faction, fo that the Hague and Amfterdam were ftrongly guarded. New orders were fent to their Admi- ralty for careful ftriking to the Englifh. 1 Sir, with prayers for your health and eternal peace, I reft yours in all fer- vices of love. Roger Williams. 'To my honored kind friend Mr, Wiiithrop, at Peqnot, thefe prefent. Providence, the 26, 2, 55. [April 26th, 1655. ] 2 Sir, — Loving refpecls to you both prefented, wifhing you a joyful fpring after all your fad and gloomy, fharp and bitter winter blafts and fnows. Sir, one of your friends among the Narraganfett Sachems, Mexham, fends this mef- fenger unto me and prays me to write to you for your help about a gun, which Kittatteafh, Uncas his fon, hath lately taken from this bearer, Ahauanfquatuck, out of his houfeat Pawchauquet. He will not own any offence he gave him, but that he is fubjecl: to Mexham, though pofiibly Kittat- teafh may allege other caufes, yea and true alfo. I doubt not of your loving eye on the matter, as God fliall pleafe 1 In the treaty between Great Britain war in the Britifh leas, fhould flrike the and the States-General, concluded at Hag and lower the topfail. Weftminiler, April 5, 1654, it was 2 Knowles' Mem. of Roger Williams, agreed that the fhips of the United p. 281 ; 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. x. p. 10. Provinces, meeting any Englifh fhip-of- 292 Letters of Roger Williams. to give you opportunity. Sir, the laft firft day divers of Bofton merchants were with me, (about Sergeant Holfey run from Bofton hither, and a woman after him, who lays her great belly to him.) They tell me, that by a bark come from Virginia, they are informed of God's merciful hand in the fafe arrival of Major Sedgwick and that fleet in the weft of England, and that General Penn was not yet gone out, but riding (all things ready) in Torbay, wait- ing for the word ; and by letters from good and great friends in England, I underftand there are like to be great agitations in this country, if that fleet fucceed. Sir, a hue and cry came to my hand lately from the Governor at Bofton, after two youths, one run from Cap- tain Oliver, whom I lighted on and have returned ; another from James Bill of Bofton, who I hear paft through our town, and faid he was bound for Pequot. His name is James Pitnie ; he hath on a blackifh coat and hat, and a pair of greenifh breeches and green knit ftockings. I would now (with very many thanks) have returned you your Jefuit's Maxims, but I was loth to truft them in fo wild a hand, nor fome tidings which I have from England. Thefe merchants tell me, that Blake was gone againft the Duke of Leghorn, 1 and had fent for ten frigates more. Sir, the God of peace fill your foul with that ftrange kind of peace which pafTeth all understanding. So prays, Sir, your unworthy Roger Williams. Admiral Blake was at this time in the Mediteranean making great havoc among the Spanifh veflels. Letters of Roger Williams. 293 To the General Court of Magi/lrates and Deputies AJfembled at Bojlon. Providence, 15, 9 mo. 55. (fo called.) [15th Nov. 1655. J 1 Much honored Sirs, — It is my humble and earneft petition unto God and you, that you may fo be pleafed to exercife command over your own fpirits, that you may not mind myfelf nor the Englifh of thefe parts (unworthy with myfelf of your eye) but only that face of equity (Englifh and Chriftian) which I humbly hope may appear in thefe reprefentations following. Firit, may it pleafe you to remember, that concerning the town of Warwick, (in this colony,) there lies a fuit of £2000 damages againft you before his Highnefs and the Lords of his Council ; I doubt not, if you fo pleafe, but that (as Mr. Winllow and myfelf had well nigh ordered it) fome gentlemen from yourfelves and fome from War- wick, deputed, may friendly and eafily determine that af- fair between you. Secondly, the Indians which pretend your name at War- wick and Pawtuxet, (and yet live as barbaroully, if not more than any in the country) pleafe you to know their infolencies upon ourfelves and cattle (unto £20 damages per annum) are infufferable by Englim fpirits; and pleafe you to give credence, that to all thefe they pretend your name, and affirm that they dare not (for offending you) agree with us, nor come to rules of righteous neighbor- hood, only they know you favor us not and therefore fent us for redrefs unto you. Thirdly, concerning four Englifh families at Pawtuxet, may it pleafe you to remember that two controverfies they 'Hutchinfon Papers, Boflon, 1769, p. 275. 294 Letters of Roger IV ii Hams. have long (under your name) maintained with us, to a conftant obftrudting of all order and authority amongft us. To our complaint about our lands, they lately have pro- feffed a willingnefs to arbitrate, but to obey his Highnefs' authority in this charter, they fay, they dare not for your fakes, though they live not by your laws nor bear your common charges, nor ours, but evade both under color of your authority. 1 1 It appears by this letter that the quarrels and diforders were continued at Warwick and Pawtuxet, and that they were countenanced if not fomented by MafTachufetts. By a letter received by Mr. Williams from Cromwell, the Protector, it appears jhat he had been advifed by the colony's agent in England, (John Clarke,) " of fome particulars concerning the govern- ment " This letter being prefented to the Aflembly at its June feffion, at Portf- mouth, it was enafted that " Whereas, we have been rent and torn with di- vifions, and his Highnefs has fent unto us an exprefs command, to provide againft internal commotions, by which his High- nefs noteth, that not only ourfelves are difhonored and endangered, but alio dif- honor and detriment redounds to the commonwealth of England: It is order- ed, that if any perfon be found by the examination of the General Court of Commiffioners, to be a ringleader of factions or divifions among us, he fhall be fent over at his own charges, as a prifo- ner, to receive his trial or fentence at the pleafure of his Highnefs and the Lords of the Council." — R. I. Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 318. This aftion of the General Aflembly had its effect, and appears to have re- fulted in a reconciliation between fome of the prominent men of the Colony. In a volume of Records in the office of the Secretary of State, is the following memorandum in the handwriting of Mr. Williams : " I, William Coddington do freely fubmit to the authority of his Highnefs in the colony as it is now united, and that with all my heart. " Whereas there have been differences depending between William Coddington, Esq., and Mr. William Dyre, both of Newport, we declare joyfully for our- felves and heirs by this prefent record, that a full agreement and conclufion is made between us, by our worthy friends Mr. Baulflon, Mr. Gorton, Mr. John Smith, of Warwick, Mr. John Greene, jun., of Warwick, and Mr. John Eafton ; and in witnefs whereof, we iublcribe our hands, and defire this to be recorded, this prefent 14th of March, 1655-1656. William Coddington, William Dyre. In prefence of Roger Williams, Prefident, John Roome, Benedict Arnold, John Greene, jr. Letters of Roger Williams. 295 Honored Sirs, I cordially profefs it before the Moft High, that I believe it, if not only they but ourfelves and all the whole country, by joint confent, were iubjecl: to your gov- ernment, it might be a rich mercy ; but as things yet are, and fince it pleafed firft the Parliament, and then the Lord Admiral and Committee for Foreign Plantations, and lince the Council of State, and laftly the Lord Protector and his Council, to continue us as a diftincT: colony, yea, and iince it hath pleafed yourfelves, by public letters and references to us from your public courts, to own the authority of his Highnefs amongft us; be pleafed to confider how unfuita- ble it is for yourfelves (if thefe families at Pawtuxet plead truth) to be the inftrucT:ors of all orderly proceedings amongft us ; for I humbly appeal to your own wifdom and experience, how unlikely it is for a people to be compelled to order and common charges, when others in their bofoms, are by fuch v feeming) partiality exempted from both. And, therefore, (laftly) be pleafed to know, that there are (upon the point) but two families which are fo ob- ftrucftive and deftrudtive to an equal proceeding of civil order amongft us ; for one of thefe four families, Stephen Arnold, defires to be uniform with us ; a fecond, Zacha- rie Rhodes, 1 being in the way of dipping is (potentially) banifhed by you. Only William Arnold and William Carpenter, (very far, alfo in religion, from you, if you knew all) they have fome color, yet in a late conference, they all plead that all the obftacle is their offending of yourfelves. 1 Stephen Arnold and Zacharie Rhodes James T. Rhodes of Providence. Wil- were admitted freemen of Providence in liam Arnold and William Carpenter 1658, but had, for fome years previous, were among the earlier fettlers at Provi- lived in Pawtuxet. The latter was the dence, and in 1638 received from Mr. anceflor of the late Chriltopher and Williams a transfer of land bought by- William Rhodes, and many others of him from Miantonomo and Canonicus. the name in Pawtuxet ; alfo of the late 296 Letters of Roger Willia?ns. Fourthly, whereas, (I humbly conceive) with the peo- ple of this colony your commerce is as great as with any in the country, and our dangers (being a frontier people to the barbarians) are greater than thofe of other colonies, and the ill confequences to yourfelves would be not a few nor fmall, and to the whole land, were we firft maffacred or maftered by them. I pray your equal and favorable re- flection upon that your law, which prohibits us to buy of you all means of our necelfary defence of our lives and families, (yea in this moft bloody and malfacreing time.) We are informed that tickets have rarely been denied to any Englifh of the country ; yea, the barbarians (though notorious in lies) if they profefs fubjection, they are fur- nilhed ; only ourfelves, by former and later denial, feem to be devoted to the Indian fhambles and maffacres. The barbarians all the land over, are filled with artillery and ammunition from the Dutch, openly and horridly, and from all the Englifh over the country, (by ftealth.) I know they abound fo wonderfully, that their activity and infolence is grown fo high that they daily confult, and hope, and threaten to render us Haves, as they long fince (and now moft horribly) have made the Dutch. For myfelf (as through God's goodnefs) I have refufed the gain of thoufands by fuch a murderous trade, and think no law yet extant, among yourfelves or us, fecure enough againft fuch villainly ; fo am I loth to fee fo many hundreds (if not fome thoufands) in this colony, deftroyed like fools and hearts without relirtance. I grieve that fo much blood fhould cry againft yourfelves, yea, and I grieve that (at this inrtant by thefe fhips) this cry and the premifes fhould now trouble his Highnefs and his Council. For the feafonable preventing of which, Letters of Roger Williams. 297 is this humble addrefs prefented to your wifdom, bv him who defires to be Your unfeigned and faithful fervant, Roger Williams, Of Providence Plantations, Prefident. Hon. Sirs, fince my letter, it comes into my heart to pray your leave to add a word as to myfelf, viz. : at my laft return from England I prefented your then honored Governor, Mr. Bellingham, with an order of the Lords of the Council for my free taking (hip or landing at your ports, unto which it pleafed Mr. Bellingham to fend me his aiTent in writing ; I humbly crave the recording of it by yourfelves, left forgetfulnefs hereafter, again put me upon fuch diftreffes as, God knows, I fuffered when I laft paft through your colony to our native country. For his much honored, kind friend, Mr. 'John Winthrop, at Pequot or elfewhere, thefe prejents. Providence, 21, 12, 55, 56. (fo called.) [February 21, 1656.]' Sir, — This opportunity makes me venture this falutation, though we hear queftion of your being at Pequot. Thefe friends can fay more of affairs than I can write. I have letters from England of proceedings there, which yet are not come; fome I have received, which tell me, that the Lord hath yet created peace, although the fword is yet ' Knowles, Memoirs of Roger Williams, p. 287 ; 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. x. p. 18. 38 2 9 8 Letters of Roger Williams. forced (by garrifons) to enforce it. I cannot hear of open wars with France, but only with Spain, and that the profe- cution of that Weft India expedition is ftill with all po- ffible vigor on both fides intended. This diverfion againft the Spaniards hath turned the face and thoughts of many Englifh, fo that the faying of thoufands now is, crown the Proteclor with gold, though the fullen yet cry, crown him with thorns. The former two or three years with plenty unthankfully received in England; the Lord fent abund- ance of waters this laft fummer, which fpoiled their corn over moft parts of the land. Sir Henry Vane being retired to his own private, in Lincolnshire, hath now publifhed his obfervations as to religion ; x he hath fent me one of his books, (though yet at Bofton.) His father is dead, and the inheritance falls to him, and ten or twelve thoufand more than fhould if his father had lived but a month longer; but though his father caft him off, yet he hath not loft in tem- porals, by being caft off for God. Our acquaintance Ma- jor Sedgwick, is faid to be fucceifor to unfuccefsful Vena- bles, caft into the tower. Your brother Stephen fucceeds Major General Harrifon. 2 The Pope endeavors the uni- 1 Sir H. Vane was the author of " The Retired Man's Meditations," London, 1655. Two Treatifes : I. On the Myf- tical Body of Chrifl on Earth. II. The Face of the Times. London: 1662; and others. " Sir Henry Vane was one of the moft profound minds that ever ex- ifted, — not inferior perhaps to Bacon. Milton has a fine fonnet addrefled to him, — •' Vane, young in years, in sage experience old." His works difplay aftonifhing powers. They are remarkable as containing the firft direft aflertion of the liberty of confcience. He was put to death in the moft perfidious manner." — Sir J. Mack- intosh : Converfations with A. H. Ever- ett. North American Review, xxxv. p. 448, n. 2 John Harrifon, a republican general ferved in the parliamentary army, and was one of the judges of the court which tried Charles I. He became a member of the council of State in 1653. Crom- well endeavored to gain his fupport by the offer of an exalted pofition, but he refufed to co-operate with the "ufurper" as he called him. In 1657 he was de- Letters of Roger Williams. 299 ting of all his (laves for his guard, fearing the heretics. The Lord knows whether Archer 1 (upon the reign of Chrift) faid true, ' that yet the Pope before his downfall, mult re- cover England; and the proteftant countries revolted from him." Sir, we are fure all flefh is grais, and only the word of the Lord endures forever. Sir, you once kindly in- tended to quench a rire between Mr. Coddington and others, but now it is come to public trial. We hear the Dutch rire is not quenched. I fear this year will be ftormy ; only may the moft gracious Lord by all drive and draw us to himfelf, in whom, Sir, I defire to be ever Yours, Roger Williams. To the General Court of Majjachufetts. Providence, 12, 3, 56. (Co called.) [May 12th, 1656. I 1 May it pleafe this much honored AlTembly to remem- ber, that, as an officer and in the name of Providence colony, I prefented you with our humble requefts before winter, unto which not receiving anfwer, I addrelTed my- felf this fpring, to your much honored Governor, who was pleafed to advife our fending of fome of Providence to your AlTembly. prived of his command and imprifoned. The letter of November 15th, to the Three years after he was executed for General Court of Maffachufetts, did not his fhare in the death of the king. — produce any favorable change in her Thomas, Did. of Biography. meafures. Mr. Williams afterwards 1 John Archer, wrote a book on the wrote to Governor Endicott, who invited Perfonal Reign of Lbrijl. Lond : 1643. him to vifit Bollon. In the preient let- 2 Hutchinson, Maffachufetts Papers, ter fome of the fame topics are again Bofton, 1769, p. 278; R. I. Colonial referred to. Records, vol. i. p. 341. 300 Letters of Roger Williams. Honored Sirs, our firil requeft (in fhort) was and is, for your favorable coniideration of the long and lamentable condition of the town of Warwick, which hath been thus : they are ib dangeroully and fo vexatiouily intermingled with the barbarians, that I have long admired the wonder- ful power of God in retraining and preventing very great fires of mutual ilaughters, breaking forth between them. Your wifdoms know the inhuman infultations of thefe wild creatures, and you may be pleafed, alio, to imagine, that they have not been fparing of your name as the patron of all their wickednefs againft our Engliih men, women and children, and cattle to the yearly damage of fixty, eighty and one hundred pounds. The remedy is (under God) only your pleafure, that Pumham mall come to an agreement with the town or colony, and that fome covenient way and time be fet for their removal. 1 And that your wifdom may fee juft grounds for fuch your willingnefs, be pleafed to be informed of a reality of a folemn covenant between this town of Warwick and Pum- ham, unto which, notwithstanding that he pleads his being drawn to it by the awe of his fuperior Sachems, yet I humbly offer that what was done, was according to the law and tenor of the natives, (I take it) in all New Eng- land and America, viz. : that the inferior Sachems and fub- 1 Pumham, a diftinguifhed Narragan- Pumham under their government. The fett chief *• was a mighty man of valor." journal of Winthrop fhows, that before He was the Sachem of Shawomet, or they received him and his people under Warwick, which town he claimed. He their protection, the court made them was thus brought into confiderable diffi- promife to keep the fabbath, and to ob- culty with the Engliih as early as 16:5, ferve other religious rules. — Backus, which continued to this time. The peo- Hiji. of the Baptijls, vol. i. p. 306. pie of Warwick now endeavored to bring Letters of Roger Williams. 301 jedts mall plant and remove at the pleafure of the higheft and fupreme Sachems, and I humbly conceive that it pleafeth the Moil High and Only Wife to make ufe of fuch a bond of authority over them, without which, they could not long fubfift in human fociety, in this wild con- dition wherein they are. Pleafe you not to be infenfible of the flippery and dan- gerous condition of this their intermingled cohabitation. I am humbly confident, that all the Englifb towns and plantations in all New England, put together, fuffer not fuch moleftation from the natives, as this one town and people. It is fo great and fo oppreffive, that I have daily feared the tidings of iome public fire and mifchief. 3. Be pleafed to review this copy from the Lord Ad- miral, and that this EnglifTi town of Warwick mould pro- ceed, alfo that if any of yours were there planted, they mould, bv your authority, be removed. And we humbly conceive, that if the Englim (whofe removes are difficult and chargeable) how much more thefe wild ones, who re- move with little more trouble and damage than the wild beafts of the wildernefs. 4. Pleafe you to be informed, that this fmall neck (wherein they keep and mingle fields with the Englifh) is a very den of wickednefs, where they not only practice the horrid barbarifms of all kinds of whoredoms, idolatries, conjurations, but living without all exercife of actual au- thority, and getting ftore of liquors (to our grief) there is a confluence and rendezvous of all the wildeft and moft licentious natives and practices of the whole country. 5. Befide fatisfadtion to Pumham and the former inhabi- tants of this neck, there is a competitor who mull alfo be fatisfied ; another Sachem, one Nawwufhawfuck, who 302 Letters of Roger Williams . (living with Oufamaquin) lays claim to this place, and are at daily feud with Pumham (to my knowledge) about the title and lordfhip of it. 1 Hoftility is daily threatened. Our fecond requefl: concerns two or three Englifh fami- lies at Pawtuxet, who before our charter fubjecled them- felves unto your jurifdiclion. 2 It is true there are many grievances between many of the town of Providence and them, and thefe I humbly conceive, may beft be ordered to be compofed by reference. But fecondly, we have formerly made our addrelTes and now do, for your prudent removal of this great and long obftruclion to all due order and regular proceedings among us, viz.: the refufal of thefe families (pretending your name) to conform with us unto his Highnefs' authority amongfl us. 3. Your wifdom experimentally knows how apt men are to ftumble at fuch an exemption from all duties and fer- vices, from all rates and charges, either with yourfelves or us. 4. This obftruction is fo great and conftant, that (with- out your prudent removal of it, it is impoffible that either his Highnefs or yourfelves can expecl: fuch fatisfadtion and obfervance from us as we delire to render. Laitly, as before, we promifed fatisfaclion to the natives at Warwick, (and fhall all poffible ways endeavor their content) {o we humbly offer, as to thefe our countrymen, Firff, as to grievances depending, that references may fet- tle them. Secondly, for the future, the way will be open for their enjoyment of votes and privileges of chooling or being cholen, to any office in town or colony. x "The Plymouth people had their him, named NawzvaJJ.wzufuck." — Drake, fhare in the Warwick controverfy, hav- Bo >k of the Indians, p. 258. ing caute&Oufamequin to lay claim to the 2 William Arnold and William Car- fame place, or a Sachem, who lived with penter, mentioned in previous letters. Letters of Roger Williams. 303 Our third requeft is, for your favorable leave to us to buy of your merchants, four or more barrels of powder yearly, with fome convenient proportion of artillery, con- sidering our hazardous frontier iituation to thefe barbarians, who, from their abundant fupply of arms from the Dutch, (and perfidious Englifb, all the land over) are full of our artillery, which hath rendered them exceedingly infolent, provoking and threatening, efpecially the inlanders, which have their fupply from the Fort of Aurania. 1 We have been efteemed by fome of you, as your thorny hedge on this fide of you ; If fo, yet a hedge to be maintained ; if as out fentinels, yet not to be difcouraged. And it there be a jealoufly of the ill ufe of fuch a favor, pleafe you to be allured that a credible perfon in each town mail have the difpofal and managing of fuch fupplies, according to the true intent and purpofe. For the obtaining of thefe, our juft and neceifary peti- tions, we have no inducement or hope from ourfelves, only we pray you to remember, that the matters prayed, are no way dimonorable to yourfelves, and we humbly conceive, do greatly promote the honor and pleafure of his Highnefs, yea, of the Moft High, alio; and laftly, fuch kindnelfes will be obligations on us to ftudy to declare ourfelves, upon all occafions. Your moft humble and faithful fervants, Roger Williams, Prefulent. In the name, and by the appointment, of Providence Colony. 1 Newport, on a former occafion, ap- and ammunition at Bofton, which requefl plied to the General Court of Mafia- had been refused. Gov. Winthrop, in chufetts for leave to purchafe powder ipeaking of it fays " it was an error, in 304 Letters of Roger Williatns. Honored Gentlemen, — I pray your patience to one word relating to myfelf, only. Whereas, upon an order from the Lords or his Highnefs' Council, for my future fecurity in taking (hips and landing in your ports, it pleafed your honored then Governor, Mr. Bellingham, to obey that or- der under his own hand, I now pray the confirmation of it, from one word of this honored Court alfembled. 1 To the General Court of the Maf a chufetts Bay. Boston, 17, 3, 56, (fo called.) [17th May, 1656. ]* May it please this much honored Assembly, — I do humbly hope, that your own breafts and the public, mall reap the fruit of your great gentlenefs and patience in thefe barbarous transactions, and I do cordially promife, for myfelf, (and all I can perfuade with) to ftudy gratitude and faithfulnefs to your fervice. I have debated with Pum- ham (and fome of the natives helping with me) who (hewed him the vexatious life he lives in, your great ref- pect and care toward him, by which he may abundantly mend himfelf and be united in fome convenience unto their neighborhood and your fervice. But I humbly con- flate policy at leaft, not to fupport them, while palling through Bollon, when about for though they were deeply erroneous, to embark for London, notwithstanding and in iuch deilradtions among them- the order from Cromwell's Council for felves as portended their ruin, yet if the his protection; hence he now very pro- Indians fhould prevail againll them, it perly, requires the General Court to would danger the whole country." — confirm this order, before venturing Hi ft. of ' Nezv England, vol. ii. p. 211. again within the jurifdiclion of MafTa- 1 It appears by a poftcript to letter of chufetts. November 15th, page 297, that Mr. J Hutchinson, Majpi chufetts Papers, Williams met with "fome diflrefles " p. 282. Letters of Roger Williams. 305 ceive, in his cafe, that dies et quies fanant hominem, and he muft have fome longer breathing, for he tells me that the appearance of this competitor Nawwufhawfuck, hath {tabbed him. May you, therefore, pleafe to grant him and me fome longer time of conference, either until your next general affembling, or longer, at you pleafure. 1 My other requefts, I (hall not be importune to prefs on your great affairs, but (hall make my addrefs unto your Secretary, to receive, by him, your pleafure. Honored gentlemen, Your humble and thankful fervant, Roger Williams. Tejlimony of Roger Williams relative to the deed of Rhode Ijland, dated Providence, 25, 6. [25M Augujl y \ 1658. 2 I have acknowledged (and have and (hall endeavor to maintain) the rights and property of every inhabitant of Rhode Ifland in peace; yet, iince there is fo much found and noife of purchafe and purchafers, I judge it not unfea- fonable to declare the rife and bottom of the planting of Rhode Ifland in the fountain of it : It was not price nor money that could have purchafed Rhode Ifland. Rhode Ifland was purchafed by love ; by the love and favor which that honorable gentleman Sir Henry Vane and myfelf had 1 As this letter was written but five 2 Providence Records in the hand- days after the previous one, doubtlefs writing of Mr. Williams. — Backus, Hijl. the requeit made by Mr. Williams for a of the Baptijis, vol. p. 91. guarrantee of protection was given him. 39 306 Letters of Roger Williams. with that great Sachem, Miantonomo, about the league which I procured between the MafTachufetts Englifh, &c, and the Narraganfetts in the Pequod war. It is true I ad- vifed a gratuity to be prefented to the Sachem and the na- tives, and becaufe Mr. Coddington and the reft of my loving countrymen were to inhabit the place, and to be at the charge of the gratuities, I drew up a writing in Mr. Coddington's name, and in the names of fuch of my loving countrymen as came up with him, and put it into as fure a form as I could at that time (amongft the Indians) for the benefit and aiTurance of the preient and future inhabitants of the ifland. This I mention, that as that truly noble Sir Henry Vane hath been fo great an inftrument in the hand of God for procuring of this ifland from the barba- rians, as alfo for procuring and confirming of the charter, fo it may by all due thankful acknowledgment be remem- bered and recorded of us and ours which reap and enjoy the fweet fruits of fo great bufinefs, and fuch unheard of liberties amongft us. To my honored, kind friend, Mr. fohn Winthrop, Governor, at Hartford, on Connecticut. Providence, 6, 12, 59-60. [6th February, 1660. ] L Sir, — Loving refpedts to yourfelf and Mrs. Winthrop, Sec. Your loving lines in this cold, dead feafon, were as a cup of your Connecticut cider, which we are glad to hear abounds with you, or of that weftern metheglin, which ' 3 Mafs. Hift. Co/., vo/1. x. p. 26 ; Knowles, p. 309. Letters of Roger Williams. 