-»- » '3 '% THE PROVINCE SNOW, "PRINCE OF ORANGE." WALDO rjxcoi.N Class y^l Book 'L7 3 c«-j^ 2^ THE PROVINCE SNOW, !.(. PRINCE OF ORANGE." WALDO LINCOLN. From Pkoceedings of the Amerk^an Antiquarian Society, at the 8emi-Annual Meeting, April 24, 1901. \iJorcf5tcv, Pajsisi., 11. ^. % riiESS OF CHARLES HAMILTON. 311 Main Street. 1901. hr. THE PROVINCE SNOW, "PRINCE OF ORANGE." In the summer of 1740, there being a war l)et\veen Eng- land and Spain, and the American colonies ))eino- much harassed l)^^ Spanish privateers, Governor Belcher called the attention of the General Court of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to the defenceless state of the coast, and advised the purchase of a vessel sufficiently powerful to protect navigation and trade. ^ Although the home government had generally maintained some ships of war off the coast and in the ports of the American colonies, the protection given had never been adecjuate ; and the colonial governments had, from the first, Ijeen obliged to rely upon themselves for effectual defence. For many years the Province of Massachusetts Bay had maintained one or more vessels as a coast guard, and, as early as 1()73, the ship "Anthony" had been so employed,- but, during most of the time, these vessels had been quite small, ill armed, carrying a small crew, relying upon oars as well as sails for progress, and were frecjuentlv not owned by the government, but hired for the service. =' In response to the Governor's recommendation the Gen- eral Court, July 9, 1740, granted £(5500 for the purchase and equipment of a suitable vessel and i)ut the matter in the hands of a conmiittee,'* who immediately contracted with Benjamin Ilallowell for a vessel of 180 tons, work on which was begun on July 20 and continued with such diligence that ' Appendix B, 1, 2. - Records of Mass. Bay, Vol. IV., Part 2, p. 572. ^ Acts and Resolves Province of Mass. Bay, Vols. I., VII., VIII. ; many references in each. ^ Appendix A, 1. she was launched on August 2G, in the presence of a large number of people. 8he was a snow, a vessel then common but now harcUy known, which differs from a l)rig only in having a trysail-mast close abaft the main-mast. She was to l)e armed with sixteen carriage guns, carrying a ])all of six pounds, and as many swivel guns. She was named the " Prince of Orange," and her command was given to Ca.pt. Edward Tyng, an experienced navigator, of Boston.^ Meanwhile the committee reported the necessity for a further appropriation of £3500 for guns and other Avarlike stores, which was promptly granted,^ and September 10 pro- vision was made for a crew of sixteen officers and seventy- four men, of whom the captain, gunner, boatswain and two foremast men were to be employed [)ermanently, and the others upon cruises only.^ Besides those mentioned, the officers were to be a lieutenant, master, doctor, chaplain, mate, steward, cook, gunner's-mate, pilot, boatswain's- mate, carpenter, cooper and armourer. It is probable that the vessel was sent to sea on her completion in the fall of 1740, though no reference to her sailings is made in the Massachusetts archives nor in the Boston newspapers, save that the General Court, on Octo- ber 12, made an appropriation for provisions and wages of her officers and men.^ Six muster-rolls only are preserved in the Massachusetts archives, covering the time from November 26, 1740, to February 3, 1742-3.^ Five other muster-rolls, which, unfortunately, have not been i)re- served, covering the time from Fe1)ruary 4, 1742-3, to January 27, 1744-5, were presented by Capt. Tvng and ordered paid.*^ From these it appears that the snow Avas continuously employed, with a full complement of men, from about the middle of February until the middle or last of November in each year, and that, during the rest of each 3^ear, she was laid up with her winter crew of five, ' Appendix ]?, 3-5; 11, hi. A, 'J, 2a, 3. - It, hi., 4-7, 10, 11. ■' Ihid., 8, 9. * Ihid., 12. ■ Ibid., G5-T(). « Ibid., 34, 3G, 55, 02, U3, which was increased in Novemlier, 1743, to six 1)}^ the addition of a lieutenant.^ Although the vessel Avas made ready for the summer season of 1741 as early as March 9,^ her first cruise is not noted until April 17, when she sailed in quest of "a foreign vessel."^ During this year she made quite ex- tended cruises l)etween Cape Sal)le on the north and Virginia on the south, and proved to be satisfactory for speed hut had no occasion to test her fighting qualities.'' During the three folloAving years she was constantly in service in the spring, summer and fall, on the lookout for privateers and pirates, extending one of her cruises in 1743 as far as the Florida coast,^ but never having the fortune to meet with an enemy. She was also used as a despatch boat and, in 1742 with the ship "Vernon," carried Gov. Shirley and his party on a visit to the eastern Indians.^ Owing no doubt to the number of privateers which were fitted out at Boston and elsewhere during the Spanish and French wars, service on which was more tempting because more remunerative than on a strictly naval vessel, there was always much difficulty in obtaining a crew for the "Prince of Orange" and, in December, 1741, to encourage men to enlist on her, an act was passed l^}^ the General Court granting to the ship's company all vessels, stores and goods which they should take from the enemy, besides £10 per head in old tenor bills for each man of the enemy taken or killed, to which the English government added £5 sterling.''' In spite of this it was frequently necessary to have recourse to impressment,** and, in April, 1742, a new scale of wages was adopted, considerably increasing the pay of the officers and men, though this was, perhaps. 1 Appenclix A, 35. Ubid., 13, GO. •' Ibid. M, G. ^ Ibid. A, 17, 18, '20; Ibid. 15, 7-lG. '' Ibid., 23-27. « Ibid., 18-21. ' Ibid. A, 21-23; Acts and Resolves, Vol. II., p. 1085; Appendix H, 17. 8 Ibid. A, 2G, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39, 60. 6 offset by the depreciation of paper money. ^ At the same time the allowance for provisions i)er week was fixed for each officer and sailor, no distinction l)eing made between them, as follows : — seven pounds of bread, seven gallons of beer, four pounds of l)eef, four pounds of pork, one quart of pease, one (juart of corn.^ The following March, flour and rice were substituted for Indian meal, but otherwise the establishment seems to have l)een continued during the service of the vessel.^ A bill for provisions, furnished by Capt. Tyng for the year 1742, is preserved in the Massachusetts archives . ^ In June, 1744, war having been proclaimed with France,^ the General Court passed a new act, similar to that of 1741, granting to the officers and company of vessels of war commissioned l)y the Provincial govern- ment, sole interest in all and every ship, vessel, goods and merchandise taken after the 1st of June, 1744, "during the present war with France," and £3 for every man taken or killed.*^ Capt. Tyng Avas immediately ordered to Annapolis Royal, with news of the war, where his timely arrival enabled the commander of the place to put it in a state of defence and, probably saved it from immediate capture.'' Returning to Boston, where news had meanwhile arrived that the French had six privateers at sea from Cape Breton which were threatening the coast, Capt. Tyng started on a cruise in Massachusetts Bay on June 18, and on the follow- ing Saturda}^ June 23, met one of these privateers off Cape Cod and captured her without the loss of a man on either side. He returned to Boston with his prize, and was ra})tur()usly received by his fellow-citizens. All the newspapers contain accounts of the fight, ^ and that given in the Eveniw/ Po.'^t of July 2 is here quoted at length : — " Last Monday in the afternoon Capt. Tyng in our Province Snow arrived here from a short Cruize and bro't in with her a french Priva- 1 Appendix A, 25. 2 //«>/,., 28. ^Ibld., 32, 37. *Ibid., 30. '•Ibid., 41, 42 ; Ibid. B, 29. »/<>irf. A,44-40; Acts and Kesolves, Vol. III., p. 143. ' Appendix B, 35. * Ibid.,ZO-Si. teer Sloop of 8 carriago and 10 or 12 ;>wivel Guns with 94 men Capt. Delabrotz Commander which he happily met with about 15 Leagues from Cape Cod about 9 o'clock on Saturday morning as he was coming in from tlie Sea. The Frenchman taking him for an inward bound Westindia Man (for he wisely kept his Guns housed) stood directly for him, and coming pretty near gave him a Gun, which he returned with a Broadside; upon which the Frenchman flred two Guns, then took to their Oars (there being but little Wind) and endeavored to get away. This obliged Capt. Tyng to put out his Oars also, and after a hard Chace of 12 or 13 hours (during which Time Capt. Tyng treated his Men well with Liquor, and encouraged them all he could) he came up with the Sloop, and having given her a Broadside and a Volley of Small Arras, they cry'd for Quarters, but in their Panick forgot to strike their Col- ours, and kept them flying till some of our brave English Lads went on board and exchanged them for the Kings Colours. Capt. Tyng's Shot hapued to be so well placed, that the Sloop's Sails and Rigging were tore all to pieces ; and when the French Captain came on board, he gave Capt. Tyng a great character of his Gunner, saying, he was the best that he ever knew, for that every Shot he flred during the Chace, took Place, and did him some Damage in his Sails or Rigging. One Shot struck the Mast just below the Hounds, which so disabled it, that soon after they surrendered it broke off", and left the Sloop without an Inch of Sail or Rigging standing ; so that Capt. Tyng was obliged to take her in Tow, or he could not have got her in. As the French fired but few Guns at Capt. Tyng, and as they all ran down in the Hold when he Avas about to flre, it is not much to be wondered at that not a Man was kill'd or Avounded on either Side. The Prisoners were all landed in the Evening and conducted to Prison under a strong Guard, and in the Morning about 50 of them were removed to the Gaols in Cambridge and Charlestown. The Fellows are all as merry as they are ragged, and seem well pleased with their Circumstances, declaring, that they live better here than they did at Home, except five of the late Garrison at Canso who entered voluntarily aboard the Privateer, and who are now sensible that they have been in a wrong Box. The Privateer had been about three Weeks from Lewisburgh, and had plundered and destroyed the English Settlement at St. Peter's in Newfoundland, where they kill'd a great many Cattle and carried olT about 40 Sheep, several of which they had upon Deck when taken, and about 40 Barrels of Beef in their Hold, but they had not taken any Vessel since they came upon the Coast ; They could have taken several small ones, but did not care to be troubled with them ; they wanted some rich Ships either inward or out- ward bound; and the day before Capt. Tyng met with them, they had been within two Leagues of the Light House, and had their Eyes upon a Ship there in Nantasket Road, but were discouraged upon seeing a Vessel with a Pendant flying. The Captain is a Gentleman well known in Town, and has a Sou at School about six Miles ofl". It is said he has been kind and serviceable to the English upon many Occasions at Lewis- 8 burgh, and lie is now civilly treated himself, being at Liberty to walk about as he pleases. It is alloAved by all, both Friends and Enemies, that Capt. Tyng behaved with great Bravery and good Conduct during tlie whole Engagement and Pursuit; and the Town are so sensible of his Merit and of the Importance of his Service to the Tublick that at an adjournment of a Meeting of the Inhabitants on Tuesday last, it was Unanimously Voted, That the Thanks of the Town be given to Capt. Edward Tyng, Commander of the Province Snow for the great Service he has done in taking and bringing to this Harbour a French Privateer Sloop belonging to Cape Briton Mounting Sixteen Guns and Mauu'd with Ninety four Men Commanded by Capt. Delabroitz, which has been Cruising in Our Bay for several days past; and that the Selectmen (be) desired to present the same to him accordingly." Several of the more wealthy merchants of Boston, to express their sense of this meritorious exploit, presented Capt. Tyng with a silver cup, weighing one hundred ounces and l^earing this inscription : — ^ TO EDWARD TYNG ESQUIRE COMMANDER OF THE SNOW PRINCE OF ORANGE AS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HIS GOOD SERVICE, DONE THE TRADE, IN TAKING THE FIRST FRENCH PRIVATEER, ON THIS COAST, THE XXIV OF JUNE MDCCXLIV, THIS PLATE IS PRESENTED BY SEVERAL OF THE MERCHANTS IN BOSTON NEW ENGLAND. This cu}) is still [)reserved and was oAvned, a few years ago, by a Mr. Ililliard of Bangor or Oldtown, Me. A cut of it, with i)ortraits of Capt. Tyng and his wife, may ])e found in "Portland in the Past," l)y Nathan Goold. The name of this French privateer is nowhere given, and no record has been found of her condemnation and sale, so that it is unknown hoAV much prize money the crew of the " Prince of Orange " received for her ca[)- >Mass. Hist. Soc's Coll., Ser. 1, Vol. x., p. 182. ture; but, FobnuuT 11, 1744-5, the Council authorized the payment to them of £2(;7 for the capture of the crew, l)eing £3 per man for 81» i)er,son,s.