Oass sZ^^f: Book^, ,22£L HISTORY OF BEVERLY, CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL, FROM ITS SETTLEMENT IN 1630 TO 1S42. BY EDWIN M. STONE, BOSTON: JAMES M UN ROE AND COMPANY 1843. Eniered according to Act of Congress, By Edavin M. Stone. In tlip Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. DIJTTON AND W E N T W P T H M Prinlinij-House. ^'h PREFACE It is gratifying to perceive that the interest of late av/akened in town histories is increasing. Until each town in the Common- wealth shall have had its historian, the most accurate history of Massachusetts will remain to be written. It is to be regret- ted that the work, in which for six months I have been constantly engaged, had not been undertaken at an earlier period. Had it been written at the commencement of the present century, many most interesting incidents, recorded only in the memory of aged inhabitants, would have been preserved, which are noAv irrecover- ably lost. In the preparation of this volume, I have made a thorougli examination of the town records, the State arcliives, the collec- tions of several historical societies, and a large number of private papers, amounting in all to nearly twenty thousand manuscript pages. Much information has also been obtained from individu- als who were contemporaries of the Revolution, and from others whose antiquarian research has been minute and successful. My other principal authorities are Hutchinson's and Hubbard's Histo- ries, Felt's Annals of Salem, and the Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections. But with all my care, it is possible some resource has remained undiscovered, though it is confidently be- lieved no material documentary fact has been overlooked. A considerable number of the following pages will be found under the ecclesiastical head. For the sake of unity, this portion IV PREFACE. of the histor}^ has been separated from that belonging more strict- ly to the civil department ; and with which, until the formation of the second parish in 1713, it was blended. In preparing the ecclesiastical history, I have had access to the parish and church records of the several religious societies. From these I have drawn such matter only as seemed proper to a work of this char- acter, and with that I have interwoven materials placed at my command by members of the different congregations. It was a part of my original design to furnish genealogical tables of all the families represented by the signers of the petition for the first church, in 1666 ; but a few days of laborious investi- gation convinced me that such a plan was impracticable, and I have confined a detailed genealogy to the principal founders of the town. To Hon. Robert Rantoul, whose long connexion Avith the pub- lic affairs of the town, together with much investigation, has made him familiar with its early history, I am greatly indebted, both for the free use of his manuscript lectures on Beverly, deliv- ered before the lyceum in 1830, '31 and '32, and for other very valuable assistance. To Rev. Christopher T. Thayer, also, I am obligated for vari- ous interesting materials, and other important service, as well as for a generous interest taken in the enterprize from its commence- ment. My acknowledgments are likewise due to Hon. George Bancroft and Rev. Joseph B. Felt, of Boston, Samuel F. Haven, Esq., librarian of the American Antiquarian Society, at Worces- ter, and to m.any gentlemen of this town, who have kindly aided my inquiries. E. M. S. Beverly, 1842. HISTORY OF BEVERLY TOPOGRAPHY. Beverly, in Essex county, Massachusetts, is in north latitude 42° 36', and longitude 70° 53', west of London. It is situated on Massachusetts Bay, IQ^Q miles from Boston, =^ and 20 from Newbury- port. The bordering towns are Salem, Danvers, Wenham and Manchester. It is about 20 miles dis- tant from the extreme point of Cape Ann, and 45 miles from the point of Cape Cod. Its greatest length in a direct line from the brick factory at Frost Fish- brook, the boundary towards Danvers on the west, to Chubb' s Creek, the boundary towards Manchester on the east, is about 6| miles ; and its greatest width, from Tuck's Point, opposite Salem, on the south, to Wenham line on the north, is about 3 J miles. Its average length is about 5| miles, and its width about 2|. The soil of Beverly is yellow loam and gravel, mixed with veins of clay and sand. Clay suitable * This distance is measured from the City Hall; in Boston, by the Salem Turnpike, to the First Parish meeting-house. 1 » HISTORY OF BEVERLY. for coarse pottery and bricks, is found in many parts of the town, and the coarse sand from West's and other beaches, affords considerable employment to vessels in which it is transported to Boston for sale. From the beach between Paul's Head and Curtis Woodberry's Point, black sand, for the supply of stationers' shops, has been obtained in considerable quantities. Being somewhat impure, from mixture of other sand, it is separated by the use of magnets which strongly attract the black. Several quarries furnish an abundance of granite for cellar and sea walls, fences, &c. ; but, owing to its hardness and darker color when hammered, it is less valued for buildings than the stone obtained at Rockport. Green felspar has been found embedded in other stone. In 1824, some fine specimens were obtained from an excavation made in the lot of land adjoining the southerly side of the common, which were distributed among most of the public mineralogical collections in this country. The surface of Beverly is hilly. There is much rocky and unproductive land, yielding poor pastur- age ; but there is also a good portion of valuable and fertile soil, adapted to the production of English hay, Indian corn, rye, oats, barley, potatoes, and various kinds of vegetables and fruits. Much of the soil is also adapted to the growth of wheat ; but the uncer- tainty of the crop, resulting from mildew, will prob- ably prevent any general attention to its culture. The principal wood is pine, oak, walnut, white maple, birch and hemlock. There is also some elm, cherry, butternut, red larch, balm of Gilead, sassa- fras, red and white cedar, with many varieties of smaller growth. It is supposed that there is more HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 6 wood Standing now within the limits of the town, than there was thirty or forty years ago, an increased attention having been given to its growth and preser- vation. Many of the low meadows abound in peat, which, at present, is less used for fuel than it will be when the importation of wood from Maine, the great wood lot for all the sea-ports of Massachusetts, be- comes more expensive. Of shrubs, many of which are valuable for their medicinal properties, may be mentioned the thorn, two kinds of dog-wood, fever-bush, alder, high blueberry, whortleberry, savin, barberry, sweet fern, elder, bay berry, and laurel. The mountain laurel, which is here very abundant, is one of the most elegant shrubs. Its leaves are glossy and evergreen ; and its flowers, which appear in June, grow in beautiful clusters, varying in their complexion from white to rose. There is also a dwarf laurel familiarly known as la?nb kill, bearing clusters of delicate rose-colored flowers ; but being common it attracts little admira- tion. The barberry bush bears a sensitive flower, which, if touched on the inside, immediately closes. Beverly is by no means destitute of interest to the votaries of Flora. Of the flowers and flowering shrubs in the vicinity of Boston, catalogued by Big- elow, a very large number have been identified in this town by those skilled in botany ; and probably many more may be found which have not fallen in the way of desultory observation. Besides those already named, the Side-Saddle flower, the Cardinal flower, so highly prized in Europe, the Swamp Pink, the bulbous Arethusa, the side-flowering Scullcap, recommended as a specific for hydrophobia, the modest Violet family, the Ladies' Slipper, the Marsh Marigold, 4 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. the Canadian Rhodora, the Crane's-bill and Solomon's Seal, the sweet-scented Water Lily, the Autumnal and veiny-leaved Hawkweed, the Buckbean and wild Primrose, the scarlet Pimpernel, the Eglantine, and many others, are here found in great profusion, beau- tifying nature, and impregnating the atmosphere with a delicious fragrance, themselves '^ But bright thoughts syllabled to shape and hue, The tongue that erst was spoken by the elves, When tenderness as yet within the world was new." The fields and woods furnish the whole tribe of use- ful " roots and herbs," decoctions of which, when seasonably administered, are often a sufficient sub- stitute for more formidable medical prescriptions. Beverly is well watered by springs and brooks, though it cannot boast of any considerable streams. Bass or Naumkeag river^ takes its rise near the west- ern boundary of the first parish, and after running in a south-westerl)^ course about a mile and a half, unites at Ellingwood's Point with Porter's river. These wa- ters form Beverly harbor. The noticeable brooks are, Alewife brook, em.ptying into Ipswich river, — one near the East Farms school-house, which carries a saw-mill a part of the year, — and those running under Hart's and Thissel's bridges, each of which formerly supported a grist mill. Near Frost Fish brook, and adjacent to the bridge in Conant street, the late William Burley, during the last war, erect- ed a brick factory for manufacturing cotton cloth ; but a deficiency of water, combined with other cir- cumstances, induced an abandonment of the project. The most considerable pond within the limits of Beverly, is Beaver pond, situated about two hundred HISTORY OF BEVERLY. O rods south of Wenham line, and about half a mile east of Brimble Hill. It is a beautiful sheet of water, covering about 20 acres, and affords Perch, Yellow Shiners, Eels, Pickerel, and a shell-fish resembling the Muscle of the seashore. Another small sheet of water, called Round pond, is in the second parish, near the "Baker Tavern," and a few rods east of the road to Newburyport. It covers, perhaps, half an acre, and its circular margin is deeply fringed with high blueberry and other shrubs. It is said to be very deep, and no fish are known to exist there. It is probable that, at a remote period, the water cov- ered the entire swamp in the midst of which it lies concealed, and which now sustains a large growth of wood. The only mineral spring known in Beverly, is situated near the western foot of Snake Hill. From its chalybeate impregnation, it is called Iron Mine Spring. Iron ore is found near this spring, and for a time was worked, but not with sufficient profit to warrant a continuance of the business. The water has been used medicinally, but its efi'ect has not been sufficiently powerful to attract much the attention of invalids. Water from wells in this town, is obtained in great abundance, and of excellent qualit}^ Those sunk in the south part of the town, or between the rise of land near the harbor, and tAventy rods northerly of the first parish meeting-house, are from forty to fifty- three feet in depth. In other parts of the town, water is obtained by sinking a shaft from ten to thirty feet. A proprietors' well, opposite the Bank, fifty-three feet in depth, was built about sixty years ago, at an expense of more than eleven hundred dollars. Another pro- 1# 6 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. prietors' well at the comer of Bartlett and Cabot streets, was also sunk at great cost. The principal eminences in the town, are Browne, Brimble, Cue, Snake, Prospect, Christian, and Bald hills — on the latter of which, the town, in 1705, granted Samuel Corning liberty to build a wind mill. Browne hill received its name from the Hon. Wil- liam Browne, a wealthy citizen of Salem, who owned the estate extending to the lane near the corner of Liberty and Conant streets. He was the son of Hon. Samuel and Abigail Browne, and was born May 7th, 1709. He was educated at Harvard University, where he graduated in 1727. In 1737, he married Mary, daughter of Governor Burnet, who died July 31, 1745. His second wife was Mary, daughter of Philip French, Esq., of Brunswick, N. J. He had eight children, and during his life-time filled the offi- ces of Justice of the Sessions Court, Representative in the General Court, and member of the Executive Council. About 1750, Mr. Browne erected a splendid man- sion on the summit of this hill, to which he gave the name of " Browne Hall, " after a place in Lanca- shire, England, that belonged to his ancestors. This building consisted of two wings, two stories high, con- nected by a spacious hall, the whole presenting a front of seventy feet. The floor of the hall was painted in imitation of mosaick, and springing from the wall was a commodious circular gallery. Adjacent to the house, was a building occupied solely by the domes- tics, all of whom were blacks. The dwelling was finished in the most thorough and costly manner, and was furnished in a style corresponding with the wealth of its owner. This hall was the scene of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. many magnificent entertainments — and on one occa- sion an ox was roasted whole and served up to a numerous dinner party. The farmhouse stood at the foot of the hill. About 1761, Mr. Browne re- moved this delightful residence from the hill to a site near Liberty corner. He lived but about two years after, and expired suddenly in his field, of apoplexy, April 27th, 1763, aged 54. A manuscript note in the Archives of the Worcester Antiquarian Society, says : " He was a most polite gentleman, well read in history and geography." He bequeath- ed a gilt cup to his son William, which once belonged to the lady of Bishop Burnet, and £1000 old tenor to a society in England for propagating the gospel among the American Indians. After Mr. Browne's decease, the estate became the property of Richard Derby, Esq., of Salem. During his occupancy of it, February 22d, 1790, the barn was burned, and thirty- six head of cattle with it. The estate was subse- quently purchased by the late William Burley, who disposed of the mansion, which was removed in parts by several purchasers. liiS©^J31 H^LL, From this hill, opens to the beholder a prospect of surpassing beauty and grandeur. His eye scans an H HISTORY OF BEVERLY. immense panorama of hiil and dale, of forest and lawn, teeming with animation, and sending up to his ear the hum of busy life — the lowing of herds and the cheerful notes of the feathered tribes, blending rural sounds with the bustle of town and city. Be- fore him, Beverly spreads out as a map, dotted with churches and school-houses — those objects here in New England, so happily and gloriously united, and that bring to his mind's vision the spirit of puritan forecast, which provided simultaneously for the cul- ture of the intellect and the improvement of the heart. A little to the north lies Wenham, with its charming lake ; and still further on, the solitary spire of Ham- ilton church is seen, pointing heavenward, and reliev- ed by the rich back-ground of Ipswich hills. Turning himself slowly round, his eyes rest successively on the valley of Topsfield, remarkable for the superior intensity of its atmospheric light, while the far-away mountains veil their heads in clouds — on Danvers Plains, the Salem Village of " the olden time," whose proverbial enterprize has obliterated almost every memorial of the painful and fatal scenes of witch- craft-folly — on Salem, the city of peace, where the godly Higginson planted and nurtured the vine whose prolific energy fruited the New England churches — on Marblehead, with its iron-bound shore, emblematical of the hardy spirit of its enter- prizing and patriotic inhabitants, and to promote the moral good of whom, the pious Avery encountered a watery grave ; and, finally, to perfect the view, on Massachusetts Bay, which, flashing with silvery light, tossing in giant sportiveness her glittering foam-cap aloft, mingling her charms with indented shores, rugged promontories, and countless patches of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. \f russet and green, and bearing on her proudly heaving bosom, the sails of many and distant climes, stretches out and out, as if to mock the feebleness of sight, until she receives and reciprocates the embrace of the mighty Atlantic. A prospect, of nearly equal beauty, is afforded from Cherry Hill, formerly the estate of the late Jo- seph White, of Salem, but now the property of Capt. John Hammond. Its proximity to Wenham Pond,=^ one hundred and seven acres of which lie within the limits of Beverly, the distant view of the ocean, the various scenery of the surrounding country, com- bine, with the salubrity of its situation, to render it one of the most desirable residences in this vicinity. The mansion, as seen through a long avenue of fruit trees, shaded at its upper termination by two finely branching elms, presents a handsome appearance; and from its top Capt. White, with the aid of a glass, frequently descried his vessels making the port of Salem before their approach was known in the city. A delightful and extensive view of the harbor and adjacent region is had from the summer-house in the * The surface of this beautiful sheet of water measures 320 acres, and is 34 feet higher than the flow of the tide at the head of Bass river. It is well stored with fish, and is much resorted to by the lovers of piscatory amusements. Alewives formerly came up to this pond to spawn, but the dam on Ipswich river, and other ob- structions, have nearly stopped their access to it. The water is very pure, and the proximity of the rail-road aflbrds facilities for profita- ble engagement in the ice business during the winter months. On the northern side of this pond is a conical hill, called Peters' Pulpit. It is said Hugh Peters, one of the early ministers of the First Church in Salem, once addressed a large audience from its top. His text was, John iii. 23, " At Enon, near Salem, because there was much water there." Enon w^as the original name of Wenham, and the territory of Salem, at that time, joined it. 10 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. garden of Mr. George Brown, from the cupola of Bell's building, and from various other points. The picturesque view afforded from EUingwood's Point, is unsurpassed by any water prospect in this vicin- ity ; and the admirer of nature, who stands on Paul's Head, at the opening and close of day, will see the sun rise from his watery bed with a glory, and de- scend behind the western hills with a gorgeousness, of which Italy itself might be proud. Nature has beautifully delineated Beverly, and marked it for a town. The southern quarter, oppo- site Salem, combines, for commercial purposes, the advantages of a commodious and safe harbor, salu- brious air, and dry, elevated land, well suited for building. From Essex Bridge, the elevation along the rail-road track, towards Newburyport, gradually increases till it reaches more than fifty feet, the summit level at the corner near Col. Jesse Shelden's, when it as gradually slopes toward Wenham. The streets are of commodious width, and generally ornamented with shade trees; and several, running easterly from the main street to the marginal one threading the harbor, present a very handsome appearance. The principal highways, all of which are bordered with many ex- cellent farms, are, the road leading from Salem to Newburyport, which makes the main street of the town, — the road to Cape Ann, which, as it winds its way along the seashore the whole distance, affords an exceedingly pleasant and romantic drive, — the road through Rial Side to Dan vers Neck, — Conant street, which intersects Liberty street (running from the Neck to the Topsfield road), and leads to Dan- vers Plains, — and the road from the second parish meeting-house to Topsfield. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 11 The road from Essex bridge to Wenham is ex- ceedingly crooked, having many acute angles and large curvatures, besides innumerable smaller sinuos- ities. In this respect, however, it is not singular. Before a way had been discovered of passing from Woodberry's Point, to a settlement made very early at the head of Bass river, except by following the seashore and the margin of the river, it is said a heifer was driven from the Point to the latter place around the shore, and left to remain there. The an- imal, not liking her new abode, set out to return home through the woods, which she reached before her driver. Instead of pronouncing her bewitched, as probably would have been done some fifty or sixty years later, her tracks were traced, and a path there- by discovered, which subsequently became a road of communication between the two places. The road thus laid out by this four-footed commissioner of highways, has not, since that time, been improved much in its direction. Two hundred years still leave us in possession of many highways, whose numerous windings bear ample testimony to the same scientific origin, and it is quite possible that the road first mentioned was surveyed and laid out by an en- gineer of a kindred corps. The natural advantages of Beverly, to which refer- ence has been made, have not been neglected. From the Salem side, the town, with its wharves, store- houses and shipping, presents the compact aspect of a commercial place. As the stranger crosses the bridge, and enters the heart of the main village, he is favorably impressed with the air of comfort and business which the numerous handsomely finished dwellings and shops exhibit ; nor is he less gratified 12 ^ HISTORY OF BEVERLY. as he proceeds, when the well-tilled fields, substan- tial farm-houses, and picturesque scenery of the sec- ond parish open to his view. It is no vain boasting to say, that this town combines as many natural and acquired advantages as any other, of similar terri- tory and population, in Essex county. Nor, it is be- lieved, will the lover of nature elsewhere find more ample means for indulging the senses, or wider scope for the exercise of imagination. SETTLEMENT. Beverly originally formed a part of the Naumkeag territory, belonging to John, Sagamore of Agawam, which also inclnded Salem, Marblehead, Manchester, Wenham, Danvers, part of Topsfield and of Middle- ton.^ This chief gladly welcomed the colonists, to whom he looked for protection against his powerful enemies, the Tarrantines, and made them a free grant of this entire territory. In 1700, the grandchildren of the Sagamore set up a claim to Beverly, which was cancelled by the payment of £6 6s. 8d., and a formal deed taken. It was supposed by the late Rev. Dr. Bentley, whose familiarity with the early history of this coun- try entitles his opinions to great weight, that the first settlement within the original limits of Salem was made on Bass river or " Cape Ann Side," as it is styled in the ancient records. He pointed out a spot near Tuck's Point, as the locality of the first fort * Naamkeag, it is well known, was the name of Salein. Mather writes it NahumkeicJc, on which he has the following comment : " I have somewhere met with an odd observation that the name of it was rather Hebrew than Indian : for Nahum signifies comfort, and Keick signifies an haven j and our English not only found it an haven of comfort, but happened also to put an Hebrew name upon it ; for they called it Salem, for the peace which they had and hoped in it : and so it is called unto this d.dJvy—Magnalia, vol. 1, p. 63. 2 14 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. erected for the protection of settlers. But since his decease, the error of this opinion has been satisfacto- rily ascertained. The fort referred to was establish- ed on Naugus' Head, nearly opposite fort Pickering, at the entrance of Salem harbor. The first permanent settlement in this town was efiected by Roger Conant, John and William Wood- berry, and John Batch, about 1630. It commenced at Curtis Woodberry's Point, whence it extended to Mackerel Cove and other parts. There are reasons for the belief, that at an early period, perhaps not long before the settlement of Salem in 1626, Beverly was an Indian residence. In removing the earth on the westerly margin of Bartlett swamp in 1834, flat stones placed in a circular form, on which fire had been made, and also charcoal and clam-shells, were found near a spring of fresh water. Similar remains have been discovered on the shore west of the mouth of Bass river. According to a current tradition, one of the first houses erected in this town, was on Woodberry's Point, near the residence of John Prince, It was a large double house, constructed for defence against an enemy, and called the garrison house. It was framed of oak after the fashion of the times, and was taken down about forty years ago. A settlement by an EUingwood (probably Ralph) was early made on Fox's or Ellingwood's Point. The flats from the old ferry- way to this Point, were granted by Salem to one of the Ellingwood's, in compensation for sup- porting a pauper by the name of Lambert. The deed of this grant is extant. There is a tradition, that the first child born in this town, was of the name of Dixey. William Dixey HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 15 settled oil Bass-river-side soon after Conaiit ; and if the tradition is founded in fact, it is probable this child was his. Dixey was admitted freeman 1634, and died in 1690, aged 82. On 27th October, 1647, the inhabitants of Mackerel Cove were, on petition, released from being called to watch in Salem, except in seasons of danger ; and in 1665, the Bass river settlement was permitted by the General Court, to exercise some of the powers of a town, though still subordinate to Salem. These were, to choose selectmen, and raise the charges to be de- frayed by and within themselves — to provide for the poor that desired to inhabit with them — to choose their constables and surveyors of highways, and whatever other officers it might be necessary to em- ploy. — with a distinct understanding, however, that in town and country charges, in common interest and concern, and in the choice of Deputies to the General Court, they were to act in concert with Salem. Three years subsequent to this arrangement, Oct. 14, 1668, Bass-river-side was incorporated as a dis- tinct township by the name of Beverly, and Salem was required to furnish suitable lands and bounds. These bounds excluded Rial-side, and all the terri- tory within the present limits of the town, west of Bass river and Horse brook, which were not set off from Salem until 1753. The first town meeting subsequent to incorpora- tion, was held Nov. 23, 1668, at which Capt. Thomas Lothrop, Wm. Dixey, Wm. Dodge, sen., John West and Paul Thorndike, were chosen selectmen. These officers were sometimes called toivnsinen^ a name significant of their public character, and were select- ed from among the most worthy of the citizens. For 16 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. a long time "they united in their office the powers and duties of Overseers of the poor. Assessors of taxes, Surveyors of highways, and at one time, judicial powers to try civil causes of small amount. And although their powers are now more restricted, they are still looked up to as the fathers of the town, whose prudential affairs they are to order and man- age according to a sound discretion." Great dissatisfaction appears early to have existed with the name of the town ; so much so, that in 1671, Roger Conant, with thirty-four others, petitioned the General Court for its alteration. As the petition assigns all the known reasons for a change, it is given entire, Avith the orthography unaltered. Petitio7i of Roger Conant^ May 28, 1671. To the honored General Court, consisting of Mag- istrates and Deputees, (the 28th of the 3d month, 1671.) The humble petition of Roger Conant, of Bass river ah as Beverly, who hath bin a planter in New England fortie yeers and upwards, being one of the first, if not the very first, that resolved and made good my settlement under in matter of plantation with my family in this collony of the Massachusets Bay, and have bin instrumental, both for the found- ing and carriing on of the same ; and when in the infancy thereof it was in great hazard of being de- serted, I was a means, through grace assisting me, to stop the flight of those few that then were heere with me, and that by my utter deniall to goe away with them, who would have gon either for England, or mostly for Yirginia, but thereupon stayed to the hassard of our lives HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 17 Now my umble suite and request is unto this hon- orable Court, onlie that the name of our towne or plantation may be altered or changed from Beverly and be called Budleigh. I have two reasons that have moved me unto this request. The first is the great dislike and discontent of many of our people for; this name of Beverly, because (we being but a small place) it hath caused on us a constant nick- name of Beggarly, being in the mouths of many, and no order was given, or consent by the people to their agent for any name, until we were shure of being a town granted in the first place. Secondly. I being the first that had house in Sa- lem, (and neither had any hand in naming either that or any other town,) and myself with those that were then with me, being all from the western part of England, desire this western name of Budleigh, a market towne in Devonshire, and neere unto the sea as wee are heere in this place, and where myself was borne. Now in regard of our firstnesse and antiquity in this soe famous a coUony, we should umblie request this small preveledg with your favors and consent, to give this name above said, unto our town. I never yet made sute or request unto the Generall Court for the least matter, tho' 1 thinke I might as well have done, as many others have, who have obtained much without hazard of life, or preferring the public good before their own interest, which, I praise God, I have done. If this my sute, may find acceptation with your worships, 1 shall rest umbly thankfull, and my praises shall not cease unto the throne of grace, for God^s guidance and his blessing to be on all your waightie proceedings, and that iustice and righteousness may 18 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. be everie where taught and practised throughout this wilderness, to all posterity, which God grant. Amen. Your worships' umble petitioner and servant, Roger Conant. At this time Conant was upwards of eighty years old, and it may be presumed the name of his native Budleigh possessed for him the charm of early asso- ciation. But neither his venerable age, the services he had performed, nor yet " the umble desire and request" of a very considerable part of the male inhabitants of the place, availed to obtain the object of his petition. And June 1, 1671, the Court gave for reply, that " the magistrates having perused and considered this request, see no cause to alter the name of the place as desired, their brethren the dep- uties hereto consenting." Beverly in England, is a town of considerable note in the East-riding of York- shire, and was once the residence of John de Beverly, Archbishop of York, who died May 7th, 721. It is probable that from this town Beverly in Massachu- setts derived its name, and though the present gener- ation may sympathise with the aged Conant and his associates in the disappointment of their request, they will not regret that the original corporate name was retained in preference to the less euphonious one of Budleigh. Roger Conant, as stated in his petition, was born in Budleigh, England, in April, 1591. He was the son of Richard and Agnes Conant, and grandson of John Conant, who descended from worthy parents of Gettisham, near Honiton, and whose ancestors were of French extraction. He was brother to Dr. John Conant, of Exeter . College, one of the As- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 19 sembly Divines. In 1623, he emigrated to Plymouth, where he remained until 1625, when, in company with Rev. Mr. Lyford, he removed to Nantasket. He remained there but a short time, and proceeded to Cape Ann, Avhere he was invested with the super- intendence of the Dorchester company engaged in the fishery and agricultural pursuits, being in fact the first Governor in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, though not the Chief Magistrate of a Province. The trial of a year at Cape Ann, was sufficient to satisfy Conant and his company, that the prospect of gain was hopeless, and in 1626 he removed to Salem as a more favorable locality, and settled on the neck of land between Collins' Cove and the North River. His principal companions were John Woodberry, John Balch and Peter Palfrey. Here he was severe- ly tried by the disaffection of most of his company, who, through privation, the fear of Indian hostilities, and an invitation to accompany their late pastor, Mr. Lyford, to Virginia, were strongly inclined to aban- don the settlement. In this critical juncture, he re- mained firm and true to the interests of the company. He declared his intention to continue though all should depart ; and by his decided and hopeful tone, revived the drooping courage of his associates, and induced them to relinquish their design.^ He dis- charged the principal offices in Salem for several years, and represented that place in the General Court. He was an original member of the first church in Salem, and was made freeman in 1630. In 1635, he received, in connexion with several others, a grant of land at the head of Bass river; and on his petition * Mather's Magnalia, i. p. 62. 20 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. as "an ancient planter" in 1671, the General Court granted him 200 acres more.^ He took a patriarchal interest in the affairs of this town until his decease, Nov. 19th, 1679, in the 89th year of his age. Mather styles him "a most rehgious, prudent and worthy gentleman;" graces that eminently qualified him for the duties he was called to discharge, and which, in one instance at least, enabled him to adjust a diffi- culty between contending parties at Cape Ann that threatened bloodshed. f Roger Conant had four sons, Lot, Roger, Exercise and Joshua. The latter died in 1659. Lot, probably the oldest son, was born in 1624, and was among the original members of the first church in this town in 1667. He had ten children, viz : Samuel, John, Lot, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, William and Sarah, (twins,) Roger and Rebecca. In 1662, he lived in Marblehead. Roger, his second son, was the first male born in Salem — on account of which, in 1640, he received a grant of twenty acres of land. He came to Beverly with his father, and previously to 1674, resided in * The grant from Salem runs as follows: "4th of the 11th month, (Jan.) 1635. That Capt. (William) Traske, Jno. Woodberry, Mr Conant, Peter Palfrey and John Balch, are to haveSfarmes, viz : each 200 acres a peise, to forme in all a thousand acres of land together, lying and being at the head of Bass river, 124 poles in breadth, and soe runin northerly to the river by the great pond side, and soe in breadth, making up the full quantity of a thou- sand acres, these being laid out and surveyed by vs. John Woodberry, John Balch." Palfrey never settled on his grant. He removed to Reading, where he died July 15th, 1663. t Hubbard's Hist. N. E. pp. 106—111. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 21 Marbleheacl. He had a son Roger, who had a son Ebenezer, bom Dec. 30th, 169S. Exercise was, probably, born in Beverly. He was baptized at Salem, Dec. 24, 1637; was made free- man 1663, and was set off with other petitioners for a church in this town hi 1667. He appears to have been an active and useful citizen, and repre- sen ted the town in General Court, in 1682, 1684. The births of three of his children are recorded, viz : Elizabeth, Josiah and Caleb. John Woodbel-ry, another of the original settlers of this town, came from Somersetshire, England, under the direction of the Dorchester company, which established itself at Cape Ann about 1624. He came to Salem with Conant, Balch and others, in 1626, and the next year went to England as an agent for procuring supplies. He returned in 1628, and was made a freeman in 1630. In 1635, he was chosen deputy to the General Court — and again in 1638, besides which, he was appointed to several offices of trust in town. He was an original member of the first church in Salem. In 1636, he received a grant of two hundred acres of land on Bass river. He was an energetic, faithful and worthy man, and took an active part in the settlement and transactions of the colony. He died in 1641, having lived to see his perils, sufferings and toils contribute to prepare a refuge for his countrymen. Humphrey, son of John Woodberry, was born in 1609, came to N. England with his father in 1628, was admitted to the church in Salem 1648, was member of the first church in Beverly at its for- mation, was chosen deacon in 1668, and was liv- ing in 1681. Peter, son of Humphrey, was born 22 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. in 1640. He was made a freeman in 1668, and elect- ed representative in 1689. He also filled the office of deacon, and died July 5th, 1704, aged 64. Peter, jr. his son, was born in 1664, and died Jan. 8th, 1706, aged 42 years. He also filled the office of deacon. He owned the estate, now the property of Mr. Ben- jamin Woodberry, in the second parish, and resided in the same house. His widow, Mary, survived him fifty-seven years, and died Nov. 20th, 1763, in the 90th year of her age. Peter, jr., had also a son Peter, Avho was born June 20th, 1705, and died May 14th, 1775. John, a son of the last named Peter, was born Nov. 8th, 1743, and died Sept. 3d, 1813, in the 70th year of his age. He had six children, viz : John, Peter, Hannah, Mary, James and Benjamin. The homestead has remained in the family since the first settlement. Josiah Woodberry, son of the first named Peter, was born June 15th. 1682, and lived in the second parish. He had a son Peter, who removed to Mt. Vernon, N. H. (then Amherst,) in 1773, and died at Antrim, N. H., aged 85. His son, Hon. Peter Wood- berry, was born in Beverly in 1767, and removed to New Hampshire, with his father. He engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits. He was about fifteen years member of the House of Representa- tives, two years a State Senator, and for more than thirty years held the commission of Justice of the Peace. He died at Francistown, N. H., in 1834. He had five sons, Hon. Levi Woodbury, late Secre- tary of the U. S. Treasury, P. P. Woodbury, George Washington, (settled in Latantia, Miss.) Jesse and James. His wife was the daughter of James Wood- bury, who was born in Beverly, removed to Mt. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 23 Vernon, N. H., 1782, and died at Francistown, 1823, aged 86. James was an under officer in Col. Robert Rogers' regiment of Rangers, and was near Wolfe when he fell at the storming of Quebec. The sword he wore in that service is now in the possession of a descendant. William Woodberry, brother to the first named John, is mentioned in the Salem records in 1639, and his wife Elizabeth in 1640. He had a son Nich- olas who died May 16. 1686, aged about 69. He married Anna Paulsgrave, who died June 10, 1701, aged about 75. His daughter Abigail married an Ober, and died Jan. 28, 1727, aged 86. Nicholas had a son Nicholas, born in 16.57, died Oct. 13, 1691, aged 34. From John and AYilliam Woodberry, all bearing that name in New England probably descended. John Balch came from Bridge water, Somersetshire, England. He was an original member of the first church in Salem ; was made freeman in 1630, and held various offices of trust. He settled on his grant of land at the head of Bass river, near the present residence of Mr. John Bell, Avhere he died in 1648. He was an intelligent, exemplary and useful citizen. He was twice married, and had three sons, viz : Benjamin, born 1629 : John, married to Mary, daugh- ter of Roger Conant, and drowned in crossing the ferry to Beverly, Jan. 16, 1662 ; Freeborn, who went to England and never returned. Benjamin had Samuel, b. 1651, d. 1723; John, b. 1654, d. 1738 ; Joseph, killed at Bloody Brook ; and Freeborn, b. 1660, d. 1729. Freeborn lived near Wenham pond. His first wife was a Knowlton, by whom he had Freeborn, (v/ho removed to Bradford,) Benjamin and Mirriam. His second wife was Eliza- 24 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. beth Fairfield, by whom he had Elizabeth, Abigail, Tabatha, William and Mary. William, son of Free- born and grandson of Benjamin, was minister of Bradford— b. 1704, graduated 1724— d. 1792. He had seven children, one of whom, William, was father of Benjamin Balch, of Salem. Samuel Balch, son of Benjamin, sen., married Sarah Newmarch 1675 — was chosen deacon of the first church, Oct. 26, 1 704 ; married for second wife, Martha Butman, 1721; d. Oct. 14, 1723, aged 72. He had eleven children, viz : Joseph, John, Peter, Martha, Samuel, Benjamin and John, (twins,) Phebe, Cornelius, Abigail and Thomas. John Balch, son of deacon Samuel Balch, b. 1654 ; married Hannah Denning, Dec. 23, 1674 ; d. 1738. He had Israel, Sarah, Caleb, Joshua, David and Roger. He owned a large real estate in the second parish. To the names of Conant, Woodberry and Balch. it will be proper to add those of Brackenbury and Lothrop, as among the most valuable of the early settlers of Beverly. Richard Brackenbury came over in Governor En- dicott's company in 1628. The first public business with which his name is coupled, is in a joint commis- sion from Salem with William Woodberry, Ensign Dixey, Mr. Conant and Lieut. Lothrop, to '"lay out a way between the ferry at Salem and the head of Jefi'rie's Creek," to " be such a way as a man may travel on horseback or drive cattle," with the alter- native, that "if such a way may not be formed, then to take speedy course to set up a bridge at Mackerel Cove." Pie was a member of the first church in Salem in 1628, and was made a freeman HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 25 in 1630. In 1636, he received a grant of 7o acres of land. He was a member of the first church in Bev- erly, and took a lively interest in its affairs. His death occurred in 1685, at the age of 85. He left descendants, hut the name has become extinct in this town. Capt. Thomas Lothrop emigrated from England, and during his whole life was distinguished for in- telligence, activity and efficiency in public affairs. He settled on '' Bass-river-side," where he received a grant of land in 1636. He became *a freeman in 1634, and a member of the Salem church in 1636. He represented Salem in General Court for the years 1647, 1653 and 1664, besides holding other important offices. He assisted in founding the first church in 1667, and after the incorporation of this town, he was chosen a selectman, and re-elected to that office from year to year, until his death. He was also chosen representative for several years, and was ex- tensively employed in almost all the pubhc affairs of the town, both civil and ecclesiastical. In 1644, Lothrop was a lieutenant under Captain Hawthorn, and in 1654, had a captain's command under Major Sedgwick at the capture of St. Johns and Port Royal. He was very desirous of obtaining a bell for the meeting-house in Beverly, and applied to Major Sedgwick for one at St. Johns, but that being ah'eady promised, his wish was gratified at Port Royal, by being put in possession of the bell belonging to the '' new Friary " of that place, which he transferred to this town. In this expedition Thom- as Whittredge and Edward Rayment, of Beverly, held lieutenants' commissions, and William Wood- berry, Humphrey Woodberry and Peter Wooden, 3 26 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. were pilots. The "plunder" amounted to £740.^ In the early part of King Philip's war, Captain Lothrop was selected to command a company of infantry in the Massachusetts forces, and ordered to the western frontier of the province. This company, styled " the flower of Essex, " consisted of young men selected from the best families of the several towns in the county. At this time, the country now embraced in the county of Worcester and the Con- necticut river counties, was infested by hostile Indi- ans, and this company performed much hard service at and in the vicinity of Brookfield, making extensive marches through the northern woods in search of the enemy. Hadley being made the head-quarters of the troops stationed in that quarter to protect the settlers, it became necessary to increase the supply of provis- ions. A considerable quantity of wheat having been preserved in stacks at Deerfield, it was deemed expe- dient to have it threshed and brought down to Hadley. Capt. Lothrop and his company volunteered as con- voy. They passed with safety through the level and closely wooded country, well calculated for a surprize, and at Muddy Brook in South Deerfield, considered themselves, in a great measure, free from danger. The forest here was hung with clusters of grapes; and as the wagons dragged through the heavy soil, it is not unlikely that the teamsters, and possibly a part of the company, may have dispersed to gather them. At this moment of fatal security, seven or eight hundred Indians poured a deadly fire from their ambuscade ; and before the sanguinary conflict ceased, Capt. Lothrop and nearly the whole of his command were destroyed. The number who perished, includ- * Provincial Records. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 27 iiig the teamsters, is variously estimated from sixty to ninety, among whom were Josiah Dodge, Peter Woodberry and John Balch of Beverly. Tiie post- script of a letter dated Sept. 22, 1675, and addressed by the Council to Richard Smith in the Narragansett country, gives the following account of this melan- choly affair : ''This morning we received sad intel- ligence from Hadley, that upon Saturday last, Capt. Lothrop, with about 60 men, being appointed to con- duct from Deerfield to Hadley with carriages and cattle, they were surprized by abundance of Indians that lay in ambushment, and received a dreadful blow, insomuch that about 40 of Capt. Lothrop's men and himself were slain. Capt. Moseley being not far off, engaged with the Indians and fought several hours, and lost 11 men; others also were slain that were belonging to the carriages, so that the next day they buried 64 men in all. The Indians were judged to be more than 500 men."^ Not long after the " black and fatal day," wherein, says Dr. Increase Mather, '' were eight persons made widows, and six and twenty children made fatherless, and about sixty persons buried in one fatal grave," a rude monument was erected near the spot to perpet- uate the memory of the slain ; but becoming dilapi- dated by time, another was erected in 1835, the corner- stone of Avhich was laid Sept. 30th of that year, with appropriate solemnities, and an address by Hon. Edward Everett. Capt. Lothrop, at the time of his death, was about 65 years of age. He was married to Bethiah, daugh- ter of Joshua Rea, but had no family, and the name in this town is now extinct. His estate, which, as * Provincial Military Records. 28 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. before stated, was received by a grant from the gov- ernment, was situated in Mackerel Cove, and his house stood near the dwelhng of Ebenezer Wood- berry. He gave some property to the town ; and in 1837, one of the pubhc streets received his name. His widow was married to Joseph Grafton ; and his sister Ellen, who came over with him from England, and inherited his property, became the second wife of Ezekiel Cheever, the celebrated schoolmaster at Boston. ''King Philip's war," spread consternation through- out the province. During that brief but sanguinary contest, twelve towns in Massachusetts, Plymouth and Rhode Island, were destroyed, six hundred build- ings, mostly dwelling-houses, were burned, and six hundred of the inhabitants fell in battle or wero murdered. ^^ Beverly participated in the general alarm ; and, as precautionary measures, forts were erected near the meeting-house, at Bass river, at Mackerel Cove, and ''near the house of John Dodge, sen." At an early period, and probably previous to this time, a party of hostile savages, it is said, sur- prized and carried off a family from this town by the name of Foster. They were taken finally to Canada, and seven years elapsed before they recovered their freedom and returned. In the expedition against the Indians at fort Nar- ragansett in 1675, the following persons from Beverly were engaged, commanded by Capt. Joseph Gardner, of Salem, whose fall, Dec. 19th, was universally lamented. William Balch, WiUiam Bonner, Lot Conant, Christopher Read, (wounded,) William Fer- ryman, Christopher Browne, Moses Morgan, John -* Everett. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 29 Traske, William Allen, John Clark, Richard Huss- band, Thomas Rayment, Ralph Ellingwood, Henry Bayley, Thomas Blashfield, John Ellingwood, Joseph Morgan, William Dodge, Jonathan Biles, William Rayment, Elias Picket, Samuel Harris, John Dodge.* June 24, 1662, Lawrence Leach died, aged 82. He was proposed for a freeman at Salem in 1630, and was a member of Salem church before 1636, when the town granted him 100 acres of land. He had four sons, Clement, Richard, John and Robert. Clement was married and lived in England. Rich- ard died in 1647, and left a son John, who inherited the estate of his grandfather at Rial-side, known as the " Leach farm." Robert left a son Robert, who was living in 1695. Lawrence Leach held various offices in Salem. The usefulness of his life gained respect for his memory. His widow Elizabeth, died about 1674. Sept. 20, 1677, a committee of the General Court, consisting of Samuel Appleton, John Whipple and John Fuller, came to Beverly, and after examining the grounds of claim laid by the town, to about 500 acres of land, made a favorable report, which was accepted by the court. This was subsequently reconsidered, and new commissioners were appointed, Oct. 2, 1678, to settle the bounds between Salem Village, Beverly and Wenham. In the year 1681, great excitement was produced by a claim advanced by the heirs of John Mason to all the territory between the Merrimack and Naum- keag rivers. Of this excitement Beverly partook. The General Court was memorialized, and Rev. Mr. Hale, Capt. Dixy and John Dodge, sen., were chosen * Provincial Eecords. 3* 30 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. to attend a convention at Ipswich, " to present such pleas and evidences for the title of the town to its territory as had been agreed upon," and to unite with that body in drawing up '' something to be presented to his Majesty, by such messengers as the General Court shall send." Among the most material witnesses, Avere Richard Brackenbury, William Dixy and Humphrey Wood- berry. They testified that the Massachusetts com- pany purchased of the Dorchester company, all their houses, boats, servants and right at Cape Ann, before Gov. Endicott's arrival, who subsequently "took possession of Cape-Ann-side, and soon after laid out lots for tillage there." It was further given in evi- dence, that the Indians had been protected by the colonists who settled at Salem: that they had " free leave to build and plant" where they had taken up lands ; that the same year or next after they came to Salem, they cut hay for cattle, which they brought over on Beverly side, and that they had been in " possession of Beverly side ever since." ^ This claim was agitated until 1691, when the heirs of Mason, weary, probably, with hereditary litigation, sold their interest to Samuel Allen, a London mer- chant, who failing to succeed in a suit instituted against one of the largest landholders, petitioned the king to be put in possession of the waste land, which included all uninclosed and unoccupied lands within, as well as without, the bounds of settled towns. This petition was granted ; but being again unsuccessful in subsequent suits, a compromise with the Assembly of New Hampshire was negotiated, which was broken off by his sudden death in 1705. In 1706 and 1707, * Annals of Salem, pp. 268, 269. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 31 his son, Thomas Allen of London, prosecuted his claim, but with no better success than his father. After his death in 1715, John Tufton Mason, a grand- son of John Mason, suffered a recovery of entail in the Courts of New Hampshire, on the ground that the sale to Allen in 1691, having been made in Eng- land, was invalid. Under this recovery, he sold all his interest, in 1746, to several of the principal gen- tlemen of the province, who, anxious to terminate this perplexing business, relinquished their claim to the towns which had been settled and granted within the limits of their purchase, and adopted a very liberal and popular policy in their grants of other towns. And thus, after a period of nearly one hun- dred years, the controversy was closed, and the inhabitants of Beverly, as well as all settlers between the Merrimack and Naumkeag rivers, were relieved from further apprehensions concerning the validity of their possessions.^ Nov. 8th, 1686, John Lovett deceased, aged about 76. He was born in 1610, and was one of the eight admitted inhabitants of Salem, July 25th, 1639. At the "seven men's meeting," Nov. 3, 1665, he received a grant of two acres of marsh ground lying near the old planter's meadow in the vicinity of Wenham common. He came early to Beverly, and was at different periods surveyor of highways, constable and selectman. By his will, dated Nov. 8, 1686, it appears he held a large real estate which was devised principally to his children, John, Joseph, Abigail, Mary, Bethiah, and his grandson George Standley. He bequeathed a set of cooper's tools to his son John, and also twenty acres of land on the east side of * Belknap. 32 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. " dirty hole," lying between the lands of his son Joseph, and his son-in-law George Standley. This land, now so valuable by its buildings and improve- ments, is on the east side of Cabot street, somewhere between the south meeting-house and the bank. Mr. Lovett's wife, Mary, for whom he suitably provided, and made executrix of his will, was admitted to the Salem church, Sept. 1, 1650, and was one of the petitioners for the formation of the church in Beverly. She died June 1695, aged about 80. John Lovett, jr., to whom the old burying ground lot belonged in 1672, died Sept. 10, 1727, aged about 91. He bequeathed a considerable estate to his children, Simon, John, Samuel, Benjamin, Susanna and Bethiah — to his grandchildren, Peter and Bethiah Shaw, Susanna Sikes, and to the widow of his grand- son, Thomas Lovett. He was admitted to the church Dec. 12, 1714, when about seventy-eight years of age, to which he left a small legacy. From the first named John Lovett, all of that name in this town probably descended. In 1690, an expedition against Canada was carried on under the direction of Sir William Phips. For this enterprize, a company was raised in Beverly by Capt. William Rayment, who joined the land forces, amounting to about 2000 men. The fleet employed to transport the army arrived before Quebec, Oct. 5th, and disembarked 1200 or 1300 effective men. All attempts to obtain possession of the city failed, and on the 11th, the army was compelled to return on board the vessels, which immediately sailed for New England. Great expectations had been formed of this expedition. The provincial government had warmly encouraged it, and, to render it more popular, held out the idea that the expenses would be entirely HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 33 defrayed from the spoils of the enemy. So signal a failure not only produced universal disappointment, but involved the province in a severe pecuniary em- barrassment. According to a statement made by Gov. Shirley in 1746, this expedition " cost the single province of Massachusetts about £50,000, with the loss of an abundance of their young men by a malig- nant fever that raged in the camp, and several distem- pers that happened in their way home, and gave this province so deep a wound that it did not recover itself in many years after."^ Capt. Rayment and his company endured privation in common with the army, and were subsequently ^ rewarded by the grant of a township of land. He ""^ was a useful and respected citizen, represented the town in General Court, and held various other offices of trust and honor. In 1691, he was indemnified by the town for loss sustained as its commissioner in the time of Sir Edmund Andros. He owned an estate in the second parish, and lived near the dwelling-house of Mr. Isaac Babson. His children were Mary, born^^ April 29th, 1688— died Jan. 20th, 1689; William, T^^ born Feb. 11th, 1689-90: Daniel, born Nov. 25th, ^^ y 1691 ; Paul, born Jan. 22, 1694-5. In one of the early French wars, a merchantman sailing from this port, was taken by the enemy and carried into one of the West India Islands. The captain, anxious alike for himself and the owners, pled earnestly for a release, and finally succeeded in obtaining it on condition of paying a stipulated ran- som. To do this, it became necessary to return to Beverly for the money, which his captors would not permit except he left a hostage. Accordingly, one of * Provincial Records. 34 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. the crew, named Hill, was consigned to their custody. He was placed in prison, with the threat that unless the captain returned on a specified day, all food should be withheld until his arrival. With these terms distinctly declared, he sailed for Beverly. On his arrival, some little delay in procuring the neces- sary funds occurred, which being overcome, he once more spread his canvass for his port of destination. But this delay had nearly proved fatal to poor Hill. The day appointed for his captain's return closed, and no vessel appeared. The dreaded threat was immediately executed. Both food and water were withheld, and for eight or nine days the unfortunate hostage suffered all the pangs of un appeased hunger and the horror of apprehended starvation. Happil}^, however, almost at the moment when human aid would cease to avail, the vessel arrived, the ransom was paid, and Hill was set at liberty. He gradually recovered from the feeble state produced by privation, and lived several years to relate, though always Avith tears, the sufferings endured in a French prison. In 1670, notices of town meetings were first posted on the meeting-house, previously to which they were called by personal warning. In 1683, Beverly be- came a lawful port of entry, annexed to the port of Salem, and in 1684 was required to assist in building a house of correction in that town. In 1687, the inhabitants becoming neglectful of town meetings, a vote was passed imposing a fine of ten shillings on all future absentees. Although the town records begin in 1665, no town clerk was chosen until April 11, 1690, when Andrew Elliot was elected, and his compensation fixed at 30s. in money or 40s. in /»ay, i. e. produce. Up to this period, the records had been kept by the selectmen. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 35 whose doings are blended with those of the town. EUiot was a native of Somerset county, in the west of England. He came early to Beverly, and became a member of the church in 1687. He appears to have enjoyed the entire confidence of his townsmen, and was frequently chosen selectman, representative, &c., and was sixty- three years old when he entered upon the duties of town clerk. He suffered under the arbitrary administration of Sir Edmund Andros, on account of which, the town made him a grant. In 1686, he was one of the five witnesses taken from Beverly, to attend at the execution of the Indian deed of the town of Salem. He wrote a fair hand, and was very circumstantial in his record of events. The following entry of the decease of his son, is a specimen of his method : '' Andrew Elliot, the dear and only son of Andrew Elliot, whose mother's name was Grace, and was born in East Coker, in the county of Somerset, in old England, being on board a vessel appertaining unto Phillip English, of Salem, one Bavidge being master, said vessel being then at Cape Sables, by an awful stroke was violently thrown into the sea and there perished in the water, to the great grief of his said father, the penman hereof, being aged about 37 years ; on the 12th day of Septem- ber, about 10 o'clock in the morning, according to the best information, in the year of our Lord, 1688." The second volume of town records he commences as follows: '• 3d of Nov. 1685, then this book was improved for the town of Beverly, as a town book to record the town concerns by the selectmen of said town successively. For former concerns in this mat- ter, any concerned may have recourse unto a former parchment-covered old book extant, and likewise for some antient records of marriages, births, and buri- 36 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. als, which said year was the first year of the reigii of our sovereign lord, King James secundus. "Truth justifies herself when falsehood comes to naught. How few improve the first, but with the last full fraught ; Oh thou tyrant custom, what havoc dost thou make, Thy cruel bonds, fetters and clogs, most men do captivate." He died March 1, 1703-4, aged 76 years. Andrevv^ ElUot, a merchant in Boston, who suffered by the great fire in 1711, was his great grandson, and Rev. Andrew ElUot, a distinguished clergyman of the same city, was his great, great grandson. The daughter of Andrew Elliot, the merchant, was married to Nathaniel Thayer, and was grandmother to the late Rev. Dr. Thayer, of Lancaster. Mr. Elliot was succeeded in office by Robert Woodberry, who discharged its duties with great fidelity. He married a daughter of ''farmer West," was the grandfather of the late James Woodberry at the farms, and lived in the same house. During his life-time, he held most of the important offices in the gift of the town. He was a good penman, and was almost universally employed in drafting deeds and other instruments in writing required by the inhabit- ants of the town. \j Another town officer worthy of notice in this con- nexion, is Robert Briscoe, who, from 1690 until he removed from the place in 1726, held the various offices of selectman, assessor, treasurer and- repre- sentative, besides other important trusts in tOAvn and parish. He was a native of the west of Eng- land, but at what time he emigrated to this coun- try is not known. His name is first mentioned in the town records in 1686, and in 1708, he became a member of the church. His wife was of a noble HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 37 family ; but marrying contrary to the views of her friends, tiiey were induced to come to America. He possessed considerable property, and traditions are fresh of the superior style in which his dwelling was furnish- ed. His house stood nearly opposite the first parish meeting-house, and was taken down about forty-four years ago. It was elegant in its day, and is now well remembered for its peculiar form, and its appendages and decorations. In 1712, he presented the town with a bell for the use of the meeting-house, and in 1718, he gave a silver cup to the church. He appears to have been a generous and public-spirited man, and his purse was always at the command of the town in anticipation of any want. His first wife, Abigail, who was a member of the church, died June 1st, 1724, aged 52. His second wife was Mrs. Elizabeth Dudley, of Exeter, N. H., in which town he resided at the time of his decease. Among the legacies he left, was £10 to Rev. Thomas Blowers, £20 to the poor of Beverly, £10 to the poor of Exeter, £10 to the Rev. John Odlin, of Exeter, a silver tankard to the church in the same town, and to his negro boy Cato, £20, a cow, and at 24 years of age, his freedom. In 1832, one of the public streets was named in honor of him, and likewise in 1842, the grammar district school-house received the name of '• Briscoe Hall. " In 1694-5, one half of the town tax was paid in grain, at the following prices : Indian corn, 3s; rye. 4s ; barley and barley malt, 4s ; and oats, 2s. per bushel. About this period, the difference in the par value of silver and p«?/, or produce, was 33^ per cent. In 1707, Robin Mingo, a negro slave, the property of Thomas Woodberry, was married to Deborah Tailor, an Indian woman. Before the ceremony was 4 38 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. performed, she agreed to Jive with her husband's master and mistress during liis hfe, to be then •• dis- missed with only two suits of clothes suitable for such a person." July 15, 1722, Mingo received the rite of baptism, and was admitted a member of the church. He was, at the time of his death in 1773, the property of Nicholas Thorndike. From him, ^^ Mingo'' s Beach ^^ is supposed to have derived its name. The number of slaves in this town in 1754, was twenty-eight. The year 1727, was memorable for an earthquake, which occurred about 20 minutes before 11 o'clock, P. M., Oct. 29th. It was felt through the colonies, and made strong religious impressions on the minds of many in this to^vn and other places. Nov. IS, 1755, a few minutes past 4 o'clock, A. M., another earthquake was experienced, more violent in its m.o- tions, and of longer duration than any previously felt in this quarter of the globe. Its greatest violence in this town, was felt in the neighborhood of Colon street, where several chimnies were thrown dov^^n. Stone walls were also prostrated, and "the pewter shaken from the shelves " in other parts of the town. Both in Beverly and Salem a change in the quality of the water in the wells was noticed. Water which had previously been soft and suitable for washing, became hard and unfit for that purpose. Of the citizens of this town who occupied a con- spicuous position, and took a leading part in public affairs, between 1730 and 1767, Robert Hale, Jr. was distinguished for activity and influence. He was born February 12th, 1702-3, and baptized on the 21st of the same month. When between 15 and 16 years of age, he was employed to keep the grammar school, and again, at a more mature age, in 1730. In 1721 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 39 he was graduated at Harvard College, to the philo- sophical department of which he presented a solar microscope and magic lantern, in 1764. Immedi- ately upon leaving college, he commenced the study of medicine, under the direction of Dr. Manning, of Ipswich, and about 1723 engaged in a practice that soon extended to all the neighboring towns."^" In 1723 he was married to Ehzabeth Gilman, daughter of Col. John Gilman, of Exeter, N. H., who became the mother of three daughters; Elizabeth, Rebeccah, born May 27, 1730, died April 27, 1732 ; and Rebec- kah, born Feb. 5, 1732-3, died Aug. 23, 1736. Mrs. Hale died Aug. 19th, 1736, in the 35th year of her age. His second marriage was with Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Hon. John Clarke, of Boston, Dec. 21, 1737. The energy of character, sound judgment and business capacity of Dr. Hale, were early apprecia- ted by his townsmen, by whom he was chosen to fill the various offices of surveyor, selectman, assess- or, town clerk and treasurer ; besides the duties of which, he discharged those of justice of the peace, and collector of excise for Essex county. As chair- man of the school committee, he took an active and efficient part in the measures adopted to improve the school system of the town. For thirteen years he represented the tov\rn in the General Court, during * Col. Hale commenced an account-book in 1723, slill extant, with the following sentence : '' Crescit nammi amor quantum pecunia crescit." In this book is an inventory of his property, amounting July 10, 1729, to £1155,13,3, free from incumbrance. Of this sum, he received from his father's estate, £790,10,5, and of his mother's thirds, £300. In a note to this inventory, he says : " As my father died five years before I came of age, it cost me £300 at least, out of my estate, for my education, so that by marrying and industry, with God's blessing, I have gained £365 in about six years." 