Class „OS XI Book-. H^ 4-7 GENEALOGICAL DATA RELATING TO THE ANCESTRY AND DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS The English Emigrant to New England in 1632 AND OF JOSEPH HILLS The English Emigrant to New England in 1638 COMPILED BY ATILLIAM SANFOED HILLS EDITED BY THOMAS HILLS '' PtTBLICATION COMMITTEE HILLS FAMILY GENEALOGICAL AND HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION Incorporated 1894 ^uW^UA Irjj the gusijsioriatifltt • * * > J B * » PRESS OF ALFRED MUDGE & SON BOSTON ^'^'l^^ ^ //^ ^c3 • • . • • • ".•y:':' ::':'-..:'. EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. Barnard Memorial Building, Boston, June 3, 1902. To the Members of the Corporation : When our association was incorporated in 1894, the material that a few of its members had collected in relation to their direct line of Ancestry, and abstracts of Probate and land records from the registers of Suffolk, Middlesex and Essex counties made by your president, formed practically all the genealogical information at our command. The response of those of the name, or connected with it by marriage, to our call for family records, while far from what was desired, has been, perhaps, as full as could be expected. The work of our corresponding secretaries has put the association in possession of much valuable information, which, but for their efforts, would not have been available. All papers and reports were committed to Mr. William Sanford Hills, the Senior of our Board of Directors. From the first, the libraries of the New England Historic and Genealogical Society and of the city of Boston were freely used by him. At his own expense he has caused abstracts of court and land records to be made in various counties of New Hamp- shire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. All accumulated mate- rial had been so far analyzed and arranged that in June, 1900, j'our Directors voted that he, with the President, acting as a committee, be authorized to prepare the genealogy of the famil}- for publica- tion. The fact that for many years he has been totally blind, required that the transcribing of his arranged material should be done by his secretaries. After his appointment as Chairman of the committee he still continued to do all the work, except the 4 EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT comparatively trifling amount contributed by his colleague, which consisted mainly in the revision of the work of his copyists with- out reference to his authorities or original documents, and the preparation of such statements as were deemed to be needed in connection with emigrant ancestors, and in certain cases to give the evidence that established genealogical facts. His associate on the committee was, however, so far familiar with his system of arrangement and methods, that the work of preparation for the printer could have been carried on if for any reason he had been compelled to relinquish it. But both members of the committee are well advanced in years, and your Board of Directors have thought it advisable, by the publication of the genealogy of the five generations of the family that can now be given to the press, to insure the association against possible loss, by fire, of its accu- mulations, or, by death, of the information that has been gained, that was not of record. They accordingly authorized the printing of the work which follows this report. It will be forwarded with- out charge to our members, and given to those who being eligible to membership shall join our ranks during the coming year. And as it is desirable that it should be examined by all interested in our genealogy, it will be forwarded to any person who shall make application for it, accompanied by the one dollar which is the annual assessment of the members of the association. It is impor- tant that all persons who may have information in relation to the birth, marriage, or death of any of the descendants of William, the emigrant of 1632, the head of the Connecticut branch, or of Joseph, the emigrant of 1638, the head of the family in Massachusetts, which is not fully set forth in this partial genealogj^, or who may have knowledge of a line, that, covering one or more generations, or even a single family, which can or cannot connect with any of the lines given in the work, should communicate it to the committee at once. It is the intention of the directors to immediately prepare copy for the printer, of the sixth and subsequent generations. The OF THE DIRECTORS. 5 record now given to the famil}'^ and the public is not as perfect as the committee desire, and one of the reasons of issuing it is that its errors and omissions may be noted, that with tlie best informa- tion obtainable, this publication, duly revised and corrected, be made a part of a complete genealogy. Those who favor the Com- mittee on Publication with additions or corrections will please communicate with the president of the association.* The commit- tee will recommend to the directors that a copy of the work now issued be given to those who shall furnish information of special value. While genealogical information will be gladl}- received at any time, the promise of the Board of Directors is here given that such as shall be forwarded before Jan. 1, 1903, will appear in the genealogy of the Hills family, which will be prepared for publica- tion as speedily as possible after that date. Respectfully submitted, For the Board of Directors, THOMAS HILLS, President. * Address Mr. Thomas Hills, 157 K Street, South Boston, Mass. NECROLOGY, 190\-Z On the 3d of July, 1901, near the close of what for Boston had been a long heated term, William Nathaniel Hills left his home in his usual health. Business called him from the city. The day was intensely hot. His partners endeavored to persuade him to postpone his trip until it could be made with less discomfort. But prompt attention to business was his habit, and he went at once to Ipswich, a town some twenty-five miles northeast of Boston. He accomplished the object of his visit, and had arrived at the railroad station for his return, when he fell unconscious from a stroke of apoplexy and soon ceased to breathe. He answered the call for the preliminary meeting which resulted in the formation of our association, and from the date of its incor- poration to that of his death, he was one of its directors. The interest he manifested in its work at the beginning was unabated during his term of service. Born December 25, 1834, he died unmarried, and was buried at Lowell, Mass., the place of his birth. His line from the emigrant of 1638 was : Joseph, 1602-1688 ; Samuel, 1652-1732; Smith, 1706-1788; Nathaniel, 1745-1832; Paul, born Newbury, 1789, died Lowell, 1864. Philip Knapp Hills was born in Newburyport, May 6, 1820, and died in that city August 14, 1901. That he was a valuable citizen and enjoyed the respect and good- will of the residents of the place that was his lifelong home, was indicated by the appre- ciative notices of the local press at the time of his death. His business career was with the banks of Newburyport. For many years he was the treasurer of its Institution for Savings. His NECROLOGY. 7 public service for that cit}' included four years with its School Committee, fourteen years as trustee of its Public Library, four years in its Common Council, and three years in its Board of Aldermen. In his young manhood he was connected with its fire department, and in 1851 was elected an assistant engineer. Prominent in Odd Fellowship, he was a member of his lodge for more than half a century, and he died Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. One of the first members of the Newbury Histor- ical Society, he appreciated the work of our association. Although for several years before his death he was blind, yet with cheerful courage he retained his interest in all that had con- cerned him, and made the most of his opportunities. His descent from Joseph Hills, who was born in England in 1602, emigrated to New England in 1638, was of Maiden for many years before 1665 when he settled in Newbur}', was through the emigrant's youngest son, Samuel, who died in Newbury in 1732. From SamueP the line was through Joseph^, Joseph"*, Joshua^, Joshua^ and Lydia (Knapp) Hills. HILLS FAMILY GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, General Secretary. EDWIN M. HILLS . . . No. 159 School Street, Taunton, Mass. Corresponding Secretaries. Warkkn Hills Union, Maine. For State of Maine. WiLLLAM Henry Hills, Esq Plaistow, N. H. For Bockingham County, N. H. EiMBALL Webster Hudson, N. H. For Hillsborough and Cheshire Counties, iV. H. Prof. Joseph L. Hills . 59 North Prospect Street, Burlington, Vt. For State of Vermont. William F. Hills . . . Cashier Traders' Bank, Lowell, Mass . For Northern Sections of Middlesex County, Mass. Dblobaine p. Corey Maiden, Mass. For Southern Sections of Middlesex County, Mass. Mrs. Bertha Hills Marshall .... Swampscott, Mass . For Essex County, Mass. Mrs. Edward R. Davis Worcester, Mass. For Medfield, Millis, Medway, Milford, and Worcester, Mass. Mrs. J. Marion Martin Franklin, Mass. For Franklin, Attleboro, and Wrentham, Mass. GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 9 Chari.ks L. Newhall Southbridge, Mass. For /Southern Sections of Worcester County a^id Hampden County. Frkd B. Hills Leominster, Mass. For Fitchhurg, Leominster, and adjacent towns. Alfred K. Hills, M. D. . . . No. 669 Fifth Avenue, New York. For the City of Neio York. Granville Hills Hudson, N. Y. For Columbia and Dutchess Counties, N. Y. Charles E. Hills Oneonta, N. Y. For Otsego County, N. Y. Sarah E. Hardwick East Orange, N. J. For Essex, Morris, and Union Counties, N. J. Major Francis Lowell Hills .... Wilmington, Del. Present P. O. Address, San Juan, Porto Rico. For the State of Delaware. Epwin Handell Holbrook . . Pension Office, "Washington, D. C. For the States of Maryland and Virginia. Miss Elizabeth r:. Hills . 903 French Street, Washington, D. C. For the District of Columbia. Mrs. James R. Garfield West Mentor, Ohio. For Lake County and Northeastern Sections of Ohio. Fred P. Hills, Esq. Delaware, Ohio. For Delaware County and Western Sections of Ohio. B. D. Hills . . . .38 South Sixth Street, Columbus, Ohio. For Franklin County and Southeastern Sections of Ohio. William Darwin Hills . . . 372 Sibley Street, Cleveland, Ohio. For the City of Cleveland, Ohio. 10 GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Oscar Armstrong Hills, D. D Wooster, Ohio. For Wayne County, Ohio. Lucius Perry Hills Atlanta, Ga. For the State of Georgia. Henry Hervey Hills, Esq. . 820 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa. For the State of Iowa. \ John W. Hill, Esq Chicago, 111. For the State of Illinois. William Giles Hills . . 301 North Second Street, St. Louis, Mo, For the State of Missouri. Lewis S. Hills Salt Lake City, Utah. For the State of Utah. AIrs. William J. Adams .... Menlo Park, San Mateo, Cal. For the State of California. Mrs. William Beck Albany, Ore. For the State of Oregon. George Washington Case . . Kensington Ave., Jersey City, N. J. For Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic Counties, K. J. GENEALOGY OF FIVE GENERATIONS OF THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS OF ROXBURY, MASS., 1632, AND HARTFORD, CONK., 1635. William Hills, doubtless the first of the name to land in New England, was probably a native of the County of Essex in the mother country, the shire in which Joseph Hills was born and from which he emigrated in 1638. Researches in England point strongly to the probability that they had a common ancestor, who was living about two hundred years before they left Old for New England. (See fourth report, 1898, . page 5.) These two emigrants are distinguished as the progenitors of nearly all of their surname who are of New England ancestry. The first record relating to the earlier emigrant shows that he was a passenger in the ship " Lyon," William Pearce, master, which sailed from Bristol June 24, and entered the harbor of Boston on the 16th of September, 1632. The next record con- cerning him proves that as a resident of Roxbury he was admitted a freeman of that town on the 14th of May, 1634 ; that munici- pality became a part of Boston in 1868. "The first church in Roxbury was gathered in 1632." It is not known at what date the Rev. John Eliot, sometimes called the Apostle to the Indians, made his " records of such as adjoyned themselves unto the fellowship of this church of Christ at Roxborough." Of an emigrant of that year he says, " William Hills a manservant, he came over in the year 1632, he married Phillice Lyman daughter of Richard Liman, he removed to Hartford on Conecticott, where he lived several years, w^out giving such good satisfaction to the consciences of the saints." These are all the known records relating to the life of the emi- 12 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. grant in Massachusetts, where it appears he lived as a " man- servant." It was common in the early days of the colonies for young men who wished to leave Old for New England to bind them- selves by indentures for a term of years, the consideration being money advanced for the payment of their passage and wages to the end of the specified term of service in the new country. Similar arrangements were doubtless made by young women of that time, for among Mr. Eliot's emigrant church members several are recorded as " maide " servants. Of the seventy male passengers of the " Mayflower *' as given in Hotton's original lists, at least nine can be identified as minors. John Hook is designated " a servant boy," John Howland and nine others as " servants," while George Soule and Elias Story recorded as " two men in Winslow family," were doubtless, with their fel- lows, bound for service to their more prosperous companions on the famous ship. The fact that Ann Mumford was a passenger on the " Lyon " on the voyage that terminated in September, 1632, and that she was the intended wife of the Apostle Eliot, strongly indicates that William Hills was indentured to that clergyman. That she was his affianced wife is clear, for in speaking of himself he said that those who formed his church came in a body and "settled at Rocksbrough, to whom he was fore ingaged. . . . Also his wife came along w*^ the rest of his friends the same time & soone after theire coming, they were married, viz. in the 8* month 1632." The indication becomes almost conclusive evidence when the record shows " Thomas Hills, a manservant, he came in the yeare 1633, — he lived among us in good esteeme & godly, & dyed about the IV^ or 12''' month, 1634, and left a good savor behind him, he was a very faithful & prudent servant & a good christian, he dyed in Mr. Elliots family." The records seem to tell this plain story. William and Thomas were brothers. They came from Essex in England, the home of Eliot, doubtless that of his wife and of the friends " to whom he was fore ingaged." The harsh criticism of WiUiam by his master and pastor followed some dis- agreement as to service or religious belief. Thomas died in 1634, William doubtless left Roxbury for Hartford with his father-in-law, Richard Lyman, October 15, 1635. With a farm of forty-eight and one-half acres, not including the " nine accres of salt marsh" or the "fifty five accres and a quarter" in another part of the GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 13 town and " thirty and nine accres" in Dedham, and two other lots that Mr. Eliot had bought, aggregating more than twenty acres, that worthy saint doubtless regretted the loss of the services of the two brothers. It was not an age of tolerance, and it is not sur- prising, while he praised the faithful servant who died in his family that be could not think of the other as a good Christian. No record of the first marriage of William Hills has been found other than that already quoted and one other given by Mr. Eliot in his record of church membership: " Phillis Lyman the daugh- ter of Richard Lyman, she came to the land w*^ her fath"" aSo 1631. God wrought upon her heart in this land ; she grew deaf, w^ disease increasing was a great affliction to her. She was mar- ried to William Hills & lived w*" him at Hartford on Conecticot." The date when this marriage terminated by the death of the wife is not known. She was living when the will of her father, the first on record at Hartford, was probated in 1G40. By it " Fillis, the wife of William Hills," received a legacy. Evidence recently dis- covered shows that she probably died before 1648. It has been generally accepted as a fact that Mar}', the widow of the emigrant of 1632, was his second wife, but it appears by probate records that she had two predecessors. The distribution of the estate of Thomas Bunce shows that one parcel of real estate, about four acres on the east side of the groat river, had been bought by the decedent of William Hills, and that the lot was "formally Richard Risley's, and came to said Hills by right of his wife relict of said Risley, as appears by a writting under said Hills hand, dated Feb. 26, 1680," witnessed by James Steele and Thomas Watts. The inventory of the Risley estate was filed October 17, 1648. The court records show there were three chil- dren, the eldest less than eight years old, " William Hill bringing them up and giving security to the court " for their several por- tions of their father's estate. The wife who probably survived William Hills was, before her last marriage, Mary, the widow of John Steele, who died in Farmington, Conn., some time after the date of his will in 1664 and the filing of the inventor}- of his estate in June, 1665. The Warner genealogy states that Mary, daughter of Andrew Warner, of Hadley, Mass., married John Steele, January 22, 1646, and that her second husband was William Hill, of Hartford. When the widow Steele again became a wife is unknown. It was before 14 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. the 25th of January, 1669, for at that date the Steele estate was settled, and in the instrument of distribution she is referred to as Mary Hill, and William Hill, her husband, " having taken upon himself to administer the estate, is to make good to the children as they come of age." That her second husband was William Hills, of Hartford, and that she was living some twelve years later, appear from the will of the emigrant of 1632, which is dated February 21, 1681, in which he refers to the revenues of the lands in Farmington as those he has " right unto by and in right of my wife," and provides that they be " demanded and received " for her. In the historical catalogue of the First Church of Hartford, the name of William Hills appears among those of the original and early members in connection with the words "dismissed July, 1683, moved to Hadley." William Hills bought a large tract of land at Hoccanum (East Hartford), and resided there for many years. From it he deeded to sons and sons-in-law. That he had not moved to that place in October, 1669, is clear, for the Colonial records show that he, with his sons William and John, were "freemen residing on the south side of Hartford" at that date. It is a matter of some doubt if his death, in 1683, occurred in East Hartford or in Hadley, the early home of the wife of his old age. Concerning the genealogy of the early settlers of Connecticut, it should always be borne in mind that the town and church vital records are in a very vague, incomplete, and unsatisfactory condi- tion. Consequently, in tracing the genealogy of the descendants of William Hills, of Hartford, no records can be found of the births and marriages of many of the first four generations of those who could claim him as an ancestor. Fortunately the records of wills and administrations in the County Probate Courts furnish the names of most of the children of the decedents of those early days who were living at the death of their progenitor, and also those of grandchildren interested in the estates that passed through the courts. These, together with the land records in the Registries of Deeds, afford the only knowledge now obtainable of very many of the descendants of William Hills. John Hills- (William^) was doubtless born in Hartford before 1648. The Colonial records show that he was a freeman of that place in October, 1669. He married at Say brook, Conn., April 14, 1670, Jane Bushnell. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 15 An inspection of published works suggests that there were two John Bushuells living in those early days, one the grandson of John Bushnell, of Boston, in England, whose three sons, Francis, William, and Richard, emigrated to Connecticut, the other who certainly died in Boston, in New England, where his estate was probated in 1667. The John Hills who lived in Boston, whereby the report of the Record Commissioners he had children born to him from 1651 to 1666, had a daughter Jane who was born December 18, 1662, and consequently was only eight years old at the date of the marriage of Jane Bushnell in Saybrook. But for the purposes of this work the important questions are, was the young husband John Hill or John Hills ; and, if he rightly carried s as the final letter of his surname, whose son was he? If John Hills was the son of William Hills, of Hartford, both questions are answered. There are four records referring directly to John, the son of the emigrant of 1632. The first, that shows that he was of age in 1669, has already been mentioned. The second is found in a deed dated March 14, 1677, conveying land in East Hartford from father to son. The third is where he appears in his father's will which was dated Febi'uary 21, 1681. The fourth is found in the records of the Probate Court which gives his nuncu- pative or verbal will that recites, " that when our brother John Hill lay sick of the sickness whereof he died, we did hear him say, that when his debts were paid, his wife shall enjoy all his estate during her mortal life, and what was left after her decease, shall be divided equally between his two daughters and being of good understanding and memory when he so declared." Sworn to by Jonathan Hill aged twenty-eight and Dorothy Hill aged twenty- five, dated September 1, 1692. It will be noticed that the scribe who drew this instrument and the recorder who attested the oaths of the husband and wife wrote the names of three different persons as " Hill," when they were known in the community in which they lived as " Hills." In following the early Colonial records relating to William Hills and his descendants, in fact, to any of the surname wherever recorded, the family name is as often spelled Hill as Hills. It is well known that a William Hill who was made a freeman in Dor- chester, November 5, 1633, left that place, which adjoined Rox- bury, about the time that William Hills left the last-named town, and that both settled in Connecticut, one at Hartford, the other at 16 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. Windsor, the distance between their new homes being but six and a half miles. The descendants of neither of these neighbors were numerous in the seventeenth century, but the fact that a John Hill, of Guilford, married the widow Catherine Chalker, of Saybrook, September 3, 1673, raises the question if the bridegroom of that day was not the same person who, in April, 1670, married Jane Bushnell. This question is easily answered. The history of Guil- ford shows that the John Hill who married the widow was of that town as early as 1654, that he had a wife Frances who, before she died, was the mother of five children, and that her death in that town did not occur until May, 1673. In 1670 there was but one John Hills in the new settlements of Connecticut who was of age to be married ; that one was the son of William, of Hartford. Following the marriage in Saybrook the records of that town show that a son, Samuel, was born May 29, 1671. If that infant's family name was Hills, he was a grandson of William, the emigrant of 1632. In the report of the Hills Family Association for 1901, a some- what lengthy statement of facts was given that almost conclusively proves that a Samuel Hills, who was unquestionably born in 1671, was the person whose birth was of record in Saybrook as of that date ; that his surname and that of his son Samuel was Hills, was proved beyond a doubt, and their descendants of modern times are so designated. Every fact stated, and every deduction they justified, indicated that the Samuel Hills, who, in November, 1694, married Phebe Leonard of Duxbury in Massachusetts, and thereafter resided in that town for more than thirty years, and until he removed to Lebanon in Connecticut, was the son of John and Jane Hills, who were married in Saybrook, in 1670. The statement invited criti- cism, and in terms asked for information. It has been suggested that the name Samuel was not common in the family of the emigrant. It is true that neither of his five sons was so named, but two of his grandsons, children of his sons Joseph and Benja- min, were called Samuel. It was also suggested that if the infant born in Saybrook in 1671 had been the grandson of William, he would have been mentioned in his father's will, which he declared when he " lay sick of the sickness whereof he died." But it is a fact that in 1692, William Hills, like his brother John, left his property by a nuncupative will, and it is also true that he left it to GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 17 his daughters, Pbillis, Mary, and Hannah, omitting to mention his other living children, Esther, Ebenezer, John, and Joseph ; and still another brother, Benjamin, b}' a will dated February 4, 1726, mentions only his children Benjamin, Susannah, Abigail, and Samuel. How many he omitted is not known ; he certainly left out John, who, when his brother Benjamin died in 1733, went upon the bond which the widow and her brother-in-law Samuel were required to give as executors. In this bond both John and Samuel are called brothers of the decedent. It should be remembered that in those early days nearly all the property' of the country was in land, and that it was the custom to give to some of the children of a family in their father's lifetime, their share of his estate. The argument that the evidence pre- sented proved that Samuel Hills, who was born in 1671, was of the Hartford branch, would have been convincing, but for the fact that when he returned to Connecticut, after his long sojourn in Duxbury, he did not go to the vicinity of his own and his father's birthplace, or to Saybrook, where relatives were resident, but settled in the newly-peopled town of Lebanon. The absence of a motive for such a movement, and the breaking of home ties to live as it seemed among strangers, made the change appear somewhat inconsistent with the theory that the facts seemed to justif}^ and on which the argument was based. With new evidence, a reason- able motive has been found to have existed. Lebanon was incor- porated in 1700. By Bushnell genealogy it appears that Francis Bushnell had sons, John and Richard ; that Richard married Mary Marvin, and had Richard, who was of Norwich, and who married Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon Thomas Adgate. Hines' " Early Lebanon " says that Richard Bushnell, the younger, was granted land in that town on the second of June, 1699, by a proprietors' vote. " Whereas he (Richard Bushnell) had been at considerable charge with the four proprietors of Lebanon in the setting up of said place they grant him one hundred acres of land above Edward Culver's house," and the author or a Mr. Morgan of Hartford, who furnished the historical notes for the work, adds that the land was " not a home lot. He was half brother of Thomas Adgate, an original proprietor." Richard Bushnell, senior, having died in 1657, his widow in 1660 married Deacon Thomas Adgate and became the mother of the Thomas who was one of the original proprietors of Lebanon. 