£dwrrd Miller & C° MANUFACTURERS OF M® Chandelier AND LIBRARY LAMPS, Decorated ^ Bronze Lampg LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf.. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. nus, Favor- varieties ' rners Etc., Etc. \ — — 56 & 58 Park Place, and 51 & 53 Barclay St., cor. College Place, New York. FACTORIES, 38 PEARL STREET, BOSTON. The True Principle of Insurance is Co-operation ! -^^•IIIIIilllllillllllilillilli!liilllllllillllliillilllllllllllilnliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliillilllliilllli < ^^ One (CERTIFICATE of MEMBERSHIP in the CONNECTICUT INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION, Secures Benefits provided for by no other single organization on such Favorable Terms. ACMlHHi WAWMtD. FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS, Home Office, Commercial Block, (ROOMS 4 & 5), BANK STREET, WATER BURY, CONN. V. L. SAWYER, Pres. EDWARD A. WRIGHT, Sec'y. MAKERS OF^ _^£ FRESH, PDRE, DEL1SI0U2 !k ^^fc)- 9 ~o--» Bon Bong and GhocoMe? (s (ffi) ^ 863 BROADWAY, N.Y., Bet. 17th and 18th Sts. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. iiiicni 1 % Brooklyn, 339-341 Fulton St. Boston, 26 West St. Albany, 33 N. Pearl St. Troy, Times B'd'g Rochester, Arcade Entrance. Buffalo, 350 Main St Saiatoga Springs, Opp. Congress Springs Park. Long Branch, Ocean & Mad. Aves, New York, 150 B'way, cor. Liberty St. Newport, R.I. Casino B'd'g. <^ C S ^ *^- ?y~i TY PE WRIT ER. COMPLETE, ONLY $40. Warranted to do better and a greater variety of work than any writing instrument. •ri"«..«* , l.i< , >l.<"«,(l , (|.(''l, < l'«, << »'« h C<«, ( > , « >1 »<"», < «'< tl jl , «„»'» Challenges Comparison on- Every Point INTEECHANGEABLE TYPE IN ANT STYLE OE LANGUAGE , ».<» , <>,»> , <».l' , >.('''>.»"».l<" l| ,|«»„» , «»,|"l„l , <|,(« Simple, Durable, Portable, and easy to Operate. Call at principal office, or send for information to 853 Broadway, New York. E. R. Durkee & Go's SELECT SPECIALTIES; "GAUNTLET BRAND." SPICES mm MUSTARD Sold only in Full-Weight Sealed Packages. Guaranteed absolutely pure. Some manufacturers use the word pure as a decoy. Consumers would do well to remember that an arti- cle may be pure, but lack other essential qualities. Our Select Spices are warranted uniform in quality, and to excel all others in strength, richness, flavor and cleanliness. Proprietors of the following well-known Specialties : Durkee's Salad Dressing, Durkee's Celery Salt, Durkee's Challenge Sauce* Durkee's Select Extract, Durkee's Select Spices, Durkee's Select Mustard. Packed in elegant style— FULL WEIGHT. FULL MEASURE- and warranted the BEST. Every article bearing name of E. R. D. & Co., and trade mark of the Gauntlet, is guaranteed pure and of the best quality. Dealers are authorized to refund price paid where consumers have reason to be dissatisfied. "■H # mm Jff J INVENTOR OF ^^O^pafeed Ah 1 . Cures Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Dys- pepsia, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Scrofula, and all Blood and Skin Diseases,. If you or any of your friends are Sick, don't fail to write and explain your Case to DR. TOWN SEND. JSlo. 540 W/aghingtoi] J^ee*, Boston, B]a$. SKIN AND BLOOD NO more PIMPLES on the FACE ! No more Eruptions, Blotches or Breaking Out from BAD BLOOD. Send stamp for beautifully Illustrated Paper, with Fifty Engravings, fully illustrating DISEASES Treated; also, 30 letters from Patients thompson's Hotel Directory Travelers' Snide to the United States, GIVING AN ACCURATE LIST OF HOTELS, CITIES AND TOWNS, RAILROADS AND OTHER INFORMATION OF A VALUABLE NATURE TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. V- TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED AN ^ >. „ . , Advertising DifecteiJ and Bnjjei^ [{uide, REPRESENTING THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS AND BUSINESS HOUSES OF THE COUNTRY. Price, - 50 Cents. / PUBLISHED AND COMPILED BY G f Q ST ^V/^L J. C. D. THOMPSON, No. 109 Liberty Street, I -A on»N«r El5S TV7 Copyrighted April, 1885. PREFATORY. I have the pleasure of presenting to my patrons and the public the first issue of Thompson's Hotel Direc- tory and Travelers' Guide. It was commenced about six; months ago, and has been pushed forward as rapidly as the magnitude of the un- dertaking would permit. No one who is not familiar with similar works can conceive of the amount of labor and the great expense attached to such a publication. The plan and arrangement is entirely original, and it is to-day the only work of its kind. In compiling it, great care has been taken to make it as plain as possible, so that the information it contains can be seen at a glance, and be easily referred to. My long experience as a publisher and past success has enabled me to present such a valuable book, and I trust that it will meet with the approval and success it justly merits. I thank my many patrons for the great encour- agement given me, and trust the work will meet with your approval. Finally, I call special notice to the Advertising Di- rectory and Buyer's Guide '' department," where are represented many of the largest manufacturers and busi- ness firms in the United States. The Publisher. George C. Bedell. James M. Jarvis. Several Mercantile tr - ffl c?fe ' s ^~- ^© " E ^ 3 eJ^ rt «< s— > QJ A4 o p P rD E3 CD O P DRAFTS at lowest rates, payable in any part of Great Britain. Sovereigns bought and sold. To prevent loss, money sent to this house should be bv POST OFFICE ORDER. Persons intending to travel to any part of the United States or to Europe, by writing to this house in advance, will be met on arrival in New York. Before purchasing tickets it will be advantageous to first consult the proprietors, and thereby secure the CHEAPEST and MOST DIRECT ROUTE to destination. This Hotel is located directly opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Station; is five minutes' walk from the Erie Railway Dppot, Castle Harden, Liverpool Steamship Dock, and one block from Washington Market \ which makes it the most convenient hotel in New York City for travelers. 4 i OPEN DA i ' AND NIGHT. i Pains wih betaken to receive all the best Mining information at t his house Terms: Board and Lodging, $7 per week, Single Meals, 35 cts. MARTIN & WILLS, Proprietors. THOMPSON'S HOTEL DIRECTORY^ TRAVELERS' GUIDE ABERDEEN, Miss. Situated on the Tombigbee River. Population. 2,400. Hotels— European, Gordon House, City. ADRIAN, Mich. Situated on the River Raisiu. Po- pulation, 9,000. Hotels— Central ($2.00 per day), Lawrence House. AKRON, O. Population, 16,512. Railroads — Cleve- land, Mt. Vernon & Delaware ; New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio— occupy same depot ; Pitts., Cleveland & Toledo ; Valley— have separate depots. Business interests— Manu- facturing and mercantile. Hotels— Windsor, New Sumner House, 'Cascade House, Hotel Buctel, Clariden, Empire House ($2.00 per day). ALBANY, Ga. Situated on the Flint River, at the head of navigation. Population, 3050. Hotels —Barnes' Albany House, Bogen House. ALBANY, N. Y. Situated on both banks of the Hud- son, which is here crossed by two double-track railroad bridges. Population, 90,903. The New York Central & Hudson River R. R. and Boston & Albany R. R. share the union station one block from the depot of the New York, West Shore & Buffalo, and Delaware & Hudson For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 10 Thompson's hotel directory Canal Co.'s R. R. (Susquehanna & Saratoga Division). The new state capital at Albany (modeled after the Louvre Palace), which will be one of the finest granite buildings in the world, has been building twelve years and covers three and one-half acres of land, with a pro- jected height of 384 feet. It has cost upwards of $11,- 000,000. One mile southwest of the city are the build- ings of the State Insane and Fever Hospitals, and the Industrial School. Albany is the centre of a lucrative commercial trade and the seat of large stove factories, shoe shops, breweries, etc. Hotel*— Delavan, Kenmore. ALBIA, Iowa. Population, 2,391. Hotel — Cramer House. ALBION, N.. Y. Located on the Erie Canal. Popu- lation, 4,204. Hotels— Orleans House ($2 per day). Albion House, Exchange Hotel. ALEXANDRIA, Va. Situated on the Potomac River, seven miles below Washington, D. C. A port of entry. Population, lo,658. RaUroads — Baltimore & Potomac; Virginia Midland; Washington. 'Ohio— all roads occupy separate depots. Business interests— Mercantile. Hotels— Mansion, Alexandria, Tontine. ALLENTOWN. Pa. Situated on the Lehigh River. Population, 20,000. Railroads— Central of New Jersey ; Lehigh Valley ; Philadelphia &. Reading — all roads oc- cupy separate depots. Philadelphia & Reading and Le- high Valley connect at East Pennsylvania Junction. Business interests — Manufacturing (iron) and mercantile. Tloteh— American, Allen House, Kramer House. Tins work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. UARHT'S ■(e/g$§\G) °#° ^S ire Sauce. Mannf red and Bottled in England. In England there are many brands of Worcestershire Sauce, and none stand higher than Mac TJrquarht's, as it it one of the oldest and best known Sauces throughout England and her Colonies. It is pronounced by connoisseurs superior in every respect to any Sauce offered, and is rapidly usurping the market in the United States. The following certificate from one of the best known English Chem- ists sufficiently proves that it is per- fectly pure and wholesome : ''The condiment's and materials used in Messrs. Mac Urquarht & Co.'s Worcestershire Sause are perfectly pure and of exceptional quality, and the sauce is entirely free from mineral or other noxious ingredients." "Benj. '.nickels, F.C.S., F.I.C., "Analytical and Technical Chemist, London, England." From a comparison of the prices MAC TJRQUARHT'S is some 20 per cent, cheaper than Lee & Perrin's. Leading Hotels and Restaurants in New York City — a class of trade that always demand the best of everything — now use Mac Ur- quarht's Sauce. Why can't you ? We invite a trial order from the trade generally. — &- Beach & Sherwood, 139 & 141 Franklin St, N.Y. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. c\ '# k- UN I VERSA L METAL POLISHING PASTE- PUTZ-POMADE— TBTJMFI1TE THE GENUINE. TRY IT !! \\V\\\\\N\N\\\\\N\NN\NN\SS\\\\\\\\\S\\\\\\S\\\\\\\\X\\\\S\N\\\\\\\\N\\N\\\\\SSN\\S\V The Finest in the World for producing a Brilliant and lasting Polish without scratching. It is labor-saving, cheap and in convenient form for use, and has no equal for Polishing Brass, Copper, Nickel, German Silver, Zinc, Tin, etc. Free from acid, alkali and. grit . Importers and Manufacturers. 91 cliff street, new york. i, SAMPLES SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. =©& AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 11 ALLEGHENY CITY, Pa. Situated on the Allegheny River, opposite Pittsburg, Pa. Population, 78,681. Rail- roads— Pennsylvania (West Penna. Div.) ; Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago — depots opposite on same street ; Pittsburg & Western — occupies separate depot. Business interests— Manufacturing (iron) and mercantile. Location of the Western Pennsylvania Penitentiary. Hotel— Central. ALLIANCE, O. Situated on the Mahoning River. Population, 4633. Hotels — Arlington, Chase, Sourbeck, Union. ALTOONA, Pa. Population, 19,719. Railroad— Penn- sylvania (Main Line and Hollidaysburg & Newry Branch). Business interest— Manufacturing. The Penn- sylvania Railroad shops are located here. The city is situated at the east base of the Allegheny mountains, where the road begins to ascend. The road in its ascent between Altoona and Cresson winds around the side of the mountain, affording some of the finest mountain scenery on the continent. Here also is the famous Horse Shoe Bend. Hotels— Logan House, Globe, Central, Arlington, Brant House. ALTON, 111. Situated on the Mississippi River, ten miles above the mouth of the Missouri River. Popula- tion, 9500. Hotel —Madison. AMERICUS, Ga. Population 3879. Hotels— Commercial, Barlow. AMESBURY, Mass. Situated on and near the mouth of Merrimack River. Population, 3341. For advertising space in this work address the Na'ional Directory Co., New York City. 12 Thompson's hotel directory HoU'l— American House. AMHERST, N. S. Situated near an inlet of Chigneefco Bay. Population, 4000. Hotels — Lamey's Dominion, Terrace. AMSTERDAM, N. Y. Situated on the Mohawk River. The Erie Canal is opposite. Population, 11,711. Rail- road -New York Central & Hudson River. Business in- terests — Manufacturing. Hotels— Brunswick, Commercial, City, Central, Ger- man. ANDOVER, Mass. Population, 5070. Hotels — Mansion House, Elm House. ANNAPOLIS, Md. Situated on Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of Severn River. Population, 0500. Hotels— City, Maryland, Carroll House. ANN ARBOR, Mich. Situated upon both sides of the Huron River. Population, 8500. Hotels— Cook's, Leonard House, St. James. APPLETON, Wis. Situated on the Lower Fox River. Population, 8005. Hotels — Waverly House, Briggs House. ASHLAND, Pa. Population, 0014. Hotels — Union, Locust Mountain, Mansion, Ash- land, American. ASTORIA, Ore. Situated at the mouth of the Colum- bia River. Population, 6500. Hotels — Occident, Parker House. ATCHISON, Kan. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 15,106. Railroads— Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific ; Central Branch This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. ^fjl^ i MP pia W-, z3 ^3 y M ft tit (0 i- .. * r^H — *-« (C o 2 ^-f c re i* a lh & -p £-» +-> 0} tf> U rS o m o n c Q » t- bfi c „ X 03 •h ■m 2 ftj C ^ to OJ • to to to Co \D ON to to OO Co w CO Co fP - y> to Oo fO 'to ^ ° J , CD to CO en r-f- *-! o *i o w • > o n 03 O ^ > 2 3 w CO H 2 o ■n m O 3 ■o > o ■U) 3 £2 (a | °< nT o o =r 3 5 o r P3 > 3/ M -T > B: ^ 3 PJ H I? I M ^8 P 3 jq en 3 * CO ii / H 2 < w w ■g 2 p 3 5* 5> $ $ B tJ —i 3 3^ CO » s a ? - m « SO ° -»■ J' n ^ 3 2. tfl t -1 (13 CD 3 5 '"S- "> pj ►d B P3 W a 3 C P3 3 g 3" 5 o ^ 3 O 3* "^ Si ^ n> S3 £ a T3 t/i a2 3* (X (» Hi. 3 ^3 B? 3| 3" U3 rt < 3 !T 3 — . 53 3 S B? AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 13 Missouri Pacific ; Hannibal & St. Joseph ; Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs— occupy same depot ; Atch- ison & Nebraska ; Missouri Pacific— occupy same depot ; Central Branch Missouri Pacific— has also a separate de- pot. Free transfer for through passengers between sep- arate depots. Business interests —Manufacturing and mer- cantile. Hotel— The New Byram ($2.50 and $3 per day). ATHENS, Ga. Situated on the Oconee River. Pop- ulation 5870. Hotel — Newton House. ATLANTA, Ga. Population, 34,398. Capital of State, and one of the most important cities in the South. .Railroads— l&iclimoiid & Danville ; A. & C. Air-Line Div. ; Atlanta & West Point ; Georgia ; Central of Georgia ; Western & Atlantic ; Georgia Pacific —all roads occupy Union Depot. Business interests— Manufacturing, mer- cantile and agricultural. Hotels— Markham House, Kimball House. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Situated on the Atlantic Ocean, fifty-eight miles from Philadelphia. Population, 5478. Hotels— United States, Brighton, Congress Hall, Surf, Chalfonte, Mansion, Dennis' Seaside, Ocean. ATTLEBORO, Mass. Intersected by Mill River. Population, 11,111. Railroads— Boston k Providence; Old Colony— occupy same depot. Business interests— Manufacturing jewelry, &c. Hotel — Ryder House. AUBURN, Me. Situated on the Androscoggin ftiver. Population, 9600. • For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Go,, New York City. 14 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels — Elm, Maine, Lake Auburn. AUBURN, N. Y. Situated two and one-half miles Northwest of Owasco Lake, the outlet of which flows through the town. Population, 21,924. Railroads — New York Central & Hudson River; Southern Central: Ithaca, Auburn & Western— occupy separate depots. Business intends — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Osborne House, Gay lord House, National Hotel. AUGUSTA, Ga. Situated on the Savannah River. Population, 23.023. In the vicinity are many localities of interest to the tourist and pleasure seeker. Railroads — Central of Georgia ; Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta : Georgia; Port Royal & Augusta; South Carolina— all occupy same depot. Business interests — Cotton, mercan- tile and manufacturing. Hotels — Planters', Augusta, Globe, Central. AUGUSTA, Me. Situated on the Kennebec River, forty -live miles above its mouth. Population, 8682. Hotels— Augusta House, Cony House, Hotel North. AURORA, 111. Situated on both banks of the Fox River. Population, 11,825. Railroads — Chicago & Iowa ; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (three divisions) — occupy same depot. Easiness interests — Manufacturing. Location of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy car, machine and repair shops. Hotels— Hotel Evans, Empire, Tremont, Huntoon. AUSTIN, Texas. Capital. Situated on the Colorado River. Population, 10,960. Railroads— Houston V\NVNNN\SNX\NN\\\\\\\N\XN\\X\\SX\\N\\\\NS\\S\\-\\\V\\x\\\\\\\\\s\N\N\w\NN\\\\\\\\\vs\\\\,\\\N^NNXS\\\N\N\\\N^ Union Square and 15th Street, «,i»"«i.»"«„|«>.<' - ,(»> '■«>,l"l„C<|,,i A. J. Dam & Son, PROPRIETORS. Rooms, $1.50 and Upward per Day. •- ^£— I I I I llllHI!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!l|lllllllllllll||ll|||||||l|||||||IIIIIIII»-^t-* — s^sM THE fSba*s — Park Avenue Hotel. •••-Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiii"<-«" Occupying the entire front, between 320I and 33d Streets, on Fourth Avenue, and covering half the block in depth to Madison Avenue, its location is most central for transient visitors, and families desiring the quietude of an elegant home — contiguous to the most fashionable thoroughfares, and with means of quick conveyance to all business centres. Within eight minutes walk of the Grand Central Depot, from which trains depart and arrive from all points, and within five minutes' walk of either the West-side or East-side Elevated Railroads. As a structure it is absolutely the only fire proof hotel building in the United States, and its Grand Parlor, eight Reception Rooms, Library, Dining Rooms, and five hundred Sleeping Rooms, with connecting Bathing and Dressing Rooms, are by a most systematic method thoroughly ventilated. Surrounding a spacious Court, with Fountain, Sum- mer Garden, Balconies and Electric Light. All its in- terior Rooms are most pleasant, while outside ones on its upper floors give extensive views of the East River, Long Island and the suburbs. Ventilating Shafts intersect at each corner of its seven wide corridors, giving a continuous circulation of pure air throughout the building. A number of Family Suites, with connecting Bathing Rooms, have been added this season. The Hotel is conducted on the American system, and dispatches for accommodations will receive every atten- tion. $4.00 PER DAY. HENRY CLAIR, Lessee. AND TRAVELERS" GUIDE. 15 iness interests — Mercantile and agricultural (cotton). Lo- cation of General Land Office of Texas. Hotels — Raymond House, Avenue, City, Bruns- wick, Southern. BALLSTON, N.Y. Population, 3,300. Hotels — Sans Souci, Medbery's, American, Balls- ton Spa House, Commercial, Eagle, Milton House. BALTIMORE, Md. Situated on the Patapsco River, twelve miles from its entrance into Chesapeake Bay. A port of entry. Population, 332,190. Railroads — Balti- more & Potomac ; Northern Central ; Philadelphia, Wil- mington & Baltimore ; Western Maryland — occupy Union Depot on Charles street ; Baltimore & Potomac and Northern Central also occupy depots on Calvert street ; Baltimore & Ohio, depot at Camden Station .; Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore, depot on Presi- dent street ; transfer without change of cars between President street and Camden Station for through trains; Western Maryland also occupy separate^ depots. Busi- ness interests— Shipping, manufacturing, commercial and mercantile. Hotels— Carrollton ($4, $3.50 and $2.50 per day), Bar- num's, Maltby (European plan, 75c. to $1.50 per day ; American plan, $2 to $2.50 per day), Eutaw, Rennert's, Mount Vernon, Mansion, Pepper's, Reilly's, How- ard, Guy's. BANGOR, Me. Situated on the Penobscot River. Population, 16,857. Railroads — European & North Amer- ican ; Maine Central ; Eastern Maine— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Lumber and manufacturing. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 16' Thompson's hotel directory Hotels — Bangor, Bangor Exchange, Franklin, Pe- nobscot Exchange. BATAVIA, 111. Situated 011 the Fox River. Popula- tion, 5,000. Hotels— "Revere House, Totman House. BATAVIA, N. Y. Situated on the Tonawanda Creek. Population, 7,500. Hotels St. James, Washburn House, Hooper House, Park Hote 1 , Ellicott House, Genesee House. BATH, Me. Situated on the Kennebec River. Popu- lation, 7.881. /fold* — Bath, Sagadahoc House, Columbian House, Sherman House, Central House, Commercial House. BATTLE CREEK, Mich. Situated on the Kalamazoo River, at the mouth of Battle Creek. Population, 7,000. Hotels — Williams, Lewis. BAY CITY, Mich. Four miles from head of Saginaw Bay, on Saginaw River, opposite West Bay City. Popu- lation, 30,698.. Baih-oads— Detroit & Bay City, and Michigan Central — occupy same depot ; Flint & Pere Marquette— separate depot. Hotels— Frazier House, Campbell House. BAY ST. LOUIS. Miss. Situated at mouth of Bay St. Louis, on Gulf of Mexico. Resident population, 1,978 ; transient, 8,000. Hotel — The Crescent. BELFAST. Me. Situated on Penobscot Bay. Popu- lation, 5,303. Hotels — American, New England House, Phoenix House. This work is'&rculated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. ^1 ONE BLOCK 3rai?d Kent %^ NEW YORK Sta No tourists, t Pat )PEAN PLANS. i a residence for families, or for Central Depot free of charge. Fold-ou Placeholc AN1> travelers' guide. 17 BELLAIRE, O. Situated ©n the Ohio River, four and a half miles below Wheeling, W. Va. Population, 8,000. Hotels— Belmont, Globe, National, American. BELLEFONTAINE, O. Population, 4,400. Hotels— Metropolitan, Logan, Depot. BELLEVILLE, 111. Situated on Richland Creek. Population, 10,682. Eailroads— Illinois & St. Louis; St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute; Louisville & Nashville; Belleville & O'Fallon; Belleville and East Carondelet— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufactur- ing and agricultural. Hotels— Belleville, National, Thomas House, Hinck- ley House, Aberer's, Tiemann. BELLEVILLE, Ont. Situated on Bay of Quinte. Population, 10,500. Railroads— Grand Trunk, Midland of Canada. Business interests— Lumber and manufacturing. Hoteh— Dafoe House, Queen's, Dominion, Commer- cial. BELLVILLE, N. J. Population, 8,000. Hotel — Mansion House. BELLVILLE, Texas. Population, 000. Hotels — Harlaff, City, Manning. BELLOWS FALLS, Vt, Situated on the Connecti- cut River. Population, 3, 799. Hotels — Towns', Island House. BELOIT, Wis. Situated on the Rock River. Popu- lation, 5,000, Hotels— Goodwin House, Commercial. For advertising space in this work address the National Director ij Co., Neir York City. 18 Thompson's hotel directory BENNINGTON. Vt. .Population, 3,4«j0. Jlotds— Stark House, Elm Tree House, Putnam. BETHLEHEM, Pa. Situated on both sides of the Lehigh River. Population, 5,000. Hotels — Eagle, Sun, American. Pacific, Central, Washington. BEVERLY, Mass. Population, 7,805. Hotels — Wallace, Careys', Railroad. BIDDEFORD, Me. Situated on the Saco River. Population. 12,652- Railroads — Boston & Maine; Eastern — occupy separate depots. Busbies* interests — Manufac- turing. Hotels — Biddeford House. BINGHAMPTON, N. Y. Population, 17.315. RaU- roads— Delaware A: Hudson Canal Co. (Susquehanna Di- vision); New York, Lake Erie & Western; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western— occupy separate Depots. Busi- ness interests— Manufacturing and mercantile; also fast becoming a fashionable summer resort. Hotel* — Bennett, Crandall, Exchange, Lewis House. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Population. 4,050. Hotels— "Relay House, Kentucky House, Nixon's, St. Charles, Central. Richards. BISMARCK, Dak. Situated on line of Northern Pacific Railroad and East bank of Missouri River. HoUis— Sheridan, Merchants, Custer, Western. BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. Situated on the Black River and is the headquarters of a very extensive lumber interest. Population, 1427. Hotel— "Lake's, This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. Cor. Canal and Centre Streets, Near Broadway, NEW YORK. ON THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. One of the Best Hotels in the lower part of the City for the Travel- ing Public. Elegant in Appointments, Centrally Located and Most Economical in Prices. IMPORTANT.— Travelers and Families arriving or leaving the City for business, pleasura, or to visit summer resorts, will find supe- rior accommodations at this Hotel. Guests on arriving save $2.60 carriage hire, by handing their Baggage Checks to Express Agent and taking street cars direct to Hotel. Acknowledged by the Fire Dep't to be the Safest in case of Fire Room and Board, - - $2.50 per Day. — A-Rooras (only) $1.00 per Day and Upward.-^ — New Automatic Passenger Elevator. French, German and Spanish spoken. FERD. P. EARLE, Owner and Proprietor. Now open, the most complete and comfortable Hotel in New York. -iTHE NEW AND PALATIAL^- ..._-^ ^ Cor. Broadway and 38th Street. On the European Plan, with a Restaurant of Peculiar Excellence. Esterbrook, Inspector of Buildings, says : " Every room is a place of security for its occupant as the entire house is absolutely fire-proof." Steam heat, speaking tubes, electric bells, burglar and fire alarms attached to all rooms. /KifSanitary arrangements perfect. Location the most Healthy in the City. Special attention to Weddings, Receptions and Dinner Parties. Liberal arrangements to Permanent Guests. Rooms $2 per Day and Upwards. FERD. P. EARLE, Proprietor AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 19 BLACKSTONE, Mass. Situated on the Blackstone River. Population. 4937. Hotels Union, Lincoln. BLOOMINGTON, HI. Population, 17,184. Railroads— Chicago & Alton; Indiana, Bloomington & Western; Lake Erie & Western — occupy same depot. Illinois Central — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Agricultural. Location of the State Normal University, the Wesley- ian University and the Chicago & Alton R. R. car, ma- chine and repair shops. Hotels — Ashley, Phoenix. BLOOMSBURCi, Pa. Situated on Fishing Creek and North Branch of the Susquehanna River. Popula- tion, 3704. Hotels — American, City, Exchange, Central, Rail- road House. BOONE, la. Situated on an elevated rolling prairie two miles from the Des Moines River. Population, 3313. Hotels— Lincoln, Eagle, St. James. BOONEVILLE, Mo. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 3855. Hotel— City. BORDENTOWN, N. J. Situated on the Delaware River at the southern terminus of the Delaware and Rar- itan Canal. Population, 6003. Hotels — American, City, Washington, Bordentown. BOSTON, Mass. Population, 362,535. Railroads— Boston & Albany; Boston k Maine; Boston & Provi- dence; Boston & Lowell; Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn; Eastern; Fitchburg; New York & New England; Old Colony — all roads occupy separate depots, except the For advertising space in this work address (he Na'ional Direetory Co., New York City. 20 THOMPSON S HOTEL DIRECTORY Moonsocket Div. of New York and New England, which occupies the Boston & Albany depot. Business Pntemsts — Manufacturing and commercial. Hotels — Adams, American, Brunswick, Clarendon, Crawford, Milliken, Revere. Tremont, United States, Young's, Parker House. BOWLING GREEN, Ky. Situated on the Big Bar- ren River at the head of navigation. Population, 4895. Hotels — American, Merchants', Morehead House, Potter House. BRADFORD, Pa. Population, 9197 Hotels — St. James, Henderson, Riddell, Burt, Aiken. BRANFORD, Fla. Population, 500. Terminus of Branford Branch of the Savannah, Florida & Western R. R. . and head of navigation on the Suwaunee River, connecting with steamer 'Caddo Bell" Tuesdays and Fridays for Cedar Keys and Key West, thence to the West Indies and Mexican Gulf port. Hotel — Branford House. BRANTFORD. Ont, Situated on the Grand River. Population, 11.000. Railroads — Great Western of Can- ada, and its Brantford, Norfolk & Port Burwell Branch —occupy same depot; Grand Trunk occupies separate depot. Business interests — Mercantile and manufacturing. Hotels — American, Commercial, Kirby House. BRENHAM, Texas. Population, 4200. Hotels — Central, Exchange, Pennington. BRIDGEPORT, Ct. Situated on an islet of Long Island Sound, at the mouth of the Pequonnock River. Population, 29, 1 48. Ba Uroads — Housatonic ; Nangatuck, This work is circulated grata itously among prominent hotels of the Thv ted States. i SAVE YOUR MONEY, REDUCE YOUR GAS BILLS WITHOUT REDUCING YOUR LIGHT. Apply to THE GAS SAVING COMPANY, 169 Broadway, New York. This apparatus is in use on the GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS in WASHINGTON, D. C, andwae adopted after severe competitive tests. Among a larg-e number of New York references are : THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. . GRAND Cfc-NIRAL D^POT BAY STATE SHOE ANi> LEATHER CO. OLD COLONY S. B. CO., FALL RIVER LINE ATLAS STEAMSHIP CO., PIM, FOKWOOD &CO. D. APPLKTON & CO. THEO. L. DeVINNE & CO FRANK LESLIE'S N Y. EEEdLD. THE CHULCHBCAN N. Y. OBSERVER. THE U. S. NAVAL HOSPITAL, BROOKLYN Send for Circulars. 