It ID opy 1 GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR /fi AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR BY STILES A. TORRANCE MAPS BY EDWARD Y. FARgUHAR AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO BOSTON ATLANTA ^i b NOTE This pamphlet is intended as a forerunner, pending a more formal and authentic account of the important changes resulting from the Great War, such as can be prepared only when the changes are completed. This is a temporary document, and makes no pretense to being final or authoritative. The hxing of new boundaries and the establishment of new countries are contingent upon the acceptation and enforcement of the Treaty of Peace with Germany which was signed June 28, 1919, upon subsequent treaties with other Central Powers which are not yet completed, and upon the out- come of wars still being waged in and near Russia. Besides, the treaties themselves are purposely indefinite, from the geographer's standpoint. They leave much to be determined later by commissions, or by the "princi- pal Allied and Associated powers," or by the proposed League of Nations. The future nationality of certain areas is to be decided through plebiscites. Other areas are to be governed or protected by mandatory nations yet to be assigned. In view of these unsettled conditions, the maps and statements in this little book must be understood as only tentative. But up-to-date informa- tion concerning the lands speciallv affected by the Great War is so urgently needed, and so vital to the student's interest in geography, that a booklet of this character needs no defense. Its publishers are confident that it will prove a valuable adjunct in studying the ethnic, commercial, political, and historical problems that are comprehended in our present world geography. American Book Company September i, 1919. CopvRiGH't,*igig, BY AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Geog. Results Obeat War. Q^f-^^ 1^1^ ©CI.A5354(37 GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR One result of the Great War was the enormous amount of destruction, — the loss or wrecking of millions of lives and bil- lions of dollars worth of property, the devastation of large areas in France, Belgium, Poland, and other mvaded lands. In Europe the victorious Allied nations as well as the defeated Central Powers were almost ruined financially by the terrific burdens of the long war. Production and commerce were greatly impaired. But these results of the war, it IS believed, will be only temporary. On the other hand, it is hoped that most of the new states and new boundaries result- ing from the war will be permanent. The boundaries are fixed, in general, with due re- gard to the wishes of the people in the ceded areas. The Conference of Versailles, which signed and ratified the treaty of June 28, 1919, began in January, 191 9, not only gave the was much changed from the German Empire most careful study to the proposed boundaries of 1871-1918. One result of her deteat in and to the financial and other details of the the Great War was a German revolution, peace treaties, but also framed a constitution Not only the emperor but also the monarchs 3 ^Fl IH ■r M ^m' ""^^r •* m •— - iil^iili iitii Milii J^ General John Pershing, commander of the Ameri- can Expeditionary Forces for a proposed League of Nations, including definite provisions for preventing wars of ag- gression in the future. The treaty with Germany was signed June 28, 1919, and ratified by Germany shortly afterward ; but it was not to come into force until ratified also by three of the five prin- cipal powers — United States, British Empire, France, Italy, Japan. I'reaties with Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, and agreements concern- ing former Turkish do- minions, were still under negotiation in August, while in Russia and on her borders actual war- fare was still in progress. Therefore, although the fighting in the Great War ended November 11, 1918, some of its geographical results are still in doubt. The New Germany. — The Germany that GERMANY of the various German states were deposed, Nations which was planned to prevent future and repubhcan governments were set up. wars if possible. The countries joining the The voters — men and women o\er twenty — proposed League agree to make no war on were divided into manv political parties ; but in the central German gov- ernment and also in Prussia, Bavaria, and most of the other states, the moderate socialists and democrats came into power. By the treaty of 1919, Germany loses about one sixth or one eighth of her area, depending on the result of plebiscites (votes of the people) in several districts. Nearly all the territorial cessions are taken from Prussia, which thus loses a still larger proportion of her area. Part of Prussia is sepa- rated from the rest of German}^ (as it was a hundred and fifty years ago) by territory France, Italy, Japan, and four other nations ceded to Poland ; but Poland must allow free selected by the League Assembly from time railroad traffic between them. to time. In both the Council and the As- By other provisions of the treaty, Germany sembly, most questions of importance are gives up all her colonies and special conces- to be decided by unanimous vote ot the sions outside of Europe. Her army and members present. navy are restricted to small forces. Most of The countries whose representatives signed