18 GENEALOOr OF WILLIAM HILLS. Richard Bushnell, junior, lived and died in Norwich, but his half brotber, Thomas Adgate, had large interests in Lebanon, which adjoined Norwich and probably made the new town his home ; so there were doubtless relatives on his mother's side and perhaps land in Lebanon or its vicinity for Samuel Hills. But this is not all. Phillis Lyman, wife of William Hills, the emigrant, had a brother, Richard, who married Hepzibah Ford, and removed to Northampton, Mass., about 1655, where he died June 3, 1662. His son Richard, in 1675, married Elizabeth Coles, and in 1696 removed to Lebanon, in Connecticut, " where some of his descend- ants have continued to reside until the present time," so there were relatives on his father's side living in Lebanon, when Samuel Hills removed to that town about 1726. A motive for the change of residence from Duxbury to Lebanon has been found, and there can be no reasonable doubt of the fact that Samuel Hills, who was born in Saybrook, May 29, 1671 was, the son of John and the grandson of "William Hills. 1. William^, born in England, came in ship " Lyon," arrived in Boston, September, 1632; probably died at Hartford, 1683, where his will was probated, December 6 of that year. Married, 1st, Phillis Lyman, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Osborne) Lyman. Emigrated from High Onger, Essex County, England, in 1631. He married, 2d, the widow of Richard Risley, who died prior to October 17, 1648, which is the date of his inventory ; the date of her death is unknown. He married, 3d, Mary, widow of John Steele, of Farmington, who died there, 1653-4, daughter of Andrew Warner, of Hadley, Mass., who was living in 1681. Children of William Hills, the emigrant of whom record has been found : 2. WiLUAM, b. Hartford, about 1646 ; d. (Savage says buried at Hart- ford, Aug. 15, 1693). s 3. JoHX, b. Hartford, about 1648; d. (buried April 5, 1692). 4. Joseph, bapt. March 17, 1650; d. Glastonbury, Conn., 1713. 6. Benjamin, b. Hartford ; d. Hartford (not before 1726, not after 1728). 6. Susannah, b. Hartford, 1651; d. Oct., 1701. 7. Mary, b. (Porter Gen. says 1654) ; d. 8. Lt. Jonathan, b. Hartford, about 1665; d. Hartford, Sept. 29, 1727. 9. Hannah, b. Hartford. 10. Sarah, b. Hartford. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 19 2. William^ (Williami), b. about 1646; d. (buried at Hartford. August 15, 1693). Married, Saraii . Children of William and Sarah ( ) Hills were : 11. Mary, b. 1G67. 12. Phillis, b. Hartford, 1669. 13. Hannah, b. 1672. 14. Ebenkezer, b. E. Hartford, 1676; d. E. Hartford, Feb. 12, 1749-50. 16. John, b. 1679. 16. Esther, b. 1681. 17. Joseph, b. E. Hartford, 1683; d. 1751. 18. William, b. 3. John2 (William^), b. Hartford, about 1648; d. (buried at E. Hartford, April 5, 1692). Married, at Saybrook, Conn., April 14, 1670, Jane Bushnell, b. , d. Children of John and Jane (Bushnell) Hills were : 19. Samuel, b. Saybrook, May 29, 1671 ; d. 20. A Daughter, b. 21. A Daughter, b. 4. Joseph^ (William^), b. (bapt. Hartford, March 17, 1649- 50) ; d. Glastonbury, Conn., November 8, 1713. Married Elizabeth . Children of Joseph and Elizabeth ( ) Hills were : 22. Dorothy, b. Glastonbury, 1677; d. Oct. 6, 1741, aged 64. 23. Susannah, b. , 1679-80; d. Feb. 11, 1748-9. 24. Joseph, b. , 1680-87 ; d. 25. Benoni, b. Glastonbury, 1700-1; d. "Winchester, Conn., June 24, 1793. 26. Hannah, b. 27. Margaret. 28. Samuel, d. (prior to 1727). 29. Henry. 30. Ensign John, b. 1713; d. (prior to 1758). 5. Benjamin'-^ (William^), b. Hartford, ; d. Hartford, between 1726 and 1728. Married, January 11, 1688, Mary, daughter of John and ( ) Bronson; b. , d. Children of Benjamin and Mary (Bronson) Hills were: 31. Benjamin, b. ; d. (adm. granted July 3, 1733). 32. Susannah, of Glastonbury. 33. Abigail. 34. Samuel, b. about 1696 ; d. about 1777. 35. John. 20 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 6. Susannah^ (William'), b. Hartford, 1651 : d. Octo- ber, 1701. Married, March 4, 1673, John Kilbourn (son of John^, Thomasi), b. Weathersfield, February 15, 1651, d. November 25, 1711. Children of Susannah (Hills) and John Kilbourn were : i. Susannah. li. John. iii. Ebeneezek. iv. Jonathan. V. Benjamin. vi. David. vii. Abraham. 7. Mary2 (William'), b. (Porter Gen. says 1654) ; d. 8. Lieut. Jonathan^ (William^), b. Hartford, 1666 ; d. E. Hartford, Sept. 29, 1727. Married, 1st, Dorothy, daughter of Samuel and Mary Hale of Glastonbury, Conn., b. 1667, d. E. Hartford, June 23, 1733. Married, 2d, Mary, widow of Asa Merritt of E. Hartford and daughter of Robert Reeve. Children of Lieut. Jonathan : 36. Mary, b. E. Hartford, July 29, 1688. 37. Thankfull, b. (bapt.) E. Hartford, June 26, 1692. 38. Dorothy, b. (bapt.) E. Hartford, Feb. 9, 1697; d. April 7, 1746. 39. Capt. Jonathan, b. E. Hartford, Dec. 20, 1699; d. E. Hartford, Feb, 2, 1775. 40. Ensign Davib, b. E. Hartford, Oct. 2, 1702; d. , May 25, 1758. 41. Sarah, b. E. Hartford, Oct. 1, 1706. 42. Thankfull, b. E. Hartford, Dec. 9, 1710. 9. HannahS (William!), b. ; d. before October, 1712. Married, February 1, 1700, Serg. Thomas Kilbourn (John^, Thomasi) of Glastonbury, Conn., 1653, d. October 3, 1712. (See Kilbourn Gen., p. 69.) Thomas Kilbourn' was born 1578, in Wood Ditton, County of Cambridge, England, and was baptized there May 8 of that year. Children of Hannah (Hills) and Thomas Kilbourn were : i. Thomas Kilbourn, b. — 1705 ; d. — 1748. 10. Sarah^ (Williami), b. ; d. (prior to 1660). Married John Ward, of Middletown, Conn. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 21 n. Mary3 (Williams, William^), b. Hartford, 1667; d. Hart- ford (buried August 15, 1693). 12. Phillts3 (William^, Williarai;, b. Hartford, 1669 ; d. Married John Parsons, December 1, 1698. 13. Hannah3 (William^, Williami), b. 1672; d. Married, May 23, 1695, William Butler. 14. Ebenezer3 (William^, Williami), b. E. Hartford, 1676; d. E. Hartford, February 12, 1750. (Will probated March 6, 1750.) Married Abigail (probably daughter of Caleb Benjamin of Weathersfield), b. , d. Children of Ebenezer and Abigail (Benjamin) Hills were : 43. William, b. Hartford, June 16, 1702. 44. Abigail, b. Hartford, Dec. 10, 1703. 45. Sarah, b. Hartford, Feb. 8, 1706. 46. Ebenezer, b. Hartford, Jan. 14, 1708 ; d. E. Hartford, Jan. 14, 1772. 47. Esther, b. Hartford, Sept. 8, 1710. 48. Abraham, b. Hartford; d. (prior to May 12, 1761). 49. Hannah. . 15. John3 (William^, Wimami),b. 1679 ; d. . Married, Margaret, daughter of John Dix of Newington, Conn,, b. ; d. Children of John and Margaret (Dix) Hills were : 60. John, b. April 20, 1705; d. Dec. 4, 1782. 51. Margaret, b. July 12, 1710. 62. HuLDA, b. July 20, 1712. 53. Joanna, b. May 17, 1715. 16. Esthers (WilliamS, William^), b. 1681; d. 17. Josephs (William^, Williami), b. E. Hartford, 1683; d. Farmington, Conn., April 29, 1751. Married Abigail Noyes (per- haps about 1708), b. , d. Farmington, September 23, 1751. Children of Joseph and Abigail (Noyes) Hills were : 64. Joseph, b. Farmington, Jan. 16, 1709 •, d. Farmington, Aug. 19, 1771. 55. Abraham, b. Farmington, Marcli 28, 1711. 56. James, b. Farmington, Jan. 2, 1713. 67. Sarah, b. Farmington. 58. Gideon, b. Farmington, June 4, 1714. 22 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 69. Ebenezer, b. Farmington. 60. David, b. Farmington, Sept. 15, 1716. 61. Esther, b. Farmington. 62. Jonathan, b. Farmington, Feb. 19, 1721 ; d. (prior to Dec. 9, 1790). 63. Capt. Moses, b. Farmington, b. June 20, 1723; d. about 1773. 64. Abigail, b. Farmington, July 19, 1725; d. (prior to Oct. 3, 1751). 65. Hannah, b. Farmington. 66. William, b. Farmington, Jan. 20, 1727. 18. William3 (William^, William^) , b. ; d. Married . The only child of William and ( ) Hills, of whom record was found, was : 67. William, who received land from his father in 1772 and 1780. 19. Samdel3 (John2, William'), b. Saybrook, Conn., May 29, 1671 ; d. . Married, November 6, 1694, Phebe, daughter of Phillip and Lydia ( ) Leonard, of Duxbury, Mass., b. , d. . Phillip Leonard was of Marshfield, Mass., in 1678 ; removed to Duxbury, where he died July 3, 1708. Children of Samuel and Phebe (Leonard) Hills were : 68. Abigail, b. Duxbury, May 26, 1697 ; d. 69. Phillip, b. Duxbury, Aug. 8, 1699 ; d. 70. Samuel, b. Duxbury, June 25, 1701 ; d. 71. Richard, b. Duxbury, Feb. 3, 1703 ; d. 72. Ebenezer, b. Duxbury, Dec. 6, 1705; d. 73. Ephraim, b. Duxbury, Dec. 13, 1707; d. 74. Joseph, U^j^g^ ^_ Duxbury, Aug. 25, 1710 j^' ^^^^ ' l^^^' 76. Lydia, J t-d- 20. Daughter-* (not named) (John^, William^ ) , mentioned in will as one of two daughters. 21. Daughter^ (not named) (John^, William^), mentioned in will as one of two daughters. 22. Dorothy^ (Joseph'^, William^), b. Glastonbury, Conn., 1677 ; d. Glastonbury, October 5, 1741, aged 64. Married, 1696, Thomas Hollister (son of John^, John^), b. Weathersfield, Conn., January 14, 1672, d. at Glastonbury, Conn., October 12, 1741. John HoUisteri came from England to Weymouth, Mass., 1642. Children of Dorothy (Hills) and Thomas Hollister were : i. JosiAH, b. Glastonbury, June 7, 1696; d. ii. Dorothy, b. Glastonbury, Oct. 17, 1697 ; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 23 iii. Gideon, b. Glastonbury, Sept. 23, 1699; d. iv. Chakles, b. Glastonbury, July 26, 1701; d. V. Elizabeth, b. Glastonbury, Dec. 17, 1703 ; d. vi. Hannah, b. Glastonbury, Dec. 26, 1705; d. Glastonbury, Oct. 12, 1712. vii. Thomas, b. Glastonbury, Jan. 13, 1707; d. viii. Ruth, b. Glastonbury, Oct. 13, 1710; d. ix. Rachel, b. Glastonbury, July 27, 1712; d. X. Hannah, b. Glastonbury, Feb. 16, 1714; d. xi. Emma, b. Glastonbury; d. ' xii. Susannah, b. Glastonbury ; d. xiii. Elisha, b. Glastonbury, 1722 ; d. 23. Susannahs (Josephs William^), b. 1679-80 ; d. February 11, 1749. Married, 1st, Thomas Kilbourn (Thomas^, John^, Thomasi), b. Hoccanum (E. Hartford), d. — 1712. Married, 2d, Nathaniel Fitch. Children of Susannah (Hills) and Thomas Kilbourn were : i. Thomas. li. Hannah. iii. Susannah. iv. Dorothy. y. Mabel. 24. Joseph^ (Joseph^, "William^), b. (prob. between 1680 and 1687) ; d. Married, at Glastonbury, Conn., June 10, 1708, Elizabeth (daughter of William Tryon, of Weathersfleld, Conn.), b. , d. Children of Joseph and Elizabeth (Tryon) Hills were : 76. Dudley, b. March 10, 1710; d. Jan. 6, 1711. 77. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1713 or 1712 ; d. 78. Hannah, b. June 24, 1716; d. 79. Joseph, b. Aug. 19, 1719; d. 80. Susannah, b. April 18, 1722; d. 81. Benjamin, b. Feb. 18, 1725; d. 82. John, b. d. 25. Benoni^ (Joseph^, William^), b. Glastonbury, Conn. — , 1701 ; d. Winchester, Conn., June 24, 1793. Married, at North- hampton, Mass., December 19, 1723, Hannah Strong, b. North- hampton, July 29, 1704 (Hinman's MS. says, June 3, 1700) ; d. October 21, 1776 (daughter of Thomas^ and Mary [Stebbins] Strong, Thomas^, John^ Her grandfather was John Stebbins). (See Strong Gen.) 24 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. Children of Benoni and Hannah (Strong) Hills were : 83. Hannah, b. Suffleld, Conn., Oct. 5, 1725; d. March 29, 1812. 84. ZiMRi, b. Durham, Conn., Dec. 16, 1725; d. June 4, 1760. 85. Beriah, b. Durham, Conn., Aug. 31, 1727; d. Durham, March 25, 1778. 86. Col. Medad, b. Durham, Conn., April 27, 1729; d. April 9, 1808. 87. Mary, b. Durham, Conn., June 1, 1731; d. Jan. 27, 1732. 88. Capt. John, b. Durham, Conn., Dec. 13, 1732; d. Charlotte, Vt., Feb. 16, 1808. 89. Mart, b. Durham, Conn., Sept. 25, 1734; d. Feb. 12, 1813. 90. Seth, b. Durham, Conn., Sept. 13, 1736; d. Vernon, N. Y., June 3, 1826. 91. Rachel, b. Durham, Conn., July 8, 1739; d. Augusta, N. Y., — , 1832. 92. Bela, b. Goshen, Conn., Aug. 24, 1741 ; d. May 29, 1756. 93. Ann, b. Goshen, Conn., June 11, 1743 ; d. Norfolk, Conn., Jan. 26, 1777. 26. Hannah^ (Joseph^, Williami), b. ; d. . Married, , Joseph Keeney, of Colchester, Conn. 27. Margaret^ (Joseph^, William^), b. January 8, 1724, d. . Married William Winters, of Colchester, b. , d. 28. Samuel^ (Joseph^, William^), b. ; d. Glastonbury, prior to December 5, 1727. Married Violet , b. 1709, d. E. Hartford, July 14, 1749. No record of the children of Samuel and Violet ( ) Hills has been found. 29. Henry3 (Joseph^, William'). No record has been found relating to this Henry other than he was the son of Joseph. ^ 30. Ensign John^ (Joseph^, William^), b. Glastonbury, Conn., 1713 ; d. prior to 1758. Married, about 1735, Keziah, daughter of John Loveland, b. , d. Children of John and Keziah (Loveland) Hills were : 94. John, b. abt. 1735; d. E. Hampton, Conn., Jan. 21, 1782. 95. Isaac, b. abt. 1737 ; d. 96. Keziah, b. abt. 1739 ; d. 97. Elisha, b. abt. 1741 ; d. 98. Abigail, b. abt. 1743 ; d. 99. Dorothy, b. abt. 1745 ; d. 100. Samuel, b. abt. 1747 ; d. 101. Rebecca, b. abt. 1749 ; d. 102. Elijah, b. abt. 1751 ; d. 103. Elizabeth, b. abt. 1753 ; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 25 31. Benjamin^ (Benjamin^, William), b. ; d. (adminis- tration granted July 3, 1733). Married Elizabeth Warren (prob- ably daughter of John Warren). Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Warren) Hills were : 104. Oliver, b. 1729; d. N. Y. 106. John, b. 1731 ; d. 32. Susannah^ (Benjamin^, Williami),b. about 1692 ; d. Married John Kilbourn (son of John'*, John^, John^, Thomas^), b. about 1690, d. (will dated December 7, 1741). Children of Susannah (Hills) and John Kilbourn were : i. Mary, b. ; d. ii. Susannah, b. ; d. iii. Sarah, b. ; d. iv. John, b. ; d. 33. Abigail^ (Benjamin^, William^), b. ; d. . Mar- ried Samuel Stedmen. 34. Samuel^ (Benjamin^, William^), b. about 1696; d. (pro- bate August 15, 1777). Married Susannah . Children of Samuel and Susannah ( ) Hills were : 106. Violet. 107. Hannah. 108. Demaris. 109. Lucy. 110. Susannah. 35. John3 (Benjamin^, William! ),b. ; d. . No record has been found relating to this John other than that he was son of Benjamin^. 36. Mart3 (Lieut. Jonathan^, WiUiami), b. E. Hartford, July 29, 1688 ; d. . Married Forbes. 37. Thankfull^ (Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. (baptized June 26, 1692) ; d. -^38. Dorothy3 (Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. E. Hartford, February 19, 1696 ; d. April 7, 1746. Married Caleb Pitkin (son of Roger and Hannah [Stanley] Pitkin), b. August 19, 1687, d. January 16, 1773. (See Pitkin Gen.) 26 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. Children of Dorothy (Hills) and Caleb Pitkin were : i. Dorothy, b. 1717; d. Aug. 17, 1789. "ii. Mary, b. 1720; cl. April 9, 1756. iii. Thankful, b. 1723 ; d. Dec. 17, 1742. iv. Sarah, b. Feb. 15, 1725; d. V. Caleb, b. 1727; d. Oct. 2, 1768. vi. Nathaniel, b. ; d. , 1765. vii. Hannah, b. ; d. 39. Capt. Jonathan^ (Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. E. Hartford, December 20, 1699 ; d. Hartford, February 22, 1775. Married Rebecca (daughter of Deacon Joseph and Elizabeth [Butler] Olmstead), b. , d. Children of Capt. Jonathan and Rebecca (Olmstead) Hilla were : 111. Jonathan, b. E. Hartford, 1731 ; d. E. Hartford, Oct. 13, 1776. 112. Rebecca, b. ; d. E. Hartford, Nov. 1, 1728. 113. Rebecca, b. ; d. E. Hartford, Feb. 11, 1742. 114. Rebecca, b. Jan. 28, 1744; d. E. Hartford, Feb. 5, 1745. 40. Ensign David^ (Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. E. Hart- ford, Oct. 2, 1701 ; d. E. Hartford, May 25, 1758. Married Ann (daughter of Nathaniel and Hester [Hosmer] Pitkin), b. 1703 ; d. E. Hartford, June 9, 1778. Children of Ensign David and Ann (Pitkin) Hills were : 115. David, b. 1724; d. July 2, 1785. 116. Nathaniel, b. March, 1725; d. Oct. 21, 1781. 117. Jonathan, b. 1728; d. April 18, 1794. 118. Anne, b. 1732; d. July 4, 1758. 119. Ruth, b. about 1735; d. June 18, 1786, aet. 51. 120. George, b. about 1737; d. E. Hartford, Oct. 14, 1741. 121. Esther, b. ; d. 122. Dorothy, b. ; d. 123. THANiiEUL, b. ; d. 1816. 124. Susannah, b., bapt. June 22, 1748 ; d. Farmington, Jan. 3, 1763. 41. Sarah3 (Lt. Jonathan^, William^), b. E. Hartford, Octo- ber 1, 1706. 42. Thankful^ (Lt. Jonathan^, William^), b. E. Hartford, December 9, 1710; d. 43. William^ (Ebenezer3, William^, William^), b. Hartford, June 16, 1702; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 27 44. Abigail'* (Ebenezer^, William^, William'), b. Hartford, December 10, 1703; d. . Married, October 31, 1726, Joseph Dewey (son of Josiah^, Josiah-, Thomas'. Thomas' was from Sandwich, Kent, England, was here in 1633), b. Northampton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1697, d. Children of Abigail '(Hills) and Joseph Dewey were : i. JosiAH, b. Lebanon, Conn., May 24, 1727; d. ii. Joseph, b. Lebanon, Conn., 1729; d. lii. Mehitable, 1 , t u o a o^ i^oo ( d. ' yo. Lebanon, Conn., Aug. 30, 1732; l iv. Mary, i id. V. Elizur, b. Lebanon, Conn., 1733 ; d. vi. Abigail, b. Lebanon, Conn., 1735; d. vii. ISALAH, b. Lebanon, Conn., 1746; d. 45. Sarah'' (EbenezerS, WilliamS, William^), b. Hartford, February 8, 1706 ; d. . Married Samuel Roberts, b. , d. 46. Ebenezer'I (Ebenezer^, William^, William^), b. Hartford, January 14, 1708 ; d. E, Hartford, January 14, 1772. Married at E. Hartford, Hannah Arnold, b. , d. Children of Ebenezer and Hannah (Arnold) Hills : 125. Ebenezer, b. E. Hartford, March—, 1733; d. , March 28, 1773. 126. Silas, b. E, Hartford, Jan. 9, 1739 ; d. , Aug. 22, 1825, aet. 87. 127. Amos, b. E. Hartford, — , 1740 ; d. , 1796. 128. Ashbel, b. E. Hartford, May 5, 1743; d. E. Hartford, Dec. 20, 1817, aet. 75. 129. Lois, b. E. Hartford, (bapt.) June 12, 1748; d. E. Hartford. 130. Esther, b. E. Hartford, (bapt.) Sept. 1, 1754; d. 47. Esther'' (Ebenezer^, William^, William'), b. Hartford, September 8, 1719 ; d. . Married Joseph Case, b. , d. 48. Abraham"* (Ebenezer^, William^, William'), b. Hartford; d. prior to May 12, 1761. Married Hannah . Children of Abraham and Hannah ( ) Hills were : 131. Abraham, b. ; d, 132. ASHABEL, b. ; d. 133. Abigail, b. ; d. 134. Rebekah, b. ; d. 135. Hannah, b. ; d. 136. Sarah, b. Glastonbury, Conn., Feb. 10, 1761; d. 28 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 49. Hannah'' (Ebenezer3, William^, Williami), b. ; d. 50. John'' (John^, William^, Williami), b. East Hartford, April 20, 1705; d. December 4, 1782. Married (probably at North Bolton), about 1740, Deliverance Craw (probably daughter of Nathaniel Craw), b. , d. September 3, 1786. Children of John and Deliverance (Craw) Hills were : 137. Margakbt, b. ; d. 138. John, b. ; d. 139. Jacob, b. 1741; d. Aug. 7, 1817. 140. Deliverance, b. ; d. 141, Isaac, b. ; d. 142. Joseph, b ; d. 143. Moses, b. ; d. Nov. 20, 1804. 144. Stephen, b. ; d. 145. HULDA, b. ; d. 146. Anne, b. ; cl. 147. Rebecca, b. ; d. 148. Mary, b. ; cl. 51. Margaret* (John3, William^ William^), b. July 12, 1710. 52. HuLDAH'* (John3, William^, Williami), b. July 20, 1712. 53. Joanna" (John^, William^, William^), b. May 17, 1715; d. 54. Joseph" (Joseph^, William^, William^), b. Farmington, Conn., January 16, 1708-9; d. Farmington, August 19, 1771. Married, . Children of Joseph and ( ) Hills were : 149. HiGARsON, b. ; d. 150. Abigail, b. ; d. 151. Hannah, b. ; d. 152. Khziah, b. ; d. 163. Lucy, b. ; d. 55. Abraham" (Joseph^, William^, William^), b. Farmington, Conn., March 28, 1711 ; d. . Married, Farmington, July 3, 1734, Elizabeth Hodgkins, b. , d. Children of Abraham and Elizabeth (Hodgkins) Hills were : 154. Mercy, b. Farmington, April 7, 1736; d. 155. Sarah, b. Farmington, May 3, 1739; d. about 1807. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 29 166. Gideon, b. Farmington, Feb. 18, 1744-5; d. 157. Elizabeth, b. Farmiugton, Nov. 3, 1747; d. 158. JosiAU, b. Farmington, Sept. 15, 1750; d. 159. Rhoda, b. Farmington, Feb. 16, 1757 ; d. 56. Jambs'* (Joseph^, William-, William^), b. Farmington, Conn., January 2, 1712 ; d. 57. Sarah^ (Joseph^, William^, Williami), b. , d. , Married, , b. , d. 58. Gideon"* (Joseph^, William^, "William*), born in Farm- ington, Conn., June 4, 1714; died, ; unmarried. 59. Ebenezer^ (Joseph^, William^, William*), b. ; d. No record other than that he was son of Joseph^ has been found relating to this Ebenezer. 60. David"* (Joseph^, William-, William*), born Farmington, Conn., September 15, 1716. The only child of David and ( ) Hills, of whom record was found, was : 160. Susannah, b. ; d. Jan. 3, 1763. 61. Esther^ (Joseph^ William^, William*), b. ; d. 62. Jonathan"* (Joseph^, William^, William*) , born Farming- ton, Conn., February 19, 1721 ; died Berlin, Conn, (prior to December 9, 1790). No record of marriage, or birth of children to this Jonathan has been found. 63. Capt. Moses^ (Joseph^, William^, William*), born Farm- ington, Conn., June 20, 1723, d. (administration granted October 13, 1773). Married, January 6, 1748, at Farmington, Mercy or Mary Lankton, b. , d. Children of Capt. Moses and Mercy or Mary (Lankton) Hills were : 161. AzKL, b. Farmington ; d. (prior to June 9, 1785). 162. Joseph, b. Farmington ; d. 163. Solomon, b. Farmington, Dec. 5, 1750; d. Sept. 15, 1751. 164. Susannah, b. Farmington, ; d. 165. Chauncy, b. Farmington, (bapt.) March 15, 1761; d. 166. Moses, b. Farmington, 1769 ; d. 1853. 30 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 64. Abigail"* (Joseph^, William^, William^), b. Farmington, Conn., .July 19, 1725 ; d. (prior to October 3, 1751). 65. Hannah^ (Joseph^, William', William^), b. Farmington, Conn. ; d. 66. William'* (Joseph^, William^, William^), b. Farmington, Conn., January 20, 1727. No record of marriage, or of birth of children to this William, has been found. 67. William'' (William^ William^, William^), b. ; d. No record, other than that he was the son of William^, has been found relating to this William. 68. Abigail^ (SamueP, John^, William^), b. Duxbury, Mass ; May 26, 1697; d. . Married, November 12, 1735, William Batharack, b. , d. 69. Phillip" (SamueP, John^, Williami), b. Duxbury, Mass., Augusts, 1699; d. . Married at Lebanon, Conn., February 7, 1727, Hannah Cutter. Children of Phillip and Hannah (Cutter) Hills were : 167. James, b. Lebanon, Oct. 31, 1727; d. about 1758. 168. Dorothy, b. Lebanon, Nov. 20, 1730; d. 169. Jonathan, b. ; d. 70. Samdel" (Samuel^, John^, William^), b. Duxbury, Mass., January 25, 1701 ; d. February 14, 1792. Married, at Duxbury, November 28, 1722, Hannah Turner, of Marshfield, Mass., b. — , 1701, d. Lebanon, Conn., March 17, 1777 (aged 77). The children of Samuel and Hannah (Turner) Hills were : 170. Joseph, b. Duxbury, July 31, 1723; d. 1814, aet. 94. 171. Hannah, b. Duxbury, Jan. 17, 1725 ; d. 172. Phebe, b. Lebanon, Dec. 10, 1726; d. Dec. 28, 1726. 173. ELLiB, b. Lebanon, March 9, 1728; d. 1773, aet. 46. 174. Samuel, b. Lebanon, July 28, 1729; d. 175. Leonard, b. Lebanon, June 4, 1731 ; d. 176. Abnek, b. Lebanon, Jan. 19, 1733; d. 177. Elijah, b. Lebanon, July 6, 1736; d. May 16, 1818. 178. Dakius, b. Lebanon, Aug. 28, 1739 ; d. 179. Consider, b. Lebanon, Sept. 7, 1741 ; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 31 71. Richard^ (SamueP, John^, William^), b. Duxbury, Mass., February 3, 1703; d. 72. Ebenezer^ (SamueP, John^, William^), b. Duxbury, Mass., December 6, 1705. 73. Ephriam^ (SamueF, John^, Williauii), b. Duxbury, Mass., December 13,1707; d. . Married, Ist, February 19, 1736, Hannah Bentley, b. , d. November 27, 1736. Married, 2d, Lydia , b. , d. Child of Ephriam and Hannah (Bentley) Hills was : 180. Hannah, b. Lebanon, Conn., Nov. 6, 1736; d. Children of Eprhaim and Lydia ( ) Hills were : 181. Lebbeus, b. Lebanon, Oct. 3, 1739; d. 182. Ephriam, b. Lebanon, Feb. 21, 1742; d. 183. Nobles, b. Lebanon, Oct. 14, 1747; d. 184. Ltdia, b. Lebanon, Oct. 13, 1750; d. 185. Faith, b. Lebanon, Jan. 12, 1752 : d. 74. Joseph^ (Samuel^, John^, William^), b. Duxbury, Mass., August 25, 1710 ; d. July — , 1711. 75. Lydia^ (SamueP, John^, William^), b. Duxbury, Mass., August 25, 1710; d . Married, at Lebanon, Conn., May 1, 1755, Phineas Foster (son of DanieP, Isaac^, Reginald^), b. Topsfield, Mass., July 16, 1703. Children of Lydia (Hills) and Phineas Foster were : i. Phebe, b. April 5, 1736 ; d. ii. Phineas, b. Aug. 15, 1737 ; d. iii. Sarah, b. Nov. 19, 1738; d. iv. David, b. Feb. 2, 1742; d. V. Phineas, b. ; d. Feb. — , 1746. (See Foster Gen.) 76. Dudley^ (Joseph^, .Joseph^, William^), b. March 10, 1710 ; d. January 6, 1711. 