Class _._ Book__ Copyright^?. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. /4h9 rsk-sss^er. T MJt NUMBERS 6 LETTERS or the THIRTY-TWO PATHS of WISDOM By Margaret B. Peeke n of the World of Emanation, to he lowest atom of the Factive Wj: ...1, there is established an eternal and changeable relation, due either to reflection or in- timate connection. The Principles rep- resented by Numbers, are the centres of Reflection; and the Hebrew Letters, NUMBERS with their relationship to each other, and to Numbers, form the connecting links. There are Ten Numbers and Twenty-two Letters. These together form the "Thirty-two Paths of Wis- dom." God sends every individual by His Law of self-development to this world for a purpose, but only to a few is delegated a particular mission for the world. Pythagoras at the end of his life, if asked what had been his object, would have replied : "To have mastered the wisdom of Greece; to have wan- dered in the Temples of Egypt for twenty-two years, knocking at their doors for initiation, finding at the end' of that time wisdom never discovered in Greece, and then returning to estab lish the wonderful Samothracian Mys- teries." Instead of this we find to-day th? 5 : the Samothracian Mysteries are for- gotten, their Temples destroyed, Samo- thrace but a name, and Pythagoras im- mortal through the Eternal Law of Numbers which he revealed. At the present day this knowledge is known only in fragments which have AND LETTERS come down to us. The true science of Numbers has never been changed, has never failed to prove its Divine origin, in its perpetual adaptation to the Laws of all Worlds, Religions, Races and In- dividuals. From the stars hung in space, and swinging in their orbits by this Law, to the Name given a new- born child, we find the different mani- festations of one unfailing Law. When Pythagoras taught the music of the spheres, he was speaking of the Law of Numbers. Hung from a cen- tral force or Sun, at distances regu- lated by this Law, and according to the harmony of tones and colors, these enormous Worlds moved through the Ages, as they have done from the be- -ginning, "When the morning stars sang together and all the Sons of God shout- ed with joy." It was a lack of this '.'knowledge on the part of Adam that led to his downfall and ruin; it was the wrong use of these Laws that brought about the destruction of Atlantis. Hy- perborea, and Lamuria no doubt owe their extinction to some infraction of these universal Laws. To begin the study of Numbers at NUMBERS the foundation, we must know the Worlds to w r hich each belongs; the centres that govern these Worlds; the law of their emanation, and the inhab- itants they contain. These Worlds are not enclosed with- in each other, but are distinguished from each other by the law of vibra- tion, by which they are connected, or separated. They each have a Name, a Ruler, a Law of operation, and inhab- itants, who act under the Law of the World they inhabit. By the Law of Vibration, all Worlds act at the same time, yet never infringe upon each other. While they may blend, it is according to rythmical rules, and as in music and color, they produce per- fect harmony. In the brilliant rainbow that spans the sky, the three primal col- ors, though distinct, mingle in one har- monious whole, and as in music, the first, third, and fifth note must have their fixed places ; so, these Worlds fol- low the same Law as do the three primal colors after their emanation from Kether or Aziluth. The names of the Four Worlds are : Aziluth, or the World of Emanation; AND LETTERS Briah, or the World of Creation; Jet- sirah, or the World of Formation; Asia, or the Factive World. Aziluth is the World of most rapid vibrations, the incomprehensible, un- knowable World of Light. It is the World of radiation, from whose rays issue all that is manifested in the Uni- verse. Its vibrations penetrate all other Worlds and represent the power or centre of the Universe. Its ruling cen- tre is Kether reflecting the Light from Ain-Soph or No-Thing. The vibrations of the World of Emanation are white Light. The White Light afterward becomes separated into prismatic colors, as it touches lower Realms of Creation, or centres. Its Hebrew name by which its Ruler is known and called, is "Ehieh." Its first manifestation is the Adonai, who later is seen in different manifestations of his nature, in the other Divine Sephiroths. It is only, however, in those that are in direct communication with the Adonai, and are centres of the different Worlds that this is shown. Here we find the characteristics of the Adonai in the Divine World. The other NUMBERS Sephiroths of the right and left pillars of each centre form the Triads of the World. The Second World is known as Briah, whose Ruler is the Logos, the Creator of all things. He is another phase of the Adonai, and the Hebrew name by which he is known and called is "Elohim." The name of his centre or dwelling place is called Tipheroth, or Beauty. Being farther removed from the Ain-Soph or Kether, the vibra- tions of this World are less rapid than Aziluth, and correspond to the highest power of Spiritual Being. All that assist the Logos in His Cre- ation dwell in Briah; they never leave it, and those who have ever worn ma- terial bodies, with the exception of the Divine Son, and a few chosen for a particular mission, like John the Bap- tist, can never enter it. Of John the Baptist it was said : "He was sent by God to bear wit- ness. " Only Messianic characters can ever hope to obtain vibrations rapid enough to dwell within its Light. It is in Briah that the White Light becomes separated and forms the three AND LETTERS primary colors. These colors are rep- resented in the World of Creation by red, the color of the Logos, represent- ing suffering. We find this in the an- cient Prophet, who said: "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? wherefore art thou red in thy apparel." Numbers 19:2; Nahum 2:3 and Reve- lation 6:4. This shows plainly that red belongs to the Logos, and tinctures every soul that will be given a material body, with the same color, and makes it a partaker of the suffering of the Di- vine Son. In the works of the best Occultists, it is taught that all things were created from a blood red chaos, which undoubt- edly refers to the World of Creation, and the color that belongs to it. The next Divine Centre, in direct communication with Adonai is Jetsirah, whose Ruler is the Christ. The name of the Centre, or World, is Jesod, or the Foundation. The Hebrew Name by which we can come into communication with it is Shadai. It is plainly to be seen that in all after references, to Christ as the Son or descendant of NUMBERS Jesse, it has apparent connection with the name given to the Foundation (Jesod) and subsequently transformed into the word Jesus. The Christ was the foundation stone of the Universe and begins His active work in the Ninth Sephiroth, the World of Foundation. The Nine showing that the Three Worlds were subjugated, and would become Eternally His Kingdom. The color of the Christ World is taken from His Glory (the Son of Righteousness) and is the second of the three primal colors, into which the white ray was divided. This gives the color yellow, and shows the reason why the Church of Rome selected White and Yellow as the color for their standard. The inhabitants of Jesod are souls destined to go forth and dwell upon Earth and be clothed with shells, or bodies, and gradually to return to the World of Formation from whence they came. The original Archetype forever remains in the Archetypal World, but becomes embodied in different qualities of vesture until we now find Him hav- ing an Ethereal form. The last Divine Centre is the Tenth 8 AND LETTERS Sephiroth and is called Malcoth, or the Kingdom, and is known as Asia, the Factive or Material World. Its Ruler is Jesus Christ, and the Hebrew title that brings a response from it is the Adonai, that we found in the first Sephiroth. Here we find a return of the Divine activity, from the unmanifcsted Unity, with Adonai partially revealed to Mal- cuth through the Four Centres. Here Jesus Christ with His Divine human nature comes into this Material World, to unite fallen man with his source. While Malcuth is in direct connec- tion with Jesod, as the Christ, and the Tipheroth as the Logos, He here in Malcuth submerges Himself in hu- manity, and permits Himself to be veiled in a vesture of flesh, laying aside His garment of Light, and concealing the Glory of His higher estates, as Cen- tres of the Creative, and Formative Worlds. Asia, or the Material World, has de- scended so far from the higher vibra- tions of the Divine Centres, that it is subject to a continual conflict between good and evil, Light and Darkness. NUMBERS There is no hope of unifying its vibra- tions, unless a Mediator be found who has both natures in One, hence has arisen the well founded faith in a God- man, as the only Saviour for the race. It is in this Factive World that man is seen entirely separated from His Di- vine Feminine, while Jesus Christ in His dual nature is outwardly expressed for the first +irne in the Number Ten. As Jesus Christ represented the man- ifested duality, in the One and the Cipher, the latter stands for the Divine Feminine that exists for all humanity, but has hitherto been unknown, though she has been expressed in all Religions, from the most ancient on record to the modern Romish Church. From Isis of Egypt to the Virgin Mary, blue has been the chosen color of the vestment that she has worn. This color gives to man the hope of Immortality and is used as the great canopy of heaven, of which the Psalmist spoke, when he said : "When I consider the Heavens the work of thy hands." And again: "Where wast thou when I stretched out the Heavens as a cur- tain?" 10 AND LETTERS The inhabitants of this Material World are the physical creatures that were conceived in the Archetypal World, were brought into Life in the Creative World, in a germinal state; were given form in the Formative World, and clothed with Ethereal bod- ies; and in the Factive or Material World, as the Cabalist would say, "Fell into shells, or physical bodies. ,, The inhabitants of this World are all in a state of Evolution, or development, and according to what has been in- volved in the germ, will be the perfec- tion to be attained by each creature. II NUMBERS CHAPTER SECOND. THE TRIADS AND TEN SEPHIROTHS. In the study of the Four Worlds, we found Ain-Soph in the World of Emanation, as the Centre of the White Light, inconceivable, unapproachable, and absolutely independent of the Uni- verse. This represented by Kether, is supported by two of the Sephiroth making the First Triad. As Pytha- goras taught : "Every Triad is hung from a Monad." The head of the Triad is the Centre of power of each World. The Four Divine Centres of the Four Worlds are each upheld by two pillars, viz. : Kether, Hochmah and Binah are the first Triad of the World of Emana- tion. Chesed, Peched, and Tipheroth form the second Triad of the World of Cre- ation. 12 AND LETTERS Netzah, Hod, and Jesod form the Third Triad of the World of Forma- tion. Malcuth, with Netzah and Hod (the same pillars that support the Christ Kingdom, or World of Formation) form the Triad of the Material World. The First, Second, and Third Seph- iroth, belonging to the nature of Be- ing, have their place in the World of Emanation, and belong exclusively to the domain of Unity. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Seph- iroth belong to the World of Creation. The Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Sephiroth belong to the World of For- mation. The Seventh, Eighth and Tenth Sephiroth belong to the Material World. It must be noticed here that there is a singular departure from the general Law that governs the preced- ing Numbers inasmuch as in all the other Triads, each Centre has its own pillar for supports, but as this is where Christ stepped from the invisible to the visible, and became manifest, it is for this reason, that the two pillars of the Christ Kingdom must be identical, for 13 NUMBERS the Material World, for one is a re- flection of the other. As Christ is the Ruler of the Formative World, and un- manifested, so Jesus Christ manifested in the visible, is the Ruler of the Ma- terial World. Both Kingdoms are really one. This is evidence of man's relation- ship with his Creator and only by his union with the manifested Jesus, and the invisible Christ can he hope for restoration to the Archetypal Being. Returning to the Sephiroth, at the be- ginning. Kether is upheld by Hochma, or Wisdom; and Binah, Love or Mer- cy. These are the two balancing pow- ers of the Universe. If Justice or Wisdom should pre- dominate over Mercy or Love the se- verity of nature's Laws, of God's Eternal Law to man, would make ex- istence unbearable. It is the equilib- rium, perfectly adjusted and eternal, that makes the Universe harmonious in its activity. The Second Triad with the Logos for the Centre, and representing Beauty is, strange to say, upheld by Chesed, the Fourth Sephiroth, which is the Princi- ple of Mercy, and Peched the Fifth 14 AND LETTERS Sephiroth, the Principle of Fear. These two, when perfectly balanced, become the Beauty of the Sixth. The Eternal Principle, or sense of Fear that is found in every created thing, is over- come by the knowledge that the Prin- ciple of Mercy is forever acting to ob- literate it. The Third Triad whose Centre is the Christ of the Formative World, has on its right and left the Seventh, and Eighth Sephiroth, and Netzah, or Vic- tory, and the Second, Hod or Honor. It is through the Christ Principle work- ing through the invisible World, that Victory comes, and crowns with Honor the Victor. Again the two balance each other, according to the Victory is the Honor, and this is referred to in Revelation 17:14; 21:24; 7:12. "Blessing, and Glory, and Wisdom and thanksgiving, and Honor, be unto our God forever and ever." It is only when the invisible Kingdom of Christ is working toward the Ma- terial World, preparing it (the Ma- terial World) for Jesus Christ, that the Honor, and Victory are made manifest. The Kingdom of Malcuth, governed IS NUMBERS by Jesus Christ, God manifested in flesh, was the first and last message of Jesus when He assumed the form of humanity. He did not talk or insist upon any faith in creeds, He did not establish any churches. He announced Himself in His opening sentence : "Know ye not, that I must be about my Father's business?" He did not insist upon the worship of the Father, but over and over again, He reiterated the words : "Seek ye first the Kingdom (Kether), or the Father's Kingdom." "And my Kingdom is not of this World." "Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power," etc. "It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." "I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as my Father has appointed unto me, that ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom'* "For so an entrance shall be minis- tered unto you abundantly, into the Everlasting Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ." "The Kingdoms of this World are to 16 AND LETTERS become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever." "His Kingdom is an everlasting King- dom." A careful study of these texts will show that the relation of the Material World to Jesus Christ is through His union with the invisible Christ. We shall find that through all ages and Worlds it has been the same Adonai manifesting different attributes of His Divinity that has formed the Centres of the different Triads. Jesus Christ, in the lowest body of humilia- tion, is still in direct connection with the unmanifested Adonai. When His work in the physical World was completed, He took His place at the right hand of Unity, and became, not only the Adonai, but the Adonai plus His experiences as a human being, crowned with glory and honor. The inhabitants of the different Worlds are all under one Law. They are governed by the vibrations of the ruling centres of their Triads, and ac- cording to the increase of these vibra- tions do they rise to higher Worlds, 17 NUMBERS while, as their vibrations decrease in strength and rapidity are they attracted to the lower Realms. Here is seen the form of fallen Adam, until he became a mere creature of dust. From this condition of dust he must be awak- ened, as it is said, by Daniel, "Many that sleep in the dust shall awaken." It was for this purpose, that Jesus Christ came. In Ephesians 5:14, we read: "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you Light." Jesus Christ on ac- count of His descent into the lower Worlds, became greater than the Christ, or the Logos, or even the Adonai, by the fact of the sacrifice of Himself. Leaving out the Triadic World of Emanation, we have the seven Princi- ples still remaining, representing the Elohim, or Seven Creative Forces, that were in the original counsel of Unity until the Logos created the Worlds and placed over each of them Elohim. As the Ruler of the Earth, Yaveh-Elohim was chosen for this purpose. In Gene- sis 2:1, we read in the Hebrew: "Yaveh- Elohim created man of the dust of the earth." 18 AND LETTERS In the ist chapter of Genesis it is said in the Hebrew, "The Elohim cre- ated the Heavens and the Earth." The inhabitants of the World of Emanation are the Cherubim, Sera- phim, Principalities, Powers, Arch- angels, and some of the higher Intelli- gencies. These (with the exception of three or four archangels, who have been sent on a mission with special messages to those living on Earth, as Daniel, Jacob, Abraham, and Mary) never leave their World. The Cherubim are described in the visions of Isaiah, and Ezekiel, as winged creatures, that go according to the Will of God as breathed forth from the Centre. These go in pairs joined wing to wing. They are sometimes called "The spirits of Heaven," and were expressed by twice Five or Ten, the Number of the Principles. The Seraphim are described by Isaiah in his vision, Isaiah 6:2: "Each of the Seraphim had six wings; with twain he covered his face, with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly, and one cried unto the 19 NUMBERS other, and said, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts." When man was driven from the Gar- den of Eden, there was placed at the East of the Garden, "Cherubim and a flaming sword, which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life." These creatures were made of the ele- ment of fire, and hence could dwell in that intense Light that emanates from the World of the Sin-Soph. Opposed to these Seven Elohim, who have their Centres in the Principles rep- resented by the Numbers Four to Ten, are dark, evil powers spoken of as the Seven Spirits of the Abyss, or Mas- kim. Parsons in his "New Light from the Great Pyramid" says: "Although they are in the depths of the Earth, their voice resounds on heights also; they reside at will in the immensity of space, welcome neither in Heaven nor in Earth. They are not sub- missive to their Lord and Ruler, and delight in causing earthquakes, inun- dations, and tempests." This is quoted from a Chaldean work by Ragozin. The same reflection of the Seraphim 20 AND LETTERS and Cherubim that protects the Holy Place is found in the mythologies of cur lower world and was known and described by the Greeks as the Harpies. The World of Emanation is also called "The World of Archetypes." In it is the mental conception of everything that should henceforth be created. The Triad of the World of Creation includes in its upper Realm, the Law given afterwards by Moses when Creation had been accomplished. The Law contains also the Ten Prin- ciples which correspond with the Ten Numbers or Sephiroth. The first three Commandments of the Law refer to Unity, or the World of Emanation. The next Three Com- mandments allude to the World of Cre- ation, and reverence due to everything brought forth by Creation. By the re- membrance of the Seventh day, the work of the Elohim is to be honored. The parents that have helped the Soul to reincarnate in mortal bodies have the next place of reverence. The Command, "Thou shall not kill," refers to the Divine germ planted in 21 NUMBERS every soul. This is explained by the Apostles when they said : "Every sin may be forgiven, but the sin against the Holy Ghost, which will never be forgiven in this World or the next" The next three Commandments have reference to the Formative World, where the Divine Feminine is first rec- ognized as being separated from the soul. The Seventh Commandment is a direct law concerning the love that should be given to the Divine Feminine in man, and should not be given to an earthly or physical love. The applica- tion of all these Commandments, Num- bers or Principles, are combined for the Factive or Lower World. The Tenth Commandment tells us that man must stand alone in his work of reintegration, he must not desire, or covet, anything outside of himself. With the germ of the spirit within him once recognized and made conscious to him he has all the Universe within him- self. The Sun, Moon, and Planets are all within him, and through them the Elohim will continually work, if he but yields himself to their influences. 22 AND LETTERS As the Hebrews, even to this day will not speak aloud the word "Ya-veh," so the ancient Mayas, we are told by Plon- geon, refuse to count by Tens for the same reason. Number Ten represented to them the Spirit of the Universe, the Infinite One. This they called "La Hun," whose name (Lah, All; Hun, One) was Unity. Their God "Ku" was also too sacred to have its name pro- nounced, except with the utmost rever- ence, because it was to them the un- created soul of the World, and was never to be represen.ed under any shape or likeness, like the God of the He- brews. " The World of orbs then ex- isted only in the mind of the Logos, but was not made manifest until the Ten Principles were established. The Law of Archetypes holds to-day, as is seen in the fact that every model of invention must be clearly defined and made perfect in the mind of the in- ventor. If one bolt had been misplaced or missing in the mind of the Con- structor of the Brooklyn Bridge, the bridge itself would have failed, because this Law of mechanics would have been violated. 23 NUMBERS We read that every blade of grass, before it grew, and every creature be- fore it existed, was already created in the Archetypal World. — Genesis 2:5. "These are the generations of the Heavens and the Earth when they were created, in the days that the Lord God made the Earth, and the Heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the Earth, and every herb of the field before it grew." The World of Forma- tion with the Christ for the Centre saw these heavenly bodies taking their place. The inhabitants of this World are different kinds of intelligences per- forming God's will from above, and serving man, who is below in the Fac- tive World, as intermediaries. They vary in their degrees of power, by their distance from the World of Emanation on the one hand, and their attraction towards the Lower World on the other. This is all regulated by the Law of Vi- bration which, when it attains perfect equilibrium can assist the Soul in its upward march. The inhabitants of this World range from the high, spiritual, and celestial souls, to those earth bound and held in bondage to earthly things. 