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From the beginning the committee has realized that the value of a book of this nature depends upon its accuracy. To secure this the facts relating to each person were obtained, so far as possible, from official discharge papers. When these were not available it was necessary to secure the information from the individuals, and in some cases, from the War and Navy Departments at Washington or from the Commonwealth, through the Adjutant-General. In a few cases no information whatever could be found, and the Committee could only insert the names. HENRY S. BALDWIN, Chairman WILLARD C. CHASE JAMES W. SANTRY FRED A. TRAFTON Honor Roll Book Committee LIBRARY OF •GONGKFSS ----- Vgjj NQV221921 DOCUMENTS VISION FOREWORD N APRIL 6, 1917, Congress declared war upon Germany. Immediately, the young men and women of Swampscott responded, and very shortly this town was represented in every branch of the service. The regiments in which many first enlisted camped at Lynnfield, Framingham and Boxford. While there we enjoyed their presence. It is pleasing now to recall those days but it was not altogether a happy experience then to visit the camps. We felt ourselves in a solemn and serious atmosphere. We realized that we were in a strug- gle that was agitating the world and the indefi- niteness of everything was awe-inspiring. We saw at these camps men who had quit their peace- ful vocations, knowing that they must encounter the sufferings and hardships of war. They, how- ever, were not concerned about this. They were there as soldiers of the United States, answering the call of their country. Before we realized it, they had left, and we anxiously awaited information as to their where- abouts. The speed of their departure was due to the imperative needs of the Allies. They had been defending against the drives of the enemy for a long time, and were tired. The only untouched reservoir of man power was this country. Other men from the town had enlisted in other organizations, and the same haste in preparing them for overseas was manifested. Many enlisted SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL in the navy, a branch of the service so necessary in protecting our troops from attacks of the sub- marines. Others entered technical branches of the service, assisting wonderfully in supporting the men at the front. Congress had passed the Se- lective Service Law, and Local and District Boards were established to make it effective. These agencies were likewise busy. A Committee on Public Safety was appointed, the members of which actively encouraged and intelligently di- rected every patriotic effort. Parents who had sons in the service were justly proud. They were not, however, content with this, but were busily engaged in making them and other boys happy, and at the same time were aiding their country by liberal subscriptions to Liberty Loans and other patriotic drives. Nor were the women of Swampscott idle. Sev- eral enrolled as army nurses, one making the supreme sacrifice. Scores of others, under the direction of the Red Cross, were doing their ut- most to make the men in the service comfortable, and at the same time were inspiring those at home by their willing efforts. Even before we declared war, many Swampscott boys had enlisted in the English, Canadian and Italian armies. These were the pioneers. Swampscott claims them as her sons, and while they did not fight under the flag of this country they, nevertheless, assisted in overcoming her enemies. It can truthfully be said that the whole town was mobilized, work- ing for the accomplishment of one purpose, the winning of the war. This is not the place to recount individual deeds of heroism. It is sufficient to state that in all the great conflicts of the summer and autumn of 1918 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL Swampscott was represented. For examples of patriotism and bravery it is no longer necessary to recur to Lexington and Concord; they can be found in Chateau Thierry, Argonne Forest and St. Mihiel. We cannot read an account of the mo- mentous struggles at these places nor listen to a description of them without being deeply stirred. From this peaceful community five hundred rallied to the colors. This is, indeed, a splen- did record. Whether they entered the serv- ice as volunteers or were inducted through the Local Board, the same spirit was manifested. Those who went across endured, without a mur- mur, the hardships incident to foreign service. Those who remained trained intensively, anxiously awaiting the call. The strife is over, and we have experienced the happiness of seeing our men return. We are deeply thankful for their sacrifices. They have now modestly resumed their positions in civil life. But some are absent ; they have answered the last roll-call. How can we express to their parents and kindred our sympathy and gratitude? While we rejoice, they are in tears, filled with tender memories of their loved ones. Let us not stay their grief; in it is mingled the noble feeling that to them was vouchsafed this great honor. For their heroic dead, no eulogium is necessary; they of- fered up their lives in a righteous cause, with the spirit of true patriots. SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL IN FLANDERS FIELDS In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe : To you from failing hands we throw The torch ; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. — Col. John McCrae This poem was written while the second battle oj Ypres was in pro- gress. The author's body now lies buried in Flanders fields. Swampscott, Mass., November 11, 1921. World War Veterans of Swampscott: In February, 1919, the Honor Roll Book Committee was appointed by vote of the Victory Celebration Committee. For nearly three years we have been engaged in the difficult but interesting task of compiling a mili- tary history of our soldiers and sailors. After careful study and examination of all available information, requiring over one hundred meetings of the committee, we realize that some errors or omissions may be found; in fact, the official records are not always correct. However, this is to be expected in papers prepared under the stress of war conditions. One name has been brought to our attention which does not appear in the book, and we are giving it herewith : — EDWARD JOSEPH DAVENPORT Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, October, 1917, to December, 1918, 26th Division, 104th Reg- iment, Company L. Enlisted June 4, 1917; dis- charged January 31, 1919. Chemin des Dames, Toul, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Verdun. Should any other record have been omitted, or errors be found, the Committee has arranged to have suit- able corrections printed, in the form of an insert, which will be sent to each holder of the book as a part of the permanent record. In concluding their duties, the Honor Roll Book Committee desire to express the great pleasure which has been theirs in thus perpetuating your records for future generations. You have served your country and your town with honor during the greatest of all Wars, and we, on behalf of the citizens of Swampscott, now present this book as a token of gratitude, not only to those who are living, but also in memory of the heroic dead. Swampscott Honor Roll Book Commhtee Henry S. Baldwin, Chairman Willard C. Chase James W. Santry Fred A. Trafton MEMORIAL TABLET SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL LEON E. ABBOTT Private Signal Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted October 5, 1917. Killed in action July 13, 1918, at LaCroisette, near Chateau Thierry. Buried in American Concen- tration Cemetery at Belleau Wood. Leon E. Abbott was the first Swampscott soldier killed in action. Post 57 of the American Legion has been named in honor of his memory. VINCENT R. ABBOTT Sergeant Quartermaster Corps at large, American Expe- ditionary Force, April 30, 1918, to September 10, 1919. Enlisted December 1, 1917; dis- charged September 12, 1919. ISAAC M. ADAMS Sergeant Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, June 30, 1918, to July 1, 1919, 1st Army, Replacement Battalion, attached to Demobiliza- tion Group No. 2. Enlisted October 20, 1917; discharged July 10, 1919. Meuse-Argonne of- fensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. LAWRENCE W. ADAMS Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 77th Division, 306th Regiment, Company .A. En- listed February 25, 1918; discharged April 24, 1919. Wounded November 8, 1918. Barract, July, 1918; Vesle, August, 1918; Argonne, September, 1918. ANTONIO ALFONSI SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FRANK ALLEY Machinist's Mate, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Thatcher. En- listed September 10, 1918; discharged October 16, 1919. CHRISTIAN S. AMBYE Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 1st Army Corps, 301st Regiment. Enlisted Sep- tember 20, 1917; discharged January 18, 1919. ARVID S. ANDERSON Private, First Class Air Service, 57th Balloon Company. Enlisted November 13, 1917; discharged December 15, 1918. HARRY ANDERSON Private Special Service Guard, Guard and Fire Com- pany. Enlisted September 6, 1918 ; discharged February 19, 1919. MICHAEL ARRIBEA Seaman United States Navy, U. S. S. Sigourney. Enlisted January 27, 1917; discharged January 24, 1921. MICHAEL ASCONTT Private Enlisted May 29, 1918. GEORGE B. ATKINS Corporal Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 13, 1918, to July 6, 1919. Enlisted May 11, 1918; discharged July 11, 1919. EDGAR V. AUSTIN Private Motor Transport Corps, 604th Company. En- listed June 14, 1918; discharged April 1, 1919. 8 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL PERCY W. ATKINS Private, First Class Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 31, 1918, to February 22, 1919, 71st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted April 4, 1918; discharged March 6, 1919. CHESTER J. BALL Private Field Artillery, 301st Regiment, Battery F. En- listed September 4, 1917; discharged January 18, 1919. ANIELLO BALSTERIERI ; Private Attached to Demobilization Group 4, Camp Up- ton. Enlisted August 30, 1918 ; discharged June 6, 1919. WILLIAM PARCHER BANGS Private Infantry, University of Maine Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 8, 1918; discharged December 8, 1918. GEORGE GARRY BARKER Sergeant Quartermaster Corps, Detachment No. 1, Army Transport Service. Enlisted May 21, 1918; dis- charged March 20, 1919. ROLAND C. BARNES Sergeant Bugler Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 23, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 102d Regiment, Company Band. En- listed August 5, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Seicheprey, Xivray, Second Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel, Verdun. MELVIN BATES SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL HARVEY H. BEADLE Corporal Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, Oc- tober 13, 1917, to July 5, 1919, 4th Aero Squad- ron. Enlisted July 25, 1917; discharged July 8, 1919. MISS JESSIE G. BENTLEY Nurse Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force. Army Nurse Corps, Toul, France, Base Hospital No. 55, Red Cross Reserve. Enlisted June 5, 1918; discharged June 14, 1919. MISS MARION H. BENTLEY Reconstruction Aide Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force. Enlisted June 21, 1918; discharged June 1, 1920. RICHARD HARTLAND BESSOM Private Infantry, Wentworth Institute Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 14, 1918; discharged December 7, 1918. FRANK WILLARD BLANEY Chief Machinist's Mate United States Navy. Service in foreign waters. U. S. Submarine Chaser, Detachment No. 2 and U. S. Submarine Chaser No. 255. Enlisted July 17, 1917; released July 3, 1919. Official credit for sinking fifteen submarines and damaging twelve, by U. S. S. C. Detachment No. 2 and one submarine by U. S. S. C. No. 255. Seven months patroling in Adriatic Sea ; base Corfu, Greece. JONATHAN P. BLANEY Corporal Signal Corps, Officers' Training School, Camp Meade, Md. Enlisted February 14, 1918,; dis- charged November 22, 1918. s 10 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOHN ENOS BLOCKSIDGE Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 8, 1918, 32d Division, 127th Regiment, Company G. Enlisted April 27, 1918. Killed in action on September 2, 1918, by enemy shell fire, at Battle of Juvigny, north of Soissons. Buried in the American Cemetery at Aisne. The remains were returned to the United States by the Gov- ernment, arriving in Swampscott January 13, 1921, and were reinterred in the Swampscott Cemetery with military honors on January 16, 1921. ROBERT ELDREDGE BLOOD, Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 16, 1918, to April 25, 1919, 77th Division, 306th Regiment, Headquarters Company, Regimental Intelligence Department. Enlisted February 25, 1918; discharged May 8, 1919. Baccarat sector, June 21 to August 4, 1918; Vesle sector, August 11 to 18, 1918; Aisne offensive, August 18 to September 10, 1918; Argonne, September 25 to October 10, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Oc- tober 19 to November 11, 1918. ELMER REINHOLD BOLINDER, First Lieutenant Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, Dental Service. Enlisted July 5, 1917. Died of spinal meningitis February 17, 1919, at Meserves Hospital Center, France. The remains were returned to the United States by the Gov- ernment, arriving in Swampscott January 13, 1921, and were reinterred in the Swampscott Cemetery with military honors on January 16, 1921. 