^ The fight was, per- hai)s, not so bloodless as at first reported, as the Evening Post of July 23 says : " We hear, that one of the French- men now in Gaol here declared, that they had four of their Men kill'd in the late Engagement with Capt. Tyng, which they sewed up in Hanmiocks and threw overboard, before Capt. Tyng's Men ei>tred their Vessel,'"^ l)ut no confirma- tion of this has l)een found elsewhere. The prisoners were, probably, exchanged before Octolier 20, 1744, when the Council ordered the payment of an account for lodging and l)oard of Monsieur Delal)roitz,^ of whom we learn no more. During the rest of the season the " Prince of Orange " was employed in cruising off the coast and as a convoy of the troops sent to Annapolis Royal and of vessels bound for Euro})e, in which she was assisted by tAvo other vessels in the employ of the Province, one commanded by Capt. Joseph Smethurst and the other by Capt. Sanders.^ Owing to the number of French privateers which were threatening navigation, the snow Avas, by advice of the Council, con- tinued at sea until December 19. 1744, Avhen she AA^as laid up Avith her customary winter creAV, and so continued until January 27, 1744-5 Avhen Tyng was given the command of a neAv and larger vessel, the " Massachusetts Frigate," of 400 tons and 20 guns.^ Capt. Joseph Smethurst Avas given the command of the "Prince of Orange," Avhich vessel it Avas decided to retain, after her return from the contemplated expedition against Louislwurg, as a "guard to the Fishery."^ Capt. Smeth- urst Avas obliged to resort to impressment to fill up his creAV,''' Avhich is said to have been mostly recruited from Marblehead.^ He took his vessel to Louis! )ouro- in com- 1 Appendix A, 59. ^ /^,-,/. b, 36. - Ibid. A, 51. * Ibid., 43, 49, 50 ; Ibid. B, 35-41. ■Ibid. A, 52-54, 56, 61, 63; Ibid. B, 42. '^ Ibid. A, 57; Ibid. B, 42. Ubid. A, 60. •* Hutchinsou's History of Massachusetts, Vol. II., p. 422. 2 10 pany with the Colonial fleet and was a))()ut to return with her to Boston with several prizes taken from the enemy/ when she was lost sometime in the month of May, with all on board, "as it is suppos'd," say the official despatches of Sir William Pe})perrell, " in a Storm as she was cruizing off the Harbour's Mouth, wlierel)y there are unfortunately made al)out 50 disconsolate Widows in one of our Fishing ToAvns."2 The exact date of this disaster does not seem to have been known nor has any list of the officers and men on board at the time been preserved. November 28, 1745, the General Court voted four months' pay to the next of kin of all the members of the crew " who shall ap[)ear to the satisfaction of the Committee of War to have remained on board imtil the time she is supposed to have been lost " ; " there being the greatest reason to presume that the ' Snow Prince of Orange,' in the pay of this Province, in the late Expedition, was lost some time in the month of May last, and there being no probability that the exact time of the Officers and Seamen on board said Snow were in actual service can ever be ascertained ".^ Such, in l)rief, is the history of this vessel, creditable alike to the government Avhich l)uilt and supported her and to her officers and crew. Though perhaps not the first American naval vessel, she was certainly the first to engage in a naval coml)at ; and her memory is worth preservation as that of the forerunner of the present American navy, whose ships are no more American than was, though under another flag, the "Province Snow 'Prince of Orange' in his Majesty's service." APPENDIX A. Extracts from Massachusetts Archives and Records of the Court and Council. (1.) In the House of Representatives July 9, 1740 Voted, that the sum of £6500— be granted & paid out of the Province Treasury for the pur- chasing a suitable Vessel to guard the Coast and fitting her for the Sea » Appendix B, 4a. - / bid., 44. ■' Ibid. A, C4. 11 ami equii)i)iiig her witli twelve carriage and twelve Swivel Guns and all other warlii^e Stores, and that His Excellency be desired to give his orders accordingly, and also Voted, & Mr Hutchinson and Capt Watts together with such as the Honourable Board shall a|)i)oint be a com- mittee to take care with the leave of the Capt'i General that the same be affected in the cheapest and best manner. Sent up for Concurrence In Council July 10, 1740 Read & Concurred and Jacob Wendell & Rich- ard Bill Esqi' are joined in the affair. Consented to J. Belcher.' (2.) At a Council held at ye Council Chamber in Boston on Satur- day the 12tli of July 1740- Pursuant to an Order of the General Court for granting the sum of £G500 for building a Vessel to guard the Coast &c Advised & consented that a Warrant be made out to the Treasurer to advance and pay unto Jacob Wendell Esqr (one of the Committee for taking care of the building of the said Vessel) the sum of Two thou- sand pounds iu Bills of ye old Tenor to be employed for the said Service, to be paid out of the £18000 appropriation. - (2a.) Tuesday July 29, 1740. Advised & consented that a Warrant be made out to the Treasurer to advance and pay unto Jacob Wendell Esqi' for the Committee appointed to provide a Guard Vessel the sum of Two Thousand Pounds to pur- chase Timber and other things for buildg the said Vessel to be paid in Bills of the old Tenour and out of the £18000 appropriation.^ (3.) Thursday the 3lst of July 1740. xVdvised that His Honour the Lt Governi' issue out a Warrant for im- pressing Six Ship Carpenters to work on the Province Guard Vessel now building, directed to the Sheriff of the County of Suffolk.'' (4.) In Council Aug. 22, 1740. The Deputy Secretary carried down the following Message from His Excellency to the House of Kepresentatves vizt Gentlemen of the House of Representatives The Vessel ordered to be built for the Protection of the Trade ,will be in the water in a few days. The Committee appointed for building and equipping her to the Sea, tell me the money ordered is not sullicient for the business. The Season of the Year is at hand when the Trade may be expecting their Ships and effects from all parts. It is therefore necessary to establish the pay of the Otticers and Men for the said Ship, that she may be sent out with all Dispatch as some guard to our naked Coast.* • Court Records, Vol. XVII., p. 220; Part 2, p. 387. - Council Records, Vol. X., p. 395. s iijid., p. 408. < Ibid., p. 409. 5 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 2, p. 395. 12 (5.) In Council, Ant?. 23, 1740. In the House of Representyes Ordered that the Committee appointed for building a suitable Vessel to guard the Coast &c be directed to con- sider Avhat further sums are necessary to fit said vessel for the sea, as also a proper Establishment of the Pay for the Ofticers and Men and report as soon as may be. In Council : Read and Concur'd Consented to J. Belcher.' (6.) Monday Aug. 25, 1740. Advised & consented that a Warrant be made out to the Treasurer to advance and pay unto the Committee for providing a Guard Vessel the sum of Two Thousand Pounds for the building and fitting the said Vessel to be paid in Bills of the old Tenor & out of the £18000 appro- priation.^ (7.) In Council Aug. 29, 1740. Jacob Wendell Esqv from the Committee appointed to make an esti- mate of the charge of the Guard Vessel, reported as follows, vizt The Committee appointed to Estimate the charge of building and fit- ting the vessel designed for the service of the Province report as their Opinion, That the said Vessel with her appurtenances fitted to the Sea in the most prudent manner, will cost (exclusive of Stores of War) at least Six Thousand five hundred pounds, the sum already granted by this Court for that purpose, and that the further sum of Three Thou- sand five hundred Pounds will be necessary in order to procure guns and other needful Warlike Stores for the said Vessel. Which is humbly submitted : By Order Jacob Wendell. In the House of Representves Read and thereupon Voted that the sum of Three Thousand five hundred Pounds or so much thereof as may be necessary to procure Guns and other Warlike Stores for the Vessel designed for the service of the Province, be granted and paid out of the publick Treasury to the Committee appointed for building and fitting said Vessel to the Sea in order to compleat that Work : The Committee to be accomptable for the same. In Council : Read and Concur'd • Consented to J. Belcher ^ (S.) Province of the Massachusetts September 8tii 1740- The Committee Appointed to consider of a propper Estab- lishment of the Pay of the Officers & men belonging to the Province Snow Report as their Opinion .... That it will be convenient the following Officers give their constant 1 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 2, p. 396. - Council Records, Vol. X., p. 416. 3 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 2, p. 402. 13 attendance in the Service of the s Mass. Archives, Vol. LXIIl., 012. 14 shall be Fitted out upon any Cruise or Expedition, and he allowed the Wages followinij Viz. The Lieutenant at ... . Fourteen pounds ¥ Month The Master Twelve pounds ¥ D" The Doctor Twelve pounds ¥ D" The Chaplain Twelve pounds D" The Mate Eight pounds D" The Steward Seven pounds D" The Cook Seven pounds D" The Gunners Mate Seven pounds D" The Pilot Ten pounds D' The Boatswains Mate .... Seven pounds D" The Carpenter . . Nine pounds D" The Cooper Seven pounds D" The Armourer Seven pounds D" The Sailors or Foremast men . Six pounds D" The number not to exceed ninety. Sent up for concurrence J. Quincy Spkr In Council Sepy 10 1740 Read and Concurr'd J Willard Secry. Consented to J Belcher ' (9.) In Council, Sept. 11, 1740. In the House of Representves Voted that the Esta})lisliment of the pay of the Captain, of the Gunner, of the Boatswain, and the two Fore- mast Men on the Province Snow, do not exceed the space of one year from the time they enter'd the Service In Council: Read and Concur'd Consented to J. Belcher * (10.) Fryday Sept'; 12, 1740. Advised & consented that Warrants be made out to the Treasurer to pay out unto ye Persons hereafter mentioned the following Grants & allow^es to them respectively made by the Great and General Court or Assembly at their present Session held Aug 20, 1740 To t)e paid in Bills of the old Tenour & out of the £499^, 3. appropriation To the Committee of the Geni Court for providing a suitable vessel to Guard the Coast the sum of Three Thousand live hundred pounds for fitting the said Vessel &c.