24 AND LETTERS The Hebrew name by which each Prin- ciple is called into action has a distinct meaning. Beginning with Kether, or Adonai, we find Ehieh means I AM or, the Holiness of the power of Unity. It is existence with itself. In Hochman, we find the Hebrew word Yah which is the masculine Je- hovah. The Hebrew word for Binah is Yah-veh, which is the masculine and feminine combined, thus the Pillars that support Kether, or Adonai, are the masculine and feminine Principles which are within itself as yet unmani- fested. In the Fourth Chesed, or Mercy, we find El, meaning the power of Jehovah, balanced with Elhoa, the Name (Femi- nine and fullness) of El. The name for Peched, the Principle for Fear. In the Logos, we have the Elohim, where the Creator holds the seven Principles in His hand as mentioned in Rev. 1:16, where He is spoken of as holding the seven stars in His right hand, the stars representing the Elohim. Here the Unity of Kether, or the White 25 NUMBERS Light, is separated into the seven Elohim. In the Principle of Victory, Netzah is one of the Principles that upholds both the Formative and Factive World, the name given is Yaveh-Tsaboth. From this is derived the Hebrew Shabboth, or Sabbath. The other pillar, Hod or Honor up- holds the two Worlds in the same way as Netzah and is given the name "Elohim-Tsabboth." Victory takes us into the Holy of Holies of Yaveh, and Honor, in the same way leads us to the Elohim, or, through rays of the White Light, to the seven temples inhabited by the Elohim. This is referred to by Solomon where he said: "Wisdom has builded her palaces and hewn out her seven pillars." The Christ Centre of Jesod, the Foundation, has a name by which if the vibration is understood, we can call it Shaddi, the Almighty. Shaddi was the Deity to be worshipped in Fear and Yahveh in Love. In Greece to-day are found the ruins of Temples erected to the God of Fear and of Love. Malcuth, or the Kingdom of Jesus 26 I AND LETTERS Christ, the Tenth Principle, where, though few are trained to attain the state of vibration by which they can call Him, they will find the Name that responds to this is Adonai, the same as in Kether, the Crown. This is what we understand by the assertion of Scrip- ture : "Many are called, but few are chosen." Fewer still have the seal placed upon their foreheads from among the chosen. The perfection of the Sephirothic Law has won the admiration of Bible stu- dents, from the time of the first reve- lation made to man. It is unassailable; absolutely perfect, and shows the his- tory of Creation, downfall, and restora- tion of man. As there are Three Worlds, besides the Divine, or the World of Emanation, there are Three Adams that correspond and belong in these three Worlds. Adam Cadmon, the ideal or perfected man, waiting in the Archetypal World for his perfect body to be made up of the prospective souls that belong to it. He has never left, nor will he ever leave that World, but, as each soul is like a cell that be- longs to some part of the body, they -7 NUMBERS will gradually take their place there and shine with perfect equality. Those who belong to the feet will have honor as much as those who belong to the Great Head. The second Adam, known as Adam Protoplastus, belongs to the Formative World, as Adam Cadmon had his place in the Creative World. Adam Protoplastus contains in him- self, both good and evil souls. When the Primal Adam fell to a lower state, the good and evil separated, and the evil became manifest in Adam Belial, who has his domain in the Factive World, and there exists to-day under the domination of Samael, the serpent of death. When man is redeemed from this, some parts of Adam Belial may find a place in Adam Protoplastus. AND LETTERS CHAPTER THIRD. NUMBERS. Figures in the Material World are so blended with the Numbers they repre- sent, and of which they are symbols, that ordinary readers do not stop to separate them in their minds. Figures are symbols of Numbers. Numbers are symbols of Eternal Prin- ciples. Principles are unchanging qualities that belong to Being. They cannot be weakened or strengthened in their true nature, but always contain their primal essence. There are Ten figures or symbols of Numbers. There are Ten Numbers or symbols of Eternal Principles. There are Ten Principles which originally were united into One. This One is called UNITY, because it contains in itself all that has ever been manifested. There are Numbers of nature, Num- 29 NUMBERS bers associated, and belonging to man, and Numbers belonging to the Divine World. Wherever these act according to the Law of the higher, the result is successful. They all represent differ- ent planes of vibration, and follow the same order. The Ten Principles contained in Unity are considered the Infinite foun- dation of all the combination that can be formed from them. Unity contains all force and is the First Cause of all things. Unity con- tains Law and order, and no Number could exist without it. Whenever Num- bers are arranged according to the cor- rect method of their progression, they are said to be according to Law. Noth- ing is produced by Unity, which is not in some way related to it, and capable of being brought back to it again. Hence, everything, even in the Material World, can be brought back to Unity, because it came forth from it. Unity existed before Numbers, because Num- bers progress from it. When we speak of Unity, no thought of quality enters the mind, but that of the ONENESS OF BEING. It is like the White Ray. 30 AND LETTERS In looking at it, we do not think of the colors into which it may be divided. Thus, when we speak of the mercy of the Most High, or, of the Justness of the Eternal, or, of the Victory of Righteousness, we separate inherent qualities, and they stand out before our mental vision, without regard to Unity. It is only when we have summed up all the Principles that exist in the Ten Sephiroth, that we can speak of them as forming essential Being. All beyond the Ten Numbers or Principles are compounded of the original Numbers, and different combinations of them. These combinations are manifold, but they can all be reduced back to the origi- nal Ten, and from the original Ten to Unity. Unity itself is indivisible, and Eternal; but it sometimes manifests it- self by its different qualities, in such a way as to appear to have divided itself. Unity is absolute Activity. It acts without ceasing from Ain-Soph, the first Sephiroth, through all the realms of being, to the lowest atom of the Ma- terial World. Should it cease to act, disintegration and death would result. 3i NUMBERS Minerals would fall to pieces, because the Law of Attraction would cease to operate; worlds would dissolve, for the same reason, and man and angels would perish. It is this action of Unity within itself that creates the Law of Vibration which is the fundamental Principle of the Universe. The Greeks, seeing the outer form continually changing, but the ceaseless activity of life going on, called it by the name of Proteus. To-day, this ac- tivity manifests itself in youth and the vigor of manhood; to-morrow, this form has passed away and manifests it- self, as in a flower or tree, but every- where and always, it is the activity of Unity, working from the centre out- ward, through the Worlds to the tiniest atom. In Unity there is perfect harmony, and discord can only come from com- binations of Principles arranged con- trary to the Law. In nature, we find the Law of Harmony working through the three great Kingdoms, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal. Thus the Great Teacher, Pythagoras, took the tri- angle, as an object lesson for his pupils 32 AND LETTERS by which they could learn the Univer- sality of the Law. Asserting that everything was a Triad hung from a Monad, taking the horizontal line, to represent the mineral world, he proved the unchangeableness of the law of structure by the construction and crys- tallization of that kingdom. He showed that the atoms were built uniformly according to the Law of attraction, or harmony, and held together by a mag- netic force. Then passing to the left line running to the apex, he made them prove the Law of the Mineral Kingdom carried up into the Vegetable. The same process of construction, the same Law of attraction, the same principle of magnetism, was found in the stalk of the plant, with the addition of the Law of Motion, which the Mineral Kingdom failed to possess. The plant could not walk from place to place, but it could be acted upon by the wind, and feel the delight of motion, and what had been the acts of the crystallization of the mineral, in the plant became the avenue of sentient life that should af- terwards become the vertebrae in the human. 33 NUMBERS The Third line of the triangle was the perfection of the Law of Activity, where we find all that we found in the Mineral Kingdom in its crystallization, in the Vegetable Kingdom; in the cir- culatory motion of fluids and air, cor- responding to the blood and veins later found in man. But here we find added qualities beyond Mineral and Vegetable in the Will that guides man's motion, the intellect that teaches him to know, and the organism now developed to a perfect state of organic structure. Wherever discord and destruction ap- pear in nature, or in man, it is because these conditions are brought about by a misapplication of one or more of these great Ten Principles. The remedy is in knowing how to bring back to Unity harmony through the action of the Law. Unity has only two modes of progression; the going forth of itself, and the return to its Centre. The first is called Infinite progression, and the second definite progression. The one forms straight lines ; the other acts with curves. The straight lines are mascu- line, and the curved lines are feminine, showing that these two Principles have 34 always existed. They first became man- ifested in motion. These general Principles of the char- acteristics of Unity and the meaning of straight and curved lines so called, and the Worlds to which they belong, as well as the Principles themselves, must all be placed firmly in the mind of the student of "The Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom." Unity is never called a Number. It contains in itself all Numbers. When these truths concerning Unity are un- derstood, we shall also find that every- thing that exists, has Number, Weight, and Measure. When the Ego knows its own Number it will know the Path it must take to regain its primal pow- ers. Light and force are both inherent in Unity, but force results from Light. By the Law of Opposites, Unity con- tains the possibility of all things. Its intense light — darkness. The tree that has absorbed the sunlight for a cen- tury, after it becomes embedded in the earth, goes through various processes, but retains through all its stages its in- herent principle of light, and gives back the sunlight again, when once more 35 "M-TT-M-DTTDO brought into existence as fuel. It is the going forth of the ray of Light from Unity, constantly descending to lower rays, and changing conditions by new combinations, that takes from the Material World all that is known as the True Light. The day will come when the darkness will be driven away, and every creative thing find itself united to the original ray of Light. It will then be One with Unity. It is the power of Unity that gives the spark of vitality to the centre of created beings, and even clothes them with bodies of light. Unity is pure spirit, and everything outside of this is but different degrees of substance until we reach gross mat- ter, which is the farthest removed from it. Wherever we see a straight line, we know it is a symbol of spirit going forth from its center; wherever we see a curved line, we know it is a symbol of passivity, receptivity, substance, or mat- ter trying to find Unity. Unity is of two kinds, Absolute Unity, independ- ent of all Realms, and Relative Unity, which is connected with the upper Realm, from which it is reflected, and this in turn reflects upon the lower 36 AND LETTERS Realms. It thus has a double relation- ship, the higher and the lower. Take the Logos for example. It not only belongs to Unity, but has come from Unity with the full force of Unity act- ing upon it through the Adonai. At the same time in the work of Creation, the Logos becomes related to all that shall ever be brought forth by its power. Unity, therefore, acts in the different Worlds according to the distance it is removed, whether the Divine, the Hu- man, or the Natural. In the highest, there is only Spiritual Law; in the Creative World the Spiritual Law be- comes a Universal Law, while in the Factive World in which we live, it acts as moral and personal Law. Wherever and however acting, it is always obey- ing the Law of Unity. The position for the symbols of Unity, shows its divergence from the Perfect and Absolute One, according to its proximity or divergence from the Centre. The innermost Centre of Unity, rep- resented by a dot, is the Will by whose action the extent of the circumference 37 num¥i?rs c is defined. From this symbol of the Will there is always a possibility of go- ing upward or downward, to the right or to the left. This is plainly indicated in the bulb of the Lily that must take two directions, one towards the flower, and the other towards the root. This is in- herent in its nature, as the duality of motion is in Absolute Unity. The Position of the symbols of the Numbers indicate certain fixed Princi- ples. Wherever the Central Dot has extended itself in a straight perpendicu- lar line, the more perfect is the Prin- ciple it indicates. Where it inclines to the right or to the left, it shows that the pendulum has swung from its origi- nal centre, and according to its dis- tance from that centre, is the increase of the swing of the pendulum of desire. Only when it attains the state of per- fect rest and equilibrium at the centre, can it ever find its state of power and repose. Where it extends horizontally, we know that the Unity for which it stands, has fallen to its lowest plane. 38 ANTJ LETTEKS " CHAPTER FOURTH. NUMBERS — CONTINUED. Two is the first Principle denoting separation from Unity; opposition to Unity, and yet, a manifestation of a Principle always inherent in Unity, masculine and feminine. It is symbol- ized by the Number Two, which in turn is symbolized by the figure Two. It must be remembered that figures are visible, because they belong to the Ma- terial World. There are symbols of Numbers, which are always invisible and belong to the World called by Plato "Ideos" or the World of Ideas? Numbers are symbols of Eternal Prin- ciples, which contain the Three times, past, present, and future. Like Num- bers, Principles are also invisible. The student of the Cabala must keep in mind the difference or distinction be- tween figures, numbers, and Principles. The Number Two is symbolized by 39 the figure Two, whose form tells the story of its nature. As long as Unity existed alone, its ac- tivity was within itself. *In the co- operation and generating power of life, by active and passive, or the masculine and feminine Principles. Number Two came into existence. When Creation was established and the Will was stirred in the Centre of Unity, it was from a desire to see itself manifested by its works. This was the first step in the Law of opposition and separation, which has since been inherent in everything created. This was also the beginning of the darkness and was in constant con- flict with the Light from which it came. The figure Two, symbol of the in- visible Number of passivity, and the Principle of opposition and separation, shows man, or active Principle, lying prostrate and a small portion of his Will connected with the curve or pas- sive feminine Principle. This is one of the most remarkable lessons of the fall of man, though overlooked by all books. The curve above the straight line is sometimes called the sensual curve and in the far East had place as an object 40 of worship, as representing passivity, femininity, and motherhood. From the time that man fell into the space of subjugation represented by the hori- zontal line, dominated by the curved line above, he fell into the regions of fathers and mothers, where he exists to-day. Man has from that time been conscious of two selves or Egos, which the German Fichte called "The Me and the Not-Me." The Not-me to-day is all that man knows of himself. It belongs solely to the Material World and is governed by the senses. The Feminine as he knows it is the predominating power over him and will hereafter be designated as the Lower Feminine. When he catches the glimpse of the real Ego, in the Divine Feminine, from which he has been sep- arated, then begins the struggle for Im- mortality and regeneration. Number Three, the symbol of the next Principle manifested, and making the perfect Triad of the upper World, is the first effort to return to Unity, of that which went out from it. This first enclosure of space could only be ac- complished after the Number Two had 41 VTTT»*T>TrUC wandered in its dissatisfaction, and in- stead of retracing its steps, takes its nearest line direct to Unity, which forms the perfect triangle. In studying the figure Three, we find a continuation of the story told in the figure Two, of man's fall, and restora- tion. As man was dominated and weak- ened in his principle powers by the Lower Feminine, so by the higher Fem- inine of Divine self, he will once more be lifted into power, and crowned with glory and honor. The battlefield is the higher man subjugated through the struggle of the Ages. The senses have conquered him and forced him to degradation and weakness. It was at this point, after finding that all the ob- jects were illusory, he turned to the in- visible and desired to find his higher feminine nature. This comes to him as a support and a comfort, to uphold him in his struggles, while he is lying pros- trate, as represented by the straight line, supported by the curve or Higher Feminine. At this point the lower Fem- inine, still occupying the same position it did in the figure Two, is now directly opposed to it, the Higher Feminine. 42 I AND LETTERS All genuine power is invisible, and whatever can be seen belongs to the Factive World and has no power within itself. The Lower Feminine is a creat- ure of the Material World, while the Higher and Divine Feminine is an in- habitant of the invisible World, and can only be known through the con- sciousness of man. Fallen man, as represented by the figure Two, may remain prostrate through many lives, before he realizes that he has separated from his best self, or the Divine Feminine. From this time his mind becomes divided between the old attachments to the things of sense, and the desire to know more of his real Ego. Three is the first Number that en- closes space and in manifestation of Father, Son and the Spirit (forming the Triad) indicates the Universal Law that must rule in all Worlds, where from Unity, come Tri-Unity. From the root or Unity of a tree, come the trunk, branches, and foliage. In its mute unconscious way, it proves the activity of the Will, and has started the root into growth. Nothing is mani- 43 NUMBERS fested from the Unity that is not a Trinity in its nature. In man, we see this in his head, chest and trunk. In the natural World, in the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal; and in the Uni- verse, we see the same manifestation in the Three Worlds. One represents Cause, Two the manifestation of Cause, and Three the result. One symbolizes spirit, Two symbol- izes body or matter, and Three sym- bolizes the soul that is the unifying power between One and Two. Three in its progression from Unity, contains Number, weight, and measure; it contains production, growth and ma- turity. In the human family, it repre- sents the child, that is the offspring of the father and the mother. Remembering that the perpendicular straight line, proceeding from the cen- tral dot, represents Absolute Unity, and the horizontal line, the fall of spirit into matter, we see the origin of the Cross, in the form in which man was created with arms extended. The straight upright line signifies Divine Will, but crossed with the arms ex- 44 AND LETTERS tended, indicates continual opposition to this Will, by man's intellect, mind, and human Will. When man has established his rela- tionship with Absolute Unity, his mind and intellect and Will are also subju- gated to the One Will, and then only can man stand for Unity in himself. It is, when he has attained this Will- ingness and is subject only to the higher Will, that he can become con- scious of his higher nature, for, only by the Divine Centre can the spirit come to him and act through him. Wherever we find a figure made up of straight lines, we know that it stands for a Number that symbolizes the Di- vine Principle of action. One is never called a Number, because it contains in itself all Numbers. Besides this we have the figure Four, and seven made to represent the Divine action in the different Worlds. One containing all numbers, as we have said, in itself, be- longs to the World of Emanation, from which all that exists is found to pro- ceed. Four is the Relative Unity that belongs to the World of Creation, the World of the Logos. Seven, combin- 45 NUMBERS ing the Four of the World of Creation, with the Three belonging to the World of Emanation represents the Relative Unity of the World of Formation; so we find Four and Seven standing be- tween the Absolute unity of One, and the manifested Bi-Unity of Ten, which represents the Factive World, and hence these are known as Divine Numbers. The student of the Cabala, finds in the Numbers Four and Seven, a rela- tion to what has gone before, and the World coming after, hence these are called Relative Unities, but in the Ab- solute Unity, it is confined to that which emanates from it. In the Num- ber Ten, the final Divine Number, this order is reversed; and in place of Unity relating to that which precedes from it, we find it connected only with the preceding Worlds. This teaching of the early Masters once established, makes a clear understanding of the value of the different Unities. Four is always the point of transi- tion, from one World to another, where a Ternary has been completed, it opens the door to the next lower plane, and this is pre-eminently its office. It 46 AND LETTERS is the greatest of the Divine Numbers, and is called The Quarternary. By it the Holy Name of Yahveh was ex- pressed and to this day is designated by Numbers One, Two, Three, and Four, instead of by the Letters, Yod, He-Vau- He, which is never spoken by the He- brews. When Moses was told to appear be- fore Pharoah, and tell him that he must let the children of Israel go free, Moses, naturally timid, was afraid to carry the message, and he said: "What name shall I tell them, sent me?" And the answer came : "Tell them Yahveh, The I AM, THAT I AM, sent you." Up to this time the name of Unity was not known, and the nearest ap- proach to it was found in Isis of Egypt. This expressed the same thought "Is-Is" of Eternal Being. Over the portal of her temple, copied afterwards by Plato, it was defined thus : "I am all that was, and is, and is to be, and my veil no mortal has lifted." It was the same ex- pression used in the Old Testament, "No man has seen my face and lived." 