CHESTER VITAL RECORDS rS^fc JU^ t- a.."2-0> . VITAL RECORDS OF CHESTER MASSACHUSETTS TO THE YEAR 1 850 PUBLISHED BY THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY AT THE CHARGE OF THE EDDY TOWN-RECORD FUND BOSTON, MASS. I9II THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, November 6, 1901, as follows: Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose. Committee on Publications Henry Winchester Cunningham Francis Everett Blake Charles Knowles Bolton Don Gleason Hill Edmund Dana Barbour 'Editor F. ApiiiORP Foster _ Stanbope iPresa 1 ■.C'pD Op.JI. GILSON COMPANY Cf BOSTON. U.S.A. THE TOWN OF CHESTER, Hampden County, was formerly called Murray field, which, as a plantation, was established as a town October 31, 1765. June 29, 1773, part of Murrayfield was established as the District of Norwich. May 8, 1781, another part of Murrayfield was an- nexed to Norwich. February 21, 1783, the name was changed from Murrayfield to Chester. March 12, 1783, part was included in the new town of Middlefield, Hampshire County. June 21, 1799, part was annexed to Worthington, Hampshire County. Feb. 22, 1809 and June 13, 1810, bounds between Chester and Blandford were established. May 25, 1853, part was annexed to Norwich. Population by Census : 1765 (Prov •) [405-]; 1766 (Prov.), 405; 1790 (U.S., ), 1119; 1800 (U.S.), 1542; 1810 (U.S.' )> 1534; 1820 (U.S.), 1526; 1830 (U.S.^ )> 1407 ; 1840 (U.S.), 1632; 1850 (U.S.; ), 1521 ; 1855 (State), 1255 ; i860 (U.S.^ )> 1314; 1865 (State), 1266 ; 1870 (U.S.; > 1253; 1875 (State), 1396; 1880 (U.S.; > 1473; 1885 (State), 1318; 1890 (U.S.; 1, 1295; 1895 (State), 1429; 1900 (U.S.^ ), 1450; 1905 (State), 1366. EXPLANATIONS 1. When places other than Chester and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all records the original spelling is followed. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings. 4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and in- tention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed ; and where a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk. 5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e. any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show the difference in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to sep- arate clauses in the original text — such as the birthplace of a parent in late records. ABBREVIATIONS a. — age abt. — about h. — born ch. — child chn. — children Co. — county C.R.I. — church record, First Congregational Church C.R.2. — church record, Second Congregational Church d. — daughter; died; day Dea. — deacon dup. — duplicate entry G.R.I. — gravestone record, Chester Center Cemetery G.R.2. — gravestone record, Huntington Street Cemetery G.R.3. — gravestone record, Pine Hill Cemetery G.R.4. — gravestone record, Littleville Cemetery G.R.s. — gravestone record, Ingell Cemetery, Chester Hill G.R.6. — gravestone record, North Chester Cemetery G.R.7. — gravestone record, Round Hill Cemetery G.R.8. — gravestone record, Fisk Cemetery G.R.g. — gravestone record. Moor Cemetery — gravestone record. Bell Cemetery, Chester Hill G.R.I I. — gravestone record, R. L. Bromley Cemetery G.R.12. — gravestone record, Horatio Lyman Cemetery G.R.13. — gravestone record, from a tomb in a pasture northeast of Chester Center G.R.14. — gravestone record, Kenney Brook Cemetery, Little- ville h. — husband hrs. — hours ABBREVIATIONS inj. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior m. — married; month min. — minutes P.R.I. — private record, from the Taylor family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Abby L. (Taylor) Plunkett of Hinsdale P.R.2. — private record, from the Wait family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Spencer (Delight Wait) Knox of Chester P.R.3. — private record, from the Henry Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. lEliza W. (Henry) Phinney of Chester P.R.4. — private record, from the Wilcox Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. George (Marietta Wilcox) Hapgood of Chester P.R.5. — private record, from the Churchill family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. George N. Cone of Chester P.R.6.'* — private record, from the Stevens family Bible, now in the possession of William Stevens of Chester P.R.7. — private record, from the Snow family Bible, now in the possession of Major A. Snow of Chester P.R.8. — private record, from the Knox family Bible, now in the possession of Charles Henry Kjiox of Chester p.R.Q. — private record, from the Hamilton family Bible, now in the possession of Frank D. Hamilton of Chester P.R.10. — private record, from the Foot family Bible, now in the possession of Frank M. Foote of Chester P.R.I I. — private record, from the Moore Bible, now in the possession of Harry R. Bromley of Chester P.R.I 2. — private record, from the Holcomb Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Willis F. Stevens of Chester P.R.13. — private record, from the Wright family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. C. E. Clark of Leeds P.R.14. — private record, from the Bell family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Merrick Bell of Chester ABBREVIATIONS 7 P.R.I 5. — private record, from the Smith family Bible, now in the possession of Miss Jennie Smith of Huntington P.R.16. — private record, from the Elder family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Dinah (Tucker) Elder of Littleville P.R.17. — private record, from the Benton family Bible, now in the possession of Mrs. Nathan Johnson of Worth- ington P.R.I 8. — private record, from the Lyman family Bible, now in the possession of George Thrasher of Worthington rec. — recorded s. — son Sr. — senior w. — wife; week wid. — widow widr. — widower y. — year CHESTER BIRTHS CHESTER BIRTHS To THE YEAR 185O ABBOT (see Abbott, Abbut), Abiol C, s. Joseph and Polly, Nov. 23, 1826. [Abiel Crasson Abbot, c.r.i.] [Abiel K. Abbott [h. Emma M.], Nov. 22, 1825, G.R.3.] Amelia, "adopted" grand d. Ebenezer and Anne, bp. Aug. 2, 1807. C.R.I. Asahel, s. Abial and Sarah, Mar. 23, 1797. [Abbut, s. Abiel, C.R.I.] Atcha [dup. Atchsah], d. Abial and Sarah, July 28, 1789. Betsey, d. Joseph Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1784. [Betsy Abbut, C.R.I.] Billa, s. John and Louis, Feb. 10, 1788. Charles Buckman, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Charles Bucknum, s. Joseph and Polly, July 19, 1816. [[Ab- bott] G.R.3.] Charlotte, d. Nathan and Dolly, Feb. 8, 1816. Charlotte Sophia, ch. Nathan and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Dolly, d. John and Louis, Mar. 17, 1785. [Dally Abbut, c.r.i.] Dolly Ann, d. Nathan and Polly, July 31, 182 1. Dolly Ward, d. Joseph and Polly, Nov. 30, 181 1. Dolly Ward, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Anna, July 6, 1791. [Ebenezer Jr., c.r.i.] Elisha, s. Ebenezer and Anna, Sept. 9, 1799. Eliza, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Nov. 30, 1823. c.r.i. Eliza, d. Joseph and Polly, Aug. 7, 1824. Elute (see Lecta). Eunice, d. John and Louis, Aug. 10, 1797. [Unice, c.r.i.] George, s. Abial and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1791. Hannah, d. Joseph Jr. and Hannah, July 19, 1781. [Abbut, C.R.I.] Harriet, d. Joseph and Polly, Mar. 31, 1813. Harriet Louisa, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.R.i. Henry, ch. Phebe, bp. Feb. 23, 1820. c.r.i. Increase Blair, s. Nathan and Dolly, Apr. 15, 1826. 12 CHESTER BIRTHS Abbot, James Pitson, s. Joseph Jr. and Hannah, July i6, 1779. Jerry, s. John and Louis, June 16, 1790. John, s. John and Louis, Mar. 10, 1783. [Abbut, C.R.i.] Jonathan P., s. Joseph and Polly, Apr. 28, 1829. Jonathan Pomeroy, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Aug. 13, 1828. c.r.i. Joseph, s. Abial and Sarah, June 11, 1783. [Abbott [h. Polly], G.R.3.] Joseph C, s. Joseph and Polly, Jan. 23, 1819. Joseph Cullin, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Lecta, d. Abial and Sally, Apr. 17, 1799. [Elute Abbut, d. Abiel, c.r.i.] Louis, d. John and Louis, Jan. 25, 1795. [Abbut, d. John Abbot, C.R.I.] Lucy, d. Ebenezer and Anna, May 25, 1789. [Abbut, c.r.i.] Mary Malisa, d. Joseph and Polly, Sept. 29, 1809. Mary Melissa, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Nathan, s. Abial and Sarah, Nov. i, 1784. Olive, d. Ebenezer and Anna, Jan. 23, 1783. [Abbut, C.R.i.] Pheba, d. John and Louis, July 4, 1780. Phebe, d. John and Louis, Nov. 23, 1777. Polly, d. John and Louis, Oct. 23, 1792. [Abbut, c.r.i.] Polly, d. Abial and Sarah, Apr. 11, 1795. [Abbut, d. Abiel, c.r.i.] Roxany, d. Ebenezer and Anna, Oct. 25, 1793. [Roxanna Abbut, C.R.I.] Rufus, s. Ebenezer and Anna, Jan. 31, 1784. Sally, d. Abial and Sally, Apr. 14, 1787. Sally, d. Abiel and Sarah, May 9, 1803. [Abbut, c.r.i.] Samuel Doun, s. James Pitson and Dosha, Apr. 8, 1808. Sarah Mann, d. Nathan and Dolly, Mar. 24, 181 2. Sarah Mann, ch. Nathan and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Tryphena [dup. Triphena], d. Ebenezer and Anna, May 24, 1787. [Triphena, d. Ebenezer Abbut, c.r.i.] , d. Joseph Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1778. ABBOTT (see Abbot, Abbut), Anna [dup. Abbot], d. Ebenezer (Abbot) and Anna, Dec. 4, 1786. Electa [ , 1796]. G.R.5. Emma M. [ ], w. Abiel K., Feb. 24, 1826. G.R.3. George [ , 1790]. G.R.5. Polly [ ], w. Joseph [ , 1790]. G.R.3. ABBUT (see Abbot, Abbott), Achsah, ch. Abiel, bp. Aug. 24, 1794. C.R.I. CHESTER BIRTHS I3 Abbut, George, ch. Abiel, bp. Aug. 24, 1794- c.r.i. Joseph, ch. Abiel, bp. Aug. 24, 1794- C.R.i. Nathan, ch. AbieJ, bp. Aug. 24, 1794- c.r.i. Sally, ch. Abiel, bp. Aug. 24, 1794. c.r.i. ADAMS, Eliphel, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. i8, 1786. ALDERMAN, Amaret, d. Norman and Harty, Jan. 20, 1823. Amorette [ , 1825]. g.r.i. Andrew, s. Norman and Harty, Aug. 6, 1830. Ann Sophronia, d. Norman and Harty, Apr. 9, 1840. Dwight, s. Norman and Harty, June 14, 1838. Hilpah H,, w. Lewis Wright [ , 1807]. G.R.3. Lura, w. Anson Griffin [ , 1808]. g.r.2. Norman [h. Harty (Moore)] [ , 1799]. g.r.i. Oscar, s. Norman and Harty, July 23, 1834. Sylvester, s. Norman and Harty, May 10, 1825. Warren, s. Norman and Harty, July 4, 1836. Webster, s. Norman and Harty, Aug. 29, 1842. William, s. Norman and Harty, July 28, 1832. W[illia]m Moor, s. Norman and Harty, Mar. 15, 1825. ALEXANDER, Anna, d. Capt. Nathaniel and Eunice, Oct. 14, 1786. Erastus, s. Nathaniel Jr. and Anna, Feb. 15, 1799. Eunice, d. Capt. Nathaniel and Eunice, Aug. 28, 1782. Gains, s. Capt. Nathaniel and Eunice, Oct. 14, 1784. Polly, d. Nathaniel Jr. and Anna, June 25, 1796. ALLARD, Mary [ ], w. S. R. [ , 1816]. G.R.4. William Henry, s. Rev. Samu[e]l R. and Mary, Sept. 17, [i8]44. , s. Samuel R., teacher, and Mary, July 28, 1846. ALLEN, Emily, d. Eber and Sophia, July 28, 1842. Maria E., d. James G., carriage maker, and Elisabeth C, July 26, 1845. William B., s. William L., merchant, and Mary, Nov. i, 1848. ALVORD, Maria W., d. Rev. Alanson and Maria W., Feb. 8, 1836. [Mariah W., C.R.I.] Nelson, s. Enos, bp. Apr. 28, 1805. c.r.i. AMES (see Fames), Naomi [w. — DeWolf], , 1767. G.R.I. ANDERSON, John, s. Archelaus and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1777. Lucretia, d. Arch[ela]us and Sarah, Nov. 29, 1773. Sarah, d. Archelaus and Sarah, Nov. 5, 1771. 14 CHESTER BIRTHS Anderson, Susannah, d. Archelaus and Sarah, Feb, i8, 1770. Thomas, s. Capt. Asa and Susannah, Mar. 7, 1804. ATWOOD, Achsah Ann, Nov. 5, 1838. p.r.2. AUSTIN, Charles Edwards, s. John Jr. and Lodemia, Oct. 5, 1810. Emeline, d. Jo[h]n Jr. and Lodemia, Apr. 29, 1807. Mariah, d. John Jr. [and Lodemia], Feb. 4, 1809. Maryann, d. John Jr. and Lodemia, July 2, 1813. AYRES, Franklin, s. Asa, bp. Oct. 13, 1805. c.r.i. Pamelia, d. Asa and Mary, Aug. 21, 1793. Sally, d. Asa and Mary, Jan. 31, 1796. Sally, d. Asa and Mary, Feb. 24, 1798. Samuel, s. Asa and Mary, Feb. 4, 1803. Sarah A. [ ], w. George W. [ , 1800]. G.R.3. William Wait, s. Asa and Mary, Sept. 12, 1800. BABCOCK, Abby Emergene [dup. A. Emmergenne], d. Camden H. [dup. farmer] and Nancy [dup. Irene crossed out], June 6, 1843. George H., s. Camden H. and Irena S., Apr. 18 [1849]. James Holland, s. Camden H., farmer, and Irene, July 17, 1847. John C, s. Abel Jr. and Saloma, July 21, 1838. Lawrence, s. Abel Jr. and Saloma, June 20, 1839. Mary E., d. C. H., farmer, and , Dec, 4, 1845. Mary G. [ ], w. Abel [ , 1810]. g.r.ii. BACON, Anna, d. Timothy and Rebeckah, Dec. 26, 1792. Hannah, d. Timothy and Rebeckah, Aug. 24, 1794. Hannah, d. Timothy and Rebekah, iDp. Sept. 20, iSoi. c.r.i. Julia, d. Timothy and Rebeckah [Rebekah, c.r.i.], Oct. 26, 1800. Polly, d. Timothy and Rebecca, Mar. 5, 1786. Rebecca, d. Timothy and Rebeckah, May 15, 1790. Rebekah, ch. Timothy and Rebekah, bp. Sept, 20, 1801. c.r.i. Timothy, s. Timothy and Rebecca, Feb. 24, 1789. Timothy, ch. Timothy and Rebekah, bp. Sept. 20, 1801. c.r.i. Zadock Ingell, s. Timothy Jr. and Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1816. BAILEY (see Baley), Susan Adelia, d. Christopher, mechanic, and Lorane, Sept. 19, [i8]44. BALEY (see Bailey), , d. Harvey, Apr. — , 1790. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 1 5 BARBER, Charles Pason, [twin] s. Hiram, merchant, and Lucretia, July 18, 1847. Harlan Page, [twin] s. Hiram, merchant, and Lucretia, July 18, 1847. BARDWELL, Experience [w. Timothy Lyman], June 30, 1788. G.R.I. BARNARD, Samuel, s. Dan and w., Feb. 3, 17S7. Sophia, d. Dan and w., Oct. 2, 1789. BARNES, Delana[ ] [w. Stephen C] [ , 1813]. g.r.i. Stephen C. [h. Delana] [ , 1809]. g.r.i. BARRETT, Susan [ ], w. John [ , 1820I. g.r.2. BARTLET (see Bartlett), , ch. Isaac, , 1790. c.r.i. BARTLETT (see Bartlet), Augustine, Feb. 11, 1830. g.r.2. Austin, June — , 1834, in Worthington. g.r.2, Vi'illiam [ , 1825] [in N. Blandford]. c.r.2. , d. Dr. Noah S. and Marg [sic, ? Mary], Aug. 8 [1849]. BASCOM, Aaron, s. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Apr. 19, 1783- Aaron Dwight, ch. Aaron and w., bp. Mar. 24, 1822. c.r.i, Charlotte [dup. Charlottee], d. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Mar. 18, 1789. [Charlotte, c.r.i.] Dorinda, d. Aaron Jr. and Orpha, Sept. 19, 181 1, in St. Hya- cinth, Canada. Dorinda, ch. Aaron and w., bp. Sept, 26, 1819. cr.i. Eleazar Wales, s. James and Helena, bp. Sept. 10, 1797, c.r.i. Eieazer Wales, s. James and Helena, Oct. 22, 1795. Elery, s. James and Helena, July 5, 1798. [Ellery, c.r.i.] Emerson Pomeroy, ch. Aaron and w., bp, Apr. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Fanny, d. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Nov. 8, 1786. [Frances [w. Asahel Wright Esq.], g.r.i.] Helena, d. James and Helena, Dec. 15, 1801. [Bascara, d. James (Bascum) and Helena, c.r.i.] James, s. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Apr. 16, 1773. John, s. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Dec. 23, 1784. Joshua, s. James and Helena, Nov. 29, 1799. Mary, ch. Aaron and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Reynols, s. Rev. Aaron and Patta, Nov. 26, 1793. Samuel Ashley, s. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Feb. 10, 1780. Samuel Ashley, ch. Aaron and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. 1 6 CHESTER BIRTHS Bascom, Theodosia [dup, Theodisia], d. Rev. Aaron and Theo- dosia, Sept. ii, 1781. W[illia]m Ashley, s. James and Helena, Feb. 18, 1797. , d. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Apr. 12, 1787. BATES, Abigail, d. Reuben and Abigail, Mar, 28, 1796. Betsey, d. Reuben and Abigail, Dec. 22, 1793. Betsy, ch. Ruben and w., bp. June 13, 1802. c.R.i. Dexter, s. Reuben and Abagail, Sept. 15, 1797. Dexter, ch. Ruben and w., bp. June 13, 1802. c.r.i. Jane, d. Reuben [Ruben, c.r.i.] and Abigail, Mar. 23, 1805. Merrick, s. Reuben and Abigail, Jan. 17, 1795. Merricks, ch. Ruben and w., bp. June 13, 1802. c.r.i. Molton, s. Jacob and Jane, May 12, 1847. Moseley, s. Reuben and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1799. Mosely, ch. Ruben and w., bp. June 13, 1802. c.r.i. Reuben Jr., s. Reuben and Abigail, Nov. 18, 1803. [Ruben, s. Ruben and Abigal, c.r.i.] Sophia, d. Ruben, bp. Aug. 7, 1808. C.R.i. Tryphena, d. Reuben and Abigail, Nov. 8, 1801. [Triphena, ch. Ruben and w., c.r.i.] BEAMIS (see Beamiss, Bemis, Bemiss), Nathaniel, s. Nathan- iel and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1800. Rufus, s. Nathaniel (Bemis) and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1798. BEAMISS (see Beamis, Bemis, Bemiss), Lucy, d. Sylvester and w., Sept. 8, 1798. BELDEN (see Belding), Abby J., d. Samuel S., farmer, and Martha, Aug. 6, 1847. Amasa, s. Salmon and Betsey, Apr. 8, 1818. Amos, s. Salmon and Betsey, Jan. 30, 1829. Betsey [ , 1793]. G.R.14. Cynthia H., d. Salmon and Betsey, Dec. 12, 1821. Cyrus Leander, s. George W. [dup. Washington, omits George], farmer, and Eliza A., June 3, [i8]44. Ellen L., d. Sylvester Jr. and Adelia, May 25, 1834. Emily Ann, d. Sylvester and Nice, Oct. 19, 1827. Frances Elisabeth, d. Sylvester Jr. and Adelia, Apr. 13, 1839. Franklin P., s. Sylvester Jr. and Delia, Feb. 9, 1844. Josephine, d. Samuel, farmer, and Martha, May 15, 1845. Lucius L., s. Washington and Eliza, June 23, 1848. Margaret, d. Sylvester Jr., farm[er], and Delia, Sept. 18, 1848. Nabby, d. Othniel (Beldin) and Sarah, Dec. 3, 1800. Ruth B., d. Salmon and Betsey, May 10, 1826. CHESTER BIRTHS 1 7 Belden, Sally L., d. Salmon and Betsey, Nov. 24, 1819. Salmon, s. Salmon and Betsey, Jan. 28, 1824. Sylvester [ , 1785]. G.R.4. Sylvester [ , 1831]. G.R.14. Ursula [ ], w. Amasa [ , 181 7]. G.R.4. , s. Sylvester, farmer, and Adelia, Feb. 25, 1844. BELDING (see Belden), Abigail Pomroy, d. Sylvester and Nice, Nov. 26, 1829. Andrew, s. Sylvester and Nice, Sept. 30, 181 7. Betsy, d. Salmon and Betsy, Dec. 15, 1815. Charlotte, d. Sylvester and Nice, Dec. 9, 1825. Fanny, d. Sylvester and Nice, Nov. 20, 1805. George Washington, s. Sylvester and Nice, Mar. 21, 18 16. Mary, d. Salmon and Betsy, Nov. 7, 1813. Mercy, d. Othniel and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1804. Nice, d. Sylvester and Nice, Oct. 23, 1810. Philo, s. Sylvester and Nice, Nov. 3, 18 19. Samuel Spenser, s. Sylvester and Nice, Nov. 14, 1821. Sophrona, d. Sylvester and Nice, May 23, 1807. Sophrona, d. Sylvester and Nice, Aug. i, 1812. Sylvester Smith, s. Sylvester and Nice, Mar. 4, 1809. Washington, s. Sylvester and Nice, May 13, 1814. BELL, Aaron, s. Aaron and Mary, Dec. 29, 1775. Aaron, s. James and Polly, July 8, 1816. Artimus, s. James and Polly, May 7, 1815. Betsey [ch. Samuel and EKsabeth], Aug. 10, 1787. P.R.14. Betsy, d. James and Polly, Sept. 22, 181 1. Charles Merrick, s. Samuel J[r]. and Olive [(Lindsey) p.R.14], Jan. 19, 1822. Chloe, d. Justus and Sally, Jan. 18, 1798. Christan, d. James and Polly, Oct. 18, 1801. Cyrus, s. James and Polly, June 14, 1813. Electa, d. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, Feb. 25, 1802. Electa S., d. W[illia]m and w., Jan. 2, 1832. Elisabeth [ ] [w. Samuel], Mar. 26, 1750. p.R.14. Eliza, d. James and Polly, Feb. 13, 1808. Elizabeth (see Elisabeth). Elizabeth, d. James and Polly, Oct. 10, 1798. Harmony M., d. W[illia]m and w., Dec. 4, 1825. Harriet, d. Samuel Jr. and Olive [(Lindsey) P.R.14.], Nov. 8, 1812. Harriet, ch. Samuel Jr. and w., bp. May 7, 1820. c.r.i. Homer, "adopted" s. Aaren Jr., bp. Nov. 8, 1801. c.r.i. 1 8 CHESTER BIRTHS Bell, James, s. Aaron and Mary, June 17, 1780. James, s. James and Polly, Feb. i, 1805. Jane [ch. Samuel and Elisabeth], Jan. 28, 1784. P.R.14. Jane, d. W[illia]m and w., May 10, 181 7. Jerusha, d. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, Dec. 16, 1795. John Cheney, s. Aaron and Mary, Jan. 2, 1777. [John Cheny Bell, C.R.I.] John Cheney [dup. Cheny], s. Aaron and Mary, May 20, 1783. John Lester, s. James 2d and Nancy, Aug. 14, 1802. John Lester, s. James 2d and Nancy, June 23, 1804. John Lindsey, s. Samuel Jr. and Olive [(Lindsey) P.R.14.], Aug. 10, 1814. John Lindsey, ch. Samuel Jr. and w., bp. May 7, 1820. c.r.i. John Smith, s. James and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1794. Justice [dup. Justus], s. WiUiam and Margaret, Feb. 2, 1774. Lorra, d. Simpson and Polly, Jan. 12, 1804. Lucrisa, d. James and Polly, Oct. 19, 1809. Lucy, d. Justus and Sally, Mar. 30, 1800. Martha [ch. Samuel and Elisabeth], June 22, 1781. P.R.14. Martha E., d. W[illia]m and w., June 16, 1835. Mary, d. William and Margaret, Mar. i, 1772. Mary, d. Aaron and Mary, Feb. 27, 1774, in Western. Matilda M., d. W[illia]m and w., Apr. 25, 1837. Merick, s. Justus and Sally, Aug. 31, 1802, in Blandford. Newton, s. W[illia]m and w., Dec. 21, 1839. Noah Eldrige, s. James and Polly, June 6, 1803. Polly, d. James and Polly, Feb. 25, 1800. Samuel [h. Elisabeth], Jan. 26, 1752. p.R.14. Samuel [h. Olive] [ , 1786]. [[ch. Samuel and EHsabeth] h. Olive (Lindsey), Oct. 17, 1785, p.R.14.] Samuel, s. Simpson and Polly, Oct. 6, 1805. Samuel Franklin, s. Samuel Jr. and Olive ([Lindsey) p.R.14.], Jan. 27, 1811. Samuel Franklin, ch. Samuel Jr. and w., bp. May 7, 1820. C.R.l. Samuel P., s. W[illia]m and w., Sept. 16, 1833. Simpson, s. William and Margaret, Mar. 19, 1779. Simson, s. William, bp. Aug. 13, 1778. c.r.i. Susanna, d. Justus and Sally, July 31, 1795. William [ch. Samuel and Elisabeth], Feb, 13, 1791. P.R.14. WiUiam Campbell, s. James and Polly, Sept. 7, 1806. W[illia]m Marvin, s. Samuel Jr. and Olive [(Lindsey) p.R.14. 1. July 2, 1816. W[ilUa]m Orton, s. W[illia]m and w., Jan. 22, 1821. CHESTER BIRTHS 19 Bell, , s. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, July 9, 1797. , s. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, June 4, 1798. BEMIS (see Beamis, Beamiss, Bemiss), Celestia Ann, d. Charles [dup. adds H.], mechanic, and Quba [sic, ? Zuba] [dup. Azubah], Mar. 21, [18)45. Charles, s. Nathaniel and Sally, July 29, 1796. Daniel Webster, s. Capt. Joshua and Mary, Apr. 11, 1832. Edmund De Witt, s. Joseph and Betsey, Apr. 20, 1842. Francis, s. Cha[rle]s H. and Azubah, Oct. 29 [dup. crossed out, Oct. 26], 1832. George Holland, s. Sylvester Jr. and Mary, Dec. 14, 18 19. Joseph [ , 1803]. G.R.8. Joseph L., s. Joseph and Betsey, Feb. 16, 1830. Justus, s, Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1794. Lewis S., s. Joshua, farmer, and Mary A., Sept. 29, 1845. Luther, s. Charles H. and Azubah, Aug. 13, 1836. Martin, s. Charles H. and Azubah, Oct. 28, 1836. Mary C. [ ], w. Joshua [ , 1809]. g.r.6. William Marshall, s. Capt. Joshua and Mary, Mar. 19, 1835. , d. James, day labourer, ajid , Mar. 24, [i8]45. BEMISS (see Beamis, Beamiss, Bemis), Amasa, s. Sylvester and w., Dec. 15, 1788. Amasa B., s. Joseph and Betsey, Sept. 28, 1831. [Bemis, "Mem. Co. K. 57 Mass Regt.," g.r.8.] Betsy, d. Sylvester and w., Oct. 21, 1793. Edson D. Wolf, s. Joseph and Betsey, Apr. 6, 1841. Elias, [twin] s. Joseph and Betsy, Mar. 8, 1846. Eliza, [twin] d. Joseph and Betsy, Mar. 8, 1846. Joshua, s. Sylvester and w., Jan. 9, 1801. Nancy C, d. Joseph and Betsey, Jan. 28, 1835. Oliver H. P., s. Joseph and Betsey, Apr. 16, 1833. [Oliver P. Bemis [Nov. — 1832], g.r.8.] Polly, d. Sylvester and w., Aug. 9, 1791. Ruth L., d. Joseph and Betsey, May 28, 1838. [Bemis, g.r.i.] Sally, d. Sylvester and w., Nov. 13, 17S5. Sylvester, s. Sylvester and w.. Mar. 18, 1796. [Bemis, g.r.6.] BENET, , s. Jonas, day laborer, and Eliza, Nov. 30, 1847. BENHAM, Correlia [w. Thaddeus Kingsley De Wolf, M.D.], Dec. 15, 1807. G.R.I. BENNETT (see Benet). 20 CHESTER BIRTHS BENTLY, , s. Abia, May — , 1790. c.r.i. BIDWELL, Elbert H. [h. Ellen A.], May 26, 1838. G.R.3. Ellen A. [ ], w. Elbert H., Jan. 13, 1840. G.R.3. BIGALOW (see Bigelow), Jabez, s. John and Persa, Aug. 13, 1793. [Bigelow, C.R.I.] John, s. James and Mary, Nov. 29, 1789, in Shutesbury. John, s. John and Persa, Nov. 6, 1791. [Bigelow, c.r.i.] Pattey, d. James and Mary, July i, 1795. [Patty Bigelow, C.R.I.] Polly, d. John and Persa, Dec. 23, 1788. [Bigelow, c.r.i.] Polly, d. James and Mary, Sept. 11, 1792. [Bigelow, c.r.i.] Tryphena, d. John (Bigelow) and Persis, May 4, 1800. BIGELOW (see Bigalow), Andrew Fuller, s. Daniel E. and Margaret E., Oct. 9, 1835. Betsy Orilla, d. W[illia]m and Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1799, in Westfield, N.Y. Daniel Ames, s. Daniel E. and Margaret E., Nov. 24, 1839. Daniel Eames, s. Daniel and Marcy, Mar. 10, 1802. Denis Ward, s. W[illia]m and Elizabeth, May 22, 1805. Dolly Eager, d. William and Ehsabeth, Apr. 11, 1793, in Hartford, N.Y. Dwight W., s. H. Earl and Sally [ch. Henry Earl and Sally (Wilcox), G.R.2.], Dec. 29, 1841. Edward Earl, s. Henry Earl and Sally [(Wilcox) g.r.2.], July 13, 1830. Edward Earle, s. Daniel E. and Margaret E., Oct. 18, 1842. Edward Howe, s. Daniel and Mercy, Aug. 8, 1808. Elizabeth S., ch. Henry Earle and Sally (Wilcox), , 1832. G.R.2. Ellen C, d. H. Earl and Sally, June 4, 1838. Henry Earl, s. Daniel and Mercy, May 4, 1798. [[h. Sally (Wilcox)] G.R.2.] James Jr., s. James and Mary, June 30, 1799. James How, s. James and Mary, Mar. 28, 1804. James Stibbins, s. John and Persis, Jan. 10, 1797. [James Stebbins Bigelow, c.r.i.] Jennette Grant, d. Daniel E. and Margaret E., Oct. 6, 1837. John, s. James and Mary, bp. July i, 1792. c.r.i. Joseph, s. John and Persis, June 19, 1798. Laura, d. Daniel and Mercy, June 23, 1792. Lois, w. William Twiss, June 5, 1820. G.R.3. Patty, d. Daniel and Mercy, Jan. 25, 1794. CHESTER BIRTHS 21 BiGELOW, Patty, d. Daniel and Mercy, Apr. i, 1796. Patty, d. Daniel and Mercy, Jan. 4, 1804. Persis, d. John and Persis, Jan. 24, 1795. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Henry Earl and Sally, Nov. 3, 1832. Tryphena, d. James and Mary, Apr. 30, 1797. [Triphena, C.R.I. ] Tryphosa, d. James and Mary, May 17, 1801. William Briggs, s. W[illia]m and Elisabeth, June 16, 1797, in Hartford, N.Y. , d. William and Betsey, Aug. 17, 1801. G.E.4. BING, Mary A., , 1810. G.R.3. BISHOP, Azubah, Aug. 22, 1787. g.r.2. Emily, w. John Fuller, Mar. 25, 1810. G.R.3. Jere, Oct. 12, 1788. g.r.2. Josiah Leffingwell Baker, s. Isaac and Nancy, Nov. 27, 1817. BLACK, Betsey, d. Capt. James and Mary, May 9, 17S0. Francis, s. Capt. James and Mary, Oct. 4, 1768, in Bland- ford. Hannah, d. Capt. James and Mary, Apr. 15, 1787. James, s. Capt. James and Mary, May 10, 1778. Polly, d. Capt. James and Mary, Oct. 21, 1782. Rufus, s. Capt. James and Mary, Oct. 24, 1774. Samuel, s. Capt. James and Mary, Jan. 24, 1785. Vina, d. Capt. James and Mary, May 21, 1789. William, s. Capt. James and Mary, Oct. 17, 1772. BLACKMAN, John Hall, s. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] Elijah and Elizabeth [dup. Mary], Mar. 22, 1784. William, s. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] Elijah and Elizabeth [dup. Mary], Feb. 4, 1787. BLAIR, Anne, d. Sergt. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 5, 1776. Betty, d. "Clerk" John and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1782. James, s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1774. James, s. John and Elizabeth, June 22, 1784. John, s. Sergt. John and Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1778. Molley, d. John and Elizabeth, July 7, 1771. Sally, d. Sergt. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1770. Solomon, s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1773. BLAKE, Jane M. [ ], w. Judson [ , 1837]. G.R.3. Josephine M. [ ], w. Judson [ , 1845]. G.R.3. Judson [h. Josephine M.] [h. Jane M.] [ , 1836]. G.R.3. 22 CHESTER BIRTHS BODURTHA, Almira, d. Walter and Lucretia, June 29, 1803. Amanda, d. Harvey and Dolly, Feb. 23, 181 2. Daniel, s. Harvey and Dolly, Jan. 9, 1815. [Bordutha, s. Hervey, c.r.i.] Elizabeth, d. Harvey and Dolly, Feb. 6, 1819. [Bordutha, C.R.I.] Fanny Sophia, d. Harvey and Dolly, June 29, 1823. Harvey L., s. Harvey and Dolly, May 16, 1813. [Harvey Lawrence Bodurtha, c.r.i.] Jael Eliza, d. Walter and Lucretia, Nov. 2, 1808. Lucretia Henry, d. Walter and Lucretia, Aug. 23, 1805. Mariett, d. Harvey and Dolly, Apr. 15, 182 1. Maryette, ch. Mr. Bodurtha and w., bp. [Aug. 6], 1823. c.r.i. Sarah Taylor, d. Harvey and Dolly, Jan. 10, 1817. [Sara Taylor Bordutha, c.r.i.] Stephen, s. Walter and Lucretia, July 10, 1812. , s. Walter [dec'd] and Lucretia, Nov. i, 1816. BOIES, Charlotte Maria, d. Dr. Anson and Charlotte, Feb. i, 1813. Lewis Dwight[?], inf. s. Dr. Anson and Theodosia, bp. Nov. 13, 1814. c.r.i. William, s. Dr. Anson and Theodosia, Nov. 14, 1815. , s. Dr. Anson and Charlotte, Nov. 10, 181 1. BOSONG, Amelia Josep[h]ine, d. Francis and Mary Josephine, Jan. 19, 1843. Harriet Aurelia, d. Francis, tanner, and [dup. adds Mary] Josep[h]ine, July 15, [i8]44. John Albert, s. Francis and Mary Josephine, Feb. 5, 1841. BOWEN, Chauncey T. [ , 1833]. c.R.2. BOWERS, Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Apr. 4, 181 7. , d. Reuben and Elvira, Mar. 28, 1846. BOWLES, Charles, s. John J., plane maker, and , Feb. 20, 1847. BRACKETT, Mary E. [ ], w. William W. [Apr. 18, 1834]. G.R.3. i« , BRADLEY, Fidelia D. [ ], w. Henry M. [ , 1823]. G.R.2. i Henry HoUis, s. Henry, grocer, and Fidelia, Nov. 7, 1847. BRASS, Benjamin, s. Garit [Garat, c.r.i.] and Lucy, Sept. 22, 1810. CHESTER BIRTHS 23 Brass, Esther, d. Garit [Garrot, c.r.i.] and Lucy, Aug. ii, 1808. Garrey, s. Garrit and Lucy, July 8, 1800. [Garry, s. Garry and Lucy, c.r.i.] John, s. Garrit and Lucy, July 19, 1793. Lucy, d. Garrit [Garrot, c.r.i.] and Lucy, June 26, 1795. Mary, d. Garit and Lucy, Nov. 16, 1806. Mercy, ch. Harry and Mercy, bp. Aug. 24, 1794. c.r.i. Polly, ch. Harry and Mercy, bp. Aug. 24, 1794. c.r.i. Samuel, s. Garrit and Lucy, July 7, 1803. Sophia, ch. Harry and Mercy, bp. Aug. 24, 1794. c.r.i. Thomas, ch. Harry and Mercy, bp. Aug. 24, 1794. c.r.i. Thomas, s. Garrit [Garrat, c.r.i.] and Lucy, June 8, 1798. , [twin] d. Garrit and Lucy, May 10, 1792. , [twin] d. Garrit and Lucy, May 10, 1792. BROMLEY, Charles Henry, s. Reuben L. and Mary Ann, June 22, 1836. [June 22, 1838 [sic], p.r.ii.] Ellen Sophia, d. Reuben L. and Mary Ann, Nov. 17, 1841. Erastus D. (see Bromley). Nancy Amanda, d. Reuben L. and Mary Ann, Aug. 29, 1832. [Harriet Amanda, p.r.ii.] Nancy Amanda, d. Reuben L. and Mary Ann, Feb. 28, 1834. [Feb. 8, p.r.ii.] Sarah Eliza, d. Reuben L. and Mary Ann, June 22, 1838. , s. Reuben L. and Mary, Jan. 8, 1846. [Erastus D., Jan. 10, p.r.ii.] BROWN (see Browne), Abigail Matthews, d. Daniel and Abigail, Mar. 3, 181 5. Amanda [Aug. — , 1807]. G.R.5. Caroline Maria, d. Daniel and A[b]igail, Feb. 25, 1814. Henry Watson, s. Watson, farmer, and Amelia [dup. Dianah], Oct. 31, 1843. J. C. [ , 1814]. C.R.2. Mary Dianah, d. Watson and Dianah, Sept. 27, 1839, in Sheffield. , ch. Elihu, Apr. 17, 1824. c.r.i. BROWNE (see Brown), Elihu [h. Sophia] [ , 1779]. g.r.i. Sophia [ ], w. Elihu [ , 1782]. g.r.i. BRYANT, George T., , 1847. G.R.3. Mary F., , 1849. G.R.3. Thomas [h. Frances M. (Le Row)], , 1818. g.r,3. 24 CHESTER BIRTHS BURDICK, Albert B. [w. Huldah A.], Feb. 5, 1840. G.R.3. Hulda A. [ ], w. Albert B., Mar. 28, 1842. G.R.3. Lucy Ann, d. , farmer, [and] , Feb. i, 1844. BURLEIGH, Ira O. [h. Maria E.], May 24, 1831. G.R.3. Maria E. [ ], w. Ira O., Feb. 28, 1832. G.R.3. BURNHAM, Helen, w. Dea. Alfred S. Foote, Sept. 29, 1827. G.R.I. BURRALL (see Burrell), Clementine [ ], w. [ , 1828]. C.R.2. BURRELL (see Burrall), Delia, d. Eben[eze]r and Semantha, June 25, 1832. Hannah, d. Eben[eze]r and Semantha, Sept. 12, 1834. Leveritt Griswold, s. Eben[eze]r and Semantha, Sept. 16, 1836. BURTON, Sarah, w. John Hamilton, Dec. 29, 1796. g.r.2. CAMPBEL (see Campbell), Jane, d. William (Campbell) and Mary, June 24, 1770. [Jean Campbell, c.R.i.] Lucenda, d. William (Campbell) and Mary, 7, 1772. [Lucinda Campbell, bp. Jan. 12, c.r.i.] Mary Wallis [dup. Campbell], d. Matthew and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1774, in E. Windsor [dup. adds Conn.]. CAMPBELL (see Campbel), Acsa, d. James and Isabel of Blandford, bp. Oct. 2, 1785. c.r.i. Albert Gallatin, s. Hector and Olive, Mar. 14, 1813. Alvin, s. Matthew and Sarah, Nov. 22, 1782. Billy Young, s. William and Marah, Nov. i, 1774. [Cambull, C.R.I.] Cephas [dup. Cephes Campbel], s. Matthew and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1776. [Zyephas Cambell, c.r.i.] Charles A., s. Albert and Maria, Mar. 14, 1837. Edmond B., s. W[illia]m and Polly, May 6, 1823. Elbridge G., s. Hector and Olive, Oct. 9, 1819. Eliza F., d. W[illia]m and Polly, Dec. 6, 1820. Ellen Malinda, d. Hector and Olive, Dec. 11, 1836. Ethan, s. Matthew and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1780. Hector, s. James, bp. Aug. — , 1793. c.r.i. Hector B., s. Hector and Olive, Jan. 12, 1829. Horace, s. Hector and Olive, Nov. 18, 1821. Horace William, s. Albert G. and Maria, Mar. 11, 1842. Ira, s. Matthew and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1778. [Cambell, c.r.i.) James, ch. James and w., bp. June 11, 1786. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 2$ Campbell, James, s. Hector and Olive, Jan. 19, 1817. James Marr, s. Matthew and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1788. John H., s. Hector and Olive, Feb. 12, 1826. Lorana, d. W[illia]m and Polly, Mar. 17, 181 7. Luther Wells, ch. James and w., bp. June 11, 1786. c.R.i. Luther Wells, s. W[illia]m and Polly, Apr. 12, 1819. Maria Antionett, d. Albert and Maria, Jan. 30, 1839. Martha, d. Matthew and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1794. Mary, d. W[illia]m and Polly, Apr. 18, 1825. Mary, d. W[illia]m and Mary, Mar. 12, 1827. Mary Elisabeth [dup. crossed out, Elizabeth], d. Hector and Ohve, July 27, 1834. Melinda, ch. James and w., bp. June 11, 1786, c.r.i. Nelson, s. Alvan and Polly, May i, 181 1. Polla, [twin] d. William and Marah, Apr. 7, 1768. Salla, [twin] d. William and Marah, Apr. 7, 1768. Sally, d. Matthew and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1785. Samuel L., s. Hector and Olive, Feb. 3, 1824. Sophrona, d. Alvan and Polly, Oct. 15, 1814. Wallace, s. John and Harriet, June 15, 1848. Warham Smith, s. W[illia]m and Polly, Oct. 26, 1815. W[illia]m B., s. Hector and Olive, Dec. 5, 1815. William Bell, s. Matthew and Sarah, May i, 1793. , s. Matthew and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1787. , s. Matthew [Mathew, g.r.i.] and Sarah, Dec. 3, 1791. , s. Mathew and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1796. g.r.i. CANNON, David [ , 1805]. g.r.2. CARINGTON (see Carrington), Edwin Ruthven [dup. Carrington], s. Charles, farmer, and Fanny, Oct. 15, [i8]44. Mary Amelia, d. John (Carrington) and Laura, June 23, 1841. CARLISLE, Eber Smith, s. James Jr. and Dolla [dup. Dolly], Feb. 19, 1789. Francis, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1784. Joel [dup. Carlislee], s. William and Lovina, Mar. 31, 1790. Sophia, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 10, 1781. CARPENTER, Burt, s. Benj[a]m[in] and Olive, May 13, 1 791, in Western. Burt, ch. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. Henrietta, d. Benjamin, bp. Apr. 14, 1805. c.r.i. Jahazel, ch. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. Jahaziel, s. Benj[a]m[in] and Olive, Mar. 23, 1793, in Western. Polly, d. Benj[a]m[in] and Olive, July 24, 1794. 26 CHESTER BIRTHS Carpenter, Polly, ch. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. Sidney, s. Dr. Benjamin, bp. June 21, 181 2. c.r.i. Wright, s. Benj[a]m[in] and Olive, Sept. i, 1797. Wright, ch. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. CARR, Andrew C. "member of the First Conn. Cav.," s. Clark and Orpha [ , 1848]. G.R.4. Watson E. "member of the 27 Reg. Mass. Vol.," s. Clark and Orpha [ , 1843]. G.R.4. CARRINGTON (see Carington), Caraline Amelia, d. Isaa and w., Dec. 31, 1820. Charles Willis, s. Charles and Fanny, Jan. 17, 1841. Fayette Jefferson, s. Charles and Fanny, Mar. 27, 1839. George Willis, s. John and Laura, July 15, 183S. Henry Clark, s. Charles, farmer, and Fanny, July 3, 1843. John, s. John, farm[er], and Laura, Nov. 12, 1849. Lucy Jane [ ], w. E. R. [ , 1841]. g.r.8. Mary Eliza, d. Charles and Fanny, Oct. 27, 1837. , d. John, farmer, and Laura, Apr. 15, 1844. CATTIN (see Colton, Cotton), , ch. Dea. Cattin, bp. "beginning of" 1771. c.r.i. CHENEY, Amanda, w. Suel Gamwell, , 1798. g.r.2. CHILDS, Stephen [h. Annah (Rudd)] [Jan. 7—, 1792]. g.r.2. CHURCH, Asaph, s. Richard and Lucinda, May 2, 1803. Betsey, d. Richard and Lucinda, Feb. 25, 1795. Caleb Stickney, s. Richard and Lucinda, Feb. 23, 1814. Charlotte, d. Richard and Lucinda, Feb. 7, 1802. Hannah [ch. Richard and Lucinda], Dec. 29, 1809. Harriot, d. Richard and Lucinda, May 11, 1798. Lucinda, d. Richard and Lucinda, Oct. 7, 1793. Maria, d. Richard and Lucinda, Jan. 10, 1805. Mary, d. Richard and Lucinda, July 2, 1806. Richard [ch. Richard and Lucinda], Sept. 25, 181 1. Seth Howard, s. Richard and Lucinda, Nov. 9, 1796. Seth Howard, s. Richard [and] Lucinda, Apr. 6, 1808. Wells, s. Richard and Lucinda, Jan. 12, 1800. CHURCHILL, Ann, d. Charles and Hannah, July 14, 1828. [Anna, ch. Charles and Hannah (Percival), P.R.5.] Charles [h. Hannah] [ , 1795]. G.R.5. [h. Hannah (Per- cival), h. Dolly W. Davis (d. Joseph Abbott), ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Feb. 16, 1796, p.R-S-]- CHESTER BIRTHS 27 Churchill, Charles Elijah, [twin] s. Charles and Hannah [(Percival) P.R.5.], Apr. 8, 1833. Clarissa Eleanor, [twin] d. Charles and Hannah [(Percival) P.R.5.], Apr. 9, 1833. Eleanor, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Dec. 14, J788. P.R.5. Eleanor 2d, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), July 7, 1790. P.R.5. Elijah [h. Eleanor (Nooney)], Sept. 4, 1755. P.R.5. Elijah, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Apr. 21, 1784. P.R.5. Giles (see Joiles). Hannah Maria, d. Charles and Hannah [(Percival) P.R.5.], Dec. 19, 1822. Harriet, d. Charles and Hannah [(Percival) P.R.5.], Nov. 29, 1835- Harriet Eliza, d. Charles, carpenter, and Dolly, Dec. 28, 1846. [Harriet Eliza, P.R.5.] James, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Nov. 11, 1785. P.R.5. Joiles, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), July 28, 1793. P.R.5. Lucy Sophia, d. Charles and Hannah [(Percival) P.R.5.], Sept. 5, 1820. Sarah, d. Charles and Hannah [(Percival) P.R.5.], Nov. 6, 1824. Sophia, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Feb. 8, 1782. P.R.5. Sophia 2d, ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Jan. 3, 1798. P.R.5. CLAP (see Clapp), Alonso, s. Eliakim, bp. Nov. 12, 1809. C.R.I. Augustus, s. Eliakim and Parmeha, Mar. 23, 1795. Charles Wright, s. Ens. Eliakim and Parmelia, July 28, 1802. Dorcas, d. Ens. Eliakim and Parmelia, Feb. 19, 1801. Eliakim, s. Eliakim and Pamelia [dup. Parmelia], Aug. i, 1790. Eliakim, s. Eliakim and Parmelia, Dec. 16, 1793. Eliakim, s. Eliakim and Parmelia, Dec. 23, 1796. Parmelia [dup. Permeha], d. Eliakim and Parmelia, Apr. ii, 1787. [Parmelia, c.r.i.] Parmelia, d. Eliakim and Parmelia, Mar. 11, 1799. [d. Ens. Clap, C.R.I. ] [Pamelia, p.r.i.] Rachel, d. Eliakim and Permelia [dup. Parmeha], Dec. 8, 1788. Stillman Sprague, s. Ens. Eliakim and Parmelia, Sept. 9, 1805. [Stedman Sprague Clap, c.r.i.] Theodosia, d. Eliakim and Parmelia, Apr. 4, 1792. [Clapp, C.R.I.] , s. Ens. Eliakim and Pamelia, Mar. 7, 1804. 28 CHESTER BIRTHS CLAPP(see Clap), Alonzo, s. Eliakim and Pamelia, [rec. before ch. b. Sept. g, 1815]. Edward, s. Alonzo and Fidelia, Feb. 21, 1836. Eliza, d. Alonzo and Fidelia, Feb. 14, 1840. Emma Fidelia, d. Alonzo and Fidelia, Feb. 23, 1846. Esther, d. Alonzo and Fidelia, Mar. 28, 1838. Mary, d. Alonzo and Adaline, May 4 [1849]. Pamelia, d. Alonzo and Fidelia, Dec. 26, 1841. , ch. Charles, bp. Aug. 9, 1835. c.R.i. , ch. Charles, bp. Aug. 9, 1835. C.R.i. , s. Alonzo, farmer, and Phidelia, Apr. 23, 1844. CLARK (see Clerk), Abigail, d. Enoch and w., bp. Sept. 17, 1809. C.R.I. Adelia Jane, d. Jotham and Eunice, May 20, 1843. Alonzo, s. Spencer and Hadassah, Mar. i, 1807. Altamira Emmons, d. Capt. Jotham and Eunice, Apr. 13, 1835. Arthur Wilson, s. Israel D., merchant, and Cyntha, Mar. 26, 1848. Asenath, d. John Scott and Selah, Aug. 5, 1786. Clarissa Lucinda, d. Elihu [Elehu, c.R.i.] and Azuba, Sept. 5, 1820. David, [twin] s. James and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1768. Dixalana, d. Elihu and w., Oct. 31, 1816. Dixalana, ch. Elihu and w., bp. Sept. 19, 1819. c.R.i. Electa, d. John Scott and Selah, Oct. 16, 1788. Electa Phelps, d. Spencer and Hadassah, Aug. 21, 181 1 [sic, see Spencer Jr.]. Elihu Sikes, ch. Elihu and w., bp. Sept. 19, 1819. c.R.i. Elihu Silas, s. Elihu and w., Jan. 23, 181 1, in Easthampton. Eliza, d. Pharez and Betsy, July 31, 1811. Ellen Eliza, d. Jotham and Eunice, Feb. 16, 1838. Elvira, d. Spencer and Hadassah, Aug. i, 1808. Enoch, ch. Enoch and Abigal, bp. Oct. 28, 1804. c.R.i. Ethan, s. Elihu [Elehu, c.R.i.] and [Azuba], Aug. 8, 1825. Harriet N., d. Capt. Jotham and Eunice, Apr. 3, 1826. [Har- riet Newel Clark, c.R.i.] James, [twin] s. James and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1768. John, s. John Scott and Selah, June 7, 1794- John Scott, s. James and Sarah, Apr. i, 1762. Lydia A., w. Asa C. Day, Oct. 15, 1830. G.R.4. Moses, s. Pharez and Betsy, May 29, 1813. Moses, July 13, 1818. G.R.2. Olive, w. Charles W. Knox, Nov. 20, 18 12. G.R.3. p.r.8. CHESTER BIRTHS 29 Clark, Orin, s. [dup. Lt.] James and Sarah, Mar. 24, 1773. Orin (see Orrin). Orlando Burr, s. Elihu [Elehu, C.R.i.] and Azuba, Feb. 12, 1823. Orrin, s. John Scott and Selah, June 14, 1791. Reuben Tinker, s. Capt. Jotham and Eunice, Apr. 9, 1830. Rolon, s. Orrin and Martha, Feb. 27, 1798. Royall, s. James and Sarah, Nov. 21, 1763. Sally [ ], w. Chester [ , 1788]. G.R.3. Sarah Montague [ch. Elihu and w.], Sept. i, 181 2, in East- hampton. Sarah Montague, ch. Elihu and w., bp. Sept. 19, 1819. c.r.i. Silas, s. James and Sarah, June 28, 1766. Spencer Jr., s. Spencer and Hadassa, Feb. 6, 181 1 [sic, see Electa Phelps Clark]. Sylvester, s. Elihue and w., Sept. 13, 1814. Sylvester, ch. Elihu and w., bp. Sept. 19, 1819. c.r.i. Vercan [?], d. Enoch and Abigal, bp. July 6, 1806. c.r.i. , d. Cap[t.] Jotham, bp. July 3, 1842. c.r.i. CLERK (see Clark), Ruth, d. James and Ruth, July 17, 1769 COBB, Homer, s. Silence Eglestone, "Adopted" s. Aaron Bell Jr., Sept. 25, 1799. Maryann, d. John and Anna, Nov. 3, 1798. , d. John and Anna, Apr. i, 1795. COFFIN, Mary, w. Samuel O. Hamilton, Jan. 29, 1827. G.R.3. COLEMAN (see Colman), Edwards Wh[i]te, s. Ens. Eli- phalet and Patty, Aug. 22, 1811. Edwards White, ch. Eliphalet and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Eliphalet [h. Martha] [ , 1779]- g.r.i. Elvira, ch. Eliphalet and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Frances A., d. Eliphalet and Patty, Oct. 6, 1822. [Frances Ann, C.R.I.] Martha [ ]_, w. Eliphalet [ , 1780]. g.r.i. Samantha, d. Eliphalet and Patty, Jan. 17, 1807. Samantha, ch. Eliphalet and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. COLLINS, Abigail [ ], w. Charles, Dec. 17, 1790, in Norwich. Abigail Francis, d. Charles and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1826. Adelia, d. Lewis and Eunice, Sept. 4, 1822. Albert Lewis, s. Lewis and Eunice, Sept. 23, 1824. Charles [h. Abigail], Dec. 30, 1792. 30 CHESTER BIRTHS Collins, Charles, s. Lewis and Eunice, Dec. 17, 1826. Edward Augustus, s. Gilbert and Wealthy, Jan. 10, 1830. Ella F., d. Haventon and Adeline of Norwich, Dec. 8, 1845. Emily H., d. Daniel Jr. and Emily H., Dec. 7, 183 1. Erastus, s. Charles and Abigail, Aug. 23, 1822. Flavia Ann, d. Charles and Abigail, June 9, 1820. Franklin Eugene, s. Lewis and Eunice, Oct. 15, 1829. Franklin W[illia]m, s. Gilbert and Wealthy, Apr. 20, 1832. George E., s. Daniel Jr. and Sarah B., June 19, 1834. Gilbert Jerome, s. Gilbert and Catherine, Dec. 18, 1837. Haventon, s. Charles and Abigail, Sept. 30, 1818. Henry, s. Charles and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1817. James, s. Charles and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1824. Sarah E., d. Daniel Jr. and Sarah B., Feb. 8, 1842. William M., s. Daniel Jr. and Sarah B,, Dec. 13, 1835. COLMAN (see Coleman), Elvira, d. Eliphalet (Coleman) and Patty, Jan. 4, 1809. COLTON (see Cattin, Cotton), Achsah, d. Chauncy and Sybil, Mar. i, 1802. [Cotton, s. Chancy and w., c.R.i.] Benjamin, s. Chauncy and Sybil, Nov. 5, 1798. Betsy, d. Chauncy and Sybil, July 28, 1800. [Colten, d. Chansy and Sybil, c.r.i.] Chauncy, s. Chauncy and Sybil, Sept. 29, 1809. Leonard, s. Chauncy and Sybil, Aug. 29, 1804. [Cotton, C.R.I. ] Relief [w. Asa Wilcox], Sept. 12, 1782. p.R.4. CONE, Eliza M. [ ], w. G[eorge] N. [ , 1843]. G.R.3. Ellen [ ], w. Lyman N., Dec. 14, 1831. G.R.3. G[eorge] N. [h. Sarah A., h. Eliza M., h. Harriet E.], Dec. 23, 1836. G.R. 3. Harriet E. f ], w. George N. [ , 1847]. G.R.3. Lyman N. [h. Ellen], Apr. 14, 1832. G.R.3. Sarah A. [ ], w. G[eorge] N. [ , 1837]. G.R.3. CONNUN, Elen E., d. Michail, laborer, and Susan, Nov. 13, 1847. COOK (see Cooke), Ann Eliza, d. John J. and Lucy, Apr. 11, 1840. Clarrissa Mariah, d. Pearley and Lovina, Aug. 25, 1812. Edword W., s. Pearly and Lovina, Nov. 7, 1819. Elinas H., s. Perley and Lovina, July 16, 1808. Franklin B., s. John J. and Lucy, Mar. 16, 1835. CHESTER BIRTHS 3 1 Cook, John Jefferson, s. Pearly and Lovine, July 13, 1806. Lavine, d. Pearly and Lovine, Jan. 8, 1797. Lovine, d. Pearley and Lovine, Mar. 12, 1800. Lucinda, d. Pearly and Lovina, Jan. i, 1816. Marion Lovina, d. John J. and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1837. Mary Ann, d. Linus and Roxana, Mar. 23, 186 [sic, intended for 1846]. Mercy Ann, d. Pearly and Lovina, Oct. 24, 1814. Pearly Burt, s. Pearly and Lovine, Dec. 10, 1803. Philetus, s. Perley and Lovina, Sept. 18, 1810. Sally, d. Pearly and Lovine, Nov. 5, 1798. Sarah Lovina, d. Linus, farmer, and Roxy E. [dup. omits E.], June II, [iS]44. Tracy, s. Linus and Roxey, Jan. 11, 1843. COOKE (see Cook), Elizur D. [ , 181 1]. g.r.2. Fannie, d. E. D. and L. M., w. Rev. Selah Merrill [ , 1845]. G.R.2. Julia A., d. C. D., w. C. C. Campbell [ , 1840]. g.r.2. COOLEY, Charles, [ch.] Harvey and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. C.R.I. Chester, s. Timothy and Rebecca, Mar. 28, 1790. Forbes, ch. Harvey and w., bp. July 8, 1821. c.R.i. Harvey Langdon, ch. Harvey and w., bp. Sept. 22, 1822. c.R.i. Laforest, ch. Harvey and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Margaret, d. Timothy and Rebecca [dup. Rebeckah], Apr. 21, 17S8. Sarah, d. Timothy and Rebecca, Dec. 29, 1792. COOPER, , s. John C, laborer, and Charlotte, Dec. 10 [1849]. COTTON (see Cattin, Colton), Clement[?], s. Mrs. Cotton, bp. Mar. 29, 1808. c.r.i. COUGHLIN (see Coujhlin), Elen, d. Robert and Mary, Dec. 13, 1846. COUJHLIN (see Coughlin), Hannah, d. Robert (Coujhli), labor[er], and Mary, Oct. 2, 1849. COWAN (see Cowen, Cowin, Cowing), Sarah [ ], w. Daniel [ , 1778]. g.r.i. COWEL, Cyrus, s. Lemuel and Polly, July 23, 1798. Cyrus, s. Lemuel and Polly, Dec. 2, 1801. Lydia, d. Lemuel and Polly, Nov. 20, 1805. 32 CHESTER BIRTHS CowEL, Polly, d. Lemuel and w., bp. Dec. 28, 1800. c.r.i. Sally, d. Lemuel and w., bp. Dec. 28, 1800, c.r.i. Zubina, d. Lemuel and w., bp. Dec. 28, 1800. c.r.i. COWEN (see Cowan, Cowin, Cowing), Abilene, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Adah, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Emaline, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. John Brooks, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Nelson, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Serah, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Wealthy, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. COWIN (see Cowan, Cowen, Cowing), Adah, d. Daniel and Serah, Nov. 30, 1806, in Chesterfield. Ebeline, d. Daniel and Serah, Feb. 4, 1812. Emaline, d. Daniel and Serah, Dec. 26, 1808. [Emeline Cowan, G.R.I.] John Brooks, s. Daniel and Sarah, May 28, 1818. [John B. Cowan, G.R.I.] Serah, d. Daniel and Serah, Mar. 30, 1814. COWING (see Cowan, Cowen, Cowin), Charles Sumner, s. Andrew and Ruth, Dec. 15, 1822. Mary Elizabeth, d. Dan[ie]l and Serah, Jan. 4, 1824. [Cowen, C.R.I.] [Cowan, c.r.i.] Sarah Smith, d. Dan[ie]l and Serah, May i, 1822. [Cowen, C.R.I.] Susanna Lonon, d. Dan[ie]l and Serah, Sept. 27, 1827. [Susanna Lonnon Cowing, c.r.i.] [Susan L. Cowan, Sept. 27, 1828, G.R.I. ] COWLES, Julia E. [ ], w. Newton W., July 20, 1819. G.R.3. Newton W. [h. Julia E.], Sept. 26, 1814. G.R.3. CRAWFORD, John, s. Robert and Mary, Sept. 8, 1783. Polly, d. Robert and Mary, Feb. 14, 1788. Russel, s. Robert and Mary, Apr. 11, 1786. CROOKS, Charles, s. Tho[ma]s and Artemesia, July 26, 1820, in Blandford. Eliza, d. Tho[ma]s and Artemesia, Nov. 4, 1827. Henry W., s. Thomas and Artemesia, Mar. 13, 1817, in Blandford. James, s. Tho[ma]s and Artemesia, Jan. 17, 1824. CHESTER BIRTHS 33 Crooks, Peggy Anna, d. Tho[ma]s and Artemesia, June 30, 1822, in Blandford. Polly, d. Tho[ma]s and Artemesia, Sept. 17, 1818, in Blandford. , d. Tlio[ma]s and Artemesia, Jan, 7, 1832. CROSS, Samuel, s. David, bp. May 5, 1799. c.R.i. CROW, Caroline [ ], w. [ , 1833] [in Middle- field Switch]. C.R.2. Huldah, d. James and Phebe, Mar. 21, 1782. Isabel, d. James and Phebe, June 6, 1779. Jean, d. John and Anna, Feb. 23, 1767. Joh 3d, s. John Jr. and Anna, July 13, 1769. CULLEY, Charles [ , 1843]. G.R.3. CULVER, John, Jan. 5, 1827. G.R.3. DANDURAND, Theodore [h. Laura (Marshall)], , 1823. G.R.2. DAVIS, Dolly W. [ ], w. James T., wid. Cha[rle]s Churchill, Nov. 30, 181 1. G.R.3. James T. [h. Dolly W.], Jan. 8, 1815. G.R.3. Martha A., d. James T. and Dolly, Jan. 23, 1836. William [h. Elizabeth (McLeod)], June 25, 181 7. P.R.18. DAY, Almina, d. Erastus and Ruth, Aug. 19, 1800. Alvan, s. Plin, bp. , 1816. c.r.i. Alvin, ch. Ira and Clarissa, Feb. i, 1820. [Alvan, c.r.i.] Amelia S. [ ], w. Asa C. [ , 1800]. G.R.4. Asa, s. Asa C, mechanic, and Amelia S., Mar. 15, [i8]45. Asa Cady, s. Ira and Clarissa, Mar. 24, 181 5. [h. Amelia S., h. Lydia A. (Clark), G.R.4.] Asa Cady, ch. Ira and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Calvin, s. Lt. Abraham and Irena, June 12, 1790. Calvin, ch. Mrs. Day, bp. July 29, 1798. c.r.i. Calvin, s. Ira and Clarissa, Oct. 24, 1818. Calvin, ch. Ira and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Charles F. (see Day). Clarissa, d. Ira and Clarissa, Dec. 17, 1807. Clarissa, ch. Ira and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Clary [ ], w. Ira [ , 1786]. G.R.4. Deborah Ann, d. Phin and w., bp. July 11, 1813. c.r.i. Edward [h. Lura (Orcutt)], May 11, 1840. G.R.3. Edwin Monro, s. Ira and Clarrisa, June 5, 1828. Erastus, ch. Ira and Clarissa, Feb. 2, 1822. Esther, d. Ira and Clarissa, July 26, 18 10. 34 CHESTER BIRTHS Day, Esther, ch. Ira and w., bp, Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Eveline F. [ ], w. W[illia]m H. [ , 1843]. C-R-2. Ira Jr., s. Ira and Clarissa, Aug. 8, 181 2. Ira, ch. Ira and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Irene Jackson, d. Lois, wid., bp. May 7, 1820. c.r.i. John, s. Ira and Clarissa, Aug. 2, 1825, Joshua, s. Ira and Clarissa, Feb. 20, 1817. Joshua, ch. Ira and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Louisa, ch. Ira and Clarissa, Dec. 17, 1822. Martha Ann, d. Ira and Clarrissa, Apr. 13, 1824. Mary Maria, d. Lois, wid., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Phin Bitts[?], ch. Phin and w., bp. Mar. 14, 1809. c.r.i. Rachel, ch. Mrs. Day, bp. July 29, 1798. c.r.i. Samuel Sampson, s. Phin, bp. Apr. 17, 1810. c.r.i. Selah, ch. Mrs. Day, bp. July 29, 1798. c.r.i. , ch. Phin and w., bp. Mar. 14, 1809. c.r.i. , inf. d. Ira and Clarissa, [? born or died] Mar. 16, 1830. , s. Asa, blacksmith, and Amelia, Mar. 20, 1844. [Charles F., s. Asa C. and Amelia S., G.R.4.] DEGOES, Catherine [ ], w. Peter, , 1832. G.R.4. Peter, "Co. F. 58 Regt. N. Y. Infantry" [h. Catherine], , 1819. G.R.14. DEWEY, Alvan, s. Franklin, farmer, and Ann, Mar. 21, 1844. Ann K. [ ], w. Franklin [ , 1S05]. g.r.2. Catharine R. [ ], w. John [ , 1776]. g.r.2. Frank, s. John and Jane, July 29, 1796. Franklin [h. Ann K.] [ , 1795]. G.R.2. Franklin W., s. Franklin and Ann, June 12, 1837. Frederick, s. John and Jane, Mar. 12, 1798. Harriot, d. John and^Jane, Apr. 3, 1800. Henry S., s. Franklin and Ann [Ann K., g.r.2.], June 28, 1839. John Edward, s. Franklin and Ann, Mar. 21, 1844. Wealthy, d. John and Jane, May i, 1802. DE WOLF, Abner Ames, s. Naomi (Ames), , 1788. g.r.i. Homer Bennam, s. Dr. T[hadeus] K. and Cornelia, Jan. 15, 1837- Martha Eliza (D[e] Wolf), d. Dr. T. [dup. T[hadeus]] K. and Correlia B. [dup. omits B.], Apr. 25 [dup. Apr. 16], 1845 [sic, see De Wolf]. [Apr. 25, g.r.i.] Oscar Coleman, s. Dr. Thadeus K, and Cornelia, Aug. 8, 1835. [Oscar Coleman De Wolf, M. D. [h. Harriet (Lyman)], G.R.I.] CHESTER BIRTHS 35 De Wolf, Sarah Ann, d. Dr. Thad[eus] K. and Cornelia, Mar, 31, 1840. Thaddeus Kingsley, M. D. [h. Correlia (Benham), h. Mary (Phelps)], May 18, 1801. g.r.i. , d. Dr. T. K. and Correlia, Mar. 24, [i8]45 [sic, see Martha Eliza]. DIBBLE, Seymour, , 1842. G.R.3. DICKINSON, Amelia Newton, ch. W[illia]m and w., bp. Sept. 2, 1821. C.R.I. Edward Alexander, ch. William and w., bp. Aug. i, 1819. C.R.I. Elizabeth Wells, ch. William and w., bp. Aug. i, 1819. c.r.i. Emely, ch. W[illia]m and w., bp. Feb. 25, 1827. c.r.i. John Woodbridge, ch. William and w., bp. Feb. 13, 1S25. C.R.I. Juha FrankHn, ch. William and w., bp. Aug. i, 18 19. c.r.i. Mary Worthington, ch. William and w., bp. Aug. i, 1819. C.R.I. WilHam, ch. William and w., bp. Aug. i, 1819. c.r.i. DIMOCK, Abby Lucinda, d. Henry and Caroline, June 2, 1843. DOLBEY, Amelia M. [ ], w. J. F. [ , 1822]. G.R.4. DORITY, Mary Ann, d. Edward, day laborer, and Mary, Mar. 31, 1848. DRAKE, Abraham Jr., s. Abraham [and Olive], Apr. 13, 1794, in Worthington. Amy, d. Abraham and Olive, Jan. 4, 1797, in Worthington. Ashley, s. Abraham and Olive, June 18, 1792, in Worthington. Benjamin, s. Abraham and Olive, Mar. 11, 1802. Benjamin, s. Abraham and Olive, Jan. 10, 1805. John, s. Abraham and Olive, Aug. 7, 1790. Keziah, d. Abraham and Olive, Apr. 13, 1800. Nancy, d. Abraham and Olive, Jan. 8, 1798. Sanford (Drak), s. Abraham and Olive, May 11, 1807. Susanna, d. Abraham and Olive, Dec. 23, 1796, in Worth- ington. William Sharon, s. Abraham and Olive, Oct. 19, 1798, in Worthington. DRAPER, Abijah, s. Joshua and Molly, Sept. 3, 1781. Betheuel, s. Joshua and Molly, Aug. 27, 1774, in Spencer. 36 CHESTER BIRTHS Draper, Hazar Enan, s. Joshua and Molly, Sept. 6, 1777. Lucy, d. Joshua and Molly, Jan. 22, 1776, in Spencer. Mary, d. Joshua and Molly, Sept. 14, 1780. Rufus, s. Joshua and Molly, Jan. 28, 1779. Silvester, s. Joshua and Mary, May 14, 1783. DUDLEY, Catharine F., w. Joseph L. Watson, Mar. 19, 1828. G.R.3. EAMES (see Ames), Laura A. [w. David Smith], Apr. 24, 1820. G.R.I. EASTMAN, Benjamin Blair, s. Benj[ami]n and Deborah, June 23, 1816. [[h. Martha F.] G.R.4.] Lucia, "adopted" d. Benjamin and w., bp. Nov. 25, 1804. C.R.I. Martha F. [ ], w. Benjamin B. [ , 1825]. G.R.4. Rachel, d. Benjamin and Deborah, Sept. 7, 1817. EDSON, Ellen Adeline, d. S. W. and A. T., bp. July 6, 1840. C.R.I. EELY (see Ely), Alonson D., s. Ansel and Electa, Mar. 6, 1827. Ansel, s. Ansel and Electa, Aug. 26, 1824. Electa Clark, d. Ansel and Electa, Apr. 13, 1822. EGLESTON (see Eglestone), Aaron Jr., s. Aaron and Eliza- beth, Feb. 5, 1823. Electe, ch. Abner, bp. Sept. 11, 1785. c.r.i. Elizabeth, d. Aaron and Elizabeth, July 25, 1818. Fanny, d. Aaron and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1820. [Fannie, w. Edwin Wilcox, Nov. 28, 1821, G.R.3.] Hannah, d. Aaron and Elizabeth, July 8, 1813. Harriet, d. Aaron and Elizabeth, June 24, 1816. Nabbe, ch. Abner, bp. Sept. 11, 1785. c.r.i. Siliner, ch. Abner, bp. Sept. 11, 1785. c.r.i. EGLESTONE (see Egleston), , ch. Mr. Eglestone, bp. Oct. 3, 1773. C.R.I. ELDAR (see Elder), Artemas, s. Thomas and Margaret, Oct. 14, 1785. Charlottee, d. Thomas and Margaret, Jan. 27, 1782. [Char- lotte Elder, c.r.i.] James, s. Thomas and Margaret, Jan. 30, 1780. [Elder [h. Betsey, h. Melinda H.], G.R.6.] CHESTER BIRTHS 37 Eldar, John, s. Thomas and Margaret [dup. Margeret], Mar. 9, 1784. [Dea. John Elder [h. Electa], g.r.i.] [h. Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), P.R.16.] Sally, d. ''Clerk" William and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1791. [Elder, C.R.I.] Samuel, s. Thomas and Margaret, Mar. 5, 1776. [Elder, C.R.I.] Thomas, s. Thomas and Margaret, June 12, 1774. [Elder, C.R.I.] ELDER (see Eldar), Abigail [ ], w. Dea. Thomas [ , 1777]. G.R.6. Abigal Baldin, d. William, bp. Nov. 7, 1802. c.r.i. AdaHne H. [ ], w. Augustus A. [ , 1820]. G.R.4. Almon, s. Ens. Thomas and Nabby, Mar. 28, 1800. Almon, ch. Thomas Jr., bp. Dec. 27, 1808. c.R.i. Amos, s. Ens. Tho[ma]s and Nabby [s. Dea. Thomas and Abigail, G.R.6.], Oct. 20, 1804. Amos, ch. Thomas Jr., bp. Dec. 27, 1808. c.r.i. Angelina, d. Sam[ue]l and Sally, May 27, 1805. Ann Abigail, d. Nored and Rebecca, May 5, 1826. Arvilla, d. Ens. Thomas and Nabby, Oct. 5, 1801. Arvilla, ch. Thomas Jr., bp. Dec. 27, 1808. c.R.i. Augustus, s. William and Sarah, Nov. 20, 1797. . [Augustas, C.R.I. ] Augustus A. [ , 1824]. G.R.4. Betsy Sophrona, d. James and Betsy, Aug. 26, 18 10. Brainard David, s. John and Electa [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.], June 28, 1824. Brainard P., s. John and Electa, Feb. 4, 1828. [h. Lucy Jane (Loveridge), ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Caroline, d. Ens. Tho[ma]s and Nabby, Nov. 10, 1803. Caroline, ch. Thomas Jr., bp. Dec. 27, 1808. c.R.i. CoT[torn], inf. Thomas and , bp. June 12, 1813. C.R.i. [Corinth [ch. Dea. Thomas and Abigail], G.R.6.] Corinth Edwards, d. John and Electa [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.], Sept. 23, 1818. Corinth Edwards, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.R.i. Corintha, d. William and Sarah, July 29, 1795. [Corinthia, C.R.I.] David Brainard, ch. John and w., bp. Aug. 9, 1824. c.R.i. 38 CHESTER BIRTHS Elder, Delia Delphi, d. Nored and Rebecca, Nov. 14, 1839. [Delia Delphina, c.r.i.] Dolly, d. Ens. Tho[ma]s and Nabby, Sept. 10, 1806. Dolly, ch. Thomas Jr., bp. Dec. 27, 1S08. c.r.i. Dwight, s. Norred [Norid, c.r.i.] and Rebecca, Feb. 25, 1837. Edwin, s. Samuel ist and Sally, Mar. 12, 1803. Electa, d. Jo[h]n 2d and Electa [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.], Jan. 14, 1809. Electa Sophia, d. John and Electa, Dec. 31, 1814. [w. Her- man E. Nooney, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Electa Sophia, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Eliza P. [ ], w. Almon [ , 1804]. G.R.4. FideHa Melissa (see Phidelia Malyssa). George Nooney, s. Sam[ue]l and Sally, Aug. 11, 1811. Hannah Rosina, d. James and Betsey, Aug. 8, 1817. Harriet Atwood, d. John and Electa, Dec. 18, 1816. [w. William P. Masters, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Harriet Atwood, ch. John and w,, bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. James H., s. James and Betsey, July 24, 1827. James H. [ , 1828]. G.R.4. James M., s. James and Betsey, June 8, 1820. John Blair, s. John and Electa, Nov. 9, 1810. [h. Dinah (Tucker), ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] John Blare, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Jonathan N., s. Nored and Rebecca, Mar. 11, 1829. Kata, d. Thomas and Margaret, Apr. 9, 1778. [Kate, c.r.i.] Laura [dup. Eldar], d. Thomas and Nabby, July 27, 1789. [Elder, c.r.i.] Lovisa, d. Ens. Thomas, bp. May 31, 1812. c.r.i. Lucy M., d. James and Betsey, Sept. 11, 1823. Lyman Moor, s. John 2d and Electa, May i, 1807. [h. Charlotte (Whipple), ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Lyman Moore, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Marcus Maro, s. Lyman M. and Charlotte, Nov. 21, 1829. Melinda H. [ ], w. James [ , 1804]. g.r.6. Milton, s. Thomas, bp. July 12, 1795. c.r.i. Nabby, d. Thomas, bp. June 24, 1798. c.r.i. Norrid [dup. Eldar], s. [dup. adds "Clerk"] W[ima]m and Sarah, May 22, 1787. [Norod Elder, c.r.i. ] Phideha Malyssa (Eldr), d. James and Betsy, Feb. 13, 1815. CHESTER BIRTHS 39 Elder, Samuel [dup. Eldar], s. W[illia]m and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1785. Sam[ue]l, s. Sam[ue]l and Sally, Apr. 24, 1807. Samuel, s. Nored and Rebecca, Dec. 27, 1831. Samuel, s. Nored and Rebecca, Aug. 11, 1834. Sarah Ann, d. John and Electa, May 10, 1822. [w. Alvah Foote, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Serrepta, d. William and Sally, Mar. 21, 1800. [Sarepta, C.R.I.] Solon, s. Sam[ue]l and Sally, Aug. 4, 1809. Stephen, s. John and Electa, Mar. 10, 1813. [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Stephen Newell, s. John and Electa, Oct. 15, 1820. [Stephen Newel Elder, c.r.i.] [h. Abigal (Nooney), ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.r.i6.] Washington, ch. Dea. Thomas and w., bp. Aug. 6, 1823. c.R.i. WilUam [dup. Eldar], s. [dup. adds "Clerk"] William and Sarah, May 5, 1789. Wilham Russell, s. Nored and Rebecca, June 21, 1824. [Will- iam Russel Elder, c.r.i.] ELIS (see Ellis, Elliss), Almira, d. Noah and Clarisa, July 6, 1802. ELLIS (see Elis, Elliss), Ameha [?], d. Noah and Hannah, bp. July 29, 1845, "at the school house in Conada." c.r.i. Clarisa, d. Noah and Clarisa, July 22, 1807. Ebenezer, ch. Samuel, bp. Sept. 18, 1777. C.R.i. Edward, s. Ebenezer and Ruth, bp. May 20, 1804. c.r.i. Hannah [ ], w. Noah [ , 181 2]. G.R.4. Harriet Amelia [dup. Elles], d. Noah [dup. adds farmer] and Hannah, Aug. i, 1844. Hilos, ch. Ebenezer and Ruth, bp. July 6, 1806. c.r.i. Hooker, s. Noah and Hannah, July 7, 1842. John, s. Noah and Hannah, July 6, 1840. John, ch. Noah and Hannah, bp. Dec. 5, 1842. c.r.i. Keziah Cooly, d. Noah and Clarisa, Feb. 6, 1810. Leuthena, d. Noah (Elis) and Clarisa, June i, 1803. [Luthena, G.R.4.] Margaret, ch. Samuel, bp. Sept. 18, 1777. c.r.i. Noah, ch. Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 18, 1777. c.r.i. Noah Jr., s. Noah and Clarisa, Mar. 9, 181 2. [[h. Hannah] G.R.4.] Sala, d. Noah and Clarissa, Jan. 15, 1805. 40 CHESTER BIRTHS Ellis, Samuel s. Ebenezer and Ruth, bp. Oct. 24, 1802. cr.i. Sarah M., d. Noah and Hannah [ , 1846]. G.R.4. ELLISS (see Elis, Ellis), Ebenezer, s. Samuel and Sally, Nov- 23» 1773- John, s. Samuel and Salla, June 9, 1763, in Dedham. Lemuel [dup. AUis], s. Lemuel (Ellise) and Rebecca, July 9, 1784. Margaret, d. Samuel and Sally, Jan. 4, 1767. Noah, s. Sam[u]el and Salla, June 14, 1769. Sally, d. Samuel and Salla, Apr. 26, 1771. Sally, d. Sam[u]el and Sally, Apr. 5, 1777. [Ellis, cr.i.] Samuel, s. Samuel and Sally, Feb. 11, 1765, in Milton. ELLSWORTH, Albert C, s. Nathan and Achsah, Oct. 22, 1828. Albert Carpenter, s. Nathan and Achsah, Mar. 17, 1822. Allan, s. Nathan and Achsah, Sept. 20, 1823. Amy Elizabeth, d. Hezekiah and Eunice, July 3, 1825. Aura, d. Hezekiah and Eunice, May 7, 1820. Betsey, [twin] d. Hezekiah and Laurana, July 10, 1806. Delia Eliza, d. Nathan and Achsah, May 5, 183 1. Eunice, d. Hezekiah and Laurana, May i, 1800, in Windsor, Conn. Fanny, [twin] d. Hezekiah and Laurana, July 10, 1806. Henry Franklin, s. Hezekiah and Eunice, Feb. 22, 1818. Hezekiah, s. Hezekiah and Laurana, Mar. 4, 1794, in Windsor, Conn. James Andrew, s. Nathan and Achsah, Feb. 19, 1840. Laura, d. Hezekiah and Laurana, Nov. 29, 1795, in Windsor, Conn. Laura Electa, d. Nathan and Achsah, June 16, 1826. Laurana [ ], w. Hezekiah [ , 1765]. g.r.ii. Levi, s. Hezekiah and Laurana, Dec. 24, 1803. Mary, d. Hezekiah and Laurana, July i, 18 11. Nathan, s. Hezekiah and Laurana, Oct. 2, 1797, in Windsor, Conn. Rufus, [twin] s. Hezekiah and Eunice, Jan. 27, 1823. Rufus Gibson, [twin] s. Hesekiah and Eunice, Jan. 27, 1823. Ruth Wood, d. Nathan and Achsah, Jan. 13, 1834. Sarah Ann, d. Nathan and Achsah, Mar. 12, 1837. ELY (see Eely), , ch. Mr. Ely, Dec. 6, 1820. cr.i. EMERSEN[?], Elizabeth Bulkley, d. Rev. Emersen, bp. Nov. 30, 1817. cr.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 4I EMMONS, Altamira, d. Sylvester Esq. and Altamira, July 20, 1818. Altimira, ch. Sylvester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Ann Hinsdale, ch. Sylvester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.R.i. Anna Hinsdale, d. Sylvester Esq. and Altemira, Jan. 12, 1813. Ebenezer, ch. Dr. Ebenezer and w., bp. June 2, 1822. c.R.i. Fanny Pomeroy, d. Sylvester Esq. and Altamira, June 15, 1S15. Fanny Pomeroy, ch. Sylvester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. C.R.I. Sally, d. Sylvester and Hannah, Dec. 6, 1800. Sally, d. Sylvester Esq. and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1804. Sally, ch. Sylvester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Sylvester, s. Sylvester and Hannah, July 29, 1799, in Middle- field. Sylvester Jr., s. Sylvester and Hannah, Jan. 6, 1807. Sylvester, ch. Sylvester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. ENSIGN, , inf. Lyman, Feb. — , 1801. c.r.i. FAIRMAN (see Ferman), Fredreck, s. James and Thankful!, May 13, 1770. FALLEY, George Frederick, s. Daniel and Betsy, Jan. 31, 1798. [George Fraderick Fally, c.r.i.] Lewis, s. Daniel and Betsey, Jan. 6, 1800, in Norwich. [Fally, s. Dea. Fally and Betsy, c.r.i.] William, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. i, 1796. [Fally, s. Daniel and Betsy, c.r.i.] FAY, Abraham, s. Widow Fay, bp. Apr. 27, 1799. c.r.i. Alfred, ch. Erastus and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. Charles, s. William and Independence, July 15, 1841. [ist Lt. Co. F. 46th Regt. Mass. Vols., G.R.2.] Cordelia, d. Timothy and Hanah, Dec. 25, 181 1. Eliza, d. Timothy and Hannah, July 19, 1810. Eliza, w. Harrison Willcutt [ , 1818]. g.r.2. Erastus [July — , 1791]. C.R.2. [[h. Polly] July 25, G.R.2.] Eugene Preston [dup. omits Preston], d. Daniel, carpenter, and Rachel, Aug. 10 [dup. Aug. 11], [i8]44. Francis Edward, s. Abram and Mary, Oct. 17, 1823. Hannah [ ], w. Timothy [ , 1832]. g.r.2. Hannah H., w. D. I. Wilbur [ , 1822]. g.r.2. Harriet Newell, ch. Erastus and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. C.r.i. Hellen Frances, d. Daniel and Rachel, Aug. 3, 1846. Independence [ ], w. William, May 9, 1809. g.r.2. 42 CHESTER BIRTHS Fay, Jane D. [ ], w. Warren [N.] [ , 1818]. g.r.2. Julia F., d. [Dr. Timothy] [ , 1842]. g.r.2. Mary J., d. E[rastus] and P[oIly], Dec. 20, 1833. g.r.2. Munroe, s. Warren and Jane, Mar. 23, 1847. Myra A., d. William and Independence, May 28 [1849]. Olive, d. Timothy and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1808. Polly [ ], w. Erastus, Feb. 25, 1795. g.r.2. Timothy [h. Abigail, h. Hannah] [ , 1779]. g.r.2. Timothy, M. D. [ , 1814]. g.r.2. Warren N. [h. Jane D.] [ , 1813]. g.r.2. William, s. Timothy and Hannah, Mar. 17, 1809. [[h. Independence] G.R.2.] William Henry, s. William [dup. adds joiner] and Independence [dup. Nancy], May 6, 1843. FERMAN (see Fairman), Amaza, s. James and Thankfull, Nov. 3, 1771. FERRE (see Ferree, Ferry), Caroline Elizabeth, d. Uriah and Sybel, Jan. 13, 1821. George, ch. Uriah and w., bp. [May 4] 1823. c.r.i. Lephe, d. Uriah Jr. and Sybel, Apr. 9, 1819. [Leafy, c.r.i.] Lewis Chapin, s. Uriah, bp. June 22, 181 7. c.r.i. FERREE (see Ferre, Ferry), Henry, s. Uriah and Sybel, Jan. 16, 1814. Lewis Chapin, s. Uriah and Sybel, May 10, 181 5. W[illia]m Russel, s. Uriah and Sybel, Oct. 7, 181 7. [William Russell Ferre, c.r.i.] FERRES (see Ferris), , ch. John, July 12, 1820. c.r.i. FERRIS (see Ferres), , ch. Mrs. Ferris, bp. July — , 1835. C.R.I. , ch. Mrs. Ferris, bp. July — , 1835. c.r.i. , ch. Mrs. Ferris, bp. July — , 1835. c.r.i. FERRY (see Ferre, Ferree), Abigal, d. Thaddeus and Abigail, July 30, 1788. Orra, d. Solomon and Rhoda, July 6, 1788. , ch. Solomon, , 1790. c.r.i. FISK, Harriet T. [ ], w. Ralph H., , 181 2. g.r.8. Harrison [ , 1842]. g.r.8. Moses [h. Olive P.] [ , 1781]. G.R.4. Nancy B. [w. Joshua Stevens], Dec. 10, 1783. p.r.6. Olive P. [ ], w. Moses [ , 1787]. G.R.4. Ralph H. [h. Harriet T.] [ , 1810]. g.r.8. CHESTER BIRTHS 43 FLAGG, Ebenezer, s. Gershom and Editha, June 14, 1785. Editha, d. Gershom and Editha, June 17, 1786. Mary, d. Gershom and Editha, Feb. 4, 1783. , d. Rev. Algenon and Nancy M., Apr. 27, 1847. FLEMING, Abraham, s. Abraham and Mary, Jan. 27, 1770. James, s. Abraham and Mary, June 5, 1774. James Jr., s. James and Lucretia, Sept. 27, 1803. Molly, d. Abraham and Mary, June 25, 1787. Nathan, s. Abraham and Mary, May 19, 1776. Peggy, d. Abraham and Mary, Apr. 11, 1771. Pheby, d. Abraham and Mary, Aug. 19, 1778. Polly, d. James and Lucresia, June 14, 1801. Sally, d. Abraham and Mary, June 11, 1780. Theodoshia, d. Abraham and Mary, Aug. 15, 1785. FLINT, Esquire, s. Thomas and Nancy, Apr. 3, 1784. Lucy, d. Thomas and Nancy, Dec. 18, 1785. FOBES, David, s. Nathan and Rebecca, Dec. 14, 1782, in Somers, Conn. Hoshea (see Oshea). Jabez, s. Nathan and Rebecca, Sept. 27, 1784. Justice, s. Nathan and Rebecca [dup. Rebeckah], Oct. 20, 1788. [Justus, C.R.I.] Lotio, s. Nathan and Rebecca, Feb. 14, 1796. [Leton, c.r.i.] Nathan, s. Nathan and Rebeccah, Feb. 19, 1793. Oshea, s. Nathan and Rebecca, Jan. i, 1799. [Hoshea, c.r.i.] Rebeckah, d. Nathan and Rebeckah, July 20, 1790. [Re- becah, c.r.i.] Ruba, d. Nathan and Rebeckah, Apr. 2, 1795. [Rube, c.r.i.] Sally, d. Nathan and Rebecca [dup. Rebeecah], July i, 1786. Simon, ^. Lt. Simon and Ehzabeth, Aug. 6, 1783, , ch. Simen, , 1790. c.r.i. FOOT (see Foote), Alfred S., s. Alvah and Asenath, Jan. 22, 1821. [Alfred Smith Foot, ch. Alva and w., c.r.i.] [Dea. Alfred S. Foote, h. Helen (Burnham), g.r.i.] [Alfred S. Foot, ch. Alvah, p.r.ic] Allen, s. Asa and Lucy, June 16, 1811. Alva Thomas, s. Sergt. Wilham and Ruth, Jan. 12, 1792. [Dea. Alvah Foote [h. Asenath], g.r.i.] Alvah Jr., s. Alvah and Asenath, Mar. 14, 1819. Amos, s. Chester and Vanda, Mar. 5, 181 2. Angis Maria, d. James R., farmer, and Frances M., Jan. 5, 1847. 44 CHESTER BIRTHS Foot, Ann Ellen, d. James, farmer, and Frances, May 7, 1844. Arba, s. William and Eunice [sic, Ruth], July 27, 1793. [Arby, s. William and Ruth, c.r.i.} Asa Sprout, s. Asa and Eliza, Aug. 25, 1823. Asa William, s. [dup. adds SergtJ William and Ruth, Aug. 4, 1786. Calvin, s. Arba and Eunice, Aug. 19, 1818. Calvin, s. Arba and Eunice, May ir, 1820. Caroline B. E., d. Asa and Betsey, Jan. 31, 1833. Charles, s. Asa and Lucy, Sept. 2, 1808. Chester, s. Sergt. William and Ruth, Apr. 3, 1790. [Apr. 2, C.R.I. ] Corinth E., d. Alvah and Asenath, Sept. 2, 1817. Corinth Elder, ch. Alvah and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.R.i. CorneHus, s. Alvah and Asenath, Jan. 29, 1S37. Dv/ight, s. Asa and Lucy, Dec. 13, 1815. Eber Rice, s. Asa and Eliza, May 19, 1819. Edward N., s. Alvah and Asenath, Mar. 29, 1833. Electa, d. William and Ruth, Aug. 2, 1797. [Electe, c.r.i.] Eliza Ann, d. Chester and Vanda, Sept. 9, 1817. Erastus F. H., s. Asa and Betsey, Mar. 4, 1825. Eunice, d. Sergt. [dup. omits Sergt.] William and Ruth, Nov. 8, 1778. Fanny Burton, [twin] d. Asa and Eliza, Jan. 13, 1822. Francis Burr, [twin] s. Asa and Eliza, Jan. 13, 1822. George, s. Chester and Vanda, July 27, 1815. George W., s. Asa and Betsey, Apr. 28, 183 1. Harriet E., d. Alvah and Asenath, July i, 1829. [Harriet Electa, d. Alvah and Assenath, bp. May 17 sic, c.r.i.] James Raymond, s. Arba and Eunice, Feb. 7, 1822. Jane L., d. Alvah and Asenath, July 15, 1825. [Jane Linsey Foot, ch. Alva and w., c.r.i.] [Jane L., ch. Alvah, p.r.ic] Jane Loyd, d. Chester and Vanda, Oct. 28, 1827. Julia Ann, d. Chester and Vanda, Mar. 12, 1820. Lewis, s. Asa and Lucy, Feb. 24, 1814. Lucy Ann [dup. omits Ann], d. Asa and Eliza, May 12, 1818. Mary A. R., d. Asa and Betsey, Oct. 15, 1828, Mercy M., d. Alvah and Asenath, Jan. 11, 1823. [Mercy Merilla Foote, ch. Alva and w., c.r.i.] [Mercy M., Foot, ch. Alvah, p.r.ic] Monroe B., s. Alvah and Asenath, May 12, 1835. [Monroe Benham Foot, c.r.i.] Osman, s. Roland and Lydia, July 10, 1814. CHESTER BIRTHS 45 Foot, Rebecca W., ch. Alvah, Mar. 19, 1831. Rutha, d. Sergt. [dup. omits Sergt.] William and Ruth, Nov. 26, 1780. Samuel Rudd, s. Asa and Eliza, Nov. 6, 1820. Sarah, d. Asa and Lucy, Dec. 25, 1810. Silas Marble, s. Roland and Lydia, June 23, 181 2. Wealthy Rebecca, d. Alvah and Asenath, Mar. 19, 1831. William La Fayette, s. Asa and Betsey, Mar. 31, 1827. , s. Chester and Vanda, Mar. i, 1826. FOOTE (see Foot), Asenath [ ], w. Dea. Alvah [ , 1795]. G.R.I. Sarah A. E. [ ], w. Alvah Jr. [ , 1822]. g.r.i. FOWL (see Fowle), Betssy, d. Jacob and EHzabeth, Dec. 13, 1780. Nancy, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1782. , d. Jacob and Elizabeth, July 25, 1779. FOWLE (see Fowl), Polly, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1784. [Fowl, C.R.I.] FOX, Harriet, d. Stephen and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1813, in Granby, Conn. Mary, d. Stephen and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1822. Sarah, d. Stephen and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1820. William, s. Stephen and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1818. FRARY, Ann E. [ ], w. Duty, Jan. 24, 1849. G.R.3. Duty [h. Ann E.], Apr. 11, 181 1. G.R.3. FREEMAN, Benjamin White, s. Silas and Mary, Mar. i, 1773, in Canterbury. Brewster, s. Silas and Mary, Mar. 27, 1765, in Preston, Conn. Calvoly, s. Silas Jr. and Margarit, July 13, 1792. Charles, s. Silas and Mary, Dec. 10, i775» in Preston. Edmon, s. Silas and Mary, Aug. 5, 1769, in Preston. Edmund, s. Edmond and Sabra, Jan. 23, 1793. Fanny, d. Silas Jr. and Margaret, July 19, 1799- Joseph, s. Silas and Mary, Sept. 18, 177 1, in Preston. Nathaniel, s. Silas and Mary, May 25, 1778. Parmelia, [twin] d. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Dec. 10, 1795. Parmelia, d. Silas and Margaret, Sept. 4, 1797. Perlina, [twin] d. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Dec. 10, 1795. Rodney, s. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Nov. 8, 1805. Sally, d. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Dec. 29, 1793. 46 CHESTER BIRTHS Freeman, Samuel Dwella, s. Silas and Mary, Feb. 12, 1780. [Samuel Dudley[?] Freeman, c.r.i.] Sidney, s. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Sept. i, 1803. Silas, s. Silas and Mary, Mar. 29, 1767, in Preston. Silas, s. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Sept. 12, 1801. Silvanus, s. Silas and Mary, Feb. 14, 1783. [Sylvanus, c.r.i.] FRENCH, Amos, s. Azel and Pamelia, Apr. 7, i8p8. Azael, s. Samuel and Susanna, May 12, 1778. Cinthy, ch. Ozias, bp. Nov. 29, 1791. c.r.i. Cynthia, d. Ozias and Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1786. Eliza Catharine, d. Azel and Parmela, Feb. i, 181 1. Elizabeth, d. Ens. Ozias and Elizabeth, Jin. 31, 1793. Erastus Dayton, s. Capt. Ozias and Elisabeth, July 11, 1801. [Erastus Daiton French, c.r.i.] Eunice, d. Ens. Ozias and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1795. Eunice, d. Charles, bp. June 7, 1795. c.r.i. Flavia, d. Azel and Parmelia, Apr. 5, 1804. Harvey, s. Ozias and Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 1788. Hervey, s. Ozias, bp. Nov. 29, 1791. c.r.i. Joel Warren, s. Azel and Parmelia, Feb. i, 1806. Linus, s. Ozias and Elisabeth, May 12, 1797. Lucy, d. Ozias and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1790. Ozias Jr., s. Capt. Ozias and Elisabeth, June i, 1803. Samuel, s. Jabez and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1791. Sophia, d. Azel and Parmelia, June 17, 1801. Theodosia, d. Lt. Ozias and Elizabeth, July 23, 1799. , ch. Jabez, , 1790. c.r.i. FRY, Esther Salina, d. Daniel and Maria, May 9, 1828. Frances Adelia, d. Daniel and Maria, May 10, 1826. Henry W., s. Daniel and Maria, Nov. 26, 1832. FULLER, Jane A., w. John Orlowe Remington, Dec. 6, 1835. G.R.3. Thurza L., w. John L. Hayes, w. George Pease, May 27, 1841. G.R.I. GAMWELL, Aaron, s. John and Jane, Apr. 17, 1796. Aaron, ch. John and Jane, bp. Oct. 18, 1799. c.r.i. Anna, d. John and Jane, Jan. 11, 1792. Anne, ch. John and Jane, bp. Oct. 18, 1799. c.r.i. Ansel, s. John Jr. and Margery, July 23, 1793. Ansel, s. John Jr. and Margery, bp. Mar. 6, 1803. c.r.i* Betsy, d. John and Jane, Aug. 23, 1780, in Northbury. James, s. John and Jane, July 6, 1789, in Northbury. CHESTER BIRTHS 47 Gamwell, James, s. John Jr. and Margery, Oct. 24, 1798. James, s. John Jr. and Margery, bp. Mar. 6, 1803. c.R.i. Jane, d. John and Jane, June 19, 1790- Jane, ch. John and Jane, bp; Oct. 18, 1799. c.r.i. Jane E., d. Suel and Amanda (Cheney), , 1829. g.r.2. Jennie E., , 1848. G.R.3. Moses, s. John and Jane, Apr. 16, 1782, in Northbury. Saily, d. John Jr. and Margery, bp. July 31, 1803. c.r.i. Samuel, s. John and Jane, Jan. 20, 1784, in Northbury. [[h. Clarissa (Moore)] g.r.2. ] Samuel, s. John Jr., bp. July 19, 1807. C.r.i. Sewall, ch. John and Jane, bp. Oct. 18, 1799. c.r.i. Suel, s. John and Jane, Oct. 30, 1793. [[h. Amanda (Cheney)] G.R.2.] W. S., , 1847- G.R.3. . .. , , William, s. John and Jane, Sept. 5, 1786, in Northbury. William A., s. William, farmer, and Sarah C, Mar. 31 [1849]. GARTTER, Sarah [ ], w. Lorenzo [ , 181 2]. g.r.2. GIBBS, Curtis, Sept. 2, 1813. G.R.3. Eli [h. Mary] [Oct. — , 1798]. g.r.2. Mary [ ], w. Isaac [ , 1790]. g.r.2. Mary [ ], w. Eli [ , 1801]. G.R.2. Mary, d. Eli and Mary, Oct. 12, 1830. Nelson D. [ , 1829]. g.r.2. Orin W., s. Eli and Mary, Mar. 13, 1826. GIBSON, Alvira, d. Amasa and Harriet, May 10, 1826. Benjamin Franklin, s. Amasa and Harriet, July 11, 1835. Caroline Matilda, d. Amasa and Harriet, Dec. 6, 1838. Elvira (see Alvira). Henry Wilson, s. Amasa and w., Apr. 13, 1842. Joseph, s. Amasa and Harriet, June 27, 1833. Miner, s. Roger and Polly, Aug. 28, 1802. Sarah, d. Amasa and Harriet, July 20, 1822. GIDDINGS (see Giddins), Charles Bartlett, s. Willian and Wealthy, Aug. 10, 1843. Edwin F., "Mem. Co. F. 4 Mass. Cavalry," July 29, 1838. G.R.8. Thomas S., Aug. 8, 1833. g.r.2. GIDDINS (see Giddings), — , s. W[illia]m, tanner, and Wealthy, Aug. 26, 1843. 48 CHESTER BIRTHS GILES, George Henry, s. Dar^iel H., laborer, and Cloe, Apr. 15, 1848. GILLETT, Geo[rge] W. [July — , 1822]. g.r.2. GILLMORE, Asa, s. James and Nancy, Feb. 12, 1788. Ashbel, s. James and Nancy, Sept. 22, 1785. James Jr., s. James and Nancy, Mar. 19, 1790. Mary, d. James and Nancy, Nov. 21, 1778. Nancy, d. James and Nancy, Feb. 9, 1794. Patty, d. James and Nancy, May 6, 1800. Reuben, s. James and Nancy, , 29, 1796. Samuel, s. James and Nancy, July 17, 1783. Silas, s. James and Nancy, Sept. 29, 1774. Susanna, d. James and Nancy, Apr. 18, 1781. GODARD, Harvey [ , 1818]. c.R.2. GOLDTHWAIT, Lydia, Jan. 30, 1823. p.R.17. GOODIN, Daniel, s. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1789. Sarah, d. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1787. GOODRICH, Ann [ , 1790]. G.R.14. Frank L., s. Charles and Selina, Nov. 17 [1849]. Mary [ , 1819]. G.R.14. Sally Ann, d. Warem and Ann, Feb. 11, 1817. Warren [June — , 1784]. G.R.14. , d. Charles, farmer, and Silence, July 18 [1849]. GOOD WELL, Esther, d. Nath[anie]l and Polly, May 4, i799- John, s. Nath[anie]l and Polly, June 8, 1797. Justin, s. Nathan[ie]l and Polly, Feb. 20, 1795. Orpha, d. Nathaniel and Polly, Mar. 15, 1802. Polly, d. Nathaniel and Polly, Oct. 5, 1792. GORDON, John, s. Alexander and Martha, May 6, 1769. GOULD, Molley, d. Samuel and Olive, Sept. 15, 1779. Pattey [dup. Patta], d. Samuel and Olive, Feb. 19, 1777. Wilson, s. Liberty and Martha, Jan. 25, 1843. GRAHAM, Almena, d. David and Lovice, Apr. 23, 1805. Alonzo, s. David and Lovice, Jan. i, 1816. David King, s. David and Lovice, July 15, 181 2. Lavice, d. David and Lavice, Oct. 26, 1800. [Lovisa, c.R.i.] [Louisa, w. Rufus Tinker, Oct. 26, 1808 sic, g.r.i.] CHESTER BIRTHS 49 Graham, Lucinda King, d. David and Vice, Dec. 17, 1798. Samuel Stebbens, s. David and Lovice, Oct. 20, 1821. W[illia]m Lee, s. David and Lavice, Aug. 18, 1803. GRANGER, Daniel Augustus, s. Daniel and Jane, Dec. 4, 1827. Nancy Sophia, d. Dan[ie]l and Jane, June 8, 1825. Sarah Jane [ ], w. Matthew B. [Nov. — , 1824]. g.r.i. William Edwin, s. Daniel and Jane, Feb. 24, 1819. GRAY, Elias [h. Sarah] [ , 1786]. g.r.2. Sarah [ ], w. Elias [ , 1787]. g.r.2. GREENE, Aella, s. Elijah S. and Ann C, May 6, 1838. Alcedon Milan Awara, s. Elijah S. and Ann C, June 2, 1841. Alzona Luzomee, d. Elijah S. (Green) and Ann C, Feb. 24, 1840. GRIFFIN (see GriflSng), Albert H., s. Anson and Lura, June 29, 1828. Anson [h. Lura (Alderman)] [Jan. — , 1803]. g.r.2. Dwight Wilber, s. Emmons and Mary Ann, Apr. 10, 1842. Esther, d. Anson and Laura, June 20, 1842. Jasper, s. Anson, farmer, and Jane, June 20, 1843. Julia Ann, d. Anson and Lura, Sept. 16, 183 1. Mary Jane, d. Anson and Lura, July 4, 1837, in Westfield. Sarah Maria, d. Anson and Lura, June 22, 1840, in Westfield. GRIFFING (see GriflSn), Charles Dwight, s. Anson and Lura, Sept. 15, 1847. GRIST, Hannah S., w. Willis F. Stevens, , 1839. G.R.3. GRISWOLD, Caroline, ch. Rufus and w., bp. July 2, 1820. C.R.I. Daniel Lewis, s. OHver T., plane maker, and Sarah, July 20, 1846. Eliza Ann, ch. Rufus and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Harriet, ch. Rufus and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Margaret Bamer, ch. Rufus and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Mary Eleanor, ch. Rufus and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Oliver T., s. Oliver T., mechanic, and Sarah, July 23 [1849]. Samuel Henry, ch. Rufus and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. HALEY (see Haly), W[illia]m H., s. Maxson and Eliza M., Apr. 4, 1845. HALL, Morgan, h. Mary A. (Snow), Apr. 8, 1815. p.R.17. 50 CHESTER BIRTHS HALY (see Haley), , s. Maxon, day labourer, and Elisa, Apr. 4, [i8]45. HAM, , d. Caleb W. and Minerva, Sept. 13 [1849]. HAMILTON, Achsah, d. Lemuel and Peggy, bp. Sept. 30, 1804. C.R.I. Adam, Mar. i, 1791. p.r.2. Adam, ch. Moses and w., bp. July i, 1821. c.r.i. Adams, s. Moses and Olive, Oct. 3, 1815. Adelia J. (see Hamilton). Alford, s. James and Lucy, Feb. 21, 1836. [Alfred, P.R.9.] Alfred J. [ , 1835]. G.R.5. Ann, d. James and Lucy, July 16, 1829. [July 16, 1828, P.R.9.] Asa, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1802. Benjamin F., s. John and Sarah [(Burton) g.r.2.], Nov. 3, 1832. Benjamin F., s. John and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1834. Betsey Maria, ch. John and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. Caty, ch. Lt. John, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. Charles E., s. Adam and w., July 2, 1820. Charlotte, d. James and Lucy, Mar. 7, 1832. [Mar. 7, 1831, P.R.9.] Chester, s. Susannah of Chesterfield, bp. Feb. 28, 1790. c.r.i. Clarissa, ch. Lt. John, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. Clarissa, ch. John and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. Corrinth, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1818. [Corinth, c.r.i.] David, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 3, 1800. Edgar, s. John and Sarah [(Burton) G.R.2.], Jan. 3, 1837. Electe, d. Samuel and Susannah of Chesterfield, bp. Mar. 8, 1789. C.R.I. Eliza Daphna, d. Adam and Mabel, July 12, 1841. Emma K., d. Adam and Mabel, Apr. 14, 1837. Harmony, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1826. Harriet, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1830. [Harriet B., ch. John and Sarah (Burton), g.r.2.] Harriet Augusta, d. Adam and Mabel, Dec. 3, 1831. Henry H., s. John and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1841. [Henry Harrison Hamilton, c.r.i.] Irene, d. James and Lucy, Sept. 11, 1838. [Irene Jud Hamil- ton, C.R.I.] [Irene S., Sept. i, P.R.9.] James, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1798. James, ch. John, grand ch. Dea. James, bp. Nov. 22, 1799. C.R.I. James, s. Lemuel and Peggy, Feb. 16, 1800. CHESTER BIRTHS 5 1 Hamilton, James, ch. Lt. John, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. James, grand s. Dea. James and w., bp. Sept. 7, 1802. c.r.i. James [h. Lucy], Nov. 30, 1803. p.r.q. James, s. Lemuel and Peggy, bp. May 7, 1809. c.r.i. Jane, ch. Moses and w., bp. July i, 1821. c.r.i. Jane Bell, d. Moses and Olive, Nov. 3, 1819. John [h. Sarah (Burton)], July 7, 1788. g.r.2. John Jr., s. John and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1796. John, ch. John, grand ch. Dea. James, bp. Nov. 22, 1799. C.R.I. John, s. Moses and Olive, Sept. 22, 182 1. . John, s. James and Lucy, July 24, 1S34. [July 24, 1S33, P.R.9.] John A., s. John and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1828. John Corindon, ch. John and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. Joseph, s. Dea. James and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1771. Katie (see Caty). Lemuel, s. Dea. James and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1767. Louisa, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1824. Lucy [ ] [w. James], Aug. 17, 1807. p.R.9. Marilla, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1820. [Marilla Ann, C.R.I.] Marjoram, d. Dea. James and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1769. Mary Holland, ch. John and w., bp. Oct. 14, 1821. c.r.i. Miranda W., d. Adam and w., Nov. 16, 1817. Moses, s. Moses and Olive, Mar. 28, 1824. Olive [? m.] [ , 1797]. g.r.2. Orton Cornelius, [twin] s. James and Lucy, Feb. 4, 1840. [Ortin C, Jan. 4, 1841, P.R.9.] Oscar Amelius, [twin] s. James and Lucy, Feb. 4, 1840. [Oscar E., Jan. 4, 1841, P.R.9.] Peggy, d. John and Sarah, June 30, 1793. Polly, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1791. Polly, ch. John, grand ch. Dea. James, bp. Nov. 22, 1799. C.R.I. Sally, d. Dea. James and Sarah, June 7, 1774. Sally, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1789. Sally, ch. John, grand ch. Dea. James, bp. Nov. 22, 1799. C.R.I. Samuel, ch. Lt. John, bp. Aug. 22, 1802. c.r.i. Samuel Otis, s. Moses and Olive, July 22, 1817. [[h. Mary (Coffin)] G.R.3.] Samuel Otis, ch. Moses and w., bp. July i, 1821. c.r.i. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1821. 52 CHESTER BIRTHS Hamilton, Sarah Ann, ch. John and w., bp. Feb. 24, 1822. C.R.I. Sena, ch. John, grand ch. Dea. James, bp. Nov. 22, 1799. C.R.I. Siny, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1795. Susanna, d. Lemuel and w., bp. Aug. — , 1819. c.r.i. Sylvester, s. James and Lucy, Aug. 20, 1827. [Aug. 20, 1826, P.R.9.] Thankful, d. Lt. John, bp. May 7, 1809, c.r.i. William, s. Lemuel and Peggy, June 3, 1802. William, s. John, bp. Aug. 12, 1804. c.r.i. W[illia]m Pomeroy, s. Adam and Mabel, Aug. 23, 1835. , s. [dup. Dea.] James, bp. , 1771. c.r.i. , s. [dup. Dea.] James, bp. , 1771. c.r.i. , ch. John, bp. July — , 1835. c.r.i. , ch. John, bp. July — , 1835. c.r.i. , ch. John, bp. July — , 1835. c.r.i. , ch. John, bp. July — , 1835. c.r.i. , d. James and Lucy, Apr. 11, 1843. [Adelia J., Apr. 12, P.R.9.] HANCOCK, Polly, d. Luis and Tersa, June 18, 1788. , ch. Lewis, , 1790. c.r.i. HANNUM, Mari Jane, d. Nathan O., merchant, and Jane G., July 15, 1848. Ostinette H., d. Harvey, merchant, and Laura M., Aug. 11, 1845. HAPGOOD, George D. [h. Catherine W. (Mixer)], Dec. 3, 1811. G.R.3. Jennie E., Feb. 21, 1846. G.R.3. HARRAGAN (see Harrigan), John [h. Mary A. (Parker)], , 1820. G.R.3. HARRIGAN (see Harragan), John Jr., , 1845. G.R.3. HARRIS[?], Emily J. [ ], w. [ , 1826]. c.R.2. HARWOOD, Frances I., July 10, 1842. G.R.3. Nathan A., Sept. 25, 1841. G.R.3. HASKINS, Joel [h. Alma, h. Mary], Aug. 27, 1817. G.R.3. Mary [ ], w. Joel, Mar. 23, 1831. G.R.3. HAWLEY, Eleanor, w. John [ , 1781]. g.r.2. John [h. Eleanor] [ , 1778]. g.r.2. CHESTER BIRTHS 53 HAWS, Maria, d. Jacob, farmer, and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1847. HAYWARD, John Manning, s. Dr. Barzillai and Hannah, Feb. 24, 1831. Susan Maria, d. Barzillai and Hannah, July 10, 1828. HEATH, Elias M. [h. Esther S.], , 1828. G.R.3. Esther S. [ ], w. Elias M., , 1828. G.R.3. Theodore L. [ , 1832]. G.R.3. HENRY, Albert Gallatin, s. William and Betsey, Nov. 7, 1806. Albert R., s. Albert G. and Ruth, Apr. 2, 1835. Amanda, d. William and Betsey, Apr. 9, 1809. Andrew, s. Capt. Mai com and Dolly, Mar. 16, 1769. Andrew Jr., s. Andrew and Jael, Mar. 9, 1788. Andrew, s. Samuel 2d and Ann, Nov. 30, 1821. Betsey, d. Andrew and Jael, Apr. 23, 1790. [Betsy, c.r.i.] Betsey [ch. Sam[ue]l and Abigail (Kannaday)], Oct. 3, 1794. P.R.3. Betsey, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.R.i. Betsy, d. Joseph and Lydia, Oct. 15, 1801. Charles, s. Joseph and Lydia, Apr. 14, 1805. Charles, ch. Joseph and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.R.r. Dolly, d. Capt. Malcom and Dolly, Sept. 28, 1771. Dolly, d. Joseph and Lydia, Aug. 31, 1789. Frank Binder [dup. Bender], s. James [dup. adds A.], mail carrier, and Abby [dup. Abigail], Dec. 7, 1843. Hannah, d. W[illia]m and Betsy, Feb. 21, 1820. Harriet, d. William and Betsey, Apr. 23, 1815. Isabel, d. Capt. Malcom and Dolly, Apr. 12, 1765, in Blandford. James, s. William and Catharine, Mar. 27, 1843. James Austin, s. William and Betsy, July 9, 181 7. John Bishop, s. Albert G. and Julia, Aug. 15, 1840. John K. [ch. Sam[ue]l and Abigail (Kannaday)], Jan. 24, 1804. P.R.3. Joseph, s. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1798. Louisa, d. William and Betsey, Apr. 12, 1813. Lucretia, d. Andrew and Jael, June 10, 1782. Lydia, d. Joseph and Lydia, June 4, 1796. Mary, d. Malcom and Dolly, July 5, 1763, in Oakham. Mary, d. Joseph and Lydia, May 24, 1783. Mary, d. Joseph and Lydia, Mar. 24, 1787. Mary Ann, d. William and Betsey, Apr. 10, 181 1. Mary Ann, d. Albert G. and Julia, Dec. 27, 1836. Polly, d. Andrew and Jael, Jan. 21, 1786. 54 CHESTER BIRTHS Henry, Polly [ch. Sam[ue]I and Abigail (Kannady)], June 30, 1790. P.R.3. Sally [ch. Sam[ue]l and Abigail (Kannady)], Dec. 21, 1788. P.R.3. Sally, d. Joseph and Lydia, May 28, 1794. Sam[ue]l [h. Abigail (Kannaday)], May 3, 1760. P.R.3. Samuel, s. William, bp. Jan. 29, 1775. C.R.i. Samuel, s. Andrew and Jael, Mar. 30, 1792. Sam[ue]l [ch. Sam[ue]l and Abigail (Kannaday)], Dec. 14, 1792. P.R.3. Samuel, s. W[illia]m and Betsy, Apr. 22, 1822. Simpson, s. Joseph and Lydia, Feb. 9, 1785. Susanna, d. Malcom (Heny) and Dolly, Jan. 20, 1767. Theodotia, d. Joseph and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1791. William, s. Andrew and Jael, Jan. 15, 1784. William 0. Niel, s. Albert G. and Julia, May 26, 1839. [Henry], s. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 5, 1809. , ch. Sam[ue]l, May 31, 1820. c.r.i. HIGGINS, Abigail Philena, d. Barney and Phebe, May 18, 1837. Abigal, d. Barney and Mary, Aug. 27, 1793. Asahel Prentice, s. Barney and Mary, Nov. 24, 1805. Barney Jr., s. Barney and Mary, Mar. 20, 1798. Barney Prentis, s. Barney and Phebe, Apr. 29, 1833. Daniel, s. Barney and Mary, Nov. 11, 1802. Edward Lewis, s. Barney and Phebe, June 3, 1843. Eunice, d. Barney and Mary, Oct. 24, 1812. G. P., , 1842. G.R.3. George F. [ , 1843]. c.R.2. H. I. [h. Hattie J.], , 1839. G.R.3. Hattie J. [ ], w. H. I., , 1837. G.R.3. Ira, s. Barney and Mary, Mar. 21, 181 1. Martha Maria, d. Barney and Phebe, Feb. 11, 1829. Mary [ , 1849]. G.R.14. Moses Gamwel, s. Barney and Phebe, Feb. 18, 1831. ["Mem- ber of Co. C. 57th Regt. 111. Vol.," G.R.14.] Nancy, d. Barney and Phebe, Aug. 10, 1841. Nathan Miller, s. Barney and Phebe, Oct. 29, 1845. Phebe, d. Barney and Mary, June 7, 1808. Phebe M., d. Barney and Phebe, Feb. 17, 1839. [Higgins], s. [Barney and Phebe], Apr. 28, 1835. HINE, Mary Ann, d. John, farmer, and Hannah, July 4, 1846. CHESTER BIRTHS 55 HITCHCOCK, Clara Amanda, d. Mr. Hitchcock, bp. Jan. 21, 1816. C.R.I. Delia, ch. Mrs. Hitchcock, bp. Nov. 7, 1813. c.r.i. Fanny, [twin] d. Bethuel and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1797. Harriet, [twin] d. Bethuel and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1797. Luis, s. Olivar and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1786. Otis, s. Bethuel and Hannah, May 9, 1795. Permelia, d. Bethuel and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1789. Quartus, s. Bethuel and Hannah, July 2, 1793. Relief, d. Stephen and Lucy, Jan. 3, 181 2. Theodorus, s. Bethuel and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1791. HOLBROOK, David S., s. Sumner, tanner, and Luranie, Oct. 29, 1848. Pierus Park, s. Sumner and Lorania, June 17, 1843. HOLCOMB, Benajah [ ,1778]. g.r.i. Camelia [? m.] [Feb. — , 1788]. g.r.i. Daniel B. [h. Almira (Ingell)], Feb. 5, 1818. G.R.3. P.R.12. Emily J., w. Washington Moore, Mar. 13, 1827. p.r.ii. , d. Daniel B. and Almira, Feb. 27, 1848. [Laura Christiana, ch. Daniel B. and Almira (Ingell), p.R.12.] HOLLAND, Abisha, s. William and Polly, Apr. 21, 1791. Aretus, s. W[illia]m and Polly, Mar. 20, 1795. Dolphin, s. W[illia]m and Polly, Apr. 21, 1799. Stephen, s. W[inia]m and Polly, May 26, 1797. William, s. W[illia]m and Polly, Jan. 25, 1793. , ch. Dr. William and Clary, *Aug. 14, 1798. g.r.i. HOLMES, Miner, July 6, 1823. p.r.2. HOW (see Howe, Howes), Adaline, d. Liberty and Lucy, Sept. 6, 1820. Altamira, d. Liberty and Lucy, Dec. 30, 1825. George Washington, s. Liberty and Lucy, May 25, 1830. Joshua B., s. Liberty and Lucy, Dec. 6, 1823. Matilda, d. Liberty and Lucy, Mar. 18, 1822. Sarah Ann, d. Liberty and Lucy, Dec. 5, 1827. HOWARD, Aaron Augustus, s. Cooley and Mary, Oct. 7, 1839. Ellen Jane, d. Cooley, tanner, and Mary, Sept. 4, 1848. John Hervey, s. Cooley and Mary M., Jan. 8, 1841. Lucy Ann, d. Cooley and Mary M., Feb. 19, 1843. Mary J., d. Cooley, tanner, and Mary M., May 8, 1847. , s. Cooley, tanner, and Mary, Jan. 6, [i8]45. * 56 CHESTER BIRTHS HOWE (see How, Howes), Lucy B. [ ] [w. Liberty][ 1799]. G.R.6. Susan L., d. Liberty and Lucy, Dec. 6, 1833, Sylvester Buckminster, s. Liberty and Lucy, May 22, 1832. HOWES (see How, Howe), Helen Amanda, d. Jacob, farmer, and Sarah, Aug. 30, 1844. HUBBARD, Charlotte, d. Edmond and w., Feb. 14, 1827. Cornelia, d. Edmond and w., Sept. 3, 1829. Dwight, s. Edmund Jr. and Caroline, June 29, 1834. Edmund [h. Mary C] [ , 1778]. G.R.2. Edmund, s. Edmund Jr. and Caroline, May 2, 1832. [[h. Lucinda] G.R.3.] Elisha, s. Edmund Jr. and Caroline, Dec. 28, 1840. Elisha Colwell, ch. Edmund and w., bp. Dec. 22, 1825. c.r.i. Josiah Mills, s. Edmund Jr. and Caroline, Aug. 12, 1836. Lucinda [ ], w. Edmund, Aug. 10, 1833. G.R.3. Margaret C, d. Edmond Esq. and w., July 15, 1830. Mary, ch. Edmund and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. , ch. Mr. Hubbard, June — , 1820. c.r.i. , ch. Edmund, Nov. 30, 1821. c.r.i. HUNT, Lyman A., s. Silas, mule spinner, and Mary A., Sept. 25, 1845. HUNTER, Abraham, s. Elijah and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1821. Amanda, d. Abram and Julia, May 13, 1842. Andrew, s. Abram and Julia, Mar. 6, 1841. Clarissa, ch. Walter and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1821. c.r.i. Elijah, s. Elijah and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1810. Freelove, d. Aaron and Polly, Sept. 18, 1810. John Ferris, ch. Walter and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. Joseph Lewis, "adopted" ch. Aaron and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. Julia A. [dup. omits A.], d. Abram, farmer, and Mary [dup. Julia], Nov. II, 1843. Julia Ann [ ], w. Abram [Apr. 23, 1818]. g.r.2. Mary Ann, d. Elijah and Mary Ann, Jan. 20, 1848. Mary Louisa, ch. Walter and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. Moses Hamilton, ch. Walter and w., bp. Jan. 14, 1820. c.r.i. , d. Aron and Polly, bp. May 10, 181 2. c.r.i. , ch. Walter, June 11, 1820. c.r.i. HUNTSALER, Lucretia, d. Mercy, bp. , 1797. c.r.i. HUTCHINS, Lewis How, ch. Betsy, bp. Jan. 13, 1805. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 57 HYDE, Charles E. [h. Phylinda A.] [ , 1822]. g.r.2. Phylinda A. [ ], w. Charles E. [ , 1824]. g.r.2. INGAL (see Ingall, Ingel, Ingell, Ingill), Christian [dup. Ingell], d. Zadock and Christian, Mar. 13 [dup. Mar. 18], 1788. James [dup. Ingell], s. Zadock and Christian, June 26, 1783. Zadock [dup. Ingell], s. Zadock and Christian, Oct. 16, 1784. INGALL (see Ingal, Ingel, Ingell, Ingill), William, s. Zadock and Christian, Sept. 16, 1792. INGEL (see Ingal, Ingall, Ingell, Ingill), Eliza, d. Zadok, bp. Sept. 28, 1794. C.R.I. INGELL (see Ingal, Ingall, Ingel, Ingill), Almira, d. Cheney [dup. Chena] and Almira, May 2, 1822. [w. Daniel B. Holcomb, May 2, 1823, G.R.3. P.R.12.] Cheney, s. Zadock and Christian, Feb. 8, 1797. [Cheeny, C.R.I.] [Cheney [h. Almira (Phelps)], G.R.5.] Cheney Jackson, s. Cheney and Almira, June 11, 1833. Electa C, d. Cheney and Almira, Feb. 19, 1835. Elizabeth, ch. Chena and Almira, July 21, 1829. Lewis, s. Cheney, farmer, and Almira, Dec. 31, 1843 [dup, Nov. 5, 1844, sic]. [Lev/is C. [h. Sarah C], Dec, 5, 1843, G.R.5.] Nelson, s. Cheney and Almira, July 14, 1838. Sarah C. [ ], w, Lewis C. [ , 1845]. G.R.5. Seth, s. Cheney [dup, Chena] and Almira, Dec, 4, 1824. Thomas Benton, s, Cheney and Almira, Apr. 26, 1841. Zadock, ch. Chena and Almira, Dec. 4, 1827. [Zadoc [Aug. — ], G.R.5.] INGILL (see Ingal, Ingall, Ingel, Ingell), William, s, Zadok (Ingell), bp. Nov. 3, 1793. cr.i. INGRAM, , inf. Mr. Ingram, Apr. 27, 1801. cr.i. JACKSON, Luther Leander, s. Thomas, farmer, and Cecelia, May II, 1845. Thomas [ , 1772]. G.R.2. JAMES, Benjamin, s. Capt. John and Nancy, Sept. 12, 1797. Elisabeth, d. Capt. John and Nancy, Nov. 19, 1798. Isaac, s. Capt. John and Nancy, Mar. 11, 1801. JOCELYN (see Joslyn), Milasant, d. Edward, carpenter, and Sophia, Mar. 8, 1846. 58 CHESTER BIRTHS JOHNSON, Alfred J. [dup. S.], s. Daniel [dup. Jr.], farmer, and Hannah A. [dup. Amanda, omits Hannah], Dec, 27, [i8]44. Amanda Jenette, d. Daniel Jr. and Amanda, Sept. 11, 1837. Amasa Newton, s. Daniel and Patty, Mar. 27, 1813. Amasa Newton, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. C.r.i. Aretas, s. Eli and Huldah, Mar. 24, 181 1. Betsey P., d. Jesse and Soph[i]a, Oct. 5, 1828. Bridget [ ], w. Sylvester [ , 1815]. G.R.5. Charles S., s. Amasa N. and w., June 26, 1839. Charlotte S., d. Jesse and Sophia, June 12, 1830. Daniel, s. Dea. Jesse and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1779. [[h. Martha] G.R.5.] Daniel Jr.,.s. Daniel and Patty, Sept. 19, 181 1. Daniel, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Daniel W[illia]m, s. Daniel Jr. and [Amanda], Feb. i, 1839. David Sperry, s. Daniel and Patty, Jan. 28, 1806. David Sperry, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Dwight H., s. Jesse and Sophia, Jan. 26, 1840. [[h. Martha M.] G.R.3.] Edmund, s. Isaac and Judith, Mar. 12, 1819. [Edmun, c.r.i.] Edson, s. Jesse and Sophia, Sept. 8, 1832. Edson, s. Jesse and Sophia, July 22, 1835. Eldridge Munroe, s. David S. and Lucretia, Oct. 8, 1838. Elihu, s. Isaac and Judith, Sept. 3, 1814. [[h. Mary (Johnson) of Sheffield] ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Sept. 5, P.R.17.] Eliza, d. Daniel and Patty, Sept. 10, 1804. Eliza, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. Eunice, d. Jesse and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1769. Fanny, d. Daniel and Patty, July 20, 1809. Fanny, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. C.r.i. Homer, s. Jesse and Sophia, Nov. 3, 1837. Huldah Ann, d. Amasa N. [dup. adds farmer] and w., Feb. 23, 1845. Ira, s. Isaac and Judah, Mar. 18, 1807. [[h. Harriet (Johnson) of Sheffield, h. Joannah (Nichols) of Belchertown] ch, Isaac and Judith (Shumway), p.R.17.] Ira, ch. Isaac and Judith, bp. Dec. 23, 1808. c.r.i. Isaac, s. Jesse and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1772. [[h. Judith] G.R.5.] [h. Judith (Shumway), p.R.17.] Isaac Jr., s. Isaac and Judith, Dec. 4, 1800. [ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), p.R.17.] Isaac Jr., s. Isaac and Judah, June 22, 1805. [ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), p.R.17.] CHESTER BIRTHS 59 Johnson, Isaac, ch. Isaac and Judith, bp. Dec. 23, 1808. C.R.I. Jasper, s. Corriden, cooper, and Mary, Sept. 7, 1843. Jesse, s. Isaac and Judeiah, Apr. 14, 1799. [[h. Sophia (Churchill)] ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] Jesse, ch. Isaac and Judith, bp. Dec. 23, 1808. c.r.i. Louis, d. Dea. Jesse and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1780. Lucy, d. Dea. Jesse and Sarah, May 18, 1785. Lucy S., d. Jesse and Sophia, Aug. 18, 1824. Lyman, s. Isaac and Judith, Dec, 15, 181 1. [[h. Caroline (Olds) of Middlefield, h. Lucy S. (Churchill)] ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Dec. 11, p.R.17.] Mabel, d. Jesse and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1775. Marcia A. [ ], w. Nathan M,, Aug. 8, 1822, in Sheffield. p.R.17. Maria, d. Corydon, cooper, and , Apr. 6, 1846. Martha [ ], w. Daniel [ , 1784]. G.R.5. Mary Octavia, s. [5^*c] David S. and Lucretia, Apr. 25, 1846. Milton, s. Jesse Jr. and Sally, Mar. 12, 1797. Myrtal, s. [sic] Eli and Huldah, Jan. 11, 1796. Nathan M., ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Mar. 12, 1819. p.R.17. Nathan Mann, s. Isaac and Judith, Oct. 19, 1816. [Jonson, C.R.I.] [Johnson, h. Marcia A. (Huggins) of Sheffield, p.R.17.] Octavia, d. David S. and w., bp. Apr. — , 1847. c.r.i. Roxany 2d, d. Dea. Jesse and Sarah, July 14, 1777. [Roxen- ana, c.r.i,] Roxarana, d. Jesse and Sarah, July 23, 1770, [Roxanena, C.R.I.] Sibbel [dup. Sibbil], d. Jesse and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1773. [Sibble, C.R.I.] [Sybil, G.R.5.] Silve[?], d. Isaac, bp. May 6, 1810. c.r.i. Silvester, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820, c.r,i. Sophia [ ], w, Jesse [ , 1798]. G.R.5. Sylvester, s, Daniel and Patty, Nov, 2, 1815, [[h. Bridget] G.R.5.] Sylvester (see Silvester). Theodore C, s. Jesse and Sophia, Jan. 10, 1827. Wealthy, d. Isaac and Judith, Aug. 2, 1803. [[w. Stillman Olds of Middlefield] ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), p.R.17.] Wealthy, ch. Isaac and Judith, bp. Dec. 23, 1808. c.r.i. William Edward, s. David S. and Lucretia, Mar. 24, 1842. 6o CHESTER BIRTHS Johnson, William Sebins, ch. Daniel and w,, bp. Mar. 5, 1820. C.R.I. Zilpah, d. Isaac and Judah, Nov. 28, 1809. [Zilpha, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] , ch. Daniel, July 7, 1822. c.R.i. , ch. Ira and Harriet, Jan. — , 1839. , s. Amasa N., farmer, and Huldah, Feb. 24, 1847. JONES, Arba, s. John and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1775. [Arbe, C.R.I.] Cynthia, d. John and Hannah, Apr. 3, 1778. [Cinthy, c.R.i.] Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Feb. 10, 1781. James H. A. [h. Fannie A. (Stevens)], Oct. 12, 1832. G.R.3. Lucy, w. Rev. Silas Kingsley, Mar. 24, 1790. g.r.2. [ ], w. Henry H. [ , 1842]. c.R.2. JOSLYN (see Jocelyn), Helen Sophia, d. Edmund and Sophia, Nov. 2, 1842. Homer Romene, s. Edmund and Sophia, July 9, 1840. JUDD, Alfred, s. Salathiel and Irena, Apr. 3, 1798. Alvin, s. Salathiel and Irena, Mar. 13, 1800. Betsy, d. Salathiel and Irena, June 26, 1813. David, s. Reuben Jr. and Rachel, Aug. 5, 1801, in Buckland. David, s. Reuben and Rachel, Sept. 23, 1803. Edward H., s. Salathiel and Laura, Dec. 27, 1829. Eliza, d. Salathial and Laura, Nov. 14, 1819. Harvey, s. Salathiel and Irena, Mar. i, 1792, in S. Hadly. Harvey, s. Salatthiel and Laura, Oct. 7, 1822. Irena, d. Salathiel and Irena, Mar. 16, 1808. Jane C. [ ], w. Newton, , 1817. G.R.3. Janette, w. James Keefe, , 1846. G.R.3. Lewis S., s. Salathiel and Laura, Aug. 19, 1827. Lucy, d. Salathiel and Irena, Aug. 16, 1806. [w. James Ham- ilton, Aug. i7,_G.R.5.] Madison, s. Salathiel and Irena, Feb. 16, 1810. Mary M., d. Salathiel and Laura, Jan. 9, 1825. Nelson E., , 1848. G.R.3. Quartus, s. Salathiel and Irena, Sept. 16, 1803. Salathiel Jr., s. Salathiel and Irena, May 3, 1795. Theodotia, d. Salathiel and Irena, Feb. 16, 1805. KANNADAY, Abigail [w. Sam[ue]l Henry], Mar. 12, 1768. P.R.3. KEEP, James, s. John, day laborer, and Catharine, Nov. 14, 1844. [Keefe [h. Janette (Judd)], G.R.3.] CHESTER BIRTHS 6l Keef, John O., s. John, day laborer, and Catharine, May g, 1847. KELSO (see Kelsoe), Adelia Jane, [ch.] Hugh, bp. July 3, 1842. C.R.I. Antoinette Augusta, d. Hugh and Nancy, Feb. 3, 1837. Antoinette Augusta, ch. Hugh and w., bp. Oct. 6, 1839. c.r.i. Caroline, d. James and Lois, May 30, 1804, Caroline, ch. James and Lovis, bp. Dec. 20, 1808. c.r.i. Caroline, d. James and Lois, Oct. 24, 1815. Caroline, ch, James and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Clarissa [ ], w. Joseph [Jan. — , 1809]. G.R.4. Clarissa Ann, d. Joseph and Clarissa, May 28, 1837. Esther, d. James and Lois, July 15, 181 2. Esther Jane, d. Joseph and Clarissa, Aug. 18, 1833. George Piatt, s. Hugh and Nancy, Aug. 28, 1835. [Kelsoe, C.R.I.] George Washington, s. James and Lois, Aug. 8, 1809. Harvey C, s. Hugh and Nancy, Apr. 8, 1846. Hugh, s. James and Lois, Aug. i, 1802. Hugh, ch. James and Lovis, bp. Dec. 20, 1808. c.r.i. James [h. Lois] [ , 1777]. g.r.i. James Jr., s. James and Lois, Apr. 4, 1807. James, ch. James and Lovis, bp. Dec. 20, 1808. c.k.i. Joseph [h. Clarissa] [ , 1804]. G.R.4. Joseph Cady, s. James and Lois, Aug. 25, 1820. Joseph Henry, s. Joseph and Clarissa, Nov. 29, 1835. Lois, d. James and Lois, Mar. 30, 1801. Lovis, ch. James and Lovis, bp. Dec. 20, 1808. c.r.i. Lucretia, ch. Widow Kelso, bp. Apr. 24, 1803. c.r.i. Martha Ann, d. Joseph and Clarissa, Sept. i, 1842. Mary Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Clarissa, Mar. 5, 1841. Mary Jane, d. Hugh and Nancy, May 23, 1839. Olive D., d. Joseph, farmer, and Clarisa, Apr. 15 [1849]. Sarah Catharine, d. Hugh and Nancy, Oct. 31, 1841. [WJashington, s. James, bp. Oct. 22, 1809. c.r.i. William, ch. Widow Kelso, bp. Apr. 24, 1803. c.r.i. William Henry, s. Joseph and Clarissa, May 9, 1839. , d. Joseph, farmer, and Clarrissa, Apr. 22, 1844. EIELSOE (see Kelso), Joseph Benjamin [second dup. Joseph B. F. Kelso], s. Hugh, farmer, and Nancy, June 28 [second dup. June 26], [i8]44. KENNEDY (see Kannaday). 62 CHESTER BIRTHS KING, James Watson, s. Henry and Thankful, Oct. 21, 1839. KINGSLEY, Alvan, s. Silas and Anne, July 30, 1807. Anne, d. Silas and Anne, Oct. 6, 1805. Mary, d. Silas and Anne, Oct. 15, 1812. Sally Selina, d. Silas and Anne, Dec. 10, 1809. Silas, Rev. [h. Annie (White), h. Lucy (Jones)], Oct. 24, 1772. G.R.2. Silas, s. Silas and Anne, May 21, 1800, in Partridgefield. Stillman, s. Silas and Anne, June 5, 1803, in Partridgefield. KIRTLAND, Marry, d. [Dea., c.r.i.] John and Anna, Dec. 14, 1770. KNIGHT, Rosalia A., d. Oscar F. (Knght), mechanic, and Antonette, Apr. 6 [1849]. Samuel Jr., s. Samuel and Betty, Feb. 11, 177 1. [Night, C.R.I.] KNOWLAND, Martin, s. Gregory and Bridget, Mar. 28, 1848. KNOX, Alanson [h. Mary S.], Feb. 22, 1800. g.r.2. Alida Ann (see Elida Ann). Charles Henry, s. Charles, farmer, and Olive [(Clark) p.r.8.], Apr. 6, 1847. Charles W. [h. Olive (Clark)], Nov. 23, 1806. G.R.3. p.r.8. Electa [ ], w. Warren [ , 1804]. g.r.2. Electa M., d. Warren and Electa [ , 1826]. g.r.2. Elida Ann, d. Eli and Sarah Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1838. Henry W., "adopted" s. Warren and Electa [ , 1832]. G.R.2. Israel Gibbs, s. Leverett and Laura, Apr. 6, 1831. Laura P., w. Leverett [ , 1807]. g.r.2. Malissa, d. Charles W. and Olive, May 2, 1840. [Melissa Eliza, ch. Charles W. and Olive (Clark), p.r.8.] Martha M., d. Leverett and Laura, Oct. 7, 1838. Mary Orlett, d. Leverett and Laura, July 28, 1834. Mary S. [ ], w. Alanson, Apr. 10, 1800. g.r.2. Melissa (see Malissa). Rachel [ ], w. William [ , 1775]. g.r.2. Sarah E., w. Eli [ , 1816]. g.r.2. Spencer A. [h. Delight L. (Wait)], , 1824. g.r.2. [July 6, P.R.2.] Warren [h. Electa] [ , 1799]. g.r.2. Warren Parks, s. Leverett and Laura, Mar. 30, 1836. , d. Eli and Sarah Elizabeth, Apr. 21, 1842. CHESTER BIRTHS 63 KYLE, Alace, d. Benj[amin] P. and Harriete, Aug. 21 [1849]. Benjamin Prescott, s. Forbes and Rebecca, Sept. 19, 1816. Benj[ami]n Prescott, ch. Forbes and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. C.R.I. Edgar F., s. William and Mary, Dec. 11, 1841. Elizabeth, d. Forbes and Rebecca, Oct. 28, 1S18. Elizabeth, ch. Forbes and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.R.i. [ch. Forbes and Rebecca, b. [ , 1820], G.R.4.] Ellen A., d. William and Mary, Oct. 16, 1839. Forbes [w. Rebecca] [ , 1783]. G.R.4. Hannah A., d. Forbes and Rebecca, Dec. 29, 1824. [Hannah Alida, ch. Forbs and w., c.r.i.] Henry, ch. Forbes and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.R.i. John D. [ , 1817]. G.R.4. John Davis, s. Forbes and Rebecca, Sept. 14, 1826. John Davis, ch. F. and w., bp. Aug. 13, 1828. c.r.i. Mary Beach, ch. Forbes and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1S20. c.r.i. Maryette H., d. William [dup. adds farmer] and Mary, Feb. 11, 1844. Rebecca [ ], w. Forbes [ , 1789]. G.R.4. Rebecca, d. Forbes and Rebecca, June 7, 1828. [Rebecka, C.R.I.] Rebecca, d. Forbes and Rebecca, Jan. 9, 1831. [Rebecka, C.R.I.] Sherman, s. Forbes and Rebecca, May 2, 1821. Susan Sherman, d. Forbes and Rebecca, Feb. 11, 1823. William, s. Forbes and Rebecca, Nov. 27, 1814. William, ch. Forbes and w., bp. Mar. 5, 1820. c.r.i. LACKOR (see Lackore), Arvid Lewis, s. John and Sarah, bp. Sept. 2, 1795. C.R.I. John Allen, ch. John and w., bp. Mar. 8, 1785. c.r.i. Martha, d. Lemuel, bp. Sept. 4, 1785. c.r.i. , d. John and w., bp. Mar. 8, 1785. c.r.i. LACKORE (see Lackor), Anna, d. John Jr. and Sally, Nov. 21, 1785. [Anne, c.r.i.] Cynthia, d. John Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 18 [dup. Aug. 16], 1775. [Cinthy Lackor, c.r.i.] Editha, d. Lemuel and Editha, Mar. 23, 1771. [Lucore, C.R.I.] John, s. Lem.uel and Editha, Oct. 9, 1777. [Lackor, c.r.i.] John Allen, s. John Jr. and Sally, Apr. 8, 1733 [sic, dup. 1783]. Lemuel, s. Lemuel and Editha, Nov. 8, 1772. [Lem Lucore, C.R.I.] 64 CHESTER BIRTHS Lackore, Margaret, d. Lemuel and Editha, Aug. 31, 1775. [Margret Lucore, c.r.i.] Phebe [dup. Pheba], d. John Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1780. Ranseler, s. John Jr. and Sally, Apr. 8, 1788. [Ransley Lackor, c.r.i.] Roxsene, d. John Jr. and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1777. [Roxanna Lackor, c.r.i.] Sally, d. John Jr. and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1774. LADD, Alfred Ey{5^'c], s. John and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1836. Eliab, s. John and Esther, Oct. 11, 1799. Eliab, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1825. FrankHn, s. Jo[h]n and Esther, Dec. 17, 1809. [Lad, c.r.i.] Harlow, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1828. Harriet S., d. John and Sarah, No[v]. 