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Walter D. McBryde, in charge of Sub- Nursery at Homestead, Kauai, David Kapihe, Forest Ranger for Tantalus, ASSISTANCE IN FOREST WORK. Attention is called to the fact that the Division of Forestry- stands ready at all times to give advice and assistance to tree planters and forest owners throughout the Territory on all phases of forest work. Upon payment of the traveling expenses, an agent of the Division of Forestry will be sent anywhere within the Territory to examine areas to be planted, following which there will be drawn up a detailed planting plan showing what species should be used and how the trees should be planted to secure the desired results. Owners of planted or native forests desiring advice as to the care and management of their proper- ties can obtain it on similar terms. At the Government Nursery in Honolulu and its sub-stations on the other islands, the Division of Forestry keeps constantly on hand for sale, at cost price, seed and seedlings of the trees most in demand for local planting. Applications for assistance should be addressed to the Superin- tendent of Forestry, Box 207, Honolulu, Hawaii. Territory of Hawaii l'^^^) BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AXD FORESTRY DIVISION OF FORESTRY RALPH S. HOSMER, Superintendent In Cooperation witli tlie FOREST SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HENRY S. GRAVES, Forester EUCALYPTUS CULTURE IN HAWAII By LOUIS MARGOLIN Forest Examiner, Forest Service United States Department of Agriculture HONOLULU: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. 1911 \^' ""> KM 'V-^ s Plate 3. Fig. 1. Blue Gum Stand 8 Years Old. Showing bad effect of wide planting. Fig. 2. Blue Gum Stand 8 Years Old in Need of a Thinning. Kaluanui, Maui. that a Eucalyptus plantation or a windbreak of these trees will sap the moisture from the ground and prevent the growth of agricultural crops or grass in the immediate vicinity. There is no denying that the ground cover in the immediate proximity of a Eucalyptus grove or windbreak is not as luxuriant as it is some distance away from the trees, but observation will show that the damage done is greatly exaggerated. Furthermore, the benefit derived from the tree plantation, either as a windbreak or in other ways, more than compensates for the injury. To reduce the damage from superficially spreading roots, a scheme has been recommended for California which may be of equal value in this Territory. As soon as it is noticed that the roots are spreading too widely, a trench is run 3 or 4 feet deep, parallel to the row of trees, and about 10 feet away from it. This cuts the surface roots. The trench is then immediately refilled to prevent the roots from making their way under the trench. Every two or three years thereafter the trench is re- opened, the surface roots cut and the trench refilled. In this way it is possible, at a small expense, to keep the surface roots of the trees as limited in extent as desired. Another charge that is sometimes brought against Eucalyptus plantations is that the trees pump so much water from the ground as to interfere with springs and small streams by lower- ing the general water table of the soil. This may be true in certain cases, especially in situations where the air is dry. On the other hand, the condensation of air moisture in the humid atmosphere by the tall eucalypts is more than enough to com- pensate for the water used by the tree in its growth. In the fog belt of California where eucalypts are planted the trees are al- most constantly dripping with moisture. At upper Paauhau, on the Island of Hawaii, at an elevation of about 3,000 feet, a grove of blue gum condenses so much moisture from the air that troughs have been placed under the trees to catch the water for domestic purposes. Reproduction. The eucalypts reproduce prolifically both from seed and from sprouts. The trees begin to bear flowers and seed at a very early age, but the first few crops of seed are not fertile. At Umikoa, on the Kukaiau Ranch, on the Island of Hawaii, at an elevation of 3,700 feet, a line of blue gum trees eight years old has naturally seeded up a dry, rocky piece of land. At Olinda, on the Island of Maui, at an elevation of 4,000 feet, a planted 10 line of blue gum 35 years old is surrounded by several acres of younger trees which started from the seed dropped by the plant- ed trees. The young trees are of excellent form and are grow- ing rapidly, the largest being 16 inches or more in diameter and 70 to 80 feet in height. In another place near Ohnda blue gum trees 12 years of age have produced fertile seed. The swamp mahogany (£. robiista) is probably not much in- ferior to the blue gum so far as age of seed bearing is concerned. In Makawao, on the Island of Maui, at an elevation of 3,000 feet, swamp mahogany 20 to 25 years old produced fertile seed which has covered a small rocky ledge with young seedlings. No naturally sown seedlings of other species of Eucalyptus were observed in Hawaii; but this is probably due to the fact that few other species have been planted long enough under such conditions as favor the germination of the seed when dropped from the tree. The seed will not, as a rule, germinate in turf or litter, but requires pure mineral soil. Most of the older eucalypts on the Islands, having been planted for orna- mental purposes, are surrounded by lawns. The ability of Eucalyptus to reproduce itself naturally by seed is unimportant commercially, when compared with its ca- pacity to grow from sprouts (or ratoons). All the trees of this genus reproduce themselves very rapidly from the stump when cut. If injured by cattle, wind, or fire, young shoots are ever ready to take the place of the injured parts. A tree blown down by the wind and partly uprooted will send out numerous shoots from the prostrate trunk, which may eventually form trees of desirable form and quality. A grove of blue gum at Kailiili, on Maui, was planted on a very windy hillside. The trees were spaced 10 by 15 feet, and many were blown down by subsequent storms. From the trunks thus bent to the ground numerous sprouts appeared, forming a comparatively dense growth, which developed into a remarkably good stand of trees. When the trees were about ten years old, the grove was thinned, with the result that the stand is now in excellent producing condition. In this case the wind had a decidedly beneficial effect. However, it is extremely unsafe to depend on the wind as a silvicultural tool, and the instance is mentioned here only to illustrate the wonderful sprouting capacity of blue gum. Other eucalypts than the blue gum have this power to an equal degree. A grove of mixed eucal3^pts, mostly of blue gum and red mahogany (E. resinifcra) at Haiku Hill, on Maui, at an elevation of 500 feet, produced trees 30 to 40 feet high and 3 to 10 inches in diameter in less than three years after the first crop 11 was cut. In this case the red mahogany sprouts showed a more rapid rate of growth than the bkie gum. Trees of blue gum {E. globulus), swamp mahogany, (£. ro- busta) and yate (£. cornuta), cut on Tantalus, near Honolulu, early in December, showed numerous vigorous sprouts in the following April. Red gum {E. rostrata), manna gum {E. vimi- nalis) and other species of eucalypts in California are found to sprout readily after cutting, and there is every reason to believe that most of the other species will sprout equally well. It is this ability of the Eucalyptus to sprout which makes it such a desirable tree for firewood, for as soon as one crop is cut off a new growth of trees takes its place. A ratoon crop nor- mally grows much faster than the original stand for a time, be- cause no time is lost in establishing a root system, the sprouts deriving their nourishment from the roots already in existence. The number of successive crops that may be obtained from one set of trees has never been determined. Groves where five or six successive crops of trees have been cut may be found in Cali- fornia; and in Hawaii, in a grove about half a mile from the Makawao postoffice, on Maui, four or five successive crops of blue gum have been cut without apparently injuring the repro- ductive capacity of the trees. It is not to be presumed, however, that this process can be re- peated indefinitely. Judging by all that we know of other trees, sooner or later the vitality of the present root system will de- cline until eventually sprouts will no longer be produced. Gen- erally