her ships are taken to replace those she the treaty with Germiny, and which become destroyed in the war. Her industries are members of the League of Nations it and handicapped not only by the losses of territory when they ratify that treaty, are, besides the and population, but also by the loss of much five named above, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, foreign trade, and by treaty agreements to Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zea- pay money and goods for part of the damage land, India, Cuba, Ecuador, Greece, Guate- she wrought in the war. mala, Haiti, Hedjaz, Honduras, Liberia, League of Nations. — Germany thus weak- Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, ened, however, was still a power that might Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, again threaten the peace of the world, espe- Siam, Czechoslovakia, and LTruguay. In cially the security of new, weak states. In addition, China, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the treaty with Germany, therefore, was Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, included the constitution of a League of Persia, Salvador, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Marshal Joffre, commander of the French armies, 1914-1917 one another without first giving opportunity for arbitration, and to join in resisting the aggression of any country that shall make an unwarranted attack on any member of the League. The League is to have a permanent secretary's office, where all future treaties of member na- tions must be registered and made public in order to be binding. In meet- ings of the League As- sembly, each member nation has one vote. An advisory Council is to consist of nine members — one representative each from the United States, British Empire, GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR and Venezuela were invited to join the League. It is planned that other nations will be ad- mitted when they have established stable governments and have shown themselves to be in sympathy with the aims of the League. Any independent country or fully self-governing colony may be admitted, on certain conditions, by a two-thirds vote of the League Assembly. Alsace-Lorraine. — Under the treaty with Germany, Alsace-Lorraine is reunited with France. This territory is a little larger than the state of Connecticut, and is very impor- tant because of its coal and iron mines and its frontage on the river Rhine. The people, about 5 per cent of the population of France, are largely of the German race and language. but they were separated from France in 1871 against their will, and it is believed that most of them are now glad to be again under the French flag. Alsace-Lorraine is a prosperous region of farms, mines, and fac- tories. Without it, in 1871-1918, France was hopelessly outrivaled by Germany in the pro- duction of iron and of manufactures of iron, both of which she im- ported in large quanti- ties, besides much coal. Now as a result of the war, France becomes a very important iron- manufacturing country, and has secured favor- able terms for the impor- tation of coal and other articles; the Rhine, moreover, is open to the ships of all nations. Strasbourg (German Strassburg), very near the Rhine, is the chief city of Alsace-Lorraine ; it is nearly as large as Lille, the great manu- facturing city of northern France. During the war, the factories and mines of northern France, together with many houses and farms, were thoroughly wrecked or destroyed by the German invaders. In fact, the wealth and population lost by France during the war were far greater than those of Alsace-Lorraine. Sarre Basin. — As compensation for the destruction of coal mines near Lille, and other damages, Germany cedes to France the excellent coal mines of the Sarre (German Saar) Basin, just north of Lorraine. This region, peopled almost entirely by Germans, FRANCE, BELGIUM, DENMARK is separated from Ger- many and given a gov- ernment of its own, under the control of the Leagueof Nations. After fifteen years, the people of the Sarre Basin are to vote, by districts, m favor of union with France, or union with Germany, or remaining as before, under the con- trol of the League ot Nations. The Sarre Basin is about two thirds the size of Rhode Island. It is nearly as large as Lux- emburg, another small country on the borders of France and Germany, which was made nearlv independent about fifty years ago. Luxemburg, however, Marshal Foch, commander of the Allied armies, 1918-1919 near Denmark) and partly Germans (in the south, near Germany). It happened that the king of Denmark was also the duke of Schles- wig, and presently he tried to unite the duchy with Denmark. Prussia and other German states interfered. In the end Prussia, by making wars against Denmark and against Austria (1863- 1866), seized the whole of Schleswig for herself. Many of the Danes there were oppressed and un- happy under Prussian rule. The treaty of 1919 provides that the people of north Schleswig may decide by vote whether that region shall now be be based on the vote by districts in a border zone. The whole land whose fate is thus in had by 1914 fallen largely under German in- added to Denmark. The new boundary is to fluence and control. The treaties securing this control are now renounced by Germany, and Germany accepts in advance whatever arrangements the Allies may make concerning Luxemburg. The Luxemburgers are mostly of the German race, and speak a German dia- lect mixed with French words. Additions to Belgium. — To Belgium Ger- many cedes three small frontier districts (Malmedy, Eupen, and Neutral Moresnet), which together are about one fourth as large as Rhode Island. They have important mines and metal-working plants. Their people are partly German and partly of the same races (Flemish and French) as the Belgians. Additions to Denmark. — A hundred years ago Germany and Denmark were separated bv the duchy of Schleswig (Danish Slesvig), whose people were partly Danes (in the north, GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR 15 POLAND SC^LE OF MILES 25 5(j 7i iiy^ 133 100 !