c^L^^- ^/v- Q «#^' A 0RRISTMAS 3 aNBEAn \ . - V Br ' (°opyncjh|t \11J Har4£>P ars <>% New YOi^K. MATIICRING Gbnstmas mistletoe Su decl^ tbe cottage walls. Herself, tbe sweetest floweret Uii wbicb tbe sunlight falls, balmlv seated on a snow-bank ull unmindful of tbe cold, blaspmg tigbt tbe treasured buncbes Sbat tbe little fingers bold. 5 URCLY now \\)Q lowly cottage, Has no need of other grace (3)0 charm the joyous orjnstmas morning, G'han her pretty smiling face; ohrislmas py must surely linger Where her footsteps lightly go, bloving hearts that know her, surely, Opristmas ioy ana gladness l^now. IKQ a merry sunbeam, straying Prom the sr?y at breab of day, oboosmg, with a wayward spirit, Wn the pleasant eartb to stay, ypo, tbis little maiden wanders lyound about witb sweet intent, tomes to-day a happy sunbeam, obnstmas sunbeam, — Heaven sent. ^fi' ING all the world a welcome Prom her little loving heart; In her snare of obnstmas bounty Wishing all could bave a part. Unci throughout tbe bills and valleys Where the sunbeams brightly gleam, riot one sweeter, fairer, brighter (if ban this little " Gbristmas-beam. Annie C. Mi i M^^MM mmm ^M« LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hill 016 165 251 9 •