speaking, trees from sprouts do not reach dimensions equal to those of seedlings. The time of the year when the trees are cut seems to have a great influence on their sprouting ca- pacity, and it is asserted that trees cut in the summer or late spring will not ratoon readily. All who have had experience in cutting the eucalypts in Hawaii are unanimous in opinion that the rainy season from early November to about the middle of March is the most favorable time for cutting the trees to obtain a good sprout forest, though trees will ratoon if cut in other seasons. ENEMIES. The eucalypts in Hawaii, so far as observed, are remarkably free from insect and fungous enemies. In particularly dry loca- tions and in unusual drought a Eucalyptus plantation may be in danger from fire, since the dry leaves and twigs and the fallen shreds of bark are quite inflammable. The danger from fire is further increased by the rank growth of weeds found in the more 12 widely spaced plantations. The damage done v/ould depend, o£ course, on the intensity of the fire and the age of the trees. A light ground fire in an old grove of trees will cause little injury aside from scorching the bases of the trunks, while even a mod- erately light fire will completely destroy a young plantation. ^ In most cases even a very severe fire will destroy only the portions of the trees above ground, and the roots will then send out a second' crop of sprouts. However, a plantation is always set back by a fire, no matter how light, and every precaution should be taken to guard against fire, especially during unfavorable seasons. In extreme cases it may even be necessary to prohibit trespass through the plantation so as to avoid the danger from unextinguished matches and cigarette and cigar butts. The main precautionary methods to be adopted against fire are close planting to prevent the growth of weeds and brush, care in burning grass on adjoining land, and a fire guard or patrol for a short time during unusually dry and dangerous sea- sons. With a moderate amount of care and vigilance the fire danger should not be a great deterrent to the successful cultiva- tion of Eucalyptus in Hawaii. Cattle, horses and pigs must be kept out of a young tree plan- tation. The animals bite off the young shoots, injure the bark, and trample down the trees without great benefit to themselves, for the Eucalyptus, at best, is but poor fodder, and there is noth- ing gained in letting the animals roam at will in young growth. After the trees have reached some size the harm done is greatly reduced, but even when they are 4 or 5 inches in diameter and 25 or 30 feet high cattle may cause considerable damage by tramping and packing the soil and exposing the roots, especially during the rainy weather, when the soil is wet and easily packed. On some stock ranches in Hawaii eucalypts are planted for the express purpose of furnishing shade to cattle during the hot season, and shelter against rain and cold. Under such circum- stances the value of the trees for timber and fuel is a secondary consideration, and it is only necessary to protect the trees long enough to insure their successful establishment. A cattle-proof fence for the first five or six years will usually accomplish this object. At the end of that time the fence may be taken down and moved to a place where a new plantation is to be established. Where the primary object of a plantation is to raise timber trees, cattle should be kept out until the trees have reached a diameter of a least 4 inches. 13 USES OF EUCALYPTUS. • The main objects in planting trees in Hawaii may be enumer- ated as follows : For the production of fuel, fence posts, lum- ber and timber ; for the protection of watersheds ; for wind- breaks and shade ; for esthetic purposes. It will be found that the various species of eucalyptus are admirably adapted to the .above uses. Not all of the eucalypts are equally well suited to the various purposes for which trees are planted, but among- the long list of species some are best adapted for one use, some for another. A tree which may yield an excellent fuel wood may not rank high as a fence post tree, because its wood may not be durable ; and so with the other uses. The selection of the proper species for the desired purpose will require a knowledge of the ■qualities of the different eucalypts. A brief description of the uses of the leading species is given in the appendix. Fuel. The most immediate need for planting trees in Hawaii is to furnish the extensive plantations with an adequate supply of fuel. The sugar mills are invariably run with the bagasse or cane pulp left after the juice has been pressed out. In a few cases there is a slight excess of cane refuse which is bundled up and used as domestic fuel, but with this unimportant exception all the fuel used for domestic purposes is either wood or coal. The plantations usually agree to furnish their laborers with the necessary shelter and firewood. The fuel thus consumed averages, roughly, about half a cord of wood per person per year, counting not only the laborers, but also their families. With the average population on a plantation figured at 2,000 persons, the annual consumption is about 1,000 cords of wood. The present price of cordwood delivered at the plantation va- ries from about $5.50 per cord for kiawe or algaroba and young blue gum to $12.00 or more per cord for slabs of ohia lehua, the fuel value of the latter being ranked very high. The fuel ex- pense to the average plantation amounts, therefore, to at least $5,500, and may run as high as $10,000 per year. On some plan- tations it is impossible to obtain wood at a reasonable price, and the laborers are supplied with coal or oil for fuel. The problem of obtaining an adequate fuel supply is therefore of great im- portance to the plantations, and deserves careful consideration, for it must be remembered that the price of wood is constantly rising:. 14 There are a number of trees grown on the Islands which yield good fuel wood, notably the ironwoods {Casuarina) , the black wattle {Acacia decurrens), and silk oak {Grevillea robusta)'. Many of the eucalypts, however, are superior to the above-men- tioned trees not only in their actual fuel value but also because they can grow in places and at elevations where the other trees can not thrive, and especially because of the ease with which the eucalypts reproduce themselves by sprouts, or ratoons. With a reasonable amount of care in cutting down the trees, one plant- ing of Eucalyptus should suffice for an indefinite number of crops of fuel wood, while with many other trees it may be neces- sary to replant the area each time the trees are cut. Further- more, in a properly-grown Eucalyptus forest, the fuel wood may be obtained as a by-product by thinning out the main stand, or from the tops and branches of trees cut for more useful pur- poses, such as poles, lumber, etc., while in many of the other trees planted, fuel wood is the main crop. If for no other rea- son than its rapid rate of growth. Eucalyptus should receive favorable attention as a fuel wood. Of the more common eucalypts the following four species are considered of high fuel value: Red box (E. polyanthcmos), leather jacket {E. puncfafa), red gum (E. rostrata), and red ironbark (E. sideroxylon) . The common species of Eucalyptus planted in Hawaii, namely, blue gum (E. globulus), swamp mahogany (E. robusta), red mahogany {E. resinifcra), and lemon-scented gum {E. cifriodora), though all furnishing good fuel wood, are inferior in this respect to the eucalypts mentioned above. In all cases the heartwood is of higher fuel value than the sapwood, and for this reason young trees, which have a high per cent, of sap, yield but indifferent firewood. Fence Posts and Ties. Next to the need for fuel the greatest need for wood on the Islands is for fence posts and ties. A considerable proportion of the fence posts and almost all the railroad ties used in the Territory are at present imported from the coast, at a cost aver- aging about 30 cents per post and 60 to 75 cents per tie. There is no reason why the demand for this material should not be supplied locally. Many of the eucalypts, because of the great durability of their wood when in contact with the soil, are well suited for ties and posts. The following species deserve especial attention in this respect: White mahogany (E. acmenoides), bloodwood {E. corymbosa), Victoria gum (£. leiicoxylon). 