••• BouuJsr^ cf Poland before 1772 .^H Boundarln or GenuaDj, AuEtrla and !!u£Eia Id 1914 ^ New DouDdories by Treaty of 1010 with Gennan, l:^y-^1 German or Polisb aceordlng H> Plebiseite f +4 + Approximate Linguistic BounJarr uf Pules >o Approximate Lin^islic Boundary of Leila nnd Lllhuaniana Lonijitnde question is somewhat less than Delaware in area and population. Like Denmark, it is a lowland plain where dairying and farming are the chief industries. (Map, page 4.) Poland. — A hundred and fifty years ago Poland was one of the largest countries in Europe. It included the great mass of the Polish people, also the Lithuanians and some of the Russians. But the government of Poland was weak, and attempts to strengthen it were defeated by the Polish nobles and by the jealous neighboring powers — Russia, Prussia, and Austria. In a series of wars (1772-1795) those three powers robbed Poland of her border lands and finally of her inde- pendence ; all her territory was annexed, and the Poles became subjects of the Russian, Prussian, and Austrian monarchs. But in spite of all oppression, most of them clung to their language and their hope of freedom. Oneof the important results of the Great War is the setting up of an independent Poland. It is planned to include all the lands where the majority of the people are Poles ; mingled with them are some Germans, Jews, Russians, and other people. Germany cedes to Poland territory twice as large as Massachusetts (map, page 4), and agrees to the cession of POLAND, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY other areas larger than Massachusetts, de- Most of them are Roman CathoHcs. Ameri- pending on the vote of the people in those can history tells of the aid given by Poles areas. The limits of the cessions to come in the Revolutionary War. On the roll of from Austria and Russia are not yet deter- famous Polish names are those of several mined. The Poles have already established great musicians. One of them, Ignace Pa- a strong republican government, and their derewski, after long residence in the United armies, including one recruited in the United States, returned to Poland and early in igig States durmg the Great War, have taken became premier of the Polish Republic, possession of nearly all the lands claimed by Danzig. — The city of Danzig, near the them. These lands include large areas in mouth of the Vistula, was part of the old Austria (Galicia) and Russia beyond the Poland, but during a century and a half of linguistic boundary shown on the map. Prussian rule many Germans settled there. That boundary is only approximate; in a The German treaty of 1919 makes Danzig a wide zone beyond it the population is mi.xed, free city under the protection of the League of including some Poles as well as Lithuanians, Nations. With surrounding territory nearly Russians, and others. as large as the Sarre Basin, Danzig is to have The new Poland claims possession of a government of its own, independent of territory more than half as large as France, both Germany and Poland, in area and in population. The chief in- This city is important chiefly as the seaport dustry is agriculture, but there are mines of ol the Vistula basin. Therefore the treaty coal, iron, zinc, and salt, and extensive manu- carefully secures to Poland the use of railroads factures of many kinds, including sugar, and docks in Danzig, to provide a free exit leather, iron and tor Polish foreign commerce. Break-up of Austria- Hungary. — Another very cotton and other textiles steel. The leading crops are rye, oats, wheat, po- tatoes, and sugar beets. Fine horses, cattle, and sheep are raised. The Vistula River is an important water way; nearlv all of its basin is in Poland. Warsaw, on the Vis- tula, is the capital, by far the largest city (about 900,000), and the chief railroad center; here are tanneries, sugar refin- eries, and many factories. At Lodz are large cot- ton mills. Near Cracow, the ancient capital of Poland, are wonderful old salt mines. The Poles are a peo- ple of the Slavic race. Marshal Haig, commander of the British armies in France, 1915-1919 important result of the Cheat War was the long- expected dissolution of the Dual Monarchy. Revolutions took place in the different parts of Austria-Hungary, and several independent re- publics were established, — Czechoslovakia, Aus- tria, Hungary, — while on the borders the people of the Polish, Jugoslav, Ital- ian, and Roumanian races hastened to unite with their kin in outside na- tions. Even before the com- pletion of the treaties under negotiation, the general outlines of the CZECHOSLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA. HUNGARY II new order, based on independent