20 tr» 50 per cent, saving guaranteed. NO CHEMICALS USED. NO GLYCERINE. NO MERCURY. AGENTS WANTED IN GAS-BURNING TOWNS. k © 4 w m m u LN |l a r NEEDED IN EVERY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. /TS FLAVOR IS UNEQUALED. si 3D CO Q> Co c^ H CO Co s ^ 03sn u3±vm on i yds jo is3und AND TRAVELERS" GUIDE. 21 New York, New Haven k Hartford — all occupying depot. Business interests — Manufacturing and fisheries. Hotels— Atlantic ($3 per day), Sterling ($2 per day), Pequonnock ($1.25 to $1.50 per day), Golden Hill ($1.50 to $1.75 per day), Elm ($1.50 per day). BRIDGETON. N. J. Situated on both sides of the Cohansey River. Population, 8722. Hotels— City, Davis'. BRISTOL, Pa. Situated on the Delaware River, op- posite Burlington, N. J., at the terminus of the Dela- ware Division Pennsylvania Canal. Population, 5474. Hotels — Cottage, Delaware, Classon House, Rail- road House. BRISTOL, Tenn. Population. 3000. Hotels — Virginia, Thomas. BROCKVILLE. Out. Situated on the St. Lawrence River. Population, 8500. Hotel — Reveie House. BROCKTON, Mass. Population, 13,608. Railroad— Old Colony. Business interests — Manufacturing boots and shoes. Hotels — Brockton House, Holbrook House, Winter's Hotel. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Situated on Long Island, New York Bay, opposite New York City. Population, 566,689. Railroads — Brooklyn, Bath & Coney Island; Long Island; Prospect Park & Coney Island; Pennsylvania & New York, West Shore & Buffalo— occupy same depot. Busi- ness interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. The city limits include Williamsburg and Bushwick. For advertising space in this work address the Notional Directory Co., New York City. 22 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels — Pierrepont House, Brooklyn Heights, Man- sion House, Clinton House. BROWNSVILLE, Tenn. Population, 2475. Hotels — Exchange, Gait House. BRUNSWICK, Ga. Situated on St, Simon's Sound, at the mouth of the Turtle River. Population, 3500. Hotel — Nelson. BRYAN, Texas. Population, 2790. Hotels — Commercial House, Campbell House, Bar- nett House, Waldron House, Prima Vista. BUCYRUS, Ohio. Situated on the Sandusky River. Population, 4000. Hotels— Deal House, Monnett House, Western House. BUFFALO. N. Y. Situated at the eastern extremity of Lake Erie and the western terminus of the Erie Canal. Population, 155,137. Bailroads — Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia; New York. West Shore & Buffalo; — occupy same depot; New York, Lake Erie & Western; Buffalo >> I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 First-Class Male and Female Help fur- nished for Hotels, Boarding; Houses, Restaurants, Private Families, &c. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 23 River, 251 miles, by water, above St. Louis. Population, 19,450. Bail-roads — Burlington, Cedar Rapids & North- ern; Burlington & Southwestern; Chicago, Burlington k Quincy, Main Line, Keokuk Division, and Quincy and Carthage Line; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific— occu- py same depot; Burlington & Northwestern (narrow gauge) separate depot. River steamers to St. Louis, St Paul and intermediate landings. The residences upon the bluffs command a fine view of the river. Business interests^ Manufacture and agricultural; good jobbing trade. Hotels — Gorham, Barrett, Union ($2 per day). BURLINGTON, N. J. Situated on the Delaware River, opposite Bristol, Pa. Population, 7655. Hotels — Belden's City, Atkinson's, Lutphen's. BURLINGTON, Vt. Situated on Burlington Bay, on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain. A port of entry. Population, 11,364. Bailroads— Burlington and Lamoille, Central Vermont, — occupy same depot. Business interests — Lumber, marble and mercantile. The University of Vermont is located about a mile from the shore, at an elevation of 281 feet above the lake. Hotels — American, Van Ness House, Quincy House. CAIRO, 111. Situated in the southern extremity of Il- linois, at confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Population, 9017. Hotels— Halliday, St. Charles, Planters', Arlington. CAMBRIDGE. Mass. Situated near Charles River. Population, 52,740. Bailroads— Boston & Lowell, Fitchburg. Business interests— Manufacturing. It is the For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., Ne^.c York City. 24 THOMPSONS HOTEL DIRECTORY seat of Harvard University, the oldest, and one of the best in the United States, founded in 1638. Hotels- Porter's, Prospect House. CAMDEN, N. J. Situated on the Delaware River, opposite Philadelphia, by which it is connected by five ferries. Population, 41,058. Railroads— Pennsylvania (AmboyDiv.); West Jersey— occupy same depot; Cam- den & Atlantic, Camden, Gloucester & Mt. Ephraim. Philadelphia & Atlantic City,- occupy separate depots. Business interests^- Manufacturing, lumber trade, commer- cial, &c. The largest steel pen manufactory in the United States, that of Esterbrook & Co., is located here. Rapidly growing city . Hotel—West Jersey. CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. Situated on Lake Canan- daigua. Population, 5679. Hotel* — Seneca Point, Willow Grove, Woodville. CANTON. Ohio. Population, 20,000. RiUroads- Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago, Valley, Connotton Valley. Business interests— Manufacturing and mercan- tile. Hotels— American, Ogden, St. Cloud. CANTON, Miss. Population, 2084. Hotels — Singleton House, City, European House. CAPE MAY, N. J. Situated on the Atlantic Ocean, at the entrance of Delaware Bay. Population, 2600. Hotels —Stockton, Congress Hall, Arctic, New Columbia, Windsor, Chalfonte, &c. CARBONDALE, Pa. Situated on the Lackawanna River, near its mouth. Population, 7814. Hotels— Harrison, American, House. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AUGUSTA HOUSE State Street, Augusta, Maine. » ■ » ■» Free Hacks to and from Depot & Steamboat *~ ~^> This popular house, recently refitted, renovated and refurnished is most pleasantly situated, overlooking the beautiful valley of the Kennebec; and, while it is, adapted to the wants of the traveling public all the year round, it offers SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO SUMMER TOURISTS, who desire to spend the Summer pleasantly and amidst the most beautiful scenery in the State. The house has a perfect system of drainage, is supplied with pure spring water. The sleeping apartments are large and well ventilated, furnished in good style, hair matresses, etc. Electric Bells connect the rooms with the office. Gas in every room. The table will be supplied with the BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS, and prepared by experienced cooks, together with good attendance in the Dining Hall. The City of Augusta is the capital of the State, situated 60 miles from Portland and accessible by the Maine Central Railroad from Portland, running in connection with the Eastern Railroad from Boston. No change of cars. Or by steamer direct from Boston, which is a very pleasant route. Excellent FISHING, BOATING and GUNNING are found here, and the drives are unexcelled. A FIRST-CLASS LIVERY will be kept to accommodate the public. The Maine Insane Hospital is located here, also the Soldiers' Home at Togus, the United States Arsenal, and other places of interest. The proprietors, having had large experience in the hotel busi- ness, feel competent to cater to the public taste, and by efficient and accommodating management trust to have a fair share of the public patronage. CHARLES MILLIKEN, Prop. FRANK GREENE, Clerk. Telephone and Telegraph Office in the House. c- ^ CJ fe ■ 6l ^ INTERNATIONAL HOTEL ^m^- EUROPEAN PLAN _^ Opposite New Post Office and Astor House *._ New York -=^^«^\\\\\\\\\\S\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\NN\\\\\N\\\\\\\\N\\S\\\\V*^^- MojQfmm, 75€tr $:t.0>@ mmdL $2,00 per Day -^^•\\S\\\\\\NSSN\N\\XNNSN\\\S\\\\\\\SS\\\S\.\X\\\\\\\\\\\\«^=£» J. VAN BRIMMER & CO., PROPRIETORS. Billiard and Wine Room connected with Hotel. AND TRAVELERS* GUIDE. 25 CARLISLE, Pa. Population, 6198. Hotels— Florence, Mansion, Thudrium, American, Pennsylvania, Washington, Letort, Gasber, Farmers and Drovers, Lerew, Franklin. CARMT, Dl. Situated on the Little Wabash River. Population, 2522. Hotel— Damron House. CARTHAGE, Mo. Situated on the Spring River. Population, 4210. Hotels — Karr's, Harrington's, City. CATASAUQUA, Pa. Population, 3856. Hotels — Mansion, American, Eagle, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. CEDAR FALLS, la. Situated on both sides of the Cedar River. Population, 3034. Hotels — Davis, Commercial. CEDAR RAPIDS, la. Situated near Cedar River. Population, 10,104. Bailroads— Burlington, Cedar Rap- ids & Northern, Chicago & Northwestern, — occupy same depot; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, (Racine & South-western Div.) occupies separate depot. Sev- eral large pork-packing establishments and a number of flour mills give to the place considerable business activ- ity. Hotels — Grand, North-western, Pullman. CENTRALIA, 111. Population, 3644. Hotels — Occidental, Centralia House. CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. Situated on the Conococ- hegne Creek. Population, 7500. For advertising space in this vowk address the National Directory Co., New York City. 26 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels— Washington, National, Montgomery, Indi- an due en Franklin. CHAMPAIGN, 111. Population. 5814. Hotels — Moore House, Doane House, Scott House. CHAMPLAIN. N. Y. Population. 1500. lloteh — Champlain House, Mansion House, Amer- ican House. CHARITON, la. Situated on the Chariton River. Population, 2974. Hotel— The Bates House. CHARLESTON, S. 0. Situated on a peninsula be- tween the rivers Ashley and Cooper, which unite im- mediately below the town and form a spacious harbor, two miles in width, communicating with the ocean seven miles below. The largest city in South Carolina. Pop- ulation, 49,999. Roll roads— North-eastern, Savannah & Charleston,— occupy same depot; South Carolina —occu- pies separate depot. Business interests — Commercial. Among the places of interest in and about the city is White Point Garden and Magnolia Cemetery, which is one of the finest and largest cemeteries in the Southern States. A steamboat makes two trips to and from Sulli- van's Island daily, affording visitors an opportunity of viewing the harbor, Fort Sumter, and other forts. Hotels -Charleston, Pavilion, "Waverly (#2.00 per day). CHARLESTON, W. Va. Situated on the Great Kan- awha River. Population, 4237. Hotels— Hale, St. Albert. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Situated on Sugar Creek. Pop- ulation, 8612. l%is work is circulated gratuitously am' ng prominent fiotels of the United States. rJJ*-2_ e,W\s °§° -"?> Barrett $ House ■■7)^, D<|o (S\«X?/&- Long Acre Square, Cor. Broadway & 43d St NEW YORK CITY. ^B*w£®u%®m Flaiauk^ •i - -*-.. NEW HOUSE, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED BARRETTS BROTHERS, _^ PROPRIETORS.*^. HJADI^OpI » AVEflUE » [lOTEL Madison Ave. and 58th Street, One Block from Central Park. NEW YORK. ^— i 1 First-Klass t Family * Hotel CONDUCTED ON THE . ..^ SMSAM I %*.. . AT POPULAR PRICES. (3 (D JK A/. HUMPHREY & CO., Proprietors. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 27 Hotel*— Central, Charlotte. CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va. Situated on the Rivanna River. Population, 5000. Hotels — Farrish, Central. CHATHAM. Ont. Situated on the River Thames. Pop- ulation, 8000. Hotels — Garner, Rankin. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. Situated on the Tennessee River. ^ Population, 12,892. Bailroads— Alabama Great Southern; East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia; Memphis & Charleston ; Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis ; Western & Atlantic; Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific — all occupy the same depot. Business interests — Mercantile and iron manufacturing in all its branches, rolling mills, and blast furnaces. The river is navigable about ten months in the year, and for small boats at all times. The surrounding region is liberally supplied with water-power and timber, and the hills contain an abundance of coal and iron-ore. The principal object of interest in the vicinity is Lookout Mountain, three miles south of the town. Since the war, Lookout Mountain has become one of the best patronized resorts in the South. Upon the summit of the mountain, several miles in extent, are numerous hotels and cottages, affording ample accommodation for visitors. From Point Lookout, overlooking the town, the battle-field of Mission Ridge, the National Cemetery, and for many miles the course of the Tennessee River, is obtained one of the grandest views this country affords. Upon a fair day, prominent landmarks in seven States are plainly visible. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 28 Thompson's hotel dikectory Hotels — Stanton House, Read House, Hamilton House, Stoops' European Hotel. CHELSEA, Mass. Population, 21,785. Suburb of Boston. Railroad — Eastern. Business interests — Manufac- turing. Location of United States Marine Hospital. Hotels -Broadway House, City Hotel, Soldiers' Home. CHESTER, Pa. Situated on the Delaware River. Population, 14,91)0, Railroads — Philadephia, Wilming- ton Ar Baltimore; Philadelphia & Reading-Separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing and iron ship- building. It is the oldest town in Pennsylvania, being settled by the Swedes in 1(543. Hotels Washington, Columbia, City, Delaware, Brown's, American, Bea'e House. CHEYENNE, Wy. Situated on a broad open plain on Crow Creek, a small stream having its source in the Black Hills. Population, 4000. JloteU Inter-ocean, Dyer's, Union Pacific Railroad and Dining Room at Depot. CHICAGO, 111. Situated on Lake Michigan at the mouth of Chicago River, and is also the eastern terminus of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. Population, 503,304. Railroads — Chicago & Alton; Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburg; Chicago, Burlington EUROPEAN PLAN Cor. Fourth Ave. and 18th St., N. Y (FORMERLY IRVING PLACE). jQmmwm wihiii, Proprietor; iLELAND'S STURTEVRNT HOUSE [S IN THE CENTER OE THE CITY, BROADWAY (28th & 29th Sts.) NEW YORK WITH ELEVATOR. SPSSS^SSpE^^^-^T"^ twos. RATES REDUCED.— Rooms, with Board, $3,00 and $3.50 per Day, according to location. Rooms on European Plan, $1.00 per day and upwards, LELAND HOTEL, Warren F. Leland, CHICAGO, ILL. LELAND HOTEL, Lkland & Wiggins, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. I. ELAND'S OCEAN HOTEL, - - - LONG BRANCH. Chari.es & Warren Leland, Jr. L & G. S. LKLAND, Proprietors. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 29 al Directory Co., New York City. 32 Thompson's hotel directory Cuyahoga River affords several miles of dock front, and in its winding e< mrse divides the city. The river and valley < >f the Cuyahoga are spanned, and the two divi- sions of the city united, by the viaduct, a great structure 2480 feet in length, and costing $2,250,000. Little Moun- tain, the popular summer resort of the West, is only 20 miles from the city, via Mentor. Hotels — Weddell, Kennard, Forest City, American, The Stillman. CLINTON, la. Situated on the Mississippi River, Population, 90G8. Hotels — Central House, Revere House. CLINTON, Mass. Situated on the Nashua River. Population, 10,000. Maihr0(ids—O\A Colony, Worcester & Nashua, Massachusetts Central. — occupy same depot. Business interests — One Of the most important manufactur- ing towns in Worcester County. Hotel— Clinton House. CLOYERDALE, Cal. Population, 705. Hotels — United States, Cloverdale. COBOURG, Ont. Situated on Lake Ontario. Popu- lation. 5000. Hotels -Arlington, Pauwell. Horton House, Wind- sor, North American, Albion. COHOES, N. Y. Situated near the mouth of the Mohawk River, and on the Erie Canal and Champlain Canal. Population, 19.417. Bnilroads- New York Cen- tral & Hudson River. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., (Rensselaer & Saratoga Div.), — occupy separate depots. Business //,- ^ Trade ( (ft » •iillli:^. St FOK WHITE METAL HOLLOW WARE. SALESROOMS i 14th STREET, UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK, (Three doors from Broadway:) 154 STATE STREET, CHICAGO, \34 SUTTER STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, AND AT THE FACTORIES, Main Factories, MERIDEN, CONN. Branch Factory, Hamilton, Ontario. AND TRAVELERS* guide. 33 Hotels — Harmony, Miller House. COLLINGWOOD, situated on the Mottawassaga Bay, and inlet of Georgian Bay. Population. 5000. Hotels — Central, Dominion, True Blue, Manitoba. Globe, Anglo- American. COLUMBIA, Mo. Population. 3308. Hotels — Lindell, Southern, Grand Central, Planters',, Powers'. COLUMBIA, S. C. Situated on the Congaree River, at the head of navigation. Population. 10,040. Bail- roads — Greenville & Columbia, South Carolina — occupy same depot; Charlotte, Columbia k Augusta, Wilming- ton, Columbia k Augusta, — occupy separate depots. Business interests— Commercial and mercantile. Hotels— Columbia, Wright's, Grand Central. - COLUMBIA, Pa, Situated on the Susquehanna River. Population, 8541. Hotels— Black's, Franklin, American, Continental. COLUMBIA, Tenn. Situated on the Duck River. Population, 3400. Hotels — Bethel, Nelson House, Guest House, Depot. COLUMBUS, Ga. Situated on the Chattahoochee River, opposite Girard, Ala. Population, 12,000. Railroads — Mobile & Girard, Central of Georgia (South- western Div.), Western of Alabama, — occupy same depot. Columbus k Rome — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, cotton and argricultural. Hotels — Central, Rankin. COLUMBUS, Miss. Situated on the Tombigbee River. Population, 5350. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co.. New York City. 34 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels— Gilmer, Kennon House, Dowsing House. COLUMBUS, Ohio. Situated on the Scioto River. Population, 51,665. Railroads— Baltimore & Ohio, Cleve- land, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis. Cleveland, Mt. Vernon & Delaware, Indiana, Bloomington & West- ern, Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo, Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis, Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburg, Scioto Valley, Columbus & Sunday Creek Valley, — all roads occupy Union Depot. Business interests — Iron, coal, manufacturing and mercantile. Columbus is sur- rounded by a rich and populous country, and is the cen- ter of an active trade. Hotels— ¥ axis., Neil, United States, American, Corro- di's. CONCORD, N. H. Situated on the Merrimack River. Population, 13,838. Railroads— Boston, Concord & Montreal; Concord; Concord & Claremont; North- ern (N. H)— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile, agricultural and stone quarries. Hotels — Phoenix, Elm, Eagle, American House. CORINTH, Miss. Population, 2462. Hotels — Central, Norris. CORNING, N. Y. Situated on the Chemung River, at the terminus of Chemung canal. Population, 4823. Hotels — American, Dickinson, Barry, St. James CORNWALL, Ont. Situated on the St. Lawrence River. Population, 5000. Hotels — St. Lawrence, Central, Commercial, Ottawa House, American House. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. Hotel Washington, 1143 & 1145 WASHINGTON ST Opp. Windsor Theatre , NEW YORK ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK. HORSE CARS PASS THE DOOR TO AND FROM ALL THE DEPOTS AND THEATRES. JAJf I£ | Q) Ellfflf I&a, , $1.50 PER DAY. H. M. TEMPLE, Proprietor. HOTEL ALBERT. i«» BUILDING ABSOL UTEL Y EIRE-PR OOE Eleventh Street and University Place, N. Y. City. GEO. C. WARD. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 35 CORKY, Pa. Population, 5418. Hotels — St. James, Kent House, Commercial, Phe- nix. CORSICANA, Texas. Population, 3500. Hotels— Malloy House, McKay House, O'Neal House. COSHOCTON, O. Situated at the confluence of the Walhonding and Tuscarawas rivers. Population, 3044. Hotels— Park Hotel, McDonald, Price, Central. COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa, Situated at the foot of high bluffs overlooking a level plain which stretches to the Missouri River, about three miles distant. Popula- tion, 18,059. Council Bluffs is the western terminus of the Chicago & Northwestern, Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroads, the four trunk lines from the East, as well as of the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific, Union Pacific, and Sioux City & Pacific Railroads, all of which have independent stations in the toAvn and occupy the Union Pacific depot (a mile nearer the river) in common. Basin ess ii i tereds — Mercantile. Hotels— "Union Pacific, Ogden House, Pacific House. COVINGTON, Ky. Situated on the Ohio River, op- posite Cincinnati, Ohio, with which it is connected by suspension bridge, street railways and steam ferry. It is also connected with Newport by suspension bridge. Population, 29,720. Railroads — Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington; Kentucky Central occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Clinton, National, Ashbrook, Central. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., Neiv York City. 36 Thompson's hotel directory CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. Population, 5000. Hotels — St. James, Sherman House, Nutt's. CRESCO, Iowa, Population. 1875. Hotel*— Dillworth, Strother, Mason, Van Slyke. CRESTON. Iowa. Population. 5116. Hotels— Creston, Commercial, Metropolitan, Sum- mit, Revere. CUMBERLAND. Md. Situated on the Potomac River. It is also the western terminus of the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal. Population, 10,660. Railroads — Baltimore & Ohio; Cumberland & Pennsylvania; Penn- sylvania (Bedford Division) — occupy same depot. Busi- ness interests— Coal trade and manufacturing. Hotels— Queen City, St. Nicholas, City, Washington. DALLAS, Texas. Situated on the Trinity River. Population, 10,358. Railroads— Missouri Pacific (Dallas Extension); Houston & Texas Central; Texas & Pacific; Chicago, Texas & Mexican Central: Texas Trunk, occupy separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile, agricul- tural and manufacturing. Hotels— Grand Windsor, St. George, National. DALTON, Ga. Population. 2560. Hotels— National. Exchange, Rudd House. D ANBURY, Ct. Situated on the Still River. Popu- lation. 11,660. Railroads— Danbury & Norwalk; Housa- tonic; New York & New England, occupy separate de- pots. Business interests — Hat manufacturing. Hotels— Wooster House, Turner House. DANVERS, Mass. Population, 6500. Hotels -Danver's, Central House. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. ;^^\v\\\^\V^>^^^^^^^^^^ _(Os»«?»'C- Fifth Ave. ^ 36th St, ^ew Y@p^ ^_ ^i 8^ Formerly of HOTEL BRUNSWICK. Jl^ f 40th Street and Broadway, ^xibi \ ^ --< Rooms $1.00 per Day and Upward. -.'"'l.!'"!.^ l'>|,|"»„l , <> 1 t> , >|J>"l„l>»,(<>lB» , «l,.«- <^FIRST-CLHSS IN EVERY RESPECTS •»'l|.*""t„MI|,<>"« >< f' rj ffa ■ ^ Albemarle Hotel ^<© ^^K©^ ~~eS^ 3 J/OST CHARMINGLY AND MOST CEN- TRAL L Y SITU A TED. Junction of Broadway, Fifth Ave. and 24th St., FACING MADISON SQUARE. Conducted on the European Planck ■-HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- JAUVIN & WALTER, Props. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 4:1 EASTMAN, Ga. The town is situated about 700 feet above tide-water, in the midst of the piue forests of Georgia. Population, 500. Hotels — Uplands, Railroad House. . EASTON, Pa. Situated on the Delaware River, above the mouth of the Lehigh River ; also, located at Junction of the Delaware, and Lehigh and Morris Canals. Popu- lation, including South Easton, 11,924. Bailroads —Cen- tral of New Jersey— occupies separate depot ; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western ; Lehigh Valley— occupy same (depot. Business interests— -Iron and its manufacture. Hotels— United States, Franklin House. EAST SAGINAW, Mich. Situated on the east bank of the Saginaw River, twenty miles from its mouth, and the head of Saginaw Bay. Population, 19,016. Bailroads —Flint & Pere Marquette; Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron; Port Huron & North-western, occupy same depot; Michigan Central; Detroit & Bay City, occupy same depot. Business interests— The center of the largest lum- ber and salt district in the United States. Hotels— Bancroft, Everett, Sherman, Lloyd, Ameri- can, Neagley. EAST ST. LOUIS, 111. Situated on the Mississippi River, opposite St. Louis, Mo. Population, 10,000. Bailroads— Cairo & St. Louis; Chicago & Alton; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Illinois & St. Louis; Indianapolis & St. Louis; Ohio & Mississippi; St. Louis, Vandalia, Terra Haute & Indianaj>olis; St. Louis, Alton & Terra Haute; Louisville & Nashville; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific, centre at Relay Depot; Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis, occupies separate depot. Business interests — For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 42 Thompson's hotel directory Manufacturing, elevator business and St. Louis National Stock Yards. The great steel 1 >ridge connects East St. Louis with St. Louis. Hotel— Martell. EAU CLAIKE, Wis. Situated on the Chippewa Eiver at the mouth of the Eau Claire River. Population, 10,118. Railroads — Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha line (Eastern Div. ) ; Chippewa Falls & Western ; Wisconsin Central — occupy same depot ; Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul — separate depot. Businem interests — Lumber and flouring mills. Eau Claire lumber mills cut and ship upwards of 50,000,000 feet of pine lumber annually. Hotels— Eau Claire House, Galloway House. EDGEFIELD, Tenn. Situated on the Cumberland River, opposite Nashville. Population, 4380. Hotel— Edgefield. ELGIN, 111. Situated on both sides of the Fox River, and called East and West Elgin. Population, 10,040. J tail road* — Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ; Chicago & Northwestern — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile, agricultural, &c. Among the manufactures of Elgin is the National (Elgin) Watch Factory. Hotels— Nolting House, Central Kimball, Jen- nings', Commercial, New Windsor. ELIZABETH, N. J. Population, 28,229. Railroads— Central of New Jersey ; Pennsylvania (New York Div.), occupy same depot. Business interests— Shipment of coal and manufacturing. The city is situated on elevated Tfds work is circula'ed gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. r,4 (j}^» i1iili:lii>iilnliiliiliilii>iilinuliiliil,iliiliiliiiiiihliil!i In), ili, mini Dliilnlnlnl 's l< , 'l.<'*« > ,»"«,(<'<| 1 |«|„(' ,»>l|,|»- New York Elevated Railroad Depot in the Hotel. Time to Grand Central Depot, 30 minutes. Five minutes' walk to New Haven, Hart- ford and Bridgeport steamers. AM RICAN PLAN.— Full Board, $2.50, $3.00 to $3.50 per day. FGOMS (on European Plan ) — $1.00 per day and upwards. Speeial Rates for Families and Permanent Kuests. «. KEEFERS — '<• flAJLWAI"-S eANKERS-ENS«Ji.t'WfCO"lH<«/'fe C/Y/ A7a/*ef, - - NEW HAVEN, CONN, $2.00 per Day* THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN NEW-RIGGED THROUGHOUT, GRAND UNION HOTEL, 1016 Chapel Street, Opposite Colleges, NEW HAVEN, CONN, The best appointed, only Modern House in the city, and one of the most popular in New England. Large, pleasant rooms, All have steam heat, gas 1 , electric bells, hot and cold water. Table and service first-class. Elegant Bar and Billiard Room connected. $3.00 a Day, Discount to Commercial Travelers. SOUTHWICK & CO., - - Proprietors. Bridgeport, Conn. j-i— ^^«iMiiiiiiiiil!iliiii'liii!ili,iiiliiiiiiMfiiiii G. MICE, - - F^oprietor. .