^(fi Sons of the Revolution In the State of Illinois 1908 Gils AntJior OFFICERS FOR 1908. rrt'sidout. WALTER FKAZER BROWN. First Vice-President. RALPH ISRAEL Second Vice-President. SAMT'EL BALCH KIX(i. Third Vice-President. SCOTT JORDAN. Treasurer, NELSON JOHN LUDINGTON. Secretary, LOriS ANDREAV BOWMAN. Registrar. FREDERICK DICKINSON. Chaplain. REV. GEORGE DE MING WRIGHT. Historian. FRANKLIN WYMAN. Board of Managers, FR.VNCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON. .TOIIN WHIPPLE HILL. WILLIAM BENEZET BOGERT. LA BARON LORING AISTIN. .lOHN CROCKER FOOTE. HARRISON KELLEY. ALBERT LEROY MILLER. ROBERT PATTERSON BENEDICT. LI8T OF PRESIDENTS AND SECRE- TARIES or THE ILLINOIS SO- CIETY SINCE ITS ORGAN- IZATION. Presidents. 18'J4. Kev. Walter Delafield, D. D. 1895. Rev. Walter Delafield, D. D. 189G. Heury Walbridge Dudley. 1897. Geu. George Mayhew Moulton. 1898. Horace Kent Teuuey. 1899. George MulhoUaiid Lyon. 19(X). Edward Paysou Bailey. 1901. Judge Albert Craue Barnes. 1902. Le Baron Loriug Austin. 1903. George Lyon Douglass. 1904. Frederick Dickinson. 190.5. Harrison Kelley. 1906. Wm. Benezet Bogert. 1907. John Whipple Hill. 1908. Walter Frazer Brown. Secretaries. 1894. Robert Patterson Benedict. 1895. Robert Patterson Benedict. 1890. Frank Kimball Root. 1897. Frank Kiml)all Root. 1898. Frank Kimball Root. 1899. Frank Kimball Root. 1900. Wm. Sydnor Gilbreath. 1901. Walter Frazer Brown. 1902. U. H. Struble, Jr. 1903. U. H. Struble, Jr. 1904. U. H. Struble, Jr. 1905. Louis Andrew Bowman. 1906. Samuel Balch King. 1907. Samuel Balch King. 1908. Louis -Vndrew Bowman. EXTRACTS FR03I CONSTITUTION. The Society of the Sons of the ReA- olutiou was instituted in the State of New York, on the hirthday of Wash- in.iiton, February 22. ISTd. and reor- iranized on tlie present l)asis l>eceinl)er 4, 1883. Following New York, similar socie- ties were formed in several states, and finally a national organization was per- fected in March. 18!)(), under the name of " The General Society of the Sous of the ReA-olution." with headquarters in New Y'ork City. The General Sci-i- ety embraces the various State organi- zations, and the o1>.iects, government, work and reciuirements for all the soci- eties are the same. The society is now- well established by State organizations in most of the Eastern and many of the Western States, and is rapidly growing. The necessity for and the purposes of the Sons of the Revolution are thus stated in the Constitution of the Gen- eral Society : "It has become evident from the de- cline of proper celebration of such Na- tional holitlays as the Fourth of July. Washington's Birthday and the like, that proper interest in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is less than in the earlier days of the Republic." It attributes this failing in- terest " not so much to lapse of time as to the neglect on the part of de- scendants of Revolutionary heroes to perform tlieir duty of keeping- before the i)ulilic uiiiul the memory of the services of their ancestors, and of the times in wlaich they lived, and of the principles for which they contended." The ol).iects of the society are stated, as follows, in the preamble to the con- stitution : ■• Ti) pt'rpetuate the mem- ory of men who. in military, naval or ciA'il service, by their acts or counsel, achieved American Independence; to promote and assist in the proper cele- bration of the anniversaries of