77. Elizabeth^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, William^), b. January 5, 1713; d. 78. Hannah'' (Joseph^, Joseph^, William^), b. June 24, 1716 ; d. Glastonbury, Conn. Married, January 19 (10), 1737, Elisha Loveland (son of Thomas^, Thomas^, of Glastonbury), b. Glas- tonbury, 1709, d. Glastonbury. 32 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. Children of Hannah (Hills) and Elisha Loveland were : i. Elisha, b. May 4. 1738; d. ii. Elijah, b. Nov. 16, 1742 ; d. iii. Hannah, b. Oct. 31, 1744; d. Dec. 4, 17G9. iv. Peletiah, b. Jan. 13, 1748; d. V. Levi, b. Nov. 19, 1749 ; d. / vi. Lucy, b. June 8, 1754 ; d. 79. Joseph^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, William^), b. Glastonbury, Conn., August 19, 1719; d. Glastonbury (adm. Nov. 5, 1751). Married Susannah , b. , d. Glastonbury (adm. April 1, 1760). Children of Joseph and Susannah ( ) Hills were : 186. Susannah, b. 1745 ; d. 187. Elizabeth, b. 1748; d, 80. Susannah^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, William^), b. April 18, 1722. 81. Benjamin^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, William^), b. February 18, 1725; d. Glastonbury (adm. March 2, 1773). Married, Decem- ber 26, 1747, Martha Deming (or Damon), b. , d. Children of Benjamin and Martha (Deming or Damon) Hills were : 188. Hepsibah, b. Aug. 10, 1749 : d. 189. Martha, b. May 9, 1751 ; d. 190. Benjamin, b. Dec. 14, 1764 ; d. 191. JosiAH, b. 1757; d. 192. Joseph, b. 1759 ; d. 193. Daniel, b. Dec. 14, 1761; d. 82. JoHN^ (Joseph^ Joseph^, Williami), b. ; d. No record, other than that he was the son of Joseph^, has been found relating to this John. 83. Hannah^ (Benoni^, Joseph^, "William^) , b. Suffleld, Conn., October 5, 1724; d. March 28, 1812. Married, June 6, 1745, Aaron Loomis (son of Abraham and Isabel [Eggleston] Loomis, son of Sergt. Daniel, son of John, b. England, who was of Wind- sor, Conn., 1640 ; son of Joseph, b. England, 1616 ; son of Joseph, b. England, 1590, emigrated to New England in " Susan and Ellen," in company with Joseph Hills, of Charleston, etc., arriv- ing in Boston, July 17, 1038. He brought with hiui five sons and GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 33 three daughters). Aaron was born, Torrington, Conn., June 30, 1723 ; d. Torrington, September 16, 1766. Children of Hannah (Hills) and Aaron Loomis were : i. Aaron, b. Torrington, Jan. 19, 1746; d. Feb. 23, 1746. ii. Hannah, b. Torrington, Dec. 6, 1746 ; d. iii. HuLDAH, b- Torrington, March 2, 1748; d. iv. Deborah, b. Torrington, Jan. 10, 1752; d. V. Lucy, b. Torrington, April 25, 1756 ; d. 84. ZiMRi^ (Benoni^, Joseph^, William^), b. Durham, Conn., December 16, 1725 ; d. June 4, 1760. Married, at Goshen, Conn., May 28, 1752, Bathsheba (daughter of William and Sarah [Moore] Grant), b. Windsor, Conn., October 20 (26), 1728; d. No children of this marriage have been found of record. "O^ 85. Beriah'* (Benoni^, Joseph'^, William^), b. Durham, Conn., August 31, 1727; d. Winchester, Conn., March 25, 1778. Mar- ried Mary . Children of Beriah and Mary ( ) Hills were : 194. Mary, b. (bapt.) March 20, 1748; d. 195. Benoni, b. (bapt.) Dec. 24, 1749; d. 196. Lois, b Farraington, Conn., Feb. 2, 1752; d. 197. Chauncy, b. Torrington, Conn., Feb. 7, 1754; d. 198. Bela, b. Aug. 25, 1756; d. 199. Roger Enos, b. March 4, 1759; d. 200. ZiMRi, b. April 23, 1763; d. 201. HuLDAH, b. Aug. 9, 1767; d. 86. Col. Medad^ (Benoni^, Joseph^, William^), b. Durham, Conn., April 22, 1729 ; d. April 9, 1808. Married, December 5, 1751, Sarah Smith, b. February 18, 1732, d. February 18, 1802. Children of Medad and Sarah (Smith) Hills were : 202. Seth, b. Torrington, Conn.; d. Vernon, N. Y., 1826. 203. Lucy, b. , d. 204. EteAViTT, b. (bapt.) Torrington, Conn., Sept. 29, 1753; d. 205. Reuben, b. ; d. 206. Miles, b. Aug. 31, 1766; d. Goshen, Conn., March 10, 1815. 87. Mary"* (Benoni^, Joseph^, William'), b. Durham, Conn., June 1, 1731 ; d. January 27, 1732. 88. Capt. John* (Benoni^, Joseph^, William'), b. Durham, Conn., December 13, 1732; d. Charlotte, Vt., March 15, 1808. Married Jerusha Lewis, b. , d. 34 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. Children of Capt. John and Jerusha (Lewis) Hills were : 207. Jerusha, b. Nov. 26, 1755 ; d. 208. LORRAIN L., b. Feb. 6, 1758; d. Oct. 14, 1763. 209. ZoiRl, b. Oct. 2, 1762 ; d. 210. ESTHER,!^ ^^^^^e I d. 211. John, i ' Id. June 21, 1766. 212. LoRRAiN, b. May 30, 1768; d. May 7, 1772. 213. Claraman, b. Oct. 5, 1770 ; d. 214. Olive, b. July 23, 1773; d. 215. Lewis, b. Sept. 8, 1775 ; d. 216. Roger, b. Jan. 9, 1779; d. Oct. 1, 1780. 89. Mart'* (Benoni^, Joseph^, William^), b, Durham, Conn., September 25, 1734; d. February 12, 1813. Married, September 9, 1755, Epaphras Loomis (son of Abraham^, Sergt. Daniel'', John3, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. November 13, 1732, d. Winchester, Conn., September 10, 1812. Children of Mary (Hills) and Epaphras Loomis were : i. Epaphras, b. March 31, 1756; d. Hannibal, N. Y., April — , 1850. ii. Remembrance, b. Feb. 27, 1759; d. Milford, Conn., Jan. 16, 1777. iii. Jerusha, b. Feb. 6, 1761; d. Oct. — , 1827. iv. Lorraine, b. June 9, 1764; d. Aug. 26, 1832. V. Wait, b. Nov. 23, 1765; d. Winstead, Conn., Feb. 25, 1849. vi. Arah, b. July 7, 1767; d. Winstead, Conn., Sept. 10, 1844. vii. Ira, b. Sept. 19, 1770; d. Charlestown, Ohio, — , 1841. viii. Rachel, b. May 29, 1772; d. March 6, 1774. ix. Mary, b. March 15, 1775 ; d. — , 1804. 90. Seth^ (Benoni3, Joseph^, William^), b. Durham, Conn., September 13, 1736 ; d. Vernon, N. Y., June 3, 1826. Married, 1st, November 1, 1760, Abigail, daughter of John and Phebe (Moore) Soper (John,^ Deacon John^), b. 1741, d. . Mar- ried, 2d, July 17, 1783, Mrs. Catharine (Beach) Goodwin. Children of Seth and Abigail (Soper) Hills were : 217. Statira, b. Winchester, Conn., July 6, 1762; d. Booneville, 1840. 218. Jesse, b. Winchester, Conn., May 7, 1764. 219. Elisha, b. Goshen, Conn., May 8, 1766; d. June 11, 1766. 220. Elisha. b. Goshen, Conn., Dec. 9, 1769; d. Hanover, March 9, 1826. 221. Caitoace, b. Goshen, Conn., June 1, 1772; d. Vernon, N. Y., March 23, 1849. 222. Hannah, b. Goshen, Conn., May 19, 1776. 223. Skth, b. Goshen, Conn., April 20, 1779; d. Vernon, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1813. 224. Ira, b. Goshen, Conn., June 22, 1782; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 35 91. Rachel'* (BenonP, Joseph^, William^), b. Durham, Conn., July 8, 1739; d. Augusta, N. Y., 1832. Married, Septembers, 1762, Joel Soper, b. , d. 92. Bela'* (BeuonP, Joseph-, William^), b. Goshen, Conn., August 24, 1741. 93. Ann"* (Benoui^, Joseph^, William^), b. Goshen, Conn., June 11, 1743; d. Norfolk, Conn., January 26, 1777. Married, February 2, 1764, Luman Beach, b. , d. 94. John4 (John3, Joseph^ Williami), b. about 1735; d. E. Hampton, Januar}' 21, 1782. Married Mindwell, daughter of Daniel and Eunice (Loomis) Wright, b. England, d. Children of John and Mindwell (Wright) Hills were : 225. John, b. about 1759; d. E. Hampton, Dec. 25, 1781. 226. Mindwell, b. ; d. 227. Joanna, b. March 9, 1763; d. 228. Honor, b. — , 1765; d. Dec. 29, 1835. 229. KEZLiH, b. E. Hampton, June 15, 1767; d. 230. Samuel, b. E. Hampton, June 1, 1770; d. March 3, 1842. 231. David, b. E. Hampton, — 1771 ; d. So. Glastonbury, Conn., Dec. 2, 1858. 232. Daniel, b. ; d. 95. IsAAC^ (John^, Joseph^, Williami), b. — , 1737 ; d. 96. Keziah^ (John^ Joseph^, Williami), b. — , 1739 ; d. 97. Elisha^ (John^, Joseph^, William^) , b. Glastonbury, Conn., — , 1741 ; d. Truxton, N.Y. Married atEastbury, Parish of Glas- tonbury, November 24, 1774, Rebecca Loveland, b. E. Hartford about 1752, d. Cicero, N. Y., January — , 1842 ( aet. 90). Children of Elisha and Rebecca (Loveland) Hills were : 233. Rosinah or Louisa, b. Glastonbury, Conn,, Oct. 22, 1774; d. Oswego, N. Y. 234. Mary Ann, b. Glastonbury, Conn., Oct. 8, 1775; d. 235. Elisha, b. Glastonbury, (bapt.) Oct. 12, 1777; d. 236. Elijah, b. Glastonbury, (bapt.) Sept. 27, 1779; d. Corydon, Penn., Aug. 7, 1865. 237. John, b. Glastonbury, (bapt.) March 18, 1782; d. Sylvester, Wis. 238. Jael, b. E. Glastonbury, April 4, 1788; d. Sylvester, Wis., June 19, 1876 36 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 239. Sylvester, b. — , 1796; d. Sylvester, Wis., 1888 aet. 90. 240. Calvin, b. ; d. Sylvester, Wis., May 25, 1799. 241. Betsey, b. ; d. 98. Abigail'' (John^, Joseph^, Williami), b. about 1743 ; d. 99. Dorothy^ (John^, Joseph^, William^), b. about 1745 ; d. 100. Samuel^ (JohuS, Joseph^, Williami), b. about 1747 ; d. 101. Rebecca^ (John^, Joseph^, William^), b. about 1749; d. 102. Elijah^ (John^ Joseph^, Williami), b, about 1751 ; d. 103. Elizabeth^ ( John^ Joseph^, William^) , b. about 1753 ; d. 104. Oliver^ (Benjamin^, Benjamin^, William^), b. 1729; d. Otsego Co., N. Y. Married . Children of Oliver and ( ) Hills were : 242. Eleazur, b. ; d. Chautauqua, N. Y. 243. Benoni, b. ; d. 244. Anna, b. E. Windsor, Coun., March 10, 1765; d. 245. Child, b. Feb. 23, 1766 ; d. 105. JoHN^ (Benjamins, Benjamin^, William^), b. 1731; d. . Married Anna Loomis. Children of John and Anna (Loomis) Hills were : 246. John, b. E. Windsor, Conn., 1752; d. in camp of fever. 247. AzuBA, b. E. Windsor, Dec. 1, 1753; d. E. Windsor, Aug. 27, 1759. 248. Anna, b. E. Windsor, Sept. 14, 1755; d. in E. Windsor, Jan. 27, 1757. 249. Erastus, b. E. Windsor, Feb. 26, 1758; d. 250. Norman, b. E. Windsor, (bapt.) May 22, 1763; d. 251. AzuBA, b. E. Windsor, Dec. 8, 1765; d. Granger, Ohio, May 12, 1843. 252. Elizur, b. E. Windsor, March 22, 1768; d. Granger, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1843. 253. HEZEKLV.H, b. E. Windsor, (bapt.) Oct. 7, 1770; d. 254. Anna, b. E. Windsor, June 6, 1773; d. 255. Lucy, b. E. Windsor, June 22, 1777; d. Granger, Ohio, May 3, 1855. 106. Violet* (SamueP, Benjamin^, Williami) , b. ; d. Married, June 9, 1761, Elijah Tucker of Windsor, Conn. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 37 107. Hannah'* (SauiueP, Benjamin-, William^), b. ; d. Married Brinton Paine (son of Stephen^, Stephen^, Stephen^, Stephen! fj-om p:ngland, 1638), b. Bolton, Conn., — , 1737, d. Elmira, N. Y., — , 1820. Children of Hannah (Hills) and Brinton Paine were : i. Samuel Hills, b. New York, — , 1778; d. Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1813, aet. 34. ii. George Clinton, b. ; d. iii. Betsey, b. ; d. iv. Susan, b. ; d. V. ViOLETA, b. ; d. vi. Polly, b. ; d. vii. Hannah, b. ; d. viii. Deborah, b. ; d. ix. Clarissa, b. ; d. 108. Dejiaris^ (SamueP, Benjamin^, William^), b. ; d. — , 1824. Married John Paine (son of Stephen'*, Stephen^, Stephen^, Stephen^ b. England, about 1629, emigrant 16o8), b. ,d. i. Jerusha, b. N. Bolton, — , 1763; d. ii. Eunice, b. N. Bolton, — , 1765 : d. April 4, 1809, aet. 43. iii. Elijah, b. N. Bolton, — , 1775; d. Vernon, Conn., April 10, 1813 aet. 38. iv. Brinton, b. N. Bolton, — , 1777; d. "Vernon, Conn., Aprils, 1813. V. Nancy, b. N. Bolton, — , 1780; d. 109. LucY^ (Samuel^, Benjamin-, William^), b. ; d. Married, at Windsor, Conn., May 2, 1765, Moses Thrall, Jr. 110. Susannah^ (SamueF, Benjamin^, William^) , b. ; d. Married Nash. 111. Jonathan^ (Capt. Jonathan^, Lieut. Jonathan"-, William^), b. — , 1731 ; d. E. Hartford, October 13, 1776. Married Mabel, daughter of Jonathan and Mabel (Olmstead) Stanley, b. , d. Children of Jonathan and Mabel (Stanley) Hills were : 256. AsHBEL, b. E. Hartford, Oct. 5, 1757 ; d. without issue Sept. 4, 1785. 257. Jonathan, b. E. Hartford, Nov. 25, 1759; d. Aug. 29, 1819. 258. Elizur, b. E. Hartford, Nov. 14, 1761; d. July 17, 1782. 259. Caleb, b. E. Hartford, July 4, 1764; d. 38 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 260. Rebkcca, I ^ J, Hartford, Nov. 16, 1766 ; | ^- ^^^^ 1^' i^,!f ' 261. Mabel, / I d. Dec. 6, 1817. 262. Samuel, b. E. Hartford, March 15, 1770; d. Dec. 5, 1797. 263. Abigail, b. E. Hartford, July 23, 1772 ; d. — , Dec, 264. TRiPHENAjb. E. Hartford, Nov. 2, 1775; d. Feb. 20, 1794. 112. Rebecca^ (Capt. Jonathan^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^ , b. ; d. E. Hartford, November 1, 1728. 113. Rebecca'* (Capt. Jonathan^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. ; d, E. Hartford, February 11, 1742. 114. Rebecca^ (Capt. Jonathan^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. January 28, 1744; d. E. Hartford, January 14, 1778. 115. David^ (Ensign David^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. — , 1724; d. July 2, 1785. Married, — , 1745, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Lord) Pitkin, b. December 9, 1727, d. December 9, 1793. Children of David and Mary (Pitkin) Hills were : 265. Eunice, b. April 20, 1746; d. Jan. 22, 1802. 266. Mary, b. Jan. 30, 1748; d. March 31, 1811. 267. Anne, b. E. Hartford, Nov. 16. 1749; d. Dec. 3, 1791. 268. Stephen, b. E. Hartford, Oct. 11, 1751; d. E. Windsor, Conn., Jan. 21, 1823, aet. 71. 269. Elisha, b. E. Hartford, April 21, 1753; d. Aug. 19, 1804. 270. David, b. E. Hartford, May 31, 1755; d. May 2, 1817. 271. Richard, b. E. Hartford, Feb. 7, 1757; d. Jan. 15, 1825. 272. Epaphras, b. E. Hartford, July 7, 1759 ; d. Oct. 14, 1844. 273. George, b. E. Hartford, Jan. 27, 1761 ; d. 274. Russell, b. E. Hartford, July 7, 1762; d. Feb. 9, 1813. 275. Timothy, b. E. Hartford, May 15, 1764; d. 276. Eliphalet, b. E. Hartford, April 27, 1766; d. Nov. 7, 1801. 277. Moses, b. E. Hartford, Dec. 30, 1768; d. Feb. 1, 1814. 116. Nathaniel^ (Ensign David^, Lieut. Jonathan^, "William i) , b. — , 1725; d. October 2, 1781. Married Eunice, daughter of , b. — , 1729, d. May 23, 1807. Children of Nathaniel and Eunice ( -) Hills were : 278. Nathaniel, b. (bapt.) E. Hartford, June 23, 1751; d. Oct. 23, 1787. 279. Joseph, b. (bapt.) April 22, 1753; d. 280. George, b. (bapt.) May 11, 1755; d. 281. Martha, b. (bapt.) May 8, 1757; d. Feb. 17, 1780. 282. Eunice, b. (bapt.) March 30, 1760; d. E. Hartford, June 24, 1797. 283. Elinor, b. (bapt.) Sept. 30, 1764 ; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 39 117. Jonathan^ (Ensign DavicP, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^) b. — , 1728 ; d. April 18, 1794. Married Violet Roberts, b. — , 1741, d. January 12 (January 4), 1819. Children of Jonathan and Violet (Roberts) Hills were : 284. AxLEN, b. (bapt.) E.Hartford, Dec. 6, 1767; d. Nov. 1, 1782. 285. ASA, b. (bapt.) E. Hartford, Oct. 22, 1769; d. Nov. 24, 1838. 286. Ann, b. (bapt.) E. Hartford, Jan. 14, 1776 ; d. 118. Anne'* (Ensign David^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. — , 1732; d. July 4, 1758. Married, — , 1751, Joseph Pitkin (son of Joseph and Mary [Lord] Pitkin), b. — , 1732, d. Octo- ber 30, 1770. Children of Anne (Hills) and Joseph Pitkin were : i. Joseph, b. Oct. 3, 1756; d. June 3, 1805. ii. Stephen, b. May 10, 1753; d. — , 1807. ill. Anne, b. April 28, 1754; d. 119. RuTH^ (Ensign David,^ Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. about 1735 ; d. June 18, 1786 (aet. 51) . Married Timothy Cowles. 120. George^ (Ensign David^, Lieut. Jonathan2,Williami), b. — , 1737 ; d. E. Hartford, October 14, 1741. 121. Esther^ (Ensign David^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. ; d . Married Jonathan Wells. 122. Dorothy'* (Ensign David^, Lieut. Jonathan^, William^), b. , d. — , 1826. Married, — , 1758, Richard Pitkin (son of Joseph and Mary Lord Pitkin), b. March 15, 1739, d. August 22, 1799. Children of Dorothy (Hills) and Richard Pitkin were: 1. RiCHAKD, b. Oct. 24, 1759; d. May 7, 1822. ii. Eunice, b. — , 1761; d. — , 1790. iii. Eleazxjr, b. Dec. 19, 1762; d. Jan. 2, 1822. iv. Ruth, b. — , 1764; d. Aug. 1, 1811. V. Mary, b. — , 1767 ; d. June 6, 1864. vi. Anna, b. — , 1769. vii. David, b. — , 1770; d. July 2, 1822. viii. Joseph C, b. — , 1784 ; d. — , 1797. 123. Thankful^ (Ensign David^, Jonathan^, William^), b. ; d. — , 1816. Married Thomas Wadsworth, Jr. (son of 40 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. ThomasS Thomas^, Thomas^, William^), b. — , 1739; d. — , 1810. Children of Thankful (Hills) and Thomas Wadsworth, Jr., were : i. George, b. — , 1762; d. — , 1806. ii. Thomas, b. — , 1763 ; d. iii. David, b. — , 1767; d. Gainsville, N. Y. iv. Timothy, b. — , 1770 ; d. V. SoLOMOX, b. — , 1772; d. vi. Joel, b. — , 1774 ; d. infancy, vii. Anna, b. ; d. infancy, viii. Anna, b. — . 1780; d. Ix. Moses, b. — , 1783 ; d. X. Thankful, b ; d. 124. Susannah^ (Ensign David^, Jonathan^, William^), b. (baptized, June 22, 1748) ; d. Farmington, Conn., January 3, 1763. 125. Ebenezer^ (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^, William^, William'), b. E. Hartford, March — , 1732 ; d. March 28, 1773 {aet. 41). Mar- ried Hepzibah Keeney, b. Manchester, Conn., — , 1733, d. E. Hartford, February 15, 1826, Hepzibah married, for 2d husband, John Cadwell. Children of Ebenezer and Hepzibah (Keeney) Hills were : 287. Ebenezer, b. E. Hartford, Feb. 7, 1756; d. July 14, 1829, 288. Elijah, b. E. Hartford, Jan., 1758; d. May, 1827. 289. Russell, b E. Hartford, Dec, 1759; d. Feb., 1818. 290. Eliphalet, b. E. Hartford, Oct., 1761; d. E. Hartford, Oct. 27, 1803. 291. Hepzibah, b. E. Hartford, Sept. 11, 1763; d. 292. George, b. E. Hartford, June, 1766; d. June 26, 1809, ae. 43. 293. Jeremiah, b. E. Hartford, June 12, 1768 ; d. 294. Aaron, b, E. Hartford, Feb, 25, 1770; d. 295. Susannah, b, E. Hartford, March 25, 1772 ; d. May 6, 1772. 126. SiLAS^ (EbenezerS Ebenezer3, William^, Williarai), b. E. Hartford, January 9, 1739 ; d, August 22, 1825. Married, 1st, Anne House, October, 1761, b. November 5, 1743, d. Married, 2d, November 7, 1799, Clarissa Easton. Children of Silas and Anne (House) Hills were : 296. Anna, b. E. Hartford, Feb. 3, 1763 ; d. 297. Hannah, b. E. Hartford, Oct. 4, 1764 ; d. 298. Mary, b, E. Hartford, July 20, 1766 ; d. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM HILLS. 41 299. Silas, b. E. Hartford, Au■ b. Newbury, Feb. 26, 1697 ; ) West, N. H., 1751 ; d. 44. Hannah,) (d. 45. Daniel, b. Newbury, Dec. 8, 1700; removed from Nottingham, West, to Halifax, N. S., about 1754. 46. Smith, b. Newbury, April 10, 1706; d. Leominster, Mass., Aug. 23, 1786. 13. Nathaniel^ (Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., December 19, 1653 ; d. Maiden, Mass., — , 1664. 14. Hannah^ (Joseph^) , b. ; d . Married Abiel Long, 76 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. b, , d. , son of Robert, of Newbury, Mass., who came from Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, July 7, 1635. The children of Hannah (Hills) and Abiel Long were : i. Abiel, b. Newbury, July 24, 1683 ; d. young. ii. Hannah, b. Newbury, Nov. 6, 1684; d. iii. Benjamin, b. Newbury, Sept. 1, 169] ; d. April 13, 1743. iv. Robert, b. Newbury, May 26, 1695 ; d. 15. Deborah^ (Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., March — ,1657; d. Maiden, October 1, 1662. The fact that Joseph Hills, by a deed, dated October 5, 1676, recorded, Middlesex, vol. 9, page 158, conveyed an estate in trust for " Deborah, the wife of John Pemberton of Maiden," probably led the compiler of the genealogy of that family to state that the wife referred to was the daughter of the grantor. The record of his children makes it safe to assume that the Deborah who was born in 1657 was the first of her name in his family. If another Deborah was born to him after her death in 1662, she would not have been of marriageable age in 1676. 16. Abigail- (Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., October 6, 1658; d. Maiden, October 9, 1662. 17. Joseph^ (Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., October 19, 1655 ; d. Maiden, while young. 18. Hannah^ (Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., March 20, 1657 ; d. Maiden, May 30, 1674. Married, Maiden, February 7, 1674, Andrew Grover, b. , d. April 24, 1674. 19. Ebenezer^ (Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., — , 1660 ; d. Maiden, after April 10, before May 26, 1727. Married, 1st, Sarah , b. — , 1661, d. Maiden, March 1, 1703. Married, 2d, Margaret, daughter of Peter Hay, of Stoneham, Mass. The children of Ebenezer and Margaret (Hay) Hills were : 47. Ebenezer, b. Maiden, April 23, 1719 ; d. 48. Sarah, b. Maiden, Aug. 23, 1722; d. 49. Margaret, b. Maiden, 1724 ; d. . Married, Sept. 23, 1742, Joseph. Hopkins. 20. Elizabeth^ (Joseph*, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., — , 1661 ; d. Maiden, June 29, 1698. Married, Maiden, — , 1682, William Green, b. Maiden, — , 1661, d. Maiden, March 21, 1691. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 77 He was son of Capt. William- and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Green, son of Thomas. Married, 2d, August 25, 1691, John Lynde (son of Ensign Thomas-, Deacon Thomas^ of Charlestown, Mass.), b. ,d. The children of Elizabeth (Hills) and William Green were : i. William, b. Maiden, April 28, 1683; d. ii. Benjamin, b. Maiden, April 28, 1687; d. iii. Nathaniel, b. Maiden, Sept. 28, 1689 ; d. The children of Elizabeth (Hills) and John Lynde were : iv. Dorothy, b. Maiden, Dec. 20, 1692; d. V. Joanna, b. Maiden, Feb. 22, 1696; d. vi. Mehitable, b. Maiden, March 22, 1698; d. 21. JoHN^ (Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., March 16, 1666 ; d. Maiden, unmarried, 1690. 22. DoROTHT^ (Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., April 13, 1667; d. young. The Porter genealogy states that this Dorothy, about 1696, mar- ried Thomas Hollister. The compiler can find no authority for this statement, but finds that Joseph Hills^, of Glastonbury, Conn, (son of William^, of Hartford), says in his will that his daughter Dorothy was the wife of Hollister. *— 23. Samuel^ (Joseph-, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., December 16, 1669 ; d. Dorchester, Mass., January 7, 1704. Married Sarah , who in 1718 was the wife of one "Ferrer" (probably Farrar), of Dorchester, Mass. The children of Samuel and Sarah ( ) Hills were : 50. John, b. Maiden, May 23, 1695; d. Wrentham, Mass., April 17, 1755. 51. Hannah, b. Maiden, Oct. 10, 1697; d. 52. Jabez, b. Maiden, June 24, 1699; d. Wrentham, Mass., July 8, 1742. 53. Ebknezer, b. Maiden, Feb. 25, 1701; d. Wrentham, Dec. 1, 1732. 54. Samuel, b. Maiden, July 16, 1702; d. Swanzey, N. H. 24. Joseph^ (Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., July 3, 1674 (posthumous) ; d. 25. Elizabeth^ (Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., Feb- ruary — , 1669 ; d. Newbury, Mass., August 15, 1712. Married, Newbury, October 12, 1685, John Greenleaf (son of Stephen, b. 78 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. Ipswich, England, 1628, and Elizabeth [Coffin], son of Edmund Greenleaf'), b. , June 21, 1662, d. Newbury, June 24, 1734. The children of John and Elizabeth (Hills) Greenleaf were : 1. Elizabeth, b. Newbury, July 30, 1686; d. ii. Jane, b. Newbury, Nov. 10, 1687 ; d. iii. Judith, b. Newbury, July 15, 1689; d. , Sept. 30, 1690. iv. Daniel, b. Newbury, Dec. 24, 1690; d. , Jan. — , 1729. V. John, b. Newbury, Jan. 3, 1692; d. vi. Parker, b. Newbury, Feb. 20, 1695 ; d. vil. Samuel, b. Newbury, April — , 1697 ; d. viii. Martha, b. Newbury, April 20, 1699 ; d. ix. Benjamin, b. Newbury, Nov. 1, 1701; d. , July 4, 1783. X. Stephen, b. Newbury, Oct. 6, 1704 ; d. , Dec. 22, 1765. 26. Tabitha^ (Gershom-, Joseph^), b. JMalden, Mass., ; d. Woodstock, Conn., July 13, 1771. Married, Maiden, , Abraham Skinner (son of Abraham and Hannah ), b. Maiden, April 8, 1681, d. Woodstock, Conn., December 24, 1776. The children of Abraham and Tabitha (Hills) Skinner were : i. Abraham, b. , May 10, 1718 ; d. ii. William, b. , July 16, 1720; d. Iii. Isaac, b. , April 5, 1723 ; d. iv. V. Tabitha, \ , Abigail, J , Aug. 18, 1725 ;|^ vi. Benjamin, b. , Feb. 25, 1727; d. vii. Hannah, b. June 15, 1730; d. viii. Ebenezer, b. , March 9, 1733 ; d. ix. Jonathan, b. ,Dec. 12, 1735; d. 1738. 27. Mart3 (Gershom^, Joseph'), b. Maiden, Mass., March — , 1672 ; the date of her death is unknown. Married Samuel Palmer, February 15, 1721. She joined with her husband and with the heirs of her father's estate in conveying the Maiden homestead to her cousin Ebenezer of that town. In the instrument of convey- ance, " Samuel Palmer and Mary his wife" describe themselves as of Rowley, in the county of Essex. 28. Sarah^ (Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., ; d. Woodstock, Conn., April 7, 1735. Married, Swansea, Mass., July 17, 1700, John Chaffee^ (brother of Joseph^, sonof Joseph^ and Ann Martin, of Swansea, formerly of Hull, Mass., son of Thomas^ of Swansea, formerly of Hingham, Mass., b. [probably] England, d. 1683), b. Swansea, December 16, 1673, d. , Woodstock, Conn. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 79 The children of Sarah (Hills) and John Chaffee were : i. Joseph, b. Swansea, Jan. 17, 1701; d. Wales, Mass., 1760. ii. Hannah May, b. ; d. lii. Ebenezer, b. Swansea, Sept. 22, 1704 ; d. iv. Hezekiah, b. Swansea, April 19, 1706; d. V. John, b. Swansea, Feb. 10, 1707; d. vi. Joel, b ; d. 29. Abigail^ (Gershom^, Joseph'), b. Maiden, Mass.; d. Swansea, Mass., October 2, 1710. Married, Maiden, January 4, 1709, Joseph Chaffee (brother of John^), b. Swansea, February 6, 1677, d. prior to 1765. He married, 2d, Jemima Chadwick of Falmouth, Mass., October 16, 1712, and had seven children. The only child of Abigail (Hills) and Joseph Chaffee, of whom any record was found, was : i. Benjamin, b. Swansea, Sept. 11, 1710; d. 30. A dacghter3 (Gershom^, Joseph'). There can be no doubt that there was a daughter of Gershom and Elizabeth (Chad- wick) Hills, whose given name is unknown. This appears by the deed that convej'cd the homestead estate in Maiden, where she was born, to Ebenezer Hills in 1721. By that instrument, " John Chaffee and Sarah his wife, Joseph Chaffee of Barrington and John Tomson of Rehoboth," part with their respective interests in the property. Rehoboth and Swansea are adjoining towns, and "John Tomson " doubtless joined in the conveyance for the same reason as his brother-in-law of Barrington, that was, as a husband of a daughter of Gershom Hills, who had died before the sale of the Maiden estate. 