|» , '»"»i.<'«».l>"«M"<>t'*>> 1 l»«.l» , »M> , <»i»'«lii<- This is a First-Elass Summer Resort, Several Lakes are in the neighborhood, with good Fishing, Bathing and Boating, and THE DRIVES ARE UNEXCELLED. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 47 form the Maumee River. Population, 26, 880. Railroads — Fort Wayne & Jackson; Fort Wayne, Muncie & Cin- cinnati — occupy wame depot; Grand Rapids & Indiana; Pittsburg, Port Wayne & Chicago; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific — occupy same dei>ot. Business interest* — Here are located the locomotive works, car and repair shops of the Pittsburg, Port Wayne & Chicago Railway, which, with the general offices of the western division of the same railway, occupy a square of some five acres in ex- tent. The largest manufactures are in lumber, woolen mills, plaining mills, foundries, wagons, carriages, etc. Hotels — Aveline, Mayer's, Robinson House. FORT WORTH. Tex. 253 miles S. W. of Texarkana. Population, 7000. Hotels— "El Paso, Waterman's. FRAMINGHAM, Mass. Population, 5729. Hotel — Framing-ham . FRANKFORT, Ky. Situated on the Kentucky River, sixty miles from its mouth. Population, 6979. Hotels — Capital, Merriwether's. FRANKLIN, Pa. Situated on the Allegheny River. Population, 5500. Hotels— United States, Exchange, Rural, National, Grant House. FREDERICK, Md. Situated near the Monocacy River. Population, 8486. Hotels -City, Groff, Carlin House. FREDERICKSBURG, Va. Situated on the Rappa- hannock River. Population, 5000. Hotels— Central, Exchange. For advert sing space in this icork address the National Directory Co., New York City. 48 Thompson's hotel directory FREDERICTON. N. B. Situated on the River St. John. Population. 7000. IIoU-U— Queen, Barker, Bayley, Long's, Waverly, Commercial. FREDERICKTOWN, Mo. 104 miles south of St. Louis. Population, 1805. IfoteU— Madison, White, Allen. FREEHOLD. N. J. Population, 3000. Hotels— American. Union, Washington and Railroad House. FREEPORT, 111. Population, 10,000. Railroads— Chicago & Northwestern ; Illinois Central; Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul (Racine k Southwestern Div.), — oc- cupy separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing and agricultural. Hotek — Brewster, Clifton, Pennsylvania. FREMONT, O. Situated on the Sandusky River, at the head of navigation. Population, 8406. Hotels — Ball House, Tell House. FROSTBURG, Md. Population, 6000. J Totels— St. Cloud, Grand Central. FULTON, N. Y. Situated on the Oswego River. Population, 4648. Hotel* — Johnson House, Fulton House, Lewis House. GALENA. 111. Situated on the Galena River. Pop- ulation. 8200. Hotels — De Soto House, European, Mississippi. Lawrence. GALESBURG, HI. Population. 11,446. Seat of This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotek n £the United Stairs. AND TRAVELERS* GUIDE. 49 Lombard University and Knox College and Seminary. Engine houses, machine and repair shops of Middle Di- vision of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad located here. Railroad— Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, Main Line, and Peoria and Quincy Divisions. Business in- Uresis— Manufacturing and mercantile ; centre of broom- corn district. Hotels — Union, Brown's ($2 per day). GALLATIN, Tenn. Population, 4000. Hotels— Sindle House, Sumner. GALT, Ont. Population, 5000. Hotels— Queen's, Central. GALVESTON, Tex. Located on an island between the Gulf of Mexico and Galveston Bay. A port of entry. Population, 22,253. Railroads— Galveston, Houston Sr Henderson; Gulf, Colorado & Santa F6 - occupy Union depot. Business interests-^ Mercantile and commercial. Hotels — Tremont, Girard n, Washington. GENEVA, N. Y. Situated at the head of Seneca Lake. Population, 5861. Hotels — Franklin, American, International. GETTYSBURG, Pa. Population, 3114. Hotels— Spring, Eagle, McClellan, Keystone, Wash- ington, Globe, Battle Field. GLOUCESTER, Mass. Situated on Cape Aim. Peninsula projecting into the Atlantic Ocean, forming the north limit of Massachusetts Bay, and the south limit of Ipswich Bay. Comprises Lanesville, Bay View, Annisquam, and West Gloucester on Ipswich Bay, and East Gloucester, Gloucester (harbor), and Magnolia on For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 50 Thompson's hotel directory Massachusetts Bay. Population, 19,329. Railroad— Eastern (Gloucester branch). Business interests — Massa- chusetts Bay side, fisheries ; Ipswich Bay side, granite. Hotels — Pavilion, Ocean, Atlantic, Webster, Bel- mont. Summer houses— Pavilion, Bass B»ocks, Pebbly Beach. At East Gloucester : Craig Cottage, Delphine. At Magnolia : Willow Cottage, Hesperus, Ocean Side, Oak Grove. At Annisquam : Highland House. GLOVERSVILLE, N. Y. Population, 7400. HoMs—'M.ason, Alvord, Scoville. GOLDSBOBO, N. C. Population, 3415. Hotels — Humphrey, Bonitz. GRAND FORKS, Dak. Situated on the Red River, in the richest wheat-growing region in the Northwest. Population, 1703. Hotels— Griggs, Mansard, Northwestern. GRAND HAVEN, Mich. Situated on Lake Michi- gan, at the mouth of Grand River. Population, 4862. Hotels— Cutler House, Kirby House. GRAND RAPJDS, Mich. Situated on Grand River. Population, 32,015. Railroads — Chicago & West Michi- gan ; Grand Rapids & Indiana ; Michigan Central— oc- cupy same depot ; Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee ; Grand Rapids, Newaygo & Lake Shore ; Lake Shore & Michigan Southern occupy separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing, commercial, lumber, &c. Hotels- Sweet's, (rates, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 per day.) .Morton, Rathbun, Bridge Street, Eagle. GREAT FALLS, N. H. Situated on the Salmon Ealls River. Population, 8000. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. <£/A£> Y 20 & 22 Hay ward Place, Near Globe Theatre. BOSTON, MASS. , >l(l',*» , «t.<"««) , S,|»<»Ml'Srtt>S < »',»'«lM< , <> I (' PRIMTE DINING ROOMS, Steaks, Shops, and Pish a Specialty, Kl"W'<<.,l , «l" wmjkW£ wt* lAiit, prop. FREEMAN $ HOUSE (s m & (FORMERLY ADAMS HOUSE), 46 & 48 Union Street, Providence, R. L Three Minutes Walk from Gen'l Passenger Depot. F R E EM A N & WEEK S , Proprs. S 1 .50 and $2.00 per Day. Special Rates to the Theatrical Profession and Commercial Travelers, First-Class Sample and Billiard Rooms, Bath-Rooms free to Patrons. stuMP Elm Houge, 36 John St. (6 doors ff. Main) gjll Bridgeport, Et, Seventy-five 1 Rooms Heated b/ Steam, entirely Remodeled and Newly Furnished.- /^J.R.Rockfeller, Wm PROPRIETOR. jJa^M Board bv the DaV IS or Week ~^~~ ' ' $ 1 .50 per Day* " Liberal Discount AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 51 Hotels— Great Falls, Grant's, Granite State. GKEEN BAY, Wis. Situated at the head of Green Bay and mouth of Fox River. Population, 7479. Hotels— Cook's and American. GREEN LAKE, Wis. Post office— Dartford, Green Lake Co., Wis. HoteU— Hill's, Sherwood Forest, Oakwood House, Pleasant Point House. GREENBUSH, N. Y. Situated on the Hudson River, opposite Albany, N. Y. Connected with Albany by two iron railroad bridges and one new team and railroad bridge. Population, 5021. Hotels— Rensselaer, Boston, Broadway. GREENCASTLE, Ind. Population. 3611. Hotels — Central, Jones'. GREENSBORO, N. C. Population, 4996. Hotels— Central, McAdoo House, Benbow House,, Planters. GREENSBORO, Ala, Population, 1850. Hotel — Cowin House. GREENSBURG, Pa. Population, 3300. Hotels— Dixon House, Laird House, Miller House, Zimmerman House. GREENVILLE, Ala. Population, 2500. Hotels— Perry, Mallett Marion. GREENVILLE, Pa. Situated on the Shenango Creek, a tributary of the Beaver River; also, on Erie Canal. Population, 4601. Hotels— National, Fell House, Packard House. For advertising space in this work address the. Natiohdl Directory Co., New York City. 52 Thompson's hotel directoky GREENVILLE, S. C. Situated on the Reedy River. Population, 6155. Hotels — Central, Commercial, Exchange, Greenville. Mansion House. GREENWICH, Ct. Situated on Long Island Sound. Population, 7905. Hotels — Morton House, Lenox House. GRENADA, Miss. Situated on the Yellow Busha. navigable four months in the year. Population, 2460. Hotels — Chamberlin (at depot), Walthall. GRIFFIN, Ga. Population, 4200. Hotels — Nelm's House, Wheeler House, Goddard House. GUELPH, Out. Situated on the Speed River. Popu- lation, 11,000. Railroads — Grand Trunk, Great Western of Canada, — occupy separate depots. Business interests— Manufactiiring, mercantile and agricultural. Hotels — American, Dominion, Queen's, Royal, Well- ington, Western, &c. HACKENSACK, N. J. Situated on the Hackensack River. Population, 4500. Hotels— National, Washington, Hackensack, Man- sion HAGERSTOWN, Md. Population, 7098. Hotels — Baldwin, Franklin, Antietam, City. HALIFAX, Capital of Nova Scotia. Situated on an in- let of the Atlantic Ocean, called Halifax Harbor. Popu- lation, 30,000. Railroad— Intercolonial. Business inter- ests— Manufacturing, commercial, shipping. Halifax is the principal commercial and naval station of the North This icork is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotelt of the United States. HOWLAND HOTEL, (2^-s °&* •"xyXs^ E,OKG llAKCHj 1^^ jr, American Plan, Open June to September, ~*- N. B. BARRY, Proprietor. • Fifth Avenue, Between 21st & 22d Streets, near Madison Square, ♦» « ^ •6 EUROPEAN PLANI^- »■ » ■* N. B. BARRY, Proprietor. c / e^jjJfe^ '^> §§lel * Sfe. * SlepheFi ^EUROPEAN PLAfe^_. 42 to 52 EAST ELEVENTH ST /&tf. Broadway and University Place, ?k^ C'>.il , H„l'»M">.<<" , V.<"«»>' , >.t>'>> > t"».>'' , >.<"'>.' , '».< ,, >t^ ,, M«' , »»,«'">M» ,, «rf'"lw»"<».* , tlJ>"l.. W. D. RYDER, Proprietor (5 9 $/7?#/e Rooms, $1 .00 per Day and Upward. Double Rooms, $2.00 per Day and Upward. 1 AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 53 American Colonies, and its harbor is one of the best known. Hotels — Halifax, International, Carlton, Waverly, Royal. HAMILTON, O. Situated on the Miami Eiver and Miami and Erie Canal. Population, 12,122. Railroad — Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton. Business interests — Mer- cantile, manufacturing and agricultural. Hotels — Phillips, Straub, St. James. HAMILTON, Ont. Situated an Burlington Bay. Po- pulation, 34,000. Railroads— Great Western of Canada ; Wellington, Grey & Bruce— occupy same depot ; Hamil- ton & Northwestern — separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile, agricultural. . Hotels — Royal, St Nicholas, Dominion, American, Lee's, Mansion House, Walker House. HANNIBAL, Mo. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 11,074. Railroads— Chicago. Burlington & Quincy ; Missouri Pacific (Missouri, Kansas &• Texas Div.); St. Louis, Keokuk & North western ; St. Louis, Han- nibal & Keokuk ; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific ; Hanni- bal & St. Joseph— all occupy Union depot Business in- terests— Jjumber, lime, oil, salt beef and pork packing, &e. Hotels— Park, Planters, Continental, Union Depot. HANOVER, Pa. Population, 2317. Hotels —Central, Diller, Franklin, American. HARRISBURG, Pa. Capital. Situated on the Sus- quehanna River. Population, 30,762. Railroads- Cum- berland Valley ; Northern Central ; Pennsylvania— oc- cupy same depot ; Philadelphia & Reading ; Schuylkill & For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 54 THOMPSONS HOTEL DIRECTORY Susquehanna — occupy separate depots. Business interests — principally iron manufactories. Hotels — Lochiel, Bolton, United States, Jones. HARTFORD, Conn. Capital. Situated on the Con- necticut River, fifty miles from Long Island Sound. Con- nected with East Hartford, across the river, by a covered bridge, 1000 feet long. Population. 42,553. Railroads ■■-- Connecticut Central ; Connecticut Valley— occupy same depot ; Connecticut Western ; New York & New Eng- land ; New York, New Haven & Hartford— occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile and insurance. The city is for the most part compactly built. principally of brick and freestone. Hotels— Allyn House ($3.50 per day), United States, City ($2.50 to 3.00 per day). HASTINGS, Minn. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 3817. Hotels Foster, Tremont, St. Joe. HAVERHILL. Mass. Situated on the Merrimac River, at head of Navigation. Population, 18,475. Rail- road — Boston & Maine. Business interests — Manufactur- ing, principally boots, shoes and hats. Hotels ^ffitna, Central, City, Clinton, Eagle. HAZLETON, Pa. Population, 7546. Hotels— Central, Hazleton. HELENA. Ark. Situated on the Mississippi River ; eighty miles below Memphis. Tenn. Population, 3600. Hotel— Shelby House. HELENA, Mon. Ter. Capital. Situated in Lewis and Clark County. Population, 3624. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent h -teU of the United States. 1 1 IT. W. WQ><5WE t Proprietor, MERIDEN. * CONN -o>oo=£=• s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V\\S\N\\\\\SN.\\\S\\\^» ^^=~ CLAPP & DUDLEY, Proprietors. No. 510 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. LADIES' ENTRMGE, 522 MAIN STREET. JMz m '~\r?>l-H.}(?)f Cor. Broadway and 26th Street. < M. : • CONWE'll* Frop'r New York, I ~ PJ^ ( & BROADWAY, Corner of 31st Street, NEW YORK. HENRY MILFORD SMITH & SON, PRDPRTETDR; AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 57 HUNTSVILLE, Ala. Population, 6500. Hotels — Huntsville, McGee's. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Situated on the White Eiver. Population, 75,074. Railroads— Cincinnati, Hamilton & Indianapolis; Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & In- dianapolis; Indiana, Bloomington & Western; Cincin- nati, Indianapolis; St. Louis & Chicago; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; Indianapolis & St. Louis; Indianapolis & Vincennes;- Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis; -Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburg; St. Louis, Vandalia, Terre Haute & Indianapolis — all roads centre in Union Depot, 400 feet long by 80 feet wide. Business interests— Mercantile and manufacturing, grain elevators, &c. Hotels— Bates, Grand, Denison ($2.50 to $4 per day), Mason, Occidental, Sherman, Spencer. IONIA, Mich. Situated on the Grand River. Popu- lation, 4700. Hotels — Bailey, Washington, Clarendon, Union, Na- tional, Dexter. IOWA CITY, Iowa. Situated on the Iowa River. Population, 8865. Hotels— St. James, Palace. . IRONTON, O. Situated on the Ohio River. Popula- tion, 9000. Hotels— Sheridan ($2 per day), Irondale. ISHPEMING, Mich. Population, 6200. Hotels — Nelson House, Commercial House. ITHACA, N. Y. Situated on both sides of Cayuga Inlet, one mile from the head of Cayuga Lake. Popula- tion, 9140. For advertising space in this work address the Nationai Directory Go., Hew York City. 58 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels— Ithaca, Clinton House, Tompkins House. JACKSON, Mich. Situated on both sides of the Grand River, at an elevation of 440 feet above Lake Michigan. Population, 16,105. Railroads — Fort Wayne & Jackson; Michigan Central (Grand River Valley and Air Line Divisions) ; Lake Shore & Michigan Southern; Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw — occupy separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Hibbard, Hurd, Union, Commercial. JACKSON, Miss. Situated on the Pearl River. Popu- lation, 5472. Hotels— Edwards House, European, Spengler, Law- rence. JACKSON, Tenn. Situated on the Forked Deer River. Population, 5571. Hotels— Cavness, Lancaster, Merchants, Payne's, Robinson. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Situated on the St. John's River. Population, 10,500. Railroads— Savannah, Flo- rida & Western; Fernandina & Jacksonville; Florida Central & Western — occupy separate depots. Business interests —Mercantile, lumber, and centre of fruit growing district. Hotels— St James, Everett, St. Mark's, Windsor, Carleton, Duval. JACKSONVILLE, HI. Population, 10,927. Railroads — Chicago & Alton ; Peoria, Pekin & Jacksonville — occupy same depot; Jacksonville & Southeastern; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific — occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, agricultural and mercantile. Hotels — Dunlap's, Park, Southern, Metropolitan. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. George M. Delaney. James A. McKanna. OPPOSITE CITY PARK. l(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll "^^J DELANEY & McKANNA, Props. (J/g iiiiii mini i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiMii T^J*) FREE 'BUS, This House is newly Refurnished and fitted up, and no pains will be spared to make it First-Class in every department. TERMS, $2 PER DAY. JOS. McCLEAN, „-ti, efe a^ .SSV\\SSS\\N\\\S\\NV\\\\\\\S\N\X\N\\\\\\\\\\\\\X\X\N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N\\.\\\N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N\\\\\\\\V.N\\S\^ Club floiip'e t and $ ^egto&ijf!, Nos. 35 & 37 WEST MAIN STREET, i ^ \ ] Mh~ : 'v? \ .-•>: v^ C & AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 59 JAMESTOWN, 'N. Y. Situated at the outlet of Chau- tauqua Lake. Population, 8514. Hotels— Sherman ($2 to $8.50 per day). JANESVILLE, Wis. Situated on the Rock River. Population, 9035. Hotels— Myers' House, Grand Hotel, Davis House,. Edwards House. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 5420. Hotels — Monroe, Central, Tennessee, Delmonico Restaurant, Railway Dining Hall (Union Depot). JEFFERSON, Texas. Situated at the head of navi* gation on Big Cyprus Bayou. Population, 8000. Hotels — Excelsior, Pruitt's. JEFFERSON, Wis. Situated near Rock River. Pop- ulation, 2115. Hotels— Sawyer, Jefferson. JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. Situated on the Ohio River, opposite Louisville, Ky. Population, 10,422. Railroads — Jefferson ville, Madison & Indianapolis; Ohio & Mississippi — occupy same depot; Jefferson ville, Louis- ville & New Albany — separate depot. Business interests — Mercantile, manufacturing, ship-yards, &c. Hotels — National, Falls City House, Falls View House, Sherman. JERSEY CITY, N. J. Situated on the Hudson River, at its entrance into New York Bay, opposite New York City. Population, 120,728. Railroads— New York, Lake Erie & Western; New York & Greenwood Lake; New Jersey & New York — occupy same depot; Lehigh For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York Oity, 60 Thompson's hotel directory Valley; New Jersey Midland; Pennsylvania; New York, West Shore & Buffalo— occupy same depot; Central of New Jersey — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing and commercial. Hotel — Taylor's. JOHNSTOWN, Pa, Situated on the Conemaugh River. Population, 22,000. Railroads — Pennsylvania; Somerset & Cambria Branch of Baltimore & Ohio occupy separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing. Hotels — Mansion, Merchants, Hulbert House, Cam- bria Club House. JOHNSTOWN, N. Y. Population, 5200. Hotels — Sir William Johnson, Harden, Railroad, Liangfield, Dixon. JOLIET, 111. Situated on the Desplaines River and Hlinois and Michigan Canal. Population, 16,145. Ruil- roads — Chicago & Alton; Chicago, Pekin and Southwest- ern—occupy same depot; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; Michigan Central — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Stone quarries, manufacturing, mercantile, &c. Hotels — St. Slichola?, Auburn, National, Robertson House. JOPLIN, Mo. Population, 7038. Hotels — Joplin, Pacific, St. James, Commercial, Jas- per, Allington. JUNCTION CITY, Kan. Situated near the conflu- ence of the Republican and Smoky Hill Rivers. Popu- lation, 2670. Hotels — Bartell, Pacific, Pershall. KALAMAZOO, Mich. Situated on the Kalamazoo This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent h tels of the United States. KILBOURN * HOUSE MM€te Terms per Day, $1.50 and $2.00. <2 g. £GMMTmAs% LOCATIOR^ m s *M en. •-£ in ii i l l l l i i i ii i i i i ii i r ii [ i i i i i i i i i hi . — ^^$) EUROPEAN PLAN. ■ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ■ i i i ■ i i i i- y%e>" 42 to 52 East Eleventh Street, N. Y. Bet. BROADWAY and UNIVERSITY PLaCE. W, D. lYill, proprietor, -<£s!^\\\\\\\V\\\S\\\\\\S\\\\\S\\S\N\S\S\\\\S\\\S\SX\\N\\\V»^J^=- Single Rooms, $i oo per Day and Upivard. Double Rooms, $2.00 per Day and Upward. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 61 River. Population, 11,937. Railroads — Grand Rapids & Indiana; Lake Shore & Michigan Southern; Michigan Central — all roads occupy . separate depots. Grand Rapids & Indiana and Michigan Central connect at Junc- tion. Business interests — Mercantile, manufacturing and agricultural. Hotels — The Burdick House, American, Kalamazoo House. KANKAKEE, 111. Situated on the Kankakee River. Population, 6000. Hotels— Commercial, City, Kankakee. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 55,813. Railroads — Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; Chicago & Alton; Hannibal & St. Joseph,; Kansas City & Eastern; Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf; Kansas Pacific; Kansas City; Lawrence & Southern; Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs; Missouri Pacific; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific— all roads occupy Union Depot. Bank — Bank of Kansas City. Business interests — Mercantile, packing beef and pork, grain, &c. Hotels— Coates House, St. James, Metropolitan, Pa- cific, Centropolis. KEENE, N. H. Situated on the Ashuelot River. Population, 6780. Hotels — Cheshire, Eagle, City. KENOSHA, Wis. Situated on Lake Michigan, at the mouth of Kenosha River. Population, 5043. Hotel — Grant House ($2 per day). KENTON, O. Situated on the Scioto River. Popula- tion, 4600. F&r advertising space in this work address the Na'.ional Directory Co., New York City. 62 Thompson's hotel directoky Hotels — Dugan House, Franklin House. KEOKUK, Iowa. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population,. 12,117. Railroads— Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific — all roads occupy same depot. Business interests— Com- mercial, mercantile, agricultural and manufacturing. Hotels — Patterson, Commercial, La Clede, Barrett, Clyde, St. Louis. KINGSTON, N. Y. Population, 18,342. The city of Kingston includes Kingston proper and Rondout, the latter situated on Rondout Creek, opposite Rhinebeck, one mile above the Hudson River. Railroads— Ulster & Delaware; Walkill Valley; West Shore & Buffalo— occupy separate depots in Kingston proper, but the same depot in Rondout. Business interests— Manufacturing and mer- cantile. Hotels — in Rondout, Mansion, Excelsior ; in King- ston, Brown's, Eagle. KINGSTON, Ont. On the St. Lawrence River, at the foot of Lake Ontario. Populatfon, 14,500. Railroads — Grand Trunk; Kingston & Pembroke — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Commercial, manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Windsor, British- American, Anglo-Ameri- can, City. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Situated on the Tennessee River. Population, 13, 928. Railroads— East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia; Knoxville & Charleston; Knoxville & Ohio — all roads occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. -\ \ ^ H rr^r a ) MOTE" :ANd: Spaed BiniRg R©@ms. - O^K«NC) °^° ^ -€EUROPEAN PLANP- Nos. 102, 104 & 106 Vesey Street (Through to 98 Barclay Street), Bet. Washington and West Sts. Wm°W I@il» Opposite recent newly-built Washington Market. •-*- » ENTIRE HOUSE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, and lighted in its entirety by the Edison system at a cost of Ten Thousand Dollars for the plant of Isolated Lighting. Two Hundred Elegantly Furnished Rooms— 50c, 75c. and $1 per day ; $2, $3 and $5 per week, and upward, according to location, &c. The grandeur displayed within the marble walls of this Establish- ment is unsurpassed. THE CUISINE has no auperior, both in Edibles and Service. Charges reasonable, and in keeping with the best elements of a first- class American Hotel and Dining Room. .\\\\\\\\\\\\\SX\XNN\N\\\N\V\\\\\S\\\\\\\\V\\\\VO SAMUEL H. EVERETT, Prop. rJL d Union Hotel l"»l,(I ."i,.f : 'l. 1 -(.,l">..''">.( ! , >„> •'I>.I"I„I , <» I I>-> 1 ,|M > ,,I' Opposite Srand Central Depot, N, Y, (Sity. ^y© IMPORTANT Passengers arriving in the City of New York via Grand Cen- tral Depot, save $1 Carriage Hire and Transfer of Baggage by stopping at the GHA:JD UNION HOTEL opposite said depot. Passengers arriving by West Shore Railroad, via We eh aw ken Ferry, by taking the 42d Street Horse Cars at Ferry entrance, reach Grand Union Hotel in ten minutes for 5 cents, and save m Carriage Hire. Six hundred Elegant Rooms, $1 and upwards per day. Euro- pean Plan. Elevators, Restaurant, Cafe, Lunch and Wine Roomi supplied with the best. Prices moderate. Families can live, better and for less mou, at the Grand Union than at any other strictly first-class hotel the city. Guests' baggage delivered to and from Grand Centi Depot, free. AND TRAVELEKS' GUIDE. 63 Hotels — Schubert's, Hattie, Atkin, Lamar. KOKOMO, Ind. Population, 4000. Hotels — Clinton House, Central. LA CROSSE. Wis. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 14,505. Bailroads— Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul; Chicago & Northwestern; Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul. Business interests — Mercantile, manufacturing, logs, lumber and flour milling. iTofeZs— International, Cameron House. LAFAYETTE, Ind. Situated on the Wabash River and the Wabash and Erie Canal. Population, 14,600. Bailroads — Cincinnati, Lafayette & Chicago; Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis & Chicago; Lake Erie & West- ern — occupy same depot; Louisville, New Albany & Chi- cago; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile, manufacturing and agricultural. Hotels— Bramble, Germania, Lahr, Star City, St. Nicholas. LAMBERTVILLE, N. J. Situated on the Delaware River, opposite New Hope, Pa. Population, 4300. Hotels — Lambertville, Belmont, Union. LANCASTER, O. Situated on the Hocking River. Population, 7000. Hotels— Mithoff, Tallmadge, American. LANCASTER, Pa. Population, 25,769. Bailroads— Pennsylvania; Philadelphia & Reading — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing, agricultural and mercantile. Hotels — Grape, Hiester, Steven's, Casper House. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 64 Thompson's hotel directory LANSING, Mich. Capital of State. Situated at the confluence of the Grand and Cedar Rivers. Population, 8326. Hotels — Hudson House, Lansing House, Chapman, Everett, Eichols, and Franklin House at North Lan- sing, LAPEER, Mich. Situated on the Flint River. Pop- ulation, 3479. Hotels — Abrams House, Marshall House, American, Farmer's Home. LA PORTE, Ind. Situated on Clear Lake. Popu- lation, 6189. Hotels— Teegarden House, Myers House. LARAMIE, Wy. Situated on the Laramie River. Population, 3246. Hotels — Frontier, Thornburgh, New York, Mechan- ics, Worths. LAREDO, Tex. Situated on eastern bank of the Rio Grande River. Population, 3521. Hotels — Laredo, St. Charles, Wilson, Rockport. LA SALLE, 111. Situated on the Illinois River, at the head of navigation, and the terminus of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Population, 7250. Hotels — Harrison, La Salle. LAWRENCE, Kan. Situated on the Kansas River. Population, 8523. Hotels — Eldridge, Durfee, Lawrence, Commercial, Laclede, Pennsylvania. LAWRENCE, Mass. Situated on the Merrimac River. Population, 39,178. Railroads — Boston & Maine, Boston Tliis work is circula'ed gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TKAVELERS' GUIDE. 65 & Lowell — occupy separate depots; Eastern; Manchester & Lawrence — occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing. Hotels — Franklin, Brunswick, Central, Essex. LEAVENWORTH, Kan. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 16,550. Railroads — Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; Kansas Central; Union Pacific (K. P. Div.); Missouri Pacific— occupy same depot; Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs — occupies separate depot. Bank— First National. Business interests — Manu- facturing, commercial, grain and cattle shipping. Hotels— Planter's (Rates, $2.00 and 12.50 per day), Delmonico, Continental. LEBANON, Pa. Population, 8787. Hotels — Eagle, Central, Lebanon Valley. LEE, Mass. Situated on Housatonic River. Popula- tion, 3038. Hotels — Morgan House, Norton House. LE MARS, la. Situated at junction of Illinois Cen- tral & Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Rail- roads. Population, 2073. Hotel — Revere. LEWISBURG, Pa. Situated on the west branch of the Susquehanna River. Population, 3498. Hotels — Cameron House, American House. LEWISTON, Me. Situated on the Androscoggin River. Population, 19,083. Railroads— Maine Central — . Upper and Lower Stations; Grand Trunk— three separ- ate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing. Hotels— DeWitt House, Marston House. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 66 Thompson's hotel directoky LEWISTOWN, Pa. Situated on the Juniata Kiver and Canal. Population, 3347. Hotels — National, Union, Coleman. LEXINGTON, Ky. Situated on the Town Fork of the Elk Horn River. Population, 16,656. Railroads — Cincinnati Southern; Kentucky Central; Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington; Chesapeake and Ohio — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing (chief- ly whiskey), stock raising, mercantile, etc. Hotels— Phoenix, St. Nicholas, Ashland. LEXINGTON, Mo. Population, 4060. Hotels — City, Commercial, Long's. LIMA, O. Situated on the Ottawa River. Popu- lation, 8000. Hotels — French, Lima, Burnett, Globe. LINCOLN, IU. Population. 5528. Hotels — Commercial, Spitley, Lincoln. LINCOLN, Neb. Capital of State. Population, 13,004. Railroads — Burlington and Missouri River in Nebraska: Union Pacific — occupy separate depots. Busi- ness interests— Manufacturing, mercantile and agricultural. Hotel — C ommer cial . LITCHFIELD, 111. Population, 4307. Hotels — Phcenix, Central, Palace, Cottage, Bowlby House. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y. Situated on both sides of the Mohawk River. Population, 6940. Hotels— Grand Central, Hinchman,Girvan, Bradford. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Capital of State. Situated on the Arkansas River.. Population, 13,185. Railroads — This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. European Plan. TAYLOR'S HOTEL ^rsey City, N. Directly opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Passenger Depot, and overlooking the Hudson River. 200 Rooms, $1.00 and upwards per day. CEO B. De REVERE, Proprietor. NOTICE. The Second Annual Issue of Thompson s Wholesale Druggists and Drug Special- ists Directory, has just been published. It gives an Accurate List of Importers, Man- ufacturers, Jobbers, Wholesale Dealers, and Specialists in the Drug and kindred trades. As a Reference Book it is espec- ially adapted to the Retail Trade. Price, $1.00. Published by the NATIONAL DIRECTORY CO., New York City. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 67 Little Rock & Fort Smith; Little Rock & Arkansas City —occupy separate depots; Memphis & Little Rock; St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern — occupy same depot. Business interests — Mercantile, manufacturing, cotton and ■cotton seed. Cross & Diver's stages, carrying U. S. mails for Pine Bluff and Monticello, connect with all trains. Hotels— Capitol, on European plan, with first-class res- taurant, located in business centre; Grand Central, Gleason's (at depot), Atlantic, Adams. LIVINGSTON, Montana. Situated at the foot of the Belt Mountains where the Northern Pacific Railroad last crosses the Yellowstone River, and is about half way from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Coast; at this point a branch road leaves the main line and runs in a south- erly direction to the Yellowstone National Park. Large round houses and railroad shops are located at this point. Hotels .— Livingston, Merchant's, Brunswick, Metro- politan. LOCK HAVEN, Pa. Situated on the Susquenanna River, and West Branch Canal. Population, 9000. Hotels— "Fallon House, Montour, Irvin. LOCKPORT, N. Y. Located on the Erie Canal. Population, 13,522. Bailroads — New York Central & Hudson River; Lockport & Buffalo; New York, Lake Erie & Western — occupy separate depots. Business inter- ests— Manufacturing, mercantile, fruit growing, boat building, Hotels— American, Judson, McLean's. LOGANSPORT, Ind. Situated on the Wabash and Eel Rivers. Population, 11,198. Bailroads— Bel River; For advertising space in tJiis work address the Na'ional Directory Co., Kew York City. 68 Thompson's hotel directory Logansport, Terre Haute & Indianapolis— occupy same depot; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific — occupy separate depots. Business in- terests — Manufacturing, mercantile and agricultural. Hotels— Windsor, Murdock, Gehring, Barnett City. LONDON, Ont. Situated on the Thames River. Pop- ulation, 26,000. Railroads— Grand Trunk; Great West- ern & Canada— occupy separate depots. Business interest — Manufacturing. Hotels — Tecumseh, Grigg, River, City, Western, Strong's, Cousin's, Brittania. LOS ANGELES, Cal. Situated on the Los Angeles River. Population, 11,311. Railroad — Southern Pacific. Business interests — Fruit growing and wine manufacture. It is beautifully situated. Hotels — Cosmopolitan, Pico House, Grand Central, United States, White House. LOUISIANA, Mo. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 4325. Hotels— La Clede, City, West House. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Situated on the Ohio River. A port of entry. Population, 123,625. Railroads — Jeffer- sonville, Madison & Indianapolis, Louisville, New Al- bany & Chicago; Ohio & Mississippi— occupy same de- pot; Louisville & Nashville, and its branches occupy separate depots; Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis R'y; Chesapeake & Ohio, and Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwest- ern R. R. 's. Railroad and Ferry to Jefferson ville, Ind. , and New Albany, Ind. Regular Steamboat Lines to all points on the Ohio and confluent streams. Business interests — This work is circulated gratuitously among prondnent hotels of the United States. Five minutes from Grand Central and West Shore Depots by 42d St. Cross-town Cars. •sp.re.&c[n ptre Xbq lad 00'T$ - - - 'p-^og po^ui. 'snioo'a; •■fog lad 0Q'8$ pire 008$ - - - - 'piuog; t^m 'sraoog 'NVld NV3dOdfl3 ONV NVOIdBIAlV AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 69 Mercantile and manufacturing — leading interests of the latter are, tobacco, whiskey, plows and leather. Hotels — Gait House, Louisville, Standiford, Ruler's, "Willard, Alexander's, Fifth Avenue, Balmer's, St. Cloud, New Southern. LOWELL, Mass. Situated at the confluence of the Merrimack and Concord Rivers. Population, 59,485. Railroads — Boston & Lowell; Old Colony; Nashua & Lowell— occupy same depot; Boston & Maine— occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing. Hotels — Washington, Merrimack, American, Dres- ser House. LYNCHBURGH, Va. Situated on the James River. Population, 20,500. Railroads— Norfolk & Western; Va. Midland; Lynchburgh & Danville; Richmond & Alle- - ghany — occupy same depot. Business interests — Tobacco manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Arlington, Norvell, Lynch House. LYNN, Mass. Situated on Massachusetts Bay. Pop- ulation, 38,284. Railroads— Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn; Eastern — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing boots and shoes. Noted as a pleasure resort. Hotels — Kirtland, Sagamon, Brunswick, Auburn, Crawford. LYONS, la. Situated on the Mississippi River. Pop- ulation, 4000. Hotels — American, Union, Transit, City. LYONS, N. Y. Located on the Erie Canal. Popula- tion, 4200. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 70 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels— Congress Hall, Graham, Exchange, Na- tional, Central, Lyons. McKEESPORT, Pa. Situated at the confluence of the Allegheny & Youghiougheny Rivers, fifteen miles southeast of Pittsburg. Population, 7997. Hotels— National, Montezuma, "White House, Cen- tennial. MACON, Ga. Situated on both sides of the Ocmul- gee River, at the head of navigation. Population, 12,748. Railroads— Central of Georgia (Main Line and Southwestern Div. ) ; Georgia; Macon & Brunswick— oc- cupy same depot. Business interests— Mercantile and Manufacturing. The cotton mart and distributing point for southern and southwestern Georgia and Eastern Alabama. Hotels— Brown's, Lanier, National, Stubblefield. MACON CITY, Mo. Population, 3100. Hotels— Wabash, City, Merchants'. MADISON, Ind. Situated on the Ohio River. Pop- ulation, 9009. Hotels — Central, Continental, Centennial, Western, Broadway, William Tell House. MADISON, Wis. Situated on an isthmus separating Lakes Mendota and Monona. Population, 10,325. Rail- roads— Chicago & North- Western; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile and manufacturing. Hotels— Park, Capital, Vilas, Capitol. MAHANOY CITY, Pa. Population, 7350. Hotels— Eagle, Merchants', Mansion House. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. CO XXL c .2 °° CD CO ^ UJ ^ CO Co 5 -5 ^ o o S 3 rt g.'S ii : u) J— 3 h"C ° iO'-C * i,o 3 O'C" : b c-c 1- ^ r_ <3.c C tn V >>-3*o 111 1> 1 „ O *-> 3 *j u '-i 3 £ 33^.2 r3 o ^/"- ~ r3 3 p cs E -~ Sk If i_h©Ias Betel WASHINGTON PLACE, BROADWAY and MERCER STREET, _._if^ew ¥8F>I^__ '■< l ,l"l,ll'< ( ,l' , « l ,l'<» 1 ll"«l,l"l,'<*> > ,l"l>.< , .<'«l.l>'>lrf"«.<''<«.l"«..< M l.. AMERICAN PLAN $2.50 per Day. JULIUS A. ROBINSON, Proprietor. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 71 — 1 MALDEN, Mass. Situated on the Maiden River. Population, 12,017. Railroads— Boston & Maine; Eastern — occupy separate depots. Business interest — Manufac- turing; Boston Rubber Shoe Co., employs 1500 men, women and boys. Hotels— Evelyn, Howard, Pratt's. MANCHESTER, N. H. Situated on the Merrimac River. Population, 32,630. Railroads— Concord; Con- cord & Portsmouth; Manchester & Lawrence; Manches- ter & North Weare — occupy same depot. , Business interests— Manufacturing. The corporate city limits include the villages of Pasca- taquog and Amoskeag (commonly called "Squag" and "Skeag"). Hotels— Manchester, City, Chandler, Granite. MANCHESTER, Va. Situated on the James River, opposite Richmond. Population, 6036. Hotels— (two). MANDAN, Dak. Situated on the western bank of the Missouri River. The Northern Pacific R. R. crosses the river at this point on a three-span iron bridge costing $150,000. The change between mountain and central time is made at this point. Hotels — Inter-Ocean, Commercial, Mandan House, St. Elmo. MANITOWOC, Wis. Situated on Lake Michigan, at the mouth of Manitowoc River. Population, 6563. Hotels — North-western, Windiate, Williams' St. Charles. MANKATO, Minn. Population, 6000. After the ter- rible Indian massacre of 1862, the pioneer troops under For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 72 Thompson's hotel directory General Sibley brought 2,500 prisoners to Mankato for military trial. Of these, 303 were sentenced to death. But President Lnicoln interceded, and after a personal examination of all the testimony, ordered the sentence to be carried out only in such instances as murder, aggrava- ted by outrages on white women and children. In pur- suance of this order, 37 of the condemed were hanged. The execution took place December 19th, 1862, on a long prairie ridge south-west of the town. All the gallows were operated simultaneously by the pulling of a single rope; a soldier, whose entire family had been murdered by the savages, was executioner. Mankato has at pres- ent two hotels, three weekly newspapers, a state normal school and a large Catholic college. There are several oil mills, foundries and machine shops and a large argri- cultural trade is carried on. MANSFIELD, O. Situated on the Rocky Fork of the Mohican River. Population. 9992. Hotels— Wiler ($2. 00 per day), St. James ($2.00 per day), American, Clifton, European, Tremont House. MARBLE HEAD, Mass. Situated on Marblehead Bay. Population, 7400. Hotels — Clifton House, Union House, Bell's House, Baileys House, Devereux Mansion, Smiths' Man- sion. MARIETTA, O. Situated on the Ohio River, at the mouth of the Muskingum River. Population, 6000. Hotels — St. Cloud, National House, Bizante, United States. MARION, Ala, Population, 2750. Hotel— The King House. This icork is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United Mates. AND TKAVELERS' GUIDE. 73 MARLBORO, Mass. Population, 10,126. Bailroads — Old Colony, Fitchburg, — occupy separate depots. Business interests—Boot and shoe manufacturing, machin- ery and dye manufacture. Hotels — Central, Marlboro, Gates, Temple. MARSHALL, Mich. Situated on the Kalamazoo River. Population, 3806. Hotels — Tremont, Tontine, Forbes House. MARSHALL, Tex. Population, 5657. Hotel — Capitol. MARSHALLTOWN, la. Situated one mile from the Iowa River. Population, 6400. Hotel — Tremont. MARTINSBURG, W. Va. Population, 6384. Hotels — Grand Central, Continental. MARQUETTE, Mich. Situated on the south shore of Lake Superior. Population, 6510. Hotels — Summit, Tremont. MARYSVILLE, Oal. Population, 4443. Hotels — "Western, United States. MASSILLON, O. Situated on the Tuscarawas River and Ohio Canal. Population, 6754. Hotels— Taxis., Farmers. MATTOON, 111. Population, 6000. Hotels — Dole, Essex, City, Everett. MAUCH CHUNK, Pa. Situated on the Lehigh River, at the mouth of Mauch Chunk Creek. Popula- tion; 5603. Hotels — American, Mansion House. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York (My. 74 Thompson's hotel directory MAYSVILLE, Ky. Situated on the Ohio Eiver, sixty-one miles above Cincinnati, and seventy miles north-east of Lexington. Population, 6500. Hotels — Central, European, Germania, Schatzman. MAYWOOD, III. One of the most prosperous su- burbs of the city of Chicago, situated on the west bank of the Desplaines River, ten miles from the heart of the city. Population, 1500. The Chicago Scraper and Dit- cher Co. , employing about two hundred men, is situated here, also extensive paimt works. There is one first- class hotel, with livery stable attached; several churches and good educational advantages. MEADVILLE, Pa. Population, 10,500. Railroad— New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio. Business interests — Mer- cantile, manufacturing and petroleum. Hotels— McHenry, Commercial ($2.00 per day), Cen- tral, Budd House. MEDFORD, Mass. Population. 7654. Hotels— Medford, Mystic, Simpson. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Situated on the Mississippi River. A port of entry. Population, 33, 593. Railroads — Louis- ville & Nashville, Memphis & Little Rock, — occupy same depot; Memphis & Charleston, Mississippi & Tennessee, Chesapeake & Ohio, (South-western Div.) — occupy sepa- rate depots. Through passengers transferred to and from MemDhis & Charleston and Memphis & Little Rock depots without change of cars. Business interests — Commercial, mercantile and argricultural: great cotton port. Hotels — New Clarendon, Peabody, Gaston, Wor- sham, Cochran. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 75 MENDOTA, 111. Population, 3750. Hotels— Depot House, St. James, Mendota, Warner House, National. MERIDIAN, Miss. Population, 4013. Hotels— Winthrop, Ragsdale, European, Central, Delmonico's. MEKEDEN, Ct. Population, 18,340. Railroad— New York, New Haven & Hartford. Business interests — Manu- facturing. , Hotels— Meriden, Byxbee, Curtis House. MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. Situated on Lake Michigan. Population, 7500. Hotels — Jewell House, St. Nicholas, Union (Europe- an). MIDDLETOWN, Ct. Situated on the Connecticut River. A port of entry. Population, 11,731. Railroads — Boston & New York Air-Line, Connecticut Valley, — separate depots; New York, New Haven & Hartford, — occupies separate depot. Business interests— Manufactur- ing, mercantile and argricultural. Hotels — Clarendon, Kilbpurn House, McDonough House. MIDDLETOWN, N. Y. Population, 8700. Hotels— Grand Central, Taylor House, Union House. MILES CITY, Montana. Situated on the Northern Pacific Railroad at the junction of the Tongue River with Yellow Stone. Hotels — Inter-Ocean, Commercial, Merchants. MILFORD, Mass. Situated on the Charles River. Population, 9310. For adcertising space in this work a Idrpss the National Directory Co., New York City. 76 Thompson's hotel dikectory Motels— Mansion, Milford. MILLVILLE, N. J. Situated on the Maurice River, at the head of Navigation. Population, 8000. Hotels — Doughty House, Franklin House. MILTON, Pa. Situated on the west branch of the Susquehanna River and West Branch Canal. Population, 2500. Hotels — Broadway, Riverside. MILWAUKEE, Wis. Situated on Lake Michigan and the Milwaukee River ; also, near the mouth of Me- nomonee River. A port of entry. Population, 115,578. Railroads — Chicago & Northwestern ; Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western — occupy same depot ; Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul ; Wisconsin Central— occupy same depot. Business interests — Commercial, manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Plank inton ($2 to $4 per day), Axtill House (|2 pe* day). MINERSVILLE, Pa. Situated on the west branch of the Schuylkill River. Population, 3500. Hotels — Keystone, Washington House, Exchange, United States, Union House. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Situated on both sides of the Mississippi River, at the Falls of St. Anthony, the two divisions, east and west, connected by four magnifi- cent bridges. Located at the foot of navigation of the Upper Mississippi, it is a large manufacturing point, possessing one of the finest and largest available water-' powers in the world. Population, 46,877. Railroads — Minneapolis & St. Louis ; St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani- Inis work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. c-^ ff) [jfe ■ g ^ FINE WHISKIES Our Establishment, GIBSONTON MILLS, on the Monongahela River, zvith its extensile MAL T HO USE, gives us unequaled facilities for making PURE RYE and BARLEY MALT WHISKIES, Of superior Quality, from Kiln-dried Rye a?id Barley Malt. These Whiskies are highly improved by age, and their unrivaled quality is ividely known a?td appreciated. ~*~ MOORE & SINNOTT, 9 SUCCESSORS TO JOHN GIBSON'S SON & CO. New England Agency, 162 State St. °>o=<° FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND RELIABLE DEALERS b AME$ MgGJREERY \ CO. (3^, .«§,.> Invite the attention of Out-of-Town Buyers to their Large and Attractive Stock of RICH SILKS, IELVETS, PLUSHES, WOOL DRESS GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUITS, WRAPS, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, UPHOLSTERY, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, &c. -^3t=^- We have in all our respective Departments a full line of Medium Priced goods to the Finest Imported. jUgp^ Orders per Mail or Express receive prompt attention. !,< I < , , »,<< , l l ,»M l ,,»i» l , r »« < ,r' , <>.l"«ll<" SI^I£ PATCH WORK, Packages of twenty pieces, 4^ x4^, choice patterns, one dollar per package. JAMES McCREERY & CO., Broadway and I Ith Street, New York. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 77 toba ; Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha — occupy same depot; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul — occupy separate depot. Business interests —Manufacturing, lum- ber and agricultural. Hotels — West House, Nicollet (rates, $3 and $4 per day). Clark,. (rates $2 per day), St. James, National, Windsor, Bellevue. MOBILE, Ala. Situated on Mobile Bay, at the mouth of Mobile River. A port of entry. Population, 31,205. Railroads — Louisville & Nashville; Mobile & Ohio; New Orleans & Mobile; Mobile & Spring Hill- occupy same depot; Mobile & Alabama Grand Trunk, occupies separate depot. Business interests — Commercial, cotton, etc., Hotels— Battle House ($2 to $ 3 50 per day), St. James' ($2 to $2.50 per day). MOLINE, 111. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 7740. Hotels— Keator, Peals, B,evere, American, Bridge. MONMOUTH, 111. Population, 5004. Hotels — Baldwin, Commercial, Windsor. MONROE, Mich. Situated on both sides of the Raisin River, near its entrance into Lake Erie. Popula- tion, 5007. Hotel— Park. MONROE, Wis. Population, 4350. Hotels— United States, Warfield, City, Monroe. Montgomery, Ala. Situated on the Alabama River. Population, 16,714. Railroads — Louisville & Nashville; Mobile & Montgomery; Montgomery & Eufaula; West- For adverVsing space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 78 Thompson's hotel directory ern Alabama — occupy same depot. Business interests— Mercantile and agricultural. Hotels — The Windsor, Exchange. MONTPELIER, Vt. Situated on the Winooski River. Population, 3225. Hotels — American, Bishop's, Pavilion, Union. MONTREAL, Quebec. Situated on the south side of Island Montreal, in the St. Lawrence River. Popula- tion, 140, 747. Railroads— Grand Trunk; South-eastern; Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa & Occidental— all occupy sep- arate depots. Business interests — Mercantile and manu- facturing. Hotels — "Windsor, Ottawa, Abion, St. Lawrence Hall. MOOREHEAD, Minn. Situated on the east bank of the Red River, and on western boundary of the State. Railroads — Northern Pacific; St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba; Moorhead & Northern. Business interests — Largely manufacturing with good facilities for general merchandise. Hotels— Grand Pacific, Jay Cook, Central, Key City, St. Charles. MORRISTOWN, N. J. Situated on the Whippany River. Population, 5446. Hotels— Mansion House, United States, Farmer's, Avenue House, Park House. MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. Situated on Clinton River, three and a half miles from Lake St. Clair. Popu- lation, 3057. Hotel — Avery. This work is circula'ed gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. ' Foreign Offices and Factories : PARIS, RUDOLgTADT, LIMOGES, -KARLSBAD # gTEINSEMONAU. L STRAUS & SONS, IMPORTERS OF ■<£JiL *. —& W^- °o°^--^-°o°= iGENCIES : Grand Rapids, Mich., - - 19 Pearl Street JOSHUA SPEED, Manager. San Francisco, Cat., - 109 California Street JOHN D. FRENCH, Manager. New York City, - 225 Canal Street W. ZERFASS. Manager. -«»-• ' MANUFACTURERS OF— '> Cabinet Hardware, Casters, Drazver Pulls, Escutcheons, Toilet Scretvs, « Hat and Coat Hooks, Hall Stand Pins, Mirror Brackets, Candle Brackets, Brass Tables, Chair and Stool Screws, Furniture Fenders, &c. t &*c. AND TRAVELEKS' GUIDE. 79 MOUNT HOLLY, N. J. Population, 4621. Hotels— Arcade, Smith's, Washington House. MOUNT PLEASANT, la. Population, 4490. Hotels— Brazelton, Harlem, Wiggin's. MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. Population, 2000. Hotels — Bennett, Exchange, Peninsular, Hastings, Bamber. MOUNT VEENON, O. Situated on the Kokosing River. Population, 5400. Hotels — Curtis, Bergen, Rowley. "MUNCIE, Ind. Situated on the White River. Pop- ulation, 5221. Hotels — Haines House, Kirby House. MURFREESBORO, Tenn. Population, 4030. Hotels— Ready, Mills. MUSCATINE, Iowa. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 8394. Hotels — Eastern, Commercial, Scott. MUSKEGON, Mich. Situated on Muskegon Lake, five miles from Lake Michigan. Population, 11,262. Railroads — Chicago & West Michigan. Business interests —Lumber (35 mills cut yearly 600,000,000 feet). Hotels — Occidental, Hofstra. NASHUA, N. H. Situated at the confluence of the Nashua and Merrimack Rivers. Population, 13,397. Railroads — Concord; Nashua, Acton & Boston; Nashua & Lowell — occupy separate depots; Nashua & Rochester; Worcester & Nashua — occupy same depot. Business inter- ests — Manufacturing. Hotels — l»aton, Indian Head, Tremont. Fw advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York Gity. 80 Thompson's hotel directory NASHVILLE, Tenn. Situated on the Cumberland River» Population, 43,461. Bailroads — Louisville & Nashville; Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile, agricul- tural and manufacturing of furniture and agricultural implements. Hotels — Maxwell ($3 per day), Nicholson, Link's (American plan, $2 per day ; European plan, rooms, 50c. and $1 per day), Commercial. NEBEASKA CITY, Neb. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 4800. Hotels — Grand Central, Barnum, Cincinnati. NEENAH, Wis. Situated on the Fox River, opposite Menasha, and near Lake Winnebago. Population, 4205. Hotel — Russell. NEGAUNEE, Mich. Population, 4005 Hotels — Tilden, Breitung House NEW ALBANY, Ind. Situated on the Ohio River. Population, 16,422. Bailroads — Jefferson ville, Madison & Indianapolis; Louisville, New Albany & Chicago; Louis- ville, Evansville & St. Louis — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Central, Commercial, Gibson. NEWARK, N. J. Situated on the Passaic River, about four miles from its entrance into Newark Bay, nine miles from New York. Population, 136,400. Bailroads — Delaware, Lackawanna & Western; New York, Lake Erie & Western; Pennsylvania (New York Division); Central of New Jersey (Newark and N. Y~. Division) — This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 81 occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Continental ($2 to $3 per day), Park, Bris- tol. NEWABK, O. Situated at the confluence of the three forks of Licking River, and on the Ohio Canal. Population, 10,000. Railroads — Baltimore & Ohio (Cen- tral Ohio Division); Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis — occupy separate depots. Business interests, — Manufactur- ing, mercantile and agricultural. Hotels — Lansing, American, Park, Tubbs House. NEW BEDFORD, Mass. Situated on Buzzard Bay, at the mouth of Acushnet River. A port of entry. Population, 26,875. Railroads— Fall River; Old Colony — occupy same depot, Business interests— Commercial, mercantile, manufacturing and whaling. Hotels — Bancroft House, Mansion House, Parker House. NEWBERN, N. C. Situated at the confluence of Neuse and Trent Rivers. Population, 7000. Hotels — Central, Gaston, American, Farmer's Home, Henderson's, Palmei's. NEW BRIGHTON, Pa. Situated on the Beaver River. Population, 4214. Hotels — Keystone, Blount, Clyde, Sourbeck. NEW BRITAIN, Ct. Population, 13,937. Railroads— New York & New England; New York, New Haven & Hartford (Berlin branch). Business interests — Manufac- turing. Hotels— City, Humphrey House, Strickland House. For advertising space in this work address the Na'ional Directory Co., New York Oity. 82 Thompson's hotel directory NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Situated on the Raritan River, at the Eastern terminus of the Delaware and Raritan Canal. Population, 17,167. Railroads — Pennsyl- vania. Business interests — Manufacturing, shipping and ship-building. Hotels— City, New Brunswick, White Hall, Bull's Head, Neilson House. NEWBURGH, N. Y. Situated on the Hudson River. Population, 18,050. Railroads — New York, West Shore & Buffalo; Ulster & Delaware — occupy same depot; New York, Lake Erie & Western (ferry connection with New York Central & Hudson River, and Newburgh, Dutchess & Connecticut; New York & New England)— separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing. Hotels — Baldwin House, United States ($2.50 per day), Odell (on European plan). NEWBURYPORT, Mass. Situated on the Merrimac River. A port of entry. Population, 13,537. Railroads — Boston & Maine; Eastern — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Commercial, manufacturing and ship- building. Hotels — Merrimack, Ocean, American, City. NEWCASTLE, Pa. Situated on the Shenango and Neshannock Rivers. Population, 10,292. Railroads— Erie & Pittsburg; Chicago & Oil City; Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago — occupy same depot; Pittsburg & Lake Erie — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing iron, nails, glass, mining limestone and coal, flouring mills, &c. Hotels — Leslie, Cochran, Crawford House. NEW HAVEN, Ct. Situated at the head of New This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. ESTERBROOK'S £. 3 Standard and Superior CF -e^s- & FORGING THE PEN. Leading Numbers. — 048, 14, 130, 333, 161. FOR SALE BY ALL STATIONERS. .N\\\\\\\\\\\\X\X\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\X\\\\\\\SN\\\VV THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works, Camden, N. J %& J®Jkm M. y W* Tf« TURKISH BATH. i i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Turkish, Roman, Sulphur, Plain and Swimming Baths. 