PS ZS09\ )37H5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. P S zso^t Chap. , Copyright m. ShelL-S^-f K5 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress - THE - HiGMER Lire f^^ t^* ^* BY ^y Samuel Tno/nAS Shaw M ftl?* C(5* ^* AUTHOR'S EDITION LlAMTED «^* ^* «(^ CLEVELAND, O. PRESS OF J. B. SAVAGE, 90-92 WOOD ST. 1897 ^5 ^^% COPYRIGHTED 1897 BY Samuel Thomas Shaw. PREFACE* //// For the sole purpose of inspiring my fellow man to enter upon the Higher Life, (the life of harmony and happiness, ) and to comfort and strengthen those who are traveling this narrow way Heavenward, the thoughts in this little work are sent forth, as missionaries, for all possible good. If, but a single soul is comforted, strengthened or sustained, or turned in the right direction, upward and Homeward, (if need be,) then will my labor be not in vain. Considering this motive, no apology seems necessary for thus presenting my humble effort of much jdeasant, uplifting thought during the year eighteen ninety-six, I am deeply indebted to a few dear friends for their helpful comment and criticism, as this thought has been unfolded to them, from time to time, during the upbuilding of the complete work. THE AUTHOR. ^ Be not content, though all before Full Heaven itself possessed thee ; Spheres wider, larger, grander still, Lie over that which blessed tfiee. ^ Dedication. ^his volume ie affectionately inscribed to my beloved mother ■ Zbc IbiQbcr Xife* — I— What is the Higher Life ? 'Tis that ( )f action and of duty, \\'hereiii doth He the fruitful seed Of i)erfect Christian l)eauty. —II— Oh ! 1)udding- soul of eager youth : Life's open sea's before thee ! l/nfurl the sail ! Alake glad the hearts Of those who loye, adore thee ! — Ill— Let conscience be thy compass true, God's Word thy chart unerring ; Jesus, His Son, to pilot thee. For knows He every bearing. 9 —IV— Smooth out the wrinkles of thy mind, Let calmness rule thee ever ; Use every wind that tries thy sails To strengthen each endeavor. — V— Should tempest come, then, God is found, The raging waters smoothing ; His gracious aid, when seekest thou, Thy faithless fears ensoothing. —VI— The richest man, that happy soul Who loves his God sincerely ; Who walks in thought, in touch with Him, And does his duty clearly. —VII— Crossed with no doubt of Shepherd's care,— ("What pastures shall he lead in ?") Devoid of fear, his daily course An endless lane in Eden. 10 —VIII— Most wise is he who casts on God Those anxious cares which fret him ; His faith shall bring him greater strength For trials which beset him. —IX— Great tasks come light to willing hands \\'hen tempered with all sweetness ; And dnty wins its own reward \\'hen finished to completeness. — X— Injustice is a crucible Through which the soul attaineth Freedom from dross; — the priceless gem Of peace alone remaineth. —XI— The consciousness of duty done, Works wondrous evolution To higher thought, to perfect mind. Suppressing revolution. 11 —XII— Breathe out the sweetness of thy soul, Like incense of the flowers ; As bahii to other souls in bonds 'Twill soothe their troubled hours. —XIII— Reflect all light which shines in thee Of Love, of Truth, of Heaven ; This living proof of thy belief Shall be a wond'rous leaven. ^XIV— Seek guidance of the Mind supreme In all thou hast before thee ; Whate'er the harvest thou mayst reap 'Twill never wound nor gore thee. —XV— Seek to be rich in golden thoughts Phrased in becoming setting ; So, from the mint of gifted minds, Others much good are getting. 12 —XVI— Let whatsoever be thy speech ( iive happiness to others ; So, mayest thou with reason hope Like fruitage from thy Ijrothers. — X\'II— Yield thou thyseh' to (iod's commands,- The Spirit shall direct thee: Do all things well ; so, shall the probe Of conscience ne'er afifect thee. —XA Ill- Stand like a rock tho' threat'ning waves Are swiftly toward thee rolling : INIind over matter reigns supreme, — Spirit the force controlling. —XIX— Full consciousness of all our faults Should never be discouraging ; For, as we see, more clearly is The hope of cure encouraging. 