47 NUMBERS It is only when man has become im- mortal that he has seen God manifested in Christ; or lifted the veil of life Everlasting of Isis. Pythagoras during his Twenty-two years, spent in seeking the wisdom of the Egyptians, found that all the names of Absolute Unity were represented by Four. This led to the discovery of the Tetragrammatan. This was placing the Numbers instead of the Letters, so that the Y or Yod, and the He or femi- nine Principles indwelling in the Yod, and the Vau, or the Son preceding from the Yod, and the He, and the final He which was the Divine Feminine of the Logos or the Vau, was the exact meaning of the expression Yah-veh. At the present day, the Four Letters that represent Deity are to be found almost in every language. We have the Gott of the Germans, the Zeus of the Greeks, the Jove of the Romans, the Atma of the Hindos, and the God of the Egyptians, who moulded and cre- ated man of the dust, Ptah. Here is seen the similarity of belief between the Hebrews and the Romans and their ven- eration for God. The former in their 48 AND LETTERS expression of Yod-He-Vau-He or Je- hoveh which contained the four great principles, the Father, the Spouse, the son, and the Spirit. The latter it is readily seen recognized God, and the son, but not the Spouse or Spirit as is seen by their manner of expressing the Name, for in their Jove is seen the Yod, and the Vau, the father and the son. To the Greeks, Jove represents THE WORD, as does Jehoveh to the He- brew. The magical Number Four can be traced back on stone records to the earliest historical period. It could not be otherwise, for when the first ray went forth from Unity it formed a di- rect line that should ever afterwards be known as North and South, while the Will going forth to the right and the left made the perfect point of the com- pass, the East and the West, and by this completed the Cross. Therefore, from time immemorial it has been said : "All power cometh from the North and the East." When a Ternary of a World is mani- fested there would be no openings, through which its inhabitants could 49 NUMBERS pass, were it not for the Number Four, or feminine principle belonging to Vau represented by the straight line or lines, but not outwardly manifested. It is by the Four in every World, that the passage is made possible from the up- per and lower Worlds. This is the Principle that begins the Triad of the next world, and which, when completed will again open the door to the World below. Four is called the Mirific Word, meaning the Word of Power; by it all things were created, and the Logos spoken of by St. John is but another Name for this magical Word. To know this Word, and how to use it, is the great object of all students of Her- metic philosophy. It is not as they think, something to be uttered from the lips, but to be expressed in daily life. It is only when a higher Ego has been attained, that every act becomes magical in its result. In Isaiah, the Prophet is made to say: "My Word shall not re- turn to me void, but shall accomplish all that, whereunto it is sent." Eliphas Levy, who is one of the greatest authorities, says: "The idle 50 AND LETTERS words spoken of by Christ are each to be recast again and again." "An idle word," says the same au- thor, "is any word uttered that results in nothing. It need not necessarily bring forth evil, but it fails to bring forth anything whatever." Solomon also says : "Cast thy bread upon the wa- ters, for thou shalt find it after many days." Every word spoken, like that bread, will return after many days, and must be spoken by the same Ego, after it has learned how to make it effectual. The figure that indicates this Number is composed entirely of straight lines, so arranged as to form a cross. Some of the lines are upright, some horizontal, showing the different positions of Unity, from the highest to the lowest. It cor- responds to Number Two. in that the combination of the upright and the Di- vine, crosses the horizontal and pas- sive, or fallen Ego. As long as a part of the figure is prostrate there will be the struggle and opposition of the Divine with the human, until the personal will is lost and merged in One great Will. It is then we shall find as we do in the 51 NUMBERS summing up of the Numbers, or Prin- ciples composing the Quarternary, that the horizontal has only been added to the perpendicular and One Will rules the Universe. The human Ego, united to this One Will, governs the Four Elements, which are represented by the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. When Jesus Christ walked upon the water, he called to Peter to come to Him upon the same element. But Peter, not having yet been imbued with power from on high, or the Holy Spirit, or final He, which only came to the Disciples after the de- parture of their Lord, failed in his at- tempt. The perfected man having at- tained Relative Unity, must be able to subjugate the winds, the storms, the fire, and the water, and even the earth itself. In the eighth Psalm, this is re- ferred to in the words : "Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hand." They have to-day in Morocco a secret order which by the use of an unknown word, can heal diseases and govern the elements. With a sharp knife they will cut their flesh, and by breathing upon 52 >i AND LETTERS it three times, repeating this word mentally, the wounds are instantly healed. The Five is the most important fac- tor in the Principles of Numbers. It not only represents passivity, but occu- pies the position of half of all con- tained in Unity. It represents man by the five pointed star, or Pentegram. When he has reached this stage, he can be affected by the stars above, the ele- ments around, and the forces invisible from the other Worlds. With his Will well trained, he can do much to over- come these things, but not until his Will has become One with the Divine, can he become the master of these forces. In the Tetragrammatan, the Yod has, three letters, the He two, the Vau three, and the second He two, making the perfect Ten. Standing with arms ex- tended, and the feet separated, the head of the Pentegram is governed by the planet Mercury, which rules the thought forces of man. With his right hand and his left, he touches the outer World through his senses, and by his feet, which touch the Earth, the five 53 NUMBERS points of contact are made, without which he would know nothing of the outer World. The Pentalpha represents this Pente- gram with the planetary influences that affect it. The only difference between the Pentalpha and the Pentegram is that the one is a bare symbol of man gov- erned by his natural Will; and the other, or Pentalpha, is the same figure with the Will uncentered. The Pentagon is the enclosure of the five pointed star that represented man, enclosed in a line drawn from point to point, on the star, and showing his en- vironments and the destiny that limits him. In these three symbols of man, the first represents him in his highest state of development on the natural and intellectual plane, governed by a trained Will; the second expresses him subject to both visible and invisible in- fluences of the objective World around him, and the planets above; the third limits him by time, space, and condi- tions, beyond which he cannot rise without help from a higher source. It is when he no longer reaches forth 54 AND LETTERS with desire after objective things; when the ambitions of life do not touch him, when his Will is merged in the Great Will, that he can hope to become an in- habitant of the Realm above, and have communication with beings of that World. 55 NUMBERS CHAPTER FIFTH. NUMBERS CONTINUED. The figure that represents the Num- ber Five is made by a straight line, partly horizontal, partly perpendicular, joined to a curve line below. It repre- sents man as having advanced a step from Number Two and Three, and is now supported by the Divine Femi- nine, but with a part of him still suf- fering from the effects of his fall. When the little bit of horizontal line is brought up and united to the perpen- dicular straight line, man as a human being will have attained consciousness of the invisible World about him, and of the Divine Feminine, that is now a part of his conscious life, as heretofore of his unconscious life. At this point man has attained a dignity of self -hood and is no longer governed by the vac- cillation of the lower Will. Man here has completed the course of degenera- 56 AND LETTERS tion and from henceforth is on the up- ward path, having overcome the influ- ence of the Lower Feminine by which he fell. In the Persian poem of the "Kali- dasse," this is beautifully portrayed by the Princess concealed in her father's palace; the young Prince catches a glimpse of her garments, as they flut- ter against the shrubbery; he is seized with a vehement desire to see the form that wears these ethereal robes, and day and night watches for her appearance. It is only occasionally that the glimpse comes, but never yet has he seen her face. Forgetting all the beauties of Earth, the attractions of his own harem, and the pleasure of the senses, he gives his days and nights in the pursuit of this one object. When the culmination comes, and he finds her, it may be when he is old and gray-haired, it may be when in middle life, but whenever it comes, his happiness is complete. The Principle for which Number Six stands represents Two Worlds, the Cre- ative and Formative. Man having at- tained the two Ternaries, lives con- sciously in the visible and invisible, but 57 NUMBERS the visible largely predominates, and the consciousness of the invisible comes rarely. The opening of man's consciousness, through the successive stages of his development, is that which carries him from one plane to another, and intro- duces him continually into newer, and larger Realms, and new companion- ships. In the case of the new born child, we know that the child has en- tered the Factive World. We know also that in the beginning it has no con- sciousness of its surroundings. Year by year, the child's knowledge increases, and its consciousness of its environ- ment and companionships becomes larger. From the physical Realm, to the mental, the advance continues. In the same way, man in his development is constantly opening new centres of consciousness, but when he has passed from the Principle of Number Five to that of Number Six. he knows no more of the invisible World, than the child after it was born, knew of the World into which it had just entered. The Principle for which Number Six stands, that of Beauty, shows that man 58 AND LETTERS cannot represent the Divine Beauty, until his latent powers have been brought forth, and used according to the Law of Numbers in both Worlds. The symbol that stands for the Num- ber Six is a figure with a perpendicular line ending in the Feminine curve on the right hand at the base. The Divine Feminine has not only uplifted man, but is still united to, and upholding him. The sixth pointed star or Solomon's seal represents the interlocking of the higher and lower Worlds by the as- piration of man for the Divine, where the apex is above, and the descent of the spirit by an apex pointing down. Here is found the beginning of the Union with the human Will with that of the Divine. Here is a magnetic cur- rent now passing and repassing be- tween the Triads of the Two Worlds. Through this magnetic current, the phenomenal characters of the World have been enabled to perform that which was thought to be miraculous by the uneducated. Pythagoras named this close relation- ship between the Two Worlds "The Cabiric Chain, ,, through which the true 59 initiate is able at any time to call upon the Beings with whom he is associated in the invisible, and with the rapidity of lightning can heal by touch or word, regardless of space and distance. He has been taught to make himself an in- strument for the spiritual essence of life to work through, i.ian thus be- comes the conductor by which the es- sence of life is received from higher Realms to be distributed to lower. The end of all true initiation is to establish a conscious relation of this kind. Every epic poem that has ever been written, whether Scandinavian, Roman, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian, and especially those in our own Bible re- fers to this pursuit of the lost man, to find again his higher self. When Jacob had separated from his higher self, his twin, Esau, he sud- denly awakened to the fact that he must find him again, and with all his worldly possessions, started out to make his reconciliation. He selected the best of his flocks and herds, and sent them on before him, thinking this would pacify his brother. As Five represented man centered in 60 his own Will, so the Number Six sig- nifying the Logos and the Beauty of Harmony that he brought into the World, dimly reveals man acting by the magnetic Law of equilibrium. As Christ Himself said, "I came not to do my Will, but that of the Father who sent me." In the days of old, men were glad to devote years to the severe training of Masters in the overcoming of the lower self, and were proud to be re- garded worthy to be initiated into the "Mysteries." Few e>~ept the Pha- roahs and Rulers could afford the time and money for this, and hence the masses never knew of these teachings. The early Pharoahs would expend the wealth of a Kingdom to build a Temple which should endure. These we still find on the banks of the Nile. With the Cabits of ancient Greece, the same spirit was shown in striving to attain this knowledge. The severe and crowning test was the Three years silence before initiation. From this they learned the meaning of the Words of Christ when He said: "For every idle Word that man shall speak, he must 61 NUMBLkS give an account in the day of Judg- ment." To be an initiate at that time, or to be a Cabir in Greece, was greater than to be a King. As Solomon said: "Greater is he who ruleth his spirit than he who taketh a City." After passing through the Two Triads of the Creative and Formative World man attains, and thus adds to his knowledge another degree or Principle, which is Number Seven. We here find the figure that represents this Number made up of straight lines, showing its possibilities of returning to Unity. It is again the Fourth Number that takes us back to Unity, and becomes a point of transition either to a higher or lower Realm. By the process known as Theosophical addition we find the sum of the Numbers that have a place in Seven as : One plus Two, plus Three, plus Four, plus Five, plus Six, plus Seven, equal Twenty-eight, which again added together takes us back to Unity. This Principle of Seven, is made up of the Four of the Tetragrammatan, representing perfect man, and the Triad of the Divine World united. While it 62 ■xnr luteks — — is farther removed from Absolute Unity than the Number Four, it exceeds this Number by having become united with the World of Emanation. When John speaks of this in the book of Revela- tion he says : "I saw seven golden candle sticks, and in the midst of these was One like unto the Son of man and he had in his right hand seven stars, and he said, "The mysteries of the Seven stars, and the seven golden candlesticks, are the things that are and shall be hereafter. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches (or planets) ; and the seven candlesticks, are the seven churches." These are the Elohim of which John speaks when he says : "The City lieth Four square." He is referring to man when he has become perfected on the four sides of his nature, physically, mentally, psychi- cally, and spiritually, when he reaches the state where he has risen beyond time and space, according as he has overcome the weaknesses of these sides of his nature, an^ has at the same time mastered the corresponding element. As for example, when man has attained the 63 highest degree of animal and brute force he is enabled to subdue the brutes that would oppose him. When he has attained the law of sciences, and under- stands their Principles, he becomes an Edison, and all the opposing forces of science which he has conquered are made subservient to him. When man's psychical nature is equally developed with his mental and physical, and astral forces surrounding the earth-plane are his subjects until they reach a state where they merge into the spiritual Realms, in which his powers are as yet of no avail. This is the Realm of an- cient Magi, and the work the Magicians were said to do, was done by different degrees of invisible powers that they could call to their assistance. Man hav- ing developed the physical, mental and Psychical sides of his being, finds still a higher Realm to be attained. This results in the man St. John saw in his Apocalyptic vision, whom he thought to be an angel, or the Lord Himself, and was on the point of falling down to worship, when he was forbidden by the words: "See thou do it not, I am one of thy brethren." 64 i\i.yv i^*.i. Xi^i^o In this case man had attained his highest development, and leaving all human behind had reached angel-hood. The figure which symbolizes the Number Seven, and which in turn sym- bolizes the second Relative Unity, is made up of straight lines, as was the figure Four, but in this case, we have but two straight lines, one a long per- pendicular one, and the other shorter, and horizontal, joining the Unity at the left side above. The horizontal is now no longer upheld by the Divine Femi- nine, but by the Unity formed by the union of the two Egos, that are the higher self united to the Divine nature, and the interior soul or lower self, which is still horizontal. The shorter the horizontal line, the more perfect is man's development. As in the Number Four the Divine Feminine had become the transitional power, so here in Num- ber Seven it is again merged in Unity and is not visible, but appears again in Number Eight, Nine and Ten. The Number representing Seven, combines two great Principles. We find the perfect square, or perfected man, and the Triangle which is now united 65 NUMb£KS with it and overshadowing it. The World of Emanation is the only World which has for its symbol the Triad without any necessary relationship to other Worlds. When the First Cause manifested Himself, it was as Father, Son, and Spirit. The Father represents the central point from which everything proceeds, the Son the going forth of that portion of the Divine nature that was to be the Creator of the Universe, and is like a straight line from the Cen- tre direct to the outer rim of the cir- cumference of Immensity; while the spirit or Great Breath, is that which fills in all the space between the cen- tral point and the circumference, and is to give to lower creatures, the physi- cal breath, and to the sons of God, the breath of Eternal life. When this tri- angle of the Divine World rests upon the perfect square of the microcosm, we can see the absolute safety, power, and repose of man. The Seven, next to Unity is the Number most frequently used in all symbology to represent perfection. Af- ter the six periods of Creation the Sev- enth comes in for a period of rest. 66 AND LETTERS The Seven Elohim; The Seven Stars; The Seven Candlesticks; The Seven prismatic colors; The Seven Tones of Music; all keep before us this Number, as the highest to be attained, as man cannot go beyond the unfolded cube of his being. When a higher state is reached, then does the Messiah come. From the Relative Unity we pass again into another series of Three Numbers leading up to the final Unity. This be- gins with Seven and passes to Eight. The figure is formed with two circles, one above the other, separated by a small horizontal line that represents the Two Feminine Principles that we have found before, each following their re- spective Unities. A small horizontal line shows man still prostrate, and the cipher above, representing the Four of the first Relative Unity, is the Divine Feminine, while the lower cipher, rep- resents the Lower Feminine by which man lost his Pristine power. This Number can truly be called the Princi- ple of the Higher and Lower Feminine in their efforts to ruin and save man. It is the complete Feminine Number of the entire Ten, and is sometimes called 67 NUMBERS the double Feminine. Activity has now ceased to exist in the Material World, and man is related to the Eternal through his intuitive, or Feminine na- ture. In the Bible it is said: "Christ came to seek, and to save that which was lost" This means intuition. In the resto- ration of Mary Magdalene through her Divine self we see how the two na- tures are merged into one. At the present time, the World does not know that man has a dual nature, with the ex- ception of those who have studied the true meaning of the Bible from the be- ginning of Genesis to the end of Reve- lation. It is in the child's state of de- velopment, when it does not even know that the day will come, when it will long for a mate, or companion, to bring completeness to its life. Through great storms, struggles and sufferings and even crucifixions, the exceptional few awake to the fact, that Earth has noth- ing to give that can satisfy, and in turning from Material Things, a long- ing is created for something that is en- during. It is here that the Divine Fem- 68 AND LETTERS inine begins to approach, and while, the result of this is sure, the time is un- certain when, as the Bible says: "I shall be satisfied when I awake in Thy likeness." The Number Eight expresses the equilibrium of force, and shows the power of passivity or non-resistance, when applied to every day life. One man like Tolstoi standing for this Prin- ciple alone, and with the World against him, is like a lamb in its meekness, and gentleness opposed to the beasts that surround it. The day is not far dis- tant, when, from the self seeking army of the World, one by one there will step out of the ranks those who recog- nize the power of non-resistance. As the algebraic action is understood in practical life, "That two negatives are equal to a positive;" so we find, that when the two Feminine qualities are equally balanced, they acquire the strength of the Active Principle. Of all the Numbers in the Sephiroth, Nine is the most remarkable, excepting Unity which is no Number. It takes us into the Three Ternaries, Planes, or Worlds, and shows the Universality of 69 NUMBERS the Law of the Triad in each. From time immemorial it has been a question with mathematicians wherein its singu- lar power lay. It can be added to, sub- tracted from, divided or multiplied, and suddenly brings one face to face with itself again. The formation of the figure that sym- bolizes the Number, is the reverse of figure Six. It is a perfect circle at the upper left hand top of the straight line; this indicates that the Divine Feminine has found her position, but has not yet manifested her full power, although she has reached the height of the active Principle. In Egypt Rameses expressed this when causing to be erected a statue of Neferita; here Neferita representing the Divine Feminine reaches to the height of Rameses' knees, indicating that though honored as no man ever was before and given position, she was not, however, equal in power to Rames- es. In the figure Two, the Feminine quality expressed her power to drag man from his high estate, and force him to be subservient to her. When it came to the Number Six representing Two Worlds, the Feminine Principle 70 AND LETTERS was at the foot of the Factive. Now as Nine representing all Three Worlds, The Factive, Formative, and Creative, this Principle at last proves the power of the intuition, where it is said: "The .seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent." In Five, this Principle is seen as man having regained in part his primal po- sition, and no longer affected by the sensual curve. We have now come where the Divine Feminine is placed above to aid the Active, or Positive Principle in crushing the head of the serpent that has no longer power to de- stroy. In the Number Nine man has found his satisfaction in his own uprightness, and the Divine Feminine which has al- ways been a part of himself more or less manifested now acts in perfect unison with him. He now yields im- plicitly to her suggestions, for she rep- resents the Divine Wisdom, which is one of the pillars of the Universe. The present cycle which began but a few years ago and towards which all things have tended since Creation, is pre-eminently the cycle of the Divine 71 NUMBERS Feminine, or the Fourth cycle since Biblical records began, and directing and taking humanity back to the state of Unity, or Adam-Ive. This is the cycle known as Aquarius, the Water bearer, the out-pourer. While man is the active cause, "The He," the Hebrew Letter representing the Divine Femi- nine of the World of Emanation, is the spirit poured over the World. This forms at the present time the magnetic attraction of every soul, capable of be- ing drawn toward the Divine nature, and with it comes a counter current of the outpouring of the lower forces. Wherever there is light, the shadow is correspondingly dark and the cause of the spiritual power of this day is a tidal wave of crimes, suicides, hurri- canes, and other unusual disturbances not seen since the coming of the Christ at the beginning of the last cycle two thousand years ago. This result could never have come until the fourth cycle, which corresponds to the Number Four, the Divine Number of the first Relative Unity. When the first cycle, known as the Taurian era, appeared, the Bible rec- 72 AND LETTERS ords began. There had been cycles be- fore, and the people had long inhab- ited the Earth, but they had not awak- ened to any consciousness of a relation to a higher Being prior to this. For this reason, it was not considered of sufficient value to make a record and the Scriptures began as soon as man recognized his relation to Unity. This was during the reign of the Pharoahs, and the pyramids stood out as the record of the greatest Pharoah that had ever lived. The pyramid of Cheops contained within itself the "Ark of the Covenant," and all that is spoken of as belonging to the worship of Jehovah. Until recently no one has known the star that governed its construction, and it is now found to be Alcyone, the cen- tral sun of the Universe around which our Sun and Zodiac revolves in a little over two thousand years. Like looking through a telescope, the observer looked up that long shaft of the Pyramid and found this star that was afterwards proven the centre of all planetary move- ments. Apis the Bull, emblem of the full- ness of physical life, was the great ob- 73 NUMBERS ject of worship amongst the Egyptians at that time. The Governing planet for Taurus, being Venus, the Principle of Love, gave to the world the knowledge of Osiris and Isis, and.Hathor. The latter represented the Lower Feminine found wherever the Higher Feminine can be traced. The festivals filled with singing and dancing in the early spring time to celebrate the fullness of life in plant and tree, animal and man, were at one time pure in their object, but as Venus, the love of the lower Feminine attracted to herself the adoration that should have been given Isis, it was the beginning of the downfall of Egypt. Cleopatra, centuries after, knowing that she could not usurp the place of Isis, the spiritual love, though attempting it, was content to immortalize herself en- tirely on the physical plane, as one who in the Lower Feminine had attracted to herself, and placed under her feet, Mark Anthony and Caesar. Not merely con- tent in adding to the Temple Denderah, she had herself carved on its walls in many places so much like Isis, that with the exception of the Utaeus upon her head, there is no difference discernible. 