5>B~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 'K^p 1 Pronounced by all travelers to be the finest equipped Ratl^Rooms in the State. Open to gentlemen everyday except Thursday from 9 a. m. until 9 p.m. Saturdays from 9 a.m until 12 p. m. Sunday, from 7 to 12 a. m. Thursdays for Ladies, from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Turkish or Roman, 75c; Sulphur, $1.00; Plain, 35c. Swimming, - - 50 cents. HARRY D. ALLEN, Proprietor, Palace Block Annex, MERIDEN, CONN. Entrance on Hanover Street. AND TRAVELEKS' GUIDE. 83 Haven Bay, four miles from its entrance into Long Is- land Sound. A port of entry. Population, 62,882. Railroads — Boston & New York Air-Line; New Haven & Northampton; New York, New Haven & Hartford; Shore Line — occupy same depot; New Haven & Derby — occu- pies separate depot. Business interests— Manufacturing, mercantile and commercial. Hotels -Elliott House ($3 to $3.50 per day), New Haven ($4 per day), Durant ($2.50 per day), Franklin House ($1.50 per day), Selden House ($2 per day), Grand Union ($3 per day), Union House ($2 per day), Tontine ($2.50 to $3 per day), Vischer's Hotel Yale ($2 per day), Tremont, The Woolsey. NEW LONDON, Ct. Situated on the Thames Kiver, three miles from the ocean. Population, 10,529. Bail- roads — Central Vermont; New London Northern; New York, New Haven & Hartford; New York, Providence & Boston — all roads occupy same depot. Connected with New York by steamboat — two each night. Business inter- ests — Commercial, mercantile, manufacturing, whaling and sealing. Hotels — Crocker, Metropolitan, Belden, Edge- comb, National, Pequot. NEW ORLEANS, La. Situated on the Mississippi River, between the river and Lake Ponchartrain, 110 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Population, 216,140. Bailroads — Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans; Morgan's, Louisiana & Texas; New Orleans & Mobile; New Orleans & Northeastern — all roads occupy separate depots. Busi- ness interests — Commercial. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 84 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels— St. Charles ($4 per day), City ($2.50 per day), Cassidy's ($2.50 per day), St. James ($2.50). NEWPOET, E. I Situated on Narragansett Bay. A port of entry. Population, 15,603. Railroads— Old Colony. Business interests —Manufacturing. Hotels — Ocean, Aquidneck, Perry, United States. NEW YOEK CITY, N. Y. The chief city of the United States and the Western Continent, is located at the mouth of the Hudson Eiver, in the southern part of the State of New York. The City Hall is in latitude 40° 42' 43 // N., longitude 74° '3" W., and the city occupies the county of the same name. It covers the whole of Manhattan Island and a portion of the mainland, and is bounded on the south by New York Bay ; on the west by the Hudson or North Eiver ; on the north by the city of Yonkers and Westchester County, N. Y. ; on the east by the river Bronx, that separates it from Westchester County, and the East Eiver, a narrow, salt-water strait, dividing it from Long Island. It also includes Randall's, Ward's and Blackwell's Islands, in the East River ; and Governor's Island, occupied by the U. S. Government ; Bedloe's and Ellis' Islands, in the Bay. Spuyten Duyvil Creek and Harlem River divide the city into two unequal portions, and make the northern boundary of Manhattan Island. The city is 16 miles long, and varies in width from a few hundred yards to 4-j miles at the north part. Its area is about 4H square miles, or 26,500 acres, of which 12,100 are on the mainland. Its location is both beautiful, healthful, and advantageous in a commercial sense. Its commodious bay, the Hudson River, the neigh- boring sea, and the diversified country about it, contri- 7?ds work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. EASTERN 234 BROADWAY, Rooms 9, 10, 11 aijd 12. If iw .-^„ ltt mnn,M„M.j.. We make a Specialty of Settling Merchants' and Shippers' Claims- of all kinds Loss and Damage, Overcharge, Rebates, etc., with Rail- road, Transportation or Steamship Companies. Claims are carried by us until vouchers are ready. All Payments are made by the Companies direct to Claimants. Our facilities as Experts enable us to secure speedy adjustments. Firms giving us entire charge of their claims are benefitted thereby, at about half the expense of any other system. Matters pertaining to Special Rates, etc., strictly confidential. Rates— by the year, from $io to $250 per month. On commission, 10 per cent. We respectfully solicit your business, guaranteeing satisfaction. A representative will call on request. j&Eflfm&S f»OS¥, Managing J. W. WHITE, General Eastern Agent. Boston Office, 4 Exchange Place ; W. F. Stratton, New Eng. Agt. Chicago Office, 177 La Salle St.: W. F. Hall. ROYAL E. DEANE. GEORGE G. BROOKS. BRAMHALL DEARE & (50. Manufacturers of Deane'S Patent ^^v. French I^angeg and Broiler^, CARVING TABLES, Nos. 274 ^ 282 FRONT STREET, DIRECTLY UNDER N. Y. AND BROOKLYN BRIDGE. /Vos. 81 and 83 MARKET STREET, Chicago, Ills. booking Utensils of Eiery Description, a^ AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 85 bute to its attractiveness, while its varied surface and ex- tensive water front conduce to its general healthfullness. Its harbor gives ample and safe anchorage for large fleets, and opens directly upon the Atlantic. Its position in the center of the northern part of the coast makes it a na- tural entrepot for the Middle States; and the Hudson River, navigable for nearly 150 miles, places it in easy communication with the interior. The Erie Canal and sev- eral lines of railroads place the city in reach of the Great West, and on the east, New England almost joins the city. The State and City of New Jersey fringe the opposite bank of the Hudson, and along the East River the City of Brooklyn and its neighboring towns form a continuous city upon its eastern side. From the Battery, at the southern end of Manhattan Island, the view of the Bay, the Islands, Brooklyn Heights, Staten Island, the Jersey shore, Jersey City, and the entrance to the Hudson, pre- sents one of the most animated and beautiful pictures to be found. The upper part of the city lies opposite the Palisades, and is remarkable for its rural and picturesque scenery. Its topography is at once favorable for business purposes and good drainage. The lower part of Man- hattan Island, from the Battery north for about 3 j miles, is rolling and sandy in character. It then rises slightly and becomes very rocky. At Central Park, near the cen- ter of the city, it rises into broken hills ; and northward, along the river the land rises to a height of 238 feet at Washington Heights. Above the Island, the land is hilly and rough, with a great variety of scenery. The lower part of the city has been much altered by filling and grading, and the original width has been materially in- creased by filling in the rivers on both sides. The city For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 86 Thompson's hotel directoey is compactly built up to the Harlem River, on the east of Central Park. This location is sometimes known as Harlem and Yorkville, being the sites of those villages. North of Harlem River are Mott Haven, Morrisania, West Farms, North New York, Port Morris, Woodstock, Highbridgeville, Claremont, Tremont, Mount Hope, Mount Eden, Fairmount, Belmont, Fordham, and Wil- liamsbridge. West of Central Park the population cen- ters in the villages of Bloomingdale and Manhattanville. North of these, along the Hudson, are Washington Heights, Inwood, Kingsbridge, Spuyten Duyvil, Mosh- olu, Riverdale, and Mount St. Vincent. All of these places are now included in New York City. The ways of approach to New York are numerous, since it is in com- munication with all parts of the globe, either by sea or railroad. From the sea it is approached from the south by Sandy Hook through the Narrows, between Long Island on the east, and Staten Island on the west, iuto New York Bay, passing the great fortresses of Fort Tompkins and Fort Richmond on the west, or Staten Island shore and Fort Hamilton on the east, or Long Island shore, while old Fort Lafayette, of the "Great Rebellion " celebrity, stands in the bay, a short distance from the shore. At the confluence of the East and Hud- son Rivers is Governor's Island, distinguished by the circular fortress on its northern shore. The Hamburg and German lines of steamers land their passengers at Hoboken ; while the Cunard, Inman, White Star, Anchor, National and French lines discharge theirs at different piers on the Hudson River, or west side of the city. There is another channel of approach from the sea through the Kills, between Staten Island, on the New This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 87 Jersey shore, connecting Raritan Bay with New York Harbor — but only vessels of light draught can approach by this route. Steamers and vessels approaching from Long Island Sound pass through Hell Gate and discharge cargoes on both the East River and North River piers. The Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, and other steam- boats from nearer ports, land at East River piers — at Peck slip and vicinity ; while the Fall River, Stonington, Pro- vidence, Norwich and New London, and Boston outside x.lines, pass round the Battery and discharge at North or Hudson River piers. The Hudsori River steamboats all discharge on the west, or North River side of the city. Passengers via New York and New Haven, Harlem, New York Central and Hudson River Railroads, are dropped at the Grand Central Depot, East 42d Street and Fourth Avenue. All railroad passengers from Boston and the East are landed at Grand Central Depot. The Pennsyl- vania Railroad lands its passengers by ferry-boat, from Jersey City, at Cortlandt Street and Desbrosses Street. The N. Y. West Shore and Buffalo at W. 39th Street, and at Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; and the N. Y., Susquehanna and Western at Chambers Street and W. 23d Street. The Erie Railroad and Northern New Jersey by ferry to Chambers Street and W. 23d Street. Cen- tral New Jersey by ferry to Liberty Street. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western by ferry to Barclay and Chri- stopher Streets. Staten Island by ferry to Whitehall, and Long Island by ferry to Roosevelt and E. 34th Streets. Railroads — Baltimore & Ohio — depot, foot of Cortlandt Street and foot of Desbrosses Street ; Central of New Jersey — depot, foot of Liberty Street ; Delaware, Lacka- wanna & Western — depot, Hoboken ferries, Barclay and For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 88 Thompson's hotel directory Christopher Streets; Erie Rail way — depot, pier 30, foot of Chambers Street and W. 23d Street ferry; Hackensack & New York — foot chamber Street and W. 23d Street ferry; Lehigh Valley Railway — depot, foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets ; Long Island R. R —depot, James' Slip and E. 34th Street ; Manhattan Beach Railway — foot of James Slip, E. 34th Street and Whitehall Street ; Mor- ris and Essex — foot Barclay and Christopher Streets ; N. J. Southern— foot of Murray Street, direct route to Long Branch ; N. J. Midland— depot, foot of Cortlandt Street, Jersey City ferries; New York Central & Hudson River — Grand Central Depot, 42th Street and 4th Avenue; New York & Boston , New York & Harlem ; New York & New Haven— same depot, 4th Avenue and 42d Street ; New York City & Northern Railway — depot, 155th Street and 8th Avenue; New York, Ontario & Western Railway; New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway — same depots, foot of Cortland Street, foot of Desbrosses Street, and foot of W. 42d Street; Northern New Jersey — depots, foot of Chambers and West 23d Streets ; Pennsylvania Railroad — depot, foot of Cortlandt Street and foot of Desbrosses Street. Steamboats — Caution. — Erequent changes are made in the running time of the various steamboats in this list. Consult the daily papers. Albany — Catskill, Newburgh, West Point and points along the river : Albany Day Line from pier 39 N. R. , at 8. 35 a. m. , and foot of W. 22d Street, at 9 a. m. People's Line from pier 41, N. R., at 6 p. m. to Albany only ; Bridgeport — Bridgeport Steamboat Co., from pier 35, E. R., at 11. a. m. and 3 p. m. steamer Rose- dale from pier 25, E. R., at 3 p. m. ; Boston— Fall River Line, from pier 28, N. R., summer, 5 p. m., winter, 4 p. m. ; Norwich Line, from pier 40, N. R., summer, 5 p. m., Tins work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United StaUs. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 89 winter, 4 p. m. ; Providence Line, from pier 29, N. R., summer, 5 p. m., winter, 4 p. m. : Stonington Line, from pier 33, N. R., summer, 5 p. m., winter, 4 p. m. ; Catskill — Catskill Line of Steamers, from pier 34, N. R., at 6 p. m. •';. and regular Hudson River Day Line Steamers, from pier 39. N. R. ; Fall River — Fall River Line, from pier 28, N. R. , summer, 5 p. m. , winter, 4 p. m. ; Green- port — Sag Harbor and Shelter Island, Steamer W. W. Coit, from pier 25, E. R. , Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 5 p. m. ; Hudson — Steamers McManus and Redfield, from pier 35, N. R., at 6 p. m., and Hudson River "Day Line" of Steamers, from pier 39, N. R. ; Long Branch — Steamer from pier 8, N. R., 4.30, 10.15 a. in., 3.45, 4.45 p. m.; Hartford, Middletown, and points on Connecticut River, from pier 25, E. R. , at 4 p. m. ; New Haven (only) — New Haven Boat, from pier 26, E. R. , 3 p. m. ; Starin's Line, from pier 18, N. R., 9 p. m. ; New Lon- don — Norwich Line Steamers, from pier 40, N. R., 5 p m. ; Newport — Newport Line Steamers, from pier 28, N. R., 5 p. m. ; Norwich —Norwich Line Steamers, from pier 40, N. R. , 5 p. m. ; Nyack and points along the river — Steamer Chrystenah, from pier 44, N. R. , 3. 30 p. m. ; Poughkeepsie— Steamer Mary Powell, 3.15 p. m., from pier 39, N. R., and 3.30 p. m., from foot of W. 22d Street; also "Day Line" Steamers, from pier 39, N. R., 8.35 a.m.; Providence— Providence Line, from pier 29, N. R., 5 p.m, in summer, and 4 p. m. in winter ; Rondout and Kings- ton — Steamer Mary Powell, from pier 39, N. R., 3.15 p.m., foot W. 22d Street, 3.30 p. m. ; also steamer from pier 34, N. R., 4 p. m. ; Stonington— Stonington Line, from pier 33, N. R., 5 p. m. in summer, and 4 p. m. in winter; Troy — Citizen's Line, from pier 44, N. R., 6 p. m., and Al- For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 90 Thompson's hotel directory bany Day Line from pier 39, N. R, 8.35 a. m., and foot W. 22d Street at 9 a. m. ; West Point— Albany Day Line Steamers, pier 39, N. R, 8 35 a. m., and foot W. 22d Street, 9 a. m. ; also Steamer Mary Powell, from pier 39 N. R, 3.15 p. m., and foot W. 22d Street, 9.30 a. m. Ocean Steamers— Foreign Ports— (M. monthly, S. M. semi-monthly, T. M. tri-monthly, W. weekly, S. W. semi-weekly, T. W. tri-weekly, D. daily.) Amsterdam — S M., Sussex Street pier, Jersey City, office, Funch, Edye & Co., 27 William Street; Antwerp-S. M., Grand Street pier, Jersey City, office, Red Star Line, 55 Broadway; Aspinwall— S. M., new pier 34, N. R, office, Pacific Mail S. S. Co., new pier 34: Bermuda— S. M., pier 52, N. R, office, A. E. Outerbridge, 51 Broadway; Brazil and Porto Rico— M., Robert's Dock, Brooklyn, office, P. F. Gerhart &Co., 19 S. William Street; Bremen, via Southampton — W., Third Street pier, Hoboken, of- fice, Oelrichs & Co. , 2 Bowling Green ; Bristol, England — S. M., pier 18, E. R, office, W. D. Morgan, 70 South Street ; China & Japan, via San Francisco — S. M. , new pier 34, N. R , office, Pacific Mail S. S. Co. , new pier 34 ; Glasgow, via Londonderry — W., pier 20, N. R, office, Anchor Line, 7 Bowling Green ; Glasgow, via Belfast — W., New pier 34, N. R office, Austin, Baldwin & Co., 53 Broadway; Halifax, N. S. — office, Lord & Austin, 9 Beaver street ; Hamburg, via Plymouth and Cherbourg — W., Third Street pier, Hoboken, office, C. B. Richards & Co., 61 Broadway ; Havana & Mexico— T. M., pier 3, N. R, office, F. Alexander & Sons, 33 Broadway ; Havana — T. M., pier 16, E. R , office, Jas. E. Ward & Co., 113 Wall Street; Havre & Brest, via Plymouth— pier 42, N. R, office, Louis de Bebian, 6 Bowling Green ; Hayti, Jamaica 27ms work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 91 6 New Grenada— S, M. , pier foot of W. 25th Street, of- fice, Pirn, For wood & Co., 21 State Street; Hull, via Southampton— S. M. , office, Sanderson & Son, 39 S. Wil- liam Street; Liverpool, via Queenstown—W., new pier 40, N. B., office, Cunard Line, 4 Bowling Green ; Liver- pool, via Queenstown — W. , new pier 37, N. B. , office, In- man Line, 31 Broadway ; Liverpool, via Queenstown — W., pier 42, N. R, office, White Star Line, 37 Broadway ; Liverpool, via Queenstown — W., new pier 9, N. R, of- fice, National Line, 69 Broadway ; Liverpool, via Queens- town — W., new pier 38, N. B., office, Guion & Co., 29 Broadway; Liverpool, via Queenstown— S. M., pier 53, N. B. ; office, Anchor Line, 7 Bowling Green; London — M., new pier 39, N. B., office, F. W- J. Hurst, 69 Broad- way ; London — W. Pavonia Ferry pier, N. J. , office, Pat- ton, Vickers & Co. , 35 Broadway ; London, Bordeaux & Mediterranean — S. M., pier 53, N. B., office, Anchor Line, 7 Bowling Green ; Nassau — M., pier 17 E. B., office, Jas. E. Ward & Co., 113 Wall Street; St. Domingo & Samana —office, W. P. Clyde & Co., 35 Broadway; St. Johns, N. F. — office, Bowing & Archibald, 39 Broadway; St. Thomas & Venezuela— Bobert's Dock, Brooklyn, office, P. F. Gerhard & Co., 19 S. William Street. Domestic Ports — Alexandria, Va., & Washington, D. C. — W., pier 41 E. B., office, T. W. Wightman, 241 South Street ; Charleston, S. 0.— S. W., pier 27 N. B., office, W. H. Bhett, 317 Broadway ; Fernandina, Fla., & Port Boyal, S. C.— W., pier 20, N. B., office, C. H. Mallory & Co., pier 20, E. B. ; Galveston, Texas, via Key West— W., pier 20 E. B., office, C. H. Mallory & Co., pier 20 E. B. New Orleans — W., pier 36 N. B., office, Morgan's Line, pier 36, N. B.; New Orleans— W. , pier 9, E. B., office, For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 92 Thompson's hotel dikectoky Samuel H. Seaman, pier 9, N. E. ; Philadelphia — D., pier 33, E. R, office, W. P. Clyde & Co., pier 33, E. R; Port- land, Me.— S. W., pier 38 E. R, office, J. F. Ames, pier 38 E. R, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk & City Point, Va,, & Lewes,. Del.— T. W., pier 37, N. R, office, Old Dominion Line, 235 West Street ; San Francisco, via Pa- nama — S. M., new pier 34, N. R, office, Pacific Mail S. S. Co., new pier 34; Savannah, Ga.— S. W., pier 43, N. R, office, W. H. Bhett, Agent, 317 Broadway; Wilming- ton, Del.— T. W., pier 14, E. R, office, Abiel Abbot, 53 South Street; Wilmington, N. C— W., pier 34 & 35, E. R, office, W. P. Clyde &Co., 35 Broadway. Hotels— Cosmopolitan, cor. Chambers Street & West Broadway, ($1.00 and up per day), N. & S. J. Huggins, props.; Albemarle, Broadway, 5th Avenue & 24th Street, ($2.00 and up per day), L. H. Janvrin & Co., props.; Grand, Broadway, cor. 31st Street, ($1.50 and up per day), Henry Milford Smith & Son, props. ; Gedney House, 40th Street & Broadway, ($1.00 and up, per day). Bowers Bros., props.; Normandie, Broadway, cor. 38th Street, ($2.00 and up per day), Ferdinand P. Earle. prop. ; Fifth Avenue, Madison Square, ($5.00 per day); St. Cloud, Broadway & 42d Street, ($1.00 and up per day), Band Bros., props. ; St. James, Broadway & 2(5 th Street, (S. Booms, $2.00 & $2.50, D. Booms, $3.00, $4.00 to $6.00), Wm. M. Conner, prop. ; Barrett House, Broadway, cor. 43d Street, ($1.50 and up per day), Barrett, Bros, prop.; Sturtevant House, Broadway, 28th & 29th Streets, (American Plan, $2.50 and up per day), L. & T. S. Leland, props.; Coleman House, Broadway & 27th Street, ($1.00 and up per day), Jas. H. Bodgers, prop. ; Brighton, Broadway, 42d Street & 7th Avenue, ($1.00 and up per This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 93 day), Albert A. Durand, prop. ; Union Square, Union Square, cor. 15th Street, A. J. Dam & Son, prop. ; Astor House, Broadway, cor. Barclay Street, ($1.00 to $5.00 per day), Allen & Dam, props. , F. T. Keith, manager ; Madi- son, Broadway & 39th Street, ($2 00 and up per day), Wm. C. Kitsell, prop.; Rossmore, Broadway, 41 at &42d Streets, ($3.00 to $3.50 per day, Booms, $1.00 and up per day), Temple & Putney, props. ; Everett House, Union Square, 4th Avenue, cor. 18th Street, $1.00 to $5.00 per day), C. H. Kerney, prop. ; Continental, 20th Street & Broadway, ($1.00 to $5.00 per day), E. L. Merrifleld, prop.; St. Denis Hotel & Taylor's Saloon, Broadway & 11th Street, ($1.00 and up per day), William Taylor, prop.; Brunswick, 5th Avenue, ($1 to $5 per day), Mitchell & Kinzler, props.; Gilsey House, Broadway & 29th Street, ($2 and up per day), J. H. Breslin & Bro., props.; Hoffman House, Madison Square, ($2 and up per day), C. H. Bead & Co., props.; Ashland House, 24th Street & 4th Avenue, (American Plan, $2 to $3 per day, Booms, $1 and up per day), H. H. Brock- way, prop. ; Morton House, Broadway & 14th Street, ($1 and up per day), C. E. Vernum, prop.; Grand Central, 667 to 677 Broadway, op. Bond Street, (Full Board, $3 to $3.50 per day, Rooms, $1 and up per day), Keefer & Co., props.; Metropolitan, Broadway & Prince St., (Full Board, $3 per day), Henry Clair, lessee; Sinclair House, Broadway, cor. 8th Street, ($1 to $3 per day), A. L. Ashman & Son, props. ; New York Hotel, Broadway, Washington & Waverly Place, (Full Board, $3. 50 per day), H. Cranston, prop. ; Belmont, 137 Fulton Street ; Belvedere, 4th Avenue & 18th Street; Brevoort House, 11 5th Avenue ; Bristol, 5th Avenue & For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 94 Thompson's hotel directory 42d Street ; Broadway, 834 Broadway ; Brower House, Broadway, cor. 28th Street ; Buckingham, 5th Avenue & 50th Street ; Canda House, Lafayette Placr, near 4th Street ; Clarendon, 4th Avenue, cor. 18th Street ; Col- onade, 726 Broadway ; Commercial, Broadway & Wash- ington Place ; Everett's, 84 Chatham Street ; Earle's, Canal & Centre Streets; Frankenstein's, 413 Broome Street; Glenham, 155 5th Avenue, Grand Union, 4th Ave- nue & 42d Street ; Hall's, Chambers & Chatham Streets; Branting, Madison Avenue, cor. 58th Street ; Dam, 15th Street, near 4th Avenue; Devonshire, 30 East 42d Street; Espanol, 116 & 118 West 14th Street; Kecreo, 15th Street, cor. living Place ; Royal, 6th Avenue & 40th Street ; 8helburn, 5th Avenue, cor. 36 Street; St. Marc, 5th Avenue, cor. 38th Street; St. Stephen, 34 W. 11th Street, International, 17 & 19 Park Row ; Irving House, Broad- way, cor. 12th Street ; Leggett's, 44 Chatham Street ; Leland, Broadway & 27th Street ; Manhattan, Broad- way, cor. Canal Street ; Merchant's, 39 Cortlandt Street; Occidental, Broome Street & Bowery ; Park Avenue, 4th Avenue & 32d Street ; Prescott House, Broadway & Spring Street ; Revere House, Broadway, cor. Houston Street ; St. Nicholas, 515 Broadway ; St. Omer, 384 & 386 6th Avenue ; Stevens House, 23 Broadway ; Sweeney's, Chambers & Chatham Streets; Tremont House, 665 Broadway ; United States, Fulton & Water Streets ; Vanderbilt, Lexington Avenue & 42d Street ; Victoria, Broadway, 27th & 5th Avenue; Westminster, Irving Place & 16th Street ; Windsor, 5th Avenue & 46th Street. NEWPORT, Ark. Situated upon the St. Louis Iron Mountain R'y, where it crosses the White River, to which point steamboats navigate. Population, 750. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TKAVELEBS' GUIDE. 95 Hotels — Lucas, Horton and Railroad. NEWTON, Kansas. Population, 5000. Hotels — Arcade, Howard House. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Situated at the Falls of Niagara River, twenty miles north of Buffalo, and four- teen miles south of Lake Ontario. Population, 5, 048 The cataract of Niagara has a perpendicular fall of one hundred and sixty-five feet. The rapids commence about three-fourths of a mile above the main fall. Goat Island, a quarter of a mile wide, and half a mile long, extends to the very brow of the precipice and divides the falls into two portions, the higher of which is on the American side, but the greater body of water is on the Canadian. Below the falls the river runs between per- pendicular cliffs for three or four miles, in a channel of from three to eight hundred feet in width, forming the whirlpool and lower rapids. Hotels— On the American side, Cataract, Inter- national, Spencer, Niagara, Kaltenbath Pacific ; on the Canada side, Clifton, Prospect, Brunswick. NILES, Mich. Situated on the St. Joseph River. Population, 4500. Hotels — Bond, Pike, Farler. NORFOLK, Va. A port of entry. Situated at the mouth of the Elizabeth River and the Dismal Swamp Canal, by which connection is made with Albemarle Sound. Opposite Portsmouth, Va. Population, 21, 966. Railroads — Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio; Norfolk South- ern ; Norfolk & Virginia Beach ; Norfolk & Ocean View. Business interests — Those connected with cotton and shipping of oysters, fish, vegetables, fruit, &c. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Go., New York City. 96 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels- Atlantic , Purcell House ($2.50, $3, and $8.50). NORRISTOWN,Pa. Situated on the Schuylkill River. Population, 13,064. Railroad— Philadelphia & Beading. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Verandah, Rambo, Farmers', Montgomery House, Windsor House. NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Population, 10,192. Rail- roads— Boston & Albany ; Fitchburg ; Troy & Boston ; New Haven & Northampton ; Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western — occupy same depot. Business interests— Manu- facturing. Hotels — Richmond House, Ballou, Wilson. NORTHAMPTON, Mass. Situated on the Connecti- cut River. Population, 12,172. Railroads — Connecticut River; New Haven & Northampton— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile and extensive manufacturers of silk, paper, cutlery, cotton, buttons, tape, &c. Hotels— Mansion, Round Hill (a summer hotel), Hampshire, Nonotuck. NORWALK, Ct. Situated on both sides of the Norwalk River, near its entrance into Long Island Sound. Population, 13,956. Railroads— Danbury & Norwalk. Business interests — Manufacturing and mer- cantile. Hotels — Connecticut, Norwalk, Adams. NORWALK, O. Population, 5831. Hotels— -St. Charles, Weber, Baldwin. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TBAVELEKS' GUIDE. 97 NORWICH, N. Y. Situated on the Chenango River and Canal. Population, 5,000. Hotels — Eagie, American, Palmer, Spaulding. NORWICH, Ct. Situated on the Thames River, at the mouth of the Yantic River. Population, 21,141. Railroads— -New York & New England, Norwich Division; New London & Northern — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing. Hotels— Wauregan, American, Metropolitan, Union Square. OAKLAND, Cal. Situated on San Francisco Bay* connected by ferry with San Francisco. Population, 34,556. Railroads — Central Pacific ; South Pacific Coast — occupy separate depots. Hotels Newland, Centennial, Galindo, Winsor, Hartman, Roberts, Tubbs, Kohler, Chase. OBERLIN, O. Population, 3242. Hotel — Park House. OGDEN, Utah. Situated at the junction of the Weber and Ogden Rivers, and at the mouth of the Ogden Can- yon, one of the gorges which pierce the Wahsatch range. Population, 5313. The Union and Central Pacific roads have here machine and Tepair shops, round-houses, etc. Hotels— Union, Junction, Globe City. OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Situated on the St. Lawrence River, at the mouth of the Oswegatchie River, opposite Prescott, Can., and connected by ferry. Population, 10,340. Railroads — Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain; Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg; Utica & Black River — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufactur- For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York Oily. 98 Thompson's hotel directoby ing and commercial. Here are large elevators and ware- houses for the transhipment of grain. Hotels — Windsor, Seymour, Johnson, Commercial. National. OIL CITY, Pa, Situated at the confluence of Oil Creek and the Allegheny Kiver. Population, 9644. This city is the centre of the oil trade of this region. Hotels— Collins, National, Taylor. OLD POINT COMFOKT, Va. Situated at the con- fluence of the Chesapeake Bay and Hampton Roads, about 180 miles south of Baltimore, Md., and 15 miles north of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. Site of Fortress Monroe, largest fortification in the United States. Cel- ebrated as a health and pleasure resort. Hotel — Hyg-eia. OLYMPIA, Washington Ter. Located on Puget Sound and is reached by steamers, and is the northern terminus of the Olympia & Chehalis Valley R. R., con- necting with the Northern Pacific R'y at Tenis Station. Business interest —Mercantile. Hotels — Carlton, Pacific, New England, St. Charles. OMAHA, Neb. Situated on the Missouri River. Pop- ulation, 30,518. Railroads — Burlington & Missouri River in Nebraska ; Union Pacific ; Omaha & Northern Ne- braska ; Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha ; Mis- souri Pacific — occupy separate depots. (For additional roads see Council Bluffs, la.) Business interests— Com- mercial, mercantile and manufacturing, extensive smelt- ing and refining works, &c. Banks — The Nebraska Na- tional. During the season of navigation steamers run to This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 99? Si Louis and Upper Missouri and Yellowstone River points. Hotels— Millard ($3 to $4 per day), Cozzens ($2 per day), Paxton ($3 and $4 per day), Metropolitan. ONEIDA, N. Y. Population, 3932. A community of about 300 men and women, residing in large buildings on a fruitful farm two miles south of the Central Railway station, is known as the Oneida Community. Hotel — Allen. ONEONTA, N. Y. Situated on the Susquehanna. River, and Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. 