40 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. which time he was chairman of several important committees, and a member of many more, and par- ticularly of the committee to inquire respecting the impressment of certain seamen in Nantasket Roads, by officers of the British navy, an event made mem- orable in our history by being the occasion of serious riots in Boston. In 1726, Dr. Hale made a public profession of reli- gion, by uniting with the first church, then under the ministry of Rev. Thomas Blowers. In 1735 he was engaged in controversies and discussions growing out of ecclesiastical difficulties in the first church in Sa- lem, and in settling the form of church discipline in the first church in this town; and from 1728 to 1743 inclusive, the parish records present ample evidence of his abundant labors and powerful influence in the management of ecclesiastical and parochial concerns. In 1740, the pecuniary embarrassments of the prov- ince led to various projects for relief Among these was an institution known as the Land Bank, with a capital of £150,000, predicated on real estate. Of this company Col. Hale was a manager, by whom the plan of operations was drafted. This scheme, from the hope it inspired, was favorably received by a large body of the people, but met with determined hostility from Governor Belcher and his council ; and when Col. Hale presented a copy of the plan to be recorded in the secretary's office, it was returned as an indignity. The enmity of the governor prompt- ed him to visit his displeasure upon all persons con- nected with the institution. He issued a proclama- tion declaring his determination to dismiss every offi- cer, civil or military, who persisted " in being any way concerned, or giving any encouragement what- soever, to the passing" of the Land Bank notes ; HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 41 and Col. Hale, unwilling to sacrifice his independ- ence, as well as to prove faithless to an enterprize in which he had conscientiously embarked, tendered his resignation to the governor. The course pursued by the governor, in dismissing civil and military officers on the grounds referred to, was regarded as an unwarrantable usurpation of power : and the exasperation it produced seriously threatened open rebellion. Energetic measures were adopted to prevent an outbreak. Public sentiment, however, could not be controlled, and so powerfully was it felt in the royal councils, that in 1741 his excellency was recalled, and succeeded in office by William Shirley.^ Gov. Belcher was doubtless hon- est in his intentions of reform, but injudicious in the use of means. He was subsequently placed in the government of New Jersey, in consideration, it is supposed, of the '• terrible shock" to his feelings produced by his removal. f * Since writing the foregoing, I have been favored with the peru- sal of a letter in the possession of Mr. Robert Peele, of Salem, writ- ten b)^ Thomas Hutchinson to a friend in this country, dated London, May 14th, 1741, from which the following extract is made : '' I sup- pose you will have the first news of Mr. Shirley's being appointed our governor by a vessel which sailed a few days ago from Swanzy. Several incidents have occurred to promote it. The collector's place was promised Mr. Shirley's family, and it is said is now insisted on for Mr. Frauklyn, and this was a way to satisfy both. Your two countrymen, Waldo and Kelly, claim the merit, and say it is owing to their gratifying the Duke of Grafton, by making interest for Lord Euston at Coventry, where they have spent a month, first and last, soliciting his election. But I had it from Lord President's own mouth, that Governor Belcher's security for some time had been his steady conduct in the affair of the money, and that his brother Partridge, patronizing the Land Bank when be- fore the House of Commons, had done his business." J Hist. Mass. Currency. 4'^ 42 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. In 1745^ Dr. Hale received the commission of colo- nel, and commanded a regiment in the expedition against Louisburg. This expedition was projected by Governor Shirley. The land force employed consisted of 3,200 men from Massachusetts, 300 from New Hampshire, 300 from Rhode Island, and 500 from Connecticat, all under the command of Gen. William Pepperell. The naval force, for co-opera- tion, was from England, and commanded by Com- modore Warren. For this enterprize a company was enlisted in Beverly, under the command of Capt. Benjamin Ives, son-in-law to Col. Hale. " The hardships of the siege were without parallel in all preceding American operations. The army was employed for fourteen nights successively, in draw- ing cannon, mortars, &c., for two miles, through a morass, to their camp. The Americans were yoked together, and performed labor beyond the power of oxen, which labor could be done only in the night, or in a foggy day ; the place being within clear view and random shot of the enemy's walls. "^ Of these fatigues. Col. Hale's regiment freely partook. His position was one of imminent danger, and, though a part of the time suffering from disease, he proved himself an efficient officer.f The fall of this " Dunkirk of America," upon for- tifying which twenty-five years of labor and thirty millions of livres had been expended, astonished all Europe, and filled the colonies with joy. But though the merits of Gen. Pepperell were acknowledged by the government, who conferred upon him the title of baronet, and placed him in the command of a regi- * Adams' Hist. N. E. pp. 123, 124. t See plan of encampment in Bancroft's Hist. U. S. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 43 ment in the British estabUshment, there were not wanting those in influential stations, who, moved with an unworthy jealousy for British glory, sought in public and private to undervalue the services of the provincial troops. Even Sir Peter Warren, blinded by self-esteem, or swayed for a moment by an influence inconsistent with the generous frank- ness that characterizes a noble mind, sanctioned by his silence, at least, the libellous tales of American inefficiency. The claims of Gen. Pepperell's army to the meed of approbation, had, however, an honor- able advocate in the person of a high-minded Briton, who was in the expedition, and who was an eye- witness to their toil and bravery. He affirms that their zeal, unwearied labor, and prompt execution of orders, entitle them to the appellation of heroes, and suggests that modesty should have dictated to Sir Peter Warren to disclaim all honor in the enterprize, other than that arising from the blockade of Louis- burg with his squadron.^ Col. Hale was sensibly alive to American honor ; and this ungenerous attempt to wrest from the pro- vincial forces the tribute of approbation justly their due, deeply wounded his sensibility. In a letter to his friend. Col. Pickman, adverting to an account of the siege given in a London magazine, he says: " it is well known to every one engaged in the expedi- tion, that the British fleet never fired a gun, nor lost a man, except by sickness, though they have the credit of taking the place ; " and he imputes the ex- clusive praise of British prowess to a prevalent im- pression in England, that it was " impossible that a * Letter from ''a British merchant," Mass. Hist. Coll., first se- ries, vol. i., p. 110. 44 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. New England man could be good for any thing " of a military character, an imputation which he repels with becoming contempt, and instances Braddock's defeat and Sir H. Walker's loss of vessels in the Canada expedition, as disasters that would never have occurred, had not the British commanders been too proud to receive advice from provincial officers and IVev/ England pilots. The great error of the British government, in all their provincial enterprizes v\rhich failed of success, he shows, consisted in the appointment of foreign officers to the command of troops raised here; when between the former and latter there was no reciprocity of respect or confi- dence. While at Louisburg, Col. Hale enclosed a piece of ground for cultivation, which is still famili- arly known to our fishermen, who visit it, as Col. Hale's garden. The influence acquired b}^ Col. Hale, as a member of the General Court, and his prominence in public affairs generally, probably led to the appointment he received from the Legislature, in 1747, of commis- sioner to New York, to adopt measures in relation to the general defence. In 1755, when the government of Massachusetts Bay had determined on an expedition against the French, and the reduction of Crown Point, Col. Hale was selected by Governor Shirley as a suitable agent to lay the subject before the government of New Hampshire, and solicit their aid. His commission bears date Feb. 22d, 1755, and the same day he re- ceived from the governor a series of instructions, by v/hich he was to conduct the negotiation. They run as follows : HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 45 " You are hereby directed forthwith to proceed to Portsmouth, with my despatches to his excellency, Benning Wentworth, Esq., Gov. of that Province. Upon your arrival there, and appearance either before the Governor and Council or the Genl. Assembly of that Province, or before the Governor alone (as you may have op- portunity), you are strongly to solicit the joining of that government with this and the other two governments of N. Eng. &c. in a vig- orous and speedy prosecution of the expedition proposed in my speech to the Assembly of this Province, and to contribute to- wards the execution of it, that government's quota of men and provisions, set forth in the said Assembly's Resolves, a copy of which, as also of my said speech, will be delivered to you : and you are in a particular manner, among such reasons and argu- ments as shall occur to you, for inducing them to join in the said expedition, to urge those which are contained in my aforesaid speech, and in my letters to the respective Governors, copies of which last shall likewise be delivered to you. " In case you shall not be able to induce the said government to join in the prosecution of the said expedition, upon the terms pro- posed in the before mentioned resolves of the Great and Genl. Assembly of this Province, you are to desire of them to let you know whether they will join in it upon any, and what, other terms, together with the reasons of their non-compliance with those pro- posed by this government. " Lastly. You are, from time to time, to transmit to me accounts of your proceedings herein, and the progress you make in the dis- cliarge of this commission, either by the post or express, as the occasion may require ; and upon finishing your negociations with that government you are to return to Boston, and lay an account of your whole proceedings therein, with the final answer of the said government, before me. " You are to make use or not of the inclosed vote of the As- sembly, dated the 27th of Feb., according to your own discretion. You are to endeavor to induce the government of New Hampshire to raise a greater number of men than what is mentioned as their quota, in the resolves of the Assembly, dated Feb'y, provisionally, viz : in case the government of New York shall not raise the eight hundred men allotted to them to raise. "W. Shirley." 46 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. The appointment of Col. Hale on this service was most judicious, and met the entire approbation of Governor Wentworth. In reply to a letter from Gov. Shirley, urging the necessity of the expedition as an effectual means of checkinar the encroachments of the French, and proposing to give the command to Col. William Johnson, on account of his superior military knowledge, and his extensive influence over the In- dians of the six nations, to v/hich he heartily assents ; Gov. Wentworth adds : " With respect to Col. Hale, he will always be well received by me, with the power you are pleased to invest him with ; but lest some of our wrong-headed people should make opposition to what he is charged with from your Excellency, and thereby injure the common cause, I should think it best not to make his business public until he has consulted me, for a little matter will sometimes overset the best concerted measures. He may therefore come in a private manner, and if he can convert the Exeter members, who, I am certain, will oppose this expedition, he will gain a great point, if not a miraculous one." Thus commissioned and instructed, Col. Hale pro- ceeded to Portsmouth, in fulfilment of his agency. The aspect of the business in its earlier stages, may be learned from the following letter to Governor Shirley, dated "Portsmouth, March 15, 1755. " Sir : I have your Excellency's of yesterday by express, bro't me to Mr. Wentworth's, just after dinner with him and the secretary, &c., so that I immediately laid before them the enclosed papers, which may be of use. " My last to your Excellency was yesterday morning by the post, when I informed that I was just going to attend the committee of both Houses. They consist of four of each House. I had little occasion to say much about the necessity of the expedition, being HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 47 forestalled by the papers sent to Gov. Wentworth, with which the secretary (one of the committee) had made tliem acquainted ; only I had taken some pains with some in a private way before. The difficulty was about the quota and want of money, as in my last. When I had endeavored to answer all the objections offered in the committee on these two heads, and some others less interest- ing, I withdrew, first telling them I would be glad to know their report before it was given in. " Accordingly, in the afternoon they sent for me, and informed me they had agTeed to 100 men. Your Excellency can better imagine, than I express, my situation. I soon found it to be the sense of the whole committee. I renewed all my former argu- ments, but in as different lights as I could, and added others, which (being a little reason) then occurred to me. They heard me with candor and attention, and after about an hour and a half, I took my leave ; first desiring they would take till the morning to consider the consequences of such a report. This morning early, Col. Gilman, of Exeter, (one of the committee) came to my lodg- ings, as I had desired him over night. We began upon it again and went through every thing, but it did not then appear to make any real impression on him. Being uneasy, I followed him to tlie lower House, called him out, and urged some things which had escaped me in the former conversation. He seemed better satis- fied, and left me about half after ten to go to tlie committee. About one. Col. Atkinson sent for me to go with him to dinner with the governor. On the road down he told me they had just finished ; that the committee had agreed to 500 ; but to find sub- sistence only till they arrived at the place of rendezvous, intending they shall go the nearest way through the woods. I asked him how in that case they would do for shelter by the way. He said they should send none but such as should be content to sit down on the ground and cover themselves with their heads. Every one of the committee, he said, had agreed to the report, and he was encouraged it would pass the House — of the board, was no dan- ger. The committee are of the most leading men. "On Monday, the report Avillbe made, after which I shall move for an addition, conditionally, that N. York find no men, but pro- visions, &c., having already hinted at it, but not caring to urge it till the grand point was secured. I confess I am not yet out of pain about the quota ; there being many of the other members who don't seem inclined to enter into the reasons why they should 48 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. raise half so many men as we,- when their province has but a sixth part so many as ours.* I shall give my whole attention to the affair, until it has the government fiat, and hope to send your Ex- cellency the best news by the next post. I should by no means have troubled your Excellency with so long and particular a de- tail, if I had not thought that my instructions required it. If, in that particular, I have misunderstood them, I ask your Excellen- cy's excuse, being, sir, " Your most obedient, " Humble servant, "Robert Hale." " P. S. Those Piscataqua men will want at least 20 whip saws, to cut logs into boards for sheltering tlie army. " P. S. 2d. Every branch here affected to wonder how our Court could assume to prescribe to each government its quota, but took no exceptions to our leading the way." The following letter to Hon. John Osborne, chair- man of the committee of war, in Boston, furnishes some further particulars of this negotiation : - " Beverly, April 13, 1755, evening. "Sir: "When I waited on Gov. Wentworth, at Portsmouth, on Fri- day evening, he told me he had that day signed the act relating to the expedition, which is conformable to the vote I brought from that coml when last there ; but, as New York are now to provide men instead of warlike stores and provisions, as our court, by the vote of Feb. 27, expected, and as we raise three hundred men more than we at first proposed, I hoped that N. Hampshire would make some addition. Accordingly, I next morning went to the Court House and desired that the house, as soon as met, would adjourn, and permit me a conference with them. They accordingly did, and I was with them an hour and half, and urged every thing in my power to persuade them to find subsistence for their men, at least part of the time, and their quota of warlike * In 1754 there were but 7000 ratable polls in New Hampshire. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 49 stores, but without effect. They let me know that they appre- hended five hundred men, subsisted to the place of rendezvous, and raised and paid by them during the expedition, was their full quota of charge, compared with Massachusetts, and much more compared with Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York ; and though I'm very sure tliey are mistaken with respect to us, yet they continued so firm that they did not deliberate half an hour before they determined not to make any addition to what they have already done. " Indeed, this has cost them five weeks' constant application, which, being a session of unusual length for them, and they hav- ing been, for some days, in hopes to rise that day, 't is not to be wondered at that they did not incline to begin (as it were) anew. " Their court is adjourned to the 23d instant, when I hope, if Gov. Shirley, by letter to Mr. Wentworth, shall think fit to renew his instances relative to subsistence, warlike stores, and the en- couragement to the Mohawks, they will be induced to do some- thing, though I fear it will not be much. As to sending any per- son there again, it don't appear to me to be necessary, though if any gentleman has a mind to show his superior talents at negotia- tion, he will have my hearty wishes for success : I have no great opinion of my own. I shall, however, by next post, write to two or three of the principal gentlemen of that house, and endeavor to prove to them the necessity of their doing something more, that their minds may be a little prepared to receive some impres- sions next session. In the mean time, Gov. Wentworth assures me he shall raise all the men he is able to, even beyond the five hundred, which may be a great service to us, if our levies should not be complete. " I am very sorry my journey has been so fruitless, but I think no endeavors of mine have been wanting to show that I am the Province's and, " Sir, your most faithful, " Obedient servant, " Rob't Hale. " P. S. I have a very great desire to know how many men of the four regiments were raised in this province, and how many in New Hampshire. I suppose it not difficult to find out by in- quiry of the officers ; and though it might give your honor some 5 50 HISTORY OF BEVERLY, trouble, yet, as it may be of considerable use, I beg the favor I may have the account as soon as may be." The commission of Col. Hale was conducted with great skill, and with entire satisfaction to Gov. Shir- ley, whose letters pending the result, partake more of confidential friendship, than of official formality. In a letter dated March 16th, he writes: "It is a peculiar satisfaction to me, that a gentleman in whose capacity to conduct so intricate an aff"air, as well as important an one as this is, I have the ut- most confidence, hath the management of it." After some little delay and several interviews with com- mittees, to whom Col. Hale presented the subject in the light best adapted to obtain their concurrence, he succeeded in securing five hundred men as the quota of New Hampshire, which, though one hund- red less than the number designated by Massachu- setts, was a far more favorable result than the oppo- sition manifested, warranted him to hope for. On his return home. Col. Hale entered with in- terest into the arrangements of the expedition ; and, to aid those under whose direction they were made, he furnished a schedule, predicated upon his mili- tary experience, of the principal articles necessary for the service. His talents and service entitled him to a command in this expedition; and from a fragment of a letter to Gov. Shirley, now extant, there is ground for the inference that he had reason to expect it. But from causes unknown, probably from an apprehension on the part of the appointing power that his health was inadequate to the fatigues of field-service, instead of such appointment, he received an offer of a medical post, which he re- spectfully but pointedly declined. HISTORY OF BEVERLV. 51 In 1761, Col. Hale received from Governor Francis Bernard, a commission of sheriff for Essex county, the duties and responsibiUties of which office, he dis- charged with characteristic iidehty. The Land Bank before referred to, unhke almost every other enterprize with which Col. Hale was connected, failed of answering the expectations of its founders ; not so much perhaps from the imperfec- tions of the scheme, as from an opposing influence originating in a quarter difficult to reach and equally so to resist. But though the course pursued by him in this matter, was one that he could review with satisfaction, prompted as it had been throughout by the purest motives, still, the failure was a source of deep mortification ; and the suspicions of fraudulent management afloat at the time, entirely unfounded as they were in regard to the managers generally, and peculiarly unjust as directed against Col. Hale, wrought upon a sensitive nature, and seriously affected his health and spirits. His highly honora- ble and useful life was terminated by lingering sick- ness in 1767, in the 65th year of his age. The decease of Col. Hale was a severe loss to this town. For a period of more than forty years he had been connected with its affairs, and was frequently its agent for the accomplishment of local objects. The many reports drawn up by him which are found in the church, parish and town records, dis- play a talent for drafting papers in a concise, ener- getic and business-hke manner; and the appearance of the town and parish records, at the several pe- riods when he was clerk, show his accuracy and ability in the execution of that office. His charac- ter was every where sustained for persevering indus- try and active enterprize. He exerted a controlhng 52 HISTORY OF BEVERLY, inflaence over those with whom he was associated, and his quahfications to govern were freely admitted. Yet in the exercise of this power, he was actuated by the dictates of moraUty and rehgion. Few are now hving who remember him in \ife, but tradition abounds and is redolent with the mention of his vir- tues. Col. Hale, during his life-time, owned and occu- pied the estate that had been the property of both his father and grandfather, and which is now in the possession of his descendants. He left no sons. His eldest daughter, EUzabeth, was married to Mr. Ben- jamin Ives, who died about 1773. Robert Hale Ives, a son by this marriage, was born July ISth, 1744, and soon after his grandfather's decease, was con- nected with the public affairs of the town. His son, Thomas Poynton Ives, was born in Beverly, April 9th, 1769, and for forty-three years was an eminent merchant in Providence, R. I., where he died April 30th, 1835, aged sixty-six years. He was of the house of Brown & Ives, than which none in this country has maintained a higher character for integ- rity and well-directed enterprize, and in wliich his sons, Moses and Robert Hale Ives, are now part- ners. He was distinguished for untiring industry, high mercantile probity, unostentatious benevolence, generous hospitality, and ardent love of country. He was twenty-four years president of the Provi- dence Bank, and fifteen years president of the Sav- ings Institution in that city. He was a friend and liberal benefactor of Brown University, and for forty- three years a member of its board of trustees. To the community with which he was so long identi- fied, he bequeathed an example of unblemished hon- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 53 or, and of faithful service for the good of others ; and to his children, not only ample fortune, but what is far more valuable, the record of a father's worth — the simple dignity of his name and character. 5^ REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD In the events which preceded the revohition, and which resulted in the estabhshinent of an independ- ent repubhc, this town took a hvely interest ; and its contributions, in talents and treasure, were large and efficient. The repeal of the odious, as unwise, stamp act, in 1765, was celebrated with illuminations, bon- fires, and other demonstrations of triumph. The various infractions of colonial rights, on the part of Great Britain, were condemned in the most decided language ; and from time to time measures were adopted for resisting oppression, and for obtaining a redress of grievances. The town unanimously con- curred in the non-importation plan ; and with a zeal scarcely inferior to that which animated the Boston '' tea party," sought to abolish the use of the article, for the sale of which the East India Company held the monopoly. This movement found more grace in the eyes of those by whom it was commenced, and who yielded to the promptings of the sternest enthu- siasm, than in the sight of the gentler sex ; for though, to use the expression of a living witness,"^ '' the women were all liberty men, and threatened to scald the tories," still the delicious infusion of the China plant was a luxury all were not quite prepared to * Ebenezer Rea. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 55 repudiate ; and many amusing traditions are extant, of expedients practised for its secret enjoyment, se- cure from the indignation of the sterner sex, whose patriotic ardor enabled them to maintain the most rigid self-denial. These arts, however, were some- times thwarted, and the " drav/ings" of the " tea- caddy," to the chagrin of an expectant coterie, were despoiled of their aroma by an unseen, but liberal deposit of " Virginia twist." ^ In the preliminary measures to which reference has been made, the town proceeded with moderation. No threats of revolt were uttered, but a determina- tion was firmly expressed to preserve the inviolability of their rights. In a letter of instruction, addressed to their representative, Henry Herrick, Oct. 21, 1765, they say, " We cannot, without criminal injustice to those glorious princes. King William and Queen Ma- ry, or to the memory of our venerable fathers, nor without the highest injustice to ourselves and to pos- terity, consent to yield obedience to any law what- soever, which, by its natural constitution or just con- struction, deprives us of the liberty of trial by juries; or of our choosing meet persons to represent us in the assessing or taxing our estates for his Majesty's service. And we do accordingly advise and instruct you, our representative, to refuse your consent, in any such case, and do all that in you lies, to prevent all unconstitutional drafts upon the public treasury." In the same letter, they express their unqualified disapprobation o'f the riotous attack upon the house * A hearty patriot coming home unexpectedly one day, found a company of his wife's neighbors assembled to tea. He said nothing, but revenged himself by putting a large "quid" of to- bacco in the tea-pot. Sometimes, to escape detection, the ladies drank their tea in the cellar. 56 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. of Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson, and others, and declare, ''that such is our abhorrence of such riotous and mobbish behavior, that we are fully determined, as a town, to stand by each other in suppressing such disorders at all hazards," though, at the same time, as at a subsequent meeting, they were opposed to the loss being remunerated from the public treasury. It would be interesting, did the limits of this vol- ume permit, to transcribe the transactions of the various town meetings, from 1765 to the close of the revolutionary struggle in 1783, as illustrative of the patriotism and devotion which animated every breast. On the 17th Sept., 1768, they chose Henry Herrick a delegate to join with delegates from Boston and other towns in convention, to consult and advise on the state of the province, in which, however, he was to abstain from any act of disrespect to parhament, and of disloyalty to the King. In their further in- structions to him, as representative. May 22, 1769, they say, " We apprehend that no power on earth can justly deprive us of our essential rights, and that no man can be safe, either as to his life, liberty or property, if a contrary doctrine should prevail ; therefore we recommend to you a firm, but prudent opposition to all unconstitutional measures." Among other important measures adopted by the town, was the appointment of a committee of corre- spondence and safety, which consisted, at different periods from 1773 until the close of the war, of John Leach, Benjamin Jones, Henry Herrick, Samuel Goodridge, Josiah Batchelder, Jr., Josiah Batchelder, Joshua Cleaves, Larkin Thorndike, Joseph Wood, Nicholas Thorndike, William Bartlett, Andrew Cab- ot, Joseph Orne, Benj. Lovett, Jr., Nathan Leach, Caleb Dodge, Joseph Rea, Livermore Whittredge, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 57 Benjamin Smith, William Longdell, Edmund Giles, Jonathan Con ant, John Conant, Isaac Thorndike, Isaac Chapman, Thomas Stephens, John Lovett, 3d, William Dodge, William Taylor, and Asa Leach. Of the letters addressed by this committee to the central committee in Boston, the three following liave been preserved : " To the Committee of Correspondence for the town of Boston: " Gentlemen : '•Inclosed, you have the transactions of this town, in conse- quence of the resolves of the metropolis of this province, and the letter of correspondence herewitli transmitted, whereby you will perceive the sentiments of this town with regard to the common cause in which we are all concerned. In the name of the town we return thanks for tlie early care, taken by the town of Boston, to communicate the most early intelligence of any alarming cir- cumstances that they have, with regard to any infringements on our rights as Christians, subjects, or colonists. " And, gentlemen, inasmuch as we are all concerned in one common cause, we shall esteem it as a favor of a free correspond- ence, that we may have the most early intelligence of any interest- ing events of a public nature, as you live in the metropolis, that we may concur witli you in any salutary constitutional measures for the good of all ; and arc, gentlemen, with the greatest regards, " Your most humble servants, " John Leach, Samuel Goodridge, Benj. Jones, Josiah Batchelder, Jr. Henry Herrick, " Beverly, Jan. 11, 1773." The transactions referred to in the foregoing letter were the doings of town meetings held Dec. 21, 1772, and by adjournment, Jan. 5th, 1773, at which it was affirmed that " the rights of the colonists in particular as men, as Christians, and as sub- jects, are studiously, rightly and justly stated by the committee of correspondence for the town of 58 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Boston," and Col. Henry Herrick, the representative from Beverly, is instructed to "endeavor, as much as possible, in a legal and constitutional way," to effect a redress of the " intolerable grievances'- to which the colonies had been subjected, and to secure the preservation of all the " rights, liberties and privileges, both civil and sacred," guaranteed b}^ the charter. Instructions, similar in their tenor, were given to Josiah Batchelder, Jr., who was chosen rep- resentative to the General Court, Sept. 26, 1774. " Gentlemen : To the Same. "Beverly, Nov. 10, 1773. " Yours of the 21st Sept. we have received and observe the contents, and are sensible of the justness of the sentiments thereof, in which we harmonize, and are fully of opinion that no other measures can be come into so salutary as a strict union of all the colonies for a redress of the many grievances the colonies labor under from the acts of parliament imposing duties on certain articles for the express end of raising a revenue on the people of the colonies without their consent, out of which revenue the gov- ernor and other great officers are paid, whereby they are inde- pendent of this province for their support, — as also many other grievances, which are so well known we shall not at this time enumerate. We are heartily sorry to hear the petition of our as- sembly hath not been regarded by our most gracious sovereign (as we have been informed), which we fear will be disagreeable to many of his majesty's faithful subjects in America. As we live at a distance from the metropolis, and can 't possibly have the first intelligence, we shall esteem it a favor from you, of any intelli- gence, and shall heartily concur Avith you in any salutary meas- ures for the recovery of our just rights : and are grieved that his majesty is deaf to the complaints of his subjects in America, who, we think, are as faithful subjects as any in his dominions. We are sensible that the good people of this town are fully in the sen- timents you have exhibited to us in your several letters, for which we are obliged to you, and hope you will still continue to write to HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 59 US of every thing- of a public nature you may think worthy of a communication. " We are, gentlemen, your humble serv'ts " And entire friends, " Sam'l Goodridge, ClerkJ'^ " Signed by order of the Com. of i Cor. for the town of Beverly. To the Same. " Beverly, Jan. 4, 1774. " Gentlemen : " Yours of Nov. 23d, 1773, and the inclosure, we have received, but not till the 11th ultimo, for which we return our warmest thanks. As early as possible we comm.unicated yours to our town, but the inclemency of the weather hindered a general attendance of its inhabitants. The meeting was adjourned to this day. In- closed you have the resolution they then came into, by which you will perceive the sentiments of this town. We heartily concur with you in every salutary measure for preventing the enslaving or ruining ourselves and posterity. But we hope, gentlemen, we shall have a union amongst ourselves and all our brethren of the several colonies on this continent, which we think will be the best means to obtain a redress of the many grievances we at present labor under. " We are, gentlemen, " Your sincere friends and humble serv'ts, " By order of the Committee of Correspondence, " Samuel Goodridge, Clerk.''^ The following resolution referred to, was adopted at a town meeting, Jan. 4, 1774, in the following words : " That the method of introducing tea into this prov- ince in the method proposed by the British ministry, for the benefit of the East India Company, is justly and fairly stated by the inhabitants of the town of Boston; and that it is the sentiment of this meeting, that they 60 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. will always, in every salutary melliod, cheerfully join with our hrethren of the town of Boston, and every other town in this province, in withstanding every unlawful measure tending to enslave us, or to take our money from us in any unconstitutional manner." A true copy : attest, Joseph Wood, T. Clerk. On the 6th and 7th September, 1774, a county convention was held at Ipswich, to consider the situ- ation of public affairs, in which this town was re- presented by Benj. Lovett, Samuel Goodridge, and Joseph Wood. Of this convention Jeremiah Lee, of Marblehead, was chairman, and John Picker- ing, jr. of Salem, clerk. In the report made by a committee, which was unanimously accepted, they express their loyalty to the king, and their readiness to support with their lives and fortunes, his person, crown, dignity and constitutional authority. " But," they add, '' by the horrors of slavery, by the happi- ness attending virtuous freedom, we are constrained to declare, that we hold our liberties too dear to be sported with, and are therefore, most seriously de- termined to defend them. This, in the present dis- pute, we conceive may be effected by peaceable measures. But though, above all things, slavery excepted, we deprecate the evils of a civil war; though we are deeply anxious to restore and pre- serve harmony with our brethren in Great Britain ; yet, if the despotism and violence of our enemies should finally reduce us to the sad necessity, we, undaunted, are ready to appeal to the last resort of states ; and will, in support of our rights, encounter HISTORY OF BEVERLY. ' 61 even death, sensible that he can never die too soon, who lays down his life in support of the laws and liberties of his country." To an attentive observer, it was evident that a crisis in American affairs was near — that a drama, the closing act of which was known only to the Ruler of the universe, was soon to open. The 19th of April came, mild and with summer's loveliness. The sun rose with unclouded splendor, and the hus- bandman went forth to his peaceful pursuits, and each man to his calling. Soon the scene changed. Groups were gathered at the corners of the streets in earnest conversation, men were seen hurrying to and fro, drums beat to arms, and stern determina- tion was depicted on every countenance. What had given rise to this commotion 7 The appearance of a messenger, proclaiming as he went, that a detach- ment from the British army in Boston, had the night before left the city in silence, to seize and destroy mihtary stores deposited at Concord. The effect was electric. The fire of patriotism burst forth with volcanic power. Capt. Joseph Rea, who command- ed a company of militia, mounted his horse and posted with all possible dispatch to the Farms with the intelligence, proclaiming it aloud by the way. Capt. Caleb Dodg^ and others, following his exam- ple, rode off in other directions. The call to resist this act of aggression, met a hearty and united re- sponse. The farmer left his plough in the field, the mechanic his work-shop, and the merchant his store ; and before 3 o'clock p. m. a large proportion of the male population of the town, capable of bearing arms, had gone forth, or were assembled in prepara- tion to march to the rescue. The consternation felt by the more timid portion 6 62 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. of the female population, in prospect of being left defenceless, was great. A large number having by mutual instinct collected together, their condition was freely discussed. "Our husbands and sons are gone," they despondingly said, " and none are left to protect us. If the regulars come during their ab- sence, what will become of us, what shall we do?" " Do?" exclaimed a stout-hearted mother present,^^ a fair representative of many hearts bold and deter- mined as her own ; " Do ? who cares for the regulars ? Let them come ; and if they do not behave them- selves, we'll take our brooms and drive them out of town." The British troops paid dear for their success at Concord, and their subsequent wanton devastations when returning to Boston. The blood shed at Lex- ington was the signal for retaliation. The provin- cials, finding life and every thing valuable at stake, assumed their native valor and returned the fire at Concord bridge with deadly effect. As the troops retreated, the discharge of musquetry was kept up without intermission from walls, fences, houses, trees and barns, until they were met by a reinforce- ment under the command of Lord Percy, who with two field-pieces kept the provincials at bay for a time. The people, however, flocking in from all quarters in great numbers, the attack was renewed, and a galling covered fire was continued until the enemy reached Charlestown, having one hundred and fifty men killed and wounded, and some taken prisoners.! Of the men from Beverly, Reuben Ken- *Mrs. Hannah, wife of Josiah Batchelder, jr. •^Journals Prov. Congress, Mass. pp. 662, 681, 682. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 63 nison was killed, and Nathaniel Cleaves, Samuel Woodberry and William Dodge were wonnded.^^ The effects of this outrage upon the inhabitants of Beverly, were such as might be expected on a people who understood, and were determined to maintain, their rights. In May, the selectmen paid £26.10.6 for blankets to be supplied to the army, raised for eight months by the province. Other sums were subsequently appropriated for the same purpose, and purchases were made of the house- holders who cheerfully parted with a part of their family stock for the public use. In the work of supplies, female patriotism was warmly engaged during the whole revolutionary contest. Cloth was woven, stockings were knit, and garments made for the soldiers to a large amount, and every call for aid was cheerfully and promptly met. On the 16th Jan., 1775, Josiah Batchelder, Jr., was chosen to represent the town in a provincial con- gress to be held at Cambridge, "to consult and de- liberate upon such further measures as, under God, shall be effectual to save this people from impending ruin, and to secure those inestimable liberties derived from our ancestors." This year the town voted to raise fifty-six minute men, including officers, who were to parade two half days in each week, during the pleasure of the town, to learn the military art. The vote for paying the minute men creating dissatisfaction, as no other towns had adopted the practice, it was repealed Feb. 29th, just one month after its passage. A mili- * The widow of Kennison, after marrying a second time, died Oct. 22; 1842, aged 89. She retained in her possession till her death, the shirt worn by her first husband when killed. 64 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. tary watch, of sixteen persons, in four divisions, was established, and a watch-house for each division or- dered to be built. The committee of correspondence were also directed to appoint a captain and other necessary officers, with a sufficient number of men, to exercise the cannon in the fort or breastwork on Woodberry's head, for which service they were to be paid a reasonable sum. They were likewise directed to enlist " a number of men, to make up forty in the whole, to repair to the fort, as their alarm-post, in case of an alarm." One morning in the autumn of 1775, a privateer schooner sailed from Beverly on a cruise. She had not been long out, when she was discovered by the British ship of war Nautilus, of twenty guns, who immediately bore down upon her. The superior force of the enemy induced the captain to put back. The chase was continued until he gained the harbor and grounded on the flats. It being ebb-tide, the Nautilus came to anchor outside the bar, and opened a fire on the town. The meeting-house being the most conspicuous object, several shots were aimed at it, one of which penetrated the chaise-house of Thom- as Stephens, destroying his chaise, and another struck the chimney of a house on the opposite side of the street, scattering its fragments in every direction. This unceremonious assault proved too much for the equanimity of its patriotic occupant. He seized his musket, and rushing to the beach, returned the com- pliment with hearty good will. Immediately upon the commencement of firing, many females residing in exposed situations, hastily retired to places of greater security. There were some, however, who, " made of sterner stuff"," paid little attention to this demonstration of hostility, and continued their do- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 65 mestic occupations as though nothing uncommon was going on. Of this class, was a good lady, the wife of a devoted friend to American freedom, who was at the moment engaged in preparing a batch of bread for the oven. The house she occupied was directly in the range of the meeting-house, and Hable to be struck by every discharge. Her brother, anxious for her safety, came in, and informing her of the danger, desired her to take her child, and proceed by a circuitous route to a place beyond the reach of the enemy's guns, while he would rally a company to resist any attempt to land. To this she demurred ; she felt no alarm. Besides, her oven was heating, the bread was nearly ready, and as to leaving before it was set in, she could not think of it ! She was finally prevailed on to forego this reso- lution and retire. As she was passing around the south-eastern corner of the common, curiosity pre- vailed over apprehension; and, climbing upon the wall, she stood in full view of the enemy's vessel, surveying the scene, until a cannon-ball striking the earth near her, gave decided intimation that it was time to depart. The alarm spread rapidly, and soon men were seen with their fire-arms hurrying from every quarter to the defence of the landing. Among the earliest on the ground, was Col. Henry Herrick, an active mem- ber of the committee of correspondence, and whose patriotic spirit greatly contributed to the energetic action of the town in furnishing men and supplies for the army. The confusion of the moment did not make him forgetful of the dignity of his ofii- cial character ; and with characteristic regard for effect, and disregard of danger, he appeared on the beach in full mihtary costume, a conspicuous mark 66 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. for the enemy's aim. The commander of the Nau- tihis soon found himself in an awkward position. Owing to an unkicky choice of anchorage, the re- ceding tide left his vessel aground, which careened so that he was unable to bring a single gun to bear. In the mean time, the citizens of Salem opened a fire upon her from the Hospital point, with several four and six pounders, while a number of good marks- men, concealed among the rocks on the Beverly side, rendered it hazardous for an officer or man to appear on deck. In this condition, without power to ofier a single token of his good or ill will, he lay until dark, when, the tide floating his vessel, he weighed anchor and stood out to sea, carrying with him no very pleasant recollections of his introduction to the citi- zens of this town. The importance of fortifying the town was now apparent. Breastworks were thrown up on Wood- berry's point and Paul's head, and furnished with cannon, and measures were adopted to procure a supply of ammunition. The committee of safety applied, through William Bartlett, Esq., the navy agent, to General Washington for assistance, who directed the following reply : " Cambridge, 13th Dec. 1775. "Sir: " Your letter of the 11th, with a petition from the committee of correspondence for the town of Beverly to his Excellency, is come to hand. The General desires me to inform the committee that he would have great pleasure to comply with their request in the fullest extent, could he do it consistent with that attention which he must pay to the safety of the whole ; that you may spare them such pieces of cannon as are not at present absolutely necessary for the armed vessels ; that you may also spare them such a quantity of the shot that is on board the brig, as they may think HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 67 necessary for their immediate use, taking from the committee an obligation to return the same, or the value of them, because these articles must be made good to the captors and the continent. " As to the article of powder, that is of a very delicate nature ; but to show his willingness to serve the good people of Beverly, it is his Excellency's desire that you keep in your possession what powder you have found on board the prizes, making an immediate return of the quantity unto him. If it should so happen that the town and harbor is attacked by the enemy, the General consents that you lend the same unto the committee, at the same time taking their obligation, for reasons as before assigned for the shot. This is the most effectual way his Excellency can think of to answer the prayer of their petition, and this you will please to communicate unto them. " I am sir, your most ob't serv't, " Stephen Moylan, P. T. S. " William Bartlett, Esq." In Jan. 1776, the town voted to hire twenty-four men to guard on the seacoast by night-watches, at West's beach and near Benj. Smith's house. Of these watches Benj. Smith and Azariah Woodberry were appointed captains, and £100 were provided to defray the expenses of guarding the town. At this time, Col. Glover, with the 14th regiment of the con- tinental army, was stationed here, who maintained a watch at the fort. The progress of events had now prepared the pub- lic mind for the declaration " that these United Colo- nies are, and of right ought to be. Free and Inde- pendent States;" and in anticipation of such a meas- ure, the town, at a meeting June 13, 1776, twenty- one days before it transpired, voted, that should the Continental Congress, for the safety of the colonies, declare them independent of Great Britain, they solemnly pledged " their lives and fortunes to sup- GS HISTORY OF BEVERLY. port them in it." The General Court having recom- mended to the towns to consider the proposed arti- cles of confederation and union among the states, the town, at a meeting Feb. 4, 1778, empowered and instructed its representative to act and do anything relative thereto, that in his judgment would be most for the public good. May 22d, the constitution of government devised by a convention of the State, having been laid before the town for its considera- tion, it was rejected by a vote of 22 to 3 ; and George Cabot, Rev. Joseph Willard and William Bartlett, were appointed a committee to draft instructions to the representative, expressing the reasons of dissent. It is an elaborate and interesting document, evincing a thorough acquaintance with the subject ; and while it disclaims all disposition " to prevent good order, and encourage anarchy and opposition to equal gov- ernment," it claims the right of opposing, " with a decent, but manly and zealous freedom," any form which they conscientiously think '• does not tend to the public welfare." In 1778, a requisition was made on the town to reinforce the army in Rhode Island ; and the three captains of the militia companies, assisted by their subalterns, were authorized to obtain the quota on the best terms possible, " giving the preference to town inhabitants." Paper money had at this period so much deprecia- ted as to demand an effort for its improvement ; and July 12, 1779, Geo. Cabot and Joseph Wood were appointed delegates to a convention to be held at Concord, for the purpose of •' adopting such meas- ures as shall be necessary to carry into effect, by common consent, the important object of appreciat- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 69 ing the paper currency." At a subsequent meeting, the proceedings of this convention were highly ap- proved. A county convention having been held at Ipswich, Aug. 19, to regulate the prices of labor, produce, and other articles, the proceedings were approved and adopted by the town, and a committee appointed to prepare a list, and cause it to be print- ed, for the use of the inhabitants. This list com- prises nearly one hundred articles, from which the following are selected : West India rum, X6.6.0 per gal.; N. England, £4.16.0; molasses, £4.7.0 ; coffee, 18s. per lb. ; chocolate, 24s. ; corn, £4.16.0 per bush.; rye, £6; beans, £7.10.0; house carpenter's labor, £3.6s,8d. per day ; mason's, 80 to 92s ; shoeing a horse all round, plain, £5.8.0 ; neat's leather or calf- skin shoes, £7.7.0 ; making suit of clothes, superfine broadcloth, £18 ; spinning 20 knots linen yarn, 10s. 8d; mug of flip or toddy, made of good W. I. rum, 15s; a good dinner at the tavern, £1.1.0; sexton, for digging the grave of a grown person, £4.10.0. These prices were those paid in currency, and not in silver, one dollar of which, in 1781, was equal to $40 of the new emission paper, and $3200 of the old. In 1779, a fine of £5400 was assessed on the town by the General Court, for failing to supply the num- ber of militia required by a previous resolve; and March 13, 1780, a petition for its remission was pre- pared. The petition stated, that the town had ever been a steady friend and firm advocate of the revo- lution, and that the present delinquency was a con- sequent of " early and punctual compliance with precedent requisitions," which had exhausted them of men and much money. Appeal is made to the public records, in evidence " that their quota of the 70 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. coiitiiiental army in 1777, and the many levies of militia, had been furnished with a steadiness equal- led in but few other places :" to which it is added, " that as a town they had furnished more men, and been at greater expense in carrying on the war, than almost any other town, in proportion to their abili- ties" — a fact that the proceedings of numerous town meetings, from 1765 to 1783, conclusively demon- strate. In August, this year, George Cabot and Joseph Wood were elected delegates to a convention to meet at Cambridge, on the 1st Sept. following, for the purpose of framing a new State constitution. At the town meeting in May, 1780, it was submitted for consideration ; and, after being read and discussed, it was referred to Josiah Batchelder, George Cabot, and Rev. Joseph Willard, " to revise, examine, and make such remarks on the same as they might think best." At an adjourned meeting the subject was further discussed, and the report of the committee, together with sundry proposed amendments and in- structions, was adopted by a unanimous vote. From the commencement of the war until its ter- mination, this town was largely engaged in priva- teering. Between March and November, 1781, fifty- two vessels, carrying 746 guns, with crews of 3940 men, were fitted out and chiefly owned in Salem and Beverly.^ Among the successful commanders were Captains Eleazer Giles, Elias Smith, Hugh Hill, and Benjamin Lovett. In 1776, Capt. Giles sailed from this port in a brig of ten guns, and soon after fell in with a fleet of merchantmen, laden with stores, * Felt's Annals. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 71 bound from Jamaica to London, four of 'which he succeeded in capturing, viz: the ship Lucia, 400 tons, brigs Alfred, Success, and another, name un- known, of 300 tons each. On another cruise he was less successful. Falling in with a British ves- sel, of equal or superior force, and relying on the boasted bravery of a newly shipped crew, he gave battle. Immediately upon the attack, a portion of his men proved by their conduct that his confidence in their bravery had been misplaced ; and after a short, but sharp engagement, in which he was wounded, he was compelled to surrender, and was carried into Halifax. Capt. Smith, a courageous and dignified officer, commanded the ship Mohawk, of 20 guns, and cruised off" the West Indies. In 1781 he fell in with, and after a short engagement captured, a Guineaman of 16 guns, which he sent into Beverly. When the captain came on board to surrender his sword, he was presented to Capt. Smith, who stood abaft the wheel, clad in a sailor's coarse pea-jacket, with a red bandanna tied round his head, as a substitute for a tarpaulin. " Do you command this vessel, sir?" inquired the captain of the slaver. "Yes, sir," replied Smith, folding his arms, and with char- acteristic politeness making a very low bow, " in the room of a better." Capt. Hill, who came early to this country from Ireland, commenced privateering in the Pilgrim, of twenty guns, the building of which he superintended at Newburyport. He was a brave and generous offi- cer, and distinguished for humanity to his prisoners. On one cruise, while sailing with the English ensign at mast-head as a decoy, he was boarded by the captain of a British vessel of war, who not suspect- 72 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. ing the character of his entertainer, remarked that he was "in search of that notorious Hugh Hill." Un- prepared at the moment for an engagement with so formidable a foe, Capt. Hill replied that he was on the look-out for the same individual, and hoped soon to meet him. After spending some time on board without penetrating the disguise, the officer departed. In the course of a few days, Captain Hill again en- countered his visiter. The American flag was imme- diately run up, and an engagement ensued, which resulted in the capture of his British antagonist, who, with his vessel, was sent into Beverly. Capt. Hill's principal theatre of action was the coast of Ireland, where he captured many vessels, and greatly annoyed British commerce. After leaving the Pilgrim, he commanded the Cicero, and took several prizes. Probably more captured vessels were brought into this port than into any other in New England, the cargoes of which furnished important and seasonable supplies for the continental army. Among the enterprizing and successful commanders not engaged in privateering, was Capt. John Tittle. During the revolutionary war, he sailed in a letter of marque, in company with two other vessels, for a port in France. They were fallen in with by three British cruisers ; and as, from the superiority of force, resistance appeared vain, Tittle's companions bore off before the wind, with the hope of escape. One succeeded, and the other was captured. In the mean- time, Capt. T. was attacked by two of the enemy, and, nothing daunted, returned their fire for the space of two hours, by which time all his canvass above the lower yards was shot away. The crew, over- come with fear by the seeming desperation of their situation, began to abandon the guns — whereupon HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 73 the captain drew his sword, and ordering them back to duty, threatened to run the first man through who again left his quarters. At this moment the third enemy bore up, and haihng Capt. T. commanded him to strike his colors. To this he replied, " It will be time enough to strike when compelled;" and then addressing the crew, '' we 'U try them a little longer.'" The battle was continued another hour with great spirit ; when a shot taking effect between wind and water, silenced one of the enemy, and night coming on, they all drew off and left Capt. T. to pursue his voyage without further molestation. Foremost among the officers and soldiers in the revolution, from this town, and eminent also as an enterprizing and valued citizen, was Col. Ebenezer Francis. He was born at Medford, Mass., Dec. 22, 1743, and in 1764 removed to Beverly. His opportunities for acquiring an education in youth, had been quite defective. But, by diligent self-culture, he had early fitted himself to engage extensively and successfully in business transactions, and to take a respectable stand by the side of the best educated and informed, in the prominent stations he afterwards occupied before the town and his country. Notwithstanding the disadvantages, in this respect, under which he had labored, and which he had been obliged by himself mainly to overcome — probably induced, in no small measure, by this very circum- stance — he took a warm and efficient interest in the schools. And it is worthy of mention, as evincing at once his interest in them and his resolute spirit, that in one instance, when the scholars of one of the districts, (now called the Cove district,) had risen against their master, and compelled him to abandon 7 74 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. his post, he immediately undertook the government and instruction of the school, and very soon not only quelled the rebellion, but restored a wholesome state of discipline and improvement. In 1766 he was married to Miss Judith Wood, by whom he had four daughters and a son. He was actively and extensively engaged in business till the war broke out. He had, however, taken a deep in- terest in the political agitations which preceded it. Convinced that resort must finally be had to arms in deciding the controversy between this and the mother country, he paid much attention to military science and exercises himself, and encouraged it as far as he could in his fellow-patriots. His three brothers par- took of the same martial spirit, and all of them be- came officers in the revolutionary service. By his stature, which was tall and imposing, as well as by talents and character, he was fitted to command. Accordingly, he at once occupied a prominent stand among those who, on the first shedding of blood, were ready to take up arms. In less than three months from the commencement of hostilities, he re- ceived a captain's commission from the Continental Congress, which was dated July 1, 1775. Early in the following year, he had risen to the rank of Colo- nel, and commanded a regiment stationed on Dor- chester heights, near Boston, from Aug. to Dec. 1776. Under his prompt and thorough discipline, his men were shortly trained ; so that in his regi- mental orders of Aug. 29, 1776, he " flatters himself that they will soon attain that degree of soldiership that will be but a little inferior to the most veteran troops." By a commission dated Nov. 19, 1776, he was authorized by Congress to raise a regiment in HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 75 the State of Massachusetts ; — which was raised, un- der the name of the 11th Massachusetts regiment, and retained that designation through the war. At the head of this regiment, Col. Francis marched in Jan. 1777, to Ticonderoga. With that regard for rehgion, which was a characteristic of his hfe, he — previously to setting out on the march — had his regi- ment assembled to attend religious services in the meeting-house of the first parish. Those who re- member that occasion, express in glowing terms their recollections of its interest and solemnity. Associ- ated with him on that perilous expedition into the wilderness, were many brave and noble spirits, and some of them highly educated. His revered and beloved pastor. Rev. Mr. Hitchcock, of the second parish, in Beverly, and afterwards minister of a church in Providence, R. Island, accompanied the regiment as chaplain, having succeeded in that sta- tion the celebrated Dr. Cutler, of Hamilton. Henry Herrick, a graduate of Harvard College, and, after the war, a distinguished teacher in Beverly, was adjutant of the regiment. Moses Green leaf, collector of Nevvburyport, under the federal government, and father of Prof Greenleaf, now of the law college, at Cambridge, was a captain in it. A private journal of Capt. Greenleaf, which is now in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, narrates the principal events which occurred while the regiment was stationed at Ticonderoga, and afterward, on its retreat, with the rest of the garrison, before the over- powering forces of Burgoyne. From that is gathered the following graphic, though melancholy sketch of the closing scenes in the life of Col. Francis. " 14th June, heard enemy's morning gun — Indians and 76 HISTOPxY OF BEVERLY. Others near — skirmishes, 2d July, enemy advance, with two frigates of twenty-eight guns and fifty gun- boats — land troops about two miles from us. Satur- day, 5th July, at 12 o'clock, spied British troops on the mountain overlooking Ticonderoga — at 9, receiv- ed the disagreeable news of leaving the ground. At 2, next morning, left Ticonderoga — at 4, Mount In- dependence ; after a most fatiguing march, arrived same day at Hubbardton, (near Whitehall, N. Y.), twenty-two miles from Mount Independence — sup- ped with Col. Francis — encamped in the woods, the main body going on about four miles. Monday, 7th July, 1777, breakfasted with Col. F. At 7, he came to me, and desired me to parade the regiment, which I did : at 7J he came in haste to me, told me an ex- press had arrived from Gen. St. Clair, informing that we must march with the greatest expedition, or the enemy would be upon us, — also, that they had taken Skeensborough, with all our baggage ; — ordered me to march the regiment — immediately marched a part of it. At twenty minutes past 7, the enemy appeared within gunshot of us ; we faced to the right, when the firing began, which lasted till 8f a. m., without cessation. Numbers fell on both sides ; among ours, the brave and ever to be lamented Col. Francis, who fought bravely to the last. He first received a ball through his right arm, but still continued at the head of our troops, till he received the fatal wound through his body, entering his right breast ; he dropped on his face. Our people, being overpowered by numbers, were obliged to retreat over the moun- tains, enduring on their march great privations and sufterings." Thus fell, in the prime of manhood, one of the most promising ofiicers of the revolution, — HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 77 one whose bravery and valor, friends and foes alike were forward to acknowledge — whose worth, the aged, that knew him, still delight to recount, and whose untimely loss they yet with flowing tears lament. The following excellent letter from his pastor and the chaplain of his troops, conveyed the sad tidings of his fall to her, who was most nearly and deeply interested in the event. "Moses Creek, July 21, 1777. "Dear Mrs. Francis: " My heart is filled with compassion and sympathy for you, while I relate the melancholy tale of the fall of my dear friend, the Colonel. You will consider this event as under the government of that God, who has an undoubted right to do as seemeth Him good, and therefore, endeavor to command your passions into a silent submission to His will. If there is any consolation in the gospel, I think you may accept it. I doubt not, your loss is his greater gain : I can witness to his uniformly good conduct in the army, in discountenancing vice, and encouraging virtue ; in set- ting before his men an example of sobriety, and an attendance upon duties of piety. No officer so noticed for his military accom- plishments and regular life as he. He lived universally beloved, the loss of him as generally lamented. While these things make you look upon your loss the greater they might administer to you unspeakable consolation. He was not unmindful of the dangers of the field, being appointed to bring up the rear-guard. He supposed it probable they might be attacked, and therefore, de- sired me to take care of his knapsack with what was in it, if I could not save anything else, which I did, though I lost my clothes by doing it. He was in good spirits v/hen I parted with him the evening before the retreat. He mentioned his being equally exposed to fall with others, but seemed willing to commit himself to Providence, and leave the event. His conduct in the field, is spoken of in the highest terms of applause. He has em- balmed his name in immortal fame. I must conclude by wishing 7# 78 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. you all Divine supports. Trust in God. He will provide for you and the fatherless children. " From your sincere and affectionate friend, "E. Hitchcock." Subjoined are extracts from '' Travels in America, by a British officer,'' who was in the battle of Hub- bardton, and afterwards quartered as prisoner in the vicinity of Boston. " The rear guard of the enemy was composed of chosen men, commanded by a Col. F., who was reckoned one of their best officers. " At the commencement of the action the enemy were every where thrown into the greatest confusion ; but being rallied by that brave officer, Col. Francis, whose death, though an enemy, will ever be regretted by those who can feel for the loss of a gallant and brave man, the fight was renewed with the greatest degree of fierceness and obstinacy. " A few days since, walking out with some officers, we stopped at a house to purchase vegetables. Whilst the other officers were bargaining witli the woman of the house, I observed an elderly woman sitting by the fire, who was continually eyeing us, and every now and then shedding a tear. Just as we were quit- ting the house she got up, and bursting into tears, said, ' gentle- men, will you let a poor distracted woman speak a word to you before you go ?' We, as you must naturally imagine, were all astonished ; and upon inquiring what she wanted, with the most poignant grief and sobbing as if her heart was on the point of breaking, asked if any of us knew her son, who was killed at the battle of Hubbardton, a Col. Francis. Several of us informed her that we had seen him after he was dead. She then inquired ajjout his pocket-book, and if any of his papers were safe, as some related to his estates, and if any of the soldiers had got his watch ; if she could but obtain that in remembrance of her dear, dear son, she should be happy. Capt. Ferguson, of our regiment, who was of the party, told her, as to the Colonel's papers and pocket-book, he was fearful they were either lost or destroyed ; HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 79 but pulling a watch from his fob, said, * there, good woman, if that can make you happy, take it, and God bless you.' We were all much surprized, as unacquainted that he had made a purchase of it from a drum-boy. On seeing it, it is impossible to describe the joy and grief that was depicted in her countenance ; I never in all my life beheld such a strength of passion ; she kissed it, looked unutterable gratitude at Capt. Ferguson, then kissed it again ; her feelings were inexpressible ; she knew not how to express or show them ; she would repay his kindness by kind- ness, but could only sob her thanlis ; our feelings were lifted up to an inexpressible height ; we promised to search after the pa- pers, and I believe at that moment, could have hazarded life it- self to procure them." This watch is now in the possession of Col. Fran- cis' son, Ebenezer Francis, Esq. of Boston. John Francis, a brother of Col. Francis, was born in Medford, Sept. 28th, 1753, and previously to the revolutionary war, removed to this town. At the commencement of the struggle for freedom, he en- tered the service of his country. He was an adju- tant in the regiment commanded by his brother, and fought by his side in the battle of Hubbardton. He subsequently held the same office in the regiment under the command of Col. Benj. Tupper, and con- tin tied in the war during the first six years, an ac- tive and rising officer. He was in several battles, was wounded at the capture of Burgoyne, and re- tired, with honor, from the army. In 1786, he raised a company in Beverly and Danvers, and marched in Col. Wade's regiment, to suppress Shays' rebellion. He was captain of the militia company in the second parish, and afterwards commanded the Beverly regi- ment. He was also for many years a selectman, and served in other important municipal offices. He was amiable in his domestic relations, and much esteemed 80 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. for his hospitality and cheerfulness. He died July 30th, 1822, in the 69th year of his age. Capt. Joseph Rea, of whom mention has been made in the preceding pages, was the son of Gideon Rea, who owned and lived on the estate now the property of Mr. Edward T. Proctor, in the second parish. He was born in 1736, baptized by Mr. Chipman, Aug. 1, the same year, and died in 1798, in his 63d year. He was an efficient member of the committee of correspondence, and commanded a company enlisted in Beverly and Lynn, sent to the aid of Washington, in New Jersey. His sons were Isaac, Gideon, Joseph and Ebenezer. Ebenezer Rea is still living, at the advanced age of eighty-tv/o. He was fifteen when the battle of Lex- ington took place, and retains a vivid recollection of events that transpired in this town during the revo- lutionary war. In 1778, he enlisted under Capt. Jeremiah Putnam, of Dan vers, from whose company he was drafted, with others, to fill up a regiment sta- tioned at East Greenwich, R. I. After his term of service expired, he shipped on board the Resource, Capt. Richard Ober, of Beverly, and sailed for the West Indies. On the voyage he was taken by a Brit- ish sloop-of-war, and carried into Jamaica. Here, instead of being confined as prisoners, he and a part of the crew were transferred, as sailors, to the frigate Pelican, Capt. Collingwood, afterwards second in com- mand with Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar, and for more than a year was not permitted to go on shore.