15 jarrah (£. marginata), leather jacket (E. punctata), red ma- hogany (E. resinifera), and gray gum (£. tereticornis). Of the other commonly planted species, red gum (£. rostrata), swamp mahogany {E. robusta) , and blue gum (£. globulus), in the order mentioned, will last in the ground well, provided the heartwood is used, and provided the wood is allowed to sea- son for some time before it is used. In a number of instances Eucalyptus, especially blue gum as well as ironwood, has been used for fence posts and ties with poor results, it being found that the wood went to pieces at the end of three or four years. In almost every case this was due to the fact that young green saplings, consisting mainly of sap- wood, had been used. All woods last longer after they are sea- soned, and the heartwood is almost invariabl}^ superior to the sapwood in this respect. No wood should therefore be con- demned until after the seasoned wood of fairly old trees has been tried. The kind of soil and its moisture content have also a decided influence on the durability of the wood. Lumber and Timber. The greatest value of the eucalypts lies in the general useful- ness of their timber which, with the gradual disappearance of the American hardwoods, is becoming of ever greater import- ance. Among the eucalypts may be found some of the most valuable timber in the world, though the species differ in the strength, weight and durability of their woods. The timber and lumber can be used for general construction purposes, for wharves, bridges, tunnels, mining shafts, culverts, street paving blocks, flooring, interior finish, furniture, car construction, wheelwright work, wagon construction, tool handles, cooperage, and, in brief, for all purposes for which hardwoods are ordi- narily employed. In addition to fuel wood, posts and ties, the chief demand for wood in Hawaii is for general construction purposes, for flume and tunnel timbers and for piling and wharf construction. There are a number of eucalypts admirably suited for these purposes. The three species considered of the highest value in Australia for construction purposes and for general all-around timber are the jarrah (£. marginata), the karri {E. diversicolor) , and the tooart {E. goniphocephala) . In addition to the above the white mahogany {E. acmenoides) and the flooded gum {E. saligna) are of the highest value for general construction, while the fol- lowing eucalypts are excellent for general saw timber: Sugar 16 gum (£. corynocalyx), blackbutt (£. pihdaris), and red ma- hogany (£. resinifera). The jarrah and the red mahogany are especially highly esteemed for furniture. The blue gum (£. globulus), and the swamp mahogany (£. rohusta), and the lemon-scented gum (£. citriodora) are good all-around timber trees, but they are inferior to the trees mentioned above. The blackbutt and the blue gum are especially liable to warp and twist unless carefully seasoned, and are objectionable for this reason. The blue gum {E. globulus), the jarrah (£. margin- ata), and the red mahogany (£. resinifera) are especially well adapted for wharves and piling because they resist to a large extent the attack of the teredo, which destroys many other kinds of timber. A more complete table of the uses of wood of the various eu- calypts may be found in the Appendix. Watershed Protection. An abundant and regular flow of water is essential to the successful raising of crops in Hawaii, since, in spite of heavy rainfall in certain localities in the Islands, a large proportion of the cultivated land is under irrigation. Many of the richest sugar cane fields are absolutely dependent on an adequate supply of water during the dry season. There are few places in the world where the relation between forests and waterflow is so intimate as it is in certain parts of Hawaii. Because of the climatic conditions, the physiographic features, and the geologic formation prevailing here the destruc- tion of the forest, especially on the steeper slopes and at the higher elevations, is almost immediately followed by a marked decrease in surface run-off during dry seasons, while in heavy rains the water runs down in torrents, washing and gulleying the mountain sides. The native forest which once covered the mountains with its numerous ferns, moss, vines and brush, was an ideal watershed protection, acting as a sponge in catching the rain and retaining the water for a long time. No matter how diy the air, the floor of the forest was always damp and the springs were always full. In many places, however, the forest maintained itself with great difficulty; and in consequence of the introduction by the white man of cattle, Hilo grass, lantana and other animals and obnoxious plants the native forest is rapidly disappearing and the denudation of the mountain slopes is becoming more and more serious. A systematic artificial reforestation of denuded slopes on im- Plate 4. Fig. 1. Eucalypts Not Yet 4 Years Old, Kailiili, Maui. Swamp Mahogany on the right, Blue Gum on the left. Pig. 2. Eight Year Old Blue Gums with a Dense Stand of Lantana and Guava, Kaluanvii, Maui. Plate 5. A Sprout Forest on Maui, Eucalyptus resinifera. 17 portant watersheds is already receiving attention, and the in- terest in this work will become more marked as time goes on. Planting trees to protect watersheds will be considered by many to be more important than planting them for lumber and fuel production, though under proper management one forest may be made to serve both purposes. Many eucalypts are well suited for the purpose of water protection if planted closely together or if under-planted with some undergrowth to afford protection to the soil. A properly-managed Eucalyptus protection forest should pay for itself in course of time. Other Uses. Because of their rapid growth, flexible trunks, and ability to grow in exposed situations, a number of the eucalypts make ex- cellent windbreaks, deflecting the wind upward and thus exert- ing their influence for a comparatively long distance. The plant- ing of Eucalyptus groves to protect cattle has already been men- tioned. In California the eucalypts are extensively planted to protect orange groves and other fruit orchards from blasting winds. In Hawaii, especially at the lower elevations, the iron- wood (Casuarina equisetifolia) is a better windbreak tree than most of the eucalypts, because of its ability to grow on sandy soils, to stand the salt ocean spray, and to form straight trunks un'der conditions extremely adverse to the growth of other trees. At higher elevations, where the ironwoods do not thrive. Eucalyptus was found to be advisable. The following species are considered particularly wind resistant: messmate {E. amyg- dalina), sugar gum (E. corynocalyx) , and swamp gum (E. rudis). In California swamp mahogany (E. robusta) is con- sidered to be a poor tree for windy situations because of its liability to breakage. In Hawaii, however, it is found to grow well in the most windy localities and apparently thrives in places where no other trees can exist. The blue gum (E. globulus) will grow in windy situations, but when growing under such conditions the trees are crooked and twisted, and (although valuable to some extent for a windbreak) the trees are therefore not good for timber. From the fact that the eucalypts are evergreen, they are ex- cellent shade trees for ornamental planting, and if properly grouped present a very pleasing appearance. The lemon-scent- ed gum (E. citriodora), with its tall trunk and slender, often pendulous branches, deserves special mention for ornamental purposes. Blue gum is an effective tree if grown in a clump or 18 grove. Messmate {E. aniygdalina) is particularly valuable as a shade and ornamental tree, not only because of its attractive form but also because it exhales a delicious fragrance. The scarlet-flowered gum (E. Hcifolia) is a favorite ornamental tree on account of its beautiful red flowers. The orange-flowered gum (£. calophylla) , red gum {E. rostrata) and sugar gum (£. corynocalyx) are also valuable shade trees. The blue gum is sometimes called the fever tree and has been used successfully to improve the health conditions in the swampy places around Rome. Messmate is frequently planted on hospital and sani- tarium grounds. From the leaves and young twigs of the eucalypts are distilled many different kinds of oil, which are used as non-poisonous antiseptics, for perfumery, and for scenting soap. An extract made by steeping the leaves of Eucalyptus, particularly blue gam, in water is used for bathing in the treatment of certain skin