13 —XX— As Spirit rays through conscience find The deeper penetration, So, will resolve take quicker root To soul's regeneration. —XXI— Who paveth well his path each day Doth well begin the morrow ; Shuts out no angel -from his heart, And, thus, avoideth sorrow. —XXII— He knoweth God who knows himself And stifles selfish yearning ; Who nobly counts each cross some gain Tow'rd life's great lesson learning. —XXIII— Restful that heart which beats in hope, Sweet trust with patience blending ; When struck those chords which soothe the soul, Of God's great love, unending. 14 —XXIV— Peace dwells with him who loves God's law And holds all sin abhorrent ; Manna of heaven shall feed his soul — Blessings as in a torrent. —XXV— Whiter his soul shall swiftly bleach, As driftwood smooth and rounded ; And with no care he casts on God Shall ever be confounded. —XXVI— Hold thou no thought of evil born, But, swift its root desti-oying , Plant there some seed of fruitful grain, Most potent germs emploving. — XXA^I- As idle minds, like idle fields, Soon run to weeds and thistles. So, o'er that mind or meadow tilled, A golden harvest bristles. 15 —XXVIII— Let Jesus as a clinging vine, Around thy soul entwining. Work out the process of His love, The gold from dross refining. —XXIX— Through mist and fog thy worldly eyes Are not God's ways discerning; But fear thou not ; — the haze shall lift, Then, thou His kindness learning. Live wholly in the present day, And dwell not on the morrow ; The Lord, thy Shepherd, will provide. Add not unto thy sorrow. Who leads He most to pastures green, Beside the quiet waters ? Are not the promises of God For all His sons and daughters ? 16 —XXXII— Wait not till great occasions rise To show thy zeal and spirit — Thy call comes but in duty's hour; Lend thou thine ear and hear it ! —XXXIII— The stepping stones to greater things Are formed of simple pebbles ; Crude jewels of unblazoned deeds Oft lead to holy revels. — XXXIA— , ]\Iurmur thou not ; ill spent that force \\'hich comes of thy bewailing ; The broken road to level plains Mends not with thy complaining. —XXXV— spotless thy soul came here to bloom, — Thus, unto thee 'twas given ; So, shouldst thou keep it pure and clean To blossom meet for heaven. 17 —XXXVI— The tainted thought, the meaner deed, So Hke the cancer dreaded, Eats out the soul's most heavenly life To which it should be wedded. —XXXVII— Seek but one course in sweet revenge Against thy erring brother: — 'Tis coals of fire which melt the heart ; Follow thou, then, no other. —XXXVIII— Thus, make it known the Christ life blooms Within thy soul immortal ; So, other souls shall find the way To Heaven's open portal. —XXXIX— Be slow to wrath; unmanly he Who turns in speech to wildness ; The greater strength in soul is born Of gentleness and mildness. 18 —XL- Safe hang the planets high o'erhead, — A lesson for thy trembling ; Creative Mind, — created spheres, — Purpose in their assembling. — XLI— Progressive circles, here below. The purpose of the Master ; So, fly not off in tangent moods And court thy swift disaster. — XLII— Cling to thy faith tho' mists do bide, Full soon will God enlighten ; In fortitude pursue thy way. The lowering skies shall brighten. — XLIII— For souls do grow beneath the mist. Though we may see less clearly Than v.hen the glorious sunshine streams In blessings holden dearly. 