F129 .H28 F9 I *%Ct ^K#$f w Class / / I 4 ifefe^s ^J^S^^S¥M S>=£ y>. i I I Q U A iv JS R BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, PROM HARTLAND MONTHLY MEETING, NIAGARA COUNTY, N. Y. B I R TH S, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, page 1 22 30 - QUAKER BIH1HS FROM H A R T L A N D MONTHLY MEETING REC- ORDS, NIAGARA COUNTY, N. Y. 15 of 2m 1821 to 5 of 2m 1866 Hoag, Lorenzo Hoag, born 19 of 6m, 1821, son of 2ackson and Phoebe Hoag of Royal ton Braman, Alonzo Braman, born 18 of 2m, 1822, son of William Braman of Shelby Batty, Jesse Batty, born 17 of 2m, 1822, son of Daniel Batty of Barre Webb, James Webb, born 22 of 5m, 1821, son of Jacob and Ruth Webb of Elba Shotwell, Amy Shotwell, born 18 of lm 1822, daughter of Isaac and Edna Shotwell of Elba Aldrich, Amy Aldrich, born 15 of lm, 1822 daughter of Wanton ana Amy Aldrich of Elba Hoag, Elizabeth Hoag, born 5 of 2m, 1822, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Hoag of jilba Hawley, Edward p. Hawley, born 25 of 12m, 1821, son of Gideon and i'lary Hawley of Cambria Snell, Richard Snell, born 17 of 9m. 1796 son of Richard and Mary Snell, of Denton, Yorkshire, England . . Oomstock, Haviland, Eaviland, Haviland, Ytestgate, Bowerman, Llosher, Baker, Starbuck, West, Jackson, Cornell, Cons took, Nathan D. Gomstook, born ? son of Nathan and Ghloe Gomstock of Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y. Sarah D. Haviland horn 25 of 11m, 1824 daughter of Jugurson and Alice Haviland of Royalton, Niagara Co.,N.Y. Philo Haviland, horn 10 of 11m, 1824 son of Janes and Susannah Haviland of Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y. Isaac Haviland, born 1 of 6m, 1824 son of Samuel and Phoebe Haviland of Eoyalton, Niagara Go., N. Y. Henry G. Westgate, born 18 of 12m, 1824 "son of Sylvanus and Esther Westgate Moses Bowerman, born 1 of 11m, 1824 son of Joshua and Abigail Bowerman er Satah llosher, born 17 of 6m, 1824, daughter of '.Villi am and Judith Mosh Mary G. Baker, born 8 of lm, 1825, daughter of Joseph and Anna Baker Delia Starbuck, born 28 of 10m, 1824 daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Starbuck Elijah ".'est, born 21 of 9m, 1824, son of Abraham and Anna '..'est Harriet LI. Jackson, born 19 of 9m, 18 daughter of Jesse and Edith Jack 1824 ackson Benjamin Cornell, born 22 of 7m, 1824 son of Daniel and Anna Cornell Isaac Thomas Gomstock, born 14 of cm, 1825 son of Nathan and Chloe Gomstock ■ , r * I -3- Batty, Hoag, Oomstock, Smi th , ,,eeks, Ha ins , Hill, Windsor, Shotwell, Shotwell, Hull, Gardner, Mott , Llariah Batty, born 1 of 8m, 1824 daughter of Job and Llary Batty Hannah Hoag, born 10 of 2m, 1825 . daughter of Jackson and Phoebe Hoag Phoebe Ann Oomstock, torn 10 of Em, 1825 daughter of Derius and Ann Oomstock Samuel Smith born 27 of 4m, 1825 son of Daniel and Senne Smith Sylvester Edward Weeks, Joorn 8 of 8m, 1824 son of Edward and jilizabeth Weeks Llary Hains. born 11 of 3m. 1825, daughter of Ruben and Anna Hains Betsy Hill born 18 of 10m, 1825 daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Hill David Windsor, born 18 of 12m, 1824 son of L'athewson and Nancy Windsor Joseph Shotwell, born 5 o£ 8m, -1824-': son of -? Richard Shotwell, born 22-of 12m, 1824 son of - -? Sarah Hull born 19 of 4m, 1825 daughter of --___? George W, Gardner, torn 23 of 10m, 1824 son of - - -? Is^ac 3. Mott. born 4 of 5m, 1825 son of Stephen and Llary P. Llott . - t - -4- Aldrich, Eoag, Hoag, Haight , Hoag, Weeks, V/estgate , '."est gate , Haines, Birdsall, Jackson, Isaac M. Aldrich, bom 23 of 11m, 1824 son of Wanton and Amy Aldrich William C. Hoag, torn 10 of 9m 1825 son of Stephen A. Hoag and - of Shelby- Clark S. Hoag, born 10 of 3m, 1826 son of Peter Hoag and - of Ridgway Lydia Haight, born 20 of 4m, 1826 daugoter of Reuben Haight and - of Selby _ _? daughter of Jackson Hoag and - _ _*? Anna Hoag, born 10 of 2m, 1825 daughter of of Lockport John E. Weeks born 1 of 12m, 1825 son of Edward Weeks and - - - - -? of Lockport Fanny 1. Westgate, born 17 of 3m, 1826 daughter of aylvanus and Esther Westgate of Royalton Permelia Westgate. born 28 of 3m, 1825 daughter of Jeremiah and Amy ..estgate of Royal ton Mary Haines, born 18 of 8m, 1825 daughter of Jesse P. and Sarah Haines of Lockport Mary E. Birdsall, born 15 of 7m, 1825 daughter of Johnathan and Mary Birdsall of Hartland Emily Jackson, born 28 of 8m, 1825 daughter of William and Anna Jackson of Hartland ■ ■ - [ ■_ - _ •_ _ _ . ;_ _ _ _ _ I ■ , - -5- Haight, Jacob Haight born 9 of 10m, 1825 son of Jacob and Catherine Haight of Somerset Birdsall, Jesse Eirdsall, born 24 of 11m. 1825 son of Joseph and Nancy Birdsall of Hartland Spalding, Alice Jane Spalding, born 1 of 5m, 1826 daughter of Lyman and Amy Spalding of Lockport Snell, Elizabeth Snell born IS of 8m, 1826 daughter of Richard and LI. I ( . Snell of Lockport Laing, Joseph I*aing, born 9 of 5m, 1825 son of Smith and Abby Laing of Elba Hoag, Mary 3. Hoag, born 3 of 6m, 1825 daughter of Jacob and Sarah Hoag of Elba Hull, Sarah Hull born 19 of 4m, 1825 daughter of Neheniah and Bathsheba Hull of Elba 7;eeks, Susannah Weeks, born 18 of lm, 1826 daughter of William E. and Susannah V/eeks of Elba Puller, Benjamin Puller, born 31 of 3m, 1826 son of Hibbard and Phoebe Puller of Elba Shotwell, Nathan Shotwell, born 14 of 5m 1826 son of Isaac and Edna Shotwell of Elba Shotwell, Benjamin P. Shotwell, born 5 of 11m, 1826 son of Samuel and Llercy Shotwell of Elba - -6- Griffen, Henry Griff