^ OutxU,...-.^--- . /n:^.^, ^•^^a:^:^^^^^^^^^ No. UU.) AN ACT (S. 127. To ireatc a Text Book Coinniission, and to pro- cure for use ill the public free schools in this State a uniform series of text books; to de- line the duties and jwAvers of said commis- sion and other officers; to make an appro- priation for the carrying: into effect this act, and to provide punishment and penalties for the violation of the same. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the legislature of Alabama : That the governor, State superintend- ent of education, and three eminent teachers of the State, Avho shall have a practical knowledge of the public school system of the State and the nu'thods of teaching therein, to be appointed by the governor, shall be and hereby constituted the School Book Commission of the State of Ala- ])ama, whose duty it is to select and adopt a uni- form series or system of text books for use in the pul)lic schools in this State. Said commission is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to se- lect and adopt a uniform system or series of text books for use in the public schools in this State as al.)ove indicated, and when so selected and adopted the said text books shall be used for a l)eriod of five years in all the public schools of this State, and it shall not be lawful for any school officer, director, or teacher to use any other books upon the same branches other than those adopted by said Stiite Text Book Commis- sion. Said uniform series .shall include the fol- lowing branches of study, to-wit: Orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, gram- niar. language lessons, history of Alabama, con- taining the constitution of the State, history of the TTnited States, containing the constitu- tion of the TTnited States, physiology and hy- giene, elementary geology of Alabama, elemen- 2 tary principles of a«j;Ticiilture, elements of alge- bra, elements of plane oeometry, elements of nat- ural philosoplsy, bookeeping, elements of civil government, rJietoric, and higher English, and snch other branches of study as said commission may select and designate; Provided, that none of said to^xt liooks shall contain anything of a par- tisan or sectarian character. Before transacting any business relating to tlie duties af this com- mission they shall each take an oath before some person authorized to administer oatlis, to faith- fully discharge all tlie duties imposed upon them as meml)ers of said school book commission, and that they have no interest, direct or indirect," in any cf>ntract that may he nmde under this act, and will receive no personal benefit therefrom. Provided, further, that for cities and towns hav- ing a population of 5,000 or more, said commis- sion may select and designate such books and such branches of studv as the conditions existing in such cities and towns may require. Section 2. — There -shall be a sub-commission of five to be selected as follows; A president or n.uMuber of the faculty of one of the normal scliools of the State; a president or mend)er of tlie faculty of one of the agricultural schools; a superintendent of one of the city schools; and two teachers of the common schools, each one of whom shall l>e apointed by the governor. Section 3. — It shall be the duty of said sub-com- mission to report to tlie c(unmission at such time said commission shall direct, the books which the}'^ reco)nmend for adoption arranging each book in its class or division, and reporting them in the order of their merit, pointing out the mer- it and d«'nierit,-; of each ]M>ok, and indicating what book th(\v recommend for adoption first ; wliat liools' is their second choice; what their third • Iioice, and so on, juirsuing this plan Avith the lM)oks submitted upon each branch of study, and if said sub-commission shall consider such books o- L'2zsr/ ^ upon tlu' saiiio subject, or of the sanie class or (ii- ^ vision of apiJi'oxiniately equal merit, all things r heiuii" (Miuallv (-((nsideved, they shall m report, "S and if they consider any of the books offered are ^ of such class as to make them inferior and not l^ worthy of adoption, they shall in their report T^ so desio-nate such books and in said report they * shall make such recomnuMidation and sniii-estioiis to the commission as they shall deem advisable and proi>er to make. Said report shall be kept se- cret and sealed up and delivered to the secre- tary of the commission and said report shall not Ik' o]>ened by any member of the commission un- til the commission shall meet in executive ses- sion to open and consider the bids or proposals of publishers or others, desirins? to have books adopted by t^aid commission. Each member of said sub-commission before entering- upon the dis- charge of his duties, shall take and subscribe an oath to honestly, conscientiously, faithfully, and to tlie best of liis ability discharge said duties, and that he is not directly or indirectly in any manner interested in the proposed contract, nor in any books or publishing concern publishing any lM)oks of the kind or character contemplated for use in the public schools of this or any other State, and that he will examine all Iwoks sub- mitted carefully and faithfully and make true . rei)ort ther(H)n, as herein directed and prescribed, said oath sliall 1m' filed in the office of said secre- tary of State. SixTiox 4. — Said text book commission shall luTein consider said n^^ort in its selection and adoittion of the uniform senes of text books, and shall also themselves consider the merits of each book, taking into consideration their subject- matter, the printing, binding, material and me- chanical qualities, and their general suitability and (1csra])ility for lhepur]>oses intended as well as Ihe ])rice of said Inioks, and Ihey shall give great consideration and weight to the report and rccoiiinieiKlation of said