^ * Capt. Collingwood is described, by Mr. Rea, as of a tall, com- manding figure, dark complexion, with black eyes, from whose piercing glance nothing on shipboard escaped. He was a rigid dis- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 81 While cruising on that station, in August, 1781, the PeUcan encountered a severe hurricane, and was wrecked on the rocks of Morant Keys. Four of the crew were lost. The remainder succeeded in reach- ing a small, uninhahited island, on rafts, where they remained ten days, with but little food, and were taken off by the Diamond frigate, which came to their relief from Jamaica. On returning to that island, Mr. Rea and several of his shipmates were put on board the Hinchinbroke, and one da}^, while lying at Port Royal, they obtained permission to go on shore. Tempted by so favorable an opportunity, they deter- mined to desert from a service into which they had been forced, and, if possible, return to their native land. The resolution was more easily formed than executed. Unforeseen obstacles beset their design : and, after wandering up and down the island for twenty-five days, inventing various stories to escape suspicion, and heartily wishing more than once that they had never undertaken a plan so seemingly im- practicable, they were forced to return to the very place from which they started. Fortunately, they unobserved got on board a cartel ship, bound to Ha- vana, with Spanish prisoners, the commander of which was in want of seamen. They frankly in- formed him who they were and what they had done, and he, with a kindness for which they hardly dared to hope, shipped them at once for the voyage. On arriving at Havana, they were paid off and dis- charged, and Mr. Rea then took passage for Boston ciplinarian, but kind to the crew, not permitting the petty officers to impose upon them. He never used profane language, and often on the Sabbath officiated as chaplain. 82 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. on board a brig commanded by Capt. Henry Higgin- son. When on soundings, off New York, the brig was taken by a British cruiser and carried into that port. He was immediately put on board the Jersey prison-ship, where he was confined from January to May, 1782, when he was exchanged and returned to his friends. Sept. 14, 1774, Major John Leach deceased, in the 74th year of his age. He was among the active whigs of the early part of the revolution, and was a member of the committee of correspondence in this town at the time of his death. In the preceding February of this year, a donation was made by the town for the relief of the poor in Boston, consisting of two barrels of sugar, one bar- rel of rum, five and a half quintals of fish, one hun- dred and five pounds of coffee, two cheeses, eight pairs of women's and five pairs of men's leather shoes, one hide of upper-leather, three curried calf- skins, sixteen pounds of chocolate, ten pounds of pork, twenty-five pounds of flax, one barrel of flour, one and a half bushel of corn, and £31 9^. lOd. in money. Some of the poor of Boston were also quar- tered upon the town. In 1775, a scarcity of bread appears to have been apprehended, as the supplies by water were mostly cut off; and, at a town meeting held on the 19th June, two days subsequent to the battle of Bunker Hill, the selectmen were ordered to purchase 1500 bushels of grain and ten casks of rice, to be disposed of by them in the best manner, for the use and benefit of the town. A similar precaution in relation to ammunition was adopted, and a fine of ten shillings HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 83 was imposed on any one who should " unnecessarily- waste or fire off any charge of powder." At a meeting held in April, 1776, the town de- clined sending delegates to a convention held at Ips- wich, "relative to an equal representation by every man's having a like voice in the election of the leg- islative body of this colony;" but, at a subsequent meeting, a committee was appointed to sign, in be- half of the town, the memorial agreed upon by that convention. The year 1777 was distinguished by a riotous proceeding, in which the gentler sex were the prin- cipal actors. The merchants of this town, in con- sequence of the little confidence they had in a con- stantly depreciating paper currency, refused to sell the West India commodities in their possession, at the stated prices. This determination gave great offence, and under the excitement of the occasion, a number of women resolved to redress the grievance, forcibly or otherwise. One cold November morning, a company of about sixty, wearing lambskin cloaks with riding hoods, marshalled by three or four lead- ers, one of them bearing a musket, marched in regu- lar order down Main and Bartlett streets to the wharves, attended by two ox~carts. They proceed- ed to the distil-house, where a quantity of sugar, belonging to the estate of Stephen Cabot, deceased, was stored. In the meantime, the foreman of the distillery, to whose custody the goods had been com- mitted, locked the gates at the entrance of the pas- sage leading to the store, and stood sentry within, to prevent the ingress of the assailants. Finding them- selves opposed, they called to their aid a reinforce- ment of men, who, with axes, soon demolished the 84 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. gates. The gallant foreman still maintained his post, and made a bold demonstration of resistance. His fair assailants, nothing daunted, pressed vigor- ously to the onset, and seizing him by the hair, which was not of nature's groAvth, were proceeding to execute summary vengeance, when he eluded their grasp by leaving his artificial covering in their hands — and fleeing all but scalpless to the counting- room, locked himself in for safe-keeping. The work of victory then commenced. With the co-operation of their volunteer reinforcement, these gentle ex- pounders of " women's rights" forced the doors of the store, and rolled out two hogsheads of sugar, which were placed on the carts in attendance. The affair had now assumed a serious aspect, and several other merchants having a quantity of sugar on hand, and unwilling to risk the consequences of resistance and possible defeat, entered into a negotiation, which resulted in an agreement, on their part, to sell each a barrel of sugar to the female dictators, at the stip- ulated price, and receive paper money in payment. With this treaty the war closed, and the valiant band dispersed. The sugar was carted to the house of the principal leader, who kept a shop, and was there dealt out in convenient parcels, according to treaty engagement. Acting as agent in the business, she received and paid over the money to the owners of the sugar, with whom an amicable settlement was subsequently made for the quantity forcibly taken. It is but just, in closing this brief account of a pro- ceeding in which the ludicrous and the serious are blended, to remark, that few seaport towns having so much foreign trade as this had in times past, and so much privateering and other maritime business. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 85 have been so distinguished for their uniform, orderly submission to the laws of the land. The single de- parture from this course here related, probably had the effect of inducing greater caution among the well- disposed, and occasioned their prompt interference to check the first motions towards any disorderly pro- ceedings. The year 1788 is an epoch in the history of Bev- erly, marked by the establishment of the first cotton mill in America ; that of Slater's, at Pawtucket, having been commenced in 1790. A building of brick was erected in the second parish, near "Ba- ker's corner," at the junction of the Birch-plain and Ipswich roads, and a company of proprietors incor- porated Feb. 3, 1789, without any exemption or priv- ilege, except that of acting as a body corporate. Great expectations were entertained from the intro- duction of manufactures into the country on an ex- tensive plan, at this early period. A periodical of the day, describing this factory, says, "that an ex- periment was made with a complete set of machines for carding and spinning cotton, which answered the warmest expectations of the proprietors. The spin- ning-jenny spins sixty threads at a time, and with the carding machine, forty pounds of cotton can be well carded per day. The warping machine and the other tools and machinery are complete, perform- ing their various operations to great advantage, and promise much benefit to the public, and emolument to the patriotic adventurers." This establishment was visited by Gen. Washington, on his tour through the country in 1789. Not realizing the anticipations of the proprietors, they abandoned it as a body cor- porate, and the business was carried on by individu- 8 86 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. als, who subsequently erected a mill at the head of Bass river, for the purpose of spinning cotton by water-power. This enterprize proving unprofitable, the machinery and buildings of the cotton mill were finally removed, and the brick factory was destroyed by fire in 1828. In 1841 a steam factory was incor- porated, and a large amount of stock subscribed, but operations were temporarily suspended for more fa- vorable times. The first election for governor, and other state offi- cers, subsequent to the ratification of the constitu- tion of the United States, was held in Beverly this year, April 8th, at which John Hancock received 155 votes for governor, and Elbridge Gerry 17. For lieut. governor, Benj. Lincoln received 158 votes, and James Warren 17. The winter of 1780 is known as the hard winter. The snow fell seven successive days in December, to the depth of four feet on a level. The cold was in- tense, and for thirty days the sun made not the slightest impression on the snow, even in southern aspects. Many persons perished ; and in this town, from scarcity of fuel, a considerable number of fruit trees were cut down. May 19, 1780, is distinguished as the dark day. The sun rose clear, but soon assumed a brassy hue. About 10 o'clock, A. M., it became unusually dark. The darkness continued to increase till about 1 o'clock, when it began to decrease. During this time candles were necessary. The birds disappeared and were silent, the fowls went to their roost, the cocks crew as at day-break, and every thing bore the appearance and gloom of night. The alarm produc- ed by this unusual aspect of the heavens was great, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 87 and tradition has preserved many anecdotes of terror. • An old gentleman of rather singular turn, supposing the judgment-day at hand, dressed himself with unus- ual care, and taking his silver-headed cane walked out into the field to await the event. As the dark- ness came on, Mr Willard, who possessed some rare instruments, took a station on the common to make observations, and was soon surrounded by a large number of his parishioners, who gazed on his opera- tions with awe and wonder. Mr. W. paid no attention to the conjectures and expressions of alarm uttered in his hearing, and calmly pursued his investigations. In the midst of these, a person of excitable tempera- ment came running from the seashore, exclaiming in accents of terror, " the tide has done flowing !" '' So it has !" replied Mr. Willard, who, with admirable presence of mind took out his watch — " so it has, for it is just high water." • The night succeeding the day was of such pitchy darkness, that in some instances horses could not be compelled to leave the stable when wanted for ser- vice. About midnight the clouds were dispersed, and the moon and stars appeared with unimpaired brilliancy. ' This phenomenon is supposed to have been occasioned by the smoke arising from extensive fires in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, and which, owing to the clearness of the air and light- ness of the winds, had accumulated over this region in immense quantities. This year was also remark- able for the brilUant appearance of the aurora borealis, which, from the description, must have been more magnificent than the display witnessed on the evening of Dec. 11, 1830. On the 4th of September, the first town meeting bo HISTORY OF BEVERLY. was held for the election of governor, lieut. gov- ernor and conncillors, pnrsuant to the provisions of the new constitution, when the following votes were given. For governor, James Bowdoin, 29 ; John Hancock, 16. For lient. governor. John Hancock, 29; Benjamin Greenleaf. 14; James Bowdoin, 2. The first representatives under the constitution, were Larkin Thorndike and Jonathan Conant. This year. Col. Henry Herrick deceased. He was an active agent in all the first revolutionary move- ments, and for many years represented the town in General Court. He frequently presided at the numer- ous town meetings held to consider the public con- cerns, at a time when it required a good degree of moral courage for any one to appear conspicuously in acts and measures of doubtful result, and in event of failure, placing him in the position of a rebel against the King and the government of Great Brit- ain. His house stood on the site of the present residence of Ebenezer Meacom. His family consist- ed of eight children, viz : Joseph, Pyam, Henry, Joanna, Ehzabeth, Nancy, Mary and Ruth. The peace of 1783 was hailed in this town with demonstrations of the liveliest joy. This year the town refused its assent to the proposition for holding and keeping at Ipswich, ail the courts of law and offices of register of deeds, register of probate, and clerk of the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace, and instructed its representa- tive, Mr. Dane, to govern himself accordingly. In HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 89 1784, £1200 were voted to be raised for the service of the town and the payment of debts. In 1785, Mr. Dane was elected a delegate to Congress, and was succeeded as representative by Larkin Thorndike. In 1786, the pecuniary difficulties and embarrass- ments of the town, in common with every part of New England, were very considerable, arising in part from debts contracted during the war, the gen- eral stagnation of commerce, and the burdens of taxation consequent upon the revolution. This year the '' Shays' rebellion" occurred — to suppress which, a regiment of militia was marched from Essex coun- ty under the command of Col. Wade, of Ipswich, an officer in whom Washington, during the revolution, reposed the utmost confidence. In 1787, the votes for governor were 125, of which John Hancock re- ceived 77, and James Bowdoin 48. The same year George Cabot, Joseph Wood and Israel Thorndike, were chosen delegates to represent the town in the State convention to be held in Boston, Jan. 1788, for the purpose of taking into consideration the constitu- tion or frame of government for the United States, proposed by the federal convention. Between 1786 and 1789, town offices went beg- ging. So many persons chosen declining to serve, resort was had to a fine as a compulsory measure to complete the proper organization. The greatest dif- ficulty was experienced in obtaining persons to serve in the office of constable, as they were obliged to collect the taxes in their respective wards, a duty which appears to have been peculiarly onerous at that time. To secure the services of these officers, a fine of £5 was imposed on those who refused to accept the office when chosen, or procure a substi- 8^ 90 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. tute : and even this measure was not always suc- cessful, as it appears that, in 1786, seven town meetings were held between March and October, before persons would serve rather than pay £5 fine. In 1790, Larkin Thorndike and Joseph Wood were chosen representatives, and instructed to attend the General Court together only on occasions of extraor- dinary business, and at other times separately. In 1791, the town treasurer was directed to fund the paper money on hand, or sell it, as he might think best. In 1792, it was voted that all contracts should be made and paid in hard money instead of town orders. Feb. 22, 1793, Washington's birth-day was cele- brated with a display of colors and a ball and supper in the evening. Among the toasts were the fol- lowing : •'Agriculture — May we always revere the most ancient and most useful of arts. " Manufactures — May a conviction of their utility in an improved state, make us cherish them in their infancy. '' Commerce — May it universally be conducted on the liberal principles of reciprocal advantage." The proclamation of neutrality, issued by the President of the United States in 1793, and induced by the war then existing in Europe, was regarded by every friend of peace as " a wise and prudent meas- ure, well-timed, founded on fact, and calculated to secure the honor and promote the true interests and happiness of the country." The design of that proc- lamation was warmly seconded in this town. At a meeting of the merchants and others, held the 25th of July, of which Moses Brown was chairman, reso- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 91 liitions were unanimously adopted, recognizing its necessity and propriety, as not only announcing to the powers of Europe the equitable disposition of the United States, and tending to produce a reciprocity of friendly sentiments, but also as admonishing all American citizens of the penalties to which a viola- tion of the laws of nations subjected them. In order to preserve " the strictest neutrality between the powers at war," the meeting further resolved, that "should any inhabitant of these States, regardless of all moral and political obligations, fit out or be inter- ested in any privateer or vessel armed to cruise against any nation at peace with the United States, we will endeavor to detect him, that he may suffer the pim- ishment inflicted by the law for such piratical con- duct.'' The subject of revising the State constitution was laid before the town in 1795, and decided in the affirmative by a vote of twenty-six to ten. In 1796, a petition drawn up by Rev. Mr. M'Kean, William Burley, Israel Thorndike, Moses Brown and John Stephens, was adopted by the town with entire unan- imity, and presented to Congress, praying for the immediate fulfilment of the treaty made between the United States and Great Britain. Soon after the close of the revolutionary struggle, public attention was directed to the vast wilderness of the west as " much to be desired for a possession." Statesmen saw in that immense territory the future seat of civilization and political power. Political economists perceived, in a mild cHmate, a fertile soil, numerous navigable streams and geographical rela- tions, superior advantages for agricultural, manufac- turing and commercial pursuits, as well as for the 92 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. support of a dense population ; and capitalists dream- ed of fortunes to be made by investments there. The "Ohio fever," as it was aptly denominated, prevailed throughout New England, and numerous families left ''their pleasant homes, to follow the guiding hand of Providence to the western realms of promise." Forty-four years ago, " a long ark-like looking wagon was seen traversing the roads and winding through the villages of Essex and Middlesex, covered with black canvass, inscribed on the outside in large letters, ' to Marietta on the Ohio.' That expedition, under Dr. Cutler, of this neighborhood, was the first germ of the settlement of Ohio, which now contains a million and a half of inhabitants. Forty-four years have scarce passed by, since this great State, with all its settlements, improvements, canals and growing population, was covered up (if I may so say,) under the canvass of Dr. Cutler's wagon. Not half a century, and a State is in exist- ence, (twice as large as our old Massachusetts) to whom not old England, but New England is the land of ancestral recollections. "=^ In the afore-named com- pany of emigrants, was the family of Peter Shaw and several other persons of this town, 1798. The town this year for the first time chose a health officer, and in 1801 a hospital was erected on Paul's head at an expense of about $450. This point was originally the property of Paul Thorndike, one of the first selectmen of the town after its incor- poration, and from him derived its name. A watch- house was built here as early as 1711. January 18, 1799. The schooner Alert, of Beverly, * Everett. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 93 Capt. Jacob Oliver, was taken by three French pri- vateers as she was entering the harbor of Santander, and sent into Bayonne. She was not captured with- out a noble struggle. With only two guns, she beat ofi' a lugger that led on the attack, and continued the combat with a second, until that was reinforced by a ten-gun schooner, when she was compelled to strike. This outrage upon American neutrality excited strong murmurs among the inhabitants of Santander, and the commander of the fort notified the captains of the French privateers in the harbor, that if they attempted to put to sea after an American vessel came in sight, he would sink them. From 1773 to 1800, numerous town meetings were held for the adoption of measures to prevent the in- troduction and spread of the small-pox. A commit- tee of inspection was chosen ; a house provided to which suspected persons and their goods were to be conveyed for examination and cleansing; smoke- houses were erected, and fences were thrown across the roads, to prevent the passing of persons with- out inspection. Inoculation with small-pox virus, though several times commenced, never met with cordial approbation — owing, perhaps, to the same prejudice that resisted its introduction into Boston, in 1720. In 1788, it appearing that the practice of inoculation continued, a committee was appointed to inform the masters of all houses infected with the disease, that they were forbidden, under the highest displeasure of the town, and the penalties of the law, to permit any person to come into their house, for the purpose of inoculation, or of passing through the distemper. To carry the intention of the town more completely into effect, all suspected persons were re- 94 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. quired to undergo fumigation, and inoculation by physicians and all other persons was prohibited after the first day of July. In 1800, the town was thrown into alarm by the introduction of virus from London, supposed to be vaccine, but which unfortu- nately proved to be the matter of small-pox, or a disease nearly approximating to it, probably the varioloid. A town meeting was the consequence, exhibiting strong symptoms of tumult, but which happily terminated without violence. At this meet- ing, inoculation either for small or kine-pox, was again prohibited except at hospitals, and various other precautionary measures were adopted. Since 1800, the general introduction of kine-pox by vacci- nation, has prevented the spread of small-pox here as elsewhere. In 1803, the town concurred in the petition of John Heard and others, for a turnpike from Beverly to Newburyport. This road was intended to be com- menced at Nathaniel Batchelder's blacksmith's shop ; and running in a direct line across Dodge's Row near the school-house, to intersect the main road in Hamilton, near Dr. Faulkner's corner. This project was prosecuted no further than to procure an act of incorporation. The same year, $1500 were voted for the repair of the highways. March 27, 1807, Capt. George Raymond died, aged 99 years and about 3 months. He was the son of Nathaniel and Rebecca Raymond, and was born Dec. 21, 1707. He was in the Cape Breton expedition, and is mentioned in the town records of 1770, as moderator of a meeting at which measures were adopted to suppress the use of tea. He re- sided, at the time of his decease, in the second parish. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 95 July 4th. The thirty-first anniversary of Ameri- can Independence, was celebrated with particular demonstrations of joy. The Light Infantry, and other military companies paraded, and salutes were fired from a cannon used to announce the memora- ble declaration of 1776, at sunrise, noon and sunset. At half past 9 o'clock, the Light Infantry company paraded in front of Hon. Israel Thorndike's man- sion, and received the present of a standard ; after which, with a numerous company of ladies, the clergy, gentlemen of this and the neighboring towns, and the officers of the third regiment, they partook of refreshments liberally provided by that gentle- man. At eleven o'clock a procession was formed and moved to the South meeting-house, escorted by the Light Infantry, a part of Capt. Brown's com- pany, and the Salem Juvenile Artillery, the whole under the command of Capt. Rantoul. Prayers were offered by Rev. Messrs. Emerson and Randall, and an appropriate discourse delivered by Rev. Mr. Abbot, from Exodus 12 : 14. After the religious services, the procession was again formed and es- corted to a tent on Watch House Hill, under which about two hundred persons of diflferent politics par- took of an elegant dinner, at which Col. Lovett pre- sided. Among the toasts given were the following : ''The Militia : Every citizen a soldier, and every soldier a patriot. " Our Fisheries : While we draw wealth from those exhaustless mines, with gratitude may we remember the patriots who procured us the blessing. " Agriculture, Commerce, and the Arts : Together they flourish ; separated they die. 96 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. '' Schools, Academies, and Colleges : May they be nurseries of science and virtue. ^'The Ladies of Beverly, who this day presented the standard to the Light Infantry : May their gen- erous patriotism be long held in grateful remem- brance." Dec. 22d, the long embargo was enacted which was subsequently repealed by the non-intercourse act of March 1, 1809. The political excitement of this period, is shown by the number of votes given at successive elections. The whole number cast in April, 1807, was 588; in April, 1808, 654: in Nov. 1808, 671 ; in April, 1809, 650. At these times the fishermen and seamen were generally at home, and particular pains were taken to induce every voter to use his franchise. Jan. 21, 1808, Joseph Wood departed this life, aged 68 years. During a period of more than forty years, he was constantly connected with town affairs. He represented the town in General Court for a great number of years, and from 1771, to the day of his death, nearly thirty-eight years, filled the oflice of town clerk. He had also been a selectman, and for some years before his decease was an acting jus- tice of peace and notary public. During the whole of the revolutionary war, he was one of the com- mittee of correspondence, inspection and safety, thus occupying a place of great labor and responsibility, which was bestowed only on such as were well known to be zealously devoted to the cause of their country. In 1788, he was a member of the conven- tion for ratifying the constitution of the United States, and the fidelity with which he discharged HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 97 every public duty, uniformly secured to him the unbounded confidence of his fellow-townsmen. This year, the town petitioned the Congress of the United States, to suspend the operation of the em- bargo laws. The petition is recorded at length, and will, in future time, be an interesting document to those who are desirous to become acquainted with all the transactions of that period. The following year, at one of the most numerous meetings ever held in this town, spirited resolutions were unani- mously passed, disapproving of the embargo laws, and a petition embracing the substance of these reso- lutions, was voted to be presented to the General Court, praying for relief December 10, 1809, Josiah B^tchelder, jr., Esq., deceased, aged 73. He was the son of Josiah Batch- elder, who served in the expedition against Port Royal in 1707, under the command of Capt. Benj. James, of Marblehead, and died at the advanced age of 88. Mr. Batchelder early commenced a nautical life, and by energy of character, soon rose to the command of a vessel. In 1761, on his passage from Georgia to St. Christopher, with a cargo of lumber, he was taken by a French privateer, and, after being detained twenty-four hours, succeeded in obtaining the release of his vessel for two thousand three hun- dred pieces of eight. For the payment of this sum he was retained a hostage on board the privateer ; while his vessel, under the charge of his first ofiicer, was despatched to St. Eustatia or St. Christopher for the money. In the meantime he was carried into Martinico and thrust into a filthy prison, from which he obtained release, and proceeded to St. Christopher, 9 98 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. where he entered a protest against the whole pro- ceedings. Mr. Batchelder was early a warm, devoted and energetic friend to the cause of freedom, to promote which he made large pecuniary sacrifices. His fel- low-citizens honored him with their confidence by electing him six times to represent their interests in the General Court. He was also elected a member of the Provincial Congress in 1775, and again in '76, ^77 and '79, and in both assemblies was placed on the most important committees. His extensive busi- ness and public station made for him a large ac- quaintance at home and abroad, and his numerous guests were entertained with a generous hospitality. For many years Mr. B. discharged, with great ac- ceptance, the duties of a justice of the peace ; and when, by act of Congress, Salem and Beverly were formed into one district, he received the appoint- ment of surveyor and inspector, which office he held until his decease. He was thirty-five years a mem- ber of the first church, and departed this life, leaning, with unshaken confidence, on the Christian's hope. In 1810, the town, by vote, protested against the removal of the term of the Supreme Judicial Court from Ipswich to Newburyport. In 1812, soon after the declaration of war against Great Britain, spirited resolutions were passed in town meeting, disapprov- ing the proceedings of the government of the United States, and approving the course of the General Court and of the Governor in relation to the war. Delegates were also chosen to attend a county con- vention at Ipswich. In 1814, a memorial was adopt- ed by the town and ordered to be presented to the HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 99 General Court, in reference to the sufferings of the inhabitants from embargo and war. In 1814, an attack being apprehended from the enemy, several families removed to the interior. On the 9th of June, a barge, from a British ship of war, pursued a schooner belonging to Manchester, towards this harbor. Unable to escape, she was run ashore on Mingo's beach and abandoned. The Brit- ish set her on fire, but the flames were afterwards extinguished by the neighboring inhabitants without much damage. The alarm occasioned by this affair was followed by a public meeting, at which meas- ures were adopted for the effectual protection of the town. Subsequently, a company of infantry from Haverhill and Methuen, and of artillery from Dan- vers, were stationed here for the defence of the coast; but the following winter, cause for further warlike preparations was removed by the treaty of peace, ex- ecuted at Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814, and ratified by the American senate Feb. 16th, 1815. March 6th, 1819, Mr. Robert Endicott, an exem- plary and respected citizen, deceased, aged 62 years. Mr. Endicott was a descendant from Governor En- dicott, of the fifth generation. He removed from Danvers to Beverly in the latter part of 1781, being the first of the name that settled here. He married Mary, daughter of Rev. Nathan Holt, of Danvers. Of seven children, two only survive, who, with their families, reside in this town. In 1820, the question of amending the constitution was submitted to the people, who gave a majority in the affirmative. Four delegates were elected by this town to attend the convention called for that purpose, and which consisted of about five hundred members. 100 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. December 22, 1822, William Burley died, in the 72d year of his age. He was a native of Ipswich, and was born January 2d, 1751. He took an active and zealous part in the war of the revolution, and was some years an officer in the American army. On the 3d of February, 1780, when under the command of Col. Thompson, on the lines near White Plains, Mr. Burley, who was then a lieutenant, was taken prisoner in a severe skirmish with a detachment of British troops. Col. Thompson, who commanded, was also taken, with several other officers and about ninety men. This misfortune was owing to the neg- ligence and imprudence of the Colonel, who omitted the precautions he had been directed to take to guard against any sudden attack.^ Mr. Burley was compelled to remain a prisoner a year and nine months, on his parole, on Long Island, when he obtained his liberty by an exchange. This long captivity, at such a crisis, was a very severe trial to one of his active character and ardent pa- triotism. The last year of his imprisonment he was allowed the pay and rations of a captain in the con- tinental service. He left a legacy to this town of five hundred dol- lars, to be expended for the instruction of poor chil- dren in reading and the principles of the Christian religion. This legacy was managed by a committee appointed for the purpose, who bestowed the benefit on such children in different parts of the town as, in their judgment, most required it. A legacy of a sim- ilar character was also left to his native town. August 31st, 1824, General La Fayette, then mak- * Heath's Memoirs, p. 230. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 101 ing a tour of the country he had so signally served by the side of Washington, passed through this town. He was received, as he was every where, with every demonstration of respect. His arrival was announced by a salute of thirteen guns, from Ellingwood's point. An arch was erected on Essex bridge, at the line of the town, beautifully decorated with flowers, evergreens and flags, bearing the inscription, " Wel- come, La Fayette, the man whom we delight to hon- or." On arriving opposite the bank, where was dis- played across the street a line of national banners, he was cheered by a concourse of citizens. His car- riage and escort halted for a short time, amidst a furious rain, when he was addressed by Hon. Robert Rantoul in behalf of the citizens, as follows : •'General: The inhabitants of Beverly bid you welcome. We welcome you to our country, — that country which owes so much to your aid in the ac- quisition of her independence. We receive you not merely as the friend of our beloved country, but as the friend of Man. Your labors, your sacrifices, your suflerings in the cause of liberty, demand our grati- tude. Tyrants receive the commanded adulation of their slaves, but to the benefactors of our race belong the spontaneous eff'usions of our hearts. Accept our sincere congratulations that you live to witness the order, the prosperity, the happiness that results from our free institutions ; and may the evening of your days be solaced with the reflection that those princi- ples of government, to the support of which your life has been devoted, and which alone can secure the enjoyment of rational liberty, are fast spreading their influence through the whole family of man. Wish- ing you long life and uninterrupted happiness, we bid you farewell." 9* 102 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. After an affectionate reply to this address, the Gen- eral resumed his journey. In 1827, Capt. John Low died, in the 82d year of his age. He was born in Hamilton, in 1745. He became a resident of Beverly before the revolution- ary war, at the commencement of which he forsook his business of cabinet-making, and raised a com- pany for the continental army. After leaving the army he kept a public-house near the ferry-way, and subsequently removed to Lyman, Me., where, until the day of his decease, he enjoyed the confidence of his fellow-townsmen. In consequence of the alarming prevalence of the Asiatic cholera in various parts of the country, in 1832, a town meeting was held August 4th, at which a committee of nine persons, including the selectmen, was appointed as a health committee, who were au- thorized to take such measures to prevent its intro- duction and spread as should be thought necessary. This committee, in discharge of their duty, caused directions to be printed and circulated, in which they recommended attention to personal cleanliness, mod- eration in the use of food, total abstinence from the use of distilled spiritous liquors, and the exercise of a moral courage that results from a rational confi- dence in God. July 4th, 1835. The anniversary of American in- dependence was celebrated in this town on the 3d July, the 4th being the Sabbath, without distinction of party. The oration was by Edward Everett, the present minister from this country to Great Britain, who chose for his subject the early part of the life of George Washington, terminating with the French war, about 1756. This effort of the distinguished orator was one of his happiest. For an hour and a HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 103 half, he spoke without recurrence to notes, and riv- eted the attention of a crowded and overflowing au- dience in the Dane street meeting-house. At the close of the exercises, a numerous company, with invited guests, including twelve revolutionary vet- erans, repaired to a pavilion erected on the common, where they partook of an excellent dinner. The pa- vilion was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens by the ladies, who were complimented at the table in the following toast: " The Ladies of Beverly, who have labored for our present ac- commodation ; and with their permission we would mention the Lady Superior, whose great industry and good taste have done so much for the beauty and ornament of the scenery about us. May she never consign herself to a cloister less joyous and happy than that which witnesses the festivities of this day." Hon. Robert Rantoul presided at the table, assist- ed by several vice-presidents ; and although total abstinence from intoxicating liquors did not then generally prevail, yet the example of the president, and some other teetotalers, was not lost upon the company ; and on the whole, the entertainment may be pronounced one of the most orderly, tasteful and intellectual, of its kind, ever enjoyed by the citizens of Beverly. Among the toasts offered on the occa- sion was the following, in compliment to the orator : " The orator of the day : The union of genius, talents and in- dustry, regulated by virtuous principle, will always command respect and esteem from a free and enlightened community. The power of eloquence, when employed to promote harmony, union and peace among friends and neighbors, excites the most grateful feelings, and merits the warmest praise." This sentiment was responded to by Mr. Everett, in a neat and appropriate speech, which was received with great applause. Addresses were also made by 104 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Hon. Leverett Saltonstall of Salem, and Mr. Blunt of New York. Letters, accompanied with toasts, were read from a number of distinguished gentle- men, who were unable to accept the invitations ex- tended to them. The committee of arrangements consisted of four- teen citizens, of whom Josiah Lovett, 2d, was chair- man. The escort duty was performed by the Bev- erly Light Infantry. The bells were rung, and sa- lutes fired in the morning and at evening ; and after sunset a display of fireworks was made on Watch- house hill. The celebration was conceived and car- ried out in an excellent spirit, and the occasion pass- ed off with fewer causes for regret than usually attend festivities of this description. August 20th, a town meeting was held, at which a series of resolutions were adopted, and a committee appointed to endeavor to obtain a change of the loca- tion of the Eastern Rail-road, from the east to the west side of Essex bridge. The objections to the former location, as urged in the resolutions, were, substantially, that the construction of a bridge there would materially injure the anchorage accommoda- tions of the harbor, incommode citizens engaged in the cod fishery, expose the town to fire from engines, endanger the lives of numerous children who must cross the road in going to and from school, and per- manently injure the business, prosperity and growth of the place ; all of which evils the location of the road west of the bridge would obviate. At an ad- journed meeting, Sept. 17th, the report of the com- mittee was accepted, their number enlarged, and in- structions given them to continue their efforts to obtain a compliance with the resolutions passed at the first meeting. This object was attained in 1837. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 105 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND ESSEX BRIDGE. Besides the houses for pubUc worship, the princi- pal public edifices in Beverly are the town-hall, bank, and almshouse. A large three-story brick building was erected in 1839 on Cabot street, at the head of Bartlett street, by Mr. John Bell, and fitted up for stores, ofiices, reading-room, etc. It also con- tains a hall for lectures and other public assemblies, and is known as '' Bell's hall." A cupola surmounts the building, affording a convenient " look-out," from which vessels may be seen far away at sea. The old town-hall occupies an elevated site, a short distance easterly from the main street. It was erected in 1798, by Mr Obediah Groce, of Salem, at a cost of about $2000. It is two stories high, and has a cupola, furnished with a bell. It was originally built to accommodate the grammar-school ; but when completed, a vote was passed to occupy the second story for town purposes, previous to which time town meetings had been held in the first parish meeting- house. It has been variously altered, from time to time, and in 1842 was sold to the grammar district, who gave it the name of Briscoe Hall. The new town-hall stands on the east side of Cabot street, a little south of the first parish meet- ing-house. It is of brick, three stories high, of remarkably correct symmetry, and is highly orna- mental to the town. It was originally built for a private residence, by Andrew Cabot, about fifty- five years ago, in the most substantial manner, the walls being very thick. It subsequently became the property of the late Israel Thorndike, who orna- mented its ample grounds with numerous fruit and 106 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. forest trees, shrubs and plants. In 1841, it was pur- chased of the heirs of Mr. T., and altered as it now appears. On the first floor are rooms for the school committee, selectmen, assessors and town clerk. The second and third stories are thrown into one, making a large and commodious hall, with galleries on three sides, furnished with fixed seats, while for the main floor moveable settees are provided. The hall is light- ed with astral lamps, and the rostrum is furnished with a sofa and chairs. The whole interior arrange- ment is neat and convenient, and reflects great credit on the gentlemen under whose superintendence the work was executed, as well as on the mechanics by whom the labor was performed. The committee to whom was committed the care of this enterprize, consisted of George Brown, chairman, John Saffbrd, Augustus N. Clark, James Haskell, and Francis Woodberry. The hall was opened for public purposes October 26, 1841, with appropriate religious exercises, and an address from Hon. Robert Rantoul. The build- ing, with the public square adjoining it, is protected on its west and south sides by a neat fence of chain, inserted in granite posts ; and is shaded by a number of beautiful horse-chestnut and elm trees. Alto- gether, it is one of the finest and most convenient buildings for town purposes in the county. The banking house is also on Cabot street, at the corner of Central street. It is of brick, three stories high, and was built by John Cabot, a brother of An- drew, near the time of the erection of the new town- hall. Attention was directed to the wants of the poor, very soon after the town was incorporated ; and one of the conditions of a contract, made for the support HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 107 of a pauper in 1723, was, that he should be kept as a christian ought to be kept. As early as 1719-20, a vote was passed by the town to build an alms- house. It was afterwards re-considered, and that purpose was not finally accomphshed until 1803, when the house now owned by the town was erect- ed. It is pleasantly situated on a court, running northerly from Cabot street. The house is two sto- ries high, and contains twelve rooms, besides two in the basement ; one of which is used as a kitchen, and the other as a work-room. The basement story also contains the necessary cells for the confinement of disorderly persons. The house was very tho- roughly repaired in 1838, at an expense of $2,500, and under its present efficient management, affords a humane asylum for the friendless poor. Land owned, and rented by the town for that purpose, is cultivated by the inmates of this house, who raise potatoes and other vegetables sufficient for their own consumption, and cut hay enough to keep two cows. Among the greatest conveniences obtained for this town by corporate enterprize, is Essex Bridge. On the 26th Dec. 1636, a ferry was estabhshed between Salem Neck, or North Point, and Cape- Ann-side, as Beverly was then styled. It was kept by John Stone, who was to receive as passage-money, "2c/. for each stranger, and \d. for an inhabitant of Sa- lem." The next year (1637) the inhabitants of Bass- River-side, petitioned the court to exempt them from the ferriage fee, on the ground that they did not re- ceive any part of the toll profits; but the prayer was not granted. In 1639, the ferry was granted to Wil- liam Dixy for three years. He was " to keep a horse- boat; to have for a stranger's passage, 2c?; for towns- 108 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. men, Id ; for mares, horses, and other great beasts, 6d. ; for goats, calves, and swine, 2d. Jan. 5, 1698-9, the ferry-landing on the Beverly- side was laid out by order of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, on a return by a jury. This landing includes nearly all the fiats between Safford & Stone's wharves, and, although not the property of the town, has been until recently a public land- ing. In 1749, the ferry was let for £3 sterling a year ; and the rates of toll were fixed at 6c?. old tenor, or 1 copper for a passenger, 2 coppers for a horse, 7 for a chair, 9 for a two-wheeled chaise, and 11 for a four-wheeled carriage. In 1783, it was let for £30 a year. A boat was to be kept in the night on each side of the river, and no more than double ferriage was to be required at unseasonable hours. It appears from the records, that this town claimed a right in the ferry, in opposition to the claims of Salem to an exclusive property. In 1742, it was voted, that the inhabitants feel aggrieved by Salem's taking away their former privilege in passing and repassing the ferry between Salem and Beverly, and a committee was chosen to treat with the selectmen of Salem about the matter, and to report ten days before the subsequent meeting in March. At the March meeting, following, in 1742-3, the report of this committee was considered and accepted, but further proceedings stayed until the action of Salem thereon was ascertained. At a meeting in September of the same year, a committee of five was appointed to use all lawful means for recovering the town's right in the ferry, and Mr. Bollan was retained as counsel. At a meeting, Dec. 26, 1743, John Thorn- dike, jr. was appointed agent for the town in rela- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 109 tion to this dispute, but in what mauner it was ad- justed, if ever, is unknown. As population and travel increased, the inconve- nience of a ferry must have been proportionably realized, and the erection of Charles river bridge, connecting Boston with Charlestown, suggested the idea of a similar improvement here. The subject was brought before the town at a meeting held June 21st, 1787, on the petition of Thomas Stephens and others, and a unanimous vote was passed to instruct the selectmen to petition the General Court to grant George Cabot and others an act of incorporation, for the purpose of building a bridge. The selectmen, to whom this duty was assigned, were Joseph Rea, John Lovett, 4th, Charles Dodge, Jonathan Conant and Asa Leach. The prayer of the petitioners Avas granted, though not without opposition, Nov. 17th, 1787. The persons named as corporators, were George Cabot, John Cabot, John Fiske, of Salem, Israel Thorndike, and Joseph White, of Salem, whose shocking murder, in the night of April 6th, 1830, thrilled the community with horror. The first pro- prietors' meeting was held at the Sun tavern, in Sa- lem, Dec. 13, 1787, of which Nathan Dane was mod- erator, and William Prescott, clerk. The first directors were George Cabot, John Fiske, Andrew Cabot, Joseph White, Edward Pulling, Jo- seph Lee and George Dodge. At the first meeting of the directors, George Cabot was chosen president, George Dodge and John Fiske, vice-presidents, and Thomas Davis, jr. treasurer. Robert Rantoul was chosen president in 1838, and has since sustained the office. The first pier was laid in May, 1788, and on the 10 110 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 24lh September of the same year, the bridge was opened for passage. The bridge is 1484 feet long, 32 feet wide, and consists of 93 piers. It has a draw, with convenient piers, hawser, etc. for the accom- modation of vessels passing it. Its cost was about $16,000. The stock is divided into two hundred shares, and for several years previous to 1830, sold for about five times the original par value. It is still good property. The proprietors are required to pay to Salem £40 annually, as compensation for the ferry-ways, and £10 to Dan vers. With a view, as it seems, to prevent a diversion of travel from Dan vers Neck, which it was apprehended the erection of Essex bridge would effect, a bridge was commenced, and though opposed by the corpo- ration of Essex bridge, completed over Frost Fish river, near where the dam of the Danvers and Bev- erly iron-works company now is. The feeling in which this work was accomplished, gave it the name of Spite bi^idge, the memory of which time has not entirely obliterated. The right to take toll on Essex bridge was granted for seventy years from its open- ing, when it reverts to the Commonwealth.^ SCHOOLS AND ACADEMY. The history of education in this town, could it be written in detail, would be exceedingly interesting and instructive, illustrating the importance it has ever held in the estimation of its citizens; and show- * The course of the bridge from Beverly side to Salem, is south 5 deg. west. 6 ?»/ Its- ^ HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Ill ing the various progress it has made here in com- mon with sister towns. It is probable that provision of some kind was made for the education of children very soon after the settlement in 1630, though noth- ing relating to the subject is found on record until 1656, when a meeting-house was built, which was also used for a school-house. For aught that is known, this arrangement continued for a period of more than eighteen years, when, Nov. 5th, 1674, a school-house was ordered to be built on the town's land, near the meeting-house, 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 9 feet stud. This was also to serve the purpose of a watch-house. At what time this order was executed does not appear. The erection of this building, from causes unknown, was probably de- layed several years, as by an arrangement entered into May 19, 1677, with Samuel Hardie, (the first schoolmaster whose name is recorded,) it was stipu- lated that he should have the meeting-house to teach in during that summer, and some other place during the winter. His agreement with the selectmen, was " to teach ordinary learning according to the utmost of his ability, and to take a faithful account, and receive pay according to ordinary rates." His first contract was for the year, and if the payments of the scholars did not amount to £20, the town was to meet the deficiency : and if the payments exceeded that sum, he was to pay the surplus to the town. He continued to keep the school for several years. He was the son of Robert Hardie, a citizen and haberdasher of London. Jan. 24, 1675, he married Mary, daughter of Samuel Dudley, of Exeter. Nov. 5, 1674, he was chosen clerk of the writs for Bev- erly, and Sept. 1, 1684. was employed, with Andrew 112 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Elliot, to transcribe the town records into a new book. Besides being a teacher of youth, he is sup- posed to have exercised the functions of a physi- cian. At a town meeting Nov. 2, 1686, it was '' agreed by said town, with Corporal David Perkins, that the said town should have and did hire of said Perkins, one convenient room or chamber with a fire-room in it, for the space of six months after the date here- of, for the just sum of 10s. in pay, for a place for Mr. John Pearly to teach school in during said term, for the use of said town. And further, it was then agreed that the new selectmen, with the assistance of Capt. William Rayment and Corporal Thomas West, as a committee, were chosen to agree with said schoolmaster, about the terms of teaching for said town, provided that said committee do not ex- ceed £20 in pay, or £10 in money, for said teaching one whole year from the date hereof." In 1700, in conformity to the law then in force, a grammar-school was established, and Robert Hale, son of the minister, was appointed master, with a salary of £10, and an additional allowance if he kept an English school. The next year the school was kept by Daniel Dodge. In 1704, James Hale, another son of the minister, was the master, who taught writing, reading, casting accounts, Latin and Greek grammar, at a salary of £30. In 1720, the school was kept by Pyam Blowers, son of the min- ister, who is the last of the early teachers of whom record is made.^ In 1782, the grammar-school was * John Rogers, Henry Rast, William Shurtliff and John Cotton, are among the graduates of Harvard College, who were teachers in this school at an early period. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 113 discontinued, for which the town was presented to the Court of Sessions, when it was resumed again and continued without further interruption to 1825, a period of 124 years. The grammar-school was kept in various places till 1798, when it was estab- lished during its further continuance in the new house on Watch-house Hill, the second story of which was fitted up for town purposes. About 1700, attention to the schools declined, but revived again about 1749, when the teacher was required to return a list to the selectmen, of the names of parents and masters, and the number of children and servants belonging to each, that were instructed by him. The selectmen were to tax the parents and masters for the support of the school, except such as they judged proper to exempt, and commit the tax to one of the constables for collec- tion. Any person refusing to pay for his proportion of fuel, was to be punished by his children or ser- vants being denied the privilege of warming them- selves at the schoolhouse fire ! At a meeting March 20th, 1749-50, the sum of £32, old tenor, was voted to the inhabitants of the east part of the town, to enable them to keep a school four months in the year. The next year £4.5.8, lavv^ful money, was voted them for the same purpose, and in 1752, it was voted that the grammar- school should be kept in that part of the town in proportion to what they paid towards taxes. From 1754 to 1825, various changes and improvements were made, when the grammar-school was abolished, and a vote was passed to divide the school money raised by the town, among the ten school districts as they now exist, according to the number of ratable 10^ 1J4 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. polls. In 1836, the school committee revised the school regulations, which, at a subsequent town- meeting were adopted. The books prescribed for the use of the schools in those regulations, are — Cum- mings' Spelling Book, New Testament, Young Rea- der, Introduction to the National Reader, National Reader, Sullivan's Political Class Book, Wood- bridge's Geography and Atlas, Colburn's Arithmetic first part and sequel, Goodrich's History of the United States, Comstock's Philosophy, Holbrook's Geometry, Fowle's Linear Drawing, Blair's Rhet- oric, Colburn's Algebra, Bowditch's Navigator, Wor- cester's Dictionary, Story's Abridgement, Parker's Natural Philosophy, Greenleaf's Arithmetic — to which list others have since been added. It is made the duty of instructors to exert their best endeavors to impress on the minds of children and youth, com- mitted to their care and instruction, the principles of piety, justice, and a sacred regard to truth ; love to their country, humanity and universal benevolence ; sobriety, industry and frugality ; chastity, modera- tion and temperance ; and those other virtues which are the ornament of human society and the basis upon which a republican constitution is founded : but no books are to be used in school which are cal- culated to favor the tenets of any particular sect of christians. By the returns of 1841, it appears that the num- ber of persons in this town between the ages of 4 and 16, is 1249, being an increase of 40 since the census of 1840, and of 122 since 1839. The number of all ages in all the schools is 1345, of which num- ber 50 are over 16 years, and 46 under 4. The av- erage attendance in the schools in summer, is 504 ; HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 115 in winter, oyj ; making 152 less than the Avhole num- ber between 4 and 16. The number of children in primary schools is 817. In 1809, the school money was ordered to be rated at $1.90 for each poll, which is the sum assessed at present. The amount raised by taxes for the support of schools in 1798, was $1140; in 1806, $1600, and for their support last year, $2240.10. The gross amount paid for public and private tuition, including the academy, is up- wards of $5000. The schoolhouses, ten in number, were, with a single exception, erected before public at- tention was awakened, as for the last few years it has been, to the improved construction of such buildings. They are, nevertheless, commodious and in good condition. A convenient schoolhouse Avas erected in Bass river district in the autumn of 1842. The report of the school committee, made to the town meeting, March 10, 1806, is recorded at length. This is the commencement of a series of able reports on the state of the schools, which have been con- tinued to this time, with manifest good effect in rais- ing the standard of education. By spreading a gen- eral statement of the condition and relative improve- ment of the schools before all the citizens at the an- nual town meeting, a more general interest in the subject is excited. Emulation is also produced among the respective districts, which tends to the improvement of their schools. Without this general diffusion of knowledge concerning the schools, any attempts at improvement, made in town meetings, will always be received with an indifference more fatal to success than positive opposition. But the benefit of these reports is not confined exclusively to the towns to which they are made. By a provi- 116 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. sion of law, a copy of them is required to be sent, with the annual returns, to the secretary of the Com- monwealth, for the use of the Board of Education. They are then examined by the secretary of the board, who makes such extracts as he judges may be serviceable, and incorporates them with the ab- stracts of returns which he makes to the board. These are published in a volume, and a copy sent to each of the towns in the Commonwealth ; and thus, an account of any improved method of managing schools, or a useful hint made in a report of one town, may become available to every district in the State. For the gratifying change effected in the character of the public schools, from 1804 to 1827, the town is chiefly indebted to the school committee, and espe- cially to its chairman, Rev. Dr. Abbot, for that pe- riod, whose unwearied devotedness and careful at- tention to the qualifications of teachers, contributed essentially to elevate the standard of education. Since the impulse thus given, succeeding committees have watched over the schools with unabated inter- est, and performed an amount of service highly cred- itable to their public spirit. The requisitions of the law have been conformed to, and a gradual improve- ment has been made. The condition of the schools at the present time is better than at any former pe- riod. In the grammar district arrangements are made by which the poorest children may obtain a good academic education, and if they desire it, be advanced in a collegiate course. The public schools, it has been justly remarked by one whose age and experience give weight to his words, " ought to be equal to the wants of every HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 117 class in society; and until they are made so, they do not answer the proper end of their institution. If any class are obliged to separate from others in the EDUCATION of their children, it lays the foundation for distinctions and separations in society in riper years, incompatible with those principles of equality which ought to be so carefully cultivated and guarded by all who have at heart the preservation of our political institutions." The public school system was con- ceived in the spirit of republicanism. It proposes to educate for all the practical purposes of life, the mass, who without its aid must suffer the evils of ignor- ance, as well as entail those evils on the community. And it further aims to strengthen the arch of repub- lican institutions, and to perpetuate social equality, by bringing together and subjecting to a common training the children and youth of all stations. If the spirit of its conception is kept constantly in view by the guardians of education, this desirable and important result may be obtained, guaranteeing there- by the fulfilment of the fondest hopes of the patriot and philanthropist. How far, or how soon, the pub- lic schools will be equal to the wants of every class in society, must mainly depend on the parents and guardians of youth. Laws may do something and school committees may do more ; but, unless seconded by those who have the deepest interest at stake, the progress must be necessarily slow. Schools may have a name to live ; but while parents and guard- ians arejndifferent to their improvement, it is com- paratively little that committees can effect. The destiny of these institutions — colleges of the people, as they have been denominated — is not in the custody of the legislature exclusively, nor yet in the care of 118 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. a few individuals appointed by the town to examine into their condition from time to time. It is in the hands of parents and guardians, and on them rests the responsibihty of their prosperous existence. If parents will do for their children as much as they do for favorite animals — if they will see that their bodies are warmly, comfortably and healthfully housed, and their minds suitably fed — if they will visit the school with something of the interest with which they go to their various employments, and with frequency — if they will exercise their right in demanding high qualifications in teachers, and in nameless other ways second the views and come up to the help of committees and the friends of education, public schools ivill flourish, and the bread thus cast upon the waters will return in an abundant and well-ripened intellec- tual harvest. The Beverly Academy was projected as a private school in February, 1833, by a number of gentlemen, who associated for that purpose. On the 1st of May following, they purchased an eligible lot of land on the north-easterly side of Washington street, and, dividing the property into thirty-two shares, immedi- ately commenced the erection of a building suited to their object. On the 17th June, the same year, the school was opened under Abiel Abbot, of Wilton, N. H., as principal, and Mary R. Peabody, as assist- ant. Mr. Abbot was succeeded the next year by Charles A. Peabody, of Tamworth, N. H. He con- tinued only one term, when Edward Bradstreet was employed. On the 30th January, 1835, the proprie- tors of the school obtained an act of incorporation, and Mr. Bradstreet continued the instruction until 30th June, 1836. His assistant, with some intermis- ^ HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 119 sion, was Ann W. Abbot, He was succeeded on 25th July following by Thomas Barnard West, who remained principal till his much-lamented death in October last. His assistants have been Mary Wil- liams, Ann W. Abbot and Mary T. Weld. The present principal is Edward Appleton, who graduat- ed at Cambridge in the class of 1835. The average number of pupils has been about 30 of both sexes, more than half of whom were males. The Academy has been from the first under excellent supervision, and has won for itself a deservedly popular reputa- tion. In 1837, a school was commenced in the second parish, and incorporated as the New England Christ- ian Academy. This school was conducted on the manual labor system, and during its continuance, averaged about 60 pupils. Its preceptor, with the exception of a single term, was Mr. Joseph Henry Siewers. The Academy remained in operation less than two years, when, for reasons of a pecuniary nature, it was closed. The principal university in the United States has found munificent friends among the citizens of this town, who, within about twenty years, have made bequests and donations to it amounting to nearly $50,000.