11 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL DOMENICK BONETTI Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 16, 1918, to April 25, 1919, 77th Division, 306th Regiment, Company F. Enlisted February 25, 1918; discharged May 13, 1919. Baccarat sec- tor June 21 to August 4, 1918; Vesle sector August 11 to 20, 1918; Oise-Aisne, August 18 to September 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, October 10 to November 11, 1918. JOHN BONETTI Private United States Marine Corps, Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 2d Division, 5th Regiment, 8th Machine Gun Company. Enlisted December 19, 1916; discharged November 8, 1919. Tou- lon sector, Verdun, Aisne defensive, Chateau- Thierry sector, Aisne-Marne defensive, Mar- bache sector, St. Mihiel offensive, Meuse-Ar- gonne offensive. JOHN A. BOSTON Coxswain United States Navy, U. S. S. Nebraska. Naval Base, Hampton Roads, Va. Enlisted January 17, 1916; discharged January 27, 1919. FREDERICK H. BRADFORD Seaman United States Navy, Naval Aviation Training Station. Enlisted October 3, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. FRANK DONALD BRIGHAM Private Infantry, Brown University Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 2, 1918; discharged December 19, 1918. 12 LEON E! ABBOTT February 22, 1895— July 13, 1918 . ToaaA :h hob SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WALTER ANDREW BRENNAN Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted April 9, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne- Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. EDWARD LAWRENCE BROWN .Second Lieutenant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 102d Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted May 15, 1917; discharged May 31, 1919. Wounded at Chateau-Thierry July 25, 1918. GEORGE E. BROWN Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, September 23, 1918, to March 6, 1919, 35th Brigade, 54th Regiment, Battery B. En- listed January 22, 1918; discharged March 13, 1919. GEORGE V. BROWN Private Infantry, Boston University Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company A. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 11, 1918. HARRY BROWN Mine Sweeper British Navy, H. M. S. Emperor of India 11. En- listed June, 1916; discharged December 15, 1918. 13 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL MISS MARION O. BROWN Chief Yeoman (F) United States Navy, Stenographer, Boston, Mass. Enlisted May 18, 1918; discharged August 8, 1919. WILLIAM DOUGLAS BROWN Mechanic Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 5, 1918, to February 16, 1919, 76th Division, 302d Regiment, Company D. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged February 22, 1919. DIRK BRUGGINK Private Motor Transport Corps, American Expedition- ary Force, December 5, 1917, to April 17, 1919, 301st Company, 401st Train. Enlisted Septem- ber 21, 1917; discharged April 22, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; oc- cupation Verdun, Meuse sector, August 27 to September 11, 1918. FRANK WHITE BUCKNAM Sergeant Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 14th Regiment, Companies F and B. Enlisted June 1, 1917; discharged May 2, 1919. Somme defensive (Army Troops), March 21 to April 6, 1918; Aisne-Marne offensive (Corps Troops), July 18 to August 6, 1918; Meuse-Argonne of- fensive (Army Troops), September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. WILLIAM MOCTON BUNTING Captain Infantry. Personnel Adjutant to General. En- listed November, 1917. Died at Camp Devens September 28, 1918. 14 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FRANK L. BURK Lieutenant, Junior Grade United States Naval Aviation. Enlisted May 10, 1917. EDWARD F. BURKE . Corporal Ammunition Train, American Expeditionary Force, July 12, 1918, to August 4, 1919, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Company B. En- listed April 29, 1918; discharged August 9, 1919. GEORGE E. BURKE Major Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th and 36th Divisions, 101st and 131st Reg- iments; 2d Battalion; Batteries E and F. In- structor Artillery School of Instruction, Camp- de-Coetquidan, France. Commissioned August 5, 1917; discharged October 3, 1919. Decora- tion: Czechoslovakia, Distinguished Service Medal. Member of Inter-Allied Food Commis- sion, U. S. Food Administration, Chemin-des Dames. HARRY BURKHART Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 5th Division, 61st Regiment, Company C. Enlisted October 1, 1917; discharged February 19, 1919. WILLIAM D. BURKHART Private Infantry, 12th Division, First Pioneer Regiment, Company M. Enlisted May 5, 1918; discharged June 25, 1918. HENRY A. BUTT Private Infantry, Boston University Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company A. Enlisted October 11, 1918; discharged December 11, 1918. 15 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL LOUIS C. BYRON Musician, First Class United States Navy, Bumkin Island. Enlisted June 19, 1917; discharged December 26, 1918. HARRY E. CAHOON Second Lieutenant Field Artillery, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted August 5, 1917 ; discharged January 19, 1918. Discharged on account of physical disability, as a result of accident in National Guard. SAMUEL CAMPBELL ANTONIO CANGI Private Enlisted U. S. Army, July 24, 1917. FRANK CANTY Private Located at Syracuse, N. Y., Camp. Enlisted January 23, 1917; discharged December 20, 1917. LEO PAUL CAPRONI Sergeant Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 1st Army, 54th Regiment, Battery D. Enlisted December 13, 1917; discharged March 13, 1919. WALTER E. CARR Private Infantry, Wentworth Institute Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company B. Enlisted October 14, 1918; discharged December 6, 1918. CHARLES BRONSON CARROLL Private Medical Department. Enlisted September 6, 1918; discharged January 25, 1919. 16 JOHN E. BLOCKSIDGE August 23, 1890— September 2, 1918 FR /ate KIR}D0JH .3 KHOl -r ,8S J8l SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL CHARLES H. CARROLL Private Air Service, 254th Aero Squadron. Enlisted November 26, 1917; discharged January 5, 1919. JAMES D. CARROLL Seaman U. S. Navy, U. S. S. America. In foreign waters. Enlisted April 14, 1917; discharged November 21, 1918. THOMAS M. CARROLL Private United States Marine Corps, 412th Company. Enlisted October 1, 1918; discharged April 19, 1919. HAYWARD B. CARSLEY Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, September 23, 1918, to January 3, 1919, Brigade No. 30, 52d Regiment, Battery F. En- listed July 1, 1918; discharged January 24, 1919. RAY ALLEN CARTER Corporal Infantry, Washington-Lee University Unit, Stu- dents' Army Training Corps, Company A. En- listed October 7, 1918; discharged December 12, 1918. WILLIAM EDGAR CARTER, JR. ( Seaman Students' Naval Training Corps, Harvard Col- lege Unit. Enlisted October 5, 1918; dis- charged December 16, 1918. PETER CASSIDY, Machinist's Mate, Second Class United States Navy, Naval Aviation. Enlisted May 12, 1918; discharged February 26, 1919. 17 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOSEPH CATINO Private Field Artillery, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted September 21, 1917; dis- charged February 6, 1919. JERRY CEREI Cook Infantry, 153d Depot Brigade, Company A. Enlisted May 10, 1918; discharged February 24, 1919. JOHN D. CHAMPION Private Infantry, 12th Division, 35th Machine Gun Bat- talion, Company B. Enlisted July 24, 1918; discharged January 28, 1919. ALBERT W. CHASE Corporal Chemical Warfare Service, American Expedi- tionary Force, June 30, 1918, to June 21, 1919. Enlisted March 30, 1918; discharged June 23, 1919. DONALD H. CHASE Private Infantry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 9, 1918. GARDNER M. CHASE Private United States Marine Corps, 15th Regiment, 414th Company. Enlisted October 17, 1918; discharged March 15, 1919. ALPHONSO CHIANCONE Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 2d Division, 23d Regiment, Company E. Enlisted July 17, 1917. Served nine months in France. 18 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL MISS NINA F. CHILDS Nurse American Red Cross, France. Enlisted October 26, 1918; discharged July 19, 1920. RAY H. CHILDS Private, First Class Signal Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 10, 1918, to May 27, 1919, 6th Army Corps, 301st Regiment, Field Signal Battalion, Com- pany C. Enlisted March 12, 1918; discharged June 2, 1919. Marbache, September 25 to No- vember 9, 1918; Moselle, November 10 to 17, 1918. ROLAND H. CHOATE Captain Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 102d Regiment, Supply Company. Enlisted July 25, 1917; discharged June 4, 1919. Seicheprey, April 20, 1918; Xivray, June 16, 1918; Second Battle of Marne, July 18, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12, 1918; Verdun, Octo- ber 12 to November 11, 1918. JOSEPH RAYMOND CHURCHILL Sergeant Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 41st Division, 116th Regiment, Headquarters Detachment. Enlisted March 29, 1918; dis- charged April 22, 1919. CHARLES M. CLARK Private United States Marine Corps. Enlisted August 5, 1917; discharged June 7, 1919. WILLIAM F. CLARK Corporal Coast Artillery Corps, 19th Company. Enlisted July 18, 1918; discharged December 20, 1918. 19 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL EVERETT H. CLARK Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 82d Division, 328th Regiment, Headquarters Com- pany. Enlisted October 5, 1917; discharged June 4, 1919. Marbache, Toul and St. Mihiel. H. MELVILLE COLCLOUGH Private Infantry, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1st Quebec Regiment. Enlisted September 27, 1918; discharged April 14, 1919. WILFRED G. COLCLOUGH Private Infantry, Canadian Service, 1st Quebec Regi- ment, 1st Reserve. Regiment No. 2, 24th Bat- talion, Company B. Enlisted September 26, 1917. Killed in action October 7, 1918, at cap- ture of Tilton Village. WALTER C. COLLINS Private Military Police, 6th Battalion, 21st Company. Enlisted June 27, 1918; discharged December 17, 1918. JAMES LEONARD CONGDON Private Infantry, Tufts College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company E. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 6, 1918. CHARLES RAYMOND CONNELL Boatswain's Mate, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Georgia. Enlisted April 7, 1917. EDWIN MORGAN COOK Private Cavalry, 13th Regiment, Troop F, Headquarters Band. Enlisted September 12, 1918. 20 ELMER R. BOLINDER August 23, 1897— February 17, 1919 SCOTT HONOR ROLL PwK Private, First Class an Expeditionary Force, 82d .' h Regiment, Headquarters Corn- ed October 5, 1917; discharged Marbache, Ton! and St. Mihiel. LE COLCLOUGH Private Infantry, Canadian Exp. Force, 1st Quebec Regiment. En! Member 27, 191 urged April 14, 1 v OLCLOUGH - Private Ini Canadian Service, 1st Quebec Regi- ons. Regiment No. 2, 24th Bat- Company B. Enlisted September 26, m action October 7, 1918, at cap- tun ton Village. WAl >LLINS Private mGVlMm H H3MJ:?1st Company. En mi ,*1 risind3^XMk,?£ iBifgutt member 17, 1918. JAMES LEONARD C< N Private Infantry, Tufts Coll' s' Army Training Corps, C ber 10, 1918; discharge CHARLES RAYMOND Boa late, First Class United States Navy, I Georgia. Enlisted April 7, 1917. EDM >RGAN COOK ate i Regiment, Troop F, K« ters Ba' 1 September 12, 1918. 20 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL DONALD S. COOK Sergeant Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary- Force, August 6, 1918, to March 29, 1919, 72d Regiment, Medical Corps. Enlisted June 9, 1917; discharged April 20, 1919. CHARLES D. COONEY Sergeant, First Class Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted August 9, 1917; discharged July 8, 1919. DR. JAMES F. COOPER Captain Medical Department, British Royal Army Med- ical Corps, 55th Division, 4th Regiment, Field Ambulance. Enlisted June 2, 1917. JOSEPH N. CORAIN Sergeant, First Class Quartermaster Corps, Construction Division, Utilities Detachment. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged March 28, 1919. ANTONIO CORRADO Saddler Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, April 24, 1918, to April 26, 1919, 77th Division, 304th Regiment, Battery D. Enlisted March 29, 1918; discharged May 21, 1919. Baccarat sec- tor, July 12 to August 1, 1918; Vesle sector, August 15 to 17, 1918; Oise-Aisne offen- sive, August 12 to September 14, 1918; Meuse- Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11,1918. JOHN M. COSTELLO Private Ordnance Department, Headquarters Company. Enlisted June 15, 1918; discharged February 1, 1919. 21 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ANTONIO COVIELLO Private Infantry, unassigned. Enlisted September 30, 1918; discharged November 23, 1918. AARON B. COVILLE, Storekeeper, Second Class United States Navy, U. S. High Sea Fleet, U. S. S. Virginia. Enlisted April 30, 1917; discharged February 20, 1919. LAWRENCE G. COVILLE Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery F. En- listed July 10, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne-Marne offensive, July 12 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. WILLIAM A. COWDREY Private Quartermaster Corps, Supply Company. En- listed May 27, 1918; discharged April 30, 1919. ERNEST DAVIS CROSBY Private Infantry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 1, 1918; discharged December 10, 1918. FRANK B. CROSBY CHARLES MORGAN CROWELL Coxswain United States Navy, U. S. Battleship Georgia. Enlisted April 7, 1917; discharged July 21, 1919. 