31. Benjamin^ (Gershom^, Joseph'), b. Maiden, Mass., — , 1680 ; d. Lynn, Mass., June 20, 1768. Married Mary, daughter of The children of Benjamin and Mary ( ) Hills were : 55. Benjamin, b. Maiden, March 6, 1707; d. Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 12, 1737. 56. Mary, b. Maiden, April 2, 1710; d. . Married Theophilas Burrill, of Lynn. 57. Elizabeth, b. Maiden, Dec. 26, 1712 ; d. Married William Boardman. 58. Martha, b. Maiden, March 21, 1715; d. Married Samuel Sprague. 59. Thomas, b. Maiden, April 25, 1719; d. Maiden, Oct. 6, 1804. 80 GEXEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 32. Ebexezer3 (Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass.; d. after 1710, before 1721. 33. Sa3iuel3 (Samuel"^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., February 16, 1680 ; d. Rehoboth, Mass., July 27, 1732. Married Ann , daughter of , b. , d. Rehoboth, Mass., December 3, 1747. It is certain that Sarah, Abigail, and that other daughter of Gershom Hills, who was the wife of John Tomson, were married and settled in Swansea or Rehoboth in or about the first decade of the eighteenth century. It is equally certain that their cousin Samuel, the son of Samuel-, their father's half brother, was of Swansea in 1708, and in Rehoboth as early as the 11th of June, 1711, the date of the birth of his daughter Margaret in that town. The facts that prove the removal of SamueP from Newbury to Southern Massachusetts are stated on pages 4 to 9 inclusive of the sixth report (June, 1900) of the Hills Family Association. Children of Samuel and Ann ( ) Hills were : 60. Margaret, b. Rehoboth, June 11, 1711; d. Rehoboth, Sept. 30, 1726. 61. Lieut. Samuel, b. Rehoboth, Feb. 19, 17U; d. Nov. 12, 1758. 62. Abigail, b. Rehoboth, March 5, 1715; d. Rehoboth, March 31, 1727. 63. Ann, b. Rehoboth, Sept. 22, 1716; d. Rehoboth, Dec. 3, 1747. 64. Haknah, b. Rehoboth. March 21, 1717; d. Rehoboth. 65. Bexjamix, b. Rehoboth, July 4, 1718; d. Rehoboth, June 23, 1754. 66. Phebe, b. Rehoboth, Jan. 18, 1720; d. Rehoboth. 67. "William, b. Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1722; d. 68. James, b. Rehoboth. April 15, 1726; d. Rehoboth, — , 1802. 34. Joseph^ (Samuel'^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., July 21, 1681 ; d. Newbury, November 6, 1745. Married, Newbury (pub. February 26, 1704), Priscilla Chase (daughter of Aquila^ and Esther, daughter of John Bond, of Newbury ; son of Aquila^ Chase and Ann, daughter of John Wheeler, of Newbury. He was born Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England, — , 1618), b. Newbury, October 15, 1681 ; d. Newbury, July 14, 1750. The children of Joseph and Priscilla (Chase) Hills were : 69. Abigail, b. March 28, 1705; d. 70. Joseph, b. Oct. 15, 1707; d. Newbnry, Sept. 22, 1745; d. 71. Benjamin-, b. Sept. 13, 1709; d. Newbury, Jan. 10, 1794. 72. Moses, b. Nov. 12, 1713; d. Newbury, Nov. 7, 1796. 73. Joshua, b. March 2, 1718; d. Newbury, Nov. 13, 1744. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 81 35. Nathaniel^ (Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., February 9, 1683; d. Hudson, N. H., April 12, 1748. Married (published in Newbury, October 24, 1709), Ann Worm, b, , d. The children of Nathaniel and Ann (Worm) Hills were : 74. Enoch, b. Newbury, March 16, 1711 ; d. 75. Annah, b. Newbury, May 5, 1712; d. 76. Mary, b. Newbury, Sept. 23, 1713; d. 77. Martha, b. Newbury, Jau. 6, 1715; d. 78. Nathaniel, b. Newbury, April 28, 1716; d. 79. Thaddeus, b. Newbury, Sept. 20, 1718 ; d. Newbury, Oct. 12, 1718. 80. Abneu, b. Newbury; d. young, probably. 81. Abraham, b. Newbury; d. young, probably. 82. Sajiuel, b. Dunstable, N. H., Sept. 2, 1725 ; d. 83. Oliver, b. Dunstable, N. H., Nov. 18, 1727; d. 84. Sarah, b. Dunstable, N. H., Oct. 7, 1731; d. 36. Benjamin^ (SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., Octo- ber 16, 1684; d. Chester, N. H., November 3, 1762. Married, November 7, 1709, Rebecca, daughter of Hananiah and Abigail Ordway (son of James), b. December 22, 1690, d. September 4, 1769. The children of Benjamin and Rebecca (Ordway) Hills were : 85. Samuel, b. Newbury, Aug. 10, 1710; d. Chester, Feb. 2, 1762. 86. Abigail, b. Newbury, Nov. 30, 1713 : d . Married Isaac Bailey. 87. Rebecca, b. Newbury. April 1, 1715; d. Newbury, July 1, 1795. 88. Joaxxah, b. Newbury, March 15, 1717; d. . Married Thomas Haseltine. 89. Ruth, b. Newbury, March 15, 1719; d. . Married Nathan Mason. 90. Benjamin, b. Newbury, March 12, 1721; d. Chester, May 6, 1801. 91. Abner, b. Newbury, Feb. 13, 1723; d. Chester, Oct. 3, 1794. 92. Hannah, b. Newbury, Nov. 10, 1724; d. Oct. 5, 1806. 93. Prudence, b. Newbury, Feb. 12, 1726; d. — , 1773. 94. MosEs, b. Newbury, Feb. 9, 1728. 37. Abigail^ (Samuel-, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., Septem- ber 2, 1686 ; d. Newbury, August 11, 1688. 38. Hexrt^ (Samuel-, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., April 23, 1688 ; d. Hudson, N. H., August 20, 1757. Married (published in Newbury, May 23, 1715) Hannah, daughter of Henry and Berthia (Emery) Bodwell of Haverhill, b. Methuen, Mass., Sep- tember, 1696, d. . Married, 2d, Abigail , daughter of , b. , d. . Married, 3d, Newbury, November 11, 1736, Dorcus Thurston, daughter of , b. , d. »2 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. Samuel^ Hills, by bis will, wbicb was dated August 5, 1732, gave bis property to bis wife and seven of tbe nine sons wbo sur- vived bim. His sons Henry and James are not mentioned in tbat instrument. Tbe reason for tbeir omission is found in deeds dated August 22, 1721. In tbat of wbicb Henry is tbe grantee his fatber recites " tbe natural love and affection wbicb I bave and do bear unto my well beloved son Henry Hills . . . and in full of bis portion of my estate." As tbe consideration for tbe con- veyance to bim of " one-balf part of all . . . lands and meadow ... in the town of Dunstable, in tbe county of Middlesex . . . on the easterly side of the Merrimack River . . . which land and meadow was granted to my honored father, Mr. Joseph Hills, late of Newbury, deceased, and conveyed to me by tbe last will and testament of tbe said Joseph Hills." On the 16th of October, 1721, Henry Hills bought of John Usher fifteen acres of land in Dunstable, bis grantor in tbe deed that conveyed it describing him as tbat of place ; and on the twentieth ot tbat month be sold his Essex County land in Massachusetts to bis brother John. In tbe records of Newbury, at tbe date of bis third marriage, be is described as of Nottingham. When be died, in 1757, be was of Hudson, in wbicli town, after the various changes of its name, Dunstable, or that part of it where be resided, was merged. There can be little doubt he removed to New Hampshire immediately on receiving bis father's deed, and bad bis home on tbe estate be took for bis inheritance. The children of Henry and Hannah (Bodwell) Hills were : 95. EzEKLiL, b. Newbury, April 11, 1718; d. Hudson, N. H., May 14, 1790. 96. Henry, b. Newbury, Oct. 22, 1719; d. Oct. 21, 1773. The children of Henry and Abigail ( ) Hills were : 97. Ebenezer, b. Nottingham (now Hudson, N. H.),Feb. 20, 1727; d. 98. Jonathan, b. Nottingham (now Hudson, N. H.), Feb. 15, 1729; d. 1812. No record has been found of children of the third marriage. 39. William^ (SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., Octo- ber 8, 1689; d. Newbury, before April 9, 1724. Married, New- bury (published January 31, 1713) , Emme Kelle, daughter of , b. , d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 83 ). William, \ ^ twins, Newbury, April 10, 1714 ; -f '^• ). David, i Id. The children of William and Emme (Kelle) Hills were 99. 100. 101. SiLVANUS, b. Newbury, May 26, 1716; d. 102. Emme, b. Newbury, Dec. 8, 1717; d. 103. Jonathan, b. Newbury, Sept. 26, 1721; d. 104. Abigail, b. Newbury, April 9, 1724; d. 40. JosiAH^ (Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbur}^ Mass., July 27, 1691 ; d. Newbury, April 26, 1724. Married, Newbury, Septem- ber 30, 1718, Mary, daughter of Richard and Hannah (Emery) Bartlett (son of Richard Bartlett, b. in England), b. September 15, 1697, d. Newbury, August 30, 1781. The children of Josiah and Mary (Bartlett) Hills were : 105. Stephen, b. Newbury, Sept. 6, 1719; d. Newbury, Sept. 25, 1775. 106. Thomas, b. Newbury, April 13, 1721 ; d. Newbury, Jan. 16, 1740. 107. Josiah, b. Newbury, March 13, 1722; d. Newbury, after 1798, before 1801. 41. JoHN^ (SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 20, 1693 ; d. probably at Amesbury, after 1734. Married, 1st (pub- lished Newbury, September 27, 1720), Mary, daughter of Joshua and Mary (Greenleaf) Mood}- (son of Caleb and Judith, son of William, from Ipswich, England, 1634), b. Newbury, June 26, 1697, d. Newbury, August 21, 1727. He married, 2d, New- bury, April 23, 1728, Mar}*, daughter of Moses^ and Abigail (Rolf) Pillsbury (son of Moses-, of Dorchester and Newbur}-, son of William', of Staffordshire, England, Dorchester, 1640-41 ; d. Newbury), b. Newbury, July 27, 1711, d. Amesbury, September 16, 1778. She married, 2d, Enoch Hale, and, 3d, David Emery. The children of John and Mary (Moody) Hills were : 108. Joshua, b. Newbury, Aug. 20, 1721 ; d. Sept. 5, 1721. 109. Mary, b. Newbury, Sept. 14, 1722; d. The children of John and Mary (Pillsbury) Hills were : 110. John, b. Amesbury, Dec. 23, 1730; d. young. 111. Prudence, b. Amesbury, May 25, 1734; d. 42. Abigail^ (Samuel'^, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., June 27, 1695; d. 43. James^ (SamueP, Joseph'), b. ^twin brother of Hannah, Newbury, Mass., February 25, 1697, was living in Nottingham 84 GEXEALOGT OF JOSEPH HILL*. West, X. H.. iTol. Married. Newbury, December 26. 1723. Abigail. d;^ughter of Daniel and Esther Merrill (son of Daniel* and Sai'f.h Clough] Morrill, son of NathauieP, of Newbury "). b. ,d. ". •Tames Hills was not mentioned in his father's will for reasons that are stated in connection with the record of his elder brother Henry. For the same consideration for which Samuel Hills gave to the son who was born in 1688 one half of the New Hampshire estate he had inherited from the grandfather of the two young men, he gave to his •• well-beloved son James Hills," the other half of his Dunstable property. On the 11th of January. 1723. reciting in his deed that he was a resident of the new settlement, the younger son sold the land, he had received, as a lot of sixty acres to Samuel Whiting, of Dunsta- ble. As he was unmarried h: probably then resided with his brother Henry. After his marriage he lived in Newbury until about 1788. when he returned to New Hampshire. He probably reacquired the property he sold to Whiting, as a conveyance by his brother Nathaniel, dated October 18. 1739. bounds his grantee on land of ■• James HUls 132 pole," which was one of the bounds by which S.amuel Whiting took his title in 1723. The children of James and Abigail (Merrill) Hills were : 112. Abigail, b. Newbnry. Sept. 5. 1725: d. Xewbury, Oct. 5, 1725. 113. Jeremiah, b. Xewbury. M:irch 1, 1727; d. Huiison. N. H.. April 4, ISIO. Hi. James, b. Newbury. Aug. 10. 172S: d. Newbury. X. H., Sept. 1, 1729. 115. "VTn.T.TAM. b. Newbury, May 23. 1730: d. . N. H., Sept. 25, 1734:. 116. Ha>-xah, b. Newbury. Sept. 25. 1731: d. 117. Sarah, b. . July 2, 1735; d. Hudson, Aug. 24, 1753. 118. EuxA, d. , Aug. 3. 1736: d. Hudson, Sept. 1, 1753. 119. Elijah, b. Hudson. N. H.. March 15, 1738; d. Hudson, Jan. 3, 1828. 44. Haxxah^ (Samuel-. Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., Feb. 25. 1697. twin sister of James : d. 45. Daxlel^ (Samuel-. Joseph'), b. Newbury. Mass.. Decem- ber, 8. 1700. Removed from Nottir.gham. West, N. H.. to Hali- fax. Nova Scotia, about 1754; d. . Married. (pub. New- bury, December 5. 1724), Elizabeth Riggs. of Gloucester. Mass. The children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Riggs) Hills were: 120. Kith, b. Newbury. Feb. 5, 1725; d. 121. Abigail, b. Newbury. May 10, 172S: d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS 85 4G. 8mitii3 (Samuel-, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., April 10, 1706 ; (1. Lf^oininstcr, Mass., August 23, 1786. Married, Ist, New- bury, October 14, 1730, Mary, daughter of SamueP and Abigail (Goodricli) Sawyer (son of Samuel"^ and Mary Emery, of New- bury, son of William' Sawyer, from England), b. Newbury, October 3, 1712, d. Newbury, July 24, 1744. He married, 2d (published January 12, 1745, in Newbury), Rachel, the daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Riggs) Lowe, of Ipswich, Mass., b. November 29, 1725, d. Leominster, June 1, 1819. The children of Smith and Mary (Sawyer) Hills were : 122. Abigail, b. Newbury, Oct. 27, 1731; d. 123. Judith, b. Newbury, June 4, 1733; d. . Married Isaac Fo.ster. 124. Mary or Molly, b. Newbury, July 31, 1735; d. , Dec. 2«, 1805. 12.5. Hannah, b. Newbury, Oct. 31, 1737; d. . Married Bartlett. 126. Samuel, b. Newbury, Oct. 1, 1739; d. 127. Infant, b. Newbury, ; d. 128. Maktha, b. Newbury, May 19, 1743; d. . Married Shiort. The children of Smith and Rachel (Lowe) Hills were : 129. Nathaniel, b. Newbury, Jan. 4, 1745; d. West Newbury, Sept. 29, 1832. 130. Ruth. b. Newbury, Sept. 13, 1747; d. , Aug. 26, 1803. 131. Ekbkcca, b. Newbury, Oct. 25, 1749; d. young. 132. Obediah, b. Newbury, Aug. 23, 1751; d. Rowley, Mas.s., June 22, 1825. 133. Rachel, b. Newbury, Nov. 10, 1753; d. 134. John, b. Newbury, May 2, 1756; d. 135. Rebecca, b. Newbury, July 14, 1758; d. 136. Sila.s, b. Newbury, July 14, 1758; probably died young. 137. Silas, b. Newbury, Sept. 4, 1760; d. , Jan. 8, 1855. 138. Smith, b. Leominster, Sept. 30, 1763; d. Leominster, Sept. 29, 1816. 139. HiLDAH, b. Leominster, Feb. 1, 1766; d. Leominster, Aug. 20, 1851. 140. Judith, b. Leominster, — , 1768; d. Leominster, March 15, 1851. 141. Betsey, b. Leominster, ; d. , May 31, 1799. 47. Ebenezer'* (Ebenezer^, Joseph^, Joseph'), b. Maiden, Mass., April 23, 1719; d. 48. Sarah^ TEbenezer^, Joseph-, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., August 23, 1722 ; d. 49. Margaret* (Ebenezer^, Joseph'^, Joseph'), b. Maiden, Mass., — , 1724; d. . Married, Maiden, September 23, 1742, Joseph Hopkins. 86 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 50. JoHN^ (Samuel^, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Massi, May 23, 1695; d. Wrentham, Mass., April 17, 1755. Married, Wrentham, February 2, 1725, Rebecca, daughter of Edward^ and Rebecca (Fisher) Gay (son of SamueP and Mary Bridge of Rox- bury, son of John^ and Joanna [Baldwick] Gay, b. England, of Watertown, Mass., 1630, Dedham, Mass., 1636. He died March 4, 1688; she died August 14, 1691). Rebecca (Gay) Hills, b. Dedham, August 19, 1690 ; d. Wrenthara, Dec 17, 1774. The children of John and Rebecca (Gay) Hills were : 142. John, b. Wrentham, May 17, 1727; d. Wrentham, between May 14, 1763, and June 10, 1763. 143. Mary, b. Wrentham, April 18, 1730; d. Wrentham, March 4, 1755. 51. Hannah^ (SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., October 10, 1697; d. 52. Jabez^ (SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., June 24, 1699 ; d. Wrentham, Mass., July 8, 1742. Married, Wrentham, Januar}^ 31, 1727, Martha, daughter of Eleazer and Meletiah (Fish) Metcalf (son of Michael, son of Rev. Leonard, b. England, 1545), b. Wrentham, August 27, 1697; d. The children of Jabez and Martha (Metcalf) Hills were : 144. Jabez, b. Wrentham, Nov. 16, 1727; d. Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 6, 1768. 145. Joseph, b. Wrenthara, April 20, 1730; d. Franklin, Mass., June 10, 1815. 146. BENJAMrN, d. Wrentham, March 16, 1732; d. Grafton, Mass., after Jan., 1764, before Dec, 1766. 147. Ebenkzer, b. Wrentham, Jan. 7, 1735; d. 148. DA%aD, b. Wrentham, Jan. 24, 1736; d. New Ipswich, N. H., 1815. 149. Samuel, b. Wrentham, March 25, 1739; d. 53. Ebenezer^ (SamueP, Joseph^, Josepii'), b. Maiden, Mass., February 25, 1701; d. Wrentham, December 1, 1732. Married, Wrentham, December 29, 1730, Susannah Robinson, b. , d. . She married, 2d, February 28, 1738, Anthony Hancock, Wrentham. The children of Ebenezer and Susannah (Robinson) Hills ■were : 150. Timothy, b. Rehoboth, Mass., April 14, 1731; d. 151. Abial, b, Wrentham, Feb. 16, 1733 ; d. . Married John Cobb, Jr. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 87 54. Samuel'* (SaraueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., July 16, 1702; d. Swanzey, N. H. Married, Wrentham, Mass., May 4, 172G, Abigail, daughter of Nathaniel^ and Mary Heaton of Wrentham (son of Nathaniel of Boston, 1634, made freeman May 15, 1636), b. Wrentham, May 3, 1695 ; d. The children of Samuel and Abigail (Heaton) Hills were : 152. Samuel, \h. Rutland, Mass., C d. Swansea about 1800. 153. Abigail, J Jan. 26, 1726-7 ; id. 154. Nathaniel, b. Rutland, Mass., April 26, 1728; d. 155. Sarah, b. Rutland, Mass., Dec. 8, 1729; d. 156. Mary, b. Rutland, Mass., Sept. 2, 1731 ; d. 157. Ruth, b. Rutland, Mass., Aug. 22, 1733; d. 168. EozABETH, b. Rutland, Mass., March 31, 1736; d. 159. Ebenezer, b. Swanzey, June 14, 1738; d. Swanzey, Dec. 13, 1812. 55. Dr. Benjamin^ (Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., March 6, 1707; d. Marblehead, Mass., January 12,1737. Married Mary, daughter ot . Probably left no children as his will gives his property to his wife, father, brothers, and sisters. 56. Mary^ (Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., April 2, 1710 ; d. . Married, Maiden, September 24, 1736, Theophilas Burrill, of Lynn, Mass. 57. Elizabeth^ (Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., December 26, 1712 ; d. . Married, September 7, 1735, William Boardman. 58. Martha'* (Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., March 21, 1715 ; d. . Married Samuel Sprague before January 11, 1737. 59. Thomas'* (Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., April 25, 1719 ; d. Maiden, October 6, 1804. Married (pub- lished Maiden, October 20, 1745) Sarah Burrill, of Lynn; b. , d. Maiden, September 15, 1748. He married, 2d, Maiden, April 26, 1750, Mary Shute, b. , d. about 1811. Children of Thomas and Sarah (Burrill) Hills were : 160. Benjamin, b. Maiden, Oct. 6, 1746; d. young, probably. 161. Ebenezbr, b. Maiden, May 4, 1748; d. Savannah, Ga., before 1812. 88 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. Children of Thomas and Mary (Shute) Hills were : 162. Benjamin, b. Maiden, Feb. 10, 1751; d. 163. John, b. Maiden, Dec. 28, 1752; d. Newburyport, Feb. 25, 1787. 164. Mary or Polly, b. Maiden, Oct. 24, 1754; d. Married Eben- ezer Harnden. 165. Sarah, b. Maiden, Jan. 26, 1757; d. . Married William Oliver. 166. Nathan, b. Maiden, April 18, 1759; d. , Oct. 4, 1760. 167. Nathan, b. Maiden, June 27, 1761; d. 168. Martha, b. Maiden, May 12, 1765; d. April 5, 1812. 169. Thomas, b. , Maiden, — , 1768; d. 170. Elizabeth, b. Maiden, — , 1771; d. Savannah, Ga., before 1812. 60. Margaret'* (SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., June 11, 1711 ; d. Rehoboth, September 30, 1726. 61. Lieut. Samuel^ (SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., February 19, 1714; d. Rehoboth, November 12, 1758. Married, Rehoboth, November 13, 1739, Deborah, daughter of Mathew and Mary Gushing, b. Rehoboth, August 1, 1721 ; d. Rehoboth, November — , 1751. Married, 2d, Swansea, June 14, 1752, Sarah Harden, b. , d. The children of Lieut. Samuel and Deborah (Gushing) Hills were : 171. Samuel, b. Rehoboth, Dec. 14, 1740; d. Smlthfleld, R. I., March 14, 1833. 172. Sarah, b. Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1742; d. Rehoboth, before 1796. 173. Barbara, b. Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1744; d. Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1758. 174. Ann, b. Rehoboth, July 9, 1748 ; d. . Married Joshua Phillips. The onl}'^ child of Lieut. Samuel and Sarah (Harden) Hills of whom record was found was : 175. Comfort, b. Rehoboth, Aug. 25, 1756; d. 62. Abigail'* (SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., March 5, 1715 ; d. in Rehoboth, March 31, 1727. 63. Ants'* (SamueF, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., September 22, 1716 ; d. Rehoboth, December 3, 1747. 64. Hannah^ (Samuel^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., March 21, 1717; d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 89 65. Benjamin'' (SamueF, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., July 4, 1718; d. Rehoboth, June 23, 1754. Married, Rehoboth, July 11, 1745, Elizabeth, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Walker) Ide, b. Rehoboth, March 19, 1725, d. . She married, 2d, May 27, 1755, John Smith, of Rehoboth. The children of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Ide) Hills were : 176. Betty, b. Rehoboth, March 27, 1746; d. Rehoboth, April 3, 1746. 177. David, b. Rehoboth, Oct. 18, 1747; d. 178. Nathan, b. Rehoboth, Get. 2a, 1749; d. Rehoboth, May 18, 1754. 179. Lucy, b. Rehoboth, Dec. 13, 1751 ; d. 66. Phebe'^ (SamueP, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., January 18, 1720 ; d. 67. William"* (SamueF, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., November 7, 1722; d. 68. James^ (SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., April 15, 1726 ; d. Rehoboth,—, 18'J2. Married, May 11, 1749, P^unice, daughter of Timothy and Grace (Child) Walker (son of Samuel, son of Philip), b. Rehoboth, September 4, 1728, d. Reho- both, December 31, 1772. The children of James and Eunice (Walker) Hills were : 185. Phebe, b. Rehoboth, Oct. 28, 1749; d. 186. Eunice, b. Rehoboth, Sept. 2, 1751 ; d. 187. James, b. Rehoboth, May 31, 1753; d. 188. Hannah, b. Rehoboth, Feb. 26, 1756; d. 189. Barbara, b. Rehoboth, Sept. 30, 1758; d. 190. John, b. Rehoboth, July 26, 1761 ; d. before Nov. 7, 1847. 191. Synthia, b. Rehoboth, Aug. 18, 1763; d. 192. Sarah, b. Rehoboth, Nov. 21, 1765; d. 193. Dantel, b. Rehoboth, Jan. 29, 1769; d. 194. Lucy, b. Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1771; d. 69. Abigail^ (Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., March 28, 1705 ; d. . Married, December 26, 1723, Joseph Brown. 70. Joseph^ (Joseph^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., October, 15, 1707; d. Newbury, September 22, 1745. Married, Newbury, September 10, 1730, Hannah Brett, b. , d. 90 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. The children of Joseph and Hannah (Brett) Hills were : 195. Priscilla, b. Newbury, June 10, 1731 ; d. 196. Sakah, b. Newbury, Aug. 21, 1732; d. 197. Hannah, b. Newbury, Oct. 16, 1734; d. Feb. 1, 1736. 198. Joseph, b. Newbury, Oct. 11, 1736; d. Dec. 19, 1736. 199. Hannah, b. Newbury, Oct. 1, 1740 ; d. 200. William, b. Newbury, Feb. 25, 1742; d. Plaistow, N. H., Sept. 25, 1824. 201. Joshua, b. Newbury, Feb. 12, 1744; lost at sea. 71. Benjamin^ (Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 13, 1709 ; d. Newbury, January 10, 1794. Married, Newbury (published January 15, 1731), Rachel, daughter of John Saunders, of Haverhill, Mass., b. 1713, d. Newbury, September 3, 1790. The children of Benjamin and Rachel (Saunders) Hills were : 202. Mary, b. Newbury, Feb. 20, 1732; d. Newbury, Dec. 6, 1822. 203. Priscilla, b. Newbury, Nov. 20, 1734; d. Newbury, Jan. 16, 1830. 204. Sarah, b. Newbury, , 1737; d. Newbury, Nov. 12, 1809. 205. Joseph, b. Newbury, , 1740; d. Newbury, April 13, 1829. 206. Eliphalet, b. Newbury, July 30, 1742; d. Newbury, Jan. 10, 1816. 207. Rachel, | ^ Newbury, April 26, 1745 ; | ^- Newbury, Aug. 10, 1748. 208. Abigail, ' Id. Newbury, July 22, 1795. 209. Joshua, b. Newbury, July 16, 1748; d. Newbury, Sept. 22, 1821. 210. Elizabkth, b. Newbury, April 13, 1751 ; d. Newbury, April 26, 1842. 211. Anna, b. Newbury, Nov. 12, 1754; d. Newbury, June 12, 1820. 212. Hannah, b. Newbury, April 9, 1757; d. Newbury. March 9, 1832. 72. Moses"* (Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., November 12, 1713; d. Newbury, November 7, 1796. Married, Newbury (published December 7, 1734), Rebecca, daughter of Benjamin Hills, of Newbury (son of Samuel^, Joseph^), b. New- bury, April 1, 1715, d. Newbury, July 1, 1795. The children of Moses and Rebecca (Hills) Hills were : 213. Jacob, b. Newbury, Oct. 25, 1735; d. , Nov. 2, 1815. 214. Moses, b. Newbury, Dec. 21, 1736; d. (will probated Feb. 15, 1813). 215. Joseph, b. Newbury, Jan. 18, 1745; d. , April 11, 1823. 216. Ruth, b. Newbury, ; d. . Married Joseph Chase. 217. Rebecca, b. Newbury, Jan. 25, 1750; d. 218. Benjamin, b. Newbury, June 5, 1752; d. Newbury, Sept. 14, 1832. 219. Abigail, b. Newbury, Aug. 16, 1754; d. Newbury, July 4, 1758. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 91 73. Joshua"* (Joshua^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., March 2, 1718; d. Newbury, November 13, 1744. Married (pub- lished, Newbury, November 27, 1739) Hiinnah Hunt, b. , d. The childien of Joshua and Hannah (Hunt) Hills were : 221. Lydia, b. Newbury, Oct. 13, 1740; d. 222. Hannah, b. ; d. 74. Enoch'* (Nathaniel^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., March 16, 1711 ; d. 75. Annah^ (Nathaniel^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., May 5, 1712 ; d. . Married Joseph Pollard. 76. Mary^ (NathanieF, Samuel^, Joseph^) , b. Newbury, Mass., September 23, 1713 ; d. . Married James Bennett. 77. Martha^ (Nathaniel^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., January 6, 1715 ; d. 78. Nathaniel^ (Nathaniel, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., April 28, 1716; d. . Married, Susannah, daughter The only child of Nathaniel and Susannah ( ) Hills of whom record has been found was : 230. Samuel, b. Hudson, N. H.. Feb. 6, 1769; d. Hudson, May 25, 1843-4. 79. Thaddeus^ (Nathaniel^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 20, 1718 ; d. Newbury, October 12, 1718. 80. Abner4 (NathanieF, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., ; d. young. 81. Abraham'* (NathanieF, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., ; d. young. 