^ COLLEGE graduates. The following is a list of persons born in this town, graduated at the several colleges in New England. * Quincy's Hist. Harvard College. 120 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. The list doubtless exhibits less than the whole num- ber, as the means for obtaining an accurate account are necessarily imperfect. Harvard. 1686, Robert Hale. 1703, James Hale. 1721, Robert Hale, jr., Pyam Blowers. 1724, Wil- liam Balch. 1728, Joseph Lovett. 1731, Henry Hale. 1732, Joseph Herrick. 1733, Thomas Balch. 1738, John Chipman. 1767, Henry Herrick. 1777, Jacob Herrick. 1782, Benjamin Bartlett, Larkin Thorndike. 1791, Nathaniel C. Lee. 1799, Joseph Dane. 1806, Daniel Oliver. 1809, Nathaniel K. Oliver. 1810, Thomas Stephens. 1812, Charles Brown. 1813, William Thorndike. 1816, Augus- tus Thorndike. 1818, Henry K. Oliver (honorary degree). 1820, Ingalls Kittredge, Jr. 1826, An- drew P. Peabody, Robert Rantoul, Jr. BowDoiN. George Thorndike (honorary degree at Harvard, 1807). 1811, John M'Kean. 1817, James M'Kean. William Abbott and Isaac Rea (date un- known). 1826, George Trask. Frederick Choate (date unknown). Amherst. 1831, Benjamin Ober. 1836, D. Oli- phant. 1839, James D. Trask. 1842, Issacher Le- favour. Yale. Nathaniel Dike, Joseph Shaw. Dartmouth. 1796, Josiah Batchelder (degree of M. B. at Harvard, 1799). 1839, Benjamin Franklin Edwards. LIBRARIES, reading ROOMS AND LYCEUM. The Social Library was commenced by subscrip- tion, Jan. 20th, 1802. It was divided into one hun- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 121 dred and thirty-two shares, and an assessment of $5 laid on each share. The $660 thus raised, was in- vested in a valuable collection of books, selected by Joshua Fisher, Nathan Dane, and Thomas Davis, assisted by Rev. Mr. McKean. This collection has been increased from time to time by donations, and by purchase' with sums raised by assessments, until it now contains not far from one thousand volumes. The original share-holders were seventy-two. They now number more than one hundred. The library is supplied with several of the most valuable foreign and domestic periodical publications, and books are added from time to time by the trus- tees, who are invested with discretionary powers. The utility and benefit of this institution were sensi- bly felt soon after its establishment, when books were comparatively scarce and costly, affording, as it did, to many families, the perusal of valuable books not readily elsewhere found ; and its usefulness is con- stantly increasing. The Mechanics' Association possess a select and increasing library, which affords the means of intel- lectual improvement to its members. This and the Social Library are kept in the school-committee room, in the town-hall, both of which are open weekly, the former on Thursday and the latter on Saturday, for the delivery and return of books. Connected with some of the churches, particularly the First, are val- uable libraries. There is a circulating library kept by Stephens Baker, and several good private collec- tions. But the most striking and important feature in the diffusion, among us, of useful knowledge by books and reading, is the School District Librarjr. 11 122 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. It had, for several years, been an object of desire to the friends of education, that something might be effected for the intellectual benefit of a large and constantly increasing juvenile population, who from local and other causes, were not enjoying the advan- tages to be obtained in populous villages and cities. To this end, a resolve was passed in General Court, 1842, appropriating $15 from the State school fund, to every school district in the Commonwealth that shall raise a like sum for the purchase of a school library. By the establishment of such libraries in each district, the means of intelligence are placed in the hands of every child ; and if the books are select- ed, as they should be, with reference to usefulness, entertainment and moral influence, the result cannot be otherwise than propitious to intellectual and moral development; and it is highly creditable to this town, that the provisions of the resolve are very generally complied with ; so that, with the Sunday-school libraries, in each of the religious societies, the youth of Beverly are in the possession of unusual advan- tages. Simultaneously with the inception of this plan, a publishing firm in Boston commenced the publication of a series of works, under the supervi- sion of the Board of Education, entitled the '' Com- mon School Library." It consists of fifty 12mo. volumes, and the same number of 18mo. size, adapt- ed to the capacities of young readers. Taking into view the distinguished character of the board, con- sisting of gentlemen of both political parties and of different religious denominations, the freedom of the books from sectarian peculiarities, and the superior mechanical execution of the work, these volumes HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 123 may be pronounced unrivalled by any series ever issued from the American press, and are worthy, as they will command, an extensive patronage. The other means for general information in this town, are three reading rooms, which are well suppHed with newspapers. A lyceum was estab- lished here among the earliest in New England, and has been, to this time, successfully sustained. MERCHANTS. In the list of distinguished merchants and valued citizens, may be recorded the names of George, An- drew, and John Cabot, Moses Brown, Israel Thorn- dike, Joseph Lee, John and Thomas Stephens. George Cabot was born in Salem, in 1751, and in childhood came to this town. He early engaged in commercial pursuits, and at the age of eighteen be- came the master of a vessel, in which capacity he visited various parts of Europe. Mr. Cabot belonged to that class of citizens, who have contributed so much to the prosperity of the United States, and who gave occasion to Burke's splendid eulogium on the enterprize and intelligence of New England nav- igators. His sea-faring life was made subservient to the improvement of a mind naturally contemplat- ive and quick to discern. The countries, customs, and people, with whom his foreign voyages made him acquainted, were regarded with the eye of a statesman and philosopher, and he drew from them enlightened and comprehensive views of human nature and society. 124 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. In 1779, at the age of twenty-iivej Mr. Cabot was chosen by the town delegate to the provincial con- gress which met at Concord, with a vievvT to the vis- ionary project of ordaining a maximum of prices. At this time, in the ruinous condition of commerce, it was hoped to cheapen commodities by forcing the holders to sell at reduced and fixed rates. Good sense triumphed over folly, and it was at this con- gress that Mr. Cabot first displayed that profound acquaintance with the correct principles of political economy, for which, throughout his life, he was most remarkable. Before Adam Smith was known in this country, and twenty years before Say and the continental writers had formed any correct ideas on the subject, he maintained the present prevailing and enlightened doctrines concerning domestic and inter- national commerce. He was an influential member of the state conven- tion, in 1788, which was called to deliberate on the adoption of the federal constitution ; and in securing the dearest interests of the country, was associated with King, Ames, and Parsons. Subsequently to this, he was elected to the United States senate. Of that body he possessed the entire confidence, and was at the same time the confidential friend of Wash- ington and Hamilton, then the eye and ear of the nation. If there be any merit in the financial sys- tem reported by Hamilton, and preserved through all the changes of parties, Mr. Cabot is entitled to a large share of it; for upon his commercial knowledge and profound views, not only of finance but of polit- ical economy. Gen. Hamilton reposed the most un- limited confidence. The friendship and mutual re- gard of these two distinguished statesmen continued HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 125 till the premature and lamented death of Hamilton. Nor was the intimacy between Cabot and Ames less close. They were miited in feeling, principle, purity and patriotism. Mr. Cabot never courted distinctions, and it was with reluctance that he accepted the office of sena- tor. =^ At the expiration of the fifth year of his ser- vice, he resigned his seat, to enjoy once more the congenial calm of private life. In 1793, he removed from Beverly to Boston and though he shunned ofiice and place, his influence continued undiminish- ed. In 1814, he felt himself constrained to yield his preference, and for a short time appeared again in public life, as president of the convention which met at Hartford, just before the close of the late war. Of that convention, so suggestive of subsequent po- litical disquisitions, it is not proposed here to express an opinion. But in sanctioning it with his presence and counsel, Mr. Cabot's age, good sense, and well- known principles, warrant the affirmation, that he followed the suggestions of mature reflection, and acted with the purest motives and views. Indeed, for forty years he was the Nestor, the wise, calm and considerate counsellor, of most of the intelligent statesmen on the federal side, in our State and na- tional governments. Asking nothing for himself, hoping and wishing nothing for his friends, with a mind capable of comprehending the most abstruse questions, and ready to discuss the most simple — without parade, without assumption, applying the powers of a most persuasive eloquence in the most finished language, pouring forth the stores of a mind * When the Navy Department was created, Mr. Cabot was offered the office of First Secretary by the elder Adams, which he declined. 11# 126 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. enriched by various literature and research — he never failed to convince, or inform, or persuade. The great characteristics of his mind, in which all would agree, were simplicity and profoundness. It is im- possible to calculate how extensive are the effects of such a mind on the welfare and happiness of a state, and its value can be best realized only by its loss.^ Mr. Cabot died at Boston, April 18th, 1823, in the 72d year of his age, after a painful sickness, which he endured with christian resignation. The author of an obituary notice, and who had for many years known him intimately, says, " No one could converse with Mr. Cabot an hour, without being struck with the correctness of his sentiments, the liberality of his opinions, the litness of his illustrations, and the propriety and beauty of the language with which his thoughts were clothed. No one could see him, indeed, and mark the proportions of his form, the dignity and grace of his demeanor, and the expres- sion of his manly and intelligent countenance, with- out being convinced that he was no common man. '' But they who saw him often, and knew him in- timately, could best estimate the resources of his mind and the high worth of his character. He had always something new to communicate, for delight and instruction; and they who conversed with him every week and day had never occasion to complain that his stock of thoughts was exhausted, or that there was nothing more to be learned from him. Integrity, firm principle, and a high sense of true honor, were the habits of Mr. Cabot's soul; and with these were blended sympathy, benevolence, and a singular modesty. * Kirkland's sermon on the death of George Cabot. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 127 "In short, there was in Mr. Cabot's character, a rare nnion of those qualities which constitute true goodness, and raise man to the high dignity of which his nature is susceptible. To borrow a passage from the eloquent sermon, preached on the Sunday after his interment, by President Kirkland, it may be said with confidence, that ' the enumeration of the prin- cipal virtues, considered in relation to ourselves, our fellow-men, and the Deity, is a delineation of his character. He was distinguished by prudence, which seeks lawful advantages by right and appropriate means ; by contentment, which acquiesces in a mod- erate portion of good, is reasonable in wishes, and keeps at a distance from selfish repining, though not without keen sensibility and a constitutional predis- position to anxiety ; by fortitude, a spirit collected and resolute in difficulties and dangers, and evincing always an entire superiority to fear; by patience, bearing trials with an equal mind, and especially showing exemplary composure in bodily suflTerings ; and by modesty, refusing to make pretensions, and display superiority, whilst estimating highly the value of opinion — paying a delicate respect to the im- pressions of other minds, and pleased with the favor- able judgment of his fellow-men. He exhibited the spirit of application and industry, executing season- ably and thoroughly what he undertook ; and though less wilUng than was desired to assume responsible employments, he was far removed from any thing like indolence. He manifested a wise and careful self-government, disdaining the bondage of sense; in pleasures, regarding the boundaries prescribed by nature, by health and by duty. He saw the value of the golden mean in conduct, and cultivated the 128 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. moderation which prevents virtue from degenerating into vice by irregularity and excess, and which, in relation to distinction and place, rather avoids than courts pre-eminence.' "Mr. Cabot's religious views, principles and feel- ings, were in perfect harmony with the whole of his character. A deep sense of his relation to God, was the foundation of his virtue. A firm belief in the divine authority of the christian revelation, was the result of a full and candid examination of its evi- dences ; and, though he punctually attended on all its ordinances, and was never backward to profess and maintain his convictions of its truth and excel- lence, his Christianity was yet more in his heart than it was on his lips, and was to be seen in the conduct of every hour, and in all his usual occupa- tions, as conspicuously as on the first day of the week, and in the temple of God. There was neither cant nor levity in his conversation, superstition in his thoughts, uncharitableness in his feelings, nor censoriousness in his judgments. His opinions were not to be shaken by the usual arguments or cavils, for they were formed by impartial and mature inves- tigation ; and he was as well versed in theology as most who teach it. The faith which he had delib- erately adopted in the strength of his days, remained to comfort his age, to cheer him in illness, and sup- port him in the hour of death." Andrew Cabot was born in Salem, Dec. 16, 1750; and, with his brother, entered largely into commer- cial pursuits, from which he early retired, after ac- quiring a handsome fortune. In 1779, he chartered to the provincial government the ship Defiance, of 16 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 129 guns, valued at £100,000, paper money, for an expe- dition to dislodge the enemy from Penobscot, in which she was lost. He purchased a farm in Cam- bridge, of Lieut. Governor Thomas Oliver, and also an estate of Col. Lechmere, known as " Lechmere Point." He was of lively temperament, was much esteemed for his social qualities, and died after a short illness. May, 1791, in the 41st year of his age. John Cabot was a representative from this town in the CTcneral Court in 1792, and in 1796 was nomi- nated as a candidate for representative to Congress, but declined. He afterwards removed to Salem. MosEs Brown was a descendant, in the fifth gen- eration, from Abraham Brown, who, in 1632, settled at Watertown. He was born at Waltham, in April, 1748, was graduated at Harvard College in 1768, and commenced business as a merchant in Beverly in 1772. Espousing the cause of American inde- pendence with great zeal, he raised a company of men in 177.5, and in January, 1776, joined the line of the American army, as a captain in Glover's reg- iment ; served in Nev/ York and New Jersey, and was at the battle of Trenton. His corps being dis- banded, in 1777 he returned to Beverly, resumed business in partnership with his brother-in-law, Is- rael Thorndike, and contiiuied in active and success- ful pursuit of it until the year 1800, when he retired with an ample fortune. He always took an impor- tant part in public enterprizes. He was one of the largest original proprietors of Essex bridge, connect- ing Salem and Beverly, and of the Salem and Bos- ton turnpike, and had a leading agency in the con- 130 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. struction of these, — which, as great undertakings, and as affording facihtics for communication, were for a long time not less thought of than the recently- opened railroad between the same places now is. He was a federalist of the Washington school, and in 1808 one of the presidential electors. He united integrity with benevolence, was exemplary in all social and domestic relations, and a generous con- tributor to public and private charities and associa- tions. He died in June, 1820, and " to afford some farther aid to the theological institution at Cam- bridge, the government of which is connected with Harvard University, he bequeathed to that important institution two thousand dollars, in the six per cent, stock of the United States, to be applied in any way the government shall determine will best promote the cause of Christianity, and the design and utility of this religious establishment." ^ Israel Thorndike, one of the most eminent and successful merchants in New England, was born in Beverly, in the year 1755. He had in youth no advantages of education, except those which the public schools of his native town afforded ; but he possessed, in the vigor of his own mind, a never- failing spring of self-advancement. The war of the American revolution was an event adapted to call into activity his powers and spirit of enterprize. Embracing with zeal the cause of his country, he became part owner and captain of an armed ship ; and the judgment with which he planned his cruises, * See " Sermons by the late Rev. Abiel Abbot, D. D., of Beverly, Mass.," pp. 154-165; also, "History of Harvard University, by Jo- siah Quincy," vol. 2, pp. 414-415. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 131 and the intrepidity and diligence with which he con- ducted them, were rewarded with distinguished suc- cess. Having entered into partnership with his brother-in-law, the late Moses Brown, he engaged, after the peace of 1783, in an extensive and most profitable commerce with the East Indies and China. Sagacity, judgment, industry, strict attention to busi- ness, and thorough acquaintance with the details of every commercial enterprize in which he engaged, were the chief causes of his success. He was also an early patron of manufactures; and invested, it was said, a greater amount of capital in them than any other individual in New England. By his vari- ous pursuits he accumulated an immense property — amounting, at the time of his decease, to nearly a million and a half of dollars. In 1810, he removed his business to Boston, in consideration of the greater advantages for prosecuting it in that central empo- rium. He still retained a residence in his native place, passing a considerable portion of his time there, and ever manifesting a warm interest in its welfare. He was eminently social in his feelings ; and none more than he delighted in dispensing a princely hospitality. In a tribute to his memory, published soon after his death, it is justly remarked, that " few individuals, endowed with such mental powers, appear in a generation." His fellow-citi- zens showed themselves ready to acknowledge his superior talents by repeatedly calling him to public office. At different periods of his life, he was a member of the convention called for the adoption of the constitution of the United States, and a repre- sentative and senator in the legislature of Massa- chusetts. He was a generous contributor to patriotic, 132 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. charitable and religious objects, and often gave an active agency in their support. In 1806, he sub- scribed five hundred dollars for the foundation of the Natural History professorship in Harvard Univer- sity; and also the same amount in 1818, for the hbrary of the theological school. In the same year, being informed that the library of Professor Ebeling, of Hamburgh, was for sale, and that an agent of the King of Prussia was negotiating for it, Mr. Thorn- dike ordered it to be purchased, at the cost of six thousand five hundred dollars, and presented it to the University ; thereby securing to his country one of the most complete and valuable collections of works extant on American history. The first parish of Beverly has a remembrance of his liberal regard, in an addition to its funds of about $2600, received from the sale of an estate presented to it, agreeably to his expressed intentions and wishes, by his sons, to whom it is also indebted for the gift, at the same time, of an elegant chandelier for its vestry. Mr. Thorndike closed his long career of eminence and usefulness in May, 1832; retaining, to the last, great energy and activity, and expiring calmly, though suddenly, in the bosom of his family, and in the midst of devoted friends.'^ Joseph Lee was born in Salem in May, 1744. His ancestors came from England, and were settled in Bos- ton early in the 18th century, where they engaged in mercantile pursuits. At the age of thirteen, he adopt- ed a sea-faring life, and afterwards succeeded to the ^ See Quincy's History of Harvard University, vol. 2, pp. 411- 414, 596. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 133 command of a vessel in the European and West India trade. At a subsequent period he became a merchant and ship-owner, and for many years was partner with George Cabot in the trade to Spain, the West Indies and Baltic. During his residence in Beverly, he was engaged largely in underwriting privately on the shipping of this town, Salem and Marblehead, and was also a director in an insurance office in Salem. Mr. Lee took no prominent part in the political affairs of the times ; and though he held no office in town, he took an active interest in promoting its various municipal concerns. He had a turn for me- chanics, especially naval architecture, and was con- stantly employed in devising improvements in ship- building. His models for ships were adopted by many of the mechanics and merchants of Essex and Boston, and led the way in great degree to the great improvement of construction by which superior sail- ing is combined with an increased carrying capacity. The brig Caravan, built in Salem in 1801, by Briggs, a celebrated builder, and owned by his sons, was constructed on a model furnished by him, and was considered to be, in point of sailing and carrying, in advance of any vessel of her time. Mr. Lee sought no other emolument for his im- provements than the satisfaction arising from a con- sciousness of having contributed to the advancement of the naval art. He was always ready to furnish infor- mation and models to all who consulted him, and to give his personal attendance in a supervision of ship- building when within his neighborhood. He took an active part in procuring the erection of Essex bridge, of which he was one of the largest proprietors. For 12 134 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. several years he gave his time gratuitously to the care and superintendence of the bridge, and on his removal to Boston, received the thanks of the directors and a piece of plate as a recognition of their estimate of his services. Some years previous to his removal to Boston, which occurred in 1807, that he might be near his children, who were settled there, Mr. Lee had retired from the active pursuits of commerce. In the me- tropolis he was elected a director of an insurance company, in which office he continued until from advanced years he voluntarily retired. He died in 1831, at the age of 87. The industry of Mr. Lee was crowned with success, and his fortune, though not so considerable as acquired by some who contin- ued in business after he retired, was adequate to the wants of a numerous family and the promptings of a benevolent disposition. He contributed freely to the support of literary and charitable institutions, and within a year of his death made a donation of $20,000 to the Massachusetts General Hospital. Mr. Lee was a man of modest pretensions, and passed through life without an enemy, and without a stain upon his character. For the progress of his race he had a quick and abiding sympathy, and to the cause of civilization he contributed a full share. To the close of his life he retained a strong attachment to the people of Beverly, among whom he spent a con- siderable portion of his days, and where he is now remembered as an honorable merchant, and an exem- plary, useful citizen. John Stephens was born in this town Oct. 7, 1763. He was grandson of John Stephens, the friend of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 135 Robert Briscoe, and son of Thomas Stephens, who died in June, 1795, aged 58. Mr. Stephens was dis- tinguished for cheerfuhiess, energy in business, and patriotism. He took an active part in town affairsj and shared largely in the confidence of his fellow- citizens, by whom he was several times chosen their representative in the General Court. He died of fever after a short illness, universally lamented, Oct. 28, 1801, aged 38. Thomas Stephens was born May 9, 1769, and early engaged in mercantile pursuits with his brother John. He held the office of town-treasurer, and was often consulted on important town affairs. He was four times elected representative to the General Court, and afterwards held a seat for several years at the senate- board. Firm in the principles upon which he acted, social in his manners and exemplary in his life, he was greatly beloved by all who knew him. He died on the same day, and nearly at the same hour, with his friend Rev. Dr. Abbot, June 7, 1828, aged 59. the bar. Under this head are placed the names of Hon. Nathan Dane^ and Hon. William Thorndike. Mr. Dane was born in Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 29, 1752. He was descended from one of three brothers * This notice of Mr. Dane, from the pen of Rev. C. T. Thayer, was originally published in the American Jurist and Law Magazine for July, 1835^ and has been kindly furnished with some additions, by the author, for republication here. 136 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. of that name, who early came over from England and settled in Gloucester, Andover and Ipswich. His father was a farmer of that worthy and substantial class, from Avhich have sprung so many of the dis- tinguished men of our country. His parents are both of them represented to have been respectable and excellent persons, and he always spoke of them with veneration and affection. They had a numer- ous family — six sons and six daughters, — of whom only two daughters now survive ; and one of these, Mrs. Appleton, residing in Beverly, is in her 102d year. Mr. Dane labored on his father's farm till after he was twenty-one. To this circumstance he often referred as having contributed essentially to that physical vigor and power of long-continued applica- tion to study, for which he was afterward so remark- able. It was not till after he was of age, that he enjoyed more than the advantages of a common- school education, which, at that time, were very small; though he was then in the habit of devoting most of the leisure he could command to reading, and his favorite study, mathematics. Soon after he became of age, he resolved to prepare himself for college. This he did in the short space of eight months. He entered Harvard University in 1774, and graduated, with high reputation for industry and scholarship, in 1778. After leaving college he went to Beverly, where he taught a school, at the same time pursuing the study of law under the late Judge Wetmore, of Salem. His surviving pupils speak of him with affectionate respect, as having been a devoted and successful instructor. In 1782, he commenced the practice of law in Beverly, and came almost at once into extensive and profitable HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 137 business. He was, however, no fomenler of litiga- tion, but was conscientious in endeavoring to check it whenever justice or expediency admonished him so to do, and the effect of his character in this res- pect has long been visible in the place where, through his whole professional life, he resided. When clients came to him under highly excited feelings, he used frequently to put by attending to their cause till the next morning — to give them, as he said, opportunity to sleep upon it. Though the practice of his profession, till within about twenty years past, v/hen by growing deafness he was induced gradually, and at length wholly to retire from it, continued his chief object, he yet found time to fill, with honor to himself and advantage to the community, various important public stations. In 1782, and the three following years, he was a representative in the General Court of Massachusetts. In 1785, '86 and '87, he was a delegate to Congress. In 1790, '94,'96, '97 and '98, he was a member of the Mas- sachusetts Senate. He was appointed on a commit- tee to revise the laws of the State in 1795, and again to a similar duty in 1811 and '12. In 1794, he was appointed a judge of the court of common pleas for Essex county, but very soon after taking the oaths of office, resigned. He was an elector of President of the United States in 1812, a member of the Hartford convention in 1814, and chosen in 1820 member of the convention for revising the State constitution, but. on account of deafness did not take his seat. In these and various other civil offices, his services were eminently efficient and valuable. " While in the Senate of Massachusetts, he is said to have been dis- tinguished by his ability in debate, knowledge of 12=^ 138 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. public business and capacity for discharging it. and the uprightness and directness of his views. The journals of the old Congress, in which he continued till the adoption of the present constitution of the United States, show that he was appointed on nearly every committee of any importance. It was in this assembly that he reported the celebrated ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States north-west of the river Ohio." •' We are ac- customed," said Mr. Webster, in the U. S. Senate dur- ing the debate on Foot's resolution in 1830, " to praise the lawgivers of antiquity; we help to perpetuate the fame of Solon and Lycurgus ; but I doubt whether one single law of any lawgiver, ancient or modern, has produced effects of a more distinct and marked and lasting character than the ordinance of '87. That instrument was drawn by Nathan Dane, then and now a citizen of Massachusetts. It was adopted, as. I think I have understood, without the slightest alteration ; and certainly it has happened to few men, to be the authors of a political measure of more large and enduring consequence. It fixed, forever, the character of the population in the vast regions northwest of the Ohio, by excluding from them invol- untary servitude. It impressed on the soil itself, while it was yet a wilderness, an incapacity to bear up any other than freemen. It laid the interdict against per- sonal servitude, in original compact, not only deeper than all local law, but deeper, also, than all local con- stitutions. Under the circumstances then existing, I look upon this original and seasonable provision as a real good attained. We see its consequences at this mo- ment, and we shall never cease to see them, perhaps, while the Ohio shall flow." To have been the drafter HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 139 of the ordinance of 1787 alone, it has therefore, not without justice been said, is glory enough for any man. Mr. Dane, besides, took an active interest in many objects of general improvement and benevolence. His liberal donation of §15,000, (which he bestowed in his hfetime, and the first rich fruits of which he lived to see and enjoy), to the Law College of Har- vard University, is well known. It resulted imme- diately in the establishment of the Dane Professor- ship of Law, which has since been " adorned by the learning and talents of Mr. Justice Story, and from which he has sent forth those immortal works that have excited the admiration of the jurists of Europe, and first called their attention to the jurisprudence of our country." Mr. Dane was a member and sup- porter of the Massachusetts Agricultural Society, the Massachusetts and Essex Historical Societies, and the American Antiquarian Society. To the Indiana and Michigan Historical Societies, of which, in gratitude for his being the author of the ordinance which constitutes the fundamental law of those states, he was elected an honorary member ; and to the Dane Law Library of Ohio, for the same rea- son bearing his name, he was a donor. He was also one of the founders of the Massachusetts Tem- perance Society, (the first established society of the kind,) was for several years president, and contri- buted to its funds. Not only did he lend his aid to these general objects, but he interested himself in those which were on a smaller scale, and near home. For instance, during the distresses conse- quent on the embargo of the last war, he devised a plan for a society to relieve the poor of his own town, by 140 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. furnishing them work, which was formed and proved beneficial in its operation, and to which he was himself a liberal contributor in money and per- sonal services. While he was thus engaged in public labors, he found time for much private study, as the results of his retired exertions abundantly show. His great work, " A General Abridgement and Digest of Amer- ican Law, with occasional notes and comments," in nine volumes, has long been before the world. It was pubhshed in 1823 and 1829. and is regarded a monument of immense industry and learning. While that was in progress, he was also employed on another work, of nearly equal extent, entitled a Moral and Political Survey of America, which he left complete in manuscript. The objects of this survey, as stated by himself, are " First, to bring into view the moral and political principles of the various parts of America, from its discovery by Co- lumbus in 1492, to the establishment of the federal constitution in 1790; tracing those of civilized America to their true sources in the old world ; making federal America the principal object : Sec- ondly, to form a just idea of the moral and political condition and character of men here, in the same period : Thirdly, useful reflections on proper occa- sions, especially in regard to that character and those principles of law and liberty, on which has arisen a great and enlightened nation in United America — principles most essential to the preserva- tion of its present condition : Fourthly, to do a little towards preserving in our country, a manly, moral character, ' a moral regulated liberty,' where this character and this wise union of law and liberty, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 141 are so very important, and where a vicious charac- ter and Hcentious Uberty would soon destroy self- government." The following extract from the pre- face is subjoined, both as relating to the work itself, and as possessing the interest of an autobiographical sketch. " Taking into view the author's other la- bors, public and private, especially his other vol- uminous writings in print and manuscript, some may doubt if he has had sufficient time properly to form and revise this work, by no means a small one. If any such doubts do or shall exist, a mere sketch of his long life, method, and course of study, will, it is believed, at once remove them, and show how much common talents, in sixty years and more of studies, accompanied by unceasing industry and exertions, may accomplish. So far as there may be any merit in the author's writings, professional labors, and public services, state and federal, it is to be at- tributed entirely to his industry, method, and course of studies. As much extended as are his writings, facts that may be briefly stated will show, there has been no need of haste or want of time. By several years' labor on a farm, a constitution good in itself was much strengthened and confirmed. In the same years, by mathematical studies, his mind acquired the habits of close thinking and patient investigation. His firm constitution, and unwearied habits in thinking, and persevering industry, enabled him in eight months to prepare for admission into Harvard College, on examination in the usual manner, in the year 1774. The same firm constitution, patient habits, and untiring mind, have enabled him since to study and write at least twelve hours a day. Neither the care of children, nor the cares or want 142 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. of property, have interfered with his studies. In May, 1782, he began to collect materials for this, and his law work. Since leaving college, in 1778, he has confined his studies and writings principally to the subjects of law and politics, history and biog- raphy, morals and religion. He has always, since he commenced these studies, used common-place books, some of which are preserved ; and has ever made his public and professional business, and his writings, go hand in hand and afford aid one to the other. Are not sixty years of such studies nearly equal to the studies of three common lives, in time and industry? It is here proper to state that, in 1782, when the author, in fact, commenced this and his law works, there were only fragments in the country on either subject, and he came to the reso- lution to make his collection of materials on both subjects as extensive as possible, so as to produce something like a whole on each. Could he now be carried back to the age of twenty-eight, and find the copious writings now existing on each subject by others, probably he would not think of engaging in either case. Though no other person has ever pro- duced a general code, or abridgement of American law, or a general survey of all parts of America any way like this, yet the writings of others on these topics are now copious and very valuable. But be- ing the writings of numerous distinct and scattered authors, they are in numerous distinct and scattered parts. Of near thirty histories, by as many authors, each one is only the history of a single state. It will be found on inquiry, that near half of the chap- ters in this work are peculiar to it, but a small part of which is to be found in any other writings pub- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 143 lished ; and where the information given can be found elsewhere, it is generally in a scattered state, and not embodied, as in this work. Indeed, no one has ever attempted to embody in a general work, the morals and politics of all parts of America, for three centuries and more, including statistics largely, and religion as far as it is a part of the constitutions and laws. In fact, no work of this kind has any other author attempted of any part of America." The "Survey" evinces unquestionably great re- search, and comprehends a vast amount of informa- tion. But it is marked with the same neglect of style, which is so obvious in Mr. Dane's other writ- ings. His object, when composing, always seemed to be to pursue the thought before him, and simply to make his views intelligible to others. He had no graces of style, either native or borrowed ; neither did he ever seek for any. To instruct and con- vince — not to fascinate and delight — was his aim. For truth — to acquire and communicate it — did he chiefly concern himself; for its dress he cared little or nothing. In all he did, indeed, in his habits and manners generally, he was rigidly simple. He went straight forward to whatever object he had in view, without any parade either in the preparation or execution. When he spoke, whether in town meeting or in more public bodies, his eloquence was that of fact and argument — perfectly plain, the expression of strong conviction, without any of the arts of oratory. He was uniformly prompt, punctual, and systematic. He had a particular time and a particular way for doing everything he undertook ; and no person could be more industrious and persevering in the accom- 144 HISTORY OF BEV^ERLY. plishment of what had once been undertaken. His Hfe throughout was one of constant and wonderful dUigence. There was, too, an elevation in his aims, which betokened no common man : and possessing, as he did, a spirit and energy in executing, propor- tional to the capacity for conceiving them, it is not strange they were so admirably completed. He was, we must admit, signally favored in their completion by the health he enjoyed, having never before his last illness been confined to his house by sickness more than two days at a time, and that very rarely. He no doubt, did much to preserve his health, by regularity and temperance in diet, and by exercising every day in the open air. He took regular rather than a great deal of exercise, and that was walking chiefly. The qualities of his intellect were altogether of the solid kind. By his cast of mind, as well as by habit, he was inclined to the severer and graver studies. He had little acquaintance with the lighter branches of literature ; never read a novel before Scott began to publish, and his romances he read principally for their historical value ; though his reading became more various after he retired from the practice of law. His judgment was singularly discriminating and well-balanced. Few ever lived who were less biased by passion or prejudice. He was thus formed, on most contested points, to pur- sue a medium course, and to be a moderate man in any party with which he might be connected. For the same reason was he likely, more than most oth- ers, to be correct and stable in his opinions on all subjects. In the management of public affairs, he was cau- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 145 tious, firm, sagacious, and able ; and in conducting his private business, he exerted corresponding skill. It may be mentioned as confirming this last remark, that though he was long in the practice of loaning money to many different individuals, he never, in this way, incurred pecuniary loss. He was a truly upright man. To a female friend who, at the time he was preparing for his profession, rallied him with saying, "So, you mean to be an honest lawyer ^^^ he replied, " I mean to be an honest man." And his whole subsequent career attested the sincerity and strength of this early resolution. He possessed great goodness of heart. He was blessed with singular evenness of temperament, and was remarkably free from the indulgence of resent- ful or vindictive feelings. Instances might be named, of his returning liberal benefactions for ingratitude and injury. In domestic life, he was ever concilia- ting and kind to those with whom he was there con- nected. To the excellent partner of his life, to whom he was united for fifty-five years, and who survived him, he was a devoted husband. Without children of his own, he was as a father to many. Several of his relatives he assisted to a liberal education, and others he aided in establishing respectably in life. If a pru- dent economy reigned in his family, so also did a ready hospitality. Though his mind was habitually braced to severe thought and study, he was not with- out social feeling. Among his particular friends, he not seldom showed a high relish for humor and light- er conversation ; and he had a choice fund, with which at times he dehghted to entertain them, of anecdote and reminiscences respecting the sages and worthies, and the important scenes and transactions 13 146 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. with which, in his long and eventful life, he had been connected. As an instance of the interesting recollections which would thus occasionally drop from him, it may be mentioned that, not many months before his decease, he stated, in conversation, that it was not till the celebrated ordinance of '87 was on the eve of its passage, that the thought oc- curred to him of inserting the clause by which sla- very was forever excluded from the states north of the Ohio ; thus presenting the striking reflection, that by the mere after-thought, as it were, of a single in- dividual, acting fifty years or little more ago, and then a young man and comparatively unknown, such mighty consequences should result to the mil- lions now living, and the many more millions to live, in that extensive and very fertile region. Mr. Dane was not a person of naturally quick sen- sibilities. So unvaryingly did his impulses obey his judgment, that one who did not know him well might sometimes have been induced to doubt their strength, and at least to suppose him more just than generous. But that he had strong attachments, not a few who were the objects of them will attest. That he was benevolent, his various bestowments, pub- lic and private, amply prove. For all objects that seemed to him good, he was interested. For his country he certainly had a sincere love. From early life to almost his latest moments, he watched nar- rowly its interests. By the fnithful performance of his duties as a legislator and statesman, he labored for it ; he did scarcely less by his writings. When our Union was threatened by the doctrines of nulli- fication, he looked with intense anxiety to the issue, and showed, by a pamphlet amounting to a consid- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 147 erable volume, which he prepared and pubUshed in his eightieth year, that he was then as wiUing to la- bor for his country's good as he had been in his me- ridian vigor. And even when confined to his cham- ber and bed, and up to the day of his death, he kept along with the course of public events, making fre- quent inquiries respecting them — inquiring particu- larly, and with evident solicitude, concerning the difficulties with France, which constituted, at that time, the most engrossing national topic. He was, moreover, a religious man and a Chris- tian. He believed in the divine origin of Christian- ity with a firm conviction, and after thorough exam- ination of its evidences. Few laymen have spent so much time in the study of theology. During more than fifty years, he had been in the habit of passing his sabbaths — excepting the hours of public worship, which he attended constantly — in theological pur- suits, which would make (as he computed it) between seven and eight years given expressly to the subject. He preserved his acquaintance with Greek to the last, and commonly read the New Tes- tament in its original language. Of the Hebrew he also had some knowledge, and sometimes referred to it in examining the Old Testament. He was well versed in biblical criticism, and understood well most of the theological controversies of the day. In his unpublished work, he has treated quite at large the subject of religion, so far as it is connected with and recognized in our constitutions of government. But he was not in theory only a Christian ; he was prac- tically devout and religious. There was found among his papers a prayer, whiqh he composed many years since for his own use ; and which would be found 148 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. by all a valuable help to dev-otion. He was consci- entious in his attendance on the public institutions of religion, and to its ministers he proved himself, by his attentions, his counsel, and his substance, pecu- liarly a friend. The best evidence, however, of his being at heart a Christian, was his life ; that child- like purity, which was free equally from the contam- ination of gross or polished vice — that perfect sin- cerity, which scorned low intrigue and every form of deceit — that untiring diligence, with which he im~ proved his talents, and consecrated them to worthy, useful, and high ends. His death was serene, beau- tiful, and happy. Three months previously, he was seized with a paralytic affection. The shock came upon him in the midst of perfect health. But it was received without alarm, and in entire submission to the divine will. From that time his strength grad- ually decayed, and he gently sank away to rest. He retained to the last a delightfully composed cheer- fulness. He felt — and no one could more truly say — his work was done. Rarely has there been one that had proposed to himself so much, who lived to see his objects so fully accomplished. And if then, and even before, there was, as he reflected on his exer- tions and the success which had attended them, a complacency bordering on weakness, it was certainly a pardonable self-satisfaction. His reason never, for a moment during his illness, forsook him. He con- tinued, almost to the closing scene, to converse with his friends on such subjects of a general nature as had usually interested him, as well as on those re- lating immediately to his expected departure. Only a few hours before his death, he gave directions re- specting his burial, and with the same collectedness HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 149 took leave of the relatives that surrounded his dying bed. He died Feb. 15, 1835. For consistency and integrity, a well-spent life and a peaceful death, it would be difficult to find his superior. Such a life and such a death are the best illustration of the reality and the value of virtue and religion. The example they contain may justly be held forth for imitation, not merely to those of the same profession, but to all young men, and to all of whatever age, who would secure the most desirable distinctions for themselves, and be the best benefac- tors of their country and race. A monument is erected over his grave, which is of pyramidal form, about ten feet in height, and com- posed of beautiful white marble, resting on a block of dressed granite. The inscription, written by Judge Story, is as follows : " In memory of the Hon. Nathan Dane, L.L.D. A revolution- ary statesman ; an eminent jurist ; the author of an Abridgment and Digest of American Law ; the founder of the Dane Professorship of Law in Harvard University. His private life was distinguished for simplicity, integrity and dignity ; his public life for wisdom, fidelity, and patriotism. He lived and died a Christian. He was born on the 27th of December, 1752. He died on the 15th of February, 1835. " His fame belongs to his country. Let the gratitude of future ages cherish it." On one side of the monument is the following in- scription, commemorative of his amiable and much- lamented wife. 13^ 150 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. " In memory of Polly, wife of Nathan Dane. Of singular purity, benevolence and piety ; An ornament and rich blessing to her Family, to the Church and to society ; And having through a long life been Faithful in all its relations, She expired in Christian faith and hope, April 14, 1840, aged 90 years. Hon. William Thorndike was born in Beverly, Jan. 1795. He early gave indications of genius and talents of a high order, of regard to the principles of morality, and of reverence for religion. His father, Capt. Nicolas Thorndike, for most of the early part of his life, was employed abroad ; and he, like many other great and good men, was mostly indebted to the tender care and instruction of a pious mother, for the formation of a character of virtue, of early piety, of kind and affectionate dispositions. This character, thus formed in childhood, was developed in his youth, and exemplified in manhood in all the various relations in which he was called to act. He was fitted for college under Dr. Benjamin Abbot, at Phillips Academy, in Exeter, and entered Harvard College in advanced standing. He was dis- tinguished by close attention to his studies, and by exemplary conduct, and graduated with distinction in 1813, at the age of 18. On leaving college, he studied law with the late Hon. Nathan Dane. In 1816, he was admitted to the bar of Essex county, and soon commenced the practice of law, at Bath, Maine. On the 4th July, 1816, he pronounced an oration in Beverly, at a celebration of American independence. After he had become established in HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 151 the business of his profession, at Bath, he was mar- ried to Miss Nancy Stephens, daughter of John Ste- phens, Esq., of Beverly. The happiness of this con- nexion, the result of esteem, friendship and love, formed in early youth and commenced with the most flattering prospects, was blasted by death. One short year separated this happy couple, and left the survivor bereft of both wife and her infant oifspring. This event, if not the cause, was soon followed by feeble health and depression of spirits, which occa- sioned the abandonment of his profession, when pros- perity and advancement were on the point of crown- ing his well-established reputation, as an advocate and counsellor. He then returned to the circle of his friends in his native town, and there engaged in commercial pursuits. Here his worth was well known, and his popularity was unrivalled. He was immediately placed in those public offices and employ- ments, which — happily for New England — are gen- erally bestowed on talents and worth, in her towns. Within a short period, he became a director of all the principal monied institutions in the place, and was elected to the offices of selectman, overseer of the poor, and one of the school committee ; in which last capacity, he devoted much time and labor to the improvement of the schools. He rightly appreciated the importance of this sphere, in which there is room for the occupation of the best talents, and for that persevering exertion which finds little reward other than the high consciousness of performing duties, the future consequences of which will be experienced in a glorious progress of society in knowledge and virtue. In 1826 and '27, he was a representative from 152 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Beverly, in the General Court. His retiring disposi- tion prevented his taking a conspicuous part in the debates of the House, or in its business ; but his sound judgment, purity of motive, and general intel- ligence, were laying the foundation for more exten- sive usefulness in the other branch of the legislature, la 1828, he was elected a senator for the county of Essex, and was re-elected in '29, '30, '31, and '32. In the last of these years he was elected president of the Senate. As a member of that body, he was in- defatigable in the performance of those labors which fall on its more industrious and active members, with greater weight, from the smallness of their number, compared with that of the House, and from the practice of investigating subjects of legislation by joint committees of both branches. On certain emergencies, he displayed in debate a spirit, elo- quence, and capacity, equal to the greatest occa- sions. His ease of manner and quickness of appre- hension were peculiarly adapted to the duties of a presiding officer. While president of the Senate, his wisdom, impartiality, decision and firmness, secured the confidence of all concerned in its transactions. In the spring of 1832, he was elected president of the National Insurance Company, and afterward, of the Hamilton Bank, located in Boston. These offices came to him unsolicited and were accepted with re- luctance — particularly at leaving his friends and va- rious avocations in his native town for a residence in the city ; and they were entered on with the un- derstanding, that he might resign them at the expi- ration of a period, the larger part of which had passed at the time of his decease. In his relation to the first parish and church in HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 153 Beverly, his services will always be remembered with gratitude. For several years he superintended the first parish sunday-school, and with great suc- cess. He was at the same time superintendent of that school, and president of the Massachusetts Sen- ate; and the spectacle was at once beautiful and touching, of the same individual admirably dis- charging and gracing those so different stations. His chief aim in conducting the sunday-school, was to make it, to teachers and scholars alike, a scene of mutual improvement and satisfaction. Dis- carding the principle of emulation, which had previ- ously been resorted to here— as it is even now else- where— he sought (as he said in a report on this sub- ject,) "to secure the attention of the scholars to the duties required of them, by engaging their affections, and offering as a reward for faithfulness, not the rec- ord of their good deeds, or the tempting allurements of gifts, but the smiles of a kind and endeared in- structer, and the satisfaction of an approving con- science, — feeling anxious that purer motives should stimulate the mind and swell the heart, than those which proceed from the promise of pecuniary re- wards, or the display of acquisitions, the only value of which is in their secret influence, and the tone they give to character and principle." He was eminently a religious man. His faith was enlightened and liberal, as well as earnest and firm. He stood on the great principle of the entire inde- pendence of the mind of all human authority in the grand concerns of religion. His sympathy and fel- lowship were not with those who merely interpreted scripture as he did, but with those who, believing in divine revelation with sincerity, conformed their 154 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. hearts and lives to its precepts, as understood by them. What he most desired for himself, and delighted most to see in others, was unswerving deference to moral and religious principle ; and it was the possession of this which imparted a crowning lustre to the sim- ple dignity, the genuine independence, the amiable temper, and earnest spirit, which marked both his public and private life. In the midst of all this worth and usefulness, having acquired a prominence in the public regards rarely attained by one no farther advanced in years, and when deservedly esteemed one of the most valuable and promising characters, of which not only his native town but the Common- wealth could boast, — consumption, that widely fatal disease, before which so large a portion of our race falls — fastened upon him; and after lingering for some months, he expired, July 12th, 1835, in the 41st year of his age. It is not extravagant eulogy to say of him, that he was one whom all might wish to resemble, and lament to lose. Though the verdure of seven summers has come and faded on his grave, there are memories of him, deep and many, in the heart of this community, which have not and cannot fade. His manly form, his features beaming intelli- gence and sensibihty, his benignant smile, his unas- suming yet engaging manners, and above all, his talents and virtues, the good he did and the greater good he would — had he lived — have done, altogether constitute an image delightful to cherish, and that will not soon pass away. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 155 PHYSICIANS. The practising physicians, resident in this town since 1677, so far as ascertained, are Samuel Hardie, Robert Hale, Robert Hale, Jr., John Herrick, Benja- min Jones, Israel Woodberry, Isaac Spofford, Larkin Thorndike, Joseph Orne, Nathan Lakeman, Barnard Tucker, Elisha Whitney, Joshua Fisher, Abner Howe, Josiah Batchelder, Ingalls Kittredge, Wyatt C. Boyden, Ingalls Kittredge, Jr., Augustus Torrey, Joseph Torrey, and Edward Brad street. The six last-named are now in practice here. Of Drs. Har- die and Robert Hale, Jr., mention has been made elsewhere. Robert Hale, son of Rev. John Hale, was born November 3d, 1668. He received his education at Harvard College, where he graduated in 1686, in the 18th year of his age, and in 1690 became a mem- ber of his father's church. His attention was early turned to divinity, the study of which he pursued with a view of entering the ministry. In this design he received encouragement from an uncle residing in England, who left him a legacy in 1691. Daring his father's absence as chaplain, in the Canada expe- dition of 1690, he supplied the pulpit ; bat the state of his health compelling him to relinquish " that best of employments," as he styles the clerical profession, he engaged in the practice of medicine, in which he continued until his decease in 1719, aged 51 years. In 1693, Mr. Hale appears to have suffered much from physical debility. In a letter to his father, dated " Preston, 22d5 11th," in which there is a mingled 156 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Strain of despondency and christian resignation, he says: "I find myself heir to my mother's distem- pers ; would to God I might of her graces." At his mother's decease he came in possession of a property in Sarum, England, which was managed for him several years by Bennett Swayne, Jr., of London. In 1701, he succeeded Dr. Hardie as master of the grammar-school, and subsequently was a selectman, justice of the peace, and a representative to the Gen- eral Court.^ His widow was married in 1720 to Col. John Gilman, of Exeter, N. H. The latter part of her life was spent in this town, in which she died. Mr. Hale had two sons and a daughter ; Robert, Henry, and Rebecca. Dr. Herrick was a practitioner here in 1721. Dr. Jones was a native of this town. He had an extensive practice, and was highly respected. He was a member of the second church, is frequently mentioned in the parish records, and appears to have taken an active interest in its affairs. He died about 1778. His first wife was Ginger Leach, and his second Sarah Endicolt, of Dan vers, who died in 1797, aged 78. Dr. Woodberry, son of Samuel Woodberry, was born in Beverly, March, 1734, and pursued his med- ical studies with Dr. Putnam, of Danvers. He mar- * Copies of several letters, written by Mr. Hale to his relatives in England, and also to his agents in London, are in the archives of the Antiquarian Society, at "Worcester. They contain no local informa- tion, and relate chiefly to matters in which the public would not feel interested. HIrfTORY OF BEVERLY. 157 ried Lucy, daughter of Benjamin Herrick, by whom he had two daughters, Hannah and Lucy. He suc- ceeded Dr. Jones in business, and practised to some extent in the neighboring towns. He was a member of the second church, and his Hfe appears to have been that of an exemplary Christian. Shortly be- fore his decease, which occurred in 1797, at the age of 83, he remarked, " If I were to hve my hfe over again, I could not serve mankind more faithfully than I have done." Dr. Spofford came to this town from Rowley, and married for his second wife Ruth, the second daugh- ter of Col. Larkin Thorndike. He was reputed skil- ful in his profession, and was also much devoted to music. He died June 14th, 1786, aged 35. His re- mains lie in the first burying-ground. His grave- stone bears masonic emblems, above which is the following inscription : " Orphani Yiduge Musse Med- icinaque Lugent." Beneath the date of his decease is the following : " Candidus insuetum miratur limen Olimpi subpedibusque videt nubes et fideraDaphnis." Dr. Thorndike, son of Col. Larkin Thorndike, was born in this town, and graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1782. During the difficulties with France, under the administration of the elder Adams, he en- tered the navy as surgeon, on board the sloop of war Herald, from which he was transferred to the Con- gress frigate. He died at Norfolk, Va., in 1798. Dr. Lakeman came to this town from Hamilton, but did not live long to pursue his profession. 14 158 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Dr. Tucker was born in Newbury, of which town his father was clergyman. He graduated at Cam- bridge in 1779, and practised here several years. He subsequently removed to Wenham, and thence to his native place. He possessed a kind heart, and is re- membered for gentleness of disposition and simplicity of manners. He was a proficient in the French and Spanish languages, and was much employed as an instructer in the former. Dr. Orne was born in Salem, in 1749. In his childhood he was remarkable for the precocity of his understanding. At the age of twelve years he en- tered Harvard University, where he received the de- gree of A. B. in 1765. He began his medical studies under the direction of Dr. E. A. Holyoke. In 1770, he removed to Beverly and established himself in medical practice, with a fair reputation and increas- ing fame. In 1777, he returned to Salem, under auspicious circumstances, where he continued till his death. He possessed a sound and discriminating judgment. His ardor for the improvement of medi- cine, and in enriching his own mind with scientific knowledge, was evinced by his importing from Eu- rope the most recent valuable publications, and dedi- cating all his leisure to the investigation of new sub- jects. Dr. O. possessed not only a taste for poetry, painting, and the belles lettres, but also for natural philosophy ; and had his short sojourn in life been protracted, his talents would probably have been de- voted to the most useful purposes. But insatiate con- sumption seized him as its victim, and terminated his earthly career July 28, 1786, in the 37th year of his age. Several of his papers have appeared in the HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 159 Massachusetts Medical Communications. He was one of the original members of the American Acad- emy of Science.^ Dr. Elisha Whitney was born in Watertown, March 11th, 1747, old style, and graduated at Har- vard Cohege in 1766. He pursued his medical studies with Dr. Russell, of Groton, and commenced prac- tice in Ipswich, Mass. He made several voyages as surgeon on board privateers commanded by Captains Giles and Hill. The first exercise of his surgical skill was in the amputation of Capt. G's leg-^ and Capt. H., as a mark of esteem, presented him with a chaise manufactured for the governor of Barbadoes, found on board a prize. While resident in Ipswich. Dr. W. volunteered in the regiment commanded by Col. Wade, which marched to suppress Shays' re- bellion. He married Miss Eunice Farley, of Ips- wich, by whom he had ten children, viz : Elisha, Michael (who died in infancy), Elizabeth, Susan, Michael, Dorothy, Lucy, Israel (who died young), Israel and Lucy Ann. In 1792, Dr. Whitney removed to Beverly, where for fifteen years he pursued a laborious and exten- sive practice. His social nature drew around him a numerous circle of friends, while the kindness of his address relieved the timid and humble of the re- straints imposed by stately reserve. No physician was more welcome in the chamber of sickness, as no one better understood the importance of cheerfulness in combating disease. He always Iiad a word in season, and possessed a happy faculty of saying the * See " Thacher's Bledical Biography." •' The Massachusetts Gazette" for Feb. 6, 1786. 