307 you and I have drunk at Briftol together, &c. Indeed, it is the wonderful power and goodnefs of God, that we are preferved in our diiperfions among thefe wild, barbarous wretches. I hear not of their excurlions this winter, and fhould rejoice if, as you hint, Uncas and his brother were removed to Long Ifland, or any where, or elfe, as I have fometimes motioned, a truce for fome good term of years might be obtained amongft them. But how fhould we expect that the ftreams of blood fhould flop among the dregs of mankind when the bloody iflues flow fo frefh and fearfully among the fineft and mod refined fons of men and fons of God. We have not only heard of the four north- ern nations, Dania, Swedia, Anglia, and Belgium, all Pro- tectants, (heretics and dogs, with the Pope, &c.,) laft year tearing and devouring one another, in the narrow ftraits and eminent high palfages and turns of the fea and world; but we alfo have a found of the Prefbyterians' rage new burft out into flames of war from Scotland, and the in- dependent and feclarian army provoked again to new ap- peals to God, and engagements againft them. Thus, while this laft Pope hath plied with fails and oars, and brought all his popifh fons to peace, except Portugal, and brought in his grand engineers, the Jefuits, again to Ven- ice, after their long juft banifhment, we Proteftants are woefully difpofed to row backward, and bring our fails aback-ftays, and provoke the holy, jealous Lord, who is a confuming fire, to kindle again thofe fires from Rome and hell, which formerly confumed (in Proteftant countries) fo many precious fervants of God. The late renowned Oliver, con fe fled to me, in clofe difcourfe about the Pro- teftants' affairs, &c, that he yet feared great perfecutions to the Proteftants from the Romanifts, before the downfall 308 Letters of Roger Williams. of the Papacy. The hiftories of our fathers before us, tell us what huge bowls of the blood of the faints that great whore hath been drunk with, in (now) Proteftant domin- ions. Sure her judgment will ring through the world, and it is hoped it is not far from the door. Sir, you were, not long fince, the fon of two noble fathers, Mr. John Win- throp and Mr. H. Peters. It is laid they are both extin- guifhed. Surely, I did ever, from my foul, honor and love them even when their judgments led them to afflict me. Yet the Father of Spirits fpares us breath, and I rejoice, Sir, that your name (amongft the New England magiftrates printed, to the Parliament and army, by H. Nort. Rous, &c.,) is not blurred, but rather honored, foi your prudent and moderate hand in the late Quakers' trials amongft us. And it is faid, that in the late Parliament, yourfelf were one of the three in nomination for General Governor over New England, which however that delign ripened not, yet your name keeps up a high efteem, &c. I have feen your hand to a letter to this colony, as to your late purchafe of fome land at Narraganfett. The fight of your hand hath quieted fome jealoufies amongft us, that the Bay, by this purchafe, defigned fome prejudice to the liberty of con- fcience amongft us. We are in confultations how to an- fwer that letter, and my endeavor fhall be, with God's help, to welcome, with both our hands and arms, your intereft in thefe parts, though we have no hope to enjoy your per- fonal refidence amongft us. I rejoice to hear that you gain, by new plantations, upon this wildernefs. I fear that many precious fouls will be glad to hide their heads, fhort- ly, in thefe parts. Your candle and mine draws towards its end. The Lord gracioully help us to mine in light and love univerfally, to all that fear his name, without that mo- Letters of Roger Williams. 309 nopoly of the affection to fuch of our own perfuafion only ; for the common enemy, the Romim wolf, is very high in refolution, and hope, and advantage to make a prey on all, of all forts that defire to fear God. Divers of our neigh- bors thankfully re-falute you We have buried, this winter, Mr. Olney's ion, whom, formerly, you heard to be afflicted with a lethargy. He lay two or three days wholly fenfe- lefs, until his laft groans. My youngeft fon, Jofeph, was troubled with a fpice of an epilepfy. We ufed fome reme- dies, but it hath pleafed God, by his taking of tobacco, perfectly, as we hope, to cure him. Good Mr. Parker, of Bolton, palling from Prudence Iiland, at his coming on more, on Seekonk land, trod awry upon a ftone or "flick, and fell down, and broke the fmall bone of his leg. He hath lain by of it all this winter, and the laff. week was carried to Bolton in a horfe litter. Some fears there was of a gangrene. But, Sir, I ufe too much boldneis and pro- lixity. I mall now only fubfcribe myfelf Your unworthy friend, Roger Williams. Sir, my loving refpe&s to Mr. Stone, Mr. Lord, Mr. Al- len, Mr. Webfter, and other loving friends. 310 Letters of Roger Williams. To my honored, kind friend, Mr. Winthrop, Governor of Con- necticut , tbefe prefents. Providence, 8, 7, 1660. [September 8th, 1660. ] l Sir, — A fudden warning gives me but time of this ab- rupt falutation to your kind felf and Mrs. Winthrop, wish- ing you peace. I promifed to a neighbor, a former fervant of your father's, (Jofhua Windfor,) to write a line, on his behalf, and at his defire, unto you. His prayer to you is, that when you travel toward Bofton, you would pleafe to come by Providence, and fpare one hour to heal an old fore, — a controverfy between him and moft of his neighbors, in which, I am apt to think, he hath fuffered fome wrong. He hath promifed to fubmit to your fen- tence. His oppofite, one James Amton, being defired by me to nominate alfo, he refolves alfo to fubmit to your fen- tence, which will concern more will and ftomach than damage; for the matter only concerns a few poles of ground, wherein Jofhua have cried out of wrong thefe many years I hope, Sir, the bleffed Lord will make you a bleffed inftrument of chiding the winds and feas ; and I (hall rejoice in your prefence amongft us. There are greater ulcers in my thoughts at prefent, which, I fear, are incurable, and that it hath pleafed the Moft Wife and Moft High to pafs an irrevocable fentence of amputations and cauterizations upon the poor Proteftant party. The clouds gather mighty fa ft and thick upon our heads from all the Popifh quarters. It hath pleafed the Lord to glad the Ro- milh conclave with the departure of thofe two mighty 1 Knowles, Memoirs of Roger Williams, p. 312 ; 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll. vol. x. p. 39. Letters of Roger Williams. 3 1 1 bulwarks of the Proteftants, Oliver and Guftavus ; ! to unite, (I think by this time) all the Catholic kings and princes, for Portugal was like, very like, of late, to return to the yoke of Spain, whofe treafure from the Indies it hath pleafed God to fend home, fo wonderfully great and rich this year, that I cannot but fear the Lord hath fome mighty work to effect with it. We know the Catholic King was in debt, but he now overflows with millions, which God is moft like to expend againft the Proteftants or the Turks, the two great enemies, (the fword-fiiri and the thramer) againft the Popifh leviathan. The Prefby- terian party in England and Scotland is yet very likely to make fome ftruggle againft the Popifh invafions ; and yet in the end I fear (as long I have feared, and long fince told Oliver, to which he much inclined,) the bloody whore is not yet drunk enough with the blood of the faints and witneffes of Jefus. One cordial is, (amongft fo many the merciful Lord hath provided) that that whore will fhortly appear fo extremely loathfome, in her drunkennefs, beftiali- ties, &c, that her bewitched paramours will tear her flefh, and burn her with fire unquenchable. Here is a found that Fairfax, 2 and about two hundred of the Houfe with him, differ with the King. The merciful Lord fit us to hear and feel more. It is a verv thick and dreadful mift 'Oliver Cromwell, who died in 1658; the latter. He fometimes differed from and Guftavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, Cromwell and Parliament, yet adhered the great champion of proteftanifm, who to their party and thus continued in em- died many years before. ployment, though more than fufpefted of 2 Thomas, Lord Fairfax, was a dif- difaffeftion, till being ordered to march tinguifhed commander and leading cha- againft the revolted Scotch Prefbyterians, rafter in the civil wars of England, he pofitively declined the command and When the difputes between Charles I. retired awhile from public life. — Biogra- and the Parliament terminated in open pbia Britannica. rupture, Fairfax efpoufed the caufe of 3 1 2 Letters of Roger Williams. and fwamp, with which the Lord hath a great while fuf- fered us to labor in, as hoping to wade out, break through, and efcape fhipwreck. In Richard Protector's Parliament, they fell into three factions prefently : royalifts, proteclo- rians, (which were raoft Prefbyterian, and earned it,) and commonwealth's men. The Prefbyterians, when General Monk 1 brought in the fecluded members, carried it again, of late, clearly, and fo vigoroufly againft the Papifts, that ftricter laws than ever. There muft furely, then, be great flames, before the King can accomplish his engagements to the Popifh party. You know well, Sir, at fea, the firft entertainment of a florin is with, down with top-fails. The Lord mercifully help us to lower, and make us truly more and more low, humble, contented, thankful for the leaft crumbs of mercy. But the ftorm increafeth, and trying with our mainfails and mizzens will not do. We muft, therefore, humbly beg patience from the Father of Lights and God of all mer- cies, to lay at Hull, in hope. It was a motto in one of the late Parliaments : cornets under a mower of blood 'Tranf- ibit.' Sir, my neighbor, Mrs. Scott, 2 is come from England ; and, what the whip at Bofton could not do, converfe with friends in England, and their arguments, have, in a great 1 Gen. George Monk, Duke of Alhe- wife of Richard Scott, one of the ear- mark, was diftinguifhed for the part he lieft fettlers of the colony who received took in the reftoration of Charles II. a lot in Providence in 1636. Richard During the Commonweath he had been Scott, who afterwards turned to the an adherent of Cromwell, whofe au- Quakers, fays, " I walked with [Wil- thority he maintained in Scotland, where liams] in the Baptilts way about three he was intimately connected with the or four months, in which time he broke Prefbyterians. — Gorton, Biographical up the Society, and declared at large the Diclionary. reafons for it." — Backus, Hijl. of the 1 Mrs. Scott. This was doubtlefs the Baptijis, vol. i. p. 108. Letters of Roger Williams. 3 T 3 meafure drawn her from the Quakers, and wholly from their meetings. Try the fpirits. There are many abroad, and muft be, but the Lord will be glorious, in plucking up whatever his holy hand hath not planted. My brother runs ftrongly to Origen's notion of univerfal mercy at laft, againft. an eternal fentence. 1 Our times will call upon us for thorough difcuflions. The fire is like to try us. It is a wonderful mercy the barbarians are yet fo quiet. A por- tion of our neighbors are juft now come home, re infeBa. The Mohegans would not fally, and the Narraganfetts would not fpoil the corn, for fear of offending the Eng- lish. The Lord mercifully guide the councils of the com- miffioners. Mr. Arnold, Mr. Brenton, and others, ftrug- gle againft your intereft at Narraganfett ; 2 but I hope your prefence might do much good amongft us in a few days. Sir, I am, unworthy, yours, Roger Williams. 1 Origen, of Alexandria, one of the moft eminent of the Chriftian Fathers who lived in the fecond and third cen- turies. He was deprived of his prieftly office, and excommunicated, the princi- pal charge againft him being his denial of eternal punifhment. Origen is called the father of Biblical criticifm, and was a voluminous writer. 2 Major Humphrey Atherton with others of Maflachufetts, and John Win- throp, of Conne&icut, had purchafed lands in Narraganfett. At the May fef- fion of the General Aflembly, 1660, it was voted " that William Brenton, Bene- dict Arnold, and others, are chofen a com- mittee to ripen the matter concerning the purchafe made by the gentlemen of the Bay in Narraganfett, and draw up their refult thereon." In October following, it was ordered 40 "that a committee be chofen to treat with thofe gentlemen that have made purchafes of lands in Narraganfett, with power to treat and fully agree with them in the prefent difference about their coming into our colony. . . . And that the commiffioners take care to write unto the gentlemen, viz. : Major Atherton and his affbciates to defire them to ap- point Commiffioners to treat with the aforelaid Commiffioners upon all the dif- ferences depending about their coming into, or poffeffing lands from the Indians within this colony's bounds." — R. I. Col. Records, vol. i., pages 429 and 435. The lands purchafed as above, known as the "Neck purchafe" and " Bofton Neck," in the Narraganfett country, are fully defcribed in Potter's Narragan- fett, p. 269. 314 Letters of Roger Williams. For bis much honored kind friend Mr. "John Wititbrop, at his boufe, in Nameag, thefe. 27, 8, 60. (fo called.) [27th O&ober, 1660. ]» Loving Friends and Neighbors, — Divers of your- felves have fo cried out, of the contentions of your late meetings, that ^ftudying my quietnefs) I thought fit to prefent you with thefe few lines. Two words I pray you to confider. Firit, as to this plantation of Providence : then as to fome new plantation, if it fhall pleafe the fame God of mercies who provided this, to provide another in mercy for us. 1. As to this town, although I have been called out, of late, to declare my understanding as to the bounds of Providence and Pawtuxet ; and, although di- vers have lands and meadows in porTeffion beyond thefe bounds, yet I hope that none of you think me fo fenfelefs as to put on any barbarian to moleft an Englishman, or to demand a farthing of any of you. 2. If any do (as formerly fome have done, and divers have given gratuities, as Mr. Field, about Notaquoncanot and others,) I promife, that as I have been afhftant to fatisfy and pacify the natives round about us, fo I hope I thall ftill while I live be helpful to any of you that may have occafion to ufe me. Now, as to fome new plantation, I defire to propofe that which may quench contention, may accommodate fuch who want, and may alfo return moneys unto fuch as have of late difburfed. To this purpofe, I deiire that we be patient, and torment not ourfelves and the natives, (Sachems and people,) put- *R. I. Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 39 ; K;:owles, Memoirs Roger Williams, p. 404. Letters of Roger Williams. 315 ting them upon mifchievous remedies, with the great noife of twenty miles new or old purchafe. Let us confider, if Nifwofakit and Wayunckeke, and the land thereabout, may not afford a new and comfortable plantation, which we may go through with an effectual endeavor for true public good. To this end, I pray you confider, that the inhabitants of thefe parts, with moll of the Cowefet and Nipmucks, have long fince forfaken the Narraganfett Sachems and fubjecled themfelves to the MalTachufetts. And yet they are free to fell their lands to any whom the MalTachufetts mall not proteft againft. To this end (obferving their often flights, and to ftop their running to the MalTachufetts) I have parlied with them, and find that about thirty pounds will caufe them to leave thofe parts, and yield peaceable poffeffion. I fuppofe, then, that the town may do well to give leave to about twenty of your inhabitants (of which I offer to be one, and know others willing) to lay down thirty millings a man toward the purchafe. Let every one of this number have liberty to remove himfelf, or to place a child or friend there. Let every perfon who mall afterward be received into the pur- chafe lay down thirty (hillings, as hath been done in Provi- dence, which may be paid (by fome order agreed on) to fuch as lately have difburfed moneys unto the effecting of this. I offer, gratis, my time and pains, in hope that fuch as want may have a comfortable fupply amongfl us, and others made room for, who may be glad of fhelter alfo. Yours to ferve you, Roger Williams. 3 1 6 Letters of Roger Williams. Tejlimony of Roger Williams relative to the pur chafe of lands at Seekonk and Providence. Providence, 13, 10, 1661. [13th December.]' 1. I teftify and declare, in the holy prefence of God, that when at my firfr. coming into theie parts, I obtained the lands of Seekonk of Oufamaquin, the then chief Sach- em on that fide, the Governor of Plymouth (Mr. Winflow) wrote to me, in the name of their government, their claim of Seekonk to be in their juriididtion, as alio their advice to remove but over the river unto this fide, (where now, by God's merciful providence, we are,) and then I fhould be out of their claim, and be as free themfelves, and loving neighbors together. 2 2. After I had obtained this place, now called Provi- dence, of Canonicus and Miantinomo, the chief Narra- ganfett Sachems deceafed, Oufamaquin, the Sachem afore- faid, alfo deceased, laid his claim to this place alfo. This forced me to repair to the Narraganfett Sachems aforefaid, who declared that Oufamaquin was their fubjecl:, and had folemnly himfelf, in perfon, with ten men, fubjec~ted him- felf and his lands unto them at the Narraganfett: only now he feemed to revolt from his loyalties under the fhel- ter of the Englim at Plymouth.3 1 Backus, Hiji. of the Baptifls, vol. i. people, the fpring after their firfl com- p. 73. Backus fays " copied from the ing, and of the Narraganfett's threaten- original in his own handwriting." ings on that account. — Prince's Cbro- 1 This fhows a great difference between nology, pp. 102-116. the temper of Plymouth and Maffachu- This flatement, it will be perceived, fetts rulers, and of which we fhall Tee was made twenty-five years after Wil« more. — Backus, vol. i. p. 73. liams croffed the Seekonk river, and ef- 3This perfectly agrees with the ac- tablifhed himfelf and his affociates at count we have of Maffafoit or Oufama- Providence, quin's league made with the Plymouth Letters of Roger Williams. 317 3. This I declared from the Narraganfett Sachems to Oufamaquin, who, without any ftick, acknowledged it to be true that he had fo fubje&ed as the Narraganfett Sach- ems affirmed ; but withal, he affirmed that he was not fub- dued by war, which himfelf and his father had maintained againft the Narraganfetts, but God, he laid, fubdued me by a plague, which fwept away my people, and forced me to yield. 4. This conviction and confeiTion of his, together with gratuities to himfelf and brethren and followers, made him often profefs, that he was pleafed that I mould here be his neighbor, and that rather becaufe he and I had been great friends at Plymouth, and alfo becaufe that his and my friends at Plymouth advifed him to be at peace and friend- ship with me, and he hoped that our children after us would be good friends together. 5. And whereas, there hath been often fpeech of Provi- dence falling within Plymouth jurildiction, by virtue of Oufamaquin's claims, I add unto the testimony abovefaid, that the Governor, Mr. Bradford, and other of their mag- istrates, defcribed unto me, both by conference and writing, that they and their government were fatisfied, and refolved never to moleft Providence, nor to claim beyond Seekonk, but to continue loving friends and neighbors (amongft the barbarians) together. This is the true fum and fubftance of many paiTages be- tween our countrymen of Plymouth and Oufamaquin and me. Roger Williams. 3 1 8 Letters of Roger Williams. To the Town of Providence. [No date.]' Loving Friends and Neighbors, — I have again con- fidered on thefe papers, and find many confiderable things in both of them. My defire is, that after a friendly de- bate of particulars, every man may lit down and reft in quiet with the final fentence and determination of the town, for all experience tells us that public peace and love is better than abundance of corn and cattle, &c. I have one only motion and petition, which I earnestly pray the town to lay to heart, as ever they look for a bleffing from God on the town, on your families, your corn and cattle, and your children after you ; it is this, that after you have got over the black brook of fome foul bondage yourfelves, you tear not down the bridge after you, by leaving no 'fmall pittance for diftrerTed fouls that may come after you. What though your divifion or allotment be never fo fmall, yet ourfelves know that fome men's diftreifes are fuch, that a piece of a dry cruft and a dilh of cold water, is fweet, which, if this town will give fincerely unto God, (fetting afide fome little portions for other diftrefled fouls to get bread on) you know who hath engaged His heavenly word for your reward and recompenfe. Yours, Roger Williams. 1 Knowles' Mem. of Roger Williams, themfelves certain common lands, out of p_ 402. which Roger Williams wanted fome to This letter was copied for Mr. Back- remain Hill common, for the town after- us, by the late Judge Howell, of Provi- wards to give occafionally to fuch as fled dence, and was accompanied by the fol- to them, or were banifhed for confcience lowing note in his handwriting: " This fake, as he at firft gave it all to them." — remonftrance was fent in to the town, Knowles, p. 402. upon their concluding to divide among Letters of Roger Williams. 319 "To my honored kind friend Mr. Winthrop, Governor, at Hartford, prefent. Providence, 28, 3, 64. (Co called.) [May 28, 1664.J 1 Sir, — Meeting (this inftant before fun-rife, as I went to my field, &c.,) an Indian running back for a glafs, bound for your parts, I thought (lince nihil fne Providentia) that an Higher Spirit then his own, might purpofely (like Jonathan's bov) fend him back for this hafty falutation to your kind felf and your dear companion. Sir, I waited for a gale to return you many cordial thanks for your many cordial expreffions of ancient kindnefs to my felf, and the public peace and wellfare : I have lince been occasioned and drawn (being nominated in the Char- ter to appear again upon the deck,) from my beloved pri- vacy ; my humble defires are to contribute my poor mite (as I have ever, and I hope ever fhall) to preferve planta- tion and public intereft of the whole New England and not intereft of this or that town, colony, opinion, &c. Sir, when we that have been the eldeft, and are rotting, (to-morrow or next day) a generation will ac~t, I fear, far unlike the firft Winthrops and their Models of Love : 2 I fear that the common Trinity of the world, (Profit, Pre- ferment, Pleafure) will here be the Tria omnia, as in all the world befide : that Prelacy and Papacy too will in this wildernefs predominate that God Land will be (as now it is) as great a God with us Englifh as God Gold was with the Spaniards, &c. While we are here, noble Sir, let us Viriliter hoc agere, rem agere humanam, divinam, Chrijlianam, which I believe is all of a mod public genius. *4 Ma/s. Hijl. Coll. vol. vi. p. 295. a fermon written on board the "Arbel- *This may be a reference to Gov. la." See 3 Mafs. Hijl. Coll., vol. vii., Winthrop's Model of Chrillian Charity, p. 33. Eds. Winthrop Papers. 320 Letters of Roger Willia??is. Sir, thofe words in our Charter concerning the Narra- ganfett (notwithstanding a late grant to the colony of Con- necticut,) &c, are fo taking with my neighbors, that Refo- lutions were up (this laft Court) of fetching uld Mr. Smith prefently, becaufe of his new engagement to Con- necticut : it pleafed God to help me to ftop that council, and to prevail that only a boat was fent, with a loving letter to invite him, and he came not, but faid well, viz. : that when the Colonies were agreed, he would fubmit. Sir, three days hence Major Denifon and Mr. Damport meet from the Bay with Mr. Greene of Warwick, and Mr Torrey of Newport, 1 at Seekonk, to compofe the ftrife between us ; I hope your honored felf and Major Mafon, and fome of the grave Elders, &c. will help on fuch work between yourfelves and us, alfo unto which I hope the Father of mercies will help me to be your and the country's fervant in all reipect, and faithfulnefs. Roger Williams. Raptim. On the outfide in Williams' handwriting. Juft now I rind this bearer to be Miantonomo's fon. Indorfed by Gov. Winthrop, of Connecticut, "Mr. Rog : Williams rec : Satur- day Jun : 25, 1664." 'Maflachuietts having appointed two bound over in the fum of four hundred agents to treat with Rhode Ifland in re- pounds each ; and John Hicks and John gard to Block Ifland and the Pequot Wood, of Newport, for two hundred country, John Greene and Jofeph Tor- pounds each, to appear when called for, rev were commiffioned to meet them at upon the charge of feeking to bring in a Rehoboth, on the lail day of the month, foreign jurifdi&ion within the limits of Roger Williams was one of the commit- the colony. Thefe bonds were after- tee to prepare the inrtruftions for the wards releafed. A warrant for the fame commiffioners. Richard Smith, jr., and offence was iflued againfl John Greene, Thomas Gould, of Narraganfett, were fen'r., who appeared and confeffed his Letters of Roger Williams. 321 To the Right Honorable Sir Robert Carr, one of His Majejlys Honorable Commifioners for New Engla?id, prefent. Providence, i March, 1665. ' Sir, — My humble and hearty refpedts prefented, with humble and hearty defires of your prefent and eternal felicity. Having heaad of a late confederacy among great num- bers of thefe barbarians to affift Pumham, &c, I thought it my duty to wait upon your Honor with thefe humble falutations, and appreciations of the fafety of your perfon, not to be ealily hazarded amongft fuch a barbarous fcum and offscouring of mankind. Befides, Sir, this is an old ulcerous bufinefs, wherein I have been many years engaged, and have (in the behalf of my loving friends at Warwick) pleaded this caufe with the whole General Court of the Maffachufetts magiftrates and deputies, and prevailed with them to yield, that if I and Pumham would agree, they would ratify an agreement. But Pumham would not part with that Neck 2 on any terms. I crave leave to add (for the excufe of this boldnefs,) that the natives in this Bay do (by promife to them at my fir ft breaking of the ice in amongft them) expecl my endeavors of preferving the pub- lic peace, which it hath pleafed God, mercifully to help fault. Upon petition he was pardoned, occafion and the action of the General and received again under protection as a Affembly of Rhode Ifland on the fub- freeman of the colony. Richard Smith, jefl, fee the R. I. Co/. Records, vol. ii., fen'r., was written to, to appear before pp. 44-49. the court on a fimilar charge. He made l J. Carter Brown's Manufcripts,vo\. no reply to the letter, but enclofed it to 1, No. 72. Capt. Hutchinfon.defiring him to inform z Warwick Neck. Gorton and others Connecticut of the affair, which he did. of the early fettlers called it " The Arnold, HiJI. of Rhode IJland, vol. i., Neck." p. 307. For the letters written on the 4 1 3 22 Letters of Roger Williams. me to do many times (with my great hazard and charge), when all the colonies and the MalTachufetts, in efpecial, have meditated, prepared and been (fometimes many hun- dreds) among the march for war againft the natives in this colony. Of this my promife and duty, and conftant prac- tice, mine own heart and confcience before God; as alfo fome natives put me in mind at prefent. i. Firft then (although I know another claim laid to this land yet,) Pumham being the ancient poiTefTor of this Lordihip, I humbly query whether it will be jufh to difpof- fefs him (not only without confent, which fear may extort, but without fome fatisfying consideration.) I had a com- miffion from my friends at Warwick, to promise a good round value, and I know fome of them have defired the natives, I thought it coft them fome hundred pounds. 1 2. Your Honor will never effecT: by force a fate and laft- ing conclulion until you have firft reduced the Malfachu- fetts to the obedience of his Majefty, and then thefe ap- pendants (towed at their ftern) will eafily (and not before) wind about alfo. 