^ (11.) Monday the 29tli of September 1740. Advised & consented that a Warrant be made out to the Treasurer to advance and pay unto Jacob Wendell Esq'' in behalf of tlic Committee for building and fitting a Guard Vessel the sum of Six Hundred Pounds in Bills of the old Tenor to be applied for that service, and to l)e paid out of the £18000 appropriation.'' 'Mass. Arcliives, Vol. LXUI, C1.3; Court Reoonl.s, Vol. XVII., pp. 228-30; Part 2, p. 425. -'Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 2, p. 420. ■'Council Uecords, Vol. X., p. 431. ^ 1 bid., p. 438. 15 (12.) In Couucil Oct. 12, 1740.— In the House of Eepresentves Voted that the sum of Fifteen Hundred rounds (or so much as may be needful) part of the Appropriation of Eiijhteen Thousand Pounds in the Act for the Supply of the Treasury for Grants &9 be applied for the purchasing Provisions and Payment of the wages of the Officers and Men on board the Province Snow. In Council. Read and concur'd Consented to J. Belcher.' (1?,.) At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston upon Mon- day the yth of March 1740 (O. S.) Advised that His Honour the Lieutt Govi; give orders that His Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange Capt'i Edward Tyng Commander be fitted for the Sea as soon as may be, and Voted that Jacob Wendell and Richard Bill Esqi; be a Committee to agree with Workmen, and to provide things necessary fof the fitting the Snow for the Sea accordingly. - (14.) In Council Apr. 1, 1741. The Secretary carried down by His Exellencys Order a Memorial of Cpt Edward Tyng to His Excellency, moving that some provision may be made for paying the charge of victualling and manning His Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange, under his Command, with a Message from His Excellency that tlie House would take the matter into immediate consideration, it being of great importance to the interests of the Province.^ (15.) In Council, Apr. 3, 1741. In the House of Eepresentves Voted that the sum of Two Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Four Pounds and eight shillings, part of the £7200 Appropriation, be appropriated for the subsistence and Wages (according to the present Establishment) of the Officers and Seamen that shall be employed on Board the Province Snow the three months next ensuing. In Council : Read and Cuncur'd. Consented to J. Belcher.^ (in.) Warrants were consented to as follows by the Council, on acct of " His Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange," viz : — Apr. 17, 1741 ■' £500 old tenor bills. May 28, 1741 « £500 " June 26, 1741 ^ £400 " July 29, 1741 « £84:8 " (17.) Prov : of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. By his Ex- cellency Jonathan Belcher Esqr Cap" Genij & Govern'; in Cheif in & over his Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England 1 Court Records, Vol. XVII. , Part 2, p. 428. « Council Records, Vol. X., \>. m2. s Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 2, p. 528. * Ibid., p. 542. 5 Council Records, Vol. X., p. 510. '■Ibid., p. 517. " fbid., p. 524. » J bid., p. 5.«). Ifi & Vice Adm. of ye Same Whereas I am informed of Divers Spanish Privateers that are hovering on the Coast between this Province & the Capes of Virginia You are hereby Ordered with the first Opportunity to sail with his Majesty's Snow the Prince of Orange under your Command on a Cruize betwixt Cape Sable on the East and the Capes of Delaware Southward for his Majesty's Service, & the better securing of Navigation & sup- pressing of any Ships or Vessells of the Enemy And if your intelli- gence requires it, You have hereby Liberty to extend your said Cruize as much further Southward, & as far into the Sea as you shall think expedient; Your said Cruize to continue for the Space of five weelis when you are to return with his Majtys said Snow into this Harbour Given under my hand at Boston the first Day of June 1741, In the fourteenth Year of his Majestys Reign J. Belcher ' Endorsed on the back " Sailing Orders to Ct Tyng June 1, 1741." (18.") Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. By his Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esqy Captain General & Governor in Cheif in & over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, & Vice Admiral of the Same. You are hereby directed to proceed in his Majesty's Snow prince of Orange under your Command with the first fair Wind on a Cruize on the Coast of this Province hetiveen Cai-)e Cod to the Soutlnoanl & Casco Bay to the Northward, to continue about three Weeks on your Cruize; and if you find it necessary by any Intelligence you may have or other- wise to extend your Cruize as to time and place, or to return sooner, you are to use your Liberty as you shall judge will be most for the Service. Given under my hand at Boston the thirtieth day of July 1741, In the fifteenth Year of his Majesty's Reign J. Belcher ^ To Cpt Edward Tyng Commander of his Majesty's Snow Prince of Orange. (19.) In Council, Oct. 1, 1741. His Excellency communicated to the Board, a Memorial from Cpt. Edward Tyng, Commander of His Majesty's Snow the Prince of Orange; praying that His Excellency would give such directions that Provision may be made for victualling s^ Vessel and for the wages of himself and Company. And then the Secretary, l)y Ilis Excellencys Order carried the Memorial down to the House, Recommending the same to their con- sideration.^ (20.) Province of Massachusetts Bay. By his Excellency William Shirley Esqr Captain General & Governor in Cheif in & over his Majt.v's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. You are hereby directed to proceed in his Majt.v's Snow Prince of Mass. Archives, Vol. LXIV., 89, 9(>. -' I biiL, 103. ' Court Records, Vol. XVII., I'art 3, j). 121. 17 Orange under your Command with the first fair Wind on a Cruize on the Coast of this Province as far to the Eastward as St Georges River, Visiting as many of the Harbours on the Eastern Coast as you con- veniently can and as far to the Southward as yon shall think will be most for the Service; to continue about a Mouth on your Cruize; and if you find it necessary by any Intelligence you may have, or upon any other Account to extend your s'l Cruize as to time or Place, or to return sooner, you are to use your Liberty as will be most for the Security of the Navigation. Given under my hand at Boston the third day of Oct. 1741. In the fifteenth Year of his Majty's Reign To Cpt Edw^l Tyng ' (21.) In Council, Dec. 7, 1741. The Secretary carried down the following Message from Ilis Excel- lency to the House of Representves vizt Gentlemen of the Council and House of Representatives Having received information (which I now send you) of a Spanish Privateer designing for our Coast, I think it necessary to order Captain Tyng out in the province Snow for the protection of our navigation ; but his company being discharged he must be furnished with men in some other way than what is usual; and therefore I would recommend it to you to consider of a premium for such of the enemy as may be taken or killed in (sic) Capt Tyng should meet & engage with any such Vessel, and to grant the Captors the provence part of what may be taken. Decemy 7, 1741 W. Shirley In the House of Representatives Dec'' 7 1741 Read & Ordeied that Col Dwight My Foster & My Godfrey with such as the Houble Board shall join be a committee to take the within message under considera- tion & report what they Judge proper for this Court to do thereon. Sent up for concurrence In Council Dec'' 8, 1741 Read and cuncnrredand Jacob Wendell Rich- ard Bill & John Read Esqy? are joined in the affair. J Willard Secr'y*-' (22.) In Council Dec. 12, 1741. Jacob Wendell Esq'' from the Committee on His Excellencys Message about the Spanish Privateers gave in the following Report, vizt In obedience to the Order of this Court we have considered His Ex- cellency's Message for furnishing Cpt Tyng in the Province Snow with men, and are of Opinion that his cruizing upon our Coast in the Depth of Winter is ordinarily impracticable and needless, but that he ought to be completely furnished and ready to sail by the middle of February, at the furthest ; and in the mean time for the encouragement of men to enlist, an Act be made to allow the Captain Officers, and Ships Company, all such vessels Stores and goods as they shall take from the enemy and * Massachusetts Archives, Vol. LXIV., 111. 2 Court Records, Vol. XVII., p. 347; Ibid., Vol. XVII., Part 3, pp. 157-8. 18 Ten Pounds per head old Tenor Bills or equivalent, for every man of the enemy taken or destroyed by them in any engagement with any ship of War or Privateer of the enemy by them taken or destroyed, the number of men and destruction of the Ship to be proved by three or more of the chief Officers before some chief Magistrate and by him ccrtirted; the said prizes and premiums to be divided to and among the Captain, Officers and Ships Company, vizt to the Captain three eighths, to the Lieutenant and Master one eighth, Warrant Officers one eighth, Petty Officers one Eighth, and Ships Company two eighths; and the Captain Officers and Ships Company to appoint their respective Agents for the receiving management and distribution of their respective Shares accordingly. In the name and by Order of the Committee Dec. 9, 1741. Jacob Wendell In the House of Represeutves Read and Accepted. In Council, Read and Concur'd Consented to W. Shirley.' (23.) In Council, Dec. 24, 1741. A Bill entitled An Act to encourage Men to Enlist themselves in the Province Snow, and more effectually to guard the Sea Coast during the present War with Spain :— Having been read Three several times in the House of Representa- tives and there Pass'd to be engross'd In Council ; Read a First time Read a Second time and Pass'd in Concurrence, Dec. 28. Having been read Three several times in the House of Repre- sentves and in Council Pass'd to be Enacted by both Houses.'' Dec. 29. (24.) In Council Mch. IG, 1741, (0. S.) £200 was voted " for paying arrearages due for fitting out " the Prince of Orange the last year and £200 "for laying in provisions " &c " for the service of this year." ^ (25.) In the House of Representatives, March 23, 1741 (O. S.). Voted that the Wages of the Cap* of the Province Snow from the 20tii of May next to the 20tii of November next after shall ])e at the rate of five pounds ten Shillings per Month (sic, error for week) of the present Emission if the War continues — The Lieutenant p Month {sic) £8.12 The Master do 3. 2 The Doctor do 3. 2 The Chaplain do 3. 2 The Gunner do 2.18 The Mate do 2.10 • Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part .'{, p. 172. - //uf<., pp. 190, 191,195. The Hill may be founil in the published Acts and Resolves, Vol. II., p. 1085. "' Council Records, Vol. X., p. 585. 19 The Boatswain p Month (sic) 2.15 The Steward do 2. 5 The Cook do 2. 5 The Gunners Mate do 2. 5 The Pilot do 2.18. The Boatswains Mate do 2. 5 The Carpenter do 2.15 The Cooper do 2. 5 The Armourer do 2. 5 The Cockswain do 2. 5 The Quarter Master do 2. 5 The Carpenters Mate do 2. 5 Seventy Sailors or Foremast Men each 2. Sent up for < concurrence In Council March 24, 1741 Read & concurred Consented W. Shirley ' (2G.) In Council, March 24, 1741 (O. S.; Advised that his Excelhy issue out a Warrant to Capt" Edward Tynij, Commander of his Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange, impowering him to impress so many Seaman as are necessary to make up his com- pliment."