en, born 16 of 6m, 1826 son of Jacob and Bathsheba Griffen of Elba Calkins, Sabrina E. Calkins, born 1 of 10m, 1826 daughter of Jared and Susannah Calkins of Clarendon Shotwell, Elizabeth Shotwell, born 4 of 8m 1826 daughter of Zachariah and Edna L. Shouwell of Elba Shotwell, Levi Shotwell, born 2 of lm, 1826 son of Benjamin and Sarah Shotwell of Elba Aldrich, Eliza A. Aldrich, born 7 of 4m, 1827 daughter of V.'anton and Amy Aldrich of §lba Batty, Benjamin H. Batty born 27 of 7m 1826 son_of Daniel and Phoebe Baity of Barre Braman, Elihu H. Braman, born 13 of 12m, 1826 son of William and Anna Braman of Barre Haight, Stephen Kaight, born 8 of 3m, 1827 son of David and Avis Haight of Shelby Windsor, Jesse Windsor, born 24 of 4m, 1827 son of Mathewson and Nancy Windsor of Barre Haines, Sarah Haines, born 17 of 4m, 1827 daughter of Reuben and Anna Haines of Eidgway Cornell, Samuel Cornell, born 15 of 3m, 1827 son of Daniel and Anna Cornell of Hartland ' ' • • : -7- Eliza C. Hartley, torn 1 of 10m, 1826 daughetr of Jesse and ilary Hartl of Niagara ey Hartley, Weeks, Elizabeth T. Weeks, born 8 of 2m, 1827 daughetr of Edward and Elizabeth Weeks of Niagara Starbuck, Ariadne Starbuck, born 3 of 7m, 1825 daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Starbuck of Somerset Mosher, John II. Mosher, born 17 of 2m, 1826 son of William and Julia Mosher of Somerset Aldrich, Moses Aldrich, born IS of 3m, 1827 son of Jesse and Elizabeth Aldrich of Hart land Jackson, Amos Jackson, born 13 of 4m, 1827 son of Jesse and Edith Jackson of Hart land Bills, William T. Bills, born 17 of 4m, 1827 son of Thomas and Susan Bills of Hartland Hoag, Abel T. Hoag born 10 of 10m 1827 son of Jackson and Phoebe Hoag Harkness, Ruth Harkness, born 25 of 12m, 1827 slanghter of Beulah and Daniel Harkness Snell, Rachel Snell, born 1 of 10m 1827 daughter of Richard and M. I. Snell Spalding, Amy Ann Spalding, born 10 of 9m, 1827 daughter of Lyman and Amy Spalding • , I -8- Chase, Eliza Chase, born 26 of 12m, 1827 daughter of Levi and Anna Ohase Hawley, Martha Hawley, born 29 of 9m_, 1827 daughter of Gideon and Liary Hawley Hoag, Anna B. Hoag, born 28 of 10m, 1827 daughter of Stephen and Hannah Hoag Hoag, Jacob Smith Hoag, born 1 of lm, 1828 son of Jacoc and Sarah Hoag '.Ticks, Edward T .7icks, born 7 of lm, 1828 son of William and Susannah ,Vicks Hull, William G. Hull, born 3 of 9m, 1827 son of Nehemiah and Bathsheba Hull Griffen, Joseph Griff en, born 28 of 4m, 1828 son of Jacob and Bathsheba Griffen Laing, Eary S. Laing, born 3 of 8m 1828 daughter of Smith and Abbe Laing Haviland, Mary Ann Haviland, born 5 of llin, 1828 daughter of James and Susy Haviland of Royal ton Westgate, Amanda TJestgate. born 27 of 5m, 1828 daughter oi Jeremiah and Eunice '.''.'estgate of Royalton Haviland, Daniel 3. Haviland, born 5 of 2m, 1828 son of Charles and Laura Haviland of Royal ton Hoag, Mary Ann Hoag, born 10 of 9m, 1828 daughter of Feter and Hannah Hoag « , - 1 '- - - ' -9- Comstock, Llary 3. Corastock, torn 22 of 12m, 1028 daughter of Jarcd and Catherine Comstock Haines, Rachel Haines, born 12 of 5m, 1828 daughter of Jesse P. ana Sarah Haines Birdsall, Sarah 11. Birdsall born 29 of 2m, 1828 daughter of Johnathan and Llary Birdsall Colvin, Philadelphia Colvin, born 13 of 3m, 1828 son of Isaac A. and Elizabeth Colvin Starbuck, Susan E. Starbuck bom 8 of 5m, 1828 daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Starbuck Weeks, Rachel Y. Weeks born 29 of 7m, 1829 daughter of Edward and Elisabeth heeks Ross, Rebecca B. Ross born 25 of 12m, 1829 daughter of Wilbur and Rachel Ross Hoag, Betsy Hoag born 15 of 8m. 1829 daughter of Stephen A, Hoag and - -? Aldrich, Zacchius Aldrich, born 2C of 4m, 1829 son of Jesse and Elizabeth Aldrich Jackson, Levi Jackson^ bora 13 of 9m, 1829 son of ^esse and Edith Jackson Aldrich, V.'anton Aldrich, born 8 of 2m, 1829 son of Richard and Bathsheba Aldrich Chase, Laura Chase, born 20 of 8m 1829 daughter of Levi and Anna Chase Haviland, Anna Haviland, born 5 of lEm^ 1829 daughter of Samuel and irhoebe Haviland . . c . , . -10- Hoag, Phoebe Ann Hoag, born 3 of 2m, 1829 daughter of Andrew Eoag and - Hull, _ _v Llary Arm Hull, horn 31 of lm, 1829 daughter of Neherniah and Bathsheba Shotwell, Abigail Shotwell, born 18 of 6m, 1829 daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Eeston, Rachel L. Heston, born 11 of 9m, 1829 daughter of Joseph and Ann ffix, John E. Wiz, born 17 of lm, 183G son of William and Susannah nix Puller, Edward H. Puller, born 10 of 10m, 1829 son of Hibbard and Phoebe Puller Earkness, William E. Harkness, born 11 of 10m, 1829 son of David and E'eulah Oalkins, Ashley Calkins, born 1 of 4m, 1829 son of Jared and Susannah Aldrich, Canton A. Aldrich, born 8 of 2m, 1829 son of Richard and Bathsheba Thayer, Phoebe Thayer, born 3 of 11m, 1830 daughter of ? and Amy Thayer Eoag, Dennis Hoag, born 10 of 4m, 1831 son of Andrew and Sally Ann Hoag Wells; Rhoda 3. Wells, born 28 of 11m, 1831 daughter of Chester and Susannah V. : ells Eoag, Lyman V. Hoa£, born 19 of 4m, 1830 son of reter and Hannah Eoag , , . - . , , - ■ t - . « -11- Wells John Wells, torn 26 of 8m, 1831 ' son of Levi and nebecca hells Andrews John S. Andrews, "born 20 of 2m, 1831 son of Samuel and Elizabeth Andrews Hawley, Henry Hawley, born 15 of 8m, 1831 son of Gideon and Llary Hawley Kaines, Hannah Haines, born 27 of 3m, 1830 daughter of Reuben and Anna Haines Braman, Laura Iranian, born 25 of 2m, 1831 daughter of Samuel and