'The Commiffioners of the United Colonies vifited Pettaquamfcut and War- wick for the purpofe of fettling the long exiiting controverfies between the inhabi- tants and the Indians. Pumham, the fubjett of Maflachufetts, who Mill re- fufed to leave Warwick Neck, although the land had been fairly purchafed of his fuperior Sachem many years before, was ordered by the Commiffioners to remove within a year to fome place to be provided for him either in Maflachu- fetts or by Pefficus. Warwick was to pay him £'20. but when he had received it, he refufed to fulfil his contradl or to obev of the order of the Commiffioners, relying ftill upon the protection of Maf- lachufetts. John Eliot, the Apoflle of the Indians, wrote to Sir Robert Carr in behalf of Pumham, who, he fays, had " fuffered much hard and ill dealings from fome Englilli," and begs him to " deal honor- ably by them." The correipondence, with other papers on this fubjeft, are contained in the Rhode Ifland manu- fcripts, copied from the originals in the Britifh State Paper Office, in the collec- tion of John Carter Brown, Efq., vol. i., Nos. 64 to 73. Letters of Roger Williams. 323 3. The bufinefs as circumftantiated will not be effected without bloodfhed ; barbarians are barbarians. There be old grudges betwixt our countrymen of Warwick and them. They are a melancholy people, and judge them- felves (by the former Sachem and thefe Englifh) opprefled and wronged ; you may knock out their brains, and yet not make them peaceably to furrender, even as fome oxen will die before they will rile ; yet with patience, and gentle means will rife and draw, and do good fer- vice. 4. Thefe barbarians know that it is but one party in Warwick, which claim this Neck ; the greateft part of the town cry out againft the other to my knowledge, and that of the natives alfo. 5. The natives know that this party in Warwick are not only deftitute of help, from their own townfmen, but of the other towns of this colony alfo. 6. They know that it would pleafe the Maffachufetts, and moft of the other colonies, that Mr. Gorton and his friends had been long ere this destroyed. 7. They know that Ninigret and Pefficus are barbarians, and if it come to blood, and that at the fir ft, the worft be to the Englifh (in any appearances,) they will join to further the prey. However, if King Philip keep his promife, they will be too great a party againft the two Sachems. 8. Laftly, Sir, we profefs Chriftianity, which commends a little with peace ; a dinner of green herbs with quietnefs ; and if it be poffible, commands peace with all men. I therefore humbly offer, if it be not advifable (in this juncture of time) to lay all the blame on me, and on my interceffion and mediation, for a little further breathing to 324 Letters of Roger Williams. the barbarians until harveft, in which time a peaceable and loving agreement may be wrought, to mutual confent and fatisfaction." Sir, I humbly crave your Honor's gracious pardon to this great boldnefs. Your moft obedient and bounden fervants, Roger Williams. To my much refpecled the Inhabitants of the Town of Providence. Providence, 10th February, 1667-8.]' Loving Friends and Neighbors, — Unto this day, it pleafed the town to adjourn for the anfwering of the bill for the bridge and others. I have conferred with Shad- rach Manton and Nathaniel Waterman, about their pro- pofal, and their result is, that they cannot obtain fuch a number as will join with them, to undertake the bridge upon the hopes of meadow. I am, therefore, bold, after fo many anchors come home, and fo much trouble and long debates and deliberations, to offer, that if you pleafe, I will, with God's help, take this bridge unto my care, by that moderate toll of ftrangers of all forts, which hath been mentioned ; will maintain it fo long that it pleafeth God that I live in this town. 2 'Knowles, Memoirs of Roger Wil- houfe, which order was not accomplifhed. Hams, p. 330. To this contemplated bridge, the letter 2 The Town of Providence, in June, doubtlefs refers. The late John How- 1662, had ordered a bridge to be built on land was of opinion that this bridge was MofhafTuck river, by Thomas Olney's intended to be built fomewhere between Letters of Roger Williams. 3 2 5 2. The town (hall be free from all toll, only I defire one day's work of one man in a year from every family, but from thofe that have teams, and have much ufe of the bridge, one day's work or a man and team, and of thofe that have lefs ufe, half a day. 3. I lhall join with any of the town, more or few, who will venture their labor with me for the gaining of meadow. 4 I promife, if it pleafe God, that I gain meadow in equal value to the town's yearly help, I fhall then releafe that. 5. I defire if it pleafe God to be with me, to go through fuch a charge and trouble as will be to bring this to a fet- tled way, and then fuddenly to take me from hence, I de- lire that before another, my wife and children, if they defire it, may engage in my ftead to thefe conditions. 6. If the town pleafe to confent, I defire that one of yourfelves be nominated, to join with the clerk to draw up the writing. Roger Williams. the prefent Great Bridge and Smith's Bridge, for the purpole of getting accefs to the natural meadows at the head of the Cove. Mr. Howland, in a note to Mr. Knowles, fays, " I have frequently been told by Nathan Waterman, that teams and men on horfeback ufed to crofs the river (before his day) acrofs the clam- bed, opnofite Angell's land, at low tide, and land on the weftern fhore." The Thomas Olney lot was where the old Providence Hotel in North Main Street lately ilood, and extended down to the Cove. In front of this was a fhoal place, called the clam-bed. — Knowles, Mem. of Roger Williams, note p. 331. 326 Letters of Roger Williams. To the General Court of the MaJJhchufetts Bay. Providence, 7th of May, 1668. 1 I humbly offer to confederation my long and conftant experience, lince it pleaied God to bring me unto thefe parts, as to the Narraganfett and Nipmuck people. Firft, that all the Nipmucks were, unqueftionably, fub- ject to the Narraganfett Sachems, and, in a fpecial man- ner to Mexham, the ion of Canonicus, and late hufband to this old fquavv Sachem, now only furviving. I have abundant and daily proof of it, as plain and clear as that the inhabitants of Newbury or Ipfwich, &c, are fubjecl: to the government of the Maifachufetts colony. 2 2. I was called by his Majefty's Commiffioners to teftify in a like cafe between Philip and the Plymouth Indians, on the one party, and the Narraganfetts on the other, and it pleafed the committee to declare, that the King had not given them any commiffion to alter the Indians' laws and cuftoms, which they obferved amongft themfelves : mod: of which, although they are, like themfelves barbarous, yet in the cafe of their mournings, they are more humane, and it feems to be more inhumane in thofe that profelfed 1 Potter's Hiji. of Narraganfett, p. I 59 ; Knowles, Memoirs of Roger Wil- liams, p; 331. This letter is without any addrefs, but in the opinion of Mr. Knowles, was doubtlefs written to the government of Maflachufetts. 2 " Maflachufetts, although her claims had been fuperfeded by thofe of Con- necticut, and her right to interfere, even with the Indians had been denied by the royal commiffioners, embraced an op- portunity prel'ented by the Nipmucks, who acknowledged her fupremacy, to im- pofe terms on the Narraganfetts. The Nipmucks petitioned for redrefs for fpoliations committed by the Narragan- fetts. The General Court took up the matter, as of right, and fettled the dif- ficulty. It was a meafure of peace and therefore commendable, but it does not admit of rigid fcrutiny into the claim of jurifdiftion over the Nipmuck country upon which the interview was bafed." — Arnold, Hiji. of Rhode lfand, vol i., P- 333- Letters of Roger Williams. 327 fubjeclion to this the very la ft year, underfome kind of feigned protection of the Englifh, to be finging and danc- ing, drinking, &c, while the reft were lamenting their Sachems' deaths. 1 I abhor moft of their cuftoms ; I know they are bar- barous. I refpect not one party more than the other, but I delire to witnefs truth ; and as I defire to witnefs againft oppreffion, fo, alfo, againft the flighting of civil, yea, of barbarous order and government, as refpecling every fha- dow of God's gracious appointments. This I humbly offer as in the holy prefence of God. Roger Williams. For John Whipple, jun. s tbefe. Providence, 8th July, 1669. (fo called.) 1 Neighbor Whipple, — I kindly thank you, that you fo far have regarded my lines as to return me your thoughts, whether fweet or four I defire not to mind. I humbly hope, that as you mall never find me felf-conceited nor felf-feeking, fo, as to others, not pragmatical and a bufy- body as you infinuate. My ftudy is to be fwift to hear, and flow to fpeak, and I could tell you of five or fix grounds (it may be more) why I give this my tefti- mony againft this unrighteous and monftrous proceed- ing of Chriftian brethren helping to haul one another before the world, whofe fong was lately and loudly fung in my ears, v'z. : the world would be quiet enough, were 1 Rhode IJland Literary Repojitcry, vol. i., pp. 638-640 ; Knowles, Memoirs of Roger Williams, p. 332. 328 Letters of Roger Williams. it not for thofe holy brethren, their divifions and content- ions. The laft night, Shadrach Manton told me that I had fpoken bad words of Gregory Dexter, 1 (though Shad- rach deals more ingenuoufly than yourfelf faying the fame thing, for he tells me wherein,) viz. : that I faid he makes a fool of his confcience. I told him I faid fo, and I think to our neighbor Dexter himfelf; for I believe he might as well be moderator or general deputy or general afliftant, as go io far as he goes, in many particulars ; but what if I or my confcience be a fool, yet it is commendable and ad- mirable in him, that being a man of education, and of a noble calling, and verfed in militaries, that his confcience forced him to be fuch a child in his own houfe, when W. Har. (trained for the rate (which I approve of) with fuch imperious infulting over his confcience, which all con- fcientious men will abhor to hear of. However, I com- mend that man, whether Jew, or Turk, or Papift, or who- ' ever, that fleers no otherwife than his confcience dares, till his confcience tells him that God gives him a greater lati- tude. For, neighbor, you mall find it rare to meet with men of confcience, men that for fear and love of God dare 1 Gregory Dexter was one of the ear- lieft fettlers of Providence. He received one of the home lots in 1637, and figned the firit compact in 1 640. Was fubfe- quently one of the committee from Providence to form a government. For many years he was a commiflioner for that town, and a deputy in the Affembly. The reference, to Mr. Dexter's refuial to pay his taxes, from confcientious fcru- ples fhows that Mr. Williams accurately difcriminated between the rights of con- fcience, and aperverlion of thofe rights. It is worthv of notice, too, that Mr. Williams condemned the conduct of Mr. Dexter, though an intimate friend ; and approved, in part, at leait, that of Mr. Harris, though a bitter holtility exifted between them. Mr. Dexter had been a printer and flationer in London, and was the pub- lisher of (Vidians' 1 Key into the \_Indian~\ Language of America. London: 1643. As he was in Providence feveral years before, his printing bufinefs may have been carried on after he left. Savage, fays he died in 1700, at the age of nine- ty. — Genealogical Dttl. vol. ii. Letters of Roger Williams. 329 not lie, nor be drunk, nor be contentious, nor fteal, nor be covetous, nor voluptuous, nor ambitious, nor lazy-bodies, nor bufy-bodies, nor dare difpleafe God by omitting either fervice or fuffering, though of reproach, imprifonment, banimment and death, becauie of the fear and love of God. If W. Wickenden 1 received a beaft of W. Field, for ground of the fame hold, I knew it not, and fo fpake the truth, as I underftood it. 2. Though I have not fpoke with him, yet I hear it was not of that hold or tenure, for we have had four forts of bounds at leaft. Firft, the grant of as large accommodations as any Eng- lish in New England had. This the Sachems always promifed me, and they had caufe, for I was as a right hand unto them, to my great coft and travail. Hence I was fure of the Tocekeunquinit meadows, and what could with any mow of reafon have been deiired ; but fome, (that never did this town or colony good, and, it is feared, never will,) cried out, when Roger Williams had laid himfelf down as a ftone in the duft, for after comers to ftep on in town and colony, "What is Roger Williams ? We know the Indians and the Sachems as well as he. We will truft Roger Wil- liams no longer. We will have our bounds confirmed us under the Sachems' hands before us." 2. Hence arofe, to my foul cutting and grief, the fecond fort of bounds, viz.: the bounds fet under the hands of thofe great Sachems Canonicus and Miantonomo, and were fet io ihort (as to Mafhapaug and Pawtucket, and at that 1 William Wickenden, removed to the Baptift Church. — He died February, Providence from Salem, previous to Au- 23, 1670. — Staples' note to Gortod's guft 20, 1637, and was a colleague with Si?nplicity , s Defence, p. 109. Chad Brown in the paltoral charge of 42 33° Letters of Roger Williams. time,) becaufe they would not intrench upon the Indians inhabiting round about us, for the prevention of ftrife between us. The third fort of bounds were of favor and grace, in- vented, as I think, and profecuted by that noble fpirit, now with God, Chad Brown. 1 Prefuming upon the Sach- ems' grant to me, they exceeded the letter of the Sachem's deed, fo far as reafonably they judged, and with this pro- mile of fatisfaclion to any native who mould reafonably defire it. In this third fort of bounds, lay this piece of meadow hard by Capt. Fenner's grounds, which, with two hogs, William Wickenden gave to W. Field for a fmall beaft, &c. Befides thefe three forts of bounds, there arofe a fourth, (like the fourth beaft in Daniel) exceeding dreadful and terrible, unto which the Spirit of God gave no name nor bounds, nor can we in the firft rife of ours, only boundlefs bounds, or a monftrous beaft, above all other beafts or monfters. Now, as from this fourth wild beaft in Daniel, in the greater world, have arifen all the ftorms and tem- pefts, fa&ions and divilions, in our little world amongft us, and what the tearing confequences it will be, is only known to the Moft Holy and Only Wife. 'Chad Brown was an aflbciate of Ro- ger Williams, and one of the founders of Providence, having come from Maffa- chufetts in 1636. His name is among thofe who received a "home lot," and one of the four chofen in 1640 to pre- pare a form of government. — Cot. Re- ords, vol. i. pp 14 and 27. He was pallor of the Baptiil Church in 1642. He had children, John, who married a Holmes, daughter of the Rev. Obadiah Holmes; Daniel, who married a Herenden ; James, Jeremiah, and Ju- dah. The lall two removed to Rhode Ifland. — Staples' note to Gorton's Sim- plicity's Defence, p. 108. The defendants of Chad Brown have ever been among the moll enterprifing and public lpirited men of the State. They are equally dillinguifhed for their liberal benefactions to the literary and charitable inilitutions in Providence. Letters of Roger Williams. 3 3 1 You conclude with your innocence and patience under my clamorous tongue, but I pray you not to forget that there are two bafins. David had one, Pilate another. David warned his hands in innocence, and fo did Pilate, and fo do all parties, all the world over. As to Innocence, my former paper faith fomething. As to patience, how can you fay you are patient under my clamorous tongue, when that very fpeech is moil impatient and unchriftian? My clamor and crying fhall be to God and men (I hope without revenge or wrath) but for a little eafe, and that yourfelves, and they that fcorn and hate me moft, may, (if the Eternal pleafe,) find cooling in that hot, eter- nal day that is near approaching. This mail be the con- tinual clamor or cry of Your unworthy friend and neighbor, Roger Williams. To my honored friend, Mr. John Winthrop, Governor of Con- necticut, &c, thefe, at Bojlon or elfewbere. Leave this at Major Leverett's. Providence, Auguft 19th, 1669. (fo called.) 1 Sir, — Loving refpecls to yourfelf and your deareft and other friends, &c. I have no tidings (upon my enquiry) of that poor dog, about which you fent to me. I fear he is run wild into the woods, though it is poffible that Eng- lifh or Indians have him. Oh, Sir, what is that word that fparrows and hairs are provided for and numbered by « 5 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. i. p. 414. 332 Letters of Roger Williams. God ? then certainly your dog and all dogs and beafts. How much more mankind. (He iaveth man and bean 1 .) How much more his fons and daughters, and heirs of his crown and kingdom. Sir, I have encouraged Mr. Dexter to fend you a lime- ftone, and to falute you with this enclofed. He is an in- telligent man, a matter printer of London, and confciona- ble (though a Baptift), therefore maligned and traduced by William Harris (a doleful generalift.) Sir, if there be any occafion of yourfelf (or others) to ufe any of this ftone, Mr. Dexter hath a lufty team and lufty fons, and very wil- ling heart, (being a fanguine, cheerful man) to do your- felf or any (at your word efpecially,) fervice upon my honeit and cheap confederations ; and if there be any oc- cafion, Sir, you may be confident of all ready fervice from your old unworthy fervant, Roger Williams. While you were at Mr. Smith's that bloody liquor trade (which Richard Smith 1 hath of old driven) fired the coun- try about your lodging. The Indians would have more liquor, and it came to blows. The Indians complained to Richard Smith. He told them he was bufy about your departure. Next day the Englilh complained of fome hurt and went with twenty-eight horfe (and more men) to 'Richard Smith's name iirfl appears deeded the "Northern tradV' in the Nar- among the " inhabitants of Newport, ad- raganfett country in 1659. They had a mitted fince May 20, 1638," and pre- large trading houfe in Wickford. Both vious to 1639. — R' !• C°I' Records, vol. father and fon were among the promi- i. p. 92. He and his fon Richard inent men of that part of the colony. It Smith, jr., " traders, of Cocumcofuck," would appear from Mr. Williams's let- and Gov. Winthrop of Connecticut were ter, that they dealt largely in fpirituous among thole to whom Coganiquant, liquors. Letters of Roger Williams. 333 fetch in the Sachem. The Indians with a fhout routed thefe horfes, and caufed their return, and are more infolent by this repulfe ; yet they are willing to be peaceable, were it not for that devil of liquor. I might have gained thoufands (as much as any) by that trade, but God hath gracioufly given me rather to choofe a dry morfel, &c. Sir, iince I faw you I have read Morton's Memorial^ and rejoice at the encomiums upon your father and other precious worthies, though I be a reprobate, contempt a vitior alga. R. W. Providence, June 22, 1670, {ut vu/go.) 1 Major Mason, — My honored, dear and ancient friend, my due refpects and earneft defires to God, for your eter- nal peace, &c. I crave your leave and patience to prefent you with fome few considerations, occasioned by the late tranfactions be- tween your colony and ours. The lair, year you were pleafed, in one of your lines to me, to tell me that you longed to fee my face once more before you died. I em- braced your love, though I feared my old lame bones, and yours, had arretted traveling in this world, and therefore I was and am ready to lay hold on all occafions of writing, as I do at prefent. The occafion, I confefs, is forrowful, becaufe I fee your- l Nezv England's Memorial; or a Brief 2 Mafs. Hift. Coll., vol. i. p. 275; Relation of the moft Memorable and Re- Knowles, Memoirs of Roger Williams, markahle pafages in the Providence of God p. 393. manifeded in the Planters of New Eng- land in America, etc., Cambridge, 1669. 334 Letters of Roger Williams. felves, with others, embarked in a refolution to invade and defpoil your poor countrymen, in a wildernefs, and your ancient friends, of our temporal and foul liberties. 1 It is forrowful, alfo, becaufe mine eye beholds a black and doleful train of grievous, and, I fear, bloody confe- quences, at the heel of this bufinefs, both to you and us. The Lord is righteous in all our afflictions, that is a max- im ; the Lord is gracious to all oppreifed, that is another ; he is moft gracious to the foul that cries and waits on him ; that is tilver, tried in the fire feven times. Sir, I am not out of hopes, but that while your aged eyes and mine are yet in their orbs, and not yet funk down into their holes of rottennefs, we fhall leave our friends and countrymen, our children and relations, and this land, in peace, behind us. To this end, Sir, pleafe you with a calm and fteady and a Chriftian hand, to hold the balance and to weigh thefe few confiderations, in much love and due refpect prefented : 1 The queflion of jurifdicYion in the fouthweftern part of the colony led to the appointment of a committee by Connecticut, in May of this year, to confer with the authorities of Rhode If- land, and if the latter refufed to treat, they were authorized to reduce the peo- ple of Weilerly and Narraganfett to fubmiffion. A fpecial feffion of the Af- fembly of Rhode Ifland was called, and a committee appointed to confider the iubject. The two committees met at New London, but failed to agree upon terms of lettlement. The Connecticut men, the following day, formally pro- claimed the authority of their govern- ment over Weilerly, and fent officers warning the inhabitants ealt of Pawca- tuck river to appear at Stonington. The officers were arretted and fent to New- port jail. To add to the troubles, Har- vard College fet up a claim to land in Weilerly. Arrelts were made on both fides, and another fpecial feffion of the Alfembly took place in June, when agents were appointed to proceed to England, there to defend the charter againll the invafions of Connecticut. It was at this juncture that Mr. Williams wrote this letter to Major Mafon, who enclofed it to the Connecticut Commiffioners. Mr. Arnold in his Hijiory of Rhode I/land, gives a lucid account of the controverfy in queftion ; vol. i. pp. 341-348 ; while the documentary hiilory of it may be found at length in the R. I. Colonial Re- cords, vol. ii. pp. 309-328. Letters of Roger Williams. 335 Firft. When I was unkindly and unchriftianly, as I be- lieve, driven from my houfe and land and wife and chil- dren, (in the midft of a New England winter, now about thirty-five years pair,) at Salem, that ever honored Gover- nor, Mr. Winthrop, privately wrote to me to fleer my courfe to Narraganfett Bay and Indians, for many high and heavenly and public ends, encouraging me, from the free- nefs of the place from any Englifh claims or patents. I took his prudent motion as a hint and voice from God, and waving all other thoughts and motions, I fteered my courfe from Salem (though in winter fnow, which I feel yet) unto thefe parts, wherein I may fay Peniel, that is, I have feen the face of God. Second, I firft pitched, and began to build and plant at Seekonk, now Rehoboth, but I received a letter from my ancient friend, Mr. Winilow, then Governor of Plymouth, profefling his own and others love and refpect to me, yet lovingly advifing me, fince I was fallen into the edge of their bounds, and they were loath to difpleafe the Bay, to remove but to the other fide of the water, and then, he faid, I had the country free before me, and might be as free as themfelves, and we mould be loving neighbors toge- ther. Thefe were the joint underftandings of thefe two eminently wife and Chriftian Governors and others, in their day, together with their counfel and advice as to the free- dom and vacancy of this place, which in this refpect, and many other Providences of the Moft Holy and Only Wife, I called Providence. 1 1 Finding himfelf upon lands claimed John Smith, miller ; Jofhua Verin, Tho- by Maflachufetts and Plymouth, Wil- mas Angell and Francis Wickes. (Mo/es liams embarked from Seekonk in a canoe, Brown in R. 1. Regifter for 1828.) with five others, viz.: William Harris; They are believed to have crofted See- 33 6 Letters of Roger Williams. Third. Sometime after, the Plymouth great Sachem, (Oufamaquin,) upon occafion, affirming that Providence was his land, and therefore Plymouth's land, and fome re- fenting it, the then prudent and godly Governor, Mr. Bradford, 1 and others of his godly council, anfwered, that if, after due examination, it mould be found true what the barbarian faid, yet having to my lofs of a harveft that year, been now (though by their gentle advice) as good as ban- ifhed from Plymouth as from the Maifachufetts, and I had quietly and patiently departed from them, at their motion to the place where now I was, I mould not be molefted and tolfed up and down again, while they had breath in their bodies; and furely, between thofe, my friends of the Bay and Plymouth, I was forely tolled, for one fourteen weeks, in a bitter winter feafon, 2 not knowing what bread or bed did mean, befide the yearly lofs of no fmall matter in my trading with Englim and natives, being debarred from Bofton, the chief mart and port of New England. Iconic river near where Central Bridge now croffes. As they approached the oppofite fhore, they were accoiled by the Indians, with the friendly interroga- tion of " Whatcheer " a common Eng- lifh phrafe, which they had learned from the colonifls, equivalent to " How do you do." (Knowi.es, p. 102.) Others lay this word meant " iVelcome" They probably landed on the rock which here juts out into the river, and remained for a fhort time. They then paffed round India Point and Fox Point, and pro- ceeded up the river to a fpot near the entrance of the Mofhafluck river, where the party landed. Tradition, fays, the landing place was near the fpring in the rear of the refidence of the late Gov. Philip Allen. 1 William Bradford was the fecond Governor of Plymouth, John Carver, being the firil. He was one of the "May- flower" Pilgrims. Was defied Gover- nor in 1621, and annually re-elefted un- til his death in 1657, excepting five years, when he declined the offer. He wrote a hiftory of Plymouth Colony from 1620 to 1647, which, after remain- ing in manufcript for more than two hun- dred years, was printed by the Maffa- chufetts Hillorical Society, with notes by Charles Deane, in 1856. 