74 AND LETTERS After the Taurian cycle came the cycle of the Ram, or Aries, when all the Pharaohs had the name of Ra or Ram, and this gave the title to Rames- es the Great. It was the period of great knowledge and mentality, and characterized by sacrifice. Abraham at this time offered up his only son, Isaac, but was saved from this by the Ram that was caught in the bushes wishing to be sacrificed in the place of Isaac. The governing planet for Aries is Mars. This was followed at the end of two thousand years, by the cycle of Pisces when Christ was born. He chose for his Disciples the fishermen of Galilee, he paid his tribute with money taken from the fish's mouth. After His res- urrection he ate a piece of broiled fish, and also fed the multitude that were an hungered with fish, thus putting the seal of his cycle on everything. This is seen even to the present day in the mark upon the Hake's head where the imprint of his thumb and forefinger are seen behind the gills. The legend tells us that when Christ needed the tribute 75 NUMBERS money he blest the Hake for bringing it to Him. The duration of a cycle is from two thousand to twenty-one hundred years, and represents a day of the Solar sys- tem. "One day with the Lord is as a thou- sand years." "And a day and a night make the measure." If a day is two thousand years long, it would take five hundred years to equal that which is represented from twelve at midnight until six o'clock in the morning. To the ordinary observer there is no difference in the world from three, four or five hours before mid- night from three, four or five hours after. The full morning comes when six hours have passed. We, living in the present time, see no difference in the world of to-day from that of yes- terday, or of the cycle that has passed. We can only discern the change in the fact that a wider interest is shown in the Unseen than ever before. When the Messianic cycle came in there was an upheaval of nature, more demonic possessions, but those then living did not even recognize how the visible and 7 6 AND LETTERS invisible Worlds were acting in unison according to the Law. As the Taurian cycle represented the ruling power of the Lower Feminine, or Venus during the race to destruction, so the incoming cycle of the outpouring of the Divine Feminine will act for the purification of the Lower Feminine, as was seen in Mary Magdalene. The present cycle is governed by Uranus, known as the spiritual planet. This is emphasized by the fact that it is the Fourth or Divine cycle, which also goes back to Unity, and in this case takes the chosen ones with it. The figure representing Number Ten, shows the active Principle of Unity standing side by side in an equality of power with the Feminine Principle, sym- bolized by the cipher. The Divine Fem- inine is no longer raising man from his degradation, no longer filling a subordi- nate position, but is manifested as fully standing by his side and remaining with him through his regeneration. In Absolute Unity we find the Di- vine Feminine unmanifested, and un- known. In Four she is again concealed, but not hidden from the Higher Intelli- 77 NUMBERS gences. In Number Seven she is again invisible, but her works are seen for she has become the leavening power of the World. When we reach Ten the Di- vine Feminine comes in her full power to do her work, as Christ came in His. This is the fulfillment of His words : "If I go not away the spirit will not come." And again : "Tarry ye here in Jerusa- lem till the power of the spirit shall come upon you." We have here the straight line or active Principle now introducing to all Worlds, as a King will introduce his Queen, the Divine Feminine that has been with him through all Eternity and with whom he would henceforth work for His Father's Kingdom. He has now made the complete circle back to the Absolute Unity, where he is once more the Adonai with the Divine Femi- nine now fully manifested. 78 AND LETTERS CHAPTER SIXTH. HEBREW LETTERS. All Hebrew Letters contain a Num- ber, a hieroglyph, a symbol, and a place. To know these in their relation to each other, and to Numbers, is to hold in the hands the chart that will guide us un- erringly across the ocean of ignorance into the "Thirty-two Paths of Wis- dom." These Letters are twenty-two in num- ber, and are divided into the Three Mothers, Seven Doubles, and twelve Singles. They are also divided into groups of seven, called Septenaries. Before proceeding to the study of the Septenaries we shall take up the sub- ject of the Three Mothers, which are called, Aleph, Mem and Schin. The Three Mothers are the foundation and represent the plane of Merit, the scale of demerit and the balance of the Law, 79 NUMBERS which is the equilibrium between them. They are graven by six links, by which go forth the Fire, Water, and Air, which are again divided into masculine and feminine by which all things are created. In the World, they repre- sent the Three elements. In the year, they represent the heat, cold and tem- perate. The Three Mothers in man represent, head, breast and stomach. The Head was created from The Fire, the stomach from the Water and the Breast from the Spirit. One of these Mothers belong to each Septenary; Aleph to the first, Mem to the second, and Schin to the Third. Their office in each Septenary is to bring forth or produce. In the higher world this is done by the combination of essences, and in the lower world by the Law of Generation. Aleph, being the first Letter of the Alphabet, is numbered one, and repre- sents Unity. It is highest activity. Its hieroglyph, or pictorial representation in the Tarot, is that of a Juggler, with a board before him on which are placed the symbols of the four elements, and the four seasons. These are to be trans- 80 AND LETTERS formed by the working of his Will into the Universe and all it will contain. When the four elements at his com- mand, are brought forth, nature with all her production, intelligences of all orders that inhabit the different world, and the mysteries of ancient Alchemy are revealed. As there is also a reflection from the higher worlds to the lower, so there is a reflected power of a higher letter to the lower. In Aleph we find man re- flecting the power of the Creator, when he stands at the head of Creation a de- veloped being. He uses for his instru- ments the Eternal Principles found in the Ten Numbers, and the Twenty-two Letters which form the canals, that carry the Principles one to another, and the qualities that belong to Unity. A symbol of any Letter, is to be found by uniting the Number of any Letter with its hieroglyph. Its Number is ac- cording to its place in the Alphabet, and its position is according to the Let- ters between which it stands. Among the Letters or canals, Aleph is the first of the first Septenary, as well as the first of the entire Alphabet. It carries Si NUMBERS the power of Kether, or the Adonai, to the World of wisdom. By keeping in mind the illustration of a boat passing from place to place, carrying its cargo, we shall easily be able to place the qual- ities that come into the Lower World from the Higher. In looking at the hieroglyph, we find that man stands with one arm to heaven, the other pointed down to earth, show- ing that the Divine force from above acts through him to aid him in per- forming his magical works. Beneath this hieroglyph we find the Sacred Name of God, Yod-He-Vau-He, indi- cating that the power of God in the Cre- ative World must be used wherever a Divine purpose is to be accomplished. It seems contradictory that Aleph should be called a Mother Letter when it represents the greatest activity of the Universe, which would naturally place it upon the positive or masculine side. In the Creative World there is neither masculine nor feminine, but a union of the Two in one, acting in perfect har- mony. They have equal force and power, and represent the Fatherhood and Motherhood. 82 AND LETTERS The symbol of Aleph is Creative Light, or Kether. The color is yellow. Mem, the Second Mother Letter, is the Thirteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, and unlike Aleph which was placed at the head of the Septenary, Mem is placed next to the last. When the philosophy of this is seen, we find that the Letter itself signifies the Sea of Life from whence everything comes, and she must have the place of the thir- teenth to represent the relative Unity Four. It means a woman, giving rise to formation and as the image of ex- ternal and passive action; Mem is al- ways feminine in her nature, the bringer forth of all life. When Mem is found at the end of a word, it shows that the being to which she belongs can be car- ried out into unknown space. This must be done by repeated incarnations or transitions, and can only be accom- plished by passing through the doors of death. The hieroglyph of Mem, is pictured as the skeleton death, and indicates that death and life are only different phases of the same thing. Mem could not bring forth if everything remained in its own 83 NUMBERS world. Her symbol gives us: "Trans- formation." The color of Mem is blue. The Number Thirteen of Mem shows Trinity by the side of Unity as indi- cating the fulfillment of destiny. So it i- found that this Second Septenary Mem fa as much of a Unity as Aleph was in the First with the exception, that Aleph is represented hy a straight line in the Xumher and gives no clue to the Feminine Principles as it is con- cealed within itself; while Mem is rep- resented hy the Number Thirteen, one and three, the latter Number always dc- ! completion, added together gives the Divine Number Four; and One, and Four added together equal Ten. in which the Divine Femi- nine is manifested standing by the side of Unity. Unity has lost none of its powers, hut the Divine Feminine has gained recognition. Mem has her place in the Hebrew Alphabet between the Twelfth Letter and the Fourteenth ; this shows that she rests upon the Mother Principle, which may turn the preceding Letter from the tendency to destruction, upwards to Sal- 8 4 AND LETTERS vation. Following the Letter Mem, is the Letter Zain, that shows that the ar- row of desire has started forth from the Mother Influence, and will have power to lead man to his highest possi- ble attainments in making the round of evolution. In summing up Mem as a whole, she must alv/ays symbolize "Transformation," through all the attributes embraced in Motherhood. We must remember, that the Mother Letters show different degrees and modes of bringing forth, and that Schin is another degree of the same Principle. As Aleph was the first Letter of the Alphabet, as well as of the Mother Let- ters, and represented Unity in its high- est expression; and as Mem was the Thirteenth Letter representing what was, and is, as to Relative Unity, so Schin, the Twenty-first Letter of the Alphabet and the last of the Third Sep- tenary, as well as the last of the Moth- er Letters, carries the progress of the arrow in its flight. Schin is the finality of the Three Sep- tenaries, and expresses the truth, that the race was left with the protection of the Divine Feminine Principle until it NUMBERS had gone through all phases of trials, and proof of which it was capable. Later, in speaking of the letters sep arately, there will be qualities of Schin noticed that do not belong to the Realm of the Three Mothers. The hieroglyph ichin 18 the foolish man made help- by the gratification of his lower na- ture; this is shown by the dog biting his legs while he goes through the world wearing a foolscap. So absorbed i> he in the enjoyment of the delusion of the lenses, that he pays no heed to the dog, nor to the precipice before him, n<»r to the crocodile waiting to devour him, when he has fallen over into the abyss. The symbol i<: "Destruction." It ifl the dashing to pieces of primeval man, spoken of in the Bible, as being it by the Seven Kings of m. Man at this time lost control of his faculties, relating and connecting him with the invisible intelligences about him. At this point he had nothing left through which to obtain knowledge but the five ordinary animal senses. The higher senses that belonged to Adam Protoplasms, namely, Intuition, 86 AND LETTERS or thought transference, and the power to act and instantly apply, according to his intuition, were lost to him. The fact that this intuition came to him from a Divine Power insured him against any mistakes that might other- wise result from spontaneous action, and it was when he hesitated that he was liable to be led astray. From this has come the old adage : "He who hesi- tates is lost." The color of Schin is red, emblem of suffering. The Number of Schin being twenty- one, shows its first Number, two, the Principle not only of man from God, but of the manifestation of the Lower Feminine which caused his downfall. Through the efforts to regain his union with Unity man sought the Divine Fem- inine which alone could redeem, and unite him with the Unity, the last Num- ber of Schin. The combination of the Two and the One, equals Three, which makes the Trinity of manifestation on all planes. The meaning of place, and object, of the Three Mother Letters must always be kept in the mind. 87 NUMBERS CHAPTER SEVENTH. LETTERS — CONTINUED. After the study of the Three Mother Letters, we come to the Seven Doubles. This means that the Letters called Doubles have two sounds, one strong and the other weak, representing that each contains the active and passive Principles and are related to the plane- tary conditions. Each of these Doubles represent the Elohim who embodies both natures in One. The entire Hebrew Alphabet is con- structed upon the relationship of the Letters to the different Worlds, omit- ting the World of Emanation, and are grouped in Three Septenaries to corre- spond to these Worlds. The names of the different Elohim in their respective order are : El Eloha Elohim AND LETTERS Yaveh-Tsabbath Elohim-Tsabbath Shaddai Adonai. The Three Elohim belonging to the World of Emanation are the Father, Son and Spirit, and are directors of the Seven Elohim just mentioned. This gives us Ten Elohim, one for each Principle. The Seven Elohim of the Three Lower Worlds, not only govern, each a Planet, but each angel has power over the seven days of the week. It will be noticed that the names for the angel for the day always ends in El, denoting their origin from the Elohim, and are given as follows : Sunday — Michael. The governing planet is the Sun. Monday — Gabriel. The governing planet is the Moon. Tuesday — Samuel. The governing planet is Mars. Wednesday — Raphael. The governing planet is Mercury. Thursday — Sachiel. The governing planet is Jupiter. 89 NUMBERS Friday— Aniel. The governing planet is Venus. Saturday — Cassiel. The governing planet is Saturn. In the Babylonian period of the most ancient times, on the boundary stones were engraved symbols, corresponding to the days of the week, as follows : Sunday — Pointed Star. Monday — Crescent. Tuesday — Spearhead. Wednesday — Erect serpent, alongside of bent horns. Thursday — bent horns in pyramidal shape. Friday — wedge shaped object. Saturday — camel's head and neck. The names of the Double Letters are: Beth=The mouth of man. Gimmel=The hand in action of taking. Daleth=The Bosom. Caph=The hand in the action of holding. Phe=The tongue and back of the mouth. Resch=The head of man. Tau=The heart. 90 AND LETTERS The twelve single Letters refer to the signs of the Zodiac, and are: He— The head=Aries. Vau=Neck=Taurus. Zain=rArms==Gemini. Hethr=Breast=Cancer. TethrrrThe heart=Leo. Yod=Stomach=Virgo. Lamed=Reins=Libra. Nun=Generative organs=Scorpio. Samek=rThighs=Saggitarius. Ayin=Knees=Capricorn. Tzaddi=Calvesr=:Aquarius. Quoph=rFeet=Pisces. Having learned the Letters perfectly and how to form them, the student will become familiar with them, as with the Alphabet of his own language, and is now ready to take up the study of Let- ters, and Numbers as a whole. In the study of Numbers, it is found that the Ten Sephiroth have their re- spective places in all Four Worlds, but in the study of Letters they have no place in the World of Emanation, ex- cept Aleph and Beth and Gimmel which have direct communication between the Ain-Soph, Hochmah and Binah. 9i NUMBERS Numbers have no age whatever, or date of beginning; they have always existed, as inherent properties of Be- ing. The fact that Hebrew Letters have a place in the World of Creation, shows how carefully their secret has been guarded through all ages since the Beginning. The 'Thirty-two paths of Wisdom" must necessarily be classified into those that are living Principles, and those that act as carriers of the qualities, from one to another. The first are by far the most impor- tant, being reflected from the higher Worlds; however, without the Letters as lines of connection, or what are termed canals, the qualities of these Numbers, or Sephiroth could never pass from their centre. Man could never know how to find his way back from the Factive World, where his search be- gins, to the Unity from which he started. 92 AND LETTERS CHAPTER EIGHTH. LETTERS — CONTINUED. "The World of Emanation is the movement of the Spirit, manifesting it- self as spirit, without any revelation of the least trace of individuality. It is the interior World, by which the possi- ble may become real. ,, (Papus) The highest and most remote World, is that known as Aziluth, or the World of Emanation. It is the World of Light reflecting from the Ain-Soph, the first centre of Light the human mind con- ceived. The first Septenary, beginning with Aleph, has its place here, and contains within itself all the other Letters which are formed by different combinations ( 5 the Letter Yod with Vau. Yod or the Ain-Soph is the central creative power of the Universe symbolized by a dot J^ Aleph is made up of four of these Yods; one at the right hand 93 NUMBERS above, another at the left hand below: two arc separated by an inverted Van composed of two Yods. It is by this inverted line of the Vau that the relationship is established between the Divine World and the Lower. The Four Yods represent the Four Worlds, and the Four Elements, by which all nature is produced. As there is a Di- vine Centre for each of the Four Worlds, so there is an Adamic Centre in the Three Worlds following that of Emanation. Briah means the going out of itself. In Briah, the Second World, Adam Cadmon is the Being representing per- fect humanity and from whom in atomic cells, undeveloped man has come forth to attain through discipline perfect de- velopment; by this he will return, when perfected, and take his place in the Adam Cadmon from which he came, lie will no longer he the undeveloped cell, but a fully developed intelligence. Wherever the atom came from, there it will return, equally honored whether it belongs to the feet, the heart, or the brain. This is where the Chaldeans de- rived the idea of the zodical signs hav- 94 AND LETTERS ing a place in the different parts of the body. Adam Cadmon is the Eternal Messiah, I Corinthians, 15 \22, that in the different parts of his nature mani- fested Himself in later Worlds, but al- ways remained the perfect Bi-une Being. He was not only Adam Cadmon, but equally the Adonai, or only Begotten Son. As the Father and Mother of a family send off their offspring losing nothing of themselves, by so doing, so the Adonai, as Adam Cadmon, took the place of Father and Mother, through his Bi-Une nature, and after sending forth myriads of souls, lost nothing. The World Briah, or the World of Creation, differs from the Aziluth World in having its substance no longer pure spirit, but an intermingling of spirits with ether, not as we know it, but as the primordial element, from which the other elements emanate. It differs from it also in having for its centre, not the Adonai, but the Logos, who is a manifestation of the Adonai, in his official nature as Creator. Taking Adam Cadmon as a type of perfect man, the Logos calls forth by the Word all nature, and crowns it with 95 NUMBERS man himself, who is to enjoy and use it; as it is said in the first chapter of Genesis : "He created man in his own image, male and female created he them." And again in the Eighth Psalm : "He made man to have dominion ovc, the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, &c." In this World, Adam Protoplas- tus appears, combining in himself all generations of men with the possibilities for either good or evil. In the Formative World, called Jet- sirah, Adam Protoplastus has, as the Rabbi Loriah would say: "Broken to pieces or fragments." From these fragments those who were attracted to the Material World, and were filled with evil desires, fell into the World of shells, or the Factive World, where they are struggling as children of the Third Adam, or Adam Belial, to free themselves from the shells that encompass them. This was illustrated by the Children of Israel be- ing held in bondage by the Egyptians, until there appeared one as their Mes- siah to break their chains and lead them into the Promised Land (equiva- 96 AND LETTERS lent to breaking