HoUinger Corp. pH8.5 SB 445 .S6 Copy 1 Qjoeial L ;?Kile flowers have been uni\)ersally loved and used for all time in both decoration and personal adornment, it has remained for the woman of today to discover \\o\0 much the ensemble of her costume and the entire atmosphere of the "Special Occasion" gain by selecting the flowers for the function in just the right ke^). niiis is a little complimentary booklet, illustrating the mode in table decorating, and all the flowers used for social purposes. Hliings so important in themselves demand dignified and authoritative treatment. Tl\e subjects in this v?ork are varied and giOe a wide range, from a simple corsage bouquet to an elaborate table. In table decorating our %\?ork is delightfully versatile. It offers originality and distinctiveness. Our color treatment harmonizes or offers a sharp note of contrast. We carry a variety of accessories in this department and, many being returnable, reduces the original cost. Our arrangements are not only appropriate, but practical as v?ell, and tKe flowers keep fresK longer. We v?ill be delighted to Ka^)e you consult us on your next luncKeon, dinner or banquet. MotKing whatsoever gi-Oes a voider range of expression tKan the flowers sent to the debutante. Sometimes the tiniest little conceit, an odd basket or what-not, makes the biggest sensation at "Trie Tea." Our services in taking charge of the cards and arranging the flowers recei\)ed are yours for the asking. Oft- times an informal decoration, as a background for the recei\)ing party, is required. Tnere are many days to be remembered with flowers in the Social Calendar. On every occasion of congratulation or appreciation, send flowers. Birthdays, anni^)ersaries, engage- ments, e\)ery day is a joy day. Take us into your confidence. We can be of assistance to you. Please note that some flowers used in our floral designs and decorations are at certain periods of the year out of season ; hovJever, similar effects in form and color can always be obtained through the use of other flowers. Milad y's Fan is a cKarming and out-of-tKe ordinary gift. .'7;Si?iffli)ii!iTnii fe r In the quest of the unusual: Sunshine and Sweetheart Roses. A "fussy arrangement" for the debutante. HigK Baskets are correct and sKowy for eitKer table or presentation. Ai Beauty Roses and Lilac form a wonderful combination. mencan tTlTTm Mrriiifii.niTTTi i ! yr _ 4 \ VJ^ ^ ^^wH^^BjIWilfcri ...1^^^^ ■^^^^^rl^^^^^HI' ^^<'M :'-y '^^^ms^^^^^^i ^f i#» ^^^ ^^m^^^^" The KigK-Kandled FrencK shape is a charming style. It is equally effective as a center for a buffet table. ^ For a Presentation Wedding Gift of flowers this tasket filled witK SKa^^'yer Roses and trimmed %witK a cluster of Orchids, is simple, but elegant. vs"*ii,/i^rfei^'i Tall Baskets of long-stemmed flowers are effective for all presentations. « ^^^^ID-'^^^f .AiiM,'r-SI| There are flovSers to suit every style of beautj) or color of gown, proper flowers for tKe Corsage. Let us suggest tKe The Conventional Bouquet is eOer fascinating. Its popularity grows greater with tKe years. 'Tis for the debutante. Flowers suggesti%)e of tke Spring time. tm^^'^^^^^ ''f^'^m^: 1 he Mantel offers a goo4 opportunity) to give "tne festive toucK" to tne wnole interior. u c 03 ^ u U c y^ \' MUM I S3