22 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOHN D. CROWLEY Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, August 16, 1918, to January 3, 1919, 52d Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted November 27, 1917; discharged January 24, 1919. Argonne operations. MAURICE J. CURRAN, JR. Second Lieutenant Field Artillery, 59th Regiment, Battery B. En- listed May 15, 1918; discharged December 10, 1918. HARLAN W. CURTIS Private Infantry, 151st Depot Brigade, 3rd Company, First Reclamation Battalion. Enlisted March 1918; discharged December 11, 1918. PAUL C. CURTIS Assistant Band Leader Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 7, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted April 12, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; Meuse-Argonne of- fensive, September 26, 1918, to November 11, 1918. WILLIAM R. CURTIS Mess Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, December 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, Supply Company, 101st Regiment. Enlisted March 26, 1917; discharged April 23, 1919. Major oper- ations Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to November 11, 1918. 23 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RAYMOND WILSON CURTIS Private Infantry, Students' Army Training Corps. En- listed October 7, 1918; discharged December 12, 1918. WARREN T. DAVIS United States Postal Agency, American Expedi- tionary Force. Enlisted November 1, 1918; dis- charged September 20, 1919. WILLIAM F. DAVIS Private Coast Artillery Corps, 33d Regiment, Battery D. Enlisted April 28, 1918; discharged December 23, 1919. HENRY C. DEARBORN Private, First Class Medical Department. Enlisted August 24, 1918; discharged June 24, 1919. CLIFFORD S. DEDRICK Sergeant Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 82d Division, 326th Regiment, Company C. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged June 5, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to Oc- tober 31, 1918. WALTER F. DELANO Private Coast Artillery Corps, 14th Regiment, 26th Company. Enlisted October 28, 1918; dis- charged December 29, 1918. CARMINE DELICIO Private Quartermaster Corps, Depot Brigade, 4th Bat- talion, Company 15. Enlisted October 25, 1917; discharged February 21, 1919. 24 WILLIAM M. BUNTING October 9, 1882— September 28, 1918 UJivy SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WALTER L. DELORY Private Motor Transport Corps. Enlisted August 3, 1918. FRANK DEMOREE Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, No- vember 22, 1917, to September 21, 1918, 1st Di- vision, 16th Regiment, Company E. Enlisted June 16, 1917; discharged February 13, 1919. Wounded in right arm. Chateau-Thierry, Nancy, Verdun, Cantigney, Champagne. IRA F. DEVEAU Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 82d Division, 328th Regiment, Headquarters Com- pany. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged May 19, 1919. St. Mihiel, September 12 to 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, October 7 to 31, 1918. ALBERT E. DEVITT Private United States Marine Corps, Barracks Detach- ment, Quantico, Va. Enlisted October 17, 1918 ; discharged May 31, 1919. RAYMOND E. DEVITT Corporal Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 1st Army, 6th Regiment, Battery K. En- listed January 6, 1917; discharged June 4, 1920. For work with 7th Corps (French), three cita- tions. Wilier Dieffmarten, Alsace, Bernecourt, Bulliville, Argonne, Meuse. JAMES D. DINCECO Private Medical Department, 23d Regiment. Enlisted May 31, 1918. 25 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ANTONIO DIO Private Infantry, 47th Battalion, Company C. Enlisted June 27, 1918; discharged December 27, 1918. TONY DI TULLY Private, First Class Quartermaster Corps, Utilities, Third Field Ar- tillery. Enlisted June 15, 1917; discharged June 30, 1919. DOMINICK DIZIO Private Field Artillery, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted September 20, 1917; dis- charged November 30, 1918. GEORGE VIVIAN DOANE Private, First Class Quartermaster Corps, Wagon Company No. 3. Enlisted July 21, 1917; discharged May 20, 1919. LEROY B. DOANE Sergeant, First Class Air Service, 873d Aero Squadron. Enlisted March 13, 1918; discharged December 9, 1918. MORTIMER HOLDEN DOANE Sergeant, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 23, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 102d Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted August 5, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Seicheprey, Xivray, Second Battle of the Marne, St. Mihiel salient, Verdun. PAUL M. DOANE Corporal Infantry, Middlebury College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company A. Enlisted October 1, 1918; discharged December 9, 1918. 26 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RAYMOND O. DOANE Corporal Motor Transport Corps, American Expedition- ary Force, August 22, 1918, to August 16, 1919, Motor Truck Company, No. 449. Enlisted May 27, 1918; discharged August 25, 1919. JAMES WARREN DOHERTY Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery D. En- listed June 3, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Gassed November 7, 1918, at Verdun sector. Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16,1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 28 to No- vember 11, 1918. JOHN C. DOHERTY Oiler United States Navy, U. S. Transport Meade. Enlisted October 15, 1918; discharged August 25, 1919. ROBERT LEROY DOUGLASS Private Coast Artillery Corps, 31st Division, 52d Regi- ment, Battery B. Enlisted July 19, 1918; dis- charged January 24, 1919. JOHN F. DUFFY Private Air Service, 628th Aero Squadron. Enlisted October 20, 1918; discharged December 22, 1918. DANIEL VICTOR DUMAS Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, October 6 to December 23, 1918, 38th Division, 137th Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted July 29, 1918; discharged January 14, 1919. 27 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOHN ROBERT DUNCAN, JR. Fireman, Third Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Saranac, with U. S. Mine Squadron No. 1, at Base No. 17, Invergor- den, Scotland. Engaged in mine laying be- tween coast of Norway and Orkney Islands. Enlisted April 4, 1918; discharged February 27, 1919. GUY WALTER DUNTON Sergeant Motor Transport Corps, American Expedition- ary Force, September 16, 1918, to May 20, 1919. Motor Truck Company 504, Supply Train 422. Enlisted May 27, 1918; discharged May 23, 1919. HAROLD O. DURGIN Private Ammunition Train, American Expeditionary Force, 87th Division, 312th Regiment, Company F. Enlisted July 8, 1918; discharged March 17, 1919. FRANK C. DURKEE Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 21, 1917, to January 23, 1919, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted May 14, 1917; discharged February 7, 1919. Battle of Chemin des Dames, February 4 to March 20, 1918; Toul front, April 3 to June 28, 1918; Chateau-Thierry drive, July 6 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel drive, September 1 to Octo- ber 11, 1918; Verdun front, October 12, 1918. Gassed in Argonne, October 27, 1918. 28 WILFRED G. COLCLOUGH November 30, 1893— October 7, 1918 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL HAROLD A. DURKEE Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted May 14, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offen- sive, July 18 to August 4, 1918 ; St. Mihiel offen- sive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. LESLIE R. DURKEE Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 6, 1918, to May 7, 1919, 1st" Army, 16th Regi- ment, Company A. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged May 12, 1919. FREDERICK C. EASTMAN, Private, First Class Field Artillery, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Supply Company, Battery D. Enlisted March 3, 1916; discharged for total disability December 10, 1917. HARRY W. EASTMAN Gunner, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, 26th Division, 101st Regi- ment, Battery D. Enlisted March 10, 1916. Died of wounds on November 5, 1918, near the Vacherauville-Beaumont Road, north of Ver- dun. Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26, 1918. LLOYD I. EDCERLY Ensign United States Navy, U. S. S. Flusser. Enlisted April 21, 1917; discharged June 30, 1919. On destroyer duty. 29 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WILLIAM A. EASTMAN Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 7, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Battery D. Enlisted March 10, 1916; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, Sep- tember 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offen- sive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. NORMAN EDMUNDS Sergeant, First Class Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Engineers, Medical Detachment. Enlisted July 24, 1917; dis- charged June 18, 1919. Champagne-Marne de- fensive, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Ar- gonne offensives. HAMILTON P. EDWARDS Ensign (Pay Corps) United States Navy, U. S. S. Manchuria and Bos- ton Navy Yard. Enlisted May 23, 1917; re- leased March 1, 1919. JAMES ALLEN ELDERKIN Private Royal Canadian Regiment, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. Enlisted August, 1917; dis- charged May 14, 1919. Somme, August 8, 1918; Arras, August 24, 1918; Bullecourt, Au- gust 29, 1918; Boloune Wood, September 24, 1918; Tillroy, September 27, 1918; Camberia, September 30, 1918; Fresnes, October 19, 1918; Mons, November 10 to 11, 1918. 30 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WILLIAM H. ELDERKIN Corporal Field Artillery, 301st Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted September 20, 1917; discharged Janu- ary 18, 1919. MAURENCE V. ELDRIDGE Private, First Class Tank Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 304th Battalion, Company A. Enlisted August 20, 1918; discharged May 21, 1919. EARL W. ELLIS Private, First Class Chemical Warfare Service. Enlisted July 29, 1918; discharged January '14, 1919. HERMAN R. ENGLISH, JR. Seaman United States Navy, U. S. S. Idaho. Enlisted October 3, 1918. ALBERT ENHOLM Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, August 27, 1918, to March 8, 1919, 87th Divi- sion, 336th Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted June 27, 1918; discharged March 21, 1919. NICODEMO ESPOSITO Private Infantry, unassigned. Enlisted August 3, 1918; discharged January 10, 1919. KARL C. ESTES Seaman United States Navy, patrol boats. Enlisted June 7, 1918; discharged January 8, 1919. ROY E. ESTES Sergeant, First Class Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force, April 18, 1918, to September 5, 1919, Fi- nance Division. Enlisted December 4, 1917; discharged December 8, 1918. 31 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RALPH EARLE FAIRBANKS Machinist, Second Class United States Navy, U. S. S. America. Enlisted June 3, 1917; discharged October 23, 1919. Service in foreign waters. HERBERT LESTER FARRELL Private Air Service. Enlisted October 24, 1918; dis- charged December 8, 1918. CHARLES BERT FARRINGTON, First Lieutenant Infantry, 159th Depot Brigade. Enlisted Sep- tember 19, 1917; discharged December 21, 1918. GEORGE BALDWIN FIELD, Chief Quartermaster United States Navy. Enlisted July 5, 1918; discharged October 2, 1919. MAIS FIORI JAMES JOSEPH FITZPATRICK Private, First Class Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 1st Army, 54th Regiment, 26th Company, Battery C. Enlisted November 16, 1917; dis- charged March 13, 1919. Verdun, September 26, 1918. MATTHEW A. FITZPATRICK Private Air Service, 610th Aero Squadron. Enlisted October 24, 1918; discharged March 31, 1919. ALDIS ELWOOD FLINT Cook Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted September 21, 1917; discharged May 15, 1919. 32 HARRY W. EASTMAN December 11, 1892— November 5, 1918 Iww . SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL EVELETH STANLEY FLAGG Sergeant, First Class Ordnance Department, Arsenal Company No. 1. Enlisted December 15, 1917; discharged February 17, 1919. DAVID T. FLYNN Private Field Artillery, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted September 20, 1917; dis- charged January 18, 1919. STANLEY D. FORBES Private, First Class Infantry, Central Officers' Training School, 5th Battalion, 21st Company. Enlisted September 8, 1918; discharged December 21, 1918. DONALD M. FOSTER Pharmacist United States Navy, on Receiving Ship in charge of medical stores and inspector of medical stores on all ships reporting at Boston. En- listed April 2, 1917; discharged January 2, 1919. JOHN G. FOWLER Private Company A, Dartmouth College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 3, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. ANTONIO FRANGULLO Private Quartermaster Corps, Salvage Company. En- listed September 6, 1918; discharged May 29, 1919. KARL MELVIN FROST, Surfman and Signalman United States Navy, Coast Guard. Enlisted No- vember 21, 1917; discharged June 11, 1919. 33 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALFRED N. FRAZIER Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted May 1, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to November 11, 1918. FRED FURY Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 7, 1918, to April 28, 1919, 308th Regiment, Company K. Enlisted February 25, 1918; dis- charged May 14, 1919. Baccarat sector, July 5 to August 4, 1918; Vesle sector, August 11 to 18, 1918; Pise-Aisne offensive, August 18 to September 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 25 to November 11, 1918. FRANK M. GALLAGHER Machinist's Mate, Second Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Virginia. Service in foreign waters. Enlisted May 6, 1917. VICTOR R. GIRARDIN Second Gunner Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 1st Army, 55th Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted November 27, 1917; discharged February 9, 1919. Marne, Vesle front, Meuse-Argonne. RANDOLPH WYMAN GLEASON Sergeant, First Class Medical Department. Enlisted July 20, 1917; discharged February 28, 1919. 