2 "Mr. Roger Williams," fays Gov. Bradford, "(a man godly and zealous, having many precious parts, but very un- fettled in judgment) came over firft to the Maffachul'etts, but upon fome difcon- tent left that place, and came hither, Letters of Roger Williams. m God knows that many thoufand pounds cannot repay the very temporary lories I have fuftained. It lies upon the Marlachufetts and me, yea, and other colonies joining with them, to examine, with fear and trembling, before the eyes of flaming fire, the true caufe of all my forrows and fuf- ferings. It pleafed the Father of fpirits to touch many hearts, dear to him, with fome relentings; amongft which, (where he was friendly entertained, ac- cording to their poor ability,) and exer- cifed his gifts amongft them, and after some time was admitted a member of the church; and his teachings well approved, for the benefit whereof I ftill bl els God . . . He this year began to fall into ftrange opinions, and from opinions to pradtife, which caufed fome controverfy between the church and him, and in the end to fome dii'content on his part, by occafion whereof he left them fomething abrupt- ly. Yet afterwards fued for his dilfnif- fion to the church in Salem, which was granted. . . . But he foon fell into more things there, both to their and the gov- ernments trouble and difturbance. I (hall not need to name particulars, they are too well known to all. . . . But he is to be pitied, and prayed for, and fo I fhall leave the matter, and defire the Lord to fhew him his errors, and reduce him in the wav of truth, and give him a fettled judgment and conftancy in the fame ; for I hope he belongs to the Lord and that he will fhow him mercy." — Hijl. of Plymouth Plantation, p. 310. In connexion with this lubjeft, and the remarks of Gov. Bradford, we quote an extradl from a letter of Sir William Martin to Gov. Winthrop, of Maifachu- fetts, enquiring about the ftate of the colony : 43 ..." I am forry to hear of Mr. Wil- liams's feparation from you. His for- mer good affeftions to you and the Plan- tations, were well known unto me and make me wonder now at his proceed- ings. I have wrote to him effectually to fubmit to better judgments, efpecially to thofe whom he formerly revered and ad- mired ; at leaft to keep the bond of peace inviolable. This hath always been my advice ; and nothing conduceth more to the good of plantations. I pray fhow him what lawful favor you can, which may ftand with the common good. He is paffionate and precipitate, which mav traniport him into error, but I hope his integrity and good intentions will bring him at laft into the way of truth, and confirm him therein. In the meantime, I pray God to give him a right ufe of this affliction." — Hutcbinfon Papers, vol. i. p. 106. There has been a queftion as to time when Williams left Salem ; but it is now generally acknowledged that it was in January, 1636. He was fourteen weeks journeying through the wildernefs, until he pitched his tent and began to plant at Seekonk. This was probably in May. The firft entry in the Providence records is dated the 1 6th of the 4th month, i. e. June [1636.3 338 Letters of Roger Williams. that great and pious foul, Mr. Winllow, melted, and kindly vifited me, at Providence, and put a piece of gold into the hands of mv wife, for our fupply. Fourth. When the next year after my banifhment, the Lord drew the bow of the Pequod war againft the coun- try, in which, Sir, the Lord made yourfelf, with others, a blerled inftrument of peace to all New England, I had my mare of fervice to the whole land in that Pequod bufinefs, inferior to very few that acted, for, 1 1. Upon letters received from the Governor and Coun- cil at Bofton, requeuing me to ufe my utmoft and fpeedieft endeavors to break and hinder the league labored for by the Pequods againft the Mohegans, and Pequods againft the Englith, (excufing the not fending of company and fupplies, by the hafte uf the bufinefs,) the Lord helped me immediately to put my life into my hand, and, fcarce ac- quainting my wife, to (hip myfelf, all alone, in a poor ca- noe, and to cut through a ftormy wind, with great feas, every minute in hazard of life, to the Sachem's houfe. 2. Three days and nights my bufinefs forced me to lodge and mix with the bloody Pequod ambaifadors, whofe hands and arms, methought, wreaked with the blood of my countrymen, murdered and malfacred by them on Connec- ticut river, and from whom I could not but nightly look for their bloody knives at my own throat alfo. 3. When God wondroully preferved me, and helped me to break to pieces the Pequods' negotiation and defign, and to make, and promote and finim, by many travels and charges, the Englim league with the Narraganfetts and Mo- 1 Gov. Bradford acknowledges the in pacifying the Pequots at this time. — great fervice rendered by Mr. Williams Hijlory of Plymouth, p. 364. Letters of Roger Williams. 339 hegans againft the Pequods, and that the Englifh forces marched up to the Narraganfett country againft the Pe- quods, I gladly entertained, at my houfe in Providence, the General Stoughton 1 and his officers and ufed my utmoft care that all his officers and ibldiers fhould be well ac- commodated with us. 4. I marched up with them to the Narraganfett Sach- ems, and brought my countrymen and the barbarians, Sachems and captains, to a mutual confidence and com- placence, each in other. 5. Though I was ready to have marched further, yet, upon agreement that I mould keep at Providence, as an agent between the Bay and the army, I returned, and was interpreter and intelligencer, constantly receiving and fend- ing letters to the Governor and Council at Bofton, &c, in which work I judge it no impertinent digreffion to re- cite (out of the many fcores of letters, at times, from Mr. Winthrop,) this one pious and heavenly prophecy, touch- ing all New England, of that gallant man, viz.: " If the Lord turn away his face from our fins, and blefs our en- deavors and yours, at this time againft our bloody enemy, we and our children (hall long enjoy peace, in this, our wildernefs condition." And himfelf and fome other of the Council motioned and it was debated, whether or no I had not merited, not only to be recalled from banifhment, but alio to be honored with fome remark of favor. It is known who hindered, who never promoted the liberty of other men's confciences. Thefe things, and ten times more, I could relate, to mow that I am not a ftranger to the Pe- ■ Ifrad Stoughton, of Dorchefter, Mafs., the government of New Hampfhire. commanded the Maflachufetts troops fent He was the father of Wm. Stoughton, againft the Pequots. Was Captain of the the celebrated ftatefman, who was Lieu Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- tenant-Governor and Chief Juftice of pany, and a commiffioner to adminifter Mafs. — Drake, Biog. Diftionary. 340 Letters of Roger Williams. quod wars and lands, and pofTibly not far from the merit of a foot of land in either country, which I have not. 5. Considering (upon frequent exceptions againft Provi- dence men) that we had no authority for civil government, I went purpofely to England, and upon my report and pe- tition, the Parliament granted us a charter of government for thele parts, fo judged vacant on all hands. And upon this, the country about us was more friendly, and wrote to us, and treated us as an authorized colony ; only the differ- ence of our confciences much obftrudted. The bounds of this, our firft charter, I (having ocular knowledge of perfons, places and tranfa&ions) did honeftly and confcien- tiouily, as in the holy prefence of God, draw up from Pawcatuck river, which I then believed, and ftill do, is free from all Englim claims and conquefts ; for although there were fome Pequods on this fide the river, who, by reafon of fome Sachems' marriages with fome on this fide, lived in a kind of neutrality with both iides, yet, upon the breaking out of the war, they relinquimed their land to the polfeffion of their enemies, the Narraganfetts and Ni- antics, and their land never came into the condition of the lands on the other iide, which the Englim, by conqueft, challenged ; fo that I muft ftill affirm, as in God's holy prefence, I tenderly waved to touch a foot of land in which I knew the Pequod wars were maintained and were properly Pequod, being a gallant country ; and from Paw- catuck river hitherward, being but a patch of ground, full of troublefome inhabitants, I did, as I judged, inorfenfive- ly, draw our poor and inconfiderable line. It is true, when at Portfmouth, on Rhode Ifland, fome of ours, in a General Atiemblv, motioned their planting on this fide Pawcatuck. I, hearing that fome of the Maifa- Letters of Rog?*- Williams. 341 chufetts reckoned this land theirs, by conqueft, ditTuaded from the motion, until the matter mould be amicably de- bated and compofed ; for though I queftioned not our right, &c, yet I feared it would be inexpedient and offen- five, and procreative of thefe heats and fires, to the dif- honoring of the King's Majefty, and the dishonoring and blafpheming of God and of religion in the eyes of the Englim and barbarians about us. 6. Some time after the Pequod war and our charter from the Parliament, the goverment of MaiTachufetts wrote to myfelf (then chief officer in this colony) of their receiving of a patent from the Parliament for thefe vacant lands, as an addition to the MafTachufetts, &c, and there- upon requeuing me to exercife no more authority, &c, for they wrote, their charter was granted fome few weeks before ours. I returned, what I believed righteous and weighty, to the hands of my true friend, Mr. Winthrop, the firft mover of my coming into thefe parts, and to that anfvver of mine I never received the leaft reply; only it is certain, that, at Mr. Gorton's complaint againft the MaiTachufetts, the Lord High Admiral, Prefident, faid, openly, in a full meeting of the commiffioners, that he knew no other charter for thefe parts than what Mr. Wil- liams had obtained, and he was fure that charter, which the MaiTachufetts Englishmen pretended, had never paiTed the table. 7. Upon our humble addrefs, by our agent, Mr. Clarke, to his Majeffy, and his gracious promife of renewing our former charter, Mr. Winthrop, upon fome miftake, had entrenched upon our line, and not only fo, but, as it is faid, upon the lines of other charters alfo. Upon Mr. Clarke's complaint, your grant was called in again, and it had never 342 Letters of Roger Williams. been returned, but upon a report that the agents, Mr. Win- throp and Mr. Clarke, were agreed, by mediation of friends, (and it is true, they came to a folemn agreement, under hands and feals,) which agreement was never vio- lated on our part. 8. But the King's Majefty fending his commitlioners among other of his royal purpofes) to reconcile the dif- ferences of, and to fettle the bounds between the colonies, yourfelves know how the King himfelf therefore hath given a decilion to this controverfy. Accordingly, the King's Majefty's aforefaid commirlioners at Rhode liland, (where, as a commiffioner for this colony, I trantadted with them, as did alfo commirlioners from Plymouth,) they compofed a controverfy between Plymouth and us, and fettled the bounds between us, in which we reft. 9. However you fatisfy yourfelves with the Pequod conqueft, with the fealing of your charter fome weeks be- fore ours; with the complaints of particular men to your colony ; yet upon a due and ferious examination of the matter, in the fight of God, you will find the bulinefs at bottom to be, Firft, a depraved appetite after the great vanities, dreams and madows of this vanifhing life, great portions of land, land in this wildernefs, as if men were in as great necemty and danger for want of great portions of land, as poor, hungry, thirfty feamen have, after a rick and ftormy, a long and ftarving paffage. This is one of the gods of New England, which the living and molt high Eternal will deftroy and famifh. 2. An unneighborly and unchriftian intrufion upon us, as being the weaker, contrary to your laws, as well as ours, concerning purchasing of lands without the confent of the "Letters of Roger Williams. 343 General Court. This I told Major Atherton, at his firft going up to the Narraganfett about this bufinefs. I refufed all their proffers of land, and refufed to interpret for them to the Sachems. 3. From thefe violations and intrufions arife the com- plaint of many privateers, not dealing as they would be dealt with, according to law of nature, the law of the prophets and Chrift Jefus, complaining againfl: others, in a delign, which they themfelves are delinquents and wrong doers. I could aggravate this many ways with Scripture rhetoric and iimilitude, but I fee need of anodynes, (as phyficians fpeak,) and not of irritations. Only this I miift crave leave to fay, that it looks like a prodigy or monfter, that countrymen among lavages in a wildernefs ; that pro- feflbrs of God and one Mediator, of an eternal life, and that this is like a dream, Ihould not be content with thofe vafl and large tracts which all the other colonies have, (like platters and tables full of dainties,) but pull and fnatch away their poor neighbors' bit or cruft. ; and a cruft it is, and a dry, hard one, too, becaufe of the natives' con- tinual troubles, trials and vexations. 10. Alas! Sir, in calm midnight thoughts, what are thefe leaves and flowers, and fmoke and fhadows, and dreams of earthly nothings, about which we poor fools and children, as David faith, difquiet ourfelves in vain ? Alas? what is all the fcuffling of this world for, but, come, will you fmoke it? What are all the contentions and wars of this world about, generally, but for greater dimes and bowls of porridge, of which, if we believe God's Spirit in Scripture, Efau and Jacob were types ? Efau will part with the heavenly birthright for his flapping, after his hunting, for god belly; and Jacob will part with por- 344 Letters of Roger Williams. ridge for an eternal inheritance. O Lord, give me to make Jacob's and Mary's choice, which (hall never be taken from me. 11. How much fweeter is the counfel of the Son of God, to mind firft the matters of his kingdom ; to take no care for to-morrow ; to pluck out, cut off and iling away right eyes, hands and feet, rather than to be call: whole into hell-fire ; to confider the ravens and the lilies, whom a heavenly Father fo clothes and feeds; and the counfel of his fervant Paul, to roll our cares, for this life alfo, upon the moll: high Lord, fteward of his people, the eternal God; to be content with food and raiment; to mind not our own, but every man the things of another; yea, and to fuffer wrong, and part with what we judge is right, yea, our lives, and (as poor women martyrs have faid) as many as there be hairs upon our heads, for the name ot God and the fon of God his fake. This is humanity, yea, this is Chriftianity. The reft is but formality and picture, courteous idolatry and Jewifh and Popifh blafphemy againft the Chriftian religion, the Father of fpirits and his Son, the Lord Jefus. Beiides, Sir, the matter with us is not about thefe children's toys of land, meadows, cattle, government, &c. But here, all over this colony, a great num- ber of weak and diftrelfed fouls, fcattered, are Hying hither from Old and New England, the Moil: High and Only Wife hath, in his infinite wiidom, provided this country and this corner as a (helter for the poor and perfecuted, accord- ing to their feveral perfuaiions. And thus that heavenly man, Mr. Llaynes, Governor of Connecticut, though he pronounced the fentence of my long banifhment againft me, at Cambridge, then Newtown, yet faid unto me, in his own houfe at Hartford, being then in fome difference Letters of Roger Williams. 345 with the Bay: "I think, Mr. Williams, I muft now con- fefs to you, that the moft wife God hath provided and cut out this part of his world for a refuge and receptacle for all forts of confciences. I am now under a cloud, and my brother Hooker, with the Bay, as you have been, we have removed from them thus far, and yet they are not fatisfied." 1 Thus, Sir, the King's Majefty, though his father's and his own confcience favored Lord BiiTiops, which their father and grandfather King James, whom I have fpoke with, fore againft his will, alfo did, yet all the world may fee, by his Majefty 's declarations and engagements before his return, and his declarations and Parliament fpeeches fince, and many fuitable actings, how the Father of fpirits hath mightily imprelTed and touched his royal fpirit, though the Bifhop's much difturbed him, with deep incli- nation of favor and gentlenefs to different confciences and apprehenfions as to the invilible King and way of his wor- fhip. Hence he hath vouchfafed his royal promife under his hand and broad feal, that no perfon in this colony (hall be molefted or queftioned for the matters of his confcience to God, fo he be loyal and keep the civil peace. 2 Sir, we muft part with lands and lives before we part with fuch a jewel. I judge you may yield fome land and the govern- 1 The Rev. Thomas Hooker, of Hart- ford, refpe&ing whom fee note on p. 84. 2 The paifage alluded to in the char- ter reads as follows : " That no perfon within the faid colony, fhall be anywife molefted, punifhed or difquieted, or called in queftion, for any differences in opinion in matters of religion, who do not a&ually difturb the civil peace of our 44 faid colony ; but that all and every per- fon and perfons may, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, freely and fully have and enjoy his own and their judgments and confciences, in matters of religious concernments, they behaving themielves peaceably and quietly," etc., etc. 346 Letters of Roger Williams. ment of it to us, and we for peace fake, the like to you, as being but fubjects to one king, &c, and I think the King's Majefty would thank us, for many reafons. But to part with this jewel, we may as foon do it as the Jews with the favor of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes. Yourfelves pre- tend liberty of confcience, but alas ! it is but felf, the great god felf, only to yourfelves. The King's Majefty winks at Barbadoes, where Jews and all forts of Chriftian and Antichriftian perfuafions are free, but our grant, fome few weeks after yours fealed, though granted as foon, if not before yours, is crowned with the King's extraordi- nary favor to this colony, as being abanimed one, in which his Majefty declared himfelf that he would experiment, whether civil government could confift with fuch liberty of confcience. This his Majefty 's grant was ftartled at by his Majefty's high officers of State, who were to view it in courfe before the fealing, but tearing the lion's roaring, they couched, againft their wills, in obedience to his Ma- jefty's pleafure. Some of yours, as I heard lately, told tales to the Arch- bifhop of Canterbury, viz. : that we are a profane people, and do not keep the Sabbath, but fome do plough, &c. But, firft, you told him not how we fuffer freely all other perfuafions, yea, the common prayer, which yourfelves will not fuffer. If you fay you will, you confefs you muft fuf- fer more, as we do. 2. You know this is but a color to your defign, for, firft, you know that all England itfelf (after the formality and fuperftition of morning and evening prayer) play away their Sabbath. 2d. You know yourfelves do not keep the Sabbath, that is the feventh day, &c. 3. You know that famous Calvin and thoufands more Letters of Roger Williams. 347 held it but ceremonial and figurative from Coloffians 2, 1 &c, and vanished ; and that the day of worfhip was alter- able at the churches' pleafure. Thus alfo all the Roman- ics confefs, faying, viz. : that there is no exprefs fcripture, firft, for infants' baptifm ; nor, fecond, for abolishing the feventh day, and inftituting of the eighth day worfhip, but that it is at the churches' pleafure. 4. You know, that generally, all this whole colony ob- ferve the fir ft day, only here and there one out of con- fcience, another out of covetoufnefs, make no confcience of it. 5. You know the greatest part of the world make no confcience of a feventh day. The next part of the world, Turks, Jews and Chriftians, keep three different days, Fri- day, Saturday, Sunday for their Sabbath and day of wor- fhip, and every one maintains his own by the longeft fword. 6. I have offered, and do, by thefe prefents, to difcufs by difputation, writing or printing, among other points of differences, thefe three pofitions; firft, that forced worfhip ftinks in God's noftrils. 2d. That it denies Chrift Jefus yet to be come, and makes the church yet national, figu- rative and ceremonial. 3d. That in thefe flames about religion, as his Majefty, his father and grandfather have yielded, there is no other prudent, Chriftian way of pre- ferving peace in the world, but by permiffion of differ- ing confciences. Accordingly, I do now offer to difpute thefe points and other points of difference, if you pleafe, at Hartford, Bofton and Plymouth. For the manner of the difpute and the difcuflion, if you think fit, one whole day each month in fummer, at each place, by courfe, I am 1 " Let no man judge you in meat, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath in drink, or in refpect of an holyday, or days" — Coloffians, ii. 16. 348 Letters of Roger Williams. ready, if the Lord permit, and, as I humbly hope, affift me. It is faid, that you intend not to invade our fpiritual or civil liberties, but only (under the advantage of firft feal- ing your charter) to right the privateers that petition to you. It is faid, alfo, that if you had but Mifhquomacuck and Narraganfett lands quietly yielded, you would flop at Cowefet, &C 1 Oh, Sir, what do thefe thoughts preach, but that private cabins rule all, whatever become of the (hip of common fafety and religion, which is fo much pre- tended in New England ? Sir, I have heard further, and by fome that fay they know, that fomething deeper than all which hath been mentioned lies in the three colonies' breafts and confultations. I judge it not lit to commit fuch matter to the truff. of paper, &c, but only befeech the Father of fpirits to guide our poor bewildered fpirits, for his name and mercy fake. 15. Whereas our cafe feems to be the cafe of Paul ap- pealing to Casfar againft the plots of his religious, zeal- ous adverfaries, I hear you pafs not of our petitions and appeals to his Majefty, for partly you think the King will not own a profane people that do not keep the Sab- bath ; partly you think that the King is an incompetent judge, but you will force him to law alfo, to confirm your firft. born Efau, though Jacob had him by the heels, and in God's holy time muft carry the birth- right and inheritance. I judge your furmife is a dangerous miftake, for patents, grants and charters, and fuch like royal favors, are not laws of England, and adts of Parlia- ment, nor matters of propriety and meum and tuum between 1 With Connecticut's claim to Cowe- Ifland, to maintain a feparate exillence. fet, i. e. to Eail Greenwich Bay, and Maflachufetts alfo claimed a ftrip ot Maflachufetts and Plymouth clamoring territory eaft of Pavvcatuck river, five or for territory on the north, it was no eafy fix miles wide as her fhare in the divifion matter for the little colony of Rhode of the Pequot territory. Letters of Roger Williams. 349 the King and his fubjeds, which, as the times have been, have been fometimes triable in inferior Courts ; but fuch kind of grants have been like high offices in England, of high honor, and ten, yea twenty thoufand pounds gain per annum, yet revocable or curtable upon pleafure, according to the King's better information, or upon his Majefty's fight, or mifbehavior, ingratefulnefs, or defigns fraudu- lently plotted, private and diftincT: from him 16. Sir, I lament that fuch defigns fhould be carried on at fuch a time, while we are ftripped and whipped, and are ftill under (the whole country) the dreadful rods of God, in our wheat, hay, corn, cattle, (hipping, trading, bodies and lives; when on the other fide of the water, all forts of confciences (yours and ours) are frying in the Biftiops' pan and furnace ; when the French and Romifh Jefuits, the firebrands of the world for their god belly fake, are kindling at our back, in this country, efpecially with the Mohawks and Mohegans, againft us, of which I know and have daily information. 1 17. If any pleafe to fay, is there no medicine for this malady ? Mull: the nakednefs of New England, like fome notorious ftrumpet, be proftituted to the blafpheming eyes of all nations ? Muft we be put to plead before his Ma- jefty, and confequently the Lord Bifliops, our common enemies, &c. I anfwer, the Father of mercies and God of all confolations hath gracioufly difcovered to me, as I believe, a remedy, which, if taken, will quiet all minds, yours and ours, will keep yours and ours in quiet pofleflion and en- joyment of their lands, which you all have fo dearly 1 This allufion is doubtlefs to the la- dian tribes in the northern parts of New bors of the Jefuit miffionaries in Canada England, and in what is now the State of and among the Mohawks and other In- New York. 3 50 Letters of Roger Williams. bought and purchafed in this barbarous country, and fo long poffefied amongft thefe wild favages; will preferve you both in the liberties and honors of your charters and governments, without the leaft impeachment of yielding one to another ; with a ftrong curb alfo to thofe wild bar- barians and all the barbarians of this country, without troubling of compromifers and arbitrators between you ; without any delay, or long and chargeable and grievous addrefs to our King's Majefty, whofe gentle and ferene foul muft needs be afflicted to be troubled again with us. If you pleafe to afk me what my prefcription is, I will not put you off to Chriftian moderation or Chriftian humility, or Chriftian prudence, or Chriftian love, or Chriftian felf- denial, or Chriftian contention or patience. For I deiign a civil, a humane and political medicine, which, if the God of Heaven pleafe to blefs, you will find it effectual to all the ends I have propofed. Only I muft crave your pardon, both parties of you, if I judge it not fit to difcover it at prefent. I know you are both of you hot ; I fear myfelf, alfo. If both defire, in a loving and calm fpirit, to enjoy your rights, I promife you, with God's help, to help you to them, in a fair, and fweet and eafy way. My re- ceipt will not pleafe you all. If it fhould fo pleafe God to frown upon us that you fhould not like it, I can but humbly mourn, and fay with the prophet, that which muft perifh muft perifh. And as to myfelf, in endeavoring after your temporal and fpiritual peace, I humbly delire to fay, if I perifh, I perifh. It is but a fliadow vanifbed, a bub- ble broke, a dream finished. Eternity will pay for all. Sir, I am your old and true friend and fervant, Roger Williams. Letters of Roger Williams. 351 To my honored and ancient friend, Mr. Thomas Prince, 1 Governor of Plymouth Colony, thefe prefent. And by his honored hand this copy, fent to Connecticut, whom it moft concerneth, I humbly prefent to the Gen- eral Court of Plymouth, when next arTembled. Roger Williams to 'John Cotton, of Fly month. Providence, 25 March, 1671. (fo called.)? Sir, — Loving refpects premifed. About three weeks iince, I received yours, dated in December, and wonder not that prejudice, intereft, and pafTion have lift up your feet thus to trample on me as on fome Mahometan, Jew, or Papifl: ; fome common thief or fwearer, drunkard or adulterer; imputing to me the odious crimes of blafphe- mies, reproaches, ilanders, idolatries; to be in the Devil's kingdom ; a gracelefs man, Sec. ; and all this without any Scripture, reafon, or argument, which might enlighten my conscience as to any error or offence to God or your dear father. I have now much above fifty years humbly and earneftly begged of God to make me as vile as a dead dog in my own eye, fo that I might not fear what men mould falfely fay or cruelly do againft me; and I have had long 1 Thomas Prince came to America in Rev. John Cotton with whom Roger 1 62 1 ; was eletted Governor of Ply- Williams had had a controverfy. He mouth in 1644; was again eledled in was minifter at Plymouth, and was con- different years until 1657, and was then netted with the printing of Eliot's In- chofen without intermiffion until 1672. dian Bible, at Cambridge, in 1685, He died in 1673, aged 73 y ears - — Blake, which he revifed and corrected. Biog. Dicl. 3 Mafs. Hijh Soc. Proceedings, 1858, 2 This John Cotton was the fon of the p. 313. 352 Letters of Roger Williams. experience of his merciful anfwer to me in men's falie charges and cruelties againft me to this hour. My great offence (you fo often repeat) is my wrong to your dear father, — your glorified father, &c. But the truth is, the love and honor which I have always mowed (in fpeech and writing) to that excellently learned and ho- ly man, your father, have been fo great, that I have been cenfured by divers for it. God knows, that, for God's fake, I tenderly loved and honored his perfon (as I did the perfons of the magistrates, ministers, and members whom I knew in Old England, and knew their holy affections, and upright aims, and great felf-denial, to enjoy more of God in this wildernefs) ; and I have therefore defired to waive all perfonal failings, and rather mention their beau- ties, to prevent the infultings of the Papifts or profane Proteftants, who ufed to feoff at the weakneffes — yea, and at the divifions — of thofe they ufe to brand for Puritans. The holy eye of God hath feen this the caufe why I have not faid nor writ what abundantly I could have done, but have rather chofe to bear all cenfures, loffes, and hard- fhips, &c. This made that honored father of the Bay, Mr. Win- throp, to give me the teftimony, not only of exemplary diligence in the miniftry (when I was fatisfied in it), but of patience alfo, in thefe words in a letter to me: ** Sir, we have often tried your patience, but could never conquer it." My humble defire is flill to bear, not only what you fay, but, when power is added to your will, an hanging or burning from you, as you plainly intimate you would long fince have ferved my book, had it been your own, as not being tit to be in the porTeffion of any Chriftian, as you write. Letters of Roger Williams. 