Nancy Braman Starbuck, Harriet Starbuck, born 27 of 12m, 1831 daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Starbuck Gorben, John Corben, born 27 of 9m, 1830 son of John and Betty Gorben Birdsall, Deantha Birdsall, born 3 of lm, 1832 daughter of Joseph and Nancy Birdsall Hoag, George Hoag, born 30 of 4m, 1830 son o± Jackson and Phoebe Hoag Snell, Martha M. Snell born 17 of 10m, 1831 daughter or Richard and M. I. Snell j. Sprague, William P. Sprague, born 31 of 12m, 1831 son of Benoni and Sarah Sprague Bowerman, Eunice Bowerman, fiorn 14 of 11m, 1831 daughter oi Moses and Zilpah Bowerman Eaviland, Julia Eaviland, born 13 of 3m, 1832 daughter of Isaac and LMnerva Eaviland of Royal ton 1 - ' . . , , ' -12- Bowerman, Charles Bowerman, torn 20 of 11m, 1831 son of Joseph ana Alice Bowerman of Royal ton Chase, Sally Ann Chase, born 12 of 5m, 1832 daughter o± Levi and Anna Chase of Royalton Ilaviland, Leonard Hayiland, torn 11 of lm, 1832 son of Samuel and Phoebe Ilaviland of Eoyalton Griff en, Charles Griff en, born 8 of 5m 183© son of Jacob and Bathsheba Griffen Shotwell, Sarah E. Shotwell, born 1 of 10m, 1830 daughter of Isaac M. and Edna Shotwell Hoag, Richard LI. Hoag, torn 27 of 7m, 1830 son of Jacob and Sarah Hoag Gardner, Bathsheba P. Gardner, born 23 of 2m, 1831 daughter of George M. and Dianna Garcme r Ilaviland, Zilpah Ann Haviland, born 17 of 7m, 1830 daughter of Isaac and Minerva Haviland Birdsall, Asahel I. Birdsall, born 15 of 11m 1830 son of Johnathan and Mary Birasall Westgate, Austin Westgate, born 19 of 9m, 1830 son of Sylvanus and Esther Westgate Bowerman, Adah Ann Bowerman, torn 3 of 10m, 1830 daughter of Joseph and Alice Bowerman Chase, ) Phoebe Chase, born 8 of 12m 1830 Haviland ) daughter of Levi E. and Anna Haviland • t 5 - • . . , < « -13- ^rench, Elijah French, born 12 of 2m, 1830 son of Joseph and Hannah French Haviland, Jared C. Haviland, bom 15 of lm, 1831 son of James and Susannah Haviland Nolsan, Joseph K. Nolsan (Robson?), born 7 of 3m 1831, son of James and "Abizab Nolsan" of Hart land Weeks. Minerva Ifeeks, born 13 of 3m, 1832 daughter of Willaim and Susannah Weeks Calking, Permelia Calking, born 6 of 12m, 1832 daughter of Jare ■■] and Susannah Calking Griff en, Isaac Griff en, born 29 of 9m, 1832 daughter of Jacob and Bathsheba Griff en Shotwell, Benjamin H. Shotwell, born 29 of 3m, 1832 son of Benjamin and Sarah Shotwell Aldrich, Asa W. Aldrich, born 8 of 12m, 1832 son of Richard and Bathsheba Aldrich Wells; Russell T. Wells, born 8 of 5m. f 1832 son of Russell and Sarah wells Wells, Huldah A. Wells born 29 of 5m, 1833 daughter of Levi and Rebecca iVells Llason, J ames I.Iason, born 25 of 6m, 1833 son of Willard and -iary u ason Thayer, Wait E. Thaver, born 3 of 12m, 1633 son of - -? and Amy Thayer Fuller, Daniel H. Fuller, born 4 of lm 1832 son of Hi "bard and Fhoebe .duller , « - . ■ - ' -14- Earkness, Daniel R, Harlmess, born 28 of 8a, 1832 son of David and Bui ah Harlmess Shotwell, David E. Shotwell, born 8 of 5m, 1832 son of Isaac LI. and Edna Shotwell Gardner, Malvina Ann Gardner, born 4 of 6m, 1833 daughter of George W, and Diana Gardner Robson, James K. Robson. born 14 of 5m, 1833 son of Kinder and Euth Robson Adams, Altha Adams, born 3 of 4m, 1833 daughter of John and Altha Adams Corbin, Samuel W. Corbin, born 17 of 5m, 1833 son of John and Letsy Corbin Snell, Caleb Snell, born 2 of 6m, 1834 son of Richard and Mary I. Snell Ileston, Mary C. Heston, born 21 of 5m, 1835 daughter of Samuel and Sarah p. Heston Gardner, George M. Gardner, born 23 of 6m. 1835 son of George W. and Diana Gardner Weeks, Sarah Jane weeks, born 15 of 7m, 1834 daughter of William H. and Susannah ..eeks Aldriclj, James R. Aldrich, born 10 of 3m, 1834 son of Asa and Abigail Aldrich Aldrich, Wanton Asa Aldrich born 28 of 8n, 1835 son of Asa and Abigail Aldrich Wells, Sarah Ann Wells, born 3 of 6m, 1835 daughter of Levi and Rebecca '.Tells , ■ . ' -1 R - Eraman , Weeks, Nellist, Hoag, Wells, Kill, -.las on, Sprague , Deuel, Birdsall, Rotson, Haines, Eansom, Jesse Allen Braman, torn 2 of 2m, 1835 son of Samuel and Nancy Braman ks Samuel G. Weeks, torn 7 of 11m. 1834 son of Edward and Elizabeth Wee John B. Nellist torn 1 of 10m, 1834 son of Vdlliam and Mary Nellist Susan Jane Hoag torn 7 of 12m, 1833 daughter or Seaman and Wealthy Hoag Eliza C. Wells, torn 7 of 7m, 1835 daughter of Russell and Eliza Wells Fhoete Jane Kill, torn 17 of 10m, 1833 daughter of Jeremiah and Elizateth Hill Laura Ann Mason, torn 6 of 6m, 1835 daughter of Willard I. and Mercy Llason Franklin Sprague, horn 14 of lm, 1834 son oi Benona and Sarah Sprague Alfred, torn 19 of 3m, 1834 son of Abraham and Huldah Deuel Bi chard Birdsall, born 16 of 5m, 1835 son of Joseph and Nancy Birdsall ^ary Ann Rotson, torn 4 of 7m, 1835 daughter of Kendra and Ruth Rotson Rachel Ann Haines, torn 17 of 11m 1835 daughter of Reuben and Anna Haines Richard Earns on, torn 18 n of 4m, 1836 son of Joseph and Sarah Ransom , - I .. ; ! L . -16- Lyon, Diana Lyon, born 26 of 12m, 1835 daughter of David and Sarah Lyon of Elba Fuller, John R. Fuller, born 23 of 12m, 1835 son of Kibbard and Phoebe Fuller Shotwell, Isaac I.!. Shotwell, born 20 of 10m 1835 son of Benjamin and Sarah Shotwell Shotwell, Catherine Eliza Shotwell, born 17 of 2m 1836 daughter of Isaac and Edna Shotwell Weeks, Stephen A. Weeks born 26 of 2m, 1836 son of William and Susannah Weeks Harkness, Robert Harkness, born 14 of 3rn. 1836 son of Daniel and Beulah Harkness