diseases. The medicinal properties are probably more ame- liorative than curative in their effect. Some of the oils are the best known solvents for amber and other gums, and are there- fore of particular value for the manufacture of high-grade var- nishes. The distillation of eucalyptol and other oils is a growing industry in Australia and California, though the market for these products is rather limited. ESTABLISHING A EUCALYPTUS PLANTATION, CHOICE OF SPECIES. The first point to be considered in establishing a plantation is to decide what species to grow. With the long list of eucalypts available there is a wide choice, and the selection is not an easy matter. The species selected must depend on two considera- tions : first, the purpose for which the trees are grown, and, sec- ond, the physical conditions under which the trees are expected to grow — that is, the soil, elevation, climate, etc. With soil and climate conditions as variable as they are in Hawaii, even in the same locality, no general rules as to species can be given. This is particularly true in view of the fact that few of the eucalypts have been grown here for any length of time, and most of the planting must therefore still be in the nature of an experiment. The species best suited for different uses have already been mentioned, and the various trees best adapted to the different physical factors have also been discussed. With these as a guide it should be possible to decide in a general way what trees to plant in a given place and for a given purpose. 19 Three species of Eucalyptus have so far been grown in Ha- waii with signal success. Blue gum {E. globulus), in general, has been found to do excellently at elevations higher than 1,000 feet above sea level, reaching its best development and most rapid growth at elevations between 3,000 and 4,500 feet, espe- cially on the windward side. Red mahogany {E. resinifera) has been found to grow well at elevations between 500 and 1,500 feet. Swamp mahogany {E. robusta) grows well in almost any place and thrives on poor soils and in windy situations, and un- der conditions which few other eucalypts can endure. It pre- fers, however, low, swampy land and elevations below 2,000 feet. Lemon-scented gum (£. citriodora) also calls for mention here. At Paauhau, in the Hamakua district on Hawaii, at an elevation of 1,600 feet, lemon-scented gum 20 years old is doing well, and it also thrives at lower elevations. Red mahogany (E. resinifera) is of the greatest commercial value, and is one of the best all-around eucalypts that can be grown. The other three species, though not of the highest value, are very desirable trees, and the blue gum is particularly rapid in rate of growth. No serious mistake can be made in planting these trees. Experimental planting to ascertain the suitability of other eucalypts to various conditions and localities is greatly to be desired, but it would be wise to confine planting on a com- mercial scale to the above species until results of the experi- mental planting undertaken in the last five years become ap- parent. To be of the greatest value, most of the experimental plant- ing should be in pure groves — that is, groves consisting of only one species, of at least one acre each. Planting on a commer- cial scale also should be pure rather than mixed, unless expert knowledge is available to utilize the different site qualities for different species of trees and to regulate the future reproduc- tion of the forest. Mixed forests, on the whole, are desirable, but they require more skilled management than forests of only one species. NURSERY METHODS. Two methods of growing trees are in general practice : first, growing the young trees in beds in the nursery and transplant- ing them directly to the ground where they are to grow ; second, growing the seedlings in flats or boxes and eventually transplant- ing the trees in pots or bags of one kind or another. In the first case the soil is carefully prepared in beds in the nursery, the beds being usually three to four feet wide and as long as desir- 20 able. The seed is planted directly on these beds. In Hawaii this method has been found to give satisfactory results only in localities favorable to tree growth, at elevations of 2,000 feet or more, and where there is an abundant rainfall. It has proved particularly successful in the nursery of the Maui Agricultural Company, Kailiili, at an elevation of about 2,500 feet. In less favorable situations the seedlings as a rule are grown in boxes or flats of convenient size, usually 12 x 18 inches and 3 to 4 inches deep. In either case the soil in the seed bed should be light and friable, so that the seedlings may be readily trans- planted. A garden loam mixed with an equal quantity of sand and put through a sieve with a mesh as fine as coarse mosquito netting is the best. The soil is first made smooth ; then the seed is scattered evenly over the surface and pressed down lightly with a piece of board to imbed it in the soil, after which it is covered with a thin layer of pure sand or finely-sifted soil to a depth approximately equal to the thickness of the seed. To pre- vent the growth of weeds in the seed-bed, it is often desirable to sterilize both the soil and the sand. The seed will sprout and the young shoots will appear above ground in from three to ten days. The soil should be watered and kept moist with a very fine sprinkler, held close to the seed-- bed. Unless great care, is taken in watering, the seed may be washed out and the tender stems of the young trees broken by the force of the falling water. If the soil is kept too wet, the trees will be killed by a fungus disease known as "damping-ofif." This disease is most serious during times when there is little evaporation taking place, as on damp, cloudy days and during still, warm evenings. Very little watering should therefore be done on cloudy days, and even on clear days the sprinkling should take place in the morning. For the first few weeks of their life the young seedlings are injured by excessive heat and light, and it is necessary to pro- tect them from the direct rays of the midday sun. Various de- vices are in use for shading the beds or boxes of seedlings, lath houses and lath screens being the most common. The lath in the screens are spaced their own width apart, and the screens are so arranged that they can be readily moved. If a lath house is used, the various panels composing the lath house are made removable. This is necessary because the screens must be moved in cloudy and humid weather in order to prevent "damping-ofif" in excess shade. In many nurseries in Hawaii the shade afford- ed by the large trees growing about the nursery is sufficient to protect the young seedlings, and no lath screens are necessary. 21 The seed boxes must not, however, be kept directly under the big trees, where the seedlings would be injured by the drip from the leaves. When the seedlings grow to be two or three inches high, they are transplanted in the nursery. This is done in order to give the young trees more room for growth and to encourage the de- velopment of a strong root system. The little trees are taken out from the seed boxes or beds and are set out either in other beds in the nursery or in other boxes. In transplanting, the trees, as a rule, are spaced about two inches apart, the ordinary box or flat containing 100 trees. The holes for the transplants are usually made with a small cylindrical stick or with the finger, and great care must be taken to spread out the roots in the holes and to press the soil around them. The roots should not be ex- posed to the air any more than is absolutely necessary, and the work of transplanting should be done during cloudy weather when there is little danger of the roots drying up and dying. After the trees have been transplanted they should be watered well and shaded from the sun. The trees are left in the nursery until they are from eight to fourteen inches in height, when they are ready to be set out in the place where they are to grow. An extremely efficient but somewhat more expensive method of raising young trees is to transplant them in the nursery into pots, bags or bottomless tin cans, about 4 or 5 inches deep and 2 to four inches wide, before they are set out in the ground where they are to grow. The pots are usually made of hollow sections of bamboo or of ti leaves (Cordylina tenninalis), while the bags are made from fertilizer sacks. They are left in the nursery for two months or more and are then set in the ground, the pot or bag eventually rotting aAvay, and the trees soon be- coming well established in their home. METHODS OF PLANTING. Clearing the Land. The heaviest expense in planting forest in Hawaii is entailed in clearing the land of the rank growth of Hilo grass, guava and lantana, which is often six feet or more in height. The ground cover is frequently so heavy that any attempt to grow trees with- out first getting rid of it is absolutely futile. Three methods of preparing the ground are in general vogue, as follows : 1. Where the ground cover is very tall and heavy, where sufficient money for proper planting is available, where the area 22 to be planted is not extensive, or where the ground cover is very Hght, consisting mostly of grass, the entire area is cleared with a scythe, cane knife, brush-hook or ax. 2. Where the above conditions do not exist, instead of clear- ing the entire area, only alternate strips are cleared wide enough to allow the trees planted in these strips room for growth and development, while the ground cover on the intermediate strips is left untouched. 