353 Alas! Sir, what hath this book merited, above all the many thoufands full of old Romifti idols' names, &c, and new Popifh idolatries, which are in Chriftians' libraries, and ufe to be alleged in teftimony, argument, and con- futation ? What is there in this book but prelTeth holinefs of heart, holinefs of life, holinefs of worfhip, and pity to poor iinners, and patience toward them while they break not the civil peace ? ' Tis true, my firft book, the " Bloody Tenent," was burnt by the Prefbyterian party (then pre- vailing) ; but this book whereof we now fpeak (being my Reply to your father's Anfwer) 1 was received with ap- plaufe and thanks by the army, by the Parliament, profefs- ing that, of neceffity, — yea, of Chriftian equity, — there could be no reconciliation, pacification, or living together, but by permitting of diifentingconfciences to live amongft them ; infomuch that that excellent fervant of God, Mr. John Owen 2 (called Dr. Owen), told me before the Gene- ral ^who fent for me about that very buiinefs), that before I landed, himfelf and many others had anfwered Mr. Cot- ton's book already. The firft book, and the point of per- mitting Diffenters, his Majefty's royal father aifented to; and how often hath the fon, our fovereign, declared him- felf indulgent toward Diifenters, notwithstanding the cla- mors and plottings of his felf-feeking bilhops ! And, Sir, 1 " The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody ,■" 8vo. " His devotional and practical, and by Mr. Cotton's endeavour towajbtt white expository works are an invaluable trea- in the Blood of the Lambe : London, fure of divinity. . . . They are eminent- 1652. Reprinted by Narraganfett Club, ly fpiritual, devotional, edifying. He is vol. iv. full of Biblical learning, found expofi- 2 Dr. Owen was the author of more tion of do&rine, acutenefs and informa- than eighty publications, all theological, tion." Bickerstith, Chr. Student, 1844, A collected edition of thefe was pub- p. 268. lifhed in 1850-55 in twenty-four vols. 45 354 Letters of Roger Williams. (as before and formerly), I add, if yourfelf, or any in pub- lic or private, (how me any failing againft God or your father in that book, you mall find me diligent and faithful in weighing and in confeffing or replying in love and meeknefs. Oh ! you fay, wrong to a father made a dumb child fpeak, &c. Sir, I pray forget not that your father was not God, but man, — iinful, and failing in many things, as we all do, faith the Holy Scripture. I prefume you know the fcheme of Mr. Cotton's Contradictions (about Church-dif- cipline), prefented to the world by Mr. Daniel Caw- drey, 1 a man of name and note. Alfo, Sir, take heed you prefer not the earthen pot (though your excellent father) before his moft high eternal Maker and Potter. Bleifed that you were born and proceeded from him, if you honor him more for his humility and holinefs than for outward refpecl, which fome (and none mall juftly more than my- felf) put upon him. Sir, you call my three propofals, &c, abominable, falfe, and wicked; but, as before, thoufands (high and holy, too, fome of them) will wonder at you. Captain Gookins, 2 from Cambridge, writes me word that he will not be my antagonift in them, being candidly underftood. Your honored Governor tells me there is no foundation for any difpute with Plymouth about thofe propofals ; for you 1 Daniel Cawdry, a non-Conformift divine, ejected from his living in North- amptonshire. He was the author of feve- ral theological treatifes. — Allibone, Dic- tionary. 2 Daniel Gookins came to MaiTachu- fetts in 1 62 1, of which colony he be- came Major-General. He was Super- intendent of the MafTachufetts Indians, and flood forth as their friend and pro- tector in all the wars and difficulties be- tween them and the whites. He was the author of the Hijlorical Colletlions of the Indians of New England. He died in 1687, aged 75. Letters of Roger Williams. 355 force no men's confcience. But, Sir, you have your liberty to prove them abominable, falfe, and wicked, and to dif- prove that which I have prefented in the book concerning the New England churches to be but parochial and na- tional, though lifted with a liner lieve, and painted with liner colors. You are pleafed to count me excommunicate ; and therein you deal more cruelly with me than with all the profane, and Protectants and Papifts too, with whom you hold communion in the parilhes, to which (as you know) all are forced by the bifhops. And yet you count me a Have to the Devil, becaufe, in confcience to God, and love to God and you, I have told you of it. But, Sir, the truth is (I will not fay I excommunicate you, but), I firft with- drew communion from yourfelves for halting between Chrift and Antichrift, — the parifli churches and Chriftian congregations. Long after, when you had confultations of killing me, but fome rather advifed a dry pit of banifh- ment, Mr. Peters advifed an excommunication to be fent me (after the manner of Popith bulls, &c); but this fame man, in London, embraced me, and told me he was for liberty of confcience, and preached it; and complained to me of Salem for excommunicating his diffracted wife, and for wronging him in his goods which he left behind him. Sir, you tell me my time is loft, &c, becaufe (as I con- ceive you) not in the function of miniftry. I confefs the offices of Chrift Jefus are the beft callings; but generally they are the worft trades in the world, as they are practifed only for a maintenance, a place, a living, a benefice, &c. God hath many employments for hisfervants. Moles for- ty years, and the Lord Jefus thirty years, were not idle, though little known what they did as to any miniftry ; and 35 6 Letters of Roger Williams. the two prophets prophefy in fackcloth, and are Chrift Jefus his minifters, though not owned by the public ordi- nations. God knows, I have much and long and confcien- tiouily and mournfully weighed and digged into the dif- ferences of the Proteftants themfelves about the miniftry. He knows what gains and preferments I have refufed in universities, city, country, and court, in Old England, and fomething in New England, &c, to keep my foul unde- nted in this point, and not to act with a doubting con- fcience, &c. God was pleafed to (how me much of this in Old England ; and in New, being unanimouily chofen teacher at Bofton (before your dear father came, divers years), I confcientioufly refufed, and withdrew to Ply- mouth, becaufe I durft not officiate to an unfeparated peo- ple, as, upon examination and conference, I found them to be. At Plymouth, I fpake on the Lord's days and week days, and wrought hard at the hoe for my bread (and fo afterward at Salem), until I found them both profeffing to be a feparated people in New England (not admitting the mo ft godly to communion without a covenant), and yet communicating with the parimes in Old by their members repairing on frequent occalions thither. 1 Sir, I heartily thank you for your conclulion, — wifhing my converfion and falvation ; without which, furely vain are our privileges of being Abraham's fons, enjoying the •Dr. Palfrey in fpeaking of this let- ter fays, " It is hard to fuppofe that, when Williams made this ftatement, (for- ty years after this tranfadlion, and when he was fixty-five years old,) his memory was milled by his imagination. But on the oppofie fuppofuion, it is very extra- ordinary that the fadt is not mentioned in any record of the time. The records .of the Bollon church cannot be appealed to in the cafe. The only entry they contain previous to October, 1632, is that of the covenant of church-mem- bers." — Hijl. of New England, vol. i. p. 406, note. Letters of Roger Williams. 357 covenant, holy education, holy worfhip, holy church or temple; of being adorned with deep understanding, mi- raculous faith, angelical parts and utterance; the titles of pallors or apoftles; yea, of being facrifices in the fire to God. Sir, I am unworthy (though defirous to be), Your friend and fervant, Roger Williams. Providence, y e 15th of the 5, [15 July,] 1672. 1 To George Fox or any other of my Countrymen at Newport, who fay they are the Apojlles and MeJJengers of Chrijl J ejus:— In humble confidence of the help of the Moil High, I offer to maintain in public, againft all comers, thefe four- teen Propofitions following, to wit : the firfl feven at New- port, and the other feven at Providence. For the time when, I refer it to G. Fox and his friends at Newport. Only I defire 1. To have three days notice, before the day you fix on. 1 Hift. Mag. New York, 1858, p. 56 ; George Fox digged out of his Burrowes, 1676, p. 2. The date of this letter is not given, where it appears in Williams's book, but is found in the original manufcript preferved among the archives of Con- necticut, from which it was printed in the Hijhrical Magazine. As the fubjeft matter of this letter and the difcuffion that grew out of it forms the principal fubjecl: of the celebrated book of Williams' called ''George Fox Digg'd out of bis Burrowes, 1 '' which was reprinted by the Narraganl'ett Club, (vol. v.) accompanied by an Introduc- tion and Notes by Profeffor Diman, it feems hardly neceffary to enlarge upon 353 Letters of Roger Williams. 2. That without interruption (or many fpeaking at once) the Conference may continue from nine in the morning till about four in the afternoon ; and 3. That if either of the feven Propositions be not fin- ished in one day, the Conference may continue and go on fome few hours the next day. it here. We can add nothing to that which the Profeflor has fo well faid in his introduction. It appears that the letter, which was enclofed to Deputy Governor Cranilon, was not delivered to him until the 26th of July, feveral hours after George Fox had left. Williams charges Fox with having purpofely avoided him, which Fox denies in the moft emphatic lan- guage. Prof. Diman thinks there is no ground for the charge made by Williams that Fox " flily departed." " No cha- ratteriilic of Fox " he adds " was more marked than felf-confidence. At no time did he ever fhrink from meeting an ad- verfary ; he was now in the prime of life, and in the full flufh of his career as prophet of a new feft. No reafon can be conceived why he fhould be unwilling to meafure his llrength with Roger Wil- liams, a man palled three fcore and ten, and wielding at this time but little influ- ence." — Introduction, p. xvi. The departure of Fox did not inter- fere with the propofed difcuflion. Stubbs, Burnyeat and other Quakers went to Providence, where they faw Williams and made an agreement to meet him at Newport, on the 9th of Auguft, " and God," he fays, " gracioufly afhited me in rowing all day with my old bones, fo that I got to Newport toward the mid- night before the morning appointed." When Williams made his appear- ance at the hour appointed, he found his three opponents fitting together on an high bench. The diftinclive charadter- iftics of thefe whom he terms " able and noted preachers" are fketched in a few words. He had heard that John Stubbs " was learned in Hebrew and Greek," and he found him fo. Burnyeat he found " to be a moderate f'pirit, and very able fpeaker." But Edmundlbn feems to have aroufed his fpecial diflike. While Stubbs and Burnyeat were "■civil and ingenious," Edmundfon " was nothing but a bundle of Ignorance and Boifieroufnefs," etc. — Prof. Diman, Introduction, p. xxx. The debate which confumed three days on the fir il feven propofitions drew together a great number of hearers, who eagerly watched the fortunes of the ftrife. The parties then adjourned to Providence, where the remaining propofitions were difcufled ; ending in much the fame way as thofe at Newport, each fide apparently well fatisfied with the refult. Many ac- counts of the remarkable debate have been printed by contemporary writers; but thofe interefied in it who will not undertake to wade through the live hun- dred pages of Williams's book "George Fox Digged out of bis Burrozves" will find a clear and condenfed account of it in Prof. Diman's Introduction to that work in the fifth volume of the publications of the Narraganl'ett Club. Letters of Roger Williams. 359 4. That either of us difputing, fliall have free uninter- rupted liberty to fpeak (in Anfwers and Replies) as much and as long as we pleafe, and thus give the oppolite the fame liberty. That the whole may be managed with that ingenuity and humanity, as fuch an exercife, by fuch perfons in fuch conditions, at fuch a time, ought to be managed and per- formed, the Propositions are thefe that follow : Firft. That the people called Quakers, are not true Qua- kers according to the Holy Scriptures. 2. That the Chrift they profefs is not the true Lord Jefus Chrift. 3. That the Spirit by which they are acted, is not the Spirit of God. 4. That they do not own the Holy Scriptures. 5. Their principles and profeffions, are full of contra- dictions and hypocrifies 6. That their religion is not only an herefy in the mat- ters of worfhip, but alfo in the doctrines of Repentance, Faith, &c. 7. Their Religion is but a confufed mixture of Popery, Armineanifme, Socineanifme, Judaifme, &c. 8. The people called Quakers (in effect) hold no God, no Chrift, no Spirit, no Angel, no Devil, no Refurrection, no Judgment, no Heaven, no Hell, but what is in man. 9. All that their Religion requires (external and inter- nal) to make converts and profelites, amounts to no more than what a reprobate may eafily attain unto, and perform. 10. That the Popes of Rome do not fwell with, and exercife a greater pride, then the Quakers Spirit have exprelfed, and doth afpire unto, although many truly hum- ble fouls may be captivated amongft them, as may be in other Religions. 360 Letters of Roger Williams. 11. The Quakers' Religion is more obftru&ive and de- ftructive to the converfion and falvation of the fouls of people, then moft of the Religions this day extant in the world. 12. The fufferings of the Quakers are no true evidence of the Truth of their Religion. 13. That their many books and writings are extremely poor, lame, naked, and fwelled up only with high titles and words of boafling and vapor. 14. That the fpirit of their Religion tends mainly, 1. To reduce perfons from civility to barbarilm. 2. To an arbitrary goverment, and the dictates and de- crees of that fudden Spirit that acts them. 3. To a fudden cutting off of people, yea of Kings and Princes oppoling them. 4. To as fiery perfecutions for matters of Religion and Confcience, as hath been or can be pra6tifed by any Hun- ters or Perfecutors in the world. Under thefe forementioned heads (if the Spirit of the Quakers dare civilly to argue) will be opened many of the Popifh, Proteftant, Jewiih and Quakers Politions, which cannot here be mentioned, in the Difpute (if God pleafe) they muff be alledged, and the examination left to every perfon's confcience, as they will anfwer to God, (at their own perils) in the great day approaching. Roger Williams. Letters of Roger Williams. 361 Roger Williams to Samuel Hubbard. 1 My Dear Friend, Samuel Hubbard, — To yourfelf and aged companion, my loving refpects in the Lord Jefus, who ought to be our hope of glory, begun in this life, and enjoyed to all eternity. I have herein returned your little, yet great remembrance of the hand of the Lord to your- felf and your fon, late departed. I praife the Lord for your humble kirling of his holy rod, and acknowledging his juft and righteous, together with his gracious and mer- ciful difpenfation to you. I rejoice, alfo, to read your hea- venly defires and endeavors, that your trials may be gain to your own fouls and the fouls of the youth of the place, and all of us. You are not unwilling, I judge, that I deal plainly and friendly with you. After all that I have feen and read and compared about the feventh day, (and I have earneftly and carefully read and weighed all I could come at in God's holy prefence) I cannot be removed from Calvin's mind, and indeed Paul's mind, Col. ii. that all thofe fabbaths of feven days were figures, types and fhadows, and forerunners of the Son of God, and that the change is made from the remembrance of the firft crea- tion, and that (figurative) reft on the feventh day, to the remembrance of the fecond creation on the firft, on which 'Backus, Hi/}, of the Baptifts, vol. i. to the Baptifl communion at Newport, p. 51°- in 1648, where he lived to a great age. Samuel Hubbard came to Salem in His only fon, Samuel, died late in 1671. 1633 ; removed to Springfield, and was Savage, Gen. Dicl. vol. ii. p. 485. As one of the five founders of the Baptift it is to the death of this fon that Mr. Church there. His name appears in Williams refers, we may place the date the roll of freemen of Newport, in of this letter fometime in 1672, after the 1655. In 1664 he was chofen " Solici- difpute with the Quakers at Newport, tor." Backus lays he was received in- in Auguft of that year. 46 362 Letters of Roger Williams. our Lord arofe conqueror from the dead. Accordingly, I have read many, but fee no fatisfying anfwer to thofe three Scriptures, chiefly Acts 20, 1 Cor. 16, Rev. i,in con- fidence to which I make fome poor confcience to God as to the reft day. As for thoughts for England, I humbly hope the Lord hath mowed me to write a large narrative of all thofe four days' agitation between the Quakers 1 and myfelf; if it pleafe God I cannot get it printed in New England, I have great thoughts and purpofes for Old. My age, lamenefs, and many other weaknelfes, and the dreadful hand of God at fea, calls for deep confideration. What God may pleafe to bring forth in the ipring, his holy wifdom knows. If he pleafe to bring to an abfolute purpofe, I will fend you word, and my dear friend, Oba- diah Holmes, who lent me a meflage to the fame purpofe. At prefent, I pray falute refpeclively, Mr. John Clarke and his brothers, Mr. Torrey, 2 Mr. Edes, Edward Smith,* Wil- liam Hifcox,* Stephen Mumford, and other friends, whofe prefervation, of the iiland, and this country, I humbly beg of the Father of Mercies, in whom I am yours unworthy, Roger Williams. 1 The difcuffion with the Quakers at Newport : fee the two previous letters. z Jofeph Torrey, admitted a freeman of Newport, in 1653, was for many years a prominent man in the colony. He filled the offices of Deputy and Ai- fiftant in the General Ailembly, General Recorder, Solicitor General, etc. ^Edward Smith, admitted a freeman of Newport, in 1653, from which town he was leveral times chofen an Affiilant and Deputy. ^William Hifcox, admitted a freeman of New/port, in 1 67 1 : one of the Coun- cil of Advice in the Indian war, 1676. — R. I. CoL Records, vol. ii. p. 557. Letters of Roger Williams. 363 To my honored kind friend, Mr. fohn Winthrop, Governor of his Majejly s Colony of Connecticut, prefent. From Mr. Richard Smiths, June 13, 1675. 1 Sir, — Mr. Smith 2 being at Newport, I am occasioned to prefent my old and conftant love and refpecls, as alfo Mrs. Smith's great thanks and fervice to you. Sir, Mr. Smith delivered me two letters, the one from Mr. Fitch, the other from Mr. John Mafon, praying me (according to the contents of the letters) to enquire of Mawfup, (now called Canonicus), 3 whether Uncas had ftirred him up againft the Wunnafhowatuckowogs, to kill them, &c. Sir, a fortnight fince I went to Canonicus his houfe, but he was gone twelve miles off: I fought him again yefterday, and found him rive miles from his houfe : I ihewed him the letters : I ufed alfo your honored name, and the names of your honored Affirmants, both concerning the killing of the Englith cattle in thefe parts ; as alfo concerning their carriage towards the Wunnafhowattuckoogs who are re- fpecled by yourfelves. Sir, Canonicus and other Sachems and his Council pro- fefs they will be careful of the Englifh and their cattle among them : alfo that they will (how refpecl to thofe Showatuks for your fake, and in particular (which an- fwers Mr. Fitch and Mr. Mafon's letters) Canonicus utter- ly denies that Uncas ever folieited him to kill or molefl thofe Showatuks. Withall he added two reafons. Firft, that it is not credible that fince Uncas killed his brother Miantunnomu, he (Canonicus) mould be folieited by Un- 1 4 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. vi. p. 297. where he eftablifhed himfelf in 1639 : 1 Smith's residence was at Wickford, fee note to letter on page 177. ^Better known by the name of Pcjffacus. 364 Letters of Roger Williams. cas in fuch a buiinefs, or that he mould gratify Uncas de- fires, &c. 2. Both himfelf, and Nananawtunu 1 (Miantun- nomu's youngeft, very hopeful fpark) defired earneftly that Tatuphofuwut, Uncas his fon, who hath killed a Wiyow (or Sachem) one of their coufins, may fuffer impartially, as now the Englifh have dealt with the three Indians which killed John SoiTiman. Alfo they prayed me to add, that yourfelf are not ignorant of Uncas his many foul prac- tices, and how he treacheroufly fent an head (or heads) of the Connecticut Indians to the Mawquawogs, and would fend your heads alfo as prefents if he would come at them. Sir, Nananawtinu added this argument for impartiality to- ward Tatuphofuit : I am (laid he) my father Miantunno- mu's fon, as Tatuphofuit is to Uncas : if there fhould par- tiality be mowed to him, and that money fhould buy out men's lives, or that one of his men fhould die for him, then all we young Sachems fhall have a temptation laid before us to kill and murder, &c, in the hope of the like impunity. Sir, it is true that Philip fearing (apprehenfion) flood upon his guard with his armed barbarians. 2 Taunton, Swanfey, Rehoboth, and Providence flood upon ours, but praifed be God, the ftorm is over, Philip is ftrongly fuf- pe&ed, but the honored Court at Plymouth (as we hear) not having evidence fufficient, let matters fleep, and the country be in quiet, 6cc. 'Alias Canonchet, at this time the ac- He refufed to go there unlefs Mr. Wil- knowledged Sachem of the Narragan- Hams was a mediator. Williams's agen- fetts. cy in the matter was fuccefsful ; the Gov- * Rumors of intended war on the part ernor and the Sachem met; the latter of Philip, or Metacom, fon of Mafia- denied any hofiile defign and promifed ibit, had been prevalent for feveral years, future fidelity. The war was thus de- and the Governor of Plymouth, had in- layed four years. — Knowles, p. 341. vited Philip to meet him at Taunton. Letters of Roger Williams. 365 Sir, I conftantly think of you, and fend up one remem- brance to heaven for you, and a groan from myfelf for myfelf, when I pafs Elizabeth's Spring. 1 Here is the fpring fay I (with a figh) but where is Elizabeth ? 2 My charity anfwers, fhe is gone to the Eternal Spring and Fountain of Living Waters : Oh, Sir, I befeech the Fa- ther of Mercies and Spirits to preferve your precious foul in life (long and long [a portion of the letter and Jignature dejiroyed.] Sir, about a fortnight fince your old acquaintance, Mr. Blackftone,3 departed this life in the fourfcore year of his age; four days before his death he had a great pain in his breaft, and back, and bowels : afterward he faid he was well, had no pains, and mould live, but he grew fainter, and yielded up his breath without a groan. The Lord make us wait (with Job) for that great change. 1 The fpring fo called from Gover- lowing year he fold this eilate and re- nor Winthrop's lady, named Elizabeth, movtd to the banks of a beautiful river drinking at it as fhe paffed to Bofton. — which now bears his name. The place Note probably by John Winthrop, F. R. S. is known as Study Hill, in Cumberland, 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Winthrop, the wife about fix miles from Providence. It has of John Winthrop, Jr., died November been faid that Blackftone was driven from 24, 1672. Bofton, " a 1 opinion " fays Savage (note 1 William Blackftone, an Epifcopal to Winthrop's Journal, i. 53,) " not to minifter, and the firft inhabitant of Bof- be entertained for a moment." His name ton, fettled there in 1625 or 1626, where is fometimes fpelled Blaxton. Williams he refided when Gov. Winthrop arrived fpells it BlackJIone, which is undoubtedly in 1630. At a Court held in April, correct. He died at his houfe on the 1633, fifty acres of land, near his houfe 26th of May, 1675. in Bofton, were granted him. The fol- 3 66 Letters of Roger Williams. To my much honored kind friend Mr. jfohn PVinthrop, Gover- nor of Connecticut, prefent. From Mr. Smith's at N^ahigonsik, June 25, 1675. 1 Sir, — This incloied of a former date comes to my hand again at Mr. Smith's. Mr. Smith is now abfent at Long Iiland. Mrs. Smith, though too much favoring the Fox- ians (called Quakers) yet (lie is a notable fpirit for courtefy toward Grangers, and prays me to prefent her great thanks foi your conftant remembrance of her, and of late by Capt. Atherton. Sir, this morning are departed from this houfe Capt. Hutchinfon 2 and two more of Bofton Com miffioners from the Governor and Council of Bofton to the Narraganfett and Coweiit Indians. They came (three days fince) to my houfe at Providence, with a letter to myfelf from the Gov- ernor and Council at Bofton, praying my advice to their Commiffioners and my aftiftance, &c, in their negotia- tions with the Narraganfett Indians. I, within an half hour's warning) departed with them toward the Narragan- 1 4 Mafs. Hill. Coll vol. vi. p. 299. 2 " The Mafiachufetts government fent Capt. Hutchinfon as their commiffioner to treat with the Narraganfetts. It was thought convenient to do it fword in hand, therefore all the forces marched into the Narraganfett country. Con- necticut afterwards fent two gentlemen [Maj. Wait Winthrop and Richard Smith] and on the 15th of July they came to an agreement with the Narra- ganfett Indians, who favcred Philip in their hearts, and waited only a conveni- ent opportunity to declare openly for him, but whilR the army was in their country were obliged to fubmit to the terms impofed upon them." — Hutchin- son, Hift. of Majjacbufetts Bay, vol. i. p. 288. This agreement which is given at length by Hutchinfon, (pp. 289-291,) bears the fignatures of fix Sachems of the Narraganfetts. By it they were bound to feize and deliver to the Englifh "any of Philip's fubjecls, living or dead ; ufe all afts of hoftility againfl Philip and his fubjedts ; to fearch out and deliver all goods ltolen or taken from the Eng- lifh, at any time ; to ceafe from all manner of thefts and to be ufed as a guard about the Narraganfett country for the fecurity of the Englifh." Letters of Roger Williams. 