34 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL CARLO GIRIBONE Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, July 16, 1918, to April 26, 1919, 76th Division, 303d Regiment, Battery D. Enlisted May 27, 1918; discharged May 1, 1919. Toul sector, November 4 to 11, 1918; Toul sector, Marche- ville offensive, November 9, 1918; Toul sector, Pintherville, Butgnerville, Bois de Haroille of- fensive, November 10 to 11, 1918. ARNAUD RICHARD GLASS Cook, Second Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Henshaw. En- listed March 16, 1918. GEORGE EDWARD GOODWIN Sergeant, First Class Signal Corps, 11th Division, Battalion 211, Field Signal, Company C. Enlisted February 14, 1918; discharged January 18, 1919. ANTONIO GRANESE Private Field Artillery, 27th Division, Battery D. En- listed August 6, 1918; discharged February 3, 1919. ARTHUR B. GRAY Driver Transport service, Canadian Railway Troops, 7th Battalion. Enlisted April 9, 1918; dis- charged March 19, 1919. PATRICK J. GREELEY Private Coast Artillery Corps, 10th Company. En- listed August 30, 1918; discharged December 9, 1918. 35 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALFRED CASTLE GREENE Sergeant Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force. Enlisted November, 1917; discharged July 19, 1919. Citation. VICTOR DAVID GREIG Private Engineer Corps, 71st Regiment, 2d Company. Enlisted September 6, 1918; discharged Janu- ary 10, 1919. RAYMOND W. GRIFFIN Ship's Cook, Fourth Class United States Navy, Reserve Force. Enlisted July 3, 1918; released December 24, 1918. BROCCIAIO GRONAMIO RAYMOND SIDNEY GROSS Private Infantry, 12th Division, 42d Regiment. En- listed June 24, 1918; discharged June 22, 1919. EUGENE R. GUILD First Lieutenant Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 31, 1918, to May 19, 1919, 1st Army, 71st Regiment, Batteries C and F. Enlisted October 26, 1917; discharged August 29, 1919. ALBERT H. HADLEY Private United States Marine Corps, U. S. S. Arizona. Enlisted April 10, 1917; discharged July 31, 1919. GROVER C. HAMBRECHT Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 12, 1918, to May 22, 1919, 311th Regiment, Company M. Enlisted April 29, 1918; dis- charged June 11, 1919. 36 m RAYMOND L. HOWLAND September 30, 1895-July 29, 1918 > Insr* 1 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL GORDON L. HAMBRECHT Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, October 7, 1918, to March 24, 1919. 151st Depot Brigade, 48th Regiment, 2d Bat- talion, 6th Company, Battery C. Enlisted April 4, 1918; discharged April 11, 1919. HENRY G. HAMBRECHT Senior Master Engineer Engineer Corps, 20th Regiment, 10th Battalion, Headquarters Company. Enlisted February 19, 1918; discharged June 20, 1919. JOHN N. HAMMOND Regimental Supply Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Supply Company. En- listed September 24, 1915; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne of- fensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Sep- tember 26 to November 11, 1918. JOSEPH M. HANIFEY Private Coast Artillery Corps, 7th Company. Enlisted October 25, 1918; discharged March 22,1919. ARCHIE L. HANLEY Cook Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, 4th Division, 28th Ambulance Company. Enlisted July 27, 1917; discharged August 6, 1919. Vesle defensive; Aisne-Marne, July 18 to August 8, 1918 ; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. 37 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ROLLA T. HANLEY Private Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, 493d Aero Squadron. Enlisted July 30, 1917; discharged January 25, 1919. ARTHUR E. HARDY Private Enlisted August 8, 1918; discharged August 13, 1918, on account of physical incapacity, defec- tive vision. LESLIE M. HARDY Private Coast Artillery Corps, Battery B, 54th Artillery. Enlisted June, 1916; discharged June 7, 1919. WILLIAM WALDO HARVEY Private, First Class United States Marine Corps, Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 2d Division, 6th Regiment, 79th Company. Enlisted May 20, 1918; dis- charged August 13, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 15, 1918; Meuse-Argonne of- fensive, November 1 to 11, 1918; Champagne, September 30 to October 10, 1918. ABNER H. HASTINGS Engineer Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 40th Brigade, 73d Regiment, 2d Battal- ion Headquarters. Enlisted April 9, 1917; dis- charged December 30, 1918. England, Octo- ber 7 to 12, 1918; France, October 13 to Decem- ber 13, 1918. 38 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WESLEY B. HATCH Sergeant, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 29, 1918, to August 21, 1919, 82d Division, 326th Regiment, Headquarters Company. En- listed October 4, 1917; discharged August 28, 1919. Sangny, Marbache sector; St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. ALFRED CHARLES HA WES Coxswain United States Navy, U. S. S. Kearsarge. En- listed June 13, 1915, active service April 1, 1917; discharged January^ 18, 1919. Did duty as convoy and training ship for North Atlantic fleet. ALFRED H. HAWLEY CHARLES LAFOREST HAYES Musician United States Navy, Aviation detachment, Mass- achusetts Institute of Technology. Enlisted June 3, 1918; discharged January 1, 1919. J. ANDREW HEATH Second Lieutenant Air Service. Enlisted May 15, 1917; dis- charged December 31, 1918. OLOF G. HEDQUIST Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, October 21, 1918, to January 31, 1919. 45th Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted July 19, 1918; discharged February 12, 1919. JAMES A. HEGARTY First Musician United States Navy, U. S. S. Georgia. Enlisted July 17, 1917; discharged May 21, 1919. Con- voy service. Service in foreign waters. 39 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JAMES J. HENNESSEY Seaman, Second Class United States Navy, Signal service. Enlisted February 19, 1918; discharged December 21, 1918. JOHN A. HERBIN Private Coast Artillery Corps. Enlisted September 22, 1918; discharged November 16, 1918. JOHN F. HIGGINS Wagoner Field Artillery, 26th Division, 102d Regiment, Supply Company. Enlisted June 25, 1917; dis- charged September 6, 1917. JOHN HENRY HILAND Private Provisional Motor Transport, American Expe- ditionary Force, 3d Army of Occupation, 19th Command, Company C. Enlisted July 15, 1918; discharged August 14, 1919. WARREN S. HILDRETH Private United States Marine Corps, 412th Company, Battalion V. Enlisted October 18, 1918; dis- charged March 21, 1919. HAROLD A. HILL Private, First Class Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 59th Regiment, Battery A. Enlisted May 8, 1917; discharged January 30, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 15, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. 40 GEORGE H. MORRILL September 23, 1898— October 19, 1918 J A •I'idrtIS I SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ARTHUR C. HOAR Private Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force, September 1, 1918, to May 24, 1919. Enlisted May 27, 1918; discharged May 29, 1919. STAFFORD BALDWIN HOBBS Private United States Marine Corps, American Expe- ditionary Force, 2d Division, 5th Regiment, Headquarters Company Band. Enlisted May 4, 1917; discharged June 20, 1919. Verdun, Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel and Cham- pagne sectors, Argonne Forest, Army of Occu- pation. GILBERT HODGES, JR. Major Adjutant General Reserve Corps, American Ex- peditionary Force. Enlisted December 27, 1917; discharged April 1, 1919. CLAUDE D. HOEG Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery D. En- listed July 8, 1916; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. GORDON T. HOEG Seaman United States Navy, Transports Port Guard. En- listed December 6, 1917; discharged January 11, 1919. EDWARD L. HOLLAND Second Lieutenant Medical Department, Sanitary Corps, Supply and Finance Division. Enlisted June 20, 1917; discharged December 2. 1919. 41 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WILLIAM J. HOFFMAN Captain Coast Artillery Corps. Enlisted October 9, 1918; discharged February 6, 1919. Commis- sioned Captain in Coast Artillery Officers' Re- serve Corps, November 15, 1918. LEVERETT T. HOLDER, JR. Private Infantry, University of Maine Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company C. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 8, 1918. JOHN J. HOLLAND, JR., Sergeant, Second Class Motor Transport Corps, American Expedition- ary Force, March 30, 1918, to May 21, 1919. 612th Company. Enlisted December 12, 1917; discharged May 24, 1919. WILLIAM C. HOLLAND Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, August 1, 1918, to February 25, 1919, 71st Regiment, Battery A. Enlisted April 14, 1918; discharged April 24, 1919. FRANK W. HOMAN, JR. Private United States Marine Corps, U. S. S. Pennsyl- vania. Enlisted July 27, 1918; discharged August 31, 1919. ALEXANDER GREEN HOOPER Sergeant Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, for thirteen months, 4th Division, 39th Regiment, Company D, Munition train, also Motor Supply. Enlisted August 27, 1917; discharged August 29, 1919. Meuse-Argonne offensive, Septem- ber 26 to November 11, 1918. 42 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL SAMUEL HOOPER Chief Master at Arms United States Navy, U. S. S. America. Enlisted September 10, 1917; released September 10, 1920. GEORGE D. HORTON Private, First Class Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, September 23, 1918, to March 11, 1919, 53d Regiment, Battery F. Enlisted July 29, 1918; discharged March 31, 1919. RAYMOND LANE HOWLAND Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery A. En- listed May, 1917. Killed in action July 29, 1918, during the Chateau-Thierry offensive. Buried in American Cemetery, northeast of Beuvardes, Aisne. FREDERICK E. HUFF Boatswain's Mate, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Mexican. Enlisted July 10, 1917; discharged August 11, 1919. ARTHUR W. HUGULEY First Lieutenant Coast Artillery Corps, Supply Officer of 56th Ammunition Train. Enlisted July 25, 1917; discharged December 9, 1918. FRANKLIN BICKNELL HUNT Private Infantry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 9, 1918. 43 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL REGINALD S. HUNT Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 102d Regiment, Headquarters Company band. Enlisted August 5, 1917; dis- charged April 29, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, Toul sector, Aisne-Marne and Meuse-Argonne offensives. IRVIN K. HUSSEY Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted May 17, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. LAWRENCE K. HUSSEY Private, First Class Infantry, Dartmouth College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 3, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. GEORGE E. HUTCHINSON Private, First Class Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 31, 1918, to February 22, 1919, 71st Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted May 20, 1918; discharged March 6, 1919. RAYMOND HUTCHINSON Private Infantry, 6th Machine Gun Company. Enlisted May 10, 1918; discharged January 15, 1919. 44 MISS ALICE 0. POTTS August 8, 1891— November 16, 1918 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RUSSELL N. HYDE Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Aviator United States Navy, Naval Aviation. Overseas duty. Enlisted April 24, 1917; discharged May 17, 1919. HORACE B. INGALLS Captain Signal Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 52d Telegraph, 8th and 115th Field Signal Bat- talions. Enlisted August 7, 1917; discharged July 9, 1919. ELTON S. JACKSON Chief Petty Officer United States Navy, U. S. S. Rhode Island. Overseas duty. Enlisted September, 1917. LAWRENCE W. JACKSON Private Air Service, 8th Company. Enlisted October 24, 1918; discharged December 8, 1918. RUSSELL L. JACKSON Private Railroad and Engineering Company, American Expeditionary Force. Enlisted August 29, 1918; discharged January 31, 1919. WILLARD PAGE JACKSON Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Supply Com- pany. Enlisted June 19, 1916; discharged Feb- ruary 28, 1919. Chemin des Dames, Toul sec- tor, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Argonne offensives, Verdun. 45 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WILLIAM W. JAEGER Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, March 4, 1918, to July 22, 1919, 5th Division, 21st Regiment, Headquarters Company. En- listed May 5, 1917; discharged July 29, 1919. St. Die sector, August 16 to 23, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 8 to 18, 1918 ; Puvenell sector, Sep- tember 18, 1918, to cessation of hostilities. Army of Occupation. MISS BESSIE JASINSKY Nurse Army Nurse Corps, located at St. Mary's Hos- pital, Washington, D. C. Enlisted October, 1918; discharged May, 1920. JOHN AMORY JEFFRIES First Lieutenant Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, March, 1918, to August 6, 1919, 2d Division, 23d Regiment, Company C. Enlisted April 2, 1917; discharged August 22, 1919. Chateau- Thierry, June 30 to July 12, 1918 ; Soissons, July 14 to 21, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 15 to 20, 1918 ; Champagne, October 2 to 4, 1918 ; Meuse- Argonne, November 11, 1918; Army of Occupa- tion, December 1, 1918, to March 18, 1919. Wounded. EARLE E. JENKINS Plumber and Fitter, First Class United States Navy, overseas service, U. S. S. Kanawha, Tanker. Enlisted May 31, 1917; re- leased June 12, 1919. 46 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RAYMOND B. JENKINS, Electrician, Third Class United States Navy, Overseas service, U. S. Cruiser Charleston. Enlisted May 26, 1917; discharged November 29, 1918. FRANCIS W. JOHNSON Private Infantry, Harvard College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 14, 1918; discharged December 5, 1918. HERBERT ALDEN JOHNSON Yeoman, First Class United States Navy, First Naval District. En- listed August 1, 1918; discharged December 20, 1918. HOWARD R. JOHNSON Corporal Air Service, Aero Squadron 677. Enlisted Sep- tember, 1918; discharged April 22, 1919. ROBERT K. JOHNSON Second Lieutenant Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 42d Division, 167th Regiment, Company L. En- listed May, 1917; discharged May, 1919. Champagne defensive, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne offensives. THOMAS C. JOHNSON Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted May 14, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to Novem- ber 11, 1918. 