nationalities, can plainly be seen as described in the follow- ing pages. Czechoslovakia. — The Czechoslovak Re- public was established by the Czechs or Slavic people of Bohemia and the neighboring provinces of Austria, together with the Slo- vaks to the east of them, in what was north- western Hungary. The Slovaks are a Slavic people whose language is much like the Czech. Near the boundary with Germany, which follows mountain ranges for the most part, some Germans are included in Czechoslo- vakia. The boundaries with Austria, with Hungary, and with Poland will probably be drawn to include the districts where the majority are Czechs and Slovaks ; that is, they will be not far from the linguistic boundaries shown on the map. The Czechoslovak Republic thus claims an area one fourth the size of France, and a popu- lation nearly one third as large as the French. Most of the people are Roman Catholics. The Czechs are among the best-educated people in Europe. Czechoslovakia takes in about one fifth of the area and about one fourth of the popu- lation of the old Austria-Hungary. It in- cludes most of the coal mines of the former Austria-Hungary, and the chief manufactur- ing regions, where iron and steel, textiles, glass, and beer are made. But many Czechs and Germans and most of the Slovaks are farmers, and the country produces nearly all the food it consumes. In the Carpathian Mountains are valuable forests. Although the country has no seacoast, it lies in the basins of the Elbe, Oder, and Danube, which are now opened to the shipping of all nations. Prague, on the river Elbe, is the capital and an important center of trade and manu- facture. Austria. — The new republic of Austria is that part of the old empire where most of the people are Germans. It is smaller than Czechoslovakia, and has a smaller pop- ulation — between 6,000,000 and 8,000,000. Its capital is Vienna, the chief city of the old Austria-Hungary and one of the very large cities of Europe. The land produces grapes, grain, potatoes, and other crops. There are mines of iron, coal, and other minerals, and some manu- factures. The Tyrol, near Switzerland, is famous for its summer resorts. Some of the Austrian people, after the war, wished to unite with Germany. The treaties of 1919, however, provide that Austria shall be an independent country. Hungary. — East of Austria is Hungary, — - the part of the old Hungary where the ma- jority of the people are Hungarians. Most of it is a fertile plain which produces large crops of wheat and corn and affords good pasturage for sheep and cattle. The Danube River, crossing Austria and Hungary, is a great highway of commerce for both countries, neither of which now has any seacoast. Budapest, on the Danube, is the capital, chief railroad center, and largest city of Hungary. The Hungarians, or Magyars, are de- scended from an Asiatic people who came to the Danubian plains about a thousand years ago. Throughout the old Hungary before the Great War they were the ruling race, though less than half the total popu- lation. Some are Protestants, but most are Roman Catholics. The boundaries of the new Hungary are very uncertain, especially on the east, where in large areas Hungarians and Roumanians are in nearly equal numbers, and on the south, where there is much mingling with the Jugoslavs. It is probable, however, that Hungary, like Austria, will have a smaller area and a smaller population than Czechoslovakia. Eastern Galicia. — One part of the old Austria-Hungary whose destiny is most un- certain is the land of the Ruthenians, com- 12 GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR prising eastern Galicia and small adjacent areas in Bukowina and the old Hungary. The Ruthenians, about 4,000,000 in num- ber, are a branch of the Little Russians. Hence the larger body of Little Russians, or Ukrainians (page 15), would like to anne.K the whole area. But the Ruthenians have long been a subject people — mostly peasants and la- borers owning little property. Mingled with them in various parts of the land are middle and upper class Poles, Germans, and Hun- garians ; in Lemberg and other cities, there are more Poles than Ruthenians. Hungary claims to its old boundary along the Car- pathians, and Poland claims at least all of Galicia, which was part of the old Polish kingdom for several hundred years before 1772. On the east and west, also, Roumania and Czechoslovakia would like to e.xtend their borders. The land of the Ruthenians is a land of farms and forests. Eastern Galicia also yields much petroleum. Jugoslavia. — The southern part of the old Austria-Hungary is the home of the Slovenes, the Croats, and many Serbs. Near the end of the Great War a union was arranged be- tween them and the Serbs of Serbia and Montenegro, for the formation of the Serb- Croat-Slovene state. The three peoples are of the Slavic race and speak similar lan- guages. They are called Jugoslavs, which means South Slavs, and hence their country is commonly known as Jugoslavia. For the most part, the Serbs (in the east) are of the Orthodo.x Greek faith, while the Croats and Slovenes (in the west) are Roman Catholics. The Jugoslavs have political dif- ferences, also ; some favor a republic, some a kingdom under the royal house of Serbia, while some are opposed to the union in either form. In the first half of 1919 the kingdom came into the control of nearly all the country, in spite of