82. Samuel"* (NathanieF, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Dunstable, N. H., September 2, 1725; d. 83. Oliver^ (NathanieF, SamueF, Joseph'), b. Dunstable, N. H., November 18, 1727; d. . Married Abigail, daughter of . 92 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. The children of Oliver and Abigail ( ) Hills were : 236. Susannah, b. Hudson, N. H., May 25, 1750; d. 237. Hannah, b. Hudson, N. H., March — , 1752; d. 238. Philip, b. Hudson, N. H., March — , 1754; d. July 14, 1841. 239. Rachel, b. Hudson, N. H., April 6, 1756; d. 240. Molly, b. Hudson, N. H., April 18, 1768; d. 241. Reuben, b. Hudson, N. H., June 7, 1764; d. 242. Sarah, b. Hudson, N. H., Feb. 10, 1766; d. 243. Ebenezer, b. Hudson, N, H., Dec. 25, 1767; d. 244. Abigail, b. Hudson, N. H., Aug. 20, 1770; d. 246. Oliver, b. Hudson, N. H., Oct. 23, 1772; d. 246. Isaac, b. Hudson, N. H., May 18, 1775; d. 84. Sarah'* (Nathaniel^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Dunstable, N. H., October 7, 1731 ; d. . Married, 1st, Joseph Severance ; 2d, John Hale. The children of Sarah (Hills) and Joseph Severance were : i. Joseph, b. Sept. 12, 1750 ; d. li. Anna, b. Nov. 14, 1752 ; d. lii. Caleb, b. May 16, 1755; d. iv. Joshua, b. Dec. 22, 1757; d. The children of Sarah (Hills) (Severance) and John Hale were : V. John, b. Jan. 25, 1762; d. vi. Thomas, b. Sept. 18, 1764 ;d . vii. Nathaniel, "( f d. viu. Sarah, P^^°«' ^- ^P"^ 20, 1767; |^_ Ix. Moody, b. Sept. 17, 1771 ; d. Sept. 4, 1778. 85. Samuel'* (Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^) , b. Newbury, Mass., August 10, 1710 ; d. Chester, N. H., February 2, 1762. Married, January 28, 1735, Rebecca Thurston, of Newbury, b. , d. May 21, 1743. Married, 2d, November 18, 1743, Elizabeth Swain, of Newbury, b. , d. Chester, N. H., July 31, 1793. Elizabeth (Swain) Hills married, 2d, Lieut. P^benezer Dearborn. The children of Samuel and Rebecca (Thurston) Hills were: 247. Edmund, b. Newbury, Dec. 7, 1735; d. 248. John, b. Chester, March 25, 1738; d. Chester, Feb. 22, 1818. 249. Samuel, b. Chester, March 17, 1743; d. The children of Samuel and EUzabeth (Swain) Hills were : 250. Isaac, b. Chester, Aug. 31, 1744; d. Chester, Sept. 24, 1824. 251. Stephen, b. Chester, March 29, 1746; d. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 31, 1831. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 93 252. Elizabeth, b. Chester, Jan. 4, 1747; d. , 1778. 253. Hannah, b. Chester, June 5, 1750 ; d. 254. Reuben, b. Chester, Ang. 14, 1752; d. Union, Me., Sept. 28, 1824. 255. Rachel, b. Chester, Aug. 6, 1754; d. 256. Rebecca, b. Chester, Aug. 6, 1756; d. 257. JosiAH, b. Chester, Oct. 30, 1758; d. before June 30, 1827. 258. Dr. Ebenezer, b. Chester, Sept. 80, 1760; d. Chester, Sept. 22, 1790. 259. Rachel, b. Chester, May 12, 1762; d. 86. Abigail'* (Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., November 30, 1713; d. . Married, 1st, Newbury, April 15, 1731, Isaac Bailey (son of Isaac^, Isaac-, Johni), b. Newbury, March 21, 1709, d. before 1753. Married, 2d, New- bur}', June 3, 1756, Caleb Moody. The children of Abigail (Hills) and Isaac Bailey were : 1. Isaac, b. June 15, 1732; d. Aug. 9, 1736. ii. Susannah, b. after 1732 ; d. . Married, Sept. — , 1752, Joseph Brown, iii. Abigail, b. after 1732; d. Married Enoch Long, iv. Abner, b. April 9, 1738 ; d. Jan. 29, 1821. V. Simon, b. Dec. 31, 1739 ; d. Married, Nov. 29, 1762, Mary Hazeltine. vi. Sarah, b. April 30, 1741; d. . Married, March 12, 1761, Benj. Emery, vii. Isaac, b. April 18, 1743; d. No record has been found of the children of the second marriage. 87. Rebecca^ (Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., April 1, 1715 ; d. Newbury, July 1, 1795. Married, New- bury, January — , 1735, Moses'* Hills (son of Joseph* and Priscilla [Chase] Hills, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Newbury, November 12, 1713, d. Newbury, November 7, 1796. For the children of Rebecca (Hills) and Moses Hills, see Moses, No. 72. 88. Joanna^ (Benjamin^, Samuel-, Joseph*), b. Newbury, Mass., March 15, 1717; d. . Married, May 8, 1738, Thomas Haseltine (son of Richard^, Abram^, Robert*), b. March 18, 1707, d. Children of Joanna (Hills) and Thomas Haseltine were: i. Abigail, b. Feb. 18, 1739; d. , 1817. ii. Rebecca, b. Nov. 6, 1741. iii. Thomas, b. May 22, 1744. 94 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. iv. Moses, b. Feb. 18, 1746. V. Benjajiln, b. Aug. 15, 1752. vi. JOANNAH, b. Oct. 24, 1757. 89. Rdth'' (Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., March 15, 1719. Married, Newbury (published May 28,1743), Nathan Mason, b , d. 90. Benjamin'' (Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., March 12, 1721 ; died Chester, N. H., May 6, 1801. Married, Chester, September 15, 1761, Eleanor, daughter of Stephen Morse, b. Chester, , 1728, died Chester, January 14, 1814. The children of Benjamin and Eleanor (Morse) Hills were : 267. Benjamin, b. Chester, Nov. 1, 1762; d. Chester, Sept. 25, 1851. 268. Eleanor, b. Chester, Oct. 8, 1764 ; d. . Married James Stevens. 269. Eliphalet, "I f d. Jan. 5, 1797. 270. Sarah, | twins, b. Chester, Nov. 7, 1767; {^^ 91. Abner'* (Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbur}', Mass., February 13, 1723; d. Chester, N. H., October 3, 1794. Married. .June 10, 1747, Mary Stockman. He was of the Revolu- tionary Committee of Safety, appointed January 23, 1775. The children of Abner and Mary (Stockman) Hills were: 271. Benjamin, b. Chester, April 24, 1748; d. , June 14, 1829. 272. Peter, b. Chester, Nov. 26, 1760; d. July 22, 1848. 273. John, b. ; d. 274. Abner, b. ; d. 275. Joseph, b. Chester, May 18, 1757 ; d. Chester, Sept. 10, 1843. 276. John; b. ; d. 277. EDMinsTD, b. ; d. 92. Hannah"* (Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., November 10, 1724; d. October 5, 1806. Married, Janu- ary 5, 1743, Jabez French, son of Benjamin French, of Chester, N. H., b. , d. October 9, 1806. The children of Hannah (Hills) and Jabez French were : i. Hannah, b. Nov. 10, 1744 ; d. ii. Abigail, b, Sept. 4, 1746; d. Chester, June 18, 1831. iii. Ruth, b. May 29, 1753 ; d. Chester, Nov. 25, 1836. 93. Prudence^ (Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., February 12, 1726; d. , 1773. Married, November GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 95 7, 1751, Jacob Chase (son of Joseph^ and Mary [Moore] Chase, Moses^, Aquila^, Aquila^), b, Chester, N. H., December 25, 1727, d. The children of Prudence (Hills) and Jacob Chase were : i. Sarah, b. Chester, Nov. 28, 1756; d. Chester, Dec. 10, 1822. ii. Stephen, b. Chester, March 27, 1759; d. Chester, Feb. 18, 1819. iii. JosiAH, b. Chester, April 6, 1767; d, 94. MosES^ (Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^) b. Newbury, Mass., February 9, 1728; d. 95. Lieut. Ezekiel^ (Henry^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. in New- bury, Mass., April 11, 1718 ; died Hudson, N. H., May 14, 1790. Married Hannah , daughter of , b. , 1719, d. Hudson, September 27, 1816. The children of Ezekiel and Hannah ( ) Hills were : 278. Mehitable, b. Hudson, July 20, 1749; d. 279. Thomas, b. Hudson, March 30, 1751; d. Hudson, May 21, 1833. 280. Esthek, b. Hudson, Oct. 8, 1754 ; d. 96. Henrt^ (Henry3, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., October 22, 1719; d. October 21, 1773. Married, Hannah, daughter of , b. , d. The children of Henry and Hannah ( ) Hills were : 281. William, b. ; d. 282. Abigail, b. ; d. 283. Jonathan, b. ; d. ^ 284. Rachel, b. ; d. 97. Ebenezer"* (Henry3, SamueP, Joseph^), b. in Hudson, N. H., February 20, 1727; d. 98. Jonathan^ (Henry^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., February 15, 1729; d. , 1812. Married, October 25, 1749, Hannah Merrill, b. , d. The only child of Jonathan and Hannah (Merrill), of whom record has been found, was : 200. William, b. Dec. 20, 1750 ; d. 99. William'* (William^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. twin brother of David, Newbury, Mass., April 10, 1714 ; d. 96 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 100. David^ (William^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. twin brother of William, Newbury, Mass., April 10, 1714; d. 101. SiLVAKUS"* (William^, Samuel"^, Jos»^ph^), b. Newbury, Mass., May 26, 1716; d. 102. Emme^ (William^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., Decembers, 1717; d. . Married (published Newbury, Octo- ber 4, 1735) Summers Clark, b. , d. 103. Jonathan'* (William^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 26, 1721 ; d. 104. Abigail^ (William^, SamueF, Joseph^), b. Newbury, April 9, 1724 ; d. . Married (published Newbury, June 6, 1744) Edward Dean, b. , d. The only child of Abigail (Hills) and Edward Dean, of whom record was found, was : i. Bette, b. Newbury, June 18, 1745. 105. Stephen'* (Josiah^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 6, 1719 ; d. , Newbury, September 25, 1775. 106. Thomas^ (Josiah^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., April 13, 1721 ; d. Newbury, January 16, 1740. 107. JosiAH^ (Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., March 13, 1722; d. after 1798, before 1801. Married (published Newbury, Mass., May 3, 1751) Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel^ Stickney, of Bradford, Mass. (son of SamueP, SamueP, William', b. England, 1633), b. July 28, 17S0 ; d. . The Stickney genealogy gives the date of the marriage as November 5, 1751. The children of Josiah and Hannah (Stickney) Hills were : 326. Hannah, b. Newbury, March 31, 1753; d. , March 29, 1808. 327. Samuel, b. Newbury, June 21, 1755; d. Newbury, April 13, 1778. 328. Thomas, b. Newbury, May 21, 1757; d. Newbury, May 16, 1838. 329. Bbttie, b. Newbury, May 6, 1759; d. Newbury, April 13, 1784. 330. Nehemiah, b. Newbury, Jan. 24, 1761; d. Newbury, April 4, 1789. 331. Paul, b. Newbury, Nov. 23, 1762; d. Newbury, Marcli 19, 1790. 332. Dolly or Dorothy, b. Newbury, Aug. 25, 1764; d. , before Oct. 3, 1805. 333. Josiah, b. Newbury, Aug. 23, 1766; d. Brownville, Me., about 1814. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 97 334. Amos, b. Newbury, Sept. 13, 17G8; d. Shelburn, N. H., Sept. 27, 1834. 385. Mary, b. Newbury, Oct. 28, 1770; d. , Jan. 12, 1810. 336. Sarah, b. Newbury, March 23, 1774; d. Newbury, Dec. 15, 1816. 108. Joshua'' (John^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., August 20, 1721 ; d. Newbury, September 5, 1721. 109. Mary'* (John=^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 14, 1722; d. . Married (published, Newbury, March 6, 1741) Jacob Adams. The children of Mary (Hills) and Jacob Adams were : i. Jacob, b. Newbury, Mass., Feb. 12, 1742; d. ii. Zebulon, b. Newbury, Mass., Nov. 19, 1744; d. 110. John'* (John^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Amesbury, Mass., December 23, 1730; d. young. 111. Prudence^ (John^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Amesbury, Mass., May 25, 1734; d. 112. Abigail'* (James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 5, 1725; d. Newbury, Mass., October 5, 1725. 113. Jeremiah'* (James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., March 1, 1727; d. Hudson, N. H., April 4, 1810. Mar- ried, about 1765, Hannah Dow, b. 1741, d. Hudson, July 25, 1838 (aged 97). The cbildren of Jeremiah and Hannah (Dow) Hills were : 337. Enoch, b. Windham, N. H., Oct. 15, 1766; d. young. 338. James, b. Windham, Aug. 13, 1768; d. 339. David, b. Windham, July 15, 1770; d. , — , 1861. 340. Jeremiah, b. Windham, Feb. 8, 1773; d. Windham, Oct. 16, 1817. 341. Abigail, b. Windham, March 30, 1775; d. 342. William, b. Windham, July 14, 1777; d. Hudson, Sept. 3, 1858. 343. John, b. Windham, Oct. 3, 1779; d. Londonderry, N. H., about 1826. 344. Moses, b. Windham, Oct. 2, 1781 ; d. Amherst, N. H., Sept. 18, 1855. 114. Jambs'* (James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., August 10, 1728 ; d. Hudson, N. H., September 1, 1729. 115. AVilliam'* (.James^, Samuel-, Joseph*), b. Newbury, Mass. , May 23, 1730 ; d. Hudson, N. H., September 25, 1734. 98 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 116. Hannah^ (James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 25, 1731 ; d. 117. Sarah^ (James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., July 2, 1735 ; d. Hudson, N. H., August 24, 1753. 118. Edna"* (James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., August 3, 1736 ; d. Hudson, N. H., September 1, 1753. 119. Ensign Elijah^ (James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Dun- stable (now Hudson), N. H., March 15, 1738; d. Hudson, Janu- ary 3, 1828. Married, December 23, 1762, Miriam, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Proctor) Kidder, and December 30, 1762, removed to that part of Hudson then known as Nottingham West. The Kidder geneaology sa3's : Joseph Kidder^ (John^, James^), b. Chelmsford, Mass., August 11, 1697; d. Chelmsford, April 15, 1758. Married, 1730, Hannah Proctor, b. , d. 1786. Of six children of this marriage, there is no record of Job, John, Noah and Benjamin, but their names. Of Jonas, his birth is given as "Hudson, Nov. 16, 1743." Of the sixth and last named the record reads, " Lois, married Elijah Hill of Nottingham," and the statement is added, " There is a tradition in the family that there were two other sons and a daughter, but nothing is known about them, not even their names." Lois, sister of INIiriam, was doubt- less the first wife of Ensign Elijah. Miriam Kidder was born 1737 ; died Hudson, August 14, 1822. The children of Elijah and Miriam (Kidder) Hills were : 345. James, b. Hudson, Nov. 8, 1763; d. Hudson, Nov. 19, 1846. 346. Rachel, b. Hudson, April 15, 1765; d. , 1846. 347. Joseph, b. Hudson, March 31, 1767; d. Hancock, N. H., Sept. 23, 1852. 348. Hannah, b. Hudson, April 10, 1769; d. . Married Joel Parkhurst. 349. Molly, b. Hudson, Oct. 18, 1771; d. , May 7, 1839. 350. Sarah, b. Hudson, April 13, 1774; d. , Nov. 22, 1859. 351. Olive, b. Hudson, May 3, 1776; d. . Married William Parker. 352. Elijah, b. Hudson, Dec. 14, 1778 ; d. Hudson, March 10, 1833. 120. RuTH^ (DanieF, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., February o, 1725 ; d. 121. Abigail"* (DanieP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., May 10, 1728; d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 99 122. Abigail^ (Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., October 27, 1731 ; d. 123. Judith^ (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass.,. June 4, 1733 ; d . Married Isaac Foster (published Newbury, May 12, 1752). 124. Mary or Molly'I (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., July 31, 1735; d. December 26, 1805. Married (published Newbury, July 26, 1760) Charles Adams. 125. Hannah"* (Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., October 31, 1737; d. 126. Samuel^ (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., October 1, 1739; d. . Married, Newbury, July 24, 1766, Prudence, daughter of England, b. , d. The children of Samuel and Prudence (England) Hills were : 353. John, b. Newbury, May 7, 1767; d. , May 1, 1848. 354. Rachel, b. Newbury, May 11, 1770; d. Marlboro, May 18, 1829. 355. Francis, b. Newbury, Oct. 6, 1774; d. 127. Infant^ (Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass. ; d. 128. Martha'* (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., May 19, 1743; d. 129. Nathaniel^ (Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., January 4, 1745; d. W. Newbury, September 29, 1832. Married (published Newbury, March 16, 1771) Elizabeth Ordway, b. , d. The children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Ordway were : 356. William, b. Newbury, March 9, 1772; d. West Newbury, Sept. 29, 1832. 357. Edward, b. Newbury, Feb. 6, 1774; d. W. Newbury, Sept. 6, 1851. 358. Elizabeth, b. Newbury, July 25, 1776; d. . Married Joseph Greenleaf. 359. Katie or Cater, b. Newbury, April 30, 1781 ; d. probably young. 360. Pruda, b. Newbury, May 24, 1783; d. 361. Polly, b. Newbury, , March 24, 1785; d. . Married Joseph Carleton. 362. John, b. Newbury, ; d. 363. Paul, b. Newbury, ; d. [ r' P: w. 100 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 130. RuTH^ (Smith3, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 13, 1747; d. August 26, 1803. Married, Newbury, December 17, 1771, Capt. Joseph Tenney^ (son of Deacon Jona- than^ and Lydia [Perlej'] Tenney, Jonathan^, SamueF, Deacon John^, Thomas\ emigrant to Rowley, Mass., 1639), b. Bradford, Mass., 1750, d. October 29, 1819. The children of Ruth (Hills) and Capt. Joseph Tenney were : i. John, b. Bradford, Mass., June 19, 1772; d. June, 18, 1782. ii. Rebecca, b. Bradford, Mass., Sept. 11, 1774; d. Leominster, Dec. 8, 1863. iii. Major Joseph, b. Bradford, Mass., Nov. 26, 1776; d. Leomin- ster, March 25, 1858. Iv. EuTH, b. Bradford, Mass., Aug. 28, 1779; d. Dec. — , 1850. V. Nabby, b. Leominster, Mass., Oct. 11, 1781; d. Oct. 11, 1786. vi. John, b. Leominster, Mass., March 25, 1784; d. Sept. 9, 1812. vii. Abigail, b. Leominster, Mass., July 28, 1786; d. viii. Samuel, b. Leominster, Mass., July 19, 1789; d. Sept. 14, 1863. ix. William, b. Leominster, Mass., Feb. 29, 1792; d. X. Bartimus, b. Leominster, Mass., Sept. 17, 1795; d. Sept. 15, 1799. xi. David, b. Leominster, Mass., May 2, 1798; d. Sept. 6, 1799. 131. Rebecca^ (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph') , b. Newbury, Mass., October 25, 1749 ; d. young. 182. Obadiah'^ (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., August 23, 1751 ; d. at Rowley, Mass., June 22, 1825. Married, 1st, Newbury, January 13, 1774, Sarah Merrill. Married, 2d, Rowley, November 31, 1814, Lois Foss. He was the pioneer of the comb industry at Leominster, Mass. The children of Obadiah and Sarah (Merrill) Hills were : 364. Sarah, b. Leominster, March 20, 1776; d. Leominster, Sept. 5, 1786. 365. Francis, b. Leominster, June 14, 1778; d. 366. Hannah, b. Leominster, March 12, 1780; d. Nov. 3, 1797. 367- AzuBAH, b. Leominster, March 23, 1782; d. . Married Moses Currier. 368. Dorothy, b. Leominster, Oct. 24, 1784; d. . Married John Pearson. 369. Obediah, b. Leominster, Oct. 13, 1786 ; d. Rowley, Feb. 7, 1830. 370. Sophia, b. Rowley, — , 1789; d. Rowley, . Married Aaron Rogers. 371. Betsey, b. Rowley, ; d. 372. John, b. Rowley, — , 1793; d. Georgetown, Mass., — , 1848. 373. Abel M., b. Rowley, ; d. 374. Charles, b. Rowley, ; d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 101 133. Rachel^ (Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., November 10, 1753; d. 134. John"* (Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., May 2, 1756 ; d. . Married, Leominster, Mass., September 3, 1777, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (House) White, b. Leominster, February 20, 1757, d. Leominster, March 4, 1812. The children of John and Sarah (White) Hills were : 375. John, b. Leominster, — , 1779; d. March 22, 1842. 376. Sally, b. Leominster, Feb. 16, 1782; d. March 9, 1827. 377. Thomas, b. Leominster, April 8, 1784; d. April 2, 1851. 135. Rebecca'* (Smith^, SamueF, Joseph^), b. twin sister of Silas, Newbury, Mass., July 14, 1758 ; d. . Married, Leomin- ster, Mass., January 15, 1784, John Kendall. The children of Rebecca (Hills) and John Kendall were : i. John, b. May 12, 1784; d. May 14, 1851. ii. EuFus.b. Oct. 4, 1785; d. Feb. 14, 1842. iii. Abigail, b. June 4, 1788; d, Sept. 8, 1823. 136.- SiLAS^ (Smith3, SamueP, Joseph^), b. twin brother of Rebecca, Newbury, Mass., July 14, 1758 ; d. young. 137. Silas"* (Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., September 4, 1760 ; d. January 8, 1855. Married, 1st, Leominster, Mass., March 3, 1785, Mary Vose, b. Leominster, — , 1763, d. Leominster, June 28, 1808. Married, 2d, May 12, 1811, Hannah Low, b. Newbury, , d. September 22, 1852. No children of this second marriage. The children of Silas and Mary (Vose) Hills were : 378. Charles, b. Leominster, Jan. 11, 1786; d. Leominster, May 7, 1851. 379. Mary, b. Leominster, Aug. 23, 1787; d. , Nov. 14, 1831. 380. Fanny, b. Leominster, April 3, 1789; d. 381. Nancy, b. Leominster, Feb. 2, 1791; d. — , 1813. 382. Silas, b. Leominster, March 18, 1794; d. April 6, 1868. 383. Alvah, b. Leominster, Dec. 31, 1796; d. 384. Oliver V., b. Leominster, April 24, 1799; d. June 24, 1871. 385. Emerson, b. Leominster, March 7, 1804; d. Feb. 3, 1879. 386. Betsey L., b. Leominster, April 25, 1805; b. Leominster, June 24, 1844. 387. Frederick, b. Leominster, Jan. 11, 1807; d. Dec. 29, 1884. 102 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 138. Smith^ (8mith3, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., September 30, 1763; d. Leominster, September 29, 1816. Mar- ried, Leominster, 1793, Betsey Johnson, b. Leominster, June 1, 1769, d. December 6 or November 16,1828. The children of Smith and Betsey (Johnson) Hills were : 388. Belinda, b. Leominster, March 23, 1794 ; d. Leominster, Oct. 3, 1814. 389. Dennis, b. Leominster, Feb. 14, 1796; d. Leominster, Sept. 23, 1799. 390. Betsey, b. Leominster, March 21, 1798; d. Leominster, May 3, 1799. 891. Dennis, b. Leominster, May 6, 1800; d. Ga., March 11, 1868. 392. JosiAH J., b. Leominster, July 29, 1802; d. Aug. 29, 1879. 393. Henry S., b. Leominster, Aug. 13, 1805; d. Cambridge, Mass., July 28, 1887. 394. Volney, b. Leominster, Dec. 14, 1807; d. Leominster, March 9, 1890. 395. Betsey M., b. Leominster, May 31, 1811 ; d. Oct. 31, 1830. 396. Infant, b. Leominster, Aug. 20, 1814; d. Leominster, at birth. 139. HuLDAH^ (Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., February 1, 1766 ; d. Leominster, August 20, 1851. Mar- ried, Leominster, September 16, 1785, Joseph Johnson, b. , d. Leominster, April 7, 1815. The children of Huldah (Hills) and Joseph Johnson were : i. Huldah, b. Leominster, Jan. 7, 1787; d. Leominster, Aug. 17, 1788. ii. Joseph, b. Leominster, Jan. 18, 1789; d. , June 14, 1848. iii. Huldah, b. Leominster, Feb. 5, 1792; d. , Sept. 28, 1871. iv. Thomas, b. Leominster, Sept. 6, 1794; d. , Jan. 17, 1871. V. AzuBAH, b. Leominster, Nov. 26, 1797; d. vi. Nathaniel, b. Leominster, Aug. 6, 1799 ; d. vii. Fanny, b. Leominster, Feb. 23, 1802; d. viii. Henry, b. Leominster, March 24, 1806; d. is. Laura, b. Leominster, Jan. 9. 1809; d. , March 2, 1836. X. FoRDYCE, b. Leominster, Oct. 30, 1812 ; d. Leominster, May 12, 1813. 140. Judith* (Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., 1768; d. , March 15, 1851. Married, Leominster, Stephen Johnson, b. , d. The children of Judith (Hills) and Stephen Johnson were : i. Walter, b. , Sept. 2, 1789; d. ii. Smith, b. , Dec. 24, 1790; d. iii. Francis, b. , Sept. 6, 1792 ; d. iv. Stephen, b. , Jan. 22, 1795; d. , Sept. 4, 1828. V. EUSEBA, b. , Nov. 1, 1796; d. , Aug. 24, 1799. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 103 vi. Jabez, b. , Aug. 8, 1799; d. Leominster, Aug. 20, 1799. vii. Jabez, b. , Oct. 23, 1800; d. viii. JosiAii, b. , May 19, 1803; d. Ix. SusanaK , , T on ,onr /d. Fitchburg, Feb. 26, 1825. ^ >• twins, b. , June 20, 1805 ; i J X. EUSEBA i ' t. d. xi. Martha, b. , May 5, 1807; d. xii. Charles, b. , Nov. 14, 1811; d. 141. Betsey^ (Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., ; d. , May 31, 1799. 142. JoHN^ (John^, SamueP, Joseph-, Joseph^), b. Wrentham, Mass., May 17, 1727; d. "Wrentham (between May 14 and June 10), 1763. Married, Wrentham, February 13, 17o5, Miriam Grant. 143. MaryS (John"*, SamueP, Joseph-, Joseph^), b. Wrentham, Mass., April 18, 1730; d. Wrentham, March 4, 1755. ( 144. Jabez5, (Jabez^, Samuel^, Joseph^, Joseph'), b. Wren tham, Mass., November 16, 1727; d. Pawtucket, R. I., Decem- ber 6, 1768. Married, Wrentham, January 9, 1752, Margaret, daughter of Isaac and Esther ( ) Fisjier of that town; b. Wrentham, January 7, 1729 ; d. Wrentham, September 12, 1771. The children of Jabez and Margaret (Fisher) Hills were : 397. Jabez, b. Wrentham, June 17, 1753: d. , Oct. 30, 1776. 398. Tdiothy, b. Wrentham, Feb. 15, 1755; d. Thomaston, Me., Dec. 26, 1785. 399. Joseph, born Wrentham, May 16, 1758 ; d. , Oct. 21, 1787. 400. Samuel, b. Pawtucket, E. I., Feb. 14, 1760; d. Union, Me., Aug. 5, 1829. 401. William, b. Pawtucket, R. £., Dec. 5, 1761; d. , March 3, 1784. 402. Martha, b. Pawtucket, R. I., Oct. 25, 1763; d. , Nov. 4, 1765. 403. Margaret, b. Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 18, 1765 ; d. , Dec. — , 1794. 404. Martha, b. Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 1, 1767; d. , April 8, 1777. 145. Capt. Joseph^ (Jabez^, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph'), b. Wrentham, Mass., April 20, 1730; d. Franklin, Mass., June 10, 1815. Married, 1st, Wrentham, February 14, 1763, Mary, daughter of Timoth}' and Mary (Healy) Ware (son of Robert^, Robert^, Robert'), b. Wrentham, December 2, 1743, d. Franklin, January 5, 1797. Married, 2d, Betty Pond, b. , d. , July — , 1827. Capt. Joseph Hills, about the time of his first marriage, built his 104 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HIULS. dwelling in that part of Wrentham which subsequently was set off as the town of Franklin. It still stands, and since his death has always been in the occupation of descendants of his name. The children of Joseph and Mary (Ware) Hills were: 405. Jasen, b. Wrentham, Nov. 23, 1765; d. Franklin, July 12, 1827. 406. Joseph, b. Wrentham, Oct, 28, 1769; d. Franklin, Oct. 3, 1824. 407. Mary, b. Wrentham, ; d. 146. Benjamin^ (Jabez'*, SamueF, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Wren- tham, Mass., March 16, 1732; d. Grafton, Mass., after January, 1764, before December, 1766. Married, 1st, Providence, R. I., August 11, 1757, Molly Metcalf ; b. , d. . Married, 2d, Elizabeth Stevens, between January 2, 1764 and 1766, who, after the latter date, married Nathan Morse, b. February 27, 1750, d. New York, 1841. Her birth and death dates unknown. The children of Benjamin and Molly (Metcalf) Hills were : 408. Molly, b. Wrentham, Oct. 25, 1758; d. 409. Benjamin, b. probably Westboro, Mass., 1760; d. The only child of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Stevens) Hills, of whom any record was found, was : 410. Samuel, b. Grafton, March 9, 1766; d. Surry, N. H,, May 24, 1827. 