47 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALFRED B. JONES Army Field Clerk Adjutant General's Department, Northeast De- partment Headquarters. Enlisted September 10, 1917; discharged January 10, 1919. JAMES T. JORDAN Corporal Motor Transport Corps, American Expedition- ary Force, 610th Regiment. Enlisted December 4, 1917. FRANCIS T. KAIN Apprentice Seaman United States Navy, Holy Cross Naval Unit, Of- ficers' Material School. Enlisted August 7, 1918; discharged December 19, 1918. JOHN J. KAIN Chief Electrician United States Navy, Coast Guard. Care of cables in Gulf of Mexico. Enlisted September 15, 1917. JOSEPH E. KAIN Electrician, First Class United States Navy, U. S. Ships Covington, Princess Matoika and Mt. Vernon. Enlisted June 2, 1917; discharged January 12, 1919. These ships engaged three German submarines and destroyed one. U. S. S. Covington tor- pedoed. WILLIAM P. KAIN Captain, Coast Guard United States Navy, Wissahickon Barracks, Cape May, N. J. Enlisted May 10, 1909. 48 STUART THOMSON August 13, 1886— March 23, 1919 ' uA SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FRANKLIN HENRY KEATING Private Air Service, American Expeditionary Force. Sailed overseas October 13, 1917. First Army Corps, 42d Division, 465th Aero Squadron. En- listed July 29, 1917; discharged March 21, 1919. In zone of advance, stationed at Toul and Verdun sectors. EDWARD MARSHALL KEHOE Private, First Class Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 14th Regiment, Company D. Enlisted May 26, 1917; discharged May 21, 1919. Somme defen- sive, Aisne-Marne offensive, Corps Troops, Brit- ish Expeditionary Force. Meuse-Argonne of- fensive. Army troops. MISS ISABEL KEHOE Chief Yeoman (F) United States Navy, Custom House, Burgess Aircraft Plant, Marblehead, Mass., and U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. Secretarial work. Enlisted June 10, 1918; dis- charged July 29, 1919. MISS MARTHA E. KEHOE Nurse United States Army Nurse Corps, American Ex- peditionary Force. Served in the Army service in France at Base Hospitals Nos. 8, 214 and 51 at Toul and Saviney. Enlisted August 3, 1917; discharged July 9, 1919. WILLIAM K. KEHOE Seaman, Second Class United States Navy, Training Station, Newport, R. I., New York Receiving Ship. Enlisted Sep- tember 11, 1918; discharged December 14, 1918. 49 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL SAMUEL BLAINE KEHOE Second Lieutenant United States Marine Corps, 2d Regiment, 62d Company, U. S. S. Olympia and North Carolina. Shore duty at Paris Island, Norfolk, Va., Ports- mouth, N. H., Quantico, Va., and Republic of Haiti. Enlisted April 14, 1917; discharged August 20, 1919. WALTER LAWRENCE KEHOE Acting Corporal Infantry, 76th Division, 15th Regiment. Enlisted August 22, 1917; discharged October 14, 1917. CLEMENT E. KENNEDY First Lieutenant Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, 9th Aero Squadron. Enlisted December 13, 1917; discharged July 19, 1919. St. Mihiel, Septem- ber 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 20 to November 11, 1918; Army of Occupation, December 4, 1918, to May 15, 1919. LEONARD NELSON KENNEDY Private Infantry, Wentworth Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 22, 1918; discharged December 6, 1918. MATTHEW P. KENNEDY Seaman United States Navy, U. S. S. Minnesota, patrol duty. Enlisted June 5, 1918; discharged No- vember 30, 1918. CHARLES EVANS KEZER Private Field Artillery, Battery B, 301st Regiment, Camp Devens; 15th Company, 4th Battalion, Depot Brigade. Enlisted September 20, 1918; discharged December 4, 1918. 50 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL BENJAMIN P. KEYES Private Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, May 18, 1918, to May 6, 1919, 82d Divi- sion, 307th Sanitary Train Headquarters. En- listed October 4, 1917; discharged May 12, 1919. Toul and Marbache sectors; St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. FRED N. KIMBALL First Lieutenant Ordnance Department. Enlisted June 25, 1918 ; discharged January 17, 1919. MELVIN N. KING Sergeant Signal Corps, 11th Division, 211th Field Signal Battalion, Company A. Enlisted February 14, 1918; discharged February 1, 1919. PIERCE W. F. KING Private Air Service, 8th Provisional Company. Enlisted October 24, 1918; discharged December 13, 1918. ROBERT BRUCE KINNEY Private, First Class Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force, June 6, 1918, to June 29, 1919, 314th Supply Company. Enlisted December 11, 1917; discharged July 1, 1919. PHILIP H. KITFIELD Private Infantry, Dartmouth College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company B. Enlisted October 7, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. 51 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL EDMUND FRANCIS KNOWLTON, JR. Private United States Marine Corps, Radio Detachment, 14th Division, 179th Regiment, 3d Battalion. Enlisted July 6, 1918; discharged March 12, 1919. Re-enlisted June 14, 1919, for special service limited in France, 13th Replacement Battalion; discharged July 12, 1919. THOMAS A. KNOWLTON Private, First Class Cavalry, American Expeditionary Force, March 14, 1918, to June 19, 1919, 15th Regiment, Ma- chine Gun Troop. Enlisted January 1, 1918; discharged June 25, 1919. EUGENE LAPORTE Private Enlisted August 29, 1918, Camp Upton. RAYMOND F. LARRABEE Private, First Class Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force, August 29, 1918, to July 5, 1919. En- listed May 7, 1918; discharged July 11, 1919. WILLIAM G. LARRABEE Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 6, 1918, to September 25, 1919, 77th Division, 306th Regiment, Company A. Enlisted Febru- ary 25, 1918; discharged May 8, 1919. Bac- carat sector, June 21 to August 4, 1918; Vesle sector, August 11 to 18, 1918; Oise-Aisne offen- sive, August 18 to September 16, 1918; Meuse- Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. 52 RALPH E. WILLIAMS March 22, 1897— August 9, 1918 (A>1 ' SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL THOMAS B. LAWTON Private Engineer Corps, 71st Regiment, 2d Company. Enlisted September 6, 1918; discharged Janu- ary 2, 1919. IRA RAY LAXTON Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 103d Regiment, Battery A. En- listed March 1, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne sector (Chemin des Dames), Feb- ruary 6 to March 17, 1918; Toul sector, April 4 to June 27, 1918; Toul sector, Seicheprey de- fensive, April 20 to 21, 1918; Toul sector, Xi- vray defensive, June 13, 1918; Aisne-Marne de- fensive, July 7 to 17, 1918; Aisne-Marne offen- sive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel of- fensive, September 12 to 15, 1918; Verdun sec- tor, September 16 to October 13, 1918; Meuse- Argonne offensive, October 15 to November 11, 1918. THOMAS S. LEADBETTER Private, First Class Cadet Air Service, Pilot. Enlisted December 18, 1917; discharged November 29, 1918. PHILIP LEAWOOD Sergeant Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force. Stenographer Casual. Enlisted Decem- ber 8, 1917; discharged July 2, 1919. MISS BLANCHE A. LEGALLEE Army Nurse United States Army Nurse Corps, Base Hospi- tal No. 9, Lakewood, N. J. Enlisted October 1, 1918; discharged April 27, 1919. 53 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOHN T. LEE Battalion Sergeant-Major Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 7, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted June 3, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offen- sive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offen- sive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. Wounded November 6, 1918, at Verdun. NORMAN E. LEGALLEE Yeoman, First Class United States Navy, Harvard Radio School. En- listed May 15, 1917; discharged January 5, 1919. FREDERICK E. LINDEN Private Field Artillery, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted September 21, 1917; dis- charged October 30, 1917. RALPH IRVING LINDSEY Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted May 14, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Gassed at Chateau-Thierry, July 18, 1918, and wounded at Verdun, October 24, 1918. Aisne- Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. 54 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL GUISEPPE LOBRESCO Private Enlisted October 4, 1917. STEPHEN F. LOGUERCIO Army Nurse Medical Department, 49th Regiment. Enlisted July 3, 1917; discharged May 22, 1919. JOHN A. LOHNES Private, First Class Signal Corps, 12th Division, Supply Company. Enlisted March 22, 1918; discharged January 31, 1919. JACOB LONDON Regimental Sergeant-Major Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, Light Railway Department, 22d Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted May 15, 1918; discharged May 15, 1919. At Varennes and Cheppy. DANIEL J. LORDAN Seaman United States Navy, Reserve Force. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged January 28, 1919. THOMAS WILLIAM LOUGHLIN Quartermaster, Second Class United States Navy, Naval Aviation. Enlisted June 18, 1918; discharged December 25, 1918. HENRY A. LYNCH Sergeant, First Class Air Service, Aircraft Production, 6th Detach- ment. Enlisted February 4, 1918; discharged March 14, 1919. 55 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL PAUL MACFARLAND First Lieutenant Infantry, Adjutant of 151st Depot Brigade, 1st Battalion, 1st Company. Enlisted May 15, 1917; discharged April 30, 1919. NEIL MACNEIL Cook Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 8, 1918, to May 13, 1919, 32d Division, 120th Regiment, Machine Gun Battalion, Company C. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged May 24, 1919. Oise-Aisne and Meuse-Argonne offen- sives. AMRI MANCHINO Sergeant Engineer Corps, 6th Regiment, Company C. Enlisted December 28, 1916. EMILIO MANDINO LLOYD L. MANSFIELD Second Lieutenant Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, November 26, 1917, to July 5, 1919, 3d Division, 6th Regiment, Company F. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged July 25, 1919. Vosges Mountains, July 20 to September 17, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 25 to October 26, 1918; Army of Occupation, December 15, 1918, to June 21, 1919. PETER J. MANSFIELD Private, First Class Field Artillery, 301st Regiment, Battery B. En- listed September 20, 1917; discharged January 18, 1919. 56 8I6T '6Z ipiBW— S68I '£ -iaquioidas XH9IHM "O lanwvs SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOHN M. MARINO PAUL FREEMAN MARKEE Private Coast Artillery Corps, 76th Division, 29th Reg- iment, 12th Company. Enlisted October 19, 1918; discharged January 17, 1919. ROBERT C. MARSH Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 16, 1918, to April 25, 1919, 77th Division, 306th Regiment, Company I. Enlisted February 25, 1918; discharged May 8, 1919. Baccarat sec- tor, June 21 to August 4, 1918; Vesle sector, August 11 to 18, 1918; Oise-Aisne offensive, Au- gust 11 to September 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. HARRY O. MARSHALL FREDERICK P. MARSTON Private, First Class Medical Department, British Expeditionary Force, June, 1917, to June, 1918; with Amer- ican Expeditionary Force, June, 1918, to Febru- ary 3, 1919. Enlisted May 8, 1917; discharged February 17, 1919. Cited by General Pershing August 14, 1918. German offensive, July 15 to 18, 1918; Bussy LeChateau American offensive, July 18 to 29, 1918; Chateau-Thierry offensive, September 26, 1918; St. Mihiel, Argonne, op- erating Meuse offensive, September 28 to No- vember 17, 1918; Army of Occupation, Decem- ber 6 to 20, 1918, Treves, Germany. 57 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALBERT R. MARTIN Mechanic Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, December 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Supply Company. En- listed April 2, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918 ; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to November 11, 1918. JAMES L. MARTIN Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery F. En- listed July 11, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. DOMINICK MARTINO Private, First Class United States Guards, 1st Battalion, Company C. Enlisted September 20, 1917; discharged January 10, 1919. GEORGE MASSO Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 2d Division, 12th Regiment, Battery A. En- listed June 6, 1917; discharged August 14, 1919. Aisne defensive, June 4 to 5, 1918; Chat- eau-Thierry, June 6 to July 9, 1918; Aisne- Marne, July 18 to 25, 1918; St. Mihiel, Septem- ber 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, October 1 to 28, 1918, November 1 to 11, 1918. HENRY L. McAULIFFE Corporal Chemical Warfare Service, 3d Battalion, Com- pany M. Enlisted May 30, 1918; discharged December 23, 1918. Gassed and burned while on duty at Edgewood Arsenal, Md. 58 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOSEPH MATTERO Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 2d Di- vision, 23d Regiment, Company C. Enlisted June 15, 1917; discharged July 16, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. JOHN H. McDONOUGH First Lieutenant Quartermaster Department, American Expedi- tionary Force, July 18, 1918, to November 1, 1919. Enlisted August 9, 1917; discharged Oc- tober 31, 1919. Army of -Occupation in 3d Army, Remount Depot. M. FRANCIS McDONOUGH Wagoner French Third Army, Camion Service. Enlisted in French Army May 5, 1917; discharged from French Army December 20, 1917. Enlisted in United States Army February 25, 1918; dis- charged December 16, 1918. American Expe- ditionary Force, July 5, 1918, to December 11, 1918; Wagoner, Headquarters Troop, 76th Di- vision. Craone Plateau, Soissons, Malmaison, Chemin des Dames. MICHAEL F. McDONOUGH ALEXANDER McGREGOR, JR. Chief Electrician (Radio) United States Navy, U. S. S. Arabia, U. S. Naval Radio School. Enlisted July 16, 1917; dis- charged February 28, 1919. MISS ELEANOR G. McNAMARA Yeoman (F), First Class United States Navy, Charlestown Navy Yard. Enlisted July 16, 1918; released July 26, 1919. 