sub-coiiimissioii ; Provid- ed, Tliat no text book, the siibjeet-iuatter of wliich is of inferior quality, shall be adopted by the text book commission. Said commission shall select and adopt such books as will, in their best judg- ment, accomplish tlie ends desired, and they are herel>Y authorized and directed, in case any book or books are deemed by them suitable for adop- tion and more desirable than other books of the same class submitted, and they further consider the price at which books are offered to be un- reasonably higli and that they should be offered at a smaller price, to immediately notify the pub- lisher or offerer of such book or books of their de- cision and request such reduction in price as they deem reasonable and just, and if they and such publisher shall a^ree on, a price they may adopt his book or books, but if not they shall use their OAvn sound judp;nient and discretion wheth- er they will adopt that, or the books which are deemed by them next best in the list submitted and when said text book commission shall have finished with the report of said sub-commission, the said report shall l>e filed and preserved in the office of the State superintendent of education, and shall be open at all times for public inspec- tion. Section 5. — Be it further enacted: That said text l>ook commission shall immediately after the passag'c of this act, meet and orji'anize, the g-over- nor beins: president of the commission and the superintendent of education secretary and exec- utive ofiPcer of said commission. As soon as Dracticable not later than thirty days after its oro-anization, the commission shall ad- vertise, in such manner and for such lenijth of time and at such places as may be deemed advisable; that at a time and place fixed definit(dv in said advertisement, sealed bids or yu'oposals will be received from the publishers of school text books for furnishina^ books to the public schools in the State of Alabama, through' agencies established by said publishers in the sev- / rval coimtios, and places in counties, in the iState, as may he provich'd for in such re^ulalions as said commission may ado])t and jU'escrihe. The bids or proposals to be for furnishing the books for a period of live years and no longer, and that no bid for a longer period will be con- sidered, said bid shall state specitically and deli- nitely the i)rice at which the books will be fur- nished, and shall be accompanied by one or more specimen copies of each and every book pro- posed to be furnished and it shall be recpiired of each bidder to deposit with the treasurer of the State a sum of money such as the commission may require, not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than twenty-five hundred dollars, according to the number of books each bidder may propose to suitply, and notice shall fur- ther Ik' given in said advertisement that such de- l)osits shall be forfeited absolutely to the State if the bidder nmking the deposit, shall fail or refuse to make and execute such contract and bond as is hereinafter re(pTired, within such time as th • commission may require, which time shall alf^o be stated in said advertisement. All bids shall ]m» sealed and dcqiosited with the secretary of State, to be by him delivered to the commission when they are in executive session, for the pur- pose of consirt, classification and recommendation as }>rovided in previous sim-- tion of this act. AMieji the sjiid rejxirt is sub- mittefl it shall ho the dutv of tlie said text book 6 coiimiission to meet iu executive session to open aud examine all sealed proiposals submitted and received in pursuance of the notice or advertise- ment provided for in section 2 of this act. It shall then be the duty of said commission to ex- amine and consider carefully all such bids or pro- posals, together AA'ith the report and recommenda- tion of the sub-commission and determine in the -manner provided in section 1 of this act what book or books shall be selected for adoption, tak- ing into consideration the size, quality as to sub- ject nmtter, material, printing, binding, and the mechanical execution and price, and the general suitability for the purpose desired and intended; Provided, however. That all books selected or adopted shall be written or printed in English. After their selection for adoption shall have been made, the said commission shall, by registered let- ter, notify the publishers, or proposers, to whom the contracts have been awarded, and it shall be the duty of the attorney general of the State to I)repare the said contract or contracts in ac- cordance with the terms and provisions of this act, and the said contract shall be executed by the governor and secretary of State, with the seal of the State attached upon the part of the State of Alabanm, and the said contract shall be executed triplicate, one copy to be kept by the contractor, one copy by the secretary of the text book com- mission, and copied in full in the minute book of said commission, and one copy to be filed in the office of the secretarj- of State, at the time of the execution of the contract aforesaid the con- tractors shall enter into a bond in the sum of not less than ten thousand dollars nor more than thirty thousand dollars, payable to the State of Alabama the amount of said bond within said limits, to be fixed by said commission, condi- tioned for the faithful, honest and exact perform- ance of his contract, and shall further provide for the payment of reasonable attorney's fees in caso of recovery in any suit niton the same, willi three or more good and solvent snreties, aetnal eitizens and residents oi:' tlie State of Alahama, or any i^narantee company anthorized to do busi- ness in tlie State of Ahihama may become the surety on the said bond, and it shall be the dniy of the attornej'^ general to i)repare said bond and apj)rove the