3. Where the ground cover is not very heavy, the land is cleared only in patches immediately around the holes where the trees are to be set out, the space cleared depending on the na- ture of the cover and the kind of trees planted. A circle three to four feet in diameter is usually sufificient. Transplanting Seedlings. The method of transporting the seedlings from the nursery to the place where they are to be planted depends mainly on the way the trees were raised in the nursery and on the nature of the road or trail between the nursery and the plantation. In one place on the Island of Hawaii the seedlings are raised in large flats about 6 or 7 feet square, and when the trees are 2^ to 3 inches high the soil in the flats is thoroughly moistened and the trees and soil are transferred into smaller boxes about 3 by 4 feet. Two of these boxes are then hung on a pole and so carried by Chinese laborers to the plantation. When the transplant seedlings are grown directly in the nur- sery beds, it is customary to take them up, dip the roots in a very thick puddle, wrap the lower parts of the trees in wet gunny sacks, and load them on mules, which can transport them in this manner for comparatively long distances without injury. If the transplants are groAvn in flats or boxes, it is usual to load as many flats as possible on bullock, horse or mule wagons and so transport them. Pack saddles specially devised for carrying seedling boxes are also in use. After the land is cleared of the undesirable ground cover, three methods are in common use for preparing the holes to re- ceive the trees : 1. The land is plowed one or more times and the holes are dug in the plow furrows with a kipikua or mattock. 2. The land is not plowed, but circular holes are dug 1^ to 2 feet in diameter and the soil is loosened to a depth of 10 to 18 inches. 23 3. Where the dimate and soil conditions are favorable for tree growth and the nature of the cover will permit it, the land is not plowed and no holes are dug. The land is simply broken with a kipikua or mattock, the tree is set in the slit, and the soil is pressed back around the tree. Spacing the Trees. The question of spacing the trees properly is a very important one, and deserves close attention, since the success of the plan- tation for the purpose for which it was intended may depend on the distance apart at which the trees were set out. Wide spacing favors diameter growth and wide branching, while close spacing stimulates good height growth, favors the development of straight trunks free from branches, decreases the danger from windfall, and interferes with the growth of weeds and obnox- ious undergrowth. If, however, the trees are planted too close together, proper growth is interfered with and the trees tend to become tall and spindling. Between these two extremes there is what may be termed an optimum spacing, which will result in the most desirable height and form of a tree as well as in the best diameter growth. Such spacing utiHzes the land to the greatest advantage. If trees are to be grown in windy situations, it is essential that they should be planted close together, the spacing recommended being 5 by 5 or at most 5 by 6. In case of exposure to very strong winds, or if the planting is done in a narrow strip, still closer spacing may be desirable, depending on the number of rows of trees planted. Spacing the trees 3 feet apart may not be too close if only one row of trees is planted ; if two, three or four rows are planted, the trees may be set out 4 feet apart, placing the trees in the alternate rows in the middle of the space between the trees in the immediately adjacent rows. Wide spac- ing in windy situations will result not only in poor growth but in a high percentage of windfall. The purpose for which the planting is done will also have to be taken into consideration in deciding on the proper spacing of the trees. A grove planted to shelter cattle will be much wider spaced than one established primarily for the purpose of grow- ing the best quality of lumber or for watershed protection. In general, it has been found that most of the planting done in Ha- waii has been too widely spaced. If there is any doubt as to proper spacing, it is better to set out the trees too closely than too wide apart, especially in the more windy situations, for if it 24 is found eventuall}^ that the spacing is too close the stand may be thinned and the trees cut used for fuel or for other purposes. On the other hand, if it is found that the trees have been planted too wide apart, it is difficult, and often impossible, to plant ad- ditional trees and make them grow in the shade of the trees al- ready established. • It is better to plant a small area properly than to spread an insufficient number of trees over a large area. While it is risky to lay down hard and fast rules, the follow- ing general guide may be used in spacing blue gum. Trees on good soil and in favorable situations can stand wider spacing than groves on poor soils and grown in unfavorable situations. For a windbreak or shelter belt, plant the trees 3 to 5 feet apart, depending on the width of the belt. For the production of clear lumber and good quality of tim- ber, plant the trees 6 by 6 feet apart. In especially windy situ- ations or in very poor soils the spacing may be 5 by 5 or 5 by 6 feet. For the production of fuel, plant the trees 6 by 8 or 8 by 8 feet. For sheltering cattle from the hot sun or from wind and cold, space the trees 9 by 9 or 10 by 10 feet. When undergrowth is dense and it is desirable to get rid of it, plant the trees 5 by 5 to 5 by 6 feet. For watershed protection, plant the trees 6 by 6 or 6 by 8 feet. If the trees are to be underplanted by a shrub, they may be spread 8 by 8 or 8 by 10 feet. TENDING THE GROVE. Fertilising, Irrigating and Cultivating. In their seedling stage almost all the eucalypts respond readily to soil fertilization and cultivation. In a particular plantation at Waipio, Island of Oahu, at an elevation of 1,000 feet, blue gum (E. globulus) eight months old showed a maximum height growth of 20 feet, while ten other species of eucalypts growing on the same plantation and treated in the same way all showed greatly stimulated growth as compared with the same species growing on an adjoining plantation, apparently under similar conditions, but not fertilized and not cultivated. Stable manure is the best for this purpose, though ordinary commercial fertihzer similar to the kind used in cane fields and pineapple plantations can be used with great advantage. It is very doubtful, however, Plate 6. Fig. 1. Sprouts, Blue Gum Forest. Kaluanui, Maui. Two years old. Fig. 2. Natural Reproduction of Blue Gum. Olinda. Maui. 25 whether it would pay to fertihze trees grown for commercial purposes. When grown in particularly dry localities, or if there should happen to come an extended drought immediately after the trees are planted, it may be necessary to resort to artificial irrigation in order to save the plantation. Where water is available and irrigation is inexpensive, the additional growth of the young trees due to artificial watering will more than make up for the expense involved. As a rule, however, irrigation is probably impracticable for commercial Eucalyptus plantations. Because of the rank weed growth in most places in Hawaii it is usually necessary to cultivate one or more times or cut back the grass and