367 fett. We had one meeting that night with Quaunoncku, Miantunnomu's youngeft fon, and upon the opening of the Governor's letters, he readily and gladly arTented to all the Governor's defires, and fent poft to Maufup, (now called Canonicus), to the Old Queen, 1 Ninicraft and Quaw- nipund, to give us a meeting at Mr. Smith's. They being uncivil and barbarous, and the Old Queen (efpecially timo- rous, we condefcended to meet them all near the great pond, at lean 1 ten miles from Mr. Smith's houfe. We laid open the Governor's letter : and accordingly they profeifed to hold no agreement with Philip, in this his rifing againft the Englifh. They profeffed ^though Uncas had fent twenty to Philip, yet) they had not fent one nor would : that they had prohibited all their people from going on that fide, that thofe of their people who had made mar- riages with them, mould return or perifh there : that if Philip or his men fled to them, yet they would not receive them, but deliver them up unto the Englifh. They queftioned us why Plymouth purfued Philip. We anfwered : he broke all laws, and was in arms of re- bellion againft that Colony, his ancient friends and pro- tectors, though it is believed that he was the author of murdering John Softiman, 2 for revealing his plots to the Governor of Plymouth, and for which three a&ors were 1 i^uiapen, afterwards called the Sunke given notice to the Englifb of a plot Squaw, or Old Queen of the Narragan- which he had difcovered amongft Philip's fetts. She was Ninigret's filter and had Indians againft the Englifh, was foon after been the wife of Meika the Ion of Ca- murdered." "Three Indians, one a coun- nonicus. She was taken prifoner by the fellor of Philip's, were convicted of the Connecticut troops in July, 1676, and murder, at the Plymouth Court and exe- put to death. — Potter's H'tji. of Narra- cuted." — Holmes' Annals, vol. i. p. 369 ; ganfett, p. 172. Hubbard, Indian Wars, p. 14. Z k« Sanfaman, a friendly Indian, having 368 Letters of Roger Williams. two weeks fince executed at Plymouth, (though one broke the rope, and is kept in prifon until their Court in Octo- ber.) 2. They demanded of us why the Maflachufetts and Rhode Ifland rofe, and joined with Plymouth againft Philip, and left not Philip and Plymouth to fight it out. We anfwered that all the Colonies were fubjecl: to one King Charles, and it was his pleafure, and our duty and engage- ment, for one Englifh man to ftand to the death by each other, in all parts of the world. Sir, two particulars the Molt Holy and Only Wife made ufe of to engage (I hope and fo do the Commiffioners) in earneft to enter into thofe aforefaid engagements. Firft, the fenfe of their own danger if they feparate not from Plymouth Indians, and Philip their defperate head. This argument we fet home upon them, and the Bay's refolution to purfue Philip (if need be) and his partakers with thoufands of horfe and foot, befide the other Colo- nies, &c. 3. Their great and vehement defire of juftice upon Ta- tuphofuit, for the late killing of a Narraganfett young man \fc\ of account with them, which point while we were difcourling of, and their inftance with me to write to the Governor and Council of MafTachufetts about it (which I have this morning done by their Commiffioners) in comes (as from Heaven) your dear fon Major Winthrop 1 to our affiftance, who affirmed that hefaw Tatuphofuit fent bound to Hartford jail, and his father Uncas, taking boat with him. The Sachems faid they knew it, and had written about it (by my letter inclofed) to yourfelf : but they were in- 1 Major Wait Winthrop, a commiffioner from Connefticut. Letters of Roger Williams. 369 formed that he was fet free, and was keeping his Nicommo, or dance in triumph, &c. Your fon replied thai either it was not {o f or if it were, it was according to your law of leav- ing Indians to Indian juftice, which if neglected you would then act, &c. In line, their earnert requeft was that either Tatuphofuit might have impartial juftice, (for many rea- fons, or elfe they might be permitted to right themfelves, which the CommilTioners thought might be great prudence (in this juncture of affairs) that thefe two nations, the Narraganfetts and Mohegans might be taken off from aififting Philip (which paffionately he endeavors), and the Englifh may more fecurely and effectually profecute the quenching of this Philippian fire in the beginning of it. 1 The laft night they have (as is this morning faid) flain five Englifh of Swanfey, and brought their heads to Philip, and mortally wounded two more, with the death of one Indian. By letters from the Governor of Plymouth to Mr. Coddington, Governor of Rhode Ifland, we hear that the Plymouth forces (about two hundred) with Swanfey and Rehoboth men, were this day to give battle to Philip. Sir, my old bones and eyes are weary with travel and wri- ting to the Governors of Maffachufetts and Rhode Iiland, and now to yourfelves. I end with humble cries to the Father of Mercies to extend his ancient and wonted mer- cies to New England, and am, Sir, Your moll unworthy Servant, Roger Williams. 1 Thefe were the firfl open hoftilities ly attacked the people of Swanzey, of in the war. " The Indians having fent which they flew nine. This took place their wives and children to the Narra- on the 24th June. The alarm was now ganfetts for fecurity, began to alarm the given and troops haflened forward from Englifh at Swanzey, by killing their cat- Bollon and Plymouth, joining forces at tie and rifling their houfes." An Eng- Swanzey on the 28th. — Hubbard, Indian liftiman fired at them when they inllant- Wars ; Holmes' Annals, vol. i. p. 368. 47 3 70 Letters of Roger Williams. Mrs. Smith earneftly defires your loving advice to hei hufband, to lay by his voyage to England : partly by rea- fon of his inward grief, and alfo that his bufinefs may be tranfacted by delegation. She prays you alfo to confider your own age and weaknefs, and not to lay your precious bones in England. Sir, my humble refpecls to your honored Council. Roger Williams. Roger IVillia?ns to John Winthrop, jr. From Mr. Smith's, 27 June, 75, (fo called.) 1 Sir, — Since my laft (enclofed) the next day after the departure of Capt. Hutchinfon and the meffengers from Bofton, a party of one hundred Narraganfett Indians, armed, marched to Warwick, which, as it frightened Warwick, fo did it alfo the inhabitants here ; though iince we heai that the party departed from Warwick without blood fhedding : however, it occasioned the Engliih here (and myfelf) to fufpecl: that all the fine words from the Indian Sachems to us were but words of policy, falfehood and treachery : es- pecially fince now the Englifh teftify, that for divers weeks (if not months) canoes palled to and again (day and night between Philip and the Narraganfetts) 2 and the Nar- raganfett Indians have committed many robberies on the 1 4 Mafs. Hift. Coll. vol. vi. p. 302. Indians within the bounds of Rhode If- 2 Hubbard fays "the Narraganfetts land. Hutchinfon fays "at the begin- promifed to rife with 4000 men in the ning of Philip's War, it was generally fpring of the year 1676." — Hift. of the agreed that the Narraganfett tribe con- Indian Wars, p. 1 26. This large num- filled of 2000 fighting men. — Hift. of ber is fuppofed to have included all the Majfachujetts, vol. i. p. 458. "Letters of Roger Williams. 371 Englilh houfes. Alfo, it is thought that Philip durft not have proceeded fo far, had he not been allured to have been feconded and affifted by the Mohegans and Narra- ganfetts. Two days lince, the Governor and Council of Rhode Iiland fent letters and melTengers to Maufup (Canonicus) inviting him to come to them to Newport, and alluring him of fafe conduct to come and depart in fafety. His anfwer was, that he could not depart from his child which lay lick: but (as he had allured the Bolton mellengers)fo he pro- felfed to thefe from Newport, that his heart affected and for- rowed for the Englilh, that he could not rule the youth and common people, nor perfuade others, chief amongft them, except his brother Miantunnomu's fon, Nananautunu. He advifed the Englilh at Narraganfett to ftand upon their guard, to keep ftricl: watch, and, if they could, to fortify one or more houfes ftrongly, which if they could not do, then to fly. Yefterday, Mrs. Smith (after more, yea, molt of the women and children gone) departed in a great fhower, by land, for Newport, to take boat in a velTel four miles from her houfe. Sir, juft now comes in Sam. Dier in a catch from Newport, to fetch over Jireh Bull's wife and children, and others of Puttaquomfcutt l He brings word that lalt night Caleb Carr's boat (fent on purpofe to Swanfey for tidings) brought word that Philip had killed twelve Englilh at Swanfey, (the fame Canonicus told us,) and that Philip fent three heads to them, but he advifed a 1 Jireh Bull had a " gar ri fon houfe " Wars, Bolton, 1677: p. 50. Jireh Bull at Pettequomfcut, which in December was " Confervator of the Peace for following was attacked by the Indians King's Province." — R. I. Col. Records, and burned. Ten Englilh men and five vol. ii. The garrifon-houfe or fort was women were killed. — Hubbard, Indian on Tower Hill, South Kingftown. 37 2 Letters of Roger Williams, refufal of them, which Tome lay was done, only the old Queen rewarded the bringers for their travel. Caleb Carr faith alfo, that one Englifh fentinel was mot in the face and flain by an Indian that crept near unto him: that they have burnt about twelve houfes, one new great one (An- thony Loes) : that Philip had left his place, being a neck, and three hundred of Plymouth Englifh, Swanfey and others know not where he is, and therefore Capt. Oliver (being at Mr. Brown's) rode poll: to Bofton for fome hundreds of horfe : that fome hurt they did about Providence, and fome fay John Scot, at Pawtucket ferry, is flain. Indeed, Canoni- cus advifed the Englifh to take heed of remaining in lone out places, and of travelling in the common roads. Sir, many wifh that Plymouth had left the Indians alone, at leaft not to put to death the three Indians upon one In- dian's teftmony, a thing which Philip fears ; and thatyour- felves (at this juncture) could leave the Mohegans and Narraganfetts to themfelves as to Tatuphufoit, if there could be any juft way by your General Court found out for the preventing of their conjunction with Philip, which fo much concerneth the peace of New England. Upon requefh of the Government of Plymouth, Rhode Ifland hath fet out fome floops to attend Philip's motions by wa- ter and his canoes : it is thought he bends for an efcape to the Iilands. Sir, I fear the enclofed and this will be grie- vous to thofe vifible fpirits, which look out at your win- dows : mine, I am fure to complain, &c, yet I prefs them for your and the public fake, for why is our candle, yet burning, but to glorify our dreadful former, and in making our own calling and election fure, and ferving God in ferv- ing the public in our generation. Your unworthy fervant, Roger Williams. Letters of Roger Williams. 373 To Governor Lever ett, at Bojlon. Providence, ii, 8, 75, fo accounted. [October 11, 1675.]' Sir, — Yours of the 7th I gladly and thankfully received, and humbly defire to praife that Moft High and Holy Hand, invilible and only wife, who carts you down, by fo many public and perfonal trials, and lifts you up again with any (lucida iniervalla) mitigations and refrefhments. Ab inferno nulla redemptio : from the grave and hell no return. Here, like Noah's dove, we have our checker work, blacks and whites come out and go into the ark, out and in again till the laft, whom we never fee back again. The buiinefs of the day in New England is not only to keep ourfelves from murdering, our houfes, barns, &c, from firing, to deftroy and cut off the barbarians, or fub- due and reduce them, but our main and principal opus diei is, to liften to what the Eternal fpeaketh to the whole fhip, (the country, colonies, towns, &c ) and each private cabin, family, perfon, &c. He will fpeak peace to his peo- ple ; therefore, faith David, "I will liften to what Jeho- vah fpeaketh." Oliver, in ftraits and defeats, efpecially at Hifpaniola, deiired all to fpeak and declare freely what they thought the mind of God was. H. Vane (then lain by) wrote his difcourfe, entitled "A Healing Queftion," but for touching upon (that noli me tangere) State iins, H. Vane went prifoner to Carifbrook Caftle, in the Ille of Wight. Oh, Sir, I humbly fubfcribe {ex ammo) to your mort and long prayer, in your letter. The Lord keep us from our own deceivings. I know there have been, and are, many precious and excellent fpirits amongft you, if you take flight before me, I will then fay you are one of them, with- l Plymoutb Records, vol. x. p. 453 ; Knowles, Life of Williams, p. 342. 374 Letters of Roger Williams. out daubing,) but rebus Jic ft antibus, as the wind blows, the united colonies dare not permit, Candida et bonaftde y two dangerous (fuppofed) enemies: i. diifenting and non-con- forming worfhippers, and 2. liberty of free (really free) dil putes, debates, writing, printing, &c. ; the Mod High hatl. begun and given fome tafte of thefe two dainties in fome parts, and will more and more advance them when (as Lu- ther and Erafmus to the Emperor, Charles V., and the Duke of Saxony,) thofe two gods are famifhed, the Pope's crown and the Monks' bellies. The fame Luther was wont to fay, that every man had a pope in his belly, and Calvin expreffly wrote to Melandthon, that Luther made himfelf another Pope ; yet, which of us will not fay, Jere- miah, thou lieft, when he tells us (and from God) we muft not go down to Egypt ? Sir, I ufe a bolder pen to your noble fpirit than to many, becaufe the Father of Lights hath mown your foul more of the myfteries of iniquity than other excellent heads and hearts dream of, and becaufe, whatever you or I be in other refpecls, yet in this vou will acl: a pope, and grant me your love, pardon and indulgence. Sir, iince the doleful news from Springfield, here it is faid that Philip with a ftrong body of many hundred cut- throats, fleers for Providence and Seekonk, fome fay for Norwich and Stonington, and fome fay your forces have had a lofs by their cutting off fome of your men, in their paffing over a river. Fiat voluntas Dei, there I humbly reft, and let all go but himfelf. Yet, Sir, I am requefted by our Capt. Fenner 1 to give you notice, that at his farm, 1 Arthur Fenner firft appears on the the inhabitants, and for many vears re- roll of freemen of Providence, in 1655. prefented the town as a Commiflioner, He was one of the moli prominent of Deputy or Affiilant in the AiTembly. He Letters of Roger Williams. 375 in the woods, he had it from a native, that Philip's great de- fign is among all other poffible advantages and treacheries) to draw Capt. Mofely 1 and others, your forces, by train- ing and drilling, and Teeming flights, into fuch places as are full of long grafs, flags, fedge, &c, and then environ them round with fire, fmoke and bullets. Some fay no wife foldier will fo be caught ; but as I told the young prince, on his return lately from you, all their wariscom- mootin ; they have commootined our houfes, our cattle, our heads, &c, and that not by their artillery, but our wea- pons ; that yet they were fo cowardly, that they have not taken one poor fort from us in all the country, nor won, nor fcarce fought, one battle fince the beginning. I told him and his men, being then in my canoe, with his men with him, that Philip was his cawkakinnamuck, that is, looking glafs. He was deaf to all advice, and now was was a Captain in Philip's war, and was by the General Aflembly appointed "Commander of the King's garrifon at Providence, and of all other private gar- rifon or garrifons there, not eclipfing Captain Williams's power in the exer- cife of the Traine Band there." His commiflion is printed at length in Colo- nial Records, vol. ii. p. 547. Mr. Williams alfo held a commiflion as Captain, as appears by the Records, (vol. ii. p. 548,1 notwithstanding his age. It certainly difplayed great fpirit and patriotifm for a man of feventy-feven years to engage in a military campaign againft the Indians. The following ap- pears on the records of Providence : "I pray the town, in the fenf'e of the bloody practices of the natives, to give leave to fo many as can agree with William Field, to beilow fomc charge upon fortifying his houfe, for fecurity to women and children. Alfo to give me leave, and fo many as fhall agree, to put up fome de- fence on the hill, between the mill and the highway, for the like fafety of the women and children in that part of the town." Various fums were fubfcribed to defray the coll of this fortification, the largest of which was £2.6., except that of Mr. Williams which was £10. The propofed fort was probably to be placed at the head of what is now Con- ilitution Hill. 1 Samuel Mofely, of Dorchefter, a cap- tain in the war with Philip, fhowed gal- lant lpirit and had great luccefs in de- ftroying the Indians. He was, by fome, thought to take too great delight in that exercife. — Savage, Genealogical Dictiona- ry vol. iii. p. 179. 376 Letters of Roger Williams. overfet, Cooflikowwawy, and catched at every part of the country to Cave himfelf, but he mail never get aihore, &c. He anfwered me in a confenting, considering kind of way, Philip Coomkowwawy. I went with my great ca- noe to help him over from Seekonk (for to Providence no Indian comes) to Pawtuxet iide. I told him I would not afk him news, for I knew matters were private; only I told him that if he were falfe to his engagements, we would pur- fue them with a winter's war, when they fhould not, as mufketoes and rattlefnakes in warm weather, bite us, &c. Sir, I carried him and Mr. Smith a glafs of wine, but Mr. Smith not coming, I gave wine and glafs to himfelf, and a bufhel of apples to his men, and being therewith (as hearts are) caught, they gave me leave to fay anything, acknowledged loudly your great kindnefs in Bofton, and mine, and yet Capt. Fenner told me yefterday, that he thinks they will prove our worfr. enemies at laft. I am between fear and hope, and humbly wait, making fure, as Hafelrig's motto was, fure of my anchor in heaven, Tantum in Coelis, only in heaven. Sir, there I long to meet you. Your molt unworthy, Roger Williams. To Mrs. Leverett, and other honored and beloved friends, humble refpecls, &c. Sir, I hope your men fire all the woods before them, &c. Sir, I pray not a line to me, except on necelfary bufineis; only give me leave (as you do) to ufe my foolifh boldnefs to vifit yourfelf, as I have occaiion. I would not add to your troubles. Letters of Roger Williams. 377 For my honored kind friend Mr. "John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut Colony \ at Bojlon or elfewhere, prefent. Leave this at my loving friends Dan : Smith, at Re ho both. Providence, 18, io, 75, (et vulgo.) [December 1 8th, 1675. ]* Sir, — If you are ftill in Bofton (which owes you more and your precious name, then it is like to pay you) pleafe you to pafs by, that I have not troubled you with a late falutation. The prefent revolutions of the wonderful and all fighted wheels (Ezek. I.) roufe up my fleepy fpirits to mufe and write, and to prefent yourfelf and others with what I believe to be the mind and voice of the Mod High amongft us. Others think otherwife (and fome clean contrary) ; unto whom I fay at prefent, let them take the pains which God mercifully hath helped me to take, to find out where's the difference : let them fuffer what (and fo long) God hath helped me to bear for their belief and confcience : let them debate freely, calmly, &c, as I hope God hath helped me and will help me to do, (without the Pope's fword, which Chrift commanded Peter to put up in his matters.) Sir, I have heard that you have been in late confultations, fetnper idem, fetnper pacificus, and I hope therein beatus. You have always been noted for tendernefs toward men's fouls, efpecially for confcience fake to God. You have been noted for tendernefs toward the bodies and infirmities of poor mortals. You have been tender too, toward the ef- tates of men in your civil fteerage of government, and to- ward the peace of the land, yea, of thefe wild favages. I prefume you are fatisfied in the neceflity of thefe prefent hoftilities, and that it is not pofiible at prefent to keep 1 4 Mafs. Hijl. Col. vol. vi. p. 305. 48 378 Letters of Roger Williams. peace with thefe barbarous men of blood, who are as juftly to be repelled and fubdued as wolves that affault the fheep. It was ... in . . . eft . . . rium : l God hath helped yourfelf and other \tor?i\ with wonderful felf-denial and patience to keep off this neceffity. But God (againft whom only is no fighting) is pleafed to put this iron yoke upon our necks, and (as he did with the Canaanites) to harden them againft Jofhua to their deftruction. I fear the event of the jufteft war: but if it pleafe God to de- liver them into our hands, I know you will antiqum obti- nere, and ftill endeavor that our fword may make a differ- ence, and par cere Jubjeclis, though we debellare fuperbos. God killeth, deftroyeth, plagueth, damneth none but thofe that will perifh, and fay (as thefe barbarians now fay) Nip- pittoi ; though I die for it, &c. Sir, I hope the not approach of your dear fon with his, (your forces of Connecticut,) &c, is only through the in- tercepting of the ports : for we have now no pafiing by Elizabeth's Spring without a ftrong foot. God will have it fo. Dear Sir, if we cannot fave our patients, nor rela- tions, nor Indians, nor Englifh, oh let us make fure to fave the bird in our bofom, and to enter in that ftraight door and narrow way, which the Lord Jefus himfelf tells us, few there be that find it. Sir, your unworthy Roger Williams. 1 This fentence has been carefully erafed. Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 379 To the much honored Governor Leverett at Bojion, prefent. Providence, 14 Jan. 1675, (f° called.) 1 Sir, — This night I was requeued by Capt. Fenner and other officers of our town to take the examination and confeffion of an Engliih man who hath been with the In- dians before and fince the fight : his name is Jolhua Tift 2 and he was taken by Capt. Fenner this day at an Indian houfe half a mile from where Capt. Fenner's houfe (now burned) did ftand. Capt. Fenner and others of us propofed feveral queftions to him, which he anfwered, and I was requefted to write, which I did, and thought fit having this bearer (Mr. Scott) brought by God's gracious hand of Providence to mine, to prefent you with an extract of the pith and fubftance of all he anfwered to us. He was afked by Capt. Fenner, how long he had been with the Narraganfetts. He anfwered about twenty-feven days, more or lefs. He was demanded how he came amongft them. He faid that he was at his farm a mile and a half from Put- tuckquomfcut, where he hired an Indian to keep his cat- tle, himfelf propofing to go to Rhode Ifland, but that day which he purpofed and prepared to depart, there came to his houfe, Nananawtenu (the young Sachem) his elder brother Paupauquivwut, with their Captain Quaquackis and a party of men, and told them he muft die. He faid that he begged for his life, and promifed that he would be fervant to the Sachem while he lived. He faid the Sachem '4 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. vi. p. 307. ral parents, fighting againlt them. He 2 "Jofhua Tifft, a renegade Englifhman was wounded in the knee, and taken of Providence, that upon fome diicon- prifoner. After examination he was tent had turned Indian, married a fquaw, condemned to die the death of a trai- renounced his religion, nation and natu- tor." — Hubbard, Narrative, p. 162. 3 8o Letters of Roger Williams. then carried him along with him, having given him his life as his flave. He faid that he brought him to their fort, where was about eight hundred fighting men and about two hundred houfes. He faid the Indians brought five of his cattle and killed them before his face : fo he was forced to be filent, but prayed the Sachem to fpare the reft : who anfwered him what will cattle now do you good ; and the next day they fent for the reft and killed them all, whereof eight were his own. Being afked whether he was in the Fort in the fight, 1 1 " The great Narraganfett fight." "On the 2d of November, 1675, tne Commiffioners of the United Colonies declared the Narraganfetts to be "deeply acceflbry in the preient bloody outrages" of the Indians that were at open war, and determined that 1000 more foldiers be raifed for the Narraganfett expedition. Thefe troops were accordingly railed. Thofe of Maffachufetts coniilling of fix companies of foot and a troop of horfe. Connecticut fent 300 foldiers and 150 Mohegan and Pequod Indians. Gov. Winilow of Plymouth, was commander- in-chief. Rhode Ifland took no part in the fight. " On the 8th December, the Maffa- chufetts forces marched from Bolton, and were foon joined by thoi'e of Ply- mouth. The troops from Connecticut joined them on the 1 8th at Pettaquam- fcot. At break of day the next morn- ing, they commenced their march through a deep fnow, toward the enemy, who were about fifteen miles diftant in a fwamp, at the edge of which they ar- rived at one in the afternoon. The In- dians, apprized of an armanent againft them, had fortified themfelves ltrongly within the fwamp. The Englifh at once marched forward in queft of the enemy's camp. Some Indians appearing, were no fooner fired on by the Englifh, than they returned the fire and fled. The whole army now entered the fwamp and followed the Indians to their fortrefs. It flood on a rifing ground in the midfl of the fwamp, and was compofed of palli- fades, encompafled by a hedge. It had but one practicable entrance which was over a log, four or five feet from the ground ; and that aperture was guarded by a block-houfe. The Englifh captains entered it at the head of their compa- nies. The two firft, with many of their men were fhot dead at the entrance, and four other captains were alio killed. When the troops had effected an en- trance, they attacked the Indians, who fought defperately, and beat the Englifh out of the fort. After a hard fought battle of three hours, the Englifh be« came matters of the place, and fet fire to the wigwams. The number of them was 500 or 600, and in the conflagration many Indian women and children per- ifhed. The furvivors fled into a cedar fwamp, at a fhort diftance, and the Eng- Letters of Roger Williams. 381 he faid yes, and waited on his matter the Sachem there, until he was wounded, (of which wound he lay nine days and died.) He faid that all the Sachems were in the Fort and ftaid two vollies of (hot, and then they fled with his mailer, and palfed through a plain, and refted by the fide of a fpruce fwamp, but he faid himfelf had no arms at all. He faid that if the Mohegans and Pequods had been true, they might have deftroyed molt of the Narraganfetts : but the Narraganfetts parlied with them in the beginning of the fight, fo that they promifed to (hoot high, which they did, and killed not one Narraganfett man, except againft their wills. He faid that when it was dufkilh, word was brought to the Sachems that the Englifh were retreated. Upon this they fent to the Fort to fee what their lofs was, where they found ninety-feven flain and forty-eight wounded, befide what flaughter was made in the houfes and by the burning of the houfes, all of which he faid were burnt except five or fix or thereabouts. He faid the Indians never came to the Fort more, that he knows of. He faid they found five or fix Englilh bodies, and from one of them a bag of about one pound and a half of powder was brought to the Sachems; and he faid that abundance of corn, and pro- visions, and goods were burnt alio. He faid fome powder belonging to the young Sachem, which was in a box, was blown up, but how much he cannot tell. He faid the Narraganfett's powder is (generally) gone and fpent, but Philip hath fent them word that he will lifh retired to their quarters. Of the Eng- thoufand are fuppofed to have perifhed." lifh there were killed and wounded about Holmes, Annals, vol. i. p. 575-376. two hundred and thirty; of which eighty- The fwamp where this battle took five were killed. Of the Indians, one place is three or four miles weft of the village of Kingfton. 382 Letters of Roger Williams. furnifh them enough from the French. He faid they have carried New England money to the French for am- munition, but the money he will not take, but beaver or wampum. He faid that the French have fent Philip a prefent, viz.: a brafs gun and bandoliers fuitable. He faid alfo that the Narraganfetts have fent two bafkets of wam- pum to the Mohawks (Mauquawogs) where the French are, for their favor and affiftance. He fays that the Sachems and people were about ten miles northweft from Mr. Smith's, whether the Cowefets and Pumham and his men brought to the Sachems all the powder they could, but Canonicus faid it was nothing, for they had four hundred guns (beiide bows) and there was but enough for every gun a charge. The young Sachem faid that had he known that they were no better furnimed, he would have been elfewhere this winter. He faid that while they were in confultation, an Indian fquaw came in with a letter from the General. Some ad- vifed to fend to Philip for one of his counfellors to read it, but at laft they agreed to fend a councellor to the Gene- ral, who brought word that the General faid that there had been a fmall fight between them, and afked him how many Indians were llain, and how the Sachems liked it. That he deiired the Sachems would mow themfelves men, and come and parley with him : that if they feared they might bring what guard they pleafed, who might keep at a dif- tance from ours who mould not offer them anv affront, while the Sachems were at the houfe with the General, from whom they mould depart in peace, if they came to no agreement Their councillors faid that the Englifh did this only in policy to entrap the Sachems, as they had done Philip Letters of Roger Williams. 