some opposition in Montenegro and Croatia. Jugoslavia is much larger than Czecho- slovakia, the new Slavic country in the north, but it probably has a smaller popu- lation. Much of the country is mountainous, and it has few railroads. Excepting the port of Fiume (claimed by Jugoslavia and by Italy), the frontage of Jugoslavia on the Adriatic Sea has small value because of high mountain ranges near the coast. The chief industry is farming. Cessions to Italy. — On the borders of Italy the old Austria included two districts peopled chiefly by Italians, — one about the city of Trent in the Alps, and the other about the large and important seaport Trieste at the head of the Adriatic Sea. Both these districts are to be ceded by Austria to Italy, with mountain boundaries that include many Germans and Jugoslavs besides the Italians. Farther southeast, along the coast of the Adriatic, are towns and seaports with popu- lations chiefly Italian, though the country back of them is almost solidly Jugoslav. Therefore a long, narrow strip of the coast, with many ofF-lying islands, is claimed not only by Jugoslavia but also by Italy, which took possession at the end of the war. In the case of Fium;, by far the most im- portant of these ports, several compromises have been suggested. One of them is similar to the plan followed with Danzig, namely, to make it an independent free city; for its relation to the foreign commerce of Jugoslavia (and Hungary) is somewhat like the relation of Danzig to the foreign com- merce of Poland. During the war Italy occupied much of Albania ; and she lays claim to the perma- nent possession of Avlona, a port at the mouth of the Adriatic Sea, just opposite the " heel " of the Italian peninsula. All together, these European territories annexed or claimed by Italy have an area and a population greater than those of Maryland. JUGOSLAVIA, ITALY, ROUMANIA, BULGARIA 13 TEERITORIAL ADDITIONS TO ITALY SCALE OF MILES 50 luu 150 i]uO 1 ) Ceded by Austria to Italy I ,:- ■ I Claimed by Italy Bessarabia, the Rus- sian province between the Pruth and the Dniester, was annexed by Roumania before the end of the Great War. It is a farming land twice as large as Massachusetts. The population, numbering about 2,500,000, is largely Roumanian, but contains also many di- verse elements — Great Russians, Little Rus- sians, Poles, Bulgarians, Greeks, and Jews. If the final treaties confirm these additions west and northeast, Roumania will be doubled in area and population, and thus made greater than any other country that is shown fully on the map, page 10. Cessions to Roumania. — The eastern parts Bulgaria. — Though defeated in the war, of the old Austria-Hungary are claimed and Bulgaria is not to lose much territory, occupied by Roumania. The boundary is This is because nearly all the land within uncertain, but this addition to Roumania her boundaries of 1914 is the home of Bul- seems likely to be as large and populous as garians only. The most important excep- the southern part of the old Austria-Hungary tion is in Western Thrace, which Bulgaria transferred to Jugoslavia. It thus forms won from Turkey in 1912-13. This region one of the five or six very large pieces into is now claimed by Greece because the pop- which most of the old Dual Monarchy is ulation in 191 2 was more Greek than Bul- now broken. (Map, page 10.) garian. A suggested compromise is that part The population is very mixed, but Rou- of it be kept by Bulgaria, part be given to manians form the most numerous element, Greece, and part be made an international with many Hungarians and some Germans, zone or independent district like Danzig, so Ruthenians, Serbs, and others. Much of that through it Bulgaria can have access the land is forest-covered mountains, but to the Aegean Sea. (Map, page 10.) in the valleys and plains there are excellent On the other hand, Bulgaria claims parts farms and pastures. Some coal, gold, and of southern Serbia and northern Greece silver are mined. Transylvania is noted for (that is, parts of ancient Macedonia), and its scenery. the whole of the Dobrudja — the part of H GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR Lniiffitiije Roumania between the Danube and the Black Sea — on the ground that their popu- lation is mostly Bulgarian. The area for which her claim has the best foundation is the little strip that was taken from Bulgaria by Roumania in 1913. In the Dobrudja proper, north of that strip, the people include many Roumanians and Turks as well as Bulgarians, and Roumania needs the terri- tory to secure her access to the Black Sea. The Dobrudja is larger than the state of Connecticut, but has a population only a third as great. Greece. — Besides asking for Western Thrace from Bulgaria, Greece would like to annex most of Eastern Thrace from Turkey. Moreover, she claims and occupies part of southern Albania and part of western Asia Minor, including the great seaport Smyrna. She asks Great Britain to cede Cyprus to her. She also lays claim to Rhodes and neighbor- ing islands, which Italy took from Turkey in 191 1 ; and she opposes Italian claims to part of Asia Minor. All the lands claimed by Greece were Greek in ancient times and now have a population partly Greek. (Maps, pages 10 and 17.) As already stated, however, the treaties affecting Bulgaria and Turkey were still under negotiation in August, 1919; not till they are completed and ratified can the final disposi- tion of these territories be definitely known. Break-up of Turkey. — The fate of Turkey is like that of Austria-Hungary — the dis- ruption of an empire held together by force. Most of Asia Minor, or Anatolia, where the majority of the people are Turks, may (or may not) remain an independent Turkey of perhaps 6,000,000 population. But it has been announced by Allied statesmen that the rest of the empire is to be set free from Turkish rule. Constantinople, with part (or perhaps all) of Eastern Thrace and a corner of Asia Minor, is to be put under international con- trol, in order to keep the outlet of the Black Sea open to the ships of all nations. The United States, it is said, may be requested to take charge of it. GREECE, TURKEY, EGYPT, RUSSIA 15 The western coast of Asia Minor is claimed by Greece, as we have seen, because of its many Greek inhabitants. To the south is a region claimed by Italy. Armenia, it is said, is to be made inde- pendent of Turkey, but aided for a time by the advice and assistance of some more ad- vanced power. It is understood that the United States may be requested to undertake this guardianship of Armenia. The Arme- nians are a Christian (Orthodox Greek) people of the white race whose language is akin to those of Europe. Syria, likewise, is to be freed from Turkey, and there is an understanding that it may be placed under the guardianship of France. Mesopotamia and Palestine were taken from Turkey by British expeditions during the war, and it is understood that they may remain under British protection. Their population is largely Arab, but it is planned to make Palestine the home of many Jews. The kingdom of Hedjaz, with British aid, threw off the Turkish yoke in 1916 and, near the end of the war, helped in the conquest of Palestine. This little nation of Arabs, it is believed, may form the nucleus of a greater Arabia. All these regions separated from Turkey have suffered much in the past from Turkish misrule and oppression. All are in a back- ward state of development ; almost the only industries are farming (by primitive methods) and grazing. By irrigation and other im- provements, the production of these regions can be greatly increased. Egypt. — Before the war Egypt was nomi- nally subject to Turkey, and British control there was sometimes objected to by other powers. Since 1914, however, it has been a sultanate under British protection, and this arrangement is confirmed in the treaty with Russia. — Not only in Austria-Hungary and Turkey, but to some extent in Russia, war and revolution have brought about the disruption of an old empire. Various border lands, where the Russian people are in a minority, have broken away and have set up independent governments. Political and linguistic differences among the Russians themselves have led to civil wars that are still raging, threatening the possibility of further disruption. (Map, page 17.) The largest part of the Russian people, more numerous than any other European nation, are the Great Russians. Their ter- ritory in central and eastern Russia is larger than any other country in Europe. Most of it in August, 1919, was under the rule of the Bolshevik or extreme socialist party. The Bolshevik leaders seized control late in 1917, and held it by a reign of terror. They tried to stir up workmen's revolutions in all countries, and they made war to extend their influence over neighboring lands. The Great Russians are the dominant people also in Siberia, in much of southeastern Russia, and in parts of northern Russia about the towns of Archangel and Murmansk, the seaport terminals of Russian railroads. But those four parts of the old empire were (in August, 1919) under the control of men who were fighting to overthrow Bolshevik rule and to establish, they said, a democratic all-Russian government. The White Russians, numbering about 10,000,000, speak a Great Russian dialect somewhat resembling Polish. Their land was a battle ground in the war between the Poles and the Bolshevik Russians. Ukrainia. — The Little Russians, or Ukrai- nians, about 25,000,000 in number exclusive of the Ruthenians (page 12), differ slightly from the Great Russians in race and language. Germany. Hence one result of the war, if They set up an independent government in that treaty becomes effective, is to make 191 7, but fell for a time under German in- Egypt formally and definitely a part of the fluence and control. Later they were de- British Empire. feated and plundered by Bolshevik Russians, i6 GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR but in the middle of 1919 were apparently recovering their independence. Inside the linguistic boundary shown on the map there is a wide strip where the mid- dle and upper classes of the population are largely Polish (in the west) or Great Russian (in the east). Hence the boundaries of Ukrainia, if it maintains its independence, are very doubtful. Ukrainia is a rich farming land, the most fertile part of the old Russia. It also con- tains the best coal and iron mines and many manufactures. Two of its cities have a population of over 600,000 each : the capital, Kief, and the chief seaport, Odessa. A con- siderable part of the people in these and other cities are Jews. Baltic States. — In this study of new states and new boundaries, we have read about many Slavic peoples — Poles, Czechoslovaks, Jugoslavs, Bulgarians (partly Slavic), and several