weeds in recently established tree plantations. This may be done with a scythe or a hoe, or an ordinary culti- ator may be used where the trees are planted sufficiently far apart. At the end of the first year, after the trees are 5 or 6 feet high, they can take care of themselves and as a rule need no other attention, except that they must be protected against fire and cattle, as has already been described. Thmning. If the trees are planted close enough together, they will make a rapid height growth, each tree endeavoring to overtop the others to a sufficient amount of light. As a result height growth is made at the expense of increase in diameter. In this struggle of the trees to obtain a sufficient amount of light a point is soon reached when certain trees fall too far behind, become over- topped, suppressed, and stunted and become a hindrance to the better and more vigorous trees. It is then a good -plan to cull out the suppressed trees in order to give the better individuals a chance to grow in diameter. This process of cutting out the poor trees is known as a thinning. The first thinning in a blue gum forest grown for timber or poles may be made, as a rule, when the plantation is seven to nine years old, the vigorous or dominant trees at that, time being 7 to 12 inches in diameter and 40 to 60 feet high. The rule for thinning stands is to thin lightly and to thin often. If too many trees are taken out at one time and the stand is opened up too much the remaining trees will begin to branch, the danger from windfall is increased, the ground may dry out, and weeds and grass may come in. As a rule the crown cover of the forest should not be broken more than can be filled by the growth of the remaining trees within three or four years. Ten to fifteen 26 per cent, of the total number of trees may be taken out in the first thinning. In addition to the suppressed trees, poor-shaped,, forked, and diseased trees should be taken. At the time the first thinning is made about 200 or 250 of the best developed and most promising trees on each acre are se- lected for the final crop. The trees surrounding these selected individuals are not all cut, but are thinned out sufficiently to give the crown of each selected tree a chance to spread slightly. This operation is repeated as often as the space thus provided becomes filled by the growth of the crowns. If this is done carefully, a final stand of 200 or 250 large, well-formed trees is obtained. The material obtained from thinnings may be used for fuel,, and the trees cut in the later thinnings may even be large enough for fence posts or for railroad ties. In most cases the wood thus obtained should bring more than enough to pay for the cost of cutting the trees, and the benefit to the trees of the main crop is thus obtained free of cost or even at a profit. CUTTING THE FOREST. Age. A forest crop differs from an ordinary agricultural crop in that there is a wide choice in the time when the forest crop may be harvested. Whether a forest is ripe enough to be cut or not is in most cases a purely financial consideration, and not a mat- ter of simple judgment as in the case of a farm crop. The standing trees in the forest may be considered as capital, and the yearly growth of the trees as the interest on the capital. Considered from a purely financial point of view, whenever this growth (or interest) falls below the rate which may be earned by the money into which the timber can be converted, the forest should be cut. Thus, if the trees grow in value. at the rate of 6 per cent, per year while money is worth 8 per cent., and the trees can be cut and sold, there is a loss entailed in letting the forest grow. This consideration, however, does not definitely deter- mine when the trees should be cut. It simply indicates the age beyond which it is unprofitable to let the forest grow. To find the proper rotation — that is, the age at which the trees should be cut, it is necessary to know the value of the tree at different ages, all the items entering into the cost of producing the crop, and the rate of interest demanded on the money invested. This, in turn, involves the construction of yield tables showing the 27 contents and value of the forest at different periods of its growth. Unfortunately, there are not enough groves in Hawaii of the necessary age to be used for the construction of yield tables, and all that can be done at the present time is to indicate in a general way the age at which the Eucalyptus plantation may be cut. It should be remembered that the first few years in the life of a tree are spent in forming roots and crown, during which time very little merchantable wood is grown. In the case of the rapid-growing blue gum, this period covers at least five or six years, and it is only at the end of that time that it begins to pro- duce valuable wood. To cut the trees at that time is like draw- ing out money deposited in a bank just before the interest on it becomes due. Therefore, if it is at all possible to avoid it, no young trees should be cut. As a tree grows in age and size, the percentage of sapwood decreases rapidly and the lumber becomes more valuable. Fur- ther than as determined by this general principle, the age of the trees to be cut must depend on the purpose for which the wood is to be used. If fuel wood is the main crop, the trees may be cut in rotations of eight or nine years, but it must be remember- ed that sapwood makes poor fuel and that the young trees there- fore make inferior firewood. If fence posts are desired, the plantation may be cut when the majority of the trees are 10 to 13 inches in diameter or larger. The stand at that time would be nine to twelve years of age. If railroad ties or telephone and telegraph poles are to be the main consideration, the trees should be at least 15 or 16 inches in diameter measured 4^ feet from the ground. The stand would then be 12 to 20 years of age, according to the locality. If the forest is grown for the production of wharf piles, lum- ber or large timbers, it is best to keep the trees for at least 25 or 30 years, at which time, if grown on favorable situations, the trees may be more than 20 inches in diameter and 100 feet high. Methods. If a second crop is expected, it is necessary to take certain precautions when cutting the first stand of trees. The ability of the stumps to ratoon has already been discussed, and it was mentioned that the time of the year when the trees are cut has a decided influence on their sprouting capacity, the months from November to March being the most favorable in this respect. 28 Whenever possible the trees should be cut with a saw. If they are cut with an ax, the choppers should be cautioned against leaving ragged stumps unable to shed water. To prevent still further the collection of moisture, the stumps should be cut slantwise, sloping away from the center like the roof of a house. Low stumps are preferable to high ones, first because more wood is utilized, and second because it gives the young sprouts a chance to establish independent root systems of their own in case the old stump should rot away. GROWTH AND YIELD OF EUCALYPTUS. Most of the eucalypts are rapid-growing trees, and of these the blue gum {E. globulus) is the most rapid. A distinction must here be made between a rapid-growing tree and a persist- ently-growing tree. Many eucalypts make very fast growth in the first few years of their life, but slacken the rate of growth in about eight or ten years. Such trees make an excellent show- ing in a young plantation, but are often a disappointment later on. Blue gum is both fast growing and fairly persistent. The following table, prepared from notes taken in various parts of Hawaii, shows in a general way the size of blue gum trees at different ages and grown under different conditions. Particular attention is called to the trees fourteen years of age growing at Umikoa, on the Island of Hawaii. The growth made by this small clump of trees compares favorably with trees grown under the best conditions in California : 29 ^ g t^ ::3 pq IW o O tn o • fH O o o o o o pj « as 03 tD 03 ^ 03 03 03 c3 o3 03 -< 03 P^ P^ -4^ Ph r^ ft ft ft ft ft ft ft OQ 02 CO o m m CO m m GQ CQ 0) ^ 4^' 4^ -1^ -iJ !h +^ -(J +^ ■i^ ■^ -(J =H +2 03 w -(-^ r^ -^J cd a;) 03 a» rl 0^ ' cS rr! rt rt: '-' w cS rt c3 ^ S i^ 03 ^ 03 . s s «= 03 • o3 X hH CO 1-H ..h^ H W pq H H H o ^ .2-S ^ 1;^ o 2 i=! oo .S i^ o a o p^ H o3 03 ' 03 O C -^ O ;«! 