383 many times, who, when he was in their hands, made him yield to what they pleafed. Nananawtenu (the young Sachem) faid he would not go, but thought it bed: to ufe policy, and to fend word to the General, that they would come to him three days after; but Canonicus laid that he was old, and would not lie to the Englifh now, and faid if you will fight, fight; for tis a folly for me to fight any longer. The young prince faid he might go to Mr. Smith's then, but there mould never an Indian go with him. Their chief Captain alfo faid that he would not yield to the Englifh fo long as an Indian would ftand with him. He faid he had fought with Englifh, and French, and Dutch, and Mohawks, and feared none of them, and faid that if they yielded to the Englifh they fhould be dead men or flaves, and fo work for the Englifh. He faid that this Quaquackis bears chief fway, and is a middling thickfet man, of a very ftout, fierce countenance. Being afked whether he was prefent at this confultation, he faid no ; but that Quaquackis acquainted the people what the fum of the confultation was. He faid that Philip is about Quawpaug, amongft a great manv rocks, by a fwampiide : that the Narraganfetts have been thefe three days on their march and flight to Philip : that he knows not what number Philip hath with him, and that this day the laft and the rear of the company departed : that they heard the General was purfuing after them, and therefore feveral parties, to the number of four hundred, were ordered to lie in ambufcadoes : that feveral parties were left behind, to get and drive cattle after them : that the young prince and chief captain were in a houfe four miles from Providence, where Captain Fenner (with 384 Letters of Roger Williams. fifteen or fixteen of Providence, feeking after cattle) took this Jofhua Tift, who faith that the reft of the party (about forty-one) were not far off, and toward Pawtuxet. Being afked what was the Englifh child which was brought into the General : he faid that Pumham's men had taken it at Warwick. Alio he faid that there is an Englifh youth amongft them (his name he forgot:) one that fpeaks good Indian, and was wounded and taken in the fight, whom they fpake of killing with torture, but he was yet with Quawnepund. Sir, you may fuppofe it now to be paft midnight, and I am to write forth the copy of this, to go to-morrow to the General, and therefore I dare not add myfoolim com- ment, but humbly beg to the Father of Mercies for his mercy fake to guide you by his counfel (Pfal. 73.) and afterward receive you unto Glory. Your moft unworthy, Roger Williams. My humble refpe&s prefented to fuch honored friends to whom your wifdom may think fit to communicate, &c. Sir, Jofhua Tift added that this company intend to ftay with Philip till the fnow melt, and then to divide into companies. Alfo that many of Ninicraft's men fought the Englifh in the Fort, and four of the Mohegans are now marched away with the Narraganfetts. Sir, fince I am oft occafioned to write upon the public bufinefs, I fhall be thankful for a little paper upon the pub- lic account, being now near deftitute. Sir, I pray prefent my humble refpe&s to the Governor Winthrop, and my thanks for his loving letters, to which I cannot now make any return. Letters of Roger Williams. 385 To the niuch honored the Governor Lever ett, at Bojlon, or the Governor Winjlow, at Bofton, prefent. Providence, i6, 8, 76, (/// vulgo.) [Oft. 16.] 1 Sir, — With my humble and loving refpe&s to yourfelf and other honored friends, &c. I thought fit to tell you what the Providence of the Moft High hath brought to my hand the evening before yefterday. Two Indian children were brought to me by one Thomas Clements, who had his houfe burnt on the other fide of the river. He was in his orchard, and two Indian children came boldly to him, the boy being about feven or eight, and the girl ^his filter; three or four years old. The boy tells me, that a youth, one Mittonan, brought them to the fight of Thomas Clements, and bid them go to that man, and he would give them bread. He faith his father and mother were taken by the Pequods and Mohegans about ten weeks ago, as they were clamming (with many more Indians) at Cowefet ; that their dwelling was and is at a place called Mittaubfcut ; that it is upon a branch of Pawtuxet river to Cowefet (their neareft fait water) about feven or eight miles; that there are above twenty houfes. I cannot learn of him that there are above twenty men, befide women and children ; that they live on ground nuts, &c, and deer ; that Aawayfewaukit is their Sachem ; and twelve days ago, he fent his fon, Wunnawmeneefkat to Uncas, with a pref- ent of a bafket or two of wampum. I know this Sachem is much related to Plymouth, to whom he is faid to be fubjecl:, but he faid (as all of them do) he depoiited his land. I know what bargains he made with the Brown's 3 Mafs. Hijl. Co/, vol. i. p. 70. 49 3 86 Letters of Roger Williams. and Willet's and Rhode Ifland and Providence men, and the controverlies between the Narraganfetts and them, about those lands. I know the talk abroad of the right of the three united colonies (by conqueft) 1 to this land, and the plea of Rhode-Illand by the charter and commif- fioners. I humbly deiire that party may be brought in ; the country improved (if God in mercy fo pleafe;) the Englifh not differ about it and complaints run to the King (to unknown trouble, charge and hazard, &c.,) and there- fore I humbly beg of God that a committee from the four colonies may (by way of prudent and godly wifdom) pre- vent many inconveniences and mifchiefs. I write the fum of this to the Governors of Connecticut and Rhode Ifland, and humbly beg of the Father of Mercies to guide you in Mercy, for his mercy fake. Sir, your unworthy, Roger Williams. Excufe my want of paper. This boy faith, there is another town to the north-eafl of them, with more houfes than twenty, who, 'tis like, correfpond to the eaftward. 1 Rhode Ifland took no part in the ex- termination of the Narraganfetts. In a letter to the King, Rhode Ifland fays : " The war between King Philip and the colony of New Plymouth was profecuted by the United Colonies as they term them- felves. . . . But this your majefly's colo- ny, not being concerned in the war only as neceflity required for the defence of their lives and what they could of their estates, and as countrymen, did, with our boats and provifions, aflift and relieve our neighbors, we being in no other ways concerned." After the extermination of this once powerful tribe, the United Colonies claimed the King's Province as a con- quered territory, to which, Rhode Ifland for this reafon, among others, had no ti- tle. Connecticut magnanimoufly offered peace upon a divifion of territory, lay- ing that, " although our juit rights, both by patent and conqueft extend much fur- ther, yet our readinefs to amicable and Letters of Roger Williams. 387 To the Court of Co?nmiJ]ioners of the United Colonies. Providence, iS, 8, [Oft. 18,] 1677. ' Honored Gentlemen, — My humble refpecls prefented» with congratulations and prayers to the Moft High, for your merciful prefervations in and through thefe late bloody and burning times, the peaceable travelling and aifemb- ling amongft the ruins and rubbifh of thefe late defolations, which the Moft High hath juftly brought upon us. I crave your gentle leave to tell you, that I humbly conceive I am called of God to prefent your wifdoms with what light I can, to make your difficulties and travails the eafier. I am fore grieved that a felf-feeking contentious foul, who has long afflicted this town and colony, mould now, with his unfeafonable and unjuft clamor, afflict our Royal Sove- reign, his honorable Council, New and Old England, and now your honored felves, with thefe his contentious courfes. For myfelf, it hath pleafed God to vouchfafe me knowledge and experience, of his providence in thefe parts, fo that I mould be ungratefully and treacherouily filent at iuch a time. When his Majefty's Cummiffioners, Col. Nichols, &c, were here, I was chofen by this colony, one of the commiffioners to treat with them and with the commiffion- neighborly compliance is fuch, (that for The original manufcript of this letter peace fake,) we content ourfelves to take was in the hands of the late John How- with Cowefit (that is from Apponaug land, and was firft printed by Mr. to Connecticut line,) to be the boundary Knowles in his Memoirs of Williams, between your colony and ours, if his In a letter to Mr. Knowles, Mr. How- Majefty pleafe to indulge us therein, and land Hates, that all here given was on one yourfelves fhall fpeedily exprefs to us meet, and that there muft have been a your defire and agreement to have it fo." fecond fheet that is loft. Some portions R.I. Colonial Records, vol. ii. p. 584-585. of what remain have become illegible j Knowles, Memoir of Roger Williams, where the paper is folded. It is wholly p. 407 ; Potter's Narraganfett, p. 164. in the handwriting of Mr. Williams. 3 88 Letters of Roger Williams. ers from Plymouth, who then were their honored Governor deceafed, and honored prefent Governor, about our bounds. It then pleafed the Father of mercies, in whole moll high and holy hands the hearts of all men are, to give me fuch favor in their eyes, that afterward, at a great alfembly at Warwick, where (that firebrand) Philip, his whole country, was challenged by the Narraganlett Sachems, I was fent for, and declared fuch tranlaclions between Old Canonicus and Oufamaquin, that the commiffioners were fatisfied, and confirmed unto the ungrateful monfter his country. The Narraganfett Sachems (prompted by fome Englim) told the commiffioners that Mr. Williams was but one witnefs, but the commiffioners anfwered that they had fuch experience of my knowledge in thefe parts, and fideli- ty, that they valued my teftimony as much as twenty wit- neiTes. Among fo many palfages fince W. Harris, (fo long ago) kindled the fires of contention, give me leave to trouble you with one, when if W. Harris had any defire by equal and peaceable converfe with men, this fire had been quenched; our General Court, Milhauntatuk men, and W. Harris, agreed that arbitration fhould heal this old fore. 1 Arbi- trators were chofen, and Mr. Thomas Willet 2 was chofen '"In Ottober, 1677, the Commif- fioners from the feveral colonies met at Providence, to fettle the long conteiled difputes between Mr. Harris and others about lands. Mr. Harris laid before the Court a long ftatement, in which he pre- ferred heavy charges againll Mr. Wil- liams, and the latter made counter ftate- ments in a fimilar ityle. The refult of the examination was favorable to the claims of Mr. Harris and his friends, who obtained five verdifts from a jury. But the difputes were not fettled, till more than thirty years afterwards." — Knowles' Memoir, p. 348. 2 Thomas Willet, came to Plymouth in 1632. Was an Afiiilant from 165 1 to 1654, and when the Englifh conquered New York, he accompanied them and was made Mayor. He returned not long after and took up his refidenec in Rehoboth and Swanzey, dying at the latter place Auguft 4, 1674 — Savage, Gene- alogical Dictionary, vol. iv. p. 557. Letter? of Roger Williams. 389 umpire. He, when they met, told them that the arbitra- tors mould confider every plea with equity, and allot to every one what the arbitrators' confciences told them was right and equal. Mimauntatuk men yielded, W. Carpen- ter then one with W. Harris, yielded. W. Harris cried out, no ; he was refolved all or none ; fo the honored foul, Mr. Willet (as he himfelf told me) could not proceed, but was forced to draw up a proteft to acquit himfelf and the arbitrators from this truft, that the obftruclion might only be laid on W. Harris his moulders, concerning whom a volume might be written, of his furious, covetous, and contentious domineering over his poor neighbors. I have prefented a character of him to his Majefty, (in defence of myfelf againft him) in my narrative again ft George Fox, printed at Bofton. I think it not feafonable here to trou- ble your patience with particulars as to the matter. 1 I humbly refer myfelf to my large teftimony, given in writ- ing, at a Court of Trials on the Illand, before the honored gentleman, deceafed, Mr. W. Brenton, then Governor. At the fame time Mr. William Arnold, father to our honored prefent Governor, and Stukely Weftcott, 2 father to our 1 Mr. Williams's book here referred to " George Fox Digged out of bis Bur- rozves" io abounds with abufe of Wm. Harris, as well as of all o thers oppof ed to him in this controverfy that we cannot point out any particular paffage which refers to his character. " Mr. Harris foon after went to England, on this bufi- nefs, but the velTel was captured by an Algerine or Tunifian corfair, and he was fold for a flave. His family in Rhode Ifland redeemed him at the coil of about Si 200, by the fale of a part of his prop- erty. After travelling through Spain and France, he arrived in London in 1680, where he died the third day after. He was an able, and we may hope, a good man, notwithlbanding ibme infirmities. His quarrels with Roger Williams were very difcreditable to them both. On which fide the moll blame lay, we can- not now decide." — Knowles, Memoir of Williams, p. 349, note ; Staples' Gor- ton, p. 113, note. 2 Stukely Westcott, removed to Providence, in April, 1638, and was the firfl. named in Williams's firit deed. He figned the compact at Providence in 1640. 390 Letters of Roger Williams. Governor's wife, gave in their teftimony with mine, and W. Harris was caft. In that teftimony, I declare not only how unrighteous, but alio how iimple is W. Harris his ground of pleading, viz.: after Miantinomo had fet us our bounds here in his own perfon, becaufe of the envious clamors of fome againft myfelf, one amongftus (not I) re- corded a teftimony or memorandum of a courtefy added (upon requeft) by the Sachem, in thefe words, up Jlream without limits. The courtefy was requefted and granted, that being fhortened in bounds by the Sachem becaufe of the Indians about us, it might be no offence if our few cows fed up the rivers where nobody dwelt, and home again at night. This hafty, unadvifed memorandum W. H. in- terprets of bounds fet to our town by the Sachems; but he would fet no bounds to our cattle, but up the ftreams fo far as they branched or run, fo far all the meadows, and at la ft all the uplands, muft be drawn into this accidental courtefy, and yet, upon no confederation given, nor the Sachem's knowledge or hand, or witneffes, nor date, nor for what term of time this kindnefs mould continue. Second. In my teftimony, I have declared that Mianto- nomo having fet fuch fhort bounds (becaufe of the Indians) upon my motion, payments were given by us to Alexan- der and Philip, and the Narraganfett Sachems, near two hundred and fifty pounds, in their pay for inland enlarge- ments, according to leave granted us by the General Court upon our petition. This after purchafe and fatisfaclion to all claimers, W. Harris puts a rotten title upon it, and calls He afterwards removed to Warwick, and Churches of Maflachufetts to be true for many years was Commiifioner from churches ; for which the Church at Sa- that town. Staples fays, " He held to lem pafled " the great cenfure " on him entire and rigid reparation from the as early as July I, 1639." — Note to Sim- Church of England, and defired the plicitfs Defence,^. 117. Letters of Roger Williams. 391 it confirmation, a confirmation of the title and grant of up Jlr earns without I writs ; but all the Sachems and Indians, when they heard of fuch an interpretation, they cried com- moobin, lying and ftealing, as fuch a cheat as flunk in their pagan noftrils. Honored Sirs, let me now add to my teftimony, a lift of feveral perfons which the right and diipofing of all or con- fiderable part of thefe Narraganfetts, and Cowefet and Nip- muck lands, &c. Firft. The colony of Connecticut, by the King's grant and charter, by the late wars, wherein they were honora- bly aififtant. Second. The colony of Plymouth, by virtue of Tacom- maicon's furrender of his perfon and lands to their pro- tection, and I have feen a letter from the prefent Governor Winllow, to Mr. Richard Smith, about the matter. Third. The colony of Rhode Ifiand and Providence Plantations, by grant from his Majefty and confirmation from his Majefty's commiffioners, who called thefe lands the King's Province, and committed the ordering of it to this colony, until his Majefty further order. Fourth. Many eminent gentlemen of the Maftachu- fetts and other colonies, claim by a mortgage and forfeiture of all lands belonging to Narraganfett. Fifth. Our honored Governor, Mr. Arnold, and divers with him, are out of a round fum of money and coft, about a purchafe from Tacummanan. Sixth. The like claim was and is made by Mr. John Brown, and Mr. Thomas Willet, honored gentlemen and their fucceffors, * * * from purchafe with Tacum- manan, and I have feen their deeds, and Col. Nichols his confirmation of them, under hand and feal, in the name of the King's Majefty. 392 Letters of Roger Williams. Seventh. William Harris pleads up Jlreams without limits, and confirmation from the other Sachems of the up Jlreams, &c. Eighth. Mifliuntatuk men claim hy purchafe from In- dians by pofTelTion, buildings, &c. * * * * \worn out and obliterated.} * * * Ninth. Capt. Hubbard and fome others, of Hingham * * * by purchafe from the Indians. Tenth. John Tours, of Hingham, by three purchases from Indians. Eleventh. William Vaughan, 1 of Newport, and others, by Indian purchafe [The next following No. is 13 ; there is no 12.] Thirteenth. Randall, of Scituate, 2 and White, of Taun- ton, and others, by purchafe from Indians. Fourteenth. Edward Inman, of Providence, by purchafe from the natives. Fifteenth. The town of Warwick, who challenge twen- ty miles, about part of which, William Harris contending with them, it is faid, was the firft occafion of W. Harris falling in love with this his monftrous Diana up Jlreams without limits, fo that he might antedate and prevent (as he fpeaks) the blades of Warwick. Sixteenth. The Town of Providence, by virtue of Ca- nonicus' and Miantonomo's grant renewed to me again and again, viz.: of as large a plantation and accommodation as 1 William Vaughan's name appears on river in Wclterly, in 1660. — R. I. Colo- the roll of the freemen of Newport, in nial Records, vol. i. p. 450. 1655. He was one of the purchafers 2 The Scituate here mentioned, muft from the Sachem Socho, of Mifquama- be in Maflachufetts, as there was no cock, the neck of land eait of Pawcatuck town of that name in Rhode Ifland until »73°- Letters of Roger Willia?ns. 393 any town in the country of New England. It is known what favor God pleafed to give me with old Canonicus, (though at a dear-bought rate) fo that I had what I would (fo that I obferved my times of moderation ;) but two or three envious and ungrateful fouls among us cried out, What is R. Williams ? We will have the Sachem come and fet our bounds for us ; which he did, and (becaufe of his Indians round about us) fo fudden and fo fhort, that we were forced to petition to our General Court for enlarge- ment. Honored Sirs, there be other claims, and therefore I prefume your wifdoms will fend forth your proclamations to all the colonies, that all the claims may come in before your next meeting ; and Oh ! that it would pleafe the Moll; High to move the colonies hearts to empower you, and move your hearts to be willing, (being honorably rewarded) and the hearts of the claimers to acquiefceand reft in your determination. And Oh, let not the colonies of Connec- ticut and Rhode Ifland to be offended, if I humbly be- feech them, for God's fake, for the King's fake, for the country of New England's fake, and for their own fouls' and felves' and pofterity's fakes to prevent any more com- plaints and clamors to the King's Majefty, and agree to fubmit their differences to the wifdoms of fuch folemn commiffioners chofen out of the whole country. I know there are objections, but alfo know that love to God, love to the country and pofterity, will conquer greater matters, and I believe the King's Majefty, himfelf, will give us thanks for fparing him and his honorable Council from being troubled with us. Honored gentlemen, if his Majefty and honorable Coun- cil knew how againft all law of England, Wm. Harris 5° 394 Letters of Roger Williams. thus affects New and Old England, viz. : that a vaft coun- try Should be purchafed, and yet be but a poor courtefy from one Sachem, who understood no fuch thing, nor they that begged it of him, who had not, nor afked any con- sideration for it, who was not defired to fet his hand to it, nor did; nor are there the hands of witneSfes, but the par- ties themfelves, nor no date, nor term of time, for the ufe of feeding cows, up Streams without limits, and yet thefe words, {up Jlr earns without limits) by a fudden and unwary hand fo written, muft be the ground of W. Harris this raifing a tire about thefe thirty years unquenchable. If his MajeSty and Council knew how many of his good fub- jecl:s are claimers and competitors to thefe lands and mea- dows up the Streams of Pawtuxet and Pawtucket, through only one comes thus clamoring to him, to cheat all the reSt. If his MajeStv and Council knew this confirmation W. Harris talks of, what a grand cheat it is, Stinking in the noStrils of all Indians, who fubfcribed to and only con- firmed only Such bounds as were formerly given us, and W. Harris clamors that they confirmed Miantonomo's grant of up Streams without limits, a thing which they abhor to hear of, and (amongft others) was one great occa- lion of their late great burning and Slaughtering of us." Letters of Roger Williams. 395 lC To the much honored Mr. Thomas Hinckley 2 and the reft of the much honored Commiffioners from the refpecfive colonies, affembled at Providence \ OBober ^.tli, 1678. (ut vulgo.) Much Honored Sirs : — Your vvifdoms know that this town is liable to many payments: that moneys will be drawn like blood from many amongft us: for Tome of us have appeared legally in town meetings to anfwer the charge and fummons and declaration of the plaintiff againfi: the town of Providence. Others have not appeared at our town meetings ; or, appearing have diifented from the major vote, which hath always (in all thefe tranfaclions) carried on matters in jufl order and quietnefs. The non- appearers and diffenters will not pay, as being none of the town in this cafe. We had much heat in our laft town-meeting, I motioned a lufpenfion of proceedings until the fitting of this high court. Both parties yielded and propofed to fubmit to your decilion, in active or paffive obedience. We were hot ; fo no addrefs was orderly prepared, &c. : and therefore I hold it my humble duty, in the town's name, to pray your favorable and mod feafonable help unto us. I prefume not to add a word as to our matters ; no, not to urge to your remembrance the maxim of Queen Experience {fe- cunda cogitationes meliores.) Only I pray you to remember that all lands and all nations are but a drop of a bucket in ■•4 Mafs. Hiji. Coll. vol. v. p. 21. Governor from 1681, (except during the z Thomas Hinckley was the laft Gov- interruption of Andros,) till the union ernor of Plymouth. He came to Scitu- with Maifachufetts colony in 1682. He ate, Mafs., in 1635. He foon became was alfo a Commiffioner of the two colo- prominent in the affairs of the colony nies from 1673 to 1692. and held various public offices and was 396 Letters of Roger Williams. the eyes of that King of kings, and Lord of lords, whom I humbly befeech to adorn your heads with that heavenly crown at your parting from us. Beati pacifici So prays your moft unworthy fervant, Roger Williams. To the mojl honored Thomas Hinckley, CommiJJioner for the Colonies. Providence, July 4, 1679. (ut vu/go.) 1 Sir, — Your heavenly meditations on that heavenly Mr. Walley, I kindly and thankfully received, and pray your leave to fay four words : Firft, you hold forth in your own foul a bright character of a true fon of God, who attri- bute to your deep diftrefTes, &c, to His all-wife and His moft gracious hand eternal. Una eademque, martus, &c. 2. Though a natural fpirit will pretend high to fpirituals, yet I rejoice to fee you (with rejoicing) predicating fuch graces in the deceafed, as hoping that a fpiritual light hath given yourfelf that fpiritual eye as clearly to fee and re- joice in that image of God in another. 3. I praife God for that heavenly ftirring-up of your- felf and others to an humble enquiry after thofe coals of jealoufly which have kindled fuch a fire of jealoufly in the noftrils of the Moft High againft you ; and I pray your patience to fuffer me to fay, that, above thefe forty years in a barbarous wildernefs, driven out on pain of death, I J 4 Mats. hi/?. Coll. vol. v. p. 29. Letters of Roger IV i I Hams. 397 have, (as I believe) been the Eternal his poor witnefs in fackcloth againft your churches, and miniftries, as being but State politics and a mixture of golden images, unto which (were your carnal fword fo long) you would musi- cally perfuade, or by fiery torments compel, to bow down as many as (that great type of inventors and perfecutors) Nebuchadnezzar did. I have ftudioufly avoided clamor- oufnefs ; and yet (being called) I have divers times, and efpecially in the Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody, humbly offered my reafons, and to Mr. Nathaniel Morton 1 before this laft winter (upon his charges on me): and I humbly and heartily defire, in the fear of the Moft High, to pon- der (in the double weights of the King Eternal) the fharpeft rebukes or cenfures, and to prefent my thoughts in love, patience and meeknefs. 4. Can you fay, with a true broken heart and contrite fpirit (deeply diftreffed Mr. Thomas Hinckley,) and not confider how, not many weeks or months before, myfelf and fo many other innocent fouls, as to W. Harris, you deeply diftreffed by your adding gall to our (mine own above) forty years vinegar in countenancing that prodigy of pride and fcorning W. Harris, who, being an impudent morris-dancer in Kent, under the cloak of (fcuirilous) jefts againft the biuhop, got into a rlight to New England, and, under a cloak of feparation, got in with myfelf, till his felf-ends and reftlefs ftrife, and at laft his atheiftical 1 Nathaniel Morton emigrated to by his New England Memorial, firft pub- America in 1623. Was derk of the lifhed in 1669, in 4to. Other editions Judicial Court in Plymouth from 1645 were printed in 1721 ; 1772; 1825; in to his death in 1685. He wrote a brief 1826 with valuable notes by John Davis, Ecclefiailical Hiftory of Plymouth, which and one by the Congregational Board in has been preferved in Young's Chronicles 1855. of the Pilgrims ; but he was better known 398 Letters of Roger Williams. denying of heaven and hell, made honefr. fouls to fly from him? Now he courts the Baptifts ; then he kicks them off and flatters the Foxians ; then the drunkards (which he calls all that are not of the former two amongfr. us); then knowing the prejudices of the other Colonies againil us, he dares to abufe his Majefty and Council, to bring New England upon us ; and when your noble felf dif- cerned and difowned his old and only monftrous fong, Hoc ejl Corpus meum (up ftreams without limits,) how hath he lun about the world again to force my confcience to give him more up Wanafquatucket than the bounds fo punc- tually fet us by the Sachems in our grand deed. It is not questionable, is that, if he be not fatisfied with his poor bone he hath fo long fancied, he will (lamp on yourfelf, and his Majefty and Council too, and make Rome, if he can (bloody Rome), his fancluary ; for he faith he can go to Mafs : yea (flecJereJi nequeam, &c), he will go down to devils and witches ; for he faith he can go to the witch of Endor for a piece of bread. I am not fenfible of his long thirfting after my blood. I humbly pray the bleiTed Lord to return him or rebuke him, and to deliver my foul and yours from all our diftrelTes. So daily prays, Sir, Your moft unworthy fervant, Roger Williams. My humble refpecls to your honored Governor, Major Cudworth, &c. Letter? of Roger Williams. 