Wash- ington's Birthday, the battles of Lex- ington and Bunker Hill, the Fourth of July, the Capitulations of Saratoga find Yorktown, the formal Evacuatitm of New York l>y the British Army, on the od of December, 1873, as a relinquish- ment of territorial sovereignty, and other prominent events related to or connected with the War of the Revo- lution; to collect and secure for preser- vation the manuscript rolls, records and other documents and memorials relat- ing to that war; to inspire among the members and their descendants the pa- triotic spirit of their forefathers; to inculcate in the community in general sentiments of Nationality and respect for the principles for which the pa- triots of the Revolution contended; to assist in the commemorative celebra- tion of other great historical events of National importance, and to promote social intercourse and the feeling of fellowship among its members." OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. Tresideut — John Lee Carroll. Maryland. Secretary — James Mortimer Moutj^om- ery. New York City. Treasurer — Richard McCall Cadwalader, I'hiladelphia. In thirty-two states this Society now has a membership of between 6.000 and T.(KK». With a foreign population com- ing into our country at the rate of over one million each year, and having their hundreds of organizations, COME AND JOIN US. Let us in Illinois lielp to swell the membership of our splendid Society of pure AMERICANS. Write to the REGISTRAR 26 Bryant Ave., Chicago. Give him the full name of your Rev- olutionary Ancestor and the State he enlisted from. The Registrar will look up the official records, and make out an application for you. Membership Fee. $3.00. Annual Dues, residents of Cook County. $4.00; out- side of Cook County. $2.00. Life Mem- bership, $50.00. Society Button free to new members. Insignia, Twelve Dollars. ANNIVERSARIES. January 17. 1781. Battle of Cowpous. Febriiai-y 22. 1782. Washiiiiiton'8 Birthday. April 111. 1775, Battle of Lexiuittou. May 10. 1775. Surremler of Fort Tieoiulero.iia. June 14. 1777, Adoption of the American Flag. June 17. 1775. Battle of Bunker Hill. June 28. 1776, Fort Moultrie. July 4, 177(5, Declaration of Independence. August 16, 1777. Battle of Bennington. October 7, 1780, Battle of King's Mountain. October 17. 1777, Surrender of Burgoyne. October 19, 1781, Surrender of Lord Coruwallis, Yorktown Day. NoYeml)er 25, 1788, Evacuation of New York. December 16, 1778, The Boston Tea -Party. December 26, 1776, Battle of Trenton. MEMBERSHIP LIST. Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of Illinois. Atkinson. Cliaiies Thompson, cave A. O. Brown & Co.. Railway Excliange Buildin.u:. Chicaiio. Atkinson, Frank Holway, .Tr., Asst. I'avniaster U. S. Navy. Wasliin;itt>n. D. ■ C. Adams, William Porter, l-ir. W. Wash- ington St., Chicago. Austin, Loring Le Baron, 2.V'(; N. Ash- laud Ave.. Chicago. Austin, Le Baron Loring. loo Adams St., Chicago. Allen. Edmund Albert. 1001 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Benedict. Robert I'aterson, 10 Wabash Av.., Chicago. Buehler, Edward Handy, 134 Lake St., Chicago. Barnes, Judge Albert Crane, 204 East 50th St. Bogert. William Benezet, Postal Tele- graph Bldg.. Chicago. Brown, Walter Frazer, loG Wabash Av., Chicago. Brown, James Edgar, 108 La Salle St.. Chicago. Bailey, Edward Payson, 2400 South Park Ave., Chicago. Bull. Follet Wilkison. 