03 ^ ^ 03 -4J to o I— 1 Hamakua, No regula Wainiea; \ •rH "S 03 'ft 2 Is s 03 o 1-1 o I— t S CO © Is 03 o o 03 03 03 03 ft «■ Tfl =H 03 'tn 1 sue • iH s O 03 "3 03 03 fH ^ ^ ^ ■§" M g K W W M W 03 iH O 03 I 00 Oi M OQ '^^ 00 cq t- iq t~ 00 [odoirHTiHI^IocOt-^OxlHOOCQ I— li— liHCQOQCMCOCOCO^ bo • cqiOT-HOrHtocooai-Hi— icqci I to CD 00 o oi T#' t>^ o CO CO ci od id rHi— li— li— IWOaOClNCOCO CO oQ ll— I 1 — 1 —Feet, ith bark ^ m " to t-^ << Hi -^ ^ H ^ o > ^ (p to 03 '-' S O "^ ^^ •OOOQlqCNJi-j^OOCOOltO-^MCO ; CO ^ id «3 00 O ci ^' l>^ (35 od LO 00 pH 1— li-|i-(rHi— ICJCgCMCO 'i-Hi-HrH'sHOllq^lOOOO'TlCi^OS ! od CO -^ »d CO oo' o 03 '^ t-^ oj 1-! ^ CO I— li-lrHi-1i-IO3CNI0Cl Oq_,'^05cq-<#iraiqc53coo5Coio-*incDco ^ o i-H od oo ^' id t-^ oo' o od -^ CO aj cs > COt^COOOOOvlTt< ' r-i od Co" '^' id CD CCl CD iH b~ lO |"g^C 1=1 'pq 32 To construct the above table 415 felled trees were measured, the diameter being taken at intervals of eight feet along the stem of the tree. The volume of each tree was then computed and the data were plotted on cross-section paper, curves drawn, and the figures for the table read from these curves. The volume of the stump and of the top of the tree was not included. The stump as a rule was 6 to 12 inches high and the top was the portion of the tree above a point where the diameter outside the bark was less than two inches. Big limbs or branches were in- cluded if the diameter at the small end of an eight-foot section measured two inches or more. The volume table can not be safely used to measure the volume of single trees. The more trees measured, the closer the average volume will approach the values given in the table. The diam- eter of the trees refers to the diameter outside the bark, mea- sured at a point 4J/2 feet above the ground. This is known as the breast-high diameter. Volume tables for yate (£. cornuta) and for swamp mahog- any {E. robiista), based on diameter measurements alone, are given in the Appendix. To convert the volume of a tree in cubic feet to its equivalent in cords it was assumed that on the average 90 cubic feet of solid wood will equal one cord of 128 cubic feet. The values of Table II were, therefore, divided by 90. The resulting Table III shows the volume of different sized trees expressed in deci- mals of a cord. 33 g CO 'i »^ •iHOMOOi-Ht^^NOCOOO ■ oii^coiooioacoocooocot- • C3rHT— II— liHCTWCOCOCO'*^ 'OOO^H-i— li— irHcaoacvicococo ■co^ooocii— loaooNOQi— lOcgTtico 'CO^lOt^OSi— ICOCOCJICvllOCCr--* ■ oooooi-Hi—ir— ti— icooacococo H tCt 03 Hi -j:^ © AJ •1 — 1 •1 — 1 Ph u\ EH X ^ ■J H ri3 ^ m ^ ■s-^ bXI < t) W fl fH hI Q r-< •CacO^CDt^OlrHCOvOGOi— iTjHt-Ol ■C5C30000I— li— Ir- 1"— ICQOaOJCM o ^10O00t~C0OC0i— lOlOOOiOCOi— 105 ' O,— Ir-HOJCOlCraOOCii— ICOCDOOOM I niC200000000i— It— ItHi— l. (M 05 t^ o o T-i 1-1 cq o o o o o § =« ^ 53 -(J p^ O • • • iD CQ ... (V) ^ 6 M P ^ H H P^ 03 c5 • . . O • . . o • : ! ^ ■73 . O 03 t> - . . C) O 03 «^ 00 _ . . • Kj-) Q P< o Q d ■ : ■ ^ ■ • ■ r\) ® fl o ■ O O ■ ; O O : o f^ ?-< ■ c\) S • 7-^ 03 ID ^ -"t" Ph «^ O 1=) g ^c\i '. ! c =3 5n tM . . «^ o o . . • 03 fl =* o o . . O f-i CS t. On t"^ . . •^ Ph ^ r4 !=l O |il1 % llll u <\1 (V) '^SO o3 o o o s 03l 0\ Os 0\ 0\ ^ s s s s 44 A map of the forest, showing the location of the trees, the time when the trees were set out, and the number planted, is almost indispensable. The map is particularly desirable in case of a Eucalyptus plantation, because, if track is once lost of the- trees planted, many species can not be identified until the trees, begin to bear flowers and seed, which often takes several years, and even at that time it will frequently require the services of an expert botanist. The attached diagram (Plate 9) shows the manner in which a simple map of the plantations may be made- without much effort. The suggested form for keeping records,, as well as the attached map, are intended merely as guides, and there is no doubt that many of the plantation managers can de- vise better plans of their own. The form of record is not im- portant, but only that a record should be kept. SCALE 3 I'nc/res = /.OOOfsef SAMPLE MAP OF EUC/ILypTU5 PLA^/TAT/ON Plate 9. APPENDIX 48 Timber valuable for spokes, tool handles, and is taking the place of hickory. E. capitellata, Smith. Brown stringybark. Tree occasionally 200 feet but usually not more than 50 feet Tiigh and 2 to 2y2 feet in diameter. Prefers moist soils. Wood tough, strong and durable ; splits very readily. Used rfor shingles, fuel and rough construction. E. citriodora, Hook. Lemon-scented gum. A rapid growing tree sometimes 125 feet high and 4 feet in 'diameter. Rapid growing. Wood flexible, strong and durable. Used instead of hickory dn coach factories. E. cordaia, Labill. A tree rarely more than 50 feet high. Uses of wood none. E. coriacea, A. Cunn. White gum. A medium sized tree, rarely 75 to 100 feet high and 3 to 5 . •feet in diameter. Tree can not stand drought. Very hardy to -climate and probably suitable to high elevations. Wood soft, fairly durable in the ground, splits well but is "brittle and warps easily. Good fuel; occasionally used for fence -posts. E. cornuta, Labill. Yate. A large tree in its native home but is apt to be spreading and "branchy. Endures much rain. Prefers rich moist soil, but will grow in poor soil. Wood heavy, hard, tough and elastic. L^sed for shafts and wagon work. E. corymhosa, Smith. Bloodwood. A tree occasionally 100 to 150 feet high, but usually much •smaller and sometimes stunted and shrubby. Tree unsuited for lumber on account of kino or gum which it contains. Wood lasts well under ground and is valuable for fence posts even when the tree is young. Not very good for fuel 'except in furnaces. Plate 10. Eucalyptus Forest on Tantalus. . 49 E. corynocalyx, F. v M. Sugar gum. • - A tree of good timber form reaching a height of from 50 to 100 feet, and a diameter of from 5 to 6 feet. It is of slower growth than bhie gum but is a persistent grower. One of the most drought enduring trees, but prefers moisture. One of the best all around trees. Timber straight and even grained, durable in contact with the soil. Lumber does not warp much in drying. One of the strongest eucalypts ; the seasoned wood is better than the best grade of second-growth hickory. E. crebra^ F. v M. Narrow-leaved ironbark. A slender tree 100 feet high and 2 to 3 feet in diameter. Not particular as to character of soil on which it grows. Wood durable under ground, and used for posts, ties, piles, bridges and wagon stock. A valuable timber tree. E. diversicolor, F. v M. Karri. This tree is among the tallest eucalypts, easily reaching a height of over 300 feet and diameter of 15 feet or more. Trunk usually straight and symetrical. Grows faster than Eucalyptus amygdalina. Does not endure dry heat, but likes moist climate. Wood straight grained, not very durable under ground but lasts in water and is good for piling. The timber is superior to that of blue gum. Used for masts, wheelwright work, ship build- ing, spokes, shafts, felloes and rails. E. eugenioides, Sieh. White stringybark. A tree 150 to 200 feet high. Prefers moist climate, which is not too hot. Tree is not fastidious as to soil requirements. Wood strong and durable, not very hard, easily worked, splits easily, and does not warp badly in drying. Used for fence posts, ties, flooring and paving blocks. Fairly good fuel. E. eximia, Schau. White bloodwood. A medium sized tree, rarely 80 feet tall, resembling E. corym- hosa. Wood soft and not durable. Good fuel. 54 E. redunca, Schau. Wandoo. A very large tree, sometimes 17 feet in diameter. Will grow on poor soil, but requires moisture. Wood hard, heavy, durable. Used for wheelwright work. E. regnans, F. v M. See E. amygdalina. E. resinifera, Smith. Red mahogany. A medium sized tree, occasionally reaching a height of 100 feet. It prefers moist, semitropical climate, but will grow on hard, gravelly soils. It is a hardy tree and can stand much drought. Wood very hard, strong and very durable. Used for fence posts, piles, paving blocks, shingles and general construction. It makes an excellent furniture wood. This is one of the most valuable hardwoods in Australia. It lasts a long time in salt water. E. robusta. Smith. Swamp mahogany. A tree 100 feet high and 4 feet in diameter. It prefers moist situations but will grow under almost any condition, where no other eucalypts can exist. Wood fairly durable under ground. Used for posts, railroad ties and ship building. E. rostrata, Schl. Red gum. A tree 100, sometimes 200 feet high, and 6 to 12 feet in dia- meter. Crooked and irregular in form, even when closely