19 — XLR — Of God's own temple, shrinking souls Can form no part e'en barely ; The free willed soul, a living stone, Is hewn to fit in squarely. — XLV— The noble actions of the wise Leave fragrance rich behind them ; Joys tinctured with such essences The eager soul shall find them. — XLVI— Bridle thy tongue, for heedless words Oft work to one's undoing ; Its pointed shafts, iji poison steeped. Soon weighty mischief brewing. — XLVII— Unanchored souls, where folly flies. Shall drink the lees of sorrow; That day ill spent within its courts Precedes a sad tomorrow, 20 — XLVIII— Despise no pearl however small Which comes to thee a blessing ; To thankful hearts the larger pearls Revealed midst duties pressing. — XLIX— God's kingdom in all loyal hearts Hath neither bound nor limit: Through Heaven's own gate that soul may soar Receptive to the Spirit. — L— All else but love vexatious is, — Parent of torment needless ; Hell is no myth — it doth abide With him to lessons heedless. — LI— Hold thou the fort of inner self With armored truth, selected; So, thro' the strength of right, make wrong Flee from thy soul protected. 21 — LII- - Self-love doth breed but idle dreams Of what we might or would be ; Small hindrances seem mountain streams, Thoug-h fordable they should be. — LIII— Bear thou thy cross, nor lay it down Though weariness enfold thee; God knows thy strength, — in needed hours His helping hand upholds thee. — LIV— God's angels are uplifting thoughts Which bear us ever throneward ; White souls on golden pinions soar To higher spheres and Homeward. — LY— When error rules the mortal mind, Most strenuous effort bootless ; But, when the light of Truth abides, No noble work is fruitless. 22 — LVI— Truth solves all problems grave and deep Which vex us when in error ; The clear solution calmness brings, And banishes our terror. — LVII— Fix thou thy vision on the Lord, (Lose not thy soul as Haman;) In reach of all God's promises, Win thou the promised Canaan. — LVIII— Of small things take the greater care, — Seed of thy tree of living ; For discipline in all thy ways, To soul is beauty giving. — LIX— Requite that Love which ne'er grows cold,- Cling ever to the Father : When discord bides, its fruitage ill, — Peace would He give thee, rather. 23 — LX— When from thy slumber thou dost rise Ask, then, God's will, direction; The faithful servant finds the road Through purpose to perfection. — LXI— Begin afresh each new-born day And seek a higher level; Beyond each task there waits some gain In which thy soul may revel. — LXII— Thy province is the present hour, To make the most of, purely ; So, shall the future moments hold Some benisons, most surely. — LXIII— Be ever strong — thy courage keep ; (This is no tinseled armor;) When Naaman raised Jerusalem Not all her foes could harm her. 24 — LXIV— God satisfies the soul athirst With waters from His fountain ; Rest in the thought, He's absent ne'er In valley or on mountain. — LX\^— Love all }ou find as lovable In those you know, around you; So, shall Love's stream fiow back again, And qu'etly surround you. — LXA'I— Complain not of thy narrowed sphere. Thy station unassuming ; ^\'hen powers mature in seeming wastes, A wilderness is blooming. — LXVII— Adapt thyself to where thy lot. Thy work may call, and love them ; Bless all who dwell within thy sphere And, pray, be not above them. 25 — LXVIII— Thy lot and opportunities Are just as good as any ; Dissatisfying thoughts will curse Thee, one of all too many. — LXIX— Shrink not from what the future holds,- No anxious thought to meet it ; Best usage of the present hour Shall banish fear to greet it. — LXX— Up from the bottom cream doth rise, So, is man's worth arising ; Advancing now, from sphere to sphere. Each new-found duty prizing. — LXXI— The stone beneath the sculptor's skill, His lofty ideal filleth; So, put thyself within God's hands To mould thee as He willeth 26 — LXXII— Hold thou no thought against thy friend To form of hate the basis ; Anger and wrath, consuming fires, Lay waste the soul's oasis, — LXXIII— ]\ Fan's duty toward his erring foes Is not to be destroying ; Logic and reason win them o'er, The nobler arms employing. — LXXR — Oft are the armies of the saints Recruited from the foemen, Like Paul, of old, who thus became A sturdy Christian yeoman. — LXX\^— Measure thy strength, but lose thou none, Though found some imperfection; In action doth the soul absorb The essence of perfection. 