same; Provided, liowever, That said ])ond shall not be exhausted by a single recov- ery, but may be sued on from time to tune, until the full anumnt thereof shall be recovered, and the said commission may at auj time, by giving thirty days' notice, refpiire additional security or additional bond within the limits prescribed. And when anj- person, firm, or corporation shall have been awarded a contract and submitted therewith, the bond as required hereunder the commissi((n, througli its secretary shall so in- form the treasurer of the State, and it shall then be the duty of the treasurer to return to such contractor tlie cash deyjosit made by him, and the said commission, thrcmgh its secretary shall inform the treasurer of the names of the unsuc- cessful bidders or proposers, and the treasurer shall upon receipt of this notice return to them the anumnt dep(;sited in cash h\ them at the time of the sulnnission of their bid, but should any ])er- son, firm, companyor corporation fail ov refuse to execute the contract, and submit therewith his bond as required by this act within thirty days of the awarding of the contract to liim and the mail- ing of the registered letter containing tlu^ notice, provided the mailing of the registered letter shall l>e sufficient evidence that the notice was giv( n and rer-eived, the said cash de])osit will b ' deemed, and is here]>y, declaref] forfeited to the State of Alabama, and it shall be the duty of the treiisni'er to place said cash deposit in the treasury of the State to the credit of the general school fund, and provided, further, that any recovei-y liad on any bond, given by any contrnctoi', shall ennre to the 8. benefit of the said fuud of the State, and when collected shall be placed in the treasury to the credit of the said fund and be prorated among the several counties of the State. Section T. — Be it further enacted : That the books furnished under any contract shall at all times during the existence of the contract be equal to, in all respects, the specimens or sample copies furnished with bids; and it shall be the duty of I be secretary of State to carefully preserve in his office as the standard of quality and excellence to be maintained in such books during the continu- ance of such contracts the specimen or sample copies of all books which have been the basis of any contract, together with the original bid or proposal and the contractor shall, also furnish each county superintendent of education like specimen or sample copies which shall be pre- served by him in like manner and the same shall always be open to' inspection of the public. It shall be the duty of all contractors to print plainly on the back of each book the contract price, as well as the exchange price at which it is agreed to be furnished, but the books submitted as sam- ples or specimen copies with the original bids shall not have the price printed on them before they are submitted to the sub-commission. And the said text book commission shall not in any case, contract with any person or publisher for the use of any books which are to be sold to pat- rons for use in any public school in this State, at a price above or in excess of the price at which such book or books are furnished by said person or publisher under contract to any State, county, or school district in the United States, under like conditions prevailing in this State and under this act. And it shall be stipulated in each contract that the contractor has never furnished and is not now furnishing under contract an}' State, county or' school district in the United States, where like conditions prevail as are prevailing in tills tSlatc and iiiulci' this act the saiue IkjoLc or books as are euibrai-ed iu said contract at a price beiow or less thau the price stipiihited in the said contract and the said commission is hereby au- tliorized and directed, at any time tliey may iind tliat ajiy boolc has been iiirnislied at a h)\vei' price under contract to any State, county, or school dis- trict aforesaid to sue ui)ou the bond of said con- tract and recover the difference between the con- tract price and the lower price at which they tind the book or books have been sold, and iu case a contractor shall fail to exe- cute siKicilically the terms and provisions of his contract said commission is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to bring suit upon the bond of such contractor for the recovery of all damages, the suit to be iu the name of the State of Alabama and the recovery for the bene- llt of the public school fund, but nothing in this act shall be construed so as to prevent said com- mission and an}- contractor, agreeing thereto, from in auy manner changing or altering any contract, i)rovided tliat a majority of the commis- sion shall agree to the cliange and think it ad- visable and for the best interest of the public schools of this State. In all matters a nmjority of said commission shall control. Section S. — Be it further enacted : That it shall be always a part of the terms and condition of every contract made in pursuance of this act that the State of Alabama shall not be liable to any contractor, in any manner for any sum whatever, but all such contractors shall receive their pay or consideration in compensations solely and ex- clusively derived from the proceeds of the sale of books, as provided for in this act, Pro- vided, further, That the commission shall stipu- late in the contract for I lie supplying of any book as herein provided Ihat tlu^ c()ntractor or contractors shall lake uj) the school lyooks now in use in this State and receive Ihe same in ex- change for new books at a price not less than 50 10 ply- ing of books for use in the public schools in tliis State it shall be tln' duty of the governor to issue his proclamation announcing such facts to the ])eo])le of the State. Section 11. — Be it