^ (27.) The following warrants were consented to during the year, viz. : — Apr. G, 1742, £G : 2 : 7 1/4 to pay balance due on a/c of building & fit- ting out the Province Snow. ' Apr. 15, 1742, £250 for provisions. ■• Apr. 20, 1742, £11 :9 and £11 :5:5 to Shnbal Gorham for "time and expence in raising and subsisting Seamen to supply the Province Snow in June last — and in March last." * Apr. 24, 1742. £250 for fitting out Snow and purchasing provisions." June 1, 1742. £4: — :7 1/2 to Benjamin Marston for "impressing & subsists Seamen for the Province Snow in March last." ' June 8, 1742. £72 : 9 : 7 old tenor, for balance due for wages and provisions of Province Snow for year 1741. (£18 :2 :5 1/4 new tenor.)® June 30, 1742. £18 : 10 : 2 3/4 to Jas. Warren for " raising and sub- sisting Seamen for His Majestys Snow ye Prince of Orange." £12 : 2 : 9 in June 1741, and £G : 7 : 5 3/4 in March last.« July 2G, 1742. £250 for provisions and other stores.'" Aug. 25, 1742. £250 for fitting out and victualling." Dec. 4, 1742. £414 : 10— for "wages due to company in His Maj- 1 Court Records, Vol. XVII., p. 407; Part 3, p. 275. 2 Council Records, Vol. X., p. 595. "■ IbUl., p. GOO. •» Ibid., p. 008. " Ibid., p. CIO. '^ lbid.,\uC>\Z. '' lbtd.,V.C,23. " Ibid., p. -621. » ///W., p. G37. >" J bid., p. iii7. 1' Ibid., p. G49. 20 estys Service on Board Province Suovp called the Prince of Orange " for service from the IPh of February 1741 (O. S.) to the 20th of May 1742 and— £1328 : 14 : 7 for ditto from 2 1st of May 1742 to the 20tii of November 1742.' (28.) In Council, Apr. 15, 1742. In the House of Representves ; Voted that the Establishment for Pro- visions of tlie following species sliall be allowed the Officers and Sailors on board tlie Province Snow shall be to each man per week : — Seven pounds weight of Bread, Seven gallons of Beer, Four pounds weight of Beef, Four pounds weight of Porl^, one quart of Pease, one quart of Indian Corn In Council : Read and Concur'd Consented to W. Shirley.^ (29.) The following warrants were authorized in Council, viz. : — Feb. 14, 1742 O. S. £54:12:2 for "Cord Woods necessary for the sick and other things " to Capt Tyng of the Province Snow.^ Feb. 14, 1742 O. S. £89 : 14 : 7 to Capt" Tyng for " victualling the Offi- cers and Seamen belonging to the Snow Prince of Orange for year 1741 " with allowance for advances.'' Feb. 28, 1742 O. S. £250 to John Wheelwright for "provisions and other stores for Province Snow.""' Mch. 23, 1742, O. S. £58 : : 2 for wages to Feb. 3, 1742.« Apr. 2, 1743. £69 : 3 : 2 for balance due to " Jacob Wendell in charge of fitting and victualling the Province Snow " out of £1018 : 2 : 5 total. ^ Apr. 7, 1743. £6 : 19 : I to James Warren for " impressing Seamen for His Majestys Snow" and transporting them to Boston.* Apr. 22, 1743. £16 : 18 : 9 to Shubal Gorham for similar service.'' July 16, 1743. £500 to John Wheelwright " to enable him to purchase and supply Provisions for victualling the Province Snow Prince of Orange, Capt" Edward Tyng Commander." '" Nov. 17, 1743. £1000 to Captain Edward Tyng "in part for wages due to the Officers and Seamen belonging to the Snow Prince of Orange under his command." " Dec. 28, 1743. £572 : 8 : 2 3/4 to John Wheelwright for " victualling " the Province Snow from Mai'ch 1742/3 to Nov. 1743.'^ 1 Council Records, Vol. X., p. 671. 2 Court Keconls, Vol. XVII., Part 3, p. 340. An account of food for the Province Snow from Feb. 11, 1741, O. S., to Nov. 20, 1742, is i)reserved in Mass. Archives, Vol. LXXXIX., lt)3. 3 Council Hecords, Vol. XL, p. 13. * JhiiL, ly. U. ■' I hid., \u\1. '■ 1 hiiL, i).20. Tl0id.,v.2G. '>IhUl., v. 2S. ■' lOkL, \>. 3i. ^<> Ibid. , li. 01. '^ I bid., p. d5. »2 Ibid., p. 109. 21 (30.) Cap*" Edward Tynus Acco^ with The Province For VictuaUing The rriiice of Orange C' 1742 C q lb To 63,, 3,, 22,, Bread at £4: p Ct 778 1/3 : barrels Beer at IG/ 24 1/3 : barrels Beef at £8 13 3/4 Barrels Pork at £16 50 : Bushels Pease (^ 25/ 63 : Bushels Meal @ 14/ 2-barrels Beef of Coll", Weudall stunk by y Pickels Leaking out & Good for nothing 16, 255, 14, , 8 622, , 13, , 4 194, , 13, , 4 220, , — , 62, , 10 44, , 2 , , 18, , ^ t £1415: 13 4 £ 358: 18. 4 £ 218 8 8 £1993 10 4 £1415, ; 13, , 4 Suffolk ss Boston Feby 9, 1742/3 Sworne for the Above Acet and that there is due to the Accountant for victualling His ISIajesties Snow Prince of Orange for the Year 1742 according to the Establishment made by the Goverut fourteen hundred and fifteen Pound 13/4 old Tenor before me Jacob Wendall Just Pea : N T 353, Bal of 1st acct Disbursemeuts Boston Nov": 20V' 1742 Errors Excepted F Edwfl Tyng' (31.) In Council, Mch. 23, 1742, 0. S. Advised that His Excellency issue out a Warrant to empower Captain Edward Tyng Commander of His Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange to impress such a number of Seamen as may be necessary for the Service. - (32 ) In the House of Repves April 14, 1743. Voted that the present Establishment of Castle William and the other Forts Truck Houses and Garrisons within this Province and also of the Country Sloop and Province Snow which Avill end the tweutyeth of May next be and hereby is prolonged and continued till the end of the next May Session, Aud the several officers Soldiers and Sailors in the Service of the Province may expect their pay or allowance accordingly Sent up for concurrence T. Gushing Spkr In Council Apr. 14, 1743 Read & Concur'd J. Willard Secry Consented to W Shirley ^ ' Mass. Archives, Vol. LXXXIX., 192. See also Ibid., 193. - Council Kec, Vol. XI., p. 20. 3 ma.. Vol. LXXII., 637. 22 (33.) In Council, Oct. 10, 1743. News being received by tlie Governor of prosi)ective war with France ; " Advised tliat his Excellency issue a Warrant to Capt" Edward Tyng, impowering liini and directing him to inii)ress thirty able bodied Seamen for His Majestys Service on Board the Province Snow Prince of Orange under his command." ' (34.) In Council, Nov. 28, 1743. " A Muster Roll of the Company of Officers and Seamen in His Majes- tys Service on Ijoard the Snow Prince of Orange Capt" Edward Tyng Comandr containing an account of wages due to them for their Service from F'ebruary 4, 1742 (O. S.) to November 10, 1743 amounting to the sum of £1GG1: 16: 10, advanced £1000, remains due £661 : 16:10," a warrant was authorized accordingly.'-' This muster roll has not yet been found. (35.) To His Excellency William Shirley Esquire— Captain General! Governour and Commander In Cheif, in & over his Majesties Province of The Massachusetts Bay, In New England, and to the HonV'e the Councill, and House of Kepresentatives, of The said Province in Gen- erall Court Assembled at Boston November the 111" 1743: — The Memorial! of Edward Tyng of Boston Esquire Commander of The Snow Prince of Orange Shews — That Your Memoriallist Apprehends it highly necessary In Order for the more Eflectual fitting Out, & The well Manning of the said Snow, Prince of Orange That their should be Added to the Officers Already Established in pay by the Government, a Lieutenant and Doctor, and That Twelve Able Seamen at least should be kept in pay, without which Number it is Impossible to fit out said Vessell with Dispatch, For the want of a Lieutenant's being kept Con- stantly in pay, we Cant Expect a Man Equal to The post, but if we should have a Good One when he is Discharged in the Fall, we have a new One to Seek for in the spring; we Cant Get a Good Surgeon for want of being in Constant pay : These additional men will be able to rigg & fltt The Vessell, then we shall have no Occasion to Hire Men for that Use, nor do I think we shall have Occasion to Impress any from the Severall County's as formerly, which has Occasioned Great Charge to The Province All which is Humbly Submitted to the Wisdom of this Great & Generall Court and Your Memoriallist (as in duty bound) shall Ever pray &ca Edw^l Tyng I recommend the Consideration of this Memorial to the General Court Novembill, 1743 W Shirley — (On back) — In the House of RepvesNovr 11 1743 1 Council Records, Vol. XL, p. 79. « Ibid., p. 100. 23 Read and in answer Ordered that a Lieutenant be added to the olhces in constant pay as already establislied Sent up for concurrence T Gushing Splii' In Council Novy 10, 1743 Head & Concurd J Willard Secy Consented to, * W. Shirley ' (36.) In Council, Mch. 6, 1743, (0. S.) " A Muster Roll presented by Captn Edward Tyng- Commander of His Majestys Snow Prince of Orange, containing an Accompt of Wages due to himself & company for their service from 11th of November to the tifth of February 1743, (O. S.) Amounting to the sum of £G6 : 9 : 11," a warrant for its payment was issued accordingly.- This muster roll has not yet been found. (37.) In the House of Repves March 20 1743 : Voted that the officer for victualling the Province Snow be directed to provide Flower and Rice in Lieu of Indian Meal Sent up for concurrence T Cushing Spkr In Council March 20 1743 Read & concur'd J Willard Secy Consented to W. Shirley ^ (38.) In Council, Mch. 28, 1744. A warrant for £300 to John Wheelwright was authorized " for pur- chasing Provisions for victualling the Province Snow Capt" Edward Tyng Commander." * (39.) In Council, Apr. 9, 1744. Advised that His Excellency issue out a Warrant to Capt" Edward Tyng Comaniir of His Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange for impress- ing so many Seamen as he shall think necessary for manning the said Snow, no men to be taken out of Coasters Fishing Vessels or Vessels outward bound. ^ (40.) In Council Apr. 16, 1744. A warrant for £75 was authorized to " Capt" Edward Tyng to assist him in enlisting Seamen for His Majestys Snow the Prince of Orange by giving advanced wages." Apr. 18, 1744. An Indent presented by Capt" Edward Tyng of sundry things neces- 1 Mass. Archives, Vol. LXIV., 236, 237; Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 217. - Council Records, Vol. XI., p. 137. « Mass. Archives, Vol. LXIV., 239; Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 342. * Council Records, Vol. XI., p. 147. ■•Ibid., 1^.149. 24 sary for the equipping tlie Proviuce Suovv Prince of Orange under liis Command Read & Voted tliat Mr Jolin Wheelwriglit be & hcreljy is directed to procure tlie several tilings contained in the said Indent for the litting & equip- ping of the Snow Prince of Orange.' (41.) In Council, May 14, 1744. News of the Declaration or War with France was announced to tlie Council.^ A warrant was authorized for £137: 7 : 9 to Mr. John Wheelwright for stores for the Province Snow.^ (42.) In Council, June 2, 1744. His Excellency liaving received His Majestys Declaration of War against the French King, with his Orders for publishing the same within this Province, he communicated the same to the Board.'' (43.) In Council, June 4, 1744. A boat of abt 100 tons with 8 six pounders and 12 swivel guns & 80 men was recommended to " further guard the coast." ^ (44.) In Council, June 8, 1744. The Secretary delivered the following Message from His Excellency to both Houses vizt Gentlemen of the Council & House of Representatives. As the General Court of this Province at their Session held in Novem- ber 1741 pass'd an Act to encourage Men to enlist themselves in the Province Snow, and more effectually to guard the Sea Coast during the present War with Spain; and as His Majesty has now entered into a War with the French King, it seems necessary that we should give the like encouragement to Captures that may be made of Ships and Vessels belonging to the French Kings vassals and subjects; and if we extend it to private Ships and Vessels of War and Trading Vessels that liave Letters of Marque or Commissions from other English Governments, for all such captures as may be made upon the Coasts of this Province it may be attended with effects beneficial to this Proviuce. And therefore I must recommend it to you to pass such an Act as soon as may be. In the House of Representves Read and Ordered that Mr. Clap, Di" Hale and My Oliver, with such as the Hon^p Board shall join, be a Committee to talie this Message under consideration, and Report what they judge proper for this Court to do thereon. In Council : Read and Concur'd, and William Brown and Eleakini Hutchinson Esqi's are joined in the affair." 