59 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL DELMAR H. McLEAN Yeoman, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Texas, U. S. S. Mis- sissippi. Shore duty Newport, R. I., Norfolk, Va., and British West Indies. Enlisted August 6, 1917; discharged July 18, 1919. RICHARD H. McNAMARA Master Signal Electrician Air Service, 319th Regiment. Enlisted Decem- ber 11, 1917; discharged January 17, 1919. ROBERT L. McNAMARA Sergeant, First Class Air Service, Flying School Detachment. En- listed December 9, 1917; discharged May 22, 1919. FULLMORE C. McNICHOL Corporal Infantry, 152d Regiment, Company H. Enlisted February 26, 1918; discharged December 17, 1918. ANGUS McRAE Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, May 18, 1918, to May 9, 1919, 82d Division, 320th Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted October 5, 1917; discharged May 15, 1919. DENNIS MENNELLE J. WENTWORTH MERRILL Carpenter's Mate, Second Class United States Navy, Air Service, American Ex- peditionary Force, United States Naval Air Sta- tion. Enlisted December 10, 1917; discharged August 4, 1919. SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RALPH D. MERRITT Sergeant, First Class Infantry, Medical Department, American Expe- ditionary Force, September 26, 1917, to July 27, 1919, 26th Division, 104th Regiment, Company I. Enlisted May 22, 1917 ; discharged August 2, 1919. Gassed May 31, 1918, and July 22, 1918. Apremont, April 10, 1918; Toul sector, April 1 to May 15, 1918; Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to 25, 1918. Transferred to Medical Depart- ment October 25, 1918, on account of wounds. DOUGLAS STRACHON MILES Private Signal Corps. Enlisted October 31, 1918; dis- charged December 6, 1918. RAYMOND P. MILLER, Lieutenant, Junior Grade United States Navy, Naval Aviation. Enlisted December 3, 1917; discharged July 8, 1919. DONATO MIRAGLIO SAMUEL MIXTER Captain Air Service. Enlisted August 25, 1917; dis- charged December 31, 1918. SAMUEL JASON MIXTER Major Medical Department, office Surgeon General, Washington, D. C. On duty at Washington, Camp Devens and Camp Meade Base Hospitals. Enlisted February 1, 1918; discharged Decem- ber 6, 1918. 61 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL DR. CHARLES G. MIXTER Major Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, November 2, 1917, to February 12, 1919. Enlisted June 3, 1917; discharged March 3, 1919. Commanding Officer Hospital Benevola No. 13, at Juilly, November 29, 1917, to June 2, 1918. On detached service with Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, British Expeditionary Force, March to June, 1918. In Ypres salient. Commanding Officer American Red Cross Mil- itary Hospital No. 7, Juilly, June 2 to July 8, 1918. American Red Cross Military Hospital No. 1, Treiully, July 8 to August 10, 1918. As- sistant Surgical Consultant, 1st Army Corps, at Chateau-Thierry and Liverdun, August 12 to September 5, 1918. Assistant Surgical Consult- ant and Acting Surgical Consultant 4th Army Corps, September 5 to November 4, 1918, Toul sector. Assistant Surgical Consultant, 2nd Army, Toul sector, November 4 to 28, 1918. Attached to Base Hospital No. 18, Bazouilles, November 30, 1918. Engagements, Amiens, April, 1918; Chateau-Thierry, June, 1918; St. Mihiel, Sep- tember, 1918. DR. WILLIAM JASON MIXTER Lieutenant-Colonel Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, Base Hospital No. 6, Bordeaux, France; District Surgeon, Winchester District, England ; C. O. Base Hospital No. 204, Hursley, England. Enlisted July 2, 1917; discharged April 6, 1919. 62 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOSEPH HENRY MONAHAN, JR. Chief Storekeeper United States Navy, Supply Base, Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. Enlisted November 19, 1917; discharged February 14, 1919. FRANK J. MOONEY First Lieutenant Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, 186th Aero Squadron. Enlisted December 5, 1917; discharged May 22, 1919. Meuse-Ar- gonne offensive. JOHN A. MOORE Seaman United States Navy, Bumkin Island, at Naval Reserve Camp, Boston harbor. Enlisted July 13, 1918; discharged December 18, 1918. ARTHUR EDWIN MORLEY Private Coast Artillery Corps, 29th Regiment, Head- quarters Company. Enlisted October 21, 1918; discharged December 21, 1918. FRANK W. MORRILL Sergeant, First Class Air Service, Senior Cost Accountant, Detach- ment No. 3, Bureau of Aircraft Production. En- listed February 4, 1918; discharged March 31, 1919. GEORGE HENRY MORRILL Coxswain United States Navy, S. S. Herbert G. Wylie. Service in foreign waters. Enlisted January 22, 1917. Died October 19, 1918, of broncho-pneu- monia, at the Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 63 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL HAROLD B. MORRILL Second Lieutenant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, 26th Division, 101st Regi- ment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted April 26, 1917; discharged February 11, 1919. MILTON E. MORRILL Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted May 28, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offen- sive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offen- sive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. SHERWOOD L. MORRILL Private Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, 369th Aero Squadron. Enlisted November 13, 1917; discharged June 6, 1919. HAROLD EVERETT MORSE Chief Radio Electrician United States Navy, foreign waters, U. S. S. Piqua and U. S. S. McNeal, mine sweeper, Base No. 19, Lorient, France. Enlisted May 7, 1917; discharged July 31, 1919. VITO MOSCO Private Infantry, 86th Regiment, Company E. Enlisted August 3, 1918; discharged February 28, 1919. 64 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FRED L. MOWER Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Supply Com- pany. Enlisted April 16, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne- Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offen- sives. EDWARD J. MULLIGAN Private, First Class Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, October 7, 1918, to March 24, 1919, 48th Regiment, Battery C. Enlisted June 6, 1918; discharged April 11, 1919. WILLIAM C. MURPHY Private Field Artillery, 2d Division, Battery D, Replace- ment Depot, 156th Depot Brigade. Enlisted May 31, 1918; discharged January 10, 1919. GEORGE FRANCIS MURRAY Pharmacist's Mate, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Covington. Brest, France, eleven months. Enlisted April 11, 1917; discharged June 25, 1919. U. S. S. Cov- ington sunk June 30, 1918, off the coast of France, by German submarine. JAMES HENRY MURRAY First Sergeant U. S. Navy, Newport, R. I., May 22, 1917, to November 16, 1917. U. S. Army, Infantry, 152d Regiment, Company B. Enlisted July 9, 1918; discharged December 28, 1918. 65 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL LAWRENCE G. MURRAY Chief Special Mechanic United States Navy, Naval Inspector Ordnance. Enlisted June 4, 1918; discharged December 26, 1918. GARRETT J. NAGLE Corporal Infantry and Engineer Corps, American Expedi- tionary Force, 1st Army, 2d Company, also 15th Division Engineers, 25th Company. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged July 23, 1919. Chateau-Thierry. EUBERT J. NEAL Sergeant United States Marine Corps, 24th Company, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Enlisted April 5, 1917; discharged September 9, 1920. CLARENCE A. NEFF First Lieutenant Air Service, Assistant Executive Officer, Kelly Field Flying School, also Administrative Officer and Personnel Adjutant, Air Service Flying School, Payne Field, Miss. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged February 14, 1919. JAMES J. NEVINS Private Infantry, 151st Depot Brigade, 10th Regiment, 3d Company. Enlisted June 24, 1918; dis- charged December 12, 1918. WILLIAM J. NOONAN Private Infantry, Unattached. Enlisted September 3, 1918; discharged December 3, 1918. 66 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FREDERICK I. NYE Sergeant Chemical Warfare Service, Gas Defense Divi- sion. Enlisted April 3, 1918 ; discharged March 5, 1919. JEREMIAH F. O'BRIEN Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 151st Depot Brigade, 1st Battalion, 4th Company; 301st Regiment, Company C, Camp Devens; 163d Regiment, Company D, and 167th Regi- ment, Company L; American Expeditionary Force, 151st Depot Brigade, 3d Battalion, 11th Company. Enlisted April 2-9, 1918; discharged May 8, 1919. St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives. JOHN A. O'BRIEN Private Infantry. Enlisted December 14, 1917. HARRIS C. OSGOOD Machinist's Mate United States Navy, Submarine Chaser No. 49 ; Submarine Patrol No. 225. Enlisted July 17, 1918; discharged February 14, 1919. GEORGE HAROLD OULTON Lance Corporal Infantry, Canadian Expeditionary Force. En- listed in first Quebec Regiment, Company D. Transferred in England to Dispatch Rider, Canadian Cyclist Corps. Enlisted February 6, 1918; discharged January 27, 1919. CARLETON WALKER OWEN Private Infantry, Tufts College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 15, 1918, discharged December 9, 1918. 67 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALMON B. OWENS Private Engineer Corps, 14th Regiment, Company D. Enlisted May 26, 1917; discharged August 16, 1917. Discharged for disability. RALPH J. OWENS Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 87th Division, 346th Regiment, Company L. Enlisted June 24, 1918. HARRY B. PAINE Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Battery D. En- listed April 9, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Engaged in all battles with the division. HARRISON E. PARK Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, Pion- eer Regiment, 116th Company. Enlisted May 31, 1918; discharged April 5, 1919. FRANK PARKER, JR. Musician, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Nebraska. Enlisted November 28, 1917; released February 3, 1919. JAMES PASCUCCI Private Infantry, First Replacement Regiment, Third Company. Enlisted April 27, 1918. PHILIP F. PEABODY Private Infantry, Boston University Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Headquarters Detach- ment. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 24, 1918. 68 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WILLIAM H. PERRY Colonel Infantry, Corps Headquarters, 5th Pioneer Reg- iment. Instructor of recruits preparatory to overseas' service. Enlisted August 5, 1917; dis- charged December 21, 1918. JOHN E. PETERS Private Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, June 30, 1918, to May 3, 1919, 151st Depot Brigade, 43d Regiment, 11th Balloon Company. Enlisted March 8, 1918; discharged May 21, 1919. St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne defen- sives; Toul and Verdun sectors. ALBERT PETRECCA Private Infantry, at Camp Dix, N. J. Enlisted June 25, 1918. DANIEL F. PIERRE Private Air Service, 1st Training Brigade, 10th Com- pany. Enlisted August 7, 1918; discharged De- cember 18, 1918. MICHAEL PIERRE, Machinist's Mate, First Clasa United States Navy, Naval Aviation, Squadron 11, Pensacola, Florida. Enlisted December 11, 1917; discharged January 26, 1919. MICHAEL PIERRO Private Ammunition Train, American Expeditionary Force, August 23, 1918, to March 5, 1919, 87th Division, 312th Regiment, Company G. Enlisted June 27, 1918; discharged March 17, 1919. 69 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ANTONIO PIERRO Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, May 18, 1918, to May 9, 1919, 82d Division, 320th Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged May 15, 1919. Oise-Aisne, August 21 to September 11, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Sep- tember 26 to November 11, 1918. FRANCESCO PIETROGALLO Private Infantry, 12th Division, 36th Regiment, Com- pany E. Enlisted July 24, 1918; discharged February 28, 1919. EUGENE R. PILLSBURY Private Air Service, 1st Regiment, Company M. En- listed November 7, 1918; discharged January 4, 1919. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN POOLE Gunner's Mate, First Class United States Navy. Traveling in the United States and France, Intelligence Department, Aide for Information. Also Company Com- mander of U. S. Naval Port Guards, Newport, R. I. Enlisted April 24, 1918; discharged Jan- uary, 1919. ALEXANDER R. POPE Private Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, Camouflage Corps, 40th Regiment, Company I. Enlisted May 29, 1917; discharged February 5, 1919. Chateau-Thierry and St. Mihiel offen- sives. 70 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JOHN POPE Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 2d Corps, Artillery Park. Enlisted May 31, 1918; discharged May 24, 1919. Chateau- Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdun. ROGER W. POPE Private Cadet Air Service. Enlisted November 6, 1918; dis- charged May 23, 1919. MISS ALICE O. POTTS Nurse American Red Cross Nursing Service. Enlisted September, 1918. Died November 16, 1918, at Monessen, Pennsylvania, of influenza, while in service of the Red Cross Emergency Hospital. WILLIAM HENRY PRESTON Private Coast Artillery Corps, 29th Regiment, Casual Detachment, Battery F. Enlisted October 19, 1918; discharged January 3, 1919. GUY QUEENA Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 55th Regiment, Battery A. Enlisted Feb- ruary 21, 1918; discharged February 7, 1919. The Second Battle of the Marne, August 6 to 18, 1918. Operations on the Vesle, August 18 to September 8, 1918. Argonne-Meuse offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. WILLIAM L. QUINN Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, Sep- tember 22, 1917, to February 9, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 102d Machine Gun Battalion, Company B. Enlisted July 25, 1917; discharged March 27, 1919. Gassed and captured by Prussian Guards, April 20, 1918, at Seicheprey, Toul sec- tor. Seven months in German prisons. 