furiher enac(e«l: That (he part}" or parties with whom the contract shall b<^ made shall establish aud maiutaiu two or more depositories in this State, to be desig'nated by the commission, wliere a stock or snppl}' of the books sufficient to meet all the immediate demands shall be kept. There shall also be maintained in each county in the State not less than three agencies, for the distribution of the books to the patrons, to be located and designated by the commission and the contractor shall be permittt^d to make ar- rangements with a merchant or other person for the handling and distribution of the books. All books shall be sold to the consumer at the retail contract price, and in each book shall be i^rinted the following : ( The price fixed hereon is fixed by State contract and deviations therefrom shall be reported to your county superintendent of educa- ♦ tiou, or to the State superintendent at Montgom- ery. ) Aud it is expressly provided that should any party contracting to furnish books as pro- vided for in this act, fail to furnish them or oth- erwise breach his contract, in addition to the right to the State to sue on the bond hereinabove re(iuired the county suj^erintendent of any cimnt}' may sue in the name of the State of Alabama, in any court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which he resides; for the use and bene- fit of the school fund^ of the county; Providee introduced and used as text liooks to the exclusion of all others in all the public free schools in this State; Provided, That nothinf;: herein shal be construed to prevent the use of sup- plementarv books such as may Ix^ prescrll>ed and selected by the text book commission but such sui)])len!entary lM)oks shall not be used to the ex- clusion of the books ]»resci'ibe(l ot' ado])ted under the provisions of this act; Provided further, that nothinji; in this act shall be construed to prohibit the use in ])ub1ic schools of any text book ui)on any branch mentioned in any ]>revious section of the act, whei-e the commission shall select or adopt a book f(»r that branch or snbjecl ; Pi-ovid- 14 ed, fiu'tlier, That iiotliiii!;- in this act shall pre- vent the teaching in any scliool any branch high- er or more advanced than is embraced in any pre- vious section of this act, nor the using of an}' book upon sucli higher branch of study, provided that such higlier branches shall not be taught to the exclusion of the branches mentioned and set out in this act. Section 15. — Be it further enacted: That noth- ing herein shall be construed to prevent or pro- liilut the patrons of the xvubiic schools througliout the State from procuring Iiooks in the usual way in case no contract shall be nmde or the contractor fails or refuses to furnish the books provided for in this act, at tlie time re(piii-ed for their use at the resi>ective schools. Section 10. — Be it further enacted : That any person or teacher violating the' provisions of this act, sliall become guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon c(mviction be x^unished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Section 17. — Be it further enacted: That any teaclier who shall use or periiiit to be lised in his or her school any text book upon the branches end>raced in this act, where the commission has adopted a book upon that branch other than the one so adopted, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction punished as provided for in section 16 of this act. Section 18. — Be it further enacted : That if any local agent, dealer, clerk or other person handling or selling the books adopted under this act, shall d^^mand or receive for any copy of any of the books Iterein provided for, more than the contract price, in cases where the purchase is for cash, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction siiall for each off(Mise be punished l)y fine of uot less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. 15 Section 1<).— He it funlici- tMiaclcd : Tlial Hie .Slim of two Ihousaiid doljirs or so luiieh thereof as may Ih' iieeessary to be paid out of tlie moneys i;^ the treasury not otlierwise exiXMided be and is h(^reby a])])roi)riated for the i)iiri)ose of payinii- (lie cost and ex])eiise of earrying iuto el'fett the IM'ovisions of this act. fc>ECTi()X 20.— Be it further enacttnl : Tliat the g-overnor and supt^-intendent of education slijill serve on tlie commission Avitliout com])ensation and the other members of tlie commission and the sub-commission shall be paid the sum of four dal- lars per day during the time they are actually en- gaged, not to exceed thirty days, and in addition shall receive ten cents per mile for each mile trav- eled from their home to their place of meeting and return thereto, to Ix- paid out of the general fund, and they shall each make and swted a unifoni! system of text books for their public schools and have contracted for a supply of such tox\ books, until the expiration of said contracts respectively unless they see fit sooner to accept the provisions of this act. and provided furthiM- that no new contract shall !>;> made after the pas-sage of this act by any county lK)ard of edu- eation, or by the board of education of anv citv or town in this State. 021 302 767 16 Section 23. — Be it fiirthor onacted: That in case of the failure of any coutractor to fiiriiiHli the books as proidded in liis contract, then his bond sliall be declared forfeited, and the State sdiool book commission is authorized and em- powered to make such other contract for the un- expired term with any })erson to provide such books as they may deem advisable for the best in- terests of the State. >S'e('TI()x 24. — Be it furtlier (^nacted: Tliat tliis act ^-liall take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 4, 1903. MAY 27,1905 p. ot D« LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ill* 021 302 767