1 Council Records, Vol. XL, p. 150. ^ J hid., p. 153. ^ J bid., I). 154. * Court Records, Vol. XVII., I'art 4, p. 3'JO. '^ Ihid., p. 393. «i<>irf., p. 402. 25 (45.) In Council, June 13, 1744. A bill entitled An Act for the more effectual guarding and securing our Sea Coast, Read a First time. ' June 15, 1744. Ditto " Read a Second time, and pass'd to be engrost." " (46.) In Council, June 19, 1744. An Engros'd Bill entitled An Act for the more effectual guarding and securing our Sea Coasts and for the encouragement of Seamen to enlist themselves in the Province Snow, or such Vessels of War, as shall be commissioned and fitted out by this or other of His Majestys Govern- ments during the present War with France : — Having been read Three several times in the House of Representatives and in Council Pass'd to be Enacted by both Houses, and Signed by the Governour.^ (47.) At a Council held at the Counci Chamber in Boston on Monday June 25t|i 1744 Sitting the General assembly Advised that His Excellency give Orders to Mi" John Wheelwright to furnish Capt" Edward Tyng Commander of the Province Snow Prince of Orange with whatsoever may be necessary for his intended Cruize.'* (48.) In Council, July 17, !744. A warrant was authorized for £500 to John Wheelwright for " provi- sions- furnished the Province SnoAv Prince of Orange."^ (49.) In Council, Oct. 15, 1744. The Governor proposed " to send Capt" Tyng in the Province Snow the Prince of Orange, & Captain Sraethurt in the Brigantine Boston Packet," to Annapolis and it was " Advised that His Excellcy give orders to the said Capt Tyng and Capt Tyng {sic) to proceed on the said Design accordingly And His Excellency likewise comunicated to the Council the Instruc- tions he had proposed to give Capt'i Tyng for his conduct in the affair."" (50.) In Council, Oct. IG, 1744. The Transport Sloop Massachusetts was also ordered sent to An- napolis Royal.' 1 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 411. 2 1 bid., i>. 414. ■■' Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 423. The Bill may be found in the published Acts and Resolves, Vol. III., p. 143. It provitles that the Officers and Company of vessels of war commissioned by this government shall have sole interest " in all and every ship, vessel, goods and merchandize" taken after the 1st of June, 1744, during the present war with France, and further, when any vessel of war or pri- vateer shall have been taken, sunk, burnt or otherwise destroyed, £3 for every man taken or killed, and the prizes, after paying impost duties, shall be divided among the captors. And to vessels of other governments, for ships of war taken between Nantucket and Seconnet on the South and Canso on the North, head money is granted of £3. * Council Records, Vol. XI., p. 175. ■'Ibid., p. 180. ''//>(■<;., p. 237. ' '/<;irf., pp. 238, 239. 3 26 (51.) In Council, Oct. 20, 1744. " An Accompt presented by Henry Johnson, of the Charge of Lodg- ing and Diet for Mi' Dolabarate late Commander of the French Priva- teer bronght in by the Province Snow, amounting to the sum of £G : 15," a warrant was authorized for its payment.' (52.) At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston on Satur- day the 17tli of November 1744— Advised that His Excellency send the Province Snow upon a Cruize, and that the whole Company l)elonging to her be kept in pay until the Meeting of the General Court.''' (53.) In Council, Dec. 18, 1744. John Osborne Esqr and others went down on a message from the Board to the House of Representatives to propose that they would reconsider their Vote of the fourth Instant relating to the Province Snow — The following Message was brought up from the House of Represen- tatives by Joseph Richards Esqr and others, vizt " That the House having taken into Consideration the Message sent them from the HonL>ie Board in the Morning, on the Houses Vote of the fourth Instant, relating to the pay and subsistence of certain Officers &c on board the Province Snow cann't but reflect" etc. ^ (54.) In Council, Dec. 19, 1744. In the House of Represeutyes voted that Pay and Subsistence be allowed from this time to the Captain, Lieutenant, Boatswain, Gunner and two Sailors only, on board the Province Snow, till the further Order of this Court. In Council ; Read and Concur'd Consented to W. Shirley * (55.) In Council, Dec. 24, 1744. " A Muster Roll presented by Captain Edward Tyng Commander of the Province Snow the Prince of Orange, containing an acct of Wages due to himself and Company for yr Service from February 6, 1743 (O. S.) to November 20th 1744 amounting to the Sum of £1877.17.0 advanced £75, Remains due £1802. 17. G." A warrant was authorized to pay the same.* This Muster Roll has not been found. (56.) In Council, Jan. 4, 1744 (0. S.) His Excellency sent a message to the House concerning establishment of a more powerful ship of war than the Province Snow " (tho in many respects a good vessel for the service of the war) is not of strength sufficient for the force we must expect the enemy will send against us," and suggests selling the snow and buying a bigger vessel.* • Council Records, Vol. XI., p. 245. - 1 bid., p. 262. 3 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 586. The vote referred to cannot be found. < 7^/(7., p. 592. s Council Records, Vol. XI., p. 271. 8 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 615. 27 (57.) In Council, Feb. 1, 1744, (O. S.) In the House of Representves Voted that His Extellency lie desired to en)i)lo.v the Province Snow Trince of Orange, upon her return from tlie intended Expedition, as a Guard to the Fisliery. In Council : Read and Coucur'd Consented to W. Shirley ' (58.) In Council, Feb. 8, 1744 CO. S.) A warrant Avas authorized to advance " unto the Committee for the War the sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds, towards tlie purchasing of a ship for the service of this Province, pursuant to an order of the General Court." '■' (59.) At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston upon Monday the lltii of February 1744 (O. S.) An Accompt presented by Mess'' Green & Boylstone Aijents for the Otlicers and Seamen belonging to the Province Snow, of Bounty due to them for taking the Privateer Sloop commanded by Mons'' Delaborats and her company, consisting of Eighty Nine Persons, at Three pounds per man, amounting in the whole to the sum of £2G7 , ,— , , Advised and Consented that a Warrant be made out to the Treasurer to jmy unto the said Green and Boylston for the use of the said Ofllcers and Seamen the al)ove mentioned sum of Two Hundred and sixty-seven Pounds, to discharge the said acct pursuant to Law.* (60.) In Council, Feb. 13, 1744 (O. S.) A Warrant was advised to " Cpt Joseph Smethurst " to impress Sea- men for Snow Prince of Orange "under his command." •• (61.) In Council, Mch. 8, 1744, (O. S.) A Memorial of Cpt Edward Tyng late Commander of the Province Snow the Prince of Orange, showing that the Establishment of the Wages of himself and Company, ended the 19tli of Noveml)er last, at which time he was upon a Cruize at Sea, by His Excellencys order, and had no Order from the Governor to discharge the Ships Company till the IQtji of December following; praying that the Establishment may be continued until that time. In the House of Representves Read, & it Appearing that the said Snow was not returned from her Cruize on the 19tii of November last, when according to the Establishment of this Court she ought to have been discharged, and that after her return the danger of our Navigation from Privateers on the Coast was apprehended so great as to bring under consideration of this Court the expediency of prolonging that Establishment, so that the men Avere not actually discharged till the 19tji of December after :— Therefore Voted that Cpt Tyng be allowed to make up his Muster Roll to the 1 Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 071. "- Council Records, Vol. XI., p. 308. ^Ibid., p. 310. *• Ibid., p. 312. 28 said Nineteenth of December as if the Establisliment liad extended to that time. In Council : Read and Concur'd Consented to W Shirley ' (02.) In Council, Mch. 8, 1744, (0. S.) " A Muster Roll presented by Cpt Edward Tyng late Commander of the Trovince Snow Prince of Oi'ange, containing an Accompt of Wages due to himself and Company from the 21«t of November 1744 to the 19t]i of December following, amounting to the sum of £218.4.4." A warrant was authorized for the same.'^ This Muster Roll has not been found. (G3.) In Council, Mch. 9, 1744, (O. S.) " A Muster Roll presented by Cpt Edward Tyng late commander of the Province Snow Prince of Orange, containing an Accompt of Wages due to himself and company for their service from the 20tji of Decem- ber to the 27tji of January 1744 (0. S.) amounting to the Sum of £3G.1I.2." A warrant was authorized for the payment of the same.^ This Muster Roll has not been found. (G4.) In Council, Nov. 28, 1745. In the House of Representves : There being the greatest reason to presume that the Snow Prince of Oi'ange, in the pay of this Province, in the late Expedition, was lost some time in the month of May last, and there being no probability that the exact time the Officers and Seamen on board said Snow were in actual service can ever be ascertained : It is therefore Voted that there be allowed for the service of each person who shall appear to the satisfaction of the Committee of War to have remained on board until the time she is supposed to have been lost, four months wages ; & that the Committee cause the same to be paid to the next of Kin where no Executor or Administrator shall ap- pear, deducting such sums as have already been advanced; also reserv- ing or allowing out of each Persons Wages for any just or reasonable supplies that may have been made such person by Cpt. Sraethurst or any person on his behalf ; the money reserved to be paid to the legal Repre- sentatives of the said Cpt. Smethurst In Council, Read and Concur'd Consented to S : Phips ■* ' Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 4, p. 704. - Council Records, Vol. XL, \). 339. ■' J hid., p. 3-13. •» Court Records, Vol. XVII., Part 5, p. 171. 29 Q 2 00 O CO C5 o 05 05 bi „ „ „ o3 ^ lO 00 (>J lO >o o OS 4J -f :o t~ (M (>* (N 5) 05 t— « «5 o b- «rt !+l ^ ^ «♦< ^ a; >. ^ O o to «o «5 e^ H pq o ^ Ph >> .— oi !» 0) a >^ !-t eS o ;-! o* "S ^ S a •►i O IB Oi a, a3 a G S 53 O a O o m O P>^ ^ !» OJ s o3 ^ a cc o o a be be a 2 _a a> be s s "3 S ^ .9 a « 2 ,a ti 1 = a*a 3 (^ 1-5 ►-S X a: *-s be a 03 i>> S H ^ -a f) t^ >i w J2 00 . .. CO 00 ^ ^ s •a a H o OS O M W 0) s St ^ « o "^ rt' a -^ 30 be «> CO o -+i o OJ 05 05 Oi 05 a •a '"' >. H « ^ s CS QJ ^ '"CO 1+1 t~ >ra -f >o 00 (M iM IM c^ o IM •c ^■^ '^ ^^ '^ "~ S > s a j3 , o ^ CO a OCl e^ o (M iM IM CO CO IM CO QO CO o f— 1 O lO »o lO ~* >o IM la •c r— « W 1-1 o y :^ *^ l^ts -*i o Ci o t- o t^ t- CO CD C£> <^ CS CC o a S ^^s c S CO o O >1 03 Q l-~ N ^- t~ eo 00 *« _i 00 (^ 00 CO Oi OO CO 00 'f •* ^ -+ CO ■* -* >o -* -f -f ^ O •* CO -t> cq C ^ QO 00 00 OO t- 00 ^ GO V a _o > ^ -w ^ .