I PS 3505 07 05 11906 ICopy 1 ffl.l.€ Class /°S l&SLtT Book I ••";•■ GopyrightN°_ -/fj)6 COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Zhe tt> Scbloss XTben out on tbe turret we sallieo Zhc ©16 Scbioes HDargaret X. Corlies Gbe 3obn C. TMUnston Company PbtlaDelpbta LIBRARY of CONGRESS? Two Copies Received J DEC 81 (906 | # Copyright Entry CLASS, & XX(f,,No. 3 ^ s° < "0* 01 \*' COPYRIGHT 1906, BY THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO. TTboufib tb£ juoament be just, or bitter or sweet- TEbts tribute H las at tbs merciless feet. [pictures bt> pupils of tbe Pennsylvania flfiuseum ant> Scbool of Unoustrial Brt Color Drawings bp flIMss 1Rutb B. IRewton line ©rawtngs b£ /IDfsa 1Rutb B. IRewton flDtss Hnna (Barrett fl>r, Hrtbur B. B^e I be ©lb Scbloss, bow fonbl? If love it ! Mow man? times oft in a ba\>, Hs cbilbren, we clfmbeb to its turret, Bnb no one to sa\> to us na\> ! <5ranb bames we pla\>eb with out messieurs; Me bresseb in tbe finest of clothes ; While their sworbs flasbeb bright in tbe sunlight— ©b, wben shall we finb ba\>s like those ? W.c oanceo ano we boweo to eacb one Czffi\ c laugbeb, anb we crieb, anb we courtesfeb; HM^ Me banceb, anb we boweb to eacb one Hs up anb bown tbe long chambers We walt3eb bach anb fortb, just for fun ! Bo frown marreb our innocent pleasures ; TKfle always pretenbeb to be Zbe greatest anb best^born of labtes ; XLhe noblest of ro\>al begree. Me stole ever? sheet of court^plaster Zhe black ffor sou plainly will see, TTbat tbls was tbe color in fasbion ftben worn b\> sucb labies as we* Hn all sorts of patterns we cut it 1Fn all sorts of patterns we cut It Hn hearts anb in stars anb in bars, Rnb rigbt near our bimples we placeb tbem; Xtbougb our fane? was realty for stars- Ube\> mabe us look more like tbe portraits XCbat bung on tbe walls of tbe Scbloss, 3For tbeir faces were spotteb witb patches Black patches all covereb with oloss* Zbcn out on the turret we sallieb With fans, anb with powber, anb paint ©ur messieurs in short velvet breeches ©b, was not the spectacle quaint ? l^oung in \>ears but so olb in behavior, ©ur manners were always the best; ©ur bait was bone up in the fashion Bnb vieb with tbe cut of our bress, Hb, was not tbe olb Scbloss encbant* ing ? THow lovely tbe ivs tbat grew, ©'er all tbe gra\> stones anb tbrougb nicbes ! ometimes it was covereb with bew XEbus spoiling out long trading bresses— But this not a living soul knew, jfor in the olb oafc cbest we bib tbem, Wben our masquerabing was tbrougb— m/^^A 3for in tbe olfc oafe cbest we bi& tbem H oft have tbe beepest of longings 3For tbe olb Scbloss anb comrabes so true; Zhe black gbost we never bib fanc£ t ( But tbe wbite one we all of us knew- THe was one of our loveb masquerabers; IHe f ooleb us ? Bo never a mite, But we screameb anb lookeb terribly frigbteneb Jpretenbing to bolb tbe boors tigbt Mow often m\> memory lingers ©n all of those joss passeb awas ! Bear Scbloss, If coulb ga3e on tbee ever ©b, wb\> must tbou fall to becas I TEbou bib'st not seem olb wben as cbilbren We cltmbeb ever? one of tb\> stairs— in ' ©n tbe boors there were olb, broken But nobob? 2>ost tbou ^bose voices Zbc frolic, binges, bib tbe repairs* long for so merr\>— Q , tbe jo?, anb tbe fun ? along for tbee t more anb more beepty Mbtle musing at set of tbe sun; XCbou once seemeb sot strong anb well builbeb, XDbfne arcbes so gracefully spanneb, Ttbose green little ingrown nfcbes, Me tbougbt tbou wert perfectly planneb. * . * ^£L^ Rnb now tbou art falling to pieces! Each room to tbe weather erposeb* fln anb out Uy tbe swallows anb robins, But wbere are our messieurs, tbe beaux ? Hn m\> cbtlbboob's sweetest of memories Ensbrineb in m\> beart tbou will be ! Hn tbat tower now gone to bestruction ©ur voices oft rang out in glee* THyH # nee more bo H see tbee anb linger ©n those scenes so fleeting anb bright ! forever in memory thou livest H vision of fonbest beiight ! Hlas ! bearest Scbloss, H must leave tbee, Hnb burr? me to borne just £rue, G*as ba irs are telling tbefr stone, i~. ~.t Hno cbtlbboob forever is o er But toba& age anb time are forgotten U am onty a cbilb, as of sore- DEC 31 19W» ■