S * o 21 <* ** S Class Book Mi&si Author Title Imprint \a\s.2u 16 — 47372-1 OPO A SOLEMN WARNING TO ALL THE DWELLERS UPON EARTH, GIVEN FORTH IN OBEDIENCE TO THE EXPRESS COMMAND OF THE LORD GOD, AS COMMUNICATED BY HI3I, IN SEVERAL EXTRAORDINARY VISIONS AND MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS, CON- FIRMED BY SUNDRY PLAIN BUT WON- DERFUL SIGNS, UNTO SIMBOD HUGHES, Of the County of Washington, in Virginia. Upon whom the Awful Duty of making this Publication luis been Laid and Enforced, by many Admonitions and se- vere Chastisements of' the Lord, for tlie space of Ten Months and Nine Days of unjust and close Confinement in the Prison of Abingdon, wherein he was shewn that the Certain DESTRUCTION OF ONE THIRD OF MANKIND, AS FORETOLD IN THE SCRIPTURES, MUST TAKE PLACE ON THE Fourth Day of June, 1812. PRINTED B¥ LARGIN 8c THOMPSON, NO. 5 BURLING-SLI?. 1812. a¥?V t -a. A SOLEMN WARNING TO ALL THE DWELLERS UPON EARTH. THE truth of the existence of 2l great first cause o>i allthingSv so forcibly impresses itself on every rational mind, upon the first attainment to the use of our faculties, that to question, or doubt, for one moment, of the real being of a God, would be to do violence to our reason, and prove the absence of even common sense* Taking it to be entirely unnecessary to say any thing in proof of the Divine existence, it is sufficient to call the atten- tion of the reader to some of the universally received attributes of our Great Creator, As GOD is universally acknowledged to be Almighty > so aT« so must we be convinced that he is All-wise ; knowing all things past, present and to come. For as U he worketh all things according to the counsel of his own willy* so also he hath all-wisdom to direct, and power to bring into being, whatso- ever his holy will ordaineth to come to pass. His fore knowledge hath been made manifest by the fulfil- ment of many of the ancient prophecies concerning nations and individuals, which in his boundless love for mankind, he was pleased to reveal to his servants, the prophets, that they might testify them before the world, so that " whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, yet shall they know that there hath been a firofihet am ng them.'" Ezek'el ii. 5, For the Lord, although his i( sjiirit shad not always strive with man" yet hath he not ceased to warn mankind of those judgments which by sin and wickedness they have brought, and still are bripging upon the earth, in or Jer that they might have an opportunity of escaping the calamities which the just- ice of God bringeth upon the world for the offences of its in- 4 habitants ; that those who will turn to the Lord by repentance and with prayer, may obtain faith and deliverance in the clay, when thi Wrath of God shall be poured out upon the children of men for their transgressions and obstinacy of heart. And herein hath God shewn to the world, his infinite good- ness, which as the royal prophet David hath frequently declar- ed in the Psalms, " endureth for ever ;" and if the mercy and goodness of God endureth for ever, then surely the same good- ness may be hoped for by his chosen ones in these tim-s of givat peril and danger, as was to the people of Nineveh, when they repented at the warning voice of the pi ophet Jor.ah, whom the Lord in mercy, sent to warn the inhabitants of that great city, of impending judgments: or can we without blas- pheming, deny the power of that God who sent Jonah to Nine- veh, that they might be warned of their wicked ways, repent and be spared ; to send even in this day, his warning voice un- to an erring world. Or can we say that He, who in pity to six score thousand persons of that city, who could not discern between their right hand and their left, as also in pity even to their cattle; should on their repentance, avert their threat- ened destruction, would be less merciful and compassionate to his own elect, who are now scattered abroad in the world : doomed very shortly to experience, what was foretold by the prophet Daniel, that there shall be a time of trouble^ such as never was known since there was a nation. No, the Lord is gracious, and his merey endureth for ever ; and he will not destroy his people without his usual gracious warnings, he will send to admonish them, " and he will send by whom he will send ;" and those who repent and call upon his name, may be saved from the great destruction, now very near at hand. And as it has happened in every age, that when the Lord commissioned any of his servants,, the prophets, to bear his word to the children of men, he qualified them for their awful mission by such visions, direct revelations, and often severe trials and exercises, as convinced Ihem that 'they must obey his voice, or perish ; so also hath he prepared him, whose task it is, to publish these words, in obedience to the Lord's com- mand, and that he may at least deliver his own soul. But surely it is not a pleasant task to flesh and blood, to bear the tremendous messages of the Almighty God to an unbeliev- ing, scoffing world, which appears to be not only indifferent about the greatest concerns of this life, a preparotion for a fu- ture ; but who can mock at, and treat with scorn, every idea of any revelation on record, as well as every precept, doctrine and authority of the Holy Scripture Nay, amongst those who are most attached to the Sacred Writings, and profess to believe them as the word of God ? few can be found who would countenance the man, who could declare himself commissioned by the God of Daniel, to explain any hidden or mysterious matter which they of themselves did not perceive to be con- tained in the Holy Scriptures. For even the evangelically inspired prophet Isaiah, com- plained in his d-.y, saying, * who hath believed our refiort" and even the surprising miracles performed by the word spo- ken by Elijah, could not secure him from the scorn and perse- cution of many of those to whom he was sent ; and every pro- phet, even to John the Baptist, have suffered persecution from that world, unto whom they were in mercy sent, in order to turn them from the evil of their own ways, lest iniquity might prove their ruin. Nay, even the Lord of life and glory him- self, when he came, not only to prophecy, but to redeem the world, was frequently laughed at, traduced, ridiculed and des- pised ; and finally persecuted, mocked, bound, spit upon, scourg- ed and put to death, and that by the very people who professed a veneration for the prophets who foretold his coming ; they who builded the tombs of the prophets whom their fathers had slain, because they admitted that these persecuted and mur- dered prophets were inspired by the spirit of God: Yet these were the murderers of Jesus, in whom dwelt the fulness of the; Godhead bodily II ' Yea, and we