3, 1829. Helen Mariah, d. John and Sarah, Jan. i, 1838. Laura W., d. John and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1823. [Laura Wel- thena, c.r.i.] Lois, d. John and Esther, June 18, 1805. [Lowis Lad, c.r.i.] Lothrop, s. John and Esther, Nov. 6, 1801. [Lathrup, c.r.i.] Marcia Ann [ch. John and Sarah], Oct. 6, 1840. Mary Luciah, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1834. Ruth [Ladd], w. Dr. Martin Phelps, June 18, 1771, in Haverhill, N.H. Sain[ue]l Smith, s. John and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1826. Sarah R., d. John and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1830, in Pittsford, N.Y. Sarah Rebecca, ch. John Jr. and w., bp. [July 4] 1824. c.r.i. Susan Olive, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1832. LANGLEY (see Longley, Longly), Albert, s. Zackariah and Ann, Nov. 14, 1847. LARRY, Sarah Alice, d. John, day labourer, and Mary, Oct. 27, 1844. LAZELL, Almira [ ], w. Joseph [ , 1804]. G.R.2. Joseph [h. Almira] [ , 1792]. g.r.2. LEONARD, Emiline, d. Alonson L. and Isabel, Mar. 24, 1820. Fanny Sophia, d. William and Sophia, Feb. 25, 1827. Isabel, d. Alonson L. and Isabel, Mar. 2, 1816. Laura, d. Alonson L. and Isabel, Dec. 11, 181 1. Lewis, s. Alonson L. and Isabel, Oct. 16, 1813. Lovira, d. Henry and Thankful, June 23, 1809. Lyman Foard, s. Henry and Thankful, July 12, 1811. Maria, d. Alonson L. and Isabel, Feb. 13, 181 8. CHESTER BIRTHS 65 Leonard, Samuel, s. Alonson L. and Isabel, June ii, 1822. Sarah, d. Henry and Thankful, May 5, 1805. Thankful, d. Henry and Thankful, May 26, 1813, in Worth- ington. William Wallace, s. William and Fanny, Apr, 10, 1835. LE ROW, Francis M., w. Thomas Bryant, , 1826. G.R.3. LEWIS, Corvette, s. Roland and Elisa, May 23, 1842. Joseph (see Joseph Lewis Hunter). LINDSEY, Fannie, w. Charles Carrington [ , 1807]. G.R.12. Isabel, d. John and Susan, Dec. 12, 1824. Olive, w. Samuel Bell, Sept. 15, 1791. P.R.14. LITTLE, Benjamin Forbes, s. Benjamin and Mary B., Aug. 26, 1842. Mary B., d. Benjamin and Mary B., July 12, 1832. Susan T., d. Benjamin and Mary B., June 23, 1839. William, s. Benj[ami]n and Mary B., Dec. 25, 1835. LONGLEY (see Langley, Longly), Juliaette, d. Zechariah, farmer, and Eliza, Aug. 24, 1844. Mary Ann, d. Zechariah and Eliza, Nov. 20, 1841. LONGLY (see Langley, Longley), , d. Gacharias and Eliza A., Dec. 22 [1849]. LUCAS, Heman S., Dr. [h. Maria A.], Sept. 10, 1817. G.R.3. Maria A. [ ], w. Dr. Heman S., Apr. 18, 1814. G.R.3. LYMAN, Abigail Ranney, d. Chester and Abigail, July 10, 1810. [July 10, 1809, P.R.18.] Abigail Ranny, ch. Chester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Acha [dup. Atcha], d. Timothy and Dorothy, Feb. 27, 1774- Achsah Parsons, d. Moses and Clarisa, May 24, 1830. Alida Wood, d. George W. and Suzan, Feb. i, 1839. [Elida Wood Lyman, c.r.i.] Ambrose Bradshaw, s. Crispus and Betsy, June 14, 181 1. [Ambrose Brandshaw Lyman, s. Crispus and Betsy (second w.), c.r.i.] Amelia Wright, d. Moses, farmer, and Sophronia, Aug. 12, [i8]44. Anna, d. Dea. Stephen and Anna, Jan. 7, 1784. Anna, d. Chester and Abigail, Aug. 23, 1825. [May 21, P.R.18.] Asael, s. Timothy and Dorothy, Apr. 3, 1785. [Asahel, c.r.i.] 66 CHESTER BIRTHS; Lyman, Ashley Witt, s. Stephen Jr. and Betsy, July 20, 1807. [Ashley Wit Lyman, c.r.i.] Aurelia, d. Stephen Jr. and Betsey, May 27, 1801. [Arelia, d. Stephen and Betsy, c.r.i.] Burnham, s. Ens. Stephen and Anna, Apr. 22, 1780. Charles Burnham, s. [Dea., c.r.i.] Sam[ue]l and Miriam, Oct. 22, 1828. Chester, s. Ens. Stephen and Anna, Mar. 22, 1782. [[h. Abigail (Wilcox)] P.R.18.] Clarisa Jane, d. Moses and Clarisa, Apr. 23, 1822. [Clarissa Jane, c.r.i.] Clarissa, d. Ens. Stephen and Anna, Oct. 10, 1776. Crispus, s. Ens. [dup. Lt.] Stephen and Anna, Mar. 27, 1773. David Brainard, s. Moses and Clarisa, Sept. 14, 1825. [David Branard Lyman, c.r.i.] [[h. Relief R.] g.r.i.] Dorothy, d. Timothy and Dorothy, Apr. 24, 1780. [Doritha, C.R.I.] Ebenezer Emmons, ch. Timothy and Experience, May 15, 1824. Edward, ch. Timothy and Experience, July 30, 1815. Edward, ch. Timothy and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Electe, d. Dea. Stephen and Anna, Dec. 7, 1785. [Electa, w. Dea. John Elder, g.r.i.] [Electa,w. John Elder (s. Thomas), P.R.16.] [Electa, P.R.18.] Elias, s. Noah and Clarisa, May 25, 1804. Elias Cornelius, s. Moses and Clarissa, Mar. 24, 1832. Emma Sexton, d. Sam[ue]l and Miriam, July 31, 1826. [Emmy Sexton Lyman, ch. Dea. Sam[uel] and w., q.e.i.] Gaius, s. Ens. Stephen and Anna, July 15, 1771. George, ch. Chester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. George W., s. Chester and Abigail, Jan. 2, 1808. Hariot, d. Samuel and Miriam, Oct. 10, 1810. Harriet, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Harriet, w. Dr. Oscar Coleman De Wolf, Apr. 16, 1839. g.r.i. Henry, ch. Chester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Henry Sylvester, s. Chester and Abigail, June 7, 1817. Horatio, s. Chester and Abigail, Nov. i, 1815. [[h. Redexa S.] G.R.12.] Horatio, ch. Chester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Jason Wright, s. Crispus and Betsy, May 19, 1800. Jennet, d. Chester and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1829. [Genette, C.R.I.] John, s. Crispus and Adah, Mar. 22, 1798. Joseph Bardwell, s. Timothy and Experiance, Oct. — , 1829. CHESTER BIRTHS 67 Lyman, Julia, d. Chester and Abigail, Dec. 20, 1813. Julia Ann, ch. Chester and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. [[ch. Chester and Abigail (Wilcox)] b. Dec. 20, 1818, P.R.18.] Louisa, d. Timothy and Experience, Apr. 8, 1813. Louisa, ch. Timothy and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Martha Lemira, d. Stephen and Julia, Dec. 14, 1838. Mary Ann, ,d. Moses and Clarisa [Clarissa, g.r.i.], Mar. 23, 1828. Mary B., d. Chester and Abigail, May 28, 18 21. [Mary Blare Lyman, c.r.i.] [Mary B., Jan. 26, p.r.iS.] Mary Blair, d. Chester and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1822. [Mary Blare Lyman, c.r.i.] Mira Edwards, d. Samu[e]l and Mir[i]am, July 27, 1833. Miriam Bliss, d. Samuel and Miriam, Jan. 3, 1819. Moses [ , 1792]. G.R.I. Moses Dwight, s. Moses and Clarisa, July 28, 1818. Nancy, d. Crispus and Betsy, Apr. 12, 1804. Nancy H., d. Moses and Sophronia, Nov. 29, 1837. [Nancy Hoisington Lyman, c.r.i.] [Nancie, G.r.i.] Noah, s. Ens. Stephen and Anna, Oct. 2, 1778. Redexa S. [ ], w. Horatio, Jan. 29, 1822. G.R.12. Relief R. [ ], w. David B., July 22, 1829. g.r.i. Rufus, s. Samuel Esq. and Miriam, Oct. 5, 1822. Sall}^ d. Crispus and Betsy, Sept. 26, 1802. Samuel, s. Dea. Stephen and Hannah, May 2, 1787. Samuel Tinker, s. Samuel and Miriam, Sept. 18, 1820. Samuel Tinker, s. Samuel and Miriam, Aug. 5, 1824. Sarah, ch. Timothy and Experience, Aug. 14, 1817. Sarah, ch. Timothy and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Sophronia, d. Crispus and Betsy, May>i2, 1807. Stephen, s. Ens. Stephen and Anna, Jan. 25, 1775. Stephen, s. Sam[u]el and Miriam S., Dec. 24, 181 1. Stephen, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Susannah, d. Timothy [Tim, c.r.i.] and Dorothy, Nov. 6, 1770. Theodosia [dup. Theodotia], d. Timothy and Dorothy, Nov. 16, 1775. _ Timothy, s. Timothy and Dorothy, Aug. 30, 1782. Timothy Jr., ch. Timothy and Experience, Aug. 28, 1819. Washington, s. Timothy Jr. and Experience, June 6, 1810. Washington, ch. Timothy and w., bp. Jan. 2, 1820. c.r.i. Wealthy, d. Stephen Jr. and Betsy [Betsey, g.r.i.], Apr. 2, 1804. 68 CHESTER BIRTHS Lyman, Wealthy, d. Samuel and Miriam [Mirium, g.r.i.]. May 13, 1816. Wealthy, ch. Samuel and w., bp. Nov. 21, 18 19. c.r.i. Wealthy, ch. Timothy and Experience, Oct. 6, 182 1. William, s. Moses and Clarisa, June 16, 1820. , ch. [Moses and Clarisa], June 30, 1824. MACK, , ch. David, bp. June — , 1777. C.R.i. , ch. David, bp. June — , 1777. c.r.i. MAGIVER, Bridget E. [ ], w. Daniel, , 1837. G.R.3. Daniel [h. Bridget E.], , 1830. G.R.3. MAHANNA, John, s. John and Susanna, May 7, 1797 [sic, see WiUiam]. Peggy, d. John and Sewsanna, June 26, 1799. William, s. John and Susanna, Aug. 22, 1796 [sic, see John]. MAHON[?], , inf. John, Jan. 18, 1802. c.r.i. MAKELY, Rebecca [ ], w. James [ , 1841]. G.R.3. MANN, Jennett [ ], w. Ashley [ , 1787]. G.R.7. Nathaij, s. Nathan and Jane, Oct. 19, 1766. Prudence, d. Nathan and Jane, June 11, 1769. Sarah, d. Nathan and Jane, Nov. 12, 1764. MARBLE, Anne, ch. Widow Marble, bp. Nov. 21, 1804. C.R.I. Aurelia Brewster, d. Silas and Harriet, Dec. 26, 1816. Charles Lewis, ch. Widow Marble, bp. Nov. 21, 1804. c.R.i. George, ch. Widow Marble, bp. Nov. 21, 1804. c.r.i. Henry, ch. Widow Marble, bp. Nov. 21, 1804. c.r.i. Joseph Bannard, s. Silas and Harriot, Apr. 26, 181 2. Lydia, ch. Widow Marble, bp. Nov. 21, 1804. c.r.i. Mary, d. Silas and Harriot, Oct. 26, 1809. Permelia, d. Silas and Harriot, Aug. 9, 1814, in Worthington. Susannah, ch. Widow Marble, bp. Nov. 21, 1804. c.r.i. MARSHALL, Laura, w. Theodore Dandurand, , 1824. G.R.2. MATHEWS (see Matthews), Benjamin, ch. Benjamin and Miranda, bp. May 31, 1807. c.r.i. Corinth, d. Osee, bp. Nov. 12, 1809. c.r.i. Cyrus, s. Benjamin, bp. June 5, 1808. c.r.i. Diantha, d. Osee, bp. May 13, 1807. c.r.i. . CHESTER BIRTHS 69 Mathews, Hannah, d. Reuben and Adah, Oct. g, 1769. Myranda, ch. Benjamin and Miranda, bp. May 31, 1807. C.R.I. Oze, s. Oze of N.Y., bp. Dec. 12, 1813. c.r.i. Ruben, s. Ose, bp. Oct. 13, 1811. c.r.i. Wealthy, ch. Benjamin and Miranda, bp. May 31, 1807. c.r.i. MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Abigail, d. Lucas and Polly, Feb. 17, 1791. [Mathews, c.r.i.] Anna, d. Edmund and Anna, Jan. 18, 1802. Benjamin [dup. Mathews], s. Gideon and Esther, May 19, 1776. [Mathews, c.r.i.] Ely, s. Gideon Jr. and Patty, June 22, 1796. [Mathews, s. Dea. Gideon, c.r.i.] Esther [dup. Matthew], d. Gideon and Esther, Oct. 5, 1763. Gideon, s. Gideon (Matthew) and Esther, May 20, 1766. Gideon, s. Gideon Jr. and Patty, Sept. 18, 1797. [Mathews, s. Dea. Gideon Jr., c.r.i.] Gideon 3d, s. Dea. Gideon and Patty, Apr. 6, 1805. [Mathews, C.R.I.] Gidion, s. Nathaniel E. and Orrilla, Dec. i, 1807. Hannah, d. Nathaniel E. and Orilla, Aug. 15, 1804. Heber, s. Edmund and Anna, Aug. 12, 1793, in "Newhartford in Whitestown State of New Yoork." Huldah, d. Edmund and Anna, July 6, 1795, in Cheshire, ' - Conn. Joseph, s. Edmund and Anna, Jan. 23, 1798, in Cheshire, Conn. Julia, d. Gideon Jr. and Patty, Apr. 7, 1801. [Mathews, C.R.I.] Louis, d. Edmund and Anna, Nov. 10, 1799. Lucy, d. Gideon and Esther, Sept. 14, 1768. Lucy, d. Gideon and Esther, Apr. 18, 1771. Miranda, d. Sergt. Benjamin and Miranda, Sept. 17, 1802. Nathaniel Egelston [dup. Egglestone], s. Gideon and Esther, Oct. 10, 1780. [Nathan Eglestone Mathews, c.r.i.] Osee, s. Gideon and Esther, Mar. 14, 1784. Patty, d. Gideon Jr. and Patty, Mar. 29, 1799. [Mathews, d. Dea. Gideon, c.r.i.] Samuel, s. Dea. Gideon and Patty, Feb. 20, 1803. [Mathews, c.r.i.] Wealthy, d. Sergt. Benjamin and Miranda, Nov. 20, 1803. MAYO, Lucy Adelia [ ], w. Geo[rge] W. [ , 1839]. G.R.8. 70 CHESTER BIRTHS McCRAY, Randolph, s. Dr. Lathrop and Delia, May 7, 1844. McGEOCH, James [ , 18 18]. g.r.2. McINTIRE, Deidamea, d. John and Anna, Feb. 10, 1766. John, s. John and Anna, Aug. 16, 1770. [Mcintyre, c.r.i.] Levy, s. John and Anna, June 2, 1773. Oliver, s. John and Anne, Mar. 3, 1763, in Pellam. Rozannah, d. John and Anna, July 25, 1765. Sarah, d. John and Anna, Aug. 2, 1768. McLEOD, Elizabeth [w. William Davis], Aug. 22, 1820. P.R.18. McM ASTER (see McMasters), Mariah Louisa, d. Abner and Sally, May 7, 1809. Mary Sophia, d. Abner and Sally, June 8, 1813. William Philonzo, s. Abner and Sally, Feb. 12, 181 1. McMASTERS (see McMaster), George, s. Abner and Sally, Oct. 2, 1818. Mary Sophia, d. Abner (McMaster) and Sally, Dec. 10, 181 5. Philo, s. Abner and Sally, May 10, 1821. Sarah Jane, d. Abner and Sally, Nov. 30, 1824. McRAY (see McCray). MEACH, Almon, ch. Elijah and Maria, Oct. 27, 1830, Charles, s. Elijah and Maria, Dec. 15, 1827, in Beckett. Henry, s. Elijah and Maria, May 7, 1829, in Beckett. Lucy L., w. Charles D. Smith [ , 1838]. G.R.3. MEACHAM (see Meachum, Meecham), Abram, s. Elijah Jr. and w., Nov. 28, 1833. Elijah, s. Elijah Jr. and w., Feb. 21, 1832. Enoch, s. Ebnezer and Rachel, Jan. 5, 1766. Jane, d. Elijah Jr. and w., Feb. 3, 1829. Jared, s. Elijah Jr. and w., Jan. 16, 1827. Keziah, d. Elijah Jr. and w., Jan. 29, 1838. Mary, d. Ebnezer and Rachel, May 28, 1764. Phidelia, d. Elijah Jr. and w., Nov. 9, 1830. Solomon, s. Elijah Jr. and w., Jan. 18, 1836. Stephen, s. Ebnezer and Rachel, Nov. 20, 1767. MEACHUM (see Meacham, Meecham), Hannah, d. Ebenezer and Rachel, Aug. 2, 1772. Hellen H., ch. Elijah and Loisa, Apr. — , 1846. CHESTER BIRTHS 7 1 MEDCALF, Hezekiah Dwight, s. Hezekiah and Alvira, Aug. II, 1827. MEECHAM (see Meacham, Meachum), Luther, s. Ebenezer and Rachel, May 7, 1770. MELLEN, Charles L., s. Charles H. (Mille) and Sarah, Sept. 19 [1849]. MERCER, Isaiah, s. Isiah, black smith, and Zoah, July 13, 1849. MERRYFIELD, Chester W. [h. Sarah M. (Wait)], Apr. 27, 1828. G.R.3. MILLER, Anna, d. Samuel and Mahitabel, Apr. 22, 1796. Anna, ch. Samuel, bp. Nov. 3, 1805. c.r.i. Charles A., Apr. 21, 1819. g.r.6. Electa, d. Samuel and Mahitabel, Nov. 27, 1800. Electa, d. Samuel and Mehitable, May i, 1806. Emely, d. Ephraim (Milliller) Jr. and Rachel, Feb. 5, 1804. Emula, ch. Ephriam Jr., bp. Nov, 16, 1808. c.r.i. Ephriam, s. Ephriam Jr., bp. Mar. i, 1812. c.r.i. Fordice, s. Ephraim, bp. July 28, 1816. C.r.i. George, s. Ephraim Jr. and Rachel, Feb. 28, 1806. George, ch. Ephriam Jr., bp. Nov. 16, 1808. c.r.i. James, s. Samuel and Mahitebel, July 28, 1798. James, ch. Samuel, bp. Nov. 3, 1805. c.r.i. Levi, s. Samuel and Mahitabel, Mar. 12, 1803. Mosses, s. Ephriam, bp. June 13, 1809. c.r.i. Sam[ue]l Jr., s. Sam[ue]l and Mehitable, Nov. 16, 1808. Silas, s. Ephraim and Rachel, Apr. 13, 1802. Silas, ch. Ephriam Jr., bp. Nov. 16, 1808. C.r.i. , inf. Ephram, Mar. — , 1801. c.r.i. MIXER, Catherine W., w. George D. Hapgood, Sept. 11, 18 19. G.R.3. Elisabeth, d. Isaac Jr. and Zeruiah, Aug. 16, 1768. MOOR (see Moore, Moors), Achsah (see Axsah). Alexander Pope, s. Fortius and Harriet, Nov. 20, 1835. Artemas, s. Robert and Dolly, Mar. 13, 1786. Asa, s. Samuel and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], Dec. 10, 1781. Axsah, d. Robert and Dolly, bp. Jan. 12, 1800. c.r.i. Betsey, d. Samuel and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], Mar. 21, 1786. Betsy, d. Samuel, bp. June 24, 1787. c.r.i. 72 CHESTER BIRTHS Moor, Clarry [dup. Clary], d. Samuel and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], Sept. 25, 1789. [Clare, c.r.i.] Dolly, d. James and Molly [dup. Molley], Mar. 28, 1783. Dolly, d. Robert, bp. Mar. 6, 1796. c.r.i. Edmond, s. Robert and Doritha of Worcester, N.Y., bp. Mar. 30, 1802. C.R.I. Elisabeth, d. John Jr. and Elizab, Sept. i, 1786. Ezra, s. Robert and Dolly, May 3, 1787. Gardner, s. Robert and Dolly, bp. May 18, 1794. c.r.i. Grace, w. Grove Winchel, Jan. 15, 1764, in Granby, Conn. James, s. James and Molly [dup. Molley], Nov. 19, 1784. John, s. Samuel and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], Jan. 17, 1780. John, s. John Jr. and Elisabeth, Apr. 16, 1786. John, s. James and Molly, June 19, 1788. Julia Roxana, d. Asa and Sybil, Feb. 13, 1818. [More, c.r.i.] Levi, s. John Jr. and Elisabeth, June 15, 1782. Levi, s. Robert and Dolly, bp. Mar. 2, 1794. c.r.i. Lucy, d. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1779. Lydia Jane, d. Fortius and Harriet, Mar. 24, 1838. PameHa [ ], w. Oliver [ , 1783]. g.r.2. Polly, d. James and Molly, Aug. 26, 1786. Samuel, s. Samuel and Elisabeth, Jan. 25, 1792. [Moer, c.r.i.] Sarah, d. Robert and Dolly, Feb. 25, 1789. Sarah Ann, d. Joshua V. (Moore) and Eliza, May 3, 1829. [Moore, c.r.i.] Susannah, d. James, bp. Dec. 15, 1793. c.r.i. Theodosia, d. Samuel and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], May 7, 1784. (Meor), ch. James, , 1790. c.r.i. MOORE (see Moor, Moors), Alice D., d. W[illia]m E. and Lucretia, Jan. 2, 1843. [Alice De Ette Moore, d. William Jr., C.R.I.] Armonella, d. William, farmer, and Lucretia, June 17, 1846. Clarissa, w. Samuel Gamwell, June 16, 1790. g.r.2. Cullen Abbott, ch. William and Lucretia Jr., bp. Nov. 2, 1844. C.R.I. Don L. B., s. Don L. B. and w., Sept. 5, 1841. Emma R., d. Flavins and Harmony B. "late" of Montgomery [Jan. — , 1845]. G.R.12. Esther J., d. Washington, farmer, and Eunice J. [Emily J. (Holcomb), P.R.I I.], Sept. 7, 1847. Hannah S., d. WilHam and Lucretia, June 2, 1848. Harison, s. W[illia]m E. and Lucretia, Oct. 17, 1840. Harrison, s. W[illia]m E., bp. May 8, 1842. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 73 Moore, Harte, ch. W[ilUa]m and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Harty, w. Norman Alderman [ , 1804]. g.r.i. Isaac P., s. Don L. B. and Sarah C, Dec. 25, 1845. Jael, ch. Elliot and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Jerusia, d. Marcus and Amelia, May 15, 1843. John Newton, s. Joshua V. and Eliza, July 3, 1837. Lathrop Belden, ch. EUiot and w., bp. Oct. 28, 1827. c.r.i. Lathrope Belding, ch. Elliot and w., bp. May 7, 1820. c.r.i. Martha Elizabeth, d. Joshua V. and Eliza, Jan. 28, 1831. Mary Emily, d. Joshua V. and EHza, Sept. 3, 1839. Maryett, ch. EUiot and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Rebecca Hellen, [twin] d. Joshua V. and Eliza, May 31, 1835. Rufus E., s. Don L. B. and w.. Mar. 6, 1840. Ruth Elder, ch. Eliot and w., bp. May i, 1825. c.r.i. Ruth Frances, d. Joshua V. and Eliza, June 4, 1833. Sarah Ellen, [twin] d. Joshua V. and Eliza, May 31, 1835. Sarah Jane, d. Don L. B. and w., Oct. i, 1843, in Norwich. Sarah Linsly, ch. Elliot and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Sophronia, ch. W[illia]m and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Stephen Waterman, ch. EHot and w., bp. July 21, 1822. c.R.i. Washington, h. Emily J. (Holcomb), May 8, 1816. p.r.ii. Washington, ch. W[illia]m and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.R.i. William, ch. W[illia]m and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.R.i. Wilson, s. W[iliia]m E. and Lucretia, Dec. 22, 1841. MOORS (see Moor, Moore), Jael, d. Eliot and Sally, May 10, 1817. Margett, d. Eliot and Sally, Sept. 10, 181 1. Sarah Lindsey, d. Eliot and Sally, Feb. 28, 181 5. MORGAN, Lucy, d. John K. and Orril, Nov. 28, 1837. MORSE, Justus, grand ch. Julius Rily and w., bp. July 30, 1809. C.R.I. Marietta, grand ch. Julius Rily and w., bp. July 30, 1809. C.R.I. MOWRY, Francis Baxter, s. Anthony and Waty, Jan. 23, 1843. Gelaspa Burney, s. Anthony and Waty, Oct. 19, 1841. [Gillespie Burney Mowry, c.r.i.] MULHALLEN, , ch. Simon, , 1790. c.r.i. MUNSON, Miron Andrews, s. Garry and Harriet, May 5, 1835- 74 CHESTER BIRTHS NASH, Vernum, s, Simeon and Amy, Jan. 5, 1802. NICOLS, Helena, ch. John, bp. June 23, 1794. c.r.i. James, ch. John, bp. June 23, 1794. c.r.i. , ch. "who lives at Esq. Walus," "about the first of" Apr. 1790. c.r.i. NOONEY (see Noony), Abigail, d. James Jr. and Abigail, May 9, 1825. Abigail D. [? m.] [ , 1779]. G.R.i. Adaline Maria, d. W[illia]m and Achsah, Feb. 10, 1809. Albert, s. W[illia]m and Achsah, Aug. 5, 181 7. Albert H., s. Albert and Almira E., Mar. 2, 1849. Andrew, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Sept. 30, 1808. Andrew Denison, s. John and Hannah P., Mar. 28, 1842. Charles, s. James Jr. and Abigail, July 16, 1814. Charles, [twin] s. James Jr. and Abigail, Jan. 3, 1819. Charles A., s. Charles, farmer, and Sarah A., June i, 1848. Charlotte, [twin] d. James Jr. and Abigail [Abigail Denison, G.R.I.], Jan. 3, 1819. Eleanor [w. Elijah Churchill], Apr. 7, 1755. p.R-S- Electa Clark, d. George and Electa, May 14, 1817. Eliza Phelps, d. George and Electa, May 9, 1819 [dup. crossed out, May 14, 1815]. Esther Wade, d. James Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 18, 1822. Henry, s. W[illia]m and Achsah, Oct. 31, 1823. Hezeiciah King, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Mar. 21, 1813. James [ , 1777]. g.r.i. James, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1810. [James Nooney, A. M. "U. S. Naval Mathematician, Astronomer & Civil Engineer on Boundary Commissions," G.R.i.] John, s. James Jr. and Abigail, July 31, 1815. Julia Foule, d. George and Electa, Dec. 8, 1820. Maria, d. James Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 18, 1806. Mary, d. W[illia]m and Achsah, Nov. 17, 1821. Nancy, d. James Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1817. j [w. Chauncey E. Viets, Feb. 14, g.r.i.] Nathan Abbot, s. W[illia]m and Achsah, Feb. 7, 1820. Robert Denison, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Nov. 27, 1804. Sanford, s. W[illia]m and Achsah, Aug. 11, 1828. Sarah A. [ ] [w. Charles] [ , 1829]. g.r.i. Sarah Jane King, d. W[illia]m and Achsah, Apr. 23, 1826. Sherman, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1812. W[ilHa]m Jr., s. W[illia]m and Achsah, Mar. 20, 1813. CHESTER BIRTHS 75 NooNEY, , s. Hezekiah and Electa, Oct. 8, 1802. G.R.I. , inf. James, July — , 1820. c.r.i. NOONY (see Nooney), Asahel, s. W[illia]m and Achsah, June 20, 1815. , inf. George, Feb. 27, 1817. c.r.i. NORTON, Eunice Minerva [ ], w. [ , 1812, in Becket Centre]. c.R.2. NYE, Dennis, s. W[illia]m C. and Mary A., May 6, 1839. G.R.3. Nancy M. [ ], w. Milo [ , 1823]. G.R.7. OLES, Lyman, Dec. 10, 1830. G.R.3. ORCUTT, Lura, w. Edward Day, Sept. 4, 1843. G.R.3. ORMSBY, Lucy A., d. Erastus and Ruth N., June 4, 1845. Mary Jane, d. Erastus D. and Ruth N., Oct. 9, 1843. , d. Erastus, farmer, and Naomy, July 15, 1843. OSBORN, Zilphia [of Becket] [ , 1778]. g.r.2. OTIS, Ann, d. Lorin, farmer, and Lucy, July 10, 1843. Ann Jenette, d. Samuel Jr. and Maria, July 10, 1843. Antoinette, d. Lorin and Caroline, Nov. 24, 1843. Augusta, d. Loren and Ame C, Sept. 12 [1849]. Caroline Ann [ ], w. Loring, Oct. 18, 1810. G.R.3. Caroline Matilda, d. Lorin and Caroline, Oct. 5, 1834. Charles M., s. Quartus and Eunice, Dec. 6, 1841. Edwin, s. Lorin and Caroline, Feb. 25, 1832. [[h. Harriet] G.R.3.] Harriet [ ], w. Edwin, , 1836. G.R.3. Henry Martin, s. Holmes and Mary, Mar. 13, 1835. Homes, s. Samuel and Sybel, Sept. 2, 1801. Hosea, s. Samuel and Sybel, July 20, 1799, in Westfield. Laura R., d. Holmes and Mary, Jan. 11, 1833. Loring [h. Caroline Ann], Apr. 30, 1809. G.R.3. Lucretia [w. Seth Wait], Dec. 23, 1777. p.r.2. Maria E. [ ], w. Samuel N., Mar. 15, 1821. G.R.3. Marthy Emigine (Otice), [twin] d. Quartus [day laborer] and Eunice, Sept. 17, 1844. Mary Josephine, [twin] d. Quartus, day laborer, and Eunice, Sept. 17, 1844. Nancy E., d. Holmes and Mary, May 25, 1837. 76 CHESTER BIRTHS Otis, Olive, d. Samuel and Sybel, Feb. 24, 1797, in West- springfield. Quartus Wiliston, s. Holmes and Mary, Nov. 18, 1828. Samuel, s. Quartis and Eunice, Nov. 29, 1847. Samuel Nott [ , 181 1]. c.r.2. [[h. Maria E.] Nov. 10, G.R.3.] Watson D., s. Holmes and Mary, Jan. 31, 1831. W[illia]m, s. Samuel and Sybel, Dec. 27, 1803. William N., s. Quartus and Eunice, Dec. 2, 1838. OWEN, Rosetta J. [ ], w. [ , 18 19] [in West- field], C.R.2. [Oct. 31, G.R.3.] PALMER, Bradford W. [h. Mary S.] [Oct. — , 1807]. g.r.2. David, s. John Davis and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1788. Hannah, d. David Jr. and Eunice, Dec. 24, 1770. John Henry H., s. Lewis, laborer, and Mary, Jan. 27, 1849. Mary S. [ ], w. B. W. [ , 1813]. g.r.2. Orein, s. John Davis and Abigail, Nov. 18, 1770. PARKER, James E. [h. Maria A.], Nov. 23, 1847. G.R.3. Mary A., w. John Harragan, , 1820. G.R.3. PARKS, , s. Uriah and Eunice, Mar. 24, 1804. PARMENTER, Arathusa [dup. Arthusa], d. [dup. adds Lt.] John Newton and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1778. [Arathusa, C.R.I. ] Azel, s. Lt. John Newton and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1784. [Ashel, C.R.I.] John, s. Lt. John Newton and Hannah, Mar. 18, 1781. Jonas, s. [dup. adds Lt.] John Newton and Hannah, July 29, 1787. [Jonah, C.R.I.] [Jonas [h. Sophia], g.r.i.] Melinda [dup. Parminter], d. Lt. John Newton and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1779. [Parmenter, c.R.i.] Sophia [ ], w. Jonas [ , 1788]. g.r.i. PARSONS, Cyrus, s. Thaddeus and Nancy, Nov. 7, 1805. Fanny, d. Thadeus and Nancy, Sept. 5, 1812. Francis [sic], d. Thaddeus and Nancy, May 4, 1802. Mary, d. Thaddeus and Nancy, Apr. 7, 1804. Nancy, d. Thad[deu]s and Nancy, May 14, 1809. Sophronia, d. Thaddeus and Nancy, Sept. 4, 1814. Thomas, s. Thadeus and Nancy, Sept. 2, 1800. PEAS (see Pease), Elisha, s. Erastus and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1841. James M., s. Erastus and Sarah, May 15, 1839. John C, s. Erastus and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1837. CHESTER BIRTHS 77 PEASE (see Peas), Annie V. S. [ ] [w. E. C] [ , 1841. G.R.I. Elisha Converse, ch. Erastus, bp. Sept. 6, 1845. c.r.i. Elizabeth Y., d. Erastus and Sally, Sept. 3, 1848. [Elizabeth Yomans Pease, bp. Aug. 19, i848sic, c.r.i.] Erastus [h. Sally C] [ , 1802]. g.r.i. Erastus Farrington, s. Erastus and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1830. George Dexter, s. John F. and Betsey, Sept. 28, 1840. James Monroe, ch. Erastus, bp. Sept. 6, 1845. c.r.i. John Converse, ch. Erastus, bp. Sept. 6, 1845. c.r.i. Kathrina R. [Nov. i, 1818]. g.r.i. Lucy Ann, d. Erastus and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1832. Lucy Ann, ch. Erastus, bp. Sept. 6, 1845. c.r.i. Sally C. [ ] [w. Erastus] [ , 1802]. g.r.i. Sarah A., d. Erastus and Sarah, Nov. i, 1828. Susan Maria, d. Erastus and Sarah, Mar. 15, 1835. Susan Maria, ch. Erastus, bp. Sept. 6, 1845. c.r.i. PELTON, Almena, ch. Ezra and Cloe, bp. July 18, 181 3. c.r.i. Alonzo, s. Mr. Pelton, bp. June 30, 1816. c.r.i. Asenathj d. Tabor and Anna, Mar. 17, 1794. Asenath, ch. Ezra and Cloe, bp. July 18, 1813. c.r.i. Champion, ch. Ezra and Cloe, bp. July 18, 1813. c.r.i. Edward Wright, ch. Ezra and Cloe, bp. July 18, 1813. c.r.i. Ezra, ch, Ezra and Cloe, bp. July 18, 1813. c.r.i. Henry, s. Ebeneze[r] B. and Sophia, Dec. 25 [1848]. Jonathan, ch. Ezra and Chloe, bp. Feb. 13, 1814. c.r.i. Leander Grandison, ch. Ezra and w., bp. Feb. 3, 1822. c.r.i. Lucy, ch. Ezra and Chloe, bp. Feb. 13, 1814. c.r.i. Marietta, d. Ezra and Chloe, Nov. 17, 1793. Marietta Eliza, ch. Ezra and Cloe, bp. July 18, 1813. c.r.i. Nancy, d. Ezra and Chloe, Sept. 2, 1796. Orpha, d. Tabor and Anna, Sept. 22, 1797. Osmin, s. Tabor and Anna, June 26, 1799. Polly Moor, d. Tabor and Anna, Mar. 11, 1796. , ch. Taber, , 1790. c.r.i. [illegible, Pelton or Petton], d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, May 22, 1845. PERCEVAL (see Percival, Perciville), W[illia]m Mann, s. Orrin and Maria, Apr. 8, 1829. PERCIVAL (see Perceval, Perciville), Hannah, w. Charles Churchill, Oct. 6, 1799. p.R-S. 78 CHESTER BIRTHS PERCIVILLE (see Perceval, Percival), Cullin, s. Dr. Stephen and Nabby, Sept. 13, 1802. Franklin, s. Dr. Stephen and Nabby, July 19, 1801. PETTON (see Pelton). ' "' PHELPS, Albert Henry, s. Moses and Lucinda, Aug. 15, 1839. Almira [w. Cheney Ingell] [ , 1801]. G.R.5. Alvira, d. Seth and Elute, bp. June 3, 1800. c.r.i. Charles, s. Dr. Martin and Ruth, May 26, 1790, in Belchers- town. Charles Knox, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, Oct. 19, 1819. Edward, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, June 28, 1830. Electa, d. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1794, in Haverhill, N.H. Electa, d. Samuel and Betsey, Mar. 16, 1818, in Westfield. Electa, d. Martin Jr. and Electa, Nov. 26, 1825. Eliza Ladd, d. Sam[ue]l and Betsy, Nov. 27, 181 2. James, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, Apr. 16, 1822. Josaphine Eliza, d. Charles K., farmer, and , Mar. 20, 1847. Julianne, d. Samuel and Betsey, Jan. i, 1816. Laura, d. Dr. Martin, bp. Mar. 13, 1804. c.r.i. Laura Ladd, d. Martin Jr. and Electa, July 25, 1818. Levi, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, Aug. 12, 1832. Martha Mann, d. Martin Jr. and Electa, July 21, 1836. Martin, s. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Nov. 9, 1795, in Haverhill, N.H. Martin Sheldon, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, July 21, 1823. Mary, d. Martin Jr. and Electa, Feb. 28, 1828. [w. Dr. Thaddeus Kingsley De Wolf, g.r.i.] Mehitabel, d. Dr. Martin and Mary. Apr. 22, 1807. [Mehit- able, C.R.I.] Moses, s. Moses and Lucinda, Sept. 2, 1837. Patty, d. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Jan. 3, 1788, in Haverhill, N.H. Ruth, d. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Feb. 29, 1804. Sally, d. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Mar. 20, 1792, in Haverhill, N.H, Samuel, s. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Sept. 9, 1789, in Haverhill, N.H. Sam[ue]l Henry, s. Sam[ue]l and Bitsy, Jan. 10, 1813. Samuel Henry, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, Nov. 27, 1820. Seth, s. Seth and Electe, bp. Dec. 10, 1795. c.r.i. [twin s. Lt. Seth and Electa, b. Nov. 26, 1795, g.r.i.] , twin s. Lt. Seth and Electa, Nov. 26, 1796. g.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 79 PIERCE, Samuel J. "G. A. R.," Dec. 21, 1841. g.r.8. PIKE, Cynthia, d. Samuel and w., July 17, 1798. Minervia, d. Samuel and w., May 20, 1791, in Brookfield. Polly, d. Samuel and w., July 4, 1793, in Brookfield. Ruth, d. Samuel and w., Dec. 12, 1795. Samuel Jr., s. Samuel and w., Feb. 8, 1802. PITCHER, Emily, d. Robert P. and Sally, Mar. 7, 1828. Jonathan, s. Robert P. and Sally, Nov. 25, 1829. Sarah Ann, d. Robert P. and Sally, Dec. 21, 1831. PLUM, Fanny, d. Samuel and Peggy, bp. July 2, 1809. c.r.i. Harrion [?], grand d. , bp. July 23, 1809. c.R.i. Leveret, grand s. "old" Mrs. Plum, bp. Nov. 9, 1808. c.r.i. POMEROY (see Pomroy), Abigail [dup. Abigal], d. Amasa and Martha, Feb. 22, 1782. Abner, s. Joseph and Issabel, Mar. i, 1795. [Pomroy, c.r.i.] Amasa Wright, s. Asa and Dosha, June 13, 1819. Amos Amandas, ch. Clark and w., bp. [Mar.] — , 1821. C.r.i. Asa, s. Amasa and Martha, Apr. 7, 1788. Asahel Wright, s. Asa and Dosha, Nov. 24, 1821. Bernice, [twin] d. Joseph and Issabel, Mar. 23, 1788. Beulah, d. Joseph and Issabel, Oct. 25, 17S4. Calvin, s. Joseph and Issabel, Nov. 11, 1799. Caroline [ ], w. Henry C. [ , 181 7]. G.R.3. Charlotte Lucibe, d. Asa and Doshar, Mar. 11, 1813. Chester Smith, s. Joseph and Issabel, Aug. 16, 1801. [Pom- roy, C.R.I.] Clark, s. Joseph and Issabel, Aug. 28, 1797. [Pomroy, c.r.i.] Electa Martha, ch. Josiah and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Elisabeth V. A. [ ], w. R. L. T. [ , 1822]. g.r.2. Eliza Brown, d. Asa and Dosha, July 25, 1817. Elizabeth V. A. (see Elisabeth V. A.). Eunice Miller, d. Amasa and Martha, May 27, 1797. [Unice Miller Pomroy, c.r.i.] Henry C. [h. Caroline] [ , 1818]. G.R.3. Issabel, d. Joseph and Issabel, Aug. 9, 1791. Joseph Jr., s. Joseph and Issabel, Dec. 30, 1786. Joseph Henry, s. Asa and Dosha, Nov. 25, 1814. Josiah Smith, s. Amasa and Martha, Sept. 26, 1791. [Pom- roy, C.R.I.] Lucy, d. Joseph and Issabel, Mar. i, 1780. Luther, s. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] Luther and Rhoda, Oct. 21, 1790. [Pomroy, c.r.i.] 80 CHESTER BIRTHS PoMEROY, Martha, d. Amasa and Martha, Mar. 12, 1784. [Pomroy, c.r.i.] Nancy, d. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] Luther and Rhoda, Sept. 18, 1786. Nice, d. Amasa and Martha, Apr. 20, 1786. [Pomroy, c.r.i.] Nice, [twin] d. Joseph and Issabel, Mar. 23, 1788. R. L. T. [h. Elisabeth V. A.] [ , 1815]. g.r.2. Rhoda, d. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] Luther and Rhoda, Sept. 29, 1784, in Northampton. Roxa, d. Amasa and Martha, June 11, 1780. Ruth, d. Josiah S. and Electa, Jan. 2, 1817. Sally, d. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] Luther and Rhoda, Nov. 10, 1788. [Pomroy, c.r.i.] Sarah Ann Sheldon, ch. Rufus and w., bp. June 11, 1820. C.R.I. Theodore Hinsdale, ch. Rufus and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1824. C.R.I. , s. Joseph and Issabel, Sept. 4, 1782. , ch. Asa, , 1830. C.R.I. POMROY (see Pomeroy), Abigail, ch. Amasa, Dec. 5, 1784. C.R.I. Parmelia, ch. Luther and Rhoda, bp. Dec. 12, 1787. c.r.i. Phena, d. Capt. Luther, bp. July 7, 1799. c.r.i. Rhoda, ch. Luther and Rhoda, bp. Dec. 12, 1787. c.r.i. Roxanna, ch. Amasa, bp. Dec. 5, 1784. c.r.i. Welthy, d. Capt. Luther, bp. May 28, 1797. c.r.i. PORTER, Alida Wood, d. Nelson and Martha, Nov. 16, 1834. Jane Augusta, d. Nelson and Martha, Feb. 14, 1830. PRENTISS, Henry W., s. Ephraim and Susan, Mar. 16 [1849]. Naham Alpheus, ch. Alpheus, bp. Sept. 3, 1837. c.r.i. PRIER (see Prior), Heman, s. Heman and Submit, May 21, 1790. Levi, s. Heman and Submit, Feb. 28, 1794. PRIOR (see Prier), Daniel, s. W[inia]m and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1785. Elizabeth, d. W[illia]m and Elizabeth, June 5, 1783. Ziphar, d. William and Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1787. PROCTER, Bettey [dup. Betey Prockter], d. Robert and Ruth, June 26, 1768. Elijah, s. Robert and Ruth, Aug. 29, 1773. Jeremiah, s. Robert and Ruth, Oct. 14, 1777. CHESTER BIRTHS 8l Procter, Jonathan [dup. Prockter], s. Robert and Ruth, Oct. I, 1765- Molly, d. Robert and Ruth, Sept. 16, 1775. Robert, s. Robert and Ruth, Jan. 10, 1771. Ruth, d. Robert and Ruth, Mar. 6, 1780. PROUTY, Alice M., d. Isaac W. and Mary W. [ , 1847]. G.R.8. Amanda S. [ ], w. N. B. [ , 1816]. g.r.8. Isaac W. [h. Mary W.] [ , 1810]. g.r.8. John W., s. Isaac W. and Mary, Feb. 7, 1839. Mary O. [ ], w. Waldo [ , 1845]. g.r.8. N. B. [h. Dolly W., h. Amanda S.] [ , 1810]. g.r.8. Otis P., s. N. B. and Dolly W. [ , 1837]. g.r.8. Waldo [h. Mary O.] [ , 1835]. g.r.8. QUIGLEY (see Quigly), Adam Jr., s. Adam and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1804. [Quigly, C.R.I.] Anna, d. W[illia]m and Thankful, Feb. 18, 1783, in Worester, Worcester Co. Betsey, d. W[illia]m and Thankful, May 14, 1784, in Worester, Worcester Co. Charles Hugh, s. James and w.. May 5, 1833. David, s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Jan. 29, 1793. Dorcas, d. James and Esther, Sept. 10, 1801. Edward E., s. W[illia]m and Jane [ , 1839]. g.r.2. Esther, d. James and Esther, Mar. 3, 1789. Frances Laura, d. James and w., Dec. 27, 1838. Franklin, s. Adam and Hannah, May 30, 1804. [Quigly, C.R.I. ] Harriet, d. James, farmer, and Laura, May 10, 1843. Issabel, d. W[illia]m and Thankful, Mar. 17, 1779, in Worester, Worcester Co. James Jr., s. James and Esther, May 27, 1791. James [h. Laura B.] [Feb. — , 1797]. G.R.5. James Sanford, s. James and w., July 10, 1831. Jane [ ], w. William [ , 1815]. g.r.2. Jane Lucintha, d. James and w. [Laura, G.R.5.], Feb. 18, 1826. John, s. W[illi]am and Thankful, May 25, 1795. John Gorden, s. James and w., Sept. 22, 1824. Josiah, s. James and Esther, June i, 1799, in Shelburn. Laura B. [ ], w. James [ , 1803]. G.R.5. Laura Louisa, d. James and w.. Mar. i, 1837. Lester H., s. W[illia]m and Jane [ , 1838]. g.r.2. Mary Ann, d. James and w. [Laura, G.R.5.], Oct. 16, 1827. 82 CHESTER BIRTHS QuiGLEY, Mary Baker, ch. Adam and w., bp. Oct. 27, 1822. C.R.I. Philip, s. James and Esther, Mar. 31, 1796, in Thedford. Polly, d. James and Esther, Feb. 8, 1787. Rachel, d. Adam and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1801. Robert, grand s. Col. Robert Oliver, bp. May 25, 1787. c.r.i. Sally, d. James and Esther, Feb. 19, 1785, in Tukesbury. Samuel, s. W[illia]m and Thankful, July 12, 1789. Sarah Maria, d. James and w., Feb. 4, 1835. Victoria Louisa, d. James and Laura, Apr. 25, 1841. Walker, s. Adam and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1800. W[illia]m Jr., s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Mar. 31, 1786, in Worester, Worcester Co. William, s. James and w., Dec. 4, 1828. , d. Hugh, Feb. 8, 1790. c.r.i. QUIGLY (see Quigley), Christian, ch. Lt. Hugh, bp. Aug. 13, 1802, C.R.I. Crissa, d. Capt. Hugh, bp. July 8, 1810. c.r.i. Hugh, ch. Lt. Hugh, bp. Aug. 13, 1802. c.r.i. Hugh, s. Adam and w., bp. June 21, 1807. c.r.i. Isabel, d. Capt. Quigly, bp. May i, 1808. c.r.i. Issabel, ch. Lt. Hugh, bp. Aug. 13, 1802. c.r.i. James, ch. Lt. Hugh, bp. Aug. 13, 1802. C.r.i. John Gorden, ch. Lt. Hugh, bp. Aug. 13, 1802. c.r.i. John Gorden, s. Capt. Hugh, bp. Sept. 11, 1803. c.r.i. Rachel, ch. Adam and Hannah, bp. May 26, 1805. c.r.i. William, ch. Lt. Hugh, bp. Aug. 13, 1802. c.r.i. William, d. William, bp. Sept. 28, 1806. c.r.i. ([torn]hn)f s. Adam and w., bp. Sept. 13, 1809. c.r.i. RANKIN, Humphrey, inf. s. Ja[me]s and Mary (Keys), bp. Sept. 3, 1840. C.R.I. RAYMOND, Augustus, ch. Joshua and w., bp. July 2, 1820. C.R.I. Eliza, ch. Joshua and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. John Winslow, ch. Joshua and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Joshua, ch. Joshua and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. REED, Edwin Weston, s. Warren and Mary, June 6, 181 1. Edwin Weston, ch. Warren and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Elizabeth W., d. Warren and Mary, July 6, 1823. [Elisabeth Whitney Reed, c.r.i.] Henry Martin, s. Warren and Mary, Dec. 6, 1826. James, s. Warren and Mary, Aug. 28, 1813. CHESTER BIRTHS 83 Reed, James, ch. Warren and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Martha L., d. Warren and Mary, June 15, 1820. [Martha Lorantia, c.r.i.] Mary, ch. Warren and w., bp. Sept. 26, 18 19. c.r.i. Mary Atherton, d. Warren and Mary, Sept. 23, 1817. Sandford, June 13, 1804, in Hatfield. Sophronia, Mar. 9, 1806, in Hatfield. Sophronia, ch. Warren and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Warren Atherton, Feb. 17, 1809. Warren Atherton, ch. Warren and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. , Jan. 15, 1808. REMINGTON, John Orlowe [h. Jane A. (Fuller)], Oct. i, 1828. G.R.3. Stephen A. [h. Emeline R. (Richards)], July 29, 1823. G.R.3. RICE, Asa, s. Elijah and Rebeccah, Sept. 19, 1809. Benjamin F. [F., written in pencil], s. Elijah and Rebeccah, Jan. I, 1817. Hassmaline, d. Elijah and Rebeccah, Apr. 12, 1814. Lyman, s. Elijah and Rebeccah, Dec. 6, 1820. Oliver, s. Elijah and Rebeccah, Oct. 30, 181 1. RICHARDS, Emeline R., w. Stephen A. Remington, Dec. 15, 1823. RILEY, Joseph, ch. Pilno, bp. Oct. 24, 1812. c.r.i. , ch. Pilno, bp. Oct. 24, 1812. c.r.i. ROBBINS, Lovinia, d. Robison, farmer, and Mary, Mar. 6, 1848. [Lovinaier S. J., G.R.2.] Luthera C. A., d. Robinson and Mary [May — , 1849]. g.r.2. Sarah [ ], w. Lemuel G. [ , 1785]. g.r.2. ROOT, Elizabeth K., d. Nathan and Mary, Aug. 29, 1848. Fanny, d. Jerimiah and w., bp. May 24, 1807. c.r.i. Harriett Loesa, d. A. C, merchant, and Eliza, July 8, 1847. Joseph Cullen, s. Aureleus [dup. Aurelius C.j, merchant, and Eliza, Dec. 3, [i8]44. Laurens M. [h. Cynthia M. (Shepard)] [ , 1816]. G.R.3. Mari A., d. Lavinus M., merchant, and Cynthia, July 29 [1848]. [Maria, ch. Laurens M. and Cynthia M., G.R.3.] Mariah, d. Jeremiah and W., bp. Mar. 3, 1805. c.r.i. Mary J., d. Nathan and Mary, Sept. 14, 1833. Mary M. [ ], w. Nathan, Sept. 29, 1808. G.R.3. Nathan [h. Mary M.], Apr. 11, 1806. G.R.3. , s. Aureleus C, merchant, and Eliza, June 22 [1849]. 84 CHESTER BIRTHS ROSE, Anna, d. Zebulun and Olive, Oct. lo, 1770. Benjamin, s. Israel and Eunice, Sept. 5, 1770. Eunice, d. Israel and Eunice, May 8, 1767. Israel, s. Israel and Eunice, Dec. 7, 1764. Joseph, s. Israel and Eunice, June i, 1760, in Granville. - Nathaniel, s. Nathan and Sarrah, Apr. 6, 1770. Olive, d. Israel and Eunice, Oct. 20, 1762. Roxany, d. Nathan and Sarah, May 2, 1768. Sabary, d. Zebulon and Olive, Aug. 10, 1769. [twin ch. Israel and Eunice], Sept. 3, 1769. [twin ch. Israel and Eunice], Sept. 3, 1769. RUDD (see Rude), Annah, w. Stephen Childs [ , 1792]. G.R.2. RUDE (see Rudd), Alvan [h. Mary B.] [ , 1797]. g.r.i. Austin, ch. Alvan and Mary, bp. Aug. 30, 1835. C.R.i. Dan[ie]l G., ch. Alvan and Mary, bp. Aug. 30, 1835. c.R.i. Deborah, ch. Alvan and Mary, bp. Aug. 30, 1835. c.R.i. Horace, ch. Alvan and Mary, bp. Aug. 30, 1835. c.R.i. Jonathan, ch. Alvan and Mary, bp. Aug. 30, 1835. c.R.i. [s. Alvan and Mary B., b. Nov. 17, 1823, g.r.i.] Mary B. [ ], w. Alvan, May 5, 1803. g.r.i. Relief, ch. Alvan and Mary, bp. Aug. 30, 1835. c.R.i. Silas Smith, d. Martha, bp. Feb. 15, 1795. c.R.i. RUST, Angelina, d. Justin and Margaret [Peggy, c.R.i.], May 26, 1807. Cooley, s. Gershom and Mary, Feb. 28, 1778. [Cooly, C.R.i.] David Clap, s. Justin and Margaret, Nov. 11, 1795. David Clap, ch. Justin and Peggy, bp. July 12, 1801. c.R.i. Delia, d. Joseph A. and Lovica, Dec. 22, 1806. Dolly, d. Justin and Margaret, Sept. 17, 1788 [dup. 1787]. Dolly, ch. Justin and Peggy, bp. July 12, 1801. c.R.i. Eliza Ann, d. Joseph A. and Lovica, Apr. 26, 1817. Emula, d. Joseph A. and Lavice, Oct. 9, 1799. George B., s. Joseph A. and Lovica, Oct. 12, 1808. Gershim Cooley, s. Gershim Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1813. Harmony, d. Justin and Margaret, Mar. 11, 1799. Harmony, ch. Justin and Peggy, bp. July 12, 1801. c.R.i. Joseph Ashley, s. Gershom and Mary, Apr. 27, 1779. Justin, s. Justin and Margaret, Aug. 29, 1801. Justin, s. Justin and Margret, Apr. 13, 1804. Lewis Stanton, s. Quartus and Martha, Dec. 15, 181 7. Lois, d. Joseph A. and Lavice, Feb. 5, 1801. CHESTER BIRTHS 85 Rust, Lovisa, d. George B. and Elvira, Jan. 27, 1843. Mary, d. Joseph A. and Lovica, Aug. 20, 181 5. Patta, d. Gershom and Mary, Mar. 12, 1776. Polly, d. Gershom and Mary, Sept. 9, 1772. Quartus, s. Justin and Margaret, Sept. 30, 1790. Quartus, ch. Justin and Peggy, bp. July 12, 1801. C.R.i. Quartus Ellis, s. Quartus and Polly, Jan. 15, 1815. Sally, d. Justin and Margaret, Aug. 5, 1793. Samuel, s. George B., mechanic, and Eliza E., Oct. 29, [i8]44. Sarah Matthews, d. Gersh[o]n 2d and Sarah, Mar. 15, 1794. Semantha, d. Joseph A. and Lovice, May 2, 1804. Venomey, Mar. 15, 1787. p.r.2. William Stedman, s. Joseph and Lovice, Sept. 4, 1802. , ch. Garshem, , 1790. c.R.i. , s. Quartus and Lois, Dec. 10, 1793. G.R.4. , d. George B. and Patience, Jan. 28, 1837. SACKET (see Sackett), Elizabeth Permelia, d. Moses, painter, and Helen, Nov. 25, 1846. Eunice, d. Warham and Eunice, Feb. 19, 1804. Harriot, d. Warham and Eunice, Jan. 16, 1801. Henrietta, d. Warham and Eunice, Apr. 26, 1806. Warham, s. Warham and Eunice, May 5, 1802. SACKETT (see Sacket), Helen P. [ ], w. Moses [ , 1813]. G.R.2. SAIL, , ch, William, , 1790. c.R.i. SAMPSON, Abner [h. Lydia] [ , 1792]. G.R.4. Celia A., d. Edward and Martha A. [Aug. — , 1843]. G.R.4. Emma J. [ ], w. Wilber A. [ , 1843]. g.r,4. Lydia [ ], "formerly" w. Abner [ , 1794]. G.R.4. Martha A. [ ], w. Edward [ , 1824]. G.R.4. Mary B., d. Edward and Martha, Mar. 4, 1849. Noble S., , 1827. G.R.4. SAMUELS, Albert Nathan, s. Nathan and Ann, Nov. 5, 1841. Amelia A., d. Nathan and Ann L., June 3, 1846. Lewis, s. Nathan and Ann, June 29, 1839. SANDERSON, Betsey, d. Elnathan and Betsey, Feb. 2, 1802. Calvin, s. Silvenus [dup. Silvanus] and Charlottee, Feb. 23, 1787. Charlotte, d. Calvin and Polly, Oct. 8, 1820. David, s. Silvenus and Charlottee, Oct. 19, 1791. David, s. Elnathan and Betsey, Apr. 28, 1804. 86 CHESTER BIRTHS Sanderson, David Cooley, s. Calvin and Polly, June 9, 1816. Harvey, s. Calvin and Polly, Sept. 8, 181 1. Harvey, ch. Calvin and w., bp. July 26, 1820. c.R.i. Julia, d. Calvin and Polly, May 2, 1813. Julia, ch. Calvin and w., bp. July 26, 1820, c.R.i. Lucy Day, d. Calvin and Polly, Nov. 28, 1822. Mary, d. Calvin and Polly, Dec. 2, 1807. Mary, ch. Calvin and w., bp. July 26, 1820. c.R.i. Moses, s. Silvenus and Charlottee, June 16, 1784. Persis, d. Calvin and Polly, Jan. 5, 1806. Persis, ch. Calvin and w., bp. July 26, 1820. C.R.i. Samuel, s. Silvenus and Charlottee, July 13, 1789. Samuel, s. Calvin and Polly, Mar. 31, 1818. Samuel, ch. Calvin and w., bp. July 26, 1820. c.R.i. Stephen Payn, s. Calvin and Polly, Nov. 30, 1809. Stephen Payne, ch. Calvin and w., bp. July 26, 1820. C.R.i. William, s. Calvin and Polly, June 17, 1804. , s. John, Feb. 9, 1790. c.R.i. SCOTT, James, s. David and Mary, July 19, 1767. Mary, d. David and Mary, May 6, 1770. William, s. David and Mary, Oct. 22, 1764. SEAGERS, Mary E., w. Joseph, , 1836. G.R.3. SEARL (see Searle, Searls), Achsah, d. Zenas and Rachel, Nov. 6, 1791. [Seirl, c.R.i.] Appollos, s. Zenas and Rachel, May 4, 1796. [Seirl, c.r.i.] Rachel, d. Zenas and Rachel, Dec. 23, 1793. [Seirl, c.r.i.] Roena, d. Zenas and Rachel, Oct. 15, 1798. [Roana Seirl, d. Zenus, c.r.i.] Roena, d. Zenas and Rachel, Mar. 22, 1803. Russel, s. Zenas and Rachel, July 14, 1788. [Serl, c.r.i.] Spencer, s. Zenas and Rachel, Dec. 31, 1800. [Seirl, s. Zenus, C.R.I.] Zenas Jr., s. Zenas and Rachel, Feb. 27, 1790. [Seirl, s. Zenus, Feb. 26, c.r.i.] SEARLE (see Searl, Searls), Charles Pliny, s. Zenas and Julia, Apr. 16, 1831. SEARLS (see Searl, Searle), Ann Amelia, d. Zenas and Joulia, Sept. 5, 1839. [Searl, c.r.i.] [Anna A. Searl, d. Zenas and Julia, g.r.i.] Eliza Bates, d. Zenas and w., Jan. 8, 1814. Eliza Bates, ch. Zenas and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 87 Searls, Julia Shelden, d. Zenas and w., June 21, 1816. Julia Sheldon, ch. Zenas and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Rachel Edwards, d. Zenas and w., Oct, 19, 1818. Rachel Edwards, ch. Zenas and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Silas Parsons, s. Zenas and w.. May 25, 1823. Sylvester Emmons, s. Zenas and w., Oct. i, 1826. Zenas Russel, s. Zenas and w., Nov. 8, 1820. [Searl, c.r.i.] SEAWARD (see Seawards, Seward), Calvin, s. Noadiah and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1786. Cathron, d. Noadiah and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1788. Clarry, d. Joel Jr. and Flava, Nov. 27, 1793. Jesse, s. Noadiah and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1784. SEAWARDS (see Seaward, Seward), Mary, d. Joel (Seaward) and Flava, Nov. 15, 1796. SEIZER (see Sizer), Hyram Frederick[?] (Seizer[?]), s. Ira[?] and Polly, bp. Mar. 21, 1813. c.r.i. SEWARD (see Seaward, Seawards), Alvan, s. Joel Jr., bp. June 15, 1806. C.R.I. Calib, s. Joel, bp. June 3, 1804. c.r.i. Clarissa, ch. Joel Jr., bp. July 26, 1801. c.r.i. Joel, ch. Joel Jr., bp. July 26, 1801. c.r.i. Laura, d. Joel Jr., bp. Oct. 25, 1802. c.r.i. Mary, ch. Joel Jr., bp. July 26, 1801. c.r.i. Russel, s. Joel Jr. and Flava, Oct. 31, 1798. , ch. Noadiah, Mar. — , 1791. c.r.i. SHAW, Henry Alden, s. Samuel H. and Louisa, Apr. 29, 1842. SHELDON, Julia Ann, d. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 19, 1823. SHEPARD, Alfred Day, s. Mather and Harriot, July 13, 1 801. B. D. [h. Sarah A.], , 1838. G.R.3. Charles Jr., s. Charles and Sally, Sept. 20, 1795. Cynthia M., w. Laurens Mattoon Root, Nov. 29, 1821, in Blandford. G.R.3. David, s. [dup. adds Dr.] David and Lucinda, June 8, 1777. Eunice Nash, d. Charles and Sally, June 11, 1803. Eunice Nash, d. Sarah, wid., bp. July 31, 1814. c.r.i. Fanny, d. Dr. David and Lucinda, May 20, 1787. Harriet, d. Dr. David and Lucinda, May 17, 1785. Horace, s. Dr. David and Lucinda, Feb. 5, 1789. Jane S. [ ], w. Oliver [ , 1773]. G.R.2. Julia, d. Charles and Sally, Aug. 4, 1793. 88 CHESTER BIRTHS Shepard, Lucinda, d. [dup. adds Dr.] David and Lucinda, June 12, 1782. Lydia, d. Mather and Harriet, July 5, 1799. Margaret, d. Dr. David and Margaret, Sept. i, 1768, in West- field. Mather, s. Dr. David and Lucinda, Mar. 19, 1774. Polly, d. Charles and Sally, Sept. 16, 1789, in Westfield. Sarah A. [ ], w. B. D., , 1844. G.R.3. W[illia]m, s. Charles and Sally, Sept. 19, 1791. SHOALS, Jael Juliette, d. Joseph and Polly, Dec. 30, 1810. Joseph Newton, s. Joseph and Polly, Nov. 16, 1807. Sarah, d. Joseph and Polly, June 15, 1813. William Henry, s. Joseph and Polly, Sept. 20, 181 5. SHUMWAY, Judith, w. Isaac Johnson, Mar. 13, 1779, in Belchertown. p.R.17. SIBLEY, Dorcas, d. David and Esther, Dec. 8, 1786, in Notingham. Stephen, s. David and Esther, Feb. 8, 1789. SIKES, Elijah Anderson, s. Elijah and Lucretia, Feb. 12, 1796. Sophia, d. Elijah and Lucretia, Jan. 6, 1795. SIMMONS (see Simons), Charles, s. John, farmer, and Mariett, Dec. i, 1843. SIMONS (see Simmons), Rebecca A. [ ], w. Daniel J. [ , 1836]. G.R.2. SIZER (see Seizer), Adelia, d. Amandus and Elizabeth M., Aug. 27, 1830. Allice Elizabeth, d. Amandus and Elizabeth M., June 4, 1843. Almeria, d. Capt. W[illia]m and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1789. Amanda, [twin] d. Ens. W[illia]m and Prudence, Dec. 4, 1804. Amandus, [twin] s. Ens. W[illia]m and Prudence, Dec. 4, 1804. Anson, s. Fletcher and Lydia, July 6, 1809. Anson, ch. Fletcher and Lydia, bp. Sept. 22, 1816. c.r.i. Asenath P., d. Fletcher and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1823. [Asenath Percy Sizer, c.r.i.] Caroline, d. John and Esther, Oct. 29, 1805. Charlotte, d. Fletcher and Lydia, Sept. 7, 1815. Charlotte, ch. Fletcher and Lydia, bp. Sept. 22, 1816. c.R.i. Clarissa, d. W[illia]m and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1784. Daniel, s. Fletcher and Lydia, Apr. 24, 1821. CHESTER BIRTHS 89 SizER, Elisabeth, ch, William Jr. and w., bp. Jan. i, 1826. C.R.i. Elizabeth, d. Ens. W[illia]m and Charlotte, Aug. 23, [rec. between ch. b. May 19, 181 7, and ch. b. May 12, 1827]. Ellen W., d. Amandus and Elizabeth M., May 12, 1840. Elvira, d. John and Esther, Dec. 11, 1807. Emaline, d. Ens. W[illia]m and Prudence, July 22, 1799. Emmerson J., s. Titus and Mary, Dec. 23, 1818. Ephraim Titus, s. Titus and Amy, Aug. 9, 1813. Eunice Emily, d. Titus and Amy, June 21, 1815. Franklin, s. Fletcher and Lj^dia, Aug. 19, 1806. Franklin, ch. Fletcher and Lydia, bp. Sept. 22, 1816. c.r.i. George, s. Ens. W[illia]m and Prudence, Sept. 12, 1810. Harriet, d. Hiram, bp. July 7, 1816. c.r.i. Henry, s. Ens. W[illia]m and Charlotte, May 19, 1817. Henry, ch. W[illia]m and w., bp. July 2, 1820. c.r.i. Hiram, s. Capt. W[illia]m and Abigail, July 17, 1791. Horace, s. Capt. W[illia]m and Abigail, July 6, 1786. Horace Jr., s. Horace and Ruby, Oct. 29, 1819. John Jr., s. John and Esther, Nov. 19, 1798. Lewis, s. Horace and Ruby, Apr. 9, 182 1. Lucy, d. John and Esther, Sept. 25, 1803. Maria, d. John and Esther, June 30, 1809. Mary, d. Hiram, bp. , 1815. c.r.i. Mary M., d. Ens. W[illia]m and Charlott, May 12, 1827. Minerva H. [ ], w. Reuben [ , 1828]. G.R.2. Nelson, s. Fletcher and Lydia, May 27, 181 2. Nelson, ch. Fletcher and Lydia, bp. Sept. 22, 1816. c.r.i. Osman, s. Fletcher and Lydia, Feb. 7, 1808. Osmyn, ch. Fletcher and Lydia, bp. Sept. 22, 1816. C.r.i. Reuben, s. Fletcher and Lydia, July 18, 1826. Ruby, d. Horace and Ruby, June 13, 1816. Samuel, s. Fletcher and Lydia, Sept. 30, 181 7. Sarah, d. Horace and Ruby, Mar. 13, 1818. Sarah Tryon, d. Titus and Amy, Nov. 19, 1816. Sidny, s. John and Esther, May 19, 1801. Susan Abigail, d. Virgil and Alice, Jan. t8, 1830. Virgil, s. Capt. W[illia]m and Abigail, Oct. 24, 1795. William, s. Ens. W[illia]m and Prudence, Feb. 24, 1801. W[illia]m Allen, s. Virgil and Alice, Dec. 22, 1828. SLAYTON, Asa, s. Lt. Asa and Susanna, Feb. 17, 1799. Charles, s. Lt. Asa and Susanna, Nov. 24, 1794. Electa, d. Lt. Asa and Susanna, Feb. 5, 1797. Hannah, d. Lt. Asa and Susanna, Jan. 30, 1793. QO CHESTER BIRTHS Slayton, Kata, d. Capt. Reuben and Mary, Oct. 25, 1784, in Brookfield. Polly, d. Capt. Reuben and Mary, Dec. 26, 1786. Reuben, s. Capt. Reuben and Mary, Sept. 23, 17S0, in Brook- field. Ruth Moor, d. Capt. Reuben and Mary, July 2, 1791. Suka, d. Capt. Reuben and Mary, Jan. 27, 1789. Sukey, d. Lt. Asa and Susanna, Sept. 29, 1801. Thomas, s. Capt. Reuben and Mary, Nov. 6, 1782, in Brook- field. Washington, s. Capt. Reuben and Mary, Dec. 27, 1778, in Brookfield, Worcester Co. , ch. Eben, , 1790. c.r.i. , d. Lt. Asa and Susanna, Jan. 14, 1792. SMITH, Abigail, ch. John Sr., July 6, 1758. P.R.15. Abigail, ch. John Sr., May 13, 1762. p.R.15. Abigail, d. Joab and Elisabith, May 7, 1787. [Abagail, g.r.i.] Abigail, d. W[illia]m 2d and Sally, Nov. 19, 1791. Abigail, d. Abner and E[s]ther, Mar. 16, 1818. Abner 2d, s. Enos and Lucy, "Adopted" s. Lt. Abner and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1791. [[h. Esther] G.R.2.] [Aug. 29, 1790, P.R.4.] Abner Jr., s. Abner and Esther, Jan. 27, 1816. Ada, ch. John Sr. and second w., Sept. 18, 1774. P.R.15. Adalett, d. Amock C. and Sarah, Apr. 4 [1849]. Albert [ , 1831]. g.r.6. Alonso, s. W[illia]m and Mary, July 5, 1825, in Canaan, Conn. [Alonzo, G.R.5.] Alonzo, s. Phinehas and Roxe, Oct. 15, 1808. Alonzo, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. Amanda [ch. Isaac and Charity], Oct. 17, 1804. Amanda Sophia, d. Sylvester E. and Julia Ann, Mar. 17, 1843. Amantha A., d. Edmund, farmer, and Amanda, Dec. 11, 1848. Amasa, s. Phinehas and Roxe, Dec. 15, 1807. Amok Clinton, s. Phinehas and Roxe, Nov. 22, 1812. Amok Clinton, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. Ann Elisabeth, d. David and Ann, Feb. 2, 1847. [Elizabeth A., d. David and Laura A., g.r.i.] Anna, d. Sergt. [dup. omits Sergt.] Daniel and Keziah, Sept. 3, 1780. Anna, d. John and Elizabeth, July 10, 181 2. Anna, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Anna Orril, d. John K. and Orril, July 8, 1845. Anne, ch. Daniel, bp. Aug. 21, 1785. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 9 1 Smith, Artimas, ch. Daniel and Prudence, bp. June 19, 1803. C.R.I. Asa, s. Isaac and Charity, Mar. 11, 1798. Asa, s. Isaac and w., Oct. 18, 1806. Asenath, d. Capt. [Horace] and Rebecka, July 8, 1812. Augustus, s. W[illia]m 2d [clothier, c.r.i.] and Sally, Oct. 25, 1801. Bernice, s. [sic] Ebenezer and Nice, May 23, 1785. Betsey (see Elizabith). Betsey, [twin] d. W[illia]m and Mary, June 10, 1820, in Middle- field. Brenton C, Jan. 27, 1840, G.R.3. Caleb, s. John ist and Lydia, Aug. 27, 1782. Charles Dexter, s. Enos and Mary Ann, Dec. 27, 1836. [[h. Lucy L. (Meach)] G.R.3.] Clarissa [ ], w. Henry [ , 1780]. g.r.6. Cordelia, d. Horace and Rebekea, Aug. 15, 1808. Correlia B., d. Edmund S., farmer, and Amanda, May 12, 1845. Coziah, ch. Coziah, wid., bp. Sept. 4, 1802. c.r.i. Daniel, s. Phinehas and Roxe, Jan. 14, 1805. Daniel, s. Daniel and w., bp. July 5, 1818. c.r.i. Daniel, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. David, s. John and Elizabeth, June 5, 1817. [[h. Laura A. (Eames)] June 15, g.r.i.] [ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Kelly), June 5, P.R.iS-J Dollither, d. Thomas and Submit, Nov. 29, 1765. Eber Blakesly, s. Thomas and Submit, Sept. 20, 1763, in Wallingford. Edmond Stebbens, s. Phinehas and Roxe, Dec. 9, 1816. Edmund, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. Elision [?], d. Jesse and Loviss[?], bp. May 30, 1813. c.r.i. Ehzabeth, ch, Daniel and Prudence, bp. June 19, 1803. c.r.i. Elizabeth, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Elizabeth A. (see Ann Elisabeth). Elizabeth K. [ ], w. John [ , 1778]. g.r.i. Elizabeth L. [ ], w. Joab [ , 1758]. g.r.i. Elizabith, d. John Jr. and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1806. [Elizabeth [w. Moses Lyman], g.r.i.] [Betsey, ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Kelly), P.R.15.] Ellen G. [ ], w. Nathaniel [ , 1844]. g.r.6. Ellen W., d. Amok C. and Sarah L., May 27, 1843. Elvira, d. Phinehas and Roxe, Apr. 10, 181 1. Elvira, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. 92 CHESTER BIRTHS Smith, Elvira C, d. David, farmer, and Ame, Feb. 20, 1849. [Elvira Coleman Smith, c.r.i.] [d. David and Laura A., G.R.I.] Emerson Fowler (see Emmerson F.). Em.ily, [twin] d. W[illia]m and Mary, June 10, 1820, in Middle- field. Emily M., d. Enos and Mary Ann, Aug. 22, 1840. Emma M., Dec. 30, 1847. G.R.3. Emmerson F., s. John K. and Orril, Sept. 10, 1839. [Emerson Fowler Smith, c.r.i.] Enos, s. Abner and E[s]ther, May 11, 181 2. [[h. Mary A.] G.R.2.] Esther, d. Thomas and Submit, Sept. 6, 1767. Esther, d. Daniel and Keziah, July 11, 1789. [w. Abner, G.R.2.] [July 12, P.R.4.] Esther, d. Daniel and Cosiah, bp. , 1795. c.r.i. Eunice, d. John and Abigail, Mar, 2, 1765. [[ch. John Sr.] P.R.15.] Eunice, d. John Jr. and Elisabeth, Aug. 6, 1808. [w. Daniel Fames, g.r.i.] [ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Kelly), P.R.I 5.] Eunice, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Fernando Cortez, s. Nelson and Sophia, Nov. 27, 1829. Fidelia, d. Daniel and Prudence, bp. May 13, 1804. c.r.i. Fitch G., s. Amos C. and Mary, July 24, 1845. Franklin Oakes, s. Alonzo and Polly, May 17, 1838. [Franklin Oaks Smith, c.r.i. ] Gad, s. John ist and Lydia, Mar. i, 1805. George, s. Abner and Esther, May 27, 1821. George, s. W[illia]m and Mary, June 23, 1826, in Canaan, Conn. George Franklin, s. Daniel and Cynthia, May 28, 1835. Gideon, ch. Jesse and Lovis[?], bp. Nov. 9, 1808. C.r.i. Harriet, d. W[illia]m and Mary, June 28, 1829. Henry, s. W[illia]m and Mary, Apr. 27, 1822, in Middlefield. Henry H., s. Amok C. and Sarah L., Aug. 28, 1839. Henry L., May 16, 1848. G.R.3. Henry M. [ , 1819]. C.R.2. Hiram, s. Joab and Elisabeth, Sept. 2, 1795. [Sept. 2, 1794, G.R.13.] Horrace, s. Joab and Elisabith, July 26, 1792. Huldah, ch. John Sr. and second w., Nov. i, 1769. P.R.15. Isa, d. Joab and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], Oct. 17, 1784. Isaac, ch. John Sr. and second w., Oct. 13, 1772. p.R.15. CHESTER BIRTHS 93 Smith, James, ch. Jesse and Lovis[?], bp. Nov. 9, 1808. c.r.i. James Dwight, s. Abner Jr. and Mary M., Mar. 28, 1841. James White, s. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1814. [ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Kelly), P.R.15.] James White, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.R.i. Joel, s. John and Lydia, Sept. 17, 1801. John, ch. John Sr., June 7, 1760. p.R.15. John, s. John ist and Lydia, Apr. 13, 1793. John Kelly, s. John Jr. and Elisabeth [Elizabeth (Kelly), p.R.15.], July 4, 1810. John Kelly, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. John M., s. John K. and Orrel, May 25, 1843. John Munroe, s. Edmund and Amanda, Nov. 5, 1843. Josiah White, s. [Dea., c.r.i.] Horace and Rebeccah, June 3, 1819. Keziah, d. Daniel and Keziah, May 25, 1801. Keziah (see Coziah). Leonard, ch. Jesse and Lovis[?], bp. Nov. 9, 1808. c.r.i. Levi, ch. John Sr., May 25, 1755. p.R.15. Levi, s. John and Elizabeth, July 11, 181 9. [ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Kelly), p.R.15.] Lewis, s. Warham and Sally, Nov. 9, 1807. Lewis, s. Abner and Esther, Jan. 20, 1826. Lorane, d. John ist and Lydia, May 4, 1798. Lorenso Perry, s. Nelson [and] Sophia, Sept. 13, 1827. Lovvis, ch. Jesse and Lovis[?], bp. Nov. 9, 1808. c.r.i. Lucinda, d. John ist and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1791. Lucy, d. Abner and Esther, Mar. 12, 1814. [w. Elbridge G. Wilcox, P.R.4.] Lucy Edwards, d. John and Orriel, bp. Sept. 30, 1847. c.r.i. Lucy Morgan, ch. John K., bp. July 29, 1838. c.r.i. Lydia, d. John [dup. ist] and Lydia, Mar. 17, 1786. Marai, d. Daniel and Keziah, Sept. 25, 1802. [Meri, ch. Coziah, wid., c.r.i.] Marcus Morton, s. Abner Jr. and Mary M., Dec. 30, 1839. Maria (see Marai). Maria B., June 6, 1826. G.R.3. Mary, ch. Jesse and Lovis[?], bp. Nov. 9, 1808. c.r.i. Mary, d. Phinehas and Roxe, Dec. 16, 1814. Mary, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. Mary, d. Enos and Mary Ann, July 4, 1843. Mary A. [ ], w. Enos, Oct. 22, 1816. G.R.2. Mary A. [ ], w. Rufus, Nov. 17, 1819. G.R.3. Mary Ann, d. Daniel and Cynthia, Jan. 3, 1838. 