147. Ebenezer^ (Jabez^, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^) , b. Wren- tham, Mass., January 7, 1.735; d. 148. David^ (Jabez*, Samuel^, Joseph-, Joseph'), b. Wren- tham, Mass., January 24, 1736; d. New Ipswich, N. H., , 1815. Married, 1st, Hannah Fales, b. 1749, d. 1777. Married, 2d, 1779, Sarah Manning, b. , d. — , 1808. Married, 3d, (widow) Abigail Smith, b. , d. , — , 1815. The children of David Hills, who were born in New Ipswich, N. H. : 410. Martha, b ; d. 411. Hannah, b. ; d. 412. Meletiah, b. ; d. — , 1778. 413. Sarah, b. ; d. 414. Mary, b. ; d. 415. John F., b. — , 1780; d. about 1819, 416. Susannah, b. ; d. 417. David, b. ; d. 418. Jabez, b. ; d. GENEALOGY Or JOSEPH HILLS. 105 149. Samuel^ (Jabez'*, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph'), b. Wren- tham, Mass., March 25, 1739 ; d. 150. Timothy^ (Ebenezer^, SamueP, Joseph'', Joseph^), b. Kehoboth, Mass., April 14, 1731 ; d. 151. Abiel^ (Ebenezer^, SamueF, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Wrentham, Mass., February 16, 1733; d. . Married John Cobb, Jr. The only child of Abiel (Hills) and John Cobb., Jr., of whom any record was found, was : i. Susannah, b. Wreutham, March 10, 1756; d. 152. Samuel^ (Samuel"*, SamueP, Joseph'^ Joseph^), b. twin brother of Abigail, Rutland, Mass., January 26, 1726; d. Swanzey, N. H., about 1800. Married, June 27, 1758, Sarah, daughter of Abraham Graves, b. , d. The children of Samuel and Sarah (Graves) Hills were : 419. Asa, b. Swanzey, N. H., April 22, 17f)9; d. young. 420. Asa, b. Swanzey, N. H., April 20, 1761 ; d. young. 421. Elisha, b. Swanzey, N. H., March 15, 1763; d. Swanzey, July 24, 1772. 422. Esther, b. Swanzey, N. H., Jan. 23, 1765; d. young. 423. Moses, b. Swanzey, N. H., March 19, 1767; d. Swanzey, Dec. 3, 1842. 424. Asa, b. Swanzey, N. H. (bapt.), March 20, 1770; d. 425. Esther, b. Swanzey, N. H. (bapt.), May 31, 1772; d. 153. Abigail^ (Samuel'*, SamueF, Joseph^, Joseph*), b. twin sister of Samuel, Rutland, Mass., January 26, 1726 ; d. 154. Nathaniel^ (Samuel^, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Rutland, Mass., April 26, 1728; d. Swanzey, N. H., Feb, — , 1807. Married, , Meletiah, daughter of , b. , d. , May 14, 1765. Married, 2d, Sarah, daughter of , b , d. , Feb. 13, 1781. Married, 3d, Hannah, daughter of , b. — , 1741, d. — , 1812. The children of Nathaniel and Meletiah ( ) Hills were : 426. Samuel, b. Swanzey, N. H,, March 4, 1754; d. Swanzey, May 28, 1832. 427. Nathaniel, b. Swanzey, N. H., Nov. 4, 1755; d. Swanzey, — , 1845. 428. William, b. Swanzey, N. H., Eeb. 26, 1757; d. Swanzey, Oct. 18, 1859. 106 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 429. John, b. Swanzey, N. H, (bapt.), July 13, 1760 ; d. Swanzey, Sept. 21, 1763. 430. Reuben, b. Swanzey, N. H. (bapt.), April 24, 1763; d. The children of Nathauiel and Sarah ( ) Hills were : 431. Meletiah, b. (bapt.), Aug. 12, 1770; d. , June —, 1773. 432. Sarah, b. (bapt.), May 30, 1773; d. No record of children of the third marriage has been found. 155. Sarah^ (Sarauel"!, SamueF, Joseph-, Joseph^) , b. Rutland, Mass., December 8, 1729 ; d. 156. Mary'5 (Samuel"*, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Rutland, Mass., September 2, 1731 ; d. 157. RuTH^ (Samuel^, SamueF, Joseph-, Joseph^), b. Rutland, Mass., August 22, 1733 ; d. 158. Elizabeth^ (Samuel^, Samuel^, Joseph^, Joseph^), b. Rutland, Mass., March 31, 1736; d. 159. Ebenezer^ (Samuel'*, SamueP, Joseph^, Joseph'), b. Swanzey, N. H., June 14, 1738 ; d. Swanzey, December 13, 1812. Married, October 19, 1762, Abigail Nichols, b. March 16, 1734, d. Swanzey, March 2, 1794. Married, 2d, Swanzey, June 30, 1795, Abigail, daughter of Elkanah^ Lane (son of Ephraim^, John^, George^, William^), b. Swanzey, June 25, 1767, d. March 23, 1850. The children of Ebenezer and Abigail (Nichols) Hills were : 433. Abigail, b. Swanzey, June 30, 1767; d. 434. Calvin, b. Swanzey, April 12, 1769; d. Swanzey, Nov. 23, 1819. 435. Ebenezer, b. Swanzey, Aug. 16, 1771; d. Gainesville, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1847. 436. Gafus, b. Swanzey, July 7, 1773; d. Swanzey, June 1, 1804. 160. Benjamin^ (Thomas*, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., October 6, 1746 ; d. young probably. 161. EbenezerS (Thomas^ Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., May 4, 1748; d. Savannah, Ga., before 1812. Married, Maiden, October 3, 1772, Hannah Porter, of that town, b. , d. Maiden, August 7, 1785. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 107 The division of the estate of Thomas'* Hills in 1812, shows that the heirs of Ebenezer^ and of his sister Elizabeth (Hills) Millidge were then or late of Savannah. One of the heirs of Elizabeth is described as Mary, daughter of Philip Millidge, of that city. 162. Benjamin^ (Thomas'*, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., February 10, 1751 ; d. 163. JoHN^ (Thomas^, Benjamin^, Gershom"-, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., December 28, 1752; d, Newburyport, Mass., February 25, 1787. Married, Maiden, July 7, 1774, Elizabeth Kettell, of that town, b. , d. He was of Kingston, N. H., at the date of his marriage. The children of John and Elizabeth (Kettell) Hills were : 437. John, b. , 1783; d. Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 1, 1800. 438. Ann, b. Newburyport, Feb. 1, 1787; d. , May 1, 1855. 164. Mart or Folly^ (Thomas'*, Benjamin^, Gershom^, .Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., October 24, 1754; d. . Married, Maiden (published July 28, 1777), Ebenezer Harnden, of that town. 165. Sarah^ (Thomas'*, Benjamin^, Ger8hom^ Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., January 26, 1757; d. . Married, Wm. Oliver, of Maiden. 165. Nathan^ (Thomas^, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., April 18, 1759 ; d. Maiden, October 4, 1760. 167. Nathan^ (Thomas'*, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., June 27, 1761 ; d. 168. Martha^ (Thomas'*, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., May 17, 1765; d. , April 5, 1812. Married, Maiden (published May 2, 1785), Samuel Green Sargent (son of Nathan^ and Elizabeth [Jenks] Sargent, of Boston, Nathan^, Nathan^, Joseph^, John^, William^), b, December 25, 1759; d. Charlestown, March 11, 1836. The children of Martha (Hills) and Samuel G. Sargent were • i. Patty, b. , Feb. 5, 1791 ; d. , June 3, 1791. ii. Samuel, b. , July 6, 1793; d. , July 14, 1794. iii. Patty Hills, b. , Jan. — , 1795; d. , Dec. 10, 1831. 108 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. iv. Maria Greene, b. , Dec. 29, 1796; d. , Aug. 10, 1815. V. Elizabeth Lynde, b. , June 16, 1798; d. , Sept. 25. 1827. vi. Samuel Seavek, b. , April 11, 1800; d. , May 11, 1867. vii. Lucinda, b. , Dec. 12, 1806; d. , Oct. 22, 1806. 169. Thomas^ (Thomas^, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Josepbi), b. Maiden, Mass., — , 1768; d. . Married, , September 6, 1796, Hannah Tufts, of Charlestown. At the date of his mar- riage, Thomas Hills was " of Savannah Georgia," but when his father's estate was divided, in 1812, he is described as a "physi- cian of Boston." 170. Elizabeth^ (Thomas'*, Benjamin^, Gershom^, Joseph^), b. Maiden, Mass., — , 1771; d. Savannah, Ga., prior to 1812. Married, Philip Millidge. 171. Samuel^ (Samuel'*, SamueP, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Reho- both, Mass., February' 14, 1740 (12 mo., 14 d., 1740, old style) ; d. Smithfield, R. I., March 14, 1833. Married, January 8, 1766, Ehoda, daughter of Joshua Phillips, of Smithfield, b. February 20, 1746 (12 mo., 20 d., 1746, old style), d. May 16, 1828. [By old style, March was the first month; by new style, January is reckoned as the first month of the year. The change from old to new style was made in 1752. The record that follows was copied from the old family Bible referred to in sixth report, Hills Family Association, page 9.] Children of Samuel and Rhoda (Phillips) Hills were : m. d. y. 439. Samuel, b. Smithfield, 2-17-1767 440. John, b. Smithfield, 4-29-1768 Lydia, b. Smithfield, 7-31-1769 RtJFUS, b. Smithfield, 1-31-1771 George, b. Smithfield, 12-19-1772 Joshua, b. Smithfield, 9-28-1774 445. Thomas, b. Smithfield, 3- 9-1776 446. Barbara, b. Smithfield, 8-23-1777 Asa, b. Smithfield, 8- 6-1779 Sarah, b. Smithfield, 6-11-1781 449. Anna, b. Smithfield, 2-28-1783 450. Rhoda, b. Smithfield, 11- 2-1784 Deborah, b. Smithfield, 9- 4-1786 Freelove, b. Smithfield, 3-23-1788 Daniel, b. Smithfield, 3-25-1790 441. 442. 443. 444. 447 448 451. 452. 53. m. d. y. d. Smithfield, 5-28-1831. d. Smithfield, 10- 9-1806. d. Smithfield, 1-27-1837. d. Smithfield, 8- 5-1827. d, Smithfield, 1-10-1841. d. Smithfield, 10-10-1783. d. Smithfield, 9-28-1778. d. Smithfield, 4-12-1850. d. Smithfield, 4-22-1785. d. Smithfield, 9-19-1844. d. Smithfield, 11-12-1851. d. Smithfield, 6- 1-1801. d. Smithfield, ■i-10-1858. d. Smithfield, 12-15-1841. d. Smithfield, 9-23-1817. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 109 172. Sarah^ (Samuel^, Samuel-'^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Reho- both, Mass., November 1, 1742 ; d. Rehoboth (prior to 1796). 173. Barbara^ (Samuel'*, SamueP, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Reho- both, Mass., November 7, 1744; d. Rehoboth, November 7, 1758. 174. Ann^ (Samuel'*, Samuel^, SamueP, Joseph^) , b. Rehoboth, Mass., July 9, 1748; d. . Married Joshua Phillips. 175. Comfort^ (Samuel^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., August 25, 1756 ; d. . Married Mary or Polly, daughter of Moses and Mary (French) Mason of Rehoboth (son of Samuel and Rebecca). The children of Comfort and Mary (Mason) Hills were : 454. Betsey, b. Rehoboth, Nov. 10, 1780; d. 455. Polly, b. Rehoboth, Aug. 25, 1783; d. 456. Samuel, b. Rehoboth, June 17, 1786; d. 457. Phebe, b. Rehoboth, Feb. 11, 1789; d. 458. Olive M., b. Rehoboth, Oct. 13, 1792; d. 176. Betty^ (Benjamin"*, SamueP, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Reho- both, Mass., March 27, 1746 ; d. Rehoboth, April 3, 1746. 177. David^ (Benjamin^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., October 18, 1747 ; d. . Married, Rehoboth, March 31, 1768, Rebecca Pierce. The children of David and Rebecca (Pierce) Hills were : 459. Benjamin, b. Rehoboth, Sept. 10, 1768; d. 460. David, b. Rehoboth, June 5, 1770; d. 461. Lydia, b. Rehoboth, April 21, 1772; d. Rehoboth, Feb. 28, 1792. 462. Cromwell, b. Rehoboth, July 9, 1774 ; d. 463. EsiCK, b. Rehoboth, April 14, 1776; d. 464. Asa, b. Rehoboth, Aug. 8, 1778; d. 465. William, b. Rehoboth, May 10, 1781; d. 466. Sarah, b. Rehoboth, Sept. 1, 1783; d. 467. Hannah, b. Rehoboth, Sept. 6, 1786; d. 468. Ira, b. Rehoboth, April 29, 1789; d. Rehoboth, June 29, 1796. 178. Nathan^ (Benjamin'*, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., October 23, 1749; d. Rehoboth, May 18, 1754. 179. LucY^ (Benjamin"*, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., December 13, 1751 ; d. 110 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 185. PhebeS (James^, SamueF, Samuel", Joseph^), b. Reho- both, Mass., October 28, 1749 ; d. unmarried. 186. Eunice^ (James^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Reho- botb, Mass., September 2, 1751 ; d. unmarried. 187. James^ (James^, SamueP, Samuel^ Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., May 31, 1753 ; d. . Married, , Freelove Andrews of Seituate, Mass. The children of James and Freelove (Andrews) Hills were : 469. Amey, b. Rehoboth, July 22, 1777 ; d. 470. William, b. Rehoboth, Nov. 19, 1779; d. 471. James, b. Rehoboth, Dec. 18, 1781; d. 188. Hannah^ (James^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Reho- both, Mass., February 26, 1756; d. . Married, October 15, 1778, Jonathan Hayes, in Rohoboth. The children of Hannah (Hills) and Jonathan Hayes were : i. Child, b. , died young, ii. Eunice H,, b. ; d. — , 1847. 189. Barbara^ (James^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., September 30, 1758. Died unmarried. 190. JoHN^ (James^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Rehoboth, Mass., July 26, 1761; d. (prior to 1847). Married, May 5, 1793, Mehitable Walker, b. , May 17, 1771, d. Clarendon, Vt., November 7, 1847. The children of John and Mehitable (Walker) Hills were : 472. Eunice, b. , Jan. 24, 1794; d. 473. Hannah, b. , July 13, 1795; d. Oct. 26, 1795. 474. Lydia, b. , Nov. 6, 1798 ; d. Nov. 3, 1821. 475. Henry, b. , Nov. 2, 1801 ; d. 476. Lucy, b. , April 29, 1803 ; d. Oct. 81, 1856. 477. Mehitable, b. , July — ,1805; d. 478. Emily, b. , Aug. 2, 1807; d. 479. Sarah A., , Feb. 26, 1811; d. 191. Synthia^ (James^, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Reho- both, Mass., August 18, 1763; d. . Married, , Asa Angell (son of Israel, son of Oliver and Naomi [Smith] Angell), b. Smithfield, August 24, 1771, d. June 2, 1842. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. Ill The only child of Synthia (Hills) and Asa Augell, of whom record was found, was : i, Naoma, b. ; d. 192. Sarah^ (James"*, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Reho- both, Mass., November 21, 1765 ; d. . Married John Lamed. 193. Daniel^ (James"*, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Reho- both, Mass., January 29, 17G9 ; d. . Married Sarah Hutchins. 194. Lucy5 (James"*, SamueP, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Rehoboth, Mass., December 1, 1771 ; d. 195. Priscilla^ ( Joseph^, Joseph^", SamueP, Josephi),b. New- bury, Mass., June 10, 1731 ; d. 196. Sarah^ (Joseph"*, Joseph^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. New- bur}', Mass., August 21, 1732; d. Married (published Newbury, April 11, 1761) Samuel Woodman, b. , d. The children of Sarah (Hills) and Samuel Woodman were : i. Hannah, t -> ii. Jane, I b. Nov. 19, 1761 ; } d. lii. Samuel, b. Aug. 30, 1763; d. iv. Joseph, b. , July 16, 1765; d. V. William, b. , Auc;. 7, 1767; d. vi. Samuel, b. , Jan. 22, 1771 ; d. vii. Sarah, b. , Oct. 22, 1772; d. viii. John Y., b. , Dec. 14, 1774; d. 197. Hannah^ (Joseph"*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., October 16, 1734; d. Newbury, February 1, 1736. 198. Joseph^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., October 11, 1736 ; d. Newbury, December 19, 1736. 199. Hannah^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph*), b. New- bury, Mass., October 1, 1740; d. 200. William^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., February 25, 1742; d. Plaistow, N. H., September 25, 1824. Married, Ist Hannah (Chase) Noyes, b. , d. Married, 2d (published Newbury, June 14, 1800), Ednah Hills (daughter of Jacob Hills, of Chester, N. H.), b. about 1778, d. Plaistow, N. H., September 24, 1832. 112 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. The children of William and Hannah (Chase) (Noyes) Hills were : 480. Hannah, b. , July 16, 1761 ; d. young. 481. Joseph, b. ; d. 482. Joshua, ■> ) d. West Newbury, March 21, 1850. 483. WILLIAM, r- *«^- 15' l^^l' 5d. , Dec. 21, 1851. 484. Joseph, b. , June 11, 1783; d. , Dec. 9, 1878. 201. JosHOA^ (Joseph^, Joseph^, Samuel-, Josephi),b. New- bury, Mass., February 12, 1744; d. at sea. Married, Newbury, November 13, 1766, Mary Morss. The only child of Joshua and Mary (Morss) Hills, of wliom record has been found, was : 485. Joshua, b ; d. 202. Mary^ (Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., February 20, 1732 ; d. Newbury, December 6, 1822. 203. Priscilla^ (Benjamin'^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., November 20, 1734; d. Newbury, January 16, 1830. 204. Sarah^ (Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. New- bury, Mass.,—, 1737; d. Newbury, November 12, 1809. 205. Joseph^ (Benjamin'*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. New- bury, Mass., — , 1740 ; d. Newbury, April 13, 1829. 206. Eliphalet^ (Benjamin^, Joseph^, SaraueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., July 30, 1742; d. Newbury, January 10, 1816. Married, September 18, 1783, Sarah Wyman, of Lancaster. No record of children of this marriage has been found. 207. Rachel-'' (Benjamin"*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. twin sister of Abigail, Newbury, Mass., April 26, 1745 ; d. New- bury, August 10, 1748. 208. Abigail^ (Benjamin'*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. twin sister to Rachel, Newbury, Mass., April 26, 1745 ; d. Newbury, July 22, 1795. 209. Joshua^ (Benjamin'*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., July 16, 1748 ; d. Newbuiy, September 22, 1821. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 113 210. Elizabeth^ (Benjamin'*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., April 13, 1751 ; d. Newbury, April 26, 1842. 211. Anna^ (Benjamin'', Joseph^, Samuel-, Joseph'), b. New- bury, Mass., November 12, 1754; d. Newbury, June 12, 1820. 212. Hannah^ (Benjamin'*, Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., April 9, 1757; d. Newbury, March 9, 1832. 213. Jacob^ (Moses'*, Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., October 25, 1735; d. , November 2, 1815. Mar- ried, Newbury, April 21, 1757, Margaret Piatt, b. , d. September 9, 1815. The children of Jacob and Margaret (Piatt) Hills were: 485. Abigail, b. — , 1760; d. 486. Molly, b. ; d. 487. Edmund, b. ; d. 488. Daniel, b , Nov. 19, 1767; d. , July, 1816. 489. Susannah, b. , Feb. 17, 1770; d. , 1862. 490. Rbbecca, b. ; d. 491. Betty, b. ; d. 492. Moses, b. , April 24, 1777; d. , Jan. 2, 1813. 493. Sally, b. ; d. 214. MosES^ (Moses^, Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., December 21, 1736 ; d. (will probated February 15, 1813). 215. Joseph^ (Moses^, Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., January 18, 1745 ; d. Chester, N. H., April 11, 1823. Married , Prudence Sargent, b. , 1749 ; d. December 23, 1842. No record of children of this marriage has been found. 216. RuTH^ (Moses^, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., ; d. . Married, February 16, 1762, Joseph Chase. 217. Rebecca^ (Moses'*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., January 25, 1750; d. . Married (published Newbury, June 1, 1792) Moses Jacques. 218. Benjamin^ (Moses^, Joseph^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., June 5, 1752 ; d. Newbury, September 14, 1832. 114 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. Married, Newbury, September 27, 1774, Anna Brickett, b. , February 21, 1756, d. , July 6, 1828. The children of Benjamin and Anna (Brickett) Hills were : 494. Moses, b. Newbury, April 3, 1776; d. , Aug. 13, 1776. 496. Ruth, b. Newbury, July 9, 1777; d. , July 11, 1777. 496. Nathaniel, b. Newbury, June 22, 1778; d. Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 10, 1837. 497. Eliphalet, b. Newbury, June 1, 1780; d. , Feb. 23, 1862. 498. Anna, b. Newbury, July 2. 1782 ; d. , Aug. 22, 1806. 499. Susannah, b. Newbury, Jan. 11, 1786; d. , July 30, 1867. 500. Elsee, b. Newbury, Dec. 12, 1787; d. , Dec. 1, 1813. 501. Delia, b. Newbury, Nov. 22, 1789; d. , Nov. 8, 1871. 502. Moody, b. Newbury, Oct. 16, 1791; d. , Oct. 4, 1813. 503. Edmund, b. Newbury, Nov. 22, 1793; d. Newbury, March 22, 1861. 504. Sarah W., b. Newbury, March 25, 1796; d. Newbury, May 29, 1847. 219. Abigail^ (Hoses'*, Joseph^, Samuel^, Josephi), b. New- bury, Mass., August 16, 1754 ; d. Newbury, July 4, 1768. 221. Lydia^ (Joshua*, Joseph^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., October 13, 1740; d. 222. Hannah^ (Joshua*, Joseph^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. ; d. 230. Samuel^ (Nathaniel*, NathanieF, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., February 16, 1769; d. Hudson, May 20 (25), 1843-4. Married, , Rhoda Bowers, b. — , 1776, d. Hudson, July 13, 1842. Children of Samuel and Rhoda (Bowers) Hills were : 505. Susannah, b. Hudson, June 17, 1797; d. 506. Nathaniel, b. Hudson, March 3, 1799; d. Hudson, June 21, 1823. 507. Russell, b. Hudson, April 26, 1801; d. 508. Abijah, b. Hudson, May — , 1806; d. , Sept. 22, 1887. 509. George W., b. Hudson, April 26, 1810; d. , Nov. 15, 1890. 510. Samuel M., b. Hudson, ; d. 236. Susannah^ (Oliver*, NathanieP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., May 25, 1750; d. 237. Hannah^ (Oliver*, NathanieP, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., March , 1752 ; d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 115 238. Philip^ (Oliver*, NalhanieF, Samuel^, Josepb^), b. Hud son, N. H., March 2, 1754 ; d. Hudson, July 14, 1841. Married 1st, , September 2*3, 1778, Eduah Hills, b. , 1754, d. Hudson, N. H., October 25, 1781. Married, 2il, , b. d. . Married, 3d, , b. , d. . Married, 4th Polly, daughter of , b. — , 1764, d. Hudson, February 23 1846. The children of Philip and Hills were : oil. Joseph, b. ; d. 512. Thomas, b. ; d. 513. Philip, b. ; d. 514. Reuben, b. ; d. 515. Oliver, b. ; d. 616. Moody, b.— , 1781; d. Hudson, Sept. 10, 1854. 517. Osgood (?), b. ; d. , Jan. 25, 1871. 239. Rachel^ (Oliver'*, NathanieP, SamueP, Josephi), b. Hudson, N. H., April 6, 1756 ; d. 240. MoLLY^ (Oliver*, Nathaniel^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hud- son, N. H., April 18, 1758 ; d. 241. Reuben^ (Oliver*, NathanieF, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., June 7, 1764; d. 242. SarahS (Oliver*, NathanieF, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hud- son, N. H., February 10, 1766 ; d. 243. Ebenezek^ (Oliver*, NathauieF, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Hudson, N. H., December 25, 1767 ; d. 244. Abigail^ (Oliver*, Nathaniel^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., August 20, 1770; d. 245. Oliver^ (Oliver*, NathanieF, SamueF, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., October 23, 1772; d. at sea, October 31, 1803. Married Margarett, daughter of John and Ann (Craige) McKiuley, of Chester, N. H., b. , d. 246. IsAAC^ (Oliver*, NathanieF, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hud- son, N. H., May 18, 1775; d. 247. Edmund^ (Samuel*, Benjamin^, SamueF, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., December 7, 1735 ; d. 116 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 248. JoHN^ (Samuel^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Ches- ter, N. H., March 25, 1738; d. Chester, February 22, 1818. Married, September 22, 1764, Mary, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Chase) Morse (son of AbeF, Benjamin^, Anthony^, b. England), b. Chester, May 31, 1745, d. January 24, 1839. The children of John and Mary (Morse) Hills were : 618. Mary, b, Chester, Sept. 26, 1765 ; d. between 1855 and 1860. 619. Edward, b. Chester, , 1767; d. — , 1789. 620. Susannah, b. Chester, , 1770; d. Nov. — , 1824. 621. Josiah, b. Chester, May 8, 1772; d. — , 1818. 622. John, b. Chester, Feb. 4, 1777 ; d. 623. Elizabeth, b. Chester, — , 1781; d. Nov. 1, 1830. 623a. Parker, b. Chester, Feb. 23, 1785 ; d. Jan. 1, 1865. 249. Samuel^ (Samuel'*, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., March 12, 1743 ; d. . Married, June 26, 1770, Anna Morse, daughter of Josiah and Mary (Chase) Morse (son of AbeP, Benjamin^, Anthony^, of Marlborough, Wiltshire, England), b. Chester, July 26, 1749. The children of Samuel and Anna (Morse) Hills were : 624. Nannie, b. Chester, April 25, 1771 : d. 625. Amos, b. Chester, March 11, 1773; d. 250. IsAAC^ (SamueP, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Ches- ter, N. H., August 31, 1744; d. Chester, September 24, 1824. Married, — , 1773, Lucretia Tilton, b. , d. September 15, 1779. Married, 2d,—, 1781, Mehilable Stevens, b. — , 1752, d. Chester, August 26, 1851. The children of Isaac and Lucretia (Tilton) Hills were : 626. Rachel, b. Chester, — , 1773 ; d. 627. Lucretia, b. Chester, Sept. 15, 1779; d. — , 1868. The children of Isaac and Mehitable (Stevens) Hills were : 628. Edward, b. Chester, July 10, 1785; d. 529. John, b. Chester. July 7, 1791; d. 630. Sally, b. Chester, Sept. 12, 1792 ; d. 251. Stephen^ (Samuel^, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., March 29, 1746 ; d. Amesbury, January 31, 1831. Married, December 11, 1783, Anna Stevens, of Brentwood, b. — , 1757; d. — , 1842. The children of Stephen and Anna (Stevens) Hills were : 531. Hannah, b. ; d. 532. Ebenezer, b. Chester, May 26, 1786; d. Chester, August 17, 1864. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 117 533. RuFUS, b. ; d. 534. George, b. ; d. 635. Elizabeth, b. ; d. 252. Elizabeth^ (Samuel'*, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., January 4, 1747; d. — , 1778. Married Joseph Norton, who came from Greenland, N. H. 253. Hannah^ (Samuel"*, Benjamin, ^ Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., June 5, 1750 ; d. . Married Nathan Norton. 254. Reuben^ (Samuel^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., August 14, 1752 ; d. Union, Me., September 28, 1824. Married, January 18, 1779, Sarah, daughter of Gideon Currier, of Chester, b. , d. Union, Me., November 1, 1825. The children of Reuben and Sarah (Currier) Hills were : 636. Samuel, b. , Nov. 18, 1779; d. Union, Me., May 16, 1853. 637. Sarah, b. , Jan. 27, 1781; d. Searsmont, Me., May 3, 1862. 538. Nathan, b. , July 17, 1784; d. Warren, Me., Aug. 28, 1858. 539. Reuben, b. , March 2, 1786; d. Oct. 3, 1874. 540. JosiAH, b. , April 2, 1788; d. , March 28, 1875. 541. Isaac, b. , Feb. 12, 1790; d. Lincolnville, Jan. 7, 1840. 542. Nancy, b. , Jan. 29, 1793; d. May 25, 1862. 643. Cyrus G., b. , Jan. 16, 1797; d. Gushing, Me., Oct. 26, 1860. 644. Betsey, b. March 2, 1795; d. May 8, 1796. 645. Alden, b. , July 14, 1800; drowned July 17, 1807. 646. Charlotte, b. , June 29, 1802; d. — , 1804. 647. Louisa, b. , July 6, 1804; d. Warren, Me., June 11, 1850. 255. Rachel^ (Samuel^*, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., August 6, 1754 ; d. 256. Rebecca^ (Samuel^, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., August 6, 1756; d. May 20, 1857. Married, Benjamin Hills (cousin). For children, see Benjamin Hills, No. 271. 