27 — LXXVI— Measure thy power to calmness hold, In efforts new, untiring ; — To passions curb, suppress dull moods. The greatest strength requiring. — LXXVII— Disquietude bewilders thought. And steers us from the channel ; The soul in patience holds command, And concjuers as a Dan'el. — LXXVIII— Nay ! not abroad, but here at home The battle field thou findest ; And, blest of God, unto thy soul The victory thou bindest. — LXXIX— Be diligent in all good works. And never grow aweary : Lack of men's praise, when conscience smiles. Should never make life dreary. 28 — LXXX— All lives do hold an equal share Of struggle and of labor : Thou hast thy trials and, as well, Thy calm appearing neighbor. — LXXXI— To brighten life, hope and success Come to our soul's elation ; Joy is thus born whose sweetness bids A thankful contemplation. — LXXXII— , What profit, think you, reaps that life Wrought to a final failure ? Compare with that which plucks the fruit Of Harmony's entailure. — LXXXIII— Set out to win each man a friend Who treads thy sphere of action ; The forceful magnet of respect The first and great attraction. 29 — LXXXIV— Harmony of thought the next great plane Which leads to something better ; Unselfish deeds complete the chain, And weld love's golden fetter. — LXXXV— Exchange of thought co-educates. Soul unto soul revealing ; But, trifle not with confidence. Nor stoop to double deahng. — LXXXVI— When dark the hour, true hearts alone Bring sympathy condoling ; The friendly hand, unspoken thought, With subtle force consoling. — LXXXVII— Cherish true friends : nowhere on earth Can siold or silver buv them; Above all else of worldly gain, 'Twere wise to fondly prize them. 30 — LXXXVIII— Eccentric friendship, like a wheel With hub well out of center, Doth warn us of its falsity, A true and striking mentor. — LXXXIX— vSmall deeds, in truth, reveal, in time, The shallow and the real ; That one Great Friend, who died for all, Our only High Ideal. — XC— Thv cross of trouble, meekly bear, Let faith be ever shinins: : — The darkest shadow briefly hides The hidden brighter lining. — XCI— Forget thy sorrows ; — only seek To know the good within them: And, rest assured, time will reveal What blessings lieth in them. 31 — XCII— Thv soul's most secret chamber hold From cjuestionable thinking — Paralysis of spirit force From passion's evil drinking. — XCIII— Inaction breeds a stagnant pool Of sluggard ease, contentment ; Labor's sweet waters ever flow From springs of pure resentment. — XCIV— What wouldst thou that the Father's love Hath not already proffered ? The harvest of his promises Long, long ago he offered. — xcv— Care is a crown of mocking thorns, Nurse of the mind's distraction ; Serenity of soul is won Through bravery in action. 32 —XCYl— Who'd find true heaven here below, And "know" the Prince of Glory, ]\Iust enter by the gate of Peace And live the "old, old story." — XCVII— Prayer is a tempered sword and shield, Where "Christian" finds his course is ; It well protects his zealous soul From all attacking forces. — XCMII— Action is vital to the germ Of every resolution ; The kindled spark must needs be fanned To blaze in evolution. — XCIX— ^^'el]-springs of golden thought will die From aimless inanition ; Reconsecration forwards on All noble aims, ambition. - 3B — c— Look well to every pregnant thought On which thy soul is feeding ; Take hold of that which Heaven gives : — The manna thou art needing. — CI— What God creates he loves and keeps With all sufficient reason ; The fruitage of his harvest ne'er Doth blossom out of season. — CII— The nurtured thought toward heaven bent, Shall bloom without misgiving ; And habits pruned in time shall bring The fruit of godly living. —cm- Truth, is the light we e'er should seek To prove our stern convictions : When souls must yield their selfish hopes To duty's cold restrictions. 34 —CIV True martyrdom in silence bears All ills without complainings ; Above the tortured depths of soul An outward calm is reigning-. — C\ — Ungrateful hearts no blessings find, Their lives are wholly cheerless ; Great jewels are from troubles mined By thankful souls and fearless. — CVI— A self-made cross each anxious thousfht. And borne through needless fearing ; The thicket of thy doubts hewn down Brings sunlight to the clearing. — cvn— When peace and calm seem sought in vain, (As yet thou failst to win them,) Fly to the Everlasting Arms Ar.d rest thy soul within them. 35 — CVIII— Hell is no myth ; it bides with all Whilst sin remains implanted ; — Uprooted, heaven comes quickly to Repentant sinners granted. — CIX— Self-will shall taste of bitter herbs And all of life be saddened ; But, served God's will, with bread of heaven The happy soul is gladdened. — CX— Fear mends no ill, reHeves no care, But tortures soul and body ; \\^hate'er falls short of perfect trust Is nothing else but shoddy. — CXI— No cloistered cell need earthly saints To learn of God full knowledge ; Life's school shall teach thee better far Than convent lore or college. 36 — CXII— Who suffers long lives nearer to Salvation than he thinketh ; Like Jesus, every bleaching soul The cup of sorrow drinketh. — CXIII— Faith solves all problems of our lives ; Through faith we walk serenely , Though daily battles make us mute With anguish felt so keenly. — CXIV— Wisdom makes man the friend of God, To do His will and pleasure ; And sweeter far His service is Than our own ease and leisure. — cxv— On happy feet thy cross do bear, Though thorns the way infesting; With hope divine and confidence Thy trustful soul is resting. 37 — CXVI— No pleasure hath the world like this : The mirrored Mind's reflection ; Such pathways through Thought's garden lead Toward the soul's perfection. — CXVI I— Delve deeper, oh ! thou fettered soul, — Truth's Kohinoor, so handsome, Reward thy quest, thy spirit free, From error's chains a ransom. — CXVIII— Mark how the snowflakes softly fall — So, blessings o'er thee hover. When pregnant are the leaden skies With sunbeams under cover. — CXIX— Consistency a jewel is Of most uncommon lustre : ^ They find the gem whose quickened s< uls The Christian graces muster. — CXX— Despair lends weakness to the soul, As bends the drooping willow ; While Hope exalts with restful strength. And smoothes the sweetened pillow. — CXXI— Mark the smooth surface of the pool — A mirrored calm reflecting ; Serenity of temper, thou, Its lesson not rejecting. — CXXII— God's kingdom sought, all blessings come, All, all your need supplying ; Most potent charm to banish fear: The Helping Hand espying. — CXXHI— Forbear the sneer, the galling word, Some brother soul to harrow ; Trend tow'rd full harmony of speech, — Eschew the poisoned arrow. 39 — CXXIV— If God be King within thy heart. And reared within His altar, No hope for error storming that Impregnable Gibraltar ! — GXXV— Control thy destiny, but mark, — Events all have their uses ; Be wise in opportunities, And foster no abuses. — CXXVI— The bubbling springs of energy, From Faith's eternal fountain. Assuage the hopeful traveler's thirst. When "Christian" climbs the mountain — CXX\^II— Indulgent moods come on at times; These, in themselves are trials : Self-will can only conquered be Through frequent self-denials. 40 — CXXVIII— When patience flees, the danger is That well nigh lost thy course is; Prepare, then, for the crucial test — In God for strength thy source is. — CXXIX— Judge not thy brother in his fall. Let pity's tide be flowing : Help thou reclaim what seemeth lost,- Compassion's seeds be sowing. — CXXX— Turn thou the light upon thyself, I)ehold thy glaring weakness ! Self-criticism leadeth to Humility and meekness. — CXXXI— When hope beats high, we grovel not Amongst our earthly troubles ; Whene'er the soul despair defies The strength of spirit doubles. 41 —CXXXII— Art thou a soldier of the Cross ? Return to Home in honor ; Fight bravely on, — the crown is thine, And God the loving Donor. — CXXXIII— Bind all thy plans, thy cherished hopes. Upon Jehovah's altar ; Sing in thine heart thro' sun and shade, As David in the Psalter. — CXXXIV— Fruition is the fruit of zeal In worthy lines of action ; True hearts beat high with hope therefor, And suffer no detraction. — cxxxv— Each child of God in search of Truth, Helps quest with good behavior ; Obedience brings him nigh the throne Where he may "know" his Saviour. 42 — CXXXVI— Be true in service to thy God, Delightful is devotion ; Tried soldiers of the Heavenly King Secure their blest promotion, — CXXXVII— Weigh well each fraction of the hours , Today, — wait not the morrow ; Thy God is with thee now, as then, When Cometh thy tomorrow. — cxxxvni— Trust thou in Him: — thy soul shall rest, On tireless pinions soaring ; His love into its deepest depths A flood of sunlight pounng — CXXXIX— Live out defects which try thy soul As bare feet on the gravel Its perfect order seek with zeal, But lose no time in cavil. 43 — CXL— In action is repose of soul, True rest thy God in serving ; The indefatigable march, — The onward course unswerving. — CXLI— Be prone to aid thy brother's need When Charity beseeches ; For whoso keeps all unto self Himself soon overreaches. —CXLI I— Let stumbling ne'er a hindrance be To keep thee climbing ever, Nor cheat thy soul of what is blest : — The fruitage of endeavor. — CXLIII— Let every talent useful be That rests within thy quiver ; With purpose bend the bow — aim high, And glorify the Giver. 44 — CXLI\^— As clouds betwixt us and the sun Conceal the light God gave us, So sundered we from holiness When error's chains enslave us. — CXLV— Though lessons learned from stumblings oft Do grieve the soul mistaken; Yet man hath never lawful cause To feel himself forsaken. — CXLVI— There is a God whose kindness is The essence of His being ; The cheerful pilgrim on his way God's love is ever seeing. — CXLVH— The patient toil in every task Shall ever be rewarded : N^othing is lost, for all is gain — Success full soon recorded. 45 — CXLVIII— Little we know, sometimes, the stride We take toward satisfaction. Till in some hour of duty great We stem the tide of action. — CXLIX— Then, why should hope or courage fail When fruitful is endeavor? Work and success are wedded friends Whom God hath linked together. — CL— \\ hat profit hath the soul to doubt When faith should e'er be shining ? Weakened that soul for climbing high Which stoops to shamed repining. — CLI— The stewardship of man is great Who revels in his riches; What owes he not that hampered soul The digger of his ditches? 46 ._CLII— Our hap])y lot is ours to share With every stricken fellow; And hlest that life which ripens to The flavored heart and mellow. — CLITI— Who passes from this earthly sphere, And leaves not ease behind him. Until Progression leads him on, His self-made fetters bind him. — CLI\ — Let practice prove each theory — (Philosophy parading), Flse mocked art thou, and shamed as well. Beyond thy depth soon wading. — CLV— Be ever true to principle In all the smaller matters. Or else thy masquerading garb Will soon be torn to tatters. 47 — CLVI— Be swift to see thy daily drift — 'Twere wise to oft inspect it; The earnest zeal to error shun Will speedily detect it. —CLVI I— There is no royal road to peace Which stills the drum's fierce rattle; Through every skirmish bravely fought Is won the crown of battle. — CLVIII— Thus, only is the laurel won To crown the soul immortal, When peace doth shed its roval beams Through heaven's open portal. — CLIX— Know naught of vanity, but dress As doth become thy station; Who wears his all upon his back Shall find his ruination. 48 — CLX— Let honest pleasure find its wav Into thy soul when needed; But see that all of doubtful trend From this same soul be weeded. — CLXI— Absorb the best of helpful lore — Skim well the froth of fiction; The cultured mind, in best of thoug-ht. Revealed in kingly diction. — CLXII— Let naught of boasting puff thy pride- Be modest, unassuming; The humljle soul shall rise to heights Where all of Truth's illumine-. 'j-^' — CLXIII— Full liberty of thought is thine Compatible with heaven; fn soul each germ of holiness, Implanted, is a leaven. 49 — CLXR'-- Delight thou in those saintly deeds Which charm the passing- hours; The open hand to brother need Shall pluck most fragrant flowers. — CLXA'— Temptations line the Christian's way; Be wise in time, and shun them; Be swift; be strong; discretion learn, And, in the gauntlet, run them. — CLXVI— Thorns of the flesh but lessons are In patience and endurance; Who, strives with zeal shall reap in joy, We have the blest assurance. — CLXVII— Be valiant as a soldier should; Let courage be undaunted; Let not thy soul in action e'er With failure's ghosts be haunted. 50 — CLXVIII— Feast at the table of the Lord, With Him in Love's communion; There, high o'er every thought of earth, Is knit the l)ond of union. — CLXIX— Most careful give thy counsel sought — Of bold advice be chary; Weigh well each freighted circumstance, And of mistakes be wary. — CLXX— Saints are but made of thoughtful men, No matter what their station : The common man, of God's own mold, Xeeds but regeneration. — CLXXI— Whate'er the duty comes thy way, Be earnest thou in filling; Lag not, nor work laboriously, But let thy soul be willing. 51 — CLXXII— Lend thoughtful aid to fellow mind — Be thou no evil prophet; The common brotherhood of man Should seek one common profit. — CLXXIII— Be not content, though all before Full heaven itself possessed thee ; ^ Spheres wider, larger, grander still. Lie over that which blessed thee. — CLxxn^— Cast off the yoke of sin and shame, And take the Saviour's on you; His blest companionship enjoy. And care grows light upon you. — CLXXV— Be temperate in everything. Of drinking and of eating; True temperance abstains from all That progress is defeating. 52 — CLXXA I— . Show mercy to thy fellows, all, And goad them not to madness; Else comes that day which finds thv soul Filled with remorseful sadness. — CLXXMI— Doubt not, but delve, as doth the wise, In all new fields presented; To know the Truth it must be sought; — Thy knowledge, then, augmented. — CLXXMII— Think calml\' and unprejudiced. To win the heights commanding; Then, shall thy soul soon reach the realm Of perfect understanding. — CLXXIX— There is no death ; — the second birth EJut frees the soul immortal. Which soareth Homeward to its nest. On through the hallowed portal. 53 — CLXXX— Let right prevail, the one desire, And govern every action : To God and to the Higher Life The motive power and traction. — CLXXXL- For him who gains the victory A joyful crown awaiteth ; But failures goad the laggard soul Whose energy abateth. — CLXXXII— The last great state, Hfe's highest realm, Is worth a mint of sorrow : The soul shall win through smarting scourge The joyful, painless morrow. ^VGX^ FINIS. eXi>S- 54 TOPICAL INDEX. Action XCVIII, CXL. Actions XLV. Adaptation LXVII. Advaacement LXX. Aims CXLITI. Almsgiving- CXLI. Anger XXXIX, LXXII. Anxiety LXIX. Battle, Daily CXIII. Battle, Faith in. CXIII. Benevolence CLXIV. Blessings XLVIII, CXVIII. Blessings, Showers of XXIV. Bondage CLIII. Calmness LXXVI. Canaan LVII. Care XCV. Care, God's CI. Charity CXLI, CLXIV. Cheerfulness CXV. Circles, Progressive XLI. Clouds CXLIV. Compass, Chart and Pilot ^-' I- Compassion CLII. Complaining LXVI. Condolence LXXXVI. 55 IN DEX— Continued. Conscience XVII. Consistency CXIX. Contentment CLXXIII. Conversioa LXXIV. Counsel CLXIX. Courage LXIII, CLXVII. Criticism, Self, Blessings from CXXX. Crosses, Self-made CTI. Cross and Crown CXXXII. Cross, Bearing The , XC, CXV. Crown, The CLVIII. Day, The New Born LXI. Day, The Present - XXX. Death CLXXIX. Deeds, Small LXXXIX. Despair CXX, CXXXI. Destiny CXXV. Devotion CXXXVI. Diligence LXXIX, CXXXVII. Dissatisfaction LXVIII. Discipline LVIII. Discretion CLXV. Disquietude LXXVII. Douht C VI, CL. Duty VI, XXXII, LXXIII. Duty, Reward of IX. Drift, The Daily CLVI. Earnestness CLXXI. Ease XCIII. Energy, Springs of CXXVI. Error LV, LVI, CXLIV. Example XXXVII, XXXVIII. Failure LXXXII, CLXVII, CLXXXI. Faith VIII, XC, CXIII, CL. Faultfinding with Self CXXXTX. 56 INDEX— Continued. Faults XIX. Fear LXIX, CX, CLXVII. Feasting CLXVTII. Fortitude XLII. Fountain, Inexhaustible LXIV. Friends LXXXVII. Friendship LXXXIII to LXXXIX. Friendship, Eccentric LXXXVIII. Future, The LXII. Gentleness and Mildness XXXIX. Gibraltar, The Christian's CXXIY. God, Promises of XXXI, XCIV. Grovelins: CXXXL. Guidance, Divine XIV. Habits CII. Hand, The Helping- LIII, CXXII. Happiness, Mutual XVI. Harvest, The XXVII. Heaven XCVI, CVIII. Hell L, CVIII. Higher Life. Fruition of the CXXXIV. Hindrances LII, CXLII. Hope XXIII, CXA^ CXX, CXXXI. Hour, The Present LXII. Humility CLXII. Hypocrisy CLV. Ideal, God's LXXI. Ideal, Our LXXXIX. Inaction XCIII. Incense, The Soul's XII. Ingratitude CV. Injustice X. Instruction CLXI. Joy, Birth of LXXXI. Judging CXXIX. 57 INDEX— Continued. Kindness, God's CXLVT. Kingdom, God's XLIX. Kohinoor, Truth's CXVII. Labor, Reward of LXI. Lesson, Life's XXII. Lesson, Planet's The XL. Life, The Higher T. Light, Reflection of the..... XIII. Living, Noble LXV. Logic and Reason LXXIII. Love, Brotherly. LXV. Love, God's XXVIII, LIX, CXLVI. Love, Self ; LII. Loyalty to God CXXXVI.^ Manna ; .XXIV, G, CLXVIII. Martyrdom, True CIV. Meekness CLXII. M^rcy CLXXVI. Mind, Supremacy of XVIII. Mind Supreme, Reflection of the CXVI. Minds, Idle XXVII. Mischief XLVI. Mist and Fog .XXIX. Moods, Indulgent CXXVII. Murmuring XXXIV. Obedience CXXXV. Opportunities LXVIII, CXXV. Paralysis, Spiritual XCII. Path, The Daily. XXL Patience , XC, CXXVIII. Peace ........XXIV, CVII, CLVII, CLVIIL Peace, Gate of ; : XCVI. Pleasure CLX. Practice CLIV. Prayer LX, XCVII. 58 IN D EX— Con tinued. Prejudice CLXX VI I ] . Presence, God's CXLY. Principle CLY. Progress CXLVIII, CXLIX. Promises, God's XXXI, XCIV. Prophesying CLXXII. Purpose CXLIIT. Reading CLXT. Realm, Life's Highest CLXXXII. Reconsecration XCIX Regeneration XX. Remorse CLXXVI. Repining CL. Resolve XX. Rest XXIII CXL. Revelator, Truth The LV, LVI. Revenge XXXVII, XXXVIIT. Riches VI. Right, The LI, CLXXX. Rock, The Spiritual XVIII. Saints CLXX. School, Life's CXI. Sea, Life's Open II. Self-Criticism, Blessings from CXXX. Self, Love of LII. Servant, The Faithful LX. Service, God's, Rest in CXL. Shepherd, The VIT. Sin, Abhorrence of XXIV. Sorrow, Blessings from XCI. Soul, Beauty of LVIII. Soul Growth XLIIT. Sou], Incense of XII. Soul, Purity of XXV. Soul, Repose of CXV. 59 INDEX— Continued. Soul, Serenity of XC V. Soul, The Bleaching- XXV, CXII. Soul, The Blossoming- XXXV Soul, Whiteness of XXV. Souls, Thankful, Ungrateful CV. Speech, Harmony of.... CXXIII. Ste"ward.ship CLI. Stones, Living XLIV. Stones, Stepping XXXIII. Streng-th, Spiritual LXIII, LXXVI. Struggle, Life's LXXX. Stumbling CXLIT. Success LXXXII, CXLVIi; CLXXXT. Supply, Source of CXXiI. Sympathy LXXXVI. Talents CXLIII. Tares .XXVI. Temperance CLXXV. Temper, Serenity of. CXXI. Tempest, God in the V. Temple, God's XLIV. Temptation CLXV. Theory CLIV. Things, Small LVIII. Thorns XCV, CXV, CLXVI. Thought, Harmony of LXXXIV. Thoughts, Evil XXVI. Thought and Deed, Cancerous XXXVI. Thought, Evolution of XI. Thought, Exchange of LXXXV. Thought, Liberty of CLXIII. Thought, Pregnant C. Thoughts, Golden XV. Thoughts, Nurtured CII. Toil and Task CXLVIT. 60 I N DEX-CONCLUDED. Tongue, The XLVI. Trust CXV, CXXXIII, CXXXVIII. Trust, Shoddy CX. Truth cm. Truth, Armor of T^T. Truth and Error LV, LVI. Unbelief CLXXA^II. Unders anding" CLXXVIII. Unf orsaken CXLV. Vanity CLIX Vengeance XXXVII, XXXVIII. Vexation L. Victory I.XXVIII, CLVII, CLXXXI. Vine, The Clinging XXVIII. Ways, God's XXIX. Weariness LIII. Will, God's CIX. AVill, Self CIX, CXXVII. Wisdom in God's Service CXIV. Wisdom in Opportunity CXXV. Wisdom in Trial VIII. AVork and Success CXLIX. Wrath XXXIX, LXXII. Yoke, The Saviour's CLXXIV. 61 UBRARY OF CONGRESS n" 971 950 9