94 CHESTER BIRTHS Smith, Mary Ann, ch. Daniel and w., bp. Mar. 17, 1839. C.R.I. Mary Berinthia, d. Horace and Rebekea, Dec. 26, 1S06. Mary Berinthia, d. Horace, bp. June 30, 1808. c.r.i. Mary J. [ ] w. [ , 1842] [in Becket Center]. C.R.2. Melissa Sophia, d. W[illia]m Jr. and Mary, Sept. 27, 1814. MiHcent, d. Isaac and Charity, Feb. 12, 1794. Milicent [ch. Isaac and Charity], May 6, 1802. Moody, s. Horace, bp. July 2, 1810. c.r.i. Nancy, July 10, 181 2. g.r.i. [ch. John Jr. and Elizabeth (Kelly), P.R.15.] Nancy, d. W[illia]m Jr. and Mary, Oct. 29, 1816. Nathaniel [h. Ellen G.] [ , 1833]. g.r.6. Nelson, s. Joab and Elisabeth, Jan. 30, 1800. Nice, d. Sergt. Dan[ie]l and Keziah, "Adopted" d. Lt. Abner and Abigail, Apr. 25, 1780. Orrel Annie, d. John K. and Orril, July 9, 1845. [Orril Anne, d. John Jr. and Orril, c.r.i.] Parmelia, d. Daniel 2d and Pruda, Aug. 8, 1787. Patta, d. John ist and Lydia, July 28, 1784. Persis, d. John Jr. and Elizabeth [(Kelly) P.R.15], May i, 1805. Persis, ch. John and w., bp. Sept. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Phineas [ , 1781]. Phineas, s. [dup. adds Sergt.] Daniel and Keziah, Feb. 10, 1782. Phinehas, ch. Daniel, bp. Aug. 21, 1785. c.r.i. Polly, d. Daniel and Keziah, Aug. 19, 1795. Polly [ch. Isaac and Charity], Apr. 6, 1796. Polly, ch. Coziah, wid., bp. Sept. 4, 1802. c.r.i. Porter, s. William, bp. Aug. 12, 1810. c.r.i. Ransle, ch. Daniel and Prudence, bp. June 19, 1803. c.r.i. Robert, ch. Jesse and Lovis[?], bp. Nov. 9, 1808. c.r.i. Roxy Ann, ch. Phineas and w., bp. [Sept.] — , 1820. c.r.i. Rufus, s. Rufus and Sally, bp. Jan. 5, 1800. c.r.i. Rufus [h. Mary A.], Jan. 12, 1816. G.R.3. Russel, s. John ist and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1788. Ruth, d. W[illia]m and Mary, Aug. — , 1818. Rutha, d. Joab and Elisabeth, Dec. 25, 1798. Sally, d. W[illia]m 2d and Sally, June 17, 1794. [w. David B. Tinker, June 17, 1795, G.R.i.] Salome, d. Daniel, bp. July 3, 1808. c.r.i. Sarah, d. John [John Sr., p.R.15.] and Abigail, Aug. 6, 1767. Sarah, ch. John Sr. and second w., Aug. 18, 177S. p.R.15. CHESTER BIRTHS 95 Smith, Silas Moody, s. Capt. Horace and Rebecka, May 8, 1810. Sophia, d. W[illia]m 2d and Sally, May 31, 1797, in Brookfield, Vt. Sophia, d. William, bp. June 3, 1804. c.R.i. Sophia, d. Abner and Esther, Mar. 4, 1820. Spencer, s. John ist and Lydia, Sept. 2, 1802. Sylvester, s. Jessie, bp. May 5, 1811. c.r.i. Theodosia, d. Daniel and Keziah, Nov. 23, 1791. Theodosia, ch. Coziah, wid., bp. Sept. 4, 1802. c.R.i. Timothy, s. Thomas and Submit, May 25, 1762, in Walling- ford. Conn. Warham, s. Daniel and Keziah, May 10, 1784, Warham, ch. Daniel, bp. Aug. 21, 1785. c.R.i. Warham, s. Warham and Sally, Oct. 8, 1809. Wealthy, ch. Daniel and Prudence, bp. June 19, 1803. c.R.i. Wilson Porter, s. Daniel and Cynthia, Feb. 18, 1844. Zabina, s. [sic] John ist and Lydia, Apr. 5, 1796. , s. Joab and Elisabeth, Aug. 12, 1790. , ch. Enos, , 1790. C.R.I. , ch. Sergt. Daniel, Oct. 18, 1793. c.r.i. , ch. John, Jan. — ,1801. c.r.i. , ch. Dea. Horace, Apr. 14, 1821. c.r.i. , ch. William, Feb. 24, 1824. c.r.i. , d. Abner and Esther, Nov. 4, 1833. P.R.4. , d. Edmond, day laborer, and Amanda, Apr. 3, 1847. SNOW, Albert S., s. Sereno and Sally [ , 1829]. g.r.2. Almeron [h. Laura] [ , 1802]. g.r.2. Artemus, s. Crandatus and Thankfull, bp. Nov. 4, 1798. C.R.I. Azariah (see Ezeriah), Christopher [h. Europa, h. [Orpha] "formerly" w. Clark Carr] [ , 1816]. G.R.4. Dameris, d. Ezekiel and Phebee, Apr. 19, 1768. Edward Almon, s. Sarenow, farmer, and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1846. Edwin M., s. Christopher J., mechanic, and Europe, Jan. 27, 1846. Europa [ ], w. Christopher [ , 1816]. G.R.4. Ezeriah, s. Ezekiel and Phebe, Apr. 13, 1772. Hezekiah, s. Ezekiel and Phebee, Feb. 4, 1774. Joanna, d. Sereno, farmer, and Sarah, June 28, 1844. Major A., ch. Sereno and Sarah V. (Lamb), Dec. 8, 1846. P.R.7. Mary [w. Morgan Hall], Jan. 15, 1S14. p.R.17. 96 CHESTER BIRTHS Snow, [Orpha] [ ] w. C[hristopher] [w. Clark Can], July 7, 1818. G.R.4. Orrindatus, s. Ez[e]kiel and Phebe, July 26, 1770. Otis, s. Orandatus and w., bp. Sept. 11, 1796. c.r.i. Phebe, d. Ezekiel dec'd and Phebe, Feb. 10, 1776. Sarah Alice, ch. Sereno and Sarah V. (Lamb), Oct. 27, 1844. P.R.7. [illegible], s. Orandatus and Thankful, bp. May 31, 180I. C.R.I. , ch. Sereno, Dec. 28, 1821. c.r.i. , s. Serenow, laborer, and Sarah, Aug. 13 [1849]. SPAULDING, Charles Shepard, s. Silas and Polly, Sept. 6, 1816, in Lee, Berkshire Co. Charles Shepherd, ch. Mary, wid., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. C.r.i. Laura, ch. Laura, wid., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Sarah, ch. Mary, wid., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Sarah Shepard, d. Silas and Polly, May 19, 1S14. STANTON, Benjamin F., s. B[e]njamin, carpenter, and Sophia, Oct. 5, 1845. Betsy, d. Asher and Lucy, Oct. 19, 1803. Christopher, s. Asher and Lucy, Mar. 4, 1823. Delilah, d. Asher and Lucy, Aug. 22, 1809. Harty, d. Asher and Lucy, Aug. 9, 1805. John Edwin, s. B. L., laborer, and Sophia, July 2, 1847. Joseph W., s. Joseph J., farmer, and Martha, Aug. i, 1848. Julia Ann, d. Asher and Lucy, May 15, 1817. Lucy, d. Asher and Lucy, Nov. 28, 1814. Martha Jane, d. Joseph Jr., gentleman, and Martha, Sept. 30, 1846. Merrill, s. Asher and Lucy, Jan. 13, 1820. Sally, d. Asher and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1813. W[illia]m, s. Asher and Lucy, Apr. 27, 1807. STEBBIN (see Stebbins), Lorenzo H., s. Randall S. (Stebbins), blacksmith, and Isabella W., June 18 [1849]. [Stebbins, s. Randal and Isabel, g.r.6.] STEBBINS (see Stebbin), Alfred, s. Sam[ue]l B. and Sarah, June II, 1812. Alfred, ch. Samuel and Esther, bp. Oct. i, 1816. c.r.i. Arlina [ ], w. Samuel [ , 1820]. G.R.2. Charles Smith, ch. Abiel, bp. July — , 1830. c.r.i. Chloe Lovina[?], ch. Abiel, bp. July — , 1830. c.r.i. Electa Elvira, ch. Merit, bp. June — , 1831. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS ' 97 Stebbins, Ellee C, d. Randal S., blacksmith, and Isabel W., June 28, 1847. Franklin, ch. Samuel and Esther, bp. Oct. i, 1816. c.R.i. Hariot, ch. Samuel and Esther, bp. Oct. i, 1816. c.r.i. Harriet Atwood, ch. Abiel, bp. July — , 1830. c.r.i. Harriet Delia, d. Samuel, farmer, and Arlina, Aug. 10, 1844. Harriot, d. Sam[ue]l B. and Sarah, June 13, 1810. Martha Pomeroy, ch. Abiel, bp. July — , 1830. c.r.i. Mary, d. Sam[ue]l B. and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1807. Mary, ch. Samuel and Esther, bp. Oct. i, 1816. c.r.i. Mary Francis, d. Samuel, farmer, and Orlina, Sept. 5, 1846. [d. Samuel and Arlina, w. W. H. C. [sic], g.r.2,] Mary Justina, d. Dan, farmer, and Mary of Russell, May 28, 1848. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l B. and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1808. [[h. Arlina] G.R.2. ] Samuel, ch. Samuel and Esther, bp. Oct. i, 1816. c.r.i. Susan Loisa, d. Abial and Eunice, Jan. 8, 1828. Susan Louisa, ch. Abiel, bp. July — , 1830. c.r.i. STEEL, Theodosia [dup. Theodosa Steal], ch. Ruben of Blan- ford, bp. [Dec] — , 1770. c.r.i. STETSON, Lucy Tucker, , 1795. G.R.4. STEVENS, Almira, ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), June 9, 1809. P.R.6. Betsy, d. John Jr. and Katharine, Jan. 22, 1812. Charlotte Baker, d. Joshua and Nancy [B. (Fisk), p.r.6,], Mar. 21, 1822, Cicero Boliver, s. Jude and Polly, July 4, 1826. Dwight W., s. Henry T. and Abigail, Apr. 4, 1836. Eliza F., d. Joshua and Nancy [B. (Fisk), p.r.6.], Oct. 31, 1823. Fannie A., w. James H. A. Jones, Aug. 23, 1842. G.R.3. Fanny Norton, d. Joshua and Nancy [dup. crossed out and marked ''Mistake," Polly] [ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), P.R.6.], Jan. 3, 1813. Henry H., s. Jude and Polly, Nov. 20, 1823. [Henry Homer Stevens, c.r.i.] Henry Taylor, s. Lt. Henry and Clarissa, Aug. 28, 1809. Isaac, s. John Jr. and Katharine, Sept. 20, 1808. John Henry, s. John and Katherine, Oct. 12, 1822. Joseph Arthur, s. Elder T. and Harriet, Feb. 19, 1839. Joshua [h. Nancy B. (Fisk)], Apr. 15, 1772. p.r.6. gS CHESTER BIRTHS Stevens, Joshua Jr., s. Joshua and Nancy [dup. crossed out and marked "Mistake," Polly] [ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), P.R.6.], Sept. lo, 1814. Juliann, d. Lt. Henry and Clarissa, Nov. — , 181 1. Katharine, d, John Jr. and Katharine, Apr. 24, i86[sic,? 1816]. Laura A. [ ], w. W[illia]m [ , 1826]. g.r.i. Liberty, s. Joshua and Nancy [ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), P.R.6.], July 4, 1820. Louisa, d. John Jr. and Katharine, Nov. 3, 1810. Lucy Charlotte, d. John Jr. and Katharine, Oct. 10, 1818. Lucy Maria, d. Ira and Sarah M., June 18, 182 1. Mary Ayres, d. Jude and Polly, Oct. 31, 1817. [Stephens, C.R.I.] Nancy, d. Joshua and Nancy [dup. crossed out and marked " Mistake," Polly], Sept. 11,1818. [w. Samuel C. Tinker, G.R.3.] [ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), p.r.6.] Pamela, d. Henry and Clarissa, Jan. 6, 1806. Pamelia Sophia, d. Jude and Polly, Aug. 18, 1828. Ruth, d. Joshua and Nancy [dup. crossed out and marked "Mistake," Polly], June 28, 1811. [ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), p.r.6.] Ruth Moor, [twin] d. Ira and Sarah M., Sept. 4, 1819. Sally Celesta, d. Jude and Polly, Aug. 10, 1819. [Sally Celista, C.R.I.] Sally Salina, d. Henry and Clarissa, Jan. 11, 1815. Sarah Matthews, [twin] d. Ira and Sarah M., Sept. 4, 18 19. Susan, d. William and Susan S., Dec. 22, 1842. Theodorick Noel, s. Jude and Polly, May 25, 18 16. [Theo- doric Stephens, c.r.i.] Thomas Elder, s. John Jr. and Katharine, Jan. 12, 1814. Thomas S., ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), Oct. 31, 1823. P.R.6. Washington, s. Henry and Clarissa, Feb. 8, 1808. William, s. Joshua and Nancy [dup. crossed out and marked "Mistake," Polly] [ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), P.R.6.], Aug. 19, 1816. W[inia]m Walace, s. Jude and Polly, Oct. 9, 182 1. [William Wallis Stevens, c.r.i.] Willis F., s. William and Laura, May 30 [1849]. [[h. Hannah S. (Grist)] G.R.3.] STEVENSON, Manima, d. Eli and Nabby, Apr. 19, 1798. STILES, Amelia, twin d. Samuel, bp. June 14, 1802. c.r.i. Benjamin Phelps, ch. Samuel, bp. July 26, iSoi. c.r.i. CHESTER BIRTHS 99 Stiles, Elsworth, ch. Samuel, bp. July 26, 1801. c.R.i. Henry, ch. Samuel, bp. July 26, iSoi. c.R.i. Julia, twin d. Samuel, bp. June 14, 1802. c.R.i. STILLMAN, Samuel, s. Silas and Anne, Dec. 17, 1814. STONE, Anson, s. Harvey and Rachel, Oct. 8, 181 2. Anson, ch. Harvy and w., bp. [Aug.] — , 1819. c.R.i. Augustus Wright, s. Harvey and Rachel, Nov. 6, 181S. [Augustus Clap Stone, ch. Harvy and w., c.R.i.] Ella Anetta, d. Anson B., machinist, and Harriett, Mar. 12, 1847. Harriet Mosely, d. Harvey and Rachel, Aug. 12, 1827. Harvey, s. [dup. adds Lt.] William and Hittey [dup. Hitta], Mar. 13, 1783 [dup. and second dup. 1784]. Mary, d. Daniel and Jane, Feb. 14, 1781, in Western. Mary Mahitable, ch. Harvy and w., bp. Aug. — , 1819. c.R.i. Mary Mehitable, d. Harvey and Rachel, Jan. 5, 1814. Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Jane, Dec. 17, 1785. Sally, d. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] William and Hittey [dup. Hittee], Nov. 29, 1786. Sarah Ann, d. Harvey and Rachel, Nov. 15, 182 1. Sophia, d. Lt. [dup. omits Lt.] William and Hittey [dup. Hittee], Sept. i, 1788. [Sopha, c.r.i.] Sophia, d. Harvey and Rachel, Apr. 25, 1816. Sophia, ch. Harvy and w., bp. Aug. — , 1819. c.R.i. Susa, d. Daniel and Jane, Oct. 22, 1783. William Holioway, s. Lt. William and Hittey, Dec. 23, 1790. W[illia]m Holioway, s. Harvey and Rachel, Aug. 7, 1824. STOW, Cephas, s. Ebenezer and Content, Mar. 10, 1782. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Content, Sept. 6, 1777. Esther, d. Ebenezer and Content, June 19, 1780. Lydia, d. Ebenezer and Content, Dec. 17, 177S. STRONG, Mary E., d. Wollcott H. (Strond) and Sarah, Apr. 10 [1849]. SULIVAN (see Sullivan), Margarett, d. Daniel, day laborer, and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1847. Mary, d. Daniel, tanner, and Joanna, Jan. 2, 1845. SULLIVAN (see Sulivan), Timothy, s. Dan[ie]l and Jane, Mar. 3, 1846. TALMADGE, Eli [ , 1805]. g.r.2. John, s. Eli and Sally [ , 1840]. g.r.2. Mary Ann, d. Eli, farmer, and Nancy, Nov. 27, 1843. lOO CHESTER BIRTHS TANNER, Damaras, d. William and Lois, Mar. — , 1788. Joseph, s. Nathan and Ollive, Sept. 24, 1795. Lois, d. William and Lois, May — , 1790. Ollive, d. Nathan and Ollive, May 11, 1791. Vernom, s. Nathan and Olive, Nov. 4, 1793. William, s. William and Lois, Apr. 23, 1786. TAYLOR, Abby Louisa, d. Otis, farmer, and Pamelia, Aug. 30 [dup. Aug. 31], 1843. [Aug. 30, P.R.I.] Amory Emerson, s. Otis and Pamelia, May 21, 1827. Amory Emerson, ch. Otis, bp. July 4, 1830. c.R.i. Amos S., s. Col. W[illia]m and Nancy, Jan. 7, 1826. Charles C, s. Col. W[illia]m and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1820. Clarisa, d. John and Molly, July 19, 1806. Edward Moseley, s. Edward, bp. , 1817. c.r.i. Edward Payson, s. Otis and Pamelia, Aug. 30, 1837. Eliakim Franklin, s. Otis and Pamelia, Jan. 6, 1825. [Frank- lin E., P.R.I.] Eliza, d. Maj. [Col., p.r.i.] W[illia]m and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1805. Elizabeth Newel, twin d. George and Ruth, June 18, 1830. Elkanah, s. William and Lucy, Feb. 24, 1836. Ephraim S., s. John S. and Nancy, Feb. 27, 1839. Eunice Nash, d. Edward and Dolly, bp. Sept. 22, 1805. c.r.i. Ezra Brainard, s. Jo[h]n S. and Nancy, June 3, 1840. Fidelia (see Phidelia). Frances Ann, d. George and Ruth, Nov. 21, 1826. ^" George, s. John and Molly, Oct. 12, 1800. Hannah Deette, d. Otis and Pamelia, Sept. 4, 1840. [Hannah De Ette Taylor, d. Capt. Otis, c.r.i.] [Hannah D. Ette Taylor, p.r.i.] Hannah S., ch. Col. W[illia]m, Feb. 8, 1813. p.r.i. Hannah Stevens, d. Col. W[illia]m and Lucy, Mar. 10, 181 1. [Hannah Stephens Taylor, c.r.i.] Harriet Newel, ch. Otis and w., bp. Dec. 7, 1820. c.r.i. Hiram Smith, s. George and Ruth, Mar. 30, 1828. Horrace, s. John and Molly, Aug. 20, 1798. John [h. Mary] [Oct. — , 1772]. G.R.4. John Stanley, s. John and Molly, Mar. 23, 1808. Jonathan, s. Edward and Dolly, bp. Mar. 7, 1813. C.R.i. Julia, d. Edward and Dolly, bp. Mar. i, 1808. c.r.i. Lewis Washington, s. Otis and Pamelia, Jan, 16, 1822. Lorry, d. John and Molly, Jan. 17, 1797. Lucy Elizabeth, d. Otis and Pamelia, Oct. 21, 1831. Lucy Stevens, d. Col. W[illia]m and Lucy, Feb. 8, 1813. Mary, d. John and Molly, May 5, 1804. CHESTER BIRTHS 1 01 Taylor, Mary Sophia, twin d. George and Ruth, June i8, 1830. Nancy, d. Col. W[illia]m and Nancy, July 26, 1815. Otis, s. Lt. W[illia]m and Lucy, Jan. 21, 1798. [[ch.J Col. W[illia]m, May 21, p.r.i.] Otis, ch. Lt. William and Lucy, bp. Jan. 13, 1805. c.r.i. Otis Sprague, s. Otis and Pamelia, June i, 1829. Otis Sprague, ch. Otis, bp. July 4, 1830. c.r.i. Pamelia Wright, d. Otis and Pamelia, Apr. 6, 1823. Phidelia, d. John and Molly, Dec. 26, 181 1. Sally, d. Maj. [Col., p.r.i.] W[illia]m and Lucy, Nov. 13, 1803. Sally, ch. Lt. William and Lucy, bp. Jan. 13, 1805. c.r.i. Sally, d. Maj. [Col., p.r.i.] W[illia]m and Lucy, May 21, 1S09. Sophia, d. John and Molly, Aug. 30, 1802. Susan L., d. George and Ruth, Apr. 5, 1834. Washington, s. Lt. [Col., p.r.i.] W[illia]m and Lucy, May 7, 1800. Wealthy Merritt, d. Jo[h]n S. and Nancy, June 31, 1840. WilHam Jr., s. Lt. [Col., p.r.i.] W[illia]m and Lucy, Dec. 2, 1801. WilHam, ch. Lt. William and Lucy, bp. Jan. 13, 1805. c.r.i. WilHam, s. John and MoHy, Jan. 20, 1810. WJilliajm Jr., s. Col. W[ilHa]m and Nancy, Apr. 22, 1818. WilHam Ambrose, s. Otis and Pamelia, Sept. 9, 1835. , ch. Capt. Taylor, bp. May — , 1836. c.r.i. TERRELL, Maryetta Jane [dup. Terrill], d. Francis, carpen- ter, and Amelia [dup. Emily J.], Jan. 11, 1847. THOMPSON, Cynthia Ann, d. Timothy and Chloe, Mar. 6, 1843- Emma Deette, d. Timothy and Chloe, Apr. 2, 1838. THRASHER, Isaac Dickason, s. Isaac, farmer, and , Aug. 5, 1846. Laura Ann, d. Isaac and Laura, Sept. 14, 1842. Sarah Jane, ch. Isaac, farmer, and , Mar. 26, 1844. TINKER, Abby Marena, d. Rev. Reuben, bp. July 11, 1841. C R I David BHss, s. Rufus and Meriam, Feb. 12, 1793. [[h. Sally (Smith)] G.R.I.] Elen Lovisa, d. Rufus and Lovisa, Jan. 23, 1835. George, s. David B. and Sally, Jan. 2, 1826. [George W., G.R.I.] George, ch. David, bp. , 1830. c.r.i. 102 CHESTER BIRTHS Tinker, Harriet Bliss, d. David and Sally, Dec. 5, 1821. Harriet Bliss, ch. David, bp. , 1830. c.r.i. Jane Graham, d. Rufus [Jr., c.R.i.] and Lovice, Feb. 12, 1827. Lucy, d. Rufus and Miriam, Dec. 13, 1801. Martha C. [ ], w. Warren [ , 1801]. g.r,4. Mary Wood, d. Rufus and Lovice, June — , 1832. Meriam Sexton, d. Rufus and Meriam, Aug. 8, 1790, [Miriam Upton[?] Tinker, c.r.i.] Miriam Bliss, d. Rufus [Jr., c.r.i.] and Lovic, Mar. 5, 1823. Reuben, s. Rufus and Miriam, Aug. 6, 1799. [Reuben, c.r.i.] Rufus, s. Rufus and Meriam, Aug. 23, 1795. Rufus, s. Rufus and Miriam, June 9, 1797. [[h. Louisa Graham] g.r.i.] Samuel C. [h. Nancy (Stevens)], , 181 1. G.R.3. Sylvanus, s. David B. and Sally, May 31, 1835. Warren [h. Martha C.] [ , 1801]. G.R.4. William, s. David and Sally, Sept. 8, 1817. W[illia]m Smith, ch. David, bp. , 1830. c.r.i. , ch. Capt. Tinker, bp. June 28, 1835. c.r.i. , d. George, tailor, and Caroline, July 18 [1849]. TOODGOOD (see Toogood), William Oaks, s. Capt. William (Toogood) and Mary, Mar. 5, 1780, in Westfield. TOOGOOD (see Toodgood), Abigail [ ], w. Franklin [July — , 1810]. G.R.I. Abigail Augusta, d. Franklin and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1832. Anna Lyman, d. W[illia]m Oaks and Anna, July 12, 1817. Anna Lyman, ch. W[illia]m O. and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. C.r.i. Cornelia Bliss, d. Franklin and Abigail, Oct. — , 1833. Franklin, s. W[illia]m Oaks and Anna, Feb. 7, 1803. Franklin, ch. W[illia]m O. and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. George D wight, s. Franklin and Abigail [Abigail L., c.r.i.], Dec. 29, 1839. Isabell [ ,1785]. G.R.13. Lyman Oax, s. Franklin and Abigail, May 12, 1838. [Lyman Oakes Toogood, c.r.i.] Maria Julian, d. W[illia]m Oaks and Anna, Mar. 12, 1810. Mary, d. W[illia]m Oaks and Anna, Oct, 31, 1804. Mary, ch. W[illia]m O. and w., bp. Nov. 21, 1819. c.r.i. Mary Ann, d. Franklin and Abigail, Mar. 20, 1843. May Ann, d. Franklin, bp. Aug. 31, 1844. c.r.i. William Franklin, s. Franklin and Abigail, June 2, 1835. TOWNE, Paul R. [h. Martha M. (Wilcox)], , 1837. G.R.3. CHESTER BIRTHS 103 TRASK, Laura, d. Henry, day laborer, and Roxany, Apr. 27, 1847. TRUESDEL (see Truesdell), Lucy, d. Darius and Rachel, Apr. 23, 1804. Titus, s. Darius and Rachel, July 19, 1808. TRUESDELL (see Truesdel), Almera, d. Darius (Trusdel) and Rachel, July 13, 1806. Asa Sizer, s. Darius and Rachel, Nov. 27, 1802. William, s. Darius and Rachel, Mar. 17, 1799, in Coldrain. TRYON, Charles F., s. Edward and Juliaet, Mar. 10, 1849. TUCKER, Dinah, b. Tiverton, Bath, Eng., w. John Blair Elder, Apr. 22, 1834. P.R.16. Olive [ ], w. Ephraim [ , 1840]. G.R.4. TURNER, Eliza, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1815. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1829. Susy Am, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1813, in Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y. W[illia]m Burwill, s. John and Sarah, July 6, 1812, in Sand Lake, N.Y. TWISS (see Twist), Alida Hasseltine, d. W[illia]m and Louis, July 16, 1843. . Dallas H., s. William and Lois, Feb. 16, 1846. [Twist, G.R.2.J Dallas Harkum [ch. W[illia]m and Louis], Feb. 27, 1845. Esther Maria [aria, written in pencil], d. William, carpenter, and Lois, Feb. 26, 1845. Harletine (Lida) [Lida, written in pencil], s. W[illia]m, farmer, and Lais Mary [Lais, written in pencil], July 16, 1843. Lois E. [ , 1820]. C.R.2. Mary Ester, d. W[illia]m and Louis, July 10, 1844. William [h. Lois (Bigelow)], Aug. 11, 1810. G.R.3. TWIST (see Twiss), Esther [ ], w. David [ , 1792]. G.R.2. VADAKIN (see Vaderkin), James, s. Henry and Tabitha, Apr. 9, 1793. John, s. Henry and Tabatha, Aug. 8, 1790. VADERKIN (see Vadakin), Henry [dup. Henery Vadekinl, s. Henry and Tabba, Sept. 10, 1783, in Enfield, Conn. Philip, s. Henry and Tabitha [dup. Tabba], May 25, 1786. 104 CHESTER BIRTHS VAN ALLEN, Elisabeth [ , 1787]. g.r.2. VANSOLON, Sarah Elisabeth, d. Jared and Maria L., Aug. 3, 1840. WADE, Edward Taylor, s. W[illia]m and Thankful, July 26, 1808. Edward Taylor, s. William and Thankful, bp. Oct. 29, 181 1. C.R.I. Horace D wight, s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Apr. 3, 18 18. Sophia Mather, d. W[illia]m and Thankful, Apr. 15, 1815. Thomas Sawyer, s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Sept. 2, 181 1. [Thomas Sawer Wade, c.r.i.] W[illia]m Jr., s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Apr. 30, 1805. William, s. William and Thankful, bp. Oct. 29, 181 1. c.r.i. , s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Nov. 25, 1813. WAIT (see Waite), Achsah Ann [ ], w. Charles E. [ , 1839]. G.R.2. Andrew Jackson, s. Samuel and Rachel, Aug. 19, 1819. Anne Elisabeth, d. Josiah and Hannah, Mar. 27, 1775, in Northampton. Betsy, d. Samuel and Betsy, Feb. 25, 1811. Charity, d. Josiah and Martha, Mar. 10, 1787. Charles, s. Otis and Mary, Aug. 4, 1836. [Charles E., g.r.2.] [Charles, ch. Otis and Mary (Cartter), p.r.2.] Charles Emerson [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Apr. 3, 1815. P.R.2. Charles Emerson, s. Charles E., farmer, and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1848. Clarissa [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Feb. 12, 1798. p.r.2. Cyntha Delight, Nov. 6, 1810. p.r.2. Cyreneus, s. Jonathan and Margaret, Sept. 30, 1791. Daniel W. [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], May 20, 1822. p.r.2. Delight L. (see Lucretia Delight). Dorcas, d. Josiah and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1776, in Northampton. Elizabeth, d. Jonathan and Margaret, May 10, 1783. Frederick [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], July 16, 1809. P.R.2. Geo[rge] Otis [ch. Otis and Mary (Cartter)], May 19, 1842. P.R.2. Horatio [twin ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Mar. 11, 1819. P.R.2. James Bruce, s. Emmerson and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1845. John Harmon [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Sept. 21, 1806. P.R.2. CHESTER BIRTHS 105 Wait, Jonathan Jr., s. Jonathan and Margaret, July 19, 1794. Joseph, s. Josiah and Martha, Dec. 4, 1782. Joseph, s. Josiah and Martha, Oct. 2, 1791. Josiah, s. Josiah and Martha, Aug. 29, 1795. Lester [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Sept. 10, 181 1. p.r.2. Lorenzo [twin ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Mar. 11, 18 19. p.r.2. Lucretia [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Nov. 16, 1796. p.r.2. Lucretia Delight, d. Otis and Mary, Mar. 5, 1839. [Delight L., w. Spencer A. Knox, G.R.2.] [Lucretia Delight [ch. Otis and Mary (Cartter)], p.r.2.] Lucy, d. Jonathan Jr. and Margaret, May 5, 1781. Malyssa, d. Samuel and Betsy, Jan. 3, 1810. Martha, d. Josiah and Martha, May 18, 1785. Mary, Mar. 25, 1779. p.r.2. Mary, d. Otis and Mary [(Cartter) p.r.2.], Nov. 21, 1833. Mary C. [ ], w. Otis [ , 1799]. G.R.2. Mary Smead, d. Samuel and Rachel, Feb. 7, 1821. Melissa (see Malyssa). Nancy Elizebeth [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Nov. 24, 1816. P.R.2. Polly [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], July 10, 1808. p.r.2. Rachel, d. Josiah and Martha, June 12, 1789, Samuel, s. Jonathan Jr. and Margaret, Mar. 26, 1779. Samu[e]l Jr., s. Samuel and Rachel, Sept. 21, 1816. Sarah, d. Jonathan and Margaret, Oct. 8, 1788. Sarah M., w. Chester W. Merryfield, May 6, 1839. G.R.3. Seth [h. Lucretia (Otis)], Oct. 8, 1774. p.r.2. Seth [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Sept. 12, 1804. p.r.2. Seth, s. Emmerson, farmer, and Lucy, Sept. 7, 1843. Thomas, s. Josiah and Martha, Nov. 25, 1780, in Northampton. W[illia]m, s. Jonathan and Margaret, Aug. 2, 1797. Zeruah, d. Jonathan and Margaret, Feb. 3i[«c], 1786. [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Aug. 10, 1800. p.r.2. WAITE (see Wait), Otis [h. Mary C] [ , 1800]. g.r.2. [Wait, h. Mary (Cartter) [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Nov. 16, 1799, P.R.2.] Seth, s. Charles E. and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1843. WALTON, Aretas, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. Dolly Ann, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. James, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. John Shepherd, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. C.r.i. Mary, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. Pamela, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. Io6 CHESTER BIRTHS Walton, Roland, ch. John and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. William Bachelor, ch. John and w., bp. [July 4] 1824. c.R.i. ■ , ch. Mr. Walton, Jan. 13, 1821. c.R.i. , ch. John, Dec. — , 1822. c.r.i. , ch. John, Feb. 28, 1827. c.r.i. WARFIELD (see Wharfield). WARNER (see Warriner), Abigail Ayres, d. Henry and Han- nah, July 3, 1813. Achsah Sanderson, d. Henry and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1811. Elizabeth Ayres, d. Henry and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1808. Hannah, d. John and Achsa, Apr. 29, 1810. Henry, s .James and Atchsa, May 15, 1789. Henry James, s. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1815. James, s. James and Atchsa, Sept. 19, 1787. Jason Reed, s. Henry and Hannah, Aug. 19, 1804. Jesse Ayres, s. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 17, 1818. Mary Delight, d. Joseph and Lodema, Nov. 28, 1824. Octavia Rust, d. Joseph and Lodema, Mar. 2, 1827, in Fiskill, N.Y. W[illia]m Joseph, s. Joseph and Lodema, Nov. 2, 1829, in Ph[i]hpstown, N.Y. WARREN, Lydia Ursula, d. Oliver and Ursula, Nov. 22, 1842. Oliver Levi, s. Oliver and Ursula, Oct. 24, 1840 [dup. marked "Mistake," 1842]. WARRINER (see Warner), Caroline, Mar. 21, 1823. P.R.3. Hellen H., d. Rev. Francis and Sarah H., Feb. 24, 1846. [Helen Hamilton Warriner, d. Francis and Sarah A., c.r.i.] WATSON, Joseph L. [h. Catharine F. (Dudley)], Mar. 8, 1826. G.R.3. WEATHERBEE, Samuel S., s. Warren B. (Wetherbee), mechanic, and Eliza A., Mar. 21 [1849]. WEBBER, Clarycy [dup. Clary], d. Jonathan Hart and Keziah, Apr. 27 [dup. Apr. 24], 1775. John, s. Ebenezer and Kezia, Apr. 13, 1770. Jonathan Hart, s. Jonathan Hart and Keziah, May 4, 1786. Keziah, d. Jonathan Hart and Keziah, Sept. 3, 1779. Liddah, d. Ebenezer and Kezia, Apr. 23, 1768. Molley, d. Jonathan H. and Keziah, Aug. 30, 1777. Pelea [dup. Pela] Hart, s. Jonathan Hart and Keziah, Jan. 15, ^773- CHESTER BIRTHS 107 WEBSTER, Eunice [ ], w. J. C. [Apr. — , 1799]. g.r.ii. Ira [ , 1806]. G.R.2. Mary M., d. Ira and Bashebe, Apr. 5, 1827. Sarah, d. Ira and Bashebe, Jan. 12, 1834. WEEKS, Henry H., s. Artimus, mechanick, and Charlotte, Sept. 29, 1847. V/EST, Abner [Apr. 3, 1803]. G.R.3. Anna [Nov. 11, 1803]. G.R.3. John Glindining, s. Henry and Elizabeth [ , 1845]. g.r.2. WET (see Wit, Witt), J., Apr. 17, 1843. g.r.2. WETHERBEE (see Weatherbee). WHARFIELD, Emma Agusta, d. W[illia]m H., shoe maker, and Pe[r]cis, Aug. 31, 1846. Henrieta, [twin] d. Reuben and Rachel, Mar. 4, 1800. Henry, [twin] s. Reuben and Rachel, Mar. 4, 1800. Lawson, s. Reuben and Rachel, June 17, 1788. Mary Jane, d. Reuben and Catharine E., Aug. 7, 1843. Nancy, d. Reuben and Rachel, Nov. 23, 1804. Polly, d. Reuben and Rachel, Jan. 22, 1782, in Blandford. Rachel, d. Reuben and Rachel, June 6, 1802. Reuben Jr., s. Reuben and Rachel, Aug. 30, 1793. Roland, s. Reuben and Rachel, Dec. 21, 1784, in Blandford. Samuel, s. Reuben and Rachel, Jan. 24, 1791. Susanna, d. Reuben and Rachel, Aug. 28, 1796. WHEADON (see Whedon), Betsy, d. Marshall and Elisabeth, May 19, 1790. Roxany, d. Marshal and Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1787. WHEDON (see Wheadon), Abigail, d. Marshal (Wheadon) and Elisabeth, Nov. 17, 1792. WHEELER, Betsey, d. Phineas and Molly, Apr. 11, 1784. John [ , 1781]. G.R.14. WHIPPLE, Abigail, d. Isaac and Charlotte, Feb. 13, 18 16, in Montville, Conn. Albert, s. Jeremiah R. and Nancy, Sept. 7, 1817. Calvin, s. James and Betsy, Sept. 12, 1823. Calvin, ch. Betsey, bp. Sept. 18, 1825. c.R.i. Charlotte, d. Isaac and Charlotte, June 10, 1809, in Montville, Conn. James Brewster, s. James and Betsy, Dec. 5, 1818. I08 CHESTER BIRTHS Whipple, James Brewster, ch. Betsey, bp. Sept. i8, 1825. c.r.i. Mary Ann, d. Isaac and Charlotte, Apr. 14, 1803, in Montville, Conn. Sarah Lattimore, d. James and Betsy, May 18, 1821. Sarah Lattimore, ch. Betsey, bp. Sept. 18, 1825. c.r.i. Susan, d. Jeremiah R. and Nancy, May 8, 1819. , ch. Mrs. Whipple, bp. [June 28] 1835. c.r.i. WHITE, Abigail, s. [sic] Samuel and Abigail, Oct. 8, 1807. Adelia [ ], w. William R., Sept. 19, 1844. G.R.3. Annie, w. Rev. Silas Kingsley, Sept. 23, 1794. G.R.2. Elihu, s. Samuel and Abigail, May 28, 1810. Eunice, d. Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1805. Seneca, s. Samuel and Abigail, Nov. 8, 1802. WHITMAN, W[illia]m Warren, s. Asa B. and Annis, Oct. 7, 1820. WHITNEY, Catharine Fowler, d. Theodore and Marilla, June 18, 1828. Elizabeth Allen, d. Theodore and Marilla, Jan. 12, 1826. Helen Eliza, d. George and Amanda M., Oct. 12, 1836. Martha Sheldon, d. Theodore and Marilla, July 3, 1824. WILBUR, Dyer I. [h. Hannah H. (Fay)] [ , 1814]. g.r.2. WILCOX (see Willcox), Abigail [w. Chester Lyman], Sept. 16, 1789. P.R.18. Asa [h. Relief] [ , 1783]. G.R.2. [h. ReHef (Colton), Mar. 7, P.R.4.] Hannah Elizabeth, d. Elisha Jr. and Elisabeth, Nov. 17, 18 18. Henry D., s. Asa and Relief [(Colton) P.R.4.], Aug. 27, 1823. Henry Dwight, s. Asa and Relief [(Colton) P.R.4.], Oct. 14, 1821. Horace M., s. Elbridge G. and Lucy, Nov. 19, 1836. [Horace Monroe Wilcox, ch. Elbridge G. and Lucy (Smith), P.R.4.] Horace Munson, s. Elbridge G. and Lucy, Oct. 8, 1840. [Monroe Horace Wilcox, ch. Elbridge G. and Lucy (Smith), P.R.4.] Lucy [ ], w. Elbridge G. [ , 1814]. g.r.2. Marietta [ch. Elbridge G. and Lucy (Smith)], Sept. 12, 1843. P.R.4. Marion Elizabeth, d. Edwin and Fanny, Nov. 2, 1842. Martha M., d. Elbridge G. and Lucy, Jan. 4, 1835. [w. Paul R. Towne, G.R.3.] [ch. Elbridge G. and Lucy (Smith), P.R.4.] CHESTER BIRTHS IO9 Wilcox, Mary [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)] May 23, 1807. P.R.4. Monroe Horace (see Horace Munson Wilcox). Norman, s. Ralph and Betsy, Apr. 27, 1816. « Reuben, s. Ralph and Betsy, Oct. 17, 1818. Theodore, ch. , bp. Nov. — , 1836. c.R.i. William, s, Asa and Relief [(Colton) P.R.4.], June 16, 1819. WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Abigail R., d. Asa and Relief, Mar. 5, 18 1 5. [Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] Edwin, s. Asa and Relief, June 19, 1809. [Wilcox [h. Fannie (Egleston)], G.R.3.] [Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] Elbridge Gerry, s. Asa and Relief, May 12, 181 1. [Wilcox [h. Lucy], G.R.2.] [Wilcox [h. Lucy (Smith)] [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] Horace Smith, s. Asa and Relief, Feb. 15, 1817. [Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] Mary, d. Asa and Relief, Mar. 3, 1813. [Mary S. Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] Sally, d. Asa and Relief, July 27, 1805. [Wilcox, w. Henry Earl Bigelow, G.R.2.] [Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] , d. Edwin, farmer, and Harriet, Sept. 10, 1843. WILLCUTT (see Woolcot, Woolcut), Almond Andrew, s. John and Mary A., Mar. 30, 1844. Harrison [h. Eliza (Fay)] [ , 1815]. g.r.2. Luthera E., d. Harrison, tailor, and Eliza, Jan. 16, 1848. WILLEY, Lucy, d. Judah and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1796. WILLIAM (see Williams), Elisha, s. Fetter (Williams) and Sarah, June 24, 1770. WILLIAMS (see William), Amanda Emila, d. Sumner and Mary Ann, June 28, 1837. Betsey Buck, ch. John, bp. June 27, 1830. c.r.i. Betsy Breck, d. John and Sophia, June 8, 1824. Charlotte S. [ ], w. David S. [ , 1823]. G.R.5. Elizabeth Breck, d. Larkin and Nancy, Aug. 24, 1781. Eunice, d. Fetter and Sarah, Feb. 3, 1768. Franklin Albert, s. David, mechanick, and Charlotte, Feb. 29, 1848. Gardner, s. John and Releaf, July 12, 1789. George Sumner, s. Sumner and Mary Ann, Aug. 7, 1832. no CHESTER BIRTHS Williams, Hellen E., d. Lucien B., merchant, and Harriett S., May 13 [1849]. John Jr., s. John and Releaf, Aug. 6, 1792. Louisa, d. John and Sophia, Mar. 20, 1819. Louisa, ch. John, bp. June 27, 1830. c.r.i. Lucretia, d. John and Sophia, Feb. 26, 1818. Lucretia, ch. John, bp. June 27, 1830, c.R.i. Mary Ann, d. Sumner and Mary Ann, Jan. 23, 1829. Mary Emigeen, d. David S. and Charlotte, Aug. — , 1845, Nancy Warren, d. John and Releaf, Feb. 17, 1797. Olive Ann, d. John and Sophia, May 9, 1820, Olive Anne, ch. John, bp. June 27, 1830. c.R.i. Pleades, d. John and Releaf, June 30, 1801. [Pleides, c.R.i.] Polixina, d. John and Releaf, Mar. 19, 1795. [Polyxena, c.R.i.] Sarah Jane, d. Sumner [dec'd] and Mary Ann, Nov. 20, 1840. [w. Freeborn G. Wright, G.R.3.] Sophia, d. John and Sophia, Dec, i, 1822. Sophia, ch. John, bp. June 27, 1830, c.r.i. Sumner, s. John and Releaf, May 7, 1799. W[illia]m Allen, s. John and Sophia, Aug. 28, 1821. William Allen, ch. John, bp. June 27, 1830. c.r.i. William Hastings, s. Larkin and Nancy, Feb. 24, 1776. , twin s. John and Releaf, July 7, 1787. , twin s. John and Releaf, July 7, 1787. WINCHEL (see Winchell), Agness D., d. Grove Jr. and Laura, Sept. 13, 1825. Amanda F., d. Grove Jr. and Laura, Oct. 11, 1822. Elizabeth S., d. Grove Jr. and Laura, Feb. 4, 1829. Emeline S., d. Grove Jr. and Laura, Jan. 29, 182 1. Grace, d. Grove and Grace, Feb. 24, 1785, in Granby, Conn. Grove [h. Grace (Moor)], Dec. 13, 1761, in Granby, Conn. Grove Jr., s. Grove and Grace, Nov. 22, 1795, in Granby, Conn. Laura A,, d. Grove Jr. and Laura, Dec. 3, 1830. Louisa P., d. Grove Jr. and Laura, Feb. 28, 1824. Lura, d. Grove and Grace, Dec. 20, 1808. Mary Y., d. Grove and Laura, Feb. 16, 1827. Norman, s. Grove and Grace, Aug. 31, 1802. Vancia, d. Grove and Grace, May 29, 1793, in Granby, Conn. WINCHELL (see Winchel), Adeline Josephene, d. Norman and Mary, Dec. 13, 1838. Augusta Genette, d. Norman and Mary, Mar. 5, 1836. Cordelia, d. Norman and Mary, Feb. 22, 1829. Co[r]inthy, d. Norman and Mary, Jan. 6, 183 1. CHESTER BIRTHS III WiNCHELL, Edward Grove, s. Grove and Laura, Mar. ii, 1833- John T., s. Norman and Mary, Aug. 28, 1825. WIT (see Wet, Witt), Betsy, ch. , bp. Oct. 10, 1787. C.R.I. Oliver, ch. , bp. Oct. 10, 1787. c.r.i. Thomas, ch. , bp. Oct. 10, 1787. c.r.i. William, ch. , bp. Oct. 10, 1787. c.r.i. WITT (see Wet, Wit), Abner Jr., s. Abner and Molly, July 5, 1790. [Wit, C.R.I.] Abner Woodbury, s. W[illia]m and Beulah, Feb. 28, 1823. Beulah [ ], w. William [ , 1783]. g.r.8. David, s. W[illia]m and Bulah, Sept. 3, 181 1. David, ch. William and w., bp. Nov, 26, 1819. c.r.i. Dolly, d. W[inia]m and Beulah, June 30, 1813. [w. N. B. Prouty, G.R.8.] Dolly, ch. William and w., bp. Nov. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Electa Clark, d. W[illia]m and [Beulah], May 2, 1825. Harvey, s. Abner and Molly, Aug. 13, 1796. [Wit, c.r.i.] Huldah, d. Abner and Molly, May 25, 1794. [Wit, c.r.i.] Huldah, d. W[illia]m and Beulah, Jan. 4, 18 16. Huldah, ch. William and w., bp. Nov. 26, 1819. c.r.i. Lucy Pomeroy, d. W[illia]m and Bulah, Sept. 5, 1809. Lucy Pomeroy, ch. William and w., bp. Nov. 26, 1819. C.r.i. Mary, d. W[illia]m and Beulah, Jan. 8, 1818. [w. Isaac W. Prouty, G.R.8.] Mary, ch. William and w., bp. Nov. 22, 1819. c.r.i. Mary B., d. David and Sarah Ann, May 18, 1841. Merrick, s. Abner and Molly, Sept. 10, 1798. [Wit, c.r.i.] Oliver, s. Abner and Molly, June 5, 1792. [Wit, c.r.i.] Polly, d. Abner and Molly, Feb. 10, 1788. [Wit, c.r.i.] Thomas, s. Abner and Molly, Dec. 12, 1785. William, s. Abner and Molly, Oct. 9, 1783. [[h. Beulah] G.R.8.] W[illiaj'm Rowland, s. W]illia]m and Beulah, Oct. 3, 1820. , s. David, tanner, and Sarah Ann, Feb. 13, [i8]45. WOOD, Alida, d. Mr. Wood and w., bp. Sept. 6, 1818. c.r.i. Ann Elizabeth, ch. Nathan and w., bp. Nov. 3', 1828. c.r.i. Betsey, ch. James, bp. July 26, 1801. c.r.i. Betsy, d. James and Betsy, Nov. 13, 1795. Catharine, d. James and Betsy, Jan. 22, 1816. [Catherine, C.R.I.] Farrington, ch. Nathan and w., bp. Jan. 26, 1823. c.R.i. Harriet, d. James and Betsy, Feb. 20, 1805. 112 CHESTER BIRTHS Wood, James Jr., s. James [and] Betsy, Oct. 25, 1797. James Brewster, s. James and Betsy, Dec. 31, 1798. James Brewster, ch. James, bp. July 26, 1801. c.r.i. John Bascom, ch. Nathan and w., bp. Oct. 16, 1825. c.r.i. Joseph Lyman, ch. Nathan and w., bp. July 30, 1820. c.r.i. Julian B., d. James and Betsey, Apr. 22, 1822. [Julia Ann Brewer Wood, c.r.i.] Lucy Billings, ch. James, bp. July 26, 1801. c.r.i. Mary Throop, d. Nathan Jr. and Sally, Aug. 24, 1809. [Mary Troop Wood, c.r.i.] Mercy, w. Daniel Bigelow [ , 1767]. G.R.4. Nancy [ ], w. Charles E. [ , 181 5]. g.r.6. Ruth Farrington, d. James and Betsy, June 23, 1809. Samuel Stebens, s. James and Betsy, Oct. 11, 1800. [Samuel Stebbins Wood, c.r.i.] Sarah, d. Nathan Jr. and Sally, Aug. 15, 181 1. Sarah, d. Nathan Jr. and Sally, June 19, 1816. [Sara Hunting- ton Wood, c.r.i.] Sophronia, d. James and Betsy, Aug. 9, 1802. [Sopronia, C.R.I.] Susanna Bishop, d. Nathan Jr. and Sally, Jan. 23, 1814. , d. James and Betsy, Oct. 28, 1814. WOOLCOT (see Willcutt, Woolcut), Samuel, ch. Warren and w., bp. [Oct. 15] 1826. C.R.I. WOOLCUT (see Willcutt, Woolcot), Lucy Eliza, d. Mr. Woolcut and w., bp. May 23, 1819. c.r.i. , ch. Mrs. Nancy, bp. June 14, 1818. c.r.i. , ch. Mrs. Nancy, bp. June 14, 1818. c.r.i. WRIGHT, Abigail, ch. Jason and w., bp. Mar. 29, 1809. C.R.I. Albert E. [h. Mary A.], Feb. 24, 1826. G.R.3. [Albert Erastus [h. Mary A. (Parker)], ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), p.R.13.] Alonso Stanly, s. Lewis, tanner, and Hilpah, May 25, [i8]44. Amos, s. Capt. Nathan and Mary, Feb. 17, 1791. [Amus, C.R.I.] Aroa[?], ch. Edward, bp. Oct. 13, 1793. c.r.i. Charles, s. Asahel and Frances [Francis sic, c.r.i.]. May 11, 1813. Charles Bascom, s. Asahel and Frances, Nov. 30, 1808. Charles Bascom, s. Asahel, bp. May 17, 1810. c.r.i. Clarissa, ch. Jason and w., bp. Mar. 29, 1809. c.r.i. Cloe, d. Edward Jr. and Cloe, Apr. 9, 1777. CHESTER BIRTHS 113 Wright, Daniel, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Feb. i6, 1789. Edward, s. Edward Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Cloe, June 8, 1775. Erastus [h. Sarah] [ , 1790]. G.R.7. Erastus Albert, s. Erastus and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1826. Esther Whitemore, d. Capt. Nathan and Mary, Dec. 26, 1795. Frances Charlotte, d. Asahel [Ashel, c.R.i.] Esq. and Frances, Mar. 3, 1815. Freeborn G. [h. Sarah J. (Williams)], July 17, 1834. G.R.3. George D., Jan. i, 1833. G.R.3. Henry, s. Asahel Esq. and Frances, Aug. 7, 1811. Henry, ch. Asahel and Francis [sic], bp. May 22, 1814. C.R.i. Jesse, s. Capt. Nathan and Mary, July 18, 1793. John, s. Edward Jr. and Cloe, Apr. 5, 1779. John Bascom, s. Asahel and Frances, May 8, 1818. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 16, 1787 [dup. [1788]]. Joshua, s. Edward and Triphena, Oct. 15, 1771. Leister, s. Joshua, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. c.R.i. Lewis [ ,1808]. C.R.2. [[h. HilpahH. (Alderman)] G.R.3.] Lucreshe, d. Thomas and Elisabath, Jan. 9, 1767. Lydia, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, June 2, 1791. Mary A. [ ], w. Albert E., July 2, 1827. G.R.3. Mary Leonora, d. Erastus and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1835. [w. C. O. Richardson, Aug. 13, G.R.3.] [ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), Aug. 13, P.R.13.] Nancy, d. Erastus and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1823. [Nancy Malissa, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), P.R.13.] Nancy Mariah, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), Dec. 14, 1816. P.R.13. Nathan, s. Capt. Nathan and Mary, Aug. 26, 1786. Permelia, d. Joshua and Sibbel, Sept. 29, 1795. Polly, d. Capt. Nathan and Mary, Apr. 8, 1784. Sally Stanly, d. Jason, bp. Apr. 12, 1812. c.R.i. Samuel, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Aug. 29, 1793. Sarah [ ], w. Erastus [ , 1805]. G.R.7. Sarah Mariah, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), Dec. 31, 1820. P,R.I3. Sibbel, d. Capt. Nathan and Mary, Oct. 6, 1788. [Sibel, c.R.i.] Spencer, ch. Jason and w., bp. Mar. 29, 1809. c.R.i. William, s. Jason, bp. July 23, 1809. c.R.i. W[illia]m Addison, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), June 28, 1833. P.R.13. , d. Edward Jr. and Cloe, Jan. 10, 1774. , s. Lewis and Hilfa, Apr. 21, 1847. , d. Lewis, laborer, and Hilbah, Aug. 6 [1849]. 114 CHESTER BIRTHS WYTHE, Caroline, [twin] d. W[illia]m and Zeruah, Nov. 4, 1807. Catherine, [twin] d. W[illia]m and Zeruah, Nov. 4, 1807. Eliza, d. W[illia]m and Zeruah, Feb. 14, 1809. Mary Ann, d. W[illia]m and Zeruah, Dec. 16, 1810. YORK, [ , 1815]. C.R.2. YOUNG, Agnes, d. James and Agnes, June 23, 1842. Elizabeth, d. James and Agnes, Oct. 25, 1839. Jenette, d. James and Agnes, June 23, 1842. Mary Ann, d. James and Agnes, Mar. 9, 1841. UNIDENTIFIED , Abigail, w. Charles Collins, Dec. 17, 1790, in Norwich. CHESTER MARRIAGES CHESTER MARRIAGES To THE YEAR 185O ABBOT (see Abbott), Abiel and Sarah Mann, Jan. 23, 1783. Achsa [int. Achsah] and William Noony [int. Nooney], Aug. 28, 1808. Ann D. and William Wilcox, int. Nov. 16, 1844. [m. Dec. 5, C.R.I.] Betsy and William Henry, int. Aug. 22, 1806. Charlotte [int. adds S.] and David S. Williams, Oct. 16, 1839. Dorothy and Robert Moor, int. Dec. 28, 1784. Ebenezer and Anna Wright, Dec. 13, 1781. Ebenezer Jr. and Nice Pomeroy [int. Pomroy], Feb. 20 [181 1]. Eliza [dup. and int. Abbott] and Aurelias [dup. and int. Aurelius] C. Root, merchant, s. of Blandford, Feb. 22, 1844. [Abbott, and Aureleus C. Foote, c.r.i.] Hannah and Samuel Chapman of Becket, Apr. 2, 1810. Harriet L. and Thomas E. Stevens, int. Nov. i, 1837. [Abbott, m. Nov. — , C.R.I.] James [int. adds P.] and Theodosia Moor, June 18 [1807]. John and Clarisa Sizer, June 2, 1803. Lois [int. adds Mrs.] and Aaron Bell, Jan. 31, 1811, Nathan and Dolly Buckman [int. Bucknum of New Marboro], Nov. 21 [1811]. Polly and Appleton Andrews of Greatbarrington [int. Andrus of Barrington], Nov. 12, 181 2. Relief and John Williams, int. May 29, 1784. Rufus and Anna Owen of Goshen, int. June 17, 1809. Sally and Sereno Snow, Aug. 19, 1821. Virgil S. of Sheflaeld, and Julia Lyman, int. Oct. 5, 1844. [Abbott of W. Stockbridge, m. Oct. — , c.r.i.] [Abbott, and Julia A. Lyman, m. Oct. 24, P.R.18.] ABBOTT (see Abbot), Dolly [int. adds W.] and James T. Davis, Mar. 11, 1835. [James J., c.r.i.] Joseph 2d and Polly Bucknum of New-Marlborough, int. Oct. 9, 1808. Mary M. and Nathan Root of Middlefield, int. Oct. 20, 1S32. • Intention not recorded. 117 Il8 CHESTER MARRIAGES Abbott, Sarah M. and Aaron G. Wright, Mar. 25, 1835. [Aaron S., C.R.i.] ADAMS, Alfred of Norwich, and Hannah Shirtliff of Mont- gomery, Dec. 4 [1817].* Laura and Walter Farran [int. Furrow], Apr. 9, 1821. Moses of Norwich, and Hannah Bolton, Aug. 27, 1812. ALDERMAN, Flora and Samuel R. B. Lewis of Westfield, Dec. 25, 1823. Harriet and Abraham Hedges Jr. of Middlefield, Mar. 31, 1819.* Hilpah and Lewis Wright Jr., Mar. 12 [1828]. Laura [int. Lura] and Anson Griffin, Aug. 30 [1827]. Norman and Harty Moor, Mar. 13, 1823. [Moore, c.R.i.] Orpha and Oliver H. Glazier [int. Glazien], Jan. 29, 1824, [in] Hampden. Thankfull of Middlefield, and Benjamin Phelps of Middlefield, May 9, 1792.* ALEXANDER, Anna and William Henry ist, int. Jan. 24, 1803. Bathsha and Warham Noble, Nov. 28, 1799. Eunice and Reuben Chase, int. Nov. i, 1802. Nathaniel Jr. and Anna Bunnel of Blandford, int. Nov. 23, 1795- ALLEN, Pandy of Montgomeroy, and Brewster Freeman, int. Mar. 24, 1793. ALLINWOOD, Ralph of Brimfield, and Betsy Marble, int. Feb. 9, 1801. ALVERD (see Alvord), Isaac of Westampton, and Sally Barker, Oct. 22 [1800]. ALVORD (see Alverd), Alanson, Rev., and Adaline Barrows of Brimfield, int. Mar. 11, 1837. Orange [int. of S. Hadley] and Sophia Taylor, Mar. 8, 1802. AMES (see Fames), Abner J., 31, farmer, of Becket, s. Joel and Azuba of Becket, and Eliza [int. adds W.] Prentis, 18, d. Rufus and Emaly, May 3, 1848. Daniel [int. Eames], widr. [int. omits widr.], 60, farmer, of Hinsdale, and Eunice Smith, 40, d. John and Elisabeth, Oct. 25, 1848. Putnam of Becket, and Minerva Dette Benham, int. Dec. 6, 1844. [Eamess, and Minerva Detto Bumham, m. Jan. i, 1845, C.R.I.] * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES II9 ANDERSON, Lucretia and Elijah Sikes, Apr. 10, 1794. Sally and William Smith [int. 2d], Feb. 10, 1791. Selah of Chesterfield, and John Clark, int. Sept. 28, 1782. Susannah [int. Sussa] and Asa Slayton, Apr. 14, 1791. ANDREWS, Appleton of Greatbarrington [int. Andrus of Barrington], and Polly Abbot, Nov. 12, 18 12. ARNOLD, Clarissa and David L. Granger of Westspringfield, int. May 8, 1833. ASHLEY, David of W. Springfield, and Lorinda Fields, int. Nov. 22, 1840. ATWOOD, Peter and Laura Whitney, int. Oct. 29, 18 14. AUSTEN (see Austin), Timothy and Rebecca Harriss of Becket, int. Oct. 17, 1801. AUSTIN (see Austen), Lucy and Elijah Blackman Jr., int. Apr. 23, 1797. AVERET, Isaac and Bethiah Fuller or Norwich, int. May 10, 1784. AVERY, Eliza Ann of Southampton, and Charles K. Phelps, int. Sept. 3, 1843. AYRES, Mary [int. Polly] and Jude Stevens, July 13, 18 15. Sally and Charles Slayton [int. of Potsdam, N.Y.], Feb. 3, 181 7. BABCOCK, Abel Jr. and Mary Elsworth, int. Mar. 4, 1849. Betsy and Elisha Wilcox Jr., Mar. 4, 1813. Camden H. and Nancy E. Pettis of Norwich, int. Oct. 8, 1842. Camden H., widr., farmer, and Irene Sheldon of SuflSeld, Conn., Sept. 18, 1844.* Fanny and Daniel Coon of Hopkinton, R.I., Dec. 25, 1817. Hannah and Horace Smith, Apr. 8 [1819].* James of Norwich, Conn., s. Abel, and Susan Turner, d. John, Mar. 31, 1834 [sic, int. Mar. 5, 1844]. Saloma [int. Siloma] of Middlefield, and Elijah Sanderson, Oct. 19, 1795. Sands N. and Sarah Staunton of Norwich, int. Apr. 15, 1812. Tabitha of Middlefield, and William Hamilton, int. Aug. 28, 1807. BACON, Elijah of Whites Town, N.Y., and Lucy Sizer, int. Apr. 3, 1791. "Objections Made by M'"' Lucy Sizer April 11"' 1791." * Intention not recorded I20 CHESTER MARRIAGES Bacon, Polly and Calvin Sanderson, int. June lo, 1804. Rebekea [int. Rebecka] and Daniel Payn [int. of Hinsdale], Nov. 14, 1811. Timothy Jr. and Eliza Ingell, int. Jan. 25, 1813. BAILEY (see Bayley). BAKER, Alpheus M. of Lansingburg, N. Y., and Miranda W. Hamilton, May 25, 1843. [Lansingburge, c.r.i.] Harriet and Henry Mallery [int. Harvey Mallerry], Dec. 19, 1822. Margaret [int. Margret] E. and Daniel E. Bigelow, Dec. i, 1831. Thadeus [int. Thaddeus], Maj., of Chesterfield, and Mrs. Mary Prentice, Mar. 16, 1813. BALLARD, Horace, M. D., and Lavinia Clark, int. Oct. 15 [1830]. [Clarke, m. Nov. 11, c.r.i.] BANCROFT, Edward of Blanford [int. Granville], and Cyntha [int. Cynthia] Tinker, Aug. 6, 1805. BARDWELL, Experience and Timothy Lyman Jr., Jan. 6 [1808]. BARKER, Betsy and Samuel Pain [int. Pane] of Westampton, Mar. 4, 1801. Delight and Samuel Shaw [int. of Chesterfield], Feb. 10, 1802. Miranda [dup. Meranda] and W[illia]m Lindsey [int. Jr.] of Blandford, Apr. 18, i8n. Sally and Isaac Alverd of Westampton, Oct. 22 [1800]. BARNARD, Esther [dup. of Westhampton], and Ephraim French, int. Feb. 15, 1794 [dup. Apr. 17, 1796]. John of Westfield, and Deliverance HoUyday, Jan. 16, 1772. BARNES, Chauncey R. of Westfield, and Mary Wait, Oct. 26, 1824. BARON, Alexis, 38, laborer, b. Maskinongi, Canada E., s. Francois and Catheri[ne] of Canada E., and Catherine Leclerc, 36, b. St. Denis, Canada E., d. Antoine and Jedugur Roi of Canada E., June 17, 1849.* BARROWS, Adaline of Brimfield, and Rev. Alanson Alvord, int. Mar. 11, 1837. BARTLETT, Lovice of Middlefield, and John Manning, int. June I, 1801. .^ * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES i 121 Bartlett, Noah S. and Mary S. Winchell of Norwich, int. May I, 1848. Samuel [int. adds L.], farmer, of Northampton, s. of Northampton, and Corinth E. Foot, Dec. 6, 1843. [Foote, C.R.I.] BARTON (see Burton). BASCOM, Aaron, Rev., and Patta Raynolds of Longmeadow, int. Jan. i, 1792. Charlotte and Dr. Anson Boies, Mar. 15, 1810. Frances and Asahel Wright, Jan. 17 [1808]. James and Helena Wales, Apr. 24, 1794. Martha, Mrs., and Seth King of Sufl5eld, Con[n]., Apr. 24, 1821. Sarah of Southampton, and Capt. Dan[ie]l Collins Jr., int. Apr. 26, 1833. Theodosia and Dr. Anson Boies, Feb. 27 [1814]. BATES, Betsy [int. Bitsy] and Alba Coleman, Mar. 25, 1813. Jane of Williamsburgh, and Job Cowing, int. Apr. 25, 1840. Reuben [int. Ruben] of Western, and Nabby Wright, June — , 1793- Walter, Dea., of S. Hampton, and Mrs. Experience Lyman, int. Apr. 15, 1844. BAYLEY, Sally [int. Royley] and Sylvester Tinker, Jan. 6, 1799. BEARD, Susannah of Heartwood, and John Waid, int. July 24, 1774. BEDLACK (see Bidlake), Polly [int. Bidlake] and John Kelso Jr., Jan. 29, 1795. BEDORTHA (see Bodortha, Bodurtha), Harvey and Dolly Taylor, May 28, 181 1. BEEMIS (see Bemis, Bemiss), Joseph [int. Bemiss] and Nancy Chickering, Nov. 6, 1827. Joseph and Betsy [dup. Betsey] Cole of Norwich, int. Mar. 9, 1829. Joshua, Capt. [int. Bemis], and Mary Clark, Dec. 18, 1828. BELDEN (see Belding), Betsey and John Shipman Jr. of Hadley, Nov. 3, 1842. Ruth [int. Belding] and Oliver Moor, Dec. 24 [1801]. * Intention not recorded. 122 CHESTER MARRIAGES Belden, Salmon and Betsy Bemiss, Dec. lo [i8i2[. Sarah [int. Sally] L. and Amok C. Smith, Nov. — [int. Nov. 2], 1839. BELDING (see Belden), Abigail and Jonathan Wait Jr., Feb. 22, 1824. Amasa and Ursula Rude of Norwich, June 2, 1841. Amos and Anna Day, May 15, 1800. Asenath and Alvah Foot, Apr. 9, 181 7. Mary and William Livermore of Waltham, June 8, 1841 Sally and Eliot Moor, Nov. i, 1810. Sylvester [int. Belden] and Nice Smith, June 5, 1805. BELL, Aaron Jr. and Nabby Egelston [int. Eagleston], Mar. 5, 1795- Aaron and [int. adds Mrs.] Lois Abbot, Jan. 31, 1811. Betsey and William P. Johnson of Middlefield, int. Mar. 20, 1835- Betsy of Norwich, and Samuel Wait, int. June 17, 1809. Betsy [int. Bill] and Stephen W. Newton of Washington, Berkshire Co., Dec. 6, 1810. Chloe and Hugh Quigley Jr., Mar. i, 1821. James and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Smith, Nov. 21, 1793. James and Polly Eldridge of Hawley, int. Apr.[?] 30, 1797. James 2d and Nancy Lester of Becket, int. Dec. 14, 1801. Jane [int. adds D.] and Warren Fay, Nov. 8, 1845. Jean [int. Mrs. Jane] and Moses Hamilton, Mar. 27, 1806. John C. and Anna Stewart of Becket, int. Mar. 25, 1809. John L., M.D., of Williamstown, and Sophronia Lyman, int. Apr. 10, 1829. Justus [int. Justice] and Sally Smith, Oct. 30, 1794. Laura of Washington, and James Quigley, int. Jan. 11, 1824. Lucretia and David S. Johnson, int. Aug. 10, 1833. Margaret of Skeensborough, N.Y., and Abel Foster of Skeens- borough, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1793.* Molly (see Polly). Patty of Western, and Osee Matthews, int. Feb. 12, 1805. Patty and Moses Gamwell, int. Mar. 4, 1805. Polly [int. Molly] and Nathaniel Goodwill, June 23, 1791. Samuel and Elisabeth Campbel, int. June 15, 1780. [m. June 22, P.R.14.] Samuel Jr. and Olive Lindsey of Blandford, int. Mar. 22, 1810. [m. Apr. 19, P.R.14.] Sarah of Oakham, and Matthew Campbell, int. Jan. 9, 1790. Simpson and Polly Gamwell, July 10, 1801. ♦ InteDtioD not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 23 Bell, Sophronia L., Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Moses Lyman, Nov. — [int. Nov. 12], 1836. William 2d and Minerva Cross of Middlefield, int. Aug. 14, 1813. William and Samantha Gibbs of Becket, int. Mar. 15, 183 1. William C, M.D., of Austerlitz, N.Y., and Charlotte M. Boise, int. Sept. 27, 1833. William Orton of Westfield, and Miriam [dup. and int. Mir- riam] B. Tinker, Oct. 5, 1842. BELLKNAP, Clarisa of W. Springfield, and Roland Lewis, int. Nov. 5, 1848. BEMIS (see Beemis, Bemiss), Justus and Vashti Cole of Chesterfield, int. Apr. 2, 1820. Lucy and Liberty Howe, Feb. 28, 1820. Polly and Elias Howe of Spencer, 22 [int. Sept. 14] [1816]. [Bemiss, c.R.i.] Ruth [int. adds L.] and Washington Stevens, Jan. 21, 1833. BEMISS (see Beemis, Bemis), Betsy and Salmon Belden, Dec. 10 [1812]. Sally [int. Bemis] and Warham Smith, May 28 [1807]. Sally, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and John Crosier [int. of Peru], June 25, 1811. BENHAM, Minerva Dette and Putnam Ames of Becket, int. Dec. 6, 1844. [Minerva Detto Bumham and Putnam Eamess, m. Jan. i, 1845, c.R.i.j BENJAMAN (see Benjamin), Keziah of Worthington, and Levi Leonard of Worthington, Oct. 5, 1786.* BENJAMIN (see Benjaman),Lydia of Worthington, and David Clark of Worthington, Jan. 18, 1787.* Rozwell of Norwich, and ThankfuU Cooley, int. Oct. 13, 1780. BENTLEY (see Bently), Abigail of New Marlborough, and Timothy Fay, int. Nov. 5, 1804. BENTLY (see Bentley), Lucy and Enos Smith, Aug. 16, 1787. William of Tyringham, and Pleiades [int. Pleidas] Williams, Feb. 15, 1821. [Pleiades, c.R.i.] BENTON, Daniel of Tolland, Con[n]., and Marcia [int. Marsha] Ladd, Nov. 27, 1821. [Marcia, c.R.i.] BIDLAKE (see Bedlack), Daniel and Sally Hancock of Nor- wich, int. Feb. 20, 1804. Jonathan and Betsy Stewart, int. Jan. 19, 1799.' * Intention not recoided. 124 CHESTER MARRIAGES BIGALOW (see Bigelow, Biglow), Daniel and Mercy [int. Marcy] Wood, Jan. 27, 1791. John and Persa Wright, Nov. 29, 1787. William and Betsy Eager of Brookfield, int. Aug. 19, 1792. BIGELOW (see Bigalow, Biglow), Daniel E. and Margaret [int. Margret] E. Baker, Dec. i, 1831. Julia A. and Abraham [int. Abram] Hunter, Oct. 21, 1840. Lois [int. adds E.] and William Twiss, Tune 20, 1842. Martha [and] Nelson Porter of Pittsficld, Mar. 26, 1829. Mercy M. [int. W.] and Leonard B. Wight of Wales, Nov. 29, 1842, [Mercy M., c.r.i.] BIGLOW (see Bigalow, Bigelow), Sally, wid. [int. omits wid.], d. Asa Willcox and Relief, and Edward C. Snow, widr. [int. omits widr.], 42, farmer, of Becket, s. Levy of Becket, Aug. 23, 1848. BILL (see Bell). BISHOP, Alva of Russel, and Electa Doolittle of Russel, Oct. I, 1818.* Electa of Chesterfield, and Sacket Root, int. July 6, 1833. BLACK, Betsey [int. Betsy] and Comfort Plum, Oct. 24, 1799. David [dup. Blak] and of Blandford, , I77I.* C.R.I. Elisabeth and Samuel Boys Jr. of Blandford, int. Apr. 24, 1773. Francis and Susannah Kelso, Feb. 23, 1796. Georg and Ann Boys of Blandford, int. Apr. 4, 1774. Rufus [int. of Middlefield, N.Y.] and Lois Rildy, Feb. 24, 1802. William and Polly Miller, Feb. 13, 1794. BLACKMAN, Elijah Jr. and Lucy Austin, int. Apr. 23, 1797. Polly and Abner Pease, Dec. 26, 1790.* Samuel and Esther Hamilton, Mar. 7, 1805. BLAIR, Anna of Western, and Stephen Lyman, int. Aug. 25, 1770. David and Eunice Niles of Worthington, int. Sept. 28, 1845. Dolly, Mrs., and Dea. John N. Parmenter, Feb. 19, 1806.* BLAKE, Cynthia and Olivar Miller, int. Jan. 30, 1791. BLANCHARD, Mary Ann of Blandford, and Elijah Hunter Jr., Nov. 27, 1834, in Russel. BLISH, Oliver of Middlefield, and Sarah Mack of Middlefield, June I, 1786.* * lateatioQ aot recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 25 BLISS, Caleb [int. of Westspringfield] and Joan [int. Joanna] Wilcox, Nov. 25 [1813]. BLODGETT, Charity and Burnham Lyman, Sept. 9, 1807.* P.R.18. BLUSH, William D., widr. [int. omits widr.], manufa[c]turer, of Middlefield, and Harriett M. Stone, Feb. 8, 1848. BODORTHA (see Bedortha, Bodurtha), Walter and Lucresia [int. Lucretia] Henry, Aug. 17, 1802. BODURTHA (see Bedortha, Bodortha), Jerri and Lovina Brown of Blandford, int. Oct. 19, 181 1. BOIES (see Boise, Boys), Anson, Dr., and Charlotte Bascom, Mar. 15, 1810. -. . Anson, Dr., and Theodosia Bascom, Feb. 27 [1814]. BOISE (see Boies, Boys), Charlotte M. and William C. Bell, M.D., of Austerlitz, N.Y. int. Sept. 27, 1833. BOLES, John J. and Mariah E. Campbell, int. Jan. 4, 1849. BOLTON, Hannah and Moses Adams of Norwich, Aug. 27, 1812. Martha and Nathan Seaward [int. Seward], Mar. 12, 1795. BONNER, Lovice and Joseph A. Rust, int. June 16, 1799. BOOTH, Lovina, Mrs., and James Farrington, int. Jan. 4, 1803. BOSWORTH (see Bozworth). BOWDITCH, Deborah, Mrs., of Blandford, and Benjamin Eastman, int. July 8, 1815. BOWKER, Amos G., widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, blacksmith, of Blandford, s. Willard and Sally, and Lavina [int. Lovina] A. Willbur [int. Wilbur], 23, d. Joseph and Elis[abe]th, Mar. 26, 1848. BOYS (see Boies, Boise), Ann of Blandford, and Georg Black, int. Apr. 4, 1774. Samuel Jr. of Blandford, and Elisabeth Black, int. Apr. 24, 1773. BOZWORTH, Orpha of Montgomery, and Charles Goreham of Montgomery, Feb. 29, 1816.