their shells and freeing them into spiritual beings). When Adam Belial took all the evil fragments that fell from Adam Proto- plastus in the Formative World and peopled the Factive World, or Asia, with them and their descendants he was in the World of ceaseless activity where doing is more essential than be- ing. Adam Belial, the man of shells, was forced in this World to ^ombat ex- ternal dangers that surrounded him by his dense material body. It did not pro- tect him from the invisible enemies that entered his organism, through thought, and the senses, but served to protect him from more gross forms of danger. This man is always called: "The man of Sin." Another name for the man of "Shells." This Factive World is pre-eminently the World of regeneration. It is the point of departure from the old life to the new, and it is here that man learns the folly of doing, and the wisdom c being. In the First Septenary, with th< Adonai as the Centre, and Aleph stand- 97 NUMBERS ing as Trinity, we have our introduc- tion to Adam Cadmon; all different manifestations of the same Being. Kether is the Light reflected from the true Light of the Ain-Soph; Adonai is the Life and the Light; Aleph is the suggestion of the human element that will be manifested. The Ain-Soph is the source of Light, Life Being and the fullness of creation, and yet remains unknown and unknowable. One of the symbols of the Ain-Soph is the central dot known as the Yod. Aleph does not remain at the centre, but becomes the connecting link or ca- nal as the active Principle of distribu- tion. It is not an Absolute Unity, be- cause it is related to the Adonai, and all that follows. Therefore, it is called the First Relative Unity. It is the only relationship possible that can exist be- tween the Septenaries, and the Ten Principles. As Aleph represents the perfect man, we must find expression of his different organs in the different Letters that follow. These have already been referred to in speaking of the twelve single Letters, and the signs of the Zodiac, 98 AND LETTERS So, when we come to the Second Let- ter, "Beth" *2 we find h y its for- mation and the appearance of an open mouth, that it is therefore called "the mouth of man." It is made of two horizontal lines, joined on the right hand by a slight perpendicular one. If we were consid- ering the Letters from any other as- pect than that of man, it might not be called a mouth, but it would be recog- nized as that into which anything could enter, and anything could come forth. This seems to give the idea, that in its relation to Aleph, as the perfected man it became his first mode of expres- sion and followed by Gimmel, we realize the power and sanctity of the spoken Word. This afterwards becomes the Logos, that spoke all Creation into Be- ing. In the study of the Hebrew charac- ters we must keep in mind the relation each one has to the preceding, as also to the one succeeding. This must be considered from the standpoint of the interior meaning. Like Aleph, we find Beth the canal between "Ain-Soph" or the Adonai, or C9 NUMBERS Unity, and Divine love or intelligence. These two Sephiroth henceforth, have a permanent place in the manifestation of Divinity as Creator of the Universe. In the World of Aziluth all The Great Principles are held unmanifested in their perfection. When the opening of the doors to the Lower Worlds is es- tablished, Aleph and Beth are the two canals that carry the highest Eternal qualities through all succeeding Princi- ples. Beth expresses through the open mouth the great love and intelligence which is henceforth to be one of the two leading forces of the World. When Solomon said : "Wisdom has builded her palaces, she has hewn c t the seven pillars," he referred to the building of the Universe that should rest on these two great Principles of Wisdom and Love. Beth as the hiero- glyph in the Tarot, is pictured as the High Priestess dwelling in the inner temple of man and expressing that which can emanate from it. The Will decides whether Beth shall utter words of good or evil, but whichever are spoken, they can never be gathered ioo AND LETTERS again into the mouth from which they issued. This is what led the Saviour to say: "For every idle word that man shall speak, he must give an account in the day of judgment." Eliphas Levey says, in denning an idle word, "An idle word is one that brings forth no result." It is also said in the New Testament, "That when a sower goes forth to sow, he must have the soil prepared or it will bring forth nothing." Which un- doubtedly refers to the words which is- sue from men's lips, that take no root and bring forth no return. The Number of Beth being Two, in- dicates also the Law of separation which was possible and had taken place between the Logos and His Divine Feminine. The Number also gives Beth a passivity in her relation to Aleph. This seems contradictory, for, the Priestess should be expected to rule. As it is seen elsewhere there is a power of non-resistance stronger than active energy. Therefore Beth in her symbol is found to be the t ower to bring forth by being acted upon by Aleph and will be known as, "Production." 101 NUMBERS In Egypt this Letter was represented by Isis crowned with the Crescent of the Moon, as Aleph represented Osiris, the full orbed Sun. Aleph is repre- sented as standing erect with the power of Will to accomplish all things. Beth is represented as sitting, yet, on her head is a crown of power, and across her breast a badge of honor, and in her hand the closed Bible. She is the power of the Moon, holding the secrets of nature or generation that are hidden from the profane. When she has at- tained the fullness of Feminine Power, the Moon is no longer upon her head, but under her foot, and she is crowned with the Sun, because she has risen above the Law of Generation. Beth shows, being next to Aleph and a passive Principle of which He is the active, that she should be the instru- ment through which the fiat of Crea- tion should proceed, but instead of this, it came through the united powers of Vau and He, of which we shall speak later. In the book of Revelation it is said: 'There appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet and 102 AND LETTERS upon her head a crown of twelve stars." Her being clothed in the vesture of the Sun, after this woman had over- come the physical Laws of generation and made glorious for her final initia- tion, gives Gold as the color of the Soul, which color is still used in initia- tions of the final degree. Solomon speaking in Esoteric language, said: "The King's daughter is all glorious within." The Third Letter, "Gimmel" J| is the throat, also represented by the prehensile hand in the act of closing, and related to Beth the Second Letter, as the throat is related to the mouth. We find this significant of the fact, that as long as the throat encloses and holds, the mouth cannot give out. The throat represents the vestibule of the sanctuary of man, which contains the en- trance to the higher sanctuary, the heart. As thoughts are generated by the mind, and sentiments are born of feelings and affections, they meet and have their abiding place in Gimmel, which is the closed throat opening between the two. 103 NUMBERS Solomon said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." While another has said 5 "As a man thinketh so is he." Therefore, Gimmel can well be called the Perfected Man/ speaking by the power of the Spirit, that utters through him living words and has the power of producing new ideas. The Prophet Isaiah says : "My word shall not return to me void, but it shall ac- complish all that whereunto it is sent." The natural man can produce noth- ing by words. It is only when man has learned the power of the Word itself, and speaks at the point of equilibrium through Gimmel, where the intellect above and the heart beneath have cen- tered; only then, will his word have effect. The hieroglyph of Gimmel is the Tarot, again representing a woman but now crowned with a circle of stars, a sceptre in her left hand, where the As- trological sign of Venus is seen upon it, and in her right hand is an eagle, that is the symbol of the soul. This in- dicates that woman, like man, becomes the Ruler of the World, when she has 104 AND LETTERS gained ascendancy over the Lower Na- ture. Her Number being Three, shows that through her comes completion. Her sceptre, crowned with Venus, shows that love in all stages rules the World. In the natural World, by her love the woman establishes the family, in the spiritual World she brings forth the Divine Child, she attracts and draws unto herself, conceals, and holds, all who are touched or influenced by the magnet of the Law of the Creator. Her day is Friday and is governed by the planet Venus, and the Aniel. The symbol is, "Power or the com- pleteness of strength." Gimmel by its place preceded by Beth shows that it is an active Principle through which the word is spoken by the mouth. It has one very singular re- lation, forming an unobstructed con- nection, between the Adonai of the World of Emanation, and all the Di- vine Centres of the Lower Worlds. In the throat of man, we see this same communication, between the inner man and the outer World, and also between the inner man and the invisible World. 105 NUMBERS Gimmel makes a direct canal between the Ain-Soph and the Adonai to the Logos, and the Christ Centre, and end- ing in the Factive or Jesus Christ cen- tre. The Fourth Letter, "Daleth," ^ is sometimes called the door, which may be closed, or which may be opened or downward. It is also sometimes called the womb which opens to let the child pass from the World of darkness to Light; in a Name it indicates the des- tiny of individuals. This is indicated by noting the position of the Letters be- tween which it is placed. The hiero- glyph of Daleth is a man in a sitting posture, that shows by his attitude that he has lost the upright. In the first pic- ture of Daleth we see him holding the earth in his left hand, in the right hand the sceptre of the Three Principles of natural life. The left leg is crossed over the other and shows that he has lost the power which he must regain. In the other picture, he has the earth poised upon his sceptre, the right leg crossing the left, while the eagle repre- sents his fully developed soul. The Number of His Letter has already been 1 06 AND LETTERS explained as taking him back to Unity by being Number Four. We see this in the direct communication it has with the Divine World of the Ain-Soph, by carrying Light and Life to the lower Worlds. No other canals fall into or cross it. This Letter governs Thurs- day; and the invisible vital fluid which he carries from Unity to Lower Worlds has been done by a propelling power of a Will actually subservient to the Di- vine. The Letter is made by two lines, an upper horizontal running slightly down- ward to a perpendicular, and are almost equal in length, showing that the ac- tive and passive Principles are nearly balanced. The horizontal Line being more heavily shaded indicates that the passive, is the stronger Principle in this case, for, when the Active Principle has but one office to perform, that of generating or of giving forth, the passive must receive, hold and bring forth. Daleth, according to the Tarot of Papus, expresses a creation made by a Creative Being according to a Divine Law, but being placed as the Central 107 NUMBERS Arcanum (for every Letter is an Ar- canum or World of knowledge by it- self) of the First Deptenary, it be- comes a pivot that turns from the Ideal of a Creative World, to the possibilities of all the progressions of the Lower World. It must also be borne in mind that the Letters of the Tirst Septenary refer to the Higher order of Intelli- gence. The symbol of Daleth is, "Destiny." Man as we know him to-day, the creature of impulse and passion, will pass through door after door, into life after life, until he attains a model ac- cording to which he was created. This model still exists in the mind of The Creator. Daleth corresponds to the Fourth Principle Chesed, or Mercy. 108 AND LETTERS CHAPTER NINTH. LETTERS — CONTINUED. The Fifth Letter of the Hebrew Al- phabet is, "He" j-| It is made of three lines, one hori- zontal, and two perpendicular at either end. That which distinguishes it from Beth is the third line which is slightly disjoined from the horizontal at the top. This shows that "He" does not re- ceive the full power of its Divine Femi- nine nature, because it is cut off from the channel or source of its being. It represents the Eternal Feminine Principle. The hieroglyph of "He," carries the idea of power that all truly feminine Letters represent. The pic- ture in the Tarot represents a man, a Ruler, and a Ruler of a Church. He is designated as the Pope, who is sitting with the thumb and two first fingers raised in blessing and upholding in His left hand the ancient Sistrum of Egypt, 109 NUMBERS which here contains the full number of the seven notes. The raising of the thumb and two first fingers while repre- senting Trinity, as recognized by the Christian Church, goes further back than Christianity and takes us into the Temples of ancient Egypt where Osiris is seen, carved in bas-relief initiating some Pharoah into the Mysteries. As the neophyte approaches, Osiris holds the thumb and two fingers in the same position, but so placed as to give the Letter Beth, or the symbol of the Fem- inine nature. Thi shows that the postu- lant has, by training attained the state of duality, where neither Principles pre- dominate. This is beautifully expressed in that ancient Egyptian hymn, which was chanted at the ceremony of initia- tion : "Oh Fatherhood, Oh Motherhood, Thou blessed two in one; Absorb me ever more in Thee, And find my soul's completeness." On the other side of the picture, the pillars of the chair on which the Pope sits are raised as high as the top of His no AND LETTERS head, the Sistrum is broken, leaving the three notes of the World of Emana- tion above, and the four of man, or the Lower World, beneath. This man rep- resents an initiate into the higher mys- teries, and the two columns Yakim and Boaz, the active and passive Principle that we find in every room of initia- tion of secret orders. On the right hand is the Law, and on the left liberty to obey or disobey. He needs no books to give him knowledge, for he received by initiation the union that opens the World of Knowledge to him, and the broken Sistrum only shows that the Fallen Man has regained his union with the Trinity. This now protects the Perfect Man who has attained the de- velopment of the perfected square. He does not rule by active power alone, but his power is supplanted, and completed by that of the Empress seen in the picture of the Tarot, Number Three; the esoteric meaning of Daleth is the turning of the door, by which, in the process of generation, the two principles must work in harmony. Since Absolute Unity was repre- sented standing, the Emperor and the in NUMBERS Pope as seen in the Tarot have been represented sitting, shorn of their ab- solute independence. This is the story told in the first chapter of Genesis. Here the Ideal Being was created by the hidden active and passive Princi- ples, and all that followed is but a par- tial creation, because separated from the Feminine Principle, as we see by the form of the Letter. The Sistrum refers to the most sa- cred musical used in the worship in the ancient Temples of Egypt and signifies the Feminine Principle by the circle, and its relation to the masculine, as shown by the straight lines that cross it. This instrument was devoted to the services in the Temple of Hathor, and only played upon by the virgins, or vestals of the Temple. To those who under- stand, it is the story of the seven vi- brations of love from the lowest note to the highest. To-day, in Egypt, we find the same effect is produced by the low crooning of the Dervishes, with which their service begins until it in- creases in such passionate ardor that they are frequently overcome, made un- conscious, and fall in a spiritual ecstasy. 112 AND LETTERS All religions have taught this truth by music, or by vibrations of motion, such as dancing. The Deva-Dassis of the Temples of India were chosen when young, and devoted to this part of the religious ser- vice; among the Shakers of the present day we find the same manner of obtain- ing ecstasy through the vibrations caused by dancing. The Indian War Dance is but another phase of the same theory. When the Sistrum was divided and the three seen independent of the four, man was separated from the Ter- nary of the Higher World, until he had overcome that which related to his physical nature, and the Objective World. The place occupied by the Fifth Let- ter, He, follows immediately Daleth, the door; through this door the soul en- tered into a realization of the Invisible World, and as we find it taught in the Bible, has found Bi-Unity. Though He, is a Feminine Letter in itself, its hiero- glyph also shows it to have the mascu- line nature, and to emphasize this still more strongly, we see before it the ef- fort it has made to gain the two in 113 NUMBERS One, the hieroglyph showing the figure with hands uplifted in supplication as it seeks the union of the Two natures. It is here that He loses the Feminine Nature, and gains the activity of the Masculine, thus becoming the Two in One. The first great meaning of He, is the invisible breath, that sends forth the Word through the mouth of Beth, from the recesses of Gimmel, the throat. This breath has been received through the Universal breath of Emanation, and the Letter in Astronomy denotes the Ram, the nature of fire, of leadership, and great sacrifice through suffering. Cor- responding to this Letter is the Princi- ple, "Peched," or Number which repre- sents, "Fear," and here becomes fear- less. The symbol of He, is life, and the Number in its relation to the Absolute, must be deferred until we reach the Number Ten. The Sixth Letter, "Vau," ) is formed by two lines, a very short hori- zontal line, joining at the top a long perpendicular one; the horizontal line, though short, slopes showing that it 114 AND LETTERS came from a higher Realm to a Lower; the perpendicular line represents Rela- tive Unity. The hieroglyph for Vau, represents the eye and all that relates to Light, and Brilliancy, as we find in Genesis a description of it, where it says: "Let there be Light and there was Light." This came from the manifestation of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World; for, John said: "He was the Light, and the Light was the Light of men." When Paul saw Jesus, at Damascus, in the glare of the noontide sun he was blinded by the dazzling Light that was brighter than the sun. So we see no hieroglyph that could better express the meaning of Vau than the blazing Sun, from the centre of which the Love Principle is sent forth in the form of a cupid, aiming an arrow at man. In the one picture the archer is blindfolded, and he hits the man in the pineal gland; this gland is the organ of man's high- est intuitive faculties, and when he has become developed so that he can see with the inner eye, the arrow from the sun, God hits him in his heart, and ii5 NUMBERS opens the fountain of love which is above all other faculties. Vau stands for the Adonai, the Eternal Sun, who at this upper Sep- tenary governs, like Osiris, the Upper and Lower Worlds, Spirit and Matter. It is the Logos, whose centre is in the Creative World, having been sent forth by the Adonai. The Adonai in His individuality never leaves the Supreme World, but manifests this individuality in His different capacities as the Word or Logos, the Christ and the Jesus Christ. The World in which the Vau has its place is the World of Ideals, with Be- ings unmanifested. It follows the He, and precedes the Zain. The symbol of Vau is, "Love." It is seen as the source of life. In the hieroglyph are also three peo- ple, a youth standing with folded arms where two roads meet, and on either side of him a woman. The one on his right hand is crowned with Gold, the one on the left is crowned with a vine, signifying dissipation. The spirit of Justice stands with a bow and arrow ready to punish the tendency to vice, xi6 AND LETTERS while pure love attracts the youth to the Higher Feminine. He does not at first see the difference between lust and love, but when once realized, the Lower Feminine has lost her Power. The Vau was represented in Egypt as the offspring of Osiris and Isis, ani on the walls of Her most sacred Tem- ples at Philae, its carvings are still to be seen. In the religion of our time, we call it the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; but in the time of Egypt's glory, when she was the centre of philosophy, it was called Osiris, Isis, and Horis. This was during the first, or Taurian cycle where Apis representing the Bull was the object of worship. In the his- torical rooms at New York City, in the National Museum of London, and the great museum of Ghizeh at Cairo, are proofs of the respect paid to this ani- mal. In India, even at the present time, we find the Sacred Cow the object of veneration. We have now reached the last of the First Septenary, the "Letter Zain" ] No series can progress beyond seven, and each Septenary begins and closes with a Number that can be taken back 117 NUMBERS to Unity. This is also true of the mid- dle Letter. The perfect law of Num- bers and Letters is never broken, if continued in a progressive series ac- cording to this Law. The hieroglyph represents an arrow, but the figure in the picture is that of a Conqueror, surrounded by four columns, which support a starry decked canopy. The pillars represent the elements that have come forth from the primeval ether and this in turn has come from the Hyle of the World of the Ain- Soph ; these elements are for man to conquer, and the four animals seen in the hieroglyph are also those seen in Ezekiel's vision, the lion, the eagle, the bull and the lamb. They are symbols also of the Quarternary and of U~z Four Worlds. These also represent the red blood from the heart of the lion, the gluten from the white eagle, which is the high- est development of physical, the heart and the brains, while the Bull repre- sents physical life in its fullest possi- bilities, the lamb represents the spirit of sacrifice and is willing to give all for man's salvation. 118 AND LETTERS The Letter Zain makes a transition from the First Septenary to the next. The Conqueror is seen with two Sphinxes, one white and the other black, harnessed to his chariot. This represents the darkness out of which man emerges and the purity he has at- tained through initiation. In the order, known as the "Fraternity of the Treas- ury of Light," we find the perpetua- tion of this high initiation. It is a brotherhood scattered over the world, where each member, by his illumination, is in communication with the rest, by thought transference. The Letter Zain, more than any other, shows the preser- vation of the Divine in the human and corresponds with Vau of the Quarter- nary. In this Letter is seen the beginning of motion directed by a Will, as the ar- row can be sent to all the Lower Worlds, and by reflex action comes back to the place from whence it started. This is direct motion, and through it the World was created. No motion can be made in one element which does not effect the element below, and indirectly the one above. A vibration sent through 119 NUMBERS the air by a stone which falls into the water has left an endless effect on the air; in the water it reaches the farthest limit of that element, and when it sinks into the earth at the bottom of the water it leaves not only a vibration, but an impress. The arrow, in the case of Zain, is sent from the Creative World, by the central Will of the Universe; it continues direct motion until it reaches the next World below. The symbol of Zain is, "Victory." This is emblazoned in the letters V. C, engraved on the Conqueror's shield upon the front of the chariot, as also the winged globe of Egypt. The Letter is formed much like the figure Seven. 