5.j Market St., Chicago. Baker, Frederick Kessler, Everett, Washington. Broughton. John Wheat, 017 I'ostal Tel- egraph Bldg., Chicago. Butts, Lucas, Peoria. HI. Bowman, Louis Andrew, loo La Salle St.. Chicago. Beal. Daniel S., Verona. 111. Birdsall, William Young, 80 Madison St., Chicago. Blanchard, Lewis Harvey, 1012 Hart- ford Bldg., Chicago. Cromwell, Charles, 200 Adams St.. Chi- cago. Coflfeen, Milo Lester, 205 La Salle St.. Chicago. Coffeeu. Wiiliam. 100 La Salle St., Clii- caiio. Chattifld-Taylor, IIol)art C, 99 Pearson St., Chicag-o. CaiKlee. Henry Safford. 017 Ohio Levee, Cairo, 111. Caldwell, Andrew Stites, Carbondale, 111. Clinjiinan. Charles William, 221 Adams St., Chica.uo. Clark, Dr. William Gilmore, Lakota Hotel, Chicago. Case. John Edward, Lexington Hotel, Chicago. Croxton, Hugh AVorthington, 2122 Clar- endon Ave., Chicago. Castle, Howard Percy. p]lgin. 111. Dudley, Henry Walb'ridge, 7 Lake St., Chicago. Davis, Warren Johnson, Racine, AVis. Dickinson, Frederick, 20 Bryant Ave.. Chicago. Dickinson, John Rali)h, 1329 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Chicago. Day, AA'illiam Penniman, Peoria, 111. Dudley. Raymond Carleton, 720 Old Colonv Bldg., Chicago. Douiilass," George Lyon, 184 La Salle St., Chicago. Douglass. John AVatkinson, Jr., Evans- ton, 111. Dudley, Lawrence Howard, 38 Twenty- ninth PL, Chicago. Elwell, Edward Harmon, 315 Dearliorn St., Chicago. Ellis, Orange AA'arner, 31 Washington St., Chicago. Edmunds, Harrv Alilford, 329 East 41st St., Chicago. Flovd-Jones, Thomas. 103 East 12.")th "St., New York City. N. Y. Foote, John Crocker, Belvidere, 111. Farwell. (iranger. Lake Forest, 111. Fuller, Charles Clark. 002 W. Crockett St.. Seattle, AVash. Gilhreath, AAMlliam Sydnor, 308 South Aleridian St.. Indianaj>olis. Ind. Gadsden. Thomas, 240 La Salle St., Chicago. Grover, Oliver Dennett, 1022 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago. (ireen. Rev. Thomas Edward. (i()4 ("aide Bldti-., Chicago. riaii'aiis, William Luciau. 1427 Wyominu- St.. El I'aso. Texas. Hill. John Whipple, 4Ui?> Forrestville Ave.. Chieaiio. Mall. Samuel Edwards. 205 Pleasant St.. Milwaukee. Wis. Ilinman. Benjamin I'earce. Jr.. 4o Bor- den Block. Chica.ut). Hamlin. Georiie Atwell. :U()() Calumet Ave.. Chicau'o. Hadley. Edwin Marshall. 720 Old Colony ony Bldy.. Chicago. Ilinsdell. Arthur Bemis. 442 Du Page St.. Elgin. HI. Iladlev. James Marshall. Ann Arbor. Mich. Hart. Hastings Hornell. 70 Dearborn St., Chicago. Harrison. Carter Henry, 20.j Shiller St.. Chicago. Hammond, Percy Hunter, care Chi- cago Evening Post. Chicago. Hnrll)Ut. Harry Rogers, l.'iol B"'irst Na- tional Bank Bldg.. Chicago. Hubbard. Charles Fayette, 1200. 72 Mad- ison St.. Chicago. Hand. Horace Alonzo. Ldiig Island City, N. Y. Isham. Ralnh. 11 Ritchie I'lace. Chicago lllsley. William Augustus, OOS Seward Ave.. Evanston. 111. Jordan. Scott. 3040 Kenmore Ave., Chi- cago. James. Le Roy Dow. 110 La Salle Ave.. Chicago. Kelley. James William Dominick. lOO Washington St., Chicago. Kelley. Harrison. 00 Randolph St.. Chi- cago. Kilbourne. Frederick Hamilton. .">20 Tribune Bldg., Chicago. Kinii-. Samuel Balch. Io20 First National Bank Bldu.. Chicago. King. John. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Lyons. Harry. I'alais (Jrinaldi. Nice. France. Little. Rev. Arthur Wilde. Evanston. 111. Ludington, Nelson John. 1.".0:', Sheridan Road. Chicago'. Lamb. Charles Allison, 242r» Sheridan Road, Chicago. Lothrop, Frederick Loriug, 414. 