kinds of Russians. We now come to some peoples of the old Russian Empire who are not Slavs. The Lithuanians and the Letts have languages much alike ; together they con- stitute the Baltic group of the white race in Europe ; the other groups being Greek, Albanian, Celtic, Latin, Teutonic, and Slavic. Lithuania has a population of perhaps 3,000,000, mostly Lithuanians, who have set up an independent republic. This land (with part of Letvia) was included in the old Po- land, and the new Poland would like to annex it. The small area between the Niemen River and the old northeast German boundary is ceded by Germany to the principal powers ; it will probably be added to Lithuania, as its population is largely Lithuanian. Letvia, or Lettland, numbers about 1,000,- 000 Letts, mingled with some other people, especially in the towns. Esthonia is the home of nearly 1,000,000 Esthonians, who speak a Mongolian language, together with some Russians and others. Nearly all the Esthonians are Protestants. In all three of the Baltic States the land is low and some of it marshy. The chief industries are farming, lumbering, and fishing. The large land owners, before the war, were mostly Germans. A German army, in con- trol of the Baltic States at the end of the war, was left there for a time to aid in de- fending the country from the Bolshevik Russians. Finla.nd. — The grand duchy of Finland was taken from Sweden by the czar of Russia more than a hundred years ago. It suffered much oppression under Russian rule, and in 1917 declared its independence. It accepted German aid in defending itself against the Bolshevik Russians, and even chose a German monarch ; but after the victory of the Allies it adopted a republican government instead. Finland is more than half as large as France, but has a population of only about 3,000,000. The people are well educated, and very nearly all are Protestants. About one eighth of them are Swedes and seven eighths are Finns, a people descended partly from the yellow race, whose language is much like the Esthonian. The country is a low plateau, with many lakes and streams. Farming, dairying, and lumbering are the chief industries, and there is water power for some manufacturing, es- pecially wood working and paper making. The capital and chief city is Helsingfors. East of Finland are some Finns and related peoples, and therefore Finland would like to extend her boundaries to the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Other Russian Border Lands. — The Lapps, Samoyeds, and other yellow peoples of northern Russia are few in number, and their home lands are dreary wastes. The Caucasus is the home of many greatly varying peoples, among whom the Georgians and others claim independence. Both there and in the other Asiatic possessions of Russia, the future is still most uncertain. Yaroslavl ^ci/:^ J ll^//> 'iv-A — '-v °°:i^ »* I r^^*-> gM»i> "tome -V^ te^d^ V \ c^katennoslaf • '^ %M ;aterinoaar^ ■'^a'on/Jc E PEOPLES AND BORDERLANDS OF RUSSIA SCALE OF MILES Aleppo ( Damascus SBatijn" ■-.?-4 R LougitiiJt ■•__• Boundary of Europeun Russia iu 1914 Political bouiniaries o£ Finland and Russian Poland in 1914 ^^^B Aiiproxiinute boundury between ^Yhite and Yellow Races 5O00OOO Approximate linguistic boundary of the Letts nnd Lithuanians ^^^^ Approximate lini;uistic boundary of the Little Russians , 1 GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR l^oiiU'itiidt 118 Kiibt Shantung. — About twenty years ago Ger- many forced China to give her the colony of Kiaochow, with control of railroads and mines in the province of Shantung. Early in the war, Japan ousted the Germans and took possession in their stead. By the treaty of 1919 with Germany she takes over all German rights there ; but it is understood that she is later to hand over the political control to China. German Colonies in the Pacific. — Early in the war the German possessions in the Pacific Ocean were seized by the naval forces of Japan, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. By the treaty of 1919 Germany renounces her claim to them, leaving it to the principal powers (United States, British Empire, France, Italy, Japan) to dispose of them. It is understood, however, that those south of the equator are to be governed by 1 A U \lN&0- South |V=S PI j J Maiillli^^, f iJ-'^l C It ' n a >S-S"- H I. N A Jfv.e^'?... Hongk6ng /C/foRMOSA 1 Tropic ot Cancer '^J < 'LUZON PHILIPPINE iUltr"U PALAS »Nj"«t?SLANDS M Sea { To Japan M • MARIANAS # (Tu Japan) 'GUAM I, r C R Jst CAROLINC ISLANDS. - \. E A S T tfrN D I E S '■ A N 'd is' w-^y MARSHALL 1 ■■: ■ ,v • ! ISLANDS 1 o c I X\D I A Jf SjC~^ Norihwett Cape (^r^ — ^^ Equator ^GrLBEBT- s. k£» i.-""*"'" ' "^.c.*"". P O L Y N E S I;A ■••/ • ^Br^) I SAM^OA _ , i NEWOjHEBRIDES c3t 'J" ;^"j< ("•«.) Coral ^ea leAiFr.) cfT'i' ^"'"i^ &'■) y lioRTHEBN ; ^, L. ''' . !- .. .; ,\ 4^K, — Tt, (Br. i Fr.) SOCIETY IS. COOK IS./-:. ffV.) \ Ncrthweat Cape [1"^-^. ] (TERRiTOBf \ X — ^-i''^''^ 1 ■ 9''EE»'*'-*''° "?; ^? NEW "^iN *, LOYALTY IS 1 ^vTtoNGA OR (Br.) ,'Jv, CAlioONIA^-^"',";;',' '=■• / FRIENDLY IS. / .,,.t=., ,." - K A .U S f R "Ji. LI A VSa^rfv <*■)"• T'OP''^ of 7 Capricorn 7 l^-' A y V^'^-. * souTHfr-ir } >.: T Cape ISLAND POSSESSIONS CEDED BY GERMANY SCALE OF MILES ieeuu'/n^ A-T-//uatr<.;iun i.'iy/.fy'f'JIf^- WALES /^,,ln..J' I JiOrth Coae '^\ AdelaiJ^yi; i^a, •fimlx-rra Vfi,„.iM,„l ItSTrt //>r.,««i,J..I.