120 AND LETTERS CHAPTER TENTH. SECOND SEPTENARY. We have now followed the Letter Zain into the next World, Formation, to which belongs the Second Septenary. The Relative Unity which is the be- ginning of this Septenary, is the Letter, "Heth" j-| This Letter like "He," in the First Septenary, is made by two upright lines, connected by a horizontal line above. To the ordinary observer, it cannot be distinguished from He in its formation; but to the close observer the three lines in Heth are closely connected, and there is no opening between the perpendicular at the left and the horizontal above. Even Hebrew writers fail to make this distinction between these Letters. Heth shows the vital current passing uninter- ruptedly through it, while in He a part of it was cut off from its source. Strange as it may seem, Heth as a Let- 121 NUMBERS ter is stronger than He. He, occupies its place in the First Septenary where it is purely a Passive Principle in connec- tion with Aleph and the Adonai, while Heth occupies the place of leader of the next Septenary. Each Septenary begins with a positive Letter, though it may be passive in its nature, it is always active in its opera- tion. The Adonai had the unity in Him- self with the Feminine Principle un- manifested, but was positive in His operations. In The Second Septenary Heth, pas- sive in Her Nature, is the seventh in Principle which has become, not only active, but the leader of a series of progressions because she has attained the Bi-Une state. The nearer this is attained by man or woman, the greater their power to rule others. Heth has her centre of power in the World of Formation and is limited. Aleph, as the beginning of all Letters and all the Septenaries, has unlimited power. The pictorial hieroglyph of Heth rep- resents a woman, holding in her hands the scales of Justice, by which she 122 AND LETTERS weighs and judges all things brought before her. The meaning of Heth is a field of vast possibilities, and is spoken of in Genesis, second chapter, where, "Yav- veh-Elohim made man of the dust of the ground," or in other words, he cov- ered with a vesture the ideal that had been created by the Logos. Man would never have needed this material cover- ing, if he had continued to live in the Realm of Light. Looking upon the animal World, man's Will was stirred by his desire to descend into this Lower World and here he found himself unprotected. In Egypt, from whence Moses no doubt borrowed his ideas of Creation, the God Ptah was the God of form, who moulded the bodies of Fallen Man. The field of Heth denotes something requir- ing great labor and the union of all the powers above with man's own efforts, and will. The Feminine Nature that receives, holds, and brings forth, is symbolized by the earth as a field, and Heth as a mother and Creator. The work to be done by Heth must be done in the NUMBERS World of Formation, where forms are substantial, but neither material nor spiritual. In Genesis, 2:19, "Out of the ground the Lord brought forth every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air." This is a continuation of the account in the first chapter of Genesis, where it is said: "He made man in his own image, male and female." The Number of the Letter Heth, be- ing eight, signifies the union of two Worlds and they correspond to t e union of the Formative World with the Factive, or the Factive World with tne Creative, and also corresponds with the union of two natures, the Lower with the Higher Feminine. Its great idea, it is seen, is a balancing power. This Letter also shows something to be at- tained by labor, while the former "He" denotes absolute existence, without any effort whatever. Astronomically it sym- bolizes Libra. The symbol is : "Equilibrium." We now come to the Ninth Letter, "Teth" £ It is formed by a Vau, united at its base with a horizontal straight line 124 AND LETTERS which ascends at the right, turns back towards the Vau, and ends with a Yod. Yod does not unite with Vau, because its work of Absolute Unity is being done by the Vau. In this Letter three Worlds are represented as acting with it. It signifies protection from above to that which is below, and it is this Number and Letter that unites the First Septenary with the Third. Its meaning is given as a roof, a shelter, or protec- tion, and it will protect all the inmates who are initiates of the Light of Wis- dom. The hieroglyph of Heth, pictured in the Tarot, represents an old man hold- ing aloft in his right hand a lantern. He is protected by a mantle and hood and is the culmination of light to the young man we saw starting forth with the two feminines one on either side. He had the power to choose betwen vice and virtue, in the sixth Arcanum. The ar- row which was then shot from the height over the head of this young man has now become the staff upon which he leans, it first enlightens his intelli- gence, by the revival of intuition and then his affection, until it becomes a 125 NUMBERS Light to his path. Solomon described this young man in many parts of Proverbs. When he has attained the fullness of time allotted to him, he holds aloft the lamp, that attracts all those who behold him. In the twenty- third Psalm it is said: 'Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me." Every true master has a staff, a rod, and a lamp. An initiate who has gained his staff and his lamp, has be- come a Master or an Adept. When Moses struck the rock in the wilderness, he struck it with the rod (this was his visible means of producing the miracu- lous result), but the staff that gave him the power to perform this miracle was invisible. The staff is always invisible. It is the indwelling Word, which is only seen in its results. The rod may be that which Christ used to annoint the eyes of the blind man, to heal the sick, and to feed the multitude; indeed, whatever is seen by others and thought by them to be the power that does the work, is only a manifestation of an in- ward force that they do not know. The difference between the rod and the staff is, that the one is the means used to 126 AND LETTERS accomplish, and the other is the power gained to use those means. The lamp is the Light of Wisdom, by which the Word can always be spoken with un- erring results. To gain the rod and the staff, and the lamp, three Worlds must be called upon to act in unison with man's power. In the first, we have the power that can only be at- tained by prayer; in the second, we have those who have united themselves with the Master by concentration of purpose, and steadfastness of pursuit. I the Third World, we have the nat- ural forces to which man belongs. In the case of true healing, we see this more plainly than in anything else. The natural force, or magnetic force or breath which the spirit made use of as a medium, is the connecting force be- tween the Factive and Formative Worlds. Beyond this, if it is indeed true healing, it reaches into the World of Creation by the "Cabiric chain" to which the initiate has been joined. When we can reach the Creative World the cure is instantaneous. This is the result of a life long effort and prac tice. 127 NUMBERS The symbol of this sign is, "Wisdom." In Astrology, Heth is related to the sign of Leo. This is the red lion spoken of in Hermetic language as united with the gluten of the white eagle. The lion's functions are in the heart, and when the equilibrium is estab- lished between the intellectual forces of the brain, represented by the gluten of the white eagle, and the love forces of the heart, man has become an Adept. We now come to the Number of Numbers, "Ten," the Hebrew Letter be- ing, "Yod" 1 This Letter is formed like a dot or period. It is the completion and full expression of all Numbers. From this central dot radiates to an endless cir- cumference the power of this Unity, and from this is taken the first Letter of the Tetragrammatan, and of the all powerful Word, Yahveh. The pictorial hieroglyph represents the wheel of destiny with a sphinx di- recting it; while the wheel turns up- ward and what the world calls "Good" predominates. When it reaches the do- minion of the sphinx at its extreme up- ward movement, it begins to turn down- 128 AND LETTERS ward, and indicates darkness, which the ordinary man calls evil. This originated with the old Egyptian myths of Osiris going into the lower Worlds when the day was done and night began to reign. This Letter Yod, has attained the equilibrium of the Two Forces, as is seen in the Number Ten, where the Active Unity stands side by side with the Passive, or Divine Feminine Prin- ciple. Yod, therefore, as represented by this Principle, shows that a higher wis- dom than is seen by the Lower World, is constantly judging of the progress of the wheel and meting out the justice that shall be tried by the downward movement, and at the same time where the reward shall come after the trial. "Just is the wheel. ,, This is the Eternal Principle of life. Not until the wheel has touched the earth in its downward tendency, can it begin to go upward with renewed force from the power it has gained by desire. This is what the world calls, "The wheel of Fate." This is guided by what seems to be a blind force apparently having no rela- tions to that which has been in the 139 NUMBERS body. The Master of Nazareth, who knew all Laws and Principles in each World has said, "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap, and whatsoever ye have done to others, must be done to you again." But also according to the Law of what the Rosicrucians call, "Multipli- cation, thirty, sixty and an hundred fold." No seed ever planted ever producer merely one of its kind. From one ker- nel of corn, there will be at least from four to a thousand kernels brought forth. In the book of Revelation, we are told that John saw the dead, small and great receiving, for the deeds done in the body, their rewards. As the Fac- tive World is the only World of bodily or physical conditions, it must be in this World that the seed is sown for good or evil, and must be reaped where it is sown. As this little life of three score and ten is too short to reap the good or evil, that any soul has done in the body, we must again come to earth to reap here what was sown. It is when we have learned to do nothing but good, that we cease to need the dis- 130 cipline of earth. This is why the doc- trine of reincarnation, is the only one that can show the justice of the su- preme Power, and this teaches man that he is not in the hands of an arbi- trary despot, but that he is making his own life for good or evil, for all future ages. The scales of justice, which we find the constant symbol of Unity, enable us to look at every human being as one who is receiving the fruits of that which he has sown in the past, though he may not remember it. He will see all his lives and all his deeds when he enters the invisible world as a great panorama moving before him. They are all written in his consciousness as well as on the light that belongs to his per- sonality and can no more be erased than a star can be removed from the firma- ment. This is why the testimony of drowning men always reveals at the mo- ment of unconsciousness at the point of drowning, every event of their lives, both good and evil, some of which have long been forgotten. This is what is referred to in the Biblical passage, where it is mentioned that when the 131 book of life is opened, every man's acts, will be found recorded there. The sphinx in the hieroglyph, in her watchfulness over the field has the qual- ity of all four things of existence. It has the courage, and heart of the lion, the wisdom of a serpent, the strength of the Bull, and the face of the human being, looking forward to know the mystery of life. It also has the wings that give it the quality of the bird, and which enable it to mount into Realms beyond that of ordinary mortals. This face looks calmly forth through the vista of the ages to the attainment of perfection. The symbol of the sphinx has been found among the ancient ruins of Yucatan as a relic of the Mayas, where Dr. Le Plangeon, himself, found a small model of the sphinx of Egypt buried many feet under ground. The Yod, represents potential mani- festation, an endless spiritual duration. It is only limited by the circumference of immensity, which radiates from the centre of the Letter. Belonging as it does to the Formative World, it is known to the inhabitants of that World as working in equilibrium with the Di- vine Feminine that makes it a complete union. Its symbol is, "Eternity." In the parable of the Ten Virgins, five of whom were wise, and five were foolish, we find the perfect Number Ten, divided in the Lower Feminine Principle represented by the foolish vir- gins, who had no oil in their lamps, and no preparation for the light or wisdom they would need. Five were wise, hav- ing prepared themselves by the oil in their lamps for the day of trial or reck- oning which should surely come. In the parable of the talents, to one was given five, to another two, and to another one. When the account to their Lord for the talents was made, and the one who had been given five brought another five, the Master said: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." The doubling of the five talents made a completion of the Ten Principles, and at this point, he had been made a com- plete master of his life, and could 133 J.X «J JtL &£**.& choose as in the hieroglyph in Vau, whether he should follow the virgin crowned with Gold, or the one crowned with the emblem of dissipation. The one who hid his talents had it taken from him because he had made no use of it and on account of his laxness had to commence again. The one with the two talents received a proportionate re- ward. He could not have handled the reward given the one with the five tal- ents, but when his own had been dou- bled, he had learned the steps whereby they had been won. He knew they be- longed to him, because they were the outgrowth of his original talents. This proves that souls do not come into this world equally endowed, but receive their reward according to the talent given. The one with the five talents made ten, and the one with two talents showed he was an ordinary mortal, but on the road where by faithfulness to himself, he would receive five talents, and so gain his final reward through the use of them. 134 CHAPTER ELEVENTH. SECOND SEPTENARY — CONTINUED. In the Creative World, the Divine Feminine was concealed, except as indi- cated by the Number Four; but in the Second Septenary or the Formative World, it stands forth with equal power as co-worker with that of the Activ: Principle of Unity. In the secrets of its results we find all due to the Will to formulate and execute. Von Hek- moth, one of the great Occultists of the Seventeenth century, said, "The Will is a substance, more subtle than ether, finer than electricity and can only be controlled by the psychic (or soul power)." The failure of men in life, is because they do not understand the power of this substance known as Will. It is di- vided into the Divine Will; the Uni- versal Will running through nature; and the Human Will which is but an 135 atom of the Great Will. It is in its na- ture universal, but affected by the dif- ferent planes on which it acts. Inter- planetary, interstellar, and penetrating all substances. It can equally act through the World of Emanation, of Creation, of Formation, and of the Ma- terial or Factive World. The Will cannot be controlled by thought; it is inherent in the nature of Unity and belongs to the Yod. Consciousness is spontaneous and cannot be controlled, but it lacks the power of the Will to perform. Consciousness can act inde- pendent of the Will, but the Will cannot act independent of the conscience, though generally both work in unison. The Will cannot be acted upon by the intellect alone which is a mental quality, nor by the affections alone, nor even by both united. It is the Ego alone that can force the Will into the pursuit of any given purpose. When Disraeli, or Lord Beaconsfield, as a young Jewish boy, walked the streets of London, he conceived the idea that he would die Prime Minister to Queen Victoria. From that day all the powers of his ego, intellectual and emo- 136 tional gathered themselves and worked unceasingly to that end. Whatever might prove to be an obstacle to his future, or hurtful, he avoided on the one hand, and thought on the other all that would be advantageous, not only towards gaining this end, but towards being able to represent with dignity the office he desired. In dying Disraeli said, "Anyone can be what he wills to be." Yod, is the storehouse of this Will from which it is sent to all lesser Worlds, and to every living creature; even the herb, before it has reached the lowest form of animal motion, shows by the direction of its germ, this Will that sends upward the stalk, and down- ward the root. In Genesis 1 :2, we are told that the World was "Formless and clothed in darkness." Upon this was sent the Will of the Yod, as an outer force starting into vi- bration, that which should afterward be more clearly spoken into existence by the Logos. The description of Crea- tion here given, is that of a picture in the mind of an artist before he has 137 placed a finger to the canvas. The Yod, dwelling at the centre of Emanation sends forth the Sun to abide in the same manner in the centre of the Cre- ative World, as the Logos or Word. He is to be the artist who will bring forth the design which we have just de- scribed, and make of it a living reality. By his vibration there is a continuation of the motion spoken of as starting from Aleph and first manifested in the Letter Zain. In the Word Yo-He, Vau He, we find Yod as the father, He as the Mother, and from these two the Vau was brought forth. The symbol of Yod, is "Completion" The Eleventh Letter, "Caph" ^ 1S formed like Gimmel, but the arms are longer and give a stronger grasp in de- noting strength. With this Letter rep- resented by Unities in opposition, de- generation begins its work. It is here that the Lower Feminine asserts Her- self as the equal of man, and after- wards tramples him under foot. The Two Unities added correspond to the Number Two, as well as the Number Eleven, and as mentioned in Two, is the first manifestation of the Divine 138 AND LETTERS Nature. Even in the Creative World the combat began, and will continue. The Arcanum of this Letter expresses strength and vitality, and shows a wom- an without any effort closing the jaws of a lion. She wears a crown upon her head, shaped like the figure eight, placed in a horizontal position. It must never be forgotten that all illustrations of strength (with the exception of Aleph) are given in the form of a woman. In this picture is seen the life of the true adept, crowned with a circle of astral light, which is under the control of the human Realm and has the possibility of becoming one with the Divine Will, and therefore, accomplishes miraculous results without effort. In Astronomy it denotes Mars, the Elohim of concentrated activity, and opposition and aggression. It also gov- erns Tuesday. "The symbol is, "Separation." This Number, in the Temples of in- itiation, is seen in the two columns through which the initiate is called to pass. They are not only of opposing colors, but are opposite each other and are traced back as far as Solomon's 139 NUMBERS Temple. The pillars of Hercules which are the land marks of separation, be- tween the Continents of Africa and Eu- rope at Gibraltar were made the symbol of the sign of Gemini, the head of the air triplicity. Here is the man with two natures, opposing each other, separated from each other, and yet belonging to each other. In Egypt, every Temple has for its entrance a broad doorway with a pilon tower on either side. It was this Principle represented by the sym- bol of "Separation," which was the aim of every Pharoah to attain, who started on the study of the Principles of Num- bers and Letters. Sampson showed his knowledge of this Principle by having his hands di- rected to the central pillars of the tem- ple, so that by putting his arms around them he could pull down the entire building. This is an illustration of the fact that, anyone by living an entirely animal existence can destroy the bal- ance or equilibrium that supports the universe, namely Wisdom and Love. The Golden Hathor has been vividly pictured by one of our modern writers, as entrancing all who heard her from 140 AND LETTERS her position on the centre of the Pilon Tower. As the temple was approached, these massive towers of masonry rising seventy feet from the earth, had no roof, no relationship. They were merely the entrance to the vestibule of the tem- ple, but when the temple itself was en- tered, these towers were united by a stone bridge, designating the union of the two in one, or Bi-Unity. Who- ever could stand upon the centre of this bridge had developed both natur ; and held the world by their magnetic charm. Hathor was the Mary Magda- lene of the Egyptian Religion and when she sang to her people, from the centre of this bridge, none could resist her. Men left their families, all relationships of earth were forgotten, as they swarmed in masses from every part of the Kingdom to reach her. If they were premature, they were sure to meet death. The whole is one of the finest descriptions ever given, of a soul, who has united the Higher Feminine with the Lower, the Higher Ego with the Lower, the human with the Divine. To- day the result is the same where one can speak the Word from this innermost 141 NUMBERS centre of their being. They can attract and hold and influence, and heal, and none can tell the secret of their pow- ers. We find this Law of Separation in the Yod, and it is the beginning of man's degeneration. Here he was sep- arated from all he loved. In the study of Letters from this time we need ex- pect nothing but struggles and suffer- ings to regain his former powers. We have now reached the Twelfth Letter, "Lamed" ^ This is formed like our figure Five, and denotes the arm or that which may be extended in an expansive movement. Lamed is applied to all ideas of con- ception, extention, and power derived from elevation. This is seen by the fact that the Number, in being reduced to its simplest expression denotes Trin- ity, which points to the Three Worlds, and particularly to the Divine World, which can only be attained after man has succeeded in his struggles. The expansion denoted by Lamed is that which follows the involution of the Divine Spirit that is in man by the Divine Law of Evolution; this is the 142 AND LETTERS continuation of the motion in Yod, and the turning in the wheel of destiny through successive revolutions, has en- abled man to reach the state where spirit is enclosed in matter, at first ethereal, then fleshly, and finally in shells. The law of expansion now be- gins to work, the power of Divine work- ing begins to throw off layer after layer of encrustations or vestures, until man stands as spiritual being clothed in a garment of Light. As described in the Nostic books he is now upright, and has fulfilled the idea contained in Yod that he should be a Bi-Une nature. The picture in the hieroglyph shows a man suspended from his left leg on a gibbet placed between two trees, each having six branches that had been cut off, making twelve in all. This shows that he has been cut off from the twelve branches of the tree of life, and has reached Lamed which completes his downfall. The man's hands are tied behind his back, he is helpless, and the position of his hands form a reverse triangle of which his head is the point. His body sways with the wind and the crossing of his right leg