* * intention not recorded. 126 CHESTER MARRIAGES BRACKET, William [int. Brackett] of Littleton, N.H., and Lorana Campbell, Feb. lo, 1811. BRADLEY, Reuben of Russel, and Caroline Chapman of Russel, Mar. 25, 1819.* BRADNAN, Samuel D. [int. Bradner] of Becket, and Louisa B. Holland, Oct. 28, 1824. [Bradner, c.r.i.] BRANT, Holly [int. Hawly] and Juliette [int. Julieette] Grant of Montgomery, 4 [int. Mar. 6] [1816]. BRASS, Garret and Lucy Mathew [int. Matthews], Apr. 19, 1792. BREWER, Nathan C. of Wendell, and Aurelia B. Marble, Apr. 5, 1837. BREWSTER, EHsabeth of Stoningtown, and James Wood, int. Jan. 4, 1795. Harmony of Becket, and Jonathan Taylor, int. Aug. 29, 1814. Jasper of Washington, and Theodosia Lyman, Oct. 12, 1796. BRIGGS, James and Issabel Quigley, May 29, 1808. BROMLEY, Frances M. and James R. Foot, Feb. 9, 1843. [Bromly, and James R. Foote, c.r.i.] Mary Ann and Ralph Dewey of Westfield, Apr. 7, 1.843- [R. W. Dewy, c.r.i.] William F. of Blandford, and Electa Phelps, Nov. — , 1844. BRONSON, Harvey [int. Brownson] of Russell, and Prudence C. Brooks, Apr. 27, 1843. BROOKS, Anna and Abraham Day Jr., Jan. 29, 1796. Polly and Lucas Matthews, Apr. 29, 1790, Prudence C. and Harvey Bronson [int. Brownson] of Russell, Apr. 27, 1843. Sam[ue]l M. [int. Morgan of Westspringfield] and Eunic [int. Eunice] Ladd, Feb. 20 [181 1]. BROWN, Daniel and Abigail Matthews, Apr. 14, 1813. Elihu Jr. and Mary A. Crane of Becket, int. Feb. 25, 1843. Ehzebeth of Dover, and Amasa Pomroy, int. May 13, 1815. Lovina of Blandford, and Jerri Bodurtha, int. Oct. 19, 181 1. Mary Ann and Sumner Williams, Apr. 15, 1827. Sam[ue]l and Roxana Martin, int. June 5, 1813. Solomon of Blandford, and Lydia Walton, int. July 10, 1797. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 27 Brown, Watson and Diana Curtiss of Shefi&eld, int. Dec. 28, 1S38. William L., 26, mechanick, s. Nicholas and Fanny of Blandford, and Clarisa Rounds, 20, d. Stephen and Polly of Bakers- field, Vt., Feb. 15, 1849. BUCK, Samuel of Chesterfield, and Susanah Palmer, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] BUCKMAN (see Bucknum), Dolly [int. Bucknum of New Marlboro] and Nathan Abbot, Nov. 21 [1811]. BUCKNUM (see Buckman), Polly of New-Marlborough, and Joseph Abbott 2d, int. Oct. 9, 1808. BULKLEY, Charlotte of Williamstown, and Rev. Samuel M. Emmorson, int. Aug. 25, 1815. Patrick and Araa Williams, int. Jan. 16, 1773. [Bukley, and Ana Williams, m. Jan. 21, c.R.i.] BUNNEL, Anna of Blandford, and Nathaniel Alexander Jr., int. Nov. 23, 1795. BURNS, Orrel B. of Westfield, and Jo[h]n K. Smith, int. Oct. 22, 1836. BURT, Lovina of Southampton, and Perley Cook, int. June 7, 1795- BURTON (see Button), Mary O., 24, of Becket, b. Norwich, s. Soliman of Norwich, and James M. Dewey, widr., 37, whip maker, of Westfield, Nov. 18, 1847.* Sarah, 20, b. Norwich, d. Solomon of Norwich, and Timothy F. Snow, widr. [int. omits widr.], 33, farmer, of Becket, b. Becket, s. Timothy of Becket, Sept. 23, 1846. Solomon [int. Barton] of Norwich, and Sala Ellis, Mar. 29, 1829. BUTTALPH (see Buttolph), Hannah [int. Buttolph] and Adam Quigley, Oct. 17, 179S. BUTTOLPH (see Buttalph), Polly and Asher Holdridge of Worthington, int. Mar. 30, 1798. Rachel of Worthington, and Ephraim Miller Jr., int. Feb. 24, 1800. BUTTON (see Burton), Hudah and David Crow, int. Dec. 6, 1770. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] ♦ Intention not recorded. 128 CHESTER MARRIAGES CADY, Clarissa of Hinsdale, and Ira Day, int. July 5, 1807. Louis and James Kelso, July 3 [1800]. CAMBELL (see Campbel, Campbell), James and Lorana Smith, int. May 10, 1778. [Campbell, and Loraeny Smith, m. May — , c.r.i.] CAMPBEL (see Cambell, Campbell), Elisabeth and Samuel Bell, int. June 15, 1780. [m. June 22, p.R.14.] CAMPBELL (see Cambell, Campbel), Albert G. and Maria E. Moore of Worthington, int. Sept. 10, 1836. Alvan and Polly Goodwill, Jan. 3, 181 1. Eliza F. and Roland Lewis, Sept. i, 1841. Ethen [int. Ethan] and Silence Eglestone, Dec. 15, 1803. Hector and Olive Sowl, May 14, 181 2. James of Blandford, and Isabel Elder, Dec. 18, 1783. James 2d and Christian Ingell, Mar. i, 1810. Jenny and Ethan Marshal of Northampton, Mar. 13, 1792. John H., 21, farmer, s. Hector, and Harriett N. Clark, 21, of Worthington, d. Jotham, Sept. 16, 1847. Joseph and Jemina Moor, Nov. 6, 1787. Lorana and William Bracket [int. Brackett] of Littleton, N.H., Feb. 10, 1811. Luther W. and Eliza A. Cannon of Becket, int. Nov. 4, 1841. Mariah E. and John J. Boles, int. Jan. 4, 1849. Mary and Joel Pomeroy of Southampton, June 9, 1796. Matthew and Isabele Linsey of Blandford, int. Jan. 25, 1789. Matthew and Sarah Bell of Oakham, int. Jan, 9, 1790. Myhnda and Roswell Savage of Littleton, N.H., Feb. 8 [1801]. Rosanna and William Mclntyre, int. July 25, 1778. Salla [int. Sally] and Ebenezer Nathan Messenger of Becket, Dec. 14, 1786. Sarah of Westfield, and William Elder, int. Mar. 8, 1784. Susanna and Philip [int. Phillip] Loveland of Middlefield, Sept. 12, 1793. Wareham S., Rev., and Paulina D. Wheeler of Hubbardston, int. Apr. 2, 1840. William and Sally [int. Polly] Smith, May 15, 1815. CANADA, Mary and John Stratton, Mar. — , 1776, in Bland- ford.* C.R.I. CANNON (see Carnahah, Carnahan), Eliza A. of Becket, and Luther W. Campbell, int. Nov. 4, 1841. Jane and Ashley Mann of Becket, May 6 [1819].* * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 29 Cannon, Roxa E. of Blandford, and Linus H. Cook, int. Sept. 17, 1842. Sally of Blandford, and Silas Gilmore, int. Feb. 18, 1799. CARLILE (see Carlisle), John and Sarah Smith, int. June 24, 1780. CARLISLE (see Carlile), James Jr. and Dorothy Smith, int. July 13, 1788. Sophia and David Wilder, Feb. 27, 1800. William and Lovisa [int. Lovina] Cooley, May 28, 1789. CARNAHAH (see Cannon, Carnahan), Polly [int. Cannon] of Blandford [int. Blanford], and Robert Procter Jr. [int. 3rd, omits Jr.], Sept. i, 1796. CARNAHAN (see Cannon, Carnahah), Elisha [int. Cannon] of Blandford, and Molly [int. Polly] Procter, Apr. 12, 1796. CARPENTER, Achsah of Norwich, and Nathan Ellsworth, int. Jan. 21, 1821. Israel of Norwich, and Mrs. Abigail Stephenson, int. Sept. 15, 1802. Polly and Artemas Smith, int. June 5, 1813. CARRINGTON, John and Laura L. Phelps, Oct. 18, 1837. CARTER, Mary of Russell, and Otis Wait, int. Oct. 13, 1832. [Cartter, m. Nov. 21, p.r.2.] Sally of Russel, and Charles Emmerson Wait, int. Feb. 3, 1838. CHAMPLAIN, Daniel L. and Loisa Sparks of Russell, int. Nov. 2, 1833. CHAPEL, Calvin of Washington, and Sophia Medcalf, int. Jan. 15, 1831. CHAPIN, Howard [int. of Sheffield, Berkshire Co.] and Vianna [int. Vianne] Gamwell, May 9, 1811. Sally of Sheffield, and James Gamwell 2d, int. Nov. 18, 1809. Stephen Jr. of W. Springfield, and Lucy M. Elder, [int. Apr. 23] [1842]. CHAPMAN, Caroline of Russel, and Reuben Bradley of Russel, Mar. 25, 1819.* Sam[ue]l of Becket, and Hannah Abbot, Apr. 2, 1810. CHASE, Reuben and Eunice Alexander, int. Nov. i, 1802. * Intention not recorded. 130 CHESTER MARRIAGES CHICKERING, Nancy and Joseph Beemis [int. Bemiss], Nov. 6, 1827. CHILDS, Benjamin of Lee, and Harriet Meach, Dec. 5 [1821]. Franklin L. of Springfield, and Eunice E. White, int. Nov. 12, 1831. [m. Nov. — , C.R.I. ] CHURCHILL, Charles and Hannah Percivel, Nov. 4, 1819.* [Percival, P.R.5.] Charles and Dolly H. Davis, int. Mar. i, 1841. [Dolly W. Davis, d. Joseph Abbott, m. Apr. i, P.R.5.] Elijah and Eleanor Nooney, Mar. 10, 1777.* P.R.5. Hannah Maria and Baxter E. Johnson of Hinsdale, int. Mar. 3, 1844. [Baxter Johnson of Brookfield, m. Mar. 28, P.R.5.] Lucy, 29, d. Charles and Hannah C, and Lyman Johnson, 39, farmer, of Washington, b. Washington, s. Isaac and Judith J. of Washington, Oct. 4 [1849].* [ch. Charles [and Hannah (Percival)], p.R-S.] [Lucy S. and Lyman Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), p.R.17.] Sophia and Jesse Johnson, int. Jan. 25, 1824. [Jesse, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. Feb. — , P.R.17.] CLAP (see Clapp), Abigail of Montgomery, and John Smith, int. Feb. 7, 1802. David Pomeroy of Easthampton, and Patty Gould, Jan. 23, . 1795- Joseph of E. Hampton, and Susannah [int. Susanna] Lyman, May 28, 1789. Orpha [int. Clapp] and Aaron Ensign, Feb. 14, 1810. , Rachel and Harvey Stone, Oct. 6 [1807]. CLAPP (see Clap), Alonzo and Esther Day, int. Dec. 22, 1832. Alonzo and Fidelia Taylor, Sept. 10, 1834. Anson of Montgomery, and Priscilla Clark of Montgomery, Dec. — , 1829.* C.R.I. Charles W. and Louisa W. Day, Dec. 8, 1824. Hophne of Hinsdale, and Sarah M. Stevens, int. July 29, 1842. [Hophni, m. Aug. 18, c.r.i.] Lewis H. and Mary E. Granger, July i, 1840. Pamelia and Otis Taylor, Apr. 27, 1820. [Apr. 20, p.r.i.] Terzah of Southampton, and Barney Pomroy, int. Oct. 17, 1812. Theodosia [int. Theodocia Clap] and Eleazer Ring [int. of Chesterfield], Jan. 30, 181 2. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 131 CLARK (see Clarke), Betty and Reuben Parks of Westfield, int. July 20, 1777. [Betsy and Ruben Parks, m. Mar. 26, 1778, C.R.I. ] David of Worthington, and Lydia Benjamin of Worthington, Jan. 18, 1787.* Dorothy of Northampton, and Epaphro Phelps, int. Mar. i, 1810. Edward [int. Edwards of Southampton], and Achsa [int. Achcah] Searls, Apr. 13 [1814J. Electa and Ansel Ely, May 19, 1819.* Erastus of Northampton, and Dorrathy [int. Dolly] Moor, June 5, 1799. Hannah of Southampton, and Dea. Stephen Lyman, int. July 3, 1786. [Hannah, wid., m. July 10, p.r.i8.] Harriett N., 21, of Worthington, d. Jotham, and John H. Campbell, 21, farmer, s. Hector, Sept. 16, 1847. Israel D., 24, merchant, s. John L., and Cynthia A, Williams, 19, b. Becket, d. Jabin B. and Lydia W., Dec. 14, 1846. John and Selah Anderson of Chesterfield, int. Sept. 28, 1782. Lavinia and Horace Ballard, M.D., int. Oct. 15 [1830]. [Clarke, m. Nov. 11, c.R.i.] Mary and Capt. Joshua Beemis [int. Bemis], Dec. 18, 1828. Mercy and Nathan P. Millard of Becket, Nov. 3, 1818.* Olive and James Melvin Jr., Mar. 8, 1802. Olive of Blandford, and Charles W. Knox, int. Dec. 15, 1837. [m. Jan. 7, 1838, in Blandford, p.r.8.] Pharez and Betsy [int. Betsey] Quigley, Dec. 14, 1809. Priscilla of Montgomery, and Anson Clapp of Montgomery, Dec. — , 1829.* C.R.I. Sally of Blandford, and Roswell Moor, int. July 26, 1807. Sarah M. of Blandford, and Franklin Stebbins, int. Oct. 12, 1839. Tryphena and Gaius Lyman, int. July 14, 1793. [m. Aug. 16, 1795, P.R.18.] Zipheniah and Zulima Cooley, Aug. 20, 1778, in Middlefield.* C.R.I. CLARKE (see Clark), Edward A. [int. Clark] of Easthampton, and Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] M. Cook, Oct. 22, 1835. [Clark, and Clarissa M. Cook, c.r.i.] Jotham [int. Clark] and Eunice Ring, Jan. 12, 1825. [Clark, c.r.i.] COBB, John and Anna Jones of Middlefield, int. Apr. 13, 1794. * Intentioa not recorded. 132 CHESTER MARRIAGES COIT, Benj[ami]n of Norwich, and Emily Miller, int. Nov. 5, 1831. [m. Nov. 22, C.R.I.] COLE (see Cowls), Betsy [dup. Betsey] of Norwich, and Joseph Beemis, int. Mar. 9, 1829. Ebenezer of Chesterfield, and Mrs. Sally Smith, int. Aug. 6, 1814. Electa of Chesterfield, and Thomas Witt, int. Mar. 21, 181 1. Rosanna, Mrs., of Chesterfield, and Capt. Reuben Cowing, int. Nov. 5, 1814. Vashti of Chesterfield, and Justus Bemis, int. Apr. 2, 1820. COLEMAN, Alba and Betsy [int. Bitsy] Bates, Mar. 25, 1813. Eliphalet and Patty Kelley of Worthington, int. Sept. 23, 1805. Elvira and Joseph N. Shoals, int. Oct. 22, 1831. [m, Nov. — , C.R.I.] Emerson of Columbia, S.C., and Frances A. Coleman, Sept. 9, 1845. [Emus, C.R.I.] Frances A, and Emerson Coleman of Columbia, S.C., Sept. 9, 1845. [Emus, C.R.I. ] William, Dr., of Middlefield, and Atchsa Lyman, July 19, 1792. COLLINS, Adelia A. and Calvin Torry of Westfield, May 24, 1842, Charles and Abbey Sacket of Norvdch, int. Mar. 20, 1816. Daniel and Anna Williams of Worthington, int. Oct. 19, 1788. Daniel Jr. and Emily Hatch of Norwich, int. Oct. 9 [1830]. Dan[ie]l Jr., Capt., and Sarah Bascom of Southampton, int. Apr. 26, 1833. Flavia A. and Charles H. Pitt of Hinsdale, Nov. 16, 1840. Francis [sic] [int. Frances] A., 22, d. Charles and Abigal, and Anson Gleason, 30, plane maker, s. Chancy and Deborah, Dec. 21, 1848. Gilbert and Cathrine R. Dewey, int. Aug. 30, 1834. Hannah and Aaron Eglestone, Jan. 6, 1785.* c.r.i. Havington and Adeline E. Stanton of Norwich, int. Oct. 8, 1842. Lewis and Eunice Weaver of E. Greenwich, Oct. 24, 1820, in Greenwich, Kent Co., R.I.* Lucius of Blandford, and Caroline Herrick, int. July 29, 1841. Lucy of Worthington, and Asahel Printice of Worthington, May 30, 1787.* Mehitabel and John Dewey, Jan. 26, 1809. Susan and Virgil Sizer, int. June 12, 1825. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 133 COLTON, Ebenezer of Longmeadow, and Cynthia Whitman of W. Springfield, Dec. 26, 1826.* Releaf and Asa Willcox, Nov. 8, 1804.* CONVAS (see Converse), Lucy and William Smith, int. Apr. 12, 1781. CONVERSE (see Convas), Samuel [int. adds M.] of Worthing- ton, and Sarah Rebecca Ladd, Jan. 19, 1843. Sarah of Worthington, and Erastus Pease, int. Mar. 9, 1827. COOK, Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] M. and Edward A. Clarke [int. Clark] of Easthampton, Oct. 22, 1835. [Clarissa M. and Edward A. Clark, c.r.i.] Erastus H. of Windsor, Conn., and Cynthia Metcalf, Aug. 3, 1831. John J. and Lucy S. [int. omits S.] Taylor, June — , 1834. Linus H. and Roxa E. Cannon of Blandford, int. Sept. 17, 1842. P. Burt, s. Pearly, and Anna O. Williams, d. John, Dec. 20, 1848.* Perley and Lovina Burt of Southampton, int. June 7, 1795. Sally and Daniel Pitcher of Boonsville [int. Broom Ville], N.Y., Mar. 15, 1824. COOLEY, Harvey and Deborah Reed of Shutesbury, Dec. 4, 1817. Keziah of Springfield, and Jonathan Hart Webber, int. Dec. 22, 1771. Lovisa [int. Lovina] and William Carlisle, May 28, 1789. Seneca and Elizabeth Mann of Prescotts Grant, int. Jan. 23, 1798. Thankfull and Rozwell Benjamin of Norwich, int. Oct. 13, 1780. Timothy and Rebecca [int. Rebeckah] Smith [int. ist], Sept. 12, 1787. Zulima and Zipheniah Clark, Aug. 20, 1778.* c.r.i. COON (see Coons), Daniel of Hopkinton, R.L, and Fanny Babcock, Dec. 25, 1817. COONS (see Coon), Catherine E. and John K. Henry, June 11, 1832.* P.R.3. COPELAND, Harriett L., 19, b. Hartford, d. Melvin, and Lucian B. Williams, 22, merchant, b. Becket, s. Jabin B., Sept. I, 1847. ♦ Intention not recorded. 134 CHESTER MARRIAGES CoPELAND, Lucinda B., 21, b. Hartford, Conn., d. Melvin and Lucinda B., and Henry D. Fiiley, 23, lawyer, b. Otis, s. Lester and Corintha of Otis, Sept. i, 1847. COPLEY, Sally of Russel, and Cephas Stone, int. July 16, 1803. CORS, Abilene and John Smith, Nov. 10, 1767.* COWING, Daniel of Chesterfield, and Serah Smith, Jan. 13, 1803. Job of Norwich, and Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] Taylor, Sept. 3, 1828. Job and Jane Bates of Williamsburgh, int. Apr. 25, 1840. Persis of Chesterfield, and John Smith Jr., int. Feb. 22, 1800. Reuben of Chesterfield, and Lydia French, Mar. 15, 1792. Reuben, Capt., and Mrs. Rosanna Cole of Chesterfield, int. Nov. 5, 1814. COWLS (see Cole), Chester [int. Cole] Dr. [int. of Granby], and Sally Wade, Apr. 25, 181 1. COX, Anna and Dexter Green, Dec. 5, 1793. CRANE, Amaziah [dup. adds widr., gunsmith, int. Amasiah B.] of Springfield, and Mary [int. adds L.] McMasters [dup. and int. Masters], Dec. 21, 1843. [Amiziah, and Mary Masters, c.r.i.] Mary of Washington, and William Hamilton 2d, int. Aug. 18, 1832. Mary A. of Becket, and Elihu Brown Jr., int. Feb. 25, 1843. CRESSY, Dryden [int. Cressey] of Cherry Valley, O., and Sarah Lyman, Sept. 20, 1841. CROOKES (see Crooks), James of Blandford, Hampden Co., and Fanny Ellsworth, Jan. i, 1827. CROOKS (see Crookes), Thomas of Blandford, and Artemina Wright, int. Mar. 13, 1816. CROSBY, John and Wealthy Smith, May 17, 182 1. William W. of Blandford, and Sarah M. Wright, int. Mar. 11, 1841. [Sarah Mariah [ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart)], m. Apr. 4, P.R.13.] CROSIER, John [int. of Peru] and Sally Bemiss, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], June 25, 181 1. ♦ Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 135 CROSMAN, Bershaba and Samuel Woolworth, int. July 26, 1786. Susannah and Luke Hitchcock of Western, int. Dec. 15, 1783. CROSS, Minerva of Middlefield, and William Bell 2d, int. Aug. 14, 1813. CROSSETT, Chester R., Dr., and Miranda B. Lindsey of Blandford, int. Sept. 17, 1843. CROW, David and Hudah Button, int. Dec. 6, 1770. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] Martha and Daniel Twadwell [int. Twadweel], Jan. 9, 1772. [Treadwell, c.r.i.] CROWELL, Joshua P., 26, merchant, of Ware, s. Joshua (Crowel), and Rhoda Pease, 27, of Enfield, Conn., d. Thomas, Feb. 27, [i8]48.* CULVER, Asa and Lorana Seward, Dec. 20, 1798. Asa of Blandford, Hampden Co., and Margaret King of Blandford, Hampden Co., June 4, 1821.* Cyrus and Betsey Stewart of Russel, int. Oct. 26, 1800. John of Blandford, Hampden Co., and Rebecca Holdridge of Hopkinton, R.I., Apr. 9, 1818, in Blandford.* Martha of Blandford, and Liberty B. Gould, int. Jan. 29, 1842. Mary of Blandford, and Leverett Sacket of Blandford, Mar. 20, 1833.* Mary and Aziel Griffin, int. June 16, 1838. Nancy and George Mul Holland [int. Mulhollon], Mar. i, 1798. Polly and John Tiffany of Montgomery, int. Apr. 6, 1804. Timothy and Margaret Williams, int. Mar. 4, 1771. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] _ Titus and Ruth Slade, int. Aug. 22, 1814. CURTISS, Diana of Sheffield, and Watson Brown, int. Dec. 28, 1838. CUSHMAN, Clarissa of Worthington, and Barney Prentis, int. Mar. 12, 1830. Thankful P. of Worthington, and Daniel Higgins, int. Dec. 5, 1824. William P., 22, merchant, of Charelemont [int. Charlemount], s. Solomon, and Ann Eliza Elder, 19, d. Almon, Dec. 20, 1847. DANIELS, Peninnah of Worthington, and Allyn Geer, int. July IS, 1777- • Intention not recorded. 136 CHESTER MARRIAGES ' DAVIS, Dolly H. and Charles Churchill, int. Mar. i, 1841. [Dolly W., d. Joseph Abbott, m. Apr. i, P.R.5.] James T. and Dolly [int. adds W.] Abbott, Mar. 11, 1835. [James J., c.R.i.] William and Elizabeth McLeod, Nov. 22, 1849.* P.R.18. DAY, Abraham Jr. and Anna Brooks, Jan. 29, 1796. Anna and Amos Belding, May 15, 1800. Ashbel [int. Ashbell] and Lucretia Stewart, Aug. 17 [1807]. Erastus and Kezia Webber, int. Dec. 8, 1800. Esther and Alonzo Clapp, int. Dec. 22, 1832. Harriet of Westspringfield, and Mather Shepard, int. Oct. — , 1796. Ira and Clarissa Cady of Hinsdale, int. July 5, 1S07. Irena and Salathiel [int. Selathial] Judd of Southhadly [int. Southadley], Sept. 23, 1790. Irena [int. Irene], Mrs., and Joel Seward, Jan. i, 1806. Joshua [int. adds Dr.] and Louis Wood, Oct. 2 [1800]. Louisa W. and Charles W. Clapp, Dec. 8, 1824. Lucy and James Pease, Jan. 21, 1796. Lucy E. and John Leonard 2d of Westspringfield, int. Mar. 30, 1814. Rachel and Samuel Ormsby of Norwich, int. Feb. 20, 1804. DAYTON, Elizabeth of Blandford, and Ozias French, Aug. 24, 1786. DECKER, Isaac and Rebecca Warner, int. Feb. 10, 1816. DEWEY, Alonzo of Homer, N.Y., and Sarah Elder, Jan. 22, 1821. Cathrine R. and Gilbert Collins, int. Aug. 30, 1834. Emily M. and James Hamilton 2d, int. Jan. 31, 1835. Henry [int. Dewy] and Harriet N. Fay, Jan. 31, 1842. James M., widr., 37, whip maker, of Westfield, and Mary O. Burton, 24, of Becket, b. Norwich, d. Soliman of Norwich, Nov. 18, 1847.* John and Mehitabel Collins, Jan. 26, 1809. Ralph of Westfield, and Mary Ann Bromley, Apr. 7, 1843. [R. W. Dewy, c.R.i.] Rhoda M. of Westfield, and James W. Smith of Becket, Nov. — , 1837.* C.R.I. DE WOLF, T. K., Dr., widr., 47, s. James and Noomi, and Mary Phelps, 22, d. Martin and , Sept. 28, 1847.* ♦ Intentioa not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES I37 DICKSON, Horatio N. of Middlefield, and Ollive [int. Olive] Fay, May 9, 1839. DIMOCK, Henry of Norwich, and Caroline Elder, int. Feb. 17, 1832. [Dimack, m. Mar. — , c.R.i.] DOOLITTLE, Electa of Russel, and Alva Bishop of Russel, Oct. I, 1818.* Laura of Russell, and Grove Winchel [int. Wincel] Jr., June 11, [i]8i7. DOUD (see Doude), Ebenezer and Sarah Dreen, int. Nov. 20 [1770]. DOUDE (see Doud), Isaac and Elanor Osborn of Lower Salam, Youlk, int. Oct. 20, 1781. DRAKE, Abraham of Worthington, and Olive Lunnon, Dec. 24, 1787. DREEN, Sarah and Ebenezer Doud, int. Nov. 20 [1770]. EAGER, Betsy of Brookfield, and William Bigalow, int. Aug. 19, 1792. EALY (see Ely), Patty of Westspringfie[l]d, and Gideon Matthews Jr., int. Jan. 4, 1795. EAMES (see Ames), Laura Ann of Washington, and David Smith, Oct. 22, 1845. EASTMAN, Benjamin and Mrs. Deborah Bowditch of Bland- ford, int. July 8, 1815. Benjamin B., widr., 34, carp[e]nter, s. Benjamin and Deborah, and Martha Fisk, b. Chesterfield, d. Moses of Chester- field, Sept. 30 [1849].* EDWARDS, Luther of Southampton, and Rachel Searls, int. Aug. 3, 1817. [m. Aug. 28, C.R.I.] Vester of Northampton, and Polly Smith, Nov. 4, 1789.* EGELSTON (see Eggleston, Eglestone), Benjamin and Mary Gordon, int. Oct. 9, 1774. Nabby [int. Eagleston] and Aaron Bell Jr., Mar. 5, 1795. Samuel and Mary Taylor, int. Feb. 19, 1774. [Egleston, m. May 4, C.R.I.] EGGLESTON (see Egelston, Eglestone), Electa and Hezekiah [int. Hezikiah] Nooney, Mar. 18, 1802. * Intention not recorded. 138 CHESTER MARRIAGES EGLESTONE (see Egelston, Eggleston), Aaron and Hannah Collins, Jan. 6, 1785, in Middlefield.* c.r.i. Sally and John Taggart, , 1777.* c.r.i. Silence and Ethen [int. Ethan] Campbell, Dec. 15, 1803. ELDER, Ann A., 21, d. Nored and Rebeca, and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] James W. Smith, 24, Apr. 18, 1848. Ann Eliza, 19, d. Almon, and William P. Cushman, 22, mer- chant, of Charelemont [int. Charlemount], s. Solomon, Dec. 20, 1847. Artemas and Sally Phelps, May 9, 181 1. Augustus A., 25, farmer, b. Pittsfield, s. Almon and Eliza, and Adaline R. Howe, 27, d. Liberty and Lucy, Feb. 28, 1849. Betsey Saphronia [int. B. Sophronia] and Bishop Hemeston [? Hemeston, illegible] [int. Humeston] of W. Springfield, Nov. 21, 1844. Betsy (see Elisabeth). Calotte [int. Charlotte] and John Thompson [int. Thomson], Mar. 22, 1804. Caroline and Henry Dimock of Norwich, int. Feb. 17, 1832. [Dimack, m. Mar. — , C.R.i.] Charlotte (see Calotte). Dorothy T. and Elbridge G. Howe of Springfield, int. Sept. 23, 1842. Electa S. and Heman [int. Hemon] E. Moody of Belchertown, Apr. 26, 1841. [Electa S., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), and Herman E. Nooney, P.R.16.] Elisabeth and Samuel Moors of Rutland, int. Aug. 20, 1773. [Betsy and Samuel Moor, m. Nov. 4, c.r.i.] Fidelia M. and Warren Hitchcock of W. Springfield, int. Dec. 13. 1834. Hannah R. and Harmon Stanton of Norwich, Dec. — , 1845. Harriet A. and W[illia]m P. Masters, Nov. 25, [i8]38. [Harriet A., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Henry S., farmer, of Cummington, and Sophia Williams, May 2, 1844. Isabel and James Campbell of Blandford, Dec. 18, 1783. Jael and Andrew Henry, int. Oct. 6, 1780. James and Betsey Prentice of Worthington, int. Nov. 29, 180 7. John and Sarah Moor of Rutland, int. Sept. 6, 1778. John 2d and Electa Lyman, Oct. 8, 1805. [John, s. Thomas, and Electa Lyman, d. Dea. Stephen, p.R.16.] * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES I39 Elder, John Blair, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), and Dinah Tucker, b. Tiverton, Bath, Eng., Apr, 22, 1834.* P.R.16. Kata [int. Katy] and John Stevens Jr., Nov. 26, 1807. Lucy M. and Stephen Chapin Jr. of W. Springfield, [int. Apr. 23] [1842]. Lyman M. and Charlotte Whipple, int. Mar. 28, 1829. [Lyman M., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), m. Apr. — , P.R.16.] Nored and Rebecca Russell of Middlefield, int. Jan. 19, 1823. Samuel and Sally Nooney, Apr. 29, 1802. Samuel and Mrs. Roxana Niles of Norwich, int. Oct. 21, 1814. Sarah and Alonzo Dewey of Homer, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1821. Sarah Ann, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), and Alvah Foote, Nov. 28, 1846.* P.R.16. Stephen N. and Abigail [int. Abigal] Nooney, Jan. 21, 1846. [Stephen N., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), and Abigal Nooney, Jan. 20, P.R.16.] Thomas and Margaret Moor of Rutland, int. Nov. 16, 1772. Thomas [int. Eldar] and Nabby Fellows, Apr. 17, 1788. Thomas Jr. and Nabby Taylor, Jan. 3, 1799. Thomas and Mrs. Polly Masters of S. Hadley, int. Dec. 13, 1802. William and Sarah Campbell of Westfield, int. Mar. 8, 1784. ELDRIDGE, Polly of Hawley, and James Bell, int. Apr.[?] 30, 1797- ELLICE (see Ellis, Elliss), Sally [int. Elliss] and Hollibut Herrick [int. of Worthington], Nov. i [1798]. ELLIS (see Ellice, Elliss), Hannah of Norwich, and Noah Ellis, Feb. 20, [i8]39. Keziah [int. adds C.] and Spencer H. Phillip [int. Phillips], May 7, 1845. Noah and Hannah Ellis of Norwich, Feb. 20, [i8]39. Polly and Quartus Rust, Aug. 26, 1813. Sala and Solomon Burton [int. Barton] of Norwich, Mar. 29, 1829. Shepard E., 26, farmer, b. Meadville, Pa., s. John and Betsy of Meadville, Pa., and Francis [sic] N. Fry, 23, d. Daniel and Mariah, Nov. 26, 1849.* ELLISS (see Ellice, Ellis), Ebenezer and Ruth Stiles, int. July 28, 1801. Elizabeth and William Prior, int. Dec. 7, 1782. * Intention not tecorded. 140 CHESTER MARRIAGES Elliss, John and Polly Wood, Dec. 15, 1791. Margaret and Silas Freeman Jr., Aug. 11, 1791. Noah and Clarisa Webber, Oct. i, 1801. Rosa of Heabron, Conn., and Zebulon Isham, int. Oct. i, 1780. Samuel and Dolly Tracy, Apr. 29, 1791. ELLSWORTH (see Elsworth), Betsey and James Morton of Blandford, int. Apr. i, 1830. Eunice and Joseph C. Webster of Bloomfield, Conn., Nov. 20, 1838. Fanny and James Crookes of Blandford, Hampden Co., Jan. I, 1827. Hezekiah and Laurana Lomis, July 21, 1793, in Windsor, Conn.* Hezekiah and Eunice Gibson, 22 [int. Apr. 12] [1816]. Laura and Ralph Russel of Warrensville, O., Jan. 8, 1818. Nathan and Achsah Carpenter of Norwich, int. Jan. 21, 182 1. ELMY, Anne of Glasgow, and Alexander Morrison, Oct. — , 1776.* C.R.I. ELSWORTH (see Ellsworth), Mary and Abel Babcock Jr., int. Mar. 4, 1849. ELY (see Ealy), Alfred of Westspringfield, and Laura Ladd, int. Aug. 26, 1814. Ansel and Electa Clark, May 19, 1819.* EMERSON (see Emmorson). EMMONS, Ann H. and Charles C. Sears of Princeton, N.J., int. Aug. 18, 1832. Harmony of Middlefield, and Samuel Hamilton, int. Sept. 30, 1826. Monroe of Hinsdale, and Seraph Hutchins, int. Apr. 30, 1830. [Munroe, m. June 17, c.r.i. ] Sylvester Esq. and Altimira Hinsdake of Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., int. July 25, 1811. EMMORSON, Samuel M., Rev., and Charlotte Bulkley of Williamstown, int. Aug. 25, 1815. ENSIGN, Aaron and Orpha Clap [int. Clapp], Feb. 14, 1810. Deodatus [int. Ensine] of Westfield, and Abigail Woolworth, Feb. 9, 1780. Lyman and Phebe Holladay of Norwich, int. Dec. 22, 1800. • Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES I4I EULmE, William of Sand Lake, N.Y., and Corrinth E. Hamilton, int. Apr. 15, 1837. [Corinth E., m. May 5, C.R.I.] EVERETT (see Averet). FAIRBANKS, Lucy of Mendham, and Nathan Goodwill, int. Sept. 18, 1790. FAIRMAN, Samuel of Norwich, and Joanna William, int. Nov. 25, 1773. [Fairmon, and Joanna Williams, m. Dec. 23, C.R.I. ] FALLEY, Daniel and Betsey Mulhollon, int. Nov. 15, 1795. FANNING, Elisha Jr. and Betsy Grace, int. Feb. 22, 1801. FARRAN (see Farron), Walter [int. Furrow] and Laura Adams, Apr. 9, 1821. FARRINGTON, James and Mrs. Lovina Booth, int. Jan. 4, 1803. FARRON (see Farran), Samuel [int. Furrow] and Lucretia Wright, Dec. 2 [1819]. FAUSS, Ann [int. Catharine] M., 17, d. John and Ann M., and Samuel B. Foote [int. Foot], 26, farmer, s. Asa and Betsey, Oct. 6, 1847. FAY, Aaron and Dorcas Warner, Mar. 20, 181 1. Abram [int. Abran] and Mary Worden [int. Warden], Nov. 25, 1822. Cordelia and Willy [int. Wiley] Sennet of Blandford, Jan. 7, 1841. Daniel and Mrs. Sarah E. Knox, int. Apr. 20, 1846. [Mrs. Sarah A., m. May 13, in Blandford, c.r.i.] David and Rachel Preston of Granby, int. Feb. 13, 1843. Eliza and Harrison Willcutt, May 19, 1842. Erastus and Polly Jones of Otis, int. June i, 1816. Hannah and Elijah Hunter, int. June 4, 1804. Hannah and Dyer Wilbur, Mar. 4 [1845]. Harriet N. and Henry Dewey [int. Dewy], Jan. 31, 1842. Ollive [int. Olive] and Horatio N. Dickson of Middlefield, May 9, 1839. Sarah, Mrs., and Edmond Howes of Hawley, Sept. 8, 1808. Timothy and Abigail Bentley of New Marlborough, int. Nov. 5, 1804. • Intention not recorded. 142 CHESTER MARRIAGES Fay, Timothy and Hannah Jones of London, int. Feb. 26, 1807. Warren and Jane [int. adds D.] Bell, Nov. 8, 1845. FELLOWS, Jacob Jr. and Abigail Sizer, int. Mar. 11, 1799. Nabby and Thomas Elder [int. Eldar], Apr. 17, 1788. Olive and Simon Elliot MulhoUon, int. Dec. 25, 1783. Stephen and Dorritha Hamilton, Oct. 27, 1773, in Hartwood.* C.R.I. FERREE (see Ferry), Pamelia and Aron [int. Aaron] Martin, Feb. II, 1821. FERROSS, John of N. [int. New] Millford, Conn., and Caty Hamilton, Feb. 13, 1817. FERRY (see Ferree), Lois of Springfield, and Quartus Rust, int. Dec. 9, 1792. Orpha B., Mrs., and David McElwain of Becket, int. Apr. 11, 1847. FIELDS, Lorinda and David Ashley of W. Springfield, int. Nov. 22, 1840. FILLEY, Henry D., 23, lawyer, b. Otis, s. Lester and Corintha of Otis, and Lucinda B. Copeland, 21, b. Hartford, Conn., d. Melvin and Lucinda B., Sept. i, 1847. FISH, Gilbert B. of Syracuse [int. adds N.Y.], and Lydia Prentis [int. Prentice], Jan. 16, 1827. Nancy B. of Westfield, and Joshua Stevens, int. Dec. 6, 1807. [Nancy Fisk, m. Dec. 31, P.R.6.] Seberry and Mrs. Esther Ladd, int. Oct. 6, 1832. FISK, Martha, 24, b. Chesterfield, d. Moses of Chesterfield, and Benjamin B. Eastman, widr., 34, carp[e]nter, s. Benjamin and Deborah, Sept. 30 [1849].* FLEMIN (see Fleming), David and Knox, d. Capt. Knox, Dec. — , 1785.* c.r.i. FLEMING (see Flemin), James and Lucretia Gamwell, Apr. 10, 1800. Polly and Ebenezer Gleason of S. Hadley, Dec. i, 1803. Sarah of Palmer, and John Hamilton ist, int. Jan. 25, 1789. Theodosia and Simeon Wheelor [int. Wheeler], Sept. 5, 1805. FLETCHER, Ephraim and Jael [int. Jales] Moor, Feb. 20, 1794. • Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES I43 FLINT, Dolly and John Hutchinson [int. Huchinson], Aug. 18, 1796. Susanna [int. Susannah] and James Stewart, Feb. 7, 1796. FOOT (see Foote), Alvah and Asenath Belding, Apr. 9, 1817. Arba and Eunice Whipple, Jan. 8 [1818]. Asa and Lucy Johnson, Oct. 13 [1807]. Asa and Eliza Rice, Jan. 30, 1818. Chester and Vanda Winchel, Sept. 12, 181 1. Corinth E. and Samuel [int. adds L.] Bartlett, farmer, of Northampton, s. of Northampton, Dec. 6, 1843. [Foote, C.R.I.] Electa and Josiah [int. adds S.] Pomeroy [int. Pomroy], Sept. 18 [1816]. [Josiah S. Pomeroy, c.r.i.] Eunice and Warham Sacket, May 30, 1799. James R. and Frances M. Bromley, Feb. 9, 1843. [Foote, and Frances M. Bromly, c.r.i.] Roland and Lidia [int. Lydia] Marble [int. of Worthington], Sept. 19, 1811. William and Ruth Smith, Sept. 19, 1777.* c.r.i. William and Mrs. Jane Lloyd of Middle Granville, int. Sept. 9, 1815. FOOTE (see Foot), Alvah and Sarah Ann Elder, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), Nov. 28, 1846.* P.R.16. Aureleus C. (see Aurelias C. Root). Harriett E., 19, d. Alva, and Benjamin P. Kyle, 30, mechanic, s. Forbes, Sept. 15, 1847. [Harriet E. Foot, c.r.i.] Jane L., 22, d. Alva, and Oliver H. Thayer, 23, butcher, of Northampton, Sept. 15, 1847. [Foot, c.r.i.] Samuel B. [int. Foot], 26, farmer, s. Asa and Betsey, and Ann [int. Catharine] M. Fauss, 17, d. John and Ann M., Oct. 6, 1847. FOSS (see Fauss). FOSTER, Abel of Skeensborough, N.Y., and Margaret Bell of Skeensborough, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1793.* FOWLER, Elisha of W. Springfield, and Olive Woodward of Worthington, Feb. 4, 1788.* Mary, Mrs., and Dr. Martin Phelps, Feb. 5, 1806.* FREEDOM, Bernard Dolphin and Fanny Hardy, Apr. 13, 1820.* • Intention not recorded. 144 CHESTER MARRIAGES FREELAND, James of Blandford, and Prudence Mann, July i8, 1797. FREEMAN, Brewster and Pandy Allen of Montgomeroy, int. Mar. 24, 1793. Silas Jr. and Margaret Elliss, Aug. 11, 1791. FRENCH, Azel and Parmelia Himocks of Blandford, int. June 16, 1800. Ephraim and Esther Barnard [dup. of Westhampton], int. Feb. 15, 1794 [dup. Apr. 17, 1796]. Jabez and Sarah Johnson, Apr. i, 1790. Lydia and Reuben Cowing of Chesterfield, Mar. 15, 1792. Mercy and Nicholas Huntsalar [int. Huntslar], Aug. 31, 1796. Ozias and Elizabeth Dayton of Blandford, Aug. 24, 1786. Polly Durgee and Gershom Sylvester of Chesterfield, Nov. 18, 1788. FRY, Daniel and Mrs. Sarah E. Knox, int. Apr. 20, 1846. Francis [sic] N., 23, d. Daniel and Mariah, and Shepard E. Ellis, 26, farmer, b. Meadville, Pa., s. John and Betsy of Meadville, Pa., Nov. 26, 1849.* FULLER, Bethiah of Norwich, and Isaac Averet, int. May 10, 1784. GAMWELL, James 2d and Sally Chapin of SheflBeld, int. Nov. 18, 1809. John Jr. and Marjora Lad [int. omits Lad] Hamilton, Feb. 21, 1793- Lucretia and James Fleming, Apr. 10, 1800. Moses and Patty Bell, int. Mar. 4, 1805. Polly and Simpson Bell, July 10, 1801. Samuel 2d and Anna Quigley, Dec. 19, 1805. Samuel and Clarissa Moor of N[ew] Marlboro, int. Sept. 19, 1810. [Moore, m. Oct. — , 1819, g.r.2.] Vianna [int. Vianne] and Howard Chapin [int. of SheflSeld, Berkshire Co.], May 9, 181 1. GARDNER, Adam of Worthington, and Eunice Gould, int. Mar. 13, 1796. Amos and Lois Meachum, int. May 16, 1841. GEER, Allyn and Peninnah Daniels of Worthington, int. July 13, 1777. Joseph of Worthington, and Lydia Palmer, int. Sept. 29, 1771. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES " 14$ GIBBS, Achsah A. of Lee, and Frederick D. Ingersoll, int. May 27, 1839. Eli and Mary Whitney of Otis, int. Jan, 5, 1823. Emily of Blandford, and William Nooney Jr., int. May 17, 1838. Isaac of Blandford, and Mrs. Mary Spaulding, Nov. 8, 1828. Jarvis W. of Blandford, and Triphena E. Man, int. Mar. 12, 1846. Mary A. of Blandford, and Enos Smith, int. Apr. 19, 1834. Samantha of Becket, and William Bell, int. Mar. 15, 183 1. GIBSON, Amasa, and Harriet Thomas of Norich, int. Feb. 6, 1820. Asahel and Sally [dup. Polly] Judd, May 20, 1827.* Elvira, 23, d. Amasa (Gibbson) and Harriett, and Ralph Joclyn [dup. Rolph Jocelyn], 25, carp[e]nter, b. Savoy, d. Abraham (Jocelyn) and Susan of Savoy, Oct. 10 [Oct. 10, written in pencil] [dup. Oct. 9] [1849].* Eunice and Hezekiah Ellsworth, 22 [int. Apr. 12] [1816]. Mary and James Holliday [int. Holida] of Montgomery, Nov. 2, 1824. Roger and Mary Minor, int. Feb. 15, 1802. GILBERT, Charles and Lydia Warner of Hardwick, int. Dec. 13, 1795- GILLETT, Huldah and Horace Gleason of Middlefield, int. Sept. 9, 1814. GILLMORE (see Gilmore), Ashbel and Nancy Wright, int. Dec. II, 1808. Darius of Becket, and Sally Harris, int. Oct. 11, 1827. Mary, Mrs., and Solomon Stewart of Blandford, int. Mar. 5, 1804. Nancy and Silas Tanner, int. Feb. 24, 1798. Susanna and Charles Lee, int. June 29, 1801. GILMORE (see Gillmore), Huldah and W[illia]m Goold of Russell, int. Sept. 22, 1798. Silas and Sally Cannon of Blandford, int. Feb. 18, 1799. GLAZIER, Oliver H. [int. Glazien] and Orpha Alderman, Jan. 29, 1824, [in] Hampden. GLEASON, Anson, 30, plane maker, s. Chancy and Deborah, and Francis [sic] [int. Frances] A. Collins, 22, d. Charles and Abigal, Dec. 21, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 146 CHESTER MARRIAGES Gleason, David and Sarah Gleason of Stockbridge, int. July 13, 1783- Ebenezer of S. Hadley, and Polly Fleming, Dec. i, 1S03. Emily of Worthington, and Dexter Howard, int. May 20, 1836. Horace of Middlefield, and Huldah Gillett, int. Sept. 9, 1814. Sarah of Stockbridge, and David Gleason, int. July 13, 1783. GOLDTHWAIT, Lydia A. [and Morgan Hall], Apr. 5, 1849.* P.R.17. GOODRICH (see Goodridge), Sarah Ann and David Witt, Nov, 30, 1836. GOODRIDGE (see Goodrich), Joseph E. and Mary N. Shaw of Chesterfield, int. Oct. 10, 1835. GOODWILL, Esther and Samuel Hall, Nov. 8, 1820. Justus and Lydia Tinker of Worthington, int. May 11, 1816. Nathan and Lucy Fairbanks of Mendham, int. Sept. 18, 1790. Nathaniel and Polly [int. Molly] Bell, June 23, 1791. Polly and Alvan Campbell, Jan. 3, 181 1. Ruth and Luther Granger [int. Grainger], Sept. 12, 1790. GOODWIN, Darius of Spr[in]gf[iel]d, and Lucy Olds of Spr[in]gf[iel]d, May i, 1837.* Sarah L. of Blandford, and Samuel Robison, int. Mar. 4, 1849. GOOLD (see Gould), W[illia]m of Russell, and Huldah Gil- more, int. Sept. 22, 1798. GORDON, Betsy of Middlefield, and Amos Strong of Middle- field, Oct. 9, 1788.* Mary and Benjamin Egelston, int. Oct. 9, 1774. GOREHAM (see Gorham), Charles of Montgomery, and Orpha Bozworth of Montgomery, Feb. 29, 1816.* GORHAM (see Goreham), Jason of Ware, and Ruth Phelps, Nov. 19, 1829. GOULD (see Goold), Asenath of Wilbrahaip, and James Melvin, int. Oct. 28, 1829. Eunice and Adam Gardner of Worthington, int. Mar. 13, 1796. Liberty B. and Martha Culver of Blandford, int. Jan. 29, 1842. Patty and David Pomeroy Clap of Easthampton, Jan. 23, 1795- GRACE, Betsy and Elisha Fanning Jr., int. Feb, 22, 1801. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 47 GRAHAM, David and Vice [int. Lovisa] Wood, Dec. 28, 1797. Lovice and Rufus Tinker Jr., Mar. 7, 1822. GRANGER, Clarisa of Middlefield, and Noah Lyman, Mar. 19, 1804.* [Clarissa, P.R.18.] Daniel and Jane Linsey of Blandford, int. Apr. 6, 1818. David L. of Westspringfield, and Clarissa Arnold, int. May 8, 1833- Luther [int. Grainger] and Ruth Goodwill, Sept. 12, 1790. Luther of Worthington, and Persis Smith, int. May 9, 1833. Mary E. and Lewis H. Clapp, July i, 1840. GRANT, Juliette [int. Julieette] of Montgomery, and Holly [int. Hawly] Brant, 4 [int. Mar. 6] [1816]. GRAY, Jane L. and Ralph E. Smith of Goshen, Nov. 19, 1845. Patrick of Pelham, and Betsey Moor, Sept. 12, 1799. GREEN, Dexter and Anna Cox, Dec. 5, 1793. Zeriah of Montgomery, and Elihu King of Montgomery, Nov. 5, 1818.* GRIFFIN, Anson and Laura [int. Lura] Alderman, Aug. 30 [1827]. Aziel and Mary Culver, int. June 16, 1838. Electa and George L. Weaver of Blandford, int. Dec. 6, 1828. GRIMS, John of Chatham, and Esther Shepard, int. June 21, 1784. GRISWOLD, Oliver T. and Sarah E. Lewis, June 4, 1845. HALE, Aaron and Martha Loomise, int. Dec. 8, 1781. HALL, Benjamin and Julia Sanderson of Springfield, May 3, 1822.* Morgan and Mary A. Snow, Apr. 23, 1846.* p.R.17. [Morgan] ([Hall]) and Lydia A. Goldthwait, Apr. 5, 1849.* P.R.17. Samuel and Esther Goodwill, Nov. 8, 1820. HAMBELTON (see Hamilton), Polly and Samuel Augustus Thorp, int. Nov. 9, 1788. "Objections Made and my Proceeding forbid." HAMILTON (see Hambelton), Caty and John Ferross of N. [int. New] Millford, Conn., Feb. 13, 1817. Clarissa and Amos Whitemore [int. Whittemore] of Becket, May 3, 1821. [Whittemore, c.r.i.] * Intention not recorded. 148 CHESTER MARRIAGES Hamilton, Corrinth E. and William Euline of Sand Lake, N. Y., int. Apr. 15, 1837. [Corinth E., m. May 5, C.R.I.] David and Mabel Pomeroy of Southampton, int. Sept. 30, 1792. Dolly of Middlefield, and William Mahanna, int. Jan. 28, 1816. Dorritha and Stephen Fellows, Oct. 27, 1773, in Hartwood.* C.R.I. Esther and Samuel Blackman, Mar. 7, 1805. Hannah and Walter Hunter, Jan. 2, 1814. James and Lucy Judd, Nov. 17, 1825. James 2d and Emily M. Dewey, int. Jan. 31, 1835. John ist and Sarah Fleming of Palmer, int. Jan. 25, 1789. Katy (see Caty). Lemuel and Margaret Quigley, Oct 24, 1799. Marilla and Orlando Horton of Sand Lake, N.Y., int. Jan. 9, 1848. [m. Jan. 27, c.r.i.] Marjora Lad [int. omits Lad] and John Gamwell Jr., Feb. 21, 1793- Miranda W. and Alpheus M. Baker of Lansingburg, N.Y., May 25, 1843. [Lansingburge, c.r.i.] Moses and Jean [int. Mrs. Jane]Bell, Mar. 27, 1806. Moses and Olive Otis, July 6, 1815. Moses 2d and Peggy Mahanna, int. Mar. 31, 1822. Polly and Aaron Hunter, Sept. 11 [1807]. Samuel [int. Hambelton] of Chesterfield, and Susannah Ham- ilton [int. Hambelton], Mar. 6, 1788. Samuel and Harmony Emmons of Middlefield, int. Sept. 30, 1826. Sarah A. and Rev. Francis Warriner, int. Nov. 7, 1842. Susannah [int. Hambelton] and Samuel Hamilton [int. Ham- belton] of Chesterfield, Mar. 6, 1788. William and Tabitha Babcock of Middlefield, int. Aug. 28, 1807. William 2d and Mary Crane of Washington, int. Aug. 18, 1832. WilHam ist and Mary Stebbins, int. Feb. 25, 1833. HANCOCK, Sally of Norwich, and Daniel Bidlake, int. Feb. 20, 1804. HANNUM, Nathan O., 24, merchant, b. Norwich, s. Caleb, and Jane G. Tinker, 20, d. Rufus, Sept. 14, 1847. HARDY, Fanney and William Jackson of Windsor, int. Aug. 10, 1833. • Inteation aot recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 49 Hardy, Fanny and Bernard Umphrey, int. Feb. 27, 1S20. Fanny and Bernard Dolphin Freedom, Apr. 13, 1820.* HARMON, James H. of W. Suffield, Conn., and Frances A. Whitney, int. Apr. 6, 1844. HARRIS (see Harriss), Sally and Darius Gillmore of Becket, int. Oct. II, 1827. Sarah A. of Becket, and Wolcott H, Strong, int. May i, 1848. HARRISS (see Harris), Rebecca of Becket, and Timothy Austen, int. Oct. 17, 1801. HARWOOD, Francis of Norwich, and Polly Whitney, int. Dec. 21, 1811. Mary of Norwich, and William Kyle, int. Nov. 10, 1838. HASCHEL, John and Deborah Meachum, int. May 25, 1772. [Harskall, and Deborah Meachem, m. Mar. 25, 1773, C.R.I. ] HATCH, Emily of Norwich, and Daniel Collins Jr., int. Oct. 9 [1830]- Horace of Montgomery, and Elizabeth Shirtliff of Montgomery, Apr. 2, 1817.* HEDGES, Abraham Jr. of Middlefield, and Harriet Alderman, Mar. 31, 1819.* HEMESTON, Bishop [? Hemeston, illegible] [int. Humeston] of W. Springfield, and Betsey Saphronia [int. B. Sophro- nia] Elder, Nov. 21, 1844. HENRY, A. [int. Albert] G., Capt., and Ruth Stevens, Oct. 6, 1831. Amanda M. and George Whitney, Dec. 17, 1835. Andrew and Jael Elder, int. Oct. 6, 1780. Betsy [int. Betsey] and Sam[ue]l Phelps, Mar. 26, 1812. Dolly and Benajah Strong of W. Hampton [int. Westhampton], Feb. 18, 1817. Hannah P. and John Nooney of W. Suffield, Conn., int. Apr. 25, 1840. Harriet A. and Burritt Loomis of W. Suffield, Conn., int. Sept. 12, 1840. James and Lucy Ward, int. Aug. 19, 1798. James A. and Abby B. Whipple, int. Jan. 30, 1841. John K. and Catherine E. Coons, June 11, 1832.* P.R.3. * Intention not recorded. 150 CHESTER MARRIAGES Henry, Jonas and Margaret Henry of Blanford, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [ of Blandford, m. , 1771, c.r.i.] Jonathan and of Blandford, , 1771.* C.R.I. Joseph and Lydia Kelso, Mar. 10, 1783. Louisa and Adolphos Wells of Adams, May 19, 1836. Lucresia [int. Lucretia] and Walter Bodortha, Aug. 17, 1802. Lydia and Calvin Strong of E. Hampton [int. Easthampton], Mar. 20, 1826. Margaret of Blanford, and Jonas Henry, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [ — : of Blandford, m. , 1771, c.r.i.] Mary of Becket, and James Moor, int. July 29, 1781. Mary and Capt. Walter Warriner of Springfield, int. June 8, 1830. [m. July 8, P.R.3.] Mary Ann and Abraham Holland, int. Oct. 13, 1832. Polly and Joseph Shoals, Aug. 13 [1807]. Sam[ue]l and Abigail Kannaday, Sept. 3, 1787.* P.R.3. Theodotia and Asa Pomroy, May 7, 18 12. William and of Blandford, , 1770.* C.r.i. William ist and Anna Alexander, int. Jan. 24, 1803, William and Betsy Abbot, int. Aug. 22, 1806. HERICK (see Herrick), James W. [int. Herrick of Worthing- ton] and Rosetta [int. Rositta] Riley, Aug. 6, 18 10. HERRICK (see Herick), Caroline and Lucius Collins of Bland- ford, int. July 29, 1841. Hollibut [int. of Worthington] and Sally Ellice [int. EUiss], Nov. I [1798]. HIGGINS (see Higins), Barney Jr. and Phebe Miller, Dec. 5 [1827]. Daniel and Thankful P. Cushman of Worthington, int. Dec. 5, 1824. Daniel and Betsey Shaw of Chesterfield, int. May 24, 1828. Eunice and Charles F. Leonard of Middlefield, Mar. 5, 1834. HIGINS (see Higgins), Nabby [int. Abbey Higgins] and John Wilber, Nov. 19, 181 2. HIMOCKS, Parmelia of Blandford, and Azel French, int. June 16, 1800. HINGHAM (see Ingham). HINSDAKE, Altimira of Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., and Sylvester Emmons Esq., int. July 25, 181 1. ♦ Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 151 HITCHCOCK, Luke of Western, and Susannah Crosman, int. Dec. 15, 1783. Warren of W. Springfield, and Fidelia M. Elder, int. Dec. 13, 1834. HOISINGTON, Henry R., Rev., of Aurora, N.Y., and Nancy Lyman, int. Aug. 27, 1831. [m. Sept. 21, c.r.i.] HOLCOMB, Daniel B. and Almira Ingell, Nov. 25, 1845. Eliza A., 28, d, Benajah and Camelia, and Edward Pitcher, 29, farmer, b. Blandford, s. Robert P. of Blandford, May 10, 1849.* Emaly J. [int. Emily D.], 19, d. Benagah and Cosmelia, and Washington Moore, 30, farmer, s. W[illia]m and Cyntha, Nov. 26, 1846. [Emily J.^ p.r.h,] HOLDRIDGE, Asher of Worthington, and Polly Buttolph, int. Mar. 30, 1798. Rebecca of Hopkinton, R.I., and John Culver of Blandford, Hampden Co., Apr. 9, 1818, in Blandford.* HOLLADAY (see Holliday, Hollyday), Phebe of Norwich, and Lyman Ensign, int. Dec. 22, 1800. HOLLAND (see Hollon), Abraham and Mary Ann Henry, int. Oct. 13, 1832. James, Dr., and Lydia Stone of Blandford, int. Sept. 26, 1798. Louisa B. and Samuel D. Bradnan [int. Bradner] of Becket, Oct. 28, 1824. [Bradner, c.r.i.] Nancy [int. Hollon], wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Col. William Taylor, Nov. 24 [1813]. William [int. Hollon] and Polly Moor, Feb. 24, 1791. HOLLIDAY (see Holladay, Hollyday), James [int. Holida] of Montgomery, and Mary Gibson, Nov. 2, 1824. HOLLON (see Holland), Thankfull and Orindatus Snow, June 21, 1792. HOLLYDAY (see Holladay, Holliday), Deliverance and John Barnard of Westfield, Jan. 16, 1772. HOLMES, Joseph and Polly Wharfield, Oct. 5, 1808. HORTON, Orlando of Sand Lake, N.Y., and Marilla Hamil- ton, int. Jan. 9, 1848. [m. Jan, 27, c.r.i.] HOTCHKISS, Jotham and Sally Kagwain, int. Jan. 24, 1803. * Intention not recorded. 152 CHESTER MARRIAGES HOWARD, Cooley and Mary M. Stone, int. Apr. i6, 1833. Dexter and Emily Gleason of Worthington, int. May 20, 1836. John of Montgomery, and Hannah Moor of Montgomery, Mar. 14 [1817].* HOWE (see Howes), Adaline R., 27, d. Liberty and Lucy, and Augustus A. Elder, 25, farmer, b. Pittsfield, s. Almon and Eliza, Feb. 28, 1849. Elbridge G. of Springfield, and Dorothy T. Elder, int. Sept. 23, 1842. EHas of Spencer, and Polly Bemis, 22 [int. Sept. 14] [1816]. [Bemiss, c.r.i.] Liberty and Lucy Bemis, Feb. 28, 1820. HOWES (see Howe), Edmond of Hawley, and Mrs. Sarah Fay, Sept. 8, 1808. HUBBARD, Charlotte and W. M. Root of Pittsf5eld, int. Apr. 25, 1846. Mary and Samuel [int. adds A.] Moseley of Springfield, Jan. 18, 1843. [Samuel Mosely, c.r.i.] HUGGINS, Marcia A. of SheflSeld, and Nathan M. Johnson of Washington, Oct. 4, 1848.* p.R.17. HULBERT, Salmon of Kent, Conn., and Mr[s]. Lucy Smith, int. Oct. 2, 1786. HUMESTON (see Hemeston). HUMPHREY (see Umphrey). HUNTER, Aaron and Polly Hamilton, Sept. 11 [1807]. Abraham [int. Abram] and Julia A. Bigelow, Oct. 21, 1840. Elijah and Hannah Fay, int. June 4, 1S04. Elijah Jr. and Mary Ann Blanchard of Blandford, Nov. 27, 1834, in Russel. Freelove and Ezra Webber, May 31, 1837. Walter and Hannah Hamilton, Jan. 2, 18 14. HUNTSALAR, Nicholas [int. Huntslar] and Mercy French, Aug. 31, 1796. HUTCHINS, Seraph and Monroe Emmons of Hinsdale, int. Apr. 30, 1830. [Munroe, m. June 17, c.r.i.] HUTCHINSON, John [int. Huchinson] and Dolly Flint, Aug. 18, 1796. * Intention not recorded- CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 53 INGAL (see Ingell), Elizabeth and Benjamin Muzzey, Jan. 4, 1787. INGELL (see Ingal), Almira and Daniel B. Holcomb, Nov. 25, 1845. Cheney [int. Cheny] and Almira Phelps, Mar. 29, 1820. Christian and James Campbell 2d, Mar. i, 1810. Elisabeth and Stephen W. Moore, int. Jan. 22, 1849. [Eliza- beth Ingals, m. Jan. — , c.r.i.] Eliza and Timothy Bacon Jr., int. Jan. 25, 1813. Elizabeth (see Elisabeth). James and Esther Lamb, int. Mar. 26, 1806. W[illia]m and Esther Whittemore of Middlefield, int. Aug. i, 1813. INGERSOLL, Frederick D. and Achsah A. Gibbs of Lee, int. May 27, 1839. INGHAM (see Ingram), Solomon [int. Hingham] of Becket, and Molly [int. Molley] Wright, [int. Apr. 9], 1781. INGRAM (see Ingham), Jedadiah and Mary Jones, int. Nov. 10, 1794. ISHAM, Zebulon and Rosa Elliss of Heabron, Conn., int. Oct. I, 1780. JACKSON, Ruth of Spencer, and Jethro Kinney, int. May 3, 1779. William of Windsor, and Fanney Hardy, int. Aug. 10, 1833. JESSUP, Clara S. and Bloomfield H. Moor of Phi[l]adelphia, Pa., int. Oct. 8, 1842. JOCLYN, Ralph [dup. Rolph Jocelyn], 25, carp[e]nter, b. Savoy, s. Abraham (Jocelyn) and Susan of Savoy, and Elvira Gibson, 23, d. Amasa (Gibbson) and Harriett, Oct. 10 [Oct. 10, written in pencil] [dup. Oct. 9] [1849].* JOHNSON, Almira of Blandford, and Daniel Stanton, int. Mar. 30, 1820. Baxter E. of Hinsdale, and Hannah Maria Churchill, int. Mar. 3, 1844. [Baxter of Brookfield, m. Mar. 28, P.R.5.] Daniel and Patty Pomeroy, Mar. i, 1804. David S. and Lucretia Bell, int. Aug. 10, 1833. Edmund and Sarah C. Olds of Middlefield, Apr. 2, 1844.* P.R.I 7. * Intention not recorded. 154 CHESTER MARRIAGES Johnson, Eli and Huldah Smith, Mar. 29, 1795. Elihu, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Mary Johnson of Sheffield, Mar. 24, 1S46.* P.R.17. Eliza and Joshu V. M. Moor [int. Joshua V. Moore], May i, 1828. Eunice and Nathan Mann, Dec. 19, 1793. Harriet and Ira Johnson, Dec. 28, 1836. [Harriet of Sheffield, and Ira Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] Ira and Harriet Johnson, Dec. 28, 1836. [Ira, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Harriet Johnson of Sheffield, P.R.17.] Ira and Joanna Nichols of Belchertown, int. Mar. 27, 1843. [Ira, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Joannah Nichols of Belchertown, m. May 4, P.R.17.] Isaac and Judah Shumway, Oct. 14, 1798. Jesse Jr. and Sally Wadsworth of Becket, int. Dec. 21, 1794. Jesse and Sophia Churchill, int. Jan. 25, 1824. [Jesse, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. Feb. — , P.R.17.] Lucy and Asa Foot, Oct. 13 [1807]. Lyman and Caroline E. Olds of Middlefield, int. Nov. 10, 1838. [Lyman, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. , P.R.17.] Lyman, 39, farmer, of Washington, b. Washington, s. Isaac and Judith J. of Washington, and Lucy Churchill, 29, d. Charles and Hannah C, Oct. 4 [1849].* [Lucy, ch. Charles [and Hannah (Percival)], P.R.5.] [Lyman, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Lucy S. Churchill, P.R.17.] Mary of Sheffield, and Elihu Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Mar. 24, 1846.* P.R.17. Nathan M. of Washington, and Marcia A. Huggins of Sheffield, Oct. 4, 1848.* P.R.17. Renald and of Blandford, , 1770.* c.r.i. Sarah and Jabez French, Apr. i, 1790. Wealthy [int. Welthy] and Stillman [int. Stilman] Olds, Dec. i5> 1835. [Wealthy and Stilman Olds, c.R.i.] [Wealthy, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), and Stillman Olds of Middlefield, Dec. 14, p.R.17.] William P. of Middlefield, and Betsey Bell, int. Mar. 20, 1835. JONES, Anna of Middlefield, and John Cobb, int. Apr. 13, 1794. Hannah of London, and Timothy Fay, int. Feb. 26, 1807. ♦ Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 55 Jones, Lucy of Otis, and Rev. Silas Kingsley, int. Nov. 4, 1837- Martha and Capt. Daniel Lamb of Springfield, int. Aug. 29, 1778. Mary and Jedadiah Ingram, int. Nov. 10, 1794. Polly of Otis, and Erastus Fay, int. June i, 1816. JORDAN, Persis of Windsor, and William H. Wharfield, int. Oct. 13, 1841. JUDD, Irena [int. Irene], wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and John Perry of Hinsdale, Jan. i, 1823. Lucy and James Hamilton, Nov. 17, 1825. Phebe of Middlefield, and Olivar Waters of Halifax, Jan. 25, 1787.* Polly (see Sally). Rachel and Samuel Wait, Sept. 24, 1S15. Reuben Jr. and Betsey [int. Betsy] Wait, July 10 [1817]. Salathiel [int. Selathial] of Southhadly [int. Southadley], and Irena Day, Sept. 23, 1790. Salathiel and Laura Taylor, Feb. 11, 1819.* Sally [dup. Polly] and Asahel Gibson, May 20, 1827.* KAGWAIN (see Kegwin), Sally and Jotham Hotchkiss, int. Jan. 24, 1803. KANNADAY, Abigail and Sam[ue]l Henry, Sept. 3,1787.* p.R.3. KEGWIN (see Kagwain), Julia of Montgomery, and Clark Pomeroy, int. Mar. 19, 1820. KELLEY, EIisabe[th] of Worthington, and John Smith Jr., int. June 4, 1804. Patty of Worthington, and Eliphalet Coleman, int. Sept. 23, 1805. KELSO, Betsey and Samuel Ormsby of Norwich, Dec. 12, 1832. Edmund (Klso) and Betsy [int. Betsey] Parks of Russel, July 4, 1811. Hugh and Nancy B. Piatt, int. May 11, 1833. James and Louis Cady, July 3 [1800]. John Jr. and Polly Bedlack [int. Bidlake], Jan. 29, 1795. Lois and Julius Wares [int. Waires], Feb. 22, 1832. Lydia and Joseph Henry, Mar. 10, 1783. Sarah and John Smith 2d, int. Sept. — , 1783. Susannah and Francis Black, Feb. 23, 1796. * Intention not recorded. i56\ CHESTER MARRIAGES KENNEDY (see Kannaday). KING, Elihu of Montgomery, and Zeriah Green of Mont- gomery, Nov. 5, i8i8.* Margaret of Blandford, Hampden Co., and Asa Culver of Blandford, Hampden Co., June 4, 1821.* Martin and Lucinda Shepard, int. Jan. 13, 1801. Phineas of Southampton, and Lola Smith, int. Mar. 22, 1784. [Phinehas and Lala Smith, m. Jan. 11, 1785, c.r.i.] Roxana of Montgomery, and Obed Medcalff of Worthington, Sept. 8, 1796.* Seth of Suffield, Con[n]., and Mrs. Martha Bascom, Apr. 24, 1821. KINGSLEY, Laura A. of Becket, and Jonathan W. Wads- worth, Apr. 12, 1842.* Marvel [int. Marvil] of Westhampton [int. W. Hampton], and Emily Rust, Oct. 28, 181 8. Silas, Rev., and Lucy Jones of Otis, int. Nov. 4, 1837. KINNEY, Jethro and Ruth Jackson of Spencer, int. May 3, 1779. KIRTLAND, Daniel and Theodosi Mixer, int. Nov. 16, 1772. KNIGHT, Caroline C. of Norwalk, and Henry Kyle, int. Jan. 15, 1842. Samuel H. of Norwich, and Betsey Stevens, int. Feb. 16, 1833. KNOWLTON (see Nowlton). KNOX, Charls W. and Olive Clark of Blandford, int. Dec. 15, 1837. [m. Jan. 7, 1838, in Blandford, p.r.8.] Edward of Blandford, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Smith, June 8, 1809. Electa and Martin Phelps Jr., Oct. 9 [181 7]. Orin [int. Orrin] of Blandford [int. Blanford], and Lydia Smith, Nov. 13, 1806. Samuel of Blandford, and Theodosia Smith, June 17, 1802. Sarah E., Mrs., and Daniel Fay, int. Apr. 20, 1846. [Mrs. Sarah A., m. May 13, in Blandford, c.r.i.] Warren and Electa Wright, Apr. 28, 1825. William and of Blandford, , 1771.* c.r.i. , d. Capt. Knox, and David Flemin, Dec. — , 1785.* C.R.I. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 157 KYLE, Benjamin P., 30, mechanic, s. Forbes, and Harriett E. Foote, 19, d. Alva, Sept. 15, 1847. [Harriet E. Foot, C.R.I.] Hannah A., 22, d. Forbes and Rebeca, and George R. Sturges, 25, stone cutter, of Lee, b. Lee, s. of Lee, June 29, 1847. Henry and Caroline C. Knight of Norwalk, int. Jan. 15, 1842. Mary of New Haven, and Ephraim Sheldon, Oct. 7, 1818.* Mary B. and Benjamin Little, int. Mar. 31, 1832. Susan S. and William Stevens [int. Stephens], Jan. 19, 1842. [Stevens, c.r.i.] William and Mary Harwood of Norwich, int. Nov. 10, 1838. LACKOR (see Lackore), Sally [int. Lackore] and Selden Williams of Adams [int. Windsor], Mar. 3, 1796. LACKORE (see Lackor), Cynthia and David Sanderson of Conway, int. June 12, 1793. John Jr. and Sarah Smith, int. Oct. 15, 1773. [Lacore, m. Nov. II, C.R.I.] Rosanna and Ebenezer Tillitson of Farmington, Conn., int. Dec. 4, 1773- LADD, Esther and Sam[ue]l B. Stebbins, Apr. 13, 1814. Esther, Mrs., and Seberry Fish, int. Oct. 6, 1832. Eunic [int. Eunice] and Sam[ue]l M. [int. Morgan] Brooks [int. of Westspringfield], Feb. 20 [181 1]. Lathrop and Hannah Parsons of Hinsdale, int. Dec. 16, 1826. Laura and Alfred Ely of Westspringfield, int. Aug. 26, 18 14. Marcia [int. Marsha] and Daniel Benton of Tolland, Con[n]., Nov. 27, 1821. [Marcia, c.r.i.] Ruth and Dr. Martin Phelps, Feb. 28, 1786.