160 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. best thing in the best way. The elasticity of his spirits imparted to his conversation an influence em- inently calculated to dissipate the gloom incident to protracted illness, and the hopefulness of his tone inspired his patients with a confidence scarcely less serviceable than medical prescriptions. His benevo- lence, of which the poor, in his practice, enjoyed a large share, and his professional skill, gave him a deserved popularity; and his decease, which occurred Feb. 22, 1807, at the age of GO, was universally la- mented. Dr. Joshua Fisher was born in Dedham, May, 1749. His ancestors were respected and wealthy farmers. He was second cousin to Fisher Ames. He graduated at Harvard College in 1766, at the age of 17. His parents designed him for the ministry ; but after teaching a school in Rowley for two years, he was seized with disease of the lungs, which led him to relinquish this purpose, and in 1770 he began the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. Lincoln, of Hingham, brother of Gen. Lincoln, He always spoke of his preceptor as a man of rare talent, and much in advance of his profession. He practised for a time in Ipswich and then in Salem, but soon remov- ed to Beverly, where he passed the remainder of his life. The times in which Dr. Fisher entered on his professional career possessed extraordinary interest. The great question of the future government of the country had begun deeply to agitate the whole land. It addressed itself to every individual, and profound interest Avas felt by each and all in the decision. It was this fact in the history of the revolution, which gave to it character and ultimate success. Dr. Fisher HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 161 was not insensible to the patriotic spirit which then prevailed ; and we find him leaving the qniet of vil- lage practice and entering a private armed vessel as surgeon. He sailed from Marblehead: a valuable prize was captured and sent into Salem. We next find him in the British channel, where, after cruising some time, the vessel was surrounded by English ships of war. Escape being impossible, the privateer was run ashore, those on board hoping to secrete themselves on land. They Avere, however, soon dis- covered and pursued, and all but Dr. Fisher secured as prisoners. He was seized by two strong men ; but suddenly, with a desperate effort, he threw them to the ground and escaped. Through a series of most perilous and romantic adventures, in which he displayed great adroitness and energy, he made his way over a considerable part of England, and finally got to France, where he entered another privateer. After a successful cruise in this, he took passage in a letter of marque for Boston, and arrived there after a most dangerous voyage. His public andenterpriz- ing spirit next led him to take an active part in establishing a cotton factory, which was situated in Upper Beverly, and of which he was superintendent. This project, the first of the kind in New England, was unsuccessful, and after much loss was abandon- ed. He therefore early returned to his practice as a physician. The professional character of Dr. Fisher presents points of great interest. He was largely gifted with those moral and intellectual qualities which give honor and usefulness to the medical pro- fession. He brought to every case his whole mind. He possessed extraordinary powers of observation and reflection, and seized with wonderful tact on 14* 162 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. what was most worthy of consideration. He em- ployed but few remedies, and those were selected from the most powerful. His treatment of inflamma- tion, whether of the serous, mucous, or other tissues, differed from that of many of his brethren. He rarely or never bled, but attempted to relieve pain by opium; and then by large quantities of calomel to subdue the morbid processes on which the exist- ence of the disease depended. " When driving a nail, (he would say) why strike it a timid and use- less blow ? Nothing is to be gained by that : use at once the force required, and the object is accomplish- ed." Such was the kind and the illustration of his practice. The independence and originality discovered in it, belonged to his mind after a manner which dis- tinguished all he did. He could not be seduced by the mere pretension of novelty from what he had ascertained to be true in principle and correct in practice ; and his respect for authority never so far blinded him as to disturb his confidence in what, as he believed, his own sound and accurate observation had established. Dr. Fisher was, from native constitution and habit, a retiring man. But this was true only of his inter- course with the many : with the few he was unre- served. He was singularly acute in discerning char- acter ; and he delighted in studying it. It was the individual case which had to him the greatest inter- est in his study of disease, and the same was true of his intercourse with men ; he loved to study the individual. He took great pleasure in receiving from those with whom he thus familiarly associated all they could impart, and he communicated in turn what the occasion required, being always anxious to HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 163 be useful. It was natural, therefore, that he should be regarded ever as the agreeable and instructive companion. Few, more than he, have exerted a more powerful and enduring influence on individual minds. He was truly honored and beloved by his patients. His reputation was great ; and this brought him forward as a consulting physician over a wide cir- cuit. A moral and intellectual quality of his char- acter, which is especially remembered by those who best knew him, is purit)^ — purity of mind and heart. This it was that gave to his intellectual nature its greatest beauty, power and attractiveness. It con- stituted the tone of his mind — it was the atmosphere ill which it expanded, and by which it was invigo- rated. It caused him to shrink with horror from moral taint, and to love the good wherever it existed. While it made him most sensible to vice, his native kindliness led him to pity what he could not but condemn. The moral dignity of such a character, if we may not attain to, we may love; and so difl'u- sive is it, that the mere contemplation of it must make the observer better. Such a mind was admi- rably fitted for the study of nature, and few have felt a deeper interest in natural history. His strong powers of comparing, observing and remembering, singularly qualified him for pursuing this branch of science ; and he devoted himself to it whenever and wherever opportunity offered. He had a genuine love of nature. He felt its beauty in its truth and whole amount, and derived perpetual pleasure from the perception of it. Had his means originally allowed his so doing, he would have chosen natural science as his profession, and his success would have been great. A standing testimony of his zeal in this 164 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. cause is furnished by his munificent endowment of the Fisher Professorship of Natural History in Har- vord University, to which by his will he gave $20,000. He has, in a sense, thus perpetuated his own mind among us. He has at least provided the means by which one of his most cherished objects shall be perpetually promoted. He was twice married, and was highly favored in both connexions — having been thus united to two most amiable and excellent women. Without chil- dren of his own, he was yet surrounded by those whom he regarded as such, and who, with not less than filial affection, contributed to the happiness of his advancing years. His home was the abode of true hospitality ; and it was there he found most constant and pure enjoyment, as well as the retire- ment congenial to his inclinations. But though he shrunk from general society, he never did from pub- lic duty. He was in an important sense a public man. He took an active part in politics, and was the intimate associate and friend of George Cabot. His connexion with Fisher Ames, and the har- mony of their political views, established similar re- lations between them. It were sufficient praise to have been the associate and friend of these two of the most honored men of our State. He sustained important public offices. He was president of the Massachusetts Medical Society, a senator of the Com- monwealth, and president of the Beverly Bank and the Beverly Charitable Society. He was the project- or of the latter ; and having largely added to its funds during his life, left it a munificent bequest in his will. Connected with his donation at its com- mencement, was this peculiar condition — that $100 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 165 of it should be set aside to accumulate (in the shape of loans, on undoubted security, to deserving young men — or at least, preference being given to such) for a hundred years, when it would amount, in available funds for the society, to many thousands of dollars. He was a very liberal benefactor, in his lifetime and by bequest, to other public objects — particularly the first parish in Beverly, and the west parish in Ded- ham — his native parish. The whole amount of his legacies to such objects was upwards of $30,000. He retained his intellectual energy remarkably to the close of life, — though, for many of his latter years, he withdrew from general practice. He loved knowl- edge from his youth, and beloved it to the last. His interest continued unabated in all the true sources of information, and of intellectual and moral gratifica- tion. He kept pace Avith the current literature, and took constant interest and pleasure in it to the latest period of his long life. But he was not unobservant of the effect of time on some of his faculties — mem- ory in particular. How strange is this power of the human intellect, looking on its own faculties as its instruments, and discovering at once, with a distinct- ness none else can, where the machinery is wearing away, while it feels how powerless it is to repair it. There are few things more interesting in the contem- templation of a really vigorous mind, than this sin- gle fact. Such a mind was Dr. Fishers. This was acknowledged by all who came v/ithin its reach, and could apprehend its power. His affections were strong. His moral faculties were vigorous and in continual exercise. His religious sentiment was pure and elevated and enhghtened. He looked on death as '' an event in life" — the appointment of a 166 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. perfect Father, as were all other events ; and he sub- mitted to it humbly, but with a bright hope and full trust. He died in Beverly, on the 15th of March, 1833, at the advanced age of 84. Dr. Abner Howe was born in JafFrey, N. H. in 1781. His father was an eminent and much-re- spected physician of that place. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1801. Having an early pre- dilection for the medical profession, he devoted him- self with ardor to its study, under the distinguished Professor Smith, at Dartmouth. He also, for sev- eral months, attended the hospitals of Philadelphia, and the lectures for which that city was then, as it is now, noted, — enjoying, at the same time, the pri- vate instruction of the celebrated Dr. Rush. He commenced practice in his native town, as a surgeon and consulting physician, but soon removed to Bev- erly, where he passed the remainder of his life, and died, after a gradual decline, Blay ^5, 1826, leaving behind him the well-earned reputation of an enlight- ened, devoted, successful physician, an upright and useful citizen, and a true Christian. " This excel- lent physician (says the author of the Memoir re- ferred to below,^ than whom none knew him better) was removed from life at the meridian, in the full vigor of his powers, enriched by the experience of twenty years of successful practice, endeared to the community, and a blessing above estimation to a young and numerous family. To amiable vievv^s of * Memoir of Dr. Abner Howe, by Rev. Dr. Abbot, published in the Christian Visitant, vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 201—215. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 167 religion, his life was happily conformed. He was an humble and devotional man at home, as well as in the house of God. He was the kindest of husbands and best of fathers. But his well-principled and en- lightened mind was not confined to personal and do- mestic views ; his notion of charity was much more expansive. In the best sense of the word, and ac- cording to his means and opportunities, he was a public man. He sought to advance the general in- terest by promoting the peace of the town, and chris- tian affection among the churches, by a word spoken in season to soften prejudices and to rectify mis- understandings. For this christian office his oppor- tunities were great, and they were discreetly im- proved. Dr. Howe felt a lively interest in the young. Amid his pressing professional duties, he secured time to watch over the schools, to give encourage- ment to the teachers, and his affectionate countenance to the youth, — his best advice to improve the plans of education, and when necessary, his liberal contri- bution. He was a friend of charitable institutions, whether for the relief of the indigent, or the promo- tion of christian knowledge and piety ; and in sev- eral of them he gave his time and attention, as an officer, to advance their funds and extend their influ- ence. In his professional course, his charity w^as most remarkable. Here, he was the poor man's friend ; in numerous cases giving attendance and medicine to the sick, and often relief to the distressed family, without the hope of earthly reward. No man was ever distressed or made uneasy by his claims upon him. His brief and fleeting life passed without any of those remarkable incidents which tell in story. Without special pretensions to genius or 168 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Striking talents, without being known to fame in a wide circle, the very respectable powers of his prac- tical mind were cultivated with great care, and in- tensely applied in his immediate sphere. In that sphere, the effect was admirable. To be a good and useful man was his chastened and holy ambition, and to a high degree it was gratified. He was warmly esteemed as an enlightened and faithful, a humane and pious physician. As the sweet odor of precious ointment poured forth, his name will be long cherished." MILITARY. Military defence was early found necessary in this town, both against savage and other foes, thougli the peaceful terms on which the Naumkeag territory was obtained, and the honorable manner in which the claims subsequently set up by the heirs of the Sagamore of Agawam, were liquidated, secured this place from the Indian depredations which many other New England settlements suffered. In 1662, there was a " foot company " in Beverly, command- ed by Capt. Thomas Lothrop. After his death the General Court appointed Mr. John Hathorne of Salem, to the command. The appointment was strongly objected to by the citizens of this town, and a petition was immediately for- warded to ''the much honored General Court," praying for the substitution of a nomination made by themselves. The petitioners say, " though the gentleman may be worthy to lead a far more honor- HISTOHY OF BEVERLY. 169 able company than ours, yet in regard of his dis- tance of place, and as great an inconvenience of the ferry, he is wholly in a manner iincapable to be ser- viceable unto us, especially in times of war, either by impressing soldiers, ordering us in arms, regulat- ing our trainings, especially upon disappointments of v/eather, or appointing times of meeting ; where- fore our humble request is, that your honors will be pleased to settle our whole militia witliin our town." The prayer of the petitioners was granted, and Lieut. William Dixy received the appointment of captain. In 1689, he was succeeded in command by Paul Thorndike.^ Previous to 1689, a company of horse was orga- nized in this town, of which William Rayment, sen. was captain, William Dodge lieutenant, John Dodge jr. cornet, Thomas West quartermaster. In 1690, for reasons not apparent, the General Court medi- tated the disbanding of this association, and merging its members in the "foot company." Against this procedure the cavalry strongly remonstrated. They declared, " First, we are already provided for and fitted with furniture and arms, fit for the service of a troop. Secondly, we are and have been always trained up in the exercise of a troop. Thirdly, our inability at the present to serve the country in any other way of service besides what belongs to a troop. We are unfit in respect of arms and prac- tice." They concluded by saying that if their pe- tition to remain in their existing organization is granted, they will " with all readiness and willing- ness serve God and the country to the utmost abiii- * Provincial Records. 15 170 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. ty." The Court, after considering the subject, con- sented to their request provided they made up "a number of forty able-bodied troopers," furnished and equipped according to law, within a specified time. The terms were eagerly assented to, and two days before the expiration of the term, a list embracing the requisite number was forwarded, and an accom- panying nomijiatiQU of officers confirmed. =^ In 1641, all the companies in Essex county con- stituted a single regiment. In 1680, this regiment was divided, and a second formed, comprising the companies in Beverly, Salem, Marblehead, Wenham, Ipswich, Gloucester and Lynn. A new organiza- tion of the military within the bounds of these regi- ments took place in 1690, when three regiments were formed, one of which consisted of the compa- nies in Beverly, Salem, Marblehead, Lynn and Manchester. In 1723, the Beverly companies were attached to the Salem regiment, and afterwards were enrolled in the Danvers regiment. They were subsequently united with the Manchester companies, and formed the Beverly regiment, of which John Francis was the first colonel. This regiment was disbanded in 1831, and two companies of infantry, with the light infantry, were attached to the first regiment, composed of four companies from Marble- head and six from Salem. In 1834, the volunteer companies were taken from this regiment, and the sixth regiment of light infantry formed from Bev- erly, Salem, Marblehead, Lynn, Danvers, Manches- ter and Rockport. At what time more than one foot company was * Provincial Records. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 171 formed in this town is unknown, but in 1775 men- tion is made, in the records, of three. These compa- nies met for miUtary parade at the first and second parish meeting-houses, and at the Cove. After the revohitionary war broke out, an inde- pendent company of grenadiers was raised, con- sisting of the tallest men in town. It was com- manded by Henry Herrick, son of Col. Henry Her- rick, and marched to Rhode Island to reinforce the troops there. At what time it was disbanded is not known. After the peace of 1783, the military declined, but revived again before the war of 1812. During this last contest with Great Britain, a volunteer company of artillery was formed, under the command of Capt. Nicholas Thorndike, and the militia were kept in constant readiness for service. The first light infantry company commenced by a voluntary association of individuals, at a meeting held October 17th, 1800, but was not established by law until June 2d, 1801, when, under an order from Lt. Col. James Burnham of the third regiment, they were regularly enlisted. On the 15th of the same month, a meeting was held for the choice of ofiicers. Jonathan H. Lovett was chosen captain, Josiah Gould lieutenant, and Robert Rantoul ensign. Mr. Goald declined, and at a subsequent meeting Mr. Rantoul was chosen in his stead. The vacancy made by this promotion Avas filled by the choice of Samuel Stickney for ensign. Capt. Lovett having been chosen major, Mr. Rantoul was chosen captain and Timothy Wyer lieutenant. In 1809, Captain Rantoul was discharged by his own request. His successor was T. Wyer, who was succeeded by Rob- 172 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. ert Tuck. On the fourth of July, 1807, an elegant standard was presented to this company by the ladies of Beverly. The ceremony of presentation v/as performed by Miss Susan Whitney, accompan- ied Avith an appropriate address. The colors were received by Ensign Stickney, who made a brief and pertinent reply. The company was finally disbanded. The present light infantry company was organized about 1S1.5. The first commander was Wilham Thorndike. His successors have been Cotton Ben- nett, Samuel P. Lovett, Stephen Nourse, Charles Stevens, and Josiah Woodberry. On the 23d Sep- tember, 1836, the company paraded in an entire new luiiform, under the command of Capt. Charles Ste- vens, accompanied by the Boston Brass Band, on which occasion a beautiful standard was presented them by Miss B. L. Chapman, in the name of the ladies of Beverly. This company holds a high rank as a well-disciplined and efficient corps. From the close of the revolutionary war until quite recently, an organized and well- disciplined militia has been considered vitally important to the safety of the State; and within twenty years, " May training," and the autumnal regimental or brigade muster, was anticipated by young and old with an interest surpassed only, if at all, by that felt in "election" and "thanksgiving" days. On these occa- sions the people poured in from adjacent towns to witness the pageant, and the "tented field" dis- played a heterogeneous collection of omnivorous be- ings, biped and quadruped. Here were sires leaning on the stafi" of age, and youths alarming the timid with the mimic musketry of " India crackers," or imitating their elders in copious potations of punch HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 173 and "egg pop." Here were modest swains paying faithful devoir to bashful maidens, " flaunting in silks," or decked in habiliments of rainbow hue; and there groups of urchins, exchanging their silver and copper for the merchandize of venders of ginger- bread and candied sweets. Here, the athletic ex- hibited their skill in "wrestling;" and there, "the ring" was formed for the mysteries of "pawpaw," " hustling," " wheel of fortune," and other forms of popular gaming. The " nodding plume," the " flash- ing sword," and " bristling bayonet," were gazed upon by the young with unsuppressed admiration, while the shrill fife and rattling drum rekindled in the breasts of revolutionary patriarchs the fire of " times that tried men's souls ;" and seated in the " booth," or beneath a friendly shade, they recounted for the hundredth time the deeds of daring at Tren- ton, Yorktown and Stony Point, and with the vigor of former days, " fought all their battles o'er again." But this " right arm of defence" was not without its enemies. With such, the Washingtonian doc- trine of preparing for war in time of peace had be- come obsolete, and the whole system was assailed at every vulnerable point. To frequent and disastrous legislation was united the powerful auxiliary of ridi- cule. The burlesque regimental review at Philadel- phia, under the redoubtable Col. Pluck, was the sig- nal for similar fantastical parades throughout the country. Before the omnipotence of ridicule the system could not stand. The glory departed ; sub- ordination ceased, resignation of ofiicers multiplied, a rapid decline followed, and in 1840 the militia organization of this State expired, leaving the guar- dianship of public safety to the volunteer companies. 15=^ 174 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. SOLDIERS. From the settlement of Beverly until the close of the revolutionary war. there was hardly an expedi- tion against the Indians or French, or a battle of any moment, in which the town was not represented. The following list of soldiers, in addition to the names mentioned elsewhere, has been compHed with great labor from the muster-rolls in the State ar- chives, orderly books, and other sources, though it probably presents but a part of the number actually engaged in service. 1676. In a company stationed at Wells, on the eastern frontier, under the command of Capt. Frost, John Ellin gwood, Thomas Parlor and Samuel Col- lins. El ling wood was wounded, having the fore-fin- ger of the right hand shot away ; in consideration of which the General Court granted him, in I'OO-l, £5 for his present relief, and £3 per annum diiing life. 1696. In Capt. John Hill's company, ai fort St. Mary, near Saco, John Burt, Benjamin Car rill, John Pickworth, and Israel Wood. 1756. Enlisted in Capt. Andrew Fuller :■ compa- ny, for the Crown Point expedition, Benjanei Balch, William Eborn, Daniel Gloyd, Corp. John Simonds, William Moneys, Azor Roundy, Joseph Baker, Elie- zer Ellingwood, John Clark, Peter Stoke?, Daniel Butman, (enlisted again in 1759,) Robert Matthews, George Spence, (enlisted again in 1759 end 1761.) Andrew Woodberry. 1757. In Capt. Israel Herrick's company of East- ern Rangers, Osman Baker, Bartholomew Peart, John Simonds, John Trask, (enlisted again 175S,) Josiah Trow, Robert Baker (Canada expedition, 1759). HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 175 1758. Ill Capt. John Tapley's company, Wells Standley, William Herrick, Bartholomew Taylor, John Clark (at the capture of fort William Henry). In various other companies. 1756. Moses Dodge (at fort Edward). 1758. John Smith, Samuel Tuck, Jonathan Thorndike, Samuel Woodberry, Josiah Woodberry, James Woodberry, Jonathan Corning, (seamau,) Zebulon Bulman, David Hill, (drummer,) Jonathan Dodge, Nathaniel Woodberry, John Hub- bard, Abraham Hix, (enlisted again in 1761,) Wil- liam Dodge (again in 1761). 1759. Robert Elliot, James Giles, Jonathan Larcom, Corp. Andrew Yv^ood- berry, Benjamin Brown, William Presson, Richard Standley, John Wallis, Barebeel Woodberry, Samuel Bean, Josiah Creesy, Aaron Crowell, Andrew Elliot, Amos Hilton, WiUiam Morgan, Robert Pickett, Nich- olas Standley. 1761. Benjamin Presson, Ralph Tuck, Wilks West, Robert Standley, Joseph AVilliams, Ben- jamin Dike, Jonathan Dodge, Timothy Howard, Ja- cob Poland, Nathaniel Butman, Samuel Stickney. A roll of the officers and soldiers of a company enlisted in Beverly, for the expedition against Louis- burg, 1744. Benjamin Ives, jr. captain ; George Herrick lieu- tenant. Josiah Bachelder ensign. Job Cressy and Samuel Woodberry, sergeants ; Benjamin Cleaves, jr. clerk, Barth. Brown and John Picket, corporals ; Joseph Raymond, drummer. Privates : Benjamin Smith, Benjamin Clark, Samuel Harris, John Roun- dy, Israel Byles, Elias Picket, Ebenezer Cox, Jona- than Byles, Andrew Herrick, Benjamin Hervey, Samuel Cole, Richard Ober, Thomas Butman, Wil- liam James, Jonathan Harris, Edmund Clark, John Grover, John Morgan, Eleazer Giles, Ezra Trask, 176 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. John Presson, Francis Elliot, Benjamin Dike, Sam- uel Stone, Israel Ellwell, Israel Woodberry, Josiah Woodberry, Jonathan Morgan, Joshua Rea, William Badcock, Benjamin Trask, Edward Cox, James Trask, Joseph Elliott, William Leach, Benjamin Howard, Christopher Bartlett, Ebenezer Hadley, Daniel Stephens, Caleb Page, Samuel Chute. To- tal 50. The following is a list of the privates in Capt. Moses Brown's company, raised in this town for the war of the revolution, August, 1776. Richard Ober, Jonathan Harris, Freeborn Thorn- dike, Jonathan Foster, Samuel Stone, William Crowther, Cornelius Woodberry, Luke Woodberry, Andrew Woodberry, John Cressy, Amos Cressy, Robert Lovett, Thomas Parker, Bartholomew Smith, Mihill Woodberry, Thomas Cox, Nathan Batchel- der, Nathaniel Ober, Joseph Ober, James Ober, William Cook, Abner Stone, Benjamin Foster, James Patch, Henry Pierce, James Goldthwait (Salem). John Darby (Salem), Asa Larcom (Salem), Robert Stone, Esop Hale, Herbert Standley, John Biles, Jo- siah Woodberry, Jacob Poland, Andrew Elliot, William Herrick, Ebenezer Rogers, John Stone, W^illiam Cressy, Israel Greene, Benjamin Porter, Thomas Morse, Joseph Hall, William Kimball, Daniel Carleton, William Gage, Jonathan Gage, Caleb Wallis, Ebenezer Messer, Joseph Cross, Eli- sha Webber, William Harriman, John Berry, Joseph Foster, John Swain. The officers were William Groves, first lieutenant ; John Wallis, second lieu- tenant ; John Clark, ensign: Samuel Foster, Wil- liam Bowles, Richard Ober and Samuel Cressy, ser- geants ; William Dike, Joshua Ellingwood, Francis HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 177 Ober and Ezra Ober, corporals; Jonathan Grover drummer, and John Leach fifer, both of Marble- head. Total, 69. The following persons belonging to this town were enlisted in Capt. Billy Porter's company, and were in Col. Tapper's regiment at West Point, 1779. Thomas Francis, lient. ; William Burley, lieut. ; Benjamin Shaw, ensign; John Pickett, sergeant; Jeremiah Woodberry, corporal ; Benjamin B. Wood, drummer. The privates were Asa Batchelder, Jona- than Conant, Benjamin Corning, Mathias Claxton, Alexander Carrico, Samuel Dodge, Simeon Dodge, George Grose, Andrew Herrick, Claton Jones, Na- than Jones, John Kennady, Abner Raymond, Ben- jamin Woodberry, Benjamin Woodberry, jr. Israel Woodberry, Nathaniel Woodberry, WiUiam Wood- berry. Total, 24. The company commanded by Capt. Page of Dan- vers, enlisted the following persons from Beverly. Samuel Goodridge, 1st lieut. ; Joseph Raymond, sergeant. Privates, Robert Edwards, Scipio Bart- lett, James Hurley, Joseph Poland^ Primas Green. Total, 7. Jonathan Conant, sen. was paymaster in Col. Francis' regiment, and afterv/ards under Col. Ben- jamin Tupper. He was in the battle of Monmouth. Joshua Twist v/as in Gates' army at the taking of Burgoyne. William and Samuel Cressy v/ere in the battle of Trenton. Luke Roundy was a lieutenant in Capt. Low's company. He was wounded at Saratoga, and died at Albany. Na- thaniel Cleaves was in the same engagement. Wil- liam Goodridge, Robert Goodridge, Israel Trask, 178 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Benjamin Ellingwood, Thomas Lovett, Benjamin Bickford, Benjamin Bickford, jr. John Bickford, Nathaniel Friend, Isaac Smith, Jonathan Wood- berry, Zachariah Morgan and Benjamin Spriggs, were also in the service. TEMPERANCE. On the subject of temperance, this town has kept in the van of enlightened public sentiment. While mistaken hospitality required the decanter to grace the sideboard, and the "social glass" constituted an essential element of friendly intercourse, spirituous liquors were here, as in other places, freely used. To neglect to offer, or to refuse to partake, would, according to prevailing opinions, have been regarded as a violation of etiquette on the one hand, and as indicative of austerity or displeasure on the other ; and though a general sobriety prevailed, and gross instances of intoxication were less frequent than in most other towns, still there were here many victims to the inebriating cup. The idea prevailed here as elsewhere, that, aside from convivial occasions and social greetings, a necessity existed for the use of alcoholic drinks by laboring men. This idea was encouraged by municipal action. In repairing the highways, or in executing any public work, the town made a liberal provision of rum, and a half-pint per man of this beverage was frequently added to daily pay. The practice of " treating" on being inducted into a town or parish ofiice, and of providing select- men and assessors with dinners, wine, punch, toddy, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 179 flip, etc., at the tavern in which they held their meetings, also prevailed, though with no sensible advantage to the public interest. But as temperance principles became better understood, these customs were abandoned.^ In 1821, two innholders and twenty-one retailers were licensed to sell ardent spi- rits : but for several years past, no licenses have been granted to taverns or stores, and the sale of distilled liquors and wines has been restricted to medical pre- scriptions. This reform has been promoted by judi- cious individuals, who early appreciated the evils of intemperance. It has been of gradual growth, and effected with but little excitement, — an evidence of its purity, and a pledge of its permanency. In the progress of temperance, the appointment of a " committee of inspection " in 1675, to prevent " private tippling and drunkenness," may be consid- ered a primary measure.f Though much was pro- bably done intermediately, the second act of the town worthy of remembrance was the vote of March 8th, 1790, by which the practice of "giving drink" to public officers on being qualified, was abolished. A third step was a vote of March 9th. 1807, by which * About 40 gallons of rum were consumed annually at the expense of the town, in repairing the highways. Parish tavern bills were about ^30 per annum, and town tavern expenses were considerably more. Between Aug. 1, 1789, and Feb. 1, 1790, excise was paid on 2,037 1-2 gallons N. E. rum and other distilled spirits, 420 1-2 gallons foreign rum, 119 1-4 gallons other foreign distilled spirits, and 52 1-2 gallons of wine. f This committee was chosen in obedience to a law of the General Court, and consisted of William Dodge, sen., Humphrey Woodberry, Josiah Roots, Exercise Conant, John Hill, Robert Hibbert, Nathaniel Hayward, Richard Ober and John Dodge, sen. Each member of the committee had the supervision of ten families. 180 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. the selectmen were requested "not to approbate or recommend for the renewal of their license any per- son in fntare as an innholder," who was not provid- ed with accommodations for entertaining travellers. Both Dr. Abbot and Mr. Emerson early gave their public testimony against the evils of intemperance, and contributed essentially in awakening a more general attention to the subject. These, with other acts of a less public character, opened the way for the consummating measure of concentrating and consolidating public opinion through the agency of temperance societies. The first movement towards obtaining pledges to total abstinence from distilled liquors, except as a medicine, was about 1830, and a society was soon after formed. The Beverly Baptist Temperance Society was or- ganized in 1832. In 1835, these societies were unit- ed, under the name of The Beverly Temperance So- ciety. The Village Temperance Society, at the Farms, was instituted April 2d, 1832. The constitution dis- countenances traffic in distilled liquors, and prohibits their use as a common beverage. In 1833, a Temperance Association was formed in the Second Parish, the members of which pledged themselves not to use distilled spirit, nor provide it for others, except as a medicine, and in all proper ways to discountenance its use in the community. The Union Temperance Society was formed April 6th, 1835. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 181 The Total Abstlnence Society was organized in April, 1838. Its motto is -'total abstinence from all that can intoxicate." Between two and three thonsand persons have united with these several associations, and through the agency of lectures and efficient committees, as well as individual example, each organization has effected much for the general cause. In 1840, the " Washingtonian reformation" commenced, and gave a new impulse to the temperance movement through- out the country. Of this influence, Beverly has par- taken. Lectures by reformed inebriates have been delivered before numerous and interested assemblies, and a large number of pledges taken. It is deserv- ing of honorable mention, that no fishing vessels sailing from this port, take ardent spirits as a part of their regular supplies.^ CHARITABLE AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. The benevolent virtues are not the least among the characteristics of Beverly. Several associations ex- ist, having for their object the alleviation of misfor- tune and distress. March 1, 1807, a society was incorporated by the name of the Beverly Charita- ble Society, for the purpose of raising a fund to relieve any inhabitant of the town who from sickness or misfortune may require assistance! . It also pro- * The temperance reform has materially reduced the number of persons supported by the town. t The corporate name of this society has since been changed to the "Fisher Charitable Society." 16 182 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. posed to aid the destitute widow, provide for the helpless orphan, and generally to perform such acts of charity and henevolence as its funds would from time to time allow, excluding from its good ofh- ces such as were idle, prodigal, intemperate, or to whom relief should more properly come from the overseers of the poor. This society, from the dis- tinguished liberality of several gentlemen, has a considerable fund. The late Dr. Fisher may be considered as its founder. He left a legacy of $1000, in addition to $200 presented it in his life- time. The society has distributed large sums in charity since its foundation. The Beverly Female Charitable Society was incorporated April 5th, 1836. The members of this society have been the active distributors of a large amount of property in money, clothing, and other necessaries and comforts. Formerly, an annual pub- lic address was delivered before the society, and a collection taken up in aid of its funds ; but these have for several years past been discontinued. The personal labors of several of the ladies of this insti- tution, in visiting, counselhng and relieving the needy, have been in the true spirit of that christian philan- thropy which is never weary in well-doing. The Female Seamen's Friend Society was organ- ized in September, 1832, and consists of about one hundred members. The object of this society is the laudable one of promoting the comfort and improving the moral and religious condition of seamen. The means for promoting this design are derived from the annual subscription of members and the avails of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 183 the society's labor at its semi-monthly meetings. Bibles and tracts are purchased for distribution on board of vessels sailing out of this port, and all monies remaining on hand are annually paid over to the Seamen's Friend Society at New York, for the diffusion of religious knowledge among seamen. This society may be regarded as among the many approved agencies for hastening the fulfilment of the divhie prediction that " the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto" the Most High. The Home Seamen's Friend Society was organized March ISlh, 1833, and numbers eighty-four mem- bers. The object of this institution is to relieve destitute seamen and their families, the funds for which are derived from the annual subscription of members and the proceeds of work performed at semi-monthly meetings. For several years past an annual address has been delivered before the society, and in some instances a collection taken for its bene- fit. At the time of its organization, the society con- sisted exclusively of ladies of the Baptist denomina- tion, and was called the Baptist Seamen's Friend Society ; but as ladies from other denominations subsequently united with it, the expediency of chang- ing its name was suggested, which was effected at the annual meeting, Nov. 5th, 1839. This society has rendered valuable service to the families of those for whose relief it was instituted. Other societies for the relief of the poor exist, whose labors of love and works of charity have gladdened many a desolate heart. Of the private charities we can only speak generally. There is abundant reason to believe that this mode of bestowing alms is practised to as great 184 HISTORY or BEVERLY. an extent as can be reasonably expected. A wealthy individual of this town, now resident in the metrop- olis, has at several different times made liberal dona- tions that are gratefully remembered ; and gifts by other individuals are registered in the recollections of numbers. The Beverly Mechanic Association was formed in 1836. The design of this institution is " the moral and intellectual improvement of its members, and their relief in distress." As yet, drafts upon its funds for the last mentioned object, have been found necessary in two instances only. Its library is gradually enlarging. The funds of the association amount to $450. The present number of members is ninety-two. Three dollars are required as the fee of membership, subject to an annual assessment of one dollar. Seven dollars will constitute a life membership exempt from assessments. Quarterly meetings of the association are held, at which sub- jects for discussion are presented. A Masonic Lodge was established here during the revolutionary war. This was dissolved, and another established under a charter from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, in 1824. The Beverly Anti-Slavery Society was formed Feb. 21st, 1834, at which time a constitution was reported and adopted. The society consists of one hundred and twelve members. The Upper Beverly Anti-Slavery Society was organized in 1837. According to the second article HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 185 of the constitution, ''The objects of this society shall be, 1st, the emancipation of the people of color from legal slavery; 2d, the emancipation of the same people, bond and free, from the despotism of a corrupt public sentiment." Though slavery existed in Massachusetts until 1780, it never assumed the objectionable features ex- hibited in the southern section of the United States. As a system, American slavery is an unqualified evil, and its perpetuity can in no way be reconciled with the principles of a republican government. The voice of humanity and the law of God demand its abrogation, and the day is approaching when ever}^ yoke will be broken and the bond go free. The Beverly Bank was incorporated July 23, 1802, the charter to expire in 1812. It has since been twice renewed. The capital stock was origi- nally $160,000. In 1815, it was reduced to ,$100,- 000, and increased again, in 1836, to $125,000. Its presidents have been Israel Thorndike, Moses Brown, Joshua Fisher, William Leach and Pyam Lovett, the last of whom now fills the office. It has had but two cashiers, Josiah Gould and the present incumbent, Albert Thorndike. This institution is of convenience to trade, and affords a safe invest- ment of capital to those who do not wish to manage private loans. Through all the financial changes and pressures of the last eight years, it has main- tained its integrity unimpaired, and its affairs are conducted with great exactness and skill. The Beverly Marine Insurance Company was in- corporated in June, 1809, with a capital of $100,000. 16=^ 180 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. The charter was for twenty years, and the com- pany expired with the limitation, part of the stock- holders being opposed to its renewal. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The usual precautions against fire have been adopt- ed by this town. At a town meeting, Nov. 17, 1774, it was voted, that if any number of men, not ex- ceeding thirty-two, shall enter into agreement to pur- chase a good fire-engine and the necessary appara- tus, and contract to improve the same for extinguish- ing fires as is customary in other towns, then in such case they shall be excused from serving in any town ofiice or as juryman. It appears that this vote was availed of, and a fire company formed which purchased an engine and the necessary apparatus. The proprietors, however, in 1795, gave up their en- gine, engine-house, hooks, ladders, etc. to the town, and also a sum of money in hand, on condition that the town should purchase one of the best engines that could be procured. May 16th, 1805, it was voted to raise $1000 for the purchase of a new fire- engine, and in 1828, it was voted to procure another. The fire apparatus now belonging to the town con- sists of three engines, managed by efficient compa- nies, with the necessary appendages of hose, buckets, axes, etc. One of these is in the second parish and the other two in the first. Fire-hooks and ladders are placed at several convenient points. In addition to these, the Union Fire Society, formed in 1804 for the purpose of aiding each other in case of fire, have HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 187 ladders, fire-hooks, axes and sails, and each member is provided with two leather buckets, a large cloth bag, a bed- key and screw-driver. This company has a fund of about $1400, in addition to their ap- paratus. Four cisterns have been built to furnish water in cases of fire. The principal fires that have occurred in this town, and which have put in requisition the important ser- vices of the various fire associations, are : one that took place in 1828, which consumed the brick factory in the second parish ; one on the 20th April, 1829, which destroyed the barns of Robert Currey and Michael Whitney, and damaged more or less the dwellings of Messrs. Whitney and Jeremiah Lovett, and also a barn near the store of S. P. Lovett ; one on 29th May following, which consumed the dwelling of Robert Currey, the barn and store of Samuel P. Lovett, with part of the goods, and the dwellings of Michael Whitney and Josiah Raymond ; one Dec. 8th, 1832, which burned to the ground the Dane-street meeting- house, — the three last of which were supposed to be the work of incendiaries, — and one, May 20th, 1841, which consumed a large store and most of its con- tents on Foster's wharf. STREETS. The public streets, courts and squares, forty-three in number, were named by order of the town in 1838. They are as follows : Cabot, Congress, Water, Davis, Eront, Union, Bartlett, Central, Lovett, Frank- 188 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. lin, Washington, Hale, Ellingwood, Charity, Cox, School, Bnrley Court, Lafayette, Elm, Wallis, Fed- eral, Essex, Briscoe, Church, Winter, Knowlton. Dane, Charnock, Colon, Elliott, Mill, Conant, Lib- erty, Dodge, Ober, Lothrop, Howard, Thorndike. Brown, Endicott, Abbot, Burley, and May. BURIAL GROUNDS. The burial grounds in this town are eight in num- ber, viz., three in the first parish, two near the sec- ond parish meeting-house, one in Dodge's row, one at Rial-side, and one at the Farms. A traditionary account is, that the first burying place was at Wood- berry's Point ; but the oldest of which there is any record is that near the vestry of the first parish, in which repose the remains of the first three settled ministers. Hale, Blowers and Champney. The ear- hest dates decyphered on any of the stones are 1686, 1678 and 1683, the last of which is over the grave of Mrs. Rebecca, wife of John Hale. This burying ground was the only one used within the limits of the first parish until Jan. 1790, a period of more than one hundred years. In 1684, John Green, of Rial- side, obtained liberty to bury his dead in this ground, on condition that he contributed towards the expense of the same. At the same time, measures were adopted to enclose the ground. The earliest date that can be found in the burying ground at Rial-side is 1730. In 1788, the first parish purchased of Dan- iel Adams a piece of land, near the Common, for burial purposes ; and Jan. 17, 1790, the remains of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 189 Widow Mary Allen, aged 71, were deposited there, in the first grave. The town burying ground on Hale street, and adjoining the former, was laid out at a still later period, and is now most used. The bury- ing ground at the Farms was laid out in 1840, and, on the 24th of August, the same year, it received for its first deposit the remains of Deacon David Larcom. The first burial place in the second parish was opened about 1715, and the remains of Eleanour, child of John Dodge, Jr., and Elizabeth, wife of John Trask, were among the first, if not the first, it received. The most ancient stone is at the grave of Joseph Herrick, and bears date Feb. 14, 1717-18. The graves of Mr. Chipman, his two wives and his daughter Sarah, are in the south-western corner, shaded by a beauti- ful oak ; but time has been busy with the grave- stones, and unless some " Old Mortality" soon exer- cises his friendly office, few inscriptions that can be decyphered will remain. The second ground, ad- joining the second parish meeting-house, was laid out in 1803, and now contains upwards of three hundred graves. A tomb was built here in 1806, by Joseph Chipman, son of the first minister, and an- other in 1836, by William Friend. The wife of the Rev. Mr. Fairfield was the first person buried in this ground. In the burial grounds of the south parish are several tombs and handsome monuments. Among the places of painful interest, the village grave-yard will always be conspicuous. It speaks in solemn tones of man's mortality, — of withered hopes, and of plans unfinished. Here lies the infant pledge of love, "plucked like a bud from its parent stem, to bloom a sweeter flower in a fairer clime :" 190 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. and close by its side, the child of many prayers, whose early promise death has prematurely blasted, piercing the parental heart with sorrows which only parents know. Here repose the ashes of lover and friend, of simple and lettered, of poverty and wealth, alike to rise in the resurrection morn. It is instruc- tive to walk amidst the congregation of the dead, and meditate on life's mutations and ambition's end. " The very turf beneath our feet seems bent in silent prayer, The trees to lift their green boughs up, and ask a father's care ; And though the flowers may fade and fall, we mourn them not in vain, They tell us that thus we must die, and thus shall live again." Here, too, the chord that binds the soul to kindred and home, is drawn still closer roand the affections. We sadden at the thought of dying among strangers, with no friendly voice to speak to us the consolations of religion, nor friendly hand to close our eyes and perform the last offices of the living to our lifeless clay. And when the possibility of such an event is suggested by busy fancy, our prayer ascends to the Author of being that our grave may be made in the midst of kindred and friends, by whom our memory will be cherished when our dust is blended with the earth whence it sprang. It is consonant with pious sentiment and pure af- fection, to build the mausoleum and erect the column over the remains of departed worth ; and even the simple head-stone, with its brief epitaph, is a memen- to of friendship that speaks favorably for civilized man. Other methods, however, than these may be adopted for giving utterance to affection's language. At trifling cost, trees may be planted in every village HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 191 grave-yard, which in a few years will become beau- tiful groves; and though these may be less attractive than a Pere la Chaise or a Mount Auburn, they'^will, nevertheless, increase the sacredness of the " field of graves," and impart a chastened cheerfulness to places so fruitful of melancholy associations. COMMON LANDS. ''Beverly Commons" consisted of eighteen hun- dred and fifty acres, in seven distinct tracts. The largest of these tracts was that known as the Sheep- pasture, containing 1013 acres. The others are des-. ignated as Mackerel Cove, Rubly Hill, Cedar Swamp,; Burnt Hill, Snake Hill and Bald Hill pastures. In 1670, the town " voted that there shall not be any of the town's land lying in common, disposed of upon any account, but by consent of the whole at a general town meeting, legally warned; and it was also voted, for preventing the dividing of the same, that they shall abide in common as they now are, and not be divided without the consent of the whole, by general town meeting legally warned. If six considerable men in the town oppose the division, it shall not be granted." It appears that the town and '' commoners," or pro- prietors of grants, held a divided jurisdiction over these lands, which it is now difficult to reconcile. These latter hel4 separate meetings, the records of which, from 1698-9 to 1750, are in the town clerk's office. The town having disposed of several parcels of the common lands by grants and exchange, the 192 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. commoners, at a meeting, May 4, 1714. confirmed the titles to prevent " disturbance amongst friends." In 1716, the common lands were divided into stints or rights of six acres each ; ten of which were set apart for the use of the poor — two for the ministry in the first, and one for the ministry in the second par- ish. An assignment of rights was also made to individuals on the following principles, viz : One right each to freeholders of a cottage or house erected in or before 1661, and standing and inhabited in June, 1715 ; to freeholders whose house was erected or standing and inhabited in 1668 ; and to freeholders of all other dwellings standing in 1699, erected sub- sequent to 1661, and not in succession to any of the former between 1668 and 1699. Other rights were granted upon distinct grounds, but the rocks were to remain free for the use of all the inhabitants of the town forever. The separate pastures into which the commons were divided, were afterwards managed as separate fields by the proprietors of each. The records of Snake-hill propriety, commencing in 1728 and continued about sixty years, are extant. Most of the common lands are now private property. REPRESENTATIVES. The following is a list of the representatives from this town in General Court, from 1672 till 1842. Until 1693 they were styled '■ deputies." Thomas Lothrop (4 years), John Dodge, John West, Paul Thorndike, William Dodge, Exercise Conant (2 y.), William Rayment, Thomas West, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 193 Andrew Elliot (5 y.), Peter Woodberry, John Dodge (3 y.), Samuel Balch (14 y.), Isaac Woodberry (2 y.), Robert Hale, sen., John Balch (3 y.), Joseph Herrick (4 y.), Robert Briscoe, John Thorndike, Jonathan Rayment (2 y.), Robert Woodberry (2 y.), Andrew Dodge (2 y.), Henry Herrick (24 y.), Robert Hale, jr. (16 y.), Daniel Conant (2 y.), John Leach, Josiah Batchelder, jr. (6 y.), Jonathan Conant (2 y.), Nich- olas Thorndike, Larkin Thorndike (7 y.), Nathan Dane (4 y.), Joseph Wood (17 y.), Israel Thorn- dike (6 v.), John Cabot, Moses Brown (3 y.), John Stephens (2 y.), James Burnham (2 y.), Abner Chap- man (11 y.), Thomas Davis (15 y.), Thomas Ste- phens (4 y.), Robert Rantoul (20 y.), Isaac Rea (5 y.), Nathaniel Goodwin (7 y.), Nicholas Thorndike (4 y.), Josiah Lovett (3 y.), Oliver Obear (4 y.), William Thorndike (2 y.), Henry Larcom (4 y.), Amos Shel- den (2 y.), John SafFord (4 y.), Jesse Shelden, Nehe- miah Romidy (3 y.). Cotton Bennett (3 y.), John Conant (2 y.), Stephen Nourse (2 y.), Pyam Lovett, David Larcom, Ezra Dodge, Daniel Cross, Jonathan Batchelder, Edwin M. Stone (2 y.), Thomas B. Smith (2 y.), William Lamson (2 y.), John I. Baker, Edward Stone, John Pickett. STOCKS. In the early period of the colony, stocks and the whipping-post were considered as essential appurte- nances of a village as the schoolhouse and tavern ; and to dignify them in the eyes of peaceable citizens, probably, (for no other reason is readily suggested,) 17 194 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. and to give a sacred character, perhaps, to the tor- tare inflicted, they were usually set up in the vicin- ity of the meeting-house. Here, offenders were ex- posed to the jeers and rude assaults of a thoughtless rabble, or subjected to a discipline peculiar now to the army and navy, and eminently calculated to harden the transgressor and extinguish the last emo- tion of manliness glowing in his breast. Such were the spirit and practice of the times ; and it is no re- flection upon the natural kindness of the inhabitants to say that, in harmony with common opinion and common custom, which is common law, Beverly was very early furnished Avith these ancient auxiliaries to justice, which was sometimes summarily adminis- tered. In those times a magistrate might, upon view of an oflence, proceed at once to convict and punish, — an exercise of power not always tempered with mercy. An anecdote is related of a good justice of the peace, which shows, that tenacity for every "jot and tittle" of the law did not necessarily banish from the heart the spirit of hospitality. "On a severe cold night in winter, a traveller came to his house for shelter and refreshment. The ready hos- pitality of the justice was about being displayed, when the traveller unluckily uttered a word which his host considered profane. Upon this he informed his guest that he was a magistrate, pointed out the nature of the offence, and explained the necessity of its being expiated by sitting an hour in the stocks ! Remonstrance was unavailing. Cold as it was, the justice, aided by his son, conducted the traveller to the place of punishment. Here he was confined in the usual mode, the benevolent executor of the law remaining with him to beguile the time of its tedium HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 195 by edifying conversation. At the expiration of the hour, he was re-conducted to the house, and hospita- bly entertained till the next morning, when he de- parted with a determination, doubtless, to consider his words more carefully before giving them utter- ance in the hearing of a conscientious magistrate." It is hardly necessary to add, that these relics of a barbarous age have long since disappeared. The diseases most prevalent in this town, are con- sumption, fevers and dysentery. 'i'he average number of deaths, annually, is about one in 70 of the population. From 1772 to 1781, a period of nine years, the number of deaths recorded by Mr. Willard, in the jfirst parish, was 390, averag- ing 43 and a fraction annually, for that part of the town. But this included most of the revolutionary war, and was a period of extraordinary destruction of human life. The deaths recorded by Mr. Mc- Kean, from 1782 to 1801, a period of twenty years. were 956, or 47 15-20 per year, for the first parish. In this estimate are included 149 occasioned by an epidemic in 1795 and 1796. The average number of deaths in the first society for twenty years pre- ceding Jan. 1, 1824, was 42 per year. The deaths in the second parish, recorded by Mr. Chipman, from 1715 to 1769 inclusive, a period of nearly fifty-five years, are 631, averaging a fraction over eleven per year. The annual deaths during Mr. Chipman's ministry, varied from six, the small- 196 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. est number, to thirty-eight, the largest, which occur- red in 1737, when the scarlet fever and throat dis- temper prevailed. From 1801 to 1812, inclusive, the deaths were 137, or 11 5-12 per year. Of this num- ber, 16 were between the ages of 60 and 70, eight between 70 and 80, nine between 80 and 90, one aged 92, and one 99 1-4. The number of deaths for ten years ending Jan. 1, 1840, is 92, averaging 9 2-10 per year, showing a decrease of more than two per cent. This improvement in the health of the second parish, is to be attributed in part to a more strict regard to the laws of the physical constitution, and the improvement of low, wet lands. The deaths in the whole town in 1818 and '19, exclusive of deaths abroad, were 127, of which 30 were fever, 26 consumption, and 19 dysentery. In 1820 the deaths were 60, of which 11 were con- sumption and 9 fever. In 1827 the deaths were 67 at home, and 9 abroad. Few towns in the Com- monwealth, of the same population, can exhibit more numerous instances of longevity. The whole number of deaths in the first parish for the ten years ending Jan. 27th, 1840, was 213, of which 124, or nearly one half, were persons between 50 and 97 years. Mr. James Woodberry, of Beverly Farms, who died in 1842, aged 88 years and 8 months, was the oldest man in town at his decease, and of a fam- ily remarkable for longevity. Two sisters survived him, one aged 85 and the other 87. Both his father and mother died at 86. His widow is 72 ; and her mother, Mrs. Appleton, is still living at the advanced age of 102. Mrs. W.'s father, at his death, was 90, and her grandmother 92. The united age of ten of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 197 the family amount to 866 years, and their average is S6. The average number of marriages in this town per annum, for the last twenty years, is 33 — births, 132. POPULATION, &C. It is impossible to ascertain with entire accuracy, the population of this town at early periods of its settlement. Still, from careful calculations that have been made, the number of inhabitants at the time the town was incorporated in 1668, may be estimated at six hundred. The population in 1708, was one thousand six hundred eighty, and in 1753, it had increased to two thousand and twenty-three. The following census, taken by authority, exhibits with exactness the population at subsequent periods : 1765, including 80 blacks, 2163, 1790, 3290, 1800, 3881, 1810, including 61 negroes, 4333, 1820, 4283, 1830, 4231, excess of females, 213. By the census of 1840, the entire population, in- cluding twenty-three colored persons, is four thous- and six hundred eighty-nine. White males two thousand two hundred forty-seven — females two thousand four hundred nineteen. Excess of females one hundred seventy-two. Number of families, one thousand sixty-six. Average number in a family, a fraction less than five. Number of polls, one 17# 198 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. thousand one hundred sixty-nine, of which seventy- six are not taxable. Number of revolutionary pen- sioners, ten, four of whom are females. Persons under 5 years, 323 males — 285 females, 5 and under 10 C( 284 a 272 10 " (C 15 t( 240 ii 197 15 " (C 20 (I 204 Cl 250 20 « IC 30 (I 394 <( 409 30 " IC 40 a 326 (I 333 40 " a 50 i( 182 a 222 50 " (I 60 a 140 li 183 60 " cc 70 u 94 u 150 70 " (I 80 (C 42 cc 82 80 " (( 90 u 18 cc 33 90 " n 100 u 00 cc 2 100 00 cc 1 The population in the second parish is about seven hundred and thirty. The number of dwellings in the town at different periods is shown by the fol- qng table : In 1753 there were 289, 1765 307, 1786 308,- -shops 51— barns 235, 1790 422, 1800 460, 1811 476,- -shops and warehouses 80, 1831 519,- -shops, warehouses and stores 146- 1840 585 barns 345. AGRICULTURE. A CONSIDERABLE portlon of this town is essentially agricultural. There are many excellent farms, pro- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 199 ducing abundant crops of hay, com, rye, oats, bar- ley, potatoes, beans and other vegetables. Much swamp land has been reclaimed and rendered valua- ble, by draining and other processes. The events of the few past years, illustrating the superior safety of investments in real estate, have not been lost upon this community, as is manifested by an increased attention to this vitally important branch of in- dustry. The whole number of acres of land in this town, is between nine and ten thousand. Of stock and products, the valuation of 1767 re- turned 164 horses, 143 oxen, 741 cows, 1099 sheep, 37 swine, 586| tons English hay, 367^ tons meadow hay, 93 tons salt do., 10,728 bushels grain, 821 bar- rels cider. The valuation of 1786 returned 164 horses, 164 oxen, 639 cows, 900 sheep, 260 swine, 261 barrels cider. It also returned 674J acres of tillage, 1170 acres English mowing, 696 do. fresh meadow, 102 do. salt marsh, 3746J do. pasturage, 156 do. wood- land, 355 do. unimproved, 1009 do. unimprovable. The valuation of 1840 returned 217 horses, 440 oxen, 512 cows, 41 steers and heifers, 180 sheep, 900 swine, 754f acres tillage, 2014 do. English mowing, 302J do. fresh meadow, 55 do. salt marsh, 3271 do. pasturage, 64 cow rights, 728 acres wood- land, 814 do. unimproved, 5 do. owned by the town, to whicli may be added, 560 do. unimprovable, 227 do. used for roads, and 306 do. covered with water. There Avere raised the same year, 20,560 bushels potatoes, 10,427 bushels corn, 2666 bushels barley, 1240 bushels oats, 821 bushels rye, and 100 bushels wheat Of hay, 4050 tons were cut. The value of 200 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. dairy products was ^^20,000, orchards $3000. market gardens $2800, poultry $1000. Five hundred cords of wood were cut and sold. An increasing attention is paid to horticulture and the cultivation of fruits. The valuation of Beverly in 181 1 , was $822,908 66 ; in 1821, $853,079 33; in 1831, $973,029 06; in 1840, $1,306,509. The manufactures amount annually in value to about $120,000, from a capital invested of about $40,000, and giving employment to nearly five hun- dred persons. They consist of boots, shoes, cabinet ware and chairs, Britannia^ and tin ware, bricks, hair, mustard, soap and candles. The foreign and domestic imports for 1787 were £13,667.7.11 ; for 1788, £13,663.7.8f Among the exports for 1787, were 1517 tierces fish, 1364 quin- tals do., 696 hhds. do., 32 boxes do., 68 bbls. pick- led do., 112 bbls. mackerel, 700 bushels corn, 116 bbls. potatoes, 370 bushels do., 8000 bunches onions, 1000 lbs. cheese, 1 7 bbls. cranberries. The vessels employed in 1786 were sixty in num- ber, with 492 men. Of these, nineteen were in the West India trade. In 1787, sixty-nine vessels, with 408 men were employed, viz : 1 ship, 5 brigs, 5 sloops, 31 fishing schooners, and 17 trading do. In 1788, there were thirty-two fishing vessels, employing 271 * The manufacture of Britannia ware in this country was com- menced in this town, in 1812; by Mr. Israel Trask. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 201 men. The whole number of vessels at present em- ployed in the fishing, coasting, freighting and foreign trade, is 78, investing a capital of $160,000, and employing between four and five hundred men. From the commencement of the war in Europe, consequent upon the French revolution of 1789, until 1807, the cod-fishery was prosecuted with great suc- cess and large pecuniary profit. The embargo which began in December of the year 1807, and closed in the spring of 1809, entirely prostrated this business. It was resumed in a degree in the course of the year last named, and continued till the war of 1812, when it was again interrupted for the space of three whoie seasons. After the peace of 1815, the busi- ness revived, and has been continued with a success depending on the discounts of the "Grand" and other banks of the Atlantic. Much of the fish cured in this town was formerly shipped to Spain and other catholic countries of Europe. At present, they find their way mostly to South America, the West Indies, and the valley of the Mississippi. Throughout the State, fish has in times past been a standing dish for Saturdays. The custom of dining on fish on Saturday rather than on Friday, originated in a desire of our ancestors to avoid the remotest approximation to the observances of the catholics, who, during lent and other fasts, substituted this article of food for meat. The wharves are twelve in number, which, with sixteen stores thereon, are valued at $30,000 to $40,000. The annual importation and sale of eastern wood amounts to about 3000 cords ; coal, 250 tons ; and lumber, 700,000 feet, forming an aggregate value of $27,500. 202 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. There are, in the first parish, ten groceries, six dry goods stores, — in two of which drugs and medicines are sold, — five tailors, two miUiners, three hardware stores, three shoe stores, one pubhc-house, three block-tin manufacturers, one lawyer's office, one watchmaker, one barber, three wheelwrights, three blacksmith's and two cooper's shops, three hair man- ufactories, two sailmakersj one ropewalk, one pump and block maker, one mustard factory, one hatter, one tinplate worker, two cabinet-makers, one steam saw-mill, one soap and candle factory, three painters and glaziers, one trunk and harness maker, one pro- vision store, and several carpenter's shops. There is also a patent balance for weighing hay and other heavy loads, the property of the Fisher Charitable Society, and a post-office, at which several mails are daily received. In the second parish are two stores, two black- smith's and three wheelwright's shops, five slaughter- houses, three grist-mills, one saw-mill, one carding- machine, and three brick-yards. The tanning busi- ness was early commenced in this part of the town, but was many years since abandoned. The facilities for communicating with Boston have been greatly increased by the opening of the Eastern rail-road. By an existing arrangement, the metrop- olis may be visited at six different hours daily, and four trains pass through town daily to and from the east. Beverly is favored with one of the safest and most commodious harbors in New England, with a depth of water sufficient to bring vessels of the largest class directly to the wharves. During the residence of the late William Gray, Esq., in Salem, many of his vessels, engaged in the indirect European HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 203 trade, were unloaded here. The natural advantages of this town for the prosecution of commerce and manufactures, are not surpassed by any coast town in the Commonwealth. (From a point near the south end of Essex Bridge.) ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. THE FIRST PARISH. From the settlement of Beverly until 1649, the inhabitants worshipped with the first church in Salem. As population increased, the inconvenience of cross- ing the river in boats suggested the expediency of establishing a separate church. A request to that effect was made to the Salem church — but for various reasons the plan did not meet with favorable atten- tion. On the 22d of the seventh month (September,) 1650, the request was renewed, and on the second day of the month fohowing, an answer was returned authorizing the brethren on "Bass-river-side" to procure the service of an able and approved teacher — still retaining their connexion with the church in Salem. With this liberty they successively employ- ed Messrs. Josiah and Jeremiah Hubbard* and Mr. John Hale. * In the town records this name is uniformly written Hiihbard. The catalogue of Harvard College has it Tlobart. A note in Mass. Hist. Coll. says it should be so written, Joshua and Jeremiah Ho- bart were sons of Rev. Peter Hobart, of Hingham. Joshua settled in the ministry at Southhold, L. I. Jeremiah was minister of Tops- field, and afterwards of Haddam, Conn. He was grandfather to Rev. David Brainard, the distinguished missionary. HISTORY OF BEVEKLY. 205 In 1656, the first meeting-house was erected near the north-west corner of the old burial-ground. Of this building there is no account other than that, in addition to religious ser\rices it was used for the trans- action of public business and for a school-room. A church organization was still wanting to give stabili- ty to the pastoral relation, and in the winter of 1666, the following petition was presented to the church in Salem : •' We, whose names are underwritten, the brethren and sisters on Bass-river-side, do present our desires to the rest of the church in Salem, that with their consent, we and our children may be a church of ourselves, which we also present unto Mr. Hale, desiring him to join with us and to be our pastor, with the approbation of the rest of the church." Signed by Roger Conant and forty-eight church members, to which were added the names of twenty- four others not in full communion, but desiring to be dismissed with their parents. This petition was re- ceived with the deliberation its importance demanded, "and the last of the 12th month, by the consent of the brethren both on that side of the river and here at the town, was publicly observed as a day of sol- emn fasting and prayer, to seek unto God for his direction and presence in such a weighty matter."^ On the 4th of July, 1667, the subject of the petition was again considered ; " when there was a unanimous consent of the brethren present unto their desire, only it was left to the sacrament day after [July 21st] when in the fullest church assembly the consent of the rest of the church was signified by their vote. — • * Salem Church Records. 18 .. 206 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. lifting lip their hands, — and so they have their liberty to be a church of themselves, only they continue members until their being a church." This permis- sion closes with the benediction : " The Lord grant his gracious presence with them." With this unanimous consent, the brethren, on the 28th August following, renewed their call to Mr. Hale to become their pastor, to which he made tlje following reply : " When I look at the weight of the work which you call me unto, of which Paul cried out, Who is sufficient unto these things 7 I then looking upon my manifold infirmities and indisposition of spirit, then unto so many discouraa:ements; but when I duly con- sider the Lord's sovereignty over me, and all-suffi- ciency for my support, I desire, when I see his work and call, to say with Isaiah, ' Here I am. send me.' And in particular when I observe the remarkable providences of God in bringing me hither and paving out our way hitherto, and the room the Lord hath -made for me in your hearts, (which I acknowledge with thankfulness to God and yourselves,) I also look at the call of God in the present call, as a call to me : being the more confirmed herein by the concurrence of our apprehensions which hath appeared in those things Ave had occasion to confer about, concerning our entering into and proceeding with church afi'airs. which I hope the Lord will enable me to practise accordingly ; wherefore, while you walk according to God's order of the gospel and in the steadfastness of the faith of Christ, and I see that with a good conscience and freedom of spirit, I can carry on my work, and discharge my duty to God and man, and HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 207 these that are under my care, according to the respec- tive relation I may bear onto them, so long as the Lord is calling me to labor in this part of his vine- yard, I desire to give up myself to the Lord and Iiis service in the work of the ministry in this place ; re- questing you to strive together with me in your prayers for me, that it may redound to his glory, the edifying of every soul that shall dwell amongst us. and for our joyful account in the day of Christ's ap- pearance. ^y me, John Hale.'- The 20th September was set apart for the inter- esting and impressive service of ordination, an event, the infrequency of which, at that early period, must have rendered it peculiarly attractive. Invitations were sent to the churches of Salem, Ipswich and Wenham, to assist, by their pastors and messengers. on the occasion, which were cordially accepted. The Salem church, in the free spirit that granted unani- mous leave for separate organization, was largely represented. "In regard," the records say, " to our nearness, and that they are a church issuing out of ourselves, it was thought meet for as many to be present as could, so when the day came, divers of the brethren were present." Previously to the so- lemnities of ordination, the church was organized. Mr. Hale "propounded and read a confession of faith and covenant which they had often considered amongst themselves, and did then (all that had been in full communion in the chnrch of Salem,) express their consent unto that confession and covenant, and so were owned as a particular and distinct church of themselves, by the messengers of the churches pres- 208 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. ent." The names of those who were formed into a church on this occasion, are as follows : John Hale, Richard Dodge, sen. William Woodberry, sen. Rich- ard Brackenbury, John Stone, sen. John Dodge, sen. Roger Conant, William Dodge, sen. Humphrey Woodberr}?", sen. Hugh Woodberry, Nicholas Patch, John Hill, Thomas Lothrop, Samuel Corning, Rob- ert Morgan, John Black, sen. Lot Conant, Ralph El- lingwood, William Dixey, Henry Herrick, sen. Peter Woolfe, Josiah Rootes, sen. Exercise Conant, Ed- ward Bishop, Elizabeth Dodge, Mary Lovett, Eliza- beth Haskell, Mary Woodberry, Sarah Leach, Free- grace Black, Elizabeth Corning, Elizabeth Wood- berry, Ellen Brackenbury, Hannah Woodberry, Elizabeth Patch, Hannah Sallows, Bethiah Lothrop, Anna Dixey, Anna Woodberry, sen. Elizabeth Wood- berry, Martha Woolfe, H^annah Baker. Mary Her- rick, Bridget Luff, Mary Dodge, sen. Anna Wood- berry, jr. Ede Herrick, Mary Dodge, jr. Abigail Hill, Lydia Herrick. The services of induction to the sacred office of the ministry then proceeded, " by the laying on of hands of the Rev. Mr. John Higginson, of the church of Salem, of Mr. Thomas Cobbett, pastor at Ipswich, and of Mr. Antipas Newman, of Wenham;" and thus Mr. Hale received fellowship, and was publicly recognized as pastor of '* the church of Christ at Bass river, in Salem." On the 22d September, Mrs. Rebeckah Hale was received to the church, on letters of dismission from the church at Salisbury ; and on the 29th of the same month, the sacrament of the Lord's supper was for the first time administered, on which occasion Mr. Hale explained the requisitions for admission to the HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 209 ordinance. It was, doubtless, a season of uncom- mon delight to all who participated in this beautiful and affecting service. After a delay of several years, mingled with fear and hope, they had obtained the desire of their hearts. They were now peacefully established as an independent cliurch "in the con- gregational way,'' relieved from the inconveniences attending their earlier worship, and with a devoted and beloved pastor were happy in sustaining an in- stitution recognized as " the pillar and ground of truth,'' and whose existence is vitally connected with the moral condition of the world. Oct. 23, the same year, Humphrey Woodberry and Sarah, his wife, John Clark, jr. Humphrey Woodberry, jr. Remember Stone and Sarah Conant, were received to full com- munion, being the first persons admitted on their " profession of faith and repentance." The first child baptized, after the formation of the church, was Abigail, daughter of John and Hannah Sallows, Oct. 13, 1667. The next person receiving the rite, Dec. 1 following, was Richard Patch, a young man about nineteen years of age, who, "pleading a covenant interest in the covenant engagement of his mother, and making, also, confession of his own faith and re- pentance, having the testimony of a blameless life," was at the same time received into the church. At the time of Mr. Hale's call to the pastoral care of the church, provision was made by the society for his support. They agreed to pay him £70 per an- num, and to furnish thirty cords of fire- wood, ac- cording to an existing custom. They further agreed to give him the use of a house they had built, two acres of land to be fenced in by them, as much 18# 210 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. meadow as bare " about four loads of hay," and the " benefit of pasturing," during the time he remained with them in the ministry. "Yet because," said they, "it is Ms duty to provide for wife and children that he may leave behind him, and our duty to have a care of him in that respect, we do therefore prom- ise and engage, that in case he die in the ministry with us, that either the house and two-acre home-lot shall be his, or that which is equivalent — to be paid, (according to his last will and testament) Avithin the compass of one year after his decease." The first persons chosen to make rates for Mr. Hale's mainte- nance, in 1665, were Capt. Lothrop, Mr. Thorndike, Roger Conant, Samuel Corning and Joseph Rootes. At a subsequent meeting, measures were adopted "to buiid a house for Mr. Hale's cattle," eighteen feet long, ten feet wide and seven or eight feet stud. It was also agreed to pay " Farmer Dodge" for his ground, bought for the ministry, "either two cows or ten pounds," and to pay Humphrey Woodberry twenty shillings an acre for his ground, he having " free liberty to pass through with a cart when he hath occasion." Various measures were adopted, from 1667 to 1684, for the supply of Mr. Hale's wood, at which latter date, his salary was fixed at £64 in money, instead of £70, payable in produce at a regu- lated price, called rate pay^ and which was not more valuable than the former sum. About the time of his marriage, £10 were added to his salary, and from thence to his decease he continued to receive £74 per annum. In 1674, the church advised in a difiiculty origi- nated in the church in Salem, by a movement to form a church at Lynn, which was amicably ad- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 211 justed, and in February, 1675, Mr. Hale assisted at the ordination of Mr. Joseph Gerrish, in Wenham. Mr. Hale was born at Charlestown, June 3, 1636, and was the son of Robert and Rebeckah Hale. His father emigrated from England, and became a mem- ber of the church in Charlestown between July and October, 1632, of which he was subsequently chosen deacon. He was made a freeman in 1634, was member of an artillery company in 1644, and in 1659 held the office of ensign. Of the mother of John Hale but little is known, but when we con- sider the characters of those who descended from her for three successive generations, without other means of judging, we are led to very favorable in- ferences. Where Mr. John Hale pursued his preparatory studies is not known, but he graduated at Harvard College in 1657, at the age of twenty-one, and in 1664, three years before his ordination, came to Bev- erly as a religious teacher. Previously to his settle- ment in the ministry, he was married to Rebeckah Byles, daughter of Henry Byles of Sarum, England, who emigrated to this country and settled in Salis- bury, Mass. as early as 1640.'^ She was the mother of two children — Rebeckah, who was born April 28, 1666, and died May 7, 1681, aged 15 years, and Robert, born Nov. 3, 1668. Mrs. Hale died April * The mother of Rebeckah Byles, previous to her marriage with Henry Byles, was the widow of John Hall. After the death of Mr. Byles, she married Rev. William Worcester of Salisbury, Mass. She married for her fourth husband. Deputy Governor Samuel Symonds of Ipswich, and died July 21st, 1695, aged 78. She dis- tributed £100 to persons who lost by the great fire in Boston, and who suffered in the Indian wars about 1682. 212 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 13, 1683, aged 45 years. Mr. Hale was again mar- ried March 3, 1684, to Mrs. Sarah Noyes, of New- bury, from tlie church in which place her relation was removed to the church in Beverly, the following October. By this marriage there were four children, viz. James, born Oct. 14, 1685 ; Samuel, born Aug. 13, 1687; Joanna, born June 15, 1689, and John, born Dec. 24, 1692. James graduated at Harvard College in 1703, and was ordained to the ministry at Ashford, Conn. Nov. 26, 1718, where he died in Oct. 1742, at the age of 57. Samuel settled in Newbury, where he married Sophia Moody, May 2, 1714. He had three sons, Richard, John and Samuel, the former of whom settled in Coventry, Conn, and was the father of Na- than Hale, who was inhumanly executed by the British in the revolutionary war. John, the third son of Rev. Mr. Hale by the second marriage, settled at Gloucester. His mother died May 20, 1695, aged forty-one. Mr. Hale was a third time married in 1698, to Mrs. Elizabeth Clark of Newbury, who was received into the church in Beverly, by dismission and recom- mendation from the church in Newbury, Sept. 17, 1699. He did not, however, continue long to enjoy her society. In 1690, when the expedition against Canada had been determined on, the General Court invited Mr. Hale to join it as chaplain. This invitation was submitted to his people, and though doubtless grati- fied with such evidence of the public estimate of their pastor, the}^ withheld their assent, and ap- pointed Samuel Corning, John Hill, Peter Woodber- ry, Thomas West, Nehemiah G rover and Andrew HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 213 Elliot, '•' as a committee in behalf of the church and town of Beverly," to assign their reasons " to the honored court and council." These were : first, that by their pastor's absence they would •'• be as sheep without a shepherd." Second, they did not think his bodily strength adequate to such an expedition. Third, that being " thin of men, and men of con- duct" at that time, owing to the number engaged in " the present essay," and '^ liable to sufier by ene- mies," they desired the presence of their pastor " as a comforter and encourager in such a case." These objections do not appear to have had much weight with the Court, as the next day after their presenta- tion, it was " ordered, that the Rev. John Hale, Mr. John Wise, Mr. Grindal Rawson, and Mr. John Emerson, ministers of God's Word, be desired to accompany the General and forces, in the expedition against Canada, to carry on the worship of God in that expedition. "=^ What induced Mr. Hale to accept this invitation, contrary to the strongly expressed wish of his flock, is unknown. It is not improbable, that as a large number of his people were engaged in this enter- prize, he was anxious to accompany them that he might watch over their morals. In 1734 the General Court, in consideration of the time and service rendered, granted his heirs three hundred acres of land. In 1692 the witchcraft delusion broke out. It com- menced in Salem Village, in the family of Rev. Mr. Parris, whose child a physician declared to be under an evil hand — and spread with rapidity to several of * Provincial Records. 214 HISTORY OF BEVEKLY. the adjacent towns. During this period the most extravagant fanaticism prevailed. Individuals free from any moral stain were accused on the most friv- olous pretences. Persons under infatuation, or to gain notoriety, or, as was not unfrequently the case, to gratify revenge, suddenly cried ont as in pain, and declared themselves tormented by unseen agents in distant places. Children eight years of age were encouraged to testify against their parents, and wives gave evidence against their husbands. If a poor, decrepid old woman could not weep when accused, through alarm or indignation, the fact v/as assumed as evidence of guilt. Rev. George Burroughs, a graduate of Harvard College, and for some time a minister in Salem Yillage, having exhibited feats of unusual strength, was accused of being aided by the prince of darkness, and was condemned and execu- ted. He died with christian composure ; and while on the ladder made a speech, and offered a prayer with such fervor as to affect many to tears. But this was charged upon him, by the procurers of his death, as proof of his intimacy with the devil ; and when cut down, his body was thrust into a hole with two others, and but partially covered. Giles Cory, at the age of eighty, was accused, and refusing to plead to the indictmeut, was condemned and crushed to death. Such was the general feeling, on the side of prosecutions, that accusation was almost the sure precursor of condemnation. Some of the judges, to increase their popularity, resorted to arts to entrap their unwary victims. And whenever the magis- trates were inclined to mercy, or acquitted one whom the popular voice had consigned to the scaffold, an indignant clamor burst forth. o HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 215 Among the persons in this town, accused and con- demned, though not executed, were Dorcas Hoar. Sarah Morey, Susanna Rootes, and Job Tuckey. Sarah Morey was the daughter of Peter and Mary Morey. She was accused in May, 1692, and thrown into prison, where she remained until January fol- lowing, supported by her parents. Dorcas Hoar lay in prison eleven months, the charges of which v/ere defrayed by herself. Tuckey was a laborer, and probably was fond of exciting wonder by marvellous speeches. On the 4th Jane depositions were filed against him at Salem, by John Landers, Samuel and Daniel Bacon, John Stacy, and John Piidney, Jr. The charges were — first, that Tuckey declared that he could "as freely discourse with the devil'' as with him, the said Landers ; second, that the accused •'said he would take Mr. Burroughs' part;"' third, that the accused had "afflicted" Mary Warren, Ma- ry Walcot, and others. On the 7th June he was examined before Maj. Gedney. Mr. Hathorne, and Mr. Corwin, when two more accusers appeared, viz : Elizabeth Booth and Susanna Sheldon. They con- firmed the testimony of Stacy and Pudney, concern- ing Tuckey's afflicting Mary Warren. They further charged him with bewitching Betsey Hcavs, and with causing the death of Andrew Woodberry ; and also testified, that on a certain occasion they saw the apparitions of three men, three women and two chil- dren, "who all cried out for vengeance against Tuckey." ^ To this delusion, Mr. Hale, in common with the clergy and the principal public men of the day, ap- * Witchcraft papers, State archives. 216 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. pears to have committed himself, so far at least as to attend the examinations and trials of accused per- sons, and participate in the religious services of those occasions. It is possible, that possessing, as Higgin- son observes, a mind of " singular prudence and sagacity, in searching into the narrows of things," he might have been present at these assemblies from a desire to investigate the merits of the various accu- sations, rather than with an intention to endorse the prevailing opinions. In October. 1692, a person in Wenham accused Mrs. Hale of witchcraft. This was giving the sub- ject an aspect he had not anticipated. But it effect- ually broke the spell. He knew her worth too well to believe for a moment that she could be in league with the '• powers of darkness." He was at once satisfied of her innocence ; and he could not but per- ceive that the reasons which, on maturer reflection, weighed with him in her case, lost none of their force when applied to others. And when convinced of the error into which he had fallen, he resolved, with an independence highly honorable to his character, to discard the prejudices of early education, and in the face of popular opinion, exert his powers to extin- guish a fanaticism that had already consigned twenty human beings to the scafl;bld. '' The whole community was convinced that the accusers, in crying out upon Mrs. Hale, had perjured themselves ; and from that moment their power was destroyed; the awful delusion ceased; the curtain fell, and a close was put to one of the most tremen- dous tragedies in the history of real life. The wild- est storm, perhaps, that ever raged in the moral world, instantly became a calm ; the tide that had HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 217 threatened to overwhelm every thing m its fury, sunk back in a moment to its peaceful bed." =^' In 1697, Mr. Hale wrote a work entitled ''A mod- est inquiry into the nature of witchcraft, and how persons guilty of that crime may be convicted. ; and the means used for their discovery discussed, both negatively and affirmatively, according to scripture and experience." f In his preface he says, in a commendable spirit of acknowledgment, " I have had a deep sense of the sad consequences of mis- takes in matters capital, and their impossibility of recovering when completed ; and what grief of heart it brings to a tender conscience, to have been unwit- tingly encouraging of the sufferings of the innocent. And I hope a zeal to prevent, for the future, such sufferings, is pardonable, although there should be much weakness, and some errors, in the pursuit thereof I have special reasons moving me to bear my testimony about these matters, before I go hence and he no more ; the which I have here done, and I hope with some assistance of his spirit, to whom I commit myself and this my labor, even that God whose I am and tchoni I serve, desiring his mercy in Jesus Christ to pardon all the errors of his people in the day of darkness." * Upham's Lectures on Witchcraft, p. 23. t Referring to this work, Cotton Mather makes the following re- marks ; " I will assure the reader that he hath now to do with a writer who would not for a world be guilty of overdoing the truth in an history of this importance." " None can suspect a gentleman so full of dissatisfaction at the proceedings then used against supposed witchcrafts, as now that reverend person is, to be a superstitious writer on that subject." Magnalia, vol. ii. jjp. 408, 537, 19 218 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Mr. Hale discusses the subject of witchcraft through 179 pages 18mo., and m his closing chapter, after saying, " We have cause to be humbled for the mis- takes and errors which have been in these colonies, in their proceedings against persons for this crime, above forty years ago and downwards," he adds, " but I would come yet nearer to our own times, and bewail the errors and mistakes that have been in the year 1692 ; in the apprehending too many we may believe were innocent, and executing of some, I fear, not to have been condemned ; by fol- lowing such traditions of our fathers, maxim of the common law, and precedents and principles, which now we may see, weighed in the balance of the sanc- tuary, are found too light In the prosecution of witchcraft, we sought not the Lord after the due order ; but have proceeded after the methods used in former times and other places, until the Lord in this tremendous way made a breach upon us. And hereby we are made sensible, that the methods for- merly made use of are not sufficient to prove the guilt of such a crime." Mr. Hale palliates the con- duct of those who acted conspicuously in the trans- actions that gave rise to his volume. ''I am," he says, " abundantly satisfied, that those who were most concerned to act and judge in those matters, did not willingly depart from the rules of righteous- ness. But such was the darkness of that day, the tortures and lamentations of the afflicted, and the power of former precedents, that we walked in the clouds, and could not see our way." This is a deci- sion at which a charitable judgment, after the lapse of a century and a half, would naturally arrive. That all who participated in the witchcraft delusion, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 219 or that even the most intelligent of them, were ac- tuated by bad motives, is not to be supposed. Some- thing is to be allowed for the habits of thought and the tendencies to excessive superstition then preva- lent; and when we say '' learned men are not always wise," and that good men sometimes err, we but repeat the utterings of all past experience. And while the excesses of error and fanaticism in that awful drama are deplored, we should not lose sight of the redeeming traits in the character of the actors, nor should the palliating circumstances which charity suggests, be disallowed. To the little work of Mr. Hale's, from which the preceding extracts have been taken, is prefixed "an epistle to the reader," by Rev. John Higginson, of Salem, then at the advanced age of 82, recommend- ing it as a work which, from the " pious and modest manner" of the author, would "be generally ac- ceptable to all the lovers of truth and peace." The only other production of Mr. Hale's pen, known to have been published, is an election sermon, preached in 1684, before the State authorities. The text was, Haggai, ii. 4. Mr. Hale appears to have possessed an enlarged mind and a generous public spirit. In 1676, he di- rected the selectmen to appropriate £6 of his salary — nearly a twelfth part of the whole — to public uses, such as fortifications, ammunition, and country rates on account of the war. In 1683, he gave £5 towards erecting a house of worship ; and in 1690, he loaned the town £3 of the £48 borrowed of nineteen difierent persons, to purchase " great guns" and ammunition, and to pay for building a fort. Nothing appears to have occurred to afiect materially the prosperity of 220 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. the church, during his protracted ministry of forty- seven years ; and that his worth was appreciated by his parishioners, the interest they manifested for his temporal comfort is conckisive evidence. He died May 15, 1700, aged 64. His grave-stone bears the following inscription. " Here lies the body of the Reverend Mr. John Hale, a pious and faithful min- ister of the gospel, and pastor of the first church of Christ in this town of Beverly, who rested from his labors on the 15th day of May, anno domini, 1700. in the 64th year of his age." On the 24th Feb. 1668, five months subsequent to Mr. Hale's settlement, the church made choice of Humphrey Woodberry to fill the ofiice of deacon, from which time to the present, nineteen persons have served in that capacity. As early as 1665, Henry Bailey filled the office of sexton, and his com- pensation was fixed at one peck of corn per annum from each householder. Of his fidelity, the best evi- dence is found in the fact, that when succeeded twenty years afterwards, 1680, by William Hoar, it was stipulated, that he should "do in all respects as Goodman Bailey had done," — the highest panegyrick that could have been pronounced on Mr. Bailey's character. At this time was commenced the practice of ringing the bell at 9 o'clock, for which additional duty Goodman Hoar found compensation in additional pecks of corn, derived from an increased number of families. The office of sexton, always indispensable, was peculiarly important at this period. Besides keeping the key of the meeting-house, ringing the bell, &c., it was made his particular duty to keep, and on the sabbath, turn the glass. The hour-glass, which the more convenient clock has displaced, was HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 221 turned by him at the naming of the text in full view of the minister. If he completed his discourse "be- fore the sands had all run out, he was admonished that he had not compHed with the reasonable expect- ations of his hearers, whether sleeping or waking, — both classes having tacitly contracted for an hour's enjoyment in their own peculiar way. If his zeal inclined him to go beyond the standard measure, the turning of the glass by the faithful sexton reminded him that he was asking more of the patience of his hearers than they had tacitly agreed to give." But instances were not rare, in those days, when long sermons were less alarming than in this age of des- patch ; in which, as has been facetiously remarked, both preachers and hearers were well contented to take the second, and even the third glass together. Sexton Hoar was succeeded by Josiah Woodberry, 1748, who served with fidelity forty-one years, and died in Dec. 1789. Wells Standley was appointed in 1790, and continued in office about seven years, when he died suddenly, 1797. Joshua Wallis, who succeeded him, fell down while ringing the bell for nine o'clock, and died immediately, of apoplexy, a month or two after his appointment. The present incumbent, Thomas Barrett, was appointed to office in June, 1797, forty-five years ago, and will long be remembered for the faithful traits which marked the character of Goodman Bailey. In March, 1842, Ezra Woodberry was associated with him as col- league. After the death of Mr. Hale, some difficulty ap- pears to have arisen in the church, the nature of which is not defined, but Avhich was amicably ad- justed through the intervention of Rev. Nicholas 19^ 222 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Noyes and Rev. Joseph Gerrish. Immediately, how- ever, on the decease of Mr. Hale, measures were taken for '• procuring a suitable and meet person to labor in the ministry." An invitation to settle, as pastor, was given to Mr. Thomas Blowers, of Cam- bridge, which being accepted, he was ordained Oct. 29th, 1701. The sermon was preached by Mr. Clarke, of Salem Village (now Dan vers); Mr. Noyes, of Salem, gave the charge, and Mr. Cheever, of Mar- blehead, gave the right hand of fellowship. The salary of Mr. Blowers was £80, and £100 settlement, and besides the ordinary services of the sabbath, he was required to preach a monthly lec- ture and "catechise" the children. Owing to the depreciation of bills of credit, additions were made to his salary, to save him from loss, and in 1728, it was fixed permanently at £140. In addition to this, he had the use of rights granted him in Bunker's meadow, in Topsfield, and in Snake Hill pasture. There are but few incidents recorded, to diversify the ministerial life of Mr. Blowers. At the time of his settlement; a public relation of religious experi- ence was required by the church ; but at a church- meeting, Jan. 11, 1727-8, it was unanimously voted to dispense with this practice, and to receive from the pastor some statement concerning the individuals propounded, before asking a vote for their admission. It does not appear that the relation of experiences in public was required during Mr. Hale's ministry, and it is conjectured that the agitation of this subject after his death was the occasion of the difficulty be- fore referred to, which delayed Mr. Blowers' settle- ment some time after his election by the parish. Aug. 21, 1705, Mr. Blowers attended a meeting of HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 223 ministers at Salem, to consider the following ques- tion : •' What further steps are to be taken, that the councils may have due constitution and efficacy in supporting, preserving and well ordering the inter- ests of the church in the country." The meeting took up the question by recommendation of the convention in Boston the May preceding, and de- puted Messrs. Gerrish and Cheever to present their result to the general convention, to meet in Boston on the 13th September following. The proposals of a convention of ministers at Boston, for the consocia- tion of the congregational churches, in 1705, is record- ed at length, by Mr. Blowers, in the church record, with the names of the signers, though nothing ap- pears to show that he favored the project. These proposals are the more interesting from the move- ment of the Massachusetts General Association, in 1814, to revive them, as the basis of another attempt to consociate the churches, and which, like that of 1705, met with so much opposition as to induce the projectors to abandon it. In 1707, objections being made to the appointment of Mr. Leverett to the presidency of Harvard College on the ground of his being a layman, Mr. Blowers, with thirty-eight other clergymen, who were not in- fluenced by professional partiality, united in an ad- dress to Gov. Dudley, advocating the appointment.^ Sept. 27, 1716, Mr. Blowers and Mr. Chipman, minister of the second parish, united with others in forming an association of clergymen in Salem, which has continued to this day. Mr. Blowers was the son of Pyam and Elizabeth * Quincy's Hist. Harv. Col. vol. i. p. 505. 224 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Blowers, his mother being sister of the Hon. Andrew Belcher. He was born at Cambridge, Aug. 1, 1677, and graduated at Harvard College 1()95. The year subsequent to his settlement in the ministry, he was married to Emma Woodberry, of Beverly. His children were Pyam, Emma, Thomas, John, Eliza- beth and Andrew. One of his grandchildren, Hon. Sampson Salter Blowers, of Halifax, N. S. died in October, 1842, at the advanced age of one hundred years, — having, for a considerable period, been the senior surviving graduate of Harvard University. The term of Mr. Blowers' ministry was nearly twenty-eight years, and was closed by death, June 17, 1729, in the fifty-second year of his age, after an illness of a few days. A notice of his decease, writ- ten on the day of his interment, says : ''He had frequently, of late, expressed an expectation of dying very speedily, though his state of health seemed much the same as for some time before, and without any extraordinary symptoms upon him. It is worthy of remark that, on the last Sabbath he was abroad (June 8), one of his sermons was on those words of Neh. x. 39, ' We will not forsake the house of our God,' and the other on Psalms x. 14, ' The poor committeth himself unto thee : thou art the helper of the fatherless.' On Friday following, he appeared more than commonly intent on his prepara- tions for the sabbath, studying upon those words, Acts xi. 33, ' And exhorted them all, that with pur- pose of heart they Avould cleave unto the Lord ;' but still under an apprehension that he should never preach the discourse. ' The thought,' (he said) ' was strangely impressed upon him at every head became to, that he should not live to preach it. And, alas ! HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 225 it happened accordingly, for on the next morning he fell sick of the sickness whereof he died ; and though, after the first sudden shock of his distemper, which laid him in a dying posture, he had some revival for about two hours, yet he was, for the most part, in a manner v/hoUy speechless, and scarce able, but by signs, to explain his inward peace and good hope through grace. He has left behind him a good name, better than precious ointment and preferable to great riches ; the character of a very valuable man, a good scholar and excellent minister. He was a distin- guished example of warm devotion, of extensive goodness, meekness and sweetness of temper; of great stability in his principles and steadiness in his conduct ; a very faithful friend and obliging neigh- bor ; a most tender and kind husband and father ; a vigilant, prudent pastor and close, pathetic preacher ; had in great veneration among the associated pastors in the vicinity; highly esteemed by all his acquaint- ance, and universally beloved by his flock, who much lament their great loss." The parish appropriated £50 to defray funeral charges and erect a monument over his remains. In 1818, a solid block of hammered granite was placed over his grave, covered with a slab of freestone bearing the following inscription: ''In memory of Rev. Thomas Blowers, obt. June 17th, 1729, in the 28th year of his ministry.'' On removing the earth, to lay the foundation of this block, the bones were found perfect, but the coffin and grave-clothes were entirely decayed and mingled with the surrounding earth. The only publication from the pen of Mr. Blowers, of which information has been obtained, was a ser- 226 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. mon on the death of Rev. Joseph Green, of Salem Village, 1715. He left, as a legacy to the church, a silver cup inscribed with his name, which is the old- est piece of plate, save one, now belonging to it. His dwelling-house was destroyed by fire in 1782. Mr. Blowers was succeeded by Mr. Joseph Champ- ney, who received and accepted a call within six months of his predecessor's decease. The first Thurs- day in December, 1729, was set apart as a season of humiliation and prayer for the divine blessing on the proceedings, and John Balch, Robert Woodberry, Dea. William Dodge, Dea. Benjamin Balch, John Thorndike, Israel Wood and Henry Herrick, were appointed a committee to invite the churches to assist at the ordination of Mr. Champney. Twenty pounds were also voted to defray the expense of the ordina- tion, and a committee was chosen to make provision for the clergy and others who were to assist on the occasion. December 10th, the ordination took place. Mr. Fisk offered the introductory prayer. Mr. Apple- ton preached the sermon. Mr. Barnard gave the charge, and Mr. Chipman the right hand of fellow- ship. Mr. Champney's salary was fixed at £110 in prov- ince bills of credit — the sum to rise or fall as the bills might fluctuate from time to time. A free con- tribution was also to be kept up for him during his continuance in the work of the ministry. His settle- ment was £200 in province bills of credit, one half to be paid in one year and the remainder in two years. As in the case of Mr. Blowers, it became a part of his duty to preach a monthly lecture and catechise the children. The difficulties which existed in the first church HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 227 in Salem for several years after the settlement of Mr. Champney, excited considerable interest in the church under his pastoral care. These difficulties began in the ministry of Mr. Fisk, between him and a respect- able minority of his church and congregation. Mr. Fisk maintained the independency of each church, and denied the right of other churches to interfere by council or otherwise, unless solicited by the church to be counselled or advised. In this position he Avas sustained by a majority of his people, and set at de- fiance council after council gathered from the whole colony, and holding their imposing meetings on the spot. The excitement in Salem led to debates and discussions here; and taking the records for evidence, no subject, from the organization of the church, ever engaged more attention. For reasons connected with this controversy, probably, the church in 1736 de- clined assisting at the ordination of John Sparhawk. These discussions in Mr. Champney's church led to the consideration of the principles of its own eccle- siastical government, and a meeting was called -'to look into the church covenant and the ancient foun- dation of the church." At this meeting, March 31, 1734-5, after considerable debate, the church voted, by a very small majority, to acknowledge the plat- form as the rule of government and discipline. At an adjourned meeting the 14th April following, that vote was unanimously reconsidered, and a com- mittee chosen '' to peruse and examine the plat- form, and to report such explanations of any part of it as they might think proper." This committee con- sisted of Robert Hale, chairman, and ten others, and on the 9th of June, 1735, they reported that the church should accept the platform, reserving the lib- 228 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. erty of receiving certain articles in theii^ oivn sense, which report was accepted. From these proceedings, it appears that the Cambridge platform, so often referred to by Congregational churches as an author- ity in matters of ecclesiastical government, was not in any sense received by the first church in this town, until about sixty-eight years after its formation, and then only with modifications and exceptions — a fact of considerable importance in the history of the churches in Massachusetts. In 1736, unsuccessful attempts were made to choose ruling elders according to the provisions of the plat- form, and the subject was finally abandoned. In 1737, the church by its pastor and messengers, assist- ed at the ordination of Mr. James Diman over the second church and parish in Salem ; and again in 1745, assisted in a council held in Salem, to consider some new difficulty in the first church. In 1740, and again in 1770, the celebrated George Whitefield passed through the country, and excited a great deal of unpleasant feeling (for which he afterward expressed his regret) by the rudeness with which he assailed the clergy. The usefulness of his itinerant labors were variously estimated, and Mr. Champney is understood to have concurred with those who were opposed to the course pursued by him. Between 1735 and 1749, the bills of credit in which Mr. Champoey's salary was paid, became less valuable, and various sums were added, besides several special grants. In 1749, the last year of paper-money, the parish voted him £660 old tenor ; and in 1750, they voted him £90 lawful money, which sum he re- ceived annually, with few exceptions, to the time of his death. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 229 In 1772, Mr. Joseph Willard received and accepted a call to settle as colleague with Mr. Champney. £200 settlement was voted him, and a salary of £100, to be increased to £120 after Mr. Champney's decease. The ordination took place Nov. 25th, The churches invited, were the first and second churches in Cambridge, the three churches in Boston, of which Dr. Elliot, Dr. Cooper, and Mr. Howard were pas- tors, the second church in Scarborough, the church in Stafford, the first and second churches in Salem, the second church in Danvers, the churches in Wen- ham and Manchester, and the second church in Beverly. The Rev. Samuel Cook of Cambridge, offered the introductory prayer; Rev. Andrew Elliot of Boston, preached the sermon from 2 Tim. iv. 2, "Preach the word;" Rev. Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge, offered the prayer of ordination, and gave the charge; Rev. James Diman prayed after the charge, and Rev. Nathan Holt of Danvers, gave the right hand of fellowship. Mr. Champney died Feb. 23, 1773, less than three months after the settlement of Mr. Willard, in the 69th year of his age, and the forty-fourth of his ministry. The parish voted to defray the expenses of his funeral, to erect a monument over his grave, and to pay his widow the whole of his salary for the current year. In 1818, the monument over his grave was repaired by direction of the first parish. Mr. Champney was born in Cambridge. He was early sent to Harvard College, where he w^as class- mate of Col. Robert Hale. He took his degree in 1721 and 1724, and devoted himself to the study of divinity. He served the people of his charge with- out interruption till the last year of his life, when 20 230 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. his labors were suspended by a general decay. An affectionate regard for the people, which manifested itself both in their prosperity and adversity ; a readi- ness to serve them upon all occasions ; a peaceable temper and behavior, and a steady, prudent con- duct, distinguished his ministry, and gained him the love and esteem of all. His life appeared to be that of a sincere Christian, and its close was serene. He was a kind and affectionate husband, and a tender and faithful father. He was of medium stature, light complexion, of social habits, and, as was customary with clergymen of his time, wore a wig and cocked hat. Mr. Champney was married Oct. 1, 1730, to Eliz- abeth, daughter of his predecessor, Mr. Blowers. She survived the birth of her son Joseph but a short time, and died Jan. 13, 1731, aged 19 years 3 months. His second wife was Thankful Pick- ens of Lynn, to whom he was married in 1733. She survived him, and died July 31, 1777, aged 71. The children by this marriage were — Richard, who died young, Richard, Israel, Sarah, Elizabeth and Thomas. Elizabeth is well remembered as the faith- ful and exemplary schoolmistress. She was for many years without a rival, the best female teacher in the town, and three successive generations par- took of her care. Under her guidance, many of the ladies who now move in the important spheres of wives and mothers, in this town and elsewhere, commenced their education. She died unmarried, April 23, 1806, aged about 66. The first person admitted to the church by Mr. Champney was William Ellingwood, Aug. 9, 1730. The first baptism was Anna, daughter of Robert and Precilla Woodberry, Dec. 14, 1729. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 231 The call of Mr. Willard was not entirely unani- mous, and after his settlement the minority peti- tioned to be set off as a distinct parish, but the rea- sons appearing insufficient, the request was not granted. At this time a strong feeling existed con- cerning what is known as the Arminian controversy. Mr. Willard was supposed to lean to the Arminian view, and with many, supposition was equivalent to proof. One of his parishioners, not minutely versed in polemics or skilled in technical theology, alarmed at his apprehended unsoundness of opinions, came to him one day, and among other things informed him that he was reported to be a musk-melon, meaning probably Arminian ! Mr. Willard facetiously re- plied, that the report could not be true, for if it were, he should have been eaten up a long time before. Some serious explanations followed, and the conver- sation resulted in making a firm friend of one who was on the point of being settled in opposition. Mr. Willard, like his predecessors, experienced the evils of a fluctuating currency. From £420 to £3000, were at various times voted in payment of his salary of £120, and yet his losses by depreciation were not fully repaired. In 1779, he memorialized the parish on the subject, showing that the extra grants had not equalled the depreciation, and in con- sequence he had been obliged to expend a part of his settlement for his support. On the 7th Aug. 1780, he presented a statement to the parish meeting, which, as it affords a practical view of the monetary condition of the times, is presented entire. '• Brethren : I present to you some calculations to save you trouble, and help your minds in determin- ing what is just, this afternoon. In these calcula- tions I have compared the prices of some of the most 232 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. necessary articles of living, throngh June and July last past, with what they were before the war, by which it will appear how much the articles have multiplied in their prices. Before the present war, corn, per bushel, 3s. 4d. ; veal, in the summer, per lb., 3d. ; butter, per lb., 8d. ; wood, per cord, at the wharves in summer, highest, 13s. 4d. The cost of a bushel of corn, a pound of veal, a pound of butter, and a cord of wood, 17s. 7d. June and July, 1780, corn, $60 per bushel, is £18 ; veal, $5 per lb., is £1, 10s. Od. ; butter, $15 per lb., is £4. 10s. Od. ; wood, the very lowest, j|300 per cord, is £90. The cost of a bushel of corn, a pound of veal, a pound of butter, and a cord of wood, £114. By this it appears that the price of the necessaries of living are a little more than 129 for 1. That is, $129 would not purchase, through June and July past, more than $1 would before the war. Leaving out the article of wood, and making the calculation upon the three others, it will make almost 113 for 1. If we take the neces- sary articles of clothing into the account, we shall find an estimate surpassing the first. But even if the lowest estimate is taken, it will be found I have not had in value quite £27 of the last half year's sal- ary, which should be £60, so that it has fallen short more than half The parish voted me but 50 for 1, which not being assessed till the latter part of May, it has been gathered, received and made use of, when money has been of the above low value. What, therefore, may be reasonably expected, is, that the parish, at their meeting, should vote a sum to make up the deficiency of the past half year's sal- ary, as well as to determine what may be just to raise for the half year of which between two and three months are past." The next year, Mr. Wil- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 233 lard requested the parish to fix his salary upon the necessaries of life, to be regulated according to prices every three months, which was complied with, as was also a request to hire him a house. After a peaceful ministry of nine years, marked by mutual confidence and alfection, Mr. Willard was called, by a unanimous vote of the overseers, to the presidency of Harvard University. This election, after "prayerful consideration, weighing things on every side, and consulting the most judicious per- sons," he felt it his duty to accept. Nov. 19, 1781, he addressed a communication to the parish on the subject, and requested their consent to his dismissal from the pastoral office. The same request had been previously made of the church, which '-concluded not to act as a separate body, but as a part of the parish." This communication was referred to a committee, who reported as follows: "That it is with the greatest reluctance that we think of con- senting to our pastor's leaving us, with whom we have lived happily for so long a season ; and when we think of the difficulties that may attend a re-set- tlement among us, should he go from us, our minds cannot but be much affected. Yet, when we con- sider that our pastor is invited to a station of very great importance, and where he may be much more extensively useful to the churches of Christ than if he were to continue to minister to a single church and parish, we fear to withhold our consent, lest we should be found to be contending against Providence. We therefore, though with pain, give him up for the sake of the public, and ardently wish, when invested with the president's office, that he may be a rich blessing to the world." This report was accepted ; 20=^ 234 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. and Dec. 30, 1781, Mr. Willard publicly took leave of the first church and congregation, in a discourse from Acts xx. 32. " And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified." Subsequent- ly, on petition, as it appears was customary in such cases, the parish received £100 from the treasury of the Commonwealth, to aid in defraying the expense of settling another pastor. Mr. Willard was born at Biddeford, Me., Dec. 29, 1738, and was son of Rev. Samuel Willard, and grandson of Vice President Willard. He was grad- uated at Harvard College in 176-5, in which he was subsequently a tutor about six years. Soon after his ordination, he was married to Miss Mary Sheafe, an accomplished lady, and of a distinguished family in Portsmouth, N. H. His children, born in this town, were Sophia, Augustus, Mary, and Sidney, who was a professor in Harvard College for many years. He continued to preside over the college for nearly twen- ty-three years, and died at New Bedford, Sept. 25th, 1804, in the 66th year of his age. He was particu- larly distinguished for his acquaintance with clas- sical literature, and with astronomical and mathe- matical science. His attainments in Greek learning have been equalled by few. At the head of the uni- versity, he mingled paternal tenderness with strict authority ; and by his dignified person and deport- ment, united with candor, generosity and benevo- lence, he secured at the same time respect and affec- tion. " His unbending integrity," says one who knew him intimately, and who was associated in college government with him, "his patience and fi- delity in duty, his claims to professional and literary HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 235 respect and confidence, gave him a high rank among the worthies, guardians and guides of that genera- tion." ^ As a minister of the gospel, he was less anxious to display his critical learning than to impart the most useful instruction. He made doing good the great ohject of his sacred office: and his piety, which was equally remote from superstition or overwrought en- thusiasm, was manifested by his resignation to the will of God under pains and afilictions, and by his constant exertions to promote the interests of reli- gion. His publications were : a thanksgiving sermon, 1783, a sermon at the ordination of Joseph McKean, 17S5, a sermon on the death of Timothy Hilliard, 1790, a sermon at the ordination of Hezekiah Pack- ard, 1793, a Latin address on the death of George Washington, 1800, and several mathematical and astronomical communications in the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. After the removal of Mr. Willard, the pulpit re- mained vacant more than three years, during which time it was supplied by Rev. Messrs. Bentley, Motee, Mellen, D wight, Story, Lock wood and White. Mr. Story received an invitation to settle, which he de- clined ; and Dec. 6th, 1784, a unanimous call was given to Mr. Joseph McKean, which he accepted, and his ordination took place May 11th, 1785. On this occasion. Rev. Phillips Payson made the intro- ductory prayer ; Rev. Joseph Willard preached the sermon, from 2 Tim. i. 7, " For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind ; " Rev. Joseph Swain, of Wen ham, * Rev. Dr. Thayer, in his published sermon at the ordination of his son, Rev. C. T. Thayer. 236 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. made the ordaining prayer and gave the charge : Rev. Thomas Barnard, of Salem, gave the right hand of fellov\^ship, and Rev. Nathan Hoh, of Danvers, made the conckiding prayer. Mr. McKean's salary was £200, and his settlement £300. In 1801, an addition of |200 was made to the former. In 1802, he received, and after mature consideration, accepted an invitation to become the first president of Bowdoin College, at Brunswick. Me. Previously to his acceptance, he laid the sub- ject before the parish and church, and requested a dismission from the pastoral office. This request, after serious deliberation, was granted, though the greatest reluctance was expressed to part with a pas- tor and teacher, with whom they had so long lived in harmony, love and friendship. Rev. Joseph McKean was born in Londonderry, N. H., Oct. 15, 1757. His immediate ancestors were from the north of Ireland, though of Scotch descent. He was graduated at Dartmouth College, in 1774, and in the summer of 1780, resided at Cambridge, pursuing the studies of astronomy and mathematics, for which he had a decided predilection. For several years he taught a school in his native town, and was for some time an assistant in Phillips' Academy, at Andover. He early directed his attention to the ministry, in which profession he continued about seventeen years, when he Avas called to the presi- dency of Bowdoin College. He continued in this office until his death, which occurred July 15, 1807, in the 50th year of his age, leaving the seminary over which he presided, in a very flourishing con- dition. From his early youth Mr. McKean was strong and HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 237 athletic, able to support fatigue and endure hardship; and in his youth and long after, excelled in all the manly exercises to which the active and hardy ^^eo- manry of our country were then accustomed. In the year succeeding his settlement in the ministry here, he was married to Alice Anderson, of London- derry, N. H. The children by this marriage, were Joseph, Nancy, John, Mary, Alice, Margaret, James and Alice. Mr. McKean was of cheerful temperament, and devoted himself with unwearied industry to the promotion of science and religion, while his talents and unostentatious piety gave him an honorable rank among the distinguished men of the day. " He had, from his youth," says an intimate friend, "a respect for the genuine simplicity and unassuming worth that distinguished other times. A puritan in heart, he was, hov/ever, the gentleman in manners. His knowledge of the world, and the peculiar sweet- ness of his disposition, rendered him accommodating to all. Though naturally reserved, perhaps, he was yet communicative in confidential intercourse and in the exercise of his ofiice. A stranger to deceit, his language was ever the expression of his feelings, sincere though guarded, warm and animated, but never extravagant His peculiar excellency seemed to be a sound, discriminating judgment Fie was a humble pupil of the Redeemer, and his life will rank among the most consistent, simple and impressive examples of the efficacy of his faith." ^ Besides some papers in the Transactions of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Mc Kean published an election sermon, in 1801, a sermon at the ordination of Rev. Rufus Anderson, at North * Eulogy on Rev. Joseph McKean, by William Jenks, D.D. 238 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Yarmouth, a sermon at the ordination of Rev. Mr. Moore, at Newbury, three sermons on occasions of public fasting and prayer, and the address delivered by him at his inauguration. The fast sermon of April 9th. 1801, is remembered by many now living. Its subject was, speaking evil of rulers j and though suggested by the political events of the time, and delivered at a period of strong political feeling, the discourse was generally well received, extensively read, and doubt- less exerted a favorable influence on the public mind. After hearing several candidates, a call v/as given to and accepted by Rev. Abiel Abbot, who was in- stalled Dec. 13, 1803. On this occasion, the intro- ductory prayer was offered by Rev. Ezra Ripley, of Concord ; sermon by Rev. T. M. Harris, of Dorches- ter; installing prayer by Rev. Mr. Fuller, of Glou- cester ; charge by Rev. Mr. Clark, of Lexington ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Moses Dow, of Beverly ; concluding prayer b}?- Rev. Dr. Barnard, of Salem. Dr. Abbot was born in Andover, Mass., August 17th, 1770, and from a pious mother early received religious principles and impressions, which in subse- quent life imparted increasing lustre to his piety. His preparatory studies Avere pursued at Phillips* Academy, under the direction of the celebrated Dr. Pemberton, during which time he occupied the first rank in his class. He entered Harvard University in 1788, and graduated in 1792, with distinguished honors. His literary reputation procured for him the appointment to deliver the oration before the society of Phi Beta Kappa, in 1800, when he chose for his subject, "A review of the 18th century." Soon after leaving college, he was employed as an HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 239 assistant in Phillips' Academy, Exeter, N. H., and afterwards as principal of Phillips' Academy, An- dover, during which time he pursued his theological studies with Rev. Jonathan French. In 1794, he commenced preaching at Haverhill, and having ac- cepted a unanimous call, was ordained June 3, 1795. His ministry here was harmonious and successful ; and when, in 1803, he felt it his duty to ask a dis- mission, he received from the church and society the most ample testimonials of unabated love and re- spect. Previous to his settlement in this town, he was solicited to preach as a candidate in the Brattle- street society, Boston, and proposals were also made to him from a society in Providence, both of which he declined. His ministry in Beverly was com- menced under the disadvantage of debility, and his introductory sermon, from the words '' We ail do fade as a leaf," was delivered under the conscious- ness that it might be his last. His health was never firm, having sustained a shock at the age of four- teen, by inconsiderately thrusting his arm into a cold spring in the heat of a summer's day. But with an ardent mind, bent on high degrees of useful- ness, the effects of his labors were early visible in the increased seriousness of his congregation. In 1804, he writes, " My labors have been apparently blest more than in any former period. The serious of the society have expressed to me their joy and gratulation ; the whole assembly appears more sol- emn and attentive and full than formerly." In 1805, he writes, '• The additions to the church in less than a year have been nearly fifty, and they seem to adorn their profession." His style of preaching was practical, close of application to the heart and con- 240 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. duct, and was eminently successful, because often founded on circumstances in the experience of those whom he addressed. In 1806, he commenced delivering a course of expos- itory lectures, in the town-hall, on the history and doc- trines of Christ, which were so numerously attended as to render it necessary to repair to the church. In 1809, he delivered the annual discourse at Plymouth in commemoration of the landing of the Pilgrims, which was published. The summer of 1810 was marked as a season of religious interest in his society, and his acknowledged ardor in the cause of practical rehgion procured for him at this time the expressions of affection and tenders of ministerial exchanges from those from whom he differed materially in many speculative points of religion. His health becoming seriously affected in 1818, he yielded to medical ad- vice, and sought its renovation in the more genial clime of the south. He sailed for Charleston, Octo- ber 28th, at which port he arrived November 9th, after a tempestuous passage, and was cordially receiv- ed by many friends who were waiting his arrival. The winter and succeeding spring were spent in South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia, where he formed numerous acquaintances, from whom he re- ceived the kindest attentions, and returned home with hopes of health realized. The season of ministerial life which followed his return, is to be considered, perhaps, the most labori- ous and successful of his life. His preaching was much enforced by considerations peculiar to Christi- anity. A partiality for authors of the class of Bax- ter and Doddridge, produced a tinge of thought and expression which gave interest to his sermons, and HISTORY OF BEVERLY, 241 led to what he deemed a more useful impression, without the adoption of those pecuHarities which he might not approve. Whenever he deviated from the accustomed manner of his preaching, and assumed topics bordering on the region of controversial discus- sion, it was with the fixed design rather of " preach- ing up his own sentiments, than of preaching down the sentiments of other men." The principal aim of his discourses, however, was to produce serious im- pressions on the minds of his hearers, and to lead them to self-inspection rather than to investigating the errors and censuring the motives of others. In 1818, he preached the Dudlian lecture at Cam- bridge, and received the degree of Doctor in Divinity in 1821. After several years of unremitting labor, he found himself obliged in 1827 to leave his charge and resort once more to the south for the recovery of his health. He sailed from Boston October 2Sth, and arrived at Charleston November 6th, from which place he addressed an interesting and affectionate letter to his church and congregation. He does not appear to have been sangaine of the favorable results of this voyage. On a visit made to him at his re- quest by a ministering brother, a few days before his departure, " at a time when the heart has no disguise, and the soul is anxious to utter all that it deems true and kind, important and useful, he thus addressed him; (evidently with a wish that it should be remem- bered and at a fit time communicated.) — • I believe the hour of my departure is at hand ; how near I cannot say, but not far distant is the time when I shall be in the immediate presence of my Maker. This impression leads me to look back upon my life and inwardly upon my present state. In the review 21 242 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. I find many things to be humbled and penitent for, and many things to fill me with gratitude and praise. I have, I trust, the testimony of my heart, that my life, my best powers, my time, and my efforts, have in the main been sincerely given to God and to man- kind. Of all the years of my life, the present, in the review, gives me most pleasure. You know my recent plans and labors, and the design of them : [al- luding to discourses delivered before the convention, of ministers, and at the ordination of Rev. A. Abbot, and to certain contributions to a religious publication, the Christian Visitant, whose object coincided with his views, and to extend the circulation of which he was making great efforts.] In these, I have endeav- ored to check the spirit of contention among Christ- ians, and, as a disciple of the Prince of Peace, to diffuse the spirit of love and peace, to inspire Christ- ians with a warmer zeal for the great object of religion. The efTorts were great. My health and perhaps my life are the sacrifice. If the Lord will, be it so. If ever I faithfully served him, it was in these services. If ever I felt prepared for death, it was when they were finished. If ever I knew and felt the delightful import of that passage, — / mn now ready to he offered and the time of my dejmrture is at hand; I have fought a good fight^ I have finished my course. I have kept the faith ^ tj^c, it was then, and it is now. In my bosom there is peace. Whether life or death be before me, all is welL I can say^ the ivill of the Lord be done. With the greatest serenity he alluded to the expected issue of his disorder, and seemed filled with a good hope through grace of eternal life." The forebodings of death were soon realized, yet HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 243 not without some encouraging symptoms of return- ing health. Faihng to reahze the hopes of anxious friends, he sailed in February for the still milder climate of Cuba, from which place he wrote a series of interesting letters that have since been published. During his residence here his health apparently im- proved, and he indulged a hope that he might be spared to labor a little longer in the vineyard of his master. Anxious to return home, he embarked for Charleston, where he arrived Saturday morning, May 31st, and spent the day in calling on numerous friends. On Sunday morning he attended Rev. Mr. Oilman's church, and partook of the sacrament. In the afternoon, though complaining of the weariness produced by the exertions of the day before, he preached with great animation from the words, '' God said let there be light," and fixed the atten- tion of his audience by contrasting the spiritual darkness of the region he had just left behind, with the light with which our own country is favored. On Monday he embarked in the Othello for New York. A few days out he showed signs of illness, unattended by any alarming symptoms. On Satur- day morning, though still languid, he rose early, dressed himself, and went on deck. After reclining in the cabin a short time, he went on deck again with assistance, where a cloak and pillows had been spread for him. After resting a few moments, he walked supported by the arm of a friend, twelve times across the deck. His respiration was observed to be burdened and difficult, which was at the time ascribed to the bracing effect of the fresh air. But immediately on sitting down, he was attacked with bleeding. He begged his friends not to be alarmed, 244 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. said he was aware that his old spring complaints had returned with violence, and requested that his wife and family might be prepared to see him return in still feebler health than that in which he left them. He afterwards expressed the hope that he should be able to write himself As he grew gradually fainter from the loss of blood, he was asked by one of the passengers, if he felt alarmed 7 " No," he replied, " I am in the hands of God, and I trust he will take care of me." The hemorrhage increasing, he said no more, but raising his eyes to heaven, and breath- ing the intense language of mental devotion, the pure spirit freed itself of the body, the countenance as serene and peaceful as when he had that morning been seen asleep in his birth. His remains were in- terred on Staten Island, and an appropriate funeral service was performed by Rev. Mr. Miller. Thus, in the twenty-fourth year of his ministry in this town, and in the 57th year of his age, was taken to his rest an eloquent, learned, affectionate and faith- ful minister of the gospel. On the intelligence of his death at Beverly, the bells were tolled, a mourn- ful silence perv^aded the streets, customary business was in many instances suspended, and the pulpit and church clothed in black for forty days. Appro- priate public services were performed at the request of the parish, and a discourse delivered by Rev. Dr. Flint of Salem, in which the characteristic qualities of the deceased were portrayed with a discriminat- ing and affecting power. Dr. Abbot was married in 1796, to Miss Eunice, eldest daughter of Ebenezer Wales, Esq. of Dor- chester. In the commencement of his ministry he entertained a belief in the Trinity, but on this sub- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 245 ject his views altered, and the fundamental princi- ples of Unitarian belief became the objects of his decided conviction. His publications consist of eight sermons preached on particular occasions, an eulogy on the character of Washington, a discourse at Plymouth on the 188th anniversary of the landing of our forefathers, a temperance address, discourses on Baptism, a volume of sermons to mariners, the Parent's Assistant and Sunday-school book, an ad- dress before the Berry street conference, and a vol- ume of letters from Cuba. After his decease a vol- ume of his sermons was published, to which is pre- fixed a memoir of the author. From that memoir, the preceding notice has been principally compiled. Dr. Abbot was succeeded by the present minister. Rev. Christopher T. Thayer, of Lancaster, a gradu- ate of Harvard University, who was ordained Jan. 27, 1830. The services of his ordination were as follows : introductory prayer and reading the scrip- tures.