over the left 143 NUMBERS forms a cross. This is the same young man, who in the world of Emanation was pictured as Aleph, the juggler. In Vau he was placed in a position of temptation between vice and virtue, and now through successive steps, having passed the Yod, we find him caught in the position of helpless destruction. His plunge, after his separation from Yod, is the result now pictured in Lamed; it is the first action of a personal Will pre- sumptuously followed even to ruin; but by discipline, bringing forth from this Yod a new spiritual life. The symbol of Lamed is, "Uncer- tainty." - Will and desire are the acting forces. "Back of Will stands desire." Whatever the talent to be used, whether in the arts or sciences, or in : the gift of healing, everything is super- ficial until done from this centre of equilibriated forces. A few characters mentioned in history, even while upon earth attained this power, and the num- ber is constantly being increased. Moses attained it by forty years of soli- tude in the mountains, until the bush was aflame with light and yet was not 144 AND LETTERS consumed He knew that his interiors had been opened to the highest degree, but at the time did not know the means by which it had been accomplished. Ten years had been given by him to the study of each of the Four Worlds and at the end of that time he had mastered all the Principles of the Ten Sephiroths. Goethe understood this when he said : "A talent can be perfected in solitude; character only in the World." The forty years in the mountain, was .! Moses* school of learning, his going into the glamour of Pharoah's court, showed the development of his character. "Enoch walked and talked with God >and was not for God took him." It has only been a matter of recent L date, that the book of Enoch has been u found and placed in the hands of the .student. It deals with subjects barely i hinted at in the Bible, such as angels, I visions of the invisible World, and the : anal judgment. Melchizadek was the founder of the order of Melchizadek | (the Prophet and forerunner of Christ). Indeed, by some Cabalists he is considered as being one of the mani- festations of Vau, the Son. He had 145 NUMBERS this high spiritual development, which can never be attained while man is in- terested in the Factive World with his attention fixed on the things around him. It is only the concentration of the mind on a single purpose that will bring this result. We have now reached the Thirteenth Letter, "Mem" Q the middle Moth- er Letter, which has its place in the Hebrew Alphabet as the productive force of the Formative World. It is made with a Vau, to the left of which a Beth almost united. Mem represents the substance and the moulding Principle of that which is re- ceived from the Active Principle. While the first Letter Aleph was the first Let- ter of the First Ternary, the first Sep- tenary, and the entire Hebrew Alpha- bet, Mem is the Sixth Letter of the Second Septenary, and we see here the progression of Creation as taught by the Hebrew Letters. In this case the Mother Letter protects, transforms, and moulds, and is a receptive as well as a Creative power. It is after Mem has begun to take the step downward, that this Mother Letter is needed to trans- 146 AND LETTERS form man from the physical to the spiritual being for which he is de- signed. We have already spoken of Mem, as one of the Three Mother Letters, but we must enlarge upon it as one of the most important to be found in all de- partments of life, next to the straight line of Absolute Unity. The sum of the two Numbers, one, and three making four, represents the great Tetragram- matan, by which all the relations and magical workings of the Yod, and the He, the Vau and his He are accom- plished. As in the first Septenary, the He which was Number five, represented the first Feminine made manifest in the Tetragrammatan, so in the second Sep- tenary it is still more plainly manifested, by Yod having doubled its power, though He is yet a part of the Tetra- grammatan. The scale in the descending Septen- ary places Relative Unity at the begin- ning of each Septenary, an octave be- low that of the one preceding. The fourteenth Letter, is "Nun" J This is formed with a Vau, a lower 147 NUMBERS arm extended on the left. It repre- sents the Pentegram, or the most per- fect representation of man acting from the centre of his own will. The Num- ber One and Four, added together, give us the intellectual man and trained will, with power over his senses, hence the passions and the elements are at his mercy. Being a man to whom was given the five talents, he becomes after- wards the man who by doubling them made them the perfect Ten and re- ceives the perfect man's reward. This is the place where man finds himself perfectly satisfied with his physical and mental development. The hieroglyph shows a woman with wings; it designates the fruit brought forth by Mem, the mother Letter, and the pouring out of the fluid, wine, that is the result of ripeness and growth. The genius of this woman is called the genius of the Sun and pours the es- sence of life from one vessel to an- other without the loss of the least atom. We learn from this, that the life force, from the dual forces of Unity returns to its life source without diminution, We also know that as the distance in- 148 AND LETTERS creases between the Creative World on the one side and the most remote world of creatures on the other, it is the qual- ity of the essence that is diminished, while the quantity always remains the same. Man's hope of Eternal Life is by ab- sorbing this essence in his interior be- ing, and letting it radiate to the body or shell, which has become hardened. The symbol of Nun is, "Developed man." Man is still in the Formative World, preparing to be sent to the Factive World, of fathers and mothers and cor- poreal bodies, and to ceaseless activity, that fascinate without satisfying. The place of Nun in the Septenary, is the last one of the Second Septenary and denotes the lowest form in the Formative World which man has reached in his atomic or ethereal body. The astronomical significance relates man to Scorpio. 149 NUMBERS CHAPTER TWELFTH. THIRD SEPTENARY. We have now reached the Third Sep- tenary of the Hebrew Alphabet. This belongs to the Factive World. We must expect, in entering this World, to find the activity of the Material body, and the human mind, the predomi- nating elements. All realization of the spiritual relationship to the higher and Invisible Worlds vanishes, when the Ego is born on this plane, though the spiritual connection still exists. Words- worth in his ode to Immortality has most beautifully expressed this blind- ness of the soul, and forgetfulness of all that previously belonged to it. "The soul that rises with us our life's star, Has had elsewhere its setting and Com- eth from afar. 150 AND LETTERS Not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home. Shades of the prison house begin to close around the growing boy." The full power of vibratory force, which started from its highest centre, has now become the coarser element of motion to correspond with the gross body of man. The physical would be destroyed by this higher vibration. This Septenary, begins with the Let- ter, "Samek" J£) This Letter is formed as a serpent with its tail in its mouth, thus making a circle. This circle is the motion started in Zain, and brought back upon itself. In Zain this motion was direct, going from the one Will, and was cre- ated, but swerved from its course by the separation of man's Will from the Creative, until it attained a circular mo- tion, when it became the motion of for- mation; Samek is Feminine in its na- ture. The form of this Letter partakes of the form of the Letter Mem, except that i5i NUMBERS in Mem the Vau is separated from man, who is represented by the horizontal line, and the Yod to which it belongs. This Letter denotes limitation. Man cannot go beyond his environment, he- redity, or innate Ego. Destiny is repre- sented by the circle, the ego by the centre of the circle, and the seed is what emanates from the centre in ac- tion. The hieroglyph is the devil symboliz- ing the astral forces that can only be revealed through this symbol. By the side of Satan, we find much that we have seen in the preceding hieroglyphs. Here, however, everything is reversed. With the very first hieroglyph, the Jug- gler combines, by the laws of spirit, that which would afterwards bring forth Creation. He raises his left arm toward the Creator, while his right arm points downward towards the Universe. He holds the magic wand, and the demon holds the lighted torch. One leads into the light, and the other to the darkness of destruction. Here the vivifying forces of the Creative World has become deadly and destructive. The devil or Samek stands upon a cube sur- 152 AND LETTERS mounting a sphere, to indicate the do- minion of matter over spirit. Fab d' Olvet says: "In the Letter Samek is found the spirit of evil." Among the ancients, the same idea is seen where Atlas stands upon a tor- toise and holds the World upon his shoulders. In Astronomy this represents Saggi- tarius, the archer. He rides on the four feet of animal passion, which carries him through this Factive World until awakened to the possibilities of a higher state of existence. Then the power of inspiration comes upon him, the gift of prophecy is developed, and the life of the Centaur becomes transformed into that of the true man. Vibration is the spirit of motion. Mo- tion can be seen; vibration cannot be seen, but can be felt. According to the power of the motion will be the rapid- ity of the vibration emanating. In the Second Septenary, we find the interior motion of Aleph expressing it- self as expansion and manifestation. Up to a certain point this expansion in- creases until it reaches Samek. The symbol of Samek is, "Motion." 153 NUMBERS This motion was started from the evil of desire, and only through change of desire can it meet itself, and become a symbol of Eternity. The number of this Letter is fifteen, which equals Six, the Two Ternaries of the preceding worlds. The sixteenth Letter is, "Ayin" t£ formed of two Vaus united by a hori- zontal line at the bottom where the lkae slants. It is prostrate man in the process of elevation by Jesus Christ. Its number is six plus one which equals seven, making it a Divine Number. At this stage of man's existence he has reached the degree, where amid all the disasters and sufferings of human life, a Divine power is reaching down to help him if he is but conscious of the perils below him and the powers that are above. The hieroglyph shows a tower struck by lightning, from which Adam and Eve in their primitive state are first brought to view; the safety and protection of the tower, which has before guarded them, has been taken from them, and they are falling to the ground to begin the labor of reconstruction. This is the 154 AND LETTERS great point where man's downward ca- reer has reached its climax; from this he can only emerge by severe and per- sistent labor, this is the lesson that clothes him with a material body, and enables him to combat the forces of the Material World. It cannot protect him from the enemies within. Those Letters concerning man in the Formative World, without his body, deal with astral conditions; those deal- ing with man in his body, refer to his material conditions and the World of Elements. Therefore, we are informed of an astral world, astral body, and astral Light. These differ in their man- ifestations. When the human being drops the shell, the material body goes to the World of Elements from which it came; the astral body or soul returns to the astral world, and takes its place there. In this astral world there are dis- tinctive beings who have not reached the plane of intelligence or consciousness, awaiting an opportunity to incarnate and join the endless procession of souls in the march of development towards perfection. In this astral world also 155 NUMBERS there are those who have been incar- nated before, but must return again and again into a physical body. In this astral World, there are also those, who have completed their rounds of devel- opment and need never come into a body again, unless sent on a mission to earth. The Psalmist in the nineteenth Psalm alludes to this in the words : "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations." The word generation can mean but one thing, which is to be born into a body, as regeneration, means to be born out of a body. David also said: "Thou turnest man to destruction (or to the Material World) and sayest, re- turn ye, children of men, for a thou- sand years in thy sight (or the spiritual world) is but as a day." The astral world has as many planes of inhabitants as there have ever been men upon the earth (grades of menj, with the addition of the spiritual or celestial plane belonging to the angels. The motion of the astral current has nothing to do with that spoken of in Aleph, which was a direct motion of light from the centre of the World of 156 AND LETTERS Emanation; while the astral light has a rotary motion. It bears the same re- lation to the true light as moonlight to sunlight. Every soul that enters the world to be clothed with a body, comes through these opposing forces of astral light, while every soul going from this light, on leaving this body passes through these currents which change from circular to vertical. These cur- rents are sometimes called "The her- metic dragon, or the dragon of the threshold" that guards the entrance to the higher world. In China to-day, the worship of the dragon predominates, and wherever the emblem is seen, the dragon is found to be reaching with one of its forepaws after a globe float- ing in the air in a vain attempt to seize it. This globe represents the human soul. In Egypt, the symbol of the globe, the winged soul, is the same idea differ- ently expressed. As Ayin, is the Letter expressing man's complete fall into matter, yet symbolized by a Divine Number, it in- dicates that this is the place of meeting of the destructive downward Principles, with redeeming or helpful, from above. 157 NUMBERS This is the struggle mentioned in Gene- sis where the Cherubim with the flaming sword, drove man from his spiritual home in the Formative World. From this time, life was a continual struggle of outward activity, without satisfaction. In Astronomy this corresponds to Capricorn, the goat. The symbol of Ayin is, "Destruction." We now come to the Seventeenth Let- ter of the Hebrew Alphabet, "Phe" Its formation is the same as Beth ex- cept that the Yod comes forth from the mouth. Beth signifies the mouth, with the possibility of speech' issuing from it; Phe is that speech; it is the spoken word. The hieroglyph represents the young girl, who was the image of eternal youth. In the fourteenth arcanum she is pouring the elixir of life from one vase to another without losing a drop, now seen in the seventeenth arcanum, Phe, pouring the water upon the ground. She is crowned with seven stars, one of which is very large and directly over the centre of her head. By the ordi- 158 AND LETTERS nary process of addition, Phe becomes Number Eight, the union of the Two Worlds, and what is more important it represents the full octave at the com- pletion of seven. In music, when it comes to the sounding again of first note (the eighth) we find the exact sound of the first, reproduced in a higher pitch and greater vibration. If Unity expresses love, it would be either natural or mother, and the chord or octave would represent these same qual- ities carried to a higher state. It must be remembered that the Number Eight combines the two feminine qualities in one. In the Letter Phe, the first ray of hope comes to man, in the picture in the Tarot, as a butterfly hovering over the young girl which gives us the sym- bol, "Immortality." In Astronomy, it relates to Mercury with the winged feet, indicative of the rapidity of thought. It is also the em- blem of prayer or speech, the former uniting man with His Creator, the lat- ter with his fellow man. Phe repre- sents the tongue or back of the throat. We have now reached the eighteenth 159 NUMBERS Letter, "Tzaddi" ^ formed differ- ently from Ayin, in that one Vau has almost become a Yod to assist in the uplifting of the horizontal line to which it is attached. It is through this that the Divine Feminine or Holy Spirit per- forms its office of inbreathing upon the soul of man, while the Vau unites its activity with this breath to bring forth a new creature. The Number of the Letter shows that the combination of Unity with Number Eight has brought about completion or Number Nine, which indicates the Three Ternaries. This always denotes com- pletion. The hieroglyph shows us that the in- volution of spirit is not complete, there is no more light that can reach the Ma- terial World except by reflection. Spirit can descend no lower than the field which represents the earth, and its de- scent is seen by the drops of blood that fall on the earth from above. Spirit finds upon this plane upon which it has fallen, everything working against it. The wild animals of the earth, poisonous vapors, opposing circum- stances; these are all enemies which 160 AND LETTERS militate against us at its lowest point of descent. Worse than these are the inner foes of animal desires. The symbol of Phe is, "Chaos," and in Astronomy corresponds to Aquarius. The Nineteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is, "Quoph" p], formed with a slight resemblance to He, except that the perpendicular line is more ex- tended below; the Yod is turned aside at the right hand as if the power of the world was being attracted toward mat- ter. There are four numbers that rep- resent life in different degrees. He, rep- resenting Universal life; Teth, natural life; Caph, assimilated life; and Quoph, material existence, by which forms are developed. The hieroglyph indicates two children enclosed in a walled place which repre- sents the Material World. This shows the positive and negative fluids, or forces of the Universe. The Sun now begins to shine in direct rays upon them; this reveals to us the turning up- ward of the arrow, which has been un- til now, descending deeper and deeper into matter. It is the point of transi- tion, where the first stage of initiation 161 NUMBERS begins. As a little child opens its eyes upon this new world, but is not yet con- scious of being an inhabitant, so the spirit first awakens in its materialized body to its place of origin, which arouses in it the desire to return. Apollinius of Tynna says: "Until the Ego becomes conscious of the two dis- tinct currents acting within it, and can thoroughly distinguish between them, it is not yet ready for initiation into a higher degree." This is what he calls, "The first hour of initiation." The Number of the Letter, Nineteen, represents Unity, and the Three Worlds in their completion, added together make Number Ten, which indicates the completion of all things called by the Brahmins, "The inbreathing of the Worlds." This is expressed in their saying, "Braham breathes out and the Worlds are born; Braham inbreathes and Worlds are destroyed." Quoph represents the inbreathing. The meaning of the word is a sharp weapon to defend man, and to aid him. Paul, the great initiate, carries out this 162 AND LETTERS same figure, when he speaks of "The sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God." The symbol for Quoph, showing the union of two opposing forces, active and passive, is "Limitation." The astronomical symbol is Gemini, the twins, which is the same as the last Letter of the first Septenary. We could almost say the two Letters had the same signs and the functions of both are sim- ilar. Both represent the arrow, the for- mer as it starts out, the latter when it has turned in its flight, changing direc- tion for the defense of man. In Zain, when the arrow went forth, man had not yet been created, but now the in- volution of spirit into matter has been effected and he has his defense in his power. 163 NUMBERS CHAPTER THIRTEENTH. THIRD SEPTENARY CONTINUED. We have now reached the twentieth Letter, "Resell" *), formed by a horizontal and perpendicular line like Daleth, with the exception of the hori- zontal line, which has now begun to manifest more strength and force. The perpendicular line of Unity joins it at the right hand, and upholds it. Resch is spoken of as the head of man and stands for his independence. Every- thing that possesses in itself original movement, whether good or bad, is ex- pressed by Resch. The hieroglyph, is an angel with wings of fire, blowing a trumpet that is decorated with a cross, which represents the last judgment, or the completion of the mystery of spirits enfolding, and man's unfolding. Be- low it, a grave opens from which man, woman, and child come forth. Here is 164 AND LETTERS again seen the fatherhood and mother- hood and sonhood of the ancient Egyp- tians which were fully understood be- fore Moses lived and the Bible was written. Resch represents by its Num- ber Twenty, separation from the Divine World and nature. Figure Two is the first manifestation of the Feminine or Passive Principle. The cipher or cir- cle, which we first saw in Number Ten or Daleth, there represented the Divine Feminine by the side of Unity, equal in power. In Resch, we now see this cipher still representing the Divine, standing side by side with Number Two, the first manifestation of the Lower Feminine. They both represent in Number and fig- ure, that which has been since the Cre- ation, separated from the Unity to which each belonged. Having now ac- complished their mission in the Three Worlds, we find they have reached their ultimate in Resch. The Three beings called forth at the blowing of the trumpet, as seen in the hieroglyph, represent the entire human race of the Three Worlds : Creative, Formative and Factive. They also rep- resent the concentration of the race into 165 NUxMBERS the family, the father, the mother, and the child. The Symbol of Resell is, "Redemp- tion." Astronomically, Resch is represented by Saturn, the planet of darkness, and all that opposes satisfaction through human desires. This planet governs Saturday. The twenty-first Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is, "Schin" J^ # This is formed by three Vaus, still connected by a horizontal straight line, and is one of the three Letters that has a hissing sound like that of a serpent. It is also the last one of the three Mother Letters. Zain, Samek, and Schin all represent motion in its differ- ent degrees of advancement. In Zain of the First Septenary, it went forward in a direct path; on reaching Samek it took a circular course returning to it- self. With Schin it turned from the circular into a vertical or spiral move- ment. Motion, it is seen is of three kinds, direct, circular and vertical, active, passive and destructive or obstructive. The Fall of Jericho mentioned in the Bible, is simply an illustration of the 166 AND LETTERS destructive force of the motion or vi- bration that produced it. The motion that destroyed the Continent of Hyper- boria situated at the North Pole was at first direct and Creative, but divert- ing in its course to the circular, which caused its destruction. The motion that also caused the destruction of Lamuria, situated at the Southern extremity of the earth was circular, and changed to the vertical, which motion is found in the current of the Indian Ocean to- day, and differs from that of any other Ocean. Atlantis, known as the White Conti- nent, was lost through the Creative Forces that misapplied the power of the breath in the unition of the direct, circular and vertical motion. These forces getting \ nd control brought with it through the combination of these three motions, destruction. The motion in Schin, is that of de- ' struction