§ « ■> - 00 ■"* ^ 05 ^ 00 iM c:5 - "" ^ ^ CO IM "^ o " m laH a « > >. > >-> > >. 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P CO ' eS '? o 2a a " 03 O a OP a 1 .a H 03 •-5 oj ^ li ^ ^ ^' £ •^ ^ H o 1-5 33 o o CO CD C3 CO CO CO o t- C^ CD ^ o -* ^ CO -H CO CO M^ CO 00 00 00 t^ r; CO CO CC IM iM O O CM O 00 CO o o ■* CO oq CD f^ >*< t^ t^ ■^ t^ 00 00 00 CO «s CO o *"* '"' = '^ 0^) " - - CO ^ •^ 'rf t~ t^ t^ » CO - CO CO CD 05 •* CD o O o C5 CO C> >> K, *" fin > >% > > !>> > >-. >> r> ■^ o r> OS o o O a OS ^ *-i ;?; -t1 ^ S ^ ^ g 1^ -51 >-i S 3^ Cft o CO o CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO -tl -f -^ ""• ^ - — ^ a •^ a. <1 i-s -si ■1^ u 03 a s o 03 o o 5 OS Z " o a 5 r 5 5 03 S o 03 o 'Tl a; o : Alcock t b : How CC a "" o o o p 03 tc CD f^ C a) 0) •• 03 OS O &4 c8 o »-5 M 03 ^ a4 ^ 03 55 a 1-5 H -t; 34 W o ■^ N ^«^ eo C5 eo 05 C5 OJ OV cc " 2 § „>o ■*! cq -+1 •o »o lO •o t^ r^ 00 a *^ S Balla Due each =*^^ O 'X- (M t^ IN c< CO ,_! ,— ( ,— ( CO CO o -* 1 o fi o > 3 - - (^ -* IN «N CO CC CO CO CO 11 wha Time in the ervice Zl ^3 ^ ■N IN <3J •^ m — IN IN i:^ > o >> o3 > o a a > o >-> 03 > o H «2 ^ § ^ c» ►^ .s| '^ t-- r~ a> OS Ci oq !N IN IM IN ■N »— * »-H ^^ *— t i-H ■* -f lO 0) 2 'S > _ •• .§ g S «3 >> 03 >> ■u o3 O O o o o O o o o o O o o ■M ■u •u -1^ ■u ■u ^-=> ■4-3 O" ;_, ■*J *^ -u> 4J +J _o 5 Q 5 5 5 C Q p a s 5 p p "S 73 tn a> s 03 CO a O m a o ^ a; a o CO 'S >> CO a >> (U o a tH "o; ^ oS n ^ ^ t^ OJ o3 tn J^ a OS QJ CO ja m o C3 >> 4J CO 03 ^ ^ o &^ S 0) W s CO o o3 O s 03 o " o "s a" £ o „ K a Mg.. 1-5 a-- 03 1-5 Eh d H o3 CO o •-5 03 o ^ x; H 03 •-5 o O ^ £ 85 cc CO CO CO CO CO 05 05 05 Oi CO Oi Oi OS 05 05 CO 00 OO 00 OO 00 i^ I-- CO CM CM CM CM 00 CM CM CM d (M CO o o O o o CO r^ o O Oi Ci 05 00 C5 05 05 OS <-?5 >o OS f -+i -t< ■* ■* CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CM CO CD CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CD CO CD CD CD CO CO CD CD CO 00 lO >re >o >o CO >o >o >o >n >o CM Ci cs. r— ) crj 05 «) ■^ CO 00 00 00 CO Of) 00 en CM 00 " " " *" " " " ^ CO CO CO CO CO CO lO CO h- (^ t~- t^ CM t^ (^ 1-- t^ t- 05 (M (M CM (N iM '" CM cq •^ ■"* *"* ""^ '— ' '-* ^^ •■^ *"* CO CO CO CO CO CM CO CO - CD CD CO CD CD - CD CD ■* CD ^ _ ^ rt ^ CM CM _ ^ rt ^ -c rt ^ __ ^ ^ _H rt > o 03 _>i > o a > o b/) > 4) CO > o y-. § ►-5 t?; 1-5 'T'a -^ ;^ ^ -fi ■^ >o lO >c 'O 'O Irt '0 lO ■-1 — ■ •-I ■-I ■—1 " — ' ^H -^ •—1 >i IS g o o o o o o o o o o O O o o n o n O o o ■1-i 4J 4-a -u *-* ■*— * ■*-^ ■*-^ J-^ ■*-^ -*J *-> *J +j Q Q Q « p C Q Q n Q G C « Q O C • a a o O >1 o a? CO s o 1-5 >1 s E-l t/3 c3 o CO it' o o 0) O o a ci a y a oi a - oj a = 0! a •• c CO a -S o a •c •• a o) W : Bassett Jn : Goodspeed o •-9 "S, . 03 03 A a o P o >o >o CO o »o Q G O O p p l-s CO (^ 5 n 1 P c p c» H S S W P5 0) 9 O O 02 a « g CO rt IX> 01 ^ 4) s-Sr o* S P 84 O 1^ O Time of entry on the Service o O 37 to 05 CO CO Ss CO o 33 t^ C<1 05 00 CM -* ■* CM OO CM CM 00 >c •* 03 '^l 5i CO o -*■ h- >o CO CM >o 00 00 00 00 CO o 00 J^ 00 (M CO CO CM -* CM CM o CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CM CO CO CO CO CO l^ CO CO cc ■* >o Gl 03 CO 1^ ^ 00 1^ CO '^ -* -* ■ri< 'f lO lO -^ ■* CO CO CO crj CM o o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 •— 1 00 ^^ '^ ^^ " ^ (M 1^ - - o C5 CM CM t- CM CM CM - CO •* - CD CO CM - CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CM CO ■* CO O o ^ ^ CM CM >* ^ 00 CM ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _>> > o n. o >-, o o cc •-S ^ CO -51 ^ 1-3 Jz; 1;^ o I-- r^ t^ CM CM CM l^ CM Oi o c;> o o o CO o o o C^J CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM C^l CM CM CM — ' CM CM >i *" Hfi i". bj ►^ a -5l •^ -51 ^ o o o o o o o o o o o c O o o a Q C C Q OJ 02 o p p p c u « p cS c3 Cj CO ^ a CO ai G: 3,, 8, ,7 ii Jos : Thorp o D: 18 May 20 2: 8 G: 13, ,14, ,4 Tim : Goodspeed o D: 18 20 2: 8 G: 13, ,14, ,4 Jabez Berry D: 18 20 2:8 G: 13„14„4 Reuben Gage (> D: 18 20 2: 8 G: 13„14„4 o Barth : Lynch h Jos : Bessy o D: 18 20 2: 8 G: 13, 14, ,4 O D: 18 20 2: 8 G : 13„14,,4 O Jn : Harvey Gun : mate 19 20 2: 7 7: 15,,15,,- Tim : Gooch Able 19 Apr. 15 1 : 6: 6,,— ,,- Simon Tufts Cox wain 19 May 20 2: 7 7 : lo,,15,,- Sam ; Tults Able ]9 20 2: 7 G: 13,,10,,- 1 Sam : Cleveland Carpenter 20 20 2: C, 9: 19,,18„7 1* Eb : Howard Able 20 Apr. 30 1 : 14 G: 9,,— ,,- Joseph Leeds O D: 23 May 20 2. 3 6: 12,,12,,10 Joseph Glover D: 24 20 2: 2 G: 12,, 8, ,8 42 (68.) 2.— Continued. Mens Names Quality Time of entrance in the Service Till what T'uwv in the Service Whole Time of Service Wages per Month Ballance Due to each Man m W: Smith Able Mos. Dys. Mar. 24 Mos. Uys. Apr. 6 VVks.Dys 14 1. S. li. G: 1. S. (i. 3,,— „- John Decoster 30 10 12 6: 2, ,11, .4 David Bean 30 20 22 6; 4,. 14, ,4 Peter Jent 30 May 20 1 : 24 6: 11,, 3,,-- Daniel Beans 30 20 1 : 24 G: 11,, 3,,- John Barnes Apr. 1 20 1 : 22 6: 10,, 14, .4 Moses Cleveland 1 20 1 : 22 6: 10,, 14, ,4 Jon: Waldo D: 2 20 1 : 21 6: 10,, 10,,- 84: 18 £519,, 1,,10 T W Ex' 1i> J W Ex' (G8.) A Muster Roll of the Company in His Majesty's Service under the Command of Edward Tyng Captain Viz.' Mens Names. o N:3 Rich : Richardson Geo : Cutting John Webber 1 Dan : Smith o Jn : Trueman Peter Read John Kelly 1 Mich : Dallis Geo : Read William King h Jos : Board Clement Check ID W : Peters Rich : Bently John Peters Quality Time of entrance in the Service Able Mos. Apr Dvs. . 9 o 1): 9 o D 10 D: 10 o 1): 10 Bosswins mate 10 Able 10 1): 11 D: 12 o D: 15 I): IG o 1): IG D: 16 o D: IG D: IG Till what Time in the Service Whole Time of Service Wages per Month Mos. Dys May 20 Wks.Dys 1 : 1 + 1. S. (i. 6: Apr. 26 18 6: May 20 1 : 13 6: 20 1 : 3 6: 20 1 : 13 G: 20 1 : 13 7: Apr. 26 17 6: 26 IG 6: May 20 1:11 6 : Apr. 20 G 6: May 20 1 : 7 G: Apr. L'6 11 6: 21 6 6: May 20 1 : 7 6: 20 1: 7 G: Ballance Due to each Man I. s. d. 9,,— ,,- 3,,17,,2 8, ,15, ,8 8,, 15, ,8 8, ,15, ,8 '10,, 5,,- 3, ,12, ,10 3,, 8, ,8 8,, 7, ,2 1., 5, ,8 7, ,10 ,- 2,, 7, ,4 1,, 5„8 7,,10,.- 7,,10,,- ' Mass. Archives, Vol. XCII., 7. 43 (68.) 3 — CoHtiinicd. Mens Names Rob : Moores Daniel Hood 1 Sam : Roberts Tho' Giillifer ii Edw : Joiner a Eln : Ayres 1 Sam : Holland Phillip Cartright John Craige Richard Sappin William Fewens Isaac Pease Richard Tarr h Jos : Smith d Rich : Tobin a Eb : Moore John Wire John England o Tim : Hayze Scipio Watson Geo : Fisher ii Jos : Grove John Lewis 1 Sam : Henly Brought from Master Roll 1 Ex'i P W L M 414, ,10, ,1/2 38: 22 P JW£235,, G.,4 84: 18 Ex' 519,, I, ,10 121:6 903,, 12,,- 244: 18 1658,,— ,,2 Boston Novem : 20. . 1742 Edward Tynj 44 (69.) A Muster Roll of the Company in His Majesty's Service under the comraand of Edward Tyng Captain Viz.' Mens Names O N: 1 Quality Time of entrance in the Service Till w Time the Serv hat in ce Whole Time of Service Wages per Month Bal lance Due to each Man Edward Tyng d Rich : Heydan Captain Mos. Dvs. May "21 Mos. Dys. Nov. 20 Wks.Dvs 6: 16 1. s. d. 22: 1. s. d. 144, .11, ,.5 Lieuten'ut 21 20 6: 16 14:8 94,,12,.7 William Loud Master 21 20 6: 16 12:8 81,, 9„9 John Oldfeild Gunner 21 20 6: 16 11 : 12 76,, 4,,7 m W : Rouse Bosswin 21 20 6: 16 11 : 72,, 5, ,8 David Hunt 1 Steward 21 July 16 2: 1 9: 18,, 6,, 7 i Nath : Prentice Able 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 Darby Meloney o D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11,,4 James Nutting Armourer 21 20 6: 16 9: 59„ 2,, 10 John Bond Able 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 William Smith o D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11,,4 William Gross Cooper 21 20 6: 16 9: 59,, 2,,1C John Martin Able 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 John Negurs D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 t Rob : Jarvis o D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 tt Syphax, a Serv.. D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 John Powers D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 John Francisco D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 John Allen o D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52,,11„4 Martin Marrow Cook 21 July 8 1 : 21 9: 15,,15,,- Eb \ Allen 1 Able 21 Sep. 30 4:21 8: 38,,—,,- 1 Sam : Thorndike - o D: 21 D: 21 4: 12 8: 35„ 8, ,6 r Eb : LaAvreuce D: 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: 52,, 11, ,4 111 W: Norton o D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52,,11,,4 o Jn : Davis o. D: 2! June 10 21 8: 6,,— ,,- John Bishop r Q .master 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 9: 59„ 2, ,10 David Phips Able 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11,,4 r Eb : Hartshorne Doctor 21 20 6: 16 12:8 81,, 9, ,9 James Cummings Able 21 20 6: 16 8 : 52,,ll„4 ' Mass. Archives, Vol. XCII., 16. - "Abseat about six weeks of the time." 45 (69.) 1. — Continued. Mens Names Quah'ty Time of entrance in the Service Till what Time in the Service Whole Time of Service Wages per Month Ballance Due to each Man p Ph : Messarvey r Q: master Mos. Dys. 21 Mos. Dys. 20 Wks.nys 6: 16 1. s. d. 9: I. S (1. 59,, 2„10 W : Webb Able 21 20 6: 16 8: 52,,11„4 John Holman I): • 21 10 6:6 8: 49,, 14, ,3 John Martin D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 John Butler k Tat: Royley D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 D: 21 June 16 27 8: 7,, 12, .2 Lemuel Bryant Chaplain 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 12:8 81,, 9„9 Sam : Sewall Able 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 Paul Sturdevant D: 21 Oct. 14 5: 7 8: 42,,-,,- Ichabod Freeman D: 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 Nathan Turner D: 21 • 9 6: 5 8: 49„ 8„6 Jos : Thomas D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11„4 Seth Everson D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11„4 T W ExJ 249: 5 Ex'' £2287„11„3' (69.) A Muster Roll of under the Command of Edw the Company in His Majesty's Service ard Tyng Captain Viz.- Mens Names o N: 2 (Juality Time of entrance in the Service Till what Time in the Service Whole Time of Service Wages per Month Ballance Due to each Man a Benj : Read Able Mos. Dvs. May 21 Mos. Dvs. Nov. 20 Wks.Dys 6: 16 I. s. d. 8: 1. s. d. 52,,ll„4 Joseph Jones D: 21 Aug. 20 3: 8 8: 26,, 5, ,8 Isaac Crocker D: 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: 52. ,11, ,4 Joseph Chace D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52,,11„4 Caleb Chace D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11,,4 Jethro Hatch D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52,.1I„4 Reuben Hatch D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52, ,11, ,4 Benj : Maker Servt .lolin Bacon Martin Wright D: o D: 21 21 20 n 6: 16 6:2 8: 8: 52, ,11, ,4 48„11„4 Joseph Thorp D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52„11,,4 Tim : Goodspeed D: 21 20 6: 16 8: 52,, 11, ,4 > " Old Tenour." - Mass. Archives, Vol. XCII., 17. 4fi (60.) 2.— Continued. Mens Names Jabez Berry Reuben Gage o Barth : Lynch Jos : Bessy o Jn : Harvey Simon Tufts Samuel Tufts Samuel Cleveland Joseph Leeds Joseph Glover Peter Jent Daniel Beans John Barnes Moses Cleaveland a Jon : Waldo d Rich : Richardson John Webber Daniel Smitli John Trneman Peter Read Geo : Reed Joseph Board Richard Bently John Peters Robert Moorcs 1 Dan : Hood 1 Sam : Roberts TliofGullifer Edward Joiner Elnathan Ay res Time of Till what Whole Quality entrance in the Service Time in the Service Time of Service Wa^es per Month Able Mos. Dys. May 21 Mos. Dys. Nov. 20 VVks.Dvs 6: 10 1. S. (1. 