^ by Rev. Mr. Loring; sermon by Rev. Dr. Thayer, father of the pastor elect ; ordaining prayer by Rev. Dr. Lowell ; charge by Rev. Dr. Bancroft ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Lothrop ; ad- dress to the society by Rev. Dr. Flint; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Bartlett. Having thus completed the history of the several former ministers in the first parish, we return to no- * The scriptures were first publicly read in the first church, May 2d, 1773, about which time the copy now in use was purchased. It is a folio volume, and was printed in London by Thomas Baskett, 1759. It contains, besides the canonical books of the old and new Testament, the apocrypha, the liturgy of the Church of England, including the Psalter, the whole of Psalms set to metre by Sternhold & Hopkins, a copious index, and a concordance by John Downan. 21^ 246 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. tice its houses of worship. The first was erected in 1656, near the old burial-ground, and not far from the site of the first parish vestry. Of its dimensions there is no account. This house was vai:iously altered from time to time, for the accommodation of an increasing congregation. In 1671, liberty was granted to certain females wanting seats, to build three at their own charge. Richard Brackenbury and Samuel Corning, sen. "had leave to make a seat at the north end of the pulpit," and Mrs. Hale, the pastor's wife, had "liberty to make a seat where she now sitteth, it not being prejudicial to the rest." A gallery was also authorized to be built on the east side of the meeting-house, and Humphrey Wood- berry, John West and John Raiment, who undertook the work, were " to have each of them a seat in the fore-seat for their trouble." In 1672, " it was agreed that the meeting-house be ceiled up to the wall- plates, rabbitted, and the windows glazed." Mrs. Lothrop likewise " had liberty to make a seat con- venient by the chief pillar." This house continued to be used about twenty-five years, when the parish having so increased in num- bers as to render it inadequate for their accommoda- tion, it was sold with the exception of the pulpit, for £7. 10s, and in 1682 a new house was erected, fifty feet in length and forty feet in width. It stood on the site occupied by the first parish meeting-house at the present time, and the terms of contract for building were " £370 in silver, the one half to be paid at the raising, and the other half at the delivery of the key; otherwise £550, the one half in Indian corn, and the other half in pork at prices current, the one half to be paid at the next May day, and HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 247 the other at Michelmas." This house, Hke the first, was used for the transaction of pubhc business, and besides the alterations and improvements made at various times, a powder room was built in it in 1727, for the safe-keeping of the ammunition belong- ing to the town.=^ In 1753, the population of the parish was about 1300 souls, and a necessity was felt for the enlarge- ment of the meeting-house, or the building of anoth- er. The house was examined by a committee, who made a report adverse to enlarging, and recommend- ed building. This question was agitated about nine years ; and June 27, 1770, the house was taken down to make room for the third, having stood near- ly eighty-nine years. While destitute of a house of worship, divine service was attended under a large mulberry tree in front of Mr. Champney's house, at * As fires at this time were never kindled in the meeting-house, it was considered the safest place to deposit powder. The sacred- ness of the place did not, however, allay the fears of the congrega- tion, who left the house whenever a thunder-shower occurred. 248 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. the north-east corner of the common, near the burial- ground. The third meeting-house was erected under the superintendence of Henry Herrick, James Wood- berry, Joseph Corning, Samuel Goodridge, and Lar- kin Thorndike. It was 70 feet long, 53 feet wide, and 28 feet stud. The tower at the westerly end was 15 feet square, and the porch at the eastern end 14 feet square. Two rows of pews, sixty in number, were built round the wall, on the floor of the house ; and the area, separated in the centre by an aisle run- nmg from the front door to the pulpit, was filled with free seats, for the accommodation of those who did not choose to sit in pews. The pulpit was on the north side of the house, opposite " the great door;" beneath it was the elders' seat, and lower still the deacons' seat. The gallery contained twenty-seven wall pews, and seats were appropriated for the ac- commodation of colored persons. The cost of the house was about £1300, or $4,333,33. Pews were subsequently built, from time to time, until 1795, when the house was enlarged, by dividing it through the centre and inserting twenty feet. On the area thus formed, twenty-seven pews were built, and eight additional pews in the gallery. The deacons' seat was removed, and the elders' seat contrived for their accommodation. An additional front door was open- ed, and a portico of 30 feet front, supported by four pillars, and covering both entrances, was built. The whole cost of enlarging, painting and repairing the house, was $3,428,15, and the work was executed under the superintendence of Joseph Wood, John Stephens, and Josiah Gould. In 1835, the house was remodelled, to conform to HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 249 the improved taste displayed in public buildings, at an expense of $10,000. The whole interior was re- moved ; the steeple, with its gilded chanticleer, was severed from the main body, and fell with a tremen- dous crash ; the eastern porch was taken away, and converted into a shop for mechanical purposes ; and the stout oak frame, which had borne the storms of more than sixty years, was alone retained. The style of architecture is Grecian. The front presents a handsome portico, sustained by large fluted col- umns. The entrance is by three doors, opening into a spacious porch, from which the gallery is reached by two flights of stairs. The pulpit, at the eastern end, is finely proportioned, and built of mahogany. The orchestra is furnished with an excellent-toned organ; and the cupola with a clock of Willard's manufacture, and a bell weighing 1244 lbs.=^ The improvements reflect much credit on the taste and the public spirit of the parish. In 1842, the interior of the house was painted in fresco, by Mr. Thomas Coleman. The walls are ornamented with pilasters and panels, and the ceil- ing with oblong panels, terminating in the centre, which gives a pleasing effect. Behind the pulpit is a painting emblematic of the light of Christianity breaking upon the darkness of the world, and scat- tering the clouds of ignorance, superstition, suffering and sin. Altogether, for beauty and convenience, this church is not surpassed by any in the county ; and by few, if any, in this country. The structure of the first and second houses of worship must have been exceedingly plain, and would have rudely contrasted with the architecture * This clock was procured in 1796, at the charge of the parish. 250 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. of the present day. The whole frame-work was vis- ible to the very '^ridge-pole," for it was not until forty-four years after the second house was erected, (1726,) that measures were taken to lay a floor " upon the beams with boards and joist." A coat of whitewash served as a substitute for paint ; "laths and plaster" were dispensed with, as superfluous ; and the introduction of a stove, for the purpose of rendering the house comfortable during the winter months, would probably have been regarded as an imputation upon the piety of the congregation. In- deed, warming the meeting-house is quite a modern innovation ; and within twenty-five years past, the little "foot-stove" was considered as essential an element of a lady's sabbath paraphernalia as the muff" and hymn-book. The first departure from the primitive simplicity of long seats, in the occupancy of which the sexes were not permitted to mingle, appeared in the erection of the square pew, with its open-work top, through which graceless urchins played at " bo-peep" with others graceless as themselves, and its "leaning- board" and "hinge-seats," whose " slam down," at the close of each prayer, produced reports not dissimilar to the irregular musketry of undisciplined militia. In these enclosures favored individuals gathered their families around them, to the scandal, doubtless, of many envious spirits. But time and fashion have changed, and these " chief seats" have given place to the more convenient slip-pew. Of bells, including the one already mentioned, there have been five. The first, as before stated, was ob- tained by Capt. Lothrop, from a Catholic friary at Port Royal, in the expedition of 1656, and presented HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 251 by him to the parish. The second was purchased by the parish, in 1685-6. It weighed 109 lbs., and cost £13. 12s. 6d. The third, weighing 267 lbs., was the gift of Robert Briscoe, in 1712, which, as was probably the case with its predecessors, was hung over the centre of the house, so that the bell-rope came down into the broad aisle. The fourth, weigh- ing 1387 lbs., was imported from London, but was soon cracked, and gave place to the fifth and present one in 1803, weighing 1244 lbs., of the manufacture of Paul Revere & Son, of Boston. Among the municipal regulations of the parish, those for seating the meeting were not the least im- portant. The first record relating to this subject is in 1671, when Roger Conant, Wm. Dixey and Richard Brackenbury were ''joined with the selectmen to seat all the married persons in the meeting-house." Committees were chosen for this purpose from time to time, who probably were governed by various rules until after the second house of worship was erected, when a regular system was drawn up by Col. Hale and adopted. This system provided — " That every male be allowed one degree for every complete year of age he exceeds twenty-one. " That he be allowed for a captain's commission twelve degrees; for a lieutenant's, eight degrees, and for an ensign's, four degrees. " That he be allowed three degrees for every shil- ling for real estate in the last parish tax, and one de- gree for every shilling for personal estate and faculty. " Every six degrees for estate and faculty of a pa- rent alive, to make one degree among his sons, or where there is none, among the daughters that are seated. 252 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. " Every generation of predecessors heretofore liv- ing in this town, to make one degree for every male descendant that is seated. That parentage be re- garded no farther otherwise than to tnrn the scale between competition for the same seat. " That taxes for polls of sons and servants shall give no advancement for masters or fathers, because such sons or servants have seats. "That no degree be allowed on account of any one's predecessors having paid towards building the meeting-house, because it had fallen down before now, but for the repairs since made. " That some suitable abatement in degrees be made, where it is well known the person is greatly in debt. " That the tenant of a freehold for term of years shall be allowed as many degrees as half the real estate entitles him to, and the landlord the other half. " That the proprietor of land in any other parish shall be (if under his own improvement) allowed as much as he would be if they lay in the parish ; but if rented out, only half as much. " Married women to be seated agreeable to the rank of their husbands, and widows in the same de- gree as though their husbands were yet living. " That the foremost magistrate seat (so called) shall be the highest in rank, and the other three in successive order. " That the next in rank shall be in the foremost of the front seats below, then the fore-seat in the front- gallery, then the fore-seat in the side-gallery. "That the side-seat below shall be for elderly HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 253 men, the foremost first or highest, and the others in order. "That the seats behind the fore-front seat below, shall be for middle-aged men, according to their degree. " That the second or third seats in the front and side galleries shall be for younger men, to rank al- ternately the second from before first, and the third next." The women were seated separately from the men. Upon these principles, three hundred and thirty- two men and three hundred and twenty-one women were seated, and their names recorded, — at the head of which stands the name of Col. Robert Hale, who, with Robert Haskell, Joshua Herrick, Robert Mor- gan, James Woodberry, Benj. Cleaves and Henry Herrick, occupied the first seat. Those who are disposed to ridicule a practice which imperfectly accords with later ideas of repub- lican equality, should remember that it was in uni- son with public sentiment at the time, and that when seats were free, some system for assigning them, sanc- tioned by the parish, was necessary to preserve har- mony among their occupants. Nor is the assign- ment of the first seat to Col. Robert Hale, who draft- ed the plan, to be regarded as an assumption or the result of design, as, under any previous rule, his office, wealth and service would have commanded it. The unsocial method of seating the meeting ne- cessarily separated the heads of families from their children, who were placed on benches in the aisles, or required to sit on the pulpit stairs. As might be expected, this arrangement was fruitful of disturb- ance alike annoying to the minister and scandalous 22 254 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. in the eyes of the devout. To remedy the evil, Feb. 9, 1676, it was '• ordered by the selectmen, that the hinder seats of the elders' gallery is to be altered, and the boys are to set there, and Robert Hubbard, sen. to have an eye-out for them, and for the first offence to acquaint their parents or masters of it, and if they do offend again, to acquaint the selectmen with it, who shall deal with them according to law.'^ And again, Jan. 11, 1698-9, it was -'voted by the town, that the selectmen make such orders as convenient for the prevention of boys and idle persons from set- ting in such places, in our meeting-house, wherein they are out of public view, and so in time of public worship to spend much of their time in play and disorder." Displays of juvenile irreverence were not peculiar to Beverly. In Salem, April 20th, 1676, it was "or- dered, that all ye boys of ye towne are and shall bee appointed to sitt upon ye three paire of staires in ye meeting-house on ye Lord's day, and Wm. Lord is appointed to look to ye boyes yt sitt upon ye pulpit staires, and for ye other staires Reuben Guppy is to look to and order soe many of ye boyes as may be convenient, and if any are unruly, to present their names as ye law directs." "^ In some places, at a still earlier period, it was cus- tomary, during the public service, for a person to go about the meeting-house to wake the sleepers. He bore a long wand, on one end of which was a ball, and on the other a fox-tail. When he observed the men asleep, he rapped them on the head with the knob; and roused the slumbering sensibilities of the * Annals of Salem. HLSTORY OF BEVERLY. 255 ladies by drawing the brush shghtly across their faces. =^ The musical exercises of the sanctuary, according to the custom of the times, were conducted by one of the deacons, who officiated as chorister to the con- gregation. He read the hymn line by line and " set the tune," in which each member joined '' by rote," in key and measure not always the most exact or harmo- nious. Probably, as musical taste improved, this des- ultory practice fell into disrepute ; as, by a vote in 1764, the deacons were authorized to select singers, and seats were appropriated to their use, " that the spirit of singing psalms might be revived, and that part of worship conducted with more regularity." This arrangement continued until 1774, when a choir was regularly installed in " the front seats of the south gallery," and authorized, "by vote of the par- ish, to pitch the tune and take the lead in singing." In 1766, an improvement was attempted by the in- troduction of Watts' psalms and hymns, but not, however, without strong expression of dissatisfac- tion from those attached to the old version then in use. In the course of the succeeding fourteen years several ineffectual attempts were made to abolish the practice of "deaconing" the psalm; but, in 1780, the spirit of compromise led to the vote " that the psalms be sung in the congregation in the forenoon, by reading line by line, and in the afternoon without such reading." This compromise was of short duration. The friends of the ancient order, in yielding a part, paved the way for the loss of the whole, and, sus- tained by the current opinion, the entire service soon devolved on the choir, as now constituted. * Lewis' Hist. Lynn. 256 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. THE SECOND PARISH. The second or north parish, known as '' The Pre- cinct of Salem and Beverly ^'^^ was incorporated by- act of the General Court, in October, 1713. Previ- ously to this, in 1711, the town of Salem, which then included the whole of Rial-side and Conant-street, or in other words, the entire territory west of the brook near the residence of Major John Conant, " voted, that the inhabitants of Rial-side be allowed, with some of their neighbors of the Village, and also of Beverly, to build a meeting-house near Horse- bridge, on the line between Salem and Beverly." The formation of a second parish did not receive the unanimous approbation of the town, and at a meeting held Dec. 19 following, it was " voted, that Deacon Samuel Balch, Joseph Herrick and Robert Woodberry are chosen as agents for the town, to make objections against the prayer of the petition of some of the inhabitants of the northerly part of Bev- erly and the inhabitants of Rial-side, in Salem, and some of the inhabitants of Salem Village ; said pe- tition bearing date Oct. 23, 1712, and preferred by them before the Great and General Court, Oct. 2.5, 1712, the town being now served with a copy of said petition, by order of said Court." One objection of- fered to granting the prayer of the petitioners, was, that some living within the limits of the proposed parish, were unwilling to leave their minister, Mr. Blowers. The remonstrance failed of its object, and tlie decision of the General Court was acquiesced in. On the 13th Nov. 1713, a meeting was held by the inhabitants of the new precinct, to take prehminary HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 257 steps for erecting a house of worship. A committee, consisting of Nathaniel Hayward, Joseph Herrick. Thomas Rayment, John Trask, Jonathan Rayment, Edward Rayment, John Rea, Jonathan Dodge, and Andrew Dodge, was chosen to carry the vote of the meeting into effect; and at a subsequent meeting, £350 were voted to be raised, "to be improved for building a house for the pubHc worship of God, and to purchase land for the use of the people of said precinct." The dimensions of the house were ordered to be fifty feet in length and forty in width, if the timber which had been procured would admit of it. The largest sums paid towards building it were by Dea. Jonathan Conant, who paid £25 13s. 3d., and Cap- tain Thomas Rayment, who paid £20 10s. In the course of the season the house was erected, and fitted for public worship. Its interior partook of primitive simplicity. Long rows of substantial seats filled the area, but in progress of time they were displaced by " square pews," a few of which at an early day were built against the wall. The oaken pulpit was in excellent keeping with the massive frame-work that economy left naked, and the "deacons' seat" was of such ample dimensions as became the dignity of its occupants. At first, there was no steeple or bell, but simply a turret at the west end. A porch at the east end was built about the year 1771. by Caleb Dodge, at his own expense, for which the parish granted him a pew privilege in the south-east corner of the house. Previously to the erection of this porch, the women's entrance to the gallery was by a flight of stairs in the corner. In 1751, it was voted 22=^ 258 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. to build a steeple, and purchase a bell of about 400 cwt. In 1715, after a season of fasting and prayer, a call to settle in the ministry was voted to Mr. John Chipman. The call was secured by the vote of Mrs. Mary Woodberry, who owned considerable property in the parish, and had probably contributed towards defraying the expenses of erecting the meeting-house. Her interest in the result was doubtless the cause of her being present at the meeting ; and her exercise of a franchise, novel in that day, settled for more than half a century a question of vital moment to the church and society. Mr. Chipman's salary was fixed at .£60 per annum, to be increased, in event of marriage, £5 annually, till it amounted to £80. He was to receive £100 settlement, besides one acre of land in fee simple, and the "stranger's money " as a perquisite.^ This call, Mr. Chipman accepted, in the following note : Beverly, Nov. 8, 1715. Whereas my answer relating to yc votes passed by you for ye encouragement of my settlement was conditional, and the conditions on your part being performed (as by record appears) to my acceptance, — these are to signifie to you that I do accept thereof, and engage to settle with you, and (by divine assistance) to serve you in ye ministry of ye Gospel, offici- ating in all ye service that shall be incumbent on me, as preach- ing, catechising the youth, &c. To the Clerk of the Precinct of Salem and ) j^^^ Chipman. Beverly, to be communicated to said Precinct. S * " Stranger^s money.^' It was customary for a box to be placed near the door of the meeting-house, into which strangers put money on the sabbath, on the principle, it is presumed, that every person was morally obUgated to contribute to the support of public worship. The sum thus obtained was usually paid over to the minister, Tn ad- dition to his salary. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 259 On the 28tli Dec. 1715, Mr. Chipman was ordained to the work of the ministry, previously to which, a day of fasting and prayer was observed. Before proceeding to ordination, a church was organized and publicly acknowledged, and the covenant signed by the following persons : — John Chipman, Edward Dodge, Jonathan Rayment, Joseph Dodge, Jonathan Dodge, Josiah Woodberry, Elisha Dodge, Nehemiah Wood, John Dodge, sen., John Leach, Joseph Her- rick, John Cresey, Jacob Griggs, John Brown and Moses Fluant. The covenant was drawn up by Mr. Chipman, and continued in use for seventy years, until the ministry of Rev. Daniel Oliver, when it was superseded by one framed by him. In 1831, the church unanimously agreed, " that the church may hereafter be built up upon the platform drawn up by Rev. John Chipman, at its organization, Dec. 28, 1715 " ; and accordingly the formulary prepared by Mr. Oliver from that time ceased to be used. In the services of ordination, the charge was given by Rev. Joseph Gerrish, of Wenham ; the right hand of fellowship by Rev. Thomas Blowers, of the first parish in Beverly, who, together with Rev, Geo. Curwan, of the first church in Salem, and Rev. Benj. Prescott, of the third church in Salem, laid on hands. On the 11th Jan. 1716, the church held its first meeting, — at which John Cresey was chosen the first deacon. At the same meeting "it was voted, that a relation of experiences shall be made in public, by such persons as shall be admitted to communion with us at the table of the Lord," and that in admitting persons to full communion, the "brethren may sig- nify their consent by the vote of the hand." The vote 260 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. in relation to experiences (though not designed,) seems after a series of years to have been construed as part of the covenant and consequently constitut- ing a term of communion, — and as such, evidently conflicting with the clause in the covenant which sets forth faith and repentance and an unblamable walk and conversation, as the only test of fitness for christian fellowship. This misapprehension led to a meeting in 1755, to '' explain and settle the terms of communion." It was considered that one article of the solemn covenant which this church entered into with God, and with each other, at their first embodying, on the 28th Dec. 1715, stands recorded in these words, viz : " We promise also to admit to our communion such as shall desire to join themselves to us, if by a pro- fession of their faith and repentance, and unblamable walk and conversation, they may in charitable dis- cretion be accounted qualified for it." It being also considered, that there was a '' vote passed by this church, Jan. 11, 171.5-16, in these words, viz : ' That a relation of experiences shall be made in public, by such persons as shall be admitted to the table of the Lord,' which vote seems to be dissonant from said article, and carries a face on it as though we required some further term of communion with us than what is expressed in said article in our covenant : This church therefore thinks it expedient to declare, that we have from our very first beginning, which is more than thirty -nine years past, insisted on no other terms of communion with us than what are expressed in the said article in our covenant, but have received many persons to our communion at the table of the Lord, who have made no relation of their experiences HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 261 in public, but only a profession of their faith and repentance : — Wherefore voted, ^' 1st. That as this church has ever interpreted the vote aforesaid as p€r7nissive^ and not as compulsive^ so we do not now, nor will we for the future, insist on any other terms of communion with us than those expressed in said article in our covenant: and yet, that any person who upon his coming into commu- nion with us, shall be desirous of making a relation of his experience in public, shall have liberty so to do. "2dly. Voted, that any person desirous to join himself to this church, shall have liberty to manifest his faith and repentance either orally before the church, or by writing, to be read to the church, or privately to the pastor, to be by him commanicated to the church in the substance of it, the person owning before the church that which shall be read or commanicated by the pastor." This liberal course the church never de- viated from until the ministry of Rev. Daniel Oliver. The first person received to the church after its organization, was Jonathan Dodge, jr. The first adult baptized, was John Frost, and the second was Joseph Reed, a negro freeman, who was at the same time admitted to full communion. April 22, 1716, twenty persons were received from the first church in Beverly, and three from the church in Wenham. The names of the persons received from the first church were Nathaniel Hay ward and his wife Elizabeth ; Ne- hemiah Hay ward and Bethiah his wife; Sarah, wife of Deacon John Cresey ; Mary, wife of Lt. Rayment ; Sarah Woodberry ; Mary, wife of Edward Dodge ; Eleanour, wife of Jacob Griggs ; Mary, wife of Eli- 262 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. sha Dodge ; Mary, wife of Moses Fluant ; Elizabeth, wife of John Dodge ; Sarah, wife of Jonathan Ray- ment; Mary Woodberry, Alice Woodberry ; Jerusha, wife of Jonathan Dodge sen. ; Lydia, wife of Josiah Woodberry; Mary, wife of Roger Conant ; Susanna, wife of Nehemiah Wood ; and Patience Woodberry. From Wenham, Sarah, wife of Jonah Dodge ; Kliza, wife of Jonathan Dodge, jr., and Abigail Trillmore. At a meeting of the church, April 26, 1722, Jona- than Rayment was chosen deacon. At the same meeting it was voted, that " whereas there are divers members of other churches cohabiting with us, and every way appertaining and belonging to us, saving that they yet neglect to put themselves under the watch and care of this church by coming in fully into the covenant and communion with us as a particular church of Christ : Wherefore, voted, that the dea- cons of the church be desired to discourse (with) those members of other churches, and to endeavor to persuade them to come up fully to their duty in this article, that their communion with us may be more fully stated and regular." In 1727, twenty-five were added to the church; and on the last day of the year Mr. Chipman writes, " Soli Deo Laus qui et terram violenter exagitavit et super populum suum spiritum suum effudit." "Praise to God alone, who has both shaken violently the earth, and poured out his spirit on his people." In 172.5, the parish, through a committee, applied to the town for an enlargement of territory. The application was unsuccessful, and the next year a movement was made to procure the incorporation of the precinct as a separate town. At a meeting held July 1, 1726, " after a debate of an hour and a half, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 263 the people were of opinion that it was most Rkely, to do their duty as aforesaid, for this puecinct to be in- corporated into a township, and it being put to vote by the moderator, it was voted for a township by a great majority." From this decision eighteen dis- sented. This subject was agitated about thirteen years, when the parish concluded to settle down qui- etly as they were. Very soon after the house of worship was erected, a committee was chosen to seat the meeting. The rule adopted Avas : "to show respect to ye aged peo- ple amongst vs, as allso to have a speciall regard unto persons that have don service for ye benefit of ye precinct, and have contributed high in building of ye hous for ye publick worship of God, and purchasing land for ye use of ye people of sd. precinct, and are Likely to pay considerable in ye Charge of ye minis- try amongst us : — as allso not to seat above two- thirds so many persons in any seat, as ye seats will comfortably hold." This last provision indicates that their numbers at that time, were not equal to their room. At a meeting, March 19, 1715-16, it was voted that " ye Committee that was chosen to seate ye meeting-house heretofore, are now chosen, and desired to seate all such persons as are inhabit- ants amongst us, and pay rates with us, and are not as yet seated." To prevent the young females from pressing in and incommoding the married women who sat in the gallery, it was voted at a meeting, March 29, 1715, that the front seat in the east gallery "be parted in ye middle." In 1730, the committee, in performing the duty assigned them, were directed " first to have a regard to old age, and second to what men pay for their real estates;" and in 1755, 264 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. it was voted to have '-special regard to age, rates and commission." The musical exercises in pubHc worship were con- ducted in a manner similar to tlie practice of the first church, already described. The deacon '• lined '' the psalm, and " set the tune," in which the congre- gation joined. The first attempt to improve this method was by the introduction of music-books, and probably the formation of a choir. This movement produced a strong sensation. The deacon felt that his prerogative was usurped, the congregation were disturbed by the introduction of tunes with which they were unacquainted, and by many worthy peo- ple it was viewed as a dangerous innovation. The uneasiness thus created, led to a church meeting in 1730, to devise a plan for the restoration of harmony. The importance the subject assumed may be best es- timated by the following record of proceedings. " Whereas there has been some difference of opin- ion in some of the members of this church, relating to the way or method of our psalmody, some think- ing that the way or method of singing the psalm tunes which has heretofore been in common use among us, should still be retained by us ; but others, that the way or method of singing the tunes by note, as has been of late years introduced into many other churches and congregations in the land, should be promoted and established in this society : for the accommodation of which aff'air the church is now met. And having first considered, that it is our indis- pensable duty to harmonize in the way or method of our singing the praises of God, and to use our utmost endeavors to prevent all manner of discord therein, so that we may not only with one mind, but also with HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 265 one mouth, glorifie God according to that precept, Rom. XV. 6. It was then voted, that considering our present circumstances, the church does judge it to be most conducive to the peace of this people to sing the psahn tunes in the way and method which has heretofore been in common use among us, and ac- cordingly does determine yet to sing them in that way and method." At a subsequent meeting this vote was reconsid- ered, and " the church having first considered sev- eral inconveniences which had arisen from said vote of April 16th, 1730, which were likely to continue and increase, if the said vote should be strictly ad- hered to for the future, then agreed and voted, That this churcli does determine to sing the psalm tunes regularly by note, once upon every Lord's day, and once upon fast days, viz. at the first time of singing in the afternoon, and once upon every thanksgiving day also. Voted likewise at the same meeting, That Mr. Joseph Cresey be desired to set the tune, or lead the song, at all sucli times as the church has agreed to sing regularly by note. Moreover, seeing that an inconvenience and disorder hath happened by the introduction of a psalm tune which the people of this church and congregation are mostly unac- quainted with : wherefore it was agreed and voted, that no psalm tune which has not been in common use among us, shall be speedily introduced, set or sung in this congregation, excepting the tune called vSt. Marie's or Hackney, and the tune called Com- mandment tune.'' This course of compromise was continued little more than a year, until Oct. 28, 1731, when at a church meeting it was ''voted that they would for the future time, sing (at all times of 23 266 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. singing in the public worship) the psahn tunes by rule, according to the notes pricked in our psalm books." A relative of Mr. Cresey above mentioned, was for many years an efficient leader of the choir. Another disturbing movement was the introduc- tion of Watts' Psahiis and Hymns, in 1770. The dread of innovation seems to have neutralized in many minds the spirit of improvement, and on this occasion an elderly gentleman rose in the midst of divine service greatly excited, and declared that had Solomon been witness to what his eyes had that day seen, he never would have written " there is nothing new under the sun." These prejudices gradually subsided as the people became familiarized with the change, and at a later period veneration for Watts became general. Among the early friends and benefactors of the parish, was Robert Hooper jr. of Marblehead, who owned the farm at Rial-side, the property of the late Rufus Putnam. In 1753 he presented the parish with a bell, which was gratefully received ; and besides making him a free grant of a pew, it was voted, as a further mark of respect, " to lath and plaster over-head, over the above said pew, upon the parish's cost :'" and six years after, the parish " voted that the Hon. Robert Hooper, Esq. be desired when he occasion- ally attends divine worship with us, to take the up- permost end of the fore-seat on the floor before the pulpit." Col. Robert Hale and Lieut. Henry Her- rick, also receive honorable notice, the former of whom is styled a " generous benefactor" and owned a pew in the house. In 1759, it was " voted that Lieut. Henry Herrick HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 267 l3e desired, when he attends divine worship with us, to take the second seat on the floor before the pul- pit,^' — and in 1764, a vote was passed desiring Mrs. Herrick to take a seat in the women's fore pew. In 1760, legacies having been left to this church by Ebenezer Raymond, Hannah Woodberry, and Dea. John Conant, amounting to £7.1.4, a contribu- tion was taken which increased the sum to £13.13.5 with which a silver tankard for the communion was purchased. Sept. 29, 1769, Mr. Chipman confirmed the gift of a silver cup, made by his wife Hannah to the church in her last illness. In 1S09, Josiah Batchelder jr. bequeathed a silver tankard. In .Tune 1832, the late William Friend presented a silver cup to the church, and in 183S, Elizabeth Friend, his widow, presented a copy of the scriptures for the use of the pulpit. In the course of a few years after Mr. Chipman's settlement, the currency became greatly disordered, and to secure him against loss from paper deprecia- tion, £20, £80 and £120, were added to his salary. In 1735, in consequence of the expenses arising from sickness in his family, the parish voted to take a quarterly contribution for his benefit. In 1740 a precinct meeting was held, to ascertain why Mr. Chipman had not receipted in full for his salary, — whereupon he gave a receipt in full for all the time since his settlement, specifying that he did it partly for considerations other than value received. The continual depreciation of bills of credit not having been fully made up to him by the precinct, was the reason why, although he was willing to give them a discharge in full, he would not acknoAvledge he had been paid in full. In 1748 an attempt was made to 268 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. regulate his salary by the current value of silver, but it did not succeed, and £600 old tenor were voted for his salary of £80. In 1750, when paper- money ceased to circulate, the precinct voted him £80 lawful money. In subsequent years his salary was increased to £85, £88, and finally to £90. July 22, 1757, letters signed Ohver Carter, &c. in behalf of about eighteen or nineteen brethren of the church in Leominster, Mass. were received and com- plied with, requesting the pastor, with delegates, to assist at a council convened for the purpose of ex- amining a complaint entered against their pastor, Rev. John Rogers. The letters set forth that he had denied the doctrine of original sin, and had "ren- dered himself suspected of unsoundness, even in some of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity ; more particularly of the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ." Deacon Joshua Dodge and Joseph Cresey were chosen delegates to accompany the pastor. Until 1770, Mr. Chipman discharged his ministe- rial duties without assistance, but being now disa- bled by age and infirmity, Mr. Enos Hitchcock was employed to supply the pulpit; and in 1771, after several consultations through a committee with Mr. Chipman, the church and society gave a call to Mr. Hitchcock to settle as colleague-pastor, which was accepted. His settlement was fixed at £133.6.8, and his salary during Mr. Chipm.an's life, at £60, to be increased after his decease to £95. On the 21st March, 1771, Mr. Hitchcock was re- ceived into this church by letters of dismission and recommendation from the church in Truro. The first day of May following was appointed for his or- dination, and a committee chosen to procure two HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 269 suitable persons to provide for the council, and for the scholars and gentlemen who might attend. The churches in Salem of which Rev. Messrs. Barnard and Diman were pastors, — the first church in Bev- erly, the second church in Pembroke, the second and third churches in Brookfield, and the churches in Dan vers, Manchester, Wenham and Middleton, as- sisted on the occasion. The services commenced with an anthem. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Forbes, of Brookfield. Sermon by Rev. Gad Hitchcock, of Pembroke, from 1 Cor. ix. 19 : '• For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.^" Mr. Diman, of Salem, gave the charge; Mr. Swain, of Wenham, gave the fellowship; Mr. Smith, of Middleton, made the concluding prayer ; after which, was an anthem. The sermon, which was published, was a clear ex- hibition of the gospel plan as understood by the au- thor, and of the duties of the ministry, afiirming that " a slavish submission to humaii creeds aud for- mularies, and a trembling concern to make them the basis of our discourses to the people, is degrad- ing to the sacred character, an afi'ront to the scrip- tures of truth, and a contradiction of the fundamental principles of protestantism." Mr. Chipman survived the ordination of Mr. Hitch- cock about four years, and died March 23, 1775, at the advanced age of eighty-five. The parish voted £14 to defray funeral charges. The solemnities of the occasion were such as became the venerable age and estimable character of the deceased. The corpse was carried into the meeting-house, when a prayer was offered by Mr. Hitchcock, and an appropriate ad- 23^ 270 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. dress delivered by another clergyman present. =^ On his grave-stone in the old burying-ground of the precinct is the following epitaph in latin, conjec- tured to have been written by Mr. Hitchcock : " To this grave arc committed the remains of the reverend and tndy venerable John Chipman^ A. M. ; a graduate of Hai^vard College^ and for more than fifty-nine years the faithful pastor of the second par- ish in Beverly ; — a man eminent for solid powers of mind and useful learyiing^ and particularly distin- guished by his acquaintance with the Scriptures ; se- rious and pungent in preaching the word ; penetrated with love of the religion of Jesus^ and by his own ex~ am,ple teaching others its precepts ; in presiding over the church, vigilant and upright ; to all the flock ^ be- nevolent and just • embracing from, his sold the good of all sects ; remarkable for the performance of mu- tual and social offices ; hi his family an example of every christian nirtue ; far from being inflated by prosperity ; most patient in adversity. Having at- tained an advanced age^ and in the firm^est hope of a happy immortality^ he expired on the 23fl? day of March, A. D. 1775, aged 85." * It was customary at that period, as it is in some places now, to present mourning rings, gloves, &c. to the near friends of the de- ceased. In consequence of the scarcity of money during the revo- lutionary war, the provincial government recommended the discon- tinuance of this practice. Tradition states that some little delay oc- curred in the burial of Mr. Chipman, from a strong desire on the part of the executors or nearest relatives, to revive the custom at this time. A proviso in the parish grant of the £14 would seem to con. firm the tradition. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 27l Mr. Chipman was a native of Barnstable, Mass. and graduated at Harvard College in 1711. He was twice married — first to Rebeckah, sister of Co]. Rob- ert Hale, and second, to Hannah Warren, who died without issue, June 24, 1769. By his first wife he had fifteen children, viz. : Elizabeth, Sarah (died in infancy), John, Sarah, Samuel, Rebeckah, Robert (died young), Henry, Biley, Robert Hale, Joseph, Mary, Hannah, Abigail and Benjamin. John, the Qldest son, graduated at Harvard College, and en- gaged in the practice of law. He died suddenly, at Falmouth, Me. of apoplexy, with which he was seized while arguing a cause before the Superior Court, July 1, 1768. He was highly esteemed, and his brethren of the bar erected a monument " to the remembrance of his great learning, uniform integrity, and singular humanity and benevolence." His son, Ward Chipman, graduated at Harvard College, and was distinguished as a judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, and for his great influence with the government at home. Ward Chipman, jr. and grandson of John, also graduated at Harvard Col- lege with the highest honors of his class, and was afterAvards appointed Chief Justice of New Bruns- wick. Samuel, second son of Rev. John Chipman, died at St. Martin's, Sept. 19, 1761. He had a son John, who was the father of Rev. Richard Manning Chipman, of Athol. Mr. Chipman' s life and the period of his ministry exceeded that of all the other clergymen in Beverly, and he probably outlived nearly all those who were of age at the time of his settlement. In person he was about five feet eight inches, and of full habit. His pulpit eflbrts were devout and energetic, and he 272 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. appears to have been held in the highest esteem and reverence by his people, over whom he exercised an uncontrolled influence to the termination of life. This influence upon the vicious, oftentimes supplied the want of correct moral principle, in restraining them from sinful courses : with the virtuous, it was a powerful incentive to the diligent performance of every duty. The manners of the time in which he lived, allowed him to command that obedience, which is now only to be sought by the more mild, though not less efl'ectual means of persuasion. His influence abroad was commensurate with that ex- erted at home. He was frequently called to assist in ordinations, and in the settlement of difficulties that arose in the neighboring churches. His virtues, though of the sterner sort, were not the less real. In 1746, with Mr. Wigglesworth, of Ipswich, he published a controversial pamphlet, directed against Rev. Wm. Balch of Bradford, who was accused of propagating Arminian tenets."^ This, with a thanksgiving dis- course and a sermon on the close of the year, are the only writings of Mr. Chipman, so far as is ascer- tained, that were ever published. The joint produc- tion of Messrs. Wigglesworth and Chipman is a pam- * The Rev. Wm. Balch was the son of Mr. Freeborn Balch, who became a member of the second parish in 1715, He was born in Beverly, in 1704, admitted to the second church in 1722, graduated at Harvard College 1724, — was ordained at Bradford, Mass. June 7, 1727 (upon which occasion Mr. Chipman assisted) and died 1792, in the 88th year of his age. He is said to have possessed strong pow- ers of mind, was mild and conciliating in his manners, and was uni- versally beloved by his flock. He was fond of agriculture, and the fruit of his orchard was said to be the best in the county of Essex. His cider, which bore the best price in the market, was called ^^ Ar- viinian cider J' HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 273 phlet of forty-four pages. It is written in a tem- perate spirit, and dedicated "To the Ministers and Churches of our Lord Jesus Christ in New England." Mr. Batch's reply occupies ninety-two pages, and dis- plays perspicuity and independence. " It is the grief of my soul (he says) to see the Bible so much neg- lected, and other books so much made the stand- ard ;" and he cannot "help miserably bewaihng the state of the reformed churches who stick" where they were left by the reformation. Mr, Chipman is understood to have been partial to the science of medical astrology. His seventh son, Joseph, came in possession of the parsonage estate, and during a long life of persevering industry and enterprize, did much to improve and beautify its ap- pearance. His widow has in her possession a por- trait of Rev. John Chipman. It was taken several years before his death, and is pronounced, by an aged lady now living, who frequently watched with him in his last sickness, an excellent likeness. Mr. Chipman was pastor of the second parish for nearly 60 years ; during which period he received 384 persons into the church, administered the ordi- nance of baptism to 834 children and 34 adults, uni- ted in wedlock 303 couples, and attended 631 funer- als. The first couple united in wedlock by him, was Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Hay ward, both of Bev- erly, Jan. 19, 1716; the last, John Dodge 3d. and Mehitable Batcheller, both of this town, Dec. 1, 1768. The first death recorded by him. is Eleanor, child of John Dodge, Jr., Oct. 13, 1715 ; the last, a daughter of Jonathan Cresey, 1769. Mr. Chipman solemnized the marriages of six cler- gymen, viz: Dec. 12, 1727, Rev. Pain Wingate of 274 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Amesbury, to Mary Balch of Beverly. March 12, 1728, Rev. Wm. Balch of Bradford, to Rebecca Stone of Beverly. Oct. 1, 1730, Rev. Joseph Champ- ney to Elizabeth Blowers, both of Beverly. April 21, 1737, Rev. John Warren of Wenham, to Elizabeth Chipman of Beverly. Feb. 14, 1749, Rev. Neliemi- ah Porter, of Ipswich, to Rebecca Chipman of Bev- erly. July 3, 1751, Rev. Joseph Swain to Eliza Warren, both of Wenham. Soon after Mr. Chipman's decease, Mr. Hitchcock's salary was increased to £95. But in consequence of the depreciation of the paper-money then in circula- tion, it was raised in 1778 to £400 ; in 1779 to £800 ; and in 1780 to £4275, being at the rate of £45 for £1 of his original salary. Some idea of the wretch- ed state of the currency at this period may be formed from the fact, that in 1781 the parish pasture, of a few acres, Avas rented for £145, and £10,000 were raised to defray the current expenses of the parish for the year. Mr. Hitchcock was a native of Springfield, Mass., and graduated at Harvard College in 1767. In the first year of his ministry he married Miss Achsah Jordan of Truro. In common with the clergy of his times, he warmly espoused the cause of his country. In 1777 he entered the army as chaplain, though he was not dismissed until 1780. The following letters, addressed, while in the public service, to his intimate friend, Josiah Batchelder, Jr., are here preserved as interesting memoranda of that important period : HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 27 Valley Forge, May 15, 1778. Dear Sir : — I most heartily congratulate you on the agreeable face cast on our affairs by the equitable treaty of amity and com- merce with France, which gives general satisfaction, and was received here with a feu de joie. Our troops are in high spirits after the distressing sufferings of the winter, which nothing could equal but the unparalleled patience with which they were endur- ed- The noble commander-in-chief, whose heart ached to see it, says they deserve every thing from their country. I wish their merit might be rewarded. It gives me pain to see the nakedness of many of the soldiery. The clothing is but little of it come in yet. Numbers of our brigade are destitute even of a shirt, and have nothing but the ragged remains of some loose garments as a partial covering.* But this is more tolerable now than when colder. We have no prospect of clothing for more than three regiments of the brigade, and I never expect to see the troops of our State furnished till there is an agent appointed for that pur- pose, as the other States have, to see it delivered to our men. I hear the town's clothing is on the way ; so I hope the shame of our nakedness will not long appear. Great improvements are making in the discipline of the army — several hours every day being devoted to that purpose. Our strength increases faster in this way than by the addition of numbers. We lay very quiet in camp — very little skirmishing, of late, between parties. The en- emy lately burnt two frigates up the river, and did some other mischief. 'Tis a disagreeable thought, that the price of necessa- ries in Massachusetts, where they abound, is much higher than in these [middle] States, for which they are greatly reflected on. Our living in camp is comfortable. My compliments to all friends. Please to accept, and divide with your lady, the sincerest regards Of, sir, your most humble servant, E. Hitchcock. Capt. Batchelder. * In a letter from Quartermaster Jonathan Conant, dated at Valley Forge, Jan. 5th, 1778, he says, that nothing " except grace" is more wanting in the army than clothing ; and adds, " I am sorry to say it, our regiment goes by the name of the ragged regiment." 276 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. Camp Greenwich, July 23, 1778. Dear Sir : — Your favor in answer to mine, I received some time since. I am happy to inform you that the state of the troops, as to clotliing, is much better ; their spirits, as usual, good. After a long and tedious march of more than two hundred and twenty miles, in the excessive heat of summer, the successful action of Monmouth rewards every toil. Mr. Conant and the other gentle- men will give you a particular account of matters. I must con- gratulate you on the present happy state of affairs, to which the friendly disposition of France, in part, contributes. Their pow- erful fleet you have doubtless a particular account of. I hope the happy period is approaching-, when peace will smile upon us, though it may be at the expense of the peace of Europe, and we may be called to carry war into the extremes of the continent. The court passed a resolve to present the officers with two shirts, shoes and stockings. 'T was to be supposed the things presented would be agreeable to the character of those to whom offered ; but many of each have been sent, bearing no proportion, in quality, to the town's clothing to soldiers. I have mentioned these things from an earnest wish that all occasion of bickering between those gentlemen and their brethren may by some means be prevented. By being in the army, officers cultivate tender no- tions of honor ; and this is highly necessary for the government and well-being of it. I hope, if God please, to see you and my other friends, after having seen New York and a total demolition of the British army there. Wishing health and happiness to you and family, to whom present my regards, and to other friends, I am, with respect, sir. Your friend and humble servant, E. Hitchcock. Capt. Batchelder. The following partakes of the gloom that hung over the prospects of the army at the time of its date : HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 277 West Point, July 13, 1779. Dear Sir : — Your kind favor of June 25th came safely to hand by the last post. It was the more acceptable, as I feared you, among my other friends, had forgotten me. As to the western expedition, it goes on well so far. Gen. Sul- livan, with the middle division, was at Wyoming the last accounts we had, and Clinton with his brigade was crossing the country from Cherry Valley via lake Otsego, to join him. One hundred and twenty of the remnant of the Onandago tribe joined him on the way. The whole country, 'tis said, are greatly alarmed. The Seneca nation will be the first and principal object of their opera- tions. The accounts of our success in the back parts of Virginia, you Avill have in the papers. They are at a great distance, and do not so immediately affect us, but are of great consequence to that State. The affairs of South Carolina are uncertain. Our success there, I believe, has not been equal to common report. Ignipotent Tryon, with a band of furies, makes shocking havoc on the Sound. New Haven is sacked, some of its inhabitants mur- dered, and a few houses burnt. Fairfield, the handsomest town in Connecticut, is in ashes, the people cruelly treated, and some of the fair sex, 'tis said, carried off. Yesterday, they landed an army of 4000 at Norwalk, marching from the main body, to unite and facilitate their operations. The militia flock in fast. Gen. Heath, with the two Connecticut brigades, marched from us last Lord's day, to operate with them against these enemies of God and goodness, yea, of humanity itself. 'Tis unhappy that Gen. Washington has not been enabled by the country to afford them more assistance from his little army- As one plan of the enemy is to draw hun from protecting this post, he will be on his guard till it is rendered so strong in works, that a garrison will be sufficient to cover it with the aid of militia, on emergencies. A vast deal of work is necessary to put it in such a state. We never fail to pay dear for our supineness, dreaming of peace when there is no peace- No period of the controversy has appeared to me more critical and alarming than the present. The country is asleep, to appear- ance totally inattentive to what ought to be their grand object — 24 278 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. defence. The currency is on the eve of destruction. The army is groaning under an unjust and unsupportable proportion of the burden, entirely neglected by their brethren in the country. Offi- cers are daily resigning, soldiers are frequently deserting, our troops are falling sick faster tlian I ever knew them to do for want of the means of health, their fatigue being very hard. No vege- tables, acids, or spirits, are to be had. 'Tis very little, except beef, bread and water, that any of us can get to live on. For more than three months no stores from our State have been fur- nished us. Every circumstance forbidding our continuance in the service, that falls within the limits of imagination, takes place with us. 