71 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALLEN B. RANGER Second Lieutenant Infantry, 151st Depot Brigade, 4th Development Battalion, Company P. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged December 12, 1918. HAROLD D. RANKIN Sapper Engineer Corps, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 2d Division, 2d Tram Corps, Company C. En- listed July 29, 1917; discharged April 6, 1919. DONATO RANZANO Machinist, Second Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Bushnell. Dis- charged April, 1919. DONALD REDFERN Private Air Service, Aircraft Production, Detroit, Mich. Enlisted September 6, 1918; discharged April 4, 1919. ARTHUR W. REINHOLM Sergeant, First Class Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, Oc- tober 13, 1917, to March 3, 1919, 465th Aero Squadron. Enlisted July 31, 1917; discharged March 21, 1919. PERCY IRVING REYNOLDS First Lieutenant Motor Transport Corps, American Expedition- ary Force, 1st Army, 23d Regiment of Engineers, Headquarters Company. Enlisted December 5, 1917; discharged September 16, 1919. Aisne- Marne offensive, May 27, 1918, to June 5, 1918. Meuse-Argonne offensive, October 2, 1918, to November 11, 1918. Gassed at Seicheprey, April 20, 1918. 72 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ERNEST C. REDSTONE Corporal Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 14, 1918, to June 13, 1919, Fourth Corps, 301st Regiment, Headquarters Detachment. En- listed April 29, 1918; discharged June 20, 1919. Regimental colors decorated by Major-General Dickman, Brohl, Germany, May 15, 1919. St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Toul sector, September 16 to November 11, 1918; Army of Occupation, November 17, 1918, to May 11, 1919. FELICE RICCIARDI Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 16, 1918, to July 20, 1919, 5th Division, 61st Regiment, Company E. Enlisted December 8, 1917; discharged July 30, 1919. St. Die sector, June 15 to July 16, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Oc- tober 12 to November 11, 1918. ALAN E. RICKER Second Lieutenant Infantry, Unattached. Enlisted July 5, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. MISS FRANCES E. RICKER (Mrs. Paul Appleton) Nurse Army Nurse Corps, American Expeditionary Force, July 18, 1918. Assistant Chief Nurse, Base Hospital No. 41. Reserve Nurse, Army Nurse Corps. Enlisted March 9, 1918; dis- charged April 25, 1919. Decorated with the "Medaille d'Honneur" in Paris, January 24, 1919. 73 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL LEON L. RICKER Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, Sep- tember 21, 1917, to March 10, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 102d Machine Gun Battalion, Company A. Enlisted June 4, 1917; discharged March 17, 1919. NORMAN S. RICKER Coxswain United States Navy, Bumkin Island, Hingham. Enlisted March 3, 1918; discharged January 2, 1919. JAMES ISAAC RIDDELL Private Infantry, 152d Depot Brigade, 6th Battalion, 21st Company. Enlisted August 30, 1918; dis- charged December 3, 1918. FRANK T. ROACH Private Quartermaster Corps, 301st Regiment. Enlisted August 16, 1917; discharged April 9, 1919. EDWARD BATES ROBERTS, JR. Labor Foreman Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted August, 1918; discharged January, 1919. ARTHUR L. ROBINSON, JR. Ensign United States Navy, U. S. S. Parthenia, U. S. S. Siboney. Enlisted March 29, 1917; discharged March 1, 1919. 74 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FREDERICK R. ROBINSON Major Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, March 12, 1918, to July 30, 1919, 55th Regiment. June, 1918, transferred to Judge Advocate's Department, in France, Renting and Requisition Department. Enlisted August 5, 1917; discharged August 16, 1919. WARREN STETSON ROCK Private Infantry, University of Maine Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 10, 1918; discharged December 8, 1918. EMERY NORMAN RODRICK Machinist's Mate, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Downes, Santee, Ammen, destroyers, European waters; also mys- tery ship. Enlisted March 21, 1917 ; discharged April 21, 1919. WOODBURY LEWISE RODRICK Private Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, December 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Supply Company. En- listed August 17, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel, Septem- ber 12 to 16, 1918 ; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to November 11, 1918. 75 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL PERCY M. ROOPE Steward United States Navy, European waters, U. S. S. Chincha. Enlisted August 6, 1918; discharged January 12, 1919. NAZARENO ROTUNDI Private, First Class Field Artillery, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Battery B. Enlisted September 20, 1917; dis- charged January 18, 1919. THOMAS CARLTON ROWEN Chief Petty Officer United States Navy, U. S. S. Neptune, Lockwood Basin. Enlisted July 1, 1918; discharged Feb- ruary 24, 1919. RALPH H. RUSSELL Second Lieutenant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 23, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Division, 102d Regiment, Headquarters Com- pany, Band leader. Enlisted August 5, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Aisne-Marne offen- sive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel of- fensive, September 12, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, October 12 to November 11, 1918. JAMES H. RYAN Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 6, 1918, to April 25, 1919, 42d Division, 167th Regiment, Company D. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged May 8, 1919. Meuse-Argonne, October 5 to November 9, 1918; Army of Occupation, November 16, 1918. 76 MEMORIAL BOULDER Monument Avenue Parkway SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL LEO V. RYAN Battalion Sergeant Major Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, May 7, 1918, to May 5, 1919, 82d Division, 151st De- pot Brigade, Headquarters Detachment. En- listed October 4, 1917; discharged May 21, 1919. Toul, Marbache, St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. WILLIAM C. RYAN Electrician, First Class United States Navy, Mine Sweeper in the North Sea. Enlisted May 7, 1917; discharged Decem- ber 7, 1919. Mine Sweeper medal. MISS EUDORA EVELYN RYER Nurse Army Nurse Corps, at Camp Upton, L. I., and General Hospital No. 8, at Otisville, N. Y. En- listed September 25, 1918; discharged July 20, 1919. GUISEPPE D. SANGERMANO Private Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, October 15, 1918, to March 14, 1919, 151st Depot Brigade, 49th Regiment, 2d Bat- talion, 8th Company. Enlisted July 19, 1918; discharged April 15, 1919. ALBERT SARANDREA Private Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 79th Division, 314th Regiment, Company I. Enlisted May 27, 1918; discharged January 24, 1919. Argonne Forest, September 26, 1918. 77 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL CLEMENT D. SARGENT WALTER E. SARGENT Private University of Vermont, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted February 14, 1918. ANTONIO SAVINO Private Infantry, 151st Depot Brigade, Company H. Enlisted July 24, 1918; discharged December 6, 1918. NICHOLA SAVINO FREDERICK M. SEATON, Paymaster, Third Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Alabama. Enlisted May 16, 1918; discharged September 11, 1919. W. SPENCER SERVICE Second Lieutenant Quartermaster Corps. Enlisted August 6, 1917; discharged January 7, 1919. RODMAN W. SEYMOUR Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 51st Regiment, Headquarters De- tachment, also 101st Regiment. Enlisted April 9, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Chemin des Dames, Toul sector, Chateau-Thierry, Sec- ond Battle of the Marne, Pas Fini sector, St. Mihiel and Verdun. THOMAS SHANNON Private, First Class Infantry, Machine Gun Detachment, 86th Divi- sion, 129th Regiment, 344th Company. En- listed May 28, 1918; discharged July 1, 1919. 78 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL JAMES EDWARD SHARP Seaman United States Navy, Submarine Chaser No. 256, Austrian Ship Raditzky. Submarine patrol in Adriatic Sea. Enlisted April 10, 1917; dis- charged April 18, 1919. CHARLES B. SHAW Army Field Clerk Adjutant-General's Department, American Ex- peditionary Force, General Headquarters, Paris and Chaumont. Enlisted May 25, 1917. Sailed with General Pershing May 28, 1917, on the Bathe. CLARENCE F. SHAW Private Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, No- vember 23, 1917, to March 3, 1919, 103d Aero Pursuit Squadron, Lafayette Escadrille. Enlist- ed August 16, 1917; discharged April 17, 1919. Squadron received three citations, and given Fourragere by French Government. Cham- pagne sector, Chemin des Dames, Flanden sec- tor, Toul sector, St. Mihiel offensive, Verdun sec- tor, Meuse-Argonne offensive. LELAND G. SHAW Corporal Motor Transport Corps, Unit 319, Company F. Enlisted November 7, 1918; discharged April 10, 1919. CHARLES R. SIBLEY, JR. Sergeant, First Class Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, May 16, 1918, to June 5, 1919, 826th Aero Squadron, attached to Demolition Group No. 2. Enlisted December 7, 1917; discharged June 21, 1919. 79 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL GLENWOOD J. SHERRARD First Lieutenant Railway Transportation Corps. Enlisted April 17, 1917; discharged April 25, 1919. CHARLES V. SIDELL Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 7, 1919, 26th Divi- sion, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted May 23, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offen- sive, July 18 to August 4, 1918 ; St. Mihiel offen- sive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 16 to November 11, 1918. NICOLO SILVERIO Private Infantry, Depot Brigade, 151st Regiment, 2d Company. Enlisted August 8, 1918; discharged December 6, 1918. HOWARD C. SMITH Private Field Artillery, Yale University Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 14, 1918; discharged December 7, 1918. ROBERT A. SMITH Private Infantry, Company A. Enlisted October 7, 1918; discharged December 12, 1918. JAMES H. SPALDING Chief Pharmacist's Mate United States Navy, U. S. S. Patricia. Foreign waters. Enlisted November 11, 1917; dis- charged July 16, 1919. 80 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL FREDERIC W. SPEARIN Second Lieutenant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Battery F. En- listed May, 1917; discharged January 18, 1919. BYRON H. SPINNEY Captain Air Service, Overseas Service, unattached, In- structor at Headquarters in Paris. Enlisted September, 1917; discharged December, 1918. CLARENCE E. SPINNEY Sergeant Infantry, 5th Pioneer Regiment, Company D. Enlisted May 4, 1917; discharged December 27, 1918. CHARLES H. SPRAGUE Chief Boatswain's Mate United States Navy, Bumkin Island, Officers' Material School. Enlisted June 6, 1918; re- leased December 21, 1918. HOWARD B. SPRAGUE Private Medical Department, Reserve Corps. Enlisted July 8, 1918; discharged December 24, 1918. LYMAN R. STANLEY Captain Air Service, Signal Officers' Reserve Corps. En- listed June 7, 1918; discharged July 3, 1919. ALBERT E. STEVENS United States Marine Corps, American Expedi- tionary Force. Enlisted August 30, 1919; dis- charged December 25, 1920. 81 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL HAROLD J. STEVENS Private Field Artillery, Tufts College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 15, 1918; discharged December 9, 1918. RUFUS L. STEVENS Private, First Class Medical Department, American Expeditionary Force, August 7, 1917, to April 3, 1919, Ambu- lance Section. Enlisted June 6, 1917; discharged April 17, 1919. Tanure sector October 9 to 28, 1917; Souain sector, March 2 to 28, 1918; Souain sector, May 7 to June 3, 1918 ; St. Hilaire, June 4 to 15, 1918; Junnel sector, July 11 to 13, 1918; Aisne sector, Marne, July 18 to 29, 1918; Oise-Aisne offensive, August 29 to September 18, 1918; Ypres-Lyo offensive, October 13 to November 11, 1918. JAMES S. STEWART First Lieutenant Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, on the Staff of the Commanding General, 2d Army Corps. Research work on aerial combat and aircraft armament, operating on British front with British Expeditionary Force as advisor on machine guns and automatic rifles, and flying with the American Air Service. Commissioned August 15, 1917; discharged February 10, 1919. HERMAN E. STORY Private Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary Force, August 14, 1918, to June 7, 1919, Fire, Truck and Hose Company. Enlisted December 15, 1917; discharged June 9, 1919. 