* Sarah Rebecca and Samuel [int. adds M.] Converse of Worth- ington, Jan. 19, 1843. LAMB, Daniel, Capt., of Springfield, and Martha Jones, int. Aug. 29, 1778. Esther and James Ingell, int. Mar. 26, 1806. Sarah V. and Sereno Snow of Milton, Vt., Jan. 14, 1844.* P.R.7. LATHAM, Jonathan N. of Otis, and Almira Slade, Nov. 24, 1825. LAZELL, Mary, 19, b. Russell, d. Joseph and Almira, and f; Charles H. Warner, 24, waggon maker, b. Williamsburg, s. Obadiah and Jane of Williamsburg, Oct. 11, 1846. * Intention not recorded. 158 CHESTER MARRIAGES LECLERCj Catherine 36, b. St. Denis, Canada E., d. Antoine and Jedugur Roi of Canada E., and Alexis Baron, 38, laborer, b. lyiakinongi, Canada E., s. Francois and Catheri[ne] of Canada E., June 17, 1849.* LEE, Charles and Susanna Gillmore, int. June 29, 1801. Enoch and Sarah Williams of Worthington, int. Nov. 18, 1799. Parmelia and Jonathan Miller Jr., int. Feb. 4, 1799. Winthrop and Polly Weller of Norwich, int. May 17, 1807. Zillar and Olivar Millard, int. July 8, 1787. LEFFINGWELL, Eunice of Norwich, and John Sacket, int. Mar. 6, 1813. LEONARD, Alanson and Isabel Lindsey of Blandford, int. June 7, 181 1. Charles C. of Worthington, and Martha E, Moore, int. Feb. 12, 1847. Charles F. of Middlefield, and Eunice Higgins, Mar. 5, 1834. Harriet of W. Springfield, and Fortius Moore, int. Dec. i, 1832. John 2d of Westspringfield, and Lucy E. Day, int. Mar. 30, 1814. Levi of Worthington, and Keziah Benjaman of Worthington, Oct. 5, 1786.* Mary, wid., and John Smith [int. ist], Mar. 15, 1814. Noah of W. Springfield, and Lydia Taylor, int. Nov. 15, 1777. Sanford of Worthington, and Mary [int. adds A.] Loveland, Jan. I, 1824. Seth of W. Springfield [int. Westspringfield], and Rebecah [int. Rebecca] Smith, Dec. 6, 1792. W[illia]m and Sophia Lindey of Blandford, int. Mar. 5, 1826. LESTER, Nancy of Becket, and James Bell 2d, int. Dec. 14, 1801. LEWIS, Roland and Eliza F. Campbell, Sept. i, 1841. Roland and Clarisa Bellknap of W. Springfield, int. Nov. 5, 1848. Samuel R. B. of Westfield, and Flora Alderman, Dec. 25, 1823. Sarah E. and Oliver T. Griswold, June 4, 1845. LINDEY (see Lindsey, Linsey), Sophia of Blandford, and W[illia]m Leonard, int. Mar. 5, 1826. LINDSEY (see Lindey, Linsey), Isabel of Blandford, and Alanson Leonard, int. June 7, 181 1. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 159 LiNDSEY, Miranda B. of Blandford, and Dr. Chester R. Cros- sett, int. Sept. 17, 1843. Olive of Blandford, and Samuel Bell Jr., int. Mar. 22, 1810. [m. Apr. 19, P.R.14.I W[illia]m [int. Jr.] of Blandford, and Miranda [dup. Mer- anda] Barker, Apr. 18, 181 1. William Jr. and Lima Parks of Blandford, int. Nov. i, 1834. LINSEY (see Lindey, Lindsey), Isabele of Blandford, and Matthew Campbell, int. Jan. 25, 1789. Jane of Blandford, and Daniel Granger, int. Apr. 6, 181 8. LITTLE, Benjamin and Mary B. Kyle, int. Mar. 31, 1832. LIVERMORE, William of Waltham, and Mary Belding, June 8, 1841. LLOYD, Jane, Mrs., of Middle Granville, and William Foot, int. Sept. 9, 1815'. LOMIS (see Loomis, Loomise, Loomiss), Laurana and Heze- kiah Ellsworth, July 21, 1793, in Windsor, Conn.* LOOMIS (see Lomis, Loomise, Loomiss), Burritt of W. Suf- field, Conn., and Harriet A. Henry, int. Sept. 12, 1840. John W. of Southwick, and Eliza Whitney, int. Aug. 3, 1828. Samuel of Southampton, and Louissa[?] Wolcott Of Mont- gomery, Sept. — , 1831.* C.R.I. LOOMISE (see Lomis, Loomis, Loomiss), Martha and Aaron Hale, int. Dec. 8, 1781. Roxy of Southampton, and Jude Wright, int. Nov. 17, 1781. LOOMISS (see Lomis, Loomis, Loomise), Sybil of South- ampton, and Joshua Wright, int. Oct. 6, 1793. LOVELAND, Mary [int. adds A.] and Sanford Leonard of Worthington, Jan. i, 1824. Philip [int. Phillip] of Middlefield, and Susanna Campbell, Sept. 12, 1793. LUNNON, Elizabeth and Joab Smith, Apr. 22, 1784. Olive and Abraham Drake of Worthington, Dec. 24, 1787. LYMAN, Abigail R. and Franklin Toogood, Feb. 28, 1831.* P.R.18. Ambrose B. and Eliza B. Searle, Nov. — , 1836. Amelia (see Aurelia). ♦ Intention not recorded. l6o CHESTER MARRIAGES Lyman, Anna and W[illia]m Oaks Toogood, July i [1802]. Atchsa and Dr. William Coleman of Middlefield, July 19, 1792. Aurelia and W[illiajm Stone Jr., May 23, 1822. [Amelia, C.R.I. ] Burnham and Charity Blodgett, Sept. 9, 1807.* p.r,i8. Chester and Abigail Willcox, Oct. 25, 1807. [Wilcox, p.r.iS.] Clarisa [int. Clarissa] and Israel Searl [int. Searles] of South- ampton, Sept. 22, 1796. [Clarissa and Israel Searl, P.R.18.] Clarissa Jane, 25, d. Moses and Clarissa, and Jonathan McElwaine [int. McElwain] Jr., 27, farmer, of Middle- field, b. Middlefield, s. Jonathan (McElwane) and Lucy of Middlefield, May 20, 1847. [McElwane, c.r.i.] Crispus and Adah Smith, Jan. 24, 1796. [Jan. 25, p.r.iS.] Crispus and Betsey [int. Betsy] Wright, Apr. 3, 1799. [Bet- sey, P.R.18.] Crispus and Abigail Phelps, wid., of Westfield, int. May 27, 1836. Dolly 2d and Edward Taylor Jr. of Montgomery, int. Oct. 2, 1804. Electa and John Elder 2d, Oct. 8, 1805. [Electa, d. Dea. Stephen, and John Elder, s. Thomas, p.R.16.] Experience, Mrs., and Dea. Walter Bates of S. Hampton, int. Apr. 15, 1844. Gaius and Tryphena Clark, int. July 14, 1793. [m. Aug. 16, 1795, P.R.18.] George W. and Susan B. Wood, Oct. 2, 1834.* p.R.18. Harriet and Garry Munson, int. Oct. 19, 1833. Horatio and Redixa S. Moore of Montgom[er]y, int. Aug. 16, 1844. [Horatio W. and Redexa S. More, m. Sept. 11, p.R.18.] Julia and Virgil S. Abbot of Sheffield, int. Oct. 5, 1844. [Ab- bott of W. Stockbridge, m. Oct. — , c.r.i.] [Julia A. and Virgil S. Abbott, m. Oct. 24, p.R.18.] Loisa and Warren A. Reed of Belchertown, int. Feb. 28, 1832. [Louisa, m. May — , c.r.i.] Moses and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Sophronia L. Bell, Nov. — , [int. Nov. 12], 1836. Moses, widr., 56, farmer, b. Southampton, s. Joel and Achsah L., and Elizabeth Smith, 42, d. John and El[i]zabeth S., Sept. 19 [1849].* Nancy and Rev. Henry R. Hoisington of Aurora, N.Y., int. Aug. 27, 1831. [m. Sept. 21, c.r.i.] * Intentioa not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES l6l Lyman, Noah and Clarisa Granger of Middlefield, Mar, 19, 1804.* [Clarissa, p.r.iS.] Samuel and Miriam Sexton [int. T.] Tinker, Oct. 25, 1809. [Oct, 26, P.R.18.] Sarah and Dryden Cressy [int. Cressey] of Cherry Valley, O., Sept. 20, 1841. Sophronia and John L. Bell, M.D., of Williamstown, int. Apr. 10, 1829. Stephen and Anna Blair of Western, int. Aug. 25, 1770, Stephen, Dea., and Hannah Clark of Southampton, int. July 3, 1786. [Hannah, wid., m. July 10, p.r.iS.] Stephen Jr. and Betsey Witt, Sept. 19, 1799. [Betsy, p.R.18.] Stephen and Julia S. Searle, int. Mar. 21, 1836. [m. Apr. 28, C.R.I.] Susannah [int. Susanna] and Joseph Clap of E. Hampton, May 28, 1789. Theodosia and Jasper Brewster of Washington, Oct. 12, 1796. Timothy Jr. and Experience Bardwell, Jan. 6 [1808]. MACK, Mary of Middlefield, and Ebenezer Shelden of Middle- field, Jan. 25, 1787.* Sarah of Middlefield, and Oliver Blish of Middlefield, June i, 1786.* MAHANNA, Peggy and Moses Hamilton 2d, int. Mar. 31, 1822. William and Dolly Hamilton of Middlefield, int. Jan. 28, 1816. MALLERY, Charrity [int. Malleroy] and Isaac Smith, Nov. 7, 1793- Henry [int. Harvey Mallerry] and Harriet Baker, Dec. 19, 1822. Olive and Russell Smith, int. Feb. 14, 1808. Sophia of Montgomery, and John Williams, May 9, 1816. MAN (see Mann), Triphena E. and Jarvis W. Gibbs of Bland- ford, int. Mar. 12, 1846. MANN (see Man), Arlina [int. Arlena] and Samuel Stebbins, Dec. I, 1842. Ashley of Becket, and Jane Cannon, May 6 [1819].* Elizabeth of Prescotts Grant, and Seneca Cooley, int. Jan. 23, 1798. Nathan and Eunice Johnson, Dec. 19, 1793. Prudence and James Freeland of Blandford, July 18, 1797. Sarah and Abiel Abbot, Jan. 23, 1783. ♦ Intention not recorded. l62 CHESTER MARRIAGES . MANNING, John and Lovice Bartlett of Middlefield, int. June I, iSoi. MARBLE, Anna and John Moor [int. of Worthington], Feb. 3 [1814]. Aurelia B. and Nathan C. Brewer of Wendell, Apr. 5, 1837. Betsy and Ralph AUinwood of Brimfield, int. Feb. 9, 1801. Lidia [int. Lydia of Worthington] and Roland Foot, Sept. 19, 1811. Pamelia and Jonathan Prentice Jr. of Worthington, Apr. 5, 1837. Silas and Harriot Warner [int. Harriet Warne], Dec. 15, 1808. MARRS, William [dup. Marr] and of Bland- ford, , 1770.* C.R.I. MARSHAL, Ethan of Northampton, and Jenny Campbell, Mar. 13, 1792. MARTHER (see Mather), Samuel F. of Troy, N.Y., and Mary A. Reed, int. Aug. 6, 1836. MARTIN, Aron [int. Aaron] and Pamelia Ferree, Feb. 11, 1821. Lemuel and Ruth Woolworth, Oct. 16, 1792. Polly and W[illia]m Smith Jr., Dec. 31 [1812]. Roxana and Sam[ue]l Brown, int. June 5, 1813. MASTERS (see McMaster, McMasters), Polly, Mrs., of S. Hadley, and Thomas Elder, int. Dec. 13, 1802. William P. and Harriet A. Elder, Nov. 25, [i8]38. [Harriet A., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), P.R.16.] MATHER (see Marther), Abiah of Granvill, and Joshua Nichols, int. Sept. 15, 1793. Lucinda and [int. adds Dr.] David Shepard, Jan. 7, 1773. [Zinde, c.R.i.] MATHEW (see Matthews), Lucy [int. Matthews] and Garret Brass, Apr. 19, 1792. MATTHEWS (see Mathew), Abigail and Daniel Brown, Apr. 14, 1813. Benjamin and Miranda Streator, Feb. 4, 1802. Esther 2d and Job Searls [int. Searles] Jr. of Southampton, July 22, 1787. * Inteation not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 63 Matthews, Gideon Jr. and Patty Ealy of Westspringfie[I]d, int. Jan. 4, 1795. Lucas and Polly Brooks, Apr. 29, 1790. Nathaniel E. [int. Eglestone] and Orilla Streator, Dec. i, 1803. Osee and Patty Bell of Western, int. Feb. 12, 1805. Patty, Mrs. [dup. Mathews], and Eliakim Wright of E. Hamp- ton [int. Easthampton], Apr. 28, 181 7. Polly [int. adds Mrs.] and John Tanner of Norwich, Nov. 26, 1801. Sarah [int. Sally] and Gershom Rust Jr., Feb. 11, 1790. McARTY, Michael and Nelsoloon Solavan, int. Jan. 21, 1841. McCONIKIN, Hannah, Mrs., of Coxsackie, N.Y., and Samuel B. Stebbins, int. Apr. 7, 1831. McELWAIN (see McElwaine), David of Becket, and Mrs. Orpha B. Ferry, int. Apr. 11, 1847. Martha P. of Middlefield, and Charles Wright, int. Sept. 15, 1835- McELWAINE (see McElwain), Jonathan Jr. [int. McElwain], 27, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Jonathan (McElwane) and Lucy of Middlefield, and Clarissa Jane Lyman, 25, d. Moses and Clarissa, May 20, 1847. Mc- Elwane, C.R.I.] McINTYRE, Diadema and Noadiah Seaward Jr., Oct. 3, 1786. William and Rosanna Campbell, int. July 25, 1778. McLEOD, Elizabeth and William Davis, Nov. 22, 1849.* P.R.18. McMASTER (see Masters, McMasters), Abner [int. Mc- Masters] and Sally Stone, Dec. 31 [1807]. McMASTERS (see Masters, McMaster), Marria [int. Maria] L. and Jared Van Solon, July 16, 1835. [Maria, c.r.i.] Mary [dup. and int. Masters, int. adds L.] and Amaziah [int. Amasiah B.] Crane [dup. adds widr., gun smith] of Springfield, Dec. 21, 1843. [Masters, and Amiziah Crane of Springfield, c.r.i.] MEACH (see Meech), Harriet and Benjamin Childs of Lee, Dec. 5 [1821]. MEACHEM (see Meachum), Rach[e]l and Daniel Williams, Apr, — , 1774.* C.R.I. * Intention not recorded. 164 CHESTER MARRIAGES MEACHUM (see Meachem), Apphia of Norwich, and Kenaz Pixley, int. Feb. 19, 1809. Deborah and John Haschel, int. May 25, 1772. [Meachem, and John Harskall, m. Mar. 25, 1773, c.r.i.] Lois and Amos Gardner, int. May 16, 1841. MEDCALF (see Medcalff, Metcalf), Sophia and Calvin Chapel of Washington, int. Jan. 15, 1831. MEDCALFF (see Medcalf, Metcalf), Obed of Worthington, and Roxana King of Montgomery, Sept. 8, 1796.* MEECH (see Meach), Elijah and Maria Smith, Dec. 14 [1826]. MELVIN, James Jr. and Olive Clark, Mar. 8, 1802. James and Asenath Gould of Wilbraham, int. Oct. 28, 1829. Jonathan, 28, farmer, s. James and Olive, and Elisabeth [int. EHzabeth] Sanderson, 22, d. Calvin and Mary, Jan. 11, 1849. MESSENGER, Ebenezer Nathan of Becket, and Salla [int. Sally] Campbell, Dec. 14, 1786. METCALF (see Medcalf, Medcalff), Cynthia and Erastus H. Cook of Windsor, Conn., Aug. 3, 1831. Hezekiah [int. Medcalf] of Worthington, and Rachel E. Patridge, Oct. 28, 1824. [Metcalf, and Rachel E. Part- ridge, C.R.I.] John of Middlefield, and Nancy Taylor, wid., int. Mar. 23, 1838. MILLARD, Nathan P. of Becket, and Mercy Clark, Nov. 3, 1818.* Olivar and Zillar Lee, int. July 8, 1787. Rob[er]t N. [int. of Becket], and Clarrissa [int. Carrissa] Moor, , II [int. June 16] [1815]. [Robert H. Milliard of Becket, and Clarissa More, July 11, c.r.i.] MILLER, Emily and Benj[ami]n Coit of Norwich, int. Nov. 5, 1831. [m. Nov. 22, C.R.I.] Ephraim Jr. and Rachel Buttolph of Worthington, int. Feb. 24, 1800. Evi and Lorry Perkins of Springfield, int. Mar. 12, 1797. Jonathan Jr. and Parmelia Lee, int. Feb. 4, 1799. Joseph of Ludlow, and Dolly Rust, Nov. 26 [181 2]. Lovisa and William Scott of Norwich, int. Oct. 7, 1787. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 165 Miller, Martha of Brimfield, and Amasa Pomeroy, int. May 31, 1779- Molly (see Polly). Olivar and Cynthia Blake, int. Jan. 30, 1791. Phebe and Barney Higgins Jr., Dec. 5 [1827]. Polly and WilHam Black, Feb. 13, 1794- Polly [int. Molly] and John Taylor, Oct. 12, 1796. MINOR, Mary and Roger Gibson, int. Feb. 15, 1802. MIXER, Anne and Moses Moss of Preston, int. July 7, 1771. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] Theodosi and Daniel Kirtland, int. Nov. 16, 1772. MOODY, Cotton of S. Hadly, and Lucy Tinker, int. Apr. 17, 1830. [Cotton of S. Hadley, m. May — , c.r.i.] Heman [int. Hemon] E. of Belchertown, and Electa S. Elder, Apr. 26, 1841. [Herman E. Nooney and Electa S. Elder, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), P.R.16.] MOOR (see Moore, Moors), Anna and Tabor Pelton of Middlefield, Apr. 15, 1790. Asa and Sybel Spelman of Sandisfield, int. Jan. 14, 1817. Betsey and Patrick Gray of Pelham, Sept. 12, 1799. Bloomfield H. of Phi[l]adelphia, Pa., and Clara S. Jessup, int. Oct. 8, 1842. Clarissa of N[ew] Marlboro, and Samuel Gamwell, int. Sept. 19, 1810. [Moore, m. Oct. — , 1819, g.r.2.] Clarrissa [int. Carrissa] and Rob[er]t N. Millard [int. of Becket], , II [int. June 16] [1815]. [Clarissa More and Robert H. Milliard of Becket, July 11, c.r.i.] Dorrathy [int. Dolly] and Erastus Clark of Northampton, June 5, 1799. Eliot and Sally Belding, Nov. i, 1810. Hannah of Montgomery, and John Howard of Montgomery, Mar. 14 [1817].* Harty and Norman Alderman, Mar. 13, 1823. [Moore, C.R.I.] Jael [int. Jales] and Ephraim Fletcher, Feb. 20, 1794. James and Mary Henry of Becket, int. July 29, 1781. Jemima and Joseph Campbell, Nov. 6, 1787. John [int. of Worthington] and Anna Marble, Feb. 3 [1814]. John C. and Charlotte Parks of Russel, int. May 10, 1807. Joshu V. M. [int. Joshua V. Moore] and Eliza Johnson, M^y i, 1828. * Intention not recorded. 1 66 CHESTER MARRIAGES Moor, Margaret of Rutland, and Thomas Elder, int. Nov. i6, 1772. Oliver and Ruth Belden [int. Belding], Dec. 24 [1801]. Polly and William Holland [int. Hollon], Feb. 24, 1791. Robert and Dorothy Abbot, int. Dec. 28, 1784. Roswell and Sally Clark of Blandford, int. July 26, 1807. Sarah of Rutland, and John Elder, int. Sept. 6, 1778. Theodosia and James [int. adds P.] Abbot, June 18 [1807]. William Jr. and Cynthia Slayton, Mar. 22, 1804. MOORE (see Moor, Moors), Eimice [of] Russell, and James Wood, Feb. 19 [1816].* [James of Russell, Feb. 29, C.R.I.] Maria E. of Worthington, and Albert G. Campbell, int. Sept. 10, 1836. Martha E. and Charles C. Leonard of Worthington, int. Feb. 12, 1847. Mary M. and John C. Williams of Hadley, int. Oct. 7, 1831. [m. Oct. — , C.R.I.] Polly and Joseph Scranton of Belchertown, int. Dec. 24, 1813. Portius and Harriet Leonard of W. Springfield, int. Dec. l, 1832. Redixa S. of Montgom[er]y, and Horatio Lyman, int. Aug. i6, 1844. [Redexa S. More and Horatio W. Lyman, m. Sept. II, P.R.18.] Sophira and Nicolas Scranton, int. Sept. 3, 181 2. Stephen W. and Elisabeth Ingell, int. Jan. 22, 1849. [Eliza- beth Ingals, m. Jan. — , c.r.i.] Washington, 30, farmer, s. W[illia]m and Cyntha, and Emaly J. [int. Emily D.] Holcomb, 19, d. Benegah and Cosmelia, Nov. 26, 1846. [Emily J., p.r.ii.] W[illia]m E. and Lucretia Williams, Oct. 2, 1839. MOORS (see Moor, Moore), Samuel of Rutland, and Elisa- beth Elder, int. Aug. 20, 1773. [Moor, and Betsy Elder, m. Nov. 4, C.R.I.] MORRISON, Alexander and Anne Elmy of Glasgow, Oct. — , 1776.* c.r.i. MORSE, Chauncy of Russel, and 01[i]ve Palmer of Russel, Mar. 21, 1813.* Stephen and Mabel Riley, int. Jan. 14, 1805. MORTON, James of Blandford, and Betsey Ellsworth, int. Apr. I, 1830. * Intentioa not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 167 MOSELEY (see Mosley), Clarry of Westfield, and Dr. Wil- liam Mulhollon, int. Oct. 8, 1797. Samuel [int. adds A.] of Springfield, and Mary Hubbard, Jan. 18, 1843. [Samuel Mosely, c.r.i.] MOSLEY (see Moseley), Roxana of Westfield, and Lt. William Stone, int. Sept. 11, 1796. MOSS, Moses of Preston, and Anne Mixer, int. July 7, 1771. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] MUL HOLLAND (see Mulhollon), George [int. Mulhollon] and Nancy Culver, Mar. i, 1798. MULHOLLON (see Mul Holland), Betsey and Daniel Falley, int. Nov. 15, 1795. Polly [int. Molly] and Hugh Quigley, June 12, 1789. Simon Elliot and Olive Fellows, int. Dec. 25, 17S3. William, Dr., and Clarry Moseley of Westfield, int. Oct. 8, 1797. MUNSON, Garry and Harriet Lyman, int. Oct. 19, 1833. MUZZEY, Benjamin and Elizabeth Ingal, Jan. 4, 1787. NASH, Jonathan, Rev., of Middlefield, and Eunice Taylor of Montgomery, Oct. 10, 1793.* NEWTON, Stephen W. of Washington, Berkshire Co., and Betsy Bell [int. Bill], Dec. 6, 1810. NICHOLS, Cynthia of Brimfield, and Daniel Smith, int. Apr. 28, 1832. Joanna of Belchertown, and Ira Johnson, int. Mar. 27, 1S43. [Joannah of Belchertown, and Ira Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), m. May 4, P.R.17.] Joshua and Abiah Mather of Granvill, int. Sept. 15, 1793. Samuel [of] Brimfie[l]d, and Abigail Pomroy, Nov. 10 [1815]. [Pomeroy, Nov. 30, c.r.i.] Stephen C. of Brimfield, and Elvira Smith, int. Dec. 10, 183 1. NILES, Eunice of Worthington, and David Blair, int. Sept. 28, 1845. Roxana, Mrs., of Norwich, and Samuel Elder, int. Oct. 21, 1814. NOBLE, Warham and Bathsha Alexander, Nov. 28, 1799. ♦ Intention not recorded. l68 CHESTER MARRIAGES NOONEY (see Noony), Abigail [int. Abigal], and Stephen N. Elder, Jan. 21, 1846. [Abigal and Stephen N. Elder, ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), Jan. 20, P.R.16.] Albert, 30, laborer, s. William (Noney) and Axa, and Almira E. Wiliston [int. Williston], 18, d. Chapin and Aruna, Mar. 26, 1848. Charles, 28, farmer, s. James and Abigal, and Sarah A. Pease, 18, d. Erastus and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1847. Eleanor and Elijah Churchill, Mar. 10, 1777.* P.R.5. George and Electa Phelps, Aug. 3, 1814. Herman E. (see Herman E. Moody). Hezekiah [int. Hezikiah] and Electa Eggleston, Mar. 18, 1802. Hezekiah K. and Martha S. Whitney, int. Oct. 15, 1842. John of W. Sufl5eld, Conn., and Hannah P. Henry, int. Apr. 25, 1840. Nancy and Chauncey E. Viets of Sufl5eld, Conn., Oct. 31, [i8]39- Ruby and Horace Sizer, int. Dec. 16, 1812. Ruth and Ralph Wilcox, June 2, 1812. Sally and Samuel Elder, Apr. 29, 1802. William Jr. and Emily Gibbs of Blandford, int. May 17, 1838. NOONY (see Nooney), William [int. Nooney] and Achsa [int. Achsah] Abbot, Aug. 28, 1808. NORTHROP, Penellapha and William Russell, int. Nov. 24, 1781. NORTON, Adaline of E. Machias, Me., and Samuel W. Reed, int. Mar. 19, 1848. NOT, James [dup. Nut] and of Blandford, , 1770.* C.R.I. NOWEL, Theodore of Hartford, Conn., and Amanda Sizer of Springfield, Hampden Co., June 9, 1823.* NOWLTON, Hannah [int. Knoulton, adds Mrs.] and Jona- than Nye of Blandford, June 15, 1841. NYE, Jonathan of Blandford, and [int. adds Mrs.] Hannah Nowlton [int. Knoulton], June 15, 1841. Milo [of] Blandford, and Nancy Wright, int. Feb. 24, 1843. [Wye, and Nancy Malissa Wright, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), m. Mar. 26, P.R.13.] * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 169 OLDS, Caroline E. of Middlefield, and Lyman Johnson, int. Nov. 10, 1838. [Lyman, ch. Israel and Judith (Shum- way), m. , P.R.17.] Lucy of Spr[in]gi[iel]d, and Darius Goodwin of Spr[in]gf[iel]d, May I, 1837.* Sally of Ashford, Conn., and Eli Woolworth, int. Apr. 26, 1784. Sarah C. of Middlefield, and Edmund Johnson, Apr. 2, 1844.* P.R.14. Stillman [int. Stilman] and Wealthy [int. Welthy] Johnson, Dec. 15, 1835. [Stilman and Wealthy Johnson, c.R.i.] [Stillman of Middlefield, and Wealthy Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), Dec. 14, p.R.17.] ORDWAY, John of Springfield, and Sybil Otis, Oct. 21, 1841. ORMSBY, Samuel of Norwich, and Rachel Day, int. Feb. 20, 1804. Samuel of Norwich, and Betsey Kelso, Dec. 12, 1832. OSBORN, Elanor of Lower Salam Youlk, and Isaac Doude, int. Oct. 20, 1781. OTIS, Holmes and Mary Williston of Blandford, int. Dec. 12, 1827. Joseph W. and Betsey E. Sacket of Blandford, int. Nov. 11, 1844. Lucretia and Seth Wait, Jan. 14, 1796.* p.r.2. Olive and Moses Hamilton, July 6, 1815. Sybil and John Ordway of Springfield, Oct. 21, 1841. OWEN, Anna of Goshen, and Rufus Abbot, int. June 17, 1809. PAIN (see Payn), Samuel [int. Pane] of Westampton, and Betsy Barker, Mar. 4, 1801. PALMER, Bradford W., widr. [int. omits widr.], 39, farmer, of Russell, b. Russell, s. Squire and Mary of Russell, and Mary A. [int. S.] Williams, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 34, d. Asa Willcox and Relief, May 5, 1847. David [dup. Jr] and , , 1770.* c.r.i. Lydia and Joseph Geer of Worthington, int. Sept. 29, 1771. 01[i]ve of Russel, and Chauncy Morse of Russel, Mar. 21, 1813.* Susanah and Samuel Buck of Chesterfield, int. Jan. 8, 1771. [m. , 1771, C.R.I. ] * Intention not recorded. 170 CHESTER MARRIAGES PAMENTER (see Parmenter, Parmentur), Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Parmenter] and Joseph Wright, May 21, 1786. PARK (see Parks), Uriah [int. Parks] of Northampton, and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Tinker, Nov. 30, 1840. PARKS (see Park), Betsy [int. Betsey] of Russel, and Edmund Klso [int. Kelso], July 4, 181 1. Charlotte of Russel, and John C. Moor, int. May 10, 1807. Henry of Russel, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Procter, Aug. 28, 1794. Lima of Blandford, and William Lindsey Jr., int. Nov. i, 1834. Mary of Montgomery, and Orin Parks of Montgomery, Sept. 24, 1815.* Orin of Montgomery, and Mary Parks of Montgomery, Sept. 24, 1815.* Reuben of Westfield, and Betty Clark, int. July 20, 1777. [Ruben and Betsy Clark, m. Mar. 26, 1778, c.r.i.] Robert of Russell, and Sally Shirtliflf of Montgomery, Jan. i, 1816.* Uriah of Norwich, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Eunice Smith, July 3, 1791. PARMENTER (see Pamenter, Parmentur), Arathusa and William Penneyman of Adams, Dec. 6, 1801. John N., Dea., and Mrs. Dolly Blair, Feb. 19, 1806.* Jonas and Sophia Stone, Oct. 11, 1810. Polly and Christopher Pennaman of Adams, Feb. 19, 1795. PARMENTUR (see Pamenter, Parmenter), Azel, Dr. [int. Parmenter], and Rebeckah [int. Rebeca] Slayton, Jan. 25, 1810. PARSONS, Flavia and Joel Seaward Jr., Nov. 15, 1791. Hannah of Hinsdale, and Lathrop Ladd, int. Dec. 16, 1826. Isaac [int. of Southampton] and Rachel Searls, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Oct. 27, 1813. Katura, Mrs., of Easthampton, and Lt. Seth Phelps, int. ^ Dec. 6, 1812. Louis [int. Lois] and Jesse Smith, Nov. 22, 1792. PARTRIDGE (see Patridge). PATCH, Nancy of Chesterfield, and John S. Taylor, int. Sept. 9, 1837. * latention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES I7I PATRIDGE, Rachel E. and Hezekiah Metcalf [int. Medcalf] of Worthington, Oct. 28, 1824. [Partridge, and Heze- kiah Metcalf of Worthington, c.r.i.] PAYN (see Pain), Daniel [int. of Hinsdale] and Rebekea [int. Rebecka] Bacon, Nov. 14, 181 1. PEASE, Abner and Polly Blackman, Dec. 26, 1790.* Arnold, 29, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Dan of Middlefield, and Charlott B. Stevens, 26, d. Joshua and Nancy B., June 16, 1848. Erastus and Sarah Converse of Worthington, int. Mar. 9, 1827. James and Lucy Day, Jan. 21, 1796. Laura Ann of Middlefield, and William. Stevens, int. Apr. 30, 1848. Rhoda, 27, of Enfield, Conn., d. Thomas, and Joshua P. Crowell, 26, merchant, of Ware, s. Joshua (Crowel), Feb. 27, [i8]48.* Sarah A., 18, d. Erastus and Sarah, and Charles .Nooney, 28, farmer, s. James and Abigal, Apr. 27, 1847. PEIRCE, Irena B. of Windsor, and Dexter Tower, int. Nov. i, 1847. PELTON, Ezra of Middlefield, and Chloe [int. Cloe] Wright [int. Jr.], May 10, 1796. Nancy and Jeremiah R. Whipple, May 29, 1816. Tabor of Middlefield, and Anna Moor, Apr. 15, 1790. PENNAMAN (see Penneyman), Christopher of Adams, and Polly Parmenter, Feb. 19, 1795. PENNEYMAN (see Pennaman), William of Adams, and Arathusa Parmenter, Dec. 6, 1801. PERCIVEL, Hannah and Charies Churchill, Nov. 4, 1819.* [Percival, P.R.5.] Orin [int. Persivel] and Maria J. Toogood, June 14, 1827. [Percivel, c.r.i.] PERKINS, Lorry of Springfield, and Evi Miller, int. Mar. 12, 1797. PERRY, John of Hinsdale, and Irena [int. Irene] Judd, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Jan. i, 1823. Martha and Horace Smith of Norwich, July 2, 1829. * Intention not recorded. 172 CHESTER MARRIAGES PETTIS, Nancy E. of Norwich, and Camden H. Babcock, int. Oct. 8, 1842. PHELPS, Abigail, wid., of Westfield, and Crispus Lyman, int. May 27, 1836. Almira and Cheney [int. Cheny] Ingell, Mar. 29, 1820. Benjamin of Middlefield, and Thankfull Alderman of Middle- field, May 9, 1792.* Charles K. and Eliza Ann Avery of Southampton, int. Sept. 3, 1843. Electa and George Nooney, Aug. 3, 1814. Electa and William F. Bromley of Blandford, Nov. — , 1844. Epaphro and Dorothy Clark of Northampton, int. Mar. i, 1810. Laura L. and John Carrington, Oct. 18, 1837. Martin, Dr., and Ruth Ladd, Feb. 28, 1786.* Martin, Dr., and Mrs. Mary Fowler of Westfield, Feb. 5, 1806.* Martin Jr. and Electa Knox, Oct. 9 [1817]. Mary, 22, d. Martin and , and Dr. T. K. DeWoIf, widr., 47, s. James and Noomi, Sept. 28, 1847.* Mehitabel of Northampton, and William Stone, int. Apr. 28, 1783- Ruth and Jason Gorham of Ware, Nov. 19, 1829. Sally and Artemas Elder, May 9, 181 1. Sam[ue]l and Betsy [int. Betsey] Henry, Mar. 26, 181 2. Seth, Lt., and Mrs. Katura Parsons of Easthampton, int. Dec. 6, 1812. PHILLIP, Spencer H. [int. Phillips] and Keziah [int. adds C] Ellis, May 7, 1845. PINNY, Cynthia D. of Middlefield, and Seth Wait Jr., int. June 13, 1829. PIPER, Prudence and William Sizer, int. Jan. 13, 1799. PITCHER, Daniel of Boonsville [int. Broom Ville], N.Y., and Sally Cook, Mar. 15, 1824. Edward, 29, farmer, b. Blandford, s. Robert P. of Blandford, and Eliza A. Holcomb, 28, d. Benajah and Camelia, May 10, 1849.* PITT, Charles H. of Hinsdale, and Flavia A. Collins, Nov. 16, 1840. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 73 PIXLEY, Kenaz and Apphia Meachum of Norwich, int. Feb. 19, 1809. PLATT, Nancy B. and Hugh Kelso, int. May 11, 1833. PLUM (see Plumb), Clarissa and Isaac H. Steator Jr., Nov. 29, 1804.* Comfort and Betsey [int. Betsy] Black, Oct. 24, 1799. Fanny and Henry Wales, Oct. 2, 1799. PLUMB (see Plum), Jacob Jr. and Rhoda Plumb, June 8, 1795- Rhoda and Jacob Plumb Jr., June 8, 1795. PLUNKETT, Charles H. Esq. of Hinsdale, and Nancy H. Taylor, int. Mar. 25, 1844. POMEROY (see Pomroy), Abigail of Southamton, and Abner Smith Jr., int. Aug. 13, 1775. Amasa and Martha Miller of Brimfield, int. May 31, 1779. Clark and Julia Kegwin of Montgomery, int. Mar. 19, 1820. Cloe and Edward Wright Jr., int. May 25, 1772. Eunice [int. Pomroy] and Abiel Stebbins of Brimfie[l]d, June II, 1816. [Eunice M. Pomeroy, c.r.i.] Hiram D., 23, carpenter, of Chickopeee, b. W. Springfield, s. Calvin and Zipporah P. of W. Springfield, and Electa C. Witt, 24, d. William and Beulah, June 7, 1849.* Joel of Southampton, and Mary Campbell, June 9, 1796. Josiah [int. Pomroy, adds S.] and Electa Foot, Sept. 18 [1816]. [Josiah S. Pomeroy, c.r.i.] Keziah and Daniel Smith, int. Jan. 4, 1780. Mabel of Southampton, and David Hamilton, int. Sept. 30, 1792. Nice and Ebenezer Smith, Nov. 25, 1784. Nice [int. Pomroy] and Ebenezer Abbot Jr., Feb. 20 [181 1]. Patty and Daniel Johnson, Mar. i, 1804. Roxy and Phinehas Smith, Mar. 8, 1804. POMROY (see Pomeroy), Abigail and Samuel Nichols [of] Brimfie[l]d, Nov. 10 [1815]. [Pomeroy, Nov. 30, c.r.i.] Amasa and Elizebeth Brown of Dover, int. May 13, 1815. Asa and Theodotia Henry, May 7, 181 2. Barney and Terzah Clapp of Southampton, int. Oct. 17, 181 2. Bulah [int. Beulah Pomeroy] and William Witt, Dec. i, 1808. Joseph Jr. and Miranda Searls of Southampton, int. Dec. 16, 1809. • Intention not recorded. 174 CHESTER JL^RRIAGES PORTER, Leartes F. and Lura Winchel [int. Winchell], Jan. 17, 1S38. Nelson of Pittsfield, [and] Martha Bigelow, Mar. 26, 1829. Nelson and Mary Smith, int. Dec. 19, 1840. Patience of Chesterfield, and George B. Rust, int. Oct. 18, 1834. POST, Mary E. of Westfield, and Thomas S. Wade, int. Sept. II, 1841. PRATT, Joel of Russell, and Lydia Squire of Russell, Jan. 5, 1817.* PRENTICE (see Prentis, Prentiss, Printice), Asahel and Mrs. Mary Warner, int. Mar. 9, 1805. Betsey of Worthington, and James Elder, int. Nov. 29, 1807. Jonathan Jr. of Worthington, and Pamelia Marble, Apr. 5, 1837. Jonothan [int. Jonathan] of Worthington, and Charity Wait, Feb. 22, 1810. Mary, Mrs., and Maj. Thadeus [int. Thaddeus] Baker of Chesterfield, Mar. 16, 1813. Mary and James Holland Williams [int. of Norwich], Oct. 22 [1828]. PRENTIS (see Prentice, Prentiss, Printice), Alvira E. and Nathan Wright Robbins of Middlefield, int. Sept. 11, 1830. [Lucy E. Prentiss and Nathan U. Robbins of ^ Middlefield, m. Oct. — , c.r.i.] Barney and Clarissa Cushman of Worthington, int. Mar. 12, 1830. Eliza [int. adds W.], 18, d. Rufus and Emaly, and Abner J. Ames, 31, farmer, of Becket, s. Joel and Azuba of Becket, May 3, 1848. Lucy E. (see Alvira E.). Lydia [int. Prentice] and Gilbert B. Fish of Syracuse [int. adds N.Y.], Jan. 16, 1827. Sylvester [int. Prentice] of Worthington, and Louisa Williams, Apr. 19, 1843. [Prentice, c.r.i.] PRENTISS (see Prentice, Prentis, Printice), Harriet of Worthington, and James Smith, int. Apr. 26, 1S46. PRESTON, Rachel of Granby, and David Fay, int. Feb. 13, 1843. PRIOR, Heman and Mehitable [int. Mitte] Sanderson, Oct. 15, 1789. William and Elizabeth Elliss, int. Dec. 7,, 1782. • Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES . 175 PRINTICE (see Prentice, Prentis, Prentiss), Asahel of Wor- thington, and Lucy Collins of Worthington, May 30, 1787.* PROCTER, Elijah and Sarah Walton, Mar. 29, 1796. Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Henry Parks of Russel, Aug. 28, 1794. Molly [int. Polly] and Elisha Carnahan [int. Cannon] of Blandford, Apr. 12, 1796. Robert Jr. [int. 3d, omits Jr.] and Polly Carnahah [int. Can- non] of Blandford [int. Blanford], Sept. i, 1796. Ruth and James Walton, Nov. 16, 1797. PROUTY, Napoleon B. of Spencer, and Dolly Witt, int. Nov. 10, 1832. QUIGLEY, Adam and Hannah Buttalph [int. Buttolph], Oct. 17, 1798. Anna and Samuel Gamwell 2d, Dec. 19, 1805. Betsy [int. Betsey] and Pharez Clark, Dec. 14, 1809. Hugh and Polly [int. Molly] Mulhollon, June 12, 1789. Hugh Jr. and Chloe Bell, Mar. i, 1821. Issabel and James Briggs, May 29, 1808. James and Laura Bell of Washington, int. Jan. 11, 1824. Margaret and Lemuel Hamilton, Oct. 24, 1799. RAYNOLDS, Patta of Longmeadow, and Rev. Aaron Bascom, int. Jan. i, 1792, REED, Deborah of Shutesbury, and Harvey Cooley, Dec. 4, 1817. James and Lydia B. Woods of Whately, int. Feb. 8, 1834. Mary A. and Samuel F. Marther of Troy, N.Y., int. Aug. 6, 1836. Samuel W. and Adaline Norton of E. Machias, Me., int. Mar. 19, 1848. Sophronia and George Wells of Pittsfield, May 28, 1828. Warren A. of Belchertown, and Loisa Lyman, int. Feb. 28, 1832. [Louisa, m. May — , c.R.i.] REMMINGTON, Rhoda of Becket, and William B. Turner, int. Mar. 10, 1835. REYNOLDS (see Raynolds). RICE, Eliza and Asa Foot, Jan. 30, 1818. Harmoline and Robert T. Thayer of Northampton, May 3, 1838. • * Intention not recorded. 176 CHESTER MARRIAGES RILEY, Lois and Rufus Black [int. of Middlefield, N.Y.], Feb. 24, 1802. Mabel and Stephen Morse, int. Jan. 14, 1805. Rosetta [int. Rositta] and James W. Herick [int. Herrick of Worthington], Aug. 6, 1810. RING, Eleazer [int. of Chesterfield] and Theodosia Clapp [int. Theodocia Clap], Jan. 30, 181 2. Eunice and Jotham Clarke [int. Clark], Jan. 12, 1825. [Clark, C.R.I.] Lucy of Worthington, and William Taylor, int. May i, 1835. ROBBINS, Joseph and Polly Wit [int. Witt], Oct. 29 [1807]. Nathan Wright of Middlefield, and Alvira E. Prentis, int. Sept. II, 1830. [Nathan U. of Middlefield, and Lucy E. Prentiss, m. Oct. — , c.r.i.] ROBISON, Samuel and Sarah L. Goodwin of Blandford, int. Mar. 4, 1849. ROGERS, Mary and Zebina Smith, Mar. 21, 1814. ROOT, Aurelias [dup. and int. Aurelius] C, merchant, s. of Blandford, and Eliza Abbot [dup. and int. Abbott], Feb. 22, 1844. [Aureleus C. Foote and Eliza Abbott, C.R.I.] Daniel, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], [of] M[i]ddlefield, and [int. adds Mrs.] Sally Shepid [int. Shepherd], Jan. 4, 1S16. [Capt. Daniel of Middlefield, and Sally Shepherd, wid., C.R.I.] Independence of Middlefield, and William Tay, int. Apr. 27, 1838. Nathan of Middlefield, and Mary M. Abbott, int. Oct. 20, 1832. Sacket and Electa Bishop of Chesterfield, int. July 6, 1833. W. M. of Pittsfield, and Charlotte Hubbard, int. Apr. 25, 1846. ROUNDS, Clarisa, 20, d. Stephen and Polly of Bakersfield, Vt., and William L. Brown, 26, mechanick, s. Nicholas and Fanny of Blandford, Feb. 15, 1849. RUDE, Ursula of Norwich, and Amasa Belding, June 2, 1841. RUSSEL (see Russell), Ralph of Warrensville, O., and Laura Ellsworth, Jan. 8, 1818. ♦ Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 177 RUSSELL (see Russel), Rebecca of Middlefield, and Nored Elder, int. Jan. 19, 1823. William and Penellapha Northrop, int. Nov. 24, 1781. RUST, Dolly and Joseph Miller of Ludlow, Nov. 26 [181 2]. Emily and Marvel [int. Marvil] Kingsley of Westhampton [int. W. Hampton], Oct. 28, 1818. George B. and Patience Porter of Chesterfield, int. Oct. 18, 1834. Gershom Jr. and Sarah [int. Sally] Matthews, Feb. 11, 1790. Joseph A. and Lovice Bonner, int. June 16, 1799. Justin and Margaret Shepard, Aug. 31, 1787. Quartus and Lois Ferry of Springfield, int. Dec. 9, 1792. Quartus and Polly Ellis, Aug. 26, 1813. Quartus and Martha [int. Patty] Stanton [int. of Norwich], Oct. 3 [1816]. [Martha, c.r.i.] Sarah and Ira Stevens, Nov. 12, 1818.* SACKET, Abbey of Norwich, and Charles Collins, int. Mar. 20, 1816. Betsey E. of Blandford, and Joseph W. Otis, int. Nov. 11, 1844. John and Eunice Lefiingwell of Norwich, int. Mar. 6, 1813. Leverett of Blandford, and Mary Culver of Blandford, Mar. 20, 1833.* Warham and Eunice Foot, May 30, 1799. SAMPSON, Europhia and Christopher Snow of Cummington, int. Feb. 12, 1842. Lydia and Abner Tower Jr. of Chesterfield, int. Sept. 3, 1842. SAMUELS, Nathan and Ann L. Toogood, Aug. 22, 1838. SANDERSON, Calvin and Polly Bacon, int. June 10, 1804. David of Conway, and Cynthia Lackore, int. June 12, 1793. Elijah and Saloma [int. Siloma] Babcock of Middlefield, Oct. 19, 1795. Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth], 22, d. Calvin and Mary, and Jonathan Melvin, 28, farmer, s. James and Olive, Jan. 11, 1849. Elnathan and Betsy [int. Betsey] Waters, Feb. 12 [1801]. Julia of Springfield, and Benjamin Hall, May 3, 1822.* Mehitable [int. Mitte] and Heman Prior, Oct. 15, 1789. Samuel and Pamelia Skinner of Middlefield, int. Aug. 8, 1824. Tryal of W. Springfield, and Elizabeth Smith, int. July 25, 1785. ♦ Intention not recorded. 178 CHESTER MARRIAGES SAVAGE, Roswell of Littleton, N.H., and Mylinda Campbell, Feb. 8 [1801]. SCOTT, William of Norwich, and Lovisa Miller, int. Oct. 7, 1787. SCRANTON, Joseph of Belchertown, and Polly Moore, int. Dec. 24, 1813. Nicolas and Sophira Moore, int. Sept. 3, 181 2. SEARL (see Searle, Searls), Israel [int. Searles] of Southamp- ton, and Clarisa [int. Clarissa] Lyman, Sept. 22, 1796. [Searl, and Clarissa Lyman, p.r,i8.] Silas P., 24, farmer, s. Zenas and Julia, and Mary Ann Wil- liams, 18, d. Sumner and Mary Ann, Feb. 4, 1847. SEARLE (see Searl, Searls), Eliza B. and Ambrose B. Lyman, Nov. — , 1836. Julia S. and Stephen Lyman, int. Mar. 21, 1836. [m. Apr. 28, C.R.I. ] Zenas and Mrs. Mary Ann Williams, int. June 20, 1843. SEARLS (see Searl, Searle), Achsa [int. Achcah] and Edward [int. Edwards] Clark [int. of Southampton], Apr. 13 [1814]. Job Jr. [int. Searles] of Southampton, and Esther Matthews 2d, July 22, 1787. Miranda of Southampton, and Joseph Pomroy Jr., int. Dec. 16, 1809. Rachel, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and Isaac Parsons [int. of Southampton], Oct. 27, 1813. Rachel and Luther Edwards of Southampton, int. Aug. 3, 1817. [m. Aug. 28, C.R.I. ] Zenas and Julia Shelden of Southampton, int. Jan. 8, 18 13. SEARS, Charles C. of Princeton, N.J., and Ann H. Emmons, int. Aug. 18, 1832. SEAWARD (see Seward), EHphalet and Elanor Wharfield, int. Jan. 15, 1792. Joel Jr. and Flavia Parsons, Nov. 15, 1791. Lydia and John Smith, int. Apr. 9, 1781. Nathan [int. Seward] and Martha Bolton, Mar. 12, 1795. Noadiah Jr. and Diadema Mclntyre, Oct. 3, 1786. SENNET, Willy [int. Wiley] of Blandford, and Cordelia Fay, Jan. 7, 1841. * Inteatioa oot recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 79 SESSIONS, Hannah M. of Wilbraham, and Samuel B. Stebbins, int. Aug. 26, 1837. SEWARD (see Seaward), Joel and Mrs. Irena [int. Irene] ■^Day, Jan. i, 1806. Lorana and Asa Culver, Dec. 20, 1798. SHAW, Betsey of Chesterfield, and Daniel Higgins, int. May 24, 1828. Mary N. of Chesterfield, and Joseph E. Goodridge, int. Oct. 10, 1835. Samuel [int. of Chesterfield] and Delight Barker, Feb. 10, 1802. SHELDEN (see Sheldon), Ebenezer of Middlefield, and Mary Mack of Middlefield, Jan. 25, 1787.* Julia of Southampton, and Zenas Searls, int. Jan. 8, 1813. SHELDON (see Shelden), Ephraim and Mary Kyle of New Haven, Oct. 7, 1818.* Irene of Suffield, Conn., and Camden H. Babcock, widr., farmer, Sept. 18, 1844.* SHEPARD (see Sheperd), David [int. adds Dr.] and Lucinda Mather, Jan. 7, 1773. [Zinde, c.R.i.] Esther and John Grims of Chatham, int. June 21, 1784. Lucinda and Martin King, int. Jan. 13, 1801. Margaret and Justin Rust, Aug. 31, 1787. Mather and Harriet Day of Westspringfield, int. Oct. — , 1796. Polly and Silas Spaulding [int. Spalding], Aug. 8, 1813. SHEPERD (see Shepard), Sally (Shepid) [int. Shepherd, adds Mrs.] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Daniel Root [of] M[i]ddlefield, Jan. 4, 1816. [Sally Shepherd, wid., and Capt. Daniel Root of Middlefield, c.r.i.] SmPMAN, John Jr. of Hadley, and Betsey Belden, Nov. 3, SHIRTLIFF, Elizabeth of Montgomery, and Horace Hatch of Montgomery, Apr. 2, 1817.* Hannah of Montgomery, and Alfred Adams of Norwich, Dec. 4 [1817].* Sally of Montgomery, and Robert Parks of Russell, Jan. i, 1816.* ; * Intention not recorded. l8o CHESTER MARRIAGES SHOALS, Joseph and Polly Henry, Aug. 13 [1807]. Joseph N. and Elvira Coleman, int. Oct. 22, 183 1. [m. Nov. — , C.R.I.] SHUMWAY, Judah and Isaac Johnson, Oct. 14, 1798. SIBLEY (see Sybley). SIKES, Elijah and Lucretia Anderson, Apr. 10, 1794. SIZER, Abigail and Jacob Fellows Jr., int. Mar. 11, 1799. Amanda of Springfield, Hampden Co., and Theodore Nowel of Hartford, Conn., June 9, 1823.* Clarisa and John Abbot, June 2, 1803. Horace and Ruby Nooney, int. Dec. 16, 181 2. Lucy and Elijah Bacon of Whites Town, N.Y., int. Apr. 3, 1791. ''Objections Made by M"' Lucy Sizer April 11* 1791." Rachel [int. Rachell] and Darius Truesdell [int. Treusdell of Worthington], Sept. 14, 1797. Virgil and Susan Collins, int. June 12, 1825. William Jr. and Prudence Piper, int. Jan. 13, 1799. SKINNER, Augustus and Nancy Smith, int. Oct. i, 1814. Pamelia of Middlefield, and Samuel Sanderson, int. Aug. 8, 1824. WilHam Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Middlefield, and Clarisa Tinker, May 5, 1803. SLADE, Almira and Jonathan N. Latham of Otis, Nov. 24, 1825. Amanda R. of Worthington, and Edmund S. Smith, int. Oct. 29, 1842. Ruth and Titus Culver, int. Aug. 22, 1814. SLAYTON, Asa and Susannah [int. Sussa] Anderson, Apr. 14, 1791. Charles [int. of Potsdam, N.Y.] and Sally Ayres, Feb. 3, 1817. Cynthia and William Moor Jr., Mar. 22, 1804. Rebeckah [int. Rebeca] and Dr. Azel Parmentur [int. Par- menter], Jan. 25, 1810. SLOCUM, Nathan E. of Tolland, and Arietta D. Wolf, int. Nov. 30, 1833. SMITH, Abner Jr. and Abigail Pomeroy of Southamton, int. Aug. 13, 1775. Abner and Esther Smith, Nov. 21 [181 1]. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES iSl Smith, Adah and Crispus Lyman, Jan. 24, 1796. [Jan. 25, P.R.18.] Alonzo and Mary Toogood, int. Apr. 19, 1834. Amok C. and Sarah [int. Sally] L. Belden, Nov. — [int. Nov. 2], 1S39. Artemas and Polly Carpenter, int. June 5, 1813. Betsy [int. Betsey] and Edward Knox of Blandford, June 8, 1809. Caleb and Charlottee Soul, int. June 9, 1806. Daniel and Keziah Pomeroy, int. Jan. 4, 1780. Daniel 3rd and Prude Wood, Apr. 12, 1787. Daniel and Cynthia Nichols of Brimfield, int. Apr. 28, 1832. David and Laura Ann Eames of Washington, Oct. 22, 1845. Dorothy and James Carlisle Jr., int. July 13, 1788. Ebenezer and Nice Pomeroy, Nov. 25, 1784. Ebenezer and Damaras Snow, Apr. 19, 1787. Edmund S. and Amanda R. Slade of Worthington, int. Oct. 29, 1842. Elizabeth and Tryal Sanderson of W. Springfield, int. July 25, 1785- Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and James Bell, Nov. 21, 1795. Elizabeth, 42, d. John and El[i]zabeth S., and Moses Lyman, widr., 56, farmer, b. Southampton, s. Joel and Achsah L., Sept. 19 [1849].* Elvira and Stephen C. Nichols of Brimfield, int. Dec. 10, 1S31. Enos and Lucy Bently, Aug. 16, 1787. Enos and Mary A. Gibbs of Blandford, int. Apr. 19, 1834. Esther and Abner Smith, Nov. 21 [181 1]. Eunice, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Uriah Parks of Norwich, July 3, 1791. Eunice, 40, d. John and Elisabeth, and Daniel Ames [int. Eames], widr. [int. omits widr.], 60, farmer, of Hinsdale, Oct. 25, 1848. Horace and Hannah Babcock, Apr. 8 [1819].* Horace of Norwich, and Martha Perry, July 2, 1829. Huldah and Eli Johnson, Mar. 29, 1795. Isaac and Charrity Mallery [int. Malleroy], Nov. 7, 1793. James and Harriet Prentiss of Worthington, int. Apr. 26, 1846. James W. of Becket, and Rhoda M. Dewey of Westfield, Nov. , 1837.* C.R.I. James W., Dr [int. omits Dr.], 24, and Ann A. Elder, 21, d. Nored and Rebeca, Apr. 18, 1848. Jesse and Louis [int. Lois] Parsons, Nov. 22, 1792. • Intention not recorded. l82 CHESTER MARRIAGES Smith, Jesse [int. Jessa] 2d and Jerusha Steward, July 23, 1811. Joab and Elizabeth Lunnon, Apr. 22, 1784. John and Abilene Cors, Nov. 10, 1767.* John and Lydia Seaward, int. Apr. 9, 1781. John 2d and Sarah Kelso, int. Sept. — , 1783. John Jr. and Persis Cowing of Chesterfield, int. Feb. 22, 1.800. John and Abigail Clap of Montgomery, int. Feb. 7, 1802. John and Mrs. Damaris Strong of Southampton, int. Aug. 22, 1802. John Jr. and Elisabe[th] Kelley of Worthington, int. June 4, 1804. John [int. ist] and Mary Leonard, wid.. Mar. 15, 1814. John and Mrs. Rachel Truesdel, Sept. 12, 1816. Jo[h].n K. and Orrel B. Burns of Westfield, int. Oct. 22, 1836. Lola and Phineas King of Southampton, int. Mar. 22, 1784. [Lala and Phinehas King, m. Jan. 11, 1785, c.r.i.] Lorana and James Cambell, int. May 10, 1778. [Loraeny and James Campbell, m. May — , c.r.i.] Lucinda and Elijah Sowl, Jan. 5, 1809. Lucy, Mr[s]., and Salmon Hulbert of Kent, Conn., int. Oct. 2, 1786. Lucy and Elbridge G. Wilcox, int. Mar. 15, 1834. [Lucy [ch. Abner and Esther] and Elbridge G. Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], m. Apr. 3, P.R.4.] Lydia and Orin [int. Orrin] Knox of Blandford [int. Blanford], Nov. 13, 1806. Margaret and Jonathan Wait Jr., int. May 3, 1778. [Peggy, m. May — , c.r.i.] Maria and Elijah Meech, Dec. 14 [1826]. Mary and Nelson Porter, int. Dec. 19, 1840. Mary B. and James B. Wood, Dec. 2, 1824. Nancy and Augustus Skinner, int. Oct. i, 1814. Nice and Sylvester Belding [int. Belden], June 5, 1805. Peggy (see Margaret). Persis and Luther Granger of Worthington, int. May 9, 1833. Phinehas and Roxy Pomeroy, Mar. 8, 1804. Polly and Vester Edwards of Northampton, Nov. 4, 1789.* Polly (see Sally). Ralph E. of Goshen, and Jane L. Gray, Nov. 19, 1845. Rebecah [int. Rebecca] and Seth Leonard of W. Springfield [int. Westspringfield], Dec. 6, 1792. Rebecca [int. Rebeckah ist] and Timothy Cooley, Sept. 12, 1787. * latentioQ not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 183 Smith, Rufus and Sally Smith, Nov. 8, 1798. Russell and Olive Mallery, int. Feb. 14, 1808. Ruth and William Foot, Sept. 19, 1777.* c.R.i. Ruth and George Taylor, Jan. 5, 1826. Sally and Justus [int. Justice] Bell, Oct. 30, 1794. Sally and Abner Sybley, int. June 19, 1796. Sally and Rufus Smith, Nov. 8, 1798. ' Sally, Mrs., and Ebenezer Cole of Chesterfield, int. Aug. 6, 1814. Sally [int. Polly] and William Campbell, May 15, 1815. Sarah and John Lackore Jr., int. Oct. 15, 1773. [Lacore, m. Nov. II, C.R.I.] Sarah and John Carlile, int. June 24, 1780. Serah and Daniel Cowing of Chesterfield, Jan. 13, 1803. Sylvester E. of Middlefield, and Julia Ann Stevens, int. Aug. 30, 1832. Theodosia and Samuel Knox of Blandford, June 17, 1802. Warham and Sally Bemiss [int. Bemis], May 28 [1807]. Wealthy and John Crosby, May 17, 182 1. William and Lucy Convas, int. Apr. 12, 1781. William [int. 2d] and Sally Anderson, Feb. 10, 1791. W[illia]m Jr. and Polly Martin, Dec. 31 [1812]. Zebina and Mary Rogers, Mar. 21, 1814. SNOW, Christopher of Cummington, and Europhia Samp- son, int. Feb. 12, 1842. Damaras and Ebenezer Smith, Apr. 19, 1787. Edward C, widr. [int. omits widr.], 42, farmer, of Becket, s. Levy of Becket, and Sally Biglow, wid. [int. omits wid.], d. Asa Willcox and Relief, Aug. 23, 1848. Mary A. and Morgan Hall, Apr. 23, 1846.* P.R.17. Orindatus and ThankfuU Hollon, June 21, 1792. Sereno and Sally Abbot, Aug. 19, 1821. Sereno of Milton, Vt., and Sarah V. Lamb, Jan. 14, 1844.* P.R.7. Timothy F., widr. [int. omits widr.], 33, farmer, of Becket, b. Becket, s. Timothy of Becket, and Sarah Burton, 20, b. Norwich, d. Solomon of Norwich, Sept. 23, 1846. SOLAVAN, Nelsoloon and Michael McArty, int. Jan. 21, 1841, SOUL (see Sowl), Charlottee and Caleb Smith, int. June 9, 1806. * Intention not recorded. 1 84 CHESTER HIARRIAGES SOWL (see Soul), Elijah and Lucinda Smith, Jan. 5, 1809. Olive and Hector Campbell, May 14, 181 2. SPARKS, Loisa of Russell, and Daniel L. Champlain, int. Nov. 2, 1833. SPAULDING, Mary, Mrs., and Isaac Gibbs of Blandford, Nov. 8, 1828. Silas [int. Spalding] and Polly Shepard, Aug. 8, 18 13. SPELMAN, Sally of Sandisfield, and Aaron Stevens, int. Nov. 4, 1811. Sybel o: Sandisfield, and Asa Moor, int. Jan. 14, 181 7. SQUIRE, Ezekiel 3d and Clarisia Stewart of Becket, int. Feb. 17, 1807. Lydia of Russell, and Joel Pratt of Russell, Jan. 5, 1817.* STANTON (see Staunton), Adeline E. of Norwich, and Havington Collins, int. Oct. 8, 1842. Asher of Norwich, and Lucy^Wait, Mar. 24, 1803. Daniel and Almira Johnson of Blandford, int. Mar. 30, 1820. Harmon of Norwich, and Hannah R. Elder, Dec. — , 1845. Jabez and Ruth Woolworth, int. July 23, 1791. Forbid by " Abel Stanton of Norwich Father to Jabez Stanton. . . , for the following Reasons Viz — That his Son is a Minor and not come to years of Discretion and another Reason the great Disproportion between their Age — " Joseph of Norwich, and Grace Winchel, int. Aug. 6, 1804. Martha [int. Patty of Norwich] and Quartus Rust, Oct. 3 [1816]. [Martha, c.R.i.] Weeden and Sally Wait, int. Jan. 3, 1809. STAUNTON (see Stanton), Sarah of Norwich, and Sands N. Babcock, int. Apr. 15, 1812. STEATOR (see Streator, Streeter), Isaac H. Jr. and Clarissa Plum, Nov. 29, 1804.* STEBBINS, Abiel of Brimfie[l]d, and Eunice Pomeroy [int. Pomroy], June 11, 1816. [Eunice M. Pomeroy, c.R.i.] Elzina R. and James Tilson of Enfield, Conn., Dec. 6, 1840. FrankHn and Abigail R. Willcox [int. Wilcox], May 11, 1836. Franklin and Sarah M. Clark of Blandford, int. Oct. 12, 1839. Mary and William Hamilton ist, int. Feb. 25, 1833. Samuel and Arlina [int. Arlena] Mann, Dec. i, 1842. Sam[ue]l B. and Esther Ladd, Apr. 13, 1814. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 18$ Stebbins, Samuel B. and Mrs. Hannah McConikin of Cox- sackie, N.Y., int. Apr. 7, 1831. Samuel B. and Hannah M. Sessions of Wilbraham, int. Aug. 26, 1837. STEELE, Nancy and Nahum Stowel [of] Norwich, Dec. 5 [1816].* [Steelle, c.r.i.] STEPHENSON (see Stevenson), Abigail, Mrs., and Israel Carpenter of Norwich, int. Sept. 15, 1802. STEVENS, Aaron and Sally Spelman of Sandisfield, int. Nov. 4, 1811. Aaron Jr. of Worthington, and Sophia [int. Sopia] P. Stone, Mar. 17, 1842. [Sophia, c.r.i.] Betsey and Samuel H. Knight of Norwich, int. Feb. 16, 1833. Charlott B., 26, d. Joshua and Nancy B., and Arnold Pease, 29, farmer, of Middlefield, b. Middlefield, s. Dan of Middlefield, June 16, 1848. Frances N. and Salmon Thomas Jr. of Norwich, int. Oct. 5, 1833. Henry and Clarisa Taylor, Mar. 15, 1804. Ira and Sarah Rust, Nov. 12, 1818.* John Jr. and Kata [int. Katy] Elder, Nov. 26, 1807. Joshua and Nancy B. Fish of Westfield, int. Dec. 6, 1807. [Nancy Fisk, m. Dec. 31, p.r.6.] Jude and Mary [int. Polly] Ayres, July 13, 181 5. Julia Ann and Sylvester E. Smith of Middlefield, int. Aug. 30, 1832. Lucy and William Taylor, Apr. 6, 1797. Nancy and Samuel C. Tinker of Norwich, Dec. 7, 1842. Ruth and Capt. A. [int. Albert] G. Henry, Oct. 6, 183 1. Sarah M. and Hophne Clapp of Hinsdale, int. July 29, 1842. [Hophni, m. Aug. 18, C.r.i.] Thomas E. and Harriet L. Abbot, int. Nov. i, 1837. [Ab- bott, m. Nov. — , C.R.I.] Washington and Ruth [int. adds L.] Bemis, Jan. 21, 1833. William [int. Stephens] and Susan S. Kyle, Jan. 19, 1842. [Stevens, c.r.i.] William and Laura Ann Pease of Middlefield, int. Apr. 30, 1848. STEVENSON (see Stephenson), John and Nella Walker, int. Jan. 17, 1790. STEWARD (see Stewart), Jerusha and Jesse [int. Jessa] Smith 2d, July 23, 1811. * Intention not recorded. 1 86 CHESTER MARRIAGES STEWART (see Steward), Anna of Becket, and John C. Bell, int. Mar. 25, 1809. Betsey of Russel, and Cyrus Culver, int. Oct. 26, 1800. Betsy and Jonathan Bidlake, int. Jan. 19, 1799. Clarisia of Becket, and Ezekiel Squire 3d, int. Feb. 17, 1807. James and Susanna [int. Susannah] Flint, Feb. 7, 1796. Lucretia and Ashbel [int. Ashbell] Day, Aug. 17 [1807]. Sarah and Erastus Wright, Nov. 7, 1815.* P.R.13. Solomon of Blandford, and Mrs. Mary Gillmore, int. Mar. 5, 1804. STILES, Ruth and Ebenezer Elliss, int. July 28, 1801. STONE, Cephas and Sally Copley of Russel, int. July 16, 1803. Harriett M. and William D. Blush, widr. [int. omits widr.], manufa[c]turer, of Middlefield, Feb. 8, 1848. Harvey and Rachel Clap, Oct. 6 [1807]. Lydia of Blandford, and Dr. James Holland, int. Sept. 26, 1798. Mary M. and Cooley Howard, int. Apr. 16, 1833. Sally and Abner McMaster [int. McMasters], Dec. 31 [1807]. Sophia and Jonas Parmenter, Oct. 11, 1810. Sophia [int. Sopia] P. and Aaron Stevens Jr. of Worthington, Mar. 17, 1842. [Sophia, c.r.i.] William and Mehitabel Phelps of Northampton, int. Apr. 28, 1783. William, Lt., and Roxanna Mosley of Westfield, int. Sept. 11, 1796. W[illia]m Jr. and Aurelia Lyman, May 23, 1822. [Amelia, C.R.I. ] STOW, Anna of Blandford, and Samuel B. Wolworth, int. Sept. 17, 1811. STOWEL, Nahum [of] Norwich, and Nancy Steele, Dec. 5 [1816].* [Steelle, c.r.i.] STRATTON, John and Mary Canada, Mar. — , 1776, in Blandford.* c.r.i. STREATOR (see Steator, Streeter), Miranda and Benjamin Matthews, Feb. 4, 1802. Orilla and Nathaniel E. [int. Eglestone] Matthews, Dec. i, 1803. STREETER (see Steator, Streator), Elisabeth of Becket, and Jesse Wright of Middlefield, Feb. 8, 1798.* * Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 187 STRONG, Amos of Middlefield, and Betsy Gordon of Middle- field, Oct. 9, 1788.* Benajah of W. Hampton [int. Westhampton], and Dolly Henry, Feb. 18, 181 7. Calvin of E, Hampton [int. Easthampton], and Lydia Henry, Mar. 20, 1826. Damaris, Mrs., of Southampton, and John Smith, int. Aug. 22, 1802. Wolcott H. and Sarah A. Harris of Becket, int. May i, 1848. STURGES, George R., 25, stone cutter, of Lee, b. Lee, s. of Lee, and Hannah A. Kyle, 22, d. Forbes and Rebeca, June 29, 1847. SULLIVAN (see Solavan). SYBLEY, Abner and Sally Smith, int. June, 19, 1796. SYLVESTER, Gershom of Chesterfield, and Polly Durgee French, Nov. 18, 1788. TAGGART, John and Sally Eglestone, , 1777.* c.r.i. TANNER, John of Norwich, and [int. adds Mrs.] Polly Matthews, Nov. 26, 1801. Silas and Nancy Gillmore, int. Feb. 24, 1798. TAY, William and Independence Root of Middlefield, int. Apr. 27, 1838. TAYLOR, Clarisa and Henry Stevens, Mar. 15, 1804. Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] and Job Cowing of Norwich, Sept. 3, 1828. Dolly and Harvey Bedortha, May 28, 181 1. Edward Jr. of Montgomery, and Dolly Lyman 2d, int. Oct. 2, 1804. Eunice of Montgomery, and Rev. Jonathan Nash of Middle- field, Oct. 10, 1793.* Fidelia and Alonzo Clapp, Sept. 10, 1834. George and Ruth Smith, Jan. 5, 1826. John and Polly [int. Molly] Miller, Oct. 12, 1796. John S. and Nancy Patch of Chesterfield, int. Sept. 9, 1837. Jonathan and Harmony Brewster of Becket, int. Aug. 29, 1814. Laura and Salathiel Judd, Feb. 11, 1819.* Lucy S. [int. omits S.] and John J. Cook, June — , 1834. Lydia and Noah Leonard of W. Springfield, int. Nov. 15, 1777. * Intention not recorded. 1 88 CHESTER MARRIAGES Taylor, Mary and Samuel Egelston, int. Feb. 19, 1774. [Egleston, m. May 4, c.r.i.] Mary and Norman Winchel [int. Winchell], Dec. 9, 1824. Nabby and Thomas Elder Jr., Jan. 3, 1799. Nancy, wid., and John Metcalf of Middlefield, int. Mar. 23, 1838.. Nancy H. and Charles H. Plunkett Esq. of Hinsdale, int. Mar. 25, 1844. Otis and Pamelia Clapp, Apr. 27, 1S20. [Apr. 20, p.r.i.] Sally and Jason Wright [int. Jr.], Apr. 11, 1803. Sophia and Orange Alvord [int. of S. Hadley], Mar. 8, 1802. Thankful of Montgomery, and W[illia]m Wade, int. Oct. 12, 1803. William and Lucy Stevens, Apr. 6, 1797. W[illia]m, Col., and Nancy Holland [int. Hollon] wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Nov. 24 [1813]. William and Lucy Ring of Worthington, int. May i, 1835. THAYER, Oliver H., 23, butcher, of Northampton, s. Oliver, and Jane L. Foote, 22, d. Alva, Sept. 15, 1847. [Foot, C.R.I.] Robert T. of Northampton, and Harmoline Rice, May 3, 1838. THOMAS, Harriet of Norich, and Amas Gibson, int. Feb. 6, 1820. Salmon Jr. of Norwich, and Frances N. Stevens, int. Oct. 5, 1833. THOMPSON, John [int. Thomson] and Calotte [int. Char- lotte] Elder, Mar. 22, 1804. THORP, Samuel Augustus and Polly Hambelton, int. Nov. 9, 1788. " Objections Made and my Proceeding forbid." TIFFANY, John of Montgomery, and Polly Culver, int. Apr. 6, 1804. TILLITSON, Ebenezer of Farmington, Conn., and Rosanna Lackore, int. Dec. 4, 1773. TILSON, James of Enfield, Conn., and Elzina R. Stebbins, Dec. 6, 1840. TINKER, Anna [int. adds Mrs.] and Uriah Park [int. Parks] of Northampton, Nov. 30, 1840. Clarisa and William Skinner Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Middle- field, May 5, 1803. * IntendoD not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 189 Tinker, Cyntha [int. Cynthia] and Edward Bancroft of Blan- ford [int. Granville], Aug. 6, 1805. Jane G., 20, d. Rufus, and Nathan O. Hannum, 24, merchant, b. Norwich, s. Caleb, Sept. 14, 1847. Lucy and Cotton Moody of S. Hadly, int. Apr. 17, 1830. [Cotton of S. Hadley, m. May — , c.r.i.] Lydia of Worthington, and Justus Goodwill, int. May 11, 1816. Miriam [dup. and int. Mirriam] B. and William Orton Bell of Westfield, Oct. 5, 1842. Miriam Sexton [int. T.] and Samuel Lyman, Oct. 25, 1809. [Oct. 26, P.R.18.] Reuben, Rev., and Mary F. Wood, int. Sept. 18 [1830]. [Rueben and Mary T. Wood, m. Nov. 14, " next day commenced their journey for the Sandwich Islands as Missionaries," c.R.i.] Rufus Jr. and Lovice Graham, Mar. 7, 1822. Rufus Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Wares, May 29, 1822. Samuel C. of Norwich, and Nancy Stevens, Dec. 7, 1842. Sylvester and Sally Bayley [int. Royley], Jan. 6, 1799. TOOGOOD, Ann L. and Nathan Samuels, Aug. 22, 1838. Franklin and Abigail R. Lyman, Feb. 28, 1831.