Ereckon, Mary Ann Ereckon, born 30 of 4m, 1836 daughter of Caleb and Rebecca Ereckon Nellist, Thomas Nellist, bpra 14 of 2m 1837 son of Willaifii and Mary I. Nellist Hoag, Cynthia Hoag, born 25 of 8m, 1836 daughter of Zeno and Catherine Eoag Eobson, Elizabeth Eobson, born 21 of 4m, 1837 daughter of Kendra and Ruth Eobson Brwbnell, Phoebe E. Brownell born 12 of 8m, 1837 daughter of Elihu and Mary Brownell Comfort, James H, Comfort, born 3 of 8m, 1837 son of Robert and Ehoda Comfort Snell, Johnathan Snell, bom 1 of lm, 1828 son of Anthony and Sarah Snell ; 1 , -17- Snell, Snell , Snell, Nellist, Nellist, Comfort, Breckon, Browne 11, Philip, Breckon, Robson, Baker, Nellist, Maria T. Snell, born 7 of 7m, 1838 daughter of Richard and Margaret P. Snell Sarah H. Snell, born 16 of 7m, 1839 daughter of Richard and ^argaret P. Snell Joseph C. Snell, torn 16 of 8m, 1840 'son of Richard and Tiargaret F. Snell David P. Nellist, born 20 of 8m, 1838 son of William and Liar].* Jane Nellist George J. Nellist, born 26 of 10m, 1838 son of Proddan and Alec Nellist Ezra Comfort, born 9 of 2m, 1839 son of Robert and Rhoaa Comfort John Breckon, born 25 of 2m, 1841 son of Caleb and Rebecca Breckon Jesse IE. Browne 11, born 30 of 4m, 1840 son of Elihu and Mary Brownell Susan T. Philip, born 19 of 8m 1840 of Jerome and Anna Philip Susanna Breckon. born 10 of 5m, 1839 daughter of William and Harriet Breckon Rachel Louisa Robson. born 19 of 6m, 1839 daughter of Kendra and Ruth Robson Anna Baker, born - daughter of - - -? _ _9 Joseph J. Nellist, born 14 c^ 8m, 1839 son of George and Ann Nellist ; j : . - -18- Robson, Breckon, Moody, Deuel, Eobson, Nellist, Nellist, Nellist, Breckon , Goates. Moody, Nellist, Nellist, Christina Eobson. bom 22 of 5m, 1841 daughter of ^endra and Ruth Eobson William Henry Breckon, bo 7 rn 21 of 6m, 1841 son of William and Harriet Breckon Mary E. Moody, born 1 of 4m, 1842 daughter of Thomas and Martha Moody William Austin Deuel born 30 of 11m, 1842 son of Abner ana Jane Deuel William D. Eobson, born 14 of 5m, 1843 son of Kendra and Ruth Eobson Joseph Talcott Nellist bom 19 of 12m, 1842 son of William ana Mary Nellist ^ames Nellist, born 5 of 8m, 1841 son of George and Ann Nellist ^ary Jane Nellist born 9 of 4m, 1843 daughter of George and Ann Nellist James C. Breckon, born 21 of 9m, 1843 son cf William and Harriet Breckon Joseph T. Goates, born 23 of 11m, 1843 son of Townsend and Sarah Ann Goates Edwin F. Moody, bora 2 of 11m, 1844 son of Thomas and. Martha iuoody George M. Nellist, bom 7 of 10m, 1844 son of George and Ann Nellist Ruth Ann Nellist, born 20 of 6m, 1845 daughter of Ifilliam and Mary Jane Nellist i : 1 - [ - -19- Robson, Charles M. Robson, torn 16 of 8m, 1645 son of Kendra and Ruth Robson Deuel, Hannah Deuel, born 20 of 11m 1845 daughter of Abner EaM Jane Deuel Breckon, Mary Ann Breckon, born 25 of 3m, 1846 daughter of William and Harriet Breckon Goates, IHlliam John Coates, born 21 of 9m, 1846 son of Townsend and Phoebe Goates Eobson, Eliza Jane Robson, born 17 of 8m, 1847 daughter of Kendra and Ruth Robson Deuel, Abraham Deuel, born 6 of 10m, 1850 son of Abraham H. and Hane Beuel Breckon J Asa P. Breckon, born 26 of 2, 1851 Deuel ) son of William and Harriet Deuel Nellist, Charles P, Nellist, bom 3 of 9m, 1847 son of George and Ann Nellist Atwater, William L. Atwater, born 8 of 10m, 1847 son of Levi and Mary Atwater Coates, Ellen Arvilla Coates, born 26 of 9m, 1848 daughter of Townsend and Phoebe Coates Atwater, Elizabeth H. Atwater, bom 9 of 4m 1849 daughter of Levi H. and Mary Aywater Deuel, ©avid T. Deuel, bom 10 of 11m 1849 son of Aimer H. and Jane Deuel Robson, Sarah Alice Robson, born 27 of 8m, 1849 daughter of Kendra and Ruth Robson . . . -20- Eartley, Hartley, Weaver, Weaver, Pinkham, Deuel, Breckon, Hartley, Atv/ater, Pobson, At ater, Pinkham, Hartley, Emma L. Hartley, born 25 of 1m, 1850 daughter of Joseph and Men 11a K. Hartley Elrnira M. Hartley born 11 of 8m, 1850 daughter of Thomas E. and Huldah H. Hartley Albert Weaver, born 16 of 11m, 1850 son of Elisha T. and Jane T. Y/eaver Alice Weaver, born 16 of 11m, 1850 daughter of Elisha T. and Jane T. Weaver Ellen Pinkham, born 2 of 5m, 1850 daughter of Stephen and Mary Pinkham Abraham Deuel, born 6 of 10m, 1850 son of itbner H. and Jane Deuel Asa P. Breckon, born 26 of 2m, 1851 son of William and Harriet Breckon Walter T. Hartley, born 7 of 11m, 1651 son of Thomas E. and Huldah H. Hartley Hannah G. Atv/ater, born 19 of lm 1851 daughter of Levi n. and Mary M. Atwater Henry Pobson, born S of lm, 1852, son of Kendra and Puth nobs on Maria L. Atv/ater, born 26 of 4m. 1852 daughter of Levi and Mary Atwater Francis E. Pinkham born 28 of 10m, 1852 daughter of Stephen and Mary Pinkham Llary E. Hartley, born 29 of 5m, 1852 daughter oi Jospeh and MarfcLla Hartley 1 : . . , ■ i r - • Atwater, Coates, Hartley, Pobson, Weaver, Atwater, Breckon , Atwater, Peirson, Eobson, Atwater, Atwater, John L. Atwater, torn 7 of 8m, 1852 son of John and Margaret Atwater Emr.ia Iliza Coates, Lorn 7 of 10m, 1853 daughter of Towns end and Phoebe Goates Sarah Eliza Hartley, bom 24 of 10m, 1853 daughter of Tnomas E. and Huldah H. Hartley Francis Z. P.obson, born 6 of 11m, 1853 son of Kendra and Faith Eobson Anna I. Weaver, born 27 of 2m 1854 daughter of Elisha T. and Jane F. Weaver Huldah Mead Atwater, born 11 of 5m. 1854 daughter of Levi K. and Mary Atwater Gharles M. Breckon, born 23 of 6m, 1854 son of William and Harriet Breckon Margaret