82 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL WILLOUGHBY H. STUART, JR. First Lieutenant Chemical Warfare, Field Gas Division. En- listed October 28, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. KENNETH F. SWAIN Private Infantry, Northeastern College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 14, 1918; discharged December 7, 1918. FORREST C. SYMMES Wagoner Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 26th Division, 102d Regiment, Supply Com- pany. Enlisted June 6, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Seicheprey April 20, 1918; Xivray, June 11, 1918; Second Battle of the Marne, July 18, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12, 1918; Ver- dun, October 12 to November 11, 1918. Motor- cycle dispatch bearer. Shrapnel wound, Man- dres, France. RALPH F. SYMONDS First Lieutenant Ordnance Department. Enlisted January 14, 1918; discharged February 7, 1919. MARSHALL B. TAYLOR Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 103d Regiment, Company F. Enlisted February 7, 1916 ; discharged April 28, 1919. Xivray, June 16, 1918; Aisne-Marne, July 18, 1918; St. Mi- hiel, September 12, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Oc- tober 16 to November 11, 1918. Wounded at Chateau Thierry, July 18, 1918. Gassed at Meuse-Argonne, October 30, 1918. 83 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL DONALD T. THOMSON Radio Sergeant Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary- Force, 48th Regiment, Headquarters Company, also Naval Reserve, Newport, R. I. Enlisted May, 1917, discharged July 23, 1919. Trans- ferred from United States Navy to United States Army in June, 1918. MALCOLM THOMSON Sergeant, First Class Air Service, Aircraft Production, Detachment No. 1. Enlisted December 11, 1917; discharged December 17, 1918. STUART THOMSON Captain Ordnance Department, Bureau of Aircraft Ar- mament. One of leading experts on drop bombs. Enlisted November 27, 1917; dis- charged February 28, 1919. Died of pneumo- nia at Brookline, March 23, 1919. RAYMOND C. TILL Chief Yeoman United States Navy. Enlisted June 3, 1917; discharged March 25, 1919. WALTER R. TRAFTON Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, December 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 101st Sup- ply Company. Enlisted May 17, 1917; dis- charged April 29, 1919. Major operations, Aisne-Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 21 to November 11, 1918. 84 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL LAWRENCE R. TUCKER Seaman, First Class United States Navy. Enlisted December 10, 1917; discharged December 29, 1918. FRANCIS J. TURNER Corporal Quartermaster Corps, American Expeditionary- Force, June 6, 1918, to July 8, 1919. 309th Regiment, Supply Company. Enlisted Septem- ber 24, 1917; discharged July 15, 1919. FREDERICK A. TUSON Machinist's Mate, First Class United States Navy. Boston Navy Yard. En- listed December 7, 1917; discharged January 2, 1919. GEORGE W. TWITCHELL Corporal Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 27, 1918, to January 25, 1919, 82nd Division, 325th Regiment, Headquarters Company. En- listed October 4, 1917; discharged June 3, 1919. St. Mihiel, August 28 to September 15, 1918; Argonne Forest, October, 1918. Wounded in Argonne Forest, October 14, 1918. ALFRED F. ULMAN Private Chemical Warfare Service, 3rd Regiment, Company L. Enlisted May 1, 1918; discharged December 12, 1918. CHARLES L. VANCE Chief Yeoman United States Navy. U. S. S. Virginia, Arizona. Receiving Ship at New York, also Naval Hos- pital, New York. Enlisted April 30, 1917. 85 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL GEORGE E. VANCE Private Infantry, Wentworth Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Enlisted October 12, 1918; discharged December 6, 1918. ROY E. VARINA First Sergeant Medical Department, Hospital Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky. Enlisted June, 1916. WILLIAM N. VARNEY Sergeant Air Service, 7th Company, 151st Depot Brigade, 870th Aero Squadron. Enlisted October 4, 1917; discharged February 21, 1919. HENRY W. WAGENFELD Ship's Cook, First Class United States Navy, U. S. S. W. F. Greene. En- listed August 13, 1917; discharged January 20, 1919. ROY H. WALCH Bugler Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, July 8, 1918, to July 13, 1919. 302d Machine Gun Battalion, Company C, and Headquarters De- tachment, 1st Replacement Depot. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged August 7, 1919. WALTER G. WALLACE Corporal Field Artillery, 9th Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted March 27, 1918; dis- charged April 1, 1919. 86 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL ALEXANDER J. WALLACE Sergeant, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 7, 1919, 26th Division, 101st Regiment, Headquarters Com- pany. Enlisted May 28, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations: Aisne- Marne offensive, July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to No- vember 11, 1918. FRED WALLACE Corporal Infantry. Enlisted April 29, 1918; discharged December 30, 1918. LESTER A. WALTON Seaman United States Navy. Enlisted October 1, 1918; discharged December 16, 1918. EDWARD J. WARD Private Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 87th Division, 312th Regiment, Company A. Enlisted June 25, 1918; discharged July 24, 1919. Died at Parker Hill Hospital, Roxbury, Mass., May 22, 1921, from effects of being gassed overseas. PHILIP BESSOM WARNOCK Private Infantry, Tufts College Unit, Students' Army Training Corps, Company B. Enlisted October 15, 1918; discharged December 10, 1918. 87 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL DONALD D. WARNER First Lieutenant Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, No- vember 2, 1917, to November 1, 1918. 1st Army, 96th Aero Squadron. Enlisted July 16, 1917; discharged June 10, 1919. Distin- guished service cross. Toul sector, April to September, 1918. Wounded in right leg. ARTHUR WARREN Private Field Artillery, 76th Division, 301st Regiment, Company B. Enlisted September 20, 1917; dis- charged April 17, 1918. FRANK H. WARREN Sergeant Infantry, 151st Depot Brigade, 1st Regiment, 1st Company. Enlisted December 15, 1917; dis- charged December 23, 1918. HAROLD WARREN Corporal Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 301st Regiment, Headquarters Company. En- listed September 20, 1917; discharged January 18, 1919. ALFRED W. WATTS Private, First Class Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, August 24, 1918, to June 25, 1919, 87th Di- vision, 312th Regiment, Company B. Enlisted June 27, 1918; discharged June 27, 1919. JEROME I. WATTS Quartermaster, Second Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Chattanooga. Over- seas service. Enlisted May 3, 1917. 88 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL RAYMOND O. WATTS Sergeant Medical Department. Enlisted July 10, 1917; discharged November, 1919. JOHN I. WAY Private Infantry, Boston University Unit, Students' Ar- my Training Corps. Enlisted September 1, 1918; discharged December 13, 1918. LESLIE J. WEBBER Musician, Second Class Infantry, 5th Pioneer Regiment, Headquarters Company. Enlisted August 3, 1918; discharged December 27, 1918. ROBERT GEORGE WEBBER Fireman United States Navy, U. S. S. Proteus. Service in foreign waters. Enlisted June 24, 1917; dis- charged April 8, 1919. JOHN H. WEBSTER Private Infantry, Franklin Union Unit, Students' Army Training Corps. Discharged December 10, 1918. WILLIAM H. WELTNER, JR. Quartermaster, Third Class United States Navy, U. S. S. Chewink, Mine Sweeper No. 39. Overseas service. Enlisted September 11, 1917; discharged December 18, 1919. Medal for mine sweeping service in the North Sea. SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL HERBERT O. WELTS Private Military Police Corps, American Expeditionary- Force, September 8, 1918, to October 20, 1919. 261st Company. Enlisted May 27, 1918; dis- charged October 25, 1919. CHARLES P. WESLEY Corporal Coast Artillery Corps, American Expeditionary Force, April 7, 1918, to April 28, 1919, 6th Company, 2d Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade. Enlisted February 25, 1918 ; discharged May 9, 1919. Oise-Aisne offensive, August 18 to Sep- tember 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 25 to October 5, 1918. Shrapnel wound, Vesle sector, August 22, 1918. DONALD WESSEL Corporal Chemical Warfare Service, First Battalion, Com- pany B. Enlisted June 3, 1918 ; discharged De- cember 16, 1918. HARRY WEST Private Infantry. Enlisted June 2, 1918. ROYAL W. WETHERALD Ensign United States Navy, Naval Air Station. Hamp- ton Roads, Va. Enlisted May 19, 1917; dis- charged December 1, 1918. HAROLD I. WHEELER Seaman United States Navy, Newport, R. I. Enlisted April 15, 1918; released May 9, 1919. 90 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL A. RICHARD WHITTINGTON Supply Sergeant Coast Artillery Corps, 8th Battalion, 24th Com- pany. Enlisted July 8, 1918; discharged De- cember 20, 1918. JOHN C. WHORF First Class Fireman United States Navy, U. S. S. Idaho. Enlisted May 7, 1917; discharged October 25, 1919. WILLIAM K. WIDGER Second Lieutenant Engineer Corps, American Expeditionary Force, 3d Division, 6th Engineers, Company A. En- listed May 10, 1917; discharged July 15, 1919. Vorges sector, Meuse-Argonne. RALPH E. WILLIAMS Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, 11th Machine Gun Battalion, Company B. Enlisted September 22, 1917. Killed in action August 9, 1918, near St. Phxdaut, France. GEORGE A. WOOD Private Coast Artillery Corps, 10th Company, 3d Battal- ion, 151st Depot Brigade. Enlisted June 24, 1918; discharged December 12, 1918. HERBERT A. WOOFTER Captain Engineer Corps, 101st Division, 144th Regiment, Company A. Enlisted August 12, 1918; dis- charged December 16, 1918. 91 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL SAMUEL GEORGE WRIGHT Private Infantry, 2d Battalion, 151st Depot Brigade, 8th Company. Enlisted February 26, 1918. Died of pneumonia, March 29, 1918, at Camp Dev- ens, Mass. MICHAEL A. YASI Private, First Class Motor Transport Corps, Service Division, Park Unit 334. Enlisted December 8, 1917; dis- charged March 28, 1919. VITOANTONIO YASI Private, First Class Infantry, American Expeditionary Force, April 6, 1918, to April 28, 1919, 77th Division, 151st Depot Brigade, 308th Regiment, 6th Company. Enlisted February 25, 1918; discharged May 9, 1919. Baccarat and Vesle sectors, Oise-Aisne offensive. Taken prisoner by Germans on Au- gust 22, 1918. WILLIAM YASI Sergeant Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, 5th Division, 20th Regiment, Battery B. Enlist- ed December 6, 1913. St. Die sector, July 29 to August 27, 1918; with participation in Frap- pelle raid, August 18, 1918; St. Mihiel offen- sive, September 11 to 16, 1918; Puvenell sector, September 17 to November 11, 1918; with par- ticipation in preparations on Metz; Army of Occupation, December 2, 1918, to July 6, 1919. MISS ALICE MINNIE YOUNG Nurse Army Nurse Corps. Enlisted August 16, 1918. At Camp Devens and at U. S. General Hospital No. 30, Plattsburg, N. Y. 92 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL EDMUND YOUNG, JR. Private Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, June 30, 1918, to December 2, 1918. Enlisted December 15, 1917; discharged December 16, 1918. GEORGE H. YOUNG Private, First Class Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Force, September 9, 1917, to April 10, 1919, 26th Di- vision, 101st Regiment, Battery E. Enlisted July 10, 1917; discharged April 29, 1919. Major operations: Aisne-Marne offensive July 18 to August 4, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, Sep- tember 12 to 16, 1918 ; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918. MOULTON W. YOUNG Chauffeur, First Class Motor Transport Corps, Headquarters Detach- ment. Enlisted August 30, 1917. RALPH S. YOUNG Sergeant Field Artillery, 2d Regiment, Battery E. En- listed May 11, 1918; discharged January 21, 1919. ROCCO ZUCHERO Private Infantry, 12th Division, 36th Regiment, Com- pany E. Enlisted July 24, 1918; discharged February 28, 1919. 93 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL STATISTICS UNITED STATES ARMY: Infantry 84 Field Artillery 72 Coast Artillery Corps 38 Air Service 35 Students' Army Training Corps 30 Quartermaster Corps 24 Medical Department 18 Engineer Corps 17 Motor Transport Corps 12 Army Nurses 8 Signal Corps 8 Chemical Warfare Service 7 Ordnance Department 6 Aircraft Production Board 3 Adjutant General's Department 3 Cavalry 2 Military Police 2 American Red Cross Nurse 2 Special Service Guard 1 Tank Corps 1 Reconstruction Aid 1 U. S. Postal Agency 1 Total 375 Commissioned Officers 48 Non-Commissioned Officers 108 Privates 210 Army Nurses 8 American Red Cross Nurses 2 American Expeditionary Force 181 94 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL Wounded 11 Gassed 8 Captured 2 Citations 9 Distinguished Service Cross 1 Medaille d'Honneur 1 Fourragere 1 D.S.M. Czechoslovakia 1 Croix de Guerre 1 UNITED STATES NAVY: U. S. Navy 69 Naval Aviation 10 Yeoman (F) 3 Coast Guard 2 Signal Service 1 Students' Naval Reserve Corps 2 Total 87 Commissioned Officers 9 Petty Officers 59 Seamen 19 Served in Foreign Waters 38 Mine Sweeper Medal 2 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS: With Land Forces 12 Sea Service 2 Total 14 Commissioned Officers 1 Non-Commissioned Officers 1 Privates 12 Foreign service in American Expedition- ary Force, U. S. Army 6 95 SWAMPSCOTT HONOR ROLL "THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR THEIR COUNTRY" : Killed in Action, American 4 Killed in Action, Canadian 1 Died of wounds in France 1 Died in France ; 1 Died in United States 5 Total 12 BRITISH SERVICE: Army Medical Department 3 H. M. S. Navy 1 Total 4 CANADIAN SERVICE, ALL OVERSEAS: Infantry 4 Engineer Corps 1 Transport Service 1 Total 6 French Service 1 Records not Received 13 SUMMARY: U. S. Army 375 U. S. Navy 87 U. S. Marine Corps 14 British Service 4 Canadian Service 6 French Service 1 Records not Received 13 Total 500 96 AMERICAN LEGION LOT Swampscott Cemetery ?j ttoaaqrr?.; H 49 i 85 «• .■» o » ^ ".^sK : ^°* ■9' 0* % .*!JL*+o. .. *o . » * A ^ .0* % ^'A* *o - •♦ •or ^ • HECKMAN BINDERY INC. ^ NOV 85 N. MANCHESTER, &y INDIANA 46962 °o ^ *^ >\r^o1MWA^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 748 035 1