's R. R. Pop- ulation, 3004. ' Hotels— Central, Susquehanna, Haathway House. OPELIKA, Ala. Population, 3330. Hotels— Opelika, Melton. ORANGE, N. J. Population, 13.206. Railroads— Del- aware, Lackawanna & Western (Morris & Essex Div. ) - r New York & Greenwood Lake. Business interests — Man- ufacturing. Hotels — City, Park, Central, Mansion, Hang's. OSAGE CITY, Kan. Population, 2158. Hotels— Palace, Osage. OSKALOOSA, la. Population, 4800. Hotels — Downing House, Burnett House. OSHKOSH, Wis. Situated on Lake Winnebago, at the mouth of Fox River. Population, 15,749. Railroads? —Chicago & Northwestern ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ; Wisconsin Central ; Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Lumber, carriages, trunks, sash, doors and blinds. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 100 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels — Tremont, Revere, Seymour. OSWEGO, N. Y. Situated on Lake Ontario, at the mouth of the Oswego River — it is also the northern ter- minus of the Oswego Canal. Population, 21,117. Bail- roads — Delaware, Lackawanna & Western — depot on TJtica Street, in Lake Shore Hotel Block ; Rome, Water- town & Ogdensburg ; New York, Ontario & Western — Occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufactur- ing, starch, flour, shipping, commission business, &c. Hotels— Hamilton, Lake Shore, Doolittle House, at "which are the celebrated Deep Rock Springs. OTTAWA, 111. Situated on the Illinois River and Illinois and Michigan Canal. Population, 10,000. Rail- roads— Chicago, Burlington & Qiiincy ; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific — occupy separate depots. Business inter- ests — Agricultural and manufacturing, extensive window glass, bottle and starch factories, also tile, fire-brick, flour, &c. Hotels— Clifton, White, St. Nicholas, -Ottawa. OTTAWA, Out. Situated on the Ottawa River and Rideau Canal. Population, 25,000. Railroads— Canada -Central ; St. Lawrence & Ottawa ; Quebec, Montreal, Ot- tawa & Occidental — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Lumber. Hotels— St. Lawrence, Windsor, Albion, Russell House, Union House. OTTUMWA, la. Situated on the Des Moines River. Population, 9018. Hotels— Ballingall, Revere, Baker ($2 per day). OWATONNA, Minn. Situated on the Straight River. Population, 3200. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 101 Hotels— Arnold, Winship, Parker, Nickerson, More^ house. OWEGO, N. Y. Situated on the Susquehanna River. Population, 6037. Hotels — United States, Park, Ah-wa-sa ($2 per day), Central, Cortright, Exchange. OWENSBOEO, Ky. Situated on the Ohio River, 155 .miles by water, below Louisville, Ky. Population* 10, 000. Railroad— Owensboro & Nashville. Business interest — Manufacturing. Hotels— Planters', Brooks, McCullough. PADUCAH, Ky. Situated on the Ohio River at the mouth of the Tennessee River, fifty miles above Cairo. Population, 10,868. Railroads — Memphis, Paducah & Northern; Paducah & Elizabethtown — occupy joint depot. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Richmond, Maxwell, Southern, Planters'. PAINESVILLE, O. Situated on Grand River, three miles from Lake Erie. Population, 3850. iZtftefe— Stockwell House, Cowles He use. PALESTINE, Tex. Population, 3500. Hotels — La^Clede, Hunter, Sterne. PALMYRA, N. Y. Population, 3014. Hotels — Palmyra, Cummings, Throp, Exchange. PARSONS, Kansas. Situated on Missouri, Kansas & Texas Division of the Mo. ^Pacific R'y, 293 miles from Hannibal, Mo., and 338 miles from St. Louis. Popula- tion, 5000. Hotels — Abbott, Southern, Worth. PARKERSBURG, W. Va. Situated on the Ohio River For advertising space in this work address the Na'ional Directory Co., New York City. 102 Thompson's hotel directory which is crossed by a magnificent railroad bridge. Pop- ulation, 6510. Hotels — Swan, Hills Central. PASSAIC, N. J. Population, 7000. Hotels— City, Lyceum, Mansion. PATERSON, N. J. Situated on the Passaic River, immediately below the falls. Population, 50,887. Bail- roads— Delaware, Lackawanna & Western ; New York, Lake Erie & Western; New Jersey Midland — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Rolling Mills, manu- facturing locomotives, silk, cotton, etc. Hotels — Passaic, Franklin House, Hamilton House. PAWTUCKET, R. I. Situated on the Pawtucket River. Population, 19,030. Bailroads— Boston & Provi- dence; New York & New England; Providence & Wor- cester — occupy same depot. Business interests— Manufact- uring and commercial. Hotels— Benedict, Pawtucket. PEABODY, Mass. Population, 9033. Hotels — Symond's, Baldwin, Donnell, Peabady. PEEKSKILL, N. Y. Situated on the left bank of the Hudson, 41 miles above N. Y. City and surrounded by the finest scenery on the river. It has a population of 6990. Hotels — Eagle, Exchange. PEKIN, 111. Situated on the east bank of the Illinois River. Population, 6500. Hotels — Woodward's Hotel, Planters', Bemis. PENN YAN, N. Y. Situated at the foot of Lake J£euka. Population, 3497. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TKAVELEKS' GUIDE. 103 Hotels — Benham, Central, Knapp, Sherman. PENSACOLA, Fla. Situated on Pensacola Bay, Population, 7600. Hotels — City, Merchants. PEOEIA, 111. Situated on the Illinois Kiver. Popu- lation, 29,315. Railroads — Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Illinois Midland; Indiana, Bloomington & Western; Peoria, Decatur & Evans ville; Peoria & Pekin Union; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; Rock Island & Peoria — all occupy same depot; Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific — separate depot. Business interests — Mercantile and manu- facturing. Hotels — Peoria, White House, Merchants'. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Situated at Junction of Rar- itan Bay with Staten Island Sound. Population, 4808. Hotels — Central, Packer. PERU, Ind. Situated on the Wabash River and Wa- bash and Erie jOanal. Population, 6000. Hotels — St. James, American, National, Tremont, Bearos. PETERSBOROUGH, Ont. Situated on the Otana- bee River. Population, 7000. Hotels — Hoffman, Casey House. PETERSBURG, Va. Situated on the Appomattox River. Population, 21,656. Railroads— Norfolk & West- ern; Richmond & Petersburg — occupy separate depots; Richmond & Petersburg also occupies depot with Peters- burg R. R. Business interests— Manufacturing (tobacco, sumac), mercantile and commercial. Hotels — Bolling-brooke, Jarrett, Newton. For advertising space in this xoork address the National Directory Co., New York City. 104 Thompson's hotel directory PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Situated between the rivers Delaware and Schuylkill. A port of entry. Population, 846,984. Railroads— Camden & Atlantic, foot of Vine St. ; Camden, Gloucester & Mount Ephraim, foot of South St. ; Pennsylvania— (N. Y. & Pennsylvania Divisions), Broad and Market Sts.; Kensington Depot, Front St. and Montgomery Ave. , Amboy Division, foot of Market St., north side; Philadelphia, Newton & New York, 32d and Market Sts. ; Philadelphia & Atlantic City, Pier 8, South Delaware Ave. ; Philadelphia, Wilmington & Bal- timore, and Philadelphia & Baltimore Central, Broad St. and Washington Ave. , Philadelphia & Beading — Main Line, Broad and Collowhill Sts. ; North Pennsylvania & Bound Brook Division, 3d and Berks Sts. and 9th and Green Sts. ; Germantown and Norristown Branch, 9th and Green Sts. ; West Chester & Philadelphia, 31st and Chestnut Sts. ; West Jersey, Foot of Market St. , north side. Business interests — Manufacturing, commercial, mer- cantile, etc. Second city in commercial importance and population in the United Slates. Office of the National Kailway Publication Co., Nos. 229 and 231 South Fifth Street. Hotels — Aldine, American, Bellevue, Bingham, Con- tinental, Colonnade, Girard, Guy's, Lafayette, St. Charles, St. Cloud, St. Elmo, St. George, Merchants', Washington, etc. PHILLIPSBUBG, N. J. Situated on the Delaware River, opposite Easton, Pa. , and terminus of the Morris Canal. Population, 7169. Hotels — Lee, Columbia, Phillipsburg, Union Square. PHCENIXVILLE, Pa. Situated on the Schuylkill This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 105 River, at the mouth of French River; also, on the Schuylkill Canal. Population, 6692. Hotels — Phoenix, Washington, Mansion, Union. PIERCE CITY, Mo. Situated on the St. Louis & San Francisco R'y, 290 miles southwest of St. Louis. Population, 1300. Hotels — Decatur, Merchants'. PIQUA, O. Situated on the Miami River and Miami and Erie Canal. Population, 6036. Hotels — Iceland, City. PITTSBURG, Pa. Situated at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers, which form the Ohio. A port of entry. Population, 156,381. Railroads — Allegheny Valley; Cleveland & Pittsburg; Pennsyl- vania (Main Line, and Pittsburg, Virginia & Charleston Branch); Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis; Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago— occupy same depot ; Baltimore & Ohio ; Pennsylvania (West Penna. Div.); Pittsburg & Castle Shannon ; Pittsburg & Lake Erie ; Pittsburg Southern; Pittsburg & Western — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing on the largest scale, principally of iron and glass ; mercantile and commercial. Hotels— Monongahela, Seventh Avenue ($2.50 and $3 per day), St. Charles, Central. PITTSFIELD, Mass. Population, 13,367. Railroads — Boston & Albany ; Housatonic — occupy same depot. B usiness interests — Manufacturing! Hotels — American, Burbank, Berkshire. PITTSTON, Pa. Population, 10,005. Railroads— Cen- tral of New Jersey ; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western ; For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York Oity. 106 Thompson's hotel directory Lehigh Valley — occupy separate depots. Business in- terests — Coal mining and manufacturing. Hotels— Eagle, Gething, St. James, Farnham House. PLAINEIELD, N. J. Population, 8005. Hotels — Laing's, Park House. PLATTSBURG, N. Y. Population, 5600. Situated on both sides of the Saranac River, at its entrance into Cumberland Bay, of Lake Champlain. Hotels— Cumberland House, Fouquet House, Wither- ill Bouse. PLYMOUTH, Ind. Situated on Yellow River. Pop- ulation, 2800. Hotels— Ross, Parker, Vernedge. PLYMOUTH, Mass. Situated on Plymouth Bay. Population, 7094. Hotels — Brastow, Central, Clifford, Franklin, Mano- met, Plymouth Rock, Samoset. PORTAGE CITY, Wis. Situated on the Wisconsin River. Population, 4446. Hotels — City, Emder's, Corning House ($2 per day), Fox House, Kirby House. PORT HOPE, Ont, Situated on Lake Ontario. Pop- ulation, 6000. Hotels — Queen's, St. Lawrence Hall. PORT HURON, Mich. Situated on the St. Clair River, at the mouth of Black River, one mile from Lake Huron. Population, 10,000. Railroads— Chicago & Grand Trunk; Great Western of Canada — occupy same depot ; Grand Trunk ; Port Huron & Northwestern — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Commercial, shipbuilding, This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 107 manufacturing, lumber, &c. Twelve miles to St. Clair Mineral Springs. Hotels — Huron, Albion, Pacific, Commercial. POKT JERVIS, N. Y. Situated on the Delaware River, and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal. Popula- tion, 8677. Hotels — Delaware, Fowler, Union. PORTLAND, Me. Situated on Casco Bay. A port of entry. Population, 33 810. Railroads — Eastern ; Maine Central ; Portland & Ogdensburg — occupy same depot ; Boston & Maine — occupies separate depot on same street, opposite ; Portland & Rochester — occupies separate de- pot ; Grand Trunk — has a separate local depot, but through cars connect without change. Business interests — Mercantile, commercial and manufacturing. Hotels— Falmouth, "United States, City. PORTLAND, Oregon. Situated on the Willameto River, 12 miles above its mouth, and 642 miles from San Erancisco. Population, 20, 500. Railroads — Oregon & Cal- ifornia ; Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. ; Northern Pacific. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. There is a fine view of the Cascade Mountains from the city, five snow-clad peaks being in sight. Hotels — Clarendon, Occidental, St. Charles, Hoi ton,- Esmond. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Situated on the Piscataqua River, three miles from the Ocean. The only seaport town in the State. Population, 9732. Hotels— Rockingham, Kearsage, National. PORTSMOUTH, O. Situated on the Ohio River, at For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 108 Thompson's hotel directory the mouth of Scioto River, also on the Ohio and Erie Canal. Population, 11,314. Railroads — Marietta & Cin- cinnati ; Scioto Valley — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Commercial, manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Central, Biggs House, Massie House. PORTSMOUTH, Va. Situated at the mouth of Eliza- beth River, opposite Norfolk. Population, 11,388. Rail- road — Seaboard & Roanoke. Business interests — Commer- cial. The United States Navy Yard is located at Gosport, a suburb of Portsmouth. Hotels— American, Peabody. POTTSTOWN, Pa. Situated on the Schuylkill River. Population, 7214. Hotels — Madison, Merchants', Farmers', POTTSVILLE, Pa. Situated on the Schuylkill River, at the mouth of Norwegian Creek. Population, 13,253. Railroad — Philadelphia & Reading. Business interests — Manufacture of iron, mining and mercantile. It is noted for its beautiful situation and immense coal trade. Hotels — Exchange, Merchants', Penn's. POUGHKEEPSIE, N, Y. Situated on a fine plateau overlooking the Hudson, midway between New York and Albany. Population, 20,207. The manufactories, not- ably iron, glass and farming tools, are extensive, but Poughkeepsie is chiefly famous as an academic city. Be- sides the celebrated Vassar college, there are three other academies for women, a military institute and a national business college. Daily Newspapers — Eagle ; News (morn- ing) ; Press (evening). The State Insane Asylum over- looks the Hudson two miles north of the city. Hotels — Nelson House, Poughkeepsie. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 109 PROVIDENCE, R I. Semi-capital of State. Situated on both sides of the Providence River, at the head of Narragansett and Providence Bays, thirty -five miles from the Ocean. A port of entry. Population, 104,850. Bail- roads — Boston & Providence ; New York & New England; Providence & Springfield ; Providence & "Worcester ; New York, Providence & Boston — all occupy same depot; Providence, Warren & Bristol — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Commercial and manufacturing. iTotefe'— Narragansett, City, Dorrance, Aldrich, Pro- vidence. PUEBLO, Col. Situated on the Arkansas River. Population, 7821. Hotels— Lindell, Pittsburg, in Pueblo proper; Globe, Grand Central, and Victoria, in South Pueblo. QUEBEC, Que. Capital of Province of Quebec. Situated on the St. Lawrence River, at the mouth of the St. Charles River, 340 miles from the ocean. Popula- tion, 75,000. Bailroads — Grand Trunk; Quebec, Montre- al, Ottowa & Occidental, — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile, commercial, ship building, lumber, &c. The city has a remarkably picturesque situation between the two rivers, at the north-east ex- tremity of a narrow but elevated table-land, which for about eight miles forms the left bank of the St. Law- rence. Hotels— Albion, Russell, St. Louis. QUINCY, 111. Occupies a commanding situation up- on the east bank of the Mississippi River, 170 miles above St. Louis. Population, 27,275. Bailroads— Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy-; Hannibal & St. Joseph; St. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 110 Thompson's hotel directory Louis, Keokuk & North-western; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific, — all roads occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, commercial and agricultural. Hotels — Tremont, Windsor. QUINCY, Mass. Bordering on Quincy Bay in Boston Harbor, eight miles south-east of Boston. Population, 10,529. Railroads — Old Colony. Business interests — Manufacturing boots and shoes, granite quarries, &c. Hotels — Old Squantum, Wollaston, Robertson, New Squantum, Atlantic, Great Hill, Albion, Linden, Willow, Beach. BACINE, Wis. Situated on Lake Michigan, at the mouth of Boot River. Population, 16,031. Railroads — Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; Chicago & North-west- ern — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manu- factures of various kinds. Racine is noted for manufac* ture of agricultural machines. Hotels — Blake, Huggin's House ($2 per day); Com- mercial ($2 per day). RAHWAY, N. J. Situated upon both sides of the Rah way River. Population, 0430. Hotels — Chamberlain's, Cro well's, Park House. RALEIGH, N. C. Capital of State. Situated a^few miles from the Neuse River. Population, 12,000. Rail- roads— Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line; Raleigh & Gaston; Richmond & Danville — occupy same depot. Business interests — Mercantile and manufacturing (tobacco). The State Lunatic Asylum, Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind and State Penitentiary are located here. Hotels — Central, Exchange,' Yarboro. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Ill RANDOLPH, Mass. Population, 4022. Hotel — Howard. BEADING, Pa. Situated on the Schuylkill Kiver and Canal. Population, 43,280. Railroads— Philadel- phia & Reading; Wilmington & Northern — street ear connection between depot. Busi?iess interests — Manufac- turing, principally iron, wool,, hats and woolen goods. Hotels — American (Eates $2 per day); Mansion, Key- stone, Grand Central, Merchants'. . RED WING, Minn. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 5811. Hotels— St. James ($2 and $2.50 per day); Hick- man House. . RENO, Nev. Situated on the Truckee River. Popu- lation, 3000.- Hotels— Arcade, Depot, Lake House. RICHFIELD SPRINGS, N. Y. A summer watering place 1600 feet above the sea. Population, 1500. There is here a noted sulphur spring. Hotels — New American, Central, National, Rich- field, Spring, Davenport, Tuller, Johnson, Dutkirk. RICHMOND, Ind. Situated on the White Water River. Population, 12,743. Railroads — Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton; Grand Rapids & Indiana; Pitts- burg, Cincinnati & St. Louis— occupy same depot. Business interests — Mercantile and manufacturing. Hotels — Bryson, Githens, Arlington, Grand, Hun- tington. RICHMOND, Ya. Situated on the James River. Population, 63,803. Railroads— Richmond & Petersburg; For advei*tising space in this work address the National Directory Go., New York City. 112 Thompson's hotel directoky Richmond, Fredericksburg k Potomac, — occupy same depot; Chesapeake & Ohio; Richmond & Danville; Rich- mond, York River & Chesapeake— occupy separate de- pots; Richmond, Fredicksburg & Potomac and Rich- mond & Danville connect near Belle Island, opposite Richmond. Business interests — Mercantile and Manufac- turing. Hotels — American, Ford's, Exchange and Ballard. ROCHELLE, 111. Population, 1896. Hotels — Rocket, Rochelle. ROCHESTER, Minn. Situated on the Zumbro River. Population, 5198. Hotels— Park Place, Bradley, Cook, Peirce. ROCHESTER, N. H. Population, 4200. Hotels — Dodge's, Mansion, Wrisley. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Finely situated on both banks of the Genesee River at the Falls, seven miles from Lake Ontario. It has a population of 89, 363, many fine build- ings, costly churches and three convents. Railroads — New York, West Shore & Buffalo; New York Central; New York, Lake Erie & Western, (Corning branch); Rochester & Lake Ontario; Rochester & Pittsburg; Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia; Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg; Genesee Valley, each having a separate station in the city. The Erie Canal crosses the Genesee River at Rochester by means of an aqueduct, constructed at great expense by the State. From Charlotte, the port of Rochester, at mouth of Genesee River, on Lake On- tario, a large shipping trade is carried on with Canada and the Upper Lakes. The manufactories are extensive and varied, but Rochester takes rjre-eminence among This xcork is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TKAVELERS' GUIDE. 113 cities of the world for its flour mills and its 1500 acres of nurseries which send away fruits, plants and young trees, to the value of $2,500,000 annually. The University of [Rochester, and Rochester Theological Seminary, are flourishing institutions, taking rank with the foremost of their kind in the State; there are also twenty-nine pub- lic school buildings. Hotels — Powers, Lieders' (Rates $2 to $3 per day); Osburn House, Whitconib, National, Congress Hall, Brackett, Waverly House. ROCHESTER, Pa. Situated between the Ohio and Beaver Rivers. Population, 2500. Hotels — Pavalion. St. James, Doncaster House. ROCKFORD, 111. Situated on Rock River. Popula- tion, 13,136. Railroads — Chicago & North-western; Chi- cago & Iowa; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul — latter two occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufac- turing. Hotels — Holland, Edwards', American, Commercial, City. ROCK ISLAND, IU. Situated on the Mississippi River, two miles above the mouth of the Rock River, at the foot of Rock Island and the upper rapids, opposite the city of Davenport. Population, 11,660. Railroads— Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul (Racine & South western Div.), — occupy same depot. Rock Island & Mercer County , Rock Island & Peoria — occupy same depot ; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (St. Louis Line) — separate depot. Business in- terests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels — Harper House, Commercial, Rock Island. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 114 Thompson's hotel directory ROCKLAND, Me. Situated on the Penobscot Bay. PopulatioD, 7650. Hotels — Lye de, Lindsay House, Thorndike House. ROME, Ga. Situated on the Coosa River. Popula- tion, 4374. Hotels — Rome, Central House. ROME, N. Y. Situated on the Mohawk River and Black River canal. The population of 12,045 has a somewhat cosmopolitan character. Railroads — The N. Y. Central & Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R. trains leave the same station, opposite the depot of Del., Lack, & Western R'y. Business interests — Large rolling mills, railroad shops, woolen knitting factories, and a prosperous country trade is carried on. Hotels — Commercial, Willette, Curtis, Stanwix Hall. ROSENDALE. N. Y. Situated on Rondout Creek and the Delaware and Hudson Canal. Population, 720. Hotels — Abe Lammon's, Conrad Shinnen's. RUTLAND, Vt. Situated on Otter Creek. Popu- lation, 12,000. Railroads— Central Vermont ; Benning- ton & Rutland — Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. — occupy same depot. Business interests — Quarrying marble and slate, manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Bardwell, Bates, Berwick. SACO, Me. Situated on the Saco River, opposite Biddeford. Population, 5757. Hotel — Saco House. SACRAMENTO, Cal. Situated on- the Sacramento River, one mile below the confluence of the Sacramento and American Rivers. Population, 21,420. Railroads — 2%is work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELEKs' GUIDE. 115 Central Pacific (and its branches — the California Pacific, Oregon Division, and Sacramento Valley); Sacramento & Placerville ; Southern Pacific — Union depot. Busi- ness interests — Mercantile, manufacturing, and agricul- tural. Hotels —Capital, Golden Eagle, Union, Western, State, Pacific, The Langham. SAGINAW CITY, Mich. Situated on the Saginaw Biver, two miles above East Saginaw. Population, 10, 525. Railroads — Detroit & Bay City ; Flint and Pere Marquette : Michigan Central ; Saginaw Valley and St. Louis— occupy same depot. Business interests — Lumber r salt, &c. Hotels — Crowley, Kirby, Taylor, American, Dunbar. ST. ALBAN'S, Vt. Situated three miles from Lake Champlain. Population, 7201. Hotels — American, Welden, St. Alban's, Central. ST. CATHERINES, Ont. Located on the Welland Canal. Population, 15,000. Railroads — Great "Western of Canada ; Welland — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile, agricultural and ship building. Hotels — Cairns, Murray, Spring Bank, Stephenson, Welland. ST. CHARLES, Mo. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 7652. Hotels— Gait, St. Charles, Merchants', Monroe, Western, California House, Strangers' Home. ST. CLAIR, Mich. Situated on St. Clair River, 60 For adveiHising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 116 Thompson's hotel directory miles north-easterly from Detroit, and 12 miles south from Port Huron. Population, 3000. Hotel— The Oakland. ST. CLOUD, Miim. Situated on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Population, 2464. Hotels— Central, Minnesota, S chafer, ST. JOHN, N. B. Situated on the Bay of Fundy, at the mouth of the St. John River. Population, 28,805. Railroads— St. John & Maine, Intercolonial— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Lumber, ship-build- ing, fishing and mining. Hotels— Dufferin, Park, Waverley House, New Victoria, Revere House, Royal Globe, International. ST. JOHNS, Quebec. Situated on the Richelieu River, the outlet of Lake Champlain. Population, 4100. Hotels — St. John, United States, American. ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. Situated on the Passumpsic River. Population, 5806. Hotels— St. Johnsbury, Avenue, Cottage Hotel. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 32,484. Railroads— Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs ; Union Pacific ; Hannibal & St. Joseph ; Missouri Pacific ; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; St. Joseph and Des Moines— occupy Union depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile, agriculture, stock raising, pork packing, &c. Hotels— Pacific, World's, Bacon, Central, Saunder's, Occidental. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Situated on the west bank This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 117 of the Mississippi River, 20 miles below the entrance of the Missouri, and 174 miles above the mouth of the Ohio. A port of entry. Population, 350.522. Railroads— Chicago & Alton ; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (St. Louis & Rock Island Division) ; Cairo & St. Louis ; Illinois & St. Louis ; Indianopolis & St. Louis ; Missouri Pacific ; Ohio & Mississippi ; St. Louis and San Francisco , St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern ; St. Louis and South-eastern ; St. Louis, Vandalia, Terre Haute; and Indianapolis, St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific— all roads occupy Union Depot. Business interests— Manufacturing, mercantile, commercial, &c. By the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and their affluents, it is the converging point of nearly fifteen thousand miles of steamboat navi- gation. Its river craft plying between this and other points numbers 647 vessels, of which 209 are steamers, and 438 barges, all valued at $6,844,200, with a carrying capacity of 236,960 tons. According to the census re- turns of 1870, St. Louis had one thousand manufacturing firms, with an invested capital of $48,387,150. Hotels— Southern, Lin 1 dell, Laclede, Planters, Barnum's, St. James. ST. PAUL, Minn. Situated on the Mississippi River, 13 miles below the Falls of Saint Anthony. Population, 41,408 Railroads— Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul (Prai- rie du Chien and La Crosse Division), Chicago St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Line ; St. Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba; Northern Pacific, and St. Paul & Duluth occupy Union depot. All trains enter St. Paul on the For advertising space in this work address the Na'ional Directory Co., New York City. 118 Thompson's hotel directory levee. Btisiness interests^- Wholesale trade, railroad, and manufactures. Hotels— Metropolitan, Merchants' Grand Central, International, Clarendon, Windsor. ST. STEPHEN'S, N. B. Situated on the St. Croix River. Population, 6000. Hotels — Commercial, Queen. ST. THOMAS, Ont. Population, 7200. Hotels— Commercial, Queens, Hutchinson, Lisgar, Penwarden, Wilcox. SALAMANCA, N. Y. Population, 2800. Hotels— Dudley, Kreiger, Haymacker, Oil Exchange, Brookty. SALEM, Mass. Situated chiefly on a strip of land formed by two inlets of the sea called North and South Rivers. A port of entry. Population, 27,598. RaU* roads — Boston & Lowell ; Eastern (Lawrence Branch), — occupy same depot ; Eastern (South Reading Branch), — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufact- uring and mercantile. Hotels — Essex, Derby, Salem, Farragut, Central. SALEM, N. J. Situated on the Salem River two and a half miles from Delaware Bay. Population, 6649. Hotels— Garwood's, Nelson, Schaeffer's. SALEM, Ore. Situated on the Willamette River and Oregon & California R. R. This city has fine educational advantages, including the Willamette University, Women's College and Sisters' school. The State prison is also located here. Hotels— Chemeketa, Reed. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United titatee. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 119 SALISBUKY, N. C. Population, 2777. Hotels — Boyden, National. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Situated on the Jordan River. Population, 20, 768. Railroads — Utah Central ; Utah Southern, .Utah Western — occupy same depot. Business interests — Mercantile and manufacturing. Hotels— Walker, Continental, White, Warsatch, Clift, Overland, Valley. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Situated on the San Antonio Uiver, which has its source a few miles above the city. Population, 35,000. Railroads— Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio ; International & Great Northern — separate depots. Business interests — Mercantile. The U. S. Gov- ernment has an arsenal located here, and it is the head- quarters of the army in Texas. San Antonio is one of the oldest cities in the United States, and has much to interest the stranger. The chief interest centres in the Missions, five in number, built in the eighteenth cen- tury. Hotels — Hotel Maverick, Menger, Hord's, Central, Vance. SANDUSKY, O. Situated on Sandusky Bay of Lake Erie. Population, 15,838. Railroads — Baltimore & Ohio ; Cincinnati, Sandusky & Cleveland ; Lake Shore & Michi- gan Southern, and Lake Erie & Western— last two occupy same depot ; others separate. Business interests — Com- mercial, agricultural and manufacturing, including large iron and steel works. Hotels — Sloan House, Colton, West House. SAN PBANCISCO, Cal. Situated on San Francisco Bay. Population, 233, 956. Railroads — Central Pacific ; For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 120 Thompson's hotel directory North Pacific Coast ; San Francisco and North Pacific ; South Pacific Coast ; Southern Pacific— occupy separate depots. Business interests— Commercial, mercantile, man- ufacturing. Hotels — Grand Hotel, Palace, Lick, Baldwin, Occi- dental, Russ. SAN JOSE, Cal. Situated on the Guadalupe Kiver, fifty miles south of San Francisco. Population, 12,567. Railroads — Central Pacific ; Southern Pacific— occupy same depot ; South Pacific Coast — occupies separate de- pot. Business interests— Mercantile and agricultural. Hotel— Pacific Hotel. SANTA ROSA, Cal.— Situated on Santa Rosa Creek. Population, 3474. Hotels— American, Grand, Occidental, Santa Rosa. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. Population, 10,822. Railroads — Adirondack ; Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. ; Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western ; Saratoga, Mt. Mc- Gregor & Lake George. Hotels — American, Clarendon, United States, Con- gress Hall, Grand Union, Windsor, Adelphi, Arling- ton ($3 per day), Columbiana, Commercial ($2.50 per day), &c. SARNIA, Ont. Situated on the St. Clair River, oppo- site Port Huron, Mich. A port of entry. Population, 4500. Hotels— Alexander, Bell, Royal, Chapman. SAVANNAH, Ga. Situated on the Savannah River, eighteen miles above its mouth. A port of entry. Pop- ulation, 30,681. Railroads— Savannah, Florida & West- Thls work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United Mates. AND TEAVELERS' GUIDE. 121 ern ; Savannah & Charleston — occupy same depot ; Cen- tral of Georgia — occupies separate depot. Business inter- ests —Shipping of cotton, rice, lumber and naval stores. Hotels — Pulaski, Screven, Marshall, Harnett, Pa- villion, European, Planters. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Situated on the Mohawk River and the Erie Canal. Population, 13,675. The N. Y. Central R. R. (Main Line and Troy Branch) and the Del. & Hudson Canal Co. R. R. share same station ; New York, West Shore & Buffalo ; Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. — same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing woolen goods, iron foundries and railroad shops. Hotels — Givens', Carley. SCR ANTON, Pa. Situated on the Lackawanna River. Population, 45,850. Railroads— Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. ; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western— occupy same depot ; Central of New Jersey— occupies separate depot. Business interests— Mining, manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Wyoming, Forest ($2 per day), St. Charles, Lackawanna VaUey, Susquehanna, Scranton. SEDALIA, Mo. Population, 15,000. Railroads— Mis- souri Pacific ; Kansas & Texas Div. of Mo. Pac. — occupy same depot ; Sedalia, Warsaw & Southwestern Div. of Missouri Pacific — occupies separate depot. Business in- terests— Mercantile, agricultural and manufacturing. Hotels — Kaiser, Garison, Jay Gould, Lindell, Leroy, City. SELMA, Ala. Situated on the Alabama River. Popu- lation, 7500. Hotels— St. James ($2.50 per day), Southern. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co. .New York Oity. 122 Thompson's hotel directory SENECA FALLS, N. Y. Situated on the Seneca River. Population, 5896. Hotels — Globe, Hoag House. SHARON, Pa. Situated on the Slicnango River. Pop- ulation, 5711. Hotels — Messer House, Carver House, Shenango House. SHAMOKIN, Pa. Situated on Shamokin Creek. Pop- ulation, 9000. Hotels — National, United States, City, Curtis, An- thracite, Gap. SHEBOYGAN, Wis. Situated on Lake Michigan, at the mouth of the Sheboygan River. Population, 7326. Hotels — Beekman, Park, Kossuth, Washington, ITranklin, "Wisconsin. SHELBY, Mich. Situated on the Chicago & West Michigan R. R. , half way between White Hall and Pent- water. Population, 800. Hotels— The Elliot House, Moore's. SHELBYVILLE, Ind. 27 miles south of Indianapolis, on Blue River. Population, 5000. Hotel — Roy House. SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. Situated on the Duck River. Population, 2836. Hotels — Evans House, Barksdale House. SHENANDOAH, Pa. Population, 10,148. Railroads— Lehigh Valley ; Philadelphia & Reading — occupy sepa- rate depots. Business mte? , ests ~M.iniug (coal). Hotels — Merchants', National, United States, Phila- delphia, Shenandoah Valley, Central. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent h< tels of the United States. AND TEAVELERS' GUIDE. 123 SHERBROOKE, Que. Situated on both sides of the River Magog and River St. Francis. Population, 7500. Hotels — Continental, Passumpsic, Magog House, Sheibrooke House. SHERMAN, Tex. Population, 7006. Hotels — Beiler, Binkley, New Southern, Sherman. SHREYEPORT, La. Situated on the Red River. Population, 11,017. Railroads — Texas & Pacific ; New Or- leans Pacific. Business interests — Commercial and mer- cantile. About 100,000 bales of cotton are shipped from this point annually, and immense numbers of Texas cattle are shipped. Hotels — Cumpston's, Pacific. SIDNEY, O. Situated on Miami River. Population, 5000. Hotel — Burnett. SIOUX CITY, la. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 7381. Hotels — Hubbard, Merchants, St. Elmo, Madison, Davenport, Chicago. SIOUX FALLS, Dakota. Situated on the Big Sioux River, at the head of the Big Sioux Falls. Population, 5,500. , Hotels— Cataract ($2 and $2.50 per day), Sherman, Central, Merchants', Phillips. SMYRNA, Del. Population, 2500. Hotels — Delaware, Smyrna House. SOUTH BEND, Ind. Situated on the St. Joseph River, at its southern bend, hence the name "South Bend." Population, 13,279. Railroads — Chicago & Grand For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., Few York City. 124 Thompson's hotel directoey Trunk ; Lake Shore & Michigan Southern ; Michigan Central — occupy separate depots. Business interests — Man- ufacturing, mercantile and agricultural. Hotels — Grand Central, St. James, Oliver, Dwight. SOUTH NOEWALK, Ct. Situated on the Norwalk River. Population, 5300. Hotels— City ($2 per day), Bartlett, Mahackemo ($2 to $3 per day), Warwick. SPARTA, Wis. Situated on the La Crosse River. Population, 2384. Hotels— Warner House, Ida House. SPOKANE FALLS, W. T. Situated on the Spokane River and on Idaho division of the Northern Pacific Rail- road, 1537 miles west from St. Paul. The river at this place falls, within the space of half a mile, 150 feet, afford- ing unlimited water power for manufacturing, which is carried on quite extensively. Hotels— Sprague House, California House, Western. SPRINGFIELD, 111. Capital. Population. 19,746. Railroads — Chicago & Alton — occupies s-eparate depot: Illinois Central ; Ohio & Mississippi — occupy same depot; Springfield & Northwestern ; Wabash ; St. Louis & Paci- fic—occupy same depot. Business interests — Mercantile and manufacturing. A handsome monument in honor of President Lincoln is an object of especial interest. His remains are deposited beneath the monument. Hotels— Iceland ($2.50 and $3 per day), Revere ($2 ($2 per day), St Nicholas. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Situated on the Connecticut River. Population, 33, 340. Railroads — Boston & Albany ; This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 125 Connecticut River ; New York, New Haven & Hartford — occupy same depot ; New York & New England— occupies separate depot. Business interests— Manufacturing. Hotels— Massasoit, Warwick, Haynes, Cooley's. SPRINGFIELD, Mo. Population, 6000. Hotels— Lyon, Metropolitan, Southern, Transient, North Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, O. Situated on the Mad River, at the mouth of Lagonda Creek. Population, 20,729, Bail- roads — Indiana, Bloomington & Western ; Cleveland, Co- lumbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis ; Springfield South- ern — occupy same depot ; New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio ; Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis — occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing agricultural implements, turbine wheels, &c. ~ Hotels — Lagonda, St. James. STAMFORD, Ct. Situated near the mouth of Mill River. Population, 11,298 Bailroads — New York, New Haven &■ Hartford ; New Canaan — occupy same depots. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Stamford House ($2 per day), Union House ($2 per day). STAUNTON, Va. Population, 7767. Hotels — American, Virginia. STERLING, 111. Situated near Rock River. Popu- lation, 5841. Hotels— The Gait, Wallace. STEUBENYILLE, O. Situated on the Ohio River, which is here about one thousand feet wide. Popula- tion, 12,017. Bailroads — Cleveland & Pittsburg ; Pitts- For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 126 Thompson's hotel directory burg, Cincinnati & St. Louis— occupy separate de- pots. Business interests— Manufacturing. The Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad shops are located here. Hotels — Cochran, Central, St. Nicholas, * United States, Imperial, St. Charles. STILLWATER, Minn. Situated on the St. Croix River, at the head of Lake St. Croix. Population, 9059. k Rotels— Pacific, Sawyer House. STOCKTON, Cal. Situated at the head of tide water in the San Joaquin Valley. Population, 10,287. Bail- roads— Central Pacific and its branches, the Stockton & Copperopolis and Stockton & Visalia— occupy separate depots. Business interests— Grain dealing and manufac- ture of agricultural implements, foundries and ma- chinery &c. California State Insane Asylum and Nevada State Insane Asylum are located here. Hotels — Yosemite, Central, Commercial, Mansion House, Eagle. STONINGTON, Ct. Situated\m Long Island Sound. A port of entry. Population, 1 754. Hotels— Wadawannuck, Ocean. STOUGHTON, Mass. Population, 4869. Hotels— Drake's, Chemung, Stoughton. STRATFORD, Ont. Population, 9200. Hotels — Albion, Commercial, Mansion, Windsor, American, Avon, City, Royal, Exchange, Cabinet, Victoria. STREATOR, 111. Situated on the Vermillion River. Population, 8000. Hotels — Streator, American, Central, Geiger, City. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 127 STROUDSBURG, Pa. Situated on Broadhead Creek. Population, 1860. Hotels— Burnett, -American, Washington, Indian Queen.* SUMTER, S. C. Population 2000. Hotels— Sumter, Davis House, Jervey House. SUNBURY, Pa. Situated on the Susquehanna River. Population, 4500. Hotels— City, Central, Empire, Packer, Clement. SYRACUSE, IS". Y. Situated two miles from Onon- daga Lake and at the junction of the Erie and Oswego canals. The city contains 51, 791 inhabitants, nine banks, 42 churches and two convents. Location of the State Asylum for Idiots and the County Penitentiary. It is the seat of large and varied manufactures, extensive steel and iron works, and exports about 9,000,000 bushels of salt annually, this being the largest market in the United States. The New York Central and Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroads occupy contiguous stations ; New York, West Shore & Buffalo — separate depot ; the depot of the Del. , Lackawanna & Western R'y (Syracuse, Binghamton & N. Y. ) is one-quarter mile distant ; the Syracuse, Chenango & N. Y. R. R. station half a mile from the others. Hotels — Vanderbilt, Globe, Congress Hall, Empire. TACOMA, W. T. Situated on Puget Sound, and is the junction of the Pacific and Cascade divisions of Northern Pacific Railroad. Tacoma is also the southern terminus of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.'s Steel steamers, running to Victoria, B. C, and end of line of Pacific Coast steamers between Puget Sound and San Francisco. Business interests — Mercantile and manfg. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 128 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels — The Tacoma, Blackwell, Grand Central, Halstead House. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Population, 2750. Hotel— City. TAMAQUA, Pa, Population, 6019. Hotels — United States, Beard's. TAUNTON, Mass. Situated on the Taunton River, at the head of navigation. Population, 21,213. Railroad— Old Colony. Business interests — Manufacturing and com- mercial. Hotels— City, St. Cloud, Central. TERRE HAUTE, Iud. Situated on the Wabash River. Population, 26,040. Railroads — St. Louis,' Van- dalia, Terre Haute & Indianapolis ; Indianapolis & St. Louis ; Evansville, Terre Haute & St. Louis ; Terre Haute & Southeastern ; Illinois Midland. Business inter- ests — Manufacturing ; among the leading industries may "be mentioned blast furnaces, rolling mills, nail factory, heading and stave mills, distillery, flouring mills, &c. Hotels — Terre Haute, National (#2 per day), St. Clair. TEX ARK AN A, Ark. Twelve miles from Red River. Population, 4000. Hotels— Marquand, Draughon, Cosmopolitan, Bene- field, Beidler. TBE DALLES, Ore. Situated on the Columbia River, at the junction of Mill Creek. Hotels— Umatilla. House, Cosmopolitan, J?.ckson, New Columbia. THOMASVILLE, Ga. Population, 2325. Hotels— Mitchell, Gulf. This icork is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TEAVELERS' GUIDE. 129 THREE RIVERS, Mich. Population, 2525. Hotel- Central House. TIFFIN, O. Situated on the Sandusky River Pop- ulation, 7875. Hotels — Shawhan House, Empire House, Commer- cial. TITUSVILLE, Pa. Situated on the both sides of Oil Creek, eighteen miles north of Oil City, and twenty-eight miles south of Corry on N. Y. , P. & O. R. R. Popula- tion, 10,000. Railroads — Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg; Buffalo, Pittsburg & Western— occupy separ- ate depots. Bu siness interests —Manufacturing and mercan- tile. Hotels — European, Mansion, American. TOLEDO, O. Situated on the Maumee River, six miles from Lake Erie. A port of entry. Population, 50,143. Railroads-— Canada Southern (a division of the Michigan Central); Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton; Flint & Pere Marquette; Lake Shore & Michigan South- ern; Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific — occupy same depot; Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo; Northwestern Ohio; Toledo and Ann Harbor — occupy same depot; Wheeling & Lake Erie; Michigan & Ohio— occupy same depot; Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis; Narrow Gauge — occupy separate depots; Ohio Central; Toledo & Indian- apolis—occupy same depot at East Toledo. Business interests — The principal business interests are grain, the receipts of which are only below Chicago and Milwaukee; lumber, being the great market for Michigan pines and Wabash black walnut, the latter being shipped in un- broken cargoes to Europe. The manufacturing interests For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., Nexo York City. 130 Thompson's hotel directory are growing rapidly. The jobbing trade is very large. Shipbuilding and fishing interests are also extensive. The Maumee River furnishes at Toledo the finest harbor on the Great Lakes. Hotels— Merchant's, Boody House, Island House, Hotel Madison, Oliver House, Burnett House, Amer- ican House. TOPEKA, Kan. Situated on the Kansas River. Pop- ulation, 15,451. Railroads — Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; Kansas Pacific— occupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing, iron-works, car- shops, etc. Bank — John D. Knox & Co. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad shops are located here, also the Col- lege of the Sisters of Bethany. Topeka has the largest flouring mill interest in the State. Hotels— The "Windsor, Fifth Avenue, Gordon, Cope- land. TORONTO, Ontario. Situated on Lake Ontario. Pop- ulation, 90,000. Railroads— Grand Trunk; Great West- ern of Canada; Northern of Canada; Toronto, Grey & Bruce; Toronto & Nipissing; Credit Valley— all roads occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, mercantile & Commercial. Hotels — Rossin, Queen's, American, "Walker, Man- sion. TOWANDO, Pa. Situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. Population, 4000. Hotels— Elwell House, Ward House. TRENTON, N. J. Situated on the left bank of the Delaware River, thirty-three miles northeast of Philadel- phia. Population, 29,910. Railroads — Pennsylvania; This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 131 Philadelphia & Reading. Business interests — Manufactur- ing, iron foundries and potteries. The Capitol building fronts State Street, and commands a fine view of the river. Hotels — American House, National House, Tremont House, Trenton, United States, Clinton Street House, Revere House, State Street House. TROY, N. Y. Situated on both sides of the Hudson River at the mouth of Poestenkill Creek, six miles above Albany, and at the head of steamboat navigation. Pop- ulation, 56, 747. Bailroads — New York Central & Hudson- River; Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. ; Troy & Boston — occupy same depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, iron, and bessemer. steel, stoves, etc. The limits of the city extend about three miles along the river, and one mile from east to west. Hotels — American, Mansion, Troy, Revere, Tre- mont, Union, International, Northern, Congress Hall, Exchange, Eagle. TROY, O. Situated on the Miami River and Miami and Lake Erie Canal. Population, 4000. Hotels — Hatfield, New Morris, TRURO, N. S. Situated at the head of Cobequid Bay. Population, 5000. Hotels — Grand Central, Intercolonial, Prince of Wales, Railway, Victoria, Parker House. TYLER, Tex. Population, 2428. Hotels— City, Ferguson's. URBANA, O. Population, 6257. Hotels— Exchange, Weaver. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 132 Thompson's hotel directory XJTICA, N. Y., on the Mohawk Eiver and the Erie and Chenango canals. Population, 33,913. Railroads— New York Central & Hudson River; Utica & Black River — occupy same depot; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western; New York, West Shore & Buffalo — occupy separate de- pot. Business interests —Agricultural and manufacturing ; latter consisting largely of shoe factories and woolen mills. Hotels — Bagg-s, Butterfield, American. VALPARAISO, Ind. Situated on Salt Creek. Popu- lation, 5500. Hotels— Merchants, Commercial, Fremont, Central. VAN WERT, O. Population, 4875. Hotels— De Puy, Van Wert, Adams, Hotel Avenue. VICKSBURG, Miss. Situated on the Mississippi River. A port of entry. Population, 11,814. Railroads — Mississippi Valley & Ship Island; Vicksburg, Shreve- port & Texas; Vicksburg & Meridian— occupy separate depots. Business wi^?'^'— Shipping cotton, manufactur- ing cotton seed oil, mercantile, etc. The Mississippi Valley Yazoo River Packet Co. run eight steamers; the Memphis & St. Louis Packet Co., eight steamers; and the New Orleans & Vicksburg Packet Co. , six steamers, all terminating their trips at this point. Hotels— Lamadrid House, Pacific House, Washing- ton Exchange. VINCENNES, Ind. Situated on the y abash River. Population, 7683. Hotels— Grand., La Plante House, Junction House. VIRGINIA CITY, Nev. Population, 13,705. Railroad This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United Slates. AND TEAVELEKS' GUIDE. 133 — Virginia & Truckee. Business interests — Silver mining and milling. Hotels — American, Exchange, International, WACO, Tex. Situated on the Brazos River. Popu- lation, 7317. Hotels— McClelland, Central City, Taylor, Roper's European, Southern Pacific. WAKEFIELD, Mass. Population, 5785. Hotels— !Leggett's, McMiller's. WARREN, O. Situated on the Mahoning River. Population, 5000. Hotels— Clifford House, National House, Austin House. WARREN, Pa. Situated on the Allegheny River, at the mouth of Conewango Creek. Population, 4962. Hotels — (four). WARSAW, Ind. Population, 3119. Hotels— Kirtley, Wright, Occidental. WASHINGTON, D. C. Capital of United States. Situated on the Potomac River. Population, 147,307. Principal public buildings — Capitol, Presidents's Man- sion, (White House), Treasury, War, Navy, Interior and Post Office Department, Patent Office, Smithsonian In- stitute, National Museum, &c. Railroads — Baltimore & Ohio, — separate dopot; Baltimore & Potomac; Washing- ton City, Virginia Midland & Great Southern — occupy same dopot. Hotels — Arlington, Ebbitt, Metropolitan, National, Willard's, Riggs, Imperial, St. James, Howard House, ($2.50 per day). For advertising space in this work address the Na'ional Directory Co., A r ew York City. 134 Thompson's hotel directory WASHINGTON, N. C. Situated on Pamlico River. Population, 2500. Hotels — River View, Adams. WASHINGTON, Pa. Situated on Chartiers Creek. Population, 4934. Hotels— Fulton, Valentine, Mansion. WATERBURY, Ct. Situated at the junction of Great Book, Mad and Naugatuck Rivers. Population, 20,269. Railroads — Naugatuck; New York & New England, — oc- cupy separate depots. Business interests — Manufacturing brass, copper, clock, button, pin, and silver plated ware factories, &c. Hotels — Lawlor's, Myers', Earle House, ($2 per day) ; Scoville House, ($2.50 to $3 per day); Park, ($1.50 per day); Franklin House, ($2 per day); Smith's, ($2 per day); New England, ($1 to $2 per day). WATERLOO, la. Situated on both sides of the •Cedar River. Population, 5631. Hotels — Central House, Logan House. WATERTOWN, N. Y. Situated on the Black River, near its entrance into Black River Bay. Population, 10,697. Railroads — Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg; Utica & Black River, — occupy depots half a block apart. Business interests — Manufacturing and mercantile. Hotels— Globe, Harris, Kirby, Woodruff House, Crowner House. WATERTOWN, Wis. Situated on the Rock River. Population, 7868. Hotels— Commercial, Exchange, Watertown Junc- tion House. Tlds work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States. AND TKAVELEBS' GUIDE. 135 WATKINS, N. Y. Situated at the head of Seneca Lake. Population, 2800. Seneca Lake Steam Naviga- tion Co. 's steamers run from here to Geneva, over Seneca Lake. The famous summer resort, ' ' Watkins Glen, " is located here. Hotels (Summer) — Glen Mountain House, (per day, $3 and $3.50), Lake View, Glen Park; (winter or all year round), Fall Brook, Jefferson, Lake Shore. WAUKEGAN, 111. Population, 4031. Hotels — Waukegan, Sherman, Lalle, German. WAUKESHA, Wis. Situated on the Fox River. Population, 3008. Noted as a resort for health and pleasure. The waters of the Waukesha are famous for their curative powers. Hotels— American, Mansion, National, Park, Fount- ain, Cambrian. WAVERLY, N. Y. Situated on the Chemung River, near its confluence with the Susquehanna River. Popu- lation, 4200. Hotels — American Commercial, Tioga, Warford. WEST CHESTER, Pa. Population, 7000. Remark- able for the beauty of its situation, the excellence of its schools, and the elegance of its public buildings. Hotels— Green Tree, Sherman, Turk's Head, Man- sion, Eagle, West Chester. WESTFIELD, Mass. Population, 7641. Hotels — Central, Willmarth, Foster House. WESTMINSTER, Md. Situated at the source of the Patapsco River. Population, 2516. Western Maryland College is located here. For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 136 Thompson's hotel directory Hotels— Central, Marsh's, Westminster City, Ben- ford, Eastern, Anchor. WEST POINT, Ga. Situated on the Chattahoochee River. Population, 2200. Hotels — Chattahoochee House, Higginbotham House WEST POINT, N. Y. Situated on the Hudson River. It is picturesquely situated on commanding bluffs, and is" noted as being the seat of the United States Military Academy, established in 1802; also, for the monuments and warlike relics which ornament its grounds, for the richness of its scenery and historic associations. A noted summer resort. Hotels— Cozzens, West Point. WHEELING, Gapital of West Virginia. Is finely situated on the east bank of the Ohio River, at the mouth of Wheeling Creek. Population, 31,266. Wheel- ing is connected with Bellaire, Ohio, by a noble railroad bridge, which, including the approaches and a viaduct of forty-three arches, is one and three-quarter miles long. Railrodds— Baltimore & Ohio, Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis, Cleveland & Pittsburg, (River Division), Wheeling & Lake Erie. Business interests— Extensive blast furnaces, iron foundries and forges, and manufac- tures of nails, glass-ware, steam engines, paper, leather, woolen goods, etc. Hotels— New McLure, (|2, $2.50 and $3 per day). St. James, ($2 per day). Stamm's. WHITE HALL, N. Y. Situated at the head of Lake Champlain, terminus of the Champlain Canal. Popula- tion, 4325. Hotels— Hall's Grand Opera, Grand Union, Yule's. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United Mates. AND TRAVELEKs' GUIDE. 