135 Ad- ams St., Chicago. Lucas, Frank Benson, Peoria, 111. Lowe. John Williamson, Union Club, Chicago. Leland. Frank Gardner, Areola, 111. La Bach. Paul Mayer, 802 La Salle St. Station. Chicago. May, Stephen Douglas, 90 Randolph St.. Chicago. Moulton. Gen. George Mayhew, 2110 Cal- umet Ave., Chicago. Moulton. Arthur Garland, 2110 Calumet AA'e.. Chicago. Moore, George Henry. 2131 Orrington Ave.. Evanston. 111. Martin, Edward I'ayson, 86 East Ohio St., Chicauo. Moulton. William Cleveland, 440 North State St., Chicago. Moulton. Ilarrv Waterman, care W. C. Moulton. 440 North State St., Chi- cago. Miller, Lieut. Edward Young, The Pro- vincial Government, Province of Talawan, I'uerto Princesa, Philip- pine Islands. Meloy, Harry Brownlee, 3G Buena Ter- race, Chicago. Meloy. Robert Bingham. 1.124 Tril)une Bldg., Chicago. MacHarg, William Storrs. 3227 Bea- con St.. Chicago. MacHarg, William Briggs, 3227 Bea- con St.. Chicago. Maynard. George Sanger, 2.37 Fifth Av., Chicago. Miller, Albert Leroy, U. S. Subtrea- surj', Chicago. Morrill, Donald Littlefleld, 100 Wash- ington St., Chicago. Manson. William Frederick. 1200 Cham- l)er of Commerce, Chicago. Noyes, William Stacy, 170 E. ri3d St., Chicago. Morgan, Rev. Charles Lincoln, Elgin, 111. Nelson, Elnathau Kemper, Paris, 111. Nevers, Edward, 082 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Orr, Samuel Culbertson, Lake Forest. 111. Phillips, William Butterworth, 2S8 Greenwood St.. Evauston, 111. Proctor, Charles Storrs. Peoria, 111. Proctor, David (iould. Peoria. 111. Patrick. Lewis Seaman, Marinette, Wis. Pierce, William Edward, care Armour & Co.. Union Stock Yards. Chicago. Postle, David Elmer. Elgin. 111. Root. Frank Kimball, 158 Harrison St., Chicago. Root. Walter Russell. Kenilworth, 111. Root. William Azariah, 5200 Cornell Ave.. Chicago. Ravmond, Isaac Stuart, Sidney. 111. Richards, Guy Aubrey, 919, 315 Dear- born St., Chicago. Rich. Herbert Givens, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. Seeley, Frank Rhees, 22 South Water St., Chicago. Schultz. Maxwell William. Decatur. 111. Skinner, George Rockwell, 186 Market St., Chicago. Smith. Franklin Pratt, 100 Lake St., Chicago. Shepley, Andrew Clifton, Canton, 111. Stebbiiis. George Lyman, 36 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago. Stitt. Frank Briggs. El Paso. 111. Slocum. Edward Mark, 485 Fifth Ave., Chicago. Shepardson. Francis Wayland, 5592 Kimbark Ave.. Chicago. Smith, F'rank Waldo. Corn Exchange National Bank. Chicago. Stevens. Chester Ninde, 4740 Lake Ave.. Chicago. Teuuey. Horace Kent, 205 La Salle St.. Chicago. Terwilliger, Irving, Belvidere. 111. Terry. Dr. Charles Stone, 3159 Maiden St., Chicago. Wyman, Walter Channing. Union League Club. Chicago. Wheeler, Gen. Harris Ansel, 315 Dear- born St., Chicago. Warreu, Charles Dura. 185 Van Bureu St., Chicago. Wright. Rev. George De Miug, St. Luke's Hospital. Chicago. Wyman. Franklin. 100 Washington St.. Chicago. Wood. Di-. Casey Albert. Chicago Sav- ings Bank Bldg.. Chicago. Wallace, John James. Champaign. 111. Wallace. Joseph Davis. Champaign. 111. Wallace. Fred Lamot. .">14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Wells. Frederick Latimer. Wheaton, 111. Wyman. Henry Lake. Naval Academy. Annapolis. Md. Woodward. Washington Irving. 6fi7 Pine Grove Ave.. Chicago. Wright. Frank Daniel, 55 McVicker Bldg., Chicago. ^tfi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS