'^ mi ■I.: ■ it:* . ' Class ^».^_.^ Rook >i^G r\z Gopyii^ht N" COPYRIGHT DEPOSn- PLAIN AND NEAT WORK A SPECIALTY. LAW PRINTING and BLANKS. W. V. DERMITT & CO. Si)ooiC anci ^0% printer/, 407 Grant Street, Telephone 381. Pittsburgh. MERCANTILE \A^ORK OF ALL KINDS. I i !±iiVJkliUlAJt^!tjLl'lU^ij^Ju l dkki i ^i Copies of this book can be obtained at this office ; also the map of any individual waj^d of cither city, when required, in case of the sub-division of the present election districts. MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS ELECTION DISTRICTS Cities of Pittsburgh |] Allegheny, AS PRICrARED BY A. M. NEEPER, Secretary of the Rc-districtiiig Coinmissiflu for PittsbiiriyJi. m^B J OCT 11 1886^/) PITTSBURGH : W. V. DEKMITT 4 CO., PRINTERS, 4O7 GRANT ST. 1886. K^i ^^ Kntered according to Act ot Congress, in the year 1886, by A. M. NEEPER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washnigton, D. C. f \S^ .VWVI3 The aim in presenting this hand-book to the busifiess men of Pittsburgh and Alleghe?iy, is to furnish them with accurate maps of the two cities, showing them as a whole as well as each of their several Wards. In addition to this the Ward Maps show the Election District lines and 7iumbers as they have lately been fixed by the Re-districting Commissions. The lines thus shown on maps and in acco7npanying descriptions are cor- rect, and give a feature to the hand-book, which has never appeared in any similar publication. It is convenient in size and of value for reference in maiiy ways. The object of its publication is to meet the need of the public for a convefiient and accurate book of reference for the matters which it contains. On the Pittsburgh Ward Maps the Election District lines and numbers are indicated in 7'ed ; on the Allegheny Maps in black. H^i FIRST WARD. FIRST DISTRICT— Beginning at the Fourth Ward line on the Alle- gheny river ; thence along said line to centre line of Third street ; thence along Third street to Liberty street ; thence along Liberty street to Water street ; thence in a direct line from the mouth of Liberty street to the Monon- gahela river; thence along the same to the Allegheny river; and thence along the same to the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Liberty street and Third avenue ; thence along Third avenue to Wood street ; thence along Wood street to Water street ; thence in a direct line from the mouth of Wood street to the Monongahela river ; thence along the same to a point opposite the mouth of Liberty street ; and from said point in a direct line along Liberty street to the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Third avenue and Liberty street ; thence along Liberty to Market street ; thence along Market street to Third Ward line through Market House ; thence along said line to Diamond Street ; thence along Diamond street to Wood street ; thence along Wood street to Third avenue ; and thence along Third avenue to Liberty street, at the place of beginning. b] SECOND WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Wood and Diamond streets; thence along Diamond street to Sniithtield street; thence along Smith- field street to Second avenue; tiience along Second avenue to Cherry alley ; thence along Cherry alley to Water street ; thence in a direct line to the Monongahela river; thence along the same to a point opposite the mouth of Wood street; and thence ahnig Wood street to Diamond street, at the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT— Beginning at the corner of Smithtield and Diamond streets ; thence along Diamond street to Ross street; thence along Ross street to Third avenue ; thence along Third avenue to Grant street ; thence along Grant street to Water street ; thence in a direct line to the Monon- gahela river; thence along the same to a point opposite the mouth of Cherry alley; thence in a direct line to Cherry alley ; thence along Cherry alley to Second avenue ; thence along Second avenue to Smithfield street ; and thence along Smithfield street to Diamond street, at the place of beginning. THIRD IMSTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Diamond and Ross streets; thence along Diamond street to Old avenue; thence along Old avenue to Sixth Ward line; thence along said Ward line to the Monongahela river; thence along .said river to a point opposite the mouth of Grant street ; thence along tirant street to Third avenue; thence along Third avenue to Ross street; and thence along Ross street to Diamond street, at the place of beginning. A 01 k-' I k s U t- I N F I F T n " ■ '' " ° " ° THIRD WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Grant and Diamond streets ; thence by Grant street to Sixth avenue ; thence by Sixth avenue to Smithfield street; thence by Smithfield street to Strawberry alley; thence by Strawberry alle)' to Liberty street ; thence by Liberty street to Market street ; thence by Market street to a point opposite Diamond street ; thence by line through the Market House and by centre line of Diamond street to Grant street, to the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Grant street and Sixth avenue ; thence by Sixth avenue to Smithfield street ; thence by Smith- field street to Strawberry alley ; thence by Strawberry alley to Liberty street ; thence by Liberty street to Grant street ; thence by Grant street to place of beginning. FOURTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river at the mouth of Third street; thence by Third street to Liberty street; thence by Liberty street to Cecil alley; thence by Cecil alley to the Allegheny river; and thence by same to the place of beginning SECOND DISTRICT— Beginning on the Allegheny river at a point opposite the mouth of Cecil alley ; thence by Cecil alley to Liberty street ; thence by Liberty street to Eighth street; thence by Eighth street to the Allegheny river; thence by same to the point of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river opposite the mouth of Eighth street; thence by Eighth street to Liberty street; thence by Liberty street to Eleventh street ; thence by Eleventh street to the Allegheny river ; and thence by same to the point of beginning. OlAMOMO 5T FIFTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Grant and Diamond streets ; thence by Diamond street to Old avenue ; thence by Old avenue to Tunnel street ; thence by Tunnel street to Webster avenue ; thence by Webster avenue to Sixth avenue; thence by sixth avenue to Grant street; thence by Grant street to place of beginning.' SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at Grant street and Sixth avenue; thence by Sixth avenue to Webster avenue ; thence by Wel-)Ster avenue to Tun- nel street ; thence by Tunnel street to Old avenue ; thence by Old avenue to Chatham street ; thence by Chatham street to Wylie avenue ; thence by Wylie avenue to Washington street ; thence by Washington street to Clay alley ; thence by Clay alley to Chatham street ; thence by Chatham street to Denny alley ; thence by Denny alley to Strawberry alley ; thence by Strawberry alley to Grant street ; and thence by Grant street to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at Strawberry alley and Grant street; thence by Strawberry alley to Denny alley ; thence by Denny alley to Chatham street ; thence by Chatham street to Clay alley ; thence by Clay alley to Wash- ington street; thence by Washington street to Grant street; and thence by same to the place of beginning. SIXTH WARD. I'IKS'l' I)1S TRK r — Beginning al the coiner of Old avenue and Shingiss street; thence along Shingiss street to IJluft' street ; thence along Bluff street to Chestnut street; thence along Chestnut street to Fifth avenue; thence along Fifth avenue to Old avenue ; and thence along ( )ld avenue to Shingiss street at the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Ikginning at the corner of Fifth avenue and Chestnut street; thence along Chestnut street to Bluff street; thence along Bluff street to Magee street; thence along Magee street to Fifth avenue; thence along l^'ifth avenue to Chestnut street, at the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of P'ifth avenue and.. Magee street; thence along Magee street to Gibbon street; thence along Gib- bon street to vStevenson street ; thence along Stevenson street to Tocust street ; thence along Locust street to Marion street; thence along Marion street to Fifth avenue ; and thence along Fifth avenue to Magee street, at the place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Magee and Gibbon streets ; thence along Gibbon street to Stevenson street ; thence along Stevenson street to Locust street; thence along Locust street to Marion street; thence along Marion street to Bluff street; thence along Bluff street to Magee street; and thence along Magee street to (jibbon street, at the place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fifth avenue and and Marion street ; thence along Marion street to Locust street ; thence along Locust street to Miltenberger street ; thence along Miltenberger street to Fifth avenue ; and thence along Fifth avenue to Marion street, at the place of beginning. SIXTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Marion and Locust streets ; thence along Locust street to Miltenberger street ; thence along Milten- berger street to Bluff street ; thence along Bluff street to Marion street ; and thence along Marion street to Locust street, at the place of beginning. SEVENTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Old avenue and Shingiss street ; thence along Shingiss street to Bluff street ; thence along Bluff street to the Fourteenth Ward line ; thence along said line to the Monongahela river ; thence along said river to the Second Ward line ; and thence along said Second Ward line to ( )ld avenue and Shingiss street, at tlie place of beginning. SEVENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Chatham street and Fifth avenue ; thence by Fifth avenue to Congress street ; thence by Congress street to FrankUn street; thence by Frankhn street to Washington street; thence by Washington street to Wyhe avenue ; thence by \\'yhe avenue to Chatham street ; thence by Chatham street to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at Hfth avenue and Congress street ; thence by Congress street to Frankhn street; thence by Frankhn street to a point opposite the middle of the public school house ; thence through the school house to Hazel street ; thence by Hazel street to Logan street ; thence by Logan street to Fifth avenue ; thence to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Franklin and W^a.sh- ington streets ; thence by Franklin street to a point opposite the middle of the public school house ; thence through the school house to Hazel street ; thence by Hazel street to Logan street ; thence by Logan street to Webster avenue ; thence by Webster avenue to Elm street ; thence by Elm street to Wylie avenue ; thence by Wylie avenue to Washington street ; and thence by same to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT— Beginning at the corner of Washington street and Wylie avenue ; thence by W^ylie avenue to Elm street ; thence Ijy Elm street to Webster avenue ; thence by Webster avenue to Logan street ; thence by Logan street to Faber street; thence by Faber street to Washington street; thence by Washington street to place of beginning. EIG-HTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Webster avenue and I.ognn street; thence liy Webster a\'enue to Cium street; thence l)y flum street W Xiiitli Ward line; tlience by Xintli Ward line to Logan street ; thence by Logan street to ].)lace of beginning. SFX'ONl) DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Logan street and Webster avenue; thence by Webster avenue to Crawford street; thence l^y Crawford street to Wylie avenue ; thence by Wylie avenue to Fulton street ; thence by Inilton street to Pasture street; thence by Pasture street to Logan street ; thence by same to place of beginning. 'I'llIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of NN'ebster avenue anil Crawford street; thence by Crawford street to Clark street; thence by Clark street to Fulton .street; thence by Fulton street to Colwell street; thence by Colwell street to Pride street; thence by Pride .street to Fifth avenue ; thence by Fifth avenue to Vine street; thence liy \'ine street to Webster avenue; thence by same to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Hazel and Logan streets ; thence by Hazel street to Carpenter alley ; thence by Carpenter alley to Clark street ; thence by Clark street to Fulton street ; thence by Fulton street to Colwell street; thence by Colwell street to Pride street; thence by Pride street to Fifth avenue; thence by Fifth avenue to Logan street; thence by same to place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Hazel and Logan streets ; thence by Hazel street to Carpenter alley ; thence by Carpenter alley to Clark street ; thence by Clark street to Crawford street ; thence by Crawford street to Wylie avenue ; thence by Wylie avenue to Fulton street ; thence l)y Fulton street to Pasture street ; thence by Pasture street to Logan street ; thence by Logan street to place of beginning. NINTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning on Washington street at the Eighth Ward hne ; thence by Washingon street to Liberty street ; thence by Liberty street to Eleventh street ; thence by Eleventh street to the Allegheny river ; thence by the Allegheny river to Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Etna street ; thence by Etna street to Twelfth street ; thence by Twelfth street to Mulberry alley ; thence by Mulberry alley to Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Eighth Ward line; thence by same to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fourteenth street and Penn avenue ; thence by Fourteenth street to the Allegheny river ; thence by the Allegheny river to Thirteenth street; thence by Thirteenth street to Etna street; thence by Etna street to Twelfth street; thence by Twelfth street to Mulberry alley; thence by Mulberry alley to Thirteenth street; thence by Thirteenth street to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT— Beginning at the Eighth Ward line and Thirteenth street; thence by Thirteenth street to Penn avenue; thence by Penn avenue to Fourteenth street; thence by Fourteenth street to Allegheny river; thence by Allegheny river to Fifteenth street ; thence by Fifteenth street to the Eighth Ward line; thence by same to Thirteenth street, the point of beginning. TENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Fifteenth street and the Allegheny river ; thence along Fifteenth street to Liberty street ; thence along I -il lerty street to Seventeenth street ; thence along Seventeenth street to Penn avenue ; thence along Penn avenue to Eighteenth street ; thence along Eigh- teenth street to the Allegheny river; and thence along the same to Fifteenth street, at the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river opposite Eighteenth street ; thence along Eighteenth street to Penn avenue ; thence along Penn avenue to Seventeenth street ; thence along Seventeenth street to Liberty street; thence along Liberty street to Ninth Ward line; thence along said line to Arch street; thence along Arch street to the Twelfth Ward line; thence along the Twelfth Ward line to the Allegheny river; and thence along the same to the point of beginning. NINTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT— Bet,nnning on Washington street at the Eighth Ward line ; thence by Washingon street to Liberty street; thence by Liberty street to Eleventh street ; thence by Eleventh street to the Allegheny river ; thence by the Allegheny river to Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Etna street ; thence by Etna street to Twelfth street ; thence by Twelfth street to Mulberry alley ; thence by Mulberry alley to Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Eighth Ward line; thence by same to place of lieginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fourteenth street and Penn avenue ; thence by Fourteenth street to the Allegheny river ; thence by the Allegheny river to Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Etna street; thence by Etna street to Twelfth street; thence by Twelfth street to Mulberr}' alley ; thence by Mulberry alley to Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT-^Beginning at the Eighth Ward line and Thirteenth street ; thence by Thirteenth street to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Fourteenth street ; thence by Fourteenth street to Allegheny river ; thence by Allegheny river to Fifteenth street; thence by Fifteenth street to the Eighth Ward line ; thence by same to Thirteenth street , the point of beginning. TENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Fifteenth street and the Allegheny river ; thence along Fifteenth street to Liberty street ; thence along Liberty street to Seventeenth street; thence along Seventeenth street to Penn avenue ; thence along Penn avenue to Eighteenth street ; thence along Eigh- teenth street to the Allegheny river ; and thence along the same to Fifteenth street, at the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at a point on the Allegheny river opposite Eighteenth street ; thence along Eighteenth street to Penn avenue ; thence along Penn avenue to Seventeenth street; thence along Seventeenth street to Liberty street; thence along Liberty street to Ninth Ward line; thence along said line to Arch street ; thence along Arch street to the Twelfth Ward line; thence along the Twelfth Ward line to the Allegheny river; and thence along the same to the point of beginning. ELEVENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at Vine and Reed streets; thence by Reed street to Overhill street ; thence by Overhill street to Rose street ; thence by Rose street to Dinwiddie street ; thence by Dinwiddie street to DeVilliers street ; thence by DeVilliers street to Jumonville street ; thence by Jumonville street to Fifth avenue ; thence by Fifth avenue to Vine street ; thence by Vine street to the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Centre avenue and Roberts street; thence by Roberts street to Webster avenue; thence by Webster avenue to DeVilliers street; thence by DeVilliers street to Centre avenue; thence by Centre avenue to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Roberts street and Webster avenue; thence by Webster avenue to DeVilliers street; thence by DeVilliers street to Bedford avenue; thence by Bedford avenue to Erin street; thence by Erin street to Arch street ; thence by Arch street to Cassat street ; thence by Cassat street to Bedford avenue; thence by Bedford avenue to Roberts street ; thence by Roberts street to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Centre avenue and DeVilliers street ; thence by DeVilliers street to Bedford avenue ; thence by Bedford avenue to Erin street; thence by Erin street to Webster avenue; thence by Webster avenue to Thirteenth Ward line ; thence by said line to Centre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to DeVilliers street, the place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Centre avenue and DeVilliers street ; thence by Centre avenue to Vine street ; thence by Vine street to Reed street ; thence by Reed street to Overhill street ; thence by Overhill street to Rose street; thence by Rose street to Dinwiddie street; thence by Dinwiddie street to Centre avenue, the point of beginning. SIXTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Roberts street and Centre avenue ; thence by Roberts street to Bedford avenue ; thence by Bedford avenue te Cassat street ; thence by Cassat street to Arch street ; thence by Arch street to Gum street ; thence by Gum street to Webster avenue ; thence by Webster avenue to Vine street ; thence by Vine street to Centre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to the place of beginning. TWELFTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — l^egimiing at the Allegheny river and Twenty- second street ; thence along Twenty-second street to Arch street ; thence along Arch street to Tenth Ward line; thence by Tenth \\'ar(I line to Allegheny river; thence along Allegheny river to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the Allegheny river and Twenty- second street ; thence by Twenty -second street to Arch street ; thence along Arch street to a point opposite the centre line of Twenty-sixth street ; thence in a direct line to the centre of Twenty-sixth street at Penn avenue ; thence by I'enn avenue to Twenty-fifth street; thence l)y Twenty-fifth street to the Allegheny river; and thence by same to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at Twenty-fifth street and Allegheny river ; thence by Twenty-fifth street to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to the centre line of Twenty-sixth street ; thence in a direct line to Arch street ; thence by Arch street to a point opposite the centre line of Twenty-ninth street ; thence in a direct line to a point on the centre line of Twenty-ninth street at Penn avenue; thence by Penn avenue to Twenty-eighth street; thence liy Twenty-eighth street to the Allegheny river ; thence by same to Twenty-fifth street, the point of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning on Arch street at a point opposite the centre line of Twenty-ninth street ; thence in a direct line to a point on the centre line of Twenty-ninth street at Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Twenty-eighth street ; thence by Twenty-eighth street to Smallman street ; thence by Smallman street to Thirtieth street ; thence by Thirtieth street to Penn avenue at the Ward line ; thence by Ward line to Arch street ; thence by Arch street to place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the Allegheny river and Twenty- eighth street; thence by Twenty-eighth street to Smallman street; thence liy Smallman street to Thirtieth street; thence by Thirdeth street to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Thirty-first street; thence by Thirty-first street to the Allegheny river; thence by same to Twenty-eighth .street, the point of beginning. THIRTEENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of DeVilliers street and Centre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to Reed street ; thence by Reed street to Soho street ; thence by Soho street to Wyandott avenue ; thence by Wyandott avenue to DeVilHers street ; thence by DeVilHers street to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at Wyhe avenue and Kirkpatrick street ; thence by Wyhe avenue to Francis street ; thence by Francis street to Arch street; thence by Arch street to Erin street; thence by Erin street to Webster avenue ; thence by Webster avenue to Kirkpatrick street ; thence by Kirkpatrick street to Wylie avenue, the point of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Centre avenue and Neville street ; thence by Neville street to Sixteenth Ward line ; thence by Six- teenth Ward line to Thirtieth street ; thence by Thirtieth street to Mingo street ; thence by Mingo street to Monroe street; thence by Monroe street to Jefterson street ; thence by Jefferson street to Alpine street ; thence by Alpine street to Bellefield avenue ; thence by Bellefield avenue to Centre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to Neville street, at the point of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Wyandott avenue and Soho street ; thence by Soho street to Reed street ; thence by Reed street to Jones street ; thence by Jones street to Wylie avenue ; thence by Wylie avenue to Francis street ; thence by Francis street to Arch street ; thence by Arch street to Thirti- eth street ; thence by Thirtieth street to Mingo street ; thence by Mingo street to Monroe street ; thence by Monroe street to Jefferson street ; thence by Jefferson street to Alpine street ; thence by Alpine street to Bellefield avenue ; thence by Bellefield avenue to Centre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to Allequippa street ; thence by Allequippa street to Wallace street ; thence by Wallace street to Wyandott avenue ; thence by Wyandott avenue to the place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Kirkpatrick street and Centre avenue; thence by Centre avenue to Jones street ; thence by Jones street to Wylie avenue ; thence by Wylie avenue to Kirkpatrick street ; thence by Kirkpatrick street to Centre avenue, the place of beginning. FOURTEENTH WARD. I'lKSr hlSI'KK r — Ueginning at the corner uf I'iflli avL-nuc and Mil- tcnlicrt^cr .street; llicncc Ijy Millcnberger street to I ilutl street ; thence by Hliill street to Seneca street; thence l)y Seneca street to Fifth avenue ; tlicncc by l''iftli avenue to jihiee of hegiuninL,'. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of I'ifth avenue and Wyandoll avenue ; ihcnce l)y Ward line to Wallace street; thence by \\allace street to Alletiuippa street ; thence l)y Aliequippa street to Darragli street; thence by Darragli street to Fifth avenue; thence by Fifth avenue to Craft avenue; thence by Craft avenue to Niagara street ; tlience by Niagara street to the line of tile iialtiniore and ( )hio railroad; thence by said railroad to Murphy street; thence by Murphy street to l^'iflli avenue; thence by Fifth avenue to, place of beginning. THIK!) DIS'i'RlC'r — lieginning at the corner of lioundary and Pierre streets; thence l)y ISoundary street to Neville street; thence by Nevillle street to ( 'entre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to Pierre street ; thence by Pierre street to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Fifth and Craft avenues; thence l)y Fifth avenue to Darragh street; thence by Darragh street to Alle(|ui]ipa street; thence l)y Aliequippa street to Pierre street; thence by Pierre street to Tioundary street; thence by Boundary street to a point opposite Semple street; thence by Semple street to Ward street ; thence by ^^'ard street to Zulema street; thence by Zulema street to Bates street; thence i)y Bates .street to Wilmot .street; thence liy Wilmot street to Halket street ; thence by Ilalket street to Cunliffie Run; thence by Cunliffie Run to line of Baltimore and Ohio railroad; thence by said railroad to said Niagara street; thence by Niagara street to Craft avenue ; thence by Craft avenue to Fifth avenue, the place of beginning. MF'TII DIS'TRIC'T — Beginning at Ward line on the Monongahela river; thence by Ward line to Bluff street; thence by Bluff street to Seneca street; thence by Seneca street to the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad ; thence by said railroad to Brady street ; thence by Brady street to Forbes street ; thence by Forbes street to a point opposite the centre of the public school house at Soho ; thence through said school house to Fifth avenue; thence by Fifth a\enue to Murphy street ; thence by Murphy street to the line of the Baltimore and ( )hiu railroad ; thence liy the line of said railroad to the line of the Pitts- burgh Cas \Vorks' property ; thence liy line of said Pittsburgh Gas Works' property to the Monongahela river; thence by same to place of beginning. SIX'TII DISTRICT — Beginning at Fifth avenue and Seneca .street; thence by Fifth avenue to a point opposite the Central Hall of Soho school house ; thence through the school house to Forbes street ; thence by Forbes street to lirady street ; thence by Brady street to line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; thence by said railroad to Seneca street ; and thence by Seneca street to place of begimiing. FOURTEENTH WARD. SEVENTH DISTRICT — Beginning on the Monongahela river at the line of the Pittsburgh Gas Works' property ; thence by said line to the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad ; thence by said railroad to Cunliffie's Run ; thence by said Run to Halket street ; thence by Halket street to Wilmot street ; thence by Wilmot street to Bates street ; thence by Bates street to Zulema street ; thence by Zulema street to Ward street ; thence by Ward street to Semple street ; thence by Semple street to Boundary street ; thence by Ward line to the Monon- gahela river ; thence by same to place of beginning. ERRATUM. The lines of the Third District in this ward are shown correctly on this map ; the description should read : "thence by Penn avenue to J'liirty-Jifth (fomier- ly Reed) street. FIFTEENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the Allegheny river and Thirty-Hrst street ; thence by Thirty-first street to Penn avenue ; thence Ijy Penn avenue to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Thirty-fifth street ; thence by Thirty- fifth street to the Allegheny river; thence by same to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT— Beginning at Thirty-fifth street and the Allegheny river ; thence by Thirty-fifth street to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Thirty-sixth street (ft)rmerly Sycamore street) ; thence by same to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Thirty-seventh street ; thence by Thirty-seventh street to Charlotte street ; thence by Charlotte street to alley bounding school house lot ; thence by said alley to Mulberry alley ; thence by Mulberry alley to Thirty-seventh street ; thence by Thirty-seventh street to the Allegheny river ; thence by same to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT— Beginning at Butler and Fortieth streets; thence by Fortieth street to Penn avenue; thence by Penn avenue to Thirty-sixth (formerly Sycamore street) ; thence by same to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Lawrence alley; thence by Lawrence alley to a point on the dividing line between the properties of Dorthea Ashalter and William Baur; thence by same to Thirty-eighth street; thence by Thirty-eighth street to O'Brien street ; thence by O'Brien street to Thirty-ninth street; thence by Thirty-ninth street to Butler street; and thence by Butler street to Fortieth street, the place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the Allegheny river and Thirty- seventh street ; thence by Thirty-seventh street to Mulberry alley ; thence by MulbeiTy alley to alley bounding school house lot; thence by said alley to Charlotte street ; thence by Charlotte street to Thirty-seventh street ; thence by Thirty-seventh street to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Lawrence alley ; thence by Lawrence alley to a point on the dividing line between the properties of Dorthea Ashalter and William Baur; thence by said line to Thirty-eighth street; thence by Thirty-eighth street to O'Brien street; thence by O'Brien street to Thirty-ninth street ; thence by Thirty-ninth street to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Fortieth street ; thence by Fortieth street to the Allegheny river ; thence by the Allegheny river to the place of beginning. SIXTEENTH WARD. P'lRST DISTRICT — Ikginiiing at the comer of Penn avenue and Denny street; thence along Denny street to Liberty street ; thence along Liberty avenue to Thirty-third street ; thence along Thirty-third street to the Pennsylva- nia railroad; thence along said railroad to Thirty-first street; thence along Thirty-lirst street [v Penn avenue; thence along Penn avenue to Denny street, at the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the intersection of Thirty-third street and the Pennsylvania railroad; thence along Thirty-third street to Liberty avenue; thence along Liberty avenue to Uenny street; thence along Denny street to Penn avenue; thence along Penn avenue to Fortieth street ; thence along Fortieth street to Liberty avenue; thence along Lilserty avenue to Chest- nut street ; thence along Chestnut street to the Pennsylvania railroad ; and thence along the same to Thirty-third street, at the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Penn avenue and Fortieth street ; thence along Fortieth street to Liberty avenue ; thence along Liberty avenue to Pearl street ; thence along Pearl street to Penn avenue ; and thence along Penn avenue to Fortieth street, at the place of Iseginning. FOURTIi DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Liberty avenue and Chestnut street; thence along Liberty avenue to Pearl street; thence along Pearl street to Laurel street; thence along Laurel street to Taylor street ; thence along Taylor street and from Taylor street in a direct line to the Pennsylvania railroad ; thence along said railroad to Chestnut street ; and thence along Chestnut street to Liberty avenue, at the place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Liberty avenue and Pearl street ; thence along Pearl street to Laurel street ; thence along Laurel street to Taylor street ; thence along Taylor street, and in a direct line therewith to the Pennsylvania railroad ; thence along said railroad to the Twentieth Ward line ; thence along said line to Penn avenue ; and thence along said avenue to Pearl street, at the place of beginning. SEVENTEENTH WARD. URST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Butler and Fortieth streets; thence by Butler to Forty-second street; thence by Forty-second street to the Allegheny river; thence by said river to Fortieth street; thence Ijy P'orti- eth street to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Butler and P^orty- second streets ; thence along Butler to Forty-fourth atreet ; thence along Forty- fourth street to Allegheny river ; thence by said river to Forty-second street ; thence by P'orty-second street to Butler street, the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Butler and Forty- fourth streets ; thence along Butler to Forty-seventh street ; thence along Forty- seventh .street to the Allegheny river; thence along said river to Forty-fourth street ; thence along Forty-fourth street to Butler street, the place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Butler and Forty- seventh streets ; thence along Butler street to the Eighteenth Ward line ; thence by said line to the Allegheny river ; thence by said river to Forty-seventh street; thence by Forty-seventh street to place of beginniiig'. FIP'TH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Butler and Fortieth streets ; thence along Butler to the Eighteenth Ward line ; thence along said line to Davidson street; thence along Davidson street to Fortieth street; thence along Fortieth street to place of beginning. SIXTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Davidson and Fortieth streets ; thence along Davidson street to P'orty-seventh street ; thence in a direct line to the Eighteenth Ward line ; thence along said Ward line to a point opposite the centre line of Sherman street ; thence along .Sherman street to Forty-fourth street; thence along Forty-fourth street to Geneva street ; thence along CJeneva street to Fortieth street ; thence along Fortieth .street to place of beginning. SEVENTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Geneva and P'orli- eth streets; thence along Geneva to Forty-fourth street; thence along P'orty- fourth street to Sherman street; thence along Sherman street to Forty-fifth street; thence in a direct line to the Eighteenth Ward line ; thence along said Ward line to the Morningside Road ; thence along the Morningside Uoad to Penn avenue ; thence along Penn avenue to P'ortieth street ; thence along P'urti- tieth street to Geneva street, the place of beginning. [3j EIGHTEENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at Fifty-first street and the Allegheny river ; thence by Fifty-first street to Stanton avenue at the Ward line ; thence by the Ward line through the Allegheny Cemetery to the Morningside Road ; thence by the Morningside Road to line of Allegheny Cemetery; thence by said line to Stanton avenue ; thence by Stanton avenue to McCandless avenue ; thence by McCandless avenue to the Allegheny river ; and thence by same to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT— Beginning at the Allegheny river and Fifty-sixth street ; thence by Fifty-sixth street to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Fifty-seventh street; thence by Fifty-seventh street to Keystone avenue; thence by Keystone avenue to Woodbine avenue ; thence by Woodbine avenue to Stanton avenue ; thence by Stanton avenue to Rebecca street ; thence by Rebecca street to Ward line ; thence by Ward line and Haight's Run to the Allegheny river ; and thence by same to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at McCandless avenue and the Allegheny river; thence by McCandless avenue to Stanton avenue; thence by Stanton avenue to Allegheny Cemetery line ; thence by said line to Morningside Road ; thence by said road to Rebecca street ; thence by Rebecca street to Stanton avenue ; thence by Stanton avenue to Woodbine avenue ; thence by Woodbine avenue to Keystone avenue ; thence by Keystone avenue to Fifty-seventh street ; thence by Fifty-seventh street to Butler street ; thence by Butler street to Fifty- sixth street; thence by Fifty-sixth street to the Allegheny river; and thence l)y same to the place of beginning. NINETEENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Penn and Negley avenues ; thence by Negley avenue to Hampton street ; thence by Hampton street to Hiland avenue; thence by Hiland avenue to Penn avenue; thence by Penn avenue to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Penn and Hiland avenues; thence by Hiland avenue to Stewart street; thence l)y Stewart street to CoUins avenue ; thence by Collins avenue to Penn avenue ; thence Ijy Penn avenue to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Penn and Collins avenues ; thence l)y Collins avenue to the centre of Stewart street ; thence in a dii'ect line with the centre line of Stewart street to Negley's Run; thence by Negley's Run to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Hiland avenue • and Stewart street : thence by Stewart street in a direct line therefrom to Negley's Run ; thence by Negley's Run to the Allegheny river; thence by said river to Haight's Run; thence by Haight's Run to a point opposite the centre line of Hampton street; thence in a direct Hne to and by Hampton street to Hiland avenue; thence by Hiland avenue to place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Penn and Negley avenues ; thence Ijy Negley avenue to Hampton street; thence by Hampton street in a direct line therewith to the Eighteenth Ward line; thence by the Eighteenth Ward line to the Morningside Road ; thence by the Morningside Road to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Negley avenue, the place of beginning. TWENTIETH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — l-ieginning at I'cnn a\enuL' and llic line of the Pennsylvania railroad; thence by Tenn aNcmic to Conrad stieet; tlKiKc by Conrad street to Harriet street; thence Ijy Harriet street to Rebecca street; thence l)y Rebecca street to Centre avenue ; thence by Centre avenue to College avenue; thence l)y College avenue to line of the Penn^yl\■ania railroad; thence by said railroad to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — IJeginning at Miland avenue and tlie line of the I'ennsylvania railroad ; thence by Hiland avenue to Fifth avenue; thence by Fifth avenue to a point opposite to Copeland street ; thence in a direct line with the centre line of and by Copeland street to Ellsworth avenue ; thence by Ellsworth avenue to Aiken avenue ; thence by Aiken avenue to Centre a^■enue ; thence by Centre avenue to College avenue; thence l)y College avenue to line of Pennsylvania railroad; thence by Hiland avenue to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fifth and Penn avenues ; thence by Penn avenue to line of Pennsylvania railroad; thence by line of Pennsylvania railroad to Hiland avenue; thence by Hiland avenue to Fifth avenue; thence by F'ifth avenue tojilace of beginning. F(~)URTH DISTRICT — Beginning on Fifth avenue at a point opposite Copeland street; thence in a direct line with the Centre line of and by Cope- land street to Ellsworth avenue ; thence by F^Ilsworth avenue to Aiken axenue ; thence by Aiken avenue to Liberty avenue; thence by Liberty avenue to Baum street; thence l)y Baum street to the line of the Pennsylvania railroad; thence by said railroad to the Sixteenth Ward line ; thence by said line to Neville street; thence by Neville street to F'ifth a\-enue ; and thence by I''iflh axenue to place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Penn avenue and Cunvad street; thence by Conrad street to Flarriet street; thence by Harriet street to Rebecca street; thence by Rebecca street to Liberty avenue; thence by Liberty avenue to Baum street; thence by Baum street to line of Pennsylvania railroad ; thence by said railroad to Sixteenth Ward line ; thence by said line to Liberty avenue ; thence by Liberty avenue to Pearl street ; thence by Pearl street to Penn a\'enue ; thence by Penn avenue to Conrad street, the place of beginning. TWENTY-FIRST WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at Park and Mayflower streets; thence by Park street to Negley's Run ; thence by Negley's Run to Fifth avenue ; thence by Fifth avenue to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Putnam street ; thence by hne through the Stock Yards and by Putnam street through the Lincohi school house to Mayflower street; thence by Mayflower street to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the Allegheny river at the mouth of Negley's Run ; thence by Negley's Run to the intersection of Fifth and Lincoln avenues ; thence in a direct line to the mouth of Monticello street ; thence by Monticello street to Lang avenue ; thence by Lang avenue to Spencer avenue ; thence by Spencer avenue to City line ; thence by City line to the Allegheny river ; and thence by said river to the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at Cityline and Spencer avenue; thence by Spencer avenue to Lang avenue ; thence by Lang avenue to Monticello street ; thence by Monticello street in a direct line therefrom to the intersection of this and Lincoln avenue ; thence by Fifth avenue to Grazier street ; thence by Grazier street to Lang avenue ; thence by Lang avenue to a point opposite the centre of the public school ; thence through public school building and property of Mellon Brothers to Homewood avenue ; thence by Homewood avenue to Tioga street ; thence by Tioga street to City line ; and thence Ijy City line to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Park avenue and Carver street; thence along Carver street to Larimer avenue ; thence along Larimer avenue to CJirard street; thence along CJirard street to Scott street; thence by the curves of said Scott street eastwardly and then northwardly to Negley's Run ; and thence by Negley's Run to Park a%'enue; thence by Park avenue to place of beginning. FIF"TH DISTRICT — Beginning at Ward line on Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to Putnam street ; thence by Putnam street by a line through the Stock Yards and the Lincoln school building to Mayflower street; thence by Mayflower street to Park avenue ; thence by Park avenue to Frankstown avenue ; thence by Frankstown avenue to Ward line ; thence by Ward line to place of beginning. SIXTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Ward line and Frankstown avenue; -thence by Frankstown avenue to Park avenue ; thence by Park avenue to Carver street ; thence by Carver street to Larimer avenue ; thence by Larimer avenue to Girard street ; thence along Ciirard street to Scott .street ; thence by the curves of said Scott street eastwardly and then northwardly to Negley's Run (Ward line) ; thence by Ward line to Frankstown a\'enue, the place of beginning. SEVENTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Fifth and Penn avenues; thence by Fifth avenue to Grazier street ; thence by Cxrazier street to Lang avenue ; thence by Lang avenue to a point opposite the public school ; thence through the public school building and property of Mellon Brothers to Homewood avenue ; thence by Homewood avenue to Tioga street ; thence by Tioga street to City line ; thence by City line to Penn avenue ; thence by Penn avenue to the place of beginning. TWENTY-SECOND WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — IJeginning on Forbes street at line of property of E. W. II. Schenley estate; thence liy Forbes street to City line; thence by City line to the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; thence l)y said railroad to Twenty-third Ward line ; thence along said Ward line to Four Mile Run ; thence along Four Mile Run to line of property of Schenley estate ; and thence by same to place of l)eginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fifth avenue and Shady lane ; thence along Fifth avenue to City line ; thence along City line to Forlies street ; thence along Forbes street to Shady lane ; thence along Shady lane to F"ifth avenue, the place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fifth avenue and Shady lane ; thence along Shady lane to Foi-bes street ; thence along F'orbes street to private lane on Schenley property ; thence by said lane to Neville street ; thence by Neville street to Fifth avenue ; thence by Fifth avenue to place of beginning. F"C)URTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Neville street and Forward a\'enue ; thence by Forward avenue to the line of property of Killian Soell ; thence by said line and line of Schenley and Murdock to Forbes street, at a private lane on Schenley property ; thence by line of said lane to Neville street ; and thence by Neville street to place of beginning. 1^ ^fel%^ TWENTY-THIRD WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning on the Monongahela river at the Four- teenth Ward line ; thence along said river to Laughlin street ; thence along Laiighlin street to Second avenue ; thence in a direct line with Laughlin street to the Squirrel Hill Road ; thence by Squirrel Hill road to the Twenty-second Ward line ; thence by Twenty-second Ward line to Fourteenth Ward line ; and tlience by the Fourteenth Ward line to the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the Monongahela river and Laugh- lin street; thence by Laughlin street and a direct line therewith to the Squirrel Hill Road ; thence by Squin-el Hill Road to Hazelwood avenue ; thence by Hazelwood avenue to Salina avenue ; thence by Salina avenue to line between property of Tiernan and Brown estate ; thence by said line to line between property of Walker and Brown estate ; thence by said line to Johnston avenue ; thence by Johnston avenue to Second avenue; thence by Second avenue to Melanchton street; thence by Melanchton street to Monongahela river ; thence liy Monongahela river to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT— Beginning at the Monongahela river and Melanch- ton street ; thence by said street to Second avenue ; thence by Second avenue to Johnston avenue ; thence by Johnston avenue to line between Walker and Brown Estate ; thence by said line to line between property of Tiernan and the Brown estate ; thence by said line to Salina avenue ; thence by Salina avenue to Monongahela river ; thence by the said river to place of beginning. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning al the corner of Twenty-seventh and Sarah streets ; thence by Sarah street to the private railroad of Jones & Laughlins ; thence by said railroad to the Monongahela river; thence by said river to Twenty-seventh street ; thence by Twenty-seventh street to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Twenty-seventh and Sarah streets ; thence by Sarah street to the private railroad of Jones & Laughlins ; thence by said railroad to Twenty-seventh Ward line ; thence by said line to Twenty-seventh street ; thence by Twenty-seventh street to the ]3lace of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at Twenty-se\enth Ward line and Jones il!t Laughlins' private railroad ; thence by said line to the Monongahela river; thence along said river to Jones & Laughlins' railroad ; thence by said railroad to the Twenty-seventh Ward line, at the place of beginning. ' j r;>£;'i:.~7irn.Uj . » . . - - .^ TWENTY-FIFTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Twenty-first street and Carey alley ; thence along Carey alley to Twenty-fourth street ; thence along Twenty-fourth street to the Monongahela river; thence along the Monongahela river to Twenty-first street ; thence along Twenty-first street to place of lieginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Twenty-first street and Carey alley ; thence along Carey alley to Twenty-fourth street ; thence along Twenty-fourth street to the Twenty-seventh Ward line ; thence along said Ward line to Twenty-first street ; thence along Twenty-first street to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Twenty-fourth and Sarah streets ; thence along Sarah street to Twenty-seventh street ; thence along Twenty-seventh street to Monongahela river; thence along the Monongahela river to Twenty-fourth street ; thence along the same to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at Twenty-fourth and Sarah streets ; thence along Twenty-fourth street to the Twenty-seventh Ward line ; thence along said line to Twenty-seventh street ; thence along Twenty-seventh street to Sarah street ; thence along Sarah street to the place of beginning. TWENTY-SIXTH WARD. I'lKST DISTRICT — Beginning at Seventeenth and Carson streets; tlience along Carson street to Nineteenth street ; thence along Nineteenth street to the Monongahela river ; thence along said river to Seventeenth street ; and llience along same to place of beginning. SKCOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Seventeenth and Carson streets ; thence along Carson street to Eighteenth street ; thence along Eighteenth street to the Twenty-seventh Ward line ; thence along said Ward line to Seventeenth street ; thence by same to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Eighteenth and Carson streets; thence along Carson street to Nineteenth street; thence along Nine- teenth street to Twenty-seventh Ward line ; thence along saiil Wanl line to Eighteenth street ; thence by same to place of beginning. FOURTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Nineteenth and Sarah streets ; thence along Sarah street to Twenty-first street ; thence along Twenty-tirst street to the Twenty-seventh Ward line ; thence along said Ward line to Nineteenth street ; thence along Nineteenth street to place of beginning. FIFTH DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Nineteenth and Sarah streets ; thence along Sarah street to Twenty-first street ; thence along Twenty- first street to the Monongahela river; thence along said river to Nineteenth street ; thence along the same to place of beginning. TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD. FIRST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fifteenth and Josephine streets ; thence along Josephine street to Manor street ; thence along Manor street and the Thirty-first Ward line to Brownsville avenue ; thence along Brownsville avenue to the Thirty-first Ward line ; thence along said line to the Birmingham Road ; thence along said road to Pius street ; thence along Pius street to Fifteenth street ; thence along Fifteenth street to place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Fifteenth and Jose- phine streets ; thence along Fifteenth street to Pius street ; thence along Pius street to the Birmingham Road ; thence along said road to the Thirty-first Ward line ; thence along the Thirty-first Ward line to the Brownsville plank road ; thence along the said plank road to Run ; thence along said Run to Quarry street ; thence along Quarry street to Keeling & Co.'s railroad ; thence along said railroad to Twenty-sixth Ward line and Twenty-eighth Ward line to Josephine street ; thence along Josephine street to place of beginning. THIRD DISTRICT — Beginning at the comer of Brownsville plank road and Barkhammer street ; thence along said plank road to Run ; thence along said Run to Quarry street ; thence along Quarry street to Keeling & Co.'s railroad ; thence along said railroad to Twenty-sixth Ward line ; thence along Twenty-sixth Ward line, Twenty-fifth Ward line and Twenty-fourth Ward line to Barkhammer street ; thence along Barkhammer street to place of beginning. TWENTY-EIGHTH WARD. FII\.ST DISTRICT — Beginning at the corner of Twelfth and Carson streets ; thence along Carson street to Fourteenth street ; thence along Four- teenth street to Muriel street; thence along Muriel street to Ihmsen alley; thence along Ihmsen alley to Monongahela river; thence along said river to Twelfth street. SFC()NJ) iJiSTRICr — Beginning at the corner of Twelfth and Carson streets ; thence along Carson to Fourteenth street ; thence along Fourteenth street to Breed street ; thence along Breed street to Fifteenth street ; thence along Fifteenth street to Manor street ; thence along Manor street to Twelfth street ; thence along Twelfth street to the corner of Twelfth an. Thirty-first, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th, 15th and ifitli wards. Thirty-second, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 15th and i6th wards. Thirty-third, from Allegheny river to Herron avenue, 13th, islh and i6th wards. 'Thirty-fourth, from Liberty avenue to Smallman, 15th and 16th wards. 'Thirty-fifth, from Penn avenue to Allegheny river, isth ward. 'Thirty -si.\th, from P>utler to Allegheny river, 15th ward. 'Thirty-si.\th, from Butler to Penn avenue, formerly Sycamore, 15th ward. 'Thirty-seventh, from Neville to A. V. R. R., formerly part John, 15th and i6th wards. 'Thirty-eighth, from Neville to Allegheny river, 15th and i6th wards. Thirty-ninth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 15th and i6th wards. Thomas, from Fifth avenue to City line, 21st ward. Thompson, from Shetland to Fifth avenue, 21st ward. Tioga, from Homewood avenue to City line, formerly Third, 21st ward. 'l"om street and alley, from Renova to Monongahela river, 23rd ward. 'Tomahawk alley, from Kirkpatrick to Wesley, formerly Wilson alley, 13th ward. Torley, from Friendship avenue to Edmond, formerly Willow, i6th ward. Toronto alley, from Olcntt to Veto alley, 27th ward. Torrens, from FVankstown avenue to P. R. R., 21st ward. Townsend, from Colwell to Webster avenue, 8th ward. Tower, from Jones to Tyrone, 12th ward. Transit alley, from Torrens to Fifth avenue, 21st ward. Trent, from Wylie avenue to Webster avenue, formerly Williams, nth ward. Tripod alley, from Meadow to Shetland, 21st ward. Trinity, from Elmwood to property line, formerly 'J'hird, i8th ward. 'I'roy alley, from Neville to Juno, 14th ward. Try, from Diamond to Monongahela river, 2nd ward. Tidip alley, from Fred alley to Orlando alley, formerly Third alley, 20th w ard. TuUymet, from Second avenue to Sylvan avenue, 23rd ward. 'I'lmnel, from Old avenue to Foimtain, 5th ward. Turret, from Shetland to Renfrew, formerly Wilson, 21st ward. Tuscarora, from McClintock to City line, 22nd ward. 'J'ustin, from Marion to Itrady, formerly part Hope, 6th and 14th wards. Twelfth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 9th ward. Twentieth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. 'Twenty-first, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. Twenty-second, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. 'Twenty-third, from T>iberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. Twenty-fourth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. Twenty-fifth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. 'Twenty-si.xth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. 'Twenty-seventh, from IJberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. Twenty-eighth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. 'I'wenty-ninth, from Liberty avenue to Allegheny river, 12th ward. 'Tydenham, from Flowers to property line, 19th ward. 'Tyrone, from Crescent to Jones, formerly Thomas, 12th ward. Ulman alley, from Azimuth alley to Albree alley, 19th ward. Ulster alley, from Azimuth alley to Albree alley, 19th ward. LImpire alley, from Butler to Plumer, 17th ward. L'lysses, from (jrandview avenue to Virginia avenue, formerly LTnion, 32nd ward. Unadilla, from Allegheny Cemetery to Mathilda, formerly Union, 19th ward. Undine allej', from Chislett to property line, igth ward. Union, from Liberty avenue to Diamond Square, ist ward. Unity, from Idaho alley to Veto alley, 27th ward. Upfold alley, from Duff to property line, 13th ward. Upland, from Lincoln avenue to Sterrett, 21st ward. Urbana alley, from Irwin alley to Geneva, formerly Union alley, 17th ward. Ursina, from Collins to Broad, formerly Union, 19th ward. Ursuline alley and .street, from Baum to Austin alley, 20th ward. Utica alley, from Henry to Forbes avenue, 14th ward. Uxor alley, from Warren to Breed, formerly Union alley, 28th ward. Valentine, from Lethans to City line, formerly Virginia, 36th ward. Valley, from Fortieth to Forty-seventh, 17th ward. Van Braam, from Fifth avenue to Bluff, 6th ward. Vanilla alley, from Shetland to Vermillion alley, 21st ward. Venango alley, from Chislett to Antietam, formerly Vine alley, i8th ward. Venus alley, from Larimer to Butler, 21st ward. Verdant alley, from Duff to Swartz property, 13th ward. Vermont alley, from Marengo to Sterling, formerly part Lemon alley, 27th ward. Vermillion alley, from Xenia alley to Thompson, 21st ward. Vera, from Morgan to property line, formerly Vera alley, 13th ward. Verona alley, from Federal to Washington, formarly Vine alley, 7th ward. Vesper, from Hancock to Denny property, formerly Vine, 13th ward. Vespucius, from Second avenue to Monongahela river, formerly Virginia, 23rd ward. Veto alley, from Josephine to Schiller, 27th ward. Victor alley, from Henry to property line, 14th ward. Victoria, from Darrah to De Soto, 14th ward. Victory alley, from Shetland to Renfrew, 21st ward. Vickroy, from Cooper to Pride, 6th ward. Villa alley, from Rebecca to Negley, 20th ward. Vincinnes alley, from Wandless property to Herron property, 13th ward. Vine, from Fifth avenue to Webster avenue, 8th and nth wards. Viola alley, from Bond to Wightman's line, igth ward. Violet alley, from Wabash to Saw Mill Run, formerly Virgin alley, 36th ward. Virgin alley, from Liberty avenue to Grant, 3rd ward. Virginia avenue, from Wyoming to Plymouth, 32nd and 35th wards. Vista, from Rebecca to Fairmont, 20th ward. Wabash, from Steuben to Shalersville, formerly Walnut, 36th ward. Wadsworth, from Soho to Robinson, 14th ward. Wade, from Grace to Ennis, 32nd ward. Walnut, from Aiken to Shady avenue, 20th ward. Wall, from Race to Venus alley, 21st ward. Wallace, from Breckenridge to Terrace, 13th and 14th wards. Wallingford, from Barton to Craig, 14th and 20th wards. Walter, from Washington (south) to City line, formerly Walter avenue, 31st ward. Wampum alley, from Costume alley to City line, formerly Walter alley, 24th ward. Waneka alley, from Natchez to Prospect, formerly Wood and Short alley, 32nd ward. Warden, from South Main to Independence, 36th ward. Ward, from Fifth avenue to Frazier, 14th ward. Warner alley, from Pitt to City line, formerly Walnut alley, 22nd ward. Warren, from South Seventh to South Seventeenth, 28th and 29th wards. Wernet, from Lytle to Gloster, 23rd ward. Washington, from Liberty avenue to Fifth avenue, 5th, 7th and 9th wards, Washington avenue, south, from St. Thomas to Beltzhoover avenue, formerly Washington avenue. Plane and Alma, 31st ward. Watson, from Try to Chestnut, 6th ward. Watt, from Centre avenue to Ridge, 13th ward, [9] Water, from Duquesne way to Try, ist and 2nd wards. Water, (south) from South First to South Twenty-sixth, 25th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th wards. Watkins, from Stanton avenue to property line, i8th ward. Wave alley, from .'Arlington avenue to property line, formerly West alley, 27th ward. Waverly, from Park to City line, 22nd ward. Wayne, from Margaretta to water works property, 19th ward. Webster avenue, from flrant to Jefferson, 5th, 7th, 8th, nth and 13th wards. Welsh way, from iManor to Birmingham, formerly Bedford, 27th ward. Wells, from Oneida to Shaler, 35lh ward. Wellwood, from Carson (east) to Wyoming, formerly Washington road, 3olh, 32nd wards. Wellington street and alley, from Sterling to Clover, 27th ward. Werneburg alley, from Davison to Cottage alley, 17th ward. Western, from South Main to Afton way, formerly Washington, 36lh ward. Westminster, from Amberson to Aiken, 20th ward. Wesley, from Bedford avenue to Ridge, formerly Ward, 13th ward. West, from Water to Liberty avenue, ist ward. West Diamond, from North Diamond to South Diamond, ist ward. Wettengel, from Warden to Western, 36th ward. Wharton, from South Seventeenth to South Twenty-fifth, 25th and 26th wards. Whipple, from Nevada to Pitt, formerly West, 22nd ward. Whitfield, from Mignonette to Broad, formerly Willow, 19th and 20th wards. Whittier, from Joseph to Orphans, formerly William, 21st ward. Whitesides alley, from Fulton to Gum, 8th ward. Whitworth, from William to Southern avenue, formerly George, 32nd ward. Wick, from Colvvell to Dinwiddle, nth ward. Wichita alley, from Adelaide to Clarissa, 13th ward. Wickliff, from Fifty-second to Fifty-third, i8th ward. Wightman, from Wilkins avenue to Belmont, 22nd ward. SVilburforce, from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenue, formerly Washington, 20th ward. Willie, from Arran to property line, 19th ward. Willow, from Fortieth to Forty-fourth, 17th ward. Wilkins, from Fifth avenue to Shady avenue, 22nd ward. Wilmerding, from Woodville avenue to Woodville avenue, formerly Water, 35th ward. Wilbert, from Prospect to Grace, 32nd ward. William, from Brownsville ave. to Southern ave., formerly Grand ave., 30th, 32nd wards. Wilmot, from Halket to Frazier, 14th ward. Wilson, from Elm to Fulton, 7th and 8lh wards. Winslow, from Larimer avenue to Lincoln avenue. Winter, from Denver to Gomery, 13th ward. Winthrop, from Bellefield to Neville, formerly Washington, 14th ward. Winebiddle, from P. R. R. to Kincaid, 19th and 20th wards. Winders, from Forward avenue to Greenfield avenue, 23rd ward. Windom, from Fritz to an alley, 27th and 30th wards. Winnebago, from South Ninth to South Tenth, formerly William, 29th ward. Winfield, from Irwin to property line, 22nd ward. Wistar alley, from Ridge to Arch, formerly Ward alley, 13th ward. Witherspoon, from Chislett to Antietam, formerly Summit, 18th ward. Woodbine, from Stanton avenue to property line, i8th ward. Wood, from Water to Liberty avenue, ist, 2nd and 3rd wards. Woodlawn, from Second avenue to Monongahela river, formerly Williams, 23rd ward. Woodville avenue, from Independence, formerly Virginia avenue, 32nd and 35th wards. Woolslayer alley, from Denny to Friendship avenue, i6th ward. Wooster, from Wylie avenue to Webster avenue, formerly Willow, nth ward. Wright alley, from South Seventeeth to South Thirty-si.xth, formerly part Water alley, 24th, 25th and 26th wards. Wyandotte, from Fifth avenue to Wallace, 13th and 14th wards. Wylie avenue, from Fifth avenue to Herron avenue, sth, 7th, 8th, nth and 13th wards. Wyoming, from Grandview avenue to William, formerly Washington, 32nd ward. Xenia alley, irom Shetland to Renfrew, 21st ward. Yale alley, from Alder to property line, 20th ward. Yard alley, from South Eighteenth to Pius, 27th ward. Yeddo alley, from property line to property line, in Winder's plan, 14th and 23rd wards Yew, from Edraond to Gross, 20th ward. Yazoo alley, from Charlotte to Smallman, 15th ward. Yarrow alley, from Boquet to property line, 14th ward. York alley, from Bates to property line, 14th warjj. Young alley, from Verona alley to McCook's alley, 7th ward. Zara alley, from Foote alley to Scott property, 13th ward. Zabina alley, from Henry to Florida alley, 14th ward. Zenith alley, from Finance to Kelley's propertj', 21st ward. Zion, from Western to Dorset alley, 36th ward. Zodiac alley, from Frankstown avenue to P. R. R., 21st ward, Zouave, from Bayard to Centre avenue, 14th ward. Zulema, from Ward to Halket, 14th ward. Zulu alley, from Smallman to Melville alley, 15th ward. ^fheef/^ o^ eKffegftei^Lj (ilfq. A, from Washington avenue to Nixon, 2nd ward. Abdell, from Bidwell to Allegheny avenue, sth ward. Ace, from Angle to Spring Garden avenue, 7th ward. Ackley, from Shields alley to Irwin avenue, 2nd ward. Adams, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Ohio river, 6th ward. Allegheny avenue, from South avenue to Washington avenue, ist and 2nd wards Anderson, from River avenue to Church avenue, 4th ward. Angle, from Short to Basin lot, 13th ward. Ann, from School to Craig, ist ward. Ann, from Superior to C. & P. R. R., gth ward. Ann, from Buchanan to Herman, 13th ward. Anna, from Spring northward, loth ward. Anschutz alley, from Avery, rear of Ohio, 4th ward. Arbuckle alley, from Robinson to W. P. R. R., 4th ward. Arch, from Stockton avenue to Spring alley, ist and 2nd wards. Ark alley, from Ohio to North Diamond, 3rd ward. Ashton, from Black lane northward, nth ward. Ashton avenue, from McClure avenue northward, nth ward. Asylum alley, from Benton alley to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Avery, from Cedar avenue to Madison avenue, 4th ward, B, from Washington avenue to Cemetery line, 2nd ward. Back alley, from Liberty to Virgin, 4th ward. Back lane, from fifty feet avenue, eastward, loth ward. Bailiff alley, from Reed to Allegheny avenue, 5th ward. Bakewell, from Ferry lane to fortj' feet street, nth ward. Balkam, from South Canal to River avenue, ist ward. Bank, from Marshall to Ridge avehue, ist ward. Bank lane, from Mason to Beaver avenue, sth ward. Barnetts alley, from Middle alley to Arch, 2nd ward. Basin, from Centre alley to Spring Garden avenue, 7th ward. Bayard, from Beaver avenue to Ohio river, 6th ward. Haync alley, from Allegheny avenue to Reed, 5th warJ. Beaver, from Woodland avenue northward, nth ward. Beaver avenue, from River avenue to Strawberry lane, 5th and 6th wards. Beech, from Irwin avenue to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Beech, from New Brighton road southward to Woodland avenue, nth ward. Beech alley, from River avenue to Main, 4th ward. Bell avenue, from Federal to Willis, 12th ward. Bell alley, from Lacock to River avenue, between Goodrich and (irantham, 4th ward. Belmont, from Bank lane to Western avenue, 5th ward. Benton, from Spruce to Sand alley, 9th ward. Benton avenue, from New Brighton road east and north, nth ward. Benton alley, from Federal to Irwin avenue, 2nd ward. Bern alley, from Factory alley to Anderson, 4th ward. Bidwell, from Western avenue to Allegheny avenue, 5th and 6th wards. Bird, from Robinson southward, ist ward. Blair alley, from Lindsay alley to Ramage alley, 2nd ward. Blo.ssom alley, from Turner alley to Peach alley, 3d ward. Bluflf, from Ashton avenue westward, nth ward. Bond alley, from Ruth alley northeast, nth ward. Boquet, from Irwin avenue to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Borland alley, from South avenue to Harding, ist ward. Bowen, from Grand avenue to Sturgeon, ist ward. Boyle, from North avenue to Henderson, 3d ward. Brabec, from Point to Reservoir, 13th ward. Braddock, from Irwin avenue to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Brady, from Chartiers to Beaver avenue, 6th ward. Branch, from Lowrie to Ravine, 13th ward. Bridge, from Allegheny river to W. P. R. R., 8th ward. Brighton place, from Taggart to New Brighton road. Broadway, from old Franklin road eastward, loth ward. Brown, from Allegheny avenue to 18 feet alley, 5th ward. Buchanan, from Basin lot to Orphan Asylum, 13th ward. Buena Vista, from North avenue to Plank road, 2nd ward. Buente, from East to Vine, 12th ward. Burgess alley, from Ohio to South Diamond, east of Arch, ist ward. Burke alley, from Ohio to Church avenue, 4th ward. Buttercup alley, from Gas alley to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. C, from Washington avenue to Cemetery line, 2nd ward. Cabinet, from Bidwell to Allegheny avenue, 5th ward. California, from Sedgwick to Superior avenue, nth ward. California avenue, from Strawberry lane northward, nth ward. Callen, from Quarry northward, 12th ward, Callowhill, from Federal to iVIaple avenue, loth ward. Campbell alley, from Jackson to Ackley, 2nd ward. Carlisle alley, from Gray's alley to Grantham, 4th ward. Caroline, from Borland alley to Grant avenue, ist ward. Carpenters alley, from Madison avenue to Pine, 4th and 8th wards. Carroll, from Federal to Shields alley, 2nd ward. Catawba, from lona to Itin, 7th ward. Cedar avenue, from Church avenue to North avenue, 3d and 4th wards. Cedar alley, from Kerr to Superior, 9th ward. Cemetery, from Bell avenue to St. Mary's Cemetery, 12th ward. Central, from Manhattan to Fulton, 5th ward. Central avenue, from Woods run avenue southward, loth ward. Centre, from Irwin avenue to Buena Vista, 2nd ward. Centre, from Marshall avenue to Reserve line. Centre, from Perry to Spring Garden avenue, 3d and 7th wards. Centre alley, from Federal ta Sandusky, 4th ward. Chapel alley, from Grant avenue to Rope alley, ist ward. Charles, from Taggart to Perrysville plank road, 2nd and loth wards. Charles, from Woodland avenue south, loth ward. Chartiers, from River avenue to Brady, 5th and 6th wards. Cherry, from River avenue to South Canal, 4th ward. Chestnut, from River avenue to Itin, 3d, 4th and 7th wards. Chislett alley, from Federal to Boyle, 3d ward. Church avenue, from Federal to Sycamore, 4th ward. Church alley, from Ohio to Vinial, 3d and 7th wards. Clark, from Lowrie to Hazel, 13th ward. Clay alley, from 40 feet street to Reserve line, nth ward. Clayton avenue, from Grant eastward, 2nd ward. Cliff, from Marlon avenue to Irwin avenue, ist ward. Cliff, from Shady avenue northwest, then east, nth ward. Clifton avenue, from Irwin avenue to Harrison, 2nd ward. Clyde, from Broadway northward, loth ward. Clyde, from Sidney to Willis, 12th ward. Cochran, from Lanark to Ella, 12th ward. Coleman, from Martin to Marshall, ist ward. Colfax, east and west, south of Strawberry lane, 6th ward. Columbia place, from Irwin avenue to O'Hern, 2nd ward. Compromise, from Rodger to Elm, 12th ward. Concord, from Madison avenue to Chestnut, 3d and 7th wards. Converge alley, from Church avenue to Liberty, 4th ward. Cook avenue, from Woods run avenue northeast, nth ward. Corry, from Martin to River avenue, ist ward. Cowley, from Branch to Andreg's line, 13th ward. Craig, from Martin to River avenue, ist ward. Cross, from Sarah to Charles, 12th ward. Cross alley, from Superior to P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., 6th ward. Cypress alley, from Dilworth alley to Rebecca, 5th ward. D, Washington avenue to Kirkpatrick alley, 2nd ward. Daisy avenue, from Perrj'sville plank road eastward, loth ward. Daisy alley, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Darragh, from River avenue to South Canal, ist ward. Davis avenue, Verner road eastward, nth ward. Davis alley, from Arch to Irwin avenue, 2nd ward. Davis alley, from Irwin avenue west, 2nd ward. Day alley, from Benton alley to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Decatur, from Allegheny avenue to Manhattan, 6th ward. Delaware, from Preble avenue to Ohio river, 6th ward. Denny, from Caroline to Rebecca, ist ward. Devine alley, from Allegheny avenue to Reed, 5th ward. Diana, from Humboldt to lona, 7th ward. Dilworth alley, from Cypress alley east, 5th ward. Division, from Vine eastward, 2nd ward. Downing, from Lowrie to Hazel, 13th ward. Drovers alley, from Benton alley to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Drum, from Harrison to Wilson avenue, and ward. Eagle alley, from Perrj- to Third, 3d ward. East, from Ohio to Perrysville plank road, 3d, 7th and loth wards. East Diamond, from Stockton avenue to Montgomery, 3d and 4th wards. East End avenue, from North End avenue to South End avenue, loth ward. Eckert, from Shady avenue to Fleming, nth ward. Kggers, from Voegtiy east, 13th ward. Killers alley, friim West Jefferson to Roberts, 7th want. • Elbow, from Ixjfink east, 13th ward. F.lla, from Mary northeast, 12th ward. Klni, from lieech to Krederick, nth ward. Elm, from East to Maple avenue, 12th ward. Elm, from P., Ft. VV. S: C. Ry. to Ohio river, 9th ward. Emma, from River avenue toCanal, 8th ward. Engli.sh alley, from Ridge avenue to Caroline, ist ward. Erie, from Union avenue to Sherman avenue, and and 3d wards. Esplanade, from North avenue to Hemlock, 3d ward. Evans alley, from Sheffield to Brady, 5th and 6th wards. Evans alley, from Western avenue to F'ayette, 5th and fith wards. E.vcclsior alley, from Robinson te Lacock, ist ward. Factory alley, from Robinson to Isabella, 4th ward. Fairniount, from Federal to Henderson, 3d ward. Faulkner alley, from Fulton to Chartiers, 4th ward. Fayette, from Bidwell to Beaver avenue, 5th ward. Federal, from River avenue to Perrysville plank road, ist, 2nd, 3d, 4th and 12th wards. Federal lane, from Federal north to Perrysville plank road. Ferry lane, from Reserve north, then west, nth ward. Filbert, from Spring Garden avenue to Hardmeyers lane, 7th ward. First, from Cedar to Madison avenue, 3d ward. First alley, from James to Madison avenue, 3d ward. Fleming, from Eckert to Shady avenue, nth ward. Forest, from Branch to Hazel, 13th ward. Forge alley, from Spruce to line of Oliver Bros. & Phillips, 6th ward. Fountain, from Fairmount to Compromise, 3d ward. Franklin, from Irwin avenue to Ohio river, 2nd and 6th wards. Franklin alley, from Benton alley to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Franz, from Margaret to Siegle, 6th ward. Frazier, from Western avenue to Pennsylvania avenue, 5th ward. Frederick, from Shimmer southward, nth ward. Fremont, from Pennsylvania avenue to Washington avenue, 2nd ward. Fremont alley, from New Brighton road to Nixon, 2nd ward. Friendship alley, from Sampson to Jefferson, 2nd ward. F'ulton, from Ridge avenue to P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., 5th and 6th wards. (iallagher, from Taggart to Harrison, 2nd ward. Gang avenue, from Troy hill road to Sassafras lane, 13th ward. Gardiner, from Troy hill road to Hazel, 13th ward. Gardiners alley, from River avenue to Carpenters alley, 4th ward. Garfield avenue, from Jackson to West Jefferson, 2nd ward. Garrison, from Overhill to Buena Vista, 2nd ward. Gas allay, from Western avenue to North avenue, 2nd ward. Gass avenue, from McClure avenue east, nth ward. Gerst alley, from First to north of old city line, 3d ward. Geyer alley, from Arch to Webster, 2nd ward. Gibson, from Grizella eastward, loth ward. Goodrich, from River avenue to P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., 4th ward. Graham alley, from Webster to Palo Alto, 2nd ward. (irand, from Clayton avenue south, 2nd ward. Grant, from McClure avenue southeast to Lecky avenue, nth ward. Grant, from North End avenue to South End avenue, loth ward. Grant avenue, from Rebecca to Pennsylvania avenue, ist and 2nd wards. Grant alley, from Evans alley to Fidton, 5th ward. Grantham, from River avenue to P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., 4th ward. Grays alley, from River avenue to W. P. R. R., 4th ward. Green, from Madison avenue to Chestnut, 3d ward. Green alley, from Chestnut to William, 3d ward. Greenwood, from Beaver avenue to Ohio river, 5th ward. Grove, from Davis avenue northward, nth ward. Grizella, from Wabash avenue northward, loth ward. Haines alley, from Manhattan west, 6th ward. Hall, from Central eastward, loth ward. Hamilton, from Gardiner to Forest, 13th ward. Hamlin, from Bidwell to Chartiers, 5th ward. Hanover, from Preble avenue to P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., 9th ward. Harding, from Borland to English allej', ist ward. Harlin avenue, from Sarah to Pastre lane, loth ward. Harriett, from iNIorrison avenue to Q, loth ward. Harrison, from Plank road to Wylie avenue, 2nd and loth wards. Hartman, from township road to reserve line, nth ward. Haslep alley, from Fairmouut to Chislett alley, 3d ward. Hazel, from Gardiner to Forest, 7th and 13th wards. Heckelman, from Lowrie to Ohio, 8th and 13th wards. Hemlock, from Federal to James, 3d ward. Hemlock alley, from James to Middle, 3d ward. Hemp allej', from Sandusky Avest, 4th ward. Henderson, from Fremont to Warren, 3d and 12th wards. Henry, from New Brighton road to Taggart, 2nd ward. Herman, from Ann to Orphan Asylum, 13th ward. Herr, on Herr's Island, 8th ward. Herron alley, from North Diamond to Montgomery avenue, 3d ward. Hickory alley, from Lacock to River avenue, 4th ward. High, from Itin to Filbert, 7th ward. High, from Federal to Sandusky, 3rd ward. High, from Filbert to Lager, 7th ward. High, on Herrs Island, 8th ward. High, from Strawberrj' lane southward, 6th ward. Highland avenue, from Irwin Avenue to Harrison, loth ward. Hill, from Villa to Itin, 7th ward. Hill, east and west, nth ward. Hill, from Spring to City line, 12th ward. Hill, from Davis avenue northward, nth ward. Hill alley, from Herman west, 13th ward. Hoff, south of Lowrie and west of Overhill, 13th ward. Home, from Superior avenue to West End avenue, nth ward. Hope, from River avenue to W. P. R. R., 4th ward. Hope alley, from Craig to W. P. R. R., ist ward. Hopkins alley, from Fulton to Beaver avenue, 5th ward. Howard, from North avenue to Elm, 3rd and 12th wards. Howard, from North avenue to South End avenue, loth ward. Hugh, on Herrs Island, 8th ward. Hughes alley, from Ferry lane southward, 9th ward. Humboldt, from Reserve northwest, nth ward. Humboldt, from Spring Garden avenue to Robinson road, 7th ward. lona, from Diana to Catawba, 7th ward. Irwin avenue, from Martin to Reserve line, ist and 2nd wards. Isabella, from Federal to Anderson, 4th ward. Lsabella court, from Boyle to White Oak alley, 3rd ward. Isabella court, from Martin to River avenue, ist ward. Itin, from Chestnut to Rhine, 7th ward. Jackson, from P'ederal to I',, Kt. W. & C. Ry., 2nd ward James, on Herrs Island, 8th ward. James, from Ohio to Fountain, 3rd ward. Jefferson, from Federal to Shields alley, 2nd ward. John, from New Brighton road to Taggart, 2nd ward. Joint alley, from Manhattan to east of Fulton, 5th ward. Juniata, from Allcglieny avenue to Ohio river, 6th ward. Juniper, from Lombard to Maple avenue, I2th ward. Kerr, from Preble avenue to Refuge, 9th ward. Killbuck, from Craig west, ist ward. Killenbeck, from Return to Buchanan, 13th ward. King alley, from Washington to Liberty, 4th ward. Kirkpatrick avenue, from Sedgwick to West End avenue, 2nd and 6th wards. Kirkpatrick alley, from Sedgwick eastward, 6th ward. Knoll, from James to Middle, 3rd ward. Kno.\, from Nixon to Strawberry lane, 6th ward. Lacock, from School to Madison avenue, ist and 4th wards. Lager, from Spring Garden avenue to High, 7th ward. Lake, from Allegheny avenue to Chartiers, 6th ward. Lanark, from Mary to Cemetery, 12th ward. Lane alley, from Jefferson northward, 2nd ward. Langfitt avenue, from Ashton avenue west, nth ward. Lapish road, from Benton avenue southeast, nth ward. Laurel alley, from Spruce to Stanton avenue. 5th and 6th wards. Lautner, from Voegtley graveyard east, 13th ward. Lecky avenue, northeast and southwest, and southeast of McClure avenue, nth ward. Lecky alley, from Greenwood to Juniata avenue, 5th and 6th wards. Lecky road, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry southeast and northwest, nth ward. Ledlie, from Federal to Shields alley, 2nd ward. Ley, from Sassafrass lane to Rossler, 13th ward. Liberty, from Cedar avenue to Ohio, 4th ward. lighthill, from Ridge avenue to River avenue, 5th ward. Lincoln avenue, from Walker avenue to Wylie avenue, nth ward. Lincoln avenue, from Irwin avenue to west of Allegheny avenue, ist ward. Linden, from North avenue to Knoll, 3rd ward. Linden avenue, from Federal to Maple avenue, loth ward. Lindsey alley, from Sampson to Jefferson, 2nd ward. Lithgow avenue, from Division southward, 2nd ward. Locust, east of F2ast, 7th ward. Locust, from Allegheny avenue to Ohio river, 5th and 6th wards. Locust, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Walker avenue, nth ward. Locust alley, from South Canal to Carpenters alley, 4th ward. Lofink, from Lowrie southward, 13th ward. Lombard, from Linden avenue to Bell avenue, loth and 12th wards. Long alley, from Madison avenue to Chestnut, 3rd ward. Long lane, from Spring Garden avenue to High, 7th ward. Lowrie, from Gardiner to City line, 13th ward. Lumbermans alley, from River avenue to W. P. R. R., 8th ward. ' Madison avenue, from River avenue to East, 3rd, 4th and 7th wards. Magee alley, from Federal east to Boyle, 3rd ward. Magnolia, from Spruce to Stanton avenue, 5th and 6th wards. Mam, from Madison avenue to Pine, 4th and 8th wards. Manhattan, from Rebecca to Nixon, 5th and 6th wards. Manilla alley, from Rope alley to west of Allegheny avenue, ist and 5th wards. INIaple, from Callowhill southeast, then northward to Pusey's east line, 7th ward. Maple avenue, from Linden avenue south, then east, loth and j2th wards. Margaret, from Overhill to west line of Riddle & Franz, cth w-ard. Marion avenue, from Martin to Ohio, ist ward. Market, from Spruce to north of Stanton avenue, 5th and 6th wards- Market, from Reserve northward, nth ward. Market, from Strawberr\- lane northward, 9th ward. Marshall, from Marion avenue to Irwin avenue, ist ward. Marshall avenue, from Strawberrv- lane to Perrjsville plank road, loth and nth wards, Martin, from School to Craig, ist ward. Marques alley, from Washington avenue south, 2nd ward. Mar>-, from New Brighton road to Central, loth ward- Mar}-, from Will-„s to Warren, 3rd and 12th wards. Mason; from Rebecca to River avenue, 5th ward. Mercer alley, from Church to Canal, 4th ward. ^Middle, from Avery to Rodger, 3rd, 4th and 12th wards. Middle alley, east and west, between Hill and South, nth ward. Middle alley, west from jVshton avenue, nth ward. Mill, from East to Madison avenue, r2th wards. Mill alley, from Spruce to line of Oliver Bros. & Phillips, 9th ward. Milroy avenue, from Perrj'sville plank road to East, loth ward. Modoc alley, from Green alley to Spring Garden avenue, 3rd and 7th wards. ^Montana alley, from old Franklin road to Grizella, loth ward- Monterey, from North avenue to West Jefferson, 2nd ward. :Montgomer}- avenue, from Sherman avenue to Union avenue, 2nd and 3rd wards. Montgomerj- alley, from Montgomerj' avenue southward, 3rd ward. :Morgan, from River avenue to P., Ft. W. & C. Ry., 4^1 ward. ^Morgan alley, from Benton alley to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Morris, from Federal lane to Lombard, 12th ward. Morris alley, from Willis west, 12th ward. INIorrison avenue, from Maple avenue southeast, loth ward. Morrison avenue, from D to A, 2nd and 6th wards. Morton, from North Diamond to Montgomerj' avenue, and ward. Mound alley, from Steep to Fountain, 3rd ward. Mulberry, from River a%enue to Rebecca, 5th ward- Myrtle, from Gallagher to Sarah, 2nd ward. McBrier alley, from Boyle to Sanduskj-, 3rd ward. McCUntock avenue, from Buena Vista wesc»-ard, 2nd ward. McClure avenue, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Davis avenue, 9th and nth wards. McDonald alley, from Washington avenue south, 2nd ward. :McFadden, from River avenue to W. P. R. R., 8th ward. Mcintosh court, off .A.nderson, between Lacock and Robinson. McKain alley, from Race to Arch, 2nd ward. McKee, from Hall southward, loth ward. McKfrdj' alley, from Boyle to Poplar, 3rd ward. New Brighton Road, from Washington avenue to Cits- Ijne, 2nd, 9th, loth and nth wards. Niggel. from Straubs lane to Lowrie, 13th ward. Nixon, from Manhattan to Beaver avenue, oth ward. Nixon, from Henrj- to Taggart, 2nd and 6th wards. Norman, from Overlook to Buena Vista, 2nd ward. North, from Washington to Ohio, 4th ward. North avenue, from .Allegheny avenue to Madison avenue, 2nd and 3rd wards. North Canal, from Federal to Sanduskj', 4th ward. North Diamond, from Sherman avenue to Union avenue, 2nd and 3rd wards. North End avenue, eastward from Perrj-sville plank road, loth ward. Oak alley, from Irwin avenue to .Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Oak alley, from Buchanan to Herman, 7th ward. Oakwood avenue, from Shady avenue west, nth ward. Observatory avenue, from Perrysville plank road eastward, 2nd ward. O'Hara, from Madison avenue to Chestnut, 3rd and 7th wards. (1'Hern, from Irwin avenue to Plank road, 2nd ward. Ohio, from Marion avenue cast to City line, ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4lh and 5th wards. Ohio, from Juniata avenue along river front, 5th and 6th wards. Ohio avenue, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Ohio river, 9th ward. Oil Mill alley, from Carpenters alley to South Canal, 8th ward. Olive, from Linden stnithward, loth and 12th wards. Orchard, from North avenue to Knoll, 3i-d ward. Orchard lane, from Strawberry lane southward, 6th ward. Outlet alley, from Manhattan eastward, 5th ward. Overhill, from Lowrie to Spring Garden avenue, 7th ward. Overhill, from Sweeny to Margaret, 6th ward, Overlook, from Norman to Perrysville plank road, 2nd ward. P, from East to Anna, loth ward. Page, from Fulton to Beaver avenue, 5th ward. Palmer alley, from Boyle to Sandusky, 3rd ward. Palo Alto, from North avenue to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Park, from Grant avenue to Sturgeon, ist ward. Park way, from Sherman avenue to Union avenue, ist and 4th wards. Pasture alley, from Gas alley to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Pasture lane, from Clifton avenue to North, loth ward. Pasture lane, from Sarah to Charles, loth ward. Pasture lane, from Snyder to Reserve line, loth ward. Patterson alley, from Rebecca northward, ist ward. Peach alley, from Third to O'Hara, 3rd ward. Peach alley, from TremcMit alley to Sedgwick, 2nd and 6th wards. Peach alley, from Riley alley to A, 2nd ward. Pearl, from Federal to Sandusky, 3rd ward. Penn, from Federal to Sandusky, 4th ward. Pennsylvania avenue, from. Irwin avenue to Beaver avenue, 2nd ward. Perry, from Madison avenue to Troy Hill road, 3rd and 7th wards. Perry alley, from Grays alley eastward, 4th ward. Perrysville Plank Road, from Federal to City line, 2nd ward. Phillips alley, from Hazel to Hamilton, 7th ward. Pike, from Madison avenue to Church alley, 3rd ward. Pine, from River avenue to South Canal, 8th ward. Pine alley, from Cedar alley to Refuge, gth ward. Pine alley, from Evans alley to Manhattan, 6th ward. Pine alley, from South Diamond to Park way, 4th ward. Pine alley, from Irwin avenue to Allegheny avenue, 2nd ward. Point, from Prospect to Centre alley, 7th and 13th wards. Poplar, from North avenue to Fountain, 3rd ward. Porter, from Preble avenue to Ohio river, gth ward. Preble avenue, from Spruce to Pittsburgh Forge Co., 5th, 6th, 9th and nth wards. Prospect, from Troy Hill road to Point, 7th and 13th wards. Pryer alley, from Ledlie to Jefferson, 2nd ward. Pump alleji-, from Benton alley to McKains alley, 2nd ward. Q, from East to Harriet, loth ward. Quarry, from Madison avenue northeast, 12th ward. Race, from North avenue to Sampson, 2nd ward. Race alley, from River avenue to Penn, 4th ward. Radner, from Stack alley southward, 12th ward. Ramage alley, from Jackson to Ledlie, 2nd ward. Raspberry alley, from A to New Brighton road, 2nd ward. Raspberry alley, from Tate alley to Hemlock, 3rd ward. Ravine, from Grizella to Evergreen, Hamlet road, 8th and 13th wards. Raymond, from Stack alley north and east, 12th ward. Rebecca, from Craig to Western avenue, ist and 5th wards. Red Oak alley, from Third to Perry, 3rd ward. Reed, from Devine alley to Bayne alley, 5th ward. Refuge, from Wilkins to Shamrock alley, 9th ward. Refuge, from Kerr to Superior, 9th ward. Relief alley, from Washington avenue to Kirkpatrick avenue, 2nd ward. Resaca, from North avenue to Taylor avenue, 2nd ward. Reserve, from Ferry line to Humboldt, nth ward. Return, from Troy Hill road to Basin lot, 13th ward. Rhine, from Itin northward, 7th ward. Rhine, from Grizella to Evergreen Hamlet road, loth ward. Rice, from Hill north and south, nth ward. Ridge avenue, from Marion avenue to Chartiers, ist and 5th wards. Ridgewood avenue, from Yale to Perrysville plank road, 2nd ward. Riley alley, from Washington avenue to Ford, 2nd ward. River avenue, from Darragh to east City line, ist, 4th and 8th wards. Riverview, east of Willis, east and west, 12th ward. Roberts, from Buena Vista eastward, 2nd ward. Robinson, from School to low water line, ist and 5th wards. Robinson road, from Humboldt to Rhine, 7th ward. RoUa, from Yale to Buena Vista, 2nd ward. Rope alley, from Ridge avenue to Western avenue, ist ward. Rose alley, from Federal to Sandusky, 4th ward. Rosedale, from Lecky alley to Ohio river, 6th ward. Rossler, from Lowrie to Straubs lane, 13th ward. Rush, from Allegheny avenue to Chartiers, 6th ward. Ruth alley, from Cook avenue to Bond alley, nth ward. Said, from Superior to C. & P. R. R-, 9'^^ ward. St. Clair, from Borland alley to Fremont alley, ist ward. St. Mary's court, from South Canal to Lacock, ist ward. Sample alley, from Arch to West Diamond, ist ward. Sampson, from Arch to Federal, 2nd ward. Sand, on Herrs Island, 8th ward. Sand alley, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Benton, 9th ward. Sandusky, from River avenue to Bell avenue, 3rd and 4th wards. Sarah, from Taggart to Pasture lane, loth ward. Sassafras lane, from Lowrie to City line, 13th ward. Sawmill alley, from IMadison avenue to Pine, 4th and 8th wards. Schimmer, from Shady avenue to New Brighton road, nth ward. School, from Martin to River avenue, ist ward. Schoonmaker lane, from Preble avenue to Railroad, gth and nth wards. Sciota, from Preble avenue westward, 6th ward. Sciota alley, from Preble avenue to alley, 6th ward. Second, from Cedar avenue to Madison avenue, 3rd ward. Second alley, from James to East, 3rd ward. Sedgwick, from Pennsylvania avenue to Sweeny, 5th and 6th wards. Shady avenue, from Woods Run avenue to Woodland avenue, nth ward. Shamrock alley, from Preble avenue to Penitentiary, gth ward. Shears alley, from McKirdys alley north, 3rd ward. Sheffield, from Bidwell to Beaver avenue, 5th ward. Sheridan, from North End avenue to South End avenue, loth ward. Sherman avenue, from Stockton avenue to Montgomery avenue, ist and 2nd wards Shields, from Allegheny avenue to Walker, 5th ward. Shields alley, from Jackson to alley, 2nd ward. I Short, from Church avenue to W. P. R. R., 4th ward. Short, trom Tell to Angle, 13th ward. Short, from Spring Garden avenue to High, 7th ward. Short, from Daisey avenue to South End avenue, loth ward. Short, Hall northwest, loth ward. Short, from Snyder to Charles, 10th ward. .Short alley, from Hugh to James, 8th ward. Short alley, from Rehccca to Joint alley, 5th ward. Short alley, from Tell to Angle, 13th ward. Siegle, from Overhill to California avenue, 6th ward. Sidney, from Clyde to Fleming, 12th ward. Slope alley, from Monterey to Shields alley, 2nd ward. Slush alley, from Federal to West Diamond, 1st ward. Snowden, from South avenue to Rebecca, ist ward. Snyder, northwest of Charles to Pasture lane, loth ward. Somerset, from Overhill west, 6th ward. South, east and west, on Lapish farm, nth ward. South, fi-om Mar^' to Wilson avenue, loth ward. South avenue, from School to Mason, ist and 5th wards. South Canal, from Darragh to St. Marys court, ist ward. South Canal, from Madison avenue to Pine, 4th ward. South Diamond, from Sherman avenue to Union avenue, ist and 4th wards. South End avenue, from Perrysville plank road southward, loth ward. Spring, south from Buente, 12th ward. Spring, from Maple avenue east, loth ward. Spring avenue, from Compromise northwest, 12th ward. Spring alley, from Arch to Lang alley, 2nd ward. Spring alley, from Hemlock to Fountain, 12th ward. Spring alley, from Spring Garden avenue northwest, 7th ward. Spring Garden avenue, from Chestnut to City line, 7th ward. Sproal alley, from Ridge avenue to South avenue, 5th ward. Spruce, from Beaver avenue to Ohio avenue, 5th ward. r Spruce, from Preble avenue to Ohio river, 9th ward. Stack alley, from East to Raymond avenue, 12th ward. Stanton avenue, from Beaver avenue to Ohio avenue, 6th ward. Staud, from Howard to East, 12th ward. Steep, from James to Middle, 3rd ward. Stevens alley, from South avenue to Rebecca, ist ward. Stewart, from Bidwell to Beaver avenue, 5th ward. Stockton avenue, from Sherman avenue to Union avenue, ist and 4th u ards. Stoddart allej*, from Arbuckle alley to Anderson, 4th ward. Straubs lane, from Sassafras lane to Rossler, 13th ward. Strawberrj' lane, from New Brighton road to Ohio river, 2nd and 6th wards. Strawberry' lane, from Sarah to Charles, loth ward. Strickler alley, from Jackson to Ackley, 3rd ward. Sturgeon, from South avenue to Ridge avenue, ist ward. Summit, from Point to alley, 12th ward. Sumner, from Uniondale Cemetery west, 6th ward. Superior, from Preble avenue to Ohio river, 9th ward. Superior, from Strawberry lane northward, 9th ward. Superior Run avenue, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Woodland avenue, nth ward. Sweeny, from Sedgwick to Overhill, 6th ward. Sycamore, from River avenue to Ohio, 4th ward. 'I'aggart, from Washington avenue to Charles, 2nd ward. I'anner, from Spring Garden avenue south, 7th ward. Tate alley, from Raspberry alley to James, 3rd ward. Taylor avenue, from Webster to Irwin aveViue, 2nd ward. Tell, from Spring Garden avenue southeast, JS'^i ward. Terrace, from Irwin avenue to Buena Vista, 2rt^ ward. Third, from Cedar avenue to Chestnut, 3rd ward.- Third alley, from James to East, 3rd ward. \ Thomas, from Denny eastward, south side of Monui.ient Hill, ist ward. Tinsbury, from Lowrie to Hazel, 13th ward. Township road, from Shady avenue west, then north, niXh ward. Tremont alley, from South avenue to Rebecca, ist ward. \ Tremont alley, from Orphan Asylum to Basin. 13th ward. \ Troy alley, from Forest to Overhill, 7th ward. \ Troy Hill road, from Ravine to Wicklines lane, 7th and 13th waVds. Troy Hill road, from Ohio to Gardiner, 13th ward. Turner alley, from Pike to Vista, 3rd ward. Union avenue, from Church avenue to Montgomery avenue, 3rd and 4tli^ wards. Union alley, from Bidwell to Allegheny avenue, 5th ward. \ Union alley, from River avenue to W. P. R. R., 8th ward. Valley, from Spring Garden avenue to Filbert, 7th ward. Vermont, from Adams to Delaware, 6th ward. \ Verner avenue, from Porter to Wylie avenue, nth ward. V Veto, from Benton alley to Jackson, 2nd ward. \ Villa, from Vinial to Basin, 7th ward. \ Vine, from Stack alley south, 12th ward. \ Vine, from Sassafras lane east, 13th ward. Vine, from Milroy avenue north, 10th ward. Vine, from Hill north, 12th ward. Vine, from Observatory avenue to Perrysville avenue, 2nd ward. Vine alley, from Carpenters alley to South Canal, 4th ward. Vine alley, from Isabella to Penn, 4th ward. Vinial, from Troy Hill road to Spring Garden avenue, 7th ward. Virgin alley, from Cedar avenue or Burke's alley to Liberty, 4th ward. Virginia, from North End avenue to South End avenue, loth ward. Vista, from Madison avenue to Itin, 7th ward. Voegtly, from Lacock northward, 4th ward. Wabash avenue, from Graham's line west to Kountz's line, loth ward. Walker, from Ridge avenue to South avenue, 5th ward. Walker avenue, northeast and southwest, nth ward. Wallace, from Hall northeastwardly, loth ward. Walnut, from River avenue to South Canal, 4th ward. Ward, from Allegheny avenue to Manhattan, 5th ward. Warner, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry. to Evans alley, 6th ward. Warren, from Mary north to Montgomery's line, 12th ward. Washington, from Cedar avenue to Madison avenue, 4th ward. Washington avenue, from Irwin avenue to Ohio river, 2nd and 6th wards. Water alley, from Vinial to Tanner, 7th ward. Wayne, from Brady to Strawberry lane, 6th ward. Webster, from North avenue to Jackson, 2nd ward. West alley, from Ohio to North avenue, 3rd ward. West Canal, from Lacock to Robinson, ist ward. West Diamond, from Stockton avenue to Montgomery avenue, ist and 2nd wards. West End avenue, from Washington avenue to City line, 2nd ward. West Jefferson, from Shields alley to Buena Vista, 2nd ward. West Pearl, from Federal to Race, 2nd ward. West View avenue, from Superior avenue to Woodland avenue, nth ward. Western avenue, from Marion avenue to Beaver avenue, ist, 2nd and 5th wards. Wheeler alley, southwest, nth ward. ^^ Whig alley. In .in Ohio to South Diamond, 4th ward. While Oak alley, from North to Fountain, 3rd ward. Whiston alley, from Ark alley to Sandu.'iky, north of Ohio, 3rd ward. Wicklines lane, from Spring Garden avenue to Troy Hill road, 7th and 13th wards. Wilkins, from P., Ft. W. & C. Ry'. to Ohio river, 9th ward. William, from Ohio to Vinial, 3rd and '^th wards. William, from Schimmer south, nth vard. Willis, from Mary to Maple avenue.^ 7th ward. Wilson, from New Brighton roadffo McKee, loth ward. Wilson avenue, from Perrjsvilkf plank road northward to Topman's line, 2nd ward. Windsor, from Allegheny avei^ue to alley, 5th ward. Wine, from Stack alley sout^^ 7th ward. Winifred, from Margaret tio Strawberry lane, 6th ward. Woodland avenue, from, New Brighton road to West View alley, 10th ward. Woods Run avenue, fiJom McClure avenue to Perrysville plank road, loth and nth wards. Wylie avenue, froni/lrwin avenue east, loth ward. Wylie avenue, froAi Lincoln avenue to New Brighton road, nth ward. Yale, from Ridf^ewood avenue to Rolla, 2nd ward. Youngs alleyyfrom Park way north, then west to Sandusky, 4th ward. /' / / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 313 175