257. JosiAH^ (SamueH, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., October 30, 1758; d. prior to June 30, 1827. Married, Elizabeth, daughter of , b. , d. The children of Josiah and Elizabeth ( ) Hills were : 648. Samuel, b. ; d. 649. Josiah, b. ; d. 118 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 258. Dr. Ebenezer^ (Samuel^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., September 30, 1760 ; d. Chester, September 22, 1790. 259. Rachel^ (Samuel*, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., May 12, 1762 ; d. 267. Benjamin^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., November 1, 1762 ; d. Chester, September 25, 1861. Married, October 29, 1786, Lydia, daughter of Deacon John^ S., Dearborn (son of Thomas^, Jonathan*, Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^, Thomas^), b. Chester, January 24, 1767, d. Chester, June 2, 1844. v The children of Benjamin and Lydia (Dearl)orn) Hills were : 650. Nathaniel, b. Chester, , 1789 ; d. 651. Henry, b. Chester, , 1792; d, 552. Lydia, b. Chester, , 1795; d. , Sept. 4, 1822. 553. James, b. Chester, — , 1796; d. 554. Eleanor, b. Chester, ; d. 555. Charles, b. Chester, — , 1800; d. 556. LuciNDA, b. Chester, — , 1801; d. 557. Benjamin, b. Chester, Nov. 28, 1802 ; d. 658. Elizabeth A., b. Chester, ; d. 659. RuFUS, b. Chester, ; d. 268. Eleanor^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., October 8, 1764; d. Married , James Stevens. 269. Eliphalet^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. twin brother to Sarah, Chester, N. H., November 7, 1767 ; d. , January 5, 1797. 270. Sarah^ (Benjamin*, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. twin sister to Eliphalet, Chester, N. H., November 7, 1767; d. 271. Benjamn^ (Abner*, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., April 24, 1748 ; d. Chester, June 14, 1829. Married, Jul}' 16, 1782, Rebecca, daughter of Samuel Hills, b. August 6, 1756, d. , May 20, 1857. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 119 Children of Benjamin and Rebecca (Hills) Hills were : 660. Asa, b. Chester, — , 1783 ; d. 661. Jesse, b. Chester, — , 1784 ; d. 562. AcsAH, b. ; d. 563. ZiLLAH, b. ; d. (adm. April 2, 18G2). 664. ZiBA, b. ; d. 665. Adah, b. ; d. 666. Ammi, b. ; d. 272. Peter^ (Abner^, Benjamin^, SainueP, Joseph'), b. Ches- ter, N. H., November 25, 1750 ; d. , July 22, 1848. Married, 1st, Abigail, widow of Lane, daughter of James Varnum, b. , (1. Chester, July 22, 1802. Married, 2d, Edna Davis, b. , d. , 1848. No record of the children of either marriage has been found. 273. JoHN^ (Abner^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Ches- ter, N. H., probably. Probably died young. 274. Abner^ (Abnei'4, Benjamin^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., probably. No record, other than that he was the son of Abner^, has been found relating to this Abner. 275. Joseph^ (Abner^. Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Ches- ter, N. H., May 18, 1757; d. Chester, September 10, 1843. Married, 1st, , Mary Knowles. Married, 2d, Mary Page. 276. JoHN^ ( Abner^, Benjamin^, SamueP, Joseph^) , b. Chester, N. H., probably. No record, other than that he was the son of Abner^, has been found relating to this John. 277. Edmund^ (Abner^, Benjamin^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Chester, N. H., probably. No record, other than that he was the son of Abner"*, has been found relating to this Edmund. 278. Mehitable^ (Ezekiel^, HenryS, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., July 20, 1749 ; d. 279. Thomas^ (Ezekiel^, Henry^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hud- son, N. H., March 30, 1751 ; d. Hudson, May 21, 1833. Married Ruth , daughter of , b. , d. Hudson, August 25, 1826. 120 GENEALOGr OF JOSEPH HILLS. The children of Thomas and Ruth ( ) Hills were : 567. Amos, b. Hudson, Sept. 25, 1781; d. Hudson, N. H., June 3, 1850. 668. Isaac, b. Hudson, Oct. 15, 1782 ; d. 669. Thomas, b. Hudson, July 20, 1784; d. Hudson, N. H., April 14, 1805. 670. Hannah, b. Hudson, March 14, 1788 ; d. Hudson, N. H., Dec. 31, 1858. 571. Saixy, b. Hudson, Nov. 2, 1789; d. 572. Ruth, b. Hudson, March 20, 1793; d. , Feb. 15, 1859. 280. Esthers (EzekielS Henry3, SamueP, Joseph^, b. Hud- son, N. H., October 8, 1754 ; d. 281. William^ (Henrj^, Henry^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. ; d. . No record, other than that he was son of Henry^, has been found relating to this William. 282. Abigail^ (Henry^, HenryS, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. ; d. . No record, other than that she was daughter of Henry^, has been found relating to this Abigail. 283. Jonathan^ (Henry"*, Henry^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. ; d. . No record, other than that he was son of Henry^, has been found relating to this Jonathan. 284. Rachel^ (Henrj^^^ Henry^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. ; d. . No record, other than that she was daughter of Henry*, has been found relating to this Rachel. 290. William^ (Jonathan*, Henry^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. , December 20, 1750; d. 326. Hannah^ (Josiah*, Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., March 31, 1753 ; d. , March 29, 1808. Married (published Newbury, January 26, 1781) Moses Wood. 327. Samuel^ (Josiah*, Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., June 21, 1755 ; d. Newbury, April 13, 1778. 328. Thomas^ (Josiah*, Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., May 21, 1757; d. Newbury, May 16, 1838. Mar- ried Frances A., daughter of , b. , d. No record of children of this marriage has been found. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 121 329. Bettie^'^ (Josiah"*, Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., May 6, 1759 ; d. Newbury, April 13, 1784. 330. Nehemiah^ (Josiah'*, Josiah^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., January '24, 1761; d. Newbury, April 4, 1789. 331. Paul^ (Josiah^, Josiah^, SamueP, .losepb^), b. Newbury, Mass., November 23, 1762; d. Newbury, March 19, 1790. 332. Dolly or Dorothy^ (Josiah^, Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., August 25, 1764; d. prior to October 3, 1805. Married, December 16, 1784, Nehemiah Follansbee, of Newbury. 333. JosiAH^ (Josiah'', Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., August 23, 1766; d. Brownville, Me., about 1814. Married, , July 23, 1786, Hannah Bayley. The children of Josiah and Hannah (Bayle}^) Hills were : 573. Samuel, b. Newbury, Aug. 9, 1787 ; d. 574. Luther H., b. Newbury, May 19, 1791; d. Bangor, Me., July— , 1822. 576. Thomas, b. Newbury, July 30, 1793 ; d. W. Newbury, Mass. 676. Charlotte, b. Newbury, April 4, 1797; d. Bangor, May 27, 1828. 677. Fordycb, b. Newbury, — , 1800; d. , — , 1868. 678. Cathaiune, b. Newbury, Nov.—, 1803 ; d. , — , 1837. 679. Hannah J., b. Newbury, June 9, 1806; d. Gorham. N. H., Sept. 24, 1863. 680. Smith, | ^ Brownville, -, 1809 ; | ^• 681. Sarah, J Id. Bangor, Dec. — , 1830. 334. Amos^ (Josiah'*, Josiah^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass , September 13, 1768; d. Shelburne, N. H., September 27, 1834. Married, Newbury, March 20, 1793, Mary Chase, b. W. Newbury, April 25, 1771, d. Bethel, Me., March 4, 1831. The children of Amos and Mary (Chase) Hills were : 682. Harriet, b. Newbury, March 17, 1794; d. 583. Caroline, b. Newbury, June 20, 1797; d. Bethel, Dec. 8, 1819. 584. RuFUS, b. Newbury, Feb. 26, 1799; d. Amesbury, Mass., April 6, 1823. 685. Rowena, b. Newbury, June 20, 1801 ; d. 686. Susannah, b. Bethel, Aug. 27, 1807; d. , Dec. 24, 1836. 687. Mary C, b. Bethel, Oct. 18, 1809; d. Rodney, Miss., Oct. 30, 1833. 588. Thomas C, b. Bethel, JuneS, 1811 ; d. New Orleans, La., — , 1889. 689. Sarah J., b. Bethel, May 2(3, 1813 ; d. Portland, Me., Nov. — , 1889. 122 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 335. Mary^ (^Josiah^, Josiah^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., October 28, 1770 ; d. , Januar}^ 12, 1810. 336. SarahS (.Josiah4, Joseph^, Samuels, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., March 23, 1774 ; cl. Newbury, December 15, 1816. 337. Enoch^ (Jeremiah^, James^, SamueP, Josephi),b. "Wind- ham, N. H., October 15, 1766 ; d. young. 338. James^ (Jeremiah'^, Janies^, Samuel-. Joseph^), b. Wind- ham, N. H., August 13, 1768; d. . Married, February 27, 1797, Abigail Marsh of Londonderry, b, , d. The children of James and Abigail (Marsh) Hills were : 690. Hannah, b. Windham, Nov. 1, 1798; d. Windham, Jane 14, 1815. 591. Thomas, b. Windham, July 16, 1800; d. 592. LuciNDA, b. Windham, , 1805; d. , April 8, 1815. 693. Moses, b. Wiudham, ; d. 694. Alva, b. Wiudham, Nov. 18, 1807; d. 595. Clarrissa, b. Windham, March 14, 1814; d. 339. DavidS (Jeremiah^, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Wind- ham, N. H., July 15, 1770 ; d. Antrim, N. H., — , 1861. Married Mehitabie, daughter of Peter Robinson, b. , d. Antrim, N. H., September 28, 1850. The children of David and Mehitabie (Robinson) Hills were : 596. -Jeremiah, b. Antrim, Nov. 23, 1798; d. Antrim, July 1, 1868. 597. David, b. Antrim, March 1, 1801 ; d. Clinton, N. H., Dec. 2, 1879. 598. John R., b. Antrim, Aug. 20, 1803; d. Antrim, — , 1869. 699. Sarah, b. Antrim, April 6, 1805; d. Antrim, Feb. 11, 1853. 600. Reuben, b. Antrim, July 4, 1807 ; d. 601. Sophia, b. Antrim, Aug. 9, 1813; d. 602. Mehitable, b. Antrim, Oct. 12, 1815; d. Mt. Vernon, N. H., June — , 1874. 603. Louisa, b. Antrim, July 22, 1821 ; d. Antrim, Nov. 16, 1870. 340. Jeremiah^ (Jeremiah'*, James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Windham, N. H., February 8, 1773 ; d. Windham, October 15, 1817. Married Margarette, daughter of James and Hannah (Hemphill) Davidson, b. West Windham, May 24, 1781, d. West Windsor, December 30, 1854. The children of Jeremiah and Margarette (Davidson) Hills were : GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 123 604. Hannah, b. Windham, March 20, 1800; d. Chicaj^o, 111., — , 1885. 605. John, b. Windham, April 4, 1802; d. Windham, Aw^. 7, 1871. 606. Margarettk, b. Windham, Aug. 29, 1803; d. Windham, Oct. 23, L863. 607. Jeremiah, b. Windham, May 6, 1806; d. Windham, Dec. 25, 1860. 608. James D., b. Windham, April 23, 1809 ; d. HoUis, N. H., Jan.—, 1885. 609. Silas, b. Windham, April 1, 1813; d. Hudson, N. H., — , 1895. 610. Nathaniel, b. Windham, Dec. 5, 1815; d. Dover, N. H., — , 1885. 611. Kei, b. Windham, June 26, 1817; d. Warren, Mass., Dec. 23, 1900. 341. Abigail^ (Jeremiah"*, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Windham, N. H., March 30, 1775 ; d. 342. William^ (Jeremiah'*, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Windham, N. H., July 14, 1777 ; d. Hudson, N. H., September 3, 1858. Married Rachel Peabody, b , d. Hudson, June 4, 1876. The children of William and Rachel (Peabody) Hills were : 612. Gilbert, b. Hudson, Nov.—, 1805 ; d. , July 20, 1806. 613. Nancy, b. Hudson, May 3, 1807; d. , April 24, 1835. 614. Granville, b. Hudson, Jan. 26, 1809; d. Hudson, June 4, 1876. 615. David, b. Hudson, Dec. 27, 1810; d. 616. Robert D.,b. Hudson. Dec. 19,1813; d. Hudson, June 8, 1886. 617. William, b. Hudson, Jan. 20, 1817; d. Hudson, Aug. 23, 1825. 343. JoHN^ (Jeremiah^, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Wind- ham, N. H., October 3, 1779; d. Londonderry, N. H. (admin- istrator January 17, 1826). Married , Jane Anderson, b. , d. The children of John and Jane (Anderson) Hills were : 618. Eliza, b. Londonderry, ; d. 619. Glibbrt, b. Londonderry, ; d. Londonderry, — , 1881. 620. Charles, b. Londonderry, ; d. 621. Jane, b. Londonderry, ; d. 344. MosES^ (Jeremiah"*, James^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Hud- son, N. H., October 2, 1781 ; d. Amherst, N. H., September 18, 1855. Married, March 24, 1818, Sallie Hills of Hudson, b. , d. Amherst, April 22, 1816. The children of Moses and Sallie (Hills) Hills were : 622. Franklin M., b. Amherst, Aug. 5, 1819; d. Nashua, N. H., April"!, 1875. 623. Sally, b. , Nov. 21, 1821; d. , July 17, 1842. 124 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 624. Mary C, b. , Sept. 19, 1825; d. 625. Amos, b. , May 13, 1830; d. , Oct. 3, 1836. 345. James^ (Elijah^, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., November 8, 1763; d. Hudson, November 19, 1846. Married, 1st, Abigail Hills of Hudson, b. , d. before 1806. Married, 2d, Thankful, daughter of George Coburn of Wilton, N. H., b. , d. The children of James and Abigail (Hills) Hills were : 626. Elijah, b. Hudson, N. B., Dec. 4, 1787; d. 627. Sally, b. Hudson, N. H., May 2, 1790; d. , April 26, 1868. 628. Abigail, b. Hudson, N. H., April 5, 1792; d. , Dec. 28, 1849. 629. Hannah, b. Hudson, N. H., Jan. 1, 1794; d. , Nov. 5, 1860. 630. James, b. Hudson, N. H., April 30, 1796; d. , June 6, 1872. 631. LuciNDA, b. Hudson, N. H., July 26, 1798; d. , Feb. 22, 1877. 632. LoVENA, b. Hudson, N. H., Sept. 23, 1800; d. , Feb. 29, 1880. 633. Maky, b. Hudson, N. H., Aug. 24, 1802 ; d. , July 11, 1881. The children of James and Tbankful (Coburn) Hills were: 684. Calvin, b. , July 2, 1806; d. Cabot, Vt., Dec. 8, 1879. 635. Fanny B., b. , Sept. 12, 1807; d. Nov. 22, 1808. 636. Fanny B., b. , May 26, 1809 ; d. Cabot, Vt. 637. Rachel, b. , Jan. 22, 1811 ; d. Cabot, Vt. 638. George C, b. , April 20, 1812; d. Cabot, Vt., July 15, 1817. 639. Catharine, b. , June 28, 1814; d. Cabot, Vt. 640. Milton, b. , Feb. 10, 1816; d. Cabot, Vt. 641. Isaac, A., b. , July 29, 1824; d. Cabot, Vt., Sept. 8, 1834. 346. Rachel^ (Elijah^, James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., April 15, 1765; d. 347. Joseph^ (Elijah^, James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., March 31, 1767 ; d. Hancock, N. H., September 23, 1852. Married, 1st, December 31, 1789, Hannah Peabody, of Hudson, b. , d. August 3, 1822. Married, 2d, Lucy Brown, of Nelson, b. , d. Jefferson, August — , 1854. The children of Joseph and Hannah (Peabody) Hills were : 642. Hannah, b. , April 6, 1791 ; d. 643. Oliver, b. , Dec. 8, 1792; d. Jan. 19, 1823. 644. Phebe, b. , Feb. 11, 1795; d. Hancock, Aug. 15, 1824. 645. Joseph, b. , Nov. 28, 1797; d. 646. David, b. , Jan. 13, 1800; d. Hudson, April 24, 1877. 647. MmiAM, b , Nov. 26, 1801 ; d. May 1, 1821. 648. Mary, b. , Dec. 19, 1803; d. 649. Rev. John P., b. , Jan. 29, 1810; d. Oakfleld, lU., — 1856. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 125 348. Hannah^ (Elijah^, Jaiues^, Samuel^, Joseph^) , b. Hudson, N. H., April 10, 1769 ; d. . Married Joel Parkhurst. 349. MoLLT^ (Elijah^, James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., October 18, 1771 ; d. May 7, 1839. Unmarried. 350. Sarah^ (Elijah^, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., April 13, 1774 ; d. November 22, 1859. Married, Decem- ber 2, 1819, Paul Tenney. 351. Olive-^ (Elijah'*, James^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Hudson- N. H., May 3, 1776. Married, December 12, 1819, William Parker. 352. Elijah^ (Elijah"*, James^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Hudson, N. H., December 14, 1778; d. Hudson, March 10, 1833. Mar- ried Elizabeth Tarbox, b. — , 1782, d. Hudson, July 11, 1857. The children of Elijah and Elizabeth (Tarbox) Hills were : 650. Parker, b. Hudson, Oct. 7, 1801 ; d. Hudson, Feb. 9, 1837. 651. Kimball, b. Hudson, Aug. 30, 1803; d. Hudson, Nov. 20, 1803. 652. Thomas, b. Hudson, March 5, 1805; d. Hudson, Feb. 14, 1888. 653. Alden, b. Hudson, Sept. 10, 1807; d. Hudson, Sept. 9, 1891. 654. Eliza, b. Hudson, May 30, 1809; d. Hudson, Nov. 28, 1875. 655. Warren, b. Hudson, Jan. 14, 1811 ; d. Hudson, Jan. 20, 1890. 656. Edwin, b. Hudson, July 10, 1818; d. Hudson. 353. Capt. John^ (Samuel^, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbury, Mass., May 7, 1767; d. , May 1, 1848 (Carter Genealogy says May 29). Married, April 25, 1793 (Carter Gen- ealogy says March 4), Sally, daughter of Josiah^ and Elizabeth (Graves) Carter (son of Joseph^, SamueP, Rev. SamueP, Rev. Thomas^), b. Leominster, Mass., April 23, 1771, d. Leominster, February 12, 1814. The children of Capt. John and Sally (Carter) Hills were: 657. FoRDYCE, b. Leominster, March 19, 1794; d. 658. Oricy, b. Leominster, May 12, 1796; d. Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 31, 1882. 659. George H., b. Leominster, July 5, 1798; d. , Dec. 7, 1878. 660. VoLNEY, b. Leominster, July 15, 1801; d. , Aug. 20, 1803. 661. Sarah, b. Leominster, Oct. 6, 1803; d. Lancaster, Mass., .Tan. 2, 1882. 662. Elizabeth C, b. Leominster, Oct. 14, 1806; d. unmarried, Boston, Nov. 1, 1886. 663. Martha S., b. Leominster, Aug. 20, 1809; d. , Oct. 21, 1849. 126 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 354. Rachel^ (SamueH, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., May 11, 1770; d. Marlboro, May 18, 1829. Mar- ried, , July 22, 1793, John Arnold, of Marlboro, b. , d. The children of Rachel (Hills) and John Arnold were : i. John H., b. Leominster, Aug. 29, 1794; d. Leominster, Oct. 12, 1823. ii. Prudence H., b. Leominster, Aug. 24, 1798; d. iii, Stephen N., b. Leomiuster, Nov. 9, 1802; d. iv. Mart A., b. Leominster, Feb. 8, 1804; d. V. PiERPONT K., b. Leominster, Feb. 15, 1809; d. vi. William H., b. Leominster, Aug. 17, 1812; d. 355. Francis^ (Samuel'*, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. New- bury, Mass., October 6, 1774 ; d. 356. William^ (Nathaniel'', Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Newbur}', Mass., March 9, 1772 ; d. W. Newbury, September 29, 1832. 357. Edward^ (Nathaniel'*, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, Mass., February 6, 1774; d. W. Newbury, November 14, 1851. Married (published Newbury, May 9, 1806) Prudence Ilsley, b. W. Newbury, , 1784, d. W. Newbury, September 6, 1859. The children of Edward and Piudence (Ilsley) Hills were: 664. Abigail, b. Newbury, May 20, 1807 ; d. 665. Gorham, b. Newbury, Jan. 12, 1809; d. 666. Edward, b. Newbury, ; d. 358. Elizabeth^ (Nathaniel^, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Newbury, July 25, 1776 ; d. . Married (published Newbury, October 24, 1801) Joseph Greenleaf, of Newburyport, b. , d. 359. Katie^ (Nathaniel^, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. New- bury, April 30, 1781 ; d. probably young. 360. PrcdaS (Nathaniel^, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. New- bury, May 24, 1783 ; d. 361. PoLLY^ (Nathaniel'*, Smith3, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. New- bury, March 24, 1785 ; d. . Married (published Newbury, February 6, 1806) Joseph Carleton. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 127 362. JoHN^ (Nathaniel'', Smitli^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. W. Newbury, probably; d. . Married (published Newbury, July 25, 1810) Mary Suow. The children of John and Mary (Snow) Hills were : 667. Joseph S., b. Boston, Oct. 14, 1812; d. Bohtou, Feb. 15, 1851. 668. Maky B., b. Boston, — , 1817; d. Boston, Jan. 5, 1858. 363. Paul^ (Nathaniel'*, Smiths, SamueP, Joseph^), b. New- bury, Mass., September 13, 1789; d. Lowell, Mass., April 19, 1864. Married Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph Bouroughs, of Amesbury, Mass..b. Amesbury, Mass., April — , 1799, d. Wash- ington, D. C, while on a visit to her eldest daughter. Children of Paul and Mary A. (Bouroughs) Hills were : 668a. Sarah Ann, h. Dracut, Mass., Feb. 18, 1825; d. Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 16, 1875. 669. Charles Henry, b. Lowell, Mass., March 26, 1827; unmarried, resides Boston. 670. Edwin Albert, b. Lowell, Mass., Dec. 4, 1832; resides Washing- ton, D. C. 671. William Nathaniel, b. Lowell, Mass., Dec. 25,1834; unmarried, d. Ipswich, Mass., July 3, 1901. 672. Elizabeth Mary, b. Lowell, Mass., Feb. 7, 1840, unmarried; resides Dorchester. 364. Sarah^ (Obadiah^, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^) , b. Leomin- ster, Mass., March 20, 1776; d. Leominster, Mass., September 5, 1786. 365. FranctsS (Obadiah^, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., January 14, 1778 ; d. . Married, Rowley, Mass., October 24, 1803, Hannah, daughter Capt. Moses Tenney (son of Oliver^, William^, Daniel^, Thomas'), b. Rowley, May 1, 1784, d. 366. Hannah^ (Obadiah'*, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph'), b. Leominster, Mass., March 12, 1780 ; d. , November 3, 1797. 367. AzuBAH^ (Obadiah'*, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph'), b. Leominster, Mass., March 23, 1782 ; d. . Married (published Newbury, Mass., March 7, 1803) Moses Currier, b. , d. 368. Dorothys (Obadiah^ Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., October 24, 1784 ; d. . Married, October 3, 1805, John Pearson, of Rowley, b. , d. 128 GENEALOGY OP JOSEPH HILLS. 369. ObadiahS (Obadiah"^, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., October 13, 1786 ; d. Rowley, February 7, 1830. Married, Rowley, October — , 1812, Lydia Wood, of Bradford, b. , d. 370. Sophia^ (ObadiahS Smiths, Samuel^, Joseph^) , b. Rowley, Mass.,— , 1789 ; d. . Married, December 30, 1808, Aaron Rogers, of Rowley, b. , d. 371. Betsey^ (Obadiah'*, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Rowley, Mass. ; d. 372. Johns (Obadiah^ Smithy SamueP, Josepfai), b. Rowley, Mass., — , 1793; d. Georgetown, Mass., — , 1848. Married (published Rowley, January ,1816) Elizabeth Knapp, of Salem, Mass., b. Salem, — 1801, d. Haverhill, Mass., February 23, 1887. The children of John and Elizabeth (Knapp) Hills were : 673. Abigail, b. Salem, Oct. 26, 1816; d. 674. Elizabeth, b. Salem, — , 1818 ; d. 675. Marian, b. Salem, — , 1820; d. 676. John, b. Salem, — , 1822; d. 677. George W., b. Salem,—, 1824; d. 678. Henry, b. Salem, — , 1826 ; d. 679. Isabella, b. Rowley, April 18, 1829 ; d. 680. Obediah, b. Rowley, Feb. 2, 1832 ; d. 681. Alfred B., b. Salem, Feb. 11, 1834; d. 682. Elbridge, b. ; d. 683. Charles K.,b. ; d. 373. Abel M.^ (Obadiah^, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Row- ley, Mass. ; d. . Married (published Rowley, February — , 1824), RuthG. Thurlow. The children of Abel M. and Ruth G. (Thurlow) Hills were : 684. Martha P., b. Rowley, May 28, 1828; d. 685. Tristram C. W., b. Rowley, Feb. 7, 1831; d. 686. Emily G., b. Rowley, April 22, 1834; d. 687. Daughter, b. Rowley, Sept. 21, 1836; d. 374. Charles^ (Obadiah^, Smilh^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Row- ley, Mass., , d. Married, Rowley, December 3, 1818, Mehitable B. Chase, of Newbury, Mass., b. , d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 129 The children of Charles and Mehitable B. (Chase) Hills were : 688. Luther C, b. Rowley, Feb. 15, 1831 ; d. Rowley, Aug. 26, 1832. 689. Benjamin S., b. Rowley, Dec. 31, 1833; d. 375. John-'' (John"*, Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass.,— ,1779; d. , March 22, 1842. Married, 1st, March 11, 1809 (1810) , Betsey, daughter of Edward Low, b. , d. Leominster, August 17, 1812. Married, 2d, Leominster, January 2, 1814, Lucy Gibson. The child of John and Betsey (Low) Hills was : 690. Tristram A., b.— , 1811 ; d. 376. Sally^ (John'^, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., February 16, 1782; d. March 9, 1827. Married, January 5, 1800, Capt. Josiah Whitcomb, b. , d. , Novem- ber 26, 1833. The children of Sally (Hills) and Capt. Josiah Whitcomb were : 1. Alanson J., b. May 23, 1800; d. April 8, 1851. ii. Elihu, b. Nov. 20, 1802 ; d. iil. John, b. June 27, 1805 ; d. iv. Chakles, b. Feb. 23, 1812; d. March 31, 1858. 377. Capt. Thomas^ (John^, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b- Leominster, Mass., April 8, 1784; d. , April 2, 1851. Mar ried, 1st, Leominster, February 11, 1812, Polly, daughter of Deacon John and Sarah (Richardson) Buss, b. , March 18, 1788, d. , September 12, 1836. Married, 2d, March 4, 1838, Nancy Colburn, daughter of Elijah Colburn, b. , May 3, 1804, d. The children of Capt. John and Nancj' (Colburn) Hills were : 691. Josephine A., b. , Dec. 19, 1838; d. 692. Thomas A., b. , Sept. 15, 1840; d. 693. Charles W., b. , Aug. 9, 1847; d. 378. Charles^ (Silas'*, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., January 11, 1786; d. Leominster, May 7, 1851. Married, Leominster, March 26, 1812, Betsey, daughter of Deacon John and Sarah (Richardson) Buss, b. , April 9, 1790, d. Leominster, October 30, 1853. The children of Charles and Betsey (Buss) Hills were : 694. Mary B., b. Leominster, Aug. 27, 1814; d. Leominster, April 27, 1899. 695. Dorothy B., b. Leominster, Oct. 11, 1816; d. , Feb. 13, 1817. 130 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 696. Charlott D., b. Leominster, Jan. 31, 1818; d. San Francisco,—, 1895. 697. Charles A., b. Leominster, Oct. 26, 1819; d. , April 25, 1825. 698. Eliza Ann, b. Leominster, Sept. 17, 1822 ; d. 699. Norman, b. , Jan. 8, 1824 ; d. 700. Christiana S., b. , April 13, 1826; d. , May 12, 1826. 701. Albert, b. , Sept. 11, 1827; d. , Jan. 13, 1844. 702. Ellen f., b. , Oct. 21, 1829; d. 703. Sarah J., b. , Dec. 11, 1832; d. 379. MartS (SilasS Smith^, SamueP, Josephi), b. Leominster, Mass., August 23, 1787; d. , November 14, 1831. Married, Leominster, May 24, 1812, William Wilder (son of Edward and Dolly [Lincoln] Wilder), b. , June 28, 1787, d. , Decem- ber 26, 1866. The children of Mary (Hills) and William Wilder were : i. Charles, b. , March 1, 1813; d. ii. Frances H., b. . , Oct. 25, 1814; d. Leominster, Sept. 23, 1900. iii. George W., b. , July 8, 1816; d. iv. Adeline, b. , June 25, 1818; d. , May 14, 1832. V. Catharine, b. , Aug. 21, 1820; d. vi. Henry H., b. , Jan. 16, 1824; d. vii. Mary L, b. , Jan. 22, 1826; d. , May 17, 1857. viii. Christiana, b. , Nov. 23, 1827 ; d. ix. Albert, b. , Oct. 23, 1831 ; d. , Feb. 12, 1832. 380. Fanny^ (Silas^, Smith^, Samuel^, Josephi),b. Leominster, Mass., Aprils, 1789; d. . Married, Leominster, September 15, 1817, John Smith, of Millbury. The children of Fanny (Hills) and John Smith were : i. Francis A., b. ; d. ii. Frederick, b. ; d. iii. Thomas, b. Wilbraham, Mass., ; d. 381 . Nancy^ (Silas^, Smithy SamueP, Joseph^) , b. Leominster, Mass., February 2, 1791 ; d. , — , 1813. 