399 Tejlimony of Roger Williams relative to the firji fettlement of the Narraganfett Country by Richard Smith. Narragansett, 21 July, 1679.' Roger Williams, of Providence, in the Narraganfett Bay, in New England, being (by God's mercy) the firft beginner of the mother town of Providence, and of the colony of Rhode Illand and Providence Plantations, being now near to fourfcore years of age, yet (by God's mercy) of found underftanding and memory; do humbly and faithfully declare, that Mr. Richard Smith, fenior, who for his confcience to God left fair poiTeffions in Glocefterihire, and adventured, with his relations and eftate, to New- England, and was a moft acceptable inhabitant, and a prime leading man in Taunton and Plymouth colony ; for his confcience fake, many differences arifing, he left Taunton and came to the Narraganfett country, where, (by God's mercy and the favor of the Narraganfett Sachems) he broke the ice at his great charge and hazard, and put up in the thickets of the barbarians, the rirft Englifh houfe amongfr, them. 2. I humbly terrify, that about forty years from this date, he kept porTeffion, coming and going him- felf, children and fervants, and he had quiet porTeffion of his houling, lands and meadow; and there, in his own houfe, with much ferenity of foul and comfort, he yielded up his fpirit to God, (the Father of fpirits) in peace. 3. I do humbly and faithfully teftify as abovefaid, that fince his departure, his honored fon, Capt. Richard Smith, hath kept porTeffion, (with much acceptance with Englifh and pagans) of his father's houiing, lands and meadows, with great improvement alfo by his great coft and induftry. 'Backus, Hijl. of the Baptijls in New England, vol. i. p. 421. 4 312, 316, 399 Badger, William, ... 167 Baker, William, 66, (n.) 85, 86, 95, 98 Barnes, John, - - - - 171 Batter, Edmund, - - - 53 '« " came out with J. Greene, (».) 53 Baulfton, William, ... 294 Bellingham, Mr. 16, 34, 55,48, 297 4io Index. Beffe's Sufferings of the Quakers, quoted, (/7.) 105 Beverley's Hift. of Virginia, quoted, 158 Bill, James, - 292 Blackftone, Blaxton, William, 79 and note, 80 Blackftone, William, death of, and note on, 365 Blake, Admiral, 197 (n.) 298 and note, 292 Blake's Biographical Dictionary, ref- erences to, 53, 192, 285, 289, 351,400. Blindman, Mr. - 212 Block Ifland, Indian fettlement on, deftroyed, (#.) 4 " " prifoners taken at, - 37 " Governor Endecott's expedition to, - (#.) 53 " '* references to, 123, 158, 186,3 " " Maffachufetts appoints Commiffioners, relative to, - - - - 320 Bloody Tenent, reference to, - 91 Bluefield, or Blauvelt, 186, 187 (».) 188, 196 Bofton Neck, - (#.) 313 Bourne, Major, - - - - 143 Bradford, W., Hift. of Plymouth, quoted, 42, 80, 337, 338 Governor, 90 (//.), 817, 336 (».), 338 (*.) " his opinion of Roger Wil- liams, 336 (».) Bradfhaw, John, note on, - - 286 Bradftreet, Simon, 140 («.), 403 (n.) " " letter of Roger Williams to, - 403 Brenton, William, - - 313, 389 Brenton, Mrs. - - - 189 Brewfter, Jonathan, - - 190 (#.) Brewfter, William, - - 190 («.) Brewfter, Mr. - 164, 165 Bridge, William, - - 222 (w.) Bridges, Robert, - 210 (#.) Brown, Chad, paftor of Baptift Ch. 329> 33° (*•) Brown, Mofes, - 335 (n.) Brown, Mr. - 153, 192 Brown, John, - - 154 (#.), 391 Brown, John Carter, Extracts from his manufcripts, - 321, 322 Bulkley, Rev. Peter, - - 50, 51 Bull, Jireh, - 371 Burnyeat, John, - 359 Burroughs, Jeremiah, - - 222 (;?.) Caldwell, Rev. S. L., notes by, 220, 222 Callender, J., quoted, - 104, 105, 183 Calvin, John, - 347 Canonicus, 16, 22, 38 (#.), 39, 40, 42, 55,58,86,96, 101, 107,133, 138, 407. « (ketch of, - - - 68 " gives Prudence Ifland to Mr. Oldham, - - 70 Carr, Sir Robert, letters to, 321, 371 Carpenter, Nathaniel, - - 192 (#.) Carpenter's Geography, - - 192 Carpenter, Win,, makes overtures to Maffachufetts, 151 (n.) " " other references to, 295, 302 (».) Carwithy, Mr., - - 212, 213 Cavaliers and Levellers, - - 287 Cavour, John, - 336 (#.) Caucafenamont, - 174, 190 Cawcawmfquffick, - - 146 (#.) Cawdrey, Daniel, - 354 Cawkin, Mr., - 205 Charles I., arreft and trial of, 161 (#) " " condemnation and execu- tion, - - 162 (#.) " " references to, 287, 298 (z?.) Chawbutick, - - - 211, 212 Chaubutick Indians, - - - 212 Chauncey, Charles, Preft. Harvard College, note on, 285 Chefter, Mrs. - 229 Index. 411 Chefbrough, William, and note, - 143 Chibachuwefe Ifland fold to Mr. Winthrop, - - - 70 Church, Richard, - - 66 (n.) Clarke, Captain, - - 173, 180 Clarke, John, of Newport, bio- graphical flcetch of, 183 (#.) Clarke, John, his " 111 News from New England," 183 (//.) " " ordered to be whipped or fined at Lynn, - 210 " " difcuffion with Gov. Endecott, - 210 (#.) " " letter to Gov. Ende- cott, relative to his perfecution of Mr. Clark, O. Holmes and others, - - - 214 " " fen t to England to pro- cure a repeal of Cod- dington's commiffion, 230 (».), 256 (;/.) " " other references to, 150, 183, 188, 189, 213, 220, z 94 (»•)* 34^ 362. Clarke, Dr. John, of Newbery, 189 (n.) Clements. Thomas, ... 385 Coddington, Nathaniel, - - 408 Coddington Wm. 40 (,?.), 55 (#.), 70, 91, 138, 150,151,166, 170, 212,228 (#.), 267, 299, 306. " " notice of, - 104 (#.) " " his Demonllration of True Love, - 105 " " adviied by Vane to leave Boilon, - 123 " " proceedings at New- port, - - 166 " " fails for England, 166 " " propofes to the Com'rs of the Uni- ted Colonies to re- ceive Rhode Is- land, - 151 (».), 354 Coddington, Wm., charter obtained by, - 228 («.), 229 " « and John Clarke fent to England in reference to char- ter, - - 230 (».) « " fettles differences with Wm. Dyre, 294 (».) Cole, Mr. 79 Collicutt, Richard, 59 and note, 60, 65 Comet of 1680, - - - 403 Commiffioners of the United Colo- nies, note on, - - - 172 Conanicut, - - - 13° Cooke's Life of Marvel referred to, 251 Coofhkowwany, - 37^ Cope, Mr. - - - - 121 Cotton, John, - -90,91,198,285 " '« his reply to Williams, 198 (*.) Cotton, John, fon of the above, let- ter to Williams, - 351 " " note on, - - 35 1 Cowawefuck, a pine tree, - 21 (».) Cowefet, Eaft Greenwich, 21, 22, 126, 348 Cowefet Indians, - 366 Coxall, (Coggefhall) Mr . 1 5, 49 (>.), 89 Cradock, Mathew, - 100 and note. Crandall, John, to be whipped or fined at Lynn, - 211 Cranfton, Governor, - 358 Cromwell, Oliver, references to, 162, 164, 193, 206, 270, 287, 293, 294, 307, 3i', 373- Cromwell, Richard, - - - 312 Cudworth, Major, ... 398 Cuppunaugunnit, - - - 42 Cur low, Jacob, - - - 1 73 Cutfhamaquin, 37, 57, 102, 103, 115, 132 Cuttaquene, - - - 1 74, « 76 412 Index. Davenport, Richard - - 33 («.) Davenport, M. - 320 Dead hands, 60 Deane, Charles, note by - - 77 " " his ed. of Bradford's Hift. of Plymouth, 336 (».) Dell, Wm. his books burnt, - 286 " " note on - - - 286 Denifon, Major - - - 320 Dexter, Gregory, town clerk, - 268 Dexter, Gregory 328, 328 (#.) 322 Dike, Anthony - - - 24 " " note on 24 Diman, Prof, his ed. of "Geo. Fox digg'd out of his burrowes," 357 (*•)' 358 (»•) Don Pantaleon beheaded, - - 288 Doxey, Thomas 195, 196, 204, 205 Drake's Biog. Dictionary, reference to - 50, 61, 68, 70, 91, 339 " Book of the Indians, quoted, 302 Dudley, Gov of Maflachufetts, - 138, 140 (;z.),4C>5 (z?.) Duniler, Henry, Preft. Harvard College, note on - - 285 Dutch Governor, ... 14.5 Dutch Ifland, - - - 173 Dutch Prizes, - - - 173 Dyer, (Dyre) William - 90, 130 Dyer, Wm. fettles differences with Coddington, 294 (».) Dyre, Mr. - - 254, 267, 283 Dyre, (Dier,) Samuel - 371 Earthquake in New England, - 99 Winthrop's notice of 99 (#.) Ealton, Mr " John Eaton, Governor Edes, Mr. Edgar the Peaceable, - Edmundfon, Wm., controverfy with Williams - - 358 Eikon Bafilike, note on the author of 199 166, 283 294 (;/.) 128 (//.) - 3 62 Eikonoklaftes, in anfwer to Eikon Bafilike, - 249 Elderkin, John, note from - 195,213 Elizabeth's Spring, - 365 Eliot, John - 172 (;/.), 322 (».), 405 Ellis, Geo. E., Life of Mafon re- ferred to, - - 1 10 Elton's Life of Williams, quoted, 240., 242, 245, 403 " his note on the Sadlier let- ters, ... 252 (/?.) Elton, Rev. Dr., note on John Clarke, - - - Endecott, Gov. John 36, 183 I74> 2 75> 299 (»•) - 53 63 " note on - Captain - his controverfy with John Clarke at Lynn, - 210 (».) letter of R. Williams to, relative to his perfecution of Clarke and others, 214, 228 his feal, a death's head and crofs-bones, - 215 (/;.) Fairfax, - Fairfax, Thomas, Lord - 311 Familifm, reference to Feake, Mr. .... Fenner, Arthur - - 374, 379, Fenwick, Colonel - Field, William, referred to - Field, William, his farm Field, Mr. .... Fifher's Ifland, - - - - Fitch, Mr. .... Foote, Mr. ... 284, Foffiker, Jofeph - Fowler, Mr. - Fox, George, letter of Williams to, inviting a dif'cuflion at New- port, - _ - Fox, 'George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes,' note on 357, 164 (»•) 141 260 383 255 329 167 3H l 9S 363 286 2l3 286 357 358 Index. 4'3 Gallop, John - - - 32 " " note on - - 32 Gallop's Ifland, 33 Gammell, Wm.,Life of Williams quoted - gi, 114, 166, 172, 232 Gardner, - 16 (».) Gardiner, Lieft. Lyon, his "Relation to the Pequot wars" - 32 Gardiner, Mr. - - - - 212 Garriard, John - 280, 281 Gauden, Dr., the author of*' Eikon Bafilike," - - - 199 (n) Gibbons, M. - - - 71, 203 Gibbons, Capt. - 285 Gold, Mr. - - - - 181 Gold and Silver ore difcovered, - 169 Goodwin, Thomas - - 222, 289 Goodyear, Mr. - - - - 160 Gookins, Capt. Daniel - 354, 405 Gorton, Sam'l, his controverfy with Williams, 141 and note. " " Window's reference to 141 " " his "Simplicities De- fence," - - 142 " " propofal to United Colonies, - 151 (».) u " other references to, 180, 294 (*.), 323, 341, 405 Gortonifts at Shawomet, - - 229 Gould, Thomas - 320 Greene, Geo. W. his Life of Gen. Nath'l Greene, refer'd to 52 (w.) Greene, John - 52, 53, 54, 320 " " to appear before Quar- ter Court of Mafs. 52 (#.) " •' fined and committed 52 (w.) •' " note on origin of 52 (#.) • • " letter to the General Court of Mafs. - 89 Greene, John, Jr. - - 294 (n.) Guitavus Adolphus, of Sweden, - 311 Hall, Bifhop, and the " Eikon Bafil- ike," .... 199 Hallam, H. on the authorfhip of •• Eikon Bafilike," - 199 (».) Harding, Mr. 39 Hafell, John ... 80 (//.) Harris, Thomas, letter of R. W. to 206 Harris, William, 39 (/?.), 322,335, 388, 389, 393- 394 " " taken by an Alge- rine corfair, 389 (#.) " " other references to 175, 185 Harrifon, Maj. Gen. 260, 298 (».) Hartford, propofed meeting at - 115 " covenant and agreement made at, between the Eng- lifh and Indians, 117 (#.), 134 Harvard College claims lands in Wellerly, - - - 334 Hartley, William ... 220 Hathorne's cow, - - -126 Hawkins, James, - - 15, 81, 85, 127 " Thomas - - 15, 81, 85 Haynes, Gov. John 36, 95, 106, 110, 117,118, 121, 134, 135, 136. " " " notes on 36, 96 Hayfeed, method of faving - - 146 Hazard's State papers referred to, 175 Hazel, John, of Rehoboth, - 211, 230 Hazelrig, Sir Arthur 255, 287, 288, 290 (».) Herenden, ... - 330 Hicks, John .... 320 Higheft white, 49 (».) Hinckley, Thomas, Gov. of Ply- month, letters to - 395, 396 Hii'cox, William - - - 362 Holden, Randall, of Warwick, - 154 Hollett, Mr. ... - 163 Holmes, Sergeant 86 Holmes, Obadiah, ordered to be whipped and fined, 210 " " references to -330 Holmes's Annals quoted, 281, 367, 369, 380 53 4H Index. Holfey, Sergeant ... 292 Holy way, Thomas - - - 21 Homan, Jofeph, of Bofton, - - 404 Hooker, Rev. Thos. 36 (#.), 95, 98, 84 (».), 86, 345 " " " " Ecclefiaftical Poli- ty," references to 241, 245, 246 Hopkins, Edward - 117, 128 (/■/.) Hopkins, Mr. - 255 Howe, Lieutenant 97 Howell, Judge, note by - - 318 Howland, John 324 (/;.), 235 (».), 387 Hubbard, Benjamin - 80 and note. Hubbard, Sam'l, letter of Williams to 361 " " note on - 361 Hubbard's Indian Wars, quoted, - 367, 369, 37°, 379 Hubbard, Captain - 392 Hume, Hill, of England, refer'd to, 164 Hutchinfon, Mrs. notice of - 91 (/?.) " " references to 90,91, 2 54 *• Capt. - - 321, 366 Hutchinfon Papers quoted, 230, 293, 299, 3°4> 337 Hutchinion's Maffachufetts, quoted, 366 Indian murdered by four white men near Pawtucket, - 11 1 to 114 " murdered, note from Win- throp, relative to - - 114 " murderers tried at Plymouth and found guilty, - - 116 " murderers, Williams attends trial of - - - - 1 20 Inman, Edward - 392 Iron Works at Providence, - 284, 286 Jackfon, John, note on Jacquontu, - James, Mr. James, Thomas - Jiglies, - 33 - - 78 - 23, 112 80 and note. 33> 35 (*•) Jolly, Jollies, Mr. - - 69,100 Jones, John - 16c Juanemo, alias Ninigret, 45, 46, 48, 78, 110, in, 115 Juanemo, note on - - - 44 Kaufafenamon, - - - - 194 Kieft, Gov. Peter, of New Amfler- dam - - - 162 (/?.) Kifhkontuckqua, - 103 Kithanfh, - - - - - 122 Kittateafh, Uncas' fon - - - 291 Knowles' Mem. of R. Williams, Letters from 101, 1 10, 1 20, 1 53, 155, 158, 159, 161, 163, 166, 168, 170, 171, 178, 179, 180, 181, 206, 210, 228, 235, 253, 261, 287, 291, 297, 309, 310, 314, 318, 324, 326, 333, 336, 387, 405, 406 Kokfkehom, an owl, - - - 18 Kutfhamoquin, - - 37 Lake, Mrs. ... 159,172 Laud, Archb'p writings, reference to - - - - 246, 252 Lawrence, Lord Prefident - - 260 Leghorn, Duke of 292 Lenthall, Mr. - 290 L'Eurange, Hamon, note on - - 286 Lettice, Walter - - - - 169 Leverett, Captain - 289 Leverett, Gov. John, note on 289, 373, 3 8 5> 379 Loes, Anthony - 372 Lord, Mr. ----- 309 Lucar, Mr. - - - - 188 Ludlow, George 49 (//.), 59, 60, 65, 127, 131 Ludlow, Roger, Dep. Gov. of Mafs. 36 (».),49 (».), 117 Ludlow, Mr. - 85, 126 Lynn, perfecution of John Clarke and others at - 210 (/?,) Index. 415 Mackintosh, Sir J. on the Eikon Bafilike, - 199 (//.) Mackintofh, Sir J. his note on H. Vane, - 298 Makunnete, - - - - 103 Man, William ... 208 (n.) Mangunckacuck, - - - - 119 Manton, Shadrach - - 324, 328 Martin, Sir Wm., enquiry relative to Williams - 337 Martha's Vineyard, - - 204 (n.) Marvell, Andrew, affiftant to Milton 25 1 Mafhapaug, - - - - 329 Maffachufetts lays claim to Rhode Ifland, - - - 154 (w.) Mafon, Capt, John, 16 (//.), 31, no, 117, 153, 167, 175, 181, 190, J 94.. 3 6 3 Mafon, Capt. John, his "Hiilory ut the Pequot War," - 32 Mafon, Capt. John, fketch of - no Mafon, Major, Roger Williams's let- ter to - - - - 333 Mafquanominit, - - - - 115 Mattifon, James - - - - 401 Maffafoit, 316 Mather, Inereafe, quoted, - - no *' " on the Comet of 1680, - 403 Mather, Richard - 50 (».) Mauquovvkit, - - - 41 Maumfaumpous, - - - - 122 Maufup, - - - - - 371 Mauanadtuck, - - - - 28 Maunamoh, - - - 58 Mayhew, Thomas 69, 100, and 100 (/?.) Meika, .__•-_ 367 Meikfa, 67 Meikfamp, 68 Mexham, fon of Canonicus, 274, 291, 326 Miantonomu, references to, 20, 22, 23 (».), 26, 37, 39, 55, 42, 48, 58, 62, 68, 70, 86, 96, 97, 101, no, 115, 116, 121, 133, 138, 140, 306, 316, 329,363, 390 Miantonomu, account of - 69 note. " figns covenant at Hart- ford, - - - 117 Milton, John, Latin Secretary to Cromwell, 241 («.), 251 (».) Milton, John, his "Eikonoklafles" in anfwer to "Eikon Bafilike," 249 Mifhaimtuck men, - - 388, 392 Mifquamicoke, Wefterly, - 38 Mittonan, - - - - -385 Mittaubfcut, .... 385 Mohawks, 13, 14, 35, 44, 47, 48, 152, 155, 157, 186, 203,273,382 '• flay the Englifh, - 14 Mohegans, 86,98, 107, no, 117, 118, 135, 145, 185,201,274,385 Mohegan, - 137, 139 Monahiganeucks, Mohegans, 22, 84, 67 Mohun, Mrs. - - - 288, 290 Monafhackotoogs, - - 34 Monk, Geo. Duke of Albemarle - 352 Montawk, - - - - 24 (#.) Morton, Nathaniel ... 397 Morton's Memorial refer'd to, 154, 333 MofhafTuck river bridge, 263, 324 (/?.) Mofely, Capt. Samuel - - - 375 Mumford, Stephen ... 362 Munhadoes, - - - 186, 204 Munnataukit, - - - - 24 Myftic, to be free hunting ground. 43 (».) Nameug, New London, - 146 (#.) Nananawtunu, - 364, 379 Nanafquiouwut, - - - - 122 Neponfet river, - - - - 113 Narraganfett Indians, 24, 27, 30, 34, 37, 117, 120,145, 269, 271, 273, 276, 280 Narraganfett, origin of - 40 (;?.) Narraganfett country, - - - 86 " " quellion on the jurifdidtion of - - 334 (».) Narraganfett fight in 1675, account of - ' - - - 380 (»•) Naufipouck, - - - - 122 Nawwufhawfuck, - - 301, 305 416 Index. Nayantakoogs, - - - -46 Nayantacawnick, - - - 43 Nayantequit men, - - 45, 135 Nayantequit, Niantic, i. e. Wefterly and Charleilown, - - 119 Necawnimeyat, - - - - 109 Ninekunat, ... - 189, 194 Newman, Rev. Samuel - 81, 192 (w.) New Haven, - - - 82 Newport, - - 127, 303 (/z.) " difcuflion between Roger Williams and Quakers at 357 Newton's cafe, - - - - '99 Niantequit, Pine Mall Swamp 18 (n.) Niantiquits, Miantonomu's refidence, 18 Niantics, - - - - 13,115 " location of - - 18 (#.) Nichols, Col. ... 387, 39 1 Ninicraft, - 367, 384 Ninigret, iachem of the Niantics, 45 (71.), 147, 156, 161, 165, 172, 179, 270, 275, 280, 281, 323 " coufin to Miantonomu, 45 (/z.) " at war with Indians of Long Ifland, - - - 281 (*.) Nipmucks, - 29,30,38,47,182,326 Nifwofakit, - - - 315 Northern tra£t, grant of - - 177 Notaquonatnot, - - - - 314 Nowell, 182 Nye, Philip ... - 222 O'Callaghan's New Netherlands, \%7(n.) Ohomowauke, - - - 19 Oldham, Mr. - - 26, 66, 70, 139 Oldway, - - - - - 109 Oliver, Capt. ... 292, 372 Olney, Mr. his ion ... 309 Olney, Thomas - 324 Olney, Thomas - 283 Oneko, - - - - 61 (n.) Orange, Prince of - - - 162 Origen, note on - - - - 3 13 Oufamequin, - 116, 316, 336, 407 Owen, Dr. Thomas, anfwers Cot- ton's book, - 353 and note. Owocafe, Uncas, - - - 84 Paine, Mr. of Seekonk - - 212 Palfrey, Rev. Dr. note relative to Williams - - - - 3 56 Pametefick, - - 102, 103, 106 Pananawokfhin, - - - - 22 Parker, Mr. - 309 Partridge, Alexander - - 151, 154 Patrick, Capt. Daniel 16 (;?.), z^.{n.), 29 0?.), 32 (/?.), 35, 46, 109, 166 Paupattokfhick, - - - - 119 Paupauquiwut, ... 379 Pawcatuck. - - - 152, 170 Pauchauquet, - - - - 291 Pawtucket, Powtuckqut, an Indian murdered near - 11 1, 113 " reference to - - 329 Pawtuxet, - 293, 302 Peach, Arthur - - - -ill Peacock, William - - 1 59 Peag, note on - - - - 158 " law fixing value of - 179 (#.) Penn, James ... 80 (w.) " Admiral Wm. note on - 288, 290 Pequots, 6, 7, 13, 17,28,46,48,52,54, 56, 66, 85, 98, 102, 117, 120, 135, 238, 185, 201, 338, 385 Pequot Fort, plan of, how fituated 19 Pequot War, note on - - 30 Pequots, note from Underhill relat- ing to - - - 41 (».) " purfued by Stoughton 43 (n.) " land of, divided - 4^ (».) " name extinguifhed, 1 17, 146 (#.) Pequot town, now New London, 44 (/?.) Peflicus, --.. 323, 363 Pefficofh, - 201, 21 1 Peters, Hugh, 50, note on 50, 181, 259, 3o8, 355 Pettaquomfett, 40 (//.), 322 (».), 380 Index. 4*7 Philip, King 323, 326, 364, 366, 367, 369 " rumors of war with 364 (/?.) '« war begins at Swanfey, 369(77.) " notices of war with 370, 374, 375, 385, 382 " War, Rhode Ifland took no part in - - - - 386 Pine mall fwamp, Groton, - 18 (#.) Pifcataquack, - - - - 1 1 1 Pitammock, - - - - 211 Pitney, James ... - 292 Plymouth, - - 80, 112, 167, 188 Plymouth records, - 81, 198, 269 Plymouth claims jurifdiclion of R. Ifland, - - 154 (w.) Plum Ifland, - - - 25 Portfmouth unites with Newport in fending John Clarke to Eng- land, - 23O (?7.) Powcomtuck Indians, - - - 281 Potter's, E. R., Hill:. Narraganfett, quoted, 38, 117, 120, 313, 326, 387 Prichard, Capt. - - - - 155 Prince, Thomas, of Plymouth - 351 Prince's Chronology, quoted, - 316 Providence, fir il compaft figned at 5 " R. Williams' letter to town of - - - 149 " letter to Sir H. Vane, 266 " Records, quoted, 278, 305 Prudence Ifland, (Chibachuwefe) given to Oldham, - 70 " fold to Mr. Winthrop, 70 (n.) " date of deed of - 78 " _ other references to 82, 104, 138 Pumham, note on 300, 321 '« troubles with - 300, 301, 382 Pummakommins, - - - 211 Punhommin, - - - 171 Puppompogs, ... 122, 136 Puttaqutpunck, - 57 Puttaquappuonckquame, - 63, 122 Pynchon, Wm. 51 («.), 193, 205 (».) 54 Pynchon, Wm. his work on " Man's Redemption," - - 205 Quapang, - - - - - 383 Quaquackis, - - - - 379 Quaunoncku, - - - - 367 Quame, - - - - 57 Quawnipund, - - - 367. 384 Quiapen, - - - - 367 Quick, William - - - 33 (»•) Quinnipiuck, (New Haven - 119 Quflaumpowan, - - - - 103 Rawfon, Edward - - - 151 Rehoboth, - 80, 364 Reprive, an Indian fervant of Gov. Winthrop, - 69, 78, 82 Rhodes, Zacharie - 295 and note. " Chriftopher - - 295 (/?.) " William- - - 295 (».) " James T. 295 (».) Rhode Ifland Lit. Repofitory, let- ter from - - - - 327 Rider, S. S. publifher, Williams' Experiments of Spiritual Life, 2 43 (».) Roberts, Thomas - "39 Robinfon, ----- 33 Robinfon, Rev. John 50 (/?.) Roome, John - 294 Rupert, Prince - - 197 (».), 288 Sabin, J., publifhes Mafon's Pequot War, - no Saconet rocks, - 164 Sadlier, Mrs. letters to Roger Wil- liams, 241, 245, 249 " her opinion of " The Bloody Tenent," - - - - 244 " Dr. Elton's note on the cor- refpondence with - 252 (».) Salem, Williams' letter from church at, to church at Bofton, - 7 1 " Williams' letter, note by Charles Deane on the letter, 77 Sands, Mr. of Bofton - 230 4i8 Index. Saufaman, - 57, 367 Saflkcus, 29, 31, 33, 35, 41, 44, 47, 51, 87, 136 " flight of - 41 (».) Saffawau, - 38, 39 Safepunnuit, - - - - 174 Safquankit, - 54, 58 Saugus, 127 Saufawpona, - - - - 103 Savage, Genealog. Die. referred to 66, 89, 128, 154,328, 361, 375 Scott, Mr. 121 Scott, John - 372 Scotch intelligence, - - 141 (#.) Scott, Mrs. Richard - - - 312 Seabrooke Fort, 33 (77.) Sedgwick, Major - - 292, 298 Seekonk, - - - 80, 153, 188 Sellick, Mr. of Bolton, - - 212 Sequin, - - - - - 51 Sharpe, Samuel, letter from church at Salem, to church at Bof- ton, - - 71,78(77.) Showatuck, 7, 363 Shawomet, (Warwick) - 198, 229 Shirley, Bifhop, trial of witneffes 167 (/?.) Simpfon, Sidrach - - 222 (77.) Simfon, John - 260 Smith, Dan. Rehoboth - - 377 Smith, Edward, of Newport, - 362 Smith, John, references to, 207, 294 (#.) Smith, John, notice of - go (».), 335 Smith, Jofeph, of Warwick, 180 (77.) Smith, Richard, Sr., 177 (77.), 191, 320, 32200,363,366,391,399 Smith, Richard, Sr., buys R. Wil- liams' eflate at Cawcum- quffick, - - 178 (».), 229 Smith, Richard, Jr. - - 320, 322 Sofoa, or Socho, - - 38, 392 Soffiman, John - 367 Souwonckquawfir, - - 51 Sowoquafle, - - -51 ( n \ Spur, John 211 Stanton, Thomas, 61 and note, 84, 86, 97, no, 136, 138, 139, 172, *93» 2 °3 Staples' Annals of Providenee, quo- ted, ... 169, 230 Staples' Gorton, quoted, - 329, 330 Stone, Captain 60 (77.) Stoughton, Capt. Ifrael 28, 32 (».), 33 (»•)» 35 (»•)> 39> 47 1 6 3, 67, 339 (»)» 4°5 Stoughton, Capt. purfues the Pe- quots, - - - 43 (»•) Stoughton, William - - 339 (77.) Stratton, Mr. - - - - 131 Stubbs, John .... 358 Stuyvefant, Gov. of New Amfter- dam, ... 162 (77.) Sunke Squaw, .... 367 Sunfeeto, fon of Uncas, epitaph on, 61 Sugar-loaf Hill, - - - - 407 Swanzea, ... 154, 364, 369 Symonds, Mr. .... 282 Tacommaicon, - - 39 1 Tacummanan, - - 39i Tattoapaine, Tatuphofuit, Taufaquonawhut, - - 87, 195 - 364, 372 . 194 Thomas' Di£l. of Biography, quo- ted, ... 290, 299 Throckmorton, John ] 5, 27, 40, 45, 78, 82, 113, 138, 160, 161, 164, 184, 191, 195, 198 Throckmorton, John - note on 27 Tift, Jofhua ... 379, 384 Torrey, Jofeph, of Newport, 320, 362 Tours, John .... 392 Trade, Captain - - 32, 33 (77.) Treves, or Truce, - - 187, 188 Trevice, Mr. ... 162, 164 Trial of witnesses, 197 (#.)» 173 (#•) Trumbull, J. H. his notes on Wil- liams' Key, quoted, - 38, 40 UcatquiufTet, 37 Index. 419 Uncas, 31, 61 (77.), 64, 68, 82, 84, 87, 95, 97, 102, 106, 119, 121, 128, 138, 152, 157, 167, 175. 179, 181, 307, 363, 385 Uncas, epitaph on - - - 61 Uncas figns covenant at Hartford, - 117 Underhill, John 16 (77.), 31, 35, 161 " his News from America, 3 1 " note on the Pequots, 41 (77,) Uflier, Bifhop - - - - 12 Valentine, Mr. - 165 Van Tromp, Admiral - 288 Vane, Governor - - - 70 Vane, Sir Henry, 1 , 55, 92, 93, 1 23 (».), 187, 256 (».), 262 (77.), 298 and note, 373 " requefts Coddington to re- move from Bofton, - - 123 *« fails for England, - 123 (77.) *« notice of, by Dr. Upham 253 («.) " letter to the people of R. I. 257 " prifoner at Carifbrook Caf- tle, 373 Vane, Lady - - - - 187 Vaughan William - 392 Verin, Jofhua 82, 95 (//.), 124 (77.), 335 (»•) Verin, Jofhua, complaints againft Williams, - - - - 1 24 Verin, Joihua, Winthrop's notice of 1 24 Verin, Philip, of Salem, - - 95 Vincent, P., relation of the Pequot war, - - 31, 41 (77.) Wagonckwhut, - - - 58 Wall, Mr. 212 Waller, Nath. ... - 173 Wampum, notes on - - 108, 158 Warwick, fuit againft, for damages, - 293 '* references to 153,280,300,302 Warwick Neck, - 321, 322 Warner, Mr., of Warwick, - -154 Wanafquatucket, - 398 Waterman, Nathaniel - - - 324 Waterman, Nathan Waqunckeke, Weathersfield, Webiler, Mr. Weeokamen, Weeaugonhick, Weekes, Mrs. Wekapaug, or Weflerly, Weld, Sarah - 325 - 315 51, 52 (».) - 3°9 - 23 ■ io 3 - 189 - 45 (»•) " 4°4 Wequafh, a renegade Pequot, 18, 22, 26, 39,47, 61, 86, 139 Wequafh, name for Swan, - 19 (77.) Wequafhcuck, Wequafh Cook, 62 and note, 68, 103, 107, 139 (77.), 158, 160, 170, 178, 181, 186 Weft India Expedition, - - 298 Weftcott, Stukely - 389 Wefton, Mrs. - - - - 208 " Francis or Mathew - 208 (77.) Wefterly, Mifquamicoke, - 38, 119 Weymouth, - - - - 112 Whipple, John, jr., R. Williams's letter to - - - - 327 " reference to 404 Whittier, John G., reference to wam- pum, ... 109 (77.) White, Mr. - - - 284, 289 Wickenden, Wm. ... 329 Wickes, Francis - 335 (77.) Wild, Jofeph - - - - 1 59 Willard, Major - 277 Willet, Thomas - - - 388, 391 Willett's men, - - ' - - 386 William's, Jofeph ... 408 Willams, Mary, daug. of Roger, 189(77.) Williams, Roger, accompanies Mian- tonomu to Hartford, - - 120 " complains of J. Verin and Wm. Arnold, - - - 124 " his voyage to Connecticut and Plymouth, - - - 125 rt his troubles with Gorton, 141 and note. '« his letter to Gov. Winthrop relative to Gorton, - - 141 420 Index. Williams, Roger, letter to the town < of Providence, - - - 149 " effort to raife money for 151 (/?.) " elected Deputy Prefident of the Colony, - - 170 u authorized to fell a little wine to the natives, - - - 180 " "Bloody Tenent," reference to - 198, 214, 217, 243 " fails for England with J. Clarke to procure a new charter, ... 230 (n.) " note on his vifit, - - 256 " petitions to the Gen'l Court of Mafs., to pafs through Boflon, without moleflation, 223, 232 " his knowledge of foreign lan- guages, - - - 261 (ff.) " reads Dutch with Milton, - 262 " writes letter from town of Providence to Sir H. Vane, 266 " chofen Prefident of Provi- dence Colonv, - - 278 (#.) " teilimony relative to the deed of R. I., of 1658, - - 305 " note relative to his leaving Salem, - - - - 337 " his reference to matters of confcience and note, - - 345 " his eroding the Seelconk river, 3'6 (».), 335 (*•), 336 " his purchafe ot lands in See- konk, - - - - 316 " his Key to the Indian lan- guage, printed by Gregory Dexter, - 328 (w.) '* Gov. Bradford's fketch of 336 (».) " Sir Wm. Martin's note on - 337 " is commiffioned captain in Philip's war, - - 337 (n.\ " discourfes delivered by 403 (#.), 405 (».) Williams, Robert, letter of R. Wil- liams to - - - - 206 Winifimet, - - - - 79 Winflow, Mr., 116, 255, 274, 277, 292, _. _ , 335 Winflow, Edward, Commiffioner of expedition againfl Hifpaniola, 282 (#.), 288, 290 " " Hypocracie Unmafked," 141 (».) Winflow, Jofiah - 400 Winfor, Jofhua - 310 Winfor, Jofhua's wife ... 283 Winthrop, John, Gov. of Mafs., note on 143 " letter to R. Williams - - 202 «« Maj. Wait - 259, 366, 368 " *' " marries a daugh- ter of Hugh Peters, - 259 (».) " Elizabeth, death of - - 365 Winthrop's model ofChriflianChari- ity, - - - - 319 " Hifl. of N. Eng'd, quoted, - 304 Witter, Wm. of Lynn, - 210 (z?) Wocafe, Uncas, - - - - 85 Wood, John - 320 Wood's New England, - - - 109 Wood, Richard - - - - 155 Wordsworth, Mr. on the " Eikon Bafilike," - - 199 (».) Wright, George - - - - 169 Wunhowatuckoogs, - - 19 Wunnafhowatuckoogs, 6, 28, 34, 38, 44, 61, 120, 363 Wunnawmeneefkat, - - - 385 Wufquowhananawkits, or Neepmet men, 7 Wuffoonkquaflin, « - - - 1 55 Wuttackquiackommen, - - 18 Wuttattaquegin, - 129, 132 Wuttouwuttauoum, - - - 155 Yale, David, of Bollon - 128 Yale, Elihu - 128 (;?.) Yaupuck, - - 173 Yotoafh, ... 20, 22, 55 PUBLICATIONS NARRAGANSETT CLUB. {First Series.) Volume VI PROVIDENCE, R. I. MDCCCLXXIV. .<« .<*v ; oi SUBSCRIBERS' EDITION, ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY COPIES. Entered according to an Act of Congrel's, in the year 1874, By George Taylor Paine, FOR THE NARRAGANSETT CLUB, In the Office of the Librarian of Congrefs, at Washington, D. C. Providence Prefs Co., Printers. The members of the Narragansett Club defire it to be underftood, that they are not anfwerable for any opinions or obfervations that may appear in their publications ; the Editors of the feveral works being alone refponfible for the fame. $ 2 c :+ .1-*" r *tf 1 -cu % v,** >*>■, 4. v O , *>* rT« * ' 4q ^ \' ,0 V * ^ ,v f oK V ^> -o.** A ° ■** _ OCT 69 ^■^■j*" N. MANCHESTER. INDIANA i. «P K .