E. Atwater, born 12 of 4m, 1854 daughter of John and ^argaret Atwater Alfred R. Peirson, born^l8 of 9m, 1858 son of Edward and Sarah H. Peirson Ella Rotson, born 4 of lm, 1858 daughter of Kendra and Ruth Eobson Bertha E. Atwater, born 8 of 5m, 1862 daughter of Levi II. and Mary Atwater Cornelia M. Atwater, born 5 of 2m, 1866 daughter of Levi H. and Mary Atwater • , . QUAKER MARRIAGES PROM HART LAND MONTHLY MEETING REC ORDS, NIAGARA COUNTY, N. Y. 1821 to 1857 -1- Hoag, Javob Hoag, Jr., of Palmyra, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Hoag Shotwell, Sarah L. Shotwell, daughter of Richard Shotwell and Mary of Elba Married, 22 of 2m, 1821 Fuller, Hibbard Fuller of Elba, son of James Fuller and Hannah Hull, Phoebe Hull, daughter of Danile and Ruth Married, 23 of 5m, 1822 Comstock, Darius Comstock of Eoyalton, son of Nathan and Mary Brooks. Anna Brooks, daughter of John Willets and Willeta, Mary Married, 21 of 11m, 1822 Hull, Nehemiah Hull of Elba, son of Daniel and Ruth Hoag, Barsheba Hoag, daughter of Levi and Desire Hoag Married, 20 of 12m, 1822 West, Abraham West of Elba, son of David and Susannah French, Anna French, daughter of Elijah and Tabby French Married, 20 of 12m, 1822 Batty, Job Batty of Lockport, son of Jesse and Nanny Batty Thorn, Mary Thorn, daughter of Webster and Elizabeth Thorn Married, 25 of 9m, 1823 , ■ I ■ -2- Spalding, Pound, Hoag, Cady, Dean, Jones , Baker, Jones , Ross, Thorn, Chase , Haviland, Lyman A. Spalding of Lockport, son of Eras t us and Jennet Amy Pound, daughter of John and Alice Pound Married, 23 of 9m, 1824 Stephen A. Hoag of Shelby, son of Ben- jamin and Sarah Hannah Cady, daughter of William Cady and Mahala Married, 22 of 12m 1824 Stephen Dean of Hamburg. Erie Co., N. Y. son of Joel and Esther Rachel K. Jones, daughter of Joseph Jones and Elizabeth Married, 20 of 10m, 1826 Isaac Baker of Hamburg, son of Lllsha and Elizabeth Elizabeth R. Jones, of Milo, Yates Co., New York* daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Married, 20 of 10m, 1826 Wilbur Ross of Parmington, son of Willard and Eunice Rachel Thorn, daughter of Webster and Elizabeth Thorn Levi Married, 15 of 9m, 1826 M. Chase of Royalton; son of Artemas, (dec*) and Julia Chase, now Julia Van Norman Anna Haviland, daughter of Charels and Esther Havilana of Royalton, Niagara Co. C Y. Married, 25 of 10m, 1826 - - , . - [ ■ ■ • « : • ■ « " -3- Haviland, Smith, Westgate, French , Haight, Barker, Bowerman, Haviland , Hoag, Shotwell, Robsoh, Hoag, Charles Haviland of Royalton, son of Charles and Esther Haviland Laura Smith, daughter of Daniel and Sena Smith Married, 3 of 11m, 1825 Jeremiah Westgate of Royalton, son of Johnathan and Dorcas Eunice French, daughter of Elijah French (dec»d) and Tabby, of Hartland Married, 21 of 6m, 1827 David Haight of Somerset, son of Jacob and Caty Haight Sarah H. Barker, daughter of Samuel Barker and Sarah of Charlotte, Yt. ilarried, 9 of lm, 1828 Joseph Bowerman of Royal t on ? son of Joshua Bowerman and Abigail Alice Haviland, daughter of Charles and Esther of Royalton Married, 6 of lm, 1830 Benjamin Hoag of Elba, son of Levi Hoag and Desire Anna Shotwell, daughter of Isaac M. Shot- well and Edna C. Married, 7 of lm, 1830 James Robs on of Hartland, son of Michael and Elizah Robs on Abigail Hoag, daughter of Levi and Desire Hoag Married, 11 of 3m, 1830 . ' ' • , . . - ' . -4- French , Bowerman, Mason, Cornell, Sutton, Deuel, Rots on, Brechon, Bowerman, Haviland, Bowerman, "/estgate, Jerial French of Hartland, son of Elijah and Tabby French Hannah Bowerman, daughter of Moses Bower- man and Eunice Married, 7 of 4m, 1830 Willard S. Mason, of Shelby, Orleans Go., son of James and Hopy Mason Laura Cornell, daughter of Benjamin Cornell and Phoebe Married, 14 of 10m, 1830 Caleb Sutton of Norwich, Oxford Co., Upper Canada; 3on of John and Phoebe Sutton Eliza Ann Deuel, daughter of Abraham and Sarah Deuel of Hartland "^arriel, 3 of 5m, 1832 Kendra Robson of Hartland, son of Michael and Elizabeth Robson Ruth Brechon, daughter of John and Catherine Brechon lurried, 7 of 9m, 1831 Moses Bowerman of Royalton, son of Moses and Eunice Bowerman Zilpah Haviland, daughter of Charles and Esther Haviland ^iarried, 9 of 2m, 1831 >ses Samuel Bowerman of Royalton, son of and Eunice Bowerman Dorcas Westgate. daughter of Jeremiah and Amy Westgate (dec'd) Married, 6 of 6m, 1832 - , . . . . -0- •Vells, Russell Wells of Shelby, son of Russell and Rebecca "veils Mosher, Sarah H. Mosher, daughter of Thomas Mosher and Hannah Married, 14 of 7m, 1831 Mason, Willard 3. Llason of Shelby, son of James and Hapny Mason Hoag, Mercy Hoag, daughter of Levi and Deziah Hoag of Elba Married, 7 of 6m, 1832 Dillingham, Stephen Dillingham of Caledonia, son of Silvanus and Judith Hoag, ) Anna Hoag, daughter of Isaac LI. Shotwell Shotwell ( and Edna, his wife Married, 21 of 11m, 1833 James Haight of Upper Canada (Norwich) son of Thomas and Rachel Isabel Kingan, daughter of Charles Smith and Lydia Married, 30 of 5m, 1833 William Nellest of Hartland, son of John and Mary Nellest Mary I. Brov.Ti, daughter of John Brickan and Catherine Married, 26 of 12m, 1833 Heston, Samuel Heston of Batavia, son of Jospeh and Anna E. Heston Comstock, Sarah P. Comstock of Lockport, daughter of Nathan and Chloe Comstock Carried, 26 of 6m, 1834 Haight, Kingan, ( Smith ) Nellest, Brown , [ Brickan) - < ■ ,£i ' . , C . -6- Wrightson, Pearson, Breckon, Coates, Gifford, Deuel, Strang, Cock, ( Kenion) Moody , Holmes, ( Baker ) Pape, Deuel, Thomas Wrightson of Hartland, son of George and Mary bright son Ann Pearson, daughter of Willaim and Mary Pearson of Lockport Married", 27 of 10m, 1836 Caleb Breckon of Somerset, son of John Breckon and Catherine Rebeccas Coates, ^.daughter of William Coates and Margaret Married, 24 of 12m, 1834 Stephen Gifford of Hartland, son of Wilkison and Amy Gifford Maria Deuel of Hartland, daughter of Johnathan and Content Deuel Married, 28 of 12m, 1837 Daniel Strang of Macedon, Wayne Co., N.Y. son of Gilbert and Caty Strang Lydia K. Cock, daughter of Benjamin Kenion and Lydia Married, 17 of 11m, 1837 Thomas Hoody of Hartland, son of John Moody and Mary Martha Holmes, daughter of Joseph Baker and Anna Married, 25 of 3m, 1841 Joseph Pape of Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y. son of Samuel Pape and Mary Anna Maria Deuel, daughter of Abraham and Sarah Deuel Married, 20 of 11m, 1840 I Nellist, Breckon, -7- George Nellist of Hartland, son of John and Mary Nellist Ann Breckon. daughter of John and Catherine Breokon Married, 7 of 12m, 1838 Coates, Townsend Goates of Hartland, son of Justus Goates and Sally Holmes, Sarah Ann Holmes, daughter of Mathew and Esther Holmes Lurried, 28 of 10m, 1841 Thomas, David Thomas of Ledyard, Cayuga Co., New York, son of David and llary Thomas Smith, ( Edna D. Smith of Lockport, daughter of Dean, J Walter Dean and Abigail Liarried, 21 of 9m, 1843 Baker, William Baker of Danby, County of York, England, son of John and ilary Baker Pierson, Mary Ann Pierson, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Pierson of Lookport ilarried, 2 of 11m, 1843 Goates, Townsend Coates of Hartland, son of Justus and Sally Birdsall, Phoebe Birdsall, daughter of William and Phoebe Birdsall -arried, 22 of 8m, 1845 , 1 t . -8- Hartley, Thomas S. Hartley of Lookport, son of Jesse and Mary Hartley At water, Huldah H. At water, daughter of Mead Atwater and Huldan Married, 27 of 9m 1849 Shove, Charles G. Shove of Fall River, Bristol Go., Massachusetts, son oi Clark and Elizabeth Haines, Rachel E. Haines, daughter of Jesse and Sarah Haines, of Lockport Harried, 16 of 11m, 1849 Ring, William Ring of Buffalo, son of Elihu and Lydia Ring Brownell, Lydia Brownell, daughter of F/illiam and Abba Brownell Married, 2 of 9m, 1852 Pierson, Edward Pierson of Lockport, son of Thomas and Hannah Pierson Haines, Sarah.. Haines, daughter of Reuben and Anna * Haines Married, 22 of 10m, 1857 QUAKER DEATHS FROM HART LAND M IT IHLY II E E T I IT Q R E C R D S, IT I A G A R A COUNTY, IT. Y. 1324 to 1858 Haviland, Haviland, iVestgate , Aldrich, Aldrich, Hoag, Gardner, Comstock, Deborah Haviland, died 27 of 8m 1824; age 3 years 8 months and 14 days: daughter of Jugurson and Alice Sviland Artemas G Haviland, died 12 of 9m, 1824; age ! 2 years and 21 days : son of Samuel and Fhoebe Haviland Nancy .Vestgate, died 15 of 8m, 1824; age 1 year 5 months and 9 days: daughter of Jeremiah and Amy iVestgate Elizabeth Aldrich, died 5 of 6m, 1824 age - - ? Amy Aldrich, died 6 of 5m, 1824 age ? daughter of - ? Richard Hoag, died 22 of. 8m, 1824 age - ? son of ? George W. Gardner, died 1 of 4m, 1825 age - - - ? son of ? Joseph Gomstock, died 27 of 7m, 1824 son of Darius and Ann Gomstock of Lockport ' " c ■ . , _ _ _ _ - ■ -2- ffiason, Sally Lias on, died 23 of lm, 1825; age £6 years lOmonths and S days Comstock, Martha V,'. Comstock, died 22 of 11m, 1825 age 14 years: daughter of Nathan and Chloe Comstock of Lockport Eaviland, Isaac Haviland, died 16 of 2m, 1826 age 1 year 8 months and 13 days : son of Samuel and Phoete Haviland of Royal ton Y.'estgate, Amy tVestgate, died 11 of 4m, 1826; age 28 years 6months and 2 days: wife of Jeremiah Hestgate Jackson, Hugh Jackson, died 19 of 9m, 1825; age 47 years: son of Benjamin and Hannah Jackson Birdsall, Jesse Birdsall, died 5 of 8m. 1825 age 38 years and 11 months: son oi Joseph and Hannah Birdsall Birdsall, James E. Birdsall, died 21 of 7m, 1825 age 2 years and 17 days: son oi Jesse and Phoete Birdsall Bills, Anna ! Bills, died 15 of 8m, 1825 age 2 years and nine months: daughter of Thomas and Susannah Bills Reeks, Sylvester E. V,eeks, died 5 of 8m, 1825 age 1 year: son of Edward and Elizabeth Weeks Titus, John Titus, died 17 of 7m, 1825, age 15 years: son of Isaac and Anna Titus i 5 ' t < . ; ■ ' - . ' • Hull, Butb Hull, died 19 of 8m, 1826 daughter of - - - ? Shotwell,) Edna L. Shotwell, died 22 of 2m, 1827; Lundy ) age 31 years 1 month and 1 day: daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Lundy Shotwell, Elizabeth Shotwell, died 1 of 4m, 1827 age 7 months and 27 days: daughter of Zachariah and Edna shot we II Stephen Hoag, died 15 of 10m 1826, age - - ?: son of - - - ? of Lockport Chloe Oomstock, died 30 of 12m, 1826; age - - ?: daughter of David and Sarah Brown or Lockport Sarah Deuel, died 11 of 6m, 1826; age 40 years 2 months and 2 days: daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Smith Elijah French, died 4 of 8m, 1828 age 63 years and 18 days: son of Jerial and Emma French Phoebe Gardner, died 8 of 9m, 1828 age - - - ?: wife of G. W. Gardner Eunice Westgate, died 11 of 9m, 1828; daughter or Elijah and Tabby French Hoag, Comstock, Brown , Deuel, Smith, French , Gardner, estgate, French , Warner, Jared '.Tamer, died 4 of lira. 1828; age 16 years 5 months and lldays: son of Johnathan and Mary Warner _ _ « t fc , : . . - • - T9n) . : . ' . : _4_ Cook, Pound, Warner, Coins took, ".Til lets, Y.'indslow, Allen, Haviland , Lockwood, Robsoii, 7. ells. John Cook died 13 of 9m, 1828; age 42 years and 8 months; son of David and Abigail Cook Betsy W. Pound, died 18 of 10m, 1828; age 25 years 7 months and 26 days: daughter of Johnathan and Mary Earner Nathan Comstock, died 28 of 9m, 1829: age 57 years: son of Nathan and Mary Comstock Rachel ffilleta, died 10 of 12m, 1829; age 45 years: widow of Johnathan fillets Miriam windslow, died 17 of 6m 1829; age 6 years 6 months and 11 days: daughter of-- - - - - ? of Somerset Elizabeth Allen, died - age 69 years: - - V of Bar re Jane Haviland, died 3 of 2m, 1830; age 1 year 1 month and 14 days: daughter of Isaac and Minerva Haviland of Royal ton Abraham Lockwood, died 23 of 8m, 1831 age - -? son of - - - - -? of Somerset Elizabeth Robson. die 12 of 12m, 1331; age ? daughter of ? or Hartland Chester Wells, died 19 of 11m, 1831; age ? son of ? of Barre . lC ' : ------ - - ;IS8I , ' , -5- Wells, Susannah Wells, died 10 of 12m, 1831 wife of Chester Wells of Barre Iloag, Hannah Hoag, died 18 of 8m, 1831; age 3b years 1 month and 3 days wife of Peter Iloag of Barre Hoag, Lyman Y. Hoag, died 2S of 8m, 1831; age 4 months and 9 days, son_ of feter and Hannah Hoag of Barre Hoag, Sally Ann Hoag, died 2 of 8m, 1831; wife of Andrew Hoag Willets, Rachel Willets, died 23 of 3m, 1831- wife of R. Willetts of Cambria' Xenyson, Job Kenyson, died 18 of 8m, 1830; age 60 years: son of Benjamin and Lydia Kenyson of Hartland Mason, ) Lydia Llason, died 14 of 4m, 1831; Cornell, ) age 19 years: daughter of Benjamin and ?hoebe Cornell of Hartland Hoag, Richard M. Hoag, died 15 of 8m 1830; age - - ?: son of Jacob and £>arah Hoag of Elba Hoag, Benjamin Hoag, died 8 of 10m, 1831: age 23 years: son of Levi and Desire Hoag of Elba Sprague, William ?. Sprague died 14 of 11m, 1832; 9ge - - - ? son of Benoni and ^arah Sprague of Hartland Sprague, Lydia Ann Sprague, died 3 of 9m, 1832; age - - - ? daughter of Benoni and Sarah Sprague of Hartland ; . -6- Snell, Dillingham, Wanser, Jackson, Jackson, Shotwell, Shotwell, Hoag, Eobson, ■ ills, Corns tock, Elizabeth one 11, died - 5m, 1832; age - ?: daughter of Richard and Mary I. Snell of Lockport William Dillingham, died 1 ef 8m, 1832 age - V son of - or Lockport Johnathan Manser, died 9 of lln, 1832; age 54 years; of Lockport Margaret Jackson, died - 9m, 1832; age - ? daughter of '.Tilliam and Anna Jackson of Charlotte William Jackson, died 21 of 5m, 1833; age ? son of - - -? of Charlotte Richard Shotwell, died 19 of 9m, 1832; age 7 years: son of Benjamin and Sarah oho t we 11 of Elba Richard Shotwell, died 17 of 8m, 1833; age 78 years: of Elba Sarah E. Hoag, died, 6 of 4m, 1832; age 1 year: daughter of Benjamin and Anna H-oag of Elba James Eobson, died, 3C of 4m, 1S32; a°;e ? son of Llichael and Elizabeth Robson of Barre Sarah H. Wills, died, 3 of 11m, 1832; age - r wife of Russel -.'ells of Selby Daniel Comstock, died, 24 of 8m, 1833; age - ? son of Nathan and Chloe Comstock • . ' '.. . - I - : ! 5 . - . . -7- Adams, Altha Adams, died, IS of 6m, 1833; age - ? wixe of John Adams or Hart land Snell, Mary J. Snell, died 4 of 8m, 1838; age 32 years 11 months and 4 days: wife of Richard Snell of Lockport Snell, Caleb Snell, died 20 of 8m, 1834; age 2 months and 18 days: son of Richard and M. J. Snell of Lockport Hall, William Hall, died 23 of 10m, 1833; age - - ? son of Eufus and Ann Hall Bills, Hannah Bills, died, 12 of 4m, 1835; age - - ? daughter of Thomas and Susannah Bills Weeks, Hannah ?. Weeks, died 9 of 9m, 1834: age - - ? daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Weeks Andrews, Anna W. Andrews, died 19 of 8m, 1834; age - - ? daughter of Samuel and Eliza Andrews Burne, Melissa Burne , died 31 of 1, 1836; age - - ? Bosworth, Hannah Bosworth, died 20 of lm, 1836- age - -? kosher, Hannah Llosher, died 5 of 7m, 1836; age - - -? Breckon, Mary Ann Breckon died, 13 of 4m, 1837: age - - ? daughter of Galeb and and Rebecca Breckon - : - ; - - i . - ' ■ -8- Hall, Orin Hall, died 21 of lira, 1S3_6; age - - ?, son of Willaim and Hannah Hall Hoag, Andrew Hoag, died 1 of 5m, 1841; age - - ? Parmer, Mary Parmer, died 7 of 5m, 1840; age - - ? Strang, Daniel Strang, died, 2 of lm, 1841; age - - ? Gardner, Talcott Gardner died 24 of 3m, 1839; age - - ? Moody, Elizabeth Moody, died 4 of 8m, 1839; age - - ? Coates, Lydia Coates, died 5 of lm, 1840; age - - - ? taker, Anna Baker, died 1 of 2m, 1840; age - - ? Breckon, Catherine Breckon, died, 3 of 5m, 1842; age - - - ? Ireland, John Ireland, died, 29 of 8m, 1843, age - -? Coates, u arah Ann Coates, died, 11 of 4m, 1844; age - -? Starbuck, Isaac Starbuok, died 22 of 3m, 1844; age - -? Gardner, Mary Gardner, died 18 of 6m, 1844; age 62 years and 10 days - - - - - - _ _ , , ■ ■ i f ; - ' « • -9- Coates, Corbin, Cornell, Birdsall, Llosher, Birdsall, Allbright, Breckon, Holmes, Aldrich, Birdsall, Hoag, French , Joseph J. Coates, died, 18 of 7m, 1844; age - - r son of Townsena and Sarah Ann Goates John Corbin, died 6 of 4m, 1845, age - - ? Phoebe Cornell, died 27 of 10m, 1844; age - - - ? Joseph Birdsall, died 23 of 12m 1845; age 87 years 8 months and 5 days Eliza Ann Llosher, died 27 of 4m, 1846; age 31 years 5 months and - days: daughter of William and Judith Llosher ffarmah Birdsall, died 15 of 8m 1847; age 87 years 10 months and 1 day; wife of Joseph Birdsall Frances Allbright, died 16 of 8m 1846; age 84 years in 4 months following John Breckon, died 19 of 8m, 1846; age 71 years Deborah Holmes, died, 5 of 11m, 1846; age - - ? daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Aldrich Mary Birdsall, died 5 of 5m, 1847; a^e - - ? wife of Johnathan Birdsall Susan Jane Koag, died 25 of 4m, 1844; age 14 years 4 months and 18 days; daughter of Sinr.ons and Wealthy Hoag Tabby French, died 28 of 8m, 1844- age 80 years 10 months and 13 days - - - _ '" - - : -10- Hoag, } Carpenter, ) Strang, Kenyon , Birdsall, Moody, Gardner, Pinkham, Vail, Hall , French , Strang, Breckon, Brownell, Phoebe Koag, died 9 of lm, 1849; age 79 years ^ daughter of William and Sarah G arpenter Lydia Strang, died 25 of 2m, 1649; age - - ? daughter of John Kenyon Johnathan Birdsall, died 31 of 5m, 1849; age - -? son of Joseph and Hannah Birdsall William J. Moody, died, 1 of 9m, 1849 age - ? son of Thomas and Martha Moody David Gardner, died 10 of 7m, 1849: age 75 years 11 months and 14 days Idwin T. Pinkham, died 2 of lm, 1849; age - - ? son of Stephen and Mary Pinkham William B. Vail, died 31 of 3m, 1850; age - - r son of Joel and Phoebe Yail Hannah Hall, died 8 of 8m, 1851; age 63 years; daughter of Elijah and Tabby French Asa W. Strang, died 16 of 8m, 1851; age 32 years; son of Daniel and Mercy Strang Joshua Breckon, died, 31 of lm, 1852; age - ? son of William and Harriet Breckon Elihu Brownell, died 8 of 8m 1852; age - - ? son of William and Abba Brownell - - - ' ■ ■ ' - - - . - : .bs'zh , ; t c - . - - . -11- Dodge, i.:ary Ann Dodge, died 27 of 10m, 1852 daughter of William and Hannah Davis Hoao;, ) Lydia G. Hoag died 8 of 2m, 1852 Eirdsall,) wife of Allen Hoag and daughter of ..illiam Birdsall 7/eaver, Lydia Weaver, died 13 of 3m, 1852 wife of John Weaver Vail, Augusta E. Vail, died 10 of lm, 1853 age 10 years 1 month and 17 days daughter of Joel and Phoebe Vail Weaver, Albert Weaver, died 7 of 9m 1853 *o e - - ?, son of Elisha and Jane T. '.,'eaver Bowerman, Daniel Bowerman, died 7 of 10m, 1853 age 56 years Robson, ..^ry Ann Robson, died 6 of 6m, 1853, age 17 years and 10 months: daughter of Kendra and Ruth Robson Hoag, Sarah Hoag died 1 of 6m, 1854 age 57 years: wife of Paul Hoag Robson, Elizabeth Robson, died 24 of 9m, 1854 age 17 years 5 months and 3 days: daughter of Kendra and Ruth Robson Robson, Francis E. Robson, died 25 of 12m, 1854 age 1 year and 1 month: son of Kendra and Ruth Robson Hoag, Allen Hoag died 26 of 4m, 1856; age 46 years Haines, Sarah Haines, died 11 of 2m 1856- age 69 years: wife of J. P. Haines < • • - ' ' «-" I t ; « -12- Hoag, Esther G. Hoag, died 4 of 4m, 1856 age 17 years: daughter of A. and 3. Hoag Hawley, Sarah Hawley, died 25 of 10m, 1857 age - - -? wife of Robert Hawley Davis, William Davis, died 2 of 10m, 1855; age 70 years Nellist, George Nellist, died 1 of 5m, 1858; age 44 years; son of John and i.lary Nellist of England Hoag, Cynthia Hoag, died 21 of 5m, 1858; age 21 years/ daughter of Zeno and Catherine Hoag : . - - - - INDEX -1- 2- Adams, Aldrich, Allbright, Allen, Andrews, Atwater, Baker, Barker, Batty, Bills, Birdsall, Bosworth, Bowerman, Bra-nan, Brech(k) on, Brickan, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Burne, Cady, Calking, Calkins, Carjj enter, Chase, Coates, Cock, Colvin, Comfort, Comstock, Cook, Corbe(i)n, Cornell, Davis, Dean, Deuel, 14-36 1-4-5-7-9-10- 13-14-30-38 38 33 11-36 19-20-21-29 17-23-28-37 24-27 1-3-6-22 7-31-36 4-5-9-11-12- 15-23-31-33-39 40 36 2-11-12-24-25- 40 1-6-11-15 16-17-13-19-20 21-25*27-28-36 37-38-39 26 22 26-32 16-17-29-39 36 23 13 5-10 39 8-9-12-23 18-19-21-23-37 38 27 9 15-17 2-3-9-22-26-30 31-32-33-35 33 11-14-38 2-6-25-34-38 41 23-28 15-13-19-20- 25-27-32 Dillingham, Dodge, French, Fuller, Gardner, Griffe(i)n, Haight. Hain(ej s, Hall, Harkness, Hartley, Haviland, Hawley, Heston, Hill, Hoag, 9-10-1 24-26- 33-39- Hoiimes, Hull, Ireland, Jackson, Jones, Keni(y) on, Keny son, Kingan, Laing, Lockwood, Lundy, Lyon, liason, 26-35 40 13-22-24-25- 32-28-29 5-10-13-15-22 3-12-14-30-32 37-39 6-8-12-13 4-5-5-24-26 3-4-6-9-11-15- 29-40 36-37-39 7-10-14-15 7-21-29 2-3-9-11-12- 13-23-24-25- 30-31-33 1-8-11-41 10-14-26 3-15 1-3-4-5-7-3- 1-12-15-15-22-23 30-32-34-35-37- 40-41 27-28-38 3-5-8-10-22-32 37 2-4-7-9-31-35 23 27-39 34 26 5-8 33 32 16 13-15-25-25- 31-34 - - - . - -: - - . - - - - - - - - - - - , < -. - - - . - ------ - - - - - - -- .- _ — :-ei-ei- _ _ - ! ■ - - -1 - . - I . . _ > - - . - _ - : - - -01 -8 -5 - < - < : _ _ c - , ~ « — t , - , _ _ . . - - . * _ - - _ .. _ _ INDEX -2- Moody, 18-27-37-39 Weaver, 20-21-40 Mosher, 2-7-26-36-38 Webb, 1 Mott, 3 Weeks, 3-4-5-7-9-13- 14-15-16-31-36 17elle(i)st, 15-15-17-13-19. -Wells, 10-11-13-14-15 26-28-41 26-33-34-35 llolsan, 13 West, 2-22 Westgate, 2-4&-3-12-24- Pape, 27 25-30-31-32 Parmer, 37 Wicks, 8 Pearson, 27 Willets, 22-33-34 Philip, 17 Wills, 35 Pierson, 21-28-29 Windsloxv, 33 Pinkham, 20-39 Windsor, 3-6 Pound, 33 Wix, 10 Wright son, 27 Ransom, 15 Ring, 29 Rob son, 14-15-16-17-13 19-21-24-25-33-35-40 Ross, 9-23 Shot well, 1-3-5-6-10-12- 13-14-16-22124 26-32-35 Shove, 29 Smith, 3-24-26-28-32 Snell, 1-5-7-11-14-16 17-35-36 Spalding, 5-7-23 Sprague, 11-15-34 Starbuck, 2-7-9-11-37 Strang, 27-37-39 Sutton, 25 Thayer, 10-13 Thomas, 28 Thorn, 22-23 Titus, 31 Vail, 39-40 Wanser, 35 Warner, 32-33 - - ... ■ - - _ _ _- _ - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - , , . , _ ' ' - - , : - - - - _ _ r ,. - « - - ,IJ . - - _ _ _ ' - . - _ - m %.'- ^ *m*. 38 S# ;tx ^ sp* * *<£ sr 3 ; : ?-'-"*■ #, : *-vi *> r $ rjlji ^ 1 -A -■_ v * m 4 1 i ; ' : £W ^l j& ^' v f^ / 1 K$i |J§; < '^ 1 "A Em |r Sfc.