8: O D: 21 20 6: 10 8: o D: 21 20 0: IG 8: o D: 21 20 r. : IG 8: Gunners mate 21 20 G: 16 0: Coxwain 21 20 G: IG 9: Able 21 20 G: IG 8: Carp : 21 20 6: 16 11: Able 21 20 G: 16 8: D: 21 June C, 17 8: O D: 21 Nov. 8 6: 4 8: o D: 21 20 6: IG 8: D: 21 Sep. 4 3: 23 8: D? 21 June 10 21 8: o D: 21 Nov. 20 G: IG 8: D: 21 20 6: 16 8: o D: 21 20 G : 16 8: o D: 21 20 6: 16 8: o D: 21 June 18 1 : 1 8: Bosswins mate 21 Oct. 30 5: 23 9: Able 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: D° 21 June 11 22 8: D? 21 14 2.5 8: O D: 21 27 1 : 10 8: d!" 21 14 25 8: T>° 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: D? 21 20 6: 16 8: D° 21 June 1 1 22 8: D° 21 Nov. 20 6: 16 8: Carpen- ters mate 21 June 1 1 22 9: Ballanco Due to each Man 1. s. „—,,- 0,,— ,,- 40, ,17,,- » Mass. Archives, Vol. XCII., 18. 48 (fiO.) 3.— Continued. Mens Names Quality Time of entrance in the Service Till what Time in the Service Whole Time of Service Wages per Month Ballance Due to each Man David Hunt Able Mos. Dys. July 17 Mos. Pys. Nov. 20 Wks.Uys 4: 15 1. s. d. 8: 1. s d. 36,, 5„8 John Charnock Steward 17 20 4: 15 9: 40,,1G,,5 Benj : Simmonds Able 17 20 4: 15 8: 36,, 5,, 8 John Ayres D: 29 Aug. 10 13 8: 3„14,,4 James Nutting D: 20 Nov. 20 4: 12 8: 35,, 8, ,8 John Grant D: 20 Aug. 16 1 : 8: 8,,— ,,- W: Whittmore Mate Aug. 20 Nov. 20 3: 3 10: 31,, 1,,5 Benj : Grilfin Able 29 20 3: 8 : 24,,—,,- Belcher Fuller D: Sep 2 8 2: 12 8: 19,, 8„8 Francis Floyd D: 2 4 2: 8 8: 18,, 5, ,8 Jeremiah Saywood D: 2 Nov. 1 2: 5 8: 17,, 8, ,8 T WEx'i Brought from sheat N" 2 Brought from ditto — 1 L M 1328, ,14, ,7 Boston Novemi' 20tli 1742 157: 10 Ex'' 1304,, 7 210: 13 249: 5 1723,, 1 2287, ,11, ,3 617 £5314, ,18, ,4 Edwd Tyng (69.) Muster Roll of The Company In his Majesties Service Under The Command of Edward Tyng Commencing from 12V' NovT 1741.' Mens Names Quality Wlien EnfJ When Disch'i Time Service Wages per Month Totail Wages Edward Tyng Captain Nov. th 12 Feb. 10 1110 ds 3 7 £20 £65: John Oldfeild Gunner 12 10 3 7 £10 32: 10 David Hunt u Nath Prentice Bosswin 12 10 3 7 £9 29: 5 Foremast 12 10 3 7 £6 19: 10 Syphax, Negro Foremast 12 10 3 7 £6 19: 10 F JW. Ex'i 16i"o 7(ls Victualling the Above at 24/ per week . . £78 £165: 15 , £78 £243: 15 ' Mass. Archives, Vol. XCI., 357. 49 Boston New-England Feb: 10"' 1741 Errors Excepted V Edw'l Tyns Sworn Ex & Allow P ye Committee N T . J J £00. 18. 9 Payment ordered Mch. 18, 1741. ' (O. S.) (70.) Muster Roll of The Company In Ills Majestys Service Under The Command of Edward Tyng On Board The Snow Prince of Orange — 1742''' Mens Names Quality Time of Entry Time of Discharge Whole Time of Service Wages V month Total Wiiges Edward Tyng Captain Nov 21 Feb 3 mo ds 2 19 £ 22 S (1 £ s .1 58 : 1 8 : G John Oldfeild Gunner 21 3 2 19 11 : 12 31; 1:5 William Rouse Boatswin 21 3 2 19 11 29 : 9:3 Nath Prentice Able 21 3 2 19 8 21: 8:8 Syphax, Negro D 21 3 2 19 8 21 : 8:8 John Harvey Gun Mate Jan 24 3 11 9 3:10:9 3 22 £ 1 05 : 1 7 : 8 Victnalli ig the Above 1 yiH" 22' 's a 24 / per m ^eek 60: 3:5 1/2 1 5x'i l> J W Old Teno ur £232: 0:« 1/2 £58: : 2 New Tenour Boston Feb 3, 1742 Errors Excepted P Edw'l Tyng Sworn before S Danforth J Pact Ex & Alow'd 1* the Comittee Payment authorized, Mch. 23, 1742, (O. S./ ' Council Records, Vol. X., p. 587. 2 Mass. Archives, Vol. XCII., 23. » (Council Records, Vol. XL, p. 20. 50 APPENDIX B. Extracts fkom Boston Nkwspapkrs. (1.) Thp. Boston Weekly News-Letter ; June 20,-July 3, 1740. On Monday last his Excellency the Goveruour made the followinjj- speech to the General Assembly, viz. As I am inform'd of some Vessels hovering about our Harbours and those of the neighljouring; Colonies, which are suspected to be come for Provisions to supply the Subjects of Spain I wish this Assembly miglit pass some efectual Act for preventing anything of so pernicious and fatal Consequence. June 30, 1740. J. Belcher. (2.) Ibid., July 3,-July 10, 1740. Yesterday his Excellency the Goveruour was pleased to make the fol- lowing Speech to the General Assembly, viz. Gentlemen of the Council and the House of Representatives At the beginning of this Session I mentioned to you the defenceless naked state of our Sea Coast; and since that the Account I had received of some Vessels hovering about us, to attempt an illicit and clandestine Trade, and to supply the Spaniards with Provisions, notwithstanding the War his Majesty has declared against that Crown ; one such Vessel is already Seized and carried into Rhode-Island, by the great Care and Vigilance of that Government. I would now again recommend to you the Dispatch of a Bill to be pass'd into a Law, for preventing any such pernicious Trade : And that Provision be also made before this Court rises for purchasing a suitable Vessel for the Protection of our Commerce ; and that a Bill be also prepared against Mutiny and Desertion. July 9, 1740. J. Belcher. (3.) Boston Evenincj Post ; Monday July 28, 1740. There is now building, for the Use of the Province, a fine Snow, of an hundred and seventy odd Tons, which is carried on with such extraordinary Dispatch, that 'tis said she is to be launched in a Month's Time at furthest, tho' her Keel has not been laid above a Week. (4.) The Boston Weekly News-Letter ; Aug. 21-28, 1740. Yesterday a fine Galley, built at the Charge of this Government, for the Service of the Province in Guarding our Coasts, to be Commanded by Edward Tyng, Esq; was launch'd at Mr. Benjamin Hallowell's Ship Yard. (5.) Boston Evening Post; Monday Sept. 1, 1740. Last Tuesday [Aug. 26, 1740] the Galley built by Mr. Benj. Hallo well at the charge of this Province for the Defense of our Coast was launched in the view of a prodigious Number of People who were assembled on that occasion. She is esteemed a very fine ship by good 51 judges and was built and launched in 32 days from the laying of her keel altho' five of the said Days were so Rainy that very little Work was done in them. She measures 180 Tons, mounts 16 Carriage Guns that will carry a Ball of six Poimds and 'tis said she is to carry as many Swivels. She is commanded by Capt. Edward Tyng, an experienced Officer, and is fitting out with such diligence that 'tis said she will be lit for the Sea before this week is out. She is called the Prince of Orange in Memory we suppose of our glorious Deliverer King William. (0.) Ihid., Apr. 20, 1741. Upon advice that a Foreign Vessel is on our Coast, Capt. Tyng in the Province Snow sail'd last Friday in quest of her. (7.) Ihkl., Monday June 1, 1741. Yesterday our Province Snow, Capt. Edward Tyng Commander, came in from a Cruize, and this Day sail'd again in quest of the Privateers now on our Coast. (8.) The Boston Weekly News-Letter, Thursday May 28, -June 4, 1741. The Same Day [Monday last] Sail'd our Province Snow, Capt. Tyng, on a Cruize after the Spanish Privateers lately seen off our Southern Coasts. (9.) Ibid., Thursday, July 2-July 9, 1741. Last Monday Capt. Tyng in the Province Snow Prince of Orange, returned hither from a Cruize. (10.) Boston Evening Post ; Monday, July 13, 1741. Last Monday our Province Snow Prince of Orange, Capt. Edward Tyng Commander, came in from a Cruize of five or six Weeks. She has ranged all the Coast between this and Virginia, and is allowed by all to go exceeding Well, they having seen no Vessel but what they spoke with. The greatest Difficulty they met with of that Sort, was to come up with the Virginia Station Ship, but after a hard Chase of eight Hours, they came up with her, and by firing a Gun brought her to, and Spoke with her, though she carries 40 Guns and is commanded by a Knight. , (11.) Ibid., Monday, July 20, 1741. In our second Paragraj^h under Boston in our last Week's Paper (about Capt. Tyng's chasing the Virginia Station Ship) instead of those words, and by firing a Gun brought her to, be pleased to read, and upon shewing their Colours, and firing a Gun to Leeward, she bore down and spoke with them. (12.) Ibid., Monday, Aug. 3, 1741. Last Week our Province Snow Prince of Orange, Capt. Ed. Tyng Commander, sail'd on a Cruize. (13.) Ibid., Monday, Aug. 10, 1741. The same Day [Saturday Aug. 8] our Province Snow, Capt. Tyng Commander, came in from a Cruize, 52 (14 ) The Boston Weekly Nexus- Letter ; Thursday, Aug. 0-Aug. 13, 1741. This Morning Capt. Tyng, in our Province Snow, returned hither from a Cruize : Yesterday Evening he came up with the Mast-Ship, Capt. Noble, ofl'of Boon-Island, bound in to Piscataqua: The Said Ship having on board His Majesty's Royal Commission constituting and Appointing the Hon. William Shirley, Esq; Captain General and Gov- ernour in and over this Province, the said Commission was put on board Capt. Tyng, by whom it was brought hither. (15.) Ibid., Sept. 24-Oct. 1, 1741. [Mention is made of the Province Snow taking part in chasing some runaway slaves, Tuesday Sept. 29, 1741, being then in Boston Harbor.] (16.) Boston Evening Post; Monday, Nov. 2, 1741. Last Saturday Capt. Tyng in our Province Snow, arrived here from a Cruize. (17.) Ibid., Feb. 22, Mch. 1, and 8, 1741-2; and Xeics-Letter, Feb. 25-Mch. 4. Advt. These are to inform all Gentlemen Sailors and all other able- bodied men who are desirous to enlist on board his Majestys Snow Prince of Orange, under my Command which is to be fitted out with all Expedition, that the General Court in their last Session, have granted to the Company of the said Snow, the whole of all vessels. Stores and Goods which may be taken by them : and for a further Encouragement have granted Ten pounds for each Man on board any Ship of War or Privateer of the Enemy who shall be slain or taken Prisoner by said Company : Besides which, there is Five Pounds Sterling allowed by his Majesty for each man slain or taken as aforesaid. Boston, Feb. 19, 1741. Edward Tyng. (18.) Ibid., May 3, 1742. The beginning of last week his majesty's Ship Success, and the Pro- vince Snow Prince of Orange, sail'd on a Cruize. (19.) Ibid., Aug. 2, 1742. Last Wednesday his Excellency and the Gentlemen appointed to attend him to the Eastward, embark'd on board the Province Snow Prince of Orange, and a fine large Ship in the Service of the Govern- ment commanded by Cousins ; but the Wind soon after coming to the East, they did not leave the Harbour till Friday Morning, when they sail'd with a favourable Wind. (20.) Ibid., Aug. 23, 1742. Last Tuesday Evening- His Excellency, with the Gentlemen who attended him to the Eastward, arrived here in good Health, on board our Province Snow Prince of Orange, Ship Vernon, and a Sloop in the Country's Service. (21.) The Boston Weekly News- Letter ; Aug. 19-Aug. 2G, 1742. Two Spanish Privateers being reported south of New York & his 58 Maj. Sliip Gosport not bein.;^ fit to pursue : " Whereupon his Excellency has i^iven orders to Capt. Tynjj, Commander of our Province Snow the Prince of Orange, to go in quest of these Privateers with all Expedition." (22.) Boston Evening Post; Dec. 6, and 13, 1742. Advt. The Officers and Mariners lately belonging to his Majesty's Snow Prince of Orange, are desired to come to the House of Capt. Edward Tyng and receive their Wages. Boston, Dec. 4, 1742. (23.) Ibid., Monday June 20, 1743. And on Thursday Capt. Tyng arrived here from his Cruize. 