'Tis the united voice of all our officers, whose circumstances will permit them to tarry so long, to wade through the fatigues and distresses of this campaign, and then retire from the service ; but it has been hard to prevail on many to tarry so long. A num- ber think they can't, and are now urging for resignations. The above are no chimeras of my own brain, but facts of public notoriety, which will soon be represented to Court in form, by the officers of our line, who feel in the most poignant manner the evils mentioned. We are sensible many difficulties attend the move- ment of government, and that the depreciation of our medium has had a great hand in embarrassing them ; but that our friends at home should abound in the comfortables and luxuries of life, and we be wholly destitute, seems not to be equal ; nor do we know how to account for it, but by setting it to the score of inattention. We conceive it would have been the easiest method government could have taken, to make up, at least in part, the depreciation of the currency to us, to afford ample supplies in the small-store way, with which the country abounds, and of which we have been in want most of the time since we came out. I write with the more freedom, sir, as I address a public officer whose well-known attachment to the rights of the army leads him to wish for correct information of their state. That which I here give stands on the broad foundation of truth, is dictated by the feelings of humanity for others, ardent wishes of safety to my country, and sincere desires to experience, in common with my brethren, that relief for which our situation loudly calls. It gave me great pleasure to hear of your appointment to the committee of supplies. I trust your exertions will not be wanting HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 279 for us, and that all just grounds of complaint will be removed. It would be a great alleviation to the hardships of camp life, if we were furnished, according to stipulation, with the following arti- cles : — tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar, pepper, ginger, mustard, vine- gar, dry cheese, port wine, writing paper, ink-powder, wafers and wax, shoes, stockings, (a proportion of them fit for officers,) linen, thread, silk and trimmings of various kinds ; soap much wanted, and rum, the least useful of all these articles. Many things have doubtless escaped my mind, which may be suggested to yours. The small quantity of those articles we are able to command in this vicinity, soon consumes our wages, and leaves us far from a supply. I long to see my countrymen reanimated and inspired with that spirit of virtuous patriotism, which at first fired their breasts and invigorated every nerve in the common defence. Till then we look in vain for peace. Without this, we may expect desolation, like a flood ! Wishing that the blessing of heaven may attend you and family, I am, sir, your obedient servant, Enos Hitchcock. The next letter is written under a brighter sky. West Point, Oct. 12, 1779. Dear Sir: My last contained many gloomy truths. We had for a long time been extremely destitute, which discouraged num- bers ; resignations therefore became frequent, and I am sorry to say, they are not quite out of fashion yet. Two captains in our brigade have resigned this week on receipt of intelligence of the disagreeable condition of their families at home Our small supplies have aftbrded great relief The 27th August we receiv- ed the first for the season, about ten loads. These furnished one pound of sugar and a quarter of a pound of tea to a ration. The 18th September we received half a pound of sugar and the same of coffee to a ration. We have received eighteen or twenty loads, and hear of more on the way. There is a pleasing change on the face of affairs, not only abroad but at home We are big with expectation of some great event. By the brisk and rapid preparations now mak- 280 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. ing, we apprehend a speedy and general movement of the army. I conclude it depends on Count D'Estang, who is hourly expected. A great many pilots are sent off to go on board his fleet, and a large number of flat-bottomed boats are building with all possible despatch, to carry troops. Our light infantry lay within a few miles of Stony Point, and I suppose will open batteries upon it soon. The season is so far advanced as, I fear, to interrupt if not prevent the Count's operations this way. Tlie affair of the Penobscot is only a little spot on the fair face of a successful campaign ; and as an inquiry is making into it, when, I presume, truth will be brought to light, let a veil remain on it till judicially removed. It has been too common to prejudge, censure and condemn. I sometimes indulge a thought that we may see New York this fall, but dare not harbor it Is it possible for me to return while these things are in agitation ? I have seen my country, and the army in particular, in deep distress. I have suffered with them. Can I leave them when they hope to give a blow that will do honor to themselves, and render essential service to their coun- try ? But I must not anticipate too much. It depends on so many contingencies that the whole may fail. I expect to see home early in November if these operations do not take place ; if they do, 'tis uncertain when. You have, doubtless, heard of a second freight of Germans carried into Philadelphia. Our friends are all well in camp. Please give my regards to Mrs. Batchelder and such friends as think me worth inquiring after. I am with respect and affection, sir. Your obedient servant, Enos Hitchcock. In 1780, Mr. Hitchcock was chaplain to Gen. Pat- terson's brigade. While connected with the army, he preached occasionally in Providence, R. I., where, after the army disbanded, he received a call to settle, and was installed Oct. 1, 1783. He died Feb. 27, 1803, in the 59th year of his age. He was a good preacher, a sensible and learned divine, a man of active benev- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 281 olence. and took a deep interest in the education of youth and the estabUshment of free schools. He bequeathed $2500 at his decease, for the foundation of a ministerial fund in his society in Providence. He published a book of catechetical instruction and forms of devotion for children and youth — Charles Worthy, or the Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove family ; a work on education in two volumes, and a sermon at the dedication of his meeting-house. From Mr. Hitchcock's dismission until 1787, the pulpit was supplied by Revs. Obediah Parsons, John Gleaveland and Daniel Story, when Mr. Daniel Oliver received and accepted a call to settle. His ordination took place Oct. 3. The council consisted of seven- teen churches, viz : those under the pastoral care of Rev. Messrs. Wadsworth and Holt, of Danvers, Swain of Wenham, Parsons of Lynn, McKean of Beverly, Hopkins and Barnard of Salem, Frisby of Ipswich, French of Andover, Forbes of Gloucester, Morrill of Wilmington, Breck of Topsfield, Gleave- land of Chebacco, Robbins of Plymouth, Smith of Middleton, Dana of Ipswich, and Cutler of Hamil- ton. On the day of his ordination he was received to this church, by letters of dismission and recom- mendation from the second church in Boston. In doctrine^ Mr. Oliver is understood to have agreed with Hopkins, and shortly after his ordination drew up a 7iew confession of faith^ which, by a vote of the church, was substituted for Mr. Chipman's platform, as already noticed. In 1791, Mr. Oliver declined giving a receipt in full for his settlement and salary unless the parish would allow him interest upon the principal for the delay of payment of the principal beyond the period when it 24=^ 282 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. was contracted to be paid. This gave offence to many, and laid the foundation of a series of difficul- ties, which ultimately resulted in his dismissal. In 1792, several of the disaffected persons seceded, and joined the Baptist society in Danvets. This led to a lawsuit, which put the parish to great expense. In 1794, at the request of the parish, Mr. Oliver relin- quished £20 of his salary, being probably the propor- tion formerly paid by the seceders. The next year his salary was voted in full. The difficulties just alluded to, now assumed a more decided character. March 29, 1796, the parish refused to vote Mr. Oliver his salary, and instead thereof appointed a commit- tee of eleven persons to request him to resign. Parish and church meetings were frequently called, and various methods suggested to accomplish a final ad- justment of the difficulties, but without success, until 1797 — when a council was convened, the complaints and grievances of both parties^ were fully investigated and discussed, and a final separation was effected upon specified conditions. Mr. Oliver's salary was continued to him up to August 5, 1797. The use of the parsonage lands was continued to him for the current year, and in 1798, $300, the award of the referees, was paid him. He died at Roxbury, Sep- tember 14, 1840, in the 89th year of his age. After the dismission of Mr. Oliver, the pulpit was supplied by Messrs. Story, Alden and Micah Stone, the latter of whom was invited to settle, but declined. October 13, 1800, the parish, in concurrence with the church, invited Mr. Moses Dow, of Atkinson, N. H., to settle with them, at a salary of $.500 per annum for the first five years, $480 for the sixth, and after that ,$400 per annum so long as he should continue HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 283 with them. This invitation was accepted, and the 18th of March, 1801, assigned for the ordination. The exercises of the occasion were as follows : in- troductory prayer by Rev. Mr. Adams, of Middleton ; sermon by Rev. Stephen Peabody, of Atkinson, N. H. ; consecrating prayer by Rev. Mr. Frisby, of Ips- wich : charge by Rev. Mr. French, of Andover; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Joseph M'Kean, of Beverly ; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. AVebster, of Ipswich. Mr. Dow continued in the pastoral office here until 1813, when his relations to the parish were dissolved by mutual council. Mr. Dow graduated at Dart- mouth college in 1796, and died at Plaistow, N. H., 1837, aged 66. He was highly esteemed as a Christ- ian, as a man of talents, and as a public speaker. The council for dismission, of which the late Rev. Dr. Abbot was scribe, in their result say, " We have long known him, we have long loved and esteemed him ; and we most heartily add our testimonial to this of the church. We believe him to be an able and faith- ful, a discreet and devoted minister of Jesus Christ ; and while we lament his removal as a great loss to ourselves and this vicinity, we affectionately recom- mend him to the churches, and devoutly hope that he may soon be placed in a situation where his talents and virtues, his gifts and graces, may be employed for the benefit of many." His publications were : a funeral sermon, 1807, a fast sermon, 1812, and fare- well sermon, 1813. From 1814, to Dec. 15, 1816, the pulpit was sup- plied by Rev. David Batcheller and others, when a call to settle was given to Mr. Luther Wright, which 284 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. he declined. Sept. 15, 1818, Rev. Humphrey Clark Perley was invited to settle. He accepted the invi- tation, and was installed on the 2d Dec. 1818. Eight clergymen were on the council, viz : Rev. Dr. Cutler of Hamilton, Rev. Benj. Wads worth of Dan- vers, Revs. Peter Eaton and Isaac Briggs, 1st and 2d parishes in Boxford, Rev. Bailey Loring, Ando- ver. Rev. Abiel Abbot, Beverly, Rev. Mr. Thurston, Manchester, and Rev. Isaac Braman, Rowley. This connexion was dissolved by mutual consent June 13, 1821; and measures were taken to supply the desk during the remainder of the year. August 13, 1823, Mr. Ebenezer Poor received and accepted a call to the pastoral office, and was ordained Oct. 29, 1823. Rev. Mr. Dana of Marblehead, offered the introductory prayer ; Rev. Mr. Walker of Danvers, preached the sermon ; Rev. Dr. Abbot of the first parish in this town, offered the ordaining prayer ; Rev. Dr. Wadsworth of Danvers, gave the charge ; Rev. Mr. Oliphant of the third church in Beverly, gave the right hand of fellowship; and Rev. Mr. Sperry of Wenham, made the concluding prayer. The connexion was dissolved at Mr. P's request, in March, 1829. During this and the year following, the desk was supplied by various clergymen. Mr. Poor was succeeded by Rev. Ebenezer Robin- son, who was installed in Oct. 1830. The exercises of the occasion were as follows : introductory prayer by Rev. Mr. Sewall of Danvers ; sermon by Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Marblehead; installing prayer by Rev. Mr. Loring of Andover ; charge by the same ; fellowship by Rev. Mr. Thayer of Beverly ; and ad- dress to the people by Rev. Mr. Sewall. Jan. 27, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 285 1833, Mr. Robinson requested a dismission, which was granted him. He was succeeded by the present incumbent, Edwin M. Stone. In 1837, after several meetings for consultation, the parish adopted measures to re-model the meeting- house, which were immediately carried into execu- tion. The original frame was retained, and removed about thirty feet north of its former site. The front is in the Grecian style, neat and tasteful, and shaded by a venerable elm. The interior aspect of the house is very pleasant. There are forty-two pews on the lower floor, and ten slips in the gallery, be- sides ample accommodations for the choir. The pul- pit is of mahogany ; it is of the altar form, open and unique in design. The house is surmounted with a cupola and furnished with a bell. The alterations were completed in about five months, and are highly creditable to the public spirit of the society. Feb. 1, 1838, the house was opened for public worship with appropriate solemnities, v/hich were participated in by a very large and crowded audience. The prayer of dedication was ofl*ered by Rev. C. T. Thayer, of the first church, and the sermon, from Haggai ii. 9, was delivered by the pastor. When the re-modelling of this house had been de- termined on, the committee of the fourth congrega- tional society politely tendered the use of their house of worship to the second parish, which was grate- fully accepted — the two congregations worshipping at different hours. Between the first and second churches an unin- terrupted and friendly communication has been maintained, from the organization of the latter to the present time ; and soon after the dedication just 286 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. mentioned, the first church presented to the second a handsome silver communion- vessel, " as a token of the christian harmpny and fellowship which has long existed, and which it is devoutly to be desired mav ever continue, between these ancient sister churches." This beautiful and touching evidence of kindly feeling was acknowledged in the following resolutions : ^'' Resolved^ That this church accept the ' token ' of sympathy and fellowship so appropriately offered, and that we hereby express our grateful acknow- ledgments for a gift calculated to remind us of our common sisterhood, covenants and worship. '■'■Resolved^ That the cup, which to every follower of our common Lord and Master is an emblem of undivided love, union and fellowship, be applied to the services connected with the most sacred of all recollections — the blood that was shed and the body that was broken ; and that as often as we drink of this cup, the spirit of this memorial will bind us to- gether, in the unity of the spirit and the bonds of peace." THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Was constituted, March 25, 1801, of fourteen members dismissed from the Baptist church in Dan- vers. The meeting-house, 48 by 45 feet, was erect- ed the same year. In 1832 the house was enlarged by adding 16| feet to its length. The locality being inconvenient for a majority of the society, it was taken down in 1837, and reconstructed on a more central site under the direction of Nehemiah Roundy, Robert Curry, Edward Pousland, John Pickett, Sam- HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 287 uel Smith, Benjamin Pierce, Francis Lamson, Andrew W. Standley, John P. Webber and John Meacom. The house is 62J feet long and 45 feet wide, and presents a handsome front, ornamented with pilas- ters. The tower contains a bell weighing about 1300 pounds. The pulpit is of mahogany, and the interior aspect of the house is chaste. The cost of re-construction exceeded $7000. In September, 1801, the church was admitted to the fellowship of the Warren Association. The first minister was Rev. Joshua Young, who supplied the pulpit from May 7th, ISOl, to Dec. 1802, but was not installed. He was succeeded June 15th, 1803, by Rev. Ehsha Williams, a graduate of Yale College, whose pastoral relations were dissolved at his own request, Oct. Otli, 1812. An invitation was then given to Rev. Herry Jenks of Hudson, N. Y. and accepted. His settlement was prevented by his sud- den decease. August 14, 1816, Mr. Nathaniel West Williams, of Salem, was ordained, and continued in the office of pastor till Nov. 7, 1821, when, at his own request, he was dismissed. The successor of Mr. Williams was Mr. Francis G. Macomber, a graduate of Water- ville College. His health failed soon after his ordi- nation, and at the suggestion of several friends, of whom the late Dr. Abbot was one, he was induced to try the temperature of a southern winter for its recovery. He sailed for Charleston, S. C, where he spent several months, and died of fever July 3, 1827, soon after his return. The late Rev. Joseph Grafton, of Newton, who preached at his ordination, was also callei to discharge the melancholy duty of pronounc- ing his funeral discourse. Mr. Macomber's remains 288 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. were interred in the first parish burial-ground, near the common, beside those of Rev. Samuel Ingersoll. He possessed an ardent and devout mind. He loved his profession as a high and holy calling, and gave earnest of extended usefulness. He was universally beloved, and his memory is still fondly cherished by many. In the course of his short ministry, forty-two members were added to the church. Feb. 1st, 1829, Rev. Richmond Taggart, from the State of New York, was chosen pastor, and contin- ued till December following, but was not installed. June 30th, 1830, Rev. Jonathan Aldrich, a gradu- ate of Brown University, Avas installed pastor ; and, at his own request, was dismissed May 24, 1833. September 10th, 1834, Mr. John Jennings, from the theological institution at Newton, was ordained pastor. He continued until June, 1836, and was then dismissed at his own request. In the month of August following, Rev. N. W. Williams Avas request- ed to return and resume the pastorship, with which he complied; and in March, 1840, at his own re- quest, he was dismissed. November 11, 1842, Mr. Charles W. Flanders, a graduate of Brown Univer- sity, was ordained pastor. The exercises of the oc- casion were as follows : introductory prayer and reading the scriptures, by Rev. P. P. Sanderson; ser- mon and charge, by Rev. Mr. Wayland, of Salem ; ordaining prayer, by Rev. Lemuel Porter; right hand of fellowship, by Rev. Mr. Banvard, of Salem ; ad- dress to the society, by Rev. L. Porter ; concluding prayer, by Rev. Joseph Abbot ; benediction, by the pastor elect. Several members of this church have been dismissed, to constitute churches in Salem, Gloucester and Wenham. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 289 DANE-STREET CHURCH. The Dane-street Church was organized Novem- ber 9th, 1802. The society obtained an act of incor- poration March 7th, 1803, under the name of the Third Congregational Society, which name was changed in 1837 to the " Dane-street Society in Bev- erly." The meeting house was raised in September, 1802, and finished in December, 1803, at an expense of between $6000 and $7000. The dedication ser- mon was preached by Rev. Samuel Worcester, D. D., of Salem. The house was 61 feet long and 50 feet wide, with a porch at each end, from which were en- trances to the floor and flights of stairs to the gal- lery. There was also an entrance to the body of the house from the south side. At the western end, a tower rose about twenty feet above the main build- ing, in which, about 1815, a bell was placed weigh- ing 1143 pounds. In the winter and spring of 1831, to accommodate an increasing congregation, some important altera- tions and improvements were made, which rendered the house much more convenient. On Saturday night, Dec. Sth, 1832, between 10 and 11 o'clock, a fire was discovered on the lower floor, near the entry, and in the balcony. The firemen and other citizens, with engines and fire apparatus, proceeded immedi- ately to the scene of conflagration, but their efforts were unavailing, and the. edifice was entirely de- stroyed. A reward of $500 was offered by the par- ish committee, but nothing conclusive, as to the ori- gin of the fire, was ever elicited. As no meeting had been held, and there had been no occasion for a fire 25 290 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. during the week, it was suspected to be the work of an incendiary. In 1833 a new house was erected, by shareholders, on the same site, 73 feet long and 63 feet wide. The architecture is a mixture of Gothic and Ionic. It is a convenient edifice, and its frontal view, with pillars, presents an imposing appearance. The house, includ- ing a fine-toned bell weighing 1600 lbs., cost about $10,000. 'J'he first minister of this church and society was Rev. Joseph Emerson. Mr. Emerson, the son of Daniel and Ama Emer- son, was born in HoUis, N. H., October 13th, 1777, and at his birth was devoted in heart by his father to the ministry. Of this he was early informed, and the impression no doubt had some influence m form- ing his character. His constitution was greatly im- paired by a complicated disease with which he was attacked Avhen about six months old, and which last- ed more than a year. In childhood he was distin- guished for vivacity, regard for truth, and frankness in expressing his opinions. A vein of pleasantry ran through his whole life, but well subdued and modified in maturer years. In person he was tall and slender; complexion dark, eyes hazel, and ex- pression mild. His motions were quick, but not strong; and in the latter part of his life he was bowed and emaciated by disease. Mr. Emerson pursued his preparatory studies at the academy in New Ipswich, N. H., under the di- rection of Mr. Hubbard ; and in 1794, in the seven- teenth year of his age, entered Harvard University ; and though, durmg the period of his college life, he was subjected to much severe illness, he graduated with a good character for scholarship. While at HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 291 Cambridge, his mind received strong religious im- pressions, and in 1797 he made a pubhc profession of rehgion, by uniting with the church in his native town. After leaving college, Mr. Emerson took charge of the academy in Framingham, wliere he continued about a year, and then removed to Franklin to pur- sue the study of divinity under the direction of Dr. Emmons. In 1800 he returned to Cambridge, with the intention of remaining six months as resident graduate of the college. While residing with Dr. Emmons he received, through President Willard, the offer of a tutorship, which he at first declined, but at length accepted. Having been approbated, he preach- ed in various places, though still pursuing his profes- sional studies. In March, 1803, he was engaged for six weeks in this town, and in June following received a call to the pastoral care of the third congregational society, which, after prayerful consideration, and counselling with christian friends, he accepted. His ordination took place on the 21st September. The exercises were introduced by a pertinent and solemn address to the crowded assembly, from Rev. Mr. Hopkins; Introductory prayer, by Rev. Mr. Kellog; sermon, by Rev. Dr. Emmons, from Eph. iii. 10; consecrating prayer, by Rev. Mr. Spring; charge, by Rev. Dr. Dana; fellowship of the churches, by Rev. Mr. Worcester; concluding prayer, by Rev. Mr. Bailey. Soon after his ordination, Mr. Emerson was mar- ried to Miss Nancy Eaton, of Framingham, a former pupil and friend, who, by education and temperament, aj)peared singularly qualified to promote his hterary and religious plans, as also to ensure domestic enjoy- ment. But this " treasure in an earthen vessel" he 292 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. was not permitted long to possess, as, in less than a year from the consummation of their union, Mrs. Emerson died, having just entered her 26th year. In the summer of 1805, Mr. Emerson was again married to Miss Eleanor Read, of Northbridge, who was distinguished for energy of character and supe^ rior conversational powers. By this marriage he had one child, a daughter, who was early called to mourn a mother's loss. She died at Leicester, Nov. 7th, 1808, where she had gone for the improvement of her health. This affliction was severely felt by Mr. Emerson, but in the religion he professed he found a present and efficient support. His third wife was Miss Rebecca Hasseltine, of Bradford, Mass. to whom he was married in 1810, and by whom he had sev- eral children. Mr. Emerson's ministry in this town was active and successful. Beside his ordinary pastoral duties, and the labor incurred in carrying out various plans for promoting the good of his charge, he devoted much attention to the subject of education, in which he felt an enthusiastic interest, and also prepared for the press the Memoir and Writings of Miss Fanny Woodberry, the Evangelical Primer, and several other works. In 1811, Mr. Emerson's right wrist was atTected by a disease that disabled him from using his pen. It settled afterwards in the left wrist, and finally in both anples, so that it became necessary for him to sit while performing the duties of the pulpit : and the state of his health, in 1816, was such as to require, in his judgment, a release, for a time at least, from professional labor. On the 21st September, just thirteen years from the day of his ordination, his pastoral relation was dissolved by mutual council. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 293 " This crisis was doubtless extremely trying both for him and for his affectionate people. It was sunder- ing the bonds of first love on both sides, as he was their first minister and they his only people. Still, the severity of the shock was much broken by a long and gradually increasing anticipation of its neces- sity." After the dissolution of this connexion, Mr. Emer- son sailed for the south, where he passed the winter, with the hope of improving his health. In Wil- mington, N. C. he became a member of the masonic fraternity, and, on the 1st Jan. delivered an occa- sional sermon before the freemasons in that place. He also preached on several other occasions, and re- ceived numerous tokens of affection and regard. In Charleston, S. C. the following June, he delivered a course of lectures on the Millennium, which was pub- lished. After his return from the south, Mr. Emerson es- tablished a literary seminary at Byfield, and, in the ensuing winter, delivered a course of astronomical lectures to a popular audience in Boston. From By- field he removed to Saugus, where he continued his school. In the autumn of 1823, the state of his health requiring another voyage to the south, he sailed for Charleston, where he passed the winter in the society of kind friends, "forming plans and pro- jects"' for the future. On returning to Saugus, he continued his seminary through the summer, but his feeble state compelling him to relinquish it, he removed to Weathersfield, Con. In 1829, he visited his friends in Beverly, and delivered a conrse of lectures on his- tory. The winter of 1830 he spent in Charleston, S. C. and repeated his historical lectures. On his re- 2o^ 294 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. turn, he again visited Beverly, and gave a course of familiar lectures on Pollock's Course of Time. His literary labors were continued till near the close of his life, which terminated at Weathersfield, about midnight. May 13, 1833, in the 56th year of his age. He died without a struggle, and "peace — more than peace,'' were among the last words he was heard to utter. Mr. Emerson is remembered by his numerous friends with a more than ordinary depth of friendship; On some occasions he was inclined to reserve, but gen- erally the natural enthusiasm of his nature imparted a peculiar charm to his conversation, and made him a most welcome guest and desirable companion. As a student, he was diligent almost beyond the bounds of prudence, and the rapidity with which he multi- plied plans for the moral and intellectual improve- ment of mankind is a sufficient evidence of the ac- tivity of his mind. As a teacher of youth, he was original, practical and successful, and deeply inter- ested in the moral culture of his pupils. As a man, " he knew not how to dissemble nor to wear a mask. As a Christian, he was characterized for the habitual fervor of his devotional feelings, an earnest love of truth, a deep-wrought humility, and a warm and expanded benevolence." =^ Mr. Emerson was succeeded in the pastoral office in this place, by Rev. David Oliphant. The services of installation took place Feb. 18th, 1818, in the fol- lowing order : Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr. Da- na ; sermon by Rev. Dr. Porter ; consecrating prayer by Rev. Mr. Thurston ; charge by Rev. Mr. Worces- * See Life of Rev Joseph Emerson, by Prof. Ralph Emerson. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 295 ter ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Emerson; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Edwards. Mr. Oli- phant was dissmissed, agreeably to the result of a mutual council, in 1833, and Oct. 13th, 1834, Mr. Jo- seph Abbot was ordained pastor of the church and society, at which time the present meeting-house was also dedicated. The exercises of the occasion were as follows : Introductory prayer by Rev. Dr. Dana, of Newburyport : reading selections from the Scrip- tures by Rev. M. March, of Newbury; prayer of ded- ication by Rev. Leonard Withington, of Newbury; sermon by Rev. Professor Ralph Emerson, of Ando- ver Theological Seminary, from Johniii. 29; ordain- ing prayer by Rev. Mr. Dana, of Marblehead ; charge by Rev. Dr. Dana, of Newburyport; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Ober, of Newbury ; address to the church and society by Rev. Brown Emerson, of Salem ; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Emerson, of Manchester ; benediction by the pastor elect. FARMS CHURCH. The Farms Church was organized in 1829, for the better accommodation of the families residing in that part of the town, who were living from four to five miles distant from the meeting-houses in Beverly ; and September 23d, Mr. Benjamin Knight was or- dained as their pastor, in the meeting-house of the first parish. The introductory prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Rowley ; sermon by Rev. Mr. Millard, from the State of New York ; ordaining prayer, by Rev. Mr. Kilton, of Salem; right hand of 296 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. fellowship, by Ilev. Mr. Pierce, of Essex. The name assumed by the church, was Christian. In January, 1830. their meeting-house was dedicated to the pub- Uc worship of God. This house is of brick, about forty feet square, and contains forty-four pews on the ground floor, besides six in the gallery. The cost was about $1600. August 4, 1831, the first church presented this church a silver tankard, with the following inscription: "The gift of the First Church in Beverly to the Church at Beverly Farms." The present was suitably acknowledged in a letter from the pastor. Mr. Knight afterwards united with the Baptist denomination, with which the church is now in fellowship, and in 1834 or '35, his pastoral relation was dissolved. His successors have been Rev. Mr. Gilbert, Rev. P. P. Sanderson and Rev. Sumner Hale. FOURTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Fourth Congregational Church was organ- ized September 1, 1834, and the society December 11th following. The corner-stone of a new meet- ing-house was laid, and the frame erected, September 6th, 1836, on which occasion a prayer was offered by the pastor. Rev. John Foote. The house was consecrated December 29th, the same year. The services on the occasion, besides appropriate music, were as follows : Introductory prayer and reading select portions of the Scriptures, by Rev. E. P. Sperry, of Wenham ; prayer of dedication, by Rev. Joseph Abbot, of Beverly ; sermon, from Psalm Ixxxiv. 2, 3, HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 297 by Rev. Brown Emerson, D.D. of Salem ; conclud- ing prayer, by Rev. John Foote. The exercises were interesting and appropriate, and were participated in by a large assembly. The meeting-house, which presents a neat appear- ance, is located opposite the house formerly the resi- dence of Rev. John Chipman. It was erected by Mr. Jacob Dodge, of Wenham, under the superintendence of Messrs. Benjamin Woodberry 2d, Peter Shaw, Samuel Lummus, Francis Woodberry and Charles Moid ton. The house is fifty -one feet long, thirty- seven feet wide, and is surmounted by a cupola with pinnacles. It is entered by two doors, and contains forty-six pews, besides six slips for the choir. The whole cost, including the site, was about $2,500. WASHINGTON-STREET SOCIETY. The Washington-street Society was formed in 183G. The meeting-house was raised September 5th of the same year, on which occasion religious ser- vices were performed by Rev. David Oliphant, for- merly pastor of the Dane-street church. This house was built by William Webber and Benjamin P. Kim- ball, under the superintendence of Jonathan Batch- elder, Philip English and Ezra EUingwood. It is 77 feet long and 52 feet wide. The pulpit is of mahogany, and the whole interior arrangements are neat and convenient. A handsome Grecian por- tico ornaments the front, and the cupola contains a bell weighing 1738 pounds. The whole cost was $93S7 33. The house is eligibly situated on Wash- 298 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. iiigton-street, the appearance of which it greatly improves. The church was coDStitutecl February 8th, 1837, and March 29th following, the meeting-house was dedicated to the service of G^od, — on which occasion an appropriate discourse was delivered by Rev. Worthington Smith, of St. Albans, Vt. from Gen. xxviii. 17. On the 3d of January, 1838, Rev. Wil- liam Bushnell was installed pastor of the church and congregation. The interesting solemnities were as follows : Introductory prayer by Rev. Mr. McEwin. of Topsfield ; sermon by Rev. William Williams, of Salem ; installing prayer by Rev. Brown Emerson, of Salem ; charge by Rev. Robert Crowell, of Essex : right hand of fellowship by Rev. Joseph Abbot, of Beverly ; address to the people by Rev. Milton P. Bramin, of Danvers; concluding prayer by Rev. Samuel Worcester, of Salem. May 9th, 1842, Rev. Mr. Bushnell, at his own request, and by advice of a mutual council, was dismissed from his pastoral relations, having previously received an invitation to become pastor of the first church and society in Newton. Mr. Bushnell was succeeded by Mr. George T. Dole, whose ordination took place Oct. 6, 1842. The introductory prayer was ofi^red by Rev. Mr. Foote. of Beverly ; sermon by Rev. Mr. Blanchard, of Low- ell, from Rom. x. 4; ordaining prayer by Rev. Mr. Mann, of Salem ; charge by Rev. Dr. Emerson, of Salem ; fellowship of the churches by Rev. Mr. Tay- lor, of Manchester ; address to the church and society by Rev. Mr. Worcester, of Salem ; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Sessions, of Salem ; benediction by the pastor elect. HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 299 A Universalist Society was organized in 1839, and meetings are occasionally held in the town-hall. SABBATH SCHOOLS. From the establishment of the first church in this town, the religious education of the young was made a part of ministerial duty. The parish minister vis- ited the families of his charge at least once in each year, or gathered the children at some convenient place for catechetical instruction. About the com- mencement of the present century this practice, ow- ing probably to a diversity of views concerning the manuals used, fell into disuse, and nearly the whole re- sponsibility devolved on parents and guardians. The devout and conscientious among them faithfully exe- cuted their trust ; but still many youth were found to be growing up under no other religious influence than that resulting from public worship on the sab- bath, which, as it was not always seconded by moral precept through the week, often failed to produce its legitimate and happiest eflect. The evil resulting to society from the neglect of domestic religious instruc- tion, was felt and acknowledged throughout the country. As the interest deepened for the moral improvement of the rising generation, various plans were suggested and temporarily adopted. The sab- bath-school system originated by Robert Raikes in England, for the benefit of the neglected children of his neighborhood, now began to attract public notice, and one of the earliest trials of it in New England was made in this town. In 1810, two ladies of the 300 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. first church (Miss Joanna Prince, now Mrs. Ebenezer Everett, of Brunswick, Me., and Miss Hannah Hill,) collected a number of children and commenced a Sunday-school. Their eiforts were crowned with entire success, and they before long enjoyed the plea- sure of witnessing the establishment of similar insti- tutions in each of the religious societies in town. The number of pupils and teachers connected with all the schools, is between eleven and twelve hundred, and the catalogues of the different libraries present an aggregate of nearly 2000 volumes. The importance of Sunday-schools is a point too well established and too universally admitted, to require argument or illustration. As related to the future, their value is incalculable. The held they open for moral culture is all the most devoted friends of religious progress can desire. They constitute at once the fountain of the church and the nursery of public morals. Among the pleasing incidents in their history here, is a Union celebration of the Fourth of July, 1842. At eight o'clock, a. m., according to previous ar- rangement, the sabbath-schools connected with the seven churches, accompanied by their teachers and respective pastors, entered the public square on the southerly side of the town-hall, where a stage had been prepared for the performance of the services of the occasion, which were participated in by Rev. Messrs. Thayer, Abbot, Stone and Flanders. After the singing of a hymn by a large volunteer choir, an appropriate and impressive prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Thayer of the first church. This was suc- ceeded by a temperance hymn, sung to the inspiring strain of " Scots wha hae." Robert Rantoul, jr. Esq., HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 301 then addressed the teachers and pupils, amounting to between eleven and twelve hundred, and the crowd of spectators, amounting probably to as many more. His subject was the effects of the declaration of inde- pendence on us, and its probable effects on our child- ren. He contrasted the present with former methods of celebrating the nation's birth. Formerly our re- joicings were for victories bought with blood — now we triumph in moral victories. He spoke also of the temperance movements as a sign of good, and of the influence of sabbath-schools on the present and future condition of our country. Much, he said, of the present happy condition of this nation was owing to institutions like those assembled around him. Anoth- er hymn was then sung, and the services closed with a benediction by Rev. Mr. Flanders. The scene was one of intense interest. The happy countenances of so many youth hemming the verdant lawn, and the eager gaze of the multitude surround- ing the square and thronging the windows of the adjacent houses, formed a picture of surpassing beauty ; and as a thousand voices swelled upon the air with melodious sounds, the mind leaped forward with the swiftness of thought to the glorious consummation of prophecy, when the united and innumerable assem- bly of the redeemed will fill the eternal temple with songs of everlasting praise. After the exercises on the square were closed, the schools formed in procession, and marching through several streets entered the town-hall, where an ele- gant collation had been provided, on which a blessing was craved by Rev. Mr. Foote. Here the scene was more animating, if possible, than that just described. The tables were tastefully decorated with flowers, 26 302 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. and profusely provided with cake and fruits. The pupils were seated, and served by their teachers, and for an hour or more, a rational and orderly hilarity was indulged, with no other stimulant than cold water. It was truly a spectacle for gratulation and hope, and the enchanting display might incline an imaginative spectator to the suspicion that the " mod- est inquiry into the nature of witchcraft " put forth by the pious pastor of the first church in 1692, had failed to answer its design, and that the necromantic art still prevailed. It was evident, however, that if such were the fact, the character of enchantresses had radically changed. They were no longer like the " weird sisters " of Avon's bard, performing their orgies in lonely glens and gloomy caverns, or " flying over steeples, towers and turrets," as wayward dis- positions prompted. Nor did they resemble those of Salem Village memory, who were said to appear in hideous forms, and torment good people " before their time." Beyond a doubt, the fair enchantresses of the day were of the good genii order, and the exercise of their art to gratify was entirely successful. They had here called up a beautiful reality, the delightful impressions of which time will only serve to deepen. The christian and social sympathies awakened by the occasion will not pass away with the hour that gave them birth. We rejoice to believe that they will have a permanent existence, and produce extensive good. CONCLUSION. The changes wrought in two hundred years have not been dissimilar here to those which have marked the progress of civilization elsewhere. The sturdy- forests have become fruitful fields. The footpaths of the aboriginal owners have been supplanted by numerous and well-constructed highways ; the rude " log cabins " of the early settlers have given place to neat and commodious dwellings ; and nothing in its aspect remains to testify that, two centuries ago, the town was a howling wilderness ! The habits of the first settlers, if tradition may be relied upon, were simple, and in harmony with the rudeness of their habitations. The conveniences of life were few — its luxuries less. The table presented little that was tempting to an epicurean palate, yet a long and vigorous life and " a short doctor's bill " were doubtless satisfactory equivalents for the '' delicate morsels " so indispensable to a modern gourmand. More of the farinaceous and less of the animal en- tered into the composition of their food. Knives and forks were in limited use, but spoons were in universal requisition. The joint of meat seldom ex- haled its savory odour to quicken a sluggish appe- tite ; but the huge pot might be daily seen suspended by " the long trammel" over an ample fire, fulfilling 334 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. its destiny in blending, with mysterious simmerings, the ingredients which composed the standard dishes of the age — black broth and bean porridge. The popular esculent of the Emerald Isle was but little cultivated, and as little used ; but the emblem of Dutch obesity, commonly known as the Dutch tur- nip, was a universal favorite both in the field and on the table. Six bushels of potatoes were a suffi- cient winter's supply for a neighborhood, but fifty bushels of turnips were necessary to the comfort of a single family. Among the articles not indispensable, that early found grace in the eyes of the provident housewife, the "wooden trencher" holds a conspicuous place. Its neatly sunken interior surface rendered it a con- venient substitute for delf or finer potter's ware, and Vvhen SGGuied to almost linen whiteness, and placed before the " good-man" at the hour of repast, it is not surprising that his eyes twinkled with satisfac- tion. It was not an every-day luxury, enjoyed by the mass, and happy the favored household in hum- ble life who could substitute an article so well con- trived, for the square bit of board that served the purpose of a plate. But short-lived was the trench- er's triumph. The " good-wife " grew weary of her rustic ware, and soon the ample " dresser " dis- played its rows of shining pewter, from the "great platter" down by regular gradation to the little "porringer" with its broad lattice-work handle, combining show with economy, and displacing for- ever its unpretending predecessor, while the angular shelves of the " bowfat " in the corner of the " clock-room," were graced by a " tea-set " of more brittle ware, used only " for company " or on holiday HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 305 occasions. These, too, had their day, and a glorious one it was in the house of thrift. But its sun has set. Piece by piece, the pride of the kitchen has sunk into that " receptacle for things lost," the Yankee pedler's wagon, and the workmanship of Liverpool " reigns in their stead." The sanded floor, so curiously drawn in figures, is no longer the theatre of the house-maid's skill. Paint has usurped her vocation, while a " Wilton," or the manufacture of Brussels, adorns the " best room," with their accompaniments of stuffed chairs, ottomans and sofas. The capacious '' settle," too, the birth-place of many a winter evening's tale, is gone. The mammoth fire-place, on whose ample hearth once blazed huge logs and crackhng faggots, and within whose deep jambs the youthful household speculated on the distance of the stars that met their upward gaze, has been supplanted by the economi- cal and unsocial stove. The "good-wife" and modest maiden no longer mount the tastefully trim- med pillion, as, at the church bell's bidding, '^good- man" and "intended" convey them to the sanc- tuary. The jolting chair has yielded precedence to the chaise and carriage. The flowing wig and ven- erable cocked hat, so cherished by ministers, dea- cons and all high in office, are among the things that were. The huckster's stand, and the portable " bar" emitting its alcoholic fumes, have ceased to collect a motley group of patrons at the church door on ordi- nation days, blending as it were, pandemonium with paradise. Hoops and pattens, silk clocks and top- knots, tunics and scarlet riding cloaks, sacks and ruffle cuffs, smallclothes and silver buckles, em- broidered vests and neck-ties, powdered hair and 26^ 306 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. cues, have all mirrored the fashion of their time, and given place to the less stately, but perhaps not less graceful, costume of the present. To the legendary there are few points of interest in this town, and but little to gratify lovers of the marvellous. It is true, the accusation of witchcraft reached several of its inhabitants and procured their condemnation during the prevalence of that popular frenzy : but neither of them was executed here or elsewhere, nor is it known or suspected that Kidd or any other bucaniers ever buried any of their ill- gotten booty in the sands of this harbor. Here are neither gloomy caverns nor murderous-looking glens, with which are associated tales of terror and woe. No fortune-teller has ever had habitation here, to give eclat to the annals of mystery, neither has the appearance of a veritable ghost ever been authenti- cated. In these, and many similar particulars, Bev- erly must relinquish the palm to other towns. And though it may dissipate the illusion of a well-told story, and take somewhat from the capital of suc- ceeding writers of fiction, as well as lose to the town a certain description of notoriety, regard for truth compels the affirmation that Galloivs Bridge is a corruption of Salloivs, (the name of a family early settled in that neighborhood,) and that no execution ever took place in this town. The inhabitants of this town are characterized for industry, prudence, sobriety and love of order. That they possess a commendable public spirit, the im- provement of their streets, churches, and other pub- lic buildings, affords sufficient evidence. They have never been eager to engage in extravagant specula- tions, by which many make unsuccessful ''haste to HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 307 be rich," but have been contented with a safe and sure business, affording moderate and uniform prof- its. Hence, they have experienced few of those embarrassments by which the prosperity of many places have been seriously affected, while they have built up for themselves a sound and honorable credit. There is nothing pecuhar in the address or habits of the present generation, by which they are distin- guished from other towns in the county. The anec- dote related, of the vessel saiUng from this port mak- ing signal of distress, when within three days of her destination, in consequence of having but three bar- rels of beans on board, though plentifully supplied with other provisions, was doubtless intended as a pleasantry upon the supposed unusual consumption of that article here ; but, like many other fictions, has not the merit of a fact to give it point. Instances of litigation in this town have been few. The late Nathan Dane, who for many years had the entire business, observed some time before his de- cease, that his receipts for practice as a lawyer, in Beverly, had never been sufficient to pay his annual bill for fuel. So reluctant have the citizens generally been to adjust their difficulties by legal process, that no member of the profession has ever obtained a livelihood here from his fees alone. Criminal prose- cutions have also been rare ; and it was recently re- marked, by a distinguished member of the Essex bar, as a singular fact in his experience, that during a practice in the courts of nearly forty years, he had never known a native of Beverly convicted of any heinous crime. The clerical profession has ever sustained here a high character for talents, piety and patriotism. The 308 HISTORY OF BEVERLY. records of the town, and of the parishes, show that the clergymen took enlarged views of their duties and responsibilities as pastors and citizens ; and that, besides the labor they devoted to the cause of educa- tion, their services were frequently required by the town in the transaction of important public affairs. It is pleasant and instructive to contemplate the character of the generations who have lived here before us. For the most part, they were a pious people, and mingled the religious sentiment with all their acts. Their numerous fasts declare with what constancy they relied on an interposing providence in every scene of trial and hour of calamity. They loved the house of God, as the place in which they might feel the divine presence, and improve their hearts, refresh their spirits, and be disburdened of their sorrows. To them and their household, the sabbath was a day of sacred rest. Before sunset on Saturday, the toils of the week were closed. The meat and vegetables were brought from the cellar and prepared, as far as possible, for the Sunday din- ner ; and when the sabbath sun arose, the stillness of the day was not permitted to be disturbed by unne- cessary noise. No member of the family was excus- ed from "meeting," except for sickness; the bible and religious books engaged the attention of each be- tween the seasons of worship; rambling in the fields, riding for pleasure, and visits, were prohibited ; the children were "catechised," and questioned concern- ing the sermon ; and at an early hour retired to re- pose. They were a prayerful people, and there were but few dwellings in which a family altar was not to be found. They sincerely desired to train their fam- ilies in the nurture and admonition of the Lord ; and HISTORY OF BEVERLY. 309 though some may think the means employed were not always the best adapted to accomplish the end, or may smile at their '^puritan strictness," it is a point worth considering, how much is likely to be gained to morals by a less scrupulous sanctification of holy time. The religious character of preceding generations has doubtless contributed essentially to the sound- ness of moral sentiment at the present day. The direct influence of Christianity on the habits of the inhabitants of this town, is visible and general. The number who habitually absent themselves from pub- lic worship, is comparatively small ; and the institu- tions of religion are, for the most part, liberally sus- tained. To the young, the pages of the Past are replete with practical suggestions. In the integrity, patriot- ism, reverence for constitutional law, and piety, of their ancestors, they may perceive the index that points their own course to usefulness, respectability and happiness. NOTES. A. — PAGE 27. " The battle of Bloody Brook, that fierce onslaught, of which the old record says, with a native poetry, ' Never had this coun- try seen such a bloody hour,' " has been celebrated by one of our native poets (George Lunt) in a ballad, from which are subjoined the closing stanzas : " Ah, gallant few ! No generous foe Had met them by that crimsoned tide ; Vain even despair's resistless blow, — As brave men do and die, — they died! Yet not in vain, — a cry that shook The inmost forest's desert glooms, Swelled o'er their graves, until it broke In storm around the red man's homes ! " But beating hearts, far, far away. Broke at their story's fearful truth. And maidens sweet, for many a day Wept o'er the vanished dreams of youth ; By the blue distant ocean-tide, Wept years, long years, to hear them tell How by the wild wood's lonely side The FLOWER OF Essex fell ! " And that sweet nameless stream, whose flood Grew dark with battle's ruddy stain. Threw off the tinge of murder's blood, And flowed as bright and pure again ; But that wild day, — its hour of fame, — Stamped deep its history's crimson tears, Till Bloody Brook became a name To stir the hearts of after years ! " NOTES. 311 B.— PAGE 120. During the revolutionary war, the vessel on board of which a part of the library of the celebrated Dr. Richard Kirwan was shipped for transportation across the Irish channel, was captured by an American privateer. These books were brought into Beverly and sold. A company of gentlemen, consisting of Rev. J. Willard and Dr. Joshua Fisher, of Beverly, Rev. S. Barnard, Rev. J. Prince, Dr. E. A. Holyoke and Dr. J. Orne, of Salem, and Rev. M. Cutler, of Hamilton, became the purchasers ; and thus was laid the foundation of the Salem Philosophical Library (probably in the spring of 1781). The Philosophical Library and the So- cial Library, formed in 1760, were united in 1810, under the name of the Salem Athenaeum. C.—PAGE 156. Henry Hale, the second son of Robert Hale, sen. was born in Beverly, Dec. 19, 1712- At the age of seven, his father died, and the responsibility of his preparatory studies and collegiate educa- tion devolved on his brother, to whom he was tenderly attached. He graduated at Harvard College in 1731, at the age of 19, and was master of the grammar-school in this town one or more years. August 25th, 1735, he was married to Anna, daughter of Benja- min Ober. The time of his death is not known ; but his wife was a widow in 1740, in which year she sold an estate to William Bartlett, of Marblehead, for £300. Henry Hale owned a lot of land " at upper side" (probably second parish), and a " right in Gilmantown." In an account current, his brother credits his es- tate with £7.10 for " his part of the land of Nod, sold to John How." The only remains of Henry, are a few letters written to Col. Robert Hale, while in college. 312 NOTES. D. Province Tax. — The following table exhibits the amount of the Province tax assessed in various years from 1670 to 1751, witli the proportion paid by the county of Essex and by this town : Years. Tax Assesse d. Paid by County. Paid by Beverly. 1670 £1,205 13 £14 10 1674 1,299 9 2 15 13 1675 unknown. 16 1675-6 1,280 9 11 16 8 1692 30,000 *£4,851 11 6 *297 15 11 1696 9,619 10 2,403 120 1698 8,168 5 1,916 5 100 1702 6,063 14 6 1,400 2 68 2 1705 22,422 10 5,272 10 261 1709 22,778 7 3 5,320 4 2 261 1710 about same. about same. about same. 1711 u u u 1712 <( a u 1713 u u u 1714 il u 125 9 1715 1],000 2,556 14 2 unknown. 1721 6,000 not complete. 60 18 9 1726 20,000 4,118 8 8 199 7 1730 10,591 18 2,063 19 5 97 13 1737 48,920 9 3 9,855 13 6 392 4 3 1741 tl8,000 1,823 18 6 70 6 3 1746 3,169 1 3 6,034 2 236 11 9 1751 35,685 6,513 7 237 1 * Paid on two parts. t '' Present tenor. NOTES. 313 E.— PAGE 174. The following persons belonging to Beverly were committed to Mill Prison, England, during the revolutionary war: — Michael Down, of brig Rambler, taken Oct. 21, 1779 ; commit- ted Feb. 16, 1780. Benjamin Chipman, of schooner Warren, taken Dec. 27, 1777, and committed June 4, 1778.* Joseph Leach was taken and committed to Pembroke Prison, in 1779, and re-committed to Mill Prison, Oct. 14, 1780.t Joseph Perkins, Levi Woodbury ,| Robert Raymond, Matthew- Chambers, and Andrew Peabody, of ship Essex, taken June 10, 1781; committed July 21, 1781. James Lovett and Benjamin Sprague, of same ship, committed Aug. 25, 1781. William Haskell, of the brig Eagle, taken June 21, 1780; committed July 25, 1781. Alexander Carrico and George Groce, of same brig, committed Feb. 6, 1782. John Baker, of brig Black Princess, taken Oct. 11, 1781 ; com- mitted Oct. 20, 1781. John Tuck, Thomas Hadden, Josiah Foster, Hezekiah Thissell, Nathaniel Woodbury and Zebulon Obear, of Snow Diana, taken June 15, 1781, and committed Jan. 23, 1782. F. PAGE 41, Letter from Col. Robert Hale to Gov. Belcher. May it please your Excellency : It is not a contempt of the authority of your Excellency and his Majesty's Council, but a hearty desire to the interest of my coun- try, that inclines me steadily to pursue the affair of the Manufac- tory scheme, in which I am engaged ; and as, by your Excellen- cy's proclamation of the 5th instant, that is made incompatible with my holding a commission under the government, I do now most readily and cheerfully resign the trust of a Justice of the * Run -away. t Entered a man-of-war, with fifteen others, June 5, 1781. :j: Died, probably in prison. 27 314 NOTES. Peace, which I received by your Excellency's favor, and always endeavored to execute to the honor of his Majesty and the good of his subjects, so far as concerned me. T am your Excellency's most obedient and Most dutiful humble serv't, Robert Hale, To his Excellency Governor Belcher. Boston, Nov. 10th, 1740. G. PAGE 44. William Shirley, Esq. Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty^s Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in JVew England. [seal.] To Robert Hale, Esq. Greeting. Whereas the Council and House of Representatives of the Province aforesaid, did, by public resolve or vote, on the 15th day of this month, February, declare their sense of the importance and necessity of an expedition for erecting a strong fortress upon his Majesty's lands near the French fort, at Crown Point, and did likewise, in the same vote, desire me to apply to divers others of his Majesty's governments, and to urge them in such manner as I should think most effectual to join their forces with the forces of this government in such an expedition : — I do therefore, reposing special trust and confidence in your known loyalty, integrity and ability, constitute and empower you, the said Robert Hale, in the name and behalf of this his Majesty's Province, to make applica- tion to the government of New Hampshire to solicit the said gov- ernment to a compliance with the proposals made by the Council and House of Representatives of this Province, and to such other measures for promoting such an expedition as shall appear to you for his Majesty's service, and shall be agreeable to the instructions you may receive from me for your conduct in this affair. In testimony whereof, I have caused the public seal of the Province of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid to be hereunto affixed. Dated at Boston, the 22d day of February, 1755, in the 28th year of his Majesty's reign. W. Shirley. By his Excellency's command : J. WiLLARD, Stc'ry. . CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 1638. Jan- 22. John Winthrop, jr. had liberty from his father, Gov. Winthrop, to set up salt-works at Rial- side, and to have wood enough for carrying on the works, and pasture for two cows. 1655. Jeffrey's Creek is called Manchester. 1607. Nov. 6. The town agreed to lay out the ways, from the meeting-house to the mill. Dec. 10. The church held a fast by order of the General Court, " for the trouble of God's people in England and elsewhere abroad — for the tokens of God's displeasure in this land, in the loss of divers of the vessels by sea, and divers sins abounding; in which day we made it one special part of the work to seek the Lord's favor to look upon the church, to direct and prosper the small begin- nings, and continue his presence and mercy with us." 1668. Mar. 26. A general fast observed, " appointed by the coun- cil of magistrates, to mourn for profaneness, su- perstition and popery increasing — prayers for tlie king and parliament," &c. 1669. Aug. 4. " Fast by the congregation because of immoderate rains, blasting mildew, cold and storms, to find out the cause and desire the removal of God's frown." Aug. 16. " By unanimous consent of the whole congrega- tion, a fast appointed for great sins abounding and breaking forth scandalously in this country — deaths of five ministers in about half a year," &c. Nov. 17. Public thanksgiving to bless the Lord for stay- ing the immoderate rains which tlireatened to de- stroy the whole harvest of corn and fresh hay, and for the harvest the Lord hath given. 316 CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 1670, Apr. 7. " A day of fasting kept by the congregation under a sense of God's frowning dispensations, in tak- ing from this jurisdiction six ministers away from his church by death, in Uie last year, and permit- ting those divisions and breaches, which are al- ready begun in sundry churches and feared of more ; and continuing the snow so long on the earth, and the frost in the ground, hindering seed- time, and pinching cattle for want of food ; that the Lord may reform us of the sins we have pro- voked him by, and return unto our churches in mercy, and reserve for us the appointed weeks of seed-time and harvest, and prevent blighting and mildew this summer, so far as may be for his glory and our good." June 16. A day of fasting appointed by the General Court, observed, on account of prevailing sins. Sept. 22. A fast appointed by the council of magistrates, observed, " because of the low estate of the churches of God all over the world, and the in- crease of sin and evil among ourselves, and God's hand following us for the same." Nov. 24. A public thanksgiving appointed by the General Court, "for our peace and liberty continued, and the last year crowned with God's goodness in answer of prayer." 1672. Feb. 14. The town contributed £13 towards the funds of Harvard College. Mar. 18. Bounds between Beverly and Manchester settled by agreement. May 15. The General Court granted the town one barrel of powder. John Stone, by vote of the town, de- sired to keep an ordinary or tavern, one year. 1675. June 29. A fast held by order of the council, upon the rising of Indians about Swansey. 1676. Dec. 5. The town chose two constables, " by reason of the difficulties of the times on account of the Indian war." 1678. John Edwards was allowed £3 for killing three wolves. 1679. Feb. 13. Andrew Elliot and Nehemiah Grover had liberty CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 317 to cut two loads of timber on the town's common, to be used in building a ketch. Mar. 29. John West presented a flagon to the church, " as a token of his love." 1684. Dec. 4. " John Batchelder and his wife being deceased, gave good hope of their being in tlie faith, and if they had lived longer, purposed to join in com- munion with this church, but being prevented by death, their children are subjects of baptism." In 1676, the children of John Dixey, deceased, were baptized on similar grounds. The town this year voted to purchase land to enlarge the common. 1685. Measures were adopted for laying out the road from the second parish meeting-house to Topsfield. 1690. The selectmen afforded relief to Lawrence Den- nis and family, who were sick with smallpox. The town borrowed £48 10s. " to buy great guns and ammunition," jyid to build a fort for defence. 1695-6. The road between the first parish meeting-house and Manchester laid out two rods wide. 1696. Dec. 22. The town allowed Isaac Woodberry to cut timber for the masts and yards of a vessel he was then building. 1697. Money in the hands of Deacon Hill, contributed to redeem some person from Turkish captivity, not being improved, was devoted to the relief of the poor. 1700. May 2. A storm of rain and hail commenced which con- tinued three days. Many cattle were lost. Sept 22. Miss Emma Leach, aged 52, and only 25 inches in height, visited Salem and excited much curi- osity. 1706, Standard weights and measures provided by the town. 1710. The town paid 3s. 6d. for " treating" the jury and attornies who attended court in a suit with Salem. 1711. Mihil Sallows and Joseph Gray killed by Indians at Winter harbor. Snow fell this winter eight feet on a level. 27^ olb CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 1712-13. The town granted a lot of land to the people at the Farms, on which to set a schoolhouse. 1714-15, Benjamin Dike killed by Indians at Cape Sable. 1715-16. At a town meeting it was " voted, that votes sealed up and orderly sent into this meeting by persons qualified for voting in said meeting, that cannot attend either by sickness or being removed out of town about tlieir lawful business, be allowed to pass with the other votes of the same nature." 1722. John Ober chosen town clerk. He remained in office till 1733, and was again chosen in 1735. 1733-1. Bartlett-street laid out to the sea at Tuck's Point. 1742. A person chosen constable was excused from serv- ing, not being able to write or read. Voted to repair Thissle's bridge. 1746. Selectmen received £40, old tenor, for the relief of Jane Bartlett, whose husband was in the army at Cape Breton. 1748. The town voted a bounty of 20s. for old foxes and 10s. for young. 1751. Mill Lane laid out. 1753. The town voted a bounty of 2s. on every dog's head brought to the town treasurer. 1754. Selectmen directed to take measures for the de- struction of wolves. Assessors chosen this year distinct from the selectmen. 1755. The town having grown more sympathetic towards the canine tribe, a bounty of 5s. " to encourage the keeping of dogs," was severally paid to eighty-eight persons, amounting to £22 lawful money. 1757. The selectmen licensed a slau^g-hter-house belong- ing to Benjamin Raymond. The town hired part of a house for the use of two families of French neutrals. 1765. Widow Priscilla Trask appointed pound-keeper. 1766. The selectmen were authorized to purchase a gravel-pit of John Dodge. 1767. A powder-house built on the south side of the common. 1769. Feb. 11. Harbor frozen over down to Baker's Island. CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 319 1775. Capt. Hugh Hill took and brought into Beverly, schooner Industry, Capt. Francis Butler. The cargo was sold in conformity to existing rules, and the vessel delivered to the order of General Washington for the public service. Robert Has- kell, a native of this town, obtained permission of the General Court to return to Yarmouth, N. S., where he resided. The General Court ordered two half-barrels powder to be delivered to Josiah Batchelder, jr. to replace so much loaned the province by the town. The selectmen of Water- town delivered 2^ barrels to Col. Henry Herrick for the use of the town. The town paid for 47 gallons of rum used in building tlie breastwork at Woodberry's head. About the last of November, this year, Capt. Man- ly, in the Lee privateer, captured and brought into Cape Ann harbor the British brig Nancy, bound from London to Boston, laden with warlike stores, among which were 2000 muskets, 2 six-pounder cannon, 3000 twelve-pound shot, 20,000 one- pound do., and a 13-inch brass mortar. The cargo was conveyed to Cambridge for the use of the army, to which it proved a valuable and timely acquisition. The mortar was named the Congress, and was " pronounced to be the noblest piece of ordnance ever landed in America." J 777. The town voted to give £14 to each non-commis- sioned officer and private who would enlist in the continental army for three years, or during the war ; and £4 additional to such as had been in the army and would re-enlist. Provision was made for barracks to accommodate tlie seacoast men stationed at Woodberry's point. £300 were voted to supply the families of the non-commissioned oflficers and privates belonging to this town, en- listed in the continental army. The next year £200 were appropriated to the same purpose. April 1. The General Court refused the petition of the committee of inspection for leave to sell the cof- fee that had a long time been stored according to 320 CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. the rule adopted in such cases. Thomas Wood- berry and others petitioned the General Court and obtained liberty to send the schooner Swallow to tlie West Indies with lumber and fish to exchange for molasses, cotton and salt, which were much wanted in town. 1778. Price of labor on the highways fixed at 18s. pr day. 1779. This year forty men from this town were lost at sea, for which reason the town petitioned the General Court to be released from its obligation to furnish the quota required for the army. A sum not exceeding £12000 was voted for procur- ing men for the army. In succeeding years, sums varying from £5000 to £50,000, were pro- vided for the same purpose. Labor on the high- ways fixed at 30s. per day. 1780. The selectmen were directed to purchase five horses for the public service. To encourage enlistment, the town offered a bounty of 100 lbs. sugar, 100 lbs. coffee, 10 bushels corn, 100 lbs. beef and 50 lbs. cotton, or £1370 in money ; but this not proving a sufficient inducement, (^7 lbs. of coffee were afterwards added, and the bounty in money increased to £1611 4s. Price of labor on the highways fixed at £12 per day. Salt sold for £50 per bushel. 1781. Sept. 15. The selectmen petitioned the General Court to decide whether Beverly or Rowley should have the service of William Campbell, a soldier, Avho after being hired by Beverly, let himself to Row- ley. The constables were directed to receive one silver dollar instead of $75 of the old conti- nental paper, and $\ of the new emission instead of $40 of the old. 1783. French troops passed the night in the second par- ish, on their way to Portsmouth to embark for France. 1784. Price of labor on the highways fixed at 5s. per day. A building on Woodberry's Point belonging to the town, given to Wm. Woodberry in full con- sideration for the use of his land, &c. CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 321 1785. Four shillings and half a pint of rum alloAved by the town for a day's labor on the highways. 1786. Two collectors of taxes chosen. Previously to this, the taxes had been collected by constables. 1787. Bonfires prohibited under penalty of 10s. Select- men fixed the price of bread at 3 cents and 7 mills per lb. First firewards chosen, viz : Joseph Lee, Moses Brown, Joseph Wood, Andrew and George Cabot. 1790. Town divided into six school districts. Engine- men were excused from serving in town oflfices. Snow fell this year, Nov. 27, and laid till April 15th following. 3792. Capt. Gideon Rea returned from a fishing voyage in the Bay of St. Lawrence after five months absence, with 122,222 fish, making about 1200 quintals. Mrs. Judith, " the amiable and virtu- ous consort of the late Col. Ebenezer Francis, died very much lamented," aged 43. 1794. The selectmen were authorized to sell the old schoolhouse in Bass river district. Elias Smith, jr. died in the West Indies, " suffering under Brit- ish spoliations." Israel Dodge fell dead while driving a team, aged 21. 1795. Jan. 20. William Bartlett, A. B. died, aged 30. Capt. Rob- ert H. Ives died at Lisbon. 1798. The second parish granted a part of the parsonage for a gravel-pit. 1799. The second parish granted the Bass river school district a site for a schoolhouse. 1801. Dodge's Row school district formed. Hon. Israel Thorndike presented the second parish $100. 1802. The town, for the first time, voted to assess the highway tax in connexion with the town tax for general purposes. Farms school district divided- 1803. Washington street laid out. 1806. Widening of the Chebacco road through Dodge's Row begun. 1807, The present mode of warning town meetings by posting notices at each of the meeting-houses, adopted. 322 CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX. 1808. New powder-house built. April 16th, the snow three or four feet deep in many places. 1809. Apr. 17. An infant tied up in a pillow-case found in tlie river near the bridge. 1811. The road from Grove's hollow through Rial-side to Frost fish brook, laid out. 18 J 2. Henry Fornis, his mother and sister, died at the hospital of small pox. 1816. Juno Larcom, " a half Indian and half negro wo- man," died, aged 92. July 19. John Joseph, a son of Rev. Dr. Abbot, drowned, aged 4 years and 5 months. 1817. Feb. 14 and 15. Thermometer at 18 deg. below zero. 182.3. Town voted a bounty of 12^ cents per head for all crows killed. Aug. 4. Deborah Larrico killed by lightning. 1828. The road leading from the main street by Pyam Lovett's house, accepted by the town. 1829. Jan. 12. Mrs. Dr. Fisher died, aged 71. 1834. Dec. 10. Robert Thorndike, a native of Beverly, died at Camden, Me., aged 100 years and 5 months. 183.5. Jan. 4. Thermometer before sunrise 18 deg. below zero- Jan. 31. Thermometer before sunrise 58 deg. above zero — sharp lightning and much rain. 1836. Jan. 19. Jonathan Smith died aged 68. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1807, and was for many years surveyor of the customs and post-master. 1837. July 6. Barn of Elliot Woodberry burnt, supposed by lightning. Aug. 15. John Huddle killed by the explosion of a rock while in the act of charging. 1838. Dec. 9, Wm. Leach, grandson of John Leach, died aged 80. Mar. 16. Hannah Hill died. 1841. Aug.20.Hale Hilton died, aged 81. He was a fifer in Capt. . Low's company. 1842. Apr. 25. Joseph Woodberry, a descendant of the earliest settlers of that name, dropped down dead in his yard, aged 75. Aug. Samuel Cole, a revolutionary pensioner, died aged 90 years. INDEX. Topography, . . - - Page 1—12 Settlement, - - - - 13 Roger Conant, - . 16—21 John, Josiah and William "Woodberry. 21—23 John Balch, - - 23 Richard Brackenbary, - • 24 Capt. Thomas Lothrop, - - 25—28 Lawrence Leach, - - 29 Mason's Claim, - - 29—31 John Lovett, - - 31 Canada Expedition, 1690, - 32 Imprisonment of Hill, - - 33 Andrew Elliot, - 34—36 Robert Briscoe, . - 36 Col. Robert Hale, 38—56 Revolutionary Period, - . 54—88 Col. Henry Herrick, - 5, 5, 65, 88 Battle of Lexington, - - 61—63 Attack on Beverly, . 64—66 Capts. Giles, Smith, Hill, : Lovett and Tittle, 70—73 Col. Ebenezer Francis, - . 73-79 Col. John Francis, - - - 79 Ebenezer Rea, - . 80—82 Female Riot, - 83—85 First Cotton Factory, . - 85 Dark Day, - - 86 Washington's Birth-day, . - 90 Neutrality, 1793, - - 90 Settlement of Ohio, - - 91 Alert taken at Santander, - 93 Small Pox, - - 93 Fourth July, 1807, - . - 95 Joseph Wood, . - 96 Embargo, 1808, - - 97 Josiah Batchelder, Jr. . - 97 William Burley, - - 100 La Fayette's Visit, - - - 101 324 INDEX. Fourth July, 1835, - - . - . Page 102—104 Public Buildings and Essex Bridge, - - - 105 — 110 Schools and Academy, - . - . HO — 119 College Graduates, ...... 119 Libraries, Reading Room and Lyceum, - - 120 — 123 MERCHANTS. George, Andrew and John Cabot, Moses Brown, Israel Thorndike, Joseph Lee, John and Thos. Stephens, 123 — 134 THE BAR. Nathan Dane and William Thorndike, - - - 135—151 MISCELLANEOUS. Physicians from 1677 to 1842, - - - 155—168 Militaiy, 168—178 Temperance, ..... 178—181 Charitable and other Associations, ... 181 — 186 Fire Department, --.... 186 Streets, - - - . - . . - 187 Burial Grounds, ..... 188—191 Common Lands, - . . . . - 191 Representatives, -.-... 192 Stocks, - - - - . . . - 193 Diseases, Deaths, Marriages, - - - 195 — 197 Population, &cc. - - • - - . - 197 Agriculture, - - - . . . 198 Valuation, Manufactures, Commerce, &:c. - - 200 — 203 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. The First Parish, including Notices of witchcraft, of Messrs. Hale, Blowers, Willard, McKean, Abbot, &c. - 204 Second Parish, including Notices of Messrs. Chipman, Hitchcock, Dow, &c. - - - - - 256 Baptist Church, - - . - . - - 286 Dane Street Church, .... - 289 Farms Church, ..-..-. 295 Fourth Congregational Church, .... 296 Washington Street Church, - - - - - 297 Sabbath Schools, ----.- 299 Conclusion, ....... 303 Notes and Appendix, - . , - . 310