382. SiLAS^ (SilasS Smithy SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., March 18, 1794 ; d. , April 6, 1868. Married, 1st, March 30, 1820, Polly Smith, b. , d. Leominster, March 26, 1830. Married, 2d, Leominster, April 28, 1831, Clara, widow of Merriam, daughter of Kendall, b. July 15, 1806 ; d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 131 The children of Silas and Polly (Smith) Hills were : 704. Alonzo, b. Leominster, April 15, 1826; d. Leominster, July 31, 1833. 705. Caroline A., b. Leominster, Sept. 23, 1827; d. , Nov. — , 1848. 706. Thomas, b. Leominster, March 21, 1830; d. Leominster, Sept. 6, 1833. The children of Silas and Clara (Kendall) (Merriam) Hills were : 707. Clarissa E., b. Leominster, Feb. 10, 1832; d. 708. Frances C, b. Leominster, Aug. 10, 1836; d. Leominster, March 19, 1860. 709. Mary S., b. Leominster, Feb. 27, 1841; d. Leominster, June — , 1841. 710. Mary S., b. Leominster, Dec. 10, 1842; d. Leominster, Oct. 4, 1853. 383. Alvah^ (Silas"*, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., December 31, 1796 ; d. . Married, Leominster, Lydi a Pollard, b. , April 6, 1798, d. , April 7, 1870. The children of Alvah and Lydia (Pollard) Hills were : 711. Adeline E.,b. , Dec. 27, 1833; d. 712. George A., b. , April 19, 1837; d. 713. Henry D., b. , Aug. 21, 1839; d. , April 28, 1842. 384. Oliver V.s (Silas^ Smithy Samuels, Joseph'), b. Leominster, Mass., April 24, 1799 ; d. , June 24, 1871. 385. Emerson^ (Siias"*, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., March 7, 1804; d , February 3, 1879. Married, Leominster, April 19,1829, Susan Whitney, daughter of Stephen and Sally (Dexter) Whitney, b. Leominster, August 20, 1810, d. The children of Emerson and Susan (Whitney) Hills were : 714. Juliette, b. Leominster, June 4, 1831 ; d, 386. Betsey L.^ (SilasS Smithy SamueP, Joseph') , b. Leomin- ster, Mass., April 25, 1805; d. Leominster, December 29, 1884. Unmarried. 387. Frederick^ (Silas^, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., January 11, 1807; d. unmarried, , December 29, 1884. 388. Belinda^ (Smith^, Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph'), b. Leomin • ster, Mass., March 23, 1794; d. Leominster, October 3, 1814. 132 GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 389. Dennis^ (Smith^, Smith^, SamueP, Josephi),b. Leomin- ster, Mass., February 14, 1796 ; d. September 23, 1799. 390. Betsey^ (Smitli4, Sraith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., March 21, 1798; d. Leominster, May 3, 1799. 391. Dennis^ (Smith"*, Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., May 6, 1800; d. Rome, Ga., March 11, 1868. Married, , December 4, 1834, Eliza A. Henderson, b. , December 30, 1815, d. , May 12, 1864. The children of Dennis and Eliza A. (Henderson) Hills were : 715. Mary E., b. Rome, Ga., July 2, 1836. 716. William Smith, b. Rome, Ga., Nov. 4, 1837; d. Charlestown, S. C, March 26, 1898. 717. Thomas J., b. Rome, Ga., Dec. 17, 1839; d. in Confederate army, July 26, 1861. 718. Robert W., b. Rome, Ga., Oct. 20, 1841; d. , Dec. 3, 1841. 719. Jefferson P., b. Rome, Ga., Nov. 14, 1842; d. 720. A Son, b. Rome, Ga., Aug. 5, 1845; d. , Aug. 5, 1845. 721. Ann E., b. Rome, Ga., Oct. 27, 1846; d. , March 6, 1847. 722. Dennis P., b. Rome, Ga., Jan. 20, 1848; d. , April 15, 1856. 723. Charles A., b. Rome, Ga., Sept. 14, 1849; d. 724. Henry E., b. Rome, Ga., Oct. 18, 1851; d. , Jan. 14, 1864. 725. Frederick H., b. Rome, Ga., April 12, 1854; d. 726. Josiah C, b. Rome, Ga., Oct. 9, 1855; d. , Dec. 11, 1856. 727. A Son, b. Rome, Ga., Aug. 20, 1857; d. , Aug. 20, 1857. 728. Dennis P., b. Rome, Ga., Jan. 9, 1861; d. 392. Josiah J.^ (Smith^, Smith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., July 29, 1802 ; d. , August 29, 1879. 393. Henry S.^ (Smith^, Smiths, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, Mass., August 13, 1805; d. Cambridge, Mass., July 28, 1887. Married 1st, Mary Baker Pollard, November 1, 1827, b. Cambridge, November 20, 1803, d. E. Cambridge, November 22, 1873. Married, 2d, Boston, February 25, 1875, Mrs. Sarah Jane Clark, b. , October 18, 1828. The children of Henry S. and Mar}' Baker (Pollard) Hills were : 729. George D., b. Sterling, Mass., July 30, 1828; d. 730. Elizabeth M., b. , Aug. 15, 1830; d. , Nov. 25, 1831. 731. Charles E., b. Leominster, Mass., May 21, 1832; d. 732. Henry A., b. Boston, Mass., June 7, 1837; d. 733. Mary H., b. Boston, Mass., April 24, 1840; d. Boston, July 7, 1841. 734. Hellen E., b. E. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 26, 1843; d. GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH HILLS. 133 394. VoLNEY^ (Smith'*, Siriith^, Samuel-, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., December 14, 1807; d. Leominster, March 9, 1890. Married, Leominster, April 23, 1833, Oracy Carter, daughter of Joseph W.6 (Josiah-'', Josiah"*, SamueP, SamueP, Thomas'), h. Leominster, January 17, 1805, d. Leominster, March 22, 1869. The children of Volney and Oracy (Carter) Hills were : 735. Grace E., b. Leominster, May 20, 1834. 73G. Lucius, b. Leominster, Aug, 1, 1835; d. Leominster, Dec. 8, 1835. 737. Lucius, b. Leominster, Dec. 13, 1836; d. Leominster, Sept. 11, 1891. 738. Clement, b. Leominster, May 21, 1838; d. Leominster, Oct. 5, 1838. 739. Abba, b. Leominster, Feb. 15, 1840. 395. Betsey M.^ (Smithy Smith^, SamueP, Joseph^), b. Leominster, May 31, 1811 ; d. , October 31, 1830. 396. Infant^ (Smith"*, Smith^, Samuel^, Joseph^), b. Leomin- ster, Mass., August 20, 1814 ; d. at birth. WANTED Any information relating to the ancestry and descendants of the following-named persons : — Ebenezer Hills, of Merrimack, N. H., died prior to 1805, had children; Ebenezer, Stephen, Lydia, and Benjamin. The names of Ebenezer, father and son, appear on a Revolutionary Soldiers' monument, at Merrimack, N. H. John Hills, born at Rehoboth, Mass., May 31, 1753, married Lydia Hills, March 26, 1789. Also any genealogical data relating to those Hills whose names, only, appear in this genealogy, nothing further being known of them. Address all information to Mr. Thomas Hills, President of the Hills Family Genealogical and Historical Association. 157 K Street, South Boston, Mass. INDEX TO HILLS NAMES IN THE GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS, OF CONNECTICUT ; EMIGRANT, 1632. The numbers of this index are those given to the persons with whose names they are connected. They appear twice ; once in small numerals, with the record of their parents; again in large type when, in their generation the number designates the individual, singly, or as the head of a family. All that is known of any person is shown in connection with his or her name, the reference being the larger numerals at the left of the page. Aaron, 294, 352. Abigail, 33, 44, 64, 68, 98, 133, 150, 263, 334, 407, 530. AbigailJ., 451, 468. Abner, 176, 398, 572, 574. Abraham, 48, 55, 13J, 372. Adaline, 498. Allen, 284, 321, 445, 583. Alvin J., 371, 505. Amanda, 433. Amasa, 412. Amos, 127, 313. Amos B., 504. Ann, 93, 286, 579. Ann Bliss, 483. Ann P., 559. Anna, 244, 248 254, 296, 39, 436, 531, 553. Anna M., 477. Anne, 118, 146, 267. Annie, 379. Asa, 285. Ashbel, 128, 132, 256, 325. Ashel, 418. Azel, 161. Aznba, 247, 251, 411. Bela, 92, 198. Benjamin, 5, 31, 81, 190, 422. Benjamin A., 487. Benoni, 25, 195, 243. Beriah, 85. Bethiah, 410. Betsey, 241, 337, 368. Bette, 312. Caleb, 259. Calvin, 240, 357. Candace, 221. Charles, 414. Chauncy, 165, 197, 378. Chester, 330. Chester T., 537. Clara, 492. Claraman, 213. Clarissa, 304, 522, 526, 550. Claudius L., 488. Clorinda, 502. Clotilda, 532, 534. Consider, 179, 390. Cornelius J., 503. Cynthia, 493. Cyrus, 408, 514. 136 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS OF \VILLIAM HILLS. Daniel, 193, 232, 423. Esther E., 465. Darius, 178. Eunice, 265, 282, 327, 331, 389, 567. David, 40, 60, 115, 231, 270, 354, Ezeliiel, 584. 388, 427, 479, 569. Ezekiel L., 525. Deborah L., 485. Deliverance, 140, 347. Faith, 185. Demaris, 108. Fanny, 336, 436, 666. Dorcus, 333, 335. Fidelia, 512. Dorinda, 499. Francis, 528. Dorothy, 22, 38, 99, 122, 168, 382. Frederick P., 454. Dudley, 76. George, 120, 273, 280, 292, 582. Ebenezer, 14, 46, 59, 72, 125, 287, Gideon, 58, 158. 370. Gilbert, 480. Eben M., 462. Grace, 404. Edmund, 434. Edwin Gay, 494. Hannah, 9, 13, 26, 49, 65, 78, 83, 107, Edwin Langdon, 381. 135, 151, 171, 180, 222, 297, 343, Eleanor, 283. 417, 563. Eleazur, 242, 557. Harriet, 323, 478. Electa, 306. Harvey, 475. Eliab, 173. Hellyer, 543. Eliab Turner, 409. Henry, 29. Elias, 373. Heppy, 545. Elijah, 102, 177, 236, 288, 396, 405, Hepzibah, 188, 291, 430. 428. Hewitt, 204. Elijah E., 507. Hewitt O., 447. Eliphalet, 276, 290. Hezekiah, 253, 521, 551. Elisha, 97, 219, 220, 269, 429, 444, Higarson, 149. 456. Honor, 228. Elisha N., 466, 555. Horace, 558. Eliza, 439. Horatio N., 527. Elizabeth, 77, 103, 157, 187, 310, Hulda, 52, 145, 201, 413, 459. 342, 432, 554, 580, 588. Huldah, 413, 459. Elizabeth W., 484. Elizur, 252, 258, 546, 562. Ichabod, 3.59. Elizur L., 633. Ira, 224, 443, 461. Ellis, 420. Isaac, 95, 141, 326. Elliot, 571. Emily, 482, 560. Jacob, 139, 338. Emma, 575. James, 56, 167, 332, 377, 392. Epaphras, 272, 661. Jane A., 476, 490. Ephraim, 73, 182. Jedidiah, 344. Erastns, 249, 508, 513. Jeremiah, 293. Esther, 355. Jerusha, 207, 393, 576. Esther, 16, H, 61, 121, 130, 210,302, Jesse, 218, 314. 328, 355, 365, 464, 578. Joanna, 53, 227. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS. 137 Joel, 238. John, 3, 15, 30, 35, 50, 82, 88, 94, 105, 138, 211, 225, 237, 246, 301, 307, 518. Jonathan, 8, 39, 62, 111, 117, 169, 257, 547. Joseph, 4, 17, 24, 54, 74, 79, 142, 162, 170, 192, 279, 387, 400, 610. Josiah, 158, 191. Judson, 308. Keziah, 96, 152, 229. Laura. 458, 541, 665. Leander, 463. Lebbeus, 181, 415. Lemira, 581. Leonard, 175, 406. Levi, 449. Lewis, 215, 472. Lois, 129, 196. Lord S., 481. Lorrain, 212. Lor rain L., 208. Love, 340. Louisa, 441, 501. Lowly A., 470. Lucinda, 319. Lucy, 109, 153, 203, 255, 315, 403, 419, 437, 460. Lucy A., 455. Lydia, 75, 184, 426. Medad, 86, 450. Mercy, 154. Mercy D., 374. Miles, 205. Mindwell, 226. Miranda, 495. Miriam, 353. Moses, 63, 143, 166, 277, 350. Myron C, 538. Nancy A., 506. Naomi, 391. Nathaniel, 116, 278. Nathaniel S., 529. Nobles, 183. Norman, 250, 322, 524. Olive, 214. Oliver, 104. Orange, 318. Orpha, 446. Orrin, 320. Pamelia, 496, 585. Phebe, 172, 401. Phillip, 69. Phillis, 12. Pollie, 366, 369. Polly, 369, 394, 442, 469. Polly L., 469. Putnam, 511. Mabel, 261, 568. Marcia, 516. Margaret, 27, 61, 137. Maria L., 486. Marilla, 539. Martha, 189, 281. Martin, 311. Mary, 7, 11, 36, 87, 89, 148, 194, 266, 298, 309, 349, 394, 438, 473, 500, 564. Mary A., 489. Mary Ann, 234, 453. Mary B., 399. Mary E., 462. Eachel, 91. Rebecca, 101, 112, 113, 114, 147, 260, 544. Rebekah, 134. Reuben, 205, 448. Rhoda, 159. Richard, 71, 271. Roena, 517. Roger, 216. Roger Eno, 199. Rosel, 416. Rosinah, 233. Roxle, 457. Russell, 274, 289, 573. 138 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS. Kuth, 119, 300, 364, 425. Sabrinah, 363. Sally, 440, 520. Sally T., 536. Salmon, 376. Samuel, 19, 28, 34, 70, 100, 174, 280, 262, 424, 474, 549. Sarah, 10, 41, 45, 57, 136, 155, 305, 824, 339, 358, 397, 440, 556. Selah, 316. Seth, 90, 202, 223, 317. Seth H., 467. Sidney, 589. Silas, 126, 299, 303. Silas J., 523. Solomon, 163, 345, 356, 360, 376. Sophia, 515, 586, 587. Stacy, 519, 540. Statira, 217. Stephen, 144, 268, 341, 652, Snsan, 380. Susan A., 491. Susannah, 6, 23, 32, 80, 110, 124, 160, 164, 186, 295. Sylvester, 239, 376. Talcott, 570. Thankful, 37, 42, 123. Theodosia, 351, 431. Timothy, 275. Tracy H., 535. Triphena, 264, 548. Vashty, 367. Violet, 106. Wait, 329. Walter, 577. Wallace P., 509. William, 1, 2, 18, 43, 66, 67, 346. William C, 402. Willis, 542. Zera C, 497. Zimri, 84, 200, 209. INDEX TO SURNAMES OF ALLffiD FAMILIES IN THE GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS OF CONNECTICUT. The numbers against the following surnames, refer to Hills sons or daughters, who married into other families. Agard, Elizabeth, 195. Allen, Mary (Smith), 207. Alvord, Hugh, 227. Ames, Hannah, 274. Arnold, Hannah, 46. Baldwin, Daniel, 203. Barber, Elijah, 194. Barnaby, James, 180. Batharack, "William, 68. Baxter, Francis, 251. Beach, Luman, 93. Benjamin, Abigail, 14. Beutley, Hannah, 73. Bingham, Naomi, 170. Bronson, Mary, 5. Brown, Hannah, 181. Burnham, Stephen, 227. Bushnell, Jane, 3. Butler, William, 13. Buttrick, Ann, 206. Case, Joseph, 47. Catlin, Millie, 209. Cleveland, Sarah, 250. Codding, Abigail, 252. Comstock, Mary, 176. Cowles, Timothy, 119. Craw, Deliverance, 50. Curtis, Esther, 156. Cutter, Hannah, 69. Cutting, Keziah, 167. Deming, Martha, 81. Dewey, Joseph, 44. Dix, Margaret, 15. Dorman, Samuel, 214. Eames, Naomi, 178. Easton, Clarissa, 126. Everett, Andrew, 217. -,36. -, 129. Forbes, Forbes, Forbes, Huldah, 285. Foster, Phineas, 75. Fox, Polly, 238. Fitch, Nathaniel, 23. Gay, Betsey, 236. Gillette, Alpha, 230. Goodwin, Catharine (Beach), 90. Goodwin, George, 228. Grant, Bathsheba, 84. Grant, Lois, 197. Grant, William, 221. Hale, Dorothy, 8. Hall, Timothy, 282. Hart, Polly, 220. Hills, Mary, 276. Hodgkins, Elizabeth, 65. HoUister, Thomas, 22. House, Anne, 126. House, Mehltable, 128. 189 140 INDEX TO SURNAMES OF ALLIED FAMILIES. Hubbard, Catharine, 257. Hungerford, Hulda, 161. Jones, , 226. Judson, Bette, 127. Keeney, Hepzibah, 125. Keeney, Joseph, 26. Kellogg, Sally, 249. Kibbe, Eunice, 142. Kibbe, Isaac, 148. Kilbourn, John, 6, 32. Kilbourn, Russell, 266. Kilbourn, Thomas, 9, 23. King, Abigail, 141. King, Benjamin, 145. Lankton, Mercy, 63. Leonard, Phebe, 19. Lewis, Jerusha, 88. Lewis, Mary, 230. Lillie, Sarah, 174. Little, David, 267. Loomis, Aaron, 83. Loomis, Anna, 105. Loomis, Epaphras, 89. Loveland, Elisha, 78. Loveland, Keziah, 30. Loveland, Rebecca, 97. Lucas, Amy, 202. Lyman, Phillis, 1. Mariner, Grace, 177. Marshall, John, 217. Merrit, Mary (Reeve), 8. Miller, Lena, 149. Millington, Chloe, 138. Morse, , 233. Noyes, Abigail, 17. Parsons, John, 12. Parsons, John, Jr., 154. Parsons, Moses, 150. Pease, Christopher, 171. Pease, Love, 139. Pierce, Huldah, 170. Pierce, Joseph, 140. Pitkin, Caleb, 38. Pitkin, Epaphras, 265. Pitkin, Joseph, 118. Pitkin, Mary, 115. Pitkin, Richard, 122. Porter, Elizabeth, 269. Porter, Nathaniel, 229. Roberts, Samuel, 45. Roberts, Violet, 117. Root, Eleanor, 175. Root, Jonah, 185. Rowley, Azubah, 179 Smith, Elihu, 151. Smith, Ruth, 225. Smith, Sarah, 86. Soper, Abigail, 90. Soper, Joel, 91. Stacy, Nathaniel, 254. Stanley, Jerusha, 275. Stanley, Mabel, HI. Stedmau, Samuel, 33. Steele, Mary (Warner), 1. Stephens, Joseph, 137. Strong, Abigail, 178. Strong, Hannah, 25. Talcott, Hannah, 272. Thrall, Moses, Jr., 109. Tryon, Elizabeth, 24. Tucker, Elijah, 106. Turner, Hannah, 70. Olmstead, Mary, 270. Olmstead, Rebecca, 39. Olmstead, Mindwell, 270, 271, 277. Paine, Brinton, 107. Paine, John, 108. "Wadsworth, Thomas, Jr., 123. Walcott, Joseph, 255. Ward, John, 10. Warren, Elizabeth, 31. Watrous, Thankful, 232. Welch, Polly, 231. INDEX TO SURNAMES OF ALLIED FAMILIES. 141 Welles, Jonathan, 121. Wells, Thaddeus, 228. Wetmore, Abel, 207. Wheeler, Asnath, 253. White, Daniel, 263. While, Joseph, 260. White, Mary, 143. White, , 261. Wilcox, Abigail, 206. Winters, William, 27. Woodbridge, Mabel, 268. Woodruff, Haskins, 196. Woodward, William, 214. Woodworth, Naomi, 173. Wright, Mindwell, 94. INDEX TO HILLS NAMES IN THE GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HILLS OF MASSACHUSETTS ; EMIGRANT, J638. The numbers of this index are those given to the persons with whose names they are connected. They appear twice; once in small numerals, with the record of their parents ; again in large type when, in their genera- tion, the number designates the individual singly or as the head of a family. All that is known of any person is shown in connection with his or her name, the reference being the larger numerals at the left of the page. Abba, 739. Abel M., 373. Abial, 151. Abigail, 16, 29, 37, 42, 62, 69 104, 112, 121, 122, 153, 208, 244, 282, 341, 433, 485, 628, 673. Abijah, 508. Abner, 80, 91, 274. Abraham, 81. Acsah, 562. Adah, 565. Adeline E., 711. Albert, 701. Alden, 545, 653. Alfred B., 681. Alonzo, 704. Alva, 594. Alvah, 383. Amey, 469. Ammie, 566. Amos, 334. 525, 567, 625. Ann, 63, 174, 438. AnnE., 721. Anna, 211, 449, 498. Annah, 75. Asa, 419, 421, 424, 447, 464, 560 Azubah, 367. Barbara, 173, 189, 446. Belinda, 388. Benjamin, 31, 36, 55, 65, 71, 90, 146, , 86, 160, 162, 218, 267, 271, 409, 459, 219' 557. 664, Benjamin S., 689. Betsey, 141, 371, 390, 454, 644. Betsey L., 386. Betsey M., 395. Bettie, 329. Betty, 176, 491. Calvin, 434, 634. Carolina A., 705. Caroline, 583. Catharine, 578, 639. Charles, 374, 378, 555, 620. Charles A., 697, 723. Charles E., 731. Charles Henry, 669. Charles K., 683. Charles W., 693. Charlotte, 546, 576. Charlotte D., 696. Christiana S., 700. Clarissa, 595. Clarissa E., 707. Clement, 738. 142 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HILLS. 143 Comfort, 175. Cromwell, 462. Cyrus G., 543. Daniel, 45, 193, 453, 488. David, 100, 148, 177, 339, 417, 460, 597, 615, 64G. Deborah, 15, 451. Delia, 501. Dennis, 389, 391. Dennis P., 722, 728. Dorothy, 22, 332, 368. Dorothy B., 695. Ebenezer, 19, 32, 47, 53, 97, 147, 159, 161, 243, 258, 435, 532. Edmund, 247, 277, 487, 503. Edna, 118. Edward, 357, 519, 528, 666. Edwin, f:56. Edwin Albert, 670. Elbridge, 682. Eleanor, 268, 554. Elijah, 119, 352, 626. Eliphalet, 206, 269, 497. Elisha, 420. Eliza, 618, 654. Eliza Ann, 698. Elizabeth, 3, 20, 25, 57, 158, 170, 210, 252, 358, 523, 535, 558, 674. Elizabeth C, 662. Elizabeth M., 672, 730. Ellen F., 702. Elsee, 500. Emerson, 385. Emily, 478. Emily G., 686. Emme, 102. Enoch, 74, 337. Esick, 463. Esther, 280, 422, 425 Eunice, 186, 472. Ezekiel, 95. Fanny, 380. Fanny B., 635, 636. Fordyce, 577, 657. Frances C, 708. Francis, 355, 3G5. Franklin M., 622. Frederick, 387. Frederick H., 725. Freelove, 452. Gaius, 436. George, 443, 634. George A., 712. George C, 638. George D., 729. George H., 659. George W., 509, 677. Gershora, 10. Gilbert, 612, 619. Gorham, 665. Grace E., 735. Granville, 614. Hannah, 14, 18, 44, 51, 64, 92, 116, 125, 188, 197, 199, 212, 222, 237, 253, 326, 348, 366, 411, 467, 473, 480, 531, 570, 590, 604, 629, 642. Hannah J., 579.) Harriet, 683. Hellen E., 734. Henry, 38, 96, 475, 561, 678. Henry A., 732. Henry E., 724. Henry D., 713. Henry S., 393. Huklah, 139. Ira, 468. Isaac, 246, 250, 541, 568. Isaac A., 641. Isabella, 679. Jabez, 62, 144, 397, 418. Jacob, 213. James, 5, 43, 68, 114, 187, 338, 345, 471, 653, 630. James D., 608. Jane, 621. Jasen, 405, Jefferson P., 719. 144 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HILLS. Jeremiah, 113, 340, 596, 607. Mary B., 668, 694. Jesse, 561. Mary C, 587, 624. Joanna, 88. Mary E., 715. John, 6, 21, 41, 50, 110, 134, 142, 163, Mary H., 733. 190, 248, 273, 276, 343, 353, 362, Mary S., 709, 710. 372, 376, 429, 437, 440, 522, 529, Mehitable, 11, 278, 477, 602. 605, 676. Meletiah, 412, 431. John F., 415. Milton, 640. John r., 649. Miriam, 647. John R., 598. Molly, 240, 349, 408, 486. Jonathan, 98, 103, 283. Moody, 502, 616. Joseph, 1, 4, 17, 24, 34, 70, 145, 198, Moses, 72, 94, 214, 344, 423, 492, 205, 215, 275, 347, 399, 406, 481, 494, 593. 484, 511, 645. Joseph S., 667. Nannie, 524. Josephine A., 691. Nancy, 381, 542, 613. Joshua, 73, 108, 201, 209, 444, 482, Nathan, 166, 167, 178, 538. 485. Nathaniel, 13, 35, 78, 129, 154, 427, Josiah, 40, 107, 257, 333, 621, 540, 496, 506, 560, 610. 549. Nehemlah, 330. Josiah C, 726. Norman, 699. Josiah J. , 392. Judith, 123, 140. Obadiah, 132, 369, 680. Juliette, 714. Olive, 351. Olive, M., 458. Katie, 359. Oliver, 83, 245, 515, 643. Kimball, 651. Oliver V., 384. Oricy, 658. Lorena, 632. Osgood, 517. Louisa, 547, 603. Lucinda, 556, 692, 631. Parker, 523a, 650. Lucius, 736. Paul, 331, 363. Lucretia, 527. Peter, 272. Lucy, 179, 194, 476. Phebe, 66, 186, 457, 644. Luther C, 688. Philip, 238, 613. Luther H., 674. Polly, 361, 455. Lydia, 221, 441, 461, 474, 552. Priscilla, 195, 203. Pruda, 360. Margaret, 49, 60, 403. Prudence, 93, 111. Marian, 675. Martha, 58, 77, 128, 168, 402, 404, Rachel, 133, 207, 239, 255, 269, 284, 410. 518. 346, 354, 526, 637. Martha P., 684. Rebecca, 7, 87, 131, 135, 217, 256, Martha S., 663. 490. Mary, 2, 27, 66, 76, 109, 124, 143, Rei, 611. 156, 164, 202, 335, 379, 407, 414, Reuben, 241, 254, 430, 514, 539, 600. 633, 648. Rhoda, 450. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS OF JOSKPH HILLS. 145 Robert D., 616. Robert W., 718. Rowena, 585. Rufus, 442, 533, 559, 584. Russell, 507. Rath, 89, 120, 130, 157, 216, 495, 572. Sally, 376, 493, 530, 671, 623, 627. Samuel, 12, 23, 33, 54, 61, 82, 85, 126, 149, 152, 171, 230, 249, 327, 400, 410, 426, 439, 456, 536, 548, 573. Samuel M., 510. Sarah, 9, 28, 48, 84, 117, 155. 165, 172. 192, 196, 204, 242, 270, 336, 350, 364, 413, 432, 448, 466, 537, 581, 599, 661. Sarah A., 668a, 479. Sarah J., 589, 703. Sarah W., 504. Silas, 136, 137, 382, 609. Silvanus, 101. Smith, 46, 138, 580. Sophia, 370, 601. Stephen, 105, 251. Steven, 8. Susannah, 236, 416, 489, 499, 505, 520, 586. Synthia, 191. Tabitha, 26. Thaddeus, 70. Thomas, 59, 106, 169, 279. 328, 377, 445, 512, 569, 575, 591, 652, 706. Thomas A., 692. Thomas C, 588. Thomas J., 717. Timothy, 150, 398. Tristram A., 690. Tristram C. W., 685. Volney, ;'.94, 660. Warren, 655. William, 39, 67, 99, 115, 200, 281, 290, 342, 356, 401, 428, 465, 470, 483, 617. William Nathauiel, 671. William Smith, 716. Ziba, 564. Zillah, 563. INDEX TO SURNAMES OF ALLIED FAMILIES IN THE GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH HILLS OF MASSACHUSETTS. The numbers against the following surnames refer to Hills sons or daughters who married into other families. Adams, Charles, 124. Adams, Jacob, 109. Anderson, Jane, Mo. Andrews, Freelove, 187. Angell, Asa, 191. Arnold, John, 354. Atkinson, Helen, 1. Bailey, Isaac, 8G. Bartlett, Mary, 40. Bayley, Hannah, .333. Bennett, James, 76. Blanchard, George, 3. Boardraan, William, 57. Bod well, Hannah, 38. Bouroughs, Mary Ann, 363. Bowers, Rhoda, 230. Brett, Hannah, 70. Brickett, Anna, 218. Blown, Joseph, 69. Brown, Lucy, 347. Burrill, Sarah. 59. Burrill, Theophilas, 56. Buss, Betsey, 378. Buss, Polly, 377. Carlton, Joseph; 361. Carter, Oricy, 394. Carter, Sally, 353. Chadwick, Elizabeth, 10. Chadwick, Jemima, 29. Chaffee, John, 28. Chaffee, Joseph, 29. Chase, Jacob, 93. Chase, Joseph, 216. Chase, Mary, 334. Chase, Mehitable B., 374. Chase, Priscilla, 34. Clark, Mrs. Sarah Jane, 393. Clark, Summers, 102. Clark, Rose, 1. Cobb, John, Jr., 151. Colburn, Thankful, 345. Colburn, Nancy, 377. Currier, Gideon, 254. Currier, Moses, 367. Gushing, Deborah, 61. Davidson, Margaret, 340. Davis, Edna, 272. Dean, Edwai-d, 104. Dearborn, Lydia, 267. Dow, Hannah, 113. Emery, David, 41. England, Prudence, 126. Fales, Hannah, 148. Ferrer, , 23. Fisher, Margaret, 144. Follansbee, Nehemiah, 332. Foss, Lois, 132. Foster, Isaac, 123. French, Jabez, 92. 146 INDEX TO SURNAMES OF ALLIED FAMILIES. 147 Gay, Rebecca, 50. Gibson, Lucj', 375. Grant, Miriam, 142. Graves, Sarah, 152. Green, Thomas, 7. Green, William, 20. Greenleaf, John, 25. Greenleuf, Joseph, 358. Grovor, Andrew, 18. Hale, Enoch, 41. Hale, John, 84. Harden, Sarah, 01. Haruden. Ebenezer, 164. Hay, Margaret, 19. H-.xyes, Jonathan, 188. Hazeltine, Thomas, 88. Heaton, Abigail, 54. Henderson, Eliza A., 391. Hunt, Hannah, 73. Hutching, Sarah, 193. Ide, Elizabeth, 65. Ilsley, Prudence, 357. Jacques, Moses, 217. Johnson, Betsey, 138. Johnson, Joseph, 139. Johnson. Steplien, 140. Kelle, Emme, 39. Kendall, John, 135. Kettell, Elizabeth, 163. Kidder, Miriam, 119. Knapp, Elizabeth, 372. Knowles, Mary, 275. Lane, Abigail, 159. Lane, Abigail (Varnam), 272. Larned, John, 192. Long, Abiel, 14. Low, Betsey, 375. Low, Hannah, 137. Low, Rachel, 46. Lunt, Ann, 1. Lynde, John, 20. Manning, Sarah, 148. March, Abigail, 338. Mason, Mary, 175. Mason, Nathan, 89. McKinley, Margaret, 245. Mellows, Hannah (Smith), 1. Merrill, Abigail, 43. Merrill, Hannah, 98. Merrill, Sarah, 132. Metcalf , Martha, 52. Metcalf, Molly, 146. Millidge, Philip. 170. Moody, Caleb, 86. Moody, Mary, 41. Morse, Anna, 249. Morse, Eleanor, 90. Morse, Mary, 248. Morss, Mary, 201. Nichols, Abigail, 159. Norton, Joseph, 252. Norton, Nathan, 253. Noyes, Hannah (Chase), 200. Oliver, William, 165. Ordway, Rebecca, 36. Ordway, Elizabeth, 129. Page, Mary, 275. Palmer, Samuel, 27. Parker, William, 351. Parkhurst, Joel, 348. Peabody, Hannah, 347. Peabody, Rachael, 342. Pearson, John, 368. Phillips, Joshua, 174. Phillips, Rhoda, 171. Pierce, Rel)ecca, 177. Pillsbury. Mary, 41. Piatt, Margaret, 213. Pollard, Joseph, 74. Pollard, Lydia, 383. Pollard, Mary Baker, 393. Porter, Hannah, 161. Riggs, Elizabeth, 45. 148 INDEX TO SURNAMES OF ALLIED FAMILIES. Robinson, Mehitable, 339. Robinson, Susannah, 53. Rogers, Aaron, 370. Sargent, Prudence, 215. Sargent, Samuel G., 168. Saunders, Rachel, 71. Sawyer, Mary, 46. Severance, Josepli, 84. Shute, Mary, 59. Skinner, Abraham, 26. Smith, Abigail, 148. ^ Smith, Hannah, 4. Smith, John, 380. Smith, Polly, 382. Snow, Mary, 362. Sprague, Samuel, 58. Stevens, Anna, 251. Stevens, Elizabeth, 146. Stevens, James, 268. Stevens, Mehitable, 250. Stickney, Elizabeth, 107. Stockman, Mary, 9). Swain, Elizabeth, 85. Tarbox, Elizabeth, 352. Tenney, Hannah, 365. Tenney, Joseph, 130. Tenney, Paul, 350. Thurlow, Ruth G., 373. Thurston, Dorcus, 38. Thurston, Rebecca, 85. Tilton, Lucretia, 250. Tomson, John, 30, 33. Tufts, Hannah, 169. Vose, Mary, 137. Walte. John, 2. Walker, Eunice, 6"^. Walker, Mehitable, 190. Ware, Mary, 145. Wheeler, Abigail, 12. Whitcomb, Josiah, 376. White, Sarah, 134. Whitney, Susau, 385. Wilder, William, 379. Wood, Lydia, 369. Wood, Moses, 326. Woodman, Samuel, 196. Worm, Ann, 35 Wyman, Sarah, 206. LRBJe'28 GENEALOGICAL DATA RELATINO TO THE ANCESTRY AND DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM HILLS The English Emigrant to New England in 1632 AND OF JOSEPH HILLS The English Emigrant to New England in 1638 COMPILED BY WILLIAM SANFORD HILLS EDITED BY THOMAS HILLS PUBLICATION COMMITTEE HILLS FAMILY GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Incorporated 1894 ^\xUi»heA hi) the in5ijsforiati0tt