'Tis said he was as far as the Bar of Augustine, but was not happy enough to meet with any of the Enemy's Ships, nor could he hear of any of their Privateers being on our American Coasts. (24 ) Ibid., July i, 1748. On Friday last the gallant and active Capt Frankland, Commander of His Majesty's Ship Rose arrived here .... He was saluted below by the Province Snow Prince of Orange, Capt. Tyng Commander. (25.) Ibid., Aug. 8, 1743. Last Week Capt. Tyng, in our Province Snow Prince of Orange, arrived from a Cruize. (2G.) Ibid., Sept. 5, 1743; also News-Letter, Sept. 8, 1743. Last Saturday our Province Snow Prince of Orange, Capt. Tyng came in from a cruize. (27.) Ibid., Oct. 10, 1743. By the Eastern Post last Saturday Evening his Excellency had Advice, that a large Spanish Privateer Sloop has been seen on the Coast, and we hear that Capt. Tyng in the Province Snow is order'd out forthwith in quest of her. (28.) Ibid., May 28, 1744. Yesterday Capt. Tyng, in the Province Snow Prince of Orange, arrived here from Annapolis Royal, and informs, that they had Advice there, that a large Body of French and Indians assembled at Secanecta intended to attack that Fort, upon which all the English Inhabitants had left their Houses in the Town and retired into it. Capt. Tyng brought with him 26 of their Women and Children, and many more are expected in other Vessels. (29.) Ibid., Monday June 4, 1744. Last Saturday [the declaration of war was received] upon which . . . in the Afternoon, by his Excellency's Order his Majesty's Declaration of War against France, and his Proclamation for the Encouragement of his Ships of War and Privateers, were publickly read from the Balcony of the Town House (30.) Ibid., Monday June 18, 1744. Yesterday Capt. Tyng, in our Province Snow Prince of Orange, sail'd on a Cruize. 54 (31.) 76M., Monday June 25, 1744. . . . the French have six Privateers at Sea .... the chief of which is a large Schooner, with 140 Men, well fitted .... and commanded by one Murphy, an Irishman, called by the French, Morefang .... 'Tis said this boasting Blade threatens to come and take the Vessels out of Nantasket Harbour, and has the Impudence to say, that he expects in a little Time to have the Command of our Galley the Prince of Orange .... Capt. Tyng in our Province Snow is now coming up with two Pend- ants flying, and a large Sloop in Tow with the Top of her Mast gone, which is generally concluded to be a Prize. (32.) Boston Weekly News-Letter ; June 29, 1744. On Monday last Capt. Tyng in the Province Snow returned from a Cruize, and brought with him a French Privateer Sloop with 94 Men, mounted with 8 Carriage and 8 Swivel Guns, burthen between 70 and 80 Tuns, commanded by Capt. Delebroitz, which was fitted out from Cape Breton, and sail'd about 3 Weeks before : Capt. Tyng discover'd her last Satui'day Morning about 9 o'Clock, as he was laying too ofl" Crab Ledge, 15 Leagues from Cape Cod, it being very calm : Perceiving she had a Top-sail and was bearing down towards him, Capt. Tyng took her to be the Province Sloop commanded by Capt. Fletcher ; but soon after, as she drew nearer, he suspected her to be a French Cruizer under Eng- lish Colours, whereupon, in order to prevent a Discovery he ordered his Colours to be struck, his Guns to be drawn in and his Ports to be shut close, and at the same Time the Bulk Head to be taken down : When the Privateer had got within about a Gunshot of Capt. Tyng, taking the Snow to be a Merchant-Man, they fired upon him: upon which Capt. Tyng threw open his Ports, run out his Guns, hoisted his Colours and fired upon them : Perceiving their Mistake, they tack'd about, put out their Oars and Tug'd hard to get ofl' after firing two or three Guns more : It continuing very calm, Capt. Tyng was obliged to order out his Oars and to row after her, firing several Times his Bow Chase at her, in which the Gunner was so skilful, that 9 Times the Shot did some Dam- age either to her Hull or Rigging : about Two o'Clock the next Morning he came up pretty close with them being very much guided by 4 Lan- thorns which they had inadvertently hung out upon their Rigging in the Night ; finding they were bro't to the last Tryal, attempted to board Capt. Tyng, which he perceiving, brought up his Vessel and gave thera a Broadside, they having before thro' Fear all quitted the Deck : The Mast being disabled by a Shot, it soon after broke ort' in the middle : Upon firing the Broadside they cry'd for Quarter ; and then Capt. Tyng order'd them to hoist out their Boat and bring the Captain on board, but they answer'd that their Tackling was so much shatter'd that they could not get out their Boat with it ; they were then told they must do it Ijy Hand : Accordingly they soon comply'd and the Captain being brought on board deliver'd his Sword, Commission, «&c. to Capt. Tyng, desiring that he and his Men might be kindly us'd, he was prorais'd they should ; 55 and then the other Offlcers, being a 2d Captain, 3 Lientenants, and others Inferiour, were brought on board, and the next Day the rest of the Men Avho were secur'd in the Hold. The Night after Capt. Tyng brought them into this Harbour, they were convey'd ashore and committed to Prison here; and the next Morn- ing 50 of them were guarded to the Prisons at Cambridge at (sic) Charlestown : The Offlcers and Men are treated with much Humanity and Kindness. 'Tis remarliable that notwithstanding the great Number of Men on either side, in tjie attack and surrender, there was not one liill'd or wounded. Capt. Morepang in a Schooner of 110 Tuns, mounting 10 Carriage Guns, 4 Pounders, and 10 Swivels, with 120 Men, came out with Dele- broitz from Cape Breton, and we hear is appointed to Guard the Coast there till a Vessel of greater Force arrives for that Purpose. (33.) The Boston Gazette or Weekly Journal, Tuesday June 26, 1744. Yesterday arrived here from a Cruize Capt. Tyng in the Province Snow Prince of Orange, who on Saturday last about 9 o'Clock in a calm Time, about fifteen Leagues from Cape Cod, saw a Sail at a considerable Distance which bore down upon him, and in about an Hour Capt. Tyng descern'd her to be a French Privateer under English Colours; upon which he haul'd in his Guns, took down his Bulk Head, struck his Col- ours, and lay too, 'till the Privateer came within Gunshot of the Snow, when she struck her English & hoisted French Colours : Upon which Capt. Tyng threw open his Ports and gave him a broadside which rak'd her fore and aft, on which they return'd the Snow two Guns, and then out with their Oars and endeavor'd to make off : Capt. Tyng immediately put out his Oars and gave 'em Chace 'till two o'Clock next Morning and then came up with them : upon which the Privateer attempted to board the Snow; and then Capt. Tyng gave them another broadside, besides pouring his small Arms into them, which very much shatter'd their Rig- ging and disabled their Mast; and then they cry'd for Quarter .... Capt. Tyng then order'd them to hoist their Boat and bring their Captain on board; when he came on board he delivr'd Capt. Tyng hi-< Sword, & Commission, & desir'd he might have good Quarters; the other Officers were soon after brought on board, and the next Morning the Prisoners, who were secur'd in the Hold : The Number of Men on board the Privateer were 94, which Capt. Tyng brought in, and were committed to Gaol here last Night, and this Morning about 50 of them were removed to Charlestown & Cambridge Gaols. The said Privateer was commanded by one Delabrotz and came from Cape Briton about 3 weeks ago, in Consort with Capt. Morpang in a schooner Privateer of 110 Tons, 10 Carriage and 10 Swivel Guns with 120 Men. These were the two Vessels that took Canso, as the aforesaid Capt. of the Privateer inform'd Capt. Tyng. 0»i (340 Boston Evening Post: Monday, July 2, 1744. Last Tuesday Capt. Fletcher. Commander of a Sloop of War in the Service of this Province, sail'd on a Cruize, as did Capt. Tyng the next Day in the Province Snow. Friday last Capt. Tyng came in again from a Cruize. Early this morning our Province Snow, with a Transport Sloop, sail'd for Annapolis Royal, with a Company of new raisM Soldiers under the Command of Capt. William Foyle.' (35.) Ibid., July 16, 1744. Last Friday Capt. Tyng, in our Province Snow prince of Orange arrived here from Annapolis Royal. He sail'd from this Port on the second Instant, with about 80 new rais'd Soldiers to reinforce that Gar- rison, and arriv'd there safe on the fourth, about One O'clock, to the inexpressible Joy of the whole Garrison, the Fort being beseiged by a large body of Indians, who came before it on the SOth of June. [The Indians retired on seeing the vessel. They took the hammocks in the netting for Indians.] When Capt. Tyng came up to the Fort, he sainted it with 13 Guns, and received a like number from it. The very Day the Ship arrived here with the Declaration of War, His Excellency sent an Express to Capt. Tyng, then at Piscataqua, with Orders to sail immediately for Annapolis Royal, to inform the Com- mander there of that Event. [The place was therefore got ready for attack.] We hear that Capt. Tyng will sail again in a few days for Annapolis Royal, with another Company of Soldiers for that Garrison. (36.) Ibid., Monday July 23, 1744; also Xeics-L^tter, July 26, 1744. Ye>terday Capt. Tyng, in our Province Snow, with a Transport Sloop under his Convoy, sail'd for Annapolis Royal, with another Company of Soldiers for that Garrison. We hear, that one of the Frenchmen now in Gaol here declared, that they had four of their Men kiil'd in the late Engagement with Capt. Tyng, which they sewed up in Hammocks and threw overboard, before Capt. Tyng's Men entred their Vessel. (37.) Ibid., Monday, Aug. 13, 1744: also Gazette, Aug. 14, and yeics- Letter, Aug. 9, for first item. Last Wednesday Capt. Tyng arrived here from Annapolis Royal. Yesterday five Ships sail'd from this Port for Europe, under Convoy of our Province Snow Prince of Oranse, Capt. Tyng Commander, who we hear is to see them as far as the Banks of Newfoundland. (38.) HAd., Sept. 3, 1744. Last Tuesday Capt. Tyng arrived here from a Cruize, and from con- voying ofT the Coast several Ships bound to Great Britain, &c. And Yesterday he sail'd on another Cruize, with about a Dozen Vessels under his Convoy. " The last item is also in Tlie Boston Gazette, July 3, 1744, and aU three items are in the Xews-Letter of June 29 and July 5. 4 (39.) Jbid.; Sept. 24, 1744. Last Friday Capt. Tjn? and Capt. Fletcher sail'd on a Craize. with several "Vessels under their Convoy. (40.) The Boston Gazette; Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1744. We hear that Capt. Tyng in the Snow Prince of Orange, and Capt. Smethurst in the Boston-Packet, two of our Gnard Vessels, wiU this Day sail on a Cruize, in order to meet the London Ships, whose arrival is daily expected ; and who are to take under their Convoy such Vessels as are ready to sail from hence. (41.) Boston Evening Post; Monday. Xov. 19, 1744. Friday last Capt. Tyns in the Province Snow Prince of Orange arrived here from Annapolis Royal : and on Saturday Capt. Smethurst and Capt. Sanders came in from the same Place. These three Vessels are main- tain'd at the Charge of this Province, and sail'd together about three weeks ago for Annapolis Koyal on His .Majesty's Service. (42.) Rnd., Monday, Feb. 25, 1745. Last Wednesday a fine Ship (call'd the Massachusetts) built by Capt. Berry, about 400 Tons: that is to carry Twenty Carriage Guns, 9 and 6 Pounders, was launched in Presence of a vast Number of People assem- bled on that Occa.«.ion. She is bought by the Government, for the Pro- tection of our Coast and Trade, and the Command given to Capt. Edward Tyng. late Commander of the Province Snow Prince of Orange, which is now commanded by Capt. Smethurst. and Capt. Fletcher has the Com- mand of a fine Brigantiue in the Service of the Province. (43.) Ibid., Monday, May 20, 1745. We also hear, that Capt. Smethurst, in the Prince of Orange, was soon to sail [from LouisburgJ for this Port, with several Prizes taken from the Enemy. (44.) Ibid., Monday, July 22. 1745. An account of the taking of Louisbourg says : " With the Loss at Sea of one Ship only, the Prince of Orange Snow, belonging to this Province, lost, as it is suppos'd, in a Storm as she was cruizing off the Harbour's Month, whereby there are unfor- tunately made about 50 disconsolate Widows in one of our Fishin<' Towns." ' ~ [This report is from despatches from Sir William Pepperrell and Com. Warren. ] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 068 990 j^::i.:-%i