planted. It prefers low, moist, clayey soils, but can stand much heat. It makes fairly rapid growth but does not grow so rapidly, except in the seedling stage, as blue gum. It can withstand hurricanes, but will not thrive in a steady wind, unless cultivated and cared for in the early stages of its growth. _ Wood durable in the soil and water ; makes good fence posts, piles 'and railroad ties. It resists the attacks of teredo and white ants. It is used for ship building, piles, posts, paving blocks and street curbing; and is an exceptionally good fuel wood. E. rudis, Endl. Swamp gum. A tree 75 to 100 feet high. It requires a good deal of moisture for its proper growth. Good for fuel. 55 E. saligna, Smith. Flooded gum. A tall straight tree 100 to 200 feet high and 3 to 6 feet in diameter. It prefers rich alluvial soils. Wood strong, straight grained, easily worked. One of the lightest eucalypts in weight. Very durable under ground. Used for piles, beams, fence posts and railroad ties. This is a good lumber tree and the wood is extensively used by carpenters. E. siderophloia, Benth, Broad-leaved ironbark. A tree 100 to 150 feet in height and 3 to 4 feet in diameter. Wood hard, strong and durable. Used for bridges, posts and railroad ties. Fair fuel, but burns slowly. E. sideroxylon, A. Cunn. Red ironbark. A rather branchy tree, usually short, but sometimes 100 feet high and 4 feet in diameter. It grows naturally on poor soil, but makes rather slow growth. Wood hard, heavy, strong and durable under ground. Used for ties, spokes and shafts. This is one of the best fuel woods. E. sieheriana, F. v M. Mountain ash. Straight tall tree 100 to 150 feet high and 5 feet in diameter. It will grow on poor soils. Wood strong, elastic, splits easily and is used for shipbuilding and for tool handles. It makes second grade timber and the wood is attacked by white ants. Excellent fuel wood. Con- tradictory statements in regard to the durability of the wood. E. tereticornis, Smith. Gray gum, A tree 100 to 125 feet high and 3 to 4 feet in diameter. It makes a slower growth than blue gum. It frequently grows a straight trunk of larger dimensions. The tree can stand more drought than Eucalyptus ro strata, which it resembles, but is not so good. Timber strong, hard, heavy, quite durable when the wood is well seasoned. Used for ties, posts and wheelwright work. The lumber is liable to warp and twist in seasoning. It makes poor fuel. 56 E. viminalis, Labill. Manna gum. A tree sometimes 300 feet high, and 15 feet or more in dia- meter, but often of irregular and poor form. The tree will not stand much wind and will not thrive on poor soil. The timber is not valuable, but is sometimes used for shingles,, fence rails and ship construction. It is not a very good fuel wood. Plate 11. Eucalyptus citriodora in the Tantalus Forest. r^ a; -l-J -M -U rt o fl O -r-l OJ ® CD f-i E-i ■*>( ^ u %4 W^ "^ "t:} r^ f^ 'qS 'a3 "oj 173 _feoooooo p u X X >^ Ah H 3 H r^ iD'Ti'TJ'Td ojitStS'tJ 'T3n3n:j oiTzJf^ OWOPM ot>ooooooo 0X000X000 o o o t> o o 000X00 1^3 f^ ^H Vf 000X00 X oopp g 00000. 3 o .Is Xopopojp H H Ah C5 Ah ii Ph O - ____.,_, o w Xoooocso Ah HAnOAHCiSpRii ^ AhAh Ci5 o o 00 173 r^ iT3 ^1 Ti fH 000000. rt'i^OO oppopousXpo OOOA-OAhPhWOAh 000000 o X OH rC ^ years old are 10 to 15 feet high. Hawaii — ■ Waimea. Elevation 2,700 feet. Seedlings are growing quite well. E. viminalis, Labill. Manna gum. 78 Maui— . . Makawao. Elevation 2,500 to 3,000 feet. Trees growing very well. Haiku. Trees planted at elevations of between 500 and 2,000 feet. Kauai — Kalaheo. Elevation 900 to 1,000 feet. Trees 3 years old are 8 to 10 feet high. Hawaii — Waimea. Elevation 2,700 feet. Young seedlings are doing well. 79 TABLE V. VOLUME TABLE, Blue Gum (Eucalyptus- globulus). Kokom'o, Maui. Age 11 Years. Basis 315 Trees. Diameter Used volume Diameter Used volume Breasthigh. with barli. Breasthigh. with bark. Inches. Cubic feet. Inches. Cubic feet. 2 .3 10 11.8 3 .7 11 14.0 4 1.3 12 16.6 5 2.4 13 19.7 6 3.7 14 23.1 7 5.5 15 26.5 8 7.4 l"6 30.0 9 9.5 17 33.4 TABLE VL VOLUME TABLE. Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus). Tantalus, Oahu. Age 30 Years. Basis 75 Trees, Diamet( 3r Used volume Diameter Used volume Breasthij ?h. with bark. Breasthigh. with bark. Inches Cubic feet. Inches. Cubic feet. 5 2.7 11 16.6 6 4.2 12 20.2 7 5.9 13 24.0 8 7.9 14 28.1 9 10.4 15 32.4 10 13.4 80 TABLE VII. VOLUME TABLE. Yate {Eucalyptus cornuta). Tantalus, Oahu. Age 25 Years. Basis 50 Trees. Diameter Used volume Diameter Used volume JBreasthigh. with bark. Breasthigh. with bark. Inches. Cubic feet. Inches. Cubic feet. 5 5.2 12 21.4 6 6.7 13 25.6 7 8.4 14 30.5 8 10.2 15 35.8 9 12.3 16 41.1 10 14.8. 17 46.5 11 17.7 . . • . . TABLE VIII. VOLUME TABLE. Swamp Mahogany (Eucalyptus robusta). Tantalus, Oahu. Age 25 Years. Basis 25 Trees. Diameter Breasthigh. Used volume with bark. Diameter Breasthigh. Used volume with bark. Inches. 5 6 7 8 9 Cubic feet. 3.1 4.9 7.3 10.3 14.0 Inches. 10 11 12 13 14 Cubic feet. 18.5 23.4 28.4 33.6 30.0 PUBLICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION. Any one or all of the publications listed below (except those marked • ) will be sent to residents of this Territory, free, upon application to Mailing Clerk, P. O. Box 207, Honolulu. BOABD. Beport of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry for 1900; 66 pp. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry for 1902; 88 pp. * First Beport of the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, irom July 1, 1903, to December 31, 1904; 170 pp. Second Report of the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, for th« year ending December 31, 1905; 240 pp.; 8 plates; 10 text figures. Third Report of the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, for the year ending December 31, 1906; 212 pp.; 3 plates; 4 maps; 7 text figures. Fourth Report of the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1907; 202 pp.; 7 plates. Fifth Report of the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1908; 218 pp.; 34 plates. Beport of the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, for the biennial period ending December 31, 1910; 240 pp.; 45 /plates. "Notice to Importers," by H. E. Cooper; 4 pp.; 1903. "Digest of the Statutes Relating to Importation, Soils, Plants, Fruits, Vegetables, etc., into the Territory of Hawaii." General Circular No. 1; 6 pp. "Important Notice to Ship Owners, Fruit Importers and Otherc Rules and Regr' tions Prohibiting the Introduction of Certain Pests and Animals into the Terri- tory of Hawaii." General Circular No. 2; 3 pp.; 1904. "Law and Regulations, Importation and Inspection of Honey Bees and Honey." General Circular No. 3; 7 pp.; 1908. "The Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist," a monthly magazine. Vols. I to VII; 1904-1910. To be obtained from the Hawaiian Gazette Co., Honolulu. Price $1 a year. DIVISION OF FOEESTBT. * "Forest and Ornamental Tree Seed for Sale at Government Nuijsery." Press Bulletin No. 1; 3 pp.; 1905. * "Suggestions in Regard to the Arbor Day Tree Planting Contest." Press Bulletin No. 2; 7 pp.; 1905. "An Offer of Practical Assistance to Tree Planters." Circular No. 1; 6 pp.; 1905. "Revised List of Forest and Ornamental Tree Seed for Sale at the Government Nursery." Press Bulletin No. 3 ; 4 pp. ; 1906. * "Instructions for Propagating and Planting Forest Trees." Press Bulletin No. 4; 4 pp.; 1906. "Instructions for Planting Forest, Shade and Ornamental Trees." Press Bulletin No. 5; 7 pp.; 1909. "Na Hoakaka no ke Kanu Ana i na Laau Malumalu ame na Laau Hoohiwahiwa." Press Bulletin No. 6; 8 pp.; 1909. "Eucalyptus Culture in Hawaii," by Louis Margolin. Bulletin No. 1; 88 pp.; 12 plates; 1911. Report of the Division of Forestry, for the year ending December 31, 1905. Re- print from Second Report of the Board ; 77 pp. ; 5 plates. * Report of the Division of Forestry, for the year ending December 31, 1906. R«- print from Third Report of the Board; 123 pp.; 4 maps. Report of the Division of Forestry, for the year ending December 31, 1907. Re- print from Fourth Report of the Board ; 70 pp. Report of the Division of Forestry, for the year ending December 31, 1908. lU- print from Fifth Report of the Board; 85 pp. Report of the Division of Forestry, for the biennial period ending December 31, 1910. Reprint from Report of the Board; 86 pp.; 22 plates. H138 75 547 * • o, "^^ V'' o'*^'* <^ 0' -^ *^' 'oK 0' o. *■ : -^-0^ ') \ %<^ .4c> ^^0^. ^^ . « • ^^. 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