* p.R.18. Maria J. and Orin Percivel [int. Persivel], June 14, 1827. [Percivel, c.R.i.] Mary and Alonzo Smith, int. Apr. 19, 1834. W[illia]m Oaks and Anna Lyman, July i [1802]. TORRY, Calvin of Westfield and Adelia A. CollinS; May 24, 1S42. TOWER, Abner Jr. of Chesterfield, and Lydia Sampson, int. • Sept. 3, 1842. Dexter and Irena B. Peirce of Windsor, int. Nov. i, 1847. TRACY, Abigail and Daniel Twadwell, int. Jan. 26, 1784. Dolly and Samuel EUiss, Apr. 29, 1791. Sally of Norwich, and Nathan Wood Jr., int. May 23, 1808. TREADWELL (see Twadwell). TRUESDEL (see Truesdell), Rachel, Mrs., and John Smith, Sept. 12, 1816. TRUESDELL (see Truesdel), Darius [int. Treusdell of Wor- thington] and Rachel [int. Rachell] Sizer, Sept. 14, 1797. * IntentioQ not recorded. 1 90 ' CHESTER MARRIAGES TUCKER, Mary Jane of Norwich, and Increase S. Waite, int. Dec. 23, 1843. TURNER, Susan, d, John, and James Babcock of Norwich, Conn., s. Abel, Mar. 31, 1834 [sic. int. Mar. 5, 1844]. William B. and Rhoda Remmington of Becket, int. Mar. 10, 1835- TWADWELL, Daniel [int. Twadweel] and Martha Crow, Jan. 9, 1772. [Treadwell, c.r.i.] Daniel and Abigail Tracy, int. Jan. 26, 1784. TWISS, William and Lois [int. adds E.] Bigelow, June 20, 1842. UMPHREY, Bernard and Fanny Hardy, int. Feb. 27, 1820. VAN SOLON, Jared and Marria [int. Maria] L. McMasters, July 16, 1835. [Maria, c.r.i.] VIETS, Chauncey E. of Suffield, Conn., and Nancy Nooney, Oct. 31, [i8]39. WADE (see Waid), Sally and Dr. Chester Cowls [int. Cole of Granby], Apr. 25, 181 1. Thomas S. and Mary E. Post of Westfield, int. Sept. 11, 1841. W[illia]m and Thankful Taylor of Montgomery, int. Oct. 12, 1803. WADSWORTH, Jonathan W. and Laura A. Kingsley of Becket, Apr. 12, 1842.* Sally of Becket, and Jesse Johnson Jr., int. Dec. 21, 1794. WAID (see Wade), John and Susannah Beard of Heartwood, int. July 24, 1774. WAIT (see Waite), Betsey [int. Betsy] and Reuben Judd Jr., July 10 [1817]. Charity and Jonothan [int. Jonathan] Prentice of Worthing- ton, Feb. 22, 1810. Charles Emmerson and Sally Carter of Russel, int. Feb. 3, 1838. Jonathan Jr. and Margaret Smith, int. May 3, 1778. [Peggy, m. May — , c.r.i.] Jonathan Jr. and Abigail Belding, Feb. 22, 1824. Lucy and Asher Stanton of Norwich, Mar. 24, 1803. Mary and Chauncey R. Barnes of Westfield, Oct. 26, 1824. • Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES IQI Wait, Otis and Mary Carter of Russell, int. Oct. 13, 1832. [Cartter, m. Nov. 21, p.r.2.] Sally and Weeden Stanton, int. Jan. 3, 1809. Samuel and Betsy Bell of Norwich, int. June 17, 1809. Samuel and Rachel Judd, Sept. 24, 1815. Seth and Lucretia Otis, Jan. 14, 1796.* p.r.2. Seth Jr. and Cynthia D. Pinny of Middlefield, int. June 13, 1829. Zeruah and William Wyeth, July 19, 1807. WAITE (see Wait), Increase S. and Mary Jane Tucker of Norwich, int. Dec. 23, 1843. WALES, Helena and James Bascom, Apr. 24, 1794. Henry and Fanny Plum, Oct. 2, 1799. WALKER, Nella and John Stevenson, int. Jan. 17, 1790. WALTON, James and Ruth Procter, Nov. 16, 1797. Lydia and Solomon Brown of Blandford, int. July 10, 1797. Sarah and Elijah Procter, Mar. 29, 1796. WARD, Lucy and James Henry, int. Aug. 19, 1798. Minerva of Middlefield, and Ebenezer Whipple Jr., int. Jan. 21, 1830. WARDEN (see Worden). WARES, Anna [int. adds Mrs.] and Rufus Tinker Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 29, 1822. Julius [int. Waires] and Lois Kelso, Feb. 22, 1832. WARNER (see Warriner), Charles H., 24, waggon maker, b. Williamsburg, s. Obadiah and Jane of Williamsburg, and Mary Lazell, 19, b. Russell, d. Joseph and Almira, Oct. 11, 1846. Dorcas and Aaron Fay, Mar. 20, 181 1. Harriot [int. Harriet Warne] and Silas Marble, Dec. 15, 1808. Lydia of Hard wick, and Charles Gilbert, int. Dec. 13, 1795. Mary, Mrs., and Asahel Prentice, int. Mar. 9, 1805. Rebecca and Isaac Decker, int. Feb. 10, 1816. WARRINER (see Warner), Francis, Rev., and Sarah A. Hamilton, int. Nov. 7, 1842. Walter, Capt., of Springfield, and Mary Henry, int. June 8, 1830. [m. July 8, P.R.3.] WATERMAN, Eli of Blandford, and Persis Wright, int. Mar. 20, 1813. • Intention not recorded 192 CHESTER MARRIAGES WATERS, Betsy [int. Betsey] and Elnathan Sanderson, Feb. 12 [1801]. Olivar of Halifax, and Phebe Judd of Middlefield, Jan. 25, 1787.* WEAVER, Eunice of E. Greenwich, and Lewis Collins, Oct. 24, 1820, in Greenwich, Kent Co., R.I.* George L. of Blandford, and Electa Griffin, int. Dec. 6, 1828. WEBBER, Clarisa and Noah EUiss, Oct. i, 1801. Ezra and Freelove Hunter, May 31, 1837. Jonathan Hart and Keziah Cooley of Springfield, int. Dec. 22, 1771. Kezia and Erastus Day, int. Dec. 8, 1800. WEBSTER, Ira and Bathsheba [int. Bathesheba] Wright, Mar. 22, 1829. Joseph C. of Bloomfield, Conn., and Eunice Ellsworth, Nov. 20, 1838. WEEKS, Artemas of Norwich, and Lucy P. Witt, int. Oct. 6, 1832. WELLER, Polly of Norwich, and Winthrop Lee, int. May 17, 1807. WELLS, Adolphos of Adams, and Louisa Henry, May 19, 1836. George of Pittsfield, and Sophronia Reed, May 28, 1828. WHARFIELD, Elanor and Eliphalet Seaward, int. Jan. 15, 1792. Polly and Joseph Holmes, Oct. 5, 1808. William H. and Persis Jordan of Windsor, int. Oct. 13, 1841. WHEELER (see Wheelor), Paulina D. of Hubbardston, and Rev. Wareham S. Campbell, int. Apr. 2, 1840. WHEELOR (see Wheeler), Simeon [int. Wheeler] and Theo- dosia Fleming, Sept. 5, 1805. WHIPPLE, Abby B. and James A. Henry, int. Jan. 30, 1841. Charlotte and Lyman M. Elder, int. Mar. 28, 1829. [Lyman M., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), m. Apr. — , P.R.16.] Ebenezer Jr. and Minerva Ward of Middlefield, int. Jan. 21, 1830. Eunice and Arba Foot, Jan. 8 [18 18]. * Intention not recorded i CHESTER MARRIAGES I93 Whipple, James and Betsey [int. Betsy] Wood, Jan. 7, 1818. Jeremiah R. and Nancy Pelton, May 29, 1816. WHITE, Elijah and Jane White of Shelburn, int. June 16, 1798. Eunice E, and Franklin L. Childs of Springfield, int. Nov. 21, 1 83 1, [m. Nov. — , C.R.I.] Jane of Shelburn, and Elijah White, int. June 16, 1798. WHITEMORE, (see Whittemore), Amos [int. Whittemore] of Becket, and Clarissa Hamilton, May 3, 1821. [Whitte- more, C.R.I.] WHITMAN, Cynthia of W. Springfield, and Ebenezer Colton of Longmeadow, Dec. 26, 1826.* WHITNEY, Eliza and John W. Loomis of Southwick, int. Aug. 3, 1828. Frances A. and James H. Harmon of W. SufSeld, Conn., int. Apr. 6, 1844. George and Amanda M. Henry, Dec. 17, 1835. Laura and Peter Atwood, int. Oct. 29, 1814. Martha S. and Hezekiah K. Nooney, int. Oct. 15, 1842. Mary of Otis, and Eli Gibbs, int. Jan. 5, 1823. Polly and Francis Harwood of Norwich, int. Dec. 21, 181 1. Sarah of Waltham, and Bazaleel Wright, int. July 14, 1776. WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore), Esther of Middlefield, and W[illia]m Ingell, int. Aug. i, 1813. WIGHT, Leonard B. of Wales, and Mercy M. [int. W.] Bige- low, Nov. 29, 1842. [Mercy M., c.r.i.] WILBER (see Wilbur, Willbur), John and Nabby Higins [int. Abbey Higgins], Nov. 19, 181 2. WILBUR (see Wilber, Willbur), Dyer and Hannah Fay, Mar. 4 [1845]. WILDER, David and Sophia Carlisle, Feb. 27, 1800. WILCOX (see Willcox), Elbridge G. and Lucy Smith, int. Mar. 15, 1834. [Elbridge G. [ch. Asa and Relief (Col- ton)] and Lucy Smith [ch. Abner and Esther], m. Apr. 3, P.R.4.] Elisha, Capt., and Mary Witt of Brookfield, int. Mar. 9, 181 1. Elisha Jr. and Betsy Babcock, Mar. 4, 1813. Joan [int. Joanna] and Caleb Bliss [int. of Westspringfield], Nov. 25 [1813]. * Intention not recorded. 194 CHESTER MARRIAGES Wilcox, Ralph and Ruth Nooney, June 2, 181 2. William and Ann D. Abbot, int. Nov. 16, 1844. [m. Dec. 5, C.R.I.] WILISTON (see Williston), Almira E. [int. Williston], 18, d. Chapin and Aruna, and Albert Nooney, 30, laborer, s. William (Noney) and Axa, Mar. 26, 1848. WILLBUR (see Wilber, Wilbur), Lavina A. [int. Lovina A. Wilbur], 23, d. Joseph and EHs[abe]th, and Amos G. Bowker, widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, blacksmith, of Bland- ford, s. Willard and Sally, Mar. 26, 1848. WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Abigail and Chester Lyman, Oct. 25, 1807. [Wilcox, P.R.18.] Abigail R. [int. Wilcox] and Franklin Stebbins, May 11, 1836. Asa and Releaf Colton, Nov. 8, 1804.* Mary and Ebenezer Williams, Mar. 5, 1839. WILLCUTT, Harrison and Eliza Fay, May 19, 1842. WILLIAM (see Williams), Joanna and Samuel Fairman of Norwich, int. Nov. 25, 1773. [Williams, and Samuel Fairmon^ m. Dec. 23, c.R.i.j WILLIAMS (see William), Ama and Patrick Bulkley, int. Jan. 16, 1773. [Ana and Patrick Bukley, m. Jan. 21, C.R.I. ] Anna of Worthington, and Daniel Collins, int. Oct. 19, 1788. Anna 0., d. John, and P. Burt Cook, s. Pearly, Dec. 20, 1848.* Cynthia A., 19, b. Becket, d. Jabin B. and Lydia W., and Israel D. Clark, 24, merchant, s. John L., Dec. 14, 1846. Daniel and Rach[e]l Meachem, Apr. — , 1774.* c.R.i. David S. and Charlotte [int. adds S.] Abbot, Oct. 16, 1839. Ebenezer and Mary Willcox, Mar. 5, 1839. Jabin B. and Lydia Wilson, [Dec] 12 [1821]. James Holland [int. of Norwich] and Mary Prentice, Oct. 22 [1828]. John and Relief Abbot, int. May 29, 1784. John and Sophia Mallery of Montgomery, May 9, 1816. John C. of Hadley, and Mary M. Moore, int. Oct. 7, 183 1. [m. Oct. — , C.R.I. ] Louisa and Sylvester Prentis [int. Prentice] of Worthington, Apr. 19, 1843. [Prentice, c.r.i.] Lucian B., 22, merchant, b. Becket, s. Jabin B., and Harriett L. Copeland, 19, b. Hartford, d. Melvin, Sept. i, 1847. ♦ Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 95 Williams, Lucretia and W[illia]m E. Moore, Oct. 2, 1839. Margaret and Timothy Culver, int. Mar. 4, 1771. [m. , 1771, C.R.I.] Mary A. [int. S.], wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 34, d. Asa Willcox and Relief, and Bradford W. Palmer, widr. [int. omits widr.], 39, farmer, of Russell, b. Russell, s. Squire and Mary of Russell, May 5, 1847. Mary Ann, Mrs., and Zenas Searle, int. June 20, 1843. Mary Ann, 18, d. Sumner and Mary Ann, and Silas P. Searl, 24, farmer, s. Zenas and Julia, Feb. 4, 1847. Pleiades [int. Pleidas] and William Bently of Tyringham, Feb. 15, 1821. [Pleiades, c.R.i.] Sarah of Worthington, and Enoch Lee, int. Nov. 18, 1799. Selden of Adams [int. Windsor], and Sally Lackor [int. Lack- ore], Mar. 3, 1796. Sophia and Henry S. Elder, farmer, of Cummington, May 2, 1844. Sumner and Mary Ann Brown, Apr. 15, 1827. WILLISTON (see Wiliston), Mary of Blandford, and Holmes Otis, int. Dec. 12, 1827. WILSON, Lydia and Jabin B. Williams, [Dec] 12 [1821]. WINCHEL (see Winchell), Grace and Joseph Stanton of Norwich, int. Aug. 6, 1804. Grove Jr. [int. Wincel] and Laura Doolittle of Russell, June 11, [i]8i7. Lura [int. Winchell] and Leartes F. Porter, Jan. 17, 1838. Norman [int. Winchell] and Mary Taylor, Dec. 9, 1824. Vanda and Chester Foot, Sept. 12, 181 1. WINCHELL (see Winchel), Mary S. of Norwich, and Noah S. Bartlett, int. May i, 1848. WIT (see Witt), Polly [int. Witt] and Joseph Robbins, Oct. 29 [1807]. WITT (see Wit), Betsey and Stephen Lyman Jr., Sept. 19, 1799. [Betsy, P.R.18.] Davis and Sarah Ann Goodrich, Nov. 30, 1836. Dolly and Napoleon B. Prouty, int. Nov. 10, 1832. Electa C, 24, d. William and Beulah, and Hirq.m D. Pomeroy, 23, carpenter, of Chickopee, b. W. Springfield, s. Calvin and Zipporah P. of W. Springfield, June 7, 1849.* Lucy P. and Artemas Weeks of Norwich, int. Oct. 6, 1832. • Intention not recorded 196 CHESTER MARRIAGES Witt, Mary of Brookfield, and Capt. Elisha Wilcox, int. Mar. 9, 1811. Thomas and Electa Cole of Chesterfield, int. Mar. 21, 181 1. William and Bulah Pomroy [int. Beulah Pomeroy], Dec. i, 1808. WOLCOTT, Louissa [?] of Montgomery, and Samuel Loomis of Southampton, Sept. — , 1831.* c.R.i. WOLF, Arietta D. and Nathan E. Slocum of Tolland, int. Nov. 30, 1833. WOLWORTH (see Woolworth), Samuel B. and Anna Stow of Blandford, int. Sept. 17, 1811. WOOD (see Woods), Betsey [int. Betsy] and James Whipple, Jan. 7, 1818. James and Elisabeth Brewster of Stoningtown, int. Jan. 4, 1795. James and Eunice Moore [of] Russell, Feb. 19 [1816].* [James of Russell, Feb. 29, c.r.i.] James B. and Mary B. Smith, Dec. 2, 1824. Louis and [int. adds Dr.] Joshua Day, Oct. 2 [1800]. Lovisa (see Vice). Mary F. and Rev. Reuben Tinker, int. Sept. 18 [1830]. [Mary T. and Rev. Rueben Tinker, m. Nov. 14, " next day commenced their journey for the Sandwich Islands as Missionaries," c.R.i.] Mercy [int. Marcy] and Daniel Bigalow, Jan. 27, 1791. Nathan Jr. and Sally Tracy of Norwich, int. May 23, 1808. Polly and John Elliss, Dec. 15, 1791. Prude and Daniel Smith 3rd, Apr. 12, 1787. Susan B. and George W. Lyman, Oct. 2, 1834.* P.R.18. Vice [int. Lovisa] and David Graham, Dec. 28, 1797. WOODS (see Wood), Lydia B. of Whately, and James Reed, int. Feb. 8, 1834. WOODWARD, Olive of Worthington, and Elisha Fowler of W. Springfield, Feb. 4, 1788.* WOOLWORTH (see Wol worth), Abigail and Deodatus Ensign [int. Ensine] of Westfield, Feb. 9, 1780. Eli and Sally Olds of Ashford, Conn., int. Apr. 26, 1784. Ruth and Jabez Stanton, int. July 23, 1791. Forbid by " Abel Stanton of Norwich Father to Jabez Stanton . . . for the following Reasons Viz — That his Son is a Minor and not come to years of Discretion and another Reason the great Disproportion between their Age — " • Intention not recorded. CHESTER MARRIAGES 1 97 WooLWORTH, Ruth and Lemuel Martin, Oct. i6, 1792. Samuel and Bershaba Crosman, int. July 26, 1786. WORDEN, Mary [int. Warden] and Abram [int. Abran] Fay, Nov. 25, 1822. WRIGHT, Aaron G. and Sarah M. Abbott, Mar. 25, 1835. [Aaron S., c.R.i.] Anna and Ebenezer Abbot, Dec. 13, 1781. Artemina and Thomas Crooks of Blandford, int. Mar. 13, 1816. Asahel and Frances Bascom, Jan. 17 [1808]. Bathsheba [int. Bathesheba] and Ira Webster, Mar. 22, 1829. Bazaleel and Sarah Whitney of Waltham, int. July 14, 1776. Betsey [int. Betsy] and Crispus Lyman, Apr. 3, 1799. [Bet- sey, P.R.18.] Charles and Martha P. McElwain of Middlefield, int. Sept. 15, 1835- Chloe [int. Cloe Jr.] and Ezra Pelton of Middlefield, May 10, 1796. Edward Jr. and Cloe Pomeroy, int. May 25, 1772. Electa and .Warren Knox, Apr. 28, 1825. Eliakim of E. Hampton [int. Easthampton], and Mrs. Patty Matthews [dup. Mathews], Apr. 28, 1817. Erastus and Sarah Stewart, Nov. 7, 1815.* p.R.13. Jason [int. Jr.] and Sally Taylor, Apr. 11, 1803. Jesse of Middlefield, and Elisabeth Streeter of Becket, Feb. 8, 1798.* Joseph and Elizabeth Pamenter [int. Elisabeth Parmenter], May 21, 1786. Joshua and Sybil Loomiss of Southampton, int. Oct. 6, 1793. Jude and Roxy Loomise of Southampton, int. Nov. 17, 1781. Lewis Jr. and Hilpah Alderman, Mar. 12 [1828]. Lucretia and Samuel Farron [int. Furrow], Dec. 2 [1819]. Molly [int. Molley] and Solomon Ingham [int. Hingham] of Becket, [int. Apr. 9], 1781. Nabby and Reuben [int. Ruben] Bates of Western, June — , 1793- Nancy and Ashbel Gillmore, int. Dec. 11, 1808. Nancy and Milo Nye [of] Blandford, int. Feb. 24, 1843. [Nancy Malissa, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), and Milo Wye, m. Mar. 26, p.R.13.] Persa and John Bigalow, Nov. 29, 1787. Persis and Eli Waterman of Blandford, int. Mar. 20, 1813. * Intention not recorded. IqS CHESTER MARRIAGES Wright, Sarah M. and William W. Crosby of Blandford, int. Mar. II, 1841. [Sarah Mariah [ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart)], m. Apr. 4, P.R.13.] WYE, Milo (see Milo Nye). WYETH, William and Zeruah Wait, July 19, 1807. UNIDENTIFIED , — of Blandford, and William Henry, , 1770.* C.R.I. , of Blandford, and Renald Johnson, , 1770.* C.R.I. of Blandford, and William Marrs [dup. Marr], -, 1770.* C.R.I. of Blandford, and James Not [dup. Nut], , 1770.* C.R.I. — , and David Palmer [dup. Jr.], , 1770.* C.R.I. of Blandford, and David Black [dup. Blak], -, 1771.* C.R.I. of Blandford, and Jonathan Henry, 1771.* C.R.I. - — , of Blandford, and William Knox, , 1771.* C.R.I. * Intention not recorded. CHESTER DEATHS CHESTER DEATHS To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOT (see Abbott), Abiel, Dec. 7, 1831, a. 82. c.R.i. [Abial [h. Sarah], Dec. 5, 1832, g.r.i.] Asahel, s. Abiel and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1802. [Asa Abbut, a. 5, C.R.I. ] Hannah, w. Joseph, June 2, 1805. [Abbut, a. 83, c.r.i.] John, May 3, 1778. [Abbut, May 4, a. "46 last October," C.R.I.] [Abbot, May 3, ijgSlsic], a. 45, G.R.i.] Jonathan P. [ch. Joseph and Polly], Sept. 23, 1834. [Sept. 15, a. 7, C.R.I.] [Abbott, Sept. 13, a. 6 y. 6 m., G.R.3.] Joseph, Jan. 30, 1790. [a. 71, c.r.i.] Joseph C. [ch. Joseph and Polly], Oct. 15, 1844, a. 25. [typhus fever, a. 26, c.r.i.] [Dr. Joseph C. Abbott, a. 26, G.R.3.] [Abbott, a. 26, G.R.5.] Phebe, d. John and Louis, June 23 [dup. June 22], 1779. [Abbut, C.R.I.] Polly, d. Abiel and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1802. [Abbut, a. abt. 7, C.R.I.] Sally, d. Abiel and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1802. [Abbut, a. 15, c.r.i.] Sally, wid., Mar. 22, 1841, a. 76. [Sarah, w. Abial, g.r.i.] , d. Joseph Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1778 [dup. 1788, sic]. [Abbut, Aug. — , 1778, c.r.i.] , ch. John, Mar. — , 1813, a. 2, c.r.i. , inf. s. N. and D., Mar. 3, 1834. G.R.5. ABBOTT (see Abbot), Increase B., s. Nathan and Dolly, billions fever, June 5, 1849, ^- 23 y. 2 m. 10 d. Julia A., w. Virgil S., Dec. 10, 1848, a. 34. G.R.12. , inf. [Virgil S. and Julia A.], Dec. 12, 1848, a. 5 d. G.R.I 2, ADAMS, Charles E., s. W[illia]m and Celine, Mar. 25, 1844, a. 10 w. 3 d. G.R.6. AINSWORTH, , ch. Mr. Ainsworth, June 20, 1804, a. 9 m. C.R.I. 202 CHESTER DEATHS ALDERMAN, W[illia]m Moore [ch. Norman and Harty], Dec. 28, 1833. [Dec. 28, 1832, a. 5, c.r.i.] [Dec. 28, 1833, G.R.I.] , ch. Mr. Alderman, scalled, Feb. 21, 181 6, a. 11 m. C.R.I. ALLEN, William B., s. William and Mary, fits, Aug. 16, 1849, a. 9 m. 15 d. William S., merchant, b. Westfield, Sept. 4 [1849], a. 30 y. 10 d. ALVORD, Maria W., w. Rev. Alanson, Feb. 18, 1836, a. 31. [Mariah W., G.R.i.] ANDERSON, Arepelaus [Feb. — ], 1782, in Continental Army. c.R.i. [Archelaus [h. Sarah], small pox, Feb. 23, in 48th y., in West Point " in the service of his country," G.R.4.] Sarah, wid., Sept. 3, 1790, a. "upwards of" 50. c.r.i. [w. Archelaus, in 51st y., G.R.4.] ARNOLD, , ch. Mr. Arnold, Jan. 6, 1830, a. 10. c.R.i. [Datus E., s. W[illia]m and Clarissa, Jan. 5, a. 11, g.r.i.] AYRES, Parmelia, May 20, 18 10. c.r.i. Sally, d. Asa and Mary, Feb. 11, 1796. ["infant," c.r.i.] BABCOCK, Nancy, w. Camden H., Apr. 13, 1844. , Mr., "the beginning of" Oct. 181 2, a. between 20 and 30. C.R.I. , d. Mr. Babcock, drowned, May — , 1814. c.r.i. BACON, Anna, d. Timothy and Rebeckah, Dec. 10, 1793. [Dec. 9, a. abt. i, c.r.i.] Julia, d. Timothy and Rebeckah, Dec. i6, 1802. [a. 2 y. 2 m., C.R.I.] BADDOIKE, Unise [Baddoike, indistinct], " young woman with consumption," " about the middle of " Sept. 1788. C.R.I. BAILEY, , s. Harvey, [Mar.] — , 1797, a. abt. i y. 6 m. C.R.I. BAIRD, Sarah, w. Joseph, Feb. 5, 1833, a. 75. G.R.7. BAKER, Joseph, Dec. 16, 1834, a. abt. 90. c.r.i. Josiah, Dec. 17, 1834, a. 88. CHESTER DEATHS 203 BALDWIN, Olive, w. Joseph, fever, Nov. 27 [1849], a. 38 m. 8d. BALLARD, Ellen Griffin, ch. Mrs. L., Oct. 23, 1833, a. 6 m. C.R.I, [d. Dr. Horace and Lavinia, g.r.i.] BASCOM, Aaron, Rev., " 45 [year] of his ministry," May 19 [dup. May 14], 1814, in 67 th y. c.R.i. [[h. Theodisia] May 19, in 68th y., g.r.i.] Theodosia, w. Rev. Aaron, Jan. 10, 1791. [a. 41, c.R.i.j [Theodisia, a. 41, G.R.I.] , d. Rev. Aaron and Theodosia, Apr. 13, 1787. [Apr. 6, 1788, a. I d., G.R.I.] BATES, Abagail, d. Reuben and Abagail, July 12, 1798. [d. Ruben, a. "above" 2, c.R.i.] [Abigail, d. Reuben and Abigail, a. 2 y. 3 m. 15 d., g.r.i.] Joseph, s. Lt. Joseph and Lydia (Henry), July 15, 1814, m i6th y. G.R.I. BEIMIS (see Bemis, Bemiss), Sylvester, Mr., Feb. 23, 1831. [Bemis, a. 70, c.R.i.] [Bemis [h. Molly], a. 69, G.R.6.] BELDEN (see Belding), Abigail (see Belden). Othniel, Dec. 18, 1834, a. 80. [Othnial Belding, c.R.i.] [Othinal Belden, G.R.14.] , inf. Salmon, Feb. 12, 1833. C.R.i. [Abigail, a. 9, G.R.14.] BELDING (see Belden), Andrew, s. Sylvester and Nice, Sept. 17, 1819. Sarah (see Belding). Sophrona, d. Sylvester and Nice, Mar. 5, 1809. [a. 2, c.R.i.J Washington, s. Sylvester and Nice, July 13, 181 5. [measles, July 12, a. I, C.R.I.] , inf. Amos, [Nov.] — , 1801. c.R.i. , wid. Othniel, Dec. 27, 1848, a. 84. c.R.i. [Sarah Belden, Dec. 23, a. 87, G.R.I4-] BELL (see Bill), Aaron, Sept. 17, 1814. c.R.i. [[h. Mary] a. 67, G.R.I.] Christan [ch. James and Polly], Oct. 22, 1808. [Christian, a. 7 y. 4 d., G.R.I.] , Eliza [ch. James and Polly], Sept. 3, 1817. [Sept. 3, 1816, in 9th y., G.R.I.] Elizabeth, w. James, Jan. 16, 1796. [d. Patience Smith, wid., " droped down dead," a. 30, c.R.i.] [in 32d y., G.R.I.] , 204 CHESTER DEATHS Bell, Elizabeth [ch. James and Polly], Mar. ii, 1804. [Mar. 12, a. abt. 5, C.R.I.] [Elisabeth, Mar. 11, a. 5 y. 5 m. i d., G.R.I.] Elizabeth (see Bell). Hannah, wid., " Old age & Influenza," Feb. 18, 1826, a. 90. C.R.I. Harriet, d. Sam[ue]l and Olive, May 6, 1831. [May 7, a. 18, C.R.I. ] [May 6, a. 18 y. 6 m.,] [[ch. Samuel and Olive (Lindsey)] May 6, p.R.14.] James [h. Martha], Mar. 25, 1793, in 88th y. P.R.14. James, Mar. 16, 1830, a. 63. [" found dead in his bed," a. 64, C.R.I.] [[h. Elizabeth] a. 64, g.r.i.] Jeames, Sept. 2, 1814, [a.] 38. c.r.i. [James, a. 34, g.r.i.] Jerusha, d. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, Sept. 16, 1802. [Abigail " if I mistake not," oldest ch. Aaron Jr., Sept. 15, a. 7, C.R.I.] John, Mar. 14, 1808, a. 54. [short illness, p.R.14.] John, Dr., May 24, 1830, in 27th y. G.r.i. John Cheney [dup. Cheny] [ch. Aaron and Mary], May 10, 1781. [in 4th y., G.R.I.] John Lester, s. James 2d and Nancy, Feb. 28, 1804. [a. i y. 6 m., C.R.I.] Liecesther, M. D., May 24, 1831, a. 27. c.r.i. Martha, July 8, 1782, in 38th y. p.R.14. Martha [w. James], Sept. 20, 1795, a. 85. p.R.14. Martha E., d. W[illia]m and w., , 1838. Mary (see Bell). Mary (see Polly). Merrick, s. Justus and Sally, Mar. 9, 1803. Noah Eldrige [ch. James and Polly], Nov. 20, 1804. [a. i y. 6 m., C.R.I.] [a. I y. 5 m. 14 d., g.r.i.] Polly, July 3, 1831. C.R.I. [Mary, July 2, a. 31, g.r.i.] Samuel, old age, Apr. 24, 1829, a. 77. c.r.i. [[h. Elizabeth] Apr. 27, p.R.14.] Samuel Franklin [[ch. Samuel and Olive (Lindsey)] p.R.14.], Nov. 25, 1841, in Rhinebeck, N.Y. Simson, youngest ch. William, Aug. — , 1778. c.r.i. Susanna, d. Justus and Sally, Mar. 10, 1803. William, old age, Nov. 23, 1825, a. 87. c.r.i. W[illia]m Marvin, s. Samuel Jr. and Olive, Aug. 8, 1816. [inflame lungs, Aug. 9, a. 5 w., c.r.i.] [Aug. 8, a. 5 w., G.R.IO.] [[ch. Samuel and Olive (Lindsey)] Aug. — , p.R.14.] , s. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, July 9, 1797. [" Infant," July II, C.R.I.] CHESTER DEATHS 205 Bell, , s. Aaron Jr. and Nabby, June 4, 1798. , inf. Aaron Jr., Apr. 14, 1799, a. abt. i d. c.R.i. , d. Justus, Feb. 8, 1803, a. 7. c.r.i. , d. Justus, Feb. 12, 1803, a. " under " i. c.r.i. , inf. Aaron Jr., Mar. 12, 1804, a. 5 d. c.r.i. , w. Justus, Apr. 3, 1806. a. "little above " 30. c.r.i. , w. Aaron, Dec. i, 1809, a. 69. c.r.i. [Mary, w. Aron, a. 62, g.r.i.] , d. , Aug. — , 1816, a. 9. C.R.I. -, w. Samuel, Aug. 9, 1823, a. 75. c.r.i. [Elizabeth, Aug. 7, in 74th y., p.R.14.] — , ch. W[illia]ni, [Dec] — , 1829, a. 2. c.r.i. — , w. William, , 1830. c.r.i. BEMIS, (see Beimis, Bemiss), Amasa", s. Sylvester and Molley, Nov. 15, 1808, a. 20. G.R.6. ^ ^ Celestia Ann (see Bemis). Justus [ch. Nathaniel and Sarah], Jan. 13, 1822. [Justis Bemas, broken bone, leg mortified, a. 27, c.r.i.] Molly (see Bemis). , w. Joseph, Jan. 15, 1829. c.r.i. , wid. Sylvester, July 8, 1847, a. 84. c.r.i. [Molly, July 7, a. 82, G.R.6.] -, ch. Charles, [Aug.] — , 1847. c.r.i. [Celestia Ann, " only " d. Charles H. and Azubah, Apr. 6, a. 2 y. 6 m., G.R.4.] BEMISS (see Beimis, Bemis), Joshua (see Bemiss). Nathaniel, " travel'd about and did much Business the Day before his Death," May 9, 1809, a. abt. 40. c.r.i. , s. Sylvester, May 21, 1804, a. 3 y. 4 m. c.r.i. [Joshua Bemis, s. Sylvester and Molley, g.r.6.] BENTIN, Asahel, Dea., Apr. — , 1806, a. 46. c.r.i. BENTLEY, , ch. N., , 1777. c.r.i. BIGALOW (see Bigelow), , ch. Earl, Feb. 21, 1824, a. 2 hrs. C.R.I. , ch. Earl, Sept. 30, 1826, a. i. c.r.i. BIGELOW (see Bigalow), Daniel, farmer, consumption, May 23 [1849], 3- 82 y. 3 m. [May 24, 1848, c.r.i.] [[h. Mercy (Wood)] May 24, 1848, a. 82, G.R.4.] Dwight W. [ch. H. Earl and Sally], June 22, 1842. Edward Earl, Feb. 23, 1838. 2o6 CHESTER DEATHS BiGELOW, Edward H. [s. Daniel arid Mercy], Mar. 12, 1810. [a. I y. 7 m., G.R.4.] Henry Earl, " killed By Cars on R. Road," July 5, 1843. [Earl, " run over by the cars — supposed to be in a state of Intoxication," , 1842, c.R.i.] [Henry Earl, , 1842, G.R.2.] James Jr., s. James and Mary, Aug. 3, 1800. [a. abt. i, c.R.i.] [fits, a. I y. I m. 3 d., G.R.4.] Patty, d. Daniel and Mercy, Feb. 27, 1795. [a. i y. i m., C.R.I.] [d. Daniel and Marcy, a. i y. i m. 2 d., G.R.4.] Patty, d. Daniel and Mercy, Aug. 11, 1803. [a. 7, c.R.i.] , d. William and Betsey, still born, Aug. 17, 1801. G.R.4. -, inf. Daniel, Nov. 25, 1805. c.R.i. [d. Daniel and Mercy, still born, Nov. 24, G.R.4.] — , d. Daniel, Mar. — , 1810, a. i y. 6 m. c.R.i. — , ch. Daniel, Aug. i, 1833. c.R.i. BILL (see Bell), W[illia]m Rufus, Sept. 4, 1844, a. i. BILLAK, , w= Daniel, Apr. 24, 1808, a. 22. c.R.i. BLACKMAN, James, s. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] Elijah and Elizabeth [dup. Mary], Oct. 31, 1787. [Oct. — , 1786, C.R.I.] Timothy, s. Maj. Blackman, Oct. 26, 1796, a. abt. 24. c.R.i. William, s. Capt. [dup. omits Capt.] Elijah and Elizabeth [dup. Mary], Mar. 10, 1787. [Mar. 10, 1786, c.R.i.] BLAIR, Betsy, Oct. 4, 1774. c.r.i. [This entry crossed out.] Ezra, youngest ch. Dea. Blair, Mar. 27, 1786. c.r.i. James, s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 13, 1776. [a. abt. 2, c.r.i.] Linda, d. David, July — , 1773. c.r.i. Solomon, s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1776. [a. abt. 3, c.r.i.] BODORTHA (see Bodurtha), , inf. Waltar, Sept. — , 1807. C.R.I. BODURTHA (see Bodortha), Walter, Oct. 16, 1816. [Bor- durtha, consump[tion], Oct. 17, a. 37, c.r.i.] , [posthumous] inf. s. Walter and Lucretia, Nov. 28, i8i6. [Bordurtha, Nov. 29, a. 4 w., c.r.i.] BOIES, Anson, Dr., Jan. i, 1820, a. 36. [Boise, c.r.i.] [Boies [h. Theodocia, h. Charlotte], g.r.i.] CHESTER DEATHS 207 Boies, Charlotte, w. Dr. Anson, Mar. i6, 1813. [a. 24, c.R.i.] Theodotia, wid., d. Rev. Aaron Bascom, consumption, Jan. — , 1849, a. 67. [Theodocia Bois, wid. Dr. Anson, c.R.i.] [Theodocia Boise, Jan. 25, a. 68, g.r.i.] , s. D[r.] Anson and Charlotte, Nov. 10, 181 1. ["in- fant," C.R.I.] [Bois, G.R.I.] BONNER, , Mrs., "about" Apr. 25, 1813, a. 75. C.R.I. [Marcy, w. David dec'd, late of Springfield, a. 78, G.R.4.] , ch. Mr. Bonner, July 12, 1838. [George Rust Bonner, s. Tho[ma]s D. and Adelia R., July 7, a. 4, G.R.4.] , inf. Tho[ma]s D. and w., Aug. 19, 1839. [Aug. 18, C.R.I.] , w. Thomas D., Aug. 20, 1839, a. 33. [Aug. 18, C.R.i.] [Adelia Rust Bonner, Aug. 18, G.R.4.] BOSSONG, Clemence, Oct. i, 1848, a. 34. G.R.4. BRADLEY, , w. Mr. Bradley, Nov. 29, 1829. c.r.i. [This entry crossed out.] BRASS, , [twin] d. Garrit and Lucy, May 10, 1792. , [twin] d. Garrit and Lucy, May 10, 1792. BRIGS, , inf. James, Apr. 11, 1810, a. 6 w. c.R.i. BROMLEY, Charlotte W. (see Sharlotte W.). Nancy Amanda [ch. Reuben L. and Mary Ann], Aug. 15, 1833. Sharlotte W., Apr. 7, 1833. [canker ra[s]h, c.r.i.] William Henry, May 8, 1833. [canker ra[s]h. May 7, c.r.i.] , ch. Mr. Bromley, canker ra[s]h, Apr. 22, 1833. c.r.i. BROWN, Chloe (see Brown). Cyntha, Feb. 14, 1841, a. 27. [Cynthia Browne, ch. Elihu and Sophia, a. 26, g.r.i.] Hannah, w. William, Dec. 18, 1829, a. 66. G.R.7. Uriah 2d, Apr. 28, 1841, a. 32. [Browne, ch. Elihu and Sophia, G.R.I.] Uriah, May 5, 1841, a. 88. [Browne [h. Chloe], a. 89, G.R.5.] William [h. Hannah], Mar. 31, 1831, a. 71. G.R.7. , pensioner, suddenly with fit, Nov. 15, 1823, a. 75. C.R.I. , ch. Elihu, still born, Apr. 17, 1824. c.r.i. -, w. Uriah, Oct. 14, 1839, a. 85. c.r.i. [Chloe Browne, a. 86, G.R.5.] 208 CHESTER DEATHS BUCKMAN, , Dr., Mar. 19, 1842, a. 80. [Dr. Reuben Bucknum, a. 82 y. 9 m., G.R.5.] BUMAL, Lucy (Bumal [?]), Sept. 3, 1802, a. 33. c.R.i. BURRILL, Leverett Griswold [ch. Eben[eze]r and Semantha], May 5, 1837. BUSH, , ch. Oliver, Oct. — , 1801. c.r.i. [Charles, s. Oliver and Electa, Oct. 24, a. i y. 4 d., G.R.2.] BUTOLF (see Buttolph), Joseph, Apr. 22, 1826, " supposed " a. loi. [George Buttolph, old age, a. loi y. 2 m., c.r.i.] BUTTOLPH (see Butolf), Desire, canserous consumption, Jan. 14, 1825, a. 54. c.r.i. , Mrs., May 14, 1831, a. 93. c.r.i. CAMBELL (see Campbell), , inf. Jane, Sept. 9, 1781. c.r.i. CAMPBELL (see Cambell), Albert G., Feb. 3, 1844, a. 31. Elbridge G. [s. Hector and Olive], Feb. 24, 1844, a. 24. [ty- phus fever, Feb. 23, a. 23, c.r.i.] Horace William [ch. Albert G. and Maria], Feb. 4, 1844. James, faver, Aug. 13, 1817, a. 60. c.r.i. James [h. Lorane], Aug. 14, 1818, a. 67. G.R.i. James, June — , 1836. c.r.i. Jane [w. William], July 21, 1806, in 85th y. P.R.14. Lorana, w. James, Oct. 5, 1799, a. abt. 42. c.r.i. [Lorane, a. 44, G.R.I.] Martha (see Campbell). Mary, d. W[illia]m and Polly, Jan. 20, 1826. [Camel, cold or inflamation, a. 10 m., c.r.i.] Matthew, Mr., Feb. 15, 1816. [Mathew, short illness, a. 68, C.R.I.] [Matthew [h. Sarah], a. 70, g.r.i.] Sarah, w. Matthew, May 6, 1788. [w. Mathew, c.r.i.] [w. Mathew, in 41st y., g.r.i.] Sarah, wid., Jan. 27, 1839, a. 91. [Jan. 26, a. 89, c.R.i.] [w. Matthew, Jan. 26, a. 89, G.R.5.] Wells, Jan. 23, 1804, a. 18. c.r.i. William, father of Matthew, Jan. 19, 1782. [Cambell, Jan. 20, a. abt. 80, c.r.i.] [Campbell, Jan. 19, in 78th y., G.R.I.] [Campbell [h. Jane], Jan. 19, p,r.i4.] William (see Campbell). William Bell, s. Matthews and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1802. [s. Mathew, Sept. 19, a. abt. 9, c.r.i.] [s. Mathew and Sarah, Sept. 19, a. 9, g.r.i.] CHESTER DEATHS 209 Campbell, , d. James and Lorana, Sept. i8, 1778, a. i d. G.R.I. , d. James and Lorana, Aug. 10, 1781, a. i d. G.R.i. , youngest ch. James, June 5, 1785. c.r.i. [s. James and Lorana, June 6, a. 11 d., g.r.i.] , s. Matthew and Sarah, Apr. 14, 1787. [s. Mathew, Apr. 13, C.R.I.] [William, s. Mathew and Sarah, Apr. 14, a. 10 d., G.R.I.] , s. Mathew and Sarah, still born, Dec. 3, 1791. g.r.i. , d. Mathew, Sept. 5, 1795, a. 10 m. c.r.i. [Martha, d. Mathew and Sally, Sep[t.] 12, a. 11 m., g.r.i.] , s. Mathew and Sarah, stillborn. Mar. 24, 1796. g.r.i. , Mrs., July 21, 1806, a. 85. c.r.i. , Mrs., Oct. 19, 1807, a. 80. c.r.i. CANNON, Hannah, w. Samuel, Apr. 12, 1831, in 7 2d y. G.R.7. Sam[ue]l, [Nov.] — , 1829, a. " over " 70. c.r.i. [[h. Han- nah] Nov. I, in 67th y., G.R.7.] CARINGTON (see Carrington), Willis, influenza with in- flamation, Feb. 28, 1826, a. 18. c.r.i. [Willis C. Car- rington, s. Isaac and Dennis, G.R.4.] CARLILE, James, Nov. i, 1794, a. 85. c.r.i. , " oldest child " s. William, dropsy, Jan. 24, 1793, a. abt. 3. C.R.I. CARRINGTON (see Carington), Dennes, w. Isaac, Apr. 20, 1847, a. 64. G.R.4. CARTER, Polly, w. Lorenzo, Jan. 10, 1844, a. 36. CHAISE, , ch. Mr. Chaise, Sept. 28, 1801, a. i y. 6 m. C.R.I. , " small " ch. Mr. Chaise, Nov. i, 1802. c.r.i. CHAMPLIN, Isaac, b. Blandford, consumption, Sept. 2, 1849, a. 58 y. 9 m. c.r.i. CHASE (see Chaise). CHOATS, , " young man," Aug. 14, 1810, a. abt. 19. C.R.I. CHURCH, Mathew, Mar. 28, 1828, a. 64. c.r.i. Seth Howard, s. Richard and Lucinda, Aug. 22, 1803. [a. abt. 3, C.R.I.] 210 CHESTER DEATHS CHURCHEL (see Churchell, Churchill), Elijah, Apr. ii, 1841, a. 85. [Churchill [h. Eleanor (Nooney)], P.R.5.] CHURCHELL (see Churchel, Churchill), Eleanor, wid., d. James Nooney and Margaret, old age, Oct. 9, 1846, a. 91 y. 6 m. [Churchill [w. Elijah], P.R.5.] CHURCHILL (see Churchel, Churchell), Eleanor [ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney)], Jan. i, 1790. P.R.5. Elijah [ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney)], Sept. 4, 1796. P.R.5. Hannah, w. Charles, Dec. 17, 1835, ^- 3^- [Dec. 11, G.R.5.] [Dec. 17, P.R.5.] Harriet, d. Charles [and Hannah], Feb. 18, 1838. [a. 2, G.R.5.] [[ch. Charles and Hannah (Percival)] P.R.5.] James [ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney)], Sept. 5, 1843. P.R.5. Sarah, d. Charles [and Hannah], Nov. 15, 1843, a. 19. [[ch. Charles and Hannah (Percival)] P.R.5.] Sophia, inf. ch. Elijah and Eleanor (Nooney), Feb. 18, 1782. P.R.5. CLAP (see Clapp), Eliakim, s. Eliakim and Parmelia, Feb. 28, 1794, [Mar. I, a. 3 y. 7 m., c.R.i.j [s. Eliakim and Pamela, Feb. 28, G.R.4.] Eliakim, s. Eliakim and Parmelia, Mar. 8, 1794. [s. Eliakim and Pamela, a. 3 m., G.R.4.] Esther, w. Alonzo, Apr. 13, 1833, a. 22. c.R.i. [Clapp, Apr. 12, G.R.4.] Pameha (see Clap). Parmelia, d. Eliakim and Parmelia, May 6, 1797. [a. abt. 10, C.R.I.] [Pemala, d. Ens. Eliakim and Pemala, in nth y., G.R.4.] , s. Ens. Eliakim and Pamelia, Mar. 12, 1804. [a. abt. 5 d., C.R.I.] , wid., " had lived in town about two Days," Feb. 14, 1812, a. 68. C.R.I. ch. Charles and w., consumption, Aug. 10, 1826, a. 3 m. C.R.I. [Pamelia Clapp, d. Cha[rle]s W. and Louisa, Aug. 18, G.R.4.] CLAPP (see Clap), Edward, s. Alonzo and Fideha, Sept. 25, 1836. [s. Alonzo and Fidelis, a. 7 m., G.R.4.] Eliakim, Ens., Feb. 14, 1839, a. 81. [a. 77, c.R.i.] [[h. Pa- melia] a. 82, G.R.4.] Martha M., d. Cha[rle]s W. and Louisa, Mar. 15, 1844, a. 6. G.R.4. CHESTER DEATHS 211 Clapp Pamelia, b. New Meadb'ury, wid. Eliakim, consumption, Aug. 29, 1849 [dup. Apr. 29, 1848], a. 83 y. 4 m. [Apr. 29, 1848, G.R.4.] William A., s. Alonzo and Fidelis, Feb. 29, 1848, a. 2 m. G.R.4. CLARK (see Clarke), Aaron, Aug. 4, 1810, a. abt. 18. c.r.i Betsey, w. Pharez, Dec. 5, 1848, a. 67. g.r.2. Electa, d. John S[cott] and Selah, May 13, 1796. James, Lt., Apr. 22, 1792, a. 60. c.r.i. James, Mr., " old," July — 1809. c.r.i. , ., _ , Jotham, Mar. 14, 1813, a. 63. c.r.i. [Clarke [h. Dorcas], a. 64, G.R.I. ] Roayal, s. Lt. James and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1782. Silence, abt. Apr. 25, 1813, a. 31. c.r.i. [Clarke, Apr. 20, a. 33, G.R.I.] Spencer Jr. [ch. Spencer and Hadassa], Mar. 24, 181 1. Mar. 28, a. abt. I, C.R.I.] [s. Spencer and Hadassah, Mar. 24, a. I y. I m. 18 d., g.r.2.] , inf. Enoch, Mar. 11, 1808, a. 6 m. c.r.i. , wid., Oct. 12, 1824. C.R.I. CLARKE (see Clark), Dorcas, wid., Feb. 13, 1837, a. 83. [w. Jotham, Feb. 20, c.r.i.] COBB, Homer, s. Silence Eglestone, "Adopted" s. Aaron Bell Jr. and Nabby, Sept. 8, 1802. , d. John and Anna, Apr. i, 1795. COCKS, Mindy, " sick but two days," Apr. 15, 1790, a. abt. 30. C.R.I. [Arminda Cox, d. James and Ann, in 28th y., G.R.4.] COLE, , ch. John, Apr. i, 179S, a. "few Hours." C.R.I. COLEMAN, Elvira, d. Eliph[ale]t, Mar. 30, 1848, a. 39. C.R.I. [d. Eliphalet and Martha, Mar. 31, g.r.i.] Patric, Dec. 27, 1845- „ o ro .1. Semantha, d. Capt. Eliphalet, Mar. 9, 1835, a. 28. [Samatha, d. Eliphalet and Martha, g.r.i.] COLEY, Eliakim, Oct. 17, i793» a. 86. c.r.i. , d. , " fall of " 1783. c.r.i. COLLES, , ch. (d. Colles), Apr. — , 1783. C.R.I. 212 CHESTER DEATHS COLLINS, Charles, Mr., Sept. 23 [23, written in pencil], 1825. [fever, Sept. 23, a. 33, c.R.i.] Emily H., w. Daniel Jr., Dec. 20, 1831. [a. 24, c.R.i.] Eunice, w. Lewis, Jan. 10, 1834, a. 35. Franklin, Oct. 25, 1829, a. 24. c.r.i. Gilbert, Feb. 11, 1837, a. 42. [[h. Wealthy] g.r.i.] Isaac, Nov. 29, 1835, a. 32. g.r.i. Lewis Esq., Dec. 19, 1841, a. 45. Susan, consumption or liver complaint, Aug. 17, 1827. c.r.i. Wealthy (see Collins). , d. William, Oct. 23, 1790, a. abt. 4. c.r.i. , s. Mr. Collins, , 1812, a. abt. 20. c.r.i. , inf. Gilbert, , 1828. c.r.i. , w. Gilbert, June 23, 1832, a. 30. c.r.i. [Wealthy, G.R.I.] , w. Daniel, Apr. 15, 1842. , ch. Havington, Dec. 16, 1844. , w. Nathaniel, Feb. 28, 1846. COLTON, Chauncy, Aug. 12, 1809, in Amersterdam, N.Y. [a. between 30 and 40, c.r.i.] COMBS (see Coombs), Rhoda, w. Nathaniel, July 20, 1834, a. 66. G.R.2. : — , May — , 1813, a. 40. c.r.i. [Nathaniel [h. Rhoda], May 19, a. 45, g.r.2.] CONE, Permelia S., d. Selden and Pamelia, Mar. 5, 1844, a. 15. [Pamelie S., G.R.6.] CONNER, William, s. Thomas and Louisa I., Aug. 21, 1845, a. I y. 5 d. G.R.2. CONVERSE, Abiel, " hanged ... for the murder of his child," , 1788. C.R.I. Abraham, " Killed in . . . Battle," " latter part of " Oct. 1780. C.R.I. , ch. Abia, Mar. 29, 1788. c.r.i. COOK, La vine, d. Pearly and Lovine, Mar. 16, 1800. [ch. Perly, Mar. 16, 1799, a. i y. 6 m., c.r.i.] [Lovina, d. Pearly and Lovina, Mar. 16, 1799, in 3d y., g.r.i.] Lovine, Oct. 11, 1837. Lucindia [d. Pearly and Lovina], Nov. 5, 1816. [d. Parley, fits, Nov. 7, a. 10 m., c.r.i.] [Lucinda, d. Pearly and Lovina, Nov. 5, a. 10 m. 5 d., g.r.i.] CHESTER DEATHS 213 Cook, Mary Ann, Nov. 2, 1845, a. 31. , inf. Mr. Cook, grand ch. Mayor Holland, Jan, i, 1808, a. 6 w. C.R.I. , w. Parley, Apr. 18, 1848, a. 72. c.R.i. COOMAS, , ch. , " last of " Aug. 1808. c.r.i. COOMBS (see Combs), , s. Mr. Coombs, Sept. — , 1803, a. abt. 2 or 3. c.r.i. COWAN (see Cowen, Cowin, Cowing), Wealthy, Apr. 20, 1848, a. 42. C.R.I. [Cowing, Apr. 19, g.r.i.] COWEL, Cyrus, s. Lemuel and Polly, Oct. 30, 1800. COWEN (see Cowan, Cowin, Cowing), , ch. Daniel, Oct. 28, 1810, a. abt. i w. c.R.i. , ch. Daniel, Mar. 22, 1821, a. i d. c.r.i. , ch. Andrew, Sept. 27, 1821, a. 6 m. c.r.i. COWIN (see Cowan, Cowen, Cowing), Clarissa, w. Job, Oct. 27, 1839, a. 33. [Clarrissa Taylor Cowing, Oct. 29, G.R.4.] Susanna, d. Capt. Reuben and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1816. [Susan Cowan, consumption, Oct. 20, a. 20, c.r.i.] COWING (see Cowan, Cowen, Cowin), Abeline, Dec. 27, 1834, a. 22. C.R.I. [Abilene, Dec. 22, 1835, a. 23, g.r.i.] Andrew, s. Capt. Reuben, Dec. 27, 1826. [fever, a. 7,7,, c.r.i.] Daniel, Feb. 25, 1832, a. 58. [Feb. 18, c.r.i.] [Cowan [h. Sarah], Feb. 18, a. 56, g.r.i.] Eunice, d. Reuben and Eunice [sic, Rosanna], Apr. 16, 1818. Lydia, w. Capt. Reuben, Mar. 29, 1813. [Cowen, Mar. 30, a. abt. 48, C.R.I.] Rosanna, w. Capt. Reuben, Sept. 28, 1818. Sarah, d. Daniel dec'd and Sera, Jan. 8, 1842, a. 20. [measles in Cabbotville, c.r.i.] [Sarah S., Jan. 7, g.r.i.] Sophronia, d. Capt. Reuben, Jan. 19, 1827. [consumption, a. 19, C.R.I.] Sumner, Dec. — , 1832. [[dup. Cowen] a. abt. 30, c.R.i.] COX (see Cocks). COY, , w. Bascom, , 1788. c.r.i. , ch. Bascom and w., , 1788. c.r.i. CROEL, , s. Lemuel, " ran from home and died in the Field," Oct. 30, 1800, a. between 2 and 3. c.r.i. 214 CHESTER DEATHS CROOKS, Charles [ch. Tho[ma]s and Artemesia], Aug. 19, 1831. [Aug. 20, a. 12, C.R.I.] CROW, , ch. John, , 1777. c.r.i. CULVER, , Mr., sudenly, May 22, 1825, a. 74. c.r.i. , Mrs., " Fell down suddenly & died," July 17, 1825. a. 70. C.R.I. DAVIS, James T., Feb. 9, 1838. [[h. Dolly W., wid. Cha[rle]s Churchill] G.R.2.] DAY, Abigail, w. Lt. Jacob, Mar. 5, 1814, a. 59. g.r.2. Abraham, Lt., h. Irena, Sept. 9, 1798. [Sept. 9, 1797, a. 52, C.R.I.] Almina, d. Erastus and Ruth, Oct. 14, 1802. Erastus, ch. Ira and Clarissa, Feb. 3, 1822. [fits, Feb. 4, a. 2 d., C.R.I.] Henry D., s. Asa C. and Amelia, dysentery, Sept. 29 [1849], a. 4 y. 6 m. 14 d. [Henry L., s. A. C. and A. S., G.R.4.] Ira, May 15, 1837, in 56th y. [dup. a. 56]. [[h. Clary] May 14, a. 56, G.R.4.] Louisa, ch. Ira and Clarissa, Jan. 11, 1823. [fits, a. 3 w., C.R.I.] , d. Erastus, Sept. — , 1808. c.r.i. , s. Erastus, Sept. — , 1808. c.r.i. , ch. Widow Day, scrofula, Dec. 15, 1815, a. 2. c.r.i. , inf. d. Ira and Clarissa, [? born or died] Mar. 16, 1830. DEWEY (see Due), Electa, d. Stephen and Persia, Sept. 11, 1818, a. 21. G.R.2. Harriot, d. John and Jane, Oct. 6, 1803. John, Mar. 3, 1843, a. 73. [[h. Jane, h. Mahitabel, h. Catha- rine R.] G.R.2.] , w. , May 29, 1810. C.R.I. [Mahitabel [w. John], a. 20, G.R.2.] DE WOLF, Abner Ames, s. Naomi (Ames) [ ], 1810. g.r.i. Correlia B., b. Hartland, w. T. K., dysenterry, Aug. 7, 1847, a. 39. [Correlia Benham De Wolf, w. Thaddeus Kings- ley, M.D., G.R.I.] Martha Eliza, d. T. K. and Correlia, dysenterry, Aug. 12, 1847, a. 2 y. 4 m. Naomi Ames [ ], 181 1. g.r.i. , w. Dr. T. K., Aug. 7, 1847, a. 84. c.r.i. DORITY, Ann, d. Edward and Margaret, scorfulous. May 28, 1847, a. I. CHESTER DEATHS 21 5 DRAKE, Ame (see Drake). Benjamin, s. Abraham and Olive, Oct. 30, 1802. [a. 7 m., C.R.I.] D[e] Witt, s. Theodore of Worthington, Sept. 27, 1843, a. 15. , ch. Abraham, Feb. — , 1797, a. abt. 4 or 5 w. c.R.i. [Ame, d. Abraham and Olive, Feb. 25, a. 7 w. 2d., G.R.4.] , d. Abraham, June 24, 1803, a. 5 y. 6 m. C.R.i. DRAPER, Mary, d. Joshua and Molly, Oct. i, 1780. DUE (see Dewey), , w. Mr. Due, Mar. 15, 1807, a. 33. C.R.I. [Jane Dewey [w. John], a. 32, G.R.2.] DWIGHT, Henry, Nov. 13, 1798, a. " little more than" 40. C.R.I. [Nov. 12, 1797, a. 45, G.R.I.] EASTMAN, Benjamin (see Eastman). Deborah, w. Dea. Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1835, a. 57. G.R.4. Mary, w. Benjamin, Mar. 3, 1813, a. 43. G.R.4. , Dea., , 1842. C.R.I. [Benjamin [h. Mary, h. Deborah], Aug. 26, a. 82, G.R.4.] EELY (see Ely), Alonson D., s. Ansel and Electa, Mar. 29, 1829. EGGLESTON (see Eglestone), Henry L., Oct. 6, 1831, a. 56. G.R.2. EGLESTONE (see Eggleston), Abner, " latter part of " Oct. 1788. C.R.I. Homer, s. Selena, Sept. 8, 1802, a. abt. 3. c.R.i. , w. Samuel, " latter part of " May 1780. c.R.i. ELDAR (see Elder), Margaret, w. Thomas, Oct. 20, 1785. [Elder, w. Theron, Oct. 21, c.R.i.] [Elder, w. Thomas, Jan. Oct. [sic] 22, 1786, in 36th y., g.r.i.] ELDER (see Eldar), Abigail, w. Thomas, Dec. 8, 1799, a. 35. C.R.I. Betsey [w. James], June 19, 1844, a. 60. Betsy (see Elisabeth). Brainard David, s. John and Electa, Jan. 19, 1825. [inflama- tion of lungs, a. 7 m., c.R.i.] [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Corinth, fever, Aug. 11, 1817, a. 22. c.R.i. [second d. Dea. William dec'd and Sarah, Aug. 19, g.r.i.] 2l6 CHESTER DEATHS Elder, Corinth E., Apr. 14, 1843, a. 24. [Corrinth E., con- sumption, C.R.I. [Corinth E., d, Dea. John and Electa, G.R.I.] [Corinth E., ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] David B., s. John and Electa, Jan. 19, 1825, a. 7 m. g.r.i. Dwight, s. Nored and Rebecca, May 10, 1838. [a. i, c.r.i.] [a. 14 m., G.R.I. ] Electa, d. Jo[h]n 2d and Electa, Mar. 30, 1809. [d. Capt. ^ John and Electa, a. 11 w., g.r.i.] [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Elisabeth, wid. Samuel, Jan. 15, 1801, a. 80. [Jan. 16, a. abt. 80, C.R.I.] [Betsy, Jan. 15, in 8ist y., g.r.i.] James M., s. James and Betsey, July 29, 1821, in 14th m. [a. 14 m., G.R.6.] John, Dea., July 6, 1810, a. 60. c.r.i. [[h. Sarah] g.r.i.) Laura, youngest d. Thomas, Nov. 23, 1790. c.r.i. Laura, d. Thomas, July — , 1793, a. " almost " 2. c.r.i. Lyman M., Oct. 23, 1839, a. 32, in Little Rock, Ark. g.r.i. [h. Charlotte (Whipple), ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Oscar Newton, s. W. and S. T., May 4, 1847, a. 4 m. g.r.6. Polly, wid., Dec. 24, 1836, a. 84. Sally, wid. William, Feb. 3, 1839, a. 77. [Sarah, w. Dea. W[illia]m, g.r.i.] Samuel, July 26, 1791. [a. 78,c.R.i.] [[h.Betsy]in 78th y., g.r.i.] Samuel, s. Nored and Rebecca, Aug. 7, 1834. [a. 3, c.r.i.] [s. Nored and Rebecca R., a. 2 y. 7 m., g.r.i.] Samuel, s. Nored and Rebecca, May 2, 1838. [a. 3, c.r.i.] [s. Nored and Rebecca R., a. 3 y. 9 m., g.r.i.] Sarah (see Sally). Sarah, wid. Dea. John (Eldere), Sept. 14, 1839, a. 87. [Sept. 13, C.R.I.] [Sept. 14, g.r.i.] Stephen, s. John and Electa, Aug. 17, 1814. [d. Capt. John, a. I y. 6 m., c.r.i.] [s. Capt. John and Electa, a. i y. 5 m. 7 d., G.R.I.] [ch. John (s. Thomas) and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.R.16.] Thomas, , 1814. c.r.i. [[h. Margaret] Jan. 6, in 67th y., g.r.i.] Thomas, Ens., June 26, 1839, a. 65. [a. 66, c.r.i.] [Dea. Thomas [h. Abigail], a. 65, G.R.6.] William, Dea., Mar. 17, 1813, a. 54. c.r.i. [[h. Sarah] g.r.i.] , inf. Thomas, Jan. 19, 1797. c.r.i. , youngest ch. Thomas, Dec. 19, 1799, a. abt. 2. c.r.i. , d. Ensign Thomas, Sept. 22, 1804, a. " little more than " I. C.R.I. CHESTER DEATHS 21 7 Elder, , inf. John, Mar. 30, 1809. c.r.i. , s. James and Betsey, Aug. 23, 1809. g.r.6. , w. Samuel, Sept. 30, 1813, a. 35. c.r.i. , inf. Jame[s], Dec. — , 1813, a. " few " hrs. c.r.i. [inf. s. James and Betsey, Dec. 14, g.r.6.] ELLIS (see Elliss), Clarissa, d. Asa C. and Arulia [d. Asa C. and Arulia, crossed out], rheumatism, Sept. 3, 1848, a. 73 y- 5 m. [w. Noah, a. 73, G.R.4.] Noah, Mar. 30, 1828, a. 58. c.r.i. [[h. Clarissa] G.R.4.] Sally (see Ellis). Samuel of Norwich, Oct. i, 1826, a. 88. c.r.i. , w, Samuel, Mar. 9, 1790. c.r.i. [Sally, in 49th y., G.R.4.] , d. John Esq. and Polly, Feb. 21, 1807, a. 2 d. 12 hrs. G.R.4. , wid. Noah, [Aug.] 3, 1848, a. 73. c.r.i. ELLISS (see Ellis), Sally, d. Samuel and Salla, Aug. 7, 1776. [Ellis, a. abt. 5, c.r.i.] [Ellis, d. Samuel and Sally, in 6th y., G.R.4.] Samuel, s. Samuel and Sally, Aug. 15, 1776. [Ellis, a. abt. 10, C.R.I.] [Ellis, Aug. 16, in 12th y., G.R.4.] ELLSWORTH (see Elsworth), Albert [ch. Nathan and Ach- sah], Dec. 26, 1825. [hurt at school, Dec. 28, a. 5, C.R.I.] [Albut C., Dec. 27, a. 4, g.r.i.] Allen [ch. Nathan and Achsah], Dec. 26, 1825. Hezekiah, Sept. 16, 181 1, in 40th y. [Elsworth, " instantly," C.R.I.] [Ellsworth, g.r.i. ] [Ellsworth [h. Laurana], g.r.i i.] ELSWORTH (see Ellsworth), , ch. Mr. Elsworth, Mar. 28, 1800, a. " little more than " 2 m. c.r.i. ELY (see Eely), Alonzo Denison (see Ely). Richard H., s. Ansell and Electa, Oct. 5, 1819, a. 6 w. 6 d. g.r.i. , ch. Mr. Ely, still born, Dec. 6, 1820. c.r.i. , h. Ansel, Mar. 28, 1828, a. i y. 6 m. c.r.i. [Alonzo Denison, s. Ansel and Electa, Mar. 29, a. i, G.R.2.] EMMONS, Hannah, w. Sylvester, May 25, 1810. [a. 35, c.r.i.] [in 35th y., g.r.i.] Sally, d. Sylvester and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1804. [a. 3, g.r.i.] Sylvester Jr., s. Sylvester and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1804. [Feb. 24, a. 5, c.r.i.] [Feb. 25, a. 4, g.r.i.] 2l8 CHESTER DEATHS Emmons, Sylvester Esq., Mar. 20, 1825, a. 54. [stricture, C.R.I. ] [[h. Hannah] g.r.i.] ENSIGN, , inf. Date, Aug. 17, 1785. c.r.i. , inf. Lyman, still born, Feb. — , 1801. c.r.i. , s. Datis, drowned, June 25, 1808, a. 8. c.r.i. FALLY, , only s. Richard, July 22, 1802, a. abt. 8. C.R.I. FARNUM, , inf. Mr. Farnum, Sept. — , 181 1. c.r.i. FARRINGTON, , ch. Mr. Farrington, Mar. — , 1800, a. abt. 3. c.r.i. FARRUERD, (Farruerd [?]), s. Mr. Farruerd, Aug. 13, 1810, a. abt. 2 m. c.r.i. FAY, Abigail (see Fay). Alfred (see Fay). Eliza (see Fay). Sarah Howes, w. Timothy, Apr. 24, 1842, a. 45. g.r.2. Timothy, drowned, Apr. 24, 1799, a. abt. 45. c.r.i. [[h. Sarah Howes] g.r.2. ] , ch. Timothy, Mar. i, 1806, a. 3 m. c.R.i. [inf. d. Timothy and Abigail, Apr. 4, g.r.2.] — , w. Timothy, Feb. — , 1806, a. 20. c.r.i. [Abigail, Feb. 8, a. 23, g.r.2.] , ch. Mr. Fay, measles, June — , 181 5, a. 10. c.r.i. [Eliza, d. Timothy and Hannah, June 5, a. 5, G.R.2.] , ch. Aaron, dysentery, Aug. 17, 1825, a. 4. c.r.i. , w. Aaron, child bed sickness, Oct. — , 1826, a. 38. C.R.I. -, ch. Erastus, May i, 1828, a. 11. c.r.i. [Alfred, s. Erastus and Polly, May 8, a. 11 y. 3 d., g.r.2.] FELLOWS, Jacob, Mr., Oct. 17, 1803. [cancer, a. 69, c.r.i.] , inf. Parker, Apr. — , 1803, a. 6 w. c.r.i. FERRE (see Ferry), , Mr., " Killed by waggon passing over him," May 16, 1820, a. 57. c.r.i. , ch. John, still born, July 12, 1820. c.r.i. FERRY (see Ferre), , Miss, fefer, July 20, 1816, a. 20. c.r.i. FIELD, , ch. Mr. Field and w., Dec. 5, 1819, a. 2 m. C.R.I. CHESTER DEATHS 219 FLAGG, Ebenezer, s. Gershom and Editha, July 7, 1785. FLEMINE (see Fleming), , d. Abraham, Mar. 16, 1786, a. abt. 3. C.R.I. FLEMING (see Flemine), Abraham of [illegible], " last of " Aug. " or beginning of " Sept. 1789. c.r.i. Phebe, oldest d. Abraham, Aug. 10, 1776, a. abt. 9. c.r.i. FOBES (see Forbes), Ruba, d. Nathan and Rebeckah, Apr. 20, 1795. [Rube, " Infant," c.r.i.] [Ruby, Apr. 21, a. 18 d., G.R.4.] FOOT, Arba, Aug. 30, 1842, a. 49. [[h. Eunice] g.r.i.] Asa, May 16, 1845, ^- 59- Calvin, s. Arba and Eunice, Sept. 12, 1820. [fit of worms, Sept. II, a. 2, c.r.i.] [Calvin W., Sept. 11, a. 2, g.r.i.] Calvin, s. Arba and Eunice, Oct. 12, 1823. [rattles, Oct. 13, a. 4, C.R.I.] Eunice, w. Arba, May 31, 1833, a. 37. [May 30, c.r.i.) [June I, a. 36, g.r.i.] Jane, w. William, Apr. 29, 1817, in 46th y. [convulsion fits, Apr. 30, a. 47, C.R.I.] Lucy, w. Asa, June 26, 181 7, in 33d y. [pleurisy, June 29, C.R.I.] Lucy, Jan. 27, 1833, a. 14. c.r.i. Mercy M., d. Alvah and Asenath, Oct. i, 1824. [ch. Alva, " Worms or Whooping Cough," a. 2, c.r.i.] [Foote, d. Alvah and Asenath, a. i y. 9 m., g.r.i.] [Foot, ch. Alvah, p.R.ic] Ruth, w. William, Mar. 13, 1813. [Foote, a. 59, g.r.i.] William, Mar. 27, 1823. [shock of palsey, a. 73, c.r.i.] [Foote [h. Ruth], a. 69, G.R.I.] , inf. William, Sept. 8, 1777. c.r.i. , d. Ruth, Oct. — , 1801, a. i. c.r.i. , ch. Chester, Dec. — , 1813, a. "few" hrs. c.r.i. [s. Chester and w., Dec. 25, a. 5 hrs., g.r.i.] , inf. Mrs. Foot, Apr. 30, 1817. C.r.i. , inf. s. Chester and Vanda, Mar. i, 1826. FORBES (see Fobes), Coetia[?], " young woman," Feb. 21, 1799, a. abt. 23. C.R.I. [Chrisev, d. Robert and Agness, in 23d y., G.R.I.] FOWL, , d. Jacob and Elizabeth, July 25, 1779. FOX, , ch. Mr. Fox, fever, Jan. 13, 182 1, a. 5. c.R.i. , wid., Mar. 10, 1837, a. 87. 220 CHESTER DEATHS FREEMAN, Benjamin White, s. Silas and Mary, Apr. 30, 1773- Edmund, Nov. 18, 1792, a. abt. 22 or 23. c.R.i. [in 24th y., G.R.4.] Franklin (see Freeman). Nathaniel, s. Silas and Mary, May 25, 1778. Parmelia, [twin] d. Silas Jr. and Margaret, Jan. 28, 1796. [" infant," Jan. 21, c.r.i.] [Permela, Jan. 28, a. 7 w., G.R.4.] , Ch. , , 1776. C.R.I. , inf. Brewster, Sept. — , 1801, a. abt. 6 w. c.r.i. [Franklin, s. Brewster and Prudence, Sept. 3, a. i m. 13 d., G.R.4.] , inf. Joseph, Feb. 23, 1802, a. abt. i d. c.r.i. FRENCH, Azael, s. Samuel and Susannah, Sept. 30, 1776. [Azel, ch. Samuel and Susanna, in 5th y., G.R.4.] Eben, s. Samuel and Susanna, Aug. 9, 1761, in 3d y., in Nor- wich, Con[n]. G.R.4. Eunice, d. Samuel and Susannah, Oct. 2, 1776. [ch. Samuel and Susanna, a. 9 m. 22 d., G.R.4.] Lucy [ch. Samuel and Susanna], Apr. 29, 1781. [a. abt. 18, C.R.I.] [Apr. 19, in i8th y., G.R.4.] Lucy, d. Ens. Ozias and Elizabeth, May 19, 1793. [May 18, a. between 2 and 3, c.r.i.] [d. Ozias and Elisabeth, May 18, 1795, in 3d y., G.R.4.] Samuel, , 1813, a. 76. c.r.i. Samuel [h. Susanna], Mar. 29, 1814. Susa, d. Sam[ue]l and Susannah, Sept. 26, 1776. [d. Samuel and Susanna, in 3d y., G.R.4.] Susanna, w. Sam[ue]l, July 22, 1812. FROST, , ch. Mr. Frost, hooping cough, Sept. — , 1824, a. I m. C.R.I. GAMBALE (see Gambol), , Mrs., cancer. May 2, 1821, a. 80. C.R.I. GAMBOL (see Gambale), , Mr., old age, Sept. 4, 1825, a. 91. C.R.I. GAMWELL, John, Apr. 10, 18 13, a. 70. c.r.i. William, s. John and Jane, Aug. 13, 1802. [a. 17, c.r.i.] , w. Samuel, Nov. 13, 1806, a. 25. c.r.i. , w. " old " John, Apr. 18, 1813, a. 49. c.r.i. GARTTER, Polly, w. Lorenzo, Jan. 10, 1844, a. 36. g.r.2. CHESTER DEATHS 221 GAYMOND, Ezra, dropsy, Dec. 8, 1816, a. 18. c.r.i. GEERS, Silsbe, suddenly, May 28, 1775. c.r.i. , inf. James, Jan. 26, 1776. c.r.i. , wid., July ig, 1776. C.R.i. , w. Allen, July 31, 1776. C.r.i. " , inf. Allen [Aug. 16], 1776. c.r.i. GIBBS, Curtis, Apr. 18, 1842. G.R.3. GIBSOM (see Gibson), , s. Asahel, Feb. 16, 1840, a. 13. C.R.I. GIBSON (see Gibsom), Polly, w. Roger, Sept. — , 1839. [Oct. 6, a. " over " 70, c.r.i.] Roger (Gipson) [h. Polly], Apr. 25, 1840. , Mrs., Feb. 27, 1808, a. " above " 90. c.r.i. GIDDINS, Charles B., s. W[illia]m and Wealthy, croup, Jan. 17, 1847, a. 3 y. 5 m. GILLET (see Gillett), Isaac, suddenly, Apr. 13, 181 5, a. 58. C.R.I. GILLETT (see Gillet), , wid., chronic, Mar. 23, 1816, a. 56. C.R.I. GILMORE, , young ch. Edmund, abt. " the middle of " Sept. 1802. C.R.I. GLEASON, Camey[?], "adopted" s. John Smith, bilious colick, Apr. 13, 1800, a. abt. 15. c.r.i. , Mrs., Aug. 20, 1813. C.R.I. [Elizabeth, w. William, Aug. 16, a. ss, G.R.7.] GOFT, , youngest ch. Maj. Edward, June 13, 1788, a. 5 m. C.R.I. GOODRICH, Alfred, May 14, 1837, a. 23. G.R.14. George, Aug. 22, 1836, a. 7. G.R.14. GOODWILL, , d. Nathanel, Dec. 18, 1808, a. 7. c.r.i. GORDEN (see Gordon), Samuel, Jan. 3, 1802, [a.] 83. c.r.i. GORDON (see Gorden), Alexander, Jan. 3, 1802. [[h. Martha] in 85th y., g.r.i.] John, s. Allexander and Martha, Mar. 12, 1799. [Gorden, Mar. II, a. 30 "lacking two months," c.r.i.] [Gordon, Mar. 10, G.R.I.] 222 CHESTER DEATHS Gordon, Martha, w. Alexander, July 4, 1792. [Gorden, a. 63, C.R.I.] [Gordon, July 2, g.r.i.] GRAHAM, W[illia]m Lee, s. David and Lavice, Apr. 29, 1804. [a. 7 m., C.R.I.] [s. David and Vice, a. 8 m. 11 d., G.R.4.] GRANGER, Ellen Maria, only ch. Matthew B. and Sarah Jane, May 25, 1848, a. 2 y. 11 m. g.r.i. George, Jan. 14, 1848, a. 58. c.r.i. Marium (see Granger). Mathew B., day laborer, consumption, [rec. June 16, 1847]. [May 16, C.R.I.] [Matthew B. [h. Sarah Jane], May 16, a. 22, g.r.i.] , w. Mr. Granger, Apr. 23, 1790, a. abt. 35. c.r.i. [Marium, w. Luther, in 35th y., G.R.9.] , wid., Mar. 4 [dup. Mar. 6], 1844, a. 91 [dup. a. 94]. GRANT, John, Rev., b. Scotland, consumption, Oct. 20, 1848, a. 74 y. 6 m. [Elder John, c.r.i.] GRIFFEN (see Griffin), , s. Mr. Griff en, May —,1812, a. 7. C.R.I. GRIFFIN (see Griffen), Emmons, Nov. 25, 1843. Franklin A., s. Aziel and Mary, Feb. 16, 1848, a. 6. g.r.2. Piania (see Griffin). Silas, widr., farmer, old age, Apr. 4, 1847. Wesley, s. Aziel and Mary, Feb. 4, 1848, a. 8. g.r.2. , Mr., Dec. 16, 1799, a. " nearly " 80, c.r.i. , " small " ch. Mr. Griffin, Sept. 23, 1802. c.r.i. , Mrs., Feb. 29, 1832, a. 63. c.r.i. [Piania, w. Silas, Feb, 27, G.R.7.] GRISWOLD, , ch. Mr. Griswold, Mar. 12, 1848, a. i. C.R.I. GROUT, , w. Capt. Daniel, Nov. 30, 1782. c.r.i. HALEY, W[illia]m H., s. Maxson [and Eliza M.], Aug. 9, 1845, a. 5 y. [sic, see birth]. HAMILTON, Benjamin F., s. John and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1834. [a. 2, C.R.I.] [[ch. John and Sarah (Burton)] G.R.2.] Catharine, wid. John, June 23, 1848, a. 84. g.r.i. David, s. David and Mabel, Sept. 10, 1802. [youngest ch. David, Sept. 15, a. i, c.r.i.] Edgar, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1838. [a. 2, c.r.i.] [ch. John and Sarah (Burton), g.r.2.] CHESTER DEATHS 22$ Hamilton, James, oldest s. Dea. Hamilton, Oct. — , 1776, in the army, c.r.i. James, s. Lemuel and Peggy, Sept. 10, 1802. [a. 2 y. 6 m., C.R.I.] James, Dea., July 28, 1806. [a. 77, c.r.i.] James, May 14, 1843, a. 41. [[h. Lucy (Judd)] a. 41 y. 5 m. 14 d., G.R.5.] [[h. Lucy] P.R.9.] John, Lt., pleurisy, June 22, 1816, a. 59. c.r.i. [[h. Catha- rine] June 19, G.R.I.] Lucre tia (see Hamilton). Peggy, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1796. [a. abt. 3, C.R.iJ (Hamlton), inf. John, May 8, 1787. c.r.i. , ch. John, June 18, 1792, a. 2 d. C.r.i. , ch. David, Apr. 12, 1798, a " little short of " i y. c.r.i. -, w. William, Aug. 10, 1804, a. abt. 40. c.r.i. , Mrs., May 20, 1808, a. 83. c.r.i. , inf. William, " summer " 1809. C.r.i. , s. William, Aug. — , 1810, a. i w. c.r.i. , wid. Dea. James, Mar. 26, 1813, a. 81. c.r.i. , w. Moses, Apr. 15, 1813, a. 30. c.r.i. , w. Adam, Oct. — , 1822, a. 26. c.r.i. [Lucretia, Oct. 28j a. 25, G.R.I.] , ch. Moses of Middlefield, June 27, 1824, a. i hr. C.R.I. — , inf. James, Feb. 9, 1830. c.r.i. — , ch. John, Sept. 30, 1838. — , inf. d. James and Lucy, May i, 1843. HANDY (see Hendy), Abigail D., w. Barney C, Feb. 27, 1844, a. 26. G.R.2. HANNUM, Caleb F., b. Norwich, s. Caleb W. and Minerva, dropsey on brain. Mar. 26, [i8]47, a. 10 y. 4 m. 27 d. Selemna, w. Theodore, Mar. 17, 1841, a. 30. HARDY, Clarissa, " Black woman," consumption, July 24, 1824, a. 18. C.R.I. Hezkiah, " Black man," consumption. May 21, 1824, a. 31. C.R.I. Pina, " Black woman," consumption, Jan. 16, 1824, a. 24. C.R.I. Polly, " Black Woman," consumption, Feb. 12, 1827, a. 22. C.R.I. , ch. Enoch, consumption [consumption, crossed out], Mar. 12, 1825, a. 10 m. c.r.i. 224 CHESTER DEATHS HARLEN, , only ch. Ebenezer, Sept. 17, 1785, a. "a little more than one year." c.r.i. HARRIS, , ch. Mr. Harris, whooping cough, Oct. 12, 1824. C.R.I. , ch. Mr. Harris, Oct. 12, 1824. c.r.i. HASKINS, Alma, w. Joel, Nov. 3, 1843, ^- 23- G.R.3. HATCH, , Mrs., Dec. — , 1819. c.r.i. HENDY (see Handy), Mary, Nov. 24, 1828, a. 41. c.r.i. HENRY, Abigail (see Henry). Albert R. [ch. Albert G. and Ruth], Aug. 26, 1840. Andrew, Oct. 18, 1838, a. 86. [[h. Jael] g.r.i.] Dolly, d. Capt. Malcom and Dolly, May 7, 1776. [May 8, C.R.I.] Jael, w. Andrew, Oct. 11, 1835, a. 80. g.r.i. John, Jan. 24, 181 1, a. abt. 35. c.r.i. Joseph, s. Joseph and Lydia, July 15, 18 14. [July 16, a. 10, C.R.I.] Joseph, Oct. 27, 1822, a. 66. Mary, d. Joseph and Lydia, Mar. 27, 1785. Ruth, w. Capt. A. G., Apr. 11, 1835, ^- 23. Samuel, May 25, 1832, a. 73. c.r.i. [[h. Abigail] May 24, a. 72, G.R.2.] Samuel, June — , 1840. [delirun tremens, June 26, a. 48, C.R.I.] [June 25, a. 47, g.r.i.] W[illia]m O. Niel [ch. Albert G. and Ruth], Oct. 5, 1841. , " only son & child " John, July 24, 1802, a. i y. 6 m. C.R.I. , inf. s. Joseph and Ly[d]ia, Sept. 23, 1809. , ch. Sam[ue]l, still born. May 31, 1820. c.r.i. -, wid. Sam[ue]l, May 23, 1838. [Abigail, May 22, a. 70, G.R.2.] HIGGENS (see Higgins), Martha, d. Barney, Jan. 2, 1848, a. 19. C.R.I. [Higgins, a. 19 y. 11 m., G.R.14.] HIGGINS (see Higgens), Nancy [ch. Barney and Phebe], Jan. 26, 1842. , w. Daniel, bleeding. May 6, 1825, a. 18. c.r.i. , Mrs., Jan. 16, 1833. c.r.i. HINCKLEY, , wid., old age, Oct. — , 1816, a. 79. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 22$ HITCHCOCK, Stephen, May 20, 182 1. c.r.i. , d. Stephen, Aug. — , 1814, a. 3. c.r.i. , ch. Lyman, Mar. 4, [i8]46, a. 8 m. i HODGIKISS, , Mrs., abt. Aug. 11, 1802. c.r.i. HOLBROOK, Pierus Park [ch. Sumner and Lorania], Feb. 23, 1844. :; , Mr.[?], , 1842. C.R.I. , ch. Mr.[?] Holbrook, [Aug.] — , 1847. c.r.i. HOLCOMB, , wid., Dec. 18, 1834, a. 86. [Dec. 17, c.r.i.] HOLLAND, Aaron, s. James and Mary, Nov. 16, 1777, in 7th y. G.R.I. Aaron, Dr., Apr. 13, 1813, a. 35. c.r.i. Abraham, May 23, 1806, a. 24. c.r.i. [Dr. Abram, g.r.i.] Mary (see Holland). Olive, oldest d. Capt. Simon, Apr. 27, 1800. c.r.i. [d. Maj. Simon and Olive, in 15th y., g.r.i.] > William (see Holland). , ch. Dr. William and Clary, still born, Aug. 4, 1798. G.R.I. , ch. Capt. Simon, Nov. 7, 1799, a. abt. i y. 6 m. C.R.I. [William, s. Maj. Simon and Olive, g.r.i.] , Mrs., Dec. 25, 1809, a. 72. c.r.i. [Mary, w. James, Dec. 27, g.r.i.] HORTON, , ch. Mr. Horton, fever. Mar. 22, 1826, , a. 8. C.R.I. HOW (see Howe), Altamira, d. Liberty and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1828. Matilda, d. Liberty and Lucy, Sept. 4, 1824. [inflamation of bowels, a. 2 y. 6 m., c.r.i.] [Howe, a. 3, g.r.6.] , inf. Ebenezer, Apr. 3, 1776. c.r.i. , ch. Liberty, Aug. 22, 1828, a. 3. c.r.i. HOWARD, , wid., Oct. 7, 1839, a. 73. [Oct. 6, a. 72, C.R.I.] HOWE (see How), Dorothy, w. Elbridge G., July 19, 1843, a. 36. [Dolly (Elder), c.r.i.] Liberty, June 29, 1834, a. 36. [a. 38, c.r.i.] [[h. Lucy] a. 36, G.R.6.] Mira, d. Liberty and Lucy, Sept. 4, 1827, a. 3. g.r.6. 226 CHESTER DEATHS Howe, Sylvester Buckminster, s. Liberty and Lucy, , 183S. , d. Liberty, Apr. — , 1838. [This entry crossed out.] , wid., , 1842. CR.i. HUBBARD, Elisha C. (see Hubbard). Mary (see Hubbard). , ch. Mr. Hubbard, still born, June — , 1820. c.R.i. , ch. Edmund, still born, Nov. 30, 1821. c.r.i. • [dup. Mary], w. Edmund [dup. Edmond], consump- [tion] [consump, crossed out], Dec. 22, 1825, a. 34. C.R.i. [Mary C, w. Edmund, g.b.2.] -, cia. Edmund, , 1827, a. 2. c.r.i. [Elisha C, s. Edmund [and Mary C], Aug. 2, G.R.2.] HUNTER, Alonzo, s. Elijah and Mary A., Oct. 15, 1840, a. 5. G.R.2. John, asthma, June 19, 1815, a. 67. c.r.i. , Apr. 9, 1806, a. 27. c.r.i. , ch. Walter, still born, June 11, 1820. c.r.i. HUTCHENS (see Hutchins), Pearley, [Dec] 27, 1847, a. 80. C.R.I. HUTCHINS (see Hutchens), Lucy, d. Parley and Betsey, Apr. 10, 1826, a. 20. G.R.6. , d. Mrs. Hutchins, Oct. 16, 1804, a. abt. 2. c.r.i. [Priscilla, d. Parley and Betsey, Oct. 16, 1803, a. i y. 10 m., G.R.6.] , Mrs., Sept. 9, 1829, a. 56. c.r.i. INGEL (see Ingell), , ch. Mr. Ingel, Feb. 14, 1821, a. I d. c.r.i, [Ingell, s. Cheney and Almira, g.r.i.] INGELL (see Ingel), Christian (see Ingell). Nelson [ch. Cheney and Almira], Sept. 8, 1839. [Ingall, ch. Cheeny, a. i, c.r.i.] [Ingell, ch. Cheney and Almira, a. I y. 2 m., G.R.5.] Zadoc, Dec. 22, 1832, a. 72. [Ingal, a. 73, c.r.i.] [Zadock Ingell, a. 73, G.R.5.] , ch. James, Sept. 5, 1810, a. 2. c.r.i. , Sept. 7, 1829. , wid. Zadock, Mar. 18, 1835. [Ingol, c.r.i.] [Christian Ingell, a. 73, G.R.5.] INGRAHAM (see Ingram), , inf. Mr. Ingraham, Oft. — , 1805. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 227 INGRAM (see Ingraham), Jedediah, Dec. 27, 1837. , ch. Mr. Ingram, still born, Apr. 27, 1801. C.R.i. , Mrs., w. Mr. Ingram, influnza, Sept. 22, 1825, a. 55. C.R.I. JACK, Tom, " Negro," Feb. 11, 1832, a. 99. c.r.i. , " colored woman," w. T., Apr. 16, 1830. c.R.i. JACKSON, , s. Mr. Jackson, July 25, 1802, a. abt. 2. C.R.I. JAMES, Benjamin, s. Capt. John and Nancy, Sept. 12, 1797. JOHNSON, Edson, s. Jesse and Sophia, Sept. 20, 1S34. [a. 2, C.R.I.] [s. Jesse and Sopia, a. 2 y. 12 d., G.R.5.] Eli Leander (see Johnson). Harriet, w. Ira, Jan. 25, 1839. [a. 28, G.R.5.] Isaac Jr., s. Isaac and Judath, Sept. 5, 1802. [Johnsen, youngest ch. Isaac, a. abt. i, C.R.i.] [Johnson, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] Isaac Jr., s. Isaac and Judith, Dec. 3, 1835, a. 30. g.r.s. [ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] Jesse, Dea., old age. Mar. 17, 1822, a. 88. c.R.i. [Mar. 17, 182I, G.R.I.] Jesse, July 26 [dup. July 25], 1844 [dup. a. 45]- Uh. Sophia] July 26, a. 46, G.R.5.] [[h. Sophia (Churchill)] ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] Louis, d. Dea. Jesse and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1781. [Apr. 16, a. 6 m., G.R.I.] Mabel, d. Dea. Jesse and Sarah, Oct. i, 1776. [" Mabel " or " Isabel," Oct. 6, a. 11 m., g.r.i.] Roxany, d. Jesse and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1776. [Roxy, c.r.i.] [Roxarana, Sept. 28, in 7th y., g.r.i.] Sarah (see Johnson). Syphax (see Johnson). Welthy (see Johnson). William Edward, s. David S. and Lucretia, May 3, 1842. [s. D. S. and L. B., a. 6 w., G.R.5.] Zilpah, Dec. 21, 1833, a. 24. c.r.i. [Zilpha, Dec. 20 G.R.5.] [Zilpha, ch. Isaac and Judith (Shumway), P.R.17.] , inf. Jesse, Jan. [17], 1796. c.r.i. , s. Ely, " last week of " Sept. 1801, a. abt. 2. c.r.i. [Eli Leander, s. Eli and Huldah, Sept. 28, in 13th y., G.R.I.] , s. Ely, " last week of " Sept. 1801, a. abt. 4. c.r.i. [Syphax, s. Eli and Huldah, Sept. 23, in 4th y., g.r.i.) 228 CHESTER DEATHS Johnson, , ch. Ely and Huldah, Feb. 24, 1803, a. 11 d. C.R.I. [Welthy, Feb. 25, a. 10 d., g.r.i. , w. Dea. Johnson, [Nov.] — , 1814, a. 77. c.R.i. [Sarah, w. Dea. Jesse, Dec. 5, g.r.i.] , ch. Daniel, still born, July 7, 1822. c.R.i. , d. D. S. and L. B., Mar. 3, 1837. G.R.5. , s. Ira and Harriet, Dec. 25, 1838, a. 12 d. G.R.5. , ch. Ira and Harriet, Jan. — , 1839. JONES, Judah, " Killed in . . . Battle," " latter part of " Oct. 1780. C.R.I. , Capt., , 1776. C.R.I. JUDD, David, s. Reuben Jr. and Rachel, Oct. 2, 1802. [young- est s. Ruben, Oct. i, c.r.i.] Polly G[illegible], d. Lt. Judd, Oct. 3, 1802, a. abt. 14. c.R.i. Salathial, Oct. 30, 1820. [liver complaint, a. 51, c.r.i.] Sukey, d. Reuben Jr. and Rachel, Sept. 28, 1802. [Susannah, a. 3, C.R.I.] , ch. Salathiel, Feb. 8, 1797, a. abt. 10 d. c.r.i. , s. Salathiel, Sept. " last week," 1802, a. 9. c.r.i. , d. Salathiel, Sept. " last week," 1802, a. i. c.r.i. KELSO (see Kelsoe), Anne, Jan. i, 1805, a. 40. c.r.i. Caroline, d. James and Lois, July 15, 1815. [diabetis, July 11, a. II, C.R.I.] Clarissa Ann, d. Joseph and Clarissa, Aug. 24, 1837. [a. 3 m., G.R.4.] Hugh, " drowned in the Delaware River," , 1799, a. abt. 38. C.R.I. James Jr., Nov. 3, 1832, a. 25. John, Capt., July 11, 1814, in 85th y. Joseph Henry, s. Joseph and Clarissa, Feb. 12, 1836, a. 2 m. 13 d. [Feb. 13, C.R.I.] [Feb. 12, G.R.4.] Olive D., d. Joseph and Clarissa, liver complaint, June 29 [1849], a. 2 m. 15 d. [June 28, a. 3 m., G.R.4.] Sarah, Mrs., Mar. i, 1823, in 86th y. [Sarah, wid., old age, C.R.I.] Washington, pleurisy, ague. Mar. 16, 1828, a. 18. C.R.i. William, June — , 1799, a. abt. 24. c.r.i. , ch. Capt. Kelso, " in the fall of " 1780. c.r.i. , s. Hugh, Aug. 5, 1794, a. "little more than " 4 m. C.R.I. KELSOE (see Kelso), Louiz [dup. Mrs. Louis Kelsoe] [w. James], Aug. 15, 1845, ^- ^5. [Lois Kelso, g.r.i.] CHESTER DEATHS 229 KEYTON, , inf. Ebenezer, June i6, 1786. C.R.i. KINGSBURY, Margaret, w. Noah, Feb. 4, 1800, a. 83. G.R.4. Noah, Apr. 2, 1796, a. 76. c.r.i. [[h. Margaret] G.R.4.] , Mr., Feb. 4, 1801, a. 84. c.r.i. KINGSLEY, Anna, w. Elder Silas, June 18, 1837. [Annie White Kingsley, w. Rev. Silas, G.R.2.] Electa, d. Silas and Anna, Aug. 22, 1813. [d. Elder Kingsley, a. 18, C.R.I.] Eliza, w. W[illia]m L., July i, 1817, a. 36. g.r.2. Stillman, s. Silas and Anna, July 25, 1808. , '* little " ch. Mr. Kingsley, , 1808. c.r.i. KIRTLAND, Abigail, w. Daniel, , 1772. c.r.i. KISER, (Kiser[?]), s. Mr. Kiser, Dec. 20, 1829, a. 20. c.r.i. KNOX, Eli, Mar. 13, 1844, a. 36. [[h. Sarah E.] a. 35, g.r.2.] Levi, Capt., Feb. 8, 1838. William, Nov. 31M, 1842, a. 65. [Dec. — , c.r.i.] [[h. Rachel] Nov. 30, g.r.2.] , inf. Lydia, Dec. 4, 1810. c.r.i. , inf. d. Eli and Sarah Elizabeth, Apr. 24, 1842. [d. Eli and Sarah L., a. 3 d., g.r.2.] KYLE, Rebecca, d. Forbes and Rebecca, Apr. 21, 1830. Rebecca, ch. Forbes and Rebecca, drowned, Apr. 21, 1832, a. 3. G.R.4. William, ch. Forbes and Rebecca, Mar. — , 1813, a. 2. g.r.4- , s. Mr. Kyle, Nov. 29, 1813, a. abt. i. c.r.i. , ch. Capt. F., Aug. 27, 1830, a. 27. c.r.i. LACKOR (see Lacore), Sanderson, inf. grand ch. John, Oct. 13, 1793. C.R.I. , inf. Phebe, July 18, 1802, a. abt. 2 or 3 w. c.r.i. LACORE (see Lackor), Margret, w. John, Oct. 21, 1775, a. 62. C.R.I. LADD, Franklin, s. Jo[h]n and Esther, Dec. 21, 1809. [Lad, "infant," Dec. 22, c.r.i.] John, Feb. 27, 1827. [gravel, a. 69, c.r.i.] LEE, , w. Enoch, May 7, 1799, a. abt. 40- c.r.i. , " young " ch. Enoch, Mar. — , 1805. c.r.i. 230 CHESTER DEATHS LENARD (see Leonard), , w. Nathan, July 24, 1806, a. 35. C.R.I. LEONARD (see Lenard), Thankful, w. Henry, June 23, 1813. , s. Selden, Oct. 28, 1802, a. abt. 10 d. c.R.i. LEWIS, Daniel, Feb. 25, 1842, a. 57. Eliza F., w. Roland, Oct. 29, 1847, a. 27. g.r.2. , ch. Mr. Lewis, Nov. — , 182 1, a. 15 d. c.r.i. LINDSEY (see Linsey), , Mr., fever, Dec. — , 1825. C.R.I. , d. W[illia]m, [rec. between Sept. 9 and Oct. 25], 1829, a. 16. C.R.I. LINSEY (see Lindsey), , ch. John, croup, Aug. 22, 1833, a. 6. C.R.I. , ch. John, croup, Aug. 31, 1833, a. 4. c.r.i. LOVELAND, Malachi, shock of palsey, Dec. 6, 1823, a. 62. c.r.i. LYMAN, Adah, w. Crispus, June 7, 1798. [in 24th y., g.r.i.] Ann [ch. Chester and Abigail], June 21, 1836. [Anna, a. 10 y. 10 m., G.R.12.] [Anna, p.R.18.] Anna (see Lyman). Betsey (see Lyman). Betsey, wid., Apr. 22, 1835, a. 56. [Apr. 25, c.r.i.] [w. Stephen, g.r.i.] Clarissa, w. Moses, Mar. 2, 1836, a. 38. [Mar. 3, c.r.i.] [Mar. 2, G.R.I.] Dorethy, wid., Dec. 11, 1829, a. 78. c.r.i. [Dorathy, w. Timothy, in 78th y., G.r.i.] Ebenezer Emmons [ch. Timothy and Experience], Apr. 11, 1839. [a. 15, C.R.I.] Hannah, wid., Nov. 5, 1812, in 65th y. g.r.i. Jason Wright, s. Crispus and Betsey, Sept. 20, 1802. [young- est s., a. 2, C.R.I.] [s. Crispus and Betsey, a. 3, g.r.i.] John, s. Crispus and Adah, Sept. 25, 1802. [oldest s., Sept. 26, a. 4, C.R.I.] [Sept. 25, g.r.i.] Mary B., d. Chester and Abigail, May 28, 1821. [a. 4 m., C.R.I. G.R.12.] Mary Blair [ch. Chester and Abigail], May 28, 1836, in Madison, 0. [May 22, p.R.18.] Moses Dwight, ch. Moses and Clarissa, May 21, 1849, a. 31, in Calamar, S. A. g.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 23 1 Lyman, Samuel Tinker, s. Samuel and Miriam, Oct. 18, 1823. [Samuel I., rattles, a. 3, c.r.i.] [Sam[uel] J., s. Dea. Samuel and Mirium, a. 4, G.R.i.] Sarah, d, Timothy [and Experience], Nov. 25, 1826. [in- flamation, a. 9, c.r.i.] Sophronia, w. Moses, Dec. 13, 1848, a. 42. c.r.i. [a. 41, G.R.I. ] Stephen, July 14, 1810, a. abt. 34. c.r.i. [[h. Betsey] July 15, in 36th y., G.R.I.] Stephen, Dea., Dec. 8, 1811, in 70th y. c.r.i. g.r.i. Timothy, old age, Oct. 11, 1815, a. 71. c.r.i. [[h. Dorathy] Oct. 12, in 71st y., g.r.i.] Timothy, Dec. 22, 1837. [a. 56, c.r.i.] [[h. Experience Bard- well] a. 55, g.r.i.] Wealthy, Sept. 17, 1814. c.r.i. [d. Stephen and Betsey, Sept. 7, in nth y., g.r.i.] Wealthy, Jan. 25, 1821. [ch. Capt. Samuel, dropsy in the head, a. 5, C.R.I.] [d. Dea. Sam[ue]l and Mirium S., g.r.i.] Wealthy, typhus fever, July 19, 1841, in Monson, a. 19. c.r.i. , w. Dea. Hopkins, Dec. 16, 1785. c.r.i. [Anna, w. Dea. Stephen, in 36th y., g.r.i.] , inf. Crispas, , 1814. c.r.i. [s. Crispus and Betsey, June 15, a. 3 d., g.r.i.] , ch. Moses, still born, June 30, 1824. C.r.i. , w. Crispus, May 29, 1832, a. 59. c.r.i. [Betsey, May 28, G.R.I.] -, inf. Mr, Lyman, [rec. between Mar. 3 and June — ], 1836. C.R.I. MAHON, , ch. John, still born, Jan. 18, 1802. c.r.i. MALLERY, Ellen, Jun[e] 19, 1784. c.r.i. [Abigail E. Mal- lory, " adopted " d. Samuel Matthews and Abigail, in 2ISt y., G.R.I.] MAN (see Mann), Ashley, Oct. 15, 1842, a. 54. [Mann, Oct. 16, G.R.7.] Sally (see Man). William, " Autumn," 1808, a. 76. c.r.i. , d. Nathan, " very suddenly," Aug. 15, 1796, a. abt. 2. C.R.I. [Sally Mann, d. Nathan and Eunice, a. i y. n m., G.R.I.] MANN (see Man), Jane (see Mann). Nathan, Dec. 21, 1770. [[h. Jane] Dec. 25, in 29th y., g.r.i.] , wid., Sept. 5, 1814. c.r.i. [Jane, w. Nathan, in 8ist y., G.R.I.] 232 CHESTER DEATHS MARBLE, Joseph, Sept. 30, 1803, a. abt. 42. c.r.i. Susannah, d. Widow Marble, drowned, Apr. 28, 1807, a. abt. 10. C.R.I. William, Sept. 15, 1810, a. 23. c.r.i. , ch. Mr. Marble, June 14, 1792, a. 2 y. 6 m. c.r.i. , w. Jonathan, July — , 1809. c.r.i. MARSH, w. Philander, Feb. 27, 1838. , ch. Mr. Marsh, Nov. 15, 1838. MARTUS (see Masters, McMaster, McMasters), Harriet (Martus[?]), w. W[illia]m P., Nov. 27, i848,''a. 32. c.r.i. [Harriet A. Masters, g.r.i.] [ch. John (s. Thomas) Elder and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), p.r.i6.] MASTERS (see Martus, McMaster, McMasters), Sarah, w. Abner, May 4, 1848, a. 61. g.r.i. MATHEWS (see Matthews), , young ch. Gideon, June 7, 1774. C.R.I. , w. Benjamin, July 12, 1794, a. abt. 70. c.r.i. , Dea., Mar. 8, 181 1, a. 82 y. 4 m. c.r.i. , wid., old age, Apr. 29, 1817, a. 90. c.r.i. MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Ely, s. Dea. Gideon (Mathews) dec'd and Patty, Aug. 26, 1813. [Mathews, a. 17, c.r.i.] [Matthews, g.r.i.] Gideon, s. Gideon Jr. and Patty, June 17, 1798. [Mathews, s. Dea. Gidin, a. abt. 9 m., c.r.i.] [Matthews, s. Gideon and Patty, a. 8 m. 29 d., g.r.i.] Gideon Jr., Dea. [h. Patty], Mar. 19, 1806. [Mathews, a. 40, C.R.I.] [Matthews, g.r.i.] Gideon, Feb. 17, 1807. [Mathews, a. 65, c.r.i.] [Matthews, a. 65, G.R.I.] Julia, d. Dea. Gideon and Patty, Aug. 25, 1805. [Mathews, a. 4, C.R.I.] [Matthews, g.r.i.] Lucy, d. Gideon and Esther, June 23, 1770. [Mathews, c.r.i.] McINTYRE, , inf. Oliver, Apr. 16, 1787. c.r.i. McM ASTER (see Martus, Masters, McMasters), Mary Sophia, d. Abner and Sally, Sept. 28, 1814. [Master, a. I y. 6 m., c.r.i.] [McMasters, a. i y. 3 m. 20 d., g.r.i.] McMasters (see Martus, Masters, McMaster), Abner, , 1836, a. 60. c.r.i. [Masters [h. Sarah], June 25, G.R.I.] CHESTER DEATHS 233 McMasters, George, s. Abner and Sally, Sept. 30, 1822. [McMaster, worms or fever, a. 4, c.r.i.] [McMasters, G.R.I. ] MEACH, , Mr., suddenly, Dec. 16, 1820, a. 65. c.r.i. MEACHAM (see Meachem, Meachum), Keziah [d. Elijah Jr. and w.], July 3, 1838. , ch. Mr. Meacham, , 1838. , Mrs., Aug. 15, 1847. C.R.I. MEACHEM (see Meacham, Meachum), Alpa[?], s. Mr. Meachem, , 1771. c.r.i. Ellis, w. Luther, Oct. 12, 1794, a. 26. c.r.i. MEACHUM (see Meacham, Meachem), Jerehniah, s. Eben- ezer and Rachel, Apr. 26, 1772. MILLER, Electa, d. Samuel and Mahitabel, Sept. 26, 1804. Ephraim, Lt., Jan. 14, 1834, a. 89. [[h. Mary] a. 90, G.R.4.] Fordyce, s. Ephriam Jr., Aug. 18, 1829, a. 13. c.r.i. Levi, s. Samuel and Mahitabel, May i, 1804. [a. 13 m., C.R.I.] Mary (see Miller). , inf. Ephram, still born, Mar. — , 1801. c.r.i. , s. Samuel, Sept. 26, 1804, a. 3 y. 10 m. c.r.i. , Mrs., " begining of " 1813. C.r.i. [Mary, w. Lt. Ephraim, Feb. 14, a. 66, G.R.4.] MINER (see Minor), , young ch. Mr. Miner, Aug. — , 1796. C.R.I. [Fanny, d. Rufus and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, a. 13 m., G.R.4.] MINOR (see Miner), , d. Rufus, Mar. — , 1810, a. 4. C.R.I. MOODY, Electa, Mrs., bilious fever, Aug. 2, 1 841, in Belcher- town. C.R.I. [Electa S., w. Heman E. of Belchertown, d. Dea. John Elder, a. 24 y. 7 m., g.r.i.] MOOR (see Moore, More), Betsy, d. Samuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 4, 1805. [a. 18, C.R.I.] Eliot, Oct. 3, 1839, a. 55. [Elliot, c.r.i.] Elisabeth, w. Samuel, July 4, 1820. [Moore, a. 69, c.r.i.] John, s. Samuel and Elizabeth [dup. Elisabeth], Sept. 12, 1780. John, Sept. 17, 1789. c.r.i. 234 CHESTER DEATHS Moor, John, June ii, 1790, a. 82 or 83. c.r.i. [[h, Rhos- anna] a. 84, g.r.i.] Lucinda, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1795. [Lucinde, d. Samuel and Betsy, Feb. 5, a. abt. 20, c.r.i.] Rosanna, w. John, Dec. i, 1802. [mother of Samuel Moer, a. 86, C.R.I.] [Rhosanna, Dec. i, 1805, in 87th y., g.r.i.] Samuel, Aug. 8, 1822, a. 74. [Moore, old age, c.r.i.] , d. Electa, Apr. 11, 1807, a. abt. 16 m. c.r.i. , s. Hyrum, May — , 1812, a. 22. c.r.i. , inf. Eliot, Sept. 30, 1813. c.r.i. MOORE (see Moor, More), Joshua V., May 15, 1845, a. 46. Lathrop, ch. Eliot, worm fever, Jan. 25, 1827, a. 7. c.r.i. Rebecca Hellen, [twin] d. Joshua V. and Eliza, Aug. — , 1835. [Aug. 8, C.R.I.] Sarah Ellen, [twin] d. Joshua V. and Eliza, Aug. — , 1835. William, chronic, July 3, 1816, a. 73. C.r.i. [Lt. William Moor [h. Molly], July i, g.r.i.] MORE (see Moor, Moore), Lathrop, ch. Elliot, rattles, Jan. 17, 1829, a. 2. c.r.i. Molly (see More). Nathan, , 1770. c.r.i. , wid., consump[tion]. May 6, 1817, a. 70. c.r.i. [Molly Moor, w. Lt. William, May 5, in 72d y., g.r.i.] MORGAN, Esther, Oct. 20, 1843, a. 19. MUHHELLON, Aaron, Nov. 26, 1776, a. 7. c.r.i. NEWEL (see Newell), Amanda, w. , d. Ens. W[illia]m Sizer and Prudence, Jan. 7, 1829. NEWELL (see Newel), Joseph, tinner, b. Hartford, Conn., s. Theadore and Amanda, scorfulous, Mar. i, [i8]47, a. 21 y. 2 m. 17 d. NOBLE, Solomon, " youngerly man," , 1786. c.r.i. , d. John, Oct. — , 1803, a. abt. 4. c.r.i. NONEY (see Nooney, Noony), Andrew, [Sept.] — , 1847, a. 17. c.r.i. James, gout and old age, June 26, 1829, a. 79. c.r.i. [Nooney, June 27, a. 81, g.r.i.] NOONEY (see Noney, Noony), Adaline, Nov. 20, 1833, a. 24. C.R.I. [Adiline M., d. W[illia]m and Achsah, Nov. 18, G.R.2.] CHESTER DEATHS 235 NooNEY, Andrew, Jan. 17, 1834, in N. Y. [a. 25, in New York, N. Y., g.r.i.] Charles, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Sept. 18, 1814. [Sept. ig, a. 2 m., C.R.I.] [Sept. 18, a. 2 m. 2 d., g.r.i.] Electa S., w. Herman E., ch. John (s. Thomas) Elder and Electa (d. Dea. Stephen Lyman), Aug. 2, 1841. P.R.16. Electe, w. Hezekiah, Oct. 14, 1802, a. 23. c.r.i. [Electa, in 23d y., G.R.I.] Esther Wade [d. James Jr. and Abigail], July 28, 1843, in Suffield, Conn. [Esther Noony, consumption, a. 20, C.R.I.] [Nooney, a. 20, g.r.i.] Maria, d. James, June 29, 1841, a. 34. [consumption, c.r.i.] [d. James and Abigail, g.r.i.] William, Mar. 31, 1841, a. 56. , inf. Hezekiah, Oct. 9, 1802. c.r.i. [inf. s. Hezekiah and Electa, Oct. 8, g.r.i.] , inf. James, still born, July — , 1820. c.r.i. NOONY (see Noney, Nooney), , wid., old age, June 25, 1816, a. 95. C.R.I. , inf. George, still born, Feb. 27, 1817. c.r.i. OLIVER, , mother of Col. Oliver, Aug. 20, 1788, "old." C.R.I. OTIS, Henry Martin [ch. Holmes and Mary], Nov. 19, 1843. [s. Homes and Mary, Mar. 19, a. 8 y, 8 m., G.R.2.] James, Sept. — , 1837, a. 86. p.r.2. Laura R. [ch. Holmes and Mary], Aug. 25, 1841. [d. Homes and Mary, a. 8 y. 7 m., g.r.2.] , Feb. , a. 68. p.r.2. PARKS, Nancy, w. Henry, Jan. 29, 1843, a. 21. , w. Henry, Oct. 8, 1793, a. 23. c.r.i. , s. Uriah and Eunice, Mar. 26, 1804. [a. 2 d., c.r.i.] PARMENTER (see Parminter), Hannah, w. Dea. John N., Mar. 2, 1802. [w. Dea. John Newton Parmenter, a. 58, c.r.i.] [a. 58, g.r.i.] PARMINTER (see Parmenter), John N., Dea., Dec. 6, 1829. [Parmenter, a. 86, c.r.i.] [Parmenter [h. Hannah], Dec. 6, 1828, a. 86, g.r.i.] PARSONS, , d. Gideon, Mar. 10, 1792, a. 4. c.r.i. , inf. Gideon, Apr. 19, 1795. c.r.i. 236 CHESTER DEATHS PARTRIDGE (see Partrige), , ch. , , 1777. C.R.I. PARTRIGE (see Partridge), , Mr., old age, Mar. — , 1829, a. 92. C.R.I. PEASE, Elizabeth Y., d. Erastus and Sally, derangment of brain, Oct. 5 [5, blotted] [1849], a. i y. i m. [Oct. 3, G.R.I. ] George Dexter, s. John F. and Betsey, June 26, 1841. , s. Abner, Dec. 28, 1792, a. 6 m. c.r.i. [James, s. Abner and Polly, g.r.i.] , ch. Pease, cholera infantum, June 26, 1841, a. 8 m. C.R.I. PERCIVAL (see Perciville), , wid., old age, Oct. — , 1824. C.R.I. PERCIVILLE (see Percival), Franklin, s. Dr. Stephen and Nabby, Sept. 14, 1802. [Parcival, a. i y. 2 m., c.r.i.] PHELPS, Charles, s. Dr. Martin and Ruth, Aug. 8, 1800. Electa (see Phelps). Epaphros, " begining of " 1813. c.r.i. James, s. Martin Jr. and Electa, Oct. — , 1822. [Nov. — , a. 2, C.R.I.] Martha, wid. Martin, " late " of Northampton, Dec. 23, 18 14, in 88th y. [a. 88, c.r.i.] Martin, Dr., Nov. 26, 1838, a. 82. [Nov. 28, c.r.i.] [[h. Ruth] Nov. 27, G.R.I.] Ruth, b. Haverhill, N. H., w. Dr. Martin, Apr. 16, 1804. [a. 33, C.R.I.] [in 33d y., g.r.i.] Samuel, Col., Nov. i, 1843, a. 54, in Ware. Seth, s. Lt. Seth and Electe, Aug. 27, 1796, a. abt. 6 m. c.r i. [twin s. Lt. Seth and Electa, Aug. 26, a. 9 m., g.r.i.] Seth, intemperance, Oct. — , 181 7, a. 60. c.r.i. [Lt. Seth [h. Electa], Oct. 21, in 53d y., g.r.i.] , inf. twin s. Lt. Seth and Electa, Nov. 26, 1795. g.r.i. , w. Seth, Sept. i, 181 1, a. abt. 45. c.r.i. [Electa, w. Lt. Seth, in 46th y., g.r.i.] PIKE, , inf. Samuel, Mar. 31, 1805. c.r.i. , inf. Samuel, Apr. — , 1809. c.r.i. PITCHERD, , ch. Mr. Pitcherd, [Nov.] — , 1829. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 237 PLUM, , w. Capt. Plum, Sept. — , 1801. c.r.i. , Mr., Mar. 30, 1804, a. " nearly " 90. c.r.i. , inf. Comfort, May 31, 1810. c.r.i. , ch. Comfort, Oct. 22, 181 2, a. i. c.r.i. POMEROY (see Pomroy), Amasa, Mar. 17, 1827. [con- sumption, a. 72, C.R.I.] Asa, Aug. 28, 1830, a. 42. [Aug. 26, c.r.i.] Isabel, wid., Feb. 22, 1845, a. 86. Joseph, " By a tree rooling on him when triming," Aug. 27, 1824, a. 71. C.R.I. Lucy, d. Joseph and Issabel, June 6, 1794. [Pomroy, drowded, a. abt. 14, C.R.I.] Nice, d. Amasa and Martha, May 27, 1787. [Pomroy, a. " little more than " i y., c.r.i.] , s. Joseph and Issabel, Nov. 10, 1782. , wid., old age, Jan. 4, 1822, a. 92. c.r.i. , ch. Asa, suddenly, inflamation, Jan. 2, 1827, a. 2. C.R.I. , ch. Asa, still born, , 1830. c.r.i. , wid., , 1844. C.R.I. POMROY (see Pomeroy), Josiah S., Jan. 11, 1830. [Josiah Pomeroy, a. 38, c.r.i.] Luther, s. Lt. Luther, Mar. 26, 1794, a. 3 y. 6 m. c.r.i. [s. Capt. Luther and Rhoda, G.R.4.] Martha, w. Amasa, Apr. 25, 1813. c.r.i. PORTER, Martha, w. Nelson, June 13, 1840. [consumption, a. 37, C.R.I.] [Martha B., a. 36, G.R.4.] PRENTICE, , inf. Asel, July 21, 1795. c.r.i. PROCTOR, , Mr., " old," Jan. — , 1797. c.r.i. , Mr., " stranger," June 20, 1830, a. 39. c.r.i. PROUTY, Charles L. [ch. Isaac W. and Mary W.], Sept. 2, 1837, a. 2. G.R.8. QUIGLEY (see Quigly), Christian, d. Hugh, Aug. 11, 1802, a. 9. C.R.I. Dorcas, d. James and Esther, Oct. 3, 1802. Hugh [h. Mary], Oct. 12, 1841, a. 77. g.r.i. Isabel (see Quigley). Isabel, d. Capt. Hugh and Polly, Aug. 20, 1802. [d. Lt. Quigley, a. 11, c.r.i.] James, Nov. 16, 1801. [a. 90, c.r.i.] 238 CHESTER DEATHS QuiGLEY, James Sanford, s. James and w., July 7, 1834. [July 10, a. 2, C.R.I.] [s. James and Laura, a. 2 y. 10 m., G.R.5.] John, s. Capt. Hugh and Polly, Aug. 16, 1802. [John Gorden Quigley, s. Lt. Quigley, a 3 y. 6 m., c.r.i.] Laura Louisa, d. James and w., July 7 [dup. Aug. 24], 1839 [dup. a. 3]. [Aug. 22, a. 3, c.r.i.] [d. James and Laura, Aug. 22, a. 2 y. 6 m., G.R.5.] Lucrisia, d. Capt. Hugh and Polly, Aug. 14, 1802. Mary (see Quigley). William [ch. James and w.], Jan. 27, 1836. [Quigly, Jan. 22, a. 6, C.R.I.] [Quigley, s. James and Laura, Jan. 22, a. 6, G.R.4.] , inf. John, May 28, 1787. c.r.i. , ch. William, June 20, 1791, a. abt. " a fortnight." C.R.I. , ch. William, Mar. 26, 1792, a. 2 w. c.r.i. , Mrs., Mar, 24, 1793, a. 57. c.r.i. [Isabel, w. James, in 57th y., G.R.I.] , inf. John, June 3, 1793, a. abt. i w. c.r.i. , d. William, Jan. 11, 1800. c.r.i. , s. Capt. Hugh, Jan. 24, 1805, a. 4. c.r.i. , inf. Isabel, Mar. 5, 1808. c.r.i. , youngest ch. Capt. Quigley, Apr. i, 1812, a. 2 d. c.r.i. -, w. Capt. Hugh, , 1828. C.R.I. [Mary, May 18, a. 60, G.R.I.] QUIGLY (see Quigley), William, Oct. — , 181 2, a. 26. c.r.i. REED, Elisabeth W., d. Warren and Mary, Dec. 8, 1835. G.R.I. Henry Martin, s. Warren and Mary, May 26, 1827. [Mar. 26, a. I y. 4 m., g.r.i.] Sandford, Oct. 11, 1826, in New Haven, Conn, [gravel, a. 22, C.R.I.] [s. Warren and Mary, in 23d y., g.r.i.] , stillborn, Jan. 15, 1808. [ch, Warren, Jan. 14, c.r.i.] RICE, Betsy, d. Elijah, Aug. 29, 1829, a. i y. 4 m. c.r.i. , w. Elijah, Oct. 29, 1829. c.r.i, RICHESON, Esther, d. Capt. Richeson, Oct. 21, 1802, a, [bloUed]. C.R.I. [Richardson, ch. -Joseph and Priscilla, Oct. 19, in 7th y., g.r.i.] Mack, s. Capt. Richeson, Oct. 22, 1802, a. i y. 6 m. c.r.i, [Richardson, ch. Joseph and Priscilla, Oct. 21, g.r.i.] RILEY, Clerk, , 1810, a. abt. 26, in N.Y. c.r.i. , ch. Clark, Mar. 23, 1809, a. 4 m. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 239 RING, Adaline T., d. Eliezer and Theodocia, Oct. 25, 1823, a. 9 y. 4 m. G.R.4. Angeline, ch. Dotia, wid., rattles, Nov. 23, 1823, a. 9. c.R.i. ROOT, Mary (see Root). Sarah, w. Capt. Daniel, Mar. 12, 1824, a. 55. G.R.2. Wellington, ch. Laurens M. and Cynthia M., Apr. 7, 1844, a. 5 m. G.R.3. , youngest ch. Solomon, " beginning of " Nov. 1787, a. " a little more than " i. c.r.i. , Mrs., May 5, 1813, a. 89. c.r.i. [Mary, w. Joseph Esq. of Montague, [formerly] w. Samuel Bascom of Western, May 6, in 89th y., g.r.i.] ROSE, [twin ch. Israel and Eunice], Sept. 7, 1769. [twin ch. Israel and Eunice], Sept. 7, 1769. RUST, Clarissa [ch. Seth Wait and Lucretia (Otis)], Oct. 16, 1830, a. 32. P.R.2. Cooley, s. Gershom and Mary, May 5, 1778. [Apr. — , c.R.i.j Eunice (see Rust). Gershom, shock paralectic, Oct. 8, 1823, a. 85. c.r.i. [in 85th y., G.R.4.] Harmony, d. Justin and Margaret, Oct. 16, 1802. [This entry crossed out and marked " Mistake."] Justin, s. Justin and Margaret, Nov. 15, 1802. Lewis Stanton [s. Quartus and Martha], Apr. 15, 1818. [Apr. 14, a. 4 m., G.R.I.] Lois (see Rust). Lois, d. Joseph A. and Lovice, Apr. 13, 1801. [Apr. 12, a. 6 w., C.R.I.] [Apr. 13, a. 5 w. 4 d., G.R.4.] Patta, d. Gershom and Mary, Dec. 29, 1789. [Patty, very suddenly, a. abt. 14, c.r.i.] [in 14th y., g.r.i.] Polly, d. Gershom and Mary, Aug. 29, 1776. Polly, w. Quartus, Feb. 4, 181 5. [obstruc of bowels, a. 23, c.r.i.] [eldest d. John Ellis Esq. and Polly, a. 22, G.R.4.] Russel, s. Gershom and Mary, Mar. 26, 1776. [a. abt. 8 y. 6 m., C.R.I.] Sally, d. Justin and Margaret, Sept. 24, 1793. [a. 7 w., C.R.I.] [d. Justin and Peggy R., a. 7 w,, g.r.i.] , inf. Garshem Jr., Sept. "last day," 1790. c.r.i. [s. Gershom Jr. and Sally, Sept. 30, a. 12 hrs., G.R.4.] -, ch. Garshem, Mar. 30, 1792, a. i d. C.R.i. [s. Garsham Jr. and Sally, g.r.i.] 240 CHESTER DEATHS Rust, , inf. Garshom, Mar. 24, 1793. c.r.i. [s. Gar- sham Jr. and Sally, Mar. 2, a. i d., g.r.i.] , inf. Quartus, Dec. 10, 1793. c.r.i. [s. Quartus and Lois, G.R.4.] , d. Quartus and Louis, Feb. 17, 1795, a. i w. c.r.i. [Eunice, d. Quartus and Lois, G.R.4.] , w. Quartus, Dec. 23, 1796, a. abt. 30. c.r.i. [Lois, in 33d y., G.R.4.] , youngest s. Justin, Oct. 16, 1802, a. 14 m. c.r.i. , d. George B. and Patience, still born, Jan. 28, 1837. SALE, , ch. Elijah, Dec. — , 1809, a. 10 w. c.r.i. SAMPSON, Almina, d. Abner, May 19, 1843, a. 21. [d. Abner and Lydia, G.R.4.] Monroe (see Sampson). , Mrs., Sept. 9, 1809, a. 59. c.r.i. [Ruth, w. Samuel, a. 58 y. II m. 9 d., G.R.4.] -, s. Mr. Sampson, Sept. i, 1847. c.r.i. [Monroe, s. Abner and Lydia, Aug. 17, a. 23, G.R.4.] SANDERSON, Betsey, Dec. — , 1814, a. 17. c.r.i. David Cooley, s. Calvin and Polly, Sept. 18, 1816. Moses, oldest s. Sylvanus, Apr. 7, 1802, a. 18. c.r.i. Sylvanus, Lt., Mar. i, 1834. [a. 80, c.r.i.] , Mr., Aug. — , 1798, a. 60. c.r.i. , Mrs., Sept. 7, 1809, a. " above " 70. c.r.i. , young man, s. Lt. Sanderson, , 1814. c.r.i. , d. Joseph, consumption, July 28, 1825, a. 29. c.r.i. , Mrs., [Dec] — , 1847, a. 80. c.r.i. , w. Dr. Sanderson, Mar. i, 1848. c.r.i. SCOT (see Scott), , d. William, Nov. 4, 1795, a. 4. C.R.I. SCOTT (see Scot), William, state pauper, gravel, [rec. June 16, 1847]. , Mr., pauper, Jan. 18, , a. 80. SEARL (see Searle, Searls), Apollas, s. Zenas and Rachel, May 3, 1803. [Apollos, a. 7, c.r.i.] [Apollos, in 7th y., G.R.I.] Roene, d. Zenas and Rachel, May 9, 1803. [Roana, a. 4, C.R.I.] [Roena, in 5th y., g.r.i.] Russel, s. Zenas and Rachel, May 26, 1803. [a. 15, c.r.i.] [in 15th y., G.R.I.] CHESTER DEATHS 24I Searl, Spencer, s. Zenas and Rachel, May 6, 1803. [a. 2, C.R.I.] [in 3d y., G.R.I.] Zenas, h. Rachel, July 20, 1803. [Zenus, "killed by . . . pair of young cattle," a. 38, c.r.i.] [Zenas, in 38th y., g.r.i.] SEARLE (see Searl, Searls), Julia, w. Zenas, Dec. 2, i843» a. 49. [Searl, consumption, c.r.i.] [Searl, g.r.i.] SEARLS (see Searl, Searle), Zenas R., July i, 1844, a. 23, in Springfield. [Zenas Searl Jr., bilious cholic or in- flamation of the bowels, c.r.i.] [Zenas H. Searl, g.r.i.] SEWARD, Irena, wid. Capt. Joel, Apr. 5, 1830. [Apr. 6, a. 84, c.r.i.] Louisa, d. Joel, Oct. 30, 1802, a. 2 w. c.r.i. Thilly, June — ,1778. c.r.i. , ch. , July — , 1773. C.R.I. , s. Joel, " killed with a Trea," May — , 1788, a. abt. 13. C.R.I. , ch. Noadiah, still born. Mar. — , 1791. c.r.i. , Dr., father of Joel, Oct. 19, 1795, a. 94. c.r.i. , s. Joel Jr., July 13, 1799, a. abt. 6 m. c.r.i. , s. Nathan, Oct. i, 1800, a. " few weeks." c.r.i. , Mrs., Aug. 2, 1805, a. 72. c.r.i. SHEPARD, Charles, May — , 1813, a. between 40 and 50. C.R.I. [May II, a. 48, g.r.2.] Margaret, w. Dr. David, Feb. 10, 1769, in Westfield. SHOALS, , ch. Joseph, Feb. 26, 1809, a. 6 hrs. c.r.i. SIKES, Elijah Anderson, s. Elijah and Lucretia, Mar. 12, 1796. [a. abt. I m., c.r.i. [ Sophia, d. Elijah and Lucretia, Mar. 2, 1795. [a. " few Days," C.R.I.] [a. i m. 24 d., G.R.4.] , ch. Elijah, Apr. 16, 1797, a. abt. 2 d. c.r.i. SIZER (see Sizzer), Isabella M., ch. Reuben and Minerva H., Sept. 7, 1849, a. 8 m. g.r.2. Lucy, d. Capt. W[illia]m and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1802, in 34th y. Prudence, w. Ens. W[illia]m, Dec. 27, 1814. [a. 35, c.r.i.] W[illia]m, Capt., Dec. i, 1826. [dropsey, a. 80, c.r.i.] , inf. Horace, Ma}^ — , 1813. c.r.i. , w. Virgil [?], , 1836. C.R.I. SIZZER (see Sizer), , wid. [?], Dec. 12, 1828. c.r.i. SLAYTEN (see Slay ton), , inf. Ebenezer, Nov. 11, 1804, a. 2 d. C.R.I. 242 CHESTER DEATHS SLAYTON (see Slayten), Nathan, Mar. — , 1810, a. 12. c.r.i. , d. Lt. Asa and Susanna [Susannah, G.R.4.], still born, Jan. 14, 1792. , ch. Ebenezer, Mar. 13, 1806, a. 10 hrs. c.r.i. SMITH, Abaline, w. Dea. John, Oct. 26, 1800. [Abigail, a. 65, C.R.I.] [Abilene, g.r.i.] [second w. John Sr., p.R.15.] Abigail, ch. John Sr., Sept. 9, 1759. P.R.15. Abigail, w. John, Aug. 12, 1767. [in 37th y., g.r.i.] [first w. John, P.R.14.] Abigail, w. Daniel, June — , 1771, in 71st y. g.r.i. Abigail, ch. John Sr., Apr. 2, 1786, p.R.15. Abigail, wid. Lt. Abner, July 2, 1816. [Abagail Jr., affec- [tion] of liver, July 4, a. 54, c.r.i.] [in 65th y., g.r.i.] Abigail D., ch. Abner and Esther, Aug. 27, 1844, a. 26 y. 5 m. P.R.4. Abner, Capt., Oct. 19, 1795. [Oct. 19, 1794, a. " little more than" 70, C.R.I.] [[h. Ruth] Oct. 19, 1794, in 73d y., g.r.i.] Abner, Lt., May 13, 181 1. [a. 59, c.r.i.] [[h. Abigail] in 60th y., G.R.I.] Adah, ch. John Sr., June 7, 1798. p.R.15. Alonzo [ch. Phinehas and Roxe], Nov. 30, 1845 [dup. a. 37]. [a. 37, G.R.I.] Amasa, s. Phinehas and Roxe, May 29, 1808. Asa [ch. Isaac and Charity], Oct. 17, 1802. [Oct. 18, a. abt. 4, C.R.I.] Bernice, s. [sic] Ebenezer [and Nice], June 9, 1785, Cyrus, b. Granby, Conn., s. Samuel and Mehitable, dysentery, Aug. 12 [1849], a.. 38 y. II m. 10 d. Daniel [h. Abigail], Jan. 6, 1771, in 78th y. G.R.i. Daniel, Sergt., Jan. 17, 1802. [a. 44, c.r.i.] Daniel, " oldest man in Town," May 11, 1808, a. 92. c.R.i. Fidelia, June 3, 1821. c.r.i. Fitch G., Mar. 8, 1847, a. 19. G.R.14. Joab, Feb. 7, 1840, a. 80. [Feb. 8, c.r.i.] [[h. Elizabeth L.j Feb. 8, g.r.i.] Joel, s. John ist and Lydia, Dec. 9, 1801. [suddenly with the rattles, a. 14 m., c.r.i.] John, Mr., " droped down dead in the road," Feb. 8, 1782. c.r.i. [[h. Patience] in 45th y., g.r.i.] John, Sept. — , 1814, a. 35[?]. c.r.i. [John Sr., Sept. 28, p.R.15.] John, Serg[t]., Feb. 16, 1821, a. 61. [cancer, a. 51, c.r.i. J John, [Sept.] 25, 1847, a. 87. c.r.i. [Sept. 24, g.r.i.] [John Jr. [h. Elizabeth (Kelly)], Sept. 24, P.R.15.] CHESTER DEATHS 243 Smith, Keziah, wid., consumption, Feb. 25, 1820, a. 58. c.r.i. Keziah [ch. Daniel and Keziah], June 17, 1840, a. 37. [June 20, a. 41, C.R.I.] [Kezia, June 20, a. 41, G.R.2.] Lewis, s. Abner [s. Abner and Esther, g.r.2,], June 8, 1845, a. 19. Lucy Morgan [ch, John K. and Orril], Apr. 17, 1844. [d. John K. and Orrel B., a. 6 y. 6 m., g.r.i.] Milicent [d. Isaac and Charity], Oct. 24, 1798. [Oct. 25, a. between 4 and 5, c.r.i.] Nice, w. Ebenezer, June 2 [dup. June 3], 1785. [June 2, a, abt. 21, C.R.I.] [June 3, in 21st y., g.r.i.] Patience, wid., July 13, 1808, a. 67. c.r.i. [w. John, July 13, 1809, G.R.I.] Patta, d. John ist and Lydia, May — , 1785. [May 15, c.r.i.] Patty, oldest d. Robert, May 28, 1782. c.r.i. Persis, w. John, Feb. 2, 1801. [childbed, a. 33, c.r.i.] Rebecca, Mrs., consumption, Nov. 3, 182 1, a. 39. c.r.i. Rhoda M., w. James W., Nov. 4, 1810, a. 26. g.r.2. Robert, Dec. 2, 1808, a. 79. c.r.i. Roxana, d. Phineas [Phinihas, c.r.i.], consumption, Feb. 15, 1849, a. 28. Ruth, w. Capt. Abner, Aug. 17, 1818, a. 98. g.r.i. Sarah, wid., Oct. 21, 1848, a. 78. c.r.i. [w. Dea. William, g.r.i.] Sophia, d. W[illia]m 2d and Sally, Oct. 23, 1802. [Sopha, Oct. 2, a. 5, C.R.I.] [Sophia, Oct. 23, in 6th y., G.R.9.] Sophia, d. Abner and Esther, June 13, 1820. [consumption, July — , a. 4 m., c.r.i.] [a. 3 m., p.R.14.] Susannah, d. Samuel, Mar. 16, 1794, a. 19. c.r.i. Timothy, " an enlisted Soldier," Apr. i, 1781. c.r.i. Wareham, Mar. 27, 1809, a. 24. c.r.i. [Warham, g.r.6.] Wilson Porter [ch. Daniel and Cynthia], Mar. 23, 1845, a. i. [a. i3[5ic], G.R.14.] inf. John, Nov. 7, 1788. C.r.i. s. Joab and Elisabeth, Aug. 13, 1790. inf. John, May 23, 1793. c.r.i. ch. Sergt. Daniel, still born, Oct. 18, 1793. C.R.i. ch. Daniel, Oct. 3, 1794, a. 2 w. c.r.i. inf. Isaac, May 18, 1795. c.r.i. ch. John, still-born, Jan. — , 1801. c.r.i. d. Phineas, May 30, 1807, a. 4 m. 2 w. c.r.i. s. Isaac, [Sept.] — , 1808, a. 4 d. c.r.i. ch. Robert, May 13, 1810, a. 10 m. c.r.i. d. Robert, June 27, 1810, a. 3. c.r.i. 244 CHESTER DEATH^ Smith, , w. Robert, Aug. 30, 1810, a. 42. c.r.i. , grand ch. John [Dec. 4], 1810, a. 3 m. c.r.i. , w. John, Apr. 15, 1812, a. abt. 50. c.r.i. , inf. Isaac, Dec. 5, 1813, a. 2 m. c.r.i. , w. John, chronic, Dec. i, 1815, a. 58. c.r.i. , ch. Dea. Horace, still born, Apr. 14, 1821. c.r.i. , ch. William, still born, Feb. 24, 1824. c.r.i. , inf. Nelson, Jan. 14, 1833. c.r.i. , inf. d. A. and E., Nov. 4, 1833. g.r.2. , w. Phineas, May 19, 1847, a. 62. c.r.i. SNOW, Abigail Holland, d. Sereno and Sally, Apr. 3, 1829, a. 5 y. 6 m. g.r.2. Albert, s. Sereno and Sally, Sept. 11, 1824, a. i y. 4 m. g.r.2. Edward, s. Sereno, Dec. 27, 1841, a. 10. [Edward A., s. Sereno and Sally, g.r.2, ] Ezekiel, Jan. 28, 1776. [in the army, c.r.i.] Ezekiel (see Snow). Laura (see Snow). Sally, w. Sereno, Mar. 5, 1843, a. 38. [a. 40, g.r.2.] , ch. Orandatus, Feb. 23, 1793, a. 24 hrs. c.r.i. [s. Orin D. and Thankful, Feb. 26, g.r.i.] , ch. Orondatus, Oct. 8, 1795, a. "almost" 2. c.r.i. [Ezekiel, s. Orin D. and Thankfull, Oct. 7, a. i y. 5 m., G.R.I.] , ch. Sereno, still born, Dec. 28, 182 1. c.r.i. , ch. Sereno, Sept. 13, 1828, a. i y. 6 m. c.r.i. , ch. Sereno, May 18, 1831. c.r.i. w. , [rec. after Nov. 28], 1838. c.r.i. [Laura, w. Almeron, Nov. i, a. 32, g.r.2.] SPAULDING, Charles Shepard [ch. Silas and Polly], Jan. 30, 1838. [Jan. 31, a. 31, g.r.2.] Silas, Jan. 29, 1819, a. 38. g.r.2. SQUIRE, Ezekiel, Nov. 3, 1810, a. " upwards of " 50. c.r.i. STANLEY, Elisabeth, dropsy, Apr. 3, 1824, a. 74. c.r.i. STANTON, Betsy, d. Asher and Lucy, Jan. 13, 1823. [con- sumption, a. 23, C.R.I.] Sally, d. Asher and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1813. [a. i d., c.r.i.] , d. Asher, Dec. 28, 1828. c.r.i. STAR, , Mrs., mother of Mrs. Plum, Mar. 17, 1797, a. 69. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 245 STEBBENS (see Stebbins), , ch. Fran[k]Iin, Sept. 6, 1839. [Stebbins, c.r.i.] [Abigail W. Stebbins, d. Frank- lin and Abigail R., a. 6 m., g.r.2.] STEBBINS (see Stebbens), Abigail, w. Franklin, Jan. 22, 1839, a. 24. [Jan. 21, c.r.i.] [Abigail R., Jan. 21, g.r.2.] Dan R. (see Stebbins). Esther, w. Samuel B., Apr. 5, 1830. [consumption, May 4, C.R.I.] [May 5, a. 46, g.r.2.] Gad (see Stebbins). Hannah, w. Samuel, Aug. 14, 1835, a. 46. g.r.2. Harriet, d. Sam[ue]l B., Nov. 2, 1829, a. 19. c.r.i. [d. Sam[ue]l B. and Sarah, g.r.i.] Sally, w. Dan, June 13, 1843, a. 51. , w. Samuel, Apr. 6, 1813, a. 31. c.r.i. [Sarah, w. Samuel B., g.r.2.] , Dr., consumption of old age, Sept. 5, 1826, a. 78. C.R.I. [Gad, G.R.2.] — , ch. Randal, [rec. between Apr. 11 and June — ], 1839. C.R.I. [Dan R., s. Randal and Isabel, Mar. 25. a. I y. 6 m., g.r.6.] STEPHENS (see Stevens), , ch. Henry, Dec. 7, 1804, a. " few " d. C.R.I. , inf. Joshua, July 5, 1809. c.r.i. STEVENS (see Stephens), Almira, ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), July 5, 1809. p.r.6. Celestia, w. Isac, Jan. 18, 1845, a. 35. Hannah, Sept. 22, 1843, a. 74. Henry, dropsy in the head. Mar. 24, 1822, a. 42. c.r.i. G.R.6. John, Jan. 10, 1844, a. 66. Louisa, d. John Jr. and Katharine, Mar. 18, 181 1. [Stephens, a. 4 m., C.R.I.] Nancy, w. Joshua, Jan. 5, 1844, a. 60. [Nancy B. (Fisk), P.R.6.] Ruth, ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), Apr. 11, 1835. p.r.6. Susan S., w. William, Mar. 21, 1844, a. 21. [disease of brain, C.R.I.] Thomas S. (see Stevens). , Mrs., suddenly, Dec. 5, 1821, a. 70. c.r.i. , Mr., Nov. 28, 1822, a. 75. c.r.i. , ch. Joshua, , 1823, a. i hr. c.r.i. [Thomas S., ch. Joshua and Nancy B. (Fisk), p.r.6.] 246 CHESTER DEATHS STEVENSON, Eli, Dec. 28, 1800, a. 28 y. 9 m. [Ely Stephe- son, C.R.I.] STEWART, , d. James and Anna, Jan. 3, 1831, a. 2 d. G.R.7. STONE, Augustus Wright, Mar. 4, 1837. [a. 19, g.r.i.] Ella A., d. Ansone B. and Harriet, dysentery, Aug. 28, 1848, a. I y. 5 m. 28 d. [ch. Anson, a. 2, c.r.i.] [d. A. B. and H. E., a. I y. 5 m,, g.r.i.] Harvey, Feb. 4, 1842, a. 58, [Hervey, Feb. 3, g.r.i.] Mary, inflamation of bowells, Apr. 28, 1849, a. 18 y. 2 m. [Stow, " adopted " d. W[illia]m and Cosmolia Shepard, Apr. 29, G.R.2.] Mehittable, w. Lt. William, Oct. 26, 1795. [a. 36, c.r.i.] [Mehetable, w. William H., g.r.i.] Rachel [w. Harvey] [Harvy, c.r.i.], Nov. 28, 1829, a. 41. William, " By a fall which broke his thigh bone," Apr. 23, 1824, a. 70. C.R.I. William, Dec. 17, 1847, a. 56. c.r.i. [Dec. 18, a. 57, g.r.i.) William H., Apr. 25, 1823. g.r.i. W[illia]m Holloway, s. Harvey and Rachel, Sept. 23, 1824. [" Inflamation of Lungs or whooping cough," a. 7 w., C.R.I.] — , s. Hervy, Sept. 2, 1810, a. 2 d. c.r.i. [s. Harvey and Rachel, Sept. i, a. 30 hrs., G.R.4.] , wid., Oct. 9, 1828, a. 64. C.R.I. STOW, , Mrs., old age, fever, Sept. 22, 1820, a. 75. C.R.I. STREATOR, Alpheus, s. Isaac and w., Sept. 22, 1802. [Stre- ter, Sept. 23, a. 10, c.r.i.] [Streator, s. Isaac and Hannah, in loth y., g.r.i.] Cyrus, s. Isaac and w., Sept. 20, 1802. [Streter, Sept. 19, a. abt. 4, C.R.I.] [Streator, s. Isaac and Hannah, Sept. 19, in 4th y., G.R.I.] SULAVAN (see Sullivan), Timothy, s. Daniel and Johana, Mar. 10, 1847, a. I y. I m. SULLIVAN (see Sulavan), John of County Waterford, Parish Copoquin, Ire., July 21, 1848. SUMNER, , Mrs., Jan. 21, 1805, a. 32. c.r.i. TANNER, , inf. Nathan, Dec. — , 1788. c.r.i. , inf. Clark, Dec. 8, 1800. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 247 Tanner, , "young" ch. Silas, Nov. "first week," 1801. C.R.I. TAYLOR, Amos, June 7, 1832, a. 90. c.r.i. Edward Payson [ch. [Capt., c.r.i.] Otis and Pamelia], Nov. 10, 1839, a. 2 y. 2 m. 11 d. Lucy, w. Col. W[illia]m, Feb. 21, 1813. [a. 42, p.r.i.] Molly, w. John, Feb. 18, 1844. [Mary, a. 71, G.R.4.] Pamelia Wright [ch. Otis and Pamelia], Sept. 29, 1845, a. 22. Sally, d. Maj. W[illia]m and Lucy, Apr. 26, 1807. [d. Capt. William, a. abt. 4, c.r.i.] [[ch.] Col. W[illia]m, p.r.i.] Sally, d. Col. W[illia]m and Lucy, Mar. 5, 1813. Washington, s. Col. W[illia]m and Lucy, Aug. 26, 1804. [s. Lt. William, a. abt. 4, c.r.i.] [[ch.] Col. W[illia]m, Aug. 25, P.R.I.] William, s. Maj. W[illia]m and Lucy, Oct. i, 1807. [s. Capt. William, Sept. — , a. abt. 4, c.r.i.] [[ch.] Col. W[illia]m, Oct. I, P.R.I.] William, Col., Nov. 12, 1832, a. 62. [Nov. 6, p.r.i.] [torn] Eastman, d. Col. Taylor, [between Jan. i and Mar. 8], 1813. c.r.i. , inf. John, Dec. — , 1814. c.r.i. [s. John and Polly, Dec. 21, a. 2 w., G.R.4.] , w. Amos, af!ec[tion] of liver, Jan. 2, 1816, a. 73. C.R.I. , ch. Jonathan, spot fe[ve]r, July 2, 1816, a. 10 m. C.R.I. , ch, Otis, Dec. 4, 1820, a. 3 hrs. c.r.i. , ch. Otis, Dec. 10, 1820, a. 7 d. c.r.i. , Mrs., of Montgomery, " Fever of old age at Esq. Wades on visit," June 3, 1825, a. 78. c.r.i. , ch. George, Apr. 3, 1832. c.r.i. TERRY, , ch. John, Nov. 2, 1789, a. " day short of one year old." c.r.i. THOMPSON, John, Mr., " old," " latter part of " 1775. John, " in the fall " 1779. c.r.i. TILLSSON, , Mrs., May 26, 1787, a. "almost" 90. C.R.I. TINKER, David B., Oct. i, 1818. c.r.i. Mirriam, w. Rufus, Oct. 25, 1820. [consumption, a. 60, C.R.I.] [Mirium, G.R.i.] Rufus, s. Rufus and Miriam, July 19, 1796. [a. abt. 9 m., C.R.I.] [s. Rufus and Mirium, a. 11 m., g.r.i.] 248 CHESTER DEATHS Tinker, Rufus, Aug. 22, 1827. [consumption, a. 68, c.r.i.] [[h. Mirium] g.r.i.] , d. George N. and Carolen, bowel compl[ain]t, Sept. 23 [1849], a. 3 m. 14 d. TOLSON, George, July 30, 1849, a. 27. g.r.2. TOOGOOD, Anna, w. William O., shock [shock, crossed out], Nov. 3, 1827, a. 43. C.R.I. [Nov. 4, a. 44, g.r.i.] Franklin, m., farmer, s. W[illia]m O., fits, Sept. 7, 1849, a. 46. [[w. Abigail] a. 44 y. 7 m., g.r.i.] [Franklin O., P.R.18.] Mary, w. Capt. W[illia]m, Jan. 22, 1820, a. 90. [wid., old age, C.R.I. ] William, Capt., Jan. 26, 1818, a. 70. [" born in Wellington in Sumersettshire England " [h. Mary], g.r.i.] William O., s. Capt. WiUiam, May 10, 1829. [[dup. William Oaks Toogood], dropsy, a. 49, c.r.i.] TRACY, , s. Jabez, July 26, 1785, a. abt. 4. c.r.i. TREW, , inf. Orandatus, Feb. 23, 1793. c.r.i. TRUESDEL (see Truesdell), , s. Darius, Oct. 3, 1803, a. 3. C.R.I. TRUESDELL (see Truesdel), Dar[i]us, Mar. 16, 1814, in Hartford, Conn. Lucy, d. Darius and Rachel, Feb. 23, 1821. [Trusdele, con- sumption, a. 17, C.R.I.] TUTTLE, Samuel, " young man," " adopted " s. Dea. Mat- hews, Mar. ** latter part," 1777. c.r.i. [" adopted " s. Samuel Matthews and Abigail, Mar. 29, in 21st y., g.r.i.] TWADWELL, Martha, oldest ch. Daniel, " about the middle of " Apr. 1776. C.R.I. TWISS (see Twist), Emma A., d. William and Louise, con- sumption, June 7 [1849], a. I y. 5 m. I d. Mary Ester, d. W[illia]m and Louis, , 1844. TWIST (see Twiss), , Mrs., consumption, old age, May 8, 1825, a. 82. c.r.i. TYLAR (see Tyler), [Feb. — ], 1782, in Continental Army, c.r.i. TYLER (see Tylar), , wid., " took a large dose of Rats- bane in the morning and died about sundown the same day," Apr. 7, 1788. c.r.i. CHESTER DEATHS 249 WADE, William Esq., Sept. 7, 1828, a. 50. c.r.i. , inf. s. W[illia]m and Thankful, Nov. 25, 1813. [Nov. 24, C.R.I. ] WAIT, Betsy, w. Samuel, July 6, 1813. [a. 25, c.r.i. G.R.4.] Dorithy, , 1810, p.r.2. Francis L. (see Wait). Hannah, w. Josiah, July 22, 1777, a. 29, in Northampton. Hannah, w. Thomas, child-bed, Aug. 4, 1816. c.r.i. Jimima, Aug. 15, 1776. c.r.i. John, Oct. 12, 1842, a. 36. [John H., g.r.2. p.r.2.] Jonathan, Nov. 17, 1792, a. 92. c.r.i. Joseph, s. Josiah and Martha, Oct. 23, 1786. Joseph, " about " Apr. 25, 1813, a. 21. c.r.i. Lester (see Wait). Lucretia A. (see Wait). Martha, w. Josiah, May 27, 1802. [a. 50, c.r.i.] Nancy E., Nov. 5, 1835, a. 19. g.r.2. [[ch. Seth and Lu- cretia (Otis)] Nov. 4, a. 18, P.R.2. ] Sam.uel (see Wait). Seth (see Wait). Seth [h. Lucretia A.], Oct. 18, 1834, a. 60. g.r.2. [[h. Lucretia (Otis)] p.r.2.] Seth Jr., Feb. 21, 1837, a. 34. g.r.2. [[ch. Seth and Luc- retia (Otis)] Feb. 22, a. s;^, p.r.2.] , Mrs., " old," Aug. 17, 1776. C.R.i. , ch. Mr. Wait, Aug. — , 1801, a. abt. i w. c.r.i. [inf. [Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Aug. 16, 1800, p.r.2.] , " small " ch. Seth, " beginning of " Aug. 1803. c.r.i. [Seth [ch. Seth and Lucretia (Otis)], Aug. 6, a. 2, p.r.2.] , ch. Sam, Dec. — , 1813, a. " short of " i. c.r.i. [Samuel, s. [Samuel and Betsy], Dec. 25, a. 9 m. 4 d., G.R.4.] , ch. Seth, Mar. 28, 1828, a. 17. c.r.i. [Francis L., s. Seth and Lucretia, a. 16, g.r.2.] [Lester, a. 16, p.r.2.] -, wid. Seth, Oct. 19, 1838. [Lucretia A., Oct. 18, a. 6i, G.R.2. ] [Lucretia [(Otis)], Oct. 18, a. 61, p.r.2.] WALES, Eleazer Esq., Aug. 20, 1794, a. 62. c.r.i. [Elea- zari, G.R.I.] , s. Henry, May 25, 1804, a. i y. 5 m. c.r.i. WALTON, Dolly, Mrs. [dup. w. John], fever, Oct. 26, 182 1, a. 34. C.R.I. , Mr., fit, " latter part of " June 1813, a. 80. c.r.i. , ch. Mr. Walton, still born, Jan. 13, 1821. c.r.i. 250 CHESTER DEATHS Walton, , ch. John, still born, Dec. — , 1822. c.r.i. , ch. John, still born, Feb. 28, 1827. c.R.i. WANER (see Warner, Warriner), Scena, " an old made," Dec. — , 1812, a. 35. C.R.I. WARD, Uriah, Lt., Mar. 12, 1813, a. 67. c.r.i. WARNER (see Waner, Warriner), Rufus, Jan. 30, 1832, a. 94. C.R.I. , Mrs., Sept. — , 1832, a. 60. c.r.i. , inf. Joseph, Dec. 20, 1832. c.r.i, WARRINER (see Waner, Warner), Mary, Mar. 3, 1846. P.R.3. WASHBURN, , ch. Mr. Washburn, " scalded to Death in a Kittle of hot water," Feb. 25, 1801, a. 3. c.r.i. WATKINS, , ch. Russel, Nov. 2, 1796, a. i m. " or " 6 W. C.R.I. WEBBER, Freelove, Mrs., Aug. 22, 1842, a. 31. Jonathan H. (see Webber). Kezia, d. Jonathan H. and Kezia, May 25, 1781, a. i y. 8 m. G.R.4. Keziah, wid., Aug. 23, 1834, a. 84. [Aug. 18, c.r.i.] [w. Jonathan H., Aug. 28, G.R.4.] Molley, d. Jonathan Hart and Keziah, Mar. 15, 1796. [Polly, measles, a. abt. 19, c.r.i.] [Polly, d. Jonathan and Kezia, "' in 19th y. G.R.4.] Pelea [dup. Pela] Hart, s. Jonathan Hart and Keziah, Nov. 28, 1775 [dup. 1776]. [a. abt. 2 y. 6 m., , 1775, c.r.i.] [Peleg, s. Jonathan H. and Kezia, Nov. 28, 1775, in 3d y., G.R.4.] Polly (see Molly). Sarah, wid., May 20, 1793, in 79th y. c.r.i. [w. John, in » ^ 80th y., G.R.4.] — , Mr., old age, June 6, 1825, a. 85. c.r.i. [Jonathan H. [h. Keziah], in 84th y., G.R.4.] WEBSTER, Joseph C. [h. Eunice], June 12, 1839, a. 50. G.R.II. WEEKS, Lucy P., w. Artemas, Oct. 23, 1841, a. 32, g.r.8. WET (see Wit, Witt), J., Ja[n]. 26, [i8]44. g.r.2. WHARFIELD, Polly, [Sept.] — , 1808. c.r.i. Rachel (see Wharfield). CHESTER DEATHS 251 Wharfield, Reuben, June 8, 1833, a. 81. [a. 80, c.r.i.] [[h. Rachel] a. 83, G.R.4.] , ch. Ruben, Mar. — , 1810, a. 5. c.r.i. , Mrs., [rec. between Apr. 25 and Aug. 8], 1835. C.R.I. [Rachel, w. Reuben, May 31, a. 74, G.R.4.] WHEDEN, , Mrs., Apr. 5, 1802, a. 72. c.r.i. WHIPPLE, Sarah (see Whipple). , w. Mr. Whipple, cancer, July 26, 1815, a. 45. c.r.i. , s. old Mr. Whipple, insane from fits, July 25, 1816, a. 32. C.R.I. -, ch. James, Apr. 14, 1833, a. 12. c.r.i. [Sarah, d. James and Betsey, G.R.4.] WHITE, Samuel, Capt., Sept. 6, 1830, a. 70. [Sept. 8, c.r.i.] Thankful, wid., Feb. 9, 1780. c.r.i. , grand ch. Mr. White, , 1779. c.r.i. , Mr., " aged man," " fore part of " 1779. c.r.i. , ch. Mr. White, Aug. " latter part," 1800, a. abt. 3. C.R.I. , inf. Samuel, " latter part of " Dec. 1801, a. abt. i w. C.R.I. , wid., old age, Jan. 13, 1822, a. 86. c.r.i. WHITNEY, George, s. Peter and w., July 19, 1804. [a. 13, c.r.i.] Helen Eliza, d. George and Amanda, Oct. 31, 1837. [Oct. 30, a. I, C.R.I.] [d. George and Amanda M., Oct. 30, a. i y. 18 d., G.R.I. ] Peter, influenza, Mar. 5, 1826, a. 66. c.r.i. , wid. Peter, influenza, Mar. 11, 1826, a. 60. c.r.i. WIDON, , Mr., Dec. — , 1812, a. abt. 40. c.r.i. WILBER (see Wilbur), , ch. Mr. Wilber, Nov. 28, 1813. C.R.I. WILBUR (see Wilber), Eliza, Mrs., Apr. 22, 1844, a. 26. WILCOX (see Willcox), Abigail (see Wilcox). Henry D wight, s. Asa and Relief, Nov. 3, 1822. [Willcox, Oct. 3, a. I, C.R.I.] [Wilcox [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] Horace M. [ch. Elbridge G. and Lucy], Dec. 24, 1837. [a. I y. I m., G.R.2.] [Horace Monroe Wilcox, ch. Elbridge G. and Lucy (Smith), a. i y. i m., P.R.4.] 252 CHESTER DEATHS Wilcox, Horatio, Mar. — , 1810, a. 12. c.r.i. Mary (see Wilcox). Norman (see Wilcox). Relief, b. Springfield, lung fever, Mar. 4, 1849, a. 66 y. i m. 10 d. [w. Asa, G.R.2.] [Relief (Colton), P.R.4.] Ruth, w. Ralph, Dec. — , 1814, a. 23, c.r.i. [Willcox, Dec. 18, G.R.I.] , inf. David, Jan. 16, 1795. c.r.i. , Mrs., Dec. 25, 1809, a. 65. c.r.i. [Abigail, w. Capt. Elisha, Dec. 27, a. 66, g.r.i.] , ch. Asa, Mar. 24, 181 1, a. 4. c.r.i. [Mary [ch. Asa and Relief (Colton)], P.R.4.] , s. Ralph, Aug. — , 1814, a. 18 m. c.r.i. [Norman Willcox, s. Ralph and Ruth, Mar. 30, a. i y. i m. 23 d., G.R.I. ] , ch. Ralph, Dec. — , 1814. c.r.i. [Willcox, inf. s. Ralph and Ruth, Dec. 18, g.r.i.] , wid., old age, Dec. 31, 1815, a. 95. c.r.i. [inf. s. Edwin and Fannie Egleston], Apr. 3, 1841. G.R.3. WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Elisha, Capt., May 12, 1826, a. 83. [Wilcox, plurisy, a. 82, c.r.i.] [Wilcox [h. Abigail], a. 82, G.R.I.] Elisha, fever, Jan. 20, 1827. c.r.i. Mary, w. Capt. Elisha, July 7, 1826, a. 77, in Brookfield. [Wilcox, wid., a. 76, c.r.i.] Sylvester, s. Capt. Elisha and Abigail, Mar. 21, 1797. [Wil- cox, a. abt. II, C.R.I.] [Willcox, in nth y., g.r.i.] , w. Elisha Jr., dropsy, Nov. 8, 1825, a. 47. c.r.i. , inf. Elbridge G. and Lucy, Dec. 25, 1837. WILLEY (see Willy), William, s. Judah and Hannah, Oct. 21, 1797. WILLIAM (see Williams), , twin s. John and Releaf, July 7, 1787. [July 9, c.r.i.] WILLIAMS (see William), Amanda Emila [d. Sumner and Mary Ann], Dec. 24, 1837. [a. 6 m., g.r.i.] Eliphlet, s. Ebenezar and Mariam, Nov. 16, 1824, a. 16. G.R.2. Ephraim, s. Larkin, Dec. i, 1776, a. 17. c.r.i. Gardner, s. John and Releaf, July 28, 1789. John, Mar. 28, 1813, a. 52. [Mar. 29, c.r.i.] Larkin, numb palsey, Apr. 28, 1781. C.r.i. Luther, s. Levi and Charlott, Apr. 8, 1848, a. 5. G.R.2. CHESTER DEATHS ' 2 $3 Williams, Nancy, d. Larkin, Aug. 19, 1776. c.r.i. Relief [w. John], Feb. 9, 181 7, a. 57. [Relief, wid., chronic, a. 58, C.R.I.] Sumner, June 13, 1840, a. 41. [hooked by an ox, a. 47[?], C.R.I.] [a. 41, G.R.I.] , twin s. John and Releaf, July 7, 1787. [July 9, c.r.i.] , s. Eben[eze]r, throat distemper, Nov. 10, 1823, a. 16. C.R.I. , ch. John, worms, Nov. 15, 1827, a. 2. c.r.i. , ch. John, [Sept.] — , 1828, a. 2 y. 4 m. c.r.i. WILLY (see Willey), , s. Judah, Oct. 21, 1796, a. 8. C.R.I. WINCHELL, Grove, farmer, b. SuflEield, Conn., old age, July 12, [i8]46, a. 84 y. 7 m. [dup. a. 85]. WIT (see Wet, Witt), Abner, May — , 1812, a. 56. C.R.i. [Witt, May 13, G.R.4.] , d. Abner, Dec. 20, 1804, a. 4. c.r.i. [Electa Witt, d. Abner and Mary, in 4th y., G.R.4.] WITHE (see Wythe), , d. Widow Withe, Mar. — , 1812, a. 5. C.R.I. WITT (see Wet, Wit), Edward R., cardic[?], , 1842. C.R.I. Molly [w. Abner], May 4, 1845, a. 85. Olivar, s. Abner and Molly, Jan. 3 [dup. Jan. 31], 1789. [OHver Wit, Jan. 3, a. abt. 8, c.r.i.] [Oliver Witt, s. Abner and Mary, Jan. 3, in 8th y., G.R.4.] William, Aug. " about " 20, i8io, a. abt. 30. c.r.i. William R., s. William and Beulah, Mar. 19, 1842, a. 21. [s. William and Bulah, a. 21 y. 5 m., G.R.8.] , wid., , 1844. C.R.I. WOOD, Harriet [ch. James and Betsy], July 26, 1825. [con- sumption, a. 20, C.R.I.] [ch. James and Betsey, a. 20, G.R.4.] James Jr., s. James [and] Betsy, Nov. 11, 1797. [a. abt. " fortnight or three weeks," c.r.i.] [s. James and Betsey, a. 10 d. 7 hrs., G.R.4.] Nathan, Mar. 23, 1816, in 8ist y. [old age, a. 82, c.r.i.] [Mar. 28, a. 81, G.R.4.] Ruth F. [ch. James and Betsy], July 28, 1829. [Ruth, con- sumption, a, 20, C.R.I.] [Ruth, ch. James and Betsey, G.R.4.] 254 CHESTER DEATHS Wood, Sarah, d. Nathan Jr. and Sally, Mar, 30, 1815. [rattles, Mar. 31, a. 3, c.r.i.] [d. Nathan and Sarah, a. 3 y. 7 m, 14 d., G.R.4.] Sarah H. (see Wood). , Mrs., Sept. 8, 1809, a. " above " 60. c.r.i. , d. James and Betsy, Nov. 8, 1814. [" infant," Nov. 9, C.R.I.] [d. James and Elisabeth, Nov. 8, a. 10 d., G.R.4.] ch. Nathan, Sept. 30, 1821, a. 5. c.r.i. [Sarah H., d. Nathan and Sarah, Sept. i, a. 5 y. 2 m. 13 d., G.R.4.] WOOLWORTH, Flavia, June —,1778. c.r.i. Ruben, Jan. 3, 1793, a. 68. c.r.i. , w. Ruben, Sept. 25, 1786. c.r.i. WRIGHT, Asahel Esq., Dec. 21, 1830, a. 48. [" Dea. of the church & Attorney at law," a. 49, c.r.i.] [a. 48, g.r.i.] Charles B., s. Asahel and Frances, May 17, 1810. [Charles Bascom Wright, c.r.i.] [Charles Bascom Wright, a. i y. 5 m., G.R.I.] Charles G., s. A. G. and S. M., May 12, 1837, a. 7 m. G.R.5. Corinth E., d. Lewis and Hilpah, Feb. 18, 1842, a. 7. G.R.7. Daphna, Mrs., May 5, 1842. Edward, Dec. 26, 1803. [a. 82, c.r.i.] Elihu [h. Rachel], Oct. 27, 1776, a. 50, in White Plains, N.Y. G.R.4. Frances Charlotte, d. Asahel Esq. [dup. omits Esq.] and Frances [dup. Francis, [sic]], July 2, 1817. [Charlotte, consump[tion], July 3, a. 2 y, 6 m., c.r.i.] [Frances Char- lotte, only d. Asahel and Frances, July 2, a. 2 y. 4 m., G.R.I. ] John, s. Edward and Tryphena, Oct. 11, 1775, a. 8. Jonathan, " about " June — , 1776. c.r.i. Jonathan, s. Edward and Tryphena, Sept. 17, 1776, a. 20 y. " Some Months." Lewis, Nov. 15, 1843. Mercy (see Wright). Nancy M., d. Erastus and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1817, a. i m. G.R.7. [Nancy Mariah, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), p.R.13.] Rachel (see Wright). Sarah M., w. Aaron G., Apr. 20, 1838, a. 26. G.R.5. Seth, Nov. 2, 1834, a. 60. c.r.i. Stanley A., s. Lewis and Hilpah, Sept. 6, 1844, a. 3 m. 11 d. G.R.2. Triphena, d. Edward and Tryphena, Oct. 8, 1775, a. 14. [Phena, c.r.i.] CHESTER DEATHS 255 Wright, W[illia]m A., s. Erastus and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1834, a. 10 m. G.R.7. [William Addison Wright, ch. Erastus and Sarah (Stewart), P.R.13.] , d. Edward Jr. and Cloe, Mar. i, 1774. [a. abt. 2 m., C.R.I.] , inf. Bezaleel, Aug. — , 1777. c.r.i. , ch. Silas, , 1802, in " new State." c.R.i. , Mrs., May — , 1812, a. 75. c.r.i. [Rachel, w. Elihu, May 12, 1813, a. 76, G.R.4.] [s. Erastus and Sarah], June 22, 1818. G.R.7. [s. Erastus and Sarah], Nov. 5, 1830. G.R.7. , Mrs., [Dec] — , 1831. c.R.i. -, Mrs., Oct. 6, 1833. C.R.I. [Mercy, w. Lewis, Oct. 4, a. 69, G._R.7.] — , s. Lewis and Hilfa, Apr. 23, 1847, a. 2 d. WYTHE (see Withe), Catherine [[twin] ch. W[illia]m and Zeruah], Mar. 19, 1812. William, Aug. 22, 18 10. UNIDENTIFIED , Amasa (BxilUlegible]), Nov. 15, 1808, a. 19. c.r.i. , Mary L., Nov. 25, 1847, a. 2 y. g.r.2. , P. Park, s. Sumner and Lurania W., Feb. 23, 1844, a. 8 m. g.r.2. , Patty (Co[illegible]), July 4, 1813, a. 22. c.R.i. , Ruth {MsL[illegible]), May 16, 1808, a. 50. c.R.i. , Simon D., s. Sumner and Olivia D., May 31, 1832, a. II m. G.R.2. -, 1790, a. abt. 45. C.R.I. — , , grand ch. James Gilmore, Nov. " first week," 1801. C.R.I. — , , " little Girl at Wareham Nobles," June — , 1803. C.R.I. — , , ch. Barnard, Jan. 25, 1823, a. i y. 6 m. c.R.i. — , , ch. Barnard, Apr. 20, 1823, a. i. c.r.i. — , , " Black child," ch. Barnard, consumption, Apr. — , 1824, a. 4. C.R.I. — , , " Black child," ch. Barnard, consumption, May 12, 1824, a. 3. c.r.i. — , , ch. Siscor[?], , 1828. C.R.i. , , ch. , , 1834. C.R.I. -, ch. , , 1834. C.R.I. -, Irishman, Jan. — , 1840, a. 30. c.R.i. 256 CHESTER DEATHS ? NEGROES, ETC. Cesar, " man of color," fever, Dec. 29, 1820, a. 91. c.r.i. Patty, " negro Girl," Sept. — , 1777. c.r.i. , inf. Pender, " Negro," May 28, 1805. c.r.i. , " negro woman," May — , 1813. c.r.i.