of all Material things, but of ! the redemption of the true man, who has hitherto been bound on the wheel. Without the Letter Schin coming to the Factive World, there would have been no possibility of its expansion in 167 NUMBERS man's life. He would have continued to have been bound by the rim of des- tiny through all future ages, at his low- est state of development, had not all three Divine Factors, different manifes- tations of the Logos and Adonai with Christ of the Formative World, taken hold of the prostrate man and aided him in regaining his former glory. Each are doing the work of the Adonai of the Emanative World. Schin is the continuation of the ar- row of motion to its finality. As a spiral has no limitation of motion, so when man touches the upward path, his future possibilities are inconceivable. It was because man at this point be- came helpless, that he required a great- er than human power to awaken him. It needed a manifestation combining both natures, the human and Divine. The Christ of the Formative World, the Logos of the Creative World, worked entirely with unseen forces, and produced invisible results, but neither of these ever did, nor ever can do the work of Jesus Christ of the Factive World, The Only Begotten of the Father. He of His own Will said to 168 \ND LETTERS the Father : "Lo, I come to do thy Will, \ Oh Lord." He thus limited himself to bodily conditions, shutting himself from the World of Light to which he belonged, submitting to the sufferings of the physical body, and sacrificing His own [personality to enter the Factive World. !:The intelligencies of all Worlds ob- served and adored Him. He has been and always will be the central figure of history, and while for a time He knew but little of the work He was to per- form, He caught occasional glimpses of His mission. "Know ye not that I must be about my Father's business," said He, when twelve years of age, he was found dis- coursing with the Rabbis of the Tem- ple. From this time, the veil dropped over His eyes again, and like those about Him he was only a carpenter's son from Nazareth. In that wonderful Nostic book, Pistosophia, we are told that He, before leaving the higher World to be incarnated, went to one of the Realms of Light and selected one, whom he sent to Earth, saying: "Thou must go before me to the Earth, 169 NUMBERS and there, by the purity of Thy life untouched by the world, be prepare* to become my mother." These were the words of Jesus t> Mary. He continued, saying: "Thou mother must also be a Hoi Woman, and live apart from the Worl so that the power of this spirit may overshadow thee, and prepare thee t give birth to me when I come." Passing to another and lower, He se- lected twelve, who should be His Apo: ties on earth. From the fact that I selected them from different places ar groups, indicates that they had different talents, were chosen for a different work, and were from different domains in the invisible world. In one place he chose a tax gatherer, and in another a fisherman, saying to them, "Follow Me." They arose and followed him. How did he know where to find these souls whom he had sent down to be his dis- ciples? Did he have a memory that flashed upon him for an instant telling him who they were as soon as he met them, or was he unconsciously at- tracted by that mysterious law of mag- I/O AND LETTERS netism, by which one soul knows when it meets another that belongs to it? The Schin henceforth takes its place between the first He and the Vau, it stands pre-eminently for Jesus and The Name. Yah-veh was thenceforth changed into Jehoshua. The Name Isa is also found in ancient tablets as the Name „ representing another phase of his char- acter. From this name comes that of the Goddess of Light, the Egyptian Isis. We find that Samel was the one source of evil and isolation to the Fac- tive World, but to overcome this, we have the Yod, the Samek, the Schin, and the Adonai. The Number of Schin, Twenty-one, represents the Lower Feminine re- deemed, and united with Unity, and by the addition of the two and the one, represents a perfect Trinity with man, nature, and the Creat- ive powers. Schin is the last Let- ter of the Third Septenary, and car- ries all the vibrations of the Mother Letters back to Aleph. The hieroglyph represents man in his fallen state; it shows a foolish man stumbling through 171 NUMBERS the world filled with vanity and pride, unconscious of the dogs that are biting him behind, or the crocodile waiting to devour him, when he has fallen through the gratification of his senses. This same crocodile has been seen in a previous hieroglyph and represents man, in his brief lifetime on earth, while enclosed in a body. It is known as the Letter of Duration, which is its symbol. We have now completed the Three Septenaries, but we find the single Let- ter, "Tau" f^ , remains, and is formed like the He of the first Sep- tenary, except that the He is not per- fectly united with the horizontal line. While there were Three x.LOther Let- ters, one for each Septenary, there are four Divine Principles represented by, First, Adonai of the World of Eman- ation. Second, That of the Logos or Cre- ative World. Third, Belonging to the Christ or Formative World. Fourth, That of Jesus Christ belong- ing to the Factive World. These four, added to the Three 172 AND LETTERS Mother Letters make the perfect seven of the Feminine power. Tau, is the twenty-second Letter, and by uniting the two Feminine Numbers that form it, we arrive at the Tetra- grammatan, or Unity with the World of Adonai. The complete circle is here made by this final Letter, which repre- sents all suffering, and gives rise to the cross. It has the same meaning as a Letter as did Daleth, but it adds to the quality that of perfection of the Femi- nine nature. The former represents the possibilities, while Tau is the fruit of completion. The hieroglyph represents a nude fe- male figure, placed in the centre of an ellipse with legs crossed, like the hanged man of Lamed, and in each cor- ner of the picture, we find the man, the lion, the bull and the eagle. This Letter represents a resume of all the work that has been done through the three Septenaries. The symbol is, "Salvation." 173 NUMBERS CHAPTER FOURTEENTH. THE CHART. We have now made a study of the Ten Numbers, or Principles forming the Sephiroth. We have also made a study of the Twenty-two Letters, or lines of connection between these Prin- ciples. It is now the student's work to combine these according to the chart. This chart is found in part in Meyers Cabala, and completed in the Cabala of Papus, from whom permission has been received to use it as formulated by him. We find the Ten Principles placed in Ternaries, representing the Three different Worlds. In the Twenty- two Letters, forming what will here- after be designated as canals, they are found to be divided into Three Sep- tenaries, each belonging to the Three Worlds below that of Emanation. It must be remembered that the 174 jlk+si^?^ AND LETTERS Three Ternaries and the Three Sep- tenaries form a united whole. The Principles which have a Divine Centre, are to be found placed perpen- dicularly to the Ain-Soph, and are: The Logos or sixth Sephiroth; The Christ or ninth Sephiroth; Jesus Christ the tenth Sephiroth. These are so directly connected with Ain-Soph, that Gimmel carries the Di- vine essence uncontaminated by other Principles to these centres of the dif- ferent Worlds. Each of the ten Principles have a name, or title, showing their peculiar attributes to Deity. Thus: The Ain- Soph, or Kether, the Crown, signifying Ehieh, or the united powers of all the Principles contained in Unity. It repre- sents Infinite perfection capable of send- ing forth different qualities according to the demands made upon it by the Creative Law. It can only be communi- cated with, through the Divine Centres which are in direct connection with it. In the World of Emanation, Cabalists recognize five personalities as abiding Eternally; Unity Itself, its two Princi- ples of Eternal father and mother, i/5 NUMBERS fourth the Eternal Son, and Fifth the Eternal Spirit. While these never leave the World of Emanation they are to be found in every created intelligence. By the spirit, He is made the second He, of the Tetragrammatan, which is the Spouse of the Vau. This was seen descending upon Christ at his baptism by John, and remained with Him until His crucifixion, when He said : "My God, why has thou forsaken me?" meaning that the Spouse at that point left Him, and He felt alone with His own humanity. He also said : "Tarry ye in Jerusa- lem until the power of the Spirit (or He) rest upon you." We have now entered upon the fourth cycle which is distinctively the cycle of the Divine Feminine, which for two thousand years to come, will be poured out upon the earth. In the two ac- counts of the Creation given in the Bible, one by Moses, and the other by John, the former refers to the different stages of Creative power, the latter be- gan with the work of the Logos, who created that which Moses spoke of as the Archetype in the World of Eman- 176 AND LETTERS ation. In Genesis God said: "Let there be Light." (manifested.) In John we have already given the meaning of coming into this manifes- tation. As there are Three Worlds, so there are three degrees of humanity in- habiting a material body on this earth. They are known as the called, the chosen, and the sealed. There is an honor attached to the latter class, that the former cannot receive, unless it has heard the call and responded. This is largely decided by the place when the call went forth from Adam Proto- plastus. This is referred to in Job where the Almighty said to him, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundation of the Earth?" which was equivalent to say- ing, "What was thy place in Adam Pro- toplastus?" While perfected man does not remain in the Kingdom of the Factive World, we find that as he begins his ascent, there is an influx of a new power at every step, through coming in touch with the different canals. Thus Paul says: "I live, but not I, but the Christ that dwelleth in me," 177 NUMBERS Here the interiors are opened, and the hierachies of the superior World become manifested, but the love of all is centered in the Divine human babe born in Bethlehem. A French Master has recently writ- ten a scientific work on this subject illustrating how prayer can be heard at the same instant from a million hearts. Each molecule of Jesus Christ can be present when called upon, and the man who calls shall have obtained illumination. The fortunate beings on this earth, whose names have come down to us through the ages, are those who have changed the molecular body into the atomic body by devotion to one pur- pose. To accomplish this, they had to flee from the world or be taken from it. Christ said: "If any man love father or mother, wife or children, more than me, he is not worthy of me." Enoch had this glorified body, being Himself one of the Elohim. He could pass through space at will, and like Moses and Elias, never died, but was translated. Certain characters are eas- ily traced throughout their different in- 178 AND LETTERS carnations, by the persistence of a single trait. We find this in the case of Alex- ander, Caesar and Napoleon, all having love for Conquest. Among women, we find in Helen of Troy, the foreshadow- ing of the Cleopatra of Egypt and Elizabeth of England. This is also seen in Deborah reincarnated in Joan d'Arc. The famous Rabbi Loriah, showed from many passages of the Bible, that not only the individual, but the nation must come again to fulfill some pre- cept that they had left undone, or for some sin they had committed for which they must atone. When he speaks of the bondage of the children of Israel for four hundred years under the Pharoahs, he said it could be proven from the Hebrew records that these were the direct descendants of those who had attempted to build the tower of Babel of brick and the Pharoahs were the instruments used to chastize them. This is also referred to in the Bible where it says, "The sins of the father shall be visited unto the children, even unto the third and four generation." All human beings have come from 179 NUMBERS two roots of Adam Protoplastus, the root of Cain and the root of Abel. When the descendants or reincarnations of these roots meet, the same feeling of hatred and murder appears in the one, while that of love for humanity appears in the other. In Saul of Tar- sus, going forth to slay Christians, we find the same characteristics that were foreshadowed in David, and both of them in the latter part of their lives gave themselves up to the work of hu- manity and were men after God's own heart. No one can predict the time that may elapse between two incarnations, nor how many there must be to perfect the character. Man cannot bring to this life his memory of what he was, neither can he take from this life the mere material memory that belongs here; the vibrations of the two worlds are opposed to each other. This world dealing in time and space; the other, dealing with the world of no time and no space. 180 AND LETTERS CHAPTER FIFTEENTH. CHART — CONTINUED. CANALS. Having now fixed in mind that there are but Ten Numbers in the Universe, and Twenty-two Letters that are used as means of communication between these Numbers, we will proceed to traca the canals and see the practical working of this study. From Unity, containing in itself all the Principles that will be manifested, we find the Law of Laws, in the Three- fold expression of the canals. Aleph, Beth and Gimmel are the three canals through which pass the essence heretofore unknown, from Unity to the Lower Worlds. Aleph, carries the Principle of Unity, and what it con- tains to the second Sephiroth, Hochma, or Wisdom representing the active Principle, while Beth performs the 181 NUMBERS same functions, but represents the Feminine Principle carrying the essence to the third Sephiroth, or Love, which is called Binah. These two we have already mentioned as the pillars of the Universe. Gimmel carries from Unity the Divine essence it has received di- rect to the centre of the Three Worlds. From Hochma to Binah runs the fourth canal Daleth, that carries with it Wis- dom and love, and here unites and passes through Gimmel with the Divine essence. Daleth is the door that swings between Love and Wisdom. These canals, Aleph, Beth and Daleth, enclose the World of Emanation, leav- ing through Gimmel the sole connection with the Divine World. It is very interesting to note how in- tricate these canals become, as they em- brace Principles of the Three Worlds. When they brought forth from Unity, Love and Wisdom, these qualities were to be distributed through all humanity. In passing from Hochman, we find the canal He, carrying Wisdom to the Centre of the Creative World, the home of the Logos, which is Tipheroth, the culmination of Beauty, for here the 182 AND LETTERS Logos distributes this to the Lower World. This seems irregular, for the sixth canal seems to be the most direct connection between Hochman and the next pillar, Chesed, or Mercy, but no pillar or side Principle could carry the Wisdom. It needed a central point of distribution which in this case is the Centre of the Creative World. From the Hebrew Word used, we know this is a masculine quality, and is balanced by Peched, or Fear, which is the Prin- ciple of the Feminine quality as seen by the name Elhoa. The sixth canal is Vau, which adds to Mercy Divine Wis- dom, which was pre-eminently the work of Vau while upon earth, and even in the Divine World. The seventh canal, Zain, carries with it Love or Binah, to the centre of the Creative World and represents the ac- tive Principle of Love. The eighth ca- nal Heth combines the Love of Binah, with the Fear of Peched, and forms the Principle of the Fifth Sephiroth. Teth, the ninth canal, forms the boundary of the Creative World, and combines the two elements of Fear and Mercy. The tenth canal, Yod, com- 183 NUMBERS municates directly with Chesed and the Logos, and carries Mercy from Chesed, the fourth Sephiroth. Lamed, the twelfth canal, combines Fear of the fifth Sephiroth with the Logos. Caph connects the Fourtu Sephiroth, Chesed, which is the Principle combining Wis- dom with Mercy, with Netzath, the sev- enth Sephiroth, or Victory. If this first Principle had remained unbroken when it left the World of Emanation, Mercy would be lacking. The thirteenth canal or Mem, con- nects Peched directly with Hod or Honor, the eighth Sephiroth, and com- bines the Fear that belongs to mother- hood with the Honor that belongs to Love. Nun, the fourteenth canal, connects with Tipheroth and Netzah, the sev- enth Sephiroth, and combines Victory and growth, the result of Mem's pro- duction. Ayin the sixteenth canal also connects Tipheroth with Hod or Honor and combines the element of destruc- tion with these Principles, and through it comes Beauty and Honor, the eighth Sephiroth. The fifteenth canal or Samek is the 184 AND LETTERS boundary between the Formative and Factive World. Samek expresses the element of circular motion from Hod, for it flows into the one uninterrupted canal of Gimmel. Here begins the first suggestion of the serpent of evil. Phe, the seventeenth canal, con- nects Netzah with the direct canal of Gimmel, combining the hope of immor- tality, which equalizes the evil brought in by Samek. The eighteenth canal, Tzaddi, connects Netzah with Jesod, combining the element of completion with Victory, which is the result of complete development of man. Resch, the twentieth canal, carries the bless- ings of redemption to Jesod which is the ninth Sephiroth. This with Quoph, the nineteenth canal, carries redemption and Victory by the power of limita- tion represented by Quoph to Malcuth. Quoph and Schin are the two canals that connect the pillars, Hod and Net- zah with Malcuth or the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Schin, the twenty-first canal, connects Hod with Malcuth, and combines the element of duration, while Tau, the twenty-second canal, connects Jesod 185 NUMBERS with Malcuth, and carries the blessing of Salvation from the Ninth Sephiroth to the Tenth. From the time that Gim- mel flowed from the World of Emana- tion to the Three Divine Centres, it has been a river of Life into which has flowed the tributaries which had their source in a different Princi- ple or Sephiroth. These, while in- creasing the volume of Gimmel, have brought into it different qualities, that at various points have deteriorated its purity, or rather deteriorated from its purity, so that, instead of car- rying a stream of Light from the source of Light the Ain-Soph, at the second and third Sephiroth, it is added to by Wisdom and Love, and so in- creased at successive stages until emp- tying its contents into Jesod or the Foundation of the Christ World. From here it is no more known as Gimmel, but virtually there is a continuation of this canal in Tau, that connects Jesod with Malcuth, who receives all the con- tents of Gimmel and its tributaries that have flowed through Tau. z86 AND LETTERS SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. FINALE. Between the World of Emanation and that of Creation was given a Law to the Archetypes which was afterwards revealed to Moses, and by him to the Material World. When the World of Creation was spoken into existence by the Logos, the World of orbs (by which is meant the sun, moon and stars) swung into their places. This was the Law we have spoken of as given to the Archetypes, thence to Moses in the Material World by which the Adamic Race could by obedience to this Law, return to Unity. Unity is expressed by so many different names, that the student will be assisted by placing these in mind. The Ain-Soph or unknowable Unity, The Adonai or Absolute Unity, the Logos or Mani- fested Unity, described by John, the Christ or Formative Unity, Jesus Christ is? NUMBERS or Adam Cadmon the Factive Unity. Aleph is the symbol of Unity, the Yod or Unity of fatherhood. St. Martin said: "In studying Num- bers it is absolutely necessary to have a key, and you cannot know whether the key is correct until you have tried it for yourself, and fitted it into the lock. When Pythagoras discovered the hypotheneuse, he was so elated that he sacrificed an hundred oxen." St. Martin also said: "That in fit- ting the key to all the doors, that were before him, he found in the golden verses of Pythagoras, that to swear by the Sacred Quarternian was the great- est oath that could be taken. I opened his Commentator, Hierocles, and found that Pythagoras having learned in Egypt the NAME OF NAMES, called it Tetractus, the Quarternian, which signified "Fountain of nature ever flow- ing." I find that Number Four might well be applied to everything coming from this source. It was after four times one thousand years that the Re- deemer came to earth. There are four Evangelists. There are twenty -two epis- tles of the Apostles including Revela- 188 AND LETTERS tion. Two plus two is four. There are twenty-two books of the Prophets in the Old Testament." From this it is easy to form a theory, that the twenty- two Epistles correspond to the twenty- two Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, and at the same time the twenty-two prophetical books in the Old Testament indicate the attempt of each Prophet to follow out a single Letter in its devel- opment. This can be easily seen in the key note that is struck so differently in Jeremiah, Isaiah, Malachi, &c, &c. In regarding the Divine Feminine as represented by the full orbed cipher, it is most interesting to observe, that where the cipher is broken, or has be- come imperfect, it is always an indica- tion that it is waiting to bring up the Lower Feminine to add to its perfec- tion. In the figure two, we find where the Lower Feminine attracted man to his fall, as shown by the partial cipher over prostrate man. At the same time in the figure three where the Divine Feminine comes to man's rescue, the same partial circle is seen, but man is between the two halves of the cipher (which if united would form the 189 NUMBERS whole). In the figure Five we have the Higher Feminine dimly foreshad- owed in the partial circle that is up- holding man, having succeeded in sub- jugating the lower Feminine at this time, so she does not appear. In fol- lowing this to the Number six and nine we find the upright man in touch with the Divine Feminine, but varying in its position, until reaching Number Ten, where the Lower Feminine has been redeemed with fallen man and merged into the completeness of the Divine Feminine, and in Number Ten, she has reached equality with, and is seen side by side with perfected man. This is where the Mary Magdalene has become the saint through her great love nature which is taken from the human and given to the Divine. "Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward." — Psa. 19:11. It is with reverence and sincere grat- itude that I mention those in foreign lands who have aided me by their wis- dom, and encouraged me to pursue this study, which is man's only hope of be- ing united to his original source. 190 AND LETTERS Of these are, the Marquis St. Yves d'Alveydre, who stands unique as hav- ing received his training in the Brah- minical schools of India. Dr. Gerard Encause, President of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order, a vol- uminous writer, and a learned Oc- cultist on Hermetic lines. He has granted authority to use his chart, which will prove of invaluable help to faithful students. Dr. Paul Sedir, an honored pupil of Dr. Encause, and having the title of Dr. of the Cabala. Besides these living authorities, the following works have been of great assistance: Meyes Cabala; Councillor Von Ecertshausen; Abbe Loriah; Eli- phas Levy, and many others. 191 &./ 16%*32 ¥> Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-21 1 1