137 WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. A group of isolated mountains a little north-east of the center of the State. The group proper extends only from fourteen to twenty miles, and from their sublimity and grandeur have re- ceived the cognomen of the "Switzerland of America." The altitudes of the several peaks in the group are Mt. Washington, 6226 feet, Mt. Jefferson, 5657 feet, Mt. Adams, 5759 feet, Mt. Madison, 5415 feet, Mt. Monroe, 5349 feet, Mt. Franklin, 4850 feet, Mt. Pleasant, 4712 feet. Hotels— Crawford, Fabyan, Twin Mountain Houses. WICHITA, Kan. Situated on the Arkansas River, at the mouth of the Little Arknansas River. Population, 6254. Hotels — Douglas Avenue, Occidental, Tremont. WICKFORD, R. I. Situated on an arm of Narra- gansett Bay, ten miles from the ocean. Population, 5000. Hotels— Mechanics', Washington. WILKES-BARRE, Pa. Situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, opposite Kingston, Pa. Population, 23,339. Railroads— Central of New Jersey ; Lehigh Valley, Penn. — have separate depots. Business interests— Manufacturing and coal mining. Hotels— Wyoming Valley. Luzerne, Exchange, Bristol. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. Situated on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, and on the West Branch Canal. Population, 18,934. Railroads — Northern Central; Pennsylvania (Philadelphia & Erie Div.) — occupy same For advertising space in this work address the National Directory Co., New York City. 138 Thompson's hotel directory depot ; Philadelphia & Beading— occupies separate depot. Business interests— Lumber and manufacturing. Hotels— Park, City (#2 per day), Crawford, Hepburn. WILLIMANTIC, Ct. Situated on the Willimantic River. Population, 5181. Hotels — Brainerd, Commercial, European, Sander- son. WILMINGTON, N. C. Situated on the Cape Fear River. A port of entry. Population. 17,361. Railroddt —Carolina Central— occupies separate depot ; Wilming- ton, Columbia & Augusta ; Wilmington & Weldon— oc- cupy same depot. Business interests — Naval stores and cotton, rice, peanuts and lumber. Hotels - Commercial, Purcell. WILMINGTON, Del. Situated on the Delaware River and Christiana and Brandy wine Creeks, tributaries of the Delaware. Population, 42,499. Railroads — Dela- ware Western — has separate depot ; Wilmington & Northern ; Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore, Dela- ware Division of Penn. R. R. ' occupy same depot. Rtimnem interests Iron ship building, ear building, Arc. Hotels Clayton, Delaware, European, United States. WINCHENDON, Mass. Situated on Miller s River. Population, 3200. Hotels — American, Tremont. WINCHESTER, Tenn. Situated on a branch on the Elk River. Population, 1378. Hotels— Webber, Ballard. This work is circulated gratuitously among prominent hotels of the United States, AND TKAVELERS' GUIDE. 139 WINCHESTER, Va. Population, 4949. Notch — Taylor, Hart, Grim's. | WINDSOR, Ont. Situated on the Detroit River, op- posite Detroit, Mich. Population, 7000. Hotels— American, Great Western, International, Essex House. WINONA, Minn. Situated on the Mississippi River. Population, 10,208. Railroads — Chicago & North- western ; Green Bay and Minnesota— occupy same depot ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul— occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing, mer- cantile and agricultural. Hotels— Huff House, Jewell House. WINSTED, Ct. Situated at the outlet of Long Lake. Population, 4500, includes West Winsted. Hotels— Beardsley, Clarke, Winsted. WOBURN, Mass. Population, 10,938. Railroad— Boston & Lowell. Business interests — Manufacturing. Hotel— Central House. WOODSTOCK, Ont. Population, 6000. Hotels— Bishop's, Commercial, Uoyal, Carster House. WOONSOCKET, R. I. Situated on the Blackstone River. Population, 16,053. Railroads— Hopkinton, Milford & Woonsocket, New York & New England- occupy same depot ; Providence & Worcester — occupies separate depot. Business interests — Manufacturing. Hotels— M- -nument, Woonsocket. WOOSTER, O. Population, 5933. Hotels— Archer, American, Central, Eastern. For advertising space in this xoork address the National Directory Co., New York City. 140 THOMPSON^ HOTEL DlBECTOKY WORCESTER, Mass. Population, 58,295. Railroad* — Boston & Albany ; Boston, Barre & Gardner, and Monadnoek ; New York & New England ; Providence Ar Worcester ; Worcester & Nashua— occupy same depot; Worcester and Shrewsbury— occupies separate depot. Business interests— Manufacturing. Hotels— "Bay State, United States, Lincoln, Waldo, Waverly: XENIA, O. Population, 7026. Hotels—St. George, Commercial, Ohmer's. YANKTON, Dak. Situated on the Missouri River. Population, 4750. Hotels— Jencks', St. Charles, Merchants', Smith- sonian. YONKERS, N. Y. Situated on the Hudson River, 15 miles above New York City. The population (18,892) is largely composed of New York City merchants and their families, whose villas line the picturesque heights above the river. Railroads- New York Central OfflGe and Salesroom in <§^_ " THE CHELSEA," 228 WEST 23d STREET, New York, Manufactory, Indianapolis, Ind. Designs and Estimates Furnished. AND BUYERS GUIDE. Ill C. H. PEPPER'S -(SX&Xg)/® o ° ^ Head and TnmtistniiEs LOTS ENCLOSED. ^OFFICE AND WAREROOMS^ No. 396 BROOME STREET, Near Centre .#NEW YDRK, Jobbing promptly attended to, and work done at all Cemeteries. AND BUYERS GUIDE. James O'Neil. Michael Sui livan. O'Neil & Sullivan, "^==r B08K* BIR9ER ^s _ _"S?x'_ ~ o=>o^o ^=- GOODS RECEIVED M 89 ANN STREET. vi Thompson's advertising directory Fidelity & Casualty Company, 214 & 216 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. W. M. Richards, Pres. J. M. Crane, Sec. R. J. Hillas, Ass. Sec. Cash Capital, $250,000.00, invested in U. S. G over n't Bonds. $200,000 deposited with the N. Y. Ins. Department, for the Protection of Policy-holders. Assets, January 1st, 1885, - - $512,026.11 Bonds issued on the Fidelity and integrity of persons holding posi- tions of public or private trust. The Bonds of this Company are accepted by the Courts of the State of New York. The rates of this Company are based on its own tested experience, as well as that of the leading British offices now existing. Giving indemnity for fatal or disabling injuries to persons. DIRECTORS. GEORGE T. HOPE, . . . Pres. Continental Ins. Co. G. G. WILLIAMS, . . . Pres. Chemical Nat. Bank. J. S. STRANAHAN, A. B. HULL, DAVID DOWS, . A. S. BARNES, H. A. HURLBUT, J. D. VERMILYE, CHAS. DENNIS, ALEX. MITCHELL, S. B. CHITTENDEN, GEO. S. COE, . W. G. LOW, WM. M. RICHARDS, Pres. Atlantic Dock Co. . Retired Merchant. Of David Dows & Co. Of A. S. Barnes & Co. Pres. of Com. of Emigration. Pres. Merchants' Nat. Bank. Vice-Pres. Atlantic Mut. Ins. Co. Pres. Chi., M. & St. P. R. R. Ex.-M. C. Pres. Am. Ex. Nat. Bank! Of Moore, Low & Sanford. President. Actuary: Fidelity DepH : Attorney: CAPEL E. Le JEUNE. W. HARVEY LEE, Sup't. JAMES A. BRADY. Counsel : MOORE, LOW & SANFORD. AND BUYERS GUIDE. Ml DELLAC, LatE Dpsratar with RDCKWDDI1, f<9 I mi»- Lightning Phofsogi'aphei 1 ^§§§~ 1 .-■* ; ■■ I KHILDRENg PORTRAITS A SPE2I1L STUD7. <>•— - uitmi .i" mini ..<> No. 54 West 14th Street, Three doors from Macy\s ^^r" J^£ Jj/ YORK Elevator from ground floor, y x ' -*— ' r *- ^ * *■ -*• ■*- • JAMES SMITH, ";■. Office, No. 6 Kornelia Street, New York, » i -&-"" "■■■-! " ♦ Cwres Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails and all diseases of the Feet By sending a postal card with address, parties will be attended to at their homes, without extra charge. Vlll THOMPSONS ADVERTISING DIRECTORY (kiND farm Iron Works. J011FI M4111K, 157 East 44th Street, One Door West of 3d Avenue, NEW 4 YDRKi -*■ ~&~ ^ COLUMNS, LINTELS, SILLS, And all kinds of Work for Building, or other pur- poses, Stairs, Balconies, Shutters, Doors, Bank Vaults, &c. Plain and Or- namental Fire Escapes. Also Manufacturers THE ADAMS PATENT gORRUGATED IRON FEME and TREE GUARDS. JOHN S. CLARK, Secy. JAMES T. YOUNG, PresH. WbW Yoi^ Dijeing \ pricing Egtahlighmenfe STATEN ISLAND. Nd, BB Duane St, New York, 870 late 752 Broadway, New York. 610 Sixth Avenue, New York. R n iNrH OFPirFs -J 168 Pierrepent Street, Brooklyn. - * 40 North Eighth St., Philadelphia. 7 Temple Place, Boston. 42 E Madison Street, Chicago. Silk, Gotton & Woolen Dyeing in every variety executed promptly MANUFACTURERS OF SOOKBI^DERS Q%QTM t ^IN ALL COLORS AND PATTERNS.^- AND BUYERS GUIDE ix B R»E W E R Y 9 2^10 93^ BRINKLEY WAGON, LATEST STYLE. BEST IMPROVEMENTS, For S250. Very stylish, and especially designed for gentle- men desiring a reliable, first-class road wagon at a low price. The many " Brinkley's" seen on the road in N. Y. City and elsewhere owned by the best known and most cri- tical driving gentlemen prove their 'superior excellence. Every Wagon is warranted. J. BRINKLEY & CO., 1593 Broadway, N. Y. x Thompson's advertising directory R.M.WALTERS . « MANUFACTURER OF N «»\1K> V 3 — 3~ 3"Q--v -"_??»§ 3'0 l-,93 *■> "1 EC* rt - • O G*> rt »? -O rt -! 3 5 2. crO-i.3 ^• tfl c ?T > o 3 rt H 3 w ^2 rt- "1 3 "- Oo*>j3 ^2 = 3 s adq cr.g 3 On O 505.3- CO r w CO o O -J B-s-n SL3* rt rt n JL s • 3 a en -j- tT.93 a3»3'« - 3 wg*^ 93 3 en — '< = w -»no S- rt -*3S rt 3-i 5 93 ~ti S.tn *< -To 3 r rt *_.2Lp- c ^ .3 3 3*3* 3 5*0 93 3 n en s 3 rt O ^rt £Lo 3 <*• "s. -1 2.3*ar rt ffrt - AND BUYERS GUIDE. XXVll Globe Novelty Co. DEALERS IN NOVELTIES | SPECIALTIES Sole Agents for the "Try Me" AUTOMATIC Burglar Alarm. FOR THE Hardware AND Fancy Goods TRADES. J8@ Q> Liberal discount to Agents and the Trade. Good reliable Agents wanted in every county. OFFICE AND SALESROOM : 320 & 322 BROADWAY, P. 0. Box 2123. NEW YORK CITY. XXV111 THOMPSONS ADVERTISING DIRECTORY ^cTHE NEWMAN^ Watchman Cloc^Time l^eepei 1 PATENTED MAY 18, 1880, Is a handsome Clock, ten by ten inches, with a large plain Face or Dial, keeping good time ; has a double case to keep out Dust and Moisture, and is suitable for Office, Bank or Factory. It is an Indicator which records the hours your Day or Night Watchman remains on duty, and is absolutely tamper-proof. Useful in Facto- ries, Banks, Hotels, Theatres, Public Buildings, and all Institutions employing Watchmen. .^C Wmmm % $t@ Mm®&» D^. Send for Circular. Address, A. NEWMAN, Box 130, - WILLIAMSBURGH, - Hew York. AND BUYERS GUIDE. XXIX The Newman Watchman Clock and Time Keeper, ^M 85 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, BROOKLYN, E. D. XXX THOMPSO-N S ADVERTISING DIRECTORS Sk. ft ©£**. <2. Stt. fiSIW, "VfANISURBS AND CHIROPODISTS, e^» .$• ^& -® + x>s> 1162 BROADWAY, - - NEW YORK. 377 BROADWAY, - - SARATOGA. #© j N. B.— Saratoga Office open from June 15th to September i5th°^0i -•H • -*- j— ♦— Mrs. Libby manufactures the following Preparafions : Mrs. Libby's Orient Pearl Powder, - 30c. per box Mrs. Libby's Mendeline, - - - 50c. Mrs Libby's Cosmetic Opoline, - 50c. " Mrs. Libby's Viola, - 25c. per bot. Mrs. Libby's Bristol Board, - - 25c. per box CIRCULARS GIVING EULL PARTICULARS SENT FREE BY ADDRESSING — — _^11B2 BRQAEWZIY, NEW YDRK,^ AND BUYERS GUIDE. XXXI -- ADAMANTINE &-- "Wheel Dating Stamp THIS DATING STAMP, WITH BRASS DIE ENGRAVED, Complete, $3.50. <*NEW YORK STENCIL WORKSI* Stamp Manufacturers, No. 100 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. XXX11 Thompson's advertising directory Tbt emit* & Egg# Mfg„ Cq«, LAFAYETTE ST., cor. Allen, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Contractors with the U. S. Government for Mail Locks, ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF Sewing-Machine, Piano and Organ Locks, U. S. Mail Locks, Fine Brass Locks, Sewing-Machine Locks, Piano Locks, Organ Locks, Giant Padlocks. Special Locks made to order for railroads and others. Sewing - Machine Hard- ware, Small Hardware. Light © Metallic © Goods MADE TO ORDER. Basin & Bath Tub Chains, Patented Inventions, Tools, etc. Giant" Metal automatically made Sash Chain, And the attachments required for hanging the Sash. Prices and Samples of Chain sent on application. Adopted by the Commissioners for the new Capitol at Hartford, Ct., the new City Hall, Providence, R.I., and for new' State , War and Navy Department Buildings aUJVashington, D.C., and other U.S. buildings. The only suitable article to hang Plate Glass. Manufacturers of U. S. Mail Locks, Treasury Locks, "Giant," Seal and Register Padlocks; also "Giant" Drill Chucks — all Steel, strong, effective and simple in construc- tion. "Jewett's" patented Double and Single acting Spring Butts, a new device and very strong at closing point AND BUYERS GUIDE. XXX111 — s*s3t^ THE (safe**® Stamford Foundry C\o. stamford, ot. MANUFACTURERS OF STOVES, Cooking, Heating and Laundry Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Ship Stoves. Sag Bui^gf and dj\m^2^ Savings. Portable and Brick Set, for Families, Boarding Houses and Hotels. WARM AIR FURNACES SMALL AND LARGE. .<&(! A Great Variety of Patterns and Sizes. .V. SOLD BY DEALERS GENERALLY. xxxiv Thompson's advertising directory For the Finger Nails. \ For the Feet. GREAM YANOLA, Pocket EMERY BOARD, OMOLINE. OLIYINE, PEDOLIN, DEODORJN. HANDSOME NAIL TOILET CASES, in fittings of Boxwood' and Ivory, Hammered Silver or Copper, and Ivory. 2 > r Cl a w TO H i— ( P > O > d td JO i— i H H r M I give my personal attention to diseases of the Skin and Feet. Dr. J. PARKER PRAY, Surgeon Chiropodist, AND AMERICA'S FIRST MANICURE. ONLY OFFICES: NEW YORK: 38 West 23d Street, adjoining STERN BROS. ALWAYS OPEN. ~*~ ESTABLISHED 1866. SARATOGA: Arcade (Post Office Bui/ding) Rooms 10 and 12. OPEN JUL Y xst to SEPT. ist. AND BUYERS GUIDE. XXXV Dr. J. PARKER PRAY'S perfection ♦ IVj&nicui'e • [JoQdg. -» ~# -*■ THE OLDEST, MOST RELIABLE AND ONLY PREPARATIONS HAVING A UNIVERSAL __^CSALE EVERYWHERE.^. BEWARE OF INJURIOUS IMITATIONS. H ASK IN DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORES FORh ^ cmw* fi^i^i^ PREPARATIONS-and— ACCEPT NO OTHERS. XXXVI THOMPSONS ADVERTISING DIRECTORY The Judd Mauufacturing Co. roi. 103 & 105 W. 36th St., N. Y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS AND OUTFITTERS IN Fine Athletic Ejoodg Lawn Ten is, Base Ball, Boxing Gloves, Foot Ball, INDIAN CLUBS, DUMB BELLS, ^Sg^Implements and Apparatus for all Field Sports, Gymnasium and House use. Exercising Apparatus of every description. SPORTING CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. An Athlete's Advantage — Get your goods at JUDD'S, who furnishes every item in the Profession. Thirty years' Professional experience. Full selections. AND BUYERS GUIDE. XXXV11 Automatic Bank Punch Co. 35 TEMPLE COURT, NEW YORK CITY. Manufactory, York and Washington Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. PRICE, - - $36.00 It is endorsed by the U. S. Treasury Department, New York Clear- ing House and Bank Experts as the safest means of preventiug the amounts being changed. Anything short of Punching the figures out is a temptation and risk. Now coming into universal use, and being adopted everywhere. Automatic in operation, simple in construction, easy and rapid to operate; cannot be used -wrong; not liable to get out of order ; fully guaranteed. Machines may be ordered subject to examination, and returned if not satisfactory. Send for Illustrated and Descriptive Circulars and Price-List. THE AUTOMATIC BANK PUNCH; used and endorsed by such People as — Wm. A. Camp, Manager N. Y. Clearing House ; Morton, Bliss & Co., Bankers, New York ; F. M Schaefer Brewing Co , New York ; Wins- low, Lanier & Co., New York ; Knickerbocker Trust Co., New York ; W. H. Schieffelin & Co., New York; First National Bank, Marshall- town, la.; Municipal Gas Light Co., New York; Equitable Insurance Co., New Eork ; Equitable Gas Co., New York, and many others. xxxviii Thompson's advertising directory ^ CW&fIIMAI*S^ "IDE^L'TOUplTAIIIipEN 7 Is four pieces of hard rubber : (i) the Cap which covers and protects thepen^in the pocket; (2) the Handle.which holds the ink; (3) the Point-section, which takes the pen ; and (4) the Feed-bar, which holds the pen in its place and carries the ink from the reservoir to the pen, using the same principle (capillary attraction), by a similar construction (a split of fissures), that the pen uses in conducting the ink to the paper, and is equally as certain. The act of writing regulates the flow of ink, which is as free as from a dip pen, and more uniform. It takes the ordinary gold or steel pens. Your favorite pen can be used, and the character of your handwriting will be preserved. It is the simplest, cleanest, readiest and most easily managed of all the fountain pens. It has no machinery to be regulated. When the cap is removed the pen is ready to write ; when the writing is done the cap can be replaced and it is ready for the pocket. It uses any ink, and holds enough to write contin- ously from 10 to 25 hours. There are several sizes for the pocket and the desk. PRIC3»8l For Holders, .... Holders with Cold Pens. S2.25 to 84.50 3.50 " 7.00 With each pen is given a certificate which warrants the holder for five years, and guarantees it to give satisfaction or the money will be refunded. It also con- tains a license under the patent which protects the user from all claims for infringements. All people are cautioned against buying or using similar pens without getting therewith a license under the patent. Patented Feb. 12 and Nov. 4, 1884. AND BUYERS GUIDE. . XXXIX Established 1856. One Price Only. J. EM£kCW % Stationer, Printer :and; BUNK BOOK MANUFACTURER, 86 Nassau Street, New York. -♦—••urn,™ -Jfr*m«'" j~«— Blac^, Blue, dapmiqe, ^ed, Copying itfiolefclnl^ Letter, Note, Foolscap, Bill and Legal Sap. All SIZES of CASH BOXES. STANDARD, NATIONAL and SPRING-BACK DIARIES on Hand all the Year. J§®= All kinds of Esterbrook, Gillott's, Perry's, Spencerian, Egyptian and Washington Medallion Steel Pens. Leach's Falcon and Law Pens. Fine Birthday Cards and Novelties. HOTEL REGISTERS on hand and made to order. All kinds of Account Books made to order at the shortest notice. xl Thompson's advertising directory -H k- — New York- Copying Presses. LARGE STEEL ARCH RAILROAD PRESS. Platen, 22 x 24 inches. »■ « ■* T. SSBTO1 ft CO. 333 East 56th St., New York, MANUFACTURERS OF Copying Presses of all sizes for Railroad, Express and Trans- portation Companies, and for General Mercantile Use. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICED CIRCULAR. AND BUYERS GUIDE. xli ESTABLISHED 1839. THOMAS HOOPER, ^ FHAlCItICAI, D^. PICTURE oo FRRMER, DEALER IN Mirrors, Gilt and Fancy Wood Mouldings, Oil Paint- ings, Engravings and Chromos, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS RESTORED. OLD FRAMES RE-GILDED EQUAL TO NEW. I 14 NASSAU STREET, Bet. Ann and Beekman Sts. NEW YORK. . Successor to H. S. DANZIGER, — ^-PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF^<-— MOTH'S ENEMY, Indian EwMG&t P@wd#r,j — AND — INVINCIBLE MAGNETIC PASTE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 57 Bowery, New York. ifS^Orders taken for Clearing Houses and Ships of Bed Bugs, Water Bugs, Roaches, Moths, Fleas, &c. xlii Thompson's advertising directory 4^£L^ ME & C • 113 Water Street, New York, SOLE IMPORTESS OF Barry & Reynolds' London Prepared Cocoa, English and Powdered Chicory, B & C German Granulated Chicory, Hauswaldt's, Seelig's & Franck's Paper Chicory. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR z LU CO D >- -I i < u. a O u. (0 LU 00 Blume & Co. Sole Importers. N. Y. 00 m AND BUYERS GUIDE. xliii The Greatest Blood Purifier in ihe World. Dickinson's Alterative Remedies They will cure Abscesses, Ulcers, Scrofula, Tumors, Erysipelas, Open Sores, Inflammation, Piles, Boils, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billiousness, Female Weakness, and all irregularities of the system and diseases of the blood. These " Medicines," consisting of a BALSAM and OINTMENT, are perfectly safe, being purely vegetable, strengthen the system while they remove and cure disease. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. GEO. K. DICKINSON, Sole Proprietor, Office, 265 Main St., Room 4, HARTFORD, CONN. STILES' GALVANIC OIL The Great Counter Irritant! FOR SPRAINS, BURNS AND BRUISES. "Sure Cure for Rheumatism.'' For sale by Druggists everywhere. Price. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle. Principil Office, 123 Leonard Street NEW YORK. xliv Thompson's advertising directory LOCATED ONLY AT No. 5 £. Uth St. 3d door east of 5th Ave. Chartered in 1885. Empowered to award Diplomas and confer Degrees BLANCHES TAUGHT. Piano + Singing * Organ + Harp * Violin + Violincello ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. Harmony, Composition, Counterpoint, Instrumentation NORMAL CLASSES. Operatic Classes, Chorus Classes, Church Choir and Concert Singing. LANGUAGES. French, German, Italian and Spanish, Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic Art. Drawing, Oil and Water Color Painting and Decoration. \ Special Miqing Conine fop Teacher^. C Classes of Three Pupils, . $10 00 per Quarter. TERMS : < Classes of Two Pupils, 15 00 " {_ Strictly Private Lessons, . 36 00 " FREE ELEMENTARY CLASSES AND CLASS IN HARMONY, COMPOSITION AND SIGHT READING. MONTHLY MUSICAL and ART RECEPTIONS. Open Daily during the entire year. Quarters begin from date of Entrance. AND BUYERS GUIDE. xlv v 12 J= o - ttJ u • H^'-S -££? O V ^>^ — z <*— a iu 5- bo rt 1 *; 3 -2 „ ao o o b 1) H fl +J bfl,^s< 3;3 g C! it" — T3 C >-m £ ^ E C QJ ^ -<^ rt oj '<-i CC.3 a -- ^ 2 t £ B ^ < ^i C ^ t/5 ^w <8 .'53 o « £Z 53 y tr. 5-fn a; rt 1-. ~ "^►r '~i"C *-' C £ +J >H W 1 3 2 2-P ■6 2. SJ 50 •x Importer of Hungarian Wines. Tokays-New York ~*r- Budapest. 3 za s jo t/> 3 50 oo —,3 m 2 <~> ^ XiVl T.i).\ll', )NS ADVK AND • SUMMER HOTELS. Box of Fifty Pounds. $4. I to Water Street, - - Boston, Mass. Electric $|jghts -•—! -&~ !—♦— Small Lamps for Table and Office use that cost only one cent an hour to run, and will run ten hours. CARRIAGE LAMPS, BICYCLE LAMPS, weighing only 13 oz. LAMPS for TRAVELING on Country Roads ; very powerful. NIGHT LAMPS thai can be called into action by simply pulling a string; no smell or danger. HICTREC SCARF FINS, FREDERICK LOWEY, - Manufacturer, 96 &. 98 Fulton Street, New York. Post Office Box 1 322. AND BUYERS GUIDE. xlvil Boston $ Brown $ Bread. ALL FIRST-CLASS HOTELS SHOULD USE THK — 6 - ^ o° ^e> Boston Brown Bread Mixture. ^ + ®-v^/® .* ^; It contains the four properties of Four Royal Grains, and by the addition only of Milk or Water and a little Molasses, makes a delicious, spongy, brown loaf of genuine Olden Time Boston Brown Bread. Royal Breakfast Gems in fifteen minutes. Our Griddle Cakes are fit for a Ktng. Put up in 1, 2)4, and 5 pound packages, and sold by all leading Grocers in the United States. BOSTON CEREAL MF'G CO., Boston, Mass., U. S. A. xlviii Thompson's advertising directory ftASS^FTWl^'Ss! Flavoring Extracts ^h ~ • Vy"_ _. '») "Kg®*' ' Tfje $ecpefe hag been jSucceggfiilliJ $oIVed ! BY THE lonte Crista Parfumene, TRADE MARK. c ^-^ Established 1 860. 5£ ^* Eugenie s Secret of Beauty ! It not only beautifies but purifies the complexion, also produces a brilliant transparency. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price, $1.50 per box. Warranted the Best in the World, 50c. and $1 per box. INDELIBLE LIQUID FACE ROUGE. Price $1.00 per bottle. INDELIBLE LIQUID LIP ROUGE. Price $1 per bottle. Also our BEAUTIFYING MASK, which is renowned throughout the world. Price (with accompanying preparations), $2, and an additional assortment of beautifying specialties. MAMMARIAL BALM, for developing purposes. Price $1 per bot. DEPILATORY POWDER, for removing superfluous Hair. Price $1.00 per bottle. ADONINE, for dyeing instantaneously the Hair, Beard, Eyebrows and Eyelashes ; light brown, brown, dark brown or black, without soiling the skin. Price, $1.50 per bottle. Also the MAGIC HAIR TONIC. Price $1 per bottle. Hair Cutting and Curling on premises by the best French Artistes. Front pieces dressed while you wait, 25c. each. Goods sent C. O. D., with the privilege of returning, at my expense, till satisfied. ^t. IIIW^ 54 W. 14th Street, near 6th Avenue, New York. Thompson's advertising directory ESTABLISHED 1830. JAMEg Y. WATKINS & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Hotel & Restaurant KITCHEN WARE, Ice Cream Freezers, Moulds, BIKERS AND CONFECTIONERS' UTENSILS. We make a Specialty of furnishing- the Pastry and Baking Departments of Hotels and Steamers. K@ e id ©attotiwtoe St NEW YORK. AND BUYERS GUIDE. NEW IMPROVED HIGH ARM AverFsewing MachTn e . . .Ti/^j-^frinur' Self-Threading Machine, Self-Threading Cylinder Shuttle, Loose Pulley for "Winding Bobbin. Non-Fatiguing, Light Running, Noiseless, Rapid ! ! " NEW AUTOMATIC TENSION." Patent adjustable Band Wheel and Treadle, with Stee/ Centres. No Friction! No Noise ! No Wear! No " Tantrums " nor get- ting out of order. Always ready to sew the finest or heaviest goods, giving entire satisfaction. Avoiding Gears, Cogs', Cams and Levers, and substituting there- for an entirely New Mechanical Principle and Movement. A radical improvement seen at a glance, and greatly desired by all. Automatic. Direct and Perfect Action in every part. No Transferred Motion. ADDRESS Mve^Y Marine Ge., 812 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THOMPSON S ADVERTISING DIRECTORY \\\\\\\X\\\\\ •- Piano and Qrgan S tool s, m ~ < ? >o s^?- MERIDEN. CONN MANUFACTURER OF Fine Carriages, Jerome f Village Carts, Most reliable House to purchase of. * Established Forty-eight Years. Victorias, "T" Carts, Broughams, Coupes, Surrys, Fine Buggies, Coufe Rockaways. Landaus, Landaulettes, Doctor Wagons a specialty. Samples of every style of Carriage and Cart at our Warerooms- Satisfactory Prices. We only make warranted work. No. 27 WOOSTER STREET, NEW YORK CITY, N, Y, AND BUYERS GUIDE. Jill FREDERICK D. FUCHS, d@mmissi©H * Merchant, SOLE AGENT IN THE UNITED STATES FOR Furlaud Freres & Cos Chateau neuf Pres Cognac, No. 5 BROAD STREET, MANUFACTURER OF PATENT Key Rings No. 153 State Street, Meriden, Conn. Manicure Parlor, 12 EAST 14th STREET. MANNSINA, the Instantaneous Polish for the Finger Nails, applied free of charge. MANNSINA CREAM, trie most delicate Preparation for the Skin. MANNSINA JELLY and MANNSINA POWDER for Sale. MME. ZITTEL'S PERFUMED POCKETS. Iiv Thompson's advertising directory EdLip0E I CHAIipAtylE^ DRY AND EXTRA DRY. These Champagnes are the result of Twenty Years of preparation, and the only Champagnes produced on the Pacific Coast, and EQUAL in EVERY RESPECT to the FOREIGN. Quarts, $14.85 ; Pints, $16.65. K DISCOUNT .HLLDWED TD HOTELS, ^CLBRETS^ Superior Clarets, - at - $45, $50, $55 and $65. For Casks of 60 galls. << SHERRIES^ Fine COOKING and TABLE Sherries for Hotels. -»••••« FRED'K WM. LUTTGEN, SOLE AGENT, 51 Warren Street, - - 9BW TORK. Brandy and Port in Cases for Medicinal Use. AND BUYERS GUIDE. .WATCHMil'S WITH SAFETY LOCK ATTACHMENT. The Safety Lock Attachment is a true guard on the Watch, preventing the Watchman from tampering with it successiully. IMPORTANT AND INVALUABLE FOR ALL CONCERNS EMPLOYING WATCHMEN. «aC Send ♦ for ♦ Circular. 3^ Patented 1875, i8;6, 1877, 1880, 1881 and 1882. Beware of Infringements. This instrument is supplied with 12 different keys for 12 different stations. It contains all modern improvements against the old style, and this is the only complete instrument. 1876— Highest Award and Medal of Honor at the Centennial Exhib- ition, for Portability, Security and general adaptation to the purposes intended. 1877, '78, 79— Medals for Excellence and Superiority, at the American Institute. 1881 — Award at the International Cotton Exposition in Atlanta. 1883 — At the National Exposition for Rail- way Appliances at Chicago, the only Medal for the most Complete and Perfect Instrument. €1 d % P. 0. Box 2875. 212 Broadway, N. Y. Guaranteed not to have, nor never to have had, any connection with other Patentees. IVI THOMPSON S ADVERTISING DIRECTORY =sO Slk genuine Dumb Waited and general Hand Hoisting E^tahli^hmenfc, 145 & 147 EAST 42d STREET, NEW YORK. Carriage and Safety Invalid Elevators a Specialty. Repairing and Altering at the Shortest Notice. Established 1855. Jmimmsi Murtaugh & Co. MADE FROM PURE CREAM. THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD. Morton's Patent Super-frozen Bricks of Ice Cream a specialty. Will keep hard one hour. ^C DEPOTS iw 305 Fourth Avenue, 75 Chatham Street, 1288 Broadway, 110 E. 125th St., N. Y. And 453 Fulton Street, Brooklyn. W. J. RIGNEY. JUSTUS WOLFF RICNEY & WOLFF, Office and Laboratory, 109 Wall St., N. Y. We respectfully invite consultation on questions of Chemical or Technical Nature, relating to the Manufactures, Arts and Sciences ; also Chemico- Legal Questions. Analysis made of all kinds of Com- mercial and Agricultural Products. Examinations of Food Products and Beverages. Encaustic Tiling Co. LIMITED. PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF PLAIN AND FIGURED ^£ Ik: For the Floor and External Decoration of Churches, Hulls, Public Buildings, Etc. 116 'West TfwestjMsklffd Street, NEW YORK. B. FISCHER, President. GEO. R. LANSING, Treas. WM. G. FLAMMER, Secy. TELEPHONE CALL, 415 21st Street-