<./™p.l»I' W c! ,r; #Mtlbourne north i.) '^^''" ■-' .aS.^Srra.r Taarri'aB .Sea c/j'^lSEW *^ J." >ii ^n/ollliii-t ^WelUugrtou pCMATHAM IS. jth i./L/''""' f'- ^/^'ZEALXND ""•' BTfWAHT I.P SoutA Cope I 100 I-oniriiude 120 Enst HO from JfiO Gre.>nwi.Ii 180 Lomritude lUO "W,".! 140 GERMAN COLONIES 19 Australia and New Zealand under the general oversight of the League of Nations, while those north of the equator are likewise to be assigned to Japan, with the exception of some island, probably ^ ap, which will be occupied by the United States as a cable sta- tion. These islands north of the equator have a small area and about 75,000 inhabitants, nearly all Malayan natives. They include the Mariana, Marshall, Caroline, and Pelew groups. The possessions south of the equator are more important. They include the Bismarck Ar- chipelago, part of New Guinea (Kaiser Wilhelms Land), and 20 part of the Samoa group. All together they have about as much land and about as many people (mostly natives) as the state of T 'tah. German Colonies in Africa. — The German colonies in Africa had, in 1914, an area ot over 1,000,000 ownership. Part of Togo also was placed square miles and a population of more than under French control, and the remainder of 11,000,000. By the treaty of 1919 their dis- these two colonies under British control, position, like that of the Pacific colonies, is awaiting their final disposition by the prin- left to the principal powers. cipal powers. It is understood, however, that German German East Africa is the largest, most Southwest Africa, which was conquered by populous, and most valuable of all these (British) South Africa, will remain under the colonies. Most of it is a fertile plateau, with government of that country. It is the least a climate suitable for white men. It was valuable of the German colonies in Africa, stubbornly defended by the German colo- because the climate is so very dry. nists and some of the natives, but was finally Togo and Kamerun were conquered by taken by the British (including South Afri- British and French troops. They are fertile, cans), with the cooperation of Belgian and but too hot and wet for the homes of white Portuguese forces. men. Part of Kamerun, transferred to Ger- No matter how the principal powers many from French Equatorial Africa in finally dispose of this colony, it seems cer- 191 1, was promptly restored to French tain that there will no longer be any political 20 GEOGRAPHICAL RESULTS OF THE GREAT WAR obstacle to the completion of the " Cape to Cairo " railroad, under British control, from one end of Africa to the other. The United States. — Our country is not directly affected by any of the important territorial changes resulting from the Great War, although it was during the war, and partly because of it, that we purchased the Danish West Indies (for $25,000,000). Our share in the war, however, resulted in win- ning for us the friendship of the Allied powers and the respect of all nations. Thus the United States has gained a more influential position in the world than ever before. PRONUNCIATIONS MARKINGS : a in late, a in senate, a in fat, « in «ccouiit. a in far, a in last, « in sofn ; e in me, e in return, e in met, bgrry, e in term ; i in fine, ■ in tin ; K = German ch ; o in note, 6 in obey, 6 in not, 6 in f6r, oo in school, ob in wool ; 5 in tune, u in unite, tl in nut, ii in clrcSs, u in burn. Albania (Sl-ba'm-d) Alsace-Lorraine (3,l-sas'l6- ran') Anatolia (3,n-a-to'li-a) Arabia (a-ra'bl-u) Arabs (Sr'abz) Archangel (ark'an'jel) Argentina (ar-jen-te'na) Armenia (iir-me'ni-a) Avlona (av-lo'nii) Baltic (b61'tlk) Bavaria (ba-va'ri-d) Bessarabia (b6s-a-ra'bi-d) Bismarck (bis'mark) Bolshevik (boUshe-vek') ; plu- ral, Bolsheviki (bol-she-ve- ke') Budapest (boo'da-pest; Bukowina (b6o-kf>-ve'na) Bulgaria (bo61-ga'ri-d) Cairo (ki'ro) Chile (che'la) Colombia (k6-l6m'b^-a) Cracow (kra'ko) Croatia (kro-a'.shl-d) Croats (kro'ats) CypriLS (si'priis) Czechoslovak (chek'S-slo- vak') Czechoslovakia (chek'6-.sl6- vSk'i-d) Czechs (chfks) Danzig (dau'tsiiv) Dniester (nes'tSr) Dobrudja (do-bro6'ja) Egypt (e'jipt) Elbe (61'b6) Esthonia (es-tho'ni-d) Eupen (oi'pen) Flume (fyoo'ma) Foch (fosh) Galicia (gd-lish'I-d) Guatemala (gwa-tS-ma'ld) Haig (hag) Haiti (ha'ti; Hedjaz (hej-az') Helsingfors (hel-sing-fors') Joffre (zhftf'fr') Jugoslavia (yoo-go-sla'vl-d) Jugoslavs fyoo'go-slavz') Kaiser Wilhelnis Land (ki'zer vil'helms lanl) Kamerun (ka-ma-robn') Kiaochow (kyou'cho') Kief (ke'yef) Lemberg (Ifm'berK) Lille (lei) Lithuania (lith-ii-a'ni-d) Lodz (16dz) Lorraine (lo-riln') Macedonia (mjs-e-do'ni-d) Magyars (niod'yorz) Malmedy (mal'ma-de) Mariana (ma-r^-a'na) Me.sopotamia (me.s-6-p6-ta' ml-d) Moresnet (mo-ra-ng') Murmansk (moor-mansk') Nicaragua (nlk-d-ra'gwd) Niemen (ne'men) Oder (o'der) Odessa (o-des'd) Paderewski (pa-df-r6f'sk^) Palestine (pal'es-tin) Paraguay (par'd-gwa) Pelew (pe-loo') plebiscite (plfb'i-sit) Pruth (prooth) Rhodes (rodz) Roumania (roo-ma'nl-d) RiUhenians (roo-the'ni-anz) Saar (ziir) Salvador (sal-va-dor') Samoyeds (s5m-6-yedz') Sarre (sar) Schleswig (shlas'viK) Shantung (shan't<56ng') Slesvig (sla.s'vig) Slovaks (sl6-vaks') Slovenes (slo-venz') Strasbourg (straz-boor') Stras.sburg (shtras'boorii) Togo (to'go) Tran.sylvania(triln-.sil-va'ni-d) Trie.ste (tre-esf or tr^-gs'ta) Tyrol (tlr'61) Ukrainia (u-kriln'i-d) L^ruguay (ii'roo-gwa) Venezuela (ven-J-zwe'ld) Versailles (v6r-sii'y' or ver- salz') Vistula (vTs'tii-ld) Yap (yap)